November 1st, 2008, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
* And by complete, we mean complete complete. Sony says — and you may already have heard this figure tossed around — that there's some 420 hours worth of play time in Resistance 2 required to unlock everything.
Thankfully, for at least my own review purposes, the single player campaign should take you about 9 to 11 hours to burn through. That's totally reasonable. But if you plan on dedicating the time to do everything, unlock every level, find every briefing, max out every class, you've got about 18 days of your life ahead of you just playing R2.
And if you do, you're a more dedicated man than me.
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November 1st, 2008, 11:54 Posted By: wraggster

Is it me, or is gaming relying more and more on social media networks? Time was, gaming was this dirty, solitary habit you did in your mom’s basement or in a darkened corner of your dad’s study. You didn’t talk about it, you didn’t brag about it, and (even if you wanted to), you couldn’t show off your gaming accomplishments.
Nowadays, if you don’t have an Achievement score of at least 14000, you’re probably going to catch heat about it – in real life. Gamertags, friend codes and even guilds are increasingly important parts of your gaming experience, even if you’re not into competitive multiplayer games.
So, logically, Sony wants to step that up and incorporate even more stuff into your social gaming experience. But instead of just adding Trophies and an avatar system (in the mode of “me too!” one-upmanship we usually see between Xbox and PlayStation), they’ve made an entire virtual world that’s supposed to bring your gaming, your music, your movies and even your sense of style all together in one place. This is definitely a step up from the Mii Plaza.
So how well does it work? It’s too soon to weigh in on technical flaws, but the three years of development definitely shows in how smooth the test environment runs, how detailed the avatar design system is and in the sheer amount of stuff there is to do in Home.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America has filed a new U.S. patent describing a controller that employs "hybrid video capture and ultrasonic tracking" technology.
The patent states that the system senses the movement of "one or more" controllers in a 3D space.
From the patent's abstract: "The captured video information is used to identify a horizontal and vertical position for each controller within a capture area. The ultrasonic tracking system analyzes sound communications to determine the distances between the game system and each controller and to determine the distances among the controllers. The distances are then analyzed by the game interface to calculate the depths within the capture area for each controller."
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November 1st, 2008, 13:41 Posted By: wraggster
There's no doubt that Microsoft's Xbox 360 will have the price advantage this holiday season, and if you were hoping to see a bona fide price cut following Sony's introduction of the $399.99 80GB PlayStation 3, you'll probably be waiting 'til late 2009. Speaking at the Gamer 3.0 conference in London this week, Sony's own Ray Maguire was quoted as saying that the pressure for a price drop from consumers was always there, but given that it "has a business to run" and shareholders to please, it probably won't be decreasing the PS3's price before the end of 2008.
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November 1st, 2008, 13:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from tlaft
slt all. voila good as I planned my fate shell ... I said no + +. I let you discover for yourself and share these images. tlaft
password: tlaft

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November 1st, 2008, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Benjami

Another homebrew from the RRS dev team, this is our first application we made.
Build on the PSPRevolution Engine, this application learns you to play various riffs on guitar.
The program displays the tab and plays the song to play along.
This is a demo and contains 5 riffs:
ZZ Top - La Grange
AC/DC - Back in Black
Van Halen - Aint talking about love
Joe Satriani - The Extremist
Metallica - Seek and Destroy
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ig7o0h
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November 1st, 2008, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
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November 1st, 2008, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 60MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 60MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode. LEDs are flashed once in 30 seconds so that the PSP is not mistaken to be powered off.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the Hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the Hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. To return to normal, push the power switch to the suspend position, or just press the Screen button.
While the PSP is in hold mode, if you first hold down the Select button, you can use the following buttons: Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Vol+, Vol-, Start.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a Memory Stick. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it before vshmain.prx.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v3.2 are
0xD98 - CPU
0xD9C - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for Bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU and Bus speed work.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Thanks to Booster for the SysCon Hook sample, based on which Hold+ v3.0 was updated.
Thanks to Total_Noob; As his plugin MusicHold was not compatible with Hold+, with his permission I've implemented the same features in Hold+ v3.0 for people who wanted some buttons to be usable in hold mode.
Spoiler for Changelog:
Changelog v3.2
Fixed a bug where after you exit a Photo or the Browser, the battery icon would keep disappearing and reappearing.
Fixed a bug where each time you exit a Photo or the Browser, the first time you turn on Hold after that it would only go to Normal Hold mode.
Changelog v3.1
Reduced CPU usage by delaying longer in main loop. Since v3.0 the main loop doesn't do much so it needn't run as fast as before. This *should* alleviate problems with the battery icon.
Now its not possible to accidently press 'other' buttons in hold mode while holding Select button. Ex: If you are holding Select + VolUp to increase volume, and you accidently press X, the X button will not have effect.
Changelog v3.0
Completely overhauled the plugin to work using only the SysCon functions based on Booster's example.
The prevention of accidental suspend was changed to Booster's method as that is more efficient.
In Display Off mode, pressing the Screen button to return to normal no longer causes the firmware's internal brightness variable to become one step higher than the original screen brightness.
Added the ability to use some of the buttons while in hold mode, by holding the Select button first.
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November 1st, 2008, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nick Swardh has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres whats new:
This release includes a few fixed bugs that was introduced in v3.0
Fixed a bug causing the converted audiofile to be corrupt
Fixed a custom server-script bug
Fixed a screenshot bug
Fixed a Join-files bug
Fixed a PSPVC Server issue on the server side
Download PSPVC v3.10 here.
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November 1st, 2008, 14:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305
It's been a long while since I made any releases.
What's this?
This is a motion capture & depiction software for PSP that shows Real Time 2d representation of motion (as reported by Motion Kit).
Features Smooth recognition with ability to toggle the Motion Sensitivity, colors, pointing/drawing mode, screenshot functionality(currently broken).
It is so well written that you can even draw PAINTINGS/figures by only by using motion.
I wrote this software long back (back when I was sponsored the motion kit) but decided I would release this only when I fix the screenshot functionality (so that you all can share you creations).
You'll need the Neo Motion Kit. ( http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php...=189&Itemid=37)
See Program's OSD.
ScreenShot Functionality is BROKEN. You'll need a screenshot plugin.
Read the READMEs!
SHARE you creative MoCap drawings/creations; I am looking forward to seeing your entries.
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November 1st, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
With the release of Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, Pc and Ps3 this week, there has been controversy over the Playstation 3 version containing game stopping glitches. With the Xbox360 and the PC versions running fine, it has raised the question of why so many Playstation 3 releases are broken on release date relying on a patch.
First Socom suffered then it was Little Big Planet, and now one of the year’s most anticipated games has suffered the same fate. But the reason why this one hits so hard is because it is multiplatform and the game runs flawlessly on the 360 and Pc. How does it look for Sony when their competition can run these games without a hiccup whilst even Sony’s first party games are being released broken.
The issue here seems to be that while the developers have no problem creating Xbox 360 games along with the Pc versions due to the architectures being so similar, they cannot seem to fully get to grips with the Playstation’s architecture to the point they can avoid these glitches. We have to keep in mind that developers have a time line to work towards, so if it is easier for them to create the Playstation 3 versions the best they can then fix it with a patch post release, this is the course of action they will take. This is no issue for them, Sony unfortunately have to suffer the criticism as millions of their customers are left not receiving the same satisfaction as the competitions base.
Even those who own all systems will buy all 3rd party releases for the Xbox 360 without a second thought due to the fact they already know they can get the best experience from buying this version. It is extremely sad to see this from the eyes of a Playstation 3 owner as myself. However I feel it is up to Sony to make this trend change, as the developers will do what they are payed to do and they are not payed to make the Playstation experience a better one. Let’s hope Sony can offer more support with their Dev kits in the future so all multiplatform titles can be identical and the first party exclusives can be that much more appealing.
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November 1st, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips
(For some items such as Modchips, Flashcarts etc you will need to be logged in at Mr Modchips to view them, they are only viewable by members, all other products are viewable to everyone)
A brand new original replacement lens for PlayStation 3 (model KES-410ACA)
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November 1st, 2008, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips
(For some items such as Modchips, Flashcarts etc you will need to be logged in at Mr Modchips to view them, they are only viewable by members, all other products are viewable to everyone)

A brand new replacement small motor for PS3 , compatible with KES-400AAA laser only
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November 1st, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips
(For some items such as Modchips, Flashcarts etc you will need to be logged in at Mr Modchips to view them, they are only viewable by members, all other products are viewable to everyone)

A brand new original replacement memory card socket board for PS3
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November 1st, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips
(For some items such as Modchips, Flashcarts etc you will need to be logged in at Mr Modchips to view them, they are only viewable by members, all other products are viewable to everyone)

Brand new original replacement full optical block for PS3, compatible with 40GB console only
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November 1st, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips
(For some items such as Modchips, Flashcarts etc you will need to be logged in at Mr Modchips to view them, they are only viewable by members, all other products are viewable to everyone)

A replacement drive board (Including BD7956FS) for PS3
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November 1st, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Compatible with both PSP and PSP Slim and Lite, this quick charger will reload your battery efficiently and with any adaptor.
- Quick charge function
- Auto-detect full charge function
- Built-in full charge LED indicator
- 8 hours full charge with PSP (regular) battery
- 6 hours full charge with PSP Slim and Lite battery
- Built-in 'electric protect circuit' to prevent battery and console from burn out
- Compatible with PSP/PSP Slim and Lite original or 3rd party battery pack
- Compatible with original PSP/PSP Slim and lite or 3rd party AC adapter, car
lighter adapter or USB power charge cable
- sold without battery
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November 1st, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Whether you've stripped out some screws or your so-called friend dropped one during an install, fear no more! Your PSP can be whole again and just as sturdy as before.
There are 19 pieces in total making a complete set
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November 1st, 2008, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Your PSP battery can give you up to ten hours of use per charge, but is this enough? When you have fought your way to the last level and are about to face the end of game boss, the last thing you want is to have to wait for the battery to recharge before delivering the killer blow. That's where MAX Power comes in.
The MAX Power Slimline is a lithium battery for the PSP designed in a slimmer package to fit the new Slimeline PSP. Keep it charged and you always have a back-up in case your main battery is drained at a crucial moment.
Special slimmer 1200mAh version of the MAX Power
Up to eight hours of use per charge.
Always have a spare battery handy.
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November 1st, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Replacement UMD cases for your Sony PSP. Includes 3 UMD cases and a polishing cloth.
Specifications :
Replacement UMD cases. Don't be left without a playable game because of a broken piece of plastic. And, you can raise the value of your used games too. Includes 3 UMD cases and a polishing cloth so that you can refurbish your games as needed.
Snap fit design, no tools required.
Kit Includes :
- 3 UMD cases
- 1 polishing cloth
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November 2nd, 2008, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
Here we go again folks! More news on the mandatory install of the upcoming Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm that is set to release in a couple of days! As we go hands-on with the retail build of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, a mandatory install popped up having you wait for at least 15-20 minutes to install the 3.9GB Data of the game.
Now that takes almost 4GB space in my 18GB free space that I have…
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November 2nd, 2008, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
Xart has finally released his rubiks cube game for the PSP, heres the details:
Here is a early alpha version release that I have quickly tested my self by scrambling and solving the cube.
Controls are simple.
Analog Stick : selecting a point on the cube to rotate "front or right side only"
Cross Held : use the Analog Stick to select a direction
Cross Released : makes the move
Digital Pad : rotate the hole cube forwards, backwards, left or right
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November 3rd, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: Art
Audio Mechanica V7b
Hi Guys,
Here's the second release of Audio Mechanica since the rewrite with Go!Cam support.
This is the first series that can record direct to file, and is able to do so with either
the Socom microphone headset, DIY mic, or Chotto cam (Go!Cam) microphone 

Updates for V7b:
There may still be updates to come for this program.
Cheers, Art.
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November 3rd, 2008, 02:18 Posted By: halo9449
That's right, something that has yet to be accomplished at all is now up for grabs here: http://psp.wijou.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=486
The Readme is in the archive, but what is not explained in the readme is that player skins are seriously messed up still at this point (they just don't show up right) and the bot skins are the same for both teams (another bug that will hopefully be worked out soon)
Heres the full news article
Just like any other Quake PSP download, throw the contents of your Quake ID1 folder into the ID1 folder in the Team Fortress folder in the archive. Enjoy!
Note: Not ALL of the maps included work, and in adhoc play, other players' skins do not show up at all, which is something I am trying to work on. Bot skins are all one color, instead of there being a red and blue team skin set. Again, something I'm trying to work on.
Enjoy, world!!
EDIT: Before anyone says anything, I am well aware that it says Team Fortress 1.2 on the zip file, while it really is 1.3, but hey, does that REALLY matter when you're minutes away from Team Fortress on your PSP?
Also, one last note, the readme may refer to some download links that do not exist on the readme, like a second control configuration (already included) because I copied that section from the development thread.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster

You know what sounds really good right now? An artificially flavored fruit soda. But since we don't have one, we'll settle for the Sony and Universal joint venture called PoP. It's an "entertainment vending machine" that uses a touchscreen interface to sell and dispense Blu-rays, PS3 Games, DVDs, CDs, and movie/music downloads for the various PMPs. Arriving in your favorite public spaces soon, the systems promise to launch with 150 movie titles and even run occasional sales. So who knows, they could actually be worth using. Hit up the link for a video of the interface.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft has been relentless in their pursuit of exclusivity rights for the downloadable content for some of the biggest games of the year -- Grand Theft Auto IV, of course, being chief among them. Other than a vague comment from SCEE president David Reeves, who hinted in May that extra content for GTA IV would "probably" be coming to the PS3, we've not heard much contention from Sony's higher-ups over Microsoft's stranglehold on the DLC of these third-party blockbusters.
This silence was recently broken by Sony UK managing director Ray Maguire, who, in an interview with VideoGamer.com, stated, "nothing is ever exclusive." Maguire explained that while the competition had spent "a large amount of money" to purchase exclusive DLC rights for "a period of time", Sony had chosen to funnel their money into research and development, as well as the production of titles such as LittleBigPlanet.
His statements certainly seem to hint at the possibility of 360-exclusive DLC eventually finding its way onto the PS3 -- though considering the kind of green Microsoft dishes out to secure said DLC, we'd be surprised if it happened anytime soon.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Most studios, even Sony Pictures, have given up on releasing UMD movies. This already makes Resident Evil Degeneration unique because Sony will release a slightly cheaper UMD version in Japan on December 17. Resident Evil Degeneration on UMD goes for 3,990 yen ($40) while the collector’s edition DVD runs for 4,980 yen ($51).
You know what else Resident Evil Degeneration has? Two language tracks: English and Japanese. Even in Japan Resident Evil games usually have English voice acting so if you want to hear Leon speak Japanese here you go. Collectors might also want to look out for the limited edition Blu-ray box set with the figure above. It’s limited to 5,000 pieces and usually goes for 12,800 yen ($129). Since the Americas and Japan are in the same Blu-ray region the Japanese release will play on a US PlayStation 3 without any fussing around.
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November 3rd, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Most studios, even Sony Pictures, have given up on releasing UMD movies. This already makes Resident Evil Degeneration unique because Sony will release a slightly cheaper UMD version in Japan on December 17. Resident Evil Degeneration on UMD goes for 3,990 yen ($40) while the collector’s edition DVD runs for 4,980 yen ($51).
You know what else Resident Evil Degeneration has? Two language tracks: English and Japanese. Even in Japan Resident Evil games usually have English voice acting so if you want to hear Leon speak Japanese here you go. Collectors might also want to look out for the limited edition Blu-ray box set with the figure above. It’s limited to 5,000 pieces and usually goes for 12,800 yen ($129). Since the Americas and Japan are in the same Blu-ray region the Japanese release will play on a US PlayStation 3 without any fussing around.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs feed )

Take control of Ben and his new alien forms as you work to find Grandpa Max and stop a diabolical Highbreed alien plot
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs feed )

Vault 101 ?Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec?engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.
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November 3rd, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
(SuccessHK ship worldwide all games and consoles - use airmail and ask to ship as sample to avoid customs fees )

Disney Sing It is a new video-based karaoke game that features a mix of popular fan-faves and the hottest new Disney talents. Available this holiday, the first game in this rockin?new franchise features songs and videos from Hollywood Records artists, Disney Channel Original Series and Disney Channel Original Movies. Players can belt out some of today’s chart topping tunes and have a blast along with their friends and Disney stars!
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
I love these amusing articles posted by tech sites, heres another to read and amuse yourself at:
It's still early days in the life of the PSP-3000, which was released approximately 3 weeks ago, but Sony will be happy to hear that hackers have so far failed to exploit the latest hardware revision.
So far hackers have only been able to swap its CPU with that of a PSP Slim, but haven't been able to exploit the hardware in the same way as previous models.
Dark Alex, one of the most popular PSP sites for the hacking and homebrew community, has been unable to find a work around to hack the hand-held and the community as a whole appear to be stumped as to whether it will even be possible.
If it can't be hacked then Sony will have finally won its long battle against piracy and the homebrew community. Throughout the life cycle of the PSP, Sony has tried to thwart hackers by releasing firmware updates to improve security, but every time it's still managed to be hacked. PSP hackers have in the past been vocal about the fact that they're not actually interested in hacking the PSP to take advantage of copied games, but believe they should have the right to do whatever they want to the hardware.
Fanjita, a member of the hacker group "N00bz!", stated,
"Everyone has the right to do what they want with their own hardware. Piracy does upset me, and because what we are doing opens the way to piracy it's harder to justify it morally. But our stance on piracy is clear, and we hope to be role models. Sony have never been in touch with me, so I am confident that what we are doing is legal."
However. some people believe that by stopping hackers from exploiting the hardware, Sony is actually doing itself no favours.
Phillip Torrone from Make Magazine recently stated:
"I think the really smart companies should release their products to the alpha geeks for six months and let the alpha geeks play around with them. It seems to me they'd save a lot of money on R&D, and they'd come out with much more solid products."
The PSP 3000 is obviously going to be tough nut to crack, but there lies the challenge - something that the hacking community will relish.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
2K Games has said that the downloadable Challenge Rooms for BioShock PS3 will cost GBP 6.29.
There are three of these rooms, remember, but they will arrive as a single pack on 20th November on the PlayStation Store.
The Challenge Rooms, exclusive to PS3, offer plenty of unseen content and tasks to accomplish. They add up to well over an hour of gameplay on the first run-through, and are built to be replayable.
Tasks are tough and based on using limited resources to achieve a goal, such as rescuing a Little Sister on a Ferris Wheel, taking down a Big Daddy, or besting a staggered arena-style onslaught of Rapture baddies.
Check back tomorrow for our hands-on impressions of the Challenge Rooms.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A demonstration of Heavy Rain, that caused such a stir earlier this year, was possibly one of the most impressive we've ever seen. Describing it was tough - you really had to see it. And now you can.
As posters Gamekyo reminds us, the entire demo is playable - after the initial intro cutscene - and even when the camera is taking a cinematic, cutscene-style angle, there are playable aspects to it.
It's in French, but don't let you put you off. Make sure you read our impressions to find out exactly what was going on too.
Trailer at CVG
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari has taken the calendar by the horns and dated the remainder of games due out this side of Christmas.
Which means a 14th November date for Alone in the Dark: Inferno on PS3. The "Inferno" part of the title was added recently to reflect the additional content and bug fixes developer Eden has been working on since the launch of Alone in the Dark on Xbox 360 back in May.
But will that make any difference to the original 7/10 score? Sadly, our hands-on impressions of the PS3 build suggest not.
A week later, on 21st November, we'll be treated to Legendary on PC and Neverwinter Nights 2 expansion pack Storm of Zehir.
We'll skip over the former, because of dismal review scores, but the latter adds a significant amount of content to the ageing D&D role-playing game. Of most interest will be the party system, but there are also new classes, a minty fresh campaign and plenty of other bits to go round.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
I knew LittleBigPlanet was versatile, but I didn't realize it was this versatile. Japanese PSN member RRR30000 has managed to recreate classic shoot-em up gameplay within the game, using a spaceship sticker and massive amounts of free time. It's truly an amazing accomplishment, recreating the entire first level from Gradius, complete with a boss fight at the end should you make it that far. The level name is Libidius.jp, and it's available for play as we speak. Go rate the hell out of this guy, he really deserves it.
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November 3rd, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
New Battlefield: BC maps are available today for PS3 and tomorrow for Xbox 360.
The downloadable 'Community Choice Map Pack' features four brand new conquest multiplayer maps, "gameplay enhancements" and PlayStation 3 Trophy support.
Fans of the game will probably know that players previously had the chance to vote on which two single-player levels they wanted to see as multiplayer maps.
Par for the Course and Acta Non Verba received the most community votes, while the game's development team chose Ghost Town and Crossing Over, coinciding with the community's third and fourth choices.
The game's been out since June so new maps are definitely a welcome addition. Get downloading now if you're lucky enough not to be at work.
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November 3rd, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via 1Up
LittleBigPlanet will be getting another tool to make its user-created stages even more customizable, reports PS3 Attitude. Alex Evans, co-founder of Media Molecule, commented at GameCity in Nottingham recently that an image importing tool was pulled from the game due to time constraints, but it will be patched into the game by Christmas.
Crafty players have found ways around the lack of an image importer by using the PlayStation Eye, but true image importing should help players use higher-res pictures in their created stages. PS3 Fanboy speculates it will involve memory and USB sticks, along with a possible size limitation to keep stages from getting too large with photographs. We'll be waiting for word on when exactly this patch will come, along with the promised online creation patch announced before the launch of the game. If you haven't picked up the game yet, check out our positive review, in which a chin-stroking Nick Suttner refers to its "infectious joy, infectious creativity, and an infectiously excited community."
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November 3rd, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The latest title in Atlus' big-in-Japan high-school demon-slaying RPG series must be getting closer to release in the West because the company's just released the first full trailer for the game.
The PS2 title stormed the Japanese chart back in mid-July and it's out in the US in December, but there's still no UK release date on the horizon. Still, don't let that stop you checking out the video, here.
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November 4th, 2008, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
What's it?
It's a simple tool for Windows XP/Vista that allows you to edit CF Recovery Menù and VSHMenù colorous!
-Added the possibility to change colours of CF 5.00M33 Recovery Menu (CF 5.00M33 VSHMenu will come with next release!)
-Added a function of PREVIEW of your CF 5.00M33 Recovery Menu!
Now you can see the preview of how the new recovery will appear in your PSP directly from this program!
-Added an explanation of the fixed "B" values functionality.
-Added an image near the PRX mode choosen (internal or external) to mark what mode is selected.
-Changed the Credits window.
Please read the rest of the readme.txt attached to find all info and explanations about this program before to use it.
Note: i have already the CF 5.00M33 VSHMenu offsets, so i will release a new version (but not very soon :P) with the possibility to change colours to VSHMenu too
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November 4th, 2008, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from xXChromeXx

I was bored today so I made this simple app. =]
ROFLFlasher is a homebrew app I made to trick your friends into thinking that their PSP is Bricked. ROFLFlasher is disguised as Ultra Flasher a CFW flasher that supposedly gives your PSP new features. It is designed to look like other CFW Flashers. ROFLFlasher comes with a few funny surprises so it is fun for all.
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November 4th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 60MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 60MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode. LEDs are flashed once in 30 seconds so that the PSP is not mistaken to be powered off.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the Hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the Hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. To return to normal, push the power switch to the suspend position, or just press the Screen button.
While the PSP is in hold mode, if you first hold down the Select button, you can use the following buttons: Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Vol+, Vol-, Start.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a Memory Stick. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it before vshmain.prx.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v3.3 are
0xCF8 - CPU
0xCFC - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for Bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU and Bus speed work.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Thanks to Booster for the SysCon Hook sample, based on which Hold+ v3.0 was updated.
Thanks to Total_Noob; As his plugin MusicHold was not compatible with Hold+, with his permission I've implemented the same features in Hold+ v3.0 for people who wanted some buttons to be usable in hold mode.
Spoiler for Changelog:
Changelog v3.3
Fixed a bug where if the battery was low, and the Power LED was blinking, and you turned off the Hold switch exactly at the moment before the Power LED blinked, the problem of the dissappearing battery icon would occur.
The method of prevent accidental suspend has been changed back to adrahil's SysEvent method, instead of Booster's method which was used from v3.0, which was causing various problems as it worked by corrupting SysCon packets that contained the Power Switch On signal.
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November 4th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xart
Here is a early alpha version release that I have quickly tested my self by scrambling and solving the cube.
Controls are simple.
Analog Stick : selecting a point on the cube to rotate "front or right side only"
Cross Held : use the Analog Stick to select a direction
Cross Released : makes the move
Digital Pad : rotate the hole cube forwards, backwards, left or right
for background music.
copy any mp3 file to the Rubik's Cube folder and name it music.mp3, you will then here the music as you try to solve the Rubik's Cube
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November 4th, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dolphin Projects of their awesome portal for the PSP:

v0.95 BETA - Changelog
- Dock Applications Folder has changed icon.
- Dock Text Name is popping up above them when hovered.
- Dock hover icons is already loaded before you hover them (So you don't need to wait for it to load).
- iPhoto is now possible to start from the dock.
- Time Machine has been improved (No image background to the text's frame).
- When starting fullscreen applications or games, your account will log out (to save memory). You will not notice it.
- You can now restart the Mac from the apple menu without loosing your whole settings.
- Boot Camp has now improved its design (a little).
- Login page has now a checkbox feature so you can remember the name and password (You don't need to type in them again).
- In the install page, you must now type in a name to continue.
[v0.9 BETA] - Changelog
========================= ====
-TimeMachine Added
-Mac-HD remodeled
-Preferences remodeled
-Background changer Remodeled
-Dashboard added (but not working, right now)
-Games added
-User Details changer
-optimized to be fast than before
-New menus
-iPhoto added(but not working, right now)
Mirror 1: MediaFire.com
Mirror 2: Sendspace.com
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November 4th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster

News from PSPIta
The integration of a touch screen on PSP by our fellow ccpspita is becoming more comprehensive.
This time, pending a final release, ccpspita shows us the first pictures of the components necessary for the functioning of the touch screen on PSP.
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November 4th, 2008, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne] has released a new version of the CPS1, CPS2, CPS3 and Neogeo Emulator for PSP, heres the release info, (thanks dcorreia for the news)
lbicelyne] FBA simulator V11p3 version, the definition of key global support for the (November 2 update)
PSP1000 with FBA beta, and optimize the PGM, the three countries play War, Journey to the West, electricity and refined 2
This arrogant revise software OopsWare God FBAPSP the source, the revised ROM cache algorithm, making PSP1000 small memory device that can work.
This procedure is only for PGM substrate, seta2, Cave part is optimized.
In the process 3.71M33-4, 2G leave the rod through the test. I have known the author of the pseudo-8G can not stick to run (the production of paper and read cache errors) and, of course, may be individual problems.
The first time due to the production of cache files, the need for a long time, please be patient. If you find any obvious Bug replies please inform, be grateful.
Installation method:
Please download the game with the ROM version, in the annex to the document can be EBOOT.PBP coverage of the same name.
Versions of the organization to change.
Change the version's organization for different users.
All: full-drive version. Contains all the usable drivers.
Mid = All - CPS3 - CPS1 - CPS2 - NEOGEO - MegaDrive
Small = Mid - PGM - Cave
PGM: Only for PGM / IGS games.
Cave: Only for Cave games.
CPS3: Only for CPS3 NO CD games. Sfiii2 drivers are removed.
1. The overall increase in the allocation of key features, please see Annex FBA4PSP.rar of fba4psp.ini document.
You can configure the global key / configure set value now. Just refer to fba4psp.ini in file FBA4PSP.rar
2. Part of the drive to update the latest version of the FBA, some of the better run of the game, and also increased the number of drivers (not test).
Update game drivers to the latest version of FBA. Some game runs better now. A few new drivers are added in.
3. Save / Load bug fix. Can now save most of the game at any time inside the load.
Fixed Save / Load bug. You can save / load as you wish in most games.
4. Some minor changes.
Some other small changes.
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_small.rar (849.15 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_pgm.rar (170.32 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_mid.rar (927.01 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_cps3.rar (171.84 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_cave.rar (320.95 KB)
FBA4PSP.rar (5.3 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_all.part1.rar (976.56 KB)
FBA_lbicelyne_1102_V11p3_all.part2.rar (481.7 KB)
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November 4th, 2008, 00:42 Posted By: DJB
PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.7
Created by DJB on 4th November 2008
Original News Story: HERE
Original Forum Post: HERE (Please report bugs to the original forum post)

DOWNLOAD: (Full version) Megaupload Mirror - Adrive Mirror
DOWNLOAD: (Update pack for v2.6) Megaupload Mirror - Adrive Mirror
Release Notes:
Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
I hope you enjoy this new release...
What's New:
There was still compression problems in v2-3/v2.6, but not it is finally resolved.
Hold+ was also updated to 3.2.
- A PC with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and .NET Framework v2.0.
- A PSP with USB Cable and 1.50 or 3.xx/4.xx/5.xx M33 Custom Firmware Installed.
(This is needed for creating the Pandora Battery, not the Memory Stick).
- The official Sony Firmware EBOOT files for 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00.
What it does:
- Formats your PSP Memory Stick with or without MSPFormat.
- Installs the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.
- Checks the Internet for any new versions.
- Loads and Saves Configurations.
- Allows you to select which buttons to use to boot your PSP.
- Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00 to your PSP.
- Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF+PBP Menu to access all the programs.
- Installs Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.
- Installs the M33 1.50 Kernel Addon Installers to your PSP.
- Installs POPSLoader (3.30, 3.40, 3.51, 3.72, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01) to your PSP.
- Installs the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v3 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v4 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v5 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v7 to your PSP.
- Installs 5.00 M33-3 CFW to your PSP.
- Installs Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.
- Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB.
Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
Config Cleaner 3.00
CPU-Modulator 0.20
Custom Firmware Extender 3.0
CW Cheat 0.2.2 Rev D
CXMB 3.3
FuSa screenShoot
FuSa SD 1.0.47
Hold+ 3.2
JoySens 1.42b
KeyCleaner 1.4
MemoryStick-Tool v1.5
nandTool 0.40 Final NEO
PSP Filer 5.6
Recovery Flasher 1.41 by Hellcat
RSPSARDumper 3.5
UMDumper 3.0D
USB Version Fake by Dark_Alex
How to use it:
1. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.
2. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.
3. Select the "Installation Options" and choose the installers, programs,
and other options you would like to do to your Memory Stick.
4a.(Optional) If you selected to install the XMB or Pandora Support Tools,
you will need to go to the "Support Tools Options" tab and select the
programs that you want to install.
4b.(Optional) Go back to the "Firmware+Pandora Options" and use the Pandora
Button Configurator to set up the buttons to your liking.
5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.
v2.7 (2008-11-04)
- Fixed bug with unpacking files that was in v2.3 - v2.6.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
Hold+ 3.2 (XMB)
Programming and Logo by: DJB
- Forahobby and Klutsh for their help with this Project in the early stages.
- Dark_Alex and Team M33 for all their work with PSP Custom Firmware.
- Team Noobz / C+D for initially making the breakthrough with the Pandora Battery.
- Hellcat plus the other homebrew developers for the great programs.
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November 4th, 2008, 09:37 Posted By: Art
Laser Invaders V2
Hi Guys,
This is a laser control game based on the PSP laser control idea by califrag.
Laser Invaders is coded from scratch, using the ps2dev.org Go!Cam demo
as a template.

The screenshot doesn't really convey the idea, so here's the videos:
PSP and laser area view:
PSP screen closeup:
The idea is to shoot all invaders in as short time as possible.
Shooting Special invaders will win you time bonuses which is
deducted from the time before the skill level report is calculated.
The time is displayed at the end of the game, and then the
time bonus is subtracted before determining the player skill level.
Laser Invaders requires a Go!Cam if that wasn't already obvious.
Cheers, Art.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA
Compatible with PS3, PS2, PSone and PC, this controller features an ergonomic design with lava-liquid filled handles and glowing internal LED lights. It combines the latest in wireless Radio Frequency and auto-scan technologies with touch-sensitive analog buttons to offer high-quality latency-free wireless gaming.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA
Compatible with PS3, PS2, PSone and PC, this controller features an ergonomic design with lava-liquid filled handles and glowing internal LED lights. It combines the latest in wireless Radio Frequency and auto-scan technologies with touch-sensitive analog buttons to offer high-quality latency-free wireless gaming.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster

A new patent has surfaced from Sony for a PlayStation 3 controller that is tracked "using hybrid video capture and ultrasonic tracking system." The video capture, according to the patent, will be used to track the horizontal and vertical position (as it would be captured on a two-dimensional image) and the sonar will be used to detect the distance between the controllers, the distance from the controllers to the system and nearby nuclear submarines.
What's interesting to note as well is that the diagrams included in the patent show a pair of nunchuk-style devices for two of the the three shown people, perhaps related to recent rumors of a "break apart" PS3 controller. We'll poke Sony for the usual "no comment," "patents get filed all the time, nothing to see here" and "hey look, a hamster!"
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November 4th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Konami announced this morning that Metal Gear Online has enlisted its 1 millionth soldier. To celebrate, the publisher is launching an in-game "Commemorative Campaign" from November 25 to December 9. Anyone who logs into MGO during that period will receive 10,000 reward points (to be added after Dec. 9) that can be used at the in-game rewards shop. Additionally, 30 people (10 from Europe, North American and Japan) will win 100,000 reward points in a draw being held on December 16.
We can't help but read this news as disappointing for Konami (we already know Kojima's unhappy). Metal Gear Solid 4 -- that is, the single player component of MGO -- shipped 3 million worldwide at launch and continues to sell.
The publisher has announced a second expansions, MEME, due out later this year. A GENE/MEME bundle of both expansions will be available this "holiday season" for $14.99. Not included in the expansions: A Konami ID disintegration device.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Strategy for the next generation: Led by creative director Michael de Plater (Rome Total War), EndWar will redefine strategy gaming. Designed exclusively for next-gen consoles EndWar will create a theatre of war, immersing you in the drama of World War III in a way you never thought possible.
Fight For Your Nation: Pick a side US, Europe, Russia - the fate of the world is in your hands. If you don't step in to save your homeland, who will?
Command Your Army: Grow your army into the most powerful force on the planet. Your army is completely customizable, and experience breeds strength - your units grow more powerful with every campaign you fight.
Light Up The City of Lights: Tom Clancy's World War III won't be won by capturing remote deserts or grasslands but by striking countries in the heart. Paris, Moscow, Washington D.C. will all erupt in flames as you battle your way through the fully destructive playground.
A Whole New Kind of Massive: EndWar will be an online multiplayer experience unlike anything you've ever encountered. 16 player matchups? Try hundreds. 30 minute battles? Try persistent matchups lasting for months at a time. This isn't a skirmish, it's World War III.
Talk Your Way to Victory: Put the controller aside and start shouting commands. EndWar can be played almost entirely via voice command.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Modern military firepower
A massive, block-buster experience
Incredible and unnerving AI
Encounter three-way fights
The Box tells the story of Charles Deckard, an art thief who is duped into stealing Pandora's Box. When he opens the box, he releases hordes of beasts thought to be fictional - such as werewolves and gryphons - into an unprepared modern world. A full scale war between man and myth begins, and it is quickly complicated by the actions of powerful secret societies. As the person responsible for releasing this terror, Deckard's unwittingly become the only person capable of containing it once more and saving civilization from being destroyed by the terrifying creatures of the box.
Like Pandora before him, he cannot resist the temptation of finding out what’s inside. By opening the fabled device, he unleashes hordes of creatures thought to be merely the imaginings of our ancestors. However, murderous werewolves, unstoppable gryphons and other creatures of ancient lore prove all too real as they wreak havoc across an unprepared modern world. Legendary is set for a Fall 2008 release.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix’s Soul Eater manga is a hot licensed property. Namco Bandai just finished their Soul Eater game for the DS a few weeks ago and there is already another game in development. However, Soul Eater: Battle Resonance is quite different from Soul Eater: Conspiracy of Medusa since it’s a versus style fighting game.

Details about the fighting system are hazy, but the screenshots make Soul Eater: Battle Resonance appear to be a fighting game. One unusual decision is Soul Eater: Battle Resonance is getting a PSP and PlayStation 2 release when it comes out on January 29. The PSP version has ad-hoc play and since players are fighting on separate screens they can control their camera angle. The PlayStation 2 release has anime clips from the first twenty four episodes to watch in the Soul Theater and alternate costumes for characters like Maka and Black Star. No word if the graphics in Soul Eater: Battle Resonance will differ between releases, but we’ve seen other PSP to PlayStation 2 ports before. Set your expectations low now so you won’t be disappointed if Soul Eater: Battle Resonance was designed primarily for the PSP.
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November 4th, 2008, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
DJ Max Portable: Clazziquai Edition has a link disc feature which lets you can unlock content in this DJ Max game with an older DJ Max game. Pop in DJ Max Portable 2 and you instantly get a few character icons, the Syriana song, and the Summer Time Gear which changes the mobile phone interface to a girl holding a beach ball. If you thoroughly combed DJ Max Portable 2 you may have noticed this already. If not, check out the video below. Don’t worry it’s safe for work.
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November 4th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
In an interview with VideoGamer, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe managing director, Ray Maguire, said he sees a shift away from the current norm where most third parties develop titles first for Xbox 360. In fact, he believes that developers will need to ... downgrade their games to run on other platforms.
"I think we now have an install base which is big enough for any third party to want to develop for," Maguire said. "Now the decision making part of development is which do you lead your development on? Is it easier to lead with the most powerful, both in terms of AI and graphics, i.e. PS3 and then just remove part of the functionality for the processors that aren't quite as strong?"
Maguire concludes that he "would imagine that's very much part of the thought process now from a studio development point of view." We conclude that games such as Burnout Paradise – which began development on PS3 – look just fine on 360 (as does Mirror's Edge) but Maguire is likely thinking forward about a new round of third party software that's still in its infancy.
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November 4th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
2K has fired out a couple of shots for the new downloadable content coming exclusively to PS3 for the underwater romp that is BioShock.
Six quid gets you three all-new Challenge Rooms that are completely separate from the main storyline. You can find out more here. New shots here.
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November 4th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has said that Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3 this month.
"You can start your salivating because HD Remix is coming to your console this November," a spokesperson for the publisher told us. "Exact date TBD. Don't hate me! Trust us, it's coming."
SSFII Turbo HD Remix will be sold via Xbox Live and the PlayStation Store, although there's still no mention of the price.
The game, a revamp Super Street Fighter II Turbo from 1994, adds crisp 1080p graphics as well as a remixed OCR soundtrack and myriad tweaks to the balanced fighting formula.
You may have played or seen SSFII Turbo HD Remix at the Eurogamer Expo, in between jostling for position in the Street Fighter IV queue. Not that we would have been doing that - we were working, obviously.
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November 4th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
It was recently reported that LittleBigPlanet was to be patched by this upcoming holiday season to allow for image importing. Turns out this isn't the case.
A developer posting on the Official PlayStation Forums had the following to say:
"There are a couple of these rumours flying around today, so to clear things up - image importing is very much technically viable which may have been what Alex is referring to, however there are currently no plans to introduce it for a variety of reasons. Announcements of future content releases, whether free, paid for, feature update, costume, sticker or whatever will always come through the official websites for LittleBigPlanet and Media Molecule, if you hear of updates through any other source please take it with a pinch of salt until it has been confirmed or denied.
Right now there are no plans to introduce image importing to the game, and we'll update if that change."
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November 4th, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: tinman
jas0nuk updated PRXdecrypter to version 2.1
A few months ago I internally updated it to 2.1 fixing a few issues such as the GZ error, KL3E was added to the last public release but I'm not sure if it is still working on 5.00 as it uses a RAM search to hook the function.
Anyways here is 2.1 unofficial update with the 5.00 keys added just now, and the changelog as far as I can remember it :P
Change Log:
- Latest decryption keys (up to 5.01)
- GZIP failure bug fixed on 3.80+
- Now bruteforces the XOR key for updater modules (appears in blue at the right of the screen), takes a longer but now it will work on all future updaters until Sony change their updater security
- User is now asked whether they want to decrypt updater modules which have just been extracted
- User is now asked whether they want to overwrite files that are read-only before saving them
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November 4th, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
The previously "on hold" PS3 version of RTS Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is back on, with EA promising to do "some really cool things" that make the most of the 1080p resolution and extra space Blu-Ray and PS3 provides.
Red Alert 3, the first Red Alert game in seven years, is out now for PC with a 360 version due on November 14. Although the game was originally announced for PS3 as well, EA confirmed that version was "on hold" back in June, with EA Los Angeles producer Amer Ajami later telling us that Sony's console is "very exotic and tough to develop for".
However, producer and C&C TV presenter David Silverman confirmed to VideoGamer.com that development on the PS3 version of Red Alert 3 is back on and there's "definitely people working" on it.
He said: "When we announced Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 we announced there was a PS3 version, then we decided to go on the record and say that we've suspended it to make sure that RA3 was able to come out to the level of quality that it must adhere to to be called a C&C game. We've hit that mark, we've shipped the game. And you know what that means? That means there's another version left to be had. So there's definitely people working on a PS3 version and we'll be talking more about that later."
While Silverman wouldn't commit to a release date, he did say that PS3 owners will be "very pleased" if they bide their time.
"If you're a PS3 owner and you don't own a PC and you don't have an Xbox 360 you don't have to write on your Christmas or Hanukkah list that you want to have an Xbox," he said. "You can play Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, bide your time and you'll be very pleased. We're looking at doing some really cool things with the PS3 version. Since it is shipping later we're putting in a lot of cool content and really taking advantage of both the 1080p nature and the high-defness of Blu-Ray and also the fact that it can hold just so much more space."
Unfortunately Silverman wouldn't go into any more detail, saying: "I already gave you too much."
What "cool things" do you expect to see in the PS3 version of Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3? Let us know in the comments section below.
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November 4th, 2008, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
CJPC Posted this interesing PS3 hacking news:
Over the months there has been a lot of inaccurate information circulating in regards to how exactly the PlayStation 3's Service Mode works, and as promised in our previous Dev updates here are some of the facts to help separate the rumors and speculation.
It is a fairly simple process as follows.. For starters, the PS3 is powered off, and a special USB dongle, known as the Jig, is connected. The PS3 is then turned on, and then off, once it has detected the Jig.
After this occurs, the PS3 is then turned back on, into "Service" Mode. From here, the PS3 is re-flashed using a Firmware Update on a USB stick, specifically designed to only install from the Service Mode. Once the PS3 is re-flashed with the software, it is then used in conjunction with a PC running customized software, specifically the DEX.exe and CEX.exe's.
There are a multitude of special PS3 firmwares, basically three major ones. The first is a Core System, followed by the Service System, then finishing it off with the Final Software.. usually Retail.
From the CEX/DEX PC side software, just about anything can be done: Copying, transfer and resigning of box-specific items like PSN games, user profiles, etc.
Furthermore, the systems can be re-flashed to any software version as well. The system's keys can also be "rearranged", such as the marrying of the PS3's BD-ROM Drive (or controller) with the mainboard. Needless to say, this can do a lot more than a simple "Recovery Menu", as it can change firmware and more.
Over the last few months we have also compared the flash dumps (pictured below) done by our very own courier of a PS3 in Service Mode with a Retail (and a Debug) and found that the systems are primarily alike, however the Bootloader 1 of the Service Mode PS3 differs than that of the other systems. Work is still being done by the resident PS3 Devs in trying to pinpoint exactly why this is the case.
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November 4th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from BigProMan
Hello everyone!
At the request of RLR, member, I make a plugin based on the timer arrest deferred Sony, but that is more efficient and works anywhere in the XMB (both listening to music, that 'watching a movie), and even in games (mainly for PSPTube)
Thus, you can choose between these 9 parameters (time or turn off your PSP):
- Disabled (timer off)
- 30 Minutes
- 40 Minutes
- 50 Minutes
- 1 Hour
- 1 hour and a quarter
- 1 hour and a half
- 1 Hour Forty Five
- 2 Hours
Press the Select button to change the time of the timer, its status will be displayed at the top left of the screen.
Here now the link to download the plugin:
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November 4th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Just when you thought catchy beats and sweet songs were in the PSP's immediate future, publisher PM Studios announced today that DJ Max Fever has been delayed until the first quarter of 2009.
The news hits hard -- especially since the music game that's similar to Guitar Hero was slated to launch next week -- but a release from PM Studios categorized the delay as a necessary one "to give the American consumers the best product they most truly deserve." Apparently, the extra weeks developers now have will be used to add new gear and upgrade items, make the title fully compatible with the PSP-3000, add more hidden content, and perfect a brand new game engine that is tentatively titled "BS."
So far away..."In order to have a unique and outstanding product, PM Studios and Pentavision Entertainment felt that DJ Max Fever needed a special upgrade that would differentiate itself from the previous titles making it truly an original game of its own," the release read. "At this moment, we are preparing to unveil the "BS" engine and to put more content into DJ Max Fever. We look forward to working hard and await the release of our title."
When we get our hands on this "BS" mode, you'll be the first to know.
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November 5th, 2008, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from locofocos
Hey, I had registered with this site in January of 2007, but only made one post. Anyways, I'm back now.
I've been playing around with coding on the PSP and finally got some stuff to work, so I decided to make my first real piece of homebrew, called Gaydar (gay plus radar). It runs on 1.50, 1.00, and custom firmwares. It's a joke that tells you to point the infrared port at a person, press O, and a light will start blinking telling you whether they're gay or straight (it's about a 50/50 chance either way, regardless of what the infrared port is picking up )
I've included the C++ source code if anybody would like to use part of it. Even if you don't really think you would want it, download it anyways- it's funny to see if someone will show up as gay or straight. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

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November 5th, 2008, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TokyoDrift
The new NovaCoding Development Team (Pro X, vista200, Jensinus, TokyoDrift) finally releases their first Homebrew. It's not 100% finished but nobody wanted to work on it again so after long time of doing more or less nothing here is the release. The game is mainly about steering a falling ball through some holes. Sounds strange hu? It's not really possible to explain better so just try it on your own. It's quite funny. And yes, the background-music is crap but you can listen to your own music by putting it to "ms0:/MUSIC/fallballsound.mp3". Some (actually most) mp3s make the Programm to show an error, so load your mp3 to audacity or whatever and re-encode it. Should work then. The game has also the feature of uploading your highscore to the NovaCoding server. In the Package there's a client for looking at these highscores. Since NovaCoding isn't able to buy an own server the free-server sometimes is offline. The CTRL is quite easy, just steer using the D-Pad, the Analog-Pad or the buttons on the right side of the PSP - whatever you like best. All the good-looking graphics are made by Xan (thx) and the others (as well as most of the code) by TokyoDrift. We share it as .ISO for some reasons. I'm bored of typing so I won't tell you.

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November 5th, 2008, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ardatan:
P86 Team released TVSP 0.3b... With PSP Slim support, WPA support,
new interface and speed improvements...
Instead of Location Free Player... You should have these equipments;
-Wireless Mode
-Of Course PSP
-PC with TV Card
-First of all;TVSP folder goes to PSP/GAME folder...
-Secondly, you should install DScaler(In the PC Folder)..
-Thirdly, copy DI_Evenonly.dll into C:\Program Files\DScaler folder...
-Forthly, Set BTCard->PixelWidth->320... Program may crash. Restart...
-Fifthly, Choose Deinterlace>Even Scanlines Only...
-Finally, In PSP/GAME/TVSP folder, you see TVSP.ini. Open it and
change it to your local IP Address...
--Known bugs---
-There are still no sound.
-No Widescreen...
-Network Connection dialog has some problems..
This is normal. Don't write for these...
PSPDisp creators for Gu and Jpeg integration code...
Andy Fung for main code...
Insert-witty-name for SDK Sample...
PSPSDK and CFW creators....
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November 5th, 2008, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3:
I changed the name of my IPL dumper yet again to Memory Stick Utility, in this release made the following changes:
- Changed the name of the application again to Memory Stick Utility
- Fixed crash which occured when injecting ms0:/ipl.bin twice in the same session
- Fixed bug extracting unknown IPLs
- Made many other minor alterations
- Rewrote the documentation
I still haven't worked out how to correctly dump all IPLs and correctly detect their size etc. To test this out modify the first byte of the Classic Pandora IPL (so it is not detected by the app) inject the IPL and then try to extract it (as you will see only the first 12KB will be dumped) this is because 12KB - 16KB is blank data this blank data is only a few bytes bigger then the 4KB limit however I do not want to increase the block size as that will mean dumped IPLs will be less accurate. Also I would greatly appreciate any help with detecting the end of the IPL writable memory (like Rains app).
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November 5th, 2008, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from levone:
Power Manager Version 2.0 (aka CPU Manager)
Coded by Levone/pspjoke (christian)
Inspired by cwcheat and custom firmware extender.
power saving prx plugin for custom firmware with other features.
psp 4th brightness level is only 68, with this you can reach 99.(same as 100)
Plug psp in to charger to unlock the full brightness of the screen.(higher then the fourth brightness off the slim)
Plug psp in to charger for forced 333mhz cpu clock.
can auto-clock the cpu based on usage.(to save more power.)
can enable/disable the MAX brightness when plugged in.
Now works along-side CWCheat for increased power saving.
CW-Cheat Companion Mode(see notes)
Companion Mode is enabled by defualt, to disable see controls.
copy powermanager.prx to seplugins or wherever you want.
add a line for it in vsh.txt, game.txt, game150.txt, pops.txt. whatever you want the plugin to run under.
Hold "L trigger" and push either "note" or "select" to enable or disable maximum brightness.
Hold "L Trigger" and push "Start" to enable/disable auto-clocker.
Hold "L Trigger" and push "Home" to disable/enable Companion Mode.(defualt is enabled.)
added ability to turn on and off maximum brightness.
added CW-Cheat Companion Mode.
Greatly optimized code.
Decreased CPU usage.
replaced hold start while booting or luanching game to enable auto-clocker with ability to switch on and off anytime.
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November 5th, 2008, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
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November 5th, 2008, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Inject that, inspect that; make that, shake that — Rain’s UltraLite MMS Maker v1.1. Easily produce a Pandora-ready memory stick for whatever firmware and Dark_AleX’s Despertar del Cementerio v7 (DC7).
Rain mentions a firmware 5.00 enabled version will be available soon.
Rain’s UltraLite MMS Maker v1.1 changes:
Added Unicode support to the backup script.
Changed to smaller 12kb fresh rip of the TM IPL
Added detailed error information and cleaned up error handling along with some minor bug fixes.
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 4.01 - Rapidshare
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 3.90 - Rapidshare
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 3.80 - Rapidshare
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 3.71 - Rapidshare
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 3.60 - Rapidshare
Rain's UltraLite MMS Maker for 1.50 - Rapidshare
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November 5th, 2008, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
From an as yet unknown Chinese coder comes a new release of the excellent GBA Emulator for the PSP by exophase, cant fathom the read me out but im presuming it supports the latest m33 custom firmware.
anyway try it out and let us know if its decent and if anything has changed etc.
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November 5th, 2008, 13:01 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Mediumguage has released a new version of PSP Filer:
change log:
-Increased speed on copying/moving files on your MS.
-Now identical to that of Xplora
-A faster picture viewer
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November 5th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: Shrygue
Today, Sony has rolled out version 2.52 firmware for the PS3 console. The UK web site details the latest changes below:
- The playback quality of some PLAYSTATION 3 format software has been improved.
- A text entry issue that occurs when using the on-screen keyboard, USB keyboard or Bluetooth® keyboard with some PLAYSTATION 3 format software has been addressed.
- An issue that prevents proper display of video content recorded at 59.94 Hz on some TV models has been addressed.
As usual, one can update to the latest firmware using the console by going to System Settings and update via the Internet. Alternattively, one can download the update from Sony's website onto a memory card/stick via a computer.
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November 5th, 2008, 18:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Stop thinking about LittleBigPlanet for a moment. Valkyria Chronicles is turning out to be a bit of a surprise gem for PS3 owners. And it'll be even better next year when Sega delivers the first of what will hopefully be a long line of DLC updates.
Sega of America associate producer Christopher Kaminski has confirmed that the new DLC will be the same as was recently released in Japan, adding "an extra mission and an Extra Hard skirmish mode" to the fantastic-looking strategy game.
There's no specific date - "early next year" is how it stands. But the game only just came out last Friday, so you should have plenty to be getting on with for now.
If you haven't got it yet, check out this new trailer while you're here.
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November 5th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ubisoft has decided to bundle official Sony PS3 Bluetooth headsets with Limited Edition copies of Tom Clancy's EndWar.
And this is rather helpful, as the game supports voice commands for ordering troops around.
Play seems to be the only place selling these Limited Edition copies at the moment, for the ripe old price of GBP 59.99.
That's quite a lot, considering most Bluetooth headsets work with the PS3, and that most mobile phone companies are happy to bundle them with just about anything.
But they're not official PS3 peripherals, of course, and so lack charging cradles, USB to USB mini cables, and various other useful features for playing games.
Tom Clancy's EndWar is due out this Friday on Xbox 360, PS3, PSP and DS.
Expect our thoughts on the game soon.
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November 5th, 2008, 18:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Not everyone can spend all their time designing LittleBigPlanet levels, you know. Some have to go to work and let their ideas fester, some are paralyzed by the volume of their own ingenuity while still others are uncreative lumps who struggle with writing a punchy birthday card signature, let alone designing an entire level of fun and frivolity. For all of these people, there's the newly opened LittleBigWorkshop.
There you can create level blueprints to undertake later or even get inspired by the ideas of others, inspiration like "I'm gonna try to make a Ratchet and Clank level some day, when I get a chance." Can you feel it, the internet? Can you taste the inspiration? If you'll excuse us, we have to go create.
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November 5th, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Capcom's director of production Adam Boyes has said that online console gaming via the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade are still in their infancy.
The company recently canned its digital title Talisman - based on the Games Workshop table top game - with Boyes citing the difficulty of replicating the close social interaction users experience when playing board games.
"We looked at the other games on XBLA and PSN and realised that very few people were willing to sit and play a game for more than an hour. With a regular Talisman match coming in between three-to-five hours, this created an issue with how we would make the game fun and engaging for that whole time," offered Boyes, speaking to Giant Realm.
"This brings us one thing that we again failed to realise as PSN and XBLA were still in their infancy. Complex board games like Talisman live and die on the social interaction of people."
"If the people in your match aren't going to use their headsets, the social aspect of a board game gets completely drained and becomes a slog as you could be sitting there for five minutes waiting for your next turn," he added.
However, Boyes does agree that board and card games can succeed on PSN and XBLA, where gameplay isn't so time consuming, and Capcom is still open to bringing such product to the services.
"I think both board games and card games are great opportunities to create bite-sized experiences for the average XBLA and PSN player. I review hundreds of pitches and we will never close the door to developing a board game or card game that fits our user base."
The rights to create a game based on the Talisman board game have now reverted back to Games Workshop.
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November 5th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
With a little over one month left until the Japanese release of Dissidia Final Fantasy, coverage in publications like Famitsu and Dengeki appears to be increasing for the title. Our latest update comes from Famitsu, which offers this week a look at the game's Final Fantasy VI characters and modes of play.
The FFVI characters were first revealed at the Tokyo Game Show. Joining the Dissidia cast from the Super NES classic are Cefca Palazzo and Tina Branford. Both characters focus on magic attacks, and both gain the ability to float during EX Mode.
Primary modes of play for the title include Story Mode, Quick Battle, and Wireless Mode. These shouldn't require too much explanation. The magazine confirms that your character parameters from the Quick Battle mode can be carried over to the story mode. The Wireless mode lets two players face off in local play. The magazine also speculates that you'll be able to go to the Wireless mode to set up your AI characters for trading with other players.
While you won't be fighting, expect to spend a lot of time in the various gallery modes. The PP Catalogue mode lets you exchange PP that you've earned in quick battle and story modes to purchase battle BGM, Another Forms for each character, and other items. The Museum mode lets you view items that you purchased in the PP Catalogue mode and movies that you encountered throughout the game.
Dissidia is so big that it has two modes for settings. The Player Data Settings mode lets you set your name, and review how much time you've spent playing the game. The main Options mode lets you set up camera controls, audio levels and all the other things you'd expect from an options menu. You can also chose to install the game to Memory Stick for faster load times. The installation lets you select from 245, 373 and 528 megabytes, depending on how much space you want to give up.
Square Enix appears to be trying out some new things with Dissidia to keep players playing. In additon to the above modes, the title screen displays the date and time and even gives you access to a calendar of some form. On certain days, you'll see special icons indicating that you can get more experience by playing on that day. It's possible that there are other bonuses as well, although Square Enix ain't talking yet.
There's definitely a lot packed into the Dissidia experience, and thankfully there's just over a month to go until the Japanese release. You can bet we'll be importing this one and delivering plenty of impressions and movies.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
It might not say a thousand words, but this picture says enough to bring into question statements by LittleBigPlanet community manager Sam_Protagonist, who claimed the development team had "no plans to introduce" image importing into the game. Clearly, this "work in progress" (as it's called), which appeared in Media Molecules Flickr stream yesterday, shows that the team is developing an "Image Import Tool" that pulls images from the PlayStation 3 hard drive and sticks 'em to players' creations. Indeed, in his denial, Sam_Protagonist did admit that importing is "very much technically viable."
Still, as Sam implied, there are obvious copyright and balls-on-the-walls issues that complicate the introduction of an image-importing tool. Until those are resolved, consider this update for internal use only.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
It seems the folks at EA have slapped on some shades and a gratuitous amount of SPF 15+ lotion in an attempt to brave the "exotic and tough" development climate of the PlayStation 3. Red Alert 3 producer David Silverman told VideoGamer that the alternate history, real-time strategy romp is back in development for Sony's system, after having been placed on hold in July.
Silverman assures that there are "definitely people working" on it (sea otters just weren't getting the job done) and that the PS3 version would benefit from the "the high-defness of Blu-Ray." Though his other comments seemed to imply a release as soon as December, EA confirmed to Eurogamer that there "are no plans for a PS3 release of Red Alert 3 anytime before Christmas." As for when exactly armchair generals can join Tim Curry, J.K. Simmons and the gang ... time will tell. Sooner or later, time will tell.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
While Microsoft Europe seem intent on releasing a bundle to coincide with every single game released on the console over the next two months, Sony Europe are playing things a little more casual. Not so many bundles from them. Here's one they are releasing, though, and it's one that takes a slightly different approach to the standard throw-in-a-free-game deal. Seemingly destined for the Scandinavian market - having turned up unannounced on Norwegian online store Komplett, and having only Scandinavian languages on the box - this pack includes a 160GB PS3, a DualShock 3 and vouchers for four PSN games (GT5: Prologue, Quest for Booty, Last Guy & Super Stardust HD). You get all that for 4500 Krone, which is around USD$675.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Home, the PS3's long overdue community service, wasn't always called "Home." As Sony's Jamie MacDonald, it was known internally under the codename "Hub." And how ever did Sony go from Hub to Home? According to MacDonald:
To be honest I really can't remember how we came to the word "Home". I do recall us all thinking that it works, and works on lots of different levels - "Let's go home" - and Home is where you start from and go back to. And people talk about having a "Homepage".
Home works much better than Hub.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE are working on a little project called Shoot! It's a project that will see six short films - five from Europeans, one from a Canadian - offered as free downloads on both the PS3 and PSP. Each film is the result of a partnership between an existing, well-known director and an up-and-coming kid, and as such features short films like The Dreaming, which saw Jerry Bruckheimer "mentor" Salt of the Earth director Anthony Green. The six films will be ready for download from the PlayStation Store on November 13
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November 5th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE are working on a little project called Shoot! It's a project that will see six short films - five from Europeans, one from a Canadian - offered as free downloads on both the PS3 and PSP. Each film is the result of a partnership between an existing, well-known director and an up-and-coming kid, and as such features short films like The Dreaming, which saw Jerry Bruckheimer "mentor" Salt of the Earth director Anthony Green. The six films will be ready for download from the PlayStation Store on November 13
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November 5th, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

After a valiant struggle to stop the Chimera invasion in Europe, mankind must make its last stand on the shores of the United States. In the highly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling PLAYSTATION®3 game, Resistance 2™ places players in the heroic role of Sgt. Nathan Hale as he struggles against overwhelming odds to defend mankind from the unstoppable Chimera. While wrestling with this insidious war machine, Hale must also battle the virus raging inside of his own body that threatens to transform him into the very creatures he fights against.
Breakthrough, class-based 8-player online co-op featuring a separate story-driven campaign
Unprecedented squad-based 60-player online competitive multiplayer battles
After a valiant struggle to stop the Chimera invasion in Europe, mankind must make its last stand on the shores of the United States. In the highly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling PLAYSTATION®3 game, Resistance 2™ places players in the heroic role of Sgt. Nathan Hale as he struggles against overwhelming odds to defend mankind from the unstoppable Chimera. While wrestling with this insidious war machine, Hale must also battle the virus raging inside of his own body that threatens to transform him into the very creatures he fights against.
Powered by Insomniac Games' third-generation PLAYSTATION®3 technology, Resistance 2™ will deliver unprecedented console gaming breakthroughs with a stand-alone eight-player, class-based online co-op campaign (up to 8 players) and 60-player online competitive multiplayer. An epic single-player campaign will feature a new weapons arsenal to combat giant boss encounters that increase the scale of the conflict to new heights. And players will enjoy a new level of community support.
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November 5th, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

As the head of a sports star management company, you have to train a girl wrestler, or better, a team of such fighters into professionals. Start off by spotting the talents in the girls, invite them into the company and design a training program that suits them.
To survive in the ring and become the top in this managing business, there is nothing you can do but to expand. Get to know the girls, discover their strengths and the sources of their motivation and make sure they perform their best in the wrestling ring.
Play as both the manager and the wrestlers in this simulation game. As the manager, you nurture these girls into stardom, as wrestlers, however, you are pit against other like minded girls either in team events or single tournaments.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Import

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.?- Albert Einstein 2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last? 2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen?a third and final world war. Introducing Tom Clancy’s EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Import

Get MORE characters, MORE fun, and MORE multiplayer action than ever before in Activision and DreamWorks Animation’s Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa video game! Join the zany Madagascar crew on a new adventure based on Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa the sequel to the blockbuster movie, Madagascar!
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November 5th, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on Worldwide Import

BOND IS BACK. Blending first person shooting and third person cover combat, Quantum of Solace the Game puts you in control of Bond’s greatest weapon ?his mind. Based on both the Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale films, Quantum of Solace the Game puts you in the midst of the high-octane world of international espionage and intrigue.
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November 5th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have posted a ton of PSP Films for $9.90:
Sony PSP™ UMD movies
28 Days Later JPN US$ 9.90
AVP2 Aliens Vs. Predator JPN US$ 9.90
Alien JPN US$ 9.90
Alien 2 JPN US$ 9.90
Alien vs. Predator JPN US$ 9.90
Behind Enemy Lines JPN US$ 9.90
Daredevil JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 2 JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 3 JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 4.0 JPN US$ 9.90
Dodgeball JPN US$ 9.90
Elektra JPN US$ 9.90
Fantastic 4 JPN US$ 9.90
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer JPN US$ 9.90
Garfield The Movie JPN US$ 9.90
I, Robot JPN US$ 9.90
Ice Age JPN US$ 9.90
Independence Day JPN US$ 9.90
Kingdom of Heaven JPN US$ 9.90
Predator JPN US$ 9.90
Robots JPN US$ 9.90
Speed JPN US$ 9.90
The Day After Tomorrow JPN US$ 9.90
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen JPN US$ 9.90
X-MEN JPN US$ 9.90
X-MEN 2 JPN US$ 9.90
All films have an english language version on the film as well as japanese.
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November 6th, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Davee
[Important Info]
This version spoofer is designed for use with 5.00 firmware and will not operate on any other firmware.
[What can it do]
This spoofer can spoof an almost limitless amount of characters onto the screen. It loads up seplugins/spoofversion.txt and applies it on boot.
If you wish to change version you can edit in usb mode and once you reboot, the version will change.
[How to install]
Copy spoofversion.txt and version_spoofer.prx to /seplugins/, edit the vsh.txt in the same folder, and activate in recovery. To change version, just modify the the spoofversion.txt with notepad. Length is unlimited, but may not appear for several reasons.
Unicode is also supported for use. If you wish to use unicode, make a file in seplugins called "spoofversion_unicode.txt ". Make sure its unicode data that is in that file. Unicode allows a greater range of characters to be used as opposed to ANSI.
Davee - Developer
Bubbletune - For some help
This source is free to use, but please credit the authors if you use this code in your application.
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November 6th, 2008, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that the N64 emulator for the PSP is now being worked on via different coders, heres the news from Kreationz
Well, I'm not the only dev working on this and this update concerns me and two other devs.
1. My progress
I looked into the cache last night and found that the instruction list for the dynarec was being invalidated when it wasn't necessary. This eats up a small chunk of CPU cycles. So a bit more speed from better cache handling there. Also some new code I put in for GoldenEye had an adverse effect speed wise on other games so I'm going to look into making it game specific. (It only helps Golden and Army Men that I know of, but I can turn it on for other games that exhibit the same shaking they do.)
2. Wally's progress
Wally has been hard at work fixing some micro code issues which should help compatibility. At least one more game now runs with his new code.(Space Station Silicon Valley) I don't have it yet, but when I get it I'll test it for speed and see if I can further improve it.
3. Chilly Willy's progress
Chilly Willy has been working on something Strmn left off on that wasn't quite in the R14 betas that circulated around. He has just given me code to move audio processing to the ME. What this means is that with audio on it won't bog down the CPU quite as much(there's still a hit from it, but not as much.)
Side Note to #3: Audio code is currently based on Azimer's 0.55 plugin, but he has offered me a later version of the code which is now feasible to use thx to Chilly's new code.
With all three of these updates we now have better speed and compatibility than any prior version of Daedalus(R12-R14 included). There will be another Alpha in 2-3 days max. After this is tested(in bout a week), the SVN will go online. All the developers will have access. Then in December everyone will have read-only access with the developers having write capability. The first public beta will come out about that time. (Read: Early December.. 1st-5th time frame.)
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November 6th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Art has updated his Laser Invadors game, heres the release info:
Hi Guys,
This is a laser control game based on the PSP laser control idea by califrag. Laser Invaders is coded from scratch, using the ps2dev.org Go!Cam demo
as a template.

The screenshot doesn't really convey the idea, so here's the videos:
PSP and laser area view:
PSP screen closeup:
The idea is to shoot all invaders in as short time as possible.
Shooting the UFO will win you a time bonuses which are
deducted from the time before the skill level report is calculated.
The time is displayed at the end of the game, and then any earned
time bonus is subtracted before determining the player skill level.
Update for V2:
- screen glitch fix
- added another invader type
- up to three invaders on screen
Laser Invaders requires a Go!Cam if that wasn't already obvious.
Cheers, Art.
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November 6th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from Alek
Some odd news have reached my knowledge, about Datel's Action Replay, keep reading...
Some of you might have noticed one of the newest stuff released by Datel, the "Action Replay" that allows you (on the PSP we'r talking about of course, i already know there is also a version for the Amiga for it, and of course this post isn't about that revision) to cheat and to use some "powersaves" within it's 64mb memory between other stuff, and all this for ~40USD.
So, why would i or anyone care about this new release from Datel? Well, the point comes when you look onto how was it made.
The following information it's confirmed and it has been studied, so let's hope this clears some doubts on this.
* Datel' Action Replay does uses code that isn't from itself, code that isn't distributed to be used the way they use it anyway. The code involving this terms is, for first instance, the Pandora forged IPL block, and on second place but of course not less important, Booster's IPL SDK.
* It has been confirmed that Datel' Action replay does interfere on the Custom Firmware code
And also, less important but indeed interesting,
* They use a bigger memory footprint due to the graphics involved in it, and it's interesting also to mention that they had a pretty small database, that being compared it to cwcheat one, this first one isn't even a database tbh.
So, what's your choice? A stealing-code small device, or a Fresh homebrew development with a huge happy users history?
Thanks to VoidPointer and Dark_AleX himself for the tip and confirming this 
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November 6th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has already picked "loyal" European community members to join the PlayStation Home beta, and will send them invites when version 1.0 of the virtual world goes live.
"Your next question is, 'How do you decide who gets picked?' and we had a couple of plans on how that was going to be done and my boss is away so I cant ask him which one he chose (yes, we've picked the names already and no, I'm not going to reveal the list)," said TedTheDog, Home community manager, on the European PlayStation forum.
"I'll let you know what I can, once I find out, but both were broadly based on the concept of loyalty. That's very vague I know, I'll firm up what I can, but don't expect too much detail, it was really complicated last time."
When Home version 1.0 will launch nobody knows, unfortunately, but with American PlayStation 3 owners being invited as we speak, the estimate is soon.
And there's no need to worry if you don't get in, as TedTheDog says open beta "won't be far behind". Thank you TedTheDog.
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November 6th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The servers for LittleBigPlanet will be offline for most of today for essential maintenance, SCEE has said.
We know, you only got the game yesterday, but hopefully that means you'll still be ploughing through the offline story mode, because there'll be no online gameplay until 5pm today, as Sony confirms:
"Hello everyone. Please note that the LittleBigPlanet online servers will be down for essential maintenance on Thursday November 6th between 8am and 5pm GMT. During this period the offline game will be unaffected as we work to improve online performance. So keep playing or creating and we'll have some shiny new servers ready for when we get back."
Hopefully those shiny new servers will be free of the terrible lag issues that have plagued the otherwise stunning platformer since launch.
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November 7th, 2008, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
"Look into my eyes ... you will beta test Killzone 2 multiplayer," the above image seems to say. Actually, the text that accompanied it – and went out to lucky PlayStation Underground members – said basically that (without the "Look into my eyes" part).
According to the email – which may be in your spam folder right now – beta testers will be able to play 'round the clock, in addition to participating in scheduled test sessions with production team members from Sony and Guerilla on hand to kill you in an online zone. So, check your email. There may just be a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at you ... or at least a good deal on pet medications.
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November 7th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Don't let the name fool you, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is actually a compilation disc of 40 varied titles from the glory days of Sega. The $30 bundle for Xbox 360 and PS3 releases in "spring 2009" and outputs in 720p.
As long as developer Backbone Entertainment keeps the quality high, this is looking like a must-have compilation for fans. [Until Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection PLUS. - Ed.]
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Beyond Oasis
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Dr. Robotnik's MBM
Dynamite Headdy
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Fatal Labyrinth
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic and Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Super Thunder Blade
Vectorman 2
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November 7th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Delayed last week, available this week. That's how Sony's Adhoc party rolls. The service - which allows PSP owners to connect their handhelds to an ad hoc internet connection through their PS3s - officially went live in Japan today, bringing joy and convenience to hundreds of thousands (and potentially millions) of Monster Hunter owners across the country. Before you ask "US release date pls", don't bother, we don't know.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Delayed last week, available this week. That's how Sony's Adhoc party rolls. The service - which allows PSP owners to connect their handhelds to an ad hoc internet connection through their PS3s - officially went live in Japan today, bringing joy and convenience to hundreds of thousands (and potentially millions) of Monster Hunter owners across the country. Before you ask "US release date pls", don't bother, we don't know.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and is on Worldwide Import:

Lighter and slimmer enclosure
Screen offers better color reproduction than that of earlier PSP
Improved AV output for video and game playback on TVs
Built-in Skype with onboard microphone
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November 7th, 2008, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and is on Worldwide Import:

Sporting over 90 vehicles across multiple classes in the real Baja 1000 ?including trophy trucks, class I, motorcycles, ATVs and more ?the game challenges players to not only be first across the finish line, but also keep their machine intact! Hyper-realistic dirt and damage modeling in the game means players need to be crazy enough to take chances, but not so reckless that their vehicle is destroyed before the race is over.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
It’s no big secret that Sony Computer Entertainment Japan is pushing digital distribution for the PSP. All of their first party games get a retail and digital release on day one. Now Sony is extending this policy to their back catalogue, namely their PSP The Best series. “The Best” games are essentially Japan’s Greatest Hits and on December 11 two more SCEJ published games will join the budget selection: Echochrome and Sarugetchu: Saru Saru Daisakusen. You can pick them up in stores for 2,800 yen each ($28) or save a little bit of cash by downloading them on the PlayStation store for 2,200 yen ($22) each. The price gap isn’t as wide as say for Bleach: Soul Carnival, but you can save enough money to buy a PsOne game if you go the digital route.
Sony Computer Entertainment America has released a few older UMD games as downloads like Jeanne D’arc, but the UMD delivery system in North America isn’t nearly as sophisticated.
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November 7th, 2008, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Today sees the release of a new Beats of rage mod for the Dreamcast, GP2X and PSP.
Author : bigmenace
bigmenace has released his first completed mod!
From the release thread...
" Ok, its not perfect, but I think its ok for my first one!
Features 8 levels, alot of bosses & enemies, 3 secret characters & 1 npc.
A boss rush mode of course, and a mode to play with secret characters at start. I did this so when you beat the mod, and just want to start all over, you can play from the beginning with secret characters unlocked. "
Downloads and More Here --> http://www.lavalit.com/index.php?topic=2090.0
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November 7th, 2008, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dridri85
I met the new online version of the libg.
Remember the libg is a graphics library, which now extends to other functions, which uses only the internal functions of the PSP. It is compatible any kernel.
Here's the latest:
- The display of images is faster
- It can work the other on the screen
- Functions to display images with effects (brightness, radiosity ...)
- Function to display images above 512x512px (bugs)
- The writing texts with fonts supports accents
- Function to use the Sony OSK
- Functions to read an MP3 (in hardware)
Download link:
Libg v0.3
Copy the files in the archive into the directory from your installation pspdev.
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November 7th, 2008, 03:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darkside
We (Black Devs Team) releasons the first version of XMB alternative we talk there is about me during its development.
It is now stable Alpha version.
To avoid the brick he is currently compatible TM for EO 340, (remember this is only on an Alpha ... This will change.)
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November 7th, 2008, 03:29 Posted By: wraggster
The TVout plugin gets an update:
It's almost the same as 47-th build, except new FS mode 3.
This mode is experimental, so picture can blinks on some TVs while playing some games or some part of game.
It's similar to Sony's official TV out for HDTVs - so now you can try what HDTV users already have had
In most case this FS mode 3 is for us, developers, and it will lead us to GfX filter in future (hopefully  )
So if you wanna try it, download it right now
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November 7th, 2008, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Game for the PSP:
Hi Guys,
This is a laser control game based on the PSP laser control idea by califrag.
Laser Invaders is coded from scratch, using the ps2dev.org Go!Cam demo
as a template.
Version 4 has a moving starfeild, but in a still screenshot it just looks like a
bunch of white dots. This release also has another invader.
Now all of the original invaders feature in the game.
The screenshot doesn't really convey the idea, so here's the videos:
PSP and laser area view of V1:
PSP screen closeup of V2:
The idea is to shoot all invaders in as short time as possible.
Shooting special invaders will win you time bonuses which are
deducted from the time before the skill level report is calculated.
The time is displayed at the end of the game, and then any earned
time bonus is subtracted before determining the player skill level.
Update for V4:
Added the last type of invader.
Laser Invaders requires a Go!Cam if that wasn't already obvious.
Cheers, Art.
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November 7th, 2008, 03:39 Posted By: wraggster
A mod of the game Wagic has been released, heres the details:
Release: Ice Age V.1.6
Date: 05.11.2008
Size: 13 MB
Total number of cards: 380.
Playable cards: 132
Land: 20 (including 4 Snow-covered Land)
Cards identical to from previous release: 22
Total number of new playable cards (excluding Land and alias)=90
Full version (including jpg and thumbnails) 13MB:
Update version (including only cards.dat/todo.dat and the EBOOT) 579KB:
Release info
Included in this release are
- A copy of all jpg from the ICE-AGE extension and appropriate thumbnails
- A _cards.dat containing all playable cards from the ICE-AGE extension
- A todo.dat containing all non-playable cards from this release
- An Eboot.pbp containing a modified version of WTH 0.2.1
- A collection.dat,containing 4 of each ICE-AGE playable cards
IMPORTANT: This release is only compatible with the Eboot joined
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November 7th, 2008, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
No release yet but heres the news from shinydude100
Captain Morgan, Moers, Kreationz, Shinydude100 and Wally Have recieved the compiled eboot of Daedalusx64 Version 0.01 A (Alpha). There are only a few games I've tested out, and what I can say to everyone is that while it isn't %100 full-speed yet, it has had an increase in FPS. Certain games have dramatic speed-increases that are sustained in certain spots like main menus and logos. I almost screamed when I saw the Nintendo Logo on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time run for like a good second at 129 FPS. Then of course it dropped down, but the menu before initiating game-play ran at about 55-60 Frames per second. The area of the game where Link walks out of his house to be greeted by Sarah, that seemed to run at about 8 Fps Average, but it goes up and down, the Z target makes it jump up to 9 FPS and running around drops it to a 6.8 to 7.. Each PSP may run this differently due to: If your psp is at 333 Mhz, if your options are set the same way I have mine, etc. I have made a short clip of LOZOOT, but don't go crying when you see its impressive frame-rate as other areas are still not fulfilling for some...(That'll be my next goal, to get a caching MUCH like the NeoGeo with Rom Conversion possibly) Well thats it for now, I'll get the video up when I get the nearest chance, You will not ber dissapointed DaedalusX64 Community... just ask the other 4 Authorized Alpha Testers at what they have to say about it. ;-)
Heres some screens:
also this update from chillywilly:
Screenshots of Mario64 running on my TV. The aspect ratio in the pictures looks off, but remember these are a shots of an NTSC TV. I have it set for no overscan. Oh - fixed the screenshot function too. It was dumping the screen after one update when it needed to be dumping after two updates. Now you actually get an image instead of a blank screen.
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November 7th, 2008, 06:15 Posted By: PSPKOR
From the last release I've updated all the graphics (including EBOOT), fixed a few bugs and made menu navigation alot better.
What is this?
This is a BlackJack game with a bit of a twist, like in blackjack you can hit, stand, double down and split. However this aims to help you beat the casino by helping the practice of card counting and basic strategy Whistling.
To help with the basic card counting there is a page that you can flip through a deck of cards and try to keep count, you can check to see if your count is good at any time and your also timed so you know when you've improved.
There's also the three basic strategy tables that can be viewed, these show you how each hand should be played but with the knowledge of the card count, which is also kept on the game you play, you can determin your percentages of winning more.
Then there's the actual game this is just how it could be played in a casino, there's five decks, dealer stands on 17, you can hit, stand, double down and split, five card trick counts, you have a wallet and can change your bet. But as this is to practice you can check on the running count, the true count and the basic strategy tables. A good idea for practice is laid out in counting101 (bottom link).
For more information on card counting and basic strategy look at these links:
Wiki Page on Blackjack:
How Stuff Works page:
Very good article on beating the casino (counting101):
Enjoy KOR :thumbup:
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November 7th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has sold 4.33 million copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 around the world.
The stealthy PS3 exclusive helped Sony's platform account for 38 per cent of Konami games sold between April and September 2008.
This compares favourably to the piddly 1 per cent of Konami games sold on PS3 during the same period last year.
Despite the pulling power of Metal Gear Solid 4, Kojima has maintained that we will definitely not see an Xbox 360 version of the game, despite public support for the idea from Microsoft.
MGS4, which launched back in June, will also be the last of the series helmed by creator Hideo Kojima. He's promised that MGS games will continue to appear, but under the supervision of younger members from his team.
Today also marks the arrival of a PS3 demo of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Better late than never, eh?
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November 7th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
A few moment's hesitation prevent you from placing the winning bid on that sweet, customized Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 a few weeks back? It's okay, we've all been there -- sitting at the screen, cursor hovering over the "Bid Now" button, wracked with indecision, finally saying "Why not?" just as the timer hits 0. Usually that's cause for a lifetime of bitter regret, but this time you're in luck. The winning bid of $17,000 turned out to be bogus, so the creators have placed the machine on eBay again, ready for you to ponder anew.
Now, before you make some snide remarks about $17k being way too much for a tarted up PS3, take a look at the attention to detail here, and remember that 15 percent of the proceeds are going straight to the Child's Play charity -- a factor that should hopefully reduce the vehemence of those remarks by roughly a fifth.
Ebay auction here
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November 8th, 2008, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida Or 2 is getting extra story episodes. We knew this was coming since there is an option in to play downloadable episodes. Maou no Iranai Hi (The Devil King’s Day Off) is the first extra episode and it sounds like the Devil King, the game’s protagonist, is going to be replaced. Sure, other first party PSP games like Wipeout Pure were extended with DLC, but one of the benefits of having the PSP PlayStation Store is downloadable content is more accessible. And since it’s easier to get DLC more publishers might consider to build games with digitally distributed expansion packs in the future.
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November 8th, 2008, 02:01 Posted By: MK2k
Author: MK2k / www.mk2k.net
Name: APPSwitcher PSP
Version: 1.0
Platform: PSP (Custom Firmware 3xx-5xx)
Dev-Details: VSH Plugin Developed in C
APPSwitcher is a little VSH plugin that lets you categorize your homebrew for the XMB.
By the press of a button combination you can then switch from category to category which then gets shown to you right on the XMB.
via mk2k.net
Read the english or german readme file for information on how to install and use this plugin!
visit www.mk2k.net
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November 8th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Don't say we didn't warn you. Despite, well, warnings that they just wouldn't stand for anybody creating then sharing real songs over Guitar Hero: World Tour's song creation utility, people went ahead and did it anyway. During the game's first week on sale, the GH Tunes "store" was littered with recreations of game tunes like the theme to Mario. And the theme to Zelda. You get the idea. Well, those are now gone. And the others that are still there - like tunes from Final Fantasy and Sonic - probably won't be there much longer, either. Our advice? Get creative with those song titles. "Sonic Theme" is no good. But "Baby Stole My Heart And Stashed It In Green Hill Zone"? More subtle. Might get in under the radar.
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November 8th, 2008, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the List:
10,000 B.C. (~Steven Strait, Camilla Belle, ...) HK US$ 32.90
An American In Paris (~Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Christmas Story (~Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, ...) US US$ 49.99
Every Which Way But Loose (~Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Fool's Gold (~Matthew Mcconaughey, Kate Hudson, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Special Collectors Edition JPN US$ 46.90
Juno JPN US$ 46.90
Made of Honor (~Patrick Dempsey, Kadeem Hardison, ...) HK US$ 33.90
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (~Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Otis JPN US$ 47.90
Red Line (~Angus Mcfadyen, Tim Matheson, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Rest Stop (~Jaimie Alexander, Joey Mendicino, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Rest Stop Don't Look Back JPN US$ 37.90
Risky Business (~Tom Cruise, Rebecca Demornay, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Shaolin Shojo Collector's Edition (~Kou Shibasaki, Toru Nakamura, ...) JPN US$ 59.90
The Gauntlet (~Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
The Shawshank Redemption (~Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
The Song Remains The Same JPN US$ 47.90
Trans-Siberian (~Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, ...) US US$ 34.98
Virtual Trip Kuusatsu Tokyo Yakei Tokyo Twilight From The Air JPN US$ 46.90
Virtual Trip Kuusatsu Tokyo Zekkei Tokyo Daylight From The Air JPN US$ 46.90
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November 8th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list (although i think they are restocked rather than new)
28 Days Later JPN US$ 9.90
Alien JPN US$ 9.90
Alien 2 JPN US$ 9.90
Alien vs. Predator JPN US$ 9.90
AVP2 Aliens Vs. Predator JPN US$ 9.90
Behind Enemy Lines JPN US$ 9.90
Daredevil JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 2 JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 3 JPN US$ 9.90
Die Hard 4.0 JPN US$ 9.90
Dodgeball JPN US$ 9.90
Elektra JPN US$ 9.90
Fantastic 4 JPN US$ 9.90
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer JPN US$ 9.90
Garfield The Movie JPN US$ 9.90
I, Robot JPN US$ 9.90
Ice Age JPN US$ 9.90
Independence Day JPN US$ 9.90
Kingdom of Heaven JPN US$ 9.90
Predator JPN US$ 9.90
Robots JPN US$ 9.90
Speed JPN US$ 9.90
The Day After Tomorrow JPN US$ 9.90
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen JPN US$ 9.90
X-MEN JPN US$ 9.90
X-MEN 2 JPN US$ 9.90
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November 8th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The most extensive KOF collection ever containing 5 complete games
Includes the Orochi Saga trilogy (95-97)
Unlockable bonus content materials
PSP to include Ad-hoc mode
The first ever collection of THE KING OF FIGHTERS, consisting of 5 complete games. KOF 94, 95, 96, 97, 98.
The collection has all the King of Fighters games between 94 and 98 that includes the full trilogy of the Orochi Saga.
The invitation to the tournament has been sent out to the best fighters around the world, who organizes these events and the agendas of these organizers are unknown, but this is a fight none of the participants want to miss as they'd all have something to gain by winning.
Since the first tournament opened, this became an annual event. not only does it attract more and more veteran fighters who are dying to prove their skills, but it gained world wide attention from fighting game lovers.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The most extensive KOF collection ever containing 5 complete games
Includes the Orochi Saga trilogy (95-97)
Unlockable bonus content materials
The first ever collection of THE KING OF FIGHTERS, consisting of 5 complete games. KOF 94, 95, 96, 97, 98.
The collection has all the King of Fighters games between 94 and 98 that includes the full trilogy of the Orochi Saga.
The invitation to the tournament has been sent out to the best fighters around the world, who organizes these events and the agendas of these organizers are unknown, but this is a fight none of the participants want to miss as they'd all have something to gain by winning.
Since the first tournament opened, this became an annual event. not only does it attract more and more veteran fighters who are dying to prove their skills, but it gained world wide attention from fighting game lovers.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Be A Pro - NHL 09 will put you on the ice with a dynamic new 3rd person camera as you play the role of one player on a team. Our Performance Tracker will rate your play in over 60 (confirm) categories to make sure you know what parts of your game need to improve. Be A Pro starts your career off in the ranks of the AHL and challenges you to become one of the best in the NHL. Your very own hockey card will mark your progress, from your rookie beginnings to a potentially legendary ending
Interactive Tutorial System - Ideal for newcomers to the game, or the sport in general, this all-new system will teach you how to shoot, skate and deke before you hit the ice. In addition, in-game hints will pop up to help you to keep on track
Create-A-Play Breakouts - The ice is your canvas and it’s up to you to paint a winning strategy in both online and offline play. Create breakout plays from your own zone or set up behind your net and tell your right winger to look for the flip dump from the defenseman
Check Hard and Fight— An All-new physics-based checking and fighting engine featuring more than 300 new animations brings a higher-level of intensity to the game. Watch players reach for the ice to soften their fall or simply get laid out on their back when you catch them with their head down in open ice. Circle your opponent, grab his jersey and settle a mid-game score
One-handed Dekes— NHL 09 adds another weapon to you offensive arsenal – the one handed deke. When you are skating in on a breakaway tap the puck to one hand and tuck the puck behind a sprawling goalie for the ultimate finish
EA SPORTS™ welcomes you to the future of sports gaming with NHL®09. Building on NHL 08 - winner of 7 Sports Game of the Year awards - EA SPORTS continues to evolve the NHL franchise with innovative control enhancements, added depth and accessibility.
NHL 09 brings Be A Pro to the ice, allowing gamers to step on the ice as themselves through a dynamic camera angle. In Be A Pro Mode you will earn your own hockey card as you progress from the AHL to the NHL.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

For the first time on next-gen, take control of the new Bond. Employ all of your Bond skills in high-octane combat, chaotic gun fights and precise stealth takedowns
First person shooting with third person over combat allows you to adjust your gameplay to meet each challange. Hide behind cover, fire from protected positions and use suppressing fire to distract enemies
Advanced AI systems allow enemies react to you in intelligent and tactical ways. Think quick, because they'll seek cover and outflank you
Utilizing the likenesses and voices of actors from both films including Daniel Craig and Judi Dench, the game immerses you in the story of how Bond becomes the ultimate 00 agent. Each mission will take you through exotic locations such as Casino Royale in Montenegro, the canals of Venice, the countryside of Madagascar, the deserts of Bolivia and the streets of Austria
Bond goes online with standard 12-player multiplayer modes plus unique Bond modes such as "Bond VS" which pits you against other opponents in an intense race to complete objectives, and "Golden Gun" mode, which allows players to perform one hit kills using the coveted Golden Gun
Coldly efficient...dangerous...the new Bond is the ultimate weapon in today's ruthless world of international espionage. Blending first person shooting and third person action, Quantum of Solace the Game puts you in control of Bond's greatest weapon - his mind. You must think like Bond and intelligently use the map and situation to your advantage. Confront enemies in a variety of ways: take them head on, fire from behind cover or sneak up silently and eliminate them with a variety of special takedown moves. Based on Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace the Game puts you in the dangerous world of international espionage and intrigue.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Five terror inducing and unique park areas
Play in story mode or arcade mode
30 bone chilling rides and attractions
Multi-player features
Collectible monster cards
Discover the scares that are all too real and find yourselves vanquishing vampires with this goosebumps horrorland. Try to escape the park, unravel a mystery, encounter a host of creepy horrors, monsters and mummies plus trademark goosebumps twists and cliffhangers. Goosebumps horrorland will offer the suspense, pulse-pounding action, tension and humor that defines the franchise. Goosebumps horrorland is an adventure game set in a fright-themed amusement park filled with over thirty thrilling rides and bone-chilling attractions. It has also five terror inducing and unique park areas and collectible monster cards which can be played by multiple players in a story mode or arcade mode.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Strategy for the next generation: Led by creative director Michael de Plater (Rome Total War), EndWar will redefine strategy gaming. Designed exclusively for next-gen consoles EndWar will create a theatre of war, immersing you in the drama of World War III in a way you never thought possible.
Fight For Your Nation: Pick a side US, Europe, Russia - the fate of the world is in your hands. If you don't step in to save your homeland, who will?
Command Your Army: Grow your army into the most powerful force on the planet. Your army is completely customizable, and experience breeds strength - your units grow more powerful with every campaign you fight.
Light Up The City of Lights: Tom Clancy's World War III won't be won by capturing remote deserts or grasslands but by striking countries in the heart. Paris, Moscow, Washington D.C. will all erupt in flames as you battle your way through the fully destructive playground.
A Whole New Kind of Massive: EndWar will be an online multiplayer experience unlike anything you've ever encountered. 16 player matchups? Try hundreds. 30 minute battles? Try persistent matchups lasting for months at a time. This isn't a skirmish, it's World War III.
Talk Your Way to Victory: Put the controller aside and start shouting commands. EndWar can be played almost entirely via voice command.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen...a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy's EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

30 new tracks with artist including The Police, Radiohead, The Cure, Young M.C and more.
SingStore™ allows you to build your perfect SingStar playlist by offering hundreds of songs and videos to purchase.
Connect to My SingStar® Online and share your favorite SingStar moments by uploading photos and performances.
PSP remote play functionality (via wireless Internet connection) allows you download songs and create you new track list remotely, browse and rate performances, and leave comments.
Up to 8 players can perform and compete in a variety of multiplayer game modes.
track listing
Aerosmith – Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
Bad English – When I See You Smile
Bobby Brown – My Prerogative
Boys Like Girls – Hero/Heroine
The Bravery – Believe
The Cure – Pictures of You
Elton John & Kiki Dee – Don’t Go breaking My Heart
Eminem – Without Me
Gavin DeGraw – In Love With A Girl
Gnarls Barkley – Run (I’m A Natural Disaster)
Gold Frapp – Happiness
The Killers – When You Were Young
Lit – Miserable
The Mamas & The Papas – California Dreamin'
Natasha Bedingfield – Unwritten
The Offspring – Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
Panic! At The Disco – Nine In The Afternoon
Paramore – CrushCrushCrush
Phantom Planet – California
P!nk – Just Like A Pill
The Police – Don’t Stand So Close To Me
The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)
Radiohead – Street Spirit
Rise Against – Prayer Of The Refugee
Sara Bareilles – Love Song
The Shins – New Slang
Tone Loc - Funky Cold Medina
Weezer – Beverly Hills
Yael Naim – New Soul
Young M.C. – Bust A Move
SingStar® Vol. 2 features 30 new music tracks that allow groups of friends to sing along with real music videos of their favorite artists. Experience SingStar’s online features and personalize your content by purchasing songs, uploading video’s/photos, and rating the performances of others. SingStar Vol. 2 features a new harmony duet mode and PSP® Remote Play.
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November 8th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The player’s goal in HISTORY Civil War: Secret Missions is to disrupt the armies of both the North and the South by any means necessary, including conducting train raids, stealing ironclad ships, stopping enemy supply lines, destroying enemy artillery and more. All events are drawn from the real life actions of famous partisans, scouts and rangers - fight as a member of Mosby’s Rangers, Sheridan’s Scouts and Grant’s Secret Service and receive your mission commands from famous generals including Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson, and Ulysses Grant.
The action in HISTORY Civil War: Secret Mission accurately reflects the guerrilla tactics of the time period. Weapons include the shotgun, the pepperbox revolver and the coffee mill gun, and there is heavy reliance on scouts and naval warfare.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Breathtaking Graphics Resembling a Watercolor Painting in Motion. The “CANVAS” graphics engine, created exclusively for the PLAYSTATION®3, brings this never-before-seen style to life
Battle with direct control in action sequences just as in action games, while also maneuvering through the vast world with strategic moves typical of tactical RPGs
Engaging story and plot twists provide hours of gameplay; immerse yourselves in the dramatic battle for freedom as Welkin, with the fate of the world in your hands
With 50 upgradeable playable characters to choose from, you can gather powerful groups for each mission (e.g., all sniper groups or all female groups) to suit your varying battle needs
You can gain the advantage in battle by drawing off the unique terrain in 30 different environments, as varied as industrial cities, forests, castles and fortresses
The stage is set in Europe around 1930s. In this alternate universe, Europe was split into the “East European Empire Union” and the “Atlantic Ocean federal Organization” and for years and years, these two superpowers have been seeking to unify Europe through a large scale war, named European War II (E.W.II). Heroes often emerge in these chaotic times, and in a small, neutral country, Galia, such a young man came forward to join the fight.
Galia was falling under the onslaught of the Empire's overwhelming forces, but before the enemies could take the capital, Welkin Gunther, the leader of a small army faction thwarted the military giant's plans and entered historical records as a hero.
The screens in the game are filled with a dusky tint, the lines are smooth and the palette is subdued yet warm. Aside from its distinctive graphics, the sounds in the game is just as impressive. The epic storyline coupled with the rich graphics and sounds supported by the third generation consoles creates a world that players immerse themselves fully into.
Senjou no Valkyria is a turn based RPG that combines strategy with action. Proceed with the game the way you read a history book. Read the text and get involved in the battle parts, depending on the options you have chosen or the battles you have fought, the game rewards you with more chapters to your “book”.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience Jaw-Dropping Cinematic Quality HD Graphics
Roam Freely on Dynamic Multi-Dimensional Battlegrounds
Unleash Your Ninja Dream Team
Discover A Brand New Mission-Based Adventure Mode
Unleash Massive Secret Techniques on An Unprecedented Scale
Master 25 Fully Transformable Warriors
Engage in Giant Creature Battles
The #1 action-fighting game series based on Naruto arrives on Playstation®3 system, continuing its reign over the next generation of video games. With gorgeous cinematic quality HD graphics, a revolutionary next-gen battle system, multi-dimensional battlegrounds and a seamlessly explorable world, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm will capture the heart of any gamer!
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November 9th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

State of the art WIRELESS guitar controller with the new neck slider and authentic drum kit controller, with wired microphone deliver the most authentic band experience
Compose, record, edit, and share your own music online. Download and play community-created content for free!
Rock out solo, with another guitarist or a band. Kick it up with 4 vs. 4 Battle of the Bands play
Create your own rocker, choose from your favorite Guitar Hero® icons or take the stage as the biggest rock stars around
Enjoy a massive soundtrack, with all master tracks and no covers!
Share the Experience! Guitar Hero® World Tour combines exhilarating guitar game play with cooperative band elements.
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November 9th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

State of the art WIRELESS guitar controller with the new neck slider and authentic drum kit controller, with wired microphone deliver the most authentic band experience
Compose, record, edit, and share your own music online. Download and play community-created content for free!
Rock out solo, with another guitarist or a band. Kick it up with 4 vs. 4 Battle of the Bands play
Create your own rocker, choose from your favorite Guitar Hero® icons or take the stage as the biggest rock stars around
Enjoy a massive soundtrack, with all master tracks and no covers!
Share the Experience! Guitar Hero® World Tour combines exhilarating guitar game play with cooperative band elements.
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November 9th, 2008, 02:51 Posted By: NoEffex
This goes right along with the GNU way of thinking. One item, one purpose. Together they can make something worthwhile. Each function, or set of functions, has it's own purpose. Quite a few updates since last time I sent this in.
Now, onto the real matters.
Readme: (Too large for this message)
Main options:
Hump with L
See through walls on button press
Knife people online
Anti-Lobby boot
Anti-Server freeze
Edit your players speed
Choose between a variety of sticking explosives options
Make everyone who's in a game's name the same as yours.
Toggle Perfect Target Lock
Mod your command equity
Toggle Walk through walls(Vertical clipping)
View the stack pointer area and mod accordingly
When you're in game, it will show your coordinates and score in the UI (Have to verify the pointers of course)
Mod your scores more specifically
Mod your coordinates more exactly
Toggle jump on square press(AKA Hotkeys)
Toggle crawl in water
Toggle move while dead
No-Fog; Just zoom in and fog is gone(always enabled)
Keyboard used for NitePR format code 'Text in game'
RA Finder
Splash Screen Loader
Address watcher
Custom Menu(s)
Version 1 Changelog:
Build 1.1:
-Added Custom Menu(s) (For source code modders who complain about not being able to do anything)
The menu(s) is/are quite complicated yet simple, if that makes sense
-Various crap here and there
-Changed name listed at bottom to properly accommodate the developers alias.
Build 1:
-Added the suffix ICE because it's cold, and I felt the need to follow the seasons.
-Optimized heavily
-Hook Thread for it's own
-When the menu is called to, it will create a thread, and when it's done, it will end it, this is to prevent lag, drastically; UI treated as a frontend
-Various functions changed slightly
-Colors changed
-Way more stable in terms of menu and what not, for a flicker now is a rare sight
-Delays changed up in support of each priority
-MWD/Jump speed increased due to above
-Logger augmented
-If the name animator does not detect file, it shuts down the hijack and bricker(animator) threads, for that alone reduces quite a lot of lag for people who commonly use RemoteJoyLite(I specified because the older remotejoy doesn't like to work on new kernels, which happen to be what this is made for), the means if you want to use less lag and what not, rename your pspbricker.txt for the time being
-If you press L+R+Select, it will slow down the bricker thread, to furthur anti lag, while using an imposter
-Uses "Tonic"'s True Jump in replacement of the old ghetto Hotkey jump
Full Source Code:
This has a fairly large base of people who use it, I've been told. Like last time, I advise users to not use this online, because it plain ruins the game. If you are going to use it, use it in Ad Hoc or campaign.
GoogleCode site:
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November 9th, 2008, 10:11 Posted By: wraggster
News from LBGShi
Before I begin, I should note that Oobles gave the OK for me to make this thread, and the project on the PS2Dev.org main site as well. Given the atmosphere, and that some PS2Dev members are quite opposed to cheat/hacking systems, it would be a grave error not to mention that, so I hope Oobles doesn't mind my name-dropping
For some time now (several years, off and on), GSHI.org administrative staff and several select members of the scene have been working, in secret, on something tentatively called Project Artemis: a hacking system for the Playstation 2. The primary goal of this project is to allow users to create, or hack, their own cheat and game enhancement codes, using RAM-dumping, dump comparison, constant memory writes for testing, breakpoints, and as many other tools as feasible.
The project is far from complete. There have been quite a few stumbling blocks, and some impressive progress has been made. Through several primary coders (Sang123, Hit n' Run Games, misfire, Shyam Narain, Xerxes Technologies, cYs Driver), it has been determined that...
A: Hiring a company to design such a system will result in either paying tens of thousands of dollars, or ending up with a company that cannot complete the project, and...
B: Hiring a solitary coder, such as a skilled member of the scene, will eventually result in the coder being overwhelmed.
Hence, lacking the necessary funds to hire a coding group or company adept enough to complete the task at hand within a reasonable amount of time, we have made the best decision possible, with Artemis, GSHI, and the scene in mind: to bring the project out of the darkness, and into the realm of open source.
If anyone is interested in contributing (even an indication of interest in the project helps!), feel free to make a post, if only to say so. We will continue to chronicle our progress, research, and thoughts here: http://gshi.org/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=56
...though I will be quite happy to respond to any questions or comments you have here as well. There is also a SubVersion repository for Artemis at http://gshi.org/svn/artemis/, with some of misfire's recent work, and quite a bit more source from various authors will likely be committed in the near future.
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November 9th, 2008, 10:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
What's it?
It is a simple GUI for ctf/unctf tools.
With this program you can create CTF theme files directly on your PC, without the need of a PSP!
You can also extract files from a CTF file and install CTF themes in your PSP!
-Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 5.00M33!
-Possibility to extract file from a CF 5.00M33 CTF file!
-Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 4.01M33!
-Possibility to extract file from a CTF file made with CXMB 3.2 (ONLY with the "official" Poison CXMB!)
-Now program is all in a single EXE
-If program does not find required folders it will create them automatically!
-Now you can use also CTF custom names that contain spaces.
-Added some security checks (to avoid some NET Framework error messages).
-Possibility to create CTF themes using only a PC!
-Possibility to extract files from a CTF file (files will be put in EXTRACTED folder)
-Possibility to install easily required PRXs in SUPPORT folder (they have to be put in SUPPORT folder in any case, otherwise program will not work!).
-Possibility to install CTF themes in your PSP
Note: program will not require a installation, but it requires the .NET Framework 3.5 (you can download it FREE from Microsoft website!).
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November 9th, 2008, 10:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an unnofficial custom firmware by alpha:
Alpha has just released a patch to update Dark_AleX's 5.00 M33-3 firmware with the features from 5.01.
This is not an official release by Dark_AleX, but a patch made by a fan. Here's what Alpha has to say.
As Dark_AleX probably isn't going to make 5.00 M33, here is a small patch to use the latest features
Plus an hex-edited vshctrl.prx to say 5.01 M33.
Tested and working on Slim and Classic PSP's
Again, ALL credits goes to Dark_AleX, I only updated, HEX-edited vshctrl, and wrote this flasher.
*It only flashes the changed modules, so it only works from 5.00 M33-3.
Copy the contents of ms_root to your memory stick.
If you used this before, please run it again, a very nasty bug has been fixed.

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November 9th, 2008, 10:24 Posted By: wraggster
Bubbletune has updated his Game Categories Plugin yesterday, heres the release details:
This plugin allows you to categorize your game menu and keep it more organized.
- A PSP with 5.00 M33-3 or higher (it may break in the future, therefor I will update it as soon as I have the chance to do so)
- Copy game_categories.prx to the seplugins folder and enable it in the recovery.
- Create folders prefixed with 'CAT_' in the GAME, GAME150, GAME5XX or ISO folder.
- Fill them with everything you want to appear for that specific category (if you have the same category name in two or more folders they will be mixed).
- Keep the Sony file length limitations in mind, due to the name of the category being added to the total length, the length of each filename will increase even more. If a corrupt icon shows up, try lowering the length of the filename.
- Boot your PSP, open vshmenu and select the appropriate category (a new option will be added by the plugin, this will happen seamlessly and everything should keep working).
- If you change category while currently in the game menu, it will automatically leave the game menu and recache the directory.
- A 'Show all' and 'Uncategorized' option are available in case you need them.
Just before I was about to release this plugin, I saw MK2k's APPSwitcher hit the forums.
After checking it out I still believe that this plugin is useful to release for numerous reasons.
- No need for a configuration file, everything is detected.
- Convenient integration in the vshmenu for quick switching.
- Patches the IoFileMgr driver directly instead of renaming the folders.
- Loads entirely in kernel memory as opposed to user memory (reduces crashes).
- Recaches the game menu without anything required to be done by the user.
- It has 'Show all' and 'Uncategorized' options.
Nonetheless, I thank MK2k for his contribution to the scene
Have fun.
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November 9th, 2008, 10:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nielkie
Had this lying around from quite a while back, someone might like it.
All I did was package SPOWITH up with DOSBOX, set up the controls, and hex it a bit to make it user friendly.
Cross: Fire
Circle: Drop Bomb
Triangle: Flip
Square: Autopilot
Right Trigger: Take off/Accerate
Up: Go up
Down: Go down
Drop the SOPWITH folder in /PSP/GAME/
Credits to:
David L. Clark of BMB Compuscience (For Sopwith Game)
crazyc (For PSP DOSBOX port)
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November 9th, 2008, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
Davee has released and fixed his CTF Upacker for the PSP:
This will extract the contents of a CTF and repatch the vshmain, paf and common_gui to the original prx state.
In same dir as ctfextractor.exe make a folder called "originals" and place an uncompressed vshmain.prx, paf.prx and common_gui.prx in a subfolder within with the firmware version. eg. originals/500/vshmain.prx ..
Reason for those prx's is so the program can load it and patch it and save it with the changes, like what CXMB does on the PSP.
Usage: Open command prompt and go to the dir containing ctfextractor.exe.
Type: "ctfextractor [ctf-file]" and replace [ctf-file] with the ctf file. It will make a folder with the same name as the CTF and extract it in there.
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November 9th, 2008, 10:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from keiviz
Hello everybody!
That's my first work on LUA, so please, don't judge strictly;-)
So, that's a small programm, that lets You install fast and with no problems install some plugins and fixes for Your PSP CFW 5.00 M33
Here are some features:
*Installs PSN and popcorn.prx fixes (actually, gives you 5.01 M33)
*USB mode from program
*Installs plugins:Music.prx, CXMB 3.3, PSPStates 5.00 M33, Alternative VSH Menu, JoySens, FuSa (EN, RU, IT, FR, GER Packs), Hold+ v3.3
*Also, there is a global system of installing plugins
So, you see, its a usefull tools for peoples, who just took Pandora and made them selves a new CFW.
As you know, new version == new features ;-)
The newest one is 3.3.
Also, surf to http://psp2you.net/index/0-14 for more info if you know Russian :-) Soon I'll make an english WEB Page.
P.S. Sorry for my mistakes in language, because I am not an englis speaker:-)
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November 9th, 2008, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ardatan
You don't have to buy Location Free Player for watching TV on PSP any more.
Now, there is a new free version of it. TVSP! TVSP requires a PSP, a PC with TV card and a Wireless Modem...
If you have got these, you can watch TV on PSP easily for free. Read instructions for details...
-With this program, you can watch TV with your TV Card.
-You can change current channel for PSP with remote control.
-You don't have to do any professional work Using this stuff is very easy.
-WLAN Connection is as easy as Internet Browser's...
---What's New---
-Fixed the bug which causes on exit...
-Fixed the bug which make graphical problems on Network Manager...
-You don't have to set Pixel Width>320 anymore.
--If you choose higher pixel width than 320, syncronising or performance might get slowlier...
-Added more stable buttons.
-New interface.
-WPA Support
-Speed improvements...
-Home -> Quit
-Up - D-pad --> Channel Up
-Down - D-pad --> Channel Down
-Uninstall DScaler and previous release of TVSP...
-Copy TVSP to PSP/GAME...
-Open TVSP.ini(in PSP/GAME/TVSP).
-Write your local address in this file...
-Open PC folder and install DScaler...
-Copy DI_EvenOnly.dll to C:\Program Files\DScaler...
-Run DScaler, choose Deinterlace>Even Scanlines Only...
-Run TVSP on PSP and choose your access point and connect...
DScaler is terrible software to stream... The program might sometimes pauses and crashes,
this isn't related to TVSP... We will change the server to VLC...
We need VC++ programmer for compiling new Server DLL. If you can help us, please reply this thread...
---For Developers---
You can use this tool for receiving JPEG streaming:
-Max. 480x288
And this program uses 8888 port...
Sorry for my bad English...
Because I'm Turkish.
PSPDisp creators...
Andy Fung for the old code...
Insert_witty_name for netdialog sample...
CFW for Dark_Alex and his friends...
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November 9th, 2008, 10:55 Posted By: wraggster
Captain Morgan posted some news and screens of goldeneye working on this new N64 emu for PSP:
Even though the alpha 2 plays Goldeneye better I beat the first level on the highest difficulty and completed the mission 100% on alpha 1. Only real reason was because I deleted alpha 2 of my psp since it was slower for other roms then 007. Anyway when you get down into the tunnel part of the Dam the FPS picks up alot because of the closed space and the shakiness stops. In level 2 it seems the speed is really nice, running at like a minimal of 12fps and high of 28, even though these pictures below don't exactly say it because after I click screenshot the fps goes down to take the pic but then returns so. Anyway here are so pics for Kreationz or whoever so they can see the green texture errors throughout level 2, just for future reference. It took alot of patience to beat level 1 and play a good bit of level 2 but the speed wasn't too painful so this project just keeps looking better!

also Kreationz posted this:
Actually the speed difference is going to be an indoor vs outdoor thing, for out door rendering 007 uses a special cache method that's difficult to replicate on the psp, but rest assured CM the Alpha 3 won't have the slow downs of alpha two as the changes are now menu selectable... Also been slowly finding tiny bit here and there so it may be even faster than Alpha 1 was. For instance Zelda OoT is back up to R13 speed with better texture support and working on a way to make it faster.
No Downloads as of yet but with so many different coders working together this should finally bring some nice interest back to N64 emulation on the PSP 
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November 9th, 2008, 11:01 Posted By: wraggster
Daguru has released a new portal for the PSP, heres the details:

What is eyeOS?
-eyeOS is a PSP portal based on the online desktop eyeOS. This portal features revolutionary ideas that make it easier and more interseting for you as a user. Developers also have the opportunity to make their own applications and use it with this portal.
Current Features
-Create an account
-Login to your account
-Add 2 custom icons from the comfort of your PSP (you can also provide a custom link that it opens)
-Change the wallpaper
-Multi-task browsing
-Edit your account
-Task Manager (Process Manager)
-Browse your desktop files
-More features will be announced...
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November 9th, 2008, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne the chinese coder has released a new version of his releases of FBA and this time its for the Sega System16 such classics as Outrun play in this release, infact look in the gamelist.txt for all the games supported, let us know how you get on .
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November 9th, 2008, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
The unknown coder who released a new version of the GBA Emulator for the PSP has again released a a bugfix version which increases compatability with games such as vrally3 and the like.
as always you are most likely better to use the real exophase release but as always try it and report back, ive uploaded both releases as you need to stick the files in the second zip into the other release.
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November 9th, 2008, 16:44 Posted By: crowba
PSP Developer V0odOo has released a nice Binary Clock for the PSP. It shows the current Time in a fancy binary look. The App was written in LUA.
More infos on Binary Clocks over at Wikipedia
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November 9th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: dragula96
1.50b3 is finaly done and can be downloaded here:
Tetriabetes 1.50b3
Mirror (thanks to stifpsp)
shot by stifpsp
1.50b3 Chang log - 11/09/2008 Public relase
* Added Trophy Support/Trophy Room
* Changed pause menu to display trophy requirments.
* Added 3 Difficulty Settings Easy, Normal, Hard.
Note: you can NOT win any trophies on Easy.
* Added New Block animation to Hold, Next pieces.
* Changed the main theme(skin) of the game.
* Changed New Title Menu(animated).
* Songs now do not loop by default.
* Added Credits menu
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November 9th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
If you've put countless hours into crafting a level in Media Molecule's uber-customizable platformer, you know how terrifying that headline really is -- LittleBigPlanet forums across the web are erupting with angry amateur level designers whose creations were 'moderated' (see: deleted) without explanation or forewarning. You read that right -- the levels aren't being removed from your list of published, downloadable creations. They are being deleted. Permanently. Forever. Gone.
Affected parties have noticed that the moderations have erased levels which mention (to varying degrees) copyrighted IPs. For instance, that remarkable God of War level that everyone probably played during beta? It is no more. The gaggle of Super Mario Bros. reimaginings? Yeah, those are gone too. Our personal favorite -- a level titled "Failure to Launch" was deleted, supposedly for using the title of a 2006 McConnaughey-infused romantic comedy. Sadly, our very own magnum opus also fell beneath the axe -- yes, "Maid in Manhattan" is gone, and no amount of protest will bring it back.
Moderators of the engulfed LBP forums have promised to implement a stronger feedback system to explain why levels are disappearing -- though their unwavering stance on copyrighted content has officially been displayed. Our lesson has certainly been learned -- we'll be keeping our rom-com-based creations to ourselves from now on.
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November 9th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
LittleBigPlanet is all about the user-generated content, and to get a handle on the creative tools at your disposal the developers have included a story mode, demonstrating the title’s level creation techniques within the familiar setting of a sidescrolling adventure title. Setting the whimsical tone for the game as a whole, the introductory movie depicts several still shots of people sleeping—in buses, bathtubs, and against trees—with pastel-hued stickers floating up from their heads. These knickknacks collect in the darkness of space, forming the titular landscape of LittleBigPlanet. This, your SackPerson’s “ethereal world,” as the genteel English narrator calls it, can be explored and enhanced with the varieties of objects and fabrics collected during the story mode. It is also an opportunity to draw inspiration from the levels designed by the folks at Media Molecule.
Your Sackboy starts off in a transparent-walled satellite called a POD floating in orbit. From there you can look down on the dream planet, whose continents all correspond to areas on the earth’s map. At the start you are given the option of selecting the LittleBig equivalent of Surrey, England—where the game was created. The circular icon standing for this location, resembling a badge sewn into the fabric of the plush globe, opens like a porthole so that you can jump inside. Your character enters the stage designed by Media Molecule, passing by photos of all the team members, a riff on the cinematic routine of opening credits. Here the narrator tells you how to move your head and pelvis around by tilting the SIXAXIS, and how to change your facial expression using the D-pad buttons.
Before long you can move beyond the intro stage to the continent of Europe, whose levels we are told were designed not by the game developers, but by “the King.” This is just one of the Creator Curators, giants made of wooden blocks and googly eyes that tower over your Sackboy and introduce to you the ins and outs of level creation. One of the King’s first stages is the Garden, where you learn how to grab onto objects using the R1 button and drag them around, or swing from hanging orbs using the same technique. Right at the getgo you can drag a beanbag over to the King and use it to scale his shoulder, thereby reaching some hidden items located on the rooftops in the background. Once you have collected these items, they can be selected at any time by hitting the square button and cycling through your stash, represented as icons inside an illuminated floating lasso.
One way to collect materials while traveling through the story mode is by keeping an eye out for cardboard cutouts. You will happen upon two of these early on in in the Garden, which appear in the shape of a star and tea kettle. Pressing the square button, you can bring up the lasso-shaped Popit Menu and select these items from your collection. Upon sticking the star and tea kettle stickers to the cutouts, you will be rewarded with several new materials and items falling magically from the sky. Your Sackboy can be dressed in the various wardrobe items you acquire along the winding road of the story mode. (There is also a function allowing you to select apparel at random until you have arrived upon a getup that suits your style.) Before long the basics of LittleBigPlanet become second nature. The next step in traversing the Africa and South America-themed stages is to imagine just what kind of landscape you would wish to design yourself.
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November 10th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Ahman has posted that Irshell the awesome Shell for the PSP is being released for Custom Firmware 5.00M33:
Just to let you know I’ll be releasing another iR Shell public release for 5.00M33. It will have all the SE features, including infrared remote learning. Currently, irshell.org is being re-designed and re-worked by some of the private forum members. Once the site is completed, the public release will be out.
Cant wait 
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November 10th, 2008, 12:19 Posted By: Art
Audio Mechanica V8c
Hi Guys,
Here is the Audio Mechanica V8c release with support for all PSP microphone hardware,
On screen keyboard for file naming, RAM buffered recording option, and improved GUI.
This small update adds a web browser to check for updates,
and the ability to return to the mode menu at any time
instead of having to exit and re launch the program.

... and here's a cool animated gif of the wave monitor! 

Please read the documentation for a full explaination of features.
I tried to implement a playback mode for this release,
but doing it directly from Memory Stick has given me trouble.
Maybe I'll have better luck with it in future.
Cheers, Art.
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November 10th, 2008, 18:22 Posted By: blackrave
Released today, iR Shell, developed by Ahman, has returned in version 4.7. It includes native support for custom firmware 5.00 M33-3 and a number of updates and improvements. Guess what it also has got in store for PSP Phat users? Infrared remote control learning! The site has been revamped by osgeld and is looking great.
Full release notes written by Ahman below:
It has been a long time since the last iR Shell public release. Osgeld of irshell.org admin has convinced me to make another release, so here it is. You can thank him for bringing me out of retirement.
Below is the list of new feature summary:
- Support Dark_AleX latest 5.00M33-3 CFWs. Users of original 5.00M33 & M33-2 should upgrade to M33-3 to avoid incompatibility issues. The latest Popsloader 5.00 is also supported.
- An Infra-Red learning remote is added for PSP Phat. You no longer need to hunt pronto codes for your appliances. Just point your remote unit at the PSP and it will learn the iR code. It is available under higher firmwares and not fw 1.5 mode. Refer to the Release Note for usage details.
- The nethostfs connection handling has been redesigned to be more robust. However, iR Shell 4.7 and onwards can only connect to the new nethostfs PC server v2.1. Make sure you've updated the nethostfs PC server.
- Enhance UMD/ISO game compatibility via nethostfs MAX mode. Most previous failed games will probably work.
- Usbhostfs & nethostfs host redirection under XMB has returned.
- The Adhoc PC connection for nethostfs was broken since fw 3.71. This feature has been brought back for PSP Phat.
- Enhance the HTML Plugin (by Dark_AleX) to allow direct launching of flash games with extension SWF.
Special thanks to:
- Osgeld for spending so much effort in resurrecting irshell.org.
- Dark_AleX for the M33 custom firmwares and his assistance to help adding popsloader support.
- Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
- Osgeld, StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
- All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
- M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
- remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
- iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
- iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
Download Links:
iR Shell v4.7
Usbhostfs v1.8 for Windows:
Nethostfs v2.1 for Windows:
Nethostfs v2.1 for Linux:
Installation Instructions:
- Unzip the archive and place the content to the root directory of your memory stick. Make sure to apply the irspatch under ms0:/IRSHELL/PATCH directory for your cooresponding firmware version.
For Technical Supports, pls visit www.irshell.org
Donations for Ahman: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...hk@hotmail.com
Download links in the post. I keep getting errors when trying to upload the main application files as an attachment, so maybe a moderator can help with this?
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November 10th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: tinman
I used this method for a DC based 5.00 M33-3 because, it does not change DC 7, everything works, and uses the same files. (I only renamed one) I only added the 2nd menu which simply runs Alex's 5.00 M33-3 installer just like you would from the XMB. You will need the 5.00 SCE updater in the ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/ folder. You can also take screenshots in the 4.01 version of DC 7 only by pressing the note key.
Just copy the files to the root of your MS.
Sorry, messed up 
All the file are correct just the directory structure is messed up. The file is double packed.
If you want this feel free to download it:
Updated README:
Sorry for the mix up.
I need a sanity tester (beta tester) 
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November 10th, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
DICE has released the Battlefield: Bad Company Community Choice Pack on Xbox Live.
The bundle is free and contains two single-player levels transformed into multiplayer areas. These were voted the best candidates by fans of the game, and DICE picked a couple of its own, too, taking the tally up to four.
Par For the Course and Acta Non Verba emerged as community favourites after voting began in September, while DICE chose to convert Crossing Over and Ghost Town.
Battlefield: Bad Company was released over the summer and took a more single-player, story-based approach to the series - although a deep and varied online component was also included.
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November 10th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Mana Khemia is the 5th entry in the Alchemy RPG series that began with Atleier Iris; Eternal Mania. The game is quest based, classic style RPG where players adventure on to various missions to complete the game. However, unlike the ordinary classic style RPG, alchemy is the main focus of the game. Meaning players will discover and create items, weapons and even character stats through the use of alchemy.
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November 10th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony UKs managing director Ray Maguire has admitted that the company takes it time bringing products to market - but he argued that the PlayStation 3 is now hitting its stride as competing formats could be seen as past their peak.
"Yes, we might take a bit longer sometimes to bring a product to market, but when we do, we bring you the most powerful gaming platform ever to hit - and it will be something that will around for a very long time," said Maguire, speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz.
"It's nowhere near even halfway through its lifecycle, and I could argue that some other competing formats are on their way down right now," he added.
Maguire said it's difficult fulfilling expectations and demands of consumers who want results immediately, joking that, "what we haven't worked out how to do yet is have a child in less than nine months."
On the forthcoming release of online social networking service Home, Maguire said it's crucial the product is finished on day one, rather than released to the public and patched at a later date.
"We have to make sure that things are born at the right time, that the infrastructures are right and are tested, and that they actually work. It's one of the things that PlayStation has been known for - a plug-and-play mentality, rather than a patch-patch mentality."
"Getting it right is more important than getting it out quick, and I think it's very difficult to make that decision, to hold something up, but again I think it was the right decision to make sure that we were defining along the line where it is that we're trying to go to."
The full interview with Ray Maguire will be published on GamesIndustry.biz tomorrow.
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November 10th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has announced a release date for the PSN version of Age of Booty.
According to a post on the Capcom blog, it'll be released in North America on November 13th.
"Europe and Asia are looking good and we're hoping to get those out to you all on the same day," the post reads.
There's no word on how much it'll cost, but the game is already available on Xbox Live Arcade for 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60).
Age of Booty is a casual real-time strategy title with a heavy focus on multiplayer and a pirate theme. Read our review of the XBLA game to find out whether it's any good.
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November 10th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
EA has coughed up first details on what it's calling Dead Space 'premium upgrade packs', which will be released in Europe on both XBM and PSN on November 13. US PS3 owners have to wait until the packs ship worldwide on November 20.
Here's the full list of upgrade packs and what they include:
- Astronaut Pack: Download the Astronaut Suit and Weapon Skin Pack, featuring an amazing Astronaut Suit and new skins for the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, and Ripper! -- $3.00 / 240 MS points
- Big Gun Pack: Download the Steam Punk Force Gun, the ultimate in Necromorph-killing destruction. -- $1.00 / 80 MS points
- Heavy Damage Pack: Download the Heavy Damage Weapon pack featuring a cool new look and massive firepower for the Plasma Cutter, Contact Beam, Pulse Rifle, and Ripper. -- $3.00 / 240 MS points
- Hot Rod Pack: Download the Hot Rod Weapon Skin Pack, featuring awesome flame graphics for the Flamethrower and Pulse Rifle. -- $1.00 / 80 MS points
- Military Pack: Download the Military Weapon Pack for a new look and enhanced power for all 7 Dead Space weapons. -- $4.00 / 320 MS points
- Pedestrian Pack: Download the Pedestrian Weapon Skin Pack, featuring a fresh new look for the Contact Beam, Plasma Cutter, and Ripper. -- $1.50 / 120 MS points
- Scorpion Pack: Download the Scorpion Pack featuring an upgraded Level 5 Suit and powered up Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Force Gun, all decorated in an awesome red Scorpion Skin. -- $4.00 / 320 MS points
- Scorpion Weapon Pack: Download the Scorpion Weapon Pack featuring a faster death-dealing Plasma Cutter, Line Gun, and Force Gun in awesome red skins. -- $2.25 / 180 MS points
- Speed Kills Pack: Download the Speed Kills Weapon Pack! Includes faster-firing Force Gun, Line Gun, and Plasma Cutter. -- $2.25 / 180 MS points
- Tank Pack: Download the Tank Pack featuring an upgraded Level 5 Suit and powered up Flamethrower, Force Gun, and Line Gun, all covered in Unitology script. -- $4.00 / 320 MS points
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November 10th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: Art
Laser Invaders V5
Hi Guys,
This is probably the last update for this one since it
is now how I imagined it should be from the start.
This is a laser control game based on the PSP laser control idea by califrag.
Laser Invaders is coded from scratch, using the ps2dev.org Go!Cam demo
as a template.
Version 5 has a moving starfeild which is removed from the screenshot
because in a still shot, it just looks like a bunch of dots.
All of the original invaders feature in this version of the game,
and for Laser Invaders V5, Intrafont text has been implemented.

The screenshot doesn't really convey the idea, so here's the videos:
PSP and laser area view of V1:
PSP screen closeup of V2:
The idea is to shoot all invaders in as short time as possible.
Shooting special invaders will win you time bonuses which are
deducted from the time before the skill level report is calculated.
The time is displayed at the end of the game, and then any earned
time bonus is subtracted before determining the player skill level.
Laser Invaders requires a Go!Cam if that wasn't already obvious.
Cheers, Art.
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November 11th, 2008, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster

What would it take to stop you from gaming? If you said being bedridden, hooked up to various machines with limited use of your limbs, then you are a complete wuss. Just ask PlayStation 3 forum poster KitsuneYume, who built a PS3 controller he works with his entire body, including his mouth. While the setup won't win any product design awards, it allows Kitsune there access to 20 out of 25 possible controller functions using 16 switches and a joystick he controls with his tongue, all wired into a standard PS3 controller.
The main reason I put this on the PlayStation website was to show people that even the most limited person can still enjoy console gaming just as much... anyone else. the controller was pretty easy to make except for converting the analog signals into digital signals for when I use the various switches. this took about two months to build and get working effectively.
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November 11th, 2008, 12:06 Posted By: MK2k

APPSwitcher is a little VSH plugin that lets you categorize your homebrew for the XMB.
By the press of a button combination you can then switch from category to
category which then gets shown to you right on the XMB.
New in this Version
- ISO, GAME150 etc. directories now work
- The content of the memorystick gets automatically refreshed (no need for the workaround of activating/deactivating the USB mode anymore)
- The standard XMB functionality should now work correctly
via mk2k.net (includes sources)
Credits and Greets
Thanks go to: InsertWittyName, whazilla, weltall, Ahman and Cpasjuste
Read the english or german readme file for information on how to install and use this plugin!
Visit www.mk2k.net
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November 11th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment needs to "work a little bit harder" on getting across the message about the cross-platform functionality between the company's flagship living room and handheld consoles.
That's according to SCE UK boss Ray Maguire, who told GamesIndustry.biz that it's a contrast with the messaging when the PlayStation 3 was first released - which was weaker on the games side of things.
"When we first started - because all the functionality [on the PS3] was radical - we talked about that functionality," he said in an interview at the Games 3.0 event last month. "And in doing that, maybe we weren't strong enough on the games side of it.
"Now, with the strength of the games we've got coming out, this Christmas we're definitely about the games. From our own first party, and also third party, there's a feast of games for PS3 this year.
"At the same time though, because we've been out for a couple of years now, people are starting to understand and discover the functionality of things like PlayTV, and that's created the desire for people to upgrade to larger hard disk sizes. I just recently put a 320GB drive in mine.
"I think people are starting to come to grips with that, but what's probably lesser known is the relationship between PS3 and PSP and the Remote Play functionality.
"Those are the things we have to work a little bit harder on - the GPS functionality, the camera functionality - all of those elements which of course give us content to sit on the PS3," he added.
The full interview with SCE UK boss Ray Maguire is available now.
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November 11th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment needs to "work a little bit harder" on getting across the message about the cross-platform functionality between the company's flagship living room and handheld consoles.
That's according to SCE UK boss Ray Maguire, who told GamesIndustry.biz that it's a contrast with the messaging when the PlayStation 3 was first released - which was weaker on the games side of things.
"When we first started - because all the functionality [on the PS3] was radical - we talked about that functionality," he said in an interview at the Games 3.0 event last month. "And in doing that, maybe we weren't strong enough on the games side of it.
"Now, with the strength of the games we've got coming out, this Christmas we're definitely about the games. From our own first party, and also third party, there's a feast of games for PS3 this year.
"At the same time though, because we've been out for a couple of years now, people are starting to understand and discover the functionality of things like PlayTV, and that's created the desire for people to upgrade to larger hard disk sizes. I just recently put a 320GB drive in mine.
"I think people are starting to come to grips with that, but what's probably lesser known is the relationship between PS3 and PSP and the Remote Play functionality.
"Those are the things we have to work a little bit harder on - the GPS functionality, the camera functionality - all of those elements which of course give us content to sit on the PS3," he added.
The full interview with SCE UK boss Ray Maguire is available now.
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November 11th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SEGA has told Eurogamer that the PS3 version of Sonic Unleashed has been pushed back to an unspecific date in December.
However, all other versions - Xbox 360, Wii and PS2 - will launch as expected on 28th November.
The publisher also doused speculation that the European release of Sonic Unleashed would be sub-standard in comparison to the delayed Japanese version, which was apparently held back to improve quality.
"Some fans living [outside of Japan] have become concerned that there will be a difference in quality between the version of the game released in Japan and the version released outside of Japan. This is not the case and we apologise for this misunderstanding," a spokesperson for SEGA told us.
"The difference in the international release dates is based on the sales strategy and the manufacturing schedule. There will be no quality difference between the North American/European/Asia release and the Japanese version. Please be assured we are doing our best to deliver a top quality experience to people all over the globe."
The spokesperson added, for all of our Japanese readers out there: "We still cannot announce the release date in Japan, but we should be able to do so shortly. Our apologies to Sonic fans in Japan, who we must ask to wait a while longer."
Sonic Unleashed has kept a low-profile since being announced back in April, when we were promised a return to the roots of the hedgehog series.
We're not sure if this is a bad omen, but we've not got long to find out.
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November 11th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A batch of new media for the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata's hit the airwaves, with a new trailer for the game and 15 screens here for your viewing pleasure.
PS3 owners may have had to wait a little longer (ok, a year and a half) for the RPG than Xbox 360 fans, but they'll be getting new gameplay quests, a revitalised story, brand new costumes and two new playable characters in Serenade and Prince Crescendo.
Xbox World 360 called Eternal Sonata "simple, relaxing and charming", and "an RPG for those who don't normally have the time", but also said it could be a little "too shallow for RPG veterans".
PS3 owners will have the chance to find out in February 2009.
Screenshots and trailer and CVG
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November 11th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
This week's PlayStation Store update will bring with it the first storefront dedicated to a notably proficient publisher. As of Thursday, November 13th, PSN users will be able to access a Capcom-branded section, a convenient repository for all things Mega Man, Street Fighter and Bionic Commando. It's where you'll find this week's pirate-infested arrr-ival, Age of Booty, as well as the upcoming, beefed-up brawler, Super Stunning Ultra Street Fighter II Turbo Special HD Championship Mega Radical Remix.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

The Media Hub+ for PlayStation 3 is the perfect way to expand the multimedia capabilities of your console. The Media Hub+ conveniently adds 3 additional USB ports, perfect for charging addition Dual Shock or SIXAXIS controllers, connecting multiple USB controllers such as guitars and drums, or attaching USB devices such as the PSP, iPod or thumb drives.
The included card reader is compatible with both SD Cards and Memory Sticks, allowing you to view photos and transfer game saves to and from the card. The Media Hub+ connects to the PlayStation 3 through USB, and blends into the curves and contour of the console seamlessly adding functionality and usability.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
We're barely surviving 2008's consumerism climax and already publishers are dangling their 2009 wares in front of us. Alright, Square Enix, we'll play your despicable game, if only to take our minds off the current gaming glut. Square Enix's North American (and heavily subtitled) lineup for Q1 2009 is as follows:
Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP / 6 Jan.): Being the remastered portable version of the interstellar -- and considered by some to be just plain stellar -- sequel. Features new voice work, new cutscenes and people crying in space.
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS / 17 Feb.): Being the hitherto unlocalized entry in the venerable RPG series. Yes, Dragon Ball Z guy designed these characters too.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Xbox 360 / 3 Mar.): Being tri-Ace's long-awaited continuation of the science-fiction franchise. The subtitle implies that this is a big deal for the Xbox 360 in Japan.
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (DS / 17 Mar.): Being the third instalment in the respected Valkyrie Profile series. If you're looking for an explanation of the title, we're afraid you're plume out of luck.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Call of Duty 4 Technology – Built using the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, Call of Duty: World at War utilizes a bedrock of technology that delivers jaw-dropping visuals, while empowering players to employ elements like fire to affect the dynamics of the battlefield.
Coordinated Assault and Support – For the first time in the franchise, Call of Duty: World at War introduces co-op, bringing fresh meaning to the “No One Fights Alone” mantra. Call of Duty: World at War co-op features up to four-players online, or two-player local split-screen, allowing gamers to experience harrowing single-player missions together for greater camaraderie and tactical execution.
New Theaters of Operation – Players fight as U.S. Marines and Russian soldiers facing enemies – some new to the Call of Duty franchise – that employ lethal new tactics and know no fear, no mercy, nor the rules of war.
Innovative Multiplayer – Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty delivering a persistent online experience for more squad based interaction. New development with party systems allows an intimacy with squad based combat never before seen in Call of Duty.
Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound – Treyarch’s award-winning sound department returns with effects that add to the already immersive cinematic intensity of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game engine.
Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.
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November 11th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Move yourself: String together an amazing arsenal of wall-runs, leaps, vaults and more, in fluid, acrobatic movements that turns every level of the urban environment to your advantage and salvation.
Immerse yourself: In first person every breath, every collision, every impact is acutely felt. Heights create real vertigo, movements flow naturally, collisions and bullet impacts create genuine fear and adrenaline.
Challenge yourself: Fight or flight. Your speed and agility allow you not only to evade, capture and perform daring escapes, but also to disable and disarm unwary opponents, in a mix of chase, puzzles, strategy and intense combat.
Free Yourself: Runner vision allows you to see the city as they do. See the flow. Rooftops become pathways and conduits, opportunities and escape routes. The flow is what keeps you running – what keeps you alive.
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action adventure is your story.
Mirror’s Edge™ delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith’s world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous.
Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city you will learn how to run.
From the makers of the groundbreaking Battlefield franchise, Mirror’s Edge is an action-adventure experience unlike any other.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
The Rogue Clone for DS/GBA and PSP has been updated, heres whats new:
Thanks to Bill Blake there is a PS3 Linux port of POWDER! His announcement can be found here.
Keeping with POWDER tradition, a long time between releases does not mean there was some huge secret code being worked on that took this long to get ready. It means I was busy with other stuff. That said, there are a good number of fixes in this version. Most important is likely the Safe Walk ability, derived from a patch by Andreas Bohm, which lets non-DS users the ability to avoid accidentally attacking kiwis when they go careening through the hallways. The intent is you can bind it to, say, [L], and then hold that when you want to move safely. If you want [L] to attack, you can change the global option. SDL users may use the ctrl key. Unless they are using vi-keys in which case I'm afraid they are out of luck for now. I can only hope those players believe that Safe Walk is for weaklings.
The mouse will work again for the onscreen keyboard in SDL builds. (Ilya, Teun Peelen)
Description when wearing necro dress code spells servant right. (David Damerell, Andreas Bohm)
Vacuum correctly spelled in death message. (David Damerell)
"Click on your self to search" rather than Clicking. (Narius Varigor)
Starting as cultist will immediately tell you ><0|V|'s whim. (hotpoo)
Loading a save game worshiping ><0|V| will likewise report the whim.
Zapping a hostile wand of create monster will have a chance of the creature turning on you. (hotpoo)
New boon from gods: hostile creatures surrounding you can be smitten. (Indirectly Ambvai)
Earth hammers can be forged into artifact earth hammers with the proper setup. (David Damerell)
Level up hitpoints and magic points are now 2d2+1 rather than 1d4+1, giving a tighter distribution and slight boost to the average. (Teun Peelen)
Earth hammers have an encyclopedia entry. (David Damerell)
When you can move in diagonals you can use the diagonals of the numberpad. (Andreas Bohm)
There is now a SafeWalk mode which stops you from attacking when walking about. You can toggle this by pressing Ctrl when using the arrow keys or binding the Safe Walk command to a button in GBA mode. (Andreas Bohm)
The delete key works the same as the backspace key, a useful feature on Macs whose keyboards lack a backspace. (Roger Bolton)
Wishing for a level teleport no longer uses atoi() so hopefully works on gpsphone. (Roger Bolton)
We now promote room flags to map flags when loading. This way loading the game on the final levels will not turn the levels into floor-diggable and hence suddenly create holes to short-circuit the levels. (Ambvai, debugged by Andreas Bohm)
A case where you could achieve barbarian dress code despite not wearing armour is fixed. (Malte Helmert)
You now gain piety for the barbarian and necro dress codes. (Malte Helmert)
You can no longer move diagonally if both orthogonal directions are blocked by walls.
Spells cast when you have the can dig intrinsic will no longer disintegrate earth elementals. (SparroHawc)
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November 12th, 2008, 01:10 Posted By: Shrygue
Okay, so you may have heard stories like this before. That however won't stop me from telling mine though, so here goes...
After waiting about 8 days or so, my 3600mah battery I ordered from eBay came in. First thing I noticed, it felt light and somewhat flimsy than my official Sony 1800mah ones and upon registering that, I had a feeling that the they weren't going to last long in terms of runtime as expected from a high-capacity battery.

After charging it up in my PSP which took about the usual 2 hours or so, I turned on the unit to test drive the battery. It drained out in about 3-4 hours on normal 222mHz clock speed and the lowest brightness setting where my official two year old 1800mah Sony battery went for over 6 or so. I was thinking, "That's definitely not right, the runtime on the 3600mah battery is shorter than my old Sony one."
Since the price was cheap at £4 with free shipping, I decided to crack it open and whoo, what have we here...?

If you've ever opened an official Sony PSP battery, you'll have seen that the cell pack is bigger. On this particular one, it's smaller by about 40%, what a joke. The rest of the space is filled up with a metal weight that doesn't even make an impression when closed is anywhere equivalent to an official one as one can see below.

The process of cracking open the battery was easier than I thought it would be for the case parts were just simply glued into place. Certainly not like the Sony ones where I think the pieces clip in and that one must do more work to open it.

So in short, take care when buying any capacity PSP battery on eBay. Better yet, don't bother, no matter how cheap it and weather or not it has free shipping. That £5 or so can go to better things, like a couple of beers at the pub or other.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rex_VF5
OK boys and girls (if any here). As my first project on PSP and an attempt to do some C/C++ coding I decided non-the-less to do UPNP client (I aim for PS3 look-and-feel - i.e. integrated into XMB creating a virtual drive holding all the UPnP servers & available media). The base for this is to be provided by Portable SDK for UPnP Devices (libupnp 1.6.6) With a pthread PSP port it only took few hours to replace some stuff not available on PSP (more time was spent to learn about setting up toolchain, configure scripts, etc). I added conditional compilation everywhere so it should be possible to build for other platforms from the modified sources (haven't tested it though). Here's what to do:
0) Get pthread-emb, cd platform/psp; make; sudo make install Do not forget to copy pthread.h and sched.h to your `psp-config --psp-prefix`/include directory
1) Apply the provided diff to the libupnp-1.6.6 source
2) ./configure.psp.sh --disable-samples --enable-debug
3) sudo make install
4) cd upnp/test; make
The last step should produce runnable test_init stuff.prx, EBOOT.PBP and PARAM.SFO which should start and stop basic stuff and show some info about it like this:
Initializing UPnP ...
UPnP Initialized OK ip=, port=49152
I included a netdialog sample into it to connect to AP at the beginning. However it crashes in pthread-emb in thread creation in harmless(?) assignment of result to a variable - see my post in pthread-emb thread Also I found later that pthread-psp-test hangs on Semaphore test #4 (maybe unrelated to the this thing).
Any help getting this up and running is warmly welcomed. I am really stuck. There is high probability I screwed up something as I am new to PSP development and haven't coded in C/C++ in years (I do Java). I believe many could benefit from having this library working...
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November 12th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
I think an English version is coming in a month or two but here’s a brief guide for adhocParty (or Ad-Hoc Party) if you are having problems using the Japanese version, which was made available yesterday. I’m very poor with instructions but hope this helps.
Also thanks to Sony for suddenly making my dozens of PSP games fun again 
What you need
PS3 and PSP on their latest firmware
PS3 is Wi-Fi ready (20Gb owners, sorry…)
PS3 is connected to Internet via a cable (and not wireless)
A Japanese PSN account
Download the application from the Japanese PSN (5Mb)
Install and launch it from the Game menu
Click on “adhoc” (the third button), it will starts searching for a PSP
Launch MHP 2ndG and enter the Online Guild Hall (or the ad-hoc lobby of other games that might support the feature)
You should see your PSP system name on your PS3 screen very soon
Exit “adhoc” (press X), click on “Start” (the first button) and you’ll see World A group of lobbies, use the L1/R1 to switch between different World and the Left analog stick to pick a lobby (red colored tabs for full and blue for empty)
Enter a lobby with the Circle button, you can use the directional buttons to view the next lobby
In the lobby, move your cursor to a room (a house icon) or player and click with the Circle button to view their details
To enter a room, click on “Enter” (the second button on the pop-up), you should be able to see other players in the room and a few seconds later, they will be in the lobby of MHP 2ndG. You can wait until four players have joined the room or you can start a quest with the available players
If you are having trouble finding a suitable rooms (most are not properly titled, exit by pressing the Triangle button and click on the last button), just create one by moving the cursor to yourself, there will be a pop-up with options to change your username or create a room. Make one and wait for others to join.
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November 12th, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from Kreationz
As far as we the devs know the final issues we had are gone. The Beta 1 Release Candidate is in circulation among our Alpha Testers. After this final set of checks we will be releasing the Beta 1 in less than 18hrs from this message for public release.
We still have big plans for Beta 2 and it will likely take longer than three weeks this time around, but we may release a patch update if bugs are found that we can put a quick fix to. 4 Devs have contributed code to this build. Others are planning on code for the Beta 2. We still have a long ways to go, but we feel that it's time to let everyone enjoy the work we have put in so far.
Heres a video of the emulator in action:
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November 12th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Maxthe best:
Hi everyone.
I'm just releasing an early version of my new homebrew: The Game Of Life: Sound Of Life.
So, basically, this is a game of life obeying to Conway's law, with just 1 cool feature added: this one can generate sound (the sound of life ).
So, here are the functions and controls:
-At the beginning of the game, a life pattern is randomly generated. You can renew it pressing Select.
-You can change the pitch of the sound generated by pressing UP and DOWN
-You can change the shape of the generated sound by pressing Square for square waves, Circle for Sin, and Triangle for Triangle.
And that's it for the moment, but more is to be coming, like:
-Possibility to create your own life pattern/edit it during the evolution.
-Possibility to pause the evolution (and check for example how many generations have happened since the beginning)
-Load known patterns, such as gliders, canons, or whatever.
By the way, I'm pretty sure one game of life already exists, coded in lua, but well, I wanted my own, and I'm sure that this one has a bigger matrix which can make it more interesting. (here the matrix is about: 2300 cells big.).
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November 12th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Tdude_gamer
This is a game i made quite a while ago, but never got around to releasing...
so here it is, an original game called war pong.
to play:
analog to control paddle
if you fail to hit the ball before it hits your side, you lose 1 health
you have 100 health, if you lose it, i think you know what happens (death...)
shoot the square in the cross hairs to get a rocket
x to shoot bullet
o to shoot rocket
rockets do 10 damage
bullets do 1 damage
3 powerups (shoot to get)
5 levels
10 minute's for a level
a boss at the end
kill the enemy
sorry, screenie's wouldn't upload
feedback would be nice. may make more bosses, probably not though...
don't look at the code(i coded it a while ago, and it is a pile of %#^$ code)
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November 12th, 2008, 08:26 Posted By: Wally
G'day Folks.
Its finally out, the beta you have been waiting for.
So whats new you ask?
DaedalusX64 Beta 1 - 08 November 2008 (Change from R14 Beta)
[+] TV Out Support (Chilly Willy)
[+] ME Audio Supported (Small speed-up with sound on.) (Chilly Willy)
[+] Increased audio buffers for better sound quality (Kreationz)
[+] Changed logo and graphics to represent new name (graphic by SynGamer)
[!] Fixed screen shots (Chilly Willy)
[!] Fixed an OoT custom clend Mode (Wally)
[!] Fixed Shaking using double display lists (GoldenEye 007, others...) (idea Wally, code Kreationz)
[!] Pause Menu Reset not working properly (Kreationz)
[!] Fixed FPS Display and Framerate limiter (Kreationz)
[!] Optimized code generation for fragments which branch to themselves is now optional
Fixes games that broke from R12-13 (Kreationz)
[^] Improved thread communications in job manager (Hlide)
Download from SourceForge
Credits to:
Enjoy and thank you for supporting our efforts. I'd like to thank those that contributed code this round:
Chilly Willy - PSP Code Master
Kreationz - General Coding and Debugging
Wally - Graphics and more
Hlide - Thread and Dynarec
Howard0su - General Code
Also in misc credits go to:
Moers - Admin
SynGamer - Logo
ShinyDude100 - Ideas and getting the ball rolling
And special Thx to:
Azimer for his audio code
Rice for his video code
and last but certainly not least...
Strmnnrmn whom without this we wouldn't be here. Have Fun!
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November 12th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The Yakuza 3 battle system has at last come to light. As usual, the source of the scoopage is Famitsu, which has a couple of pages on the big PS3 sequel in its latest issue.
Previously, Sega has revealed that game's battle system will be seamless. Different from past entries in the series, you won't have to wait one bit for battle to start. Famitsu confirms that the game switches right into battle mode as you're walking down the street.
Accompanying the smoother switch to battle is a new type of fighting. Yakuza 3 will feature an all new "chase battle" system. When speaking with foes on the street, they may decide to run away. You'll then be tasked with chasing your fleeing rival. To do this successfully, you need to make sure and not lose sight of the enemy, either visually or on the mini map that's displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen. While running, you'll have to deal with obstacles, leaping over trash cans to keep apace.
Details are scarce at the moment, but the game displays a couple of mysterious gauges during these sequences. One appears to indicate the distance between you and your rival, while the other may show your stamina.
In addition to your rivals running away, you'll also find yourself with the option to flee.
All other areas of the standard battle system appear to be seeing improvements for Yakuza 3. The game has more advanced "heat action" special attacks, including some that make use of nunchaku, apparently an Okinawan specialty (the game takes place partially in Okinawa, in case you haven't been paying attention to the updates). You'll also find a more realistic battle environment, with bystanders stopping or fleeing and your rival's gang members approaching the fight, grabbing Kiryu from behind, and joining in.
Also new for Yakuza 3 is a "tag tournament mode" for the game's fighting arena, an area that lets you face off against powerful enemies. As the name suggests, this mode has Kiryu teaming up with a tag partner for the fight. The two make use of cooperative heat action moves.
Yakuza has always been known for an enjoyable battle system complementing the adult drama, and from the looks of things combat in Yakuza 3 is going to be better than ever! Spring 2009 (in Japan, at least) can't come soon enough!
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November 12th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has warned us that the 1994 Street Fighter film is coming out on Blu-ray.
Street Fighter: Extreme Edition will be out in US shops from 10th February 2009, which is around the same time that new film Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li launches there.
But let's go back to the '90s, when Jean-Claude Van Damme took a starring role as Guile, and Kylie Minogue sprung up as Cammy. By all accounts the live action film was bobbins, but will return in 1080p with 5.1 sound nonetheless, according the Capcom blog.
There are also numerous bonus features: trailers for SF IV game and anime; a Making Of documentary, out-takes and deleted scenes; storyboard and videogame sequences; and miscellaneous Cyberwalk, Archive and My Scenes features.
There's commentary from film director Steven de Souza, too, plus BD Live and My Scenes bits and bobs.
We'll probably buy it.
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November 12th, 2008, 22:35 Posted By: Hideous
So, I made an application/gadget called "Instant Rimshot PSP". Obviously inspired by instantrimshot.com, but I wanted a portable version of it, so I sat down and coded this little thing in C++.
You can get it here:
Enjoy, and comment!

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November 13th, 2008, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Studios are pimping out Blu-ray titles heavily this holiday, and it may be the first time that we see a significant amount of players hovering around the $200 mark. Still, just because the technology is more affordable doesn't mean everyone will be ready to get on board. The economy still sucks and there are many people out there who think Blu-ray won't have a long tenure as the top format. So, my question to you is: will you finally go Blu-ray this holiday?
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November 13th, 2008, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Just in time for Halloween 2009, Sony has revealed six new LittleBigPlanet costumes that will be available tomorrow on the PlayStation Store. While the Sack-Eating Plant will be offered free of charge, the other animal suits (Lilly Pad, Hugo, Great Blue and Frost-E) will cost $0.99 apiece, or $2.99 for all four. Additionally, the MotorStormer gear will set you back $1.99.
These costumes join Spacesuit and Halloween mask, which debuted last week and remain free until November 19. Fear not, Japanese gamers, for your LittleBigPlanet experience also gets an injection of cute this week, with four of the above costumes (all but Sack-Eating Plant and MotorStormer) arriving in tandem with Japanese Sony character Toro.
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November 13th, 2008, 12:02 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Nick Swardh has just released an update for his wonderful application PSPVC. This update is going to make converting videos faster, so you guys can enjoy it more.
Here's the change log:
- -Improved encoding speed
- -Improved queue feature
- -Improved audio-auto sync feature
- -Added option to select embedded subtitles from MKV files
- -Added the new 640x480 resolution (require firmware 5.0 or higher)
- -Added CFW/OFW bit rate lock (available in "Settings")
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November 13th, 2008, 18:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It emerged last week that user-created LittleBigPlanet levels were being deleted without warning over copyright issues.
Levels containing IP from other games like Sonic and Metal Gear were found to be removed from the online server. Media Molecule said at the time that it was "reviewing the moderating system".
Today Sony has issued CVG a lengthy statement regarding the moderation process and how best to avoid having your levels deleted. Here's the important bit:
"The vast majority of content uploaded to date has been fun and suitable for all of our community members. In a very few cases we have upheld complaints regarding unsuitable content or infringement of intellectual property, with less than 0.5% of levels actively moderated as a result of complaints from other users.
"Sony Computer Entertainment are committed to continually improving our moderation procedure and the methods of communication we use, in particular regarding the reasons that user complaints are upheld. In the meantime, here are some suggestions for all of our creators:
- Ensure that the content you share with other users is suitable for all ages - everybody has access to your level if you publish it
- Please respect other people's intellectual property rights. For example, don't use images, brands or logos that you're not entitled to use.
- If you come across any content that you feel the need to report, then please do it responsibly. Hoax reports will be considered inappropriate behaviour.
"Thanks to everyone that has contributed to LittleBigPlanet so far. Keep enjoying yourselves!"
So, basically, no cock monsters, rip-offs or Mario. You have been warned.
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November 13th, 2008, 18:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom's released a batch of new media for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, but it's still to confirm the downloadable title's anticipated November release.
Click the play button to view the official SSFIITHDR trailer, and be sure to check out the 19 new screens featuring Akuma, Fei-Long and Sagat.
There's still no firm launch date, although Capcom recently hinted at a Thanksgiving (November 27) release in the US.
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November 13th, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi has hinted that a playable demo of Capcom's upcoming survival horror game will be announced soon.
"We'll be making an announcement about that relatively soon," he told Eurogamer, in comments relayed by this morning's Resident Evil 5 hands-on preview. Downloadable content is also "possible", he said.
One thing we might not be seeing, however, is a mandatory hard-disk install for Resi 5. Capcom took a bit of a hammering for the duration and size of the Devil May Cry 4 installation, and it sounds as though the publisher paid attention to feedback.
"We're still working on those technical elements in the last couple of months, but we can tell you that if users are dissatisfied with that kind of thing, then it's certainly something we keep in mind when we develop," he said. "We'll do our best to come up with something that users will not criticise, but love..."
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November 13th, 2008, 19:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Square Enix at long last offered a look today at the special hardware bundle it has planned for the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Dissidia. We'd suggest shielding your eyes if you don't have the ability to import.
The Dissidia hardware bundle combines a boxed (and probably shrink-wrapped) copy of Dissidia with a specially designed PSP-3000. All this comes in a box that resembles the Crisis Core PSP-2000 bundle box, only with a white and black design.
At the center of the package is the PSP-3000 unit. Based off the Pearl White version of the hardware, the special Dissidia unit includes artwork for the game on the front and back.
Even the packaging for the game is getting special treatment through a cover featuring artwork from Yoshitaka Amano. Buyers of the regular version will get a different cover.
The Dissidia bundle will be available in Japan on December 18, simultaneous with the game's standard version. Pricing for the bundle is set at 25,890 yen, making it the exact same price as when buying a standard PSP-3000 system and a standard copy of the game.
Shots of the bundle here
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November 13th, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The hack and slash action takes place in a state called Gishuamari during the Sengoku period. By slaying the late ruling family, the Sakurai clan, a man named Fujimori became the state's Daimyo.
As a ruler, he keeps an iron fist on the country and the way with which he took the Daimyo's throne made him enemies amongst the peasants and old noble families.
The player is a stray Samurai with the freedom to join any party, e.g. Fujimori's, the old noble houses' or the peasants.
Of course, with the freedom provided in the game, there are more than one route you can develop your story, betray your old employers and go under a new one, remove yourself from corruptive forces and join the battle for justice etc, just remember that the fate of the state rests within your hands.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Call of Duty 4 Technology – Built using the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, Call of Duty: World at War utilizes a bedrock of technology that delivers jaw-dropping visuals, while empowering players to employ elements like fire to affect the dynamics of the battlefield.
Coordinated Assault and Support – For the first time in the franchise, Call of Duty: World at War introduces co-op, bringing fresh meaning to the “No One Fights Alone” mantra. Call of Duty: World at War co-op features up to four-players online, or two-player local split-screen, allowing gamers to experience harrowing single-player missions together for greater camaraderie and tactical execution.
New Theaters of Operation – Players fight as U.S. Marines and Russian soldiers facing enemies – some new to the Call of Duty franchise – that employ lethal new tactics and know no fear, no mercy, nor the rules of war.
Innovative Multiplayer – Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty delivering a persistent online experience for more squad based interaction. New development with party systems allows an intimacy with squad based combat never before seen in Call of Duty.
Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound – Treyarch’s award-winning sound department returns with effects that add to the already immersive cinematic intensity of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game engine.
Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Island - A brand new radically different location for the festival.
Unpredictable Events - Never the same race twice. Events will take place to change the race on a lap to lap basis.
Split Screen Play - Play with up to 3 buddies on the same screen.
The Monster Truck - An all new vehicle class added to the core vehicle selection for a total of 8 different vehicle classes.
Immersive Online Experience – A radical re-look at the whole MotorStorm online experience, focusing on ease of use and breadth of gameplay all while tearing it up in races up to 16 players.
Improved Actions - A new level of control; punch, duck and ram using a new control layout.
Free-play - Race how you want by creating your own race tickets.
Photo Mode - Snap your greatest victory or your most visceral crashes and share them with the world.
New Rating Systems - It’s not all about winning; it’s also about how you perform.
aka. MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
The first MotorStorm™ wowed fans with its heady formula of brutal, unpredictable off-road racing, festival vibes and stunning Monument Valley desert scenery. Now Motorstorm™ Pacific Rift takes you to a solitary tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean, ready for a whole new take on no-holds-barred racing action through thick swamps, dense jungle, towering peaks and steaming volcanoes.
Not just pretty backdrops to the action, these environments take center stage in challenging players with everything in Mother Nature's arsenal. Thick mud, tangled undergrowth, swift flowing rivers, choking volcanic clouds and searing lava pools all test the drivers to their limits and beyond.
Expect a rich festival of off road racing, along with a host of game modes and rewards. It's brutal, dangerous, relentless, and unpredictable and more than a game - MotorStorm Pacific Rift is a way of life.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

2011 - 2014. The world enjoys an unprecedented era of peace as enhanced defense technology eliminates the threat of nuclear war. But can it last?
2020. Constant depletion of resources has international tensions at a breaking point. One spark will ignite what no one thought could happen….a third and final world war.
Introducing Tom Clancy’s EndWar, the first new Clancy I.P. since the highly acclaimed Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell launched in 2002. EndWar will bring World War III to life in a way only Clancy can.
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November 13th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Features 20 Guilty Gear character favorites, including Sol Badguy, Potemkin, May, Dizzy, Faust and more
Compete in Story Mode (five characters have their own storyline that unfolds while playing), Co-Op Mode (play with a friend through PSP wireless connectivity) and Survival Mode
Master each character’s signature combos and beat down opponents with special moves including Psych Burst, Dust and Overdrive Attacks
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November 13th, 2008, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and the JPCSP team have posted some screens of the progress of their Java PSP Emulator for Windows
More games showing more now
The screenshots are from Untold Legends , Harvest Moon and Frantix
Tales of eternia reaches menu now 
Screens Here --> http://www.jpcsp.org/
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November 13th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
During a presentation at the BMO Capital Markets Conference in New York City today, Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick gave an update on the release date of “Grand Theft Auto IV“’s downloadable content, saying that it might shift to Spring 2009.
He said, “It’s close to being complete. That said, it may move into the second quarter. Downloadable content is a big undertaking. It is important to be really special.”
As for “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars,” Zelnick said that the DS game is no longer guaranteed to be released by the end of first quarter of the 2009 fiscal year, which is January 31, 2009. It is now promised to be released in the first half of the fiscal year, which ends in April.
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November 14th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
Portable devices were designed to be taken anywhere, but users' top location to use these devices is at home, according to new research by NPD Group.
The firm told Edge, "79 percent [of those polled say] they use their portable device in-home, far more than any other location."
A statement from NPD added, "[This] indicates that these devices may be competing with more stationary entertainment devices for a user’s time."
Overall, the research found that people are using devices such as the smartphone, iPhone, iPod, DS and PSP more today than they were just three months ago.
Media, texting and business applications are all fine uses for portables, but what about gaming and gaming-centric devices like DS and PSP? NPD Group shared with us specific stats from the full report:
"Gameplay is the feature used by most (84 percent) on the PlayStation Portable. Slightly more than one third of PSP owners are watching movies (35 percent) and listening to music (33 percent) on their device. The use of these cross category features is changing the scope of this gaming device to an entertainment device."
"Twenty five percent are listening to music more on their PlayStation Portable [compared to three months ago] and this feature also yields the highest average hours (5.8) among PlayStation Portable owners.
"Ninety two percent of Nintendo DS owners are playing games by themselves followed by close to one quarter playing games with friends locally using one game cartridge."
"Nintendo DS owners are spending an average of 4.6 hours a week playing games by themselves which outweighs all other game play methods (with friends using one game cartridge, multiple game cartridges or WiFi)."
"Listening to music dominates iPod usage (96 percent) followed by playing games (20 percent) at a distant second."
"iPhones are being treated as entertainment devices. Thirty percent or more iPhone owners are utilizing all of the available features with the exception of watching movies (19 percent) and using business related applications (14 percent)."
"Among iPhone users specifically, the application with the greatest increase in use over the last three months was playing games."
NPD's data was collected from over 3,200 pre-identified sample owners of portable devices from September 16-23.
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November 14th, 2008, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hideous
So, inspired by the awesome site by the name of instantrimshot.com, I thought I wanted something similar, but portable. This was my cue to get into C++ programming with the PSP (previously made games using Allegro and C++ on my PC). So, I am GOING to present to you my first PSP homebrew, which took 2 months to make because of those darned linking orders and such. (actual coding took like 2 or 3 hours).
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November 14th, 2008, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Eskema of an update to his Bejeweled type game for the PSP:
Updated to version 1.2, with one new tileset and the gameover bug fixed, now u can play forever
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November 14th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Another day, another hint at LittleBigPlanet coming to PSP. The latest rumor mongering comes from EGM (via NeoGAF), whose December issue suggests a PSP version will debut in 2009 -- supposedly, it'll be "fantastically ambitious and will further flesh out the PS3 LBP experience." What it won't have, it seems, is Media Molecule at the helm, as the developer is rumored to be working on an online RPG (in addition to a LBP sequel?). Previous mutterings pointed the finger at Sony's Studio Liverpool (WipEout Pulse) being the developer.
Other juicy gossip from the 'zine: Square Enix has quietly canceled Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (gasp!), Capcom is bringing 1980s side-scrolling shooter Forgotten Worlds to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network (more gasps!) and Silicon Knight's unannounced Sega title is now looking for a new publisher. December's EGM should soon be on newsstands everywhere.
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November 14th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The open beta for Sony's virtual world PlayStation Home is scheduled to launch in "the coming weeks", assuming everything goes to plan.
That's according to the project's community manager - or TedTheDog as he's known on the official PS forum - who has given PS3 owners a "rough overview" of the coming weeks.
SCEE will be inviting a large number of extra testers - who have already been chosen - into the closed beta before making it public, but there really, really shouldn't be too long to wait now unless there's some kind of major cock up.
"Finally," TedTheDog said, "Home open beta is the start of a long journey, not the end of one. I know I've said this a lot recently but I see many of you are thinking of Home open beta like a game release in that you're expecting the final version to be launched with just some patches and maybe some DLC to come afterwards.
"Home beta is a service that will grow from the foundation of v1.0 over the coming months and years so thinking of it as a start rather than a finish will help you understand where its going and what its all about. We all appreciate you've been waiting a long time to be a part of this journey and we hope you enjoy it once your onboard with us."
According to Sony's PlayStation Network director, even though it will be in beta, the Home trial will "be a fair representation of what the service can be and its potential".
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November 15th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Were it even slightly informative, we would have made the title of this post "Why You've Always Got to Close With the DeLorean." This week, Criterion revealed the next in a series of DLC that they'll be dropping into Burnout Paradise: the "Toy Car" pack. The nine cars appear to be Paradise Models that have been retooled to resemble ... well, Hot Wheels.
Cool? Sure, it is. But is it cool on the level with a time-travelling relic of the 80s? Well, no. That's why (you guessed it) you've always got to close with the DeLorean.
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November 15th, 2008, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
If there is one sector that is sure to ride out the economic downturn in some comfort it has to be business punditry. Today's instalment in Things That Will Be Either Better Or Worse In The Next Financial Cycle comes from the HD3 Conference in LA, where a panel of entertainment execs discussed how the Blu-Ray format might suffer as the credit crunch begins to bite.
Sony may have won the format wars - seeing HD-DVD driven before them and hearing the lamentation of its early adopters - but longer term the discs may go the way of the Betamax and it's all that pesky economy's fault.
"The economy is the biggest challenge, because there are just so many pieces to the Blu-ray puzzle that consumers face," said Disney's Lori MacPherson, "You need the high-definition television set, you need the player, you need the cables, you need the software . . ."
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November 15th, 2008, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
3: The Dale Earnhardt Story (~Barry Pepper, Elizabeth Mitchell, ...) US US$ 34.95
Band of Brothers US US$ 99.98
Between The Lines: Sara Bareilles Live At The Fillmore (~Sara Bareilles) US US$ 29.98
Black Christmas (~Les Carlson, Marcia Diamond, ...) US US$ 29.98
Chuck - The Complete First Season (~Bonita Friedericy, Zachary Levi, ...) US US$ 49.99
Dragon Ball Z - Return of the Cooler / Cooler's Revenge US US$ 34.98
Firefly: The Complete Series US US$ 89.98
Fireplace US US$ 24.98
Freedom Blu-ray Box Set US US$ 118.90
Freedom Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] (~Daisuke Namikawa, Shotaro Morikubo, ...) JPN US$ 199.90
Futurama: Bender's Game (~John Di Maggio, George Takei, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter Years 1-5 (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) US US$ 129.98
Hellboy II: The Golden Army Collector's Set (~Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, ...) US US$ 69.98
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Special Collectors Edition JPN US$ 46.90
JFK (~Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, ...) US US$ 34.99
Juno JPN US$ 46.90
Katt Williams: It's Pimpin' Pimpin' (~Katt Williams) US US$ 29.99
Live From Abbey Road: The Best Of Season One US US$ 26.98
Lui Fong 2007 Live Concert Karaoke (~Lui Fong) HK US$ 39.90
Mother Earth US US$ 69.99
Red Line (~Angus Mcfadyen, Tim Matheson, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Soundstage: Sheryl Crow Live (~Sheryl Crow) US US$ 24.99
Sukiyaki Western Django (~Hideaki Ito, Koichi Sato, ...) US US$ 34.98
Tchaikovsky Gala (~Roberto Bolle, Polina Semionova) US US$ 50.98
The Complete Master Works 2 (~Tenacious D) US US$ 29.98
The Devil Wears Prada (~Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Story of O (~Jean-Pierre Andrani, Gabriel Cattand, ...) US US$ 29.98
This Christmas (~Laz Alonso, Chris Brown, ...) US US$ 38.96
Wagner: Die Walkure (~Eva Johansson, Willard White, ...) US US$ 51.98
Walk The Line [2-Discs Extended Version] (~Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, ...) HK US$ 39.90
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November 15th, 2008, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Mana Khemia’s academic quest missions made it feel like a handheld game. You can play Mana Khemia in small bites rather than marathon-like chunks. Someone at Gust must have had the same thought since they ported Mana Khemia to the PSP.
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance has a meager selection of new features such as a co-op multiplayer mode where you can battle for rare items and a neat technology trick that lets you install a portion of the game on a memory stick to reduce load times. The latter feature may not sell Mana Khemia: Student Alliance to anyone who already bought the PS2 version this year, but if you passed on the console version and frequent public transportation Mana Khemia: Student Alliance might be up your alley. It’s all about price really. If NIS America sells Mana Khemia: Student Alliance for around $20 it should sell OK. Actually, I hope this sells well so Gust and NIS America will be able to team up and release Mana Khemia 2 on the PSP.
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November 15th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Though common golfing etiquette dictates that respectful silence should often be observed whilst "hitting the greens", Clap Hanz has included voice chat functionality in the latest patch for Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds -- a missing feature which many reviewers were none too happy about. While many of you will likely see this as a chance to jeer your opponents with finely honed "smack talk", we urge you to respect the cordial nature of the game. Perhaps your newly afforded vocality could be used for good -- by commending a fellow player on a nice shot, warning players ahead of an incoming ball with a resounding "Fore!", or by sharing the story of when you caddied for the Dalai Lama. Gunga Galunga!
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November 16th, 2008, 09:55 Posted By: wraggster

The 2PG TC8281 is one hard working portable game console -- and trust us, it ain't easy trying to make a living under the shadow of the PSP and its less expensive (and downright irreputable) siblings. Don't blame the poor guy if he was born with "brand name style," as they say in the business -- what he lacks in originality, or in technological ability, he more than makes up for in hard work. Yours for just under $50, this handheld is compatible with the ever-popular Cool Boy game console, and ships with 117 games (5 on-board, 112 on the cartridge) including Milk Nuts, Space ET, Zippy Race and perennial favorite Mappy. And if all that weren't enough, the device includes A/V outputs for bringing the party to your television, and a separate Playstation-like controller so you can get your game on multi-player style.
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November 16th, 2008, 09:56 Posted By: wraggster

Hey, pal -- remember that 160GB PS3 Drake's Fortune bundle we told you about back in August? Well thanks to the totally awesome skills of one intrepid reader, we now know that they're available for purchasing pleasure at your local Best Buy (and other spots, we like to imagine). From what we can tell based on that extremely blurry photo you see, the package will sell for a holiday-destroying $499.99, so you'd better hope grandma drops a big check on you this season.
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November 16th, 2008, 10:33 Posted By: wraggster
LucasArts has released the first costume pack for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Available now for Xbox 360 and PlayStation owners, the download gives gamers the option to play through The Force Unleashed "disguised" as new characters. Here's a list of the characters in the pack:
Hooded Combat Gear
General Starkiller
Sith Assassin
Imperial Commando
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker
Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker
Darth Sion
Kit Fisto
The character pack has a price of 400 Microsoft points (US $5.00). The company also announced that it has released new pics and themes for download.
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November 16th, 2008, 10:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via psx scene
Sorry about the late announcement on this one, EEUG slid this one in under the radar
Looks like we have a number of changes this time like an added JPEG viewr and bugfixes. Also noted is an updated language file.
Changelog for Version 2.9 (Note updated language files)
- fixed incorect subtitle alignment when subtitle font horizontal size
is not equal to the default value of 32;
- slightly changed file autodetection algorithm;
- added baseline JPEG decoder (written from scratch) and rather primitive
JPEG viewer. Sequence of images can also be viewed using the same
button combinations as for audio/video playlists ("circle" for folder and
"R1-circle" for the current folder). While in viewer following gamepad and
remote control buttons can be used:
- left : previous slide;
- right/cross: next slide;
- triangle : exit;
- rectangle : zoom-in/zoom-out (only for images with resolution lower than screen one);
Note: decoder supports only baseline JPEGs at the moment. Progressive,
loseless and other "exotic" files are not currently supported.
Maximum image resolution that has been tested is 6912x4608 though higher resolution images should also be processed without problems;
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November 16th, 2008, 10:37 Posted By: wraggster
It's only been a week since we were told that the European Home beta expansion was pretty close and that the open beta was expected "within weeks," but now TedTheDog has updated us with some more information regarding the current situation. Don't panic -- it's all good news. Here's how the whole situation will play out.
Firstly the version 1.0 patch notes will be made available for those currently in the Home beta. They will be published in the closed beta forums, but don't be surprised if they spill out of there shortly thereafter. A few days after that version 1.0 will go live. Within a day or so of that invitations will be sent out as the closed beta gets significantly expanded as a load test for the servers. The open beta will begin shortly afterwards (a matter of weeks).
So there we have it. We'll let you know when any of the above actually happens, as usual. Can you taste it? It's close. We just hope version 1.0 brings some significant updates to the service like, for example, some actual content. Here's hoping.
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November 16th, 2008, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:

Lockdown In-Game will require you to enter a password when you resume your PSP from suspend mode. Useful to prevent other people from messing up your progress if you put the PSP in suspend during a game.
Put it in the ms0:/seplugins/ folder and make an entry in GAME.txt (e.g. ms0:/seplugins/lockdown.prx).
It is recommended that it should be the very first entry in GAME.txt (How ever if you also have Hold+ installed, then make Hold+ first and lockdown.prx second).
Use the included exe to create a password file (buttons.ini) and put it in ms0:/seplugins/
If you also have the flash0: version of Lockdown installed, then this will detect and use the same flash0: password.
It only works in GAME mode. It will not work in the XMB.
I have only tested it with few games that I have. Its recommended that you don't suspend the PSP while a game video is playing as sometimes it doesn't work properly during video playback.
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November 16th, 2008, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hideous
In TROLL Arena, you play as the TROLL, who is being attacked by the evil Japanese (portrayed by Mr. Miyamoto)! Do your best to avoid the Japanese using the Analog Stick and X, and try to get a high score!

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November 16th, 2008, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Playboy

Homebrew Information.
-A simple tool that tricks users into thinking they've bricked their psp
unit when flashing a firmware (4.01m33-2)
-Use this to trick your friends and scare the daylight out of them!!
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November 16th, 2008, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
BakonICE, the one and only up-to-date Socom Fireteam Bravo Two cheat device. Developed by NoEffex with contributions of a significant amount of people.
As greg of psp-hacks says, "Word of warning: go online (Infrastructure mode) using BakonICE and you’ll be damned for all eternity. Please use this honourably; i.e.) single campaign mode and/or Ad Hoc with nearby friends."
changelog for BakonICE v1.22:
Made the Custom Menu better/more efficient (auto-slots)
Fixed Custom Menu
Fixed VC (Walk through walls)
Ported the animated name - Thanks Tonic
Ported crawl in water
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November 16th, 2008, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Do not take this as precedent, that Kotaku is going to get involved in every level taken down on LittleBigPlanet. But the demise of Azure Palace seems newsworthy for a few reasons — one, it's well made (a little too fly-and-grab for me, but still a good level); two, there seems to be no apparent reason for it; and three, it's the big stink in any forum now discussing Media Molecule's heavy-handed moderation.
Azure Palace's creator is understandably pissed about the whole thing, posting his email to Media Molecule in a GameFaqs forum. He defies someone to show how the level violated the terms of service and, frankly, I do too. A couple of statues' heads resemble Pac-Man (depicted above) but come on, that cannot possibly be it. There also are some bloodstain stickers (you can't really tell in the YouTube video) but likewise, that seems extremely petty for it to possibly be a defensible reason.
If, on the other hand, this and anything else made with care is being flagged by lulz-seeking griefers and MM moderators are blindly taking down levels with zero investigation, then they're just being manipulated by the worst members of the community, and the business consequences there are obvious enough.
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November 16th, 2008, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
On Tuesday, the economy was gonna kill Blu-Ray. As of Friday, Blu-Ray might save Christmas. Right now, the only difference between our economy and a back-alley crapshoot is the informed punditry of the former. But anyway, a bunch of studio executives met on Friday to say, more or less, if Blu-Ray can roll that hardway four we're totally gonna make the car payment and get out of this.
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November 16th, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Art has again updated his Audio Mechanica V8c app for the PSP:

Hi Guys,
Here is the Audio Mechanica V8c release with support for the Talkman USB microphone,
On screen keyboard for file naming, RAM buffered recording option, and improved GUI.
V8c adds a web browser to check for updates, and the ability to return to the mode menu at any time.
Please read the documentation for a full explanation of features.
I have had lots of trouble trying to implement an in-program playback mode,
so it's still left out for now. maybe I'll have better luck with it in future.
Cheers, Art.
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November 17th, 2008, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Two years ago tomorrow the PlayStation 3 had its North America launch. Remember November 2006? Ah, yes, the days of $3,000 machines being sold on eBay and beyond-the-pale mayhem in the midnight line-ups to get one. Sony Computer Entertainment America had a far more sedate affair on Wednesday, toasting the two year anniversary (don't call it a "birthday") of the console.
There were no big announcements or proclamations at the event, but it did showcase Killzone 2 and Resistance: Retribution, kind of apt considering Resistance: Fall of Man was a console launch title. They also had a video depicting the evolution of the console's firmware, which is always sort of trippy to remember what you didn't have two years ago and what you take for granted now. And on that score, of course, PlayStation Home's open beta will hit sometime before the end of the year.
Worldwide sales of the console stand at 16.8 million units at the year two mark. So, cheers and here's to year three.
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November 17th, 2008, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Just last week we heard that Warner Bros. was ending its home video / DVD business in South Korea due to rampant piracy, and now we've got a report from China suggesting that sophisticated pirates are duping buyers with faux Blu-ray Discs that are actually DVDs. As the story goes, movie pirates in select parts of Asia are ripping bona fide BDs and then burning them in AVCHD format (which uses 720 horizontal lines of resolution compared to Blu-ray's 1,080) on writable DVDs. Word on the street has it that these discs are being offered for around $7 each, and they even boast the BD hologram and the iconic blue hues on the packaging. Reportedly, none of the discs have made it outside of Asia just yet, but stay sharp should you ever get the urge to snag a discounted BD title while traveling abroad.
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November 17th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
What's this? A brand new sub-$200 Blu-ray player? From a respectable, legitimate brand? No dirty tricks or mail-in rebates? Holy crap, yes. In a sad, scorched wasteland of Black Friday deals, this $180 Sharp Aquos BD-HP21U (usually $300) from Sears.com is a tiny beacon of hope—an affordable Blu-ray player. Update: If brands aren't important to you, Woot's also got a Memorex Blu-ray player for $140.
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November 17th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: StoneCut
AhMan has released an update for iR Shell 4.7 - this is version 4.8.
This is mainly a maintenance release with a few bug fixes. It also adds a new feature to support homebrews to use extra slim memory.
New Features for PSP Slim:
- Added support to homebrews that are built with the option PSP_LARGE_MEMORY, that is, to use the extra slim memory. When running these homebrews under iR Shell, they will have access to another 26MB slim RAM. Pls note 2MB of slim RAM is reserved for iR Shell.
- Enhance the HTML Viewer (originally developed by Dark_AleX) to use the extra slim memory. These should help to reduce "Not enough memory" message when accessing larger web contents. The HTML Viewer can be accessed via predefined homebrew #1 icon.
Bug Fixes:
- Some homebrews weren't correctly recognized by iR Shell and application names were displayed as garbage.
- When setting np9660 mode in iR Configurator, some homebrews failed to launch.
- Launching PS1 games via popsloader wasn't working properly.
- Copying a large file from ms0: to nethost0: will crash the system.
Special thanks to:
- Osgeld for spending so much effort in resurrecting irshell.org.
- Dark_AleX for the M33 custom firmwares and his assistance to help adding popsloader support.
- Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
- Osgeld, StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
- All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
- M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
- remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
- iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
- iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
Installation Instructions:
This is only an update. Unzip the archive and merge to the previous v4.7 release.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

You can now save money and get all the accessories you need for your PSP Slim console with this 20 in 1 ultimate pack! 20 accessories includes all the must have for people caring for their console.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Go Deep Undercover - Race into an action-packed story of pursuit and betrayal. Take on jobs and compete in races to prove yourself as you infiltrate and take down an international crime syndicate.
Highway Battle - Fight off the cops and others as you take down your prey in high-speed, high stake multi-car chases. New and vastly improved AI mechanics mean more aggressive and intelligent cops focused on taking you out fast and by any means necessary.
Own the Open World - Tear across the massive highway system and discover the open world of the Gulf Coast Tri-Cities area, with three unique cities connected by an extensive highway system.
Heroic Driving Engine - An all-new game engine lets you pull off amazing moves for the ultimate driving edge.
You never thought it would turn out like this—an all-out chase where you’re the hunted. And the hunter. Now you must get behind the wheel and risk everything to infiltrate a ruthless international crime syndicate and take them down. The man you’re after is a maniac behind the wheel, and he’s driving like his life depends on escape, which maybe it does. He’s the one with all the answers you need, you will track him down. Needless to say, that fleet of police cruisers in your rearview mirror won’t make things any easier. It will take all of your experience—and every ounce of skill—to outrun the law, take down the enemy, and unlock the truth that puts an end to this chase once and for all.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Go Deep Undercover - Race into an action-packed story of pursuit and betrayal. Take on jobs and compete in races to prove yourself as you infiltrate and take down an international crime syndicate.
Highway Battle - Fight off the cops and others as you take down your prey in high-speed, high stake multi-car chases. New and vastly improved AI mechanics mean more aggressive and intelligent cops focused on taking you out fast and by any means necessary.
Chase Down - Tear across the highway and discover the Tri-Cities area as a cop while you chase down and bust your rivals.
Heroic Driving Engine - An all-new game engine lets you pull off amazing moves for the ultimate driving edge.
You never thought it would turn out like this—an all-out chase where you’re the hunted. And the hunter. Now you must get behind the wheel and risk everything to infiltrate a ruthless international crime syndicate and take them down. The man you’re after is a maniac behind the wheel, and he’s driving like his life depends on escape, which maybe it does. He’s the one with all the answers you need, you will track him down. Needless to say, that fleet of police cruisers in your rearview mirror won’t make things any easier. It will take all of your experience—and every ounce of skill—to outrun the law, take down the enemy, and unlock the truth that puts an end to this chase once and for all.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Kombat forces friends to fight, worlds to collide and unlikely alliances to be forged. Mortal Kombat warriors and DC Universe heroes engage in battle for the first time on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system
Each character has specific moves to take down opponents in his or her own signature style. In addition each character will feature distinct finishing moves, tapping into the true Mortal Kombat experience
For the first time in Mortal Kombat history, players can face off with two all-new fighting mechanics, Freefall Kombat and Klose Kombat. Freefall Kombat allows players to battle in mid-air while falling from one arena into the next. Klose Kombat gives the player a brutal up-close view of the fight
Players choose their storyline experience with either the Mortal Kombat or DC Universe. The unique storyline intertwines both the Mortal Kombat and DC Universes and characters into an exclusive dynamic fighting adventure
Players will face off in various iconic arenas like Metropolis and Gotham City from the DC Universe side and Hell and Graveyard from the Mortal Kombat side, as well as several never-before-seen combo arenas that blend the two universes together!
Players will have the ability to choose sides, challenge friends and take the fight online!
For the first time ever Scorpion, Sub-Zero and the Mortal Kombat warriors battle with Batman, Superman and other popular DC Universe Super Heroes. Choose your side and challenge your opponents with a new fighting system including Freefall Kombat and Klose Kombat along with dynamic multi-tiered environments. Plus, pick your favorite character from MK or DCU and pursue a fighting adventure in the new single player mode with an intertwined storyline and two unique perspectives.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism. For PES 2009, Konami is already planning a raft of extensive new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. Similarly, all-new options allow users to tailor the game to their own tastes, while new moves, innovative new control elements and key online elements will further the realism of the new game
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November 18th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism. For PES 2009, Konami is already planning a raft of extensive new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. Similarly, all-new options allow users to tailor the game to their own tastes, while new moves, innovative new control elements and key online elements will further the realism of the new game.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its superior gameplay and incredible realism. For PES 2009, Konami is already planning a raft of extensive new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. Similarly, all-new options allow users to tailor the game to their own tastes, while new moves, innovative new control elements and key online elements will further the realism of the new game.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Five stories in one—Walk the winding paths of five different characters, each in search of the legendary Eternal Poison. Select a hero to begin the first tale, and chart each course carefully, as your actions will be the difference between joyous triumph and bitter failure.
Capture and collect demons—All demons can be exploited, and so every battle offers the intriguing choice of bind or kill. Bound demons can be summoned to fight alongside you or add skills to weapons, as well as create items or being turned into money.
Gorgeous dark fantasy world—Step into a twisted fairy tale world of black magic, white magic, and a search for the ultimate treasure. The kidnapping of a princess draws heroes together with unexpected villains and over 100 monsters in a world as rich in beauty as it is corruption.
Laden with gothic themes, this mysterious strategy RPG for PS2 is full of interesting characters, daunting locations, and a fantastic quest spanning 5 long episodes. With tremendous production values, allowing for cinema-quality CG cutscenes and extensive voice work, and a tried-and-true strategy RPG mechanic with the added novelty of demon-collection, Eternal Poison blends tradition with innovation to provide gamers a surprisingly familiar yet equally new experience.
Soundtrack CD included - Every copy of Eternal Poison is a special two-disc set. In addition to the game disc, customers will receive a soundtrack CD featuring selected music from the game.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Move yourself: String together an amazing arsenal of wall-runs, leaps, vaults and more, in fluid, acrobatic movements that turns every level of the urban environment to your advantage and salvation.
Immerse yourself: In first person every breath, every collision, every impact is acutely felt. Heights create real vertigo, movements flow naturally, collisions and bullet impacts create genuine fear and adrenaline.
Challenge yourself: Fight or flight. Your speed and agility allow you not only to evade, capture and perform daring escapes, but also to disable and disarm unwary opponents, in a mix of chase, puzzles, strategy and intense combat.
Free Yourself: Runner vision allows you to see the city as they do. See the flow. Rooftops become pathways and conduits, opportunities and escape routes. The flow is what keeps you running – what keeps you alive.
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action adventure is your story.
Mirror’s Edge™ delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith’s world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous.
Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city you will learn how to run.
From the makers of the groundbreaking Battlefield franchise, Mirror’s Edge is an action-adventure experience unlike any other.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Choose how you ride in open-world mountains accross the globe. Conquer the extreme peak conditions, create your own paths in the back country, or compete with fellow riders in the terrain park
Play in a world where your friends are always around. Do you own runs on mountains populated by real gamers, or join your friends for a quick session from anywhere in the mountains
Have fun with your friends on and off the board: Throw snowballs, hike to access secret spots, film your friends doing crazy tricks. You can also upload your videos online to share with the world
Express yourself through tricks, riding styles, and highly customizable avatars both in single-player and in the online world. Use the intuitive dual analog control to pull off a huge variety of tricks that express your style
Enter a snowboarding world of total freedom. You can create your own experience in this game, and choose when, where, how and with whom you want to ride.
Developed in close collaboration with Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White – the most successful snowboarder in the history of the sport – Shaun White Snowboarding is the next-gen game that redefines the action sports genre.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Call of Duty 4 Technology – Built using the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, Call of Duty: World at War utilizes a bedrock of technology that delivers jaw-dropping visuals, while empowering players to employ elements like fire to affect the dynamics of the battlefield.
Coordinated Assault and Support – For the first time in the franchise, Call of Duty: World at War introduces co-op, bringing fresh meaning to the “No One Fights Alone” mantra. Call of Duty: World at War co-op features up to four-players online, or two-player local split-screen, allowing gamers to experience harrowing single-player missions together for greater camaraderie and tactical execution.
New Theaters of Operation – Players fight as U.S. Marines and Russian soldiers facing enemies – some new to the Call of Duty franchise – that employ lethal new tactics and know no fear, no mercy, nor the rules of war.
Innovative Multiplayer – Multiplayer builds from the success of Call of Duty delivering a persistent online experience for more squad based interaction. New development with party systems allows an intimacy with squad based combat never before seen in Call of Duty.
Cinematic Quality Graphics and Sound – Treyarch’s award-winning sound department returns with effects that add to the already immersive cinematic intensity of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game engine.
Building on the Call of Duty 4 engine, Call of Duty: World at War thrusts players into the ruthless and gritty chaos of WWII combat like never been before, and challenges them to band together to survive the most harrowing and climactic battles of WWII that led to the demise of the Axis powers on the European and South Pacific fronts. The title re-defines WWII games by offering an uncensored experience with unique enemies and combat variety, including Kamikaze fighters, ambush attacks, Banzai charges and cunning cover tactics, as well as explosive on-screen action through all new cooperative gameplay.
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November 18th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Step into the shoes of a Mad Scientist: Starting as an apprentice working under 3 eccentric mentors, level up through the ranks as you master the mad sciences
Outrageous Experiments: Cultivate your science skills through crazy yet ingenious experiments both in and outside the lab
Create your own Mad Monsters: Over 150 million monster combinations allow you to create a truly unique creature. Monster Generation System: Never fight the same monster twice. Multi-player: Challenge and compete against your friends monstrous creations
Explore a challenging fantasy realm: Delve into 6 eerie regions facing quests, challenges and collecting powerful ingredients needed for your next mad monster creation
Gesture Combat: Go head-to-head against evil Monster minions in a fast-paced, ferocious, turn-based combat system
Create your very own monster with Monster Lab. The game is set in the eerie world of Uncanny Valley where the evil Baron Mharti rules with a cruel hand. Take on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create a monster from over 100 million possible monster part variations on offer. Taking control of your monster, you can then explore the land; searching for ingredients to make more monster parts, hunting out other monsters to defeat in combat, uncovering quests to embark upon or simply competing in the numerous mini-games available.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New story inspired by action-packed TV show from the film
Plays as Bolt or Penny
Bolt's special powers: laser vision, super strength, and sonic bark
Penny's abilities & gadgets: computer hacking skills, acrobatics, motorized wheel bar
Play as Rhino on special missions
Five environments set in exciting, international locates: China, Russia, Italy, and more
Defeat the evil Calico and save the world!
Cinematic camera unique for movie-based platforming game
Ka-Woof! Unleash your inner superbark and take on the heroic personas of Bolt and Penny from the high-action television series within the upcoming film, Walt Disney Pictures Bolt. Dig your paws into the cinematic took of the game and experience a mix of intrigue, combat, action and platform-style game play.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Action oriented gameplay that features intense “edge of your seat” thrills and twists
Immersive free-roaming, interactive environments intricately based on NYC’s Central Park
Episodic Structure: 30 to 40 minute episodes grip you in a constant, high level of intensity
Story written by Lorenzo Carcaterra (NY Times Bestselling author of “Sleepers” and “Apaches”)
Wide range weapons to destroy both enemy agents and eventually the source of the evil itself
Vehicles not only offer a means of transportation, but become actual game mechanics which are part of puzzles and solutions to in game challenges
Eden’s new TWILIGHT engine creates a lavishly detailed game world with highly realistic effects such as moisture, reflections and advanced cinematography
The game that started the popular survival horror genre returns better than ever! Players control Edward Carnby, the main character from the original Alone in the Dark, on a thrilling journey through a dark and terrifying re-creation of New York’s Central Park where Carnby must discover the truth behind a dark conspiracy.
With inspiration from the presentation style of popular action TV dramas, Alone in the Dark will be split into a number of distinct episodes. With approximately 30-40 minutes of gameplay comprising each episode, the structure of Alone in the Dark pulls you into world that delivers a fiercely gripping and terrifying experience. Each time the player launches a saved game, the episode will begin with a video summary of the previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in the story and removing the need to remember where they were or what they were doing. Every episode will close with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle players’ nerves, and if the player is leaving the game a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave them wanting more.
Alone in the Dark will provide a complete next-generation, action packed experience within a highly detailed, free roaming environment, featuring a mixture of real-time physics and full environmental interaction. The game will mark a new beginning for the Alone in the Dark series.
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November 18th, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
New Special offer from Play Asia:

Release your inner rockstar or allow your friends the privilege of picking up an axe or pounding the skins with you to over 40 mind bending rock and roll tracks!
Unleash your creative juices in the Jam Mode where you can create your own music in a state of the art multi-track studio! This is the musical revolution the world has been waiting for!
Game Features:
Rock out on drums, but also wail on your guitar or bass in the same game, use the drum kit or a guitar freely in Jam mode and record up to 8 seperate tracks.
Online persistent scoreboards allow performance comparison with other players around the world
Up to 15 cool and realistic characters in stunning unique and authentic venues
Choose from 40 plus songs to jam, also downloadable songs and song packs available after initial release and a broad range of music styles
Online and offline multiplayer, versus, coop and band battle with rehearsal mode and career mode
Every Revolution starts with Rock Music. The US version of Rock Revolution for PlayStation3™ is chosen as this week's special and is set at a bargain price of US$ 26.90 only.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has told Eurogamer that the wireless keypad for PlayStation 3 will launch here on 28th November for GBP 24.99.
This handy piece of hardware, unveiled during the Leipzig Games Convention, clips into Sixaxis and DualShock 3 controllers and apparently looks a bit like a Blackberry keyboard.
It also includes a touch-pad, like a laptop, that handles mouse input - which should make using the PS3 web-browser much easier.
On top of that, there are shortcut buttons for quick access to Communication and Message Box, ensuring navigation is short and snappy.
Look out for our thoughts on the wireless keypad closer to release.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony marketing man John Koller has said that there are 14 million active PSN accounts.
PSN launched in November along with PS3 in US and Japan. Xbox Live launched on November 2002 on the first Xbox, and then in it's current guise on 360 in November 2005. That's quite a head start.
"PlayStation Network has truly hit its stride with unique downloadable games and a video delivery service featuring movies, TV shows, and original programming that you can watch in HD with your PS3, or bring with you on your PSP," said a pleased Koller.
"And with 14 million active accounts and 273 million pieces of content downloaded, we know that you're thirsting for this digital entertainment," he added. We think PSN accounts being completely free has a lot to do with the high sigh-up rate.
It's good news on the hardware front too. "There are nearly 17 million PS3 systems around the world, and in the United States, PS3 hardware sales are up nearly 100 percent from where we were at this time last year," gloated Koller in his PS Blog post, which pays tribute to PS3's second birthday yesterday. Happy birthday!
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November 18th, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has come under fire for allegedly copying Sackboy costume designs from non-winning entries to a design competition held before the game was released.
Posters on the official PS forums pointed out uncanny similarities between their own submitted Sackboy designs and the new Sackboy costumes recently released for download.
Check out the similarities on the forum.
According to a Sony community man, it's all just a coincidence: "this was always going to be a possibility when we ran the costumer competition - releasing new costumes which are similar in theme to ones that were entered," said the rep under the alias Sam_Protagonist.
"Here's the fact of the matter," he went on: "The art team who are responsible for designing new original (ie unlicensed) costumes were involved at the very final stage of judging, by which time the number of entries had been whittled down to 10 from each batch of entries (Europe, Japan, USA).
"If at any time we take inspiration from a costume competition entry that didn't win overall we will contact the creator directly.
Sounds reasonable to us.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you still keen on Metal Gear Online's multiplayer scene take note: The MEME expansion pack will officially careen onto servers on Nov. 25 (pre-order it on Nov. 18, if you wish), priced at a not-too-obscene $9.99. It'll also be bundled with the previous GENE pack for $14.99, ideal for players still lean on downloadable content for Hideo Kojima's epic most Byzantine.
Joining the battlefield (as seen in three new maps) are Mei Ling and perpetual source of mean, Liquid Ocelot. We look forward to shooting him in the, uh ... spleen?
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November 18th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Azure Palace, which was moderated out of LittleBigPlanet's online play for reasons unnamed, is back up. Thanks to reader Michael B. for that tip. The takedown sparked much outrage among the LBP level-building community, as Azure Palace is one of the better-known levels and a favorite of many, and it was not at all obvious what the offending content was. Not sure if the negative publicity is what got the board back, but it's there. Perhaps moderators were reacting to grief flags without further inspection. That said, they still need to come up with a more transparent policy, because there's still a great deal of tension over the possibility of sudden and unexplained moderation. There's a petition for that still going on.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

PES2009 is the most advanced, most realistic and most satisfying PES game to date. The game has made radical advancements, including new moves, innovative new control elements and a vastly improved online mode to further enhance the realism
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November 18th, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

The #1 fighting game franchise in the world upholds its commitment to providing gamers with the definitive simulation of live WWE programming. Featuring added depth and realism, along with a first-ever co-op storyline, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 enables players to come together and experience the virtual world of the WWE. On your own, you’re great, but together, you’re unstoppable.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

The No.1 Head-to-Head Fighting game franchise based on Naruto arrives on PS3 for the first time to reign supreme in the next generation of video gaming. Armed with gorgeous cinematic quality HD graphics, a revolutionary next-gen battle system, interactive multi-dimensional battle grounds and seamlessly explorable world of Naruto, Naruto Ultimate Ninja STORM will capture the heart of any Naruto fan! Your dream to LIVE AND BREATHE THE SHOW will come true!
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November 18th, 2008, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

PES2009 is the most advanced, most realistic and most satisfying PES game to date. The game has made radical advancements, including new moves, innovative new control elements and a vastly improved online mode to further enhance the realism
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November 18th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

Need for Speed returns for another installment of EA's street-racing franchise.
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November 18th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(and on worldwide import - meaning cheaper than Uk prices)

Need for Speed returns for another installment of EA's street-racing franchise.
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November 18th, 2008, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
There isn’t much to play on your PSP this holiday season, but that hasn’t stopped people from getting excited over rumors that “LittleBigPlanet” would go portable.
Even though “LittleBigPlanet” has just launched on PlayStation 3, people already want to know what’s next.
While on the phone yesterday with John Koller, head of hardware marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America, we asked him about the rumors.
“‘LittleBigPlanet’ is so expansionary,” said Koller. “I think the developer’s really concentrating on right now making sure that the launched product is everything it could be and can be. We’re watching the UGC [user generated content] and seeing how that’s playing out. But for the future, I think certainly, we’d look at a wide variety of opportunities. Whether that’s the PSP or not, I can’t really say. We certainly look at ‘LittleBigPlanet’ franchise as a going forward franchise for us, and that speaks to the PlayStation brand overall.”
His last line should provide hope for handheld “LittleBigPlanet.”
But we didn’t stop there. With “Guitar Hero: On Tour” proving so popular on the DS, what is Sony doing to court the makers of “Rock Band” and “Guitar Hero” to PSP? Here’s what Koller told us.
“It’s of huge interest to us,” he said. “That’s something you’d really have to talk to the developers on that side [if] it’s going to happen or not. For us, we look at the music area as being critical for PSP and the social area of interest as well. PSP is a lot different than your traditional handheld product and music is the number two use on the PSP, behind gaming. So, the marrying of those two concepts is of huge interest to us, and if there’s that opportunity to launch a title like that or even a new title that utilizes music in some way, then obviously we’re very interested.”
Of course, this then begs the question, how would Neversoft or Harmonix (or someone else?) do a music game on PSP? Would it need a peripheral?
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November 18th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
From ancient civilisations to the world’s greatest air battles, GO!VIEW now brings PSP™ users some of the most interesting stories in history with programming from The History Channel. With hours of content available including popular series such as Ax Men, Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire and Dogfights, as well as a range of one hour documentaries, PSP™ owners can now take a little bit of history with them wherever they go.
Content from The History Channel is offered as part of the Entertainment subscription pack, available on GO!VIEW for just £5 per month. Continuing GO!VIEW’s commitment to provide great content for its customers, this latest partnership allows PSP™ owners to transfer highlights from The History Channel to watch on-the-go and on-demand. What’s more, PSP™ users can currently trial GO!VIEW free for thirty days.
Richard Melman, Acting Managing Director of The History Channel says; “We are absolutely delighted to expand and capitalise on the success of The History Channel via this exciting new platform. Now I’ve got an even better excuse to buy a PSP™!”
In addition to the Entertainment Pack, PSP™ users can also subscribe to the Sports and Comedy Packs available on GO!VIEW by monthly subscription, whilst selected ‘Movies to Rent’ and ‘Latest TV to Rent’ can be transferred via the rental service. Subscription packs are priced at £5 (€7) for 1 pack, £8 (€11) for 2 packs and £10 (€14) for all three packs. Rental TV is available from £1.50 (€2.00) per episode and a range of movies is available from £2.50 (€3.20) each.
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November 18th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Although most fighting game fans have expected the U.S. release of The King of Fighters XII, official word came down the line today. Ignition Entertainment confirmed the U.S. release of the next iteration in SNK's renowned fighting franchise. Although no platforms or specifics have been revealed, at least fans of the series can rest assured that the game will be hitting home consoles in 2009. The game will also see a European release during the same year.
King of Fighters XII, in celebration of its 15th Anniversary, will be taking some big strides forward in terms of visuals. "For the first time in its history, this ultimate fighting game has undergone a complete graphical overhaul. All sprites used over the past 14 years have been dropped and replaced with new 2D high-definition, high-resolution sprites, on detailed 2D backgrounds, drawn 100 percent by hand." This should definitely please hardcore enthusiasts eager to see a graphical update to the long-standing franchise.
We'll keep you posted when more details are released.
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November 18th, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
prxutility + + v.5.0 by pspflashsystem *
* *
* Visit my site: *
Http://www.pspgen.com/ pspflashsystem ~ * / *
* *
* *
* Updated * 18/11/2008
Principle :**********************
From 30% led power starts blinking very slowly,
from 20% less it will blink slowly
from 10% the LED will blink rapidly
and from 5% the LED will blink rapidly.
New in prxutility + + version 5.0 (the first version for the competition organized by PSPGEN
* Optimized code (almost completely redone)
* Compatibility with Firmware 4.01 M33 and 5.00 M33
* Change the location and name of the configuration file that allows you to customize the two keys to quit or be shown the menus: now present in "ms0: / SEPLUGINS / prxutility + + / config / prxutility + +. Ini"
* The creation of the folder where the screenshots will be stored is only when the first screenshot is taken
* New additions to the level of functionality:
- Reduce the backlight gradually
- Increase the backlight progressivemnt
- Increase the CPU / BUS speed (after all the values used by the team vshmenu the M33)
- Reduce CPU / BUS speed (after all the values used by the team vshmenu the M33)
- Integration of two "preservation of the PSP battery":
* In passing the PSP mode HOLD: Processor speed and the bus becomes equal to 65/28 MHz, the screen on the PSP is totally extinguished,
the backlight is off and the keys are blocked
* With a combination of keys (here NOTE + START): Processor speed and the bus becomes equal to 65/28 MHz, the screen on the PSP is totally extinguished,
the backlight is off but opportunities to navigate the XMB (at random) to listen to his music retaining its battery ...
- Ability to customize its PSP (in 5.00 M33 or higher) from its Memory stick without touching the flash0:
* yet customizable files (specific firmware 5.00) are:
Tuto *:
create a "theme" at the root of the Memory Stick;
put (s) file (s) you want (but who belong to the files mentioned above  ) on this issue;
* Prxutility + + checks for these files when you start the psp to avoid bugs
* If you are in 4.01 M33 you can use this feature, but not save the file "osk_plugin_500.rco" in the "theme" because it can lead to bugs (freeze the PSP)
* New in the menu information:
- + + Prxutility now recognizes almost all motherboards:
TA-079 v1
TA-079 v2
TA-079 v3
TA-085 v1
TA-085 v2
TA-088 v1
- Displays if you have a PSP Fat or Slim
- Display model tachyon your PSP in hexadecimal
- Display model baryon your PSP in hexadecimal
- Integration of a tester keys with the hexadecimal value of the button pressed and his name
- Viewing the position of the analog stick on X
- Viewing the position of the analog stick Y
- All information now displayed in real time
* News at batalert module:
- Now between 0% and 5% there is a visual warning flashes informs you rate your battery charge
* New menu: a menu configuration:
- Ability to set speed flashing in seconds following the battery:
between 30 and 20%;
between 20 and 10%;
between 10 and 5%;
between 5 and 0%;
- Modifiable for prxutility language + + (which will affect the configuration menu and the help menu but so far no information menu)
- Possibility to erase the history and authentication information of Internet browser of the PSP
- Ability to customize the two keys to quit or be shown this menu by modifying the file pspflashsystem.ini (present in "ms0: / SEPLUGINS / prxutility + + / config / prxutility + +. Ini")
- Viewing the space of the Memory Stick
- Information on the memory of the partition User
- Information on the memory of the partition Kernel
- When you are in this menu, the keys are blocked to allow navigation more comfortable in the setup menu
* News at graphics:
- Large improvements in the police to write (thank you Darko79 for his header and assistance)
- The title (prxutility ++...) "flashes" now
- The Setup menu is framed in order to improve readability
* Fixed many bugs:
- If we maintain the key SCREEN down the PSP does not freeze over
- Now when the backlight is off the menu information automatically exit so as to not overload the memory of the PSP
- The various menus and features possible run faster now
- Prxutility + + checks to prevent bugs, the presence of files translation and customization files
- Restoring the possibility of using a single button to display customizable different menu (for more information please consult the file prxutility + +. Ini)
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November 18th, 2008, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from spike_132000
Hey There Guys and Gals of the PSP Homebrew World, I release to you today, a Preview of a Work in progress.
Basically, it's just a preview of what we got going here at [dik]* Games
I would appreciate it if someone uploaded some screenies for me, cos my PSP Broke and I won't be getting a new one until wednesday fingers crossed.
But Please do check it out and tell us what you think
There are lots of bugs that we are still working on, and if you walk onto another map and it vanishes, it's because it doesn't exist yet. Some of the collisions are not done yet.
Also, you can pick up an item from the cabbage patch in the small vegetable garden (Just a test for Item Pickups cos we are in the middle of testing).
Well, there's the upload, download and enjoy, comments and feedback greatly appreciated. All code done by us from scratch and images used from RPG Maker VX. Enjoi
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November 18th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
Lockdown In-Game will require you to enter a password when you resume your PSP from suspend mode. Useful to prevent other people from messing up your progress if you put the PSP in suspend during a game.
Put it in the ms0:/seplugins/ folder and make an entry in GAME.txt (e.g. ms0:/seplugins/lockdown.prx).
It is recommended that it should be the very first entry in GAME.txt (How ever if you also have Hold+ installed, then make Hold+ first and lockdown.prx second).
Use the included exe to create a password file (buttons.ini) and put it in ms0:/seplugins/
If you also have the flash0: version of Lockdown installed, then this will detect and use the same flash0: password.
It only works in GAME mode. It will not work in the XMB.
I have only tested it with few games that I have. Its recommended that you don't suspend the PSP while a game video is playing as sometimes it doesn't work properly during video playback.
While in the password screen, press Select if you want to suspend the PSP again without typing the password (the power switch won't work in the password screen).
Changelog v1.1
Optimized the code a bit.
The PSP doesn't automatically suspend after entering a wrong password. You can now press Select while in the password screen to suspend the PSP.
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November 18th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3
Memory Stick Utility is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a Memory Stick. This includes:
- Connect various devices through a USB cable (Flash 0, Flash 1, Flash 2, Flash 3, Memory Stick and UMD Disc)
- Inject a variety of included IPLs or an IPL from a file to the Memory Stick
- Erase the entire IPL space of the Memory Stick
- Check the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or a file located on the Memory Stick
- Create a checksum of the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or an IPL located on the Memory Stick
- Extract the IPL injected on the Memory Stick to a file
In this release I made the following changes:
- Added option to extract Memory Stick MBR
- Added detection of available IPL space and Memory Stick Information
- Added option to extract entire IPL space from Memory Stick
- Fixed a bug which caused corruption of Memory Stick when injecting an IPL larger than the reserved space
- Entire IPL area is now erased from the Memory Stick
- Fixed issue detecting IPLs smaller than 4,096 bytes which were injected with this application
- Fixed issue which meant more space was required to inject an IPL, the required IPL space is now only rounded up to a multiple of 512 when it is not a multiple of 512
- PRXs are now stored internally for easier installation of application
- Reverted the IPL injection back to the style used in version 0.4
Any suggestions as to possible fixes of bugs or features would be greatly appreciated. I'm planning on hopefully adding a format function (if I can figure out how to) or something else in the next release, all ideas are welcome as I am running out of ideas.
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November 18th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
NeilR and Frozenipaq have released a new version of Squarez, heres the details from the horses mouth:
I told you it was coming, and I'm happy to annouce the release of Squarez: Puzzle. This game was intented to be included with a later version of the popular PSP homebrew Squarez but never saw the light of day beyond its beta production and releases. As a beta tester I've been holding onto the game for 3 years now and have decided that it is the right time to release it as Socals, the developer, has disappeared since 2006. Why should the two beta testsers hang on to the game when the entire community can benefit from Socals's creation.
So what's Squarez: Puzzle about? It's simple. Do you recall all those puzzle games in adventure games where you must move blocks that are blocking your way in a dungeon? You are stuck in the game surrounded by block walls and must escape by moving each block and reach the goal. Some blocks can only be moved once, some can be moved multiple times and some can't be moved at all. It should keep you occupied for a while so enjoy!
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November 18th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mickael2054
This is a small PSPNotes release pending future big release, but not right away!
Remember PSPNotes is a utility that allows you to take, read and delete notes!
For more information see the news
Now here are some (small) news:
-More restrictions on the number of characters (20 characters note will appear in a message system)!
Credit Party now in 2 languages ([FRA] and [FR])
Battery-top left (with%) (small and +)
-Other file extensions (containing the text of course) are supported
Code-improved and optimized
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November 18th, 2008, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Poustak
Here are some time this project begins to Moses on my hard disk when I go public.
A similar project was already released on PSP there are a lot of time. I have completely rewritten the code and can play against an AI. The AI is not very strong but should provide some difficulties for people who have never played on a PC Blobby Volley.
The images used in the game are taken from 1 draft released on PSP ahead of themselves depot of sourceforge Blobby Volley Official: http://sourceforge.net/projects/blobby
The source code is provided comments and can serve as a starting base.
I really do not have time to devote to this project, you are free to modify the code and improve it as you like (one way is adhoc welcome and several levels of AI and sound!) .
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November 18th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Kreationz posted this news:
Well after taking the weekend off I got back to the code. I found the bug that broke Mario Party, Harvest Moon and possibly others. I made my Double Display List code optional and Mario Party and Harvest Moon now play with it off (It is what fixed 007 and South Park Rally, but broke these and possibly caused a TV out bug or two.)
In the past few days Chilly Willy has sped up the audio code, but this has caused bugs. He and howard0su are working on those bugs. (But as the 1.1 video show the audio code is faster.)
howard0su is also working on the exit related bugs as well.
I've recently had a dynarec idea I'm running past the other coders to see if it's feasible, but not sure yet. Also I'm working with Wally on various graphics related issues.
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November 19th, 2008, 10:28 Posted By: Art
Powernoid V1
Hi Guys,
This is one of the few GAME programs I have written, and by far my favourite so far.
I always loved a particular Breakout clone that I played on the Amiga CD32,
and that is the public Domain game that I found on a magazine cover CD which
inspired this PSP Breakout/Arkanoid clone.
The sort of powerups in this game is sort of what I had in mind for "Power Pong",
a game I released way back, but I didn't really implement any, so it remains
an ordinary Pong game with pretty graphics.



Controls are simple.. just move left or right with the Dpad or analogue stick.
Fire with the Cross button if you have the right powerup.
Pause the game and see the score and current stage with the HOME button.
Cheers, Art.
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November 19th, 2008, 11:17 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Tawkn.com posts:
Datel managed to create an all new "Tool Battery" that will put the PSP 3000 (or 2000 if you choose) into service mode. Ya gotta give em' credit as they've put a LOT of work into this.
"Although there were early indications that the PSP3000 had embedded Service Mode capability, it was clear that silicon level investigation would be required to understand the new mechanism" said Datel.
"Once the target IC had been identified, our engineers then de-capsulated the device and prepared it for hi-resolution SEM imaging"
The battery will run ya $29.99 USD.
But Alek posted on Sceners.org:
About new D@tel Battery
You might have seen a new Battery that has come into the market, as always with a price and with a good advertising program...
Well, this post is just to answer some mails that I've received.
1. To have a LED indicator ON, doesn't means that you can install cfw or hack anything. Remember 088v3 mobos? Right.
2. It's spreading like a timebomb that it can be hacked and so on. Well, what any user can see is an interesting campaign to promote an article that is not yet released. It would be interesting to see.. how about an old "hello world" like on Noobz time, instead of a "buy today" call?
3. Just to remember all this things up, LED indicator ON and nothing on screen means directly what Dark_AleX explained here about the preIPL.
Would be an interesting step, indeed, in case that the protection on 3k would be sort of a signal encryption or a change of protocol instead of just a change of the battery pin communication system; so, until more proofs come into play, I would not definitely go in a rush to buy it xD.
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November 19th, 2008, 18:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's head of public relations for the UK, David Wilson, has told GamesIndustry.biz that the company is pleased with LittleBigPlanet's retail performance and expects the title to perform better due to "word of mouth".
The Media Molecule title went on sale on November 5, and entered the UK's All Format chart in fourth place, the same week as the company's MotorStorm: Pacific Rift came in at 29. The following week both titles dropped in the charts to 19 and 35 respectively.
"We're really pleased with the initial reaction to LittleBigPlanet - it has been our highest scoring game ever I believe with a Metacritic score of 95 and a huge list of 10/10s or 100 per cent scores," explained Wilson.
"We are also pleased with its commercial performance. In other times of the year it would be a clear number one - so you have to put the chart in context. This is an incredibly volatile time of year and the chart reflects that - November 7 saw 47 titles released on that one day alone including many big hitters with Christmas number one aspirations. Look at the chart this week - the top four are all brand new entries."
The game is a flagship title for the PlayStation 3, with Sony claiming it will help sell console hardware.
"LittleBigPlanet has also sold well given that this is a brand new IP," he said in reference to the game's first week of sales which saw it coming in below three sequel titles, Microsoft's exclusive Gears of War 2, FIFA 09 and Fallout 3.
"Our industry is littered with examples of brand new innovative titles that have been lauded by the critics but have sold dismally," Wilson added. "But Sony is delighted and honoured to be working with hugely talented developers who can create brilliantly creative original games."
"LittleBigPlanet has broken this stereotype by not only being brilliant and original but also by selling really well on a global basis. LittleBigPlanet is breaking many preconceptions. There are some games that are hardcore experiences that the kudos lies in getting it first."
Wilson further explained how the title was built to benefit from long tail sales, in particular pointing out the title's ever growing resource of user-generated content.
"LittleBigPlanet is excellent on day one but even better as time goes by," he explained. "If you bought this game on day one, you'd play your 50 plus levels on the Blu-ray and dip into the 12,000 levels created by the beta testers. If you bought the game one week later you've got over 84,000 user created levels to play with. This game gets better and better as an experience and as a value proposition."
"It is also a game that will benefit enormously from word of mouth and from people trying it out with friends or in store - it drips fun and charm in equal measure. Also the bulk of our marketing including our six figure TV advertising campaign doesn't roll out until December, so we genuinely believe that Sackboy hasn't even hit his stride yet."
The title's route to market hasn't been smooth – the game was originally delayed for release due to complications with the soundtrack.
On release, many levels which infringe copyright have been deleted, highlighting the problems of allowing users to create and share their own content in the game.
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November 19th, 2008, 18:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Home version 1.0 - the version that'll be released to the public - will be made available to closed beta testers tomorrow, according to supposed leaked info.
In what looks like a message intended only for closed beta testers themselves are the release plans for Home in the coming weeks.
"1.0 will arrive in the closed beta this Thursday the 20th and will entail a downtime starting in the morning," reads the document.
"On Friday we will send out our first batch of invitations to new testers to help load-test 1.0 and the new servers that are coming online in the next week or so," it adds.
"We have 2 further batches of invitations scheduled for the following week and overall we'll be inviting a huge number of people into the closed beta in SCEE territories."
Unfortunately though, it says: "Open Beta will be here when it's here." We don't like the sound of that.
There's a whole bunch of details and features in the document over on Tawkn which, if fake, does remarkably well to seem pretty real. Sony, however, has issued CVG with a "no comment" on the matter.
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November 19th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The ball is well and truly rolling on weekly LittleBigPlanet updates, with this week's new costumes detailed and priced.
First up is the 'Sack-in-the-box' costume, which puts Sackboy's head in a TV, designed by the winner of the US Official in-game SackBoy Costume Contest. That one's free.
And for $2.99 (or around the £2 mark over here), Media Molecule is putting out five LocoRoco-themed costumes in honour of the release of LocoRoco 2 next month.
The PS Blog also details a new super-rare Sackboy Prize Crown, which be given away as an in-game reward to winner of US-only LittleBigChallenges, starting with a challenge to create a level that celebrates the second anniversary of PS3.
Check out the new costumes to the right, here.
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November 19th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have today added some PSP 3000 Faceplates to the site in black and Silver. They claim to be the first PSP 3000 faceplates on sale, personally i havent a clue :P
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November 19th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam is an exhilarating mobile suit action taken from the arcades and converted for the PSP. It contains all the fun and in its existing version and more! Most mobile suits from the franchise are making their appearances in this episode.
From the oldest Gundam series to the newest SEED and 00, all series are combined and included in this game. All legendary action scenes and memorable vocals are combined together in this one UMD, so you can revise your Gundam history in one go.
Although it provides hours of blood pounding excitement when you play it alone, share a game with your friends to increase the fun by a thousand fold. Through its network game modes, get into a game whenever and wherever with whoever you want.
A maximum of 4 people can join in a game at the same time. Play against each other in teams of two, test out your prowesses by battling 3 Gundams on your own or get involved in a battle royale.
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November 19th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

aka. Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?
1000 Units: Players will get 1000 lives to beat the toughest action sidescroller!
Lift & Throw: Prinnies are able to lift and throw objects on the battlefield.
Vehicles: Steal and control powerful vehicles, like tanks and UFOs.
Hip Pound: Jump and pound enemies to stun them. Then you can inflict multiple combo attacks for extra damage.
3D World with 2D Characters: In Prinny, character art is created using fluid 2D sprites, giving it a classic look with a comical tone. Battlefields and backgrounds, however, are created with 3D models. This allows for a smooth and unique combat action where certain attacks are rendered in a 3-dimensional view.
As Nippon Ichi Software's first pure action game, Prinny is the most heartpounding and challenging sidescrolling action game ever. Players control an unlucky penguin dude called a Prinny and slash their way through various Netherworlds. For this tough-as-nails action game, you're given 1000 units to accomplish your mission, but even with those 1000 units you will have to use everything you find on the battlefield to survive. Lift and throw objects, stomp enemies, even pilot tanks and planes to bombard whatever gets in your way!
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November 19th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Crystal Shell is made by special supper material,high transparency.It can protect your console from scratches,dusty and finger prints. It is suitable for PSP-3000.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

For the first time ever Scorpion, Sub-Zero and the Mortal Kombat warriors battle with Batman, Superman and other popular DC Universe Super Heroes. Choose your side and challenge your opponents with a new fighting system including Freefall Kombat and Klose Kombat along with dynamic multi-tiered environments. Plus, pick your favorite character from MK or DCU and pursue a fighting adventure in the new single player mode with an intertwined storyline and two unique perspectives.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The game that started the popular survival horror genre returns better than ever! Players control Edward Carnby, the main character from the original Alone in the Dark, on a thrilling journey through a dark and terrifying re-creation of New York’s Central Park where Carnby must discover the truth behind a dark conspiracy.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Speed through GT with a full 900 degrees of wheel rotation. Experience potholes and fender-benders with realistic force feedback technology; all with an incredible level of performance.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
The JPCSP Team have released a new version of the Java PSP Emulator for Windows that plays some demos and goes in game with some commercial games such as Untold Legends , Harvest Moon and Frantix.
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November 19th, 2008, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dark Alex
Firstly, to avoid misunderstanding: This program is NOT for psp 3000. It is for psp1000/2000, but it allows the decryption of psp 3000 prx's for researching purposes.
Modules specifically of psp 3000 usually end with 03g. From the files, it seems that umdcache is handled differently in psp 3000, and that psp 3000 comes with a new wireless chip.
P.D: better looked now, it seems that wlanfirm_02g and wlanfirm_03g prx are equal. Same happens with umdcache_02g.prx and 03g. It seems that Sony enjoys making redundant data to make update eboots bigger
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November 20th, 2008, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 60MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 60MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode. LEDs are flashed once in 30 seconds so that the PSP is not mistaken to be powered off.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the Hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the Hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. To return to normal, push the power switch to the suspend position, or just press the Screen button.
While the PSP is in hold mode, if you first hold down the Select button, you can use the following buttons: Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Vol+, Vol-, Start.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a Memory Stick. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it before vshmain.prx.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v3.4 are
0xD18 - CPU
0xD1C - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for Bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU and Bus speed work.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Thanks to Booster for the SysCon Hook sample, based on which Hold+ v3.0 was updated.
Thanks to Total_Noob; As his plugin MusicHold was not compatible with Hold+, with his permission I've implemented the same features in Hold+ v3.0 for people who wanted some buttons to be usable in hold mode.
Changelog v3.4
Fixed a problem caused by a faulty Hold switch in some PSPs. This made the CPU remain underclocked even after turning off the Hold switch.
The problem is the Hold switch doesn't consistently return a pressed state. It sometimes rapidly fluctuates between an Off and On signal. If this fluctuation occurs within one iteration of the main program loop, it causes problems. Its not humanly possible to toggle the Hold switch so fast, but a loose connection can :P
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November 20th, 2008, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne has released a new version of his CPS 1, 2, 3 and more emulator for the PSP. No more info known
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November 20th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has been ordered to pay compensation of USD 18.5 million (GBP 12.4 million) for being a copycat.
US courts found by clear and convincing evidence that Sony wilfully infringed on patents covering "wireless local area network apparatus" during the manufacture of the PlayStation Portable, mylo Personal Computer and Network Walkman products.
That's according to the official legal papers spotted by PSP Fanboy.
Agere Systems, an integrated network boffin, filed the original trademark, but has since merged with a company called LSI, which specialises on storage and networking.
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November 20th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster

What's the team a Polyphony Digital doing besides finishing their upcoming Gran Turismo 5 racing simulator? Making some crazy ass tech demos with four PlayStation 3s hooked together to share rendering time. Not only can four PS3s create a 2160p image (that's four 1080p images for a resolution of 3840x2160 blasted on Sony's 4K projector), they can create one single 1080p image that runs at 240 FPS. 240! That's faster than the human eye can see; and so fast, we imagine, that you can actually see into the future. The audience reception was described thusly:
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November 20th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Synergy. Can you dig it? Sony does, finally noticing those 14 million accounts stranded on the console-side of PlayStation Network. We imagine the meeting went a little something like this:
Exec One: You see, we've got 14 million people over here [*motions to his right*]. But what if we could take them [*lifts his hands up*] and stick 'em over here, too? [*motions back to his left*]
Exec Two: So are you gonna eat that last Mint Milano or what?
Exec One: No -- well ... let's split it.
Exec Two: Deal.
The result? PSN IDs are being incorporated into PlayStation.com and, at a later date, PlayStation.Blog. Doing so will make your friends list and other features accessible through a web browser -- oh my! On a solemn note, these changes bring PlayStation Underground to its inevitable end, but members can hold on to some of the good times by merging their Underground accounts with their PSN IDs. And this is only the beginning, promises PSN senior director Susan Panico: "before this year is over we'll have more enhancements for your gamer profile." Dare we say, a New PlayStation Experience?
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November 20th, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
The Natural Resources Defense Council Have...hey, look, wait. This is interesting. Because it's about your money. Anyway, like I was saying, the Natural Resources Defense Council have released a report detailing how much money it costs the average American to run a gaming console. And, by extension, how much money you could save by taking those consoles and throwing them in the closet/garbage. Were you to decomission a 360, for example, you'd save yourself $11 a year. $11! Binning a PS3 would save you $15, while packing the Wii away - provided you haven't already done so - will save you...$3 a year. Best keep it around then, in case Gran comes over and wants a swing at that "computer bowling".
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November 20th, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Now that the native PSP PlayStation Store is open for business Sony Computer Entertainment Japan is pushing downloadable games and downloadable content. Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 has been out for a month and the first downloadable episode the Devil King’s Day Off is live. For an extra 300 yen ($3) get to test your dungeon making skills in five stages and face off against nine brazen heroes.
On December 18 Sony will release No More Christmas which has three stages and sixteen heroes. And finally I Shouta will challenge your monster rearing talent with seven new stages containing thirteen heroes on January 22. Sony hasn’t announced prices for the other two episodes.
In Japan Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 is considered a discounted game with its 3,980 yen ($40) retail price. It’s also offered as a digital download for 2,800 yen ($28). Since the game is cheaper than the average SCEJ published PSP game Sony might be testing the waters to see if they can rake in some extra money with downloadable episodes. As of now Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida and Mainichi Issho Portable are the only two PSP games with paid DLC.
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November 20th, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Ad-Hoc Party, Sony’s PS3 powered PSP tunneling software, just got 32 times more useful. Now that Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam is out Ad-Hoc Party officially supports a total of 33 titles. Unfortunately, it only officially supports Japanese games, but US developed games like Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories are on the list so adventurous PSP owners may want to give it a try with some US games. Please note that Ad-Hoc Party can only be found in the Japan’s PlayStation Store so you need a Japanese PSN account to download the program.
The full list of supported titles announced by Sony is below. If you discover Ad-Hoc Party works with anything else please let us know in the comments!
Supported games as of Nov. 20:
Derby Stallion P
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 2
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable
Initial D Street Stage
Nouryoku Training Portable 2
Ape Escape: On the Loose
Dokodemo Isshyo
Ape Academy
Bleach: Heat the Soul
Bleach: Heat the Soul 4
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5
Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
Gundam Battle Chronicle
Gundam Battle Universe
Gundam Battle Royale
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam Vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
Taiko no Tatsujin
Taiko no Tatsujin 2
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology
Tekken Dark Resurrection
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2
Naruto: Narutimate Portable
Macross Ace Frontier
And… Monster Hunter Portable 2G
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November 20th, 2008, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, look there is another PSP-3000 bundle pack with Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters and National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Boring news alone, but this bundle packs in a card with a code to download Everyday Shooter instead of Echochrome. Since the Black PSP-3000 bundle is scheduled to come out in North America in December a portable version of Everyday Shooter should be out then too.
We’re going by a retail listing here, but so far Sony hasn’t said much about the PSP port of Everyday Shooter. It was first acknowledged when the PSP-3000 was announced and we haven’t heard much else about it. Super Stardust Portable disappeared into the ether too.
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November 20th, 2008, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This High Speed F1000 HDTV HDMI Cable is made by Nitrogen(N2) Gas-Injected Dielectric and single large size OCC,has 24K gold contract.Adopt ultra high-density quad-layer shielding.The double layer of aluminized Mylar foil and dense copper braiding provide ultimate rejection of RF and EM interference.It use flat design,flexible for easy routing and installation.Resistant to temperature extremes.
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November 20th, 2008, 23:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Today, a videogame adaptation of Terminator Salvation was announced that will launch alongside its silver screen counterpart in May of next year. Titled Terminator Salvation -- The Videogame (who would have thought?), you'll take on the role of John Connor as you fight against the overwhelming and vastly superior forces of Skynet. The game is being developed by GRIN Studios, however the press release makes no mention of what platforms the game will launch on.
"Terminator Salvation -- The Videogame allows players to battle for survival against Skynet enemies utilizing an incredibly fluid and realistic control set," said President of Halcyon Games Cos Lazouras. "The player will be led through a visceral story with extremely polished production values to create a fully interactive Terminator experience."
We'll keep you posted when more details come down the line.
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November 20th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Boolat announces Topatoi, one of the first PlayStation 3/PSN projects in Eastern Europe.
Topatoi is a refreshing blend of platformer and puzzle genres, combining the old school impact of the legendary titles like Bubba 'N Stix or The Lost Vikings with original and inventive gameplay mechanics.
The player controls a machine called ATG which works just like a spinning top toy. Basically this is one of the main points of the game. Topatoi is very physics-oriented. ATG should be spinned correctly, since the "spin amount" and thus the overall speed affects device's movement and behavior. Mastering the physics model, you should lead the lead character through multiple stages, filled with obstacles, traditional platforms (it is a platformer game after all), enemies and dozens of puzzles.
Topatoi will be available this Winter through PlayStation Store. More information is available on the official website: http://topatoi.boolat.com
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November 21st, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
New shell for the PSP from Nikocronaldo
-Create your password, login and select your language (the password by default is "ilifepsp" )
-The CPU speed depends on CPU.conf
-As file menu, delete files and folders, rename files and folders, create folders and cut and paste files only.
-iLife Update avalaible.(It doesn't work yet correctly)
-Autoboot to iLife PSP.
-Added Chat and CPU settings.
-Bugs fixed.
-The time is fixed too. Now you can see the seconds and the date.
-System information improved, now you can see some informations in MB
-As regards playing songs and and loadings files:
Load PSX games at format .PSX (only officials PSX GAMES)
Read texts(still BETA)as txt,log, pdf,htm or php.
Loading Lua and prx files fixed.
BMP format is included . Now you can rotate the images.
PLayings songs improved. CPU Speed is reduced, Ogg files fixed. R and L to play the next song or to play the pevious song . When song is finished, the next plays. Now you can see the percentage and the Songtime.
You can browse images while you are listening to music
Write the name for the captures.
X to accept.
Or to cancel.
R1 and L1 to move the tabs.
SELECT to make a screenshot.
/ _ \ To launch your UMD.
START to load file menu.
O to cancel
Jostick and directions to rotate the images
[] to stop.
X to pause
O to browsing in the menu while you listen to music,
R1 and L1 to play the next song or to play the previous song.
HOW DOES iLife Update WORK?
When you select the iLife Update option, it starts the Internet browser and will offer you search the file and download it (if is available), called iLife_PSP.zip (downloaded from PSPStation server, thanks to the admin). Save it in the folder PSP / COMMONS, and exit from the Internet browser. Then, you start iLife, and when you login, will start installing the new version of iLife PSP.
There is a bug originally from Luaplayer that doesn't delete iLife_PSP.zip after the installation . If you do not want to cause some problems, after delete it by connecting your PSP to USB MODE.
To report bugs or to send suggestions, send them to us at ilifepsp@gmail.com
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November 21st, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mickael2054
Here is already version 1.2 of PSPNotes with some additions / changes interesting!
And here is the list of additions / changes:
Adding USB mode (select from the menu) (you'll soon understand why)
Interface magazine (a big change in "the preliminary menu and a small menu and credits)
More ratings available in both the menu
If you leave the keyboard without having written any note is created (before there was one with the name "virgin")
The extensions are no longer displayed in the menu (the. Txt)
The different way of reading a note were reviewed (up to 35 characters: 1 line, up to 70 characters: 2 lines, up to 100 characters: 3 lines and more than 100 characters: display in a message system !
Additions sounds in the menu
Pseudo top, above the title (and more bugs with long nicks)
Displaying the battery in other functions and correction display
Fixed a bug mini and additions in the credits
Fixed spelling mistake
Improved code (and pictures)
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November 21st, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
13 year old Lorenzo Amato was rushed to hospital by his father, where doctors at first thought he may have been suffering from a stroke or brain disorder. But no - after closer examination, the medics diagnosed 'Playstation Addiction'.
Local politician Antonio Buccoliero was quick to comment, "They eventually managed to take care of him once they understood that this was a strange kind of mental detachment connected to his Playstation." It is unknown if this condition could be contracted through rival consoles or if it is a Sony-only disorder. Or indeed if it is an actual medical condition and not something they just made up to make a point about gaming.
The boy had been unable to speak and appeared 'confused' following a marathon gaming session. He reportedly told his father to throw out his console saying, "If I even think about it I want to throw up."
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November 21st, 2008, 14:18 Posted By: Art
Jelly Clock V1
Hi Guys,
Just a little demo of the Jelly Physics library by Walaber, ported to PSP by Drakon.
YouTube Video:
Controls are UP & Down to zoom in & out,
and see for yourself what the Cross button does.
Although only a demo, there should be some improvement to come.
Thanks to Drakon & Slasher for giving me some tips regarding the Jelly physics library.
Cheers, Art.
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November 21st, 2008, 16:13 Posted By: DJB
PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.8
Created by DJB on 22nd November 2008
Original News Story: HERE
Original Forum Thread: HERE
Please Report any bugs to the Official Forum Thread please...

DOWNLOAD: (Full version): Megaupload Mirror
DOWNLOAD: (Update Pack for v2.6-v2.7): Megaupload Mirror
Release Notes:
Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
I hope you enjoy this new release...
What's New:
UMDumper has now been removed from the Support Tools, and UMDrip has been put in its
places. FuSa SD and Hold+ were also updated to their latest versions.
- A PC with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and .NET Framework v2.0.
- A PSP with USB Cable and 1.50 or 3.xx/4.xx/5.xx M33 Custom Firmware Installed. (This is needed for creating the Pandora Battery, not the Memory Stick).
- The official Sony Firmware EBOOT files for 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00.
What it does:
- Formats your PSP Memory Stick with or without MSPFormat.
- Installs the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.
- Checks the Internet for any new versions.
- Loads and Saves Configurations.
- Allows you to select which buttons to use to boot your PSP.
- Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00 to your PSP.
- Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF+PBP Menu to access all the programs.
- Installs Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.
- Installs the M33 1.50 Kernel Addon Installers to your PSP.
- Installs POPSLoader (3.30, 3.40, 3.51, 3.72, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01) to your PSP.
- Installs the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v3 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v4 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v5 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v7 to your PSP.
- Installs 5.00 M33-3 CFW to your PSP.
- Installs Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.
- Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB.
Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
Config Cleaner 3.00
CPU-Modulator 0.20
Custom Firmware Extender 3.0
CW Cheat 0.2.2 Rev D
CXMB 3.3
FuSa screenShoot
FuSa SD 1.0.48
Hold+ 3.4
JoySens 1.42b
KeyCleaner 1.4
MemoryStick-Tool v1.5
nandTool 0.40 Final NEO
PSP Filer 5.6
Recovery Flasher 1.41 by Hellcat
RSPSARDumper 3.5
UMDrip 4
USB Version Fake by Dark_Alex
How to use it:
1. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.
2. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.
3. Select the "Installation Options" and choose the installers, programs,
and other options you would like to do to your Memory Stick.
4a.(Optional) If you selected to install the XMB or Pandora Support Tools,
you will need to go to the "Support Tools Options" tab and select the
programs that you want to install.
4b.(Optional) Go back to the "Firmware+Pandora Options" and use the Pandora
Button Configurator to set up the buttons to your liking.
5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.
v2.8 (2008-11-22)
- Removed UMDumper and replaced with UMDrip.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
FuSa SD 1.0.48 (XMB)
Hold+ 3.4 (XMB)
v2.7 (2008-11-04)
- Fixed bug with unpacking files that was in v2.3 - v2.6.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
Hold+ 3.2 (XMB)
v2.6 (2008-10-30)
- Revert back to style of compression used in v2.3 for 64-bit compatibility.
- Removed AutoStart PRX from the Support Tools and added Custom FW Extender.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
Hellcat's Recovery Flasher 1.41 (Pandora)
CXMB 3.3 (XMB)
Programming and Logo by: DJB
- Forahobby and Klutsh for their help with this Project in the early stages.
- Dark_Alex and Team M33 for all their work with PSP Custom Firmware.
- Team Noobz / C+D for initially making the breakthrough with the Pandora Battery.
- Hellcat plus the other homebrew developers for the great programs.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list
007: Dr. No (~Sean Connery) HK US$ 31.90
Action Blu-ray 3-Pack (Jumper / Transporter / Transporter 2) (~Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, ...) US US$ 79.99
America's Team Thunderbirds JPN US$ 46.90
Ashita No Joe 2 Blu-ray Disc Box 2 JPN US$ 319.90
Live (~B.B. King) US US$ 24.95
Beetlejuice 20th Anniversary Edition (~Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Blue Streak (~Graham Beckel, Crystal Chappell, ...) US US$ 28.95
Body Heat (~Kathleen Turner, William Hurt, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Bubblegum Crisis JPN US$ 199.90
Chick Flick Blu-ray 3-Pack (Juno / 27 Dresses / The Devil Wears Prada) (~Ellen Page, Michael Cera, ...) US US$ 79.99
Code Geass - Lelouch of The Rebellion R2 Vol.4 (~Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Mizushima, ...) JPN US$ 69.90
Code Geass - Lelouch of The Rebellion Vol.4 (~Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Mizushima, ...) JPN US$ 69.90
Eizoshi Satoyama Oboeteimasuka Furusato No Fukei (~Tokiko Kato) JPN US$ 46.90
Encounters at the End of the World US US$ 35.98
Eraser (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Family Blu-ray 3-Pack (Alvin and the Chipmunks / Ice Age / Ice Age 2) (~David Cross, Jason Lee, ...) US US$ 79.99
Foo Fighters - Live At Wembley Stadium US US$ 29.98
From Russia With Love (~Sean Connery, Daniela Bianchi) HK US$ 31.90
Hard Action Blu-ray 3-Pack (Hitman / Street Kings / Man on Fire) (~Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott, ...) US US$ 79.99
Heathers (~Winona Ryder, Shannen Doherty, ...) US US$ 29.97
Horton Hears A Who JPN US$ 46.90
Interview With The Vampire (~Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Jeff Dunham's Very Special Christmas Special (~Jeff Dunham) US US$ 29.98
Journey to the Center of the Earth (~Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, ...) US US$ 35.99
Kid Blu-ray 3-Pack (Night at the Museum / Eragon / Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium) (~Owen Wilson, Robin Williams, ...) US US$ 79.99
Kita No Kuni Kara 95 Himitsu (~Kunie Tanaka, Hidetaka Yoshioka, ...) JPN US$ 115.90
Kitaro US US$ 24.98
Live at Monterey (~Jimi Hendrix) US US$ 24.95
Live At Montreux 1997 (~The Legends Feat. Eric Clapton) JPN US$ 49.90
Lucky Number Slevin (~Josh Hartnett, Ben Kingsley, ...) US US$ 28.95
Macross F / Macross Frontier 4 (~Hiroshi Kamiya) JPN US$ 69.90
Mad Money (~Diane Keaton, Katie Holmes, ...) US US$ 39.98
Marvel Blu-ray 3-Pack (Fantastic Four / Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer / Daredevil) US US$ 79.99
Mirrormask (~Jason Barry, Stephanie Leonidas, ...) US US$ 28.95
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 5 (~Mamoru Miyano, Shinichiro Miki, ...) JPN US$ 69.90
Muscle Blu-ray 3-Pack (AVP Alien vs. Predator / Predator / Commando) (~Lance Henriksen, Sanaa Lathan, ...) US US$ 79.99
National Security (~Timothy Busfield, Bill Duke, ...) US US$ 28.95
NHK Koyo Zensen 2000km No Tabi JPN US$ 46.90
NHK Sakura - Hana Kaoru Nihon No Zekkei JPN US$ 46.90
Ocean Aquarium US US$ 24.95
Outbreak (~Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Paris Je T'aime (~Natalie Portman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, ...) US US$ 24.98
Paul McCartney: The Space Within Us (~Paul McCartney) US US$ 34.95
Poltergeist (~Craig T. Nelson, Jobeth Williams) JPN US$ 47.90
Priceless (~Audrey Tautou (Amelie, The Da Vinci Code), ...) US US$ 28.98
Quo Vadis (~Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Revolver (~Andre Benjamin, Ray Liotta, ...) US US$ 28.95
Riding Bean JPN US$ 57.90
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (~Blake Lively, Alexis Bledel, ...) US US$ 35.99
Southland Tales (~Sarah Michelle Gellar, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, ...) US US$ 28.95
Spark of Insanity US US$ 29.98
Speed Racer JPN US$ 47.90
Speed Racer Mach5 Blu-ray Premium Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 66.90
Super Rolling In The Sky Blue Impulse JPN US$ 46.90
The Bird People of China (~Renji Ishibashi, Masahiro Motoki, ...) US US$ 34.95
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (~Georgie Henley, William Moseley, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Clique (~Elizabeth McLaughlin, Ellen Taylor Marlow, ...) US US$ 35.99
The Jidosha Special Version JPN US$ 27.90
The Kensetsu No Kuruma Special Version JPN US$ 27.90
The Kinkyu Jidosha Special Version JPN US$ 27.90
The Polar Express 3D [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 47.90
The Stendhal Syndrome (~Asia Argento, Thomas Kretschmann, ...) US US$ 34.95
The Universe: The Complete Season 1 US US$ 79.95
The Who At Kilburn: 1977 (~The Who) US US$ 29.98
Theatrical Feature Top Wo Nerae 2 JPN US$ 69.90
Theatrical Feature Top Wo Nerae JPN US$ 69.90
Top Wo Nerae! & Top Wo Nerae 2! / Gunbuste & Gunbuster 2 Gattai Gekijoban Movie Twin Pack Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 147.90
Tropic Thunder (Unrated Director's Cut) (~Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, ...) US US$ 39.99
Ultimate Comebacks US US$ 24.98
Wall-E (Three-Disc Special Edition) US US$ 40.99
Wall-E (Two-Disc and BD Live) US US$ 35.99
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November 21st, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play state-of-the-art wireless instruments including a slick newly redesigned guitar controller, authentic drum kit and microphone
This revolutionary new feature incorporates a full complement of tools to create digital music from scratch utilizing the drum kit and guitar controller while offering the opportunity to play compositions in-game
Rock out in solo career mode or battle against other full bands head-to-head online for the first time ever
Customize your own rocker, select one of your favorite Guitar Hero characters or choose one of the guest artists appearing in-game
It's the most expansive and diverse on-disc track selection in a music game with over 85 master tracks!
When the house lights go down this fall, a new generation of axe shredders, drummers and fearless frontmen will be born with Activision's Guitar Hero® World Tour. The latest installment from the number one best-selling video game franchise of 2007, Guitar Hero World Tour transforms music gaming by expanding the signature guitar gameplay into a cooperative band experience combining the most advanced wireless instruments with new revolutionary online and offline gameplay modes, including online Band Career and eight-player "Battle of the Bands," which allows two full bands to compete head-to-head online for the first time ever. The game features a slick newly redesigned guitar, an authentic electronic drum kit and a microphone, as well as an innovative Music Studio music creator that lets players compose, record, edit, and share their original rock 'n' roll anthems.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 21st, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 21st, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via VideoGamer
VideoGamer.com can exclusively reveal that from January 2009 all newly released PS3 games will be required by Sony to support the console's Trophy system.
Earlier this week VideoGamer.com received a tip from an anonymous source within the UK video game industry that, from January 2009 onwards, all newly released PS3 titles will be required to support the PS3 Trophy system.
Today a Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesperson confirmed that this information is accurate, stating: "Yes from Jan 09 all games must have trophies."
This news is sure to be met very positively by PS3 gamers who are currently having to put up with sporadic Trophy support from this winter's biggest releases. Mandatory Trophy support will also put an end to post release Trophy patches that force gamers to replay games to earn the Trophies.
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November 21st, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony will be sending out hundreds of thousands PlayStation Home beta invites today.
This coincides with the launch of v1.0 of the virtual world, according to TedTheDog (he's probably not a dog) on the European PlayStation forums.
Furthermore, next Thursday "another larger batch of invitations will be sent".
Those not invited - perhaps they're not loyal enough - are told an open beta will "not be far behind".
The PlayStation Home update brings a meaty list of changes to the table, such as a tutorial, background downloading, more dance moves, reintroduction of regional travel, and a club support system.
The full list of alterations can be found on the European PlayStation forum.
Alternatively, you virtually wander into our PlayStation Home gamepage for our thoughts on the closed beta.
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November 21st, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with a demo of LocoRoco 2, the BioShock Challenge Rooms and a host of premium downloadables for Need For Speed Undercover along with usual candidates Rock Band and Guitar Hero World Tour.
LocoRoco 2 is out in the UK today, although you might not know it from the game's low-profile launch build-up. In addition to seeing what we thought of it in our LocoRoco 2 PSP review, however, you can now grab the demo.
Elsewhere there's the promising but polarisingly priced BioShock Challenge Rooms, which introduce three puzzly new levels that ask you to make the most of the game's varied arsenal of weapons, plasmids and tonics, each with unlockable Trophies and secrets.
Meanwhile the DLC war between Rock Band and Guitar Hero goes monetarisingly on with Rock Band add-ons from Dead Kennedys, Mission of Burma and Century Media Girls and Guitar Hero World Tour downloads from The Raconteurs.
PSP Demos
PSone games on PS3/PSP Store
- Sim City 2000 (GBP 4.99 / EUR 7.99)
PS3 Add-ons
- BioShock Challenge Rooms (GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99)
- LittleBigPlanet - Sack in the Box (free)
- LittleBigPlanet - LocoRoco Costume Kit (GBP 2.39 / EUR 2.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Aftermarket Body Kit Package (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Aftermarket Hoods, Spoilers and Exhaust Package (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Wheels Package (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Collector's Edition Upgrade (GBP 6.99 / EUR 9.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Exotic Car Bundle (GBP 3.99 / EUR 5.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Muscle Car Bundle (GBP 3.49 / EUR 4.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Paint & Vinyls Package (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Tuner Car Bundle (GBP 3.49 / EUR 4.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Ultimate Performance Bundle (GBP 6.99 / EUR 9.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Ultimate Visual Bundle (GBP 3.49 / EUR 4.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Pro Handling Bundle (GBP 1.99 / EUR 2.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Pro Power Bundle (GBP 2.99 / EUR 3.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Race Handling Bundle (GBP 1.99 / EUR 2.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Race Power Bundle (GBP 1.99 / EUR 2.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Street Handling Bundle (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- Need For Speed Undercover - Street Power Bundle (GBP 1.99 / EUR 2.99)
PS3 Rock Band stuff
- Century Media Girls - "Closer" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Century Media Girls - "Forever" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Century Media Girls - "Swamped" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Century Media Girls of Metal Pack 01 (GBP 2.99 / EUR 3.99)
- Crooked X - "Gone" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Dead Kennedys - "California Uber Alles" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Dead Kennedys - "Holiday in Cambodia" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Dead Kennedys - "Police Truck" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Dead Kennedys Pack 01 (GBP 2.99 / EUR 3.99)
- Mission of Burma - "Mica" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Mission of Burma - "That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Mission of Burma - "That's When I Reach For My Revolver" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Mission of Burma Pack 01 (GBP 2.99 / EUR 3.99)
PS3 Guitar Hero World Tour stuff
- The Raconteurs - "Consoler of the Lonely" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Raconteurs - "Hold Up" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Raconteurs - "Salute Your Solution" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Raconteurs Track Pack (GBP 3.99 / EUR 5.99)
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November 21st, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom's confirmed that Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix will be available via the US PlayStation Network from next Tuesday, although a UK launch date still hasn't been nailed down.
The game will be hitting the US PSN one day ahead of its Xbox Live Arcade release, but Capcom UK told us today that it can't confirm whether or not we'll see the title arrive on this side of the pond with next week's European PSN update.
Fingers crossed, eh?
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November 21st, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
When Criterion Games Producer Jeremy Chubb arrives on the official PlayStation Blog, you know that more Burnout Paradise content is on the way. On today's post, Chubb announced the upcoming arrival of the Carson Extreme Hotrod. The car looks like a pretty ridiculous ride and Chubb hints at more news and announcements to come. Chubb teases readers with: "we could explain that we've rewired Burnout's vehicle dynamics system, so it handles more intuitively and drifts more realistically than any other car. We could reveal that it's the first of a pack of two cars designed to re-imagine Burnout Boost. Which explains the blue exhaust flames..."
Chubb ends the post by noting that the car will be something you need to own in 2009 and informs Burnout junkies to look for more on their Burnout Paradise Boost Specials Pack. While the post obviously mentions nothing about the 360 version, we can only assume the hotrod will make its way to Xbox Live at the same time. For now, check out this slick new shot of the Carson Extreme below.

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November 21st, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Introducing true-to-life styles of play for every Division I team, including authentic team ratings and scouting reports from the creators of the annual Blue Ribbon™ College Basketball Yearbook
Choose pre-game strategies that reinforce your style of play and then keep an eye on the all-new Game Tempo Meter to make adjustments on the fly
Use all 94 feet to push the ball or apply full court pressure to force turnovers to speed the game up, walk the ball up the floor and initiate a half-court set or use a balanced attack to take advantage of what your opponent gives you. Set the tempo and play your game to put yourself in a position to come out on top
Over 1,000 new animation sequences deliver a more responsive, intelligent experience. Apply pressure defense with new full-court presses and traps. Plus, quicker players now get up and down the floor faster and make better decisions running lanes and driving to the rim
Your school's coach is with you every step of the way. Listen to real NCAA® Coaches on the sidelines providing real time feedback, helping you play at your ideal tempo
Force your defender to step up and guess what you'll do next. Trigger the turbo button and use the right analog stick for bold, responsive ball-handling moves to fake out your defender and create scoring opportunities
New risk reward system to lock in your check on defense. Get in tight on a strong shooting guard to take away his shot, or play back to keep a quick point guard from blowing by you
Introducing an accessible in game play-calling system that pushes on-court visualization to guide you through the play
New two-man game mechanic enables you to control both the ball handler and screener simultaneously. Set screens and run two man plays, with on-screen instructions to guide you
Dramatically more authentic with classic and alternate team uniforms, Dick Vitale and Brad Nessler calling the action, and Erin Andrews reporting from the sidelines. Choose from new arenas, including Ford Field, home of the 2009 NCAA Final Four®
Wait and watch for rival users to log on and then challenge them to a spirited match-up in new Rival Challenge Mode. Plus, edit and share roster files through EA Locker 3.0
Participate in major tournaments like the Pre and Post season NIT, EA SPORTS Maui Invitational or new ones like the Puerto Rico Tip-Off, Anaheim Classic and Old Spice Classic
Featuring a new recruiting database, a Dynasty Yearbook to review previous seasons and create-a-coach that enables you to set the playing style of your school
College basketball pops to life with lively crowds, loud bands, mascots, cheerleaders, and student sections
Replicate your school's style of play, set the tempo and win with NCAA® Basketball 09. Whether your school pushes the ball in transition, runs a half-court offense that utilizes the clock and limits possessions or features a balanced attack that combines transition offense with set plays, NCAA Basketball 09 rewards the strategic player by emphasizing team specific styles of play.
College basketball springs to life in NCAA Basketball 09 with frenzied crowds, authentic commentary from Dick Vitale, Brad Nessler and Erin Andrews and now featuring NCAA Division I coaches in-game for the first time. Each coach will provide real time instruction and feedback, helping players control the tempo by executing their team's offense and defense to perfection.
New features like Pick and Roll Control, Defensive Lockdown Control, Signature Playcalling and Quickstrike Ankle-Breakers provide ultimate control on the court
NCAA Basketball 09 features a new gameplay engine with over 1,000 new animation sequences that deliver a more responsive, intelligent experience. The new animation system and improved AI enable gamers to apply pressure defense with new full-court presses and traps. Plus, quicker players get up and down the floor faster and make better decisions running lanes and driving to the rim.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Race into an action-packed story of pursuit and betrayal. Take on jobs and compete in races to prove yourself as you infiltrate and take down an international crime syndicate
An all-new game engine featuring cutting-edge physics and improved AI designed to push players and the cars to limits with adrenaline filled action driving maneuvers
Fight off the cops and others as you take down your prey in high-speed, high stake multi-car chases. New and vastly improved AI mechanics mean more aggressive and intelligent cops focused on taking you out fast and by any means necessary
Tear across the massive highway system and discover the open world of the Gulf Coast Tri-Cities area, with three unique cities connected by an extensive highway system
In addition to the classic sprint and circuit race modes, Need for Speed Undercover features an all new exclusive multiplayer mode, Cops N’ Robbers. This visceral team-based mode supports up to 8 players and pits two teams of 4 players against each other. Robbers must pick up the money and take it to the drop-off point while the cops attempt to prevent the drop-off. Each game consists of two rounds giving the players the chance to play as the Cops and as the Robbers
Over 55 licensed cars are available featuring performance tuning that enables the player to dynamically adjust the vehicles to create the vehicles that can accommodate all action driving scenarios. Some of the cars include the Mercedes CL55, Audi R8, Porsche 911 GT2 and the Mitsubishi EVO X
The Chase is on! Need for Speed Undercover has players racing down highways, evading cops and hunting down rivals as they go deep undercover to take down an international crime syndicate. The new game heralds the return of high-intensity police chases and introduces the all-new ‘Heroic Driving Engine’ - a unique technology that generates incredible high-performance moves at 180 miles per hour.
Need for Speed Undercover also utilizes Hollywood style filming and production techniques as well as the acting talent of Maggie Q and Christina Milian to create a rich, cinematic experience.
This stunning mix of gameplay and live-action movies will immerse gamers in the world of the Tri-City Bay Area. The city’s open-world environment features over 80 miles of roads, including an enormous highway system that sets the stage for heart-pounding highway battles. These high-speed, high-stake chase sequences will push players to the limit as they fight off cops and opponents while whipping through traffic at 180 miles per hour.
An intelligent new A.I. mechanic delivers a realistic and high-energy action driving experience. Going back to the franchise’s roots, Need for Speed Undercover features more aggressive and intelligent cops whose sole purpose is to take down the player quickly and by any means necessary.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Created by Harmonix, the leading developer of music-based games, Rock Band is the ultimate platform for gamers to experience music, giving players the chance to rock out in the shoes of the biggest guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers of all time – as a solo superstar or as part of a hard rocking band. Built on unprecedented deals with top record labels and music publishers, the music featured in Rock Band spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists.
Rock Band Track Pack Volume 2 is a standalone software product that allows owners of Rock Band Special Edition and Rock Band 2 Special Edition or Rock Band (1 or 2) peripherals to keep the party going with more hit songs from the pantheon of rock music, hand-picked with care by Harmonix.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Race into an action-packed story of pursuit and betrayal. Take on jobs and compete in races to prove yourself as you infiltrate and take down an international crime syndicate
An all-new game engine featuring cutting-edge physics and improved AI designed to push players and the cars to limits with adrenaline filled action driving maneuvers
Fight off the cops and others as you take down your prey in high-speed, high stake multi-car chases. New and vastly improved AI mechanics mean more aggressive and intelligent cops focused on taking you out fast and by any means necessary
Tear across the massive highway system and discover the open world of the Gulf Coast Tri-Cities area, with three unique cities connected by an extensive highway system
In addition to the classic sprint and circuit race modes, Need for Speed Undercover features an all new exclusive multiplayer mode, Cops N’ Robbers. This visceral team-based mode supports up to 8 players and pits two teams of 4 players against each other. Robbers must pick up the money and take it to the drop-off point while the cops attempt to prevent the drop-off. Each game consists of two rounds giving the players the chance to play as the Cops and as the Robbers
Over 55 licensed cars are available featuring performance tuning that enables the player to dynamically adjust the vehicles to create the vehicles that can accommodate all action driving scenarios. Some of the cars include the Mercedes CL55, Audi R8, Porsche 911 GT2 and the Mitsubishi EVO X
The Chase is on! Need for Speed Undercover has players racing down highways, evading cops and hunting down rivals as they go deep undercover to take down an international crime syndicate. The new game heralds the return of high-intensity police chases and introduces the all-new ‘Heroic Driving Engine’ - a unique technology that generates incredible high-performance moves at 180 miles per hour.
Need for Speed Undercover also utilizes Hollywood style filming and production techniques as well as the acting talent of Maggie Q and Christina Milian to create a rich, cinematic experience.
This stunning mix of gameplay and live-action movies will immerse gamers in the world of the Tri-City Bay Area. The city’s open-world environment features over 80 miles of roads, including an enormous highway system that sets the stage for heart-pounding highway battles. These high-speed, high-stake chase sequences will push players to the limit as they fight off cops and opponents while whipping through traffic at 180 miles per hour.
An intelligent new A.I. mechanic delivers a realistic and high-energy action driving experience. Going back to the franchise’s roots, Need for Speed Undercover features more aggressive and intelligent cops whose sole purpose is to take down the player quickly and by any means necessary.
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November 21st, 2008, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Choose how you ride in open-world mountains across the globe. Conquer the extreme peak conditions, create your own paths in the back country, or compete with fellow riders in the terrain parks.
Play in a world where your friends are always around. Do your own runs on mountains populated by real gamers or join your friends for a quick session from anywhere in the mountains.
Have fun with your friends on and off the board: Throw snowballs, hike to access secret spots, film your friends doing crazy tricks. You can also upload your videos online to share with the world.
Express yourself through tricks, riding styles and highly customizable avatars both in single-player and in the online world. Use the intuitive dual analog control to pull off a huge variety of tricks that express your style.
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November 21st, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Complete Strategy Guide
Detailed labeled maps
Locations of every collectable
Strategy for every building and every enemy encounter
In-dept DICE Studio Profile Paired with Exciting Behind the Scenes Info
30+ pages of behind the scenes content
Stunning concept art
Revealing interviews with the developers of your favorite DICE titles
Photo tour of the DICE Studio
Beautifully labeled maps detailing every hidden package, foothold, and leap of faith
Pro-tips and strategy to help you complete every Xbox 360 Achievement and PlayStation 3 Trophy
Locate every package and follow the quickest route to the drop off point
Become the master of your environment with multiple strategies for every enemy encounter–the choice is yours Interior
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November 21st, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Platform: PC, PlayStation3, Xbox360
The perfect companion for newcomers and experts alike
Hi-res “google Earth”-styled maps in never experienced quality
New “supervisual” approach for the Walktrough chapter. Tricky passages are covered in dedicated, illustrative sections. This reduces the need for the reader to search for and interpret text instructions
Features comprehensive step-by-step guidance, revealing the location of every treasure
All-inclusive Extras chapter helps discover all collectibles and other bonus features
Detailed information about the cast, a Synopsis and an Art section peppered with reams of exclusive artwork turn this guide into a coveted collectors’ item.
Digital, hi-res screenshots to illustrate playing tactics
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November 21st, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
The Patapon are at war again and need God’s drum beats to march to victory. After Haripon’s ship crashes he awakens to your rhythm after and sets out to find survivors. If this sounds a lot like Patapon you’re right. Sony didn’t deviate much from the formula of the first game. Instead they expanded upon it by adding new elements like hero Patapons. You meet your first hero trapped underneath a rock separating your small army of spear throwing Patapon from a fire breathing Dondonga.
Save him and you get to name him. Yes, this Patapon is that special. I stuck with the default name “hero” and brought him on a mission to crush an enemy base. The hero Patapon did more damage than a regular spear throwing Yaripon and has a special attack. If you’re in fever mode and hit the drums perfectly on beat the hero Patapon tosses a spear with a green aura. This spear does about 2x - 3x his regular attack which is already around 2x a regular Yaripon. The glowing spear also releases a wide green cloud that damages a group of enemies. Since the Zigoton, the rival tribe of the Patapon, tend to cluster together the toxic green cloud is debilitating. To balance out the game Patapon 2 piles more Zigoton on the screen which makes for some chaotic fights. The other ability my hero Patapon had in the demo is he can respawn on the battlefield. If your hero dies a ten second counter appears above his picture. When the countdown ends he magically appears on the battlefield with full HP.
The basic Patapon can upgrade to becomr more effective too by utilizing the evolution system. By gathering items you can change a normal Yaripon to a PyoPyo, a walking eyeball with rabbit ears. If you include the normal form there are eighteen possible evolutions for the Patapon shown on the evolution tree. Since evolving Patapon requires items you’re showered with items during the missions.
I turned one of my Yaripon into a PyoPyo and switched an axe wielding Tatepon into a purple eye with cat ears before setting off for the final mission in the demo. In this stage I fought the Bocchichi, a giant bird. I struck first with a wave of arrows and spears. The bird retaliated by pecking the ground which directly hit my spear line. Then the flightless bird jumped in the air and hit the Tatepon group with a ground pound. The bird’s most deadly attack is a blast of yellow gas from its behind that puts any Patapon it touches to sleep. While sleeping the Patapon are vulnerable and more importantly for the bird they can’t attack. I should have made more arrow shooting Yumipon. That would have made the fight a breeze, but thanks to the powerful hero Patapon and his glowing green spears I took the bird down. I also lost most of my army so the fight was really my hero Patapon and few survivors versus the bird boss. Stick tightly to the beat to activate the hero Patapon’s special attack was the key to victory.
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November 21st, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony finished LocoRoco 2. It’s in English too and comfortably sitting in European stores as of today. Japan gets LocoRoco 2 in about two weeks and some unknown time in the future SCEA will publish it in North America. But, you don’t have to wait for months to pass to give LocoRoco 2 a try
A downloadable LocoRoco 2 demo is on Japan’s PlayStation Store right now. Since the focus of LocoRoco 2 is still rolling singing yellow blobs by tilting the world the LocoRoco 2 demo should be very import friendly.
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November 21st, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE has just confirmed to Siliconera that two new platinum PSP bundles will retail in Europe, details of which are as follows:
PSP 3000 bundle: £149.99 with 2 x platinum games free of charge
PSP 2000 bundle: £139.99 with 2 x platinum games for £10 (RRP of PSP 2000 solus is £129.99)
Specific titles were not mentioned, but a quick check on the USK has ratings for “PSP Platinum Bundle: Lemmings + LocoRoco” and “PSP Platinum Bundle: Tekken: Dark Resurrection + Ridge Racer 2″. Unfortunately SCEE did not confirm when these bundles are due to go on sale, but it’s a pretty safe assumption that it will be in time for the Christmas holiday period. The 3000 bundle looks particularly appealing, with this model of PSP housing a sharper screen display. Now there’s just the matter of figuring out how to trade in a worn old model for this bundle…
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November 22nd, 2008, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 60MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 60MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows complete operation of the PSP controls with the display turned off.
* Turns off LEDs in hold mode. LEDs are flashed once in 30 seconds so that the PSP is not mistaken to be powered off.
* While in hold mode, allows the use of Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Volume and Start buttons, if you hold the Select button first. Useful to skip songs, pause etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the Hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the Hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. To return to normal, push the power switch to the suspend position, or just press the Screen button.
While the PSP is in hold mode, if you first hold down the Select button, you can use the following buttons: Left, Right, LTrigger, RTrigger, Vol+, Vol-, Start.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a Memory Stick. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it before vshmain.prx.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v3.4 are
0xD48 - CPU
0xD4C - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for Bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU and Bus speed work.
Changelog v3.41
Improved faulty Hold switch protection, as there were still some chances of a faulty Hold switch causing problems.
Changelog v3.4
Fixed a problem caused by a faulty Hold switch in some PSPs. This made the CPU remain underclocked even after turning off the Hold switch.
The problem is the Hold switch doesn't consistently return a pressed state. It sometimes rapidly fluctuates between an Off and On signal. If this fluctuation occurs within one iteration of the main program loop, it causes problems. Its not humanly possible to toggle the Hold switch so fast, but a loose connection can :P
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mhorpheox
Our user miro release the new version of miro lua for programming script psp in lua.
- Added the Lua Player HM8
- Added the new features of the Lua Player HM8 for code completion
- Fixed some bugs
miro lua needed to work: Microsoft Framework 2.0
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
There are many classic PS One games available to download through PlayStation Network in Japan, but we’ve seen barely any here in the United States (does anyone want to play “2 Xtreme,” anyway?)
I didn’t ask John Koller, the head of hardware marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, whether this was changing when we spoke earlier this week. My bad, readers.
But he did follow-up over e-mail last night.
“Yes, we are working on further PSone additions to the PS Store and should see those launch shortly,” he said.
With that in mind, what PS One games do you want to re-buy? “Klonoa” and “Metal Gear Solid” would be very much appreciated, thanks!
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
By now you’ve all seen Peter’s post from yesterday that introduced the new PS3 ad campaign. I wanted to give you some details on the two PSP ad campaigns that also kicked off recently. One campaign focuses on the new PSP-3000 and the other on the big games that are available this holiday season (or coming soon after), including Resistance: Retribution, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Madden NFL ’09 and more favorites.
This campaign is one of my favorites because not only does it gives a nod to the awesome ‘POV’ TV spot that we aired when the PSP first launched back in March 2005, but it places the PSP within a colorful and diverse blur of urban activity. As someone who spends a lot of time in San Francisco and travels the country often, I see the way that people in different cities use their PSPs and I think we’ve captured that in a fun and interesting way. The TV spots are fast-moving, 15-second snapshots of the PSP within several large cities, with local or regional musicians contributing their tracks to the spots. With the PSP, everywhere really does get better. Here are three of the spots, including a sneak peak into the TV spot for Chicago, which will start airing next week.
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ardatan:

PMP VLC Player v1.1 By Team P86:
PMP VLC Player is a homebrew which plays streaming media with VLC Player without TV Card. This may be TV or a Film etc.
We will integrate it to TVSP but first of all we released alpha release...
We released an update for PMP VLC Player... Because of comments about freezing at NetDialog(wrong button pressed)...
It fixed with changing buttons..
Read the changelog about the changes...
Don't be afraid of 14 steps. This is for first using....
-Download Below
(Other VLC Versions isn't supported because this is special version for AVC decoding!!!)
-Remove existing VLC Player version from your PC...
-Reinstall from "vlc-0.8.6a-psp-x264-wait-win32.exe"...
-Copy "PMPVLC100_M33_P86" folder to PSP/GAME folder...
-Open pmp.ini file from PMPVLC100_M33_P86 folder and change all IP addresses to your PC's local address...
-Run VLC Player on PC and if you play network stream(for example: internet tv),
File>Open Network Stream and type your stream address in Customize box and click Stream/Save and Caching option.
-Click Settings and type this code in the Target box and click OK...(Don't forget to change IP address in this code.)
VLC Streaming Code:
:sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=600,width=480,heig ht=272,fps=25,venc=x264{me=dia,subme=1,analyse=non e,bframes=0,b-adapt=none,chroma-me=none,merange=1},acodec=mp3,ab=64,channels=2}:st d{access=http,mux=ts,url=}-Type 300 in the Caching box.
-Finally click ok...
-Come back to the PSP
-Execute PMP VLC Player on PSP...
-And toggle R trigger to connect AP.
-Select your AP and wait for connecting.
-After this, click SELECT and choose Live Stream...
-Changed Select/Enter Button to CROSS for reducing mistakes...
-Removed the background cube animation...
-Fixed the bug which causes in NetDialog when you select your AP.
-Speed Improvements
-New NetDialog Interface...
-Fixed the bug which causes freezing in Loading screen...
-Recompile for new M33 SDK...
-Added 5.00 M33 Compatiblity
jockyw for PMP VLC Player's OE release...
jonny for PMP Mod...
Insert_witty_name for NetDialog sample...
And thanks everybody who helps me...
Sorry For My Bad English!!!
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne has released a new version of the CPS1, CPS2, CPS3 and more emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
081120: preV12_Demo4
The prototype version of the V12, the main function is to increase the on-line. There are many places to be improved. Like fresh friends can try and help in passing a test Bug.
A prototype of V12.Wifi game connection is added. It is not a formal release. If you find any bug, please reply to me.
1. To open wireless LAN switches, Wifi Game select a Host, alternative Client. Different host the best choice of different Controller. P2p can also choose to approach slowly and may be non-synchronous phenomena. All have the advantage of the screen shows.
1. Switch on wifi, One PSP choose host and others choose client in Wifi Game menu. You should also change your controller as well. There is no screen displayed on client PSP. P2P mode could work and all psps have display. But speed is very slow and may asynchronies.
2. Every machine with the option to enter a game. If it is on the way into the p2p model can choose Reset to a simultaneous game. The official version may be considered synchronous memory, do not need to Reset the entire game.
Every PSP choose the same game. If you are using p2p mode, please reset the game once to synchronies all psps. I am thinking about add ram copy in V12 formal release to avoid reset the game.
3. Not too much testing machine 2 in the operation of conditional friends can help to see Test.
There is no verification on more than 2 PSP. If you have, please help having a test.
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November 22nd, 2008, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
Mickael2054, a member of our forums and forums devsgen, has updated its utility F1Dumper & Manager. This utility will allow you to dump and restore your Flash1. Very handy for those who often have their consoles flashent and who do not want to lose their settings.
The dump your Flash1 will be directly on your Memory Stick (in the ms0: / DUMPF1), you can eat at any time by selecting restores dump.
New in version 2.5:
A completely redesigned interface xmb
Displaying the battery-top right (with small battery%)
Displaying the date and time
Information on ongoing activities at the various operations
Adding sounds in the menu
Left and right buttons to skip to the end / early menu
Fade images
Possibility to have as many dumps that we want on its MS (thus restoring choice)
Optimization of operations (more files copied and less bugs)
Adding the date in the "About this dump.txt"
Various audits for more security (if the file exists)
Checking files before erasing the flash1
Warning if the dump was done with a firmware of another generation "(1.XX/2.XX /...)
Function "Dumps manager who can remove or restore a dump choice
CPU overclocked to 333 now
Changing the Lua Player HM
Improved USB mode
When the battery is less than 15%, it is impossible to dump / restore the flash.
Optimization of RAM
Other improvements
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November 23rd, 2008, 04:07 Posted By: Art
Blabberbot V1
Hi Guys,
Blabberbot is an experimental text to speech program for plain text files
based on the Flite (Festival lite) speech engine PSP port provided by Mypspdev.
The Flite speech engine has a built in "file to speech" function, but I have taken an approach of
breaking a file down into segments separated by return characters so that these segments can
be printed to the screen, and so the user can also seek forward and back through the file while
the speaking is in progress. Normally, the function that speaks files cannot be interrupted.
Controls are fairly intuitive.
While the text file is being spoken, a progress indicator is displayed at the top of the screen,
and left or right on the Dpad can be used to advance the position in the text file forwards, or
reverse the position. The left and right controls are non responsive during speaking,
so they must be held down to be polled between bursts of speech.
There is no pause button implemented yet.
Rapidshare Download:
Megaupload Download:
Cheers, Art.
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November 23rd, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Despite being overwhelmed with current releases and all their graphical bumpy maps, we do occasionally yearn for something a little more earnest and antiquated. This isn't a problem if you have access to the Japanese PSN, but browsers of the American PlayStation Store are unlikely to describe the pre-PS2 pickings as anything but "slim."
With that in mind, MTV Multiplayer asked Sony's head of hardware marketing, John Koller, if more downloadable classics were on the way. "Yes, we are working on further PSone additions to the PS Store and should see those launch shortly," came the answer.
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November 23rd, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
s1n has posted a new version of the java PSP Emulator For Windows
No idea whats new
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November 23rd, 2008, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News from Alek
Great news for the owners of 88v3 mobos, keep reading.
A Dark-AleX.org forum user, Brokencodes, has finally got into part of the signing code that uses the 88v3 hases, explained here by Dark_AleX.
The code can be found still here.
Even thought that is a partial code (still a couple of functions missing), it's a GREAT step towards 88v3 liberation. We'll keep you updated.
Great work, brokencodes.
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from percyflette
Hi people!
Easy programming, I present my first application: Easy_PSP_Gradation.
It is a creator of degraded for psp. This code in C and with the SDL.
At the base there was just to see how we can "feel" the pixels of a surface but finally, I added other features to try to make it more interesting and may be useful to someone.
It allows you to create degraded easily and directly from the PSP in 3 different modes. They are starting from a starting color green color end. The colors are managed in quantities of red green and blue. It is these values that vary more or less important to move the starting color to the color of purpose. Gradients made can be saved on your memory card format. Bmp and size 480 * 272. The names of degraded is automatically defined. They will be in the ms0: / PICTURE / SCREEN_DEGRADE.
To see how this one works, I invite you to read the readme file.
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pegasus2000
Until now, the installation of Nanodesktop has been a difficult thing.
We're working hardly on this aspect of our SDK, and we're also
exploring new possibilities to installation.
As you know, from version 0.3.5 ONLYDEV0001 Nanodesktop has added the
support for Linux (before it used only Windows + Cygwin).
So, we've created a virtual machine for VirtualBox, that contains the entire
environment. All is ready to work.
The virtual machine must be created using the software VirtualBox:
Create the virtual machine and reserve a space to the virtual hard disk
of 4 Gb. After, download the following file:
Unzip it using 7-zip utility and copy the content over the virtual disk
of the vbox virtual machine.
Start the vbox virtual machine and the new Linux ND system shall start.
UserName: nanodesktop
Password: psp
I want to thank sakya that is hosting the file (on Visilab servers I cannot
download it in this moment) and blue_eye that has created this virtual
blue_eye has also written 2 guides for the installation. They are
available at these addresses:
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November 23rd, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dan369
This is my latest project, a 2d side-scrolling platformer . Its written in Lua for the PGE API. I've been working on this for over a month now, i would of got to this stage sooner but exams, coursework all that stuff gets in the way. The name of this hasn't been thought up yet, so if you have suggest/comments just post up
This is a demo first level, The level itself is the first mario level in Mario for the NES.
- Destroyable blocks
- Checkpoint System (Needs a little refining)
- Scrolling
- Jumping blocks
- Moving Platforms (Needs a little refining)
- Dying.
- End level sequence (has a bug )
- Full Collision
- Enemies (at a early stage, currently only one )
The bug: It doesn't dofile the win file & crashes the PSP. You will need to restart it. I think its a PGE issue.
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November 24th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Developer NoEffex has good news for those sporting an older custom firmware… If that’s you and you also enjoy Socom Fireteam Bravo 2, then get a load of this — BakonICE v1.3.
NoEffex notes: due to custom firmware 3.71’s oddball nature, BakonICE does not work; however, other older firmwares are fine.
BakonICE v1.3 changes:
Fixed a lag out issue happening in ad-hoc
Removed the hijack room and replaced the menu slot with no-fog
Now, if you use the old kernel version, you can use it on 3.80- (with the exception of 3.71), I don’t know how far down it goes, but it goes down probably to 3.40. I did test it on 3.52 with success.
Auto-Finds the off value in the custom menu
Replaced the target lock code on the base UI to “Shoot Exposives To Nowhere”
Made using the hotkeys a bit more clear to the user
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November 24th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
FBA4PSP is an emulator for PGM, Cave, CPS, Seta, Sega, Konami, etc on PSP. It emulates MC68000/Z80 based arcade games. OopsWare ported FinalBurn Alpha to PSP. Thanks to his good work.
V12版本的雏形,主要就是增加联机功能。还有很多地方有待完善。喜欢尝鲜的朋友可以试一下,顺便帮忙测试 一下Bug.  A prototype of V12.Wifi game connection is added. It is not a formal release. If you find any bug, please reply to me. 1.打开无线网卡开关,Wifi Game一台选择Host, 其他选择Client。不同主机最好选择不同的Controller。也可以选择P2p模式,比较慢,而且 可能会有不同步现象。好处是所有屏幕都有显示了。  1. Switch on wifi, One PSP choose host and others choose client in Wifi Game menu. You should also change your controller as well. There is no screen displayed on client PSP. P2P mode could work and all psps have display. But speed is very slow and may asynchronies. 2.每个机选择同一个游戏进入。如果是p2p模式半路进入的可以选择Reset一次以同步游戏。正式版本中 可能会考虑同步内存,不需要Reset整个游戏。 Every PSP choose the same game. If you are using p2p mode, please reset the game once to synchronies all psps. I am thinking about add ram copy in V12 formal release to avoid reset the game. 3.暂时只支持2台PSP联机,多台联机功能在后续版本提供。 This version can only support 2 PSPs. Later version will support 4 PSPs.
changes: Wifi Game is added.
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November 24th, 2008, 15:19 Posted By: Art
Blabberbot V2
Hi Guys,
This one should be a lot better to use than the first rather premature release.
I ended up using Intrafont at the last minute, but cannot seem to get it working
with the file browser, so the file browser remains in debug text unless I can find a solution.
Blabberbot V2 runs the speech engine in it's own thread, so control is now very responsive.
There are buttons assigned to pause, and quit the current text file, and text chunks are
much smaller as originally intended.
See the readme for full list of changes.
Download from Rapidshare:
Download from Megaupload:
Cheers, Art.
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November 24th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Europe has declined to comment on the supposedly leaked contents of its staff annual briefing, dismissing the D+Pad report as "rumour and speculation".
The information, provided by an attending "source", included plans to be "more competitive" with PS3 pricing from March 2009.
Sony Europe boss David Reeves also said there will be technical innovations to come for both PS3 and PSP, although no details were given.
The source claims to have seen footage of Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, the latter of which apparently looked so pretty the mole couldn't tell if what he was seeing was CGI or not.
The trailer, we're told, showed Kratos destroying waves of skeletons and Cyclops with his trusty chain-swords, before hopping on the back of an eagle, killing it, and then staring into an immense cavern thought to be Mount Olympus.
Uncharted 2, on the other hand, was said to look much the same as Uncharted 1, which looked rather good anyway.
The source went on to say that Sony showed footage of LittleBigPlanet PSP, which Media Molecule has apparently been hard at work on for four months. Target footage of MotorStorm PSP was shown, too.
Apparently Sony Europe is also the pride of Sony Computer Entertainment, for the region has a higher PS3 installed base than Xbox 360.
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November 24th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Europe has declined to comment on the supposedly leaked contents of its staff annual briefing, dismissing the D+Pad report as "rumour and speculation".
The information, provided by an attending "source", included plans to be "more competitive" with PS3 pricing from March 2009.
Sony Europe boss David Reeves also said there will be technical innovations to come for both PS3 and PSP, although no details were given.
The source claims to have seen footage of Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, the latter of which apparently looked so pretty the mole couldn't tell if what he was seeing was CGI or not.
The trailer, we're told, showed Kratos destroying waves of skeletons and Cyclops with his trusty chain-swords, before hopping on the back of an eagle, killing it, and then staring into an immense cavern thought to be Mount Olympus.
Uncharted 2, on the other hand, was said to look much the same as Uncharted 1, which looked rather good anyway.
The source went on to say that Sony showed footage of LittleBigPlanet PSP, which Media Molecule has apparently been hard at work on for four months. Target footage of MotorStorm PSP was shown, too.
Apparently Sony Europe is also the pride of Sony Computer Entertainment, for the region has a higher PS3 installed base than Xbox 360.
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November 24th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has moved to clarify recent comments made about the number of active PlayStation Network accounts.
Having said last week that there are 14 million active PSN accounts, the company has now confirmed that the number includes both PS3 and PSP accounts, but no duplicates.
"Seeing as PlayStation Portable does include PlayStation Network services (i.e. games store natively on PSP), yes those numbers do include all PlayStation Network registrations," Sony told GameSpot.
Sony said that one person using the same login for both PS3 and PSP is treated as a single account and that, as with Xbox Live, the 14 million figure includes multiple accounts on a single console or in the same household.
Sony's original comments on the matter were made as it celebrated the PS3's second birthday, and revealed that PSN had matched the 14 million subscriber base of Xbox Live, which has been around since 2002.
Despite all these comments, at the end of the day it's still unclear how many PSN users are logging on via the PS3, although Sony says it has seen an "increase in unique [PS3] consoles registered for PSN... lately, based on the new features we've added to PSN".
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November 24th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has moved to clarify recent comments made about the number of active PlayStation Network accounts.
Having said last week that there are 14 million active PSN accounts, the company has now confirmed that the number includes both PS3 and PSP accounts, but no duplicates.
"Seeing as PlayStation Portable does include PlayStation Network services (i.e. games store natively on PSP), yes those numbers do include all PlayStation Network registrations," Sony told GameSpot.
Sony said that one person using the same login for both PS3 and PSP is treated as a single account and that, as with Xbox Live, the 14 million figure includes multiple accounts on a single console or in the same household.
Sony's original comments on the matter were made as it celebrated the PS3's second birthday, and revealed that PSN had matched the 14 million subscriber base of Xbox Live, which has been around since 2002.
Despite all these comments, at the end of the day it's still unclear how many PSN users are logging on via the PS3, although Sony says it has seen an "increase in unique [PS3] consoles registered for PSN... lately, based on the new features we've added to PSN".
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November 24th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A release date for the PSN version of Age of Booty has popped up on the Capcom blog.
AOB, you may recall, is the pirate-themed real-time strategy title with a heavy focus on multiplayer. It's already available for Xbox Live Arcade, priced at 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60), and on PSN in North America.
A price for the European version has yet to be announced. Read our review of the XBLA version to find out whether it's worth whatever you'll be asked to pay for it.
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November 24th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

Who would have thought that this late in the console's life cycle that a PlayStation 2 game would make the cover of a major gaming publication? The latest issue of Play magazine features Atlus' upcoming RPG Persona 4, with a whole slew of special Shin Megami Tensei-themed features packed inside. It's really an odd sight to see, especially considering the other games listed in the top-right corner of the cover - Afro Samurai, Mirror's Edge, Resistance 2, Sonic Unleashed, and Prince of Persia - all big name, current generation titles.
I get the feeling this is a sort of swan song for the aging console, but what do you guys think? Is this the last time a PS2 title will grace the cover of a major multi-platform gaming mag, or does the little black box still have some life in it yet?
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November 24th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has said Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo PSP are both very much alive and kicking.
"There's no real plans that we can discuss just now, but production is moving forward," Yamauchi told IGN (spotted by VG247), in reference to the PS3 product.
When asked about the PSP version he replied, "I can only answer the same for that as well, but it is moving forward. It hasn't been knocked off of the plans: it's there."
PlayStation boss Shuhei Yoshida told us back in October that Gran Turismo PSP still exists, despite the fact there's been little info since it was first announced years ago.
Yamauchi has previously said work on the portable game will begin proper after Gran Turismo 5 launches, which is expected to be late next year.
As far as work on that game goes, Yamauchi thinks his team has reached the "target level" of detail on the vehicles. In the future, they will work on bringing the environments and the people in them up to the same level. Plus, of course, there's the online mode to be tackled.
"We've only done a very small part of what we want to do online. And, of course, there are a lot of things you can do online that we haven't even touched yet," said Yamauchi.
"We're really on the starting line for online futures. We're going to need a lot of software improvements, hardware improvements, and then infrastructure improvements all around the world."
When Yamauchi thinks to the future of online, he plans content for internet connections "ten-thousand-times faster", apparently.
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November 24th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has said Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo PSP are both very much alive and kicking.
"There's no real plans that we can discuss just now, but production is moving forward," Yamauchi told IGN (spotted by VG247), in reference to the PS3 product.
When asked about the PSP version he replied, "I can only answer the same for that as well, but it is moving forward. It hasn't been knocked off of the plans: it's there."
PlayStation boss Shuhei Yoshida told us back in October that Gran Turismo PSP still exists, despite the fact there's been little info since it was first announced years ago.
Yamauchi has previously said work on the portable game will begin proper after Gran Turismo 5 launches, which is expected to be late next year.
As far as work on that game goes, Yamauchi thinks his team has reached the "target level" of detail on the vehicles. In the future, they will work on bringing the environments and the people in them up to the same level. Plus, of course, there's the online mode to be tackled.
"We've only done a very small part of what we want to do online. And, of course, there are a lot of things you can do online that we haven't even touched yet," said Yamauchi.
"We're really on the starting line for online futures. We're going to need a lot of software improvements, hardware improvements, and then infrastructure improvements all around the world."
When Yamauchi thinks to the future of online, he plans content for internet connections "ten-thousand-times faster", apparently.
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November 24th, 2008, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
"I ain't no fan boy but this mother f***ing game looks like nothing you've ever played...and you can hold me to that when this thing hits and when they start showing gameplay footage."
Well, it probably looks a little bit like God of War II, since we imagine it still features the antics of world's angriest breakfast cereal Kratos. However, outspoken designer David Jaffe, currently tinkering away at an unannounced project with Eat Sleep Play, insists that an early glimpse of Sony's God of War III left him reeling. To quoth: "HOLY HOLY HOLY F***ING HELL!!!!"
As if to prematurely defuse any cries of, "Well, you did design the original game, you know!" Jaffe adds that his favorite game this year isn't even on the PlayStation 3. "And unless I get blown away by POP or something else I missed, GEARS 2 is the SHIT....this year," he noted. But does it look "like a painting come to life," as God of War III allegedly does? We'll let the forthcoming battle between the GoWs decide that.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A variety of special maneuvers help you move quickly through tricky situations. "Quick Step" allows you to dodge obstacles by instantly moving left or right without losing speed; "Speed Drift" will maintain top speeds through turns, while "Sonic Boost" will accelerate you to super speeds!
Sonic Unleashed delivers a revolutionary gameplay experience, combining picturesque graphics with seamless transitions between 3D and classic 2D perspectives
Many unique and fascinating continents let you explore a variety of environments - sprint across cobbled streets, race through lush jungles and much more
Choose from multiple pathways in Sonic's massive new playground. Each unique route offers different encounters with varying rewards and obstacles
Sonic is in a Race against Time to Save the World... and Himself!
Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!
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November 24th, 2008, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A variety of special maneuvers help you move quickly through tricky situations. "Quick Step" allows you to dodge obstacles by instantly moving left or right without losing speed; "Speed Drift" will maintain top speeds through turns, while "Sonic Boost" will accelerate you to super speeds!
Sonic Unleashed delivers a revolutionary gameplay experience, combining picturesque graphics with seamless transitions between 3D and classic 2D perspectives
Many unique and fascinating continents let you explore a variety of environments - sprint across cobbled streets, race through lush jungles and much more
Choose from multiple pathways in Sonic's massive new playground. Each unique route offers different encounters with varying rewards and obstacles
Sonic is in a Race against Time to Save the World... and Himself!
Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!
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November 24th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Action oriented gameplay that features intense “edge of your seat” thrills and twists
Immersive free-roaming, interactive environments intricately based on NYC’s Central Park
Episodic Structure: 30 to 40 minute episodes grip you in a constant, high level of intensity
Story written by Lorenzo Carcaterra (NY Times Bestselling author of “Sleepers” and “Apaches”)
Wide range weapons to destroy both enemy agents and eventually the source of the evil itself
Vehicles not only offer a means of transportation, but become actual game mechanics which are part of puzzles and solutions to in game challenges
Eden’s new TWILIGHT engine creates a lavishly detailed game world with highly realistic effects such as moisture, reflections and advanced cinematography
The game that started the popular survival horror genre returns better than ever! Players control Edward Carnby, the main character from the original Alone in the Dark, on a thrilling journey through a dark and terrifying re-creation of New York’s Central Park where Carnby must discover the truth behind a dark conspiracy.
With inspiration from the presentation style of popular action TV dramas, Alone in the Dark will be split into a number of distinct episodes. With approximately 30-40 minutes of gameplay comprising each episode, the structure of Alone in the Dark pulls you into world that delivers a fiercely gripping and terrifying experience. Each time the player launches a saved game, the episode will begin with a video summary of the previous episode to quickly re-immerse the player in the story and removing the need to remember where they were or what they were doing. Every episode will close with a nail-biting cliff-hanger ending to rattle players’ nerves, and if the player is leaving the game a video teaser of the next episode will play to leave them wanting more.
Alone in the Dark will provide a complete next-generation, action packed experience within a highly detailed, free roaming environment, featuring a mixture of real-time physics and full environmental interaction. The game will mark a new beginning for the Alone in the Dark series.
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November 24th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

High-Quality (HQ) mode that delivers clear and wideband online voice chat and supports ‘voice command’ for select games.
Dual-microphone design for high-quality noise cancellation with supported games on the PS3™ system.
Supplied charging cradle connected to the headset works as a desktop microphone while charging.
Automatic pairing with the PS3™ system via a USB cable.
Exclusive game indicator screen on the PS3™ system displays connection status, battery charge level, speaker volume level and microphone muting status.
Easily accessible mic muting button.
Compact, sleek and ergonomic design fits comfortably on either ear.
The Bluetooth® Headset leverages advances in voice technology to bring next generation features to the PLAYSTATION®3 system. It features High-Quality (HQ)* mode which provides wide-band and dual microphone input to enable accurate speech recognition required to support “voice command” and “voice animation” features that will be offered in select games on PS3™. Easy pairing with the PS3™ system, in-game Headset status indicator, included charging cradle and easily accessible microphone mute button make it user-friendly.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play state-of-the-art wireless instruments including a slick newly redesigned guitar controller, authentic drum kit and microphone
This revolutionary new feature incorporates a full complement of tools to create digital music from scratch utilizing the drum kit and guitar controller while offering the opportunity to play compositions in-game
Rock out in solo career mode or battle against other full bands head-to-head online for the first time ever
Customize your own rocker, select one of your favorite Guitar Hero characters or choose one of the guest artists appearing in-game
It's the most expansive and diverse on-disc track selection in a music game with over 85 master tracks!
When the house lights go down this fall, a new generation of axe shredders, drummers and fearless frontmen will be born with Activision's Guitar Hero® World Tour. The latest installment from the number one best-selling video game franchise of 2007, Guitar Hero World Tour transforms music gaming by expanding the signature guitar gameplay into a cooperative band experience combining the most advanced wireless instruments with new revolutionary online and offline gameplay modes, including online Band Career and eight-player "Battle of the Bands," which allows two full bands to compete head-to-head online for the first time ever. The game features a slick newly redesigned guitar, an authentic electronic drum kit and a microphone, as well as an innovative Music Studio music creator that lets players compose, record, edit, and share their original rock 'n' roll anthems.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

40 all new hit songs from the 70s to today
Perfect for parties and social gatherings with multiple game modes for up to 8 players
Proprietary technology accurately recognizes and scores vocal pitch and rhythm
Downloadable content from Karaoke Revolution American Ido Encore
Improved animation system brings judges right into your living room
Become a singing sensation with Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2 featuring all-new customizable characters and downloadable songs.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

After 14 years since Guns N' Roses last official music release, Axl Rose selects Rock Band 2 to debut official new track "Shackler's Revenge" from the highly-anticipated album Chinese Democracy.
Rock Band 2 is the first and only video game to feature the music of AC/DC. It includes their epic rock anthem, "Let There Be Rock."
For the first time ever, music from American music icon, Bob Dylan, is featured in a video game with "Tangled Up In Blue."
Rock Band 2 will feature backwards compatibility with all Rock Band downloadable music content released to date.
Owners of the original Rock Band will have the ability to export most of the Rock Band disc tracks and upgrade them into Rock Band 2 gameplay -- the first time ever in videogame history!(1)
With ongoing weekly DLC releases including individual tracks, track packs and full albums, the Rock Band music library will feature more than 500 songs by year's end!
Harmonix, MTV Games, and Electronic Arts are taking the groundbreaking music platform that forever changed the face of music video games to the next level with the release of Rock Band 2. With the original providing millions of players a new way to interact with the music and artists they love, Rock Band 2 is the next evolution of the franchise that redefined the standard for music games.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore
Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more
Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved
Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other
Utilize the latest technology in Laras upgraded inventory to navigate the world
A new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Includes all 41 playable characters of the original
New weapons and moves plus never before seen Musou mode stories
Includes all 45 scenarios of the original plus 5 new stages and 10 new scenarios
Spectacular motion captured fighting techniques
Lightning fast intuitive combat system and breathtaking environments
Developed from the ground up exclusively for next-generation platforms with a breakthrough proprietary engine, the lighting-fast kung-fu fighting, fluid motion-captured animation, intuitive combat system and immersive environments create an unparalleled battle experience, and push the limits of Tactical Action!
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November 25th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Play as one of 12 real pro bull riders or 12 real butt kicking bulls
Win the 10-event PBR Championship and make it to the World Finals in Vegas
Compete in Rider vs. Bull mode against a friend where one of you is a rider and the other is the bull
Start a career as your own customized character in career mode
Become the overall best rider or bull in multiplayer games by having the most wins or become part of the Millionaires Club
Get all the bone-crunching excitement and edge-of-your-seat suspense of professional bull riding without leaving your home. PBR: Out of the Chute captures all the adrenaline and challenge of the Toughest Sport on Dirt. The game lets you play as a pro bull rider or as a bull in multiple events leading up to the World Finals. Create your own character and compete as a professional rider or a tenacious bull throughout 10 three-round events in multiple locations, including New York, Anaheim, and Atlanta. Challenge or play as top riders, including Guilherme Marchi, Justin McBride, and Chris Shivers, or play as one of the tour's ferocious bulls. Unlimited play modes test your skills in either staying on for at least eight seconds or bucking off the rider before his time is up and Season Mode features unlockable riders and bulls. Become the best rider or bull in multiplayer by having the most "wins," or become part of the Millionaire's Club by beating some of the meanest, toughest bulls in the history of the PBR. Intuitive controls and multiple difficulty levels allow anyone to pick up and play and realistic sounds from screaming crowds to bone-crunching falls max out the realism.
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November 25th, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Privacy Filter. Attach it to your Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite screen and avoid possible reflection
Ideal for playing games / watching movies in public transports
Avoid to disclose your game/movie to be watched by people sitting nearby
Easy to attach and remove
Officially licensed product
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November 25th, 2008, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Piracy is a real problem for PSP. It’s not hard for your everyday consumer to simply download games to their handheld.
One of the ways Sony hopes to battle piracy is by offering their first-party PSP games as downloads through the PlayStation Store.
Is that enough?
We’ll have to wait and see, but John Koller, Sony Computer Entertainment America’s head of hardware marketing, told Multiplayer they’ve seen piracy slow down in the last few months.
Even though hardware sales for PSP continue to do well month-to-month, we almost never see PSP software charting in the NPD Group’s monthly top ten. Given PSP’s multimedia functions, it’s possible they just aren’t using the thing for games — or all the games are being pirated.
“We’ve made really no secret [that there] certainly has been some piracy on the PSP,” said Koller in a phone interview last week. “We’ve seen that as a significant issue — it’s trending down right now, we’ve seen the piracy not be as such prevalent in the last month to two months. But it has been a problem for us.”
Sony keeps a close eye on PSP-related message boards and the discussions happening at web sites focused on promoting video game piracy.
“We’ve noticed there’s kind of a ‘good vs. evil’ battle that we track on many of the forums and many of the pirated web sites,” laughed Koller. “There’s certainly people that are standing up and fighting for what we consider the good side, the rights of developers and publishers to make money on their IP. And then there’s certainly the other side that believes that they can take as warranted. It’s kind of been nice to see other consumers going and help and fight the battle for us.”
Is piracy killing PSP software, readers? You don’t have to divulge your own habits here, but what about your friends? Do they pirate PSP games?
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November 25th, 2008, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
A MILITARY defence manufacturer is in the running for a £100m contract that would make British soldiers the most technologically advanced in the world.
Cobham Defence Communications, Haslingden Road, Blackburn, is one of three companies vying for a UK Ministry of Defence Contract to kit out troops with mobile Global Positioning Systems (GPS) that could be taken into battle.
The handsets, which are the same size as a Playstation Portable gaming systems, would enable troops to locate their and the enemy’s exact position on the battlefield.
Richard Stubbs, business development director at Cobham, said: “The contract would create 20 new manufacturing jobs in Blackburn and would mean a UK company supplying UK troops with leading technology.
“The technology will allow troops to see a map which shows them where they are, what direction they heading in and where the other guys in the section are in relation to them.”
The handsets would be operated by section commanders and enable them to see exactly where their soldiers were positioned.
The location of infantry soldiers - represented by a blue icon - would be tracked via GPS transmitters fitted to their radio packs.
All the handsets would be linked to a laptop operated by higher ranking officers and would allow constant updates regarding their objectives.
The interactive handsets would even make it possible for soldiers to remotely request artillery fire by inputting the GPS location of, for example, an enemy tank or vehicle.
This information would be sent via the handset to other equipment linked into the network/ The programme is known as Future Infantry Soldier Technology (FIST) and represents the culmination of 10 years of development by Cobham and its 200 Blackburn staff.
Alex Beard, general manager of soldier systems at Cobham, said: “We would supply 10,000 of these units and make the British Army the first fighting army in the world to have this technology.”
Cobham’s competitors are Selex and Rheinmetall and Thales and General Dynamics.
If successful, Cobham believes the contract would create a further 60-70 jobs over the next five years as the systems and technology were developed further.
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November 25th, 2008, 01:42 Posted By: DarthPaul
So, do you guys remember about PSP Earth? PSP Earth is a classic PSP homebrew application. It lets you know everything that's happening around the world, live! From weather, best spots on earth, to webcam live streamings. Think Life with PlayStation, but on your PlayStation Portable.
Mat_Dizzy, from Cybo Studios, has revealed today that he will be releasing the newest installment of PSP Earth. It's been over a year since the last release, and there are plans to make this one even better and bigger than any previous release.
- What's new:
* This build will be heavily based on flash.
* It will have a lot more user interaction
* Faster streaming webcams (hopefully)
This release is scheduled for this December. You can't miss it!
Please not that It's all work in progress at the moment. For more information check out the official website.
Source: Homebrew Heaven
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November 25th, 2008, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ifcaro
Hi, I present to you the first game that I'm done. A few days ago I had the idea of writing a tetris from scratch, and I have done. First I did for the PC and then port to the PS2.
Ifcaro's Tetris for PlayStation 2 ChangeLog:
Version 1.3
- Fixed bug in the level 10.
- Now the top button makes the piece to fall suddenly.
- Added the possibility of personalized music from a usb.
Version 1.2
- Back to LIBSD.
- Added Sound Effects
- Fixed compatibility issues with booting from a memory card and usb
Version 1.1
- Changed the modules Padma, sio2man, libsd by freepad, freesio2 and freesd.
Version 1.0
- Initial version
Download: http://ps2dev.ifcaro.net/programas,15.htm
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November 25th, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 3 will be subject to a significant price cut, work on Uncharted 2 is well under way and LittleBigPlanet is coming to the PSP – that's all according to a supposed leak from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's annual staff briefing.
D-Pad is holding details of the leak, citing an anonymous source who was in attendance at the London event. SCEE President David Reeves reportedly took to the stage and revealed the PlayStation 3 will have a new, more competitive price tag from March 2009 onwards, and was proceeded by a series of blockbuster announcements.
Both LittleBigPlanet and Motorstorm were shown for the PlayStation Portable - work on LittleBigPlanet PSP has apparently been underway for some four months – and footage was shown for both.
Uncharted 2 was allegedly shown for the PS3 with a short 30 second trailer announcing the return of Nathan Drake, and finally footage was shown from God of War III. Although the contents of the leak are for now merely speculation and rumour, God of War's original designer David Jaffe recently spoke about seeing footage of Krato's debut PS3 outing, saying that it looked like 'a painting come to life'.
We've enquired with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe whether details of the leak hold any weight, and are expecting nothing beyond a refusal to comment on speculation and rumour.
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November 25th, 2008, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Eskema
Well well, it's me again, (voice saying: !!nooooooooooo!!) yes, you can run but you can't hide from my crappy homebrews well, i'm very proud of this little one, well maybe not very proud..... ok ok this is another boring homebzzZZZzzz
This is and old classic style, you are a messenger, and your objective it's simple, get the packets from one point to it's destination, of course the destination has a little time to wait, if you can't get it at time, gameover hehehe.

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November 25th, 2008, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from omracer
JK108's release of Ultimate PSPTube! is the best one yet:
Its fixed the youtube bug
you can now view more than 2 pages of search results.
And also results come up faster than previous releases.
On Dailymotion results come up immediately after you finished using the sony OSK (speed depends on you signal strength)
Compatible with 5.00 M33-3
Same controls as previous releases
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November 25th, 2008, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
Seems the main hacker in the PSP Scene is knarked at someone :P
Ok, I want to clear this up now, ONCE and for all, as I'm tired of certain sites that don't stop blaming and creating paranoid horror stories about "M33 violating privacy" just because they have no other news.
Let's begin with the reason. Why does M33 connect to dark-alex.org when going to the PSN? This was not planned, it wasn't done on purpose. It is not a "feature", it is a side effect of the patch that allows M33 update, a bug if you want to call it that way.
Before 5.00, sony network update checked updates in a module called update_plugin.prx, which was patched by M33 when the M33 update feature is on.
Since 5.00, the module that makes these checks is called libupdown.prx (in kd folder).
This module is a library and it is used by other modules: the one responsable of the network update, and the one responsable of signing in the psn store.
My error was not to realize that libupdown.prx was used for psn store too. So when going to the PSN, this module check if latest version is installed by going to the Sony server, but M33 thinks that it is using network update, and if M33 update feature is on, it redirects Sony server to dark-alex.org ones to check if there is a m33 update.
In M33-3 I patched the check, the comparison of versions, but I didn't kill the connection, that's why it will still connect.
The only thing sended from psp to server side is a http request to the following file:
There is no more. And there is no way that the server can distinguish between the psp asking for that file from network update or when going to PSN, although it can be safely asummed that most connections will be when going to the PSN.
What is done is done, and we aproached this bug to see stadistical data in the server side (normal stadistical data, present in most servers), with the educational and general purpose of seeing how many psp with cfw there are (not exactly though, as not everyone will go to psn or even have a wifi connection), and being able to refute to those saying that the scene has killed the psp.
The numbers were not impressive, it shows clearly that the scene is not a threat to Sony, and that if the psp is dying the only responsables are Sony, and the companies that prefer to make a cheap to produce ds game instead of an expensive psp one. Neither scene nor M33 can be blamed by their faults.
As the bug it is, it will be patched in next version, whenever it is out.
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November 25th, 2008, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspgen
AntoineDravs we introduced the plugin participating in the'1000 $ for the stage. Vshplugin will allow you to achieve many things by using key combinations
Vshplugin you will:
Run usb iso_loader (only available in Version plugin VSH). (you must install on your PC UsbhostFS)
To save battery (switch off the screen and passage of 66MHz processor after thirty seconds of inactivity).
Show info on your PSP (area, mac address, the model of the PSP and the motherboard)
Put the brightness of the PSP up
Change the speed of the processor (choice between 222 and 333MHz)
Putting the PSP in standby.
Turn off the PSP.
Activate the USB connection.
Show info on the battery (the charge for the remaining duration, voltage and temperature)
Take a screenshot.
Restart the PSP.
Flashing LED power more or less depending on the battery charge remaining.
View the file ms0: / seplugins / reminder.txt for 4 seconds at startup (you can add things to remember that appear when you start the console).
Load eboot ms0: / seplugins / autoboot / EBOOT.PBP at startup (holding L)
Launch eboots replacing some icons of XMB ( "lftv", "remoteplay", "rss", "gamesharing", "update", "camera")
Display a help menu in French.
Post a copy of the menu configuration M33 recovery.
Using a file explorer who can read text files.
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November 25th, 2008, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
PSP Wallpaper Maker 1.0 is a software that allows you to create simple wallpapers for your PSP. Although many sites offer wallpapers, such themeSgen, you might want to have a single screen, or similar to your PC.
PSP Wallpaper Maker allows you to create wallpapers of the size 480 x 272, ie the size of the screen on the PSP. You can create your wallpaper image from a JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP.
Its use is very simple but we've still made a mini tutorial to use if you are lost.
But what makes this software?
Adjust the screen image of the PSP
Resize the image according to its height
Resize the image according to its width
Enlarge or shrink the image
Turn the image
Add text on image
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November 25th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony is laughing in the face of economic recession by launching a new PlayStation credit card in the US.
As reported on the PS blog, using the card will earn reward points to spend on PlayStation and Sony products.
Plus, those registering for one before 31st December will save USD 150 (GBP 100 / EUR 115) on the price of a PS3.
Not a bad "savings" for our American friends this "holidays", then. No word yet on whether Sony has any plans to launch something similar in Europe, but we'll keep you posted.
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November 25th, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Capcom has confirmed that Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix has been delayed for the European PSN. There is currently no official release date for the title in the region and no explanation was given for the hold up.
North America is still expected to get the title today with its special Tuesday edition of the PSN update (due to the Thanksgiving holiday). European Xbox 360 owners should still be able to pick up the game when it launches on XBLA tomorrow.
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November 25th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Guerrilla Games has told Eurogamer that the semi-public beta for Killzone 2 will draw to a close this Sunday.
This will be the third and final testing phase for the Dutch developer, who'll be tweaking features such as the Revive ability and Shotgun range as a result of community feedback.
Unfortunately, Guerrilla was unable to share plans for a demo prior to Killzone 2's February 2009 release. The developer also told us DLC was planned post-release, but couldn't say what exactly it will be.
Killzone 2 turned many heads back at the Eurogamer Expo for lavish visuals and lots of noisy gunfights. And, thankfully, Guerrilla is pouring as much effort into the multiplayer side of the game, which we gave a good seeing to recently.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
For those of you plugging your ears whilst humming along in hopes of this whole 3D revolution fading away, we've got a rude awakening headed your way. Just days after hearing that the HDMI specification could be updated to better handle stereoscopic 3D content, along comes word that Panasonic has submitted a proposal to the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) for an official BD standard to store 3D imagery formed of "left / right-eye two-channel Full HD images." Panny reportedly made the move early in order avoid a format war, but really, it's just looking to cash in on royalties for the next decade five years or less. It's no secret that movie studios are dead set on moving forward with 3D production -- might as well be ready on the other end, right?
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November 25th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
To curb the adrenaline rush that is the PS3 firmware update, we wanted to let you know ahead of time that version 2.53 will be released tomorrow and it's not a huge deal. All it will add is full screen Adobe Flash support to the PS3 web browser—which would be a fantastic update if we ever browsed the web on our PS3.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Saucer-eyed space teenager news now, with a quick note from Square Enix announcing a delay for Star Ocean: Second Evolution. Originally scheduled for North American release on Jan. 6th, the remastered role-playing classic will now ship to eager PSP owners on Jan. 20th.
We've contacted Square Enix to find out why the date was changed, but we're not expecting a very interesting response. Like, "We woke up this morning and just hated the main character's hair."
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November 25th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking with MTV, Sony's John Koller has revealed that PSP piracy - long the source of Sony's wrath when it comes to the handheld - is on the decline.
We’ve made really no secret [that there] certainly has been some piracy on the PSP. We’ve seen that as a significant issue — it’s trending down right now, we’ve seen the piracy not be as such prevalent in the last month to two months. But it has been a problem for us.
It probably helps there hasn't been anything worth pirating on the PSP in the last month or two (to twelve?) months, but hey, let's not rain on Sony's parade.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
"No Plans Watch" returns today after a disappointingly long absence, just in time to bring you these comments from Sony Computer Entertainment America. See, online mag D-Pad posted a slew of PS3 rumours the other day, most promising among them word that the PS3 would be getting "more competitive" in terms of pricing from March 2009 onwards. Well, SCEA are pouring cold water on the rumour, issuing a statement that says - wait for it - "There are no plans for a price reduction on PS3 in March 09, and anything reported on or discussed otherwise is purely rumor or speculation". Imagine that. No plans! Not a single plan.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP is an exciting platform; being a handheld system that caters to the tastes of the hardcore gamer, it was always a novel creation. But now, with the launch of Go!View expanding the Go! Services for the PSP, SCEE is leaving UK owners of their handheld system little to want for.
For those who are unfamiliar, Go!View is the video download service powered by Sky for the PSP. The service is currently only available in the UK, Ireland and France (the latter through partnership with Canal Plus). In asking SCEE’s Carly Byron about a possible international expansion of the service, she reported “no current plans to role the GO!VIEW brand out in other territories”, so UK residents can enjoy taking rare entertainment-related precedence, at least for the moment.
The service offers three subscription packs; entertainment, sports, and comedy, costing £5, £8 or £10 per month for one, two or three packs respectively. There is also a pay-as-you-view option for movies and a limited number of TV shows, details of which can be found on the official site where downloadable content is updated on a daily basis.
However, a potential concern for Go!View is that it could lose some merit once the PlayStation Network video download service is launched in the UK and Europe next year, with it allowing content transfer from the PS3 to the PSP, although notably not content recorded through the PS3’s PlayTV peripheral. However, SCEE insists that the sheer amount of content that Go!View offers will keep the interest of customers. Only time will tell.
There are alternative services to Go!View that exist for viewers, such as Apple’s video iPods. However, Go!View may well appeal to PSP owners due to its platform specification and the diversity of content on offer alone. And whilst it may seem somewhat ironic that this portable service has itself an almost exclusive existence within a region renowned for its conservative in-door activities, it is a massive push to the PSP by Sony towards a multimedia endpoint.
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November 25th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

It can get maximum storage capacity with 2 microSDHC or 2 microSD cards. CR-5400 converts 2 microSD(HC) cards into one MS Pro Duo stick. You can get twice the capacity at a lower price.And the card types can be mixed too.
The adapter works with only one microSDHC card as well. The second slot can be equipped anytime later. You can exchange the cards and upgrade the max. capacity at will!
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November 25th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Extend the length of any kind of PSP Slim and Lite cable (to screen) with this high quality extension cable. Not only it features golden 24K plugs, but it also accepts AV, D-Digital, S-Video and Component AV regular cables and extend them by 5 feet!
Specifications :
- High quality 24K golden plate plug
- High speed transmit signal without any disturbance
- Compatible with any version of UMD games or movies
- Compatible with PSP Slim AV/S-Video/D-Digital/Component AV Cable
- Compatible with any version of PSP Slim Console CRT/Plasma/LCD/HD and HD II TV systems
- Extend by 5 feet any AV/S-AV/D-digital / Component AV Cable between PSP unit and screen
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November 25th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has informed us that a new version of the Spectrum emulator is coming soon:
Carl Murray was kind enough to inform me that a release candidate of version 0.10 of Fuse, the popular Spectrum emulator, is now available for download. The PSP version will be released in due time; in the meantime, just glancing over the list of changes, here are some of the features that are likely to affect it:
New upd765 FDC emulation; all known +3 DSK images now work
Loading acceleration
Emulation core improvements
Reading from the 128K’s memory control port causes that byte to be written back to the port
Reading the AY data port on the +2A/+3 is the same as reading the register port
NMI causes Z80 to unHALT
Emulate C, H and P/V flags on repeated IO instructions
Fix crash when using Interface 1 on unoptimised Fuse builds
Miscellaneous improvements:
Loader detection now works with the Digital Integration loader
Revert Pentagon 128 to being the “base” machine without extra ROMs
Updated +3e ROMs
Allow DivIDE, custom ROMs, Kempston mouse status and Simple 8-bit IDE interface to be saved in snapshots
Better (but probably not perfect) TS2068 contention
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November 25th, 2008, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Chilly Willy posted a news update for the N64 Emu for PSP:
Stupidly huge update committed to svn.
- Added lookup table to the fragment cache lookup function. The original code only checked if the address to be looked up was the same as the last one to be looked up. Otherwise it just went through the entire list of fragments looking for the address. I added a 256 entry table using a hash on the address to help speed this up. Now if Howard can profile this for me, we can see if it was a waste or not.
- Cleaned up the prefs a little since the ROM prefs in particular had the descriptions overlapping the element list. I also changed the audio setting so that you can select synchronous or asynchronous processing of the audio. Synchronous is the old method where everything is done by the main CPU. There may be times when that is better, so now you can select it. So the three audio selections are Disabled, Asynchronous, and Synchronous.
- Big update to the asynchronous audio. Howard and I had been doing a semi-polled method of waiting for the MediaEngine before terminating the RSP task. I made the CPU AddEvent thread-safe so that instead we can just do a single AddEvent when the ME is done. This seems to be better. There are still some roms that don't work (well or at all) with asynchronous audio, hence the ability above to switch to sync audio.
One note: Switching ROMs is apparently not quite clean yet. I've noticed a few ROMs where you have to quit the emulator and start fresh or the ROM won't work (properly or at all depending on the ROM). The two I've noted by name are Wave Race 64 and Zelda:OOT.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Hey everyone, we wanted to provide an update on the new Peripherals we are launching this holiday. First, the Wireless Keypad for the PS3 will be available in stores starting the first week of December. Fans excited about PlayStation Home should definitely consider picking one of these up. The Wireless Keypad enables lightning quick chatting with other PlayStation Home community members. Plus, the unique touch pad mode allows for intuitive Internet browsing on the PS3 browser, and the short cut buttons will come in handy whenever you want to send a message or access your friend’s list from in-game.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
People come up to me and they say, "Ken, ol' buddy, aren't you doin' anything since you gave Kaz your old gig?" and I tell them, "Friend, I don't know how I still have enough hours in the day!" So, what's been keepin' me busier than a classroom of dung beetles on a field trip to the doody factory? Well, just findin' the best video game savings and passin' 'em on to you, the consumer.
Why just today, I checked the PSN Store and it's is just crammed with games that simply must go to make room for our 2009 stock. People think that digital games don't take up space and I think those people are idiots who don't have the sense that god gave an avocado. But God bless 'em, I'd still sell 'em a copy of Echochrome or PixelJunk Eden for $4.99! I hear you sayin', "But Ken, what if I don't want those games? What if I want something different?" Well, friend, I may think you're dumber than a bag of hammers, but I'll still sell you something else from my stock at half price, there's plenty to go around! Have you heard about these before? Sure! But never let it be said that Ken Kutaragi would miss an opportunity to move a couple extra units.
You can see my whole stock, just just come out to Krazy Ken's Digital Distribution and Tanning Salon, just 4 miles past Purcellville off the I-64 Turnpike. Or, you know, just click on this link. Either way, just remember what we always say: "If It Don't Say Ken, You Probably Overpaid For The Product You Purchased!"
... Yeah, we're still workin' on that.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
That's Atindriya Bose, country manager of PlayStation India. He's here to tell us all about India, a growth region Sony has been supporting full force.
While Bose calls PS2 and PSP sales "healthy," the exec notes that the PS3 still has yet to take off. "While most people buy genuine PS2s and PSPs," says Bose, "they tend to buy PS3s from the grey market due to the heavy price." What's more, Bose says the recently-launched-in-India DS hasn't much affected the PSP sales. The country still does not have the online infrastructure for the PSN as it would take some users days to download games.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
That's Atindriya Bose, country manager of PlayStation India. He's here to tell us all about India, a growth region Sony has been supporting full force.
While Bose calls PS2 and PSP sales "healthy," the exec notes that the PS3 still has yet to take off. "While most people buy genuine PS2s and PSPs," says Bose, "they tend to buy PS3s from the grey market due to the heavy price." What's more, Bose says the recently-launched-in-India DS hasn't much affected the PSP sales. The country still does not have the online infrastructure for the PSN as it would take some users days to download games.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
So Tenchu 4 isn’t a Wii exclusive. Just like a member of the Tenchu 4 staff told us and I almost wrote off as a miscommunication, Tenchu 4 is getting ported to the PSP. From Software will publish it in Japan on February 12. Ubisoft hasn’t said anything about the PSP version since we don’t have Tenchu 4: Art of the Ninja here, but you can bet its coming. If Ubisoft doesn’t take care of it some other publisher will.
I wonder how Acquire will adapt the controls for the PSP port. When I played Tenchu 4 it utilized motion control for finishing blows and dodge rolls. Some of these motoins can easily be replaced with button presses, but Tenchu 4 will lose its visceral feel. The screenshots from a Famitsu scan suggest the X and O buttons are going to be flexible action buttons.
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November 26th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony finally released a trailer for the PSP version of Everyday Shooter and if you played the PS3 version it shouldn’t surprise you. It looks like Sony Santa Monica made a direct port of the existing game on the PlayStation Network for PSP. The only difference is you won’t have two analog sticks which means the face buttons will probably act as the substitute like Me & My Katamari.
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November 26th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here's the official word on Konami on what's been fixed:
MGO Ver.1.20 Update information
Updates include:
All alterations
1) New skills
2) Change of skill specification
3) New rules:
- Interval
- Stealth Deathmatch
4) New BGMs
5) Change of weapon specification
6) New explanation of weapon
7) New functions "Skill Set" and "Gear Set"
8) Briefing Screen appears changed
9) The Game Screen appears changed
10) New Gears
1) The icon was added to the lobby name in "Lobby Select" menu.
2) The time which can enter the survival lobby was restricted.
3) Automatching lobby was divided.
4) Survival lobby was divided.
5) The headshots invalid lobby was added.
1) The figure of the displayed ranking was increased.
2) The quantity of the ranking which moves by the left button or the right button was changed.
3) When viewing personal details, the page of a corresponding rule will be opened by the default.
4) The GRADE display of the player details was unified with "Community Support Page".
1) The total number of the Teams currently in battle is added to "Survival match List".
2) "Clan Members Only" is added to the stance of "Creat Team".
3) "Clan Members Only" is added to the condition of the filtering stance.
4) The icon of "Spanner" is displayed next to the character name who exists in "Personal" menu etc.
1) "Radar orientation" added in "Gameplay Options".
2) "Appearance Settings" was changed.
3) The icon of EXPANSION which shows the owned pack was added to "Personal Stats".
4) The icon of "Beginner" added to the "Personal Stats" of biginners.
5) The E-mail Address was changed from "GM" to "CS"(Customer Support).
6) The new functions "Delete all read messages", "Delete all messages from a particular sender" and "Delete all messages" added to inbox of Mail.
7) Decision method of the "Beginner" was changed.
8) "EXPANSION PACK" is added to the condition of the filtering stance of "Free Battle".
9) The display was added to appear when Riward Points was earned at the time of login and the Automatching play.
10) The display of the current Riward was changed on the Personal menu.
11) Warning is displayed when playing for a long time.
12) The score came to be added through assistance action.
13) Change in the specification of the level up.
14) If you Quit the game before finish, the record will be added to your profile.
15) The icon of "Friendly Fire" and "Voice Chat" and "Lock on" were added to "COMMON SETTINGS" of Free Battle and Survival.
16) The camera was added to the equipment of Mk.II.
17) The function which turns OFF a text chat was added to the "MUTE" menu of "BRIEFING"
18) When one of the team disappeared from the Free Battle, the game becomes invalid match.
1) New Maps:
- Forest Firefight (F.F.)
- Silo Sunset(S.S.)
- Winter Warehouse (W.W.)
2) New unique characters:
3) New game mode "Tournament"
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November 26th, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony will release a new Festive SongPack for SingStar PS3 this Thursday, packing five merry melodies for you and family to have a jolly sing-off to.
Giving you a break from the usual selection of Girls Aloud and Steps, the pack will introduce five tracks to the huge list on the SingStore, including Celine Dion. Because we know you love a bit of Celine Dion. No Mariah Carey though, which is a massive shame.
Here's the full tracklist:
- Celine Dion - Christmas Eve
- Toni Braxton - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- Babyface - Sleigh Ride
- Paul McCartney - Wonderful Christmastime
- Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone
To get the tracks just dive into the SingStore from the Online option in the SingStar main menu.
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November 26th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's PS3 firmware update site claims that full-screen Flash playback for the internet browser is "coming soon".
The page reportedly said yesterday that a firmware update, 2.53, "was [sic] released on November 26, 2008", but that bit has now disappeared and the "full-screen mode for Flash Player content" is now listed as "coming soon" instead.
Sony's 2.5 firmware update for PS3 quietly introduced windowed Flash 9 content support alongside a raft of other changes.
However, the experience has been mixed for those who use the internet browser to access Flash 9 content (try comparing this Papervision demo running on PC and PS3, for instance), so hopefully full-screen support is coupled to some performance updates as well.
There's no word from Sony yet on whether 2.53 will go live today and when we switched on our PS3s this morning we got nothing. Apart from the serene intro music, obviously. Uuuuuaaaaahhh!
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November 26th, 2008, 21:09 Posted By: Safari Al
via Homebrew Heaven.net
The famous PSP homebrew coder StrmnNrmn, the original creator of Daedalus, the Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP, who was away from the homebrew scene for over a year, is now back to business! So, yes. He will be working on his emulator and bring us yet another awesome release, R14.
But not only that, there's even greater news! According to Kreationz, the leader of the DaedalusX64 project, StrmnNrmn has been in contact with the DaedalusX64 team for the past few days now, and he will be helping them along the way with their project. There are no plans to merge the Daedalus and DaedalusX64 code at this point in time, but both sides will be keeping each other informed of changes.
This sounds like great news! Can't wait to see more improvements to the emulator.
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November 26th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
During its first-half fiscal 2008-09 conference call today, Ubisoft parried a question regarding the Assassin's Creed sequel. While an Ubisoft executive would not confirm the game's release for fiscal 2010 (more specifically, holiday 2009), le exec did concede that "we are working hard on the product" -- the first real confirmation of its assumed development.
It seems that Ubisoft is sticking to claims that an Assassin's Creed sequel won't be released until there is "more anticipation for it." So let 'em know: You can't wait to get Altair's feet wet ... again! (Only this time, literally.)
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November 26th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Things are really picking up steam on the PlayStation Home front. Last week they invited a ton of folks to join the beta, and now they've even got their own section of the PlayStation website.
Mirroring the status of the service itself, right now things are pretty bare at the PlayStation Home website, with a basic description of the service, a video of home in action, and a few screenshots, but one day it will be the social gathering place for the social gathering place, probably.
I got to spend some time hanging around Home this weekend dancing like an idiot, before giving up and logging on to Second Life, where I hung around dancing like an idiot some more. The future belongs to virtual dancing idiots.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pata pata patapon! Let the carnival start!
Beat the drum and lead the procession forward according to the rhythm. In this second installment, a maximum of four players can join in a game.
Add a level of personality to your player character. You can design your Hero Patapon according to your tastes and join in new missions to win rare items. Inheriting the innovative system and adding more fun, this rhythm game is suitable for all ages and all occasions.
The highlight of this installment is its network game modes, play music with intricate rhythms and lead your team forward to battle. You can win rare items in this mode, get to know the patapons and the drum beaters amongst you.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The duels have started, with the tag duel system introduced, you will become the last partner for Yuki Judai. The friendlier you are with your partner, the stronger you get. Show your opponents the full force of friendship.
First time in the games, Yubel, Yuki's ex-favorite duel card made her appearance. Highly powerful but jealously possessive, beware when you decide to use her in battle. The darkness possessed Yuki, Haou Judai and the personification of darkness Mr. T are also part of the battle roster.
With a total of 3500 duel cards, you can entrap your opponents in a spectrum of moves and sure kill attacks. With scenes flowing as smooth as in the anime and characters fully voiced by the original cast of voice actors, you will feel as if you have fallen into the world of the series.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The nightmare restarts!
The demon lord Orochi has been defeated a month ago by the sengoku and sangoku heroes he has abducted. The residents thought that an era of peace has finally come.
However, another wave of evil is brewing in the darkness. In this dystopic world, Orochi's underlings are competing against each other to become the strongest in order to succeed Orochi, and it is up to the Sengoku and Sangoku warriors to restore some order.
Besides warriors, gods from Japanese and Chinese mythical worlds such as Son Goku and Himiko are joining in the brawl.
In addition to the existing hack and slash fun in the PlayStation2 and Xbox360 versions, the PSP edition includes an adhoc network mode so you can pair up with anyone within the immediate vicinity and mow down the regiments of opposition forces together.
Regiments of armies, warriors and gods in your pocket, Musou Orochi: Maou Sairin is available as a Japanese version for your Sony PSP™ for US$ 52.90 only.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Ranking top, second and third places in a Yahoo RPG forum, Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki trilogy is a series that brought most satisfaction to its gamers.
Combined with an engaging plot line, endearing characters, fun battle and mini-game systems, this long running series leaves a deep impression in its players minds and won a place in their hearts.
Start off your adventures with Estelle and Joshua Bright, a pair of novice Bracers. Rescue a country and stamp out the ambitions of a secret society in the first and second installments. Carry on with your discoveries of the ancient secrets with Kevin and Ries.
You get a Mini Material Collection with illustrations and other goodies from the game and in addition to the existing Material Collection which has been on sale, this mini version comes with the new pictures and wallpapers from the newest 3rd chapter as well.
Set your sights to the skies. Sora no Kiseki Trilogy Box Set is available as Japanese versions for your Sony PSP™ for US$ 95.00 only.
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November 27th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The battle stage is set in Kyouto, the destination of the delinquent's school field trip. Banchou representatives from all over the country are gathered in this historical city to prepare for the fight of the year.
Kenka Banchou displays the fact that the communication between men don't happen in words, they converse in punches and kicks.
Choose which state's delinquents to represent, dominate all the others in the fight and declare yourself the conquerer of the whole country in this action title and rediscover the meaning of being a tough guy.
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November 27th, 2008, 12:54 Posted By: Art
Powernoid V2
Hi Guys,
This is version two of Powernoid, the Breakout clone with powerups inspired by Megaball for the Amiga!
I think the update log from the readme says it all, so I've quoted it here.
Bullets Screenshot

Multiball Screenshot

Updatelog is big 
Cheers, Art.
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November 27th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Well, this is certainly interesting. While Imagination Technologies itself isn't going any further than to say that it has signed a licensing deal with a "major international consumer electronics company," EETimes.com is reporting that the company in question is, in fact, Sony, and that the deal concerns Imagination's PowerVR architecture being used in the successor to the PSP. More specifically, according to EETimes' unnamed sources, the PSP 2 will be using Imagination's SGX55x core, which itself, of course, still hasn't been officially announced either. As EETimes notes, if that turns out to be the case, it would certainly be quite the coup for Imagination, especially considering that its PowerVR MBX technology has already found its way into the iPhone, among other devices.
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November 27th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one classic concept that video games have taught us, it's that things from outer space are coming to kill you. In the case of Super Stardust Portable, said things are mainly calamitous asteroids, intent on colliding with your puny spaceship and the planet below. The downloadable PSP title, a handheld rendition of the popular rock-blasting shooter on PlayStation 3, will become available on the PlayStation Store next Thursday, December 4th, for $9.99.
Those used to the chaotic action of Super Stardust have a new "Impact" mode (bombs and boosts only!) to look forward to in this version, as well as a new final boss. Not that we thought you'd be bored without them -- the PSP version promises to hurl over 1,000 objects at the field at any given time. As programming lead Kimmo Lahtinen points out, "That's a lot of things to shoot."
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November 27th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Love it or able to live a full and happy life without it, Home's one hell of a high profile release for Sony. So, uh, when's it coming out?
If you're after a neat, tidy "release" date, you won't find one. In fact, going by comments from Home's director, Jack Buser, it looks like the service/program/thing won't ever have a "release date". Asked for one by IGN, Buser responds:
Like we've said, we're excited about moving PlayStation Home into its Open Beta stage this year. Once we make the move to Open Beta, everyone will have access to PlayStation Home.
To us, that sounds like making Home has been hard. So hard that they've come up with this "open beta" release idea. It's the best of a bad situation for a service that's obviously had its fair share of development issues: an "open beta" lets anyone and everyone in, while at the same time, being an "open beta" lets them keep working on it and not have to worry about delaying the actual "release" any further.
That is, if they even bother with a "release" any further; they might just quietly maintain the beta til nobody notices/cares anymore, like everything else online seems to do these days.
Either way, whether that assumption's right or wrong, there's no doubting what he said: five weeks out from 2009, that's the director of Home saying that we'll all have our hands on it by the end of 2008.
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November 27th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Need more space when playing rock band? Then Rock Band Extense does the job
Remember those old telephones that had the springy springy cable that would stretch out when you used it? Yeah, we didn't like them either. And we don't like it on the bass drum pedal of the Rock Band drum kit either. Using the Extense cable, you can have easier placement of the bass drum pedal on the stand, or move it off the stand, if you wish. Also included are 2 USB extension cords that can be used for the wired controllers, which allow you to have even more room to play.
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November 27th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

HDMI is a high quality signal that requires a high quality cable. This is what Dragon provides with the V1.3 HDMI cable for Xbox 360 or PS3. Plastic protect cover, 24K golden electroplate, if you want to use your Xbox 360/PS3 on a HD screen, then this is the cable you need.
Specifications :
- High speed from 165mhz to 340Mhz
- High definition and durable cable
- Supports lip sync and new mini connector
- High quality 24K golden electroplate plugs
- Supports LCD, Plasma, HDTV and HDIITV Systems
- Supports 30-Bit, 36-Bit and 48-Bit color depths
- Supports 1080i/1080p RGB or YCbCr and xvYCC color signals
- Comes with transparent plastic cable plug protect cover
- Supports Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1, also supports true HD and DTS-HD sound systems
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November 27th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Tired of Switching? Here is the solution. Talismoon HDMI Auto Switch lets you connect 3 HDMI devices to your screen and switches automatically to the device YOU want! For example, if no device is turned on and you power one on, it will automatically switch to it. Turn a second one on, and it will jump to that new device. Turn it off, it will go back to first one etc. No need to waste time finding the remote and switching back and forth all the time, the HDMI Auto Switch does the job for you
A small (easy to hide) and smart HDMI 1.3 switch that make old HDMI switches pointless! Excellent performance characteristics allows source devices to be used with HDMIT cables up to 15 meters away using AWG 28 HDMI cables at resolutions up to 1080P FULL HD!
This product is confirmed and tested to pass 1080p FULLHD and the new Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio lossless audio formats found on Blu-ray.
Specifications :
- Compact in size (only 5cm x 5cm).
- 3 HDMIT/DVI-D (hdcp) inputs.
- 1 HDMIT/DVI-D (hdcp) output.
- HDCP compliant.
- No IR Remote needed.
- No Power Supply needed in most cases.
- Auto selects any active input signal from the three inputs to the single HDMIT output.
- Manual selection button (for manually selecting an input if needed).
- Signaling rates up to 10.2Gbits in support of 1080P Full HD displays.
- Powerful receiver equalization to compensate for 15m HDMI cable losses.
- Pre-emphasis to compensate for PCB losses.
- Each HDMIT port supports HDMI or DVI inputs.
- Dust covers provided for unused inputs.
- Smart Function (Auto Selection)
- HDMIT signal to the display. As result of this functionality, user could use simple method of power off/on sources to choose the desired HDMIT signal. If several sources are powered on, the last powered source will be chosen. This allows the switch to still be used with sources that are always on such as cable TV and satellite receivers.
What is in the box:
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November 27th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
THQ has announced it has cancelled the PlayStation 3 version of the upcoming title, Destroy All Humans! Path of Furon, over "development issues", but said the title would make its release date on December 1 for the Xbox 360.
The company's confirmation, that the title would now be an Xbox360 exclusive, was given to Shacknews after earlier reporting that the trailer for Sandblast's game no longer made reference to the PS3 version and a number of online retailers had removed the title's listing from their catalogues.
This is the second PlayStation title cancellation for the series this year, with the PlayStation 2 version of Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed scrapped in January.
Sandblast saw an unspecified number of staff axed from the development studio earlier this year, alongside 30 jobs cuts at THQ's Rainbow Studios.
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November 27th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

- Display video from the Wii and PS3 console that can be displayed on a PC monitor or HD TV
- The resolution of the pictures is 480P (640*480) when connecting with the Wii game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console.
- The resolution of the output pictures is 480P/720P/1080I/1080P when used with the PS3 game console.
- The product will only work properly once the settings are set up properly with the Wii or PS3 game console.
- The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75HZ
- Audio output signal port is compatible with speakers and a headphone.
- Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console.
Specifications :
- Separate signal input ports for Wii and PS3
- One RGBHV signal output, 15 pin, can be connected to PC monitor or HDTV
- Red and white stereo signal output with RCA ports
- Green RCA port is a colourless video output port, which is used to adjust the output format of game consoles.
- No need for an extra power supply
- 160 cm long VGA cable
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November 27th, 2008, 20:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has told us that SOCOM: Confrontation will not be out this Friday in Europe, as some retailers are still suggesting.
Instead, a spokesperson told us the online tactical PS3 shooter will arrive in "early 2009". No reason was given for the delay.
SOCOM: Confrontation has been out in America - where little mice go to make their fortunes - for a while.
So you can always buy from the US PlayStation Store by faking your address and purchasing pre-paid PSN cards from eBay. Or so we've heard.
However, the UK retail version will come bundled with a Bluetooth headset, which is quite important for this sort of squad-based stuff, apparently.
Plus, there are also suggestions that the US version may be clogged with a few bugs; something that might be fixed in the transition to Europe.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Store are offering discounted goodies in celebration of Thanksgiving.
But, as only the US celebrate Thanksgiving, only the US get the treats.
From tomorrow, Xbox Live will see Rez HD drop from 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60) down to 500 MSP (GBP 4.25 / EUR 6.00) - a steal, considering the critical acclaim.
The full Death Magnetic album by Metallica for Guitar Hero III also sheds a load, dropping to 1000 MSP (GBP 8.50 / EUR 12.00). And there's plenty more on Major Nelson's blog.
Meanwhile, over on the PlayStation Store (which we can at least access), The Last Guy, PixelJunk Eden, echochrome, Novastrike and Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 are all temporarily USD 4.99 (just over GBP 3). Offer ends on 4th December.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS, PSP and GBA, heres whats new:

Two new exciting changes in this release. First we have a new spell: Animate Forest, for those who were wondering what the point of the Grow Forest spell was. Second we have the run mode which lets you auto-follow corridors, hopefully cutting your keystrokes substantially.
Daemon now has the a in the summon daemon spell description. (FEG)
If a daemon decides not to be summoned, an a is put in the daemon's name.
PSP character dumps should now say PSP Version rather than Linux version. (Dave Hong)
If you were in the habit of quitting without saving, the random number seed would keep being the same between games, resulting in very similar games. For those keeping track, yes, this was caused by my naive attempts to make things *more* random. (Erik Spigel)
If you manually climb a ladder while autoprompt is enabled you no longer are immediately prompted to climb back up the ladder when you get to the other side.
New Run command, 'r' for SDL users, which will cause you to run in that direction until something interesting happens. You will turn corners if there is only one way to do so. You can interrupt by hitting a key / pressing a button, useful if you find yourself running a closed loop. As the name implies, this is not meant to be some super safe way to explore the map. (PBP)
Vi keys now support the Ctrl modifier to turn them into safe walk (David Damerell, Cuboidz)
New spell: Animate Forest (Adam Boyd)
When level teleporting via Wishing, do not start on same square as a monster.
Diminishing returns on piety gains when gods already like you.
List of items in character dump should now match order of list in inventory. (Meddyan, Cuboidz)
Soul Suck spell no longer grants caster spells or skills that are present only due to items such as staves. (Eilu)
Creatures that die underground should no longer have their corpse and items float to the surface. (Meddyan)
Properly assign guilt to party responsibly for filling holes with boulders. (Meddyan)
Properly credit kills for creatures that die from suffocation from a boulder you place. (Meddyan)
The support programs now include cstring.h so should compile with the latest gcc. (Joe B)
Fixed the #define guard in stdafx.h (Malte Helmert)
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November 27th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
PlayStation fanatics mourning the loss of their favorite series to Nintendo platforms can breathe a sigh of relief. Tenchu is staying with the PlayStation brand through a PSP version of Tenchu 4.
Famitsu has a small report on the PSP port of the recent Wii entry in the series. It's unclear if there's anything changed about the PSP version, aside from the visuals which have, obviously, been downgraded to PSP level.
This Wii to PSP port will hit Japan on February 12, 2009.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
If you've been blasting your way to high scores with the PSN hit game Super Stardust, then you probably wish that you could take it with you wherever you go. Fortunately, that will become a possibility rather quickly, as Housemarque will be releasing Super Stardust Portable on Thursday, December 4 for $9.99. On the PlayStation.Blog, Kimmo Lahtinen, programming lead of the game, provided additional details on the upcoming title.
Apart from mentioning some of the technical aspects of bringing over the PS3 game to the PSP, Lahtinen mentions that Stardust Portable will take place on a wrapping 2D field that's optimized for the PSP so players feel like they're flying around an actual planet. The game will still run at 60 frames a second with the traditional particle effects from the game. Shooting will be mapped to the face buttons, with tapping a button allowing shots to spray in a direction. Lahtinen also mentioned some of the new modes, such as Impact Mode, where players are prevented from shooting and are only given bombs and boosts. By boosting through objects, your boost energy and multipliers go up at the same time. In fact, multipliers can reach 100x to significantly increase your score. There will also be a new final boss that is supposed to be a significant challenge for players, as well as an increased difficulty curve on levels and online high scores.
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November 27th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation Home director Jack Buser has reassured gamers that the PS3 virtual world will be open to everybody this year.
"Like we've said, we're excited about moving PlayStation Home into its open beta stage this year. Once we make the move to open beta, everyone will have access to PlayStation Home," Jack Buser told IGN.
Hundreds of thousands of people were invited inside the closed PlayStation Home beta last week, and an even larger number are expecting invites today.
So far only "loyal" members of the PS3 community are being offered places, but Jack Buser said the closed phase is, well, closing.
"PlayStation Home is nearing the final stages of our closed beta. Last week we successfully moved to our 1.0 client, which places us on schedule for the launch of open beta this year," he said.
The ambitious and free virtual world was unveiled alongside LittleBigPlanet at GDC back in March 2007.
Since then, the online service has been delayed on numerous occasions, as Sony puts its features to the test.
So far, the results are promising, as our hands-on impressions of PlayStation Home pointed out.
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November 27th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has declined to comment on "rumour and speculation" that a processor has already been licensed for a successor to the PSP.
The platform holder was speaking after Imagination Technologies Group announced a partnership with a "major international consumer electronics company" earlier this week.
No names were given, but EE Times was told by unnamed sources that the "high-volume consumer device" mentioned in the press release was the "PSP2".
Imagination Technologies Group recently concluded a hefty licence agreement with another international electronics giant, apparently.
Again, there's no name, but EE Times followed a breadcrumb trail back to Apple, which uses Imagination's graphics technology in the iPhone.
Sony launched the second redesign of the PlayStation Portable in October, dubbed the PSP-3000. Its most notable features are a brighter screen and a built-in microphone, and we like to think the buttons stick out a bit more.
Prior to this, there arrived the more dramatic PSP Slim & Lite, which was just as its name suggests.
With Sony having boasted about a 10-year plan for the PSP, we'd be surprised if it was moving to replace the handheld so soon, but we've seen stranger things.
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November 27th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) is delivering a star-studded holiday line-up of downloadable, high-definition blockbusters ready to be viewed and enjoyed through the PlayStation Network. The Dark Knight, Hancock and Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are a few of the highly-anticipated titles joining the more than 1,000 movies and 2,500 top television shows available from PlayStation Network's video delivery service this holiday.
"The consumer demand we've seen for our PlayStation Network video delivery service is phenomenal, and we expect continued momentum this holiday season with a line-up of blockbuster movies that offer something for everyone," said Susan Panico, Senior Director of PlayStation Network. "Complementing this demand for high-definition downloadable content, the new 160GB PS3 bundle enables customers to download and store even more movies, TV shows, games, music and photos, making the PS3 the ultimate entertainment center and holiday gift."
A few of the top titles and expected PlayStation Network video delivery service release dates for rental and/or purchase this holiday season include:
The Dark Knight (12/9)
Fred Claus (11/25)
Hancock – rated and unrated(11/25)
Horton Hears a Who (12/9)
Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (11/26)
Step Brothers – unrated(12/2)
X-Files: I Want To Believe (12/2)
For those looking to gift digital movies this holiday season, the PlayStation Network Card is available at top retailers like Blockbuster, Pamida, Meijer Superstores, Walmart, Best Buy, Target, select Sam's Club outlets and Barnes & Noble College Bookstores to name a few, in $20 or $50 increments.
For more information on PlayStation Network, the video delivery service or PlayStation Network Cards visit www.us.playstation.com/psn.
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November 27th, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
It's claimed that David Reeves discussed the current economic climate and the Playstation business in that context. He then stated that "SCEE will be getting more competitive in price from March 2009 onwards."
D+Pad, as well as almost every other gaming site on the Web, has put two and two together and assumed this must mean a PS3 price cut is on the way in time for Easter 2009. This would coincide with the expected release of Killzone 2, probably the most important release on the console since LittleBigPlanet.
Sony Computer Entertainment America representative outright denied the March price cut, telling Edge:
"There are no plans for a price reduction on PS3 in March 09, and anything reported on or discussed otherwise is purely rumor or speculation."
Maybe it is rumor and speculation but there is no smoke without fire. And a price cut early next year is hardly in the realms of make-believe now is it. The PS3 is too expensive for mainstream consumers, especially in the current economic climate, and Sony needs to cut the price soon in order to compete with the Wii and Xbox 360, both of which are considerably cheaper than the Playstation 3.
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November 27th, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Greenpeace International has told Edge that Sony is a significantly greener videogame company than both Microsoft and Nintendo. And while Microsoft is improving its standards, Nintendo is performing woefully.
"Sony is clearly leading the way for the console holders," says Kruszewska. The company's Greenpeace profile shows it is doing particularly well in regards to its chemicals management and take-back initiatives. "Sony were the first company in the US to roll out a take-back recycling program for all their products in the US, and while this is certainly better than the efforts of Nintendo and Microsoft, the company should look to branch out its take-back policies on a global basis."
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November 27th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from peb
Following the suggestion / request of Art (for the management of languages), I updated my library PSPOSK, the following changes:
(v1.5) Change from v1.4:
- Added an option that lets you choose the language of the keyboard (or automatically selected by the developer)
- Added a verification of the existence of the image when using the function SonyOskPng to avoid crashes if you forget it.
- Updating the library to 5.xx kernel (the keyboard could hang on 5.xx)
- Updated samples, and adding the sample SonyOsk_langue_Sample
View that it does take a little time to update I am allowed (after finishing the library screen of course)
Find it on my site with samples that accompany it: http://pebdev.com
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November 27th, 2008, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Human-Behind
Developed by ZX81, as amended by Human-Behind
- Added libcurl folder (compiled)
- Adding download.c and download.h
- Adding gip.c and gip.h
- Changing psp_login.c
- Gip_enc (software to run on the Linux server * only *)
- Press triangle to automatically obtain IP remote server.
How its works:
It must be put in context, we have a server but we do not know his ip (because the box was reboot, for example, or for any other reason) or to connect via ssh we need ip server .
To resolve this problem is simple, requires that the server upload a text file that contains the IP on a ftp server, and then with the client (the PSP) will download this file and we will read it.
First the server side, we will use my small software gip_enc. We must therefore launch gip_enc to launch the server, then gip_enc'll see if the server is connected to the Internet and if so it will upload a txt file (containing ip) on the ftp * préalblement chosen, if any When the server is not connected to the Internet, the software looks and when the server is connected it will send the file (containing ip).
From the client side is even simpler, first must complete the file url.txt by the url where the file ip.txt (eg if the file is located at: http:// / tata.ifrance.com / ip.txt, you just put http://tata.ifrance.com/, then it must connect to the Internet, once that is done just press triangle to get ip.
/ *! * \ If you want to test should not be that the customer is connected to the same access that the Internet server. / *! * \
Of course you can change what you want in the sources of gip_enc.
* The software does not know what ftp upload the text file, there are therefore know by editing the file login.txt. So open the login.txt, on the first line mark the username that allows access to ftp, on the second line put the password, then click the third line of the host. (example: If my username is "foo", that my password is "bar" and that my host is tata.ifrance.com (Do not save for /) then I will file this form login.txt :
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November 27th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from raing3
Following the leaving of marce82 creator of Ultra Pandora Installer I have decided to add more of the functions from his application and change the name of my application to PSP Tool to better reflect these changes.
PSP Tool is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a PlayStation Portable console. This includes:
- Connect various devices through a USB cable
- Inject a variety of included IPLs or an IPL from a file to the Memory Stick
- Erase the entire IPL space of the Memory Stick
- Check the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or a file located on the Memory Stick
- Create a checksum of the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or an IPL located on the Memory Stick
- Extract the IPL injected on the Memory Stick to a file
- Check, Backup, Restore and change the battery EEPROM
- Backup and Restore the IdStorage of the PSP
In this release I made the following changes:
- Added options to check, change, backup and restore the EEPROM of the battery
- Added IdStorage backup and restore options (excludes IdStorage index file)
- Added system information panel
- Fixed a bug which caused the IPL to incorrectly be identified in certain cases
- Fixed issue injecting an IPL from a file if the IPL was changed through the USB connection prior to injecting the IPL
- Fixed issue detecting some IPLs which were smaller than 4KB
I still have a number of functions to implement from marce82's application but most of those should be implemented in the next release. I was also too lazy to take new screenshots so the screenshots below are from the previous release.
Also I am looking for the Tachyon and Baryon values of some motherboards still so if anyone knows what these are could you please post them. The following motherboards cannot currently be identified:
- TA-088v2 Tachyon: 0x00000000 Baryon: 0x00000000
- TA-088v3 Tachyon: 0x00000000 Baryon: 0x00000000 [can't be easily found]
- TA-090 Tachyon: 0x00500000 Baryon: 0x00000000
- TA-090v2 Tachyon: 0x00000000 Baryon: 0x00263100 [can't be easily found]
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November 27th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jfig111
This is the big one. Finally, after 10 months of developing, I present to you 4 episodes of Moovlin RPG - all in one pack.
This is the biggest PSP Flash Game ever created. With 1 hour of Story mode so far, and endless retrying on Minigames, you will have a ton of fun. This is the biggest non-licensed game that works on OFW.
Created by jfig111 from Flash-Packed.
Thanks to my awesome fans and supporters:
Hunter Onhika
Psych Out
Jeff Hurneim
...and many more. Sorry, I'm listing the names from the top of my head. :P
1) Download the file at the bottom
2) Hook up your PSP to your Computer
3) Open up the .zip, go inside the "Moovlin RPG, 1,2,4,5" folder, and drag out the "moovlinrpg1" folder into PSP/COMMON/
4) Go to the Internet Browser on PSP, and type in the address box:
5) (OPTIONAL) If you have DA's EBOOT browser with the Slim PSP, use that to load it.
6) Click the episode you want to play. I suggest if you want to play episode 2, you play the first episode for all the controls. Same goes with 5, play 1, 2, and 4 before going to 5.
Q: I run out of memory when loading an episode, what do I do?
A: Go back and close the tab with the episode selection menu, then refresh the tab that has the episode in it. If you want to go back to the menu, go into your history, or type into the address box the menu link.
Q: I've forgotten some of the passwords for Episode 4 and 5, how do I get them back?
A: Email me at jfig111@gmail.com, or just retry. I'll give you some passwords, but I need specific info on where you left off.
Q: Why is there no episode 3?
A: Moovlin and the Castle of Destiny was never completed, I will get back to it. Think of it as "the lost episode" from some TV Shows, except for Moovlin.
Q: It won't load anything when I type in the link in the address bar.
A: Go over the instructions, or E-mail me.
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November 27th, 2008, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted this news tonight about his Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP:
No, I didn't choke on a mince pie
I'm sorry for the lack of updates, both to the blog and to Daedalus. I've been working on Daedalus for about 10 years now, and those that have followed the project from the beginning will know that I have fairly regular periods of 'radio silence' followed by bursts of activity. I have lot of inertia, so once my interest shifts elsewhere it can take a long time to get me back on track. That's just the way I am.
This time around it's because I've been really busy with work. I don't want to go into specifics, but for the past couple of years I've been working on a high profile game, and since January most of my energy has gone into helping to get it finished.
I am unbelievably out of touch with the PSP scene. Recently, Kreationz got in touch to tell me about the progress that has been made with DaedalusX64. I was really pleased to hear that the project was being actively updated, particularly because I have a lot of respect for the people involved. The whole reason for making Daedalus open source was to give people the opportunity to learn from the source code and update it as needed, so it's great for this to be happening.
I can't guarantee that I'll have the time to actively help with DaedalusX64, or even that I'll be able to regularly update this blog. I thought it would be a good idea to give my public backing to DaedalusX64 so that the team can get on with rolling out updates. I probably won't be making a PSP release of Daedalus any time soon.
For what it's worth, I'm currently working on a new port of Daedalus. I'm going to keep the target platform secret for now, but I think it's very exciting. At the very least it means that I'm working on Daedalus again - I'm hoping to keep merging changes from DaedalusX64 back into the Daedalus source, and hopefully provide DaedalusX64 with one or two fixes of my own.
That's all for now. Apologies in advance if the next blog post is in December 2009 
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November 27th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Playboy21
Ever felt like tricking your friend? Ever felt like scaring the daylight out of him? Well, wait no more as TrickBrick v4 is out. This time around, it acts as though it's installing 5.00m33 instead. A new feature that allows users to add their own text to the program by editing the
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November 27th, 2008, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nick Swardh
Ta daa!!
Here you go guys - PSPVC v3.21, a release with a bunch of fixed bugs
...and here are the changes.
Fixed a typo in resolutions.xml
Fixed an auto-resolution bug
Fixed an "Audio-Track" bug
Fixed a "Tweaks" bug
Fixed a few more *.ass/*.ssa subtitle bugs
New "Partion Decision" option available in "Advanced" tab
Download here --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/pspvc.php
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November 27th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
FBA4PSP is an emulator for PGM, Cave, CPS, Seta, Sega, Konami, etc on PSP. It emulates MC68000/Z80 based arcade games. OopsWare ported FinalBurn Alpha to PSP. Thanks to his good work.
Wifi game connection is added. 1.打开无线网卡开关,Wifi Game在所有主机上选择P2p模式,不同主机最好选择不同的Controller。 1. Switch on wifi, All PSPs choose p2p in Wifi Game menu. You should also change your controller as well. P2P mode could work and all psps have display. 2.每个机选择同一个游戏进入。如果是p2p模式半路进入的可以选择选择Sync Game(在Reset Game上按左右键)一次或几次以同步游戏。 Every PSP choose the same game. If you are using p2p mode, please use sync game menu once or several times on the 2nd PSP. You can press left/right to select sync game menu on reset game menu.
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November 27th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from fablebosss1
Hi all!
I'm now with my homebrew G-stion'R passes to version 5 (BETA)
This time, I decided to surprise you.
So I add lot of news in G-stion'R V5 BETA
From my 14 years I still managed to concoct something very nice ...
New-ICON0 and new P1C1.
-New graphics, moving with mouse in the menus.
You can now launch a music and will continue through menus, sub menus without cutting, for without cutting back in "Your music", press [] to stop and O to break. In some cases, R stop, or R break.
V5-This takes up less space on your psp that the V4. V5: 5, 08 MB; V4: 5, 14 MB.
Implementation of my homebrew Calculator and PSN Messenger.
-Adding a startup sound.
-Adding a load to the launch of G-stion'R V5.
At boot-on tells you how many times you G-smith stion'R V5 j'usqua now.
-At startup, recording the MAC address of your psp. (this is if you go to: ms0: / PSP / GAME / G-stion 'R V5 and you copy the file on another psp when you've already run on your PSP, the parameters (about the number times you start the game) is a zero remetrons automatically on the other psp).
-In "dump the umd", "usb memory card", "usb flash0", "usb flash1", "usb umd", the CPU is set to 333.
-Adding a "option" to: set a password; smith homebrew at the startup of the PSP, a 1 hand how many times you run G-stion'R V5; reboot the homebrew; deliver all the parameters of G-stion'R V5 a zero.
The first-letter: time, date, battery have been transformed in: Time, Date, Battery.
-Now we see few years. before, we do not see as the release date of the screen.
Add-8 icons in the menu: See your photos, file manager, your texts, instant messaging, Calculator, flash0 Manager, Manager flash1, run your homebrew
, Sending files
-Launching a ISO / CSO has turned into: Launching a ISO / CSO / PSX. The icon start a game PSX was deleted.
Exit-In the game, adding "Watch".
In-connect the USB umd before, when ny was no umd, there was an error sony loop. Now, before you get the picture usb and there is written "no umd". Same for "Run umd."
In the dump-umd when there is no umd of before, it was written just under an hour. now is written down and therefore more readable.
In some sub-menu before, some were written in black. they are now written in red.
-In the credits, posting orders.
In-Your music, more music formats are legible. mp3, Aa3, ogg, wma, wav.
In-Your music, adding information about the song you're listening.
"In view your photos (icon added), you can watch your photo in. Jpg, png, bmp.
In-Your texts (icon added), you can open your files .txt / .lua and write it.
In-View news on your psp, you can now see the speed of your train.
In-View news on your psp, if you change the name of your psp, there will be written: you change the name of your psp since the last time. There will be writing your old nickname
In-View news on your psp, if you change the custom firmware (upgrade, downgrade), there will be written: you upgrade / downgrade (depending on what you've done) since the last time. There will be writing your old firmware.
In-Change the speed of your CPU, you can now choose a precise speed that you enter yourself.
In-Change the speed of your CPU, you can refresh your ram pressing L.
G-In-stion'R V5, if your battery is more than 15%, so if you enter a speed of the cpu right now, it will be charged. Otherwise, the CPU will automatically to 222
-In File Manager (icon added), you can:
Create a folder
Delete a folder / file
Rename a file / folder
Unzip a file. Zip compresses
Copy files to another endroi on its memory stick or in the flash0/flash1
Create a text file
Explore your ms.
-In Manager flashes before returning, there is a message of prevention warn you that there are risks.
You can get to the menu or return to the manager of flash. Managers in flash, you can: (it works but is not yet possible to carry out operations of its kind new folder ...)
Copying files
Explore your flash0/flash1.
In-Sending file, you can: (This function does not yet and not work on it one day)
Send files to another possessor psp stion'R G-V5.
-In Instant Messaging (icon added), you can talk ad hoc someone with G-stion'R V5 or PSN Messenger.
-There is almost no problem ram
Run-In your homebrew, you can run your homebrew
-Some improvements code.
Here I hope this version you like me because I'm satisfied.
When I get the final V5, it will send the file by ad-hoc (not) and flashes managers will be more stable.
How can this homebrew?
Download G-V5-stion'R BETA: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SKQ93SMS
Open-download the file and select Extract to ...
-Connect your PSP to USB
-Select the letter Assossa your PSP in the workplace
Wait-extracting files complete
Quit-usb mode of your PSP
-Go to "game" and "memory stick" and run stion'R G-V5
How to use this homebrew?
Cross-Select =
Move-pad =
-Back to Start menu =
-Stop music in the menus: [] = stop, O = break. (may vary)
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November 27th, 2008, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mickael2054
Hello all,
has almost finished code version 1.5 of PSPNotes, I would like to know what you would like to see as a new (s) function (s) (beyond those already in the list below if course!)
As stated in the title, this is pretty interesting news ...
-Integrating Danzeff keyboard (much more practical and manageable than the original!)
1st-release of "Notes for PSPNotes creator", a PC (C) console that can create notes easily and automatically copy them in the proper folder on your PSP.
-Ability to insert a comment for a note.
-Ability to appoint a note.
Tool removal of all notes (in the menu)
-The extension of a note is now. "TPN" (TextPspNotes), so you may notice the 1st glance if a memo PSPNotes or copy a file from the PC (. Txt or. lua eg.)
-To save space information about activities of various buttons in the menu are no longer visible directly; must press L for them.
-Ability to visit since the party funds.
Possibility of going-3 notes before and after with left / right.
-If a file extension other than. "TPN" it is displayed.
-Possibility (not required for those who are afraid ...) to record the language in the flash1 (so no need to redefine the language to each MAJ.)
-Improvement of the code.
That is already present in the new version, now you me what you would like to see appear in this release and to the extent possible I might add ...!
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November 27th, 2008, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bombe-H
H-bomb is back with a new version of its PSPaint. To you the joys of drawing on your PSP.
As its name suggests, PSPaint is a drawing program with which you can create or edit an image. With a graphic interface very neat and easy to use, can be classified PSPaint smoothly in the section of essential ...
New in version 2.5:
New virtual keyboard.
Management settings.
Improving the function circle.
Improving the function rectangle.
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November 28th, 2008, 18:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
THQ has clarified that while the PlayStation 3 version of its upcoming title, Destroy All Humans! Path of Furon, is not going to see a release in the US it will be released in Europe.
Yesterday it was reported that the publisher was canning the PS3 version of the title due to "development issues", however it has now been revealed that the title will only be an Xbox 360 exclusive in the US and have its release on both platforms in Europe on the delayed date of February 13.
"Destroy all Humans: Path of the Furon will be released on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 formats on February 13th 2009 across Europe," a company representative told Eurogamer.
"Due to the game being shipped earlier in North America on 2nd December a decision was made to proceed exclusively with the Xbox 360 format in that market."
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November 29th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home has long lost its lurid appeal, our relationship with it having transgressed from potential infatuation to being stood up at Applebee's, sucking down some purple margarita that we're beginning to suspect might be void of both alcohol and dignity. Regardless, PS Home director Jack Buster assures the world that the service will hit in 2008.
Like we've said, we're excited about moving PlayStation Home into its Open Beta stage this year. Once we make the move to Open Beta, everyone will have access to PlayStation Home.
So we'll have PS Home in 2008, but in potentially not quite cooked Open Beta form, we just may not want it all that much.
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November 29th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new
Action Thriller Starter Pack (Jarhead / The Kingdom) (~Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, ...) US US$ 59.98
Air JPN US$ 333.90
Barenaked Ladies - Talk to the Hand - Live in Michigan US US$ 34.99
Becket (~Peter OToole, Richard Burton) US US$ 34.98
Bring on the Night (~Sting) US US$ 24.95
CJ7 (~Lam Tze Chung) JPN US$ 47.90
Constantine (~Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Das Leben Der Anderen (~Sebastian Koch, Martina Gedeck, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Dreamboat Annie Live US US$ 34.99
Flesh for The Beast (~Jennifer Litsch) US US$ 24.99
Fred Claus (~Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti, ...) US US$ 35.99
Freedomland (~Julianne Moore, Samuel L.jackson, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya US US$ 24.98
Hall & Oates: Live at the Troubadour (~Daryl Hall, John Oates) US US$ 24.98
Hancock (~Jason Bateman, Johnny Galecki, ...) US US$ 39.95
Hancock [Unrated Edition] (~Will Smith, Charlize Theron, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter And The Order of The Phoenix (~Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban (~Daniel Radcliffe, Richard Harris (I), ...) HK US$ 32.90
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone (~Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (~Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, ...) HK US$ 33.90
Imax Theater / Africa The Serengeti JPN US$ 46.90
Jarhead (~Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, ...) US US$ 29.98
Joan of Arc (~Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Journey To The Center of The Earth (~Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Kaze No Garden Ni Saku Hanabana - Furano Kara JPN US$ 46.90
Le Fabuleux Destin D Amelie Poulain (~Audrey Tautou Mathieu Kassovitz, Dominique Pinon) JPN US$ 47.90
Live at Woodstock (~Jimi Hendrix) US US$ 24.95
Maid In Manhattann (~Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Me Myself & Irene (~Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Meet Dave (~Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, ...) US US$ 39.99
Mona Lisa Smile JPN US$ 47.90
Mrs Doubtfire (~Robin Williams, Sally Field, ...) HK US$ 32.90
O.A.R. - Live from Madison Square Garden US US$ 34.99
Planet of the Apes (~Charlton Heston, Kim Hunter) JPN US$ 46.90
Planet of the Apes Blu-ray Complete Box [Limited Edition] (~Charlton Heston, Kim Hunter) JPN US$ 209.90
Rec JPN US$ 46.90
Ricky Martin Live: Black and White Tour (~Ricky Martin) US US$ 24.98
Romancing The Stone (~Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
RUSH: Snakes and Arrows Live (~Rush) US US$ 29.98
Sekai Isan No Iyashi 5 JPN US$ 47.90
Shadow: Dead Riot (~Tony Todd, Carle Greene, ...) US US$ 24.99
Space Chimps (~Stanley Tucci, Andy Samberg, ...) US US$ 39.99
Starship Troopers 3 Trilogy Box [Limited Edition] (~Casper Van Dien) JPN US$ 121.90
Superman Doomsday (~Adam Baldwin, Anne Heche, ...) US US$ 29.99
Talento De Barrio (~Daddy Yankee, Maestro, ...) US US$ 24.98
The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen (~Sarah Polley, Eric Idle, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
The Jewel of the Nile (~Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Kingdom (~Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper, ...) US US$ 29.98
The Line (~Andy McPhee, David Barry, ...) US US$ 29.95
The Mummy Trilogy (~Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, ...) HK US$ 34.90
The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor (~Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, ...) HK US$ 33.90
The Opera Gala (~Ramn Vargas, Anna Netrebko, ...) US US$ 32.98
Tomohiro Sekiguchi Ga Iku Europe Tetsudo No Tabi United Kingdom Shizen To Yasashisa Ni Mukaerarete JPN US$ 46.90
Tomohiro Sekiguchi Ga Iku Germany Tetsudo No Tabi JPN US$ 46.90
Young Frankenstein (~Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle) JPN US$ 46.90
Yuki - Winter With Your Favorite Music - V-Music JPN US$ 46.90
details here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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November 29th, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster

We caught sight of Psyclone's WildCharger-based TouchCharge kit for the Xbox 360 a few weeks ago but, in case you missed it, the company is also offering similar kits for the PlayStation 3 and Wii. At $49.99 the PS3 version is actually the cheapest of the lot, due to the fact that it's able to use the controller's own rechargeable battery, while the $59.99 Wii version and $69.99 Xbox 360 version each include some rechargeable batteries of their own courtesy of Psyclone. The charging pads themselves are, of course, interchangeable, and you can even charge more than one device on a single pad, although finding the necessary controller adapters separately seems to be another matter.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan started selling first party games at a discount on the PlayStation Store the same day they went into retail stores. Now Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is testing a similar tactic with LocoRoco 2. The game came out last week and retailed for £29.99 ($46). This week LocoRoco 2 is on Europe’s PlayStation Store and sold for a cool £23.99 ($36). Europe isn’t getting same day digital delivery, but one week is pretty close. Retailers can’t be too happy about that since Sony is undercutting them with downloadable albeit package-less copies of the same game.
So far Sony Computer Entertainment America hasn’t tried this strategy yet, but then again we haven’t seen any first party games from Sony except for Buzz and NBA 09 in the past few months. It’s going to be interesting to see if SCEA adopts this strategy next year and if the PSP will start favoring digital releases over retail ones.
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November 29th, 2008, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have today dropped the price of the PS3 down to $353 which translates toaround 180 pounds for people interested in importing to the UK
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November 29th, 2008, 15:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
Lockdown In-Game will require you to enter a password when you resume your PSP from suspend mode. Useful to prevent other people from messing up your progress if you put the PSP in suspend during a game.
Put it in the ms0:/seplugins/ folder and make an entry in GAME.txt (e.g. ms0:/seplugins/lockdown.prx).
It is recommended that it should be the very first entry in GAME.txt (How ever if you also have Hold+ installed, then make Hold+ first and lockdown.prx second).
Use the included exe to create a password file (buttons.ini) and put it in ms0:/seplugins/
If you also have the flash0: version of Lockdown installed, then this will detect and use the same flash0: password.
It only works in GAME mode. It will not work in the XMB.
Its recommended that you don't suspend the PSP while a game video is playing. This includes cases where the main menu has a video in the background etc.
To be specific: You can suspend the PSP while a video is playing. But when you turn it on again and it asks for the password, do not suspend it again while in the password screen. Instead, enter the password to resume the game, then suspend it. This is ONLY necessary IF there was a video playing when you suspended it. Normally you can suspend it again in the password screen even without entering a password.
Changelog v2.0
Greatly improved suspend/resume method.
Should be compatible with all games now. (Any problems with suspend/resume are probably due to the No-UMD driver that you have selected)
You can suspend the PSP again in the password screen without entering a password using the Power switch.

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November 29th, 2008, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has released a new version of his File and much more app for the PSP:
- fixed a bug to be frozen while accessing UMD (depending on CFW's version).
- added a feature to scroll left to draw file names wider in deep folders.
- fixed a bug to have shown a wrong bit rate of VBR MP3 file.
- fixed a bug that some MP3 file cannot be played which has a large (>64KB) header.
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November 29th, 2008, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nick Swardh of a new version of the Video Converter for the PSP:
By some reason, I forgot to remove a few things from the source resulting in that nasty "unsupported data" message. I've cleaned it up and here?s the real stuff
If you allready installed the previous PSPVC v3.21, it?s highly recommended that you updated to v3.22
What´s new? -Fixed a typo in resolutions.xml
Fixed an auto-resolution bug
Fixed an "Audio-Track" bug
Fixed a "Tweaks" bug
Fixed a few more *.ass/*.ssa subtitle bugs
New "Partion Decision" option available in "Advanced" tab
Download Here --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/pspvc.php
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November 29th, 2008, 15:39 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
It’s that time again; time to eject your memory stick and overwrite “bakon.prx” under the seplugins directory.
No new cheats have been introduced; however, NoEffex has made vast improvements and optimizations for BakonICE version 1.4. Now you’ll have satisfaction in knowing while you cheat Socom Fireteam Bravo 2, you’re doing it with pure unrivaled excellence.
BakonICE v1.4 changes:
Menu response time for buttons heightened, but the flickering is up a little bit on some psps, depending on overclocking or not, what other plugins, etc…
Modified the thread priority on the UI thread (when it’s used) to a much lower value
3.71 support bumped up high on my imaginary todo list; looking into it
Booted up my LCS UMD and notice BakonICE still loaded; forgot a check when I redid the threading, fixed
Like, every function that’s been there from the start revisited to the point of me not wanting to list all of them
Due to above and below, speed enhancement, lower RAM consumption
Menu input functions revisited (and optimized)
You can edit your current animation in the UI
The keyboard in the main BakonICE menu now edits your imposter in the animated name
The freeze stripper now does not strip the color text, but strips literally anything else with brackets, because freezing other people is very cruel
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November 29th, 2008, 21:55 Posted By: Zack
News via : RetroEmu.com
Hey everyone.
So after I got myself addicted to my other projects, I finally am ready to pull myself away from them for a bit to get another Wolfenstein PSP update out there.
I know I said I would probably have an update out a few weeks ago, but work and lack of free time prevented that from happening.
I am still hit with the time issue, but I am managing it better so don't worry about it 
So what am I planning to do on v5.2/6.0 (I haven't decided on adding another point to the current version or moving up to 6.0 upon the next release yet )
Here is the plan (probably not implemented in any specific order) :
1) Re-write the Game-loader again. I know I have done this twice already but I am still not happy with it. If someone again would provide a concept gui that I could use I would appreciate it.
2) Fix the Analog stick movement. As we all know, it's too fast.
3) Implement variable audio rate. I personally preferred the audio at a slightly faster tempo. So I am going to allow you to pick between them (the old tempo and current tempo)
4) Implement customizable control mapping. Make it so you can change the controls to your liking.
5) Work on some minor sound issues. Noticeable on certain items being the wrong tempo or pitch.
6) Add support for Wolfenstein Mods. I can only do this with mods that have their *source code provided. Please link me to them as I don't know where to find them. If you find one that doesn't contain the source code, feel free to email the author and request it.
* Not all Wolfenstein Mods altered the Wolfenstein source code. Ones that didn't should work out of the box. Mods that did modify the source won't work properly or at all unless you can get me the source code used to create them.
7) Add AutoMap feature. As seen in Wolf4Gl.
8) Fix death screen. So that blood fills the screen when you die (like in the original version of the game).
9) Fix exit messages. Some of them are incorrect (ex. press 'O' to exit, as opposed to 'X').
10) Add more cheats. Note this is completely up to our own imagination. I have a few funny cheats in mind. Please suggest some to me! I cannot guarantee your suggestion will be done but please ask!
11) Player sound effects. Again this is a new idea. How about we add something like "bring it" or any comments you can think of when we press a dedicated "Shout" button. So then when the guards shout at you, you can say "**** you" back, before blowing them to smithereens. 
12) Fix save/load screen annoyances. It seems to require a silly combo of buttons to save. I need to add a confirm screen to it and also make the filenames have a more appropriate naming. ie. "Save 1" as opposed to the current : "1"
13) Possible multi-player. Even if I attempt this, it will not be done overnight and will take a lot of testing and stuff before it is done. This is only a thought, I may not even do it. It all depends.
14) Whatever you want.
Obviously not all of those are going to make it into the next update. 60>70% of them will though 
Please give feedback via comments
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November 29th, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: AdamRav
Here it is. Ultimate PSPtube 1.3. A modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP. There are 21 sites included. Below is the readme which includes how to change the site order and stop sites from displaying.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh and Guba
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-Shufuni shows the first page of results for all pages
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
Simply copy the folder "Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP, overwriting any
older version. There should now be the folder "PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
While Not Playing Video:
Select - Changes the selected site which is displayed in the top left corner.
X - Play the selected video.
O - Search for videos on the selected site.
Triangle - Brings up the menu where you can save to favourites, add to playlist etc.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
L Trigger - Previous page of results.
R Trigger - Next page of results.
While Playing Video:
O - Stops the video returns to search results.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
Triangle - Hides the time display. Press again to hide video playback and then press again to show all.
Select - Change the video playback size.
Start - Pauses the video. Press again to resume.
Left Arrow - Slows down the playback speed.
Right Arrow - Speeds up the playback speed.
How To Change The Site Order & Stop Sites From Displaying
Ultimate PSPTube has a feature allowing you to change the order that the sites are
displayed in as well as selecting what sites you actually want to display. To change
the site order or stop sites from being displayed, you need to edit the config.js file
found in root folder of Ultimate PSPTube. Below is an example of the section that
contains the site order and what sites to display.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
As you can see the order in the example above goes YouTube, then TNAFlix, then
CrunchyRoll, etc. If you want to change the site order all you have to do is switch the
lines around. If you want to not display a site you can put // in front of the line
containing that site. Below is another example with a few changes.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
Now the order of the sites in the above example goes YouTube, then Dailymotion, then
Veoh, etc. Also notice that in this example TNAFlix and Guba wouldn't be displayed in Ultimate
PSPTube because they have // in front of them.
Veoh Family Filter
You can turn Veoh family filter on or off in the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//Veoh Family Filter
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.VeohFamilyFilter = 0;
In the example above, Veoh family filter is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, Veoh family filter would be turned on.
File & Folder Structure
Ultimate PSPTube/favorites
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/CrunchyRoll.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Dailymotion.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Google Video.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Guba.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/LiveLeak.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MetaCafe.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MuchoSucko.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MySpace Videos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MyVideo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/NothingToxic.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Pornhub.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Shufuni.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TNAFlix.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tube8.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tudou.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/VBox7.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Veoh.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Wanktube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/XVideos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/YouTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/YouTubeHQ.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/dvemgr.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/mediaengine.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/site_man.js
Ultimate PSPTube/config.js
Ultimate PSPTube/EBOOT.PBP
Ultimate PSPTube/Readme.txt
-MetaCafe is now included
-XVideos is now included
-Tudou is now included
-Pornhub is now included
-YouTubeHQ is now included
-Family filter for Veoh is now an option in the config
-YouTube bug fixed where it comes to the end of results on the first page
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because they changed the way
the video length was displayed on their site
-LiveLeak is now included
-VBox7 is now included
-Small improvements to video descriptions
-NothingToxic is now included
-Tube8 is now included
-Hyperlinks in descriptions are now replaced with their text
Example: "<a href="http://www.somesite.com">Here</a>" becomes "Here"
-HTML Image tags are now removed from descriptions
Example: "<img src="http://www.somesite.com/someimage.gif">" is removed
-Small bug fixes
-Original Release
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November 30th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Max Shooter is a unique adapter that allows you to Use a keyboard and mouse on your PS3. You will be able enjoy First Person Shooters (FPS), or any other game where targeting is important, the way they are meant to be played.
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November 30th, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
The general consensus, among experts, analysts and other blowhards has long been that when Blu-ray players legitimately hit $199, the format would finally go mainstream. Well, $200 Blu-ray players are all over the place for Christmas, even Sony's BDP-S350, with its unshakeable $299 MSRP. But according to ABI Research, only 8 percent of holiday buyers were even considering upgrading to Blu-ray even though about half of American homes have gone HD and it's totally uncontested by HD DVD this year. What about you guys?
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November 30th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster

Ben Heck] posted his PS360 controller. This is the case of an Xbox360 controller with the guts of the Dual Shock 3 from the PS3. They Dpad is from a ps2. We guess that if you can build them any way you want, you might as well make it exactly how you want it. Wasn’t there a time when everyone laughed at the bulky Xbox controllers? Yes, we know, they’re smaller now but that comic pops into mind anyway.
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November 30th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
masterderico over at Lavalit has today released a new Openbor Mod for the PSP, heres the release details:

-Great New Juggle and "cancel" Gameplay: You can do your own KILLER combos!
-Two Great Boss Chars from Streets Of Rage to play: Shiva and Lisa.
-Agressive Soundtrack
-New Story
-Alot Of Moves
-Alternate Colors
-Hidden Chars
-Fast Action
===Move List===
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November 30th, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
From a very surprising yet highly reliable source, we’ve got the most likely and realistic Gran Turismo 5 release date! Sony’s chief executive in southern Europe, James Armstrong, revealed in a statement to Spanish newspaper El Financiero that we can expect the game to arrive (in Europe, at least) Christmas 2009. Here’s the full translated quote:
For next year, the chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment for southern Europe said that they are developing a new game thriller, in which the player may be designing their own history, and the new version of Gran Turismo, which will arrive at Christmas.
This would provide for a late summer release in Japan, and late fall/early winter releases in the United States and Europe. From a sales perspective, it would also provide the PlayStation franchise with a major blockbuster release heading into next year’s Christmas season. What do you think?
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November 30th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspitalia
Macrophytes is a plugin programmed by Japanese Classg that will allow you to customize all the functions of the buttons and controllers PSP.
Through a series of options you can set the automatic fire any key, and set combinations, set in the same sensitivity.
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November 30th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
A new mod release of the GBA Emulator for PSP by exophase has been released.
news via pspitalia
After a short pause, is released a new version of gpSP-mod, the excellent alternative version emulator originally developed by Exophase and subsequently optimized by an unknown Japanese coder.
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November 30th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Anoob is new PRX that changes your XMB, heres a screen:
[IMG] [/IMG]
From the readme:
By: A_Nub
1) Copy EffectsMB.prx from this folder to ms0:/seplugins.
2) Open VSH.txt and add this line to it ms0:/seplugins/EffectsMB.prx and save. (If you dont have
VSH.txt create one and put it in the folder ms0:/seplugins)
3) Disconnet PSP from Computer and completely SHUT OFF your psp.
4) Turn on PSP while holding R Trigger to boot into recovery mode.
5) Scroll to Plugins and click X
6) Scroll down onto EffectsMB and click X to enable it (Make sure that it says enabled)
7) Exit recovery mode.
1) Follow Installation.
2) While in XMB use right and left triggers to toggle effects
(All the way to the left = No effect.)
Me, for being fed up with COCK BLOCKS
Mr.305, the COCK BLOCK of Inspiration
SGT4EVA, talking with me during development
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November 30th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nikocronaldo

-New theme included
-Restart iLife PSP avalaible in menu options
-Show the PSP model
-iLife Update improved
-Fixed bug about showing pictures
-iLife PSP Music has english, spanish and french languages
-The screen is off when is playin the music plays after 2 min.
-Fixed MP3, AA3 and OGG player
-User account(the password by default is "ilifepsp")
-Spanish, French and English languages
-Play MP3, AA3 and OGG songs
-Show JPEG, BMP and PNG pictures
-Browse the web
-Take captures
-Autoboot to iLife PSP
-Load UMD
-Delete, rename, copy and create files and folders
-Change the theme
-Watch system information
-Dump your UMD
-Connect to MS, Flash0, Flash1, Flash2, Flash3 and UMD
-Change the CPU speed
-Update the iLife PSP version
-Shutdown, exit to xmb or restart iLife PSP
X to accept.
Or to cancel.
R1 and L1 to move the tabs.
SELECT to make a screenshot.
/ _ \ To launch your UMD.
START to load file menu.
O to cancel
Jostick and directions to rotate the images
[] to stop.
X to pause
O to browsing in the menu while you listen to music,
R1 and L1 to play the next song or to play the previous song.
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November 30th, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from malliet
This is my final version of PSP_Operator. This final version contains much more functions
then the previous one. First when I started with making this homebrew (it was my first
homebrew ever) it only had 2 functions: Activate USB and De-Activate USB, so it was
totally uselesss, but now it has about 20 functions so this version is much better.
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November 30th, 2008, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspitalia
Lately the coder Japanese are very active, this time it is Akind with his RemoteJoyLite, the plug-derived RemoteJoy of Tyranid allowing monitors to report on PC images that appear sull'LCD the PSP, will also allow you to exploit a PS2 pad instead of the classic controller PSP, do screenshot, record movies and use macros previously set.
RemoteJoyLite v0.19:
- Improved time to transfer data between PSP and PC
- Improved compatibility with games
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