September 1st, 2005, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Groepaz and The Hitmen Console Team have released PSP Inside which is a multipurpose PSP information toolbox. This program allows you to load and start modules, disassemble them, dump the disasm to your memstick, stop threads or just do whatever you like or need with the software-parts. Features include:
– Memory / disassembly viewer
– Module / thread list with a lot of manipulation functions
– COP0 register viewer, important registers named
– Patch engine
– File selector for loading modules and binaries
– Many more
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September 1st, 2005, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI.biz
The PlayStation Portable has launched at last in Europe, with queues of hundreds of people forming before midnight last night in London's Oxford Street as the very first European units went on sale.
Hundreds of stores opened across the UK at midnight to give gamers a chance to buy the hardware as early as possible, with Paul Arneil being the official first buyer in the UK, at the HMV store in Oxford Street.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz just minutes after the doors opened at midnight, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Ray Maguire predicted a sell-out launch, with over 100,000 units likely to be sold in the first day.
"The retailers did the pre-order scheme, and most of them had sold out," he commented. "A few of them have some stock there, but it's only in pockets - so I would imagine that people will now start scouting around and trying to find the available stock."
However, he assured the market that the company is working to bring new stock in and meet demand as best possible.
"We've got more stock coming in, obviously, on a daily basis all the way up to Christmas," he said, "so hopefully there should be sufficient, there or thereabouts, to satisfy the demand."
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September 1st, 2005, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
No, it wouldn’t be the first time a game console’s had a keyboard and mouse (remember Mario paint?), but with first-person shooters becoming ever more popular in the livingroom and hi-def output on the next generation of gaming systems, would it be far fetched for the PlayStation 3 to take on a keyboard and mouse? Apparently not, since Sony revealed at a game dev’s conference that you’ll be able to play games like Unreal Tournament 2007 with wasd/pointer-style, something that could pose a real risk to the casual PC gamer market. But the real question at hand is: will these peripherals be PlayStation 3 authorized only, or are we finally going to be able to just rock any old keyboard and mouse on those integrated USB ports so long as the game supports it?
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September 1st, 2005, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
So you have your New PSP or maybe an old one, well theres such a thing as Skins for the PSP that can turn a Black PSP into any colour whatsoever, take a looksy at this one:
Thats one of Hundreds of colourful skins from Decal Girl
Post your favourite 
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September 1st, 2005, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
The GP32 has a List of Emulators that will impress all and now its big brother is coming in the next month to challenge both the PSP and the Nintendo DS but the new GP2x is a powerful beast with a screen thats has big as the PSP and one major factor it beats the PSP on is the fact that Gamepark have made the system open and embrace Homebrew and amateur coders, the system is a 2x 200Mhz behemoth and although it wont beat the PSP or DS in the Commercial arena it will be awesome for emulators and Homebrew.
Check out our sister site for the latest in GP2x Screenshots and News Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/
Seems like i need another console to place at the side of my PSP
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September 1st, 2005, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Yesterday at the Game Developers Conference Europe, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe vice president Phil Harrison largely dispelled fears that the PlayStation 3 would come in multiple SKU models. Though he didn't entirely rule out the possibility, he said it would be "confusing" for the consumer and pooh-poohed the Xbox 360 two-tiered sales strategy.
But not all of Harrison's words were as comforting. In fact, many gamers were made downright nervous by the executive's comments on his company's portable, the PSP. He revealed that, having used the free downloads of Wipeout Pure as a test case, Sony would be moving to a pay-per-download model for extra content next year. "It's an experiment which has turned out to be a good experiment," he told UK-based Edge magazine.
Edge also quotes Harrison as saying that Sony is in the process of setting up a digital rights management system for PSP content. Like iTunes, this system will allow gamers to pay for content once and download it multiple times. While Harrison didn't identify what kind of content would be available for download, it would presumably be similar to the Wipeout Pure content, which included new vehicles, levels, and menu skins
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September 2nd, 2005, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
Fluff has posted this news:
I'll be holding a skinning competition eventually, the winner will get a brand new copy of ridge racers (US) as seen in the picture, basically i'll release a skin template for psix, explain where things go what what they do, the winning skinner gets the prize and their skin included in the PSIX shell.
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September 2nd, 2005, 03:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Nyko Theatre Experiance is a rather cool looking accessory for the PSP, heres a photo:
Heres the features:
The Nyko Theater Experience for the PSP enhances your films while on the go. Designed to maximize the multimedia features of the PSP, the Theater Experience allows films to play longer, sound bigger, and look fantastic. This is done through a rechargeable battery (included) that makes play time last 3 times longer. Also comes with built in stereo speakers and a stand able to hold the PSP at 5 different angles for optimal viewing. The Theater Experience comes packed in a stylish, shock and water resistant, aluminum case.
Anyone got one?, post your likes or dislikes of this item Below (via the comments)
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September 2nd, 2005, 11:49 Posted By: wraggster
Travis Turgeon sent me (and most of the scene ) this email:
FlashPack! Fullscreen Edition
Say hello to the FlashPack, a collection of some funny flash videos that I found on the net and decided to share with the PSP community. The pack works with all versions of firmware, and installation is simple! Hopefully this makes those people with 1.51+'s lives marginally better and enhances the lives of those fortunate enough to have 1.50 or less. To download it now or get information, please go here --> http://www.pspbrew.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=603
Flash Movies in Pack
All Your Base are Belong To Us
Arnold Phone Prank
Arunuld for Govenor (Jib-Jab)
Badger Badger Badger
Bomb Saddam
Cereal and Milk
Crash Different (Mac Spoof)
End of the World
Gollum Rap
Good to be in DC (Jib-Jab)
Laid Off
Mario Twins
Matrix Ping-Pong
Napolean Dynamite (Numa-Numa)
Seasame Street Stoned
She Blocked Me
Son of a Peach
Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Subliminal Messages
"This Land" (Jib-Jab)
Window's Noises
Xiao Xiao - 03
Xiao Xiao - 08
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September 2nd, 2005, 12:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Xtreme PSP team have released a new PSP mag for ALL firmware PSP users, heres what they say:
The 3rd Issue of our exclusive magazine is now available for download. This issue has previews on SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, Crisis Core: FFVII and GTA, as well as a review on Metal Gear Acid.
This issue also has totally new tutorials to help you out, and more questions from our readers on the Mail-Bag. Download it now!
Download From Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspxtrememagazine.shtml
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September 2nd, 2005, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a quick recommendation of a store based in the UK called PSP Tree they specialize in all things PSP and have a wide range of games, accessories etc just for the UK market.
Check them out Here
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September 2nd, 2005, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has updated his Atari ST emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
CaSTaway/PSP - version 002
Crappy second alpha (for PSP). Don't expect much yet, except for updates
to come quite quickly over the next little while.
Assuming this second alpha works for you at all (it should!), I think you'll
enjoy it; full sound and joystick and mouse support, can pick from a small
number of disks so you don't need to rename all the time now, and shes full
screen. For games with a loader menu or that need text entry, an onscreen
keyboard is supported with most (but not yet all) ST keyboard keys.
I'll be fleshing out the GUI with more options, a scrolling disk list and
disk->database lookup very soon; expect savestates and all the usual emu
goodness soon!
- Get yourself a TOS.ROM before running the emu
- Get yourself a few .ST disk images too!
Alpha 002
NEW: Basic disk picker (it works, but not fancy yet)
o Lists .ST and .MSA files in the /PSP/GAME/ATARI_ST directory
o Don't use MSA's yet.. they're screwy
o Press 'X' to run the emulation
o Press '()' (circle) to select a disk; you should always select a
disk at this point, since if it runs without any disks it gets confused
for now
o Only put in 5 or less disks for now; lame, but I ran out of time and
wanted you to have something to play with for the weekend (Spent days
tracking down an obscure bug :/)
CHG: Mouse speed increased a bit; double-click and such should work
REM: TOS has to be called TOS.ROM (TOS.IMG seems not to work.. not sure why :/)
o You need a TOS.ROM file; don't ask me where to get it.. ask Google or
suck it from your Atari ST machine.
NEW: Full screen scaling with smoothing by default
NEW: Onscreen virtual ST keyboard
o Use [SELECT] to toggle keyboard on or off
o While present, left d-pad controls keyboard selection point and
right d-pad X will push the selected key
o Adjusted key hold duration and repeat duration to avoid million-presses
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
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September 2nd, 2005, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro does it again and releases a great new release that will help Jap PSP owners play EU UMDs:
Yoshihiro and WAB are proud to bring you The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.0 The System think it's a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0 even if its a v1.5 or 1.0 .
New Hack Added Umd Viveo Fixer For Psp 1.50 Only
Work with Umd Audio too i think tested with Success on psp 1.50 JAP With a umd Movie EUR :=) . This tool can work on psp us too for the new umd format For select the umd Video Hack you need patch your psp in Version 1.52 or 2.00 .
I've found this hack in five minute so i return on my downgrader.
PS : i work ever on my downgrader Let me the time .
How To Run
Unrar the file and put the Folders into : X:/PSP/GAMES/Then follow the instructions on the screen
START : Quit without change
Square : Trick to Firm v1.0
Circle : Back to Firm v1.5
Cross : Trick to Firm v1.52
Triangle : Trick to Firmware v2.0
When is done you can go to System Settings =>
System Information and Check Your System Version :=)
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September 2nd, 2005, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI.Biz
The arrival of the PSP in Europe will actually grow Nintendo's handheld business, according to the company's UK general manager David Yarnton, who told GamesIndustry.biz that he considers it to be "pretty positive".
Speaking at a Nintendo showcase event in London, Yarnton said that the arrival of new competition in the market would help to focus consumer attention and spending on videogames, and attract more people to handheld gaming.
"Whenever someone else has come into the market, whether it be Sony or Microsoft, it's been really good," he commented, "because what it's done is focused a lot of attention on the industry, and I think it has always grown it a bit more."
"If we look at this year, just look at the amount of media attention that's been given to handheld since Sony started looking to get into the market - it's been really positive. We've had huge growth since that's happened."
Yarnton also discussed the impact that the slippage of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will have on Nintendo's Christmas line-up for the Cube, and how the DS is hoping to grow the market overall with titles like Nintendogs and Electroplankton.
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September 3rd, 2005, 10:22 Posted By: wraggster
Pete has released a new version of P.E.Op.S SPU (sound) plugin for Playstation 2 emulation. Here is the changes for both the Win32 and Linux builds.
• Educated ears (like the ones from R.Belmont ) noticed that the plugin's sound output was somewhat slower compared to the real PS2.
Well, I've finally found some time, and I've fixed it.
On the downside the plugin now needs a soundcard which can do 48Khz output (but prolly all nowaday cards can do that, at least my test systems had no problems).
Please also be aware that some of the many pcsx2 patches are turning off the sound (for example I was wondering why my FF10 PAL version didn't play any sounds at all, until I've noticed that there was a pcsx2 patch which disabled the menu sounds... for unknown reasons, since after deleting the patch the music played fine in the plugin).
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September 3rd, 2005, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Louie Iturzaeta has released a working demo to share with you of a future bassline synth feature, heres whats posted in the read me:
This is a simple demo of a drum beat and a bassline. The bassline
was created by hacking the wavegen SDK sample (creates a tone that
can be modified with the analog stick) and using a ADSR envelope
that I found here: http://www.nuim.ie/academic/music/musictec/
to turn the notes on/off.
use the analog stick to bend the pitch and the x button to change
from a saw wave to a square wave form.
So what does this mean? A synthesiser is possible on the PSP!
If you have trouble getting this to work on a 1.5 copy the
"BASSDEMO 1" folder first to your PSP and then the other.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPRhythmComposer.shtml
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September 3rd, 2005, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
From the Wab Site
Usually we dont pay attention about rumors and shitty talks, but this time we really think we have to make a little official annoucement.
1st Yoshihiro didn't quit WAB team
2nd Yoshihiro always working on the Downgrader
3rd Yoshihiro and the WAB team members wanna thx all the donnators for their paypal act.
About the downgrader keep in mind that it's will be a dangerous process to reflash the psp, so we have to be 100% sure that we wont release a version with bugs that will mass brick psp all over the world!! we hope you can understand it !!
And for those who really want a downgrader TODAY, hey !! just code it
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September 3rd, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released a new version of one of the best emulators for the PSP and certainly it keeps us a Snes9x/Zsnes type rivalry between this and PSPGenesis (which is always good to have 2 teams at the same time pushing emulation)
Heres whats new:
• Menu picture correction () such as skin correspondence and color
• Battery information, clock indication
• The single unit allotment functional addition of L and R key
• Speed adjustment functional improvement
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
Thanks to my buddy Keith of Emulation 64 for the newstip on IRC
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September 3rd, 2005, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
From Fuji:
Fujifilm, already the market leader in memory cards for digital devices, has announced the introduction of the Memory Stick Duo™, Memory Stick Pro™ and Memory Stick Duo Pro™ to its range. The additions complete Fujifilm’s media card offering, which now includes every format available on the market.
The Memory Stick Duo is part of Fujifilm’s consumer range of memory cards, which also includes CompactFlash™, MemoryStick™, xD-Picture Card™, MMCMobile™, MiniSD™ and standard SD cards. The card can be used in a range of consumer devices, from digital cameras to the much-anticipated Sony PSP.
The Memory Stick Pro and Memory Stick Duo Pro fall within Fujifilm’s range of memory cards for professional photographers. The formats excel at moving data very quickly, and offer users with Memory Stick-compatible devices the very best in terms of transfer speed to and from the card.
The Memory Stick Pro and Duo Pro are capable of withstanding the most demanding of photographic and digital applications. They join the CompactFlash 40x, 100x and 133x, and Standard SD card, 60x and 133x speeds, in Fujifilm’s Professional memory card range.
Adrian Clarke, Fujifilm’s Director of Photo Products, said, “The Sony PSP will be incredibly popular in the UK, which means that there will be even more demand than ever for the Memory Stick format. With the introduction of Memory Stick to its range, Fujifilm now offers every single media card format available on the market.
“When consumers need storage media, all they need do is look out for the Fujifilm brand. With such an array of memory cards on the market, and the increasing amount of devices requiring them, being able to look out for a single, reliable and high quality brand greatly simplifies the choice for consumers.”
More info Here --> http://www.fujifilm.co.uk/digital/ac...ex.php?flash=6
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September 3rd, 2005, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
For what must be a couple of months those of the coders and staff who have access to the private coders forum at PSP Emulation News will have known the fact that LDChen is working on bringing his Excellent Playstation Emulator to the PSP, now it also seems that he is thinking of porting to the GP2X Console, with thanks to Joe2339 for finding the news, heres what LDChen posted
I'm following the news for this console from the time it has been announced.
I'm very interested about development for GPX2, especially because his dualcore architecture. As I wrote into other forums, I initially wanted to port my emulator on PSP. For this purpose I completed a (working!) dyna-rec engine for MIPS machines. I started it time ago for making FPSEce working on machine with MIPS cpu and now it's finished. Unfortunately, everything is going worse because:
- Sony is closing all doors to any legal free software and it prohibites the usage of unlicensed software by releasing new firmwares.
- FPSE compiled for PSP doesn't work on the only available PSP emulator.
The GPX2 (until it will change the name) has what I was looking for: it's another great platform and final users and developers will surely have much more support from the Company. ARM support for fast emulation speeds is available. Linux support is work in progress too, since I would like to do a port for the Zaurus. However, I'm a bit worried about asking it as a "free sample".
This isn't a device that costs one euro or one dollar, probably the Company wants some warranties about their investments. At the moment I don't know if I can spend much time on development because I'm searching a new job (that's why FPSEce 0.09.5 is technically almost finished, but still unreleased).
Perhaps I can still write an email to them and talk about my development and my doubts. Afterall, asking for information doesn't cost...
So there you have it the author of one of the very best Playstation emulators is working on a PSP version but he doesnt have a PSP, so if he agrees and answers this thread i would like to start a donation fund to get a PSP for LD Chen.
PSX Emulation is something we would all like 
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September 4th, 2005, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Farrow has launched a new website with a project he has called PSPEmu and he claims that it will be a PSP emulator for the PC and Xbox ( i doubt a Xbox can emulate a PSP at any stage of the game)
Heres what he claims will be the features:
+Stable PSP Firmware Emulation
+Laptop/Tablet PC Battery Support
+2.0 Web Browser Emulation
+Runs PBP Files(Homebrew)
+ISO Support(Not At Full Speed)
+WiFi Support
+Theme Setup
+Wallpaper Customisation
+MP3 and MPEG Support
+Full Screen Mode
+Reset,State Save and Power Off.
+Home Button Support(Includes Home Confirmation Screen)
+UMD Emulation(.umd files - new file type)*
+XBOX Version - (Limitations - No WiFi or ISO Support)
+Linux Version
+Windows And Mac Versions
+PSP Drive Emulation (PSP/GAME/ etc.)
+Extended 3D Rom Support
+New Project Name:PSPemu (Xbox: PSPemuX)
This does seem rather dubious especially Xbox Emulation but you can check the site out here --> http://mattfazzer.bl.am/ and report back with your own conclusions.
Hopefully Matt will come and visit us and explain how he plans to get a 333mhx system emulated by a 700MHz Xbox, We shall watch this closely
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September 4th, 2005, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Well not really but someone has turned the awesome Dreamcast into a Portable machine and with 250 games and up to 500 homebrew/emulation releases it kicks major ass, heres the the scoop:
News From Lik Sang
Long time Lik-Sang readers may recall that just over two years ago we revealed the "Treamcast" to the world, a portable Dreamcast console mass produced and sold here in the shady streets of Hong Kong. Alas due to legal reasons we weren't able to sell it, but that didn't stop one of our readers, David Kaplish, who decided if he couldn't buy one, he'd build one.
Continuing his voyage into un-charted technical waters, David set his sights on a much larger console, the Sega Dreamcast. This wasn't an idea others hadn't thought of doing, but while reading on different forums, David found the reason no one actually went ahead and did it, was they didn't know how you can power a portable DC. While David maintains it was easy sailing after selecting dual 7.2v rechargeable batteries, his handheld Dreamcast was still far from simple, being made from the parts of three different systems, the DC, a GameCube, and a PlayStation!
Starting from the beginning though, as even the designers of the real Dreamcast would have done, David sketched possible ideas of what he wanted the console to look like, which was followed by a clay mold, then a plaster cast of it. The next step involved taking a 14" x 18" sheet of plastic, and heating it up. Once that's softened up, it sits on top of the plaster cast while a home made vacuum chamber (instructions on how to build one can be found here) sucks all the air out from around it, making it fall into the shape of the cast. The only problem with this method however, is he can only do it once because he has to break the plaster cast to get it out of its new snuggly fit plastic case.
Having the case ready, the next step was to fill it up. After changing the position of some motherboard items to help keep the portable Dreamcast down in size, David had to keep track of the 50 separate wires that gush out of the motherboard and connect to the GD-Rom drive. Extremely relived to see it still worked after such extensive surgery, he packed everything inside of the case, including a 5" LCD screen and built in 16 meg memory card, and wrapping up 40 hours of work, topped it all off with a coat of paint. The two rechargeable batteries lasted 1 1/2 hours, which is not bad at all considering the Dreamcast firmware was not made to be portable in the first place. For long road trips however, just grab yourself a car to AC adapter and you're set.
Looking around the Dreamcast, the fan resides on the rear, along with the power switch, while on the front an earphone socket and AC port can be found. The game discs themselves spin on the back of the machine, protected behind a cover, which while attached with magnets gives the back a very clean look. So there he had it, the world's first home made portable Dreamcast. Games like Quake 3 Arena, Sega Rally 2, Half Life, Crazy Taxi, NFL 2K... all playable on the go. Without a controller port, there's no way to play certain games like Seaman, but then again talking out loud to a smart ass human-fish hybrid is probably something you shouldn't be doing outside of your own house anyway
Currently David is building a version with a VMU slot in it, so it won't need the in-built edition, and has already chosen his next challenge, the Nintendo GameCube. He also had about 20 portable systems ready to sell at the CGExpo, held this August in San Francisco. The line-up included Dreamcast, NES, PlayStation, Jaguar and N64. For those who didn't make it to the event however, you could visit David's website, http://www.portablesystems.net/, and along with photo diaries of his many handheld creations, lies his email address welcoming any orders.
Check out Lik Sang for more info and screenshots
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September 5th, 2005, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
If theres one game for the PSP that would encourage you to upgrade to a higher firmware or indeed buy another PSP its Grandtheft auto, the Hong kong Online store Lik Sang is taking preorders and has this posted on their site:
"This PlayStation Portable GTA edition is an all-new game set in the seedy, sprawling underworld of Liberty City, the New York-Chicago hybrid that was also the crime scene for Grand Theft Auto III. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with the franchise creators at Rockstar North, you can expect all manner of adult felonies from car theft to robberies, murders and more. As has become a standard for the ambitious and controversial series, Liberty City Stories will shine on Sony's handheld with interactive, open environments, superb voice talent and diverse, cool music."
Heres some mouth watering screenshots from GTA Portable.Com
More screenshots below (via the comments)
Its looking very good 
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September 5th, 2005, 04:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a start of a new mini feature for the site to see which is the best for PSP from game types to cases and much more. First off its the turn of Footie or soccer depending on where you live in the world, heres the contenders(thanks to Lik Sang for graphics/descriptions)
<b>FIFA Soccer</b>
Boasting unprecedented visual and audio features, a deep selection of advanced controls, and more than 350 official team and league licenses, FIFA Soccer delivers console quality to the PSP. Battle your way through Season and Tournament play, or replay famous games as you fight your way out of preset match situations in the Challenges mode. With Mid-Season Scenario and wireless capabilities, FIFA Soccer is the only complete, authentic, and intelligent soccer experience for the PSP.
<b>World Tour Soccer </b>
Fans of the extremely popular World Tour Soccer franchise can now take the global game on go and play a match anytime, anywhere with World Tour Soccer for the PSP handheld entertainment system. Featuring 128 club teams, 86 international teams, nine international classic teams from the past, nine classic club teams from the past, seven league all-star teams, six international super teams and eight different stadiums, World Tour Soccer for the PSP provides gamers with the ultimate soccer experience. Supporting up to two players via wireless multiplayer connectivity, gamers can compete against the Artificial Intelligence (AI) or go head-to-head against another player. World Tour Soccer for the PSP features several gameplay modes including Quick Game, Exhibition Match, Challenge Mode and Cups Mode. By featuring the tightest, most realistic soccer action for a handheld to date, World Tour Soccer for the PSP is easy to pick up and play, but challenging enough for the biggest soccer fan by offering the accessibility of intuitive controls coupled with the depth and complexity of the real sport.
<b>Winning Eleven 9 Ubiquitous Evolution</b>
The first handheld iteration of Konami's top sports title, this PSP version of Winning Eleven (known as Pro Evolution Soccer in Europe) will feature the utter realism, intuitive play and fast-paced action of the ever-popular series. The handheld version will also be almost identical in terms of available clubs and international sides, with 57 national sides lining up alongside 136 club teams. The highly-competitive multi-player aspects of the game are highlighted using the hardware's wireless systems. Challenge rival players (via an ad-hoc wireless connection) to games, with all data related to match results ? goals for, goals against, wins, etc ? retained in a running tally. Solo players can also hone their skills within six different leagues and a host of cup tournaments, and the PSP game can also be linked to the PlayStation 2 version for data exchange of created teams for play on either version or for trade with friends.
So there you have it 3 games for PSP although one is 2 weeks from release, which game do you like and which do you dislike, which is the best true footie game for the PSP ?
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September 5th, 2005, 08:42 Posted By: wraggster
Jett has released a new game made from Lua for the PSP, heres what he posted:
To use, copy script.lua (along with the rest of the files) into your PSP/GAME/luaplayer/ folder. Feel free to use one player.lua instead (must be renamed to script.lua) if you don't have someone to play multiplayer with (warning: it gets so fast that you can't miss after a while thus making it's replay value extremely tiny)
My first game was a one player version that is top down instead of side to side. It's attatched if you would like to check it out (I was going to implement it into the menu I created for the multiplayer version but due to lack of motivation I didn't)
Ive added an eboot so that it can be used as a standalone, download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/smiliez.shtml
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September 5th, 2005, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Datel has released a new smart and clever double capacity battery pack for your PSP. The X2 is 3800 mAh (twice more than the factory original battery from Sony) and simply plugs in directly into the battery slot of the PlayStation Portable, as a replacement for the original one. Cool and good-looking, the X2 is probably one of the best solutions for extended playing time on your new sexy gadget, and is in stock and shipping within 24 hours for 49.90 US$ only.
With the same delivery, we have received the first batch of Action Replay Max for the PSP, which is unfortunately a very disappointing effort in the series. Continuing on the trend of delivering only "Power Saves Tools" instead of Cheat-Code products everytime the "Max" ending is added to the "Action Replay" brand name, Datel just delivered a quite useless piece of hardware. Unfortunately, there is nothing new that you can do with the AR Max and that you couldn't do with a simple USB Transfer cable and a Memory Stick. Then again, Datel promises a power saves database on their codejunkies web site but at the time being, there are no special power saves to be found for the existing PSP games...
More info at Lik Sang
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September 5th, 2005, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
I cant see the point of these but heres the info:
Product Features
Use four AAA batteries (rechargeable or standard) to power the PSP Li-ion Battery on the go
You can keep your PSP alive in low battery emergencies by plugging the charger in without turning off the console
and that concludes the new accessories (hopefully) for PSP today.
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September 5th, 2005, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
More news from Lik Sang
Certain products have an aura of beauty around them. They warm the hearts of those with one, and turn the eyes of those without. Taking Apple's iPod for example, Forbes.com rightly says how "the iPod renewed my love of music and answered a primal need: It made me feel cool", and goes on to explain how the players success is "a matter of how the gadget makes us feel about ourselves". Sony's PSP is another such treasure, and Nintendo hopes their Gameboy Micro will be too.
As black PSPs flood the market however, falling in the hands of, oh my god, "casual gamers" on a daily basis, for us hardcore gamers that like having something special to pull out of our pockets, that high is dying. SCEJ has come to the rescue though, with a Ceramic White PSP. With white buttons and detailing, this comes with all the goodies of the Value Pack in white color, and comes out the same day as Winning Eleven 9 on PSP, September 15th. Check out those videos Here
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September 5th, 2005, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Wab and PSP-Dev have tonight released a video that is proof (from what i and other site ops can make out) of the Downgrader in action, and the really hot news is that they are working on not only a downgrader for v1.52 but also for v2.0, now they are taking longer to test this because neither they or any PSP owner wants their brand new PSP killing because of a firmware hack that enables you to play homebrew
Ok so you want to see the video, well click the comments for the link 
and please comment on what you see 
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September 6th, 2005, 03:30 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
Do DVD's actually damage your systems lens? and on the old models of the PS2 is it bad to play those blue disc PS2 gams and PS1 games? My FFVIII started spazzing a bit on my ps2 and i never scratched that game or anything and the disc in great condition I have heard rumors of this and I do not know if its true.
Please post! thanks
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September 6th, 2005, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Portable has officially enjoyed the biggest launch weekend of any console in the UK, with around 185,000 units of the system being sold in its first three days at retail.
The figure - which comes from UK market analysts Chart-Track - is more than double the sales of the previous record holder, the Nintendo DS, which sold around 87,000 units in its first weekend back in March.
The performance of the console reflects the pent-up demand in the UK market for the PSP, which has been heavily featured in the mainstream media here since it launched in Japan nine months ago.
It also defies retail fears that Sony might be unable to meet demand for the system - with initial concerns over a small first day shipment proved unfounded as the company continues to refill the channel with more units on what SCE UK boss Ray Maguire told GamesIndustry.biz is "a daily basis."
Software for the system also sold strongly, with 20 of the 24 titles for the system entering the top 40 and nine of the top ten titles last week being PlayStation Portable games, with the only exception being Codemasters' Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 at number two.
However, there was no stand-out hit title in the first week - with Namco's Ridge Racer being the number one seller, but only going out to around a fifth of PSP purchasers, or roughly 37,000 unit sales.
Instead the software sales were spread around several top titles, with Wipeout Pure coming in at number three, Virtua Tennis at number four, Metal Gear Ac!d at number five and Need for Speed Underground: Rivals at number six.
In fact, five of the top ten titles are PSP racing games this week - with Rockstar's Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition and Codemasters' Toca Race Driver 2 joining the three previously mentioned racers at numbers seven and eight respectively.
In terms of non PSP titles in this week's chart, only two new games enter the ranking - with Novalogic's Delta Force: Black Hawk Down on the Xbox and PS2 debuting at number one on the Xbox chart, and entering the all-formats chart at number 15, while Microsoft's Dungeon Siege II tops the PC chart but only reaches number 33 on the all-formats ranking.
Source - Gi Biz
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September 6th, 2005, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Neo flash team who are already known for their DS flash carts have announced that they are working on a Memory Card converter for the PSP, heres the info posted:
NEO-MS converter SPEC:
1. Support SD / MMC / CF , up to 32GB.
2. Read / Write files through PSP link to PC USB port directly, not need the extra USB loader.
3. Support ALL MP3 / MP4 / UMD Movice / EMU / ISO ..... everything.
Release time: 2005 Xmas, the best new year gift 
Check out the video at their website Here --> http://www.neoflash.com/
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September 6th, 2005, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has posted a new release in our PSP Emulation and Homebrew forum of his excellent Atari ST emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
Tonnes of additions.. its really pulling together, and most anything you'd want is now present. Just need to fill in a few more little things, maybe flesh out the menu navigation options a bit, and add some config files.. but all the main goods like savestates and loadstates are all present now!
Alpha 003
NEW: While emulation is running, hit [START] to bring up runtime options
o Disk Management -- lets you eject and insert a different floppy(s)
o Reset menu works -- lets you exit the emulator entirely, or do a
warm reset on the ST (ie: Try inserting some disks, then hitting
reset, and voila.. no need to exit emulator to swap disks.)
CHG: Turned brightness up a notch (shifted colour palette decoding)
o Med res and low res both
CHG: On-screen keyboard
o The 'selection' is alpha blended to darken the key; nicer than blacking
it out
o The keyboard itself will fade in and out rather than just toggling on
and off when you hit the [select] button
NEW: In addition to .ST disks, .MSA format disks are all supported; further,
either kind of disk can be in a .zip file and work fine. (As long as thats
the only file in the .zip) -- some .ST's will compress from 800k to 200k
in a zip file, so it could be worth it.
NEW: Added simple intro-screen so you know what version is coming up
NEW: Disk picker changes
o When you hit () to pick a disk, it'll ask you if you'd like to insert
it into drive A, or B, look it up in the database, or delete it.
o Insert into A, B, and delete now work
o Disk picker now allows you to have many disks -- it'll scroll; no more
than about a thousand disks for now (It shows .ST, .MSA, .ZIP and
.SS files)
o If no disk is chosen (like you hit X to many times), it'll warn you so
you know why nothing really exciting is going on
FIX: The mouse should work nicely; in 001/002 it might sometimes just not
work at all, but I've tried it in no-disks, and Dungeon Master and others
FIX: The key release and press mechanism has been fixed up a bit; when you
use the on-screen keyboard to press a key, it should get held down for
1/6th second and then released. If this is not sufficient, let me know
and I can increase its duration.. but that should be plenty.
NEW: Savestates/loadstates - you can now save a snapshot to SD card and
load it up later; far more useful than in-game-saving, and faster.
o Build a crude keyboard based interface to typing in a filename for SD card
o Savestate
- you name a filen "aaaa" and the emu compresses the system RAM (etc)
into a zipped file "aaaa.ss" (.ss denotes savestate)
o Loadstate (from the normal disk picker menu)
- pick a .ss file in the disk picker (as if it was any other disk); a
"load now" or "delete" menu will appear, so you can fire up the state
or just delete it
o Seems to work; I saved out a xenon2 savestate and loaded her back up;
use this to circumvent multi-disk or long loadtimes (Civilization and
Dungeon Master, I'm looking at you!)
NEW: Check for existance of TOS.ROM; if missing, show warning.
NEW: Games database
o When you pick a .msa, .st or .zip, it'll offer to insert it into the
drives; another option is to "look it up in the database", which calculates
a CRC on the disk and looks it up in a special database the GP32 users
helped create. If the CRC is found, a listing of games on that known
disk is shown.. otherwise, an error shows that its not in the database.
I hope you dig it!
Let me know what you think
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
Please leave your thanks/bug reports & compatibility here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10352
Thanks to Skeezix himself for posting the news on the forums and telling me on IRC about the new release 
Update- i added a v1.00 eboot for those with v1.00 PSPs like moi
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September 7th, 2005, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
This is a SERIOUS warning to all PSP owners above v1.50 who are after downgrading their PSPs, first of all if sites like PSP Emulation News, Emuholic, Max Console or PSP Hacks havent posted about it then its most likely fake or just some kids dream.
Remember that these downgraders could brick (in other words kill your PSP) and until you hear it off a true legit source and not some scammers or lame site then dont touch them.
Remember that PSPs dont come cheap and Sony will most likely not keep up their side of the Guarentee if you have tried a downgrader.
Once the official teams have released the info we at PSP Emulation News will have it on the site but until then be careful.
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September 7th, 2005, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Success HK of some new acessories for the PSP, heres the lowdown:
2in1 Stand and Speaker for PSP
Product Features
Specially designed for PSP
Stereo Speaker enlarge the volume of game music
Best for watch movie
With stand function
Powered by AC / DC
PSP Protection Grip Stand
Product Features
Cover the front and the back of your PSP console
Easy to attach to PSP
It can switch to Stand mode. So, you can watch movie comfortably
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September 7th, 2005, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his PCEngine emulator for the PSP, heres what the google translation is of this new release:
Display is now reached the maximum it can go.
Sound still not perfectly matched with Display speed.
A bug in the Vsync startup code has been rectified
Save states not supported
Now uses Maman’s MP3 libmad library which gives BGM in menus.
Super graphics software mode not working
Arcade card’s CD is also not working
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/huepsp.shtml
Leave Comments and bug reports etc below (via the comments)
Thanks to Vex of http://www.emulation64.com for the news 
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September 7th, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Q)Will the downgrader require 2 PSP's or 2 Memory Sticks?
A)With the method we are using, one PSP and one MS will be enough
Q)Will it definately work on 2.0?
A)On theory, yes
Q)What time do you estimate it will be ready by?
A)We cant estimate a release day, maybe tomorrow, maybe on one month
Sounds good to me
The Wab and PSP-Dev Teams have released another video of their Downgrader in action on a Version 2.0 PSP and this official statement:
"hello everybody, I know that you are expecting our downgrader with a lot of impatience but we are still working on it.
I want say that all bullshit talking about me that i can see make me laugh and show that you only have time to waste.
I want also add , I'm not Sergent007 who is in fact only a 14 years old child who uses the swap exploit found by PSP DEV Team to hack psp 1.5 so why talk about this?
I hope these trailers will be appreciated by you because me and PSP Dev Team have worked hardon them."
PSP Emulation say a big thanks to Yoshihiro and Team Wab/Team PSP-Dev for your hard work in bringing the Homebrew and Emulation to the Masses with the eventual release of the downgrader.
As i posted yesterday on PSP Emulation News please listen to valid sources only and not over eager sites who are willing to sacrifice your PSP, with that in mind download the video from the link below (via the comments)
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September 7th, 2005, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Machiyuta has updated TiMidity for the PSP,
TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital instrument data files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays. It can not only play sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard disks as various audio file formats.
whats new:
Maximum load reset with Triangle Button
Sound Buffer Impoved
No noise at start up
333 mhz full PSP power mode added
There must be a option.cfg or there will be errors
Processing improved to gain speed
Noise at the end got rid of
Download and Guide Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/timidity.shtml
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September 7th, 2005, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo has released a new version of his excellent NeoGeo CD emulator for the PS2, heres whats new in this release :
- More CDDA fixes
- Fixed/added auto-loop feature (CDDA)
- (re)Fixed missing sfx in aerofighters 2 (and maybe others)
- Fixed most Buzzing noise cases
- drive now stop spinning when CDDA is set to OFF
Download Here --> http://ps2emu.dcemu.co.uk/neogeocdps2.shtml
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September 8th, 2005, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
Take this as a rumour for now but Sony may indeed do this one day and to be honest it looks pretty cool. give your views on the Flip screen PSP Mini below:

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September 8th, 2005, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
mATkEUpON has released a new version of one of the very best Homebrew games for the PSP, heres whats new:
A lot of bugfixes and other improvements in this new version. Multiple character pages are now supported, the music has been added (mikmodlib), and you can now change the transparency of the background layer. The menus have also been slightly improved.
Download this excellent game here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/smashgpsp.shtml
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September 8th, 2005, 03:40 Posted By: wraggster
Aenea just let me know this great news , a new version of StellaPSP the Atari 2600 Emulator for the PSP, heres whats in the readme:
It has been a while, but here it is, a new version of Stella for the PSP. A lot has changed since the initial release.
- added paddle support
- added better d-pad support
- use the GU instead of SDL for rendering
- title screen (if someone can make a better one, contact me!)
- menus are now overlays so the font seems smaller (acually, it's the same size, but it now uses the full resolution of the PSP)
- I found the blend function 
- and many small bugs have been removed
- holding down the d-pad in the menus will make it scroll faster
- analog in menus is very fast scrolling
- support for 10 state files per rom, use left/right on the Load/Save menu item to change the current state number
If you find any bugs, don't hesitate to email me at alysa@xs4all.nl. If you do though, make sure you can reproduce the bug easily and tell me how that is done, only then can I find the bug. Eg. telling me it just crashes isn't helping...
Maybe there will be another bug-fix release anytime soon, but most of my time will be spent to help the official Stella team to create version 2.0 of the emulator with, off-course, some of my changes for the PSP...
Well, have fun!
Aenea (aka Alysa Habraken)
Download this excellent release Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/stellapsp.shtml
Download 40 Public Domain/Freeware roms for Atari 2600 from Here
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September 8th, 2005, 04:21 Posted By: wraggster
Aenea has done it again, a new major release for the PSP scene, heres the info from the man himself:
This is just a quick and dirty port to the PSP of the very nice Atari 400/800/XL/XE/5200 emulator. It's a work in progress. This port was done by Alysa Habraken (aka Aenea). Thanks to the original authors for creating this.
- default, it's configured for the 5200, place the 5200 rom in /Atari800/Roms
- no rom selector, get a rom, name it rom.a52 and put it in /Atari800/Cartridges
- Start = well, Start
- Select = Select
- Square = Option
- no d-pad support
- analog support
- no sound support
- Cross is fire
- no real menus
In the next version sound and a fully working menu system will be added.
Have fun!
Aenea (Alysa Habraken)
Download this awesome emulator here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/atari800psp.shtml
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September 8th, 2005, 08:15 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news from Team Xtender concerning a product that they are working on which will let you watch your PSP on a big screen and more:
Imaging taking your PSP to the next level... A larger screen and a comfortable PS2 Controller... Today is the day.
This new accessory will allow any PSP unit, to connect to a Plasma or LCD screen! We didn't stop there; you can even plug in a PS2 Controller. As usually, Team Xtender’s high quality product won’t disappoint and we will keep you all updated with this product’s news.
Not only does it increase the psp enjoyment for the average developer and gamer alike, but also the media fans out there as well. The unit is fully dock-able for easy use both at home and for portable use.
Discuss this exciting news below and see the other 2 pics 
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September 8th, 2005, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
I dont know when the downgrader is coming out and to be honest the best thing in these situations is to sit back and wait patiently, this site will post the news as soon as it comes in.
Now a few things to think about before anyone uses a downgrader, one if you brick your PSP its very doubtful that Sony will replace or fix it for free so thats something you have to way up.
Another thing is that no website is to blame if you use the software. Remember no one is forcing you to downgrade if and when it gets released
Finally as a webmaster its a worry if Sony and lets be quite honest here, if Sony find anything that can be used to prosecute sites then im sure they will, in the past they have come down heavy on sites with the Bios of the PSone for download. So for all PSP scene websites you have to be careful. i trust the combined efforts of Team Wab and PSP-Dev but theres always food for thought with any thing you do to a console thats not considered the norm.
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September 9th, 2005, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview with CNN, an EA representative has confirmed that Westwood Studios (owned by EA) is working on a Command & Conquer title for Sony's new PSP handheld.
According to the spokesperson, both the original Command & Conquer and its follow up Command & Conquer Red Alert will be released PSP.
"I've always wanted to play incredibly large scale games on the go," they explained. "For flights and road trips, I'm pretty sure the fans will be excited to hear that Command & Conquer, and Command & Conquer Red Alert will be making appearances on PSP."
"We don't have a firm release date, but the games will have to be totally revamped for PSP's UMD architecture. Nonetheless, expect the Command & Conquer franchise to make its move on PSP within this year."
So there we have it, a presumably Wi-Fi enabled Command & Conquer for PSP before the end of the year. As long as the game manages to stand up to the test of time or gets a modern makeover to fix its ageing features, this is something we're sure to be wanting later this year.
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September 9th, 2005, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
This wont concern most people but it may do some people so here goes.
Obviously this site is nothing at all to do with Sony in any shape or form although we do love the little handheld and we also will never host anything containing illegal code.
Also we will not link to any sites who have warez on their site or Pyramid schemes like the dodgy FreePSP etc schemes, we will also not link to sites where they ask for money just to use all aspects of the forums.
I do aplogise if this infuriates some and if those sites in question dropped the items mentioned above then we would link as normal.
To all coders who release on the said site, we do respect your work but unless a different source can be found we wont link to the sites that go against our disclaimer.
This will not change and anyone trying to spam the links of the sites on the forums will be dealt with.
Thanks all now back to newsposting 
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September 10th, 2005, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Placasoft has released PSPset for the PSP. This tool changes booting to games on the PSP, because it writes to the flash it comes with a massive warning, heres what they say:
"Copy the gameboot.pmf on the root of the memory stick. (ms0:/gameboot.pmf)
Attention, the Gameboot.pmf file shouldn't be much larger then 1MB.
I'm not responsible if you damage your PSP. Try it at your OWN risk!
If you're able to make pmf files, plz contact me uner webmaster@placasoft.de"
Download at http://www.psp-arena.de/
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September 10th, 2005, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
A new magazine for the PSP has been launched in the UK,its called PSPages, heres the info:
The launch issue of PSPages was set back so we could include news on the European launch of the PSP. Originally scheduled for a September 1st launch to coincide with the launch of the PSP, the magazine would have missed out on the chance to cover the launch. By delaying the launch for a week we were able to include reactions from game shops on how they think the launch went. Rest assured that when the mag is available for download, it will feature some of the most honest reviews you are ever likely to read.
PSPages was originally set up to bring gamers in the UK and Europe a downloadable magazine which they can enjoy reading on the PSP. The idea of such "magazines" is not an entirely new concept however we here at PSPages believe we are the first made by European gamers for European gamers. The reason we decided to make one for this particular area is simple. We are all in the UK and/or EU and know what the scene is like within these territories. Also take into consideration the fact that not all games released in Japan and America make it to European shores and you are left with a purpose. We aim to bring you the relevant news as and when it happens.
Our magazine will feature the latest news, previews and reviews as well as other PSP related stories. You can rest assured that the team behind the magazine has been carefully selected to bring you the most informative and factual information. Here at PSPages, we feel that if a game is poor, then you should know about it. There's no point us giving good reviews for credit if the games are not up to standard. As well as the games, we will also review accessories available for the PSP such as cases, protectors and Memory sticks to help you find the right product when purchasing accessories for your handheld.
Download from the Official Site or our page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspagesmagazine.shtml
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September 10th, 2005, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Another rival of sorts for the PSP and to be honest while its no match in power it has the fashion icon and a back catalogue of games that no console can match plus a great emulation and homebrew scene, heres the info:
Nintendos new Micro version of the Gameboy Advance has been released, <a href="http://www.success-hk.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=112&A=50&Task=Click" target="_blank">Success HK</a> are the first online company ive seen with it on, lets check out the cool pic:
<img src="http://www.success-hk.com/success/images/item/GBMJ2B9R5P4.JPG">
The Price for the GBA Micro is $115 or about £60 in UK money.
Heres the onsite description:
Now Nintendo takes aim at the pocket of your tightest jeans with the tiny Game Boy Micro system, quite simply the smallest and sleekest Game Boy product that Nintendo has ever created. It's thinner than a cell phone, as chic as an MP3 player and as fun as a Game Boy In an instant it attracts attention and positions the image-conscious player as someone on the cutting edge of cool.
The sporty, silver metal Game Boy Micromeasures a mere 4 inches wide, 2 inches tall and 0.7 inches deep, allowing it to sit comfortably alongside today's hippest technological gadgets. It weighs an astonishing 2.8 ounces, or about the weight of 80 paper clips. Yet Game Boy Microhas the same processing power and plays the same games as Game Boy Advance SPmodels, complete with standard face controls and gleaming shoulder and Start/Select buttons that literally shine.
With Game Boy Micro everyone plays with style. A removable face plate gives owners the option to buy replacements to customize the look of their systems again and again with new colors and designs. Most notably, its 2-inch backlit screen shines with incredible power, rendering games in startling clarity with fantastic colors on the best Game Boy screen ever. For the first time, users can adjust the brightness of the screen to adapt to indoor lights or outdoor sunshine.
The Gameboy Advance has a great <a href="http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk" target="_blank" >Emulation and Homebrew Scene</a> and the GBA Micro will be fully compatible.
More info at <a href="http://www.success-hk.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=112&A=50&Task=Click" target="_blank">Success HK</a>
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September 10th, 2005, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Ryosaebaa has emailed me some fantastic news of the first release of his Spectrum emulator for the PSP, heres the email:
Hi , Ryosaebaa from Spain here 
It's being some hard and paintfull months :P, but we have first version here of this
48/128k speccy emulator.
The emulator is far from perfect, but it runs really well.
We will add new features in near future like image streaching, 128k sound. etc...
Below you have an URL where you can download, post, and talk about the emulator. Feel
free to post bugs, and opinions.
We´re looking forward to hearing from your!.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspectrum.shtml
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September 11th, 2005, 01:45 Posted By: unholydoragon
is there a media player of some sort that lets you play videos like .avi or mgeg4 saved on a disc(not made into a vcd or dvd)?
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September 11th, 2005, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
Placa has released his latest video/background changer for the PSP, PSPset v0.5.
Heres what it does:
– Change Gameboot (video)
Change Gameboot
Copy a gameboot.pmf from “ms:/gameboot.pmf” to your PSP’s firmware. The source file must not be larger than 1MB
Backup Gameboot
Make a backup of your current gameboot.pmf to “ms:/gameboot.pmf” on your memory stick
Restore Original Gameboot
Restore the default gameboot
– Change Wallpaper
Select Month
Select a month you want to change the background. You need to place a file name according to the month (e.g. if you want to change March, you need to put a 300*170 BMP file at “ms:/03.bmp”)
Copy All Wallpaper from 1.1
Restore All Wallpapers
– Change Version Number (like WAB’s version changer)
– Change X/O buttons
Swap the X/O button for different consoles.
this does flash your PSP so if anything goes wrong you could be in trouble, use only with extreme caution.
Download via the comments
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September 11th, 2005, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Raf (link down) has released his version of FTPD for the PSP, heres the info:
I'm releasing a new version of FTPD (based on pspkrazy's 0.21). All this hack really does now is allow you to configure your own username/password in a config file. It's also compiled against the latest SDK/toolchain (svn r1024); and has some other small fixes/etc. Nothing big though. But if you're concerned with security; then this may help a bit. I include eboots for 1.0 and 1.5 (although I haven't tried it on a 1.0 psp), and also all the source code. I updated also libnet a bit (using pspvnc's and my own changes), but it's still far from perfect..
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/ftpd.shtml
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September 11th, 2005, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
Time for another great review by the members of PSP Emulation News, before we get to the review lets have some info about the game.
Get ready for an all new skating blitzkrieg with Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix! Join either Tony Hawk or Bam Margera on a World Destruction Tour featuring 16 total levels or face off against up to 3 friends in 10 wireless multliplayer games. Embark on the ultimate road trip and wreak havoc in 4 never before seen levels. It's the incredible Tony Hawk console experience brought to the handheld for the first time.
Heres an excerpt from the review:
So whats new with Tony Hawk? not much it seems. This game is more of the same Tony Hawk gameplay we all love (or hate). While its true there is little new added to the formula don't dismiss this game as bad, It packs four new levels and a few other "secrets" inside it.
Graphics 4.0/5.0
This game looks damn good and holds up to its big brother on the PS2. It may not get some of the detail in the facial expressions like the PS2 version but its damn fine for a PSP. The game has some draw-in issues but not enough to hinder the games presentaion as a whole. You might notice it on the later levels though. The other thing holding the game back is that Tony Hawk has trouble translating to that tiny and widescreen. This may inprove in later Tony Hawks on the PSP though.
Read the rest of Kaisers Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix Review in our PSP Review Forum Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10497
We will take all reviews so get posting them 
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September 11th, 2005, 17:50 Posted By: hoppy88
my lil brothers psone which i handed down broke down and he now has to use my ps2 (which he can have wen the ps3 comes out) he wants to get a cheat system like action replay or xploder but i dont know if they will work on the ps2. is there a cheat system for psOne games that will work on my ps2? thanx
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September 11th, 2005, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Im a massive Star Wars (Xfiles, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter) fan and now the Star Wars Battlefront site for PSP has been unveiled, its a flash site so youll have to upgrade to the latest version but the stereo sound is great and has a chock load of screenshots for the PSP release.
My next confirmed buy
Heres the linky --> http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swbat...lash.html#Home
tell us what you think 
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September 12th, 2005, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Placasoft -Team Emergency Exit - www.psp-arena.de have released a new version of PSP Set which changes backgrounds and more on your PSP.
Heres whats new:
– Change Gameboot (video)
* Change Gameboot
Copy a gameboot.pmf from “ms:/gameboot.pmf” to your PSP’s firmware. The source file must not be larger than 1MB
* Backup Gameboot
Make a backup of your current gameboot.pmf to “ms:/gameboot.pmf” on your memory stick
* Restore Original Gameboot
Restore the default gameboot
– Change Wallpaper
* Select Month
Select a month you want to change the background. You need to place a file name according to the month (e.g. if you want to change March, you need to put a 300*170 BMP file at “ms:/03.bmp”)
* Copy All Wallpaper from 1.1
* Restore All Wallpapers
– Change Version Number (like WAB’s version changer)
***All your settings were lost when using the x/o changer***
– Change X/O buttons
* Swap the X/O button for different consoles (JP/US)
* Backup set. to x:/set.bak
Restore your settings to psp!
*Restore set. from x:/set.bak
This restore your old settings if you are save them with the Backup function.
This does flash your bios so use with extreme caution and at your own risk, remember to only use software that your 100% happy using. My advice keep away, but you can download the file via the comments.
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September 12th, 2005, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Mofig has released a 3D chess game for the PSP, heres some info:
Analog Stick: Rotate View
Left and Right Shoulder buttons: zoom in/out
D-pad: Move selection cylinder thing.
X: select piece, push again to put down
Triangle: Take a screenshot, at the moment this only writes to "screen1.png" and is located in the root of your memory stick.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/3dchess.shtml
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September 12th, 2005, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
My turn for a review and boy was i happy to get the chance to review the Logitech Playgear Pocket, heres some info:
The Logitech® PlayGear Pocket™ is protective polycarbonate armor for your PSP™. This portable case is packed with versatile features and an innovative design that gives you full control.
Heres an excerpt from my review:
Logitech have brought out some great accessories for the PSP so when i was asked if i wanted to review the Playgear Pocket i jumped at the chance. The first thing i noticed was the quality of the packaging, it looked and felt like the rolls royce of packages and the text and instructions were clear and easy to understand.
Once i got my hands on the Playgear pocket you could feel this was a quality product, the button was a tad tricky to open but thats because im a bit heavy handed but after 20 open and shuts on the case i didnt feel any differences in the way it was opening and shutting.
Read the full review and comments here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/logitech...t-review.shtml
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September 12th, 2005, 12:59 Posted By: V3X
hi, when ever i try to play Dragons of rage mod on my ps2, it keeps comming up with erros saying not enough memory.
i can play original bor with no probs, but it always crashes ith dor.
it doesnt keep crashin in the same place tho, i got all the way to selecting a character, but when t tried to load the level, it crashed.
i downloaded it from http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,11,410
altho, when i burned it, i downloaded bin & cue image files of original bor, and extracted it with winiso, and replaced bor.pak with dragons of rage, but i did rename it to bor.pak.
could that be the problem??
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September 12th, 2005, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has updated his Genesis/Megadrive emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
– Cheat list added to skin.png
– Curser number changed from 4 to 8 in skin.png
– Support for Cheat codes
– Skin specifications altered
– When battery runs low it will force sleep
– Bug when turning off PSP and loss of data fixed
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
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September 12th, 2005, 21:15 Posted By: meskeksi
So what do we think will the Blue Ray be the wall to stop the modifying of the ps3 i know a lot of people are questioning looking at the 360 and ps3 and truelly wondering what the ahem future holds in playing copied games I mean backed up games 
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September 12th, 2005, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI Biz
To encourage more consumers to purchase movies on the company's PSP specific Universal Media Disc (UMD) format, Sony has announced the forthcoming release of the first hybrid UMD containing a full movie and exclusive playable game.
Due for release on November 15th in the USA, Stealth will be the first movie released for the PSP which also includes a playable game on the same disc. Although a truncated version of the original, WipEout Pure will be included, featuring additional content which cannot be found elsewhere.
Dubbed WipEout Pure: Stealth edition, the UMD will contain three tracks, three crafts and three different modes, available for single player or up to four people in multiplayer games.
The tracks will include an exclusive level designed specifically for the Stealth package, and players will also be able to race using the Stealth aircraft from the movie as an added bonus.
Whilst Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president Ben Feingold heralds the release as "an unparalleled entertainment experience that marks the next phase in portable entertainment," concerns remain that consumers may not be as easily swayed into buying films on a format which can only ever be used on the PSP, as opposed to the universal DVD format - particularly given the pricing of the products in question.
Available from November 15th, Stealth UMD including WipEout Pure: Stealth edition will retail at USD 39.95 - considerably higher than the standard movie UMD price range of USD 19.95-29.95.
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September 12th, 2005, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Seems everyone wants to knock the PSP off the throne as the most powerful console, now its the turn of the ailing Gizmondo to throw their weight around, heres the specs:
Based on a Samsung ARM9 400MHz processor and utilising an NVIDIA GeForce 3D 4500 graphics accelerator, the handheld incorporates gaming, MP3 functions, MPEG4 movie playback, digital camera, GPS chip plus Bluetooth, and GPRS for networked gaming and text messaging.
More info at Alternative Handheld Emulation
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September 12th, 2005, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesradar
At last, the first footage from Rockstar's wildly anticipated GTA PSP debut, Liberty City Stories, has appeared and is available for download at the foot of this very page.
While not showing any in-game footage, a montage of cutscenes from the game gives a glimpse of some of the characters that will appear, including lead mobster, Toni Cipriani.
Based on events three years before GTA 3, Liberty City Stories follows the violent exploits of Cipriani as he wages war on the streets of LC in an effort to establish himself as a big fromage on the criminal cheese board.
We'll be bringing you a preview of Liberty City Stories later today, so stay tuned to gamesradar.com for more GTA goodness.
GTA Liberty City Stories will be released for PSP in October
Download the video Below (via the comments)
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September 12th, 2005, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
rob_psp has released a new version of his Notepad app for the PSP, heres whats new:
New to Version 1.2
Ported from Lua to C++
Fixed: Copy, Cut, and Paste crash
Added: Basic Image Viewer - opens JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP
Added: Toggle Bookmark function
Added: One cursor keyboard input
Added: Increase and Decrease Font Size
Added: Change Backgound Color function
Added: Change Text Color function
Added: Auto-save keyboard, font size, background color, and text color
Removed: Set Bookmark function
Removed: AA Font setting
Removed: Black Background setting
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/notepadpsp.shtml
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September 12th, 2005, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Peripherals specialist Pinpoint Consumer Electronics has today announced the launch a major video recording solution that is the perfect accompaniment to the record breaking Sony PSP.
Exclusively distributed by Pinpoint Consumer Electronics in the UK, the Neuros Video Recorder is a breakthrough in creating, transferring and viewing digital video files on portable devices. Operated using the same principles as the VCR, files can be recorded to MPEG4 format from any video source including TV, camcorder, DVD player or satellite and played back on the PSP and other media players including the laptop, SmartPhone, PDA and television. At an RRP of £149.99, the Neuros Video Recorder offers the ultimate solution for converting video files into a PSP compatible format that is both convenient and affordable.
Approximately the size of a PDA and weighing just 140g, it is streamlined, easy to set up and compatible with the Pro Memory Stick Duo, Compact Flash and Secure Digital memory cards. The Neuros Video Recorder comes with bundled software that enables video clips to be edited, a USB2.0 connection and a remote control. Recording time varies in accordance with the chosen file resolution.
With the astonishing rate at which portable media solutions such as the PSP are selling, as well as consumers now leading an increasingly mobile lifestyle, a media solution that makes video more accessible has the potential to become mass-market merchandise.
More to come as we find out 
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September 13th, 2005, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Another review for me and this tiime its a turn of the Epoch UMD Case (5 Pack) which are cases that give protection to your UMD Movie or Game, heres some info:
The pack contains 5 UMD cases in red, yellow, blue, green and smoke black colors. These cases fit UMD's perfectly and the base of the case allows you to simply push the UMD's out of the cases. They are also held in firmly using the two holes on the back of the UMD.
Heres an excerpt from my review:
I wasnt expecting much from these Epoch cases as to me they didnt look hard wearing enough from screenshots on the internet. The colourful cases which are seethrough make it easy to see your Film or Game once inserted and the plastic case does seem quite tough on inserting the UMD into the case, it went in smooothly and seemed to go into a locking mechanism of sorts.
read the rest of my review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/epochumdcase-review.shtml
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September 13th, 2005, 04:14 Posted By: wraggster
Jek has released a new game made via Lua, heres the info:
How to play:
Connect all squares horizontally or vertically.
Press X on top of a green square and connect it to another square over, under, left or right by pressing X on that to.
Level is cleared when all green squares have been connected.
Cross=Select square
Circle=Restart level
Square=Next level (Only after clearing a level)
Triangle=Instructions on/off
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/connect.shtml
Youll need Lua Player also --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luaplayer.shtml
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September 13th, 2005, 08:18 Posted By: wraggster
A new External Battery from LIK Sang has been released, heres the info:
This battery pack for PSP connects externally to the PSP console and packs a 3200mAh of extra power for your PSP console. Acting as an external power source, the highest level of brightness (200 cd/m2) can be used. The battery also includes a USB charging cable.
3200mAH Battery Power
Sleek design
Enables "Ultra-bright" display mode
Can be used with or without Sony internal battery pack
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September 13th, 2005, 08:48 Posted By: wraggster
In Japan the DS is selling more than the PSP and PS2 combined and it seems the Homebrew and Emulation scene is kicking ass too, just in the last fortnight or so theres been Colecovision, Vectrex and even a wip of a Commodore 64 emulator plus the first Star Wars homebrew game for the DS, Check out our sister site http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ which has all the news and links to the new releases.
The battle of the PSP and DS marches on
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September 13th, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has posted in this PSP Emulation Forum Topic a new release of his excellent AtariSt Emulator for the PSP Castaway/PSP version 004, heres whats new thanks to Skeezix 
This is a sexy build if I do say so myself..
CHG: When in joystick-on-analog mode, sensitivity is reduced a bit.. ie: I
found when pulling left I'd often get up-and-left or down-and-left as my
thumb isn't accurate enough; so I've altered it so to indicate a direction
you need to be further to the edge of the analog zone, so it more often
would detect straight-left when I wanted it.
CHG: New font for user interface; built a font importer package so I could
suck in truetype fonts easily, and am using a variant of Arial 14px for now..
should be much more readable and smooth (a little bigger and rounder.) I'm
pleased with my 'auto kern' system.. seems to work well for nice dynamic
spacing.. I just need to add auto-anti-aliasing sometime
- For each dialog, title font is bold and with drop-shadow
NEW: In menus, up/down works as normal; left/right will quick-scroll up
and down, letting you move faster.
FIX: Repeat timer prevents 'cursor mode' from repeating 'too quickly' ..
so using cursor mode for playing Dungeon Master, Captive etc should work
pretty well now
FIX: In game-list (output from database lookup) it shouldn't sometimes have
garbage in game names
NEW: New PSP launcher artwork - backsplash and icon by parobolee - thanks mate!
o Looking good I think!
CHG: Increase game list height, to show more games if lots in database
NEW: ST Games database right in the disk picker
o Database look up is done each time disk picker comes up; sort of lame..
should at least be cached within the emu runtime, and ideally between emu
runs.. but maybe next version
o Draws first 25 characters from game-list descroiptions, starting about
1/3rds of the way over in the picker display; should fit pretty well. To
get the rest of the listing, pick the disk and hit "look up in database" to
get the full listing line by line
NEW: When analog is operating the ST mouse, there are now two speeds build in..
ie: far-left is 'left 2px per frame' while half-left is 'left 1px per frame'.
Let me know if more degrees of speed are needed..
NEW: Frameskip is supported (though mostly not needed!) -- in the runtime
[start] menu, frameskip options are available. Some math heavy operations
will slow things down a touch, but generally the emu is fast enough.
NEW: Throttling is supported; in the main runtime [start] menu you can now
enable or disable throttle -- enablingmeans the system is slowed down to
approximately a real ST (north american, anyway); if throttle is off, try
running as fast as possible. The default is throttle is _on_
Get it here:
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
Remember to give feedback to Skeezix directly at the link above and help him find bugs and credit too 
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September 13th, 2005, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
New UMD, heres the details:
Long rumored to be a standard videogame sequel to the ultra-popular Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children is instead a direct-to-video DVD movie featuring CGI design rendered by the wizards at Square-Enix behind the FVM sequences in previous FF videogames. The movie takes place two years after the end of the PS One game.
Published for availability on both DVD and PlayStation Portable UMD.
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September 13th, 2005, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
The major soccer game has been released in Japan, heres the info:
The first handheld iteration of Konami's top sports title, this PSP version of Winning Eleven (known as Pro Evolution Soccer in Europe) will feature the utter realism, intuitive play and fast-paced action of the ever-popular series. The handheld version will also be almost identical in terms of available clubs and international sides, with 57 national sides lining up alongside 136 club teams. The highly-competitive multi-player aspects of the game are highlighted using the hardware's wireless systems. Challenge rival players (via an ad-hoc wireless connection) to games, with all data related to match results ? goals for, goals against, wins, etc ? retained in a running tally. Solo players can also hone their skills within six different leagues and a host of cup tournaments, and the PSP game can also be linked to the PlayStation 2 version for data exchange of created teams for play on either version or for trade with friends.
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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September 13th, 2005, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Source - AkihabaraNews
Sony seems to be on a roll today when A/V equipment is concerned, and this time they introduce the RDR-AX75, a home DL DVD burner with 250Gb HDD that is capable of encoding video in Mpeg-4 AVC (H.264_, and these files are 100% PSP compatible! Once the video is stored onto the HDD, you just need to stick your MS Duo in the slot and transfer the video onto the memory card. Depending on the type of encoding you use, you can put between 1h10 and 4h10 of video onto a 1Gb card. In order to play back the Mpeg-4 AVC content, you need to have the 2.0 firmware on your PSP.
Other models will be launched later, lije the D90 versions of 400Gb and the D70 and D50 of 250Gb.
Click the comments for the screenshot:
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September 14th, 2005, 04:22 Posted By: dark steve
Hi. I've been lurking around for a while, but here goes. I've been at my wit's end over trying to get my (north american) slim pstwo to play imports. I purchased slim tools, but I have the newer V13 console and they won't work correctly. So since I have to open the thing up and void the warranty anyway, I've been looking at getting a flip-top as a more stable solution. However, I've also noticed those classy new XCM cases, and had a question. If I install one of those, will that take care of my swap problem? I've seen it insinuated here and there that the door of the case doesn't touch any of the microswitches itself--that it acts as a built-in fliptop mod. Does anyone here know anything about this? I hate to register just to pester people with questions, but I can't get a straight answer out of any vendor or find information online that's clearly stated either way. Help?
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September 14th, 2005, 08:14 Posted By: wraggster
A new commercial release heres the info:
A PSP version of the action-adventure game produced by Sony Computer Entertainment in association with Production I.G., and based on the anime/manga franchise by manga artist Masamune Shirow and anime director Mamoru Oshii. Section 9 returns to take out the latest terrorist cell in this futuristic first-person shooter. Use Motokos agility, Batous strength, Togusas stealth or Saitos sniper skills to take out the terrorists. Train and customize Tachikoma to assist you in your missions and hack into enemies to obtain information crucial to your missions. Features wireless battles and communication for up to 4 players.
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September 14th, 2005, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has posted in this PSP Emulation Forum Topic a new release of his excellent AtariSt Emulator for the PSP Castaway/PSP version 004b, heres whats new thanks to Skeezix 
Release 004b
NEW: Caching of the database lookups; having it re-scan the disk database every
time got on my nerves quick, so now it caches the lookups to memstick; as
such you only get the 'big hit' once, or whenever you copy over a pile of
new disk images. Subsequent loads will only check new disks, so the lookup
will be much faster each run.
o Side effect -- if you _rename_ files around, you might eventually need
to delete the STCACHE.TXT file as it would become inaccurate. But no biggy,
I doubt anyone will do that..”
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
Remember to give feedback to Skeezix directly at the link above and help him find bugs and credit too 
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September 14th, 2005, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
The first of the Hong Kong Stores to post the news that the Ceramic Version of the PSP has been released, heres what Divineo China posted and prices:
Sony PSP 'Ceramic White' limited edition. Jap Version, VALUE PACK
This is the value pack, supplied with a memory card, head phones and carry case. Note - the PSP can be charged on any power plug (its operates on 110-220v).
The price is $ 279.95 or about £150 from Divineo China
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September 15th, 2005, 08:19 Posted By: wraggster
Seems the server has been down for as long as 7 hours ( the one and only time i go to sleep early ) hopefully this will be the last time and its just some stupid glitch, but rest asured this site is here forever 
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September 15th, 2005, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
It would have been a bit difficult for them to rock an EyeToy for the PSP (though we know they did have a camera prototype), so instead Sony took a page out of Nintendo’s book with vocal game interaction and announced the Talkman for the PSP. Available in Japan in November for ¥5,800 (about $50), it should be able to translate to understand Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean—you know, the important languages. Seriously though, anyone else see the humor in a bird asking for the “duty-free store?” No? Fine.
Visit Here for more info.
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September 15th, 2005, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
As you know we have suffered some strange downtime as of late, im investigating as to what caused it.
Onto other matters ive decided to have a rethink about the site disclaimer i put in last week as it unfortunately meant i couldnt showcase on the main page some authors releases so where ever the psp release comes from ill post the correct link (although im not fooled by newsposts that say emailed by such and such because they dont want to link to a certain site and im equally not fooled by certain sites emaling and pming people on IRC etc telling them to post in that sites forums so they get the links and im also not fooled by sites sticking readme.txts in releases and having no links to releases homepages on their download sections.) but lets hope that all changes.
So basically im starting a goodwill links thing for the scene but lets all as scene sites correctly link to releases and thus spread a true atmosphere around the PSP scene.
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September 15th, 2005, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Theres so many Homebrew and Emulation Releases out there that have no official homepages and are uploaded to free servers, so we at PSP Emulation News/Emulation 64 are offering to host any Emulation or Indeed Homebrew Projects for the PSP.
For emulation projects we can give you a something.dcemu.co.uk and for smaller homebrew projects we have a great web uploader thats excellent for smaller releases and not to mention our Hosted PSP Projects Forum which has some of the best releases to date --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=84
So if your a coder and need a great home for your release and away from dodgy forums and rubbish freeloading sites then reply to this and ill get the ball roling.
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September 15th, 2005, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
What a strange headline
Heres the reason why
I have a brand new Jap v1.5 PSP and its basically for my son for xmas but hes not interested in homebrew or emulation so i can either update it and lose the homebrew ability or i can straight swap it for someone with a UK PSP v2.0.
If your near me and are interested then reply and ill choose who does the swap with me.
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September 15th, 2005, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Naoneo has posted some news on his new site about the Psix Shell and some rather interesting news about those faking Downloader claims:
Currently, Psix is in a non working state, due to various implimentations and experiments with things i've wanted and attempted to include, there is a long list of features yet to include which are pushing me against a wall, so right now what im doing is working with a simple base (the osk/cursor) and making individual features for the base, and trying to work them into the current build, there are a few things which currently elude my grasp, the most notable being the ability to launch homebrew without completely removing psix from memory, as loadexec works fine, but only if you plan to simply quit the current process and start another, which isn't what we want!, i need to be able to hook the home key, or at the very least, have an ingame-reset style combination to return the user to the shell, without that, the point of the shell is pretty much defunct.
I've had a fair ammount of people say "But fastloader can do it!", but please understand, launching prx's and retail boot.bins, isn't the same as launching homebrew!, homebrew likes to take up lots of mem! and if you so code it to behave and not do so, for an odd reason it doesn't run.
A possible solution would be to ask developers to make their home buttons load up a universal eboot, which will do what it's told to in a config file, such as "loadshell=/psix/eboot.pbp" or "returntoxmb=yes" etc, however the chances of every developer out there doing this is very slim! 
Also due to the nature of the animations and transitions im using with psix, if i try to include to much in the shell, i run out of memory, malloc errors are becomming very common due to the total rapage of system memory, so im working towards reducing the frame count of animations, and shaving off file sizes here and there, so yes, memory handling is a big headache for the time being, as you can see from the above image, psix is very eye-candy, and that eye candy takes up space, something which is like gold-dust to the psp.
Yet more problems!, i'm having a weird issue with the dropdown config menu, in that if you open the OSK or menu's whilst the animation of the dropdown is playing, the shell completely crashes!, ah well, for the sake of closure, i will now list current features and planned features, and features i've noted but removed for practicle reasons
Current features :
- Load icon image from homebrew eboot (currently loads the corner of the image :P, not very useful yet).
- Draggable icons with location's stored to conf.db (so it's like you left it when you restart).
- Renamable shortcuts.
- Changable icon images.
- OSK (Onscreen keyboard, see below).
- My PSP setup configuration (change psp settings such as region, button configuration, language, etc).
- Switchable background wallpapers, Background tiles if the image doesn't fit, will stretch too (from config) eventually.
- MP3 Player with fully working visual equaliser, though currently it goes out of sync/slows down unless you set cpu to 333 (needs optimising, crashes when large mp3's are played).
- UMD Config (to-do, will allow playback of any region umd video, bypassing firmware requirement).
- ISO Tab (This is NOT an iso loader, it will allow people to create homebrew iso packs, so they can easilly transfer different packs without moving multiple files, it also means homebrew developers can release single-file applications, and eliminate the need for specific file placement).
- Net tab (Not for browser, calm down!, it's for network updates of the psix shell, and for homebrew iso packs)
- FTPD (FTP Daemon, to allow ftp access to the psp via wifi
Read more at http://www.naoneo.com/
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September 15th, 2005, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Ok so now the White PSP has been released and basically the question is White or Black, which is the nicest.
Having looked at both i am starting to favour the White PSP with its improved buttons regardless of firmware 
Make your coments and vote, thisll be interesting
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September 16th, 2005, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Ok this isnt really what we cover but this trailer was made for PSP and works perfect and at a tad under 6 megs its well worth it. Certainly gets me in the mood for the upcoming film and games from november onwards.
Download the Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire Trailer for PSP via the comments 
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September 16th, 2005, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK are selling the Ceramic White PSP for an incredible $249.99 dollars thats an amazing 30 dollars cheaper than some of the bigger PSP stores and they have plenty in stock 
heres what you get:
What's inside the box
PSP Console (x1)
100V-220V Power Adaptor (x1)
Rechargeable Battery (x1)
Hand Strip (x1)
Protective Soft Bag (x1)
32MB Memory Stick Pro Duo (x1)
Travel Adaptor (x1)
So $249 is about £130 to me, (i may get myself one ), more info at SuccessHK
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September 16th, 2005, 08:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Sony Computer Entertainment intends to turn the PSP into more than just a game machine, as revealed at a press conference held today in Tokyo. At the conference, the company announced Talkman, a translation program and a PSP USB microphone (which may or may not be utilized in future PSP games). The device will be released on November 17 in Japan, pre-orders are now welcome.
Talkman accepts verbal input via a headset microphone. Speak some words in one language and the software instantly translates them into the specified language of your choosing. The game lets you select from different situations and nine languages. A bird character called Max interacts with you as you play.
Preorders are at $69
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September 16th, 2005, 08:35 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP-Dev team released this news:
We want to announce that the colaboration between the two groups has been completly finished without success. We also want to announce that WAB has been disolved. The relatioship between the two groups were vanishing days ago (some of our members were banned from their server) and there is no progress with the colaboration.
In addition, the downgrader project (never finished) is immediatelly cancelled (it is not an excuse, we can't explain our reasons, but are enough to do this).
Time for meditation...
Hmm more to come on this im sure there will be.
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September 16th, 2005, 08:37 Posted By: wraggster
Now there was no way on earth it was real because an Xbox isnt going to emulate at any decent speed a PSP but Matt Fazzer got a supposed C&D from Sony nearly a week ago, so here it is:
"hello guys, I'm having serious trouble with my host. I have also received an important email, threatening court action for the production of my playstation portable emulator. I therefore, cannot continue my work with PSPemu I am very sorry for all the inconvenience this may have caused the PSP community. I would just hate to get into serious trouble. Thanks alot to all the people who were there for me throughout the project, and thanks to all the people on the psp-hacks forums for supporting me and
participating in the logo competition.
mattfazzer will be re-opening in October, offering news,reviews,previews and ISO release lists. I will also be working on brand new JavaScript apps on top of various legal homebrew applications. Once again i am very sorry for the sudden end to this project...and I also apologize to Sony.
People are welcome to contact me using the following:
MSN Messenger:matt_farrow62@msn.com
Thanks Again
Dubious it all was
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September 16th, 2005, 08:46 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender sent me a fantastic email with great screenshots of their new PSP TV accessorie, which means youll be watching and playing PSP Games and UMDs on a TV Soon, heres the scoop:
We are pround to annonce that PSP2TV is in its final stages of
development. This easy to use product feature a docking station for the
SONY PSP so that its image can be displayed on a TV (plasma, LCD and
HDTV). It also allow you to use your Sony PS2 dual shock controller on
your PSP!!! As usual Team X-tender offers the highest quality in our
products. Below are some pictures of the PSP2TV in action. The commerical
launch date will be announced very soon. Interested wholesellers and
retailer; magazine and media companies please contact
Sales@teamxtender.com for more information regarding this product.
Tons more screenshots inside 
Thanks to Team Xtender forthe email/release 
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September 16th, 2005, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
And for once it isnt PSP or DS related but its from the Nintendo Revolution Console, the controller has been released to the public and its very different to say the least, heres a looksy:
Check out all the Revolution News at our sister site the top source of pure Nintendo Revolution news ---> The Revolution --> http://revolution.dcemu.co.uk/
Normal Service has now been resumed 
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September 16th, 2005, 17:37 Posted By: ginerbolox
hi there i'm really struggling to find a mod chip installer i've bought a matrix infinity chip but no one will install it cause i did'nt buy from them does anyone know of anybody in the doncaster area who will fit it for me
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September 16th, 2005, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
This annoys and makes me smile at the same time, over at Play Asia they have for sale (released today) 2 new Adult UMD Movies that are region free, now the thing is why cant all bloody UMDs be region free, why do we have to suffer the same crap that we do with DVDs, roll on when someone makes a Region free UMD movie hack.
Heres those Adult Films on UMD should any of you over 18s want to know 
Risa and Iku! Love 2 Date
h.m.p Nice, the Body LOVE
Although they wont send to Europe it still makes u want Sony to make all UMD films region free.
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September 16th, 2005, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Psychondrius messaged me this news 
Andy Fung just released a new version of his popular DJSP homebrew app for PSP.... but its not known as DJSP anymore....
PSPAdvance is the latest version of the popular DJSP Media Player for PSP. It now allows you to create stunning effects from MP3 soundwaves, play MP3 Audio Games and manipulate visualizations. PSPAdvance also features easy
PC to PSP syncronization, 1-click file transfers and an iTunes-style content network for your PSP.
Advance Features:
- Manipulate Visuals
- Share Files
- 10 Visualizations
- 10-Band Equalizer
- MP3 Audio Games
- PC-to-PSP Sync
- 1 Click Transfers
- FREE Downloads
More information: http://www.andyfung.net/
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September 17th, 2005, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
Got a special news article for those wanting to buy a <a href="http://www.gbax.com/main.pl?indexgp2x.html" target="_blank" >GP2X</a> before the rest of the world can get their hands on one.
For those that dont know theres a new contender of the Future King of Homebrew Consoles and that console is the GP2X, the console itself is basically a Portable Linux Machine with Dual Cpus running at 200Mhz Each, one of the amazing things about this machine is that Gamepark Holdings have made the Console fully Open Source so that means youll see lots of Emulators and Homebrew on the GP2X from the word go. Some of the Emulation scenes best programmers have already said they are working on it and that includes people like LDChen (PSone Emu), Chui (Snes and NeoCD Emus) theres already a Gameboy emulator running on the console and with the backing of a mass of Developers you will have the ultimate console without the unfair obstructions that Sony and others force on us.
Heres some details off the site:
To sum up the GP2X:
It can play games. It can play your Movies. It can play your music. It can view photos. It can read Ebooks. It runs on just 2 AA batteries - And it can do all this in the palm of your hand or on your TV screen.
Yes that's right, this handheld can connect to the TV, console style. Watch your DivX movies on the TV. Play emulated classics on the TV. Try big screen Quake. Or just play them all on the GP2X's large 320*240 backlit screen. You get the best of both worlds.
It runs the free Linux operating system. This means a whole world of Games, Utilities and Emulators are at your disposal. Quake, Doom, SNES, Megadrive, MAME, Media players and Applications to name just a few.
It's powerful - Two 200mhz CPU's with 64meg of RAM, custom graphics hardware and decoding chips. Takes SD cards and has 64M of NAND memory. Plenty to play with. One of the most powerful and advanced handhelds today.
That means it can play movies without any re-encoding. Just put them onto an SD card. Any size. Any resolution. No messing about. The GP2X scaling chip will resize to fit the screen. No other handheld can do that.
Heres a screenshot:
<img src="http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/blackandwhite.jpg">
Check out the Worldwide Official Seller of the GP2X at this early Sneak Peak address here --> http://www.gbax.com/main.pl?indexgp2x.html
Also Check out our GP2X site Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/
One thing to remember you can buy it now from them and its advisable to do so as the first shipment will be in limited numbers.
Mouth Watering eh 
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September 17th, 2005, 10:39 Posted By: Mourningstar
Does anyone know how to use the Genesis emu that comes with ARMAX? Ive tried what the manual has said 4 times and I cant get it to work...

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September 17th, 2005, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
MadButch has released his awesome Tetris type game HaCKaH in our PSP Emulation and homebrew forum, heres what he says:
My PC Tetris game HaCKeR has been ported to the PSP under the name HaCKaH. The game only contains the main single player part of HaCKeR, because I don't have the hardware to test out the network modes. So the excellent CoOp mode will unfortunately have to wait until a future update.
MP3 support is another thing on the MIA list. I did convert the game's music to wav, but it would be 25 Mb of music (and a 20Mb additional download), so I have postponed music support as well.
Download at the release thread Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10850
Thanks to MadButch for releasing this new game on our forums 
UPDATE : Made a v1.0 PSP release and more screenshots on the download page
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September 18th, 2005, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang sent me the Deluxe UMD Protective Case for Review, heres a screenshot of it:
Heres an excerpt from the review:
The protector is a little bigger than the size of the UMD and width ways its about the size of 4 together, it can hold 2 UMDs or 1 UMD and 2 Memory Cards. The UMDs/Cards are held in an airtight compartment thats made of good quality plastic and comes with labels too. Seperating the Shelfs(for want of a better word) was a little fiddly the first time around but once your used to it, its as easy as childs play.
Read the rest of the review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/deluxeUMDcase-review.shtml
Thanks again to Lik Sang for the review sample.
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September 19th, 2005, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
Tonight we got our hands on what seems to be a newer version of the GBA emulator for the PSP, the last release was in June and i can verify its the same emulator but the file size is different and date on the file shows todays date. the emulator does seem faster although i have no way of being 100% correct, so with that in mind for those interested, check out what for now we have named VBA For PSP v004?, download it here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/vbapsp.shtml
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September 19th, 2005, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ap0calypse in our Doom, Quake and Game Modding Forum has posted a great tutorial on how to merge wad files for Doom-PSP, heres part of what he posted:
I have put together a tutorial on using WinTex for anyone who wants to learn how to merge wad files and use the modded Doom wad file on their PSP. See the attached file...
Download WinTex 5.0: http://zephyr.doomrepublic.com/files/wintex50.zip
Also I have compiled a list of wads that I have tested and work on my PSP
My PSP Specs
-firmware version 1.5
-32Mb pro duo memory stick (the one you get with the value pack)
-PSPDOOM version 0.04u1
These wads I have tested don't need to be merged with the doom2.wad but need to be named doom2.wad and put in your \PSP\GAME\DOOM-PSP\WADS directory.
Working Wads without merging:
-Duke3d, only one level of duke madness 8/10
-Half Life, looks nice but doesn't truly represent half life's greatness 8/10
-Quake2, good wad with sound but the PSP-QUAKE port is better 7/10
-Heretic, excellent quality wad this one really suprised me 8/10
These next wads I have merged with doom2.wad. If your not sure on how this is done read my tutorial I have attached to this post.
Working merged wads:
-Doom64, Classic Doom style WOW! 10/10
-Fistfull of Doom, western mod absolutly brilliant, Download it Now! 10/10
-Simpsons, another excelent mod if your a fan get it now! 10/10
-Pinochestien, mix of wolfenstien and doom (In Spanish!) suprizingly good 10/10 (download came with Legacy port so you can play on your PC too)
-Fallout, updates the graphics of Doom2, excellent wad 9/10
-Otakon, crazy anime madness plays OK 8/10
-DragonBallZ, strange mod this one but if your a fan its not bad 7/10
-Sub Zero, another weird mod but it plays OK 7/10
-Star Wars, this was OK no new levels though 7/10
-Zombie, have you seen Dawn of the Dead? well this is sort of like it! dodgy graphics though 7/10
-Aliens, dodgy graphics and hard (even on easy) maps are complicated 7/10
To read more and find the awesome tutorial check out our Doom, Quake and Game Modding Forum Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...4&page=7&pp=10
Thanks to Ap0calypse for the great Tutorial that will help all Doom Noobs like me 
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September 19th, 2005, 04:28 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender posted this news
As per expected, the announcement of PSP2TV has caused an uproar of feedback to us here at Team Xtender, whilst this feedback and support has been incredibly overwhelming there stills seems to be a few of you who are confused about the compatability of this product. Initialy PSP2TV was designed to work with only LCD, Plasma and HDTV type TV sets, however we have continuously poured masses of finance into the development of PSP2TV in order to make it compatible with ALL TV sets and as you can see from the pictures released earlier this week, the PSP2TV is now compatible with ALL TV types! Just one more time to make it clear, PSP2TV will work with ALL tv types and not limited just to those fancy ones. Now, we'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a few other misconceptions you may have about the PSP2TV, firstly the PSP2TV install is a breeze - we guarantee it will take you less than five minutes to do as all it involves is changing the PSP face
plate (which we supply) and using the docking station to enjoy your PSP on the big screen! It's a super simple solderless install and suitable for ALL gamers regardless of D.I.Y panache.
As you have just read, we will supply a PSP faceplate with the PSP2TV free of charge as this is of paramount importance to the installation of the product. Well guess what ? You guessed right! We will be offering the PSP faceplates in the future as a standalone product at a competitive price.
Moreover they will be available in a range of vibrant colours including our famous liquid crystal, ruby red and brilliant blue to name a few. We hope this update has put your mind at ease and confirms your intuition that this is a truly revolutionary product for the PSP. You can expect us to release more information and a video showing you the install procedure in the near future. Once again we'd like to thankyou all for your support and look forward to more of your kind comments.
We almost forgot to mention, some of you have been commenting that the pic showing PSP2TV connected up to the TV was fake previously, however this isn't the case at all - it just so happens that one of our dumb beta testers forgot to switch the aspect ratio on the device and the picture became a little distorted!
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September 20th, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK the Hong Kong Shop have posted 3 new releases for the PSP. (probably not new for USA but for Europe they will)
<b>PSP Burnout Legends US ver. </b>
Burnout Legends sets the bar for on-the-go automotive anarchy, combining the series' trademark speed, destruction and depth with new PSP-only features, gameplay refinements and connectivity. Gamers can look forward to eight gameplay modes, including crash, road rage and pursuit, with white-knuckle multiplayer via WiFi, and a GameShare option allowing players to wirelessly share a demo level of the game with friends. In development by Criterion Games, Burnout Legends delivers updated versions of the most explosive moments from BurnoutTM, BurnoutTM 2: Point of Impact and BurnoutTM 3: TakedownTM, with new gameplay, new cars and new surprises
<b>PSP GripShift US ver. </b>
GripShift is a PSP game that combines high-flying stunt driving and unique puzzle-solving action in an all-out, pedal-to-the-metal racing experience. Play as one of six unique characters in a customizable vehicles preforming stunts through twisting levels while collecting power-ups, avoiding traps, beating the clock and challenging friends. Featuring more than 100 levels of puzzle-like challenges in fun, vibrant environments, and additional bonus games, players can race solo or with up to three other players via the PSP system?s built-in wireless feature.GripShift is a stunt racing game with puzzle challenges and more than 100 levels.Also featuring enhanced aerial physics with an intuitive control system, players will perform awesome aerial jumps for massive hang time in puzzle-like driving challenges with multiple routes, short-cuts, loops, jumps and power ups. Compete in single player race mode against the CPU, or enjoy multiplayer action with your friends in head-to-head wireless multiplayer. Create and design custom levels to share with your friends or play in one of eight bonus games for outrageous fun. It's an original break-thru combination of stunt driving, platform action and puzzle solving, designed exclusively for the PSP system.
<b>PSP MediEvil Resurrection US ver. </b>
MediEvil Resurrection puts players in the role of Sir Daniel Fortesque to embark on a gothic journey of redemption to defeat the evil sorcerer Zarok. Inspired by the myths, characters, and environments of the popular PS one franchise, MediEvil Resurrection provides players with an enchanting storyline filled with numerous levels and gameplay locations, supported with various characters, enemies, weapons, and mini-games that take place in the realm of Gallowmere. In addition, using Wi-Fi gameplay via Ad Hoc mode, players can compete head-to-head in various arcade-style mini games.
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September 20th, 2005, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Now this is cool news, heres the latest news on the cracking PSP Faceplate above:
The long awaited launch day for the PSP replacement faceplates is finally here. Following months of hardwork and non-stop refinements to the final product, we are proud to Introduce the Xipod White and the Ferrari Red faceplate colors as follows :
Next in line on the production bench is the Chrysalis Blue and Liquid SIlver. The launch date for these colors will be made known later.
Customers who have made a pre-order will have priority allocations for the stock. Those who wish to make a pre-order can still do so by sending us an email. Pre-ordering ends 30 September 2005. Click on the PSP Faceplate tab on the top menu to access the buying section for the PSP faceplates. Information on the package contents is also available there. Book early to avoid disappointment as we are catering to our pre-order customers first.
Check out the site here --> http://www.e-linksoft.com/
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September 20th, 2005, 22:43 Posted By: Silty Panther
Hi everyone. I am an admin from Gamer Invasion. Gamer Invasion is a place where you can enter in Clan Ladders, Leagues, and Tournaments. We have Xbox and PS2 ladders. Some Xbox Clan Ladders include, Halo 2, Forza Motorsports, Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike and much more. Some PS2 ladders include, Killzone, Rainbow Six 3, and Socom II. See www.gamerinvasion.com for the Leagues and Tournaments details. Come on down and check Gamer Invasion out at, www.gamerinvasion.com
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September 21st, 2005, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Joystiq are runing a story about a company selling Replacement DIY LCD Screen Sets for $70 but i had a quick look around and Divineo China also stock the Replacement LCD Screen for $45 (worldwide shipping)
<a href="http://www.divineo.cn/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=psp-tft"><img src="http://www.divineo.cn/divineo/images/products/psp-tft-s.jpg" border="0" alt="Buy replacement TFT lcd screen here"></a>
Always pays to look 
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September 21st, 2005, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Over in a French forum theres apparently a version of the Downgrader in Beta that stops at 98% (and no it doesnt get any further) i strongly advise not to use it and also i strongly advise to not download any files marked as downgraders unless the legit PSP scene say they work.
PSPs cost too much money to lose them by bricking them because of the want to run homebrew. If your so desperate to run homebrew then swap your PSP with someone whos not bothered. Alternativly go and buy a PSP v1.5 from a shop that sells them ( i do know that SuccessHK are advertising v1.5 PSPs on their site) or finally why not keep your PSP as ultimate handheld that it is and go buy a GP2X which at launch is boasting a Gameboy Colour emulator and Video Player and with all of the GP32 Emulation Scenes best coders working on Homebrew and Emulators it wil be a real killer console for the amateur coder scene.
So one last time dont download any downgraders and dont go messing with the flash dir on your PSP Memcard.
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September 21st, 2005, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
This is great news for V2.0 owners and lets be fair you need it. Heres the description of what the PSP Adventure Maker is:
What you can create with this version is any game that involves static pictures and/or point-and-click puzzles. Here are some examples:
- first-person adventure games
- quiz games
- educational software
- interactive visits (museums, sites...)
- tour guides
- interactive presentations and brochures
- interactive comics
- other point-and-click software
Downloads and tons more info are available at the site here --> http://www.adventuremaker.com/
Is it time to make a V2.0 section and forum for releases, well lets see how it goes 
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September 22nd, 2005, 08:11 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix in this PSP Emulation and Hombrew forum topic -> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11078 posted news of the latest release of one of the best emulators for the PSP and the only AtariST emulator., heres whats new:
Release 005
FIX: Handle more than 250 disk images/savestates (up to about a thousand now 
NEW: Added goofy ST-like unpack effect at load time -
'unpack demo' for a few secs, wait a sec, 'black' and menu as normal
NEW: Can set throttle to 60Hz, 50Hz, or even 30Hz, or unthrottle
NEW: Added scaling menu, so you can specify..
o Scale 1:1 with centering
o Scale fullscreen with smoothing
o Scale fullscreen without smoothing
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml and leave feedback/credits for Skeezix Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11078
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September 22nd, 2005, 08:24 Posted By: wraggster
Denitro in this PSP Emulation News forum Topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11069 has posted a new release of his PSP Homebrew game, heres some details:
Your Mission:
- Defend Earth from the Evil Space Mutants!
You'll be flying a top secret spaceship armed with 4 directional Laser cannons.
Each level will have 3 waves of Evil Space Mutants to battle. See if you can defeat the Evil Mutant Boss!
Heres whats new in this latest Version:
9/20/05 - 0.2
Analog Support Added Due to Popular Demand!
Added Highscore List
Updated Main Menu and Pause Screen
Difficulty Slightly Lowered (Increased buffer size around player during new waves)
Boss Difficulty slightly increased
Fixed Bug with Power Up on Boss Level
Fixed Bug with Podgun firing on player spawn right away
Other Minor Changes
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/attackofthemutants.shtml and leave feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11069
Thanks to Denitro for posting the release on our forums 
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September 22nd, 2005, 12:36 Posted By: daljsd
Hello, Im after an easy super Nintendo emulator to play on my slim PS2.
my PS2 has not been chipped as it is fairly new and dont want to void warranty.
I want to be able to play ols skool classics like . . . Mario World on my PS2
can anyone help ?
Thanks in advance 
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September 22nd, 2005, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has a released an early WIP Radio app for the PSP, heres the details:
I've been working on getting an internet radio client for the PSP.
I want it to support shoutcast servers, and for starters support MP3 format.
I'll worry about the interface later.
I got a C++ framework all set up already. This will allow people to develop applications for the PSP with sound/networking support a lot easier to do.
I got the networking to work too. (The profile is selectable via a config file, along with the mp3 file/stream(url)).
More.. I got the app in a state where it can play an mp3 file perfectly, and also an mp3 stream from a URL!!!!
More things to do (In no particular priority order)
-Nicer user interface
-Support for v1 playlists
-Support for v2 playlists
-Metadata retrieval (display song title from a online stream)
-ID3 tag parsing
-AAC support
-better shoutcast server support
-more configuration availability (buffers, etc)
Heres also the latest version news:
-I have playlist (v1) support working now.
-If anybody knows of a free hosting service with subversion support (like sf.net but with subversion instead of cvs), please let me know.
Download and try for youself from HERE --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
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September 22nd, 2005, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Got a great email tonight from a Frech Coder called Alain, heres what he posted and for v2.0 fans its nice to see something for you to play 
My name is Alain Fernandes , I'm old french programmer... ( Look my résumé ) I write this mail to annonce the adaption othello game on PSP 2.0 .... I use the browser... ( Yes is bad ... but , I waiting my PSP 1.5 )
The installation is easy donwload the PC installation from www.inthepockets.com ( 681 ko, but 90 ko only on the PSP ) The javascript on the PSP is not very fast This work is based in the online version
www.emurcomputing.co.uk ( I have the autorisation from the orginal programmer ) I'work on 2 new games ( puzzle game ) ... but I have
lot of work with my true job....
Excuse me for my bad english...
Very thanks,
Alain Fernandes
Awesome news and thanks for the great email Alain 
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September 22nd, 2005, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
YourStillWithMe has done a great review of the Madden game for the PSP and has important information regarding it too.
Heres a bit from the review:
Can you say E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T? These graphics are the most amazing thing i've ever seen on a handheld system. You played the DS version? That is like an Atari game compared to the PSP. The only thing that i thought was dissapointing and thats why its not a 10 is because you dont see there faces pretty much AT ALL. But its not like its an Xbox, right? Good job right here EA!
Read the review of Madden NFL 2006 by YourStillWithMe here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11122
Thanks to YourStillWithMe for a great review and remember we want your PSP UMD. Game and Accessories Reviews and especially reviews of any Logitech and the white PSP. Post your reviews Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=86
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September 23rd, 2005, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
There are not very many new features, but hey.. its perfect.
I'd sincerely like to thank dmcbudman, carlos, and malcdogg for helping me develop the compiler which now boasts this feature list:
-Checks for updates automatically
-Tabbed Interface, for ease of use
-Added alot more documentation
-Will export title.db standalone
-Will export files like 2.2 used to (without changing it to iso or xps)
-Ouputs in .BIN, and XPS for savebuilder.
-Allows you to add your own files in.
-No Elf files included.
-Added Bootable CD Feature (where instead of booting the exploit installer, it boots the loader so you can use the apps
on the cd without installing them. If you need to install them run the EXPINST.ELF file included on the disc!
-Allows selection of network support or not.
-Outputs IPCONFIG.DAT AND CONFIG.DAT (for execftp)
-Now selects correct screen mode depending on region in system.cnf
-Supports multiple title id codes.
download below (via the comments)
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September 23rd, 2005, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender posted this news and screenshot above:
As promised we have new pictures for the PSP2TV. As show below with a regular TV, the PSP2TV allows the end user to switch from 16:9 to 4:3 . On the right hand side the 16:9 picture displayed on the regular TV would be exactly the same proportional dimensions of the PSP LCD screen. We are also proud to announce that the final product will feature S-video for those of you who have HDTV this is going to give you PSP quality output on your TV.
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September 23rd, 2005, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted news that they are taking preorders for the PSP2TV, heres what they posted:
We are now taking preorder for one of the most awaited product on PSP: The PSP2TV. This revolutionary product let you connect your PSP to any TV screen (without any soldering) and you can plug a PS2 controller on the back of it and play games ON YOUR TV. Available 15th of October! Reserve yours now
<a href="http://www.divineo.cn/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=psp-2tv"target="_blank"><img src="http://www.divineo.cn/divineo/images/products/psp-2tv-s.jpg" border="0" alt="Preorder PSP2TV"></a>
- Supports all TV models.
- Recharge your PSP while connected on docking station.
- Connect with RGB, AV or S-Video!
- Supports all PS2 controllers (plug in at back of docking station).
- 'Turbo' mode.
- Comes with a docking Station for connecting PSP to TV display and a face plate.
- Picture display can be adjusted in 4:3 or 16:9 TV mode.
More details about the PSP2TV HERE
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September 23rd, 2005, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
a spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment has clarified comments made by CEO Howard Stringer recently regarding a spring launch for PS3.
"Ken Kutaragi, president of SCE, announced a spring target date for the launch of PlayStation 3 at this year's E3, and it appears that Sir Howard confirmed it at yesterday's strategy meeting," the spokesperson said.
"We have not yet announced detailed launch dates for each region," he continued, adding: "If you look at how close Microsoft announced release dates to the launch of the Xbox 360, it's rather unrealistic to expect PS3 dates now."
Microsoft made its announcement at the Tokyo Game Show last week, informing a packed press conference that the Xbox 360 would launch in North America on November 22, in Europe on December 2 and in Japan on December 10.
Industry insiders believe it's unlikely that Sony will follow suit and adopt such a short global launch window - indications are that the PS3 will go on sale in Japan around April or May, with European and US launches expected later in the year. Some analysts have even predicted that the console won't make it outside of Japan until 2007.
It's a question of whether history will repeat itself - Sony's PlayStation Portable handheld finally launched in Europe on September 1, nine months after it was released in Japan and five months after the US launch.
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September 24th, 2005, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Theres a real exploit been found in V2.0 PSPs, the group who are behind it are unknown at this time and sites are claiming its there find when thats rubbish but anyway heres the full readme.txt:
First Homebrew Code on 2.00
1. Set wallpaper to frame_buffer.png (without overflow.tif present
in the PHOTO directory, or it will crash).
2. Add overflow.tif to the PHOTO directory, and open into the photo
viewer. Custom code to paint the screen! Or to write a homebrew
app! Not to run illegal games.
How It Works?
1. The PNG contains a small amount of code in a known, fixed place
(the VRAM). If to look closely at the wallpaper, sees small
coloured pixels in the right down. The pixels are Allegrex
opcodes, with the highest byte all zero for the ALPHA. These
pixels do:
syscall 0x20C7 ; sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll
slt a0, zero, sp ; put 1 into a0
sll a0, a0, 6 ; put 64 into a0
addiu a0, sp, a0 ; get screen painter address over SP
jr a0 ; jump to the screen painter
nop ; branch delay slot
2. The TIFF contains also some code and a buffer to trigger the
known BitsPerSample overflow in libtiff in the photo viewer.
The buffer makes a jump to the VRAM which has the PNG colours
by overwriting the safed ra (return address) on the stack.
The VRAM code uses SP and calculates the address of the buffer
then runs it. Then it jumps there. The screen is yellow as
the colour was 0x12345678 in Hex.
PSP Users:
We didn't do this so you could steal from Sony and game companies.
We believe in OSS. There are plenty of amazing programs that have
been written for the PSP. Use this as a gift and not as an excuse
to steal.
If you wanted to find us i know you could. This release wasn't
intended as a way to run pirated software on the PSP. We believe
that everyone should be able to compile their own code and run it.
Nothing is kept secret forever and i'm sure you know this.
In the end, if it wasn't us. It would be some one else.
Fighting it would be like skating up a hill. You did create the
PSP and did an amazing job.
To the people of the Toc2rta development network. You're our phone
a friend. With out your friendship this would never of happened.
I hope this brings you as much happiness as it brings us.
Join us on irc.toc2rta.com.
Most importantly... Have fun!
There you have it, the files can be downloaded below (via the comments)
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September 24th, 2005, 13:33 Posted By: wraggster
The same group (with no official homepage) who released the V2.0 exploit yesterday have today released a new what they call a Pure Binary Loader, heres the readme:
Pure binary loader.
* it's loaded at 0x08810000
* it's max 64 kB
* it's pure binary MIPS code
* you have to use syscalls and not NIDs
* it runs in user space!
* it's called h.bin (paint screen blue yay!) in the root of the MemoryStick
Set the frame_buffer.png as background like before and Place the new overflow.tif in the photos dir and the h.bin on the memory stick. It loads ms0:/h.bin
Interesting stuff eh, the 64kb limit is going to be a major hurdle but at last it SEEMS that things are looking up for PSP V2.0 owners and a much safer way than flashing your firmware.
Download via the comments (can V2.0 owners upload screens and post any findings.)
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September 24th, 2005, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories is coming in October around the 24th according to Lik Sang, heres some info:
This PlayStation Portable GTA edition is an all-new game set in the seedy, sprawling underworld of Liberty City, the New York-Chicago hybrid that was also the crime scene for Grand Theft Auto III. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with the franchise creators at Rockstar North, you can expect all manner of adult felonies from car theft to robberies, murders and more. As has become a standard for the ambitious and controversial series, Liberty City Stories will shine on Sony's handheld with interactive, open environments, superb voice talent and diverse, cool music.
Preorders being took at Lik Sang
We also have a ton of screenshots thanks to IGN
Check them out via the comments:
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September 24th, 2005, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of his Radio App for the PSP, heres whats new:
This new version has:
-Corrected problem where the app froze when exiting while paused/stopped.
(was caused because threads where suspended/asleep)
-Now can play lower samplerate streams (22K, 11K, etc) let me know well this works, since I only tried it with one at 22KHz.
-Integrated socket header files from NetBSD.
-Socket recv and send timeout set to 3 seconds.
-Corrected problems with httpget that would cause the decoding thread to freeze if the connection failed.
-Preliminary playlist support (version 1). Use the shoulder buttons L (prev) and R (next) to navigate the list.
** This is still work in progress ** Don't expect this version to be perfect, it's just an enhanced 0.1 **
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
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September 24th, 2005, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
Loco001 released over at MaxConsole (yes i had to email the coder to get the true source of the news) a new release of his Menuedit Prog for the PSP:
The program now supports changing the Startup sound from your PSP. How it works? First of all you need to get a wave file which is around 3 seconds long, that wave file has to be PCM and 16 BIT. Then you start MFAudio select ur wave file as the input and as the output u set the filename and set the channels to 1 (mono) and the frequency to 44100 Hz (others may work too!-but i didnt test (lazyness)). Then click process and u get a new VAG File. Startup my PSPMenuEdit 0.2 and go to the 'Edit Coldboot Startup Sound' Box. Browse for the opening_plugin.rco there. Then if u like u can click extract to get the current sound from the file but thats not needed. So when u want to insert ur new VAG File just click the reinsert Button and load ur new vag file. the program does the rest for u. The original file is 100.880 byte so ur new file CANT BE BIGGER, is the program notices that tis bigger it exits, if it sees that its smaller it padds it and inserts the new padded file into the opening_plugin.rco. Then the header gets patched and all is done, u can test ur file with the firmwaerlauncher from MPH or just have the balls and flash it to ur new firmware with the newest PSPSet that Placasoft will release veryyyy soon .
I included a sound (holyshit.vag) as an examples - just try it, it sounds cool on my PSP.
Download at the Release Thread
Thanks to Loco001 for teling me the correct release thread 
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September 24th, 2005, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his PCEngine emulator for the PSP, cant tell you whats new but until i get a translation download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/huepsp.shtml
Update- Geise69 posted this:
OK this is nice to see! You can now access the options menu screen again, but sadly this still seems way more unstable than HUE 0.60. DraculaX crashes this emu trying to load the first level. There is also no music in Ys Book I&II. There was in 0.61. I found that 0.61 was a bit more stable as far as SuperCD emulation was concerned. The sad thing is for .61 you had to do your changes in the .60 menu then copy the .cfg file in to your .61 folder which was a major pain. Also this .61a2 version doesn't seem to support .zip files! I'll try more SuperCD games and see how they run, but it looks like I'd stick with .60 still. It's great to see the author still working on this though.
Thanks for the info 
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September 24th, 2005, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Groepaz has released the first Homebrew Code on the PSP v2.0 in the form of Hello World, we shall see where this goes, the hello world is written on top of the graphics so is this a real exploit to play homebrew, well we shall see.
Source- PSPHacks
toc2rta free development network have done it again - one step closer to full homebrew on the 2.0!
Pure binary loader.
* it’s loaded at 0×08810000
* it’s max 64 kB
* it’s pure binary MIPS code
* you have to use syscalls and not NIDs
* it runs in user space!
* it’s called h.bin (Hello world) in the root of the MemoryStick
Set the frame_buffer.png as background like before and Place the new overflow.tif in the photos dir and the h.bin on the memory stick. It loads ms0:/h.bin
Download ‘Hello World’ for v2.0 and source below (via the comments)
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September 25th, 2005, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher (No Official Website) has released what looks like a windows for PSP, it actually does look like Windows XP on boot up, heres the scoop from the readme:
This is basically a windows shell, inspired by fluff.( you pwn fluff ) It's in its very early stage considering I made this in only the last couple of days. I hope to include more features , and eventually transfer it over to C++ for even more functionality. Right now it only includes one game made by myself called TehPwn, but I hope to add more games. I have added the ability to change the speed of the cursors falling and the speed of the line moving in teh pwn.
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspwindows.shtml
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September 25th, 2005, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
Just to make things clear, at this time the new exploit doesnt run any of the Emulators and Real Homebrew on this Site, yes its a great find but unlike the PSP-Dev Exploit where you could run Homebrew from the word go this doesnt have that feature, whats needed is a boot loader of sorts to enable you to run homebrew, and someone on slashdot posted this which sums it up nicely:
So far only binaries smaller than 64KB can be run and only in user mode not kernel mode. NO ACCESS TO KERNEL NO DIRECT ACCESS TO FIRMWARE Still a long way to go before a full exploit.
So there you go, ive no doubt that some smart git will find a way and thank god its not some Downgrader that will brick your PSP. Until theres real proof that real homebrew can be run on this exploit i should just wait patiently.
Anyway theres been 3 releases of v2.0 text mods for want of a better word 2 variants of Hello World and more interesting the Creator of PSP Advance has released Starfield, heres what he says:
Based on the original 2.0 exploit code. I just love star fields. I blame it on the old qbasic days. Written by me: Lok Tai (Andy) Fung da DJSP/PSPAdvance guy. source is included for all you dev folks. I did this for fun. Absolutely no use whatsoever. It was interesting writing this program when I don't even have a 2.0 yet. I had to scour the irc channels for someone to help. Thanks FlongP. Shameless plug: PSPAdvance Coming soon. And thanks again to Groepaz/Hitman for the exploit code.
All downloads via the comments
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September 25th, 2005, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Placa messaged me the original release thread for the newest release of PSPSet, heres whats new:
Change Gameboot (video)
* Change Gameboot
Copy a gameboot.pmf from "ms:/gameboot.pmf" to your PSP firmware. The
source file must not be larger than 1MB
* Backup Gameboot
Make a backup of your current gameboot.pmf to "ms:/gameboot.pmf" on your
memory stick
* Delete Gameboot
This will delete your gameboot, the games will now load without the movie!
* Restore Original Gameboot
Restore the default gameboot
- Change Wallpaper
* Select Month
Select a month you want to change the background. You need to place a
file name according to the month (e.g. if you want to change March, you
need to put a 300*170 BMP file at ý°ms:/03.bmpý±)
* Copy All Wallpaper from 1.1
* Restore All Wallpapers
Now this invloves flashing your PSP and i personally advise against it but for those that want to, you can get the download and more info at the ORIGINAL release thread here --> http://www.psp-arena.de/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=2427
Thanks to Placa again for providing me with the proper link 
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September 26th, 2005, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another V2.0 story and yet again these releases are worthless until the kernel can be wrote to and the screen cleared but ill humour them
Source - PSPHacks
abu has released a firmware dumper that is based on the 2.0 image buffer overflow. It dumps the user memory space (the only memory currently accessable via this method) to the memory stick as ms0:/dump.bin.
Here's how to use this:
Put your PSP into USB mode
Put the frame_buffer.png in psp/photos directory
Set frame_buffer.png as your background image
Put the h.bin in the root directory of the MS
Put the overflow.tif in the psp/photos directory
Exit USB mode and navigate to the Photos section
Wait until the Dumper displays an error
Put your PSP into USB mode again
You should see dump.bin in the root directory of the memory stick.
The file can be opened with a hex editor and contains whatever was in USER memory at the time the dumper was run.
This is all well and good, however, we still need to find a way to get a dumper like this to run in kernel mode.
Download at the link above (ill not host firmware dumpers here for obvious reasons)
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September 26th, 2005, 03:19 Posted By: wraggster
Globware have updated their awesome game for the PSP, heres the info:
I'm creating a public beta for v0.8.2 of Squarez to help test the new multiplayer features.
New Features from v0.8.1 to v0.8.2
* Control Layout options. In this beta, DO NOT use the L1 key and DO NOT change R1 keys. They are currently being used internally.
* Updated pause menus.
* USB Mode - allows you to connect to your PC and transfer new themes, backgrounds etc. Make sure you press Triangle to re-load squarez data if you add new Squarez related data.
* Added Multiplayer using IR port and WIFI Access Port (infrastructure mode)
* Features True collision detection for sprites which are not squares.
More information and Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/squarez.shtml
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September 26th, 2005, 08:25 Posted By: wraggster
pspda5id (no official homepage) has updated the PDF player for the PSP heres whats new:
This is a simple PDF viewer for PSP based on mupdf. To install, copy
psppdf/ psppdf%/ into your PSP/GAME directory. You may place PDFs
anywhere on the memory stick.
What's new (v0.2)
- File browser
- Zooming support
- Remapped buttons, triggers to page up/down, circle/cross to zoom,
triangle/square to page up/down 10 pages
- Use Dpad or analog stick for movement
Download Here -> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pdfforpsp.shtml
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September 26th, 2005, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted this new release:
PS2 EyeFX 3D Adaptor
The eyeFX 3D Adapter ?The world’s only 3D adapter for the Playstation 2. Elevate your game play with stunning out of the screen action where objects really come off the screen and the terrain goes right in to give you a full video game experience. Works with your existing game titles?no need to buy special software ?eyeFX is 3D right out of the box! Get right in the action with Ace Combat 5, Drop Ship, Half Life, Dynasty Warriors, Bounty Hunter, Enter the Matrix, Lara Croft and many more titles are full blown eye-popping 3D when you play them with the eyeFX 3D adapter. The connection is simple ?you unplug your controller and insert it into the eyeFX adaptor cable end. Then plug the eyeFX 3D Adaptor into the console. Now you are ready to play
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September 26th, 2005, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of his PSP Radio App, heres whats new:
Or logging could fill up your memory stick!
PS: from whatsnew.txt:
-Reports of sound skipping on 0.31b. Looking at the code, I realize I forgot to do something when processing metadata.
Hopefully this is corrected now.
-Solved the problem with threads not logging. I needed to use an absolute path to the log file.
-Change your LOG_LEVEL to 50, (or more), so that it doesn't fill up your ms.
-Metadata is only logged (to log file) when it changes.
-Metadata should update faster on the screen now.
Visit PSP-News hosted PSP Radio page:http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
Thanks to Psychondrius for the news and the newspost (how cool is that)
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September 26th, 2005, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Akronym has released a nice visual demo for PSP v2.0 firmware, heres the info:
Based on the starfield 2.0 code which was based on the original 2.0 exploit code. Written by Akronym.
A pixelswarm 2.0
I'm happy someone finally made it possible to run homebrew code on 2.0 and I just had to do something now when I have the possibility. This is just something for you to look at while waiting for the next breakthrough.
Thanks Lok Tai (Andy) Fung for the starfield 2.0 inspiration and Groepaz/Hitman for the exploit code.
Download below (via the comments)
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September 26th, 2005, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
PurePwnage has released a new app for the PSP made with Lua:
MusicNPics will allow a user to view pictures on your PSP while listening to music.
Heres what he said:
Here is the 2nd version of MusicNPics. We're still in development stages and won't include what you want it to include.
ITS ONLY FOR 1.5 and 1.0!
What it does:
Allows you to view pictures and music at the same time on a homebrew enabled PSP. Music format so far is .wav and .mp3 for v0.2. Pictures so far tested are PNG and BMP. JPEG will be allowed in the next version.
Replace in the images folder with what you want (2 maximum allowed and PNG only!).
Replace the sound in the sound folder with a WAV of what you'll like.
Start her up!
When it finishes loading, read the instructions. Apparently you have to hold the button in order to see the pic but that will be fixed in the next version.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/musicnpics.shtml
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September 27th, 2005, 07:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sousuke has released the first playable game for PSP firmware V2.0, heres what he says:
1.) download the file (psp01.tif)
2.) put it in the PHOTO folder (you just need this one file - no background - nothing else).
3.) start it by pressing X on US PSPs (O on JP PSPs) on the PHOTO icon. Don't press Start or slideshow (It will just freeze and shutdown).
4.) if you want to shutdown, you have to hold the power switch for ~10 seconds (you don't have to take the battery out).
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September 27th, 2005, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI.Biz
Hackers have found a security loophole in the most recent version of Sony's PlayStation Portable firmware which may allow the console to run homebrew software, emulators and pirated games again.
The loophole is down to a bug in the new feature that allows users to set their own wallpaper on the device, and can be exploited by placing a specially modified image file on the Memory Stick in the PSP.
At present, only a range of simple applications such as "Hello World" text printers and a version of Atari's classic Pong game have been created that run through this exploit, as hackers only have 64kb of space to use for their code.
However, that limitation is unlikely to hold back homebrew application creators - and pirates - for very long.
"Once you can run unsigned code on the device at all, the floodgates are open," according to a development source who spoke to GamesIndustry.biz this morning. "The chances are that they'll be able to run full size apps and games on version 2 firmware within a couple of weeks."
This will be unwelcome news to Sony, which issued a number of firmware updates last month to try and crack down on earlier security loopholes which allowed homebrew and pirate software to be used on the PSP.
Version 2.00 encouraged users to upgrade by including a web browser, wireless picture sharing and a host of other new functionality, but also beefed up the security on the device significantly - a step which now appears to have been in vain.
(How long before Sony release the 2.5 firmware)
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September 27th, 2005, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Spotted this over at Lik Sang, new commercial game ?
In Guilty Gear XX #Reload, players will be able to experience the fast paced, adrenaline fused, arcade fighting of Guilty Gear X2 # Reload as well as delve into a new Guilty Gear gameplay experience, "Boost Mode" which is a beat-em-up, side-scrolling, action mode featuring 20 Guilty Gear characters. For the first time players will take their favorite Guilty Gear character and be able to battle, by themselves or with a friend via the PSP's wireless connectivity, through hordes of aggressors and dole out their own personal brand of judgment.
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September 27th, 2005, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
The v2.0 software keeps on coming ( i foresee another section soon) and today Elz Development have released a Button Swapper for the PSP and also another Hello World proggy, heres the info:
Button Swapper (for 2.0)
This will swap your JP PSP 2.0 so you can use X (instead of O) as select. 
Yet Another Hello World (for 2.0)
Yet another hello world for 2.0. Personaly I think this one is much better than the first one that came out, because this one got some small basic animations.
Download both via the comments 
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September 27th, 2005, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted 2 new games they have on their site:
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 US ver
Earning the prestigious title of #1 Golfer of All Time is the ultimate challenge and it’s exactly what gamers will experience as Tiger Woods turns up the pressure in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06 for the PSP portable entertainment system.
In Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06 for the PSP portable system, players experience the pressure and intensity of playing against Tiger Woods and the other greats of golf anywhere, anytime. Create a golfer using the most advanced GameFace tools ever used in a handheld game, and battle your way up the all-time leader board in the all-new Rivals mode. With a new PSP portable system-exclusive mini game, 14 licensed golfers, and nine authentic PGA TOUR?courses, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06 for the PSP portable system challenges you to call out your rivals and prove yourself as the greatest golfer ever.
Frogger: Helmet Chaos US ver
The first 3D Frogger game for handheld systems, Frogger Helmet Chaos finds Frogger called upon to stop an evil force that threatens his home, Firefly Swamp, and the nearby kingdom of Bunnington Hollow. To stop the insidious Dr. Wani and his destructive mining efforts, Frogger must use all of his hopping and dodging skills, along with many new talents, to infiltrate the mastermind's lair and bring his evil plans crashing down. Frogger Helmet Chaos features more than 30 levels of single player action, unlockable bonuses and playable characters as well as new mini games which allow up to four players to compete via the wireless capabilities of the Nintendo DS and PSP systems.
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September 27th, 2005, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE- This works on the Ceramic White PSPs and also when you downgrade you can also upgrade back to v2.0 also 
The downgrader for v2.0 down to V1.50 is released and its confirmed working by multiple sources including admin from pspupdates and well as the hitmen team.
For now check out this topic for more info and please dont upload the 1.5 eboot to the forums, the downgrader is ok but the firmware will cause major problems for any site hosting it, youve been warned 
Heres the readme.txt:
Downgrading 2.00 -> 1.50 method
Requires :
- PSP 2.00 (if you have an 1.51 or 1.52, update to 2.00)
- The 1.50 EBOOT.PBP update
- MPHDowngrader
Installation :
- Create a UPDATE folder in PSP/GAME/ folder of your memory stick
- Copy EBOOT.PBP (update 1.50) in UPDATE folder
- Unpack MPHDowngrader.zip
- Copy overflow.tif in your PSP/PHOTO/ folder of your memory stick
- Copy h.bin in root of your memory stick
- Copy index.dat in root of your memory stick
- Plug the AC adaptor
Then, enter in VSHELL PHOTO MENU, this will launch Version Changer.
Create an USB connection and if the Version Changer has been installed, a new file is created in your root of your memory stick (ms0:/index.dat.bak).
Then go to VSHELL GAME MENU and launch 1.50 update.
Follow the instructions ...
Download Below (via the comments) and follow the instructions to the letter
More discussion here -->
More tutorials etc in the comments
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September 28th, 2005, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all PSP Homebrew and Emulation users and esp to all those who have joined us today, we are PSP Emulation News and yes we have a new emulator today released by Urchin, heres the info:
c64psp is a Sony PSP port of Christian Bauer's Frodo C64 emulator.
Currently, disk image handling is not implemented, but pressing "Start" will load the file "snapshot.fss" from the main c64psp directory. USB connectivity is enabled on startup, so simply replace "snapshot.fss" with a snapshot saved from a desktop version of Frodo running your favourite game and just hit "Start" to reload.
Control is limited to emulation of the Port 2 joystick. Diagonals may not seem to work properly, but this seems to be a PSP problem, not an urchin problem. Response seems to improve after a bit of breaking in (of the PSP, not urchin)
Video seems to work well, though is not centered at the moment. Sound is working, but there seems to be some voice drop out - not sure yet whether this is Frodo, SDL_mixer, or urchin related.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/c64psp.shtml
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September 28th, 2005, 13:11 Posted By: gary_dunbar
Hi I am just starting to get in on emulated games I hoped someone could help. I bought the Action Replay Max for my PS2 hoping I could play all types of emulators on it e.g. Snes Neo Geo Atari etc. The megadrive one works fine. But I tried burning the snes station cd-r but it won't work for me. Is it not possible to play other emulators on the ps2 with the action replay max and if so how else can you play emualtors on your ps2 without having to add a mod chip to it.
Thanks a million,
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September 28th, 2005, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
With Far Cry Instincts coming out end of this week and with Half Life 2 in the starting blocks, it's time to prepare your weaponry ahead of the fierce Xbox Live combat you'll have to face soon. If you are a PlayStation 2 gamer, SOCOM 3 is probably the war you are preparing for. With widest maps than in the previous episode, sniping will be more important than ever in the series, which should turn your mouse into a much appreciated friend 
Now for US$ 19.90 - Buy Two and Get a FREE SmartJoy X or SmartJoy PLUS
The good news of today is that the Smartjoy FRAG will be shipping out for a lowered retail price of only US$ 19.90 from now on, making it the must-have peripheral of this Christmas. If you buy two of them, you'll automatically get a free SmartJoy X (Xbox) or a free SmartJoy PLUS (PS2) along with it.
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September 28th, 2005, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Gaming Press react to the PSP V2.0 Downgrader, this from GI.Biz:
In a further blow to Sony's efforts to curb the use of homebrew software and pirate games on the PlayStation Portable, hackers last night released a patch for the recently launched v2.00 firmware which allows it to be downgraded back to v1.50.
That, you may recall, is the last version to have the security loophole which allowed users to launch unauthorised third-party applications - including homebrew games and programs, emulators, and pirated games - off their Memory Sticks.
Until now, users who had bought PSPs recently with v1.52 firmware on them, or who had upgraded their systems to v2.00 (a patch which brought with it a host of new functionality, such as a web browser, wireless photo sharing and the ability to set custom wallpapers), were unable to revert their systems to the older, less secure system.
However, utilising the security loophole in the PSP v2.00 wallpaper system which we reported yesterday, a group of hackers have made it possible to downgrade - and posted the details of their exploits to the Internet, causing a surge of interest which knocked several popular PSP information sites off the 'net last night.
The exploit is not for the faint-hearted - as it involves several hard resets of the PSP and at one point, a message reporting that the firmware update has failed and SCE support needs to be contacted - but has been reported as successfully working on a variety of PSP hardware including Japanese, US and European units.
The ball is now firmly in Sony's court, with the company facing once again the prospect of piracy on its new system - expect to see a revised version of the v2.00 firmware which seals up the wallpaper exploit in the near future. What will be interesting to see is if the company offers any incentives to upgrade to this new version, as it did with the web browser and other features in v2.00.
(what a day for the PSP scene )
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September 28th, 2005, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Who would have thought that a few days ago we had the v2.0 exploit with the ability to run code but only up to 64kb the onto last night with the downgrader release and the confirmation that it works and works on any PSP including the new Ceramic White ones. You can also reupgrade but why would you want to?
This site like most PSP sites are experaincing a major surge in visitors infact this site has smashed its record to bits and its looks like with so many hours to go that it will double and maybe more than that the previous record, add to that our forums have also smashed their record too.
Gotta say thanks to Martin64 our host and server admin for staying up the night and splitting our successful sites into more than one server to keep the load on the server down.
What are Sony going to do, well i wouldnt want to be a fly on the wall in their office as this will be a major downer for them, i would expect that most new games make you do another firmware update to play them, whatever happens the worldwide PSP audience can now play on their PSPs homebrew and emulation as much as they want.
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September 29th, 2005, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Ccm304 who its been announced is the original author of the PDF to PSP proggy has released Bookr which is a PDF player for the PSP, heres whats new in the latest release:
This version includes bookmark support contributed by da5id. Also many crashes related to DRM PDFs have been fixed, and error reporting has been added for invalid or unreadable PDF files.
Thanks to everybody for the feedback!
Note: if you report a crasher bug please try to upload the file and provide an URL, or find the same file online and provide an URL. This will help a lot in fixing the bug.
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/bookr.shtml
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September 29th, 2005, 08:50 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xos have released an Apple2 emulator for the PSP, heres whats known about this release:
Announcing the release of Apple II Portable emulator for PSP. Apple II Portable is a homebrew application which will emulate the Apple II on your PSP.
Feature Log
imported YAE 0.6 sources
16:9, 4:3 ratio displays & overscanned displays
disk swapping
40 & 80 column text modes (slot 3 80 col card)
two DiskII drives, prodos and dos 3.3 compatible
II, II+ and IIe emulation
hard (memory clearing) reset
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/apple2portable.shtml
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September 29th, 2005, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Now the title above would be better on those dodgy sites but however theres such a thing as Legal Public Domain and Freeware roms and its those ill tell you about, the great site PD ROMS.com has thousands of roms for every system emulated here, so be sure to check them out here --> http://www.pdroms.de/index.php
Also our sister sites have PD rom zipfiles with many roms in each, Xbox Evolution has Nes, Snes, PC Engine and Atari 2600 roms here --> http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/
Amongst the legal roms theres some genuine awesome games, try em and see
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September 30th, 2005, 14:27 Posted By: wraggster
gaeko99 has released a great new Media Player for the PSP, it can play most formats and at full resolution too but its in Chinese and so a little hard to naviagate but its worth a look at. I personally tested an Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trailer on this and a Adult Video (needs must) and while it was perfect and one the sound a bit stuttery it was watchable especially the latter video 
I tried both Mpeg and Avi and both worked great.
Download and more info here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPmediaplayer.shtml
Thanks to Jeff for the news 
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September 30th, 2005, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
Another big HK Store is stocking the PSPTV, heres what Lik Sang have to say:
When the GBA was still the non-plus-ultra of handheld gaming, a small Japanese company called Gametech got overexcited, and developed a GBA2TV Adapter called TV de Advance. The adapter was not just a plug-and-play type device, it had to be installed inside the GBA, by adding a second flat ribbon cable to the original GBA LCD display. Furthermore, the case of the GBA had to be replaced with a new one, that now had the new TV out ports on it.
Another accessories developer is now following their path, and announced a TV Adapter that connects the PSP to your beloved TV. The TV Adapter Kit for PSP (PSP2TV) lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. It also lets you connect and use a PS2 controller on your PSP. By supporting a 16:9 and a 4:3 screen mode, it promises to keep the PSP's screen proportions as realistic as possible.
More info at Lik Sang
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September 30th, 2005, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Source - 1up
Gamers can barely predict what will happen within the industry between today and tomorrow, let alone sound respectable and forecasting two years from. That's the job of analysts at Piper Jaffray, though, and their latest release includes such whoppers as: PlayStation 3 leading in hardware sales and a new PSP model next year.
Piper Jaffray says by 2008, PlayStation 3 will have grabbed 45-50% of the hardware market, with Xbox 360 barely trailing at 35-40% and Nintendo dropping to a minority share of 15%. In fact, they predict Revolution adoption to move at an almost snail's pace, with only half a million units next year, two in 2007 and three in 2008.
The race between Sony and Microsoft, however, will far more competitive, but Piper Jaffray eventually predicts PlayStation 3 will pull ahead of the pack. In the end, though, the competition between the three systems will produce an impressive 30% total increase in consumer purchases for videogame systems.
Almost more interesting, however, is the speculation Sony will release a "next-generation PSP" with an audio/video hard-drive next summer. A remodled version of the PSP with two analog sticks would be fantastic, but Sony purposely cutting into the lucrative sales of memory sticks doesn't really jive with a philosophy based on the bottom line.
They're the ones paid to be analysts, though, not me, so we'll see how Piper Jaffray's predictions roll out over the next few years.
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September 30th, 2005, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers can barely predict what will happen within the industry between today and tomorrow, let alone sound respectable and forecasting two years from. That's the job of analysts at Piper Jaffray, though, and their latest release includes such whoppers as: PlayStation 3 leading in hardware sales and a new PSP model next year.
Piper Jaffray says by 2008, PlayStation 3 will have grabbed 45-50% of the hardware market, with Xbox 360 barely trailing at 35-40% and Nintendo dropping to a minority share of 15%. In fact, they predict Revolution adoption to move at an almost snail's pace, with only half a million units next year, two in 2007 and three in 2008.
The race between Sony and Microsoft, however, will far more competitive, but Piper Jaffray eventually predicts PlayStation 3 will pull ahead of the pack. In the end, though, the competition between the three systems will produce an impressive 30% total increase in consumer purchases for videogame systems.
Almost more interesting, however, is the speculation Sony will release a "next-generation PSP" with an audio/video hard-drive next summer. A remodled version of the PSP with two analog sticks would be fantastic, but Sony purposely cutting into the lucrative sales of memory sticks doesn't really jive with a philosophy based on the bottom line.
They're the ones paid to be analysts, though, not me, so we'll see how Piper Jaffray's predictions roll out over the next few years.
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September 30th, 2005, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Cnet
Sony is engaged in a tug-of-war with hackers who keep cracking its PlayStation Portable software to unlock the device and run their own applications on it.
The company is preparing another update to the PSP firmware to fix a recently disclosed bug that lets hackers downgrade the PSP system software and run their own, so-called homebrew code on the device, a Sony representative said Thursday.
"It is not...what the device was designed for," said Patrick Seybold, a spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment America. "We plan to deal with this issue with the next system update." He declined to say when that update would be ready.
Soon after Sony released the PSP earlier this year, hackers started hunting for bugs in the software that runs the device. Flaws were found and used to run homegrown applications, such as a PDF reader and an FTP client, on the device. The bugs were not used to attack PSP users.
Sony last month updated the PSP firmware to version 2.0. The update encompassed new features, including a Web browser, but also fixed the flaws that had been exploited by the hackers. The 2.0 update was made available on Sony's Web site and will be included in new PSP games, which will require the update, Seybold said.
Sony is not "actively going after the people doing it," Seybold said, but the company does not advise running homebrew code on the PSP. "Running unauthorized software will void the warranty," he said.
The PSP was released in the U.S. in March. Since then, more than 2 million units have been sold in the U.S., according to Sony. The device is sold primarily as a portable game machine, but users can also play movies and music, display digital photos and browse the Internet through its built-in wireless networking.
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September 30th, 2005, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source- Joystiq
Sony is preparing to release its next dose of PSP firmware, hoping to combat the latest hacker victory, which allows PSP owners to downgrade their v2.00 systems to v1.50. A spokesman for Sony commented, “We plan to deal with this issue with the next system update.” While Sony has not specified a release date for their next firmware upgrade, the company will most certainly enforce it with the wave of upcoming holiday titles—starting, perhaps, with GTA: LCS. And for those of you hoping the next upgrade will include a host of new features, don’t count on it, v2.01 (or whatever it will be called) will likely be quick and dirty tidy.
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September 30th, 2005, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Got sent this email 
Hey, I did a rather cheap hack but it amused me and I figured maybe it'll amuse someone else too. You can find into at:
Basically I ran vMac on top of Bochs and booted Mac OS. I'm hoping it'll garner interest in new ports of applications.
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