December 4th, 2019, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Today is the 25th anniversary of the original PlayStation's launch, and Sony marked the milestone by announcing that the Guinness World Records had certified PlayStation as the "best-selling home video game console brand ever."
Between the four main PlayStation iterations, Sony has sold more than 450 million systems. Three of the four systems surpassed 100 million units in sales, with only the PlayStation 3 falling short while still managing to move 87.4 million units. Adding in the sales of the PSP (76.4 million units) and PS Vita (Sony has not disclosed a sales total), Sony has sold over 526 million gaming systems in its quarter century as a platform holder.
Sony's nearest competition for the best-selling home console brand would be Nintendo, but the Switch-maker's investor relations page puts its cumulative home hardware installed base at about 323 million over 36 years (if one counts the Switch as a home system). However, adding in sales of portable systems including Nintendo mainstays like the DS and Game Boy puts the company's cumulative sell-through at a little more than 752 million units.
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December 5th, 2019, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has pulled a PS4 Lineup promotional video from its channels following accusations that the video's animation plagiarized multiple other properties and creators.
Though the video has since been taken down, a backup not uploaded by Sony can still be viewed . Additionally, animation website Catsuka has tweeted a side-by-side comparison of the original video and the animations it appears to copy:
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December 5th, 2019, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Japan recently uploaded a video that was intended to highlight some of the biggest releases for the PlayStation 4 this holiday season, but it seems there was more to the music video than first thought. The video featured titles like Death Stranding, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and others, accompanied by clips of animation under the direction of Kevin Bao. These bits of animation are what sparked the controversy, as other artists began to notice that the video used exact animations from other pieces of work from anime and cartoons, such as FLCL, Steven Universe, and Souviens Ten-Zan. A Twitter post below, from Catsuka, shows the exact moments and compares them with what the pieces assumedly originated from.
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December 5th, 2019, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Happy December and Merry Tempmas! That's right, it's the first Tuesday of December, which means that PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download the December PS+ games without paying retail price. This month offers Titanfall II and . . . Monster Energy Supercross — The Official Videogame? Uh... Okay then.
Titanfall II
Quoted from PlayStation Store:
In single player, an aspiring Pilot and a veteran Titan combine forces to save their own lives and combat a powerful enemy against all odds. Multiplayer offers brand new Titans, expanded Pilot abilities, and deeper customization to elevate the fast-paced and exciting gameplay fans expect from the series.
Click to expand... Link to download
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame
Quoted from PlayStation Store:
Live the adrenaline and the excitement of the 2017 Monster Energy Supercross Championship with MONSTER ENERGY SUPERCROSS - THE OFFICIAL VIDEOGAME!
Race on the official tracks, Daytona included, with the official riders from 250SX and 450SX to experience one of the most spectacular and entertaining racing competition ever!
Discover the Track Editor feature for endless gameplay possibilities: select your stadium, create your own track and share it online with your friends.
Customize your rider and bike with more than 80 official brands and 300 items available and challenge yourself in conquering the top of the leaderboard.
Race alone or against players from all over the world thought different offline and online game modes!
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December 5th, 2019, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
@Leeful, a name you likely recognize if you're familiar with the PS4 scene, has released a brand new exploit host menu called "PS-Phwoar!". The menu is compatible with PS4 consoles running firmware 5.05 and comes with a great number of useful and up-to-date payloads, including (but not limited to!) essential ones like Hen (Homebrew Enabler), Bin Loader (executes binary payload files over the network) and ReactPSPlus (reactivates Playstation + titles). What makes this menu stand out, however, is the inclusion of new backup/restore functions, an improved fan control payload and, last but not least, a pleasant user interface inspired by the PS4's home menu aesthetic. PS-Phwoar! can be installed from USB, a PC, an Android phone/tablet or using an ESP8266 device (which is a programmable, standalone Wi-Fi module).
As hinted before, there are many, many more payloads bundled with PS-Phwoar!, like GTA V Mod Menus, Linux loaders and game/content dumpers. Here is a complete list:
Quoted from PS-Phwoar! payload list:
Bin Loader
FTP Server
Game Dumper
Backup & Dumpers:
- Database Backup/Restore/Undo
- Save Data Backup/Restore
- Trophy Backup/Restore
- Offline Cache Backup/Restore
- HDD Upgrade Backup/Restore
- Avatar Dump/Inject
- DB & SG Backup
- PKG Backup
- Disc Dump
- Kernel Dumper
- Auth Info Dumper
System Tools:
- Fan Control
- Firmware Spoofer
- Orbis AFR
- Save Mounter + FTP
- WebRTE PS4 Trainer
- Rif-Renamer
- Disable/Enable Updates
- AppToUSB
- Infinix
- Enable VR
- History Blocker
- PUP Decrypt
ReactPSPlus Tools (+Undo/MOD)
Linux Loaders (1,2,3 GB/NO-EDID/Internal/Eeply)
GTA V Mod Menus:
- Lotus (1.27)
- LastTeamStanding (1.27)
- WildeModZ
- WildeModZ (1.27)
- Lamance
- Lamance (1.27)
- Psyc0s (1.27)
- NotAnother
- NotAnother (1.27)
- AP II Intense
- AP II Intense (1.27)
- ArabicGuy
- NotYourDope's (1.27)
- Trainer Menu
Old Hen Versions (2.1/2.0/1.9/1.8/1.7/1.6/1.5)
Old HenVR Versions (2.1/2.0/1.9/1.8/1.7/1.6/1.5)
Click to expand... You can find download links and read more about PS-Phwoar! by heading over to its official GBAtemp thread linked below!
Official GBAtemp Thread
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December 9th, 2019, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
PSVshell, by Electry, is a kernel-mode plugin for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation TV which is currently compatible with firmware 3.60 and 3.65.
With PSVshell, you can set core frequencies in LiveArea and every other application with a very high degree of compatibility!
Similar to PSV VSH Menu and LOLIcon, this plugin is an overclocking plugin but it aims to provide a highly polished experience that includes a nice GUI and a high degree of compatibility.
This plugin comes with many useful features which include:
- Obviously, it allows you to overclock every aspect of the PSVita including the CPU, GPU (ES4), BUS and XBAR
- Like LOLIcon, you can overclock your PSVita’s CPU to 500MHz (494MHz in reality) which provides a small but noticeable boost over the 444MHz frequency that the PSVita can officially run at
- Unlike LOLIcon, it doesn’t allow you to set your GPU frequency to 333MHz as it only seems to differ from the normal 222MHz mode in regards to stuff relating to the Vita’s codec engine rather than actual GPU cores thus no performance difference is noticed in games
PSVshell also supports HUD mode which provides real-time statistics on how your system is doing performance-wise
- It comes with a pretty nice dark-mode UI rather than the console text-style UI of similar plugins
- Other than being nice to use, it also lets you modify clock frequencies with a few button presses and save profiles
- You can also see per-core CPU usage, peak load and some other statistics
- Unlike other overclocking plugins, PSVshell is a kernel-mode plugin so it works in LiveArea
- App-specific profiles are supported
- Games aren’t slowed down when you’re using the clock frequency menu and Adrenaline is supported
- 3 different UI modes which include ‘FPS Counter Mode (Top-Right)’, ‘HUD Mode’ (shows usage statistics & frame rate) and ‘FULL Mode’ (shows you the clock frequency menu)
From a brief testing session, I can personally confirm that the plugin works pretty well with the browser, LiveArea, Age Of Zombies and Fruit Ninja functioning without any hiccups.
To get PSVshell on your PSVita, you have to:
- Download the plugin from its GitHub Release Page
- Copy it over to ux0:/tai/ or ur0:/tai/
- Open your taiHEN config.txt and add its path under the *KERNEL section (example: ‘ux0:tai/PSVshell.skprx’)
- Reboot your PSVita and enjoy overclocking without any major issues!
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