July 1st, 2007, 05:32 Posted By: froggie22
Source: pspgen
"MathieuLH has just taught custom that the 3.50OE will never Be done because, in fact, Dark_Alex will directly build its custom firmware in version 3.51OE.
For regulars visitors, it is not surprised, because Dark_Alex always sort to offer the closest version to the last official firmware in date.
Soon, all the fans of Custom Fimrware, who we are, could Be At the same level as the official PSP."
Link translated to english
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July 1st, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: DarthPaul
News via freeplay
I've (finally) made my own 'custom firmware' based on Dark_AleX's original proof-of-concept.
the Puzzle Bobble Custom Firmware!
(You can get that video with some Mr. Roboto hotness, too.)
* Puzzle Bobble Pocket, right on flash0. Built in. No need for a UMD or memory stick!
* Sleek, sexy PSP XMB interface!
* Whopping 64KB of free flash0 space!
* Recovery booter - load your favorite recovery app to get back to a useful firmware!
* Still runs homebrew (in kxploit format) and 1.50-compatible UMDs! Wowie zowie!
* XMB music plugin :/
* XMB video plugin :/
* Japanese... anything :/
I do plan to release it, but it'll be in the form of an installer that rips files from YOUR ISO DUMP and YOUR FIRMWARE DUMP. It will NOT include all the files you need.
Awesome.  Can't wait for this.
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July 1st, 2007, 10:45 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: DevsGen
MathieuLH explain, on devsgen.com that firmwares 3.50 and 3.51 have an ISO loader made by Sony.
Mathieulh says that since 3.50 Sony left us a nice prx called np9660.prx, this module is no more than an iso loader meant to load encrypted isos from memory stick ( take a look here : http://moonlight.lan.st/3.50/kd/np9660.html ).
Also Sony have started to use flash3 and game_plugin seems to look for binaries from there.
The real question to ask is: " Why an ISO loader in an official firmware ?"
In here is a good question and the assumptions on the subject are on the way. Most probable gives as explanation that Sony will propose to play with downloaded PSP games via its network PSN. Would the era of the GOD (Game on Demand) be on the way?
Awesome,uh? Let's see if this gives us more compatibilty. 
Rules Reminder
The news of this ISO Loader from Sony doesnt mean we condone piracy and downloading of Sony PSP Isos, if the Loader is to be used as a way of loading your own games onto a mem stick then that is fair enough. Please remember that the downloading of ISOs kills off the very console your a fan of. Piracy is bad for all.
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July 1st, 2007, 11:42 Posted By: DarthPaul
This great application made by weltall has been improved!
Changes in 0.1.8:
* [ALL] fixed a bug which could lead to codes from other games/databases being put in the cheat list when loading a different database: this lead also to codes remaining in list, the game name not changing when reloading a db which contained the same game with a different name and other bad things made by data remaining and possible crashes
* [ALL] fixed various buffer overflows in the db reading functions regarding game and cheat name. This seemed to lead to strange behaviours with the screen shot function for some users.
* [POPS] fixed a bug which could load ids of pops game launched before than the one being loaded if there isn't a cold boot beetween them or a psp game being loaded
* [ALL] added a memory editor which can show the ram in HEX/ASCII
* [ALL] added to support to make cheats from a selected ram position in the memory editor (with x)
* [ALL] added support in the result screen of the cheat searcher to show the memory editor in the position of the found result (press [] to show it when selecting a found address)
* [ALL] added support to show the memory editor from the edit cheat menu for fixed value write codes (0x0 0x1 0x2). (press /_\ to show the memory editor when selecting a codeline)
* [PACKAGE/GAME] Added a LITE version of cwcheat with all cheat search and memory editor functions removed. It's called cwcheatlite.prx.
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July 1st, 2007, 11:52 Posted By: DarthPaul
PSPCC[ChatClient] is a multi-network (MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo! and GTalk) chat client written in LUA made by InfamousX. Like AFKIM, users are able to add multiple accounts on different networks and be simultaneously logged into all of them. The user-interface was designed and coded so the end-user could change absolutely anything they wish to via easy-to-use skin files.
* Simultaneous use of multiple accounts on different networks
* Ridiculously skinnable interface
* Mp3 playback, remote support
* Audio alerts for new message, sign-ins, etc.
* Chat-logging (can be disabled, like most features)
* Three original skins included + AFKIM skin
* Uses the faster “danzeff” typing system
Via Infamous X
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July 1st, 2007, 17:15 Posted By: aTomIC
Crazy C just released a new patch and binary of PSP DOSBox.
- fixed vga splitscreen problem
- keyboard mode can be toggled with ltrig+rtrig+down+select (holler if there are any problems with this, I minimally tested it)
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Thanks to EmuNews24 for the News and Eboot - wraggster
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July 1st, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: Chameleon
Via PSPGen
French to English Translation:
D-A and Mathieulh has informed custom that they will soon patch the module np9660.prx discovered in firmware 3.50 and 3.51 so that you' ll Be allowed the uses the loader one uncrypted ISO!!! The advantages of this exploit, savings improving the autonomy of your PSP, namely: battery, drive UMD, etc…
However there will Be one against share in the uses of this mode, in exchange you' ll cuts to wait for the 3.51 OE. Indeed, they need time to patch the ISO Loader to cuts, in the next OE, has 100% functional No UMD mode
Rules Reminder
The news of this ISO Loader from Sony doesnt mean we condone piracy and downloading of Sony PSP Isos, if the Loader is to be used as a way of loading your own games onto a mem stick then that is fair enough. Please remember that the downloading of ISOs kills off the very console your a fan of. Piracy is bad for all.
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July 1st, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Guyfawkes posted this news concerning the GBA/DS/PSP/GP2X/Tapwave Zodiac and GP32 Coding Competition he is running at the moment.
Heres todays reminder:
A quick reminder that you have a week until the July 7th 2007 at 23:59 GMT deadline for the GBAX 2007 Coding Competition. One additional and important note is that if your entry is over 20MB in file size please get in contact with us beforehand to arrange an upload to our FTP as our email only allows up to 20MB attachments. Alternatively if you have your own web space simply upload it there and let us know the URL. Full details on the competition can be found on the new site at http://gbax.gp2x.de/gbax2007.html, good luck!
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July 1st, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
A user on the 1up forums contacted Sony regarding homebrew, heres his email:
I am well yet another PSP owner .
I just found some sites which allow games to be downloaded and then copied into Memory Stick .
Unfortunately i have not been able to run them .
All applications and games were homebrews .
Is there any geniune reason for this ?
To be more specific
Is SONY trying to prevent users from running freely available homebrews .
Hoping for an early response .
The response from Sony was typical and to be honest no company such as Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony will ever publically say that Homebrew is good but heres the response:
Hello Tamish,
Thank you for writing us.
Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. (SCEA) does not recommend downloading any unauthorized
software (i.e. games, movies, etc.) for your PSP(TM) portable entertainment system from the
Internet; these software downloads have not been officially tested nor approved by SCEA and may
cause damage to your PSP system.
Any damage caused to your PSP system due to your use of unauthorized software downloads will void
your Limited Sony Warranty for the PSP system. The only approved network updates can be found at
Please visit the link below to download and install available system updates for the PSP(TM)
portable entertainment system.
If you have further questions regarding this message, please refer to your email case
Multimedia Specialist
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Consumer Services Department
to be fair you would expect nothing less than this response.
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July 1st, 2007, 23:09 Posted By: splodger15
Well here it is after a long wait its partly done :rofl:
This is just a preview of the game so do not expect much to be done it is just to show you the progress so far.
D-Pad move link around his house
Thanks to Xandu on the help on this
ToDo #
Story Implemented
Better animation
Link will be able to move round the villiage into pther houses and places
Fighting Enemy's
Alot more just cant think of it all
Have a good summer and enjoy this little preview to look forward to what is coming

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July 2nd, 2007, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release via devsgen
The goal of the play is to make arrive your Chocobo at the other end of the circuit. For celĂ*, you have keys which appear in top of your screen. If you press on the good key, your Chocbo will advance. If you press on the bad key, your Chocbo will move back. In this version, you are entitled to three faults and you do not have that 3 seconds to press on the key requested. Note: This version lets to us think a beautiful future for this Homebrews
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July 2nd, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Devsgen
sDbzMelee is a play of combat where you can incarnate 5 of the various characters of the series Dragon Ball Z on 3 different charts. Several modes of plays are with return: - 2 players out of only one console - 2 players on a console in survivor mode - 1 player against a IA if you do not have a little brother Note: If you like the universe of Dragon Ball Z, this Homebrews is to be tested of continuation!
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July 2nd, 2007, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the VZTeam:
Valer & ZiXeD alias TEAM VZ are made the pleasure of you present small a homebrew for sympathetic nerve coded in LUA which passes in V0.2. Here thus the first homebrew of the TEAM VZ (Valer & ZiXeD) which in v0.2 is seen equipped with some improvements. What is what I again find in this V 0.2? 10 levels of play Of the graphic improvements Of small improvements sound This what the goal of the play? You will have to dodge all the meteorites presenting itself on your way and to survive in assigned time. However attention the red meteorites remove you more damage! Lives are also at disposal.
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July 2nd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: D0N
via Dark_AleX:
Bye, scene.
I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.
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July 2nd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: D0N
via Dark_AleX:
Bye, scene.
I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.
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July 2nd, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: D0N
via Dark_AleX:
Bye, scene.
I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.
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July 3rd, 2007, 00:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 411mania
Sony has announced that Hot Shots Tennis, the latest in the arcade-style sports franchise Hot Shots, will be arriving on the PS2 on July 17th.
The game will go for $29.99 and will feature 14 characters to play as, more than 10 court settings including beaches, ancient ruins, and parks, Four-player doubles games, and customizable controls for both the casual and the hardcore tennis players.
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July 3rd, 2007, 00:57 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Wired Blogs
Masanao Maeda, corporate director of Sega, told Reuters today that as more and more PlayStation 3 games go multiplatform (when they're not disappearing entirely), aggressive pricing is going to need to be a cornerstone of Sony's strategy.
"Name brand, price and software are what count. Since it's getting difficult to make software availability a differentiating factor, superior marketing and pricing strategy will be the key for Sony."
This is certainly a debatable point. Yes, he's right about the fact that Sony is going to have a hard time making their way simply on the strength of their software catalog. Better pricing would certainly help, although one really must wonder if it's even mathematically possible at this point to have a "superior pricing strategy" when your opponents are Microsoft and Nintendo.
Not to mention the fact that even if they lower PS3's price by $100 at E3, well, uh, the PlayStation 3 was already $500, earlier this year. And it was such a negligible difference, in the grand scheme of things, that it didn't reach enough buyers for them to keep the lower-end SKU around. So we already have pretty solid evidence that a $100 price cut won't do anything.
Perhaps they'll lower to $480 to match the price of the Xbox 360 Elite?
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July 3rd, 2007, 01:50 Posted By: fatcat04912
Any ways my moding team witch is basically me and a friend called Go Cry Emo Kid Productions Presents
WTF Melee
Its a mod to the Sdbzm game.....
any ways it introduces just 4 new characters into the game
1. Sub Zero
2. Elite
3. Master Chief
4. Ryu
Along with a new menu thats basically it for release #1
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July 3rd, 2007, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alex705
"IrDA Games" is a collection of several psp games which are played in connection with the ir-port of the psp. That makes a cool and new controlling on the PSP System possible, almost like the Wii-Controlling(almost). IrDA Games v0.1 includes 3 Games(1 Singleplayer, 2 Multiplayer Games) which are only Demo Versions. Of course, I'll keep on developing IrDA Games and release new and better Versions of IrDA Games. Comments, found bugs and feedback can be sent at alex705.developing@yahoo. de. And now, enjoy IrDA Games, just try out the new PSP game controlling area!
A Readme and a Manual are included in the download
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July 3rd, 2007, 08:49 Posted By: darksoft

Hey guys! I've entered Hexaxis into a new contest over at Intel. I was in the lead until Intel reset the votes and went into the 'Real' voting phase, so if you could help out a dude in need please click on the thumbs up picture here:
Intel Game Demo Contest 2007
I'm been hard at work on Update #8. This time I'm going for more funtionality, a menu, and another level "Mercury 42". The level picking menu is very similar to the PC version and is fully functional at this point. I need to clean up some bugs before I release her though. I'd also like to get a high score table running, but I'm not sure if I'll pop this into update 8 or 9. I've also inverted the logo as it looks cooler on the PSP in mostly white.
Here are a couple sneak peak pics for your viewing pleasure:

You can now pick a level to start at 1 thru 4, and mid game while paused you can switch levels in the current game or start over at any level. I should have this update ready by the end of this coming weekend as long as I don't die on July 4th....
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July 3rd, 2007, 16:12 Posted By: DarthPaul
GameMusicGear is an application coded in C by Silmarilion which read many music formats. The formats supported by GameMusicGear are: MP3, MIDDAY, MOD, PSF, SPC, GYM and many others! This homebrew is an update of its old named application GameMusicEmu, released a long time ago. The application also has a pretty skin created by rockMax.

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July 3rd, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: DarthPaul
From NIGathan[author of NPaint]
NIGathan's wild shooter in outer space. In the early stages of development, here's the current feature list:
* Slow mo meter
* lives system
* pause menu
* shooting
* wall collision
* poor enemy collision, to actually detect you have to make sure that the x axis is lined up but the y does not need to be the y axis is a line almost as wide as the enemy's width so if you cant line up just just barely underneath were he goes by and come up real fast as hes passing so you go through him. remember it is still a beta release.
* music/sound effects
* no real menu yet
* game over screen
* there are no real levels yet just one test room with a looping enemy.
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July 3rd, 2007, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

On his 21st birthday, the awesome and terrible powers of the Darkness awaken within Jackie Estacado, a mafia hitman for the Franchetti crime family. With his new powers, Jackie is able to wreak terrifying havoc on his enemies. Jackie must learn to fully command the Darkness so he can take back control of the Franchetti family, which is ruled by his uncle Paulie, a despicable man who is almost universally despised.
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July 3rd, 2007, 18:37 Posted By: DarthPaul
The homebrew developer Xarro recently released a new version of PSPWebcam. Version 0.2 adds the following features:
* Set Screen Type (4:3 faster, 16:9 slower)
* PSPWebcam open all necessary, on PC...
* It works with NetHost!
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July 3rd, 2007, 18:44 Posted By: DarthPaul
The coder Archaemic released a new version of his application.
Here is the changelog:
* [Feature] Precaching works better and was thus added to the menu
* [Bugfix] The menu no longer lingers in the background after closing the menu for a small image
* [Bugfix] Loading bookmark upon loading the comic book now actually works
* [Bugfix] Huge memory leak in precaching patched
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Play to win and see if you can make it to the World Series
Train your players in action-oriented mini-games
Earn power-ups trigger special effects, like a massive windstorm to prevent sluggers from belting a big home run
All kinds of mini-games and Exhibition modes
Jump into the game yourself with create-a-player mode
The Bigs elevates America's favorite pastime to new heights with the larger-than-life ballparks, heroic gameplay, and incredible player models. Setting this MLB experience aside from anything you've ever seen before are spectacular power-ups, stunning special effects, and a totally unique career mode. Featuring fantastic pitching, batting and fielding animations, The Bigs brings new meaning to the term highlight reel. Multiplayer online support for up to four people Pinball-inspired action mode lets you mix things up a little.
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Play to win and see if you can make it to the World Series
Train your players in action-oriented mini-games
Earn power-ups trigger special effects, like a massive windstorm to prevent sluggers from belting a big home run
All kinds of mini-games and Exhibition modes
Jump into the game yourself with create-a-player mode
The Bigs elevates America's favorite pastime to new heights with the larger-than-life ballparks, heroic gameplay, and incredible player models. Setting this MLB experience aside from anything you've ever seen before are spectacular power-ups, stunning special effects, and a totally unique career mode. Featuring fantastic pitching, batting and fielding animations, The Bigs brings new meaning to the term highlight reel. Multiplayer online support for up to four people Pinball-inspired action mode lets you mix things up a little.
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:19 Posted By: parkermauney
Rukia has released a new adventure/rpg game featuring charactars from different anime series
Here are the game controls:
* R= Advance through cutscenes
* X= Special Attack(Can use only when meter is full, or when she stops attack)
* O= Attack
* Square= Block
* Left and Right= move

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via rukia
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Play as a new leader with a new team - Tactics play a MAJOR role in your team's success, as each member comes equipped with his own skill set -- recon, heavy weapons, demolition, long range attack and electronics
Experience a new level of squad-based realism, as your teammates offer real-time tactical suggestions like busting through walls or hacking computers
Use tactical planning to maneuver through multiple mission paths, with high-tech equipment, like snake cams that tag terrorist targets to your teammates, prior to entering a room
Real-Time immersion - Real-time mission briefings, all in the midst of the most intense combat ever played
Motion-captured assault and recon techniques, for realistic gameplay animation - Fast roping, rappelling, window entry, blind-cover fire, and more
Rainbow Six: Vegas presents a new team of Rainbow Warriors, as they take to the streets of America. The streets of Las Vegas are chaotic, an escalating terrorist siege in "Sin City" threatens to take world terrorism to new, uncontrollable heights. The future of global security hangs in the balance as you battle to defend classic Vegas locations and environments like Freemont Street, The Strip, and Casinos. Experience Las Vegas like never before through revolutionary next-generation technology as you work against the clock to keep one of the world's most recognizable cities from utter devastation. Next-generation AI - Encounter deadlier, more skilled enemies who work together as a group to counter every move you make Customize your multiplayer experience - Your character evolves as you play online, unlocking new equipment as you go
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Over 30 huge, original PSP missions spanning 5 diverse worlds.
Features voice talent from the film.
Go head-to-head with multiplayer games.
Upgrade Remy's skills by collecting cheese for power-ups.
Bonus unlockable videos from the feature film, along with the Wall_E trailer, Disney•Pixar’s next masterpiece.
Fast-paced game packed full of missions, mini-games, daring heists, frenzied pursuits, and wild chases!!
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July 3rd, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

God of War® saw Kratos, a mortal warrior, set upon an epic quest to dethrone a God. But his journey did not end there. In God of War II, Kratos sits atop his Olympus throne, as the new God of War – far more ruthless than Ares ever was. To end his continued torment, Kratos must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed, his fate. God of War II sets an epic stage for a devastating mythological war to end all wars.
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has announced a collaboration with developer Quantic Dream for a new and exclusive PlayStation 3 title.
"We always believed that 'next-generation' meant more meaningful content based on players' emotional involvement," said David Cage, CEO of Quantic Dream.
"To us, the PS3 is the only platform that can truly deliver on this promise, and SCE is a group that is both inspiring and pleasant to work with."
Cage founded Quantic Dream in 1997 and released the critically acclaimed and award-winning Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US) in 2005.
"We're really excited to be working with Quantic Dream for the first time and to have this opportunity to once again push the gaming experience to realise a new level of interactivity and, in particular, to engage players at an emotional level never experienced before," commented Michael Denny, VP of SCE Worldwide Studios.
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July 3rd, 2007, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Can you survive attending the most prestigious magic school in the kingdom? Set the curve and unravel the mysteries as time wreaks havoc on your surroundings. Lions and ghosts and demons, oh my!
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Originally released in 1987 in Japan, FINAL FANTASY® was hailed by gamers and critics alike as one of the first RPGs to create a fantasy world that captured the imagination of players around the globe. Twenty years later, the illustrious FINAL FANTASY franchise comes full circle: remastered as two separate titles exclusively for the PSP® system, FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II are timeless classics that created the blueprints for the future of RPGs. These all-new 20th Anniversary editions are treated with crisp, updated graphics, an unforgettable enhanced soundtrack and a vibrant widescreen presentation.
FINAL FANTASY begins when four young warriors, each possessing a Crystal, are summoned to bring the world back to a harmonious elemental balance. During their voyage, they discover a nefarious entity has created turmoil in the structure of time in order to take control of the world, causing the heroes to travel to places they never imagined possible.
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Awesome graphics are just the beginning! Hot cars, blinding speed, incredible tracks featuring jumps and obstacles...everything you ever wanted in a racing game is now in the palm of your hand!
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July 3rd, 2007, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Traxxpad, is an application which transforms the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system into a powerful piece of professional music studio equipment. Now you can create, mix and sample tracks on the go with your PSP. Traxxpad blends the power of sequencers, drum machines, and keyboards while simultaneously making the equipment easy to use and accessible, allowing anyone to create, mix and sample their own tracks at home or on-the-go. Music making can be as fun and easy as simply pressing buttons, or as in-depth and detailed as the user wants make it.
Equipped with over 1000 stock sounds which range from drum samples to exotic instruments, the extensive sound library ensures that there is always variety to choose from. If more is needed, Traxxpad can also be utilized as a Sampler, utilizing its compatibility with the PSP® system microphone. Sample anything, anywhere, and then use the wave editor to trim, adjust gain, normalize or reverse the recording. Most importantly, Traxxpad allows users to export their songs to mp3 files, enabling production to be as easy as burning to a disc or transferring to your MP3 player.
With Traxxpad, you now have the ability to make a sick beat, the perfect song, or the best ring tone - the choice is yours, and creativity knows no bounds.
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July 3rd, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster

I spoke with the chaps at SuccessHK last week about restocking Lumines for all those who need it for the 3.50 Downgrader but cant find it. Luckily they have restocked it, price is $33 which is around ÂŁ16
Anyone still after Lumines can snag a copy at SuccessHK
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July 3rd, 2007, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Shyv:
So i released version 0.3 of my game. In the version 0.2 I didnt put the index.lua and eboot in the file. The Menu Point "Spiel Beenden" dont work yet becaus i used a false code. And if you are in the map the button start to go back to the menu dont work yet, too. but i'll fix this bugs soon. Now i changed a lot of things:
http://rapidshare.com/files/40815592...llisau_v0.3.ra r.html
[New] Map (With Bugs)
[New] Fightsystem
[New] Coinsystem
[New] Char can die
[New] Enemys can die
[New] Healthbar
[New] Enemyinfos
[Update] 11 Enemyes
[Update] 4 Rooms
In the next version(s) i planed to do:
- Healthbar who is like a line (If your health low, then your Healthbar is shorter)
- A shop who you can buy upgrades to beat this red guy right in the dirst map^^
- A Intro Video
- The Game in English and German
- Add infos about the town Willisau (Europe, Switzerland)
- Save - Load Game
- More Maps and enemyes
- A Quest System
- A Level(Up) System with EP's
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via shyv
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July 4th, 2007, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
j5l posted this new release for the PSP Scene:
vmap psp 1.3
After a few month struggle, I let vector map (ESRI shapefile) working
on Sony Playstation Portable(1.5 or 3.x OEC). For font support, I
rewrite most code.
I name it vmap (which is the remix of vector and map) after my former
works on moby.cn website.
. Any vector map format (ESRI shapefile only now, other format could
be tranfered to
it by Mapinfo or 3rd party tools).
. English and chinese font support, most dbf attribute information
could display.
. Configure file (config.txt) for customize map file for your self.
. PSP buttons control map explore and surfing
. a sample map (simple mexico map in ESRI shapefile format, which I got
from Internet)
To do list:
.Better GUI
.Better i18n
.Truetype font
.GPS devices (Sony PSP-290 or Moby Cables with Holux GPS)
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July 4th, 2007, 00:47 Posted By: DarthPaul
"Yet Another IMG Editor, is currently the only IMG Editor that supports GTA Liberty Stories and Vice City Stories. On top of that it also supports GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas. The GTA Stories part of the program also creates a .DIR file which enables you to open the IMG files any other IMG editor that supports GTA3 or VC, which I don't see way any one would want to use another program . Other features include multiply languages with support for the adding of more, search, extract, add, replace, and so on.. In addition YAIE has plugin support which I plan to release a GTA Stories Texture editor later on, in a week or so.."
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July 4th, 2007, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterdays news that the PSP/PS3 Hacker known as Dark ALex has quit the scene sent shivers through our community, part of the problem with being a celebrity in any Scene is that if companys or the police want to trace you they certainly will.
Sony in the past have gone after the makers of VGS a Playstation Emulator for Windows which as you can imagine hurt their buisness. They also went after the coders of Bleem an excellent Playstation emulator not only for windows but also for the Dreamcast, infact on the Dreamcast it was released as Single Game discs that actually improved upon the original game by showing the graphics in a higher resolution than the PS1 outputted.
For Sony to take so long to come after makers of ISO Loaders and Custom Firmwares means they are either getting slow or had too much on their hands with the launches of the PSP and then the PS3 and also court cases with import shops in the UK and the famous battle with Lik Sang.
For those who remember Sony went after the PSP Wiki in Japan because of the Devhook releases and since then the Japanese PSP Homebrew scene has died a death with hardly any news coming from them.
Now getting back to Dark Alex, remember that he is widely known as an Icon in the PSP and also the PS3 Scenes and Sony already sent out a warning to punish any hackers of the PS3. It doesnt take much to realise that he most likely got a cease and desist especially with the news of Sony having a Built In ISO Loader in its newly released firmware.
Will this stop Custom Firmwares, well i would say a big no i dont even think it will stop other hackers who worked with Dark Alex who arent in the public eye from taking the project further and theres also Freeplay and Becus25 also working on Custom Firmwares.
Too many hackers are working on both PSP and PS3 Hacking to halt it now and you can bet they will release hacks anonymously if needed.
So a big thanks from DCEmu to Dark Alex and we wait patiently for the next coder to take up the mantle 
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July 4th, 2007, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Islamic Mag for the PSP updated, heres the release info:
Al-Quran for PSP version 1.1 released. in this edition, we manage to reduce the “out of Memory” effect. now you’re able to navigate around 30-40 pages before your PSP Internet Browser hang/stuck. Also include is the new function, Search Page. Now you can directly jump to the certain page in the certain surah so if the application stuck, you just need to reload and enter the number of the last page you’ve read.
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July 4th, 2007, 16:25 Posted By: neutrOpik
Hi, here is a very cool homebrew for Lua developpers made by fard0che on XtreamLua (Gx-mod partners). This tool, PSPLive, is a built-in multiplayer for Lua games. This utility makes possible, to see the various people connected to the game, give maps, hosts (for each game) and more.
In other words, it’s a multiplayer lobby to integrate in Lua Games.
For now, a server is open for tests.

Here is the official post of fard0che on XtreamLua : http://www.xtreamlua.com/modules.php...ewtopic&t=1710
And this is the (safe) download link on Gx-mod and the full PSPLive news (google translator) : http://www.google.com/translate?u=ht...&hl=en&ie=UTF8
Tank's for support!
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July 4th, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has spoken out on his blog about the recent release of the Noobz downgrader and the negative comments directed towards the PSP Community:
So, we recently released the v3.50 PSP downgrader, and it was interesting to see how many people commented on forums etc, to the effect of "every time you release a downgrader, you're boosting piracy on the PSP". That got me thinking - is piracy my fault?
After a lot of soul searching, I'm satisfied that the answer is no. And here's why...
By opening up homebrew on PSPs, we're giving freedom to the end user. They can choose how they use that freedom. If they care about the platform, then I hope they'll use the freedom responsibly, and run only legitimate homebrew, or at worst, backups of their own UMDs. Those that choose to pirate have themselves to blame if the platform suffers. If you choose to shoot someone, it is not the fault of the gun manufacturer. If you pulled the trigger, then you committed the crime. In other words, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
Modern society seems to place very little stock in individual responsibility - all we seem to hear about is "I want my rights", and not "I want to have the responsibility that goes with them". In my opinion, that's what's wrong with the world today - a refusal to take responsibility for our individual actions.
Downgraders are tools. We provide them because we believe in individual freedom and have faith that human beings can be responsible. We do not like being treated like children by those with whom we spend our money. So it's your choice what you do with it.
Everyone who uses the downgrader for bad should look at themselves critically, and accept that THEY ARE HURTING THE INDUSTRY. THEM,THEMSELVES, BY THEIR OWN CHOICES AND ACTIONS.
I find it interesting that some of the most vocal anti-downgrade protesters openly admit that they themselves pirate PSP games. As far as I can see, there are 2 possible reasons for this:
They don't have the moral backbone and self control to avoid piracy themselves, despite fully understanding that it is bad for the future of the PSP. Do they need a nanny to stop them from being naughty?
Some sort of elitism - piracy is fine for them, but if everyone gets to do it, then everyone suffers. So long as they can do it, they're happy, and they're keen to keep others (even those who have much better motives than them) from enjoying the benefits of an unlocked PSP.
Neither of these positions is defensible, in my opinion.
On a separate note, I've noticed a terrible trend for people who are stockpiling copies of Lumines, in order to profiteer from the shortage of stocks. Worse than that, I've even noticed that some 3rd party Amazon sellers have been actively cancelling orders placed before they realised what was going on, and relisting the game at massively inflated prices.
Well, shame on all those people. It disgusts me that we give our time and effort so that everyone can freely enjoy homebrew, just to see a greedy few attempting to screw others over. It's hardly community-spirited, now, is it?
As the webmaster of DCEmu i fully agree with what Fanjita says, if you download illegal copies of games you will eventually kill off the very console you own right now. Lets keep homebrew and piracy far from each others, homebrew can only become more mainstream if piracy is kept as far away as possible.
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July 4th, 2007, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday a newspost appeared over at pspupdates about Daedalus which mentioned that bios files were to be used in the next release of the Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP, however as is usual the homepage had no such newspost, heres why with a newspost today from StrmnNrmn:
I was quite interested to read this article over at pspupdates:
StrmnNrmn sent us an email recently that really got us thinking about how far Daedalus has come from its humble beginnings more than a year ago. Not only does he give us some prime information about the direction of Daedalus, but he also mentions just how long it might take him to actually get everything running properly.
I never emailed pspupdates, so it looks like someone has been deliberately trying to mislead them. It goes on to say:
R13 might actually use Bios files now
I have no idea what this actually means! The information doesn't seem to be particularly malicious, but I didn't write it. Anything I have to say about Daedalus, I'll talk about here, on this blog. It'll be another week or so before I can update regularly, so any other 'information' you hear that's not directly from this blog is likely to be a hoax.
So like the man says he will update his blog with news and certainly not by email. That should put an end to any bogus news emails (they probably tried the same with me but i read pms and emails a month after they arrive :P)
Heres the official StrmnNrmn blog addy --> http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
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July 4th, 2007, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

This stereo headphone is specially designed for PSP console. Its remote control provides functions like play, pause, fast forward, fast reverse, volume control and hold, which gives you total privacy when playing games and watching movies.
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July 4th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK has today reduced the Price of their 60GB PS3 Consoles down to a nice $531.00 (ÂŁ265).
For us in ripoff Britain thats a saving of at least ÂŁ130 ($260) off the price of the console here.
Also i always recommend that you ship using airmail, it will cost around $70 or ÂŁ35 and you should avoid nasty import taxes (especially if the company put sample on the box )
Remember that all PS3 Games are worldwide region free so no worries on that score and that the consoles can have the language changed to any language you want.
Import Consoles will only play Region A Blueray films but you will find that even in the UK the majority of films are Region Free too. The quality of Blue Ray films played at 1080 resolution is something to marvel at.
60GB Playstation 3
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July 4th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK has today reduced the Price of their 60GB PS3 Consoles down to a nice $531.00 (ÂŁ265).
For us in ripoff Britain thats a saving of at least ÂŁ130 ($260) off the price of the console here.
Also i always recommend that you ship using airmail, it will cost around $70 or ÂŁ35 and you should avoid nasty import taxes (especially if the company put sample on the box )
Remember that all PS3 Games are worldwide region free so no worries on that score and that the consoles can have the language changed to any language you want.
Import Consoles will only play Region A Blueray films but you will find that even in the UK the majority of films are Region Free too. The quality of Blue Ray films played at 1080 resolution is something to marvel at.
60GB Playstation 3
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July 4th, 2007, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have today posted on their site the US Versions of the following PS3 Games:
The Darkness US Version
The Bigs US Version
Transformers: The Game US Version
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix US Version
Most other stores wont ship worldwide but thankfully SuccessHK does, More info at SuccessHK
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July 4th, 2007, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have today posted on their site the US Versions of the following PSP Games:
Traxxpad: Portable Studio US Version
Steel Horizon US Version
Ratatouille US Version
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing US Version
Final Fantasy US Version
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix US Version
Most other stores wont ship worldwide and especially not to Europe but thankfully SuccessHK does, More info at SuccessHK
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July 4th, 2007, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster

Nooobz have released a new version of the 3.50 Downgrader with Support for the Jap Version of Lumines, heres the release news:
As promised, we've completed the HEN and downgrader for Japanese Lumines. This will work for both ULJS00005 (the original Lumines) and ULJS19005 ('The Best' version). In fact, both versions are identical - even so far as using the same SAVEDATA folder.
The new package, containing support now for US, EU and JP versions can be downloaded below.
Please note: 0okm, in conjunction with HellDrive, has also released a port of HEN to Japanese Lumines, on his blog . Our version was created independently, but we can confirm that both versions work fine. Congratulations to 0okm on his speed, I just wish we'd noticed that he had done his before we worked on ours!
Major thanks are also due to Daimaou and BDIGITAL for providing us with their Japanese UMDs to work with.
Buy Lumines (US Version)
Buy Lumines (Jap Version)
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via noobz
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July 5th, 2007, 01:46 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Today
Rumors are circulating in the gaming industry that Namco Bandai’s Beautiful Katamari, will no longer be coming to the PS3. Now if you recall, earlier this year the game was supposedly coming to the Nintendo console in the first place, but the idea was axed because the developer was worried about Wii sales and was unsure about the new console as a whole. So, up until recently, Namco Bandai was working on versions for only the Xbox 360 and the PS3.
We were told that the reason for shunning Sony, was mainly due to port issues with the PS3 compounded with slow sales of the console. This has forced Namco Bandai to re-port Beautiful Katamari for the Wii after all, and this sudden change of heart is partly due to the fantastic sales figures reported for the Nintendo console. Now, until we get confirmation from Namco Bandai, please consider this a rumor. Granted, it would be nice to have this game for the Wii, but it may end up just being an Xbox 360 exclusive instead (the game’s original creator has been critical of Nintendo’s platform).
Any Wii owner and fan of the series can tell you that this would be a perfect fit for the Wii and a great addition to Nintendo’s library.
We will give you more information as details become available.
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July 5th, 2007, 01:48 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the living room, Sony has announced it's set to bring a brand new musical horrorshow to UK PlayStation 2s in the form of SingStar '90s this August.
Sure to please girls who like pink and Lambrini no end, SingStar '90s features a brand new 30-strong track roster, including songs from the likes of the Spice Girls, MC Hammer, Savage Garden and the B-52s. It's also got Creep by Radiohead on it - a song so desperately over-rated, it makes your average GTA: San Andreas review look positively reserved.
That said, we once dressed up like Scary Spice, saw the live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and actually like Love Shack, so it's not all bad news.
For the full voice-swelling tracklisting, look downward. It's exactly like time travel.
ALL SAINTS - Never Ever
AQUA - Barbie Girl
B-52's - Love Shack
BILLY RAY CYRUS - Achey Breaky Heart
DIVINYLS - I Touch Myself
EMF - Unbelievable
GIN BLOSSOMS - Hey Jealousy
MC HAMMER - U Can't Touch This
M PEOPLE - Movin' On Up
NICK CAVE & KYLIE MINOGUE - Where the Wild Roses Grow
POISON - Unskinny Bop
REM - Everybody Hurts
ROACHFORD - Only to be with You
SEAL - Kiss From A Rose
SIR MIX A LOT - Baby Got Back
SPIN DOCTORS - Two Princes
THE CURE - Friday I'm In Love
WET WET WET - Love Is All Around
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July 5th, 2007, 03:30 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Bits
SEGA released several new screenshots of Condemned 2: Bloodshot. The original Condemned: Criminal Origins was visually impressive when it was released alongside the Xbox 360 in the end of 2005. The new screenshots show more of the detailed, gritty environment along with a couple of grisly images, keeping the visual bar rising. Condemned 2 will undoubtedly continue to race our hearts.
About Condemned 2: "Players will assume the identity of Ethan Thomas, former Serial Crimes Unit investigator, who has been called back to duty to track down his missing partner. The disturbing events from Ethan’s past have left him a broken man – a desperate burnout drifting aimlessly through society in an inexplicable decline. Fighting inner demons throughout his one-man investigation into a sinister conspiracy, Ethan will need to use anything and everything in the environment to survive as he unravels the mysteries shrouding the city in darkness."

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July 6th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Corp. has put an end to rumours that a PlayStation 3 price drop is imminent, with president Ryoji Chubachi stating that there are "no immediate plans" to introduce a cut.
The rumours emerged following an advertisement from US retailer Circuit City which indicated that SCEA was to cut USD 100 off the price of the console. An official announcement was expected next week at the E3 Media and Business Summit.
But according to Bloomberg, Chubachi has said there are "no immediate plans as of now" to reduce the price.
He added that any decisions regarding the price point of PlayStation 3 "is a matter" for the gaming arm of the business, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Chubachi also said that Sony Corp. is looking likely to meet its operating margin target of 5 per cent for the year ending March 2008.
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July 6th, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The DS may still be outselling all other consoles put together in Japan, but sales of Sony's consoles were up last week according to the latest figures from Media Create.
During the week ending July 1, PlayStation Portable sales rose by 5000 units to reach 38,305, while 16,316 PS2s were shifted - an increase of 26 per cent.
PlayStation 3 sales were also on the rise, up by 20 per cent to hit 11,914 units.
Although the DS is still going strong sales were down slightly from around 164,000 units to 157,435. Wii sales rose by over 8000 to reach a figure of 73,919 consoles.
Xbox 360 sales are still trailing - just 3154 consoles were purchased last week.
Game Boy Micro and Game Boy Advance sales stood at 377 and 179 respectively.
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July 6th, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has apologised to the people of Manchester for using a recreation of Manchester Cathedral in the game Resistance: Fall of Man.
Last month the game caused uproar for using the environment in the hit PS3 shooter, offending the church with media outrage prompting a response from the Prime Minister.
Now a humbled Sony has taken out a full page advert in the Manchester Evening News apologising "unreservedly" for any offence caused.
"It is clear to us that the connection between the congregation and the cathedral is a deeply personal and spiritual one," offered David Reeves, president of SCEE.
"As a result, it is also clear that we have offended some of the congregation by using the cathedral in our science fiction game. It was never our intention to offend anyone in the making of this game, and we would like to apologise unreservedly to them for causing that offence, and to all parts of the community who might also have been offended."
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July 6th, 2007, 20:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's John Koller has said that the company remains committed to the UMD format despite suggestions that support from movie companies is waning.
Speaking to Pocket Gamer Koller, who is senior marketing manager for PSP, said, "We'll never walk away from our base. Whether it's movies or game content, third parties have an incredible opportunity to utilise it.
"UMD possesses many strengths, from size to form factor to portability," He continued. "Duplication of UMDs is much easier, cheaper than cartridges. We've really optimised time and cost by going with a disc-based format."
Koller's comments follow news that the most recent PSP firmware update includes an ISO loader which would allow users to play games stored on the Memory Stick. Some have speculated that Sony would be moving away from the UMD format in favor of downloadable content.
Koller admitted that the UMD has a downside. "There's no question the biggest weakness is related to porting games from other platforms. Publishers are concerned about the size of UMD because they can't cram a DVD game on to it," he said.
Castlevania creator Koji Igarashi told Pocket Gamer about a different kind of disadvantage: "The slowness of the seeking speed of UMD is a weakness," he stated, adding that "loading speed becomes a big problem for UMD".
While not specifically addressing the loading speed, Koller said "UMD is a unique medium to create games, and developers need to understand that when tackling the system."
"The future of UMD is bright," he proclaimed.
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July 6th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Some news from french site pspgen about a new anti-copy firmware i presume coming from Sony.
Heres the english to french translation.
You undoubtedly noticed, if you are in the search of a new PSP in this moment, that the retailers have consoles available less and less. Difficult to today find a pack 2Go or even a white console. This pseudo shortage has been the result of the absence of delivery of console by Sony for several weeks and the fall in the prices of the packs. By putting the question with several persons in charge for stores, we found an answer common that Sony would have given them: “we prepare a new console with a system anti-copy on the mother chart and we will deliver the consoles as soon as available”. The date given by the Japanese firm is “current of this summer”. Although nonofficial, this fact was collected near different signs with like goes back to restocking second fortnight of July. This short-term date lets think that this new model of PSP will not be a PSP 2 but just a revision of the current version. Then intox on behalf of Sony to reassure the retailers, or reality? This should find its response in the days which come. As of reception of the new PSP, if they arrive, PSPGen will make a disassembling in rule of the animal to allow you more. On the other hand, as Sony regards the homebrews as hacking (No how!), it could be thus that this system also tries to prevent the launching of those. This is thus likely to deprive all the future owners of PSP of the joys of the homebrews. In any case, if all that is confirmed, a thing is sour, the second-hand market will make a jump ahead… and the prices of the current PSP too. At least, while waiting for that the scene finds a solution with this problem
My view is wait and see personally, rumours until proven otherwise
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July 6th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has finally decided on a 7th September release date for the excellent Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.
It's a sumptuous role-playing game from developer Tri-Ace, which sits neatly as a prequel to the original on PlayStation One.
Unsurprisingly it's based around the Valkyrie from the vaults of Norse mythology. These are the servants of Odin that choose and then appear before the bravest and best mortal men at their moment of death - to invite them to serve the Gods in battle as Einherjar.
In this particular story, the youngest of three ethereal Valkyrie sisters is banished from heaven by big boss Odin to exist as a soul in the body of Alicia, Princess of the Kingdom of Dipan, which soon turns out to be a bit cramped as the two souls fight for space. The story kicks on from here, as a confused Princess talks to herself on a street corner and eventually decides to help her other self on a quest for vengeance.
Every aspect of the game is well executed, and the mixture of action with high-level statistical and strategical balancing makes it an extremely seductive package - not to mention the inclusion of co-operative play for you and a friend.
Simon Parkin heaped praise on it when he played the US import late last year, and strongly urges anyone with even a passing interest in Japanese role-playing games to buy this.
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July 6th, 2007, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya
I'm here to release LightMP3 Version 1.1.0.
Here's the changelog:
-Added support for M3U file
-Added playlist browser
-Added playlist editor
-File browser now filters files, showing only mp3 and m3u.
-Added shuffle and repeat
-Added volume boost option
You can find download link (source included) here: http://sakya.altervista.org/new/inde...one_lightm p3
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July 6th, 2007, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via pocketgamer
With much love, we slide miniature discs into our PlayStation Portables and play games. With equal disdain, we wait during loading screens and sit through second-rate movies.
Our relationship with Universal Media Disc (UMD) is one characterized by equal amounts of love and hate, a roller coaster of affection irrevocably tied to the success of PSP. The strengths and weakness of the UMD format are a source of controversy amongst game developers, motion picture studios and consumers; yet, Sony Computer Entertainment faithfully stands by its man, foreseeing a future in which UMD is admired more than shamed.
PlayStation Portable senior marketing manager John Koller is quick to outline several benefits of the format. "UMD possesses many strengths, from size to form factor to portability," he says. The same can easily be said of the UMD's cartridge counterpart on Nintendo DS. However, ease of UMD manufacturing is seen as a winning benefit. "Duplication of UMDs is much easier, cheaper than cartridges," Koller adds. "We've really optimized time and cost by going with a disc-based format."
On the topic of UMD weaknesses, Koller is candid: "There's no question the biggest weakness is related to porting games from other platforms. Publishers are concerned about the size of UMD because they can't cram a DVD game on to it."
Award-winning developer and Castlevania series creator Koji Igarashi, whose experience spans numerous platforms, including upcoming PSP title Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, highlights what he sees as a key disadvantage of the format. "The slowness of the seeking speed of UMD is a weakness," he states, "The [...] loading speed becomes a big problem for UMD."
Igarashi is at the forefront of efforts to work around the weakness, which will likely place Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles amongst a select group of games without significant loading times. He explains to Pocket Gamer, "To tell the truth, I was a little worried at first because I was told that the loading time was long when I started working on PSP. But thanks to programmers, we were able to achieve considerably fast loading times. We can overcome [loading times] by technique – it is the programmers' chance to show what he can do."
Igarashi's comments support the idea that creativity in working with the format is vital in producing quality titles. Two years after launch, however, many publishers continue to hurriedly port games with little regard for the specifics of the platform.
"UMD is a unique medium to create games," Koller points out, "and developers need to understand that when tackling the system."
Movies on the move
Sony Computer Entertainment has always positioned UMD as ideal for game development, but more than that, it's a format capable of a wide range of multimedia playback. Sales of UMD movies in the handheld's first year were particularly promising.
Unfortunately, consumer perception of UMD movies has waned as digitally distributed content waxes into popularity.
Despite reports that retailers are cutting back on UMD movie stock, Koller remains optimistic. "The future of movies on UMD is great," he states, asserting that demand for the format is growing. "We saw a 35 per cent growth year-on-year from 2005 to 2006, which clearly demonstrates a growing interest by consumers for UMD movies."
Price reductions on most UMD movies are likely a significant factor in this surge, as many retailers last year were eager to ditch the format on grounds of poor sales. Mass market retailer Target had confirmed by July 2006 that it was discontinuing UMD movies due to lacking sales. The world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, was also rumored to be cutting the format from shelves. Target and Wal-Mart, along with a number of other prominent retailers, ended up issuing an immediate slash in prices, boosting sell-through.
Since late summer 2006, UMD movies have seen mediocre, but consistent sales in North America and Europe. Sales in Japan, however, have been astronomical – in autumn of last year, UMD movies underwent a 1000 per cent jump in the region as a result of deep discounts by retailers.
Increases in sales are undoubtedly the result of price reductions, but also what Koller terms "a calibration by movie studios". Motion picture studios planning UMD movie releases are more attuned to the type of consumer purchasing UMD movies: young males under the age of 25. Warner Bros, Paramount, and even sister company Sony Pictures have tailored their UMD catalogues towards the demographic, with action, sci-fi and comedy releases.
UMD as a movie format faces a rocky road to the future, despite Koller's positive outlook. The rise of digital content for iPod and other devices are placing immense pressure on disc-based formats. Promises of a PlayStation Store front on the handheld could mean the introduction of downloadable movies; Koller wouldn't comment on that. The release of the PlayStation Portable Entertainment Pack certainly hints at such a possibility, enabling consumers to download feature-length films to a memory stick.
Even if – or more likely, when – Sony Computer Entertainment unleashes downloadable movies and other content onto PSP, it won't mean the end of UMD. "We'll never walk away from our base," says Koller. "Whether it's movies or game content, third parties have an incredible opportunity to utilize it."
It's clear that Sony is far from abandoning its relationship with UMD, one that will endure through any rumored redesign.
"The future of UMD is bright," Koller proclaims. Like any relationship, only time will tell.
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July 6th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Quake has released a new version of Extreme Link namely … 1.5.2 !
Its Now a stable release.
Fixed: All links for updates and locked features.
Links updated:
Version Check - Unlockable
Version Info - Unlockable
Link to Download Page - Unlockable
Trading Post Game Info - Unlockable
DLL-OCX Checker - File Download
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July 6th, 2007, 21:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has revealed that Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions will be on European shelves in October.
The game is an updated version of the PSone original released to roaring success across Japan back in 1997. However, clumsy translation ruined its chances in America, effectively leaving its chances of heading to Europe below zero.
But for those who played Tactics it remains one of the best Final Fantasy games of all time. And thankfully this port remains entirely faithful to the original, even adding a few new touches.
There's a multiplayer mode that lets you assemble five characters then do battle with a friend; updated graphics and audio; and new playable faces in the shape of Balthier from FFXII and Cloud from FFVII.
It's this kid of reverential treatment we like to see, and saw it we did at the Square Enix Party in Japan earlier this year.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Nothing, not even the mighty Wii Sports, could get close to the awesome sales of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd. Japanese sales for the first half of the year have been tallied up and surprisingly, this PSP game rose to the top of the list.
It should be comforting to publishers to see a PSP game do so well. Hopefully, this will encourage Japanese publishers to continue developing for the platform. The top three games for PSP this year so far include Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.
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July 6th, 2007, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The PS3 Controller Crystal Protect Case Bundle Set is specially designed for PS3 controllers to prevent any scratches when playing different PS3 games, such as action, shooting and fighting games. It comes with a harden and colourful transparent plastic case together with 5 sets (10 pieces) different shape of anti-dust control stick silicon cap for maximum protection.
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July 7th, 2007, 00:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, everyone, but it seems those of you waiting for your Medal of Honor: Airborne fix are going to have to wait a bit longer than owners of other consoles. In another cheap move by EA (who we believe more and more to be lazy developers who don't even try to optimize their games for each system ... why won't their sports games be at 60fps on the PS3, but will on the 360? We know the system can handle it, so the fault clearly lies within the developer house), PS3 owners get to wait an extra couple of months.
Due out by the end of August initially, MoH:A has been pushed to a November release. A time where they will have to deal with much more important titles as competition. While no clear reason for this delay was explained, we're pretty sure we know why. We highlighted it above. The PS3 is harder to develop for, so the port from 360 to PS3 is giving them troubling results. Instead of optimizing performance for the PS3 itself, they're trying to debug a faulty, most likely less-impressive, port. We could be wrong. Maybe we get extra content. Tell us your thoughts!
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July 7th, 2007, 00:44 Posted By: mexicansnake
" PSPirate´s Alarm Clock V0.2 by:
"MEXICANSNAKE <---------------------------------- Main Coder.
"DEANAW22 <--------- Artist.
"_________________________________________________ _______

This is a new kind of clock alarm: a video game alarm .
We now that this app its really simple, but its really useful and fun.
It has animations, analog clock, digital clock, date, battery level indicator,
battery saving system, autopoweroff prevention, you can take screenshoots
etc etc etc...
The alarm´s signal is a moded sigle mode of PSPirates, dont worry the game will start in the
next 10 secs after the alarm is activated (you will listen a song) .
You can Turn on / off the alarm and the usb.
Controls (Alarm):
- R => Alarm set : minutes
- L => Alarm set : hours
- Start => Turn on / off the alarm and tur on / off the usb mode
- Select => Extit to the XMB
- X => Take screenshoots
- Up and Down => Change selection
Controls (In Game):
- X => Shoot
- Select => Return to the main menu
--Some bugs corrected
--AM PM modes
--Louder alarm
--Power saving by declocking +20% battery saving in alarm mode
--Time displaying corrected
--Button errors corrected
--Autopoweroff prevention
--Take screenshots
--New sounds
--Alarm errors corrected
--Usb mode corrected
--Night mode for the game
--New animations
--And more features...
We hope you like it.
Send us your comments via PM.
Please report any bugs.
-Use your own sound file
-More animations
-New features
-Many alarms
-Save more battery life
-New images
-Correct other bugs
-Give me your suggestions!
Note: It won´t work under the lua player windows
Special thanks to my beta testers because I have no PSP and they made this possible :
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July 7th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PS3 Center
Lead designer for Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice and Sony developer has come out and stated that the life of the PS2 has some years left.
He stated that the original PlayStation, the PSOne had some amazing games even after the PS2 launched and he also stated that he believes that the PS3 will have a great life once PS2 owners begin to move on.
He stated that he does not believe that the PS2 has been superseeded at all. "I’m not expert on this but it’s the same in many cases. If you look at the car industry you see way more mark-four cars than you do mark-fives but as time goes on, you see more mark-fives and then the mark-six comes out."
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July 7th, 2007, 15:22 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Playstatic
In celebration the 2007 Rugby World Cup EA are going to cash in with the release of EA SPORTS Rugby 08, the event’s only officially licensed video game featuring reigning Player of the Year Richie McCaw, captain of the New Zealand All Blacks, as its cover star. The game will ship on July 17th, just in time for the kick-off of the real world tournament.
Coming out on the PS2, this title looks to encapsulate all the drama and magic of the Rugby World Cup. The 2007 tournament, taking place in France, is one of the highlights of the sporting calender this year and EA are naturally looking to piggy-back on the hype surrounding the tournament. Tristan Jackson, lead producer of the game, had this to say:
“The 2007 Rugby World Cup unites rugby fans from around the world and our game, EA SPORTS Rugby 08, celebrates this passion by capturing all of the national rivalries in-game, enabling fans to play as their favorite teams from qualification right through to the championship final,”
The 2006 Player of the Year by both the International Rugby Board (IRB) and the International Rugby Players Association (IRPA), McCaw is considered the world’s best openside flanker. EA are going to plaster his lovely face all over the advertising for the game and of course on the games box. The 26-year-old McCaw was first called up to the All Blacks three years ago when he debuted against Ireland and was named Man of the Match.
Joining McCaw on the front packs of EA SPORTS Rugby 08 in selected territories around the world are 11 additional athletes who EA call â€excellent’. Joining McCaw on the cover of EA SPORTS Rugby 08 in the United Kingdom is England’s Mark Cueto, and in France is Frenchman Yannick Nyanga. Bryan Haban, Schalk Burger and Andre Pretorius will be showcased on the cover in South Africa, brothers Mauro and Mirko Bergamasco in Italy and Australia’s Stirling Mortlock will be the featured athlete in Australia and Asia.
The game will see you to take control of your favourite team, allowing you to manage them and emulate their style and play on both offence and defence. Using new defensive formations you can adjust your defense on-the-fly to keep momentum on your side or counter your opponent’s attacking style by changing your defensive strategy based on score, field position and more.
This year EA SPORTS Rugby 08 introduces a layered pick-up-and-play control system for set pieces and drop kicks. Now you take full command over every scrum and maul with enhanced push and rotation controls. Make lineout throw-ins look easy with a simplified control scheme for the novice player and advanced mechanics for the pro. Master the new kicking meter to score those key penalties and conversions, while new truck and zoom camera angles zero in on all the breakdown and set piece action during the game’s biggest moments.
In addition to enabling gamers to participate in the 2007 Rugby World Cup by taking control of one of 20 national teams, the game features a new, compelling mode of play named World Cup Challenge. Testing even the most hardcore rugby fan, it re-creates the biggest moments in World Cup history and challenges you to re-write the results with today’s teams to unlock exclusive World Cup highlight videos.
We would show you some screens, but EA haven’t released any yet.
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July 7th, 2007, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rukia:
Yo, this here is the fighting game i said i would release after Saving Ichigo, it includes the fighters from the game Saving Ichigo and since this is v0.1 it doesnt have all the characters or backgrounds but in the next version there'll be more characters(cant really say a number) and backgrounds, and also alternate costumes for some characters
Character list(Still Growing)
will post soon, but they are pretty much the same as my other game
teh credits:
Fzero - Graphics
TP and SG as usual(I heart teh both of em)
and other ppl i forgot to credit
X=Attack1(in game)pick options(in menus)
R=In game(Special) out of game(advance pass first menu)
Download Via Link Above (12mb)
via rukia
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July 7th, 2007, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Test30 has released his first Custom Firmware for the PSP, heres the release notes:
The Custom Firmware Lite Edition - A
this Custom FW is updated from an OE (first they have to install
the FW 3.40 OE)
*Can flasher rco and font
*Can Activate and Deactivate the Network Update
*Can use 2 recovery the Recovery LE and OE
*First need the FW 3.40 OE-A
*Later copy the Folder 340leflasher and paste in GAME150
*Initiates the Installation
*and Done!! now this one in CFW 3.40 LE-A!!!
*The folder to Homebrew is GAMELE5
*To flasher the rco and font the path is: ms0:PSP/SYSTEM/LEFLASHER/HERE
*Copy the Folder LEuninstaller and paste in folder GAMELE5
*Initiates the Aplication
*Done now again in FW 3.40 OE-A
In my next updated of this CFW go add more feature principally that of USB
in Flash0,1,2,3.But first I need the code.lol
NOTE:The Installation Write in Flash0 and Flash1.it is recommended
to have the battery to more of 50 % in the PSP.
NOTE2:The CFW was proven in a PSP without badge.But work in PSP TA-082 and
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July 7th, 2007, 16:55 Posted By: evolve
Fresh off the slow boat from China a beautiful theme created by PSP-XMB Studio
Thanks to SchmilK for joining my impossible mission and breaking through their hieroglyphical writing
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July 7th, 2007, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Christek has released a new version of his portal for the PSP which looks like the iPhone, heres the features:
* Digg: The Digg application is an easy-route to get to the social-news website, Digg. It's a great site, and I recommend going to it on your PC as well, by going to http://digg.com.
*Photos: The Photos application displays up to ten photos that you choose, at 5-second intervals.
*Calculator: The Calculator application is just that. A calculator.
*Lock: The Lock application is more for eye candy. It's basically a manually-activated screensaver, and is great if you want to show off your sexy PSP's screen. Just try it. You'll think it looks cool too.
*Weather: The Weather application provides easy access to your local weather. It requires a wireless internet connection. Simply input your zip code and, thanks to Weather Underground, your local weather is displayed.
*iPod: The iPod application allows you to listen to music via PSPTunes. iPSP includes PSPTunes installation files if you don’t already have it installed.
*Browser: The EXPEDITION browser is your link to the web, while using iPSP. It has multiple tabs, and all the things you would expect a browser to have. The icon that looks like a book is for your own links, which are read from the PSP’s favorites menu.
*Games: The Games application is very simple, and is your access-way to the Flash games that come with iPSP. Simply choose a game to play it.
*About : The About application gives you legal and creation info about iPSP, as well as your current iPSP version.
*Messengers: The Messengers application is your gateway to the mobile messengers provided by eBuddy. They are: AIM, MSN, and Yahoo!
*Mail: The Mail application is your gateway to the most popular mobile mail providers. The providers are:Yahoo Mail, GMAIL, AOL Mail, and Windows Live mail.
*Vipr: The Vipr application is your gateway to the Vipr Online Media Service. At the time of iPSP's release, Vipr is still in production, so check back frequently for more updates on it's status.
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July 7th, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: jak66
New version of PSP filer by MediumGauge
-Fixed a bug allowing files " ", "." and ".." to be created on RAMDISK
-Fixed missing option to overwrite files on flash0/1
-Able to delete read-only files
-Able to play low bit rate and high sampling MP3 files
e.g. less than 48kbps and 44.1Khz
-Files and directories are now drawn with different colours
-When copying/moving files, selecting cancel in 'confirm overwrite' dialog will not close copying dialog
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July 7th, 2007, 23:58 Posted By: Xx FightStar xX
Please front page this 
Hello all 
After a lot of hard work, I bring to you my creation that is : Halo - Genocide.
This game is a 2d version of the Halo : Evolved game but is set as a prequel to it 
Its a 2d side scrolling shooter.
Features :
Weapon Pickup, Weapon Selection, Weapon Spawning, 3 Weapons (Pistol, Machine Gun & Sniper Rilfe, Individual Weapon Power & Ammo
Health Bar, Lives Bar & Ammo Counter - All fully functional
3 Different Types Of Enemys : Guant, Eite & Jackal, Up to 3 enemies on screen at a time, Good AI
Menu & Intro - Both fully functional & with selectable options
4 levels
Interesting Story that updates you prior to the game and after each level
Smooth Animation & Weapon Selection
Impressive HUD (Heads Up Display) that keeps you updated with things

There may be one or two minor bugs (I assure you this game is relatively bug free ) but none of them ruin or hinder the gameplay as a result.
Note - The Crosshair has to be on/almost on the enemy to result in a hit.
Crouching makes a round shield appear around you and makes you invulnerable to enemy fire
So enjoy the game & please leave your opinions on it, in this thread 
All of the games coding was done by me : Xx FightStar xX except the "Fade code" which I used , which was made by : SoulKiller
(Full credits are contained in the menu, please read before saying you were not mentioned!)
Download here [UPDATED] (sorry see below) - http://rapidshare.com/files/41631514...Final.zip.html
Please will someone upload this here for me as its not working for me 
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July 8th, 2007, 00:04 Posted By: Sterist
via http://cwcheat.consoleworld.org/
- [ALL] now there is an header with the index (addr, +byte, ASCII) in the memory editor
- [ALL] now it's possible to choose if ASCII should be shown on screen in the memory editor with ASCII ENABLE = 0/1 in the
- [ALL] now it's possible to choose the number of bytes shown on screen in the memory editor (0-13 with ASCII enabled, 0-17
with ASCII disabled)with MEMEDIT BYTES= # where # is the number of bytes
- [ALL] added checks in the memory editor for the starting adress to avoid going out of range
- [ALL] added effectively L/R scrooling support in the memory editor. they will scroll of -/+ 0x10000
- 0000017 [ALL] added a simple text insertion method which you can navigate with LEFT/RIGHT and change text with UP/DOWN.
Middle dots are considered end of line, everything modifyied after then will be discarded.
- 0000017 [ALL] Now it's possible to edit cheat names. To do so press R TRIGGER + CROSS while selecting the cheat name you
want to change. To discard changes press O (or X if you swapped buttons) and to confirm changes press X
(or O if you swapped buttons)
- [ALL] now the cheat search menu will allow the user to press UP when selecting the first option to get to the latest one
and viceversa (just like most of the other menus)
- [ALL] new options in the cheat search menu: start text search and continue cheat search. They are meant to start and
continue a search for a text
- 0000017 [ALL] Added a text search system. It supports up to 30 chars, and can search ASCII/UNICODE/ASCII+UNICODE
encoding and can be case sensitive/unsensitive
- [ALL] The text search system can autosense if it has to make unicode or ascii codes (unicode codes skips the second byte).
A codeline is made for each char and the current char is copied as value.
- [ALL] changed the space used by the db reading functions to <= 128kb (this space is alloched during bootup and freed after
right on!! cheat away 
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July 8th, 2007, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster
First off, how the hell did i miss this release, on my forums and under my nose. But anyway kgsws˜™ has released updated ports of both PSP Doom and PSP Heretic for all of us PSP Homebrew Fans.
Heres his newspost:
I made update of this two ports, some bugs are away ( some new :P )
But best thing (i think) is Multiplayer AdHoc for 2 players (working), and for 4 players test code, i have only 2 PSP's so i can't try it, i hope it works.
Multiplayer is based on some AdHoc functions from PSP-QUAKE ...
Download Both new versions from the release thread over on our PSP Emulation and Homebrew Forum
I promise in future to watch my own forums a bit more too. 
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July 8th, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: Xx FightStar xX
Please front page this 
Hello all 
After a lot of hard work, I bring to you my creation that is : Halo - Genocide.
This game is a 2d version of the Halo : Evolved game but is set as a prequel to it 
Its a 2d side scrolling shooter.
Features :
Weapon Pickup, Weapon Selection, Weapon Spawning, 3 Weapons (Pistol, Machine Gun & Sniper Rilfe, Individual Weapon Power & Ammo
Health Bar, Lives Bar & Ammo Counter - All fully functional
3 Different Types Of Enemys : Guant, Eite & Jackal, Up to 3 enemies on screen at a time, Good AI
Menu & Intro - Both fully functional & with selectable options
4 levels
Interesting Story that updates you prior to the game and after each level
Smooth Animation & Weapon Selection
Text Pop-Up upon being over a weapon (asking you to pick it up)
Impressive HUD (Heads Up Display) that keeps you updated with things
-----UPDATE ADDONS------
Ability to continue the game upon death, you now have 2 continues.
Ability to return to the games menu upon having no continues and being dead

There may be one or two minor bugs (I assure you this game is relatively bug free ) but none of them ruin or hinder the gameplay as a result.
Note - The Crosshair has to be on/almost on the enemy to result in a hit.
Crouching makes a round shield appear around you and makes you invulnerable to enemy fire
So enjoy the game & please leave your opinions on it, in this thread 
All of the games coding was done by me : Xx FightStar xX except the "Fade code" which I used , which was made by : SoulKiller
(Full credits are contained in the menu, please read before saying you were not mentioned!)
Download here (GamersGuild.co.nr) - http://www.gamerzguild.n-hosting.co....php?topic=20.0
Download here (Rapidshare.com) - http://rapidshare.com/files/41735793..._V1.1.zip.html
Download here (Sendspace.com) - http://www.sendspace.com/file/d635lj
Please Register at gamersguild. if you like/support the game or the site Thank you
Ps - If you like the game please visit the games official site - www.gamersguild.co.nr
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July 8th, 2007, 18:53 Posted By: BrooksyX
McZonk has updated his blog over at http://emergencyexit.untergrund.net/
He also has released his second multiplayer beta for Quake 2:
I am one of those geek who code for relaxing. My girl is in holidays and between the exams I really need some relaxing. So I am working on Quake 2 in the free time. When I decided to continue the work, I knew that exams will be soon. So I want to start after them and I said the first release will be in august. But as every semester I hate learning and instead I doing tons of other stuff like practice guitar playing or even tidy up and cleaning the desk.
I fixed a lot of bugs and added some features in Quake 2. And now it is time to release the second multiplayer beta. I still focus on multiplayer, because I think this is the more capable type of gameplay for the psp.
Here is another video from Stranno playing against his friend and me.
.pak File Support
Quake 2 has a simple archive format called pak. I have added support for pak files. This will decrease the copy to memory stick rapidly. It also increases loading time a little bit. I have rewritten the memory management for those archive and they use much less memory. So it is acceptable to use them.
I èave implemented sound in Quake 2 now. It is still very buggy and slow. Exspecially the sound during the id logo is pretty ugly because a lot of power is used for decoding the video data. But during the game it is very nice even if not all sound data is loaded so far.
As I already explained in another post psp hardware clipping is implemented very badly. So you need to correct it in software. In the previous Quake 2 versions I did this with some flimsy tricks. So I never looked as bad as on the first screenshot, but this is the result of pure hardware clipping on the handheld.

Quake 2 - Faulty Clipping

Quake 2 - Fixed Clipping
Now I finally fixed clipping. During my studies I learned that it is much more important to optimize the algorithm than the code. And so the algorithm is pretty fast, but the code is not. Even if clipping is not slow at the moment, there is a lot of potential to make it faster, by using the vfpu as example. Since I have an algorithm I am happy with, I can now start to optimize the speed.

Quake 2 - Clipping Regions

Quake 2 - Clipping Regions
The screenshots show the different regions of clipping. The blur regions are sorted out early without even be clipped. I use a polygon prediction to decide that a surface does not need clipping at all. The green surfaces are tested, but not clipped and the yellow ones are clipped at the viewing frustum. The first screenshot uses no exact clipping, so the green regions never can reach the borders of the screen. The second image increases the size of the viewing volume. So more polygons are sorted out early. The threshold (ε) is still between the psp hardware clipping limits. When the tolerance is raised the chance of clipping errors is increased to, but the drawing is faster. You can set the clipping tolerance via console. The variable is called: gu_clippinge and a good ε is between 0 and 5, default is 0.
There are still clipping errors in the sky and the inline models like doors and elevators. I will fix this with the next version.
Flipscreen support
You can set gu_flipscreen 1 in the console to turn around the psp viewing by π (180°). So you can hold the psp upside down. I implemented this because I want to make Quake 2 as configurable as possible, but it is not in the menu because I think that not much players will use it and when you enable to it accidentally, it may be very confusing.
Master Server
I am trying this with my beta testers, but it is still not stable enough to use. So it is disabled in this release.
Please be sure you read Quake 2 Multiplayer Howto before you ask question. And again, if you have trouble, do not post in a random board, instead come to the chat irc.freenode.org #emergencyexit and ask my teammates or me. If you want to play a game, you are also welcome to challange me. I will accept if I have the time.
Did you read the text or just scrolled down to the link?
Download is too big to upload, link is at the bottom of http://emergencyexit.untergrund.net/...r-second-beta/
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July 8th, 2007, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Word has reached our ears that Lumines is already been patched and is shipping with 3.50 firmware on it.
All unpatched Lumines versions will have a 1.50 firmware update on it.
Sony catching on quick with this hack .
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July 8th, 2007, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from LoGikz:
Disk PsP v2-
--Made By LoGikz
This Following program can be used with not just your psp but with ANY
removable disk (Usb drive, Portable Media Drive, ect)
--Program Description--
1.Change your PsP Drive Letter
2.Change your PsP Label From "Removable Disk Drive" To anything you want.
3.Create A Shortcut on your desktop strait to your PsP Drive. Therefore Setting up a hotkey for your psp. Ex: F11 Brings up PsP Window
~Windows Xp
~PsP or Any Type Of Removable Drive
--How To Install and Run--
1.Download the file and extract the "Disk PsP v2" Folder to desktop.
2.Open the "Disk PsP v2" folder and run Disk PsP v2.bat
Now evertime you plugin your psp to your computer it will remember what
you set the drive letter and Label to.
EX: LoGikzPsP (X: )
I want you to keep in mind that Disk PsP can be used with ANY "Removable Drive"
such as usb drives or portable media drives. This program is !COMPLETELY! safe and doesnt
edit or add anything to your PsP.
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via logikzpsp
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July 8th, 2007, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspwner
Its been a while since I last visited the site, but I'm dropping by to introduce my newest homebrew game:
Rock, Paper, Scissors! for PSP
It's a full release, including one and two player modes, and a hall-of-fame-like "The Choices". Enter the following code at the options screen to unlock all of the choices:
QuoteRock (X), Paper (O), Scissors ([]), Shoot! (/\)
L+R - return to last menu
Cross/Down - Rock
Square/Left - Scissors
Circle/Right - Paper
Triangle/Up - Bonus throw or surrender
Start - Next Round
Select - Screenshot
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July 8th, 2007, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from YongoBongo:
7WiN v1.00
PSP Lua Windowing System by Yongobongo
Here is my entry for NeoFlash Summer Compo 2007, it is a LUA Windowing System that supports Multi-Tasking and is fast and easy to use.
I know there have been a few windowing systems written in lua released lately, but i was planning to release a shell i was working on for the Neo compo, except to be honest it sucked
So I made this windowing library
I plan to work on it some more and release a shell using this hopefully before the end of Neo compo
Here is it's current functions:
Window_New(x, y, w, h, label, icon, func)
Creates a new Window Object. eg. WiNdOw = Window_New(0, 0, 100, 150, "Test", Image.load("winicon.jpg"), test)
Draws the Window Object. Called before Window_Register(). eg. Window_Draw(WiNdOw)
Registers the Window Object and handles dragging etc. eg. Window_Register(WiNdOw)
Redraws the Window Object, usually used when changing window's width, height, label, etc. eg. Window_Redraw(WiNdOw)
Drags the Window Object.
Creates an Alert message in a window. eg. Window_Alert(0,0,"HI!")
Gets the numerical ID of a window. eg. var = Window_Get_ID(win)
Shows the Window Object on focus. Must be called within the main loop AFTER all other window object rendering. (note: you must specify 'OnFocus' string before a loop as a Window you want to start as focused)
Button_New(where, w, h, x, y, label, action)
Creates a new Button Object. eg. Butt0n = Button_New(screen,100,150,0,0,"Test",test)
Draws the Button Object. Called before Button_Register(). eg. Button_Draw(Butt0n)
Registers the Button Object and handles clicks, mouseovers etc. eg. Button_Register(Butt0n)
*NOTE: btn.overEffect decides whether the button uses mouse-over effects. This slows down your application a little bit if set to true, but allows mouseover effects. By default, it is set to false.
Button_Register(), but windows are supported. Usually used when using a button in a window. eg. Button_Register_In_Window(Butt0n)
Redraws the Button Object, usually used when changing a button's size or label. eg. Button_Reraw(Butt0n)
Draws borders around an image. This function is used to draw Window and Button object bordering.
Creates and handles the cursor. Used within the main loop of your application.
Checks if the cursor clicks on something. eg. if Cursor_Click(0,0,Butt0n.button) then break end
Checks if the cursor is on something. eg. if Cursor_MouseOver(0,0,Butt0n.button)
CheckBox_New(where, x, y)
Creates a new CheckBox Object. eg. n00b = CheckBox_New(WindowsXP.content, 10, 10)
Draws the CheckBox. eg. CheckBox_Draw(box)
Reraws the CheckBox. eg. CheckBox_Redraw(box)
Registers the CheckBox and handles clicks etc. eg. CheckBox_Register(box)
CheckBox_Register_In_Window(box, win)
Registers the CheckBox but has support for Windows. eg. CheckBox_Register_In_Window(box, Window)
Returns True or False (boolean). eg. if CheckBox_Ticked(checkb0x) then break end
I have included a sample desktop environment for it with the app, so you can try it and so it will help you learn how to use the library.
The sample has a Pong game, a music player demo, a pretty bad paint app and a test window with buttons in it that.. do stuff
Also, this runs best on LuaPlayer 0.16
Hope you enjoy this program and library and hope you find it useful!
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July 8th, 2007, 23:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Every week, PSP Fanboy gives you the release list of what's coming out for the PSP worldwide. If a game is listed as coming out in a different country from where you live, don't worry. Your PSP can play games from any region. While most of the gaming world pays attention to the new E3, a few brave companies have decided to still release games this week. It's not a huge list, but there are a few promising titles coming out.
US Games
- Riviera: the Promised Land
- Smash Court Tennis 3
EU Games
Asian Games
- Tekken Dark Resurrection (Best)
Release dates may always change, so you may want to call before heading to your local game shop.
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July 8th, 2007, 23:34 Posted By: Shrygue
It's a good thing everyone's still busy with The Darkness, Rainbow Six and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. This week's releases are a bit bare. Check out the full release list below.
US Games
EU Games
Asian Games
- Gundam Musou
- Railfan: Taiwan High Speed Rail
Don't forget that PS3 games are region free and make sure you call ahead before you head out to the shops. Release dates are fickle fellows.
All Pro Football 2K8 has a release date of July 16th, not July 10th as previously thought. Sorry, you've got another week to wait.
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July 8th, 2007, 23:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Realistic and powerful. That's how the cars in Burnout Paradise are being described. Their engines are loud, their paint is shiny, their speed is ferocious! Basically, the cars are pretty badass. Built from the ground up instead of using an existing engine, Criterion's Burnout Paradise has a lot going for it. The neatest feature is the damage physics. Ramming a pole at extremely high speeds will result in car-wrapping goodness, with details mirroring all those old crash test dummy videos. Sometimes, if you're especially violent in your wipeout, you can crack your vehicle right in half.
Online racing is incredibly simple and incredibly seamless. Invite a buddy to race and when the person accepts, the race begins. No menus apparently. No waiting. This was demoed on the PS3 version, so we know we'll be getting this seamless feature. Chances are, the 360 build will get the same thing. The point is this: we're not getting shafted this time.
Every street has "race rules" across the 30 square mile city, so again you won't be bothered by pop-up menus or interrupting boxes of text to tell you the rules. It's hard to imagine how they'll do this, since it's nearly unprecedented, but it sounds lovely. There's a lot more to this game than meets the eye (no, they don't transform), with tune-up shops, crash mode, freeburn and more.
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July 8th, 2007, 23:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
Unlike Microsoft, which dropped the original Xbox in favor of the Xbox 360 in manner similar to Paris Hilton dropping her old cellphone, Sony has continued to maintain the PlayStation 2. Somehow, Sony has managed to make a new iteration of the PS2 that decreases the console's weight by almost a third: they've trimmed the console itself down to 600 grams from 900 grams, and the power adapter to 250 grams from 350 grams. The external design of the console is unchanged, but the lower weight and the new components should decrease production and shipping costs. Not bad for an old console that continues to sell well (and sell for more than the value of its components, at that).
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July 9th, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: JKKDARK
via El33tOnline

Banpresto's Super Robot Wars: Original Generations for the PS2 sold a massive 346 thousand copies in the week of 25th June to 1st July 2007 according to video game sales tracking firm Media Create. This boosted sales of the PS2 from 12 thousand to 16 thousand this week, and may have had an effect on PS3 sales as they rose by 24% from 9.5 thousand the previous week to nearly 12 thousand. In second place was last week's chart topper, Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass with 137 thousand copies sold in the week. Phantom Hourglass is now only one week away from surpassing the sales of Twilight Princess for the Wii, and has already surpassed the last handheld game in the series, The Minish Cap.
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July 9th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Deadzone:
DeFlasher Edition No-Limits v5.5 - for 3.40 OE. By deadzone (8-07-2007)
//¡¡¡WARNING!!! You create backups before any other operation!!!!//
- Operation:
- He is always or to be the PSP connected to the shipper or to have the battery to but of half, by ai perhaps.
- To decompress to the root of memory stick and to say if to everything like always.
- The folder backups must be in the root, and DeFlasher
depending of your kernel mode in the recovery menu oe.
- During the flashing you will see the light of ms to blink, and a screen saying "done" when finalizing he himself.
- If for whatever reason the file to be flashing not this in his place the return program an error message, but there is no problem since it does not give the flashing of this file and us return to the main menu pressing "start".
1 - start: in the menu always reinitiates the program that estes and you it gives back to the main menu.
2 - Select: screenshot takes one from the main menu.
3 - X: enters the menus.
4 - O or X (depend the menu): the flashing is executed.
5 - In "the main" menu [_] activates usb and O it deactivates it.
- When locating to us on themes, etc the image is shown in the screen.
- It by the capture of rco to have idea of what file we are going to flashing.
- Image format is .png.(270x153)
- The liberating one of space in flash0 now free space 2.50MB.
- You must add in for example ms:/backups/themes his theme with any name and inside "captura.png" (270x153) for the preview.
- ms0:/backups/themes/my_theme/all rco's && captura.png., or battery, or background.............
¡¡¡ Infinites themes......!!!
- Now the new version DeFlasher Edition No-Limits support for flashing more rco's, vsh.prx and pspbtcnf.txt.
- DeFlasher Edition now add: PrxFlasher_Edition_v1.0; in the menu main (Re-direct icons XMB)
- This program modify the FLASH0 of your PSP System.
- Highly recommended to do a backup of your .PRX before doing nothing.
1 - Location Free Player (lftv_plugin.prx) Shuts down (R+X) and makes a reset (X) to the PSP when pressing the icon.
2 - Network Update (Update_plugin) is redirected to move XMB with Joystick.
Thanks to Team Xk for the mod .prx
File Name: DeFlasher_No-Limits_v5.5.tar.gz
Size: 8MB |
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/gnd8hi
Permanent Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?abdvl1ljtdh
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via deadzone
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July 9th, 2007, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
DaveX has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the PSP with 2 new features:
Hello everyone!
First at all, I want to thanks to YoyoFR and Laxer3a (Snes9x Tyl original
main coders) for their excellent work and make it public available.
Also I want to thanks Ruka for his fix to save states in ME version.
This patch to Ruka's Snes9xTYL++ adds two (possibly useful) features:
1) Quick save state [press RTRIGGER + SELECT] and
quick load state[ RTRIGGER + START]
2) Auto-fire [Available in CONTROLS main menu]
Greetings to all of you.
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via davex
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July 9th, 2007, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released game at Play Asia

Ninja Gaiden Sigma puts realistic battle and acrobatic ninja moves at your fingertips. As Ryu Hayabusa, you are seek revenge after your clan is massacred by the Vigor Empire. All you have are your wits, sword and skills. Your weapons & combat skills are great, but only time will tell if they're enough to beat the Holy Emperor and reclaim the magic sword named "Ryuken". Upload your Karma scores on the Playstation network & compare leader boards
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July 9th, 2007, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
New released today at Play Asia

Build and command a powerful WW2 naval fleet, comprised of battleships, submarines, aircraft carriers and many other types of ships.
Customize one of three unique flagships and decide how you want to play.
Each weapon has its own effects, from the mighty 18" main batteries of a battleship to a submarine's torpedos.
Dynamic camera angles, damage states and impressive effects highlight the action.
Combine the best of turn-based strategy and real-time action games: strategically position your fleets and engage in real-time 3D combat.
Fight the Axis powers and a sinister organization operating in the shadows of the great powers in 20 compelling missions, in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres.
Challenge your friend wirelessly in a variety of multiplayer battles!
Steel Horizon delivers both turn-based and real-time strategy gameplay, offering players complete control of a naval armada outfitted with battleships, submarines, fighter planes and artillery. As the American captain of one of three super-secret navy vessels, the player fights the Axis powers and a sinister organization operating in the shadows of the great powers in 20 compelling missions, in both the Atlantic and Pacific theatres.
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July 9th, 2007, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
New released today at Play Asia

Compatible with 3 consoles (Wii™, PS3™, Xbox 360™).
Works on both PAL & NTSC system.
Double scan conversion (31.5KHz for NTSC, 31.25KHz for PAL,67.5KHz for 1080p).
Output resolution: up to 1080p
Plug and play installation.
Connect compatible YPbPr device to your VGA monitor
Integrated YPbPr to RGBHV converter
Supports 480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p
Applications: TFT LCD monitor, CRT monitor, Set-top box, Display projector
Works on LCD TFT monitors
Video output: VGA
Automatic video source mode detection (film/graphic)
Motion-adaptive interfiled de-interlacing
Use power from USB port, no extra power supply needed
Comes with 3pcs of XCM cables, 1. PS3™ shielded component cable, 2. XBox360™ shielded component cable and 3. Wii™ component cable.
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July 9th, 2007, 19:01 Posted By: Anonymous D
This is my first lua release i have been learning lua for around 2 weeks now .
Console Grab v1.0
d pad=move hand
x = grab or confirm
circle = increase hand speed
square = decrease hand speed
L = increase console speed
R = decrease console speed
thanks to:
themepsp for the backgrounds
flashkit for sound effects
evilmana for tutorials
dcemu forum members for answerng my questions
Place folder in psp/game150 or psp/game with 1.50 as you game kernel. 1.5 users will need to kxploit the eboot.

attatchments seem not to be working so heres a different link to the files:
the purpose of the game is to catch the consoles as they fly by.
increasing the console speed means more points when you catch one , increasing hand speed lowers the points.
decreasing the hand speed means more points, decreasing the console speed means less points.
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July 9th, 2007, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Becus25: which is an expansion for the custom firmware 3.40OE-A
Readme :
Install it from 3.40 OE-A.
Improvements ->
· You have two recoverys
· On the second recovery (of IE), you can change the speed of
CPU, the acces by USB for ms0,flash0/1/2.
· Also you can enable a other autoboot located on
\psp\game\boot\eboot.pbp and do more things of the recovery of OE.
NOTE : For use the recovery of "IE" enable the autoboot option from the
recovery of OE.
Then power off the PSP, and power on it and press START to execute the
recovery of IE.
- becus25
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July 9th, 2007, 22:05 Posted By: eidechse34
The German homebrew community PSPSource.de has just started their Summer Coding Competition 2007. The closing date is 7 September 2007. You have to program a homebrew game or tool that has to show the splashscreen, you can see at the bottom, at the beginning for at least 5 seconds. The homebrew has to be an executable eboot which can be a kxploited-eboot or a single-eboot. The cding language is your choise. Please submit your finished homebrew to the release-forum of PSPSource.
A news to your homebrew will be written on the mainpage as soon as possible. Your tool/game is also performed at the weekly "Homebrew-Wochenschau" at Planet-Playstation.de and in the new issues of the "Blue Heaven" eMag. The PSPSource team chooses the best 10 tools/games and the community votes for the final winners. The winner will be disclosed at 09/21/2007.
The prices are:
1. Place: Burnout Dominator + 8GB Sony Memory Stick PRO Duo
2. Place: Rainbow Six: VEGAS + 4GB Memory Stick PRO Duo
3. Place: Legend of the Dragon + 2GB Memory Stick PRO Duo
Every winner also gets a "@pspsource.de" eMail-redirection. Special price for the best gameporting is a Go!Cam. The games to port are: Duke Nukem 1/2, You don´t know Jack or 4D-Sports Driving. The prices are not payable in cash.
You can read about the competition in German here: PSPSource Summer Coding Competition 2007
PSPSource wishes good luck!
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July 9th, 2007, 22:54 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Another one of those 2D Naomi fighters is making the move from arcades to the PS2, only this time Arc System Works isn't involved. AQ Interactive will be publishing the PS2 version of Arcana Hearts, a fighter from Ecole Software that hits arcades back in December of 2006.
The big draw for this game is its female cast, which includes girls clad in schoolgirl outfits, swimwear, maid outfits, and even priestesses! While the PS2 version doesn't appear to have new characters, fans will be able to enjoy the current cast better than ever through a gallery mode that features original character illustrations. And if that isn't enough seed for your imagination, you'll be able to enjoy fully voiced performances by all the girls in the game's story mode.
Gameplay seems to be fittingly flashy. Fights take place on a battle field that spans three screens high, allowing for fantastic aerial attacks. When heading out to battle, in addition to choosing a single warrior, you select an "Arcana" helper spirit, who adds to your attacks and defense.
If you were into the arcade version (don't be shy now!), it should please you to learn that Ecole is including two versions of the game, the original version and the current version, Arcana Heart Full!, which fixes game balance. The game will let you pair the old version of a character with the new version for a fight to determine just how good Ecole's balance tweakers are.
This latest arcade to PS2 fighter hits Japan on 10/11. It will likely stay overseas, so interested parties should import.
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July 9th, 2007, 22:56 Posted By: -Xandu-
Finally here, Xandu's Media Player 2 finally made public after I've worked hard on this baby!, at GBAX 2007 competition, don't forget to vote .
Turn your PSP into an iPod now! XMP2 is a huge update to XMP1 with lots and lots of features!
-Supported formats: MP3,WAV,MOD,S3M,IT and more!
-iPod graphics (including animated songbar)
-iPod clickwheel using analog
-Mp3 streaming (which means you can load up huge sized Mp3s)
-Music Quiz
-Album Art
-ID3 tags
-iTunes friendly (song info)
-Lyrics functional
-And much more inside!!..
Don't forget to check out the PDF user manual included inside .
Special thanks to:
Homer - For his great help and support.
GBAX and Emuholic for sponsoring XMP.
YoungLink(Cloud Kun) - For BETA testing, sorry for all the people who didn't PBeta test.
GBAX entry page.
Hope you like it .
Give feedback via comments.
Important Notes:
-Make sure it's in PSP/GAME150 to work perfectly.
-Make sure your music is in PSP/MUSIC or MUSIC (either of them Mp3s outside subfolders if you want them to appear in Music Quiz)
-Read the User Manual troubleshooting section. 
-Make sure your files don't have foreign characters (Chinese or Japanese for example).

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July 9th, 2007, 23:00 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Bits
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) just announced its new Playstation 3 price point and 80GB model. Along with the announcement came the system specs for the 80 GB ($499) and 60 GB PS3 ($499). The specs were the same, except for the HDD size of course.
In addition to the specs came a footer on the PS2 backwards compatibility on the PS3: "*Backwards Compatibility-- Some PlayStation 2 or PlayStation format software titles may perform differently on this system than they do on PlayStation 2 or PlayStation systems, or may not perform properly on this system."
We weren't sure if the footer meant that the PS3's Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesizer hardware was removed from both 60 GB and 80 GB PS3 models, so we contacted SCEA for clarification.
"The current 60 GB model utilizes a hardware and solution for backwards compatibility, namely the Emotion Engine chip. The new 80 GB PS3 will use a software solution for backwards compatibility, similar to that currently found in the PAL model," said Kimberly Otzman, SCEA Corporate Communications Representative.
So the 80 GB PS3 release will be the first NTSC PS3 to use a software engine for PS2 backwards compatibility. Will this mean PS3 80 GB owners will have to download updates to play their PS2 games on the PS3, as Microsoft has done with its Xbox 360 Backwards compatibility list? Most likely, but the PAL PS3 has has a head start in using the PS2 software engine since the initial PS3 release. A listing of PSone and PS2 backwards compatible games on PAL PS3s can be seen here.
An official US Playstation 2 Backwards Compatibility list has not been specified, but we'll post an update once it is announced.
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July 10th, 2007, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Flatmushrooms
This is a polished astro lander game, where the objective is to land your spacecraft as quickly and gently as possible and avoiding damage. It features: Load/Save games, HiScores, Unlocks, In-Game Instructions, and much more. It has been extensively tested and to my knowledge is bug-free.
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July 10th, 2007, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from hardhat, a_nub
After a long double shift at work, to your suprise, your co-workers threw a party. They wanted to celebrate your promotion at work, a reward for those long hours you work. But now, tired and quite drunk, you're objective is simple. Leave the building, to get to the subway, and go home to sleep it off. The only problem is that the elevators are broken, and this is a big office building.
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July 10th, 2007, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Raphael
This game is made around the Pokemon character Mudkip, a water-type Pokemon. You play Mudkip and your aim is to keep other wild Pokemon away from their target (which oddly enough is your food you collected).
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July 10th, 2007, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Nacho Sánchez, CĂ©sar Sampedro, David GarcĂ*a
Ozone is a mix of an action game and a puzzle game where you have to find all the blue gems in labyrinth-style levels without losing your air
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July 10th, 2007, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from Ville Helin, Jyri Luukkonen, Oskari Raunio, Jukka Rajaniemi, Lauri Rauhanen
Robots of Kill is a small RTS for 2-4 players. It's built upon All the Same, yet another multiplatform game framework that is also submitted to the GBAX2007 competition as a part of Robots of Kill.
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July 10th, 2007, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an entry into the GBAX Coding Comp 2007.
Release from James Higgs (aka Jum)
Webfest is a abstract 3D wireframe "tunnel shooter" based on Tempest, but targeted more toward home handheld/console player. It uses the E3D cross-platform 3D scene library which I am busy writing, and in fact started off as one of E3D's examples.
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July 10th, 2007, 15:27 Posted By: Helius
Hi all!
I have just finished my first game for the PSP. It's called Ozone and it's about a bouncing ball filled with air.
The mission is to find all the blue gems in each level and then proceed to the exit. The levels are full of items, enemies, traps, etc.
You can refill the ball with air pumps and green gems. You can also fire to the enemies if you collect yellow and red gems. If you run out of air, you die.
The controls are explained inside the game. Don’t forget using the brake button (square) to precise control the ball.
You can download it from here: http://www.geardome.com/en/ozone.php
Here is a screenshot:

I hope you like it! 
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July 10th, 2007, 17:20 Posted By: DEAD ANGEL

Change log in TIMES OF WAR (v3.0)
* Added the Game Tutorial (under options)
* The plane now performs a flip when you use a "Special"
* New eboot image
* Fixed alot of small bugs and made small changes(too many to mention)
* Fixed a loading problem from the save/load menu
* Added "LOADING" to all screens that needed it
* Fixed another bug in the "Manage higscores" screen(it would freeze sometimes)
* You can now skip the intro (just press start)
* Added some more sounds
* Cleaned up some code
Font: www.devinsideteam.nofxx.com
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July 10th, 2007, 18:33 Posted By: Sp3ct0r
Here is my entry for the GBAX Coding Competition 2007
AniMayhem is coded in LUA for the PSP. It is based on the Japanese game, Jump Ultimate Stars.
In case you don't know, Jump Ultimate Stars is a Nintendo DS game in which you can play
as various characters from many of Shonen Jump's manga. AniMayhem includes 18 playable characters,
from series such as Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z,
D. Gray-Man, and Black Cat. The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent by reducing their
health to zero until all their lives are gone.
PS: This game contains over 1,400 images, that took a long time 
Coded By: Sp3ct0r
Graphics: Sp3ct0r
Music & SFX: Sp3ct0r
Sprite Sheet Credits: Grim, Hyperlon, KyubiEyes, Neimad, Rei Master, Nemu, Alejo, menos_grante,
Nightmare, NeRo, Bentobox, Bonzai, Pakis Pride, and Illmatic.
--if i forgot anyone, just contact me and i'll add you to the credits.




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July 10th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
New weekly special offer from Play Asia

From the publisher: Every Extend Extra is a unique "puzzle shooter," brought to the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system by Q Entertainment, the creators of the critically acclaimed hit Lumines. Every Extend Extra delivers an addictive gameplay experience through a fusion of arcade-style shooting action, cutting-edge music and visuals. Players evade enemy attacks and then use perfect timing to blast their foes in a colorful display of explosive chain reactions. The bigger the chain reaction results in the higher scores and larger rewards.
Every Extend Extra for PSP™ is now available a region free US release version at discounted US$ 12.90 only.
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July 10th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The first in-game image for Sony's PS3 blockbuster Killzone 2 has appeared on the Internet.
The USA Today website hosts the image, which is apparently taken from the single-level demo being shown to press tonight at E3. Eurogamer's Tom Bramwell will be there, so expect our thoughts as soon as humanly possible.
Killzone 2 was one of the first titles shown alongside the PlayStation 3 two years ago at E3 2005. The lavish and eye-popping trailer had press salivating, but unfortunately concrete details were hard to come by.
However, Sony is still excited about its potential, and described it to USA Today as a "hardware mover" designed to show off exactly what the new machine can do.
It's a futuristic first-person shooter in development at Guerrilla Games that takes place on the alien planet of Helghan. Here you and your squad will be up against the mutated human Helghast race who have a few tricks up their sleeves - chiefly the ability to harness the power of the weather.
Killzone 2 will have multiplayer support and is expected sometime next year.
See image here
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July 10th, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony is preparing a high-definition movie and TV download service for the PlayStation 3 to rival that of Microsoft's current Xbox 360 offering.
According to Newsweek, the service will be announced at E3 in the coming days, but Sony will not go into details until the technology for the system nears completion.
Microsoft announced its own DLC service back in November and currently offers content from Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, The Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, CBS and VH1, amongst others.
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July 10th, 2007, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Bookmakers Paddy Power are taking bets on how much Sony is likely to cut the price of the PlayStation 3 in Europe.
The company is offering odds of 11/8 that Sony will reduce the price between GBP 376 and GBP 400 ahead of an expected announcement this Thursday.
Sony has reduced the price of the PS3 in North America by USD 100, prompting the bookmaker to offer six options to punters, including 8/1 odds that there will be no price cut at all.
Sony has only so far implied that an announcement relating to the the value of the console is due this week, with some expecting software to be bundled with the PS3 rather than a price cut.
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July 10th, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Answering questions in a conference call related to the company’s restructuring, Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick referred to the current ratings system as “somewhat nonsensical.”
"Having a rating that we don’t think is appropriate is one issue, obviously, and a separate issue would be if we feel the rating is appropriate and we can’t bring it to market…that seems somewhat nonsensical," Zelnick explained.
Take-Two's Manhunt 2 was recently given an AO rating by the ESRB, which effectively bans it from being sold as major US retailers will not carry any software with an AO rating. The chairman did not blame the retailers, however.
"I don't think that issue falls at the doorstep of the retailers. I think the retailers are acting responsibly, frankly, and I think a retailer has a right to say 'This is what I am prepared to put on my shelves' and I don't think it is correct to be critical of the retailers at all," said Zelman.
Even if retailers agreed to carry the product, Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft have indicated that AO titles are unacceptable for their consoles and will not grant a license to such games.
"I think, because this is a voluntary ratings organisation in the US, we have to be critical of ourselves if we've allowed a system to develop that prevents us from bringing a title to market that we want to bring to market," Zelman explained. "That's something we do need to address."
"We don’t see ourselves in the AO business," he continued. "Having said that, if we find ourselves in the AO business, it would be because we have a title that we consider art and entertainment, that we consider is appropriately labeled AO, and that we would like to bring to market and I am prepared to stand behind and Ben [Feder, Take-Two’s CEO] is prepared to stand behind.
"In that instance, one does have to ask oneself, what is the purpose of a rating if it means effectively a title cannot be released?" Zelnick asked.
Take-Two has still not announced whether the company plans to challenge the ESRB's rating or whether it plans to alter Manhunt 2 and resubmit it for a new rating determination.
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July 10th, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Activision has signed an exclusive partnership with Gibson Guitars to feature over 20 of the manufacturer's instruments in the upcoming Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, GamesIndustry.biz is reporting.
The game is also set to feature different wireless guitar peripherals, with the Les Paul guitar available for Xbox 360, Wii and PS3, and the Kramer brand for the PlayStation 2 version of the game. Both will offer removable faceplates for customisation.
"Our relationship with Activision began with the launch of Guitar Hero over two years ago," said Henry Juszkiewicz, CEO of Gibson Guitar. "Since then the game has had phenomenal success and many other makers have tried to compete with its popularity."
"We have combined the power of Gibson with the power of Activision to produce one of the greatest games ever for consumers," he added.
Activision said that it has also secured partnerships with all major record labels and music publishers and will be offering new downloadable content for multiple platforms when the game is released this Autumn.
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July 10th, 2007, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Kotakuite Zhabin points out that the Playstation Store is currently down for "maintenance." While this typically wouldn't be really worth a post, the timing does lend itself to vast amounts of speculation. Could it be that they took the store down to pack it full of trailers, demos and screens from E3? Or maybe it's down tonight so they can prep some new Killzone 2 information, since the Killzone 2 event is this evening.
Personally, I'm holding out hope that it's down because they're preparing to unveil and roll-out a new store with downloadable movies, music and television for both the PS3 and PSP... I also still believe in Santa Clause, so don't listen to me.
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July 10th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Ufoz has released a new version of his port of Cave Story to the PSP, heres the details for this release:

So it looks like this is going faster than expected. The port is pretty much finished apart from fixing a few bugs in the game's script where it doesn't work well with the wider screen. But it is playable from the beginning to the end, and very fun 
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July 11th, 2007, 02:45 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Kotaku

If anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya gets a PS2 game, it would be a dame shame if anime Lucky Star didn't. Fret not! This November, Lucky Star *is* getting a PlayStation 2 title. Players will take on the role of a new, original character, and the title is apparently an "adventure game." Doubt it'll live up to the anime's opener. Heck, the anime doesn't even live up to it!
And yes, hit the jump for the Lucky Star .
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July 11th, 2007, 04:51 Posted By: Xx FightStar xX
Via HandHeldCustoms The new official site 
Me again 
As promised here is V1.2!
This game is almost unrecognisable from V1.1 so please give it a go and leave your feedback.
Now where's my coder status!
----Bugs Fixed In V1.2 (this version)-----
1) Health Getting Drained Excessively at random bug is fixed.
2) Scrolling Bug that mainly happened when moving from left to right, is fixed.
3) Weapon Selection bug is now gone, would sometimes prevent the "Sniper Rifle" being selected.
4) Invincible enemy bug is now gone.
5) Weapon Ammo bug now gone, would make your ammo reset to zero if you had over 499 bullets.
6) Enemy "Overlapping" bug is now gone, enemy's never go "Over" each other now.
7) Level Completion bug while doing nothing but stand in the same spot bug is now gone.
8) Enemy's killing you during level change is now gone.
9) Enemy's retaining the same position at the end of the old level and the beginning of the next one, bug is gone.
10) Occasional "Image Load" error when reaching a certain level after a certain number of retry's bug is gone.
11) Master Chief being hit noise happening when he wasn't under attack bug is fixed.
----New Features In V1.2 (this version)-----
1) You must reach the "Pelican" ship to finish a level - No more camping!!.
2) "Pelican" ship transports you to the next level.
3) You now start with all 3 guns, but with limited ammo for each.
4) Gun collection now gives you more bullets than in the previous version.
5) Each enemy is stronger than the next, the elite being the strongest and grunt being weakest.
6) Bullet shooting is now in for both player and enemy (you can now see the bullets), thanks to Charlie at www.evilmana.com for the shooting snippet, needed a lot of modifying to suit though (done by me )
7) Ending scene is now in.
8) Ability to return to menu on completion of game (may be buggy, shouldn't be!.
9) 3 Continues upon loosing all your life's, after that press start to return to the games menu and try again.
10) All cut-scenes bar the initial one and end one have been taken out, I didn't like the feature.
11) More Level detail added, dead soldiers, crates etc.
12) Improved AI.
13) New Protective Shield image. Made by Buddy4point0.
So please try the game and check it out, it's quite a impressive shooter and has nice features like gun pick-up etc., and
is the closest and most realistic thing so far to being able to play Halo on your PSP 
Also thanks to my 2 beta testers Buildit92(aka death angel 117) and Gizmo356 for making my life easier by testing the hell out of it 

Please visit the official site www.handheldcustoms.com if you like the game!
Dcemu upload failed So I have provided these two download options :
Download here (HandHeldCustoms) Click Here
Download here (Sendspace) = Click Here
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July 11th, 2007, 15:34 Posted By: Ghoti
Hi folks,
I'm making this 3D racegame for a psp competition but I am not a music artist and I really need some great songs for my game.
Any artist who can help me? (can't pay you)
PM me!:thumbup:
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July 11th, 2007, 18:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
John Yamamoto, president and CEO of Square Enix's European and North American subsidiaries, has warned that gamers may still think PS3 is too expensive despite the recently announced price cut.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz at the E3 Media and Business Summit Yamamoto said, "We're watching the hardware trends closely and also the marketing strategy of the platform holders.
"I think USD 500 for PS3 is still a bit expensive for most gamers. Most of them think that price is still high."
Sony announced that the price of PS3 will come down in the US to USD 499 earlier this week, but has yet to say whether a similar move will be made in Europe.
When asked if he believes a European price cut is necessary Yamamoto replied, "Yes, because they started at USD 600 and EUR 600 - so maybe it would be better to come down to EUR 500."
His remarks come after Konami's Kazumi Kitaue questioned whether a USD 100 reduction will be enough to win support for PS3 - and hinted that Metal Gear Solid may no longer be a platform exclusive.
Yamamoto declined to comment on whether Square Enix might also considering taking the Final Fantasy series to other consoles. However, a Square Enix spokesperson said, "At previous E3s and other shows we've announced different Final Fantasies for different platforms, and I think that will continue."
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July 11th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix's John Yamamoto, president and CEO for North America and Europe, has said that the publisher is busily trying to work out if it can release Last Remnant and Final Fantasy XIII simultaneously worldwide, calling it "a goal".
"For one of our biggest upcoming titles, Last Remnant, we're working to simultaneously launch in the United States and Japan - and we're aiming for Europe. We're still assessing whether that's feasible, but it's a goal," Yamamoto told our sister site GamesIndustry.biz on the eve of the E3 Media & Business Summit in Santa Monica.
"We'll try our best," Yamamoto said when asked whether the same would be true for next-generation Final Fantasy. "Our ultimate purpose is to release titles in five languages at the same time. That is our ultimate goal and we are working on that," he added.
Square Enix has traditionally struggled to get Europe into line with launches in other territories, with translation thought responsible for a four-month gap between Final Fantasy XII's US and European releases, and the five extra months it took for Dragon Quest: The Journey of the Cursed King to materialise here following its North American launch.
Last Remnant was unveiled at the Square Enix Party 2007 last month with the promise of a simultaneous US/Japan release, while Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII - both currently only for PS3 - first pitched up at E3 last year.
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July 11th, 2007, 18:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Pre-E3 whispers say MGS4 will be a timed exclusive for PS3. Microsoft mentioned just about every other game under the sun at its E3 press conference expect Kojima's highly-anticipated action game.
It was only yesterday that rumours of Metal Gear Solid 4 being released for Xbox 360 hit a new high. Konami's head of US and European operations, Kazumi Kitaue, said that even though Metal Gear Solid was born for PlayStation, and the firm would like to keep it that way, steps may have to be taken.
We can only presume that he means steps taken to make the game multiplatform to cover the cost of the game's lengthy development cycle.
A source has told CVG that , "Kitaue is constantly trying to force Kojima to drop the game's PS3 exclusivity, which Hideo refuses point blank to do. Trust me MGS4 will be a PS3 exclusive for for months at least."
Microsoft's press conference focused on games that will be released this year (apart from Resi 5). There was no mention of MGS4 and 360 which makes us believe that Sony is still holding tight to the franchise. If it was coming to 360, Peter Moore would have made a massive song and dance about it. He didn't, probably because the deal's not been signed yet.
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July 11th, 2007, 18:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SCEE has told CVG that details 'leaked' on its Euro PS3 announcement planned for later this week are categorically not true.
Internet reports are stating that the company's announcement will include news on a bundle containing PS3, Resistance Fall of Man and MotorStorm which will have a recommended retail price of 514 Euro (roughly 350 quid) - in France at least.
The information appeared in a leaked internal email sent by a French retailer to a Sony key account manager based in Paris, according to website Spong, in which it was said the bundle would be available in France as of August 1.
The site went on to say it contacted the key account manager in question who verified the authenticity of the email and, when questioned, confirmed that the information within would form part of Sony's announcement Europe-wide.
However, SCEE told CVG that the reported details including pricing are "categorically not true" when contacted.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's announcement, which is expected to be value-related, will occur at around 5am our time on Friday morning.
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July 11th, 2007, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster

Divineo USA are holding a PSP Deal of the week and for the price its quite decent, heres the info:
Get all these essentials PSP Items for only $17.99
Package include:
- One Talismoon Evolve PSP Faceplate Blue Chrome
- One Extra Internal Battery of 2600mAh Lithium
- One Car Lighter Power Cable Adapter
- One PSP Air Foam Pocket
- One 2 in 1 USB Charging and Transfert Cable
- One Mini D-Pad Crystal Cover Protector
- One UMD Lighted Vertical Stand
Deal end July 16th 2007
Faceplate and 2600 battery would be 30 dollars so not a bad deal, lets hope they do more of these.
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July 11th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster

New from Linkers4u.com
The Ultimate Swap Disc includes all of the most popular software for your PS2 Console. It includes absolutely everything you need in order to play your import games, listen to mp3 music, watch multi region DVD movies, view Jpeg files, load and store your games to your PS2 HDD, Swap your games using Swap Magic and much, much more. In total, the combined retail value of the software on this disc is well over $100.00 USD - and you get it all for one amazing low price Includes all of your favorite SWAP PROGRAMS - ALL IN ONE EASY TO USE PACKAGE. HD Loader 3.5 HD Loader 7c Swap Magic 3.6+ HD Advance 3.0 USB Extreme / Advance COG Swap Loader PS2 Loader Magic Mem Zone Free DVD 2005 HDDump 0.8.1 CDLoader FTP SERVER (Can FTP games to your PS2 if you have HDD installed!) And more! No utility does as much as the Ultimate Swap - GUARANTEED! Total Separate value over $100.00 USD The Ultimate Swap is for the PS2 Console Download and run files from the Internet. Load and Store your games to/from your PS HDD Works on ALL PS2 consoles Play MP3 Files. Watch any region DVD movies Load Jpeg Images Boot software from a USB Drive Load homebrew demos and software. And Much, Much More!
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July 11th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster

New from Linkers4u.com
The Ultimate Swap Disc includes all of the most popular software for your PS2 Console. It includes absolutely everything you need in order to play your import games, listen to mp3 music, watch multi region DVD movies, view Jpeg files, load and store your games to your PS2 HDD, Swap your games using Swap Magic and much, much more. In total, the combined retail value of the software on this disc is well over $100.00 USD - and you get it all for one amazing low price Includes all of your favorite SWAP PROGRAMS - ALL IN ONE EASY TO USE PACKAGE. HD Loader 3.5 HD Loader 7c Swap Magic 3.6+ HD Advance 3.0 USB Extreme / Advance COG Swap Loader PS2 Loader Magic Mem Zone Free DVD 2005 HDDump 0.8.1 CDLoader FTP SERVER (Can FTP games to your PS2 if you have HDD installed!) And more! No utility does as much as the Ultimate Swap - GUARANTEED! Total Separate value over $100.00 USD The Ultimate Swap is for the PS2 Console Download and run files from the Internet. Load and Store your games to/from your PS HDD Works on ALL PS2 consoles Play MP3 Files. Watch any region DVD movies Load Jpeg Images Boot software from a USB Drive Load homebrew demos and software. And Much, Much More!
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July 11th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Monster® GameLink™ Gives You the Freedom to Play While Charging
Empower your PS3 controllers with advanced Monster GameLink PS3 USB cables. The PS3 only includes a 5 foot USB cable, which is too short for playing comfortably. The Monster GameLink USB’s generous 10 foot length lets you play while you charge your controller so there’s no more downtime while you wait for your PS3 controller to power up! Adding another USB cable for your PS3 also lets you charge more than one controller at a time, so you and your friends can keep playing without any wait. Add
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July 11th, 2007, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
PSPDemon is listening to E3 heres what sony have said so far:
New features for the PSP Include new design which is 33% lighter, 13% Slimmer, has Video Out and outputs high quality video.
Heres news from engadget

It's not quite the PSP 2 some might've hoped for, but Sony is giving its handheld console a serious refresh in the form of a slimmer, lighter and faster "updated" PSP. The new unit still includes the 4.3-inch LCD and UMD, but is 33 percent lighter, 19 percent slimmer, has sped up game load times and improved battery life. The only real "new" features is a video output capability to allow you to play your PSP games on a big screen TV. You can score one in September in the original Piano Black, a new Ice Silver color, and a Star Wars Battlefront special edition.
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July 12th, 2007, 00:20 Posted By: bandit
Sony have announced that a new PlayStation Portable, dubbed the PSP Slim & Lite, will launch in Europe (plus the US and Japan) in September.
The new PSP will be come in several designs. Piano black, Ice Silver, Felicia Blue, Lavender Purple, Rose Pink and a special pure white version with a picture of Darth Vader on the back. They will be released in bundles. One with a 1GB memory stick and Daxter and the other with the Family Guy "Freakin' Sweet" UMD. The Darth Vader design will be released in a bundle with Star Wars Battlefront. Each pack will cost $199.
The video-out port means the new PSP will allow users to experience UMD video, pictures and movies from Memory Stick Duo and game software titles on their TVs at home. It’s also equipped with an enhanced feature to temporarily store game data from UMDs, reducing load time during game play; plus the ability to charge the unit through a PlayStation 3 or PC via USB cable during data transfer.
Here is a video of it in action and a link to download the hi-res version:
More hands-on pictures can be found at T3.
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July 12th, 2007, 01:49 Posted By: F9zDark
From http://www.g4tv.com/e32007/blog/post....html#readmore
The Sony press conference kicked off just moments ago, and the company brought da noise with Sony style: Strong, assertive and with the kind of swagger that only comes from having won the last console war hands-down.
Here are some of the major highlights:
* Jack Tretton showed up as his PSHome character. Pretty nifty. the Avatar walked through Home Square, apparently a new area of Home.
* Tretton: "over the past 14 years...Sony has strived to deliver great entertainment and innovation... we're going to show you games, games and more games." Good call, Sony.
* A little love for the PS2: Tretton trumpets the console's sucess and says over 160 games are coming to the console this year.
* PSP Games shown include: SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals Tactical Strike, Wipeout: Pulse, Syphon Filter; Logan's Shadow, NBA '08, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Silent Hill Origins, Patapon, Tiger Woods '08, Sonic Rivals 2, Sims 2: Castaway, SWAT: Target Liberty, Final Fantasy Tacktics: The war of the Lion, Castlevania.
* Tretton showed off some of the awesome custimization stuff available on the PSHome. Kaz and Tretton virtually "hung out" and did a little comedy. Comedy is hard for everyone, so we gave them a pass.
* Kaz took the stage to cheers and unveiled the new PSP!
* New PSP: still has UMD, but it's 33% lighter than current and 19% slimmer. Improved battery, improved video, and can be hooked up to televisions! Wow!
* Kaz demoed the new PSP with a showing of Spiderman 2, controlled from a PSP.
* Comes in designer colors: "Ice Silver" Comes with Daxter and 1meg memory stick and The Family Guy: Frickin' Sweet UMD.
* Chewbaca (?!!) made an appearance to show off the Star Wars: Battlefront bundle. A white PSP with Darth Vader on the back. $199.99. TheFeed thinks corporate executives should not try to do comedy. Also, when did we drop acid?
* Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron comes out this fall.
* PlayStation Network is next up. 2 million users and 20 million downloads, according to Tretton.
* Phil Harrison takes the stage. Shows off five games from the PlayStation Network: EchoChrome, a puzzle game that look simply waste-your-life amazing. Like an Escher print and Line Rider had a genius offspring. You'll be hearing a lot about this one.
* Pain. Funny, destructive and as addictive as you can imagine.
* PS Network Games Shown include: Wipeout HD, Warhawk, SOCOM Confrontation.
* PlayStation Home: Home client can run on Sony phones. Without graphics, but with all the social networking acess.
* Harrison showed off some of the new spaces in Home. Very impressive.
* SingStar playable within Home.
* Harrison demonstrates the media capabilities of the phone/home connection by taking, then instantly uploading a photo of the crowd to PlayStation Home. Instantly uploads photos to Home. Very cool.
* Can push screenshots from in Home to webpages. Like MySpace but for fake you. 
* Ability to launch any game from PS3 from inside Home.
* Shows off Motorstorm from Home. Eagles Nest map available next month.
* 80 gig PS3 model will be priced at $599 and is available on August.
* Sales of 60 gig model have doubled, according to Tretton.
* Prediction of 11 million sales of PS3s this year.
* Sony "never waivered in belief that Blu-Ray was the way to go."
* Tretton trumpets a 2-to-1 sales ration of Blu-Ray over HD-DVD.
* 120 games. 15 exclusive first-party games.
* Trailer for Ubisoft's Haze, a PS3 exclusive that many, many gamers are waiting for. Amazing visuals. Truly breathtaking.
* Sony announces Unreal Tournament 3 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive! Also: user created mods will be transferable from PCs to PS3s. NICE!
* Other games coming: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise, Madden NFL '08, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Simpson's Game, Guitar Hero III, Medal of Honor Airborn, and Rock Band.
* Tretton announces another Third Party Exclusive: Metal Gear Solid 4, putting to rest rumors that the game might be headed to 360s.
* Metal Gear Solid 4 will be the LAST Metal Gear game...evar!
* Real Time footage of the game was shown, and it is as good as it could possibly be. Wow. Blown away.
* Metal Gear Solid coming in "Early 2008!"
* Harrison and Tretton went on to discuss exclusives coming for the PS3, including Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, NBA '08, LittleBigPlanet, (including a video of the game's building tools.) and finally, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
* Infamous, a newly announced title featuring dark, brooding visuals and plot.
* Pulling everything together: Impressive, in-game footage of first person war title Killzone 2.
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July 12th, 2007, 10:14 Posted By: gelon

New Sega Master System emulator for the PSP Released 
v1.2.1 SVN (July 11, 2007):
* Initial release
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July 12th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Activision, Midway, and Konami showed off their upcoming titles to E3 attendees in a series of afternoon press conferences.
“We are pleased with Sony’s recent PS3 price cuts, which will provide additional opportunities to increase sales on that platform,” said Activision's Robin Kaminsky. She noted that the company holds a leadership position on all three current generation consoles.
With Stan Lee, Tony Hawk, Slash, and Jamie Kennedy in attendance, Activision showed video footage of the upcoming titles Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground, Bee Movie Game, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.
At Midway’s conference, the focus was on John Woo’s Stranglehold. A downloadable demo will be released next month for the 360, PS3, and PC, with the final game coming in August. The PS3 version will have Woo’s Hardboiled film together with the game on one Blu-Ray disk.
Midway also announced a November release date for Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 and PC, as well as a September release for BlackSite: Area 51. A new demo of BlackSite will be available for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in August.
Last, but not least, Konami showed a trailer of MGS4 and announced that Silent Hill V is in development for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Original composer Akira Yamaoka is returning to create a new soundtrack for the game. The company also discussed upcoming DDR games for the PS2, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. For the PS2, Konami plans a line of educational games known as the Kids Playground series.
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July 12th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
NCsoft Europe CEO Geoff Heath has told GamesIndustry.biz that the games the company plans to release for PlayStation platforms are also likely to be released for PC.
Heath's comments followed the Sony conference announcement that NCsoft has signed a development deal to produce titles for PS3 and PSP. He told GI.biz, "We've got a load of stuff in development, primarily for PC, and we will with Sony select the ones that are applicable to do on PS3.
"Those are the ones we will do for PS3, and they will be exclusive to PS3, but they will also very likely be on PC."
Heath confirmed the games will not appear on any other console, stating that there are "no plans" to develop games exclusively for Wii or Xbox 360. However, he added, "We'll continue to talk to all the other console people, we're not cutting off anything with anybody.
"But in terms of what Sony's vision is and our vision is for online gaming on console, I think it's a good fit."
No details of game titles or release dates were announced at Sony's conference today. Heath said there is "no minimum and no maximum" to the number of NCsoft games which will eventually appear on PlayStation platforms, but that the first batch will be comprised of several titles.
"Our nice problem is to try and distill down to three or four titles initially that will do for PS3, and working out with Sony which ones they are," he explained.
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July 12th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Microsoft's Peter Moore has told GamesIndustry.biz that he doesn't consider Sony's recent PS3 discount a price cut at all - but rather a move to offer added value for the same price.
Sony dropped the price of the 60GB model on Monday to USD 499, while revealing a new SKU with an 80GB hard-drive and copy of Motorstorm for USD 599
"Interestingly, I didn't see a price cut, and I must have been reading the wrong thing. It's still USD 499 and USD 599," Moore told GamesIndustry.biz in an interview.
"They've added greater value in the form primarily of storage at the same price points."
For Moore, a price cut would mean a more significant drop in price - something his own company has yet to do with the Xbox 360.
"They've added greater value at the same prices. Which to me is not a price cut. I don't want to be anal, but I read "price cut" and I expected to see USD 399," he continued. "When I hear the words "price cut" I expect to see a price cut."
Despite Sony's claims of a doubling in sales of PS3 since Monday, Moore believes ultimately the consumer will decide if the price is now low enough.
"I did see Nintendo's George Harrison saying that it's ineffective, but the consumer will vote on that. Jack [Tretton] did say, anecdotally, that their sales have doubled [since the price cut], so we shall see," he offered.
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July 12th, 2007, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Capcom expects Sony to cut the price of the PlayStation 3 again before the end of the year.
Speaking to Reuters, the Japanese publisher's chief financial officer said he expected PS2 users to adopt the PS3 gradually.
"The number of PS2 users is still growing and a shift to the PS3 is on the back burner," commented Kazuhiko Abe.
"But, the price has been cut once and it is likely to be cut again towards the end of the year."
"I expect the [PS3's] installed base to grow gradually," he said.
Sony cut the price of the 60GB PS3 to USD 499 earlier this week, with SCEA boss Jack Tretton claiming double sales figures for the home console off the back of the move.
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July 12th, 2007, 21:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be coming to the PlayStation Network later this year, Sony announced at its E3 conference yesterday evening.
It's another free taster of what we can expect from the full Polyphony Digital game due some point in the future. The demo will let players race online for the first time ever in the series, using a bunch of shiny cars.
We imagine you'll probably be gawking at the hugely impressive graphics we saw in the on-stage trailer, too. "Look at the reflections on that," said Ellie Gibson, who was commentating live from the event.
The decision to release another Gran Turismo 5 teaser stemmed from the success of HD Concept earlier in the year, which let you race a handful of cars around a single track - supposedly powered by a version of the GT5 engine.
It was so popular more than one million of you clamoured to download it, according to Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison. And rightly so, reckoned Eurogamer hack Tom Bramwell, who went hands-on with it back in March.
So it all seems to be shaping up well for the iconic and immensely popular racing series. But will we see the full game before 2009, Sony?
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July 12th, 2007, 21:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here's the latest batch of screens for THQ's upcoming Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights racing towards its September 21 release for DS, PC, PS2, PS3 and PSP.
According to THQ Juiced 2 "evolves the current street racing scene, letting players experience the culture of the real-life HIN tour, the nation's largest lifestyle custom car show in an intense racing experience."
And with Need for Speed now going the way of the simulator with Pro Street, the street-racing car-modding scene is open for Juiced 2: HIN to charge in and take the top podium spot.
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July 12th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Viceo Games
Unfortunately there isn't much new to see in these God of War: Chains of Olympus shots, but we're sure the final game will fill our gore-o-meter quite nicely.
Excitingly, developer Ready at Dawn has revealed that it's planning to take advantage of the full power of PSP's CPU, which was unlocked in firmware update 3.50 last month, so the final game should look even more gorgeous.
We'll let you know how it shapes up.
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July 12th, 2007, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Silent Hill V is in development for Xbox 360 and PS3 and we've got the first two screenshots from the horror sequel.
Konami's also spilled some details on the plot saying the story follows war veteran Alex Shepherd who has returned from a tour of duty overseas.
"Alex", says Konami, "has taken compassionate leave following the news that his younger brother, Joshua, has gone missing. Initial investigations lead Alex to the small, insular community of Shepherd's Glen, before he finds himself in the mist-shrouded and seemingly empty streets of Silent Hill..."
The company's gone on to reveal that the sequel features an enhanced combat system "to execute a number of offensive and defensive moves to counter the eclectic collection of nightmarish creatures that dwell within the town", and adds we'll have more control that ever over the game's central character.
Silent Hills' puzzle side is being beefed up too, and composer Akira Yamaoka returns to score a new soundtrack.
Unsurprisingly Konami is talking of "an incredibly realised world of shadowy terror" with Silent Hill V thanks to the power throbbing away under the hoods of PS3 and Xbox 360. The first screenshots don't exactly show much, but hey it's a first look, right?
There's no release date confirmed as yet.
Screenshots here
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July 12th, 2007, 21:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Maybe it's because we can still clearly recall shoving little plastic Space Marines around on an upturned Subbuteo pitch, or maybe it's because we really, really enjoyed Relic's RTS Warhammer 40,000 on PC - but whatever it is, there's something very appealing about THQ's WH40K: Sqaud Command heading to PSP and DS.
Based in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe, the game sits in the turn-based strategy park and features single-player and multiplayer action. You get to strap on combat boots as the Space Marines of the Ultramarines Chapter and take the fight to Chaos over 13 missions in single-player. Multiplayer, THQ has explained, is team-based, players able to battle other strategists around the globe as either the Imperium of Man or Chaos.
It's out this autumn. Screenshots can be viewed via source link or here.
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July 12th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It just isn't E3 without a new Metal Gear Solid trailer, and Mr. Kojima has again delivered the goods with 6 minutes of internet-crashing Solid Snake direct from Sony's E3 press conference.
As MGS4 trailers go this is probably the weakest, but it's still looking stupidly gorgeous and the confirmation of a simultaneous worldwide release goes a way in softening the blow of the Spring 2008 delay.
If you've been paying attention you'll see that Kojima-san is up to his old tricks, saying this will again be his last ever Metal Gear instalment. Yeah okay Hideo, we'll see you again in 2010.
Video clip
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July 12th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: -Xandu-
Fixed bugs, here's:
-Font finally polished, XMP looks better now.
-The "weird" noises before playing reduced.
-The back bug that happened when you go back to the library.
-Play/Pause icons now look better.
-Scroll bar doesn't overlap the battery.
-Folder bug now fixed, all folders work.
-Analog in other menus now works.
-Music Quiz updated (now views score)
-Shuffle feature added BETA.
-XMP can enter folders in folders (like: PSP/MUSIC/FOLDER1/FOLDER2/Music.mp3), the XMB Mp3 player can't.
-XMP is a bit louder than XMB .
-Supported formats: MP3,WAV,OGG,MOD,S3M,IT and more to come!
-iPod graphics (including animated songbar)
-iPod clickwheel using analog
-Mp3 streaming (which means you can load up huge sized Mp3s)
-Shuffle mode
-Music Quiz
-Album Art
-ID3 tags
-iTunes friendly (song info)
-Lyrics functional
-And much more inside!!..
Known issues:
-Some songs may not have proper songlength
-Only ID3 v1 supported for now (v2 will be added soon)
-HUGE Album Art may not show up properly.
Don't forget to check out the PDF user manual included inside .
Special thanks to:
Homer - For his great help and support.
GBAX and Emuholic for sponsoring XMP.
YoungLink(Cloud Kun) - For BETA testing, sorry for all the people who didn't PBeta test.
pspfan - Great bug reports.
GBAX entry page.
Hope you like it .
Give feedback via comments.
Important Notes:
-Make sure it's in PSP/GAME150 to work perfectly.
-Make sure your music is in PSP/MUSIC or MUSIC (either of them Mp3s outside subfolders if you want them to appear in Music Quiz)
-Read the User Manual troubleshooting section.
-Make sure your files don't have foreign characters (Chinese or Japanese for example).
Report bugs here (if there are any).
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July 12th, 2007, 22:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SCE has divulged the first details on Sly Cooper dev Sucker Punch's Infamous, which looks a bit like a super hero-themed Crackdown.
Action takes place in a third-person sandbox world, where players can choose the path of either a hero or villain, each with wild and wacky super powers. Depending on the choices you make, the city will evolve as will your many wonderful abilities.
In the E3 trailer a moody main character picked up cars and flung them at a giant robot. At least Crackdown didn't have giant robots.
Look for the first media to trickle from Santa Monica soon.
E3 Trailer
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July 12th, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
At the Sony press conference, Sony revealed an exciting deal for popular MMO developer NCsoft to create games for Sony platforms. Geoff Heath, CEO of NCsoft Europe commented that "together with the Internet-enabled PSP, we're confident that SCEI and NCsoft can develop unique and compelling online experiences that will be found on no other platform."
NCsoft is famous for their work on games such as Guild Wars, City of Heroes, and Lineage. We're confident that their skills will come to incredible use on Sony's handheld.
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July 12th, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
A lot of people were disappointed that Sony's little conference at E3 didn't talk about the upcoming Rumblaxis controller (it's pronounced Rum + Blaxis because that's really the coolest name we could think of), but PS3 Fanboy was not surprised. We've been informed that Immersion has filed for some patents and with it, indirectly filed for the release dates of their new Sony peripheral device that "will now bear Immersion's Feel The Game® TouchSense® Technology logo." When are these peripherals to be released? September.
If you're having trouble connecting the dots, the Tokyo Game Show is generally in September. Sony had to save some of its announcements so they could steal the show at TGS, much like we feel they did at E3. So, for those worried, the Rumblaxis is coming in September and you know what? We would expect the announcement at TGS to go something like "hey, we're releasing this Rumblaxis controller we're holding in our hands tomorrow at your favorite retailers. Enjoy!" We can't wait.
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July 12th, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
The E3 videos are up, but that's not all. We got a full fledged update today - and a day early, too. We're sure you're itchy to hear everything that's available, so check below for the full list.
- The Simpsons Movie trailer [SD/720p/1080p] (free)
- Transformers trailer [SD/1080p] (free)
- 8 minute excerpt from Die Hard 4 [SD/720p/1080p] (free)
- Die Hard 4 trailer [SD/720p/1080p] (free)
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune trailer (free)
- PSN Event Trailer (free)
- E3 2007 footage:
- Feel Ski trailer (free)
- Folklore trailer (free)
- High Velocity Bowling trailer (free)
- Killzone 2 trailer (free)
- LittleBigPlanet trailer (free)
- Pain trailer (free)
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune trailer (free)
- WipEout HD trailer (free)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer (free)
- Nucleus starter pack (free)
- Nucleus full game (ÂŁ4.99)
So there you have it. A true mother-load of content dropped directly onto our PSN store front. We love you Sony. We're curious to see what happens to the US PSN store today too. It's usually that which updates on Thursdays, not the EU store. We'll let you know if/when it gets updated. In the meantime, enjoy your videos. And Nucleus. If it plays better than the Japanese demo did, that is.
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July 12th, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
PlayStation 3 owners currently have to deal with some headaches when it comes to third party multiplatform titles. Games like Rainbow 6 and GRAW 2 come months and months after the 360/PC versions and games like The Darkness that arrive on time frequently are missing a couple of the graphical flourishes found on the other versions. It's frustrating though not entirely unexpected considering the complexity of the PS3 and it's shorter time on the market. Fortunately, as developers get more accustomed to developing for the PlayStation 3 they're getting better and better at making the PS3 version of multiplatform games.
Codemaster's DiRT is a good example, while it is arriving a couple months after the PC/360 version it's not a huge delay and it appears that the time isn't being spent simply bringing the PS3 version up to the quality of the 360 version. No, according to a Gamespot interview, the time is being spent making the PS3 one better than the other versions. The developer espouses at length about how much better the PS3 version will be, saying that it "looks fantastic compared to the 360." He further explains that the framerate is better, that there is full support for all the PS2 steering wheels, and that they now have full uncompressed 7.1 surround sound -- something 'the 360 didn't allow us to do.'
Great news all around for PS3 owners frustrated about the delay of the highly anticipated racer. While it's always nice getting a game as soon as possible, getting a better game by waiting a couple months is a pretty solid trade-off. DiRT will be out this fall (around September) and according to the developer we'll also be getting a demo before then, so keep an eye on the PS Store for more gorgeous offroad racing.
Video here
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July 12th, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: Chameleon
Via qj.net
Homebrew developer becus25 has continued his effort in the world of custom firmwares, with this add-on to DAX's 3.40OE.
A couple of days ago, the developer came up with the first build for 3.40 IE and this IE-A2 is an improved version. becus25 also noted that aside from reducing the risk of bricking, 3.40 IE-A2 takes care as well the problem being encountered by users when trying to enter Configuration.
Since becus25 wasn't able to provide a changelog, or a Readme file for that matter, we're adding this notes from his personal page regarding this release:
* If you can't enter to Configuration-> on recovery menu (OE recovery), pressing L+Select the IE expansion, restore the configuration.
* Copy the PSP folder in the root of your memory stick.
* Then, run the flasher.
* The flasher will write on flash0/1 the IERecovery.prx (some source of it recovery is of Dark_AleX), and the abc.txt (configuration file for IE).
* There is the IeCtrl.pbp on pspgameboot called eboot.pbp.
* When you have the expansion writed on flash activate the autoboot function from the OE Recovery.
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July 12th, 2007, 23:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here you are then; the latest LittleBigPlanet screenshots fresh from Sony's media drink-fest.
Yesterday's E3 presentation summed up the game in three words - play, create and share. As we already know from the stunning GDC reveal, the innovative and super-cute title makes use of PSN to let you create levels and play with friends.
There's also a video that you'll find here shortly, after the internet stops collapsing under the strain.
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July 12th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Cartoon-like visuals of this quality would've been the stuff of dreams - even cliché - a few years ago, but here's Sony's Ratchet & Clank Future looking like a Pixar film on PS3.
Obviously the PS3 version benefits from developer Insomniac's experience from launch title Resistance: Fall of Man. Every weapon in the game is completely new, and Clank himself has some secret gameplay "opportunities" yet to be revealed.
Screenshots here
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July 12th, 2007, 23:20 Posted By: Freshmilk
Hello everyone, once aagin, and welcome to my 16th ever release; in which, we see a new game as our entry into Neoflash. Obviously, from the title, you know the game is called Dementia, but thats about it, but I'll leave filling you in about the game and such for a minute or two; I have something more to say.
For those who don't wanna read this, at least view the instructions in game; kxploited, no need for lua player. Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i
This, being a new game and all, is also the first release from a newly formed Dev team, Teh Peek-Uh-Chewz, led by me-- lolz. The team as it stands is pretty small, with me being the only coder, but for now thhis is how we aim to stay; the other people involved are:
Gr34t3st; a well known partner and friend who has been working with me for quite some time now. He covers GFX and some of the designs, and has brought about all the GFX in this game rather quickly.
Dante_emo Hunter; I've known him as a friend for quite a long while now, I'd say around about a year. This is our first project together, but again his GFX look promising from what I've seen of them. Although he hasn't put much into this release, what he did contribute was pretty damn good; we'll hope to see more work from him in future.
TheSilenceofNoOne; A good friend and a confident worker. If I were honest, he has no specific role in the team, although what he does helps to make the produce brilliant; His main jobs include providing music for the games, beta testing and finding glitches, and helping us with the more time consuming tasks. He has put a lot into Dementia, as we hope he will for other projects.
With that aside, I'll now tell you about what the game is like, and how everything works-- Firstly, I may as well mention that this is a puzzle game, and a quite abstract one at that. The aim of the game is to make all the tiles yellow, from the orginal starting colour of red, but this is much easier said than done.
The above description may seem a little confusing, so I'll try to break it down a little more. Your cursor is a simple white box that can move to any position in the grid; with the general rule of the game bing, the bigger the grid, the harder the level is. When you highlight a box and click it, its colour inverses, along with everything around it; meaning all yellows turn red and all reds turn yellow-- obviously, as said before, everything needs to finish off as a yellow.
I hope that made sense, but if you forget, most of that is quoted in the Instructions menu in the game, as I know it can be a little complex. Moving on, I'll now show you some screenshots of the game, as made by Dante_Emo Hunter and Gr34t3st; also, I should probebly mention that msot of the background were taken from Vibestar's inner star theme, as a recolour; he gave permission to use them, so thanks to him, too.

Good, no?
I'd also like to thank the BETA testers for the game, and there are quite a few of them. These are Glynnder, Coolraccoon, EminentJohnFrost, TSON, and others-- but thanks to you all for your nessecery feedback on bugs and just suggestions for making the game better, you've really helped us out a lot.
Well, thats more or less all I have to say; Please report any glitches and such, and we'll try to get them all patched up and maybe release another version with another 50 more levels before Neoflash ends. Vote Peek-uh-chewz, and thanks for reading!
Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i
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July 13th, 2007, 05:44 Posted By: JKKDARK
via CB
I’m thoroughly surprised at Yukes progress with SD vs Raw 2K8 for the PS2. I know that was one of the flagship exclusives that helped propel the PS2's success beyond the competition, but looking at it now – even in comparison to the PS3 and Xbox 360 – Yuke’s masterful visual representation of Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 on the PS2 is just amazing. Just check out the screenshots for yourself.
I nearly forgot about Triple H, given his injury and all (e.g., I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing now that he’s almost ready to return to active ring duty) but one look at THQ’s latest screenshot release of SD vs Raw 2K8, and it was quickly apparent who I was looking at. The detail on this game for the PS2 is just impeccable. Well, in comparison to other PS2 games, that is. Also, we’ve come to expect the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 to have break-neck, eye-busting graphics. But when a PS2 title looks nice, that’s when you break out the champagne.
You can check out the screenshots below of Smackdown vs Raw 2008 for the PlayStation 2. I’m sure THQ will eventually release some more screens for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version as well. Also, be sure to drop back in with our E3 Master-Guide and Coverage Center for the latest in game news and information.
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July 13th, 2007, 08:31 Posted By: Pegasus2000
Nanodesktop 0.3 with Eyeserver support has been released.
You can find other information here:
Nanodesktop official site: http://visilab.unime.it/~filippo/
What's new:
1. Introduced Phoenix Graphical Subsystem: now nd supports multithreading applications;
2. Added support for TextBoxes, ListBoxes, TextAreas, Control Boxes;
3. Introduced new API for VirtualKeyboard;
4. Introduced new type of VirtualKeyboard;
5. Introduced new API for USB support;
6. Introduced support for USB attach/detach;
7. Introduced ndUSBDrv.Prx for USB transfer mode support;
8. Introduced webcam API and fast video interface;
9. Scanf and derived functions have been totally rewritten;
10. Fixed a trouble that caused the missed inhibition of VirtualKeyboard when NanoC brokes data flux from stdin stream;
11. Added functions difftime, localtime, asctime, mktime, ctime, gmtime, strftime in NanoC;
12. Added function freopen in stdio.h
13. Introduce EMI and EMIEMU libraries for VFPU support and VFPU emulation (integrated in NanoM)
14. Fixed a trouble that caused a system hang when the user tried to open an image with DevIL routines, in KSU mode;
15. ndHighGUI has a new version of cvShowImage, fully optimized
16. ndHighGUI now supports OpenCV functions for webcam (cvGrabImage, cvReleaseCapture, and the other functions.....)
17. cvSumPixel.cpp in OpenCV now can use EMI interface for very faster and hardware assisted computations;
18. Introduced Eyeserver/Eyeclient;
19. Introduced BootScreen and ExitManager when the system works in KSU mode;
20. Introduced new API for manages mouse events
21. Introduced ndDelay and new functions ndHAL_HardDelay, ndHAL_SoftDelay, ndHAL_ClockDelay;
22. Introduced ndLP_CreateWindow (ndLP_AllocateWindow and others are deprecated now)
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July 13th, 2007, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gunner54:
Hi, This is my first homebrew game, that i have made through the help of all you guys at PSP-Hacks (PSDonkey Tutorials) and also from my own experience of C++ Programming. Hope you enjoy my game. I must say, it is very addictive. I was going to impliment a high score feature, but that got a bit messy =P
Please Rate out of 10 my first homebrew game.
Abillities v1.0 - Fast Reaction Game, Be Quick Or You Might Lose A Score!
MediaFire : http://www.mediafire.com/?fbygd2nxzzc
SendSpace : http://www.sendspace.com/file/8ni5m3
Download Via Link Above
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July 13th, 2007, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pirata nervo
Ok this is my first application after i released setgool, this is a calculator with animations in the menus, Remember that this is just beta, and in the calculator it take some time while choosing the numbers because this application uses an instant loading of images and music because i got some errors if i didnt this.
Download(14mb) this is because all musics inside of the rar.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Capcom Europe boss Mark Beaumont has warned that PlayStation 3 is lagging behind in the sales stakes - suggesting that it's software and not price which is the major factor.
Speaking at the E3 Media and Business Summit Beaumont told GamesIndustry.biz, "I don't think there's any way you can not say the PS3 is lagging. Just by looking at the figures, it's not performing to the levels the other platforms have.
"I'd say PS3 is probably in third place at this point; it remains to be seen whether they'll stay there or not." Beaumont said he has "mixed opinions" about the recent decision to cut the price of PS3 by USD 100 in the US, suggesting it may be the software available for the system which is key to boosting sales.
"I would say Sony's product portfolio has had more to do with holding them back than the price point of the hardware itself," Beaumont offered.
"They are still the cheapest Blu-ray player in the marketplace, so that's going to additionally help them to put more units out there. You may very well look at that and wonder if people are just watching movies or if they're actually playing games as well; that's something that has to improve over time," he continued.
"Also it's tied to the offerings they've had so far. As they get a more robust line-up, the tie ratio will probably grow. Sony will tell you that the tie ratio on the PS2 was fairly low when it launched, so they're seeing parallels between the two."
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July 13th, 2007, 17:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz at an E3 roundtable, SCEA president Jack Tretton addressed the issue of some games looking better on the 360 than they do on the PS3.
“If the games don’t look good on the platform, consumers aren’t going to buy them. As I said, we can’t control what third parties are going to do,” explained Tretton. “We can try to evangelize the technology and assist those guys in development and try to convince them that it is in their best interests to take advantage of the technology.
“If we have to drive the message on our platform with the games that do that…whether they are first party or third…those are the games we are going to focus on and those are the games the consumers are going to make their purchase decisions on,” he said.
"At some point, what’s the point of porting it over to another platform if it is not going to look as good on a platform that is more expensive? Why waste any money in development doing that?” When asked if that meant SCEA needed to pick up the slack with first-party titles, Tretton said that wasn’t the message he wanted to send.
“The message I want to send is, we can’t control what the third parties do,” he explained. “We want to encourage them as much as possible, we want to support them as much as possible…to your point, we want to give them the tools.
“We’re a company that does about 20 plus per cent of our business on first party, so believe me, I don’t want to send the message that we don’t need the third partes. We want to encourage them to maximize their development potential on our platform.
“But if a game doesn’t showcase our technology, I don’t know that is going to help either of us.”
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July 13th, 2007, 17:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony will not be cutting the price of the PlayStation 3 in Europe or releasing a 80GB model – instead it will be offering a Starter Pack containing the console, two games and an extra controller for GBP 425 / EUR 599
SCEA has greatly benefited from the USD 100 price cut announced earlier this week in North America, but Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has chosen to bundle first-party titles and a second Sixaxis controller with a combined RRP of GBP 115, rather than adjust the price.
Due on sale in the UK on July 18 and in Europe August 1, the Starter Pack will offer two Sixaxis controllers and a choice of two first-party titles from a list of Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm, Genji: Days of the Blade, Formula One Championship Edition and Ridge Racer 7.
"With sell through of over 1.2 million units in the SCEE territories to date, PlayStation 3 has proved to be an instant and huge success," said David Reeves, president of SCEE.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
SCEE president David Reeves has told GamesIndustry.biz that the 60GB PlayStation 3 will no longer be available in the US after stock sells out - which he predicts will occur by the end of the month.
Reeves was speaking at an E3 event to announce the introduction of a new PS3 bundle in Europe. When asked about possible criticisms over whether SCEE should have given consumers the option to pay a lower price, as SCEA has done, he replied, "Well, they're not really are they, because what the US are offering from the 1st of August is a USD 599 version with one game.
"All they're doing is taking their stock in trade that they've got at the moment of the 60GB model, marking the price down and it will all be gone by the end of July."
When asked to clarify if this will mean the end of the 60GB model, Reeves answered, "In America, yes."
SCEA announced a USD 100 price cut for PlayStation 3 earlier this week. A new 80GB model will come bundled with a copy of Motorstorm and will retail for USD 599.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Bookmaker Paddy Power is to cancel all bets on Sony's Euro PS3 price cut - refunding the original stake and handing out a free bet of the same value, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.
The bookie began taking bets earlier this week on just how low Sony would go with a European price cut, but the headline-grabbing novelty bet has back-fired following Sony's decision to keep the price of the console at the original RRP of GBP 425.
Even though one of the six options available at Paddy Power was to bet that the console would be priced between GBP 401 and GBP 425, the firm claims that because there was no reduction, the bet is null and void.
"We can only apologise and maybe we should have made it clearer in the press release," admitted Sharon McHugh, spokesperson for Paddy Power.
"All bets will be void, we'll refund the money and people will get a free Novelty bet for the same amount," she said.
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July 13th, 2007, 17:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president David Reeves has told GamesIndustry.biz that PlayStation 3 will be the clear leader in the next-gen console market within the next nine months.
"PlayStation 3, you will see, will be far and away the winner when you look at it by March '08. They really, really will," he predicted.
"It's something that is going to be a slow burner, and suddenly it's like a tsunami; it will just overtake you."
Reeves said he does not agree that Xbox 360 will dominate during the competitive Christmas season, despite recent comments to the contrary from Microsoft's Peter Moore.
"I know it's nice to focus on one year, but he said the same last year - 'We're going to win the holiday season.' But they didn't; they missed that opportunity," stated Reeves.
"I honestly don't think that just having the games on Xbox 360 is enough."
His comments came following the announcement that SCEE is introducing a new PS3 bundle which will retail for the same price as the standalone console did previously.
When asked if he thought GBP 425 / GBP 599 was still a high price to ask consumers to pay Reeves replied, "It is, but surprisingly, people are paying that amount of money for it. Now they'll get two games and an extra controller as well."
The full interview with Reeves is now on GamesIndustry.biz, which can be seen here.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Take-Two has demonstrated several of its upcoming titles at an E3 press conference, including the first live public demo of GTA IV.
The brief GTA IV demo consisted mostly of driving around Liberty City, which was described as "similar in scope to GTA: San Andreas, but intense in details, not only horizontally but vertically."
GTA IV is one of the most anticipated titles of the year and will be released on 16th October for Xbox 360 and PS3. The company said that they are not resting on their laurels, but are looking to redefine the genre that they, themselves, "created many years ago".
"We think it is going to set a new standard in interactive entertainment," said Take-Two's Strauss Zelnick.
BioShock, from 2K Games, was also demonstrated. This "genetically-enhanced" FPS from Irrational Studios will be launching in August for Xbox 360 and PC. "We think this is going to be a terrifically successful new franchise for Take-Two," said Zelnick.
Creator Sid Meier was on hand to demonstrate Civilization: Revolution, the latest instalment in the series which has sold over 8 million units to date. His goal is to make strategy a leading genre on consoles, and as a result, the game has been given a brand-new look with vibrant, emotional, and entertaining characters.
"Console players don't want to read manuals. They don't want to study to learn how to play the game," said Meier.
Civilization: Revolution will ship in spring 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PS3, with a DS version to follow in the autumn.
Finally, 2K Sports demonstrated their upcoming All-Pro Football 2K8 game, the company's first American football title since NFL 2K5, which sold over 3 million units worldwide. As the NFL licence is still exclusive to EA's Madden franchise, All-Pro Football allows players to customize the look of their teams and stack the roster with over 240 gridiron legends, taking them online to complete against other customized teams. The game ships next week on PS3 and Xbox 360.
"We want to be the most creative company in our industry, the most innovative company in our industry, and the most efficient company in our industry," said Zelnick.
Take-Two did not show or discuss Manhunt 2, leaving its future still up in the air.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In a first for console-based games, the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament III will be fully compatible with user-created content designed for the PC version.
It has been the done thing on PC for years that users create and import their own content into their games, including levels, weapons, characters, music and more, and Epic's push to bring the modding scene to the console is a significant revelation for console gamers.
Epic is currently testing transferring mod files from PC onto the PS3 via a memory stick, but wants to streamline the process further to remove the need for a PC altogether.
Maybe a PS3-compatible website hosting all the mods is a possibility, or an in-game online downloads menu.
It is said to be highly unlikely that this feature will ever make it to the Xbox 360 version.
UT3 is exclusive to PS3 this year on console. PS3 and PC versions are out November, with the Xbox 360 version coming in 2008.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games.
To understand what PAIN's all about, you're actually best off watching the first trailer from the game which is in our video player yonder right.
In a nutshell, it involves firing a character from a launching device and attempting to score points by stringing together painful collisions with a physics-powered environment.
Sony promises it'll be funny, in the way the FlatOut series elicits a chuckle or two in the fling-driver-through-windscreen minigames, we guess.
Anyway, watch the trailer. There's no release date as yet.
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July 13th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Yoshiki Okamoto has created one of the PS3's most intriguing fantasy adventures in Folklore, and this latest trailer gives you look at what's in store.
Okamoto is best known for his previous masterpieces Onimusha, Devil May Cry and of course Resident Evil, and his talents show in Folklore - the dark characters look like something out of a children's program, but have an air of mystery about them that's slightly sinister.
The plot? "Set in the mysterious town of Doolin, two strangers, Keats and Ellen, are drawn together to uncover a mysterious legend in a remote village that exists on the border between dreams and reality. They soon learn that the town serves as a gateway to fantastic realms, full of creatures, spirits and monsters. In order to solve the mystery of the town, and their past, the pair must journey through these worlds to uncover its secrets."
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July 13th, 2007, 18:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Red-haired Nariko is a feisty one. She's got swords and she doesn't hesitate to go berserk and wreck a few blokes... just for fun.
Or maybe the storyline has something to do with revenge, an invading king with an army of millions and some ancient sword that cannot be used by mere mortals.
Either way, Heavenly Sword is good fun, and we say that BEFORE attempting to stand Nariko in a corner and swivel the camera to get a good view of her perked, polygonal ass.
You know you've all done it in Tomb Raider.
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July 13th, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: Anonymous D
I have just finished work on Console Grab v1.1, fixing some bugs from v1.0 and adding new game modes.
Things done:
- New menu system, meaning less images and less errors due to overloading the memory.
- New game modes (see below)
- Speed changing made unlockable in normal mode
- Ending game menu now acpets d pad down to restart instead of x so you will see the prompt properly.
- Spereate score documents.
- Redone instructions menu.
- No more random crashes.
New modes:
- Sony - grab only Sony consoles, anything else looses points.
- Microsoft - grab only Microsoft consoles, anything else looses points.
- Nintendo - grab only Nintendo consoles, anything else looses points.
- Normal - as before but hand speed changing is unlocked at 2000 points and console speed changing at 5000.
- Avoidance - try not to touch any consoles for the longest time possible, more time = more points.
- Time attack - each console grabbed gets points and extra time.
Relesase format is just lua player and select console grab when lowser boots. The eboot is kxlpoited for 1.5 and cfw users.
Any more feature suggestions and tips feel free to post them here.
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?czznm01nwwn
Thanks. Anonymous D 
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July 14th, 2007, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Article via joystiq
We spent some alone time with the newly announced PSP redesign. At first glance, the system appears to be identical to the original system, but getting our hands on the system revealed that this is, in fact, a significant upgrade to the original. The most immediate thing we noticed was how light the system is: the original was in no ways heavy, but the new handheld is certainly much lighter, without making it too feathery.
The glossy new finish of the redesigned PSP is very attractive, although we're afraid that it might attract fingerprints much more easily than the already susceptible original. Regardless, the shiny new sheen makes the system makes the original look dull in comparison.
The new system is thinner, mostly due to the newly designed UMD door. Instead of having mechanical gears that force the system open, this system features a latch that must be opened by hand. The door feels much more secure than the original. According to John Koller, dropping the system won't result in the UMD shooting out, as it did in the previous system design.
In addition to being slimmer, the new system also has redesigned buttons that feel much more responsive than the original. The D-Pad and face buttons all have a little bit more resistance to them, making the tactile sensation of using the system that much better. Unfortunately, Koller explained that the analog nub is not improved, although we found that a brand-new system works better than our system from launch.
There are also a few more minor changes, such as the omission of the unused IR port. The Wi-Fi switch has been moved to the top of the system, where it's less likely to be hit by accident. The Memory Stick port was moved to the other side of the system, and is much more cramped. We're a little disappointed by that change, because it makes swapping the Stick out of the system a little bit more difficult than previously.
The new headphone jack (pictured, above) not only moves further to the left of the system, but utilizes a new pin system that allows for the system's video-out. Component or composite cables can be used for TV out, but Koller explains that PSP game output will only be component-compatible. Movies (of both Memory Stick and UMD flavors) can use either component or composite cables. The video output of UMD video is especially impressive, due to the UMD's high video resolution. Many people have forgotten that UMD movies are encoded in DVD resolution: 480p. We're certain that this new feature will make UMD movies more viable than they have in the past.
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July 14th, 2007, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Sony announced on Monday that it would be cutting the price of the PlayStation 3 in North America to $499 in the US and $549 in Canada, and that the 80GB version of the console, originally announced to be coming to Korea only, would also be making its way to North American soil in August. However, the company refused to say whether or not price cuts and the 80GB machine would also be coming to other regions, stating simply that, "This is a North American announcement only." However, a Sony Europe spokesperson said that an announcement "following on from the SCEA one" would be coming later in the week.
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves confirmed in a press conference that the price cut would only be for North Americans, and that the console would definitely not be getting a price cut from the current ÂŁ425/599 euro price (approx $850). Aussies are getting a similar deal--there will be no price drop from the current price of A$999. Another blow was dealt to European and Aussie gamers with the news that the souped-up 80GB version would also not be coming to the regions.
Instead, a new bundle called the "value pack" will be put on sale for the same price at which the stand-alone console was previously available, which will include a 60GB PS3, two controllers, and two games--Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm. This will be available for the usual price in all the regions, although the games would vary from region to region.
It's not all bad news--the new PlayStation Portable will be coming to Europe at the beginning of September in black, silver, and white "initially."
The new bundle will be available immediately in SCEE territories, and will be rolled out in all other territories by August 1. David Reeves commented: "Why are we doing this? We believe added value works in the PAL territories."
The Sony exec also hinted the company would be revealing three new features and services for the PlayStation Portable at the Leipzig Games Convention that would be exclusive for Europe, and that there would be "something really special" for the PS3, as well as more PSP colors.
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July 14th, 2007, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Sony announced on Monday that it would be cutting the price of the PlayStation 3 in North America to $499 in the US and $549 in Canada, and that the 80GB version of the console, originally announced to be coming to Korea only, would also be making its way to North American soil in August. However, the company refused to say whether or not price cuts and the 80GB machine would also be coming to other regions, stating simply that, "This is a North American announcement only." However, a Sony Europe spokesperson said that an announcement "following on from the SCEA one" would be coming later in the week.
Today, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves confirmed in a press conference that the price cut would only be for North Americans, and that the console would definitely not be getting a price cut from the current ÂŁ425/599 euro price (approx $850). Aussies are getting a similar deal--there will be no price drop from the current price of A$999. Another blow was dealt to European and Aussie gamers with the news that the souped-up 80GB version would also not be coming to the regions.
Instead, a new bundle called the "value pack" will be put on sale for the same price at which the stand-alone console was previously available, which will include a 60GB PS3, two controllers, and two games--Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm. This will be available for the usual price in all the regions, although the games would vary from region to region.
It's not all bad news--the new PlayStation Portable will be coming to Europe at the beginning of September in black, silver, and white "initially."
The new bundle will be available immediately in SCEE territories, and will be rolled out in all other territories by August 1. David Reeves commented: "Why are we doing this? We believe added value works in the PAL territories."
The Sony exec also hinted the company would be revealing three new features and services for the PlayStation Portable at the Leipzig Games Convention that would be exclusive for Europe, and that there would be "something really special" for the PS3, as well as more PSP colors.
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July 14th, 2007, 03:02 Posted By: FOL
We have released a new version of PSPUAE (Amiga Emulator for PSP), changes / improvements are listed below.
Why the BE, simple, its exactly 1 year ago since pspuae.com started. So as to celebrate this fact, we decided to name it 0.63BE for Birthday Edition.
Also, with the recent memory increase. There will be some big states uploaded to pspuae.com that were made for this version. 1 of the largest being 10.5 Megs.
V0.63 BE - FOL, GnoStiC, cmf update
- Removed alot of un-needed code, to gain usable memory (GnoStiC and cmf)
- Optimized code to gain speed (GnoStiC)
- Added alot of defines to gain speed (FOL and GnoStiC)
- Added define to allow 10.5MB of memory, not limited to 6MB anymore (FOL and cmf)
- Changed the delay and latency on sound to gain speed (FOL)
- Changed PSPUAE cpu cycle unit to 1, gave stable speed increase (FOL)
- Removed 0 from Auto Frame Skip, pointless as it slows emu down when hitting 0 (FOL)
- Removed Interpol code as it was broken since 0.60, removing this gave speed increase (GnoStiC)
- Fixed memory selection, now only valid amiga memory configs are selectable (cmf)
- Fixed Crash, where if no Backdrop was present PSPUAE would crash PSP (FOL and cmf)
- Fixed Interrupts setting in sound, as it was still produing sound (FOL and GnoStiC)
- Added AutoZoom check to PSPUAE reset command, so each reset will turn off AutoZoom. This
stops the crash with certain configs, when AutoZoom was on. Simply Press and hold
L & R Trigger and SELECT after reset to turn it back on (FOL)
- Removed support for E / X-Loader and Tiff exploits as it was causing crash in
Custom Firmware's. A seperate E / X-loader tiff version is released seperately (FOL)
Remember Read the README`s, if your not sure of an option, please ask in the forums.
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July 14th, 2007, 13:58 Posted By: Chameleon
A group of russian hackers have released a new PSP custom firmware based on the new 3.51 firmware.
DCEMU Can Confirm it Working 
Digg this news
Here are the features :
- All functions of v3.51 firmware retained - PS1 support, high video resolution, MP3 visualizer, internet navigation, PS3 connection etc
- Launch Official UMDS which require v3.51 firmware
- Direct launching of homebrews and demonstrations
- Direct launching of PS1 images
- Ability to alter the CPU speed of the PSP
- Recovery mode
- Multi-region
- Bugfixes
- Customize all your icons etc
Heres the release notes:
PSP 3.51 M33 Installation
1 - If your PSP is in firmware 1.50, copy the folders kxploitpatcher and kxploitpatcher% which are in the "1.50only" folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/ and run the patcher first.
2 - if you already have firmware SE/OE, copy the folder M33CREATOR to ms0:/PSP/GAME150 if you have 1.50 copy to ms0:/PSP/GAME
3 - Download the firmware update 3.51 and rename to 351.PBP and copy into the ms0:/PSP/GAME/M33CREATOR/ or for 1.50 users to ms0:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/
4 - Download the firmware update 1.50 and rename to 150.PBP and copy into the "ms0:/PSP/GAME/M33CREATOR/" or "ms0:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/"
5 - on your PSP, run the "3.51 M33 CREATOR". Once finished, the PSP will return to the XMB, and a new program, the "3.51 M33UPDATE" appears!
6 -now run "3.51 M33UPDATE".
7 - Once finishes, press on X to shutt off. Restart manually. -M33 Team
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July 14th, 2007, 14:13 Posted By: wraggster
Seybold also shed some light on the company's plans for the older PSP model now that a redesign has been announced. Will it be phased out as well? Or receive its own price drop?
"The newly designed PSP will replace the original PSP design starting in September with the $169.99 PSP Core Pack and the $199.99 Daxter PSP Entertainment Pack."
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July 14th, 2007, 17:15 Posted By: burrito
via 0okm's Blog
it use TA-085 PCB
it has 64MB main memory
(PSP-1000 main memory is 32MB)
it can use USB to charge battery
1200mAh battery can play about 3-6hours
(same as PSP-1000, but PSP-1000 use 1800mAh battery)
can't use PSP-1000 remote in PSP-2000
TV output
WLAN switch on top
I was hoping that the new psp's battery would last longer..
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July 14th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Rest assured, those looking for a clean solution to add hard drive space to their PlayStation 3 had mixed emotions when pondering the Hyperdrive. Thankfully, Team Xecuter has unveiled a much sleeker (and flexible) alternative with the Hard Drive Xtender; the device actually replaces the internal PS3 hard drive and provides a plug to run externally, where you can then attach your favorite SATA or IDE drive (with optional adapter). Obviously, the biggest boon in this setup is the money you'll save from not having to spend a small fortune on a dense 2.5-inch SATA drive, and considering that the Hyperdrive can reportedly be used in conjunction, the limits of PS3 capacity are now slightly closer to endless. Hackers rejoice, it's yours for a meager ÂŁ12.99 ($26)
Buy at Mr Modchips
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July 14th, 2007, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder at SuccessHK

Step into the boots of Boyd Travers, Private First Class of the 82nd Airborne Division and engage in battles throughout Europe. From rocky beginnings in Sicily to war-winning triumphs in Germany, each mission begins behind enemy lines, with an intense and fully interactive airdrop. Your ability to determine your own starting point dramatically changes the way each mission plays out. View the entire operation from the air, and then control your parachute to choose your landing spot. On the ground, gather your senses and assess the terrain. A wide variety of authentic, customizable weapons are at your disposal, each with distinct characteristics. Choose your path in this free roaming FPS environment. The producers sought counsel from numerous expert sources to make certain the game is historically accurate and as true to the WWII Airborne experience as possible.
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July 14th, 2007, 21:37 Posted By: Sonicboy 101
News from Mat_Dizzy:

PSP Earth 0.5 will not be coming out this month as dramatic work is needed to it to make it much better. PSP Earth 0.5 will come out sometime in august.
For now, why not download 0.2!
Heres some great new features 0.5 will bring
50+ Webcam Streams, Auto Connect, New Layout ("Passport to..." Style GUI) And much much more!
Blogspot here
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July 14th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder at SuccessHK

Skate delivers the real feel of skating in a fully reactive skateboarding city, utilizing the power of the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles for advanced new control and physics techniques to feel through every kick-flip and land every aerial. The game features professional skaters such as Danny Way and PJ Ladd. Skate's unique control scheme captures the true feel of skating -- with physics-driven animations, gamers will have a unique gaming experience every time they pick up the controller since no two tricks will ever be the same.
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July 15th, 2007, 09:02 Posted By: darksoft
I should have this next update complete by the middle of this week (I know it was supposed to be last weekend!). I just keep running into (making) new bugs to fix. I have however made a new video to show off the numerous new features and hot interface. I've also included a couple pics. Here is the new vid:
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Once again, for anyone who hasn't voted or did prior to July 2nd in the Intel contest, the votes were reset. If you love Hex please vote!!
Menu Pic

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July 15th, 2007, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from FooFoo
SO I was working on a clients psp today and was having trouble getting the sound lighting and the soled lighting working separately. I decided to use a pic as a switch so I could switch between the two lighting options via the home keys. Any way I got a bit distracted and started playing about with a little motor out of a mobile phone.
I tried using one before as a force feedback mod but had trouble getting the motor to turn off. Well this time I had a pic sitting in the bread board. . . so I figured Id try it again.
After playing about with the code an a few resistors I got it working in a few min. Works pretty well, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.
In basic terms what is happening here is the volt amp is sending voltage fed by the speaker to the pic, when it hits a certain pitch the pic turns on the motor.
I know this will all fit inside a psp because I installed 3 similar sized chips in a psp last week, so it shouldn't be an issue.
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July 15th, 2007, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released an update to his cheat application CWCheat.
Heres whats new:
* [ALL] now the selected row and column are marked to allow easier use of the memory editor
* [ALL] added a check aganist a case were a firmware function could return a NULL pointer making cwcheat crash the psp with the FPS counter enabled in some games when showing videos
* 0000023: [ALL] fixed the position of data entry lines when float was selected with the diff and fixed value searches
* 0000015: [ALL] added some checks in the diff search about unopenable/incomplete file to prevent crash during search when the ms is full
* [ALL] now when you leave the memory editor if you return to it from the cheat search menu it will go were you left it the last time
* [ALL] now it's possible to remove spaces in the memory editor by using MEMEDIT SPACE= # where # is 0 if you want to remove spaces and see the dump continuous (this will allow to have up to 23 bytes shown/line if ascii is disabled and up to 17 bytes shown/line if ascii is enabled) and 1 if you want to have a space beetween the bytes
* [ALL] Added a disassembler
* [ALL] The disassembler can create 32bit codes starting from the currently selected adress with CROSS
* [ALL] The disassembler will allow to scrool of +1/-1 istructions (+4/-4bytes) with DOWN/UP and +1000/-1000 bytes with R/L
* [ALL] The disassembler can show either relative and not relative adresses in the adress column you can change this option by DISASM AABSL = 0/1 if 0 it will show the relative adresses just like the other modes else it will show the absolute ones. In any case internally the adresses will still be managed as relative so cheat making won't be affected by this option and will work regularly
* [ALL] The disassembler can show values(normally offsets or adresses) also in hex if DISASM HEXVAL= is set to 1 in the configuration file
* [ALL] When you leave the disassembler if you return to it from the cheat search menu it will go were you left it the last time
* [GAME] Removed improvement to support 3.40OE as they made 3.51 completely incompatible and restored older startup systems (cwcheat will startup later for now)
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July 15th, 2007, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Anger, frustration, confusion, denial, shock ... these are all words that can be used to describe the emotional state felt by the gamer community after Sony went from officially announcing a price drop on Monday, to essentially making it all a moot point by Friday because the 60GB is being discontinued. The mainstream media still hasn't picked up on the story and we haven't seen anything from the Associated Press yet. You know, this may be considered a price drop, but the real phrase is "clearance sale."
That's what it is. We'll be right back to the price we started with in a few months, only with some "added value" thrown in (with a little something taken away). Is going back to the old price worth it to consumers for an extra 20GB and Motorstorm? Is that what Sony executives really think is going to move units at the magical $599 price? Of course, there is also the possibility that once the 60GB units sell out, the 80GB model will drop down to that price after Sony squeezes a little bit more cash out of having a premium model. If the 80GB takes the place of the 60GB the moment stock runs out, there will still be a PS3 model at the new $499 price.
As the story played out on Friday, there were many people at E3 scrambling to get what the real story was and comparing notes on the madness we had heard the night before. Most conversations regarding the subject started with, "There's no way it could be true." But here we are -- if the 80GB model doesn't receive a similar price drop, we'll be stuck with a new package for the PS3 at the old price of $599.
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July 15th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack a coder on the DCEmu forums has released a new version of his Sega Master System emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
v1.2.2 SVN (July 11, 2007):
Fixed a bug that caused subsequently loaded games to crash
Added an option to use a faster, less accurate sound emulation engine (3-4 fps difference)
Added an option to remove the leftmost vertical column for SMS games
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July 15th, 2007, 21:29 Posted By: burrito
Team M33 the releases of yesterdays new custom firmware have posted a quick update to their 3.51 custom firmware series.
The Update fixes problems with Wifi not working on some homebrew games and apps.
This update fixes a secondary effect that 3.51 wlan.prx caused in 1.50 wlan.prx,
which made wlan homebrew not to work.
Ths issue was caused by sony code of 3.51 wlan.prx, and not by M33 code.
It doesn't happen replacing 3.51 wlan.prx with 3.40 one.
- M33 Team
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July 15th, 2007, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
New Entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp by Almost219
Heres the release details:
This is my first entry in the NeoFlash Summer Compo 2007. This is a beta release of a new PSP flasher.
Even though there have been many other flashers for the PSP, this one is different, with exclusive features and stuff. You will be seeing many more releases before this compo ends.
The features include:
-- Unlimited Themes
-- Flash a countless number of files:
impose.rsc (NEW!)
impose.prx (NEW!)
vshctrl.prx (NEW!)
paf.prx (NEW!)
dnas_plugin.rco (NEW!)
video_plugin_videotoolbar .rco (NEW!)
-- Save a LOT of flash0 space mode: (EXCLUSIVE!)
delete DIC folder
dummy font files
disable camera
disable gps
disable remote play
disable rss
disable web browser
disable XMB Photo (still view eboot pictures and music albums)
disable XMB Music (still hear click sounds and .pmf files)
disable XMB Video (still work in game and view .pmf files)
-- Complete Firmware Dump (NEW!)
-- Recover any modified files
-- Battery must be above 15% or charging
-- Toggle USB mode using L and R
-- Screenshots are taken with Triangle
-- Simple file browser (credit goes to evilmana.com)(runs lua files)
-- Noob Friendly
It comes with all the files needed to run the program, all you need are the themes to flash now.
Thnx and I will be back with more updates in the future.
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July 15th, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Pj1115 has posted on his blog that he is to release his own custom firmware, heres the newspost:
Long post here, get ready. Following the release of M33 custom firmware, I decided to see how my custom firmware could compare when updated to 3.51. XR is based loosely on OE, but I have no association with or rights to OE or Dark_AleX (please see notes). Here’s the current info for â€3.51XR’:
Fixed compatibility issues with modules and resources. M33 has them.
Bug fixes.
Added XR recovery menu.
Increased theme compatibility.
Replaced network update with my custom firmware updater.
Load modules & resources from memory stick.
Config file on the MS for other configuration (spoof version number, recovery theming, etc.)
Ability to have all 12 BG images as full-res.
Features planned:
Play MP3/WAV/OGG on boot instead of opening sound. No length restriction.
Boot password protection & integrate an adapted HideMedia.
Ability to edit config file on MS from recovery & add MAC spoofing (only affects XMB - iDstorage is untouched).
Add super features such as dump/write NAND image, dump/write iDstorage to recovery.
Increase no-UMD compatibility.
Please don’t ask for it. There are four people testing it, and we don’t plan on having any more. If you would like to recommend some new features, though, please do say.
PJ out.
Now i cant verify this persons comments but as always in the homebrew scene i find its best to wait and see.
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July 15th, 2007, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya
This is a simple MP3 player for the PSP.
With the display set to minumum brightness the battery should last at least 9 hours.
With the display off the battery should last at least 11 hours.
15/07/2007: Released version 1.2.0
-Added equalizer's presets (press NOTE while playing a file)
-Reduced analog sensitivity
-You can now turn off the display pressing start while playling a file (display won't turn on if you press another key)
-Pressing NOTE in playlist editor will play the current playlist.
-Fixed: current playlist is cleared at startup.
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July 15th, 2007, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster

PvP_LostKnight has posted a mod to his PSP which is quite something as you can see from the pic above, heres the details of what he did:
my psp was built to play FPS (first person shooter) games. AND i FINALLY got a digital cam to take pics of it! tell me what u think about it!!!
Work done to it
*removed stock analog nub
*cover stock analog nub hole with glue and painted it
*remove speakers from previous location and placed them on top of the psp
*removed umd drive
*external analog sticks
*usb mod
*sealed up charger port with glue and painted it slightly
*see thru jewel on umd door
*preparing psp for 'umd storage device' mod that im working on
work expected on it
*either sound reactive rumble mod (when sound gets very intensive itll rumble) or trigger rumble mod
*touch up the look of the psp
*leds possibly if i get time
*'umd storage device' mod or sound reactive subwoofer mod or ir keyboard that flips out of the umd drive
--do take note that the right analog stick does not have a back cover on it because i wanted to show you viewers what it looked like--
--also take note that i havent done ne cosmetic work on it so it looks kind of rough but it works fantastic!--
Full info and pics here
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July 15th, 2007, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mervsduh:
Manage your playlists on the go!
Playlist Manager will allow you to create, edit and delete playlists. Playlist Manager will save your file as .m3u directly under your chosen music folder which can then be played by PSP music player. Playlist Manager has its own music player that will allow you to play your selected music file, folder or playlist.
There are no restrictions on file addition or removal - you can keep on adding the same file and in any order. Playlist Manager can recognize and play playlists and music files from sub folders.
FW Check:
Tested on 3.40 OE and will work on 3.10 OE. Basically any new firmwares that has ms0:/MUSIC as location for their music files. I'll create Kxploit versions if there is a need for one.
Playlist Manager music player is crude and I have only added it so that I can sample the music I'm about to add or sample the playlist I just made. But ultimately I have the PSP music player in mind to play it. Unlike other good homebrew MP3 players out there - I don't intend to use this as a player but as a quick playlist maker.
There is an issue with playing music files from computer generated m3u files. Playlist Manager can read them, add and remove music files from them but it cant play them properly and may even crash the app if you attempt to do so. But any changes you make on these computer generated m3u files with Playlist Manager will still be playable by PSP music player.
Future Updates:
v1.0 is just a completed Playlist Manager I made weeks back and all it does is create playlists. So v2.0 has the music player added so I dont need to go out of the app just to test listen what I wanted to add on my playlist. Im working on v3.0 right now to fix up some bugs and enhance the music player. Depends on the reception whether anyone would want this as a player or just a playlist maker.
Try it out and let me know if there are issues. Send bugs to mervsduh@yahoo.com
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via mervsduh
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July 15th, 2007, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Transport your Playstation 3 and all required accessories in total safety with this ultra complete travel bag designed especially for PS3. It can hold 4 controllers, all cables, batteries, game discs etc. And best of all, you can play without unloading your console, just open the bag, plug in the power cord, and play!
Specifications & extra information
- Direct plug and play
- Prevents against shocks and scratches
- Shoulder strap for carrying
- Fully compatible with different version and model of console system
- Storage function with console, game discs, controllers, cables and other accessories
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July 15th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China

Play all dancing games without the mess of connecting cables with this wireless dance mat compatible with both PS2 and PS1. It supports 2 players mode with a special select function, and requires only 2 AA batteries
Specifications & extra information
- Wireless function
- Supports player 1 and player 2 mode
- Fully compatible with PS2 and PS1 console systems
- Can be operated by 2 AA batteries or with a 3V ac adapter
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July 16th, 2007, 00:20 Posted By: burrito
via pspgen.com
Jas0nuk and lan.st admin, have just told us of the construction of a new 3.51 Custom Firmware.
A team of around 10 coders, who want to remain anonymous for the moment, have started, as for the 3.51 M33, to reverse the DA firmwares, to create their own CF 3.51.
Unlike the 3.51 M33, they do not wish simply to make a “3.51 OE”, as the 3.51 M33, but they wish to improve it, to make a version of a quality equivalent or higher than the Firmwares of Dark_AleX.
Currently under development, a date of release is not in talk.
Sounds great! 
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July 16th, 2007, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released game at Play Asia

1000 years have passed since Ragnarok, the war between Asgard, realm of the gods, and Utgard, home of the demons. Recently, the floating island of Riviera has been showing signs of the demons' return. With the gods no longer present , another Ragnarok would mean certain doom for Asgard. The decision had been made to evoke the Retribution and destroy Riviera ; the Grim Angels Ein and Ledah were appointed as the executors of this task . Now, two angels descend upon the Promised Land...
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July 16th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released game at Play Asia and at SuccessHK

Play the ultimate doubles game with the biggest names in tennis!Join #1 ranked Roger Federer, the world famous Maria Sharapova, and over a dozen other well known and up-and-coming tennis stars in the smashing follow-up to the popular Smash Court series!
Learn how to play from the pros – each one plays with their real-life styles.Don’t want to use Martina Hingis and her All-Rounder style? Once you perfect your approach shot, try your skill at one of the inventive mini games, or take aim for the #1 spot on the Pro Tour.Any way you slice it, Smash Court Tennis delivers an Ace on every serve!
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July 16th, 2007, 17:36 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GamersHell
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. has released the first trailer and new screenshots from .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption, the third installment in the .hack trilogy which will hit the store shelves in Fall 2007, exclusively for PS2. In .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption, players can utilize an enhanced battle system in which both Haseo and his Avatar Skeith will evolve into new forms to utilize more powerful attacks. Haseo can also obtain a new Awakening mode to deliver extreme damage to enemies. Having so much more power isn't fun if you can't share it! Players can now choose from 22 unique characters to join Haseo's party, explore two new towns, and conquer two new dungeons.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Responding to rumors that Sony had "confirmed" a rumble-enabled PS3 controller, SCEA flatly denied making any announcements.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, an SCEA representative said "The SCEA employee referenced in Kotaku's story stated that he had read in the news that third parties are working on a controller with rumble for PS3. His comments were taken out of context."
"Sony has made no announcements about rumble and PS3."
In a recent E3 roundtable discussion, SCEA's Jack Tretton noted that the company had settled with Immersion and a rumble controller is something that could happen "down the road."
"...The bottom line is we haven't made that decision and we didn't have anything to announce or introduce [at E3]," said Tretton.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has acknowledged a "conflict" between the latest PSP firmware, 3.5/3.51, and Capcom Puzzle World, which causes the game to crash.
However, despite having realised this and posted about it on the Capcom news blog over a month ago, the problem remains in place in the European version of the game, released on Friday.
It seems to affect the Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo part of the puzzle bundle primarily, freezing the game within a few minutes of starting. We managed a couple of rounds with our European promo copy before it locked up on a load-screen.
Capcom's blog describes the problem as "similar to the same issues that we experienced previously with PSP firmware versions 3.3 and earlier" - supposedly sorted out with firmware 3.4, but apparently not completely.
"We are aware of this issue, and are working with Sony on possible fixes as quickly as we can," that post concludes. However there's nothing else on the blog since then, and when we rang Capcom UK for comment this morning there was no immediate response available.
We'll let you know when we get a fuller explanation, and anybody thinking of picking up Capcom Puzzle World might want to give it a miss until there's news of a fix.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Firaxis chose not to do a PSP version of Civilization Revolution because it didn't have the resources necessary to complete that in addition to Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and DS versions, all of which are being handled in-house.
"The reason the Wii version is in [autumn 2008] is because we realised that we could free up enough guys to do it, but we don't have enough guys to then do a PSP version as well," Firaxis' Barry Caudill told Eurogamer. The other versions are due out in the spring.
"It's not like we're dissing the platform - I use a PSP. We put Pirates out on it, or rather we had Full Fat do it. But see this one, the difference here is we're doing all of these in-house and so for PSP we may have to - if it was going to come out in a timely fashion - we may have to farm it out. But right now we're just doing all these in-house and that's the official word," Caudill explained.
So, ditch your conspiracy theories. We'll have more on Civilization Revolution, which looked extremely handsome at E3, as we work through all our notes and tapes in the coming days and weeks.
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July 16th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Guerrilla Games has revealed a few more details about Killzone 2 in light of the game's impressive unveiling at E3 last week.
Guerrilla, speaking to Newsweek's Level Up blog, revealed that what we saw was the third level of the campaign, as Vektan forces launched from cruisers orbiting Helghan descend to the planet's surface as part of an invasion. The player controls Sev, a veteran of the Legion (special forces), and fans of the first two Killzone games (on PS2 and PSP) will be interested to note that Rico Velsaquez returns for a major role, while Lugar and Evelyn also feature.
Control-wise, there was confirmation that the in-and-out shooting of our demo level was a specific cover system, similar in some senses to Gears of War's. When you approach a surface, you'll have the option of pressing L2 to lock up against it and then lean around using the left analogue stick to fire, while hitting R2 without accompanying analogue movement will blindfire.
Guerrilla also revealed that the key to the game's unique visual approach is an array of post-processing effects that calibrate the game's use of light, shadow and colour. We found it quite mesmerising, and Level Up's comparisons to Call of Duty 4's similar effect are well-founded.
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July 16th, 2007, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A pair of new Grand Theft Auto IV screenshots have emerged on the good ship internet, on a vague Japanese website via Gamefront.de.
They look suspiciously like scans to us - you can view them here and here.
For those with sight/internet problems, the first image shows our immigrant man Niko aiming his gun out of a car window, possibly at a hooker/cop, and the second is an image of a Liberty City street bustling with traffic and pedestrians.
In case you missed the awesome second trailer, plonk your eyes on that, and look out for more GTA IV goodness on CVG very, very soon.
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July 16th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Gizmodo dug up the FCC filings for the new PSP, PSP-2000. Isn't that the greatest model number ever? The manuals and such have a bit of new details buried in them which they, and I, were able to dig up. Most importantly though, are the specific size and weight details:
The current PSP is 170mm x 74 mm x 23 mm and weighs about 230 grams with the battery in, while the new PSP is 169.4 mm x 71 mm x 18.6 mm and weighs 189 grams.
- The new PSP (PSP-2000) doesn't come with a Remote Control and you can't use the original PSP's remote with it.
- You can charge the PSP with a USB cable. (It takes about two hours, 20 minutes to charge with AC and five with USB)
- Display button: Pressing it changes between three levels of brightness, holding it for more than one second turns off the backlight and holding for more than five switches to video output.
- Its TA-085 PCB motherboard is homebrew-conducive.
- The battery has been shrunk from 1800mAh to 1200mAh, but retains hour rating.
- WLAN switch has been relocated to top.
- TV-out cable is not included.
- USB cable is not included.
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July 16th, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via: Mediumgauge.
A new version is out,it doesn't have many new features,but the new feature is worth a download.
- Ability to create folders on RAMDISK.
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July 17th, 2007, 02:33 Posted By: NoRecess
Hi there,
Some of you probably remember these awesome machines called Amstrad CPC, Atari ST or Amiga.. At this time (1990-1995), a common activity for programmers was to accomplish impressive visual effects demonstrating how powerful their machine was.
"Recession Maxidemo" is a revival of this wonderful period. It's also a present for my own experience - I started my first programming steps writing my own scroller in Asm/Z80 - a part of my life I will never forget.
It's made of 5 different parts, powered by some awesome musics and original graphics made by Yoyo and Mat.
Hope you are going to enjoy this prod guys!
Click here to download : http://www.yopland.com/Yopland/Downloads/recession.zip (tested with 3.40-OE)
Some screenshots via Spoiler
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July 17th, 2007, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Auraomega:
I've just made this file that can be used to lock out users. It has to be manually flashed in, but once installed is quite a secure way of keeping people out of your PSP. Its quick, as all that is required is a memory card to be inserted, the PSP does the rest for you, so no lengthy passcodes to be put in.
I've included instructions on the readme, and they are pritty straightforward, but if you get stuck (lord help us) then just PM me and I will try to give some assistance.
If you do like this, there is a small list of ideas, if you really want to see any of them implemented, or have any other ideas, just post on here.
Just as a warning, I'm running 3.10OE-A, so while it should work fine on other versions, it could come with problems, but as long as your sensible about back-ups etc, you should be safe.
I hope someone finds this as useful as I will
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via aura
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July 17th, 2007, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Another cool mod for the PSP from PVP
PvP here again! this next mod is extremely useful and very practical. i was with my friend outside and he had a modded psp with a see thru case with LEDs. now it was fricken bright out and he had his turned on and u seriously couldnt see the LEDs worth . if u cant see your LEDs whats the point of having them turned on all the time and waste batteries. now ive seen people install switches to turn on and off the LEDs but what if u could do it automatically and for about the same price as one of those switches?
Full details here
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July 17th, 2007, 17:22 Posted By: bandit
The PSP Slim is to hit Japan on September 20th and will be available in SIX colors - Piano Black, Ice Silver, Ceramic White, Rose Pink, Lavender Purple and Felicia Blue. Sony has announced that the PSP Slim would be available in North America during September but no word as to what colors will be available at launch.
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July 17th, 2007, 17:25 Posted By: bandit
With the launch of the official PSP Slim in Japan, Sony will also be releasing a digital TV tuner attachment for the PSP which will be priced at $57 USD (converted price from YEN).
I hope Sony is not screwing over the first adopters of the PSP. These new gadgets better work with the original PSP.
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July 17th, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Fully compatible with all PS3 consoles
6- axis-motion sensing
Ergonomic design for maximum playing comfort
Up to 20 RF controllers can play at the same time
USD 25.16
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July 17th, 2007, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Noxa has today posted a new screenshot of the game Atrain on his PSP Emulator for Windows.

Still no release date but for those interested or want to refresh their memories about how far this PSP Emulator is progressing check out this News Thread with screens.
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July 17th, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Japanese developer Nippon Ichi has unveiled the third Disgaea role-playing game - and this time it's for PlayStation 3.
But despite the leap in technology, early screenshots show little graphical improvement over the PS2 versions.
Not that it was ever really about the graphics, mind you, but unfortunately details of the new project are sparse, and Koei - Nippon Ichi's usual European distributor - had nothing to add.
We expect there will be little change on the strategical turn-based role-playing formula, which earned the first two games a splendid 9/10 from Eurogamer.
Nippon Ichi is also currently working on a PSP version of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, due for release next year.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Play.com is offering an interesting alternative to the Sony PlayStation 3 Starter Pack - announced at E3 last week and due to go on sale in the UK tomorrow, 18th July.
Sony's version consists of the 60GB PS3, two Sixaxis controllers and a choice of two first-party games out of Genji, Resistance, MotorStorm, Formula One and Ridge Racer 7. It's set to retail for GBP 425.
Play's version consists of the 60GB PS3, one Sixaxis pad, an HDMI cable and three games: MotorStorm, Genji and Resistance. It costs GBP 399.99, and you can buy it now.
Sony's E3 announcement focused on the fact it was adding GBP 115 worth of value to the GBP 425 SKU. Play, meanwhile, suggests that the individual extras add GBP 214.95. Altogether now: that's one expensive HDMI cable!
Will the new bundles push you over the edge? Let us know. And spotter's badges all round for the hard-working forumites who dug up the link in the first place.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has reportedly confirmed the long-running rumour that LocoRoco is on its way to PlayStation 3.
It's all come out at the "PlayStation Premier" event being held in Tokyo today. IGN reports that the new game is called "Buu Buu Cocoreccho! by LocoRoco".
It will be released through the PlayStation Network and support Sixaxis tilt controls. There's no word on exactly when it's due out, but apparently it's 95 percent complete at the moment.
There's been chatter about a PS3 LocoRoco before now, of course, what with the PSP version being thoroughly enchanting, and the decision to do it on PSN is probably sensible. It may also mean we get it sooner.
Watch out for more from PlayStation Premier as fingers tinkle across keyboards.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Polyphony Digital has revealed that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be heading to the Japanese PlayStation Network in October.
The announcement came during a presentation of the game at the Tokyo PlayStation Premier event, where a variety of cars were also confirmed for the demo - including some being shown at the Tokyo Motor Show later in the year. Online play was also confirmed, although there was no mention of cost - for now we'll assume it will follow in the footsteps of the HD Concept taster earlier in the year and be free to download, and then we can be in uproar if they decide to do something different. Go team Internet!
Prologue will, of course, offer another insight into what to expect from the full Gran Turismo 5 game when it launches on PS3 sometime in the future. As the name suggests.
Sony flashed the Prologue demo around at its E3 conference last week in Santa Monica, too, showing off shiny cars with reflections to make mirrors jealous. We were told to expect it this year, although we're still waiting for confirmation on a US and European date.
Unfortunately Sony UK was unavailable to comment at the time of writing.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Namco Bandai has revealed a new game from the creator of Katamari Damacy, Keita Takahashi.
It's called Nobi Nobi Boy, according to IGN, and revolves around a worm-like character who appears to stretch and grow - Nobi can mean "to stretch" in Japanese, apparently. What can it mean in English, readers?
So far only artwork has been released, but the style seems familiar and friendly.
Takahashi's whereabouts have been questioned ever since his name failed to be associated with Beautiful Katamari, the first next-generation rolly-action-puzzle-collect-'em-up.
We'll be keeping our news-ears peeled for more details on Nobi Nobi Boy, and will let you know when anything turns up.
Until then, you can get a look at the trio of art-shots released at the PlayStation Premier event in Japan.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has taken the wraps off a fresh expansion pack for the excellent Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops game on PSP.
It was unveiled at the PlayStation Premier event in Tokyo, and features new online multiplayer stages as well as new characters and comrade-recruitment methods - plus a fresh new single-player experience called Infinity Mission.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ - yes it's a rubbish name - will be sold as both a standalone product and bundled together with the original across Japan in September, according to IGN.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It appears that Sony has quite different plans for the PAL market where hard drive size for PS3 is concerned - the company has hinted that a 120GB version could well be in the pipeline.
SCEE president and CEO David Reeves has said the leap of 20GB from 60 to 80GB which has occurred in the US is too small a jump in capacity, but 120GB? Now you're talking...
"The difference between 60 and 80GB is very small, we just feel that going up 20GB is not worth it," Reeves told Norwegian website Dagbladet.
However, "If you go to double it, it's worth it", he added. "So maybe you'll see something a little bit later."
Speaking about the recently announced PS3 Starter Pack for PAL territories and why Sony's chosen to do that, Reeves explained "We believe added value works in the PAL territories".
"We don't think it's necessary to reduce the price", he continued. "We think that consumers want added value in Europe. We think it's the right decision."
The right decision from Sony's point of view maybe, but somehow we feel that European punters would be far happier to see the company cut the price of its console.
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July 17th, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
This summer has been a little dry on the Blu-ray release front, but we get a pretty decent batch this week. The most interesting movie is probably the remastered Fifth Element release; a move by Sony to help appease critics who dinged the initial release for poor visual quality and compression artifacts. In a rare move, they're also allowing the people who originally purchased the movie to send it in and get the new updated version for free.
- The Fifth Element (Remastered)
- Premonition
- Wild Things: Unrated Edition
- Waiting... Unrated and Raw
Other releases include an unrated version of the sex and drama packed cult classic Wild Things, the Ryan Reynolds comedy Waiting (another unrated treatment), and the Sandra Bullock mystery Premonition. Not exactly a bunch of the most high-brow movies ever, but good fun all in all. What are you going to check out this week?
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July 17th, 2007, 21:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
According to Sony's press materials, the highly anticipated RPG sequel is now 13% complete. Yes, a low, unlucky completion percentage. But thankfully it's not as low as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which is listed as 1.3%!
Funny. Anyhow, to celebrate the progression of both games games, we've got one new screenshot for each. Click to see in high resolution.

FF Versus XIII
Square Enix has been building upon since the first unveiling over a year ago, but it's safe to say that never have these two exact moments been frozen in time.
We'll hopefully see more from both games at the Tokyo Game Show this September.
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July 17th, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: tvrstl
Via www.PSPFanboy.com

Excited for Crisis Core? And the PSP Slim? Then prepare yourself to be double mega super excited (that's almost a Street Fighter title). Square Enix, king of the limited edition handheld hardware, is releasing a very limited edition PSP Slim for its release of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. The console will be bundled with the game as well as a Buster Sword wrist strap, to make you look extra geeky. The PSP itself will be silver in colour and will feature the Final Fantasy VII 10th anniversary logo as well as some artwork of Zack, Sephiroth and Cloud, presumably drawn by Nomura.
The special edition PSP Lite will be limited to only 77,777 pieces, with each one bearing its serial number on its back. The other interesting thing is that it releases on September the 13th, a week before the PSP Lite itself launches in Nihonland. We expect it to sell out on day one, though we hope it'll still be available when we touch down for the Tokyo Game Show. We would pay ridiculous amounts of money for one of these. Honestly. Ridiculous amounts.
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July 17th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: paintball1119
Mczonk of Team Emergency Exit has released a new beta release of Quake 2 for the PSP.
Heres his newspost:
At the moment I try to optimize the memory usage of Quake 2 PSP. This will allow all sounds in multiplayer and reenable singleplayer mode if enough more can be saved. It was easy to analyse where the memory is used, but the more interessting question is what memory is wasted. I did not want to concede myself but the most memory is wasted in at texture’s memory. Most of the textures are not power of two, but the psp requires that. So I reserve more memory than needed. This wastes around 40% of texture memory. When I would scale down the textures it would result in around 20% less used memory. This will be around 60% less texture memory. As a trade-off the graphics quality will be lowered.
Download at the official site here --> http://emergencyexit.untergrund.net/...ruth/#more-162
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July 17th, 2007, 22:06 Posted By: mikebeaver
Looks like Team M33 strike again, thanks to Jas0nuk for the infos
This update adds a new no-umd mode, it also is accumulative, so it adds the previous wlan fix if you have not applied it.
The use noumd config in recovery has been changed to UMD Mode. There are 3 options:
1. Normal -> this is the normal one that requires an UMD.
2. OE isofs legacy -> this is the OE noumd, that will be still kept at the moment.
3. M33 Driver -> this is the new NO-UMD mode added in this update.
To install, copy folder noumdm33 into ms0:/PSP/GAME150/ and use it.
The compatibility of new mode has still to be more tested, but we have seen that some games like GTA LCS and Xyanide Resurrection that didn't work in the old mode, work now. This new mode doesn't use the sony loader, but it is inspired by it.
-- M33 Team
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Also note there is a great custom firmware FAQ Here. Thanks to V3NOM for that
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July 18th, 2007, 01:43 Posted By: Basil Zero
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T) plans to phase out the cut-priced $499 model of its PlayStation 3 video game machine, leaving only a higher capacity $599 model for sale in the United States, the company said on Monday.
The revelation undid some of the praise Sony won from the gaming industry last week for its 17 percent price cut on the machine, a move seen as leveling the playing field with Microsoft Corp.'s (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) Xbox 360 console.
But one analyst said Sony had left the door open to further price cuts, saying another would almost certainly happen when the cheaper PlayStation 3 sells out.
Sony dropped the price on the PS3, which comes with a 60-gigabyte hard drive and high-definition Blu-ray DVD player, by $100 last week in a bid to boost sales of the console by passing on lower costs onto consumers.
It also said it would launch a new model featuring a hard drive with 33 percent more capacity -- 80 gigabytes -- and a copy of its off-road racing game "MotorStorm" in August.
A company spokesman said Sony would sell the $500 version until "supplies of that unit are depleted," estimated to be months after the August debut of the new, pricier model.
"We have ample inventory to meet the immediate needs of consumers in this territory for several months to come," Dave Karraker said in an e-mailed response to questions.
"We won't be making any further announcements regarding our PS3 model hardware strategy in North America until the 60GB model is exhausted and market conditions are evaluated," Karraker said.
The statement confirmed remarks by David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, carried last week on gaming news Web site GamesIndustry.biz saying the 60-gigabyte model would be discontinued.
Gaming circles voiced disappointment in the development with popular blog Joystiq.com saying it amounted to more of a "clearance sale" than an actual price cut.
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter said in a research note that Sony had an estimated 2 million to 3 million 60-gigabyte models in inventory and that once they were sold out, it would lower the price on the 80-gigabyte version.
"Although we think that Sony's public relations gaffe was unfortunate, we do not believe that the company has ill intent, and we expect the $499 price point to be maintained until early next year, when the 80GB model will likely by cut again to $399," Pachter said.
The PS3 lags the Xbox and Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s (7974.OS) Wii console in sales. The Xbox, which launched in November 2005, has sold 5.6 million units in the United States through May of this year.
The $250 Wii, with its unique motion-sensing controller, has become a surprise hit, selling 2.8 million units in just seven months after its November 2006 launch, compared to the PS3's 1.4 million units in that time.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 comes in three models priced from $300 to $480. The most expensive model, the Elite, comes with a 120-gigabyte hard drive but lacks the PS3's high-definition DVD player, built-in wireless technology and bundled game.
Interesting, but I would not want to pay 100 dollars more for just a 20 gb increase, and who knows how long the whole motorstorm inclusion will last
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July 18th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the CWCheat Database Editor from Pasky13, heres the release details:
Features added in v2.0
It is now possible to paste codes into the database.
Re-wrote the and 'Download and Install CWcheat' function. It now downloads directly from cwcheat's homepage and should be faster.
Fixed where the application downloads the latest database file since the old host seems to have gone down.
Minor bug fixes throughout.
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via pasky13
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July 18th, 2007, 08:14 Posted By: lmtlmt
This is the demo or public beta if you will of My newest homebrew Project.
At this point in time there is one tutorial level that gives you the basic elements of the game, at the moment the enemies do not have animation only your character does.
The controls are as follows:
Walk leftand right: D-pad
Run(only right at the moment): R1
Punch: cross
Throw weapon: Circle
to play Copy Naruto and Naruto% to you game folder, for 1.5 or any OE firmware
things to add in the next version:
More levels
Enemy animation
and thats all you need to know at this point
here are a few screenshots(note some of these are taken from the new version i am workign on so might not be exactly accurate to this version)

this site upload will not work for me so heres the megaupload link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2RX1PB9O
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July 18th, 2007, 14:25 Posted By: Chameleon
This is a new update correcting some No-UMD bugs found in the previous update, and a little extra treat... plugins for 1.5 homebrew:
1. Fixed the exit to the XMB with error 80020001
that happened to some people, or reduce its appearance.
2. Added plugins options for homebrew that use 1.50 kernel. The file to be used for it,
is ms0:/seplugins/game150.txt.
There is other bugfix, but we don't know if it will make much difference in compatibility.There are also other corrections but we do not know if they will influence enormously the compatibility of the New fashion No-UMD.
This is an accumulative update, it has the features of previous updates (wlan fix, no umd)
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Via M33 Team Homepage (donate to them)
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July 18th, 2007, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Enjoy all guitar games on Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 with XFPS Mini Guitar. Reduced size but with a great feeling, it is perfect for home but can be carried around easily!
Only half the size of a classic PS2 guitar, the XFPS Mini guitar is compatible with all Playstation 2 guitar games but also with Xbox 360 when used with XFPS 360 (regular or pro version).
Made of wood, it has a nice authentic feeling and is very convenient to play.
Specifications & extra information
- Half the size of classic PS2 guitar
- Compatible with Playstation 2 and Xbox 360
- Includes all buttons for PS2 and Xbox 360
- Made of wood for authentic feeling
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July 18th, 2007, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Test30:
Today I go my following update of the Flasher Xmb
is Flasher Xmb v0.6!!!
New features:
*New Aspect in the Menu
*Fixed Some bug
*Now have protection for no have semibrick
now it has a new folder that is called PRX (there it is where one save the PRX to flashear)
in memory stick
in order to be able to flashear rco or font you must put it in its respective folders that are:
NOTE: the folder BAK I do not touch it is for the operation to suppress space in flash0
NOTE2: the archives that are going to you to erase the liberating one of flash0
are the sources Chinese and Japanese.
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July 18th, 2007, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Test30:
The CFW Expansion Lite Edition - A - Update 2
this Custom FW is updated from an OE (first they have to install
the FW 3.40 OE)
The user what this in CFW 3.40 LE-A I recommended what uninstaller
the FW 3.40 LE-A to 3.40 OE-A.
*added Dump of flash0
*added Dump of flash1
*First need the FW 3.40 OE-A
*Later copy the Folder 340leflasher and paste in GAME150
*Initiates the Installation
*and Done!! now this one in CFW 3.40 LE-A!!!
*Copy the Folder LEuninstaller and paste in folder GAME150
*Initiates the Aplication
*Done now again in FW 3.40 OE-A
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July 18th, 2007, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Test30:
The CFW Expansion 3.51 Lite Edition - A
this Custom FW is updated from an M33 (first they have to install
the FW 3.51 M33)
*added Dump of BOOT.BIN(UMD)
*added Dump of Flash in rom(Lower of 16MB)
*added the option of run program at PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP(this option no is same of powerful what of the M33 but can load the 90% of the Eboot but no can load the special prx of the recovery of OE and M33)
*Fixed some bug
*The recovery of FW 3.51 M33 have the patch of NO-UMD
*First need the FW 3.51 M33
*Later copy the Folder 351leflasher and paste in GAME150
*Initiates the Installation
*and Done!! now this one in CFW 3.51 LE-A!!!
*Copy the Folder LEuninstaller and paste in folder GAME150
*Initiates the Aplication
*Done now again in FW 3.51 M33
UPDATE:I recommend to have first the patcher of Fix wlan+Update No-Umd
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July 18th, 2007, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Devsgen comes new details of the impressive 3D Homebrew racing game Vertex and a video, heres the translation of the news.
Here some small information on the advance of Racing Vertex by the TEAM Origin Vertex, as well as a video. Since the last WIP, the play evolved/moved much. Innovations: - Screens of starting and menus - The VERY advanced code multiplayer (with dimensions waiter and customer) - Graphic Improvements To come: - Improvement of the visual effects to come - Improvement of the physical engine for the jumps and skids With final, the possibilities will be: - A solo mode (with recording and classification of the personal records on each circuit via Wifi if configured) - Multijouor an at the same time maximum mode with 4 players (initially) in infrastructure, and later, into Ad hoc
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July 18th, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from S3ven
Outlook to PSPoste Contacts Importer allow you to import your Outlook contacts to the open source PSP Mail Client PSPoste.
This second version should be compatible with Outlook 2000, 2002/XP, 2003 and 2007.
Program's features :
Import your contacts emails, phones and address from Outlook to PSPoste.
Update an existing contacts file.
Select severals contacts folder.
Include the contacts that don't have an email address.
Preview the generated XML code
Download at Official Site
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July 18th, 2007, 22:24 Posted By: Accordion
The Darkness Game Myspace
"Wednesday, July 18, 2007
An update on Multiplayer
Here's what's going on with the multiplayer:
Right now, it seems that the main cause of the lag is the bandwidth of those hosting multiplayer games. We didn't get any lag problems during our testing because we have pretty good bandwidth speeds. We are working on a patch that will hopefully solve this problem.
We aim to release the patch sometime next month for the 360. For PS3 users, we are waiting for Sony's August patch for our update to work. After that happens, we'll fix your multiplayer, too"
Seems PS3 users have a new firmware update to look forward to... maybe?
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July 19th, 2007, 02:21 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via M33 Site
A new firmware update from Team-M33 has been released.
- Fixes a bug that didn't let Socom US Navy Seals: Fireteam Bravo 2 and Virtua Tennis 3 to load in the new No-UMD mode.
Thanks to NintendoGuy for the news.
Do not forget to Donate:
- Click here to donate.
- Or go to the bottom of the M33 Site and click the Donate button.
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July 19th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Becus25 has released an expansion for the M33 firmware, heres the release notes:
This software is a expansion for the firmware 3.51 MM3.
Flash it and you will have two recovery menus.Also on it version you can uninstall it from recovery menu.Autoboot now activate again.For use this software, use the flasher and activate the autoboot option from the recovery of Dax/MM3.Then , start the PSP with start button pressed to load the Ie recovery.It contain a aditional autoboot option. For use it, activate the autoboot option from the ie recovery, then put a eboot.pbp on \psp\game\ieboot .
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July 19th, 2007, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A high quality HDMI cable for your HDTV. Ideal for PLAYSTATION 3, XBOX 360 Elite and other HDMI compatible devices.
Maximum performance for your home theater system with high-end digital video and multi-channel audio in a single cable. Gold plated contacts for maximum signal transfer and corrosion resistance.
With Gold plated contacts for maximum signal transfer and corrosion resistance, the HDMI cable enhances maximum performance for your home theatre system with high-end digital video and multi-channel audio. This cable is the best solution for high definition display and guaranteed for resolutions up to 1080p without signal degradation
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July 19th, 2007, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The HDMI SWITCHER is a HDMI HUB that allows you to connect your console or dvd player to a tv and easily switch from a device to another with a simple remote control press.
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July 19th, 2007, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
via inquirer
SONY man David Reeves hinted a version of the PlayStation 3 in Europe could have hard drive capacity of 120GB.
He said it would not be worthwhile for punters to upgrade from 60GB to 80GB but a larger, 120GB version might be something Sony would look at. Reeves justified the fact that Sony released a Starter Pack for its PS3 rather than an actual price cut. He said that in Europe it is unnecessary to reduce the price because punters want "added value". We guess that means that in Europe, customers are dumb enough to pay what ever Sony asks.
Not only does the US get a 80GB version of the PS3 it will continue to get it cheaper while European punters have to pay over the odds for a machine which actually is cheaper to build than the version Sony flogged off to our former colony. Although we may get a 120 GB machine.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
News from Fanjita
Just a quick update to clear up some of the questions surrounding the v3.50 Lumines downgrader:
We've got a Korean Lumines UMD now, and are actively working on creating a Korean downgrader. We can't give a release date, but it will be soon.
We won't be creating a v3.51 downgrader, not for a long time. If you upgraded to v3.51 you're either stupid or unlucky. Sorry for that.
You can't run the downgrader from a downloaded copy of Lumines. If you read the documentation, you'd know that. If you didn't read the documentation, just how did you think that would work?
We won't be creating a downgrader for another game, not for a long time. It's just not that easy. If getting hold of Lumines in your country is expensive, blame the profiteering pricks that are hoarding their copies and selling them at inflated prices. When the exploit was first released, you could get Lumines for less than $20 in most places.
It looks like Sony are introducing patched copies of Lumines into the market. We advise you to buy either an old version (i.e. not Greatest Hits, Platinum or The Best), or check very carefully before buying a new copy. If you buy via Amazon, it may be better to buy from the 3rd party sellers, even though they are more expensive.
We are working on the solution to enable you to go back to official firmwares if you need to - this includes helping people stuck on v3.30 or v3.40 v3.10 or v3.11 firmware. It will take some time though, and we're all very busy right now.
We're also still working on eLoader for HEN, and a flash management solution for people with semi-bricked v1.50 PSPs. Those will also still take some time.
The downgrader only works on Lumines, also known as Lumines Puzzle Fusion. It doesn't work for Lumines Plus, or Lumines 2. We've said that before, but for some reason people didn't read it.
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July 19th, 2007, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Another update of expansions for Custom Firmwares, this time from test30
The CFW Expansion 3.51 Lite Edition - A - Update 1
this Custom FW is updated from an M33 (first they have to install
the FW 3.51 M33)
*The installer and unistaller of the expansion is more stable(is 99% stable).
*Support all the updates of the M33(m33,m33-3,m33-4,m33-5 and futures updates).
*Fixed some bug without importance.
*First need the FW 3.51 M33
*Later copy the Folder 351leflasher and paste in GAME150
*Initiates the Installation
*and Done!! now this one in CFW 3.51 LE-A!!!
*Copy the Folder LEuninstaller and paste in folder GAME150
*Initiates the Aplication
*Done now again in FW 3.51 M33
RECOMMEND:if you go installer a update of the M33 first install and later install the CFW Expansion 3.51 LE-A Update 1
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July 19th, 2007, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Neoflash Entry from Almost219:
UFO v2.0
Well im back with a brand new release. Here are the new features:
--3.51 M33 support
--New layout (done by vision1)
--Use actual theme names when naming theme folders
--Displays more (so you are aware when your flashing)
--Access themes fom ms0:/themes/
--More Stability
--Implemented LOLstation fix
--Using calibri fonts
--Mix n' Match mode (view readme for details)
This version has been completly redone, a lot more noob friendly, and definatly way better than the last release.
One last thing, 3.51 mode only has a few features as of now, mainly because its still new, and I haven't had time to explore it yet, also because im still on 3.40 OE-A.
If you find anything wrong with this, then please let me know, so I can fix it in the future, thnx.
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July 19th, 2007, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
A new survey from Famitsu publisher Enterbrain claims that 1.01 million PlayStation 3s have been sold in Japan since the console launched there on November 11.
According to Reuters, it took Sony four times longer to reach the million mark than it took Nintendo. Enterbrain said 2.9 million Wii units have been shifted since its December 2 launch.
The next-gen console with the biggest head start has racked up the lowest sales - Xbox 360 arrived in Japan in December 2005, and just over 420,700 units have since been sold.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:08 Posted By: burrito
via http://m-33.narod.ru/
This update introduces a new no-umd more: the famous sony np9660.
The compatibility of this mode is not yet known, let's hope sony codes well
Remember to choose "Sony NP9660" in recovery to use this new mode
To the attention of becus25 and test30: Please do not do any of your releases based
from our firmwares. You steal and change name but contribute a tiny 20-line plugin.
You are a shame for psp development! Wow, that was fast!
To use, place the folder M33-6 in PSP/GAME150/ and execute it from your 3.51 M33 psp.
Donate to the team at http://m-33.narod.ru/
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July 19th, 2007, 21:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A 16 year-old lad from Norfolk who bought a PlayStation 2 on eBay ended up receiving GBP 44,000.
He paid 95 quid for the console that arrived without two of the promised games, but was soon cheered up to find an enormous lump of EUR 65,400 in the box, according to the BBC.
Spoilsport parents soon intervened and phoned the Police, who are now holding the cash while they investigate its origins. Should the matter remain unsolved the boy's family could potentially reclaim the money through the Police Property Act.
Mysterious seller "Sony" couldn't be tracked down, but sales in PlayStation 2 consoles on eBay have since gone through the roof. Ah, if only.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The demo for Heavenly Sword is finished and waiting on Sony for a PlayStation Network release date.
News comes from developer Ninja Theory's forum, where studio co-founder Mike Ball told fans that work on it had finally been completed.
"Well, let me just tell you all that the dev team has finished work on the demo," he said. "That's it, it's in the bag."
"So now it's a case of Sony deciding when they feel is the best time to release it to PlayStation Network."
Heavenly Sword is one of the biggest titles on PS3 this year, and was on show last week in Santa Monica at E3 2007.
It's a third-person action game with God of War-like combat and what is promised to be an emotional and cinematic story - directed and voiced by Andy "Gollum" Serkis. It's even got brain-box WETA involved, the visual effects studio made famous by its work on Peter Jackson's Lord of The Rings.
We recently had a chin-wag with one of the other co-founders and designer at Ninja Theory, Tameem Antoniades. Head over to our Heavenly Sword interview to see what he had to say.
Unfortunately Sony was unavailable to comment at the time of writing.
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July 19th, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PS3 outsold 360 last week in North America, following the $100 price-drop on the 60GB version.
According to stats collected on vgchartz.com, 41,005 PS3 consoles were sold in the week ending July 14, compared to 360's 35,084 sales.
Wii, meanwhile, still dominated the pack with 76,394 sales.
On Monday last week Sony cut the price of the 60GB PS3 down to $499 in the US, while confirming the release of an 80GB version in August.
The drop seems to have made an impression on sales, but will it last? Sony confirmed to CVG that the 60GB console will be phased out in favour of the $600, 80GB version after July. We'll see what happens then...
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July 19th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy

Oh no, Square. You've just made your hungry Final Fantasy fans purchase two copies of your game. Crisis Core will include two covers, one for those that are purchasing the game by itself, and one for purchasers of the (highly) limited edition PSP system.
It goes without saying that these Crisis Core systems are going to fetch a high price on eBay. Who will you kill for one of these?
Pre-orders for the game are now available on Play-Asia.
More image scans here
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July 19th, 2007, 22:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy

There appears to be some confusion about the PSP Lite's battery life. The system can go up to 8-10 hours ... but only if it's using the battery from the regular PSP. What?
The upcoming PSP Lite will include a smaller battery for the smaller system. The battery that's included with the system will run for about 5 hours while gaming. However, if you have the battery from your original PSP, you'll be able to get 8-10 hours. The problem with this solution? The battery will bulge out of the system. Sony will offer a new backplate for those interested in adding the old battery to the new system.
Does that make things clearer?
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July 19th, 2007, 22:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Another Thursday update for us Europeans. Is this going to be a recurring thing? It makes sense for all the stores to be updated on the same day, after all. Well, let's get down to it. Here are your updates to the store for this week:
- Ratatouille film trailer (free)
- The Darkness trailer (free)
- The Darkness demo (free)
- Rainbow Six: Vegas trailer (free)
- Grand Theft Auto IV trailer (free)
Just in time for the European release tomorrow, The Darkness gets a demo and a trailer. So if you're not sure whether to get the game or not, check these out. We're not at all surprised to see a lack of Heavenly Sword demo this week, despite it being ready to go. We'll no doubt see it next Friday. Or Thurday. Which is it, Sony? You're messing with our heads.
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July 19th, 2007, 22:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Hideo Kojima is hosting a Metal Gear party next Tuesday! At the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo, the big 20th anniversary of the franchise gets its very own celebration, complete with a lot of interesting surprises, detailed below.
- An in-game demonstration of MGS4: Guns of the Patriots played by Kojima himself.
- First look at some kind of online multiplayer for the Metal Gear Solid series ... more on that after the list.
- New "series content", possibly re-releases or spin-offs like VR Missions.
- Official statement regarding Metal Gear: Portable Ops +.
We're confused about the online multiplayer. Everywhere we look regarding this rumor, it's never clear if Kojima means to imply that Metal Gear Solid 4 will have online multiplayer support or if there will be a different game specially designed to support that. We'd like to take on the role of trainees for Foxhound and fight other people, so if it's a separate game, we're cool with that.
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July 20th, 2007, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Auraomega
I spent most of yesterday looking at what updates people wanted on this and, I've finally just finished putting on some of the more popular things that people wanted.
A quick changelog (more in-depth in the readme).
Added config file (optional)
Allowed text to be output on screen (optional)
Allowed manual input (optional)
Can be disabled
Removed a nasty bug that stopped it working for a couple of people
This is tried and tested on 3.40OE-A as I upgraded and it works fine.
Installation is the same as before, with the exception you can now add the config file too.
Check the readme for help on the config file, and to see what I'm planning on doing for the next version.
Anyway, if anyone has any good ideas, or any problems, just contact me, same was as before.
The only update to this is that now I have added a lock.lock file, and a config.lock file, as some people were having problems making these files. To edit just open both files in a pure text reader, such as notepad, and edit from there
Note: Using this does mean that cxmb and any (by the looks of things) any other plugin designed to allow custom XMB via the memory card does not work. I've been looking into the cause, so I've been keeping this back.
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via Auraomega
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July 20th, 2007, 02:37 Posted By: DarthPaul
khai_khai,has updated his homebrew Tetris clone for the PSP.
- Fixes a display bug
- Incorporates high scores.
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July 20th, 2007, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Almost219 has again updated his Neoflash Entry, heres the release notes:
Well im with a back bug free release. Here are the new features:
2.1 Features:
--Fixed major bug, not allowing you to backup your files, and making 3.51 M33 access the wrong files
--Displays 129x99 screenshots now
--Beginning Backup only shows up if you don't have a backup in the themes folder
--Support for flashing of all files in VSH/RESOURCE
--Above also added in Mix n' Match mode
--More support for 3.51 M33 Mode - won't accidentally flash incompatible files.
--Code improvements (more stability)
This version actually works, and has little to no bugs, by my knowledge anyway.
One last thing, 3.51 mode only has a few features as of now, mainly because its still new, and I haven't had time to explore it yet, also because im still on 3.40 OE-A. More 3.51 updates to come.
If you find anything wrong with this, then please let me know, so I can fix it in the future, thnx.
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July 20th, 2007, 07:46 Posted By: wraggster
Deadzone is back with a new release. heres the details:
New version for 3.51.
//PSP-DeFlasher No-Limits Special Edition v6.0 - for 3.51 M33.(17-07-2007)//
DeFlasher Edition No-Limits v6.0 - for 3.51 M33. By deadzone (17-07-2007)
//¡¡¡WARNING!!! You create backups before any other operation!!!!//
- Operation:
- He is always or to be the PSP connected to the shipper or to have the battery to but of half, by ai perhaps.
- To decompress to the root of memory stick and to say if to everything like always.
- The folder backups must be in the root, and DeFlasher
depends of your kernel mode in the recovery menu m33.
- During the flashing you will see the light of ms to blink,
and a screen saying "done" when finalizing he himself.
- If for whatever reason the file to be flashing not this in his place the return program an error message,
but there is no problem since it does not give the flashing of this file
and us return to the main menu pressing "start".
1 - start: in the menu always reinitiates the program that estes and you it gives back to the main menu.
2 - Select: screenshot takes one from the main menu.
3 - X: enters the menus.
4 - O or X (depend the menu): the flashing is executed.
5 - In "the main" menu [_] activates usb and O it deactivates it.
- When locating to us on themes, etc the image is shown in the screen.
- It by the capture of rco to have idea of what file we are going to flashing.
- Image format is .png.(270x153)
- The liberating one of space in flash0 now free space 2.50MB.
- You must add in for example:
his theme with any name and inside "captura.png" (270x153) for the preview.
- ms0:/backups/themes/my_theme/all rco's && captura.png., or battery, or background, or opening folders.............
- Now the new version DeFlasher Edition No-Limits support for flashing more files.
list supported files:
--video_main_plugin.rco -------->NEW ON THE MENU ARCHIVES!!
--video_plugin_videotoolbar .rco
- On video_main menu;
video_main_plugin.rco + video_plugin_videotoolbar .rco they are installed if are the 2 archives in the folder.
- DeFlasher Edition now add: PrxFlasher_Edition_v1.0; in the menu main (Re-direct icons XMB)
- This program modify the FLASH0 of your PSP System.
- Highly recommended to do a backup of your .PRX before doing nothing.
1 - Location Free Player (lftv_plugin.prx) Shuts down (R+X) and makes a reset (X) to the PSP when pressing the icon.
2 - Network Update (Update_plugin) is redirected to move XMB with Joystick.
Thanks to Team Xk for the mod .prx.
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via deadzone
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July 20th, 2007, 08:54 Posted By: uberjack
The speed hogging component of SMS Plus has been identified as the FM emulation engine. Look forward to full-speed emulation with VSync at 222Mhz for the next version of SMS Plus PSP 
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July 20th, 2007, 16:06 Posted By: burrito
via noobz
With many thanks to GucciPAPA for sending us his Korean Lumines UMD, and to everyone else who offered to send theirs (including NeofaN, KkalKkal, Jabum, www.yourpsp.in ), we're proud to present an updated version of the v3.50 Lumines HEN and downgrader.
The only change in this version is support for the Korean version of Lumines (ULKS46005). This now means that the downgrader should work on all unpatched versions of Lumines, on all regions of PSP, and all current PSP hardware, on firmware v3.50. If you have a lower firmware, you can upgrade to v3.50. If you have v3.51, then there is no way to downgrade at this time.
For various further information about the downgrader, please read our other articles:
Original downgrader release post
Downgrader FAQs
More downgrader information
Information about patched Lumines versions Download Universal 3.50 Hen/Downgrader and Give Feedback Via Comments
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July 20th, 2007, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Meet the Blu-ray video cameras from Hitachi. Sure, at this point they're just non-functional mock-ups, but later in the year we can expect to see a series of camcorders featuring Hitachi's new 8cm BD/DVD drive bundled with a biggie, 5.3 megapixel CMOS sensor capable of recording at full 1,920 x 1,080 resolution. In fact, Hitachi claims that their Wooo-branded camcorders could be introduced as early as Fall. The cams would record up to 7GB of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 video on 8cm BD-RE/R media or 5 times less on 8cm DVD-RAM/RW/R discs. Uh, Hoozah?
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July 20th, 2007, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Sony has confirmed that the new slimline PSP will launch in Europe before it arrives in Japan and will be priced at €169, as announced by David Reeves at E3 last week.
Speaking at SCEE's special E3 event Reeves told the audience, "It will come out at 169 Euros in all the PAL territories at the beginning of September." The new PSP is due to launch in Japan on September 20.
A spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed to GI.biz, "As David said in his speech last week, the new PSP will launch in early September and will be the same price as the existing one."
The original PSP currently retails in the UK for GBP 129.99.
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July 20th, 2007, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have announced today that they are releasing the PSP Slim in Europe before Japan.
The reasons why are obvious, cast your mind back to the release of the Original PSP and Europe was a good 7 Months or more (hey im forgetful) behind Japan, That move led to a lot of companies importing into the UK and that started Sony getting a bit mardy towards those companies.
The advantage of importing means you get the console earlier than others in your country and at a much cheaper price usually.
Sony then took legal action against many UK Importers and most famously they managed to take down the at the time best Worldwide Gaming Shop Lik Sang.
Sony implied that the difference in power supplys would cause problems in the UK but in reality both the PSP and the PS3 have/use adapters that are worldwide friendly so lame excuse all round.
Nice to see that the UK/Europe isnt last on the list this time around but Sony you arent fooling anyone.
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July 20th, 2007, 17:29 Posted By: rmedtx
I just found out that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is available for download from the Playstation Network Store. It’s around $9.00 and it can be played in PS3 or PSP.
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July 20th, 2007, 18:31 Posted By: pucelano

This is the first totally functional spreadsheet for the PSP. In spite of being the first version, this is a complete and useful application.
Beside realizing the basic operations (+ - * /), it have many functions to facilitate the calculations as well as many options to give format to the cells texts/numbers.
Coder: pucelano

- Format cells options: Font, size, bold, color, decimals, alignment and superpose.
- The integrated functions are named and work like those of Excel (by now only spanish version), to facilitate the exchange of files and the learning.
- Exchange of files with Excel, using txt files.
- Show or hide gridlines.
- Turn on-off theUSB connection.
- Save screenshoots in MemoryStick.
- Possibility of changing the columns width.
- Cut-Copy-Paste-Delete the content of the cells.
- Clock and indicator of battery on screen.
To learn to use the spreadsheet there is a complete pdf manual.
Several example sheets are included.
In a few days I´ll release a new version, with english menus and english functions.
Visit pucelano´s official web for more details and ask your questions : pucelano-psp.iespana.es
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July 20th, 2007, 19:56 Posted By: scorpei
Hey all,
I've finished my review of the XCM 1080p VGA box, a product for all of us who do not own a HDTV but do have a PC . In case you haven't heard about it yet:
The XCM 1080p allows you to hook up your PS3/Wii/Xbox360 to your VGA monitor (i.e. computer screen). Due to the high-definition capabilities of the new consoles many people (especially here in Europe; HD TV's are not widespread here quite yet) are longing for higher resolution screens. But, don't we already have a high-def screen? Yes we do, our VGA monitors! Read my review to find out if it truly is worth buying ! It's located:
A small sneak-a-peak:
For the PS3 this product is a must if you do not own a HDTV and want higher resolutions. Although with games you might not really need the higher resolution (I have to say it does look much better though) when running Linux however the higher resolutions are really great. The best part is that the PS3 upscales (if the feature is enabled/needed) all content including PS2/PSX games which means that regardless of what content you want to play the XCM box supports it (way to go Sony!).
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July 20th, 2007, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's PlayStation Network shop has been updated with a playable demo of The Darkness in the UK, while the US store welcomes the addition of a PS3/PSP-compatible Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Our demo's a single-player offering that weighs in at 1443MB. You can play it in 720p, 1080i or 1080p. No word on what's in it, but bank on it showing off a few of our Jackie's tentacular talents. The full version's out on PS3 today, and you can read our 360 review for more on whether it's any good.
Other additions to the UK store include the latest Grand Theft Auto IV trailer and teasers for Rainbow Six Vegas and Pixar's Ratatouille film.
Meanwhile, the US store gets Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Often declared the best of the Castlevanias, it's already seen release on Xbox Live Arcade and costs the same USD 10 here, but with the added benefit that you can copy it onto your PSP if you've got the latest firmware and don't fancy playing it on the PS3.
Otherwise it's trailer city and the US store's the mayor, with offerings for inFAMOUS, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Ratchet & Clank: Future, Heavenly Sword (making-of), the films The Brothers Solomon, Resident Evil: Extinction, I Am Legend, The Big One and Underdog.
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July 20th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has refused to confirm or deny rumours concerning announcements the company plans to make at next month's Leipzig Games Convention, GamesIndustry.biz reports.
According to a report on MCV, Sony will reveal that video-on-demand services and Freeview TV features will be launched "across Europe and other export markets" by the end of the year.
The trade publication is also claiming that SCEE will announce a European price cut for PS3 - despite the introduction of a new "value-added" bundle earlier this week.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz director of corporate communications Nick Sharples said, "We do not comment on rumour and speculation."
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July 20th, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Tekken 6 on PS3 will incorporate fully-online fighting via the PSN, Sony has confirmed.
No specific gameplay scenarios were revealed, although we'd hope to see more than just straight one-on-one fights. Online tournaments would be nice, and maybe some multiplayer team battle modes too.
Online fighting will be one of many exclusive features to appear in the PS3 port of the arcade game.
The arcade game will be out later this year in Japan, with the PS3 version expected by mid-2008. But if you fancy some online Tekken action now, fire up your PS3 and download Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection via the PSN.
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July 20th, 2007, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The new rumble-enabled SixAxis pad in the works will contain a few extra surprises within its slick black casing, according to SCEI president, Kaz Hirai.
Discussing the immanent release of the new controller, Hirai said: "We're also looking at a variety of other things that we can incorporate with the controller."
He went on to add: "We started out with the original PS1 controller with no analogue, and it's come all the way to this point, so obviously, as we go forward, it's not the final model for a PS3 controller, so we'll see what comes down the road."
He didn't, however, drop any hints as to what features these may be, leaving us to ponder that for ourselves. Recent rumours suggested that a new "TouchSense" feedback system designed by Immersion, which delivers feedback to the analogue sticks, could be incorporated into the SixAxis.
It's also possible Sony could add a microphone for voice recognition, DS-style (prepare for blowing mini games if so).
"We'll come out with announcements when we think we have the right mix of features," he concluded.
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July 21st, 2007, 08:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jaso PSP:
This is my first game release for the PSP. Its basically a snake game, but it speeds up as you get more points. It has hi-scores in it (i trust you not to alter the hiscores.txt, because that would be a bit pointless). All the coding and graphics were done by me.
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via jasopsp
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July 21st, 2007, 08:47 Posted By: wraggster
Art has updated his talking clock for the PSP, heres the release details:
Hi Guys,
Latest ver is released...
Haven't had any luck getting an mp3 player working, so I did a bit of
work streamlining the app, and scaling the font from NoRiGoLo's demo.
This program was partly written with a desktop PC in a tent in the bush!
Related videos:
Posted preview pics and update log
Time Baby V4d (20/07/07):
- Added an improved graphic font. Thanks to NoRiGoLo for doing most of the work.
- Changed the position of the seconds display.
- Removed alarm icon when it appeared at the top left of the screen. It now only appears where it belongs.
- Improved colour setting routine.
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July 21st, 2007, 08:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Auraomega:
I've been working hard to fix a few problems, unfortunatly, I have only managed to fix the browser bug, so if your not interested in using this and the internet, then this isn't really for you.
Just on a side note, I've changed the speed the delays cause when doing manual input, and also changed the time taken to load the VSH when the password is correct. Also, if you have the text output disabled, it now loads without any delays.
Anyway, same instructions as before.
Size has been almost halved too for those low on flash memory
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July 21st, 2007, 19:25 Posted By: blackrave
We can expect a new PS3 firmware coming out next week. Features are not confirmed as of yet, but rumours and speculations suggest this list:
- HTML has been added under network allowing users to view HTML documents saved on the PS3 HDD.
- Save HTML has been added as an option in the PS3 web browser. allowing users to save the source of the document to there PS3 HDD.
- Priority can now be set to Background downloading. allowing you to changes the order of when a download is active.
- New Sideshow Option [Effects Show] added.
- Picture Options added [Black&White, Old, Worn, Overexposed] added under the options menu.
- Animated GIF Image support added.
- Added Graphic Equalizer added under Music Options menu. all 7.1 channels are configurable independently.
- Keyboard Mapping has been added to the sections Keyboard section of settings. shortcuts such as the disk in drive, or a particular game can be set to a shortcut on the keyboard with a key not currently in use.
Source: GamersCreed (seems to be down at the moment).
So what do you think? Are you missing anything? Think the list is promising?
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July 22nd, 2007, 03:55 Posted By: DarthPaul
Here's a new released of the famous Cheat Device from weltall.
- [POPS] removed some useless debug information in the memory card manager in case of operation successfull
- [POPS] added a clear/format option in the memorycard manager. It will make your memory card empty just like if it was new.(if you use this by mistake remove your memory stick and power off the psp directly to avoid accidental save of the new memory card status)
- [GAME] added reverse offset pointer codes. They work just like normal pointer codes but the offset is subtracted and not summed like the normal ones. The format is the same except a little difference in the second adress line:
8bit pointer inverse code 0x6aaaaaaa 0x000000vv 0x0003nnnn 0xiiiiiiii
16bit pointer inverse code 0x6aaaaaaa 0x000000vv 0x0004nnnn 0xiiiiiiii
32bit pointer inverse code 0x6aaaaaaa 0x000000vv 0x0005nnnn 0xiiiiiiii
- [ALL] added shortcut rappresentation to the disassembler. You can enable it by putting DISASM SHRCUT= 1 in the config file
- [GAME/150] altough homebrew mode was available since one year ago (by pressing R while booting up with a game prx)now with m33 supporting a separate game150 mode for plugins i've made a prx which automatically goes in homebrew mode and uses a different config file to keep configurations separated easily.
- [ALL] fixed a bug in the difference search which made it unusable
- [ALL] now it's possible to access the disassembler from the memory editor by pressing SQUARE. The nearest (backward way) 4byte alligned adress will be selected as the first adress in the disassembler
- [ALL] changed the button to make new cheats from the memory editor: now it's TRIANGLE
- [ALL] now it's possible to edit values directly in the memory editor. This will allow you to edit values without having to make cheats. To enable value editing press your confirm button (which is CROSS or CIRCLE if you swapped buttons in cwcheat) this will allow you to edit the selected value with UP/DOWN. Then confirm with CROSS (or circle if you swapped buttons) and abort with CIRCLE (or cross if you swapped button)
- [ALL] now you can change the value in the memory editor of +/- 0x10 with RIGHT/LEFT
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July 22nd, 2007, 16:05 Posted By: blackrave
The M33 team has released another patch to its brilliant custom firmware. The list of changes and fixes this time is big:
This update includes previous updates, as well as:
* Improvements in M33 NO-UMD driver (yeah, we know that sony one is better, but we still are working
on our own driver to make it perfect as a challenge). The improvements:
- Fixed a bug that caused incompatibility with ATV Offroad Fury Pro, Steel Horizons,
Tony Hawk's Project 8 and probably more games.
- Speed loading has improved, now M33 driver imitates better Sony one.
* Automatic display fix for ta-082+ with brightness problems in 1.50 kernel.
- M33 will autodetect ta-082+ with brightness problems, and will correct brightness properly.
* Wlan fix is now done differently, patch is done in 3.51 kernel before going to 1.50 one.
- For those that don't read well the readmes: we never would include in our files a sony prx!
The fix was and is done simply with code. The 3.40 mention was to notice that the problem
was not a M33 bug, but a problem caused by Sony.
* 4th level of brightness enabled on 1.5 kernel too now.
* An option has been added to recovery, "Hard Reset on 1.50 homebrew". Use this, only if the wifi
fix doesn't work with your psp still. It makes homebrew boot a bit slower.
- M33
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release of an update to a Pokemon game for the PSP.
Heres the details:
well it seems like it's been forever since i released the first version of this so it wouldn't surprise me if no one even remembers what this is, so for those of you who completely forgot/don't really care too much this is version 1.5 of "yet another pokemon remake". In this version there really isn't a whole lot of new places to go or things to see I was more trying to focus on as many different features as possible...
so whats new in this version is:
-new town, with pokemon center
-saving/loading works
-use of items(including pokeballs, although right now you only get 1 but you also have 100% catch ratio so use it wisely)
- ability to choose male of female character
- and 1 new pokemon added(i was planning on waiting until the next areas are done to add more pokemon but oh well)
yeah yeah i know it's not really a whole lot for taking me months to complete (partially due to laziness) but it wont take me long to finish up with all of the features so i can just focus on the storyline.
oh and yes there is still a whole slew of bugs in it still so if anyone would like to PM me any errors they find i would be really grateful.
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via dragon0010
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nicovideo:
Hi all =)
I present you my last Homebrew : MathematiX
It's a simple but funny Homebrew. You have to catch mathematics formula which fall of the sky
I'm french so the text of the game is in french but don't worry you can play without the text but just know to read the number which there are in the text (for tha "wrongs", "timer" and "score")
Downloads :
MathematiX for CF
MathematiX For 1.50
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July 22nd, 2007, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has updated his Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for PlayStation Portable
Heres the whats new for this release:
20% speedup in emulation speed with new 8-bit video rendering
Option to turn off FM emulation (an additional 48% improvement in emulation speed - all games now play at 100% speed with VSync enabled)
Various small bug fixes
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC has today released a Test Version of the DOS Emulator for the PSP (Dos Games are all the games from around 8 years and more ago, many fantastic games too)
Heres the release notes for this version:
Well, this could work, but it'll take some amount of work, so don't hold your breath as I've been busy with something else....
Thanks to dosbox developer c2woody who pointed out that it is possible to run most dos protected mode games with a vastly reduced address space and that a new portable dynamic recompiler has just been checked into CVS, I can put this out for people to test.
I'm still trying to iron out a few more bugs (I know there's no sound) and when I do I'll put a source tarball up.
As usual with DOSBOX Releases let them that understand the file system and settings help the newcomers to this but enjoy what could be an awesome release for the PSP.
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Test30 has released a new version of his app for turning PSPs off in record time:
Heres his release notes:
Good Day
Today update my plugin to the v3
This plugin is for off the PSP in one form fast.
*fixed the bug of the browser in the PSP
copy the folder seplugins in the root of you MS
and activate in the recovery
Mode Suspend: no work in this version
Reboot your PSP: HOME+START
work in the FW 3.51 M33-X
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Test30 has released a new version of his Custom Firmware Expansion for the M33 Custom Firmwares.
Heres the release notes:
The CFW Expansion 3.51 Lite Edition - A - Update 2
this Custom FW is updated from an M33 (first they have to install
the FW 3.51 M33)
*Added option of enabled Network Update
*Added option of disabled Network Update
*First need the FW 3.51 M33
*Later copy the Folder 351leflasher and paste in GAME150
*Initiates the Installation
*and Done!! now this one in CFW 3.51 LE-A!!!
*Copy the Folder LEuninstaller and paste in folder GAME150
*Initiates the Aplication
*Done now again in FW 3.51 M33
RECOMMEND:if you go installer one update of the M33 first install and later install the CFW Expansion 3.51 LE-A Update 1.
NOTE:if you installer the CFW expansion 3.51 LE-A2 no installer again because can re-copy the recovery LE-A in you flash0
but if you want installer again the CFW 3.51 LE-A2 first initiates the unistaller of the CFW 3.51 LE-A2 and later initiates the
installer of the CFW 3.51 LE-A2.
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July 22nd, 2007, 21:52 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
Atlus, U.S.A.'s Growlanser: Heritage of War is a special edition release dedicated to all the loyal fans of the series containing commemorative bonus materials! The title will only receive a single print run, and when sold out, will no longer be available for purchase.
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July 22nd, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
jas0nuk has released a new version of prxdecrypter which is a psardumper mod to decrypt PRX files.
Heres the release notes:
This mod of psardumper can decrypt individual firmware modules from all known retail firmwares (1.00-3.51*) and modules from all current retail games PRXs and, and it can decompresses M33 custom firmware modules.
*There seem to be some problems with vshmain.prx of 3.51 and a few other modules, as Sony have changed the format, so it no longer checksums correctly.
1.4 --> 1.4b
- M33 decompression fixed; no longer interferes with official PRXs
- Source cleanup
1.3 --> 1.4
- Decompresses PRXs from 3.51 M33 custom firmware
- Improved error handling
-- Already decrypted files are skipped
-- Files with unknown headers are skipped
-- Files that produced odd output are deleted to prevent memory stick corruption
- Improved path handling (hopefully no more strange "Unable to open file" problems)
Check the rest of readme.txt or you will fail at using this. No extra support will be provided.
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July 23rd, 2007, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia and also SuccessHK (Worldwide shipping)

The beloved Tales series is coming to the PlayStation™ Portable system.
With its fast-paced, real-time battles, beautiful 3D graphics and extensive character customization, it is the ultimate handheld RPG. Engulf yourself in a world full of quests and heroic adventures anytime, anywhere!
The beautiful and prosperous ancient land of Terresia is being destroyed by the Devourer, a demonic creature from another planet. The World Tree, which created and protected this magical land, is wasting away from the Devourer's continuous attacks. The World Tree uses what's left of its strength to call on the world's last hope in a dark battle of survival – you.
NamcoBandai Games' Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology for PSP™ is now shipping as US version release at US$ 39.90 only.
Game features:
Character customization - Customize your ideal character by changing your clothing, voice and more.
An array of items – With over 1000 items the selection of equipment and weapons is endless!
Pick your class - Choose from various character classes, such as Warrior, Thief, Priest, Mage and other higher level classes.
Endless gameplay – With up to 300 quests, Tales of the World promises endless hours of non stop gameplay.
Action packed real-time battles - The Tales series' signature Flex Range Linear Motion Battle System allow you to unleash stunning attacks and devastating combos in real time from anywhere on the battlefield.
New and old Tales characters! - Enlist help from Luke and Tear from "Tales of the Abyss" and "17 other Tales characters from the previous Tales games."
Ad hoc functionality – Wirelessly exchange weapons and armor with your friends!
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July 23rd, 2007, 12:43 Posted By: blackrave
The 1.90 Firmware update just hit Japanese PS3s. Let's check out what the update features:
• Ability to rearrange games on the XMB
• Option menu now includes "eject disk"
• Press triangle to eject games/CDs/movies in the XMB
• XMB backgrounds
• Change the folder classification
• Emoticons
• Change CD output to 44.1/88.2/176.4kHz
• Force 24Hz output for Blu-ray over HDMI
• Change PS3 video settings in-game
• "Bit Mapping" in the "Music Setting"
• Save AVCHD type animations from a Memory Stick
• Change settings like upscaling while playing PS and PS2 games
• Add bookmarks
• Web browser security function in the browser's tool section
• Avatar moves during audio visual chat
The customized backgrounds and the emoticons are nice touches. Quite good update if you ask me. Everyone in Europe, and probably US, will be able to get this from tomorrow (July 24th).

Source: Kotaku & Three Speech
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

The 1980s were a crazy decade when big hair, tight clothes and fresh attitudes ruled the music scene; represented in Guitar Hero™ Encore: Rocks the 80s™. Play totally awesome songs from the 1980s with Guitar Hero characters decked out in sweet retro outfits. Turn off that tape deck on your boom box, pick up and play Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s!
Choose from multiple rock characters and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses! You’ll start your rock career playing small clubs and bars, but if you play well you’ll work your way up to stadiums and arenas.
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Imagine Rice, Unitas, Butkus, and Singletary. In their prime, on the same field, or maybe even the same team. Imagine preparing a precision squad of mercenaries—even building your own players. Imagine football action the way football is really played. Now imagine the best gridiron game coming back for more. Imagine Football Resurrected. This is All Pro Football 2K8.
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

All-New Leadership Control: Lead by example and control the action on the field as you increase your sphere of influence by improving your players' personal ratings on each big play.
Enhanced Recruiting: Utilize Dynasty Mode's all-new prospect search tool to hone in on incoming players with specific attributes.
All-New Campus Legend Mode: Attend practice, learn the playbook, and earn reps as a college freshman while utilizing the simulation engine system to fast-forward through events you're not participating in.
Relive Your Highlights: Revisit your top accomplishments in My Shrine, your personal Hall of Fame that stores your trophies, custom photos, video highlights and more.
Save and Share Your Greatest Moments: Create video highlights of your favorite plays and show them off online or download your instant classics to your PC to share with friends.
Weather Channel Updates - Get real-time weather from the actual locations of your favorite campuses when playing your rivals online.
Put your heart, hustle and toughness on the line and lead your program to the BCS National Championship Game in NCAA® Football 08. With all-new Leadership Control, boost the motivation level of your teammates by taking control and making big plays. Featuring an all-new Campus Legend mode and an even deeper Dynasty Mode, put your coaching prowess and integrity to the ultimate test. With all-new My Shrine, Home Field Advantage, and exciting new plays like the Statue of Liberty NCAA Football 08 is everything that's great about college football. What kind of legacy will you leave?
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Designed for easy pick up and play and longer rallies!
Play with 14 colorful characters with crazy personalities and tennis skills!
Play 11 different courts including a Hawaiian beach, Old West town, Greek ruins and more!
Discover different costumes, courts, and more as you progress further in the game!!
Training Mode- Perfect your tennis skills! Learn to position yourself, hit a the perfect serve, volley at the net, and lay down a powerful overhead smash!
Challenge Mode- Work your way up 7 Classes of difficulty to become the ultimate Hot Shot!
Tennis with Everybody- Play head to head with a friend for an intense singles match or play doubles with up to 4 players (multi-tap required).
It's Tennis, Hot Shots Style!!
Finally, a Tennis game for everyone! Filled with classic Hot Shots personality and true tennis gameplay, Hot Shots Tennis delivers an experience both amateurs and pros can enjoy! Play a quirky cast of tennis pros then challenge friends and family in singles or even 4 player doubles matches.
The sport of Tennis will never be the same.
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July 23rd, 2007, 13:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Play all the songs and funky characters from the original game!
Download and play 8 additional song remixes to extend the fun.
Share a Parappa demo with all your PSP friends.
Battle with up to 4 PSP's to see who the true Rap Master is!
The Original Music Game Comes Back for a PSP Encore!
Parappa returns to win over another generation of fans with all new PSP exclusive features! Players can once again join Parappa in his quest to win the heart of Sunny Funny and learn from their favorite Rap Masters like- Chop Chop Master Onion, Instructor Mooselini, and Cheap Cheap The Cooking Chicken.
Complete with all the music and addictive gameplay that made it an instant classic, Parappa the Rapper is sure to please fans both old and new!
It's Parappa built for the PSP!
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July 23rd, 2007, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
Eugene has updated the media player SMS for the Playstation 2.
Heres What's New
- added functionality to launch applications from USB device ("mass:") upon exit;
- network adapter driver is rewritten. Data transfer rate is reached ~2+MB/s;
- new configuration options are added to the SMS menu:
- 'Device settings -> Network settings' to configure network adapter operation mode.
There're 3 options:
- autonegotiation;
- automatic (various modes are tried and first available is selected);
- manual (duplex mode (half or full) and protocol (10Base-T or 100Base-TX));
- 'Display settings -> Advanced settings' to fine tune video synchronization parameters
(to avoid display flickering in different video modes). 'Parameter 1' is for 'audio
playback' mode and 'Parameter 2' is for GUI/Browser mode.
- fixed 'crash' issue for 'ogg' files (thanks to 'vectis' for the sample clips)
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July 23rd, 2007, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
An update to a game first released back in 2005 from Luckymouse, heres the release details:
It just a total rewrite of my first lua app ever: puzzleshuffle v0.1 (released in 2005)
And even this rewrite is a few months old actually, don't know what triggered me into posting it now :P.
About what it actually is, its a slidepuzzle game. It lets you create and play your own slidepuzzles, adjust the number of tiles and save and load puzzles. Although the puzzle creation script is still a bit buggy. I blame lua not being able to load every size png file and I have no idea how to check wether a file is load-able or isnt load-able.
It still needs to be opened through lowser though. This game works with luaplayer 0.16 mod4 and luaplayer 0.20
Although I am not sure about the last one, havent tested it in a long time on v0.20.
Seeing as it is still a beta, would you people be so kind and report any bugs or things that could use an upgrade ?
Thanks in advance.
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via luckymouse
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July 23rd, 2007, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heathy007 has released a new version of SlashN Flash, heres the release notes:
This is an upgraded version of My "Slash N Flash" V3
I Have therefore Called it "V4"
THE THEMES AND BACKUP INCLUDED ARE ONLY FOR 3.30+ BUT! this home brew app works on 1.50 or ANY CFW
This is just a stabler release with some themes and backups included i take no credit as this was coded by slasher
place the 2 folders "SlashNFlash" and "SlashNFlash%" in "MS_ROOT:/PSP/GAME150/" OR if using Firmware 1.50 "MS_ROOT:/PSP/GAME/"
Also works on the new 3.51 firmwares
Flashes (And Includes Some Of...):
*XMB Icons Sets
*What The Network Update Icon Does (update_plugin.prx)
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July 23rd, 2007, 16:35 Posted By: Art
Pi Calc Version 3.14159265358979323846264
Hi Guys,
Ever wanted to know the 29 thousand and 33rd decimal place of Pi?
Well anyway,
Here is a quick Pi calculator I started and completed tonight based on an
algorithm I've been holding onto for a while. It does a maximum of 30,000
digits at the moment, but I hope to improve that.
If you have to ask why, read the readme!
Download from Sendspace:
Cheers, Art.
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July 23rd, 2007, 16:37 Posted By: blackrave
Via Eurogamer
A Heavenly Sword demo will be available to download from the PlayStation Network this Thursday, Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer this morning.
It will give PS3 owners a chance to try out the hugely anticipated action game from Ninja Theory ahead of it's projected September release date.
Heavenly Sword is pitched one of Sony's biggest games of the year, and features talent like Andy "Gollum" Serkis and WETA Studios - the visual flare behind Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings.
We recently had the chance to get to grips with the title and see how it was shaping up. Head over to our first impressions of Heavenly Sword to find out what the fuss is about.
Looking forward to it?

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July 23rd, 2007, 17:46 Posted By: blackrave
Via Three Speech.
The following content will be uploaded onto the Euro PSN store on Thursday 26th July:
PS One games:
- Crash 2
- Spyro 2
- Medievil
- Wipeout 2097
PS3 Demos:
- Heavenly Sword
PS3 Trailers:
- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
- GT5 Prologue
(These are the new E3 trailers, which can be found online … but will be offered on the store in HD PS3 format.)
Looking forward to it?
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July 23rd, 2007, 18:07 Posted By: blackrave
Via PSU.
We all want to see the future: flying cars, hectic air routes, and what not. Luckily, now we can through the journey in Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Our very sly Lombax, Ratchet, and our lovely robot assistant, Clank, are in the future's future by some crazy incident, and are wreaking havoc for their enemies.
The main mission starts off with our furry Lombax and hard-metal Clank, attached to Ratchet’s back, in their Pixar-like graphical state, approaching the main Metropolis, filled with bustling activity and future wonders. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the aqua-critter Drophoyd’s gracefully approach our main heroes to bash their faces in.
As the enemies approach our protagonists, the player can care less. As soon as the game starts up, no one can help but be in awe of not only the detail and scope present in the environment, but also the magnificent detail on the character models themselves. All of these features combined give the game a feeling reminiscent from only those in Disney Pixar films. Contributing to all of this, the fluidity of the animation system coupled with the game’s custom engine, allows R&C Future: Tools of Destruction to take us beyond our own imaginations, and make our vision of the future a vivid reality.
Now let’s snap back to reality for a minute, and take our details off the eye blistering realism of the graphics, and onto the true action: gameplay. So, the mysterious enemies approach to attack us full force---luckily for us, we have a couple of weapons in our arsenal. For one weapon, we have a typical combustor. Press the shoot button towards the enemy’s general direction, and be amazed as all the fine details of every single piece they’re built from burst into the air in all their glory. Even though this blow up sequence lasts for a total of 3 seconds, if you pay close attention, you can experience the marvel in slow motion with your own eyes---make its ray of sun last a lifetime. For a more pacifistic approach, go ahead and throw the disco ball. But don’t expect to remain the gentle Lombax that you are. You’ll eventually have to destroy them---which no one will mind once stunning beauty is seen in the surprised reactions of the AI getting hit while they were happily dancing.
For more destruction, you can throw a regular grenade or a transmorpher grenade that turn aggressive enemies into penguins, but Insomniac revealed to us that there will be other animals the enemies can transform into as well, such as rabbits.
Level-wise, the hands on preview displayed different specialized areas of the Metropolis. Some that were blown up to give an example of 'free fall', an amazing gameplay interface which makes use of the SIXAXIS motion control. Another area indicated the luscious and colorful details of the uniquely stylistic foliage--- don’t be fooled if you hear the word 'cartoony' - it would be a serious misconception.
Insomniac’s title is definitely forming into something no one has ever experienced in a game. Not only does it make us experience something brand new and unique, but Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction makes our ideas of what the future will be like seem dull. In fact, it revitalizes our image with vivacious colors, controls, gameplay, graphics, and as a result, makes a much more vivid incomprehensible display of the future, a true and sparkling reality.
Also see these ultra-resolutioned screens, probably for posters and press.

The release date is, according to IGN, 2 October 2007 in the US, and Q3 2007 in Europe.
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July 23rd, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: blackrave
Via vodkkaa.
Battery 1NFO by vodkkaa
How to use:
- Enable in vsh.txt. Simple enough
What it does:
- Display battery percentage
- Displays battery time left
- Displays CPU/BUS Speed
- Warns when battery is under 10%
- Charging status
Thanks to PSPJunkie for the work he did on the DSX library.
NOTE: This release is not related to the Battery infO prx released by TOC.
3.40 OE
3.30 OE
3.51 M33-6
3.51 M33-7

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July 23rd, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: 2.6,CRACKED
This is the final and only version of ISOBLOCKER. This has been made by DesireDevTeam member 2.6,CRACKED!
This is a plugin (can be flashed, renamed to preserve identity) that finds all ISO and CSO files and deletes them automatically. The point of this is only if you share a psp with someone but do not want iso/cso files on your psp. This probably has no use to someone who only has their own PSP as they wont want to delete their own file but still its good if you share a psp.
Download link here: http://files-upload.com/392087/isoblocker.prx.html
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Worldwide Studios Phil Harrison has admitted that Sony didn't initially offer Epic enough support with optimising the Unreal Engine 3 for PS3 - but said the situation has now changed for the better.
Speaking to Game Informer Harrison said, "If we’re honest, we didn’t do enough of a good job supporting them and getting them the tools and technology early enough.
"Also, Epic isn’t a huge company. They don’t have unlimited resource. We have parachuted in some of our SWAT team of super engineers to help them. Specifically, to optimise for SPUs, which are the point of difference that the Cell Processor has."
According to Harrison, the process of optimising the SPUs is already underway - and it will have very positive results for those both creating and playing PS3 games.
"The benefits that it yields to end developers, whether they’re writing exclusive titles or multiplatform titles, is that the performance on PS3 goes up exponentially - and it will make for a much better game experience," he stated.
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Never mind all these arty-farty screens of Niko standing in the sunset - here are ten brand-new shots of him doing just what we want him to do: going nuts, breaking out the guns and blowing stuff up.
They look like high-quality scans or something to us and we've been on to Rockstar to get the lovely high-res real ones. But the new Gears of War-esque cover system can be seen in action here, with Niko snooping around to get a scope of the situation before running in like a nutter. Check out the in-game facial expressions at work too, as Niko grits his teeth after blowing up a vehicle.
You can also see him hanging off the back of a lorry, Hollywood action movie-style - a feature that also appeared in the trailer that additionally showed him handing off the bottom of a flying helicopter. It looks like a cool mechanic employed when in pursuit of a fleeing target.
October 19 is the big day of release. Book the week off. Check back soon for more GTA IV coverage...
Images via source link or here. Leave feedback via comments.
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the RTS Set in space for the PSP from Slicer4ever:
celestial cunning readme
Game Info:
coder - slicer4ever
gfx - slicer4ever
sfx - slicer4ever(not encoded)
this is an rts set in space=-) what more needs to be said
also this is about my tenth complete re-build including psp and pc versions
in game-
start - parse
X - action buttons(select units, mine, attack);
/\ - enlarge minimap
O - unselect unit
L-shift though unit commands
R-shift though unit commands
[] - toggle command/build unit/place unit
d-pad - move camera
analog stick - move cursor
O - move to where cursor is selected on minimap
if you don't know how to navigate a menu then just go away
command center-build drones
drone - builds units, mines
constructor - builds cruisers
turrent - a turrent what else
cruiser - attack vessel
more to come in next ver
Map maker-
map size can not be changed as it affects the minimap well fix in future version
it's pretty staight forward the controls are mostly the same as in game however
to move the camera you have to enlarge the minimap and use the joystick
known bugs-
sometimes a unit well fire at the cursor for no reason(unknown why)
sometimes drones well go to the the top left of the map(unknown why)
repair does not work
cancel does not work
more bugs waiting
third re-write back to 2d for better gfx and controls however there is a loss in speed
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Ubisoft is developing a game based on the upcoming Robert Zemeckis film adaptation of Beowulf. Not much has been revealed about this Ubi title, but while browsing EB Games website, we noticed a listing for a PSP version of the game. The listing could just be a mistake on EB's part (they do have incorrect listings from time to time), but it's more likely a sign that the demon killer is hitting Sony's portable.
For those that don't know the story of Beowulf, it involves a warrior slaying the mighty demon Grendel. After doing so though, he incurs the wrath of the Grendel's mother in a battle that will turn him into a legend. Demon slaying and games are old drinking buddies, so Beowulf may stand a chance of being a movie tie-in worth playing.
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy
Every week, PSP Fanboy gives you the release list of what's coming out for the PSP worldwide. If a game is listed as coming out in a different country from where you live, don't worry. Your PSP can play games from any region. Looks like the US and EU regions have a slow week, though I'm sure plenty of PSP owners will be picking up Final Fantasy II. In Japan there is a good variety this week. From apes to gangsters, a lot of different interests will meet.
US Games
- Alien Syndrome
- Final Fantasy II
EU Games
Asian Games
- For Symphony: With All One's Heart Portable
- Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
- Idol Janshi Suchi-Pai III Remix
- Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
- Sarugetchu: SaruSaru Daisakusen
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Release dates may always change, so you may want to call before heading to your local game shop.
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July 23rd, 2007, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Not a lot happening this week. Nor, really, for the next couple of weeks. You could call this period of time "The calm before the Storm." The "Storm", in this case, being Lair. Here are this week's PlayStation 3 offerings.
US Games
EU Games
Asian Games
- Minna no Golf 5
- Wangan Midnight
- Major League Baseball 2K7
Oh yeah. How could we forget. This week sees the release of Minna no Golf 5 (you might know it better as Hot Shots Golf 5} and its bundle pack. Interestingly, this game currently resides at number 7 on Famitsu's top 20 most wanted list, with over 300,000 preorders of the title in stores. Could we be seeing a huge surge in PS3 sales in Japan over the next few weeks?
If you fancy playing some Minna no Golf 5 this week, then feel free to order it from Japan to play on your US/EU PS3. It won't mind. Release dates are fickle and subject to change at a moment's notice. Contact your local shop before potentially wasting a trip into town.
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July 24th, 2007, 09:43 Posted By: Buddy4point0
Coinciding with the release of PS3 Firmware 1.90, Sony has now released Firmware 3.52 for the PSP. It is a rather minor update, only increasing compatibility with PlayStation Network (or PSone) titles.
download 3.52
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July 24th, 2007, 12:26 Posted By: DarthPaul
Helo guys,
I was looking for a 3.51 M33 Recovery Menu launcher because the 3.40 OE's wasn't working. And I didn't find any. And I made this one and now I'm sharing it.I hope you enjoy it and use it as much as me. 
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July 24th, 2007, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Based on the popular Japanese anime series, Wangan Midnight is an arcade racing game The original story features young ambitious racer Akio Asakura who has trouble forming intimate relationships and his love interest, Reina Akikawa - fashion model by day and a street racer by night.
Wangan Midnight features a Story Mode, online races and lots of tune up options of your cars.
Genki's Wangan Midnight for PlayStation3™ is shipping today as Asia as well as Japanese release version. A PSP™ release is due in September this year.
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July 24th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The fun and addicting Minna no Golf (aka. Hot Shots Golf) franchise tees it up on PlayStation3™. High Definition detail of course graphics accompanied with new, more accurate golf physics brings a revolutionary new level of immersion to the already established signature style of pick-up and play gameplay. The game features vibrant new courses, zany new characters and a wealth of new online features.
Sony's Minna no Golf 5 (translated to Everybody's Golf 5 or better known as Hot Shots Golf outside of Asia) is shipping today as Asia release version at US$ 54.90 only. The Japanese release version is due later this week.
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July 24th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the series, Konami is releasing a number of Metal Gear Solid branded collector's items. While a special Soundtrack Compilation has been released last week, a number of PlayStation™ re-releases are hitting stores this week.
The following PlayStation™, PlayStation2™ and PSP™ releases are in stock today. Supply of the Collection Box has been short shipped today, but we have confirmation to receive sufficient supply later this week to fill all pending orders.
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid JPN US$ 18.90
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty JPN US$ 19.90
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater JPN US$ 29.90
Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Collection JPN N/A
Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops JPN US$ 29.90
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July 24th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the series, Konami is releasing a number of Metal Gear Solid branded collector's items. While a special Soundtrack Compilation has been released last week, a number of PlayStation™ re-releases are hitting stores this week.
The following PlayStation™, PlayStation2™ and PSP™ releases are in stock today. Supply of the Collection Box has been short shipped today, but we have confirmation to receive sufficient supply later this week to fill all pending orders.
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid JPN US$ 18.90
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty JPN US$ 19.90
Metal Gear 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater JPN US$ 29.90
Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Collection JPN N/A
Metal Gear Solid 20th Anniversary: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops JPN US$ 29.90
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July 24th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
SCEA has announced that, based upon preliminary internal data, PS3 sales have increased by more than 135 per cent at the company's top five retailers over the past two weeks.
SCEA announced a new USD 499 retail price for the PlayStation 3 on July 9th.
"The new price on the 60 GB PS3, coupled with our very strong software showing from E3, is certainly paying dividends in terms of impressive sales across the board at retail," said Jack Tretton, SCEA president and CEO.
In the two weeks following the price drop, total PlayStation hardware sales have increased by 161 per cent, software sales by 15 per cent, and peripheral sales by 60 per cent.
Even before the price drop, PS3 sales in June were up 21 per cent over May sales according to NPD data.
Sony sold 290,108 PSP units in June, a 31 per cent increase year-over-year. The PlayStation 2 continued to sell strong, with sales of 270,763 for the month of June.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Suloku:
This is a modified version of PSPComic 0.9.8 beta 2 by Jeffrey P. (AKA Archaemic) & Christophe Rudyj (AKA Kip) which allows the aplication to be used as a plugin for Ahman's irShell, as well it doesn't mean it won't work as an standalone aplication anymore.
Plugin Usage:
-Extract IRSHELL folder and it's subfolders into the root of your memory stick (of course, you'll have to previously had installed irShell properly).
-Once extracted run irShell under 1.5 kernel mode and run the iR Configurator from irShell's menu or through the shortcut (R+START).
-Scroll down to the "External Plugin Suffix" option and put the cursor on a free space, then use the right and left arrows to select the APP # 10.
-After that, press cross and write the file extension you want to link the plugin with. That should be cbr, cbz, rar or zip. For multiple extensions, you will have to use another free option.
note: if you are going to link rar and zip files, you may instead of adding new entries, edit the ones that already exist, because irShell comes by default with a zip/rar extraction plugin. You may also want instead of linking rar and zip files, rename them from irShell or when transferring them to the memory stick.
-Save the confoguration and exit iR Configurator. Now you can run your comicbooks from irShell.
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via suloku
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July 24th, 2007, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has unveiled an online Metal Gear Solid title for PlayStation 3 at a media briefing in Japan.
Metal Gear Online will see up to 16 players sneaking around new environments in game modes not previously seen in the likes of MGS3: Subsistence.
The official website shows off a selection of screenshots.
(Update - and here's a bit more on it from Konami's subsequent press release: "The new game showcases the all-new proprietary SOP system: a cornerstone gameplay mechanic that encourages players to link together with team-mates' nanomachines to build a matrix of real-time information that includes compatriots' whereabouts, battle condition, and location of nearest enemy.")
Konami also said that a closed beta test would commence on 20th August and end on 3rd September, with 3,000 players set to get a look in. It's not clear if it's Japanese-only, so keep an eye on the Kojima Productions website for more.
Kotaku, live-blogging the event, said that no release date had been offered.
Series creator Hideo Kojima has previously hinted at the existence of an online Metal Gear for PS3, although it was never made clear whether to expect it as part of Metal Gear Solid 4 or separately. Until now, anyway.
Elsewhere at the Metal Gear event - celebrating the series' 20th anniversary - Konami unveiled Metal Gear Solid 2 Bande Dessinee, a new digital comic for PSP.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
New updated release from Almost219:
This program was designed for 3.30/3.40/3.51 ONLY as of now, if you want me to make this capible for earlier firmwares, just
pm me and i can do so for the next release. Also I am NOT responsible
if you brick you PSP for what ever reason.
UFO v3.0 Features:
--Flash Unlimited Themes (OE, M33)
--Flash a Countless Number of Files (OE, M33)
--Dump Complete Firmware (OE, M33)
--Backup Files for Recovery (OE, M33)
--Recovery Mode (OE, M33)
--Mix n' Match Mode (OE)
--LOLstation Fix (OE)
--Create Flash Mode (OE) (Testing on M33)
--Multiple Security Checks (OE, M33)
--Simple File Browser (OE, M33) (Recoding for more functionality)
--USB Mode (OE, M33)
--Take Screenshots (OE, M33)
--Automatically Overclocks PSP for less lag (due to custom fonts)
--Noob Friendly
--More To Come
Also there are no 3.51 M33-7 compatible themes included, so you'll have to provide your own.
Also to be sure of its stability, ive had people beta testing different pre-releases all day, and not one of them resulted in a brick.
I'm also taking requests at this time too.
Download at Official Site
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July 24th, 2007, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
New lua game for PSP from imhotep:
Hi pspmad team /imhotep here again who brought you "I've been looking for Frieda"!
This time with an top-down game with a robot.
Your goal is to get to the goal without touching the dangerous blocks that will destroy you. There are switches and timer events, so be careful!
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July 24th, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation 3 firmware version 1.90 is now available to download in Europe, bringing with it several options for customising the CrossMediaBar (XMB) and a long-awaited option to change video upscaling options for PS1 and PS2 titles in-game. Let us know how you get on with that.
Elsewhere, you can set a stored photograph to be your PS3's wallpaper (similar to the system on PSP), remotely eject discs from the XMB, and re-order game icons by format and creation date. Sadly there doesn't appear to be an option for customising the order any further.
The update also forces 24Hz output for Blu-ray over HDMI, which seems to be exciting the owners of certain HDTV sets, and introduces bookmarks and a security function to the web browser.
Finally, one particularly obvious change is that you no longer need to plug in the PS3 wireless controller to complete the process.
Anyway, check out our previous update for a full feature listing. You'll be prompted to download the new firmware next time you log in to PlayStation Network.
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July 24th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
When Sony Online Entertainment announced its action-heavy MMO The Agency and revealed it's in development for PC and PS3, we wouldn't have berated you for assuming it'll support cross-platform play. It seems an obvious feature, after all.
But SOE made no mention of whether such will be included either way, and it's emerged that the feature is a maybe, and still being considered by the developer.
"We're evaluating this [cross-platform support]", The Agency's lead designer Hal Milton has told CVG in an interview to be published shortly. "However, we're not prepared to make a statement at this time."
Obviously with The Agency's strong action theme SOE has to be certain it can achieve perfect balance across the PC and PS3 platforms, and also has to be certain it's a feature that will be embraced by players if it's to invest time and money into it. We can but wait and see what it decides.
What do you reckon? Would you play against PC gamers on a PS3 - or vice versa - in The Agency?
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July 24th, 2007, 21:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
EA sends word that its co-op shooter Army of Two will release on November 15 on Xbox 360 and PS3.
The publisher's made bold promises where Army of Two is concerned, like it's "set to redefine the co-op action/shooter genre".
Everything revolves around co-operation between the games' two protagonists, who are plunged into various hot spots and have to work together to achieve objectives. Naturally you can play it with a mate or AI, or seamlessly interchange between the two.
We're not sure about "redefine", but after having a bash at EA's HQ yesterday we
we're confident Army of Two will tear up PSN and Xbox Live over Christmas.
Whether it can surpass the fun, car-flinging teamwork of Realtime World's Crackdown though, remains to be seen.
Look for our hands-on impressions very soon.
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July 24th, 2007, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via PSP Fanboy

Final Fantasy games are known for their moving soundtracks. It seems like Crisis Core may be no different. Pre-ordering the game in Japan will score gamers this set of sleek Crisis Core earbuds. Hardcore Final Fantasy swag collectors are already drooling over this ... and have probably already purchased five copies of the game.
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July 24th, 2007, 21:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq

We really wish this wasn't an eBay auction item, but it's still incredibly cool nonetheless -- and 15% of the final sale goes to Child's Play, so we don't feel that guilty featuring it. Anyway, this is an actual modded PSP which, beyond the accoutrements, was painted in an "18-step process" and then tarnished to match Kratos' armor. Currently the system is up to $590 so it's inching to the combined cost of four PSPs; but it's the labor, detail and charity aspect that make it a nice deal.
Beyond the paint job, the unit also features red LEDs in the shoulder buttons which stay lit through playing and charging time. The modder says he used Sony's premium rechargeable power pack so the accent lighting didn't hurt the battery life. Beyond that there's a bunch of hand sculpted elements so that it fits "comfortably in the hands." It also comes with a second faceplate which mimics Kratos' tattoos. Certainly a nice piece of art and an obvious, albeit nerdy, conversation piece.
eBay auction details here
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July 24th, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
Codemasters want us to play their latest horror title, Jericho, in demo form. The demo is going to hit the PlayStation Store, Xbox Live, and PCs simultaneously this August. Looks like developers are finally recognizing that giving PS3 owners a demo alongside the other platforms might be worth their while!
Demos are starting to get announced left and right. Heavenly Sword, the rumored Lair demo that we still don't see, Bladestorm, Jericho, and others are all scheduled for demos in the near future. We're glad to see the revamped support for the PS Store and Sony gamers in general, so with that pleasant note, we're going to end this song and start ourselves on Persona 3.
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July 24th, 2007, 21:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via PS3 Fanboy
We love furry animal critters and funky robots, so of course we're going to love the rumored Ratchet and Clank demo when it comes out. Game Informer had an interview with Dave Karraker about that very topic and he said the demo was, in fact, complete. He expects it to actually release this week, alongside the Heavenly Sword demo. We'd like this to be true, but we've heard nothing about it, so we remain skeptical.
With all the other demos getting announced, we're not surprised to hear of this one. We've just got to find an appropriate frame of time to slide the demo under the door, so to speak. If nothing else, give this demo a chance to get a better feeling for the game, if you didn't exactly agree with the hands-on impressions from E3.
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July 25th, 2007, 04:19 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
Eigth years after its predecessor, Atlus U.S.A. is bringing the latest RPG in the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, Persona 3, to North America packaged in a special collector’s box with a tantalizing art book and wicked-awesome CD soundtrack. Due to a manufacturing issue with the art book Persona 3 has been pushed back a few weeks, until August 14.
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July 25th, 2007, 04:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Today Activision announced its latest iteration of Guitar Hero, subtitled Encore: Rocks the 80s, is now available at your local game shop. Only available on the PlayStation 2, Rocks the 80s features head banger hits and synth rock ditties from the greatest decade mankind has ever known.
"From heavy metal to hair metal to punk, Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s includes some of the greatest rock anthems of the era," said Dusty Welch, head of publishing at RedOctane. "We're very excited to be able to offer new content to our loyal PS2 fans, and will definitely keep them shredding their axes until the holiday season."
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July 25th, 2007, 07:29 Posted By: wraggster
via gamasutra
Why was the PSP redesign so subtle?
PD: Is this subtle? (hands over the PSP)
Well, it's lighter! But why keep the UMD?
PD: Delivery of media. Why get rid of it?
There have been problems with it in terms of how fast it loads, and it was having trouble getting sell-through on the movie content.
PD: This new design addresses the load times to a certain degree. The internal memory has been improved, so the load times are improved. The movie issue you're referring to is really a function of our not handling communication with Hollywood terribly well. When the PSP came out, it was a new format, and as with a lot of new formats, what Hollywood does is back up the catalog and say, "Come on guys, let's release all this stuff on the new video format." Unfortunately, we didn't do a good enough job communicating to Hollywood about who was going to be buying a PSP.
This is a fake example, but it doesn't make sense to do On Golden Pond on the PSP, because that's not the demographic that's buying this thing. When we launched, there was a proliferation of UMD content, and it wasn't the best strategic fit with the demographic. Now we've done a better job of going back and interfacing with Hollywood and saying, "Look, here's what we're doing, and here's what makes sense." I think sense then, they've been a lot more selective in terms of what makes sense and what doesn't. You've seen people like Target come back on with UMD offerings. There have been some hiccups, but I think reports of the UMD's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
I know a while ago, retailers were scared of stocking UMDs. It may have partially been because of the movies, but it was also on the game side because certain types of games sell really well on the PSP, while other types don't seem to at all.
PD: You're right. Again, communication is a big part of what we have to do as a platform holder. It's a powerful device, and it's kind of a PS2-based technology, but the cross-ownership between the PS2 and the PSP owner is about 80 percent, so you can't just do a port, because people don't want to buy the same game twice. It's very important that you make the right game, and when you do, I think you see great results. People are really excited about God of War, but we're not just taking God of War from the PS2 and rereleasing it. We're making a standalone game. That's the right approach, and that's how you make the PSP work.
The PSP has its own demographic. The DS has its own demographic as well, but the PSP's is more traditional with the hardcore type.
PD: I think you're probably right. I know this more from my days at THQ, where we did a healthy handheld business -- the DS is a kid's market, it's a licensed market, and it's a Nintendo market. The PSP is probably more of a core gamer market, at least up until now. One of the things that we're doing is that we're broadening the userbase. We've already established it with the older guys, and we want to go down to the teen and tween audiences.
Part of what we announced yesterday was that we'll have some bundles with Daxter and Family Guy -- two properties that appeal a great deal to a teen audience. The Star Wars SKU is pretty broad. There's older guys who grew up with Star Wars, but it's still popular among kids. We think those types of content offerings will bring a new audience to the PSP.
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July 25th, 2007, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
An interesting comment in the mail bag over at IGN, heres the comment in full detail:
Why not have some homebrew game support?
-- carterman
Yeah, why not, Jack?
"I think that is something that is in the works," he said. "We certainly see some of the stuff that has been done via homebrew, and it's incredibly creative. And I think we'd like to try and tap into that a little bit more."
Dave added to Jack's comments by saying that moving to forward with homebrew software has one main hurdle to cross -- figuring out how to support the new content without putting the PSP at risk.
You know some hacker wants to brick your baby for fun.
Interesting eh ?
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July 25th, 2007, 10:14 Posted By: gelon

Akop (the fMSX and SMS Plus PSP Author) release a new version of ColEm PSP, great work!!
v2.2.2 SVN (Tuesday, July 24 2007 19:26):
* Fixed buffer overflow error affecting units without a battery
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July 25th, 2007, 11:52 Posted By: -Xandu-
echochrome surprised everyone at Sony's E3 press conference. The mind-bending puzzler has players looking at perspective in a whole new way ... and now you can try it for yourself on your computer.
The technology behind echochrome is something called the "OLE Coordinate System." Through this Java demo, you'll be able to create your own echochrome-styled levels. It's not the full game -- but it's a small taste of things to come.
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July 31st, 2007, 05:19 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 411mania
Devoted gamers might be familiar with Spike's Fire Pro Wrestling series, a long-running franchise of Japanese releases for consoles that debuted on the PC Engine, the Japanese version of the TurboGrafx-16. While the series has fostered a devoted international fan base, it has only made it to domestic shores twice before, in a pair of Game Boy Advance games from now-defunct Bam Entertainment.
That's going to change, as Agetec sources have confirmed to GameSpot the authenticity of messages from earlier this week on the Fire Pro Club community fan site. Those messages, posted by Agetec localization producer Mark Johnson and picked up on by Insert Credit, say that the niche publisher has acquired the rights to Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for the PlayStation 2, and is ready to release the game in North America later this year, or early next. The game is also set for a European release, though Johnson said the company not yet found a publisher in the region.
Later in the same thread, Johnson posted that this is not the first time Agetec has tried to import the Fire Pro series. The publisher had wanted to bring a previous PS2 entry--Fire Pro Wrestling Z--to the US, only to have Sony refuse to grant concept approval.
The Fire Pro Wrestling series is known for its reliance on 2D character sprites, as well as customization options that give players hundreds of options for a created wrestler's moves and appearances. Another trademark of the series is a roster of fictitious wrestlers (and more recently, mixed martial artists) divided into various federations, each with likenesses and styles suspiciously similar to those of actual pro wrestlers. Bam Entertainment addressed copyright issues by changing the appearances of the wrestlers in its pair of localized Fire Pro Wrestling games, but Agetec has not yet specified what it plans to do on that matter.
No price has been announced for the game, but Johnson said it will see release at a "very low" price point.
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July 31st, 2007, 06:55 Posted By: parkermauney
Team M33 have released anew version of their excellent Custom Firmware for the PSP which now supports PSP Firmware 3.52.
Heres Whats New:
[LIST][*] 3.52 Supported[*]M33 NO-UMD: fixed problem with several games including Simple 2500 Series Portable, The IQ Cube[*]Bug Fix for Go!Cam, GPS and sceKernelLoadExecVSH* not working in game mode.
They also updated it with a new bugfix release, heres the changelog
- Document.dat of psx games were broken due to some important changes in popsman.prx and now is fixed.
Plus, now document.dat does not need the same gameid as game which is played.
- The compatibility issue with irshell loading psx games in usbhost/nethost has been solved.
- Changes in recovery:
1. Removed the advanced config option "use isofs on UMD inserted", as it is not useful now.
2. Added "Format flash1 and restore settings" in Advanced.
3. Added speeds 20 and 100.
4. When in usb mode inside recovery, it is impossible to turn PSP off.
- The chineses and korean languages did not work in XMB, because they crashed homebrew and recovery.
The issue has been fixed, but korean font is not there, so you need to take it with psardumper from official updater, and put it in flash0:/font/kr0.pgf.
- M33 driver: fixed SBK07, now it work.
With this release we also a plugin to load pops from 3.40, 3.51, and 3.52.
The plugin works in 3.51 M33 and 3.52 M33. In 3.51 M33 you won't see option "3.51", and in 3.52 M33
you won't see option "3.52" (use original from flash for same firmware).
Instructions: copy seplugins to the root of the memory stick. Extract the following prx of a firmware: /kd/popsman.prx, /kd/pops.prx, /vsh/modules/libpspvmc.prx and /vsh/modules/pafmini.prx and copy them to /seplugins/popsloader/ with names like popsman3XX, pops3XX.prx, libpspvmc3XX.prx, pafmini3XX.prx, where XX is 40, 51, or 52.
Activate the plugin in recovery and done! First time you run a game, it will let you choose pops version.
Next time will remember configuration for each game; press R to change it.
The plugin doesn't apply to psn games.
Team M33
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July 31st, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marce:
This program lets you change your recovery language,it works in all 3.XX OE / M33 firmwares.
Recovery Translator v3 Download
*** Instalation ***
To install the program in your psp copy the hole package to you memorystick root.Then,start the program and choose the language you want and press X.
*** Languages ***
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Portugues
- English (Original)
- Catalan
*** Important ***
-> This software writes in flash,we are not responsable for nothing.
-> This software was succesfully tested in 3.02 Oe/3.03Oe/3.10Oe/3.30Oe/3.40Oe/3.51M33/3.52M33 (Works fine in these)
-> After installing the package in the root of the memorystick dont delete anything or it wont work,after flashing you can delete all.
Thanks to Dark_AleX for the recovery
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via marce
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July 31st, 2007, 07:48 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn has posted 2 updates on Daedalus PSP in the last few days heres both Newsposts in full:
It's been quite a while since my last update. I was starting to feel a little worn out from all the work I'd been putting into the emulator over the past few months so since releasing R12 I've been taking a bit of a break from Daedalus to unwind and recharge my batteries.
It's been really nice just taking a bit of a break to do a few different things with my spare time. I spent a short while in Spain with my sister, and since I've been back I've been catching up with a bit of reading, watched a load of TV that I'd queued up and played through a few games I'd had gathering dust for a while. Sadly my 360 succumbed to the Red Ring of Death last week so it seems I might have been pushing it a bit too hard
I found a new flat in Guildford which I'll be moving to at the end of August. I'm quite excited about the move as I'll save a lot of time commuting. It currently takes me little over an hour to travel into work and it'll just be 15 minutes once I move. I'm hoping that cutting back on the commute should not only free up a couple of hours each day, but I'll also be a bit less knackered once I finish for the day.
I also picked up a Macbook Pro during my 'time off' and I've really been enjoying my new-found sense of computing freedom (I've been writing this post on the train on the way home from work.) It's the 17" 'lapzilla' model, and it's an absolute beast. It actually compiles Daedalus faster than my year old desktop PC which I find pretty impressive. I'll have some details and tutorials about compiling Daedalus PSP under OSX in the near future.
Now that I've had a bit of time off, I'm feeling very excited about getting cracking with R13. My main feeling is that I'd like to continue working on speeding up the emulator to try and improve the framerate for titles that are already working. From your comments on this blog and on other sites such as the DCEmu forums (the site seems to be down right now - I'll update with a link later) it seems that this is mostly what people are interested in seeing for the next release.
There are a number of different areas I can investigate to help improve performance. The two main possibilities I want to investigate are working on further dynarec improvements, and looking at making use the Media Engine. To start with I'm going to explore both of these areas and try and figure out which would give the biggest 'bang for buck' for R13. I'll post and update on R13 when I have more details.
and also this one:
Custom Controller Configurations A number of people have asked if I would be adding support for user-defined controller configurations in a future release of Daedalus. As it happens Daedalus has supported user-defined controller configurations from R7 onwards. From the readme file:
As of R7 Daedalus now allows user-configurable controls to be specified.
The desired controls can be chosen from the Rom Settings screen.
In order to define your own controller configuration you need to add a
new .ini file to the Daedalus/ControllerConfigs directory. There are a
few examples provided which should give an overview of what is possible.
I will look at providing a more thorough tutorial shortly.
The format really is quite simple, but it is very flexible and allows for a number of advanced configurations. Here is a simple configuration which is distributed with Daedalus (ControllerConfigs/dpad.ini):
Description=By default the PSP DPad maps to the N64 DPad. Hold Circle to map to the CButtons.
N64.Start = PSP.Start
N64.A = PSP.Cross
N64.B = PSP.Square
N64.Z = PSP.Triangle
N64.LTrigger = PSP.LTrigger
N64.RTrigger = PSP.RTrigger
N64.Up = !PSP.Circle & PSP.Up
N64.Down = !PSP.Circle & PSP.Down
N64.Left = !PSP.Circle & PSP.Left
N64.Right = !PSP.Circle & PSP.Right
N64.CUp = PSP.Circle & PSP.Up
N64.CDown = PSP.Circle & PSP.Down
N64.CLeft = PSP.Circle & PSP.Left
N64.CRight = PSP.Circle & PSP.Right
The file starts with two lines defining the name and description for the controller config. These strings are used in the UI when selecting configurations. The '[Buttons]' block defines the mapping from PSP controls to N64 controls. In this particular configuration the N64 d-pad is mapped to the PSP d-pad when the circle button is released. When circle is pressed, the PSP d-pad maps to the N64 c-buttons. This config is particularly useful for games which make heavy use of the d-pad.
In the [Buttons] section, the left hand side of each rule must consist of one of the following N64 control names:
Name Description
N64.Start The N64's start button
N64.A The N64's A button
N64.B The N64's B button
N64.Z The N64's Z trigger
N64.LTrigger The left trigger
N64.RTrigger The right trigger
N64.Up Up on the N64's d-pad
N64.Down Down on the N64's d-pad
N64.Left Left on the N64's d-pad
N64.Right Right on the N64's d-pad
N64.CUp The N64's C up button
N64.CDown The N64's C down button
N64.CLeft The N64's C left button
N64.CRight The N64's C right button
N.B. There is currently no definition for the N64's analogue stick. By default this is always assumed to be bound to the PSP's analogue stick.
The right hand side of a rule consists of an expression defined from the following values:
Name Description
PSP.Start The PSP's start button
PSP.Cross The PSP's cross button
PSP.Square The PSP's square button
PSP.Triangle The PSP's triangle button
PSP.Circle The PSP's circle button
PSP.LTrigger The PSP's left shoulder button
PSP.RTrigger The PSP's right shoulder button
PSP.Up Up on the PSP's d-pad
PSP.Down Down on the PSP's d-pad
PSP.Left Left on the PSP's d-pad
PSP.Right Right on the PSP's d-pad
N.B. You cannot use the PSP's select button when defining controller configurations, as this is reserved for the emulator's use.
Values can be combined using a few simple operations to allow rules to be constructed with more complex behaviour. For instance, the following line:
N64.CUp = PSP.Circle & PSP.Up
Tells Daedalus to report that the N64 C up button is pressed when both the circle AND d-pad up buttons are pressed on the PSP. The NOT operator (!) can be used to invert a value, for instance:
N64.Up = !PSP.Circle & PSP.Up
This rule tells Daedalus to report that the N64 d-pad up button is pressed when the PSP's circle button is not pressed while the d-pad up button is being pressed.
The available logical operators are:
Operator Description Example
expr & expr Returns the logical AND of the two expressions N64.CUp=PSP.LTrigger & PSP.Up
expr | expr Returns the logical OR of the two expressions N64.A=PSP.Cross | PSP.Circle
!expr Returns the logical NOT of the expression N64.Up = !PSP.LTrigger & PSP.Up
You can also use parentheses to control the order of precedence, e.g.:
N64.CUp = PSP.Up | (PSP.LTrigger & PSP.Triangle)
Which defines a rule which defines that the N64 C up button is pressed when either up on the PSP d-pad is pressed, or when the left shoulder button and triangle are pressed.
No single controller mapping scheme can be provided which works well across all games, but using custom controller configs it should be possible to create a mapping which works well for any given game.
Post any questions you might have in the comment pages, and I'll do my best to answer them. If you come up with a good controller config for a game, email me (my name @gmail.com) and I'll look at adding it for distribution with future releases of Daedalus.
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July 31st, 2007, 09:08 Posted By: DarthPaul
Here's a new release from Weltall of his great cheat device application.
The changes of this new version:
- [ALL] now the text reader loads txt files from ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat/text/gameid.txt where game id is the id shown on cwcheat, it works just like memory cards or _S db entries. In this way you can store a txt file for every game.
- [ALL] now the text reader saves the old position upon exiting, in this way everytime you return to the text reader it will be were you left it, even if you reload the game. It will be saved as gameid.pos in the same dir of the txt.
- [LITE] added an homebrew only lite prx: it's called cwcheathblite.prx
- [ALL] moved config loading from the volatile partition to the kernel partition of the ram this should allow better compatibility with games/homebrews/vsh. GTA: LCS is working fine now even in m33 no umd modes (np9660/m33)
- [ALL] moved clock changing functions to the end of the cwcheat bootup process this increased compatibility with the vsh (now it's possible to use the homebrew prx or use R during bootup to load cwcheat even without umd and without freeze) and maybe also with homebrews and games
- [ALL] added a generic function to manage all numbers insertions in cwcheat (this is mainly backend)
- [ALL] implemented a goto function accessible with select in the memory editor: for now it's the only function using the generic number insertion function. (NB: it will search for the adress before the entered one alligned to the bytes you can see in a line)
- [ALL] fixed a bug in the disassembler which could lead to it going before the user mapped area when opening it making it crash.
- [ALL] now the cwcheat for homebrews can be installed easily as it's put in the MS_ROOT folder
- [POPS] now when entering the memory editor from the cheat mod menu the adress is managed correctly
- [ALL] now the memory editor and disassembler cleans the screen right when changing screens not only when exiting
- [LITE] added an POPS lite prx: it's called cwcheatpopslite.prx
- [ALL] the screen is cleared more in the disasm and memory editor to avoid parts of the memory editor, cheat modifier or disassembler remaining on screen
- [ALL] fixed a bug which could make the disassembler crash when making a new cheat if entered from the memory editor while selecting a not 4byte alligned adress.
Enjoy cheating!:thumbup:
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Via CWCheat
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July 31st, 2007, 09:17 Posted By: Chameleon
Via PSP Hacks
Finally an update on RIN, A Gameboy/ Gameboy Color emulator for the PSP, as it has been over a year since the last one has been released...
Davex's RIN mod adds two new features: Rewind and Mirror. The former is a nifty little Sands of Time-like feature that lets players warp back in time without using save states. By default, the rewind button is mapped to the PlayStation Portable's right trigger button, but according to davex, this can be changed in the Key Config menu.
The second feature, Mirror, horizontally inverts all game graphics. For example, if you're playing a platformer that's played from left to right, the Mirror feature will let you play it from right to left instead. Switching between normal and Mirror modes can be done through the Screen Size menu.
Davex's RIN mod is for version 1.21 of the RIN GB/GBC emulator. Please read the readme file included in the download before you install it.
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July 31st, 2007, 09:20 Posted By: DarthPaul
Raphael has released an application which lets you change the sensibillity of your Joystick
- It changes the axial mapping to a cubic (or other selected) form so that small movements don't get recognized too early.
This means that you can move cursors more exactly and don't have it jumping around on the screen.
- It applies a sensitivity scale to linearly change the responsiveness (and maximal amplitude for values < 100%)
of the stick. With this you can 'slow down' the analog stick.
- It filters movement of the analog stick so that abrupt changes are further smoothed (adjustable).
- It is possible to calibrate the analog stick so it centers properly.
It is a plugin,so you guys must know how to work with plugins,uh? If you forgot in these 6 days... here's a reminder:
- Unzip the zipped archive
- Copy the joysens.prx into your mso:/seplugins/ folder
- Add the line "ms0:/seplugins/joysens.prx" into the game.txt
- Turn off your PSP and go into the Recovery Menu and enable it under the plugins section
- Enjoy!
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July 31st, 2007, 09:27 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via Un-Official iR Shell Forums
Ahman and Stonecut have released a new version of iRshell
New features:
- Added support for Team M33's newest custom firmware (See note 1). If you don't want to update to M33, you will still be able to use this new release with older OE firmwares
- Launch and multi-task with PS1 games from within iR Shell (works also via USBhostFS and NetHostFS) (see note 2)
- Backup ISO plugins now integrated into iR Shell 1.5 EBOOT and 3.5x EBOOT (also supports USBhostFS and NetHostFS)
- Backup UMD Video ISO support (also supports USBhostFS and NetHostFS)
- Direct switching between 1.5 EBOOT and 3.5x EBOOT via new shortcut combo
- System-wide "Quick Exit" function to quickly shutdown games, homebrew etc and return to iR Shell
- Improved Autoboot to iR Shell plugin
- New Comic Reader plugin based on PSPComic for CBZ and CBR files by suloku - Original version by Archaemic
- Added the ability to flash/blink the menu highlighting cursor.
- Added support for adhoc PC nethostfs connection under 3.xx CFWs (some additional firmware files required)
- Added a new config item in configurator to turn on/off the Music button for screen capture.
- Other bugfixes and tiny improvements.
Please Note:
1. CFW 3.51 M33 Original version, 3.51 M33-2 (patch 2 with WLAN fix) and 3.52 M33 are supported. 3.51 M33-3 to 7 (patch 3 to 7) are not supported due to a sceKernelLoadExecVSH bug which had been fixed in 3.52 M33.
2. The launching of PS1 games via USBHostFS & NetHostFS works on all OE firmwares and also 3.51 M33 Original & Patch 2. FW3.52 M33 has issues with USBHostFS & NetHostFS, please update to FW3.52 M33-2 since Team M33 has resolved the issue in that revision. ~ Additional Files Rapidshare mirror download here.~
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July 31st, 2007, 09:33 Posted By: DarthPaul
Becus25 has released a new version of his Custom Firmware for the PSP
Heres whats new:
- Updates of Sony locked from game/memory stick (when you execute some update of XMB la PSP will return to XMB).
- Updates of Sony from UMD locked (patched the function vshKernelLoadExecVSHDiscUpdater)
* And if you execute a update the PSP will do this ... :
My flasher copy the file updater.pbp located on ms0:/psp/ie162 to flash1 (updater.pbp is the updater of the IE for install other IE new.
When the system call the function vshKernelLoadExecVSHDiscUpdater from the XMB the console will return to XMB and copy the updater.pbp from flash1 and put it on ms0 for show it on XMB.
Note : The folder 'ie162' will should be download of internet also .
Note 2 : Not use the updater.pbp from 1.50 firmware . Your psp will be bricked.
Suggestion of darkcommon of it function of darkcommon . Thanks .
- Now load eboots of 1.0 firmware you shouldn't from recovery. This function will be enabled automatically .
- Fixed a small bug found on recovery.
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Via Becus25
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July 31st, 2007, 09:33 Posted By: Chameleon
Uberjack has updated his MSX emulator for the psp with these new features:
fMSX Changelog:
According to the changelog for the application, one of the big changes retro gamers will be excited about is the 60 percent increase in rendering speed, with MSX2 titles running at full speed when played at 222MHz. In any case, below are the two main changes for fMSX-PSP v3.3.2:
* 60% increase in rendering speed--MSX2 titles run at 100% speed at 222MHz
* Fixed buffer overflow error affecting units without a battery (thanks to Alpha Beta for tracking it down)
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July 31st, 2007, 09:41 Posted By: Chameleon
The director of LocoRoco, Tsutomi Kouno has confirmed that a LocoRoco sequel is definitely going to be heading to the PSP in addition to the new PS3 version. He commented that he is thinking about a new PSP version and based on the glowing feedback received from gamers, he has an obligation to create a sequel.
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July 31st, 2007, 10:08 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via Darksoft
Tim Willhack has finally released Hexaxis XXI Update #8! The homebrew puzzle game with the great visuals, great music, etc..
Update #8 changes:
- Added Unique 3D menu system
- Added 3 modes
1. Standard (With Preview)
2. Advanced (No Preview and faster)
3. Quick Run (3 minutes)
- Zipped content is under 14megs! ~17.5 megs unzipped (thats less than the last update with less content)
- Added High Score table with Score, Level and Highest Multiplier and Verification code for each mode
- Added 2 new levels Sleepy Spudgy and Tornado Card (Removed Hippie Tie Die)
- Added Logo and Menu Music
- Added Rotating Level Select Menu with mp3 preview and background / color preview
- Added fonts with shadows for menu and HUD
- New Pause Screen allows you to change the level without restarting or go back to main menu without losing the running game
- A ton of new transitions from everything from the logo to the pause screen
- Much cleaner and readable HUD during gameplay, including keeping the multipliers off unless you have them
Square button is another turbo button but half way between turbo and regular speed
- If you put a dice down and it resets to the top, you have to let go of down before the dice will move down unless you are holding up
- If you put a 1 down, its bad! The grid will fade out so you can barely see the dice until you put another down, this is meant to screw you up
- Fixed very major bugs with the combo / multiplier system getting stuck
- Added Drop combos, Wipe Combos, and total multiplier (all of them added up)
- Added Verification codes which are unique to each mode,score and multiplier to stop cheating
- If you are in a game, if you try to start over it asks if you are sure before restarting
- The further you get in the 2 main modes the faster everything goes
- Advanced mode starts faster than Standard
- Preview line is off for Advanced and Quick Run
Screenshots via comments
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July 31st, 2007, 10:46 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via Raphael's Blog
Raphael released a new version of the great plugin for our PSP.
Here's the changelog:
- Fixed a major bug with the calibration function that scaled the range wrongly (should now really be useable)
- Added a function to map the D-Pad buttons to analog in case you can't fix your analog stick but a game requires analog stick
- Added a function to force analog input (for XMB for example)
- Added a function to map the analog to D-Pad (to control XMB with analog)
- Added button mappings for SCREEN (brightness), VOLUP and VOLDOWN
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July 31st, 2007, 11:43 Posted By: JPJunkie
Ultimate PSP Version 1.5
By JPJunkie (Me)
This Portal Contains
130 Flash Games
29 Apllications
Link To The Best Site Around (DCEmu of Course)
Updates From Last Version
Brand New Look
Smaller File = Quicker Download
How to Install Ultimate PSP Version 1.5
First of all Unzip the file
Then add the Ultimate PSP folder into the folder on your PSP that is called Common
Then on your psp browser type file:/psp/common/UltimatePSP/UltimatePSP.htm
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July 31st, 2007, 11:56 Posted By: Chameleon
Quake, has released a new version of his Windows app Extreme Link.
Heres whats new:
* Extreme Link: Explorer
o Added: Windows Explorer Open - Comp/PSP
o Fixed: PNG Image Viewer for SAVEDATA on PSP side - PNG Image appears normal in small view
o Fixed: Showing Files on CD/DVD - Files appear as normal
o Fixed: Nagging Error Message - Error message for CD/DVD Explorer open.
o Replaced: Open / MsgBox to Notepad - PSP Side
* Extreme Link: Options
o Added: Extensions
o Added: Extension Menu Option - Compress De-Compress / Depending on Extension
o Added: Custom Extensions
o Added: ListView ForeColor
* Extreme Link: Records
o Added: File Stats to Caption Header
o Added: Word Search
* Extreme Link: Ciso
o Added: Idiot Messages
* Extreme Link: Directions
o Added Help for IRSHELL Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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July 31st, 2007, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
Jus-cal has released a new PSP portal, heres the release details and download:
Hybrid combines coding skill and sleek designing by Gzero Interactive.
What is it?
Hybrid is a HTML/Javascript coded portal.
Will it brick my PSP?
No. It will not brick your PSP, it is not homebrew, it does not downgrade your PSP, and it is legal.
* Password protection
* Flash games
* Flash applications
* Internet browser
* Sleek graphics
* GMB - Gzero Media Bar
* File browser and loader
* Easy GUI
* Unique GUI
* Multi-tasking
100% - Released!
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July 31st, 2007, 12:48 Posted By: wraggster

Latentdev has released a new game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Gunfor ver 1.2
Developed by LatentDev
A quick, addicting game in which you try to dodge fireballs
New to ver 1.2
-4 different difficulties
-disabled screenshot cheat (you can still take a screenshot of your time though)
Coming soon in ver 1.3
-skinning support
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July 31st, 2007, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Auraomega and please read all of the news from him before you use this release:
PSPLock now appears to be in EBOOT format. This is simply an easy installer that I've lovingly called PEF (PSPLock Easy Flasher), all you have to do is run the program, select the options, and it does the hard work for you.
Increased security
Installed differently, which means you MUST read the README_PEF.txt
The ability to select characters (upper and lower case), punctuation, and numbers. Due to the above change, there is an easy scrolling option, pressing the triangle button will move you to the digits, the right should button to skip to upper case characters, and the left shoulder button to switch to lower case characters.
Faster load times, and although these are probably un-noticable, they are there.
Ability to select a "Button Switch", this allows you to either force-crash the PSP if the buttons are not pressed upon bootup, or, if the buttons are pressed upon bootup, the PSP will switch manual/auto modes (so if you are on auto mode, it will switch to manual, and vise-versa). Of course, this option can be disabled.
If the above "Button Switch" mode is activated, you will be asked to press 3 buttons, these will be the
buttons used. If you only wish to have 1 of these buttons doing the job, press that button 3 times.
Increased compatibility with VSH plugins, almost all that I have tested work, with the exception of
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July 31st, 2007, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nice new Mod Player from WBB:

Heres the release details:
I've created a small mod player.
Modo - ultra simple mod player
========================= =====
powered by libmikmod
Plays 669, IT, MED, MOD, MTM, S3M, STM and XM module format.
The player has two modes:
1. Browsing folders
Select a folder and the player loops through all modules found in the selected
directory. You can not select individual files here, only directories are shown.
Keymapping in this mode:
D-Pad left - Navigate through directories
D-Pad right - Navigate through directories
Cross - Navigate through directories
Square - Play all modules in marked directory
Circle - Play all modules in current directory
Triangle - Exit player
If you press Square or Circle and nothing happens, then the player could not find
any modules in the choosen directory. Otherwise the player starts playback.
2. Playback
Before the player loads the file, it shows for about two second the mod title,
press now L or R to switch to next mod file. This way you can browse faster.
If you do nothing, the player starts loading & playing.
Keymapping in this mode:
L - Load and play previous module in directory
R - Load and play next module in directory
D-Pad left - Seek backward
D-Pad right - Seek forward
Cross - Cycle through instruments / samples and comment section
Up / Down - Scroll messages
Triangle - Add five minutes to sleep timer
Circle - Abort sleep timer
Square - Switch through speed / power saving
Start - Abort playback and go back to directory browser
Select - Abort playback and go back to directory browser
If a mod file supports instruments / samples / comment section and the author put
messages in more than one section, then you can press the cross button to cycle
through. In the right bottom corner you can see what section is currently displayed:
- "INS" - Instruments
- "SMPL" - Samples
- "CMT" - Comment
INS, SMPL, CMT are only displayed if you can use the cross button. If none is displayed
you already view the only available section.
The player shows little arrows in the right bottom corner if there are more messages
in a section than the PSP can display. Use the up / down button to scroll in that
If the sleep timer reaches zero, the PSP will go in suspend mode.
The player knows three speed settings (power saving):
1 - Normal (CPU ~ 166 MHz), everything is rendered
This should be enough reserve for even the biggest module files out there.
2 - Reduced (CPU ~ 80 MHz), songname and position is rendered
This should be enough for almost every module file, but there are a
files which will not play to well.
3 - Extreme (CPU ~ 25 MHz), nothing rendered on screen
Still enough for most module files, but it is not for sure that the module
play well. You have to test.
My PSP played for 8h nonstop in this mode (Screen off, 50% speaker volume),
battery was full when started, after 8h it was a 56%.
Known limits:
* You can not select / play indiviual files directly. You have to go through all
files in the directory during playback.
* If you have a mod file which does not play well in 166Mhz mode, please contact me.
Enjoy some great mod files!
[[Update - 29 July]]
I have updated the player, the following has changed:
* Directory browser improved. Shows how many modules are in a directory and the button description is much better.
* If a mod author put messages in instruments / samples / comment section you can cycle through via cross button.
* You can now scroll these messages if they don't fit on the PSP display, use up and down button.
* Before the module starts playing there is short delay now, so you can cycle to previous / next song without actually loading the current module. Use L and R button here. This allows faster file browsing.
* One mod file is included (jingle bells) to get you started.
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July 31st, 2007, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
bumuckl has released a rather cool paint application for the PSP, heres the release details:
For everybody who doesnt know what that tool is good for: It's a very powerful drawing-application for the Sony PSP. The older versions havent beent hat good, so I decided to Release it here at version 5, which is really great.
What tools do you have in Bermuda CS5?
- Set the Dpad's sensitivity
- draw with pencil or with brush (customizable size)
- fill picture with color
- draw "effect draws" - choose between 3 different
- "Brushes" - choose between 8 different brushes, e.g. a bloodsplat on the picture
- Eraser tool
- Choose colors from shortcut palette, or set them manually by RGB - nearly 16 mio colors...
...and much more...
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July 31st, 2007, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Logikz, ill let the coder do the talking:
Welcome! This is my program called Easy Ultimate Cheat Installer v2
This version of easy installer is very cool, as it takes in every aspect of how your psp is already setup, as in say you already have a game.txt with plugins already in it? It will open the file up and add the lines Ex
on its own, and if you don't have a game.txt it will create one and add the lines for you
This Program Includes (With Activate Buttons)
-CheatMaster v0.6 = L + Note
-Scep CheatMaster = L + Start
-Cw Cheat = Hold Select For 3 Seconds
-Saniks Nitepr = Volume Up + Volume Down
-Video Recorder = R + Select To Record - Select To Stop Recording
You must have 3.40 OE All of these to work.
To Use:
-Just Extract the folder to your desktop
-Open the folder up and run Easy Ultimate Cheat Installer v2.
-Then Enable the Plugins in your Recovery mode(Holding R During Boot)
"I want to give a big shout out to BlackWolf92 and Sketch for making these programs a big hit out there in the PsP Community"
And there you go. I will take any questions and pm me for program ideas & If your a programmer who is gonna release a program pm me if you want me to make a easy installer for your release
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July 31st, 2007, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Another new portal for the PSP this time by Dezerith:
Here is a portal I made. It's called Yellow and it's at its very early stages so go easy on me. It contains over 40 flash games and 11 apps. I only put in the most psp friendly flash games - I didn't just throw in every flash game that could run on the psp like most other portals do. There's a readme file inside the folder and if you want anymore details or want to help (which would be greatly appreciated) just PM me. Thanks.
[Download] Yellow Portal v1.00
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July 31st, 2007, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
Tactical Penguin has released a new version of his game PSPRobots, heres whats new:
So I had some bugs in the first release of PSPRobots. I got bored one day so I decided to fix them and I just never released it. Well now I am so here you go; PSPRobots v0.2.
What's new:
-Option to use safe mode at the game start. If used, you will not be allowed to move into range of a bot except by bad luck teleporting.
-Robots not dying bug fixed
-Made crashes disappear after each round
-Made player not able to go on top of crashes
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July 31st, 2007, 13:22 Posted By: wraggster
Tactical Penguin has posted a news update concerning his game PSP Tower Defense:
So here's what all is done for PSP Tower Defense:
-creeps move from checkpoint to checkpoint
-only one orientation of a creep sprite is needed, a function rotates it to create the other needed orientations
-turrets rotate and shoot at creeps
-bullet system
-tile selector to move around and place turrets
-money which is used to build turrets
-lives which are lost when creeps make it through
-almost all graphic drawing is done with the GU
-support for different turret and creep types
And here's what I am currently working on/will soon work on:
-Make creep sprites change depending on what direction the creep is going
-make field background have pathways between the creeps' checkpoints
-make a level creator
-touchups, make it look nice etc
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July 31st, 2007, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Almost219 has released a new version of his Flash App for the PSP, heres the details:
This program was designed for 3.30/3.40/3.51/3.52 ONLY as of now, if you want me to make this capible for earlier firmwares, just
pm me and i can do so for the next release. Also I am NOT responsible
if you brick you PSP for what ever reason.
UFO v4.0 Features:
--3.52 M33 support
--All menus redone
--All previously found bugs fixed + more
--strengthened security (if bad flash, then it reflashes original file)
--Fixed file browsing functions to work correctly (runs lua files and views pics)
--Still very much noob friendly
--LOLstation is now working flawlessly on 3.30/3.40 OE-A
Also there are no themes included, so you'll have to provide your own.
Also to be sure of its stability, ive had people beta testing different pre-releases all day, and not one of them resulted in a brick.
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July 31st, 2007, 13:33 Posted By: wraggster
A new updated release from Luislizard:
Hi, here's the next version of Theme Manager. Now it comes with several security checks to ensure no more semi-bricks will be caused becaused of the user forgetting to flash pspbtcnf.txt, liberating space in flash0 or things like that, for now the only way to semi-brick is to flash a bad theme. It now also has the ability to restore the PSP to it's original state in case you semi-brick. All new features are explained in the README.
For this release i planed to include PatchSFO built into Theme Manager but had some memory problems and decided to take it off this release, but it will be included in the next release.
Heres the files
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July 31st, 2007, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
New game from Auraomega:

Ok, this is my new game, its sort of based on the ice puzzles in Pokemon, I'm sure you remember those
Anyway, its a work in progress, so far it only has 10 levels, and these are of mixed difficulty, and the menu system makes it crash (I've removed it for this release).
The full release should contain:
Menu, with saving
Ability to add extra levels
Graphics that vary every 10 levels
A system that tells you your current level
A system to tell you how many times you've failed
Anything else feasible thats suggested
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July 31st, 2007, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks for any of you who helped with news this morning, we are now back up to date on PSP Scene releases after the downtime. The news is kinda jumbled up so be sure to check the forums and site to make sure you have seen all the releases. Now for me to update the other scene sites.
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July 31st, 2007, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sakya has released a new version of his Mp3 player for the PSP, heres whats new:
-Added: Equalizers settings are now read from a file (look at equalizers)
-Fixed: volume boost is more precise (-20 Db / +20 Db)
-Fixed: with HOLD the analog was still working.
-Fixed: shuffle
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July 31st, 2007, 15:05 Posted By: mat_dizzy

PSP Earth SHR - Coming Out Today/Tommorow At 12.00- 12.01 am. (GMT)
Stay Tuned to check out the latest release of PSP Earth!
New Features:
Brand New User Interface - More Friendly - Nicer to look at - More profesional - Passport to London style GUI
More Webcams - From radio studios to busy town centers, or from countrysides in japan to fastfood outlets in America!
Thats all to be revealed for now, stay tuned and if you can stay up in time for 12:00 am then download this piece of kit which is proven to be a PSP masterpiece by some!
Enjoy! :thumbup:
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July 31st, 2007, 15:29 Posted By: -Xandu-
Last December, Sony's Phil Harrison said they'd "bring LocoRoco back in a couple of new ways with some new friends in the future." Then, at the PlayStation Premier event in Tokyo this month, they showed off Buu Buu Cocoreccho! by LocoRoco, a sequel that is "LocoRoco, but it's not ... a peculiar extra chapter." So that takes care of PS3, and we have our suspicions about a mobile version, but what about the most obvious platform of all, the PSP? We had a chance to speak with Loco Roco's director Tsutomu Kouno at the Develop conference and, when asked if there will be a Loco Roco 2 for the PSP, he responded, "Yes, there will. I'm thinking about a sequel for the PSP right now. I got a lot of feedback from players that they bought a PSP just to play Loco Roco so I feel like I have to make a sequel for them.
Though we don't have any fancy video footage of the PSP-bound sequel, there is some footage of the PS3 release from Develop, tucked away after the break. And check back later in the week for our full interview with Kouno-san.
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July 31st, 2007, 16:41 Posted By: Sektor
REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game "Flashback: The Quest for Identity" made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. REminiscence was created by Gregory Montoir. This update to the PSP version was created by Sektor (gtamp.com/PSP).
- added support for SegaCD speech files (voice.vce)
- added level/language selector (copied from rlyeh's GP2X version with some minor changes)
- select now toggles fast mode and mirror mode
- added key recording/playback, immunity, power/credit cheat and other debug options to the in game menu
- choice of full screen or small screen at startup
edit: Don't use the POWER & CREDIT cheat. It will make level 2 freeze when you receive a mission.
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This version is old and requires a PSP with 1.5 firmware. For a version that works on 3.x custom firmware go to gtamp.com/PSP).
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July 31st, 2007, 17:49 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
I claim to have the world's most Pimpt out PSP unit! 
The reason for this thread? To see if anyone in the world
has done better with real world hardware mods (excluding non functional LED lighting mods, etc).
The world's most Pimpt PSP Challenge! Art 2007.
Ok folks, here it is! This equipment purpose is to be mounted in an aluminium frame one day
to form a docking station to turn the PSP into a better equipped computer for my purposes
while it is docked in the frame, while still being an ordinary PSP when removed from it,
and therefore able to be replaced if it fails.
From there, simply swapping a single XLR connector allows the use of different serialy connected
devices from GPS units to barcode scanners, PC terminal clients, etc.
The photo above shows two entirely different operational scenarios, the only difference being
the connection of one different connected device, and the running of a different PSP application
that makes use of the connected device.
Common Hardware To Both Operational Scenarios:
Custom Multi I/O harness (sockets for audio out, microphone in, serial transmit and recieve),
Custom 0.5 Watt RMS x 2 Channel class D stereo amplifier wired to seperate Communications speakers.
Tie clasp microphone clamped to mini tripod.
Custom Pseudo RS232 interface biult into female XLR connector.
2x 4x AA battery packs for amplifier and serialy connected device (can both run on single 4xAA pack).
Operational Scenario A Hardware/Software:
Garmin GPS18PC serial GPS mouse.
MapThis 0499 beta (Deniska) running under iR Shell 3.6 (Ahman) so the PSP multitasks the MP3 playlist
and GPS navigation.
Operational Scenario B Hardware/Software:
Symbol LS3408ER Rugged Long Range Handheld Barcode scanner for data capture in harsh environments.
Reads barcodes from as far away as 45 feet, and as close as 4 inches giving it the longest range
out of any rugged handheld barcode scanner to date.
Rapid Data V1.4 (Art) Price checking station simulator feature.
Top that!
Cheers, Art.
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July 31st, 2007, 18:41 Posted By: watupgroupie
Heathy 007 has released a new version of Slash N Flash for the PSP.
Heres his newspost:
This is an upgraded version of My "Slash N Flash" V4 I Have therefore Called it "V5" THE THEMES AND BACKUP INCLUDED ARE ONLY FOR M33 FW BUT! this home brew app works on 1.50 or ANY CFW This is just a stabler release with some themes and backups included i take no credit as this was coded by slasher place the 2 folders "SlashNFlash" and "SlashNFlash%" in "MS_ROOT:/PSP/GAME150/" OR if using Firmware 1.50 "MS_ROOT:/PSP/GAME/" BY...Heathy007...... Flashes: *01-12.bmp *Battery (Now Works on M33) *Fonts *Gameboots *Virtual Keyboard *What Location Free Player Does *What Network Update Does *Volume Bars *Waves *Xmb Icons *XMB Sounds In "What Location Free Player Does and What Network Update Does" HB1 HB2...etc...etc... Runs the eboot at ms0:/psp/system/HBX "X" Being the number of the prx flashed...
by heathy007
I will put this in red so everyone understands.
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July 31st, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment America is being taken to court by California-based Parallel Processing Corporation over the Cell chip in the PlayStation 3.
The company alleges that Sony products infringe on a patent approved in 1991 for "synchronised parallel processing with shared memory," according to a report on GameSpot.
The complaint states that the infringement is "causing irreparable harm and monetary damage," to the company.
Parallel Processing Corporation is seeking damages and fees, as well as the impounding and destruction of all Sony products infringing on the patent.
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July 31st, 2007, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Eidos US CEO Bill Gardner has said he doesn't believe that PS3 is priced too high - but conceded that even a USD 100 price drop may not be enough to sell the machine to the mass market.
Speaking in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz Gardner said, "Sony is a big company. They know what they are doing.
"I don’t think [the price cut] is enough to reach the mass consumer, but I think it is enough to get it moving again, and it will move a little bit further, and they’ll need to do it again and it will move a bit further." According to Gardner, PlayStation 3 is good value considering it includes a Blu-ray player at a relatively competitive price point.
"Go buy an HD or a Blu-ray player. Go ahead. Tell me what it costs you. Then take a look at the PS3," he said.
"I don’t think [PS3 is too expensive. I do think we’ll start to see additional people pick it up and use it, maybe not necessarily exclusively as a game player but as a Blu-ray player and a game player, and there is an advantage to that."
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July 31st, 2007, 22:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has distanced itself from reports that Heavenly Sword has been confirmed for release on 14th September.
Retailers and some press reports have pegged that date for the game, but a spokesperson for the company told us this morning that an announcement had yet to be made.
Not that that's to say it won't come out on that day. Indeed, SCEE currently believes the Ninja Theory title will be released that month. They just don't want anybody getting ahead of themselves.
Unless, of course, you're referring to "playing the demo", which came out on PlayStation Network last Thursday. It's whipped up a frenzy of discussion as to its merits, which we'll be contributing to this afternoon with our own demo impressions.
Is it all it's cracked up to be? Or not? Or is that question even relevant? You decide. Or rather, we decide, then you shout at us for venturing an opinion. Woo!
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July 31st, 2007, 22:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Codemasters has denied reports that it's set to release PC and Xbox 360 title Overlord on PlayStation 3.
Reports sprang from a job posting on developer Triumph Studios' website, which seeks somebody capable of "Porting X360/PC code base to PS3".
However, the obvious conclusion is apparently the wrong one to jump to. "We are not porting Overlord to PS3," a spokesperson told Eurogamer this morning.
Of course, if that makes you angry you could always get a petition signed where a million people legally commit to buying it, at which point they'd probably change their minds.
So what's Triumph up to? Well, that's another question. But since they're not owned by Codemasters, it could be anything
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July 31st, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer that problems with one of the downloadable PSone games released on PlayStation Network last Thursday have led to its withdrawal.
MediEvil has a confirmed crash-bug that causes it to fail on the third level. Sony said it would return to PSN once fixed and that anybody who had paid for it would be able to re-download it for free then.
Sony is also investigating reports of audio problems in Spyro 2, which remains available on the store, although there are anecdotal reports of broader issues with that one, so you might want to duck it for now too.
The two games were released for GBP 3.49 last Thursday along with Crash Bandicoot 2 at the same price, which seems to be working alright. Touch wood.
Sony wasn't able to offer an estimate on when MediEvil will return to the store, but said it would have something to say on that front in due course.
For more on what's going on, keep an eye on the official Sony forum thread relating to the problems.
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July 31st, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

If you're the sort that turns their nose up at paying less that $600 for a PS3 and has an insatiable hunger for gigabytes and off-road racing, you may want to point your browser to EBgames.com, where 80GB PS3 pre-orders have gone on sale.
It may seem a bit of overkill to pre-order a system that's already available and hasn't exactly been flying off shelves, but those who want to pay $600 for their game system as a matter of pride or only like a limited number of the PS2 games they own may want to act fast. -- If some are to be believed, you may have less time to buy a $600 PS3 than you think.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Race the Real Car of Tomorrow: Experience the true physics and handling of the newest NASCAR race car and unleash new racing strategies to capture the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series championship.
Enhanced Visuals: State-of-the-art, next-generation graphics deliver side-by-side racing, complete track layouts, vehicle damage, and wrecks like never before.
Innovative New Vehicle Telemetry Visor (VTV): Monitor your car's telemetry and position on the track for real-time feedback on your car's handling.
Advanced Car Tuning: Master all 22 NASCAR tracks by modifying your car's handling to exact specifications with more than 40 comprehensive turning controls. You can put these setups to the test in Test and Tune mode.
All-New Career Mode: Complete challenges in an all-new Chase mode to earn exclusive licenses and contracts to unlock unique specialty cars.
Challenging Mini-Games: Develop your racing skills in adrenaline-pumping mini-games focused on bump drafting, spin recovery, turn apex and more.
Expanded Online Play: Prove yourself as the top NASCAR driver by challenging up to 11 other online* racers at the same time.
SIXAXIS Steering Control (PLAYSTATION®3 only): Experience the control needed to run three-wide by mastering the all-new SIXAXIS steering precision controller.
Take the wheel of a revolutionary NASCAR® car and drive your way to the NASCAR® NEXTEL Cup Series championship in NASCAR® 08. As the new rookie driver on the circuit, develop your racing skills to gain licenses and contracts from hungry owners and unlock legendary top performing cars from the biggest NASCAR stars. Gain new experiences as you race the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series, NASCAR Busch Series, and NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series, then modify your car's handling to fit your driving style. Share your setups with the online* NASCAR community, then challenge the field in live races with up to 15 other drivers. Experience tomorrow's racing today in NASCAR 08.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

In-depth gameplay with 15 intricate levels and multiple side quests for 15-20 hours of action-packed adventure.
Completely customize your character to expand in-game strategy options.
Intense and action-packed with 110 monsters, 15 sub-bosses and five main bosses to fight using 80 weapons and hundreds of armor types and bonus items.
Rely on your loyal droid assistant to fight alongside you and exchange or improve your weapons and armor at any time.
Venture through the expansive sci-fi world with up to four friends wirelessly.
The best sci-fi action-RPG gameplay available for Nintendo's Wii™ system and the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system.
Take control of Earth Command Lieutenant, Aileen Harding, as she adventures through intense sci-fi battles against hordes of unique aliens and huge bosses. With an array of special abilities and combat powers, you’ll draw on quick reflexes and skill plus a wide choice of weapons, armor, and items to defeat increasingly formidable opponents.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Originally released in 1987 in Japan, FINAL FANTASY® was hailed by gamers and critics alike as one of the first RPGs to create a fantasy world that captured the imagination of players around the globe. Twenty years later, the illustrious FINAL FANTASY franchise comes full circle: remastered as two separate titles exclusively for the PSP® system, FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II are timeless classics that created the blueprints for the future of RPGs. These all-new 20th Anniversary editions are treated with crisp, updated graphics, an unforgettable enhanced soundtrack and a vibrant widescreen presentation.
In FINAL FANTASY II, a malevolent emperor has called upon monsters from a demonic realm to take over the world, ending what seemed to be an eternal period of peace. From the destruction rise four young survivors who will take it upon themselves to stop the merciless ruler and avenge the death of their parents.
Final Fantasy II for PSP™ is in stock today as US release version at US$ 39.90 only. Available at the same time is BradyGames' Official Strategy Guide.
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July 31st, 2007, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia

Race on 20 tracks from across the USA for high speed, seat-of-your-pants action that will prove you’re mental and test your guts.
Compete against or play as over 60 of your favorite licensed drivers!
Go head-to-head in 4 intense vehicle classes: Top Fuel Dragster, Funny Car, Pro Stock Car and NEW Pro Stock Motorcycle.
Dominate multi-season Career Mode events to prove you’ve got champion blood in you.
Race for bragging rights by smoking your friends in head-to-head races in multiplayer VS Mode.
The Countdown to the Championship™ has begun!
Fine tune your 7000 Hp beast to race your way to the top of the standings. Take on NHRA® world champions John Force, Tony Schumacher, Jason Line, Antron Brown and others, in real nitro-burning Funny Car, Top Fuel Dragster and Pro Stock Car and Motorcycle racing action! Are you ready to burn up the blacktop?
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August 1st, 2007, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Recently we have become swamped with Custom Firmwares from the likes of Team M33, Dark Alex, Becus25 and others. But which Custom Firmware is best and provides the easiest way to update and risk of bricking at a minimum.
Ill be interested to see what the general consensus is here at PSP News.
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August 1st, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: mat_dizzy

Watch The Video - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=19gMpTTHnsU
PSP Earth SHR - Summer Holiday Release
Okay, if you havent already guessed what SHR stands for, its "Summer Holiday Release"
Please note this was worked on dramaticly today so there are still lots of bugs, but i wanted to get it released on the very beginning of August!
I thought i'd make this before version 0.5 as the name is apropriate, and plus its been released on the first official day of summer! But us old lot in england may disagree, this version should be called Raining Holiday Release
This following release has 13 webcams included, from Florida, New York, Honolulu, London, Derbyshire and Paris!
~ The Read Me Stuff ~ :thumbup:
PSP Earth SHR - Summer Holiday Release
Hello there! This is the summer holiday release of PSP Earth, and this time it includes 13 webcams, which isnt as much as i promised, but its a start!
I hope you like the new GUI which is also in beta stages, and it will improove in version 0.5
*Installing Instructions*
1.) Download 'PSP Earth SHR.zip'
2.) Extract it using either WinRar or Windows xp self extractor tool, or any other software.
3.) Read the readme file, wait, i guess your already here, unless you can mind read? :P
4.) Copy the folder 'PSP Earth SHR' (you may have renamed it) to the ROOT of your psp memory stick
5.) Quit USB transfer
6.) Click Internet Browser from the XMB (xross media bar)
7.) Type the URL (file:/PSP Earth SHR/index.html) *without brackets*
8.) Enjoy and use resonsibly!
*Using Instructions*
1.) From the first screen, click on webcams at the top ^
2.) Once on webcams, click on a continent.
3.) Once on continents, click on a country
4.) Once on a country, click on an area
5.) Once on an area, click on a webcam
6.) The webcam will refresh and the page may upload causing it to buffer
7.) It is normal for the webcam to maybe (freeze, delay, crash, buffer) etc...
1.) PSP System
2.) Firmware with internet support and java support
3.) Wireless Internet Connection
4.) Memory Stick DUO *or host the files on your own server*
5.) USB Transfer Cable / Memory Stick DUO Card Reader
6.) Fast Internet Connection (1MB+) Preferable
*Terms And Conditions*
PSP Earth is copyrighted to Cybo Studios. PSP Earth was created and first programmed in 2006 under the original code name PSP Cam, We then changed due to the camera accessory which may have confused things. You may not use content PSP Earth without
asking for permission before hand. If you would like to put this on your website then we will have no objections! Please also feel free to add more webcams but do not host a new version of the software with your added cams without asking first.
*Privacy Policy*
Everyone has a right too choose whether or not to be on face to the public, which is why if you feel a webcam is discriminating you, then we will take the webcam off the software!
These webcams are not controlled by Cybo Studios and we are not responsible for any content that might be showed on a camera.
If you are offended by anything that gets shown on the camera then please contact us and we will try and identify the problem.
Thankyou for downloading PSP Earth and we hope you enjoy it! Please note this software is still in beta devlopment stages!
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August 1st, 2007, 01:31 Posted By: blackrave
Via StrmnNrmn's blog.
A newly posted blog update from StrmnNrmn talks about the CPU speed of Daedalus, which he gets a lot of questions about.
On startup Daedalus increases the default clock frequency of the PSP's cpu from 222MHz to 333MHz for a 'free' 50% speedup. I use 'free' in quotes because this comes at the expense of drawing more power so the battery runs out of charge faster.
I've been asked if I'm going to support 333MHz many times, so I wanted to put this question to rest for once and for all. The answer is yes - I believe this has been the case since R1
Let's hope people stop nagging him about it, right?
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