May 1st, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: Auri
Struggling to understand homebrew? Not sure what you need to download, buy, whatever?
Well, download my tutorial and get your questions answered! My new tutorial covers firmware versions 1.50, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50, and 2.60, and has step by step instructions for all PSP users wanting to get into homebrew.
I'm posting this as an addendum to my book, Hacking the PSP , although this addendum is not sanctioned by Wiley.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and ENJOY YOUR HOMEBREW!
Thanks again!
Auri Rahimzadeh
Hacking the PSP
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May 1st, 2006, 03:44 Posted By: wraggster
Playasia today posted news of the release today of these new Videos/Music for the PSP.
Azumanga Daioh Vol.5
D.C. Da Capo & D.C.S.S. Da Capo Second Season 6 JPN
Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex Compilation
Kaworu Minato in Tokai no Sanzoku Tour (~Group Tamashii)
MIB: Men in Black
Mobile Police Patlabor Minimum
Mobile Suit MS Igloo Mokushiroku 0079 Vol.1 Naruto Daigekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chitei Iseki Dattebayo (~Junko Takeuchi, Chie Nakamura, ...)
Sister Princess & Sister Princess Repure VI
Sweet Paradise
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May 1st, 2006, 04:19 Posted By: wraggster
HunterXI posted this news/release:
<blockquote>---- rIpe v0.5 - a Rope Physics Engine - by HunterXI ----
* What is rIpe?
rIpe is a Rope Physics Engine for the PSP, coded in LUA (meaning you'll need Lua Player - http://luaplayer.org/).
* What are Rope Physics?
Rope Physics are a study of physics in Videogames centering around the creation of ropes or strands, and how they can be drawn & animated realistically. The concept is to create a strand with a whole bunch of fixed segments, all of which are affected seperately by their environment, and by each other. The result, when done well, can be astoundingly realistic.
* Why "rIpe"?
I wanted to call the software something catchy and easy-to-remember; something namely, and so I initially called it "RiPE" (the "i" being lowercase because there is no word in "Rope Physics Engine" beginning with an "i"), but I didn't like the look of that, so I just switched the cases, giving "rIpe".
* What firmwares is it compatible with?
To my knowledge, any firmware that you can currently use Lua Player on. rIpe should be 2.0-2.6 compatible, but I don't know for sure, because I don't have a 2.0+ PSP.
* What features are implemented in this release?
In this release, I concentrated on simply getting out a stable release, moreso as a 'proof-of-concept' than a real build or release (not that I don't intend to continue work on it, however). For this reason, a few things are a little out-of-whack (for instance, at this point, this is more of an Elastics Engine) and the features are somewhat shallow; many you'd take for granted aren't here. For now, you can only play around with the engine in the configuration file. I fully intend to continue work on this, and you can expect more releases soon. Here's a list of exactly what you can play around with in the Scenario through the configuration file:
- Custom Anchors, Vertices, and Lines
- Gravity (this can be altered in-engine, as well)
- Line Elastic Strength
- Vertex Inertia
- Colors
- Backgrounds
- Visual size of Anchors & Vertices
- The presence of tips in the engine (this can also be changed in-engine, though)
- The presence of a few Extra Features
(Note: you'll need to know a little Lua to play with some of these features. If yoy need a refresher, I'd recommend the revamped version of Whitehawk's old Lua tutorials. You can find them here: http://www.scriptscribbler.com/psp/lua/lesson01.htm)
* What features aren't implemented in this release that will be?
There are a few things I wanted to implement but wasn't able to (but will soon). In no particular order:
- Support for multiple configuration files
- 'Truer' Rope Physics, to make this more of a ROPE Physics Engine and less of a Rubber Band Engine
- A Configuration file creator/editor
- Better customizability of the engine (like support for images for Vertices)
- A nicer, more streamlined, more user-friendly interface
* What if I have feedback/input/ideas?
Feel free to email me at (hunterxi [AT] gmail [DOT] com) with any thoughts, feedback, ideas, criticism, etc. you may have, just so long as it's CONSTRUCTIVE. If you're looking to complain, please do so to the nearest wall instead, because that's a rough equivalent of what complaining to me will get you, and it'll save me the trouble of deleting your email. Please type legibly (no 'IM speak' or shorthand), and preferably in English (though other languages are OK, too).</blockquote>
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May 1st, 2006, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam updated his Netlib Release:
<blockquote>Hey everybody! I have added a new function to netlib, email. The function is as follows:
netmail(to, from, subject, message)
I have spent a while on this debuging it so that its both easy to use and works without (many) limitations.
The only big limitation is that if you are going to send from a fake account, you cannot include a space. I don't know/care if there is a workaround.
Also, for some reason, the ' sends \' for some reason. I dont know why.
To use netlib, all you need to do is put dofile("netlib.lua") in your program and inclue the netlib.lua file.
I am hoping someone is willing to write a nice email client. I am looking up how to recieve emails, but am not finding much. Any help is apprecieted.</blockquote>
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May 1st, 2006, 04:25 Posted By: wraggster
Natan333 has updated his Lua paint app, heres the info:
-added colors
-fixed some bugs
Hold R trigger to pop up the colors
select a color and press square button while holding R trigger to change drawing color
if you press circle while selecting a color, the screen will change color
Press start while drawing to clear the screen
pres select to reset the program
To take screenshot press L trigger and Triangle
it will save to the root of your memory stick
i m using pspwindows eboot to load up the portablepaint.lua
if your having problems, just copy the image folder and open the folder with luaplayer
next verson will have more stuff
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May 1st, 2006, 04:30 Posted By: wraggster
psp-justice posted this news/release:
<blockquote>Hi I made a game in lua, this is an verry early beta. It is called: Terror-Strike (working title)
It 's a CS 2d clone, although I never played that. I created this game by learning the tutorials of
Charlie from evilmana.com . I did not use Mr Game 's code of 2d paintball, but I used his character.
The level is based on De_dust of CS but I made it myself in photoshop. In the next beta I hope I can
make at least an enemie and health so you can have some fun shooting a terrorist.
up, down, left, right, moves the countet-terrorist
cross fires the gun
L and R are for strafing
Done: - counter-terrorist moving
- shooting for 1gun
- strafing
To do: - adding a menu
- adding sound
- adding enemies (terrorists)
- adding health
- more weapons: knife, other guns and grenades
- collision detection
- map system with scrolling (if I can make that)
- making other character sprites
- a lot more </blockquote>
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May 1st, 2006, 04:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSPrk has released a new version of Tuyo Kiss, which if i remember correctly is a graphical story for the PSP.
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May 1st, 2006, 04:45 Posted By: wraggster
romero126 posted this new Lua release:
Open Source Menu Creator!
Check it out takes an easy approach to developing menus, and controlling blits. Welcome to object oriented programming!
Just credit me on it and itll be cool (GlassEye)
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May 1st, 2006, 04:50 Posted By: wraggster
Kech has ported Open Mugen to the PSP, heres what he says:
I made this port for PSP but is only a demo beacuse the proyect OpenMugen is still a very joung work
any comments please tell me.
PD: now I am working in Kof91 but this project use Allegro library
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anyone take some screens 
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May 1st, 2006, 15:40 Posted By: nomi
While 2 other people were trying ot port RTS games to the psp i decided to make my own. its called Counter-Strike Strategized!!!! well its in very early stages as u can only see the command center and the person and you can scrool and move the person. it wont be very fun as yet!
Created By Nomi
This is only an Alpha Relase, WOrks still in progress: hope you'll like it
Currently working (0.1.1) Alpha-1
New Music
Minerals addition
To Do: (0.2) Alpha-2
- Command Center operations
- Minerals operations
- Build
- Make Characters
To Do: (0.3) Beta-2
- Create AI
To Do: (0.4) Beta-1
- Make Infrastructure
- Make Adhoc
To Do: (0.7)
- Global Lan/Infrastructure Up to 6 Players, (PSP, DS)(IF I MAKE ONE ON THE DS!!!)
HAVE FUN!!!!!! 1.0/1.5 FIRMWARE ROX ( you can play on 1.5 firmware by using KXPLOIT this is 1.0/2.0 VERSION
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May 1st, 2006, 16:13 Posted By: Darksaviour69
StrmnNrmn posted in our submit news forum.
To cut a long story short, I managed to port the emulator over fairly quickly, but after starting a new job development ground to a halt. A few months later I saw the buzz surrounding PSMonkey's N64 emu, and thought I'd have to finally bite the bullet and let people see what I had been working on.
This is quite important: The emulator is far from perfect - many (most) roms don't currently boot, and there are all sorts of crashes, graphical glitches and performance issues. There's no sound or savegame support either This should really be treated as a teaser of what's possible in the future. Hopefully if I have enough time and motivation I'll be able to make a lot of headway with these problems.
Despite all that, the emulator is showing some great signs of progress. Super Mario 64 is looking pretty good as you can see from the screenshots here: http://sourceforge.net/project/scree...group_id=57977. 
The next big tasks for me to tackle are to fix various crashes (i.e. many roms boot but then bug out after a few seconds) and improve performance (i.e. Mario currently only runs at around 20-25% of full speed.
StrmnNrmn is one of the authers of Deadalus , the N64 emu for the P.C.
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May 1st, 2006, 18:59 Posted By: Seddy
Hi Guys!
I have released the open Beta of my first PsP game.
It is called PsP Soldier and it is a 2d online Shooter.
You have to steer a Robot and shoot the other players,
that are on the Server.
If you want to get more infos, go on my side:
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May 2nd, 2006, 00:53 Posted By: Kaiser
Iazybandit 's official review site has got its first batch of reviews posted today. Want information on the latest PSP related accessories? Check them out on dcemu's newest hosted site. You can even request for specific reviews to be written and inform you whats worth your hard-earned money (or even your weekly allowance ) .
Official Forum
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
via Gamespot
Namco Bandai Games America today revealed a lineup of four next-generation console games for next week's Electronic Entertainment Expo, with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 each getting a pair of offerings.
On the PlayStation 3, Namco Bandai will show the next iterations of two of its most popular series with Ridge Racer 7 and Tekken 6. A teaser trailer for Tekken 6 was shown as part of Sony's E3 conference at last year's show, while gamers will apparently be getting their first glimpse of the seventh Ridge Racer at the show next week.
Over on the Xbox 360, Namco Bandai will be showing a pair of new games. There's Mobile Ops, a first-person action game set in the Gundam universe (originally announced last July at the Xbox Summit in Japan), and the more recently announced Culdcept Saga.
Namco Bandai America representatives did not immediately return inquiries from GameSpot as to whether Culdcept Saga's part in the company's E3 showing meant it was definitely going to be released in the US. While the Monopoly-meets-Magic card-battling series has had success on multiple platforms in Japan, it has made only a single appearance domestically, the 2003 Culdcept on the PlayStation 2.
The Namco Bandai release also neglects to mention three other recently announced Xbox 360 games that seemed to be likely candidates for the show: Zegapain XOR and the Xbox Live Arcade games Galaga and Pac-Man.
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Clicking on the "Read" link will take you to the trailer for the upcoming Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway. More than likely, the largest concern that rests upon the thoughtful brows of those awaiting the launch of the PS3 with fevered anticipation is just how good could this game could be. Considering that the last two entries in the series that graced a Sony system were the poorest editions when compared to their counterparts on the PC and Xbox, should we assume the third time will be the charm and this title could excel, if not totally demolish, the PC and Xbox 360 installments?
via PS3fanboy
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Ghost Rider's long and winding road to your living room should finally be nearing its end, as 2K Games has announced they will publish the video game alongside the movie starring Nicolas Cage, slated for release in February 2007.
The game will be based on both the comic book series and the film, where motorcycle stunt rider Johnny Blaze sells his soul to the devil in exchange for the life of his father. Players will step into the role of Blaze as he is transformed into a hero with supernatural, evil-fighting powers and a flaming hairdo. Gameplay will consist of third-person action blending hand-to-hand combat and motorcycle racing.
Though Majesco was originally set to publish the game, the Ghost Rider license changed hands when it was sold last December to an (at the time) unnamed publisher. 2K Games has pulled the mask off of our mysterious guest, and comic fans should be playing Ghost Rider on their PlayStation 2, PSP and Game Boy Advance next February.
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Static and Sharko (DreamWare Development Team) have released the second Beta version of PSP Office, a collection of tools and applications wrapped up together in a "Office Suite", sort of like a homebrew OS shell. As of now, the capabilities are limited, but they plan to implement some pretty cool additions in future releases.
Features for BETA v0.2 include:
-MP3 Player
-Picture Viewer
-Preview of the PSP Word's Keyboard/PSP Word's GUI
-More stable menu
Future features include:
-PSP Word (Mini word processor)
-A VERY interesting GUI
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May 2nd, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Psilocybeing posted a new update of his Portable meditation engine release, heres the info:
<blockquote>*UPDATE 01/05*
Here's the latest update for PME. It contains quite a few corrections and additions regarding the loading and generation of beats. One limitation that is imposed however is that you can't throw in amazingly high frequencies(1000 seems to work, sometimes). I'm not sure why this is, but it shouldn't affect most presets(bar the sinus one, sorry!).
A few changes with the preset file format:
This example will produce two voices, one being 100hz with a 3hz beat(100% volume), and the other being a channel of white noise(50% volume). The frequency of the beat for the first voice added is inreased over 60s to 12 hz.
The format of the V preference is now as follows: V(base frequency) (beat frequency) (beat type 0=empty 1=beat 2=white noise) (volume 0-8000)
Notice that we add the channel of white noise on the next available channel, all on its own. Due to the random nature of white noise mixing it with a beat will leave the beat undectectable. I'm looking into a more efficient way of mixing, but for now this is one restraint that can't be avoided(if we want to keep all 8 voices/6 voices 1 white noise).</blockquote>
Download at the release thread
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May 2nd, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
MikeDX who is working on the improvement of the port of MAME for the PSP is the newest coder to join the family of coders at the DCEmu Network, at the moment his site is very much a WIP site but things will get cracking soon and especially on the MAME for PSP front.
Check out MikeDXs site here --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk/
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May 2nd, 2006, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA.
The Competition will last for 15 days and starts now 
You can submit any Game, Demo or APP written in Lua, full rules can be found on the competition page.
Heres the Prizes:
The Prizes to the winner are
Multi Cradle

The Multi-Cradle is a cradle style charging solution that includes stereo speakers, multiple viewing angles, and stylish blue lights.
Lithium Battery Pack 2600mAh
A high quality lithium battery pack able to be recharged over 10,000 times. The battery pack provides 2600mAh of power for your PSP.
Replacement Faceplate (e.g. Liquid Platinum) (color winner's choice)

Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Replacement Button Set (e.g. Agent Orange) (color winner's choice)

Replacement button set for PSP including the digital pad (D-Pad), Analog stick and all face buttons including the 4 main action buttons, start, select & home, volume, audio and display.
Now this competition is aimed towards those who are new and not so experianced or to those who just want some neat accessories.
Full Details on rules at the Competition Page, Let the LUA CODING BEGIN 
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May 2nd, 2006, 05:28 Posted By: Kaiser
The suprising release of Daedalus and the extremely positive feed back recieved on the project may have started something truly great. PSMonkey has long been developing his own N64 emulator for the PSP and has gone quite a long way since first releasing his port of Nincest. There's been much buzz around a possible team up with some promising posts by Nexis/PSmonkey and StrmnNrmn over at the Emutalk forums. Whether they are helping each other with information exchanges or if they have decided to team up and work on a single emulator, this can only mean good things ahead for PSP users.
These are exciting days in the world of PSP homebrew so keep your ears and eyes peeled!
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Gamesindustry
SEGA of Europe has announced Full Auto 2: Battlelines for PlayStation 3 - marking a shift in platform focus for the burgeoning car combat franchise, which was formerly an Xbox 360 exclusive.
According to the firm, Battlelines will build on the first game's time-rewind "Unwreck" feature, ratcheting up the levels of environmental destruction and the strategic role it plays.
"The destructible environments in Full Auto 2: Battlelines are both stunning and strategic, especially in multiplayer combat," says SEGA of America's Scott A. Steinberg. "The gameplay innovations of tactical destruction and team multiplayer vehicular mayhem combined with the tremendous power of Sony's PlayStation 3 console makes this sequel truly the next generation of combat racing."
Full Auto had been one of the Xbox 360's major early third-party exclusives, but following mixed reviews and a fairly weak chart showing SEGA's clearly reconsidered its focus and decided to try it out on Sony's next-generation format instead.
As well as an expanded, 20-level single-player game, Battlelines will feature six multiplayer modes playable online - including team-play variants - as well as more than 20 weapons and cars.
There's no word on when Full Auto 2 will launch, but it will be on display at E3 next week.
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
It’s being reported this morning that SEGA has been courting controversy in Japan, after releasing a promo T-shirt featuring Hitler for its World War 2 game, Advanced Dai Sen Ryaku.
SEGA is not merely giving these away as promo items either, but even more surprisingly, is selling them. The t-shirt features Hitler alongside Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and Mussolini.
The item is for sale in the company's Japanese online store. If you enjoy shocking everybody that you meet, then you might want to buy one.
Whatever next? SPOnG wonders what the Japanese reaction would be if a western game company were to use pictures of the Hiroshima-busting bomb Enola Gay in its game marketing materials. We suspect there would be an similar reaction to that of SEGA’s use of European genocidal fascists to sell more budget PS2 war games in Japan.
We are not sure. Perhaps we are being overly sensitive, and this T-shirt is actually going to be a must-have E3 item. Though we doubt it.
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May 2nd, 2006, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Lok Tai has released a free location free TV viewer for the PSP, watch TV on the Go Via WIFI, heres the details:

<blockquote>VSP is the premier free Location Free TV viewer.
* Watch TV anywhere with a wifi connection.
* Allows channel changes.
* by the way, no sound yet. I'll get on it next time I have some free time. It's not a bug.
Basically, you can watch TV on your PSP anywhere with a wifi connection. TVSP receives the TV signal from a TV capture programmed called DScaler. And the best of all, it doesn't cost $350 to get TV on my PSP :-)
Press [UP] or [DOWN] to change channel.
Press [START] to quit. *** Please QUIT this way only, not by press Home ***.
Background Story:
How did I come up with TVSP? Hmmm, it was one day in my bathroom to take a load off :-), When all of a sudden, omg, I have forgotten to bring anything in to entertain myself. Not a Maxim magazine in sight. Delerium sets in. What have I done??? While being quite bored, I had an epiphany. Hey, wouldn't it be cool if I can watch TV in the can. The rest is history.
Installation Directions:
It's not very hard, it's actually quite simple. Just follow the directions "EXACTLY" and you'll be watching tv on your psp in no time. You do need a TV Card though. I have a ATI TV Wonder VE, and it works great. Any TV card that works with DScaler 4 is good.</blockquote>
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May 2nd, 2006, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
News Via GTAPortable.com:
For those of you familiar with Edison Carter's CheatDevice will know a little feature called ''bikes can drive on walls''. Well in the next version Edison has revealed that cars will now also be able to drive on walls.
He says that you need to use the hover cars cheat to get on the roof of a building (well the ones that has roofs), then drive off the edge at around 20 mph. Something to look forward to. We'll update you when the new version is released.
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May 2nd, 2006, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Whether or not Microsoft can mount a serious challenge to Sony's market share in the console market may be almost entirely down to the outcome of the battle between the Blu-Ray and HD-DVD next-generation DVD formats.
That's according to leading industry analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities, who has pinpointed the struggle between Toshiba and Sony in the high definition movie space as crucial to how the games market will move in the coming years.
"Notwithstanding the efforts of all three console manufacturers to deliver compelling exclusive content, we believe that the ultimate outcome of the console wars will be decided by the motion picture studios," Pachter commented in a note issued this week.
"Should the studios embrace Sony's Blu-ray standard for high definition DVDs, we think Sony will gain an insurmountable advantage over Microsoft; should the studios embrace Sony rival Toshiba's HD-DVD format, we think that Microsoft can maintain its first mover advantage and will dominate software sales for years to come."
Pachter believes that Sony has allowed Microsoft to gain that first year advantage because of its desire to hold off on releasing the PS3 until such time as the Blu-Ray technology was ready - a risky strategy, but one which could yet pay off for the firm.
"Should Sony win the high definition DVD format war, we expect a more rapid adoption rate for the PS3; should Sony lose the DVD war, we expect sales of the PS3 to approximate annual sales of the Xbox 360, and believe that Microsoft can retain its first mover advantage," Pachter explained.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 utilises a standard definition DVD drive, but the firm has announced its intention to launch an add-on unit which can play HD-DVD content and is expected to announce further details at E3 next week.
However, uptake of such devices for consoles has traditionally been slow, and while the peripheral will answer critics of the Xbox 360 who point out that the device for which Microsoft coined the phrase "HD Era" doesn't actually play back any HD physical media, it is unlikely to make a major impact on the fortunes of the device - or the HD-DVD format.
Pachter's estimation, which is supported by comments from other analysts covering the movie industry, is that Blu-Ray will win the format battle against HD-DVD, despite its apparent disadvantages - including being later to market, and being more expensive.
"We expect the dominant console at the end of the next cycle to be the Sony PlayStation 3," he explained, "primarily due to our assessment that Sony will win the high definition DVD format war."
It's not all bad news for Microsoft, though, with Pachter anticipating that Xbox 360 will "enjoy a first mover advantage for the next two years, capturing approximately 42% of U.S. and European combined next generation hardware unit sales through 2007."
Looking past 2007, however, the market seems likely to settle down to a more familiar pattern - "with Sony capturing around 45% of the total market, Microsoft capturing 35%, and Nintendo capturing 20%. These estimates do not include market shares in Japan, which we expect to be dominated by Sony (65% through 2010) and Nintendo (25%)."
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May 2nd, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo USA have posted this new accessory:

More than a useful low price docking station (with charging socket), the Essential pack by VGA brings you additional must have accessories for your PSP: USB data cable, game cases, screen buffer, screen protector and cleaning wipes! All in one.
More info at Divineo USA
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May 2nd, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamasutra
According to a new report published by The NPD Group, the PlayStation Portable's (PSP) multi-functionality has played a key role in the sales and existing user satisfaction of the device. This report is based on an online survey sent to approximately 55,000 members of NPD's consumer panel, ages 6 to 44.
The report, PSP Functionality and Content Study, examines consumer ownership, usage and attitudes toward Sony PSP functions and content such as games, movies, TV and music, specifically addressing how the multi-functionality has been instrumental to the success of the PSP.
According to the report, while games and downloaded music files are the most popular types of content used by the average PSP user, nearly two-thirds own movie or TV content on Universal Media Discs (UMD), with more than two-fifths saying the ability to watch movies or television content on their PSPs were very important factors in their decision to purchase the device.
However, the report explores the purchase intent and purchase motivators for UMDs in great detail, finding that while one-third of PSP users who don't own UMDs said they are likely to purchase a UMD in the near future, they don't necessarily care about the format in which the content is provided. As retailers and movie studios alike continue to scale back on the number of UMD movies and TV shows they carry or release, the outlook for the UMD format is bleak, according to NPD.
''Success of the UMD format depends on several key factors, said Anita Frazier, industry analyst, The NPD Group. PSP users state the main barrier to purchasing UMDs is price, followed by the available movie/TV selection. If the right content was priced more competitively with DVDs, UMD sales may see a lift. Additionally, UMD sales may benefit if manufacturers and retailers focus on raising awareness and providing easier access.''
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May 2nd, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
MaSt3r_ShAk3 has updated his Lua Avalanche game, heres whats new:
Changes from V3:
Updates menu GUI
fixed highscore bug
other bug fixes
new GFX for spike and ball
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May 2nd, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
Portable Life #1 contains:
News about the PS1 emulator, the Basic Pack, and the new 2.70 firmware. Opinions on Portable Media Players, why teens are losing interest in gaming, and a professor banning laptops in class. Homebrew news featuring Starcraft and PiMP streamer. Game reviews with a RPG round-up and looks at SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo, Gottlieb Pinball Classics, The Sims 2 and Fired Up. Releases section containing release schedules for May and June, highlighting Me & My Katamari and Exit.
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May 2nd, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Hardhat updated his release, heres the info from him:
have updated the flash card drilling application, adding:
- the much requested word wrapping of long definitions
- the ability to easily apply a variety of skins using a BG.BMP file.
- made the default flashcard.txt notepad friendly.
- improved formating and positioning of the layout to be more consistent from screen to screen.
it still supports the traditional teal non-skinned mode.
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May 2nd, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPVault
Newgrounds.com/psp - The Newgrounds-formatted PSP section - has just been updated with a flash section! (mainly movies)
It's good to see more PSP formatted sites adding flash support, and some downloadable flash portals popping up.
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May 2nd, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Info from ToThe Game:
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony for the PSP system is an all-new adventure, created from the ground up specifically for the handheld system. It features all-new playable characters and a freshly designed, non-linear, single player campaign as well as support for Ad Hoc co-operative and competitive multiplayer games.
4 unique characters to choose from - Characters can be customized as they level up into 8 different Hero Classes and then even further into 16 Legendary Classes.
Player can choose from over 16 different Pets and Companions to play with. Gameplay will encourage the player to constantly switch between unique Pets and Companions to use their special powers.
Face over 100 monsters including well known monsters from the Dungeon Siege world as well as many new creatures.
Multiplayer Cooperative Campaign allows you to play with a friend. Each player can bring a Pet or Companion adding up to a four party experience.
Multiplayer Battle Arenas allow a concise, fun party experience for players who don't have time for a full campaign.
15 hours of gameplay with 2 different modes Mercenary and Elite.
Over 100 stunning spells and abilities.
Tons of powerful weapons and armor - all fully enchantable.
Flying and naval vehicles that allow access to remote areas of the game world.
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May 2nd, 2006, 20:55 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
I just finished compiling a new video of mame psp running. Hopefully the next video release will feature sound.
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May 3rd, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster

StrmnNrmn has just updated his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
<blockquote>Hi folks,
Here's the update list:
[+] Added support for streaming in large roms on demand.
[+] Various combiner (graphics) fixes.
[!] Fixed 120K wasted memory.
[~] Minor cosmetic (debug output) tweaks.
[~] Stopped debug output obscuring screenshots.
The first change is a huge deal Basically it means that Daedalus PSP can now boot large roms (i.e. those larger than 8MB). That doesn't mean to say that it will be able to run them, but there are certainly now significantly more roms which the emulator can boot.
Sadly neither of these get much further for me
Thanks to everyone who's been dropping me emails - I've been kind of deluged so it's been difficult for me to get through them (especially when I've been trying to fix bugs at the same time ) Apologies if you've emailed me and I've not got back to you.
StrmnNrmn </blockquote>
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Check out our Daedalus PSP Compatability List
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May 3rd, 2006, 07:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3d
Beefteck has updated Mongatard's clone of SkiFree with a few new graphical updates and game enhancements. Although it still is classified as v0.4 of the SkiFree clone, he has added the letter X to the number to signify his improvements over Mongatard's work. SkiFree, an early '90s classic PC game that a lot of us 'oldies' were once hooked to, is a fun little skiing action game.
Features/fixes in v0.6-X include:
- Redone graphics.
- Fixed line/white box.
- Several bug fixes.
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May 3rd, 2006, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have posted that they have the SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 4GB w/ Adaptor for $190
Looking around the net it seems to be the cheapest deal for legit Memory Cards for the PSP out there.
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May 3rd, 2006, 15:28 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Original Sonic Game Offers Lively Head-to-Head Competition

SEGA today announced the development of Sonic Rivals exclusively for the PSP. Sonic Rivals is a head-to-head competition between Sonic and his top rivals. Built from the ground-up, the engine allows gamers to rip through tracks in single player and wireless multiplayer action against friends.

In Sonic Rivals, gamers can play as one of four different characters from the Sonic Universe, each with separate fast and winding storylines. In addition, the extensive rewards system, which is based on collecting trading cards, allows players to customize their favorite characters. Connect via wireless to race against a friend, and put trading cards on the line for even more multiplayer challenges.
Sonic Rivals is slated for release in Fall 2006 and developed by the Vancouver-based studio of Backbone Entertainment, a division of Foundation 9 Entertainment.
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May 3rd, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Did i ever tell you i am a life long Red Alert fan, no well i am and today Altair has made me a very happy man with the release of a Lua Red Alert Clone, heres a screenshot:

<blockquote>Alright this is the first release of my project: REDaLUA!
Its called REDaLUA since its a Red Alert clone and its made with LUA. I've done quite some stuff at this point. However im getting to the harder stuff now, so progress will go slowe from now on.
What has been done:
- Selection - every unit can be selected one by one or by using the selection drawbox (scrolling goes slower though, when using drawbox)
- Scrolling
- Movement - all units can move seperately at the same time. Doesnt matter how many.
- Health
- Repairing
- Saving/Loading - only one savegame though (for some reason it sometimes gives an error when loading, ill check that out)
- Shooting works but not fully the way i want it
- The menus are there (not all the buttons work yet)
- Also the building menu
- Some sound
- Team selection - works now: you can select as many units as you want and also put them in multiple teams. For now you can select 4 teams, but that can be more. I'll add them later.
- Mining also works now. When the truck is full it will return to the refinary. However not the otherway around unfortunately.
- Fog of war works sort of, but makes the game go reeeaaallyyy slooow, so it's not included for now
To be done:
- More units and buildings
- More sound
- Collision - for some reason its more difficult then its in my mind
- animation
- AI - im not sure if ill be able to do this
- Multiplayer - this would be easier because then i dont have to code an AI :P, but i need wifi first
- A minimap
- Multiple savegames
- Power
Also the graphics are very easy to mod, because all you have to do is replace the picture with another picture (with the same name) and it (should) work, because almost (I'll make that all) all the sizes are called upon from the game.
I forgot to tell that there is an enemy base in the south-easth of the map. But they wont do anything for now, because there's no AI, but you can shoot them ofcourse.</blockquote>
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via altair
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May 3rd, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Square Enix and Buena Vista Games are celebrating the early success of Disney themed RPG Kingdom Hearts II, which has sold over a million copies just four weeks after its North American release.
Merging of Square Enix' hugely popular RPG titles - including characters from the Final Fantasy series - and a collection of Walt Disney's most famous cartoon characters, the PlayStation 2 exclusive is the sequel to Kingdom Hearts, which is one of the top ten best selling titles in North America (according to data from the NPD Group).
The title was released in the US on March 28th, and has achieved significant critical acclaim and an overwhelmingly positive response from consumers across North America.
Daishiro Okada, Square Enix president and COO, commented: "Kingdom Hearts II has sold through one million units in just one-third the time of that of the original, proving that fans were waiting to get their hands on the sequel. The winning combination of Disney and Square Enix has done it again and we couldn't be happier with the results."
Since its debut late in 2002, the original Kingdom Hearts title has shipped more than 2.6 million units in North America alone. Combined with the 2004 release of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on the Nintendo GameBoy Advance and the Japanese launch of Kingdom Hearts II in December, the series has shipped a total of more than 8.5 million units worldwide to date.
"Kingdom Hearts II is the result of great creative teams coming together to make one of the most successful console games of the year," added Graham Hopper, SVP and general manager, Buena Vista Games. "The success of this game is very exciting and we look forward to our continued collaboration with the team at Square Enix."
The game features a voice cast led by Haley Joel Osment (The Sixth Sense), and includes Christopher Lee and James Woods amongst many others. Players lead the main character Sora, together with Disney's Donald and Goofy, through a fantasy land themed around multiple Disney films, including Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Mulan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Steamboat Willie and Tron.
In addition, the game features over 100 Disney characters and players will also get to revisit themed worlds from the original title, such as Aladdin, Disney Castle, Hercules, The Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh and Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Kingdom Hearts II is currently available in Japan and North America. The company has yet to confirm a release date for UK and Europe, although judging by the success of the game stateside, we should expect an EU release announcement shortly.
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May 3rd, 2006, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
New Accessory for PSP:

Enhance your movies on the PSP with the Movie Stand from Nyko. The Movie Stand provides an ideal viewing angle for UMD movies and stored videos and acts as a charging stand for the PSP. The sleek and compact stand features a non-slip bottom, ensuring a pleasing, slip-free experience with the PSP. The stand also features an AC pass through, allowing the PSP to be charged while in the stand or watching a movie. The glossy black design of the Movie Stand compliments the PSP and is sure to gain attention. The Movie Stand compact design allow it to easily be carried in a pocket or purse and used at home, airplanes or trains. The Movie Stand is perfect for any PSP owner who wants convenience while enjoying their favorite movie.
More info at Divineo USA
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
With its comfortable, over-the-ear design and snazzy hi-tech look, Communicator Headset for PSP is an essential purchase for gamers on the move. It’s fully WiFi-compatible too; the ideal companion for Datel’s own WiFi MAX.
Communicator Headset works with any PSP game with voice chat. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an earpiece for crystal-clear sound, Communicator Headset lets you bark out your orders or taunt your opponents as you play your favourite online-enabled PSP titles.
Take Sony’s brilliant SOCOM: US Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo. During online play, it’s essential that you communicate with the rest of your squad. Plan your strategies, warn your comrades in arms of impending danger and make sure everyone is doing the job they’re meant to be doing. With Communicator Headset, you can hear every word your buddies utter, and your own instructions are never lost in the heat of battle.
With more and more Sony PSP games making use of microphone communication, and for those inevitable occasions where listening to the in-game sounds is the only option, Communicator Headset is the ideal choice.
• Comfortable, stylish design
• Crystal clear sound
• Mic positioned near mouth – no need to shout…
• Works with WiFi connection
Communicator Headset for PSP is in the shops this June, and costs £9.99 (UK) or $14.99 (USA).
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via IGN:
IGN: What is it like to program and design the game for Xbox 360 versus the PlayStation 3? We're not looking to start a blood war here. We're more interested in what it's like to program for each, and what each one's strengths and weaknesses seem to be? Also, how do you foresee the two versions differing in the final product visually, gameplay-wise, sound wise?
Magnus Högdahl: The PS3 will have a content size advantage with blu-ray and a CPU advantage for titles that are able to utilize a lot of the SPUs. The Xbox360 has a slight GPU advantage and its general purpose triple-core CPU is relatively easy to utilize compared to SPUs. I expect that it will be near impossible to tell Xbox360 and PS3 screenshots apart.
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May 3rd, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Press Release from Friendtech
<blockquote>FriendTech, an innovator in technology that provides peripherals dedicated to enhancing the digital lifestyle with a goal of friendly usage, has just the right plan with its new iDea HomeDock. The new iDea HomeDock allows iPod and PSP enthusiasts to get excellent audio and video playback, while recharging their devices at the same time. The HomeDock comes in 2 versions which are wired and wireless; it is compatible with the entire iPod line, PSP, MP3 player and MP3 mobile phones -- 4 platforms together, a smart and stylish One for All design.
Yes you have read correctly, there are two (2) editions; a wireless and wired version which both offers stellar performance for audio and video through supported home entertainment devices. These light, compact, and attractive docking units provide clear stereo audio for any line-in device and eye catching video performance for the supported Photo\Video iPods. It is a true experience of transforming the leading portable consumer electronic devices into a piece of the puzzling home entertainment system. This is no ordinary docking unit, for it provides support to a range of platforms never seen before but also compliments each product in its own way. Both units feature the following:
• Connection to home stereo, mixers, A\V receivers, and recorders for supported devices
• Gives audiophiles the best quality sound from all dockable iPod’s (even Shuffle), Sony PSP, MP3 players, and Mobile MP3 enabled phones
• USB 2.0 connection for iPod synchronization via iTunes on PC and MAC
• Plays iPod videos on large screen TV via AV connection or S-Video
• Doubles as a charger and an Audio player for content on MS cards via PSP
• Charges iPod\PSP at once while simultaneously playing back A\V
• 16 button functional Remote with 3 unique needed features never seen in any iPod remotes.</blockquote>
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May 3rd, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D
Static and Sharko (DreamWare Development Team) have released a new update to PSP Office, a collection of tools and applications wrapped up together in a "Office Suite", sort of like a homebrew OS shell. As of now, the capabilities are still pretty limited, but they plan to implement some pretty cool additions such as a PowerPoint viewer and a completed PSP Word w/ keyboard soon; good work and good luck guys, looking forward to the next release!
Be sure to check out our exclusive interview in the spotlight.
Features/fixes in v0.2 Fixed include (including v0.2):
- MP3 player.
- Picture viewer.
- PSP Word GUI preview.
- More stable menu.
- Less crashing/kernal mode optimizations.
- Additional bugfixes.
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May 3rd, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
New Podcast from TPN, heres the details:
The PSP Show #5 - TOCA Race Driver 2, Griffin ShareSplit
This week’s PSP Show, after the Bank Holiday weekend, hits the net on Tuesday. Hey you;re still getting one show a week, calm down! This week’s pocket podcast of fun includes…
Peripheral extensions in the firmware 2.7 - clues to new hardware?
Lumines 2 coming to PSP and Luimines Extra for the PS2.
The new Noobz.eu site for homebrew fun.
Review of Codemaster’s TOCA Race Driver 2.
Review of the Griffin SmartShare headphone splitter.
More info Here
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May 4th, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
New Release for the Scene by soundInsekt.
<blockquote>Hi all,
I bring you PSPWarp which is an interactive image warping program this is my first psp homebrew released to the public hope you'll enjoy it please leave feedback and post your "creations" here
Here's the README:
PSPWarp 0.3 first public release, coded by soundInsekt. 03 May 2006
PSPWarp is a program for interactive image warping based on IWarp a plugin for The Gimp by Norbert Schmitz. It only supports PNG image format at this time but I'll add JPEG support soon
It's only for 1.5 firmware PSP for now, although it should work on 1.0 (I did
not test it)
Credits also goes to Yeldarb for his psp C programming tutorials (especially lesson 4 on which this code is based)
How to install:
Simply copy pspwarp and pspwarp% folders to psp/game/ on your ms and put some PNG pics in your psp/photo/ directory
Select : Open a New image
Start : Save current warped image
Saves to a new file in psp/photo/ called
filename_DDMMYYYY_hh.mm.s s.png
where filename is the name of the original pic, DD is the day of the
month, MM the month, YYYY the year, and so on...
Triangle : Menu/Warp tool selection
Cross : Apply Deformation
L-Trigger : Increase warp area
R-Trigger : Decrease warp area</blockquote>
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May 4th, 2006, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Psp-maniac released a new Lua Game, heres the details:
hey I've made my first lua game and i thought that i could post it here. Remember this is a beta.
By PSP-Maniac
L = food
R = water
Circle = activate (food/water)
Start = exit
Petty is an interactive animal you can feed.
Soon I'll add plaing learning and other ativitets to come.
If you have any ideas email me.
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May 4th, 2006, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
The admin of PSP3D posted a warning that i feel our visitors and developers should also take notice of especially because the PSP scene is being watched by the mainstream sites, heres what he posted:
<blockquote>Recently there has been a surge of homebrew clones of popular PC games to the PSP. Clones such as StarCraft, Age of Empires, Red Alert, and more. Remember, developer companies of these games still have active copyrights on their games. Ripping sprites from their games and using them in your own homebrew port is illegal, regardless of what coding of the backend is like (obviously homebew code since the source for these games has not been released yet). Also, using the game's name in your port, even with different in-game sprites, is also illegal. So you could have a clone of say StarCraft, call it StarCraft PSP, and use different sprites as well, but you would still be producing illegal material. </blockquote>
I actually agree with the PSP3D Admin, i think its great that clones are made but use your head and name it different and keep away from copyrighted stuff where possible.
Whats your views on this subject ?
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May 4th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from GTA Portable .com
Today we bring you details on the next CheatSync version to be released later this week. CheatSync v0.5 enables many things such as jet packs; planting bombs on trains; and unlocks the hidden fourth island called Short Island. Alright, I'm just kidding. It's not that amazing. But if you compare it to the current version of CheatSync, it is a massive improvement.
Firstly, as most of you would know, the current version does take some time to load all the cheats. You would all agree with me that a faster loading CheatSync would be much better, as well as the ability to download cheats using the PSPs web browser. That's right Mac users (and ultimately everyone else), now you can browse the database of cheats and upload it to your PSP without ever pressing a QWERTY keyboard or a PC mouse. It can be all done on your PSP using the web browser.
That's right, the new CheatSync will not be application based anymore. It's all going to come together in your web browser. Of course, MAC users can still not Sync it to their PSP in this way. The way it works is similar to that of an online shopping cart. You can browse the cheats, tick the ones you want and download them all in the form of a cheat pack. You can also save them online in your ''favorites'' section for future use.
The Cheat Packs work similar to the current CheatSync, but only contain the cheats you want. Once you have chosen all the cheats you want and have downloaded the CheatPack to your desktop, you still connect your PSP to your Windows PC and the cheats are uploaded to it. This is also a nice way for people to share all their cheats with friends. Mac users can browse CheatSync the same way, but a normal cheats.txt files is downloaded, instead of the cheat pack application.
You can also filter out categories that you don't want, like PMG. I've tested it out myself and I can honestly say it's much better than the current version. CheatSync v0.5 is due out this Friday. As the previous news post suggests, there's also a new CheatDevice coming. Although I don't have the release date on that. Stay tuned!
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May 4th, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via IGN
MGM Interactive and EON Productions announced today they've granted Activision the rights to develop and publish games based on the James Bond license through 2014.
"The James Bond franchise creates tremendous global expansion opportunities for Activision as it is one of the few video game licenses that appeals equally to domestic and international consumers," said Mike Griffith, president and CEO of Activision. "James Bond storylines are rich with style, drama and action, all of which lend themselves perfectly to developing extraordinary games that capture the thrill of being the most celebrated secret agent in the world."
Activision now has the right to develop and publish games based on all of the James Bond movies, as well as non-movie based games for all current and next-gen consoles and handhelds.
"Activision's track record of developing engaging and sophisticated games across all platforms makes it the ideal partner to introduce the Bond videogame experience to a new generation of game players, as well as to provide new thrills and excitement for the legions of people who are already fans of the Bond films and games" said David Pope, CEO of EON Productions Limited, maker of the James Bond films.
Stay tuned for more information on Bond's new videogame home.
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May 4th, 2006, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
via PS3fanboy
Some small snippets of gameplay footage (see: two) for the upcoming PS3 title Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom are available for your gawking pleasure over at IGN. The game's graphics are looking very nice at this stage of the game, showing some polished detail on the enemy models and giant-hammer-wielding-hero-guy as they run around in a grassy field littered with rocks, doing what enemies and hero-guys do.
Who else is looking forward to this one?
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May 4th, 2006, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Bad news for PSP owners: Macworld is reporting that the recent 2.7 firmware update makes it impossible for the handheld console to play content captured by the Neuros 2 Recorder. Even worse, files that you had previously recording using your Memory Stick-equipped Neuros will no longer work once you upgrade to 2.7. For now, Neuros is taking a three-pronged approach to the problem: they're working on a firmware update of their own for the Recorder 2, attempting to convince Sony to adjust their code in future upgrades, and, least helpfully, recommending that their customers avoid making the move to 2.7. Also, the company claims to be working on a solution that, at the very least, will allow those folks who insist on upgrading to convert their old recordings into a 2.7-friendly format.
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May 4th, 2006, 07:29 Posted By: wraggster
DickyDick1969 a member of our forums has updated his application that allows you to stream movies via Wifi to the PSP, heres whats new in this release:
PiMPStreamer the PC to PSP streamer comes with a new edition:
-RSS feeds support.
simply drop an link (to a rss/xml file) onto the pimpstreamer feedlist and you can watch RSS feeds comfi with your PSP (1.5 only). Look for special dir:/http:// entries in the listing in PiMPStreamer. One click on your psp will start the download of the feed.
-MP3 support (kinda)
-ini file settings:
extensionlist = comma separated list of extensions pimpstreamer should read. (it is up the ffmpeg avcodec lib if it is really supported) port
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May 4th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Atari's announced plans to bring a modern update of BattleZone to PSP this November.
Paradigm Entertainment's developing it, and it promises a decent mix of single and multiplayer - but the emphasis appears to be on team-play, with four-player Wi-Fi high up on the agenda.
You'll take control of hover tanks in close combat scenarios, as you'd expect, with eight customisable team vehicles, unlockable weapons, vehicles and upgrades.
Extra content will be made available through the game's website too, including an online level builder tool - results can be transferred to PSP via PC-USB.
Multiplayer-wise, in all there'll be six modes - DM, CTF, TDM, Hotzone, Knockout and Fox and Hound. We don't know what Fox and Hound is but it's almost certainly not a Disney licence, because that film was rubbish and a total letdown after the Lion King.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
THQ is bringing TV's favorite mafia family to the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 2. The company today announced a game based on the hit HBO series The Sopranos, which will feature the likeness and voice of star James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano. The storyline is also being developed with the input of the show's creator, David Chase.
The game itself will put you in control of the illegitimate son of Sal "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero, played by Vincent Pastore on the show. As a mob war brews between New Jersey's Sopranos and a rival Philadelphia family, you must take on jobs and earn the respect of Tony Soprano. This involves earning money on collections, protecting your turf through intimidation, and moving up in the ranks of the organization.
The game will feature familiar locations such as the Bada Bing! strip joint and Nuovo Vesuvio's and Satriale's restaurants. Missions will be handed down from recurring characters besides Tony, such as Paulie Walnuts (played by Tony Sirico on the show), Silvio (Steve Van Zandt), and Christopher (Michael Imperioli). However, THQ did not name any specific actors other than Gandolfini, saying only that there will be "key members of the all-star cast who will lend their voices and likenesses to the game."
The Sopranos is being developed internally at THQ. It is currently set to ship this coming holiday season, and, given its TV-MA-rated source material, will almost certainly be rated M for Mature.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Codemasters has confirmed that it is developing a new Colin McRae Rally game, which is set for release in 2007. The game has been given the working title of CMR '07 and is in development for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. It will feature races with multiple cars on one track simultaneously, as well as online multiplayer.
The series has been on a break for two years now, and the time has allowed Codemasters to implement racing modes that will supplement the traditional point-to-point rallying in the form of hill climb and rally cross events. CMR '07 will also offer cars that have been modeled on the real thing, in addition to official rally tracks from around the globe. Although little else is known about the game at this stage, Codemasters is also promising gravel, mud, and dirt racing and a wide variety of off-road and rally disciplines.
The game is still in an early stage of development, but we'll keep you up to date on all the latest developments.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Codemasters is set to turn Bliss Island from a free-play Web game into PC and PlayStation Portable titles. The PC version will be a try-before-you-buy downloadable game that will be available later in May. The game will be released later in the year on the PSP.
The game is the brainchild of independent developer PomPom, who has previously released Mutant Storm on the PC and the Xbox 360. A sample of Bliss Island is currently available to try online at www.funsta.com/bliss, where three sample stages of the action puzzler are available to play for free.
The game sees players taking on the role of Hoshi the Zwooph, who can expel puffs of air at high velocity from his trunk. Using this feature, you can bounce or control objects to complete challenges. The game is being handled by Codemasters' "casual gaming" department, and we'll have more on the game as it is announced.
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May 4th, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Via Official Site
What is pspWxp?
pspWxp stands for PlayStation Portable Windows XP. It is based off of winpsportal (scroll down to read more about winpsportal).
pspWxp will NOT harm your PSP!!! It is NOT homebrew!
pspWxp allows you to use Windows XP on your Playstation Portable. Well, really it is just a set of webpages that look similar to Windows XP, but they are offline. It has some useful features: lots of games and applications. You do not need to access the internet for most of pspWxp, only to access the links and use the web browser. This way it's much faster. As it is only 1.5 Megabytes in size, it will fit on any memory card!
>> Winpsportal <<<
pspWxp is based off winpsportal. Winpsportal is a free Windows XP portal for your PlayStation Portable. Just put the 1MB folder on your memery card and Voila! WIndows XP on your PSP! Winpsportal is also available in different themes.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Via cnet
A survey of high-volume DVD users by online DVD trading company Peerflix on Wednesday showed that about one in five may buy high-definition DVD players or discs in 2006.
Hollywood studios are counting on the new format, which boasts better quality images and more storage space for content, to renew demand for DVDs, which are more profitable than theatrical releases.
But Daniele Levy, Peerflix's vice president of marketing, said the results showed that significant adoption by hard-core users was at least a year off.
"We were quite surprised to see that a very small number of those die-hard DVD fans envisioned moving into the high-definition format this year," Levy said. "With all the talk and excitement around high-definition DVD they are still a long way away from moving into that format."
Tom Adams, chief executive of Adams Media Research, said the Peerflix numbers were in line with his firm's expectations for early technology adopters.
"If you did a random sample of the general population, it would be a fraction of that," Adams said on Wednesday. "These are heavy movie fans that certainly early on will get a player and they are not too concerned about the format war."
Adams predicted sales of 1 million to 2 million video game consoles that play high-definition discs, plus sales of about a half-million next-definition DVD players by the end of 2006.
The respondents were predominantly 25- to 44-year-old males with jobs, a wife and no children. Most had DVD collections of at least 50 discs and about a third also rented DVDs online.
Six percent of Peerflix said they were "very likely" and 13 percent were "somewhat likely" to buy a high-definition player in 2006.
Levy said the adoption of the new technology probably was hampered by the high price of players relative to standard DVD--the new ones cost about $500--and the competing versions between Sony's Blu-Ray format and Toshiba's HD DVD format.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Pandemic Studios today announced Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, the sequel to its smash-hit sandbox shooter from early last year, Mercenaries. For the sequel, Pandemic has reconstructed its "playground of destruction" from the ground up for "next-gen technology", though the developer is remaining tight-lipped about exactly what platforms the game will appear on. The only solid bit of info that Pandemic is sharing today is that the game will take place in a new locale.
"While the original Mercenaries' high-octane, go anywhere, do anything and blow the crap out of everything style was a hit with gamers, the whole experience was screaming to run on next-generation game systems," explains Pandemic CEO Andrew Goldman. "And while we're building on the core mercenary experience we created for the original, we've taken full advantage of next-gen technology to offer a more richly detailed, reactive, living world than gamers have ever seen before."
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames will make an appearance at E3 where Pandemic promises fully reveal the title, so hold your breath.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
SCEA today officially announced SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs -- Combined Assault for the PlayStation 2 and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 for the PlayStation Portable. Both titles are due out this fall and will make an appearance at this year's E3.
Combined Assault brings an all-new 4-player cooperative mode to the series, allowing up to four gamers to play through the game's full campaign or Instant Action modes together online. New weapons and vehicles expand upon the series' vast artillery and travel options, and an enhanced AI system makes the enemy better and more tactical than ever before.
Fireteam Bravo 2 is the second SOCOM outing on the PSP and promises to improve on the original in every way. A new non-linear mission system lets players choose their order of progression, and the new Command Equity and Local Influence systems reward players for performing missions well with additional intel, new weapons and more.
As was the case with SOCOM 3 and the original Fireteam Bravo, the two games will feature Crosstalk functionality which allows gamers to share data between the two games and directly influence missions in each game and unlock new features.
Both games are due out this fall. Check back soon for full-blown write-ups on Fireteam Bravo 2 and Combined Assault.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPFanboy
For those individuals who think sailors don't live up to their reputation enough, "WTF" is about as common in their vocabulary as "the". Our less profane readers, however, will find that WTF is finally about as easy to pronounce as "Golly shucks, Grandma! Can I have another piece of apple pie? I love them ever so much!" The mini-game centric title Baito Hell 2000, a game that had originally gotten some flak for looking like a knock-off of WarioWare but evolved into something far more demented, will get a name change when it hits the US this year. Now called Work Time Fun, IGN's preview reveals that the game will feature, in addition to the core set of mini-games, a collection of "tools" (ramen timer, anyone?), more than 40 additional unlockable mini-games, and ad-hoc multiplayer.
The challenge we forsee will be in how the game will be localized to make it palatable to non-Japanese gamers. Then again, it's not like we really care so long as we have a blast, right?
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May 4th, 2006, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
Did you fly that geek flag of yours proudly the last time Halloween was on by dressing up as the Prince of All Cosmos? Was it even Halloween? Wait, don’t answer that. Namco has no problem befriending all you diehard Katamari Damacy followers, however. From today until June 30, Katamari cosplayers can submit their "favorite Katamari-inspired apparel" for a chance to have it posted within the official site’s new cosplay gallery. Think of it, all those hours you spent crafting that elongated green headdress and matching skirt could be on display for posterity on the Me & My Katamari website. And your parents told you crafting costumes of video game characters would never get you anywhere!
Prizes like Prince puppets, t-shirts, and autographed copies of the soundtrack will be waiting for those who can come up with the best Katamari-related costumes or apparel (as judged by the brains at Namco Bandai America). Get rolling!
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May 4th, 2006, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
From the coder called cafehobbit who brought you PSP-Go comes another release, its called PSP Dictionary:
Cant give you any more details as the readme is in japanese and i dont have time at the moment.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPmagazines
The popular PSP comic "Super Spy" continues with four more issues including (#13) part 5 of "Cairo Nights", (#14) part 1 of "Henry", (#15) part 2 of "Henry", and finally (#16) titled "Ants". Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt's critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. So if you havent read the first 12 issues of super spy, be sure to head over to our comics category and pick the rest of the series up.
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May 4th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Famitsu have posted 10 screenshots of the new Bomberman game thats coming to the PSP, it will have over 100 levels and promises to be the killer multiplayer game for the PSP with spruced up graphics.
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May 5th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: Kaiser
Sousanator has released a PSP version of the addicting MCDonalds Serve 'N Go game. Here is what he had to say about it....
This is my version of the internet game McFun 'N Serv (the site + game is in Dutch)
You basically work at McDonalds, and have to retrieve all the food the customer asks for, in a certain amount of time. For each food item you bring, you get 5 points, for each sale you get an additional 50 points. Time will also decrease gradually when you make a sale.
This is a LUA game, and requires Lua Player (put it in the Lua Player Applications Folder)

Please give any suggestions or feedback,
Future Plans
- make an easy mode
- add Drive thru
- add Happy Meal -> Hamburger + Soft Drink + Fries
- anything else suggested
Please Leave any Suggestions/Comments
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May 5th, 2006, 07:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Although neither device has a true VoIP option yet, UK tech site T3 is reporting that "a source close to...Vonage" (i.e. a friend of a friend of a friend) has confirmed that the VoIP provider is developing WiFi calling solutions for both the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. We've known for awhile that both systems were capable of implementing the ol' VoIP, but other than a random blog musing we reported on last year, this is the first indication we've seen of a major player making moves in this direction. Even for a rumor, the details here are pretty thin, such as how Vonage plans to actually implement VoIP in the disparate devices -- the possibilities include a firmware update for the PSP, and either DSpeak-like software or an Opera-like cartridge for the DS -- or even a hint of when we can expect to see any products come to market. As you might expect, Vonage itself declined to comment on the matter when contacted by T3.
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May 5th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
News fromPSP3D :
Looks like Sony is already getting user feedback on what they want their future "PSP 2" to be. Video output to TV, cell phone, GPS, hard drive, camera, audio enhancements, IM, text messaging, radio, language translation, PDA-like applications, backwards compatibility with PlayStation 1, and future compatibility with PS3. These are all things Sony is asking for opinions on in a survey sent out via email to their "GAP" members at the official PlayStation.com forums today.
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May 5th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
Iazybandit has released what is one of the best new sites for the scene and that is a dedicated PSP Review site with professional reviews of PSP products, heres the reviews so far:
Carry Cases
Aero Case
be.ez LArobe PSP
Capdase Camouflage Case
Capdase Crystal Clear Case
Capdase Jean Case
Capdase Leather S-Bracket Case
Capdase Luxury Hard Case
Capdase Nylon S-Bracket Case
Capdase Twins Case
iSkin Neo Case
Krusell Leather Gamic Multiadapt
MisticAudio OTG Series PSP Case
PrimeCases S3 P-3000 Series
PSP Core Case
Slappa Hardbody Daily Case
Slappa Hardbody Complete Case
Waterfield Gear Pouch
Waterfield Mini Gear Pouch
Rechargeable Battery Packs
Large Capacity External Battery Pack w/Cliphook
Power Bank 3
PSP Rechargeable Grip
PSP 3600mAh Battery Pack
PSP 3800mAh External Battery Power Station
PSP 4800mAh Emergency Charger
Thunder Power Pack (3600mAh)
UMD Storage Items
Capdase AUMI Professional UMD Lens Guard
Capdase Deluxe UMD Protective Case
Nyko Pocket Case
UMD Card Storage Vertical Stand
Intec Sound System
Intec Recharging Dock w/USB Charge Cable
Logic3 2.1 Sound System
Logic3 Sound Grip
Smart Charging Dock
Capdase Power Travel Kit
iPorter xSD
Neo-PSP Pad 8in1
Neuros MPEG4 Recorder 2
Nyko Screen Armor PSP
PSP Flexible Hand Grip Pad
PSP Wireless Headphones
Universal Windshield Holder (360° degree Rotatable)
That is a fantastic amount of reviews check them all out at The Review Site
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May 5th, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
Expo PS2 and PSP games revealed - not one single slither of a sausage regarding PS3 stuff though
While we all wait with bated breath for some kind of tangible information on the forthcoming PS3 (presumably all unravelling at Sony's big press jamboree this coming Monday), the company has unveiled its E3 line-up for PS2 and PSP.
It's all fairly as-expected with showings for high-profile titles like God of War II, SOCOM PSP, Gangs of London and LocoRoco - most of which we've seen in some guise or other already. Quite whether this means there'll be no monster revelations for Sony's existing consoles is unclear - let's be honest though, it'd take something pretty astonishing to make any kind of audible squeal against PS3's thunder.
Here's what Sony's announced so far:
ATV Offroad Fury 4 (PS2)
Gangs of London (PSP)
God of War II (PS2)
Killzone: Liberation (PSP)
Lemmings (PSP)
LocoRoco (PSP)
NBA '07 (PS2 & PSP)
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (PSP)
Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 (PSP)
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault (PS2)
World Tour Soccer '06 (PSP)
We'll be screaming round the show floor from Wednesday next week, with ne'er a pause for breath or tinkle. You can expect to hear much more on Sony's line-up as things get underway, so keep your eyes locked in this direction for all the latest.
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May 5th, 2006, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Sony's HD era of Blu-ray discs will be ushered in a month late, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The trade paper is reporting today that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has delayed its first batch of eight titles from the previously announced May 23 release date back to June 20.
The article quotes Sony Pictures Home Entertainment president Benjamin Feingold as saying the delay came at the request of the studio's retail and hardware partners, who wanted a more coordinated launch for the format. The new date means the discs will hit store shelves much closer to the first commercially available Blu-ray player, a Samsung model that isn't expected in stores until June 25.
Video Business Online has previously reported that the first wave of Blu-ray releases from Lionsgate, which were also originally scheduled for May 23, have been moved back to a June 27 release.
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May 5th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Raf: that Links2 Web Browser is now a stand alone release, heres whats new etc:
This list includes what was already part of the plugin for PSPRadio:
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Updated code to take advantage of changes to newlib (for pipes/file descriptors/sockets)
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Cleaned up the code to make it easier to update when a new version of retawq is available.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -Browser ported to PSP. PSPRadio plugin created. Using version 2.1pre20 with utf8 patch. Using SDL SW Surfaces for graphics.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -dithertable is now saved to file, if file is found (now provided), the its loaded instead of generated. (This speeds up startup from over 1min to seconds)
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -danzeff SDL library used for OSK. Thanks, Danzel.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -Screenshot can be taken pressing SELECT. Use File->Switch to PSPRadio to go back to PSPRadio. Then select the plugin again to get back to Links2.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -SMB support is completely removed to free more memory.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -Removed support for all languages except english to free more memory.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -Removed japanese font to free more memory.
(danzel) Dyn/Links2: -Use lite danzeff OSK now (no transparencies) to free memory.
(raf) Dyn/Links2: -Version reported includes the subversion revision now.
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May 5th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: Raydar
This is my Graphics Hack of Serve n' Go LUA App which gives it a tie in to the SuperSize Me movie. I thought this would be a funny think to do with 30 mins of my spare time.
This is really an alternative version of Serve n' Go. Enjoy! (You need LUA to play this).
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May 6th, 2006, 07:10 Posted By: Kaiser

StrmnNrmn has updated his fantastic Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I thought I'd release this now and have a bit of a lie in tomorrow morning
[!] Disable PSP FPU exceptions, enabling many more roms to run.
[!] Fixed ambient lighting bug.
[!] Fixed scissoring.
[~] Only create temp rom file if compressed (not swapped).
[~] Fixed decaling offset.
[~] Lots of combiner additions/fixes.
It's quite a short list, but hopefully people will find some significant improvements in compatibility. I haven't looked at improving performance yet - that's probably the next area I'll focus on.
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Check out the Compat List Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23616
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May 6th, 2006, 08:49 Posted By: wraggster
Press release:
Atari today announced that the jet-set automotive luxury of Test Drive Unlimited is coming to Sony’s PlayStation®2 and PlayStation® Portable consoles in addition to the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC, and all platforms are scheduled for release in Autumn 2006. Packed with the most desirable vehicles on the planet, one thousand plus miles of open Hawaiian roads, a challenging single player game and a wealth of online features, Test Drive Unlimited is racing reinvented.
Currently in development by Atari’s Melbourne House studio, the versions of Test Drive Unlimited for PS2® and PSP™ retain most of the core gameplay features of the Xbox 360 and PC games, including seemingly endless miles of streaming Hawaiian roads, server-based online play, over 70 luxury supercars rendered in painstaking detail, solo challenges, player-created races, car upgrades and downloadable content. The version for PSP is one of the first ever genuinely online games for the console, making impressive use of Wireless and stepping way beyond simple LAN gaming. In addition, enhancements have been made to the single player game with an Arcade Race mode for snack-sized play.
The action in Test Drive Unlimited takes place on the open roads spanning the Hawaiian island of Oahu. In solo mode, players complete challenges and pit their wits against realistic AI opponents to gain points, unlock further tests of their skill and open up more of Oahu’s diverse tropical road system. With the massive online component, which allows racers across the globe to challenge others in the virtual paradise of the game’s persistent online racing world, Test Drive Unlimited offers one of the most comprehensive video game racing experiences to date.
For regularly updated information, screens and trailers please visit www.testdriveunlimited.com.
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May 6th, 2006, 09:17 Posted By: BALL_SAC
Fanjita has posted this on his new site (noobz.eu), Check it out. Its not a new eloader, but rather just a basic visual app.
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May 6th, 2006, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK

Max Shooter is a unique adapter that allows you to connect standard PS/2 compatible mice and keyboards to your PlayStation2. You will be able to enjoy First Person Shooters (FPS), or any other game where targeting is important, the way they are meant to be played.
Max Shooter are fully programmable and come with pre-installed key configurations for the best games available on PlayStation2. Advanced features and mouse control inversion guarantee best gaming experience with your favorite titles.
Product Features
Exclusively designed for First Person Shooters
PC-based comfort and acclaimed gameplay now on PS2
Supports most of keys on Keyboard and Mouse (including Scroll-Wheel)
9 programmable levels of mouse speed adjustment
Programmable Y axis of mouse control inversion
10 degrees of mouse deadzone setup
Works with any game, even without built-in Mouse + Keyboard support
Compatible with all PS2 consoles
Compatible with standard PS/2 Mice, incl. most of USB Mice with a USB to PS/2 adapter
Compatible with Optical and Wireless Mice
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May 6th, 2006, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK

Brought to the PlayStation 2 from the Neo Geo cult classic fighting game, this release is part of the Neo Geo Online Collection, budget-priced game releases that are compatible with the KDDI Matching BB Online gameplay service for multiplayer online play.
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May 6th, 2006, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK

Packed with even more playable cheat codes than ever, and boasting the best code support of any video game enhancer, Action Replay MAX once again leads where others only dare to follow.
Action Replay MAX is packed with more gamebusting codes than ever, allowing you to beat any PS2 game with a whole host of 100% unofficial cheats that you won't find anywhere else. Instantly acquire MAX health, ammo and money. Unlock secret characters, levels, vehicles and much, much more. Blast your games wide open!
Action Replay's Advanced Code Engine (A.C.E.) will automatically download a game's codes direct to your PlayStation 2, in many cases before that game is even available at retail. What's more, Action Replay is the only cheat code system that will then automatically recognise your new PS2 game release, taking you straight to the specific codes for it. So why wait around until “Day One?for codes?
Not got broadband? No problem. It's still so easy to get the latest codes in a flash. Action Replay includes support for USB Flash drive.
New codes can still be entered by hand using a standard PlayStation 2 game pad, or via a compatible USB keyboard such as Datel's own PowerBoard.
Action Replay MAX is quite simply the most advanced cheat code system ever developed, yet it's so easy to pick up and use.
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May 6th, 2006, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
ADePSP has released a new version of Cheat Sync which is used in with Cheat Device,
Heres whats new:
* Extremely fast
* Completely new interface
* 100% online so works on all operating systems including the PSP
* Cheats are now downloaded as offline CheatPacks
* Powerfull search facility
* Custom category added to filter out categories you don't want
* User statistics and ranking system
* Multi select cheats to add to favourites or your CheatPack
* Colour coded category icons
More info at official site --> http://www.cheatsync.net/app
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May 6th, 2006, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via t3
So what can we expect? Well, there’s been an overwhelmingly negative reaction to the design we’ve already seen, with many critics attacking it for being a prime example of style over substance – so we reckon we’ll see a more ergonomic, friendlier shape.
And let’s face it: the Dual Shock controller (itself an evolved PS1 joypad) is a design classic, so Sony could do a lot worse than trot out a slightly modified version of that. The eight-way D-pad could be swapped with an analogue stick, and a port for a headset could be added, but apart from that there’s little wrong with the existing design.
The controller will certainly be wireless, and we’ve heard one or two murmurs that suggest some kind of motion sensitivity might find its way in – a nod to Nintendo and its radical, revolutionary Wii controller, perhaps?
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May 6th, 2006, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
Remember Turok the Dinosaur Hunter? Buena Vista and Propaganda Games sure does, and the development and publishing duo has teamed up to bring it back to next-generation consoles. But this isn't your brother's jungle seeker, the new Turok has a brand new production team, a bleeding-edge focus, and the desire to create a first-person shooter closer to the memory of the Nintendo 64 classic rather than the PlayStation 2 disappointment. To tell us all about it, Propaganda Games Vice President and General Manager Josh Holmes sat down with IGN and ended up leaving us with high hopes. Here's how it all went down...
IGN: Can you give us a little background info on the Propaganda team and tell us what kind of experience they bring to the team?
Josh Holmes: Sure. The studio was formed back in January 2005. The four founders are all formerly of Electronic Arts. Prior to Turok, Myself, Daryl, and George -- we all worked on the Def Jam series (Fight for NY and Vendetta). Before those games, Daryl and I were co-creators of NBA Street.
Anyhow, after we formed Propaganda we just started building up an incredible team. We've got people here that worked on Metroid Prime: Echoes, Prince of Persia, Need for Speed Underground, SSX, Quake IV... we have a group of people here with a ton of industry experience on really good games. But that was our goal in building the team -- using veteran talent to pull off a "Triple-A" level title.
Read the full article here --> http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/704/704557p1.html
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May 6th, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via 1UP:
It doesn't require too much of a leap in logic to assume that, without Sonic the Hedgehog, many of us today wouldn't even know what a hedgehog is. More importantly, Sonic's influence on the world of videogaming can't be overstated. In a time when the industry had begun to deteriorate around the weakening shoulders of the Atari and its clones, the rivalry-driven duo of Sonic and Mario single-handedly made videogames cool again. While Mario's claim to fame was level design that heavily favored the accurate jumper, Sonic was all about speed and cat-like reflexes. Through the years of the 2D sprite, Sonic and Mario battled back and forth as equally matched opponents. With the arrival of 3D graphics hitting the console scene, Mario swiftly took the upper hand, effortlessly bringing innovative platforming elements into what was then next-gen. Sonic didn't fare so well through the transition, quickly becoming mired in an inability to seamlessly incorporate its trademark devotion to speed into a three-dimensional environment.
Full article --> http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3150299&did=1
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May 6th, 2006, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via the Inquirer
SOURCES CLAIM that yields of the Cell microprocessor for the Playstation 3 are not good. A process mole tells us that the Cell yields are far enough below par that the amounts of good dies off the test wafers are "horrible".
The problem is that IBM and Sony designed the chip for some very aggressive process technologies that did not materialise in the way the fab boys were expecting. Because of this, we are told Sony is scrambling to get yields up before it has to make them for real, a fast approaching deadline.
Will it get it done? Who knows. Will it be able to make enough to satisfy initial demand? Not a chance. Then again, in consoles, what else is new?
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May 6th, 2006, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via PS3Fanboy
1up has posted 2 screenshots and have slapped an official title on the next Tony Hawk game that is destined to grace the PS3. Tony Hawk's Project 8 hasn't received any official announcement treatment from Activision yet, which is sure to change come E3, and the only information available through 1up is "continuing in the tradition of the original series, Underground and American Wasteland, the Tony Hawk series of skateboarding titles carries on."
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May 6th, 2006, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
Representatives for Track7 Games recently informed the press that it would be showing off a playable version of Theseis, a next-generation adventure title that the company debuted for the first time at last year's show. Copied below is the official statement inviting media folks to check the game out:
"After the success of our first appearance in E3 last year, we have decided to return again and this time with a vengeance! Armed with the playable demo of our upcoming adventure game Theseis and a series of new and improved cinematics, our battle team awaits to draw you into the magical world of Greek Myth. This year we will be in a considerably larger space, giving us the opportunity not only to demonstrate Theseis in style, but also to have the room to get to know you better."
Scheduled for PC and next-generation consoles, Theseis follows paranormal journalists Andronicos and Pheve as they're sucked into a world that divides the line between reality and myth. Gameplay will be heavy on the adventure side and the storyline is what takes center stage. Multiple locations such as neo-classical fantasy settings and the depths of Hades will also be highlighted, and an emphasis on Greek mythology is also in the plan.
There's no word yet as to which version of Theseis will be shown in its playable form.
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May 6th, 2006, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
Soundinsekt has released a new version of his interactive image warping program called PSP Warp
- no-image bug fixed
- Now supports JPEG file format
- Saves to a JPEG file instead of a PNG one so that you can watch your warped picture with the original psp image viewer
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via Soundinsekt
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May 6th, 2006, 14:52 Posted By: wraggster
nathan42100 and Yeldarb have released a new site aimed at Programming for the PSP, the site is aimed at newcomers, check it out Here.
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May 6th, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
PSPManiac has released a new version of his rabbit game, heres whats new:
*New rabbit (you can still chose the old one)
*New start screen (not a menu use the arrows to place your pet)
*New movement
*It can **** now
*It can die now
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via pspmaniac
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May 6th, 2006, 14:59 Posted By: wraggster
Alatnat has released a 3D Cube Demo made using Lua, heres the info:
<blockquote>This is another 3D cube that runs in lua. I have created this 3D program mostly from scratch. This version features a cube (more shapes will be added in later versions), 2 different wireframes, 3 different vertex points, XYZ axis lines, and a misc. display that shows the rotation of the X,Y,and Z axises and translation Z.</blockquote>
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via alatnat
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May 6th, 2006, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
Preview from Gamespot:
The titular hero of the game is Fred, a private investigator in the town of Hope Falls. There's bad business afoot in town, though, because a ruthless mob boss by the name of Pitt has moved in and bought up all the businesses in town, using them as fronts for an array of illegal activity. To power his empire, Pitt built a nuclear power plant, but he cut corners and all kinds of toxic waste began to poison the town. Eventually, all sorts of crazy mutants and zombies infested the place, turning the once quaint slice of Americana into a nightmarish landscape of death and destruction.
More here --> http://uk.gamespot.com/psp/action/de...ml?sid=6149036
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May 6th, 2006, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey who released the first Nintendo 64 Emulator on the PSP and is still working busily at improving his from the Ground Up emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted yesterday:
<blockquote>ok here is the low down. I have a few things that require being fixed, a few things that would be nice & a few things that are not needed but would help. My goal is to get as many done by sometime next week & release what I have sometime durring E3 (may 9th - may 12th).
Here is the list in order of importance
* Needed *
1) Fix Textures
2) Add Tlb suport (mario needs it)
3) Fix Rsp Microcode bugs
4) Fix flickering by adding double buffering
* Would be nice *
5) Speed up memory reads/writes
6) Add suport for F3DEX2 microcode
* Not really needed *
7) Add microcode detection or contoll by ini
8) Save suport</blockquote>
Its great to have 2 N64 emulators at the same time being worked on for the PSP and the possibility of code sharing makes it very interesting. Remember that both projects deserve masses of praise
More details at PSMonkeys Site (and forums)
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May 6th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Produkt has released a Beta Video of the Homebrew FPS Game IRIS, heres what he posted:
If you wanna see a beta of Iris 0.15 (which I call alpha 0.14) watch the Halo Mod Video... its running what we had a week before this video was released
Yeah its old news but i missed it, watch the video here
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May 6th, 2006, 15:22 Posted By: wraggster
MikeDX has posted this news at his site:
<blockquote>I thought I'd take 2 minutes from my lunchbreak to let you know what the progress is.
Last night I started recoding the internal engine of mame-psp along with the memory handling. Sadly this broke everything so I propose the following.
I'm going to make a release based on the 30 or so games that work "satisfactory" and then continue my work on the psp specific parts of the port. TMK has done a great job with MAME and I can only hope to improve things.
The 68000 core now compiles and runs correctly, and I successfully ran a neogeo title "League Bowling". Sadly it was less than 40% of the full speed, but it was playable. Maybe once the graphics/memory rewrite has taken place this could improve to 70 or 80% which would then become more realistic for a release title.
Watch this space. MAME-PSP with 30 near perfect games coming soon!</blockquote>
Check out his site here --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk/
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May 6th, 2006, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska posted this news and Screenshots over at his site:

<blockquote> Below are some screenshot from my latest port project: a sidescrolling shooter with some RPG/story elements from Parallel Realities:
The game will feature:
- 26 missions over 4 star systems
- Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
- A weapon powerup system
- Wingmates
- Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives
- A Variety of Missions (Protect, Destroy, etc)
- 13 different music tracks
- Boss battles</blockquote>
More screenshots and information at his site here --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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May 6th, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: Raydar
SuperSize Game v1.1
Added additional GFX hacks to add Morgan Spurlock to the game. Also added a couple of other graphical features to make the game a little more interesting.
Install using LUA. Thanks to Sousanator for the original version.
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May 6th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
PSP298 who released the best GBA Emulator for PSP in our Forums is back with a new release for us PSP fans, heres the details on his new homebrew:
<blockquote>This is the PMP Mod for PC version and you could now preview the PMP movie in your PC with a 32" large LCD monitor.
Special thanks goes to the orginal developer Mikeshi from China, he is the one created the first verion of this PMP Mod for PC (PMPC) and this version is a modifed version made use of PC display card hardware acceleration feature.
06 May 2006 v0.4
- Lower CPU resource consumption
04 May 2006 v0.3
- Fix full screen mode movie centering problem
04 May 2006 v0.2
- Add filter selection for "Nearest/Linear"
- Keep the aspect raio when zoom
- Add multiple seek range
- Fix bug for seeking to end of file
- Fix bug on the color looks like 256 color mode</blockquote>
Download and give feedback at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23811
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May 6th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA.
The Competition has only 11 days to go
You can submit any Game, Demo or APP written in Lua, full rules can be found on the competition page.
Heres the Prizes:
The Prizes to the winner are
Multi Cradle

The Multi-Cradle is a cradle style charging solution that includes stereo speakers, multiple viewing angles, and stylish blue lights.
Lithium Battery Pack 2600mAh
A high quality lithium battery pack able to be recharged over 10,000 times. The battery pack provides 2600mAh of power for your PSP.
Replacement Faceplate (e.g. Liquid Platinum) (color winner's choice)

Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Replacement Button Set (e.g. Agent Orange) (color winner's choice)

Replacement button set for PSP including the digital pad (D-Pad), Analog stick and all face buttons including the 4 main action buttons, start, select & home, volume, audio and display.
Now this competition is aimed towards those who are new and not so experianced or to those who just want some neat accessories.
Full Details on rules at the Competition Page, Let the LUA CODING BEGIN 
Discuss the Comp here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23705
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May 7th, 2006, 11:02 Posted By: wraggster
As E3 draws near, those of us who have been following Will Wright's newest brainchild, Spore, are abuzz with expectation. And lo! Someone posted to YouTube a video that shows 'unedited that will be going to TV networks covering E3 next week'. It includes a look at the overhauled creature editor, a first glimpse of the texturing tools, and various other exciting things that had not been shown this clearly in the early prototype seen at the 2005 GDC. One of them is the ambient music when the UFO visits different planets." It certainly looks like the game we saw last year, but take with a grain of salt just the same.
Via Slashdot
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May 7th, 2006, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Last year, journalists who arrived early for the Electronic Entertainment Expo glimpsed the first clues that the event had a momentous announcement in store. Until then, Sony had maintained a monastic level of silence regarding its next-generation console. The device didn't have a name yet, and reps for the electronics giant shot down any inquiry about the unnamed device with the refrain "Sony has not made any announcements regarding PS3." (Sony used PS3 as shorthand in correspodence, but insisted it was not an official name.)
That official wall of silence showed its first cracks the weekend before E3. As a small army of roadies set up dozens of multimillion dollar displays inside the Los Angeles Convention Center, Sony was busy plastering the outside with massive billboards saying "Welcome Chang3." The words were written in the distinctive PlayStation 2 font, and were next to partially obscured recreations of the PlayStation's emblematic triangle-circle-square-X buttons.
Not only were the "Welcome Chang3" ads on the LACC's exterior, they also appeared inside bus shelters around the massive venue and, most eerily, on stickers stuck to the screens of televisions inside game journalists' hotel rooms.
Within days of the ads going up, Sony officially unveiled--and named--the PlayStation 3 in a press conference which remains controversial to this day. One year later, the Japanese electronics giant appears to be up to the same tricks. Once again, Sony has covered the area around the LACC with a series of ads. But while the "Chang3" ads were pretty obvious, the new campaign is taking a more subtle tack.
The most obvious ads are a series of massive billboards prominently visible from the LACC's main entrance. One shows a surrealistic take on a game of rock-paper-scissors--with the person making "scissors" actually having steel blades for fingers, and the person making "rock" actually having a stone fist.
Another ad, which covers one side of the neighboring Staples Center, shows a massive canyon with a person in the upper-right-hand corner who looks as though he's about to jump off a cliff. Two ads on nearby triangular kiosks show similar scenes of extreme outdoor activity: one of a woman traversing a series of gymnastic rings above a red-hot lava floe, another of someone playing on a swing--underneath a structure resembling the 630-foot St. Louis Arch.
All four of these ads have two things in common--they each have the words "Play Beyond" on the top and the PlayStation logo at the bottom. However, their meaning is less clear. The most prevalent theory is that they are the beginning of the ad campaign for the PlayStation 3's online service, since they appear to be deliberately one-upping Xbox 360's current tagline, "Jump In." Others have taken the rock-paper-scissors ad as a portent that the new PlayStation 3 controller--which will be unveiled on Monday--will have some kind of motion-sensing capability like the Nintendo Wii.
However, until there is official word, these theories are just that--theories. As of press time, Sony reps were unavailable for comment. However, their meaning should be more clear on Monday afternoon following Sony's pre-E3 press conference.
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May 7th, 2006, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamersarefun
Thanks to some members at the NeoGAF forums who have translated part of the podcast, we can bring you the first details on this title.
It will apparently take place in 1970, after the end of Metal Gear Solid 3. Big Boss will be the protagonist, and the story will deal with his founding of Foxhound. The graphical quality will, according to the podcast, be on par with the PS2 MGS titles. There will of course be less polygons in some models, but it will be done in such a way that it's not very noticeable to the player.
This will be an action title, but there will be some changes to the game's usual combat formula. The player will control troops. If troops die, they're gone for good; it seems death is an important part of this game. There will be multiple ways to win battles. At the start of each battle, you'll have the option of betting troops. If you decide to surrender your troops by using the white flag before the battle's over, you won't lose the troops you bet (it's unclear what the consequences will be, though). Also, this one's a little sketchy, but it seems the game will not feature Continues, so if you die, you're gone for good. This is an idea Kojima has mentioned wanting to try several times in the past, and it will likely be the topic of many arguments between MGS fans.
MGS for PSP will also feature multiplayer battles over Wi-Fi.
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May 7th, 2006, 11:44 Posted By: nomi
Newspost from Nomi
SO i don't have scrolling anymore so it will be on the next release!
Current features:
Command Center
Supply center
I will need help with transparency plz anyone could give their precious time to help
Next release
Command center functions
more players
in next release name will be changed of this game to something like CS STRATEGIZED because of copy right problems(if there are, i dun no)
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May 7th, 2006, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev:
An update to the pre-built win32 binary of PSP Packer. This tool allows you to pack (i.e. compress) a PSP executable for use on v1.0 and v1.5 only. This saves filesize of course but it does more. For one it is a simple way of getting your PRX based application to run from the Sony menu (you cannot put a PRX inside an EBOOT) and it now patches the kernel so even user mode modules can use the LoadModule function to load things like atrac3plus or network libraries from flash direct with no extra cludges in your application. For other platforms get the source from subversion and compile it up as normal.
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May 7th, 2006, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
The Fourth Creation Game Competition is already at the half way point to the June 5th deadline. If you haven't gotten started yet don't worry, there is still a month left so now is the time to get working!
Whether you are trying to win or just want to get your game out there for everyone to see, The Fourth Creation Game Competition is waiting for your entry!
For full details check out the forums here
We still need people to enter, judges, and prizes. If you're interested in supplying prize(s) in return for endless gratitude and a bit of advertising email me oobles at hotmail dot com.
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May 7th, 2006, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
Shallan has released Treasure Island Dizzy for PSP 2.7 Firmware Users, heres some details:
<blockquote>After a busy week Im finally at the stage where im ready to release the first test alpha of Treasure Island Dizzy in Flash. This has been coded with firmware 2.7 in mind, so dont expect high end flash crispness as this has been sacrificed for speed.
This alpha release should be fully playable from beginning to end, but of course the whole point of this alpha is to track down game stopping bugs and see what sort of things people would like to see added.
As this has been made for the PSP somethings have either been left out permanently or until the game is optimised enough to do them. The game map and graphics are based on the NES version of the game and solution, and contains a few (hopefully not too noticable) changes to the original. The music was extracted from the C64 version as a SID and resampled to mp3 with slight changes and instrument additions.
The release can be found through my PSP formatted website @ http://www12.asphost4free.com/shallan/ browse to the game section there
Although it will run from the website, im sure with freehosting this could take sometime if repeatedly accessed by more than about 2 people so the best way to play this is to highlight the game link in the PSP browser, then go to File->Save link target in the browser options and save to the memory card. If saved in default location it can then be accessed offline by typing the following link into the browser : "file:/PSP/COMMON/Dizzy.swf"
Dpad left and right : Move Dizzy
Dpad down : Open inventory
X button : Jump/Start game/Close message</blockquote>
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May 7th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: sandberg
PSPTris version 0.6 has been released. This is a stand alone Tetris clone for the PSP. The plan is to have it running as a plugin for PSPRadio. But it will also be released as a stand alone version, for those having 2.x firmware, which can't use the dynamic version of PSPRadio.
This version has been updated from the 0.5 version with the following fixes and features.
Version 0.6 (07th of May 2006)
- The keyhandling are more responsive (quicker) in the game.
- The blockhandling has been rewritten, so rotation etc. should work correct now.
- Better handling when entering highscores (it automatically selects next position after having entered a character).
- Updated the danzeff OSK so that it doesn't need the transperant images. This saves 1 MB of system memory. (the transperancy still works).
- Mute the music while the game is paused.
- Update the bricks so that there are more differences in the colors.
- New gametype has been added (matching colors).
- Game instructions added to the menu.
- A line counter has been added to the classic game.
- Exploding effect added when removing lines/balls.
- Sounds effects has been added to the game.
Br, Sandberg.
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May 8th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: tsurumaru

The Standard Version for v2.0+ Owners has been updated, heres why:
[FIX] Speed issue for non-me version and sound emulated modes.
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Yoyofr has posted the following on his Site/Forums.
Official release of SNES9x TYL V0.4
s9xTYL 0.4 ...... is released! 
Heres whats new in the latest version of the Best Snes emulator for the PSP:
main new features :
- adhoc 2 players mode. both player need to launch the same rom
- full sound emulation on media engine for ME version
- new GUI
- small fixes for lots of stuff
- SPC player
- seems however slower when launched in no sound (not emulated) mode, perhaps related to the latest pspsdk... have to analyze this.
Since v0.3, there's 2 versions :
- standard, running in user mode, allowing firmware 2.0+ psp.
- me, running in kernel mode and using the Media Engine for sound mixing, only working on firmware 1.0 & 1.5 psp.
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<blockquote>Source code leaked
The source code of the emulator has been leaked through some people which found how to download it from the official web site. (I have contacted yoyo, but he is probably still sleeping right now and anyway the damage is done)
While it is not TOO MUCH of a trouble (but we dont agree with it neither ok ?). We are wondering about SECURITY PROBLEM.
Downloading already compiled binary from our official site garantee you that the program will NOT do something REALLY BAD to your PSP.(it may be a buggy and crashy emulator sometime :-), but it will NEVER BREAK your PSP)
So, this is a message to the whole PSP community.
Please do NOT download binaries of TYL that you don't know where it is coming from...
We at PSP News/DCEmu agree with Yoyofr that stealing of code ruins the PSP Scene.
Download this excellent emulator and Leave Feedback Via Comments
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May 8th, 2006, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
An Xbox Hardware Hacker has modded an XBox Controller so that a PSP or DS could control the system.
Sounds Wacky but check it out HERE
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May 8th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
Netoo posted this:
<blockquote>Here the third version of my program which is able to operate by remote control a robot by using the wifi psp.
I'm a french student in data processing and network telecommunication, and within the framework of my project of end of the year, I carried out this small program which control a robot.
Here's the videos :
I will give the source code when the code will be totally debugged...</blockquote>
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May 8th, 2006, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Another PSP Flash Release which is targeted at those poor souls on v2.7 Firmware and above (well until its cracked eh)
Fblade released a Flash Program thats also a drawing app, heres the info:
What's it got?
as this is my first release it hasn't got much at all, at the moment all it basically allows you to do is
12 diffrent colours to choose from
a drawing area
and erase button
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May 8th, 2006, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
Epyxx has released a Flash app that grabs feeds from the Digg site in RSS form.
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May 8th, 2006, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
gracz54 has released a new demo for the PSP, heres the info:
Ah, alright, I was bored so I thought I'll port something. This time it's Ballfield by David Olofson.
It's a neat little 2d ball field swirling around I added some music so it isn't so boring.
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May 8th, 2006, 03:15 Posted By: wraggster
YoureSam one of our Forum Members has released a new email plugin for the Lua App TTLDE, heres what he says:
<blockquote>I have created a plugin for TTLDE for sending emails.
A problem is that you cant send the readme.txt file, I dont know why. Maybe its too big, maybe there is a char I cant send in a URL. I get "Temorarily Unavailable"
Another problem is that the first row of the OSK is hidden. I cant fix this without changing the source.
The plugin is in /plugin/5000_Email.lua and you also need /netlib.lua
Here is how to use it:
Type something
choose Email
TO is the destination email
FROM is who its from
SUBJECT is, well, the subject
Choose your connection and wait for it to send.
If your Wifi light turns off, you need to "Restore Default Settings". If it just freezes, try again. If it does it again, "Restore Default Settings"
I hope you all enjoy this plugin. Requests are welcome.</blockquote>
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May 8th, 2006, 04:26 Posted By: badplankton
hello everyone - i've just finished revision 0.20 of PSPSeq. it adds the following new features over 0.10:
- editable parameters on instruments
- better BPM handling + swing
- clear/copy tracks
- absolute and 12 tone frequency handling
- new instruments
- 64 step sequencer
- documentation!
it should be compatible with all FW revisions. if you have any questions or comments please get in touch. i'd love to hear whatever you make with it. enjoy!
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May 8th, 2006, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Here's another snap from the pre-E3 LA Convention Center, this time of Silent Hill: Origins. Common sense dictates that this is simply an alternate title for the forthcoming PSP remake of the original game, titled Silent Hill: Original Sin. Rampant desire and unlikely to be fulfilled dreams, however, suggest that it's the name of the gloriously rendered PS3 version of Harry's twisted quest to find "a little girl with black hair" and his occasional run-ins with deranged cultists, meat monsters (with sewing machines for hands) and deserted wheelchairs. I can hope, right?
It's great that the original game in an excellent series is being revisited, but I'm dubious of how well a portable platform will be able to reproduce the qualities of Silent Hill. Immersion may be difficult to pull off successfully in a handheld device, but given its video and audio capabilities, the PSP is likely to be the best choice for a survival horror title.
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May 8th, 2006, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
via Joystiq
I took a 9:30 a.m. EST flight out of Atlanta this morning, en route to Los Angeles, and on the way to gate A17 I happened upon the latest in vending machine technology: the Zoom Shop. Using the touch screen to the right, one can purchase (with an accepted credit card) any number of little gadgets to enjoy on the flight: all styles of iPod and associated accessories, along with some gaming goodies care of a Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP ($79.99) and Sony PSP ($249.99). A convenience for sure, but there weren't any games to buy -- what a tease!
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May 8th, 2006, 16:25 Posted By: IveGotThePawa
"NetHack is a roguelike [RPG] computer game originally released in 1987 [...]
The player takes the part of a dungeon-delving hero in search of the Amulet of Yendor. The quest spans more than 50 levels, most of which are randomly created. Each level contains monsters, weaponry, magical items, hidden doors and much more."
As promised, this game is now fully playable on the PSP!
Fixed since 1.0c :
- Keyboard interface for text prompts (Wishing, naming items, etc.)
- Fixed the bug of headers that would interfeer in the item selection dialog
- Added a way to go back up a menu when you've highlighted the last item (and vice versa)
- Correctly fixed to always select first item in a menu if no default is found (was buggy in some cases)
- Splitted the context menu in two columns and added many more commands
- Enabled #enhancing your skills
- Fixed Diagonal movements, added some buttons to facilitate things.
- You can now apply something to yourself or in any direction you might want to.
- You can now apply an Orb (crystal ball), it will now bring out the soft-keyboard to select a single character.
- Enabled engraving with your fingers
- Enabled analog stick for scrolling pop-ups that are too big for display
More to come :
- Help menu item selection -> Add a "Select all" / "Unselect All" / "Invert Selection" keys
- Remove the perm_lock feature, as it can cause problems on the PSP when crashing
- A contextual menu for the 'Inventory' screen
- Disable calling the context menu more than once.
- Reenable the top-ten listing when dying or quitting
- Enable Nethack Sounds.
- A PSP Specific menu, to get the time, battery charge, etc.
- Enable custom key mapping (thanks Glynnder and Genki)
- Display the damage made by the player (default to off, thanks Genki)
- Internet high score server and bones servers - Maybe (thanks Genki)
- Mp3 player built in. It gets pretty quiet when playing nethack for hours on end. (thanks Genki and many others)
- Enable PSP help (thanks Megalodon)
- Any other suggestions?
Nethack 3.4.3 (PSP-1.0c)
Based on glHack by Andrew Apted
Ported to the PSP by VirtuaMUnstaz
Taken up by IveGotThePawa
See license for terms and conditions of use.
For the latest updates, button configuration, help,
screenshots and feedback. visit our site :
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May 8th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. announced today that the highly anticipated arcade game, Virtua Fighter™ 5, will make its way onto the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system in Spring 2007. This latest installment in the critically-acclaimed series will elevate the arcade fighting genre to all-new heights as it takes true advantage of the capabilities of the next-generation hardware. Game footage will be on display at the 2006 Entertainment Electronic Expo on May 10-12 in the SEGA booth (South Hall, Booth #946).
Virtua Fighter 5 will feature an all-star cast of 17 fighters, including characters from the previous iterations along with two new characters named El Blaze and Eileen. El Blaze is a Mexican fighting champion who defeats opponents with his quick Lucha Libre fighting style. Eileen, originally from China, uses a Monkey Kung-Fu fighting style that she learned from her grandfather, a former Kung-Fu master. Players will be able to customize their characters by selecting from four uniquely patterned costumes and a wide range of attachable items that can be placed onto each fighter's various body parts.
Virtua Fighter 5 will deliver fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping action as players head into battle, taking on a host of popular characters. Players will not only achieve victory by defeating highly-skilled opponents, but will also compete for prizes and earn in-game money through the match to buy many items at an in-game shop. These items allow players to customize their ultimate warrior and become the top Virtua Fighter. In addition, the game will introduce "Offensive Move", a new maneuver that will allow players to easily approach opponents from the side, adding a more strategic element to the battle. The game will support 720p HD resolution.
"Virtua Fighter 5 will offer fans the ultimate next-generation fighting game experience," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "For years, the industry has talked about bringing the arcade experience to the living room. Virtua Fighter 5 fulfills this promise, and then some."
Virtua Fighter 5 is being developed by SEGA Studios and will be available on the Sony PLAYSTATION 3 in Spring 2007.
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May 8th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Yuji Naka, the creator of Sonic the Hedgehog and head of Sonic Team, has left SEGA to set up a new studio which will be partially funded by the publisher.
The studio has been named Prope - a Latin word which, according to the official website, means "beside" and "near future".
"We named our company Prope in the hopes of bringing game entertainment much closer to users, establishing closer ties between users and us, and creating near future entertainment," the website reveals.
SEGA will provide 10 per cent of the studio's startup capital, which is being launched as part of its program to support "Independent Game Creators." The publisher is also allowing Naka to take 10 members of Sonic Team with him.
There's no word on whether the move will affect the development of the first next-gen Sonic game, currently in the pipeline for PS3 and Xbox 360 under Naka's direction. Prope's first projects also have yet to be revealed.
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May 8th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

2006's edition in the unstoppable football series puts the PSP on the field in its rookie year. This handheld version features a franchise mode with Assistant Coach challenges of goals to meet in rushing, tackling and gaining yardage. The PSP version also features the Practice Squad for building up new players to assign to your team. Cross-link between the PSP and PS2 version to continue your franchise between the two versions for at-home or on-the-go play. 10 new minigames allow you to practice your moves for when it counts once the ball is hiked and the game is on.
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May 8th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam has updated his Lua Netlib app, heres whats new:
<blockquote>Wow, this is what, my 4th program in 2 weeks?
Anyway, this is netlib v1.4. It features sending text messages (SMS) to a cell phone. (Its free for you, and cheap for them!) But seriously, it is free for you, but it acts like a normal text message for them. It might even cost them money if they dont have a subscription for text messaging so I advise you do NOT send random text messages as many times as you want unless you know if it would be ok with them. Imagine getting your phone bill and it has $20 worth of text messages
However, that doesnt mean you cant enjoy this new feature! Right now, the limitations are that it must be [not sure though] in the US, and you cannot use the 'enter' key. It has to be one line line.
The function added is:
number: a text string containing the 10-digit destination number
text: the content of the message
optional from: text string of who its from. If left blank, "PSP" is used.
I would also like to thank PsPmad for the idea...and well, finding the way to do it all!
As always, I have included an example for you to test it out.</blockquote>
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May 8th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
HarleyG has released this new app: (although im not sure of its use but heres the info)
UMD Identifier v0.1 by harleyg - http://www.linuxlabs.co.uk
Ok, so this is the 1st program ive released, all it does it look through a giant array of UMD ID's/codes and compairs yours to everyone in the array, if it finds a matching pair it will look through and find the name of it in a second array.
This is confirmed to work by myself on 1.50, i havnt tested on any other firmwares so please let me know... Oh, this isnt released under any license, however if you use this it would be nice to get a little credit...
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May 8th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
ZereoX has released a new Lua Card game for the PSP, heres the info:
In this release(V0.1) : You can have up to 2 card on the Table the Dealer to. If you want only 1. Hit and Stand command works when you hit stand the dealer start drawing is cards(Max 2 for now). Note:You will have to press Home to exit and do not press on credits cause its long to load and does stay long.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
We've known that Sonic Team has been slaving away on a next-gen game starring everyone's favourite blue hedgehog for a while now - and we've even seen some sumptuous pre-rendered footage, initially shown behind closed doors at TGS last year. Now though, Sega has revealed the first in-game footage of Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 and Xbox 360 - and we've got the trailer right here.
Featuring a leaner, meaner looking Dr. Robotnik and a whole host of animal chums accompanying Sonic on his latest adventure, it seems that the usual running and jumping platform antics are intact, alongside some bouncy buggy-and-blasting action too.
It's all looking mighty pretty - as you'd expect on next-gen - and hopefully it'll have the gameplay to match. Check back later in the week for first impressions, just as soon as E3's doors swing open this Wednesday.
Check out the vid at the link above
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May 9th, 2006, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced a triple helping of Final Fantasy XIII for RPG addicts at its E3 press conference, with PS3 and next gen mobile phones both getting a dose of the next incarnation of the acclaimed RPG series.
The main deal is Final Fantasy XIII set to debut on the PS3 and it's set in a futuristic sci-fi universe. The trailer on show at the conference featured an amazing mix of real time and cgi footage - and in the words of our erstwhile reporter, it looked "absolutely stunning" with it being sometimes hard to distinguish between the CGI and in-game sections.
Next up is Final Fantasy Agito XIII coming for next gen mobile phones, obviously drawing strongly on Square's splendid RPG heritage but bringing the adventure to a whole new mobile generation.
Lastly Square unveiled Final Fantasy Versus XIII for PS3 and in the words of our man in the know, it featured the most impressive trailer of all being constructed by the Advent Children team. Versus is being developed by the guys who did Kingdom Hearts in conjunction with Square.
All three games form part of Square's Project Fabula Nova Crystallis, a similar cross platform concept based on the Final Fantasy VII model.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey has posted some killer screenshots of his Nintendo 64 Emulator on his site and this news:
<blockquote>Yeah, I've got lots to learn on working with advance systems still (psp).
Anyways Strmnnrmn help me realise my bug was a cache issue ( i needed to flush cache ).
So Textures are much better now. I still have some rsp/rdp issues to fix before the build comes out this week. Yet it is 100% true. A build is comming out this week before e3 ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</blockquote>
Take a looky at these screens:

Awesome Screenshots keep your eye on this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...threadid=24207 for many more screens.
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May 9th, 2006, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Ignition Entertainment has announced that Archer MacLean's Mercury will drop to $19.99 across all North American retailers as of today. The game, which was originally released back in September 2005, is a puzzle game where you control coloured mercury blobs around 3D mazes by tilting the level.
A budget release for other territories outside of North America has not been announced.
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May 9th, 2006, 02:50 Posted By: wraggster
Chui an excellent coder for the GP2X, GP32 and Dreamcast Scenes and hosted on the DCEmu Network, posted in this Forum Topic about him Unai and ZodTTD working on a New multi system supporting PSX Emulator called PSX4ALL, reading the thread linked it certainly looks a more viable option than porting PCSX to the PSP.
Whats the thoughts on this ?
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May 9th, 2006, 03:03 Posted By: wraggster
At Sony's Press Conference, Kaz Hirai, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America announced the recent success of the portable system, stating that the company has shipped more than 17 million units worldwide. Forecasting an additional 12 million units sold during this year, Hirai also announced the launching of the Greatest Hits collection for the PSP.
To qualify for the program, a title would have to have been on the market for at least nine months and sold 250,000 titles or more. The first five titles that will be presented in the program later this year are ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin Trails, Ape Escape: On The Loose, Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee, Twisted Metal: Head On and WipEout Pure.
We'll have more details on the Greatest Hits program as they're released.
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May 9th, 2006, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
Namco sent along quick word today that everybody's favorite diminutive royal figure, Katamari Damacy's Prince, will appear as an unlockable character in Pac-Man World Rally.
Players can unlock the Prince by winning a Gold Trophy in all Circuit Cups within the "Easy" difficulty setting.
The Prince is one of a dozen playable characters in the upcoming kart racer, currently set for release this summer on PlayStation 2, PSP, GameCube, and PC.
Lots of screenshots at the link above
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May 9th, 2006, 03:15 Posted By: wraggster
danabnormal has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
This game is based on the *nix game GnoBots.
RobotsEngine is designed to allow custom artwork, text and sounds to be loaded as Packs to form the basis of a Robots-type game. The included, default game is drac-o-bots.
Although much of the engine is complete, it still does not support an easy way of loading custom tilesets, etc for your own game - please be patient, or failing that, you can have a look at the source and it should be pretty straightforward to figure out.
This is my first Lua app, and is the first game I've ever actually tried to code - I'm still learning, but if you're thinking about trying to code in Lua I can recommend this type of game as your first steps. Its not complex, has no AI, but you'll get used to the language and the way it works.
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May 9th, 2006, 03:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Heres Live Coverage of the Sony Event at E3
Still waiting in line. We are still making our way over, stay tuned ...
4:36 - The line is moving. According to Euro Gamer, Hideo Kojima is "stuck in the queue." Should have something for ya soon ...
4:42 - We are sitting down, getting ready to go.
4:49 - Everyone's still filing in to Stage 15 on the Sony backlot. Everyone's expectant and the mood is generally upbeat. The house lights are on full, so it'll still be a few minutes before anything official starts. In the background, Sony's been playing some hardcore gangsta rap: we note this because Nintendo would never, ever play that music. The rap song (which we failed to identify) was followed by Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean." The music is eclectic, we're hoping the games line up is similarly so.
4:52 - Sony's only playing the music out of a few front speakers. it fills the cavernous stage, but we know that once the actual presentation starts they'll switch on the hidden speakers and crank the bass to 11 for chest-thumping, hair-raising 5.1 sound that'll move this audience whether they want to be moved or not. Lights have been dimmed! As predicted, the music's been taken from 5 to 7.
4:54 - First up on stage, Kaz Hirai. President & CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America. "Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting started this afternoon. Just one year ago we unveiled plans for PS3. PS3 is not an incremental upgrade. PS3 is a very powerful machine ... In essence the real power rests in the hands of the content consumer. We want freedom. We want choice. We wanted to be entertained in new and unique ways."
4:55 - Kaz looks so darn tiny down there on the stage. We're up here in nosebleed territory. "Seemless interats with PlayStation family with products. PS3 is the best of breed of computer entertainment platform ... It requires hunge finicial investments. But we must take risks to reap rewards. The essence of P{S3 is real change and comsumers are ready. The next generation deosn't start until we say its time."
4:57 - Did Kaz just say that PlayStation 3 is the "best of breed" computer entertainment platform? Will gamers really react to businessy terms? Well, no matter, they're just tossing out buzzwords to see which ones will stick to the wall. "We would not be able to achive greetness without a strong foundation. PS2 install base continues to grow worldwide ... Global total of 103.69 million units." Kaz's presentation is typical: we're covering all of the PlayStation 2 performance records: 23.3 million hardware shipped in Japan/Asia. North amercia 42m. europe 38.6m units. Total 103.7 units. additional 10m units to be shipped.
4:59 - "We have ammassed more than 3 million registered [online] users ... We want to remind everyone that PS2 will continue to make significant contributions. We have an amazing linuep of titles." Lists ATV Offroad Fury 4, Destroy All Human 2, Dirge of Cerberus, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy XII, etc.
5:00 - "Outisde of E3 consumers can look forawrd to 216 new PS2 titles by year end ... Why did you wait so long to enter [portable market]? And why now? ... It's about the ability to offer the right product structure and the right time. We delivered on the process." Looking out over the audience, there's a sea of video camera LCDs flickering back at us -- videos of this event should be plentiful on the net afterwards. PSP Hardware shipments: Japan/Asia 4.7m, North America 6.4 m. europe/pal 5.94m. total 17.03m. FY06 forecast 12 million units to ship.
5:01 - PSP is fastseeling platform in companies history. That's lamost 1 million units for each month of its life. We are closing in on 50 million units of software shipped worldwide. We estimate an additional 155 titles will be added"
5:02 - Trailer: World Soccer 2, Planet PSP: Interactive City Guide (working title), Gangs of London, Ape Academy 2. "Let Planet PSP be your guide." Killzone Liberation, B-Boy (breakdancing game), Loco Roco (of course ...).
5:04 - TalkMan trailer shows multinational folks talking into a PSP -- ti's almost as if it's translating for them. Greatest hits announced for PSP - Ape Escape: On the Loose, ATV, Hot Shots Open Tee, Wipeout. The PSP trailer is impressive, generating some polite applause from the audience, but we get the feeling that we're being set up for some 1080p videos that make the PSP trailer look, like, so last-gen. It's a classic sales setup. Wait for it... wait for it...
5:05 - "More than 670 non-game UMD titles have been produced." So Kaz is still covering the PSP: talking about UMD titles produced, firmware upgrades, the web browser, video, audio, and "improved content protection." "The most recent update 2.7 added 2 great new features. The RSS channel and Macromedia Flash support. Later we plan to add RSS video, GPS, and VoIP." PSP will include "Memory Stick Boot," voice over IP, network support this winter via firmware updates.
5:07 - We're being shown a video now with a bunch of young, cool folks filmed on the streets of New York City, London, Sidney, Cape Town, Tokyo, Mexico City, etc. A british dude in New York City waxes excited about the "hard plastic" and "knobby bits" on the PS2 controller. The Tokyo video includes subtitled shots of Japanese people, one who says, "When I play games, I become a monkey!"
5:10 - Light applause after the man-on-the-street trailer. It wasn't all that hot, but it was a nice touch mean to get across the fact that this is a youth-oriented company. PS3 features and benefits: Powered by Cell. CD, DVD, Blu-Ray disc. Bluetooth, WiFi, ethernet. Dolby Digital Surround Sound. Legacy SD to full HD support (1080p). wireless controller, up to seven player, pre-installed HDD. USB, Memory Stick, SD, Compact Flash. gigabit ethernet cord, removable hard drive
5:12 - PS3 will support HD output at 1080i definition ... a level of sophisticaiton and reality that has never been experienced." PSP interopability with PS3 via network, memory stick, USB. "BluRay is a next generation format supported by major studios. Five of the six major Holywood studios are supporting BluRay."
5:13 - Blu-Ray slide -- obligatory comparison showing how the Blu-Ray disc just destroys other discs in the category of storage. Kaz makes the comparison to the launch of DVD to suggest that Blu-Ray will allow the content creation community the ability to transcent hardware limits and bring their imaginations to life. So, all that other stuff you've done before Blu-Ray? That was totally unimaginative. Creativity starts now! Every PS3 system will ship with a HD drive. THAT'S KEY.
5:15 - As previously announced in March, we're set to launch the PS3 simultaneously around the world in major territories this November. PS3 develpoment systems slide: largest number of systems ever shipped, more than 10,000 to 208 companies in 11 countries, final kits shipping now, 6 months before launch. Some games at e3 are running on those final tools (dev kits). "Today, we will be showcasing playable game tit les, which all will be available for you to play at our booth."Kaz said the magic words: "playable game titles." We're going to get our hands on some PS3 games on the E3 floor.
5:17 - Phil Harrison, President Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. Phil: "A little under a year ago we shared of vision of hte PS3 format. Our development studioes have been hard at worlk. Today I am proud to share with you the fruits of those labors."
5:18 - Phil's on the stage in a smart suit, shaved head, no tie. he brings onto the stage his "friend and colleague" Kazunori Yamauchi, President, Polyphony Digital Inc. Kaz (trans): "Good afternoon ... it's an honor to be here as a lead off batter. Today we'd like to show a Grand Turismo prototype: Gran Turismo HD" 1920 x 1080p.
5:19 - Gran Turismo is going at 60 frames per second. So this may be an exaggerated statement, we feel that this is the first time for a household television to display a noncropressed baseband signal. The menu has been designed for HD resolution. Ok, these cars and bikes look hot. Simply hot.
5:22 - As we zoom down the Tokyo track demo, it doesn't appear all that much sharper or higher quality than PGR3. A quick side discussion verifies that it's not just me. The foliage doesn't look so hot. Then again, this is just a demo. It doesn't appear that motion blur has been added in yet, or if it'll even be added to the game.
5:23 - The draw distance isn't that hot either. We can see buildings in the distance pop into view here and there. It's a very attractive racing game, but not heads and shoulders above PGR3, which is our basis for comparison. What you are seeing now is 1920x1080i HD. The is 12 times the resoultion of GT4.
5:25 - In GT4 the average loading time was 10-14 seconds. For GT HD its been optimized for the HDD. So players will be able to maneuver from menu screen to starting a race in 2-3 seconds. Now we're being shown another track: Sarthe. The sound quality is suspect here. The engines sound fantastic: it's like we're sitting in a jet fighter skimming just a foot above the racetrack.
5:26 - There are hints of greatness in the demo: glimpses of polish and speed that indicate that this will be a very, very hot game by the time it's on store shelves. For PS3's sake, we're hoping that the extra development time translates into clear visual distinction versus the Xbox 360's premiere race title.
5:27 - One thing we like here are the clouds in the sky. They look fantastic. Another nice touch: foliage reflected on the car bodies as we race by narrow bits of track. "Lastly, we would like to show another track from the Grand Canyon."
5:30 - We're being shown the Grand Canyon demo track now: the motor on the car that we're driving on sounds very, very different from the previous car that we were driving. One thing that immediately sticks out: dust hasn't been added to this dirt-track course yet. We're treated to a high arial shot of the Grand Canyon. It's breathtaking in scale, and beautifully painted ... but up close crowd animations are stiff. Bodies don't move uniquely.
5:32 - "We will be conducting some beta testing for online play in GT4 ... this is only the beginning: we think the Next GT will easily surpass Gran Turismo HD (which was only upscaled assets from current-gen GT). "The world of GT will explode with networking capabilities ... we hope to deliver the next GT not too far from the launch of the PS3."
5:33 - Phil Harrison: "The next demonstartion is actually an interesting combination of three different things. The first is a traditional card based game. Added to that is the power of the PS3." The Eye of Judgment. A card game using the EyeToy. He's sticking his hand under a camera and moving a card from spot to spot -- as he moves the card, the monster hovering over it also moves.
5:34 - This demo is very cool, folks -- this is kind of like the "augmented reality" demo that was circulating around the net over the last year. Phil Harrison has a "boss card" that he places on the screen. The boss is a rubber ducky. Hah hah hah! The game will be on demo on the E3 floor: "Come to booth and try out game."
5:35 - Basic ommunity services slide: "Our goal is to create an environment that is more than just a place to play games. These basic services will be offered to PlayStation users free of charge ... our goal it to create a virtual society -- or a community. These basic services will be offered to PS users free of charge." Bite-size, or big portions, anytime or anywhere for all types of entertainment content
5:39 - What can the users expect? The e-distribution of PLayStation connect playable on the PSP. PSP users will be able to enjot the PS titles through emulation technology." E-distribution slide: content server (PSP), archive server (PS older games). You'll be able to download these older titles to a memory stick and run them on the PSP. We have a PSP running one of the first PlayStation titles that was released... [navigiating to the game] ... [loading] ... let's see if you can guess the title ..."
5:40 - "The game is powered by Namco ... it's Ridge Racer! Ahh! This brings back memories ... Just to show you, since its running on a PSP, you can change the screen size."
5:41 - "Another exciting ability is for consumers to make mircotransactions. We will be selling a pre-paid card in various denomination." This is exciting, but there's a little bit of manufactured excitement in this: Ridge Racer will never hold the emotional attachment for gamers that Mario will, and it appears at this moment that Kaz is trying just a bit too hard to talk about how exciting it is to play a really old version of Ridge Racer. "We will be selling a pre-paid card called 'The PlayStation Card' sold in varying demonimations."
5:43 - Back to Phil Harrison: "Gonna show you a quick look at the PS3 interface. Thsi shop interface allows users to purchase various content. This one is dedicated to WarHawk. You are are able to see what's cool, what's hot." It's the whole e-commerce experience. We see a shopping cart, a "what's new" list, and a "top 10 list."
5:44 - Singstar demo: He fires up an HD video that's been overlaid with Karaoke controls and lyrics. It looks like a ton of fun. "What really powers Sing Star is the network. This is where the game really comes to life. We're gonna show you the ability to browse a catalogue of songs ... I'm gonna take you through the networking purchasing system."
5:45 - Now he's showing us an online catalog of songs. He's browsing through an online store -- but they're not telling us the pricing of these songs just yet. Songs show as $0.00. We can see a few features peaking out here: there's a UI element of a "monthly spending limit."
5:46 - "My Singstar online" -- this is allowing you to develop your own profile, to find out who is online, download new content (skins, graphical effects) to personalize your experience, and to add your performances to the network. YouTube bootycams on the PS3. That's the headline right there, folks. It'll be hot if Sony can actually deliver anything nearly as addictive as a late-night romp through YouTube's most popular videos.
5:48 - We're being shown Genji. This game looks impressive. It's got a lot of nice graphical touches. It makes us immediately think of 99 Nights. The weapons, the armor, the moves. Just fewer onscreen enemies, and more outlandish moves.
5:51 - What's interesting about this demo is that it's showing Bill's hands on a controller via picture-in-picture. This is important: PlayStation 3 needed to combat the negativity that followed last year's E3: "But nothing was playable!" The picture-in-picture serves as a constant reminder that the games are playable. Phil: "Now movinf from legendary Japan to realirt 21st century style. We'd like to show you are Formula 1 game with an interesting twist. I'm gonna give you a very special demonstation of a wing mirror. What I have on the PSP is a real time feed of the wing mirror"
5:54 - Onscreen now: Heavenly Sword sequence. Flashy, red-haired babe with sharp weapons, chains, and so on. It's pretty. The sounds are hot. The kills visceral. Bones crunch, kicks liquify internal organs. This game will also be playable on the show floor, and we'll definitely be playing it. What you can see is that this game delivers the most phenominall animation system.
5:58 - Trailer showing games that are "perhaps a little bit further out." First up: Factor 5's Lair. If the game looks anything like the pre-rendered stuff we just saw, the game will be an incredible experience. The best way to describe what this one felt like: the dragon test in the Harry Potter Goblet of Fire movie. Not a lot of flames, but a whole lot of scary dragons. London Studio's Getaway (Team SoHo).
5:59 - AFRIKA: a grazing rhino, birds chattering noisily in a tree, a giraffe, zebra, wildebeasts, all sorts of other animals we should know, but don't. Concludes with a shot of a cheetah and a lion. We're not sure exactly how the game's meant to be played, but the trailer gives a sense that the designers are striving for realism in the National Geographic style.
6:01 - Phil Harrison: "Round of applause, please." Exclusive appearances coming up. A glimpse of some of the future of PS3. It is my great pleasure to share with you two brand new titles for the first time. The first is from our Studio in London." [running video, title is "Eight Days]
6:04 - Eight Days: Lots of guns, lots of gansters, great cinematical lighting effects, massive destruction via a gas tanker. Nothing in this game to challenge the genre of gansters and guns, but certainly a graphical update to a game type that we're all comfortable with. "Next up is a brand new game from a developer who since their first game in 1996 has shipped over 40 million units of software. I'm gonna let the video speak for itself" Shows untitled Naughty Dog game.
6:05 - "I'd like to welcome Mr. Ted Price the Pres. of Insomniac" Ted: "The Resistance: Fall of Man ... let's check it out." Price says "this game is intense." ORLY? Who wouldn't say that about their next-gen game. Let's see the goods, Price.
6:10 - First Resistance is a WWII style shooter in set in the 1950s, but get this -- World War II never happened! Instead, it's clear that aliens arrived to save us from killing ourselves and and to unite humanity behind against a common enemy. That's kind of neat. The mixture of WWII-era guns going up against otherworldly munitions makes the genre fresh. One nice scene in the demo shows a tiny little alien jmping on the back of a human soldier and popping a spike through the back of the soldier's skull. The skull crunches, blood sprays, and the man crumples. The action is intense, so Price delivered. Nice work. Ted: "Just a small taste of what's to come. Keep in mind the game features multiplayer modes featuring 32 players.
6:11 - Phil: "That sums up our playable selection. You can see we are really starting to push the technology. But that's it for me. Thank you very much for your attention." ... but wait a minute. That wasn't all playable. Some of it was, some of it wasn't. Let's just get that straight right now. Phil has left the stage, Kaz Hirai has taken it.
6:14 - Kaz: "Our first party lineup is looking strong. But what about 3rd parties? Let me share with you a collection of 3rd party titles in development: From Ubisoft: Assassin's Creed. Looked HOT. From Bandai Namco -- two words: bot battle. Ridge Racer 7 ... a seventh Ridge Racer? Gee, we never saw that coming. We never thought that we'd see a seventh in the series.
6:17 - Sonic the Hedgehog. It's fast (as always). Speed isn't new, but what is new is the art style here. It looks more grown up, grittier. It's evolved in a good way. Assassin's Creed; Gundam: Mobile Suit; Coded Arms: Assault; Ridge Racer 7; Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway; Tekken 6; Sonic The Hedgehog; Virtua Tennis 3; Virtua Fighter 5; Stranglehold; Fatal Inertia; Bladestorm; Amored Core 4. Fatal Inertia: available at launch. Cars, without wheels, zooming through canyons and stuff. Feels very Star Wars, but it'll sell, being a launch title and all. Looked shiney and next-gen enough to drop some jaws, but there didn't appear to be anything new in the concept.
6:19 - EA Chairman and CEO Larry Probst takes the stage. Larry: "The special partnership between EA and Sony has never be stronger. This afternoon we want to show you too brief demos. These are works in progress. Let's start with the exec producer of NBA Live ... let me start with a side-by-side comparison of the last and next generation. P@s vs. PS3."
6:22 - "With procedural awareness we give players personality, attitude, confidence and style. WE are making players that move right. That's why foot planting is so important. No matter what the sport footwork plays a huge role. Now we need to give them full freedom of movement. On the PS3 players have full 360-degree movement. They feel alive. But that's a video, let's see how it's running live." Shows Tracy McGrady vs. Dwayne Wade demo. Procedural awareness demo by EA is hot. As crosshairs move zoom around the air around the player, he follows them with his eyes and with his body. That's why next-gen is important: technology makes these pixelated players believable. It brings us closer to what we're seeing on ESPN. "This is not a video. This is running live on PS3. There it is, NBA Live bringing players to life on the PS3."
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May 9th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
At today's pre-E3 conference held at Sony Pictures Studios, two questions that have been on gamers minds were answered. Sony president Kaz Hirai revealed the PlayStation 3's price and launch date. The PS3 will be released in Japan on November 11, and the United States on November 17, 2006. Like the Xbox 360, the PS3 will come in two configurations, one with a 20GB hard drive and one with a 60GB hard drive.
The 20GB will retail for $499 in the US (59800 yen in Japan, 499 euros in Europe), and the 60GB model will retail for $549 (open price in Japan, 599 euros in Europe). Sony expects to ship two million units in its first month of launch, four million by the end of the year, and six million by the end of its fiscal year, which ends in March 31.
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May 9th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
When Sony announced the PlayStation 3 at last year's E3, one of the most impressive parts of the machine was its specs. The console was a gearhead's dream with three Ethernet parts, two HDMI ports, six USB ports, and a host of other features. Many wondered how Sony could pack so much into a sleek box and still price the system competitively.
How things have changed in a year.
According to the latest specifications released by Sony, the PS3 now only comes with one Ethernet port and four USB ports. Also, the lack of a second HDMI port means that the dual-screen setup running 1080p function that was shown off last year is no longer a possibility.
The PlayStation 3 will come in two configurations, one will have a 20GB hard drive and the other will have a 60GB hard drive. However, losing 40GB isn't the only downgrade with the 20GB version. The 20GB version, priced at $499, will not have Memory Stick, SD, or Compact Flash inputs, Wi-Fi capabilities, or any HDMI output.
The new motion-sensitive controller, included standard in both the 20GB and 60GB models, will lack a feature that was present in the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller--vibration. Citing the new "six-degree," a statement from Sony says "vibration itself interferes with information detected by the sensor."
The removal of vibration could also have something to do with the lawsuit won by Immersion Technologies, which sued Sony for copyright infringement based on the rumble feature in PlayStation controllers. Microsoft faced a similar suit, but settled out of court.
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May 9th, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
At last year's E3, Sony displayed a prototype controller for its upcoming console, the PlayStation 3. The boomerang-shaped wireless device was something of a lightning rod, and didn't seem like it was terribly well-received. This year, Sony has unveiled the final controller, and it should look pretty familiar.
The PS3's controller now looks roughly like a Dual Shock 2. The size and button placement seems identical. But there are a handful of key differences. You'll feel right at home when you pick it up, but this controller has definitely evolved.
For starters, it's wireless and startlingly lightweight. The Bluetooth device has a mini-USB plug on it, presumably for charging. The L2 and R2 triggers are analog and feel quite nice. There's a new central button that has the PlayStation logo on it. It doesn't seem to be functional, but it seems like a likely spot for some sort of "home" or "menu' button.
The biggest change is inside the controller. There are motion-sensing gyroscopes inside the controller that will detect tilting as well as raising and lowering. We get the feeling that wii've seen this in another upcoming console, but we'll save that discussion for message boards or something. Warhawk is one of the games that supports the tilt sensor, and it feels surprisingly tight and easy to use. Flying the plane by tilting the controller is very intuitive.
One thing you won't find in this new controller is force feedback. The rumble feature was said to interfere with the motion sensing devices. Sony's Phil Harrison even went so far as to tell us that "rumble was last generation, movement is this generation."
We also managed to bump into Criterion's Alex Ward at Sony's grand unveiling, and he said he was really excited about the controller, saying that he "can really see how it fits in his games." We imagine a Burnout game can't be too far behind.
So if you wanted to be a cynic, you could say that this is a wireless PS2 controller with analog triggers like the Xbox, a central guide button like the Xbox 360, and internal motion sensors like the Wii. But what's probably most important is that the controller feels pretty nice and already seems to work well.
Screens of Controller via Comments
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May 9th, 2006, 07:46 Posted By: wraggster
PSP will soon let you use voice-over-IP services, with a future upgrade adding voice chat support that'll let users cyber each other for free using the popular internet chat tool.
Sony is planning to launch 'RSS Video' for PSP too, letting you watch online video streams through the PSP browser. E3 will feature download pods where PSP owners can test this out by streaming a video of this very conference.
Finally, it also confirmed the much-rumoured PSP camera peripheral along with a GPS system, with Sony clearly copying the massively successful Gizmondo console's lead there.
PSP will not be seeing a redesign - these enhancements will be done via hardware and software upgrades. There is no "PSP2".
As for games to help counter the massive Nintendo DS popularity... Killzone Liberation was about the best of the bunch on show, bolstered by the announcement of a new budget range - for America at least - consisting of re-releases of Ape Escape, ATV Off-road Fury, Hot Shots Golf, Twisted Metal and Wipeout Pure.
Almost certainly in rubbish-looking boxes stamped "Greatest Hits".
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May 9th, 2006, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Sony has confirmed that the next instalment in the SingStar series will launch alongside the PS3, together with a new download service that will give players access to a huge back catalogue of songs.
Players will be able to visit the new in-game SingStore and purchase extras such as menu skins, new voice effects and artist images as well as music videos. It's not yet known how much each song will cost, but Sony is considering letting people who own existing SingStar titles use their discs to unlock relevant tracks in the back catalogue.
A new online feature, My SingStar, will let users upload and share audio feedback, performances recorded with the EyeToy camera, snapshots and high scores. Playlists can be stored on memory stick or the console's hard disk drive, and players will receive regular alerts when new material is released plus recommendations based on their previous purchase decisions.
There are no technical changes to the game other than an overhauled interface and the use of high definition videos where available, but new silver microphones will come bundled with the game.
SingStar for PS3 will launch in Europe alongside Sony's next-gen console on November 17th. It will also be the first SingStar game to get a release in the US, despite the series' huge success over here.
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May 9th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Sony's PlayStation 3 controller, a new version of the beloved DualShock, will not include a rumble function, the company has confirmed. The device will instead feature a full motion-sensing system.
The controller will sport a "six-axis sensing system" according to Sony - three for roll, pitch and yaw, and three for "3 dimension acceleration information" along the X, Y and Z axes.
DualShock 2's rumble feature has been dropped, says Sony, as the vibration "interferes with information detected by the sensor".
Other features of the controller include Bluetooth functionality for linking to the console itself. The L2 and R2 buttons have been enlarged, and now have "increased depth in stroke for more subtle control in games". The angle of the two joysticks has been slightly broadened.
The controller also features a USB port for wired control and charging. According to Sony, the cable can be attached and detached at any time, presumably during play.
The new DualShock incarnation replaces the "boomerang" prototype Sony showed at last year's E3 when first announcing PlayStation 3 itself.
The announcement of the controller last night was one in a lengthy series, which included prices and release dates for the console in all territories. The system will launch in Japan on November 11th, followed by US and European launches occurring simultaneously six days later on November 17th. The US Dollar and Euro prices correspond exactly with the 20GB model priced at USD 499 / EURO 499, while the 60GB model is USD 599 / EURO 599.
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May 9th, 2006, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via Games industry
Legendary Gran Turismo development head Kazunori Yamauchi has issued a statement following last night's viewing of his Gran Turismo HD demo in Los Angeles, outlining the visual specifications of the software and hinting that a full Gran Turismo game for PS3 may arrive soon after launch.
The demo was shown at Sony's pre-E3 press conference, and included tracks from the Grand Canyon and Tokyo. Visual comparisons were shown between Gran Turismo 4 running on PlayStation 2 and Gran Turismo HD to dramatic effect.
"At this year’s E3 2006, I am excited to provide you a glimpse of our vision for Gran Turismo by showcasing the technological capabilities of PlayStation 3 with a special playable demo titled 'Gran Turismo HD,'" said Yamauchi in a statement, before emphasising that "this product does not represent an official product and is merely a prototype.
"With the power of PlayStation 3, 'Gran Turismo HD' has been prepared in full HD resolution (i.e. 1920 x 1080p) and is displayed at a refresh rate of 60 frames per second. As you may know, this is the highest possible performance available on the latest high definition television and is three times higher in quality than the average high definition quality broadcast where HD-CAM capabilities are at 1450 x 1080i.
"Comparatively, the visual quality in 'Gran Turismo HD' is 12 times higher than Gran Turismo 4 on PlayStation 2, allowing for a world of true high definition, not possible in any other visual format today."
He finished with a teaser. Yesterday's demo was built specifically for this year's show, and no details were given on the next full Gran Turismo game.
"The wait for the next generation of Gran Turismo, post launch of PS3, may not be as long as you think," he said.
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May 9th, 2006, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Consumers who purchase the 20GB version of the PlayStation 3 will find themselves with less options than those who buy the 60GB model when it comes to data storage and Wi-Fi functionality.
According to Sony's latest spec sheet, the 20GB PS3 will not feature inputs for memory sticks, SD or compact flash cards. Nor will it offer any Wi-Fi options or any HDMI output.
The 60GB PS3 will come with a single HDMI port - and not two, as the prototype shown at last year's E3 suggested. The prototype also featured three Ethernet ports and six USB ports, but the console unveiled yesterday has just one Ethernet and four USB ports.
The 20GB model will retail for EURO 100 less than the 60GB version, at EURO 499. The PlayStation 3 is set to go on sale in Japan on November 11th, with US and European launches to follow on November 17th.
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May 9th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Incog Inc.'s Dylan Jobe has emphasised the importance of utilising the PS3 controller's motion-sensing capabilities only where appropriate, stating: "We're not going to force it."
Jobe joined Phil Harrison on stage at Sony's pre-E3 press conference to present WarHawk, a military combat game which sees players battling it out over land, sea and air. The pair demonstrated how players can fly a plane by maneouvering the controller, tilting it to arc and roll through the air.
In an interview conducted after the event, Jobe said he was unable to explain how the controller works, stating: "It's crazy Sony magic."
"I don't know - it's a special little black box inside there. For us it's very seamless. Sony provided API, and we get signals back from the orientation, so that's it. So the magic inner workings of it? I've no idea."
Jobe went on to observe that the controller boasts an impressive battery life, though he was unable to clarify exactly how long it will run for on a single charge: "The guys from Sony Japan told us that's a ten-plus-hour battery life. We've had the controllers for... I've seen it run for at least six hours and it can probably keep running. We haven't tested it fully."
Incog will be sure to make use of the controller's motion-sensing technology only where appropriate, according to Jobe: "We're not going to try and force controller functionality somewhere where it doesn't belong."
"It just happens to be that it's great to fly the WarHawk around this way, but in another game mode - let's say on the ground or something else - if it doesn't feel right we won't use it, we'll just use the stick. We're going to make sure the controller feels good in the player's hands, and we're not going to force it."
Of course, the new DualShock won't be the only motion-sensing controller on show this week - Nintendo is expected to reveal exactly what players can do with the Wii's unique "freestyle" remote controller at its own pre-E3 press conference later today. When asked how the two controllers compared, Jobe said: "I've never held the Wii controller, so I'm not sure."
However, he did go on to echo Phil Harrison's observation that the PS3 controller requires no external sensors - unlike the Wii remote. "I think that one of the most exciting things about this controller is that it is completely contained. There are no additional reference points, you don't have to put up any registration marks. It's a completely contained Sony kinetic sensor. That's the whole unit - battery, rumble, kinetic sensor. Everything is in that unit."
A release date for WarHawk has yet to be announced, so it's not known whether the game will appear as a launch title when the PS3 goes on sale in November.
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May 9th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi comes clean and spills the beans on PS3 Gran Turismo.
After Gran Turismo 4, Polyphony Digital went straight to work making PS3 Gran Turismo. Or so we thought. It appears that the development team aren't quite ready to show us what they've been up to and will be working on a proper next-gen sequel for quite some time. GT HD will be released "soon after the PS3 launch", according to Yamauchi, but it's not quite the real deal.
Taking the cars and tracks from Gran Tursimo 4, GT HD will be super charged in visual terms and will take full advantage of the hard drive and online play. But,essentially, it's a better looking take on Gran Turismo 4 with some much anticipated online play modes. Kazunori Yamauchi has also included the bikes from the recent PS2 racer Tourist Trophy, meaning you'll be able to race super bikes against muscle cars.
There's no doubt that GT HD looks great and will no doubt be THE game to play online on PS3 but it means the next instalment could be a long time coming. After all, the first PS2 Gran Turismo took over a year to appear after the launch of PS2. We'll be covering future Gran Turismo developments from the E3 show floor and give you a hands-on GT HD report just as soon as Kazunori lets us challenge him to an online game...
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May 9th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
You know how you get air conditioning in cars, and it comes as a standard? If the car's all new and shiny at least? Well Kaz Hirai, chief of Sony activities in the US, has used this poetic metaphor to explain the relationship between PS3 and online functionality - it's hardly Keats, but I guess we can forgive him.
Gamers expect online stuff like they expect rain and the man himself states that networking "is as essential as the air we breathe". Playstation 3 will therefore come with all the friends lists, player profiles and messaging that a gamer could need - a self proclaimed "virtual society". What does it have over Xbox?
Well the video chat certainly sounds pretty sexy, although Microsoft's EyeToy-style camera should be revealed properly tomorrow. Apart from that it sounds very similar to Xbox Live's Gold/Silver split, since the promise that basic services will be "free of charge".
The online microtransactions system also sounds very similar to Xbox Live's Microsoft Points system, but on PS3 you'll be able to get games, music and movies. The PSP will also feed into this system, with downloadable PS1 games available to play on the go.
Where does payment start? Well, they haven't announced that just yet...
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May 9th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
If you winced in disbelief at the 289 GBP price of an Xbox 360, you'll be shocked beyond all reason when you visit your local GAME in November...
410 GBP for a games console? Then there's the broadband fees to get online, the additional pads and the HD TV to make your games look nice. Your girlfriend certainly won't understand why you cancelled the holiday and spent a small fortune on a shiny black box instead of that week in Venice...
It's clear from the outset that PS3 is set to be the Rolls Royce of games consoles, offering better performance (and a higher price) than any other console to be launched in the UK. But have Sony gone a step too far? Nintendo Wii is due to launch this year at a price which is expected to be around the 150 GBP mark, which makes it less than half the price of a PlayStation 3. Then there's the Xbox 360 to consider. A core system costs just 209 GBP and that's before the inevitable price drop to combat the PlayStation 3 launch in November.
What do you think? Are you saving already? Let us know your thoughts and you could see them appearing here over the next few days...
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May 9th, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
Metal Gear Solid man Hideo Kojima has revealed details of a new Metal Gear Solid game on PSP via an audio blog, which will leap six years on from Metal Gear Solid 3 into 1970.
However, those expecting Snake to bring out the flares and Bee Gees CDs can think again - the game is reportedly much more of an action-based title than its card-based PSP bro' Metal Gear Acid, with main character The Big Boss (not from the Bruce Lee film) charged with bringing down the renegade unit Fox. Where plotline finishes, Metal Gear Solid 4 is then due to kick off.
Despite the promise of 'action', the gameplay still hints at something considerably different to the familiar stealth-y adventures. You'll get to control a squad of troops, leading them into skirmishes, where victories will enable you to collect further troops - bizarrely described by Kojima-san as like "collecting marbles".
Word is that each troop will boast their own individual attributes and style. The gameplay is tailored to ensure that you engage enemies with caution and care, as unlike other squad-style games, 'dead' men don't come back. It's realistic, this one.
There is no release date for the unnamed title as yet, but we're tightly keeping our fingers crossed for a glutton of screens and info in the very near future. Call us optimistic, young people.
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May 9th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
While Ratchet & Clank was all a wee bit cutey (you know what we mean), its developer's PS3 newie - Resistance: Fall Of Man - promises to blend "epic military action and unnerving horror" in a thoroughly believable world. Apparently. It almost sounds like a Friday night out in Romford.
A first-person shooter set for PS3, it pits joint Britain and U.S. forces against an unknown race of monsters, simply known as Chimera. The downside is that the buggers have been infecting us humans, and all of Europe has already fallen foul of its hideous curse.
It all smacks of a modern-day Doom-y in concept we think, with single-player, co-op and "one of the most complete multiplayer" online campaigns ever (2-32 players) for players to sink their gnashers into. There are also the promises of horrifying creatures, physics-based weaponry and playable vehicles. No release date as yet, mind.
Screenshots Here
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May 9th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced Eye of Judgement, a card game affair for PS3 which the company promises will allow new ways of interacting with the Playstation 3 console. Because, ya see, it makes use of "the ground-breaking technology" of Sony's EyeToy-style "next generation camera".
In fact, Sony showed the title at its E3 press conference yesterday, with our team in attendence describing it thus: "It's a bit like Pokemon but using the EyeToy. You use your hands to move cards around, and then little animals fight."
Anyway, the idea is that it's a kind of 3D version of trading card games, where the characters and monsters normally moping around in 2D are brought to life in the third dimension.
Advertisement:Players use a 3' by 3' board and trading cards that are encrypted with a 'cybercode', and waving this cybercode in front of the camera unleashes your 3D monster or character for battle. As you'd expect, each character and/or monster boasts a variety of skill sets, Sony explaining that "Players take turns to place cards as they jostle for control of the board; the winner is the first player to capture five of the nine squares. The Eye of Judgment presents the player with more than 30 cards, as well as unique online and offline gameplay."
Feast your eye of judgement on the screenshots.
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May 9th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Blimey guv, we never knew London had such a teeming underworld. In Gangs Of London you'll get more than 60 missions of shooting, tactical battles and driving.
There's a Story Mode, where you opt to be the next Kray-style kingpin, 1-5 man Gang Battles for nabbing territory from rival do-badders, and Free Roaming Mode for just being a right general pain in the 'arris.
The game is being developed by Sony's London studio, who also worked on The Getaway game, which shouldn't surprise you. It'll be released from prison this autumn.
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May 9th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
We just love it when games with names like Size Matters come along. It's every journalist's dream. Just imagine all the punning and double entendre fun we can have with that one. But no, we'll be big boys - we won't rise to it. We'll stay hard and stick up a serious report. Honest.
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters sees the popular series making its PSP bow. It promises to go back to its gaming roots with "classic gameplay". It'll boast its signature-style sci-fi universe, let you play as both characters and will also feature new and returning weapons and gadgets.
There will also be vehicle racing, battlefield missions and wireless multiplayer for up to four players. It looks quite nice too, as these screens testify. Look out for it around early 2007.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
In Genji 2 (working title) on PS3, players will get the chance to battle their way through Japanese history once again. Revealing the latest chapter in character Genkuro Yoshitsune's life, events in the follow-up to Genji take place three years after those portrayed in the predecessor.
A romp through Feudal Japan with plenty of swordplay involved and billed as a traditional action-adventure, the sequel is set to feature more than twice the content of what was seen in the original Genji. Which means, for example, that Genji 2 boasts more playable characters (four in total), and players will have the opportunity to swap between the playable characters at any time, whilst they fight hundreds of on-screen enemies.
Sony has handily released Genji 2 screenshots,
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May 9th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Oh look, another batch of screens from martial arts sword slasher Heavenly Sword. We remember being quietly wowed by it last E3, and here we are doing exactly the same thing again. Some things never change.
Developed by Ninja Theory, the game pits a mystical sword-wielding heroine against an evil king (played by Gollum star Andy Serkis). A sophisticated combat engine, movie-like cinematography and the added bonus of bazookas and multi-skewering spears all mean it's well worthy of your attention. Release date news imminent.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
Get set for Formula One 06 to appear in high definition glory on the Playstation 3, giving players the opportunity to "truly interact with the sport", according to Sony.
Formula One 06 will include all the official stuff you would expect from a Formula One game, official drivers, circuits, cars, teams and even the official rules from the world of Formula One.
Sony exclaimed that the new Formula One is "as close as it can get to the real thing", promising added realism not only in the graphic and sound department but also with the inclusion of elements new to the genre such as pre race warm-ups, unexpected collisions and a "safety car" feature offering possible new strategic opportunities.
Sony's additionally mentioned that the PSP will work with the game, giving players the opportunity to use PSP as sort of wing mirror.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
Sony has fed us new morsels on the sequel to PSP squad shooter SOCOM US Navy SEALS Fire Team Bravo. It has the same name but with a '2' on the end. (Come on, you didn't expect us to type all that out again).
The gritty, sophisticated military franchise may be shrunken down, but it has peppered up the sequel with new non-linear mission progression (choose what to tackle and when), a persistent performance rating system, bonus objectives, and the ability to purchase airstrikes, satellite intelligence and supply drops.
You will even be able to up your influence in civilian areas, using your know-how to buy weapons and information from the black market. As for multiplayer, 16 players can compete/co-operate in close proximity (via Ad Hoc mode) and nationwide (via Infrastructure Mode). Three new multiplayer modes consist of Tug-Of-War, Capture The Flag and Target.
It all shapes up to arguably one of the deepest and most absorbing titles for the PSP thus far, with expanded online support keeping the human aspect alive. It's out this Autumn.
Screens at the link above.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Stuffing SOCOM fans full of frothy joy and leaving them a bunch of happy gun-heads high on a whiff of cordite, Sony has released the first screenshots of the snappily titled SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Combined Assault on PS2.
As well as the four-player on- and offline co-op aspect, the new SOCOM will contain the full SOCOM 3 online game as well as additional 32-player maps exclusive to the new title.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Like the throb of something rumbling in the palm of your hand? Alas, you won't be getting your kicks out of the new PS3 controller then, after it emerged that Sony has removed the vibration function from its DualShock 2-alike design.
The reason for its omission? It's because it interferes with the controller's own innovative smart new sensor system. So instead of rumbles, you'll get a '3-posture-axis' of roll, pitch and a '3-dimension acceleration information (X, Y, and Z)', which can be detected in high-precision and in real-time. As the press blurb proudly claims, "more natural and more intuitive play will become possible as if the controller has become part of your body."
Sony has also opted for a design that looks strikingly similar to the PS2's own DualShock 2 - as reported earlier today - losing the Boomerang prototype that was recently bandied about. The L2/R2 buttons have been enlarged and feature increased depth for more subtle control, and the tilting angle of the analog sticks have also been broadened for "more delicate manipulation". All this with an increase of information detection from 8 bit to 10 bit.
Sony has also revealed that the pads will feature Bluetooth technology for the option of wireless gaming. Alternatively, a USB port will provide the option of wired gaming and charging.
Finally, in related news, the exact sacrifices of buying the second, cheaper configuration PS3 console have been revealed . Reportedly, the reduced price option, announced yesterday at a US RRP of $499 (or about 340 quid), will not only offer a reduced capacity hard drive of 20GB (compared to the 'bigger' 60GB model), but it will also be missing Wi-Fi capabilities, inputs for Memory Stick and SD and Compact Flash memory cards and any HDMI output. You pays your money...
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May 9th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has dished out a spoonful of screens from what is claimed to be the online section of Killzone: Liberation, due out in autumn this year.
The PSP incarnation of the PS2 first-person shooter takes a third-person viewpoint as you rage against an evil military, tapping into your tactical prowess as well as brawn.
The wireless multiplayer section of the game offers six maps of brutal shoot-outs for two-six players, which we're guessing is what these screens represent. If you've only got the one mate though, there's always two player co-op in the single-player mission.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Seeing that just about everyone loved the Sin City movie, news that Eidos has acquired publishing rights to the PSP game of the movie of Frank Miller's other graphic novel, 300: March To Glory, should be accompanied by the widespread consumption of fine Greek wines.
Developed by Collision Studios, 300: March To Glory puts you in the sandaled feet of King Leonidas, whose claim to fame is the leading of 300 Spartans against Xerxes and his enormous Persian army. This translates into large, pixellated bloodbuckets of sword-wielding slashery. Sadly, no sign of a hunchbacked Mickey Rourke ripping off Elijah Wood's limbs.
The 300 movie is currently in production for next year. Interestingly, directorial duties have fallen to Zack Snyder, the guy not only behind 2004's impressive Dawn Of The Dead remake, but who is also currently working on the Rainbow Six movie, due out in 2007 as well.
There is no news of 300: March To Glory appearing on any other formats as yet, nor is there any confirmation of a release date. But if that changes, we'll let you know.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
Jealous of our Japanese cousins with their sleek, stylish white PSPs? You needn't be. Sony has disclosed that the previously Japan-only version of the handheld will be hitting European stores from next Monday, which is May 15 for those of you with diaries.
Word is the console will come at an expected UK RRP of 179.99 GBP (E249), complete with the usual Value Pack goodies such as charger, 32MB memory stick, remote control, pouch, headphones and strap.
There's also plans to launch the PSP Platinum range in June, games in which will set punters back 19.99 GBP a pop in the UK (E24.99). Confirmed first-party titles thus far include the addictive golf game Everybody's Golf, and racers Pursuit Force, World Rally Championship, Ridge Racer and F1 Grand Prix. Third-party games will also be added into the mix.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Not that we're experiencing any certain drought out there for PSP and iPod accessories, but JBL's announcing their latest speaker system devices for the bespoke gadget icons. The PSP, which typically seems to get the emphasis on portable speaker systems, snags an On Stage variant of its own: the 6 watt On Tour Plus goes for $129.95 and is available now; the 60 watt Radial, successor to the On Time, will have and remote for use with that iPod, and should set you back $299.95 in June when suddenly all your friends will undoubtedly begin commenting on how your speaker-dock looks like a lopsided Michelin, or, depending on the crowd with which you hang, an As Four purse.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
The Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer shown at Sony's pre-E3 press conference is now yours to view via Eurogamer TV - and it's well worth checking out.
We won't spoil it for you, other than to say that the trailer suggests a political theme to the game, a bit of mech action and the return of some old friends. And as for the ending...
If that doesn't satisfy your appetite for PS3, you can also watch the Sony conference in its entirety - just head on over to Eurogamer TV.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
believe the best way to describe the reaction to yesterday's Sony Press Conference would be underwhelmed. The Guardian Gamesblog always says it well: "Jetlag means I'm not entirely sure what day it is, but what was Sony's excuse? Today's conference was a muddled mess that essentially confirmed widespread rumours of a problematic PS3 launch build-up. The games shown were of varying quality, with perhaps only Heavenly Sword really showing the undoubted potential of the PS3 ... Sadly, on today's evidence, 360 owners shouldn't worry about missing out, as the PS3's visuals seem broadly similar to their machine. Impressive then, but not the leap we had truly hoped for." Chris Kohler nails the real problem with the lower-priced model: "This just made Microsoft's $299 Core Pack look like a genius idea. At least it's possible to upgrade an Xbox Core. I don't know what kind of arcane magick will have to be executed to give a crippled PS3 actual functionality.
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May 9th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Developed by Kuju Entertainment and released through LucasArts, Traxion is a new PSP game that's being shown off at this year's E3. The game will feature dozens of minigames and a variety of music from leading artists, as well as being compatible with MP3 files stored on the MemoryStick.
Traxion features a music analysis tool that will react to the type of music being played and will adapt the game accordingly. LucasArts says that the result will be a visual and sensory experience that will be different every time you play.
There's no news as yet on a release date or whether the game will be playable at E3, but we'll have more from the show when it starts tomorrow.
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May 9th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Via Spong
Eye of Judgment is the PS3 EyeToy camera-controlled card title for the PS3, and was the game which Phil Harrison so eagerly demonstrated at yesterday’s E3 press conference.
Sony are billing it as “A new way to interact with the PlayStation 3…Using the immense power of PlayStation 3, and the ground-breaking technology of the next generation camera, players can now enjoy a totally new genre in gaming.”
It’s basically a 3D version of a trading card game, where the fantasy characters and monsters on the cards can be brought to life in full PS3 3D High Definition glory.
Players use a 3’ x 3’ board and 'cybercode' encrypted trading cards - conquering the field by selecting a card and placing the 'cybercode' in front of the PS3’s camera to make their cards come to life. The winner is the first player to capture five of the nine squares. Players get to choose from more than 30 cards, plus the game will feature “...unique online and offline gameplay."
Whilst it was overshadowed somewhat by all the other major PS3 announcements yesterday, Eye of Judgement represents a real - dare we say innovative - move forward for Sony’s EyeToy. And while SPOnG is just too damn old to really care so much about card trading games, we know from many of the younger generation (Ver Youth of Today) that these type of games are kiddy crack-like addictive.
We’ll be bringing you more news on new EyeToy developments as the week progresses. Screens on all the other major PS3 announcements from yesterday to follow shortly. Keep it here.
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May 9th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new Commercial PS2 Game:

Gallop Racers 2006 lets you become a jockey and stable manager, as you compete in challenging horse racing competitions. Pick a horse, train and manage it and win the races to bring home the prize! Feel the wind in your face and the burn in your legs as your heart begins to pound and beads of sweat roll down your face. It's just you and your horse as you go faster?and faster . . . gaining enough speed to take you to the top! You're amongst a stampede of jockeys all racing towards one ultimate goal. Yet, there's only room for one winner. Will it be you?

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May 9th, 2006, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new Commercial PS2 Game:

From the 2006 DreamWorks Animation film Over The Hedge comes this new action/adventure from Activision. Gamers assume the role of characters including RJ the raccoon, Verne the turtle, Hammy the squirrel and Stella the skunk, and explore a suburban neighborhood filled with traps and other various obstacles. In addition, the title boasts dozens of puzzles and mini-games and a two-player cooperative mode.

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May 9th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via IGN:
We were shown some of the latest footage of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth at Square Enix's press conference, which marks the return of the series from the original PlayStation to the PSP. Building upon the original title, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is the story of the Valkyrie Lenneth as she recruits and trains fallen warriors to fight for Asgard during the end of the world.
We were shown new footage of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, including some of the updated CG cut scenes. Not only did they show off a number of warriors that you'll collect, but they showed off Lenneth brandishing her sword, extending her wings, and collecting souls. We also found out that some of the newly included cut scenes will contain specific hints that refer to the upcoming Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth will be released on July 18th, 2006. We'll have more on the game as E3 progresses.
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May 9th, 2006, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
Sony Computer Entertainment was not expected to puts a big focus on its PSP presentation at this year's pre-E3 event -- it was always going to be all about PS3 -- but we still couldn't help but be disappointed with what was shown. Only one surprise title was in the line-up of games shown, and one game in the reel was actually already out stateside (a few others have already been brought out elsewhere but are premiering in the US this year.)
First up on the PSP reel this year was the sequel to the disappointing Ape Academy game, here with more minigames and the came cartoony look. From there, SCE went to the world premier Planet PSP -- a cool interactive travel guide non-game that casual PSP owners can take with them when they go out to see the world. Following that was the incredible PSP Killzone: Liberation (curiously left without its PS3 companion, although us PSP players will take this incredible-looking game as a winfall.) We also had LocoRoco, SCE Japan's brilliant tilt-around game played with gooey little characters. Gangs of London, SCE Soho's multiplayer gang game followed that, built upon the basis of the Getaway franchise. After that, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror ... and considering that this game was released months ago for PSP, we're not sure why (even though it is an incredible game for the system, and a defining online experience.) This was followed up with World Tour Soccer 2, SCE's new and improved footie sim. And then there was Talkman, finally bringing the Japanese and European language translator app/game to America.
Where was Ratchet & Clank PSP? We don't know, but we've played it, and it's already pretty rad. Where was SOCOM 2 for PSP? Where was ATV Offroad Fury Pro? What about Hot Shots Golf 2 and its GPS capabilities? Where was anything from any of the hard-working third parties working on PSP? Much of this will be debuted on the E3 show floor on Wednesday, but of the pickings SCE put together, it wasn't the kind of showing we expected from a console just now leaving its infant first years behind. Look for much more happy PSP impressions and anticipation when the E3 show starts on Wednesday.
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May 9th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSP3d
The first photos are surfacing of a booth for an apparent sequel to Konami's first-person shooter Coded Arms. As the photos show, the current name of the project is Coded Arms: Contagion.
The original Coded Arms put you in the role of a hacker in an abandoned VR combat simulator, where you had to blast your way through level after level of intense combat. It featured fully 3D environments, randomly-generated levels, over 30 upgradable weapons, hordes of enemies, massive boss characters, and 4-player multiplayer action via Ad-Hoc. The game came out last year, and was received with mixed reviews ranging from 3/10 to 9/10. Critics of the game lamented its lack of originality, noting how many of the levels feel like the same thing over and over again. Fans praised the premise, the artistic style, and the intense firefights.
No details about the new game have emerged yet, but we'll be sure to keep you posted.
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May 9th, 2006, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
PSPVault have released a PSP Parts/Repair Guide, heres the info:
Many of us have had our PSPs for over a year now. There's no doubt my PSP is beginning to show signs of age. Since most of us probably didn't bother to purchase extended warranties, this means that we could end up having to pay for repairs. And who wants to do that? I certainly don't.
Hopefully you'll never have to use the new Parts/Repair Guide that I just posted in the Guide Vault. Hopefully you'll just read through it, think "oh cool," send the link to a few friends, and be done. Or maybe you just want to put a new faceplate on your PSP because your current one has too many scratches.
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May 9th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sasuke2911 has ported Chuis MAME Emulator MAME4ALL to the PSP, theres also a NeoGeo and CPS1 Release too, heres the rough translation from French to English:
my port really BASIC of mame4all veiled on psp
I have to test with 2 roms for the moment
cps1: 1941 row much
ataris: centiped seems to be has full speed
good its C not yet Ca… but good C a beginning
++ all the world
version ultra mega beta bugger of everywhere with the controller ki beug of the 7/5/06
last version b2 8/5/06
y' have some innovation above
the menu is in 480*272 (all the screen of the psp)
when that plays is to launch it is not cut out any more (on the with dimensions one because the gpx2 has a screen in 320*240)
and others ptit fix</blockquote>
So for those like me who arent french this has a Full Screen Menu but reverts back to 320x240 in game.
A compatibility list of what should work can be found here --> http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/mame4all.htm...patibilityList
Download for yourselves and let us know Via Comments what you think of this latest emulator for the PSP. Thanks to joesnose for uploading 
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May 10th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced an innovative new concept in portable entertainment, with the introduction of PlayStation®Spot, providing PSP owners with free content via WLAN.
PlayStation Spot is a small, self contained device that broadcasts a peer to peer WiFi zone, from which PSP users can download a wide variety of game demos, video content, movie trailers, music tracks, image galleries and other innovative content. Designed for use in a wide variety of static or mobile locations, PlayStation Spot offers terrific promotional opportunities for content creators of all types and genres, from record labels to innovative brands, from movie studios to multimedia producers - the creative opportunities are endless!
PlayStation Spot will launch intially in nine countries in Western Europe and Australia, with a total of 300 PlayStation Spot units being deployed. Linked to local marketing plans, PlayStation Spots will be highly mobile and can be deployed to support a wide variety of events and activities. It will also offer highly interactive outdoor advertising opportunities.
“Through the PlayStation Spot network, the PSP owner will gain free access to a rich collection of diverse content in conventional, but also the most unpredictable, locations”, explained Stephane Hareau, SCEE’s Senior Brand Manager for PSP. “With content specifically selected for the event, venue or occasion, this will really add to the unique entertainment experience enjoyed with PSP.
Notes to Editors:
PlayStation Spot Launch Countries
• UK
• France
• Germany
• Italy
• Spain
• Netherlands
• Belgium
• Luxembourg
• Australia
Instructions for Downloading Content from PlayStation Spot:
Step 1: Turn on your PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system and slide the WLAN switch to the ON position
Step 2: From the Home Menu, choose the 5 icon, then select the % icon and press the j button to confirm
Step 3: Wait while your PSP™ system searches for content that is available to download
Step 4: Select the content you want to download, press the j button to confirm and wait for the download to complete
Step 5: Once completed, you can view, play or listen to your downloaded content as many times as you like!*
*Downloaded content can not be saved to Memory Stick Duo™; it can be accessed for as long as your PSP™ system is turned on, but will be lost if you return to the Home Menu, turn off or reset your PSP™. You can only download and access one item of downloadable content at any one time. For more information, please visit http://www.yourpsp.com
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May 10th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
The latest upgrade to the PSP system software, launched on 2nd May, prepares PSP to act as a receiver for LocationFree™ TV, the exciting innovation in remote TV viewing launched by Sony in Europe in May.
The heart of LocationFree TV is the LocationFree Base Station. This compact unit has two connections for AV equipment such as a DVD/HDD recorder. The Base Station can be plugged directly into an existing home network or it can establish a wireless link to a PSP™ system (software version 2.70), typically over a 100-foot range.
The initial Base Station setup is extremely straightforward and requires minimal intervention. Then, once the LocationFree Player software is installed on the PSP by downloading thelatest system software update (version 2.70), users can be free from the constraints of a lifetime within minutes.
Releasing TV from the living room is only the start. With LocationFree and a broadband internet connection, it’s a simple matter to watch TV and control a STB or HDD recorder from your PSP, anywhere on earth with network or wireless access. The process of using the Base Station over the Internet – termed NetAV – is as simple as connecting up within the house. Whether holidaymaker, business traveller or ex-pat, LocationFree with NetAV provides a direct connection to home. And with the World Cup only months away, there’s potentially more at stake than missing an episode of a favourite soap.
Not that there’s any need to miss anything with LocationFree. At home, you can indulge in late-night viewing on a PSP from the comfort of your own bed. It’s almost as easy to access the Base Station from a hotel while abroad, pick a channel, and watch some live TV. When you know you’ll be busy, you can switch from the STB input to the DVD/HDD recorder and program it to record anything you don’t want to miss. Next time you visit the Base Station, the recorded content will be waiting for you. If a DVD player is connected, so long as the right disc is in the drive, you can even watch your own movie rather than live or recorded TV. In fact watching the big match on a notebook from the wireless hotspot in an airport departure lounge is only the start of it.
In the home, the Base Station uses proprietary Sony technology including an optimised antenna and custom software to ensure the best possible wireless performance. Moreover, you can also hook your home video camera up to the Base Station for a great way to see friends and relatives abroad or even to monitor home security while you’re away.
When the Base Station is accessed remotely over the Internet, further key technologies come into play. First, a free Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Server) service ensures that periodic changes to a user’s global IP never prevent connection to the Base Station. This facility is effectively invisible to the user, but plays an important behind-the-scenes role in the overall ease of setup of NetAV. Once the connection is established, user privacy is ensured by a combination of security measures. Industry-standard Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption is bolstered by WiFi Protected Access (WPA), which improves on the authentication and encryption offered by WEP.
One of the revolutionary technologies of the Base Station is the Automatic Bit Rate Control technology. The Base Station monitors the band width of the broadband connection and automatically optimises the Bitrate of the AV stream.
LocationFree TV will be available in UK, France, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands from this month, with other European countries joining later this year.
Together with a wide range of free content to enhance the entertainment value of your PSP, the latest firmware upgrade can be downloaded directly to the PSP browser via WiFi, or from www.yourpsp.com, and is available now.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
For only the third time in the history of PlayStation®, a new collection of ‘Platinum’ greatest hits games will debut throughout Europe and Australia from 1st June 2006.
The new Platinum range for PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable) will feature a collection of the most highly acclaimed and best selling PSP titles, and will be launched from 1st June throughout Europe, the Middle East and Australia at a price of €24.99.
PlayStation’s Platinum range has always stood for terrific genre defining games at great value, and over 52 million units have already been sold for the PlayStation 2. The PSP Platinum range will initially include up to 20 best selling titles from first and third party publishers.
Commenting on the launch of Platinum, SCEE’s Vice President of Product Marketing, Simon Rutter said, “The Platinum collections have been hugely successful. Experienced gamers know that they are getting the pick of the crop with a Platinum title, and are doing so at a great price, while the Platinum collection on PSP provides the perfect entry route for those new to handheld gaming – an unbeatable combination!”
From SCEE comes a lineup to suit everyone; for sports fans there is Everybody’s Golf, WRC and F1 Grand Prix, for fans of classic gaming there is Medievil Resurrection and Ridge Racer, and for lovers of bang-up-to-date innovation there is the hugely successful Pursuit Force.
The Platinum range is further enriched with top selling classics from the world’s most accomplished third party publishers, including Virtua Tennis World Tour from Sega, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 from THQ, Need for Speed Underground Rivals, Burnout Legends and Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire from Electronic Arts and Peter Jackson’s King Kong from Ubisoft.
“We are absolutely delighted that the success of Virtua Tennis World Tour has made it eligible to join the PSP Platinum collection,” said Mike Hayes, Chief Operating Officer of Sega Europe. “As with previous Platinum collections, this brand represents a huge ‘seal of quality’ for the consumer. It is a great accolade and a ringing endorsement of the popularity of Virtua Tennis World Tour”.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe [SCEE] is pleased to confirm the September release of Planet PSP (Working Title), a stunning series of multimedia, interactive city guides created with the help of the travel gurus at Lonely Planet and exclusively available on PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable).
The launch will see six city guides covering Europe’s most popular destinations: Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Paris, Prague and Rome, arrive on shelves this autumn.
Each guide has been developed with the young city breaker and frequent traveller in mind and comes packed with information on how to experience the very best places in town - from the latest restaurants to the most underground of clubs - along with videos, audio walks, photography, maps and pre-planned itineraries to suit every sort of visit, and every type of adventurous traveller.
Planet PSP (WT) is the only information source you really need, taking the knowledge and experience from the team at the Lonely Planet and mixing it with the great technology PSP has to offer. Make the most of the experiences each of the cities has to offer.
There are three information categories:
Points of interest: Each city has 250 main points of interest covering eating, sleeping, nightlife, shopping and sights with original photography, key information and contact details
Essential information: The bits you just must know from pharmacies to embassies, hospitals, airlines, money and costs
Getting around: Comprehensive and detailed zoom-in, zoom-out maps covering transport systems and roads
And four different ways to make the most of your visit:
Audio Tours: Each guide comes with three bespoke audio tours that you can listen to whilst you walk. Each takes you through a particular part of town and takes you off the beaten track
Video Content: A dedicated film crew has been out there capturing the essence of each city to inspire you – and show you round even before you touch down
Itineraries: Planet PSP (WT) comes packed with pre-loaded itineraries for every sort of visit from a cultural break to a weekend of hedonism. Each itinerary comes with a calendar view that can be built on to create the perfect schedule
Your Itineraries: Build your own visit from scratch drawing on the 250 points of interest to create your perfect city break – and go online to download more!
With plans for additional downloadable updates, videos, stills, and special interest itineraries - Planet PSP (WT) is one travel guide that will never be out of date, so get off the beaten track, hang out with the locals, live a little and let Planet PSP (WT) help you discover the true heart of the city. More key features are:
Developed by London Studios
Suitable for one traveller or more
Six leading cities at launch: Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Paris, Prague and Rome, with more guides to follow in the future
250 essential locations per guide for eating, drinking, sleeping and sightseeing
Essential information from emergency services to banks and airlines
Packed with original video and photography
Audio walks to let you preamble off the beaten track and discover adventure
Maps and itineraries to structure your visit
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May 10th, 2006, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games, the universally-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce Grand Theft Auto IV, the next-generation console debut of the genre-defining Grand Theft Auto franchise. Developed by world-class designers Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto IV will be simultaneously available for the PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360™ and is currently planned to be in stores in North America on October 16, 2007 and in Europe on October 19, 2007.
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May 10th, 2006, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this update in our PSP News Forum
<blockquote>Ok, brief update time! I've been working on rewriting the dynamic recompiler from scratch for the PSP. A few months ago I started writing a PSP port of the original dynarec, but I quickly realised that I'd need to take a whole new approach if I wanted it to fit in memory on the PSP. If you've not heard of dynarec before it's basically a way of speeding up the emulator by recompiling the rom's code for the target platform (i.e. the PSP) rather than interpreting instructions one by one.
I'm basically using the same approach that HP used on their Dynamo dynamic optimiser (I talk about it a bit more here: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/). The cool thing about this approach compared to my original attempt is that it uses far less memory - I think I will be able to get it running in less than 1MB ram, compared to around 10MB that the PC version used.
I've still got a lot of work to do before the dynarec is actually usable, but I'm hoping to release another build sometime over the weekend with a bunch of additional graphics fixes. In the mean time I'll try to post a few more progress updates on the site above.</blockquote>
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May 10th, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
LucasArts has announced that Thrillville will be shown at this year's E3. The theme park creator will be released on the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Xbox in Q3 2006, and is being developed by acclaimed British outfit Frontier Developments.
The game offers a fully interactive and customizable amusement park in which you can build and ride roller coasters and more than 100 other attractions. You also have to take care of park guests, but you'll be able to unwind with dozens of minigames.
LucasArts promises that Thrillville's building model will be able to use with console controllers. The 75-plus rides include sedate carnival rides all the way up to wooden, corkscrew, and inverted roller coasters. There'll also be go-kart tracks, mini golf, and bumper cars that you can design and then play in four-player party games. You can explore the whole park on foot and chat with visitors to gauge how much they like your park.
The game is on course for a Q3 2006 release and will be shown at this year's E3 in LA, which starts tomorrow.
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May 10th, 2006, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
HarleyG has released this new app: (although im not sure of its use but heres the info)
UMD Identifier v0.2 by harleyg & cppnewbie (0b10100111001)
I updated this UMD Identifier again because there was many,
many errors with the previous one... there was a duplicate
code and name, and also one more code than names...
However! This version will probably be the final release of
UMD Identifier as it needs no more.
>Less buggy
>No background, just simple text
>External file for UMD codes and names
In this version, i have remove the background image and colorfull text as its really, really not needed... The external file is inside umdidentifier/ (umds.txt) and the format is the following:
ULES-00151 Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories (ULES - EUROPE)
As you can see, inbetween the code and name is a tab, so it.
I will probably keep the umds.txt up to date every few weeks or something but now you can update it yourself!
Also... i will not release the source for this as it isnt
needed, as anyone can access the umds.txt and use that insted.
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May 10th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Alatnat has updated his 3D Cube Demo made using Lua, heres the info:
<blockquote>New features include:
-The ability to take screenshots of a 3D model (It's the select button)
-3 New 3D models:
--Trimid (a pyramid but with 3 sides instead of 4)
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May 10th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
PSPManiac has released a new version of his rabbit game, heres whats new:
*Text color change.
*Reset button. (select)
*EBOOT 1,50 firm
*EBOOT 1,00 firm
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via pspmaniac
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May 10th, 2006, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via Fanjita:
We've been hearing a lot of rumours and questions about downgraders recently. It seems that someone has been spreading a rumour that we have made a downgrader for v2.01+, but won't release it because we don't like downgraders. We'd like to just set the record straight, because it's getting annoying.
We would never hold back on an interesting hack for the PSP, without good reason. That's because, generally, we'd never work on something that we didn't think was safe to release - which is why we've never bothered to mess about with ISO loading.
We do have an unreleased downgrader for v2.0. The only reason it is unreleased is because there's no point - there are already perfectly functional downgraders for v2.0, that have been tested by tens of thousands of people, so what's the use of releasing something that's only been tested by one? In theory, that v2.0 downgrader would also work for v2.01 - in fact, it was originally written for 2.01, in the hope that we could use the GTA exploit to downgrade. But as we all know, the GTA exploit is no use for that, and so no v2.01+ downgrader is possible yet.
The only thing I can think of that might have fuelled these rumours is that we were experimenting with the v2.0 downgrader along with the UPDATE-mode discovery, but we found that that also does not have write access to flash0, so can't be used for a downgrader.
Also, some people seem to think that we're in some way opposed to downgraders, in the same way that we're opposed to ISO loaders. That's just not true - we believe that everyone has the right to upgrade and downgrade as they please (but at their own risk). If we found a way to downgrade, you can be sure that we'd share it.
Anyway, enough of the conspiracy rumours - please stop!
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May 10th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Press release:
Rockstar Games, the universally-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with series creators Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories will be available exclusively on the PSP system in North America on October 17th, 2006 and Europe on October 20th, 2006.
"The success of Liberty City Stories on the PSP system was nothing short of spectacular," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games and Executive Producer. "The incredible PSP system technology allowed us to do things we never thought possible on a handheld system and we are excited to once again give our audience a fresh experience in one of their favorite locales in the Grand Theft Auto series, Vice City. With Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories we look to once again smash expectations of portable gaming, bringing an all new story and exciting new gameplay elements to this classic setting.”
"Our collaboration with Rockstar Leeds has been a tremendous experience," said Leslie Benzies, President of Rockstar North. "Together we have been able to create uncompromising experiences on the PSP system that not only stay true to our initial vision for the series but that surpasses our own goals of what could be done on a handheld. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories will thrill longtime fans and excite new PSP system gamers like never before.”
"We are proud of what we were able to achieve with Rockstar North on Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories," said Gordon Hall, President of Rockstar Leeds. "By staying true to the high standards of the series and surpassing fans’ expectations for a Grand Theft Auto title on a portable machine we feel confident that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories will redefine what handheld gaming is capable of with the most intense PSP system experience yet.”
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories is a new game in the Grand Theft Auto series with an entirely new storyline, new missions and gameplay that brings an unprecedented experience to mobile gaming. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories features the interactive, open environment of Vice City with professional voice talent, a diverse soundtrack and high production values that have become trademarks of this landmark series.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
The first product to emerge from Sega's acquisition of Secret Level will be an action RPG remake of Golden Axe.
One of our favourite arcade machines from the late-'80s, the next-gen update is set to follow along similar lines as a motley crue of 'Riders' cut, hack and slay their way through animosity, either on foot or on the backs of scary-looking beasts.
The experience is also likely to be plumped up with added RPG bits, beautiful 3D visuals, the ability to recruit allies and a "unique combat experience". Sounds better than the Altered Beast remake already. (But then, what isn't?).
"Golden Axe is one of our most treasured brands and is a complete re-imagining of the story that will take gamers on an unforgettable journey," said a Sega spokesman. "The vision we have for the remake of Golden Axe is nothing short of remarkable."
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May 10th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
If you want something done right, you'd better do it yourself. That's SanDisk's thinking anyways, with their new RapidGX Memory Stick PRO Duo cards they're showing at E3. The cards do the usual Memory Stick PRO Duo thing, namely providing music, movies and other content for PSP owners, but they include a bit of SanDisk special sauce performance enhancements to speed file transfers up to 15MB per second, double the normal rates for PRO Duo cards. Seems like they just got tired of Sony's limitations in the Memory Stick tech, and figured a way to improve it themselves. The 1GB card is all that's available right now, and it retails for $85. The price -- for a limited time only -- includes for free SanDisk's new MicroMate high-speed card reader to help the RapidGX hit its maximum speeds, and also includes PSP loader software to maximize space and convert files.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 will be out on PC, PS2, PSP, Xbox 360 and DS in January, publisher Konami confirmed at a pre-E3 conference in LA today.
The moniker is the international title, which is certain to be changed for PAL release. Konami didn't specify whether the January date pertained to Japan or Europe.
New play modes are to be included in the update, as well as what sound like significant gameplay additions. Players will now be able to run without the ball and point passes exactly. Strikers and defenders will work harder to find space and throw off advances from the opposition.
A new International Challenge mode will feature four continents to dominate. In addition, the Master League is to be lengthened. Licenses have now been acquired for Argentina, Spain, Sweden, Italy and Holland, meaning more authentic player names and livery.
The football sector remains as fiercely contested as ever. Rival EA is currently topping the British charts with its World Cup rendition of FIFA, and is likely to show a full update of the game on the E3 showfloor tomorrow.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Ubisoft Montreal's creative director has spoken of his disappointment with Sony's next-gen offering, claiming the Japanese giant is adopting a "me too" approach by duplicating ideas from other consoles.
According to Nindojo.com, Clint Hocking criticised Sony's mimicry of Microsoft's Xbox Live service during an E3 workshop on next-gen game design, before taking a pop the introduction of a motion-sensor device in the PS3 controller - an idea which he believes has been, ah, 'borrowed' from Nintendo. "How much more "me too" can Sony be?" Hocking said.
He also criticised the industry's drive to significantly boost videogame visuals with each new generation of hardware, arguing that the focus on graphics is a "fundamental problem of approach" that turns game developers into factory workers.
Hocking claims that being forced to spend valuable development time on textures and art shading is detrimental to the creation of entertaining videogames and something that in most cases (referring to the current low adoption of HD televisions) consumers won't even be able to appreciate.
Hocking was full of praise for Nintendo's effort, however, commending the new Wii motion-sensing controller which he believes can offer new inspiration for developers and create emotional experiences more powerfully than enhanced graphics.
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May 10th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
New Accessory from Lik Sang:

SanDisk’s Memory Stick PRO Duo is half the size of a standard-size Memory Stick PRO media and it offers the same technologies including high speed data transfer, built-in MagicGate, and high capacities. The Memory Stick PRO Duo is the ideal solution for the most portable devices such as pocket-size digital cameras and with the use of an optional Adaptor, it can be used in all PRO-compatible devices. Compatible with Sony PSP.
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
At the price of 279 Dollars its a tad expensive, better to buy From Success HK for 190 Dollars
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May 10th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Following the Sony media briefing, we were so thoroughly underwhelmed by the company's PSP projections that we completely forgot about the tiny PSP-formatted media kit (32 MB Memory Stick) that was handed to us at the beginning of the event -- and promptly shoved deep into our pocket. Until now. The content includes:
Gangs of London (2:16) - Comic book stylized intro followed by GTA clone in-game footage; promises: bonus strategy game; pub mini-games (darts, pool, etc.); and "gameshare levels" that are different on every PSP.
God of War II (PS2) (2:08) - Tons of in-game footage. Like the first GOW, only more brutal. "The End Begins... February 2007"
SOCOM: Combined Assault (PS2) (0:30) -Same old SOCOM.
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 (0:30) - See entry above.
Screen shots
God of War 2 (4)
Killzone Liberation (5)
LocoRoco (4)
Ratchet and Clank (3)
ATV Offroad Fury Pro (5)
Gangs of London (2)
Lemmings (1)
SOCOM: Combined Assault (2)
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 (3)
Lucky Members of the press
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May 10th, 2006, 18:13 Posted By: Raydar
One thing that the PSP does not have... a Mosquito repellant? Well now it does!
This is a simple package which will turn your PSP into a fully featured mosquito deflector. It is designed to be simple to use and is as such presented in an audio file.
When activated, this package makes your PSP emit an ultra high pitched sound which will repell mosquitos and similar small insects. It should work best indoors so is ideal for those summer nights!
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May 10th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Lok Tai has released a new verson of TVSP - allowing you to watch TV on your PSP anywhere so long as you have a WiFi connection!
Whats new:
I've rid the need to set the pixelWidth to 320. This should make the server much much much more compatible with other video cards. (Hope this helps all you folks, thanks...no sleep *grumble*)
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May 10th, 2006, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Well aren't we feeling smug. As we exclusively revealed earlier this week, TimeSplitters developer Free Radical has a whole new first-person shooter for you to get high on - it's called Haze, it's a near-futuristic military blaster, and it's coming out for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC early next year.
Set 25 years in the future, the tale revolves around independent military organisation Mantel, who thanks to their advanced weaponry and bio-mechanical support, are the scourge of terrorists and evil dictators everywhere. As a soldier in this unit, you've been asked to investigate a rebel faction based in South America. Unfortunately, things go a little, well, tits up.
The PR blurb is promising devastating firepower, dense and humid jungle ravines, breathtaking mountains, armies of *******-hard guerrillas (thems our words, not Free Radical's), and a variety of multiplayer modes that let you participate as a member of either side.
We'll probably hear a lot more on this title in the weeks to come. In the meantime, here are the first set of screens and a movie for you to run the rule over. You can also check out the official game site here.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
At first glance, this portable platformer shares an uncanny resemblance to the PS2 iteration. Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters takes advantage of the PSP's power very well. There were a few little nuances that stood out, but considering it was only a demo, it still means good things for platforming fans on Sony's portable.
At first, the PlayStation Portable that I tried out was loading the game so slow that the tech guy told me to check another one because he thought there must have been something wrong with the console. So I took a different spot and gave it a try.
One of the first things I noticed was the load time... again. The PSP isn't famous for lightning fast loading periods though, and considering some titles we've seen, this issue was quite negligible. The graphics were very good for the portable system. However the demo that I got my hands on didn't convey any other sort of innovation to the series. As far as bringing the look and feel of Ratchet and Clank to mobile gamers, Size Matters does a good job of that.
If you're hankering for a solid platformer on the PSP, here's your game.
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May 10th, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Via Cnet
Sony has locked in 17 November as the Australian launch date for the PlayStation 3, just in time for Christmas. The system will come in two bundles -- a PS3 with a 20GB hard drive (confirmed RRP of AU$829) and one with a 60GB HDD (confirmed RRP of AU$999).
As a comparison, the Xbox 360's core bundle retails for AU$499, while its upgrade bundle which includes a 20GB hard drive retails for AU$649.
The Australian launch date will come one week after the US and Japan release for Sony's next generation games console. European territories will also receive the PS3 on 17 November. The almost simultaneous worldwide launch date is a stark contrast to Microsoft's Xbox 360, which was released in Australia a number of months after its US release. However, we wouldn't bet money on Sony hitting that date, as global launches are a logistical nightmare, and as with Xbox 360, supply issues could cause delays.
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May 10th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Alatnat posted this news:
<blockquote>BEHOLD!!! gmax2psp!!! A maxscript that you can use to create 3D models for the psp with out the hassle of manualy codeing in the model.
To use this maxscript:
1. Start gmax.
2. Click on the Utilities Tab thats at the left of the screen. The Utilities tab has a picture of a hammer.
3. Click the MAXscript button. Its at the end of the list.
4. Important, you must click the Open Listener button. If you dont, then the script will not be able to convert the models for the psp.
5. Click Run Script and open gmax2psp.ms file, where ever you have extracted it.
6. Click and select gmax2psp under the Utilities dropdown box.
7. Click Export Lua Structure to convert the models to lua.
8. open the program GrabListener.exe that is included in the compressed file. The GrabListener program copies everything that is in the listener to a file.
Guidelines to gmax2psp 3D modeling:
1. Every Model you want to show in lua code, MUST be linked to a model named frame. The frame model can be anything but MUST have the name of frame.
**More Guidelines to come in future versions**
You can get gmax at turbosquid.com. Click here.
Gmax does require an account on turbosquid.com, but you dont have to worry about it because they are free. Gmax is FREE!!!
This is only the first version of gmax2psp, so dont get all disapointed that it's stupid. I am going to be enhancing this script over time and will have the script to be able to support multimaterial objects or objects that have faces that are a different color and C\C++ code.</blockquote>
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May 10th, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Lua Game for the PSP, heres the info:
Ok, im releasing my first ever game its in lua thanks to evil mana(psp millionaire) for the tutorials.
Its a simple and yet fairly hard game, you basically shoot the ducks as the run down the screen away for you. Sounds easy till the speed goes up.
Info from the readme
up is up (d pad only)
down is down (d pad only)
right is right (d pad only)
left is left (d pad only)
cross(X) is shoot
start is only used at the begining (to begin the game)
select is only used after the game has finished (to restart the game)
The rest of the buttons have no other uses yet
This is my first programme ever (well first one worth releasing) so there may be a few bugs the known ones are;
No way of quiting the game without exiting the luaplayer
No pause button (i will add this when i find out how too)
The pics become blury when the speed goes high
Only 30 ducks to kill (more will be added if this game is popular)
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via joadastud
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May 11th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via IGN:
Sony Computer Entertainment's first console is coming roaring back, this time in portable form. SCE announced earlier that it would be featuring downloadable PS1 games for its PlayStation portable system, and in a test station here on the show floor, the company showed off Namco's PS1 game Ridge Racer playable on the portable.
Ridge Racer was a good choice to show on PSP, because it's one of the most visually-impressive and yet simple to control games on the PlayStation 1. And "simple to control" is key here, because several questions are still left unanswered with this demo. Chiefly, how will PSP cope with the lack of a second set of trigger buttons? It's possible that SCE and developers may be able to map one set of the triggers to the D-Pad when using the analog nub, but since the Ridge Racer demo didn't use both buttons, it's unknown how that'll work. In fact, it's unknown in general how emulation interfacing will work -- as demonstrated by the Pre-E3 demo by SCE, the PS1 demos on PSP boot straight to the game after download (although it's possible that there will be an option outside of the boot menu before the game starts.) Once in the PS1 game, it's a PS1 game -- the select and start buttons do what they did on PS1, and the only buttons that you can interface PSP-style are the volume, screen, and home buttons. Games made for the emulator from PS1 will be carefully remapped to the PSP controller to make the most of the system. On the start menu, when you go to controller options, you see the ancient PS1 white controller, pre-DualShock. Interestingly enough, the analog nub didn't work at all in the demo -- we're not sure if this is because the real PS1 game didn't have analog (although that should be an easy thing to cheat onto the stick), or because we were not able to find the analog switch-on feature, or if the feature is just not implemented yet.
Whatever the control system, the emulation was clear and nice. Framerate was not at all a problem for the advanced little portable, running Ridge Racer at full speed. Textures were sharp, possibly with some texture smoothing (road signs were perfectly readable.) The boxy textures of the old system were not nearly as much an issue as we expected, with flag girl Reiko looking like a dream all these years later. Color depth was incredibly rich thanks to the PSP's mondo screen, and aside from some graininess (which may be inherent in the PS1 original ... it's been a while since we've played this oldie), the game looked colorful and speedy. Using the PSP's screen button, you can change the aspect ratio while still at full play, between PS1 res, full res (scaled up to the PSP's boarders but not stretched beyond that), and widescreen (a full stretch to widescreen.) The full res option was probably the best way to play, with little issue in blowing up these low-res textures since the screen is so small; widescreen, meanwhile, should probably be avoided, since it stretches things obscenely, makes text look soft, and overall loses the good look of the emulated game.
Ridge Racer was the only game playable in PS1 emulation on PSP, so we still have a lot of questions and concerns for the feature, but as far as performance, the PSP looks to have no problem running its forerunner. Look for more PS1-to-PSP emulation soon.
True Emulation fans will also remember that Ridge Racer ran on the PSone Emulator for PC Called PSEmu pro and the size of the rom was only 2.5mb.
Interesting times ahead for this new commercial emulator - Unless someone ports a killer PSOne emulator to the PSP
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May 11th, 2006, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Triple Triad Team (Sakya, Peoplechamp, Nedra, Leviadragon and SephZero) have released a new version of their clone of the card game from Final Fantasy VIII, heres whats featured in this release:
- Added sound when changing options in the menu.
- Card sets are now multilingual.
- Updated the card images.
- Corrected scoring (now begins at 5-55).
- Faster animations.
- Added option to quickly select level.
- Added option to quickly select card sets.
- Changed some sounds and increased the volume.
- Added French translation (thanks to Hydra), Spanish and Catalan (thanks to Crackiron).
- Added music to the main menu (thanks to Lemuriamu).
- Added the credits.
- Pressing O returns to the previous menu (instead of the main menu).
- Added transitional animations to the menu.
- Corrected some mistakes in the card sets.
- Added a small hand (cursor)? during entry.
- Changing options now has an immediate effect.
- Quick-entry options are saved (level/card set selection).
- Added in-game menu (press start during play).
- Added help on how to play.
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May 11th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have released a new version of the Links Homebrew web browser:
Heres whats new:
- Now screenshot directory is created by default. Also filenames now say links_..png instead of pspradio_...png
- Now it won't load network modules if f/w version is 2.0+ (hope this allows it to work via eLoader).
- Added download directory configuration for AVC MP4 files. Added support for 'other' download directory.
- OpenSSL ported to the PSP. Links now links against it to provide SSL support.
- Updated to version 2.1-pre21.
- L+ UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT now scrolls the screen in those directions.
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May 11th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has today announced Silent Hill Origins (working title) for PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable).
The first handheld title in the legendary horror series, Silent Hill Origins uses the PSPTM to tell an original story with disturbing graphics and all-new gameplay elements. The game's narrative reveals the origins that transformed Silent Hill from a sleepy town to a hellish stronghold of terror and introduces several new characters to the franchise.
Silent Hill Origins follows a solitary truck driver stranded in Silent Hill while making an ordinary trip. Confronted by perversions of his imagination that mirror his troubled past, he must escape from the town as it falls into ruin and also uncover the truth behind the hallucinations that have haunted him for so long.
The game introduces several gameplay mechanics that are new to the franchise and provide the player with an enhanced sensation of isolation as they make their way through the desolate streets of Silent Hill. Key to this is a new barricade system that lets players manipulate the environment to impede the progress of pursuing enemies, using furniture and debris to create a sanctuary from the evil that lurks outside. Players can also utilise an enhanced camera designed with the PSPTM in mind, as well as an updated control scheme for improved combat and more detailed exploration of the environment. Fans of the series will also revel in Silent Hill Origins' original soundtrack by series composer Akira Yamaoka.
"Silent Hill Origins delivers all the terrifying moments, gruesome enemies and memorable characters and story-telling the series is known for on to a handheld gaming system", said Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "Players can now experience greater freedom with the game's enhanced combat and barricade systems and also learn how the chilling events of later Silent Hill games were set in motion."
Scheduled to launch this Winter, Silent Hill Origins is developed by Climax and will be on display at Konami's booth (#800) at the Electronic Entertainment Expo May 10th-12th, 2006.
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May 11th, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Another Press release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has used the E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles to take the wraps off two new iterations of the ever-popular Bomberman® series. Bomberman® will be released for PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable), with Bomberman Act: Zero bringing the series' explosive fun to Xbox 360.
Bomberman marks the debut of the bomb-toting hero on the PSP system with classic gameplay and a wealth of new handheld gaming twists. An ominous black shadow is creeping towards Bomberman's planet, and sudden attacks by a mysterious robot army have brain-washed the inhabitants of surrounding planets, creating mass chaos. Now Bomberman must embark on an intergalactic adventure to stop this evil menace and save his planet.
Bomberman brings a classic selection of characters and environments to life in full 3D with a variety of different play modes. 'Normal' mode offers single-player Bomberman adventures, complete with a new story and 100 levels and a new item stock system that allows for the collection and strategic use of items.
'Classic' mode is based on the original Bomberman gameplay and features over 50 different levels of explosive fun. Multi-player battle mode allows up to four players to fight for survival in a variety of highly customisable game types across 20 different stages via wireless ad hoc play. Similarly, game sharing lets up to four players battle together in timeless multiplayer party modes with just one UMD.
BOMBERMAN Act: Zero for the Xbox 360 redefines the series for the next generation with breathtaking high resolution graphics and all-new gameplay elements. Deep within an experimental underground facility in a bleak alternate future, humans are imprisoned as test subjects and trained to become deadly soldiers. Equipped with armoured battle suits, players must fight for survival and eliminate each other to determine who will become the final human weapon. As Bomberman, your objective is simple: destroy your opponents before they destroy you.
Players are challenged to survive through 99 stages as they try to escape this failing experiment and reach the surface. As they progress through the corridors of the facility, it will be a scramble for hidden items such as the program extension chip needed to strengthen their armour or other powerful ability enhancements. Up to eight players can battle for survival online in classic multiplayer action through Xbox Live® and earn points to become the ultimate weapon on the World Rankings. Online players can also customise their character from a wide variety of visual options, including gender, colour and armour type.
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May 11th, 2006, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
Another Press Release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH today announced Hellboy (working title) for the PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360TM, PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable) and mobile phones.
Based on the acclaimed comic book series from Dark Horse Comics, the game lets players unleash Hellboy's supernatural strength as they smash, crush and demolish their way through over six unique locations that boast fully destructible environments as they attempt to thwart an evil supernatural plot.
Drawing players into the vibrant and detailed world created by comic book legend Mike Mignola, Hellboy lets players step into the muscle bound frame of Hellboy, a hulking crimson-skinned warrior of supernatural creation. On the trail of a crazed witch, Hellboy uncovers a fiendish plot for world domination and must rush to defeat the crazed Hermann von Klempt before he can exert his evil will on a hapless world.
Hellboy offers players a visceral tactical brawling experience, letting them unleash the hero's Right Hand of Doom on wave after wave of enemies. Using a detailed context-sensitive fighting system, players can choose to charge up Hellboy's strikes for added power or use his speed and agility to unleash a rapid fire combination of blows on opponents. They can also grapple with enemies, attacking them from close or even using them as weapons to keep other attackers at bay.
Boasting detailed and expansive environments with advanced lighting and texturing techniques, the levels in Hellboy are also highly destructible, adding another level of strategy to the game's bare knuckled action while bringing the character's untamed power to life. When confronted with a large group of enemies, players can choose to smash a wall to create smaller, more manageable groups and even pick up the rubble to use as a weapon. Hellboy also lets players experience the game co-operatively with two players taking on the roles of characters from the Hellboy universe such as Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman.
"Hellboy unleashes the raw power of the comic book icon with devastating hand to hand combat, an intricate grappling system and fully destructible environments", said Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "Followers of the comic book and movie will delight at controlling the sheer power their favourite sharp tongued hero offers, while fans of action games will immediately be drawn into the game's spectacular graphics and intuitive yet strategic gameplay."
Developed by Krome Studios for PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, PSPTM, Hellboy is planned for release in 2007. A mobile phone version will also be released in 2007, with further details to follow.
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May 11th, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another new press release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced two new additions to the popular Coded ArmsTM series. Coded Arms Assault will see the gun-toting range blasting on to PLAYSTATION®3, while the franchise will also return to its PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable) roots in the form of Coded Arms Contagion (Working Title) with a wealth of innovative additions.
Coded Arms Assault for the PLAYSTATION®3 casts players as a hacker entering a virtual world in an attempt to overthrow an evil corporation bent on world chaos. Set in cyberspace, players take on fearsome enemies, unleash deadly viruses and download new weapons as they fight to bring down this new threat. Powered by the Unreal Engine 3, Coded Arms Assault lets players unleash unprecedented destruction on the game's breathtaking environments, using explosions to send deadly debris flying towards their opponents and strategically using high-powered weaponry to shoot out enemy cover. The entire campaign mode of the game can be played online co-operatively with up to four players.
Boasting support for large-scale online combat, Coded Arms Assault lets up to 16 players go head-to-head in the game's multi-player-specific environments. In several team or individual play modes, gamers will also be able to utilise land and air-based vehicles for extra speed and power, and unlock additional multi-player content by achieving different conditions of play.
Coded Arms Contagion continues the series' tradition of outstanding handheld first person shooting action for the PSPTM. The game thrusts players into a new cybernetic crisis where they must use their hacking abilities and an arsenal of high-powered weaponry to survive. As a lone security agent, players will return to A.I.D.A. (a virtual reality military training program), to prevent cyber-terrorists from taking control of the program and gaining access to classified military information. Across a variety of enclosed and open-air levels, players will take on original enemies with an all-new selection of firearms and explosives that lets them counter the terrorist menace with more firepower than ever before.
Expanding upon the acclaimed multiplayer modes of the series' debut on the PSP system, Coded Arms Contagion supports online and wireless local play for up to eight players. Across a selection of new environments, players will also be invited to go head-to-head or form teams in several different gameplay modes that highlight the game's fast paced action and customisable controls to create the ultimate portable online shooting experience.
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May 11th, 2006, 16:09 Posted By: shadowprophet
As you may or may not know not long ago a bible was released for the psp.
Well it seems theres a new version out, this one is the king james version.
Heres a little bit of the readme.
Terms of Use
Copyright (C) 2006 Patrick Boyd
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
About this Bible
Well this particular project stemmed from finding the HyperText KJV Bible on the Internet and discovering it worked alright on the PSP. Recently (as of the creation date of this), however, the support website disappeared from the Internet. I got to looking at the code and noticed the text was part of the Public Domain and set forth to reformat it to run on the PSP a bit better (IE less scrolling, going straight to a verse, etc). It is my hope this will help others in studying God's Word.
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May 11th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: Raydar
To all those who have supported me with my last PSMoz release, thankyou. I have compiled a new version of the sound file at the core of the PSMoz package.
The sound is now clearer, if you turn up the PSP volume you won't hear the static as with the previous release. This should be much more effective against Mosquitos. I think that the sound is now loud enough to be effective.
I have also added a document file explaining the theory behind the "Mosquito Noise".
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May 11th, 2006, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Via GiBiz
Following the announcement that Sony plans to launch two versions of the PS3, Phil Harrison has denied reports that the 20GB model will feature lower technical specs than the 60GB version.
"What we should be clear about is that the functionality is identical in both machines. There is no difference in what the machine does," he told BBC News.
Confusion arose after Sony Japan issued a spec sheet which appeared to indicate that the 20GB PS3 would not feature Wi-Fi, HDMI output or inputs for data storage cards. But according to Harrison, both versions will support high definition output: "It's just that the technical method of extracting audio and video from the devices is slightly different."
He went on to defend Sony's decision to launch two versions of the console by highlighting the importance of consumer choice. "Some people might be interested in the PS3 primarily and exclusively as a games system, whereas other users might look at it as a multimedia hub in the home, which is games and music and movies and other digital content." Harrison said that he personally would purchase the 60GB model.
The PS3 will launch worldwide this November - a year after the arrival of the Xbox 360. At Microsoft's pre-E3 press conference Bill Gates said the company expects to have sold 10 million consoles by then, giving it a healthy head start over Sony. But Harrison is not convinced, stating: "I doubt they will achieve that."
He is also doubtful that Microsoft will be able secure a position as market leader once Sony's new console arrives: "I think the clear advantages of the PS3 will mean that this product is very well accepted in the marketplace. We have a great brand and fantastically loyal consumers."
The PS3 will launch in Japan on November 11 and the US and Europe on November 17, priced at EURO 499 for the 20GB version and EURO 599 for the 60GB model.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Following confusion over the technical specifications of the two versions of the PS3 Sony plans to launch, SCEA president Kaz Hirai has confirmed that the 20GB model will not feature HDMI output or data card inputs.
In an interview with CNN Money, Hirai said: "We felt that if you want to save something on your Memory Stick, most people have those readers on their PC, which is easily adaptable to the PlayStation 3 with a USB cord."
"The only difference is HDMI - and at this point, I don't think many people's TV's have that. The ultimate result, to my eyes anyway, is there's not a discernable difference between what you get between HDMI and other forms of high definition."
There is still some confusion over whether the 20GB PS3 will feature wi-fi functionality - according to a spec sheet issued by Sony, it will only be incorporated into the 60GB model. Neither Hirai's comments nor those made earlier by Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison have cleared up the issue.
Hirai went on to defend the price point for the PS3, which will retail for USD 599 / EURO 599 for the 60GB version and USD 599 / EURO 599 for the 20GB model. He dismissed suggestions that the price is too high, stating: "I think when you look at what we put into the box - Cell, Blu-Ray, backwards compatibility, the ability to go online - I think it's a very compelling package for consumers. The totality of what we bring to the table makes it a good value for consumers."
"What we're presenting to consumers is future-proofed. It's not going to fall by the wayside," he added.
Hirai went on to say that he is confident Sony will meet its targets of shipping four million PS3s around the globe by the end of the year, with a further two million to follow by April.
"We have the advantage of manufacturing our own chips. Most of the PlayStation 3's core components are manufactured in-house. The decision to give the go order comes when we're getting good yields."
"Obviously, the sooner the better, but we're not at the mercy of someone else."
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May 11th, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via GiBiz
SCEI president Ken Kutaragi has declared it will be up to consumers to decide whether the PS3 is worth the asking price - as they did when the original PlayStation was released.
In an interview with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Kutaragi said: "Price setting is always a headache for us. No game machines are comparable to the PS3, which is neither a genuine game console, home electronics [product] nor a personal computer. It is a new kind of product."
The PS3 is set to launch globally this November, priced at USD 499 / EURO 499 for the 20GB version or USD 599 / EURO 599 for the 60GB model.
According to Kutaragi, it will be "consumers who decide whether it's expensive or cheap. If a product offers charm, then buyers will be convinced."
Kutaragi then referred to the original PlayStation, which launched in December 1994 with a price tag of YEN 39,800 (EURO 280).
"With Nintendo's 16-bit machine selling for about YEN 12,000 (EURO 85) at that time, the media criticised us for priciness - but it became an explosive hit."
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May 11th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
via CVG
Until this week, details about the forthcoming Final Fantasy VII prequel have been harder to come by than a moogle without its pompom. Square Enix threw anxious FFVII fans a bone at their E3 press conference when they screened a brief trailer of the game and also announced fresh plot details. Better get yourself a cup of tea, this might get a little complicated.
According to Square Enix, Crisis Core is a prequel to the original Final Fantasy VII, which was released way back in January 1997 on the PlayStation. It's actually the final installment in the four-part Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series, which also included the Advent Children DVD/UMD. The all-new Crisis Core storyline centres around a character called Zack who returned to the Lifestream some time before the events of FFVII, and promises to reveal more secrets about the behind-the-scenes skullduggery of Shinra.
That's about all we've got for now, more as and when Square Enix drip feeds it to us
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May 11th, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
The new Dual Shock 3 pad has been met with a mixed reception at E3. Eschewing the boomerang look unveiled at E3 2005, the Dual Shock 3 now has added 'tilt functionality' which developers are divided about. The new 'PlayStation' button on the pad, which takes gamers online, isn't present on current Dual Shock 3 pads on the show floor - suggesting that both functions were added at the eleventh hour.
A senior EA source working across playable versions of PS3 sports titles admitted that they were only told about the new pad functions on Monday 8th May. "the Sony conference came as a shock, we didn't expect that" said the source. Current games in development such as Madden and Tiger Woods will now face increased development time due to the need to incorporate the motion sensitive tilt functions.
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima intends to do add tilt functions to Metal Gear Solid 4 but said he would rather work on Nintendo Wii."As a game designer, it really is the game hardware that I want to work most on" Kojima said.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Somehow, we suspect Sony's brass are not very happy right now. Instead of spending their time at E3 fielding softball questions about the Playstation 3's graphics, they're playing defense, as they continue to face queries about the new console's pricing and the missing features on the lower-priced version. In an interview with CNN, Sony's Kaz Hirai said the pricing -- $499 for the 20GB PS3 and $599 for the 60GB version -- was justified by the inclusion of technologies like the Cell processor and Blu-ray, and added that the "totality" of the product is a "good value for consumers." Hirai also defended the lack of HDMI on the 20GB PS3, commenting that "there's not a discernible difference between what you get between HDMI and other forms of high definition." While that might be the case with current Blu-ray flicks, all movie studios (including Sony Pictures) have reserved the right to implement the Image Constraint Token in future discs, which could force anyone using analog outputs -- including owners of the 20GB PS3 -- to watch downgraded video. We assume Hirai's familiar with the issue, so we have to wonder whether his claim that the PS3 is "future-proofed" is just a little bit disingenuous. All it would take is one Blu-ray disc with ICT for owners of 20GB PS3s to realize they've been locked out of the future.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Gamers have been waiting a long time for some interaction with Sony's PlayStation 3. Up until this morning, most looks at the PlayStation 3 have been hands off, with gamers attempting to get a bead on the system's capabilities based on hype and scraps from trailers. Today, however, all that changed.
As many had hoped, PS3 games were playable in force on the floor of the show. Two giant video screens showing video versions of Sony's recent "Play Beyond" ad campaign welcome visitors to the booth. Sony's booth workers passed out PS3-branded lanyards to attendees as they were funneled into the heart of Sony's booth and the much-hoped for playable versions of PS3 games.
The crowd quickly grew thick around each embankment of PS3 games, with two monitors and playable demos on either side of a glass case housing a number of PS3 development kits. But those waiting for their turn at the system's motion-sensitive controller had their attention drawn to a mammoth screen showing a Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer as much as to the games they were about to play.
As for which games those were, the lineup consisted of a number of first- and third-party titles. Incognito's long-awaited sequel to Warhawk (called simply Warhawk) drew plenty of attention on its eight kiosks, as did the title formerly known as I-8, Resistance: Fall of Man. Heavenly Blade, Formula One 06, Namco Bandai's Gundam, Madden 07, Sonic the Hedgehog, Virtua Tennis 3, and Genji 2.
There were also a couple of unexpected playable demos on the booth's elevated walkway. One was for WarDevil: Enigma, which appears to be the same game as the Xbox 360 WarDevil. The other was for a demo called Heavy Rain: The Casting from Quantic Dream, makers of last year's acclaimed adventure title Indigo Prophecy. Though initial reports pegged Heavy Rain as a prequel to Indigo Prophecy, it is unclear if is a full-fledged game or merely an intricate tech demo.
While the walkway was completely open when the show started, Sony has since set up a line for it not unlike the one across the aisle at Nintendo's booth, complete with signs advising people of how long it would take to get up there. A number of other PS3 titles including Eye of Judgment and Singstar were on display in windowed enclosures along the edge of the PS3 section.
While the focus was on the PS3, Sony turned heads with its PlayStation 2 and PSP lineups as well. The PSP area featured a number of approximations of everyday locations, including a setup of first-class airplane seats, a park bench, a bsketball court, and a subway car. There was also a content download station, and a playable version of the system's PSone emulator featuring Ridge Racer.
The PS2 may be getting long in the tooth, but Sony's convinced there's life in the machine yet, and the array of PS2 games lining the outskirts of the company's booth is one argument why. Guitar Hero II, God of War II, and Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus drew particularly close attention from show-goers, but Yakuza, Final Fantasy XII, and a number of other PS2 games rounded out the system's current-gen offerings.
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May 11th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
No visit to the immense Sony stand in E3's cavernous West Hall, and the accompanying PSP peninsular, would be complete without a quick pause for a spot of LocoRoco. And to bring a big beaming smile to your face and the warm touch of a little sunshine into your day, we've nabbed a bit of footage of the gelatinous platformer in tilting action.
And talking of tilting, we wonder if there will be any chance of a PS3 conversion of the game to take advance of the new pad's wobble-detection ability? Well, we can always ask next time Phil Harrison crosses our path.
But back to LocoRoco. If you want to read many wise words on the subject then take a quick click over here, but to please your eyes and nourish your very soul, right-click on the link above. And once you feel soothed and sated, return to the front pages of GamesRadar for even more breaking E3 news.
Heres the Movie Link
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May 11th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

To become an expert in monkey business, you first have to go to monkey school, so enrol now at the craziest college the world has ever seen. You can work your way up through the school years by winning wacky mini-games, but keep an eye on your classmates - students they may be, but when it comes to trouble and tomfoolery, these goofy monkeys are pros! This minigame spin-off for the PlayStation Portable of the quirky action series featuress more than 45 minigames, as well as share-the-system challenges for two players and WiFi play that brings the total number of multiplayer availability to four with two systems shared.

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May 12th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

As the first Formula One product for PSP, Formula One includes all of the official licensed tracks, cars and drivers of the FIA Formula One World Championship. F1 Grand Prix on PSP offers fast action game play with seven challenge modes. Challenge others in WiFi head to head mode for up to eight players; dare to try the Eliminator Championship Mode where a car is eliminated after each lap; tackle the Challenge Mode with contests including speed and racing line tests; or race the Mini Grand Prix for three quick laps for quick bursts of racing action.

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May 12th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

An official bridge between the events of the two films, X2: X-Men United and X3: The Last Stand, X-Men: The Official Game follows main characters Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Iceman as they embark on a 28-mission journey to defeat Hydra, the Brotherhood, and a collection of other surprise villains. Features include character-specific level geometry and super-powers, voice-overs from select members of the motion picture cast, and an original narrative written by Chris Claremont and Zak Penn.
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May 12th, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new Commercial Game:

The Da Vinci Code revolves around secret societies, ancient cover-ups and calculated vengeance in an action-oriented suspense experience. While attempting to solve a murder, Harvard professor Robert Langdon and brilliant French cryptographer Sophie Neveu uncover a 2000-year-old conspiracy through clues encoded in paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Da Vinci Code takes you on a heart-pounding non-stop race through Paris and through time to find the truth and protect a secret that could shake the world.

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May 12th, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey has released the newest version of his excellent Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP which plays a lot of Commercial roms now, heres a few screens:

<blockquote>Yeah Yeah, The next build of monkey64 is here. Here is the readme file.
Well go enjoy, you spam monkeys!!
-- Readme --
// Monkey 64 v2.0
// Monkey 64 by PSMonkey
// -- http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/ --
// Icon by pochi
This emulator is not in an advance state yet. It runs commercial roms but with glitches & speed issues.
Please give me time to be able to advance the emulator far enough to play more games at a reasonable speed.
Please also do not bother me regarding the speed. It is running off a pure interpreter core which
is slow. I will get a dynamic recompiler core in as soon as I can get things much further.
Please note that before running a rom you must set the proper microcode. If you do not set the proper microcode
the game could crash your psp or show up incorrectly. Please see compatibility.html for a list of proper microcodes
for each game.
// Info
Monkey64 is an n64 emulator started from scratch that takes the psp limitations into consideration. The
ultimate goal is solid n64 emulation at 30-60fps on the psp. This will not come instantly but maybe 6 months
now it will be a reality.
At the current time Monkey64 supports a large array of n64 homebrew / PD roms that draw to the framebuffer & commercial roms.
While not all commercial roms run & the ones that do are a bit glitchy, things are improving on a daily basis.
// Change List
- 2.0 -
.) Way too much to list, Commercial roms work.
.) Fast 3D/SW 2.0, Fast 3D Ext, F3DEX1.0 & F3DEX2.0 Microcodes supported
.) Many gfx & Hle issues still exist. Missing a surface clipper & n64 combiner support.
.) 4Kb Eeprom supported
- (if you wish to use your eeproms from pc emu's, rename them the same as the rom and change the extension to .epr)
- 1.0 -
.) First Release, Runs a majority of homebrew roms that render directly to the CFB.
// To Use
1) Create a folder labeled "n64" on the root of your memory stick.
2) Copy your roms into the "n64" folder (roms MUST NOT be zipped).
..) Example "G:\n64\" (replace G: with your psp drive letter)
3) Copy the files from the folder containing your psp version number
..) Example, 1.0 users will go into "1.0 or 2.0" folder and copy the psp directory to the root of the memory stick.
4) Run the software 
// Controls
// Menu
Up & Down - Change Selection
Left & Right - Change Option
X / Cross - Select
// In Game
Left Trigger & Select - Capture Screenshot (stored in location of eboot.pbp)
Select - Exit Emulation
// N64 Controls
DPad - DPad
Analog - Analog
Start - Start
R Trig - Z Trig
If L Trig Held
Triangle - C Up
Circle - C Right
Cross - C Down
Square - C Left
Square - L Trig
Triangle - R Trig
Cross - B Button
Circle - A Button
// Thanks & Greetings
Zilmar & PJ64 Team, Lac, Strmnnrmn, GPF, $n!pR, Wally, Evab3va, Psyco, wraggster,
Pochi, Zeenbor, Clessy & all at dcemu!
-- NOTICE --
No rom request or your account will be banned. I'm not joking on this either. </blockquote>
Download and Give Feedback at the OFFICIAL PSMONKEY SITE HERE --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
Monkey 64 Compatibility List Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=24523
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May 12th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
<blockquote>At its first E3, the PSP came blazing with some huge accessories: a mic-and-headphones combo, a GPS device, a digital camera, a glass touchpad for text input, and even a number of incredibly desirable limited edition PSPs. The following year, a whole heck of a lot less, with almost everything previously shown not there and in their place just a few standard widgets and gadgets. This year, the pocket doodads are making a comeback, although still not in the kind of force that we'd like to see out of Sony.
Amongst the accessories shown were a PSP Car Adapter (shown with the same full power brick of the PSP AC Adapter, although oddly, it's not break-away at the plug end), the PSP Stamina Pack battery (3.6v, 2200Mhz for extended battery life), the PSP Battery Charger (if you ever want to bother with the PSP's awkward cover to pop the battery out), and a 4GB and 8GB version of the Memory Stick Pro Duo.
Most importantly, the PSP Camera was shown. The camera featured three demos: one standard and untouched video, one called Water Effect where the screen ripples when it sees movement, and one called Kira Kira "Motion Stars" where pink stars popped up all around wherever there was motion. In theory, it should have been cool, and the technology will make possible games like EyeToy: Play on PSP ... that is, if it gets better than what was here. Even in standard mode, the camera had a significant delay to it -- without synched motion, we can't imagine many games being driven by the camera. The PSP camera is also supposed to let players snap digital pictures or record short videos, but the video quality shown was not worth keeping, showing lots of blotchiness in the resolution and not-so-great color depth. Still screens should hopefully be of higher quality, but the tech overall really needs to step up if it's going to be useful.
Meanwhile, missing in action was the GPS device, and we have no idea why. The accessory has been notoriously missing in action throughout the system's lifespan, with hopes brought back up for it after a Japanese press conference that re-announced it and mentioned support in games such as Hot Shots Golf. Where was it? And while we're at it, what about a PSP tilt controller? The PS3 is now all about the accessory, and it'd be incredibly easy to add tilt control features to PSP via USB (even the Game Boy Advance had tilt control, in one form or another.) Not only would it be a great accessory to have, but also a very necessary one -- gamers have been complaining about the lack of a second analog stick on the system since its inception (as well as the limited accuracy of the included analog nub), and an added control system could go a long way in helping the PSP get through some tricky games. That, and it could give the newly-announced Mercury Meltdown what the original at first intended to deliver -- designer Archer Maclean had been playing with tilt technology concepts on PSP before mitigating circumstances made it impossible to release the game with the feature included.
Plus, we'd like to say this really quick: we hate the multi-corded PSP headset, and we'd love to see a redesign or a compact version of it. SCE, Logitech, Mad Catz, Pelican ... anybody who makes gaming accessories, please hear our call.
This isn't the good news we were hoping for in the accessory department for PSP, but stuff is still brewing in the background. (Plus, the games are looking tasty this year, so who's complaining). We'll let you know if we catch any cool add-ons for the system here at the show elsewhere on the floor.</blockquote>
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May 12th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
shifty_bill has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
Its basically a green dwarf walking north, south, east, west, NW, NE, SW and SE.
I will be adding more stuff to this soon.
If anyone is interested in helping me on this drop me an email at
william_keam at hotmail dot com
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May 12th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release from Deniska for you Homebrew PSP Fans:
<blockquote>This is a PSP adoptation of Project Starfighter from Parallel Realities (http://www.parallelrealities.co.uk)
- horizontal space shoter with RPG elements.
- 26 missions over 4 star systems
- Primary and Secondary Weapons (including a laser cannon and a charge weapon)
- A weapon powerup system
- Wingmates
- Missions with Primary and Secondary Objectives
- A Variety of Missions (Protect, Destroy, etc)
- 13 different music tracks
- Boss battles
NOTE: Some of game's graphics has been modified for better display on PSP's screen.
1.5 users: copy contents of 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.0 Please let me know if either version works with the latest eboot loader for 2.0 firmware
[????] ACTIVATE CHEATS MENU & GAME CREDITS - I'll let you figure this one out :-)
Please refer to documents in the docs folder for details.
Fix - ocasional slowness & crashes
PSPSDK compatible c++ source code & makefile are attached to this distribution.
Stephen Sweeney
Richard Sweeney
Denis Televnyy
Download at http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk
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May 12th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
Posted this a week or two ago that Success HK have this game for USD 39.74 (around 24Pounds) but not heard that its been released elsewhere, heres some screens and info of the killer title for the PSP:
From Sony Online Entertainment, the makers of Untold Legends on PSP, Field Commander is a turn-based strategy game for the portable system. Use any of the game's 15 military units to conquer the opposing army, and deploy your field of 11 officers to lead the battle. Field Commander features 30 single-player battles, plus offers a level designer function and multiplayer head-to-head over ad-hoc and internet play.

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May 12th, 2006, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
In a post-earnings conference call last week, Activision chairman and CEO Bobby Kotick gave investors a few hints at the next Call of Duty game. He said it was set to arrive in the company's third quarter of the fiscal year (October 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006), and that it is "not a PC product, it's a console product, and it's all next-gen."
Kotick neglected to mention that it's coming to the handheld market, as well. Activision's official release list has "Call of Duty 3 PSP" for the PlayStation Portable for fall 2006. Activision isn't showing the game at this year's E3, and the only other information on the spreadsheet is that it's a "first-person action game" (the same designation as the console Call of Duty games) and carries a $49.99 price tag.
Activision representatives were cagey about what they could and couldn't say regarding the game, but one did confirm a few facts for GameSpot. The odd "Call of Duty 3 PSP" name is just a working title, it will not be a port of the console editions of Call of Duty 3, and Infinity Ward is not handling the game's development.
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May 12th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
We're certainly hitting the high notes at this year's E3 on CVG, having just returned from the first reveal of Singstar on Sony's next-gen PS3.
We'll be uploading footage shortly for you to contemplate but Sony revealed during an impressive presentation that two brand new microphones will be released alongside the PS3 launch title and they'll look sleek, silver and slimline and feature increased sensitivity compared to the current model.
Even more intriguingly, one will come in a standard USB wired version but there'll also be a wireless Bluetooth model for full falsetto freedom.
As to what you'll be singing on the PS3, well it looks like that will be entirely up to you, with a new iTunes-style service giving you full control over your PS3 playlists and karaoke classic selections. This was demoed, with a song taking perhaps less than 30 seconds to come down the wires. And while Sony refused to give an absolute confirmation of pricing, they did say it would cost no more than a typical iTunes track, with a flat rate guaranteed across the board.
Various themed song packages may also be on offer on download, but once you've bought your SingStar package, don't expect further song packs or disks to be heading your way. Although this is yet to be fully confirmed, Sony's current thinking is that you'll buy all further songs through the download service.
We'll be warbling more Singstar goodness your way soon, including a movie of the presentation.
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May 12th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
In recent years, Phil Harrison has not only been promoted within Sony to the point where he runs the firm's worldwide network of development studios, he has also become the de facto face of the company at industry events around the globe.
Despite his new-found high profile, however, Harrison remains a software man - so when we sat down with him for a brief chat at E3 this week in the wake of the firm's announcements, the company's hardware and software strategies were definitely top of the agenda, but its hugely controversial pricing announcement was not.
We hope to bring you more coverage of Sony's plans - and the reaction to them - in the coming days - in the meanwhile, we hope you enjoy these insights from the man in charge of what may be the most crucial component of all in the firm's bid to retain its market leadership in the next generation; the software.
GamesIndustry.biz: All three companies laid their cards on the table earlier this week - from your perspective, what do you make of the three conferences and the reaction to them so far?
Phil Harrison: Sadly, I haven't actually had a chance to watch the other two conferences, but I've heard enough reports. I think that if we think the industry or the future of the business is defined by this week of press conferences... Then, we're very much mistaken. I think it's going to be defined by what the consumer thinks and what the industry thinks, and what the game developers think. It's not just about the press conferences.
I think the pieces of the PlayStation 3 puzzle are now fully revealed. Obviously we did the hardware last year, this year it's confirming or re-asserting certain elements of it - obviously, people know about Blu-Ray, but confirming that every machine has a hard disc drive in it, I think, was an important step. Confirming that we've got a new controller strategy was an important step, and showing lots of games was an important step. So, those were the main take-outs, and I think that as far as that was concerned, we achieved our objectives.
Your strategy and Microsoft's strategy are very divergent, in that Microsoft is offering consumers a choice - whether to have HD-DVD or not, whether to have a hard drive or not - while you're putting everything into a very expensive box and saying that they take all or nothing. Why that direction? Why not have a system where people who don't want to pay that premium for Blu-Ray don't have to?
Leaving aside the movie debate about Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, purely from a game design point of view and a game production point of view, we have to have Blu-Ray. DVD is just not big enough; DVD9 is nowhere near big enough for the kind of games, the richness that we're going to be putting in the games, the variety, the detail, you name it.
So, we had to adopt Blu-Ray primarily as a game format. The second benefit of it is that it becomes a video format as well. Putting it all in one box, as you say, is also down to the fact that a hard disc drive is necessary to create a totally integrated network platform. We want every consumer to be able to download and install content on their hard disc drive. If you want to put all your music on your hard disc drive, you'll probably go for the 60GB version. If you're a complete music fan and video fan, and you want to have huge amounts of digital content, then you can upgrade to whatever size of drive you like. You can put any in that you like - it is a computer, after all.
So that hard drive is a standard PC drive?
ATA, bog standard, yeah.
You're not going to be selling Sony drive upgrades?
We've got no plan to. We may offer something, but we have no plan to at the moment.
Talking about software - how many titles do you actually have on the show floor this week? I think we counted a dozen...
I think it's fifteen playable games. At the conference, we had three titles from Japan - GT HD, Eye of Judgement and Genji 2, we had three from Europe - Singstar, Heavenly Sword and F1, and two from the US - Warhawk and Resistance. That was pretty evenly split.
The controller. You showed off the boomerang, then said it was a prototype, and now you've come back and done the Dual Shock but with a twist - no pun intended. How long have you known that this was the plan?
[The motion sensing controller] has been thought about since about 1994, but in reality, you can't make some of the ideas that we have because the technology is not available in sufficient quantity or at a low enough price, and you kind of have to wait for certain things to converge. We had the concept of PlayStation Portable for many years before we could actually deliver it at a price and at a standard that was acceptable.
The controller is obviously a surprise to the industry. We've been thinking about it for a while, but it's a relatively recent addition to the format. We didn't show it last year, because we weren't ready to. The boomerang, as you call it, was very clearly designed as a design concept, and was never intended to be the final controller, despite what everybody said about it.
I think we certainly saw the strength of feeling that existed about the boomerang - even though nobody in the world ever held it in their hand. I thought that was very interesting, that people were criticising it for what it looked like, not how it felt.
When you made the decision to put the tilt functions into the pad, how heavily influenced was that by the great response Nintendo has had to the same kind of technology in the Wii controller?
I think that some of the research that we've done, clearly other companies have been doing as well - so there's nothing completely surprising about that. But I know that the strategy was to take what was already a winning formula - to have a controller as well regarded as it, and kind of the de facto industry standard that this PlayStation shape controller has become. If you include the ones that are packed in, the secondary ones and the knock-offs that are the same shape, there are probably around 400 million of these things that have been sold on PSone and PS2.
So, we kind of took an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" strategy - but by adding motion sensitivity to the controller... Well, we didn't start the wave, but we've kind of jumped onto that wave. I'm quite happy to admit that, but that will be one of the defining characteristics of next-generation gaming, the complexity and sophistication of input that you can get from a very simple device.
What I'm really keen to communicate is the fact that by sticking with the PlayStation controller, you have this very comfortable, two-handed approach that gamers are very familiar with - and it allows you to have two channels of input. You've got your primary input that may be normal buttons, normal sticks, nothing particularly revolutionary - no pun intended - but we can also add secondary motion, and we can detect the secondary movement of the pad in addition to the primary buttons.
When you play games, everybody does the same thing - they always move the controller around. Well, we can now start to add that secondary motion into the game design, and the way that the game reacts to the user.
Is this also an attempt on your part to give a bit of a kick in the teeth to cross-platform development? Now all three next-gen consoles will have different control systems, it's going to make it much harder to port the same games between them while taking advantage of those systems.
I think you're right, but I don't think that was actually the plan. I think that that is the outcome - you want to make the games and the experiences that you offer on your platform as unique and as defendable as you possibly can, and obviously that innovation is one of them.
That said, I think that with some exceptions, first party will probably be the majority of the exclusives on PlayStation 3. It's just the reality of the world that we live in - and it was very kind of Microsoft to announce one of those [multi-platform titles] for us.
Looking again at the software line-up, are you happy with where you are with development on the system at the moment?
Happy, but not satisfied. We can always do better, we can always have more - but I think we've shown enough breadth and we've shown enough quality, and we've shown a direction of where we're going to end up at launch. We're six months away from launch, remember, and there are some very polished games on our stand, which I don't think you've ever seen from another platform launch. That includes our own - PSone and PS2 - this far out from launch.
Aren't you concerned though that in November, your launch titles - which have traditionally been pretty rocky - are going to be going head to head with second and even third wave games on the Xbox 360?
Am I concerned... Well, I wouldn't say concerned, but I'm certainly conscious of that. I think that we will have games that are really compelling and are really going to deliver on the promise, but I don't think it'll be an issue.
On PlayStation 2, we didn't start to see really impressive stuff until a couple of years into the life of the console, because it took that long for developers to get up to speed. The guys at Microsoft make a lot of allusions to how easy their console is to develop to compared to yours; how do you respond to that? Is it true of PlayStation 3, as it was of PS2? Is there going to be a one or two year cycle where developers are still just getting to grips with this platform?
I think the PlayStation 2 was a difficult machine to write for, especially to really maximise what it was capable of on the vector units, VU0 and VU1, the proprietary SIMD engines, because they used fairly low-level programming techniques to program for them. However, that didn't stop us selling a hundred and something million, and having a billion plus software units sold for the machine, and global average of 77 per cent plus market share.
On PlayStation 3, however, the Cell SPUs are programmed with high-level programming languages, and that allows us to get great performance with general-purpose programming techniques. So, the short answer is, it's much, much easier to program for. Witness the fact that we've got so much software up and running, and playable, this far out from launch.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
It's all been a bit quiet on the Turok front since 2002's Turok Evolution, but Buena Vista Games announced a while back that it's revamping the old Acclaim franchise, giving it a whole new spin for PS3 and Xbox 360. New info has escaped from the dinosaur maw that is E3.
As fervent fans of precision platform jumping will doubtless remember, the character of Turok was an 18th century North American dinosaur hunter, based on a comic book character dating back to the 1950s. In this latest version of the game (developed by BVG's Propaganda Games studio), however, Joseph Turok is an ex-Black Ops commando currently assigned to an elite Special Forces squad. Set in the near-future, the storyline sees the band of crack troops on a mission to hunt down a war criminal on a genetically altered planet.
According to Buena Vista, when the squad's plane is shot down, Turok has to fight for survival against a rampaging army of super-soldiers and the "ravenous, unpredictable creatures" that inhabit the planet. Now that's starting to sound a little more familiar, isn't it? Turns out that the planet is riddled with genetically mutated dinosaurs and all manner of savage beasts, although BVG states that, unlike previous instalments, Turok's main focus is on defeating his human opponents.
Combat has also been considerably altered in this latest re-imagining, with much more emphasis placed on the use of firearms, although you still have the option of whipping out the old bow and arrow or dagger if you're in the mood for a spot of stealth action. Hi-tech military vehicles are also promised this time around (probably not driven by dinosaurs, though) as are a variety of online multiplayer modes, details of which have yet to surface.
It all sounds very intriguing, but you'll have to wait until 2007 to get your mitts on it.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation creator Ken Kutaragi has answered critics of Sony's next-gen pricing policy by claiming that the PS3 is "probably too cheap".
Dropping this golden nugget in an interview with Japanese website IT Media (coming to us via IGN translation), Kutaragi said that it's no different to the way it was with previous PlayStation generations.
"With Nintendo's 16-bit machine selling for about 12,000 yen (85 euros) at the time, the media criticised us for priciness - but it became an explosive hit. The same for PlayStation2," Kutaragi has reportedly elaborated while similarly recalling the launch of the original PlayStation and PS2 in a second interview - conducted with Japanese business journal Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
both had sales that were unthinkable for previous game machines. This is because both offered experiences that could not be had on previous machines," he told IT Media.
Kutaragi went on to reveal to Nihon Keizai Shimbun that "price setting is always a headache for us. No game machines are comparable to the PS3, which is neither a genuine game console, home electronics [product] nor a personal computer. It's a new kind of product."
And Keen to stress PS3's broad functionality, he told IT Media: "...we don't want you to think of it [the price] in terms of games machines... if you can have an amazing experience, we believe price is not a problem.... We believe people who like games will, without question, purchase it."
But ultimately, the debate will be settled by the end user. Kutaragi stated during Nihon Keizai Shimbun's interview that it will be "consumers who decide whether it's expensive or cheap. If a product offers charm, then buyers will be convinced",.
The 20GB PS3 will retail in Europe for 499 euros (roughly 341 GBP), with the full-spec 60GB model priced at 599 euros (roughly 408 GBP).
Cheap My Arse
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May 12th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Sony has revealed a few more snippets of info regarding SingStar PS3 - including news of how much we'll have to pay to download tracks via the new SingStore service.
As previously announced, SingStar PS3 will let you download all the songs featured in the PS2 games plus selections from an ever-growing catalogue of new tracks. They're still keeping quiet on exactly how much each one will cost, but have confirmed that you won't have to pay any more than you would for a track purchased from iTunes - i.e., 79p.
Sony has also previously stated that the game will ship with shiny new silver microphones, and it turns out they'll be much more high tech than the red and blues we're used to - meaning they'll be more sensitive to the nuances of your voice, so rubbish singers are in trouble. You'll be able to purchase wireless microphones, too, if you so desire.
SingStar PS3 is due to launch alongside Sony's new console on November 17th
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May 12th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
Namco's virtual alternative to the high speed thrills of professional motor racing is heading to the PSP, with Sony confirming the release of a new MotoGP game specifically designed for the handheld.
It's currently being developed by the same team which brought MotoGP to the PS2 and Ridge Racer to the PSP, but Sony has yet to confirm an official release date for the game.
Fans of the sport should recognise the names of Valentino Rossi and Sete Gibernau - just two of the pros you can test your skills against in the new one-on-one racing mode. There are real life tracks, too, although Sony hasn't said which one yet. You can also expect a full championship season to get your teeth into and assorted wi-fi multiplayer modes for up to eight players. Hooray for m0t0rb1kes!
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May 12th, 2006, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Despite the overwhelming worldwide success of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment is still looking beyond the franchise to other opportunities.
When asked by GameSpot if the Warcraft universe was all that's left for the company to mine, chief operating officer Paul Sams said, "No. Absolutely not. We have multiple games in development, currently, they are just not announced...to the outside world--and the reality of it is--we are laser focused on what is the thing right then, but there's a ton of additional focus being put toward these other [games] that are in development."
Reflecting on the existing franchises, Sams emphasized, "World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise is not the last and the only franchise we are going to operate within. We have two other very, very key franchises to our company's history and to our company's future success. The Diablo and Starcraft franchises are of the utmost importance to us as well. I wouldn't be surprised to see a new franchise from us at some time in the future; there's certainly a desire to do so."
A PR rep later expanded on Sams' statement, clarifying that not only were there "multiple games" in development, but that Blizzard was considering "multiple platforms" for those titles. The spokesperson confirmed that the company was looking at both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but that a decision as to which platform might get the nod had not been made.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
E3 is a chance for several well-known franchises to show off their next chapters, if even just for a split second. Electronic Arts prepared a trailer for its E3 lineup, which showed off a ton of announced games, as well as some surprises.
One of the unannounced games getting the trailer treatment at EA's booth this year is Need For Speed Carbon, which also made a brief appearance at Sony's pre-E3 conference.
The trailer begins in the dark, with white lights flickering upward. After a brief EA logo, the headlights of three cars turn on, revealing misty air, and then the cars drive toward the camera. Text then flashes across the screen--Need for Speed Carbon.
There hasn't been an official announcement by EA, so there aren't any details available. However, given its appearance during the PlayStation 3 portion of the Sony pre-E3 event, it's a shoo-in for the PS3.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Sony Computer Entertainment International's horror game Rule of Rose was released for the PlayStation 2 earlier this year in Japan, but apparently it was too much creepiness for one country to contain. While Sony might have passed on extending Rose's rule around the world, Atlus has announced that it is stepping in and bringing the game to the US.
Atmosphere is key to any frightfest, and Rule of Rose features 50 minutes of prerendered cutscenes (much like those seen in the game's trailers), and a musical score by Yutaka Minobe (Panzer Dragoon Saga, Skies of Arcadia) to help set the mood. The story follows a teenaged schoolgirl caught up in the social machinations of a group of young women, and the players' actions in the game will determine which ending they see.
Rule of Rose is slated for release by the end of the year.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: modsyn
Ogranise, the PSP homebrew organizer now supports the new naming convention ('__SCE__'/'%__SCE__').
If you are unfamiliar with Ogranise, here's a recap.
Ogranise, like many other programs, lets you organize the homebrew icons for your 1.5 PSP. However, unlike the other programs, Ogranise runs on your PSP. Keep your favorite homebrew at the top without needing a USB connection.
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May 12th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
We've already brought you the first screens of what LucasArts is now calling Indiana Jones 2007, but now you can seem them all joined together, plus a few more, to form the first footage of Dr Jones.
So pull up your favourite brand of monkey brains and download the trailer above. Remember to wash your hands, though, before you right-click on the link.
And for those of you more interested in current-gen technology, LucasArts has confirmed that there will be another Indiana Jones title released in 2007 on PS2, PSP and DS although it has chosen not to say any more on the subject, except that it intends to use a development team beyond George's own boys to create the game. We'll bring you more news on that and Indy 2007 as soon as possible.
Watch the Movie over at Gamesradar
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May 13th, 2006, 09:25 Posted By: shadowprophet
Its still fun tho give it a try.
Yeah I know ,
Your welcome .
Heres a little bit of the readme*
PSPTetris By joeySMiTH
Flash v.6
PSP Firmware 2.70+
Flash activation (this is located in the system menu and requires a wireless connection to activate)
To use:
Extract tetris.swf to the root of your memory stick.
Open your PSP Browser, and type in file:/tetris.swf
Bookmark it for quicker access in teh future.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Yesterday, we asked a few people on the show to give their reaction to the following question: "Will the lack of rumble in the Dual Shake hurt the PlayStarion 3?" Here are some reactions we got:
David Edery: Game Tycoon
it's certainly a shame to lose something where rumble matters in the design context. Rumble has always felt like icing to me; it's not crucial. Not having the motion sensing at all, that's a huge problem. I'd be much more worrying about microsoft, frankly. rumble has never mattered to me that much. i think it'll hurt them, but I don't know how much. I don't think it's a huge deal. people want to move, though. not having that when others do have it, will be a huge disadvantage.
Jessie: GamerSurvival
"It'll hurt; I've heard a lot of people upset [over the decision]."
David Reid: VP Marketing for GameTap
i've never thought of it as a big deal. that's me personally. there was a time when i was deep in the weeds at xbox when we were like ... do we pay for one motor or two motors. i think the bigger story is a 499 box that doesn't have hdmi, doesn't have wifi, doesn't have a memory unit. i think lack of rumble is the least of their problems. those are really smart gusy they've got a really great business i'm sure thtey know what they're doing but it really sturck me as odd.
Delila: OnTheXbox.com
"[The rumble] adds to the experience, feeling the explosions for example. It's gonna hurt them."
Roman: Industry Analyst
[Lack of rumble] is not the main thing that's going to hurt them. To me they're the loser of the show. I'm very concerned actually. Rumble is marginal compared to other issues.
Cesar: Gamerscore
"Not as much as the price."
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May 13th, 2006, 09:37 Posted By: wraggster
The Camera that fits on the PSP was on show at E3, theres no more details but take a looky at the screenshots via the comments.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:53 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK, heres the details:

The first handheld iteration of Konami's top sports title, this PSP version of Winning Eleven (known as Pro Evolution Soccer in Europe) will feature the utter realism, intuitive play and fast-paced action of the ever-popular series. The handheld version will also be almost identical in terms of available clubs and international sides, with 57 national sides lining up alongside 136 club teams. The highly-competitive multi-player aspects of the game are highlighted using the hardware's wireless systems. Challenge rival players (via an ad-hoc wireless connection) to games, with all data related to match results ? goals for, goals against, wins, etc ? retained in a running tally. Solo players can also hone their skills within six different leagues and a host of cup tournaments, and the PSP game can also be linked to the PlayStation 2 version for data exchange of created teams for playing on either version or for trading with friends.
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May 13th, 2006, 09:55 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK, heres the details:

Based on the anime series, this is a port of the PS2 combo battle-RPG game which runs parallel to events in the EVA series, featuring characters from the show and all of the Evangelion robot battlers. Character interaction is seen through an isometric 3D RPG engine (with anime pop-ups for talking characters), while battles are played out in full 3D action/stragety RPG battles in the heart of the Tokyo defense system. The PSP version features an improved battle graphics and smarter enemy AI.

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May 13th, 2006, 09:57 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from Success HK, heres the details:

A pet simulator for the PlayStation Portable by Yuke's (similar to the Nintendo DS game Nintendogs and based on a 2003 pets franchise toys, videos, and other pet-themed goods in Japan.) The game features realistic dogs that you can dress up in various accessories, design a room for, take photos of, and play with in various ways. The PSP's The Dog includes sixteen dog types: Chihuahua, Labrador Retriever, French Bull Dog, Golden Retriever, Papillon, Border Collie, Dalmatian, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier, Beagle, German Shepard, Shiba, Dachshund, Maltese and Poodle. In addition to raising one of these adorable pups, you get to take commemorative puppy pics that can be transferred to the PC and then to cell phones, allowing you to show off your new best virtual friend to the rest of the world.

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May 13th, 2006, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
Blue2k has released a new version of his Shell for the PSP, heres the details:
<blockquote>Hey people! We have released a new version of Artillery Shell today, one of the most versatile shells around, and things got even better! Artillery 0.2 features:
+ MP3 Playlist
+ PSP Remote support for MP3 Player
+ Multiple themes support
+ In-Shell theme switching
+ Configurable icons on desktop
+ Custom icons on desktop (launch homebrew)
+ Extended config support
+ Extended theming support
+ Info displays added to LCD
+ And a lot of fixes
Artillery is now as dynamic as ever, fully adaptable and more stable at the same time. We have been working very hard to be able to release it today and we hope you are as happy with it as we are proud of it.</blockquote>
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May 13th, 2006, 10:23 Posted By: wraggster

PlayStation 3 borrows PSP's menu interface, but offers a few intriguing additions Power-up your PlayStation 3 and you’ll be greeted by a PSP-style start-up screen. All the icons are identical to those of its handheld counterpart, with movies (Hi-Def ones, of course), music and web options all available. But the PS3’s interface packs a couple of new additions.
First, is the ‘Users’ button which enables you to flick between profiles, suggesting that Sony is expecting each machine to be fought over by more than one member of the family. The other intriguing icon is a ‘Friends’ button. However, Sony wasn’t willing to give us any more info on how these systems will actually function at this early stage.
Another interesting snippet was confirmation that you’ll be able to use a keyboard and mouse with PS3, enabling you to easily browse the web on your telly.
Via t3
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May 13th, 2006, 10:25 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like Sony are standardising thier Menu Systems for their Consoles, the PS3 will use a similiar layout to the PSP,
Check out the news and screenshot at PS3 Evolution
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May 13th, 2006, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops instantly jumped to the top of portable gamers' most wanted lists, but there's another MGS in the works for the PSP. The latest issue of Famitsu has the full scoop on Konami's previously announced PSP digital comic, fully titled Metal Gear Solid Bande Dessinee.
Directed and produced by Hideo Kojima himself, and featuring graphics by Ashley Wood, Bande Dessinee uses the North American Metal Gear Solid comic as a base and adds visual and aural effects to make a multimedia experience. All 12 chapters of the comic are included in the PSP adaptation.
The title makes the comic viewing experience interactive, even beyond convenient navigation features. Wood's artwork has been converted into 3D models for two modes of play designed to give further insight into the world of the comics. As you view the comic, you can press the square button to enter a "memory search" mode. In this mode, you can freely search for people and items by navigating the screen in three dimensions . Anything you find is added to a database whose contents can be traded with friends via WiFi.
Also included is a mission mode of sorts. Info that you've collected from the digital comic is added to a library that can be viewed by pressing the triangle button. In this mode, you're assigned missions requiring that you properly connect together the information that you've gathered. We're not sure if there's much in the way of gameplay here, although the magazine suggests that the missions have a puzzle-like feel to them.
Based on the images in the magazine, Metal Gear Solid Bande Dessinee is completely in English, right down to the mission briefings. Perhaps Metal Gear Solid fans will be able to look forward to a release outside of Japan.
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May 13th, 2006, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
<blockquote>The debate between who will be the leader in the shake-em-up controller war between Wii and PS3 will continue on for the ages, but for our money, Sony has already been the rebel leading the revolution for years now. EyeToy has been a meager hit in America, but it's mondo across the pond where it was invented, and SCE Europe is continuing its phenomenon with several games premiered here at E3 2006. Most are not America, but import fans and our Euro-carrying readers should definitely take a look out for a series of games that take EyeToy to the next level.
We weren't able to get any word on the conceptual idea of an infrared EyeToy for the nex-gen version (mentioned by EyeToy creator Richard Marx), but we did get to shoot the talk with lead producer Tom Holmes at SCE Europe about the PSP camera. While we didn't really like the performance level displayed on the SCE show floor, the producer stated that he had seen it himself back at the lab and had no problems, estimating that perhaps the framerate delay was due to the low-level lighting conditions on the floor that required it to kick into another processor mode. As far as gameplay concepts, he hinted that we should think beyond the idea, as many have jumped to the conclusion of, for playing standard EyeToy: Play with your face. That may be a feature for fun, but that's not really the main concept in development. When we asked if maybe the PSP could be used as a portable EyeToy, with perhaps a stand that you could simply set up at parties and rock out to, Tom responded, "Well, you could do that ... but then it would just be EyeToy: Play on PSP." We couldn't get specifics at this early junction about what they will be doing with EyeToy PSP, but the ideas they are playing with at the moment are more about filming the world around you and somehow interacting with that in gameplay. </blockquote>
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May 13th, 2006, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Hedzx has released and updated a Lua Game called Chao Rush, heres the details:
<blockquote>This is Chao Rush version 0.2, which is an update to chao maze, based on a tutorial at luaplayer.org. Why the name change? because i have implemented a new feature, a timer in the game, and alsofor a better name than "chao Maze"
*added dark chao
*added hero chao
*added practice mode so you dont have to mess with the tiles anymore
*added an oppening under extras to see a stoory of why the chaos are
running areound gathering things (its just for laughs if ou want)
*fixed a bug of a level not recetting.
- new bug- only levels 1-4 are in practise >.< it wont work with 5..
*made the extras menu go so if you go all the way to the bottom it brings up the
rest of the list</blockquote>
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via hedzx
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May 13th, 2006, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Blah has released a third and first person camera example.. written in lua for the PSP.
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via blah
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May 13th, 2006, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Birdman posted this:
I have just finished a quick GFX pack for the very popular SMM (Super Mario Mini ). This pack has some completely redone GFX and just some character changes.
Old School (mario original)
Pac Man
Peter Plague
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May 13th, 2006, 12:30 Posted By: AhMan
IRShell is a multi tasking Shell for the PSP.
Here is a summary of the new features. Pls refer to the readme.txt file for details.
1. You can now play an unlimited number of mp3 song by using directory playback.
2. Support PSP Headphone Remote Control for mp3 playback.
3. A new photo viewer is added. You can now preview APP/SAV icons & backpics.
4. File/directory Copy & Paste functions added under File Manipulation.
5. Added support on User Supplied PBP Plugins.
6. Added a list of other customisable options under iR Configurator.
Visit my site or
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May 13th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: shadowprophet
Syn-z has updated his great emu for the psp Dgen to v.1.50, This update has two versions, A eloader version for 2.0+ psps, and an firmware 1.50 version
Heres whats New:
- Shadow/Highlight mode support
- Added 6-button mode ON/OFF in Key Config
- Added "Palette Mode" in [CONFIG]
- Added "Fix Checksum" in [CONFIG]
- Press Analog Up + X to reset the current game
- Fixed some issues in some games
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Thanks to Jeff Chen for the Translation.
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May 13th, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Jsharrad has released an updated version of Miner PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>MinerPSP v1.0
MinerPSP is based on the game Miner VGA released into the public domain by Harrel W. Stiles in 1989.
You control a miner who's objective is to go underground, collect, and sell valuable materials to win the love of Miss Mimi. She likes rich men but
money is not the only thing that will win her heart....
Start ---------------------- Main menu
Cross --------------------- Select menu item while menu open
D-Pad --------------------- Move miner
D-Pad Up ----------------- Enter building
Hold R + Up/Down ----- Elevator up/down 100ft
Hold Circle --------------- Inventory window
Hold Triangle + -- Drill granite at
Hold Square + --- Bail water at
Hold R + press L -------- Use dynamite (requires a torch)
Select --------------------- Take a screenshot
Buy a drill as soon as economically possible, you could get trapped by caveins with no way out otherwise.
Buy a bucket as soon as economically possible, you could get trapped by water springs with no way out otherwise.
You will always try to run back toward the elevator when setting off dynamite, a clear path helps you get out of the blast radius.
You can walk faster in town by holding down the d-pad than in the dangerous mine.
Light sources allow you to see minerals & hazards easier.
Digging tools reduce your mining costs.
Woody's surgical blade is known to give miners a temporary boost in hitpoints at a cost.
Many rumors are to be heard in the saloon.
Grey stones that pop up when you walk by dirt means there's something there, not necessarily good.
Extract the folders to your /PSP/GAME folder and Enjoy!
Things to do still:
Add sound
Refine instructions </blockquote>
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May 14th, 2006, 03:12 Posted By: tsurumaru
Source: Gamesradar
20GB PS3 to require wired controllers
[PS3] Lower-end model also lacks HDMI, memory card slot and, erm, chrome lettering
Sony has today cleared up the confusion over the differences in specification between the two models of PlayStation 3 - and the cheaper version won't support wireless controllers.
As announced by the company on Monday, two versions of PS3 will be available at launch - one with a 60GB hard drive, and a less pricy model that features a 20GB hard drive. However, what the company didn't mention at the time is that the 20GB machine also lacks a number of key features that are included as standard in the more expensive model.
The 20GB console won't include an HDMI output, which means that it won't be able to deliver high definition pictures. But perhaps more disappointing is that wireless bluetooth controllers won't be supported; instead, gamers will have to make do with retro-style wired-up versions of the increasingly controversial PS3 pad.
The 60GB version of PlayStation 3 is identifiable by its chrome lettering
In addition, the lower-end model also lacks WiFi and the slot for Memory Stick Duo cards included in the full-spec PS3.
A Sony representative on the show floor at E3 also emphasized that gamers won't be able to upgrade the memory of the 20GB version; if that's the PS3 incarnation you opt for, you're permanently stuck with a 20GB memory limit.
Amazingly, Sony big boss man Phil Harrison, in a BBC interview earlier this week, insisted, "What we should be clear about is that the functionality is identical in both machines. There is no difference in what the machine does."
Unfortunately, the actual facts seem to suggest otherwise.
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May 14th, 2006, 03:18 Posted By: tsurumaru
Source: Gamesradar
Retailer says we'll only be getting the more powerful bundle
Sony won't be releasing the 20GB version of its PS3 when the console launches in the UK on 17 November, according to one high street retailer.
Sony announced at its E3 conference on Monday that it would be launching its PS2 successor in two different versions - a premium, 60GB hard drive package and a less expensive 20GB version that, in addition to the smaller storage device, would also lack some key features.
However, while UK games store gamestation is already offering pre-orders for Sony's new machine, its customers are only able to put a holding deposit down on the more expensive 60GB model, which it has marked up at a price of £425.
When we contacted gamestation to ask why it wasn't taking pre-orders for the 20GB deal, we were told in no uncertain terms that it was because Sony wouldn't be releasing the slightly more wallet-friendly bundle in the UK.
We weren't offered any explanation as to why the 20GB would be unavailable, so we'll just have to wait for Monday morning when Sony will hopefully throw some light on the matter.
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May 14th, 2006, 04:08 Posted By: Damian666
Deniska is hard at work, with yet another great homebrew title, here's what he has to say about it:
Below are some screenhots of yet another port that I should be releasing somethere next week: Blob Wars episode 1::: Metal Blob Solid.

MBS is a great strategical platformer from Parallel Realities (http://www.parallelrealities.co.uk/blobWars.php)
- Over 25 missions
- More than 8 hours' gameplay!
- 4 difficulty settings
- Large levels with different environments, such as water, lava, ice and slime.
- Use a variety of different weaponary, including machine guns and laser cannons.
- Multiple objectives
- Jetpack and Aqua Lung items to find
- Optional blood and gore
- Boss Battles!
- Lots of sound effects and music tracks
- Level replay value - Return to previous levels to rescue all MIAs and optional objectives.

More SCreens over at http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk
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May 14th, 2006, 09:43 Posted By: shadowprophet
A little puzzle game that will run on any 2.7 PSP. It uses Flash 6 and requires the use of the Internet Browser. You do npt have to have a wireless connection in order to play. The objective is to get the blue block out of the screen, but shifting around the surrounding blocks. There are many levels, so it's a good game for when you're on-the-go, or bored!
-Download "Gridlock.zip" to your desktop
-Extract the file "Gridlock.swf" from the folder
-Connect your PSP to the computer
-Drag "Gridlock.swf" into the removable disc section
-It should be in the same place as the "PSP" and "MP_ROOT" folders
-Disconnect your PSP from the computer and open the Internet Browser
-At the top of the browser, type in "file:/gridlock.swf"
-Have fun!
Author: JustEaten
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May 14th, 2006, 17:38 Posted By: Jman0708
Ok, well im done with counter strike its getting borring. my next game is celtic knights. its based on Many online game (Runescape, WOW) . the point of the game is to make a char and train it up to get higher skills.
I am looking for a few coders/Grafix Designers to help. (BTW> its based on shifty bils green dwarf game, i stilll dont no if he alows me to use it but if he does i need Alot of help. i codded in a compass and menus and credits.)
Jman0708 (Me)
Shifty Bill
IF you wana be apart of this game please Answer back Via Comments.
P.S : ONLY People Who Created Codes/ Graifx for this game can beta.
MiniMap (Hard but we need it)
Health (With a Health bar)
Enemies (To attack them)(They Dont Attk Back)
Restrictions (Fences You Cant Walk Threw)
Health Bar
Enemies (Dead, Attacking, Walking, Standing)
Menu Images
Bootup Icons
Floor Images
Fences (Seprate Images)
These Are What v0.5 Will Have..
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May 14th, 2006, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have announced they are in stock of the Solar Charger for the PSP/DS & GBA, it looks like a GBASP in design, heres the details:

Recharge the PSP, Nintendo DS or GBA-SP without a power source
Portable and environmentally friendly
Built in 1800mAh Li-ion battery
Cables to connect to PSP, DS & GBA-SP provided
Recharges in 4 hours in bright sunlight
Can be used in Sunlight or Cloudy Conditions, plus can also be used in artificial (indoor) light
More info at Divineo UK
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May 14th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: Jman0708
Cools has released a clone of the game Monopoly (and one of my favourite all time games), heres what he posted:
<blockquote> have worked on for a couple of months now, and I thought it would be best to release a Public Beta. The 3 main things that are missing are Auctioning, Trading, and AI. Without those the game isnt really the fun-est thing to play, but it is playable. The computer is only programmed to buy a deed, or pay for a deed, pay on Income Tax, and pay on Luxury Tax. It will go to Jail if landed on the go to Jail box. All the Thanks for Helping and Beta-testers are all in the credits. A lot of you will be thinking that it should be a better game, because I have been working on it since October of last year, but the truth is I took some really long breaks during coding, so everything that is in the game was completed in ~3 months. I dont expect anything special out of this, I was just bored one day and decided to learn lua. If you find any bugs please report them to theridddlingsphinx@gmail. com ( without the space... )</blockquote>
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via cools
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May 14th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
This summer, Frontier Developments and LucasArts will attempt to put the thrill back into theme park simulations with Thrillville -- an amalgam of park building, cart racing, miniature golf, and even first-person shooting contests (against robots, not people). The main objective in Thrillville is to build your park using one of 15 themes, and then enjoy it with your fellow patrons. Micromanagement is supposedly minimized in the game, but there are basic park administration issues that will need to be addressed such as security, sanitation, and fair pricing.
The last gen graphics look anything but thrilling, but if the developer's attempt to combine multiple family-friendly genres results in strong gameplay, they could have a hit for all ages. Thrillville will be available on Xbox, PS2, and PSP.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony executive Izumi Kawanishi has highlighted some of his company's PS3 Linux plans, indicating that it will be possible for individual 'homebrew' coders to create playable content for PS3, something they keep blocking on the Sony's PSP handheld.
Comments made to the Japanese game website Impress Watch, and translated by Shou Suzuki, Kawanishi said: "Because we have plans for having Linux on board [the PS3], we also recognize Linux programming activities... Other than game studios tied to official developer licenses, we'd like to see various individuals participate in content creation for the PS3."
Kawanishi further comments were: "When a game studio enacts development on a PS3 by entering a license contract, SDK libraries... will be presented, and various technical support given. In contrast, when using Linux World on the PS3... support will fall to the lowest level required, and you must solve and work on things by yourselves."
Sony already made a Linux kit available with the PlayStation 2, but it is non known if any code created using PlayStation 3 and Linux will be freely available to run via memory cards.
Sony has not commented on whether it will only be possible to distribute this content via some kind of Sony-regulated online server, or only to fellow Linux coders, as was the case for PlayStation 2 Linux, which spawned a number of homebrew games.
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May 14th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe has released a new beta version of his Commodore64 emulator Vice for the PSP.

Heres whats new:
Bug fixed :
- Sound is now better
- Sound is not disabled when loading a quick snapshot
- True Drive emulation is now "off" after reset (drive-ressource.c)
What is still not working :
- True drive emulation is not working (Same problem on PC when Drive8Type=0 in config.ini instead of Drive8Type=1541).
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May 15th, 2006, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
HaxxBlaster has released Graphic Creator 2.0, heres the info:
Heres whats new:
A whole new menu. Able to view your latest work and a snapshot of it. "Save AS" function: allows you to name your work. "Save" function: overwrites your latest work. Able to save as PNG or JPG. USB On/off. Two more drawmodes (Mixedw/Dots)
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Via haxxblaster
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May 15th, 2006, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Kozine has released PSPairs for the PSP, heres the info:
Hey guys,
Here is the release of my first fully completed game made in LUA. I decided to put Fly By on hold as I need to learn quite a bit more LUA to do what I want to do with it. So, I think I have made a first of its kind for the PSP. This is a clone of the classic card game Snap. But with a twist. From the readme:
.:.:.::PSPairs Readme::.:.:.
.:.:.::Coded by kozine::.:.:.
X: Place cards
O: When two cards match press this to get snap!
.:.:.::How to play::.:.:.
The aim of the game is to get 5 snaps before the timer reaches 30 seconds (will show as 30000)! To get snap, you must see two cards the same
and then press O, if you have got a snap you score will go up by 1. If you get 5 snaps before 30 seconds you win. If the timer gets to 30 seconds
before you get 5 snaps you will loose. This may sound easy, but the cards are placed at random!
.:.:.::Thanks and credit::.:.:.
kozine: To myself for thinking and coding the game
Gutya: For help along the way
Vaza: For help along the way
c5cha7: For helping me get on with the game
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May 15th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Ultimax has released a Wallpaper/background creator for the PSP, heres what he says:
Ok, this program is very easy to use. left click on pattern to choose the colour of the gradient, and right click on the button to select the type of gradient.left click on bars to select the media bar colours and the transparency, right click to select wether or not to have an extra space at the top of the bar for the USB mode notice. left click on add bg to choose a background and the transparency.
left click on text to place some text, and left click again when you are satisfied with the position.
Left click again on any of thos buttons to remove them. Use save to export the background once you're satisfied with the results. This wont run on the PSP, but i made it for the PSP, so i hope it fits here.
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via ultimax
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May 15th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: mameuser
Yoyofr and Laxer3a have released a new version of the best Snes emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
Hi all, new version's ready
it comes with some bugs fixed , some others not
get it as the usual place :
here's a quick list of changes :
[FIX] key combo are now allowed in game when not assigned to a specific feature (L+R, ...).
[FIX] annoying ingame popups ("3", ...) should be gone.
[FIX] sound issues after loading a savestate should be gone.
[FIX] noise issue when starting a game fixed.
[FIX] now should exit without crashing on psp 2.xx.
[FIX] uncompressed rom now have loading progress bar too.
[FIX] improved ips patch handling, still not perfect. Try to IPS patch your game before putting them on PSP.
[FIX] credits screen fixed.
[NEW] me version : started to implement a "pseudo sleep mode". psp clock is reduced, screen is turned off and buttons won't respond.
however, the backlight cannot be switched off automatically, neither the psp put to real sleep mode.
hold the display button for 2s to completely turn off the LCD.
[NEW] GUI reworked a bit.
[NEW] beep sounds when selecting stuff in menu & file browser can now be turned off in menu / misc / pad beep.
[NEW] sound output volume doubled.
[NEW] added a 300Mhz setting for eLoader 0.97 (333Mhz won't work on this eLoader version, because of wifi : thx fanjita ;-) )
[NEW] savestate export to snes9x (using snes9x slot 1). Copy the SAVES/<game rom filename>.000 to your PC and load in snes9x.
[NEW] little intro Press a button to skip it if you don't like it
so things like better cheats code handling, macros/combos handling, network features, ... will be part of releases!
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May 15th, 2006, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
MikeDX has released the first Beta of his port of MAME to the PSP, heres the details from the coder himself:
<blockquote>It's been a hard slog and I've lost a lot of sleep over it, but here it is. I hope you all enjoy it and give me LOTS of feedback!
The readme:
This is BETA software. I make or offer no warranties with this software
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! It has been thoroughly tested and has known problems.
If you feel like donating via paypal please send to:
Alternatively (and maybe also ) please visit http://www.typingwand.com and use the search engine to find yerself some ebay bargains. Each person who bids using my site will put a few pence my way and that will help me out (and will not cost you anything!
Official forums at: http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS HERE
The following games are known to run near perfecty on MAMEPSP:
(hint, try romnation )
Ping Pong - pingpong
Kung-Fu Master - kungfum
Vulgus (Set 1) - vulgus
Pirate Ship Higemaru - higemaru
Son Son - sonson
Tetris (set 1) - atetris
Commando (world) - commando
Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) - gng
1942 (set 1) - 1942
Jr. Pac-Man - jrpacman
Pengo (aset 1 rev c) - pengo
Crazy Climber (US) - cclimber
Jail Break - jailbrek
Green Beret - gberet
Mat Mania - matmania
Ms. Pac-Man - mspacman
Scramble - scramble
Amidar - amidar
PuckMan (Japan set 1) - puckman
Galaxian (Namco set 1) - galaxian
Track & Field - trackfld
Flicky (128k Ver.) - flicky
Wonderboy (set 1) - wboy
Arkanoid (World) - arkanoid
Frogger - frogger
Mario Bros (US) - mario
Bagman - bagman
Space Invaders - invaders
Bomb Jack (set 1) - bombjack
Lady Bug - ladybug
Mr Do! - mrdo
Mikie - mikie
Kicker - kicker
Defender (Red label) - defender
Robotron (Solid Blue label) - robotron
Joust (White/Green label) - joust
PUT ROMS (zipped preferably) to
X:\PSP\GAME\MAMEPSP (where X is your PSP)
select - credit
start - 1p start
X,O etc - player buttons
L - in game menu (and menu in frontend)
R - pause/unause
D-PAD - joystick controls
L+R (ingame) - QUIT to menu
This version of mame has issues where the ram may not be freed correctly but
this will be fixed in future versions.
Source code avaiable on request and will be uploaded as a seperate archive
to the forums at http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk
Happy gaming!
Thanks to:
Wraggster, Martin64 for hosting
Eggman for testing
Suze, my beautiful girlfriend for putting up with my nerdiness for hours on end 
And you, for downloading and using this program!
Download and Give Feedback at the official site here --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk
Excellent work 
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May 15th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: mameuser
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have updated the stand alone version of the Links Homebrew Web Browser
Quick What's new:
-Added rename() to newlib, now saving configuration files/bookmarks should work again.
-Now L+UP/DOWN = PgUp/PgDown again.
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May 15th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Via Akihabara
The company called AMEX Digital from Hong Kong presents the first Media Center PC with integrated Blu-Ray drive. This HTPC is based on the Intel Viiv platform, it has an HDMI and DVI port and it also comes with 1TB of HDD... a real monster, this PC!
Thanks to Siuyin for the info!
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May 15th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Sony's Phil Harrison has recommended the purchase of Nintendo Wii as a second console, firing back at recent comments from Microsoft over the pricing structure of the PlayStation 3.
In an interview with US website Gamepro.com, Harrison stated that he believes "Nintendo will be the second system consumers purchase after PlayStation 3," praising the company's innovation but stressing that the Wii is in a different market to the PS3 and effectively describing the next-gen console war as a direct fight between Sony and Microsoft.
The launch strategy for the PS3 was announced last week in Los Angeles during the pre-E3 Sony press conference. Executives from the Japanese giant are fighting a battle from the outset in their efforts to justify the hefty EURO 500-600 price tag for the new console, which supports the costly Blu-Ray disc format as opposed to Microsoft's HD DVD compatible Xbox 360.
Microsoft was quick to lay scorn on the announcement, with Peter Moore telling gamesindustry.biz: "I'm trying to rationalise USD 500 and USD 600. I'm trying to rationalise whether Blu-Ray, a format that hasn't hit the market yet, can justify that pricing" and suggesting that consumers could buy an Xbox 360 and Wii for less than the cost of a PS3.
"I know what Peter was getting at with his price point issue but he's not comparing apples to oranges," Harrison commented. "It's clearly a case that PlayStation 3's price is justified by PlayStation 3's value. That's what consumers base their purchasing decisions on - value."
"What we have in addition to a great game system is a Blu-Ray player, a network platform, a new controller, and HDD in every system combined in an unbelievably compelling package. And frankly I'm amazed that we can do it so cheaply," Harrison added.
Sony has been accused of offering little real innovation in its next-gen machine, with a network community service remarkably akin to Microsoft's existing Xbox Live service (for which the Redmond giant has announced massive expansion plans), a controller that borrows ideas from Nintendo's motion-sensing Wii controller, and an expensive optical media format that, at present, remains untested and could have pushed the price of the PS3 beyond the reach of a substantial segment of the interactive entertainment audience.
Additionally, Microsoft will have had a year's head start on Sony, with the company aiming to have an installed base of 10 million Xbox 360 customers by the time the PS3 launches. Exactly how the console war is going to turn out is open to bets at the moment, but Sony will certainly have to work hard to re-establish its dominance of the console market with the next-generation of machines - while Sony and Microsoft fight for customers, Nintendo could easily swoop in with a significant global audience for it's latest 'disruptive technology' platform.
Dont you just love to see companies bitch and gripe :P
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May 15th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo's wacky action-puzzler Tokobot didn't make a massive splash when it was released for Sony's PSP, but Tecmo is no doubt hoping to make more ripples when the series rumbles onto PS2 later this year in Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri.
In case you didn't know, Tokobot has you exploring a series of environments with an army of robots at your side. Using simple commands you can make your Tokobots line-up and perform different tasks, like building bridges and ladders. A bit like Pikmin with batteries then.
Tokobot Plus is set to feature "significant upgrades" and "new elements", it says here, in addition to graphical tweaks from the PSP version of the game. Apparently, we can also expect to see 10 new stages, 30 different enemy types and a time attack mode in the series' home console debut.
Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri is due out in Q3 2006. We'll let you know how it turns out.
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May 15th, 2006, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via Joystiq
Pro-G has some new details on the handheld versions of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. DS owners will have bragging rights with wireless 2-player co-op mode and 4-player versus mode, as well as customized touch screen controls.
PSP gamers also have the co-op mode, in addition to a timed challenge mode that features unlockable characters from the first game. Unlockables are cool, but this is sure to introduce some continuity problems in the storyline. Then again, keeping track of all the Star Wars timelines ain't like dusting crops, boy! There, I said it.
All eight versions of LEGO Star Wars II are scheduled for a September 12 release date.
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May 15th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from PlayAsia:
Europe Logitech PS2™ Racing Wheel Special Offer: Pro Model at US$ 109.90 (€87/£59), EX Model at US$ 69.90 (€55/£38) including VAT - Shipped within Europe only
Expanding our exclusive selection of products shipped only within the European Union (including VAT), we are now happy to offer two of the most likely most popular steering wheels for PlayStation2™. Yes, of course we are talking about Logitech's Driving Force series (which is also known as GT Force series).
The following products are official European Version products and shipped from our logistic partner only within the European Union. This means prices include local VAT, you won't be charged any additional import fees upon arrival of the products.
From the manufacturer: Get ready to experience the most realistic steering wheel ever made. With 900 degrees of wheel rotation, the Logitech® Driving Force Pro duplicates the true to life steering dynamics of cars like never before on your PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. And for games that don´t support 900 degree steering, the wheel automatically switches to standard 200-degree mode. Add in state-of-the-art Force Feedback technology, and you have the most advanced, most authentic driving experience in gaming. The advanced rack and pinion steering system lets you turn through 2-1/2 steering wheel rotations. The rubber wheel, sequential stick shifter, and responsive gas and brake pedals all combine for an incredible level of performance. Get behind the Driving Force Pro and get as close to reality as possible... no seatbelts required.
The Logitech Driving Force Pro - the ultimate PlayStation2™ racing wheel solution - is now available at US$ 109.90 (approx. €87/£59 including VAT) for a limited period of time.
Product features:
Drive in comfort. Soft, full rubber wheel realistically turns 2-1/2 times lock-to-lock. See a list of games that support 900 Degree Steering mode.
Use it with other racing games. The Driving Force Pro automatically switches to 200 Degree Steering compatibility mode.
Feel all the action with state-of-the-art force feedback technology.
Drive like a pro! Textured floorboard features responsive gas and brake pedals and exclusive no-slip carpet grip system. Sequential stick shifter, wheel-mounted paddle shifters, and a full set of PlayStation buttons give you all the control you need.
From the manufacturer:Combining industry-leading force feedback technology with a standard PlayStation®2 racing wheel, the Logitech® Driving Force™ EX gives you unprecedented control for all your driving games.
Drivers, start your engines! The Logitech Driving Force EX helps you live your racing dreams in any PlayStation2 racing game. Logitech´s new wheel comes with two interface plugs: the standard PlayStation 2 controller plug, ensuring the wheel will work with any PlayStation 2 game; and a USB plug that allows the Logitech Driving Force EX wheel to deliver realistic force feedback. The Force feedback technology provides realistic directional resistance as you encounter bumps, ridges or potholes on your way to victory lane. Even in games that don't support Logitech force feedback, the controller port connection will keep you on the starting grid. Comfortable rubber grips, responsive gas and brake pedals, and wheel-mounted shifters round out the most complete racing wheel available. The checkered flag will be yours!
As a slightly more economic solution, the Logitech Driving Force EX is in stock now at US$ 69.90 (approx. €55/£38 including VAT) only.
Product features:
Use it with all your favorite PS2 racing games: works with Gran Turismo® series, Need for Speed™ series, Burnout® series, NASCAR® series, and Grand Theft Auto series.
Experience the road. Feel all the bumps, car handling and crashes just as in real life!
Conveniently control menu selections. D-pad enables you to view changes and make other standard directional pad controls in driving games.
Gain quick access to control functions with 4 PlayStation Action Buttons.
Shift gears easily with 2 wheel-mounted paddles.
Honk your horn, use your windshield wipers and turn on your lights with 4 secondary action buttons. Gas and brake pedals add to the realism and precision of your driving experience.
Buy at Play Asia
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May 15th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
As if there already wasn't enough reason to pick up Capcom's latest PSP title, the company has announced the best promotional item since Tecmo tried to include a life-size inflatable Kasumi with a special edition of the Xbox. Capcom will be included an actual bikini in the limited edition of Finder Love, which hits the Japanese PSP on 6/29, just in time for the summer beach season.
Since we're sure only a handful of you keep up with the cutthroat world of live action Japanese love sims (this week's newsletter is coming soon, boys!), here's what Finder Love is all about. Finder Love is a combination gravure disk and love sim focusing on three hot Japanese girls: Hara Fumina, Hoshino Aki and Risa Kudo. The game lets players interact with the three hotties and snap pictures which can be then be traded with friends.
In a move that can only be considered a direct shot at Nintendo's Nintendogs, Capcom will be releasing Finder Love in three packages, each focusing on an individual girl. Hara Fumina fans can look forward to Finder: Love Hara Fumina -- Our Time Together. Hoshino Aki will be able to turn to Finder Love: Hoshino Aki -- Trouble Randezvous in the South. Risa Kudo fans will want to check out Finder Love: Risa Kudo -- First Shot is With You. All names have been translated to rough English equivalents.
Those who want the bikini will want to pick up the limited editions of each of these titles. Each limited edition will include, in addition to a couple of pictures and an original DVD, a bikini designed in the image of the corresponding girl. For instance, bikini included in Risa's version is yellow and pink, just like one of the outfits Risa wears in the game!
Capcom warns that the bikinis can't be actually worn. We'll have to see about that!
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May 15th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Kozine has released MaDnEsS a Lua Game, heres the info:
Here it is, the completed version of my game MaDnEsS ( A rock collecting game). The game features 7 levels. Each level has its own background.
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May 15th, 2006, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has released a 3D Engine for rendering Dungeons, heres the info:
"I've made a very simple 3d engine for rendering dungeons. Right now you can just walk around and load levels. The levels can be defined easily in ascii files. I have tested only on firmware 1.0. Maybe someone can test under other versions?
Hope I can make some game out of this soon...
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May 15th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Art who has released X-Flash on our forums has released a new Pong Game for the PSP, heres the details from him:
"Here's the second preliminary release of Power Pong. It's about up to a normal Pong game standard now.
- CPU Player can now be beaten by Human as the
CPU player is handicapped as game speed increases.
- Score Keeping is implemented. First player to score 5 points wins.
- Eccentric ball spin implemented to try to keep things interesting.
You might want to use the PSP on its side. I will try different difficulty settings for the next version.
Cheers, Art."
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via art
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May 15th, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
DRAGULA96 has released a new Card game for the PSP, heres the details:
"thow the card fighter 2 folder into your psp/games/luaplayer/applications folder and enjoy.
very basic random number generator program with cards based on street 2 fighter champion edtion.
if your card beats theirs you win else you loose, if both characters have the same bp its a double k.o.
I dont know if this might turn into something or not.
I might add more charecters and effects later.
the most ovius thing to do is ad more gameplay elements like sp moves or somthing."
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May 15th, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Jsharrad has released an updated version of Miner PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>MinerPSP v1.1
MinerPSP is based on the game Miner VGA released into the public domain by Harrel W. Stiles in 1989.
You control a miner who's objective is to go underground, collect, and sell valuable materials to win the love of Miss Mimi. She likes rich men but
money is not the only thing that will win her heart....
Changes in V1.1
Bugfix: Miss Mimi will no longer marry you as soon as you get into the bar.
Bugfix: The screen will no longer scroll without you if you hit a hazard off map.
Fix: Changed the pricing of torches and how long they last. Less $, more light.
Fix: Instructions are a little more helpful now, use d-pad right to scroll pages.
Fix: Slightly lowered hazard spawn rate and increased mineral spawn rate.
New: Sound.
New: You can now have up to 6 saved games instead of just 1. ***
New: Clover added! Always in first 1000ft. It is said to give the luck of the Irish.
New: Search the area button. Press Cross while underground to check the area out.
Doing this uses more of your torch/lantern though.
***Previous saves should work with this new system, the data was changed a little bit
but the ones I tested were compatible. You need to enter the saves directory and
rename your miner.sav to miner0.sav for it to show on the list.
Start---------------------Main menu / Close menu / Cancel Save & Load
Cross--------------------Select menu item while menu open
Cross--------------------Search area while underground
D-Pad--------------------Move miner
D-Pad Up----------------Enter building
Hold R + Up/Down------Elevator up/down 100ft
Hold Circle---------------Inventory window
Hold Triangle + --Drill granite at
Hold Square + ---Bail water at
Hold L + press R--------Use dynamite (requires a torch)
Select--------------------Take a screenshot
There is only one clover, don't lose it. Buy a drill as soon as economically possible, you could get trapped by caveins with no way out otherwise.
Buy a bucket as soon as economically possible, you could get trapped by water springs with no way out otherwise. You will always try to run back toward the elevator when setting off dynamite, a clear path helps you get out of the blast radius.
You can walk faster in town by holding down the d-pad than in the dangerous mine. Light sources allow you to see minerals & hazards easier.
Digging tools reduce your mining costs. Woody's surgical blade is known to give miners a temporary boost in hitpoints at a cost. Many rumors are to be heard in the saloon. </blockquote>
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May 16th, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
DickyDick1969 a member of our forums has updated his application that allows you to stream movies via Wifi to the PSP, heres whats new in this release:
- complete revamped the socket stuff at the server and client
- removed libcurl
- removed CSocket @^%@#!!!
- added further support for rss
- fixed some bugs with rss
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May 16th, 2006, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
MikeDX posted this news on his site:
"LogiqX has kindly created a dat file for use with rom managers (clrmamepro/romcenter), which I have upload to the forum, so if that kind of thing is useful to you, enjoy 
Massive thanks to everybody for the feedback so far. Keep using my site to search for ebay goodies (and digg it where possible) and tell everybody! 
I'm looking for people to help me translate into french, spanish, italian and other languages. Also I'm looking for a nice logo and possibly a website (this one) design. Anybody out there interested?
Download and Give Feedback at MikeDX`s Site Here
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May 16th, 2006, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Who'd you think you were fooling, Sony? You go throw some big huge party celebrating the 10 year birthday of the Vaio and the launch of the Vaio UX Micro PC and your new flagship Blu-ray playing AR series 17-inch powerhouse laptop, replete with demo of early Blu-ray title House of Flying Daggers. And then you get done caught red-handed by a meddling reporter who discovered the Blu-ray playback is actually coming straight off a typical, normal old DVD+R. It's a sham, Sony, the whole thing's a sham! How are you gonna make a case for your laptop -- let alone Blu-ray as a format -- now that you tried to pawn off a DVD as a Blu-ray tech demo to a room full of industry professionals? We hope at least it was playing back a high def trailer, or something; now go to your room, you're gonna have some serious alone time, little mister.
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May 16th, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
UK retailer Gamestation has told our sister site, GamesIndustry.biz, that Sony has yet to confirm whether or not the lower spec 20GB version of the PlayStation 3 will go on sale in the UK.
As previously confirmed, Gamestation is already taking pre-orders for the 60GB model - but is not currently offering the option to reserve a 20GB version.
Speaking to GI.biz, a spokesperson said: "Gamestation are currently taking pre-orders for the PS3 60GB sku, on the understanding this will be the most popular and available (if not only) sku launched."
"When a final decision has been made by SCEE as to whether the 20GB sku will be released in the UK or not, Gamestation will react accordingly."
The spokesperson went on to say that the company was keen not to mislead consumers by "taking pre-orders for a console that has not been confirmed for release by the publisher."
"At this early stage in the pre-order campaign, Gamestation are acting on confirmed information only, and are in no way suggesting that should the PS3 20GB sku be released it would not be available to pre-order in Gamestation stores."
Yesterday, a Sony spokesperson said the company was "still in planning" with regard to the UK PS3 launch, adding that sales teams "are currently liasing with retailers/buyers to discuss projections and consumer demands" for both PS3 configurations.
For many in the industry, it would not come as a great surprise if Sony declined to release the 20GB PS3 in the UK. Microsoft launched two Xbox 360 bundles last year - the 'Premium' system, which came with a hard drive, and the 'Core' system - and demand was much greater for the Premium bundle. Since it sold old much faster, many consumers keen to get their hands on an Xbox 360 but faced with the problem of stock shortages were forced to opt for the Core system instead.
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May 17th, 2006, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
2old2play has a great editorial up regarding the next generation of gaming, and suggests that maybe 'next-gen' graphics and sound will not be what sells games this time around. Instead the next-gen champions will be the ones that provide better content and innovation in their games." From the article: "The average gamer is in their mid-thirties. Many of these adult gamers understand the value of a dollar and have a firm grasp on technological trends. The trend is simple: new technology arrives and costs a ton of money, then prices lower as newer technology hits the market. Developers are not screaming for larger removable disk capacity, yet Sony is forcing a consumer (and developer) to purchase a high capacity Blu-ray device 'for the future.' By the time Blu-ray and HD-DVD's are needed for gaming we will be in the 8th generation of console systems. Why force it on us now?
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May 17th, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
Sony has dismissed rumours that the 20GB PS3 will not be compatible with wireless controllers, and that consumers will not have the option to upgrade the hard drive.
"Both queries to my knowledge are completely false," a spokesperson told GI.biz.
"Both configurations will support bluetooth PS3 controllers. The only non-upgradeable feature of the 20GB configuration will be the HDMI output."
This confirms comments made by Sony's Phil Harrison in a recent interview with GI.biz, where he stated: "You can upgrade to whatever size of drive you like. You can put in any drive that you like - it is a computer, after all."
The spokesperson went on to reveal that Sony plans to release a Wi-Fi adaptor for the 20GB PlayStation 3. Consumers will also have the option to purchase a separate adaptor that will allow the use of memory sticks, SD cards and compact flash cards with the machine.
However, there's still no word as to whether the 20GB PlayStation 3 will make it to the UK at all.
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May 17th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
New Product from SuccessHK
(Preorder thats coming in 10 days)

A portable version of the creature-hunting game by Capcom's Resident Evil Outbreak creators. In Monster Hunter Freedom, challengers take on a variety of quests and conquer larger than life beasts either alone or with the aid of others. Building upon Monster Hunter and Monster Hunter G (both on PS2), Monster Hunter Freedom includes new missions, additional features and content adapted for the PSP system. Adventurers are now free to take their epic battles with them wherever they go, as they explore a unique world inhabited by ferocious monsters and become mighty hunters in this exciting action game. With a multitude of missions, quests, characters, weapons and more, the variety is virtually limitless. The game features both enhanced single player campaigns as well as multiplayer missions via the PSP system's ad hoc mode which allows up to four friends to band together for intense battles.

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May 17th, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sodr has released a new Homebrew Installer for the PSP which is aimed at new comers, heres the release info:
"What is This ?
This is a tool that you can use if you are unsure where to put your hombrew (it installs it for you automaticlly).
- Automaticlly install homebrew in the right directories for psps with firwmare version 1.0,1.5,2.0,2.01,2.5 or 2.6.
- Automaticlly install MPH Downgrader 1.0.1 and put all files needed in the right places.
- If you start it and tries to install homebrew on a 1.51/1.52 psp the program will automaticlly ask if you want to update to 2.0
and then install 2.0 update eboot.
- Super user-friendly interface
- Comes bundled with installations of kxploit and eLoader
(patched v0.97 "bock")
- Includes readme's to every program it contains (so it's impossible to fail)
- Every term that can be hard to understand is explained (eg. firmware,
1.5 homebrew format, drive letter etc.)
Just run the PSPAHI.msi installer and follow the instructions.
--- !!! IMPORTANT: Make sure you install the program to:
--- C:\Program Files\PSPAHI\PSP Automatic Homebrew Installer\
--- Don't install it to somewere else since it will make the program
--- to not work properly. (It should be standard dir while installing)
How to Use it Properly
- On 1.0/2.0/2.01/2.5/2.6:.
Just right click on the eboot.pbp you want to install and choose open with
and choose PSPAHI.exe. (If you like installing homebrew this way you might want to use the "Always use this program to open this filetype"-function.)
Choose your firmware version, select what drive letter your psp have, Enter the name of the homebrew and press "Install the homebrew!". Then you'r ready to rock!
On v1.5
If you have a psp with the 1.5 firmware you got to select the folders containing the eboots manually. To do that just start PSPAHI and follow the instructions you would have used if you were installing homebrew on a 1.0.
But before you click on the "Install the Homebrew!"-button you must select
the two folders manually by browsing for them. Do that by clicking "browse" in the 1.5 window. Then just press "Install the homebrew!" and have fun.
If you get an error the problem is almost everytime that the folders on the psp is wrong or the directory on the pc doesn't exist. You can easily fix this by formating you memorystick (everything on it will be deleted so back it up first). Do that by start you psp and go to sttings-->system settings--> format memorystick.
If you get problems on the pc it's probably because you have installed the
program in the wrong directory. Just reinstall it and make sure the install path is C:\Program Files\PSPAHI\PSP Automatic Homebrew Installer\ and nothing else."
The download is a rather hefty 31mb. Heres the Download Link
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May 17th, 2006, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via t3
You'll have to strain your ears really hard to hear the PS3. With all the buzz surrounding the PlayStation 3’s announcement last week, one fact slipped under the radar – the PS3 will be the quietest of the next-gen consoles.
A games console’s cooling system usually requires several fans which can make quite a bit of racket, but Sony is claiming that the PS3, large and powerful as it is, belts out less noise than one of those tiny slimline PS2s.
It might seem like a small point – after all, most of us have the sound cranked up fairly loud when playing games – but when you consider that Sony and Microsoft are also battling it out in the movie and music-playing stakes, its importance is clear: Sony doesn’t want anything as simple as a noisy fan spoiling its machine’s Blu-ray and DVD playback.
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May 17th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSP3D
A few weeks ago, Neuros Technology announced problems regarding the new firmware 2.7 for PSP with the Neuros Recorder 2, a device which converts and copies video/TV straight into the PSP, due to new MP4 headers introduced by Sony in the new firmware. Not only was this issue affecting PSPs from properly recieving data, but also, all recorded MP4s using Recorder 2 before you upgraded to the new firmware would no longer work on your PSP. Neuros has just now given a final confirmation that, sometime this week, a new firmware will be released for the Recorder 2, which will alleviate those problems introduced in firmware 2.7, and will add some nice new features to the device as well. Check them out below.
Coming features in new firmware include:
- Compatability with FW 2.7 for the PSP is fixed.
- Increased the recording audio level by 30%.
- Recording resolution optimized for mobile Phones (QCIF).
- One optimized for most smartphones (QVGA 15 frames per second instead of 30 fps, 30 fps is too fast for chips used in most phones).
- Optimized the recording resolution for the iPod, you can now record in fine and superfine quality for the iPod (that is 1.2 Mbps and 1.5 Mbps respectively, double of the max quality before).
- Increased the bit for VGA recording from 2 to 2.5 Mbp.
Check out the official Neuros website to look out for the new firmware this week here.
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May 17th, 2006, 01:48 Posted By: wraggster
Our man PSmonkey posted a little update on his Nintendo 64 Emulator:
Though blind thinking last night I figured out a posible spot to increase speed & will try testing it out later tonight. I also found out that implementing a texture cache should speed up a few roms (specialy quest which jumped to about 17-20fps inside the castle
Awesome stuff, keep your eye pulled to his website here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
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May 17th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Our hosted PSP Review site posted a new review the other day, heres an excerpt:
Sony is a little late with releasing a screen protector of their own. But at the same time, people should know that the first thing to get is a screen protector. If you dont, you do now.
Applying the screen protector is fairly simple. If you place the screen protector is placed slightly off and you're anal like me, its easy to lift up and replace again. If there is a bubble or a small piece of dust/dirt inbetween the protector and screen, all you have to do is just lift up the corner where the debris is and use a piece of scotch tape to remove the debris.
When I place any screen protectors, I dont use my fingers. I use two pieces of scotch tapes, one on the top right corner and one on the bottom right (if there is no tap on the screen protector). This allows me to align the screen protector before placing it down.
Read this and up to 40 More PSP reviews here --> http://reviews.dcemu.co.uk/
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May 17th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA.
The Competition has one full day in GMT time left:
You can submit any Game, Demo or APP written in Lua, full rules can be found on the competition page.
Heres the Prizes:
The Prizes to the winner are
Multi Cradle

The Multi-Cradle is a cradle style charging solution that includes stereo speakers, multiple viewing angles, and stylish blue lights.
Lithium Battery Pack 2600mAh
A high quality lithium battery pack able to be recharged over 10,000 times. The battery pack provides 2600mAh of power for your PSP.
Replacement Faceplate (e.g. Liquid Platinum) (color winner's choice)

Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Replacement Button Set (e.g. Agent Orange) (color winner's choice)

Replacement button set for PSP including the digital pad (D-Pad), Analog stick and all face buttons including the 4 main action buttons, start, select & home, volume, audio and display.
Now this competition is aimed towards those who are new and not so experianced or to those who just want some neat accessories.
Full Details on rules at the Competition Page, Let the LUA CODING BEGIN 
AT the request of many of the coders the prizes will be split between the top 2 entrants.
To Coders, Please PM me or use our Private Devs forum to upload your entrys 
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May 17th, 2006, 02:06 Posted By: Damian666
It seems that MaSt3r_ShAk3 has released a simple, yet creative program coded in Lua. His program is known as Flipbook. Though this is first program, it's only a public beta release, but other then that, it seems to be quite fun. Here are some things in his own words:
"Hey guys, i finally have a decent beta ready it definitely needs some work but is enjoyable to a degree "
He also states that:
"There is a niggle though. Playback only works once. Once you hit triangle, it will playback. If you try again it won't. In that case, just press start and reload the game."
The control scheme for his program:
Analog stick - Window/Move Cursor
X - Draw
R - Next frame
Square - Clear frame
Triangle - Playback frames
Other than that, enjoy this program. If you don't have Lua Player, in which I believe most of you do, plug it in there. if not, then go find it here in the dev site.
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via MaSt3r_ShAk3
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May 17th, 2006, 02:24 Posted By: Damian666
After just a couple of hours since his last attempt at this homebrew. Dragula96 has yet again updated his wonderful card battling program, now from Alpha version 0.01 to Alpha version 0.02. Here's more detail on it:
The Added Extras:
-Tossed win/loose/draw format out the window
-Added player and CUP hp system
-Added 24 additional charecters (for a total of 36)
-SP still not implimented but visible
More words from Dragula96:
"I'm not much of a card game buff, but seeing cards bearing all these SF characters give me the much-needed walk along the old-school lane. If you're as much of a SF fanboy like me, then just download the game below and watch them in action once more."
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May 17th, 2006, 03:35 Posted By: gotmilk0112
ELoader Patch Released
Fanjita and Ditlew have released a Patch for the last Eloader Released, heres the details from their site:
It's been a little while since we updated eLoader, and a few people have been asking what's happening. So here's a little update on what we've been up to.
We spent a little time looking at various exploit possibilities, and some of that work is still on-going. We can't say much about what those involve, because the chances are that nothing will come of them, so there's no point in getting people excited. One thing that did come out of all that though, is Moonlight's discovery that GTA can be rebooted in UPDATE mode. If you're a developer with a v2.0 or v2.01 PSP, and want to explore update mode, then you can download an eLoader patch here that will allow eLoader to support UPDATE mode.
Note that this only works on v2.0 or v2.01, and is only useful to developers looking to explore the UPDATE mode environment. We don't yet have the syscall mappings for v2.5 or v2.6 - if you happen to have a v2.5 or v2.6, and understand how to obtain a memory dump using GTA, then please take a look in the README.TXT file inside that patch download. If you can obtain a memory dump from one of those firmwares in UPDATE mode, then with your help we would be able to generate the updated syscall mappings - thanks.
Remember - update mode isn't useful to the vast majority of PSP users, and probably won't lead to anything useful; but for developers, it's vaguely interesting to play with.
On other fronts, we haven't been doing much with eLoader recently, for several reasons:
We're busy cleaning up the code, trying to flush out some bugs and make a stable platform for further development. While we do that, it's difficult to also develop anything new.
-Fanjita's laptop, with his compiler and development environment, is away for repairs, so he can't do any work on the PSP for a week or so. While it's away, he's been working on a new project which should benefit all homebrew users, and will hopefully be unveiled in the next few weeks.
-Ditlew has been busy in his personal life, and also on a couple of side projects.
Have fun with UPDATE mode, we'll see you soon!
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May 17th, 2006, 11:32 Posted By: Atien
Hi! I started to learn C language three months ago to try to port Frontier Elite II for PSP.
I used Tom Morton's sourcecode of his GLFrontier PC port that can be found here.
The whole merit goes to him.
So today is the first beta release! (v0.1)
The game is slow when there is a lot of stuff drawn in the 3Dview, but is almost playable when you are in space.
You can save/load your commander, but don't try to rename your save file in the game: there is no OSK implemented yet so it will freeze your PSP.
If you want to change your commander name, just rename the save file in FRONTIER/SAVS directory using your computer.
You can download FRONTIER 1337 on my dedicated website.
The game is for 1.5 firmware users only: just unpack/copy FRONTIER and FRONTIER% folders to ms:/PSP/GAME
I didn't make EBOOT for 1.0 and didn't try it on 2.X
Now, I'm taking a little break for my exams and then I'll start to speed the game up...
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May 17th, 2006, 11:44 Posted By: CoderX
Here is team matrix release for the coading compation
It is called
Avalaunch (Penguin BobSled) v0.1
This is a fun dodge the bolders game
It currently has 2 levels and sound, and fetures everyone's favorate Penguin Tux
I played it for 4 min and had fun, so i hope you all do as well
This is a playable demo and could use a few more things, so im calling it v0.1beta

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Just a Little Note
Team Matrix is looking for bricked psps so if you have no need send it in, it is for the develpment of fw mods
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May 17th, 2006, 12:23 Posted By: mameuser
NJ has updated his NeoGeoCD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
translation of news via google follows:
It is command list functional test edition.
As for command.dat MAM32 Plus! Please download from the home page.
Modification/correction being completed
Size of [huontodeta] was decreased.
Japanese the font was drawn up.
The font for [komandorisuto] was drawn up.
Font anti alias processing of drawing was corrected.
In the midst of job
[komandorisuto] and simple text display function.
(As for the text viewer whether you stop,)
Corresponding failure
Network opposition function.
Only 1 there being PSP where the original software operates, because operation verification is impossible.
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Awesome news for PSP Homebrew Fans, Download and Give Feedback Via the Comments
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May 17th, 2006, 12:29 Posted By: mameuser
Raf has released a new version of the Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP, heres whats new:
Wifi "Connect to" dialog, simple, unelegant and dirty
Renamed screenshots to PSPLinks2_xxx.
Changed threads priorities to more sensible values.
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May 17th, 2006, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Since Sony's initial unveiling of PlayStation 3, it has been known that a new Getaway game was in the making for the next-gen console. But little more has been seen of the sequel... until now.
Sony showed next-gen footage of a photo-realistic London from the game as a tech demo to illustrate PS3's processing power at last year's E3, and released the impressive shots seen in our images tab, above. But while the new trailer - downloadable from the link above - is short, it demonstrates the attention to detail and realism we can expect from the game.
Rumours surrounding the project suggest that it won't be called The Getaway 3 as plans are for it to be somewhat different to the previous two titles in the series. It will, however, be set in the same universe and, from the trailer, it's obvious that it will have the same gritty and mature action.
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May 17th, 2006, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory is hoping that its martial arts action game, Heavenly Sword, will be the start of a big franchise for PlayStation 3.
Ninja Theory is "thinking really big in terms of a franchise," the developer's chief technology officer Mike Ball told Edge magazine, continuing, "obviously our focus now is on the first Heavenly Sword but there's a big story to be told beyond that".
Heavenly Sword tells the tale of a young girl called Nariko, the daughter of a clan leader whose role is to protect the sword. She is then forced to wield the cursed weapon in order to wreak revenge when her father is killed by an evil king.
Nariko's story is only a small part of the Heavenly Story back-story as Ball explains: "the game is all about Nariko, but the sword itself has a story that's going to play out through a number of titles."
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May 17th, 2006, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
Lemmings, the classic gotta-save-'em-all puzzler, is heading to PS2 with some clever EyeToy functionality. The game will feature a select number of levels that can be played using Sony's EyeToy device, with you using your body to usher the suicidal rodents to safety, like in this screenshot.
The EyeToy levels are precise enough to allow you to use your arms to bridge gaps, flick individual Lemmings across the screen with your fingers, or flap your hands to blow boatfuls of critters across watery areas. Sony hasn't announced a firm release date yet, but Lemmings is expected by the end of the year, so you better get limbered up for your role as rodent hero.
Screenshot HERE
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May 17th, 2006, 15:37 Posted By: modsyn
modsyn (aka myself) released version 4 of his PMPMod/PSPlayerMT video encoder.
This version crams in a good many new features including:
- Drag N' Drop: drop a file onto the window or onto pMEnc.exe
- Batch Mode: create XML batch files (either by hand or generated with the provided program)
- Target Resolution: can encode for resolutions other than the PSP (for .avis/DVD rips)
- PMPMod v2 Support: now comes standard with pmp_muxer for PMPMod v2
pMENc is aimed at users with little or no video encoding experience with the
goal of making high resolution videos for the PSP a breeze.
find the release and more here
keep in mind it's a pre-release, so please report any bugs you may find
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May 17th, 2006, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
It became clear at E3 last week, whilst talking to numerous senior development personnel at the show, that Sony had finished adding on the motion sensing capabilities of the PS3 controller right at the last minute.
With only one game at the show making use of the motion sensor aspect of the controller - the internally developed Warhawk (click here for SPOnG's hands on) - there were soon whisperings across the show floor that Sony had nicked Nintendo's big motion-sensing control idea.
And perhaps they have, in part? Though we have to be clear on the fact that the two controllers are still completely different. Simply put, the Wii's two-part controller makes use of full 3D motion sensing, whereas the PS3 gyroscope and accelerometer powered controller is based around the controller's tilt and motion. There is no external sensor to measure exactly where the controller is in 3D space, so there is no way in which Sony is planning to 'rip-off' Wii games, as some misinformed Nintendo fanboys were claiming last week. At best, the PS3 controller could try to plot relative movements and use them to guess at an absolute position. That's the equivalent of navigating a boat by going 100 miles north then 50 miles west instead of using GPS - it'll get you somewhere close, but errors will add up. Not so much of a problem in a boat where you can see land, but a bit imprecise in a games console.
Sony did attempt to spin the fact that not needing an external sensor bar was in some way an advantage, but for most it is hard to see what they were getting at, other than having a cheap dig at Nintendo.
There is also the fact that, as backed up by a 1999 patent, Sony have been working on motion sensing technology for a while now. However, there was no evidence what so ever that the technology was slated for PS3 until this year's E3. Well after Nintendo showed the Wii (then still Revolution) controller at the Tokyo Games Show.
One announcement that Sony managed to slip out last week that didn't seem to garner the attention it perhaps should have done, is that the company have also decided to drop "DualShock" vibration control - which is surprising, as this seems to be a popular feature with PS2 gamers.
The reasoning given by Sony was that the DualShock's rumble feature interfered with the gyroscopic motion sensor in the PS3 controller. Sony also went on to refer to the PS2's rumble features as 'last generation' in order to further the idea that the PS3's motion-sensing controller is decidedly the next gen way forward.
More at Spong
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May 17th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Hitmen have produced a website full of very interesting info about the PSP, its more for Devs and hardware hackers than anyone else but it is worth a looksie.
Check it out Here
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May 17th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
It's been known for some time that LucasArts would be bringing back Indiana Jones in a next-gen adventure, with the company presenting some of the technology powering the game at E3 2006. Officially Indiana Jones will be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation3, although one LucasArts representative revealed additional platforms:
"...this game [Indiana Jones] is coming out on the Xbox 360, which is what we're showing here, as well as the PlayStation3. There's also going to be a PlayStation2 version as well as a PSP version and a DS version..."
So was this an intentional leak, or a case of letting the cat out of the bag when he shouldn't have? A quick check at LucasArts' site reveals that for the moment the company is standing by the next-gen claims.
We'll have our First Look preview at Indiana Jones on next-gen very shortly.
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May 17th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster

Via PSP Magazines
Jenny McCarthy - Get tucked in with Jenny’s favorite fairy-tale fantasies. Also, Free Ride’s Erin Cahill sexes up small-town America. And finally, Svetlana Shusterman - The Real World: Key West’s hottest housemate has been unleashed.
Download this rather nice Magazine Via Comments 
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May 17th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPVault
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has partnered with Rakuten to bring the "Infoseek News" RSS feed into "Dokodemo Issho: Let's School." Using the PSP's integrated wireless LAN function, users are able to attend the "News Class" at the school in the game, and view headlines acquired from the Infoseek News RSS feed. (Japanese press release here)
Also, Sony announced the release of a "Study Pack," which amounts to a Ceramic White PSP Value Pack that includes "Dokodemo Issho: Let's School" and a limited edition pen case.
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May 17th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
bronxbomber92 has released a Baseball Trivia Game for the PSP, heres what he says:
Well here is my first game ever! This will be one of a bunch in a series. So look forward to them. Graphix was done by CLMT. Remember this is only the beta. As of now it only has 13 questions. But don't worry, there will be 50+!
To Do
-add a lot more questions
-add a main menu
-add a end screen
-add some twists/secrets
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May 17th, 2006, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
gosugenji has released Lua Devkit for the PSP, heres the details:
This handy little LUA App is for finding all your X's and Y's and even a REALTIME color picker, it overlays any LUA APP if you follow the Instructions in the provided .TXT file
I have provided my Sample PSim Date game with the program as an example..
-==The Keys Are..==-
Start = Call Devscreen
L = Call Logscreen
R = Call Colorpicker
X = Draw on screen
Square = Cancel line
Triangle = Clear log and screen?
Circle = Go back
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via gosugenji
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May 17th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Earthworm Jim remains true to its past while revels in all the delights that today’s technology and portable gaming advancements offer. The story unfolds through the gameplay situations Jim finds himself in, and through the characters he meets and environments he explores. Jim continues his fight against the Queen and her allies, while his love for Princess-What’s-Her-Name grows, and his ever-lasting friendship with Peter Puppy is still a key element in his life. Like its predecessors, the game will feature imaginative and outrageous characters, playground-like-open-level-designs that are ripe for exploration, and a slew of puzzles, power-ups and zany environments. All characters, environments and effects will be crafted in 3D and Jim will sport a new look that is sleek and fresh. An expanded arsenal of moves and attacks will be available and two-player competition modes provide extended gameplay and unique experiences.
Check out the rest of the article and screenshots over at Worthplaying
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May 17th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Daniel Haverman has released ShoutPSP, heres whats in the readme:
ShoutPSP is a piece of software the will connect to a shoutcast server and fake it's a file download instead of a stream. This means your PSP will think it's a normal file-download (of 1GB large). If you put such a file in an rss feed it allows you to listen to your favorite shoutcast servers on your PSP anywhere and even with firmware 2.7
ip - the ip-address of the Shoutcast server
port - the portnumber for the Shoutcast stream
stream - the file-location of the stream
For example a stream at: Would be added to the RSS as:
There is a bug in the PSP's RSS parser in that it cannot at this moment handle xml-entities. So the & sign should be entered in the xml as an & and not as an as is specified by the xml specification.
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May 18th, 2006, 02:52 Posted By: Damian666
It appears our great Nintendo 64 moderator PSMonkey has been harrassed by a few people saying that Daedalus deserves more credit than him, because PSMonkey's Monkey64 is a port from PJ64. Here's more on what he has to say about it:
The Words of PSMonkey:
"Ok, I ment to post this sooner but was holding off so I can clean up the commenting. Since some people are so hell bent on proving daedalus did everything or I just fully stole every line of code from pj64, I desided to just post anways and if they need suport they can go **** them selfs."
Couldn't have said it better myself, those who criticize are the ones who don't know what a moderator goes through. PSMonkey deserves much credit, since his Nintendo64 emulator was built from thr ground up. He spends a great amount of time trying to bring us what we anticipate the most. I wish I could help with your project PSMonkey, honest to God I would love to help you, but I don't know that much about coding. Cheers to you my friend...and continue onward with your emulator, I'll do my best to keep those who don't know what they're talking about, at bay. If you have a bad comment, then keep it to yourself! You've been warned...
More Info at PSMonkeys Site Here http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
Additional Commentary by WRAGGSTER
The problem with the PSP scene is one where a lot of people have entered it who have no understanding of whats involved to make emulators and homebrew releases. A reason why we have only registered people comment on the forums is to stop idiots who just like to flame.
Remember everyone if it wasnt for the coders you would have no PSP Homebrew period
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May 18th, 2006, 09:51 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
SCEA boss Kaz Hirai has said that he expects around 15 software titles to launch with the PlayStation 3 this November, responding to comments from publishers criticising the firm's slow release of information to developers.
Speaking to business news service website Bloomberg, Hirai cited the 15 title figure and said, "I don't think there will be too much of an issue," with regard to software availability at the launch of the system.
However, publisher bosses including Sega of America's Simon Jeffrey and THQ's Brian Farrell were both open in their criticism of Sony's treatment of PS3 developers so far, with Jeffrey telling Bloomberg that "there certainly will not be a lot of titles available" at launch.
According to Jeffrey, "a lot of developers" have not received development kit hardware from Sony yet - although final development hardware is meant to be shipping out this month - while Farrell claimed that THQ is not developing The Sopranos for PS3 because it's "too risky" due to the lack of final hardware specifications.
Other publishers, however, disagreed with Jeffrey and Farrell's comments - with executives at Activision, EA and Ubisoft all weighing in to support Sony's development support strategy to date.
EA Worldwide Studios boss Paul Lee said that the firm is "happy" with the dev kits sent out so far, while Activision CEO Robert Kotick told Bloomberg that although their systems are not "final, final hardware", "we know what the processors' capacity is - we have active development underway."
Kotick added that he doesn't expect that the first titles launched for the PS3 will take advantage of more than a fifth of the capacity of the machine, however, stating that "this is the most sophisticated piece of consumer hardware ever."
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot agreed with Kotick's sentiments, but compared the situation at this point to the same point six months out from the launch of the Xbox 360 last year. "We won't be able to take advantage of all the components of the [PlayStation 3]," he commented, "but it was the same last year."
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May 18th, 2006, 09:53 Posted By: wraggster
A extended version of the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots E3 trailer running around last week - sheesh, that seems like years ago now - is now available to view. It runs close to 15 minutes in length and features, for hardcore Metal Gear Solid fans, a few sweet extras to chew on. Oh, and while we here, in case you missed it, here's a reminder that we caught up with MGS main man Hideo Kojima at E3 last week and assaulted him with many questions.
Trailer Here
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May 18th, 2006, 10:41 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this new product:

It is exclusively designed for First Person Shooters
Configured and pre-installed perfectly for most FPS Best Sellers
Ideally adjust the sensitivity of your mouse
Max Shooter is a plug-and -play adapter that allows you to play the best selling FPS games on your Xbox or PS2 console with a standard PS/2 mouse and keyboard.
Fully programmable and comes with pre-installed key configurations for the best games available on Xbox or PS2. Advanced features such as Deadzone adjustments and mouse control inversion guarantee best gaming experience with your favorite titles.
Xbox and PS2 version are now available !
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May 18th, 2006, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PS2 Release:

Years after the events of the first .hack installment, the popular but dangerous online game "The World" has been resurrected. As Haseo the Terror of Death, players are thrown into his quest for revenge in his search for the mysterious PK (Player Killer) Tri-Edge. This time, players will interact in the real and virtual worlds with fellow "The World" players through various chats, mails, and fully voiced video news clips. Together with Haseo's virtual partners, login to challenge and solve the mysteries of this new environment, "The World: R2". The second series in the .hack franchise, GU features both new and familiar characters, and each chapter of the series is designed to be more distinct from each other than the first .hack quadrilogy.
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May 18th, 2006, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PS2 Release:

Previewsly released on Microsoft's Xbox featuring an online function, this japanese puzzle arrives on the PlayStation 2. Players compete in the story mode or go head-to-head with others in the versus modes. The game looks and plays similar to Columns: match up three icons of the same color to clear them, but with the added catch that players don't change the order of icons, but their color. Pulling off combos in the multiplayer mode will conjure up special attacks, accompanied by on-screen character animations. The original Plus Plum released for Dreamcast.
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May 18th, 2006, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PS2 Release:

Juiced, as in life, is all about the car. Style comes in a close second to speed, and Juiced offers thousands of real-time modding combinations that empower players to create their ultimate personality-infused street machines. But it takes more than a fresh coat of pearlescent paint to earn respect on the road; it takes the ball bearings to go up against the trash-talking, nitrous- burning faithful who want to strip everyone of their cash, cars and pride. Juiced lets players connect with their community and share the high-octane action by recruiting drivers to become part of their crew and race together as a team to put the brakes on the competition. Features more than 50 licensed vehicles, including Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Dodge, Ford, Mazda Mitsubishi, Pontiac, Holden, Volkswagen, Fiat, Renault, Subaru, Peugeot and Chevrolet; Hundreds of authentic aftermarket parts from leading manufacturers such as A'PEXi, AEM, Bridgestone, Ferodo, Konig, Alpine and HKS that provide players with thousands of personalized vehicle customization combinations; Progressive, non-linear gameplay that enables players to build their characters and cars, and gain respect and notoriety by winning races and cash; Unique blending of simulation and the high-octane appeal of arcade-style racing; Ability to build custom racing crews that work together as a team to win races; Authentic car physics and damage; and Online head-to-head play.
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May 18th, 2006, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PS2 Release:

Beatmania II DX 11 - II DX Red - is the latest installment of Konami's popular DJ simulation game, combining high-energy pulsating music with cutting-edge videos. Utilizing a specially designed DJ controller and featuring more than 50 new songs, Beatmania II DX 11 - II DX Red- lets gamers feel the vibe, drop the beats and create the pulsing energy of a club in their own homes.
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May 18th, 2006, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
It's been over a week since Sony revealed that the PlayStation 3 would launch in November at two price points--$499 for a stripped-down 20GB model and $599 for the tricked-out 60GB model. However, the news is still reverberating through the industry, with more and more analysts weighing in on the matter in the form of notes to investors.
The latest firm to join the fray is DFC intelligence, which predicts the PS3's steep sticker price could cost it--and the game industry--dearly. "The higher priced the hardware, the lower overall industry growth will be," read a report the company issued this week. "The video game business model has been to build an installed base of tens of millions of users in a very short time frame. A key factor in this model is relatively low cost hardware... Unfortunately, there is a sinking feeling that things may have spun out of control for Sony and thus price cuts will be slow in coming."
Indeed, DFC says that the PS3's high price will make--or has already made--many consumers side with a next-gen rival. "With a $200 price difference now announced, consumers that were sitting on the fence can feel free to go buy an Xbox 360," read the report.
Along with the price, DFC reasons that the 360's stout software lineup will be another factor possibly causing consumers to shy away from the PS3. "In terms of game software it currently looks like the Xbox 360 will be able to match the PS3 punch-for-punch in the important genres like shooting, RPGs, racing, sports, Grand Theft Auto IV and others," asserts DFC. "Will Sony's brand name alone explain a $200 price difference to the gaming audience?"
While a shrinking Sony market share will be music to Microsoft and Nintendo's ears, DFC worries it might have have long-term negative impact on third-party publishers and developers. "Hardcore video junkies may go for the PS3's Blu-ray capabilities, as $600 is cheap for a new high-end technology like Blu-ray," said the report. "But if those guys are not buying game software, that does not do game publishers any good."
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May 18th, 2006, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Sony has no doubt examined Microsoft's next-gen console gaming debut under a microscope, hoping to glean lessons it could apply to the PlayStation 3 launch later this year. But even with the cautionary tale of the Xbox 360 well documented, Sony will likely still have obstacles to face, says Bloomberg.
The biggest problem Sony faces, according to the news service, is the delay in delivering the final specs of its machine to developers. Without final development kits or information on the machine, games pegged for the PS3 launch won't be able to take full advantage of the system's capabilities.
"A lot of developers have not gotten the [PS3 development] kits," Sega of America president Simon Jeffery told Bloomberg. "There certainly will not be a lot of titles available [at launch]."
The fact that games don't really grow into the potential of the consoles they're made for until well into the system's life cycle is nothing new for Sony--but the timing is. With Microsoft reversing the roles of first-to-market, Sony will be hard pressed to show what its system can do immediately, especially given Microsoft's full year head start and the fact that the top-line PS3 is one and a half times the price of the high-end Xbox 360.
Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai said that as many as 15 PS3 titles could be available for launch, slightly less than the 18 that the Xbox 360 launched with.
One reason for the shorter list could be apprehension, says Bloomberg. "It was too risky to do it," said THQ CEO Brian Farrell, explaining why his company's big-license game The Sopranos, due later this year, isn't in the works for the PS3. "It made no sense." The game will be released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2.
It will take both sense and cents to make games for the platform, says Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey. "Developing for Sony's platform is incrementally more complex than what you're looking at for Microsoft or Nintendo," he said. The costs of making games for the PS3, which could reach the $25 million mark, could alienate cash-conscious third-party publishers.
Other developers are taking a "work with what you've got" approach. Ubisoft's CEO Yves Guillemot doesn't see much of a difference from the situation with the Xbox 360. "We won't be able to take advantage of all the components of the machine, but it was the same last year," he told Bloomberg.
Even with development well under way, the machine's complexities could result in the launch titles showing off only a portion of what the machine can do. According to Bloomberg, Activision's CEO Bobby Kotick believes that the first generation of PS3 games will use only about one-fifth of the Cell processor's potential.
As for Sony's take? Hirai simply says, "I don't think there will be too much of an issue."
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May 18th, 2006, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPSMM:
Release by Sharko:
Frogger V1.0
Its been a while since ive released a new version of frogger and hopefully in next release ill be done with it completely.
Whats New
- Mp3 support plays mp3s from the music folder and press Ltrigger to go to prev song and Rtrigger to go to next song.
- GUI optimizations.
- Hit start and a pause menu comes up. At the bottom of the screen it displays the song you are listenning to.
- Frog nows hops.
- Small frogs in different colors have to collect each one and u get a new life.
- When u go into options of the main menu u can choose the speed of the cars.
- Bug fixes
- Took out second level because i thought it took away from the game.
- Frog doesnt go beyond the screens width and hight.
Future plans
- Add sound effects couldnt squeez that into this release but it will be in the next release for shure.
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May 18th, 2006, 13:21 Posted By: wraggster
Montrob has released a new Bomb Destroying game for the PSP, heres the info:
Here is the first public beta for AlphaAttackPSP. It has some features but needs alot more. Please leave comments on bugs and features you would like to see.
*Has a menu!
*Regular Bombs!
*One Level!
*Play it vertical!
*Add rotating bombs, chomper bombs, blimps, and aliens!
*Add at least 9 more levels!
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via montrob
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May 18th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Although the PS3 is due a simultaneous worldwide launch in November, it seems that Europe may not get the cut down 20Gb model at all, and our home territory definitely won't be getting that E3 announced pre-pay card for online gaming.
That's the latest word from Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ray Maguire anyway, who, speaking exclusively to respected UK trade mag MCV revealed that the lower end PS3 may not even make an appearance over in these here parts.
"The lower-end 20Gb version of PlayStation 3 has no wi-fi, no HDMI and none of the other slots in it, so it's really a question of where we would position it. It's more likely that we will only launch the 60Gb version," opined Maguire."
It's an interesting proposition given the largely negative reaction to the lower spec PS3 over on this side of the Atlantic, in much the same way Microsoft's Core Xbox 360 pack wasn't entirely warmly received. Price will obviously be a crucial decider but with the 60Gb PS3 likely to weigh in around the 425-430 GBP mark (the price will ultimately be decided by retailers and the exchange rate - despite every other site jumping on the 425 GBP bandwagon today), there may be little appetite in the UK and Europe for a lower end machine, shorn of what many perceive to be its most attractive features.
Maguire continued, "We have time to watch the yen and be flexible, but that 60Gb version looks like 425 GBP in the UK at the moment. High trade margins in the UK are likely to see it come in with that kind of street price."
"It's five months until launch, so we have time for dialogue with retailers. Maybe the early adopter price for PlayStation 3 is really upwards of 2,000 GBP, given that retail has a great opportunity to drive HDTV TV sales," added Maguire.
"And we won't be launching the pre-pay card for online that was demonstrated at the press conference. It's not right for the UK - [it's] too difficult to launch or manage."
So no 20Gb PS3 for Europe it seems, if Sony continue thinking this way. But is that a good or bad for gaming? Surely most early adopters will want the full 60Gb monster, so a 20Gb version would just be a waste of time from Sony's perspective. We'd be delighted to hear what you think in the comments below.
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May 18th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
It's received some good reviews, can record 25GB onto a single-layer Blu-ray disc in 45 minutes, and now it's available for purchase -- if you've got a grand to spare. We're talking, of course, about Pioneer's BDR-101A Blu-ray burner, one of the first products of its kind to hit store shelves. The 2X E-IDE internal burner for PCs is now available from Tiger Direct for $999.99, and the etailer claims it will ship units in "7-21 days." Start clicking if you just can't bear to wait. And don't forget to budget an extra $25 a pop for those blank BD-Rs.
Via Engadget
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May 18th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Article From Joystiq
We've been wanting to put this post together for a while but always lacked the image to do it justice, so imagine our glee at spotting the advertisement at right while strolling through London's Soho district.
When the Xbox 360 launched in Japan, certain English-speaking bloggers jumped all over photographs like this one to support their claims that the Xbox 360 had been marked down to about $170 USD because retailers were desparate to rid themselves of inventory. At the time, we refused to blog about this, because we knew that retailers were not, in fact, discounting the Xbox 360 but were bundling it with a cell phone contract. Editorially, we felt that any site that picked up the story was doing its readers a disservice.
One site even used the photograph to support the following dramatic lead sentence, "The train wreck that is the 360 Japan Launch continues."
In fact, the photograph had nothing to do with the volume of Xbox 360 sales.
Fast forward to today. By that same (faulty) logic, some Japanese blogger visiting London this month will go back home and breathlessly report that PSPs are in such low demand in the UK that they're being given away totally and completely free of charge. (This is of course patently false, as a cell phone contract is very lucrative. Baiting customers with an attractive consumer electronics device is a tactic used the world over.)
The point is that the advert at right tells us nothing about how the PSP is faring in Europe. This isn't a post about the PSP at all. It's a post about English bloggers in Japan who mislead their readership about the state of affairs in Japan. The mere fact that retailers consider the PSP (or Xbox 360) to be good bait for a lucrative cellular contract is actually a positive indicator that implies that both devices are attractive to consumers.
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May 19th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via MCVuk:
Speaking exclusively to MCV after a private retail briefing, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Ray Maguire immediately pinpointed the E3 revelations of a double configuration and online pre-pay cards as not necessarily right for this side of the Atlantic.
“The lower-end 20Gb version of PlayStation 3 has no wi-fi, no HDMI and none of the other slots in it, so it’s really a question of where we would position it. It’s more likely that we will only launch the 60Gb version,” said Maguire.
“It’s five months until launch, so we have time for dialogue with retailers. Maybe the early adopter price for PlayStation 3 is really upwards of £2,000, given that retail has a great opportunity to drive HDTV TV sales,” added Maguire.
“And we won’t be launching the pre-pay card for online that was demonstrated at the press conference. It’s not right for the UK – too difficult to launch or manage."
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May 19th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska has released METAL BLOB SOLID PSP (Blob Wars::: Episode 1) version 1.04 on his site, heres the info:

METAL BLOB SOLID PSP (Blob Wars::: Episode 1) version 1.04
This is a PSP adoptation of METAL BLOB SOLID from Parallel Realities (http://www.parallelrealities.co.uk)
- open source tactical 2D platformer.
- Over 25 missions
- More than 8 hours' gameplay!
- 4 difficulty settings
- Large levels with different environments, such as water, lava, ice and slime.
- Use a variety of different weaponary, including machine guns and laser cannons.
- Multiple objectives
- Jetpack and Aqua Lung items to find
- Optional blood and gore
- Boss Battles!
- Lots of sound effects and music tracks
- Configurable controls
- Cheats: get unlimited health, aqualung/jetpack, rapid fire, extra blood/gore, speed, access to all levels
- Level replay value - Return to previous levels to rescue all MIAs and optional objectives.
I'll let you figure out how to get to the cheat menu on PSP :-)
1.5 users: copy contents of 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.0 Please let me know if either version works with the latest eboot loader for 2.0 firmware
Please refer to documents in the docs folder for details.
Ocasionally, the game runs out of memory and prompts the user to restart.
Sometimes crashes occur short after the game was resumed after a powerdown.
PSPSDK compatible c++ source code & makefile are attached to this distribution.
Stephen Sweeney
Richard Sweeney
Denis Televnyy (http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk)
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May 19th, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
B4k4Zombie has released a simple Lua Game where you Poke the Penguin :P
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May 19th, 2006, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Blah who released a first version of his 3D Example for Lua a few days back is back with a new version, heres the details:
changes are more or less with the art ..i was testing terrains..sprites/billboards etc..(not using them for now but its all in there). im working on player stuff now..jumping, strafing, collision..etc.. i added a basic "head bob" function..(but its not finished at the moment)..to the first person camera..ummm analog works now....anyway... nothing too exciting..i do like the look a little better now though. change cameras by pressing select..
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via blah
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May 19th, 2006, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Theres a new Reader released for the PSP Called EjPSPReader, heres some details i could translate:
It is the software for PSP which reads blue sky library type. As for the latest edition the picture viewer (JPEG and PNG) as, you can use.
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May 19th, 2006, 16:36 Posted By: Cap'n 1time
PSmonkey has posted both good news and bad news today. The bad news is that he will be taking a break from working on his N64 emulator. The good news is that a new version of IRIS is promised to be released today! But PSmonkey didn't stop there! He has announced a new 3D fighting project too!
Post your comments on his original thread here.
Check out PSmonkeys DCemu site at http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/ .
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May 19th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: Cap'n 1time
Everyone who has started up RAF's awsome Links 2 browser for psp knows that the homepage is down. This actually confuses many into thinking that the browser is not detecting their wireless connection.
Raf has stated in his blog that he has migrated to a sourceforge page.
Be sure to update your bookmarks!
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May 19th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Having just spent the last few hours making the site a shtml site again we are happy to let you know that all those who are members can now see the Personal Info box to the right,
If you have an avatar it lets you see that plus tells you if have new private messages and lets you view the newest topics.
The site is back to a shtml site which with PHP includes is working rather sweet (i wish id have known it was possible near on a year ago )
Anyway i do apologise to those waiting for the coding comp, it may well be tommorow before i get that sorted but rest assured it will be done 
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May 20th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Why doesn't Sony's Playstation 3 controller give you the shakes? According to the company, the familiar DualShock-style force-feedback was dropped from the new controller in favor of motion-sensors. However, Immersion Technologies -- which sued Sony for using its haptic tech in earlier controllers -- believes that the controller could be made to rumble, and has some ideas for Sony about how to do it. The catch: Sony needs to drop its appeal of the verdict in Immersion's 2004 lawsuit, and pay Immersion the $90 million that the judge in that case awarded the company. And, of course, Sony would have to pay Immersion for whatever technology they use in the PS3 controller. Frankly, it doesn't sound like a bad deal. By continuing to appeal the lawsuit, Sony's risking another loss and piling up legal fees, and by dropping the shock, they're left with a controller that many have called a weak attempt to copy the Wii. Working with Immersion on a haptic solution could solve both problems.
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May 20th, 2006, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Via Reghardware
Neuros Technology has released a firmware update for its MPEG 4 Recorder 2 that allows the gadget to once again encode video that will play back on a PlayStation Portable with Firmware 2.7 installed. The new release also adds a set of phone-friendly recording formats.
Earlier this month, Neuros warned users that Sony's latest PSP system software update breaks compatibility with video recorded from TVs, DVDs, PVRs and other sources using the Recorder 2. The gadget's new firmware, version 2.0.12, fixes the problem and ups the volume of video soundtracks by 30 per cent.
Neuros also said the firmware now allows iPod-friendly video to be encoded at the Recorder 2's Fine (1Mbps) and Superfine (1.5Mbps) quality settings.
Finally, the update adds encoding resolutions of 176 x 120 and 320 x 240, both at 15fps, to create recordings better suited for playback on phones and PDAs. Neuros said it recommends using The Core Pocket Media Player (TCPMP) application with its AAC plug-in to play the .MP4 files, though it warned the quality of the playback is heavily dependent on how powerful a processor your mobile device sports.
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May 20th, 2006, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via PS3fanboy
Here's a very interesting analysis of why Sony has to take the PS3 to the bank, or go down in flames trying. With Sony having been king of the games industry for so long, they are having to pay heavy to keep that position. Yes, they are behind a year. And yes, the price of the console is causing some unrest.
Even so, the success of the console will dictate a huge direction for the company for several reasons.
The most basic economical concept they're dealing with is loss and profit. Sony will be spending millions of dollars trying to market and sell this system at a price that will hurt them in the beginning, but hopefully pull them through later. Should the PS3 take off with consumers, it will enable Sony to produce Blu-ray components and the Cell chip with greater efficiency. This is a huge step because the PlayStation 3 is also their entry into the next-gen DVD war. And with the Cell processor poised to be the cornerstone for other Sony consumer electronics, the success of this upcoming console is a do-or-die scenario.
Clearly it is not all about the games anymore.
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May 20th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Via PS3fanboy
PS3Land is stating that they have an actual PR source claiming that the PS3's online multiplayer will be available for free right out of the box. Now, as much as this blogger would love to believe this statement, no factual evidence is presented by the website other than an unnamed Sony Computer Entertainment America PR Manager informing them to "Please note that online gaming will be free right out of the box."
Considering Sony's past of leaving online play and upkeep to the third-party developers/publishers and refusing to adopt a unified online structure like MIcrosoft's Xbox consoles have, should we expect Sony to shift more towards the online model of Microsoft or assume this is just another drop in the well that is internet speculation?
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May 20th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Cancan posted this news
Danzeff is a keyboard OSK for LUA. This is an adaptation of the Danzeff OSK created by Danzel
The zip file contains the danzeff.lua script, the directory with all keyboard pictures and a script to show you how it can be used. Please check the included danzeff.txt for detailed explanations.
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May 20th, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
c5cha7 has posted this news/release of his Virtual Pet Game, heres the features:
A.I Added (Tweaking at the moment)
Crops Added (Annoying but very fun to remove lol)
Collisions Added (Not the best coding i have done)
Cursor Added (It move's and stuff... what else lol)
Main Menu Added (Currently Intergrating into the chao garden)
Sidebar Added (Main Bar has stat info and stuff)
Run Bar Added (It isn't fully done yet but it works!)
Customize Chao (Took me awhile but its here!)
Chao Sounds (Random sounds etc...)
Load/Save Game (Implented and ready to go!)
More Cursor Functions (Extras and stuff)
Name Your Chao (Good idea lol..)
Chao Market Place (We will need this lol)
Chao Egg (Your chao starts out as an egg)
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May 20th, 2006, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska the one man Game porting machine for the PSP has posted details of a new game he is working on via his site on our network.
Here is a screenshot of yet another port that I am almost done with: SDL clone of Othello/Reversi game: Reverzi PSP

The game features
- 3 different difficulty settings for AI
- AI vs AI mode
- Human vs AI mode
More details to come at Deniskas site --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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May 20th, 2006, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #1
PengBobsled v0.9
by Coder X and Team Matrix:
PengBobsled v0.9
-New Level - Meltdown
-Speed is now associater to levels
-Score Timer added
Over all This is cleaner and more intresting then the first release.
Thank God it wasnt as chalanging to make the needed changes
If it crashes just restart, there is a small memory leak that i am still fixing, every thing works though.
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May 20th, 2006, 03:05 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #2
PSP Drug Lord by JNJC
PSP Druglord By JC
Beta Version
This is a beta version of PSP Druglord. There are still some issues, regarding screen refresh
amoungst other things, that I will have sorted out before the official release. Please send feedback to johnc.lua@gmail.com
The aim of this game is to get rich and stay alive.
You must buy drugs when the price is right and sell them when the demand is high. Your rank will determine how many days you can stay in buisness and how much product you can store at any given time. Your rank improves as your finannces do.
Money Lenders
You can temporarily ease your cash flow problems by visiting one of the four money lenders, but make sure you pay them back on time or else .....
Life On the Street Can be Tough You must have around $50 dollars a day to survive on, otherwise you will end up having to sleep rough and this will take a toll on your health
Fight for the Right To Deal
There are several groups of individuals who would rather you didn't peddle your wares and they will stop at nothing to see that you don't. It is wise to go shopping for some self protection.
No Health Care Plan
If you do come off worse for wear after from an encounter you can visit the hospital and get yourself patched up, that is of course if you can afford it...
Use the Left and Right Shoulder Buttons to 'Tab' around the screen X will 'Click' the highlighted widget
Where lists are displayed the left or right arrow key will select the appropriate list Pressing X on a list will execute the list action (eg. if the market list is selected X will fire the buy option). Some buttons will have a button marker on them, these can be clicked by pressing the appropriate button, regardless of what widget has focus.
Entering Numerical Values
The 'Integer Spinner' is used to enter numerical values. Use the up and down arrow buttons to select the spin value,the right and left arrow keys add and remove the spin value from the value you are entering
eg.: to enter value 45
Use the Up Arrow to select 4, then press Left Arrow to add it - value 4
Use the Up Arrow to select 5, then press Left Arrow to add it - value 45
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May 20th, 2006, 03:17 Posted By: Sousanator
I'd just like to say, this is NOT my Lua Coding Comp entry(you'll see that later)
This is another game I started awhile ago, and I had some free time, so I finished this one.
You must dodge all the cars with as much speed as possible, and try not to crash. You only get 1 point if your going faster than 200mph and pass a car, and 2 points if your at your max speed(215mph). You get 3 lives.
If you like a challenge and car games, you should like this game.
(Note you need Lua Player for this Game)
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May 20th, 2006, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #3
PSP Game Builder by XteticX
Hi everyone.
This is my entry for the 15 day lua coding competition. As the name suggests, this program is used to build games. I obviously didn't have time to finish everything as this is one huge project imo. I've accually went ahead and stripped lots of stuff out that I felt was too buggy. The main tool availeble right now is the map engine. You can create/load/pack/install/test play any map you make. Most documentation is included inside the programs itself. I've added what seemed to me like enought help files so everyone should get a hang of this easily enought.
In case you dont bother reading hte readme, I own a 1.5 psp. I was able to get this to boot successfully on a 2.0 but that was a while back, and the code as been completly rewrote for the compo. The only parts that WHERE reused where optimized to no end, but the project as expanded a lot since then too. The main problem on 2.0+ is less memory to work with, and I've maxed the memory often even on 1.5. Chances this will work on 2.0+ later on are slim to none.
So I hope you guys like it even if its imcomplete atm. I have so much ideas and work to do I dont know where to start lol. But I'll go ahead and take a couples day break, 15 day coding is long.
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May 20th, 2006, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
The rest of the Lua Comp entrys are coming later once ive had some sleep 
Thanks to all those who took part
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May 20th, 2006, 05:10 Posted By: Cap'n 1time

After a long day of waiting PSmonkey has finally released a new version IRIS!, heres the release info:
"Please note this is still a serious work in progress.
- Note, Sorry for the rather large file size (its because I included some quake2 deathmatch maps that were converted to quake3).
// Iris (ver 0.2 Alpha)
// By PSmonkey, MGFox & Produkt ( http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk )
// Icon by pochi
// Copyright Notes
The Maps were created & edited by MGFox & Produkt ( nemo.dcemu.co.uk )
Invader was created by Reed Hawker ( http://www.alternatedimension.com/invader.html )
Q2Female & Q2Male were created by ID Software. The models are a direct copy from Quake 2 demo (With texture converted to .tga format) ( http://www.idsoftware.com )
Q2DM Maps were created by ID Software. The maps were pulled from planetQuake.com.
// Alpha Note
Please note that this is still a work in progress. I am releasing 0.2 early so map moders can get a general
feel of the latest engine. There are many improvements to 0.2 that moders will need to take into consideration
when making their maps.
// Info
This is and alpha build of Iris 0.2 which hopefuly will become a big fan favorite in the psp scene.
Iris is a Simple yet fun death match game for the psp. Users can load up one of the included maps &
player models to play with or go online and download more maps & Quake 2 models to use in game. The
over all goal of this project is to have something simple, quick & fun yet not be restricted to maps
or characters they dont like. Eventualy the project will progress far enough to allow many things to
be modified or different game types made by the scene.
On behalf of Iris team, Happy Hunting!!
P.S. Sorry it's a little rough around the edges still. 0.2 is still heavly a work in progress!!
// Suported Features
.) Simple yet fun deathmatch gameplay.
.) Suports Quake 3 Maps modified for Iris (Document to come soon).
.) Suports Quake 2 MD2 Character Model Files (Document to come soon).
.) Basic & Advance Controlls.
.) Play against 0-4 bots (with simple AI).
// To Do
.) WiFi - Infrastructure & Adhoc.
.) Proper polygon clipping.
.) Improved collision system (to allow slopes, steps & ladders).
.) Implement MD3 & MD4 suport.
.) Improve gameplay.
// To Use
1) Copy the "Iris" Folder to the root of the memory stick.
..) Example "G:\" (replace G: with your psp drive letter)
2) Copy the "GAME" folder in the "PSP X.X" to your "memstick:/PSP/" folder
..) X.X = your psp version (1.5 or 1.0).
..) Note, This game should work on 2.0 psp units. use the 1.0 verison.
3) Run Iris & Enjoy
// Simple Controlls
D-Pad Left & Right - Rotate Camera
D-Pad Up & Down - Move Forward & Backward
Cross / X - Fire
Triangle - Jump
Left Trigger - Flip Animation
Right Trigger - Taunt Animation
Analog Left & Right - See D-Pad Left & Right
Analog Up & Down - See D-Pad Up & Down
// Advance Controlls
D-Pad Left & Right - Strafe
D-Pad Up & Down - Move Forward & Backward
Square & Circle - Rotate Camera
Cross/X & Triange - Tilt Camera
Left Trigger - Jump
Right Trigger - Taunt Animation
Analog Left & Right - See D-Pad Left & Right
Analog Up & Down - See D-Pad Up & Down
// Greetings
Clessy, wraggster, Pochi, Snipr, Zeenbor, all at dcemu, & everybody who suports homebrew programmers.
// Special Thanks
ID Software, People who wrote the docs on parsing the Q3 Bsp file & the guy who made the chq2 dm mappak!"
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May 20th, 2006, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
(Quick Note to other sites, this is part of a competition, kindly post the news as that)
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #4
Button Mashing Revolution v1.2 by Youresam
I am here to enter BMR v1.2, a newer version of the original DDR clone for the PSP.
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May 20th, 2006, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #5
Kramer's Lua Demo
This is my lua demo that i created this was my first ever time coding anything so dont tease me. Now that ive learned that lua is fairly easy to code in im going to continue learning it and hopefully i will release something good one day.
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May 20th, 2006, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #6
Maze Thing - By Daurnimator
Just a quick entry made for the dcemu lua comp.
BTW, i dont have a psp, i coded this mostly by guessing & ability. - no idea how well it works (eg, i don't know if the analogue stick even works)
Just extract to your lua player directory.
Dpad or analogue stick to move around - get to the red area.
Notes: You can exchange the mazes and/or icon with your own!
Black = no go
White = go
Red = Goal
You can also modify mazes.lua and add extra maps. (add starting positions as well - you'll get the way it should be)
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May 20th, 2006, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #7
GALPSP by karurosu
Hi, this is my Lua entry. I t took long, I hope I didn't miss the deadline. Actually 15 days was a bit short, but I managed to code it in time. This is an UPDATE to GALPSP, my library for adventure games.
This time I added a major twist, it is a Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Clone, so now you can create your own law adventures. I included a readme with most of the stuff, and also, I uploaded an special version for PC, the only diff is that truetype fonts are not supported on the PC luaplayer, so the functions using them are disabled.
If by any chance one of the files fails, or you find a bug that crashes the app, please tell. Despite I ran a full Debug phase, chances are that some bug slipped, I as in a hurry at the end.
Thanks, and see you later
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May 20th, 2006, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #8
Serve 'N Go by Sousanator
Here is my Lua Comp Entry,
it is an updated version of McDonalds Serve 'N Go,
now named Serve 'N Go.
The reason for dropping the McDonalds part is because there is now a mod loader(not because of copyright issues). And as a bonus, I created a My own mod, 'Mario's Kitchen', staring every ones favourite Nintendo character, Mario.
There is also a 2 player mode (both vs and coop), AND, my first AI character appears in VS CPU mode.
Also many bugfixes and so on,,
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May 20th, 2006, 11:47 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #9
Math Facts v 1.0 by Mathfacts
The PSP is a wonderful device and the games rather entertaining, but I could not find anything that was primarily focused on education, specifically math. To fill that void, I created this little LUA program so my son could practice his math on the way to school. Math for kids isn't the most exciting thing, so I added some game attributes to try and hold his attention. I also didn't want to have to watch what he did, so I added a "review" page to see how well he did. Anyway, I saw your contest and it inspired me to finish it up and share it with my fellow PSP’ers.
This is my first LUA program and I didn't want to have my son need to load LUA so I found an existing eboot then made my own eboot(%) that contains the Math Facts graphics. In any case, it seems to work fine.
Thanks and keep up the fine site.
(This has only been tested on a 1.5 PSP.)
- Presents the user with simple math problems that include +,-,*,/
- Multiple sound effects for correct and incorrect answers
- Can choose between two fonts
- Timer keeps track of the amount of time to answer
- Score varies dependent on the time to answer
- Different hi scores saved dependent on # of problems selected
- Average time to answer displayed at the end (Speed drills!)
- Grade displayed at end (a=90%-100%, b=80%-89%, etc...)
- Some Customizable Options (Through LUA)
Expand the v1.5 folders into your psp\game directory
(There are tools you can use to remove the annoying corrupted folder)
From the Math Facts main screen:
D-Pad: move between the type and number of problems
X key: add or remove problem types (Defaults to all types)
X key: select the # of problems (Defaults to 10)
O key: Change the font type
Triangle Key: Start/Stop music
Start: Starts the game
From the math problem screen:
D-pad: press left/right to select ones, tens, hundreds values
D-Pad: press up/down to cycle numbers from 0 to 9
X key: Enter/Check the answer
Triangle Key: Start/Stop music
Square key: Ends the current game
Start: Play again
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May 20th, 2006, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Just to let you know we have still have some more Lua Comp entrys to post, but that will be later today.
Theres been some gems so far 
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May 20th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: sandberg
I've released the first version of the plugin version of PSPTris for PSPRadio. The stand-alone version will be released tomorrow.
Grab the package from the link below. Just unzip the package into your __SCE__PSPRadio folder on your PSP, and go to the plugin screen, where there is a new plugin type called games.
You need at least PSPRadio version 0.38.10 for games support. This can also be found from the link below.
Version 0.61 (20th of May 2006)
- Bugfix in highscore screen where the name wasn't shown.
- Exit via home-button now works again.
- Selecting pause on the OSK caused the text not to render.
- Highscores were written in the parent dir in the plugin version.
- Modified the displaylists, which reduces the memory consumption by 1.5 MB.
- Implemented support to use PSPTris as a plugin to PSPRadio.
- Exit option has been added to the menu.
- Exit to menu from the pause screen.
- Added support for user defined music. (see readme.txt)
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May 20th, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sodr has released a rather cool app that lets you upgrade to v2.0 and/or downgrade to version 1.5
This seems to be a killer tool for PC Users who are new to the scene, heres some of the features:
- Copies the whole directory along with the EBOOT.
- The installing process is now split up into 5 easy-to-understand steps.
- While installing the downgrader or the 2.0 firmware update, the program now downloads the EBOOTs instead of just copying them from the harddrive (reducing size of the app from 32mb to 5mb).
- You can now install the application wherever you like.
- Fail-proof installation of homebrews if you follow the instructions correctly.
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May 20th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Galaxy returns for its ninth issue! In the wake of E3 2006, this issue picks up the pieces and dusts them a bit in an 8-page long recap of the highlights of this year's show to end all shows. You'll also find a fascinating and almost illogically exclusive interview with Quicksilver Software about their latest game, Star Trek: Tactical Assault! Live long, and check out some of the goods this issue:
-E3 2006 Recap
-Video Feature: E3 2006 - PSP Edition
-Interview: Quicksilver Software, developers of 'Star Trek: Tactical Assault'
-Reviews: Monster Hunter: Freedom, OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast, Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
and WRC: FIA World Rally Championship
-Retro Review: Broken Sword II
-Movie Review: Silent Hill
-Plus all the good ol' golden columns and articles are back: Prime's Rant,
an extra-long E3 edition of Terranova's R&D, Cooking with Mof and Movie
-Yet ANOTHER installment of our free comic? What madness is this?
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May 20th, 2006, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
PSmonkey posted this news:
found the bug and here is a small fix till I can actualy correct the code later tonight.
Here is the actual problem if you wish to correct it your self (or just download the posted zip).
-- The Bug --
I found the bug. I will issue a revision tonight for it. It's trying to load the health packs from "ms0:/BspMaps/models/items/healing/medium/tris.md2" and not "ms0:/Iris/models/items/healing/medium/tris.md2".
A simple fix now would be to make a folder called BspMaps on the root of your memory stick and copy the models folder into it (not players folder).
-- Release Notes --
// Iris 0.2 Q2DM Map Fix
// To Patch
To patch the 0.2 alpha release. Copy the "BspMaps" folder from this archive to the root of your memory stick (example e:\)
This should correc the problem temporary till I can correct the bug in code later and issue a revision (gonna find the ai crash as well for the revision).
// Directory Structure (Replace E with the letter of your memory stick when connected as an external drive)
... Signifies all the stuff that are located in that folder.
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May 21st, 2006, 05:08 Posted By: mameuser
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have posted a new release of their Wifi Streaming Music app:
Heres the info :New release (It's been over a month since the last release.. a first for PSPRadio):
0.38.10 (r1159)
NOTE: If a plugin stops responding, try L+R+START (should take you back to PSPRadio)
0.38.10 (r1159) (2006-05-19)
(raf) Core/(Links2): Updated/enhanced pthreads implementation.
(raf) Core/SHOUTcast: The SHOUTcast request string can now be specified in the configuration file.
(sandberg) Dyn/Core: -Prepared the plugin framework for game plugins.
(sandberg) Dyn/Retawq: -Modified Retawq plugin to use danzeff for inputs.
(raf) Dyn: If plugin load fails because of lack of memory, then the message displayed on the screen will say so.
(raf) Dyn/Code: Now PSPRadio allocates 6MB instead of 8MB or RAM. This to give more RAM to plugins.
(danzel) Core: Added lite version to danzeff library.
(sandberg) Core: Added GU version to danzeff library.
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Updated code to take advantage of changes to newlib (for pipes/file descriptors/sockets)
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Cleaned up the code to make it easier to update when a new version of retawq is available.
(raf) Calling network termination functions before exit -- hope this helps exit when using eLoader.
(raf) When a socket closed, writestring() would keep trying to send, and keep reporting errors, filling up the event queue, and causing pspradio to exit. Thanks PSP KEVIN for the report.
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May 21st, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
More bad news for the UMD, which is already dying a speedy death at retail: not only are stores not stocking them, but no one really wants to buy UMD movies either. Although 40% of PSP owners claimed UMD media was a big reason why they plopped down a few hundred on Sony's pixel-spurting game brick, the complaint from actual owners is there just isn't anything worth goddamn buying on UMD.
You know, i actually thought the same until i brought my first UMD recently and i was impressed, the price is obviously too high but it played back great, perfect for movies on the move.
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May 21st, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release info:
MAX Media Dock is an amazing new storage device for your SONY PSP handheld.
MAX Media Dock allows you to store and access content saved on any Compact Flash card from your PSP’s browser.
MAX Media Dock is compatible with readily available Compact Flash cards which offer some of the best value flash memory around. Cards up to 8GB can simply be snapped into the MAX Media Dock providing access to huge storage potential on your PSP.
To get all that content onto your MAX Media Dock, use the built in High Speed USB 2.0 port to connect the Media Dock to your PC. Windows will automatically recognise your card allowing you to quickly and easily Drag and Drop content onto it.
MAX Media Dock also includes the renowned MAX Media Manager software which allows you to automatically encode video, audio and images into PSP friendly formats, and even download game saves from the Internet!
MAX Media Dock is also available without a Compact Flash card or with a smaller capacity 1GB card included, see alternative items.
MAX Media Dock is perfect for Movies, Music, Games, Home Brew and more!
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May 21st, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his X-Flash program for the PSP which allows firmware modifications, heres the info of whats new:
- Optimisations to save RAM for program stability, and aid of adding features that may be discovered later.
- Removed loced feature that saved and retrieved a song to flash memory.
- Removed WLAN Libraries from code. Program no longer checks Nicknames, or MAC addresses.
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May 21st, 2006, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated his NeoGeoCD Emulator for the PSP, :
Unsure of whats new in this beta but give it a go 
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May 21st, 2006, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
Journalistic standard-bearer, Stuff Magazine, is lauding much praise upon the upcoming PSP release, Loco Roco.
"After a couple of days playing on a near finished version, the Stuff team is unanimous that it's the most addictive, original and playable game we've played yet on the handheld console. It could also help the PSP fight off stiff competition from the DS Lite's recent rash of quality titles."
One-part Super Monkey Ball and one-part Archer McLean's Mercury, Loco Roco certainly does seem to be more up Nintendo's ally than Sony's. But perhaps this is a game that will open up the PSP to a wider demographic. I know I'm going to give it a shot. If it's as addictive as all the previews are leading us to believe, then the PSP may have another much-needed winner on its hands.
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May 21st, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster

Via PSPMagazines
Finders, Keepers: Most 19-year-olds spend their days stocking shelves at Blockbuster, but at that age Veronica ditched her home for New York City. She intended to study at Parsons School for Design, but like any woman with a perfect physique in the Big Apple, took to modeling. This and much more in this issue of MAXIM for your PSP!
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May 21st, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dragula96
Lumines clone done in lua still buggy and no way to loose needs optimization but is playable. take a look
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May 21st, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Kozine has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details:
Im learning C right now, and here is my first application. What this is a simple application for programmers. You can see the code of the RGB on the left and in the center you see the colour. Please leave comments and feedback here!
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via kozine
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May 21st, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Xart has released an app called Select which is a GUI for Eloader, heres the details:
Installing, place the select folder in ms0:/psp/system folder and edit the eloader config file to point to the select pbp file
Current BUILD still being tested.
Keyboard for renaming files & folders
Fillter effects for backdrops
Drag & Drop moving of files
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via xart
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May 21st, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info:
ARComics, Inc. continues to retool their vision/version of what a digital comic book could be with input from the visitors to the site. The site currently has several short animated Macromedia Flash teasers available (as well as artwork and information on various properties) that will give you an idea of the type of content being developed. Be sure to check out the latest release: THE FRONTEERS, to see the evolution of the ARComics digital animated episode on the Sony PSP.
ARComics sees the PSP screen size, Internet/network connectivity, commercial success and target demographic as a perfect venue to bring an entertaining means of reading to a new generation by blending technology with art and storytelling.
The ARComics.com version of the digital comic book is certain to stand apart.
Also note, the ARComics.com is looking for assistance from the comic book, technical, art and videogame communities to showcase up and coming pencilers, inkers, colorists and flash animators (the potential to have your work seen is enormous).
More info --> http://arcomics.com/news.htm
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May 21st, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sonic Battle Arena is a game which features Sonic Charactars written in Lua and being coded by TheMarioKarters, PSPHax0r9, Vaza, and Popcorn Devil. Graphics are done by Skinticket, Vaza, and madsoul.
The game is a 2-D Sonic Fighting game coded in LUA
This game was made from scratch, not a mod of an existing game
Heres whats done in this release:
Sonic is fully done!
Tails engine is fully done!
Knuckles engine is fully done!
Enemy AI is partially done!
Initial release level is done!
Try this WIP Sonic Fighting game for yourself by Downloading Via the Comments - Give Feedback
via mariokarter
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May 21st, 2006, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Via Stuff
Jackass: The Game, previewed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles earlier this month, lets players perform stunts similar to those in the TV series, which have involved riding in shopping trolleys and the "Human Wrecking Ball".
The game is due out in November for a handheld and a home console – possibly the PlayStation and the PlayStation Portable, though Sidhe will not confirm this.
Mr Wynands expects to do even better with Jackass, a TV series that's almost a cultural phenomenon with young males in North America, where it still pulls in viewers four years after the last series was filmed.
Jackass was a magnet for both viewers and controversy during its three-year run on US-cable network MTV. Though it wrapped up in 2002 it has been kept alive in reruns, including on New Zealand's C4 music station.
AdvertisementAdvertisementCritics blamed the show for encouraging young people to participate in dangerous stunts, especially as it grew in popularity.
A Jackass movie was released in 2002 containing stunts and uncensored clips that weren't allowed on TV. It cost $US5 million to make and earned more than $US60 million in North America alone.
"We're trying to create a game that's true to the licence," says Mr Wynands, who says he's a fan of the show's stunts. "They involve a certain amount of physical endangerment, but nobody's head is going to get blown off with a shotgun. Jackass isn't about that."
Jackass director Jeff Tremaine is helping to design the game. So far the game's virtual stunts include rolling down a hill in a garbage can trying to avoid traffic and driving bumper cars on top of a skyscraper. Others are titled Bus Surfing, Grenade Golf, and Extreme Unicycling.
There'll also be a "director mode", letting players save their stunts and replay them with several camera angles and trade them with friends.
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May 22nd, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #10
Cargame v0.2 by dalejrrocks
Here's my entry for the competition - cargame v0.2. This is the second version of my first PSP homebrew game. Cargame is a two-player(for right now, the next version may add one player) racing game. It's fun to play with your friends. Changelog and readme are included. It's packaged with luaplayer.
I hope that you enjoy this game.
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May 22nd, 2006, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.
Heres Entry #11
Electris 1.0 by Kagato
Electris is a puzzle game in the "falling block" genre.
The goal is to align the blocks to create closed circuits. As the circuits are closed, they are removed from the board. Be careful -- you can place blocks such that you can't close a circuit! Large circuits will give you 'circuit-breakers' so you can clean up mistakes.
Keep an eye on the timer as well; if you take too long to make a circuit, a penalty row will be added to the bottom of the screen.
1 point for each block dropped
10 points per block in a closed circuit
Chain circuits earn a score multiplier
25 point bonus if circuit-breaker erases no blocks (double if dropped to floor)
PSP with firmware 1.5, or:
PSP with firmware 2.0 to 2.6
eLoader (http://noobz.eu)
LuaPlayer (http://www.luaplayer.org)
See the documentation for each package for installation instructions.
Copy the "Electris" directory from the zip archive to the "PSP/GAME/luaplayer/Applications" directory on your PSP.
As of this writing, version 1.0 has only been tested on firmware 1.5 with LuaPlayer 0.19. (The previous version was tested on firmware 2.01, and no fetaures have been intentionally added to prevent operation on 2.0+.)
This initial release features a single game mode. Future releases will introduce other game modes with different play styles, though all will focus on completing circuits.
I'm interested to hear any feedback. If you've got any comments, suggestions or bug reports, feel free to send me an email at studiokagato@gmail.com .
- Thanks to Raf for lending me his 1.5 PSP for the 1.0 development period. It helped speed things along a lot!
- Matteo Zatti kindly allowed the use of his music in the game. The track is "Something In The Air", available here:
Version History:
1.0 -
- Initial public release
New features:
- Menu system
- Multiple difficulty levels
- Background music
- New game instructions
- Pause menu
- More consistent controls
- Delay loops replaced with Timer classes
Bug fixes:
- Help screens failed to load on firmware 1.5
0.1.1 [BETA] -
- Splash screen updated to reflect new project home. (Was Pineapple Productions, now Studio Kagato)
0.1 [BETA] -
- First beta.
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May 22nd, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
OK thats all 11 entries for the first PSP News Lua contest, i personally thank all for their entries, lets hope next time more sites post news of the comp instead of just posting the news and not linking back, but anyway im exceedingly busy for a few days but by wednesday ill announce the winner.
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May 22nd, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: arobase
Please notice the new version of sudoku for luaplayer
Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens"); each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral.
This game is translate in French, English, Italian (Thanks to Allesandro) and german (thanks to Gery).
There is a lot of various backgroung made by Gery.
An example of background

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May 22nd, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this update about his N64 emu for PSP:
Just a quick update on the dynarec status, as I know a lot of people are more interested in this than the grizly details of branch delay instructions
Last weekend (13/14 May) I managed to assemble the fragment buffers into native x86 code, and execute this dynamically. I spent some time debating whether to target MIPS or Intel initially, but I decided that it would be a lot easier for me to debug the code generation on the PC than it would be to debug code gen on the PSP.
In the end I'm glad I started with the PC as it allowed me to fix a number of hairy problems without going down the torturous path of debugging self modifying code on the PSP with just a few printf() statements to help track down any problems.
With this version of the dynarec, 200KB of N64 code was now generating just 2MB of x86 assembly (i.e. an expansion ratio of around 1000%). The PC version was running around 60% faster with dynarec enabled than with it disabled, which is a pretty significant speedup (although this is still very early in the process).
What's also important is that this is before I've done any real optimisation of the generated code. For each instruction I'm still calling the generic instruction handler which has the overhead of figuring out which source registers to use, which register is the destination etc. The *real* speedup comes from generating code to handle op codes explicitly, as you remove all this decoding overhead along with the overhead of jumping to another function. Once you've removed most of the generic instruction handling you can start looking at caching register values to minimise the amount of memory that's being moved around.
With the PC version up and running fairly successfully, I've spent this weekend getting the PSP code generation working. I don't want to go into too many details (as I want to go into more depth in future posts), but I know people are keen to hear some news about how this is going.
I got the basic code generation working on Saturday morning (thankfully I'd already resolved most of the tricky issues in developing the x86 version the previous weekend). I spent most of Saturday afternoon fixing some really horrible instruction cache related bugs. I'm still not 100% sure I've fixed them, but it seems very stable at the moment. At the moment I'm at the same stage with the PSP version of the dynarec that I was with the PC version last weekend - the code generation is running fine (and executing on the PSP without crashing more importantly  but I've only just started looking at optimising things. It's still too early to speculate on numbers for the performance improvement it will give. Currently it's running around 10% faster with dynarec enabled, but it's still very early days.
More soon.
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May 22nd, 2006, 04:04 Posted By: Damian666
It seems that the creators of Sonic Battle Arena in which is coded in LUA have updated there game again, heres more info on the task at hand:
The Words from the Creators:
Sonic Battle Arena is a basic fighting game that contains your favorite characters from the Sonic series and has a clean look and feel to it. The game features several characters from the series, including Amy, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and now Cream. The game is still very basic, and is only in its "beta" form. I'm not a fan of game "betas" and especially when there are more than one, but the improvements just keep on coming. The fighting scheme is simple, use "X" to attack and "O" or Up to jump. As said previously, the game is still in the "beta" stages of development, so do not expect to get a full game here, more improvements and additions are coming.
(Well my computer dislikes me tonight, so sorry there will be no screenshots.)
Hopefully, they'll continue on this game it has a lot of potential to those who like to see there favorite characters from Sonic dueling it out.
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The creators
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
THQ's executive VP of worldwide publishing, Kelly Flock, has described the extended agreement with Yuke's as a "huge win" for the company - adding that the ongoing WWE lawsuit will not affect the deal.
The WWE filed suit against a number of parties, including THQ and JAKKS Pacific, in October 2004 - alleging that the WWE videogame licenses they hold were obtained through bribery.
But that hasn't stopped THQ from recently announcing a long term strategic agreement with Yuke's, in which the publisher holds a minority interest, to produce further WWE games.
"Our new agreement with Yuke's is a huge win for THQ, as we have a long-term, multisystem agreement with arguably the best wrestling development studio in the world," Flock told Gamespot.com.
"Going forward, we will be able to bring fans that experience across multiple game systems beginning with WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PSP, and PlayStation 2 beginning this fall. The lawsuit does not play a role in securing this relationship with Yuke's."
Flock went on to confirm that THQ is no longer planning to produce platform-specific wrestling games, stating: "Part of our strategy working with Yuke's is to bring multiple systems under one development house... This means fans can look forward to playing our SmackDown! vs. RAW series across multiple systems."
"As the publisher of the number one wrestling video game brand in the world, we are eager to take this franchise, along with new WWE video game properties, to new heights by offering them to current-generation, next-generation, and handheld gamers."
News from Gamesindustry
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA® Europe Ltd, today announced Tenchu: Time of the Assassins exclusively for the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system. SEGA has partnered with FromSoftware and K2 studios - developers of the popular Tenchu: Fatal Shadows (released in 2005 for PlayStation®2) - to continue the legacy of the flagship franchise, which is set for release on June 23rd, 2006.
The complex 3D environments the series is known for have been carried over on the PSP in their entirety. Enhanced stealth manoeuvres challenge your ninja skills, and all-new kill moves add yet more realism and entertainment to this ninja-based action adventure. Now, every enemy is susceptible to carefully planned stealth kills – even the end level bosses!
“Tenchu’s gameplay offers all the strategy of a stealth game but none of the frustration” commented Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA. “This next release represents SEGA’s commitment to providing compelling new content to the handheld market”
All of the classic Tenchu characters return in scenario mode, including Rikimaru, Ayame, Rin, and Tesshu. Each character is tied to a different story, and each story offers different levels to play through. In addition to the scenario mode, there is also a ‘free mission’ mode that’s comprised of 50 independent missions to enjoy after you have completed the single-player campaign.
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins also features a robust multiplayer component that allows players to connect via a local (Ad-Hoc) connection to play cooperative and head-to-head games. A compelling level editor gives players a powerful tool for allowing them to create their own stages and share them with friends, also via ad hoc download.
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins is set for release on 23rd June 2006 exclusively for the PSPTM. For press assets concerning Tenchu: Time of the Assassins and other SEGA titles, please go to www.sega-press.com .
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
The success of The Da Vinci Code, the Columbia Pictures movie based on Dan Brown's best-selling novel, could be a key weapon for Sony when it comes to launching the PlayStation 3 this November.
That's according to analysts at Bloomberg, who reported this week that the firm - which owns Columbia Pictures - may be planning to launch the movie on Blu-Ray almost simultaneously with the arrival of the PS3.
The Da Vinci Code has just recorded the second largest worldwide opening weekend ever, with only Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith clocking up a better box office performance. Over USD 77 million was taken in the United States alone, despite the critical drubbing received by the film.
Bloomberg's report implies that Sony may choose to put heavy marketing behind the high-definition Blu-Ray version of the movie when it is released to retail later this year, using it as a vehicle to educate consumers about the Blu-Ray product.
Doing so alongside the launch of PlayStation 3, which is expected to be the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market when it arrives in mid-November, could help to drive demand for the machine and to alleviate the danger of consumers steering clear of the system due to its high price tag.
Via GIBiz
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May 22nd, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
It has proved the most controversial announcement to emerge from E3 2006 - but UK retail has nevertheless cautiously backed Sony's PlayStation 3 launch strategy, believing pricing issues to be largely irrelevant with a pre-Christmas sell-out likely.
Early adopters are expected to devour initial shipments of the console - set to launch at GBP 425, as revealed last week by GamesIndustry.biz. But specialist vendors and analysts are now warning that the Japanese giant faces a far stiffer challenge in convincing the wider market to adopt Sony's crucial Blu-Ray next-gen DVD technology.
"Given the machine is likely to be a sell-out this side of Christmas, I think the price point is irrelevant for the first six months," specialist retail chain CeX' marketing manager Jonathan Cronin told GamesIndustry.biz. "The launch frenzy will be there - this is the new PlayStation, not the new Xbox. Four million units globally before Christmas? I don't think you'll be able to buy one off the shelf."
"We welcomed Sony's PS3 announcement at the E3 convention, putting an end to the speculation surrounding a UK launch date," offered Gamestation group product manager Anna Downing. "The November 17th date sets up an extremely competitive and exciting Q4, with consumers potentially having the choice of three 'next-gen' consoles on the market. We're anticipating that demand will outstrip supply."
Steve O'Brien, boss of leading independent retailer Action Replay, agrees. "With the amount of product coming into the UK I think Sony could have quite comfortably priced it at twice the price and still sell-out twice over," he suggested. "In the first round of any console sales it's the fanboys and hardcore gamers who buy it. I think the strength of the brand is key."
With hardware shortages a certainty during the launch window and no confirmation on UK-specific number, however, most retailers are expected to refrain publicly from criticising Sony's pricing strategy for fear of risking their allocation.
But regardless of this, not everyone was so charitable. "Such high prices are a difficult thing to push at retail level especially with the continued problems of distribution, release dates, and product availability that have dogged UK product releases for some time," insisted Steve Aspinall, owner of indie V-Ten Entertainment. "And that's without the mass-discount culture convincing the consumer to wait a few months, and the uncanny shortage of convincing software for the platform, not to mention the continued implication that next gen gaming cannot take place without a next-gen television set."
Many, including Sony itself, certainly agree that the firm faces a serious challenge in convincing consumers to buy into Blu-Ray - fingered as one of the main causes of PS3's hefty price tag - as it enters a format war with Toshiba's rival HD-DVD technology. Particularly if they are to swallow SCE UK boss Ray Maguire's assertion that PS3 is a "bargain".
And with Microsoft hinting that Xbox 360 plus the standalone HD-DVD player due this Christmas will weigh in for less that Sony's system, pressure continues to pile on the market leader.
"If you've got a PS3 next to a 360 you need to be able to see the difference if you're going to be asked to pay more. Microsoft must be pleased there's a nice price differential there," commented CeX' Cronin.
"People will say PS3 is expensive because they haven't got a clue what's in it - they just see it as another box to play games on," argued leading videogames industry analyst Nick Parker of Parker Consulting.
"It's totally abstract to the consumer, a lot to get your head around. Sony has future-proof technology - everything you'll need if you're seriously into accessing games, movies or music on demand."
"It's getting people to understand that their DVD player is basically going to be out-of-date in a couple of years' time. If you buy a PS3 now you'll get a games machine and next-generation movie technology," Parker continued.
"When PS2 came out DVD was already understood by the consumer - but who knows what Blu-Ray is? Sony needs to convey the value in the price; it's a longer term problem for them."
Via Gamesindustry
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May 22nd, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Play Asia
Field Commander™ is the first military turn-based strategy game for PSP and the only title that offers engaging, challenging skill based warfare in a realistic military setting. You play as a Field Commander working for an independent organization established by the Allied Nations to defend the world against an evil terrorist organization bent on inciting wars, illicit arms deals and global domination.
Command the land, skies and sea. Orchestrate an offensive attack through 30 unique missions, each one coming alive in beautiful 3D environments with highly-detailed terrain and dynamic visual effects. With an arsenal of 15 army divisions and 11 commanding officers to choose from, the power is yours to outwit the enemy at every turn.

More info at Play Asia
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May 22nd, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: Garak
---------- EDIT ----------
1.50 Beta Testing positions are now filled
2.00 I have no 2.0 testers. Please email me if interested
2.50+ Beta Testing positions are now filled
We might have one more round of testing before the game is released (pending the feedback on the current round). I will make another post if need be. Thank you all for your help.
---------- END EDIT ----------
Greetings PSPers,
Mega-Mart or: How I Learned to Stop Living in Poverty and Love the Corporation is now looking for beta testers. Before it is released, we would like to do a trial run and get some feedback. As a beta tester we ask that you do the following:
1. Look for any bugs in the game
2. Give comments and feedback on game play
3. Offer any ideas you have for the game.
If you have a 1.0 or 1.5 PSP you are welcome to beta test. I will accept a limited number of 2.0+ beta testers, as I do not think the game will run on these systems but would like to test and find out for sure.
If you would like to help fine tune what may just be the best original PSP game to date, send an email with the following subjects to garak@cashette.com:
Subject: Mega-Mart Beta Tester
Please include the following info in the email:
Firmware Version – Needed so I know what files to send you
PSP MAC Address – Needed to ensure the game only runs on your PSP so it does not get leaked before it is ready for release.
Once we have around 10-15 testers, I will email a link to where you can download a copy of the game. Fortune & Glory awaits you!
AIM: Garak2000
Email: garak@cashette.com
P.S. Forgive me, I originally posted this in the DEV section, but realized it does not receive as much traffic as the news section. If this topic is better suited elsewhere, mods feel free to re-locate it.
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May 22nd, 2006, 22:10 Posted By: deniska
This is a PSP adoptation of Othello/Reversi clone, Reverzi, by Jakub Drnec (mailto:jaydee@email.cz)

- Basic sound support
- Music support for tracker (s3m, xm, mod) and Ogg-Vorbis files.
Just rename the file in one of those formats to song1.xxx and
drop it in to music directory if you want music on the background.
- 3 difficulty levels settings for AI
- modable design - just edit the graphics in the img folder to create your own skins.
Additional inforamtion and a binary can be found @
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May 23rd, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony continues to spend the goodwill it has achieved over the last generation of consoles. As widely reported over the weekend, last Friday CEO for SCE Europe David Reeves spoke to the press. "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games." This 'you'll buy it anyway' attitude has further annoyed gamers already rankling from the announced pricetag. Next Gen and IGN talk about the two sides of the coin, with IGN laying into the company for the lack of HDMI output in the cheaper model, and Next Generation saying that Sony is far from defeated.
Via Slashdot
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May 23rd, 2006, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
In a recent interview with Computer and Video Games, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves told the Web site he was worried less about moving units at the PS3's launch than he was about maintaining sales after early adopters had purchased their systems. "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even [if] it didn't have games," he told the site.
arrogant or what
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May 23rd, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) have confirmed their support as a sponsor for this years Handheld Learning 2006 joining Fujitsu-Siemens Computers and Palm.
This is an exciting turn of events as it demonstrates the overlap between gaming and learning in the home and at School/Uni using the capability of a powerful entertainment device in a learning context. The latest firmware upgrade for the PSP means that its built-in web browser now supports Flash media plus there's a GPS and camera upgrade just around the corner. It'll be interesting to see which establishments begin to embrace entertainment devices first and which software developers start to tap into the potential of the education sector.
Certainly something for discussion at this years conference!
More info HERE
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have released a new Content pack, heres whats featured:
E3 PSP Content Pack:
ATV Offroad Fury™ Pro Media (ESRB RP)
Gangs of London™ Media (ESRB RP)
Killzone™: Liberation Media (ESRB RP)
Lemmings™ Media (ESRB E)
Loco Roco™ Media (ESRB RP)
NBA 07 Media (ESRB RP)
Ratchet & Clank®: Size Matters Media (ESRB RP)
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 Media (ESRB RP)
World Tour Soccer 06 Media (ESRB E)
E3 PS2 and PS3 Pack:
PLAYSTATION®3 Developer Diary Video Clips
God of War™ II Media (ESRB RP)
NBA 07 Featuring the Life vol. 2 Media (ESRB RP)
Rogue Galaxy™ Media (ESRB RP)
SingStar® Media (ESRB RP)
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault Media (ESRB RP)
Heres some info about the content packs:
The PSP™ Content Pack is a free download that features preselected content, optimized for your PSP system. We will provide the Content for you each month. All you need to do is connect your PSP to your PC, download the pack, then just sit back and relax while everything is transferred to your PSP system. Once the process is complete, your PSP system will be stocked full of the latest in PSP system optimized video clips and trailers, wallpapers, screenshots, audio clips, and game content, all for your viewing pleasure. Check back here each month for the newest edition of the PSP™ Content Pack.
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
The wait is over! We finally have some new PSP game releases and a few of these are worth talking about. Which is a good thing, because we are not going to want to talk about this week's UMD releases.
PSP Game Releases
FIFA World Cup 2006
Field Commander
Monster Hunter Freedom
Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords & More!
PSP UMD Releases
Donnie Darko
Ikki-Tousen, Vol. 1: Legendary Fighter
The Boondock Saints
Outwit the enemy at every turn. Fate of the country's destiny in your hands. Sound exciting? Check out Field Commander, that's my pick of the week. But, if you want something lighter, who can resist a good crossword?
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPVault
PSP Connect got a shiny new makover just recently. The videos are now categorized for easier browsing and the website is a little easier to use. There is now a direct link to the Connect store where you can download songs for your PSP as well. Hopefully Sony is making some progress on the new Connect service that they promised us back in March.
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
hageatama has released a new version of his BookMark forwarding tool for PSP, cant tell you whats new as its all in japanese.
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May 23rd, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Ghoti posted this news:
I'm busy with a lumines clone with alot of extra's. I've finished version 0.1 of my game Boxy II. It has only the essentials in it. But i'd like you guys to play a little around and report bugs in this tread if you like
It's a lumines clone. You drop blocks of four colorized blocks on each other. The idea is to get as many squares of the same color. Every level you get new backgrounds. There are several bonuspoints for doing some great things with the blocks.
Special on this version are the two new game modes. Chaos and Trigame.
Chaos is a new game mode in which alot of extra's can be done. Special explosion blocks that eliminate the surrounding blocks in a given area, anti-gravity time, compact frenzy, drunken man and some small other extra bonusses.
Trigame: Trigame is lumines with three kinds of colors. This will make the game more interesting.
Boxy II is fully customizable. You can make your own skins (or themes) that can be placed in the themes directory.
- the two game modes are yet to be implemented
- special blocks which delete every attached block of the same color
- ingame menu
- game over screen
- options
What i need from you guys if you want:
- Themes  if have only three themes yet with this release
- bugs feedback
- some info if it works on FW 2.0 or how i can let it work on 2.0
- only usefull feedback please, i'm just starting with psp programming, it's my first game so don't expect to much.
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May 23rd, 2006, 13:10 Posted By: synopsis76
Spider Solitaire 1.03 for the PSP
By Synopsis
How To Play
- The aim of the game is to get rid of all of the cards.
- To get rid of cards you need to get a run from Ace (bottom) to King (Top) of cards in the same suit.
- You can move cards between stacks if last card of the stack you are moving to is one higher than the selected card. e.g. Ace goes on 2, 7 on 8, 10 on Jack etc.
- You can move individual cards, or groups of cards that are consecutive and the same suit.
- You can move cards into empty spaces.
- Any card that is face down will be turned over if there are no cards on top of it.
- When you run out of useful moves deal a card onto each stack. Note: Unlike many Spider versions you can deal if you have empty spaces.
The Controls
- D-Pad - Move the cursor.
- Cross + Left/Right - Move cards
- Left Trigger - Undo
- Right Trigger - Redo
- Triangle - Deal
- Select - Go to the menu
- Start - Save the game
- Added eLoader (and 1.0) version (works up to and including 2.6).
- Added Quit option for eLoader users.
- Added "Game Saved" notification.
- Added Undo/Redo
- Added Save Game
- Fixed bug where a row does not complete if it is completed by a Deal.
- Corrected crash when the game finishes so you see a completed screen now.
- Prevent you from completing stacks with different suits.
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Top movie studios look set to delay the HDCP copy protection system - which would only work on next-gen DVD players with HDMI ports, unlike the low-end PS3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360 HD-DVD peripheral - for four to six years.
The move would mean that all movie content produced until 2010 at the earliest, and possibly as far as 2012, will not carry the Image Constraint Token - a security feature which would restrict high-definition playback only to equipment with HDMI ports and HDCP encryption.
Hollywood studios had insisted on this draconian feature, which would encrypt all image data sent between the player and the television (and would consequently mean that users had to have TVs with HDCP-enabled ports as well as new players), as a measure to prevent piracy - and has stuck doggedly to it so far, despite a number of claims that the technology is flawed and will be easily cracked by determined pirates.
However, now leading German newspaper Der Spiegel claims to have information on an unofficial agreement struck between the movie studios and firms including Sony and Microsoft which will see HDCP, and the ICT, being consigned to the scrapheap for at least four years.
The deal has been widely rumoured in technology circles for some time, but further confirmation is offered by the Der Spiegel article - and at a crucial time for Sony and Microsoft, both of whom are set to launch high definition DVD offerings in the coming six months which will lack HDMI ports and HDCP functionality.
While the high end version of Sony's PlayStation 3 will indeed have a HDMI port, the low-end 20GB version (which has not yet been confirmed for launch in the UK) does not; and Microsoft's external HD-DVD player for the Xbox 360 has no HDMI port. Even if Microsoft launches a HDMI cable for the Xbox 360, there's been some speculation that the console would not be able to implement HDCP on this cable.
What this would mean, if the ICT was imposed, is that neither console would be able to output Blu-Ray or HD-DVD content at higher than 480p (540p in North America), thus effectively negating much of the advantage of the next-gen DVD formats. Games would still be able to run at up to 1080i resolution on either system.
Looking beyond consoles, it's also undoubtedly a major factor in this decision that few of the HDTV sets sold so far around the world - and in Japan and North America, market penetration has grown quite quickly - have HDMI ports or HDCP compatibility, meaning that even people who have already bought into the "HD Era" would be forced to buy new screens again to enjoy HD movies.
Faced with this prospect - and the potential of a massive consumer backlash against the HD formats - it's not hard to see why the movie studios have relented, especially given the amount of pressure a firm like Sony can bring to bear in Hollywood. The Japanese giant, through subsidiaries such as Sony Pictures, Columbia, Tristar and MGM, is responsible for around half of the annual movie output of the US industry.
Although the decision is, so far, only a stay of execution - and the movie studios are reportedly quite unhappy with having to relent on their beloved copy protection system, regardless of how flawed or detested it may be - it does mean that HDCP will probably not become a required standard until this generation of consoles is reaching the end of its lifespan.
Via Gamesindustry
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced a long-term worldwide licensing agreement with Touchstone Television to develop and publish a video game based on the Emmy Award-winning television series ‘Lost.’ Developed by Ubisoft’s award-winning Montréal studio and scheduled to hit retail shelves worldwide in 2007, the game will be offered for home and portable consoles as well as PCs.
“We are delighted to work with Bryan Burk, one of the biggest producers in Hollywood and with Touchstone Television,” said Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft. “That they have chosen us for the adaptation of the cult series ‘Lost’ is the best homage that a producer can make to the creativity of Ubisoft.”
“This deal is another example of how truly powerful the ‘Lost’ brand is,” said Bruce Gersh, senior vice president, business development, ABC Entertainment and Touchstone Television. “We are excited to work together with Ubisoft to create a gaming experience that will allow fans to further immerse themselves into the mysteries and intrigues of the series.”
“The creative appeal of ‘Lost’ transcends borders with its character driven stories and addictive mysterious mythology,” said Julia Franz, executive vice president, Touchstone Television. “It's not enough for fans worldwide to just watch 'Lost,' the game is a wonderful opportunity to organically extend this creative phenomenon into an interactive consumer experience.”
"Many of us on ‘Lost’ have been hardcore gamers for years and the chance to work with Ubisoft, a company behind some of our favorite titles, has excited us to no end," said ‘Lost’ executive producer Bryan Burk. "With the ability to tell new interactive stories within the ‘Lost’ universe, we’re giddy to be developing a game that, once completed, will be as engaging and fun to play as it is to create."
J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof co-created “Lost” and also serve as executive producers, along with Bryan Burk, Jack Bender and Carlton Cuse. “Lost,” which is filmed entirely on location in Hawaii, is from Touchstone Television.
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
As was quietly revealed at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, gaming's most beloved invertebrate is set to star in a new adventure that returns him to his 2D roots -- on the PSP, no less, and from the original development team at Shiny.
Thanks to the return of characters like Princess Whatshername, Psycrow and Professor Monkey For A Head, the development team's charm is all over the new game. Old levels, such as New Junk City which appeared as the first level for the original game, have been re-designed with new layouts and new power-ups, but still retain a retro feel, while there will be plenty of new areas for players to explore as well.
One of the biggest changes for the series with the PSP game is that it takes place in 2D environments with polygonal characters and environments, placing it alongside games like Pandemonium! and Klonoa 2 in its look. At this early stage, the polygonal graphics look great and animate well, but they don't have quite the same "cartoony" look that the classic Earthworm Jim games are famous for, so the developers are considering going in a slightly more cartoony direction with black outlines on the characters or something of that nature.
Read the rest of the preview at 1UP
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Article from PSPFanboy
Oh, Steve, no matter how angry and sweaty you get, Japan still hates the Xbox 360. To rub salt in you're wounds, the trade in value for the 360 against the much less expensive, but much more mature PSP is now exactly the same.
In an article over at Xbox Circle, some super-shoppers have uncovered DS pricing craziness and more. "Even more interesting is that an Xbox 360 console trade-in will only fetch 15,000¥ ($128), which matches the trade-in worth of a PSP Value Pack and a slim-line Silver PS2."
But does that mean the Xbox 360 is quickly dying, or does it mean that the PSP is doing stellar? In reality, it probably means a bit of both. The Xbox 360 is not doing well (we'll call it a slow death) and the PSP is holding its own admirably. The DS, to be fair, is on a roll, dominating all competitors (for now).
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Authority is back, and better than ever! New in this double issue is... E3 news blowout, Mag redesign, Over 200 pages! Over 10 reivews of games and movies including; Fun with Dick and Jane, UMD, Nba Ballers, Daxter, Syphon Filter, Splinter Cell Essentials, and many more! Exclusive GTA:VCS wallpapers, PSPA Hands on preview of Loco Roco, PSPA featured artist And much much more!
Download over at PSPMagazines
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Pacific Design today announced the retail availability of its PSP case.
Retailing for $29.95, Pacific Design's innovative model offers the first fully-functional case that allows the UMD to be changed while the PSP remains in the case via a magnetic "trap door". Furthermore, the PSP case is available in eye-catching, color combinations with a racing stripe design that include black with a burnt red stripe, black with a bright blue stripe, gray with an orange stripe, and gray with a yellow stripe.
The cases are constructed of Italian-sourced polyurethane (PU) material, providing a soft, leather-feel without sacrificing durability. The interior also features a scratch-resistant polyester velvet-feel material for additional product protection.
Case Features
* Unique, open frame design allows complete usability while PSP remains in case;
* Full access to headphone and sync/power ports;
* Ability to change UMD (media/game) without removing PSP via magnetic "trap door";
* Four contrasting color combinations in Italian-sourced PU material; and
* Additional internal compartment for additional UMD storage;
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PS2dev
New binary release of PSPLINK (no thanks to certain quarters). What's new: Hardware debugger support in the shell (on 1.5 firmware only). Support for storing and restoring VFPU registers on exception, can be printed (only in single values atm) in the shell. Hardware debugging support in GDB (hbreak and watch), some improvements to the thread management will only return threads in our app and also returns the name of the thread to GDB on the PC. General overhaul to the exception handling model, can debug up to 8 individual threads in the shell. Made current directory persitent over resets so no more re-cding to the right place. A few bug fixes as well. Have fun and stay legal 
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
If there are better or nicer handheld games designers than Tetsuya Mizuguchi, we'd like to meet them – we got to interview him at E3, and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Mizuguchi is one of the busiest games designers too. Just in terms of PSP games, he had Lumines II and Every Extend Extra playable at the show, while the Lumines universe continues to expand with Lumines mobile, Lumines Plus on PlayStation 2, and a version of Lumines for download on Xbox Live Arcade.
Read the full interview over at Pocketgamer
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
PSP v1.0 users can now back up their own firmware and then upgrade to v1.50 and then restore their v1.00 firmware with this new release from 0okm
Heres the info from the site
How-To :
Restore Your FW1.00 to "Default Setting"
Use FW1.00B(FW1.00 Backup Tools) to Backup Your FW1.00
Update Your PSP to FW1.50
Use FW1.00R(FW1.00 Restore Tools) to Restore Your PSP to FW1.00
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: Power NOT Online or Battery NOT Exist or BatteryLife < 50%" ?
A : When you Restore Your PSP FW, you need to Connect the AC adaptor & with BatteryLife > 50%,
Otherwise the Tools will Terminate.
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: BadBlock find, Terminate" ?
A : Because this Tools NOW not support NAND Flash had BadBlock, so the Tools will Terminate.
Q : Why the Tools say "Fatal error: FW Data NOT Matched" ?
A : Because this Tools just for Backup & Restore your own PSP with FW1.00,
so you can't use other PSP's DATA.
Q : why won't it allow _anyone_ with a 1.50 to downgrade ?
A : Because Make a Downgrader with Unofficial NAND Flash Write is Very Very Dangerous !!
Q : why in Backup file have most "can't read Page from sceNand" ?
A : Because if the Nand Page has not used, it will "can't read Page from sceNand"
Extract Password is : I agree use this program at My own RISK!
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May 23rd, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
kwork has released a new Button bashing game written in LUa for the PSP similiar to Dance Dance Revolution but for your fingers :P
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May 24th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
DreaDNoughT posted this news:
it's finished YEAS IT IS, ok now i've added little stuff but the little i've added is powerfull, for a complete list of changes see in the README.txt. i'll also add a skin pack to it later so those who wants more skins can have em lol oh and in the psp/common folder there is some example games for drunk, u can remove em if u want i've changed the font on the menu and i've changed the background.. if u r not pleased with the current background u can always change it to whatever u like just by renaming the background file u want to win.png and stick it into the psp/photo folder
EDIT: i forgot to alter the readme.txt lol where it says "set your homepage to file:/win/index.html" it's meant to be file:/win/main.html
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May 24th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Description via Official Site
ptDanzeff is an adaptation of Danzeff OSK and Newkey for PSP's Luaplayer and Python-PSP.
This is my first try at Lua and Python. By wanting to keep the source code as closely as possible to the original source, I have decided not to change the spirit of the original C sources and kept roughly the same global variables and functions. I daily work in Smalltalk, so I may eventually OO, MVC and pattern everything. But then again, with two young kids at home, I may keep everything as is and implement new features or start another project.
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May 24th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
.:Epixx:. has released a Text Reader for v2 PSPs, heres the info:
The PSP Text Reader
by Epixx
This Flash application loads the text.txt and displays it in a very clean graphical interface, with fluid scrolling. It's a very nice way to read books that have been converted to .txt files.
You can get books in .txt format by clicking here, and clicking on the letter of the authors last name.
There really isn't much more for me to say.
To Install, put the .swf file in the root. To load the file, in this case, it would be:
You must put the text.txt into the root of the PSP. That means that you don't put it in any folders.
To change the text, open the text.txt file, then input whatever you after the "textField=". Then load up the .swf file, hit load, and your all set.
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via epixx
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May 24th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Some more details from Square Enix on the game via The Magic Box:
Final Fantasy XIII will not have online functions
Each episode will have different and independent characters, the stories also takes place in different times in history
The only things in common for the 3 titles are Chocobos, Moggles, magic and myths around the Crystals
The Legend of the Crystals is the central theme of the 3 games
The latin word "Versus" in Final Fantasy Versus XIII means the change of a direction
The latin word "Agito" in Final Fantasy XIII Agito means stimulus or moving violently, this game will have action elements implemented in the system
Check out the great screenshots here
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May 24th, 2006, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS2Dev
Precompiled win32 vesions of the latest PS2 and PSP toolchains and homebrew sdks (as was available on 20/05/06) are available for download from http://xorloser.com
Also present is a cd image of the latest ps2link v1.46 and ps2client v3.0
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May 24th, 2006, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

Product Features of SONY PSP Replacement Faceplate and Buttons for PSP
This is a replacement faceplate for your Sony PSP unit
Includes all buttons
Includes a battery cover
Necessitates removal of 7 screws on your PSP system
Front Side only, no back side available
More Description of SONY PSP Replacement Faceplate and Buttons for PSP
This is a replacement faceplate for your Sony PSP unit. If your original faceplate becomes scratched or damaged then you can replace it with one of these to make it look like new. These parts come from a new PSP unit purchased to be parted out, we do carry any third party parts for this system.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

On the hostile planet of Nu Earth, there are tales of a lone warrior. A man who appears out of thin air to take out whole platoons, then disappears back into the shadows. In the centre of a futile war, one man can swing the balance: the ultimate soldier and last survivor of the massacred Genetic Infantrymen, hell-bent on revenge ... the Rogue Trooper.
Based on the 2000AD comic series, Rogue Trooper, Rogue Trooper blends intense third person action and next generation stealth. Rogue's arsenal offers him a unique advantage over his opponents; encoded bio-chips containing the digitized personalities of his fallen comrades are implanted in his gun (Gunnar), helmet (Helm) and backpack (Bagman). Rogue Trooper features intense online gameplay modes, where gamers can experience up to four-player co-operative gameplay in all new maps.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

MotoGP4 gets players ready for the ultimate in motorcycle racing on the PlayStation2. Players will able to reach insane speeds with licensed professional riders, tracks, bikes and all three engine classes from the 2004 season including MotoGP, 125cc and 250cc engine classes. All 16 tracks from around the world are accurately recreated with realistic bike physics, rider animations and wet and dry weather conditions to deliver an unprecedented sense of realism. Plus, MotoGP4 will allow players to conduct Parts Tests between races to upgrade bikes and improve performance.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

Different from the previous One Piece games, Pirates Carnival is a party game featuring over forty mini games. The mini games feature simple controls and promise to recreate well-known scenes from the original One Piece body of work. The game features support for four players, with some games featuring split screen play and others placing all four players in the same area.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
New product from Success HK, heres the details:

This classic puzzle game of frenetic action is now on the PlayStation Portable system. As the Lemmings mindlessly wander about deadly environmental hazards, control their fate over raging rivers, steep cliffs and pools of lava. Command them to dig tunnels, build steps, stop traffic and climb walls so that they can escape each perplexing level. With more than 150 levels of addictive gameplay, enhanced graphics, a level editor, game sharing and more, you'll be obsessed with saving the Lemmings.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Konami's first-person shooter Coded Arms is coming back for a second go on PSP in the form of Coded Arms Contagion set for a 2007 release - and it looks a damn sight better this time round.
Developed by US company Creat Studio, Contagion will ditch the interesting-but-flawed concept of randomly generated levels in favour of more complex run-and-gun missions. A thick coat of visual polish has been added, too - even at this early stage in the game's development, it looks like a huge improvement over the PSone-esque graphics of the original PSP game.
Promising a stronger story mode and eight-player online infrastructure play, Contagion will likely hit stores in summer 2007. To see for yourself what the game looks like in motion, download the movie using the link above.
Check out the trailer and source for this news at Games radar
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May 24th, 2006, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
SCE UK boss Ray Maguire has dismissed suggestions that Sony is bullying gamers by forcing them to adopt its movie-playing technology with PlayStation 3 - claiming Blu-Ray is essential to the next-gen gaming experience.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Eurogamer TV, published today, Maguire vigorously defended the decision to include its proprietary Blu-Ray format as standard on the £425 console - amidst accusations levelled by Microsoft, which claims it is offering real consumer choice by launching a rival HD-DVD add-on for Xbox 360 later this year.
"Blu-Ray is really important for the games side of our business because what it does is it give us the ability to have 50Gb of information actually on the disc," Maguire said.
"With PlayStation 3 you're looking at a Cell chip that has immense computing power. That means you're going to need a huge amount of storage as well - we really need that Blu-Ray disc because what we don't want to be doing is swapping discs half way through loading. It's really important to us."
Maguire was also keen to stress that consumer appetite for HD was not just restricted to the burgeoning US market, despite relatively poor uptake levels in the UK.
"High definition is the way of the future; everyone's looking forward to it," he insisted. "Sky are eagerly trying to get boxes out for the World Cup and people are buying flat panels especially for HD.
"The reality is there's not very much High Definition content at the moment, and in a way PlayStation 3 is going to legitimise the whole of the High Definition experience for people.
"Right now 25 per cent of homes have got HD panels in the US. You've only got to go into stores now to see the old CRT is hardly available and it's all flat panels labelled 'HD Ready'. We know that there's an appetite from consumers and we're going to give them the product that makes it really sparkle."
Also in the interview, Maguire defends PS3's £425, reveals plans to continue to support PS2 for years to come and claims he is confident of a successful launch despite widespread fears of major stock shortages.
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May 24th, 2006, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release posted at Lik Sang:

A version of the popular Brain Trainer tests designed by Japan's Touhoku University. The Nouryoku Trainer test, in addition to being turned into a popular book and TV program, was also made interactive via a Nintendo DS title of a similar name, as well as seveal pocket LCD trainers by Sega Toys. The title features the game drills you in such areas as music and math, aiming to strengthen your brain in the process. By simple button taps on the PSP, any player young or old can progress through the game's increasingly demanding intelligence exams. Measure your intelligence and develop your brain with these simple but stimulating tests.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Fighting fans can throw their fists in the air this week as not only is the entire Street Fighter Zero franchise hitting the PS2, but every last one is 100% arcade perfect. This includes SF Zero, SF Zero 2, SF Zero 2 Gold, and SF Zero 3, plus as the cherry on top, the full fan favorite Pocket Fighter (also known as Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix)! But no, that's not all, there's Hyper SF Zero to unlock, plus SF Zero 2 Arrange, SF Zero 2 Gold Arrange with Cammy, SF Zero 3 Arrange with a whole slew of extra characters, and for all titles; secret options and of course the ability to edit fighter’s colors.
The first SF Zero introduced the use of super combos and alpha counters, while the sequel let players use a new Custom Combo system to perform devastating multi-hit combos using the super meter. New high and low counters were also introduced to increase battles. The third title then offered players the choice of three "isms" fighting styles, a simple style with one powerful Super Combo, a standard style with several Super Combos, or a variable style including Custom Combos. Each game is packed to the brim with the original arcade mode, versus battle, a training center plus survival and two-on-one tag team battle modes, not to forget a whopping roaster of 40 characters! These include Adon, Akuma, Balrog, Birdie, Blanka, Cammy, Charlie, Chun-Li, Cody, Dan, Dee Jay, Dhalsim, E. Honda, Evil Ryu, Ex Bison, Fei Long, Felicia, Gen, Guile, T, Guy, Hawk, Ibuki, Juli, Juni, Karin, Ken, Lei Lei, M Bison, Morrigan, R. Mika, Rolento, Rose, Ryu, Sagat, Sakura, Shin Akuma, Sodom, Tessa, Vega, and Zangief. Street Fighter Zero: Fighter's Generation truly packs a hefty punch, and this definitive collection is in stock and shipping right now.
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May 24th, 2006, 03:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Last November Talkman was a unique hit that showed PSP owners how easy and fun it can be to learn various phrases in Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), Korean and English. The very idea behind the translator however came three years ago when the producer, Yoshi Yamamoto, was on vacation in Europe and couldn't talk to a beautiful Italian lady sitting all alone on a bench. Finally out this week, and just in time for the World Cup in Germany, Talkman Euro offers up six languages used in 95 countries across the globe; French, German, Spanish, Italian, British English and Japanese.
• Talkman Euro TV Commercial (1mb, 0:15, WMV)
There's over 3000 sentences (not all pick up lines I assume!) to go across 28 scenes such as an airport, hotel, shops, restaurant, taxi, hospital and many more. You can also save voice recordings, convert currency, length, weight, area, temperature (despite the fact every country listed all use the Metric system), and play one of several mini games to make learning as fun as it should have been back in High School. Your pronunciation will be rated from A to D, while another game has you guess the correct meaning of a phrase from multiple choices. Coming complete with a mini microphone that plugs into the top of your PSP, Talkman Euro is due in this week, and since the handheld and all its games are region free, anyone from around the world can learn a language when the title arrives this week.
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May 24th, 2006, 12:50 Posted By: cancan
Contacts in an application which allows you to manage your contacts on the go.
What can Contacts do:
- Manage your contactsd using a vcf file layout (vCard)
- Read vcf files exported from Email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.. , from cellphone, from PDA, etc...
- Export vcf files so you can import them in the above listed applications
- Modify or create contacts on the go with your Psp
- You can create your own theme for the application
The available fields are:
- Display Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Title
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Home Fax
- Cellphone
- Address (Street, extended address, PO Box, City, Zip code, Province, Country)
- Email
Any kind of feedback is welcome, send an email to this address: cancangm (at) gmail.com

contacts.zip for luaplayer
contacts15.zip for standalone 1.50 version
contacts10.zip for standalone 1.00 version (can also be used with the Eloader on version 2.x)
All are containing the application and two themes
Start: Exit the program in LuaPlayer version
Home: Exit the application in standalone application
You can see in each screen the available commands and their function
Upgrade from previous version
Overwite the directories with the new ones.
Changelogs in v0.8
- Change keyboard to Danzeff OSK
- Better GUI
- Code cleanup and use of my standards functions and classes
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May 24th, 2006, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has questioned Sony's decision to attach a high price tag to the PlayStation 3, stating that there is a "huge gap" between what consumers are being asked to pay and what they are willing to pay.
In an interview with GameDaily.com, Iwata said "I think the ultimate decision has to be made by the actual customer and as one of the potential customers of PS3, of course I think it's going to be kind of a [tough] price point for anybody to purchase; that sentiment has been shared by a number of people working in this industry that I've been able to talk to so far."
"Probably there's a huge gap between how the platform supplier wants to price it and how the customers want the supplier to price it."
Iwata confirmed that the Nintendo Wii will come in at "an affordable price point - and when we say affordable, you may want to check our past records of price points." He added that the Wii price will be announced "in the near future."
Iwata said he was "satisfied" with the critical reception the Wii received at E3, where various games that make use of the unique remote controller were on show. As of course was Sony's new motion-sensing controller for the PS3 - something which, according to Iwata, did not come as a surprise to Nintendo.
"We were anticipating that Sony would make that kind of announcement, so I had to make a kind of wry smile at the time," he said.
"Having said that, however, putting the motion sensing technology into the classic [PS3] controller, which is going to be held with two hands, is pretty much different from the motion sensor being incorporated into the Wii remote or the combination of the Wii remote and the nunchuk controller."
"There's a huge gap between the two, I can tell you, with that whole experience, so I really don't think that the inclusion of motion sensing into Sony's classic type of controller can affect in one way or the other the advantage that we have with the Wii controller."
Iwata concluded by dismissing reports that there will be no more iterations in the Game Boy series, stating: "What we are repeatedly saying is that for whichever platform, we are always conducting research and development for the new system, be it the Game Boy, or new console or whatever.
"We are enjoying great sales with the DS and that we are now trying to launch the Wii; it's unthinkable for us to launch any new platform for the handheld system, including the new version of the GBA... As far as the handheld market is concerned [right now] we really want to focus on more sales of the DS, that's all."
Via Gamesindustry
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May 24th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nearly four years after rhythm action title Gitaroo Man arrived on the PS2, Koei has announced that a PSP version is on the way.
Gitaroo Man Lives! will star our hero, who's very much "back and ready to rock", it says here.
The game promises to make clever use of the PSP's control system and will have a wi-fi feature that allows two players to either join forces or battle it out.
There's no details of the playlist yet but apparently it's "worth blowing your speakers for", and you can expect some lovely colourful visuals too.
Gitaroo Man Lives! is due out this autumn.
Via Eurogamer
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May 24th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game:

The fifth of the RPG series from Never-Land Company is a port of a PlayStation 2 title and features a number of significant changes for the franchise. A new overhead world map divides up the quest, with a grid-based system for moving units across the land. The game takes place in a completely new place called Edith and its separate worlds: the Sky World, the Land World, and the Underground World. The Underground World, where the story begins, is split into two empires founded on technologically-advanced civilizations, and the game will take the adventure out to the Earth-like Land World and the fantastical Sky World (with its split of Heaven and Hell domains).
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Another new Commercial release with a ruddy long name:

Itadaki Street Special is a popular and long-running Enix board game dating back to the original Famicom. This particular entry (based on the PS2 title) is most notable for its inclusion of characters from the newly merged Square and Enix companies appear in a single title. Itadaki Street Special features characters from Final Fantasy as well as characters from Dragon Quest. The PSP version also boasts Balthier and Fran, two characters from Final Fantasy XII. Gameplay consists of players moved around on a board with the hope of collecting lots of money and making a store that they manage profitable. Your goal is to reach a sales target before other players.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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May 24th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via Spong
As it turns out, the cheap PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's HD-DVD will be able to transmit their Blu-Ray and HD-DVD movies in glorious mega-def. You can pull the information from the piece below.
High Definition, the new black of the technology sector. You know that DVD you're watching now? Rubbish. Know why? Because it's in standard definition, like the telly your gran watches. You might as well live in a cave. This problem of watching horrible old pictures is one that can be solved with consummate ease in the coming months. Simply give an electronics manufacturer a large amount of cash and your digital AIDS will be cured.
Thing is, Sony's PlayStation 3 was coming with digital AIDS pre-loaded. Well, the cheap one was certainly going to. You see, it didn't have HDMI output, meaning that instead of playing movies in 1920 by 1080 pixels, it would only put out a prehistoric 960 by 540.
However, you'll be interested to know that the only reason this is the case is the use of a little device called the ITC, or Image Constraint Token. According to Digital Home:
The Image Constraint Token (ICT) is a digital flag within the AACS (Advanced Access Content System) that determines how Blu-ray and HD DVD players output high definition video signals through the player's component outputs.
AACS is the digital rights management (DRM) standard which will be used by Blu-ray and HD DVD to protect movies from unauthorized duplication.
If the ICT token is set on a Blu-ray or HD DVD disc, then the player will down-convert the video resolution through analog outputs from 1920 by 1080 pixels to 960 by 540. The purpose of ICT is to prevent pirates from creating high-resolution copies of HD DVD and Blu-ray discs via the unsecured analog outputs.
The video output through HDMI is unaffected by ICT since the HDMI output is copy protected by High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP).
The Image Constraint Token is set by the movie studio when a disc is mastered therefore whether the player down converts the video signal will be determined by the studio on a title by title basis.
So you see, there you are thinking your TV was last week's model, and therefore unable to play glorious high definition movies because it didn't have the right cables. As things turn out, these cables aren't required at all, they are simply there to trick you into thinking your current non-HDMI HD technology needs updating, while protecting movie studios from the hordes of evil pirates.
Benefit to you, the consumer: Zero. Benefit to the movie industry and technology companies: Billions of dollars. It's a funny old world. Though given the head of Sony Consumer Electronics' wife is currently on double doses of Klonopin since she heard the CEO of Samsung had bath tap knobs made out of fist-sized diamonds installed in his third Tuscan villa, it's understandable really.
Back on point, it's looking likely that both HD movie formats will be able to convince movie studios that they need to loosen policy on HDMI usage, meaning that Hyper Telly will be soon be streaming from your newly-purchased technotrinkets.
We'll update as we learn more.
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May 24th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
news from Spong
It is looking highly likely that Square Enix will be remaking the epic and very much beloved Final Fantasy VII for PlayStation 3, as various media outlets stuff fist-fulls of twos together into one big gleaming mush of four.
Building on the murmurings of last year when SE showed a 'next-gen' demo called FFVIIPS3, two US magazines, Game Informer and EGM, are now claiming FFVII for PS3 is now a cert. This adds to speculation in the wake of Square's impressive press conference that the game had been confirmed, off the record, by SE staffers though it wouldn't be appearing on the showfloor.
In related news, it is also expected that Final Fantasy XII will see some sort of PlayStation 3 spin-off, perhaps as an aperitif for the full next-gen outing the RPG masters have planned, the incredible-looking Final Fantasy XIII. Again, these rumours remain unconfirmed, though the possible realisation of the concept of milking the twelfth game in the series has been the gossip fodder of Japanese games journalists in recent weeks.
We contacted Square Enix US today for clarification, though the firm did not respond at time of press. We'll update you as soon as we learn more.
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May 24th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
New release on Pre order status at SuccessHK(Ships in 3 days)

A collection of more than 1,000 crossword puzzles, word searches and other brainteasers, Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords and More! offers puzzles ranging from easy to difficult standard crosswords, codebreakers that require the player to determine number matches assigned to each letter of the alphabet, puzzles with cryptic clues, diamond shaped puzzles and backwards puzzles where the player fills in their own black squares. Word searches come in standard or themed versions. Profiles can be set for multiple players so that the entire household can use the software. Exclusive to the PSP(tm) system version is a two-player game sharing mode that enables two people on separate handheld consoles to play the game via wireless connection using one disc.
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May 24th, 2006, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Via T3
Our latest poll shows the majority of you already have sweaty thumbs over Sony’s latest games machine, despite its expected high price, while Nintendo’s Wii comes a close second.
Microsoft’s Xbox 360 already shows signs of slipping in the popularity stakes, having been out since last Christmas, scoring less than half the votes of both rival consoles.
Last week we told you that British gamers are unlikely to see the cheaper version of Sony’s latest PlayStation, with only the 60GB version, packing Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and HDMI output, going on sale in our stores.
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May 24th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
News Via T3
Lugging round photo collections can be a pain – clogging up your iPod, phone, and even PSP, but new software from Orb means you can leave all that stuff at home and access it anywhere, any time, from a web-enabled device instead!
See, the clever little programme turns your home PC into a media server, spitting out all your photos across the internet – provided you know the password. And best of all, it’s free!
Orb can even stream your music and video collections, although not all mobile gadgets are geared up to receive them.
Those of you with a PSP in your pocket are among the unfortunates not to enjoy streamed video through Orb, a move most likely taken by Sony to protect its Location Free TV, launching later this year.
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May 24th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
DickyDick1969 has released a new version of PimpStreamer for PSP, this application allows the streaming movies from your PC to the PSP in realtime.
Heres whats new
- start at a specific time in a movie , resume the movie
* press right directional button to advance 10 secs
* press right trigger to advance 5 minutes
- playlist
* press circle to add a entry to the playlist (only in one directory)
- multiple movie paths
- fixed a bug when drive was full (when downloading rss movies)
- added INI options
* “infinite stream” (will stream a certain file for 5 hours)
* show no video when playing audio
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May 24th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
You shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to let yourself go. According to this GameSpot article, big name retailer EBGames has let it slip about a few titles that haven't even been confirmed yet. While this is not uncommon, the preemptive listings could give us insight into the future.
Apparently gamers may see Gordon Freeman surface on the next-gen Sony machine before it's all over with. EA could be the ones bringing Half-Life 2 to the PlayStation 3, as well as Burnout 5.
Both would be nice renditions on the PS3, but then again, we officially don't even know anything about them.
Via PS3fanboy
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May 24th, 2006, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
ShUr1k3n has updated his Lua Bomberman game and ported it to C, heres the info:
Whats New?
- New name :P
- Game ported to C
- AI
- Some news Graphics (Explosions, titles, etc)
- Some bugs fix
- Win/lose animation
- etc
- Kick Bomb's
- 2 Player mod (via Wireless)
- etc
- Version 1.0/1.5
- Extract the 2 folder's to ur PSP/GAME/ directory.
- Enjoy
Let me know your opinion.
Thanks in advance,
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May 24th, 2006, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
Next Generation reports on Sony's hopes that it will be able to prevent the resale of PS3 games. The article argues that it is unlikely they'll succeed in this goal. From the article: "One expert in retail law told Next-Gen.Biz, 'Sony can theoretically sell a license to play the game, but the user would have to acknowledge acceptance of the license. You've seen this when you install software on a PC. I'm not sure that the license agreement is enforceable if the licensee doesn't agree to it. Also, even if the agreement is enforceable, it's hard to preclude subsequent sale of the disc. The consumer could theoretically agree that he doesn't own the right to transfer his license, but why couldn't he sell the medium that held the license (the disc)? Sony can't enforce the agreement against a third party, as it lacks privity with the third party.'
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May 25th, 2006, 00:21 Posted By: RobertLangdon
Check out www.teddysoft.co.uk I've just made a new app available. It's still version one so be nice, it's just a baby!!
The app is called noSy and as the thread title suggests it's an offline web browser for the PSP. It runs on your PC and caches web content on your PSP.
It makes use of the PSP's own browser to view cached pages so firmware 2.0 is required (sorry homebrewers!!).
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May 25th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to announce the first 15Day Lua Coding Competition Results
Entry #1 PengBobsled v0.9
Good dodge the rocks game score 7/10
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
Unique build your money up game, score 8.5/10
Entry #3 PSP Game Builder
Great PSP Game Building app, score 8/10
Entry #4 BMR 1.2
DDR type game, score 7/10
Entry #5 Kramer's Lua Demo
Simple demo, score 3/10
Entry #6 Maze Thing
didnt work, score 0/10
Entry #7 GALPSP
create your own adventure game, score 7.5/10
Entry #8 Serve 'N Go
addictive game score 8/10
Entry #9 Math Facts v 1.0
nice educational title for the PSP, score 7/10
Entry #10 Cargame v0.2
racing game, score 7/10
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
Unique puzzle game my fave 9/10
So there you have it, i did write longer reviews but the bloody computer crashed and at this time of day im keeeping things short and sweet.
I would like to say a massive thanks to all entrees, there was some real gems amongst them and to be honest it was very hard to choose a winner.
Massive thanks to Lik Sang for supporting another PSP coding competition 
So for those who havent read above the winner is
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
and second place
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
They share the 4 prizes donated by Lik Sang winner gets to choose if he wants the cradle/battery pack or the faceplate/buttons, the runner up gets the prizes not chosen.
can the winner/runner up pm me to discuss choices/ addresses etc
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May 25th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: Garak
LBG Productions would like to publicly thank the volunteer beta testers who have helped fine tune our latest creation;
Mega-Mart or: How I Learned to Stop Living in Poverty and Love the Corporation

Thanks to their dedication and quick responses, this epic adventure will be available for the PSP community by the end of May, 2006. I invite the Beta-Testing team to share their opinions on the game here, and give the community a hint of what they can expect come the end of May. Again, thank you Beta Testers!
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May 25th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
A report from website GamesRadar claiming that it will be illegal to sell used games for the PS3 has been officially denied by Sony today, with a spokesperson telling our sister site, GamesIndustry.biz, that it is "false speculation."
GamesRadar yesterday reported that Sony was warning high street retailers that the sale of pre-owned games would be illegal due to the licensing terms of PS3 software, which would mean that discs technically remained the property of Sony.
However, a Sony Computer Entertainment UK spokesperson today outright denied that any such message had been conveyed to retailers - telling GI.biz that following conversations with the firm's European parent company, neither division has "any knowledge" of such a strategy.
"We have definitely not been communicating that," UK spokesperson Jennie Kong confirmed. "It's false speculation. We don't have any further knowledge about this topic - either officially or unofficially, to be frank."
It would appear that the report is based on the resurrection of a much earlier rumour in this regard, which surfaced most recently last November with claims that PS3 software would "bind" to the first machine it was played on, and would be unusable on any other system.
At the time, Sony completely debunked the rumour - telling UK newspaper The Guardian in no uncertain terms that: "PlayStation 3 software will not be copy protected to a single machine but will be playable on any PlayStation 3 console."
Speaking to us this afternoon, Kong confirmed that "there has been no official comment on this since the story that came up a few months ago - it hasn't changed since then, and we're quite surprised by why this has popped up again, to be honest."
However, this is one industry urban legend that just won't go away, it appears. Sony has been attached to various efforts to stamp out the second hand software market ever since a group of Japanese publishers failed in their efforts to have the used-software trade outlawed in that territory, but the company has consistently denied that it plans to use invasive DRM-style measures in this way.
With the firm already making massive gambles on factors such as the price point of the system and the popularity of the Blu-Ray next-gen DVD format, it's perhaps unsurprising that it's not keen on gambling on removing used games - often cited as a key factor in driving the mass-market acceptance of gaming - from the equation as well.
Via Eurogamer
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May 25th, 2006, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang posted it was coming the other day and now its here, heres the info:

A voice-activated translation software application designed to teach English to Japanese PSP owners. Outside of pure translations, Talkman lets players play games to test their fluency of a language. This new issue is released for the World Cup in Germany and features 5 european languages : British English, French, German, Spanish, Italian in addition to the Japanese language already available in the first Talkman.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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May 25th, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
New product from SuccessHK

High speed for data transfer
Recharge your PSP/NDS/iPod via PC USB port
Light weight. Easy to carry
No driver installation
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May 26th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
As retail bites its nails over hardware allocation, SCEE president and CEO David Reeves has revealed that the first PS3s off the production line will be PAL units.
In an exclusive interview with MCV, the Euro boss moved to reassure the industry of SCE’s newfound commitment to Europe – but admitted that some European territories may only be allocated ‘small seed’ numbers of the console for day one.
“I hope we will be day and date with US and I hope that we’ll get the same quantities as US as well,” said Reeves. “I don't think we’ll be disadvantaged. In fact I believe the first PS3s being manufactured are being made for Europe – which is a first."
“Between November 17th and December 31st we'll hope to put them in as many European territories as we can, even if we have to place small seed quantities on day one."
And Reeves also responded to the recent discussions across the market over the console’s £425 price tag:
“When Blu-Ray players come out in Europe they are probably going to be between €900 and €1,000. So €599 for a Blu-Ray player – which is what a PS3 is – and a games machines with lots of good titles coming out as well is actually a steal. And the €499 unit, because that will also play Blu-Ray, is even better value.”
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May 26th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Magik posted this news/release:
I guess the demo disc was good for something after all
The archive contains the sceMpeg lib stubs, the PMF Player module and a test app. Binaries for fw 1.5 are included as well. All the info was obtained by disassembly and sniffing with PSPLINK, but some things are still missing, like finding the resolution of the movie.
The test app will try to play a file named 'movie.pmf' from the root of the memory stick. It has no GUI but if someone wants to make one, fell free to do so.
A PMF file is actually some sort of MPEG-2 Program Stream containing AVC video and ATRAC3 audio elementary streams, yet all the MPEG-2 multiplexers I've tried seem to produce incompatible streams. Some PMF files have chapter information in their headers and some of the applications I've looked at show traces of a 'psmf' library that is used to interpret that information.
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Thanks to Apoklepz for the tip
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May 26th, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
N64Francois has released a great new game called Wario Mastermind for the PSP, cant tell you more (all in french) but check out the screens and download via Comments, Give Feedback on this first PSP release by N64Francois
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May 26th, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Field Commander is the first military turn-based strategy game for PSP and the only title that offers engaging, challenging skill based warfare in a realistic military setting. You play as a Field Commander working for the Global Defense League, an independent organization established by the Allied Nations to defend the world against covert organizations whose goals include terrorism, genocide, and global domination. Your main enemy in these scenarios is Shadow Hold, an evil terrorist organization bent on inciting wars, illicit arms deals and global domination. Command the land, skies and sea. Orchestrate an offensive attack through 30 unique missions, each one coming alive in beautiful 3D environments with highly-detailed terrain and dynamic visual effects. With an arsenal of 15 army divisions and 11 commanding officers to choose from, the power is yours to outwit the enemy at every turn.
100 Official U.S. Playstation Magazine
Turn-based strategy doesn't get any better than this.
90 Play Magazine
If it's combat you crave, Field Commander won't disappoint.
90 TotalPlaystation
It's wonderfully balanced, nicely challenging, and things like the fog of war or stealth units are handled with plenty of confidence.
90 PSX Extreme
As a total package, Field Commander is easily one of the best turn-based strategy games ever produced. That's no surprise, since it's basically a knock-off of Nintendo's "Advance Wars."
Via Metacritic
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May 26th, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Arguru has posted some info on his new game coming soon for the PSP:
decided to extend a bit more my shoot-em'up engine (used for L.A.S.T. demo), to add non-linear scroll-maps, some 2d basic physics (body), and some map/tiling AI so map-text files can be edited easier (the engine will fill corners, shadows, etc).
This is not SMM engine (super mini mario), but a new rewritten one. Some screenshots of a basic-shooter, I used Turrican ripped graphics and some others, note that following maps are up of a bunch of 'R's (wich R means rock tileset), spaces and a few characters for enemy placement.
Despite it's all software rendering, it's running nicely at 60FPS with background parallax scrolling, etc. I'll come with some release game in a couple of weeks.
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May 26th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sodr has released PSPAlarm for the PSP, heres the info:
This is just a simple tool called PSPAlarm that have the
same function as a regualar alarm clock. In other words; you
select what time it'll ring and it will. The alarm sound is
a ordinary .mp3 file so you can easily change it to your favorite
- Gets the time from the xmb clock
- Refreshes the clock once a second
- The user can use his/her own .mp3 file as the alarm signal
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May 26th, 2006, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
pensoffsky posted a new release of PeP-Viewer which is a multi purpose picture viewer, heres the info:
one month later and i havent worked much on this program,
but im happy to report that the 0.7 version is tested and ready to be released
it should be a bit more stable than v0.6.5 
new interface
smother scrolling
try the "start", "select" and "square" buttons while viewing a picture
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May 26th, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
Those of you who love to emphasize the portable in the Playstation Portable, iHikes is offering downloads for the nature-enthusiast. Via their site, you can download trail guides and video segments already formatted for your PSP. The only drawback is that these are not free, allowing for single files to be downloaded at 99 cents a piece or an annual fee of $19.95 for unlimited access to their 160+ files.
More Info
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May 26th, 2006, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Xlink Kai Forums
just went to the webiste of Zydas, the maker of the ZD1211 wifi chipset used in many USB Wifi adapters including the Datel Wifi MAX and noticed that new updated drivers (v 4.13) are available. I installed the new drivers and launched their config tool to see what features may have been added, I was surprised to see that there is a new option labelled "PSP Xlink Mode" , I think this enables the "promiscuous" for compatibility with Xlink Kai. Anyway, I enabled this new option, followed this tutorial and it worked !! , Please note that you can't use the same wifi card for connecting both to the psp and the internet at the same time. You've got to have another wifi/ethernet card or modem to let Xlink Kai connect through it to the internet.
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May 26th, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Nearly 70% of readers said they are most looking forward to Wii. 21% voted for PlayStation 3, while the others voted for systems already released. 88.4% of readers believe PlayStation 3 is too expensive, while 10% believe it's "about right".
Readers have also been voting on the most important announcements to come out of E3.
Famitsu readers' biggest news of E3
1. PlayStation 3's price and release date announcement
2. Final Fantasy XIII announcement
3. Nintendo's Wii price/release date no-show
4. Nintendo Wii title line-up announcement
5. Announcement of Super Smash Brothers X on Wii
Readers also voted in the game they are most looking forward to...
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Via NextGen
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May 26th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Race Driver 2006 for the PSP is revved up and ready to race as Codemasters today confirms the title has gone gold and will launch on May 30th.
Cramming in more auto sports than any other PSP system game, Race Driver 2006 comes complete with real performance cars, real damage, real physics, wireless link multiplayer for 12 gamers, and intense pack racing with up to 21 cars on-screen competing for position.
Originally released in Europe as TOCA Race Driver 2 (and based on the second console edition), Race Driver 2006 on PSP adds 10 all-new international tracks for a tarmac-melting 60+ circuits, plus over 50 machines to race. In addition to more than a dozen performance tests and racing events, the Trans-World Cup is designed specifically for gaming on the go, with a variety of event-based challenges, including Time Trials and Skill Tests rather than a series of straight races. Race Driver 2006 also includes the entire Career Mode from TOCA Race Driver 2.
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May 26th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: Kramer
First PSP Modchip Announced - Undiluted Platinum!

A new modchip called Undiluted Platinum is from what rumours say will be appearing soon, it can boot either Sony or Custom Firmware and run Homebrew Code. Take as a rumour for now until its 100% confirmed.
Sony will be watching this with major legal interest if it becomes reality.
Edit by wraggster
Take all modchip rumours as fake until its confirmed real, remember a lot of sites will post suposed news as real even if its fake, photoshop can easily make nice modchip images 
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May 26th, 2006, 20:48 Posted By: Raydar
After the support for my previous two versions, I have decided to release what is, in my opinion, the Ultimate PSMoz version....ULTRA!
In this version is a new dynamically equalised audio file which has been increased in volume by 30db. This now means that the sound is semi-audible to humans at top volume.
There is now an option of two audio files, standard and ULTRA. The ULTRA file is geared up for use outdoors and for areas with lots of mosquitos.
NOTE: This audio file is only effective to female mosquitos (the ones that bite).
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May 27th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Ok heres a pic now tell me whats wrong after looking at it:

Yep over at SuccessHK they by the looks of that sign are posting that v1.52 firmware PSPs can run homebrew, well that is of course wrong, you can upgrade to a version 2.0 firmware and either stay as it is or downgrade to v1.5 but the v1.52 thing is wrong.
The V1.52 is selling for near on 300 dollars for the rich and homebrew starved.
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May 27th, 2006, 10:32 Posted By: fredjmh123
Here is a quick port of O2EM to the PSP.
Look at the readme file in the archive for more info.
Known bug:
Executing this emulator several times results in no sound anymore until a cold reboot of the PSP.
It has been tested on a 2.5 firmware, executed through the eLoader.
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May 27th, 2006, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
Atien has again updated his port of FRONTIER Elite II for the PSP, heres the release news from both the new version:
Thanks to Danzel (Danzeff OSK) and his great computer, the game compilation was optimized (that needed +/-2Go of RAM).
With the level of shape detail set to 'low' in the setup screen (start button), the new framerate makes the game playable when you are on a spaceport.
You can also disable the 'Space dust, clouds etc' and 'Background stars' if you want.
That's not really an improvement, but if there is not too much police spaceships flying around, you can enjoy this great game from the beginning to your very end
Download this and Give Feedback to Atien personally in the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...t=24909&page=2
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May 27th, 2006, 15:10 Posted By: fredjmh123
Here is another Colecovision emulator based on Colem.
This one has sound support but a poor Coleco PAD design! (looking at the enthousiam people have for writing Coleco emulators the last days, it is a question of time!)
As all my PSP programs so far that have sound, executing this emulator several times results in no sound anymore until a cold reboot of the PSP.
-- Consolius --
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May 27th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: Shallan
In the process of making my clone of C64 Creatures I have had to be inventive with ways of doing normally simple things, part of this meant I needed some fast collision detection on multiple objects. The result of this testing is a quickly constructed game in the form of Portaball, a breakout style game for firmware 2.7 users or any Flash enabled browser.
As this is merely a test the game isnt as polished as it could be nor will it ever be but its really quite playable even if the collision is a little "spongy". Ive added some music I made for it and a few powerups to make it more of a game. There are 8 levels which repeat once you complete them and 6 powerups. You can find it and more at my site here

As you can see the game is played from the side so best to hold the PSP this way. Use analog stick to control the bat and X button to start the game and launch a "caught" ball once you have this powerup.
Should anyone find game stopping bugs, I may tidy them up but for now the game is staying as is, Enjoy!
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May 27th, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Mighty Optical Illusions have posted a series of screens of Transparent PSPs, more info :
Hehe, if you loved my previous Transparent Destops Illusion, you'll love this one as well. Jump inside this post to view full set of trasnparent PSPs (Transparent Playstation Portables).
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May 27th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
The Retail Radar has picked up a handful of incoming bogies from Activision on EBgames' Web site today. Online retailers have a history of leaking publishers' announcements, putting up product pages for games that haven't yet been confirmed to exist. While these listings should not be taken as official confirmation about which games are coming out for which platforms, they are frequently an accurate indicator of what might be coming just over the horizon.
While the MTV show Pimp My Ride has appeared in games before (the show had a tie-in deal with Midway's racer L.A. Rush), it hasn't been the basis for a game itself. That oversight might soon be remedied, as EBgames has listings up for a Pimp My Ride game on the PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, and PSP. The pages are virtually blank, but Activision is given as their publisher, and the 360 game's category is listed as "Racing, Online." The PS2 and PSP versions are listed for an October 2 release with prices of $29.99 and $39.99, respectively. The 360 edition is slated for November 1 with a $39.99 price tag.
Activision apparently has a need for speed, as the retailer also lists it as the publisher for Harley Davidson Motorcycles for the PS2 and Xbox 360. As with Pimp My Ride, the PS2 version is listed at $29.99, with the 360 one at $39.99 and sporting the "Racing, Online" descriptor. Both versions of the game are given a November 1 shipping date.
Anyone who's played the publisher's Spider-Man games knows fossil fuels aren't the only way Activision has of getting from point A to point B, and the publisher looks to be set for another bout of web-swinging. In addition to the already announced game adaptations of Spider-Man 3, EBgames is accepting pre-orders for Spider-Man Origins on the DS and GBA. Each game is priced at $29.99 and carries an October 24 release date.
Finally, the publisher is also listed as handling a pair of new hunting games on the retailer's site. Cabela's African Safari is scheduled for a November 1 release on the PS2 and the Xbox 360 for $29.99 and $39.99, respectively. Hunters more accustomed to colder climes can instead look forward to Cabela's Alaskan Adventure, listed for August 1 on the PSP, PS2, Xbox, and Xbox 360. All versions of that game are priced at $29.99, except for the 360 edition, which rings up at $39.99.
And for cost-conscious gamers concerned that EBgames' and GameStop's Web sites list the majority of their Wii titles for almost $60, there is some potentially good news today. A GameStop employee today told GameSpot that on the company's internal databases, the standard Wii game pricing weighs in at $50.
Once again, retailer listings, whether internal or publicly available, should not be taken as final confirmation of a game's existence, nor should the absence of a listing be considered as proof that a game isn't coming to a given platform.
Via Gamespot
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May 27th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: ade
Hi all, i'm ade, i bought a PSP with 1.5 fw about a week ago and it's amazing!
I made this LUA game the last few days, Alchemist. Here's a screenshot

The idea is to get the whole board "gold", by placing a symbol in each square.
You can only place symbols near a matching symbol or color. See the in-game tutorial for more info.
Alchemist v1.0 - by ade.se - Release 1
PLATFORM: PSP fw 1.5, may or may not work on other firmware
Coded for LUA Player 0.19 (www.luaplayer.org)
SIZE: 1.03 MB in 13 files
SOURCE: http://www.ade.se/psp
RELEASED: 2006-05-27
FEATURES: [X] Sound (with mute option)
[X] Battery indicator
[X] Clock
[X] Tutorial
This is my first LUA and PSP creation. In case of bugs, please send a report
describing the problem and how to recreate it to ade.n84@gmail.com !
My favourite puzzle game created for PSP. The rules for gameplay are outlined in the
in-game tutorial. Even though this version does not support it, i may implement
an option to customize graphics. All the files in the themes/original folder may be customized
and put in a new folder in the themes/ directory. If someone makes a pretty theme i'll edit
the code and add support. My original Photoshop (7.0) files can be obtained at
- http://www.ade.se/psp
for ease of editing. There is also some extra documentation on editing in that archive.
Thanks Nevyn and Shine for the awesome LUA Player, and everyone in the PSP Homebrew community.
Just put the whole directory, contained in the .zip-file, in your LUA Player/Applications
directory, and load it up.
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May 27th, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
More than a decade ago, Myst became a PC gaming sensation with its minimalist approach to gaming and impressive graphics. The series has gone on to be one of the best selling of all time, and the most recent edition, Myst V: End of Ages, was released late last year.
Earlier this year, Sega revealed its intention to revitalize the Myst craze for the portable market in Japan, with Myst for the PlayStation Portable, due in June. However, there were no plans to bring the game to other regions.
Enter Midway Games. The company's London-based branch today announced that it will be publishing the PSP version in the European market. American Midway reps were unavailable as of press time to confirm a release in North America, but a stateside release is likely. No date has been confirmed for the game.
Via Gamespot
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May 27th, 2006, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could well be planning an online service similar to Xbox Live Arcade for PlayStation 3, as one developer has confirmed that it is working on a game that will be available for download when PS3 launches in November.
Developer thatgamecompany has revealed that it's porting its free - and soothingly mellow - web game Flow and that it'll be available through a service that will offer PS3 gamers downloadable casual games.
This certainly seems to suggest that Sony will indeed be trying to compete head-on with Xbox Live Arcade, which has proved extremely popular amongst Xbox 360 gamers.
Sony will officially announce more details of PS3's online service in the run up to the console's launch.
Via Gamesradar
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May 27th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via Insert credit
It's the Tengai Makyou game which appeared on the Sega Saturn and is being ported to PSP, as we've mentioned already, and it just got an official website today. The good news it's that the screens confirm truly updated graphics, with a larger visible area on screen instead of upscaling the original graphics like almost every conversion these days, especially on PSP. Those who buy this version will also get a brand new intro (one of the original game's strongest points was the superlative FMV animation highly responsible for making the characters so memorable) along with a new scenario with its new characters. July 13th is the release date, and this time with serious possibilties to see a US version due to the recent Hudson Soft comeback in that country. They're localizing the blatantly awful Ziria for the 360, after all.
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May 27th, 2006, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
EP has released v3.72 of the unnoficial ELF (Playstation Executable) launching tool named "uLaunchELF".
Heres whats new:
LaunchELF v3.72 (2006.05.24)
-Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect display of free MC space
-Fixed a bug that prevented correct display of file size sums of 4GB or more
-Fixed a bug that prevented correct display of free size for HDD partitions > 4GB
-Changed various configuration menus for better consistency and appearance
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May 27th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: fredjmh123
Here is a port of SMSplus of Charles Mac Donald.
I splitted the emulation for the SMS and the Game Gear.
Don't think that I am a fast programmer!
It was indeed eqsy to re-compile the code for the PSP but all the honnor should go to the original programmers of those great emulators!
By default scaling is disabled but by editing the options.cfg file you can change the frame skip, disable vsync and change the scaling factor.
Scaling=1 scales normally.
Scaling=2 will create scanlines
Scaling is quite poor but ok...
Still same crappy UI for the roms selection...
I hope you will enjoy!
-- Consolius --
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May 27th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTAPortable
Issue 82 of PSW in the UK did a four page article on the PS2 version of Liberty City Stories. Is it a preview? No. The game is basicly the same as the PSP version, so they just jumped straight into a review. Basicly it's just a straight port from the PSP version with the multiplayer removed. A short summary of the review is listed below:
Missions – The short, clinical missions aren’t enough to get your teeth into. That’s not good news if you plan to settle in and play for a few hours.
Multiplayer – This has been removed all together. How very disappointing. At the very least we expected one or two new games, plus the existing stuff.
Graphics – The visuals are slightly sharper than those of the PSP version. In addition, you get shorter load times and no slowdown, just as you’d expect on the big console.
Sounds – Same Distinctive music and acting.
Their final rating was 8/10. It included a few screenshots, but there's no noticable difference from the PSP version, or the huge screenshots released during the pre-game of last year. Stay tuned for the first digital screenshots!
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May 27th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Hacking 101 have released a new episode off Commutecast, heres whats featured:
- Net neutrality is a go!
- PSP PMF Player
- PiMPStreamer v0.55
- Digital Movie Projectors for Theaters
- Wii less than $220
More info Here
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May 27th, 2006, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
c5cha7 has released a test version of his Lua Game Shox to the public, no more details are in the readme, youll just have to check out the screenshot and Download via the Comments
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May 27th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
In a pop landscape littered with machine-made poseurs, crazy-piped Christina Aguilera is the real deal. But will married life and a stirring new album soften her gloriously raunchy image? This and much more in this issue of GQ...
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May 27th, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
hageatama has released another new version of his Bookmark Forwarding tool, cant tell you whats new (maybe i should buy a talkman) but Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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May 27th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of the Tekken series may find themselves tilting to the moves with the PS3's motion-sensing controller. Imagine being able to shake your fighter out of submission when put in a hold. That's the kind of application producer Katsuhiro Harada has in mind for the new installment.
A lot of the characters that were shown off at E3 are still in development, and hopefully the different uses for the new controller are too. When you think about the motion-sensing controller, driving and other simulation titles jump to mind. But a fighting game like Tekken 6 could easily take advantage of the technology too (say, for jumping perhaps?). What are some other potential applications would you like to see here?
Via PS3fanboy
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May 28th, 2006, 03:28 Posted By: mameuser
JasonV has released a new GUI replacement for PMPMod, heres some info about the release:
now shows thumbnails of the selected file. the thumbs are generated at the same time that the pos file is created, and they are a snapshot of the last viewed frame of the video before when you exited playback. you can create your own thumbnails if you like, but, they will get overwritten whenever you watch the video next time. if you are going to make your own, they MUST be 96x54 !
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May 28th, 2006, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
While the entire internet (at least the gaming part) continues to reel from Sony's $600 price announcement, we have to consider just how it came to be that the video game console leader decided to create such an expensive piece of machinery. There's no confusing this: Sony has known for some time that the PlayStation 3 would cost more than any game system before it (two jobs, remember?). But what corporate machinations influenced that decision?
Last week, Next Generation ran a fascinating article written by David Cole, of strategic market research firm DFC Intelligence, following the circumstance that resulted in the unpopular price tag. With the growing homogenization of consumer technology, and increased competition, Sony -- under the direction of Ken Kutaragi as head of Sony's semiconductor operations -- looked to custom-built technology like the Cell processor and Blu-ray to distinguish their product from the others (compare this to Microsoft's more nimble strategy of outsourcing the 360's chip-design to IBM).
Kutaragi was demoted after being passed over for the role of CEO and, when former Sony Pictures head Howard Stringer assumed the position, the relationship between the content and technology divisions of Sony became even more intimate. Stringer "quickly dubbed the PlayStation 3 as one of the company's 'champion' products." Kutaragi's desire to stratify the console market with Cell technology in effect wed Sony to the unpalatable prospect of charging an unprecedented price. Coupled with Sony's desire to not only push their own content on HD discs, but to control that medium with their proprietary Blu-ray format, the final price was escalated by two very advanced (and very expensive) pieces of Sony technology.
Continue reading for some thoughts on why the price may not matter ...
During the hectic Xbox 360 holiday shopping craze, Slate's "Everyday Economist" Tim Harford wondered, considering the prices they were fetching on eBay, "Why doesn't Microsoft price them at $700 instead?" Microsoft was already losing money on every console sold and, as a public company, that's got to be a hard thing to shrug off. If 360s were netting in excess of $700 on eBay, shouldn't Microsoft have taken advantage of that demand to help offset the initial investment?
Like consumer electronics (DVD or, perhaps, Blu-ray players), prices start off high -- appealing to the early-adopter audience who absorb the brunt of the cost -- only to lower to more palatable mass-market prices once efficiencies of scale are reached and manufacturing processes are streamlined. Sony could be modeling their admittedly very high-tech PS3 after this model (which has earned them some small amount of success in the similarly competitive world of consumer electronics), opting for more gradual price adjustments instead of the long term static prices we're used to today.
The problem is, if Sony chooses to follow this model (that is, if the price will drop after initial peak demand is fulfilled and then continue to drop) will consumers know enough to base their purchasing decisions on that future possibility when an Xbox 360 will cost them significantly less now? In a follow up to his Xbox 360 piece, Slate's Harford returned to the question with some more input on the high demand on eBay being related to the paucity of gamers willing to resell their newly earned 360s: "only a few consoles are up for sale and only the most desperate buyers compete for them. If more people put their consoles up for auction, the price would drop."
If consumer perception reflects a belief that Sony's price will remain static, a larger worry for Sony may be waning publisher support. With next-gen development costs increasing, it will be proportionally difficult to persuade publishers to isolate their titles to one platform, especially when that platform is being sold as a (relatively cheap) next-gen movie player and not a gaming console. As Cole concludes in Next Generation, "The PlayStation 3 needs to justify its price difference as a game machine." They haven't done that yet ... but there's still time.
Via joystiq
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May 28th, 2006, 11:07 Posted By: wraggster
Homer posted this news/release:
We are glad to announce that Homer and Lil13lazin
from our forums have finished their first beta of
the DarkKarnage Shell for all homebrew compatible PSP firmwares (1.0, 1.5 and 2.01+ using the Eloader).
They have only been working on this for Exactly 18 hours STRAIGHT, so do not expect too much from it just yet.
They got a pretty nice shell going on. What the features are is pretty much the basics.
Gui AKA Interface
Desktop icons Clickable
Windowed boxes for icons Displaying information on the item
Clock Info
Battery Info
Thing to look forward to in v1.0:
Mp3 Player
Jpeg Viewer
Aim, Msn, Yahoo, [MAYBE]
Moveable Icons
Homebrew Launcher [Yes this will work on 2.01+]
UMD Launcher [Not for 2.6]
Keep Up the great work guys, hope to see more updates soon
To check For Updates you can visit www.DarkKarnageGFX.co.nr
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May 28th, 2006, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Colour Changing Skin released for the PSP, heres the details:

Hyper Touch Technology (HTT) - Its thermochromic dye allows the NeXskin to change color depending on the ambient temperature.
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May 28th, 2006, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
News and info from AnonymousTipster:
Well, after a solid days' programming, I am proud to bring you my .zip extraction plugin for iRShell.
Extract to: X:\IRSHELL\EXTAPP\APP4 (or APP1,2,3)
Open iRShell configurator and scroll to 'Filename Suffix for External Plugin #4 (or #1,#2,#3)
Click X and type in zip
Save changes in configurator
Scroll to a .zip file and click on it, which should run the plugin:
The default extraction directory is the root of the stick (ms0:\) but you can change that by clicking X on 'Extract To:' and typing in the folder name which you want it to extract to. It will not create a folder for you if it does not already exist. When typing, Select Cancels input, and Start accepts it.
Scroll to Extract... and click X, the .zip should then extract to the directory you typed.
When finished you can scroll to exit and go back to iRShell.
This is not a finished release, but it should work fine for most .zips. It does not support passworded or encrypted .zips yet. You cannot zip up files with this utility. It will not extract .rar or any other format, just .zip. Extraction of files is quite fast, but creation of directories is slow, so if you have a .zip with lots of folders in it, you may have a while to wait.
It can extract from host0 to ms0, but not to host0.
He also released a Standalone version:
This version requires you type in the .zip file manually, like with the directory, so it's slower to use than the 1.5 iRShell version. It's packaged as a 1.5 setup (I think the eLoader works with that?).
Hopefully someone can test + confirm this works before I can finally get some sleep
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May 28th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Devs Only Release
Edorul posted this news/release:
In this archive you'll find :
- a mini tutorial to install PSPSDK and PSPGL
- "glut.c" which is a modified version of the one in pspgl. In pspgl there is no key repitition, you need to release and push again a key if you want your program to detect it again. With this modified version you can push arrows or triggers (but not start, select, cross, triangle, square and circle) and 'til they remain pushed they are detected and can be used by your program. (used in Nehe07, 08, 09 and 10).
To use it you need to replace the original one, compile pspgl and intall it again.
- Nehe01 : it's not a real Nehe tutorial but a skeleton for your future programs with a working Makefile. It initialises pspgl and give you all the functions in order to use PSP arrows pad, triggers, keys and joystick.
- Nehe02 to Nehe10 : they are adaptation of cygwin version of Nehe tutorials modified in order to run on a PSP.
You will notice in each folder a working Makefile, "psp-setup.c" needed to compile pspgl programs and "copy.sh" that permits to copy directly your program to your PSP without living cygwin, just type "./copy.sh".
All parts I've modified are maked by "@@@".
For the moment they are some bugs :
Nehe08 : if you use blend and light at the same time the cube disapear.
Nehe10 : Idem as Nehe08, and there is a clipping problem (as in all Nehe tutorials I have modified, but here it's very visible) -> if a point of a triangle is out of the clipping area the whole triangle is not drawn. It's specialy significant with the cell and floor.
Your feedbacks are welcome if you find a way to fix those bugs 
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May 28th, 2006, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Devs Only Release
Hexstr posted this news/release:
Alright I've been working on and off for about a year on this and I think it's finally time to let the people have it. It's not quite up to par with the quality I usually like to put out but it'll have to do.
This is a library for dealing with PBP files or as I call them archives (since they do contain other files). When I started this about a year ago there I don't believe there were any libraries to working with PBP files and I still haven't seen any to this day.
But this is not just a library that can create and modify PBP archives. I have created a format that I call Extended PBP because it extends the original PBP format without affecting it. As most of you know in the PBP header it lists the offsets of the files that it contains. If you increase each offset by say 100 you can use 100 bytes of space after the PBP header and before the first file. So the file becomes [PBP header][your added data][first file][second file...etc. Because programs are made to read the first file at the offset specified in the PBP header you can add any and as much data as you want into the file and the program will still recognise it as if there was no extra data.
I think that this could bring about some cool changes because you can store any data such as files, directories, images in the PBP file without hurting it. Self extracting executables can be created and programs that use bootstrapping to load themselves into memory could include the user-mode prx into the EBOOT.PBP file. Anyway I'm sure you get the picture and I bet your already comming up with ingenius things.
I have included this in the PSP Tools Package that I am working on and have uploaded it to the SourceForge.net CVS. I haven't had time to make use of autocont yet so there is no build yet and you will have to download it from the anonymous CVS. Sorry  .
Now the BIG problem is that since I'm currently in Afghanistan I have to go back out to the field really soon and I won't be able to start on any updates for about 2 months or so. So I'm counting on you guys to fix bugs and what not until I get back.
the code can be found in the CVS on SourceForge.net at http://www.sf.net/projects/psp-tools
Anyway have fun and make some cool stuff.
Later biz.
More info at link above.
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May 28th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Mario karters released an unoficial version of Luamines with support for v2.01 etc
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dragula96 has released a new version of his Lumines clone coded in LUA, heres the release info:
game goes up to 10 levels after that same skin just repeats
slowed down timeline a bit
added bonus system
added combo system
centered playarea
added "next" block
added 10 differentvisul skins
added 5 different sound and music skins
Fixed bug where last line of blocks would never get
checked for deletion
added a pause between when the block drops and
when the next one can drop (gets rid of many accidental "deths" :P )
added a "pause" function (press start to pause)
Optimized engine even more
you can now delete more then one square at a time
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May 28th, 2006, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster

A few days ago we posted the news that there was a PSP Modchip being released soon, heres a Pic of that Modchip installed in a Ceramic White PSP:

Heres the specs/details:
Undiluted Platinum – World's first PSP modchip!
The U.P. (Undiluted Platinum) is a flash Replacement system for the PSP™ which allows the use of previous flash updates or custom firmware builds, opening up the possibility to run unsigned homebrew code on even the latest PSP systems. The U.P. contains 32MB NAND flash which is programmable from the PC via a high speed USB connection, using our user friendly software. You may boot the PSP from either its onboard flash or the flash contained on the U.P; the flash which is used is determined by a button press as the PSP is powered on (U.P. flash is used by default, hold L1 to use the PSP onboard flash). Since U.P. provides a secondary flash which the PSP can boot from, it can even be used to restore a PSP which has been "bricked". Every effort has been made to make our flash updater software, which will be freely available for download, both as easy to use and reliable as possible. The software also contains diagnostics which can be used by installers to determine if an installation has been successful or not.
The U.P. has been designed to minimize installation difficulty and effort. A FPC (flexible printed circuit) cable is included which routes the essential signals from the PSP motherboard to the U.P. main board and U.P. USB connector. Copper enamel wire is included, which will provide the connection between the FPC cable and the motherboard signal traces. The FPC cable also helps by reducing the mechanical stress placed on the solder points, making a U.P. modified PSP shock resistant which is important for handheld systems. Installation aids are included, and installation diagrams for all PSP hardware revisions will be available for download, together with flasher software application, from our reseller's websites. More about installation together with install pictures closer to release.
The FPC cable end to which the USB connector board attaches is routed into the battery compartment and sits above the battery. The battery cover can be replaced after flash updating and the cable remains safely in the compartment until the next update is required, whereupon the USB connector can be clipped in place within a few seconds. This means that the U.P. is completely contained within the PSP under normal usage and avoids any unsightly external modifications to your PSP. PSP is after all portable, let’s keep it that way!
In order to maximise the benefits that U.P. can provide its users, we have decided to take an open source approach with U.P and will be releasing source code for any software we release as well as full documentation for the U.P. hardware interface - including information on how to control U.P. from within PSP programs. This will allow anybody to create software which can take advantage of what U.P. has to offer. We have also sent a few prototype units away to some of the scene's best software hackers in order to give them a headstart at working on custom flash replacements - cant wait to see what people will come up with!
- Ultra reliable and feature rich Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA
- Full Speed USB 1.1 ASIC onboard
- Branded 32MB NAND flash onboard (same flash as used in PSP)
- Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
- Installation verification using flashing software
- Ultra compact four layer PCB
- High quality Japanese connectors
- USB cable included
- FPC cable included, reducing installation effort and improving shock resistance
- Copper enamel wire included
- Open platform development system for software developers
- Installation has been optimized to fit entirely inside PSP
- All PSP hardware versions/regions supported
- User updatable flash
- Low power consumption
- Flash select via button press
- Ultra compact PCB has been designed to avoid signal bounce
Package contents:
The suggested price for the Modchip will be 75 Euro's/ 90 US$ or around 50 Pounds.
More info as it comes
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May 28th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
PSPHax0r9 has released a new game he has been working on for the PSP, heres the info from the coder:
PSParty is a game roughly based off Mario Party, only with much different characters. It also supports making your own custom characters and they will be automatically added (refer to the README for directions on that). It is coded in LUA, and has been in devlepment off and on the past few months.
Right now it doesn't have much of a main objective, but that's why it's called a "Beta." I'm releasing this Beta because I think it is a good solid foundation for the game.
In the next releases, I hope to add Wifi, and the game will have a main objective and support for multiple players.
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via psphaxor9
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May 28th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Dabhacker has released a Paint App for use on v2.70 PSPs, heres the details:
hey guys this isent realy my work but i did do a few things here's the deal i found this realy old flash paint app so i decompiled her and fixed her up for the psp i took out a few things such as saving and other junk it dident use so test her out theres a few tools and fadding and other effects in there hope you guys like it.
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May 29th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Eskema has released Biohazard for the PSP, heres the release details:
Hi all, here's my first game. It's a 2d adventure based in Biohazard/Resident evil series
It's still beta so im working in a better version only for PSP (its a port from my PC version), only for 1.5 consoles.
The controls are a little slow responding, i hope it'll be fixed in a new release next week
Biohazard it's an adventure like zelda, but it's based on Biohazard/Resident evil series.
The game it's simple, the police goes to the school to investigate an anonymous call received, so it's your turn to go and check what's happening......
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via eskema
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May 29th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Jonny has released a new version of his Media Player for the PSP:
Heres whats New:
The color space conversion is now done with the GU (inspiration taken from the standard JiniCho's PMP 0.0.6). Speed increase of about 4fps. Quality also slightly increase (due to chroma interpolation).
Luminosity boost - with right/left trigger (inspiration taken from malloc).
Aspect ratio - you can switch between original, 4/3, 16/9, 2.35 (right/left with the analog joystick)
Zoom up to 200% (up/down with the analog joystick).
OSD added (O to activate it)
Player & Muxer: the new video resolution limit is 720x512 (obviously 720x512 clips will stutter a lot)
Muxer: added the check for writing errors. Download both files and Give Feedback Via Comments
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May 29th, 2006, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
News and info from AnonymousTipster of an updated release of his PSP Unzip program.
Ok, so here is the 0.2 release of my unzipping plugin/app.
New Features:
Supports Password Encrypted .zips (only basic .zip encryption). If the option is 'NoPassword:' then no password will be used, if it is 'Password:' then a password will be used. If you don't want a password, but it is 'Password:' then fully delete the password, and it should change to 'NoPassword:'.
Automatically creates directories if non-existant
Use 'List Contents' to list all the files stored in the .zip. You can scroll through the files and extract any single one of them with CROSS and CIRCLE. CROSS extracts the file with all the directories above it in the zip, CIRCLE extracts the file direct to the ExtractDir without the extra folders.
Moved to User Mode (should fix 2.0 tiff loader issues, confirmed by frmariam).
When using iRShell Plugin, the extract directory defaults to the directory the .zip was launched from.
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May 29th, 2006, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
Well just got an email that further confirms the new PSP Modchip, my pals at Mr Modchips sent me an email containing this about the new modchip:
Undiluted Platinum - World's First PSP Modchip
- Ultra reliable and feature rich Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA
- Full Speed USB 1.1 ASIC onboard
- Branded 32MB NAND flash onboard (same flash as used in PSP)
- Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
- Installation verification using flashing software
- Ultra compact four layer PCB
- High quality Japanese connectors
- USB cable included
- FPC cable included, reducing installation effort and improving shock resistance
- Copper enamel wire included
- Open platform development system for software developers
- Installation has been optimized to fit entirely inside PSP
- All PSP hardware versions/regions supported
- User up-datable flash
- Low power consumption
- Flash select via button press
- Ultra compact PCB has been designed to avoid signal bounce
Yes We WILL be stocking this item as soon as it is available Watch This Space !!!!!!!!!!!!
So more confirmation of the impending release of the modchip from one of the UKs best sellers of Modchips and PSP News 
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May 29th, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: Garak
LBG Productions is proud to present…
Mega-Mart or:
How I Learned To Stop Living In Poverty and Love the Corporation

Please visit the game’s “official” website for screenshots and information.
Mega-Mart continues the epic journey of the PSP scene’s greatest hero, Logan Bogan. This time, The One True Bogan sets out to battle Corporate America as he fights his way through one of its most ominous creations, the Mega-Mart.
This epic adventure takes the form of a 2D side-scroller, written in C exclusively for the homebrew PSP community. The full documented source code is available with each download. Moderators and website admins, please host your own copies of the executable files as the above website will have them for a limited time.
We hope you enjoy the game, and look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing your best screenshots posted to this topic!
LBG Productions
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May 29th, 2006, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sygnas has released a rather excelent looking homebrew game for the PSP, the game does come in at a rather hefty 35mb which you can download at the release page above.
Works on v1.5/v1.0
Before you do that though check out the screens via comments
Lets hope they can reduce the size of the game for a future release
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May 29th, 2006, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Engadget
Need to drum up some cash? Sell accessories. Already sold a slew of accessories to your core audience? Sell some lux accessories to your so rich we don't know what to do with it audience. Sounds like a plan for SCE, who launched their PlayStation Signature series to fashion conscious "adult" consumers well heeled enough to spend some serious cash at their popup PlayStation design store in Aoyama, but not wealthy enough to, say, buy The Simmons Jewelry Co.'s $35k PSP case. The PlayStation Signature includes: ¥13,000 MDR-EX90SL PSP headphones, a ¥2,200 acrylic PSP stand, ¥8,000 and ¥4,000 crocodile-like PSP and UMD case, ¥30,000 tote bag with PSP pocket, ¥15,000 rayon/poly blend shirt, ¥5,500 coin purse, ¥6,000 card case, ¥11,500 wallet, ¥5,500 t-shirt, ¥6,500 polo shirt, ¥4,800 PSP strap, ¥2,200 champagne flute, ¥2,200 red wine glass, ¥2,100 white wine glass, ¥20,000 notebook, ¥2,600 pen set, and a ¥33,600 Emeliio Pucci-designed crocodile or leather PSP case. Were you to buy all of these, you'd be paying ¥174,700, or $1,551 US to outfit yourself in all things PlayStation. When asked about the cultural ramifications of the Signature line, our Japanese correspondents both laughed at and expressed concern for Sony. We forgot to ask how you say "jump the shark" in Japanese.
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May 29th, 2006, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Engadget
Ah, in the grand tradition of taking execs' statements totally out of context, we present to you the latest bit of hubris from PlayStation father Ken Kutaragi. Speaking -- once again -- in defense of the PS3's, um, luxurious price, Kutaragi-san apparently told game magazine Famitsu, "PlayStation and PlayStation 2 were both ¥10,000 [about $90 US] more than their competitors at launch. Yet they both sold to shortages." Yes, well, it looks like the PS3 is going to be a little more than $90 more expensive than the Wii. But he's not done yet: "If you consider the PlayStation 3 a toy, then yes, it is an expensive toy. However, it is more than a toy. It is a PlayStation 3. And it is the only PlayStation 3. I hope that those who understand this will gladly purchase it." And there you have it; those who understand the PlayStation 3 is the PlayStation 3 -- and the only PlayStation-freaking-3 that there is -- should gladly want to purchase one. We're hoping something got lost in translation there. We really are.
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May 29th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new PSP Product:

Enhance the performance of the analog stick of the PSP. It is easy to install and use. Package included 2 different height of analog stick for different demand.
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May 29th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamasutra
Immersion Corporation, which has been warring in the courts with Sony over Immersion's game controller rumble patent, has granted third-party peripheral company eDimensional a patent license for advanced vibro-tactile, spinning-mass gaming technologies for use in PC and PlayStation and PlayStation 2 gaming peripherals.
eDimensional will include Immersion's TouchSense tactile feedback technology alongside its virtual reality motion-sensing found in the upcoming G-Pad Pro Gyroscopic Game Pad designed for use with a PC or PlayStation 2, a particularly interesting move given recent Sony statements regarding why the PlayStation 3 controller lacks rumble.
Sony commented, on the E3 revealing of its new controller, that the firm had opted not to include a rumble feature the PlayStation 3 controller due to hardware interference caused by its gyroscopic controls, something that Immersion and eDimensional have apparently overcome to some degree with this third-party controller deal.
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May 29th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Raf and the PSP Radio team have released a new version of PSP Radio and an AFKIM Plugin, heres whats new:
0.38.11 (r1184) ( 2006-05-28 )
(raf) Added support for the new SHOUTcast DB Listing. This will retrieve now 500 stations by default. Look at the config file to change.
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: Updated priority to 45 so it will co-operate with pspradio better.
(sandberg) Core: Updated danzeff to support 90 degrees CW rotated keyboards.
(raf) Code: Started adding proxy support. Test it by enabling in the .cfg file.
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May 30th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Xeno has released a new version of his Media Manager for the PSP, heres whats new:
>Adding of Zip files
>Thumbnail support for videos.
>Renaming of groups
>Drag-Drop group adding
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May 30th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Stefano Russello has released a new version of the excellent tool PSP Brew, great for editing eboots and sticking new icons in etc and for converting v1.50 to v1.0, heres whats new in this release:
- Fixed Portuguese, french and spanish laguages
- improved the movement of homebrew
- Homebrew list whit icons, small icons or without icons
- Progress bar during sorting and icons recovering
- In the list now is visualized the title of the homebrew instead of the directory%
- With double click on the list, now it opens the selected PBP
- Complete erase of an homebrew from the list
- increased the program opening speed
- Possibility to sort homebrew for fw 1.0
- elimination of files inside PBPs
- option to erase icon, sounds and picture for PBP on PSP with fw >2.0 for the Loader
- starting animation for the program
- Graphical restyling
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May 30th, 2006, 07:08 Posted By: dragula96
Hi there, this is the new version of my Lumines clone made using Lua.
Version 0.05 06/01/2006
--added new color "effect" on scanline
--added main menu
--added new play mode "Level by Level"
new mode is same as "classic" but blocks clear from
grid area after every level up, however blocks needed to level up
get increased every level.
(this mode was inspired to keep the game running smoother for longer.)
Version 0.04 05/29/2006
--optimized code for speed(reduced scan cycles) As a result game runs smoother and music plays way better
--rewrote scanline animation, scan line now moves smoothly across the screen.
--fixed rotation buttons (now piece only rotates once per button press)
--added high score keeping
--added high score and level display in hud
--added intro screen 
known issues/bugs/todo:
--need to re-draw backgrounds to support new highscore and level display
--block delete calculation is still not perfect.
--need to add main title screen
-- need to add new play modes
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May 30th, 2006, 09:25 Posted By: wraggster
realn0whereman posted this news/release:
ok most of the credit should go to youresam1. he did most of the coding. basically if a theif steals your psp and opens the memory stick in windows explorer than it will send the IP of the computer to your email.
ok just drag the 2 files into the root of your stick... im still working out some kinks but it basically works
1. the only way to explore ur psp is to right click and open or it will popup google all the time
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via realn0whereman
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May 30th, 2006, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
Naughty Dog's rejected suggestions that the remarkably detailed trailer of its new PS3 game shown off during Sony's E3 conference was target footage or any other kind of pre-rendered fake.
"The entire trailer was rendered in real-time using our PS3 game engine," the developer's Evan Wells told IGN. Along with Eight Days and The Getaway, Naughty Dog's met with a great deal of speculation over its legitimacy. "All of the models, textures, shaders and effects are in-game," Wells added.
That doesn't mean it wasn't sped up or anything like that, if we're going to nitpick - but it's still a far cry from the pie-in-the-sky target footage ideology that undermined Sony's 2005 conference.
Speaking of "far cries", Wells goes on to confirm that the game takes place primarily in a jungle island setting, offering variation within that obviously, and is "a third-person action adventure with heavily story-based gameplay".
So we can expect a mixture of two-fisted brawling, gunplay, puzzle solving and getting around Prince of Persia style. Speaking of which agaaain, "We're actually hired the designer behind the camera of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time to head up our camera efforts," says Wells of the studio's desire to get it shot well.
Naughty Dog isn't talking about when the game's due out, and they're "working on" a name, apparently, but we do know that the game's already been in development for one and a half years in some shape or form. Wells also had some thoughts on the animation - one of the most impressive bits of the E3 trailer.
"Animation has been a huge focus for us in terms of where we've been spending our development resources and is really something that we think will set next-generation games apart from current-gen." That and the fact they all cost more, Evan.
Via Eurogamer
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May 30th, 2006, 11:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Amity Island is growing, making corporate connections with prestigious companies like Environplus to improve the Island’s economy. Unfortunately the increased population around the Island and recent industrial activity has also attracted you -- one of the Earth’s most fearsome creatures -- a Great White Shark! In Jaws Unleashed players can explore more than 10 meticulously detailed and destructible environments while inflicting real-time damage on intelligent enemies, vehicles, and structures. They can perform a variety of underwater, surface, and air attacks with a user-friendly combat system, and enjoy a dismemberment engine that provides more than 25 points of disconnection. Gamers can even follow story-based missions or just freely roam the island and its environment as they see fit. Also available for the Windows PC and Microsoft Xbox.
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May 30th, 2006, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The fourth in the chilling Hitman series featuring the cold-blooded killer Agent 47. Finding that members of his contract agency, The ICA, are now being quietly (and mortally) eliminated, Agent 47 suspects a larger organization is moving in. Fearing he may be the next target, he heads to America. His jobs now will pay in straight-up cash -- and how he spends the money will affect what weapons he has and what he does next. The developer added new gameplay systems, such as the concepts of notoriety and of blood money. The new Notoriety system means that anyone causing a bloodbath worthy of front page news is risking being recognised by civilians and guards in the future. Blood money lets players spend their earnings on fully customisable precision weapons and specialist equipment, or they can buy additional information upon the targets and location at hand, to aid a successful and professional hit.
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May 30th, 2006, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamebrink
While on display across Japan this weekend, PSPs on display had special D-Pad covers. These covers will apparently be bundled with the game when it is released in Japan on July 6th. No word on whether or not it will be bundled with the US release.
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May 30th, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
The rather excellent PSPMagazines .com is getting an overhaul and will be renamed Perooz, heres the details:
From the creators of PSPMagazines.com, we would like to welcome you to Perooz.com where you will find mobile magazines, music, video and more all formatted perfectly for your mobile device. PSPMagazines.com has been very successful for more than a year, serving millions of users world wide and now we are extending our services to wider range of mobile devices. For starters, we now have developed a selection of content for your 5th Generation iPod Video and Creative Zen Vision M. Of course, Perooz.com will continue offer the same quality content for the PSP you have come to expect from PSPMagazines.com.
More details here --> http://www.pspmagazines.com/pspm/
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May 30th, 2006, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
Dickydick posted this news about his Video Streaming app:
Ok a small update .. I upgraded the PSP source to the new 2.01 PMP Mod .. Thanks to the great PSP master jonny we can now enjoy the movies in various aspect ratios.. ! Finally no more hamburger faces in your favorite flics.
And of course streaming it all full speed..!
PS.. I’ve talked to jonny about taking the stream source into the PMP Mod distribution. Not just yet he said, but perhaps later on…
PS2.. I could not get the analog stick to work… So I moved the aspect ratio control to the left and right Trigger.
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May 30th, 2006, 13:05 Posted By: adam nilson
Hello everyone,i'm happy to tell you that Dawd has released his first .bor file named Streets Of Rage 4 for the popular game Beats of rage.
Here is what dawd says:I am making a BOR mod for the Beats Of Rage engine. Its going to have a Streets Of Rage theme So I am calling it Streets Of Rage 4,Here is the first release. It's still a BETA version so still needs fixing.
Download HERE (40MB in Size) -
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May 30th, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: Raydar
From the makers of PSMoz...
Here is a very simple idea - a cheap version of Talkman which plays Greek phrases through the PSP's speakers. Simply select the phrase you want to use and it will play, making it easier to talk with Greek speakers whilst on vacation.
Updates soon with other languages; French, German, etc.
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May 30th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that the price of the PlayStation 2 is set to drop in Australia - but a spokesperson has told GamesIndustry.biz that there are currently no plans to follow suit in Europe.
At present, the PS2 retails in the territory for AUD 249.45 (around EURO 150) - but as of June 1st, the price will fall to AUD 199.95 (EURO 120). June 1st, perhaps coincidentally, is the same date on which Nintendo's redesigned DS Lite handheld hits Australian shelves - also priced at AUD 199.95.
A Sony spokesperson dismissed rumours that the price of the console will also fall over here, stating: "We are not aware of any price cuts for the PlayStation 2 for the immediate future in the UK."
Via GIBiz
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May 30th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft executives may be lining up to heap criticism on it, but Ubisoft president Yves Guillemot has expressed his delight with the PlayStation 3 controller, pledging strong support from the third-party giant for Sony's controversial motion-sensing functionality.
Guillemot's comments came in an exclusive interview with Eurogamer TV, due to be broadcast soon, with the publisher boss revealing: “We were so happy to see that Sony was taking that direction - we think it will help to have a better experience so we are going to use that a lot.”
Guillemot did not specify any PS3 projects which would incorporate motion-sensing - but given Sony's announcement appeared to come as a genuine surprise to most of the games industry, any supportive products are likely to be some way off.
Ubisoft's vocal support for the Sony initiative comes after the French publisher also proved itself at E3 as one of the leading third-party supporters of Nintendo's own motion-based technology for its Wii system, with titles including Red Steel and Rayman Raving Rabbids on show.
Via GIBiz
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May 30th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
We're still not quite sure what to make of Konami's upcoming Metal Gear Solid Digital Comic thing for PSP, given that it's really not a game as such - more an interactive MGS bible, as the publisher's bigwigs would have it.
Either way, we've got a new 'gameplay' trailer of the not-really-a-game, which tasks you with roving through a multimedia-ized version of the existing MGS comic book, rifling for clues and scanning various objects to unlock all sorts of stuff about Snake and crew.
Feel free to have a gander in preparation for the title's still to be announced release date.
News from CVG
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May 30th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Prior to E3, Famitsu readers were interested in the PS3, and Final Fantasy. Post E3, while there's still some excitement over Final Fantasy, they seem to be very interested in the Wii, and concerned about the PS3's high price. It certainly seems that in Japan, at least, Nintendo and Sony's fortunes have reversed. Will this hold through the launch and the succeeding years?" From the article: "Nearly 70% of readers said they are most looking forward to Wii. 21% voted for PlayStation 3, while the others voted for systems already released. 88.4% of readers believe PlayStation 3 is too expensive, while 10% believe it's 'about right'
Via Slashdot
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May 30th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play asia:
Weekly Special: Ape Escape 3 (Chinese language Version) for PlayStation2™ at US$ 10.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Specter and the monkeys are back and determined to rule the world. Under Specter’s command, the mischievous monkeys are taking control of your television and airing programming that will cloud the mind of anyone who watches. Heroes Kei and Yumi dash through the TV studios capturing monkeys just as their outrageous shows hit the airwaves. Help us stop this primetime primate invasion!
Ape Escape 3 (Chinese language Version) for PlayStation2™ is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer.
More info here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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May 30th, 2006, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
We were looking around for official comment on the PlayStation 3 controller announcement from Nintendo executives who had been surprisingly quiet on the issue, and we came up with this gem from Nintendo presiedent Satoru Iwata. As you'll know, Sony tried to take a bite out of Nintendo's giant pie of glory by adding functionality to its controller that the layman might mistake as comparable to that of the Wii.
"Actually before they made the announcement we already anticipated that they might do that, so I had to laugh. Even though I was laughing, it was with a grim face, I should add," Iwata told the Seattle Times. "Having said that, please know that putting the motion-sensor technology into the classic-style controller is one thing. Putting the motion-sensor technology into the Wii remote as well as the 'nunchuck' controller, where you can use both hands freely and independently, this is quite another thing."
Iwata also commented on the pricepoint announced by SCE. "That's not something I should comment on as a corporate president. But as one single person, a potential customer for the PS3, I think it's a bit expensive. But it depends on how the general public is going to see it. So far, within two days now, a majority of people who have commented on the pricepoint are saying the same thing: It's expensive."
Of course, the actual functionality of the Wii and the PlayStation 3 controllers is a world apart. The PlayStation 3 offers unexplained 'motion-sensing' technology, whereas the Wii boasts full recognition of the controllers movement, tilt, angle and placement.
As soon as Sony outlines exactly what its controller will offer over and above the standard game pad, you'll be the first to know.
Via Spong
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May 30th, 2006, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Mike DX posted this news at his site:
With the upcoming modchip for the PSP i am going to offer a fitting service for those in the UK (overseas people sadly the shipping will cost too much).
Also As far as I can tell I will be able to fix bricked psps.
So, can I have a list of eople who would like to make use of my services? The chips are £50 (aparently), I will only charge a nomial fee for fitting and return delivery - about £25 or so.
For the bricked PSPs, the plan is to restore 1.5firmware, the cost of this will depend on how succesful I am.
Please let me know if you would like to make use of this service! First come first serve. I do expect there to be quite a few people not brave enough to tackle the psp with a soldering iron by themselves!
Looks Like the Modchip could be a godsend, more details at MikeDXs Site --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk
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May 31st, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Tiboric has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the details:
This is a game i made to play with my g-friend when we only have one psp on us. its only simple both hold psp at each. first to run out of time loses use the R + L buttons to use your bonuses (dont hit when you only got x1 it'll deduct time he he) faster you hit the button the more time gets added to your time and of course the less time you loose as well leave posts with ideas and critasisms for this build BTW. all(except graphics) was coded on my psp without using pc.
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via tiboric
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May 31st, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Devun_06 posted this news/release:
Today, I decided to release my project in a nice and usable beta form.
Text;Folders;Mp3;Options; Skinning;and other other tiny, nice gui features, but I'm sure a number of you will like the nice window handling, and the best part about it is the whole system was built to be expanded with ease
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via devun_06
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May 31st, 2006, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
PS2Cover.Com are the first site to offer preorders for the new PSP Modchip (Undiluted Platiunum)which is to be released soon, heres the details from the page:
Our Price: $89.40
Availability: Pre-Order... Ships when Stock Arrives!
Product Description
The world's very first Sony PSP Mod Chip. Undiluted Platinum brings homebrew on the psp to the masses. This PSP mod chip will allow any firmware version of the Sony PSP to play homebrew and unsigned software. Professionally designed and manufactured, the Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod allows even PSP consoles with the latest firmware version to start playing all the great homebrew and unsigned software on the market.
Save $5.00 off the final retail price!
The Undiluted Platinum PSP Mod Chip is on pre-order. The price is to be announced! Your credit card WILL NOT be charged until the item is in stock and ready to ship. Place your pre-order today. Be one of the first to receive the world's first PSP MOD CHIP! Don't delay, pre-order your PSP Mod Chip today!
Product Details
Ultra reliable and feature rich Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA
Full Speed USB 1.1 ASIC onboard
Branded 32MB NAND flash onboard (same flash as used in PSP)
Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
Installation verification using flashing software
Ultra compact four layer PCB
High quality Japanese connectors
USB cable included
FPC cable included, reducing installation effort and improving shock resistance
Copper enamel wire included
Open platform development system for software developers
Installation has been optimized to fit entirely inside PSP
All PSP hardware versions/regions supported
User updatable flash
Low power consumption
Flash select via button press
Ultra compact PCB has been designed to avoid signal bounce
Package Contents
For those interested head on over to PS2Cover.Com for more info.
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May 31st, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: Shallan
Finally the engine is running quite smooth and the core of the game is in place, all that now remains is for me to add a few extra functionalities and additional screens such as game over and the shop. What am I on about? Creatures! thats what, an attempt at cloning one of the finest C64 games ever created. Im now at a point where I need to show people what is to come and to get some feedback on bugs and suggestions. So I release (much in the same way the original on the c64 did) this torture screen demo. Email for feedback can be found on the first screen of the demo.
Download : http://www12.asphost4free.com/shalla.../creatgame.swf

Chainsaw fun in Torture screen #1

One of the best "Get ready" screens ever seen on an 8 bit home console

Clyde has to deal with many baddies.
From the demo:
Points to note:
-To ensure peformance and avoid out of memory errors you must set your psp browser cache settings to "use none", this is done by going into Tools->settings->cache settings.
-Music and sound is in the game but you must have the PSP keytones turned on in the settings to hear it.
-This is currently online only so you will have to be connected to the internet in order to play as the game uses a dynamic loading system to allow a total game size over the flash limit on the PSP, this WILL change at final release when an offline version will be made available.
-Much of the game after the first few screens of Level1-1 is incomplete, this is being added as we speak and the latest build on my site will always be updated as I complete areas.
-This is a clone so please dont request things not in the original game, I suggest using an emulator to try out the original and compare
Have fun and keep the mails coming its helping alot!
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May 31st, 2006, 05:07 Posted By: kech
Hello Everybody! This is my second port
this is the mame4all released originally by sazuke2911 for the psp, but with some improvements, like
- More compatibility
- Now, the "home" key works to get out of the game that is running, and to get out of the emulator
- Is based in the last version make by chui of the mamegp32x 2.3
Thanks to:
Sazuke2911 for their first port
Chui for the port of the emulator to SDL
Franxis for make the port of MAME
and all the people that had help Franxis in the make of the port
If you want to help to improve this project, these are the pages where you can help
and for donations throught paypal
now, what all of you are waiting for: the links
Note: i've added datafiles for the romcenter, for applications like clrmame (the same that come with mamegp32x)
And now, what all of you DON'T want to read: the bugs
- The sound is not working 100% in the majority of the games
- ROMs largest than 10MB (zip) doesn't load (or at least the few i've tryed)
- Not all the games that work in the mamegp32x works in this version
And now (i hope you like this), i'm working in the posibility of load the games throught Wi-Fi! it's working with a ROM, but i need to work more in it so in the future i hope will work perfectly!
(Thanks to TheHard, who help me in translate this... so, if you get a mistake in this, blame him!)
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May 31st, 2006, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
The launch date for Rockstar's PlayStation 2 version of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories has slipped back another fortnight, to June 23rd, with the title set to retail at a 29.99 Euro / GBP 19.99 price point.
Shares in Rockstar's parent company, Take Two, slid significantly when the firm originally announced that the game would not appear until early June, but this latest delay is unlikely to be seen as being quite so significant.
Liberty City Stories was released on the PlayStation Portable last autumn to significant critical acclaim and commercial success, and returns the franchise to Liberty City, the setting for Grand Theft Auto 3, but with new characters and missions.
Although the next instalment in the PSP franchise is on the cards - with Vice City Stories already in development - Rockstar has not yet given any detail on when the next Grand Theft Auto title for home consoles will appear.
It seems likely that a home console version of Vice City Stories will be launched if Liberty City Stories lives up to its promise, but it may be that the next "proper" new GTA title for a home console is Grand Theft Auto IV, which will appear on PS3 and Xbox 360 simultaneously next October.
Via Gamesindustry
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May 31st, 2006, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
It's almost inconceivable that the PS3 could launch in November without a Gran Turismo title hot on its heels to pump things up for petrolheads - and while GT HD received fairly lukewarm plaudits at this year's E3, there's no denying it remains one of the crucial launch window titles.
And perhaps the critics spoke too soon if this latest bunch of GT screens are anything to go by, with the series looking in immaculate racing trim and living up to the sheer visual automotive joy of its illustrious predecessors.
Still, there's no pleasing some people and petrolheads will be pining for producer Kazunori Yamauchi's full-blown Gran Turismo 5. However, GT HD should still offer plenty of meat to sink your teeth into in the meantime, with online play a major bonus and motorbikes from the recent Tourist Trophy certainly adding an interesting spin to the racing mix.
For the moment though, you'll have to content yourself with these screens. We'll bring you more on GT HD as it roars off the grid.
Screenshots Here
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May 31st, 2006, 15:58 Posted By: wraggster
Original Lumines was bad enough, but Lumines 2 looks primed to become the scourge of even more missed tube stops, leading us to turn up for work at midday frantically searching our desks for the elusive PSP charger.
Mizuguchi's music puzzler is arguably the brightest gem in the PSP library, and even though it's now heading for Live Arcade and PS2 we can't wait to get our hands on the handheld sequel. Details are a bit thin on the ground at the moment, but according to the trailer we can expect more "euphoric," "addictive," "mind bending" puzzle action.
Lumines 2 is due out in the autumn. We can see falling blocks in our sleep already.
News and Trailer at CVG
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May 31st, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's UK boss David Yarnton recently lashed out at Sony's new motion-sensing PS3 controller, saying that - in regards to Nintendo's own unqiue Wii controller - Sony "didn't innovate, they copied."
However in an interview with Spiegel Online (a -shock, horror - German website), Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Phil Harrison today struck back at the claims. Our CVG translation droid was duly warmed up and given a fresh dollop of oil and it reported the Sony boss said: "In a way I understand why people say [we stole Nintendo's idea], but it is a little stupid, if you forgive the remark."
When we brought the PlayStation to the market in 1994, we introduced real time 3-D graphics for the first time," he noted. "When Nintendo launched its N64 in 1996 it also had 3D graphics, did we say, "Nintendo stole our idea!"? Obviously not. Such innovations become possible because of a combination of technology, cost and manufacture capacities."
He continued: "We've been working on [motion-sensing technology] for a long time and Nintendo has certainly likewise already been working on something similar. The difference between our strategy and that of our competition is that our controller is still similar to the Dual Shock, the industry standard controller. I estimate that nearly 400 million Dual Shock controllers have been sold worldwide."
When asked how many PS3 games would use the motion-sensing function in its first year, Harrison said that he thinks "all games will use the function somehow." Harrison continued, "If you play a platform or soccer game now, you move the controller around," he added. "Now for the first time we can use both the primary input, executed by the analog sticks, and at the same time use the movements that the player makes as a secondary input. That is an important advantage, which only the PlayStation controller has."
So there you have it, according to Sony it was all a big coincidence and the conspiracy theories are all a load of rubbish. Now let's wait and see what Microsoft has to say about their online service...
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May 31st, 2006, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
If you loved Tetsuya Mizuguchi's previous music games, the hypnotic shooter Rez and addictive PSP puzzler Lumines, then you'll no-doubt be gushing for his latest base-thumping shooter, Every Extend Extra.
Based on a freeware PC game, Every Extend Extra is a puzzle-shooter hybrid that has you moving a cursor around a stylised, dynamic Rez-style backdrop. You're tasked with shooting down chains of dancing symbols, but - seeing as your ammunition is limited - timing your shots for the best chain of combos is the way to rack up your score.
Considering the gorgeous graphics and thumping soundtrack shown off in this new trailer - and our everlasting love for Rez and Lumines - we reckon Every Extend Extra is one to look out for when it hits PSP this autumn.
News and Trailer at CVG
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May 31st, 2006, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
Namco has released a new trailer of Tekken: Dark Resurrection, which sees PSP as the latest venue for the Iron Fist tournament.
Out this September, the handheld beat-'em-up will offer the same sophisticated scrapping as the console versions, but for one-on-one action the ad-hoc wireless connectivity will have to be used.
The new trailer features the two new fighters to the series, Lili and Dragunov. Which is all well and good but the huge news is that Armor King is returning. Yes, the mentor of the original King and the character who was killed by vale tudo fighter Craig Marduk is back to wrestle once more. Aces!
Also seen in the trailer is a new game mode called Gold Rush which, in true bullying style, requires you to empty your opponents of money by kicking seven shades out of them. Chaining combos together will result in more coins collected.
There are also some clips of the opening FMV which sees Heihachi tearing himself from the grave. He's not a man who lies down easily.
News and Trailer at Gamesradar
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May 31st, 2006, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from The Register
Want to give your kids and other car passengers that airline TV-in-the-back-of-the-seat experience on long journeys? Thanks to Griffin Technology, you'll soon be able to do just that. The company will next month ship RoadDock, a rig for attaching a Sony PlayStation Portable to the back of a car seat.
The $39 accessory provides a 2in-wide elasticated band to strap the dock to the seat. Fitted to the strap is a docking unit for the PSP that allows the handheld console to be rotated through 360° and tilted for the best view.
Alas, the unit doesn't appear to include a power connector - though you probably don't want wires strewn about the cabin - so you're still reliant on the PSP's battery to keep the wee ones distracted through the journey.
The RoadDock is set to ship next month, but Griffin is already taking orders at its website.
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May 31st, 2006, 18:04 Posted By: Valk
This is an alpha of a project that I have been toying around with for a few months. It doesn't have much functionality but I would like some feedback as far as to continue work on it. It's the beginnings of a clone of Subspace, a game that has been around for more than 10 years for the pc. Either way, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Fireware: 1.5
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May 31st, 2006, 18:43 Posted By: Raydar
Here is my update of PSHellas which has been re-named PSLingo!
In this release you will find three new language updates just waiting for you to practice! This package uses my favoured method of homebrew - making use of the PSP's built in audio player.
- French (Francais)
- Spanish (Espanol)
- Icelandic (Islenska)
- Greek (Hellas)
My next release will be the PSP Vactation Package (PSTravel) which will include new languages and the almighty PSMoz - ready for you summer vacation.
Donations: raiderofthedead@hauntedmansion.com
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May 31st, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: turulo
New development version has been released, you can download it here, this is a preview of what RC5 should be, so please, report new bugs.
ChangeLog for this release:
* Key shorcut added for network chat (select + right)
* Code updated to v0.4.7, compatible with latest version network servers
* Added keyboard support using PSP OSK
To write text, cursor must be over a textbox and then press select + Left, it wont work if there is no active textbox/inputbox.
Currently keyboard support will only work on singleplayer, you can use it on multiplayer, but you will be disconnected from the game, it will be fixed on RC5. Code has been also updated to 0.4.7 to keep compatiblity with latest version pc players
There is no source code for development versions, as it takes some time to me cleaning the code, anyway you can ask me for it, and i will send it to you, if you are interested on contributing.
Remember that this game requires some data files from the original TTDX version, if you cannot find your old games cds, you burned them or used them as frisbee for your dog, this url may help you: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=3407
(Look for ttd-graphics.rar or any windows version containing data files.)
Download via Comments, dont forget to visit http://openttd.teamjak.net/ to keep updated.
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May 31st, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: Garak
Mega-Mart Now Working On All Homebrew Capable Firmwares!
One small step for PSP Homebrew, one giant leap for PSP Homebrew-kind! Mega-Mart is now compatible with firmware 2.01+. The game has been tested on firmwares 2.50 and 2.60 via the latest version of the eLoader (.97). The 2.01+ build is available via the Official Website under the “Mega-Mart (Firmware 2.01+)" link and as the “megamart2_01.zip” attachment to the original forum release posting (Link). Yes ladies and gentleman, the time has come… Our 2.01+ brethren can now share in the Mega-Mart experience!
LBG Productions
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June 1st, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Ars Technica has a piece looking at reasons why Sony may have wanted to make the Blu-Ray player optional in their next-gen console. From the article: "By tying what is essentially a gaming device to a new optical disc format, Sony is hoping to kill two birds with one stone, but they're expecting consumers to pay for the stone as if it were a diamond. That is, in hoping that consumers will see the Blu-ray player as a good investment in the future, they're risking the fallout that comes when consumers realize that diamonds aren't investments at all. They're for show. And the way the PS3 is priced right now, bling appears to be the operative word. But bling sells, and when manufacturing costs come down, we can all look forward to this edition of Sony Style... at least so long as we're not satiated by a competing product
Via Slashdot
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June 1st, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesindustry
AIM-listed British developer Kuju Entertainment has announced that its Kuju Brighton studio is working on a unique new music-focused title for publisher Lucasarts, which will be exclusive to the PlayStation Portable.
Called Traxion, the new game consists of a wide variety of music-based mini-games, and will come pre-loaded with music from several leading artists - but one of the key features of the title is that it will also work with music loaded onto Memory Sticks by individual gamers.
According to Lucasarts, the game will use the user's music not only to provide a soundtrack for play, but will also change the way that the title is being played to correspond directly to the music.
Traxion is due for release this autumn.
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June 1st, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Not content with taking apart the controller, Blu-Ray player and pricing, Microsoft has also targeted verbal attacks at Sony's online strategy as the US firm races to cement its market advantage ahead of PS3's launch.
Sony used its pre-E3 media briefing to provide the most detailed demonstration yet of its next-gen system's planned online functionality. But Microsoft, which is now in the second generation of its successful Live service, has dismissed PS3 simply as playing catch up in this area by including features already established on Xbox.
"I'm flattered that they've followed our clear direction," Chris Lewis told Eurogamer TV, in the second part of an exclusive interview broadcast today. "Plagiarism is a good thing - that in itself isn't such a problem, it's what the market wants. But we've known that's what the market wanted all along."
"It's good to see them catching up in that regard," he noted. "I think the service is still hazy in my view in terms of how it's really going to work for the consumer - how the pricing is going to work still to me seems very unclear."
Microsoft used its press conference to talk up the ongoing achievements of Xbox Live, with Bill Gates announcing the next evolutionary step for the service, the cross-platform Live Anywhere initiative. Online is certainly what the US firm believes is its biggest asset in the next-gen battle, and Lewis picked upon the language used by his rival to press home what he believes is a significant advantage.
"[Sony] talk about the online component - the analogy used was the air conditioning unit in a car. From our point of view, right from version one, online gaming was built right into the heart of the first Xbox. For us it was the engine; it wasn't some peripheral component people may or may not want to use. It was right at the heart of the proposition then and now."
"I think we can be very confident that our service continues to develop. It's a fully connected, seamless environment - we're in a fantastic position there already."
Elsewhere in the interview, UK boss Neil Thompson discusses the importance of Viva Pinata to 360 as a "catalyst" to broaden the portfolio of the platform, and argues that content will prove the decisive factor at retail this Christmas.
Via Gamesindustry
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June 1st, 2006, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Eugene Plotnikov has released a new version of the DivX and MP3 player for the PS2.
heres whats new etc:
- Smooth DivX AVI Playback at decent resolution
- Pan/Scan and zooming
- Subtitles support (SRT and SUB)
- Visual seek (Fast Foward and Rewind)
- Multiple language and character set support for subtitles other than English
- MP3 Playback
- SMS will read video files from a variety of sources
Whats New
- Changed image management routines. Now SMS uses unified image format for skin and icons. IPU is fully utilized to perform image decompression (it's
quite fast (a 640x480 test image is decompressed from 30KB to 900KB and uploaded to GS memory in just ~8ms)). A Win32 application (pic2smi.exe) is
provided to create such an images. This application is replaced an old one (pic2sms.exe). It's possible to adjust image quality (better quality -bigger image size) and brightness, but default settings should work OK in most cases. These changes resulted smaller (by ~110KB uncompressed) SMS.elf size. Note new skin filename: SMS.smi ('i' means "image" ) (thanks to "Mr. Worm~~" for
trying it); - High resolution movies are performing using reduced color resolution (dithered 16 bit), so no artefacts due to insufficient GS RAM should occur.
- There's also a possibility to force desired color resolution via SMS menu as 16 bit color resolution can improve performance a bit (less data traffic).
(thanks to "Mr. Worm~~" again for trying);
- Non-interleaved .avi's are treated as "unsupported". File treated as non-interleaved if it contains more than 256 consecutive packets belonging to the same stream (audio, video or other);
- Added function to copy selected file to HDD's current partition. Pressing "square" pad button activates file context menu which currently has only
one item (Copy to HDD). Copy process can be terminated by "triangle" (there can be some delay due to buffering, so press and hold "triangle" till "Stopping" message will appear at the status line). This function is purely experimental (just to measure device speed), so, use it on your own risk (files will be overwritten without any prompt). Note also that only PS2 internal HDD is supported;
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June 1st, 2006, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this news:
I've been really busy working on the new dynarec engine, so I've not been posting as frequently as I'd like. I've made a lot of progress in the following areas:
Most integer arithmetic and logical instructions now implemented (i.e I'm now generating optimised assembly for these instructions rather than calling a generic function to handle them
Regsiter caching implemented (although I'm only using a greedy allocation algorithm at the moment, as I've not yet fully implemented the fast linear scan algorithm I talked about in the previous post)
I'm directly linking all direct branches to compiled fragments
I'm linking to all indirect branch targets
So far I'd say I'm around 40-50% through the work on the dynarec engine.
Now for some stats  The following table compares the framerates at various points (previous framerate is for the R4 release of Daedalus, current framerate is for my most recent development build):
Previous Framerate (Hz) Current Framerate (Hz)
Mario Head 3 6
Mario Main Menu 14 25
Mario Peach Letter 6-7 11
Mario Flyby (under bridge) 6 10
Mario In Game 5-6 9
Mario Kart Nintendo logo 10 23
Mario Kart Flag 6 11
Mario Kart Menu 7 11
Zelda Nintendo Logo 20 23
Zelda Start Menu 2-3 4
Zelda Main Menu 10 13
Overall I'd say the dynarec is currently achieving up to a 100% speedup in the roms I've tested, which I'm very excited about. Mario is certainly starting to feel a lot more playable, and the Mario Kart menus are a lot more responsive now.
I specifically included Zelda in the results because I'm not seeing the same kind of results there, so I need to take a closer look at what's going on there (it's quite possible it's just using a few of the arithmetic and logical ops I've not spent time optimising yet).
A twofold improvement in framerate is pretty good, but I now think I can do a lot better. Here's the list of things I currently have on my 'TODO' list:
Fully implement all the remaining integer ops (including all the 64 bit instructions)
Finalise implementation of the fast linear scan register allocation algorithm
Keep track of 'known' values for specific registers and use this to optimise the generated code (e.g. most of the time the top half of the N64's 64 bit registers is just sign extended from the lower half)
Cache the memory location pointer to by the N64 stack pointer (SP) and optimise load/stores using this register as a base pointer
Optimise all memory access instructions (currently all the cached registers get flushed for all memory accesses other than LW/SW/LWC1 and SWC1)
Detect and optimise 'busy wait' loops (e.g. many roms sit in a tight loop waiting for the next vertical blank interrupt to fire which is just wasting cycles on the PSP)
Implement all the branching instructions (I've currently only implemented BNE, BEQ, BLEZ and BGTZ)
Implement instructions and register caching for all the cop1 (floating point coprocessor) instructions. (I think this will give a huge speedup.)
Although the list is quite short, there's quite a lot of work there. What I'm quite excited about is that I think these changes will start to provide significant speedups as they're implemented. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but I'm starting to feel that certain roms are going to be very playable in the not too distant future.
I'm going to try and release a new version of the emulator soon. Unfortunately it's probably not going to be this weekend (due to various social commitments); towards the end of the following week is more likely. I'd certainly like to get a version released before the World Cup starts and all my free time is taken up watching football
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