February 1st, 2011, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could be about to unveil official PC support for its PlayStation Move motion controller, if a Game Developers Conference panel listing is to be believed.
Kotaku has reported that Sony engineer John McCutchan will be taking to the stage at the San Francisco industry pow-wow next month for a presentation titled "Update on PlayStation Move Development".
According to the GDC site, "This talk will bring developers up to speed on developing for the PlayStation Move controller.
"We will cover developing for the new PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter accessory. We will discuss the new Move Server project that will make it possible for academics and hobbyists to develop software using the PlayStation Move controller on their own PCs."
We've contacted Sony for further clarification but failing that Eurogamer will be on site in San Francisco next month to report back on what Sony has to say.
Of course, this isn't the first time potential PC applications for the new wave of console motion controllers has been discussed in recent months. Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer recently hinted that official PC support for its Kinect peripheral wasn't far away.
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February 1st, 2011, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers are reporting that Sony's recent PlayStation 3 firmware "security patch" prevents users from upgrading the console's hard disk drive.
PS3 firmware update v3.56 – released last week – was described as a "security patch" by Sony bigshot Eric Lempel.
Some speculated that it was an attempt by Sony to prevent George "Geohot" Hotz's infamous jailbreak from working.
However, reports indicated the patch itself was hacked just days after release – and now it seems it has caused problems for unsuspecting PS3 owners.
Eurogamer reader Marshall2008 took to Eurogamer's forum to spread the bad news: "At present you will get error 8002f2c5 when you change your HDD and the only way to fix it is to put the old drive back in," he wrote.
"I bought a 320GB HDD to upgrade my 120GB PS3 Slim. I stuck the drive in and got the usual message about putting in a USB drive/stick with update 3.56 or newer on. I stuck the old drive into a sata caddy formatted it and put the update on. All good so far until it gave me error 8002f225.
"Checking online it appears to be a firmware bug which screws up upgrading your HDD. Unfortunately for me I wiped the original drive so I can't just stick it back in and I will have to wait for a fix."
Eurogamer reader Joseph Bat then pointed Eurogamer towards spiralling threads on the official EU PlayStation forum.
Reports indicate the issue is restricted to the 16MB flash PlaySation 3 models – which includes the Slim. Eurogamer has contacted Sony for comment.
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February 1st, 2011, 19:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Japanese gangster game Yakuza 4 comes stuffed with a mind-bending 384 minutes of cutscenes to watch. That's more than six hours worth (6.24 approximately)!
That staggering number was revealed by UK game-ratings board BBFC, which stamped SEGA's openworld crime game with an 18 rating.
Yakuza 4's total makes mincemeat of BioWare's upcoming fantasy RPG Dragon Age II, which was revealed to have 103 minutes of cutscenes last week. Killzone 3 only has 70 minutes of cutscenes - hardly worth even turning on.
Unsurprisingly, Yakuza 4 was deemed to contain "strong bloody violence and strong language". Lovely.
Eurogamer reviewed Yakuza 4 on import last April, awarding 8/10.
"Yakuza 4 is made from the exact same parts as Yakuza 3. There are no significant changes to the core combat or the setting, and it looks unerringly similar. But that same mixture of brutal fighting, storytelling, exploration and random nonsense is framed much better this time around. Adding three new characters has changed the pacing completely and given the game structural discipline and variety that makes it a lot more palatable."
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February 1st, 2011, 19:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Andriasang

Image from Andriasang
Set for limited release on March 10, the Satin Silver PlayStation 3 will be offered in 160 gigabyte (model CECH-2500A) and 320 gigabyte (model CECH-2500B SS) models. These will be priced respectively ¥29,980 and ¥34,980.
Both versions include the usual items: a Dual Shock 3, power cord, AV cable and USB cable. The bundled controller matches the system's color. A Satin Silver stand will be released simultaneously for ¥2,000.
In its press release announcing the new color, Sony noted that March is a big month for the PS3, with Dynasty Warriors 7 due out on 3/10, Motor Storm 3 and Yakuza Of the End due out on 3/17, and Haruhi Suzumiya no Tsuisou and Pro Baseball Spirits 2011 due out on 3/24.
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February 1st, 2011, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Vectormatic noted the rumor floating around that the most recent PS3 patch has a back door, and
"Sony can now remotely execute code on the PS3 as soon as you connect. This can do whatever Sony wants it to do, such as verifying system files or searching for homebrew. Sony can change the code and add new detection methods without any firmware updates.
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February 1st, 2011, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's war against PS3 hacking continues. On January 27, Sony Computer Entertainment America sent a DMCA takedown notice to GitHub demanding the removal of 6 repositories under the 'circumvention device' clause of the DMCA. All of the repositories in question were related to jailbreaking or homebrew development for the PS3.
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February 1st, 2011, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster

SNK Playmore has officially announced a new PSP compilation of classic games for Japan, to be released on April 21. Unlike most SNK collections (like Metal Slug Collection and SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1) that offer games exclusive to Neo Geo, SNK Arcade Classics 0 is a collection of 20 games made by the company before the release of the Neo Geo hardware.
Yes, finally, you'll be able to get Ikari Warriors and Athena on the same disc, along with Psycho Soldier, P.O.W., and a lot of vintage SNK games we've never heard of. Find the full list after the break, as transcribed by Andriasang. Many of them were originally released in vertical format, a setup emulated on PSP by holding the device sideways.
An ESRB rating for SNK Arcade Classics 0 has been online since late 2009, suggesting that SNK has plans to release this collection stateside. Of course, the rating occurring that long ago also means SNK has had plenty of time to change its mind.
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February 1st, 2011, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Few things in this world make us angrier than the blatant inequality between the PSOne Classics catalog in the various territories said catalog is available. Sure, each region has titles which the others don't -- we're still waiting on, like, a billion Square Enix games -- but it still hurts our heart, you know? Sony's Ross McGrath recently popped into PlayStation.Blog to explain how easy it is for these games to get hung up, whether it's due to an expired license, PAL-to-NTSC compatibility or the existence of game-wrecking bugs.
McGrath added, "In some cases the original publisher of the game in the US is not the same publisher as in Europe, so publishing rights need to be secured," which some publishers aren't willing to invest in. Doesn't sound like there's much Sony can do about those -- however, the PSOne Classics emulator is constantly being updated, which should help a few of the platform's buggier titles become eligible for some trans-continental voyages.
Related note: The amount of money we would give Sony for a downloadable version of Vagrant Story has reached $80. That's where we're at.
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February 1st, 2011, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Backwards compatibility with legacy game formats isn't the sort of make-or-break feature that determines the fate of a new hardware system, but it does score major bonus points with the manufacturer's fan base when it does work -- and elicits plenty of groans when it doesn't. When it comes to Sony's next (generation) portable the answer to "will it play my UMD games" is clearly "no" -- not even the PSP Go supports the original hardware's disc format -- but UMD owners are still hoping the company will do something about it.
Speaking with Japanese tech site Gigazine (as translated by Andriasang), a PlayStation representative reiterated that NGP will support the growing list of PSP games available in digital format from the PlayStation Store. Unsurprisingly, Sony has no plans to develop an attachable "UMD reader" for NGP (despite filing a patent that leaves open the possibility), and the UMD-to-digital "good will program" has been dead for 16 months now.
Gigazine does report that Sony mentioned plans to re-release original PSP games on the NGP's new game media (flash memory-based cards), though the representative did not detail the possibility further. Certainly, it would be a no-brainer -- even if card-based re-releases could generate some "ill will" from existing UMD owners -- and the expanded storage size of the proposed new card format suggests that old PSP games could be sold in single-card collections or added to NGP game cards as bonuses. Or how about PSP re-releases with "NGP" treatment? Admit it -- you'd buy Peace Walker again if dual-analog and touch controls were added, not to mention some MGS4-ish graphics.
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February 2nd, 2011, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via Wololo
Two days ago Sony revealed the NGP, PSP’s successor. The NGP is an impressively powerful portable gaming device, that will be available at the end of the year. The device looks awesome, but after giving it some thought, I think I won’t be buying it. Here are a few reasons why:
The browser will suck
The browser on the PSP sucked. It had poor flash support, memory issues, close to no javascript support… All these problems were probably because of the hardware limitations of the PSP itself but…have you seen the internet browser on the ps3? Do you like it? Youtube half works on it, and when it does work, the interface is slow as hell. Sony showed lack of ability to adapt a browser to their devices twice, I don’t see why it would be different this time. Unless they migrate to a “better” browser, maybe using Webkit (Safari), or something based on Chrome.
God knows I hate Apple, but going from the browsing experience on an iPhone/iPad to that of the PSP/PS3 is always extremely painful.
Hopefully the gyroscope + the touch screen will allow for a good “vertical” browsing kind of stuff. Otherwise the wide screen will mean more wasted space on the screen, because most sites won’t provide a “NGP enhanced” version of their site.
It will suck as a Media Player
The PSP and PS3 were advertised as not only gaming devices, but Media Centers. A machine on which you could play your videos and music easily. They both dramatically fail at that.
The psp: proprietary video format (UMD) with region locking, blocking “high def” videos in mp4 format to artificially increase the sales of UMD videos, no DivX/Xvid/ogg/… support, crappy mp3 player (abysmal playlist support, no “random play all my files” support, some perfectly fine mp3 files just won’t play, no freedom to organize your folders as you want, lack of “good” visualization plugins, no ogg support, etc…). In all fairness, one HUGE good point of the PSP mp3 player was that it played mp3s without the need for additional crapware such as iTunes for the iPod. No ebook reader (all smartphones have at least 10 of those now)
The Ps3: region locking, no support for PAL DVDs if you live in a country where NTSC is the norm, no support for divx/xvid/mkv (seriously? At least for the PSP there was the excuse of CPU power and Ram limitations…), region locking, no possibility to skip ads on DVDs/Blu rays, insanely crappy music player (same issues as the psp, bad playlist support, no possibility to play my library randomly, give me winamp dammit), region locking (did I mention this one already?).
Overall, Sony cripples their perfectly good hardware with attempts at pimping their proprietary formats, and their own stores. They don’t provide you with a way to enjoy your media files, but with a way to buy media from them. I expect the NGP to provide “rental, will work for 48h” types of videos. Fine, but clearly not what I want from a “media player”. The offer will be limited to whatever contracts Sony is able to sign, and usually for me as a foreigner in Japan, this will mean I’ll have to deal with a massive amount of pain to get my French or American movies to work.
The NGP probably won’t have a convenient TV output, unless you pay for some super expensive hardware accessory that won’t even give you HD.
It will be expensive.
Sure, we’re all excited now, as this is clearly the most powerful portable device we’ve ever heard of. Except, it will be released in 10 months. In 10 months, will we accept to pay the same price as a smartphone for something that does less?Will you pay a 3G subscription for something that’s not a phone? Technically, the NGP will compete against the 3DS (which will be way cheaper and will have a larger library of games by the end of 2011), tablets (that will handle medias – ebooks, movies, music – way better), and smartphones (on which the GPS allows you to find where you are and where you want to go, rather than what games are being played in Shibuya…).
By the end of 2011, it will be easy to find a 3DS for 200$. Smartphones can go up to 600$ but the price go down when you take a carrier subscriptions. I believe that by the end of 2011, some tablets will have most of the technical specs of the PSP, for a similar price, and less crapware. Sony officials said the NGP would be sold at an “affordable price that’s appropriate for the handheld gaming space”, and my current guess is that it will be more than 400$.
The games will not be as good as you expect, because your expectations will change in 10 months.
Is that me, or does playing a high quality graphics hardcore game make no sense on a 5 inch screen? I’d rather play an awesome game on the PS3(PS4?), in my couch, on my 40 inches TV, than the same game in direct sunlight, in a crowded train, on a 5 inches screen. In general, People who play action games in public areas are disturbing other people, and not even playing in good conditions. Portable gaming for hardcore games is an ersatz of the “real thing”, and I’m sure that if it weren’t for “exclusive” content, people would rather play in good conditions on a big screen with better graphics. My point is that as soon as the NGP is released, the PS4, or the XBOX 3, or whatever, will put its graphics to shame, and our feeling of the NGP will be the same as it was for the PSP: it looks good, but it’s only a portable device after all.
Its hardware will be under-used
How many games will be using the back touchpad? Are you ready to pay for a 3G subscription that doesn’t give you a phone? Are you ready to give up on skype just because Sony doesn’t want to piss Docomo off? Do you want your GPS to give you a map of popular games in Shibuya, rather than the route for your train commutation or the closest restaurants in the area? Are you ready to get a modern computer that cannot open a text file because it doesn’t make sense from a business point of view?
And guess what? Sony will have an army of DRMs and lawyers to make sure that people who try to make actual use of the hardware will get into trouble.
The 3DS will be cheaper and have a larger library of games
By the end of 2011, you’ll find a 3DS for 200$, and it will have much more games. If you’re lucky, the NGP will cost 400$ at that time.
As I re-read this article, I surely sound a bit bitter. Sony isn’t doing anything different than the PSP or the PS3, so why would I complain? Well here’s the thing. The PSP was my first gaming console ever. (I had an atari 2600 but that barely counts, does it?). I come from a PC background, where it makes perfect sense to be able to code your own scripts, batch files, organize your games the way you want, look at the inside of the OS, interact with it, download an play with freeware or indie games… The limitations and crapware one can find on the PSP and the PS3 really pissed me off over time (I bought the PS3 because it was advertised as a great Media device, which it is not!). The fact that Sony retaliates on people who are trying to enhance the experience (by bypassing the software limitations added on top of perfectly good hardware) pisses me off even more. They convince you you are buying powerful hardware, while you are actually renting it, and can only use 10% of it. In that kind of “ball and chain” scheme, thank you, but Apple does it better. And god knows I hate Apple.
Sony brings a massive hardcore-gamers oriented device. Making a good game for the NGP will be costy, so these games will be expensive. Nintendo brings a simple machine with a killer feature (the 3D), and always the same games that are cheap to develop and fun to play with. History repeats itself. Just like the PSP versus the NDS, the NGP will have smaller shares, will get less and less devs interest (for pure development cost VS benefits reasons), and I don’t see how the awesome hardware or the “social network” features will help with that…
Then again, I’m not an analyst, and I’m famous for making very bad hardware purchase decisions
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February 2nd, 2011, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
It's been a few days after the release of the official firmware 6:37 that, surprise, check out a new version of system software: the 6:39. As it has done to the firmware 6.36, this new 6:39, discovered by a user forum PSPKing, is included nell'UMD a Japanese game, but for which the title was not disclosed. For this reason, we present the news as a rumor, waiting to find out more details on this new firmware.
The same user PSPKing has recently updated his post, announcing that the FW is contained nell'UMD 6:39 Japanese edition of 3 Valkyria Chronicles released last January 27.
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February 2nd, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
New release for PSP3D. anmabagima developer plugin developed by introducing the effect on our PSP stereoscopic 3D anaglyph red / cyan. This new version, which bears the prx to version 0.2, adds support for four new games and adds Compatible with the other two types of glasses: green / magenta and blue / yellow.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v0.2:
- New supported games:
• Metal Gear Solid Portable OPS
• Star Wars Battlefront 2
• Death Jr.
• Tomb Raider Legends
- Support for the following glasses: green / magenta and blue / yellow
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February 2nd, 2011, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
PataPork, has released a new version, 1.3, PSPBriscola, the homebrew game developed in-LUA bearing the same name on our PSP Italian card game. This new release fixes some bugs in previous versions, add the English translation of the program and introduces the Audio, but it is still in beta.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.3:
- Added "Table Base Purple" at the selection tables (Thanks to Brian User)
- Added "Table Base Blue" to the Selection Tables (Thanks to Brian User)
- Added "Table Base Green" for the Selection Tables (Thanks to Brian User)
- Fixate Cards Sarde, now appear well on the secondary tables (Thanks to Brian User)
- Fixed the Multiplayer menu, now no longer an invisible voice
- Fix Fixata description of Poker, is now described correctly
- Added language selection (Menu Options)
- Add English to languages
- Added Language selection start homebrew (only for the first time)
- Added sound when screenshots of win, draw and defeat in a game
- Added the 'Audio' (Menu Options)
- Added "Select Music" (Menu Options)
- Added "Super Mario Theme" Selecting the Music
- Added a "Relaxation Theme" Selecting the Music
- Added "No Theme" Selecting the Music
- Added a prototype for the AdHoc mode (On a totally non functional)
- Added the "Dream Table" to the Selection Tables
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February 2nd, 2011, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPIta
One of the main attractions of the change in the console, is the ability to customize every aspect. Thanks to the continued work of the coder, this was made possible by the latest HEN. Among all is certainly interesting project developer NightStar3 which takes its name ZeroRCO Patcher . This is a plugin for 6.20 TN that allows you to load custom gameboot and RCO, which is to be Flash0 Memory Stick (a useful tool to avoid ruinous brick).
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February 2nd, 2011, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/01/31/...idge-for-6-20/
Who’s wanting PMPlayer Advance (PPA) on their 6.20′ed PSP? Cooleyes mans the bridge adding compatibility for exactly that.
Install PPA 3.1.2 first, then overwrite cooleyesBridge.prx with the new one. Download both below. You’ll also need 6.20 TN as PMPlayer isn’t signed
•fixed some changed NID in FW6.20, just replace same file in your PPA directory
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February 2nd, 2011, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/simpl...eleased-79417/
Today Hideki has released what he calls Simple PS3 Proxy, a PSN Firmware version bypass application which functions similar to the other PSN bypass methods.
Download: Simple PS3 Proxy
From the ReadMe file: Set on your PS3 a web proxy of (PC IP) port 8080
IE: if the machine you are to be running this proxy on is then put that as the IP and 8080 as the port in the PS3 network configuration for your web proxy.
If 3.56 is still current, just run the app and click start. If 3.60 or later is now out, change the 3.5600 value in required PS3 version to 3.6000 or similar.
As long as the PS3 is correctly configured and this app is running, you will be signed in. This is licensed under version 2 of the GNU public licence, see license.txt for details. Source code is included in the archive in /src
This software may not be sold, this software may not be bundled with things being sold, this software (or any derivative works) may not be distributed without the license and its source.
Please do not cheat in online games, it makes you a lamer and aggravates Sony. Hi to the people of #Amiga, #Atheism, #Pharyngula, #PSGroove etc.
[Hideki] - hideki.adam @ gmail.com - 31 Jan 2011
Possible errors
On PC:
If you get an error about mswinsck.ocx being missing, either run the proxy app as administrator or copy the included .ocx file (in \ocx) to \windows\system32. (or if you prefer, download and install the microsoft VB6 runtimes which include this required file but also a large number of other not required files...)
MS VB6 Runtime KB article link: VBRun60sp6.exe installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time files
On PS3:
Error 8071053D - You are not running the proxy or the IP/Port are wrong.
Update request - You have not setup the proxy on PS3 side or Sony have worked around this workaround.
Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!
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February 2nd, 2011, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
With the announcement of the Sony NGP (or PSP2 for those not down with the new acronym) gamers are in somewhat of a awkward position.
At long last we've got one of those bittersweet decisions to make again. We have an important choice, between the undeniably impressive Nintendo 3DS and Sony's new juggernaut of a handheld.
Unless you're a lifelong Sony or Nintendo faithful fan, and are willing to drop the cash for their respective handheld without considering the competition - or able to pick up both - you're going to be doing a lot of thinking about which of the two to splash out on.
This is where the launch games usually strut their stuff. Usually.
We say it's an awkward position because Nintendo's launch line-up is...well, it's not exactly blowing anyone away. Sure, Street Fighter looks ace, PES 2011 is shaping up to be the best portable footy title yet and Steel Diver has generated some buzz, but the early offerings lack Nintendo's wow factor.
The chirpy plumber, sword wielding Elf and Pokemon are all noticeably absent from the 3DS launch line-up, and this will no doubt be a bit of a bummer for a lot of people.
Sony isn't in much of a better position either. Although it's dazzled us with impressive specs, gleaming hardware and videos of games such as Uncharted, Resistance and Killzone - all looking surprisingly similar to their PS3 counterparts - it hasn't said whether any of these titles will be part of its launch line-up.
In this respect Sony is in a position where it could get the edge. With no games currently confirmed for release, the NGP has the perfect chance to come out with its big guns blazing.
With that said we're turning to you: what games would get you on board with Sony's new handheld?
Be they first-party exclusives, returning franchises, third-party titles or even PlayStation Minis - what in particular would make you part with your hard-earned?
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February 2nd, 2011, 22:58 Posted By: Shrygue
Today Sega has announced ia demo for Yakuza 4 will be released for all to try out on Playstation Network, February 23rd. Users that have a Playstation Plus subscription will be able to play it earlier on the 16th of February. All 4 featured characters will be playable in the demo. The full game arrives on March 18th.
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February 2nd, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 users looking to enjoy Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 must have an active PlayStation Network connection whenever they boot the game up, Capcom has revealed.
According to Joystiq, a message pops up once the game has downloaded explaining, "NOTE: You must log-in to the PlayStation Network each time to play the game."
Seeing as Capcom's platformer has no online component, it seems this is some kind of DRM measure. Great news if you're anti-piracy, not so good if you've got an unreliable internet connection.
The game launched on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade today. Eurogamer's Chris Schilling gave it 6/10, insisting "it's a disappointing backwards step from its flawed but fascinating forebear."
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February 3rd, 2011, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's initial goal with the NGP is to match the install base of its current PSP system, so says SEA CEO Kaz Hirai.
Hirai discussed the platform holder's sales expectations for the new device, which was unveiled in Tokyo last week, in an interview with the PlayStation Blog.
"One of the things we want to accomplish with the NGP is match - number one - the install base that we have on PSP worldwide."
Once that mile marker is reached, it can than push on and attempt to go further than its predecessor, Hirai explained. "The fact that we're working hand in hand with the worldwide studios internally but also with a lot of the third party publishing partners already. That, combined with some of the exciting features - whether it's leveraging the 3G networks, or the front and back panels, or the sensors that we have incorporated into NGP – is a really strong combination to really match the install base we have for PSP and certainly go beyond that as well."
The video interview also offers fleeting glimpses of a few NGP titles in action – including the new Uncharted offering.
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February 3rd, 2011, 03:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/02/a...petition-2011/
Sony stopped distributing development hardware for the PSP1 at the end of 2010, and announced the NGP a few days ago.
But the PSP’s not dead.
Since its release in 2004, more than 60 millions of PSPs have been sold, and hundreds of thousands of players around the world enjoy homebrews on a daily basis. The scene has never been so alive, with HBL in 2010, and now the HEN for 6.20 and 6.35, or the recent possibility to run our homebrews on all PSPs without hacking them.
So before we kiss the PSP1 goodbye, and start moving on to the next generation, we want to go with a bang. The PSP underground is more alive than ever, and respected scener npt is proving it by organizing the biggest PSP homebrew competition ever, the PSP Genesis Competition. By “biggest” I mean that the prizes are going to be massive. I can’t reveal much for now, but I’m glad to announce that not only will I be a judge in this contest, wololo.net will be a sponsor and add a bonus prize of 100$ that will go to my favorite entry. Just know that this 100$ prize will only be a tiny fraction of the total prizes in this competition.
We are currently finalizing the rules and prizes, as well as looking for additional sponsors who might want to add their own contribution to this contest, but I’ll have more information in a few weeks.
If you are a homebrew programmer and are thinking of starting on a new project, or finalizing some work in progress, now’s the good time to go full steam. We’ll give programmers enough time to submit something good, but I suggest you start now. Full information, including submissions rules, will be announced in a few weeks.
Thought the PSP scene was dead? We will prove that 2011 is the year the PSP scene was reborn. Get ready to submit your best homebrews for the PSP Genesis Compo!
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February 3rd, 2011, 04:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
A few days after the fix for CF 6:35 Custom V6 , here is the new release v7. The use is limited solely to the exclusion of the PSP 2000 TA-088v3 (8C or higher) , the attempt to install this on any other model of CF would lead to the brick's total PSP console.
Following download and changelog
Changelog, download and install:
.: Changelog:.
- Added support for extra memory and PARAM.SFO
- Added option to enable USB.
- Fixed a bug in the nid resolver, with the help of liquidzigong.
- Aggionrato the installer to support the installation of other pre-existing CF
- Added the function to access the Toggle USB Flash all'UMD by XMB
. Installation:.
1. Download the archive to view news
2. Copy the UPDATE folder in the path ms0/PSP/GAME /
3. Place the file in the official FW 6:35 renamed 635.PBP in the path ms0: / PSP / GAME / UPDATE / (not necessary if the FW 6.35 and already installed)
4. Start the installer
5. Restart the PSP if the CF is installed through HEN
.: Links:.
FW 6:35
.: Download:.
Download Here - 6.35 Custom v7
NB: Please note that the 6:35 Custom can be installed not only on the PSP 2000 TA-088v3 .
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February 4th, 2011, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
The European PlayStation Blog has confirmed the offer will be available on these shores. A post on its Twitter feed reads, "Not sure if you know this yet, but I'm hearing the PS Plus members can download Stacking, the new game from Double Fine, for free next week."
ORIGINAL STORY:Sony has lined up a nice treat for its US PlayStation Plus members – a free download of Double Fine's delicious-lookingStacking.
News of the freebie came via the US PlayStation Blog. There's no mention of the offer on itsEuropean counterpart at present, so until you hear otherwise assume this deal is only good in the The Land of the Free. We're looking into it and will update if Sony tells us otherwise.
Should you reside in the US though, you can claim your free game on the day of release - 8th February.
Stacking arrives on these shores a day later, for both PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade, priced £11.99 / 1200 MS Points.
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February 4th, 2011, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Black Ops developer Treyarch has brought in increased security measure following the much-publicised PlayStation 3 security breach last month.
Speaking to NowGamer, community manager Josh Olin explained that as soon as news of the hack broke, the studio took its own measures to protect its IP.
"As a platform provider, this problem is much graver and has much broader implications to Sony than it does to us," he explained.
"To us, it's like, it has implications on our game security but we built in a lot of in-game security that we were leveraging and utilising so it was kinda like flipping on a switch for that.
"I remember the meeting after all the headlines broke, though, and we were like 'well, I guess, it's time to turn on the security for the PS3 now'!"
Last week, Sony drew first blood in its legal action against the hackers, securing a restraining orderagainst George Hotz and his team. And it seems Olin is sat firmly in the platform holder's corner.
"It's unfortunate and I think the hacking community with their rational that it makes their homebrew apps possible on the PS3... I mean, okay, that's their argument but they know the larger implication to the players who don't want that and the people who can now modify their game data," he explained.
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February 4th, 2011, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's Networked Products and Services division has reported an operating profit of ¥45.7 billion ($564m / £348m) for the third quarter ended December 31, off the back of higher sales of PlayStation software and cost reductions on PS3 hardware.
Sales decreased slightly by 6.4 per cent year-on-year to ¥566.6 billion ($6.995m / £4.318m) for the three months.
During the quarter Sony sold 6.3 million PlayStation 3 units worldwide - slightly down on the 6.5 million it sold in the comparable quarter - bringing financial year to date numbers to 15 million. Sales this year have already outpaced the last full financial year sales of 13 million.
There were 3.6 million PlayStation Portable units sold during the three months, down from 4.2 the previous year, bringing financial year to date numbers to 8 million. PlayStation 2 hardware sales were 2.1 million, the same as Q3 2009.
PlayStation 3 game sales were up significantly by 10 million units, from 47.6 million to 57.6 million, while PSP software also rose to 16.5 million, from 15 million last year. PS2 game sales fell from 11.2 million units to 5.3 million.
Overall the Sony corporation reported a net profit of ¥72.3 billion ($885.7 m), down due to the strong yen and poor margins on televisions. Sales were down 1.7 per cent to ¥1.98 trillion.
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February 4th, 2011, 11:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment president Kazuo Hirai has revealed that the company is planning on its upcoming handheld, the NGP, equalling sales of its predecessor as a bare minimum.
"One of the things we want to accomplish with the NGP is match the install base that we have on PSP worldwide," Hirai toldPlayStation Blog.
"Over and above that try to go beyond that. The fact that we're working hand in hand with the worldwide studios internally but also with a lot of the third party publishing partners already. That, combined with some of the exciting features, is a really strong combination to really match the install base we have for PSP and certainly go beyond that as well."
Hirai also revealed that he intended on a long life cycle for the new handheld. "Whether it's a homebased console like the PS2 or PS3 or a handheld like the NGP, it's very important that we have a stable platform that is in it for the long haul.
"Once [the consumers] invest in our products, it doesn't go by the wayside in two years or three years, but they are able to really enjoy that particular console for a very long time.
"It's my expectation that NGP is going to have a similar sort of lifespan in the portable space as well."
The group CEO also observed that "Call of Duty... that's a very big thing for NGP."
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February 4th, 2011, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
During a presentation to around 20 UK developers at its headquarters in London yesterday, Sony shared a wide range of information about its new handheld platform, revealing significant new details on launch plans, hardware specifications, networking features and more.
One attendee, speaking to Eurogamer this morning under condition of anonymity, said: "NGP is a developer's dream – Sony is finally doing the things developers have been crying out for for years."
Studios had been expecting to collect development kits at the event, but were told "late shipments from Japan" meant SCEE would now be "prioritising". According to the source, for a kit to be delivered before April a studio must supply a "20-page concept document on a game they want to release at launch".
Eurogamer understands that key UK studios have had early kits for almost a year. But the source claimed the new shipment of kits would be "the first to have the final GPU in them".
Sony has not yet dated the system beyond plans to begin rollout worldwide by the end of 2011. But during yesterday's presentation, Sony listed the Wi-Fi only edition of NGP as "2011", while the Wi-Fi plus 3G version was listed as "Holiday Season 2011", implying that the 3G-enabled console would not be available day one.
SCEE did not share any solid information on date or price, only adding that details would be revealed "very soon".
Sony staff demoed a handful of upcoming first-party NGP titles, including Uncharted, Little Deviants and WipEout. The source said the latter was "the WipEout HD PS3 engine running on PS3 with no changes to the art platform. That means full resolution, full 60 frames per second. It looks exactly the same as it does on PS3 – all the shader effects are in there".
With Sony urging developers to create releases that work across PS3 and NGP, the implications of this are significant. "They want us to do cross-platform," said the source, explaining that the submission process has been streamlined, with only a single submission required for a title on PSN and NGP.
And developers were told: "All games at launch available on flash [the physical storage medium] would also be on PSN."
However, Sony is also insisting that it "does not want exactly the same game" on NGP and PS3 – there "has to be a reason for the NGP title". "They want at least some kind of interactivity between the two versions with NGP-only extras," the source added.
The rumoured addition of 'cloud saving' – seen as key for enabling gamers to switch easily between a game on PS3 and NGP – was raised by developers, but SCEE would not officially confirm it.
The publisher also moved to reassure developers that the technical hurdles of cross-platform development were being kept as low as possible.
"Any shaders for PS3 stuff will just work," said the source. "We won't have to rewrite. What would have taken two-to-three months before looks like it could take just one-to-two weeks now. The architecture is obviously different, but it's the same development environment."
Elsewhere with the hardware, it was confirmed that NGP features three gyroscopes, compared with one in PS3's controller, allowing for more accurate movement. And the front and rear touch panels are both capable of six-point multi-touch.
"The touch pad on the back is fantastic," the source said. "It does feel second nature, like you're having a real impact on the world." As an example of the potential, SCEE described squeezing an object in-game by pinching the front and the back simultaneously.
SCEE further outlined its vision for the first five years of the platform and its target audience, with year one focused on "hardcore" and year two on "hardcore and teens", with the expectation that the audience will expand younger and older after that.
Social networking and location-based features were also highlighted for their gaming potential. SCEE suggested, for instance, that "clues could be put on the social networking side" that could lead to "virtual gifts", that could in turn make use of the camera and augmented reality capabilities to distribute "new skins and avatars".
"Sony has made it completely developer-centric this time," the source added. "[The development kit] is really simple to plug in and use. It opens direct in Windows Explorer and you can see all systems on a network – so you could, for example, update the firmware of multiple NGPs at once.
"A PS3 dev station can take three hours to set-up. This looks like it will take under 20 mins. It just makes everything easier – they've really thought about it this time".
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February 4th, 2011, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
The lawyer representing PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz in his legal fight against Sony has claimed the case may hinge on geography.
"SCEA must demonstrate that Mr. Hotz 'purposefully availed' himself of the privilege of conducting activities in California, or purposefully directed its activities toward California," Stewart Kellar's latest motion (as seen by ArsTechnica) argued.
Sony has been demanding that the case be held in a Californian court, something even the judge had previously questioned. The case may thus be contingent upon Sony proving that Hotz was specifically targeting California in his actions.
Sony has previously attempted to leverage as evidence Hotz' use of Californian services PayPal, YouTube and Twitter to promoted the PS3 hack and ask for donations.
"In the present case, SCEA cannot demonstrate that Mr. Hotz's activity could even arguably be construed as expressly aimed at California," claimed Kellar.
"To the contrary, the sole alleged activity in this action involves Mr. Hotz - who is located in New Jersey - purportedly improperly accessing portions of his own Playstation computer -which is also located in New Jersey," he said.
Kellar also observed that "The Playstation computer is not made by SCEA. It is made by Sony Inc. which is a Japanese corporation."
An additional concern by Kellar is his allegation that Sony has misrepresented some of Hotz' comments as exhortation. Sony has claimed that Hotz wrote "If you want your next console to be secure, contact me, any of you."
Kellar, however, claims that " The double-hearsay quote, derived from a screenshot within a forum post within a website... omits the full statement, which undermines SCEA's claim that Mr. Hotz directed any statement toward SCEA."
Kellar's latest motion seeks a dismissal of the temporary restraining order issued against Hotz.
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February 4th, 2011, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will release games for its NGP handheld simultaneously at both retail and on PSN.
That's one of many claims to emerge from a developer's day held at Sony's London office yesterday. It had previously been confirmed that NGP will support physical retail by shipping games on high-capacity custom flash cards.
Sony has already experimented with simultaneous releases with some titles on PS3.
There has also been plenty of praise for Sony's approach toward developers with its new machine.
"NGP is a developer's dream – Sony is finally doing the things developers have been crying out for for years," an anonymous source told Eurogamer.
"Sony has made it completely developer-centric this time. The development kit is really simple to plug in and use. It opens direct in Windows Explorer and you can see all systems on a network – so you could, for example, update the firmware of multiple NGPs at once.
"A PS3 dev station can take three hours to set-up. This looks like it will take under 20 mins. It just makes everything easier – they've really thought about it this time".
The site also claims that development hardware for the device has been in the hands of key partners for almost a year. New kits are being shipped in for UK devs in the next few months, with studios having to submit a "20-page concept document on a game they want to release at launch".
Sony is also actively encouraging developers to build in cross-platform compatibility with PS3.
There's also lots of positive news about the power of the device, too.Attendees were treated to a demo of "the WipEout HD PS3 engine running on PS3 with no changes to the art platform. That means full resolution, full 60 frames per second. It looks exactly the same as it does on PS3 – all the shader effects are in there".
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February 4th, 2011, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
Not the best news for Sony execs to be waking up to this morning, as the company's PSP has played a starring role in an unfortunate, though thankfully innocuous, incident. A 10-year old Milanese boy was recently so absorbed by his portable's make.believe world that he forgot the real one around him had boundaries with bright lines painted around them. A moment later the young gamer found himself next to the train tracks a few feet below the platform designed for human occupation, though he wasn't there long as an off-duty policeman by the name of Alessandro Micalizzi quickly leapt down and lifted him to safety. See it on video below and feel free to draw your own conclusions about your gaming habits.
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February 4th, 2011, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Stoobalou writes"The last time game developer Capcom tried to impose Internet-based copy protection on one of its games, it was forced to backtrack over a storm of complaints. In that instance Final Fight: Double Impact was hobbled with a piracy-busting scheme which phoned home every time the game was booted, but Capcom forgot to mention that little nugget of information to potential purchasers — an omission which eventually led to the DRM scheme being hastily withdrawn. The company has decided not to repeat the mistake with its latest release, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, by making it clear that the game won't work unless it gets a sign-off from the company's servers."http://games.slashdot.org/story/11/0...Phone-Home-DRM
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February 4th, 2011, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
When Sony unveiled the Next Generation Portable in Tokyo last week, one PlayStation stalwart was conspicuous for its absence: Ridge Racer.
Well, there's a reason: Namco Bandai doesn't have any plan to make one.
"There is no solid plan to make anything in particular for the NGP at the current stage," Ridge Racer 3D game director Masamichi Yamazaki told Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson at a Namco press event in San Francisco this week. "But we are looking into the hardware. If one of our franchises could make for a good game on NGP then we will look into it."
Four-and-a-half years ago, at E3 2006, Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai famously demonstrated the PlayStation Portable on-stage with the immortal quote, "It's Ridge Racer!... Riiiiiiiiiiidge Raaaaaaaaceeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!"
He did nothing of the sort last week. Shame.
So, what does Namco think of the NPG?
"NGP is obviously very new hardware and we're all excited about it and a lot of the new cool features," Yamazaki said. "As creators, what we feel passionate about is drawing the power out of each new hardware to bring its strength out, and using that strength to make an entirely new type of game.
"That's what I'm currently excited about investigating with the NGP."
Yamazaki was promoting Ridge Racer 3D, a game that forms part of the Nintendo 3DS launch period line-up. It'll use the 3DS' Street Pass feature to exchange ghost car data and rankings with people you pass on the street.
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February 4th, 2011, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's new NGP handheld will comfortably better the successes of the PSP, EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich has stated.
"EEDAR has no doubt that the NGP will be successful in Japan," he said in a report. "In Japan the PSP currently has the second largest active install base and is on track to become the fifth bestselling home or portable console of all time in that country.
"The key to the NGP’s success, however, will come down to the adoption rates in the much larger North American and European markets. Given the current low adoption rates of the PSP in North American (22m units) and Europe (28m), EEDAR expects the NGP to handsomely surpass sales of its predecessor, the PSP.
"This is based on assumptions that the NGP: (i) is competitively priced, (ii) third-party publishers provide sufficient long-term original content and (iii) retail shelf space is adequate."
Divnich is predicting a retail price of "$299 to $349, but not to exceed $399 in the United States". This would translate to between £185-£250 in the UK. This would put it at the high end of the portable console price scale, though MCV has reason to believe that the debut price could exceed even these expectations.
"Observers tend to forget that the PSP was incredibly successful at launch in North America, selling more units in its first year than the Nintendo DS," Divnich added.
"Long-term, however, concerns about Sony’s digital strategy, lack of publisher incentive and piracy, ultimately resulted in a decreasing support from third-party publishers and a reduction in retail shelf space. EEDAR believes that the aforementioned problems of the PSP era will be resolved with the NGP.
"While the long-term success of the NGP may be difficult to predict, EEDAR is certain that the initial 18 months will produce significant hardware and software sales to support profitability for third-party publishers.
"Given such initial success, EEDAR recommends that publishers use the initial launch-thru-month-18 window as a timeframe to provide sufficient support for both ported and original titles to the NGP."
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February 4th, 2011, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Analysis firm EEDAR has issued a report on the debut of the NGP, speculating on several areas, including hardware and software cost as well as the NGP's likelihood of success. The firm expects Sony's upcoming handheld to "handsomely surpass sales of its predecessor, the PSP," though the report adds that success will depend upon long-term publisher support and a competitive price.
Concerning the price, EEDAR predicts the Wi-Fi-only model to cost "between $299 to $349, but not to exceed $399 in the United States." Furthermore, the firm believes that some regions may not see the 3G version of the NGP at all. For comparison, the report notes EEDAR's estimate that 62 to 70 percent of iPads sold in North America are Wi-Fi-only models. Demand for a 3G model may be higher in Europe and Asia. EEDAR predicts that the NGP's 3G capabilities aren't designed to compete directly with mobile phone gaming -- clearly another area of interest for Sony -- as 3G is unsuitable for large game downloads. 3G functionality is more likely to be used for multiplayer and social functions.
The report includes a few more notable tidbits. Games, both downloadable and retail, are predicted to be priced between $40 and $50. Publishers are advised to get on board early, as the report notes "EEDAR is certain that the initial 18 months will produce significant hardware and software sales to support profitability for third‐party publishers." Finally, EEDAR expects more NGP information at GDC, while the first hands-on opportunities will have to wait for E3 2010.
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February 4th, 2011, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
We're all out of flabbergast over here. Sony Ericcson's still unannounced PlayStation-branded smartphone -- the "Xperia Play," or "PlayStation Phone" to us normal folks -- now appears in a commercial that found its way to YouTube. Beyond showing the (usually adorable) Android mascot having human thumbs sewn onto its arms, the advert depicts an unknown fighting game and two Gameloft titles.
The two Gameloft titles -- a racing game and a space combat game -- look an awful lot like entries in the publisher's Asphalt and Star Battalion franchises. Check out the creepy commercial after the break.
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February 4th, 2011, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
We said it at the Show and we'll say it again, Sony Ericsson just can't keep a lid on (any) secret information. The Xperia Play, formerly and more poetically known as the PlayStation Phone, has beenpreviewed, videoed, and loved (mostly by us), but today we can add even more to our foreknowledge about this still unannounced device in the form of its in-store booths. Yes, SE has planned out how resellers and carriers will pimp its gaming smartphone at retail, and yes, renders of that "brand experience" have leaked out. It's nothing jaw-dropping, just some upright pedestals with the words "smart phone, smart gaming" on its side, but at least it signals that we're at an advanced stage of preparations ahead of the handset's launch. There is a T-Mobile logo on there too, but that could be just a placeholder or could refer to territories outside the US. Either way, spring does sound like the perfect time for some more Gingerbread in our lives.
Update: Although we've been assured that the layout above is genuine, the slim device pictured on top of the stands looks like the Xperia Arc. The device at the bottom looks more like a cross between a PSP Go and the Xperia Play. Of course, we're expecting to see a myriad of Android devices announced withPlayStation Suite support, so who knows.
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February 4th, 2011, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via italian site PSPIta (translated via google - dont blame me :P)
The lack of a VSH menu nell'HEN 6:35 PRO , has led many developers to play around with their own proposals. It 's the time of codestation adapting to the plugin that HEN PSP-HUD v2.02 in order to get the handy features like the ability to display the remaining battery capacity in various ways, make screenshots and more.
Following further information.
Features, installation and download:
.: Features:.
- CPU / BUS speed and CPU usage
- Notification on CPU speed change
- Battery status (percent and time left)
- Local time
Besides displaying info on screen this plugin can:
- Change cpu speed
- Take a screenshot
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February 4th, 2011, 22:05 Posted By: Zack
Snes9x Euphoria R5 Beta 3 Has been released today for Retroemu 'Nsider members.
public release date is unknown at present as i want this tested rigorously by 'Nsider members before releasing to the general public.
If you want to help test this release, you can signup to Retroemu 'Nsider here http://www.retroemu.com/forum/index....=subscriptions (it helps me out too)
New beta more feedback wanted.
So.. New Features/Fixes :
[*] Fixed control/input issue from Beta 2.[*] Small code optimizations.
[+] Other minor changes.
[+] Rom loading time decreased (ie games boot faster)
So please can you guys test this and report back?
I would also like to know if any new games work with this build. Or if any get broken as a result.
Recommended settings :
For games that allow it (ie don't suffer huge graphical glitches) I would recommend this for full speed :
Render : Fast
Frameskip 3
Sound (11025) although having it at 44000 doesn't seem to affect speed much or at all.
For games that have graphical glitches ingame (when using the FAST renderer) that make them unplayable such as (mario kart) ..
I recommend the following settings :
Render : Fast + Accur.
Frameskip 3
Sound (11025) although having it at 44000 doesn't seem to affect speed much or at all.
Speed differences in games with R5 Beta 3 compared with R4 (from my testing) :
Chrono Trigger : Runs at 60fps with frameskip 0
Kirby's Superstar : Runs at 48>56fps (generally at 50fps) with frameskip 3
Mario RPG : Runs at 60fps with frameskip 0.
Thanks for feedback!
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February 5th, 2011, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...3-rootkit.html
My colleague iQD just showed me an interesting news post @ theregister.co.uk.
Chris Boyd, a security researcher at GFI Security gave a statement about the actual rumour about a rootkit in the newest PlayStation3 system.
I agree with his view about the remote firmware updates. SONY already made clear in earlier TOS', that they have the permission to silently update consoles via background firmware updates.
There is no need for a new "hidden rootkit" for this case.
Boyd aswell added in the interview, that he is "still waiting for someone to explain how this 'PS3 rootkit' could be used to run unsigned malicious code on a non-jailbroken box,".
Um, Mr. Boyd - this was never the intention by people claiming that such a rootkit exists. It was about the scene community fearing that SONY may disable their consoles remotly. Your idea would be way to complicated, there would me much easier ways to compromise consoles.
Regarding actual jailbreaked boxes, if we take the case of SONY's Windows rootkit, you can not compare this. If someone had the intention to write evil code for the PS3 system, the right time would be now. Every little skiddy tries to create his own version of a custom firmware and naiv people just install them.
No one thinks about someone who might use this as an advantage to transfer malicious code on the units to steal personal data like credit card details or similar.
A well done CFW like the kmeaw CFW 3.55 or homebrew backup managers could silently deliver you a PS3 trojan - you won't notice as you dont expect something like this on a gaming console.
Would be funny to join some infamouse IRC chans and read a chan topic like "Wanna' buy PS3 botnet?".
So I think Boyd's statement "People will happily download homebrew from Basement Bob which could steal logins/credit card details, but code from the console maker is evil?", is partly correct.
But what's the difference between running homebrew which may be infected with evil code, and
"evil" SONY code running which you don't even know of.
Obviously - would you more likely accept your Windows machine to be killed, cuz' you surfed on infected pr0n sites OR because Microsoft didn't like the theme you have installed and playing the big brother?
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February 5th, 2011, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/gitor...ck-sony-79739/
As we reported previously, Gitorious received a DMCA takedown notice from Sony and removed several PS3 dev gits as a result. Now, Gitorious is fighting back, refusing to remove any more repositories unless Sony can prove under Norwegian law that they are illegal.
An update on the Sony DMCA issue
We have just sent an email to Sony’s legal attournes in reply to their DMCA takedown notice sent to us yesterday:
Re: Demand for removal of claimed copyright infringing content from Gitorious.org
This is in reply to your notification of United States Copyright Law Violations at Listed URLs, dated February 1st 2011. As we confirmed via email yesterday, the content was taken down from gitorious.org yesterday at 3.18PM CET.
Your claim made reference to US law, which is not applicable in Norway. When removing the content from our server placed in Norway, we did so to avoid being in violation with Norwegian law, to the degree that Norwegian and US copyright law is compatible.
However, it is unreasonable, and in conflict with basic legal principles, to assume someone as guilty until proven innocent. Allowing any third party to demand the removal of content on gitorious.org based on unproven claims of copyright infringement would assume any gitorious.org user would need to prove his innoncence under Norwegian law. This is unacceptable to us.
Our Infringement Notice Policy (Infringement Notice Policy) requires any Infringement Notice to include:
- An identification of the intellectual property right claimed to have been infringed
Since your letter of yesterday contained no reference to Norwegian law we kindly ask that you prove that the content is in fact in violation of Norwegian law. We will not act on further Infringement Notices related to this content until SCEA provides a Norwegian court order that deems the content in question as being in violation of Norwegian law.
Gitorious wants to make it absolutely clear that we have no agenda relating to the repositories in question. Our initial response to this notice was motivated by the fact that Gitorious could possibly be held accountable for not responding should this content be deemed illegal (with reference to “Ehandelsloven” §18). We object deeply to any violation of the basic legal principle of being innocent until proven guilty. This is why we have passed the ball back to Sony.
We hope you understand that it is not in Gitorious’, or the majority of its users’, best interest to pick this fight. We don’t have the resources nor necessary domain knowledge to assess the legality of all of our projects, which is why we have terms of service that state that users carry this responsibility.
News Source: Gitorious Blog
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February 5th, 2011, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9506
New version of Custom Firmware 6.35 beta 8 of neur0ner PSP Flashable 200X.

News / Corrections:
- Fixed crash DigitalComic
- Fixed the cursor when you use the "skiplogo"
- Fixed the icon loader ciso
- Unlocking the AVC video (480x272)
- Update patch system for the syscall kernel_mode
Beta 8 of the custom firmware of 6.35 for the PSP neur0ner Flashable 200X (NOT PSP PSP-2000 TA-088v3).
Do not Install on PSP 1000, PSP-2000 TA-088v3, PSP 3000 and GO
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February 5th, 2011, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
Release for PSP Devs only from Heimdall
Ok new update the plugin can now discover default include paths build static libs out of the box and work with makefiles.
As a extra feature it also knows about the psp-gdb debugger and list it in the debuggers list.
See it here: http://www.jetdrone.com/post/1/25/new-minpsp-plugin-1.0.0
This plugin allows you to install the PSPSDK either from ps2dev or MinPSPW binaries, add it to your path, start eclipse and you can create a new C/C++ project and Eclipse knows the PSPSDK toolchain.
So code complete should work better and having to modify your projects all the time.
Have fun!
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February 5th, 2011, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Performance improvement for sceSasCore and sceSasCoreWithMix: audio is decoded and pitch-transformed on the fly to avoid long delays when the application is switching often the pitch or using very low pitches.
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February 5th, 2011, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
LittleBigPlanet 2 users have created 3.6 million levels since the DIY platformer launched on PlayStation 3 last month, Sony has announced.
In a group hug administered via the PlayStation Blog, Sony marketing man Mark Valledor said, "A big THANK YOU for helping us reach 3.6 million levels online! It's astonishing to see so many levels made for fun, and even levels created for contests."
Valledor also took the time to remind everyone to pick up Chinese New Year and Groundhog Day DLC as it will be taken down soon. Worry not though, a new Valentine's Day Pack should pick up the slack next week.
Looking further down the road, the next big update for the game will be Move DLC, which adds in motion control functionality and a bunch of new Story Mode levels. No firm release date has been posted for that yet, but don't expect it for a few months yet.
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February 5th, 2011, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
Several performance improvements in the VideoEngine:
- improved vertex cache: changes should now be always detected (no longer using a hash code)
- provided an asynchronous vertex cache when sceGuDrawArray can be detected at compile time: the cache is then checked in a separate thread so that the cache is already up-to-date at rendering time
- added a new option "Enable VAO" (OpenGL Vertex Array Object): this option can improve the performance in some applications, but not always. It can also reduce the performance in some cases. This is why this is only available as an option. This option is only active when enabling the vertex cache and the shaders.
- automatic merging of sequential "prim" commands to optimize OpenGL calls
- fast skip of GE commands having no effect (e.g. setting multiple times the same flag to the same value)
- statistics are now disabled by default (probably only useful for devs). They have to be enabled by DurationStatistics.collectStatistics.
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February 5th, 2011, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via Dukio
Graf_Chokolo has finally done what others couldn’t. Linux with all GameOS features, the much better “OtherOS” for your PS3, read more from him.
And here we go  Linux is officially back on PS3 3.41. It’s even better now
It has all GameOS features, it has access to all HDD, VFLASH and FLASH regions. It can communicate with Dispatcher Manager, Update Manager, SYSCON Manager, it can run isolated SPUs, and of course RSX
I uploaded some screenshots of the Debian distribution i installed on my PS3 HDD. The Debian distribution is a just normal PPC64 Linux without any modification, all i changed was my dutifully and beloved Hypervisor
I modified the Hypervisor so far that it boots the Linux bootloader petitiboot from VFLASH and petitboot loads the Linux distribution installed on a HDD region.
And what is better than Linux to boot Linux ? 
I practically implemented Dual Boot feature GameOS+OtherOS in the Hypervisor  Linux is not the only OS which can be booted like this from PS3 HDD.
Now we don’t need GameOS anymore to run our code, no need anymore for SELFs and we can start now programming our own games on PS3 on Linux
I will make everything public
And greetings to SONY  Hand me over the maintance and implementation of PS3 Hypervisor  I will improve it and maintain for free  We all will benefit. HV hacking is great fun
PS: Compiling now my own Linux kernel on PS3 itself Don’t worry guys, it will be on 3.55 too. Release is imminent.
Guys, one step after another, first test and implement with 3.41 then port to 3.55
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February 6th, 2011, 12:35 Posted By: Zack
Via the official Snes9x Euphoria Site www.retroemu.com
Snes9x Euphoria R5 Beta 3 Has been released today for the general public 
So you can download this version today and test!. Feedback is greatly appreciated, please leave bug reports etc at www.retroemu.com.
New Features & Fixes since the last public release (which was R4) :
So please can you guys test this and report back?
I would also like to know if any new games work with this build. Or if any get broken as a result.
Recommended settings :
For games that allow it (ie don't suffer huge graphical glitches) I would recommend this for full speed :
Render : Fast
Frameskip 3
Sound (11025) although having it at 44000 doesn't seem to affect speed much or at all.
For games that have graphical glitches ingame (when using the FAST renderer) that make them unplayable such as (mario kart) ..
I recommend the following settings :
Render : Fast + Accur.
Frameskip 3
Sound (11025) although having it at 44000 doesn't seem to affect speed much or at all.
Speed differences in games with R5 Beta 3 compared with R4 (from reports & my own testing) :
Chrono Trigger : Runs at 60fps with frameskip 0
Kirby's Superstar : Runs at 48>56fps (generally at 50fps) with frameskip 3
Mario RPG : Runs at 60fps with frameskip 0.
Final Fantasy Games seem to run at a constant 60fps with frameskip 1
All Donkey Kong Games : 60fps with frameskip 1>2
Mortal Kombat 1>3 60fps
Secret Of Mana 60fps
Super Metriod 60fps framekip 2 (use Fast + Approx renderer)
Thanks for feedback! And sorry for the HUGE timeframe between this and the previous release 
Download It Now!
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February 6th, 2011, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
Geohot may soon have company while facing the wrath of Sony. George Hotz has had todefend himself in court against the company since the beginning of this year, as Sony attempts to track down all the hackers responsible for the now widely-available PS3 jailbreak. The problem, thus far, has been actually finding them.
According to documents retrieved by PSX-SCENE, the company is pursuing this information, subpoenaing sites like the recently-DMCA'd Github. Sony is requesting "all information and documents related to the use of your service(s) to register, create, maintain and/or use accounts associated with the user names "hermesEOL," "kakaroto," "waninkoko," and "grafchokolo."
Although it's unlikely this legal action will slow distribution of the jailbreak, Sony's actions send a very loud statement: "we're very angry, and we're ."
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February 6th, 2011, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
The next Killzone game is the first not to be developed by series creators, Guerrilla Games. Instead, Gamerzines has learned that they have passed on development to Sony's Cambridge studio. While fans of the excellent Killzone Liberation for PSP may be disappointed to hear that Guerrilla isn't working directly on the game, senior producer Steven Ter Heide told the site that "we'll still oversee it because the universe is something we've built up, we know the war and the rules that have been established, but they're driving the development."
The Cambridge studio has worked on the MediEvil franchise and, most recently,LittleBigPlanet for PSP and TV Superstars for PlayStation Move.
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February 6th, 2011, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via wololo
Total Noob just released an exciting preview of the next version of his Hen, showing a PS1 game running on his PSP Go
Total_Noob adds:
There are also some new changes like VshMenu translation, flash0 protection bug fix and more. There’s no release date, so please don’t ask. Special thanks go to HacKmaN and Dr. Soup  PS1 support is a feature many people have been expecting for a while. Total_Noob had announced his Hen would support this, and proves it. I can’t wait for the release!
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February 6th, 2011, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
Take this as a rumour for now but our pals over at PSPIta have posted that youllbe able to use your PSP to Jailbreak the PS3, talk about a slap for Sony, heres the translated article:
Before the advent of 3:55 custom firmware for the PS3 owners the only way to change the console was to use the PS3 Jailbreak (or its clones) or a USB dongle which is made possible thanks to the code to run on non-certified PS3 Retail. This "Jailbreak" in following through the concerted efforts of many coders, was ported to other devices and made open-source ( PSGroove ). They talked for a long time even to a port on PSP but the work ended abruptly. Now, via his Twitter profile, developer Brandon Wilson announced that he was able to develop a homebrew capable PSP to make a dongle to all intents and purposes it will be possible to downgrade procedures (until 3:55 fw that turns out to be 'latest system software on which it is possible the procedure) and, with the PS3 firmware 3:41 and lower, to enable debug mode and then code execution is not certified.
Brandon Wilson said that the release is imminent. We will keep you updated when new.
Just ported PS3 downgrader / service mode jig to PSP. You can use it for <= FW3.55 stuff. I'm cleaning it up, etc.., Will release soon.
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February 6th, 2011, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gxmod
Ole proposes a new Amiga emulator for PS3.
Features :
- Supports CPU 68000, 68010, 68020
- Support Chipset OCS, ECS and AGA
- Amiga hi-res (720x576) 32bit depth
- Emulation joystick1, joystick2 (2nd joypad required) and mouse
- Simple Options dialog (support for change disks and more)
- Sound 48000 kHz
- Keyboard emulation
- Support for loading images, zip dms
- Reading of the startup configuration in either / or dev_usb000/uae/uae.cfg / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR/UAE.CFG.
Required :
- PS3 to boot homebrew
- Uae.cfg either / dev_usb000/uae / or / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR / (sample included UAE.CFG)
- Start-Rom see the file docs / readme
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February 6th, 2011, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow has posted a new release of the PSP Emulator for Windows.
Heres the release notes:
Actually this is mostly a bug fix release for single core cpus. As already explained in previous post there was a bug in audio that was preventing pcsp to work on single core cpus. Now it should work okay.
Besides that this release also offer decryption of encrypted PSP games on fly!. That's right you don't need to decrypt your PSP games in order to run or use external eboot.bins. Just remember to enable the decryptor in settings dialog and everything should decrypted on fly!.
Here is the complete changelog:
•Fix a bug in audio that was preventing single core cpus to run (now they should work fine)
•Added PRX1-PRX2 decryption. Now you can run encrypted games without the need to provide external decrypted file. You need to enable the Decryptor in settings in order to use it. (Settings->Settings->Hack Settings->Enable Decryptor)
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February 6th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Brandon Wilson has released what could be a very very interesting app for the PSP/PS3, heres the full release details
PS3Jig is a homebrew program for the PSP that emulates the official Sony "jig" stick for entering Factory/Service mode. All you need to do is attach a USB cable between your PS3 and PSP, run the program, and turn on your PS3, just like any other downgrade/service mode method.
Keep in mind that I'm not a PSP developer, and that I know very little about homebrew for it; my ability to answer questions about how to run it and troubleshoot any issues is severely limited.
This application is open source and has no license attached to it, so you're free to do whatever you want with it; but please don't slap your name on it and call it your own, it's just rude.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the main purpose of this?
To enter Factory/Service Mode on your PS3 using your PSP. This is typically used to downgrade your PS3's firmware version to something that supports homebrew/backups, or you can use it to unbrick some PS3s from a firmware flash gone bad.
Will this cause any permanent damage to my PSP?
Not that I know of, but don't blame me if it does.
Do I need a special cable for this?
No, you just need a standard A<->mini-B USB cable. Among many other uses, it's the cable used to charge/sync PS3 controllers. You have one of these.
What firmware version does my PS3 need to be on for this to work?
As of this writing, you need to be on firmware version 3.55 or earlier. DO NOT USE IT ON FIRMWARE VERSION 3.56 OR HIGHER UNTIL YOU READ OTHERWISE ELSEWHERE.
What firmware version does my PSP need to be on for this to work?
Honestly, I don't know. This requires kernel mode, so as of this writing (and to the best of my knowledge), version 6.35 or lower. It runs on my PSP-1001 5.50 GEN-D.
I get an error when I run it on the PSP! What's wrong?
I really don't know.
How do I get this on my PSP?
The same way you do with any other PSP homebrew. Do some reading and/or googling.
It didn't work! What's wrong?!
Try it multiple times. I have noticed through a hardware USB analyzer that sometimes the PSP doesn't send the jig challenge response correctly, despite the PSP saying it did.
Will this work on the PSP Slim? 2000? 3000?
I honestly don't know.
It locked up my PSP when I tried to exit! Why?
I honestly don't know. Pull the battery, re-insert it, and turn it back on.
What tools did you use to compile/build this?
Where's the latest source at?
What dongle ID does this use?
0xAAAA. It can easily be changed and re-compiled in the source. I didn't provide a UI for it because it's unlikely anyone will ever need to change it.
You know, you're really late on this.
I don't care.
I thought you said this couldn't be done! And yet here it is, prick. What's with the lying?
I said you couldn't implement the PSGroove/PSJailbreak exploit on it, and that's still true. Emulating the Sony official jig stick for Factory/Service Mode is different, and the PSP can do it. I didn't see anyone else doing it, so I did.
How can I scream at you / profess my undying love / throw money at you via PayPal / give a simple thanks / etc.?
brandonlw@gmail.com. Download HERE
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February 7th, 2011, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
Developer lauds simplicity of new handheld; PS3 compatibility 'possible'
Sony has kept true to its promise to create a new console that will put developers first, according to detailed claims from an unconfirmed source.
Speaking to Eurogamer on the condition of anonymity, the insider lauded Sony’s upcoming PSP2 platform as “a developer's dream”.
The handheld’s development platform was said to be built for rapid project turnaround, ease of use, as well as straightforward porting between PSP2 and PS3.
“Sony is finally doing the things developers have been crying out for for years,” the person said.
"Sony has made it completely developer-centric this time. [The development kit] is really simple to plug in and use. It opens direct in Windows Explorer and you can see all systems on a network – so you could, for example, update the firmware of multiple NGPs at once.”
The source continued: "A PS3 dev station can take three hours to set-up. This looks like it will take under 20 mins. It just makes everything easier – they've really thought about it this time.”
Last year, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida told Develop the PlayStation manufacturer had learnt from mistakes in the past and was going to build new platforms with developers in mind.
“When Ken Kutaragi moved on and Kaz Harai became the president of SCE, the first thing Kaz said was, ‘get World Wide Studios in on hardware development’,” Yoshida said.
“So he wanted developers in meetings at the very beginning of concepting new hardware, and he demanded SCE people talk to us [developers].”
When asked whether this change in philosophy will be applied to future PlayStation hardware, Yoshida replied: “Yes, we are undergoing many activities that we haven’t yet been talking about in public. Some future platform related activities.”
Eurogamer’s source went on to claim that PSP2 tech allowed for more straightforward cross-platform development – a testament to both its power and simplicity to develop on.
The person claimed to have seen the “WipEout HD PS3 engine running on [PSP2] with no changes to the art platform”.
“That means full resolution, full 60 frames per second. It looks exactly the same as it does on PS3 – all the shader effects are in there.
"Any shaders for PS3 stuff will just work. We won't have to rewrite. What would have taken two to three months before looks like it could take just one to two weeks now. The architecture is obviously different, but it's the same development environment."
Sony is apparently “urging developers to create releases that work across PS3 and NGP”, Eurogamer said.
"They want us to do cross-platform," said the source, explaining that the submission process has been streamlined, with only a single submission required for a title on PSN and NGP.
Yet Sony is apparently urging developers to avoid straight console-to-handheld ports. The firm "does not want exactly the same game" on PSP2 and PS3.
There needs to be a purpose behind the PSP2 edition of a PS3/PSN game, the source said.
"They want at least some kind of interactivity between the two versions with NGP-only extras.”
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February 7th, 2011, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Last week we got the exciting news that Battlefield 3 will be released this autumn via the first trailer for the game.
We then got a boat load of new information about the game, including the fact it will feature battles in Paris, Tehran and New York..
Your reaction to the Battlefield 3 announcement was a little bit mixed, especially concerning the fact that the new DICE shooter would sport a single-player campaign.
You were concerned that the EA brand of modern warfare wouldn't actually be able to separate itself from all the other modern warfare out there. But EA senior gamplay designer Alan Kertz, has reassured gamers that there are no plans to 'kill COD by copying', which should provide a glimmer of hope.
So, what do EA and DICE have up their sleeves? When dealing with dusty, dirty war in modern times, what needs to be done to truly revolutionise the genre and can COD be eliminated from the top spot by Battlefield 3?
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February 7th, 2011, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
The Xperia Play – Sony Ericsson's "PlayStation Phone" – was finally made official last night with a bonkers telly advert that premiered during the Super Bowl.
According to an update on Sony Ericsson's Facebook page, the Android device launches at 6pm UK time on 13th February with a full unveiling at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona.
Xperia Play features a sliding mechanism that reveals a direction pad and PlayStation's trademark square, triangle, circle and X face buttons.
It will utilise the PlayStation Suite, allowing users to access Android games and PlayStation One games downloaded over the PlayStation Network.
"That's the second biggest worst kept secret I've ever seen."
Xperia Play was – alongside Sony's PlayStation Portable successor – one of the worst kept secrets in the industry.
Reports suggest its screen is "on par" with the iPhone's Retina display. Sony's Bravia technology is said to have "trickled" in, with Sony Ericsson considering leveraging the Bravia brand when highlighting the display.
Digital Foundry analysed the leaked specs last month. What was said? "The PlayStation Phone looks like an interesting, if somewhat unremarkable piece of hardware. It's down to the games to convince us of its prospects."
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February 7th, 2011, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Now that the Xperia Play is finally official ahead of a full unveiling at MWC next week, carriers are ready to hop on the bandwagon -- or at least one is: O2 in the UK. Other than a brief tweet, no other details are given at this point, though the quick support of a major European carrier has to be good news for Sony Ericsson considering that device subsidies are no longer a sure thing... and without question, the Play represents something of a Hail Mary for one of the most badly bruised and beaten titans of the wireless industry. Pricing on contract is, of course, a huge open question -- as is North American support -- but hopefully all will be revealed on the 13th.
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February 7th, 2011, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile and O2 will all offer Sony Ericsson's gaming-centric Xperia Play smartphone when it launches in the UK later this year.
According to an Engadget report, O2 broke the news via its Twitter feed, while Pocket-lint then got confirmation of the other carriers' support.
Both Orange and T-Mobile stated that the device will be available from them in April, though didn't discuss pricing or contract details.
Of the main UK operators, that just leaves Three to declare its interest.
Sony's worst kept secret finally went public at the weekend in a brief promo aired in the US during the Super Bowl. Full disclosure of what the gadget actually does is expected at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona this weekend.
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February 7th, 2011, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...2&view_reply=1
The developer hiroi01 releases the 1094 version of the plugin pprefs grace to the XMB where you can manage the activation and deactivation of plugins available on PSP. This new version improves compatibility with a greater number of plug-in and is accessible on CF 5.00m33-6, CF 5:50 GEN-D3, and 6.3x 6.20TN PRO. If using this plugin on CF may seem superfluous, but it is very convenient in the case of the last two listed HEN.
Source: Hiroi
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February 7th, 2011, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
With the continuous updating of HEN and CF for the latest firmware is handy to have on hand some little touches to make up for the shortcomings of these new products. This time we think our PataPork issuing a revised, corrected and relieved of his Easy Plugin Manager is optimized to run on 6.3x PRO , through which you can enable / disable plugins that are in your console without the need of having to connected to the computer. The manager with graphics reminiscent of the well-known recovery menu plugin will do a check of the various categories to collect them in order to restore clear vision.
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February 7th, 2011, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
As previously announced, the Chinese developer hrimfaxi (aka Virtuous Flame) has released the 6:35 PRO-A , a temporary CF (CF 3.5 is already known as the Gen-C) that can run on any model of PSP upright official FW 6.35.
With this CF will be executed directly from XMB homebrew and ISO.
The developer thinks about the future while anticipating the next 6:35 PRO-B will have support for PS1 games and the Recovery Menu.
WARNING: Multi users who tested the CF have found the brick patterns 3000 (04g). E 'therefore should avoid the use of CF on these models of PSP, extending care to all models of PSP 3000.
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February 7th, 2011, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
New version of Custom Firmware to 6.35 beta 9 neur0ner PSP Flashable 200X.
News / Corrections:
- Added NP9660_Driver
- Added option UMD ISO VSH menu but also in the Recovery mode
The beta 9 of the Custom Firmware 6.35 is for PSP neur0ner Flashable 200X (NOT PSP PSP-2000 TA-088v3).
Do not Install on PSP 1000, PSP-2000 TA-088v3, PSP 3000 and GO
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February 8th, 2011, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Move is probably the most accurate motion controller when it comes to playing Virtua Tennis 4, but the others aren't without their benefits.
In an interview with CVG, Mie Kumagai - the creator of the tennis series - outlined the benefits of Move, Kinect and Wii.

"In terms of the three motion play devices, if you take the Move it works with the controller in your hand and the eye, so it detects very accurately every single movement you make with the controller and also it detects where you are in the space very well with the camera," she explained.
"So it makes the motion play on the Move probably the most accurate motion play out of all the three."
Kumagai added: "But if you take Kinect it offers our users much more freedom without being restricted to holding anything in their hand."
"Also, Kinect is a very good device for tracing every part of your body so users are encouraged to improve their tennis playing form using their entire body not just swinging their arms around.
"In terms of the Wii it's going to be very similar to the Move in terms of having the controller in your hand but I feel the Wii is a very accessible platform and you don't have to have the Motion Plus attached.
"So hopefully it'll be able to reach a wider number of people out there. It's very easy to pick up and play."
Have a look at the Virtua Tennis 4 trailer that was released last month and features the "strongest ever" roster for the series.
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February 8th, 2011, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
I knew Sony would get pissy over the PS3 and seems they are using their considerable cash to get people prosecuted all over the place, heres the news from Gamesindustry.biz
Sony has issued subpoenas for information to various websites and social networks, requesting various data related to accounts believed to be held by members of the fail0verflow hacking team.
Documents passed on to hacking community site PSX-Scene are understood to show the requests, and contain concerns over whether or not all of the relevant details of the case have been fully disclosed.
The move indicates a marked ramping up of the company's attempts to prosecute the hackers behind the breach, which have previously been focused on George Hotz, known in the hacking community asGeoHot.
Hotz, along with several others, was successfully legally restrained by Sony from distributing the published hacking information any further, but Sony believes that others are still doing so.
Sony believes that by obtaining account information from the companies it has subpoenaed it will be able to track down further members of the team responsible and prosecute them.
The details Sony is requesting include account details, IP addresses, personal information and access to created posts and documents. Sony claims that any delay in the process is causing them further harm, as the unknown members of the group continue to distribute the hack.
A rapid resolution to the subpoenas will allow Sony to "identify the Fail0verflow Defendants and other culpable entities so appropriate action can be taken against them for the distribution of the illegal circumvention devices," the documents claim.
"The infringers will continue to distribute the illicit circumvention devices while SCEA must wait to be heard on its request to discover the identities and locations of those infringers."
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February 8th, 2011, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
No wonder developers are jumping ship to Rovio: it's flooded with money. Angry Birds has managed to perch itself atop not only the iOS and Android marketplaces, but it has claimed the top spot on the PlayStation Store as well. Released as a mini, the port works on both PS3 and PSP, which undoubtedly helped its sales. The rest of the top 10 for January include:
- Angry Birds
- Tetris
- X-Men
- Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
- Final Fantasy VII
- Wheel of Fortune
- Marvel vs Capcom 2
- Mass Effect 2
- Castle Crashers
- Risk Factions
Mass Effect 2 is a surprising addition to the top downloads list, considering it is a full $60 game. Perhaps the success of Bioware's RPG will cause more publishers to consider releasing full retail games via the PlayStation Store?
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February 8th, 2011, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/08/p...e-to-win-3200/
Here we go!
A few days ago, I announced the upcoming PSP Genesis competition, a massive PSP homebrew contest. I announced it would be one of the biggest psp scene contest ever in terms of prizes. I’m extremely proud to announce that thanks to the massive positive reaction from several sites of the PSP scene, the PSP Genesis competition is going to be THE biggest PSP contest ever.
As I type this, the cumulative amount of prizes is 3200$, of which almost 3000$ is cash. Want to know more? Is it enough if I say that the first prize is the impressive amount of 1600$? did I lie when I said that my personal contribution of 100$ would be only a small part of the prizes?
What else? 750$ for the second best entry, 400$ for the 3rd one, 100$ for the members’ vote on /talk, A PSP Go for the members vote on psp-hacks.com, as well as my personal contribution of 100$ for my favorite open source entry.
Many thanks go to npt, psp-hacks.com, pspslimhacks.com, wololo.net, the first sponsors of this massive event. We are still welcoming more sponsors of course, so if you’re interested to become a sponsor of this contest, please check the sponsors’ page.
And if you’re a homebrew developer… Well, I do believe that the prizes should be motivation good enough. So go and check the rules, you have until May, 15th to submit your entry!
(We are still ironing out a few things, we didn’t expect something that huge, please bear with us as it’s our first time organizing such an event)
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February 8th, 2011, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1
Nearly two months after the last update, the developer patpat updates its PC application CTFtool GUI program that allows you to create CTF themes for PSP compatible with the latest available version of the plugin CXMB. Among the new features in this release, being version 4.5, there is an update of the conversion modules for RCO and PRX, and the introduction of some new functions.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Patpat v4.5.1 release the fix that fixes a bug during compilation and conversion file rco / ctf.
Just download and unzip the archive into the directory CTFtool GUI v4.5
Changelog v4.5:
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- Base Folder (6:20 to 6:35): common_gui.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, opening_plugin.prx, paf.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx
- Base Folder (5.50): game_plugin.prx,, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx, common_gui.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.rco
- Base Folder 5.00: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx,
- Base Folder (3.71 - 4.01): common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.rco
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
Changelog v4.5:
- Added function to convert topmenu_icon.rco (5.xx - 6:20 to 6:31 - 6.35)
- Support for conversion 6.20/6.35
- CXMB updated support for fw from 3.71 to 6:35
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to transfer the PTF FW 6.20/6.31/6.35
- Updated the conversion modules PRX / RCO
- Fixed some bugs
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February 8th, 2011, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Regardless of how bad it could leave the name implies, VSH Recovery Menu Flasher & developed by coder 1 Deutschland actually allows you to install on CF fixed GEN, and the old versions of m33 menu VSH and Recovery , and implements convenient features for creation of ISO UMD, Backup and Recovery existing VSH menu, change the version.txt a firmware update to the official.
E 'ruled out the installation of VSH and Recovery on non-hackable PSP stably (2000 TA-088v3, 3000 and Go!).
The 1.5 version of this homebrew, allows the use of Version.txt Faker also 6.20TN, through which you can replace files Version.txt.
Following the download.
Overview of features and download:
.: Overview of functions.
- Recovery Menus: Allows you to install different versions of the Recovery Menu (not available on HEN)
- VSH Menus: Allows you to install several versions of VSH Menu (not available on HEN)
- Other Functions: to start broser the Internet, choose the version, create a backup dell'UMD quote
- Backup Menus: Create, delete and restore the backup of the Recovery menu and VSH.
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February 8th, 2011, 23:40 Posted By: Shrygue
This isn't a new release, I posted this 4 years ago. It's just something I rediscovered after the forum was upgraded and all our downloads went. Anyway this is a screen saver XMB for Windows made by AgentOrange of OrangeAgent.de. It's customisable with options to choose up to 32 waves, use up to 8 different colours, apply a custom background and more.
To install and use, first download and unpack the zip package to a folder of your choice. Then right click the screensaver and choose Install. Alternatively you can extract it to C:\Windows\System32 and it will appear in your list of screensavers in Display Properties.
Extract of changelog from v0.96 (previously posted version):
- v0.98b
+ Small fixes (Position of Configuration Window, Reset Visual Options)
- v0.98
+ Again improved Multi-Monitor Supprt.
The Screensaver should now span across all screens
+ Added more compatibility options:
Resolution override option
(for very large desktop resolutions that your 3d card cannot support)
+ Added option to reset all settings to their default value
- v0.97
+ Added option to pick a background image (BMP/JPG)
+ Added compatibility mode for older (onboard) gfx cards
supporting only 512 x 512 texture resolution
* Waves are smooth again (thx asuswild)
* Enabled VSync by default (even smoother wave movement)
* Fixed Speed - Setting could not be saved (thx CertifiedDORK)
* Fixed fading error
Download here and leave feedback via comments.
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February 9th, 2011, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jackjason
FileSort ist a Homebrew, that can handle your files.
You can dump your flash an sort the files name or by type, or both.

You are able:
Advanced Copy
- Copy Dirs & Files
Copy Files Only Simple Sort
- Sort By Name
Sort By Type Advanced Sort
- Sort By Name & Type
Sort By Type & Name Download Here
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February 9th, 2011, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are doing one of their weekly specials in which they reduce the price of a game quite a lot, heres the details from them:

DJMAX welcomes the hit techno-classic band Clazziquai into their family. Clazziquai's music, although intricate as a whole, can be split into different parts.
By concentrating on one part of the music, the female lead's melody, for example, new gamers can have an easier time picking up the basics and by working together with the computer or other DJs, the players can perform complex melodies that dazzle.
Besides new tracks, the game combines songs from the first and second games, resulting in a music database with more than 100 pieces. Players can unlock hidden stages and music videos by taking challenges. Clazziquai is a good place to start your DJ MAX addiction, beginners can start here before heading to the more challenging Black Square and DJ MAX Portable 3.
Flashing lights and blazing beat, DJ MAX Emotional Sense - Clazziquai is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 12.90 only.
The Korean Sony™ PSP version is region free and will be shipped worldwide without restrictions. So welcome to the party, no matter where you are!
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February 9th, 2011, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has released a patch for Metal Gear Online enabling the game to detect fraudulent network connections, which usually slow down gameplay during the sessions.
The update also makes a few changes to the game's Drebin Points system, while weapon and skill parameters have been adjusted and skills for unique characters have been tweaked.
The update also introduces an overall increase to character movements as well as idle kicking for auto matching.
Additionally, players can look forward to regular background music updates which will include tracks from throughout the MGS series.
Finally, the Gene, Meme and Scene expansion packs are also now available for purchase via the in-game shop and Konami's shop.
Hideo Kojima has shown off Metal Gear Solid 4 running on Sony's NGP.
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February 9th, 2011, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Were you aware that Japanese Harvest Moon publisher and developer Marvelous Entertainment was making a large scale multiplatform RPG for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360?
Don't feel to bad if the answer is no, as such a game was never formally announced. However, in an earnings briefing today, Marvelous said that it was developing a large scale multiplatform RPG for the two platforms, but it decided to cancel the project after considering the future game market environment.
It looks like this project might have been pretty far along, as the company listed 245 million yen as losses attributed to the cancelation.
There will still be an HD RPG from Marvelous, though. PS3 will be getting Rune Factory Oceans, which is due for Japanese release on February 24. This is also multiplatform, but with Wii instead of Xbox 360.
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February 9th, 2011, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Following news of Australia's annual games product sales, Sony has revealed lifetime Australian figures for its current hardware range.
The PlayStation 3 has sold 1.1 million units to date according to figures released to GameSpot, and last year claimed 26.5 per cent of the territory's hardware market.
Microsoft has thus far refused to share Xbox 360 figures (its last announcement in that regard was 700,000 consoles sold by August 2009), but claimed 2010 saw a 20 per cent boost over 2009 sales, and became the console's biggest year to date in Australia.
Meanwhile, the PlayStation 2 boasts a total install base of 2.6 million in Australia, while the PSP manages 675,000.
In software, PS3 games claim 26.7 per cent of the market, with Sony claiming the PS3's attachment rate is 10 games per console.
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February 10th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...5&view_reply=1
The Japanese plum developer update once its plugin Light VSH Menu, the Quick menu of the XMB (already included in the various Custom Firmware) is intended for those who use the HEN for 6.3x firmwares. The release today of the plugin introduces the function Hide MAC Address and fixes some bugs in previous versions.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v0.5:
- Added Hide MAC Address
- Fixed some bugs
- Support for version.txt
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February 10th, 2011, 15:23 Posted By: Shrygue
Sony Computer Entertainment America's been pretty mad lately with the likes of Geroge Hotz and Fail0verflow for hacking their PS3 last month. Recently they've made moves to subpoena the likes of Google, Twitter, Youtube, Paypal and other sites for information to find and sue the hackers. Unfortunately, PSX-Scene reports that Honorable Susan Illston has denied the company's request for expedited discovery, meaning they can't serve mentioned sites the notice. In addition, a hearing for the motion that was scheduled today has been moved to March 11th 2011.
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February 10th, 2011, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via EP
virtuosflame aka liquidzigong just released 635PRO-A1
Google Translation:
Quote:This is the one from China (L) CFW. 635PRO as an enhanced version of it has XMB ISO display.
[!] fix order of ISO
[!] fix large memory support, and now we can unlock the memory 55M
[!] can not run after the fix into the UMD ISO
[!] fix USB Device can only be enabled once
[+] Merge HEN and installation procedures can be directly installed in the OFW
[+] Add Tekken and Soul Calibur patch
[+] Add key D9161AF0
[+] Add in the RESET VSH VSH MENU
Support all types of PSP, which PSP-1000, PSP-2000, PSP-GO is strictly tested
Support the unlock 52MB of memory, has reached the level of the times 5xx
The NP9660 has a built-in and March33 ISO driver to support more games
Here's what i did:
- disabled all plugins.
- boot 635PROHEN.
- run 635FastRecovery (black screen and PSP shutsdown).
- boot 635PROHEN.
- run 635PRO-A1 hold L button and installed it again.
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February 10th, 2011, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita (translated via google)
E 'available for download v10 of the Custom 6:35, the CF developed by coder neur0n that turns out to be only compatible with PSP 2000, with the exception of the TA-088v3. The release today again the NID Resolver updates and fixes a bug in the recovery menu, specifically the function Toggle USB.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
V10 Changelog:
- Fixata function Toggle USB Recovery Menu
- Updated NID Resolver
- Added a patch for the function AntiCFW
NB: Please note that the 6:35 is the Custom installation on PSP 2000 except TA-088v3
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February 11th, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=2738
modrobert writes: "Back in November 2010 Graf_chokolo made his Hypervisor Reverse Engineering wiki page public over at ps3wiki.lan.st (old EurAsia news post here). Since then Graf_chokolo has updated the page on daily basis which has slowly grown into a wealth of PS3 hacking knowledge. He has also created several new wiki pages you can follow by checking the recent changes over at ps3wiki.lan.st. Today I read xorloser has disabled the comments in his blog to 'prevent people from posting anything contentious', in effect blocking himself (alter ego Graf_chokolo). After that the guys over at Dukio gratiously provided a blog for Graf_chokolo which he will use for comments but continue the documentation work from his hacking efforts over at ps3wiki.lan.st. I hope this clears things up, there seems to be some confusion out there. You can also find the Hypervisor Reverse Engineering wiki page mirrored here at EurAsia among other interesting PS3 related pages, in case Sony the giant crab gets any ideas (thanks goes to garyopa over at psx-scene.com for making me visualize Sony the proper way in my mind)."
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February 11th, 2011, 02:56 Posted By: Zack
This thread is intended for developers only. To the general public this is probably not applicable to you.
Yup, despite other teams not releasing there source code to there continuations of the Snes9x project. I have decided the time is right to release my work.
So if you want to grab the source or better yet, join the project ... take a peek here http://code.google.com/p/snes9x-euphoria/
If you want to join the project and get commit access, please pm me at www.retroemu.com
Sorry if the first commit is a little messy, it has been a long time since I last used svn and i accidentally included unneeded files such as save games and profiles. Sorry!
Hope this is of interest to people, and I hope it gets some interest as far as developers joining the project goes.
PS : I really don't want to see loads of knock offs and repackaging of this emulator under a different alias. The reason I decided to make the code public was to attain some developer interest and thus further improve this emulator. Please remember this, I don't work on this emulator for fame or respect, I do it so we can have a better Snes experience on our PSP's.
(Don't take the above to heart!, I just want to see this release as a progressive thing not a step backward)
If you seriously think you can help improve the project, please get in contact with me.
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February 11th, 2011, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Lets hope he hasnt got any programs he hasnt paid for or a stash of naughty porn, but it seems Geohot will have his PC searched by Sony, heres the details from Eurogamer:
A US judge has ordered PlayStation 3 hacker George Hotz to turn over his hard drive to Sony for inspection.
Sony is allowed to retrieve information that relates to the hacking of the console, according toWired.com.
21-year-old George Hotz, aka GeoHot, must meet with Sony to turn his computer over.
GeoHot was the first to fully crack the PlayStation 3 wide open. After publishing his jailbreak code on his website and a video explaining how to use it on YouTube, Sony sued Hotz on a Digital Millennium Copyright Act claim, alleging he distributed devices that circumvented anti-piracy controls.
"Here, I find probable cause that your client has got these things on his computer," US District Judge Susan Illston said.
"It's a problem when more than one thing is kept on the computer. I'll make sure the order is and will be that Sony is only entitled to isolate ... the information on the computer that relates to the hacking of the PlayStation."
The judge reneged, however, on an order that Hotz "retrieve" the code from anybody he might have forwarded it to.
"It's information. It can't be retrieved. It's just not practical," Illston said. "What would they do, Xerox it and mail it back?"
Sony is threatening to sue anybody who posts the jailbreak code - even though made-up PlayStation marketing man Kevin Butler unwittingly published the PS3's root key on Twitter.
Sony's attempt to subpoena internet titans Google, YouTube, Twitter, SlashDot and PayPal - and find out where notorious PS3 hackers Fail0verflow live – was denied yesterday.
Illston scheduled a hearing for the setback motion for 11th March. Sony seeks unspecified damages.
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February 11th, 2011, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's forthcoming NGP device will coexist with the PSP, not replace it, so says Sony chief Shuhei Yoshida.
In an interview with Edge, Yoshida insisted it made no sense to think of the NGP as a replacement for the PSP seeing as Sony was still struggling to meet demand for its current handheld.
"The NGP features everything Sony can and wants to do today," he said. "It's a platform looking forward with great ambition.
"It can't replace a platform that has already been on sale for seven years now. In terms of pricing, we can't sell the NGP for the same price as a PSP. The PSP has become very affordable and popular, especially with younger generations.
"I think the NGP needs time to mature and get adopted by users," he added. "So, for the time being, both platforms will coexist."
The NGP is still a way off, with a late 2011 release mooted. It's worth noting that the PSP's release schedule between now and then isn't exactly bursting at the seams. There's Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together on 25th February, then Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy and LEGO Star Wars III arrive in March. After that though, things look bare.
Personally if anyone will support older consoles its Sony, but the PSP has had more than its fair share of piracy, i can see 3rd party devs dumping it asap, what do others think ?
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February 11th, 2011, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
In case you missed out on the UMD releases of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 2 (or if you have a PSP Go), Square Enix is giving you the chance to get them from the comfort of your own, European hotspot. The Square Enix France Facebook page has announced that the two games will be released on the European PSN for €9.99 each -- a significant discount over what Square Enix tried to get away with for the UMD versions. Final Fantasy will be available to download next Wednesday, February 16, and Final Fantasy 2 will follow on March 2.
In addition, a coupon included with Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy will reduce the price of the first Final Fantasy by half. A coupon for Final Fantasy 2 at half-price will come included with The 3rd Birthday. Square Enix hasn't announced this offer nor the downloadable releases for North America, though odds are good it won't pass up the opportunity to sell the first two Final Fantasies again.
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February 11th, 2011, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The developer patpat releases a new update of CXMB known plugin that allows you to customize the look of our issues directly by loading the PSP Memory Stick, thus preserving the console from annoying brick possible. The new release extends the compatibility to a range that goes from CF 3.71M33 to 6.35PRO-A, plus fixes bug that plagued the use 6.35PRO-A PSP with Go!.
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February 12th, 2011, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
If you are a user of Asbestos developed by Kmeaw, here is a new Linux distribution based on Debian compatible.
Key Features:
- Support for hard drives with multiple partitions
- Use all available space
- Support for / home on a partition "external"
- FTP Server (login: PS3)
- Ps3-utils package installed
Feel free to try this distribution and reassembling your impressions, bugs, requests to the author on this page .
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February 12th, 2011, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod (translated news)
Only 24 hours after the release of CFW 6.35 PRO-A1, Virtuous Flame returns with a new version of its custom firmware PSP for all temporary, this proves that it provides good tracking and development of its small jewelry.
News / Corrections:
- Fixed CAG MHP3 v4 (Chinese version).
- Added option on the menu Device Suspend VSH (put the PSP in standby mode to avoid losing the CFW).
Note that the Fast Recovery 6.35 is still compatible with this version of PRO-A2.
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February 12th, 2011, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Another Custom Firmware for PSP updated, i personally stick with 5.50Gen but each to their own, heres whats new from GXmod (google translated)
The PSP developer neur0ner continues day by day, improving his standing custom firmware for PSP only Flashable 200X.
As always its just works on CFW PSP-200X with a date code from the 7C 8B, the PSP has the date code-8C are not compatible.
News / Corrections:
- MAJ OPNSSMP option, now you can play your isos without decrypt the eboot. Bin, if these isos require a firmware below 6.35.
- Rename the configuration file in config.se config.me
Do not Install on PSP 1000, PSP 2000 8C, PSP 3000 and GO
: http://twitter.com/ # / neur0ner
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February 13th, 2011, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspdisp
Three months after the last release, the team released a new update for JJS PSPdisp, the PC application permettedi we use our PSP as an extra PC monitor with a resolution of 960x544. The update today, bringing the program to version 0.6, introduces the possibility of connecting multiple PSPs mode WiFi and other features.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v0.6:
Changelog :
- The settings can be "Presets"
- Support for Wake-On-Lan
- It 's now possible to disable the LED of the WLANhttp://jjs.at/software/pspdisp.html
This program package enables the use of a Playstation Portable as an additional monitor in Windows. You can also remotely send keyboard and mouse commands to the PC. The newest version implements sound streaming, too.
PSPdisp is compromised of four components, on Windows a display driver, an usb driver and the interface application which captures the screen, compresses it and sends it over USB or WLAN to the PSP. On the PSP side there is an application that decompresses the frames and displays them.
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February 13th, 2011, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pedroduarte0
Here you can find my PS2 port of Nicky Boum, a popular game among Amigans, from the NickyBoumPSP port by deniska, from of the original Nicky Boum engine rewrite by Gregory Montoir.
The controls are:
Left analog stick for movement, ‘X’ button for fire (hold it for ‘boum’), ‘O’ for jump, L1 for skip level, L2 for quit current live, R1 for adding all bonuses, ‘Select’ for pausing and ‘Start’ for quiting game. Any USB keyboard compatible with the PS2 is also supported.
The original game has some aparent bugs and it was not extensively tested, but it’s not my intention to fix any of the original engine bugs or missing features. Please expect not much future releases from me.
Download here:
NickyBoumPS2 v.0.2.0a binaries and sources
In long verbose words:
For the brave ones who decided to read this part, I’ll start explaining why Nicky Boum and how this port it came to reality, mentioning its ups and downs.
So it all happened when I tried Nicky Boum PSP from deniska from http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/nicky-boum-psp-111236.html. This is a port of the popular Amiga game called Nicky Boum which I never played to say the truth, although my long past as an Amiga user and gamer, but I know it to be very dear among Amigans.
When I first looked into its sources, the first thing that striked me was the relatively small number of small source files, the fact that’s a pure SDL game port and with almost 0% PSP specific code (as far I remember, it only sets the PSP CPU frequency). So, I saw in this port an excellent oportunity to get a PS2 port of the game for the hungry PS2 homebrew scene and also a fast way to test the current health of the ps2sdk SDL libs, compatible with my limited free time.
I did the port itself in less than one hour. After this time time period, it was already compiling and a .ELF was born into this world. After fixing some issues with file IO specific to the PS2 and the host: device for debugging, I was not much surprised by the result: A blank screen and no sound what so ever.
So what was the problems, then?
First the blank display: The function SDL_UpdateRect is used to redraw the display but accordingly to the SDL documentation, “Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen. In other words, it makes sure any changes to the given area of the screen are made visible. The rectangle must be confined within the screen boundaries because there’s no clipping“.
On the other hand, i’ve also read the description of the SDL_Flip() not used at the sources: “On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip and returns. The hardware will wait for vertical retrace, and then swap video buffers before the next video surface blit or lock will return. On hardware that doesn’t support double-buffering or if SDL_SWSURFACE was set, this is equivalent to calling SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0). A software screen surface is also updated automatically when parts of a SDL window are redrawn, caused by overlapping windows or by restoring from an iconified state. As a result there is no proper double buffer behavior in windowed mode for a software screen, in contrast to a full screen software mode.“
So, it happens the ps2sdk SDL lib compiles using SDL_USE_HW_SURFACE=1 defined at the Makefile, so apparently SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0) makes no effect. I replaced it by a SDL_Flip call and wonder of the wonders, I’ve got a gameplay image. Apparently, SDL_UpdateRect is enough at the pspsdk.
And I’ve got literally a display image, not an animation, since the gameplay is completely freezed… What was wrong then? So, the program flow is stalled after a SDL_Delay call, which should take a specified limited amount of miniseconds, not an unlimited amount. Unlike the pspsdk SDL port, the PS2 SDL port requires explicit initialization of the timer used by SDL_Delay, how could I know this? Adding a SDL_INIT_TIMER tag to the SDL_Init unlocked the gameplay!
The sound is working but shitty. It seems to be an effect of broken task switching but yet there is sound, unlike my previous experiences with ps2doom. High frequency sounds like speech and high pitch sounds seems more affected than lower frequency samples, such as the explosions. What most suffered with this was the music play, and this would be intolerable, specially for those who have good memories of playing this game in the past on other platforms. I managed to avoid having to debug SDL sound routines (more than not fun, it would be very time consuming with the current primitive debugging tools for the ps2sdk) by using another approach: sdlmixer mod play works fine, so I commented the original music play routines and replaced by sdlmixer calls. I gave the player the option to select only sfx or music during gameplay and put sdlmixer pumping the original songs I’ve got from modarchive.org (the songs at the data folder doesn’t seems .mod files compatible with sdlmixer).
To finish it I just needed to adapt the controller sources to cope with the PS2 specifics (a USB keyboard is also supported, thanks to ps2sdk SDL, by the way), tweak the sdlmixer lib to output slight more volume to the mod play, use romfs to embed all the data files into an .ELF and release to the public.
By the way, I decided to included some game files as in the Nicky PSP archive from the link above. If there is some request to remove them, I’m glad to comply.
The conclusion is that the PS2 SDL ports are not 100% healthy and even the simple standard example may show its problems. I’m glad for the folks that ported SDL to the PS2, don’t take me wrong. Unfortunably, it seems interest on the PS2 platform as homebrew is very low measuring from the number of the active coders and I don’t have the opportunity nowadays to fix all that is needed to fix.
Enjoy it.
(Project’s home : http://code.google.com/p/cosmitops2ports/)
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February 14th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson has (finally!) officially announced details on the Xperia Play, aka PlayStation Phone. The device will come pre-loaded with a "legendary" PS1 game, according to Kazuo "" Hirai and a number of PlayStation titles will be available through the Android Marketplace "exclusively to Xperia Play" for a limited time. PlayStation Suite will be available later in the year.
In addition, Ericsson has revealed that 20 publishers are working on content on the device, with up to 50 games available at launch. Some of the brands you can expect on the device include the not-so-dead Guitar Hero, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, and Dead Space. Notably, EA's FIFA will be "the first multiplayer FIFA game on mobile."
Many of the games available on Xperia Play are ports, and a partnership with Unity -- a cross-platform engine -- will allow for easy and optimized ports to Sony's mobile device. But there are some exclusives beyond PSone games: Dungeon Defender Wave 2, for example, is exclusive to the platform. Today's announcements make it clear that Android's finally got game -- but are you interested?
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February 14th, 2011, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
After months of speculation, leaks and a freaking Super Bowl commercial (seriously?), Sony has finally formally announced the Xperia Play smartphone -- the long fabled, long buzzed-about "PlayStation Phone." The device was shown off during the Sony Ericsson MWC 2011 press conference, where it was christened with a launch window -- the device will launch across the globe starting in March, with the U.S. being one of its first destinations. Sony also announced that Verizon will be the Xperia Play's first carrier starting in early spring.
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February 14th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
We'll forgive you if you thought the Xperia Play was eons before. Let's quickly run through its short-yet-illustrious history: we published first details in August last year, followed by the very first pictures in late October. More and more details emerged throughout the remainder of the year. By the time 2011 hit, a prototype was making the Chinese media rounds (teardown included), and then we managed to get our own Xperia Play prototype for preview. It's at this point that Sony Ericsson joins in on the fun with itscreepy Super Bowl ad reveal.
But after months of detailed leaks, early hands-on previews, and numerous executive non-denials, the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is finally 100 percent official.
As we've heard for ages now, it'll run Android 2.3 Gingerbread on a 1GHz Snapdragon processor with Qualcomm Adreno 205 graphics and display those games on a sizable 4-inch, 854 x 480 multi-touch LCD screen, the combination of which Sony says will provide 60 frames per second playback and manage up to 5 hours, 35 minutes of battery life in a single game session with the slide-out PlayStation Certified controller. Gaming credentials aside, you're looking at either a quad-band GSM or CDMA and EV-DO smartphone with a 5-megapixel autofocus camera, LED flash, stereo speakers, Bluetooth and WiFi functionality baked in, as well as Sony Ericsson's Timescape UI layer.
The phone comes preloaded with a "legendary" PSone game of the undisclosed variety, as well as a bevy of popular Android games including Asphalt 6, The Sims 3 and Tetris, and Sony Ericsson promises a library of 50 additional titles available at launch from 20 publishing partners. Some games ported from existing smartphone platforms (like Reckless Racing) will have bonus content on Xperia Play, too. Local area multiplayer gaming is a go, as you'll be able to host a WiFi hotspot on one device and join the game with another. It's launching in March, and will be available on Verizon (a US timed exclusive) in "early spring," suggesting that we'll see the European launch before it hits the States.
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February 14th, 2011, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
As many as twenty publishers have already thrown their weight behind Sony Ericsson’s new PlayStation Phone (known as Xperia Play).
Developers from SCE are creating content for the device alongside fellow studios Digital Chocolate, Electronic Arts, Fishlabs, Gameloft, Glu Mobile, Namco Bandai Networks, PopCap.
Sony Ericsson also has signed a deal with Unityto ensure the latter’s engine will fully integrate with Xperia Play. Meanwhile, Sony has confirmed the PlayStation Suite, and PlayStation Store, will be attuned for the new smartphone.
“Xperia Play will forever change the way people think about smartphones and mobile gaming,” said Sony Ericsson executive vice president Rikko Sakaguchi.
A rush of developers have begun to pour praise over the new device, with exclusive deals – such as a multiplayer FIFA 2011 – announced.
Glu Mobile is set to develop a final Guitar Hero title for the device (Activision, the game’s publisher, has otherwise cancelled the franchise).
Electronic Arts’ worldwide studios’ boss Travis Boatman said the firm had “collaborated closely with Sony Ericsson to bring exciting versions our best-selling consumer favourites such as The Sims 3 and FIFA 10 to the Xperia Play”.
“The device’s dedicated gaming keypad gives FIFA players what matters most in a footy game — ultimate ball control, quick player selection on the pitch, effortless passes and more,” he added.
“The Xperia Play’s unique gamepad also delivers robust control in The Sims 3 bringing a whole new life simulation experience to fans of the franchise. We look forward to watching consumers interact with our great games in new ways through the Xperia Play.”
Meanwhile, Gameloft president Michel Guillemot lavished praise on the device.
He said: “We are pleased to partner with Sony Ericsson to offer a catalogue of 10 of our best-selling games at launch of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play. My vision since the creation of Gameloft was to turn video games into a true mass-market form of entertainment. This vision is realised with the launch of Xperia Play, which combines a perfect smartphone for daily use as well as a real game controller to provide the best gaming experience ever seen on a mobile phone.”
Guillemot added that over 20 games will be released on Xperia Play over the next 6 months.
Glu Mobile CEO Niccolo de Masi, meanwhile, said the studio is looking forward to “accelerating our momentum in social mobile gaming with compelling offerings on Sony Ericsson's newest mobile devices."
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February 14th, 2011, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Epic design boss Cliff "Cliffy B" Bleszinksi has heralded Sony's decision to implement twin thumbsticks on its NGP (PSP2) as a new dawn for FPS games on handheld.
The Gears Of War dev told CVG in a new interview centred on new game Bulletstorm that although he "loved" Apple's iOS, traditional dual-thumb shooters cannot currently be implemented well on touch-screen devices.
Epic showed off its own tech demo at the Sony NGP launch in Japan earlier this month, which was well received by those in attendance. The firm showed an updated version of its Epic Citadel demo, which later become action RPG Infinity Blade on iOS.
"[[Sony NGP] makes an entire genre doable on a handheld," Bleszinksi told CVG. "I love iOS, but the twin stick shooters on touch screens do not work. I bought the little stick-on analogue sticks [for iPad] and they kind of work, but it still isn't quite the same.
"They have a better shot than they would have on a touch screen device by having those mini-dual analogue sticks. I haven't played Killzone or Resistance on PSP or anything like that, but I think the potential is there [on NGP]. It's up to developers to make it shine by making the appropriate trade-offs with controls."
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February 14th, 2011, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
Compatible downloads already purchased won't be transferrable to new Android handset, Sony Ericsson confirms
PlayStation owners who have previously downloaded PSN content will have to re-purchase any content they wish to access on their Xperia Play.
The new Android handset will be compatible with a range of emulated PSone software as well as Android games from a number of publishers.
"Xperia Play owners will have to re-purchase the games, so it's not totally integrated," Sony Ericsson UK and Ireland's managing director Nathan Vautier told GameSpot.
"I think the exciting thing is that there are games which people are very, very aware of."
As was revealed last night, the Xperia Play It is a slide-open device that includes the Xperia-based touch-screen smartphone experience with the iconic PlayStation D-pad, symbol buttons and analogue sticks.
The hardware has been put together with close co-operation between the phone and gaming divisions of the electronics giant - that means classic PlayStation games exclusive for the device, with one bundled at launch.
That said, Sony Ericsson said it had lots of content from mobile games firms ready too: EA's Need For Speed, Sims 3 and FIFA 10; GLU Mobile/Activision's mobile Guitar Hero; and Gameloft's Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell games.
The device arrives globally from March.
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February 14th, 2011, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that anyone buying a second hand copy of its recent MMO DC Universe Online will find that they have to purchase a new subscription account alongside it, making second-hand purchases essentially pointless.
The discs are linked to one-time PSN activation codes, which means that once entered, that disc is attached inextricably to that account. Any use on a separate PSN ID would require the purchase of a second subscription from Sony.
"Once the PSN key has been consumed with a disk it cannot be resold/replayed with the second user adding a sub - only the original consumer can use that acct," Sony said in an email to LazyGamer, adding that "Disk and account are one."
This also means that a shared PS3 console, with separate PSN IDs on it, would require separate discs in order for multiple accounts to play the game, even on the same machine.
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February 14th, 2011, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Both Sony and EA have in recent days suffered leaks of major upcoming titles, weeks ahead of their planned release dates.
A copy of Sony and Guerrilla's PlayStation 3 title Killzone 3 appeared on a number of filesharing sites over the weekend, and is rendered playable by home users due to the recent clutch of copy protection hacks.
The foremost of these was achieved by one George Hotz, who Sony is currently suing. The hacker recently posted a self-performed rap concerning the ongoing legal battle.
The source of 41.4GB Killzone 3 leak has not been identified as yet, but it is known to be the European version of the game. A smaller copy, with the stereoscopic 3D functionality removed, is apparently also available. The game is not due for retail release until Feb 25.
Meanwhile, last Friday saw the news that an early PC build of Crytek title Crysis 2 had been leaked online. The shooter, to be published by EA Partners, is due for release on March 22. The pirated version is believed to be a near-finished copy, playable from start to finish but strewn with error messages and missing elements.
In a joint statement, EA and Crytek claimed to be "deeply disappointed by the news. We encourage fans to support the game and the development team by waiting and purchasing the final, polished game on 22nd March.
"Crysis 2 is still in development and promises to be the ultimate action blockbuster as the series' signature Nanosuit lets you be the weapon as you defend NYC from an alien invasion.
"Piracy continues to damage the PC packaged goods market and the PC development community."
As yet, the game's Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions apparently remain secure.
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February 14th, 2011, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
The 10 years and 11-month-old PlayStation 2 has shot through the 150 million units shipped mark, Sony has announced.
The PS2, which was first sold in March 2000 in Japan, is the best-selling console of all time.
An eye-watering 1.52 billion units of PS2 software have been sold worldwide as of the end of December 2010.
The PS2's best-selling game is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which shifted 17.33 million units. In second place is Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec with 14.89 million. In third is Gran Turismo 4, with 10.76 million sold.
A total of 10,828 games have been created for the console.
Sony said it expects continued demand for the system in Eastern Europe, South East Asia, the Middle East and South America.
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February 14th, 2011, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
virtuosflame aka liquidzigong has released a new version of the custom firmware for the PSP, heres whats new:
[!] fix GAME CPU frequency
[!] fixed number of comics, such as the goddess of sideways
[!] fixed under the 0x80020148 error OFW
[!] fix some of the re-setting the packed illegal version of the game led to crash
[+] Add OPNSSMP automatically read features
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February 14th, 2011, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The developer neur0n continues unabated development of its Custom 6:35, 6:35 for the CF only compatible with PSP 2000, with the exception of the TA-088v3. The twelfth release fixes a problem with the playback of the back-up copies of the UMD-Video which we remember, are bootable using the "ISO VIDEO MOUNT" in the VSH menu.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
V12 Changelog:
- Fixed a bug related to the start of backup copies of the UMD-Video
NB: Please note that the 6:35 is the Custom installation on PSP 2000 except TA-088v3
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February 14th, 2011, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via ep
PSP Developer Cooleyes released PMPlayer Advance 3.1.3!
PMPlayer is a Video Player for the PSP that supports much formats like Avi/PMP.
Quote:- fixed some changed NID in FW6.35
- added PSPGo ef0 supported
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February 14th, 2011, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:
Heres whats new:
New configuration setting to improve performance in some applications: "Enable saving GE screen to Texture". This option can break some applications, this is why it is only available as an option.
With this option, the content of the GE/FB are no longer saved to the PSP memory but are kept in OpenGL textures to avoid the load/save to the memory.
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February 14th, 2011, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
graf_chokolo has made available a Linux 2.6 kernel for PS3 to make changes in the drivers so that, among other things, writing and reading of any portion of the RAM.
Features :
- Added support for different storage regions corresponding to the PS3 library.
- Improved driver for the PS3 discs
- New drivers for NOR PS3 and new tools for full access to the memory pack.
- Added new calls HV
- Added debug messages for additional insulation SPU
Note that users AsbesOS can also use these new drivers.
Official site: GIT Dukio
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February 14th, 2011, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from jackjason89
FileSort ist a Homebrew, that can handle your files.
You can dump your flash an sort the files name or by type, or both.

You are able:
Advanced Copy
- Copy Dirs & Files
Copy Files Only Simple Sort
- Sort By Name
Sort By Type Advanced Sort
- Sort By Name & Type
- Update: FileSort v1.5 Released!
-vlf.prx, intrafont.prx and iop.prx in Eboot integrated
-Code Clean Up
-Copy Log added
-2 more datatypes added
-ICON0 changed Download Here
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February 14th, 2011, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/ps3mf...eleased-80601/
The moment we have been eagerly awaiting for the past two weeks has arrived! PS3MFW Builder v0.1 has finally been released to the public.
We just received a tip from one of the anonymous contributors of the project that the project has been uploaded to gitorious and were given a readme text.
The project seems to require the ps3tools to be installed, including the newly released self_rebuilder program that was recently uploaded to ps3tools in ps3free - Gitorious as well as the Tcl/Tk 8.5 interpreter.
You can get PS3MFW Builder v0.1 from here: http://gitorious.org/ps3mfw/ps3mfw_b...ve-tarball/0.1
We will be testing this ourselves and will soon post instructions on how to use it.
Here is the README file that came with the first release of PS3MFW Builder…
================================================== ============= .------. .-------. .-----. .. .-. .--------. .--. /_____ \/ _____//_____ \ / \/ \ /_ _____/\ / / / ____/\____ \ __(__ < / \ / __)\ \/\/ / / / / \/ \ /\/\ Y / \ //___/ /________/_________/__/ \___|__/ \__/\__/PS3MFW Builder v0.1============================================== ================
For years, the security system of PS3 remained unbreached because Sony had a very good defense mechanism: Consumers could use it for more than just gaming by installing Linux via the “Other OS” feature. Therefore there was little motivation for security researchers to investigate the PS3.
However, then Sony (or SCE, SCEA, SCEE or whatever, we aren’t exactly sure what is going on there anymore) made an unprecedented move: Not only did they introduce a new PS3 model that no longer allowed the installation of an Other OS, but with a firmware “upgrade” they removed it from previously sold consoles.
While removing advertised features from a product (several years after its purchase!) is blatantly unlawful, having highly paid lawyers apparently allows you to get away with it- in a legal sense.
But when the law fails to protect the people, then some of those people, being clever and resourceful, help themselves. And that is what happened here. Sony sunk its own battleship.
PS3MFW is the next step in the process of returning to consumers control over their own hardware. Your PS3 belongs to you. You didn’t lease it, and you signed no contract when you purchased it. It is your right to use it however you choose. It is your responsibility to do so within the legal boundaries.
PS3MFW allows you to tailor your PS3′s firmware to your specific needs, giving you a level of control you previously lacked. PS3MFW is open source. That means it is completely transparent, and anyone with the necessary programming knowledge can help to improve it and create new plugin tasks.
It is with great pleasure and joy that we are now able to present you with the first public release of PS3MFW Builder. A lot of hard work went into this during the past five weeks, by some incredibly dedicated and inspired people. We would like to thank everyone who contributed, the people who got this project underway, and those who did all the programming and testing.
PS3MFW Builder v0.1 has been successfully tested on all major PS3 hardware revisions, and in conjunction with OFW 3.10 – 3.55. It is NOT compatible with OFW 3.56.
Remember that this is only the very first release of PS3MFW Builder, version 0.1. With your support and feedback, we intend to create the definitive PS3firmware solution that makes all other closed-source custom firmwares obsolete.
PS3MFW Builder is not distributed with any program code copyrighted by third parties.
PS. KevinButler, you sunk your own battleship.
To use PS3MFW Builder, the following is needed:
* The latest version of the f0 tools
* Tcl/Tk 8.5 ( Tcl/Tk 8.5 )
News Source: Official Site
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February 14th, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/14/g...0-2-by-kazt-u/
The first contestant for the Genesis Competition is an update to KaZT.U’s Recovery Menu. Compatible with all CFW and HEN, this is a very useful tool packed with many essential features. In other words, a swiss army knife for all PSP users. Functionality varies depending on your console (possibility to flash a full recovery menu on hackable consoles, for example).
Full changelog
- Now Working on 6.31/6.35 PRO (Make sure you have the latest version)
- Now able to access Configuration
- Added Systeminformation in configuration
- Added Recovery.prx in Plugins ( Able to launch cfw recovery menu )
- Added VSH Menu in Configuration
- Added Reset Device in vsh menu
- Added CPU Speed in vshmenu
- Added Reboot PSP in advanced
- Added Preparations for Fake Region in Configuraton -> Launch Vsh Menu
- Fixed Some Plugin Problems (some more plugins working)
- Fixed some bugs in plugins and in the menu
- Added ZeroWare Option (A CFW for TN-HEN Developed by NightStar3)
- Added Install VSh Menu, installs a permanant vsh menu developed by me (KaZT.U) for only HACKABLE PSP’S. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL ON A PSP GO PSP 3000 OR PSP 2000
- If Firmware Does not display it will displays as “0×000000″
- Added Fake Region Menu (now can set region to japan unitedkingdom and others)
- Added Screenshot Function in Configuration->Vshmenu. Takes a Screenshot in the vshmenu (plan to add L+R = Screenshot but ill see after)
- Added RemoteJoyLite To Plugins (GAME Plugin – Make sure its RMJL for TN HEN)
- Fixed a bug in Launching RemoteJoyLite, Still might not work though :S fix later
 - Changed Redirections to go back to previous options instead of MAIN Menu
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February 14th, 2011, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Details about Sony's next-gen portable Playstation, the NGP, have been scarce since we spoke with SCEA President-CEO Jack Tretton about the new device. However, in an interview in the forthcoming issue of Edge, Shuhei Yoshida --who happens to be president of SCEA Worldwide Studios -- revealed a few more tidbits about Sony's NGP strategy (alas, still no official price). Apparently, the PSP will stick around even after NGP's release because of high demand for the older handheld, not to mention a lower price. For those of you concerned about a dearth of titles upon the NGP's debut -- a la the PS3 -- fear not, as Yoshida stated that porting PS3 games was a goal from the very beginning and the process will be simple (relatively speaking, of course). Combine that with a push to make the NGP's development environment "as easy as possible," and we'll hopefully see plenty of available titles upon the device's release. Oh yeah, Yoshida-san also said that NGP is just the console's codename, and the real name will be announced later this year -- PSP2 just rolls off the tongue, now doesn't it?
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February 16th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Business unit Union to port games across; Unity Engine update inbound
Unity will use its content delivery service, Union, to allow developers to port games onto Sony Ericsson‘s new PlayStation Phone.
Yesterday Sony revealed it had struck a partnership with Unity, creators of the hugely popular 3D game engine, to provide a stream on new games on the Xperia Play smartphone.
That stream of content will be channelled via Union, the engine maker’s business unit that aims to syndicate any single game across a wide range of devices.
Unity typically takes a twenty per cent revenue cut from games ported via Union.
In return, Sony Ericsson has pledged to “prominently feature” Union games on the Xperia Play through its games recommender application.
By opting in to the Union scheme, Unity developers will have their game evaluated by the engine vendor to see if the project can be ported to a whole range of other platforms.
Unity will build a profile of the developer/studio, and with its industry links will pitch the projects to a number of publishers and digital portal owners.
By making it free for developers to opt-in, Unity hopes its users will open up access to a greater number of revenue streams.
Via a customised API, Unity has already ported three key games to the Xperia Play. Racer by Luma Arcade, Guerilla Bob by Angry Mob Studios and AirAttack HD by Art in Games have all been optimised for the Xperia Play.
Unity will also pre-integrate and optimise its engine for Xperia Play, and will allow developers to build for the platform, via an engine update, within months.
“Sony Ericsson has a beautiful, ground-breaking gaming smartphone on its hands with the Xperia Play,” said Brett Seyler, General Manager of Union.
“Through our partnership with Sony Ericsson and Union, we look forward to working with our developers to deliver mind-blowing gaming experiences for consumers.
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February 16th, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Namco has confirmed that PSone classic, Ridge Racer 4, is set for release on the PlayStation Network for play on PSP and PS3 next month.
Ridge Racer 4 is considered by some to be the best entries in the entire series, and one of the best games on the first PlayStation console.

"Released in 1999 in Europe and North America, Ridge Racer Type 4 is a legend of arcade-style drift racing including 48 cars, eight tracks, legendary soundtrack, two-player split-screen and...... Reiko Nagase," says Namco.
The release date sits at a vague 'March' for now but we don't mind because it'll be well worth the wait. Or maybe you'll be too busy with the new Ridge Racer 3D on 3DS, which looks awesome.
While you're at it Namco, get Soul Blade on the go please.
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February 16th, 2011, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Killzone 3 climaxes with the door left tantalisingly open for further adventures – and Guerrilla Games has confirmed that there's "ample opportunity" for a fourth instalment of the spectacular shooter series.
"There's still a lot of room in the Killzone universe to expand and to do new stories," senior producer Steven ter Heide told Eurogamer TV.
"We want to leave ourselves open like [the ending of Killzone 3] because Killzone's not going to go away anytime soon."
Guerrilla MD Hermen Hulst added that the studio had far from exhausted ideas for future games to work within "the mythic arc for the entire franchise".
He explained: "We've had our Pearl Harbour moment, our D-Day moment, but there are so many different types of war, different kinds of conflicts that have originated from different reasonings, from a different rationale."
In the meantime, Killzone is coming to the recently revealed NGP, with Sony Cambridge rather than Guerrilla on development duties. Will there be any cross-platform functionality? Hulst refused to be drawn, stating: "What can I say? I can say it's too early to talk about that."
Asked if there was anything the studio wasn't able to include in Killzone 3 – which scored an impressive eight in its Eurogamer review - Hulst revealed: "Maybe online co-op – but that was a conscious choice. We wanted to do one co-op mode very well instead of spreading ourselves thin in that regard. That's the way life goes."
Killzone 3 is out on 25th February.
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February 16th, 2011, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard plenty of numbers regarding Sony's Xperia Play launch games, but few details about what each of its 20 supporting publishers have planned. Gameloft has cleared the air and filled 10 of the potential 50 launch game spots. Beyond Asphalt 6: Adrenaline and Star Battalion, you'll see Assassin's Creed, UNO, Let's Golf! 2, Spider-Man: Total Mayhem,Modern Combat: Black Pegasus, Real Football 2011, Brothers in Arms 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction at launch on March 29.
Trailers for the two packed-in games, Asphalt and Star Battalion can be found after the break, both of which were briefly shown during Sony's (leaked) Superbowl commercial. None of the games have been priced yet.
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February 16th, 2011, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has taken the lid off a new initiative to highlight the best downloadable titles available for PlayStation 3 and PSP: the PlayStation Network Gamers' Choice Awards.
Between 22nd February and 1st March, PSN users will be asked to vote in a number of different categories by downloading a free XMB theme corresponding to a game.
After voting closes, the four winning games – one per category – will be offered at a 30 per cent discount in the PlayStation Store, or at a 50 per cent discount to PlayStation Plus subscribers.
Winners will be announced on 7th March on the PlayStation Blog.
At present, the scheme is US-only but we're in touch with Sony to find out if the awards will be going global. We'll update when we hear back.
In the meantime, here are the categories and nominees:
Best PS3 Downloadable Game
- Castle Crashers
- Costume Quest
- DeathSpank
- PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX
- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game
Best PSP Downloadable Game
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta
- Lunar Silver Star Harmony
- Phantasy Star Portable 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
- Valkyria Chronicles II
Best PS3/PSP mini
- A Space Shooter for Two Bucks
- Age of Zombies
- Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess
- Vector TD
- Young Thor
Best PSN Exclusive Game
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February 16th, 2011, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2617
Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x (SNES emulator) PS3 (FW 1.92 + / FW 3.15/FW 3.41/CFW 3.55).
New / fixed:
- New HD version: all games run at the highest resolution of SNES (512x448 interlaced mode). Test it with the shader enabled (4xSoft) to enhance the beauty of the game. The 2 modes, progressive (1080p/720p/480p/576p) and interlaced (480i/576i/1080i) run. Try the interlaced mode for best results.
- 4xSoft combined with the HD version greatly improves the pseudo transparency with high resolution in Kirby's Dreamland 3.
- Added option Triple Buffering. Enabled by default. Performance graphics / shader are significantly improved. It is possible that this option causes the imput lag.
- USB Mouse / Bluetooth can now be used for games requiring Mouse / Super Scope.
- Primal Rage works again.
Squarepusher finally indicates that the function Netplay should be incorporated into the next version.
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February 16th, 2011, 04:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is hoping you'll find its latest hardware bundle a killer deal. It's at least a Killzone deal -- the $300 package includes a 160GB PS3 console and a copy of its latest sci-fi FPS,Killzone 3. Considering that this PS3 model usually costs the same price by itself, it'stechnically a $60 savings. Y'know, if you don't have a PS3 and want Guerilla Games' new shooter.
If you're in that camp, visit your store of choice on February 22 -- the same day Killzone 3hits shelves -- since that's when the pack goes on sale.
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February 16th, 2011, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Any PlayStation 3 user found to be running "unauthorised or pirated software" will be barred from accessing PlayStation Network or Qriocity, Sony has warned.
A statement published today on the PlayStation Blog advised anyone using the recent GeoHot hack to immediately stop doing so, remove any relevant devices from their system and delete all pirated software.
The full statement read:
"Unauthorised circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers.
"These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the "System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System" and the "Terms of Services and User Agreement" for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.
"Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws.
"Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 System terminated permanently.
"To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorised or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems." Blog manager James Gallagher then jumped in to temper the chilly legal speak.
"By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve.
"Rest assured, this message does not apply to the overwhelming majority of our users who enjoy the world of entertainment PlayStation 3 has to offer without breaching the guidelines detailed above, and we urge you to continue doing so without fear."
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February 16th, 2011, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue

It appears that Sony has taken PSN offline as of now at around 7pm GMT for maintenance. Most likely this is work to increase the security of the network in the effort to stop folks using PS3 consoles with custom firmware logging on. We'll see what happens next when it comes back up again soon.
EDIT: It seems it's online at the moment now....
EDIT 2: As of 11pm GMT it's now back up. Actually it seemed it was up before, perhaps it was certain sections of PSN that went down, I don't know.
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February 16th, 2011, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Here we go again. Now that Sony's officially revealed the PlayStation phone and PSP 2, of course the rumour mill finds something else to grind its way through, and this time it's a PlayStation tablet.

According to Engadget, citing "two highly trusted and independent sources", Sony is currently working on a PlayStation-certified tablet to go up against iPad and Samsung's offerings later this year.
Codenamed 'S1', it'll apparently be an Android 3.0-powered device with a 9.4 inch capacitive touch screen panel at 1,280 x 800 pixels.
The site says the device will be PlayStation certified - like the 'Xperia Play' Playstation Phone - meaning access to the PlayStation Suite and all its gaming offerings. It'll also be able to play PSone games and will come with one PSone title pre-installed. This comes in addition to compatibility to Sony's Qriosity and video on demand services, Sony Music and ebook offerings.
The tablet also apparently has a somewhat strange design, ditching the typically flat shape for a bulging curvature on one side of the machine, which is said to resemble "an open paperback stuffed into the back pocket, or a magazine folded backward upon itself such that only a single page is visible to read".
This bulge will house the battery, which shifts the weight to one side of the unit where users will hold it, apparently making it easier to hold than an iPad.
Front and rear-facing cameras are included, a Tegra 2 processor for those of you who knows what that is, and a USB port for memory sticks and whatnot.
All that's said to be coming for a price of $599, and is targeting a September release. We'll see. More info through the link.
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February 16th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
What's on the PlayStation Store today?
A Killzone 3 demo playable in 3D, a MotoGP demo, Dragon's Lair and the original Final Fantasy (PSP).
Not sure why you'd need a Killzone 3 demo given that Eurogamer has already reviewed it. What, are you saying our word isn't Gospel? You want to make your own mind up? Do you also want a fight? Not really; love you.
There's a Fitness Pack for Move game The Fight so you can literally punch the calories out of yourself, plus a new game called Test Yourself: Psychology, which sounds like the sort of thing you probably should do.
Alien Breed is on special offer, Assassin's Creed (the first game) is cut down to £16, and a bunch of PlayStation Minis are only a quid.
Smash the full list into your face below, courtesy ofthe European PlayStation blog.
PS3 Demos
- KillZone 3 single-player - size 1522MB
- KillZone 3 single-player 3D - size 1517MB
- MotoGP 10/11 - size 394MB
PS3 Games
- TNT Racers (£7.99/€9.99) - size 150MB (only available to PlayStation Plus subs)
- Dragon's Lair (£7.99/€9.99) - size 1158MB
- Acceleration of SUGURI X-Edition (£7.99/€9.99) - size 339MB
- TestYourself: Psychology (£2.39/€2.99) - size 33MB
- Modern Combat: Domination (£6.29/€7.99) - size 697MB
- Blokus (£3.99/€4.99) - size 258MB
PS3 Game Content
- Def Jam Rapstar: Common "The Light" (£1.19/€1.49), Deichkind "Limit" (£1.19/€1.49), Mos Def "Ms. Fat Booty" (£1.19/€1.49), Talib Kweli "Get By" (£1.19/€1.49)
- Trinity Universe: Low Income Prinny Pack (free), Miyu's Managraphic Pack (free)
- R.U.S.E. The Pack of the Rising Sun (£7.99/€9.99)
- WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011: Bret Hart Pack (£0.59/€0.79), The Undertaker (£0.59/€0.79)
- ModNation Racers Valentine's Love Bug Pack (free for one week, then £1.39/€1.75)
- The Fight: Fitness Pack (£3.99/€4.99), Time Savers Pack (£3.99/€4.99)
- EyePet Move Hospital Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
- Rock Band Network: 'Alive and Kicking' by Nonpoint (£0.99/€1.49), 'Antman' by The Red Chord (£0.59/€0.79), 'Flag in the Ground' by Sonata Arctica (£0.99/€1.49), 'Have Faith In Me' by A Day to Remember (£0.99/€1.49), 'I Still Feel Her Part III' by Jonny Craig (£0.99/€1.49)
PSP Demos
- Castle Rustle - size 17 MB
PSP Games
- Final Fantasy (£7.99/€9.99) - size 117MB
- Castle Rustle (£8.79/€10.99) - size 84MB
- TNT Racers (£7.99/€9.99) - size 45MB
- NeoGeo: Fatal Fury (£5.49/€6.99) - size 15MB
- FIFA Street 2 (£7.99/€9.99) - size 195MB
PSP Game Content
- Lord of Arcana DLC Pack 1 (free)
PSOne Games
- Atari Anniversary Edition (£5.49/€6.99) - size 349MB
- Karimogi (£2.49/€2.99)
- Swap Zap (£3.49/€3.99)
- Zenonia (£3.99/€4.99)
Minis Sale (all £0.99/€1.19 until 2nd March)
- Ice Road Truckers
- YetiSports
- Let's Golf!
- Pinball Dreams
- Age of Zombies
- Bloons
- Brick Breaker
- Bubble Trubble
- Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess
- Dracula: Undead Awakening
- Vector TD
- This Is Football Management (£0.95/€1.19)
- Cubixx
- NormalTanks
- The Mystery of the Crystal Portal
- Alien Zombie Death
- 4×4 Jam
- Coconut Dodge
- Aero Racer
- Supermarket Mania
Special Offers (available until 2nd March)
- Alien Breed: Impact (was £7.19/€8.99 now £4.79/€5.99)
- Alien Breed: Assault (was £7.19/€8.99 now £4.79/€5.99)
- Sky Fighter (was £7.99/€9.99 now £3.99/€4.99)
- Split/Second - Master unlock (was £3.99/€4.99 now £1.99/€2.49)
- Split/Second Track and Mode unlock (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
- Split/Second Full Vehicle unlock (was £2.39/€2.99 now £1.19/€1.49)
- Split/Second Survival at the Rock (was £5.49/€6.99 now £2.99/€3.59)
- Constructor (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
- Guilty Gear (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
- James Pond: Robocod (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
- Creatures 3: Raised in Space (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
- DC Universe Online 90-day subscription (was £27.99/€34.99 now £19.99/€24.99)
Permanent Price Reductions
- Assassin's Creed (now £15.99/€19.99)
- Gottlieb Pinball Classics (now £3.99/€4.99)
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February 16th, 2011, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Starting next month, Sony is gifting its treasured PlayStation Plus members a selection of dusty SEGA Mega Drive classics. Feel the love.
Sonic the Hedgehog kicks things off on 1st March, with the likes of Streets of Rage 2, Golden Axe 2 and Altered Beast following in the blue blur's wake.
Here's the schedule, as published over on thePlayStation Blog.
- Sonic the Hedgehog – Available 1st March – 5th April
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Available 5th April – 3rd May
- Streets of Rage 2 – Available 3rd May – 313st May
- Golden Axe 2 – Available 31st May – 5th July
- Comix Zone – Available 5th July – 2nd August
- Altered Beast – Available 2nd August – 30th August
Users who haven't dug deep for PlayStation Plus status will have to wait a little longer. You can pick them up on the following dates for $4.99 a pop (UK price to be confirmed):
- Sonic the Hedgehog – 29th March
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – 19th April
- Streets of Rage 2 – 17th May
- Golden Axe 2 – 14th June
- Comix Zone – 19th July
- Altered Beast – 16th August
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February 17th, 2011, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
To celebrate the upcoming Ridge Racer 3D on 3DS and Ridge Racer Unbounded on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Namco Bandai is digging into its catalog and giving a classic Ridge Racera second lap around the track. Ridge Racer Type 4, originally released in North America in 1999, will be available on the PlayStation Store next month, playable on both PSP and PS3.
Unfortunately for those of you who want the true Ridge Racer Type 4 experience, neither the PS3 nor PSP will allow you to connect your JogCon controller. You won't be able to have the realistic feeling of driving a car using a small dial.
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February 17th, 2011, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via AEP
MemcardRex, a memory card manager for Playstation emus was updated.
Version 1.5:
* Fixed errors which caused crash in the following situations:
- Formating a slot and saving card in .gme format.
- Opening a card containing corrupted slots.
- Attempt of an edit operation with no save selected.
* Fixed issue which caused significant delay when preferences dialog was opened for the first time.
* Fixed issue which locked a file even if it failed to open.
* Added second color picker to icon editor which is controlled by right mouse button.
* Added "All files (*.*)" option in the "Open Memory Card" dialog.
* Added warning message when editing a save with plugin.
- This message can be turned off in the preferences dialog.
* Added "Close All" option under the "File" menu.
* If the card could not be opened a more descriptive message is now shown.
* If the save region is unknown hex data will be shown instead in certain dialogs (Datel saves).
* Saves with ASCII encoding (opposite to default Shift-JIS) will now display correct title (Datel saves).
* Product codes can now be less then 10 character long but only if there is no identifier.
* Plugin specs updated. Refer to the sample interface code for changes.
* Updated "SpyroEdit" plugin to version 0.2.
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February 17th, 2011, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/16/s...s-compo-entry/
Here is a new contestant for the Genesis Competition, a plugin manager for Homebrew Enablers (compatible with TN Hen and Hen Pro) by 5h4d0w, which is very useful (especially if you’re lost with the plugins system on some recent Homebrew enablers). To quote the author himself:
Works on 6.20 TN (?) and 6.35 PRO (which don’t have recovery menus)
You can enable and disable plugins without a computer.
Can add, edit, remove, toggle, and move plugins in all three .txt files.
You can revert your changes by pressing [SELECT].
Gives the option to auto-exit from the app once you save your changes.
Allows you to decide which options are available (by editing the config).
(example: you give a friend your PSP for a while but don’t want him messing with your plugins, so you disable what you don’t want him to do.)
Nice pop-up menu.
Can be “themed” (by editing the config).
Will strip-out any empty lines in your text files, making them look cleaner.
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February 17th, 2011, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/16/l...s-compo-entry/
The genesis competition started a few days ago, and entries are starting to come in. We’re getting impressive stuff. This plugin by Draan allows you to change the text of your XMB on the fly. There are many ways to use this plugin for customizing your XMB, but the main intended goal is to allow you to translate your XMB into a language that the PSP does not support by default. (For those who want to know, there are around 6800 languages in the world, and a PSP on OFW supports 12 languages, that is, less than 0.2% of the total…)
A major good point of this plugin is that it doesn’t require any specific theme, or rco manipulation. It is also theoretically compatible with any theme. It is very easy to use and I was able to get my PSP 1000 to display a polish XMB within a couple minutes.
As an example, Draan provides a Polish translation of the XMB (translation courtesy of krzychuuu and Erokesha) that you can play with. I’m sure some of you will start to add more languages to this awesome homebrew… or maybe just start to have fun and replace bits of your XMB here and there.
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February 17th, 2011, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
Coldbird posted this on his blog:
Dear followers, sorry for the lack of updates on here, I will try to keep this page a lot more updated in the future.
As for the Updates. There are quite a few, not exactly that new but still.
6.35 PRO evolved, you all noticed, from a simple HEN to a CFW with a PXE, ISO Support, PSN Support, and several other tiny goodies like CPU overclocking, Plugin Support, etc.
To simplify it for you guys to keep up 2 date on the latest CFW files, we have setup a official download page for our CFW data, which you guys can access at http://pro.coldbird.co.cc, future releases will be hosted there first place.
As with everything else we provide, this is and will always be freely available, should you however decide to donate to our cause, please do so using one of our PayPal donate icons, like the one the menu-bar over here, should you donate please make sure to identify your donation in some way, flag it with “For PRO Development” as its mean of use or something of the sort, should you just wish to contribute to the hosting costs of this place, just leave the mean of use field empty.
As we have already lost 2 PSPs in the process of developing nice software for you guys, every cent would be a big help to keep us updated on the physical media we might need in future.
Now onto the more private updates, concerning my life. I’ve taken a big step in life by proposing to my beloved girlfriend, who has been sharing this blog with me ever since I can think back, after being a couple for 2 years and approximately 2 months, she said yes and we intend to marry sometime within the next 1~2 years (I know, kinda late, but we have our reasons for this).
Other than that, I’m back to school after a week of holidays, its the usual boring life really, but there is enough stuff to do to keep me occupied so I’m pretty sure I will have my hands full of work soon enough again.
Thats it pretty much for now, Greetings to all of you, Coldbird.
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February 17th, 2011, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
Thatotherdev a coder for the PS3 Scene has decided to leave it until the legal PSL1GHT devkit has developed into a more complete dev environment
heres what he says:
Its been a short while since I posted, longer since I released a game and ages since I put out anything for Wii. That’s going to change.
Lets make it official. I’ve been encountering some frustration relating to PS3 development lately so I’m using that as an excuse to take a break from developing for PS3. Not permanently. My plan is to take a look at PSL1GHT in a month or two and begin using that in place of the official SDK that I’ve been using so far.
During that interim I’m going to be returning my focus to my much neglected Wii and to a lesser extent DS. I’ll most likely have a port of Tick Tock Car Race posted sometime tomorrow. Keep your expectations for it low as at the moment its running pretty poorly for me on Wii. In the next following days you can expect to see some things that I have begun working on that are incredibly ****ing cool.
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February 17th, 2011, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from prox
Hi everybody,
today I wanna show you my new Homebrew called How.
First of all, many thanks to Mike Inel who has made the graphics and is accountable for the game idea.
also to Daniel James (hybridtwo.com) who is responsible for this epic melody.
In how you become an young girl that is living in a grey, lifeless world, where are only these black orbs and the well. You must take the orbs and let they fall into the well to earn points, but these must be in the timeline!
Attention if you don't take care about her life points, she will fall into a deep sleep and will awake when her life points are increased to 100, you can contrary them in 2 ways.
1. you wait a bit or 2. you eat an orb but that goes only 3 times after the third she will die and the game is over.
<- move right
-> move left
X take orb
/\ eat orb
O drop orb
It's more like an Interactive Art instead an mini game.
I hope you like it.
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February 18th, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson shook up MWC before it had even begun this year by introducing the Xperia Play -- the world's first PlayStation Certified phone -- alongside a pair of new members of its Xperia line of smartphones, the midrange Neo and QWERTY-sliding Pro. Taken together with the Xperia Arc that debuted at CES in January, this little bunch of Android Gingerbread runners will form SE's principal attack on the ever-fickle smartphone consumer's wallet this year. We can't yet tell you which of them might be the one for you, but we can certainly provide a gallery stuffed full of side-by-side pictures to help you visualize the differences, both big and small, between the four new Xperias. Enjoy!
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February 18th, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Let's hope Sony's new streaming music service -- just launched today for the US, Australia, and New Zealand -- isn't as unwieldy to use as its "Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity" moniker suggests. The service features six million tracks from Sony Music Entertainment, Universal, EMI, and Warner and is available on Sony's own devices including the PS3, Blu-ray disc players, Bravia televisions, and VAIO PCs. It'll also be available on Android smartphones soon with an iOS app coming later this year, assuming Apple's new subscription debacle doesn't derail Sony's plans. A basic membership provides an interactive radio experience for $3.99 per month while a premium $9.99 per month service gives subscribers on-demand access to the Music Unlimited library with the ability to manage your music through playlists and the like. Sony also provides a useful service that scans your local library and playlists to "jump start" the organization of your Music Unlimited collection. Wonder how it'll work on the NGP and PlayStation tablet?
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February 18th, 2011, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
The latest GDC lecture to be announced deals with Sony's sucessor to the PSP, the NGP. David Coombes, platform research manager at SCEA, will speak about the new, still-unnamed handheld's "broad range of input and connectivity options and how these create exciting new opportunities for game designers."
This will be the first time Sony is openly talking about the device since its unveiling back in January. GDC takes place February 28 through March 4 in San Francisco. Keep your eyes on this tag for our coverage.
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February 18th, 2011, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Super Nintendo emulator for Sony PlayStation 3 has been updated. Changes:
- HD version and Normal version merged into one - there are now HD shaders that do the same as the previous HD version. * HD shaders (which upscale the resolution to 512x448) instead of hacked HD version. '4xSoft-HD' is currently the best out of the HD shaders - more to come. * The HD version in version 4.4.5 ran in interlaced mode - with the HD shaders, you can run in either progressive or interlaced mode.
- Fixed PAL50/PAL60 automatic activation in 576i/p mode.
- Fixed Rise Of The Robots interlacing issues - other games which use interlaced mode also corrected.
- Fixed Multiplayer controls - only player 1 worked.
File: Download
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February 18th, 2011, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Babcock
Beatbox is a simple music program that emits various drum sounds every time you press a button. There are four sound sets: rock and roll drums, hip hop drums, bongo drums, and tones. Beatbox is fun to jam along freely, or to play along with your favorite songs using the Music PRX.
- Four-key mode ensures that the same sound is played on each side of the screen - so cross and down play the same sound, circle and left play the same sound, etc.
- Color schemes let you customize your grid o' squares. There are six preset color schemes: original, warm colors, cool colors, all black, all white, and steel, my personal favorite. You can edit the individual colors manually, too.
- GPL-friendliness allows you to modify this program and redistribute it as you wish. I could always use some help

Feel free to replace the images and sound files with your own. There's no restrictions on it. This program has been signed for official firmware, you can run it perfectly without any hacks or exploits.
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February 18th, 2011, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...-any-user.html
While I read about the big ban tsunami and interesting papers like:
I gone through a funny theory, I won't publish any details tho:
1) The bans are based on the users' account and console ID's.
2) We can modify all traffic sent and received by the PlayStation3
What if some skiddies start to modify their sent traffic to appear as another user and use backups?
The PSN servers would recognize the TOS violation and check the online user database for known connections based on the ID's. The user and his consoles who really owns the ID's would be banned.
Even a simple Windows application which goes through ALL ID's may be possible. 24 hours and any console worldwide would be banned.
This should definitely be double-checked by SONY.
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February 18th, 2011, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Reports are flooding in that Sony has sent warning emails to those suspected of hacking their PlayStation 3 consoles – and in some cases PlayStation Network access has been suspended.
After suffering a ban, users see this message, according to Attack of the Fanboy:
"You cannot use the PlayStation Network with this account (8002a227)"
The email sent by Sony to those suspected of using jailbroken PS3s reportedly reads:
"Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation(R)3 system have been recently released by hackers for the PlayStation(R)3 system. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of your "System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation(R)3 System" and the "Terms of Services and User Agreement" for the PlayStation(R)Network/Qriocity(TM) and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.
"In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system. Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in termination of your access to the PlayStation(R)Network and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your PlayStation(R)3 system."
It is unclear whether Sony is banning users for attempting to circumvent the security of the PSN or because Sony has detected pirated software.
Yesterday evening Sony broke its silence on the PS3 jailbreak issue with a statement threatening hackers with a ban.
It now appears that Sony has made good on its threat.
Blog manager James Gallagher added to the statement, saying, "By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve.
"Rest assured, this message does not apply to the overwhelming majority of our users who enjoy the world of entertainment PlayStation 3 has to offer without breaching the guidelines detailed above, and we urge you to continue doing so without fear."
Sony is currently embroiled in a lawsuit against hacker George Hotz over the publication online of the PS3's root key.
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February 18th, 2011, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
UK mobile firm operator O2 has revealed that it has obtained the exclusive rights to sell the white version of Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play – the first ever PlayStation Certified mobile device.
The confirmation came via O2's Twitter feed. Until now the existence of a white SKU was unknown to many.
There has not yet been any announcements of similar offers from other carriers in foreign territories.
The Xperia Play will launch in the US in March with other territories to follow shortly after.
Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone have also confirmed that they will also be stocking the device and hinted at an April launch in the UK.
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February 18th, 2011, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
The UK Official PlayStation Magazine has lent credence to speculation that Modern Warfare 3 will be a prequel starring fan favourite character Ghost.
The mag's informants strengthen a rumour which first reared itshead online early in January.

On the Rumour Machine page in its latest issue (055), OPM points to ""insider whispers" which suggest: "Infinity Ward's next Modern Warfare title will be a prequel, with Ghost in the lead role."
Other wicked whispers featured on the page include the suggestion that "Dead Space 3 is already in production" and that PS2 games will soon be available to download on PSP.
Last month, OPM predicted that Konami was hard at work on an HD Metal Gear Solid trilogy for PS3. All eyes turn to E3 for that one...
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February 18th, 2011, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
PC and Xbox 360 gamers can play upcoming science fiction shooter Crysis 2 before launch. But what about PlayStation 3 gamers? Will they get a demo?
PlayStation gamers "can probably hope for one," executive producer Nathan Camarillo told PSU.
"We want as many people to play Crysis 2 as possible," he said. "I can't say anything too specific. We haven't announced [the demo] yet."
A PC Crysis 2 multiplayer demo will be available to download from 1st March. It includes two maps and two modes, each setting up six versus six matches.
EA's decision to release a PC demo of the upcoming shooter followed a raft of complaints from PC gamers about the apparent Xbox 360 exclusivity of the demo.
Meanwhile, Camarillo promised post-launch downloadable content for Crysis 2.
"It's a big game and there's a lot of fun to be had, so you can imagine we're doing some [DLC], but I can't say specifically what it is yet," he said.
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February 18th, 2011, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has called on its fans to help it make a PlayStation Network game.
The Gamocracy project asks gamers to collaborate with Swedish developer The Bearded Ladies Consulting on an action platformer to be released on the minis category of the PlayStation Store.
"Every Friday from now, for eight weeks, we will post a new challenge to the community on the official PlayStation forums," wrote EU PlayStation Blog manager James Gallagher.
"The following Friday, the top 5-10 submissions will be presented in an open vote on The Bearded Ladies Facebook page, which will last until Sunday. The winning submission will be included in the game and the creator will be credited in the game credits."
Challenge one is coming up with a hero and a story. Any ideas?
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February 19th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
If you prefer to keep a safe distance from your driving sims -- or consider them an adequate venue for expressing your obsessive, controlling nature -- you should have someone pop in your Gran Turismo 5 disc today. According to the official site, an automatically administered patch (bumping the game up to version 1.6) enables support for Remote Racing, a mode that allows you to manage drivers in B-spec races via the Gran Turismo website. You could be earning money at work right now.
In addition, the patch allows tracks from the Course Maker to be used in online races, which also dole out more experience points. Gran Turismo 5 v1.6 supports multi-monitor, multi-PS3 setups, and claims to have optimized the speed at which games are saved. It's a significant (and free) update, so be sure to have your assistant read the full documentationand report back to you
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February 19th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Securing unique in-game content is more important than bagging full platform exclusives, so says a Sony exec.
Speaking in an interview with Scrawl FX, MLB 11: The Show brand manager Scott McCarthy explained that a platform exclusive release limits a game's potential.
Clearly, nobody wants to see that happen, so Sony would rather a game ships across multiple platforms but feature unique content on PlayStation systems to give it the edge.
"We work very closely with our third parties publishers, not necessarily to lock down games exclusively, but to lock up exclusive parts of games," he said. "A good example is Batman: Arkham Asylum, where you could only play as the Joker on PlayStation 3.
"When you make a title exclusive, you limit its promotional power; we don't want to do that. We want games to be as big as possible - it's great for the industry.
"However, we want to make sure that you play it on the best system possible, so we like to take parts of games and make them exclusive to the PlayStation system."
A noble sentiment, to be sure, but there are some mixed messages going on here. Only last month the platform holder took the time to remind everyone that over 20 PlayStation 3 exclusives are due out this year.
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February 19th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
A new LittleBigPlanet 2 update that fixes a number of problems in the PlayStation 3 platformer is now available for download, developer Media Molecule has announced.
Update 1.01, codename Cupcake, patches up game-crashing bugs as well as an issue reported last month that caused a craft moon to get stuck on your Pod.
A full list of changes, as detailed on Media Molecule's site, follows below.
That's not all that's happening on planet LittleBigPlanet though. The game's community manager took to the PlayStation Blog to talk up a new community-made level pack out today called Hansel & Gretelbot.
Available for free via the game's LBP.me hub, it's "a completely community-made pack of seven playable levels, furnished with a full story, cut scenes, voice acting, original score, and lots of prizes to collect too! It's a mighty achievement, and hopefully one that will inspire others to do the same."
For those more interested in new content put together by the developers rather than the fans, fresh DLC is in the works that will add Move functionality and a number of new levels for the game's story mode. No release date has been announced for that yet, but it will be with us at some point this year.
Update 1.01:
- Your Craft Earth should no longer obscure the pod when changing your PSN Avatar.
- If your POD was missing, blocked, broken or contained any create objects it shouldn't have, it will now be reset to normal.
- A more accessible "Reset Pod" option is now available should your POD become broken for some reason! To access it: Pause the game / Press START > Go to the Settings Menu > Select Profile > Select "Reset Pod Decoration".
- The "Naux" glitch / corrupt Sackboy problem should now be fixed - your Sackboy will no longer be squishy and unable to swim!
- DLC costumes and PODS that have been captured from community levels will no longer be selectable in pop-it. Anyone wearing a "glitched" DLC costume after patching will have it removed.
- Several improvements to overall game stability have been made.
- We've vanquished some evil code gremlins that were causing crashes and that has improved overall stability.
- Info bubbles that have long text descriptions (e.g. The sequencer) can now be scrolled in a fixed width text box.
- There is now a visual indicator showing how high a bounce pad will bounce you when tweaking it in Create mode.
- Stickers and decorations that are placed on Sackboy only will not appear in the used objects page.
- Level keys can now be deleted from Pop-it!
- You can't watch the credits while already watching them after completing the game.
- It should now be possible to re-enter your shopping cart if you accidentally signed out when it had some items in it.
- Players will now be prompted to save the changes made to their level in Create when switching to Play Mode after having changed the Audio Reverb.
- Emitting and destroying spawn points in quick succession should no longer make the game crawl into the corner and weep.
- LBP1 sound objects should now be correctly imported when using the option to do so when booting the game.
- It is no longer possible to access level links to LBP1 Story levels that you have hearted.
- The Clank Costume has green eyes again!
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February 19th, 2011, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from fkrone
Today I want to present you my PSP Homebrew Easy Signer. Maybe you're wondering about what it exactely is. It is just a PC tool whichs unpacks, patches, signs and repacks the EBOOT. And all in one .exe .
How to run it?
Just put the EBOOT.PBP in the same folder as the .exe . Then run the .exe and you will have a signed PSP homebrew.
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February 19th, 2011, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
After getting to know his cfw 6.35, the Japanese developer neur0ner just passed a new stage which is the development of a permanent CFW from version 6.37 of SONY.
This is the first time we see such a feat on 6.37, neur0ner hope a bright future for his custom firmware as was the case with version 6.35.
A small information should not be neglected, which was already present on the 6.35, this newcomer can not settle on the PSP 200X Flashable with the date code-7C-8B.
PSP 200X 8C, PSP, 100X, 300X and GO are not compatible, so be careful.
This supports CFW 6.37 backups natively contains a recovery menu but also has the ability to boot on the official firmware 6.37 from the recovery menu.
OPNSSMP option for games that require a firmware below 6.37 is also present and activated from the recovery menu.
The installation method is somewhat unique in that it installs the official firmware and custom at the same time and requires a PSP with firmware HEN 200X or custom (eg 5.00M33, 6.20TN, 6.35PRO).
- Copy the update folder from the downloaded archive in the folder GAME: ms0/PSP/GAME /.
- Download and save the original firmware 6.37 file in the Update before like this: ms0: / PSP/GAME/UPDATE/637.PBP.
- Run the setup file (installer) from the XMB and follow the instructions.
The stability of this first release of CFW 6.37 is uncertain, listing the author, so refer to the various tests.
The-green thank you for this new.
CFW 6.37 (PSP 200x flashable)
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February 19th, 2011, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gxmod
The little genius Virtious Flame, already known for the development of homebrew enabler as well as the findings on the hack and the excellent PSP Custom Firmware 6.35, reveals his abilities in another area, that of emulation.
The latter has today launched a new version of the famous Game Boy Advance emulator for PSP, gpSP namely that this time will be compatible with its new PRO-A CFW 6.35.
- Extract the archive in the folder PSP / GAME /
- Start GPSP from the XMB.
Thank you to the-green.
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February 19th, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
This week, electronics giant Sony began dishing out lifetime bans to known PlayStation 3 hackers. The "ban" in question effectively bars any and all identified PS3 hackers from using Sony's online services for the rest of their lives. Pretty harsh, indeed. But over the course of the last 72 hours, countless PS3 hackers identified by Sony have begun receiving e-mail notices from Sony, a communication promptly followed by a full and irrevocable PlayStation 3 console ban. In order to avoid the dreaded Sony blacklist, hackers are required to "immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems."
The writing, however, has been on the wall for some time. According to the official word on the PlayStation blog: "Violation of the system software license agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of international copyright laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently."
Naturally, many are wondering if Sony's crackdown on hackers foreshadows how Apple will deal with iOS jailbreakers in the future, particularly with regard to the forthcoming 5th generation iPhone. Although there is no concrete evidence to confirm such theories, many believe Apple's hardcore crackdown on jailbreaking and unlocking will begin in earnest this year, effectively following the lead of Sony and others who refuse to play nicely with members of our community.
According to coverage provided this week by CNET, "a majority of commenters" to Sony's blog heralding the lifetime hacker ban "seem pleased" by Sony's decisive action. "Thanks for acknowledging this officially. Good to know Sony is not just hoping that this goes away," one poster wrote, adding "Thank You Sony! Ban these punks!" On the other hand, there were adamant defenders of the prohibited behavior. "If Sony actually took the time to know what us (the consumers) wanted, maybe they would see less piracy," a hacker-friendly poster wrote. "I mean the whole reason hackers want to hack the PSP Go is to playgames that are still only available in UMD only."
Source: CNET
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February 19th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Finally, you can play chat-enabled PS3 games outside in the city, while rendering your ear virtually undetectable. Sony has announced a new version of its latest Bluetooth headset, which is identical to the last release except for its "urban camo" color scheme.
It'll be available in GameStop stores for $49.99 starting April 19, allowing you to pick up a more militaristic accessory to go with SOCOM 4. If you happen to pick up one of the Killzone 3-themedJungle Green controllers, you'll be able to blend in while playing games in two different environments.
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February 20th, 2011, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/19/y...s-compo-entry/
A new entry for the PSP Genesis competition (4500$ to win, don’t miss your chance, you have until May 15th to submit your homebrew) with Strangelove’s Plugin Manager. A very nice app to manage your plugins without the need for a computer.
Quoting the author:
“YAPM (A) Plugins Manager” is just what the name implies. It’s a homebrew to
keep your PRX plugins organized. It started out as a project to get more
experience coding for the PSP and also because other Plugin Managers at the
time either had bugs or were written in a foreign language, or both.
The name stands for “Yet Another Plugin Manager” it is also a recursive
acronym. It is coded using the OldSchool library and the MyPSPw toolchain.
- Graphical, not text based.
- Statistics and help screen.
- Toggle plugins on/off.
- Edit lines w/ on-screen keyboard.
- Remove and insert lines.
- Save and load .txt files.
- Creates .txt files if they don’t exist.
- Handles unix, macintosh and windows text files.
- Automatically removes empty lines.
- Secret screenshot function. 
- Eye-candy.
- Small size.
- English language.
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February 20th, 2011, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://geohot.com/
Media, I need your help. This is the first time I have ever asked. Please, if you support this cause, help me out and spread the word.
I want, by the time this goes to trial, to have Sony facing some of the hardest hitting lawyers in the business.
Together, we can help fix the system

Donations here are for legal defense ONLY
I checked with my lawyers before setting this up
If you have another substantial way to donate aside from money, let me know
Sony is lame, and is suing me for hacking MY OWN PS3. Help me own them in court
Sony are bullies
Sony doesn't care if what you did was legal, if they don't like it, they sue. Sony tried to sue a guy for getting his AIBO to do non Sony approved tricks, making it apparent that they don't really care about piracy, they care about control. In ( Sony v Bleem), Bleem was the winner on all counts, but the high cost of a legal defense shut them down. Fortunately, that suit helped set precedent on the legality of emulators. I would hate to lose this case due to resource starvation, and with the support of the masses, I won't. Lets turn the bully back on itself. This case has the ability to set a huge precedent for consoles and all closed systems to come. The other two should be begging Sony to back off.
Sony sued the wrong guy
I am an advocate against mass piracy, do not distribute anyone's copyrighted work but my own, do not take crap lying down, and am even pro DRM in a sense. For example, I believe Apple has every right to lock down their iPhone in the factory as much as they want, but once it's paid for and mine, I have the right to unlock it, smash it, jailbreak it, look at it, and hack on it. Fortunately, the courts agree with me on this point.
My PS3 goal has been to provide users a legitimate path to homebrew, which by the standards of all previous cases (or, in reverse), is 100% legal. Sony does not even try to allege piracy or copyright infringement in this case, they allege I did things like play "super mario world, an unauthorized game" on MY PS3. And access MY PS3 in an unauthorized way. Who are they to authorize what I do with my taxed and paid for property?
fail0verflow's goal was even nobler than mine. They wanted to give you back a feature Sony illegally stole, Linux on your PS3. It's shameful on Sony's part that they are being sued at all. If you have a problem with pirates, sue them, don't sue people who point out your shortcomings.
Why should I care about your personal legal troubles?
You shouldn't. For example, if I was taken to court for sex crimes in Sweden, I would never ask for donations. But this case isn't about me. Clearly I am not being sued because of something I have that Sony wants, I am being sued in order to send a message that Sony is not to be messed with. But if I(and all codefendants likewise) actually win this, we have the power to send a much stronger message back. That consumers have rights, and we aren't afraid to stand up for them.
Why should I trust you? I just saw you trying to rap battle Sony
My attempts at humor aside, I do take this whole matter very seriously. Again, it's not about me, I was on the verge of quitting this stuff last June, and I would hate to be the one who sets a reputation for hackers that all a company has to do is sue us and we back down. In fact, I want the opposite reputation set, that the more a company tries to abuse the legal system, the harder we rally back. I will be the first person in line on the launch date of the Xperia Play, and itching to get my hands on the Next GEOHOT Project.
Why did you wait until now to set this up?
I didn't want to be trigger happy, and thought the suit might go away quickly. Also, I had to consult with my lawyers about how to do this. It's been over a month, and it looks like this is going to be a drawn out case. I am in this for the long haul. I am very serious ethically when I take donations, for all iPhone work I only accepted after the fact, here after the fact is too late. Now I am pot committed so to say.
How much should I donate?
Put it this way, Sony has 5 lawyers, I have 2. I'd like to level the playing field, and really get some hard hitters in there. I have already racked up over 10k in legal bills; donate whatever you feel like. Leftover donations at the end of all this will be donated to the EFF.
What if I want to donate more than I feel comfortable sending through PayPal?
I'm excited! Email me, we'll figure it out.
Why doesn't the EFF fund this?
Ask them. They have offered to provide some legal help though, which is much appreciated.
Donate to help you, you're the reason I can't play Modern Warfare now…
No, I'm not. Kakaroto explains this really well here. I have never played PS3 online ever. Frankly I'm amazed by the apparent ease with which these cheats were created, security 101, why is the security in the client anyway? I had no idea this would happen, and am in full support of the cheaters being permabanned from PSN.
I'm a poor college student, what can I do to help?
I feel you, don't worry. Spread the word. Let people know how you feel about what Sony is doing. Let Sony know how you feel about what Sony is doing.
What if SCEA tries to settle?
Lets just say, I want the settlement terms to include OtherOS on all PS3s and an apology on the PlayStation blog for ever removing it. It'd be good PR for Sony too, lord knows they could use it. I'm also willing to accept a trade, a legit path to homebrew for knowledge of how to stop new firmwares from being decrypted.
Why isn't SCEA trying to settle?
Check out the new blog
Old index page for archival purposes here
Contact Me
geohot ... gmail
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February 20th, 2011, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster

This somewhat odd-looking apparatus is being used to measure earth’s rotation. At the heart of the system is a PlayStation Move controller, used because of its dual-axis gyroscope which has the highest dynamic range compared to other available products like the Wii Motion Plus. It rests on a column perched atop a record player that was chosen because of its precision rotation rate. The two rings that flank the controller make up a Helmholtz coil which is used to cancel out the earth’s magnetic field which was found to be interfering with measurements taken by the Move controller. By recording data over time the experimenter can prove that the earth is indeed rotating, as well as ascertain longitude data and find true north. Check out the data-packed video after the break.
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February 20th, 2011, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Following Sony's move to block PS3 hackers from the console's online functions, a new jailbreak has been released which reportedly allows users to unban themselves on PSN.
Reports of the platform holder banning jailbreak users began appearing on Thursday, after Sony released a warning to anyone taking advantage of hacks.

Hackers were sent a message directly from Sony. It read:
"A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system. Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in termination of your access to the PlayStation(R)Network and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your PlayStation(R)3 system."
However, Destructoid reports that an all-new jailbreak not only claims to allow user to unban themselves, but also to ban (and presumably unban) other PS3s - so long as the perpetrator is in possession of their console ID.
It all sounds dodgy as sin, obviously. But Geohot's not rapping. Which can only be a Good Thing.
[ Source: Destructoid ]
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February 20th, 2011, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via EP
virtuosflame aka liquidzigong has released 6.35 PRO-A4 and a new version of Fast Recovery!
6.35 PRO-A4 is a (T)LCFW for PSP 100X-300X and PSPgo!
- [!] may not fix the problem version.txt
[!] Increase compatibility of home-made software
[+] Add support for PSN PS1 games
PS1 Gamesl from the PSN are working now!
Quote:Note: Currently does not support self-transformation PS1 ISO. Can only be downloaded PSN PS1 games on the run successfully. PS1 games downloaded from PSN, run a PS1 game, and then copy the entire game folder to another 635PRO users can run. Need to update again FastRecovery. Download Here
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February 20th, 2011, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Double release for neur0n today. After the update to the new CF 6.37ME, the coder also updates his first job, or 6:35 Custom , now in its thirteenth version. For this release there are substantial innovations: the NID Resolver will be updated and some bugs are fixed.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
V13 Changelog:
.: Changelog:. :
- Fixed some bugs
- Updated the NID Resolver
NB: Please note that the 6:35 is the Custom installation on PSP 2000 except TA-088v3
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February 20th, 2011, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The first official update for Custom Firmware 6.37ME , created by developer neur0n. Today's release fixes some bugs the first version, dated two days ago, and updates the NID Resolver.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v2 - Installation:
.: Changelog:. :
- Fixed some bugs
- Updated the NID Resolver
. Installation:. :
- It 's necessary to have a CFW on your PSP or HEN (eg 5.00M33, 6.20TN, 6.35PRO)
- Copy the UPDATE folder into PSP / GAME
- Copy the fw 6.37, renamed 637.PBP in the UPDATE folder
- Start the application from the XMB
NB: Please note that the 6.37ME can be installed only on PSP 2000 excluding TA-088v3
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February 20th, 2011, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
A new addition to the well-known CTFTool GUI tool created by the coder patpat that allows you to create CTF themes or convert those in our possession. Version 5 (still in beta) adds support for the creation of themes for the recent CF ME 6:37
Following the download and the complete changelog.
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- Base Folder (6:20 to 6:37): common_gui.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, opening_plugin.prx, paf.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx
- Base Folder (5.50): game_plugin.prx,, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx, common_gui.prx, sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.rco
- Base Folder 5.00: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx,
- Base Folder (3.71 - 4.01): common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
sysconf_plugin.prx, visualizer_plugin.rco
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
.: Changelog:.
- Support for Conversion Between 500-503-550-620-635-637 CTF theme
- Updated CXMB, support 3.71-6.37
- Add 6.37CTF theme pack / unpack
- PRXeditor update to v2.1.1, to support legacy ini import bookmarks
- Updated PRX conversion module and the version currently Supports The following conversion Between PRX
- Update RCO converter module, the version currently Supports The following conversion Between RCO
- Fixed Various bugs
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February 20th, 2011, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The developer Cooleyes back to update PMPlayer Advance , born player to play video format only PMP but later evolved to encompass more formats. Version 3.1.4 fixes some bugs that caused the program to crash.
Changelog and downloads:
.: Changelog:.
- Fixed crash bug When I browse EF0, usbhost0, nethost0
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February 20th, 2011, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- XFPS 5.0 works on both PS3/Slim and Xbox 360/Slim consoles
- Support Xbox 360 wired headset
- Connect PS/2 or USB mouse and keyboard to your Xbox 360 or PS3
- Compatible with all mice and keyboards.
- Accuracy in aiming and fast response while playing shooting game.
- Easy to map all Xbox 360 wired controller keys to keyboard and mouse via PC by XCM software.
- Easy to map all PS3 controller keys to keyboard and mouse via PC by XCM software.
- 3 level of auto fire function.
Note: need to connect to PC (laptop or desktop).
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February 21st, 2011, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Reports indicate that a new PlayStation 3 hack has enabled modders and hackers to unban their consoles from PSN, as well as letting them ban any other console which they have the serial number for.
Just last week, Sony threatened that anyone detected using a hacked or modded PS3 would be kicked from the PlayStation Network and permanently banned.
Now, Destructoid reports that this has been circumvented by a new security breach allowing users to control the ban-state of their machines and accounts.
The move is another escalation in the ongoing conflict between hackers and Sony, which has centred around George 'GeoHotz' Hotz and the hacking team fail0verflow, who collectively are accused ofprogramming and publishing the "Jailbreak" hack which allows PS3 owners to play uncopyrighted material. Sony is in the process of suing those involved.
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February 21st, 2011, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has shed some light on its thinking around platform exclusives, noting its preference to see specific in-game content tied to its PlayStation 3 platform, rather than locking down entire games.
That's according to Scott McCarthy, senior PlayStation software brand manager, who told ScrawlFX that ring-fencing a game for just one platform can limit overall sales - something the hardware manufacturer is reluctant to do for third-party publishers.
"We work very closely with our third-party publishers, not necessarily to lock down games exclusively, but to lock up exclusive parts of games," he explained. "A good example is Batman: Arkham Asylum, where you could only play as the Joker on PlayStation 3.
"When you make a title exclusive, you limit its promotional power; we don't want to do that. We want games to be as big as possible - it's great for the industry.
"However, we want to make sure that you play it on the best system possible, so we like to take parts of games and make them exclusive to the PlayStation system."
It's a change of policy from the PlayStation 2 days, when Sony-exclusive third party franchises included Grand Theft Auto and Final Fantasy - both of which have since made the jump to multi-platform.
One the highest profile content exclusives in the last few months for Sony was a deal with Ubisoft on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, with the Copernicus Conspiracy containing new missions for gamers on the PS3 platform.
But Microsoft has also reportedly spent a considerable amount of money following a similar line, securing exclusive DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV, as well as timed exclusives for Call of Duty: Black Ops.
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February 21st, 2011, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 exclusive racer Gran Turismo 5 has throttled through the six million units shipped barrier, creator Polyphony Digital has announced.
In an updated series software title list (thanks,VG247), the Japanese studio confirmed Gran Turismo 5 had shipped 6.37 million units as of December 2010. Why, that doesn't even include the January sales.
Last we heard GT5 had shipped 5.5 million.
Most of the shipments were to Europe – a whopping 3.97 million. 1.58 million went out to the US, 600,000 to Japan and 230,000 to Asia.
An amazing 63.15 million Gran Turismo games have been shipped throughout the series' lifetime. Pretty popular, then.
The best-selling GT game is still, by a country mile, Gran Turismo 3, with 14.89 million shifted.
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February 21st, 2011, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
George "Geohot" Hotz, currently being sued by Sony for cracking the PlayStation 3's security wide open, has denied his actions have led to hacks ruining first-person shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
In January developer Infinity Ward blamed Sony and the PS3's compromised security for the Modern Warfare 2 hacks that are blighting the game.
"Sony has recently acknowledged a breach in security on the PS3 which resulted in games to become exposed to exploits and hacks," Robert Bowling, aka fourzerotwo, said.
"Modern Warfare 2 is no exception to this security exploit and we understand that some of you have experienced problems with stats and other issues associated with this."
In an update on Hotz's website, in which he called for donations to help pay for lawyers in his increasingly bitter legal battle against Sony, the US hacker denied the accusation.
"No, I'm not," he said in response to his own question: "Donate to help you, you're the reason I can't play Modern Warfare now..."
"I have never played PS3 online ever. Frankly I'm amazed by the apparent ease with which these cheats were created, security 101, why is the security in the client anyway?
"I had no idea this would happen, and am in full support of the cheaters being permabanned from PSN."
Sony is in the process of banning the PSN accounts of those it suspects of hacking their PS3s.
"By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve," Sony said.
"Rest assured, this message does not apply to the overwhelming majority of our users who enjoy the world of entertainment PlayStation 3 has to offer without breaching the guidelines detailed above, and we urge you to continue doing so without fear."
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February 21st, 2011, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via wololo
Web browsing on the PSP is not always easy. With the lack of decent javascript and flash support, as well as the unusual screen dimensions, most websites look weird at best, and don’t work most of the time… And minis don’t help with the obvious lack of utility apps. Zelta Twit, a new contestant for the psp genesis competition, is one attempt at making things better for users, by allowing you to access twitter in a more user friendly way than the regular browser.
Despite a good idea, this application has still many issues, and I think it fails at its main goal: making twitter easier to access on the PSP. Mostly because of the many redirections to https pages with untrusted certificates (by the way, it’s up to you to trust this application with your twitter password or not…)
But let’s hope for the best and see what the updates will bring
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February 22nd, 2011, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
news via wololo
The first Game to join the psp genesis competition is a frustrating yet fun game. Each level is an intermediate between a joke, an enigma, and a “do it as fast as you can” type of challenge. Replayability might wear off after a few attempts, but the game is surprisingly fresh And it’s our first game entry in the competition, so many thanks to (|EcLiPsE|) for that. (Don’t get me wrong, I love utils, but I also love games!)
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February 22nd, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/other...-charge-81569/
For those wondering what's been happening with the OtherOS lawsuit... Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) filed a motion to dismiss. The court granted the motion but only partially. It has dismissed all claims against Sony except for one... the allegation that SCEA violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This means Geohot and Sony are now both charged with the same thing in separate cases!
The claims against Sony in the ongoing class-action lawsuit dealing with the removal of the "OtherOS" functionality in the PlayStation 3 hardware have all been dropped, save for one: a claim that Sony violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by removing the ability to run Linux. This is the same law under which Sony is suing George Hotz for hacking the PS3, in fact.
One of Sony's defenses is rather interesting, as the company claims that it had no way of knowing gamers who bought the hardware would want to use these functions for the life of the system, and the multiple warranties and Terms of Service all said that Sony had the right to remove functions from the hardware. From the court documents filed by Sony:
To establish the implied warranty of fitness existed, Plaintiffs must allege that SCEA had “reason to know” of their special purpose, i.e., to use the PS3 in perpetuity for all advertised features and functions including the Other OS; that Plaintiffs relied on SCEA’s expertise; and that SCEA had “reason to know” of their reliance on the continued availability of all features and functions. Plaintiffs have not only failed to allege these requisite facts, they indeed cannot due to the explicit language of SCEA’s Warranty, SSLA, and Terms of Service. Specifically, because SCEA had the right to terminate or alter any feature or function, it had no reason to believe that Plaintiffs purchased their PS3s particularly with the expectation and belief that all features, including the Other OS, would be available for the “life” of the PS3.
Sony is arguing that your system needs to keep all the features it was sold with for the length of its warranty, and then after that time, removal of any function is fair game. "I think the problem is that in order to accept the notion that Sony made an unauthorized intrusion onto the plaintiffs' PS3s, you have to start with the assumption that what was 'disabled' was something that the plaintiffs had an ownership interest in..." Sony's laywer argued.
He continued, saying that gamers had a choice. "We're talking about if you are so interested in keeping this one feature, then you're not going to be able to access the PSN anymore. You may not be able to play some games. But that is not hacking into somebody's computer, which is the essence of the [Computer Fraud and Abuse Act]." This isn't a matter of accepting or declining a software update, it's the problem of Sony placing consumers in a position where they lose functionality no matter what they do. That may be a tough sell to the court.
Groklaw has a great article on the entirety of the court case, and we urge you to read it. The ins and outs of this case deal with much more than gaming consoles and Linux, and go into the idea of a warranty, and what's expected of modern electronics. We'll continue to follow the story as it develops.
News Source: ArsTechnica
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February 22nd, 2011, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
As we reported yesterday, well-known hacker Geohot sought help from our community this weekend in his ongoing legal skirmish with Sony. In the wake of Geohot's brewing courtroom travails, the iconic hacker established a "legal defense fund" via PayPal to help offset legal costs, which - according to Geohot - have already topped $10,000. Well, help was sought and help was given. Today, Geohot updated his blog with the following message:
First round of donations is closed. Thank you so so much for all of your help, things are
... [Read More]
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February 22nd, 2011, 16:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via EverythingHQ
With all the recent price drops circulating Sony’s PlayStation 3 console and even reports suggesting the company may even introduce an official price drop, you can’t help wonder why Sony are really doing this for. If they really wanted to drop the price of their machine the best opportunity would have been at E3 last year. So, there must be a motive behind the recent price drops from major retailers – Sony are reportedly looking into a hack-proof PS3 SKU.
According to what I have been told by an anonymous source Sony are already deep into plans of developing a hack-proof PS3 system. This is mainly due to the recent leaks of Killzone 3 which has worried Sony of their console becoming a mainstream threat to piracy.
The hack-proof SKU will be a slim PlayStation 3 model and will contain a 300GB hard drive as an incentive to purchase the hack-proof system – the price of the SKU will be £186.99, my source informs me. The scheduled launch is unsure at this time due to Sony seeing if they can win the battle in the courts against the root of all the PS3 hacks – George Hotz.
Sony is essentially trying to get rid of all the old SKUs with these price drops – and even their own price drop incoming possibly – so it makes way for their new hack-proof model.
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February 23rd, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
George Hotz, the man Sony is currently attempting to sue regarding his circumvention of PS3 security measures, has raised legal fees for his defence via online donations.
Hotz yesterday requested funds from the public, claiming that "I want, by the time this goes to trial, to have Sony facing some of the hardest hitting lawyers in the business."
Within the space of a day, he had closed down the appeal and felt that "things are looking up money-wise. Expect to see a few more lawyers on my responses."
Hotz also reiterated that his intent in hacking the console was not related to copyright infringement. "I am an advocate against mass piracy, do not distribute anyone's copyrighted work but my own, do not take crap lying down, and am even pro DRM in a sense.
"For example, I believe Apple has every right to lock down their iPhone in the factory as much as they want, but once it's paid for and mine, I have the right to unlock it, smash it, jailbreak it, look at it, and hack on it. Fortunately, the courts agree with me on this point."
In the event Sony were to attempt to settle with Hotz, he argued that "I want the settlement terms to include OtherOS on all PS3s and an apology on the PlayStation blog for ever removing it."
Hotz also claimed that "I have already racked up over 10k in legal bills" and that any surplus in donations would be given to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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February 23rd, 2011, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy spin-off PlayStation Portable series Dissidia ends in its current form with the launch of Duodecim on 25th March.
"There is no next," creator Tetsuya Nomura told Japanese magazine Dengeki PlayStation (reported by Andriasang).
"We're thinking about ending this pattern of Dissidia here. There also won't be a UT [Universal Tuning, the name for the international re-release of the original Dissidia] version. The overseas version is being released at nearly the same time and has the same tuning, so we're not thinking about a release [of a UT version]."
For Dissidia fans, however, there may still be hope. "For the Dissidia series, there's the possibility of it appearing in another form," Nomura said. "However, we feel that we've done all we can with the battle base.
"We had the staff work for years on one-on-one battles, so I'd like to let them do another genre. I feel we've done all we can with this pattern of Dissidia.
"However, it is exciting to see past characters revived in 3D. So, if given the chance, we'd like to do something as Dissidia. However, I don't think it will be this Dissidia."
Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy is the oddly-named successor to PSP fighting game Dissidia Final Fantasy, which scooped 8/10 on Eurogamer.
Broadly, these games offer all the well-known faces of Final Fantasy for a fight, against each other. There are even RPG elements sprinkled on top.
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February 23rd, 2011, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Making the PlayStation 3 profitable is more important than selling more consoles than Microsoft, Sony has said.
That's the verdict of PlayStation software senior brand manager Scott McCarthy, who toldIndustryGamers that Sony isn't obsessed with the PlayStation 3 overtaking the Xbox 360's lifetime sales.
"So do we pass Xbox 360?, he asked. "At the moment, I think we're trying to just keep up with inventory and trying to move as many units as we can through the channel.
"It's also one of those things where, do we notice what Microsoft is doing? Obviously, they are our competition. But is it like we surpass Microsoft or we fail? No. Our goal is to be profitable and we're going to achieve that this year and do even better next year.
"That's been Nintendo's position for years. We have a very aggressive plan this year. And when we're profitable we're happy. If we happen to close the gap with Microsoft in the meantime, then that's good too."
After a slow start, Sony's PlayStation 3 has closed the gap on Microsoft's Xbox 360 - global PS3 sales are 47.9 million and Xbox 360 sales 50 million.
Analysts expect the PS3 will overtake the Xbox 360 this year. The Xbox 360 launched at the end of 2005; the PS3 roughly a year later (Europe had to wait until March 2007). Xbox 360 had a clear early lead, but following the launch of the PS3 Slim in 2009, Sony's numbers revved. Kinect has bolstered Xbox 360's Christmas and early 2011 sales, but whether Microsoft can stave off PS3 looks increasingly unlikely.
But, of course, it's Nintendo that leads the seventh generation of consoles with 84.6 million Wii sales.
Still, Sony reckons 2011 will be a big year for the PS3.
"We obviously are very bullish on our platform," McCarthy said. "We do feel like we have a great message with Move... and we feel we have the strongest line-up we've ever had coming this year.
"PS3 has superior technology inside the box, and this is going to be the year where we make a lot of noise based on the exclusive titles you're going to be able to play.
"Those things together will give us a voice. We gained a lot of momentum with the 'It Only Does Everything' message, and that was a great hardware message, but this year we're going to follow it up with another punch that is an 'Only on PlayStation' message.
"You know, LittleBigPlanet 2 led us off; then we've got Killzone 3, SOCOM, Infamous 2, Twisted Metal, Uncharted, Resistance... the list goes on. And that's excluding Move specific software. For the gamer there's a lot to look forward to, and for the Move consumer there's also a lot to look forward to."
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February 23rd, 2011, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/22/s...s-compo-entry/
This new entry for the psp genesis competition is an extremely useful plugin that will help you with… plugins. Long story short, this will allow you to selectively load plugins on a game per game basis, which, trust me, is going to be very useful as soon as you start messing up with different versions of various plugins that work for one game but not another, conflicting plugins, etc…
Quoting the author here:
- Loading plugins only for specified games.
- To describe games u can use id, name (great for noobs) and path (even incomplete! but only one per line).
- Macrofire is supported (no 0×8003021 errors).
- Boot screen displaying status (if no plugins were loaded – it won’t appear).
- Automatically changing ISO driver.
- Automatically changing CPU speed.
- You are able to define custom macros (u can use acronyms for games, ie. u can write “GTA:CW” instead of “Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars”.
- Last played game (backup or homebrew) is automatically moved at the first place in the XMB.
- You can disable bootscreen, logging to file and autosort feautures.
- You can place Sepulka on internal memory of PSPgo (ef0  .
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February 23rd, 2011, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/22/p...s-compo-entry/
You can patiently wait for the new 3DS…or you can experience 3D on your existing hardware with this impressive plugin by PSPWizard, which will turn your homebrews into real 3D (provided you have the appropriate green/red glasses). PSPWizard’s homebrew has been around for a little while, but this entry for the Genesis competition is an update to this awesome work, with the following features:
- new game support: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
- in-game 3D-Mode change possible. While keeping L-Trigger and R-Trigger pressed you could use the following keys to “play” with the 3D appearence while the 3D mode is active in the game you are playing:
- * Left/Right of the digi-Pad is changing the shift amount of the anaglyph colors
- * 3D activiation key (default is NOTE) to toggle the anaglyph colors from red/cyan to geen/pink and to yellow/blue…
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February 23rd, 2011, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
Update: most likely a fake
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/n64-e...st-look-81605/
Our friends over at PS3News are reporting that a Nintendo 64 (N64) is in development for the PS3. While nothing has been released yet, demonstration videos have been posted.
We are a team of 3 guys who have been working on a Nintendo 64 emulator for quite some time now, and we have decided to go out with the news since now our N64 emulator is officially working on the PS3.
We still have a huge load of things to work on, but it's playable and N64 is finally working on the PS3.
What we have done so far:
* 1 player (keyboard only)
* We have succeeded to enable gameshark codes
* Graphics works excellent on most games we have tried; Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Ridge Racer 64, Diddy Kong Racer, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie and 1080 Snowboard.
* Games we have tried that are jerky (so far): Duke Nukem 64, Doom 64, Hexen 64 and WCW Smackdown 64.
Issues (we are working on):
* Audio is not working yet.
* A user interface and the ability to edit and change files such as controller settings, cheat codes, etc. (We do all this over FTP now).
* Game menu (we now have to upload one game at the time).
* PS3 controller, (we now have to use a USB keyboard).
* Multiplayer.
We have decided to use ps3news and youtube to communicate with you guys, and if you want to help us out, feel free to either email us at n64onps3@gmail.com or PM us on youtube.
Here's the youtube video we just uploaded:
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February 23rd, 2011, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Home is two years old. That's a success in itself, but perhaps the service's biggest accomplishment is how successfully it has overcome the initial cynicism and flourished into a money making business.
"From a business point of view, virtual items and microtransactions… it just works," Home’s platform director Peter Edward told Develop.
"We have tens of thousands of items, and they are making money. There are some developers solely working on Home now, which speaks a lot to the success we can create. There are developers making money from virtual items in Home, simple as that.
"But you’ve also got the free to play and freemium model. Sodium, the game by Lockwood, is a great example of that. They offer the first five levels of their game for free, but to get the other 45 you have to buy an item of clothing for your avatar to wear that unlocks that access. They’ve had a massive conversion rate – 25 per cent of players pay up."
However, there is still one obstacle Home is yet to completely overcome – the perception from some that the serif has been a flop. Fortunately it's not a mindset that's widely shared amongst the industry itself.
"I think a lot of the industry understands it – and I think there are a lot of people in the industry who don’t realise how much the others understand it," Edward added.
"So, there are 120 studios using the HDK and making content with it. That’s a huge community already using the platform. Having said that, there is a section of the development community that doesn’t realise. That’s why we’re trying to get the news out there.
"Everybody knows that current-gen flagship console development is not cheap – that’s why mobile and handheld development is so popular right now, the barriers to entry are so much lower. But Home offers an opportunity to get on a console when you have a web/mobile budget. That appeals to indie developers because they can get something on a console for a realistic response and in a good timescale."
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February 23rd, 2011, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Industry Gamers
This week marks the release of Killzone 3, the latest chapter in the popular first person series that continues the war between the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (ISA) and the evil Helghast Empire. It is arguably the best looking game on PlayStation 3, complete with gorgeous environments, giant enemies and epic scenes of destruction. Therefore, it’s only natural for people to speculate whether developer Guerrilla Games maximized the console’s potential. Well, Managing Director/Co-Founder Hermen Hulst wants to kill the argument before it begins. The team didn’t squeeze the PS3 for all it’s worth. Not even close.
“At the end of every project, we say, ‘we’ve maxed it out.’ I made that mistake at the end of Killzone 2,” Hulst admitted to IndustryGamers. “We felt that we’d pushed it absolutely to the max. We now know from experience there’s always more mileage in the tech. You can always find new techniques.” Guerrilla discovers ways to push the system with help from other in-house Sony developers, as well as research it conducts independently. It also helps, according to Hulst, that these companies design their own technology.
“The guys that created LittleBigPlanet, I don’t think they would have been able to create a game that looks as great on someone else’s tech and that’s the same with us,” he said.
“For example, in Killzone 2, we introduced anti-aliasing to get rid of the jagged edges. We’re using that, but an improved version that is much more efficient, so we actually leave space for more detail, bigger environments and more polygons. Compared to Killzone 2, Killzone 3’s polygon count is three times as high, so we’ve been able to find new space, probably averaging out to 40 percent.” Guerrilla used this new space to introduce jetpacks and integrate the new melee system, and the game also runs in stereoscopic 3-D, but critics should avoid calling this a waste of resources.
“We’ve had one dedicated programmer on it and a number of designers that attend play test sessions and process the feedback. 3-D is here to stay. It’s like going from mono to stereo sound. You don’t necessarily change the tune or the lyrics, but still the effect can have a profound impact, and from a tech perspective, it’s not that expensive to put into a TV.” That said, the company chose to nix online co-op, a feature that fans have begged Guerrilla to include. Instead, they’ll need to enjoy Killzone 3’s single player campaign offline, a decision that Hulst doesn’t regret.
“We considered online co-op, but there comes a point where you say, ‘Will it be diluted if we push forward, or is it going to require the same resource that’s needed for the competitive online multiplayer?’ We chose what the core team found to be the most pleasant online experience, and that’s sitting with a pal on the couch.” As for the future of the series, Hulst wouldn’t discuss Killzone 4, but he feels optimistic about the upcoming entry for Sony’s Next Generation Portable (NGP), currently in development by Sony Cambridge.
“We would never ask another team to do Killzone if we weren’t comfortable. SCE Cambridge is a team that has a lot of Killzone experience. We’ve had probably 25 of their staff help at the end phases of Killzone 2 and DLC. They’ve worked on DLC for Killzone 3. They’re well versed in the Killzone universe. I think they’ve shown with the development of LittleBigPlanet for PSP that they can take someone else’s property and make a great handheld experience.”
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February 24th, 2011, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sony recently celebrated the considerable size of its "Game Archives" on the Japanese PlayStation Store, which now warehouses more than 600 titles of yesteryear. Siliconera took note of the achievement (er, Trophy?), pointing out that the collection spans a modest assortment of TurboGrafx-16 and Neo Geo games, but for the most part it's made up of PS1 titles.
Comparatively, the North American Store carries a considerably lighter load of 127 "PSOne Classics," 13 "PSOne Imports" and 10 Neo Geo games, according to our count. The EU Store is lighter still with just 96 Classics and 10 NeoGeo titles. So, yeah, Sony's a little behind on hitting that 7,000 milestone (by the end of 2007), but it's complicated, right?
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February 24th, 2011, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The CodeTactics Team returns to update its Mobile Assault , the acclaimed shooter with full 3D helicopter that comes with this release, version 1.7.
The enhancements in this update are important: together with some graphical improvements, it adds three new missions and fixati some bugs.
Changelog and follow the download link at the end of news.
-Added three new missions.
Helicopter-mar-28 added as an enemy.
-Improve the texture of the soil.
Added target-selection time: armored units.
-Fixed a bug where the guard towers not shooting.
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February 24th, 2011, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder plum releases a new version of its plugin mp3Player ascolatre useful files . mp3 present on our Memory Stick and an excellent alternative to the more famous MusicPRX.
The new version 0.8 introduces compatibility with custom firmware 5.03HEN, 5.50GEN-D3 and the most recent and 6.35 6.20TN PRO-A.
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February 24th, 2011, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder PartQual back to update its applcazione PC pspHBSortTool to sort these homebrew and ISO on your PSP. This new version, 3.0.0, introduced a new tool dedicated to SaveData and some improvements to the GUI. Recall that pspHBSortTool is compatible with the latest version of the plugin Categories Game, created by developer Bubbletune.
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February 24th, 2011, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://blog.coldbird.co.cc/?p=385
Dear users, thank you all for your regular patronage.
We again have news on the recent development of 6.35 PRO-B!
It’s now possible to play custom PSX EBOOT games – which marks one of two remaining big offline themed features we intend to implement into the PRO series custom firmware.
At the time of writing this article we are still ironing out a few remaining bugs which occur while playing Multi-Disc PSX EBOOT games, other than that though the implementation of PSX support is now complete.
I wish to use this chance to inform you all of the future plans we have for 6.35 PRO. There is one big remaining offline feature we wish to implement after PSX gaming, which we will include into a PRO-B subversion, like we did for A to A4, namely the often-requested recovery menu to enable plugins, etc. on the fly right on the PSP.
PRO-B will mark the last offline related version change for a while, after this it’s all about bugfixing problems you guys report and online themed programming for PRO-C.
PRO-C in turn, will be the last closed source release we intend to do for the PRO series custom firmware, all followup versions will be released including FULL gpl licensed sourcecode and documentation.
This marks our last and final attempt to rescue the PSP scene which became corrupted and despicable a long time ago… people flame each other over stupid shit everywhere (no PRO is better, NO TN IS BETTER, OMG how dare you dont use GEN, its stupid guys, stop it…), developers, instead of sharing their knowledge, hinder scene development by keeping their code under a lock, in terms of development that is… good examples of this behaviour are those of Total_Noob, Dark_Alex, Team Gen, etc…
Before someone tries to flame me for that statement please try to think about it yourself, we would have had a 6.X based custom firmware a long time ago, way earlier… if we had access to a working custom firmware sourcecode a long time ago… the way it currently is, every new iteration of custom firmware required a full reinventing of the wheel… instead of minor modifications of existing code.
And to ensure that the PSP remains alive, even after Sony drops it in favor of the NGP, we should work together on one good and stable codebase and improve it together, instead of fighting for something stupid like eFame which many developers obviously do.
The reason for our set time of opensourcing the PRO components is easily explained aswell: we intend to hand in 6.35 PRO-C as a Genesis Competition entry so we can get back the money we have invested in the scene so far… (3 PSPs of mine died in the progress of developing PRO for you guys… may they rest in peace), cause unlike Total_Noob, etc. we never cashed donation money from you guys for required Hardware making it quite a expensive task to develope PRO.
In fact it’s not a secret, we only got a total of 5$ donation – WORLDWIDE – by far not enough to cover our existing costs of development, so I think it’s just fair that we keep the source under lock till then so we can participate in the Genesis competition without someone hexediting our code to display a different version string (watch out for the m33_user faker who distributes our cfw under M33 label…).
Well, that sums up our current status and future plans for now guys, I will see you around the neighborhood, for latest builds check out http://pro.coldbird.co.cc – who knows, 6.35 PRO-B might be on there sometime soon…
Greetings, Coldbird.
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February 24th, 2011, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via psxscene
It seems Sony is not happy with the long process of using American civil courts to fight off the PS3 hackers, and have decided to step up the war game to the next level, and have now got the German police on their side to raid early this morning graf_chokolo's home and take all his computers!
The following is some of the quotes taken from his blog:
Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 11:52 am
Guys, SONY was today at my home with police and got all my stuff and accounts. So be careful from now on.
Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Guys, i don’t joke, it’s serious.
And to prove it, i kept my word and uploaded all my HV reversing stuff.
Upload it everywhere so SONY couldn’t remove it easily. Grab it guys, it contains lots of knowledge about HV and HV procs.
Here is my HV bible: Sendspace.com upload.com 2shared.com <- Coolstuff.rar [164mb]
Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 23, 2011 at 12:51 pm
IDA database is the documentation, it contains all my knowledge, Linux booting is also there. It contains all the code i used to patch HV 3.41 and boot Linux. So, PS3 devs, grab it and continue my work. It contains just everything i know about HV, storage devices and so on.
Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 12:52 pm
this is not a scam i emailed graf and he confirmed the posts, and said not to email him anymore, it just seems like a scam due to the way things are playing out, but i swear its 100% not a scam as far as i know
Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:26 pm
I can say with 99.9999999% percent positivity that its legit, thanks graf(:
Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:36 pm
yea only admins like me and graf and dukio can(: and i extracted only like a fourth of the 165 megabyte rar and its lvl1, lvl2, and hv dumping and reversing for 3.15, 3.41 and 3.55 are there, theres more that ill look at later today when i get home, thanks graf(:
Originally Posted by mecenefeaa
February 23, 2011 at 1:49 pm
me too EVERYONE DOWNLOAD so even if Sony removes the files they will still be everywere and so we can reupload! spread it like the keys!!
News Source: PS3 Development Page | graf_chokolo
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February 24th, 2011, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via psxscene
On the eve of more possible "european raids" now that Sony's war machine is on the move, this just in:
Originally Posted by mathieulh
The ps3wiki is going down (I don't want to be arbitrarily raided by sony) This twitter is also not going to be active anymore.
Sadly, another wealth of PS3 information has disappeared from the 'net, here is what one of the PS3 wiki developers had to say in regard to this matter:
Originally Posted by kdsbest
thinking about selling my ps3 and buying an xbox.. i am an xna developer anyway so this thing helps me more. Sony ripped!
This is the worst scenario for me. I guess i for now sit back and watch what happens to him before releasing testing anything.
as i said i lean back and does nothing ps3 related till this case is clear. It is to risky
Original Now History Site: http://ps3wiki.lan.st
Originally Posted by mathieulh
This decision wasn't an easy one, I did what I had to do because I also happen to have a personal life. About the wiki, some people want to host it, I am currently looking into the option to move the wiki to another server at this time (a server that I do not own).
Thank you for your understanding.
News Sources: Mathieulh (Mathieulh) on Twitter and KDSBest
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February 24th, 2011, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via psxscene
Well we can't always print bad news, even tho it seem like Sony was winnning a few rounds today, a new group called "anonymous" decided to fight back the big advancing war crabs with a FileSystem Library System that allows homebrew PS3 authors to add NTFS support to their apps along with other great file system goodies!
I’m out of town leaving me PS3-less, so I’m unable to test this… This being a library, PlayStation File System Libraries — libpfsm, that you can use when building your homebrew projects, i.e.) Gaia Manager. And the Gaia Manager source is included and comes pre-modified as an example adding NTFS (libpfsm) support. You just need to build it now and I’m sure someone’ll do that real soon.
What does PlayStation File System Libraries feature?
* Support for multiple simultaneously connected devices.
* Hot swapping of devices.
* Support for multiple partitions (with different FS).
* NTFS support
o Alternate data streams
o Sparse files
o File compression
o B+ trees directory
* FAT support
o FAT12, FAT16, FAT32
o Long file names (VFAT)
Writing to NTFS formatted volumes is not supported and not planned.
Check the README for everything else.
Thanks to… I’ll never tell. The author wishes to remain anonymous. Cheers!
Don't go re-formatting your external USB hard drives just let, even tho Gaia Manager is included with NTFS support, it does not give you 100% way to run those 4gb+ games, this library also has to be included in a new CFW for your PS3 console to give the game read support during game play, but it does allow you to directly backup those large games to your external HDD, and directly copy them from external HDD to internal to play them!
It is a great first step, so stay tuned to PSX-SCENE to watch the ever-expanding PS3 scene action unfold!
Download -> PlayStation File System Libraries
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February 24th, 2011, 15:38 Posted By: bandit
The PS3 Scene may be very very slow due to SCEA's MIB attorneys and legal actions against hackers but Spanish dev, Hermes, brings us Pintor. Pintor is a rather humorous homebrew puzzle game which pokes fun of Sony's aggressive PS3 related lawsuits at PS3 hackers such as fail0verflow, graf_chokolo and of course, Geohot. In the game, you play the role of "John Doe" and must avoid SCEA's MIB attorneys. Hermes created the game as a tribute to fail0verflow's git repository, which was ordered to be removed Sony's attorneys. The game is based on a video game that Hermes previously made for the PS2 and that has been ported to countless systems since.fail0verflow
fail0verflow repository is a tribute for the old fail0verflow repository with LEGAL TOOLS deleted cowardly by github.com because of threats from licks-ass guys called “attorneys of SCEA”.
The original code was forked more than 1300 guys (the second most forked repository in github.com) who wanted to defend our rights as consumers, owners of our computer / console called PS3, and like non-profit independent programmers. But again, in a system where money is more important than justice, freedom and people (you are a number) the threat of one has much greater weight and repository was deleted unceremoniously and without one word to explain the exact reason.
Because it, i was create this tribute that shows we “evil” usage of the old fail0verflow tools.
‘Pintor’ is an old videogame made by me, initially, for PS2 console. It is strongly inspired in a spectrum+ game that i remember fondly. I have done ports for a lot of consoles: PS2/GP2/GP2X/PSP/WII and now PS3.
In this case it is based in the GP32 port, including the famous geohot MP3 “The Light It Up Contest” ()
I think it is a very funny song ^^ and is suitable for the symbolism of this respository (also i use a black background representing the PS3).
Pintor: the game
You are John Doe and must walk the way to complete the boxes to change to the next screen. But you have to be careful because SCEA and their attorneys are looking to bite your ass. Fortunately, the enemies do not think and are blinded by greed. So as donkeys, they pulled forward and forward, without knowing for sure where are you (here they cannot ask to github, google, paypal personal datas of John Doe)
SQUARE – Pause Music
SELECT – Pause Game
START – Game Exit
In “Pintor” screen:
UP/DOWN – Number of attorneys
X – Start
In Game:
DOWNLOAD: http://www.multiupload.com/3I1N0052O1
Source: Github via PSGroove
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February 24th, 2011, 18:14 Posted By: kgsws˜™
This app allows you to use PSP as USB keyboard and mouse. Because it works as HID device, you don't need to install any drivers on PC side. Download here - check readme.txt
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February 24th, 2011, 21:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gamasutra
In the wake of PlayStation 3 piracy battles, recent job postings on Sony Computer Entertainment America's website show that the company is hiring key staff to develop and implement an anti-piracy program.
SCEA is hiring a senior corporate counsel and senior paralegal for a new "anti-piracy and brand protection program," the job postings stated.
The anti-piracy staff would collaborate with Sony Computer Entertainment companies, Sony Corporation and industry trade body the Entertainment Software Association on anti-piracy issues.
The senior corporate counsel for anti-piracy at SCEA is to have "deep knowledge" of trademark and copyright law and litigation. Responsibilities include establishing a "process for developing [an] anti-piracy program."
"The program to be developed will require a strong strategic online component" that will take input from marketing and product development branches within SCEA, the description added.
The job postings come while Sony is embroiled in a case against PlayStation 3 hackers that the company accused of breaking through "a critical level of the PS3 System" protection measures in December, and distributing the means for others to do so.
In January, a U.S. District Court judge granted Sony a temporary restraining order against hacker George "Geohot" Hotz. The court said Sony submitted substantial evidence to show that Hotz violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Hotz maintains that his "jailbreak" is not meant to open the door for piracy on the console, although the hack does allow users to use unlicensed software on the console.
Last week, Sony vowed to ban pirates from PlayStation Network following early piracy of internally-developed first-person shooter, Killzone 3.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
For Relentless Software, the book has all but closed on Buzz! - a quiz series voiced by Jason Donovan and recognised by its bespoke four-button controllers. What Sony poured champagne over during the glory days of PS2 simply failed to bubble on PS3.
Relentless now pursues other avenues. "The old business," co-founder Andrew Eades told Eurogamer, "we've pretty much closed that off now - the chapter has ended."
But why? What happened? Buzz! and SingStar were supposed to prove that Sony and PS3 could entice an audience Microsoft and Xbox 360 could not.
"I don't think anyone can be happy with [Buzz! PS3] compared to PS2," shrugged Eades. "We [Relentless] weren't enthralled by it's performance and we felt that the market got a bit too much Buzz! too soon on PS3.
"If you don't have 100 million consoles [as PS2 did when Buzz! first arrived], you don't have a broad-enough demographic to want our kind of game. Of course the idea was to bring the broad games straight to PlayStation 3 in the launch window, to try and attract that demographic.
"But to be honest, £425 for a console is not going to give you a big audience. And we struggled with price for a long time."
"My point is," he added - "and I'm not asking people, I'm not sad that people won't do it" - "when we brought out Buzz on PS2 there was a PS2 Buzz bundle, like you get a Gran Turismo bundle. You could buy the console branded Buzz!. And we're never going to get that with PS3 for a number of years because it's just not appealing at that price."
So was the demise of Buzz! Sony's fault?
"I'm not going to say that," laughed Eades. "I'm not going to accuse Sony of anything. Things we wanted to happen didn't happen, and that's not Sony's fault, that's not Relentless' fault. A lot of it is down to market conditions.
"The market changed. We haven't changed; we've always made the kind of games that we're going to continue making - that's for sure. The people we make games for don't own PS3s that much.
"A PlayStation 3 game is an expensive thing to make," he went on, "and I don't think it makes much sense to spend that much money to make a game for such a small demographic. That's not Sony's fault, not our fault - that's the way the market is."
Nevertheless, Relentless Software broke ground with Buzz! on PS3, claiming "a number of firsts". "It's extraordinary what we did," boasted Eades. "We had the first playable user-generated content before LittleBigPlanet; we had the first Trophies ever on a PlayStation game; and we also had the first Facebook connect in a PlayStation game - on any console in fact.
"We did a number of projects on Buzz, some of which are still to see the light of day. We were very proud of what we did there."
Relentless released 12 presumably Sony-commissioned Buzz! games for PS3 - including the Junior titles. That's hardly destitution. "We did well on PS2," admitted Eades. "We also did well on PS3, frankly."
But 2010, Eades told us, "was tougher than we thought it was going to be" - a sentiment personified by a shock of redundancies at the studio recently. Those, incidentally, were unrelated to Buzz! projects.
But what of Buzz! - is it really dead?
"Sony own Buzz," Eades dodged, "so it's up to them whether they do it or don't do it."
Could Sony make a Buzz! game without Relentless?
"Well they could," mused Eades, "but I challenge anyone to be better than us at a quiz game and certainly a Buzz! game. A fresh pair of eyes might help in some respects, but when you've done Buzz! for five years it's in your bones."
As to whether Sony and Relentless will work together again - either making Buzz! on PS3 or PSP or even Next Generation Portable game - were all questions Eades wouldn't confirm or deny. He was reluctant to even say whether Relentless had toyed around with NGP.
The future for Relentless Software currently lies on iPhone with Quiz Climber, although Eades openly declared his love for Kinect to Eurogamer recently. He believes PS3 and Xbox 360 core audiences are at "saturation point", but feels Kinect can expand numbers (like Buzz! did) beyond that.
Relentless also made family-friendly murder mystery Blue Toad Murder Files - now available on PC as well as on PS3.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Patapon 3, the latest entry in Sony's out-there PSP rhythm action series, marches into US stores on 17th April, the publisher has announced.
The third game in the series sees you take on the role of lonely soldier Hatapon as he sets out to take down a new evil presence hellbent on destroying the Patapon world.
The game's producer Chris Hinojosa-Miranda told the PlayStation Blog that his team has been beavering away to include fan feedback.
"Some of you got to experience a small portion of this adventure last summer with the open multiplayer beta. Since then, we've been furiously implementing some of the changes requested – and we are very sure that you will enjoy the results of this joint effort," he promised.
"Available as both UMD disc and PSP PSN download, this fantastic new adventure with new weapons, new levels, new characters and new online multiplayer adventures can go home with you for the pocket friendly price of $19.99 USD."
A similar post showed up on the European PlayStation Blog, with the release date helpfully scrubbed out. We're chasing Sony for that now and will update if it responds.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, sure -- we've seen N64 handhelds and PS3 laptops, but how's about a PS2 handheld? Now that your brain is sufficiently melted, allow us to introduce you to England's own techknott, also known as the man responsible for the gorgeous piece of playable art shown above. Apparently, this PlayStation 2 handheld was crafted for a client, and in an effort to cut down on costs, doesn't have a built-in battery pack. That said, it's still an awful lot more mobile than even a slim PS2, and quite a bit more handsome if we may say so ourselves. Head on past the break for a live action video, and feel free to drop him a line in the source link if you'd love to have one of your own. No discounts promised or implied, though.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
The final major piece of Zipper Interactive's plan to put SOCOM back on the map -- five-player co-op -- has been fully declassified and I've given the latest Navy SEALs game, due April 19, a shakedown. Sony revealed at an event Tuesday evening that the cooperative mode will eschew a traditional "play through the main campaign together" setup in favor of letting players create their own full, multi-stage campaigns using a set of six maps and the ability to randomize normally scripted events on each play-through.
I experienced some of this when playing through the same map more than once, with various difficulty and enemy density settings in effect. It was easy to tell that, while your group of friends might get used to the map layouts, the challenge you'll face will never be a known quantity.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/24/b...s-compo-entry/
This simple homebrew game, based on a game you probably all played at least once in your life, is Sasuke78200′s entry for the PSP Genesis competition. The goal is simple but more difficult to achieve than it seems at first. you have to reorder the numbers, using logic and reflexion. When I was a kid, I could tear the whole thing apart to display that ##### turtle correctly, but that’s not possible in this digital version, so you’ll have to be patient and/or clever
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February 25th, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/24/c...s-compo-entry/
A new game joins us in the PSP Genesis Competition, and may I say a very promising one. Sand3rs’s Cubemania is not one, but 3 puzzle games involving… squares! Ideal for casual gamers like me, and guaranteed to generate some steam inside your head. My favorite is probably “Slide”, but the two other modes are funny too. This is a simple game, yet it shows great potential, and I’ll surely be looking for updates and new levels.
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February 25th, 2011, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/25/c...ro-b-released/
Update: Virtuous Flame and Coldbird’s CFW 6.35 Pro-B has been released
2 days ago, developer coldbird sent a very strong message on his blog regarding the future of 6.35 Pro, a (Light) Custom Firmware developed by himself and Virtuous Flame. In a blog post packed with information, Coldbird announced 2 major points:
- 6.35 Pro-B is close to completion, and will support PSX games (the real deal)
- Plans for Pro-C are already being made, and this will be the last closed source release of the 6.35 Pro CFW
- Releases after Pro-C will be open source, and Coldbird announced this open source project might enter the PSP Genesis competition
You’d rather read Coldbird’s entry by yourselves, but there’s a strong message here that the PSP scene should go back to joining forces, share knowledge, in order to build a strong CFW experience, to make the PSP better even after it will have been long forgotten by Sony and the NGP.
There’s also some bitterness in Coldbird’s post, but overall this sounds to me like a very promising future for our console. Open source CFW? The last time this happened was so long ago most of you probably don’t even know this ever happened. As one of the devs of the first open source Homebrew loader for the PSP, I can only applause this initiative.
Version Pro-B is not there yet, and coldbird’s blog post talks about version C and beyond that…things might change until this happens, but let’s hope for the best, and let me wish luck to the 6.35 Pro team 
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February 25th, 2011, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://pcsx2.net/
Jake Stine (Air) has retired from PCSX2, after more than two years of vigorous work on the emulator.
My reason for leaving is simple: I am now married and am taking a job that promises to be interesting and challenging, and will be paying me quite well -- and I fully intend to apply myself there as I have here: with unwaivering dedication and focus.
I have really enjoyed working with PCSX2 these past 2+ years. I have learned a lot about a wide variety of things including (and not limited to) becoming intimately familiar with console hardware design, and developing more advanced high and low level software development skills -- such as binary translation and better understanding of operating systems and application binary interfaces (ABIs).
I will be leaving a few unfinished projects in my wake, such as the R3000A rewrite (recompiler and interpreter), and new dmac work. These side-projects were educational in their own ways for myself and other PCSX2 contributors, however; even if they never quite survived into "profoundly operational" status.
I wish good luck to users and current and future PCSX2 developers and bid everyone a proper farewell -- perhaps unusual in emulation, a scene where the programmers often silently vanish.
Jake Stine (Air)
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February 25th, 2011, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2636
Squarepusher proposes a new version of FBANext, after FB Alpha (Final Burn Alpha). As a reminder, this is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn.
New / fixed:
- Significant reduction in lag also causing a more stable FPS (thanks to the elimination of the virtual function overhead). The important progress made will be visible mainly in fighting games for CPS2/CPS3, but all games should however benefit.
- New shader tv HighContrast-HD. This shader emulates the basic way the look of a CRT monitor High End. To use this shader, set the 'Hardware Filter' in Linear and select a resolution up to 1440 × 1080 for best results (if triple buffering is enabled, then use a lower resolution than or equal to 960 × 1080 for best results)
- Fixed crash problem that could appear after selecting a shader and a change of resolution.
- Fixed: Now you can go back and start again from the list when selecting a shader. Use left to go back one step in the list of shaders, then right to return.
Official site: https: / / code.google.com/p/fba360 /
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February 25th, 2011, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster

A hot topic in the gadget world right now is the Sony Ericsson XperiaPlay phone, and while that is not our usual cup of tea, when we see the newest toy stripped down to its bits n pieces it piques our interest.
This 8 page teardown of the XperiaPlay (google translated to english) takes you though all the steps needed to dismantle your new joy. Every screw, clip, header and connector, each in order so you can get it back together again.
As the carnage progresses time is taken to point out some of the parts of the phone. From the mundane like I/O jacks, to the more interesting like the Synaptics touch pad driver that are handling the “analog” sticks, the Cypress multi-touch controller for the screen, and of course, the brains.
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February 25th, 2011, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from the Emulatemii Team

We’ve been playing with PSL1GHT, the legal, open SDK for PS3, over the past couple days, and we have a basic port of Wii64 to PS3 already. Expect more to come…
PS. There is some recent news about a team claiming to be working on an N64 emulator for PS3. Just so you know, that story is not about us or about PS364.
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February 26th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is cutting the price of the PSP in North America to $129.99, effective February 27.
The console will also receive another 13 new titles on the Greatest Hits Favourites range, priced at $9.99.
"The PSP system set the standard for complete portable entertainment and continues to be the premiere destination for gamers on-the-go," said Tim Bender, senior vice president of sales, SCEA.
"Nearly six years after its initial launch, demand for the PSP remains strong. This new price point enables us to broaden the PSP platform to a larger group of consumers who are looking for best-in-class handheld entertainment."
The PSP has sold more than 23 million units in the US and 67.8 million worldwide, according to Sony.
Earlier this year Sony announced a successor the PSP, the NGP, due around Christmas this year. The PlayStation branded phone, the Xperia Play, is due this April.
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February 26th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's tentatively titled Next Generation Portable received a boost last night in the form of official support from two of the largest gaming software platforms around: Havok and Unreal Engine 3.
Havok's physics engine has is an almost ubiquitous feature in most genres, and the company's animation products are also gaining ground. The provider also announced in November that it would be creating a lower-priced SDK for its products for smaller developers.
"Havok's suite of tools and targeted optimization for NGP will ensure that developers have best-of-breed production solutions on SCE's exciting new platform," said Havok MD David Coghlan. His firm's "long history" of working with Sony has resulted in a number of launch titles utilising Havok technology.
Epic' Unreal Engine 3 was apparently first demonstrated to Sony executives on the NGP in January, with a full suite of lighting, particle effects and animations functioning. Again, several launch titles are said to be using the technology.
"NGP raises the bar for the performance of handheld platforms with its multi-core GPU and shader-based, multi-core CPU," said Epic VP Mark Rein. "This makes Unreal Engine 3 a particularly advantageous fit for NGP."
The two companies are the latest to show support for the handheld, which has previously attracted backing from Blitz, Audiokinect and NaturalMotion.
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February 26th, 2011, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
"MAKE Magazine takes a look at Sony's history of suing makers, hackers and innovators. Over the last decade Sony has been targeting legitimate innovation, hobbyists, and competition. From picking on people who want to program their robot dogs to dance to suing people who want to run their own software on something they bought. Sony has made so many mistakes with technology choices (Memory Stick, Magic Gate, UMD!), perhaps they'll end themselves soon enough, but until then MAKE is keeping score for Sony's all-out war on tinkerers."http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/1...and-Innovators
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February 26th, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will lower the American price of a PSP-3000 by forty dollars to $129.99 on 27th February.
Will Sony Europe follow suit?
"We have nothing to say at this time regarding the price of PSP within the SCEE region," Sony Europe told Eurogamer this afternoon.
"PSP has been performing particularly well in Europe so far this year, and we look forward to sharing some exciting plans that we have for PSP throughout the year."
Here, a PSP-3000 costs 129.99 pounds, not dollars.
In conjunction with the US price drop, Sony will add various new titles to the discount Greatest Hits and Favourites ranges. These include Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Resistance: Retribution, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Killzone: Liberation.
Sony also promises a new advertising campaigns for telly and digital to drive awareness to the new price.
The PSP is six years old. Sony unveiled its successor, the Next Generation Portable, earlier this year. The launch of its new handheld is expected later this year. Sony hasn't announced a price, but claims it learnt its lesson from an inflated PS3 launch price of $599.
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February 26th, 2011, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
If you're thinking about picking up a PlayStation Move controller with which to bust caps in the bottoms of your foes in SOCOM 4, Sony and Zipper Interactive have announced a pretty tight little bundle to fit your needs. It's the SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Edition, a $149.99 package which includes the game, a Move controller and Navigation controller, the "Sharp Shooter" gun attachment and a PlayStation Eye camera. The bundle will arrive on store shelves on the same day as the standalone game, April 19.
That's a pretty sweet deal -- all those components sold piecemeal would run you over $200. More importantly, think about all the time you'll save if you purchase them altogether! Seriously, searching for these items and clicking "Add to Cart" five times would take you, like, three whole minutes. Three minutes! In this fast-paced, interconnected world, that's like,seven minutes.
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February 26th, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
A new website has emerged that suggests Activision will reveal a new Modern Warfare game next week.
According to That Videogame Blog, press have been sent dog tags with a link to the websitefindmakarov.com. The bloody tags include the message "end the war" along with the details of Sheperd, one of the villains from Modern Warfare 2.
On the website is a countdown timer. There is just under five days left – putting a reveal slap bang in the middle of the Game Developers Conference.
Will we enjoy a Modern Warfare 3 reveal next week? Remember Activision showed the first Modern Warfare 2 teaser at GDC in 2009, complete with release date.
Last month reports suggested Infinity Ward's first game since the headline grabbing sackings of early 2010 would be a prequel to the first Modern Warfare.

Sources claimed the game would be set immediately before the events of Infinity Ward's 2007 shooter, and delve into the backstory of the Ghost character and explain how he was recruited into Task Force 141.
Could Sledgehammer Games be involved in development? Singularity developer Raven is also rumoured to be working on Activision's FPS juggernaut.
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February 26th, 2011, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Last week Valve's brain-bending first-person puzzler Portal 2 had PlayStation Move support. It was a story that set the internet alight – Valve superstar writer Chet Faliszek had told the German PlayStation Blog Portal 2 would have "complete PlayStation Move support", although the feature "isn't fully integrated yet".
But it wasn't true. It wasn't even remotely true. The truth, in fact, was the complete opposite. Valve notified Eurogamer soon after publication to tell us so. Portal 2: no support for Move. "This quote was 'lost in translation'," Valve said.
We checked. We double checked. Eurogamer's translation of Chet's words on the German PlayStation Blog was sound. And the quotes were so specific. So what happened?
This afternoon, speaking to Eurogamer, Faliszek said it was a case of "mistranslation" not of German to English, but of English to German.
"Their translation from me to them, they may have not spoken that well," he said. "I don't speak that well of English to begin with! Who knows!"
So why doesn't Portal 2 support PlayStation Move?
"On the PC version we have the Hydra controller," Faliszek explained. "Those guys actually sit in our office. They've been working in our office for nine months, a year. So it's not something we'd trivialise and say, 'oh well, let's just toss this in, it doesn't need any thought or anything special.' They've been working in that way for that. We think it deserves that kind of respect if we're going to do it.
"We've always looked at Portal 2 as being the controllers we have going in and then the Hyrda. We designed for those things."
But what of the future? After Portal 2 launches in April, will Valve patch in Move support?
"Who knows?" Faliszek replied.
"I'm not sure it would make the game better. Obviously there are a bunch of games the Kinect and the Move absolutely made better and are for. But for this, where we had started from day one not thinking about that, it would not.
"The Hydra stuff, those guys have invented new puzzles to make their thing make sense. They've done the work to make it fit in and not be just this light touch on the top."
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February 26th, 2011, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
Almost a month since the last release, the developer of a Liquidzigong resumed its work, the version of signata ChickHEN 5:03 (originally developed by the coder with the team Davee Typhoon) and released today a new update. The update today introduces an improvement in the code, thus reducing the loading time.
More to follow.
ChangeLog v7:
- Code optimization: are reduced load times
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February 26th, 2011, 03:17 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today our friends at Crunch Gear ran with a story that, while based on a rumor, has sparked an interesting debate about the future of technology as it pertains to the intensifying crackdowns on hacking, jailbreaking, and the larger underlying issue of piracy. According to the report in question, Sony is said to be actively entertaining plans to introduce a so-called "hack-proof" PS3.
Could it be done? Probably. Will it? No clue. But it certainly would appear that hack-proof technology is poised to become a paramount aim of major mobile and gaming tech firms - like Apple. At a time when Sony is spending good money to bring down the man we know as Geohot through the legal system, it's safe to say that companies mean business - more so now than ever - when it comes to curbing piracy and software hacking/modding.
Exactly how Sony would make this new PS3 “hack-proof” is anyone’s guess. The fact is there’s no such thing on this planet as “hack-proof,” but that’s not to say Sony couldn’t implement new security measures that would take a long time to circumvent. Let’s not forget that it took nearly four years for the PS3 to be cracked. At the same time, any new “hack-proof” PS3 would naturally attract plenty of attention, so who knows how long it would remain “hack-proof”?
Between the growing anti-piracy lobby attempting to sway the support of lawmakers around the world, to newer and harder to crack software and corresponding technologies, it's evident that life will not be made easy for hackers in the future, even those who don't engage in rampant piracy. While the extent to which companies may ultimately go this year to curb hacking is anyone's guess, the efforts by Sony - no matter the outcome - are clearly poised to set the stage for much bigger anti-hacking battles down the road.
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February 26th, 2011, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
Makaron Coder Deunan speaks out:
One Graf Chokolo had his house raided by police, and now SONY is apparently seeking to sue him for 1 million Euros.
What exactly do they want from Graf is unclear - at least to me. I'm no lawyer and English is not my primary language so the legal speak confuses me somewhat. The way I understand the issue at hand is that SONY has yet to establish any proof of guilt, and the quoted 1 million is just their estimate of the damages incurred. I think it's been worded like that on purpose, to discourage anyone from helping Graf in any way. Whether or not he will have to pay anything and how much is yet to be seen.
I don't think it's smart of him to continue releasing stuff right now. Sure, most folks see this as the ultimate **** you directed at SONY, but that's not the real issue here. Problem is, the guy has apparently been court-ordered not to do anything of the sort until the matter is resolved properly. Going against court order is just plain stupid because it's punishable and SONY could even drop the case now and Graf would still have to face charges.
Obviously SONY has the upper hand here. They can hire lawyers and ask for court orders - and this will, in theory at least, shut people up. If the lawyers somehow find a way to sue hackers and win, it's good for SONY. If not, they'll just say "Oh, sorry mate, carry on." - and get away with that. You see, their tactics might simply be to stall, it would take years to clear things up and by that time PS3 will become obsolete. So it's a win for SONY as well, said hackers are unlikely to have the resources to properly fight back and, as I just said, going against a court order is a bit suicidal.
So, we determined that the court order might be just a gag and it's issue unjustified. Don't hate the judge though, he is just doing his job. Sure, these people have their own views as well, and that does affect their actions (even if it's not supposed to), but they are mostly bound by laws. It does take a good knowledge of the law to make a compelling argument and SONY can afford to hire entire teams. A "hacker" will seek the cheapest legal council Though, I must say that Geohot has a good lawyer on his side and can sleep better, but SONY is not yet done with him.
Anyway, I think it's now a bit more clear why I decided to stay off SONY's turf and not, for example, release VMU emulator for PS3 system. Call me a chicken, but do understand that it's not just about SONY and their precious "next-gen" console. I could as easily get sued by SEGA. While reverse engineering of owned hardware is legal, it's pretty much impossible without breaking some software anti-piracy laws. I wrote about that in detail some time ago so just to remind you - it's like with DVDs. You can make a backup copy of the media, in case it gets damaged or something. But to make a copy you have to overcome the copy-protection systems and that's illegal. So, in the end, your right to make a lawful copy is just plain dead.
By the way, I had a good laugh at people who got angry with SONY latest PSN licence/TOS. The wording isn't all that different now, you know, most of the nasty stuff has been there since day one. And you take offence now? Well, I suppose now you actually read the terms. Or at least it has been pointed out to you. Maybe this will improve the awerness in general populace that this stuff is legally binding agreement. Don't bitch about your rights being violated, you accepted this willingly. All your base are belong to us, sucka, mwahahaha.
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February 26th, 2011, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
In the most recent of Xbox 360 hacks, a modder named Morris has crafted a PS3 controller out of none other than -- as ironic as this may seem -- a dead Xbox 360. That's right, somewhere out there, a PlayStation 3 has slain its mortal enemy, mercilessly gutted the internals and now has a modded Xbox as its eternal slave. The case contains all of the buttons you need to partake in a classic beat-'em-up -- a joystick, the four PlayStation buttons, R1 and R2. There's plenty more to gander at in the source link and enough in the way of detail and instruction to get started on your own arcade stick too.
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February 27th, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://blog.coldbird.co.cc/?p=396
I’ve been browsing through several newspages, forums, etc. to see how 6.35 PRO-B is being used… and I’ve discovered a big misunderstanding most guys suffer from.
Fast Recovery is not a recovery menu!
It’s a “Fast Launcher for People who already have installed the CFW using the Updater” !
The Updater launches a Pre-Execution Environment to execute the Kernel Module Installer, this takes about 10 seconds extra time… however, once the CFW is installed there is no need for that anymore…
Fast Recovery is a fast app to recover CFW functions after they have been disabled by a system shutdown.
The Updater + Install + Reboot to PRO takes about 20 seconds total time…
Booting into PRO CFW using Fast Recovery takes 10 seconds only, but has no install / uninstall options.
I hope this solves the misunderstandings people suffer from.
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February 27th, 2011, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/scee-...ontinue-81962/
For all those still not thinking the police raid on German PS3 Researcher graf_chokolo was bullshit, please read the following he now released his legal documents served onto him, and SCEE is basically asking for 1million euros in damages, but Alexander (yes, we now have real names, thanks to Sony) basically told them F*U, and has re-opened his blog, and started posting more info, he claims he will not stop unless they KILL him!
Originally Posted by graf_chokolo
February 25, 2011 at 7:22 am
Back I don’t have a PC at home now guys, so i will post here only when i’m able. I will try to answer all your questions about HV and installing Linux. But expect some delays because as i said i don’t have access to the Internet all the time.
You know guys, you will say i’m totally crazy now, but i never slept better
than in the last 2 days I don’t know how to explain this feeling but
i don’t care about those threats with jail and high money penalties, btw, SONY wants about 750.000 euros from me if i don’t cooperate They don’t know me at all I don’t care about it and they might double it The higher is the sum the higher gets my motivation They don’t understand what makes me tick. Money and even my life doesn’t mean to me very much without knowledge. I have a scientific mind and the knowledge is food to my brain. Without HV, Linux and FreeBSD kernel hacking my life is meaningless.
I miss my HV terribly In the last 2 days i got so “hungry”
for more knowledge that i cannot control it anymore. I need knowledge and research, it has a huge meaning in my life. Jail or even death cannot hold it back anymore.
The SONY’s laywer asked me why i’m doing what i’m doing, because of my hatred for SONY ? He cannot understand why i’m doing it, because he is paid for what he does. I’m not. I don’t hold a grudge against SONY even now Hatred clouds your mind, keeps you from more important things. I have a better use for my mind and knowledge
So, SONY you failed again, you took my equipment but my mind is still free and you canot control it. You failed again. They are just tools, i can get new ones and will continue my HV reversing and bringing back PS3 Linux which you took from us. If you want me to stop then you should just kill me because i cannot live without programming, HV and Linux kernel hacking You know who am i and where i live, so come and get me !!!
And to prove it, i will reopen right now my HV reverse engineering page And i will post my latest findings about Update Manager and BD drive here. Most of you know already that i was able to update CORE OS from Linux. And on the last weekend i tries to hel some PS3 devs with BD drive authentication and discovered some interesting stuff about it which i will post here.
And please guys, could someone post here a link to the latest version of my cloned Linux kernel. I need it. The last week i implemnted a updater for Linux and it was finished but the police got first before i could upload it. But do not fear, i have everything in my head I can write it down again and show you how it works.
Here is some of his most recent new PS3 research findings since the raid:
So, about BD drive authentication :-)
The most importnat HV process is 6. It contains Update Manager and Storage Manager e.g.
Update manager flashes e.g. new CORE OS, BD firmware or SYSCON firmware. Storage Manager sets ATA keys, authenticates HDD and BD drives.
Storage Manager
I looked at VSH closer in the last week. And found out that VSH uses the following Storage Manager services: 0×5004 – to authenticate PS3 discs, 0×5007 – to authenticate PS3 discs.
Bothe these services can be used by GameOS through VUART 10 and Dispatcher Manager (is also in a HV process), I already implemented a driver for VUART 10 and DM on Linux and uploaded it, so guys who has my latest Linux version could use it on Linux :-) And get access to PS3 discs and PS2 discs but i didn’t have time to test it.
Both these services accept one parameter: 32 bit integer.
Look at the funtion stor_mgr_packetid_0x5004 in my IDA database for HV 3.15. Everything is still the same on 3.41 and 3.55, so my HV 3.15 bible is the key to HV 3.41 and 3.55. They changed almost nothing in new HV versions :-) And look also at function stor_mgr_packetid_0x5007. I could write down a simple Linux program which uses my DM driver to communicate with Storage Manager and show you how it works :-) It’s very easy. I will upload it maybe next week.
To authenticate PS2 discs, VSH uses parameter 0×52 and service 0×5004. To authenticate PS3 discs, VSH uses parameter 0×53 and service 0×5007. But i didn’t test it on my own unfortunately.
PS3′s BD support different profiles for different media, e.g. for PS3 discs, for DVD, for PS2 discs. And storage manager can tell BD drive which profile it should use.
All the communication between Storage Manager and BD drive goes through ATAPI/SCSI interface.
To read the current profile of BD drive, the Storage Manager uses
the storage device command 0×11, look at storage_device_RBD_do_device_command in my HV 3.15 IDA database (lv1_storage_Send_device_command) and ATAPI_GetConfiguration. But
HV procs do not use HV calls, they use HV syscall, and Storage Manager sends ATAPI commands to BD drive through device file /dev/rbd0.
With lv1_storage_Send_device_command(0×11) you could read the current BD profile.
Also very interesting ATAPI commands used by Storage Manager are Report Key/Send Key commands. Look at functions HW_report_key and HW_send_key in my HV proc 6 IDA database. HW_report_key function is e.g. used by Storage Manager to read BD drive policy. Storage Manager checks the policy of BD drive.
Storage Manager uses sv_iso_spu_module.self isolated module to authenticate BD drive. sv_iso_spu_module.self gives Storage Manager data which is sent to BD drive and back.
News Source: PS3 Development Page | graf_chokolo
And Dukio.com (Graf's new blog host partner) reports that they also got legal documents to remove all links to the HV Bible (as Graf calls it), that he released moments BEFORE the raid!
Legal Documents: SCEE Sues Graf_Chokolo For 1 Million Euros But He Still Want To Hack - PS3Crunch
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February 27th, 2011, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
[Phillip Torrone] recently wrote an article over at Make regarding Sony and their “War on Makers, Hackers, and Innovators“. In the article, he traces Sony’s history as a well-liked hardware company that once produced innovative products, to its current state as an enemy to all who would dare wield a screwdriver and soldering iron. He took quite a bit of time scouring the Internet to dig up very specific examples of Sony’s perceived assault on the hacking community. That’s not to say he simply lambasts the company and leaves it at that. Rather, he reflects on their past as a staple in nearly every American home, how they have changed since venturing into the content business, as well as what we might be able to do as hackers to change the way Sony treats its customers.
One specific example he mentions is the lawsuits that plagued the Sony Aibo modding scene, a case very near and dear to his heart. This scenario is one where the voice of the people was eventually heard, though too late to make a difference. He laments the loss of interest in the platform by the modding community as a clear cut example of the disastrous nature of Sony’s litigious nature.
You should definitely take a moment to read the article if you have the time. [Phillip] brings up some very good points, giving you plenty to consider the next time you make an electronics purchase, large or small.
We’d love to hear your take on the matter as well.
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February 27th, 2011, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
PS3's security has been hacked, potentially opening the door for pirate games, with huge implications for publishers, developers, retailers and the games we play.
The hack is said to be irreversible, with little Sony can do - but is it really the apocalyptic situation it first sounds? We dig deeper to unearth the history of the PS3 hack - and what it means for the future of your console.
Back in January 2010, hacker George Hotz hacked the PS3. He opened the door for homemade code on the PS3 with an exploit which relied on the PS3's OtherOS function.
Sony responded with Firmware 3.21, removing OtherOS from the console altogether. Sony's castle had been built strong enough to withstand attacks from everything hackers threw at it for almost five years but by removing OtherOS they drew the attention of hackers more capable than any who had attempted to break the PS3's security before.

Hotz abandoned work on the PS3 in July but one month later Australian modders released the PSJailbreak dongle - a USB stick which opened the Playstation to unsigned software and 'backup' copies of games.
Within weeks Sony had blocked sales of the original device and rendereded it useless by Firmware 3.42's security update. Sony had been here before. The PSP had been hacked with a simple exploit early in its life and the company learned a valuable lesson; PS3 was built to resist exploits.
PlayStation had modchips, the Dreamcast was easily broken without any hardware modification, PS2 was chipped, and the Xbox 360's disc drive firmware was altered so it couldn't tell the difference between a copied game and the real thing. Hacking happens, but not to the PS3.
Before Christmas 2010, every attempt to run homemade software on the PS3 had been an exploit or hack - tunnels beneath the castle's walls and ladders over them.
Then, at December's Chaos Computer Conference, the hacker group failOverflow publicly demonstrated homebrew code running on PS3 without modification or exploitation.
Two years earlier the team had hacked the Wii with intentions of using it to run homebrew code but the PS3 was a far bigger catch.
Their route through PS3's security took them straight in the front door. The team were able to overflow PS3's bootup and nose around, where they soon found Sony's signing keys freely available on the system.
Enter George 'Geohot' Hotz, picking up where failOverflow left off and releasing the Metldr rootkey to the public - keys which encrypt every piece of code running on PS3 and let the console know the code is authorised by Sony.

With PS3 now unable to tell the difference between what's real and what's not, hacker KaKaRoTo made the first custom firmware for PS3 on January 4 to allow installation of homebrew files without the need for a jailbreak.
Hotz followed up two days later with his own custom firmware, adding extra functions for coders and PS3 users, and made it public. Hotz's firmware installs via Sony's usual update process from an ordinary memory stick.
Emulators and apps developed for the earlier PSJailbreak were soon up and running but backup loaders were locked out. The stated aim by both Fail0verflow and George Hotz was to restore Linux functionality to PS3.
Piracy requires a full 'level two' hack that gets you into the GameOS - something Hotz excluded from the custom firmware to prohibit pirates from running copied games.
However, hacker Riku.kh3ran worked around that and ran a backup copy of Castlevania: LOS straight from the hard drive, modifying the game's main executable to make the PS3 treat it like a legit PSN game.
God of War 3, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, Hot Pursuit, and others soon followed. Sony's official response was brief. "We are aware of this, and are currently looking into it" they said, in a statement.
"We will fix the issues through network updates, but because this is a security issue we are not able to provide you with any more details."
Their response, according to hackers, is optimistic. "The complete console is compromised" explained failOverflow member Pytey to the BBC, "There is no recovery from this."
If you change the lock on your front door every existing key stops working; if Sony were to change the PS3's rootkey, every existing game on PS3 would stop working. It is, without question, the most catastrophic security failure in video game history.

On January 12 Sony launched their lawsuit against Hotz and the failOverflow team, suing the hackers for modifying Sony's software, circumventing PS3's protection, and distributing the means to do it.
If granted, the orders would force the hackers to hand over all tools and information to Sony's legal team, but it's not yet clear whether hackers have even broken the law.
Apple tried to stop hackers jailbreaking the iPhone and were blocked by US courts. The American Digital Millenium Copyright Act makes it illegal for a user to circumvent a company's protection on their electronic devices, but an exception was made for phones after Apple's case.
There's no similar exception for games consoles; with their new case Sony will either close or open the door to homebrew console developers and will change the way you can use the games consoles you've paid for.
Why? It's about your right as a consumer to use the product you bought in whatever way you please, and it's an argument about the sanctity of online gaming on a platform which was designed to be closed.
It's an argument about who owns the device you bought and just who is allowed to develop software for it, and an argument about whether publishers will even want to support a truly open console platform.
Just one day after Sony's lawsuit, failOverflow released all their tools and documentation to the public, effectively rendering Sony's legal claim and restraining orders moot.
The case against Hotz is stuck in legal limbo while US courts try to make up their mind about whether the New Jersey resident can be tried in California as Sony would like.
All the while, the hacking continues. On January 17 Wii hacker Waninkoko released a custom firmware of his own but bricked a few 60GB consoles in the process.

Hours later hacker Wutangrza followed it with firmware which does the same job without the bricking, and hours after that Kmeaw released a better firmware with complete backup support
What next? Well, the genie's not going back in the bottle, but Sony could attempt to ban pirates from PSN, preventing purchases and online play.
While the hack's significant, it's still far from accessible for the average gamer, so don't expect game sales to fall off a cliff just yet. With the situation still in the balance, it's currently hard to gauge its impact - but the battle for PS3's security should prove fascinating.
The biggest early developments will come from programmers working on devious stuff while the legit software waits for the open SDK to mature, but when it does, the PS3 could become the best bang-for-your-buck under-TV media box ever made.
When Microsoft's original Xbox was modchipped the development scene moved quickly to support it with tools, media players, emulators, and homemade games. Xbox Media Centre was a fully featured media player and operating system which would play just about anything.
It could stream video from your PC, had a built-in ISO loader for running "backups", and could snatch news, trailers, radio, and video straight off the internet. XBMC is the best frontend you could ever use for an under-TV Home Theatre PC.
HTPCs are expensive, but since the PC version of XBMC happily runs on Windows or Linux it's not impossible to imagine the program returning to consoles. A PS3 version could rip your Blu Rays to HDD and run them at the touch of a button, and would support every kind of codec used in the PC space.
Emulation is a grey issue, but so long as you own the original game you're entitled to emulate it. If you still have copies of Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World in your SNES collection you can run those ROMS in the PS3 port of the famous SNES9X emulator. The emulators themselves aren't illegal.

Of course, there's the dark side to the argument. The PS3 is already happily booting modified copies of PS3 games straight from hard drive and cheaters are already ruining PSN's most popular shooters.
With a custom firmware and a backup loader you'll be able to borrow or download any game and copy it straight to the system. Don't listen to anyone who says "PS3 games are too big to download"; most PS3 games are developed with the PC as the lead platform and are optimised for one DVD.
If you're a pirate you're almost certainly already enjoying commercial-free HD TV and all the free music your ears can handle. Future developments in the PS3 scene will ensure you can stream MKV Blu Ray rips straight from your PC to your PS3 and turn your console into an all-in-one media box.
Emulators will mean almost every game ever made will eventually be made playable on PS3. Homebrew developers emulated everything from the SNES to the N64 on the original Xbox, with only the machine's puny 700 Mhz processor holding them back.
The PS3 is a beast of a console and will happily emulate everything from the ZX Spectrum to the latest MAME-supported arcade games. Don't expect it to emulate the Gamecube or Dreamcast, mind. Until devs implement server-side cheat detection you'll be able to run hacks in online games. See through walls! Have infinite ammo! Oh dear.
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February 27th, 2011, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/27/p...s-compo-entry/
Kinow joins the PSP Genesis competition with a nice little application, that allows you to do pixel art directly from your PSP. This homebrew has been around for a little while, but this new version ships with a few updates, and now supports English.
- French/English support
- RGB Color selection
- Keeps 2 pre-selected colors in memory, to allow easy switching
- List of “Most used” colors to easily switch back to your recently used colors
- Save/Load menu improved (allows to open and save any file in picture/pspixel)
- Change pen size
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February 27th, 2011, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome news, the newest version of the Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP has been released, heres whats new:
DaedalusX64 Beta 3 - 25 February 2011
(Major changes since Beta 2 Update, See SVN log for full list)
Screen zoom (up to 150%) to get rid of black borders
Show patch progress instead of black screen while patching (Corn/Salvy)
Optimization/Speed-up in Dynarec/Loop Opt. and simplified the Fragment Cache Hash
Z-fighting Fixed
Faster D-list processing for a speed-up
Faster N64 Fixed Point Matrix loading and other optimizations in rendering
Added option to use Cover-Flow or Classic GUI
Added battery info in pause menu (Salvy/psppwner300/Corn)
64 SaveState slots (psppwner300/Corn)
New faster Double Display List processing
16bit screen rendering (Using dithering for smoother colors)
Missing HUD(heart) fixed in OoT/MM
Faster texture check/hash
Faster audio conversion code and optimizations, fixed left/right sound swap
New DMA transfer mode using VFPU
Frame-rate limiter no longer stalls CPU
Added more patches in OSHLE GU function library using VFPU
Added Auto Frame Skip 1 & 2
Added hacks for Wonder Project J2, SM64 stars blend, Kirby 64 in DLParser_S2DEX_Bg1cyc & copy
Hack for alternative TLUT (MM, SSV, Animal Crossing, Sin and Punishment(Tsumi to Batsu) & Flying Dragon)
Hack for Wipeout, F-Zero and RR64 to proper Z-buffer rendering of geometry
When N64 uses Average as texture filter we do Bi-linear on PSP (Smooths Gex 3 and others textures properly)
Fixed Model-view matrices for Gex games to render properly
Added Blend Explorer now takes a selection from Combiner Explorer to test blends in real-time
Set Prim Depth works -> SSV, Road Rash, Glover, Rayman 2, Donald Duck
Insert Matrix works -> Kirby enemies and SSB animation
Force Matrix works -> Tarzan, Donald duck, Rayman2 and Star Wars Episode I - Racer
Proper texture loading -> F-Zero, Flying dragon (menus)
New home button library (works on newer FW's 6XX + button wrapper for easy usage)
New blender using a 16bit hash
Generic blend-mode (handles over 70% of all inexact blends)
Reworked COP1 Unusable Exceptions ( Increased compatibility greatly )
Added support for uCode tables and uCode definitions
Added a more robust and faster uCode cache (All used uCodes are retained, to avoid unnecessary hashing)
Reworked uCode detection (faster, and fixed several annoying bugs)
Simplified greatly interrupts
Implemented AI OS functions, also several fixes and optimizations throughout OSHLE
Updated Audio code base to latest Azimer's plug-in (Salvy/Corn)
Implemented several custom uCodes (Conker, GE sky etc)
Recursive deletion + Reset settings/oshle cache
Deprecated RSP LLE emulation from PSP build
Properly transfer palettes to Video Memory after loading texture (Fixes annoying spots)
Added Forced Filtering, can be changed on Global Settings (Salvy and Kreationz)
Fixed memory region 0xA500 0xA5FF (Pokemon Stadium 1 and F-Zero(U) boot now)
Panic Button -> L-TRIG + R-TRIG + START pressed for 2 sec (Salvy/Corn)
Add compatibility for using gprof for profiling
Update Screen only called once per frame (Fixes Flashing and Shaking)
Updated clipping code to latest version from Irrlicht Engine
Fix of IA4 textures (OoT's Trees for example)
Fixed 4bpp texture padding
Implemented S2dex and Sprite2D
Auto uCode detector (Grazz/Kreationz)
Implement per game SaveState support
Memory Access Optimization
Move Video Memory and Graphics Context initialization into system.cpp
Avoid strdup, use static array instead
Other Devs and People that helped greatly:
Added VFPU math (Zack/Corn)
Several improvements in our makefile (Maxijac)
Allows SaveState deletion (Maxijac)
Various improvements/updates to roms.ini (Wally, bdacanay, Yamagushi and Destroyer5150)
Cover-Flow Gui (Yamagushi)
Recommended Settings (Yamagushi)
Several custom blend-modes (Wally, Salvy, Kreationz, Corn, bdacanay, Darth_Sidious and NintendoBoy13)
Added ability to delete ROMs to GUI (psppwner300, Corn)
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February 27th, 2011, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2011/02/27/...ustom-6-37-me/
neur0n’s got this… Based on Bubbletune’s Game Categories Light comes a slightly modified version for PSP firmware 6.35 Custom and 6.37 ME. Source code included.
Game Categories Light Features
- Adds a new option called ‘By Category’ to your ‘Group Content’ menu.
- Adds the ‘By Category’ option in the Square-button cycling.
- Defaults to the ‘By Category’ option when you load the menu.
- Introduces a subtitle that shows the game type and firmware limits
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February 27th, 2011, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2640
jjolano proposes a new version of its FTP server for PS3 which has the distinction of being completely Open Source.
New / fixed:
- Added additional return codes
- New command parser (better than the last)
- Moving the recovery function of the IP on its own thread (which avoids the problems of blockages, this method requires, however, still have access to internet)
- Detects all now mount points dev_flash writable
- Rewrite many functions
- Added information more understandable to the display
- Moving the passwd command and EXITAPP in the specific SITE commands (see SITE HELP)
- Changing the format of LIST to look somewhat "ls-a-l"
- Reduced code
- Improved performance and stability
- Fixed some bugs
- Improved compatibility with FTP clients
The archive also contains a version of the CFW Geohot and a version without a password for the connection.
Use the IP of your PS3 to connect to your PS3, then use:
Login: root
Password: openbox
Official site: https: / / github.com/jjolano/openps3ftp
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February 28th, 2011, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...4&view_reply=1
Valantin, today released the first version of scepRecovery , a graphical interface for the XMB, which will allow you to use all the features found in even the recent 6.20TN Recovery Menu. To activate the plugin, simply just use the combo key + R. Note Archive, you'll find at the end of news, it also includes the application sources.
More to follow.
• Features already included in the VSH menu
- - Cpu speed
- - Fake Region
- - MAC Address
- - Tn update
- - Hide pic
- - Spoof version
- - Usb charge / slim color depending on which version of psp
- - Fastscrool
- - Protect flash
- - Shutdown
- - Suspend
- - Reboot
- - ResetVSH
• Features not present in the TN HEN
- - Button swap O / X (requires reset vsh)
- - Activation WMA
- - Enable Flash Player
- - Management plugin (VSH, GAME, POPS in anticipation of the likely implementation of the new TN-hen) (VSH requires reset to load the new plugin)
- - Usbdevice.prx support to connect various devices in place of the ms directly from XMB (like the m33 and cf Jan)Download Here
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February 28th, 2011, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Flashback creator, Lexis Numérique has revealed an all-new title heading to PlayStation 3, Amy.
Currently in development at VectorCell, Amy is set to be released exclusively on the PlayStation Network in Q2 2011.

The game is set in December 2034, in a future in which global warming has taken effect, spreading disease and natural disasters around the world.
The plot blurb reads:
"The small town of Silver City (Midwest, USA) has been directly affected by a comet that has come crashing down.
"When Lana regains consciousness, everything around her is just mayhem. Violent outbursts, fury, rage, wreckage and death: the world she knew seems to have torn to Hell. As if struck by a mysterious virus, most of the ones she knew have now become part of a wild horde.
"Despite her wounds, she knows she must run as far as possible to escape this nightmare: the viral process has begun inside her but she refuses to become one of them.
"The presence of Amy, a strange little girl who seems defenseless, will force her to make choices that will change both their lives. Infected humans, grisly creatures, Special Forces and even other survivors: they will have to trust and help each other to escape their pursuers in their attempt to survive."
Sounds interesting. We'll bring you more on this as we get it.
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February 28th, 2011, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/28/a...s-compo-entry/
This new entry to the psp genesis competition is a flexible flashcards game, that allows you to learn any language in a fun way. By default, the application ships with a series of Japanese Kanjis (organized by level of difficulty based on the JLPT levels), but you can create your own series of words in any language. Hopefully people will start sharing their own series of words in various languages 
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February 28th, 2011, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/28/w...d-be-released/
Today I was contacted by a few people saying that Total_Noob might not release the latest revision of his HEN for 6.20, based on things he said in a chat. This was clearly a shocking rumor.
A few weeks ago, TN had announced that the new revision of his Homebrew Enabler would have full PS1 support, but Virtuous Flame and Coldbird released a new version of 6.35 CFW (a “competitor” to Total Noob’s Homebrew enabler), including PS1 support, before TN-D. This could explain TN’s words in the chat. But even if the team behind CFW 6.5 Pro is still improving their LCFW, it is always nice to have options, and TN Hen has been praised for its stability with most homebrews, it is a great alternative for people who have issues with Pro 6.35.
I contacted Total_Noob, and, although he is still not sure if TN-D will be released, he saw your support and wants to thank all the people who are enjoying his work (let’s hope that thread on /talk will help him take the good decision )
Total_Noob also shared the changelog for TN-D:
(Changelog 6.20 TN-D)
- Added homebrew icon (thanks to PhysXPSP).
- Added full PSone gaming support (PSN PSone games, converted PSone games).
ICON0.PNG will be replaced if it isn’t 80×80, else pops.prx causes a crash (custom icon by PhysXPSP).
- Added KEYS.BIN creation (possibility to share PSN PSone games).
- Added possibility to resume unofficial PSone games on PSPgo.
- Added plugins support for PSone games.
- Added TiltFX and Action Replay support (thanks to HacKmaN).
- Added possibility to translate TN VSH Menu.
- Added possibility to use own font table for TN VSH Menu.
- Fixed flash0 protection bug.
- Fixed 32gb memory stick incompatibility.
- Fixed bug that causes a crash when you suspend the device (manually) in TN VSH Menu.
- Increased large memory to 51mb.
and probably more, like USB device, Multi Savestates for PSPgo, OSK character limit increase (512 chars -> 4096 chars). Hmmm, that would be a shame if this didn’t get released, I really hope TN will stay with us on this one 
If you are a CFW 6.35 user, keep in mind that the Kernel Exploit allowing you to run this LCFW initially came from Total_Noob .There is no war between devs, only the drama created by users themselves, so remember that most tools you use on your PSP are usually not the work of only one person, but actually the results of years of colaborative (not always directly) work involving dozens of devs 
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February 28th, 2011, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/02/28/k...s-compo-entry/
You might remember Warcraft PSP, an ambitious project aiming at providing a free MMORPG experience to PSP players. The project is still alive, and comes back freshened up for the psp genesis competition with a new name, free of any legally dangerous reference. Kingdom of War is still work in progress, but an already playable online game. The server might not be up when you join a game, in that case, wait a few hours and try again. If the game becomes as successful as CSPSP, we’ll probably see more servers in no time 
For now the game is only available in French, but it is not too hard to understand, and UnlimitedX says he’s working on an English version.
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February 28th, 2011, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2641
In early February, we informed you of a case between the manufacturers LG and Sony, the first striker for the second patent infringement on the Blu Ray and PS3 consoles calling for the withdrawal on American soil. What we did not know is that the legal fight is also about Europe and that first decision in favor of LG was taken to the Court of Justice in The Hague. For at least 10 days, shipments of Playstation 3 in the direction of Europe and the United Kingdom will therefore be systematically confiscated at the border by customs and stored until a final decision by the court.
While LG is pushing for the outright destruction of consoles, Sony is doing its best to lift the ban. Subsequent events will also determine if Sony compensation to LG for each PlayStation 3 sold to date. Finally point out that the player side, the shortage of PlayStation 3 should not be felt in so far as the signs (at least the larger) generally have enough inventory to cover 2 to 3 weeks in advance. Stay tuned ...
Source: Jeuxvideo.com
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February 28th, 2011, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
News via AEP
PSXjin is a Sony Playstation emulator for Windows based on PCSX. Quote: "PSXjin is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files and a new SPU core."
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March 1st, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
The developer C4TurD4Y, in competition at PSP Genesis, update again Sepulka , prx that lets you select which plugins to start every single homebrew present on our Memory Stick. The release today, which updates the plugin to version 0.7c, fixes some bugs and introduces support for the PSP Go
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v0.7c:
.: Changelog:. :
- Fixed some bugs
- Added some examples in the file Sepulka.txt
- Support for PSP Go
- Added a log function
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March 1st, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection launches in Europe and PAL territories on 22nd April, Square Enix has announced.
The PlayStation Portable game releases as a Special Edition, which includes Art Cards and a screen-cleaning cloth decorated with Cecil character design in a fold-out presentation box. It also includes downloadable content for upcoming PSP game Dissidia 012[duodecim] Final Fantasy.
The Complete Collection unifies the characters and storylines from Final Fantasy IV and sequel The After Years into one game. There's an all-new scenario that links the two, enhanced visuals, a Gallery Mode and CG movies and illustrations.
It also features new 2D graphics designed for the PSP's 16x9 format, and a new soundtrack arrangement.
Final Fantasy IV first launched in 1991 for the Super Nintendo. It stars Cecil, a dark knight who embarks on a quest for redemption. The After Years launched in 2008 as a Japan-only mobile phone game.
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