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October 7th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
While Sony and others compete with Blu-ray burners of a paltry 8x, Sanyo's looking ahead with a new laser that could enable write speeds of up to 12x. More impressively, the 450 milliwatt diode (twice that of current burners) could read and write through four 25GB layers. If you're not so good at math (it's okay, we had to break out the calculator) that means discs of up to 100GB burned in 10 minutes or less! But don't go running down to your local Blu-ray emporium looking for double-digit speed drives just yet; new standards will be needed for discs that big and drives that fast, which could mean a year or two before production begins. If speculation of Blu-ray's impending demise is to be believed, that may be cutting things a bit close
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October 6th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

Sony has already confirmed the PSP Wi-Fi store is coming this Fall for Japan. The official box art for a November 30 US PSP Brite (a.k.a. PSP-3000) bundle also shows store functionality (via Amazon), indicating that the fall launch will be global and just in time to keep yourself distracted during Thanksgiving dinner. It was previously rumored that the store would be coming with firmware 5.00.
In other PSP Brite news, the gang at Eurogamer spent the weekend with the upgraded handheld as well as firmware 4.20, featuring a Color Space option that, "If you set to [Wide], the system's display will appear more vivid."
More images at Amazon.com
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October 6th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
It's one of the biggest games of 2008 – but Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healey believes keeping the LittleBigPlanet team small has been vital to its creation, producing an environment where every individual contribution “really matters”.
Healey further revealed that while limited resources were to blame for the absence of the much-touted online Create mode from the final product, significant expansion of his team would involve "watering down" its ability.
"We're always conscious of wanting to have a small team," Healey told GamesIndustry.biz in an exclusive interview. "I've worked from just myself in my bedroom to being in a room with 200 people, and every range in between you can imagine. In my experience, about 30 people was when I had the most fun."
He added: "We've always had it in our mind that we didn't want to grow beyond that and it's worked out well because people genuinely put a lot of love, heart and soul into the game because their contribution really matters. Everyone can look at that game and see themselves in it. Everyone's really integrated into it."
It emerged last week that the PlayStation 3-exclusive sandbox title would be shipping without online co-operative play – a key feature – which would be added in later via a downloadable update.
Healey blamed this on the "reality of quality control" at a studio of "only 30 people." He explained: "We could have released the online Create on day one, but we've not had time to fully test it and make sure it's a flawless experience, so I would rather it was a few days late than it was on time and broken. Obviously it's not ideal, but that's just the reality of having to meet schedules."
Despite the company's close ties with Sony, whose executives have ensured the game has come to be seen as the most important PlayStation 3 release to date, Healey insisted there was "nothing on the horizon" regarding an acquisition of the independent studio.
And he hinted that Media Molecule could develop for other platforms, adding: "We have signed an exclusive deal with Sony for at least a period of time and we're very happy with that; but the future's the future, so who knows."
Media Molecule's studio, based in Guildford, just outside London, is operating at capacity, with the team currently working on downloadable content for future release. Healey revealed that the developer would "hopefully be able to afford a new office soon."
LittleBigPlanet releases in Europe on October 24.
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October 6th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix plans to launch Star Ocean: First Departure on 24th October.
This PSP remake will mark the first time the original SNES Star Ocean story has been told outside of Japan.
And better technology means a revised game engine and better battle system, as well as fully voiced and animated cut-scenes. Voice acting - we should try that. No I will not stop mentioning it.
Star Ocean is an RPG made by Japanese outfit tri-Ace, which is hard at work on a fourth game in the series for Xbox 360 next year.
The developer is also remaking Star Ocean 2 (Second Evolution) for PSP, although no date has been mentioned outside of Japan.
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October 6th, 2008, 16:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has explained to Eurogamer that there has been a slight production hiccup with the Sackboy toys, meaning they won't be shipped in time to be sent with pre-ordered copies of LittleBigPlanet.
Instead, retailers will offer t-shirts to early adopters of the game.
But reports of copyright problems are untrue; the toys will still arrive, either at or just after the game's launch on 24th October.
All of this, incidentally, has had no effect on the Eurogamer LittleBigPlanet competition, which lets you design a level for the full game and offers heaps of prizes including a PS3 and those Sackboy toys.
The winning level will be playable at the Eurogamer Expo, which stars LittleBigPlanet among other Christmas blockbusters.
We've decided to go, and so should you! If you like that sort of thing.
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October 6th, 2008, 16:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari plans to release the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata here in February 2009.
The wait should be worthwhile; developer tri-Crescendo has used the extra time to add new quests, battles and even multiple endings.
Characters Crescendo and Serenade are now playable, and extra costumes are included to beef up the level of customisation on offer. And, on top of all that, there's more music from Frederic Chopin, the famous composer the story is based around.
He slipped into a coma shortly before dying of tuberculosis, you see, and supposedly drifted off to a world of fantasy based on his life and work.
Unsurprisingly, then, music plays a central role in this JRPG, not only in setting but also as an inventive battle mechanic. Coupled with beautiful presentation, the result was 8/10 from Eurogamer.
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October 6th, 2008, 12:49 Posted By: PSPKOR
Hello all, this is a BlackJack game with a bit of a twist, like in blackjack you can hit, stand, double down and split. However this aims to help you beat the casino by helping the practice of card counting and basic strategy .
To help with the basic card counting there is a page that you can flip through a deck of cards and try to keep count, you can check to see if your count is good at any time and your also timed so you know when you've improved.
There's also the three basic strategy tables that can be viewed, these show you how each hand should be played but with the knowledge of the card count, which is also kept on the game you play, you can determin your percentages of winning more.
Then there's the actual game this is just how it could be played in a casino, there's five decks, dealer stands on 17, you can hit, stand, double down and split, five card trick counts, you have a wallet and can change your bet. But as this is to practice you can check on the running count, the true count and the basic strategy tables. A good idea for practice is laid out in counting101 (bottom link).
For more information on card counting and basic strategy look at these links:
Wiki Page on Blackjack:
How Stuff Works page:
Very good article on beating the casino (counting101):
Hope someone finds this of use Enjoy KOR.
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October 6th, 2008, 12:47 Posted By: HydroJohn
Source - Free PSP Themes
I just decided to get together a really cool high quality pack of custom ptf psp themes. In total there are 40 psp themes ranging from movie themes to cartoon themes. Really there's a theme for everyone!
Sample of some of the psp themes:
Screenshot via Comments (too big for sites)
You can download the themes from save file here PSP Themes Pack How to put them on your psp
- Extract the psp theme
- Connect your psp to your computer
- Put the .pft theme into PSP/THEME (If there's no theme folder make a new one)
- Enable the theme on your psp!
Hope you enjoy them and please comment below 
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October 6th, 2008, 04:07 Posted By: tinman
Actarus has released Sam an update to his PSP emulator.
New release for my PSP emualtor, more fixed and added, like VFPU opcodes. Today Im releasing also the source code.
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October 6th, 2008, 03:26 Posted By: tinman
Dark_Alex posed this explaining why.
This is an explanation of the security that was added in TA88v3, and which will be likely in PSP3000.
When the PSP boots, the boot code (aka pre-ipl or ipl loader) loads the ipl from either the nand or memory stick. The IPL is splitted into pieces of 0x1000 bytes.
First 0xA0 bytes of each block is a header for the kirk hardware command 1. It contains keys,
the size of the cipher data, and two hashes, one for part the header itself, and another one for the body. The 0xF60 remaining bytes are the ciphered body, which will decrypt to 0xF60 plain bytes... if the hashes, which are checked by kirk hardware itself, are OK. (Note: ciphered body can actually be less than 0xF60, in this case, remaining bytes are ignored... before TA88v3) Fir
The security of kirk hashes was destroyed by a timing attack, and the IPL became unprotected.
What has Sony added to fix this?
The answer can be found in 4.00+ slim ipl's. They decreased the size of the ciphered body to 0xF40 to leave 0x20 bytes at the end of each block (at offset 0xFE0).
As stated before, these remaining bytes are ignored... in pre-ipl's of psp's prior to TA88v3, and in fact, they can be randomized and ipl will still boot in those psp's. In newest pre-ipl's, these 0x20 bytes have a meaning.
The first 0x10 bytes is an unknown hash calculated from the decrypted block. It is deduced that is calculated from the decrypted block and not the ciphered one due to the fact that 4.01 and 4.05 have a lot of ipl blocks in common, which, when decrypted, are similar, but they are totally different in its encrypted form. In these two ipl's, this hash is same, as seen in the picture:
The second 0x10 bytes seem also to be dependent of the decrypted body (maybe dependent of the previous 0x10 bytes too?). In the picture it can be seen that they are different in 4.01 and 4.05, but they can actually be interchanged, you can move those 0x10 bytes from the same block in 4.05 ipl to the 4.01 ipl and it will still boot; however it cannot be randomized.
This protection also destroys any possibility of downgrading below 4.00, as these new cpu's won't be able to boot previous firmwares ipl's.
Summary: basically, all security of newest psp cpu's rely on the secrecy of the calculation of those 0x20 bytes. If pre-ipl were dumped somehow, the security would go down TOTALLY.
Graphic summary:
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October 6th, 2008, 02:20 Posted By: Zack
Sorry to have to ask this again. Work has being so hectic of late that I haven't had one chance to work on Wolf since version 5.1, due to lack of time or tiredness when I had a slight bit of time to do something.
There is good news however 
I am now on holidays for 2 weeks , so getting Wolfenstein 3D v5.2 out within this time frame should be a formality (more than likely 1-3 days).
So now is your chance again to tell me what you would like adding to Wolfenstein 3D V5.2 or anything that needs fixing.
Be as creative as you like, I may or may not actually do your request, but there is no harm in asking!
Some crazy cheat codes perhaps? 
Current things on the todo list :
1) Fix/adjust analog sensitivity.
2) Fix sleep mode crash bug.
So that's all I wanted to say, sorry again for having to ask 
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October 6th, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:

Lockdown XMB Style Beta-2
By Torch
Tested on 4.01M33-2 Slim. I haven't tested on Phat but I'm 99.9% sure it won't work.
Download: http://ifile.it/lhdzvjb (Click on 'Request Ticket')
Big time thanks to Dark_Alex for his VLF library, without which this would have been impossible. Also thanks to him for his idea of using a kernel mode loader.prx to save memory.
Now uses the XMB Wave as the background.
This can brick your PSP if improperly installed or due to bugs as it is a BETA.
Copy the following files to the flash0:/ root directory.
Rename flash0:/vsh/module/vshmain.prx to vshmain_real.prx
Copy the included vshmain.prx to flash0:/vsh/module/
Reboot the PSP and verify that it is working. If everything is fine, then proceed to do the same for recovery.prx if you want to protect the recovery menu as well.
Rename flash0:/vsh/module/recovery.prx to recovery_real.prx
Copy the included recovery.prx to flash0:/vsh/module/
To change the color of the wave you can hex edit address 0x1D8 and change the value corresponding to each month (in hexadecimal).
Presently the theme file is called lockdown.argb and is not compatible with Lockdown v3.0 themes as the current version can only load ARGB uncompressed BMPs. The graphics used are included to help make custom themes.
Changelog BETA-2:
Fixed a problem where Games would not show up in the XMB.
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October 6th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
The unknown coder behind this unofficial version of the Final Burn Arcade emulator for PSP has released a newer update of the only known emulator to have CPS 3 Support
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October 6th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from J3r3mie
NetM J3r3mie @ n and finally you have the first version of iplay Rock Paper Scissors with the Adhoc mode semi-functional.
In this game of Rock Paper Scissors (Peter Feuille Scissors for French), you are entitled to 3 modes:
Against the PSP
Against another player on the PSP
Against another player Adhoc *
Adhoc mode allows for only one party in this version.
I would like to thank Ac-Portugal for his testes with the Adhoc mode.
For screenshots and downloads, please visit http://J3r3mieDev.e3b.org
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October 6th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Damon Caskey has released a new version of Openbor the Beats of Rage fighting game engine for the Dreamcast, gP2X and PSP, heres whast new:
Release 2.2024
New features:
Goes in levels.txt on a per set basis.
1 = score is reset to 0 when you continue.
2 = 1 point is added to your score when you continue!
subject_to_minz {int} - Model header command. Toggles minimum Z bounding for model on playfield. Available to script methods getentityproperty and changeentityproperty as "subject_to_minz".
instantitemdeath {int} - Model header command, set to 1 to remove the pause before an item commits suicide after being grabbed.
{int} - Default 1 for all except panel type models.
1: Entity cannot move beyond current minimum Z boundry.
0: Entity can move freely beyond current minium Z boundry.
subject_to_maxz {int} - Model header command. Toggles maximum Z bounding for model on playfield. Available to script methods getentityproperty and changeentityproperty as "subject_to_maxz".
{int} - Default 1 for all except panel type models.
1: Entity cannot move beyond current maximum Z boundry.
0: Entity can move freely beyond current maximum Z boundry.
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October 4th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
We all know that the only PS3 consoles that came with full PS2 backwards compatiblility were the launch consoles, the 20GB and 60GB, which are now unavailable due to manufacturing costs. A lot of Playstation fans are disappointed because the 40GB, 80GB, and the soon-to-be-released 120 GB consoles don’t support full PS2 backward compatability. If you are looking to upgrade from a Playstation 2 to a Playstation 3, I would strongly suggest to keep your Playstation 2 because you won’t be able to play your Playstation 2 titles with the Playstation 3 consoles out in the market today.
If VideoGameCentral is to be believed, it is stated in their product description of a 80GB Console that there is a Playstation 2 Emulator available for download, which is the only way to play PS2 games for our PS3 consoles that are not backwards compatible. Is there something Sony’s not telling us? Could Sony be releasing a PS2 Emulator? Will it be on the 2.50 Firmware that is coming out soon?
Now is the time for PS3 80GB Console. In fact there is no reason now not to get the Sony Playstation 3, especially at this new lower price with all it’s hi-def bells & whistles. The new 80-Gig PS3 System features the ability to play PS3 Games, Blu-rays & DVD movies (PS2 Games can be played when downloading Sony’s PS2 emulator software online). Also connect to the internet for free online play & downloadable games! To date, the PlayStation3 is the strongest gaming system available and also the lowest price true high definition Blu Ray Movie Player.
UPDATE:There is a huge chance we will get this emulator! Why? Look at the XBOX 360, it doesnt have a special chip inside that can play XBOX games. They emulate so the PS2 Emulation is indeed possible. When? I don’t know. Sony wouldn’t just abandon the Playstation 2 or 5 years from now. Let’s just hope for the best!
Don’t FORGET, the first 80GB Console that surfaced used a SOFTWARE EMULATOR that plays Playstation 2 games. This applies as well to the 60GB PAL Console that uses SOFTWARE EMULATOR as well. So the debate whether SOFTWARE EMULATION is possible will always be there. We’ll just until the Playstation 2 officially dies and Sony will release it.
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October 4th, 2008, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
As you put the finishing touches on your latest laborious LittleBigPlanet masterpiece, you make a startling realization -- something is missing. Your homebrewed LittleBigLocale is missing its keystone; without this necessary component, your hours of work will have been for naught. The component is, of course, a statue of Horace Horsecollar and his bovine betrothed, Clarabelle Cow.
While the previous sentence likely only made sense to people who watched cartoons in the 1930s, the following will probably be clearer -- according to the latest revolution of Electronic Gaming Monthly's rumor mill, LittleBigPlanet DLC is set to include non-sony property, such as characters from Disney franchises and 3rd-party PlayStation titles. We're not sure in what capacity these properties could be included in Media Molecule's uber-customizable platformer, but we're certainly excited about the prospective existence of SackBaloo.
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October 4th, 2008, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
The MTV Multiplayer Blog interviewed John Smedley, President of Sony Online Entertainment, about the future of MMOs. He discusses some of SOE's current projects and comments that they'll be focusing on consoles for all of their upcoming MMOs. "I would say that we would be one of the early adopters on [bringing MMOs to consoles], and we plan on becoming one of the dominant players in the MMO space on consoles." Sony's plans may include games for their hand-held console, the PSP. Smedley goes on to talk about bringing existing, popular franchises into MMO development, and remarks, "It's pretty safe to say that 'EverQuest' has not seen its last game."
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October 4th, 2008, 11:07 Posted By: tinman
takeshi has updated his Xmb Multi customizer.
Xmb Multi Customizer for windows by たけし
CFW 3.90,3.95,4.01のvshmain.prx、paf.prx、topmenu_plugin. rco、system_plugin_fg.rcoで
使用には、Borland C++Builder4 ランタイムが必要です。
*.prxファイルは、psar dumper又はprx decrypterでdecryptしたもの(再圧縮したものでも可)
「Load Wallpaper」ボタンを押して、壁紙用のBitmapファイルを読み込みます
opening_plugin.prxとopening.wavの二つのファイルがある場合には、起動音を 変更出来ます
各アイコンの座標位置変更は、各アイコンをドラッグして移動させるか、各ウインドウで数値を入 力します
アイコン上にマウスポインタを移動した時、「can drag」の表示の出るアイコンのみが移動可能です
アイコンの移動時に「shift」「ctrl」キーを押したままにすると、上下、左右の移動がそれぞれ制限 されます
「Save」ボタンを押すと、「done」フォルダ下に編集した内容を反映した各ファイルを保 存します
この場合、PSPの画面キャプチャしたものを壁紙にして、読み込んで「Show Positioning」でズレを調整してみて下さい
「re-positioning」での調整は、書き込むデータには影響を与えず、PC編集画面上のズレだけを調整す るためのものです
この時は、RCO Editorにてヘッダ情報を書き換えてから、再読み込みして下さい
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
Xmb Multi Customizer for windows by brave
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
◎ Applications
The CFW 3.90,3.95,4.01 vshmain.prx, paf.prx, topmenu_plugin.rco, system_plugin_fg.rco in
Xmb is set to position the icon, the clock's position, font color, position, such as editing and battery
bootsound in the opening_plugin.prx, Windows is a tool to edit on
(PSP version is about the same as xmbmc)
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
XmbMC.exe the extracted files, copy the appropriate folder, please
The following files needed to prepare, please
To use, Borland C Builder4 run time is required.
HP's link to download a separate download, install, please
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
The files needed to run
Required Files
*. prx files, psar dumper or decrypt prx decrypter was in the (re-compression is also available)
*. rco files, Resurssiklunssi was in the decrypt
File is not required
Bmp file for wallpaper
Wav sound files for change starts
If the file is not required, the effects are as follows:
"Load Wallpaper" button, which loads the picture file for Bitmap
If you are behind the overall balance of easy-to-take, so it's possible to deploy it, and I think it is desirable
opening.wav opening_plugin.prx and if you have two files that you can change the startup sound
the opening.wav, atrac3 file in the form below and please 49376byte
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
How to
Position change the coordinates of each icon, drag the icon to move or enter a number in each window
Move your mouse pointer over the icon when, "can drag" on display only the icon can be moved out.
When the icon in the movement of "shift" "ctrl" key and hold down the top and bottom, left and right movement is limited and
"Save" button, "done" under the folder to reflect your edits to save the file
For each prx 3.90,4.01, compression can be saved
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
Images displayed on a PC and displayed in real time to the PSP to be some overlap may occur
In this case, PSP is a picture captured on screen, and reading "Show Positioning" in the gap, please try to adjust
"Re-positioning" in the adjustment, without affecting the data writing, PC to edit the on-screen only difference is to adjust
Work will be created for multiple Bitmap file is deleted at the end of the program side, so
Please do not remove manually
*. rco header files are compressed? If the error occurs when the load
At that time, RCO Editor rewritten at the header information, then please re-read
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////
The copyright of this program, is owned by Takeshi
Can be reproduced in the distribution does not change the format, does not change the set of files that included,
And the transfer of money to be used for commercial purposes is prohibited
Using this tool, and the damage caused by the upgrade, and support for bugs
He is not responsible for any Please
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October 3rd, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
The unknown coder behind this unofficial version of the Final Burn Arcade emulator for PSP has released a newer update, this release has cps3 no-cd support
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