June 2nd, 2005, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment's chief technology officer Masayuki Chatani has cast doubt on the company's plans to include a hard disk unit in the PlayStation 3's launch package next spring.
Speaking in the pages of Japanese magazine Famitsu, Chatani said that a strategy had "yet to be decided", but added that he felt people would want to upgrade to higher capacity drives - the implication being that Sony would shy away from making the hard disk unit an obligatory part of the PlayStation 3 launch package.
Sony has previously identified a detachable 2.5" (laptop size) hard disk drive as an optional storage peripheral, and it is believed this will slot inside a small rectangular port located on the underside of the unit.
However the company has never said that a hard disk would be bundled with the unit at launch, and Chatani's comments this month seem to suggest it's erring toward not including one - and perhaps offering the peripheral optionally in the same way it currently sells Memory Card units separately from PlayStation 2.
Chatani also said that he expected people to unplug their hard disks and move them between PS3 units, implying a similar functionality to that of Xbox 360, whose detachable hard disk units appear designed to be portable rather than optional.
The biggest question now, of course, will be what impact such a decision would have on the PlayStation 3's price tag, which is already expected to be higher than that of its rival Xbox 360, which launches this winter. Microsoft's J Allard recently said the Xbox 360 would cost in the region of US$300.
Sony declined to clarify Chatani's comments prior to publication.
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June 5th, 2005, 16:10 Posted By: d_vader
PS2 hdd theory
I was reading your forum and thought maybe you guys could help me
Im thinking to get a ps2 hard drive but I thought bundle kits are pricey so I wanted to build my own kit
I was thinking if you guys could help me with my theory
I want to buy an 80 gb+ hard drive from eBay. A Maxtor hard drive (saying it is compatible by checking the PS2 Hard Drive Compatibility Chart website from ps2drives.x-pec.com)
Then by buying a network adapter to connect it together with my v7 pal ps2
I then will buy hdadvance cd and DVD with a slide card tool
I then wish to backup my current games like the getaway onto the hard drive
I also want to buy swapmagic 3.6plus to transfer the ps2 memory card exploit to my memory card via my USB MEMORY STICK
I also want to see if it will play backups dvdr games on my ps2, copy backup dvdr games to my hard drive using the method above
I also want to try out transferring the hdadvance elf file to the memory card using the exploit so I don’t have to keep on loading the disc up
And last but not least thanks for reading my post
I was hoping that anybody with any experience could help me to explain if this would work or not work
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June 7th, 2005, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
News from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3643&&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
<BLOCKQUOTE>There's an attack on the UN by a mysterious new terrorist force known as Heaven's Smile! Everyone they touch turns into a mindless walking time bomb with a sadistic grin on their face. Then, just to add to the fun, they blow up everyone they approach, and can turn invisible too. So who does the government call in to save the day? A wheelchair bound assign named Harman Smith. Riggggght. This army of one though, is actually seven split personalities, each more twisted than the last. You can switch between them anytime in game, and each have their own skills to help kill who ever they deem "deserving to die". Need someone knifing? Kevin's your man. Have a hankering for the extra power of two grenade launchers? Say hello to Mask. Others feature lock picking abilities, sniper skills, and more, such as a female that can even use her own blood to break through barriers!
In Killer 7 a good bloody splattering doesn't go unappreciated. After a night of your team painting the town red, you bottle the enemies blood and can use it to unlock more powers or restore health, depending on your flavor of choice: thin or thick. Thus the more blood you blow out of an enemy, the better, and the thick stuff lets you personalize each personality even further.
Announced three years ago, the unique visuals got almost all the attention with Killer 7, but now the gameplay has been revealed, it seems that same level of creativity flows right through all the veins of this sicko title. The game clearly got Famitsu's seal of approval too, with a whopping 36/40 review score! The two disc GameCube version is in stock and shipping right now, while the PlayStation 2 edition comes out on Thursday the 9th.</BLOCKQUOTE>
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June 10th, 2005, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is already having problems meeting software publisher demand for the development kits for their recently announced next-generation console, PlayStation 3.
Sony president Ken Kutaragi revealed to Japanese newspaper Jiji that the company has so far provided more than 100 PS3 development kits to various publishers.
However, he goes on to say that they are struggling to meet the high demand for the kits and are already running out of parts.
So, could this shortage of the necessary tools used to create PS3 games have a detrimental effect on the volume and quality of games we can expect from the first wave of PS3 titles?
Well, not really. This scenario really isn't unusual - most recently Sony had trouble supplying enough PSP dev-kits - and developers can simply navigate around the problem by working according to the console's specifications on high-end PCs.
This allows a substantial portion of a game to be primed for completion before the dev-kits eventually drop through the letterbox, at which point developers can then make any necessary tweaks and alterations. So, there's absolutely no need to panic.
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June 14th, 2005, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi has claimed that the PlayStation 3 is being positioned as a supercomputer capable of running multiple operating systems, with the Linux system to be pre-installed on the machine's hard drive.
Interviewed by Japanese website PC Impress Watch, Kutaragi lashed out at Nintendo and Microsoft for defining their systems purely as toys or game consoles, and said that PS3 will be sold as a "supercomputer".
In order to accomplish that, the system will ship with the Linux operating system on its hard drive - although it's not yet clear whether that drive will actually ship with the system as part of the default configuration, or as an optional extra.
Kutaragi claims that the PS3 will be capable of running multiple operating systems, and could in theory run Linux, Windows and Mac OS X together. He also mentioned Lindows, a variety of Linux designed to emulate the ease of use of Windows, and alluded to a "new OS" which could be the Linux-based system which Sony is rumoured to be working on with a number of other Japanese companies as a potential competitor to Windows, especially in the media space.
This isn't the first time that Sony has tried to position one of its systems as a personal computer rather than a console - the firm tried to make the same claim about the PlayStation 2, in a move which was largely seen as an attempt to win lower import duty from the European Union.
However, this time around, Kutaragi seems serious about the system's computer-like capabilities - citing applications such as photo and video editing as possible functions for the system's Linux operating system software.
Such functionality would be a logical evolution of the type of software which ships with Sony's PSX media centre systems, and would be an unsurprising addition to the box given the company's ambition in the home media space.
It's an area where Sony seems likely to face competition not only from Microsoft, but also from Apple - which commentators believe is likely to make a bold move into the living room with a new product line based on the popular and low-cost Mac Mini computers, and powered by Intel processors.
It has emerged that Sony did indeed approach Apple with a view to encouraging the computer maker to include the Cell microprocessor in its future systems, but according to sources close to the Japanese company quoted by the New York Times, Apple boss Steve Jobs was "disappointed" in the Cell processor and opted for the Intel deal instead, although whether technical or commercial reasons were foremost in that decision is still unknown.
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June 14th, 2005, 19:21 Posted By: Dan255
I want to buy the I-link cable to connect two ps2's together but what games are compatable with it??? Please help Thanks in advance
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June 14th, 2005, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has put to rest any fears surrounding PlayStation 3 backwards compatibility by confirming that the next-gen console will play both PS2 and PSone games, via a combination of hardware and software emulation.
"Developers sometimes do things that are unexpected," explained Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi. "Their games run but are written in ways that make us say, 'What is this code?'
"We need to support backwards compatibility for these games too, so using software alone for compatibility is difficult."
In contrast, Microsoft has cautiously stated that its next-gen machine will just be capable of playing 'top' titles for the original Xbox.
As Xbox 360 won't run Xbox games off embedded hardware, there is the risk that some games could catch out the emulator - and hence wouldn't work.
"The current Xbox will become antiquated once Xbox 360 launches in November," reckons Kutaragi. "When that happens, the original Xbox will be killing itself.
"The only way to avoid that is to allow 100% compatibility from launch but Microsoft won't be able to guarantee that. It's technically very difficult."
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June 19th, 2005, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier in the month, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said that he saw a very slim chance that the Blu-ray and HD-DVD factions lead by Sony and Toshiba, respectively, would be able to come up with a unified next-generation disc standard. Now, he's even less optimistic.
Talking to Nikkei Electronics, Kutaragi stated that the negotiations between the Blu-ray and HD-DVD camps "is game over," emphasizing that the PlayStation 3's development and release period will not be delayed due to any future talks for a unified disc standard.
Not too long ago, discussions between the Blu-ray and HD-DVD factions began in an effort to come up with a unified solution that would satisfy both camps. However, talks fell apart after Toshiba announced last month that it has no plans to accept Blu-ray's disc structure as the base for a unified standard.
Kutaragi also talked to Nikkei about various aesthetics of the Cell chip. He commented that the microprocessor comes with eight synergistic processor elements (SPEs), since the number eight is an "exponential aesthetic." He also added that the Cell uses only seven of them since that's "the ultimate aesthetic" in an engineering sense; at E3, Sony revealed that ignoring one SPE as a redundancy will improve the chip's yield and allow production costs to drop dramatically.
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June 20th, 2005, 21:56 Posted By: sntee
The memory Card I bought along with my first PS2 (on the official uk release date, no less) has finally given up the ghost on me after years of reliable service.
Only problem is, I never got round to backing it up (I know what you're all thinking, but how many of us do?)
Does anyone know of anywhere that provides a memory retrieval service?
The card was full and it's so frustrating to think that the hours and hours of gameplay stored on it are probably still there, but inaccessible.
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June 21st, 2005, 02:27 Posted By: Pecks2005
sorry if this has been posted before i looked but couldnt find anything.
has anyone got a pic of the back of the pad? because i was watching a video over at gamepsot of the sony E3 2005 booth and the ps3 was on a spinning stand and as the pad span round the video cut away! (nooooo!!!) so some one must of got a glimpse of the back right? lol any info would make me a very happy boy lol or maybe an image if possible? thanks 
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June 22nd, 2005, 05:37 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
Is Batman Begins as insane as the movie was? The villian (I won't say if some people didnt see it because its one of the best ones) was just off the hook in that movie and I was hoping the game would be delivered just as well as the movie was. Thoughts and opinions would really help me determine if it's worth a rent or buy for that matter.
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
-Batman Begins
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June 23rd, 2005, 00:06 Posted By: greensaber5
I keep getting a disc error message when I put in games. I already clean them and it only seems to read the newest games. Please help
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June 25th, 2005, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 hardware used at E3 last month was running at only 75 per cent of the final system speed, according to reports which have emerged this week - confirming comments made by SCEE development boss Phil Harrison at the show.
"It only gets better from here on in," Harrison told GamesIndustry.biz at the time, referring to the performance of the system. "As you get closer and closer to production hardware, you're using more and more like the final silicon, which will be more and more like the final clock speed."
Now Japanese website ITmedia has revealed that the development kits used to run demos including Epic Games' stunning Unreal Tournament 2007 demo were running on hardware clocked at just 75 per cent of the final projected speed.
The Cell chip in the development kits runs at 2.4GHz, according to ITmedia, while the final chip will be at 3.2GHz; and the graphics part used for the demos wasn't the final RSX chip, but rather a different NVIDIA GPU which may not have been optimised for the PS3's high-speed RAMBUS memory interface.
Of course, Sony wasn't the only company showing off titles on unfinished hardware at E3. Microsoft claims that the Xbox 360 titles it showed off weren't representative of the final games, since they were running on alpha-version development kits which have as little as 25 per cent of the power of the final system.
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June 29th, 2005, 05:09 Posted By: finalfantasy123
the new verzion of snes station says it works with swap methods aka slide card ive tryed this alot n it does not work for me n also the cd walkthrough dosent show up for me can anyone pleaz help me
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June 29th, 2005, 08:43 Posted By: ArchAngel
Hi, is there any way to plug in the PS2 to play on the PC?
I have an ATI Radeon 9550 256 graphics card with the Red/Yellow plug-ins.
Any advice would be appreciated!
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