February 1st, 2007, 16:12 Posted By: HardHat
Here is the long overdue update to my PSP Flash-Card program. It is designed for students to memorize all of the "important" facts that we all need to know to pass tests.
For this version, there are two updates to improve usability.
- First there is a new Definition mode, that allows you to see the definition and guess the terms that they define.
- Second there is a new "batch mode" that shows the cards in groups of 5, so that the hard to remember terms are repeated more often when you get them wrong. This version uses a "replenishing" system, where there is a deck of waiting cards that fills the batch all the time. That way you'll see the trouble cards at least ones every batch size.
The two new functions are controlled with the L and R trigger buttons.
This version is still skinnable, so have fun and go wild.
pspflashcard0_3.zip (845KiB) for eLoader/1.0 users
pspflashcard0_3kx.zip (845KiB) kxploited for PSP firmware 1.5 and friends
The screen shot is similar to 0.2. The screen shot and download via comments.
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February 1st, 2007, 17:42 Posted By: mikebeaver
Weltall has just released the latest version of CWCHEAT for us all, now at Revision H.
0.1.6 REV. H for 3.03OE/ALL
-added support for memory cards in the pops emulator if the new converter is used (with the homebrew DATA.PSP and
no KEYS.BIN) either for the 303 and 302 EMU [POPS]
-now it's possible to remove a code from the select cheats menu: press R + TRIANGLE [ALL]
-now it's possible to add a new code from the select cheats menu: press R + SQUARE [ALL]
-other things and bugfixes[ALL]
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As always take the time to look over the read me, ad thanks to Weltall for constantly updating this great app.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:04 Posted By: tophead420
Well I got bored last night and decided to spice up my XMB.Cuase with the top menu and font I had it was totally boring.So I searched for fonts, icons and the right background. Well heres what I've created with what I found. I liked what I made so I've decided to share it with everyone. Heres a pic of it

Heres how your going to want to install it:
Personally I use psp filer instead of the USB flash0 because I don't trust using USB flash0. But anyways flash these however your used to flashing them doesn't matter how you flash them.Just be cautious when doing this I don't want anyone to brick. Make sure you have atleast 410kb (or enough to flash these) of free space on your flash0 memory as this is the files total size when flashed.
Ok first take the 01-12 bmp and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource
Then take the ltn0.pgf and place it in flash0: font
For the topmenu_plugin.rco take the included icons and make them into a topmenu plugin with the XMB packager and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource
If anyone needs help to install this let me know and I'll help you. I hope you enjoy my new XMB. You can download it from here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r1exj7
I would like to thank deliriumhappy of QJ.net forums for the background and Chnk for the icon pack I got my icons from. I made the font so I will thank myself
OK I decided to upload it to the forums to make it easier for you guys to download it. I will keep the sendspace link up in case people have problem downloading from the forums.
Since a few people have ask for the font to be smaller here it is if you want it
Green, Red and Purple backgrounds (flashable):

dwonload bacgrounds here:
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February 1st, 2007, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters' TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge will be roaring off the PSP start grid in the UK on February 16.
Staying true to the series, numerous challenges and motorsports have been squeezed into TOCA 3 on PSP, multiplayer fans also well-catered for via wireless 12-player racing - and Game Share support allows up to four players to enjoy wireless multiplayer racing from just one UMD.
You'll be able to whip 40-plus cars around 36 world-famous tracks, vehicles drawn from current day and history and of course all featuring unique handling characteristics. Various motors can be seen in new screenshots that have accompanied the announcement on TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge's release date.
Our sister magazine PSW scored the game 7 out of 10 in its issue #90, just in case you're interested, describing it as "very serious" and "very realistic" and "the closest thing to Gran Turismo on PSP".
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February 1st, 2007, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster
Is there a publisher scrap going on in the corridors of power over The Elder Scrolls IV expansion Shivering Isles?
In the red corner: 2K Games, who published the original game on PC and Xbox 360 and is publishing the expansion for the same platforms.
In the blue corner: Ubisoft, which co-published Oblivion PC retail pack Knights of the Nine with developer Bethesda in Europe and is doing the same with Oblivion on PS3 and PSP outing The Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion.
So, with Bethesda recently confirming that Shivering Isles is coming to PS3, which company is going to land publishing - or co-publishing - rights on PS3?
We've heard that 2K Games wasn't too happy that they did the PR for Oblivion and now co-publishing rights for the PS3 and PSP titles have been given to Ubisoft. But with lucrative sales of Shivering Isles virtually a dead cert, 2K surely wouldn't pass up publishing opportunities for the expansion on PS3.
And has Ubisoft been fighting to get publishing rights to Shivering Isles on all three platforms?
Putting on the CVG detectiv hat, we've done a bit of snooping around and, while UK sources close to both publishers couldn't shed any real light on the publishing split over Shivering Isles and know little about publishing plans for Shivering Isles on PS3 at this stage, they did describe the whole Oblivion publishing situation as "slightly complicated". We'd say that's an understatement.
A source told us that the publishing situation with Oblivion is actually "more down to the way Bethesda works", and spoke of a surprise that Ubisoft hasn't had complete publishing rights with Oblivion as it handled The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Big dollar signs will have been twirling around eyeballs where Oblivion publishing is concerned, and boy would we love to have been a fly on the wall when deals were thrashed out and struck.
At the end of the day though, we're just happy that we can sit back and let the big boys fight it out; after all, whatever happens - or has happened already - in the higher echelons of Bethesda, 2K and Ubisoft, Shivering Isles is still going to be awesome.
via cvg
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February 1st, 2007, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
SCE's UK managing director Ray Maguire has been speaking to The Guardian about the company's reasoning behind the £425 RRP of PlayStation 3.
"There's a compulsion within the media to look at everything as a snapshot, and do a calculation, normally based on just the RRP in somewhere like the US and just do the RRP in the UK. What you should do with the RRP from the US is add sales tax," he said.
Maguire argues that comparing RRPs is too simplistic an approach, due to exchange rate considerations: "When business trade, they hedge. It depends what currency you're buying against. We don't buy anything in dollars, so the dollar can go up and down.
"If it were $1.40 to the pound as it as a while ago, then the PS3 would be a bargain compared to the US; if it's anything more than that, the UK price appears to be comparatively expensive. But we're dealing with Euros and Yen - it's about the relationship between those currencies."
Any plans for a lower price at some point? "Of course, I would dearly love to have the PlayStation 3 RRP under £400, and at such time as we can afford to do so, we will."
Answering the question of why there aren't any 20GB PS3s at the UK launch, Maguire said it was a consumer led decision, "They want to put their own media on it from day one. So a big preference has been shown towards the 60GB model. And when we look at the sales figures from both Japan and the US, that's reflected at retail. You can either have not enough of both in the marketplace for day one, or you can have round about the right amount of one."
via cvg
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February 1st, 2007, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Atari has announced that it will distribute Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight for publisher Namco Bandai in Europe, and it will be a PlayStation 3 launch title.
Target in Sight puts you in the role of Federation or Zeon forces as you stomp your robotic way around battlefields of the future.
It did alright critically in Japan, but took a bit of a hammering in some of the Western press. We sort of liked it in the end, despite its sluggishness and the slightly ham-fisted way it wields the PS3.
Finally, it's worth noting that it's already out in the States under a different name - Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire.
via eurogamer
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February 1st, 2007, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Takao Yuhara, senior vice president of Sony Corporation, has hinted that a PS3 price cut could be announced by April next year as the company attempts to reduce its losses.
As reported earlier this week, Sony's games division lost EUR 343 million in the quarter ending December 31.
Speaking to the New York Times, Yuhara said the company plans to ensure that the division is no longer making a loss by the financial year ending March 2008. He went on to add that "such factors, including price cuts to some extent, are factored in" Sony's strategy for breaking even.
However, Yuhara declined to offer any further confirmation or details of when a price drop may occur, simply stating: "We may look at the price as part of our strategy to expand the market when the time is right."
He warned that Sony's operating loss for this financial year could exceed the forecast of YEN 200 billion (EUR 1.23 million), blaming higher than expected costs for advertising and cargo transport after the company was forced to air freight rather than ship stock.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
As promised a few weeks ago, Sony is updating its PlayStation Store with a few new offerings. Tomorrow will see one item for the PlayStation 3 and one for the PlayStation Portable.
For the PS3, gamers will be able to turn one of the first downloadable games for the system into a multiplayer experience. The Blast Factor multiplayer pack will be available for $2.99. With the new content, up to four players can take on cooperative and grudge match modes, and the game's speed can be taken up to 150 percent its normal rate.
Classic PlayStation racing action comes to the PSP with Jet Moto. The emulated version of the 1996 racer will be available for $5.99. In the game, players hop on futuristic motorbikes across a variety of backdrops.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
As promised a few weeks ago, Sony is updating its PlayStation Store with a few new offerings. Tomorrow will see one item for the PlayStation 3 and one for the PlayStation Portable.
For the PS3, gamers will be able to turn one of the first downloadable games for the system into a multiplayer experience. The Blast Factor multiplayer pack will be available for $2.99. With the new content, up to four players can take on cooperative and grudge match modes, and the game's speed can be taken up to 150 percent its normal rate.
Classic PlayStation racing action comes to the PSP with Jet Moto. The emulated version of the 1996 racer will be available for $5.99. In the game, players hop on futuristic motorbikes across a variety of backdrops.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai has released a new batch of images from .hack//G.U. Vol 2: REMINISCE, the latest in its continuing RPG saga of teens who literally can't bear to disconnect from the world of their favorite online game. Which has, naturally, gone mad bones nutzoid.
If you're looking at the title and thinking that the second game in a new series might be a little early to begin reminiscing, we understand. But this is actually the sixthgame in the .hack universe overall because there were four games in the original series, and anyhow we stopped trying to decipher this franchise's titles long, long ago. You should too. At least, until the game comes out this summer.
via gamesradar
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February 1st, 2007, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
We've given motorbike riders mountain-sized headstones in MotorStorm, mangled marvellous machines in Formula One: Championship Edition and caused millions of virtual pounds' worth of crash damage in Burnout Revenge. Now it's time to flatten some faces in Fight Night: Round 3 on PlayStation 3.
Click the movies tab above for 150 seconds of teeth-loosening, jaw-breaking, eye-cutting action. Or click here to watch the YouTube version. Oh, but a word of warning - it's not for the faint-hearted. There's blood. There's sweat. And there would probably be tears if only these boxers were conscious enough to cry 'em. A thug's sport played by gentlemen, you say? Try telling that to this lot.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
via insertcredit
The DJ Max Portable 2 (korean beatmania clone for PSP, remember?) trailer is available on youtube now, for the interested. Not as boobtacular as the original, more like an intro to the new modes, which include a five button setup, and wifi play. Incidentally, if anyone knows anything about the final song in the original intro, which is in neither in the PSP game nor the OST (roughly at 1:50 in the video), please drop me a line. That song is the reason I got the original...imagine my disappointment!
Update: Thanks to sqfrk (who mentioned the DJ Max P 2 intro in the first place) and adrian, I now know that the final song is 'Blythe.' As sqfrk says, it's "a DJMax Portable exclusive (along with Hamsin). It's unlockable in the game with 38000MAX points (with an average of around 100MAX per song at a 95%+ score)." Luckily someone sent it to me - I could never achieve that myself.
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February 1st, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: scottyboynow
This game is a game made in Lua, LuaChase, where you control a player and make your way without touching the enemy, if you collide the game gets restarted, very simple.
It took me a little while to get this sorted out but here it is, the new features are:
-New Background
I hope to add new sprites and a few fixes, like in this version you can go off screen, but that will be fixed in V2.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
As of today, From Software have updated the Regulation file yet again on the PS3 version. Now at Version 1.20, thousands of player requests have been answered (courtesy of an online questionnaire that was hosted on AC.net). A lot of the changes are to do with parts balancing. From Software have also reset the server rankings again (something the top Japanese players are probably shaking their fists at).
Segueing, as if by magic, into the news of an earlier and simultaneous 360 release. Famitsu have reported the 360 version of AC4 going on sale on the 20th March (a whole two days earlier than expected) and that it will be released simultaneously with the American version. The latter, if true, will be interesting in terms of the game's online popularity.
After all, if some Japanese schoolgirl is whaling on your mechanical ass from day one, how long will American players stick with it? At least with Chrome Hounds the Japanese players didn't have a month head start and it was more a game based on strategy rather than raw ninja skills (something that Japanese players are exhibiting daily on the PS3 version of AC4). Anyway, it will be interesting to see what will finally happen when East meets West on the AC battlefield. For many of the more faithful Western AC brethren, such an opportunity to have their gaming heart ripped from their chest (via the sphincter most probably) is something that's been a decade in waiting.
Finally, the aforementioned Regulation file feature may also be unique to the PS3, unless the 360 guidelines are changed. Selectable patches aren't something Microsoft allow, as far as I am aware.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
One of the most consistent game franchises around would have to be Insomniac's Ratchet & Clank series. Each progressive title has managed to add new elements while maintaining an excellent balance of humor and solid gameplay that define the series. Many fans were a bit disappointed that Ratchet: Deadlocked focused on shooting without platforming and puzzle elements, but I'm happy to say after spending quite a bit of time with a preview build that the series has returned to its roots with the upcoming Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters for the PSP.
Ratchet and his robot buddy are taking a much needed vacation, having saved the universe now on multiple occasions. They meet a cute little girl named Luna who is writing a report on heroes and wants to see them in action. It isn't long before Luna is kidnapped, a legendary race of inventors gets involved, and once more R&C are pulled into a dangerous plot that sends them on a universe spanning adventure that the two of them really should come to expect right now. These guys get sent on universe spanning adventures if they stop by a convenience store for a slushie.
Aside from the PSP controls and slightly lower-quality graphics, the game looks and plays almost exactly like its PS2 siblings. Developer High Impact Games has done a great job of capturing the distinctive R&C feel, which isn't really a surprise considering High Impact was spawned from Insomniac. All of the familiar elements are in place here. Upgradeable weapons and gadgets, exciting mini-games, and novelty levels to mix things up a bit. My favorite so far would have to be the space shooter featuring Giant Clank, blasting his way through swarms of enemies to rescue his fuzzy lombax friend.
New to the series is customizeable armor. As you play through the game you'll come across armor pieces. Once you collect a whole set you not only look amazingly cool, you also get to use a special power. Collect the Wildfire set and your wrench attacks set enemies on fire, for instance. While I only managed to collect pieces from three sets and complete one, there sure were a lot of empty armor set slots waiting to be filled. Can't wait to see what they all do!
While some of the levels in the game tread on familiar ground, I've run across a couple that were quite new and different, including one I won't go into too much detail on that completely blew my mind. Flying chainsaws FTW!
The controls are actually pretty tight for a PSP platformer. I miss the second analog stick for camera control, but the shoulder buttons do the job adequately, and there's always a first-person view you can swap to if you want to look around or do some precision shooting. The small screen keeps pretty close to Ratchet as he fights, leading to being shot at off-screen quite a few times, but with the PSP you really are limited with how far away the camera can be in third-person before you start crossing into isometric territory.
Sadly I didn't get to try out the multiplayer options, but honestly I've always enjoyed the series more for the story and the characters than for online skirmishes.
All in all I am pretty excited about Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. It's shaping up to be one of those titles I can point to in order to justify my purchase of a PSP in the first place. Like Ready at Dawn's Daxter before it, this game looks to bring one of Sony's best franchises to the PSP in a big way.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster

via Dark diamond Network
There’s still about 5 minutes left of Tuesday at the time of writing this so yes its time for yet another Tuesday-tan update. Today we’ll pay a visit to the last of the this-gen console-tans, PS3-tan. I had a good bunch of pictures of PS3-tan but I cant reach most of them so these 3 will have to do, I might do an addendum to this post some time later.
PS3-tan is commonly depicted with the design you see above, with a tight short black dress or as a small gothic lolita girl as seen below. When as a grown-up she’s often bragging about her measurements to the rest of the console-tans, specially to Wii-tan, to whom she has a personal vendetta. The rest of the consoles usually tease her about having a huge bust size (again, as a sign of high specs). PS3-tan is also quite narcissistic and she’s usually seen staring at herself in the mirror (screenshot carnival anyone?) instead of playing with the rest of the console-tans.
More at link above
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February 1st, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Released today are new screenshots for the game Diner Dash on both PSP and Nintendo DS.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
via ft.com
Sony Computer Entertainment is poised to announce deals with software companies and internet service providers to try to reverse the dismal performance of its PlayStation Portable handheld games machines.
SCE is expected to reveal a package of PSP online services in mid-March, with analysts expecting the tie-ups to involve at least one big ISP, such as Yahoo.
The move is part of efforts by Sony to shore up its games division, which is suffering worse-than-expected losses from its PlayStation 3 console.
Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony’s chief financial officer, told the Financial Times that restoring the games division to break-even was crucial to achieving the promise of Sir Howard Stringer, chairman, of group margins of 5 per cent by the end of this financial year.
Analysts expect the PSP business tie-ups to promote the PSP as a more user-friendly device capable of downloading films, television shows and back-catalogue PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games. The changes could allow users to download games and other content anywhere the PSP can be connected to a WiFi network. Although the PSP is already technically capable of downloading and storing online content, such as games, the services have not appealed to mainstream users. A tie-up with a well-known internet brand or television company, said one Nomura analyst, could change that.
Mr Oneda acknowledged that the PSP’s recent performance had been a cause for concern, with software sales a particular disappointment. “It was pretty much a competition issue with the Nintendo so we have to fight back by introducing more attractive applications [for the PSP] by using the network,” he said.
Mr Oneda’s comments come as PSP shipments have fallen far behind those of the Nintendo DS, which was launched in December 2004, the same month as the PSP, and has achieved strong growth among non-traditional gamers. To date, the PSP has shipped 24m units globally, against worldwide DS sales of 35m.
Sony’s new plan is part of its changing approach to consumer electronics. Mr Oneda said that, in future, the company would offer “no single product to lead consumer electronics” but instead would concentrate on developing networked devices and creating networks in the home. “The trend is towards high definition and internet connectivity. Those are what we will shoot for in the future.”
Mr Oneda explained the importance of pulling the games division back into the black. If it could break even and the film and finance businesses retained their present margins, the improving conditions of the electronics business and its 70 per cent contribution to group-wide margin levels would be enough to meet the March 2008 target of 5 per cent margins, he said.
“I have some confidence we can achieve this,” he said.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
via vnunet
Sony's games division losses will be worse than expected and could exceed $2bn for the fiscal year ending in March, vnunet.com can reveal.
Executives told reporters and analysts in Tokyo today that they blamed a shortfall in sales of the costly PlayStation 3 video games console and the PlayStation Portable (PSP).
Sony's net profit fell more than five per cent to $1.3bn in the last three months of 2006. The games division suffered an operating loss of $455m during the quarter, a fall of almost $1bn from the previous quarter, according to Sony.
"This deterioration was primarily the result of the loss arising from the sale of the PS3 at strategic price points, as well as other charges associated with preparation for the launch of the PS3 platform," the company announced.
"In addition, operating income from the PS2 and PSP businesses fell due to sales declines."
Sony has been shocked by the strong sales of Nintendo's much cheaper Wii console, according to analysts, and has had to fight the entrenched strength of Microsoft's Xbox 360, which was launched more than a year ago and now has a wide range of games.
Sony's predicted loss on the first six months of PS3 sales now exceeds the $1.3bn Microsoft is estimated to have lost on Xbox 360 sales over the same period of that console's life-cycle.
Analysts have suggested that Sony will be able to cut PS3 manufacturing costs and retail prices later this year when it revamps the console with smaller ver sions of the Cell CPU and RSX graphics chip.
"How and when the company intends to address the problem of weak demand for PS3 hardware remains unclear. In our view, making the PS3 profitable will not be an easy task," said Eiichi Katayama of Nomura Securities in a briefing to clients.
Sony executives are now saying that the games division loss for the financial year ending in March will exceed earlier predictions of $1.65bn, and might go as high as $2.05bn, according to sources present at a Sony investor briefing in Tokyo today.
Nomura's analysts have stated that they expect the results to be even worse.
Despite the bad news from Sony's games division, better than expected results from its consumer electronics products had helped offset the loss, Katayama said. Sony highlighted TVs as a strong seller during the Christmas season.
Although media attention has focused on the high-profile PS3, older games products are also giving cause for concern at Sony.
"We think that a critical stage is approaching for the PSP, which in our view occupies an ambiguous market position as a game console and a multi-purpose audiovisual machine," said Katayama.
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February 1st, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
This only for Mac Owners sees an update to the does everything tool to put files and more on your PSP.
Heres whats new:
CDDA support (0.10.1)
.PBP can be opened from Finder (0.10.0)
.PMF and .AT3 support (PSX ->PSP / PBP 0.10.0)
More Info
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February 1st, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
After reporting some pretty disappointing losses, Sony is desperately trying to restructure its games division to at least break even. After stating boldly that they will not give up on the PSP, Sony will now seriously push the multimedia capabilities of the system. They've already started developing partnerships with media providers, such as amazon, but it looks like Sony is looking for even larger partnerships.
According to MarketWatch, analysts are predicting Sony will partner up with "at least one big ISP, such as Yahoo." Such tie-ins will promote the PSP's ability to download movies, television shows and PlayStation games. The PSP is technically capable of doing a lot, but the goal is to get the word out to the mainstream.
"It was pretty much a competition issue with the Nintendo so we have to fight back by introducing more attractive applications [for the PSP] by using the network," Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony's CFO, told the Financial Times.
Lets hope they do it right this time
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February 1st, 2007, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Sony loves promoting the friendly blobs of LocoRoco. Although the game a lot of critical acclaim, it still hasn't garnered the sales warranted by such quality. Well, Sony's not giving up yet. Sony has announced that the game has entered "The Best" status in Japan, which is similar to America's Greatest Hits program. The game will be reissued as a budget title on February 22nd for the low price of 2800 yen.
LocoRoco joins other recent additions to "The Best" series, such as: Initial D: Street Stage, We Love Katamari, Metal Gear Acid 2, and Bleach: Heat the Soul 2.
All the Best Series games can be brought at Play Asia
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February 1st, 2007, 20:41 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
via the nameless
I have just released the Version 1.1. The version fixes a little bug and added some good features.
What is new in version 1.1?
- Added custom size
- Added design support (+ sample Design)
- Add selectable menu bar: None, Small, Normal
- Added a FAQ
- Fixes Bug: Configuration was cleared after closing the Browser
- Small bug fixes
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February 1st, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Coldbird has updated Paladin, heres the release info:
Well Well... Paladin is my new PAL to NTSC Converter for PSX Games... its kinda handy...
And works in 99% of Cases better than Zapper, because it modifies the VModes rather than the YPos Values... ;-)
If you still experience a Screen Displacement after patching with Paladin, apply a YPos Move to 0/0 with Zapper...
Keep in Mind thought that its highly suggested not to use Zapper or any other Patching Tool if its possible... only move the Coordinates to 0/0 with Zapper if needed... :-)
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via coldbird
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February 1st, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
via /.
The High-Def format wars finally have yardstick against which to measure who's winning with the first public release of VideoScan sales figures for both HD DVD and Blu-ray. The first two weeks worth of data seem to back up what many predicted — that the Blu-ray enabled PS3 is helping Sony quickly close the gap with HD DVD, with almost three Blu-ray discs sold for every one HD DVD during the first week of January. HD DVD still leads in overall discs sold since inception, but that lead looks to be quickly dwindling. While they do show a trend, the results from VideoScan are still fairly vague. Why are consumers being denied the information they need to make a considered choice?
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February 1st, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
When Sony released their fiscal Q3 (Oct. - Dec. '06) financial results recently, most of the focus was on the PS3 and how the costs of its launch contributed to a massive loss for Sony's games unit. But, as the UK's Pocket Gamer points out, a massive slowdown in PSP shipments worldwide is probably just as worrying for the company.
In the three month holiday period, Sony shipped just 1.46 million PSP units worldwide, a nearly 72 percent decrease from the 6.22 million units shipped during the same period a year ago. Broken down territorially, Europe and Japan each got roughly 900,000 systems while North America saw only an anemic 10,000 PSP units shipped in the three month period (no, that isn't a typo). For comparison, Reuters reported in November that Nintendo planned to ship 1.5 million DS units to Japan in December alone.
But not all is doom and gloom in the Sony numbers. NPD data from December showed relatively healthy sales of nearly a million PSPs in North America, suggesting that Sony slowed North American shipments to let retailers sell off some of the 2 million systems shipped during the summer months. And despite the slowing hardware shipments, PSP software shipments actually rose 20 percent to 21.2 million units worldwide for the holiday season. Still, it's easy to look at this massive shipment slowdown and see the tide decisively turning towards Nintendo in the portable market share battle.
via joystiq
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February 1st, 2007, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
via spong
SPOnG informed you yesterday of the possibility of the ‘return of the rumble’ in the PS3’s Sixaxis controller, if recent claims from third party hardware manufacturer, Splitfish are to be believed.
Splitfish claim to have developed a “low-power consumption” technology called SensorFX which “uses no moving parts to produce meaningful sensory feedback. A broad range of intensity and sensation compliment the ability to derive feedback sensations from isolated areas on the controller, to isolate one side or the other, movement from front to back or all areas at the same time.”
However, 1Up approached Sony’s US office to find out what the latest deal was with SIXAXIS rumble? Could SplitFish provide a way around Sony’s legal issues with Immersion in this area?
Apparently not. A spokesperson told 1Up, “We have had no contact with this company and continue to have no plans to include FF [force feedback] in SIXAXIS.”
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February 1st, 2007, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
via marketwatch
SCE is expected to reveal a package of PSP online services in mid-March, with analysts expecting the tie-ups to involve at least one big ISP, such as Yahoo.
The move is part of efforts by Sony to shore up its games division, which is suffering worse-than-expected losses from its PlayStation 3 console.
Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony's chief financial officer, told the Financial Times that restoring the games division to break-even was crucial to achieving the promise of Sir Howard Stringer, chairman, of group margins of 5 per cent by the end of this financial year.
Analysts expect the PSP business tie-ups to promote the PSP as a more user-friendly device capable of downloading films, television shows and back-catalogue PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games. The changes could allow users to download games and other content anywhere the PSP can be connected to a WiFi network. Although the PSP is already technically capable of downloading and storing online content, such as games, the services have not appealed to mainstream users. A tie-up with a well-known internet brand or television company, said one Nomura analyst, could change that.
Mr Oneda acknowledged that the PSP's recent performance had been a cause for concern, with software sales a particular disappointment. "It was pretty much a competition issue with the Nintendo so we have to fight back by introducing more attractive applications [for the PSP] by using the network," he said.
Mr Oneda's comments come as PSP shipments have fallen far behind those of the Nintendo DS, which was launched in December 2004, the same month as the PSP, and has achieved strong growth among non-traditional gamers. To date, the PSP has shipped 24m units globally, against worldwide DS sales of 35m.
Sony's new plan is part of its changing approach to consumer electronics. Mr Oneda said that, in future, the company would offer "no single product to lead consumer electronics" but instead would concentrate on developing networked devices and creating networks in the home. "The trend is towards high definition and internet connectivity. Those are what we will shoot for in the future."
Mr Oneda explained the importance of pulling the games division back into the black. If it could break even and the film and finance businesses retained their present margins, the improving conditions of the electronics business and its 70 per cent contribution to group-wide margin levels would be enough to meet the March 2008 target of 5 per cent margins, he said.
"I have some confidence we can achieve this," he said
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February 1st, 2007, 22:55 Posted By: Hungry Horace
from my own post on www.pspuae.com
ok guys, here's the score.
Very few of our old beta-testers have bothered to submit any kind of bug-reports, expecially during the hectic pre-0.62 release period, where we had over 10 betas overall, and could really have used bug-reports by more than just the one or two of us that were making the effort.
So, we have revoked most of the beta-testing rights given to some of our users, with a few obvious exceptions.
Sorry guys, but if we were happy to not get feedback, we'd make the betas public.... however, we prefer to keep beta's private, to ensure a more quality piece of work for each of our users with each release, and less chances of obvious / repeated feedback.
What we are proposing then, is an open-submission system for beta-tester status. If you could inform us publicly (PM's regarding the matter will be ignored) via www.pspuae.com of why you think you should be in the running for one of the 6 or so beta-tester status rights, we will take your offer into consideration.
Please bare in mind the kind of things which would make you a suitable tester; maybe your level of amiga understanding is particuarly high, perhaps you are running pspuae via HEN and realise that we require testers with as many different homebrew-enabled PSP as possible, or perhaps you have previous experience beta-testing other emulators....
if you think you should be a tester - you must have your reasons. Let us know what they are, and we will take all serious offers into consideration.
Good Luck guys, and i look forward to seeing the lucky few "on the other side!"
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February 2nd, 2007, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
When it comes to high-octane arcade experiences, few franchises deliver like After Burner. Though the series has been on hiatus for some time now, SEGA is bringing back its classic flight combat game this March when it touches down on the PSP with After Burner: Black Falcon. We have a preview build of the game in the office and to make a long story short, it seems like classic After Burner goodness through and through.
The game's storyline (like it really needed one) follows the theft of 13 top-secret fighter jets stolen from a hidden hanger at Broom Lake. Each of these crafts were code-named Assassin 1 - 13 and carried the most deadly payloads a fighter has ever held on agile and fast bodies like nothing before them. It's your job to hunt down the culprits behind the theft and recover (or destroy) the planes before any damage can be inflicted with them.
You begin Black Falcon by choosing one of three pilots, each with their own strengths. Billy "Sonic" Blaze flies his signature F-15E Strike Eagle and is known as the fastest pilot on Earth. Harrison "Bull" Duke brings an F/A-18E Super Hornet to the fight along with his deadly payloads and increased cash take in. Last but not least, Tomiko "Shinsei" Rossellini joins the crew with the most balanced setup, her F-14D Super Tomcat both quick and powerful.
Each of the characters has different secret bonuses for each mission, all revolving around their specialty. Most of Sonic's secret goals involve beating a time record for a mission. Bull's involves collecting a ton of cash, while Shinsei's goal is simply perfection.
While each pilot has his or her own signature plane, you're able to choose from one of 15 different real-world crafts to take flight in. Your pilot's signature plane will be free of course. For each star level you progress (it looks like there are five in the game) you'll earn the right to buy bigger and better improvements to your canon, missiles, rockets, afterburner and more. You can also slap a custom paint job on your plane, though this only seems to be for looks, but at least they're cheap.
Once you're in the game, you'll immediately feel at home again in the After Burner universe. Controls are practically dead-on with what we remember from way back in the day, with lighting-quick maneuvering and barrel rolls aplenty. The game is quite fast and the framerate held steady in every mission we tried, making for a smooth and arcade-esque play experience. To say that After Burner is alive and kicking would be an understatement.
For each mission you're given three lives and a couple stops along the way to refill your armament and health. Netting combo kills will earn you some sort of in-game bonus, like health or even a slow-motion timer that moves the game at a snail's pace for a short time for some easy kills. These combos come to you on parachutes and you actually need to grab them, but most of the time they seemed to fly straight into our windshield without us even paying attention. We did miss a couple here and there, however, so you'll want to be careful when you're getting low on health.
What we've played of After Burner: Black Falcon so far seems great. It's a mostly shallow experience, sure, but it's also fast and furious fun. The game is due to ship on March 20th, so stay tuned for more updates soon.
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February 2nd, 2007, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
If you're reading this blog entry, chances are, you're not playing with your PSP. Don't worry! "Virtual PSP," a Flash game, will allow you to pretend like you're playing your PSP on your computer. It's a very clever fan made homage to Sony's system that includes a clever take on the XMB, and a few UMDs as well.
Of course, you might also be reading this article from your PSP. Then, things get really weird. You'll be playing a game about playing the PSP ... on your PSP. Hmm. Be careful! This kind of logic can destroy the universe!
Heres the GAME
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February 2nd, 2007, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
"Custom Firmware Extender" by Cpasjuste is a set of two plugins for Dark_alex custom's firmware,
that will, like the title say, add some extra options to the SONY PSP.
With "Custom Firmware Extender 1.1" you should be able to :
- Start and stop a ftpd server while under the VSH (PSP Menu) to transfer files via WIFI (WEP,WPA).
- Reset the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
- Power off the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
- Change the speed of the PSP CPU/FSB while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO).
- Start and stop Usb Mass Storage under the VSH (PSP Menu) while browsing.
- Take a screenshot while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO) saved in the PHOTO folder.
- Set a default CPU/BUS speed at startup.
- Set Usb Mass Storage at startup.
- Configure your buttons mapping (NOTE button + your selected button).
Heres whats new in this latest version:
- Prevent a crash when booting with UMD inserted.
- Prevent a crash while using the reboot function (the module is now loaded a few seconds after the psp as booted).
- Sleep mode disabled when the ftpd is ON (big file transfer ok now).
- The combo button can now be assigned in the cfe_cfg.txt file.
- Each function can be now enable or disable in cfe_cfg.txt.
- A password can be set in the cfe_cfg.txt file to secure the ftpd server connection.
- Maybe some bugs added.
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February 2nd, 2007, 09:01 Posted By: happy_mak
The Japanese dont seem to be getting enough of the MGS-Portable Ops and Konami has announced national level tournaments with preliminaries in 5 cities. The final will be conducted on the 25th of February at Roppongi
Team will be formed of 3 players who will fight it out with the other 3 over ADHOC mode (its not online battle) with a round of 5 minutes. Oh yes you cannot use stealth stuff.
The preliminaries are named after the leading game magazines (sponsored by them respectively).
Dengeki PS Cup will be in Fukuoka
Dengeki PSP Cup will be in Osaka
with Famitsu hosting the remainder 3
at nagoya , sapporo and tokyo
The winning teams will converge at Roppongi for the finals.
And yes at some places you would have Kojima himself make a guest appearance.
Participants (Includes viewers) get some special key cards with passwords.. and many other prizes to be won
The details unfortunately only in japanese are at
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February 2nd, 2007, 10:40 Posted By: -Xandu-
Alright, I've decided to call it Xandu's Media Player .
First of all I'd like to thank Homer for his great help and support , and for being a really nice guy.
Secondly, this is a media player for the PSP, coded from scratch, it currently supports MP3, future versions will include WAV,OGG,etc..
Also future versions will include viewing of lyrics!

-Mp3 play
-Title,Artist,Album view (my thanks to Homer)
-Lyric view will be added
-Wav,Ogg,etc.. Will be added
-Visualizer Might be added
Note: This is open-source
X Button : Pause current Mp3
O Button : Play Mp3
[] Button : Stop current Mp3
L Button : Access "Now Playing"
R Button : Access "Library"
Known issues:
-Might crash when changing music
3.03 OE users:
-Make sure it is located in PSP/GAME150
-Make sure your music are in PSP/MUSIC
Feedback and bug report here please.
Hope you enjoy it .
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February 2nd, 2007, 16:35 Posted By: TCLCloud
via PSP117
This will work on any PSP firmware 2.00-3.10 and Dark_Alex's custom firmware as well :thumbup:
This version contains-
95 Games
25 Applications
8 Flash Cartoons
All demos directly downloadable
Video Downloads
80+ wallpaper downloads
40 RSS Channels video and audio
25+ Links on Links Page
Portal 117 Live
The Updates to this Version are-
More PSP and Other links added
New demo links added
Added more online flash movies
More wallpaper links
Added more people to credits (See below)
1. After Unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make D:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
2. On your PSP Browser type file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.htm
3. The main portal page should load up, from here you can select Portal 117 Live, Games, Apps, Videos,Demos, Wallpapers, RSS and Podcasts
and Links, i would suggest adding the main page to your bookmarks or setting it as your home page
Download it here
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February 2nd, 2007, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
New release from dark420bishop:
This program will allow you to change the your XMB Camera, RSS Feed, Online Instruction Manual, Remote Play, and Certificate Utility icons. This program is designed so you can take your current topmenu_plugin.rco and change only the selected icons so that you don't need to remake your topmenu_plugin and change all the labels.
1. A decrypted topmenu_plugin.rco for 3.0x. You can make one of these using any other xmb icon customizing program.
2. Visual Basic 6 Runtime Library.
MY SERVER http://fast.filespace.org/dark420bis...me_Library.exe
3. Icons.
1. Select your topmenu_plugin.rco and select the icons you wish to inject.
2. Hit the Inject button.
3. Flash your topmenu_plugin.rco to the f0:/vsh/resource folder with your favorite flashing program (I like PSP Filer).
Add check box to enable/disable program stops.
Add check box for slower program execution.
Fixed all bugs from earlier version (I think).
New method for program delay - should use less processor bandwidth.
New method for running DOS programs - should be more compatible.
Included the DOS programs needed - because people kept *****ing about it.
Added bmp2dat.bat - as a last resort for ppl with severe compatibility issues.
Changed color scheme.
This is only part of the readme.txt, please check the file for more info including future development and troubleshooting.
Yes, this program only mods 5 sub-menu icons at the moment. I am working with other devs to expand it's functionality but these things take time and I am busy with other responsabilities as well. Please do not complain about this, it will not speed up my progress. If you want a program that does all the menu icons, please check the progress of zmathue's icon editing program, it looks very promising. I am happy to share and discuss my source with other developpers but i'm not going to release it to the public because of the potential for abuse.
The DOS programs required are now included as people wouldn't stop b****ing about it. My apologies to kgsws for including them without permission but I don't know how to contact him to ask. If he has a problem with it, I will remove them immediately.
I really busted my butt to try to recreate and isolate all the errors that people were getting in the last version. I think between the new code and the improved troubleshooting section, everyone should be enjoying some custom submenu icons in no time.
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via darkbishop
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Pandemic Studios will be partnering with EA Games to publish PS3 action sequel Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
It had previously been expected that Pandemic would partner with the first games publisher Lucasarts (or Activision in Europe) for the sequel, but obviously it looks like the Star Wars company has other plans.
"We're thrilled to partner with Pandemic Studios and to be working together to make Mercenaries 2: World in Flames a global blockbuster," said EA Partners VP and general manager, David DeMartini. "EA Partners is committed to providing the world's best development studios with access to EA's unrivalled global publishing resources, helping game makers reach the widest possible audience."
Andrew Goldman, Pandemic Studios CEO adds: "Mercenaries 2: World in Flames will set the bar for explosive, open world action games in the next generation, and everyone at Pandemic is excited that fans will be able to get their hands on it later this year."
There's no word on the heavily-rumoured Xbox 360 and PC versions yet, though there seems to be no mention of PS3 exclusivity in this announcement. We'll let you know if Mercenaries 2's new publisher pipes up with anything.
via cvg
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
David Jaffe has posted a blog during a focus test for the upcoming PS3 downloadable game Calling All Cars, which documents just what happens during a focus test. And it makes for great reading.
His live blog began at 9:15am LA time with: "Focus tests are starting for the game; prob. the last focus/play tests we will have. I will try to live blog it cause...well why not...maybe it will be interesting...or suck. This will be more stream of consciousness than usual...and the spelling lots worse as I'm gonna be focused on the test but trying to blog too...so here we go..."
It gets better: "9:22- Still waiting for this mother****er to show...that's the thing with focus tests...you pay these companies a good amount of cash to go out and find inbiased people to come play stuff, and they get paid, and you usually have like an 80% show rate...there's always a few who sign up to come but do not...one of these focus companies would do well to charge a bit more and then have back up testers to promise you get the number of people you want even if the first picks have a few no shows....**** tards....and yeah, since I am typing fast, prep for lots more cursing cause I got not time to edit "
It gets better still: "9:27- Ok, we're gonna start without the ****...whatever. Dammit! But yeah, here come the butterflies...will they like it, will they make fun of it, will they LOVE it?!? HATE IT?!?! Shit, here we go...they are all sitting down at the ps3's....here we go..."
via cvg
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February 2nd, 2007, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Konami is planning a Castlevania title for PSP - and they're not mucking about either, packing Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood onto the same disc as a full-blown 3D-graphics remake of the latter.
Going by the name Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, it's due out in the autumn.
"Rondo of Blood?" It's only ever been released properly in Japan, although you may have played a slightly less exciting port of it on the SNES called Dracula X. Don't worry though, they're not going to spoil it with 3D visuals, as the gameplay will still be ostensibly 2D.
What's more, an untouched port of the original code, along with one of the much celebrated PlayStation title Symphony of the Night, will also be stuffed onto the UMD when the game makes its first appearance later this year. There's no 3D remake planned of the latter, sadly.
Even so, it still sounds brilliant. Xbox 360 fans will want to remember that Symphony of the Night is also set to be released via Live Arcade in the near future.
via eurogamer
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February 2nd, 2007, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Word that a new WipEout game is in development has come from an interview with Develop magazine with Clemens Wangerin, development director for Sony's Liverpool studio.
Wangerin wouldn't give away much at all (just the above) and there was no one around at Sony when we tried to contact them. All eyes on GDC next month for an announcement? We'll see.
via cvg
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February 2nd, 2007, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
To celebrate the release of Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony on PSP, we've teamed up with 2K games to offer ten lucky winners a copy of the game. We love the action-centric hack and slashery of this handheld RPG and gave it a rather glowing review earlier this week. Just hit the review tab up there to see it for yourself.
So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning this cool prize? Simply answer the question below and email us with the answer. Ready for it? Here goes:
Where are you most likely to find a dungeon?
a) In a castle
b) In a pirate ship
c) In a school
If you think you know the answer, click here to email us with your answer, name and full address. The closing date for entries is Friday 2 March 2007.
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have dropped the price of their SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 4GB w/ Adaptor to $93 (£46)
Good news for those who want legit Memory cards for their PSP at a decent price.
The 2GB card has also dropped to USD 50.00
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a press release from ubisoft:
Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced a UK sales and distribution deal with Reef Entertainment to release Free Running, a game based on the new and exciting sport of the same name, on the PlayStation® 2 and PlayStation Portable (PSPTM) consoles on 16th March 2007.
Forget cars, trains, packed pavements and crowded platforms. Free Running means the concrete jungle is your urban playground as you run, vault, jump and climb over obstacles in the most fluid and flowing manner possible.
Rob Cooper, UK managing director at Ubisoft said, “Free Running is the first game of its genre and we are pleased to be working together with Reef Entertainment to bring Free Running to the UK market.”
Peter Rezon, CEO of Reef Entertainment said “An enormous awareness of the sport is developing in the mainstream media and we feel now is the time to release the game. The sport of free running is appearing everywhere from Hollywood films, music videos to advertising and documentaries. Having acquired this exciting game from Rebellion studios and now having Ubisoft on board, one of the world’s largest videogame publishers, provides the perfect platform for Reef to deliver this title to UK gamers.”
Key Game Features
You will join an elite group of athletes known as Tracers (or Free Runners) and will compete against Sebastien Foucan, the creator of Free Running, seen recently in ‘Casino Royale’ as well as members of the organisation known as Urban Freeflow. The aim is to become the greatest free runner of all time.
More than 60 challenges spread over 10 different levels in 3 distinct time zones, each with its own style of gameplay.
9 different single and multiplayer modes, including freestyle, time attack and ground zero.
Unlockable characters, clothes, tricks, videos and music.
Website: www.freerunning.com
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February 2nd, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
IGN have posted something that we all know, that Sony only update when the PSP Scene over rides all their firmware updates to stop homebrew:
Is Sony Computer Entertainment in a rush to try to combat the homebrew underground? Or is the company simply intent on adding as many features as it can cram into its handheld gaming system while also trying to quell piracy concerns? That debate is raging on net forums at the moment, but whichever belief you follow, any PSP update is something to tune your ears for.
We also must mention that this 3.10 release comes hot on the heels of a breakthrough in the hacking/homebrew scene. A BIOS downgrader for version 3.03 was made available just days before SCE released this update, allowing gamers to take their systems back down to a level before Sony's hardware encryption was properly working and thus opening up the system for unofficial homemade applications (as well as, unfortunately, illegal game copies.) And prior to this downgrader, another unofficial breakthrough came with the release of "custom firmware" -- hacker Dark_AleX was able to decompile the PSP update file and recompose it with all the new stuff Sony has added as well as all the old stuff that allowed unsigned apps to run on the system. The release of 3.10 has done little to cork the leaks in PSP, as coders have already decrypted the 3.10 file. Of course, any unofficial tampering with your PSP BIOS could brick your system and make it unable to run any kind of application, but the temptation is there to have everything Sony wants you to have as well as everything else that's out there. The good part of this is the wealth of homebrew PSP applications, some of which is truly stellar and beyond what even Sony so far has offered with the system (including homemade games, media applications, file utilities and more). The bad part of this is that, without a secure system, there's nothing stopping users from running pirate copies of PSP games on their system, and that's something that Sony and its Third Party partners are desperate to stem (especially with PSP still not meeting expectations in game sales.) And the disasterous part of this is that it's possible to foul up your system completely and turn it into a useless paperweight...
Nice to see IGN posting about homebrew 
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
via akihabaranews.com:
If, like me, you’re the owner of a PS3, you’ve probably realized by now its potential for games and video, and also the fact that there is not a single great game on the market yet! Well, except for MotorSport (I’m totally hooked), but where’s the online mode?? Anyway, let's say we’ll have games on the PS3 at some point, or maybe we’ll have a console emulator (for NEC PC Engine, Super Famicon, Neo Geo, etc.), even a nice DivX player… You’ll also realize that 60GB is good, but hardly enough after a while… Kurouto Shikou is coming to the rescue with their PS3-eSATA, a SATA and eSATA slot for PS3 that allows you to plug any kind of hard disk, and even install the OS of the PS3 on them. You can even unplug the hard disk from your PS3 and plug it on a PC to backup your data, Great!
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
via digitimes
With Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3) new-generation game consoles priced below their component costs, the game console vendors are aggressively preparing to migrate chief components to 65nm production in order to help shrink the gap between retail prices and costs.
During a recent Sony investor conference, the company said it has already started production of various sized chipsets on 65nm node and noted that die-size could be shrunk by 40% in comparison to 90nm process, indicating that corresponding costs could be reduced along with the reduction in die-size. In addition to the prepared migration to more advanced node production, Sony said it also plans to reduce the number of parts in the PS3 in attempt to see "drastic" cost reductions.
iSuppli's research shows that, at present, manufacturing costs of the two PS3 models – 20GB and 60GB-hard disk drive (HDD)– are US$306.85 and US$241.35 higher than the current retail prices.
Another component teardown report from iSuppli reveals that Microsoft is also facing a similar situation. According to the research firm's estimation, the Xbox 360 Premium package which is priced at US$399, actually houses a bill-of-material (BOM) cost of US$525. A spokesperson at Microsoft previously told Business Week that profits from Xbox 360 should only start being realized in 2007.
Microsoft and its foundry partner, Chartered Semiconductor announced last April that it would start producing Xbox 360 CPUs on 65nm silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology in the first quarter of 2007. However, later rumors have suggested that the migration might be delayed to mid-year.
A Chinese-language Commercial Times report February 2, 2007 cited industry makers commenting that Microsoft could shrink the cost of three key Xbox 360 components – CPU, northbridge and graphics chip – to below US$150, or 30-40% lower, if it introduces 65nm manufacturing.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
New firmware/software update for the PS3, heres whats new:
You can now select an image to use as the User icon from [Photo].
[Key Tone] has been added as an option under [Sound Settings].
[Delete Backup Data] has been added as an option under [System Settings] > [Backup Utility].
WEP 128, WPA-PSK (TKIP) and WPA-PSK (AES) have been added as security methods that can be used with [AOSS™] under [Automatic].*
* If you have already set up for AOSS using an earlier version of the system software, you must perform AOSS setup again to use the security methods listed above.
* When [Automatic] is selected, the security method to be used is automatically set.
* AOSS is a trademark of Buffalo, Inc.
New for 1.51: Support for PLAYSTATION®3 format software titles has been expanded.
The method for saving your password / signing in automatically under PLAYSTATION®Network has been changed. There are now two separate options.
You can now enter text in Korean using the on-screen keyboard.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
via romero126
I have noticed a large amount of complaints about not being able to run LUAPlayer on your PSP using the firmware 3.03oe-b.
So here is a quick Guide to doing so.
There are two guides so read carefully.
Guide 1
This is the easy way to install 1.50 homebrew but only works if there is an eboot in the /PSP/GAME folder.
Put your 1.50 homebrew in the folder
Either put your 3.03 homebrew in the folder or Create a folder named "__SCE__"
Guide 2
Quickly power off your PSP
So that your PSP completly reboots. It will show the "Sony Entertainment" logo.Quote:
Note if you are having problems completly turning of your PSP unplug the PSP and remove the battery.
Quickly hold down the RTrigger.
This will bring up the built in recovery console in 3.0x oe
Select Configuration and press (X)
This will bring you to a submenu. It will allow you to adjust your 3.0xOE to suit your own needs.
Skip SCE logo (currently: enabled/disabled)
Hide corrupt icons (currently: enabled/disabled)
Game folder homebrew (currently: 3.03 Kernel)
Autorun program at /PSP/Game/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP
Use NO-UMD (currently: enabled/disabled)
Fake region (currently: enabled/disabled)
Free UMD region (currently: enabled/disabled)
Click on Game folder homebrew
Note: If its already on 1.50 Kernel then there SOMETHING WRONG
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
It's been a long time coming, and IGN AU reviewed this stellar portable racer a while back, but Atari have finally announced the release date for V8 Supercars 3: Shootout Challenge.
The PSP edition of the PS2 racer will launch on February 16th. V8 Supercars 3: Shootout, delivers an incredibly diverse range of insanely fast championships and skill-based challenges in short bursts of play, making it perfect for PSP gaming on the go. There's also incredible wireless multiplayer racing for up to a staggering 12 players simultaneously and Game Share enables up to four players to enjoy wireless multiplayer racing from just one UMD.
Presenting the world's most powerful cars in tightly fought pack racing action, V8 Supercars 3: Shootout, comes loaded with an all-new championship structure - the World Challenge.
The game also features 36 world-famous tracks, each with multiple variations of routes and over 40 of the world's most exciting real competition cars, both modern and historic and each with their own handling characteristics.
Just some of the cars featured include the Holden Commodore VX and VY V8 Super, Ford Falcon AU and BA, Nissan 350Z Nismo, Subaru Impreza 22 Track, Audi A4 DTM, AMG-Mercedes C-Klasse DTM, WilliamsF1 Team FW 27, Gemballa GTR 750 EVO, Koening GT-D and 360 GT, and N10 Track, TVR T400 R and the coolest motors from the British GT championship.
Keep an eye out for V8 Supercars 3: Shootout Challenge and get your engines roaring when it launches on February 16th.
via ign
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
When Rockstar announced that they had acquired the rights to develop a game based around 70s cult-cinema classic, The Warriors, gamers and fans of the film were filled with questions. How would it work? Could it be done? Heck - would it even be worthwhile? Eventually the answers rang clearly when a low-key, slightly tarnished masterpiece was released on the PS2 back in 2005. Now, a year-and-a-half later, a PSP version has emerged, and at first glance, it's impressively and near-precisely akin to the bigger-screened version. However, one aspect that has been announced but discussed very little is the wireless co-op mode.
For those not versed in the ways and means of The Warriors, essentially the film is a tale of warring street gangs in campy themed costumes going toe-to-toe for control of the city's underworld. Caught in the middle of a murder they didn't commit, members of The Warriors gang go on a roaring rampage of revenge, Tarantino-style - only, minus the Tarantino.
We played through a number of the single-player storyline missions, as well as some multiplayer fisticuff battles. Initially, you start off in The Warriors' gangland warehouse, as in the PS2 version. This acts as an hub for selecting the next chapter in the plot, or for accessing a host of extra modes and unlockables. One of the first significant points of difference is that the 'secret' unlockable Double Dragon knock-off, mimicked exactly, is immediately accessible from the outset. Clearly, this decision has been made to emphasize the importance of cooperative experiences on Sony's handheld.
Every mission in the game now works flawlessly in co-op mode. Even the initial New Blood opening mission allows two players to grapple against bums and, occasionally, each other. Certainly a two-player mode was included in the original release; however, a separate, personal screen is infinitely superior to split screen gaming and breathes new life into the game.
It it's called 'co-op' for nothing, after all, and there are many opportunities for cooperation throughout the levels. Even down to the ways in which the characters grapple, two players can creatively bash the snot out of any foolish mug willing to stand his ground.
The controls from the PS2 version have been adapted and simplified to suit the PSP's restructured control scheme. The face buttons still grapple, throw, punch and kick, while the D-pad's directional buttons block and heal. L and R adjust the camera angle and target lock-on respectively.
While on the surface The Warriors is a beat-em-up par excellence, the game also diverges into moments and sequences of old-school platforming skills, racing and even puzzle-solving. The there's the included graffiti tagging, car stereo theft and other black-market microgames to tackle along the way - all of which can be attempted with two players.
In a latter mission entitled Writer's Block, the gang is being pursued by the Hi-Hats - crazy, top-hat donning gang-bangers. While being chased across town, you and your multiplayer partner are simultaneously racing over rooftops, jumping ledges, scaling chain link fences and trying desperately not to fall off. The cooperative nature of the level means that even if one player plummets, the other has the chance to succeed by reaching relative safety at the end of the stage.
Other levels see you tackling the Baseball Furies' fictitious leader, a double-bat carrying behemoth. A bit of teamwork can take the heat off of one player long enough for the other to dive in and pummel the ringleader's cranium. Still others challenge you to a tag-off; spray paint as many key areas in the area as possible, while competing against a rival gang. This requires a bit of strategy, since the location cycles from one spot to the next, and we found the most effective approach was if one player marked one half of the area, while the other took on the other half.
We're not sure how they've managed to crank out the textural detail that they have, but somehow The Warriors looks almost as good as the PS2 version. Facial textures are noticeably lower in resolution, granted, but the environmental detail is astounding. At times, it's easy to forget that this is a portable version. When you factor in that all of the content of the PS2 version is included, soundtracks, voices and otherwise, it makes for an impressive package.
All of this graphical showboating comes at a price, as there is definitely noticeable slowdown during instances where there are more than half a dozen characters on-screen. It never gets so severe that it affects the gameplay, but we'd love to see this get ironed out in time for release.
While we still question whether or not The Warriors really needed to be ported across to the PSP, there is no question over Rockstar's commitment to the handheld, or their ability to excel at just about every title they choose to bring across. Due for release in just under a month, we're confident that, alongside Liberty City and Vice City Stories, you may have a third, if admittedly rehashed, reason to keep your portable out of the hock shop.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
As satisfying videogame experiences go, diving through the air and putting a bullet in the head of a moustachioed Mexican from a hundred meters away may not rank alongside finishing Gears of War on Insane, but it's still pretty rewarding. Pulling off the same sniper shot while flipping off a wall and wearing a hat shaped like chicken egg, however, is damn cool. What's more, moments like this happen all the time in Chili Con Carnage, both in the single-player game but more so in the multiplayer modes the game has to offer, as we realised when we took on all-comers around the IGN UK offices.
There are two multiplayer games to choose from: Hangman can be played by up to four people using a single PSP while Fiesta allows gun-toting gringos to scrap it out via wi-fi. Well, scrap it out probably isn't the best way to describe how the game plays, because neither multiplayer mode is a classic deathmatch. Instead players take turns to wrack up the highest score possible, by executing stylish kills and pulling off stupidly over-the-top moves.
In Fiesta mode, up to four players first choose their character from a hotchpotch bunch of scruffs, before selecting one of five areas - Rancho Vireillo, Peurto Indsutrial, Arena Del Tora, The Hacienda and the Jungle - to battle in. It's then a case of hitting the points limit before your opponent. However, while you all fight on the same level at the same time, it's not actually in the same arena - the number of bad guys you fight is the same but you never come face-to-face with the other players.
Here's where it gets interesting though. If you pull off a spectacular kill or a string of impressive shots, you send a load of enemies over to the other players' screens. On the flipside, if you're playing like a chump then your screen will get cluttered with death-dealing Mexicans. Executing a stylish kill really is important then, to boost your score and also make life for your opponents very hard.
As with the single-player game, the best way to earn big points is by stringing combos together. When you kill an enemy a time bar on the right fills, then starts emptying slowly as the game goes on. Pop a cap in another bad guy and the bar refills and your combo extends, and continues to do so if you keep on gunning down thugs and keep the meter filled with juice. Let it drain, however, and you lose your combo. Although it's by no means a disaster because the points you accumulated are banked, it means you've got to start building your bonus multiplyer from scratch once again, which is a right pain in the backside.
There's more to Chili Con Carnage's multiplayer than extravagant kills and fat combos too. The game is packed with power-ups and collectibles that can turn around the outcome of a game in an instant. Dropped by enemies after a classy kill, basic bonuses include weapon and combo steals, which bump up your arsenal or score depending on the one you pick up. Earthquake isn't quite as vicious as it sounds, causing everyone to fall flat on their backsides for a few seconds - meaning your combo meter drains because it's impossible to rattle off a shot. Enemy Confetti can be a combo-crippling power-up to use on your opponents if timed correctly, because it shreds all of the enemies in their arena so there's literally nothing to shoot at.
Dual Wield and Camera Twist are the two most potent pick-ups in the game, the first tooling you with a pair of pistols, shotguns, AK-47s - whatever you can lay your hands on - so you can make light work of anyone stupid enough to get in your way. Camera Twist flips the screen of your opponents, totally disorientating them for 10 seconds. And finally there's Rewind, which turns back time, meaning you can give death the slip if you're quick on your feet.
Power-ups don't play a big part in Hangman mode, which is a much more straightforward concept. Players take turns to notch up the highest score with the loser awarded a piece of gallows. When the hangman puzzle is complete it's game over.
Both multiplayer modes are pretty simple, which is true for Chili Con Carnage overall really. Senselessly killing Mexicans dressed as chickens is pretty shallow stuff, but there is something quite addictive about trying to pull off a more spectacular kill than your mate, especially if they're constantly raising the bar. Simple close-up kills soon make way for wall-climbing bulls-eyes, but even they're not a patch on multiple headshots while diving through the air - and wearing a giant sombrero, of course.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
One of the scariest games to come along in some time, F.E.A.R. (short for First Encounter Assault Recon) hit the PC back in late 2005 to critical acclaim, and then again late last year on the Xbox 360. This March, Sierra Entertainment, Monolith Productions and Day 1 Studios will unleash the frightening shooter on PlayStation 3 owners everywhere.
If you haven't played either of the existing versions, F.E.A.R. follows the exploits of you and your tactical assault team sent in to take out a crazed killer. You begin seeing visions of a little girl dressed in red eviscerating others (including your men) amongst other eerie sightings, like blood-filled hallways and decomposing corpses. This setting surrounds a shooter filled to the brim with chaos, shootouts against armies of soldiers and just pure adrenaline-pumping scenarios.
Introduced in the Xbox 360 version of the game, F.E.A.R. on the PlayStation 3 will include the Instant Action mode. You begin each round with 15 minutes on the clock, a number of weapons, a health pack or two and some grenades at your ready. The goal is to clear out the area as quickly and skillfully as possible. At the end of the round, be it after clearing the level, running out of time or dying, you'll be given a score based on how quickly you finished the section, how many enemies you killed, how you killed them, your accuracy and more. Your stats will then be uploaded to an online leaderboard where you'll be able to compare your efforts with other gamers from around the world. It's a difficult mode that's meant to kill you, so you'll want to hone your skills before even thinking about giving Instant Action a go.
While we haven't been able to run two versions side-by-side as of yet, the content of the single-player portion seems to mimic those of the PC and Xbox 360 games. The game is broken up into a series of chapters, and after completing a section you're able to return to them for prosperity's sake.
Day 1 has done a pretty fine job at porting the original game's keyboard and mouse control scheme to consoles. Playing F.E.A.R. on the SIXAXIS feels great, with a really nice balance between weight and ease of aim given to the player. Dialing in headshots is rather easy, even without any aiming assist in place. The game's relatively complex input system (for a shooter, that is) has been mapped really well, with oft-used things like Slow-Mo attached to the shoulder buttons while less combat-intensive items like the flashlight have been moved to the D-Pad. You have a handful of customization options, though you're unable to entirely remap the controls or use a southpaw setup.
While Day 1 has done a great job with the feel of the game, it unfortunately hasn't done so well with the visuals. All of the effects from the PC and Xbox 360 releases are here, like blurring when you enter slow-mo, particle effects aplenty, chips in the scenery from bullet holes and such, but it just doesn't look very sharp. To put it simply, the whole game is quite blurry. We're not just talking texture detail, which is indeed not very good, but the video looks like it's been rendered at a low resolution and then upscaled to HD. The framerate mostly holds steady, though there are a few blips or loading pauses here and there, but the main problem really is a lack of sharpness.
We're told that the final version of the game features enhanced visuals and a better framerate, and we believe it will, but we're very skeptical at just how much of a difference there will be. At this point, F.E.A.R. is a far cry from what the PlayStation 3 is truly capable of. We'll see how the final release goes...
Another somewhat disappointing aspect in our PlayStation 3 build of F.E.A.R. is that its AI tends to be spotty. Its first instinct always seems to be to simply duck, regardless of what's going on. On more than one occasion we tossed a grenade into a group of enemies and simply watched them duck to the ground for a few seconds before they were blown to bits. Fortunately, more often than not the AI does show some semblance of the intelligence that we saw in the PC game, with soldiers backing up while shooting and attempting to use cover, or ducking under or jumping over objects in the environment to get to you. Hopefully the AI will be ironed out before release as it's mostly pretty good.
So far F.E.A.R. on the PlayStation 3 seems to match the intensity and involving gameplay of its PC and Xbox 360 counterparts, but the AI still needs a slight bit of tweaking and the visuals need a lot of work. Here's hoping for a last minute visual boost to bring this version up to speed.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
If we're to believe 1UP, Square is heads-over-heels in love with the PSP. A deluge of titles is supposed to head to our favorite handheld, including remakes of Final Fantasy I & II. Although SCEA usually has a no-ports policy, it appears that this high-profile re-release may get greenlit for US release. Gamestop's website briefly showed a listing for the two ports for June and July, each retailing for $39.99.
While Gamestop doesn't have the most reliable release date information, they can be very good at accidentally revealing new games before they're officially announced. Remember Oblivion? This is probably a positive indicator that the games will receive an English release, but I hope that price is completely fabricated: there's no justification at all for a $40 price tag on an NES game remake.
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February 2nd, 2007, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy

An avid PSP Fanboy reader, Joe, sent us in a great tip about this upcoming PSP RTS. It's called Galaxy's End, and will support not only Ad-Hoc multiplayer, but Infrastructure as well. The graphics look to impress, and the gameplay looks fast and fun. So what's the problem?
There's no publisher for this game. It comes from a new dev team called Tiki Games, and it seems publishers are wary of supporting an original IP from an untested team. However, this game looks like it has some awesome potential.
More info and Screens
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February 2nd, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster

via pspfanboy
Time for a new demo for PSP Owners to play with, todays demo is Medal of Honour for the PSP.
Heres the instructions to get it on your PSP:
1. Download the demo ZIP file.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
3. Connect your PSP to your PC using a USB cable or use card reader.
4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.
5. Copy ULED90008 folder into dir.
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February 2nd, 2007, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Daveychan:
"RCO Swapper" is a handy little utility that lets you change the first row of names on your XMB menu without needing to manually hexedit or run scary patches.
Simply put "RCO Swapper.exe" and your "topmenu_plugin.rco" file in the same directory, run "RCO Swapper", edit the menu names the way you like, and click the "!Swap It!" button. Your topmenu_plugin file is now swapped with your custom names!
A few small simple things to know when you run this easy-to-use proggy:
1. If you don't have the "topmenu_plugin.rco" file in the same directory, you get the boot.
2. Yes, you can use a customized topmenu_plugin file where you have already changed the icons.
3. You are limited to the same number of characters as the orignal text. For example, the menu item "Game" has four characters ("G", "a", "m", and "e"), you cannot use five characters for your new name.
4. If the menu has eight characters, for example "Settings", you must enter eight replacement characters, that's one new character for each original character. Yes, using a SPACE is fine to fill in any un-used characters. For example, "Game" has four characters, so if you enter "Toy", you must use a SPACE character for the missing fourth character "e". If you don't enter enough characters, you get the boot.
5. You can only do this one time! A directory called "Backup" will be created in the same directory as the program, and a backup of your original "topmenu_plugin.rco" is copied there. (In case you want to change the names again later using this ORIGINAL file.)
6. The "topmenu_plugin.rco" file now has it's menu names swapped. Use your favorite PSP utility to flash the new file to your PSP. If you are nervous about flashing it, simply replace the "topmenu_plugin.rco" file in your Devhook directory (for example: DH\302\f0\vsh\resource) to test it out before you flash.
7. As with any homebrew application involving flashing, nobody is responsible for things that go wrong with your PSP except you!
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February 2nd, 2007, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Madruscoe:
Hello everybody
There were some annoying things for me in PMP Mod AVC. Through my poor PSP programming experiences, I did some changes. The most important imo was the time and battery display in PMP (have no wrist watch and dont use irShell :-) ) and some subtitle stuff. Feel free to use if you like it. Never mind if you dont. :-)
Analogue stick in filelist:
- up/down = up/down
- left = exit
- right = play
Headphones/remote control in filelist:
- forward = down
- back = up
- play/pause = play
Thumbnails are .png files with resolution 96x54 px. They can be created on pc and correctly named (movie.pmp, movie.png...) but when .pos file are generated, png will be overwritten by new screenshot.
- better interface (gui), graphics (I have no much time )
- analogue pad/remote control support during video play (?)
- directory support in filelist (important!)
- standby support (?)
- playlist

Verison 1.02M-I (02.02.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed displaying long filenames in deleting dialog window
- added ability to set any brightness you want (included 4th brightness
What to do with these files/folders? Where to place it?
- If you are running SE or OE firmware, place "__SCE__PMPMODAVC" and "%__SCE__PMPMODAVC" to \PSP\GAME150 folder on your memory stick (or set kernel to 1.50 and put it in GAME folder). Otherwise (running 1.50) place it to \PSP\GAME.
Where to place video(s)?
My videos not playing...
- Make sure you use PMP (1) AVC videos (encoded) and NOT PMP 2. Files are allowed have extension .pmp or .avc.
So what application shall I use for encoding?
- Personally I use and recommend you XviD4PSP having plenty of setting for encode (like cropping etc.). Of course you can use any encoder you like which support PMP AVC. Anyway the encoding take pretty loooong time (6 fps on AMD Duron 800 MHz, 20 fps on Intel Celeron 1.7 GHz...). If you are not so experienced with encoding video see some guide at this forum that helps you get the best video quality ;-). Another supported tool is AVItoPMP.
- Yes. At first, if you need some special character encoding, delete font10.f (in __SCE__PMPMODAVC folder) and rename for example font10_centraleuropean.f to font10.f. (You can make your own font, see raphael’s devblog and get latest FontGenerator).
If your movie title is "Movie ABC.pmp" then I recommend you to name subtitles "Movie ABC.sub" or "Movie ABC.srt" to work correctly.
Reasons why to use PMP Mod AVC:
- PMP Mod AVC runs 120 MHz so you can play videos longer (than with 222 MHz)
- subtitles can be placed as a separate (.sub) file so you can during playback switch color/font... turn off/on them
- support for more than one audio stream
- support for possition - playing starts from time you last stop the video even when you turn off the psp
- no need flashing your psp to enjoy the full resolution
- volume boost can the audio make louder
Why to use MP4 in 3.03 OE:
- you save about 15 second (no reboot of psp to load homebrew) but lost some time looking for the possition you last time stop your video (not standby but turn off psp) and even hours cause of the processor frequency
- user interface may look better for you
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:22 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
HMV's online store is now taking pre-orders for PlayStation 3 - providing consumers are also willing to purchase a 4GB PSP pack for a total price of GBP 675.
An email sent out to customers today says the deal will enable them to become one of the "lucky few" who will be able to pick up a PS3 at launch. It reads: "At HMV.co.uk, we've been working with Sony to offer up to 5000 customers an incredible deal when you buy the new Sony 4GB PSP.
"Anyone who takes advantage of this offer will get priority over other HMV.co.uk customers for the PlayStation 3." The deal also includes two PSP games - Killzone Liberation and Gangs of London - and the price for the bundle is listed as GBP 674.99.
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:22 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
HMV's online store is now taking pre-orders for PlayStation 3 - providing consumers are also willing to purchase a 4GB PSP pack for a total price of GBP 675.
An email sent out to customers today says the deal will enable them to become one of the "lucky few" who will be able to pick up a PS3 at launch. It reads: "At HMV.co.uk, we've been working with Sony to offer up to 5000 customers an incredible deal when you buy the new Sony 4GB PSP.
"Anyone who takes advantage of this offer will get priority over other HMV.co.uk customers for the PlayStation 3." The deal also includes two PSP games - Killzone Liberation and Gangs of London - and the price for the bundle is listed as GBP 674.99.
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
via /.
Paradox writes in with a link to an MSNBC article that shouldn't be too surprising for anyone: the real winners of the console war are the DS and the PS2. Boasting numbers unmatchable by the johnny-come-lately next-gen consoles, the PS2 and Nintendo DS each sold about 1.5 Million units last December. Article author Kristin Kalning points out the reality: given the high quality of gaming in general nowadays, the low prices and rich libraries of these 'venerable' systems will see them in circulation for some time to come. Given the success of last-gen consoles, what are your plans regarding gaming systems? Are you holding out for price drops, or considering buying one of the older systems now that they're considerably less expensive?
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February 3rd, 2007, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
THQ released financial results for its fiscal third quarter (October through December) today, and afterward, company executives jumped on a conference call for a grilling from industry analysts.
When asked about how the company was planning to compete with the expected release of heavyweights like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV later this year, a THQ executive said the company would do what it could to avoid a head-to-head fight with either game. While it isn't shy about releasing licensed fare like Nickelodeon-based titles or WWE games in the same time frame as industry-wide blockbusters, the publisher has "strategically placed" original offerings like Destroy All Humans!, Juiced, and Saints Row around the bigger releases rather than be overshadowed by them.
Also on the topic of Saints Row, one analyst asked how much the publisher was spending to port the open-world Xbox 360 gangbanger to the PlayStation 3. While THQ execs wouldn't put a dollar figure on the answer, one of them called the price to get the game to the PS3 "a fraction" of the original development cost, saying 15 percent was "not a bad guesstimate" on the cost of porting an Xbox 360 game to the PS3, or vice versa.
A couple things THQ has planned for both systems are in-game advertising and microtransactions. Specifically, THQ plans to put both into at least four games in its fiscal year 2008 (April 2007 through March 2008). So far, three games are confirmed to have them: the freshly named Stuntman Ignition, a new Juiced, and the next MX game. All told, the publisher expects to collect about $5 million from downloadable content and in-game advertising in the next fiscal year.
via gamespot
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
You might think that no one in Japan wants an Xbox 360. But you know what they want less? The 20 GB model of the PLAYSTATION 3. Mega retailer Sofmap is only giving 27,000 yen cash to folks trading in a used 20GB PS3....and 27,500 yen for a used Xbox 360. This is what you might call a raw deal for resellers, as the 20 GB model of the PS3 retails for 49,980 yen, while the 360 goes for a much cheaper 38,980.
Mock Sony's choice to limit European PLAYSTATION 3 sales to the 60 GB model, but maybe they're right.
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Speaking with SCE Liverpool, Develop magazine has seemingly uncovered news of a pair of WipEout installments bound for PlayStation 3 and PSP. The unsurprising revelation has been tied to Sony's downloadable content strategy. Liverpool's WipEout Pure showed promise, registering more than 800,000 downloads of add-on content, but subsequent Sony efforts have failed to follow suit.
Liverpool plans to pick up the slack with upcoming versions of WipEout. "Downloadable content helped keep [WipEout Pure] on the shelf and encouraged people to not trade the game in," explained development director Clemens Wangerin, adding, "Being able to cater to a much finer resolution of gamers' tastes and maybe create more byte-sized or customizable gaming is a massive advantage." Sounds like Sony's starting to understand the importance of PlayStation Network.
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February 3rd, 2007, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
via mcvuk
Leading games retailers have told MCV that they do want to see the ‘basic’ PS3 hardware launched in the UK – while consumers have already begun petitioning Sony to make the lower-priced unit available.
In its European PS3 launchplan (MCV Newsflash 24/01), Sony revealed that the decision to only launch with a 60Gb model only was down to “retail and consumer demand”.
But retailers have told MCV that they would welcome the 20Gb SKU, whilst conceding that rolling out a single version at launch may prove a wise move.
Senior product manager at Gamestation Anna Downing told MCV: “When you take into consideration the high price point of PS3, along with software and technology to support its full potential, there is definitely room for the 20Gb SKU in the UK market. However, early adopters will choose the 60Gb model, as was evident with the 360 launch.”
Senior buying manager of games at Tesco Dan Cook agreed. “The split we have seen on Xbox 360 suggests that a later launch of a ‘core’ product is not a bad idea,” he told MCV. “But launching with one SKU makes things easier for retailers like us.”
Console and video games manager at Amazon James Schall added that he would have liked to be able to give customers the option from launch: “I like the concept of allowing the consumer to choose his entry level into next-gen gaming.”
And it’s not just retail – consumer forums discussing the 20Gb PAL no-show are full of disgruntled fans.
A 20Gb-themed thread on ‘semi-official’ PS3 blog Three Speech includes comments such as: “Yet another time that the UK gets ripped off”, “20Gb, I’m waiting for you” and “Pre-order cancelled”.
Eurogamer’s forum even encourages members to sign a petition for Sony to launch the system.
One user posted an email he sent to Sony on the site, which reads: “I see you plan to release the less expensive 20GB based on ‘demand’. Well, I demand that you release it.”
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
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In a call to investors, THQ announced it would release WWE titles for Nintendo DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii and Xbox 360. Last year wrestling did not come to DS and was absent from the launch of PS3 and Wii.
Previously the title "WWE Superstar Aggression" for DS was found on retail lists. THQ has not given an official name to its DS wrestling title.
No further details were offered about the titles. It's unknown if the DS and Wii versions will be unique to those platforms or if they will be variations on the WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw series.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
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Dating simulators have been the bee's knees in Japan for some time now, but as of yet publishers have been rather hesitant to test the waters outside of the country with titles from the genre. Konami is set to change all that with its 90210-esque release of Brooktown High: Senior Year in a few month's time.
The point of the game is to simply date as many of the other students as you can while managing your time. Aside from cheesing it up with the other upper-classmen, you'll have to study if you want better grades, get a job if you want some extra cash, get to class on time and, of course, catch some Zs now and then. It's sort of like the time management issues that you find in The Sims, except that instead of raising a family your goal is to raise something else.
When you first begin your senor year, you need to create your character. You start by taking a personality test that determines how much of a jock, nerd, goth or prep that you are. After your personality is determined, you then get to decide how you want your character to look from a small number of choices. You start with the basics, but you can expand your wardrobe and such by picking up some new threads later on.
Clothing is an important part of the game and will determine how some people will interact with you. If you wear the wrong clothes, you'll alienate some of the people at Brooktown. When the seasons change, you'll need to update your wardrobe or be mocked for wearing a t-shirt in winter or a heavy coat in the spring. You could also just go to class in your underwear, but we're not sure anyone would appreciate that.
Though you choose what you say to people in conversations, the game is not a simple "Choose Your Own Adventure" type of game. Your personality and clothing will directly reflect how others view you, and combined with your comments will determine how they react to you. You won't be able to score with the head cheerleader if you wear a pencil protector no matter how much you're able to sweet talk her.
While conversations play perhaps the biggest and most important role in the game, Brooktown High also includes a number of mini-games that make up events. For example, you can partake in a game of strip blackjack or get down with a little tongue wrestling. In the tongue wrestling game, you're in control of a bottle of breath spray and must navigate around the screen while collecting hearts and avoiding other objects, all while spraying back bad breath. No, it's not exciting as making out with a cheerleader behind the football field after the big game, but it is reasonably entertaining and challenging.
After you complete the school year, the game will fast-forward 20 years in the future and show you what became of yourself, whether or not you ended up marrying anyone from the game and generally how you wind up doing in your late 30s. Of course, before you get to this point you'll have to pass a boss fight with the school bully at the prom...
Brooktown High: Senor Year certainly won't be for everyone, but it actually seems like a decent bit of fun. We're still scratching our heads over the comment from some goth chick about her wanting to spank us with her spatula, but we'll have to wait until the game's release later this year to find out how well she handles her kitchenware.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
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Yesterday at Konami's annual Gamer's Day we had a chance to play the latest build of Coded Arms Contagion. The game is the follow-up to the original PSP release of Coded Arms, and in some way is connected to the forthcoming PlayStation 3 title Coded Arms Assault. We started the game from scratch, creating our own profile and running through the opening moments of the game.
Contagion opens with a nicely-rendered cutscene where you see your character, Grant, entering the VR chamber to jack into the virtual world of Coded Arms. The only other person in the area is the general, standing behind the controls for the machine, puffing away on cigars. Once inside, he talks to you via a com link and issues commands.
The first thing you'll have to do is run through a short tutorial that introduces you to the play mechanics. There's no way to skip this, but it does provide some rather useful instructions on how to hack and upgrade your plug-ins. We're unsure of whether you'll be able to skip this if you have a save from the original game on your Memory Stick, but it would be nice as it's reasonably basic stuff and the game gives you reminders during the first mission anyway.
The first true scenario in the game takes place in what looks like a factory of some sort. It's a boxy environment, with sharps turns at every corner. There are a number of complicated battle zones however, with machinery impeding direct access of your bullets into your enemies.
The game's control system works on the now-standard setup for first-person shooters on the PSP. The left analog stick handles movement while the four face buttons are used for aiming. The problem with this setup though is that you only have two buttons left for other actions, and with three main commands in the game (fire, jump and lock-on), the lock-on button ending up being mapped to the down button on the D-Pad. It's sort of an awkward setup that can be gotten used to, but it's not as slick as it could be.
The lock-on mechanics are a little wonky anyway though. The game will attempt to aim at the person closest to the center of the screen, regardless of how far away they are. If there's an enemy 10 feet away and just a tad to your left, who happens to be lighting you up with gunfire, and another guy dead-center but on the other side of the level, you'll aim at the farther guy. You then need to press down again to remove the lock-on, then adjust your aim and try it again, or simply aim by hand.
Coded Arms Contagion looks really good at this point, sporting visuals that rival those of some PlayStation 2 shooters in our eyes. Particle effects and explosions look nice, and texture detail is quite sharp. It doesn't run perfectly smooth, but it's certainly playable and the sharp visuals make it worth it.
So far, Coded Arms Contagion looks like a very solid shooter wrapped in some nice ideas. The game is currently slated to ship on March 13th, so stay on the lookout for this one.
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February 3rd, 2007, 15:14 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Although the PSP has enjoyed many ports from PS2 and Xbox games, more powerful systems are now the being used as the lead SKU. With Xbox 360 and PS3 pushing new graphical boundaries, quickly pumping out a handheld version of the same game won't be quite as easy, if possible at all. Such is the case with Hellboy which looks to be a vastly different beast than its console cousins. Still under the helm of Krome Studios and following a action brawler formula, Hellboy for PSP should provide a totally different experience for fans of the pleasant spawn of hell.
The demo build we played started out with a comic book themed paneled introduction. Hellboy is wandering the desert in search of a hidden oasis, an idea that he readily agrees isn't the best. The playable section begins in an ancient Middle Eastern themed village with dusty streets and heavy use of the tan to brown color range. Hellboy is controlled using the analog nub only and we found his movements to be responsive. The attack buttons are mapped similarly to the console versions, with light and heavy attacks as well as being given the option to pick up the enemies and toss them around.
As we fought through the demo stage, the layout for how small battles would be presented became apparent. Large stone tablets blocked access to other roads and side streets that would only move down after clearing the area of enemies and then waiting for the next bit of the world to stream into the memory. It worked well and gave us no loading screens, even as we entered an inner cavern where we faced a giant boss bug.
The first major fight was introduced through an in-engine cutscene where the bug burst out from a hole in the center of the room. As the camera panned around it, several light emitting stones were spotlit. Ah, the keys to an easy victory…sort of. The bug had enough arms that he could knock you around, pick up smaller enemies and toss them your way, or start bumping into the walls to reshape the layout of the cavern. After climbing two stone staircases and turning on some stones that emit damaging light, the boss started flailing about until it hit the wall and revealed a new path up the side of the cave. We climbed our way up and grabbed the final stone to put into place and complete the fight, though it wasn't much of a fight as the battle was essentially a puzzle without any real combat necessary
The graphics in Hellboy have quite a ways to go if they want to compete with some of the heavier hitters on the PSP. Perhaps it was just the level we were allowed to play, but the color scheme that focuses heavily on the brown side of things looked fairly bland and caused the game to feel a bit empty. Things perked up a bit once we got inside of the cave for the boss fight, leaving hope that the still-early build of the game we played will not be fully representative of the final game. To get a better idea on the game's appearance, be sure to check out our new direct-feed movies in the media gallery.
The handheld version of Hellboy is looking like it will wind up as a standard brawler, which isn't a bad direction to take at all given the intellectual property it is based on. Look for more Hellboy impressions and media as the game gets closer to release.
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February 3rd, 2007, 19:55 Posted By: TacticalPenguin
[spoiler=Readme]L3D 3d modeler Beta 1 by TacticalPenguin
Concept by OwlHuntr
What it does:
This program can draw, save, and load 3d models. It can be used to create 3d models for use in lua gamesor for converting to other formats.
-Draws 3d models in full 3d out of triangles
-Can undo triangles
-Can save models with the name model#.ext with # being a number and ext being an extension of either lua, txt, or xyz
-Can load models previously drawn with L3D 3d modeler
-Camera can move around
-Grid for point reference
-Color of triangles can be changed
-Lines from points are shown while drawing a triangle for reference to where other points have been placed
-Well thought-out control scheme
-Pause menu:
--Up/down: Change selection
--X: Make selection
---Save option:
----Square/circle: Cycle through extensions
----Left/right on dpad: Change number
---Load option:
----Left/right on dpad: Cycle through saved models
-Camera movement mode:
--Left/right on analog or dpad: Rotate camera
--Up/down on analog or dpad: Move forward/backward
--L/R: Lower/raise camera
-Cursor movement mode:
--Left/right on dpad: Precisely decrease/increase cursor's x position
--Up/down on dpad: Precisely decrease/increase cursor's z position
--Left/right on analog: Decrease/increase cursor's x position
--Up/down on dpad: Decrease/increase cursor's z position
--L/R tap: Precisely raise/lower cursor
--L/R hold: raise/lower cursor
-All modes:
--Start: Pause
--Select: Change modes
--Cross: Select a point of the triangle you are drawing
--Triangle: Change selected color value
--Square/circle: Decrease/increase selected color value's value
To install: Copy both __SCE__L3DB1 and %__SCE__L3DB1 into PSP/GAME for kxploit version, copy L3DB1 into PSP/GAME for 1.0/2.0+/OE
-This must use the luaplayer it is packaged with, for it uses a function which is modded into the luaplayer
-Trying to load a file which is not a model may crash the program
-Depending on the order in which you draw the points of a triangle, it may face away from the camera; if so it will not appear. Draw the points in backwards order to make it face the other way.
Thanks to:
TheMarioKarters-Found two bugs, one which crashed the program. Both were fixed
Youresam-Showed me how to save a table with non-string/number elements in it and answered many questions related to program[/spoiler]

Download links:
For 1.0/2.0+/OE: http://1337noobs.com/dl/releases/l3d/b1/L3DB1OE.rar
For 1.5 kxploit: http://1337noobs.com/dl/releases/l3d/b1/L3DB1KX.rar
Hey guys I finally finished making my 3d model drawer today. Basically, it can draw 3d models which can then be used in games. It's like mini-gmax in a way. It can save and load models, undo triangles of a model, use any of the 16.7 million colors the PSP screen can show, it has a grid for refrence, camera movement, lots of stuff. Have fun!
Heck we could even have "Draw this 3d model on your PSP" contests!
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February 3rd, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: Yashamaru
Lua-Pac-Man v0.1 beta is now at an open release state. This release adds the requested (Thanks to: mr_nick666) skin mod menu. The Skin mod menu makes changing sprites easy just make a folder with your mods name and add some images also skin mods change everything from the intro loop, intermissions, and of course the game. I have added four skin mods to show how easy it is.

There is also a test in this release of the next mod menu item, Gametype mods. Gametype mods change how a game is played. One Gametype mod is in this release Space Invader. This simple game shows the idea but still has a long way to go. The ghost AI received a simple update. This update will help the ghosts find Pac-Man and if eaten get back much faster.
*Add Mod (Skin) Menu - [Requested by: mr_nick666]
*Add Mod (Game type) Menu
*Add Mod (Skin) - PacMean
*Add Mod (Skin) - Space Invader
*Add Mod (Skin) - Frogger
*Add Mod (Skin) - Ghost
*Add Mod (Skin) - Classic
*Add Mod (Gametype) - Space Invader
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February 4th, 2007, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
New release from the Nameless
The PSP Browser has a big handicap: The resolution, the website shows often squeezed or are useless. The little Tool "FullScreen Browser for PSP 1.0" fix this problem. It resizes the resultion of the browser window to a normal resultion (as example: 1024x768). Now the websites keep it's design and are readable. This works on all firmwares since 2.0. No homebrew support required.
Version 1.2:
- A big bug fixed, SORRY, I don't testet the code directly on the PSP, so I don't see that the configuration not work for offline files, this is because the browser don't save cookies from file:/
- Added Easy Installer & Configurator
- Google Search & Wikipedia Added
- Small Fixes, code revision
The FSBrowser don't work!
- Have you installed it to the right place?
If yes, you see the page instead of a error, when open file:/fsbrowser/menu.html
- I can't open a page!
Check if you have javascript enabeld.
- The pages aren't as example 1024x768 or don't view better.
Allyways enter the adress in the FSBrowser adress bar. Set View, Display to Normal.
- On some pages the menubar disappeare.
The pages kills frames, so contact the webmaster of the page, he can change this. But on pages like banks, this is normal, because of security reasons.
Can it fix the "out of memory" errors?
No, wait for Dark_Alex. I'am sure he will release a 3.10 OE soon with the "Conserve Memory" feature.
How do I bookmark a page?
Hold X when you over the link, thats open the page in a new window. Now you can bookmark the page. Access it over the FSBrowser bookmark link.
How can I install a Design?
Copy the new design to /PSP/COMMON/ (as Example copy the directory SampleDesign to /PSP/COMMON/) and open the FSBrowser Menu and select Configuration. Select at Design the Select-button and Choose /PSP/COMMON/ > DesignName > DESIGN.PNG. Click on Save.
How can I create a Design?
- Change the pictures at directory SampleDesign.
- At the picture DESIGN.PNG you can add your Name, or what you like, its your info page.
- Rename it to your design name.
- Release it. (You can send it to me, I can put it on my site.)
This called an program? I can do this in 5 minutes.
Yeah, yeah, and why do you haven't done it? I wondering that I'am the first, who had this idea. For me and many other people it's very helpfull. I think it's a good Idea to release (as tool not as program ). (To create a HTML-page with IFrame is work of 5 Minuits but the FSBrowser can more.)
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February 4th, 2007, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from andyauff:
Hi everyone. This is my first ever release, so please be kind! It is called Todo Espanol (Everything Spanish), and it is a Spanish application coded in lua, but it does have its own eboot, so no need for luaplayer. It is very basic at the moment, but I will continue to update it fairly frequently. It has vocabulary and lessons right now. Eventually I would like this to be a huge database of Spanish vocabulary and perhaps an English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionary. I hope someone can find this useful! Please email me with any concerns, bugs, tips, ideas, problems, or comments at andyauff@hotmail.com.
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February 4th, 2007, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pasky:
Standard version of my CWcheat Database Editor has been updated to v1.30
Changes in v1.30:
Codes can now be enabled and disabled as default.
Enabled codes have a back color to differentiate them from disabled codes (Default color is gold).
Can change color of back color using the Configure tool bar.
Smaller footprint thanks to NetZ compression ( http://madebits.com/netz/)
Minor bug fixes, cosmetic fixes and a few optimizations made.
Updated the About window.
Requires the .NET 2.0 framework which can be gotten directory from microsoft here:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...x?familyid=085 6EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang= en
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February 4th, 2007, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Cools posted this news/release:

Well after a week of testing/bug fixing... Block Dude v.1 is complete! It should play exactly like the original block dude but if you find any glitches PM me. Also it includes the beta version of mp3lib (coming soon). Where all you have to do is call 2 functions and you've got mp3 playing right out of your PSP/MUSIC directory! It includes the original 11 levels. I have only tested the first 9 levels, and they are completely beatable.
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February 4th, 2007, 11:02 Posted By: froggie22
News/release from theaceoffire:
I would like to thank:
Dark_AleX for:
3.03 OEC Custom Firmware (Thanks man, can't wait to upgrade to 3.10 OE!)
Homebrew Enabler for 2.71 (Used by Noobz for downgrader and Hen for 2.80)
Noobz for:
2.80 Hen
2.80 Downgrader (Dudes, you rock)
3.03 Downgrader (O.O Dang, MAN you rock)
Also, thanks to:
jsf12487 (Tested 3.03 Downgrading, 3.03 OEC upgrading, confirmed working)
Masked Stranger (Tested 2.8 upgrading/downgrading, etc)
TheAceOfFire (Tested Custom Downgrading, updating, etc)
Also, you must have at least 75% battery, and preferably plugged in as well.
Are we clear? Ok, let's get started.
^_^ Anywho, I decided to automate the process of making your downgrade tools, with this nifty little script:
AutoDowngrade Generator V1.0 (Full Version, 56.071 MB)
AutoDowngrade Generator V1.0 (No Eboots included, 1.127 MB)
If you choose the version without the eboots, you will need to find and move the following files:
1.50 Eboot Update, rename to 150.pbp, move to \CoreData
2.80 Eboot Update, rename to 280.pbp, move to \CoreData
3.03 Eboot Update, rename to 303.pbp, move to \CoreData
^_^ Kk, thanks.
So, what does this do?
~Detects if you put the 150.pbp, 280.pbp, 303.pbp in the wrong place
~Quits if you are missing one of the above
~You tell it what firmware you have, program changes based on that.
~It will tell you if you need to upgrade, and provide files to do so.
~Shows a picture of a TA~XX psp and the unpatched GTA for convenience.
~It will give you files to downgrade to 1.50
~Gives a mini tutorial, based on the firmware you are on
~It gives you the choice to upgrade to 3.03 OEC by Dark_AleX
~If you do choose to go to 3.03 OEC, it gives another mini tutorial
~Warns people who are above 3.03 Not to downgrade until we get there.
After it runs, look in the Result folder. If it could not work, there will be a sorry.txt file. Otherwise, it will have a text explaining what to do next if your still confused.
^_^ Hope this helps someone. I will be releasing v1.01 when Dark_AleX releases 3.10 OE, which I hope will be soon... For each major DA firmware, I will release a new version (Such as v1.02, v1.03, etc).
Also, every time we can downgrade a new firmware (or can downgrade a firmware without GTA) the version will jump by one instead of .1.
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February 4th, 2007, 11:41 Posted By: froggie22
Well this is my first release. This is simply just a few things packed with an installation guide on how to install them onto your psp. The guide will help new people alot..
Please read the readme for all instructions. VERY IMPORTANT!
It includes custom:
background - plain black
gameboot - sega
topmenu_plugin - 3D red folders (1.5 version and 3.0X version included)
font - some cool looking font (not sure of the name)
opening_plugin - external sound (windows)
wall paper - mario
This will work on v1.5 and v3.0X OE (dont use on 3.10 OE it has had problems. If you like you can try it and give feedback on if it worked)
Has only been tested on 3.03 OE-C but should work perfect on the others.
I have included topmenu_plugins for v1.5 psp's and v3.0X OE psp's.
You will need Filer or Flash Agent to do this.
Filer download: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=51181
Flash Agent Download: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=51001
Hallo007, Mediumguage, kgsws and I are not responsible for any bricks! this has been tested many times to make sure that it wont brick!
all you need to do if follow the instructions carefully!!! and make sure that you read them and not rush through it!!
Big thanks to Hallo007, Mediumguage and kgsws for the apps
tophead420 for the amazing font!
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February 4th, 2007, 11:54 Posted By: -Xandu-
Here's version 1.2 of XMP.
-No more crashing.
-Album Artwork support (thanks to Homer for the help).
-More bug fixes.
-Wav,Ogg,Mod,S3m,IT support added.
-All music now appear correctly (PSP/MUSIC)

X Button : Pause current Mp3
O Button : Play/Resume Mp3
[] Button : Stop current Mp3
L Button : Access "Now Playing"
R Button : Access "Library"
3.03 OE users:
-Make sure it is located in PSP/GAME150
-Make sure your music are in PSP/MUSIC
Album Artwork info :
-Having a corrupt image or a huge one will refuse to play Mp3
Special thanks to:
Homer - For his great support
D0N - Official BETA tester
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February 4th, 2007, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his rather excellent Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Video converter
for PSP, iPOD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP 2.01, PMP AVC, MP4 PSP, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4, AVI, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Minimal system requirements:
Windows Vista or
Windows XP SP2 + Microsoft Framework 3.0
DirectX 9.0c december (only for 3D GPU)
Real Alternative 1.51 - install this codec if will encode .rm or .rmvb files.
QuickTime Alternative 1.76 - install this codec if will encode .mov, .qt, .3gp or .hdmov files.
Program may work bad, if you have codec-pack installed. Install ffdshow only.
Program conflict with Outpost Firewall.
Heres whats new for this release:
Small revolution - DVR-MS files (Media Center) now synced!!!
Small revolution - VOB files decoded over DirectShowSource now synced too!!!
AVI files with 120 fps now synced too!!!
Added new option - Convert FPS. If some unusual file desynced, try turn on this option.
Small aspect and resolution fixes.
ATOMChanger updated to new version.
Now formats MP4 PSP and MP4 PSP 480 support 23.976, 24.000, 25.000 fps framerate!!!
Enhanced compatibility of large files and MP4 PSP 480.
Filtered and sorted x264 presets.
Now I self compile mencoder.
Mencoder updated to version r22006.
DGIndex updated to 1.4.9 beta 13.
To menu Tools added CPU Tester. Help know need or not spetial patch for your CPU.
Now subtitles must be synced if framerate changed too.
Now for VOBs decoded over directshow always used convertfps=true.
Audio bitrates now in DropDown list.
x264 updated to 620.
Added new output format MP4 PS3 (don`t work now, hope will fixed in 4.050).
For all encoding modes with x264 added 3-pass mode.
To menu Settings added new function - Reset all settings.
To menu Tools aded new function - THM Creator.
Ffdshow now integrated to main installer.
Updated German localization.
To main installer added MKV splitter.
In case of low speed difference now always used usual neroAacEnc version.
Removed unused functions.
Added few tooltips.
Added more info rows to table.
Now program auto select best for your CPU x264 version.
Now for 2-pass and 3-pass for first pass always used speed preset (turbo).
D2V creation progress now 100% correct (thanks DGIndex author).
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February 4th, 2007, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
Epic games hasn't ruled out exclusive patch content for the console versions of Unreal Tournament 3, producer Jeff Morris has revealed in an interview with CVG.
Morris told CVG that while UT3 will have the same content and likely be "the same sort of size" on PC and consoles, exclusive content could come in patches.
"While we want all of the versions to be the same that's not to say we won't do exclusive patches for each platform and that would enable us to do some pretty spectacular exclusive content," he said.
"We don't know the exact number of maps we'll ship with but we want it to be between 30 and 40 - that's substantially more than other games in the genre."
via cvg
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February 4th, 2007, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
A lot of sites are posting news that the PS3 Iso Loader is real and to be released soon, now first off we are against any piracy but this loader could be the way in for full on homebrew on the PS3. Lets hope that the hackers crack it for homebrew asap 
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February 4th, 2007, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
Via pspfanboy
PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via m.pspfanboy.com.
Instructions: Save all movie and thumbnail files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Do NOT place in "VIDEO" folder. Firmware 2.80 or above do not need to download thumbnails.
Black Snake Moan
Reign Over Me
After Burner: Black Falcon (PSP)
Check em out via link above.
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February 4th, 2007, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Via MagicBox
Sony will release an original RPG in Asia called Rezel Cross for PSP, the game features character design by Eiji Kaneda (Aquarion) and scripts by the team who produced Arc the Lad III and IV.
The story circles around the 5 protagonists who obtained super natural power Rezel due to a mysterious comet that returns every thousand year. At the same time numerous wild animals also turned into berserk beasts. The 5 protagonists were in a mission to stop the beasts, and discovered a dark force who attempts to use the Rezel power to take over the empire.
The game will divide into 20 chapters, the 5 protagonists possess the power of teleport, time pause, psycho kinesis, transformation and see-through.
The game will have 2D backgrounds and 3D characters. The battles are in full 3D, with an interface similar to PSP's XMB (Cross Media Bar). During the battles, you can obtain skill points to unlock ability boosts, Rezel Arts (special attacks) and Hyper Rezels (super attacks).
Rezel Cross (Chinese version) will be released in Taiwan on February 15, 2007, and the Japanese version will be available in other areas this spring.
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February 4th, 2007, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
via pspvault
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has posted a notice at their site for the Game Archives title "R-TYPES" that states the game will freeze when "R'S LIBRARY Ver.1.0" is selected from the game's menu.
More importantly for us PSP owners, however, is that the release goes on to state:
"Also, this phenomenon does not occur when using System Software version 3.10. These symptons will be addressed with a System Update to be released in the second week of February (Feb. 5 ~ Feb. 9)."
So there you have it. My money is on "3.11" for the firmware number, since it doesn't seem as though it will contain any real updates and only intends to fix issues with this particular title.
Another release for hackers to crack eh
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February 4th, 2007, 16:34 Posted By: scottyboynow
This is the second release for LuaChase, I have only been working on this version for 3/4 days, since V1. For those of you that did not see the first release this is a chasing game (name gives that away) where you control a player around the screen and get well chased until he gets you, when he does the game will restart.
New features include:
-Main Menu
-Map Menu
-Difficulty Menu
-New Map
I have added other features like credits,screenshot and exit back to menu and XMB, and in the next version I will make it so you cannot go off screen, so download and thanks for palying.
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February 4th, 2007, 16:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
New Release of the Custom Firmware from Dark ALex which supports the Latest Sony 3.10 Firmware, Region Free UMD Movie Playback, Most Homebrew and also the Full Speed Playstation Emulator (Compatibility List)
Originally Posted by Dark_AleX
This is custom firmware 3.10 OE-A
Since it is the first release, it can only be installed as a full installation.
Instructions are as always, oeupdmaker to create the dxar from 150.PBP and 310.PBP, and 310oeflasher
to install the firmware from the dxar previously generated.
Although, it is obvious, i'll say it in capital letters: DO NOT USE ANY DXAR FROM 3.03 OE, USE THE ONE
Checksums of the generated dxar:
CRC32: 58D45EDF
MD5: BF1862F73FDF4B7458279ACFF4F6DAA2
SHA1: 683AD0ABA48A7968F3172A5AB2E41CF95A476801
SHA256: 2107EC67CE7434E250FF71AF302430B3586AA4519F3405D435 94414B3C940B74
Note 1: the installer will disable all plugins to avoid incompatibilities when booting. You can
enable them again in the recovery menu.
Note 2: the plugin to load 3.02 pops won't work anymore in 3.10 OE, due to some changes in pops
modules structure (meaudio fused with popsman, idcanager/idmanager behaviour slightly changed).
A new plugin for 3.10 could be written next week.
Changes in 3.10 OE-A:
- Change from 3.03 firmware to 3.10
- 4th level of brightness (aka battery eater) can now be selected also without ac adaptor.
- Changes in hen core:
* Static user elf's can now be executed in the 3.10 kernel. (this includes snes user version
between other programs)
* Tyranid's patch (added in 3.03 OE-C) consequences was not explained very well in the changelog of 3.03 OE-C:
- For programmers: it allows kernel modules to have user imports, making kernel programming
in 3.03/3.10 less strict.
- For users: plugins and applications that worked in 2.71 SE, but not in OE, *may* now work in 3.03OE-C
and 3.10 OE-A.
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via dark alex
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February 4th, 2007, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony got a lot of things right with the PSP but in certain areas they could have done much better or maybe even steal ideas from the likes of Nintendo etc.
First off i would like to have a TV Out on a PSP Mk 2, the ability to play on TV or watch your UMD films on a big screen is a major plus for any console.
Secondly to cut down on load times via the UMD, it would be great if you could copy the majority of files to a Hard Drive/Memory Card so that Load times become a thing of the past but also having the checks to stop piracy.
Thirdly in the Memory Card slot maybe have the ability to use up to 16GB Cards or even a plugin hard drive ?
fourth on the list a much improved battery, we know a 3rd party battery can operate at 2600MAH why not say up to a 3400MAH battery, that way many more hours of fun.
fifth on the list would be the ability to snap on new faceplates easily and without undoing screws etc, that way you appease the modders.
sixth on the list, bring out a touchscreen for the PSP either in the DS clamshell design or a press a button and it drops design. With a touchscreen you could easily use it as a keyboard and it would be awesome for all those types of games that make the DS so damn popular but with the PSPs added power the scope for better games should be awesome.
seventh on my list would be with the inclusion of the touchscreen the ability to use it as a Phone which would in some ways mimic the Iphone by Apple but with the vast amount of games for the PSP could mean it a much bigger audience.
Lastly i would like to see some type of Homebrew support similiar to Microsofts XNA where we can legally create new Brew software for the PSP.
So do you agree or disagree with my article above or better still have ideas of your own, id love to hear them.
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February 4th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: Zion
Via ZionMax.com
Legend Of Zelda - Quest Of Link alpha 1
Seen as my psp is briked i can no longer work on this until its unbricked so i have decided to show you all how it is so far.
I wanted way more than this in the first demo release but cant now my only psp is briked.
Im gutted about having to release it at this earlier than expected stage
Anyway what this game contains :
Coded Movie Intro
Sword Attacks
Blocking (shield)
Character Ineraction
a lot of effects and animations.
+ More
Not a lot in there but its past the standard of my previous zelda game (linkens quest)
and everything works great and is very pro.
Please download and enjoy 
Also please do me the curtosy of not copying my ideas in your game. it took me ages to do this and think of all these ideas and i will be pissed if i see my ideas ripped off.

All sprites were hand made by paiku, backgrounds are nintendos from minish cap
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February 4th, 2007, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
While America has been able to enjoy Every Extend Extra for months now, Europe will be getting Mizuguchi's latest PSP-exclusive effort this Friday. This unique game fuses an interesting shooter-like concept with Q? Entertainment's trademark music synestesia.
In preparation for the game's European release, Buena Vista has prepared a new trailer and a few new wallpapers for you to download to your PSP. You'll learn how to play this puzzling game, and find some sweet designs for you to plaster your system with. Expect our full review of the game in next few days.
Download at link above
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February 4th, 2007, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Eskema:
Biohazard2 its a minigame to enjoy killing zombies.
Your goal its find the exit in each level, kill as many zombies as you want and try to avoid
the survivors.
Hi guys, im here to show u my last creation Biohazard2, maybe u remember some months ago i released a beta from Biohazard2, now the final version its here, so enjoy it.
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via eskema
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February 5th, 2007, 07:01 Posted By: Insomniac197
VSH Analog 0.1
This plugin allows use of the analog stick for movement in the VSH.
It is for OE firmwares.
To install:
Place in the SEPLUGINS folder on your memory stick
Add the path to vsh.txt
Enable the plugin through the recovery menu
Known bugs:
If you view any photos, the analog will stop working in the VSH.
I plan to fix this.
MaTiAz - For the idea while we were chatting on IRC
TyRaNiD - The code for hooking functions is from psplink
Might make this into a full key remapper for the VSH if I get bored enough again.
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February 5th, 2007, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Dark420bishop:
This program will allow you to change the icons for your XMB Camera, RSS Feed, Online Instruction Manual, Remote Play, Certificate Utility, Location Free, Internet Browser, USB Connection, and Game Sharing. This program is designed so you can take your current topmenu_plugin.rco and change only the selected icons so that you don't need to remake your topmenu_plugin and change all the labels. As always, I am happy to share and discuss my source with other developpers but i'm not going to release it to the public because of the potential for abuse.
Added icons for Location Free, Internet Broswer, USB Connection and Game Shaing
Added Clear button
Added optional Shadow/Glow removal for new icons
Added icon previews
Added per-icon, completion beep
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via dark bishop
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February 5th, 2007, 11:26 Posted By: tommydanger
IceTea 1.3 is now up for grabs
-I hopefully fixed the auto id bug once for all (had only problems with .bin files)
-You can also now change the manual game id without recompiling the whole manual
go to manual->patch game id
-and I implemented proper toc handling.
In previous versions it would only implement the toc informations from a ccd file, now it also looks for a .toc file in the same directory as the iso (make sure it has the same suffix as the iso)
-reorganized menu bar
You can download it here:
For what this tool is used for head over to the sourceforge site:
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February 5th, 2007, 11:46 Posted By: -Xandu-
This program lets you edit the wave on your XMB of your PSP.
Read the readme before you do anything.

Examples of hex editing shown below
After hex editing it.
Just mix up the letters and numbers and stuff!
Don't go too crazy or the waves will disappear!
Stuff you can post: screenshots, tips, etc.
Happy wave hacking!
from DarkStone and vb_master(Vulpix)
Post your examples here!
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February 5th, 2007, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Konami has released the first screenshots and details on the PSP Castlevania instalment, which is an update of the classic PC Engine title, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood.
The Dracula X Chronicles, as it's called, sports new 3D side-scrolling visuals with character designs by renowned series artist Ayumi Kojima, as well as introducing a new sound collection feature that will let players unlock music to listen to, and assign as they wish.
It's currently pencilled in for release in Q4 2007 - look out for our first hands-on impressions very soon.
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February 5th, 2007, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA president Jack Tretton says that the phenomenal success of the PS2 has given gamers "unrealistic" expectations for its next-gen console, in an interview with EGM.
"Because we're in that leadership position, there are a lot of expectations thrust upon us and some of them are a little unrealistic," Tretton says in the interview.
"If we were a distant third in the platform race, people would have a warm spot in their hearts for the good old days of PlayStation and they'd actually root for us to get back on top," he continues. "But I don't know if we want to pay the price to get that kind of [love]"
But regardless of the pressure pilled on by Microsoft's head-start to the market, Tretton is confident that Sony will remain the market leader in the forthcoming console battle. "I think we've got a better machine," he says. "I think we've got a better business model, and I think we're going to win in the long term."
PlayStation 3 is out in Europe on March 23.
via cvg
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February 5th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
PSP shooter Chili Con Carnage is back this afternoon in new screenshots.
The Mexico-based blaster is being developed by Total Overdose chaps Deadline Games and serves up a platter of over-the-top-action. You play Ramiro Cruz, who is taking on a drug cartel to avenge his dad's murder.
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February 5th, 2007, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for today are screenshots of the game World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer
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February 5th, 2007, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
D3Publisher of Europe has announced plans to launch a new range of budget software for the PlayStation 2, with games priced at GBP 9.99 (EUR 15) each.
The first six titles in the new Essential Games range are due out on March 23 and will include fighting titles All Star Fighters and Dragon Sisters.
Then there's Zombie Hunters and Zombie Virus, plus mini-game collection Party Carnival and action adventure Darwin. A second batch of six games will follow later in 2007.
"With the PlayStation 2 now at its most affordable level, the budget sector will continue to grow with new adopters eager for good yet affordable titles," said D3PE's Liam Taylor.
"The Essential Games label will offer first-time releases for leading formats and will be perfectly targeted at the younger end of the gaming scale."
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February 5th, 2007, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster

This new installment in the critically-acclaimed Virtua Fighter series packs a serious punch fueled by the power of the PLAYSTATION®3. Virtua Fighter 5 will have an all-star cast of 17 fighters, including characters from the previous iterations along with two new characters named El Blaze and Eileen.
El Blaze is a Mexican fighting champion that defeats unsuspecting opponents with his lightning-quick Lucha Libre fighting style and Eileen uses a Monkey Kung Fu fighting style which she learned from her grandfather, a former Kung Fu master. Choose from an array of costumes and attachable items and then step into the ring and prove that you're the best.

Sega's highly anticipated PlayStation3™ fighting game Virtua Fighter 5 is in stock today, available as Asia Version (US$ 59.90) and Japanese Version (US$ 69.90).
Every copy of the Asia release version ships with a Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary bonus disc (encoded to play on NTSC/J PS2™/PS3™ consoles only) as long as supplies last. We also received around 50% of this bonus disc with our Japanese version game preorders, which will be included with all early preorders that are shipping today.
The Virtua Fighter series is enjoyed best with a fighting stick. Hori's Fighting Stick 3 (US$ 49.90) and Real Arcade Pro Stick 3 (US$ 89.90) are in stock already. The Virtua Stick High Grade is expected to arrive later this week. Due to the high demand, we estimate to fill only around 60-70% of all Virtua Stick High Grade preorders within this week, more supply is scheduled to arrive next week.
Game features:
Two New Characters, El Blaze and Eileen, round out the cast of 17 dynamic characters. El Blaze is a Mexican wrestling champion that uses the Lucha Libre fighting style, and Eileen, originally from China, uses a “Kou Ken” (Monkey style Kung Fu fighting style).
Stunning, Highly-Detailed 3-D Fighting Environments inspired by locales around the world where players can challenge their opponents in unique types of arenas.
Offensive Move lets players to easily move around their opponent from the side and back allowing players to be more strategic with their battles.
Customize your character with the enhanced attachment system and customization engine giving players more flexibility than ever before when creating their characters.
Next Gen Presentation includes HD resolution widescreen and 5.1-channel Dolby Digital surround.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 5th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster

Jaster is a young man who dreams of exploring the galaxy. In a sudden turn of fate, he is mistaken for a renowned bounty hunter and recruited into a band of space pirates in a race to find a legendary planet that holds the key to the greatest treasures and eternal life. Clues to ‘Eden’ are scattered round the Galaxy - Jaster will go onto to explore many different worlds and face countless battles in search for these clues – but some treasures are best left undiscovered.
Sony's PlayStation2™ RPG game Rogue Galaxy is in stock today, shipping as US release version at US$ 49.90 only. Prima Games' Rogue Galaxy Prima Official Game Guide is available at US$ 22.90, the Rogue Galaxy Original Soundtrack and Rogue Galaxy Premium Arrange soundtrack albums are available at US$ 29.90 each.
The original Japanese release version of this game is currently discounted at US$ 34.90 only. A Rogue Galaxy Director's Cut release is on preorder to ship March 21st.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 5th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Create your own player and guide him through an elite NBA career - Train him, improve his skills, and outshine your competition to land endorsement deals and your own shoe contract
VIP System lets you save friends profiles to compete when they're not available - Learn their tendencies, moves, and tactics
Show off your in-game accomplishments -- earn Crib Credits with every game you play to deck out your crib, buy music, or play mini-games
Hire your own coaching staff and scouts, all with their own individual personalities and expectations
Track top draft picks with year-round scouting and Communication controls -- and tie everything together by receiving feedback from players, agents, coaching staff, press, and even the fans
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February 5th, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

* Experience a new era of NBA action in 1080p, and a blistering 60 frames per second
* Take advantage of jukes, crossovers and spin moves as well as low-post moves using the PS3 motion sensor controller
* Reenact all of the past year's great performances by current NBA All-Stars - Score 81 points as Kobe Bryant, nab 21 rebounds with Ben Wallace or dish out 22 assists as Steve Nash
* Download 5 scenarios each week involving recent NBA games that are current and relevant in the NBA and try to relive those moments
*Crash the boards on a missed shot -- the new Power Boarding System lets players see the best position to grab the rebound
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February 5th, 2007, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

* Experience next-gen graphics in true high-definition formats - Watch as the fantasy unfolds through vibrant environments, beautifully rendered characters, highly-detailed creatures, and intense battles
* Unique physics-based game mechanics let you tear through environments and defeat enemies in exciting ways - Knock enemies against walls and watch them tumble to the ground
* Smash through crates, pillars and rocks to clear a way through the environment -- or grab creatures and use them as living, unwilling weapons
* Immerse yourself in an intriguing storyline, as you seek to end an evil king's reign of oppression that he has forced upon your fellow citizens
* Choose from three unique heroes and enjoy their in-depth character progression - Unlock new spells and abilities, collect and equip unique armor & weapons, and more
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February 5th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: CAMYPRO
We are very proud to launch the official website for "CAMY PRO GEAR"(www.camyprogear.com the home of dual injection PSP faceplates. Though there is other after market PSP faceplates in the market today, their quality and build are far inferior to the “original” build, turning users away from replacing their scratched/worn out PSP faceplate. CAMY PRO GEAR is here to change that. With our “dual injection” process we are able to mimic the original build of the PSP faceplate. In addition, we have included custom designs on these high quality plates such as “Twin Dragons” and “Hell Skull”.
We hope that all of you out there love “CAMY PRO GEAR” as much as we do!
If you are an online PSP news site or webshop that would like to obtain samples to review "CAMY PRO GEAR" dual injection PSP faceplate, please contact us at sales@camyinternational.com
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February 6th, 2007, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
Jeux-France, that is. Hotter than fire on the heels of Hades, screenshots for the upcoming WipEout game for the PS3 (and another PSP title) have emerged on the interweb (which is a series of tubes and not like a dump truck). See, we just learned there was going to be a new console-oriented WipEout title and already there are fairly polished screenshots being tossed out. How long has this game been in the works? We have to wonder if the Sony machine was actually able to keep a lid on this game, letting the rumors from month's back fade away into the black.
There may only be a few images (and we're fairly sure the one on the left is for the upcoming PSP WipEout title), but it's enough to turn the rumors into fact, maybe factoid. It's probably the closest thing we'll get to a next-gen F-Zero title and that's just peachy. We'll keep our eyes open for more on this game.
Screens Here
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February 6th, 2007, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
via ps2dev
If you live in Europe or America and have some interest in the Cell architecture IBM is running a competition. First prize is $10,000 USD so it's probably worth a look. Before you get too excited, you must be a full-time or part-time student at a University to enter. Here's what they have to say:
IBM is pleased to announce an excellent opportunity for you to put your skills to the test and allow innovation to take the lead!
You can participate in this contest whether you have little or no Cell/B.E. Processor experience, some understanding of the techology, or have mastered this subject for some time now.
What you really need is the drive and competitive spirit to expand your mind, learn about this cutting edge technology, and show off your coding prowess. With some hard work and dedication, you could win some great cash prizes!
You can get more details at www-304.ibm.com/jct09002c/university/students/contests/cell
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February 6th, 2007, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Konami's Gamers' Day has come and gone. While PSP gamers are certainly happy by the surprise announcement of an exclusive Castlevania, there is one game that was suspiciously missing: Silent Hill: Origins. The game had a very impressive debut, but ever since rumors of troubled development came about, the game has mysteriously disappeared from public eye.
Hotly anticipated games like Metal Gear Solid 4 were also absent from the show.Is Silent Hill: Origins canceled? Has the release slipped out of this year? There are tons of unanswered questions right now. Konami's website notes that "major announcements" are coming tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll know for sure soon enough.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
via Siliconera
NIS America is continuing the Generation of Chaos series even though the first game had mixed reviews. In April we’re going to see Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos, which looks like it is Shin Tenmakai Generation of Chaos V (Generation of Chaos was actually Shin Tenmakai Generation of Chaos 4: Another side). It’s another SRPG for the PSP with lots of customization options and three different stories to play. Aedis Eclipse has three different worlds each with a different main character to play as. In the lower world you’re a regular student who gets caught up in the middle of battle instead of fleeing with the rest of your class. The upper world lets you play as a knight who wants to rescue his comrades. In the divine world you step into a battle between angels and demons after the demon king is assassinated by a group of angels. One of the problems with Generation of Chaos and Spectral Souls (especially for Spectral Souls) was loading times, which made playing the games frustrating. NIS America has put in extra work into Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos to reduce the load times, which can only be a good thing.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via pspfanboy
Tiki Games is currently developing a PSP-exclusive RTS game called "Galaxy's End." Read more about the trials and tribulations of being an upstart developer in this three-part series by Tiki Games President Kevin J. McCann.
I've been working in the game industry for a little over ten years, always in lead designer capacity, and also wearing the dual-hat of producer for half that time as well. It's not uncommon for game industry developers in various game studios to want to do their own thing so they "can do it right."
When you work in a large game development studio you can start with the best of intentions and a design you feel really rocks, but along the way various levels of interference – from fellow team members all the way up through various levels of management – can and generally will alter your original game vision. And virtually never in a way you feel is favorable.
I've worked on large projects and they tend to be over budget and fairly disorganized. It's also hard to establish a good team dynamic on a large team – you get various factions, unnecessary politics, and so forth. Basically things that get in the way of putting together a great game.
I've been trying to start my own company for several years now. And I wanted to avoid having an unnecessarily large team, and do something I've never had the opportunity to do on prior projects – a real preproduction cycle. So in November and December of 2005 I wrote game designs and assembled a preliminary milestone schedule for Galaxy's End. Another thing I wanted to avoid was bloated budgets – being a self-funded start-up, the best approach was to target a smaller platform (the PSP) where a small but talented team can create an extremely high-quality game with solid production values for a reasonable budget.
In January 2006 I hired my team (folks I had worked with in the past, so I knew they could get the job done) and we began working on our first major milestone – a proof-of-concept playable build of Galaxy's End. We also designed our tools and engine to be scalable to different genres and platforms (so that if we later wanted to make a shooter or RPG it wouldn't be starting from scratch).
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February 6th, 2007, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of the Streaming Music app called PSP Radio.
Heres the release info:
New release
I found a bit more time on my hands, and decided to make this release..
There is are no new features on this release (from 0.38.12). But its a new start for PSPRadio, and a new direction.
Now all releases are for F/W 2+ with OE (tested on 3.03B); no more static/dynamic mumbo-jumbo. All releases are what was formerly known as dynamic; i.e. plugin based.
As such, this release is preliminary, and still a work in progress. There are many things not quite working yet, like plugin unloading, L+R+START, USB.
Also, I changed the versioning system. As its been a while since the last release; I decided to call it 1.0 (so 0.38.12 is 1.0). This, and new releases will be 1.1.xxxx, where xxxx is the repository revision at the time of the build. It will continue to be 1.1 until something major changes.
NOT WORKING: NOTE: If a plugin stops responding, try L+R+START (should take you back to PSPRadio)
NOT WORKING: Plugin unloading: meaning, if you start a plugin, when you exit, the PSP will lock up. This includes switching the UI (as the old plugin is unloaded before the new one is loaded).
1.1.1258 (2007-02-05)
(raf) Core: Version number is now 1.1.XXXX, where XXXX is the subversion revision at the time of the build.
(raf) Core: Modified Makefile targets. No more static/dynamic versions. Only Dynamic, for f/w 2.0+ (OE F/W).
(raf) Core: Modules can be loaded, but unloading causes a crash
(raf) Core: USB is not working (help is appreciated)
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February 6th, 2007, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released 2 new quickfire updates to his Video Converter for the PSP.
Heres the info and changelog:
Video converter
for PSP, iPOD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP 2.01, PMP AVC, MP4 PSP, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4, AVI, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Minimal system requirements:
Windows Vista or
Windows XP SP2 + Microsoft Framework 3.0
DirectX 9.0c december (only for 3D GPU)
Real Alternative 1.51 - install this codec if will encode .rm or .rmvb files.
QuickTime Alternative 1.76 - install this codec if will encode .mov, .qt, .3gp or .hdmov files.
Program may work bad, if you have codec-pack installed. Install ffdshow only.
Program conflict with Outpost Firewall.
4.101 changes:
MediaInfo updated to
Delay bug fixed. Now files with delay encoded ok (thanks new MediaInfo).
Fixed crash on Pause-Stop.
In main installer updated mencoder to 22158.
4.100 changes:
Fixed many small and big bugs.
Changed design and logic.
Now possible pause encoding.
Titles and tracks for DVD or VOBs now selected with pre-preview.
Changed profiles system. Now three profiles groups: - Remastering, SBC, Codec.
Remastering - denoise and sharpeness enhance.
SBC - Saturation, Brightness, Contrast.
Codec - codec presets.
Aspect now possible auto correct with three types: by crop, by black, by crop + black.
Removed slow gradient controls - make program faster.
Now possible auto load subtitles
Now possible use external audio track.
Unlocked M2V files import.
To main installer added MP4 splitter.
Mencoder now work in MT mode on MT or Core Duo systems.
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February 6th, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
Usually early adopters get all the good pre order bonuses, but not in the case of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. The movie was finally released in the USA last year and now Sony Pictures is re-releasing it in a “limited edition” box set on February 6 for the price of $49.99. The box set comes with the two disc DVD release that has the feature film, a copy of the English movie script, a biographical character booklet, ten postcards and a new feature with interviews with the English voice actors. What really makes the limited edition worth buying is Last Order –Final Fantasy VII-, a twenty-five minute anime clip with Zack and Cloud. The OVA clears up the events after Cloud’s visit to his hometown Nibelheim and acts as a tie in to Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. After seeing the limited edition box set the “special” two disc edition that was released in North America doesn’t seem too special any more…
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February 6th, 2007, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
New release from superbatxs:
1) Simple put the Biography of U.S. Presidents (inside it is an eboot) inside the GAME folder. Note: this has been tested with 3.03 oe-c. You may also put this inside the GAME150 or GAME303 folders. An alternate method to install is the irshell plugin. Simply launch the index.lua if you choose that method.
--Features and Things to Note---
-This is an app which has the biographies of U.S. presidents (hence the name of the app).
-It has a picture of each president on the top-right side of the biography.
-This has an easy to use method of showing each president (list).
-All presidents are listing from the date they were elected as presidents (in order).
-This is a BETA release and it only has 24 presidents. The full release will be released soon which will have all presidents.
Press Triangle (/_\) anytime to restart the app.
Press Cross (X) to select something from the menu or select a president on the list(s).
Press Circle (0) to return to the list after you select a president.
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via superbatxs
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February 6th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
Pocket Pool, the upcoming PlayStation Portable billiards game in which players can play against comely models in order to unlock video clips and image galleries, already had a suggestive name. But just in case anyone didn't understand what the game was offering, publisher Conspiracy Entertainment confirmed for GameSpot today that it has tagged on the license of the nudity-laden video series Girls Gone Wild.
It's unclear how deeply the Girls Gone Wild license will be integrated into the gameplay. Conspiracy's official Web page contains box art and screenshots for the game, none of which make reference to the adult video series. While a representative with the publisher confirmed that the game will carry the Girls Gone Wild license, he couldn't comment on whether the publisher had plans for other games carrying the brand.
Set for release in April, Girls Gone Wild Pocket Pool features more than a dozen styles of pool from 9-ball to Snooker. The game has been rated M for Mature, with content descriptors for partial nudity and sexual themes.
via gamespot
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February 6th, 2007, 02:46 Posted By: Elven6
Washington, D.C. (February 5, 2007) -- Who's winning the Blu-ray-HD-DVD war?
Well, according to the NPD Group, no one. The research group says sales of the two HDTV DVD players were almost even from April to December of last year.
NPD says 52 percent of HDTV DVD players sold during that time period were HD-DVD players while 48 percent were Blu-ray.
However, Blu-ray enthusiasts might count the numbers as a victory because they did not include sales of the PlayStation 3, which has a Blu-ray player inside. (The totals also did not include sales of Microsoft's XBox 360 HD-DVD attachment, but they are estimated to be far less than the PS3.)
Additionally, Blu-ray standalone players cost roughly $1,000, about twice as much as HD-DVD players.
In related news, Nielsen said last week that Blu-ray movie titles outsold HD-DVDs by more than two to one in the first two weeks of January.
From: http://www.tvpredictions.com/bluhddvd020507.htm
Things seem good!
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February 6th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Hallo007:
as you see , the third release of flash agent in three days
Zevlar asked me to add custom xmb wave effect support , well here it is
Remember USe at own risk
Only USE AT 3.10OE-A
what is flash agent?
flash agent is an app with an file browser where youc an select the files you want to flash , so you can switch between gameboots and other flash files without computer!!!
Version D3:
-added option to flash a system_plugin_bg.rco (custom xmb wave effect
-added system_plugin_bg.rco to recovery menu so you get your original back
Dump menu :
1. -dump all
2. -dump flash0
3. -dump flash1
4. -dump registry
5. -flash registry
Up /DOWn /LEFt /RIGHT : change your option
CROSS : select option/File
R1/L1 : change color text in file browser
Circle : Go abck
Home : exit
make 1.5, mb free on flash0
go to the recovery mode in flash agent and disable japanse font
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via hallo007
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February 6th, 2007, 16:56 Posted By: Virus.exe
Hi there!
I have worked on this application for a while, and I think it's time to finally show you people my work
The application I mentioned above (YAPT) is an all-in-one toolkit for the PC, with almost all features the PC ever could do for the PSP.
Oh well, just install it and see what it can do
(Yes, the Vista GUI works on all windows versions, including win95 )
Some features:
- PSX compressing with full XMB preview
- XMB customization (e.g. custom icons and stuff)
- Custom plugins (PRX) manager
- Some cool windows tweaks (eg right click convert)
- USBhost redirection with keypad
- NEThost redirection with keypad
- Registry backup/restore tool
- And some more, but just check it out!
You can download it here
I hope you like and, and if so, please leave a comment! (You don't wanna know how much times it takes to discover a new language :P )
~Virus.exe (Yes, i'm weejewel too.. look at the 'About' page )
P.S: I don't have any ideas for this application anymore, but i guess you have. Feel free to post, and i'll try to implent it in the newest version 
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February 6th, 2007, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Feel the adrenaline pumping as players hurtle through the galaxy in Ghostlight’s exhilarating new platform racer, ‘Spinout’. Play as an elite galaxy Xorber, competing in the equivalent of a futuristic F1 race car, otherwise known as a Xorb. Spin through 50 challenging courses across 9 stunning environments, avoiding deadly obstacles and negotiating hazardous tracks through ancient ruins, space stations and the fiery pits of hell!
Race against the clock in the action packed arcade mode, 1 of 5 game modes, exploiting the games advanced spheroid physics to control the Xorb at death defying speeds. Collect power ups along the course to upgrade the Xorb’s braking and air control system and limit ‘real time’ damage inflicted to the spheres metallic skin.
Win medals in career mode to progress through the 4 race classes, starting as a novice in the ‘Explorer’ class and stepping up to the gravity defying ‘Angel Class’. The Xorb’s are fully customisable, with over 2 million bodywork profile combinations and performance upgrades. Earn cash to unlock hidden tracks and bonus features, by winning races, finding hidden cash tokens, and gaining more air time than Tony Hawk on a half pipe.
Share track times and compete head to head with friends in the superb wi-fi multiplayer mode. Up to 4 players can battle it out in XorbRace mode, armed to the teeth with missiles and rockets, competing against each other for the prestigious title of fastest and deadliest Xorber in the galaxy.
Developed by Icon and UK publisher Ghoslight, Spinout will be released on the 30th March and will retail at a competitive £24.99.
Sam Collins, Sales Manager at Ghostlight comments “Spinout is a unique title custom designed for handheld gaming with puzzle/platform elements keeping players gasping for more”. Sam continues “Spinout has received rave reviews from specialist game press, liking it to the spills and thrills of ‘Marble Madness’ and ‘Super Monkey Ball’….. Spinout boasts fantastic game play and is clearly a must have title for 2007.”
GoPlay magazine “With sprawling cities at your peril and clear-as-day visuals, the thrill factor is intense.” - Preview
Play Magazine “Beautiful simplicity and supreme ease with which it inspires the highest and most addictive level of ‘one-more-go’ you’re ever likely to feel in a videogame” - 81%”
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February 6th, 2007, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Is Sony going to use shooter Killzone PS3 to steal some of Microsoft's Halo 3 multiplayer beta thunder this spring?
Well, that's what a rumour on 1UP.com is suggesting, saying that a demo of the PS3 sequel that was last in the public eye at E3 2005 will actually appear before the Halo 3 beta begins.
It's additionally rumoured that Killzone PS3 is well into development - so far in fact that the online section of the game has existed in playable form for nearly a year. Coupled with the demo rumour, it implies that the game could well release before Halo 3.
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe was unavailable for comment on the rumours at the time of writing.
The first Killzone game was massively hyped and turned out to be disappointing. Will Sony and developer Guerrilla set things to rights with the PS3 sequel? We can but wait and see.
via cvg
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February 6th, 2007, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Buzz! The Mega Quiz is heading for PlayStation 2 this spring, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed.
The Mega Quiz will arrive with support for up to eight players, over 5000 questions, 100 celebrity photos, video clips from TV, movie premieres and sports events as well as more than 50 pop videos to keep party gamers going well after everyone else has got bored and gone to bed.
The quiz will also include Buzz's Mystery Games, special rounds where the flat-haired host challenges contestants in a head-on quiz-off.
via cvg
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February 6th, 2007, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar has released the first trailer of its PSP conversion of The Warriors, and as promised it's looking just as good on Sony's handheld as it did on PS2.
The GTA chaps have also confirmed that the handheld version will be in the shops later this month on February 23, so it looks like the post-Christmas gaming drought is almost over.
Trailer at CVG
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February 6th, 2007, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sonic Team boss and director of Sonic and the Secret Rings, Yogiro Ogawa, cites the PS3 as "very expensive", in a recent interview with CVG.
When asked if he thought the features the PS3 offer are worth the hefty price tag, Ogawa replied: "Now I think that if Sony had sold the PS3 alongside the Vaio brand, maybe like calling it the 'Vaio PS3' or something like that, it may have been more appealing to the right people.
"I think that the way in which Sony has chosen to approach the PS3 could have been better. It's very expensive."
He does however give Nintendo the thumbs up, saying: "If you look at videogame history, Nintendo hardware always extends on what we have. They design, develop and create new toys." He later cites the Wii Remote as "a fun device to design games for" due to it's innovation and the new challenges is poses for developers.
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February 6th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts VP, Frank Gibeau, has cited the publisher's disappointment with PS3 software sales in a finance conference call.
Despite attaining $41 million in orders from retailers throughout the holiday quarter, EA notes that this is considerably less than the $76 million filled during the Xbox 360's respective launch, according to a report on Video Business.
Gibeau put disappointing software sales down to a large proportion of PS3s being purchased for sale on eBay with the intent of making a profit.
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February 6th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has declared that Blu-ray is already winning the next-gen DVD format war, with discs outselling HD-DVD by a ratio of more than two to one.
The company is quoting a report by consumer research firm Nielsen VideoScan which states that Blu-ray is winning in the cumulative sales stakes. During the first week of January, 47.14 HD-DVD movie discs were sold in the US for every 100 Blu-ray films shifted.
During the second week that ratio increased even further, with 38.36 HD-DVD titles sold per 100 Blu-ray discs.
Sony has also announced the results of an online survey in which 100,000 PlayStation 3 owners took part. In total, 90 per cent said they had watched a Blu-ray film on their console, and 80 per cent said they planned to buy more movies in the future. In addition, per cent said they intended to rent Blu-ray films.
Many games industry analysts have predicted that the battle between Blu-ray and the Toshiba-backed HD-DVD format will be key to determining who wins the battle of the next-gen consoles.
Last year, Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter observed that Sony would have an "insurmountable advantage" over Microsoft if movie studios adopt Blu-ray as the standard.
Microsoft released a HD-DVD player for Xbox 360 in the US last November. According to NPD data around 42,000 units were purchased during its first month on sale, rising to 50,000 in December.
via gibiz
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February 6th, 2007, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
More than four years after the first Kingdom Hearts game was released, Square Enix has announced that the number of games in the series shipped around the globe has now topped 10 million.
Around 1.5 million units of the original PS2 game have been shipped to Japan, compared to 3 million for North America and 1.1 million for Europe and other PAL territories.
Figures for Game Boy Advance title Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories stand at 400,000 for Japan, 900,000 for North America and 200,000 for PAL regions.
And finally, around 1.1 million copies of PS2 sequel Kingdom Hearts 2 have been shipped to Japan, while the figures for the US and PAL stand at 1.7 million and 700,000 respectively.
The original Kingdom Hearts launched in Japan in March 2002, with North American and European releases following towards the latter half of the same year. Featuring characters and environments from both the Final Fantasy series and Disney films, it was a hit around the globe.
The GBA game was first released in December 2004 and the PS2 sequel arrived one year later - although European gamers had to wait more than nine months for a PAL release.
Following the announcement of the new shipment figure, series producer Shinji Hashimoto confirmed that more instalments are planned. "When we first started developing Kingdom Hearts, we never imagined we would pass the 10 million mark so quickly," he revealed.
"We are delighted and extremely grateful for the support from our fans around the globe. We hope to continue to provide games which fulfill your anticipation in the future."
via gibiz
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February 6th, 2007, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
To celebrate Friday's release of Rocky Balboa on PSP, we've teamed up with UbiSoft to offer two lucky readers a PSP and a copy of the game to play on it. Three runners-up will each receive a copy of the game.
The game lets you take on and play as all of Rocky's major opponents from the films, plus there's 20 minutes of film footage in there to unlock. Add in mood and willpower levels and full 'torso control' and you've got the authentic Rocky experience in your hand.
So what do you have to do to be in with a chance of winning these cool prizes? Simply answer the following question correctly and then complete the tiebreaker question.
What sport does Rocky Balboa compete in?
a) Boxing
b) Football
c) Tennis
Tiebreaker: Complete the following sentence in no more than 10 words:
"I could beat Rocky Balboa in a fight because..........................."
Click here to email us with your answer, name and full address. The closing date for entries is Tuesday 6 March 2007. Don't forget the tiebreaker!
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February 6th, 2007, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Sony is sponsoring a production of Puccini's La Boheme at the London Coliseum and somehow managed to convince the hall to let them set up the console in the foyer for play testing. Classy!
"We don't want the PS3 to be pigeon-holed as a video game console," Carl Christopher from Sony PlayStation UK, told The Times. "We want people to look at PlayStation as a brand in a different way."
Someone, please, go to this opera a get a picture of women in evening gowns playing Resistance: Fall of Man. I must see this picture.
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February 6th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Stories of PlayStation 3 eBay speculators getting shafted never seem to grow old for me. Take the recent article The Globe and Mail, which tells the sad story of a construction worker with a heart of gold, who shelled out $2459 Canadian for two consoles, all in the name of love.
The hard part done, Mr. O'Brien thought he could sit back. He would flip the PlayStation 3s just before Christmas when demand was at its peak and use the profit to buy an engagement ring for his girlfriend...
But two months later, the sleek PlayStation 3 units are collecting dust in Mr. O'Brien's closet in Bowmanville, Ont., while his girlfriend is still without a ring
So instead of spending $2500 on an engagement ring, he gambled the money away trying to score big. It's like Jack trading the cow for magic beans, except these beans never took root. We need to save all of these stories and make them into a poster to hang up outside retails stores when the next big system launch rolls around.
via kotaku
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February 6th, 2007, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
New Weekly Special from Play Asia

Weekly Special: Sony's next gen action adventure Genji: Days of the Blade for PlayStation3™ at US$ 29.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: The Tale of a Legendary Samurai Returns
Set three years after the last chapter of Genkuro Yoshitsune's life, Genji: Days of the Blade™ continues to expand on the historical accounts of feudal Japan. Genji: Days of the Blade unveils beautiful next generation visuals and sword slashing gameplay as an exclusively developed title for the PLAYSTATION®3.
Genji: Days of the Blade will capture the attention of the hardcore gamer / early adopter eager for a "traditional" action/adventure gaming experience. Featuring more than double the amount of gameplay, more diverse levels of fighting, and more playable characters - all underlying an epic tale of a warrior's honor, Genji: Days of the Blade promises to deliver a genuine next-generation experience on the PLAYSTATION®3
Genji: Days of the Blade for PlayStation3™ is now available as English/Japanese language Asia version release at discounted US$ 29.90 only.
Game features:
Twice the content, twice the action - Over 15 hours of gameplay continuing the story of Yoshitsune and based on the historical battle between the Genji Clan and the Heishi Clan.
Swap between four playable characters at any time - Take advantage of each of the four characters' unique fighting style or unleash devastating team-based fighting combos by interchanging characters between attacks.
Exquisite combat - Gracefully articulated swordplay captured by Mitsuhiko Seike, Japan's finest sword fighter, provides the heart and soul of intense authentic action.
Massive Battles - Lead Yoshitsune and his men against hundreds of warriors as your strive to reach, and defeat, the enemy warlord in epic battle sequences based on Japanese history.
Beautifully detailed battlegrounds - From shimmering details of the great naval battle of Dannoura to epic monumental horseback encounters at Ichinotani, Genji: Days of the Blade truly harnesses the power of the PLAYSTATION®3 to deliver next-generation visuals.
As usually, this weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer. As a small restriction, please also notice that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
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February 6th, 2007, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The fine folks of Acid Mods have done it again: they've created yet another impressive modification for the PSP. But this one will make you spin your head a bit. It's a cooling fan. Yes, a cooling fan.
While it's true that the system may get a little bit warm when connected via wi-fi, the portable doesn't seem to suffer from overheating issues like its console cousins. However, if you need to play your PSP on a hot summer day, you may want to check this out. Regardless of its practicality, it's certainly an ingenious piece of work.
Check out the Mod at AcidMods
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February 6th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
Today Rockstar Games announced Manhunt 2 for the PlayStation 2, PSP, and the Wii (!). The newly-formed Rockstar London will be handling the PS2 and PSP versions, while Rockstar Toronto is heading up Wiihunt.
The original Manhunt was the ultra-violent action game that revolved around creative kills such as bashing faces with a crowbar and wire stranglings. The game attracted attention from media watch groups and was fairly well-received by consumers and the press.
"With Manhunt 2 we have tried to create a game that stays close to the original concept of chilling suspense and stealth, whilst pushing the game design and storytelling forward," said Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games. "We are also excited to have our newest development team, Rockstar London, working on the title alongside our two established UK studios, Rockstar North and Leeds."
Manhunt 2 will be available this summer.
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February 6th, 2007, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
PSP-owning puzzle fans take note: Capcom Puzzle World has shipped and is now available in stores. Puzzle World is made up of the classic Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Block Block, and Buster Bros. Collection (itself three games in one). Wireless multiplayer is available via the PSP's ad hoc mode so you can share your puzzle memories with that special someone.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo is a gem-busting game starring super-deformed versions of your favorite Street Fighter characters. Gamers can create custom attack patterns in Counter Gem Edit Mode and hone their skills in Training Mode.
Released for the arcades in 1990, Block Block features a two player co-op mode, allowing for the cooperative destruction of blocks. Also unique to this title is the constantly shrinking paddle that forces players to finish each level as quickly as possible.
Originally released for the OG PlayStation, Buster Bros. Collection is a puzzle/shooter that gathers Buster Bros., Super Buster Bros,. and Buster Buddies. An arcade classic, Buster Bros. has one or two players navigating through more than 50 timed stages, shooting and avoiding an avalanche of giant bubbles. Super Buster Bros. is an updated version of its predecessor, with improved graphics and the inclusion of Panic Mode which adds 99 levels of busting action. Buster Buddies is the most recent version of the series to be released in the arcades, featuring four original characters and even more bonus items.
All the games in Capcom Puzzle World have been updated for the PSP's 16x9 widescreen aspect ratio. This compilation is the first PSP title to feature a screenshot mode, allowing gamers to take a snapshot of their victory in Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo or any of the Buster Bros. titles. Players can also import personal pictures into Capcom Puzzle World that can be used as game backgrounds for all three Buster Bros. games. Capcom has even included an odd feature that lets players infiltrate other systems by virally uploading high scores onto their opponent's handheld.
This stroll down memory lane will set you back $29.99.
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February 6th, 2007, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
via PSP Fanboy
Yesterday I was engrossed in the explosive delight that is Silent Bomber. I downloaded it off the Japanese PLAYSTATION NETWORK for use on my PSP. For those of you who haven't heard of the game (which is probably most of you), it was a PlayStation 1 game that came out after Metal Gear and tried to do the cinematic story thing, while the gameplay was a mix of Bomberman and Contra. I had so much fun playing it, that I couldn't help but wish for a sequel, but such a sequel is unlikely since the game is a cult hit at best. But then I wondered if perhaps the reemergence of the title in digital download form could have the potential to explode its popularity to the point that a sequel could be made.
Without the constraints of a short shelf lifespan in stores and the equality that is digital download, could a game that flopped when it was originally released on PS1 become a success on the PSP to such a point that a sequel or continuation of the series was financially intelligent? I'm well aware that not every PSP owner is going to pay for and download PS1 games and that also, until PS1 downloads are available without a PS3, the relative success of the downloads will be small. However, what will happen when the PSP can natively download PS1 titles for play? Geometry Wars was such a huge hit on Xbox Live Arcade, that a sequel is in the works. Why couldn't the same happen to a Silent Bomber? Do you think PS1 downloads have to potential to bring back dead titles? What PS1 game would you like to see a sequel to if this did start to occur?
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February 6th, 2007, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new version of his Cheat Device for the Custom Firmware/Playstation Popstation Emulator:
This is an update to support the 310OE pops emulator:
0.1.6 REV. H for 3.10OE/ALL
-added support for memory cards in the 3.10 pops emulator [POPS]
-fixed the MS_ROOT folder it had old plugins in the last release[ALL]
so now the mc support will work on the new pops emulator. plus i fixed a little bug which wasn't closing memory card files if the memory cards couldn't be found.
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February 6th, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alexs new custom firmware release gave us compatibility for the latest firmware but it also gave all PAL users a fix for their PSX Games, so at last i can play some of my faves without graphics corruption.
What would you wish to see in a future release of Dark Alex`s Firmware ?
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February 6th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: splodger15
new release from Dark_Alex
This update requires 3.10 OE to be installed (program will check it this time, to avoid semi-bricks
in previous versions).
Copy the 310_a2update directory to /PSP/GAME150 in your memstick, and run it.
- Corrected a bug that caused Metal Slug 6 (from Metal Slug Anthology), and other umd/iso games
containing a static elf to show error 0x80020148.
Check out the Popstation Playstation Compatibility List
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February 7th, 2007, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
t may be a bit early for April Fool's tomfoolery, but one interweb joker has gone to the trouble of creating a fake GameSpot page falsely reporting that Sony has canned the European PS3 launch. While the page itself looks authentic enough, the dodgy URL (http//rowo87.tripod.com/gamespot.html) and broken links give this away as being nothing but a harebrained hoax. Nice try, but no cigar (apart from maybe a joke exploding one).
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February 7th, 2007, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Pushing the PLAYSTATION 3 "launch window" to its limits, SCEA and thatgamecompany will finally release their abstract aquatic survival game flOw on the PlayStation Store this February 22. The PS3 downloadable game will feature 1080p graphics, 5.1 surround sound, and SIXAXIS control for maximum immersion. Recreational pharmaceuticals optional.
Good news, to be sure, but it comes just a day after potential hits Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3, Crackdown for the Xbox 360 and Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii. That's an expensive week for multiplatform gamers.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Today Namco Bandai announced Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection would be available to download later this month from the PlayStation Store in North America. Available in Japan since the end of last year, this update to Tekken 5 features two new characters and updated environments.
Jinpachi Mishima, the previously unplayable boss from the arcade game, is now playable in Dark Resurrection. The game runs in 1080p and all of the arcade game's modes have been included and updated.
Along with Virtua Fighter 5, releasing February 20, this is turning out to be a good month for PS3-owning fighting game fans.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of the Elder Scrolls series have always loved the flexibility the franchise afforded them during their adventures, but when the eagerly awaited Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was released last March, even they were astounded by its depth. Players could literally choose their own adventure within the massive game, which offered over 200 hours of play. Characters could be customized in various ways, and it was easy for gamers to make powerful magic users, fighters, thieves or other classes as they attempted to close the gates of Oblivion. For PC and Xbox 360 gamers, it was a match made in RPG heaven. Fortunately for PS3 owners, Oblivion will soon be descending upon the system. We got the chance to play the latest build of the game today, and we came away with new impressions from the land of Cyrodiil.
Apart from the initial scale of Oblivion, which was simply huge, Bethesda Game Studios augmented the adventure with eight downloadable plug-in features. Items like the Horse Armor download seemed much more of a minor adjustment than a significant addition to the gameplay. Others like the Orrery or Mehrunes' Razor provided separate locations for players to battle through, collecting experience and valuable items. Unlike the PC and 360 versions, the PS3 edition will not feature all eight of the currently available plug-ins for the game. They may find their way to the PlayStation Store at some point in time in the future, but they will not be added into the version as a "PS3 Collector's Edition" or a special copy of Oblivion. Instead, the title will only include the recently released Knights of the Nine side quest, as you attempt to recover lost artifacts of the Divine Crusader and restore glory to the order of warriors.
Players of the PC or 360 version of the quest know that only those characters who don't have any infamy associated to their name can begin the pilgrimage to start the Knights of the Nine quest. However, there have been a few changes made for the PS3 version. Characters can now immediately set out on their pilgrimage to the Wayshrines of the Divines as soon as they exit the sewers at the start of the game (which served as a tutorial). This immediately lets you bypass having to track down the rumor about the attack on Anvil Chapel and start on your quest for righteousness.
The PS3 version of Oblivion isn't a simple port of the game either, although players who have picked up the 360 version will be very familiar with the control scheme. For one thing, the PS3 version has been optimized to take advantage of the Cell processor and hardware that the system offers. As a result, the game runs a lot faster than the 360 build. Entering dungeons or buildings results in a load of 3-5 seconds, compared to the 7-10 seconds or longer for the 360 version of the game. Similarly, the amount of framerate drops or hitches that cropped up in the wilderness as you accessed a new area on the 360 have been substantially reduced on the PS3 version. There is a plan to completely eradicate these issues as the game nears release, as well as fixing a number of bugs that were present in the other builds. Kiss the item duplication glitch goodbye.
The visual presentation of Oblivion has also been significantly enhanced. While it was a beautiful title on the 360, far off environmental details often displayed low resolution textures. This has been fixed with new shaders dedicated to rendering the foreground cleanly with sharper details, so rocky landscapes now have craggy appearances instead of smooth, non-distinct surfaces. While there is still a fair amount of pop-in that occurs (which can't be helped due to the size of the world), the draw distance is farther than the 360 version. As a result, screens from the PS3 version should approach those from high end PCs running Oblivion, which is an impressive feat.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Tiki Games is currently developing a PSP-exclusive RTS game called "Galaxy's End." Read more about the trials and tribulations of being an upstart developer in this three-part series by Tiki Games President Kevin J. McCann. See part 1 of the feature here.
Looking back, there are things I've done right, and other aspects that were in some senses just plain naïve. The areas that were right were our approach to the tools/technology and assembling core team members that I've worked with while avoiding anyone that had egos (or primadonna attitudes) and laying out the design and milestones before actually bringing the team onboard. The last thing you want to do is be writing designs while a team is being paid and waiting for you to finish designs. This happens a lot in the game industry – so I was happy to avoid it. And I targeted the RTS genre because it's a genre I really enjoy, and I wanted Tiki Games to be the first to create a high-quality RTS for the PSP. The PSP has the power to do a very attractive 3D RTS which made it even sweeter.
But for what I did right there were also things that were naïve. It's easy to convince yourself "I'll create an original IP for the PSP that focuses on an untapped market – the RTS. It's huge on the PC – let's try to bring them over by creating an RTS from the ground-up for the PSP. And we'll also be relatively low-cost in terms of overall budget. Surely publishers will appreciate that!"
In reality, while myself and my team had been in the industry for a long time, and shipped a number of titles, as a new start-up we're unproven from a publisher's viewpoint. And an original IP isn't nearly as powerful as having a license for some big property.
So to step into this with "I'll create a new IP in the RTS genre for the PSP. We'll then create a solid proof-of-concept playable demo. How can it go wrong?" Well, toward the end of 2006 I did a lot of traveling (and have done similar this year so far), and while Galaxy's End was well-received at most publishers, we're still a new company with no shipped titles, and the RTS genre doesn't equate to guaranteed success on a handheld.
We had some extremely positive meetings with publishers – they felt the game looked sharp, that we had conquered any control doubts (meaning the game does play well on a handheld), and they liked the overall game concept. Then the following week was something along the lines of "marketing finds it too risky." Lots of temporary elated moments followed by extended periods of frustration.
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February 7th, 2007, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of Links Browser and a Plugin of it for PSP Radio:
New stand alone and plugin release 1261.
The plugin version is for PSPRadio 1.1.xxxx
The plugin version has a memory limit of 5MB
What's New for Links2 PSP Port
links-2.1pre23 PSP r1261 (2007-02-06)
(raf) Changed default background color from gray to white (for html).
(raf) UP/DOWN in html now scroll up/down (without R+)
(raf) UP/DOWN at the top/bottom of a menu list will wrap (user request).
(raf) Plugin: Fixed openssl compile options (-mno-explicit-relocs), this fixes the problem where the Links2 plugin wasn't working. (You will need to upgrade openssl from the pspdev svn to rev.2169 or greater --if you want to compile links2 yourself).
(raf) Plugin: Priorities have not been optimized, so the plugin runs slow if pspradio is playing music.
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February 7th, 2007, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
Coolguy5678 has released an Unofficial CSPSP Editor, heres the details from the homepage:
Note: Maps created with this editor may not work if you use the "__SCE__" naming trick.
Unofficial CSPSP Editor is a map editor for the PSP Game CSPSP. It is written in Java so it should run on any operating system with a JRE (most major OS's have one).
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February 7th, 2007, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
New release from pasky13 of his Database editor for Weltalls Cheat device:
Whats New In V1.40:
CWcheat POPs Database Editor and CWcheat Standard Database Editor are now in one complete package! Simply switch between editing modes through the CONFIGURE menu.
PEC Database Converter now built into CWcheat Database Editor. It should no longer freeze in game when loading the converted database since the strings converted are no longer greater than 32 characters in length. The PEC Database Converter can be found under the TOOLS menu.
Minor bug fixes.
Cosmetic improvements.
I have three goals in mind with this program:
Easy and painless editing of Weltall's CWcheat databases.
Cosmetically pleasing. No one likes a bajillion icons and buttons all over their forms.
A Small footprint. This one is very important to myself. I always frown upon developers who create install shields for programs that don't warrant the necessity for them. A installshield is not required when all you are doing is putting 'x' file into 'y' folder. Usually when uninstalling these simple programs, lots of registry entries are created and left behind when uninstalling that the casual user doesn't know about. Having an installer for the coolness factor is not the route to go. Besides, who doesn't mind a single file that is under 250KB and has so much functionality, just run it and go!
I have a few more features planned for the program and I plan to implement them in the near future.
As usual it requires the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework which can be gotten directory from Microsoft at their website:
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February 7th, 2007, 03:07 Posted By: wraggster
New release from kajo5:
Hello everybody,
The plugin is updated to v0.3.5 and should now work with any custom firmware.
I tested it on 3.10 OE-A and it works.
I added a prx version of the plugin so now it can be loaded as a regular plugin.
The configurable loading path option was removed (sorry) but it is really easy to hex edit the paths you want. Please read the Readme.
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February 7th, 2007, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Dabomstew:
An easy way to change the version displayed in Custom firmware SE/OE system settings without hexediting or manual flashing - and unlike X-Flash, you can use any characters, rather than just 1.00-9.99.
This is tested and working fine on my own 3.03 OE-A and 3.02 OE-B psp, but I cannot guarantee that it will work 100% every time.
Read the included readme for usage instructions.
I will release an update if any problems are discovered, but the program will not receive any more functionality (except maybe updates to support later versions of DAX's custom firmware).
Currently at version 6 which added 3.10 OE-A support and allows you to set the version to your nickname.
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February 7th, 2007, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Vulpix:
Another great release from DarkStone/vb_master //Team LANSH
This program lets you edit the waves in the opening_plugin.rco!
Read the readme before you do anything.
Just mix up the letters and numbers and stuff!
Don't go too crazy or the waves will disappear!
Stuff you can post: screenshots, tips, etc.
Happy wave hacking! //from DarkStone and vb_master(Vulpix)
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February 7th, 2007, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
Does your pulse quicken at the thought of barreling through city streets at ludicrous speeds toward oncoming traffic? Do you harbor a secret desire to run that beautiful little sports car off the road? Do you feel the need - the need for speed? If you answered yes to any of these questions then seek professional help for your speed addiction by checking out this new footage for the next installment in EA's Burnout series, Burnout Dominator.
We've got a trunk load of new content for you adrenaline junkies. You can hit the Images tab and to check out five new screens, but the real rush comes from the new gameplay video that displays just how fast this beauty is. Click on the Movies tab, launch the video player, and find the video titled "Burnout Dominator gameplay - 6 Feb 2007" to catch a glimpse of this game running on all six cylinders. Hopefully all this is enough to curb your appetite for all thing fast until the game gets its green light and races toward the PSP and PS2 on March 6th of this year.
News, Screens and Trailer at Gamesradar
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February 7th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games has released the first Manhunt 2 trailer - following today's announcement - which you can watch via the magic of our wonderful video player on the right.
It doesn't give much away but the movie does offer a glimpse at the sequel's edgy and dark atmosphere, which you'll be immersed in when your Tesco bagging people's faces later this year on PS2, PSP or Wii.
Trailer at CVG
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February 7th, 2007, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
The highly-anticipated PlayStation 3 sequel to Guerilla Game's Killzone is to be officially unveiled at next month's GDC, CVG has learned.
Well placed US sources have revealed to us that the flagship Sony shooter will be shown in full glory at the San Francisco event, perhaps even in the form of a playable demo.
As well as its high price point, the PS3 (like most consoles) has faced criticism for a lack of really high profile, compelling games which make it a 'must buy' and the big reveal of Killzone 2 will also form the spearhead for a raft of new PS3 game announcements at the show, which Sony hope will drive PS3 sales through the roof during the European launch and beyond in the big lead up to the all- important Christmas 2007 market.
SCE worldwide studios president Phil Harrison is also due to keynote at the event, which takes place on March 5 to 9.
Killzone 2 was previously shown in video form to an impressed audience at Sony's E3 2005 press conference, but the video was later revealed to be a pre-rendered cut-scene, and not in-game graphics.
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February 7th, 2007, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
At last. Real scientific evidence that GTA is good for brains: according to the scientific lab boffins at FKF Applied Research and the UCLA Ahmanson Lovelace Brain Mapping Centre, squishy skull-encased sponges simply love GTA. Or, at least, they dig this spoof ad for Coca Cola.
In an experiment to record the effectiveness of adverts during the recent Super Bowl, it was discovered that the amusing GTA-inspired ad was one of the 'best testing' and 'fired the region of consumers' brains associated with positive emotions', reports DailyTech.
With this foolproof evidence to hand, we're sure that we can expect to see more ads jumping on the bandwagon... expect Manhunt Happy Meals to be hitting a McDonalds near you soon. Maybe.
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February 7th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
Not wishing to miss a trick, Gundam Musou will be bundled with 60GB PlayStation 3's. Listed in Koei's Game City shop, the bundle is being touted at the sphincter tightening price of 72,000 yen (though other places online are saying that the price will be "open"). The bundle comes with two artbooks and 8 cards (though these little trinkets aren't available if you decide to purchase the vanilla release). This bundle will be available on March 1st and will probably sell in epic numbers.
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February 7th, 2007, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
While most American gamers know Hideo Kojima as the man behind the blockbuster Metal Gear Solid franchise, the two games he worked on before breaking out with MGS are considered forgotten masterpieces. One, Snatcher, saw a limited U.S. release on the ill-fated Sega CD. The other, Policenauts, has never been available in English.
That seems poised to change, though, as Kojima fan-site Junker HQ has just announced the completion of a five-year project to translate the game's text. Only some technical work remains before the translation is released as a patch on the newly relaunched policenauts.net, currently targeted for the second half of 2007.
Theoretically, the patch will require a CD-R, an official Japanese version of the game and a modded PlayStation to work, but emulator-compatible ISOs are sure to leak out for the less scrupulous among us. While you wait, check out the game's Wikipedia entry to get some idea of what made the game so special.
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February 7th, 2007, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Commercial game release:

So much speed, so little time! Experience the superior speed and handling of the latest and Greatest Ferrari cars in OutRun2 SP! Choose from 10 elite racers in this arcade favorite. You'll streak across deserts and blaze through cities and mountains in 60 thrilling stages, including 15 European and 15 U.S. locations. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
Sega's OutRun2 SP (Special Edition) for PlayStation2™ is in stock today, shipping as First Print Limited Edition, which contains a soundtrack CD in addition to the game. In stock now at US$ 64.90 only. The OutRun 20th Anniversary Special Box is expected to be in stock this Friday.
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February 7th, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
via mcvuk
Top games retailers have hit out at HMV for a deal that guaranteed customers a PS3 at launch if they bought a bundle including the console and a PSP.
An email from the firm last Friday guaranteed 5,000 consumers that they could be one of the ‘lucky few’ to pick up a PS3 on March 23rd – so long as they committed to buying a PS3, a 4GB PSP and two PSP games for £674.99.
HMV has now widened its PS3 offer to include taking ‘normal' pre-order deposits in store and on the web. It has continued the online PSP online, but customers of the deal will no longer be prioritised at launch.
“We won’t be following HMV’s lead on the PSP pre-order bundle, because we won’t hold our customers to ransom,” head of games at Choices UK Martin Baxter told MCV.
Head of promotions and PR at Virgin Megastores Stephen Lynn added: “HMV’s deal is up to them at the end of the day, but it’s not the sort of thing we’d offer our customers because we’re trying to keep things simple on PS3. We wouldn’t want to risk confusing our customers over any product – let alone one of this expense.”
A spokesperson for HMV said the firm refuses to comment on the opinions of other retailers.
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February 7th, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
via mcvuk
Top games retailers have hit out at HMV for a deal that guaranteed customers a PS3 at launch if they bought a bundle including the console and a PSP.
An email from the firm last Friday guaranteed 5,000 consumers that they could be one of the ‘lucky few’ to pick up a PS3 on March 23rd – so long as they committed to buying a PS3, a 4GB PSP and two PSP games for £674.99.
HMV has now widened its PS3 offer to include taking ‘normal' pre-order deposits in store and on the web. It has continued the online PSP online, but customers of the deal will no longer be prioritised at launch.
“We won’t be following HMV’s lead on the PSP pre-order bundle, because we won’t hold our customers to ransom,” head of games at Choices UK Martin Baxter told MCV.
Head of promotions and PR at Virgin Megastores Stephen Lynn added: “HMV’s deal is up to them at the end of the day, but it’s not the sort of thing we’d offer our customers because we’re trying to keep things simple on PS3. We wouldn’t want to risk confusing our customers over any product – let alone one of this expense.”
A spokesperson for HMV said the firm refuses to comment on the opinions of other retailers.
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February 8th, 2007, 01:00 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via NJ
Heres what NJ had to say -
About one month PSP had not touched, but the experiment which is transplanted to Windows/Linux privately with SDL correction of 1.66 bugs which with the process which does are discovered and, taking in the result of drawing speed improvement experiment of the line scroll which has become vague, you adjusted lastly. As for CPS2PSP, because the analysis of CPS2 is advanced with MAME, also cryptographic cancellation algorithm at 0.111u5 point in time is taken in.
Furthermore, because the intention which reopens the development with PSP it is not, please acknowledge beforehand.
* Because only the binary which does not do kxploit it includes, when it executes with FW1.5, please use the installation utility for PSP.
* Because the down grader of FW3.03 was released, it deleted the user mode edition which does not have meaning.
Heres the CPS2 updates-
CPS2PSP ver.1.8.4 - The CP system 2 emulator for PSP
* There are no 1.8.4 sources. Everything collecting the emulator of future four, because it releases, as 2.0 please wait to that.
* Please refer to readme_cps2.txt of attachment in regard to AdHoc corresponding edition.
(AdHoc corresponding edition recommending the use after CFW 3.03OE-C. With other FW modifying in wlan.prx of 333MHz correspondence, or dropping the clock into 222MHz.)
Modification (1.8.4)
* In combination with ROM set to MAME 0.112, it modifies.
Adding mpang.
mpangj modification to clone set of mpang.
* Because you had forgotten to renew the binary of romcnv_cps2.exe, replacement.
Modification (1.8.4, only AdHoc corresponding edition)
* The processing of AdHoc for the second time adjustment.
* The product ID which is used for the matching AdHoc modification to the character string which does not compete with other things.
* Pause function addition (only AdHoc). Attendant upon this, also processing of cutting was modified. During game playing dialogue is indicated by the fact that START + SELECT is pushed, the pause is required, [returns to the game] [can select either of cutting]. Furthermore, dialogue is indicated in also opposite side, but the fact that it can operate is only the side which executed the pause.
* When the communication of AdHoc breaks off 30 seconds or more, way cutting is tried mandatorily, modification.
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February 8th, 2007, 02:08 Posted By: Insomniac197
VSH Analog Revision B
- Analog stops working after using some VSH options (FIXED)
- Analog/D-pad messed up when using VSH options that actually use analog (FIXED)
- Added option to enable/disable the button swap in VSH
- Added short message displaying current status when enabled/disabled
- HOLD key will stop analog movement
- Added a power tick to keep PSP awake
This plugin allows use of the analog stick for movement in the VSH.
Analog will function as D-pad, and D-pad as analog.
To install:
Place in the SEPLUGINS folder on your memory stick
Add the path to vsh.txt
Enable the plugin through the recovery menu
To enable/disable the analog and D-pad swap, press the vol+ and vol- buttons at the same time. You will get a short message telling you if the plugin is enabled or disabled.
Known issues:
When launching items from the game menu on non 3.10 OE firmwares, the PSP will crash. Unable to fix as this is not an error on my part. Only 3.10 OE is fully supported.
MaTiAz - For the idea while we were chatting on IRC
TyRaNiD - The code for hooking functions is from psplink
The people who tested this on 3.03 OE for me.
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February 8th, 2007, 03:43 Posted By: L-28C
Leo's Pong is here!
Anyways, it's the first game I release, and the first program I've done in a long time... Hope you all enjoy it! 
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February 8th, 2007, 09:12 Posted By: splodger15
Sony has just released Firmware 3.11 for the PSP. This update fixes the freezing bug found in the PSP title R-Type.
Apart from the bug fix, we don't have any details yet on what security patches are included in the new firmware. Word has it in various forums that there aren't any big changes in the core module, so theoretically, it would be easier to crack than 3.10.
HERE is the link to the download if you want it
If you update you will lose all homebrew.
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February 8th, 2007, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Rockstar has moved quickly to defend the recently announced Manhunt 2, firing a pre-emptive strike before the inevitable controversy war initiates.
Speaking to MCV, a spokesperson for the company said that the sequel is clearly aimed at an adult audience and that "Rockstar submits every game to the appropriate bodies for rating and classification".
"We anticipate that it will receive an 18+ rating", the spokesperson said.
"Manhunt 2 is a chilling and compelling drama and is only appropriate for people who are old enough to play it," they continued.
"We are aware that in direct contradiction to all available evidence, certain individuals continue to link the original Manhunt title to the Warren Leblanc case in 2004. The transcript of the court case makes it quite clear what really happened. At sentencing the Judge, defence, prosecution and Leicester police all emphasised that Manhunt played no part in the case."
The spokesperson went on to say that Rockstar respects people who have different opinions about the horror genre and video games "but we hope they will also consider the opinions of gamers".
Manhunt 2 has been announced for PS2, PSP and Wii.
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February 8th, 2007, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar has confirmed previous rumours that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories will indeed be ported to PS2.
It's probably been the worst kept secret of the year so far. But all that's in the past. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (originally on PSP last year) will launch in the US on March 6 and across Europe on March 9.
via cvg
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February 8th, 2007, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
UK games retailer HMV has pulled its plans to allow gamers to pre-order PS3 only if they agree to buy a bundle that included a PSP for a whopping £625.
HMV had said that anyone who takes advantage of the offer will get priority over other customers when it comes to buying a PS3. But after the outrage that followed, the company has changed its mind. Funny that...
Computeract!ve received this statement from HMV: "Now that we've been able to confirm our level of PS3 stock with Sony, we're in a position to revise our original online offer. We will therefore be writing imminently to all the customers who have indicated that they wish to make the dual purchase to advise them that they can now pre-order the PS3 console by itself, if they prefer."
Yes, we prefer.
via cvg
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February 8th, 2007, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
UK games retailer HMV has pulled its plans to allow gamers to pre-order PS3 only if they agree to buy a bundle that included a PSP for a whopping £625.
HMV had said that anyone who takes advantage of the offer will get priority over other customers when it comes to buying a PS3. But after the outrage that followed, the company has changed its mind. Funny that...
Computeract!ve received this statement from HMV: "Now that we've been able to confirm our level of PS3 stock with Sony, we're in a position to revise our original online offer. We will therefore be writing imminently to all the customers who have indicated that they wish to make the dual purchase to advise them that they can now pre-order the PS3 console by itself, if they prefer."
Yes, we prefer.
via cvg
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February 8th, 2007, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
An unwitting modeller at Naughty Dog has accidentally revealed the name of the team's upcoming PlayStation 3 game in his online portfolio, referring to the upcoming 2007 release as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
Along with this he also posted new screenshots showing lush jungle environments (in the game, that is). Unfortunately, this has all mysteriously disappeared, leaving us with only PlayFrance's word for it.
Publisher Sony was unavailable for comment at the time of writing, but we expect little more than what it said to US gaming sites: "We do not comment on rumors or speculation. No official announcement has been made."
Naughty Dog's game was shown at last year's E3, and has had no previous name associated with it. All we knew about it was from a one minute-long teaser trailer, showing a third-person action title that looked strikingly similar to an Indiana Jones adventure, with the protagonist monkeying around in a tropical forest with shotguns and pistols.
It sounds like a fairly convincing rumour to us.
via eurogamer
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February 8th, 2007, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment is fed up of men in tights and strangling itself in the fantasy genre, which is why its swapped maces for silencers, and delved into the world of espionage.
Its new game, a spy-themed MMO, looks set to feature a strong team-orientated focus, with a big emphasis on objective based PvP.
Speaking at the DICE Summit in Las Vegas this week, SOE president John Smedley confirmed the game's tuxedo-like existence, and was keen to highlight the various influences for the project.
"It's not really just an espionage game," he told our sister site GamesIndustry.biz. "It's a combination of espionage... Think 24 meets Alias meets Counter-Strike."
Unfortunately there's no word on which platforms the game is going to appear on, though we expect PC to be a fairly safe bet.
SOE has another unannounced project in the works too, and it's due for release before the end of the year, Smedley said.
No word on the name, either, although Sony Pictures boss Yair Landau let us in on a secret. "It's code-named Vista, because we pushed it back about a year," he giggled.
via eurogamer
Lets hope for a PSP Version
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February 8th, 2007, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
After taking a beating in Gamespot's side by side Comparison of Xbox 360 and PS3 graphics, Playstation 3 owners may finally have something to hold over the 360 fans. Both Gamespot and IGN have previews posted yesterday that talk up the graphics and performance improvements over the 360 version. Load times and texture quality and draw distance have been improved, as well as 'new shaders dedicated to rendering the foreground cleanly with sharper details, so rocky landscapes now have craggy appearances instead of smooth, non-distinct surfaces,' according to IGN. They end with the ultimate hype, 'screens from the PS3 version should approach those from high end PCs running Oblivion, which is an impressive feat.' How is this possible? Gamespot reports that 'Oblivion will make extensive use of the PS3's hard drive by caching multiple gigabytes of data, which seemed to help with load times from what we saw.' While there are no official reports of this making it into the new 360/PC expansion Shivering Isles, a rumor on the Gamespot preview says that 1up might have the scoop
via /.
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February 8th, 2007, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
via yahoo
Yahoo! Video Games: You mentioned that one of the biggest pitfalls in making a "beat-'em-up" is repetition. How does 300: March to Glory avoid that pitfall?
Jeff Nachbaur: Good games are about engaging the player with meaningful choices. Most beat 'em ups feel repetitive because the combat system is overly simplified or superfluous to your combat goals. For instance, many games will tell you that you have combos and then allow you dispatch most foes by just pushing a single button.
We make combos necessary. We make sure that you need to accomplish something specific. Enemies have conditions to beat and we give you the tools to do it. Then, the player needs to make choices on whom to attack first, what they want to do to the enemy, and then, pile on some other choices regarding health management and your rage. So, very quickly, you find that all your choices are meaningful. If you make the wrong one, you can very easily fail.
This requires the player to constantly think and consider what choice is the best choice and this engages the player. He is no longer thinking about "how many more enemies until this level is over" but more about the moment to moment decision he must make and that really is the key. If the gameplay requires the player to be smart about his choices, the feeling of repetition quickly dissipates. You're too busy taking care of business to get bored.
YVG: How much of a stand-alone game is 300: March to Glory, as opposed to a game designed to appeal to fans of the movie?
JN: It's definitely a stand-alone game. It has to stand on its own merits. We designed it so that if you never saw the movie or read the graphic novel, you'd be just fine. But, we also provide a storyline that complements both. We also provide some extras for fans...like the movie trailers, film stills, and a four part interview with Frank Miller. But we're definitely a game that stands on its own.
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February 8th, 2007, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Noobz crew posted this news:
After some exhaustive testing, we've now come to the conclusion that there is no unnecessary wastage of flash space during the 3.03 downgrader process.
This means that our belief that there would be a need for a "flash cleaning" application was wrong - you should be able to upgrade and downgrade your PSP at will, with no serious problems except for the ever-present small risk from any downgrader.
Our original theory was based upon the fact that Fanjita's Undiluted Platinum test PSP showed signs of having run out of space on the flash, after several cycles of upgrade and downgrade.
The symptom, for reference, was an error code of "8001001C when starting ipl_update.prx" - which means "no space left on device" - when trying to run the 3.03 downgrader.
But after an extensive test of 10 upgrade/downgrade cycles between v3.03 and v1.50 without any problems, we believe we can now put the problem down to issues with the interaction between the Undiluted Platinum flasher program, and v3.00+ firmwares, which has previously caused flash problems with other people's UP PSPs.
So ... no worries!
via noobz
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February 8th, 2007, 18:31 Posted By: splodger15
For those of you that wish to decrypt the new Sony firmware here is your chance to.
Team C+D latest decrypter works with 3.11.
I have uploaded the latest firmware dumper.
To dump the firmware open up the Eboot with psp brew or PBP unpacker
2.Extract the DATA.PSAR to the root of your memory stick.
3. Copy psar_dump2 and psar_dump2% to your GAME150 folder. (Or whatever you kernel is set to)
4. Launch it from the game menu.
5. Select what option you wish to have. Then it will dump the contents to the root of your memory stick.
This was the same decrypter they released to to decrypt 3.10 it also works with 3.11 so this is not a new release of the program.
Thanks Team C+D for your great work. Sonys new firmware defeated again.
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February 8th, 2007, 18:58 Posted By: splodger15
Here is just a quick update to PSP Turismo. Here is what has been done.
+ Fixed the lag when the car had crashed into another car. It now moves quicker instead of being to slow.( This was a must i had to do)
+ Code compiled to stop theft
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February 8th, 2007, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sepreath posted a great XMB tutorial, here it is:
[0.1] Introduction
[0.2] Needed Stuff
[0.3] Thanks
[1.1] The Guide Starts
[1.2] Offsets
Ok, I'm bored so I thought I'd write a nice tut on how to hex your own XMB wave. This is
my first tut so please bear with me if something isn't too clear.
Here is an example of what you can make:

You need:
XMBWave editor click me
Common sense
Hopfully some hex skills
A hex editor
Thanks to:
XMBwave readme wrote:
icon-coder by kgsws
orignally found by DarkStone
bat file by vb_master
I don't really want to baby-walk you through this. Instead I'll give you the constraints as
it were and let you run riot with your own designs
So first off copy your original system_plugin_bg.rco from you PSP and back it up to your
computer. It is found in Flash0:/vsh/resource. Also backup the system_plugin_bg_deflate.bin
that cam with the XMBWave package. It'll save you some headaches later on!
The offsets that I know of, in decimal, are:
528 => 946 controls the shape of the wave, very easily ruined! Or made crazy.
7653 => 7766 appears to control the width of the waves. My bad, it controls colour and contrast not width
7767 => 7841 => controls the colour of the waves.
For the shape if you go too wild you can 'break' the wave. In other words it won't
show up at all. Not sure what causes it here but the compiled system_plugin_bg
must be exactly 40.8kb On the shape I can't offer any advice because I havn't yet
figured it out fully.
The width is in pairs of three increasing from 01 01 01. Again I'm not fully sure how
this works but I have an idea. Obviously the higher the number the thicker the line.
Your limits are 01 through FF. I think that each triplet controls a wave each. The
whole wave being comprised of lots of smaller waves.
The colour is also set out in triplets. The numbers here represent a shade of grey,
the lower the number the darker the grey. Your constraints here are 01 through 3F.
You can inject colour into the triplets in an 'inverted' RGB style.
For example the first bit of colour you are given is 27 27 27 which is a medium grey.
Change the first byte to FF to turn this section blue. So it would be FF 27 27. Green
would be the middle byte and red the last. Only editing one triplet will give little colour
as each triplet only controls a small part of the wave. You can't have all of the bytes
as FF FF FF to get white, it doesn't work like that. You would use 3F as white. So
3F 3F 3F would be white. You can however, use two sets of FF. So to make pink it would
be FF 27 FF.
It's got more confusing 7653 => 7766 also controls colour. FF FF FF works for white in
some instances between 7653 and 7841 but not others, which is wierd.
7653 => 7766 doesn't actually affect the width of the line but the colour and the contrast
which made the line appear thicker. Sorry that was my bad.
I hope this is useful / helpful to people. Please check back here.
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February 8th, 2007, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
While the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series never really was a huge commercial success in the US, over in Japan it's a hit. So much so, that in march there is going to be a bundle of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII port and the metallic blue PSP. As with most of the game specific PSP bundles, it will also feature a special PSP case, this time with a Koei theme. I'm not really looking for a RotTK bundle over here, but it would be smart for Sony to start having more game specific bundles outside of Japan. The pack-in game has always been a great way to help spur interest in a system. Are any of our readers hardcore enough to actually buy this Japanese bundle?
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February 8th, 2007, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Part 3 of the excellent article about an RTS game that will hopefully arrive on PSP:
via PSPfanboy
Tiki Games is currently developing a PSP-exclusive RTS game called "Galaxy's End." Read more about the trials and tribulations of being an upstart developer in this three-part series by Tiki Games President Kevin J. McCann. See part 1 of the feature here. See part 2 of the feature here.
That said we've recently begun to get some interest both from potential investors to major publishers. One of the publishers even contacted me due to Galaxy's End appearing on PSP Fanboy – so thanks to Andrew (and thanks to Joe who originally passed us along). Toward the end of 2006 I was concerned that Galaxy's End may not see the light of day (not to mention financial concerns since Tiki Games is self-funded). But now I'm feeling a bit more optimistic (a somewhat dangerous thing to feel, but it helps) that we're finally getting close to landing a real contract.
I'd also like to thank the various posters at PSP Fanboy (and other forums) that have responded positively toward the little glimpse of Galaxy's End. It's reaffirming for us at Tiki Games to see largely positive feedback toward our game from our intended customer-base.
For those of you that feel the RTS genre can't be done justice due to potential control issues on the PSP – we (and the publishers that have seen our game) feel the controls are solid. The key is designing the game from the ground-up with the PSP in mind – specifically designing with its controls and screen dimensions in mind. Not simply porting a PC RTS to a handheld – instead taking the most popular elements of the RTS and "translating" them to a handheld, while adding a few innovations/improvements of our own.
Likewise for those of you wanting Blizzard's WarCraft/StarCraft or EA's C&C series – give us a try. We're aiming to surprise you with a solid RTS experience on a handheld. Besides, those guys are doing well already!
While Galaxy's End future is still uncertain, hopefully we'll secure a publishing deal soon. Your enthusiasm and spreading the word does indeed help. Thanks again.
Read the full article in 3 parts at link above, lets hope the PSP community can get this release on the PSP
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February 8th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
NJ is back and in style too, hes released an update to his CPS1 Emulator..
Heres the translated by google info:
Because it is last, it leaves also those which make bootleg set effective. Usually, the game which is started increases more or less from edition, but because excessive processing increases, usually some effective speed than edition falls.
There is no change in contents. Only the renewal of readme_cps1.txt.
Bug correction (1.8.1)
Just being able to process the layer division drawing of Scroll3 correcting the bug which is not.
Modification (1.8.1)
In combination with the emulation of pin 7 of OKIM6975 ADPCM to MAME 0.111u6, it modifies.
Attendant upon the above-mentioned modification, the version of State Data was renewed. There is no compatibility of the former data.
Bug correction (1.8.0)
Because at the time of the line scroll drawing of Scroll2, the clip range has been modified the occasion where it renews texture cash, correcting the bug which has the case where sprite cannot be drawn just.
Modification (1.8.0)
The line scroll drawing speed of Scroll2 it improved substantially. If this sound is below 22KHz, you think that it reached the point where speed above 60fps appears generally.
Attendant upon the above-mentioned modification, initial value of Raster Effects option in " ON " modification.
Processing of Aufo Fire function was rewritten a little.
Calculation method of frame rate was modified a little.
As usual the google translation is awesome (rofl) but anyway its great to have NJ back.
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February 8th, 2007, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has also updated his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP.
Heres the translation by that awesome translation machine google:
* How it will do, it was perplexed a little, but you are defeated. In addition to the fact that although you tried starting to hint a little, improvement of speed cannot look at the speed improvement with CPS2PSP excessively, because it seems that is also the game which becomes conversely heavy it is to discontinue, but it releases once.
* Also the source code is attached. It is the finite difference for njemu_source_20061225.zip. After the superscribing, please compile.
1.7.0 (Development edition - after all the renewal discontinuance)
Although the texture format was modified in CLUT8, by the fact that the drawing processing of GU becomes complicated not seeing most effects. With the part game somewhat it becomes light, but it seems that is also the game where becomes conversely operation heavy.
Attendant upon description above, renewing romcnv_mvs.exe. Version of cash file becomes " V7 ". Reconstruction of cash file is necessary.
Yeah makes no sense to me either but its another great release for the PSP scene.
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February 8th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
With the PlayStation 3 supply now steady in North America and Japan and the console's European launch around the corner, people are pondering Sony's next move. Many speculated the electronics giant might tip its hand at the D.I.C.E. summit in Las Vegas. The annual event takes place each February at the sprawling Green Valley Ranch complex, and it draws a select group of elite game-industry glitterati together for an extended weekend of schmoozing and boozing.
Today, Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison sat in front of this high-powered crowd for an "informal" question-and-answer session with Newsweek games correspondent N'Gai Croal. GameSpot is on the scene with live updates of what the affable executive has to say.
10:29: Phil Harrison and N'Gai Croal have taken to the stage, and Croal is making a statement that his questions have not been preapproved by Sony. Harrison's stating that there are two topics that he can't cover--anything related to Sony's stock price and Phil's personal life.
10:31: Harrison is comparing part of Sony's process as an A&R-style process when they choose to work with external developers. They're looking for something exciting, something that has that creative spark, but something that also has commercial potential.
10:32: The next question is about how this relates to developing downloadable games for the PlayStation 3. This is where Sony is seeing some interesting innovation and some interesting risks.
10:34: Phil brought a PlayStation 3 with him, and he's threatening to play MotorStorm if the questions get boring. He's currently showing SingStar for the PS3. It will be out later this spring. As previously announced, the game will work online with the SingStore, an online mode where you can navigate through different album covers, view music video previews, and purchase content for use in the karaoke game. Video downloads appear to be around 38MB. The game will download songs in the background, which gets a cheer from the crowd.
10:36: SingStar will also have downloadable wallpapers for its menu screens and USB camera support. You can save those videos and upload those performances online. Other users will be able to rank your uploaded performance.
10:38: The next question is about the game's user interface. The game will offer various community elements. You'll be able to find users that like the same music as you via the "my SingStar" menus, which is meant to offer MySpace-like social networking within the context of the game. The next question is about the popularity of MySpace and whether that sort of functionality should be integrated on a game level or across the entire system. Harrison claims that we'll start to see more, deeper community functions in the PS3 XMB in the coming weeks and months.
10:41: Now we're moving on to developer support, with the question boiling down to "how does Sony intend to improve its developer support," with the sidecar of "Microsoft's is better." He says that the rumor of most of Sony's developer support coming in the Japanese language only is merely a myth, and that since most of the parts of the PS3 were developed in English-speaking countries, the developer support is primarily in English. He says that Sony has taken a lot of strides to improve, but that there's always more to do. Croal is looking for a specific example, and Harrison points to the nearly 40 games that are available and says that they're adding people internally, as well.
10:43: Now we're moving on to the difficulty involved in developing for the PS3 compared to the relative ease of the Xbox 360. Harrison is talking about how the PlayStation 2 was very difficult to develop for--actually, his word was "voodoo." He says that developing for the Cell chip in the PS3 strikes a good balance between an abstract, tools-driven development experience and that deep, "coding to the metal" path. And that it's a very different process than developing for the competing platforms.
10:47: Moving on, we're now talking about development-kit distribution. The question claims that PS3 dev kits were primarily sent to Japanese developers. Harrison basically says "Nuh-uh!" And that's that. He turns to someone from EA in the crowd and asks him to verify. The man in the crowd says that EA got their kits at the same time, but that they could always use more.
10:52: The next question is about how the PS3 hasn't matched Xbox Live's feature set for its online support. Harrison starts talking about how the PlayStation 3 is continually updated over time and that how the system looks today might not be how the system looks tomorrow. He says that there will be forthcoming announcements regarding the future of the PS3's online features.
10:53: He's now talking up MotorStorm's 12-player online gameplay. So that makes the "how many times will he mention MotorStorm" count up to two. If you're playing the MotorStorm drinking game, drink!
10:54: Sony will be adding deeper online functionality for the PSP later this year.
10:55: Croal is mentioning Gabe Newell's interview in Game Informer, where he basically trashed the PS3. As he reads on, the crowd starts to chuckle. The eventual question is "why wasn't the launch delayed to fix many of the PS3's supply and lineup issues?" Harrison is turning it around a bit, asking "by what measure wasn't the PS3 a success?" He's talking about the huge lines for the console back at launch, the supply of consoles into the retail channel, and so on. He says that the launch was better stocked than both the PlayStation and the PlayStation 2 launches. He doesn't seem to see a problem with the launch, though he does say that they could always have done better. Also, PS3s for the European release are currently on a boat headed for Europe.
10:58: Croal's next question: "Why do you think that there's so much skepticism out there, considering people said many of these same things about Sony's previous launches?" Harrison feels that the launch issues on the previous platforms were quickly overcome and that he feels the same will be the case for the PS3. He then says "MotorStorm" one more time, for good measure. That's three drinks.
11:00: Concept approval at Sony is moving over to a worldwide process from a region-specific one and it will be rolled out shortly.
11:02: Turning it over to the audience for questions, the first is "What's Phil playing that isn't on a Sony platform?" He says he plays things for competitive analysis, but that the PS3 has enough for him. He mentions that he's been playing the next LocoRoco game, then he turns to a new PlayStation 3 downloadable game called Super Rub-O-Dub. It's the duck demo from E3 turned into an entire game. You play with the Sixaxis and tilt a pool of water to make a big duck move around, picking up little ducks and moving them to an exit. It will be out in the next few weeks.
11:05: The next question talks about XNA (without directly mentioning it) and how it puts some of the power of making games into the hands of average users. Is Sony considering a response? Phil says that Sony started that with the Net Yaroze on the PS, continued it with Linux on the PS2, and is now continuing it with Linux on the PS3. Sony will continue to support that kind of homebrew and organized development initiatives.
The follow-up asks the obvious question about the PSP's place in all this. Phil claims that the PSP isn't well suited for homebrew. Croal name drops Dark_Alex, the hacker that's been busting open the PSP's firmware lately and opening it up for homebrew. Harrison has a sort of cryptic response about future announcements.
Quack, quack, quack.
11:08: They're looking for more questions from the crowd and not finding a ton, so it looks like this will wrap up soon. The next question continues down the path of user-driven development, about Sony's willingness to provide development kits to dedicated independent developers. Harrison starts talking about Sony's support of various educational institutions and says that one of the graduates of these programs now works on Gran Turismo.
11:11: The next audience member says that Unreal Engine 3 is shooter oriented and nearly starts a brawl. Well, maybe not quite a brawl, but his question is more about Sony's tools and available middleware. Phil begins talking about Havok physics and how it helps development. Did you know that MotorStorm uses Havok? There's your fourth mention--DRINK!
11:13: That's the end, the duo shakes hands and makes their way off the stage, but not before getting Super Rub-O-Dub running again.
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February 8th, 2007, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Phil Harrison on his speach over at DICE 07
via gamespot
Today, Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison sat in front of this high-powered crowd for an "informal" question-and-answer session with Newsweek games correspondent N'Gai Croal. GameSpot is on the scene with live updates of what the affable executive has to say.
Heres the PSP Bits
10:54: Sony will be adding deeper online functionality for the PSP later this year.
11:05: The next question talks about XNA (without directly mentioning it) and how it puts some of the power of making games into the hands of average users. Is Sony considering a response? Phil says that Sony started that with the Net Yaroze on the PS, continued it with Linux on the PS2, and is now continuing it with Linux on the PS3. Sony will continue to support that kind of homebrew and organized development initiatives.
The follow-up asks the obvious question about the PSP's place in all this. Phil claims that the PSP isn't well suited for homebrew. Croal name drops Dark_Alex, the hacker that's been busting open the PSP's firmware lately and opening it up for homebrew. Harrison has a sort of cryptic response about future announcements.
So the PSP isnt well suited for Homebrew eh, so the hundreds and hundreds of Homebrew Games, Demos, Emulators and Applications arent suited for the PSP??
Nice to see that Dark ALex and our Homebrew scene got mentioned to the Sony Boss, pity he thinks that the PSP isnt well suited :P
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February 8th, 2007, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Three Speech, which may or may not be a mouth piece for Sony, points out that Luke Smith's speculations that Killzone for the PS3 will be shown at GDC have been shot down.
There was some debate yesterday on Three Speech about whether or not Sony has any comment on the current "solid" rumors by Luke Smith from 1UP and CVG regarding Killzone being shown at GDC next month, possibly with a playable demo. The response is:
"No, Killzone won't be at GDC at all," stated SCEA Manager, Ryan Bowling, in a conversation with IGN held yesterday afternoon. "The time for that game is coming and we'll have new information about it in the future, but not at GDC."
Does that still leave room for it to be shown at a private event during, before or right after GDC? I suppose. It's hard to tell if this is about semantics or corrections.
via kotaku
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February 8th, 2007, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

1) Quick charge function.
2) Long Life Li-ion material.
3) Double capacity of 1200mAh power.
4) Compatible with any PS3 controller.
5) Can continuous use with controller over 45 hours.
6) Built-in "prevent burn-out electric circuit function.
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February 8th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Console cushion sticker (x4)
Disc Slot cover (x1)
USB slot cover (x4)
LAN cover (x1)
Digital out cover (x1)
AV multi out cover (x1)
HDMI out cover (x1)
AC IN cover (x1)
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February 9th, 2007, 01:19 Posted By: tsurumaru
Yes Strmnnrmn lives.
This ought to show people to have a little more patience.
Behold! An update!
Wow, it's been a long time since the last update. A really long time. How did that happen?
I've always found it quite hard to find the time to update the blog. Usually when I have some free time in the evenings (that's free time spent doing things other than eating, socialising, and getting stuff ready for work), the choices I have are:
* Do some new development on Daedalus
* Play games/watch TV/relax
* Reply to a few emails/comments, post a new entry here
Unfortunately over the past half year or so the first two bullet points have won out. So, apologies for neglecting the 'outside world' for so long. On the plus side, the existance of the first bullet points means that I have lots of exciting new developments to talk about over the next few days
I'm going to finish off this reintroduction with a broad overview of some of the stuff I've been working on. This is all stuff that will be present in R9, which I'd like to release this month.
* Added support for RGBA 4444 and 5551 textures, saving a bunch of memory in the front end.
* Tidied up all the texture conversion code, fixing a few bugs in the process
* Fixed the width/height of FillRect calls in 1 and 2 cycle mode (fixed a few small graphical issues)
* Fixed a blending bug (fixed a few small graphical issues)
* Use 16-bit textures on the PSP to represent 16-bit N64 textures. Saves time converting, saves memory, and faster rendering
* Added mirrored texture support (this fixes lots of small graphical glitches)
* Fixed a LoadTile bug, allowing a couple of hacks to be removed (this also fixes various small graphical glitches)
* Added some new blend modes for various roms
* Fixed the Tri2 command for F3DLX microcodes
* Fixed a bug in busy-wait detection (this wasn't working correctly with dynarec code, net result is a small speedup)
* Fixed a few dynarec stability issues (relating to exceptions occuring mid-trace)
* Added audio support 
* Added the ability to dump textures (developer builds only at the moment)
* Fixed screenshots. Again.
* Implemented cmp.s, cvt.s, cvt.w, mtc1, mfc1, bc1f, bc1t, j, cfc1, ctc1, daddu, trunc.w.s, bc1t, bc1f, bc1tl, bcifl, bnel, beql, blezl, bgtzl, bltzl, blezl in dynarec (this gives a decent speedup)
* Avoid setting the branch delay flag and current PC in generated dynarec code unless absolutely necessary (this gives another small speedup)
* Much better memory access handling in dynamically recompiled code (this gives a BIG speedup 
* Use a second code buffer for generated dynarec code, to avoid polluting the instruction cache (this gives another small speedup)
* Further improve the memory access handling in generated dynarec code (another small speedup)
* Fix register usage analysis for lwc1/swc1/mfc1/mtc1 which was preventing base registers used in these instructions from being cached (another small speedup)
* Have compensation blocks restore nobbled registers, so on-trace code does't need to reload (another small speedup)
There's quite a lot in that list, so I highlighted the two most significant points. In summary R9 will be much faster, with audio support. I'll write a bit more about these changes in particular over the next few days (promise!)
Now show the guy a little respect, don't hassle him with trivial things and let him get on with the coding! 
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February 9th, 2007, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Today, during an investor conference in Orlando, Disney executives announced a name change for the company's videogame business division to Disney Interactive Studios. Disney Interactive Studios' Senior Vice President, Graham Hopper remarked, "This change reflects our focus on creativity, the weight of Disney content in our portfolio, and the enormous value consumers see in the Disney brand."
Formerly known as Buena Vista Games, Disney Interactive Studios is responsible for publishing both Disney and non-Disney branded videogame products for all of the current gaming platforms. Presumably, this change is designed to leverage the massive name recognition of the Disney brand to publisher games under the company's other strong consumer brands ABC and Touchstone.
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February 9th, 2007, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
Despite being around for almost two years now, the PSP has seen a serious shortage of original RPGs (most games in the genre have been cross-platform ports or resurrections of older titles). Luckily for fans, that void will soon be filled when Atlus ships its original RPG, Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner to North America sometime next week. We managed to get hands-on time with the finished version earlier today, and so far we've seem some interesting things.
Designed by Atlus co-founder and Shin Megami Tensei master Cozy Okada, Jewel Summoner is a stark contrast from the RPG that you'd expect it to be. Given Megaten's history, you'd expect that Okada would move his formula of frequent battles and demonic storylines into this new franchise as well, but that's actually not the case. Monster Kingdom is, in fact, quite the opposite of Shin Megami Tensei in its scope -- that is, it's chalked full of dialogue and a more traditional fantasy plot with a much lower encounter rate than your typical role-player.
The narrative itself seems like it could become fascinating. It follows the adventures of a young "Abomination" hunter named Vice. Driven by anger over the murder of his mother (who was killed by a winged creature several years ago), Vice takes various slaying jobs all over the kingdom in an effort to make money and search for the beast responsible for his pain. Amazingly, Vice also proves that he has the ability to summon monsters that will do his bidding by harnessing the creature located in his mother's only remaining keepsake, a sacred gem. Usually this power is only available to "Jewel Summoners," so Vice's useful ability quickly grabs the attention of "The Order" -- a special organization that studies these magic sparklers while also training said summoners. Eventually paths cross, bad things happen all over the world, and an epic journey gets underway.
Despite its thematic differences from Shin Megami Tensei, Monster Kingdom does have similar combat elements. Your entire offensive strategy, for example, is based around the summoning of monsters with their own strengths and weaknesses. As they battle other creatures, they must use their collection of special skills to locate weak points to earn more turns and create more damage. If you've played Digital Devil Saga before, then this system should sound familiar. Other recognizable battle elements include the ability combine monsters and jewels to learn new talents and the need to seek out and add new gems (critters) as you progress.
All the elements mentioned above play out in a turn-based fashion and are fairly simple to get into. If there's one area that concerns us so far, though, it's that there hasn't been a need to truly strategize with all of our different powers. When equipped with three different characters at a time, standard attacks are usually enough to defeat most enemies without a problem. Despite the fact that we're early in the voyage, it would have been nice to see more situations where we had to use monster-specific abilities. Though again, we're near the beginning so there's definitely room for change.
But what stands out about Jewel Summoner so far? A couple of things spring to mind. Take the combat screen -- it's shown from an interesting "split window" perspective that shows enemies on one side and your heroes on the other. It's very unusual for sure. Given the PSP's widescreen presentation this perspective actually works pretty well and helps to set the game apart in the genre. Monster Kingdom's soundtrack is also very good and it has a nice mixture of up and low-tempo melodies that are among the best we've heard in quite some time. Finally, the sheer amount of conversation/ town exploration that goes on is almost daunting. Expect plenty of word balloons in the first few hours of the game.
Of course, what we really want to know is where will all of this eventually lead? Hopefully it'll take us to somewhere pleasant and rewarding. While basic and familiar, the combat is fun to execute and the monsters are definitely worth collecting. We would like to see an increase in battles, however, and see a more common need for super powers and not just swipes of the paw. Either way, we'll let you know how it turns out when we review Jewel Summoner next week.
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February 9th, 2007, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
It's one of our most wanted Dream Games on the system: God of War. But is it actually happening? According to a Spanish website, MeriStation, Ready At Dawn may be working on a portable continuation of the revered franchise. Ready At Dawn is famous for their work on Daxter, which is still one of the system's most technically impressive games.
While this would be exciting, take it with a grain of salt. However, to add fuel to the debate, I'll reveal that a few weeks ago, I too received a tip about God of War on PSP. Is it really coming?
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February 9th, 2007, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The fine folks over at Game Watch have put up some new screens from the Final Fantasy PSP rendition. The screens show combat, a cinema scene and the screen above. The game is scheduled to hit Japan April 19th, though no US date has been set yet. It's looking very nice considering, but I think the main deciding factor in these releases will be the price point. Will you be buying these releases and what Final Fantasy number would be your dream port to PSP?
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February 9th, 2007, 01:59 Posted By: Wally
Due to StrmnNrmn jumping back into the scene,
I hereby announce that I will be continuing my work with Daedalus Spiff Up (That is, if there are still GFX issues) and hopefully with some sort of partnership with StrmnNrmn.
Getting the games GFX right is a priority to me, I am willing to donate time and money into this project (including buying N64 games to make sure games GFX are exactly the same for super gaming experience)
Its been a shock to me, and I am at work, glued to my seat, eagerly waiting for lunch so i can go to the Pawn Brokers to pick up some more N64 carts for testing.
P.S Also will be doing a compat list
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February 9th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nataku92 has updated his Counterstrike PSP Game, heres what he posted:

Ok, I've made a few fixes to make cspsp more compatible with custom maps. I've also implemented a simple map selector. Some small graphical updates have also been made.
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February 9th, 2007, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
J@ricanese has released a useful Windows utility for previewing PSP gameboots, music, videos, and photos, before transferring/flashing them to your PSP.
NPH App Beta 1.5 changes:
Fixed the PMF decoder install.
Forgot to mention that the app has shortcuts. These can be seen through the menu.
Also forgot to mention that you can dynamically rename a file within the program.
Fixed loading issues with the shortcuts and menu links.
Added more menu items
Added type (file type) column in the main table.
If NPH App detects X-Flash installed on your PSP, transferring new gameboots will be copied to the correct destination for flashing; otherwise, they’ll be left in ms0:\NPHAPP\Gameboots. There is more than meets the eye to this app, so be sure to read “readme.txt” for exact details and usage.
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February 9th, 2007, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Along with Sega's PlayStation2™ racing game OutRun2 SP (released earlier this week) and to commemorate the series' 20th anniversary, Sega has released a special box set, exclusively distributed through the publisher's Japanese online shop.
Included in the box set are an Original Special CD "Out Run Sound Tracks-Complement", OutRun2 Special CD case, OutRun 20th Anniversary Box Original Soundtrack and Special DVD (game capture image +S.S.T.BAND LIVE), along with a copy of the game itself.
We have picked up limited quantities of the OutRun 20th Anniversary Special Box, in stock now as long as supplies last at US$ 159.90.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 9th, 2007, 07:58 Posted By: turulo

After too long since the last psp release, here is a new version containing many new features, and latest game code to be able to play on new online servers.
Current Changelog- Midi background music finally supported using libtimidity.
- NewGRF support works now due to new file handling.
- New fileio handling to allow psp open more than 10 graphics files.
- Now full keyboard support & multiplayer chat.
- PSP OSK keyboard replaced with danzeff OSK.
- Code updated to v0.5.0-RC5, compatible with latest online servers.
If you dont know about this game just take a look to it features list here: http://www.openttd.org/about.php
Look the full article for release Installation instructions and usage:
Download links:
If you cannot find your old Transport Tycoon copy, this url may help you:
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February 9th, 2007, 09:42 Posted By: splodger15
I was having trouble with my Lua scripts not running on 3.10 OE. So i have created a new version of PatchSFO for 3.10 OE.
I myself have contacted fanjita about this release and he said it was fine to do.
For those of you know PatchSFO patches the SFO file to make it more official.
With this version of PATCHSFO you do not have to worry about PS1 games being on the memory stick.
Just copy the contents to the root of your memory stick.
I would like to thank the Noobz team for the orginal source code.
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February 9th, 2007, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has confirmed that a sequel to last year's blob-rolling PSP adventure LocoRoco is currently in the works.
Fielding questions at the D.I.C.E. summit in Las Vegas yesterday, Harrison said that he was "recently playing LocoRoco's next version," in response to a question asking what he was doing recently, (better than telling everyone you've been sitting in your pants watching Neighbours, we suppose).
No more than that was said on the LocoRoco sequel, leaving gameplay details and the target platform up in the air. After the rubber duck PlayStation Network news though, we're wondering if LocoRoco 2 will also crop-up on the download service. We'll let you know if our hunch proves right.
via cvg
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February 9th, 2007, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Virtua Fighter 5 is not only the latest in Sega's huge beat-'em-up series, but it also looks to be one of the PS3's best-looking games so far.
Just look at the high-res awesomeness of this game, particularly the lighting in some of sunset scenes and the super-sharp textures. It's going to look sweet running in 1080p on a nice 50" HDTV.
VF5 will release on PS3 in the US on February 20, and land on the day of launch - March 23 - in Europe.
Best PS3 launch game?
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February 9th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
D3Publisher is bringing another Bejewelled-influenced puzzle game to DS that incorporates a story-driven RPG mode to the experience.
Set in a land known as Etheria in an age of warlords, Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords places you in the role of a sword-wielding warrior who must save Etheria from evil.
You move your character around an overworld map by tapping the stylus on the various village locations. You don't explore them in 3D - you speak to people, visit shops and acquire missions all via menu screens.
When you encounter a battle, the Bejewelled puzzle kicks in. You take turns with your opponent to swap icons on a grid to line up three or more identical icons in a row. When you do, they disappear and the points earned count as damage to your opponent.
Conversely, if you can't be arsed with all that RPG stuff, you can get straight down to the puzzle action with the Instant Action option.
Mixing RPG with a puzzler is an interesting way of refreshing an already used-and-abused puzzle concept. But can you handle ANOTHER Bejewelled game?
Puzzle Quest will hit DS and PSP on March 16.
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February 9th, 2007, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison has shown off a few PS3 demos at the DICE Summit and hinted that we won't have to wait long before we're able to download content in the background like we can on Xbox 360.
The absence of such a feature has been a bit of a sore point for US and Japanese early adopters. "Some of you will notice that we have background downloading now," Harrison pointed out during a demo of the SingStar "SingStore", according to Kotaku's transcript.
Sony UK was not able to immediately clarify when a firmware update adding background downloading would be made available, but it follows that if Harrison's prepared to show it off in public then it must be due fairly soon. Perhaps even before next month's European launch.
Harrison also responded to questions about other areas of Sony's online service, dismissing suggestions that Sony couldn't compete directly with Xbox 360 for features because its service is offered for free.
"While it may be free to the consumer, we know there are revenue streams for us to earn in other ways. We have a number of things that we'll announce shortly that will add clarity to that statement," he explained.
Oh, and Super Rub'a'Dub - a downloadable game based on Harrison's 3D ducks demo - is due on the PS3 Store "in a few weeks". It's fully tilt controlled, and has been previously confirmed as a downloadable launch title for the PS3 in Europe.
via eurogamer
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February 9th, 2007, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Early reports are that Virtua Fighter 5 isn't exactly flying off store shelves. AsoBitCity in Akihabara had a hands-on for customers that was so slow, a Sega employee apparently killed time by playing the title alone. And why should it be a hit? Sure, VF hasn't really matter to most Western gamers since, oh, 1997, but the game has a huge following in Japan. Thing is, people aren't going to buy an arcade port that doesn't feature online when they can play with other people at their local arcade. Perhaps Sega thought the hardcore would buy their online-less game to practice at home and then play at a game center? Guess not.
via kotaku
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February 9th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Tony rides again in a totally redesigned next-gen Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game from Activision. The game challenges players to experience the intensity and pressure of skating against some of the world's top pros in true to life competitions as they aim to become the #1 skater. With an entirely new gameplay engine, the trick-based gameplay features amazing, detailed character animations that react realistically on and off their boards, a new physics system, an innovative bail mode and the ability to move ramps and rails throughout the city.
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February 9th, 2007, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Armored Core, the mech action game that defi ned the mech genre is back to take on next-generation platforms! Armored Core 4 reinvigorates the brand by offering an all-new storyline, new environments, and online capability. The 10th anniversary of the acclaimed franchise will be punctuated with a leap to next-generation platforms that will ensure the highest quality.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Since the disastrous failure of Howard the Duck, the entertainment industry has shied from fowl of all kind. At a Q&A panel at DICE 2007, Sony Worldwide Studios chief Phil Harrison proved that Sony had the stones to take on ducks even if other publishers were still wary. Harrison revealed a new PlayStation Store download title, Super Rub-O-Dub, which he said would be available "in a few weeks."
Using Sixaxis motion control, you manipulate a square wading pool, tilting up, down, left and right to maneuver your mother duck around the stage. She needs to collect the numerous ducklings around the pool, avoiding obstacles and deadly traps. When the mother duck passes a duckling, it follows behind, soon creating a trail of tiny quackers. All of these little ones need to be dropped off at the exit point. While it sounds simple, the trail of ducklings is susceptible to the environment, so the bigger the duck train, the more difficult it becomes to avoid pitfalls and obstructions.
Harrison spoke little about Super Rub-O-Dub, playing a few early levels and offering almost no explanation. However, it appears that as the challenge of later levels increases, it's going to become quite tricky to get all your ducks in a row and move them to safety. While you can take fewer numbers of ducklings to the exit, that also extends how long it takes you to clear a stage.
It's unknown if multiplayer will be included or the exact release date of Super Rub-O-Dub. From the limited demo, it's hard to tell just what to make of the game. It looks to deliver some of the same addictive mixture of joy and frustration as SEGA's Super Monkey Ball.
via ign
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February 9th, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
At a panel held during DICE 2007 in Las Vegas, Phil Harrison gave the audience a taste of the upcoming PS3 version of SingStar. The popular karaoke game has earned a powerful facelift for PS3 with an intuitive and, quite frankly, beautiful interface. Sadly, Harrison did not play SingStar, so we didn't get to hear the singing voice that brought Europe to tears. Instead, Harrison demonstrated some of the cool features that gamers can look forward to.
Leveraging Sony's monstrous song library, and including songs from other labels to boot, SingStar offers hundreds of tunes for download from the PlayStation Store and instantly integrates them into SingStar. Each video includes a streamed preview and downloads in the background as you play SingStar. That's right, downloads won't prohibit your ability to use the PS3. Imagine that.
Along with songs, both free and premium wallpapers can be downloaded. Harrison added a lovely image of the ocean at dusk to the background. Animated birds flew at the edge of the horizon for added "oohs" and "ahhs."
The interface itself is slick, colorful and could easily be mistaken as an Apple product. Yes, it looks that good. Graphics heavy, the interface offers quick and easy access to all of SingStar's functionality.
My SingStar, clearly inspired by MySpace, is geared towards community interaction. The dynamic homepage provides the ability to meet gamers with similar music interests, enter weekly contests ("It's Elvis Week!") and upload video performances. Users can also rate and rank other gamers' videos. These features speak to Sony's desire to expand the PS3 to include more community interaction. It looks very promising.
Harrison's demo was brief and didn't delve too deeply into SingStar's offerings. Still, it gave enough of a glimpse to show the potential for greater interactivity in future Sony titles. As for a change to the PS3's Cross Media Bar, that may just be wishful thinking. Harrison told IGN that he liked the current look of the Media Bar very much, but that some improvements were coming soon.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Tennis is one of those games that's easy to learn, but very hard to master. Incredibly, for the past seven years, Sega has managed to strike the balance between a series that's easily accessible for novice tennis gamers, but deep enough for hardcore tennis fans. The latest installment of the franchise, Virtua Tennis 3, looks like it will uphold this tradition nicely by making its transition to the next generation consoles with striking visuals and a large roster of athletes. We recently got a build of the game into the office and came away with some new impressions.
Unlike the last Virtua Tennis title that came out on the PSP and featured sixteen professional players, Virtua Tennis 3 boosts that number up to 20 of the best athletes and up and coming stars. 13 athletes from the ATP take top billing, such as star players Roger Federer and Andy Roddick, as well as up and coming players like Taylor Dent and Gael Monfils. Seven WTA members step onto the courts as well, with Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams and Martina Hingis amongst the female roster. Gamers aren't limited solely to the 20 professional stars; you have the opportunity to load up customized athletes and put them up against these competitors at any time in Tournament or Exhibition play. Initially, players will have 7 courts available to them, ranging from the red clay of Barcelona to the hard courts of Milan and the revered grass of London. However, you'll be able to unlock additional stadiums as you play your way through the World Tour mode.
What has always been surprising is just how accessible the game is. The formula hasn't really changed since the Dreamcast days, so players can easily jump in and be comfortable with playing either a singles or doubles men's or women's exhibition or tournament match. Regardless of which game mode you choose, the control scheme is still very simple: Players have lob, slice and basic top spin shots, which you can use in combination with the angle of the ball to determine whether you'll hit it with your forehand or backhand. Depending on how long you press the button and whether you're in the right position, you can perform other shots like drop shots or overhead smashes with incredible accuracy. Even better, Virtua Tennis 3 provides a way to get accustomed to these mechanics with engaging mini-games.
There are ten new mini-games within Virtua Tennis 3, as well as two returning classic games. However, unlike previous Virtua Tennis titles, these are broken up into two categories: Court Games and training mini-games. The training mini-games can only be played within the context of the World Tour, and improves your created players stats when it comes to the various skills you need on the court. Court Games, on the other hand, are available at the main menu, but are strictly multiplayer affairs. You can't play a single player game against the computer, which should provide a lot of fun for up to four players to go against each other.
The first two are mild variants on each other. Pin Crusher is essentially bowling on a tennis court, with pins placed on the opposite side of the net. You've got ten frames to get as many spares and strikes as possible. Tricky Pin Crusher, on the other hand, is a bit different because instead of the standard pyramid configuration, the pins arrange themselves in different shapes, which makes it a bit harder to get strikes or pick up spares. Avalanche tests your fast footwork, as you attempt to grab fruits that bounce on the court without getting squashed by larger tennis balls. To test your reflexes, Panic Balloon sets up a number of bubbles on the other side of the court with arrows in them. Whenever the ball makes contact with the bubble, it will ricochet in the direction of the arrow, which will definitely keep you on your toes.
The last three are perhaps the office favorites. Super Bingo provides all players with a bingo card and a scrolling set of numbers. By hitting the tennis balls into various numbers, you claim them for your player and the first person to get four numbers in a line of the card wins. Alien Attack is somewhat similar to Space Invaders, except instead of dodging shots, you're trying to send tennis balls into the machines constantly descending towards the net. Finally, there's Court Curling, which is just like the sport on ice, except on a tennis court. Players can use the oversized tennis balls to propel their stones towards scoring areas, while trying not to send them out of bounds. Definite strategy can be involved when you knock your opponent's stones into yours for points, or try to push their rocks out of bounds. We'll have more on Virtua Tennis soon, but for now, check out these screens and movies.
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February 9th, 2007, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking in this morning's Q&A session at D.I.C.E. in Las Vegas today, SCE Worldwide Studios chief Phil Harrison gave hope to PlayStation Portable fans that change is on its way for the system's disjointed online arrangement.
In a question about the PlayStation 3 online network and its thus far lacking feature set, Harrison addressed the concern by stating that the platform's online feature set would be refined and expanded over its current offering. In addition, he mentioned that the PSP would factor into the PlayStation Network online plans.
"This year we'll be adding some functionality to the PSP that will unify our approach", Harrison said. (For more of the Q&A, catch a blog of his answers on gaming industry site Gamasutra.)
Exactly what that unification would mean, however, was not explained. Ideally, the feature set would mimic that of the PS3 (at least, as far as the technical abilities of the system will allow), and would bring to PSP both the PlayStation Store and the PlayStation Network online system brought out with the launch of PS3. The PSP is currently without a unified network plan, and has suffered online play offerings because of this -- few developers support the PSP's online mode, and gamers have a hard time trying to find friends online without a shared cross-title Friends List. PSP gamers have also been enraged by the fact that the long-awaited PS one download feature made its debut only in tandem with the PlayStation 3 console -- gamers cannot directly download PS one games to PSP at the moment because the PlayStation Store has not yet been made available for PSP.
Bringing either feature to PSP would be a welcome addition to the system and would help make use of the PSP's untapped potential. Phil Harrison today also commented on the missed opportunities with PSP, saying that developers have been able to provide PS2-quality gaming on a portable for the first time, yet have not gone beyond that. Its social aspects and media offerings, according to Harrison, make the format unique and offer game designers the opportunity to create unique content. Ideally, future PSP developments (including those assisted by the new networking features spoken of earlier) will help the handheld realize that opportunity.
via ign
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February 9th, 2007, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
IGN seems to think Phil Harrison accidentally announced LocoRoco 2. Their proof? Let me quote their article, "When asked what he has been playing on other platforms, Harrison said he has enough to play on the PS3 and PSP. But he said he was playing 'LocoRoco's next version on the way' to the Q&A. Harrison didn't provide details, but the fact that he was playing the game on the go would mean it will arrive on the PSP."
I suppose that's one way to interpret it, but I personally think he was talking about the LocoRoco Mobile, that has already been announced. After all, the question that brought on the LocoRoco answer was about other platforms, ie not PSP or PS3. It also seems unlikely he'd mention a high profile sequel in passing. We're sure LocoRoco 2 is in the works since they want to continue the franchise, but we're still waiting for the official announcement of another PSP go around. Let's hope that it comes soon!
via pspfanboy
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February 9th, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster

via pspfanboy
One week after the popular Metal of Honor demo hit the web, PSP gamers are being treated to a new demo: TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge. The demo includes three vehicles, the Ultima GTR, Opel Vectra GTS V8 and the classic Mercedes Benz W196, for use in three different challenges. This marks one of the few times where a game demo has been made downloadable before a game's actual release.
TOCA will be available for UK buyers on February 16th.
YourPSP users: (European users only)
Connect your PSP to your computer and visit YourPSP. You will be able to download and install the demo automatically.
Everyone else:
1. Download the demo ZIP file.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.
4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.
5. Copy ULED90009 folder into the GAME directory.
Another excellent demo for the PSP
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February 9th, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
via nma
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) is in talks with Sky to allow PSP owners to download Sky content such as Lost and 24 onto their handheld devices. An agency pitch has been launched for the creation of the service, understood to be a joint venture between Sony and Sky scheduled for a release later this year. The deal could help reignite interest in SCEE's beleaguered handheld console, which has been outsold by the more popular NintendoDS.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
PSP Fanboy recently spotted evidence of a Warriors resurgence in New York City. With a PSP port of The Warriors in the works, could those Rockstar hooligans be dabbling in guerrilla marketing?
We wouldn't put it past the studio, which is headquartered in NYC; but this could easily be a remnant from the game's first go-round on PlayStation 2 and Xbox -- or just the uninspired work of a fan. Anyone else spotted tags?
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February 10th, 2007, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Electronic Gaming Monthly, in an interview with Sony's Jack Tretton in early January, mentioned the recent availability of his company's console: "...it seemed like about 50 percent of the people in line were there to make a quick buck on eBay. And now we're seeing a lot more units on store shelves." Jack seemed a tad surprised by this, but he put his money where his mouth is: "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it. I can get any retail buyer on the phone with you and get them to verify that there's not a single retail location in America where there's a PlayStation 3 on the shelf for sale. They've all been sold in a matter of minutes." After EGM let Tretton know they had indeed phoned 18 stores and found half of them had PS3s in stock, some stores with as many as 20 consoles, Jack held firm "if only nine of the 18 stores you contacted had supplies, that seems to be a clear indication that sales continue to be outstanding." So there you have it, Jack's not backing down. We're guessing our check is already in the mail.
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February 10th, 2007, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
via devkitpro.org
Some users have requested a version of devkitPSP with a more recent version of the psp sdk.
devkitPSP release 9 has been updated with the psp sdk fresh from svn today - revision 2175.
This version is available through the devkitPro Updater as usual.
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February 10th, 2007, 12:05 Posted By: wraggster

via pspfanboy
This mumbo-jumbo that appears on your screen happens to be code extracted from a decrypted version of firmware 3.10. MaTiAz appears to have uncovered a reference to a "skype_plugin" within the code. While the functionality is clearly not present in the current revision of PSP's firmware, it appears that Sony's working on something for a future upgrade. Historically, it appears that hints to future functionality is hidden away in the code: references to the PSP camera and GPS were found in earlier decrypted firmware, long before they were officially released.
A similar Sony product, the Mylo, has implemented Skype functionality in the past. Certainly, being able to have some kind of VoIP service (free, or not) would increase the value of Sony's portable even more. Will you celebrate if Sony releases this in a future firmware revision?
Lets hope for a Dark ALex release with Skype 
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February 10th, 2007, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
Yes, just for you. Exactly like how those Girls Gone Wild commercials say that "these girls can't wait to get naked just for you" -- don't believe us? Watch Comedy Central after the Colbert Report. Sorry, claims like that are really annoying. It's just for me, not you. Anyway, the PS-Store has released a few new things for you to enjoy. Sadly, no demos. But there is a PS-One classic for your PSP!
If you just can't wait for flOw, there's an HD video up for download and what can we say? It looks darn sexy. Sounds sexy, too. There's also a new game for the PSP, 2 Xtreme, which some could say is the sequel to a cult hit. There's also a movie trailer for Lucky You, but whatever. Maybe after the European launch we'll see some demos. Until then, we're counting the days to flOw and that rubber duckie game... Super Rub-a-Dub. Best idea ever. This yellow duckie can't wait to take a bath, just for you!
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February 10th, 2007, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
He not only answered questions, but he even said things that he probably shouldn't have said, like when asked what he's been playing, he replied: "The next version of LocoRoco which... I can't really talk about because we haven't announced it." Nice. Well, let's make a list of other questions and answers that were pretty important.
What will the PS3 do to reach out to casual gamers?
"Something we've done successfully in Europe is something we've coined 'social gaming.' We've had great success with SingStar and EyeToy, which combined is over a $500 million category - Singstar has sold 7 million units." He then demonstrates Singstar (I wonder if he was any good!) and talks about an upcoming PS3 iteration that goes online. The SingStore concept will allow you to buy songs off of the PS-Store to use in the game. Neat!
What's up with the apparent lack of developer support?
Some key technical documents and information originate in Japan and don't flow very easily to other parts of the world. Harrison also notes that many of the critical PS3 components were created in English-speaking parts of the world.
Are you planning to improve the PlayStation Store to better compare with XBox Live?
Harrison says: "The launch of a platform like PS3 is not a fixed specification the day you buy the console. The chipset stays the same but what it does in software changes over time. We'll continue to refine [the PlayStation 3 Network], not just for developer experience, but for consumers too. This year we'll be adding some functionality to the PSP that will unify our approach."
So... why's it taking so long for the PSP to get some creativity? You said it would be a console in the palm of your hand. What gives?
Phil was pretty direct here. "I don't mean to belittle developers, but we've only managed to recreate PS2 in the palm in your hand. I think we can go deeper, I think we can explore more features of the machine, connectivity, social aspects, media aspects, and integrate it into game design that is unique to that format. It's not a missed opportunity so much as a future opportunity."
All right. Well said, Phil Harrison. We'll keep mental tabs on the things you've said and make sure that at least some of the promises are achieved. Anyone think these goals are possible? Impossible? Useless? Useful? Question number five?
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February 10th, 2007, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
Are you one of the few importers who picked up a Virtua Stick High Grade arcade stick with your copy of the Japanese version of Virtua Fighter 5? Then a big, fat Nelson-ish Ha-Ha to you!
Following the 2/8 release of the PS3 peripheral, Sega learned of a strange problem with the device that at times makes it fail to register lever and button inputs. The company stopped sales of the device (shortly after they'd begun) and is looking into the problem.
Those who purchased the peripheral will be able to get a refund from Sega. Specific details will be offered on Valentines Day, 2/14. We're not sure if importers will be taken care of by Sega directly, but we'd suggest contacting your importing source for further information.
via ign
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February 10th, 2007, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
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Yoichi Wada is one of the most outspoken industry figures in Japan, often sharing his thoughts as one of his two identities: chairman of the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association or president of Square Enix. In a recent interview with Japan's Nikkei BP, Wada assumed the latter form as he discussed Dragon Quest and the future of the PS3.
With Dragon Quest IX coming out for the DS, Wada fielded a question about this meaning a shift in Square Enix's development strategy towards the platform. This isn't necessarily the case. "Following portable machines, we see the market for the PlayStation 3 and other next generation consoles taking off, so we will develop for that."
In fact, nothing has apparently been decided for the next Dragon Quest. "Aside from the Dragon Quest titles that have been announced, nothing has been decided. We're not thinking about fixing [the series] on the DS."
The Square Enix president seems to have a lot of faith in the PS3. "We have expectations from the PS3. However, it's still early. For us to do business [on the platform], it will take a bit more time."
Wada expects a shift to the PS3 to begin first with a more pronounced shift to high definition television sets. "Once the television environment is in place, at last the true game business will form. I see the PS3 market taking off starting around 2008."
"Some journalists don't understand that there's a difference in the amount of time hardware takes to spread and have taken the tone of 'the world of high vision, high quality gaming has come to an end.' However, once you see the world of high vision, there's no going back."
Closing up, Wada offered his vision for how gamers will split across all the various systems out there. "I believe casual gamers will go to the Wii, DS, or even PSP while those who want to have a fuller experience will go to the PS3 and Xbox 360."
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February 10th, 2007, 13:02 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
As far as I'm concerned there are only two major rules when dealing with my childhood memories; don't screw with the Ninja Turtles, and don't screw with Transformers. As luck would have it, both franchises are getting rebirths this year on the big screen, and in true Hollywood fashion they're being screwed with in a huge, huge way. TMNT now looks like a shell (pun definitely intended) of its previous design, and Transformers is getting zapped with the Bay-ray, as the franchise is now true-to-life, has a ton of explosions, and is - quite frankly - pissing off the loyal fan base left and right.
Whether you're a fan of the movie or a hardcore loyalist, it really shouldn't matter too much when you jump into the official Transformers game though, as everything that's being added into the franchise remake - lots of explosions, mindless destruction, and robots kicking the ever-loving tar out of each other - are all fundamental elements for an entertaining videogame. Bumblebee may not be an 80's VW Bug, and Optimus has flames, but when it comes to busting some good ole' deceptichops Activision's movie-game still works to get the Transformers feel down.
From our first official eyes-on with the game today at Activision HQ, it was pretty easy to tell where the design inspiration for Transformers came from. Take one part Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, one part Grand Theft Auto, and one part Transformers remake, throw it in a pot and let it simmer on high for 20-25 minutes. Players can kick off the game by selecting either Autobot or Deceppicon affiliation, and from there work through missions that run somewhat parallel to the main movie. We'll avoid any spoilers for die-hard fans out there (the 12 of you that haven't already read the script, that is), but basically the game builds off the key pops of the movie, recreating the battles, areas, and characters you'll be seeing on the big screen. On the Autobot side, the game is pretty much a comparable to the movie, since the Autobots are the focus in the main story. With the Decepticons, however, you're getting more of a "what if" scenario, as you try to topple the Autobot warriors and take over earth for yourself.
Once you select your allegiance you're dropped right into the action. The game is laid out in the oh-so-familiar sandbox atmosphere of titles like GTA, Crackdown, or True Crime, where you've got a top-view map with destination blips, red dots for enemies, and green areas for objective sections. Along with the familiar map system is a integrated "good/evil" meter that works along the lines of Star Wars: Nights of the Old Republic. Just because you're an Autobot doesn't mean you can rampage through the city without the cops, military, and CIA noticing, and if you select Starscream and start helping little old ladies across the street instead of trying to become the Decepticon's "New LEADER!" you'll be sure to lose some alliance points as well. It's a pretty cool feeling to see Optimus rampage through the city knocking over police stations and Burger King buildings (it's like the old 80's episode where he turned evil, minus the red eyes), and while it's a bit out of character for the Autobots to be destroying everything, there's something to be said for taking into account the amount of collateral damage you cause during battles.
To add to the formula, nearly everything in Transformers can be smashed, picked up, and used as a weapon. Trees were torn from their roots, light posts were used to knock Decepticon cronies (that looked a bit like the 80's Shockwave, by the way) into busses, and buildings would crack and crumble as Bumblebee scaled them to reach a higher vantage point. If you want to knock a Decepticon on his ass and use him as a projectile, it's all fair game. Likewise, if the local police are getting in your way you can lift them sky-high, scout out a target, and give them a little airborne encouragement to fight the real enemy. It should be noted though, that players can't actually fight physical humans, so rather than having hundreds of puny earthlings nipping at your heals you'll be getting a lot of squad cars, tanks, and helicopters instead. We would have loved to stop over buildings, ending thousands of lives just to take a short-cut, but it just wasn't in the cards.
Since the game is still in development we weren't able to enjoy any of the more vehicle-specific missions, such as air combat with Starscream and Megatron (who, by the way, is a stealth bomber if you aren't up to speed in the new Transformers) or rampage driving missions with Optimus, utilizing real transform and roll out action. Still we had a chance to see the transformations in action, and though they don't have the classic noise from the original 80's show they're still really cool to watch. Switching from robot to vehicle is as easy as hitting a button, and a transformation can occur at any time. That means you can leap off buildings and go into jet mode with Starscream, transform from car to robot and then back again to jump over roadblocks with Jazz, or try to reenact the classic "Optimus jump" from the first movie, where Prime blazes into a group of enemies, transforms into a jump, and blasts the hell of them before landing. What we saw in action was a pretty solid start, but hopefully the idea of transforming everywhere (something that Activision was very adamant about) realizes its full potential before the game goes gold.
On the visual side of things, Transformers comes up a bit short when compared to the more dazzling 360 games out there, but is still a pretty standard visual presentation as far as sandbox games go. The amount of space in the towns and cities are pretty huge from what we could tell, and all graphical goodies such as normal mapping and bloom effects are put to good use. The game uses real-time shadows and has some solid explosion effects, but while the Transformers themselves are pulled directly from the movie models (scaled down a bit, of course), the world around the characters is a bit less impressive as a whole. Cars and busses have more of an Xbox look, rather than 360, and the human models are totally basic. Still, the game's presentation has a solid feel, with the camera bouncing to follow the robots' heavy steps, or shaking wildly as buildings crumble to the ground. It isn't the most visually-appealing title out there, but it does carry a decent overall style. As a quick note on audio, there's no official word yet as to whether or not the main actors will be used for VO or not, but we can tell you that the opening cinema (which had a pretty cool look), did have the voice of Optimus Prime included in it. They even end it with a classic line; one shall stand, one shall fall.
From what we saw today Transformers: The Game isn't a perfect title by any means. The game makes great use of the world the movie creates, plops some solid looking robot models into the mix, and delivers the same destrucable environments as a game like Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, minus some of the speed and solidarity. Still, the general entertainment in cruising through city streets, beating the hell out of enemy robots, or driving in a stealth "robots in disguise" mode to avoid panicking police is still a blast. It may not be the classic 80's game we imagined so many years ago, but it's definitely a good first step in winning us over into the new look and feel of the franchise. We're hoping to see a bit more frenzied action added into the mix, as the lack of killing humans makes for mainly vehicle/vehicle combat when dealing with police, and the addition of more character-based attacks or power-ups to look forward to is always a nice top-off as well.
As a final note, Activision couldn't tell us anything about the extras in the game, but knowing how big of fans the team seems to be with the franchise I'm personally expecting some awesome extras or bonus features included in the final version. Maybe we'll be treated to some classic audio samples or some sort of retro flair to the game, but if all else fails I'm still holding my breath for the song "You've Got The Touch" from the old 80's movie. Guys, we love that song, and in two decades of music there's still no better tune we can think of to light our darkest hour.
We'll have more on Transformers: The Game as it nears completion, as well as an official hands-on shortly. Transformers: The Movie hits theatres on July 4th.
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February 10th, 2007, 13:07 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
Nihon Falcom has always been known for its intricate storylines and deep character relationships in their respective RPGs. I remember playing Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion back when it was released and noticed just how deep each character’s relation to each other was, and even the ending sequence to the game was something deep and profound, something not many RPGs have today. The focus on friendship is omnipresent throughout each of the Legend of Heroes games, and A Song of the Ocean is no different.
Full article at link above
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February 10th, 2007, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Whats new:
4.102 changes:
Fixed aspect calculation.
Ffdshow now installed with selected language.
Ffdshow icons removed from tray by default.
Add new SBC prest - Ghost Buster. Help remove red ghosting on PSP.
Removed format MP4 PSP (MP4 PSP 2.80 and MP4 PSP 480 full replace it).
Removed Fix gray flicks option.
For AVI format audio now encode in video path - doesn`t need muxing.
For AVI format now possible create files with PCM sound.
Added two new formats - AVI DV PAL and AVI DV NTSC. DV files created progressive (no interlacement = HQ)!
Removed encoding VirtualDub - mencoder full replace it.
For AVI format added two new LossLess (без потерь) codecs - FFV1 and FFVHuff.
From framerate list removed non-standart framerates (15.000). All non-standart inut files will be converted to near framerate. This fix sync on some RM and MOV files.
Removed Engine DropDown.
Removed PMP 2.01 - PMP AVC much better in all cases.
Removed Base64 encoder-decoder tool.
Removed VirtualDubMod.
Default aspect correction now - Black.
Mencoder updated to r22178.
Finished CLI for x264.
Reorganzed tabs.
Fixed small bugs.
Now always used mencoder MT.
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February 10th, 2007, 16:08 Posted By: On The Rise
StrmnNrmn posted this news on the latest of his work on the Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP
In my long-overdue update on Thursday I explained how some of the work I've been doing on the dynarec engine has produced a significant speedup. This post will give a few numbers to give an idea of what you can expect in R9.
The table below shows the framerate for various scenes in R8 with a column showing the framerate for the build I'm currently testing effectively R9). The final column shows the relative speedup:
check out the the screenshots comparing r8 and r9 to certain games visit the website there is also another update before this.
Clearly there's a significant improvement in framerate. On average, games are running about 40% faster, but in many cases the framerate has almost doubled. Subjectively, the difference means that many games are feeling a lot more responsive and playable now. Anything over 20fps 'feels' pretty good, but my long-term goal is to get this up to 30fps for as many titles as possible.
I noticed a couple of interesting differences between the two builds when running the tests, and you can see some of these in the new screenshots. Firstly, notice that the shadows in Super Mario 64 are all nice and round. This is due to the 'mirrored texture support' that I mentioned in Thursday's update (this also fixes the star that opens over Mario's head in the title sequence).
Secondly, the jerky/shaky screen that was affecting Mario Kart 64 now seems to be fixed. I'm not quite sure what was causing this, but I'm glad it's fixed
Next, notice that the text is Quest 64 is now fixed. In R8 this was horribly corrupted. This is due to the fixing a few texture conversion bugs as I was introducing proper support for 16 bit textures.
Finally, the texture on the floor in Quest 64 is now fixed. Again, I'm not totally sure what change is responsible for this, but it's nice to see it working correctly.
One final thing to note is that these figures were obtained by running the emulator with 'optimal' settings. For the current build, this includes disabling audio output. I'll talk a bit about audio support soon, including a bit about its impact on performance.
check out the the screenshots comparing r8 and r9 to certain games visit the website there is also another update before this.
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February 10th, 2007, 18:38 Posted By: psposte
Here's a list of what's changed in Beta 6:
- Support for 2.x+ firmwares, that means WPA connections will now work. Note that only the "Automatic" (DHCP) connections work with the 2.x version. Tested on 3.03 OE-A.
- This means there are 2 versions to choose from when downloading: FW15 and FW2x. If you must have a manually configured connection, use FW15 (that means no WPA). If you're experiencing crashes on FW2x, try to reproduce them with FW15 version since it's able to produce more debug info (crash.log).
- Analog stick navigation now disabled by default. Can be enabled from the Input tab in the Settings window.
- Fixed a bug in the network connection detection that meant the app wouldn't start because it incorrectly thought no network connections were present.
- A crash.log is now created when the FW15 version crashes with a blue screen. If reporting crashes when running the FW15 version, please attach the crash.log file.
General notes:
- Thanks to Giovanni for helping me debug the settings problem.
- If users are still experiencing crashes opening the settings window, please contact psposte@gmail.com.
Install/Upgrade Notes:
- FW15: Unzip PSPoste_Beta6_FW15.zip into your PSP/GAME (PSP/GAME150 for OE users) directory. Existing settings, contacts and mail will be preserved.
- FW2x: Unzip PSPoste_Beta6_FW2x.zip into your PSP/GAME303.
- Upgrading from FW15 to FW2x: Rename your existing __SCE__PSPoste to PSPoste, move it to PSP/GAME303, then unzip PSPoste_Beta6_FW2x.zip into PSP/GAME303. You can delete %__SCE__PSPoste.
Notes on mirroring: we would appreciate if sites did not mirror our releases, but instead link to the "Files" section (or "PSPoste" package) on our sourceforge project page. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Download link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...kage_id=181627
The PSPoste Team.
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February 11th, 2007, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from Undertaxxx:
I now allot of people here asked for this sort of prx so here it is. It's made by TEAM280 and works realy good ( tested myself ). Normal it whas mean to launch recovery from the Network Update option burh i try with itshell, SnesTYL & copple of other homebrew and works perfect here . So in the package there is a update_plugin.prx that you must flash with the auto flasher included the package or flashing manualy. You must puth the eboot from homebrew you whant to launch in the GOTORECOV folder, you easy can change the pad inside the prx. Anyway thnx to TEAM280 and download below. Grtzz
Movie here:
Download here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/o8vbqc
Icons, background & Waves here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/kzd09k
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February 11th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: fatcat04912
Hello again im finally
releasing CTF Paintball v 1.0
CTF made by FreshMilk & Mod by Fatcat04912
Whats with this release:
New Enemy sprites
New Characters Sprites
New Background
Changed Paint balls
Updated to 20 lives
Heres the DL Link :http://www.sendspace.com/file/g03aeh
Next Release:v1.2
With hopefully The help of FreshMilk.
Four members to each team:thumbup:
Every one can shoot:thumbup:
Bigger maps:thumbup:
Three hits to One Life:thumbup:
Online play "possible":thumbup:
Different characters :thumbup:
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February 11th, 2007, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Did you know that the upcoming After Burner: Black Falcon uses real world, licensed aircraft? Neither did I, until Gamespot talked to producer Ryan Kauffman. He reveals the crafts that are used in the game, such as the F-14X Tomcat, the F-15E Strike Eagle, and the F/A-18E Super Hornet. Those that know their planes may appreciate the inclusion of more modern craft, such as the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning II.
While the vehicles of After Burner may stick true to the real world, it appears that the locations are based in fantasy. The term "reality plus one" reflects upon the level designs, which vary from a lush jungle environment, to a snowy tundra. My favorite named level? Mountainistan. Just has a nice ring to it.
More Info
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February 11th, 2007, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via m.pspfanboy.com.
Instructions: Save all movie and thumbnail files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Do NOT place in "VIDEO" folder. Firmware 2.80 or above do not need to download thumbnails.
Ocean's 13
Flow (PS3)
The Warriors (PSP)
Tales of Destiny 2 (PSP)
Sid Meier's Pirates! (PSP)
All via link above
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February 11th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from pspballer07:
This is v0.5 of Icon Action Replacer (aka IAR). It replaces the action of an icon to do an action of another icon. For example, it can make the Network Update Icon in the XMB open up your photos or vice versa. It can also do the settings,remote play, and saved games. Read the ReadMe for more info.
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via pspballer07
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February 11th, 2007, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
New release from hallo007:
Here we are again , as you will know , much people are still on 3.03OE-C for there custom xmb icons , so here is flash agent F1 with multi firmware support
Remember USe at own risk
Only USE AT 3.10OE AND 3.03OE
changelog F1
-works now on 3.03OE andn 3.10OE firmwares
-topmenu_plugin enabled for 3.03 , disabled for 3.10OE
-new ICON0.PNG (made by silvenius)
-Give your own site as online instruction manual
-logo while start up(by Moose_Island)
-exit on non supported firmwares
-you need to accept agreements
-rco file menu
what is flash agent?
flash agent is a homebrew programm for 3.10 OE firmware
you can customize your dark alex custom firmware
how to use it?
flashing a files
put the files you want to flash somewhere on your memory stick
start flash agent
go to filebrowser
select the file you want to flash
I want my original files back , how?
start flash agent
go to recovery menu
select flash original ......(example gameboot)
I dont want flash to much,how?
start flash agent
go to firmware hacks
select redirect gameboot to....
if you want to change your gameboot , just replace him on the ms0:/
Free up some space
start flash agent
go to recovery menu
select replace font
you saved 2.5mb
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February 11th, 2007, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Pasky13 is an update to his CWCheat Database editor:
Whats new in v1.60
Now able to download the latest official CWcheat database directly and open it for editing at user discretion.
Base convertor added to the hexadecimal calculator for those that don't know how to convert decimal to hex very well.
Icons have been cleaned up, interface should have a crisper look than before.
Shrinked the size of the loading forms, I thought they were unnecessarily big.
Large database files are loaded slightly faster.
More bug fixes. (It's a given....=P)
*** NOTE ***
If you downloaded v1.55, I highly suggest you upgrade the program. I made an error when making the joker command, I didn't realize the joker address is always the same for PSP games. It is now fixed.
Requires the Microsoft.NET framework 2.0 which can be downloaded at Microsoft's website:
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via pasky13
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February 11th, 2007, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Blackshark

Hi guys!
just wanted to give you guys a heads up on what I've been up to.
So im here to release an early Alpha of what I've been doing, for two reasons mostly,
1. to see how you guys like it so far,
2. To see if I can get some help with the GFX....you'll see.....
you can use the analogue stick or the directional pad for moving,
R is to fire
Triangle is for music off
Circle is for music on,
that is basically it for not,
Note that the charge shot does not fire any thing yet, to make the bar rise as if you were doing a charge shot though, hold both L and R.
Time Trial
so far only the Time Trial mode is really "done" sort of, its definitely playable
you have to shoot the Invincible enemies as many times as you can in 1 minute, the more times you hit them, the more your score goes up, be careful, they shoot back.....
Not even done yet, you can enter it, but, theres only two guys, there to shoot, and when they die nothing happens yet, don't worry, won't remain this way forever :P press Start to go back to menu from here.
ETA or Escape the Asteroids
Still working on this as well, there are no asteroids yet :P, use the analogue to go to the TOP of the screen, currently the only way to exit. this should be an interesting mode when finished!
Not even started yet :P this will be like the classic space game, were the enemies are in a row, and they move side to side, when they hit a side, the move down, this will have many speeds as you move from level to level!
Thats all for modes for now,
there is also a name impute and Scoring system, you can view the high score for each game mode and WHO set them! (maybe your friend beat your score and now you got to teach him who's Boss)
I plan for Multi player modes, but mostly just 2 to 1 PSP, Im not so sure about wifi, unless you would like to code it for me, it most likely won't happen in time for the PXP compo. But maybe in even later versions, that way it would make good use of the name system, so you can know WHO you are beating down ...
also Almost for get to mention, there is a Ship selector, there's only a few for now, but I have a couple more to add, (Credit Goes ALL to comeonfhqwhgads for those ships, Thank you so much dude!, I couldn't stand my Paint creations any longer!)
So I Need from you guys feedback!, please...
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February 11th, 2007, 16:33 Posted By: ExcruciationX
StrmnNrmn has answered some questions asked by his blog users:
Via: strmnnrmn.blogspot.com:
A few common questions cropped up in yesterday's post so I thought I'd deal with them here so everyone could see the responses.
Firstly, lots of people were asking about the possibility of moving the audio processing to ME. I'm really keen on doing this, but I'm not very familiar with the ME yet so I need to spend a few hours investigating it before I can figure out how much work is involved. Maybe I can do a few technical posts about the ME as I find out more about it?
A few people were asking about an ingame menu and screen size.
gotwake424 said:
will there be an ingame menu? that will let you change the size of the screen and other stuff in game?
i have just one question: you have mentioned viewport scaling/screen ratio a few months ago. is that going to be featured in Release 9 of daedalus? and i think that i heard somewhere that it should speed up the emulator a little with the new scaling, is that true?
One of your earlier posts showed your progress on implementing a 4:3 screen ratio. Would this possibly have any effect on the framerate?
A while ago you noted that you had been working on viewport scaling. Will that be implemented in the upcoming release?
I'm currently working on the in game menu - this is the last main thing I want to squeeze into R9. With this you'll be able to change the screen size while the rom is running, as well as a few other things (toggle audio on/off, swap controls etc).
I doubt that knocking the screen size down will help the framerate all that much, as the framerate is still largely limited by the cost of CPU emulation rather than rendering.
From philip:
Do you have plans to implement frameskipping? That would greatly improve the speed, and shouldn't be too hard to add.
on the rise1:
have you ever thought or messed about putting in frameskipping in the emulator?
Now that audio support is in, I think frameskipping makes a lot more sense. I'll see if I can squeeze this in for R9 too.
can Daedalus run under 300mhz? would that boost those numbers in the table even more?
Unfortunately Daedalus is already clocking everything at the maximum frequency, so there won't be an easy win there 
Are the rom files you are using zipped or unzipped? Will the extensions of the rom files even matter anymore?
I was using unzipped rom files. The extension shouldn't matter, provided it's recognised (.v64, .z64, .rom etc) Daedalus should always figure out the correct thing to do with a given rom. I suggest you use a tool like RomCenter to manage the naming of all your roms, and extract them to the roms directory on your PSP as required.
sroon said:
Will expansion pack be inplented in your blessed R9?
The expansion pak should already be supported: 'Expansion Pak: Yes' in the Rom Settings screen (just before the rom launches). If it's not working, it's a bug, and it'll be easy to fix.
Have you always been able to add audio support? Or did you hold it back because of the slow framerate?
I've been holding off because of the framerate - I just thought it would sound horrible. The framerate is still a limiting factor with audio support, I'll talk a bit more about this soon.
jeffrey said:
Is there any official way to support your work? Either through paypal donations or whatever?
No, not currently. To be honest, I'm a bit uncomfortable about accepting money for this. Financial reward has never been a motivating factor for me, I do this because it's an interesting project with lots of juicy technical problems to solve. If I was to ever accept donations, it would be for a specific goal (e.g. if I broke my development psp and it needed replacing, or to pay for hosting/bandwidth etc).
andrew said:
The best update possible for R9 is an icon for the PSP menu.
Yes, I know I do like the Pochi Style icons. I emailed him asking for permission to use them with Daedalus, if I get the go ahead I'll bundle them with R9 by default.
A few people were asking for videos of the work in progress. I'm not all that keen on doing this as I'd rather spend the time getting the final few features in place and releasing early rather than spending the time making videos. You'll be able to play with it yourselves soon enough 
As for a release date, I'm going skiing for a week on the 25th February, and I'd like to have R9 out before then.
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February 11th, 2007, 17:47 Posted By: Zion
I am currently recoding the game in C and have decided to release the souce code of the lua engine i made for the game to help new comers to lua coding or experienced lua coders alike.
unfortunatly, i dont have the source code of the released version (i changed os) and lost some of it,...
i have the code though from the version that was made 3 days prior to release.
Feel free to use this code, with or without credit although credit is always appriciated.
Also included is the demo of the engine i am coding in c for the game, i am basically porting my lua engine to c and changing and improving where i see fit.
Again my appologys to dcemu and others for my past drama of late see here for full appology and reflection - Here
The source Code.zip is the source code from the lua release of quest of link
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February 11th, 2007, 17:59 Posted By: PSPKOR
This is my game Bruce Lua its a fast pace 2D bet'um up game, with you playing as the legend Bruce Lee as you try to kicking the s**t out of Ryu. And yes I did say fast pace and yes its LUA, try it if you dont belive it.
This is my third public release of this game and i'm liking the way its going and its been a while since I made the last release so here it is V1(beta). The reason its now V1 is because as the system is now its more than likly its going to stay like this, with only a few things will be changed and theres still one or two bugs, hence its a beta.
This is whats changed since the last release:
-Added reverse images, so you can fight from each side.
-Redone alot of the in game code and hitting system.
-Added mutch better A.I.
-Added more moves for Ryu.
-Added Rounds (best of three).
-Added ingame music and sound effects.
-Changed the look of the High score screen and other graphics.
-New XMB icon and background.
-New in game background(By me )
-Redone alot of the training stuff.
+ some other stuff
Thats what I've done and this is what I want to do to it:
-Extra characters
-More Back grounds
-Maybe a stry line
+ Other stuff that people want
Instulation- In EBOOT format so no need for Lua player
1.50 - just copy Bruce Lua and Bruce Lua% into the GAME folder on your memory stick
3.03 OE etc - copy Bruce Lua and Bruce Lua% into the GAME150 folder on your memory stick
-Just before I released this I did also have nunchuks working with Bruce but I had some memory issues with it so that'll have to wait until the next release.
-The characters are fully modable aswell(not tried), so you could change the sprites to look how you want different sizes ect. and they will still hit each other.
-Button Config - (Learn most in training)
Square = Block
Triangle = Punch (double tap to double up)
Circle = Kick (double tap to double up)
Cross = Jump (Punch and kick avaliable)
Down = Crouch (Punch and kick avaliable)
Hold up and tap circle = Jumping kick
This whole game was created by me i.e coding, most graphics and sounds optained, converted.
But I would like to give a thanks to Yaustar, not that he directly helped on this game but he is a great help to people like me trying to code.
And a big thanks to Evilmana.com for a great site.
-Actual game mode now playable.
-Ryu(Enemy) with some Basic A.I.
-Changing color health bar as your health gets lower.
-side scrolling background, as you walk close to it.
-A score board, to see how well you can do.
-Training mode
-Eboot format
Well thats it for now hope every one enjoys this and here are some screens:
P.S.- Comments welcome to help improve the game.
download, screen, and give feedback via comment
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February 11th, 2007, 20:30 Posted By: Elven6
From: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/02/10/ob...pening-on-wii/
When we learned that the PS3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion would not feature the majority of downloadable content found on the Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game, it was a blow to fans of horse armor everywhere. An episode of The 1UP Show (02/02) provides the follow-up hook as 1UP relays a juicy bit of info from Bethesda. As it turns out, it may be due to a memory limitation with the Playstation 3 itself.
1UP says that Bethesda simply could not find a way to load every piece of downloadable content without affecting the performance of the game. Considering that the Xbox 360 can pull off this feat without a hitch, that seems quite odd. Bethesda will still be looking into getting that content available for PS3 users, as addressed by their VP of Marketing, Peter Hines, who also comments on the "rumors" regarding the memory issue in an IGN interview.
As for the PS3 version of Oblivion trumping the 360 in the visuals department, it just so happens that the new shader techniques applied to the PS3 will also be worked into the 360 version of the game. And thus, they are equals once more. Unless you want some horse armor. In which case, you're boned.
Finally, Shacknews sat down with Pete Hines and questioned their plans beyond the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. When it comes to waggling your remote in Oblivion, "It's not really going to run on a Wii for example, but if it could we would put it there. Our philosophy is to make a game and make it available to as many people as possible."
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February 11th, 2007, 21:49 Posted By: scarph
Dark_Alex's new release is a prx that, with the help of psardumper, will allow you to chose which firmware version of popstation you want to use with your games. This means you 3.10 oe-a...ers will be able to use 3.11's emulator.
This plugin enables 3.10 OE and higher, to load every pops from 3.00 to 3.11
- Copy seplugins to the root of your memory stick.
- Using the latest psardumper mod from team c+d, extract the firmware you desire using the
"Decrypt all" function (press square) (this is important, because of changes of keys, previous
firmwares modules may not work encrypted).
- Locate these modules in the FO/kd folder: meaudio.prx, pops.prx and popsman.prx (Note: in 3.10
and higher, meaudio.prx doesn't exist, so you don't need to locate it).
Copy the prx's to the directory /seplugins/popsloader with the following names:
* 3.00: meaudio300.prx, popsman300.prx, pops300.prx
* 3.01: meaudio301.prx, popsman301.prx, pops301.prx
* 3.11: popsman311.prx, pops311.prx
- Enter in recovery menu, and enable popsloader.prx plugin.
- The first time you run a game with the plugin enabled, it will ask you which pops to use.
After that, it will save the configuration so the next times that game is loaded, it will use
the same pops. If anytime you want to change the configuration, press R while booting the game,
during the warning screen.
Remember to use the Readme
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**Breaking News**
The other file is an easy installer---Works great
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February 11th, 2007, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Noobz post more details about Downgrading woes:
After encountering the 'device full' error another two times today, on two separate non-modchipped PSPs, we did some more investigation, and have now finally understood exactly what causes it.
It seems that if you have a memory stick with corrupted data on it, then it can give the 8001001C error mentioned in the previous article, when you try to run the downgrader. Fixing the corrupted data fixed the problem.
The moral of this story is that it is best to run any downgrader on a totally clean memory stick - format the stick on your PSP before loading on the necessary files. And if you are having problems running the downgrader, try using a disk corruption fixer (like ChkDsk or the disk repair tools in Windows) on the memory stick, as it may fix it.
While we're on the subject of the downgrader, and HEN - we are not currently working on a version that does not require GTA. It's not currently possible.
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February 11th, 2007, 22:30 Posted By: SANiK

X = Jump
Control Pad = Move
Start = Quit
This demo is never going to become a full game.
It lags at certain points but could be sped up 90%, I didn't give a kwap though to put more time into it.
I only did this to be able to say, "Stop with the effiing cheap ass 2D games."
I'm mother effiing tired of seeing "OMG, 2D Halo" orrr "2D Mario" orr "2D Mario texture edit to make it look like 2D Sonic"
The PSP scene needs new life
My little Mario Demo is just a taste of what could be done if one actually tries (with just 6 days to code it + 1 day to port it to the PSP)
Come on PSP scene, get with the program
Anyways, enjoy
(I suggest if one is to try to "finish" this, to start from scratch just using poly.c and math.c)
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The only snippet of code that's really needed is really:
void reflex(float *a_matrix, float a_x, float a_y, float a_z)
//Apply the matrix rotation to the point
//Requires a custom matrix library
vector_matrix_mul(a_x, a_y, a_z, a_matrix);
//Apply the reflex lens formula
a_z=a_z - ((((a_x) * (a_x)) + ((a_y)*(a_y)))*0.05f);
//The 0.05f = Lens curvature
//PSP screen stretch/skew
//Draw the vertex
glVertex3f(a_x, a_y, a_z);
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February 11th, 2007, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Speaking with Game Informer, Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht opens up about his studio's PlayStation 3 project Lair. Currently estimated to be 80-90% complete, Eggebrecht is confident that the development team will reach the vaguely stated spring deadline, but admits "Sony's not going to ship it the next day."
Next up for Factor 5 is likely a smaller project -- a downloadable game (or two). Eggebrecht supposes it'll be an original "mini franchise," but doesn't rule out the possibility of also porting over some old Turrican titles; not necessarily straight-up ports, but perhaps "something like that but in 3D," teases Eggebrecht.
Also, Eggebrecht reports that Factor 5's break-up with Nintendo has not spoiled the two's friendship. We're no talking Rogue Squadron IV; just the occasional happy hour cocktail. Eggebrecht adds, "When I read all of those things about how you have to buy a 360 and a Wii, that's not true. You have to buy a PS3 and a Wii-that's the perfect combination."
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February 11th, 2007, 23:52 Posted By: mikebeaver
The latest version of this great app is out, much thanks goes to Dark420Bishop for his hard work in making this.
PSP Submenu Icon Injector v3.0
This program will allow you to change the icons for your XMB Camera, RSS Feed, Online Instruction Manual, Remote Play, Certificate Utility, Location Free, Internet Browser, USB Connection, Game Sharing, Loading Icon, Corrupt Icon, and all Settings Menus. I can now brag that my program changes ALL the regular sized sub icons in the topmenu. Change as many or as few as you like. The program is designed so you can take your current topmenu_plugin.rco and change only the selected icons so that you don't need to remake your topmenu_plugin and change all the labels. As always, I am happy to share and discuss my source with other developpers but i'm not going to release it to the public because some people take advantage.
1a. A decrypted topmenu_plugin.rco for 3.0x. You can make one of these using any other xmb icon customizing program or you can browse the forums and find one.
1b. a decrypted game_plugin.rco from 2.50. You can decrypt one yourself with psar dumper and the 2.50 update eboot.
2. Visual Basic 6 Runtime Library. Get it from Microsoft.
MICROSOFT http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...DisplayLang=en
3. Icons. 64x64 pixel 256 color bitmaps with a file size of roughly 5.05 KB.
1. Select your plugin file and select the icons you wish to inject.
2. Hit the Inject button which applies, either Inject Topmenu or Inject Game.
3. Flash your plugin file to the f0:/vsh/resource folder with your favorite flashing utility (I like flash-USB access in 3+ OE firmwares).
-3.0x topmenus ARE NOT compatible with 3.1x firmwares. There are no programs out yet to change 3.1x topmenus.
-If you get the temp.mig error, try again. If you get it 3 times in a row, check the Troubleshooting section.
-Any time you prepare to mod your PSP, you should back up the files you are about to change.
-The program now checks the size of the icon you are trying to inject. It will not allow you to try to use any icon over 5500. This is to try to prevent the errors users were having from using incorrectly formatted icons.
-The picture to replace the loading icon must be very small. None of the icons I tried from the fat pack worked. I had to make my own so I included the one I made.
-The offset to change the label for your corrupted icon in the game_plugin is 0x2bdc - 0x2bf7 (hex) or 11228 - 11255 (dec).
Added icons for all Settings menus, loading icon, and corrupt icon.
Changed layout to fit all the new controls.
Icon file size cutoff of 5500 bytes.
This is by no means the entire read me file, you should look at that for further details and future development of this app.
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February 12th, 2007, 07:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SLasher:
This is for just about any custom firmware version, including 3.03 OE-C, AND 3.10 OE-A.
I've heard reports of this bricking 1.5's, so I wouldn't risk it if I were you.
I made this mostly for my own leisure to test out the seemingly hundreds of custom xmb waves coming out lately.
Just rename your system_plugin_bg.rco to whatever you want and stick it in the system_plugin_bg folder provided which should be in the ROOT of your memorystick.
As of V3, you can now also include a screenshot of that particular system_plugin_bg.rco. Just make sure the screenshot is a PNG or JPG, and is named the same as its corresponding system_plugin_bg.rco.
eg) superwave.rco & superwave.png/superwave.jpg
I've also included a few examples for the morons out there
Once you have all your custom .rco's in the system_plugin_bg folder, just simply run the program and you can select from them and easily install whichever one you want.
V3 - 02/11/07
~ Preview mode now available (PNG/JPG)
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February 12th, 2007, 07:24 Posted By: wraggster
via infinite
Being developed on PC. Later being ported to PSP, DS and Xbox360 Live Arcade (and possibly Apple Mac).
Galactrix is a unique blend of puzzle, rpg and strategy genres, set in a sci-fi world. It might best be described as a match-3 puzzle game, played against an opponent.
The player will spend their time playing simple addictive puzzle games, but unlike regular puzzle games, these are played versus an enemy. The opponent can be another human (in multiplayer) or an AI-controlled enemy.
It has high replay value, either in single or multi-player, with potentially hundreds of hours of play. There will be a strong 2-4 player component, and excellent support for downloadable content. Overlaying all this is an engaging storyline to play through in single-player.
Key Features
Create a persistent pilot who gains skills and ships as he completes more battles.
Each enemy you fight will require different tactics.
Individual battles require only 5-10 minutes of time.
Experience a conquer-the-galaxy style campaign mode.
Find new objects to make your pilot and ship all-powerful.
Trade supplies throughout the galaxy to increase your wealth.
Meet companions who will join your crew and aid you in battle.
Take your pilot and ship online against other players.
Compete for positions on the online high score tables.
Download new content - ships, items, plans, planets, factions and missions.
Screens at link above
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February 12th, 2007, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspballer07
I updated my program, now you have more choices of icon actions to replace. You can even replace an icon's action with Team280's Homebrew Launcher or MaTiAz's Rebooter. Make sure you check out the ReadMe and changelog.
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February 12th, 2007, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
via iphoneworld
[s]Eduardo Carrillo and “Anubis” made an Apple iPhone clown fish themed skin for the PSP, and the results are quite impressive…[/s]

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It seems that this theme was stolen from one of our forum users, Vibestar
Check out his original release here
We at dcemu do not approve of stealing others work, and we would like to apologize to Vibestar, for the mistake
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February 12th, 2007, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial PS2 game released:

Interactions among characters reveal more depth of each character
A new and unique "Song" battle system
Virtual interaction with mood shifting characters -Customizable weapons and items
Over 300 creatable items
Stunning animation
Ages ago, the world was like any other. But, two apocalyptic wars changed everything. The sky has been sealed off by a deadly electromagnetic field and the ground is now an ocean of death. Humanity lives life peacefully suspended above the sea on continents powered by the magical tower of Ar Tonelico and protected by the knights of Elemia. However, evil is lurking upon humanity threatening the peace and balance of Ar Tonelico.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 12th, 2007, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Commercial game released:

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure, a 3D action RPG, immerses gamers in a vivid fantasy world filled with a colorful cast of characters. Real-time combat and stunning 3D graphics combine with a spirited soundtrack to make Gurumin a fast-paced, immersive, magical adventure.
Gurumin stars a strong-willed girl named Parin, who is sent to live with her grandfather in a small mining town while her parents are off excavating an ancient ruin. With no other children living in this town, Parin is surprised one day to encounter a young girl being tormented by a stray dog. After Parin drives off the mongrel, she is shocked to discover the young girl is actually a monster, and like all monsters, invisible to adults. Parin is soon invited to pass through a crack in the wall behind her home and enter Monster Village. Parin has just started making monster friends when evil spirits, known as the Phantoms, invade the town and monsternap most of the inhabitants. Parin soon learns of the Legendary Drill, a weapon hidden underneath the village and, in the right hands, powerful enough to destroy the Phantoms. Thus begins Parin's adventure to reclaim the legendary drill and stop the Phantoms.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 12th, 2007, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Julian Eggebrecht of developer Factor 5 has said in an interview that he'd love to see the company's old Turrican games released as downloads for PS3.
Speaking to Game Informer, Eggebrecht said, ""I don't think that the current thinking from Phil Harrison is that under the worldwide studios umbrella he wants to see too many straight ported older titles. We have been in some talks about re-releasing some of our old Turrican titles for the platform, but nothing's been finished yet. I'd love to do it."
And we'd love to see it. We've got fond memories of Turrican on Atari ST. What we'd really like to see though is a true next generation Turrican game.
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February 12th, 2007, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty is making its handheld debut on PSP, and the miniturised WWII shooter is shaping up nicely.
This new trailer shows off a decent level of environmental detail, and the game retains much of the chaotic action of the console games.
The graphics aren't usually the issue with PSP FPS games, though - it's the controls that are critical. Without a dual-analogue set-up, making a playable FPS on the handheld is understandably difficult.
But CoD is among the best FPS games of the current generation, so we look forward to seeing what Activision can do with Roads to Victory.
The game hits shelves in Spring.
Video at CVG
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February 12th, 2007, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that the first 500,000 "purchasers" of PS3 who registered on the PlayStation Network will receive a Blu-ray version of Casino Royale.
The deal's a bit similar to the one Microsoft offered with offering an HD version of King Kong when you picked up the 360 HD-DHD player. Casino Royale's obviously a better film though...
Darren Carter, VP Brand and Consumer Marketing said, "The PlayStation Network unlocks the broad range of interactive entertainment features of PlayStation 3. It's easy to set up, offers free online gaming, has great tools for staying in touch with friends and family, and includes a wide variety of content for download through the PlayStation Store."
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February 12th, 2007, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
The first details of LucasArts' PS3 and Xbox 360 Star Wars project have finally emerged, from the latest issue of US mag Game Informer.
It's called Star Wars: Force Unleashed and takes place between Episode III and Episode IV, when new Sith on the block Darth Vader is out to wipe the galaxy clean of runaway Jedi.
As Vader's apprentice, you're on a secret mission to dive head-first into the forbidden Dark Side of the force, take out the emperor and rule the galaxy as master and apprentice. Awww.
Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are being developed in-house at Lucasarts, while PS2, PSP and DS duties have been outsourced to another, unnamed developer.
George Lucas reportedly has a lot of input in the project, and even helped design some of the characters.
Force Unleashed uses LucasArts' much-touted Eurphoria engine, which calculates environmental damage such as smashing crates in real-time. One given example of the tech is how a tree will either break in two or splinter realistically depending on how you hit it. Likewise, steel will dent appropriately when damaged your fancy Force powers.
And speaking of Force powers, many of the world-bending tricks from the E3 tech demo are present in Force Unleashed, including the "cannon ball"-like force push, with controls presented in a similar vein to the excellent Psi-Ops.
One scene reportedly has you battling Jedi Knight Shaak Ti in the Jedi Temple, after the galaxy-wide order to exterminate of the Jedi. There's also the suggestion of being able to control your own pack of Rancors, the gigantic beasties that Jabba the Hutt likes to keep under his gaff.
But we all know how Star Wars ends so it's going to be a very predictable cock-up for Vadar's Palpatine-trouncing plans, right? LucasArts promises to shake up the Star Wars lore with alternate endings in Unleashed, where the bad guys really can win.
We'll bring you more details - and hopefully media - as it arrives. Where's the Wii version though? Perfect for the Wii Remote...
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February 12th, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Ready At Dawn president Didier Malenfant has told GamesIndustry.biz that Sony's performance in the next-gen console market will be determined by the actions of the company itself, not those of its rivals.
"It's their market to lose. That's the reality," Malenfant observed.
"It doesn't depend on Nintendo or Microsoft - it depends on them. They've got a great platform in the PS3, they've got great teams working with them, but every hardware transition is difficult.
"Next-gen involves a lot of money, it's a big investment, and it's going to be a difficult time of transition whether you're Microsoft or Sony."
Malenfant conceded that Sony's image has suffered in recent months, stating, "I think that's the price you pay for being the number one player in the industry. You can see that with Microsoft with operating systems - after a while, you become the favourite target."
He went on to argue that the negative press surrounding the company has worked in its competitor's favour: "All the buzz about Sony nicely hid the fact that Microsoft weren't selling many 360s and didn't really have any good games until Gears of War came out. I think everybody is in a similar position if you look at how PR gets handled and how things are interpreted."
Malenfant co-founded Ready At Dawn in 2003, and the studio has since produced PSP-exclusive title Daxter. RAD is now working with Sony once again on a new PSP game - but that doesn't mean that if the studio moves into next-gen development it will automatically look to the PlayStation 3.
"It all depends on the project. It could be PS3 or 360 or both," Malenfant said.
"If we find a game we're excited about and it happens to be on 360, we'll go for it. We just work with what the platform's capable of and get the most out of it rather than focusing on limitations."
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February 12th, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has revealed plans for the UK launch of Final Fantasy XII. From 12pm to 2pm on February 23, the world of Final Fantasy will takeover HMV on Oxford Street in London.
You'll be able to meet the executive producer Akitoshi Kawazu and director Hiroshi Minagawa and ask them about all those years of Random Battles, among other things.
The first 100 people to buy the game during the two-hour launch event will receive an exclusive Moogle soft toy and a CD soundtrack featuring five songs from the game. The following 200 people to buy the game will also receive the soundtrack.
But we're looking forward to the Cosplay competition, in which you could win a trip to Japan. Square Enix talent spotters will be in the store looking for their favourite costumes. We can't wait.
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February 12th, 2007, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed that the 30 games lined up for the European launch of PlayStation 3 will be available from day one.
There had been suggestions that the list of titles announced last month were actually "launch window" releases - but according to Sony, that's not the case.
Speaking to our sister site, Eurogamer.net, Sony's David Wilson said, "It is our aspiration that all of the 30 titles mentioned in our announcement will be available at launch of PlayStation 3 on 23rd March."
The full list of launch titles includes downloadable games plus first-party offerings such as Resistance: Fall of Man and Motorstorm. Some of the third-party games, including Oblivion and Call of Duty 3, have already been available on Xbox 360 for some time - but Sony believes that the range of depth of choice will ultimately prevail.
The 60GB PlayStation 3 will launch in Europe on March 23, priced at GBP 425 / EUR 599.
via gamesindustry
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February 12th, 2007, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Take the field and experience the realistic, fast-paced action of Konami's acclaimed soccer series. or take the reins of your favorite team with the in-depth Master League Mode. This 2007 edition features enhanced animation and collision detection systems that combine to deliver the most fluid gameplay experience ever for the series. Also look for new fully licensed international and league teams (including Argentina, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden as well as new club teams), and improved loadtimes for much faster and immediate gameplay. The PSP game also boasts the newly-added robust Master League mode, which gives players even more control over their favorite team by allowing them to manage and train the players on their own soccer franchise.
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February 12th, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
via gtaportable
More information has come to light regarding exclusive content for the now official PS2 version of Vice City Stories. A few hours ago I wrote a news article about the Italian Take-Two website clearly stating that this version will feature exclusive content. No further details were given.
However, thanks to aschi04 we now have more info regarding this. According to Exlibris.ch, who has a full page with info on the PS2 Vice City Stories, we'll be seeing new special missions, stunt jumps, races and jobs. Yet again it can be seen at the second last bullet point.
Special missions must be referring to side missions, most of you know what stunt jumps and races are, and ''jobs'' could be referring to Empire Building. With all this new content we'll also likely see most (if not all) of the major bugs taken care of in this version. This is rather promising for this upcoming title, owners of the PSP version might feel left out..
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February 12th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Now that The Warriors' release is nearly upon us, you may want to grab some The Warriors loot. Maybe you'd want some action figures? ToyWiz has a pretty good selection, provided you want to pay up to $750. I don't know they can justify the price ... maybe there's some snuff hidden away in the packages?
More Info
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February 12th, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from daa57150:
My game is a variant of the "President" card game and I decided to write it in LUA. It uses the LuaPlayer 0.16, but you don't have to care as everything is in the zip file, just put everything at the usual place. This is a FW1.5 version, and it works on 3.0x OE.
With last version you can do everything. The only missing thing are those rules I wanted to add.
There are 3 AI levels now, and the hard AI is really intelligent now.
For more details about the rules, see the file called "help.txt".
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February 12th, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Freak Out – Extreme Freeride provides the utlimate adrenaline rush on dangerous mountains covered with promising, but unpredictable snow, and cliffs that are worth at least one jump. The fast-paced action is accentuated by one of the most head-banging soundtracks seen in gaming, featuring the acclaimed bands from 3-feet-smaller (www.3feetsmaller.com), Jellybeat, Alone and Acoustic, Point Leonard and Alien 101!
In Vienna, the band tested and played „their“ freeride sensation: Marcus Smaller (Leadsänger 3 Feet Smaller, Alone and Acoustic and DJ Y (Jellybeat) gave a proof that they are real cracks when riding down virtual mountains with their own tunes as the perfectly matching soundtrack.
Freak Out – Extreme Freeride for PC, PSP and PS2 will be released in March 2007!
Boring, artificial-snow-groomed slopes were yesterday – now it`s time for freeriding, including (virtual) neck-breaking stunts, top speeds and demanding drops – without any rules or boundaries. No frontier, fence or security mesh - just you and the mountains, which are waiting to be conquered with courage and skill.
Transfer huge gaps, do the deadly twist in avalanche territory and snake your way between snow capped trees. All these features combined ensure the best in gameplay and freeskiing fun.
career mode, instant race, multiplayer
6 characters with different abilities
Styles can be adjusted to your own
4 mountains in different landscapes
Freeride mode, race mode and special challenges on each of the mountains
10 different jumps
More than 40 different special equipements (skiers, dresses, boots, helmets, gloves, ski sticks...)
Multiplayer mode via splitscreen and LAN for up to 8 players (PC)
Multiplayer mode on console (Splitscreen)
Generous soundtrack featuring great Punk- and Electronic artists
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February 12th, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Leading videogame developers Slitherine Software and Black Bean Games have partnered with The History Channel® to deliver their latest and most exciting gaming experience, THE HISTORY CHANNEL® Great Battles of Rome. Combining cutting-edge gameplay, historical footage and battle simulation, THE HISTORY CHANNEL® Great Battles of Rome allows players to fully immerse themselves into history as never before.
Merging action and strategy in a setting that replicates the atmosphere of the period, THE HISTORY CHANNEL® Great Battles of Rome allows players to take control of a series of campaigns against Barbarian hordes, while carving out the Roman Empire.
Over 100 battles are available for play including the Punic and Samnite Wars, and Julius Caesar's conquest of Britain. Players can customize and control massive armies with an array of soldiers including legionaries, archers, cavalry and even mighty war-elephants. The game delivers battle realism in various environments, including steppe, forest, desert and coastline, with both day and night lighting.
Players can also choose to either plan their own battle tactics by selecting an army to suit a gameplay situation, or they can leave strategy decisions to the AI, freeing them to be involved in nothing but action!
THE HISTORY CHANNEL® Great Battles of Rome also features 3D special effects and instant control response.
In addition, 30 program clips from the archives of The History Channel have been specially blended and narrated to match the game and guide the player through the greatest story of all time.
THE HISTORY CHANNEL® Great Battles of Rome will be released on PlayStation®2, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and PC DVD.
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February 13th, 2007, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from the PCSX2 site:
Work has been silently progressing over in camp PCSX2. So whats going on?
Well for starters PCSX2 linux. Development for PCSX2 linux has gone extremely well, so well infact that several games already run on the developers machine and soon we betatesters shall be entering mainstream testing phase.
With the advent of PCSX2 linux comes zeroGS OGL, a full port of the current D3D zeroGS by zerofrog. Whilst this OGL port is in terms of visual compatibility is extremely close to the D3D build, it has several speed related issues to 'iron out', of course these issues will be fixed in the future, and more information shall be given out soon. There will also be a 'suprise' with zeroGS OGL, but that is for zerofrog to announce in the future!
PCSX2 is also getting a full blown x64 build! This is some exceedingly hefty work, with x64 recompilers and core having to be written. Such a port will be able to take full advantage of x64 compatible CPUs under an appropriate OS (Windows x64 / Linux x64), this should offer significant gains in speed, however the work is preliminary and we can't offer direct examples or comparisons yet..!
To all those who have donated, thank you very much! Your donations have helped us buy new hardware to fully develop the linux ports and use 64bit in a stable environment.
Of course with all this porting and rather complex set of additions doesn't leave huge amounts of room for the team to work on other aspects, but we have not forgotten the primary reason for this emulator - getting PS2 games to run on your PC, and compatibility thus has not taken a sidestep, below are shots of Soul Calibur II running under a recent beta of PCSX2:
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February 13th, 2007, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
Raf and the PSP Radio Team have released a new version of PSP radio the streaming music player for the PSP.
Heres whats new
1.1.1271 (2007-02-12)
(raf) Core+UI Plugins: Added Skin selection support to PSPRadio (finally). This can be accessed via the Options menu (skin option). -Optimized.
(raf) Plugins: Added a version check system. From now on, plugins will only work if designed for the same interface version of PSPRadio (in this case 1.1).
(raf) Plugins: Plugin unloading work-around implemented. Root cause still under investigation. This means plugins can now be loaded/unloaded, switching between user interfaces works, etc.
(raf) Core: Added skins made by Albatross. Thanks, Alba!
(raf) Core: USB is not working, menu option removed for now (With AhMan's help this will hopefully be working again on the next version)
(raf) Core: Static IP connections don't work correctly. Seems the gateway is not used as it should.
(raf) Core: Module unloading doesn't free up all memory correctly. Even though plugins can now be loaded/unloaded, the PSP can eventually crash as it runs out of memory (after loading/unloading enough times; even though I switched back and forth between the text and 3d UIs over 20 times, and everything worked fine).
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February 13th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: CaptainMorgan4
StrmnNrmn has posted a sneak peak at the new Daedalus N64 UI for psp, which is being implemented into the latest version R9. This release is slated to be released before Feb. 25th, if you ask me it looks nice.
Pic of Gui

ps. You can see he has Diddy Kong Racing in his rom list, does this mean DKR plays good now using Daedalus?
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February 13th, 2007, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Whats new:
4.103 changes:
Now always use ChangeFPS (AssumeFPS cause lost sync on some files).
Framerate, Seconds, Frames now detected in AviSynth (more secure than in do it with MediaInfo).
3-pass MPEG2 now working.
Added 3-pass Extreme mode of MPEG2 encoding.
MP3 now encode in ABR-Q0 (more high quality than CBR-Q2).
Mencoder updated to r22202.
Autocrop now work on D2V import too.
Fixed autocrop for hard vobs.
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February 13th, 2007, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Release from pspballer07:
This is my new IAR v1.5. If you haven't heard of it before, it replaces an Icon's action to do what another icon would actually do or add your own custom actions like homebrew lauch, reboot psp, or the new one,do nothing. Read the changelog for all the changes. Thanks for tryin it out!
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February 13th, 2007, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Capcom Puzzle World provides gem-busting mayhem at its best with the cult hit, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. In addition to the renowned Super Puzzle Fighter II: X gem-breaking mode, two new never-before-released-in-the-US gameplay modes will be added. Gamers can also create custom attack patterns in Counter Gem Edit Mode and hone their skills in Training Mode.
Block Block is an innovative twist to the block breaking genre. Released for the arcades in 1990, Block Block features a two player co-op mode, allowing for the cooperative destruction of blocks. Also unique to this title is the constantly shrinking paddle that forces players to finish each level as quickly as possible.
Originally released for the PlayStation® game console, Buster Bros. Collection is a simple, yet extremely challenging puzzle/shooter that gathers Buster Bros., Super Buster Bros. and Buster Buddies. An arcade hit, Buster Bros. has one or two players navigating through more than 50 timed environmental stages, shooting and avoiding an avalanche of giant bubbles. Super Buster Bros. is an updated version of its predecessor, with improved graphics and the inclusion of "Panic Mode" which adds 99 levels of feverish action. Buster Buddies is the most recent version of the series to be released in the arcades, featuring four original characters, different stages and even more bonus items.
Buy at Play asia
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February 13th, 2007, 16:46 Posted By: -Xandu-
Don't know what to put instead of Sony's Network Update? Well, here's a nifty program that automatically downloads Dark Alex's latest Open Edition Firmware!
I'm still facing connection problems, so it's not released yet..

Current BETA testers:
Note: this only downloads, it doesn't install.
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February 13th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a football manager game i preordered back in November but finally the release is near and we have 4 screenshots of the game via Comments
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February 13th, 2007, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Pictures Television International has acquired all international television, Internet, digital, gaming and mobile rights to Afterworld, the 2.5D animated episodic property from Emmy Award nominated producer Stan Rogow writer Brent Friedman (Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars, Mortal Kombat 2 movie).
Afterworld tells the tale of life on earth after a global event renders technology useless and 99 percent of the population goes missing.
Rogow said, "We're thrilled to have Sony as our partner and have great confidence in the studio's ability to distribute the show across every potential platform.
The deal means that you could potentially be able to download your episodes through the PlayStation Store and there's every chance of a game on the cards.
via cvg
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February 13th, 2007, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
There are plenty of similarities between the FlatOut and Motorstorm games, FlatOut producer Danny Rawles has dismissed his game's ties with the PS3 launch title (in a typically diplomatic fashion) saying Motorstorm was "perhaps" influenced by FlatOut.
"In all honesty no, we've not been influenced by Motorstorm," Rawles tolds CVG in an interview to be published soon. "Looking at some of their features, perhaps they've been influenced by FlatOut."
But while Evolution Studios' PS3 racer apparently didn't influence the development of the new FlatOut, Rawles says that he "obviously kept an eye on it", while noting that it's "not a direct competitor" since "they are PS3 exclusive and we are Xbox 360 exclusive."
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage is set to bring a plethora of new single and multiplayer modes to Xbox 360, as well as online bouts over Xbox Live and downloadable content.
"Competition in general is always a good thing," Rawles continues. "You have to stand out in this competitive genre and we're making sure FlatOut Ultimate Carnage does exactly that. If you think destruction, damage and carnage, we want FOUC to be the first game that comes to mind."
via cvg
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February 13th, 2007, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment will bring a playable demo of the fifth Gran Turismo instalment to the PS3's online store this autumn, ahead of its release in Europe next year.
This is all according to French website Jeux-France, who report that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be on Japanese shelves before the end of this year.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, as the download version is called, will be apparently offer several cars and circuits as well as online play via the Gran Turismo network. It's not specified at this point whether it will be free or paid-for content.
Polyphony previously pointed at a 2008 date for the fifth racing instalment, after cancelling Gran Turismo HD as a full disc-game.
Further more, Jeux-France also reports that Gran Turismo HD will be available for download from the PS3's online store at European launch on March 23.
When we picked up the phone to ask Sony about the GT5 report it was unfortunately unavailable for comment, but we'll let you know as soon as it gets back to us.
via cvg
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February 13th, 2007, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
One of this year's most eagerly anticipated PC games, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, has been confirmed for Xbox 360 and PS3.
Development of the console versions has been out-sourced, Nerve Software handling the 360 version while Z-Axis is looking after the game on PS3. Quake Wars on PC is being developed by Splash Damage.
For anyone new to the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars party, the game combines action with a dose of RTS-style features and finds Earth's Global Defence Force battling the Strogg war machine.
"We're pleased to be working with Nerve and Z-Axis to bring the highly-anticipated gameplay from Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software.
via cvg
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February 13th, 2007, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will cut back on future chip spending and may stop in-house production of the advanced chips used in its PlayStation 3, a senior executive said Tuesday.
Improving profitability in Sony's chip division is important for the Tokyo-based electronics and entertainment conglomerate, which is targeting an operating margin of 5 percent in the business year from April, up from an estimated 0.7 percent a year earlier.
Sony Executive Deputy President Yutaka Nakagawa told reporters that investment in chips will come down significantly from the $3.8 billion (460 billion yen) allocated over the three previous business years.
Sony is already producing the Cell chips, dubbed "supercomputer on a chip," using 90- and 65-nanometer circuitry for the PS3, and plans to move onto the 45-nanometer variety by 2009. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Narrower circuitry makes the size of a chip smaller and helps manufacturers cut per-chip production costs.
Components such as the Cell chip and a Blu-ray DVD player have driven up the PS3's price--the high-end 60GB model retails for $599 in the US. Lower costs for the high-speed chip are expected to help the new game machine better compete with Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft's Xbox 360, which currently retail for $249 and $399, respectively.
But finer circuitry also means heavier initial investments for chipmakers as costs for chip-making equipment balloon.
"We tentatively plan to start commercial production of 45-nanometer chips in late 2008 or early 2009. We are going to study carefully whether we should carry out all the capital investment and produce them in-house," Nakagawa said.
"When we first offered the [PlayStation 2], there were no semiconductor companies that were able to make chips for the machine, so we did it ourselves. But now, there are companies that specialize in (such) chip production," Nakagawa said.
These chipmakers include Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and United Microelectronics, the world's largest and second-largest contract chipmakers, respectively.
"They are aggressively investing in cutting-edge technology. Our basic understanding is that we probably won't need to do everything by ourselves for next-generation chips," Nakagawa said.
Revenue at Sony's chip operations is expected to grow 57 percent to $6.35 billion during the current business year that ends in March, accounting for 9.4 percent of its estimated group sales, although part of its chip sales are made through in-house transactions.
Sales have been driven by brisk demand for chips used in its game machines as well as in digital cameras, Nakagawa said.
Sony's PS3 sales have so far paled in comparison with the rival Wii. The Nintendo machine outsold the PS3 nearly three to one in Japan last month, according to video-game magazine publisher Enterbrain, which blamed the lower sales on the PS3's higher price tag and a shortage of game titles.
via gamespot
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February 13th, 2007, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Digital Spy is reporting that pre-orders for the Playstation 3 in the UK has "broken all records, with high street stalwart Woolworths revealing it has been taking one order every 20 seconds during the past week."
The head of games for the retailer called the console the hottest gaming system since the PS2.
But then you look at Charles Arthur's anecdotal story of PS3 sales in the UK for the Guardian's Gamesblog.
At a local games shop there's a notice suggesting people pre-order their PS3 before March 29, when.. you know.
So how's business, I asked the bloke behind the counter? What sort of interest is there in the PS3 compared to the Xbox 360 and Wii?
Very low, he replied: with, what, six weeks to go before the launch, half their pre-allocation had not been taken up. (Of course you could go glass-half-full and say half had been.) That compared to pretty much all taken up for the Xbox 360 a year ago, and huge over-demand for the Wii before last Christmas.
So what sort of ratio of demand was there between the PS3, Wii and Xbox 360? Demand for the Wii was more than 10x greater than for the PS3, he said, and had been about 5x that of the Xbox. And he personally didn't think any of the PS3 launch games were worth the bother. "Sony has been promising this for two years and people have just got bored with it," he suggested.
So which is it? Are UK gamers fevered over or bored with the PS3 launch, or is it a bit of both with a dash of eBay grey market boosting the early demand?
via kotaku
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February 13th, 2007, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s UK head of sales Kevin Jowett has quit – just five weeks from the launch of PlayStation 3 in Europe.
SCE UK commercial director Jowett has been something of a stalwart within the PlayStation division of Sony. He took over as sales director from Doug Goodwin back in 1998 and has played an integral role within the organisation since then, in particular working closely with retailers over stock allocations on PS2, PSP and, more recently, PS3. He has also taken a keen interest in general retail issues such as pricing and the second-hand games market.
MCV understands that Jowett has resigned to pursue new opportunities outside of the games industry and has left the company immediately, due to confidentiality issues.
The news will undoubtedly be seen as a blow to Sony – and may disrupt sensitive negotiations that are already underway with retailers over the launch of PS3. His departure has already shocked senior execs on the UK High Street, with one leading games buyer telling MCV: “The timing is absolutely incredible.
“Kevin is going just as Sony is talking to everyone about terms and arranging pre-orders and in-store marketing campaigns.
“Obviously, Sony is a big organisation and there will be people there who can fill Kevin’s position. But this can’t be helpful to them.”
SCE UK MD Ray Maguire confirmed Jowett’s resignation, offering: “We wish Kevin all the best in his future endeavours.”
via mcv
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February 13th, 2007, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Crave Entertainment, a leading publisher of console videogames, today announced Brunswick Pro Bowling for PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system and WiiTM.
Brunswick Pro Bowling will give players a detailed, realistic bowling-center experience, complete with authentic sights and sounds, and official Brunswick bowling gear. Brunswick Pro Bowling will be highly customizable, allowing players to choose everything from their character’s appearance and accessories to ball styles.
In Career Mode, players work their way from amateur to professional by competing in a year’s worth of bowling tournaments. Ten authentic bowling centers, modeled after actual Brunswick locations, will set the scene. Up to four players can face off in Multiplayer Mode, and Quick Play Mode allows for a fast round of bowling.
Other Brunswick Pro Bowling features include:
Realistic physics engine simulates real-time changing lane conditions and accounts for momentum and spin.
Unlockable content includes a variety of Brunswick balls, additional bowling centers, equipment and apparel.
Players in career mode will face rivals, who seek out and challenge them throughout their careers.
PSP® system version will include ad hoc wireless multiplayer mode and additional character customization options.
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February 13th, 2007, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Push the limits of reckless driving and let adrenaline and danger take you to the edge in the most intense, challenging Burnout experience ever seen on PlayStation®2 and PSP® (PlayStation® Portable).
Rage against the road and engage in every type of dangerous racing. Ignite and empty a full boost bar without crashing to perform a Burnout and reach mind-blowing speeds. Chain multiple burnouts to push the score multiplier and your nerves to the limit as you tear across the new world tour!
Battle traffic across tracks built to handle every style of racing. Uncover and exploit shortcuts, master drift corners and unflinchingly weave through the oncoming cars in a bid to become the ultimate burner.
Pushing the limits of the PSP and the PlayStation 2, Burnout Dominator features the most explosive visuals seen on the platforms, engaging multiplayer modes to suit, and a PSP exclusive feature that allows you to synchronise your game with your friends and thrash their high scores and race times.
With a host of unlockable features, awards and exclusive downloadable content on the PSP, Burnout Dominator will keep you locked in vehicular combat this coming spring.
• Master a new world tour: Battle across all-new tracks built for every style of racing. Drift around the traffic on open urban roads and race in the oncoming lane in claustrophobic city streets.
• Unprecedented speed: Drive like a maniac to max out your boost. Drain it totally to perform a Burnout and get an instant boost recharge. Chain multiple burnouts to keep the adrenaline burning!
• New ways to burn: Don’t just throw caution to the wind in Maniac mode –
pulverise it. Drive on the edge in the most challenging race mode seen yet and watch your score soar!
• Signature Shortcuts: Watch out for the signature shortcuts on every track. Ram a rival through the barrier of a shortcut entrance to unlock it and shave those precious seconds off your race times.
• Unique rides: Every car offers a unique experience, and you need to master them all as you drift, smash and race your way through the world tour.
• Domination Points: Win races, takedown rivals and nail the challenges thrown at you to progress to the deadly Dominator series.
• Join the party: Pass the PSP or Analog Controller (DUALSHOCK®2) and own the competition in Party Play Mode or go head to-head in split-screen Multiplayer Mode on the PlayStation 2 and in Ad Hoc Mode on the PSP.
• Scoresync functionality: Exclusive to PSP. Synchronise your game with friends on game completion and then smash their best race times and scores.
• Downloadable game content: Extend your game experience on the PSP by downloading exclusive new tracks after game launch
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February 13th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
FeedYourPSP is a brand new online magazine created for download directly to a PSP. The site is dedicated to providing PSP users with exclusive content which they can download and watch on the go.
Regularly updated the site will feature everything from celebrity interviews to short films, from learning how to play ‘Urban Croquet’ to going behind the scenes with Hard-Fi, FeedYourPSP offers content to suit most tastes.
The current issue of FeedYourPSP features:
• Advice on how to get your festival kicks in winter
• Pro level grass cutting with Tottenham’s groundsmen
• An investigation into the nu rave scene
• Review of the ‘Air Guitar’ championships
FeedYourPSP also contains an archive of past features such as:
• The PSP/Jump Off TV street mc battles special
• A catch up with ‘it-girl’ Daisy Lowe
• The lowdown on indie sensations The Long Blondes
• Soccer AM’s Tim Lovejoy invites us onto his sofa
• Find out how to play urban croquet
• Get to grips with the latest climbing craze-dyno jumping.
• Suburban rockers Hard-Fi talk tours, tunes and PSPs
• Check the trailer for tattooist Mr Cartoon’s docu-film Ink
• Anton Ferdinand takes us behind the scenes at West Ham United
What are you waiting for? Hit download now!
More info at FeedYourPSP.com
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February 14th, 2007, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the full list of launch day titles for the PS3 in Europe:
Resistance: Fall of Man
Genji: Days of the Blade
Ridge Racer 7
Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Go! Sudoku
Go! Puzzle
Blast Factor
Super Rub'a'Dub
Call of Duty 3
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Gundam – Target in Sight
Full Auto 2: Battle Lines
Sonic the Hedgehog
Virtua Fighter 5
Virtua Tennis 3
World Snooker Championship 2007
Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWll
Enchanted Arms
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
The Elder Scrolls lV: Oblivion
Def Jam: Icon
Fight Night Round 3
NBA Street 4 Homecourt 2007
Need for Speed Carbon
The Godfather: The Don's Edition
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
F.E.A.R. Vivendi
Any take your fancy ?
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February 14th, 2007, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
Historically, strategy or tactical RPG's aren't exactly the best-selling nor best-looking titles -- especially for a brand new "cutting edge of technology" console. While last year's Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for the GameCube was a sweet release of strategy goodness (and the first of the FE games to make it to the states off of a handheld), it was over a bit too quickly... and a bit too linearly. Is that a word? It is now.
Enter Mist of Chaos -- a strategy game for the PS3 that looks somewhat like a mix of the Ogre Battle series, Der Langrisser, and Fire Emblem itself. There's a ton of kanji floating around in the trailer, but this much can be gleaned: there will be a large cast of characters and a massive amount of characters on screen at anytime (moving a single "unit" actually consists of groups of people... thus the Ogre Battle and Der Langrisser references). Will this be a good game to show off the power of the PlayStation 3? Not really. Will it even come to the states? Who knows. Will it make its way onto other systems? Probably not. Anyway, check out the trailer, see if this SRPG is something you could get into.
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February 14th, 2007, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo's Director of Ninja Gaidem Sigma, Yosuke Hayashi, recently sat down for an interview about how the game is coming along. It's mostly good news. Let's see if we can pick out the important bits.
Development is about 50% complete and Team Ninja is confident the game will be a smash hit. They've gotten used to working with the PS3, too.
When asked what was different about Sigma from Black, Hayashi said: "it's going to be endless if I start counting the differences from the original." All the materials are created from scratch and the action engine has been refined, to start.
As far as utilizing the PS3's hard disk and PS-Network, Hayashi says Sigma will use the hard disk to eliminate "now loading" screens altogether. The Network will be used, initially, for worldwide scores and rankings. Detailed info on each player will also be available.
Hayashi was asked how the PS3 would fare as a console. He replied: "I am not an analyst. I'm just a game developer. My mission is to provide the best action game for PS3 users. That's all that matters to me, and I promise that you'll experience something really fantastic with Sigma." So true.
As for a rumored 360 version of Sigma, Hayashi responded: "I would take that rumour as proof that people's expectations for Sigma must be very high. But it is just a rumour."
Great! This game will be pretty sweet, hopefully. We'll keep our eyes out for more information on this game.
via ps3fanboy
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February 14th, 2007, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Tetsuya Nomura sat down with Famitsu and, among other things, talked about that mysterious trailer unlockable at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2. You know, with the apparently more "Square-Enix" take on the franchise? Those knights seriously look straight out of the designs from Final Fantasy IV. We know that Kingdom Hearts 3 exists, but up until now we've had no idea what to even look for.
Nomura admitted that there are plans to give some visuals of the next KH before the end of 2007. You can speculate that the Tokyo Game Show will reveal a trailer, images, or just some printed information. Not much else to say, but feel free to toss in your theories or ideas here. I had a really good one, but... it's been a while and I've forgotten what it is.
via ps3fanboy
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February 14th, 2007, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
The UK version of the Official PlayStation Magazine may have leaked a story it shouldn't have. Normally, console exclusives have been moving away from the PS3, but this time the roles appear to have reversed. A previously 360 exclusive, Bioshock, has been "confirmed" to be on its way to the PS3 -- a few months after the 360 release. We don't have a copy of the magazine itself, but if you've got a copy, feel free to back up this news or shoot it down -- help us help you!
If this is true, that's great news! Even though many will say it's "just another 360 game being ported to the PS3," not everyone has a 360 nor are they willing to get one for a single game... or two games. Microsoft was so happy to claim this was a Microsoft exclusive (360, Vista), just as Sony was so happy to claim... what... there are a few, but let's say Assassin's Creed, as a Sony exclusive. Share the weath, Sony and Microsoft, and all will be gaming goodness.
via ps3fanboy
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February 14th, 2007, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Today Sony Computer Entertainment announced the release of Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, a PSP-exclusive outing for the duo that's been blasting up the PlayStation 2 for the last few years. Developed by the new High Impact Games, Size Matters returns to the franchise's roots with its mix of platforming and 'shoot everything' gameplay.
Size Matters takes place after the events of 2005's Ratchet: Deadlocked. Players will find Ratchet and Clank taking a much needed vacation -- but while relaxing, they are approached by a young girl named Luna who is writing a school paper on heroes. When Luna is kidnapped by some sketchy robots, R&C set out to rescue her and stumble into another galactic adventure.
Building on the franchise's reputation for innovative weaponry, High Impact Games has included new weapons of mass destruction: the Bee mine Glove, Acid Bomb, Laser Tracer, and Sprout-o-Matic. Old favorites such as the Blitz Cannon, Agents of Doom, and the Shrink Ray also make a return.
via ign
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February 14th, 2007, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Planet Moon, the famed developer of titles like Giants and MDK, became a PSP-exclusive developer at the system's launch. Since then, it has released the zombie-shooter Infected and is finishing up the upcoming Sega remake, After Burner. Speaking to 1UP, the team has revealed that they are no longer a PSP-exclusive team: "We're no longer a PSP exclusive developer," confirms Planet Moon chief operating officer Aaron Loeb. "One of the things that was funny was when we made that announcement, people assumed what we were announcing. They sort of read between the lines and assumed that we'd become a handheld developer, which was never our intention with it. The goal of Planet Moon when it was founded was to make original IP and it's still our goal as a company -- it's still our striving mission."
While it's sad to see such a high-profile developer move on to other systems, I hope they don't ignore our handheld for whatever future projects they work on.
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February 14th, 2007, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Vulpix:
This program lets you change the texture of the waves of your XMB.
Read the readme before you do anything.
Thanks to Z33 for rcotool and the research on the textures.
This time there is less hex editing required, all you need is a nice image editing program (aka Photoshop, etc) and you can edit your wave's texture.
Apply filters to that image in Photoshop/whatever, and you can change your XMB's wave textures easier than ever.
Stuff you can post: screenshots, tips, etc.
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February 14th, 2007, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from daveychan:
As requested, I have created a version 2 of my "RCO Swapper" to allow for sub-menu editing. This proved to be much more of a challenge than I originally thought it would be, as there were 29 menu names to code for.
So without further delay, here is my second attempt at programming .....
"RCO Swapper v2" is a handy little utility that lets you change the primary and sub-menu names on your XMB without needing to manually hexedit or run scary patches.
How to use this:
- Put "RCO Swapper v2.exe" and your "topmenu_plugin.rco" file in the same directory, and run "RCO Swapper v2.exe"
- Use the drop down boxes to select the menu name you want to change, and then use the edit box below the name to customize it the way you like
- Click the "Temp Save" button to see your changes reflected on the right
- When you have finished making all of your changes, click the "! Swap It !" button. The blue names on the right will become the new names. Your topmenu_plugin file is now swapped with your custom names!
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via daveychan
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February 14th, 2007, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
QUake has updated both Extreme Link and Extreme Link: Cheats today.
Extreme Link v1.4.2 changes:
Complete Replacement of the Favorites Edit
Cosmetic Redo of the PNG Imager.
PNG Imager Addons/Fixes - Text Slider, Header Sliders, Image Sliders, WordWrap Redo, Menu’s Added.
Minor Code Fixes - Extreme Link
Added/Fixed Count Save File Name.
Extreme Link: Cheats v6 changes:
Added Open Cheat DB on the menu
Replaced Game ID List to Game Title List
Added ToolTips on mouse over ID Games - Nothing Major
Installer: CWCheat 3.03 OE PSP revG Files - weltalls
Installer: CWCheat 3.10 OE PSP revH Files - weltalls
By now you’re most likely aware of what these two applications do. Essentially both provide a simple means for carrying out your day-to-day PSP tasks. Extreme Link serves as a front end for USBHostFS and NetHostFS, it manages any media content stored on your memory stick, as well includes a simple tool set for creating POPstation compatible documents & games. Extreme CW Cheat is responsible for, you guessed it, managing your CWCheat database.
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February 14th, 2007, 03:56 Posted By: fatcat04912
To day I'm releasing my CSPSP Extreme V1.2
Included in this Release-
New Characters
New Music
New Weapons :thumbup:
Original Maps
~New Guns include~
Bowie Knife
Ump .45
New Ak-47
New Awp
New P90
New Glock
New Usp
~New Counter Terrorist~
Camouflage Counter Terrorist.
~New Terrorist~
Masked Terrorist.
~New song~
Tainted love 80's Classic
Next release
10 maps
4 linked songs
Possible new weapons
New sounds
Working Grenades
Thanks Nataku92's For Making CsPSP
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February 14th, 2007, 13:15 Posted By: b8a
NJ has once again said farewell to the PSP scene, this time offering a major update to all of his emulators as a final parting gift.
We have new versions of each emulator for
Neogeo MVS
NeoGeo CD
Last Words
Although it was my intention to stop updates as of 2007/01/28, I delayed it a bit due to various issues, but am now finished making updates as of today, 2007/02/14. I will not be making any more PSP software, but it is my hope that these will be of some use as reference.
2007/02/14 NJ About The Software Presented Here
-If you have used any of the previous versions please take note that a portion of the control scheme as changed. The menu is opened with the HOME button.
-Please read the readme_???.txt included with each software first.
-The control schemes are all pretty much the same. They are written in the readme_???.txt (files) so please run your eyes over them.
-For all menus other than the main menu, there is a simple controls help function available. It is displayed by pressing the R TRIGGER, so please run your eyes over these as well.
-I have also prepared Japanese language versions of the 3 arcade emulators, however the amount of allocatable memory decreases by about 800KB (with these).
About The resource_jp.zip (file) Included With The English Language Version (Excluding NCDZPSP)
-The files included in the English language version resource_jp.zip are files that are necessary if Japanese is to be used in the game list and the command list.
*If you are not going to use Japanese this (file) is unnecessary so please delete it.
*When displaying Japanese, copy the files included in resource_jp.zip exactly as they are to /PSP/GAME/CPS1PSP/.
-Even in the English language version, when using the Japanese command list, the Japanese font is loaded, and the amount of allocatable memory decreases by that amount.
About Emulators That Use Cache
-All of the CPS2PSP games, as well as almost half of the MVSPSP games, will not run if you do not create cache files for them.
-Please create the cache files with the romcnv_cps2.exe and/or romcnv.mvs.exe included with the released binaries. Since I included a version check, you can not use older cache files.
-With CPS2PSP, it is possible to use zip compressed cache files, however, the speed drops considerably compared to uncompressed cache files. Other than a few of the smaller games, I recommend that you use uncompressed cache files.
-When using cache files, the speed of the game is influenced by the loading speed of the Memory Stick. When using AdHoc, the speed of your opponent's (Memory Stick) will have an effect, so it is better if you don't use pre-PRO Memory Sticks.
About The AdHoc Version
-I put various efforts into stabilizing it, but since there are a lot of unknowns about the PSP AdHoc, even though it's gotten somewhat better, it's still unstable.
-It's possible to play normally even with the AdHoc version. The reason I separated it from the regular version is because the speed of the AdHoc version is somewhat slower. If you do not plan on using AdHoc, I recommend that you use the regular version.
-When using AdHoc, a portion of the options are fixed. Due to synchronization circumstances with NCDZPSP, the load screen emulation is always set.
-Since you can't synchronize with different binaries, you will not be able to connect between a Japanese version and an English version.
About The Command List File Size Reduction Function (I forgot to write this in the documentation)
-When you select command.dat in the file browser, the file size reduction function starts up. Since the Japanese language version of a MAME! Plus command list is close to 4MB, please execute this first. Game loading times will somewhat decrease.
*Please refer to each emulator's section to see what's changed.
Changes for CPS2 Emulator
-Due to merging the NCDZPSP source, all of the source (code) has been rewritten.
-Added a Japanese interface version to all of the emulators. Compared with the English language version, the Japanese language version consumes about an extra 800KB of memory.
-Added compatibility with MAME Plus! style command lists. Please place command.dat in the same directory as the EBOOT.PBP. Also, when using a Japanese language command list, an approximate 800KB of extra memory is consumed.
-Although the amount of items that can be set in the makefile have increased, it is better not to use UI_BPP32 outside of NCDZPSP. You can compile with it, but instances occur where there's not enough memory and games won't launch.
Fixed Bugs
-Fixed a bug where there wasn't enough memory for a portion of games and sometimes the screen would get messed up.
Changes for CPS1 Emulator
-Implemented changes from MAME 0.112u1. I've changed it to use different cache files for mpang and mpangj so please be aware of this. (Although in reality there's only a few dots different)
-Changed the cache file version. Please remake all of your cache files with the included romcnv_cps2.exe (file).
Fixed Bugs
-Fixed a bug where there were instances with line scroll where sprites couldn't be drawn correctly.
-Changed the sprite texture format to a joint use of CLUT8 and RGBA5551.
-Added AdHoc compatibility.
-Changed it so that the sound sample rate can be changed without relaunching.
Changes for Neogeo MVS Emulator
-Changed the sprite texture format to CLUT8.
-Changed the button for launching the BIOS select menu from the file browser to "START" from "L TRIGGER".
-Changed the cache file version. Please remake all of your cache files with the included romcnv_mvs.exe (file).
-Reverted to allowing UNI-BIOS by default, but due to limitations arising from it not working without allocating raster processing, the speed will drop when compared to other BIOS and I do not recommend it's usage.
-Added AdHoc compatibility. You can not use any BIOS other than MVS BIOS (AES BIOS, UNI-BIOS, Debug BIOS) with AdHoc. When starting AdHoc, the BIOS select menu is displayed, so there's no need to change it in advance. Also, the analog input in irrmaze and popbounc is unsupported.
-Changed it so that the sound sample rate can be changed without relaunching.
Changes for NeoGeo CD Emulator
-Rewrote all of the source code. Since there's just too many changes, I'll just write the most important below. Basically, please just think of it as entirely different from previous NCDZPSP (versions).
-Same as the other emulators, changed it so that the roms folder is the initial folder.
-Changed it so that the menu is opened with the HOME button. You can no longer specify it's usage, but there shouldn't be any need to.
-Since I've changed it so that it will launch by selecting the folder irregardless of zip or not, make sure to create a folder and place inside it either the ZIP file or all of the files taken from the CD-ROM. Please refer to readme_ncdz.txt for the details.
-Changed the folder for placing MP3s from "neocd.mp3" to "mp3". (Since I dislike folder names that include periods)
-Changed the folder for placing command.dat from "data" folder to the same folder as the EBOOT.PBP.
-Added AdHoc compatibility.
-Due to circumstances with using the Square button with AdHoc, transfered the BIOS launch to the START button.
I won't be updating this page, but as long as it is not deleted I plan on leaving it here.
Further, I request that you not distribute the files listed in here as part of auctions, etc...
2007/01/28 NJ
(If there is enough demand, I will also translate the readme (and what-not) files.)
As long as there has been no major changes to the cache creation system, I should be able to release an update to MacX_romcnv for Mac users within the next day or two.
I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU SO MUCH, NJ for all of the work you have put into the fullest possible realization of these emulators.
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February 14th, 2007, 17:44 Posted By: -Xandu-
Don't know what to put instead of Sony's Network Update? Well, here's a nifty program that automatically downloads Dark Alex's latest Open Edition Firmware!

Note: this only downloads, it doesn't install.
-Flash update_plugin.prx using the flash update.
-Make sure your first connection is active and working..
-Use Network Update
-UPDATE.rar should be in the MS root after the download is complete.
This has a risk of bricking when using FLASHUPDATE. I am not responsible for any damage that may happen to your device.
You can also flash using Flash0 USB mode in Open Edition. (vsh/nodule)
Made by:
Team 280 : PRX
Special thanks to:
and all the other beta testers .
Vote in the poll, did it work for you?
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February 14th, 2007, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow of the Colossus developer Team Ico is working on a new game for the PlayStation 3, the latest issue of Famitsu has revealed.
No further details are offered in the Japanese mag, though going by the studio's last two titles we absolutely can't wait to see what it's capable of conjuring up on next-gen hardware.
We expect to hear more details before the year's out.
via cvg
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February 14th, 2007, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Play.com has said it will deliver on all it's £524.99 PS3 bundle offers in a statement released today. The three-game bundle will include MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man and Genji. The package is available to pre-order now.
Head of Games Gian Luzio sais, "We've seen an overwhelming number of pre-orders for the PlayStation 3 over the past few months, without Play actively marketing the product. It is clearly going to be a huge launch and we wanted to ensure that we could meet demand.
"We received strong levels of pre-orders on launch of the last two consoles, however due to market-wide stock shortages we were unable to fulfil these orders on day one.
"We know that this disappointed some of our customers and we wanted to ensure that we did not face the same situation again. We have been working hard with Sony to make sure that we can deliver every pre-order on the release date. We are pleased to be able to offer our customers the service they expect from Play.com."
Discuss below.
via cvg
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February 14th, 2007, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Logitech® ChillStream™ technology helps keep your hands cool when gaming gets really intense. Three speed settings allow you to adjust the ventilation force of the integrated fan. No matter what you play, or how you game,
ChillStream™ lets you play longer, play harder, play cooler.
- ChillStream™ technology: Helps keep your hands cool during intense gaming sessions.
- Soft rubber grips: Enjoy superior comfort and better gaming control.
- High-performance analog sticks and triggers: For enhanced speed and precision.
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February 14th, 2007, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A true universal VGA box compatible with all consoles on todays market: Xbox 1, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii.
Compatible with both PAL and NTSC system, it is available with European or US power supply. A plug and play installation will give you Ypbpr input with all consoles!
- Compatible with all consoles.(Wii™, PS3™, XB360™, PS2™, Xbox™ etc )
- Works on both PAL and NTSC system.
- Double scan conversion (31.5KHz for NTSC, 31.25KHz for PAL).
- Output resolution ; NTSC (60Hz) 858 x 525 PAL (50Hz) 864 x 625
- YpbPr (works for all consoles with Ypbpr input).
- Automatically memorizes your adjustments.
- Plug and play installation.
- With power supply (110V or 220-240V) and a Multi-Ypbpr cable.
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February 14th, 2007, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
EA's teamed up with Virgin Records and Epiphone to go on a MySpace-wide talent search for the best new bands and artists, offering the winner a chance for their track to appear in Burnout Dominator.
Not only that, if your song is voted into the top ranks by the MySpace community and picked as a winner by a panel of judges, you'll also bag yourself a Virgin Records demo recording contract.
All you have to do to enter is create a MySpace account for yourself, or your band, then upload your track and enter it into the competition. Your tune will then go into a gallery, one for the US and one for Europe, where the online community will listen and rate your entry, resulting in a winner being selected for each region.
The Burnout Bandslam competition began earlier this month, and the closing date for it is 14th March.
Head over to the website if you're feeling lucky, or to vote on other people's creations.
Burnout Dominator is due for release on PS2 and PSP on 23rd March. Head over to the gamepages for the latest media.
via eurogamer
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February 14th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
To celebrate The Cloud’s partnership with Channel 4 Radio, GamesRadar has teamed up with The Cloud to offer one lucky winner a Sony PSP plus one year’s free WiFi subscription. Three runners-up will receive a year's free WiFi subscription to The Cloud.
Keep up to date with all the latest news from your favourite programmes, and download the best mix of news, gossip and new music with the selection of podcasts from Channel 4 Radio. To download the latest podcast for free*, find your nearest hotspot at www.thecloud.net.
Located throughout the UK, WiFi from The Cloud is available across 7,500 convenient hotspots in city centres, coffee shops, hotels, train stations, pubs, airports and many more locations.
For your chance to win a year’s free subscription to The Cloud, plus a Sony PSP, just answer the following question and complete the tiebreaker. The best tiebreaker with the correct answer will win the prize!
What is every cloud said to have?
a) A silver lining
b) A hidden rainbow
c) A golden halo
Tiebreaker (20 words or fewer): I would love to have a year's WiFi subscription because...
Click here to email us with your answer, name and full address. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 14 March 2007.
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February 14th, 2007, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sega Racing Studio head designer Guy Wilday has branded PlayStation 3's motion-sensitive capabilities, offered by the new SixAxis pad, as rubbish - arguing that Dual Shock's rumble feature is far more appealing.
When asked by PSM3 if the next-gen renovation of Sega Rally, set to roll out in November, would support tilt control, Wilday replied: "Yes, tilt control will be included - it's not difficult to do. Fundamentally, though, the whole tilt control thing is rubbish... it's no compensation for rumble".
We would ask you what your thoughts are, but we're pretty sure we already know. Everyone's a bit disappointed about losing the rumble feature, and Sony can't be unaware of how welcome a new, rumble-capable SixAxis would be. GamesRadar will not be held accountable for anyone passing out while holding their breath for that to happen, however.
via gamesradar
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February 14th, 2007, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
It struck us as kind of weird when we first heard that publisher Sega had handed off its classic After Burner franchise to Planet Moon, the oddball developer behind Infected, Armed and Dangerous and Giants: Citizen Kabuto. And now we've seen the result of that decision: cow-themed jet fighters with giant, milk-spraying udders.
Granted, the cow jets are just part of After Burner: Black Falcon's "Mad Cow" deathmatch mode, in which one player becomes the Mad Cow (hence the new paintjob) and everyone else tries to kill him or her to become the next Mad Cow. The Mad Cow isn't completely defenseless, though, and can squirt gobs of milk backwards out of its udders, stopping any would-be pursuers dead in their tracks.
Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work - during our brief time trying to steer the cow-jet, our opponents repeatedly pulled behind us and shoved missile after missile up our exhaust despite our best efforts to splatter them. When we weren't getting blown to pieces, however, the jets handled smoothly, racing over the landscape, pulling off barrel rolls and weaving through caverns with ease.
Mad Cow won't be Black Falcon 's only multiplayer mode, but it's the only one we've been able to try out so far. However, we've gleaned that bizarre aerial deathmatches will be only the tip of Black Falcon 's multiplayer iceberg when the game hits in March. And while the four-player explodathons show a lot of promise, co-op is where the real action's at.
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February 14th, 2007, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
According to New Jersey state police, a tow truck driver admits to stealing a Playstation 3, controller and PS2 game out of a car involved in a fatal crash in January. The car, which overturned for "unknown reason," killed 11-month-old Brianna Dastine. Thomas J. Brunell III was called to bring the car back to state police barracks for investigation, he entered the 1998 Nissan Quest minivan and apparently took the items before leaving the minivan at the police station. The police noticed the items were missing while doing a check of the vehicle's contents.
Brunell, 34, who works for Rossnagles Service Center, has been suspended until he is cleared of the charges. Pat Rossnagle, co-owner of the company says, "If he did it, this is dead wrong. If he didn't, let's find out who did it ... over 40 years (in business) and we never had this problem, never had a question -- ever."
via joystiq
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February 14th, 2007, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from hallo007:
what is flash agent?
flash agent is a homebrew programm for 3.10 OE firmware and 3.03 OE firmware
you can customize your dark alex custom firmware
how to use it?
flashing a files
put the files you want to flash somewhere on your memory stick
start flash agent
go to filebrowser
select the file you want to flash
I want my original files back , how?
start flash agent
go to recovery menu
select flash original ......(example gameboot)
I dont want flash to much,how?
start flash agent
go to firmware hacks
select redirect gameboot to....
if you want to change your gameboot , just replace him on the ms0:/
Free up some space
start flash agent
go to recovery menu
select replace font
you saved 2.5mb
Heres whats new:
-Dump menu runs at 333mhz
-if you go out dump menu , cpu back setted to 222mhz
-Possibility to flash system_plugin_fg.rco =custom battery pictures
-possibility to get the original system_plugin_fg.rco back
-Possibility to get the officilial instruction manual back
-new logo (by M-tuning)
-new AT3
-start up is faster
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February 14th, 2007, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
via pspvault:
So, over the last 24 hours, I have been busy doing two things:
1. Reading LUA tutorials and learning LUA
2. Busy making this homebrew game with the above acquired knowledge.
With that said, I present to you:
Magic 8 Ball for PSP
version 1.00 in EBOOT.PBP form.
Read the included readme for installation and instructions.
-Will answer any yes or no question you might have!
-Image, sound, screenshot, and USB support!
-Hacker, USB, and LUA reset to help you learn LUA.
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February 14th, 2007, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Whats new:
4.104 changes:
Fixed PMP AVC encoding.
Fixed dvd audio track selection for rebuilded dvds.
Now in Turbo and Simple modes used MP3-ABR-Q2. In Ultra and Extreme modes used MP3-ABR-Q0.
Fixed aspect for 16:9 PAL DVD encoded as 4:3.
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February 14th, 2007, 23:05 Posted By: Baboon
More details released about the up and coming N64 emulator for psp... and its sounding good! :thumbup:
Audio Support in Daedalus R9
Last week I said that I'd talk a bit about the audio support I've been working on. I want to describe how it was implemented, and continue with what to expect from it in R9 and how it affects performance.
I'd been putting off implementing audio support for a number of reasons. Firstly, I just didn't think that the emulator was running fast enough to spare any extra time doing other work. Secondly, because it wasn't running fast enough, I knew the resulting audio would sound horrible and choppy. Finally, I knew that writing an audio list processor from scratch was going to be very time consuming and error prone.
Maybe it's worth going into a little more detail about that last point.
Most audio and graphics processing on the N64 is handled through audio lists and display lists (very similar to an OpenGL display list). These lists are sequences of simple instructions which are usually constructed by the CPU as the game is running. I used the word 'usually', because it's possible to generate the lists offline, and just execute them at runtime as required.
One way of thinking about the audio and display lists is as a very simple scripting language. Each instruction in the list performs a trivial operation, like copying a block of sample data to another region of memory, interpolating samples from two buffers and storing the result in another and so on. The format of the instructions in the lists has been very carefully designed so that they can be efficiently operated on by the N64's coprocessor, the RSP. The RSP is a very fast processor with SIMD instructions (i.e. instructions which operate on multiple pieces of data - much like SSE on x86 based processors), and it's ideally suited to performing the kind of jobs required in processing audio data or transforming and lighting geometry. The code which executes on the RSP is often called 'microcode'.
The nice thing about audio and display lists is that they can be executed asynchronously by the RSP while the CPU is off doing other work. The CPU just needs to copy a small block of data (describing the task at hand) to the RSP's local memory, and then kick it off. The CPU then goes off doing some other work (updating the game logic for instance.) At some point, the RSP finishes processing the audio or display list, and signals the CPU that it's finished its work through an interrupt. The CPU can then queue up the next available job to the RSP for processing.
There are two ways in which an emulator can handle audio or display lists. The first method is to emulate the RSP at a very low level. This means emulating the RSP as a separate processor, emulating the microcode which has been written to decode and process the audio and display lists. This is what's known as LLE (low-level emulation). The other approach is HLE (high-level emulation). This involves interpreting and processing the audio and display lists manually, ignoring the emulation of the RSP and the microcode entirely.
The HLE approach is typically much, much faster than emulating the task at a low level. This speed comes as a price though, as rather than 'just' writing code to emulate the RSP core, a separate implementation must be written for every task that you want to emulate. This would be fairly simple if there was a single format for audio lists, and a single format for display lists. Unfortunately though, over the years Nintendo released a number of different versions of the microcode controlling these tasks, and many of these changes resulted in different formats for the audio lists and display lists.
Last time I checked, there were 3 major audio list formats, and 5 (6?) major display list formats. Some features of the list formats are similar between versions, but typically they're all very different, and large portions must be reverse engineered from scratch.
So, back to audio support in Daedalus. I had come to the point with implementing various dynarec improvements that I felt it was worth looking into audio to get an idea how how well it would work, and how much of a performance hit there was. As I was saying, one of the reasons I'd been putting off implementing audio support was that I knew that taking a high-level approach was going to be time consuming and error prone. The alternative, low level emulation, just wasn't practical from a performance point of view.
In the end, I decided to see if I could find the source for a PC audio plugin, and adapt this for use with Daedalus. I was fortunate enough to discover that Azimer had made the source for v0.55 of his audio plugin available (Azimer - if you're reading this, please drop me a line to say hello My reasoning was that if I could get something up and running in a couple of evenings then I could figure out how much work would be involved in getting it polished. If it looked like it was going to be too much work then I could revert all my changes and at most I'd have wasted just a few hours.
In the end it all went incredibly well. Azimer's source was very self-contained, with just a couple of hooks to implement to get it working. There were a few small issues to solve like having to upsample the output to 44.1KHz (as the PSP output is fixed at this frequency), but nothing that took more than a couple of hours.
So, how does it sound? Well, it's pretty variable. It sounds great in places where there's a high enough framerate to keep the audio buffer full. Mario 64 is pretty good for this - it seems 25fps is a minimum to avoid any choppiness in the output. When the framerate drops lower than this the audio quality does start to suffer significantly. On the plus side, it seems to be decoding everything correctly in all the roms I've tested so for, which means that the quality is only going to improve as I make further improvements to the performance of the emulator.
Which brings me to my next point - how does enabling audio support affect the performance of the emulator? I've not had chance to measure this empirically, but it probably slows things down by about 10-20%. Given that R9 is running about 40-100% faster than R8, you should be able to run R9 with audio and still see a small speedup. In any case, I've added an option to enable or disable the audio in the front-end (this is also accessible from the pause menu while the rom is running).
So, that's just about the story so far with audio support in Daedalus. There's clearly a lot more work to do, but the good news is that audio support is in, and working, and is only going to improve with time. Later this week I'll talk a bit about future improvements, including methods for reducing the impact that audio processing has on performance.
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February 14th, 2007, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from kiwidoggie:
I Got my newest addition of KFWFlasher. And IT COMES with a Basic Readme!
Before you say
"Theres X-Flash"
"This Is Worthless"
"You just copied directly from the pspsdk"
I want to respond
"There is other fetures like backing up UMD's And Flashable apps"
"Screw off, you try making something like this that people trust in"
"No, No I dident and when i ask people for code they never give it to me thats why long space between releases, for this new release it has only 12% copied"
Well Now then...
KFWFlasher .37 Alpha is fully recoded from top to bottom. It does not use hardley any of the pspsdk examples (except the #includes). I got a Donor for the Menu and i am greatly thankful for that. Like I said it is fully recoded so it is even faster than the old one. also it has more "structered" file setup so it is harder to get confused when using this. It comes with a readme!
This remake to plz others and not copy the pspsdk was a pain in the ***!
Heres the Pros and Cons:
+ Added Menu
+ Fixed Flashing problem
+ Faster Flashing
+ Back up UMD
+ Back Up Gameboot, And Font
-Wallpaper Flashing Still not ready
-Bootsound flashing not ready
-Wireless not ready
-Cannot backup whole flash 0 (YET!!! need to write new code for that)
this is fully safe i have used it myself and had 100% success!
Even tho this is safe to use it writes to the flash and there is a small chance of brickage
NOPxK9c Devteam CANNOT BE HELD RESPONCEABLE(i know i spelled it wrong)
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via kiwidoggie
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February 14th, 2007, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
via gamedev brazil
Based in ZX-81's work PSPFTPD for fw1.5, the PSP WiFile Transfer is one program to remotely transfer files without using cables between PC<>PSP with newers fw3.0 OE.
The bests beneficts who make me developer this software are using WiFi WPA criptografy protocol and DHCP.
The PSP WiFile Transfer is made at OE firmware rules, then it run in user mode and because of this its cant have risk to brick your PSP. The homebrew must be placed in GAME folder, not in GAME150 like old ones.
Special Thanks to:
- Dark Alex (Answer my forum threads)
- Psp Pets (Answer my emails)
- ZX-81 (The PSPFTPD example)
- All The PSPSDK Developers
- Copy PSP WiFile Transfer folder to GAME folder (using 3.0X Kernel);
- Run by GAME > Memory Stick on XMB menu;
Know Bugs:
- Exiting without close FTP connections make homebrew freeze;
To Do:
- Implement better buffer control to save transfer speed;
- Choose alternative FTP port;
- Define login and password to authenticated mode;
- Create a intuitive graphic interface;
- Create a portuguese language pack;
Change Log:
2007/02/13 = 0.02 = Small Changes Release
- Improved Clock Speed (333 Mhz);
- Improved Transfer Speed (15%);
- Added "Work Only" Firmware Validation;
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February 14th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Team XK:
What is it : it's a PRX (now several PRX) that allow you to launch a EBOOT prog'. Usefull if you want to launch and EBOOT from an XMB icon
Update version : 0.3f
added two more plugin (htmlviewer = browser, and camera).
flash the plugin(s) into flash0:/VSH/NODULE.
Update Version 0.3 :
Now, you can launch from every folder you want (you can for example launch an eboot in ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM ). It cant (for the moment) load anything from flash0 / flash1...
There's only the four PRX (premo, license, update, lftv). Flash it with the generic flasher, or via recovery. Config files are still the same (premo.txt, license.txt, upadte.txt and lftv.txt in PSP/SYSTEM).
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February 15th, 2007, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Word came in today that Sony plans on updating the PlayStation Store this Thursday, February 15. The update will include a demo of the already-released Full Auto 2: Battlelines for the PS3, as well as the classic PlayStation title, Destruction Derby. Like other classic PS1 games on the PlayStation Store, Destruction Derby is only playable on the PlayStation Portable.
Developed by Pseudo Interactive, Full Auto 2: Battlelines combines raw horsepower with devastating firepower. Gamers eager to obliterate whole city blocks without the commitment of a full game purchase will undoubtedly cherish the demo's addition to the store. Originally for the PS1, Destruction Derby charges players with a mission to smash, crash, and bash the snot out of their opponents in a madcap race to the finish line. Destruction Derby for the PSP is available for $5.99.
via ign
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February 15th, 2007, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Word came in today that Sony plans on updating the PlayStation Store this Thursday, February 15. The update will include a demo of the already-released Full Auto 2: Battlelines for the PS3, as well as the classic PlayStation title, Destruction Derby. Like other classic PS1 games on the PlayStation Store, Destruction Derby is only playable on the PlayStation Portable.
Developed by Pseudo Interactive, Full Auto 2: Battlelines combines raw horsepower with devastating firepower. Gamers eager to obliterate whole city blocks without the commitment of a full game purchase will undoubtedly cherish the demo's addition to the store. Originally for the PS1, Destruction Derby charges players with a mission to smash, crash, and bash the snot out of their opponents in a madcap race to the finish line. Destruction Derby for the PSP is available for $5.99.
via ign
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February 15th, 2007, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
In 1987, Sega released an action packed science fiction title in the arcades with large scrolling levels, tons of malevolent monsters and two soldiers trying to survive. Alien Syndrome was a fast paced run and gun style game where players had to rescue captured humans from alien ships infested with creatures. Not only did players have to contend with the swarming beasts with flamethrowers, lasers or fireballs, but they had to defeat a boss once all the hostages had been saved. Now, twenty years later, the title is being resurrected for the PSP as an action RPG with shooter elements.
Taking place in the distant future, players take on the role of Aileen Harding, a lieutenant in the Earth Command forces. Aileen is dispatched to a ship which has ceased responding to any communications. Initially, she thinks that it's just a transport which has been disabled, but once she lands on the ship, Aileen discovers that things are much stranger than they appear: from the looks of the landing bay, a massive firefight broke out with the crew, although no bodies are visible. What's more, there's some kind of organic material covering the walls that appeared to have fused with the hull of the ship. As she travels across the 40 levels of the game, from ships to space stations and even alien planets, she discovers a looming threat to all humanity across the universe.
Fortunately, Aileen has the skills necessary to repel these creatures. At the start of the single player campaign, players will have the opportunity to define Aileen by choosing from one of five character classes: Demo Expert, Firebug, SEAL, Sharpshooter or Tank. The classes help determine the four primary stats for the character, such as strength and endurance, as well as starting equipment and abilities. Like many RPGs, Aileen's choice of character class will determine just what weapons and equipment she can and can't use in the field of battle. For instance, Demo Experts are good with explosives, so they start out with bomb launchers. However, her knowledge with detonators means that her skills with other firearms are probably a bit substandard.
Now, just because Aileen doesn't know how to use a weapon doesn't mean that she can't learn. Later on in the game, players can slowly teach Aileen how to use gear that isn't designed for her character class. But in the meantime, you can actually profit from miscellaneous equipment you come across during the infestation. Thanks to Aileen's personal robot who follows behind her every step, you always have a one stop shop to scrap items for ammunition or money to purchase new gear. More than 80 weapons and over 100 pieces of armor and other items are available in the game, so there should be plenty of ways to eliminate the dozens of alien species over the course of the adventure. More than 100 different aliens will slither, crawl and claw their way towards Aileen, not counting the numerous mini-bosses within the game.
Now while the game pays homage to the original title with gameplay elements like saving hostages and escaping a level before time runs out, the PSP version has definitely got a number of improved features. For one thing, players will have an complete auto-map to help them navigate the large levels without fear of the fog of war hampering their exploration. Another difference is the sheer size of the title. Whereas the original game featured 8 maps, Alien Syndrome for the PSP will feature at least 20 hours of play across three separate difficulty levels: Normal, Hard and Expert. What's more, character progress can be carried over from previous saved games, so you can develop high powered characters, although the aliens will scale up in power to match your skills. Fortunately, if things are getting too difficult, you can call in some friends and engage in 4 player co-op over ad hoc.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
SEGA's Virtua Tennis 3 could be the most accurate console-to-PSP port that we've seen so far. In fact, if you were to play it alongside the PS3 version (which we have in-house and previewed last week), it would be difficult to tell the difference between the two. Impossible as that may sound, it's because of the PlayStation Portable's small LCD screen -- it keeps the resolution and detail discrepancies from being immediately noticeable (they are there; they're just hard to spot.)
But when I say that Virtua Tennis 3 is an accurate port, it isn't in reference to the visuals. No, what it really means is that the game's PSP content is identical across the board. In fact, some could say that the handheld version is actually bigger than its PS3 counterpart because it allows people on four different machines to play each other (via ad hoc). Without an online feature, you can't do that on Sony's next-gen system.
Besides the ability to play human opponents, Virtua Tennis 3 also boasts every other feature that you've already heard of. All 12 mini-games (which are divided into "Training" and "Court" types) are included here with personal favorites like Alien Attack (pinpoint robot smashing), Avalanche (avoid giant tennis balls while collecting fruit) and several others stealing the show. Players can even create their own athlete and take them through the "World Tour" mode where they can earn better skills and stats, compete in tournaments and exhibition matches, and eventually become the undisputed world champion of net sports. It may sound traditional, but at least it's fun.
Now if you like a smidgen of realism in your arcade Tennis, don't worry -- you'll have around 20 different stars to choose from. Maria Sharipova, Andy Roddick, Gael Monfils, Roger Federer, and a bunch of other folks whose last names drive our spell-check programs crazy have made the cut. Each star has their own strengths and weaknesses too, so the person you choose will always affect your capabilities on the clay and on the grass at all times.
"Is there anything to worry about" you ask? Well, right now, I'd have to say not really. Though Virtua Tennis 3 doesn't blow us away with its features or add anything drastically new over its predecessors, it still does what it's always done, and that to play a monster game of tennis. Admittedly, the PSP analog nub is a little stiff, but it isn't anything we haven't run into before and it seems to work pretty well with the couple of guys we tried it with. The majority of this game is all about "pick up and Play" and being smart with your volleys / smashes / lobs anyway and blinding speed isn't really necessary.
Anyhow, we'll be back with more on the PSP version of Virtua Tennis 3 as we near its release in late March. Certainly, the good news for us all is that it's already fun to play and lends itself well to the portable market because of its coin-op nature and multitude of mini-games.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
sthpark7791 from the PlayStation boards just posted some really sexy pictures of his new import silver PSP. Obviously, it's quite shiny, but he has a few other things to say:
It feels "stronger" than the original black PSP.
The analog nub has more resistance.
Buttons are a lot harder.
So not only is it sexy, it appears to have some added functionality too! This really makes me angry that SCEA still refuses to bring any other color here to the States. What's up with that? Interested importers can pick up a system from SuccessHk for $196, the same cost as a US system. Or, for the poor, you might be interested in simply getting an official replacement faceplate.
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February 15th, 2007, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The Pink PSP is all the rage (everywhere but America). But, the Pink PSP headphones are not as nice. At least, according to PSP GadgetZ. The man that buys everything PSP-related was surprised to see that although his new black headphones worked fine, these pink official earbuds do nothing at all. Is it just a one-time defect, or is the entire line-up of pink headphones from Sony busted up? I'd like to think the former, but just in case, you may want to avoid this import.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
PSP game M.A.C.H. is a aerial combat-racing experience set in the near future that plonks you in the pilot seat of high speed jet planes. New screens have been released.
M.A.C.H. features a total of 11 customisable aircraft, Top Gun's able to beef up their rides by enhancing speed and weapon load-out via unlocks. Instance-action Arcade, tournament-based Career, Challenge and multiplayer modes form the foundation for the air combat and manoeuvring action.
The game's due out this Spring from Vivendi and has been developed by Kuju Entertainment.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has confirmed that Sony will be making "exclusive announcements" and next month's Games Developers Conference.
Speaking to 1UP, Harrison refused to elaborate on Sony's plans for the event, only adding that Sony "have some interesting announcements to make".
"I think it's no secret that we're going to make a couple of exclusive announcements there," he said.
Harrison also said that Sony will not allow competitors to change its plans and that the firm will continue to plow its own furrow.
"It's important to understand from our point of view, we are not focused on one competitor, trying to adjust or change our strategy because of what one competitor is doing in the market," he said. "We have our strategy, we're here to grow the market, we're here to build out the PlayStation brand and experience on a worldwide basis, building on the success that we have and we're continuing to do that."
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February 15th, 2007, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has confirmed that Sony will be making "exclusive announcements" and next month's Games Developers Conference.
Speaking to 1UP, Harrison refused to elaborate on Sony's plans for the event, only adding that Sony "have some interesting announcements to make".
"I think it's no secret that we're going to make a couple of exclusive announcements there," he said.
Harrison also said that Sony will not allow competitors to change its plans and that the firm will continue to plow its own furrow.
"It's important to understand from our point of view, we are not focused on one competitor, trying to adjust or change our strategy because of what one competitor is doing in the market," he said. "We have our strategy, we're here to grow the market, we're here to build out the PlayStation brand and experience on a worldwide basis, building on the success that we have and we're continuing to do that."
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February 15th, 2007, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Ever wondered why PS3 bruiser Genji: Days Of The Blade features that infamous giant marauding crab? Well after some digging the mystery has finally been solved, thanks to a confession by Genji creator Yoshiki Okamoto.
"Obviously no-one among us believes there were giant crabs in feudal Japan," Okamoto told PSM3 via his translator. "But Okamoto is allergic to crabs and that's the reason why, if you find its weak point, you can kill it with one blow. It's Okamoto's way of defeating the crab he hates." Massive damage indeed.
You can read the full crab-based bombshell in the latest issue of PSM3, which is on magazine stands now.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
It's no secret that Sony's financial team has been on the ropes recently, but a senior exec has said that a price cut could be a factor in the firm's plans to break even in fiscal 2007.
"We may look at the price as part of our strategy to expand the market when the timing is right," Senior Vice President Takao Yuhara told reporters in Tokyo. "Such factors, including price cuts to some extent, are factored in" under the plan to break even in fiscal 2007.
Sony has already shaved a few quid of the price of PS3 in Japan, but the company is holding the line regarding knocking down the price down in the UK and Europe.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
26 bits of media - including screenshots and renders - from Oblivion on PS3 have leaped on a charger and galloped into our inbox, and they're presented here in all their fantasy RPG glory.
Bethesda's PS3 version of its critically acclaimed role-player is a launch title for the console here in the UK and, if you take the plunge with Sony's new machine, then Oblivion is a must if you're an RPG fan. That's if you've not already experienced the adventure on PC or Xbox 360, naturally.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar has cleared the charges against Vice City Stories this afternoon, confirming that the game will retail for GBP 19.99 when it launches on 9th March, which leaves you enough spare pennies to start your very own crime syndicate.
Originally a PSP game, it will be ported to PS2 and feature enhanced graphics as well as improved draw distance and overall performance.
Like Liberty City Stories on PlayStation 2, which was also ported from PSP, it won't feature a multiplayer mode - something Rockstar is keen to do, but only if it's done properly.
"We couldn't recreate the same thing we did on the PSP on the PS2, so unfortunately it's not on it," a PR spokesperson told Eurogamer.
It's certainly something Rockstar could do on Xbox 360 and PS3, which leaves us dribbling with gang-banging excitement for its potential next-generation offering.
However, you don't necessarily have to wait that long for a free-roaming city rampage, as Crackdown recently proved.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
Source: A widely circulated scan allegedly from the latest issue of Famitsu.
What we heard: Though neither Shadow of the Colossus nor ICO were runaway hits in the US--selling 566,859 and 189,799 copies domestically--they do have a rabid fan base. In Japan, though, they have a following so passionate, a pack of hyperactive hari-krishnas on meth would look like three-toed sloths on valium. Within the first 24 hours of Colossus' release, 80 percent of its launch shipment was sold.
So little wonder, then that the Ico crew is working on a new project for the PlayStation 3--allegedly, anyway. Today, a scan (picture) allegedly from this week's Famitsu, everyone's favorite Japanese gaming magazine, got ICO/Shadow fans all hot, bothered, and unladylike. The ad shows two sentences--one in black in the background and another in red overlaying it.
According to a native Japanese speaker, the black sentence says. "The ICO and Wanda and the Colossus team is hiring production staffers for a new project for PS3." (Wanda and the Colossus was Shadow's Japanese title.) The red sentence then says, "Are you recruiting now? When you finish the game, what's going to happen to PS3? It's too late, old timer." At the bottom of the scan is a Sony Computer Entertainment copyright notice in English--a trait shared by the PlayStation Japan Web site--and the SCE logo.
The official story: Sony Computer Entertainment America reps did not respond to requests for comment. But they shouldn't have to, since all the easily excitable forum-posters spreading the hullabaloo seem to have forgotten that ICO and Colossus director Fumito Ueda announced in 2005 that this next project would be for the PS3.
Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Racing fans probably aren't complaining about the Sony's PlayStation Store, part of the online experience of the PlayStation 3. In addition to the downloadable game GripShift and PlayStation port of Jet Moto for the PlayStation Portable, demos for Motorstorm and Gran Turismo HD Concept are currently available for free.
Two more games that would give Driver's Ed teachers headaches are headed to the online store today. First up is the demo for Full Auto 2: Battlelines, the PS3 combat racing from Sega and developer Pseudo Interactive. Full Auto 2 was originally released on December 7
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February 15th, 2007, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
Point your eyes at these new photos of Transformer characters Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, two classic heroes revamped for the new generation Transformers movie - and the recently revealed game, of course.
These images show the toy figures made for both Autobot characters, giving us a good idea of how Michael Bay's - director of the all-live-action Transformers movie - redesigned robots in disguise will look in the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC videogame released this summer.
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February 15th, 2007, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
The Sony PSP® will find itself endowed with an entirely new and unique take on the fighting game genre in early March 2007. The Con was previously released in the US, but SouthPeak Games have confirmed that the version that reaches UK shores will come with a set of enhancements based on user feedback.
Developed in Japan by Think And Feel Inc, The Con tells the story of a fighter indebted to an influential organiser of illegal street fights. Obviously, the game’s objective is to make money through fighting, but all is not as it seems and not all fights are created equal.
In some clashes, the player will have to take their fair share of tactical losses as well as striving for pugilistic victory. This skewing of priorities is supported by a betting system that allows the player to gamble on either side winning each fight. This opens up new avenues for generating cash via subterfuge and feint as well as guile and technique, where making money may be more important than winning with honour.
The Con’s versatile fighting engine opens up tactical possibilities never seen before in a fighting game. Punches can be faked, guards can be deliberately lowered and dives to the floor can be initiated, making The Con the only game where losing a fight can benefit the player more than winning – provided it’s done convincingly. If the crowd don’t buy your performance, you’ll lose your winnings. Fights aren’t strictly a one-on-one affair, either. Battles can involve up to three fighters on each side.
The Con also provides a remarkable amount of player customisation. The player’s team of three characters can be moulded with an exemplary range of appearance-altering options. Physique, clothing and accessories are all up for modification and the ability to import photographs allows for an infinite number of player faces – familiar, famous or otherwise.
Also part of The Con’s complex package is the multiplayer mode, which takes a traditional route of providing one-on-one matches. Single-UMD game sharing is included, but players with two copies of The Con get the added benefit of being able to place unlocked items as a stake in their victory.
As part of the enhancements introduced for the European release of The Con, players will find loading times have been shortened and tweaks have been made to the overall difficulty level.
This refined version of The Con will be released for the Sony PSP® on March 2nd.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via guardian
An anonymous UK developer, writing in the comments section of, this Gamesblog post has provided a scathing assesment of the PSP's future. "There are virtually no PSP games being developed in the UK," he claims, citing comparatively high development costs and small userbase as key explanations.
"At a GDC conference in Brighton last year, everyone walked away from the PSP. Developers had to budget for PS2 content on a handheld with a tiny userbase. Its not cost effective, (especially when the alternative DS has a massive userbase and is cheap to develop for).
At the same time, Nintendo had sent Wiimotes that plug into Gamecube devkits to all registered developers. Instead of forking out thousands of quid to Sony for devkits that they still weren't releasing, studios were coming up with innovative Wii ideas. Instead of training coders to program the world's most complicated Cell processor, the Gamecube team just switched to the Wii."
A quick look at the PSP release schedule shows a flurry of activity heading into mid-March (just in time for Easter), but things thin out afterwards. Stalwarts like SOCOM and Metal Gear Solid should prop things up, but in terms of true Triple A titles coming from British developers, there's really only Manhunt 2, plus Sumo Digital's conversions of Virtua Tennis and Driver 76.
It could be argued, of course, that major UK-developed DS titles are just as rare. Diddy Kong Racing DS, perhaps. What else? Britain has never really been a major force in the handheld market, with publishers usually outsourcing portable conversions to smaller third-party studios, which are often given just six months to port console code across to handheld platforms.
Look at Metacritic's review scores for Nintendo DS games. As far as I can tell, only two of the top 20 - Metroid Prime Hunters and Tony Hawk's American Sk8land - were developed outside of Japan. This is in stark contrast to the console development market where the West has a growing share of the Triple A segment. Interestingly, at least 12 of the PSP top 20 are Western releases (although only a couple of them originated in the UK).
In Japan, there are loads of cool little developers like Tose, HAL Laboratories and AlphaDream, bashing out colourful imaginative handheld titles. The UK has the excellent Sumo Digital, of course, but considering the fact that the DS is cheap to code for - why aren't there many, many more? Britain is stuffed with small studios - Scotland might well have more mobile game developers than any other country outside of the Far East. What's preventing them from embracing handheld?
This isn't about opportunity, it's about psychology. There is no Western equivalent of kawaii - studios just don't get cute. I've been in dozens of them and the cultural references are always similar: Blade Runner, Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Frank Miller, William Gibson, Buffy, Star Wars - this is not the stuff of cute, effective handheld gaming.
PSP panders to a peculiar Western vision of portable gaming - a 'proper' console, playing 'proper' console games on a smaller screen. Thing is, I don't know about you, but I don't want to feel cool and edgy on the bus, I like the warmth of cute, iconic graphics. I don't know why.
No PSP development in the UK? Sony's embattled platform has masses of potential - it's a beautiful piece of kit. But it is being failed. There must be a combination out there of Japanese aesthetics and the Western vision of cool. Until then, the handheld development coma continues, only the faintest blips of awareness puncturing the darkness.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
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Tales of Destiny 2 hit the Japanese PSP on Thursday morning. That officially left us in an anomalous state -- no Tales game in the pipeline.
Well, enjoy the silence while it lasts, cuz it's lasting exactly six days. Bandai Namco updated its Tales Channel website with news of a "surprising announcement," to take place on 2/21.
There have been promises of "surprising announcements" at the Tales Channel site before, but they tended to result in something unsurprising, like a new Tales game. Sure enough, the announcement appears to be for a new game in the series. Bandai Namco promises a new entry in a popular sub-series of the franchise.
Destiny? Eternia? World? Check back around 2/21 for the announcement.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
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Mayhem and motors have always gone hand in hand, and one franchise that attempted to capitalize on this concept is the Full Auto series. With a heavy emphasis on concepts like "Destruction Matters," Full Auto let drivers race through streets, trashing buildings and other environmental objects in their attempt to finish first. The sequel added to the mayhem with more cars, new environments and arena style combat. Well, the car combat is now spilling over to the portable track with Full Auto 2: Battlelines for the PSP.
While the game may have the same name as the PS3 version, this isn't a scaled down port of that title. Instead, Deep Fried Entertainment, who's developing the PSP version, overhauled just about every single facet of the racer. For example, the career mode no longer takes place in Meridian City. Nor does it have an AI informing you of what you need to do or what races you have to enter to proceed. Instead, the battles now take place across the entire world, with races found in the USA, Europe and Asia. While there are various events that you'll enter, such as coming in first place or defeating specific rivals, there's also a lot more choice provided to drivers. Players now have the option to decide whether they want to complete every single event available to them, or if they'd rather blaze through the game and face off against the "boss" racers.
The number of vehicles has changed as well for the PSP version. Battlelines now features 15 cars, nine of which are completely new to the series. While there are no licensed cars within the game, players will easily pick up on car bodies inspired by Mustangs, Vipers and other machines. Players will be able to customize these cars with a number of car skins and vinyls. While each car has five skins, over 200 vinyls are included in the game for every car. Players will also have the option to choose from 18 weapons (10 of which are new) to equip their machine, although there's a new twist to the arms placement. Weapons can now be mounted on the front, side or rear of the car, giving you additional flexibility in battle. For instance, if you place machine guns on the front and side of your car, you can fire three spreads of bullets instead of the customary two.
Battlelines isn't just a single player experience; up to four players can engage in ad hoc battles in arenas or races. Every multiplayer option from the PS3 version of the game has been brought over to the PSP game, and the various events from the single player have also been carried over into multiplayer. This means that you aren't necessarily going to try to be first in a race, because you may need to eliminate a number of obstacles or defeat specific cars to win.
Of course, the PS3 version of Battlelines used both analog sticks to help you control the car and target your opponents. Due to the lack of a second analog nub, the PSP provides limited auto targeting to help you take down other racers. It also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of Destruction Matters moments. Whenever the reticule flashes yellow, players can hit the triangle button and lock onto an object. If they fire once the reticule turns red, they can trigger the moment and spill the obstacles on the road, blocking or even destroying opponents. Bolstered by songs from Wolfmother, Sum 41 and Stone Sour, car combat fans should be ready to take first place when Full Auto 2: Battlelines hits shelves this march.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
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Crush is a game that I want to play. Developed specifically for the PSP by Kuju Entertainment (Battalion Wars, Fire Warrior), it's one of the most original games yet created for the PlayStation Portable and a title with a ton of potential (it does have similarities to Super Paper Mario after all). What's most surprising thing about this project, though, is that it isn't a sandbox game or some kind of epic actioner -- it's just a clever puzzler.
In it, you assume the role of Dan, a guy who has spent most of his life trying to work out various personal issues and a dude who can't shake his terrible insomnia. His life has gotten pretty bad to be honest, and in a last ditch effort to keep himself from going crazy, our young hero has succumbed to the miracle of hypnosis. As Dan is put under, he's charged with one mission: to solve the mysteries of his past, uncover his repressed memories, and save his sanity before it's too late.
What really makes this concept interesting is that "the mysteries of Dan's past" are actually a series of reality-defying brainteasers. Set in four different environments (a city, the seaside, and two others), each puzzle challenges players to solve problems in multiple dimensions. Best described as an Escher painting come to life, each subconscious enigma begins as a 3D world with an exit that's seemingly impossible to reach. In truth, that's your only real goal (well that, and collecting marbles that actually unlock a gateway) and all you have to do to reach that goal is walk to the open door.
The trick is that getting from your starting point to the door is easier said than done; there's never a straight line from point A to B, and users have to figure out how to overcome such challenging obstacles. Rooftops without access ladders, 20-foot jumps, and doorways upside down and underneath you are just some of the conundrums you can expect.
So how do you solve this mystery? The only way to do it is to "Crush," which is to stomp your foot like Heihachi (with the Left Trigger) so that you can transform the environment into a 2D plane instead of a three-dimensional one. What angle the camera is pointed at and what kind of surface you're standing determines what happens following each crush as well -- so this can mean that, depending on your angle, you might create a platform ladder or activate some kind of machine to help you progress. Once you "Uncrush" back to the 3D world, you can travel to your next spot and repeat if necessary.
As complicated as it might sound in the written word, it's pretty easy to get the hang of when you see it. All the stages I saw, for example, took place in a nighttime neon city that had all manner of bizarre puzzles to solve. But as I watched the producer crush and uncrush his way through the various areas to get to the next area, it quickly became evident how simple and addictive this sucker could be. Swapping between the 2D and 3D planes is an extremely cool concept and limiting users only to jumping and crouching puts an emphasis on choosing the right camera angle and one other simple goal: to get the hell out of there.
Unfortunately SEGA hasn't given a solid release date for Crush yet (it's just "summer" for now), so it's still up in the air as to how long it will be before we can sit down and play it at length. Company reps did tell me, however, that there's still a lot of work to be done and that the final game will have somewhere between 40 and 50 stages (and possibly even downloadable content, but that decision hasn't been made yet). With an order that high, it could be several months before it's shown again.
But personally, I'm willing to wait those months if it means we're getting a high-level puzzler out of it. Crush has a very compulsory feel to it, and the idea that there's actually a story to tell (told Memento style as you regress further and further into your memories) is a nice extra touch. The art style is pretty sweet too and the camera doesn't seem to have any noticeable problems. Hopefully, Crush can impress me this much again the next time it crosses our path.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
One of the many franchises that SEGA is working on rejuvenating on the PSP is its air combat classic After Burner. Scheduled for release at the end of March, After Burner: Black Falcon is a return to the arcade series of yesteryear with controls, speed and visuals that perfectly match the original that we sunk hundreds of quarters to play back in the good ol' days. We covered the game's single-player portion in our hands-on last month, but we recently had a chance to spend some time with the game's multiplayer modes.
Black Falcon will feature both cooperative and competitive multiplayer for play over an Ad-Hoc local network. With support for up to four players in the competitive Mad Cow mode (and two for the co-op), SEGA is aiming to provide gamers with a brand-new way to experience its classic franchise.
Though we were only able to play through a single mission, our initial take is that the cooperative play is a great deal of fun. Seeing your buddy boost ahead of you, perform a barrel roll and then take out a line of enemy jets is a pretty cool sight to see, almost as rewarding as when you're the one pulling off the Maverick-inspired stunts.
The host's game dictates which missions will be available to the players, and the host will be able to save any progress you make, enabling you to play through the entire story cooperatively. For points and cash, the host is able to set whether everything is split evenly between the two players or whether all of the winnings will go to the host - useful if the host is a new player and needs some quick cash to get up to speed.
Both players will share a total of six lives per level. That is, if one player dies five times but the other manages to survive the entire mission, you'll be able to finish. Black Falcon also uses rubber banding to keep both players reasonably close together so that the action stays hectic.
The competitive Mad Cow mode is something like the Oddball mode from Halo. One player will start in possession of the cow, which is actually tethered to the bottom of his or her jet and looks rather silly (in a good way). Points are racked up for every second someone can keep the cow, while the other players attempt to take out the carrier. Doing so will earn the cow for the player, and that person will start racking up points.
The person carrying the cow will regenerate health over time, helping them keep it longer, and they're able to fire off an EMP charge behind their jet in order to take out people behind them. This takes the place of the roll maneuver, so they need to manually dodge missiles as they come in.
Mad Cow seems like an okay bit of fun, but we're not sure how much strategy is involved here so it may wind up getting old pretty quickly. When we snagged the cow we just kept boosting forward while moving from side to side and dropping EMP charges. Being as you can't see what's going on behind you, this is really your best option. You can throw on the brakes and let your opponents fly right by and then attempt to take them out from behind, but this seems more risky than anything else. Still, we only had time for one round of Mad Cow so we'll see if it's more fun when we can sit down and really dig into it.
After Burner: Black Falcon is currently slated for release on March 20th, so get your thrusters warmed up.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
SEGA has some of the most well-known and classic franchises in all of gaming. The company is currently working on bringing some of these classics to current platforms and reinvigorating them for a new generation of fans. One of these franchises is Crazy Taxi, the fan-favorite, arcadey series that first appeared on the Dreamcast back in early 2000.
The goal of Crazy Taxi is extremely simple - pick up a passenger and get them to their destination as quickly as possible. Rinse and repeat. That describes the Taxi portion of its name, but it's the Crazy part that made it fantastic fun. The city is your playground, and you needn't obey any rules getting your fares to their destination. Cruising through oncoming traffic, smashing into other vehicles, catching air off of one of the game's numerous jumps or cutting through a shortcut here and there are all part of the game. Crazy Taxi 2 changed cities, added a Crazy Jump for hopping your car into the air at any time and introduced a number of new and addictive mini-games.
Currently slated for release sometime this summer on the PSP, Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars will put gamers behind the wheel of a taxi once again, all in classic form. A mixture of the original Dreamcast releases of Crazy Taxi 1 and 2, Fare Wars will allow players to select which game they want to play and drop them right into either classic. The games are direct ports of the Dreamcast games, though SEGA will be putting on a little extra polish to give it some added visual flair, like specular lighting on the cars, environment maps on the buildings for nice reflections and some enhanced particle effects.
Beyond the visual upgrades and some enhanced jukebox options, the games will be identical to their Dreamcast counterparts. The PSP's control setup is almost exactly the same that we saw on the Dreamcast, minus having buttons instead of triggers for L and R. This means that no concessions had to be made for any of the game's mechanics and all of the classic moves are still to be found within, like the Crazy Boost or Crazy Slide.
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars will also introduce some multiplayer functionality for play over Ad-Hoc. SEGA is keeping mum on exactly what modes we'll see here for now, though we do know the game will be limited to two players and that you'll be able to choose what features from each game that you want to use (you can turn on Crazy Jump for us in the first city, for example).
The build that we had a chance to play yesterday was in a pre-alpha stage and didn't feature any of the planned visual upgrades. The framerate also ran at only about 70% of the target rate, though it was still reasonably smooth. While the game was certainly playable, the unoptimized framerate meant that it was difficult to pull off some of the moves as we had to slow our finger movements down to match the game speed. We're told this won't be a problem in the final release however.
Aside from these slight issues, the game immediately brought back memories of our Dreamcast favorite. Shortcuts and such came right back to use, and our fingers ached to perform some of the special moves even though we thought we'd forgotten them ages ago. Assuming that SEGA can pull this one up to speed so that it plays a tad cleaner, we're looking at a better-than-the-original port here.
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars is currently scheduled to ship sometime during the summer. Given the game's somewhat early progress, SEGA doesn't want to pin down an exact timeframe yet, but we should be picking up passengers and carting them off to the baseball stadium sooner than later.
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February 15th, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese game industry is seeing some interesting times, with the Wii and DS dominating the sales charts while Sony's platforms falter. Famitsu recently asked analysts with Japanese firms Daiwa Securities, Nomura Securities and Mitsubishi UFJ Securities to share their thoughts on how things are shaping up for the game market as the 2007 fiscal year winds down.
Daiwa Securities' Eiji Maeda pointed to Gundam Musou and Virtua Fighter 5 as key software titles for the end of the fiscal year. He believes that sales of these two titles are important for the PlayStation 3 as a whole, and that other software manufacturers should be paying attention to them. Nomura's Yuta Sakurai also made mention of Gundam Musou as a key title for the end of the term, but added Monster Hunter Portable 2nd to the list. He feels that this game will push PSP hardware.
Everyone seems to be down on the PS3 and up on the Wii. Maeda believes Sony won't be able to get actual sales of six million PS3s by the end of the term. In contrast, he believes Nintendo will be able to ship out six million Wii units (2 million to Japan, 3 million to America, 1 million to Europe) and that the demand for the system won't die down for some time. Sakurai believes Sony's worldwide PS3 shipments will reach the 4.5 million mark, and stop there, while Nintendo will be able to ship 6.5 million systems. He also feels that the Wii supply problem won't clear up by the end of the term.
UFJ's Hiroshi Murakami thinks that the current retail state, where PS3's are readily available and Wii is nowhere to be found, will continue for a while. The Summer of 2007 will be the biggest fight for the PS3, he believes. Murakami believes strongly in the scenario of the PS3 being the number one system 3 to 5 years from now, and expects this state to come into view at the end of 2007.
Outside of the next generation, the analysts offers some interesting thoughts on the DS. Sakurai believes that the system saw its Japanese sales peak in 2006 and that sales will gradually go down from here on. However, he believes that the system's flame was lit in Europe over the holiday season, and that 2007 will be the breakout year over there. Murakami believes that while the DS's success will continue throughout the term, the end of 2007 is a bit unclear. There's the possibility that the light users will move away from the system. He feels that Dragon Quest IX will be the big test.
via ign
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February 15th, 2007, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
If you think all mech games involve painstakingly building your machine from the ground up to create the most dominant, slow moving, walking tank around, then you're only half right. While FromSoftware's latest mech game stays true to its roots with a huge number of customization options, the gameplay itself is fast and furious bringing a welcome sense of mechanized action to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Snail-like death machines be damned, Steel Battalion this is not.
Upon starting the game, we found ourselves thrust into a virtual room for a brief tutorial. After going through the motions and learning the basics, the tutorial tops off with a mock battle. It was pretty simple stuff and a good example of how the streamlined controls make piloting one of these metal monstrosities an easy task. The two triggers are used for boosting about with the right one for quick dodges and the left for longer fuel burns. The two analog sticks are used for motion and aiming while the face buttons are reserved for firing the weapons themselves and using the over boost.
full article at link above
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February 15th, 2007, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Phil Harrison and 1up's Luke Smith had a chat about the current positioning of the PlayStation 3, and it makes for some interesting reading. A quietly confident Harrison discusses the future of game distribution online, their attitude towards competition in the console market, and clarifies a few things about the potential for PS3 price cuts. The previous discussion about price cuts was apparently a big misunderstanding.
"PH: Well, do you know what [Takao Yuhara] said was, cost reduction, not price drop, and there's a big difference between cost reduction and price drop. So, that I believe is where the confusion came from. Obviously, we are investing our money in making PlayStation 3s cheaper to manufacture -- that's part of our business plan. 1UP: You're not going to pass the savings along? PH: When we can, when there are savings to pass along to the consumer, we would obviously choose to do that. That's the business model. 1UP: Wait? You guys are doing this to make money? Really? PH: That's videogame hardware 101."
via /.
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February 15th, 2007, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Tom Clancy's fictional ghost squad has been deployed all over the world, "cleaning up the streets," so to speak. This week, the super soldiers went back to some familiar territory--the Web.
Ubisoft announced that the official Web site for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 went live this week, with the usual accoutrements. Visitors to the site can grab some GRAW 2-themed wallpapers for their PCs or screens of in-game footage, or check out some trailers of the game.
Also available is the latest Developer's Diary, which focuses on the environments in the game. In it, the developers talk about the differences in the game's two major locales--Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas--and the importance of keeping the environments as real as possible.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 is rated T for Teen and will be released in March on the Xbox 360 and PC. PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable versions are also in development.
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February 16th, 2007, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
via mcv
Italian publisher Black Bean has signed a distribution deal with Koch Media for its upcoming, and now officially licensed, Superbike World Championship 07.
The racer will arrive on PS2 and PSP in Q2 this year, and subsequently on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in Q4 this year.
Milestone Interactive, the team behind the original Superbike games, is developing the new title, and the addition of the official licence means the racer will now boast real world riders, bikes and circuits.
Of the deal with Koch, Black Bean’s UK MD Chris Mehers stated: “Milestone’s ability to produce stunning bike games combined with a powerful licence and Koch Media’s marketing, PR and sales skills will, I’m sure, deliver great results for all concerned.”
Koch MD Craig McNicol added: “We are delighted to sign such a strong licence. The motorbike genre holds much potential and the combination of the great game and the best licence will surely excite trade and gamers alike.”
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February 16th, 2007, 02:54 Posted By: mikebeaver
Weltall is back with another update to CWCheat, this time he has made the memory card function compatible with new firmwares, thanks for the hard work Weltall.
0.1.6 REV. I for 3.10OE/ALL
-rewritten from scratch half of the mc management internal code
so now mc should be found in all cases (all emulators/plugins) and
most probably also in emulators still not out[POPS]
-now it's possible to remove codelines with SELECT in the cheat modification menu[ALL]
-now it's possible to add codelines with START in the cheat modification menu[ALL]
-other fixes and little modifications[ALL]
0.1.6 REV. H for 3.10OE/ALL
-added support for memory cards in the 3.10 pops emulator [POPS]
-fixed the MS_ROOT folder it had old plugins in the last release[ALL]
There is a lot more to the read me, so refer to that for full instructions.
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February 16th, 2007, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Xmod:
BG Split/Merge v1.0 by xmOD
This app lets you split/merge the 01-12.bmp file on your psp which holds the default backgrounds on your PSP. With this, you can fully customize your default backgrounds.
To split the 01-12.bmp:
1. Run the exe file of the program.
2. Enter the absolute path to the place where your 01-12.bmp is located under the split 01-12.bmp section.
If 01-12.bmp is located in C:\new folder then in the text box, type:
C:\new folder\01-12.bmp
3. Hit the Split button to split the file.
4. Go to the same place where your 01-12.bmp is and you will find a folder called "Split 01-12.bmp" which contains the split individual files.
5. You can edit any or all of the 12 backgrounds.
To Merge the individual files into 01-12.bmp:
1. Enter the absolute path to the Split files folder in the "Split Files Folder" box under the merge 01-12.bmp section.
If the folder is located in C:\new folder then, type:
C:\new folder\split 01-12.bmp
2. Hit Merge button to merge all the files.
3. Now look in the same split files folder for the merged 01-12.bmp
Although this software has been tested by me and is working perfectly on my PSP's but i still am NOT responsible for any partial/permanent bricks. Use this on YOUR risk ONLY! YOU are RESPONSIBLE if ANYTHING happens to your PSP!
Release Notes:
1. Right now i have only tested this with 60x34 backgrounds only.
2. This app is limited by me to split 01-12.bmp of upto 500 kb of size only but you can merge files of any size together. This means you can split only 60x34 pixel backgrounds but can try merging 250x142 pixel(hi-res) backgrounds. Please share the results.
Enjoy! ;-)
BG Split/Merge v1.0
.NET Framework 2.0 or newer
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via xmod
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February 16th, 2007, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
New from Pasky13 is a new version of his database editor for Cwcheat:
Whats new in v1.70:
Ability to now download and install the latest version of CWcheat and CWcheatpops automatically!
- Requires Firmware: 3.10-OE (May work on others, not tested/supported)
- Still requires the plugin to be enabled via the Recovery mode
Automatically detects database type when loading a database file. Ability to switch manually still available.
Changes made to the UI. Removed the buttons below the code database as they are no longer necessary. The options they provided are available via right clicking on the code database
Fixed a bug when trying to add a joker code to a code with an existing joker code.
- Previously, this would add an additional joker code to the existing one. This has been fixed and when a joker code exists, the context menu changes to "Edit Joker Code".
Fixed a bug when using the 'Sort' button.
- Previously, after the database was sorted any additional items added afterwards were being sorted or if a new database were opened it would be sorted. This has been fixed.
NOTE: If anyone could make a small banner/logo (In the range of 270x150) that fits the theme of the application, I'd really appreciate it. I'm a horrible artist. Thanks.
Requires the .NET 2.0 Framework which can be downloaded directory from Microsoft's website at: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en
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via pasky13
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February 16th, 2007, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Vulpix:
This program lets you change the texture of the waves of your XMB.
http://www.lostnovice.com/vulpix/TGAWave.rar (current version v.5)
AMAZING TUTORIAL BY al-zamli: http://pspjunk.org/tgawavetut
How to video:
Read the readme before you do anything.
Thanks to Z33 for rcotool and the research on the textures.
This time there is less hex editing required, all you need is a nice image editing program (aka Photoshop, etc) and you can edit your wave's texture.
Apply filters to that image in Photoshop/whatever, and you can change your XMB's wave textures easier than ever.
Stuff you can post: screenshots, tips, etc.
Happy wave hacking! //from DarkStone and vb_master(Vulpix)
Download at Link above
via vulpix
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February 16th, 2007, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
Jas0nuk has released a new version of Prxdecrypter that now has support for the latest 3.10 and 3.11 firmwares
This mod of psardumper can decrypt individual firmware modules from all known retail firmwares (1.00-3.11)
Also works with all current game PRXs.
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February 16th, 2007, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
Bullet Witch, Godzilla: Unleashed, and Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai: Another Road will all be shown to the public for the first time at the New York Comic Con 2007. Bullet Witch and Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai: Another Road are likely to be playable, says Atari, and there will also be a nonplayable demo of Godzilla: Unleashed.
Godzilla: Unleashed was recently announced by the company for the Wii, DS, and PlayStation Portable, and will be released in "fall 2007." Gamers play as Godzilla, or a choice of other giant monsters, and rampage through a series of cityscapes wreaking destruction. Bullet Witch is an Xbox 360 title, and has just gone gold--it is due for release in the US on February 27. The game describes itself as "a neo-apocalyptic action adventure," and blends Japanese fantasy with "American action." Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai: Another Road is the latest release in the popular Dragon Ball Z series, and features 50 new fighting skills and ultimate attacks. The title is due for release in March 2007 for the PSP.
Atari's vice president of marketing and sales, Nique Fajors, commented, "While Godzilla: Unleashed, Bullet Witch, and DBZ Shin Budokai: Another Road offer different gameplay features, storylines, and visual flair, all three share a common bond of Japanese art and influence--a bond that has been extremely prevalent in comics and other popular art forms."
The New York Comic Con 2007 will be held February 23-25 at the Jacob Javits Center.
via gamespot
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February 16th, 2007, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
Hey, didn't The Warriors come out a long time ago on other platforms? And, wasn't it just a brawler game? Meh, maybe it's a Grand Theft Auto-clone. Why should I get excited for a cheap port of an old game?
This kind of sentiment would be completely baseless. It's true that The Warriors isn't a new game. It's also true that the PSP version is simply a port, without any significant upgrades to the original. And yes, like most of Rockstar's other games, this game borrows tons of elements from the revered GTA franchise. However, to think of it as "just a brawler" would do this game a horrible injustice. In fact, PSP owners should be grateful to have such a refreshingly solid game made available on the platform, especially at its budget price. Without a doubt, The Warriors is worth every penny: it provides hours of incredible fun, with a natural, satisfying combat system, and top-notch presentation.
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February 16th, 2007, 03:47 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via J.C
Heres what J.C had to say-
Here is a sneak peek at some of the changes I have made to the Druglord UI.........

Druglord Changelog
I am currently working on a new release of PSP DrugLord. The next release should contain the following:
* Improved performance
* Changes to the GUI
* Bug fixes
* Improved game logic
* Splash screen
* High score table
In the mean time you can download eboots for the beta version at the link below (thanks to gunntims0103 from building the eboots).
Great news for a highly addictive game!
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February 16th, 2007, 04:48 Posted By: vision
Well this are some custom color volume bars you can use for the xmb
- Current colors are
- Added http://www.sendspace.com/file/pxy4c5
Light Brown
( ill take requests on colors )
Here are some previews

First of thanks to Zinga for the RCO editor
I actually made these for me but my friend liked them so i decided to release them
I made them all and they should work for CFW and Homebrew capable firmwares
For 3.03 OE-C+
Go to recovery ( R at startup ) then advanced then toggle flash0 usb after that go on your pc select the color you want then open vsh/resources and drop the impose_plugin.rco in there overwriting the current one.
For 3.03 OE-C-
Use filer copy impose_plugin.rco to your MS then use filer to copy it to the RAMDISK then toggle hacker mode ( L + <-- + R ) then start to go to flash 0 then broswe for vsh/resource then X and move all ramdisk files here
Any question email at homie_205@hotmail.com
or aim at omgxshediditagan
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February 16th, 2007, 07:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Metal Slug by joining the Metal Slug team on 7 separate adventures that span across the life of the franchise in this definitive collection.
Seven incredible Metal Slug games on one UMD - Metal Slug 1, Metal Slug 2, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 3, Metal Slug 4, Metal Slug 5 and Metal Slug 6.
SNK Playmore's Metal Slug Complete (also known as Metal Slug Anthology outside of Japan) for PSP™ is shipping today as Asia release version at US$ 42.90 only. The Japanese release version of this game is expected to arrive later next week, priced at US$ 48.90 respectively.
Game features:
Features Wi-Fi (ad hoc) support for intense 2-player action
Arcade perfect port of each title
Pick-up-and-play, non-stop action
Buy at Play Asia
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February 16th, 2007, 07:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released PS2 game:

SNK Playmore releases the 2nd volume of Fatal Fury Battle Archives which includes Real Bout, Real Bout Special, and Real Bout 2. Real Bout adds the Hidden Ability Bopper power gauge or "P" power for massive damage and stages have the "ring out rule system" where a battle can end unexpectedly. Real Bout Special brings 19 fighters and hidden versions of some characters to this new battle. Real Bout 2 includes 2 new characters: Li Xiangfei and Rick Strowd to join in on the mayhem. With added options and KDDI Online playability, fighting game fans have yet another great compilation to play.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 16th, 2007, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sony exec Phil Harrison has dropped a heavy hint that PS3 owners will be able to download movies and TV to the console in the not-to-distant future.
"I think PlayStation 3 needs to stand for gaming and digital entertainment in the living room pushing the envelope of high definition, pushing the envelope of broadband, and of course that includes more than just games", Harrison explained to 1Up.com when queried about plans for TV and movie downloads through PlayStation Network.
He continued, "We don't have the announcements that you're probably looking for today, but it is digital data. We have a hard drive, we have a commerce engine, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we will have that on the network very shortly".
In the interview, Harrison also explained that the decision to include a hard drive in every PS3 was made "because we saw the long term benefit... The ten year plan of allowing people to download all kinds of digital content to their PlayStation 3 - not just games but movies, music, HD, standard definition TV, you name it."
Microsoft of course has already introduced a TV and movie download service States-side for Xbox 360. Via Video Marketplace, 360 owners can download standard and high-definition shows and films.
via cvg
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February 16th, 2007, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
Q*bert, the 80s arcade game that saw, er, Q*bert bouncing around pyramid levels while attempting to avoid nemesis Coily and his mates, is being released for PS3.
It'll be available for download over the pond in North America via PlayStation Network for $4.99. Have a gander at screenshots that have been released and then point your browser this way for further details.
Screens Here
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February 16th, 2007, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Namco has released the first batch of Tekken 6 screenshots since it showcased an in-game teaser movie at last year's E3.
The screenshots, which are from the arcade version of the game, are a little too tiny for us to see the fighting sequel in explicit detail, but from the looks of it Namco has been doing some spring cleaning in the graphics department - with prettier character models and more detailed environments than the previous movie tease.
On the other hand the trailer over on the newly-launched Tekken 6 website is looking decisively ropey.
It's currently penned in for a PS3 console conversion later this year, but an Xbox 360 port is also strongly rumoured. Stay tuned for more on Tekken 6 very soon.
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February 16th, 2007, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Lots of magical things happen when you drink more alcohol than you can realistically handle, such as having ideas for a television series involving a talking milkshake, meatball and pack of chips. This, bizarrely, turned out to be such an impressive light-bulb of inspiration that Midway has decided to make a game about it.
Alas, it wasn't actually our idea but Dave Willis', whose Aqua Teen Hunger Force series has inspired a cult-like following. He's recently been mouthing off to G4 about a PS2 take on the animated show, revealing that it's an extreme combat golf game.
"It's extreme combat golf," he said illustratively. "It's a golf game, but it's also laced with violence. Frylock is admitted to Jersey Pines, the very prestigious golf course in Jersey, and Shake wants to play, so he goes about ruining the course. So you actually do play golf, but you're battling the villains and some of your clubs might have a sawn-off shotgun."
There's a strong possibility that we'll see the game in Europe later this year, although Midway was unable to clarify any details, even the name. The publisher expects more information will be released around May.
via eurogamer
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February 16th, 2007, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Like Disgaea, Riviera is a 2D sprite-based RPG that hardcore gamers seem to be entranced by. However, unlike NIS's darling, Riviera is actually finding a US release. It'll arrive in June, featuring new event scenes, a CD-quality soundtrack and a dual-language track for voice acting (wow!). That's something the GBA version never could've handled. Heck, even the DS wouldn't be able to do that.
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February 16th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: F00 f00
Hello fellas F00 f00 from acidmods here. I just put out a video of myself doing a bit of psp surgery for a customer.
This video shows me installing a clear case, swaping all led's to blue, adding blue trigger lighting and a duel nub. All in timelaps. Came out nice. Hope you like it.
Here's the vid
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February 16th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
It's no surprise to hear that Sony's already working on the next gen PS3, but rumor has it that the new PS3 will have a dramatically different design from its current incarnation, shedding loads of that initial baby fat for a nice svelte profile. Sony Japan says that they're expected to transition to 45-nm chips by 2008. These new chips would halve the size of the PS3's current 90-nm chips, allowing for that thinner, curvier PS3. Considering how fat the current model is, the idea of a slimmer console is a welcome idea indeed.
via gizmodo
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February 16th, 2007, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster

Link has invaded a Paris Superstore and is making off with PSPs for his family and friends.
Should Nintendo be worried about this unlikely defection to Sony ?
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February 16th, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Our affiliates over at Neoflash have announced the start of their DS/GBA and PSP Coding Competition for Spring 2007, in my opinion the best coding comp of last year was Neoflash.
Heres the newspost from Dr Neo:
NEO spring coding contest 2007 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There will be 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 10 winners for PSP App, total 10+10 winners.
For the NDS App, the main concept is for MK5 GIGA system / MK motion cart and NEO2/3 applications,it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full hardware function.
The rule of NEO spring coding contest 2007 is very simple, just same with NEO summer coding contest 2006:
[1] You can enter the GAME contest and APP contest both.
[2] You must put the splash screen of "NEO spring coding contest 2007" to your production.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 division are same:
The No.1 : Nintendo Wii one set or NDS Lite console one set or PSP one set (winner can choose) or us$200 cash.
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February 16th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Fraca 7 posted this update to PSP Python :
Hello there. Sorry for not taking the time to post this earlier.
The python-psp.net site has been down for a while, due to some financial difficulties preventing me from paying the bills at WebFaction. I plan on migrating the whole thing, Trac+SVN, on my home computer to avoid this in the future. Less bandwidth, but more availability.
Meanwhile, you can still download the latest binary release here:
As well as the standard library, which should be unzipped at the root of the MS:
And the latest source here:
With my apologies.
Python is a scripting language similiar to Fenix (gp2x etc) and Lua (PSP/DS)
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February 16th, 2007, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
pegasus2000 posted a new version of Nanodesktop:
I want to inform you that the version 0.2 of Nanodesktop library
has been released.
What's new:
1. Introduced NanoTile video acceleration;
2. Introduced code deviation: it guarantees the compatibility of our modified PSPSDK with not Nanodesktop applications;
3. ndDevIL has been updated on base of 1.6.8 RC2 version of DevIL , integrating new bug fixes;
4. Introduced n different scopes in Nanodesktop library;
5. Introduced KSU (Kernel Services to User) mode;
6. Introduced Raw-IR code in Nanodesktop_HAL;
7. ndHighGUI has been rewritten to ensure fastest rendering;
8. ndHighGUI now supports new error manager system;
9. Makefile_PSPE.mak and Makefile_PSP.mak has been updated to ensure less compilation troubles;
10. Fixed a trouble in WMI routines that caused a crash when a WinMenuItem had a ZString different from its NameItem;
11. Introduced ndHAL_XFPU wrapper that provides trasparent mathematical acceleration support;
12. Written new cvSumPixels.cpp, with Ultra Fast Integration for faster performances in objects recognition;
13. Memory manager (malloc and free) now is very faster;
14. Fixed a trouble in windows maximization/minimization under PSP.
15. Introduced ndHAL_GetPad_Analog for using PSP pad in analog mode
Le applicazioni ndOpenCV App1 e App2 sono state aggiornate alla
versione 3.00, così come tutti i demo OpenCV, per supportare tutte le
nuove accelerazioni della libreria.
Nanodesktop site is:
Thanks for the attention
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February 16th, 2007, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Lumines was arguably the best of the limited lineup when Sony launched the PSP back in 2004. But, more significantly, it was also the first title out of Q Entertainment, a new studio that was getting attention primarily due to its chief creative master, Tetsuya Mizuguchi of Space Channel 5 and Rez fame.
How fitting that Lumines II should represent an equal landmark for the company. The original was published by Bandai. For the sequel, Q has gone out entirely on its own. In Japan, Lumines II is the tiny developer's first self-published title.
The game hit Japanese shops on Thursday morning, but the real fun was to be had when the sun went down and the kids came out to play. In typical Mizuguchi fashion (remember the Yokohama rave event for Rez?), the official Lumines II launch event wasn't held at a Yodobashi Camera or a Tsutaya, but at a Shibuya club. The venue was Air, a famous hot spot in Daikanyama, a few steps south from Shibuya station.
Full Article At IGN
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February 16th, 2007, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sleepy posted this news/release:
Devhook Firmware Installer: v0.6d
This program was originally created by tommydanger, as a n00b friendly way to install new scary firmwares into Devhook easily. I simply modified it to make it neater, have wider compatibility, and also support the newest firmwares. I also made it so I could win some rocks in flatmush's little contest (and because Booster could be busy right now).
To Use:
Put program in GAME or GAME150 folder (depending on firmware version), and put the update eboot in the ms0:/ (must have devhook installed, or at least dh/FW#). Run program and enjoy Devhook
Version 0.6d
*Removed error causing crashes
*Added full support for firmwares 3.03 - 3.11
*Tidied up and re-arranged code
*Bugs found and wiped out
*Smoothed out the code a bit
*Made a new ICON0 for the program
*Added support for firmware 3.02 and everything below (just in case...)
Known Issues:
None yet, and I have tested it. Seems to work fine on all firmwares.
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February 17th, 2007, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
ZiNgA BuRgA has released what he calls RCO Icon Editor v1.05. Firmware modders will find great interest in this Windows app…
Whether or not you knew this, many of the RCO files found on the PSP’s flash contain icons which can be customized. And knowing that, this tool aims to function as a generic RCO icon editor. Now anyone can easily customize XMB icons — menu icons, battery icon, etc…
The RCO must be decrypted first; this can be achieved by using a tool such as PSAR Dumper.
I cannot stress enough… Read “readme.txt” for important information.
Firstly, this has ONLY BEEN TESTED ON 3.03 OE-C and 3.10 OE. I believe it _should_ work on all 2.71 SE and 3.0x OE. For 3.10 OE, customized topmenu_plugin.rco files won’t work, but it seems that customizing other RCOs (eg opening_plugin.rco) still works.
Also note, ALWAYS keep a backup copy of the RCO, incase either you or the program stuffs something up.
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February 17th, 2007, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Vulpix
Custom tgaWave Packager v0.7
rcotool, research on textures, edited texture by Z33
orignally found by DarkStone
bat file by vb_master
some code for bat borrowed from autopopstation4
FCUT v1 by Y.F. Gamzun / VG Soft, Hong Kong (1996)
code cleanup and padding by nicinico
Templates by Al-Zamli
Instructions for use
1. Read the tutorial by Al-Zamli (2 mirrors), you can read it at: http://pspjunk.org/tgawavetut/index.html OR http://vbmaster.portablesofdoom.org/...tut/index.html
2. Open your TGA in Photoshop/GIMP/etc. Edit to your satisfation (but make sure you read the tutorial first!)
3. Save it exactly how the tutorial says (Indexed Color, Local (selective), 32 (or less) colors, Black and White with Transparency, and Diffusion.) You can now save the TGA as any name you wish.
4. Run start.bat. It will guide you through the rco creation process. Specify the TGA you would like to inject and relax as it does the rest (no more hex editing required)
5. Put system_plugin_bg.rco that was created in /vsh/resource/
6. Done!
I have included the flames.tga by Z33 to show an example of completely custom waves.
Watch the video here on YouTube if instructions do not make sense:
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February 17th, 2007, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Whats new:
4.105 changes:
In formats MPEG-2 PAL and MPEG-2 NTSC now possible create 16:9 files.
Fixed aspect detection for all NTSC DVD.
Autocrop now work faster.
DGIndex updated to 1.4.9 beta 14.
VirtualDub updated to 1.7.1.
NeroAacEnc updated to
AAC audio encodung now without sound extraction!
MP4 PSP 480 enhanced and work on long files (now quality = PMP).
1-pass x264 encoding arguments now more correct.
Mencoder updated to r22223.
Now in file path may be more than 255 symbols.
File info now loaded on job edit too.
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February 17th, 2007, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
While there's plenty of options for upscaling all those non-HD DVDs you're not ready to give up just yet, there's not a whole lot you can do to improve how your collection of past-gen video games look on your spiffy HDTV, apart from simply using a good component cable. Video game accessorizer Xploder is trying to rectify that situation somewhat, however, releasing its "HDTV Player" for the PS2, which the folks at Reg Hardware recently got a chance to test out. While they seems to have had better results than some of the other earlier reviews, they weren't without their share of problems, with the boot CD that tweaks the PS2's resolution requiring a few tries before it got going, and some games reportedly looking "like they'd been blown up in Photoshop" when they tested 'em on a 32-inch LCD. On the whole, however, they found that most games did "look a little sharper," and they seem to have been particularly taken with the metal tin the whole lot comes in. Whether that's enough to justify the $40 price tag or not, you'll have to decide for yourself.
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February 17th, 2007, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
With only five weeks until PS3's launch, games retail has expressed concern at the shock exit of Sony’s commercial director Kevin Jowett – and highlighted major worries over PS3 margins and SCE UK’s in-store strategy.
Jowett quit his position earlier this week, leaving the company immediately.
“The news came as a massive shock to us and has probably come at the worst possible time for Sony,” CHIPS joint MD Don McCabe told MCV.
“It’s been a pleasure working with Kevin over the years. He’s been a good friend to retail and whoever replaces him will have a tough job filling his shoes. We’ll be hoping that that person will work as closely with us as Kevin did.”
Sony is remaining tight-lipped, offering simply a statement wishing Jowett well, and announcing that national sales manager Mark Howsen is now the acting sales director.
But the High Street is awash with speculation. In particular, retail is concerned that no trade prices have yet been set for PS3 hardware and software.
“Some think this is a cover-up to hide some unpleasant news,” one leading indie store owner – who preferred to remain anonymous – told MCV. “There is now a feeling that they are about to be shafted by a non-indie-sympathetic sales director.”
Meanwhile, further grumbles are emerging over Sony’s ambitious plans for in-store PS3 retail ‘experiences’.
Sony has asked retailers to install display areas featuring the console, PSP, HD-TV, surround sound systems and various items of Sony-branded furniture.
“This is probably something that comes from Sony central marketing that looks nice, but hasn’t really been practically considered,” one retail games buyer offered.
“Even the smaller versions won’t work with most retailers. I wish Sony had worked more closely with us.”
A Sony spokesperson responded: “We have come up with a very broad range of trade marketing ideas. These range from quite adventurous and innovative conceptual work through to much more traditional retail solutions.”
via mcv
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February 17th, 2007, 13:01 Posted By: wraggster
Pasky13 has released a new version of his Database editor for CWCheat, Heres whats new:
Fixed a bug when using the Multi-Code feature - If you were to use the Multi-Code function, the first code would have 4 extra characters tacked on.
Added a help file. I made this as user friendly as possible although it baffles me how many people could not figure out the basic workings of the application.
Requires the .NET 2.0 Framework:
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February 17th, 2007, 13:09 Posted By: wraggster
New release from sanguinus:
In case you haven't heard of PC2PSP it is an PSP application to allow you to view a 480x272 area ,around the cursor on your PC ,on your PSP. It was orginally written as I couldn't get Portable VNC for the PSP (Ported by zx-81) working (In case you were wondering I did get it to work later). It soon developed mouse control and the ability to send strings of text. This is the fourth and possibly final release though so enjoy.
Sanguinus / Prox9
Main Info:
I have done another release and addressed a few issues and included some stuff. Such as you can now control the mouse using the analogue stick. Also there is right click (X). It is faster (I think you may want to post if you got a speed increase). But mouse control is definitely smoother.
Analogue Mouse Control
Speed Increases - i.e. more fps
Smoother Mouse Control
Loading Screen
Config file to choose quality
Bug Fixes
More Stable
This is probably my final release unless some easily do able changes are requested. I will be uploading the source code for the EXE sooner or later as well for people to edit although it requires VB6.
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February 17th, 2007, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Holygame has released a new portal for the PSP called Darkportal.
Heres whats in the latest build:
17-02-07 : 15.00
Update Of the Portal v1.5 Beta:
Add 2 Games
Help Icon removed en replaced with a Office
Add 3 Office programes
Add 3 Music songs
Link bugs solved
Add 2 Movies
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February 17th, 2007, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster

Via PSPfanboy
They said it would happen. And it has, stealthily. Like the game. Get it? Good.
1. Download the demo ZIP file.
2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.
4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.
5. Copy UCUS98641 folder into the GAME directory.
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February 17th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
One of our readers, Brian, shot us an e-mail, telling us: "I am running 3.10 OE firmware and cannot get Ratchet and Clank to run on it." That's strange, isn't it? Dark_Alex's open edition firmwares are supposed to combine the functionality of Sony's official releases with additional homebrew capabilities.
However, it seems like Brian is not alone in experiencing glitches in R&C on a OE-enabled PSP. Lucian04, from the IGN Boards, noticed a plethora of problems that simply isn't making the game fun: "Well I tried lowering the clock speed to default and tried everything up to 333mhz. The game for some reason wont run on my PSP unless I'm at 333mhz. The disc spins for a minute and then just stops. As for trying to get online, the wifi light never comes on and it never asks me to choose my network connection or anything. It just freezes @ the Ad-hoc/infra select screen"
Some are suggesting to take out the Memory Stick before the game loads. Others are pointing out that the game may be glitchy, even on regular firmware editions. I've only played this game on a standard 3.11 PSP, and experienced no glitches while writing my review. How about the rest of you?
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February 17th, 2007, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
1UP asked Shane Kim, Microsoft Corporate VP, about the possibility of Microsoft games appearing on handhelds. His answer? "We do it today. We don't publish those titles directly ourselves, we are creating intellectual property that have great appeal to customers of handheld devices. Whether you're talking about mobile or the DS -- you probably won't see it on the PSP, though."
Why the Nintendo love? Well, Microsoft wants to target the kids that seem to shy away from Xbox's older demographic. Get those kids hooked on their properties on the DS, and then hope to reel them over to the 360: "Nintendo's fine. Particularly when you talk about some of our titles from Rare. A Kameo or a Viva Pinata on a DS makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways from a franchise perspective."
However, wouldn't one of Microsoft's more mature properties, like Halo, fare better on a handheld that not only has better tech, but has an audience that would be interested in such a product? Unless Microsoft has handheld ambitions of their own ...
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February 17th, 2007, 21:43 Posted By: gunntims0103
Iv been seeing many user have difficulty running Ratchet and Clank size matters on Custom firmware. Im on 3.10OE-A' and im running it perfectly with no problems at all. It is confirmed to work as long as you have your configuration in the recovery menu of your custom firmware set up the correct way.
Here are the correct settings-
Game folder homebrew (currently: 3.XX Kernal)
Use NO-UMD (currently:disabled)
Fake region (currently:America)
Free UMD region(currently Enabled)
-advanced configuration-
Plain modules in UMD/ISO (currently: Enabled)
-CPU Speed-
Speed in UMD/ISO (currently:333)
(apparently some user's use 266mhz, try that. I'm using 333mhz and its running perfectly.)
All Disabled!
Side Note- These are the settings to run the UMD of ratchet and Clank. DCEmu is not interested in the settings to run the ISO or any other copywritten illegal ISO.
Thanks you
Infrastructure in Ratchet and Clank: size matters still does not work on Custom firmware. It is rumored however to be working on Devhook.
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February 17th, 2007, 23:48 Posted By: -Xandu-
Tired of that annoying PSP logo in the gameboot?
Want to have a clearer gameboot?
Well here it is! Homer's Gameboot Logo Remover that instantly removes the logo from your gameboot, whatever it is! 
Here's a video preview of my PSP (3.03 OE) :
-Either use the opening_plugin.rco you have or the one included in the zip
-Use Logo Remover and choose the RCO.
-Flash the RCO to vsh/resource
~Disclaimer~ This program (through software or hardware malfunction), has the potential to render subject PSP units permanently inoperative. Use this software, and/or modification to PSP firmware files at your own risk.
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February 18th, 2007, 05:39 Posted By: XioN980
Thats right King Squitter is back with another great release of his GUI:
PSX2PSP v.1.0 info:
* Source code have been rewritten from scratch.
* Added theme support. (Check pic below)
* Using popstrip and popstation in one DLL file so converting files is much faster .
* Program can create custom images. Check Default Icon0 profile for a example.
* Supports both .cue and .ccd files.
* Can save toc to both .cue and .cdd when extracting iso from pbp.
* Can use any type of pictures (.jpg,.bmp...) for icon0, pic0, pic1 and boot.
* Converting PBP files in one pass. (Can even PAL fix already converted PBP files)
* And some other stuff...
Place base.pbp in files folder. If you are using 3.03 OE-B or below, you will also need keys.bin in the files folder.
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February 18th, 2007, 06:51 Posted By: vision

Well here is something intersting a flasher that flashes anything!! That's right just put the rco in a folder the destination in destination.txt and flash it.
- Team Duck -
* This is for just about any custom firmware version, including 3.03 OE-C, AND 3.10 OE-A. *
This is basically a generic flasher which can flash whatever files your heart desires. I've tried to make the process as simple and noob friendly as possible. Please bare with me while I try to explain how this works.
So basically you have the basic program, GenericFlasher & GenericFlasher%.
Inside of the folder GenericFlasher you can create as many folders as you want and configure each folder to flash a specific file. I've included most of the popular flashes such as waves, icons, wallpapers, and volume icons as examples.
Now inside each of these folders you MUST have a last.txt(can be empty), and a destination.txt(MUST include the path of where you want the file to be flashed).
And now you can just stick all the files in each of these folders and flash them to the corresponding destination as many times as you'd like.
V1 - 02/17/07
~ Shows all files located in their corresponding folders
~ Quick installation method
~ Various error checks to ensure a safe flash
~ Displays the last installed file
- Slasher
Please use carefully THIS MIGHT BRICK YOUR PSP
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February 18th, 2007, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Xmod:
a lot of people PM'ed me asking how to split or merge the 01-12.bmp file to create custom backgrounds.. while merging can be done with just 1-2 lines of batch code, the splitting requires some batch experience. Also some people wanted an easier approach to the whole precedure (like me!) and while its nothing great, it still can come in handy.. here it is..
BG Split/Merge v1.0 by xmOD
This app lets you split/merge the 01-12.bmp file on your psp which holds the default backgrounds on your PSP. With this, you can fully customize your default backgrounds.
To split the 01-12.bmp:
1. Run the exe file of the program.
2. Enter the absolute path to the place where your 01-12.bmp is located under the split 01-12.bmp section.
If 01-12.bmp is located in C:\new folder then in the text box, type:
C:\new folder\01-12.bmp
3. Hit the Split button to split the file.
4. Go to the same place where your 01-12.bmp is and you will find a folder called "Split 01-12.bmp" which contains the split individual files.
5. You can edit any or all of the 12 backgrounds.
To Merge the individual files into 01-12.bmp:
1. Enter the absolute path to the Split files folder in the "Split Files Folder" box under the merge 01-12.bmp section.
If the folder is located in C:\new folder then, type:
C:\new folder\split 01-12.bmp
2. Hit Merge button to merge all the files.
3. Now look in the same split files folder for the merged 01-12.bmp
Although this software has been tested by me and is working perfectly on my PSP's but i still am NOT responsible for any partial/permanent bricks. Use this on YOUR risk ONLY! YOU are RESPONSIBLE if ANYTHING happens to your PSP!
Release Notes:
1. Right now i have only tested this with 60x34 backgrounds only.
2. This app is limited by me to split 01-12.bmp of upto 500 kb of size only but you can merge files of any size together. This means you can split only 60x34 pixel backgrounds but can try merging 250x142 pixel(hi-res) backgrounds. Please share the results.
Enjoy! ;-)
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February 18th, 2007, 11:03 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Vulpix:
This program lets you change the texture of the waves of your XMB.
Custom tgaWave Packager v0.8
rcotool, research on textures, edited texture by Z33
orignally found by DarkStone
bat file by vb_master
some code for bat borrowed from autopopstation4
FCUT v1 by Y.F. Gamzun / VG Soft, Hong Kong (1996)
code cleanup and padding by nicinico
Templates by Al-Zamli
Instructions for use
1. Read the tutorial by Al-Zamli, you can read it at: http://pspjunk.org/tgawavetut/index.html
2. Open your TGA in Photoshop/GIMP/etc. Edit to your satisfation (but make sure you read the tutorial first!)
3. Save it exactly how the tutorial says (Indexed Color, Local (selective), 32 (or less) colors, Black and White with Transparency, and Diffusion.) You can now save the TGA as any name you wish.
4. Run start.bat. It will guide you through the rco creation process. Specify the TGA you would like to inject and relax as it does the rest (no more hex editing required)
5. Put system_plugin_bg.rco that was created in /vsh/resource/
6. Done!
I have included the flames.tga by Z33 to show an example of completely custom waves.
Watch the video here on YouTube if instructions do not make sense:
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February 18th, 2007, 11:10 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska a few days back and it slipped completely under the wraggy radar has released a new beta of Map This, his awesome Map Viewer for the PSP that also works with the Sony PSP GPS Adapter:
Heres whats new:
Here is another beta version for those who wants to try it...
To install, you must ovewrite your current EBOOT.PBP with the new one from appropriate folder and copy the new graphics to system filder.
The PSP-290 version has some optimizations which may prevent it from hanging in 3.10 FW..
Faster reverse geodata lookup function...
Hopefully better rendering in GPS mode...
GPSlim version features most of the things rolled out for PSP-290 version:
SAT INFO screen (although display is slightly different from PSP-290 due to difference in GPS feeds)
Better trip stats logic - you can now jump in to map mode w/o loosing the trip stats.
Map rotation in map mode
Faster reverse geodata lookup
alpha sort in map/attraction menues..
Note: NMEA recording is currently disabled, untill I workout a better logic and interface to support it..
Since GPS-mode rendering logic was changed in both versions you may need to adjust SPEEDFACTOR value in config.txt to allow smother scrolling...
Download at the release thread on Deniska`s forum here at DCEmu --> http://dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthr...088#post353088
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February 18th, 2007, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
KLM have released a new version of their Homebrew Installer and it now has Vista Support.
A new version of the PSP Homebrew installer is out!
Here is the changelog:
Windows Vista is now FULLY supported
If run on Windows XP (and lower), it will launch the original installer. If started on vista, an AERO version will start
Cleaner look (for the AERO one)
Re-Structured code
Image is no longer stretched, it automatically sizes it.
For those that don`t know what this is, it is an app for developers to distribute their homebrew as an EXE file that is simpler to use.
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February 18th, 2007, 13:06 Posted By: wraggster

The Champagne Gold version of the PSP arrives this week in Japan. Im not that keen on the colour personally but each to their own.
Box contents
PlayStation Portable System (PSP-1000CG)
Battery Pack
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Price: US$ 199.90 (~103.00 GBP)
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February 18th, 2007, 13:35 Posted By: wraggster
If your a fan of Monster Hunter Portable then this is a massive week for you. heres the rundown on all the releases coming this week for the titled game in japan:
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd

Price: US$ 48.90 (~25.20 GBP)
Sequel to the extremely popular release of 2006. As well as the usual graphical improvements, theres also 4 player Wireless gaming mode.
Buy at Play Asia
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Accessories Set
Another addition for fans is the accessories set. heres the packshot:

The set contains a back faceplate, UMD Holders, Headphones and what looks to be a postcard in the theme of Monster Hunter Portable.
It retails for US$ 24.90 (~12.83 GBP)
Buy at Play Asia
Finally for the killer fan of the game and collectors is the
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Hunter Pack

it retails for US$ 349.90 (~180.30 GBP)
You get a Gold PSP, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Game, 2 Replacement Faceplates, One Carry Case, Strap and some soft toys all in the theme of the game.
Buy at Play Asia
So whos a fan of the game ?
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February 18th, 2007, 13:40 Posted By: b8a
In case you haven't been following the latest release thread, NJ updated all of his emulators on 2/16 to fix various bugs in the 2/14 (and 2/15) releases, and asked that those previous releases be removed from any sites they're hosted at, and that users be urged to download the latest releases from his page. (yes, he did specifically ask that users be directed to his page)
And Mac users of CPS2PSP and/or MVSPSP might be happy to hear that I've finished porting OS X versions of his new ROM converters for those emulators. You can get them at the MacX_romcnv release thread.
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February 18th, 2007, 15:31 Posted By: Sharpy
Well something i did for myself because i will be a month outside with my chipped psp(and there are annoying things with it), but that i guess it will be welcomed by other up users.
3.03/3.10 OE mix for UP.
This is an OE update to let UP users have the vsh of 3.03 (which is more customizable) and the kernel of 3.10 to launch psp and psx games.
I have also done this thing to fix some annoying things for up users (pressing L at boot, and at recoveryng from sleep).
- On the PSP original nand, install 3.10 OE-A (or A', doesn't mattter because the patches of A' will be applied)
- On the UP nand, install 3.03 OE-C
- Copy 303_10 mix to GAME150, and run it from the UP nand.
- Done.
Now you will have the following benefits:
- 3.03 vsh, which you can customize.
- When you execute a psp or psx game, or a homebrew, OE will switch the nand to the psp one (containing 3.10 OE) automatically, so you will be able to play psx and psp games in the higher firmware, and since it will run on the psp nand, you won't have problems with psx games or with 333 Mhz.
- When you recover from sleep mode, OE will also be back to the nand you were, so you don't need to press L (in fact, you must not press it )
- You can access both flashes via usb in the recovery.
Author: Dark Alex
Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/8zv0ar
This would be very handy for modchipped PSPs.
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February 18th, 2007, 18:57 Posted By: -Xandu-
Messing around with the rco a bit, I found that you could edit the Gameboot logo, you can even edit Sony Computer Entertainment logo in the hardboot, so here's how:
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February 19th, 2007, 00:11 Posted By: xg917
Just things left that ST has been working on and that he has to work on. Glad he is back in action
Direct Quote from his Blog: http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/
R9 Status Update
It's been a couple of days since my last post, so I wanted to give a quick update on what's left on my R9 TODO list.
- I've been working over the weekend at fixing a number of outstanding graphical glitches, putting in place a system to automatically translate n64 blend modes to the psp. This should hopefully nearly eradicate nearly all of the purple and black textures that have shown up all over the place in previous releases. This is quite an interesting feature from a technical point of view, so I'll talk about this in a bit more depth once R9 is out.
- I have a few glitches in the new UI to fix (e.g. audio can't be disabled once the rom has started, controller can't be remapped once the rom has started).
- I need to hook up a few things to the new UI (e.g. 'reset to main menu', 'take screenshot' etc)
As you can see, it's quite a short list now, so I'm still on track for releasing R9 by next weekend 
What Nintendo 64 Games Would you most like to see running at a playable rate on the PSP ?
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February 19th, 2007, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Hallo007 of his Flash Application for the PSP that can cause bricking so be extremely careful as you should with any applications that touch the Flash:
Heres whats new:
-change your CPU speed where you want
-display bug fixes
-possibility to flash custom volume bars
-possibility to recovery volume bars
-if you free space is lower then 500kb it will ask for replace dummy files
-Recovery menu is like all the rest now
-new startup sound (as requested)
-possibility to copy/paste files
-graphics update
-complete rewrited source(possibility to make faster updates:P)
-fixed bug in put your own manual site (bug made in F2)
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February 19th, 2007, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the info and whats new:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
Import formats:
Export formats:
PMP AVC, MP4 PSP 2.80, MP4 PSP 480, MP4 iPod, MP4 iPod 640, MP4 PS3, MP4, AVI, AVI DV PAL, AVI DV NTSC, MPEG-2 PAL, MPEG-2 NTSC.
Whats new:
4.106 changes:
Pause now work better.
Now all process possibly set to pause.
Fixed bugs with multiple file encoding.
VirtualDub removed.
THM now created much faster.
.WAV sound now extracted without VirtualDub help.
THM Creator now can create pictures from custom frame.
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February 19th, 2007, 10:18 Posted By: DrNicket
New release from KingSquitter!:
PSX2PSP v.1.1 info:
* Added batch mode. Check pic below.
* Added command line support. Info below.
* Added a new Customized image for icon0.
* Fixed "The application failed to initialze properly (0xc0150002)" bug.
* Fixed bug that made prog check for snd file instead of a at3 file.
To start batch mode run "Batch mode.lnk". (Only available after PSX2PSP.exe have been started at least once)
When converting in batch mode, all .iso, .bin, .img and .pbp files will ben converted. The program will check in every subfolder for theese files.
Command line:
Icon pack and design of icons courtesy of matriculated: (Original torrent by l337h4l)
If you download and extract files to ".\pics\pic1\" most games from USA will show the game cover as shown below.
Place base.pbp in files folder. If you are using 3.03 OE-B or below, you will also need keys.bin in the files folder.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The sequel to urban racer Juiced has been revealed via Swedish games mag, Gamereactor, even though publisher THQ has yet to publicly confirm its existence.
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights is being developed for a September 2007 release on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2, and PSP, potentially going head-to-head with a new version of EA's Need For Speed series.
Action takes palce across various European cities and there'll be a roster of over 90 tuned up motors to pimp. The game will be based around the Hot Import Nights series of car shows.
We've put a call THQ's way but no one was around. Stay tuned...
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February 19th, 2007, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom is working on a sequel to the recently released Lost Planet for Xbox 360 and PS3, an anonymous blogger with claimed industry contacts has reported.
The unknown poster, who identifies himself only as a caricature named Bruce Kelly, apparently learned of the sequel, entitled Lost Planet Wars, from a contact "close to the happenings at Capcom". But the report doesn't offer any further details like genre or rough release date.
CVG has contacted Capcom for the official line on this rumour, and will report the response the moment one is given.
via cvg
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February 19th, 2007, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
A new gameplay trailer from Activision's Call of Duty advance onto PSP, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory, can be viewed in our video player yonder right.
Like previous games in the FPS series, Roads to Victory relives World War II combat from the eyes of three Allied soldiers, in this case a member of the 82nd Airborne Division, a Canadian First Army rifleman and an elite British Parachuting Regiment commando.
Call of Duty's carved itself a dominant slice of the WWII FPS pie with its gritty and intense action and epic atmosphere. Exactly how well this translates over to PSP, we'll just have to wait and see. Roads to Victory is due out in spring.
Trailer at CVG
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February 19th, 2007, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
505 Games' mech fighting game, Armoured Core 4, will touch down on PS3 on April 27, just over a month after the console's European launch.
Armoured Core 4 promises to use the extra grunt offered by PS3 not only to look better than previous incarnations, but also to allow players to interact with the environments during battle.
This will, for example, enable you to destroy a wall to let extra light into a dark area or leap into water to hide just under the rippling haze on the surface, waiting to ambush an enemy. If Armoured Core 4 pulls off the fast, adrenalin-charged gameplay promised (i.e. not a bore like Chrome Hounds), we'll be looking forward to getting the full game in our hands.
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February 19th, 2007, 18:17 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai has posted a 112 per cent rise in profits for Q3, with videogame sales boosting the total figure to YEN 19.89 billion (EUR 126.8 million).
During the three months ending December 31, Namco Bandai released 88 games and sold 16.6 million units - a rise of 95 per cent with sales totalling YEN 100.22 billion (EUR 638.7).
More than a million copies of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 were shifted, while sales of PSP title Tekken: Dark Resurrection topped 800,000. Other titles which sold well included Tamagotch Connection: Corner Shop 2 for DS, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja and Mobile Suit Gundam II for PS2.
Apart from Tekken, all of the top titles would have been published under the Bandai label prior to the two companies' 2005 merger.
Q3 revenues rose by more than 95 per cent to hit YEN 330.5 billion (EUR 2.1 billion), while operating profit was up from YEN 7.73 billion (EUR 58.8 billion) to YEN 9.58 billion (EUR 61 million).
The arcarde and amusement park arm of Namco's business made an operating profit of YEN 2.32 billion (EUR 14.8 million). The figure for Bandai's toys and hobby business stands at YEN 14.76 billion (EUR 76.1 million).
Namco Bandai has forecast year-end revenues of YEN 460 billion (EUR 3.5 billion) and profits of YEN 23.5 billion (EUR 178.9 million).
via gibiz
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February 19th, 2007, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Salvaged by Ubisoft following the lukewarm Driver: Parallel Lines, the once-massive franchise is going back to basics for its PSP debut tempting us with the Hollywood car chases that made us love it so back in the day, rather than the wannabe GTA elements that plagued later installments. Set in authentic 1970s New York, in addition to the lure of bombing down alleyways to escape the cops, the promise of a classic disco soundtrack has rekindled our interest.
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February 19th, 2007, 19:02 Posted By: AvengedSevenfold Fan
It's not from Dark_AleX, it's from someone called eiffle56. The features are:
* Recovery Menu
* Boot Menu
* Integrated uxMB
* You can start 1.00 style EBOOTS
* Loads ISO/DAX files
* You can hide corrupt data icons
* You can load your own plugins(PRX)
* Autoboot EBOOTs at startup
* Never turn off the backlight in XMB
Can only install from 1.50
4.So...how to install?
Just copy all files from MS_ROOT to your Memory Stick and run the installer.
WARNING: It could BRICK your PSP. You do this on your own risk!
The installer can Update any 1.50, 1.50 Custom Firmware POC, 1.50 EE-A.
5.And how do I use this crap?
Just hold R while booting up your PSP to enter the recovery menu. From here you can unbrick your PSP and set some options.
To activate the boot menu, hold L while booting. From here you can start the XMB, iRShell and an own UI.
Note for iRShell: You need an unkxploitet 2.xx Version. Simply copy everything in flash0:/irshell.
To show the uxMB menu, press select in the XMB. From here you can activate USB, start ISO/DAX files and so on.
Note for ISO/DAX loading: You need an UMD inserted to use this Feature. If a game won´t load, hook the file in XMB(X Button) and try to start it via MPH Game Launcher.
To load plugins, simply put the path to them in the ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/plugins.txt.
You can change the Autoboot path via ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/autoboot.txt. With X at startup you can start your Autoboot EBOOT even if its disabled.
Flash at your own risk, any program that touches Flash can Brick your console
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February 19th, 2007, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
In a recent interview with 1UP, Sony's Phil Harrison revealed plans to expand the PlayStation 3's functionality to include "not just games but movies, music, HD, standard definition TV," as part of a 10-year plan for Sony's latest console.
Sony has long touted since the PlayStation 2 that its gaming machines are actually multi-purpose multimedia centers. With the inclusion of a hard drive in every PS3, Sony looks better set than ever to fulfill its promise.
"Well we made a very conscious decision in putting a hard drive in every machine and a minimum of 20GB, 60GB and who knows in the future, maybe that will rise -- you know, that tends to be a trend," said Harrison, adding that he sees the long term benefits of the hard drive. "The ten year plan of allowing people to download all kinds of digital content to their PlayStation 3 -- not just games but movies, music, HD, standard definition TV, you name it. And that was a significant investment, but it was absolutely the right thing to do."
In response to a question if the PlayStation Network could soon see something comparable to Microsoft's video service, Harrison said that official announcements weren't yet ready, but did offer, "We have a hard drive, we have a commerce engine, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we will have that on the network very shortly."
Harrison also responds to reports from earlier this month stating that PlayStation 3 price cuts may arrive as soon as sometime this year. "Well, do you know what [Sony Senior VP Takao Yuhara] said was, cost reduction, not price drop, and there's a big difference between cost reduction and price drop. So, that I believe is where the confusion came from," Harrison explained. "Obviously, we are investing our money in making PlayStation 3s cheaper to manufacture -- that's part of our business plan."
via dailytech
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February 19th, 2007, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
You've seen all our coverage so far: Test Drive: Unlimited attempts to recreate all of the functionality, online and off, of its console brethren, and from what we've heard so far: it's succeeding. Being able to drive anywhere, anytime, in Oahu certainly sounds ambitious, but does this first trailer carry the same excitement that the concept does?
Trailer Here
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February 19th, 2007, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Everything I know about tennis I learned from The Prince of Tennis so I'm not the most knowledgeable about the sport. But I do know that Virtua Tennis 3 looks amazing. If you're looking forward to getting your top spin on, than these screens will either hurt or help the wait until the game's March 20th release.
Screens at Link Above.
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February 19th, 2007, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
While browsing 4chan (NSFW) I came across this anime fan redo of the Brooktown High: Senior Year girls. The basic idea was that the current art for dating sim Brooktown High is unattractive (I can't help but agree). So this image shows what would happen if Brooktown High were made in Japan. I still think the art isn't perfect, but the girls look far more attractive than the current game versions.. Kinda makes me wish Konami just translated Tokimeki Memorial and brought that out here rather than this. Because no matter how good the gameplay is in a dating sim, if the girls aren't hot, who's going to be motivated to play? Would you rather see anime style girls in your dating sims or do you somehow find the original Brooktown High art sexy?
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February 19th, 2007, 21:28 Posted By: blackrave
Mat17 released his second version of PspIrDA today which features much better compatibility.
Here are the release notes:
PspIrda 0.0.2 ; mathieu17@gmail.com
"Il vaut mieux mobiliser son intelligence sur des conneries que mobiliser sa connerie sur des choses intelligentes."
PspIrda is an Irda Obex file transfer program which let you transfer files between your psp, your cell phone, your palm, your pc and all the devices compatible with this protocol.
For this version 0.0.2, I've worked a lot on compatibility. So the GUI is still minimalist and the transfer speed is still slow but more people will have fun with PspIrDA and it was my priority.
I can't give you a list of working configurations because there are too numerous! The compatibility is not perfect yet, and certainly will never be, but this release is a big improvement over the previous version.
I've already started working on the 0.0.3 release (or 0.1 maybe) and you should expect big improvements in the transfer speed and GUI.
I've included in the archive a debug version which outputs a debug.log and dump.log files in the pspirda directory. So if this release does not work for you, try a transfer (send or receive) with this debug version and send me the corresponding debug.log and dump.log.
Special thanks to the beta testers and especially : fanps, TTm, Ole, Glynnder, Rocky, Ben, Matt, Madi, Milosz, Richard, Shinguji, Tronupto, Kevin, Hadrien, ADX and the others
This program is released under a BSD license.
Superb work, Mat17.
Please help him increase compatibility by sending log reports to mathieu17@gmail.com.
What do you think of this?
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February 19th, 2007, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Neilkie posted this news/release:
My first released application. This will aid you in creating XMB Waves.
It has not been extensively tested, so please report any bugs you may find.
For now it is Linux only because I do not have a environment set up in Windows. A mac release will come next (Need someone to compile it) because it wont require any changes in the code. A Windows build will come when I have time (by the end of the week)
Source Code is not included, please ask if you want it.
Extract texture's from a system_plugin_bg.
Write file size index (So no file size limit)
So, without further adoo(Can you spell it?):
P.S. Requires WINE
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via neilkie
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February 20th, 2007, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Daaaaaamn. "Trade the Past... Play the Future"? That's pretty cold, EB. This image, courtesy of GAF member "Testicular Sound Express", clearly shows that the GameStop Corp-owned retailer loves the Nintendo DS Lite.
Remember when the PSP was touted as the "Walkman of the 21st century"? Say, that reminds me. I may be on G4 again tomorrow, possibly in the position of playing PSP apologist. That should be fun!
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February 20th, 2007, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
I can't wait for this one! The final retail build is supposed to be much better than the PS3 store demo. Who knows if that's true, but these screenshots sure do look pretty. This is about as close to the "target render" as we can hope at this point. If the game looks this good in motion, MotorStorm may quickly become one of my all-time faves. I don't ever seem to get tired of playing the demo.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
When I went to my local game store to pick up Chili Con Carnage last week I was met with blank stares. No matter the day, they said they didn't have the game in and didn't have a release date for it. Knowing the game was supposed to come out on 2/13 I knew it was either delayed or they didn't order any copies. It looks like the game was in fact delayed. Chili Con Carnage is now listed to come out on 2/27, so it looks like there is still a little while to wait. No other sites have reported on this delay, so its reasons are unknown. Maybe Eidos didn't want to release the game the same week as The Warriors and Ratchet & Clank. Whatever the reason, let's hope that this is the last delay the game sees.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
via destructoid
I am constantly counting down the minutes until 300 comes out in theaters. Now, I'm being taunted by 300: March to Glory, being released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Eidos for the PSP.
This is one of those movies to games that I think could actually work. The comic and film are both extremely action based, with the bulk of the enjoyment coming from the action scenes. If the in-game camera can suddenly change for when you perform a "wrath attack," which I can only assume to be something like a finishing move, to show the attack in a cinematic light, then I think it'll add quite a bit to the enjoyment of the game. The trailer shows off the finishing moves, which look like God of War meets Prince of Persia.
From the descriptions on the site, it seems as though your health will rely on you continually fighting. While this seems like something that is a little unfair, it really forces the player into the Spartan mindset of constant combat. The only thing that seems to be lacking is the amount of time spent on this game. I have a feeling that like the comic, this will not take very long to get through, and that you'll be left with a somewhat unfufilled feeling.
The game will let you play either as King Leonidas and fight on your own, or as a phalanx group. I have a feeling the game will let you switch between the two in battle, depending on what sort of enemy you're facing. There isn't a lot of gameplay footage as of yet, but hopefully there will be more information on how this combat system works later.
Anyways, take a look at the screens and let me know what you think, since this game might push me over the edge into getting a PSP, but I want to hear if the PSP owners will be buying this or not.
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February 20th, 2007, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Xmod:
BG Split/Merge v1.2 by xmOD
This app lets you split/merge the 01-12.bmp file on your psp which holds the default backgrounds on your PSP. With this, you can fully customize your default backgrounds.
To split the 01-12.bmp:
1. Run the exe file of the program.
2. Click the browse button to find the 01-12.bmp.
3. Hit the Split button to split the file.
4. Go to the same place where your 01-12.bmp is and you will find a folder called "Split 01-12.bmp" which contains the split individual files.
5. You can edit any or all of the 12 backgrounds.
NOTE: After editing, you may want to hex edit the edited files if you want all backgrounds to display otherwise only the first one would display. Refer to the link below for more info:
To Merge the individual files into 01-12.bmp:
1. Click the browse button and locate the split 01-12.bmp folder.
2. Hit Merge button to merge all the files.
3. Now look in the same split files folder for the merged 01-12.bmp
Although this software has been tested by me and is working perfectly on my PSP's but i still am NOT responsible for any partial/permanent bricks. Use this on YOUR risk ONLY! YOU are RESPONSIBLE is ANYTHING happens to your PSP!
Release Notes:
1. Right now i have only tested this with 60x34 backgrounds only.
2. This app is limited by me to split 01-12.bmp of upto 500 kb of size only but you can merge files of any size together. This means you can split only 60x34 pixel backgrounds but can try merging 250x142 pixel(hi-res) backgrounds. Please share the results.
3. I'm planning on adding file padding the third release so that you dont have to hex edit the files yourself.
Enjoy! ;-)
- Added support for browse function so you dont have to type the full path yourself.
- Added an error check which lets the user know before flashing whether all backgrounds will be displayed or just one.
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February 20th, 2007, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
New release from pj1115.:
Thanks for downloading Outa-Space PSP. First off, I would like to thank Jas0nuk and pailes for providing advice as to the best way to a couple of things!
I would also like to say that when I first announced Outa-Space PSP over at the QJ forums, the source code I asked for help with was SO shoddy; not only wouldn't it compile, it was a mite dangerous, too. Per to advice, I went and studied a bit more, and this is what I've made. It compiled properly, and it's completely different code, which has been tested extensively. There are no risks with this program that carry on from the last, so there's no need to worry, it won't bite!
This application is designed to remove any features of the XMB you don't want. That way, you would have more room for gameboots and the like.
It includes the usual font switching stuff, but you can also dispose of camera & GPS functionality, network update, the certificate utility, photo functionality, music functionality, video functionality, the XMB browser, and RSS. You can choose which ones you want to dispose of in the menu of the program, but all-in-all, if you were to completely sap your XMB of features, you could save around 4mb. =)
Please make note that removing photo, video, music (or stuff like that), only the XMB will notice a difference. UMDs and the like will heed no functionality damage, and will function fine. Also, the PSP won't crash when you try to use a deleted feature, it will simply
The features you remove aren't disabled, they're deleted, so once you get rid of them, they're gone until you re-install a new firmware. (Whether you're downgrading or upgrading, or even restoring a custom firmware, it makes no difference).
Lastly, Outa-Space PSP is designed for Dark_AleX's OE firmwares (preferably 3.10 OE-C), but it will work on 1.50+. (The only difference being that if you were to disable something like certificate utility on a firmware like 1.50, there would be nothing removed from your flash, as those features hadn't been added at the time of that firmware's release.
Still, you should be careful.
Final note:
I will not be held responsible for any damage incurred through use of my software or as an indirect result. As this program accesses vital areas of the PSP system, there is ALWAYS a small risk of damage.
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February 20th, 2007, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
As Tekken fans wait with baited breath for the next episode of the series, Tekken 6, to arrive, Sony hopes this PS3 port of the latest arcade, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, will tide you over.
The 1080p-compatible port of Dark Resurrection will be made available as a download on the North American PlayStation Store.
As well as the crisp resolution, PS3 owners will also be able to play as Jinpachi Mishima, a boss character that was unplayable in the arcade version.
Checking out the screens, you can see it lacks the super-spit and polish of PS3 games, and Tekken 6 - the game we're really waiting for - will inevitably look a lot better.
The game is already available on the Japanese PlayStation Store. A UK announcement is yet to be made.
via cvg
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February 20th, 2007, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
A load of new screenshots for the game SBK 07 - Superbike World Championship have been released.
Check them all out via comments
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February 20th, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Unique to its genre, Crush flips traditional gameplay on its head and creates a valuable new gaming experience that is wholly suited to the PSP. Set within a complex, hypnotic 3D world, players can Crush it to form simple 2D platforms, unlock secrets and then back again, to solve otherwise impossible challenges.
Crush story and characters
Danny, the main character and hero of Crush, has been hospitalised for insomnia. A troubled hero and a nervous wreck, Danny’s subconscious swims in unresolved issues. Sleeping is all he can think about, but thinking does nothing to actually help him drift away. It is his restless troubles that lead him to seek out help and ultimately to Dr. Reubens.
Dr Reubens, considered by some as a maverick psychologist, but by others as simply a raving mad scientist. Pioneering a new field in medicine, he is convinced his miracle machine will get to the bottom of Danny's troubles and in turn win him the academic acclaim he’s due. The problem is Dr. Reubens solutions aren’t strictly above board, but his patients don’t need to know that do they…?
C.R.U.S.H. Dr Reubens' pride and joy, C.R.U.S.H. is the very latest in psychotherapy. The name stands for Cognitive Regression Utilizing pSychiatric Heuristics and according to Dr Reubens, the processing power is matched only by its beauty. What makes C.R.U.S.H. unique is the ability to re-frame a patient's problems. While under hypnosis, C.R.U.S.H. will allow Danny to move between 3D and 2D as he navigates his neuroses and comes to terms with the secrets of his past.
Crush is set for release on PSP and is currently scheduled for release in Summer 2007.
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February 20th, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
New press release:
Evolve Publishing is pleased to announce that from its next issue, on sale 21st February 2007, PURE will expand its coverage to include all Playstation formats to include Playstation 3, Playstation 2 and Playstation portable.
The announcement comes at an exciting time as the European arrival of the Playstation 3 is set to reignite the market and provide a new thirst for quality Playstation information amongst the gaming public.
The re-launch issue will feature UK exclusive reviews of SCEE’s big two Playstation 3 launch titles Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man, and will be accompanied with a Resistance: Fall of Man guidebook, featuring a complete walkthrough of the blockbuster title. PURE will also be sold with a regular DVD featuring trailers and gameplay footage of top Playstation games across all three formats.
PURE’s publisher, Pat Kelly, explains: “There is a strong relationship across the Playstation formats. Research from ABI forecasts that 60% of Playstation 2 owners will eventually become Playstation 3 owners and the backwards compatibility of Playstation 3 will ensure that the PS2 catalogue will be a major consideration to potential PS3 purchasers.
Our research revealed that many of our PSP readers are also avid Playstation 2 gamers and now independent research backs up a strong link between PS3 and PS2 ownership. With its expanded coverage, PURE is now on a level playing field with other magazines in the sector and its quality and experienced journalism will ensure that we make a huge impact in the market throughout 2007, as we did in 2006 in the PSP-only market.”
Marc Powell, PURE’s editor, adds: “It’s testament to the magazine’s success, its experienced team, and our editorial policy that SCEE has given PURE the exclusive UK reviews of its big two Playstation 3 launch titles. Since our launch, we have received fantastic publisher support that has enabled PURE to carry big exclusives in the PSP and PS3 market and we hope to build on that with fantastic PS2 coverage. PURE is like the small, but smart, kid who has grown up pretty fast and we’re all proud of its achievements thusfar and look forward to competing in the wider all-formats Playstation market.”
PURE is on sale from 21st February 2007 at leading newsagents including WHSmith and TESCO, priced at £3.99 with a free DVD and Walkthrough guidebook to Resistance: Fall of Man.
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February 20th, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sega's latest tennis sim is dominating lunchtimes here at CVG, with four-player doubles games kicking off the second the lunch bell rings.
And with the PSP one looking this sweet, we'll probably be hammering it one the trains to and from work as well.
Virtua Tennis 3 will feature ten new-mini games, a re-worked World Tour mode and will let you play as the latest superstars in the sport.
Let's hope it doesn't suffer from the dire load times that plagued Virtua Tennis 2 on the handheld.
VT3 is due out in Europe on PC, Xbox 360 and PSP early next month. The PS3 version will join the console at launch on March 23.
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February 20th, 2007, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
SingStar Pop Hits is on its way to PS2 this April, and its track list is packing some big names. That's right, you'll now be able to murder songs from P!nk, Scissor Sisters and U2 in the privacy of your own home instead of on the karaoke stage at the local.
In fairness, there are quite a few decent tracks on here, even pushing the pop boundary with U2's Beautiful Day, which is a damn fine song if you ask us. And everyone likes a go at Baby One More Time, don't they? Darius from Pop Idol did. As did Travis, who, coincidentally, is also mentioned in the press release, although there's no song specified. Intriguing.
The confirmed songs are listed below, although more will be revealed at a later date to make a total of over 30 international artists. So check it out and see if you reckon you can stand listening to Lemar while you wait for your go at Black Coffee.
SingStar Pop Hits confirmed tracks:
•All Saints – Black Coffee
• Britney Spears – Baby One More Time
• P!nk – Who Knew
• U2 – Beautiful Day
• Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood
• Goldfrapp – Oh La La
• Jamelia – Beware Of The Dog
• Scissor Sisters – I Don’t Feel Like Dancing
• Sugababes – Push The Button
• Nelly Furtado – Promiscuous
• Lemar – It’s Not That Easy
• James Morrison – You Give Me Something
via gameradar
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February 20th, 2007, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
via siliconera
After four extra months of waiting Namco Bandai released Lumines II in Japan. The licensed song list has been floating around the internet and it is missing a couple songs. “Regret” from New Order, "Lose Control" by Missy Elliot and Beck’s “Black Tambourine” are notably absent. Gwen Stefani’s awkwardly included song, “Hollaback Girl” and the Black Eye Peas (according to the official Lumines II JP site, the Black Eyed Pears) “Pump It” made the cut. The main addition is a “Konomama” from Def Tech, a Japanese hip hop song. It’s obvious that licensing issues got in the way of bringing New Order’s skin to Japan, but the list is also missing music from Mondo Grosso and BoA. The 2006 E3 build had “Everything is Love” as the first skin when you played the demo and since Lumines II was taking so long to come to Japan I was betting it would have a different set of skins. It’s not the case and the USA release from Buena Vista Games is clearly the "complete" version unless you want the Def Tech skin. Now where can we track down the E3 build…
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February 20th, 2007, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Moneytoo has released a new version of his Media Player Mod for the PSP, heres the details:
Hello everybody
There were some annoying things for me in PMP Mod AVC. Through my poor PSP programming experiences, I did some changes. The most important imo was the time and battery display in PMP (have no wrist watch and dont use irShell :-) ) and some subtitle stuff. Feel free to use if you like it. Never mind if you dont. :-)
Analogue stick in filelist:
- up/down = up/down
- left = exit
- right = play
Headphones/remote control in filelist:
- forward = down
- back = up
- play/pause = play
Thumbnails are .png files with resolution 96x54 px. They can be created on pc and correctly named (movie.pmp, movie.png...) but when .pos file are generated, png will be overwritten by new screenshot.
Heres whats new:
- fixed not deleting long filenames videos
- fixed screen when no pmp video is found
- fixed "freezing" when deleting last (bottom) video
- ...work in progress
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via moneytoo
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February 20th, 2007, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Our very own ZX81 has released a new virtual keyboard for the PSP, heres the release info:
Heres what it looks like in action

Perfect for webusage 
Hi All,
I've made a new version of the javascript keyboard, using Dvorak Layout (for those who don't know who Dvorak is, i suggest you to go there : dvorak keyboard layout)
Here is a demo :
psp web keyboard
It is very usefull for me to make google search, or to enter URL in a more friendly manner
You can unzip the archive on your memory stick and then add a bookmark to the location such as file:/psp/dvorak/index.html
Enjoy !
Also Done a Qwerty layout
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February 20th, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Qaz has released a new messenger application for the PSP thats basically like Trillian for your PSP. Sign in with your Yahoo, MSN and Aim accounts on any PSP with Internet access via Wifi.
Heres the details:

Games (10)
Themes (12)
User Name Change (Make the User! in the screenshots what ever you want)
Display Picture Change (Select it from your PICTURE or PHOTO Folder)
Useful Links
Firmware: 2.70+
Space On Memory Card: 2.02 MB (2,121,728 bytes)
Internet Browser Set Up:
- Text Size: Normal
- Display Mode: Normal
[Tools] [Settings] [View Settings]
- Images: On
- Animation: On
- javascript: On
- Flash: On
[Tools] [Settings] [Cache Settings]
- Do Not Use
1) Open up the Pro-Messenger.zip folder
2) Copy the folder inside the Pro-Messenger.zip folder
3) Paste the folder in the PSP / COMMON folder
4) Goto your PSPs Internet Browser and enter file:/psp/common/pro-messenger/index.htm
5) Add it to your bookmarks and your done
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February 21st, 2007, 03:38 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via hallo007
Heres what he had to say-
First off all , this is my first prx and it has cost some time to go throught all errors
it can do much , but once again it's my first prx
-Possibility to view your battery percentage in XMB by pressing NOTE
put this in SEPLUGINS map and make a vsh.txt
and enable in recovery mdoe
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February 21st, 2007, 03:43 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via Audiocubes
Sony finally presents the all new 2007 PSP (PlayStationPortable) in Gold(only available in Japan). First, it is all about the high-quality TFT LCD that displays full color (16.77 million colors) on a 480 x 272 pixel high-resolution screen. Sony PSP features a compact size body, built-in stereo speakers, plus a battery pact together allow you to enjoy your game where ever, whenever. Sony PSP also adopts an extreme small and high-capacity optical medium UMDâ„¢(Universal Media Disc), enabling game software, rich with full-motion video and other forms of digital entertainment content, to be stored. The newly developed UMD has a capacity up to 1.8GB of digital data with a broad range of digital entertainment content such as music video clips, movies and sports programs can be provided on UMD. Sony PSP features an ultra unique and stylish design.
This is a Japanese region coded PSP. While it will play all region games (all US, European, Asian games), it will only play back region 2 UMD movies (DOES NOT playback US UMD movies). Operation manual is in Japanese but actual operation can be switched from Japanese to English at the start up screen. We only ship the latest firmwared PSP and we will not be able to find a specific firmwared PSP for our customers.
External size: Approximately 170 X 23 X 74mm (width x height x depth)
Mass: Approximately 280g
CPU: PSP CPU (operational frequency 1 - 333mHz)
Main memory: 32MB
Built-in DRAM: 4MB
-4.3 inches 16: 9 wide screen TFT liquid crystal
-480x272 pixel 16.77 million colors
-Battery pack use: Maximum brightness 180 / 130 / 80 cd/m 2
-AC adapter use: Maximum brightness 200 / 180 / 130 / 80 cd/m 2
Sound: Stereo speaker built-in
Main I/O:
-Main I/O IEEE802.11b conformity (Wi-Fi)
-USB2.0 (mini-B)
-Memory stick PRO duo
-IR remote
Main terminal:
-" Memory stick duo " slot
-USB terminal
-External power source supply terminal
-Substance power source input terminal
-Headphone / microphone terminal
Key & switch:
-Cursor key up and down left and right
-Analog pad
-â–³, 0, x, â–¡ button
-L, R button X 1
-POWER/HOLD switch X 1
-Display, sound and volume + / - button X 1
-Wireless LAN switch (ON/OFF) X 1
-OPEN button (UMD) X 1
Power source: Built-in lithium ion battery / External AC adapter
Built-in drive: Playback private " UMD " drive
Corresponding profile:
-PSP Game
-UMD Audio (profile name TBD)
-UMD Video (profile name TBD)
Corresponding codec:
-Video: H.264 / AVC MP Level3
-Audio: ATRAC3plus and MP3
-Encoding system: 128bit AES
-Copyright protective technology: Magic gate
Access control: Region and viewing age restriction (pas rental lock)
Wireless communication facility:
-Infrastructure mode
-Ad hoc mode (maximum of 16 unit simultaneous connections)
Universal 100~240V AC adapter, and private battery pack
Colors Available
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February 21st, 2007, 03:52 Posted By: EvilSeph
mediumgauge has updated his text reader and file manager program, PSP Filer, for the PSP to v3.0!
Here's what's new:
version 3.0:
1. fixed a bug that caused after changing language from Japanese to
English or Spanish, Filer was crashed when changing filename.
2. in Spanish mode, special character could be used in filename in 2.9,
that was a bug so I removed this feature. Even in Spanish mode, user
can input only English mode.
3. added Portuguese mode. (thanks Nutri Kazuma to translate)
4. added color edit function.
5. added CPU indicator.
picture viewer:
1. fixed a bug that 4 or 16 colored gray scale PNG was not correctly
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February 21st, 2007, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
More details about Turok for Xbox 360 and PS3 have been excavated this afternoon, uncovering multiplayer support for up to 16 people, which doesn't appear to be as straightforward as it seems.
Naturally you'll be able to shoot your friends in the face whilst laughing raucously over your headset, but you'll also have to watch your back for for those ageing scaly dinosaurs.
By invading their planet, which effectively is a delicately balanced ecosystem, you might accidentally have put yourself on Terry Rex's dinner menu. It seems these fellows are somewhat more of a handful than your average hamster, and may well be-line for your meaty thighs over some Jurassic wildebeest. Chomp.
The game is in development at Propaganda Games for an autumn release, with a demo expected to appear closer to that time.
via eurogamer
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February 21st, 2007, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers are reporting huge demand for PlayStation 3 as Sony gears up for what UK boss Ray Maguire says could be the company's "biggest hardware launch to date".
His comments were echoed by Gerry Berkley, head of games at Woolworths, who told GamesIndustry.biz, "PS3 pre-orders are coming in thick and fast. It is the fastest selling games product we have ever sold online and it is shaping up to be our biggest ever pre-order campaign for a console."
Berkley said Sony's new machine is "the hottest gaming system since the PS2", adding, "Demand will inevitably outstrip supply, so our advice to customers is to pre-order to avoid disappointment."
A spokesperson for Amazon.co.uk revealed that only one other product has seen a more rapid rate of pre-orders during 2007 - J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
"The customer demand for the PlayStation 3 is high and sustained and we are confident that it will take its place as one of the top selling items on Amazon.co.uk throughout 2007," the spokesperson said.
"We are only taking pre-orders until all our initial stock from Sony is accounted for - that way, no customer will be disappointed come day of release. We don't expect stocks to last long."
It's a similar story at Argos, with videogames buyer Anthony Stocker telling GamesIndustry.biz, "We're very pleased with the interest in the new PS3 and it is our most successful pre-ordered campaign for consoles."
Entertainment retailer HMV also said there is healthy demand for the console, as predicted. "Pre-orders are going well in line with expectations," a spokesperson confirmed.
But with such a high level of interest in PlayStation 3 and still just over a month to go until launch, will there be enough consoles to go round?
"Previous console supplies have been restrictive but Sony is promising such a big amount for day one that people can pretty much pre-order from whoever they like, and expect to be happy on the day of release," observed Chips MD Don McCabe.
"We've had they highest level of pre-orders of any machine to date - it's been phenomenal. Sony has guaranteed a healthy amount of units and we have every reason to believe they'll deliver."
The PlayStation 3 will launch in the UK on March 23, priced at GBP 425. Sony has previously stated that it plans to have one million units available in Europe on day one. A sizeable proportion of those will be allocated to Britain as it generally accounts for between 25 and 30 per cent of the market.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Ray Maguire said, "Feedback from retail has been incredibly positive, with early indications suggesting that this will be our biggest hardware launch to date.
"Whilst a successful launch is great, the real task is to build upon those foundations, in order to create a solid and sustainable platform, for consumers, developers and retailers alike," he concluded.
via gibiz
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February 21st, 2007, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Jalopnik has a nice little feature on how shiny drivable boxes are digitally scanned for the final release of Gran Turismo HD. The binary reproduction process includes two men in jumpsuits dimming the lights and unloading a bunch of lasers on a given car. Not sharks with lasers, but lasers none-the-less.
"It was bizarre. A red line swept across the interior. It was sort of a spacey type of a deal. The room was somewhat dimly lit, and you would see this red line sweep across - bzzzzzzzzt. As soon as it finished it was producing a 3d wireframe model to scale on the screen."
After wireframing is complete, four more nerds take comprehensive photos and videos to fill in the gaps, like turning wheels, braking, opening the hood, and every other type of human-to-car interaction imaginable. Better driving games through technology.
More Info
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February 21st, 2007, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

A battle of gigantic proportions is looming in the neon underground of New York City. The army of the night numbers 100,000 strong, and tonight they’re all after the "Warriors" -- a street gang wrongly accused of killing a rival gang leader. The Warriors must make their way from one end of New York to their turf on the other side of the city. All that stands between The Warriors and their survival are 20 miles and thousands of street gang members. The army of gangs owns the streets and there’s no turning back, The Warriors must fight for their lives and learn the meaning of loyalty as danger and uncertainty emerges from the city night.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

While on a much needed vacation, Ratchet and Clank’s rest and relaxation time is suddenly cut short as they soon find themselves lured into a mysterious quest. Following the trail of a kidnapped girl, Ratchet and Clank rediscover a forgotten race of genius inventors known as the Technomites. They soon uncover a plot more dangerous than they could have imagined.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

Gurumin is an action-RPG that puts you in the role of Parin, a young girl gifted with the ability to see ghosts. One day, while playing with spirits, an evil phantom kidnaps one of her friends. To save her friend from the clutches of the phantom, Parin must brave a massive adventure that will take her through forests, mountains, ruins, and caves. Players must guide Parin through a cute 3D world where almost everything you see is destructible. Even novices would enjoy the action, thanks to a beginner mode! The gameplay is varied, as players would clear dungeons, play mini games, and wear different costumes. This game was originally produced for PC, and has been enhanced for PSP.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

Produced in part by Marvel's dedicated game production division, this game is based on the Marvel comic and 2006 motion picture starring Nick Cage. The tormented superhero/anti-hero Johnny Blaze, once a heroic daredevil cycle rider before making a deal with the devil for his soul in exchange for the life of his father, rides in this action-packed videogame adventure. Ghost Rider features both on-foot brawling action, full of combos and hellish hits, as well as Hell Cycle high-speed racing. Famed comic writers Garth Ennis and Jimmy Palmiotti have lent their talents to the videogame's storyline.
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February 21st, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

An RPG by Kouji Okada (the father of the Shin Megami Tensei series), Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner focuses on monster collection and battles. You play as Vyse, a Jewel Summoner. Jewel Summoners are people who can summon monsters that have been changed into jewel form. While Vyse never underwent the training required to become a Jewel Summoner, he did inherit a charm from his mother which gave him the summoning abilities. Vyse heads off on a quest to find Shenah, the killer of his mother.
Vyse has some support characters at his side. He travels alongside a monster, Shateen, and will meet other Jewel Summoners, including Grey, the son of the former head of parliament, and Lin, a prophet who forsaw the destruction Shenah would bring to the world. The game features over 100 monsters, and includes ad-hoc wireless connectivity to battle players or trade jewels.
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February 21st, 2007, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK
(SuccessHK Ship PSP Games and Consoles Worldwide)

Those of you who are after the new Gold PSP can buy it at SuccessHK for $200 (£100). Unlike most other shops SuccessHK ship to the UK and Europe.
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February 21st, 2007, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have dropped the prices of their PS3 Consoles.
The 20GB PS3 is now $435 (£217)
The 60GB PS3 is now USD 549.00 (£275)
Remember that the PS3 is region free for games.
SuccessHK ship worldwide so great for those living in the UK. Now you have a real option for saving money on the £425 UK Launch Price.
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February 21st, 2007, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
MCV has learnt that Asda is to slash the price of PlayStation 2 consoles to just £49 tomorrow morning in its latest eye-catching deal on electrical equipment.
The details of the offer are still unclear, but what is known is that the deal will be limited to a set number of consoles in the chain’s 316 stores. The units will go on sale when Asda’s electrical department opens tomorrow morning – 7.30am in most stores.
One Asda store assistant told MCV: "Yes, we will be selling PS2s for 50 quid tomorrow morning. But I'd get here as early as you can if I were you. We're expecting a massive response once word gets out – and we've only got a certain number available."
It follows a similarly headline-grabbing deal run by the firm last month, when it offered a DVD player for just £9.
Meanwhile, Play.com has started selling the core Xbox 360 console for £150 – a full £50 cheaper that the model’s RRP. Rival Amazon has also cut its price on the console to £189.99.
via mcv
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February 21st, 2007, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Holygame has released a new version of his portal for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
The name Office replaced with Apps
Added 6 Games!
Added 1 Music song
Added 4 Apps
Added 1 Video
Added 4 help files!
Photo page restyled
Pagename bug solved
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February 21st, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Another Portal sees a new release, heres the info from the official release page:
Encore is going to be a complete rebuild of pspWxp 3.6. That means starting again from scratch to make a more advanced and reliable portal!
No release date will be announced until we are sure we can meet a deadline.
Encore will initially use the interface of KDE (K Desktop Environment) which is a popular interface of linux. Don't be scared by a linux interface though, it is very user friendly and easy-to-use. If you prefer a different interface, themes will be created based on Gnome, Windows XP/Vista and many more.
New stuff
- mute sound is workingfor those with firmware 3
- desktop shortcuts work
- new list of applications with most icons
Stuff i broke
- the bloody click again! it is not in the right place
- the taskbar minmax button is also in the wrong place
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February 21st, 2007, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
New release from blackbelttyler:
oK now this is the same as mod 2 execpt ..... this has specially made adress bars with are under the folder adbg, so you have to move both the bg and the adbg that you want into the design folder..
Heres what fullscreenbrowser is:
The PSP Browser has a big handicap: The resolution, the website shows often squeezed or are useless. The little Tool "FullScreen Browser for PSP 1.0" fix this problem. It resizes the resultion of the browser window to a normal resultion (as example: 1024x768). Now the websites keep it's design and are readable. This works on all firmwares since 2.0. No homebrew support required.
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via blackbeltyler
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February 21st, 2007, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Badboy:
With this simple tool you can customize your Firmware 3.0xOE
-Change your font
-Change your background images (enabled again)
-Change your gameboot
-Change Gameboot Path (loads Gameboot from MS)
-Change opening sound
-Flash a custom menu
-Version Spoof Editor
-Flash default/custom systemctrl.prx
-Flash default/custom vshctrl.prx (when on 3.03OE-B)
-Disable/Enable your Nework Update
-Flash pspctnf.txt or pspctnf_game.txt
-Dump/Flash registry
-Dump complete Flash0 & Flash1
-Restore defaults (gameboot, font, sound, menu texts and wallpaper)
Changelog v1.3
-Version Spoof for 3.03OE-B
-flash default/custom vshctrl.prx (when on 3.03OE-B)
-some bugs solved
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February 21st, 2007, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
via pspdowngrades
Zora_182 from our forums has released an update to his PSP platformer, Super Mario Brothers PSP v0.03!
The aim of the game is to save Peach, who was kidnapped by Bowser!
This addictive game never gets boring, it will have you playing your PSP for hours!
Here’s what Zora_182 had to say:
I redid the texts, makes the game go smoother, meaning that it crashes less often
I also added a little extra, so enjoy!
Sound good?
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February 21st, 2007, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
via pspvault
pspwner has released version 1.10 of his Magic8Ball homebrew for the PSP.
This new version features:
New graphics and icon by gas
Toggle USB and credits
Hacker mode controls: change answer type (POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, INDIFFERENT, NORMAL)
FANTASTIC new graphics by PSP-Vault member gas
EBOOT form for all PSP homebrew users
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February 21st, 2007, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
via Gamedaily
Following the latest video game sales data from the NPD, Sony Computer Entertainment America sent along the following facts and comments about the performance of its PlayStation products in the U.S. during January:
January 2007 was a record month for the PlayStation business with $550M in revenue for North America, this includes hardware and software for PS3, PS2 and PSP, as well as first and third party titles and peripherals. Although we still saw supply constraints at retail for PS3, we did sell a strong 243,554 according to NPD data. Tie ratios for PS3 have improved by 80% since launch and should continue to climb with the release of the much-anticipated MotorStorm from SCEA and Virtua Fighter 5 from Sega. PSP had a very good January, with hardware sales up 20% year over year, selling 210,719. PSP is closing the gap on the leading competitor, off just over 10% in total sales for the month. PSP software sales should see a boost as well this month, with the release of the critically-acclaimed Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. PS2 hardware sales stood at 299,352 with an impressive increase in software sales year over year of 20%. One of the biggest games for the PS2 will be released this March in the blockbuster God of War 2. On the marketing front, with supply levels stabilizing, February will see the first appearance of PS3 in weekly retailer advertisements. BestBuy featured its first ad for the system on February 18. Target is slated to feature PS3 in its February 25th ad.
"We are pleased with the numbers from January as they demonstrate overall sales improvements for our legacy systems year over year and continued momentum for PS3. With supply levels stabilizing, you can expect to see increased marketing for PS3 and PS2 in weekly retail circulars, which should garner strong numbers, boosted by big software launches, such as MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. PSP sales in January were exceptionally strong with the system quickly closing the gap on the leading competitor. All of this led the PlayStation brand to the biggest January sales in the history of the company in North America."
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February 22nd, 2007, 00:30 Posted By: PSP Galaxy
Heybee howdy folks! PSP Galaxy, sponsored by Play Asia, is back once more with our latest Special Edition! To celebrate the launch of our own web-comic 'Gamers Galaxy', we've compiled the first 12 issues into one easy-to-read, PSP-formatted special issue, for you to peruse at your own pace! There's so much hilarity and excitement packed into this issue, you may just get brain damage, but if you survive you can follow Cameron, Brooke and the rest of the gang at our main website every Wednesday and Sunday at www.gamersgalaxy.net .
Comic Writer: Terranova
Comic Artists: Evilution, Prime
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February 22nd, 2007, 02:30 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via strmnnrmn of his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP.

Heres what StrmnNrmn had to say-
I've been working hard making the last few changes for Daedalus R9, and I'm pleased to say that it's now ready for download
I've talked a bit about what's in this release, so I'll not repeat everything here. Here's a summary though:
* Faster
* New UI
* Audio
* Various graphical fixes
Please note - as audio support is very much 'beta' at the moment, it's disabled by default. You can enable the setting either in the front-end, or from the pause menu.
Please also note: To keep the distribution size down, I've not included any 'preview' pictures for the rom selector alongside the emulator. You can download and extract the 'Extras' file above for a few sample previews. It should be easy enough for people to create their own preview pictures - see the readme.txt for more details.
That's about it for now. Please post comments with any immediate feedback. I'm going to be a bit busy for a few days (and then I'm off skiing on Sunday for a week), but I'll try to reply to as many questions as I can in the meantime. I'll also try to get the ball rolling with my initial thoughts on stuff I want to do for R10.
Help Spread the Word of this excellent release
Add to and check out our Daedalus Compatability List
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February 22nd, 2007, 06:47 Posted By: happy_mak

Monster Hunter 2, the hunters have supposedly turned out in high numbers at major stores like the one Biccamera in Shinjuku. It is really heart warming to see that people turn up for games on our beloved handheld the PSP and it certainly shows that "show content will buy" works and $ony better get more quality games than remakes to our system
The firmware is 3.10 on the UMD and i guess we lose a lot many friends who can homebrew presently to make that shift to a firmware not yet downgradable . DARK_ALEX / NOOBZ we look forward to your exploits...
The images of the long winding lines for MH2 are below
and also here
Lets look forward to some great numbers of sales next week from Famitsu/media create
Heres the full info about whats been released:
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd

Price: US$ 48.90 (~25.20 GBP)
Sequel to the extremely popular release of 2006. As well as the usual graphical improvements, theres also 4 player Wireless gaming mode.
Buy at Play Asia
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Accessories Set
Another addition for fans is the accessories set. heres the packshot:

The set contains a back faceplate, UMD Holders, Headphones and what looks to be a postcard in the theme of Monster Hunter Portable.
It retails for US$ 24.90 (~12.83 GBP)
Buy at Play Asia
Finally for the killer fan of the game and collectors is the
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Hunter Pack

it retails for US$ 349.90 (~180.30 GBP)
You get a Gold PSP, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Game, 2 Replacement Faceplates, One Carry Case, Strap and some soft toys all in the theme of the game.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 22nd, 2007, 09:56 Posted By: DarthPaul
NJ has released a new version of his awesome Emulators for CPS1PSP,CPS2PSP,MVSPSP and NCDZPSP!
* Attendant upon the source integration of NCDZPSP, all sources were rewritten.
* Adding Japanese user interface edition with all emulators. Japanese user interface edition when it compares with English edition, about 800KB consumes memory in excess.
* MAME Plus! It corresponded to the command list of type. Please put command.dat on the same directory as EBOOT.PBP. Furthermore, when the Japanese command list is used, about 800KB memory is consumed in excess.
* The item which can be set with makefile increases, but UI_BPP32 other than NCDZPSP the one which it tries not to use is good, is. Compiling is possible, but memory is not enough and when the game cannot be started occurs.
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February 22nd, 2007, 12:19 Posted By: mesosade
update on strmnnrmn's blog:
Plans for R10
Now that R9 is finally available, I'm ready to start making plans for R10. Firstly, I really don't want to leave it so long between releases again. The longer I leave between releases, the more hype builds up, and the harder it is to meet people's expectations. I prefer the idea of doing fairly frequent, incremental releases rather than relasing versions with huge sets of changes periodically.
So I'm currently planning to release R10 sometime around the end of March. The question is, what should I focus on?
The areas which clearly need lots of work are speed and compatibility. Unfortunately it's a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation - if the emulator runs slowly, it doesn't matter if certains roms don't run, because they'd still be unplayable. On the other hand, there's no point in having an ultra-fast emulator if it doesn't run the games people want to play. As I see it, I have to keep working on both of these things - in the long term, it doesn't make sense to concentrate on one and not the other.
I think the best approach is to alternate on work between the two areas. R9 saw significant speed improvements, but almost no progress with compatibility, so I'm currently leaning towards trying to get a few of the more popular titles running. But you're the ones who are going to be using the emulator, so I want to hear your views on what I should work on next.
Please reply to this post with your opinions on what I should work on next. Have a good play with R9 to see what's changed - maybe some things are working better than you expected. Maybe some things are no longer working? Here are a few suggestions:
Speed. Make it faster generally? Is there a specific game that runs slowly which you'd like to see an improvement with?
Compatibility. Should I work on FlashRAM support? Is there a specific game that doesn't boot, or crashes the emulator? Does your favourite game boot, but then crash when you try to start playing?
Audio. The audio support is quite new. Are there certain games where it doesn't work? Should I try to improve the audio so it's less choppy?
Graphics. Maybe your favourite game runs, but there are significant graphical glitches?
Save Games. Save game support is currently 'in' for EEPROM and MemPak based saves, but very flaky. Should I work on improving this so you don't lose your hard-earned progress?
Savestate. Would it be better for me to implement savestate support, so you can save an resume a game at any point?
As I mentioned earlier, I'm going to be away all next week, but I'll try to post as many comments as I can before then. When I get back I'll work through the comments and announce what I'm going to concentrate on for R10
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February 22nd, 2007, 18:09 Posted By: gunntims0103
New releases via NJ
Heres what NJ had to say-
* romcnv_cps2 ver.2.0.6 was corrected. Also each binary of CPS2PSP 2.0.6 is completion of replacement.
* You made a mistake in version. (Really bugfix 5 is)
(You did not write, is, but because binary the other than of NCDZPSP everything is renewed to morning of 2007/2/21.)
* Because the report that was attached to the eye, it cannot draw up cash file, romcnv_cps2.exe and romcnv_mvs.exe
You rewrote once more. Please refer to readme of romcnv concerning detailed contents.
* Emulator itself is there is no especially correction, but because MAME 0.112u2 had come out, modification is reflected.
MVSPSP also bootleg that tried moves next, but (removing the RELEASE flag, when it compiles only,),
Because operation check has not gone, when it does not move you apply, please correct with each one.
Temporarily because as for big problem you think, that it was gone, then we leave to other one. Then.
* Attendant upon the source integration of NCDZPSP, all sources were rewritten.
* Adding Japanese user interface edition with all emulators. Japanese user interface edition when it compares with English edition, about 800KB consumes memory in excess.
* MAME Plus! It corresponded to the command list of type. Please put command.dat on the same directory as EBOOT.PBP. Furthermore, when the Japanese command list is used, about 800KB memory is consumed in excess.
* The item which can be set with makefile increases, but UI_BPP32 other than NCDZPSP the one which it tries not to use is good, is. Compiling is possible, but memory is not enough and when the game cannot be started occurs.
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February 22nd, 2007, 18:26 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via JP.Playstation

It is confirmed over at JP.Playstation that the new battle system update has infact been added.
Heres more details-
Releasing BATTLE SYSTEM. The new system ' Seoul blaze ' was added.
Confirmed characters are as followed-
* Ichigo Kurosaki
* Shūhei Hisagi
* Ulquiorra
* Ikkaku Madarame *
* Yumichika Ayasegawa *
* Grimmjow Jaggerjack *
* Hirako Shinji *
* Hiyori Sarugaki *
more facts-
-According to released information, this is the first game to feature playable Vizards.
-According to V-Jump magazine, this, and every other Bleach: Heat the Soul game, are based on the manga. This is very rare in video games.
This is great news as i myself am a Bleach manga fan 
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February 22nd, 2007, 20:43 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Zettablade
heres what he had to say-
So, I've decided to release vLib. What is vLib? vLib is the Velocity library, a general purpose library written by yours truly. It's been a little project of mine for a while. It's pretty fast, and has most of the functions you'd need to make a simple 2D game. I am releasing it under GPL, just in case anyone's interested.
* Loads PNG images
* Load image into ram and vram
* auto-swizzles images upon loading (makes for a much faster blit)
* Draw images
* Unload Images
* Use a linear filter on an image (to smooth it)
* Custom controller input structure
* Most basic functions needed for initlizing the gu and drawing, as well as vsync and double buffering
* A function that displays the current fps and the current available memory in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Can also display any extra info you would like.
* Load custom mdl file.
* Display models
* Primitive display list
* 3rd person camera
* Bugfixes! (yay?)
* Optimizations (duh!)
* Add in support for the following image formats.
tga bmp jpg/jpeg/jpe
* Add in support for the following 3D model formats.
obj 3ds md2
* Add in support for the following audio formats
at3 wav
* Write a player to play all the media formats listed above
* Better display list implementation
* Fix texture vram loading (not sure about this one)
* Finish image rotations
* Add image alpha masking
* Add in a bitmap font loader and printing function
* Graphical filter functions
lighting, reflection, cell shading, etc
* Video loader/player functions with video playback (someday?)
* Terrain generator
* Mip-Maps
* Functional 1st person camera
* More powerful/faster 3rd person camera
If you would like to contribute, please, go right a head. I still have plenty of features to add to it, and any help would be appreciated. If you would like to know more about this, join the #psp-programming channel on irc.freenode.net.
Everything you need to know to use this is in the readme and the included sample, if you need any help or would like to talk more about this, talk to me on the #psp-programming channel or email me. You can also PM me. I would prefer IRC though.
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February 22nd, 2007, 20:48 Posted By: gunntims0103
video via HaxxBlaster
heres what he had to say-
The video is a demonstration of Brushes v2.0, my upcoming version of Brushes.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:32 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pro-g
Pandemic has confirmed that Mercenaries 2 is coming to Xbox 360, PC and PS2 in addition to the previously revealed PS3 game.
Speaking with IGN, Pandemic senior producer Jonathan Zamkoff has revealed that, as had been expected, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is also coming to Xbox 360. More surprising is news that the PC and PS2 are getting a version of the game.
On the whole the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions will be pretty similar.
"So here's the scoop. We are shooting for true feature parity on the PS3, 360, and PC," said Zamkoff. "There will be small visual differences on those consoles due to platform specific texture compression algorithms and other platform-specific graphics implementation, but to the end-user the game experience will be nearly identical."
PS3, Xbox 360 and PC owners can look forward to online co-op play, but PS2 gamers will miss out on this feature. Zamkoff believes that the PS2 feature set is, however, "ambitious enough."
"For the PS2 we are taking a different tact. We're working extremely closely with Pi studios down in Houston, Texas. They're 100 percent focused on developing the PS2 game under Pandemic's direction," said Zamkoff. "They are using the Mercs 1 core engine and toolchain, coupled with modified Mercs 2 assets to create the Mercs 2 PS2 version. Due to memory and processor limitations we will not be able to have the exact graphical feature set (e.g., certain lighting models, etc.), but Pi has done an incredible job of having the PS2 game mirror its next-gen cousins as closely as possible."
Despite news that the game is now heading to multiple platforms, the previously announced PS3 game remains the lead SKU, although that doesn't mean the Xbox 360 version is to be treated like an unwelcome house guest.
"We started from scratch to program for the multiprocessors on both machines. They were both in mind when we were writing the text, so we didn't want to create a PS3 engine, which was and has been, and is, our lead SKU, but we didn't want to ignore the Xbox 360," explained Zamkoff. "Even though we're just now announcing the 360 version, we have been working on it for quite some time."
Mercenaries 2 is shaping up well and might well end up on your 'must have' list in the autumn.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:38 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamepro
High Moon Studios is organizing a developer workshop and collaborating directly with IBM to resolve issues it has with Sony's Cell microprocessor technology.
While Sony may be offering its services regarding issues involving their Cell microprocessor, some developers would rather go elsewhere. According to a report from Next-Gen, High Moon Studios, the team behind the PS2 game Darkwatch, has begun collaborating with IBM engineers to unlock the secrets of the Cell, the tiny, but powerful chip that makes every PS3 run.
Although the Cell processor was a joint collaboration on the part of Sony, Toshiba, and IBM, Sony had very little to do with the creation of the chip, says High Moon Chief Technical Officer Clinton Keith.
"We've been talking to Sony for almost two years now, but they didn't create the Cell," Keith claims. "They created the architecture for the PS3 and they've created a lot of the developer libraries. We've had access to those [Sony] engineers... but they're not the hardware engineers. We want to hit [the Cell] on all fronts. We're talking to the guys [IBM] who designed this chip and have been working on it for five years now."
As a result, High Moon has invited IBM engineers and a handful of other Vivendi Games studios, such as Swordfish and Radical Entertainment, to a workshop that aims to teach developers how to effectively harness the power of the Cell. The workshop will take place this week at High Moon's offices in Carlsbad, California.
High Moon hopes to use the information gathered at the workshop towards creating an as-of-yet unannounced PS3 project. The development studio is also currently working on an unnanounced Xbox 360 game as well, according to Keith.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:42 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ps3.ign
Activision gives Sony owners special treatment and unleashes the Goblin.
With all the Spider-Man 3 news, previews, and interviews hitting the World Wide Web today, some might think that finding original information that hasn't already been done to death might be hard to come by. And certainly for some videogame fans, that observation might be true... but not for PlayStation 3 owners -- they're getting something a little extra thanks to the folks at Sony and Activision.
So what exactly are they getting? The PS3-exclusive "Spider-Man 3: Collector's Edition," that's what.
Scheduled for a simultaneous release with the regular version of Spider-Man 3 in early May, Spider-Man 3 Collector's Edition will add a number of bonus features not available on other platforms. Webisodes from the Spidey 3 movie, an exclusive interview with producer Avi Arad, and behind the scenes talks with Tobey Maguire, Topher Grace, Thomas Haden Church, James Franco, JK Simmons, and Bruce Campbell are also included. Players will even be able to access special Spider-Man 3 trailers and a couple of other undisclosed goodies.
But that's not the best part.
No true believers, the best and most interesting addition to the PS3 Collector's Edition is the ability to play as a completely different character, the "New Goblin." Using a unique locomotion system that's entirely controllable with the Sixaxis gamepad, the New Goblin will be able to zip through the city streets and between skyscrapers and other buildings at super-high speeds.
Activision wouldn't elaborate much further than that, other than to say that New Goblin will have access to 10 exclusive race challenges and the ability to participate in every "Crime Event" in the city -- allowing him to use his pumpkin bombs against all three city gangs and a multitude of other plot-driven enemies.
Though we obviously have to wait awhile to learn more about the New Goblin and his unique abilities, PS3 fans can still discover plenty about the primary mechanics of Spider-Man 3 by following our list of newly-updated links located below.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psu
You might feel that the PlayStation 3 is over-priced in your country but think yourselves lucky; Greece retailers will be selling the PS3 at 659 Euros, about 442 GBP.
Online stores are listing the 60GB package of Sony’s new entertainment system at the high price, and this is €60 more than the deal set to launch in the rest of Europe.
The PlayStation 3 will launch in Europe on 23rd March. Stay tuned to PSU as we’ll have full coverage of the event as it unfolds.
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February 22nd, 2007, 21:59 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via advancedmn
Not afraid of Nintendo's strong first party sales.
Translated from a Japanese interview with Hideki Okamura, Sega managing director, Sega will be shiftin their focus from PSP to the Nintendo DS.
"We have to do a lot of thinking about titles for Nintendo's hardware, because Nintendo's own titles are extremely strong. It really is difficult to sell a title as a third party. What that means is that we've got to go after it with force: 'heave-ho!'".
Included in the interview is mention of a DS title coming out this year that will "surprise absolutely everyone". More details as they arrive.
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:01 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via pocket gamer
A real-time strategy game may be just what Sony's handheld needs
In terms of difficulty, securing a publishing deal as a start-up video games developer is as tricky as finding a suitable use for the Millennium Dome. And if what you're trying to get published isn't part of an existing franchise or licensed to a major brand, then you may as well step into a Canadian grizzly bear sanctuary wearing a blazer lined with the freshest Scottish salmon. You'd have a better chance of winning over the bear than attempting to sell an original game idea within a publisher's meeting room (and you won't get torn to pieces as much – grizzlies aren't a match for marketing men).
So it's tough to be lost in the gaming space without a publisher – but Tiki Games isn't afraid of boldly going where few have gone before. Undeterred by the cold darkness of uncertainty it faces, the developer has been working on Galaxy's End, an original sci-fi realtime strategy concept designed specifically for PSP. This means that the convoluted control system usually associated with such titles has been streamlined to compensate for the fact that the last time we looked, the PSP didn't come with a slide-out keyboard.
We don't know how well this works in practice (Tiki is reporting the feedback it's had so far in this regard has been encouraging) but judging from the work-in-progress screenshots and accompanying trailer (click 'Watch It!'), all of the staple elements of an RTS appear solidly in place.
Galaxy's End currently seems promising, even if unlikely to prove revolutionary. That's by no means a criticism – the PSP could certainly do with an RTS, if only to broaden its horizons, and in the absence of competition there's surely no need to re-invent the warp drive?
Of course, without a publisher on board we'll never know, so let's hope one keeps its marketing department at bay long enough to give Galaxy's End the chance it seemingly deserves.
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:03 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via presszoom

HGZine, for handheld gaming, brings top quality editorial to gaming fans of the Sony and Nintendo mobile platforms.
(PressZoom) - After the successful launch of 360Zine for Xbox 360 gamers and PCGZine for PC gamers in 2006, Cranberry Publishing Ltd is pleased to announce the launch of HGZine for Sony PSP, Nintendo DS and mobile phone gaming enthusiasts. The launch issue is available now from the Gamerzines website.
“As an avid handheld gamer myself, it's great fun to edit a magazine dedicated to DS, PSP and mobile games. They're usually herded to the back of multiformat print mags and never given the attention they deserve - it's time to redress the balance. ,” says HGZine Editor, Keith Stuart. “With HGzine, we can offer the editorial values and beautiful, readable design of a print publication, with the immediacy of online. It's absolutely the best of both worlds.”
Keith is a veteran game journalist, and is one of The Guardian’s game bloggers. He has previously worked on respected games magazine, Edge.
HGZine is written by professional games journalists and made available in digital format for free. On top of the high quality editorial, the magazine is enhanced with embedded video and interactive media, such as quizzes, annotated screenshots and animated images appearing on the pages themselves.
Issue 1 includes reviews of Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Mario vs Donkey Kong 2, Ghost Rider, Dungeon Siege Throne of Agony, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin and Bomberman Land Touch. There are also previews of Driver 76, Burnout Detonator, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Manhunt 2 and Call of Duty Roads to Victory, and many more.
HGZine is a Gamerzine, published in PDF format. Readers simply require a copy of the free Adobe Reader ( version 6 or above ) to read the magazines. Each Gamerzine includes more than 30 pages of professionally written games journalism and is enhanced with embedded video and multimedia.
HGZine can be downloaded now from: http://www.gamerzines.com/
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
Developed by Core Design Free Running is the world's first ever video game based on the urban phenomenon of parkour.
Rebellion acquired all rights to Free Running game along with the registered trademarks, through its acquisition of the former Core Design Studios in Derby from Eidos earlier in the year.
In addition to featuring characters based on the leading free runners in Europe, Free Running has been developed with the help of the sports brand specialist Adidas. Their Free Running apparel and high fashion training shoes all feature in-game.
Peter Rezon concludes; “The initial launch will take place across Europe in Q1 2007, with the US release coming shortly after that.
Screens via link provided
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February 22nd, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
Developed by Core Design Free Running is the world's first ever video game based on the urban phenomenon of parkour.
Rebellion acquired all rights to Free Running game along with the registered trademarks, through its acquisition of the former Core Design Studios in Derby from Eidos earlier in the year.
In addition to featuring characters based on the leading free runners in Europe, Free Running has been developed with the help of the sports brand specialist Adidas. Their Free Running apparel and high fashion training shoes all feature in-game.
Peter Rezon concludes; “The initial launch will take place across Europe in Q1 2007, with the US release coming shortly after that.
Screens via link provided
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February 22nd, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: blackrave
hallo007 has made an update to the great plugin for custom firmwares that shows the percentage of battery left, aswell as how many minutes you have left.
The release notes:
Start up button is HOME
Possibility to look at the minutes left for battery
See the CPU speed
Battery is lower then 20?-->text is red
Display fixed
Bug fix
Put battery.prx in ms0:/seplugins, add the line ms0:/seplugins/battery.prx in vsh.txt and enable in the recovery menu. Should work for most custom firmwares.

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Via hallo007
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February 22nd, 2007, 23:33 Posted By: blackrave
BG Split/Merge v1.3 by xmOD
This app lets you split/merge the 01-12.bmp file on your PSP which holds the default backgrounds on your PSP. With this, you can fully customize your default backgrounds.
- The long awaited file padding is now added to the app.
- Added support for browse function so you dont have to type the full path yourself.
- Added an error check which lets the user know before flashing whether all backgrounds will be displayed or just one.

Please read the readme for help and release notes.
Also note that this app requires Microsoft .NET framwork 2.0 or higher.
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Via xmOD
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February 23rd, 2007, 00:39 Posted By: blackrave
News via 1UP
According to 1UP's Sam Kennedy, Warhawk for the PS3 is not going to be a full retail game after all. He believes this could be a great demo by Sony, indicating their desire to provide not only fun arcade games but quality and in-depth games.
It's interesting, because I know a lot of people's perception of the game will change once they hear it's downloadable over PSN as opposed to being a full retail game. It shouldn't. I believe this could actually become a great demonstration of what Sony has in store for us with downloadable games.
Mark my words: While Sony definitely needs to catch up with Microsoft in a lot of respects when it comes to online, they are going to lead the way when it comes to downloadable games this year.
Nintendo seems pretty content with the retro stuff for the time being, and Microsoft, despite initially wowing us with cool stuff like Geometry Wars, has pretty much kept everything relegated to this "Arcade" philosophy (as in minigames/simple experiences -- only recently did it scrap its file size limit to accommodate bigger games like Castlevania SOTN), but Sony is approaching these PSN titles as "real" games that you can buy online.
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February 23rd, 2007, 01:19 Posted By: EvilSeph
Team tOc is proud to announce the release of Battery InfO!
Battery InfO
v1 by Team tOc
Members of Team tOc are: EvilSeph, Moca, TUW (The Unique Warrior), MaTiAz, Ahadiel and kando
Battery InfO is an OE PRX that provides you with easy access to detailed information about your PSP's battery. Why is this needed? Well, usually to get such information you'd have to go through your xmb and go to Battery Information. With our PRX, it's all right there on the screen already. Battery InfO is just a small part of a larger project we're busy thinking about (maybe working on...who knows? :P). One cool feature apart from the customization of how the information is presented is the ability to hide and show the information at the press of a button. By default the Battery InfO displays on the screen.
When displaying some screenshots of what we were working on some people gave us suggestions and that resulted in completely different versions of one plugin, so, we decided to give everyone the best of all three worlds.
We were going to be the first to do this, but then hallo007 released his first. We chose to make ours better before releasing it and tried to make it as useful as possible, as well as aesthetically pleasing.
As always, we stress that you read the readme.txt AND, in this case, the configuration text too as they both contain important information.
On a side note, please welcome MaTiAz to our team! 
Download can be found in the downloads section on our site or attached to this post.

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February 23rd, 2007, 02:19 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via thepodcastnetwork
The PSP Show #31 - Pilot Academy and Snakes on a Plane (MP3 8.66 mb 12 minutes 34 seconds)
The puzzle genre loved Lumines. Lumines 2 left us a bit “okay so there’s more… of the same” but what to make of......
listen via link provided-
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February 23rd, 2007, 02:42 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via bhunter

heres what he had to say-
This is a PC based application which will reorder your Game menu on your PSP to the order you select.
Handy to be able to mix up your Homebrew files and its just great to make sure that the Recovery folder lives down the bottom.
Blade Hunter
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February 23rd, 2007, 06:14 Posted By: shadowprophet
As some ps3 fans may already know. Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection is in the process of being nipped/tucked to become a ps3 downloadable. Recently Haruki Suzaki, The Tekken project director
Gave an interesting interview to the folks over at IGN.
Here is what that interview had to say. about this much anticipated downloadable.
IGN: Thanks for taking time out to quickly answer a couple of our questions. First up, how long was the team working on this port?
Haruki Suzaki: The Japanese version took about two and a half months.
IGN: One question we've gotten from readers since the day the game was announced is what improvements will we see over the arcade version? Is it only an upscaling to 1080p or is there more to it than that?
Suzaki: The best part about this game is the fact that it is a complete port of the arcade version of Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection. You will find that nothing has been changed about the nature of the game play itself. On top of that, it is fully HD compatible, which means that the graphics will look exceptional on any wide-screen TV that are becoming so widely available on the market these days. Being the console version, players will be able to play as Jinpachi Mishima, who has only appeared as a boss character in Tekken 5 and Tekken 5DR up until now.
IGN: How challenging was it to move Tekken from an arcade game to a PS3 downloadable title? What was the most difficult hurdle you had to overcome?
Suzaki: In a technical sense, it wasn't very difficult to port this game since the PS3 hardware is more powerful compared to the arcade hardware. Since the ability to display graphics differ so greatly, we had a difficult time recreating the stages and rearranging the combinations of the characters. It was difficult for us to reach our goal of 1080p. In addition, the short development time span represented to be the biggest setback for us, as we had not initially set aside time for this in our schedule.
IGN: Have you added anything new to the backgrounds or additional polygons or texture detail to the character models?:
Suzaki: Since the arcade version usually requires more detail than the console version, we were able to use the backgrounds, textures and character models just the way they were. In the past, we actually had to remove polygons or make the size of the texture smaller for the console version, but being a complete port this time, this is the first time we were able to fully utilize the assets. With the high definition graphics this time we had to use refine certain areas where the texture was rough.
IGN: Are you considering adding downloadable content or perhaps an online-multiplayer patch?
Suzaki: We initially planned to have the Gallery Mode as an additional downloadable content. If the demand is large enough, we may consider adding this feature. Actually, half of the downloadable contents in the US version were not originally available in the Japanese version. Other additions are undecided at the moment.
IGN: Will there be any other differences between the US and Japanese versions at all?
Suzaki: No, there will not be any difference between the US and Japanese versions
IGN: Were there adjustments made to characters in the PSP version and if so, will those adjustments be moved to your port of the arcade version? Are the characters 100% true to the arcade original?
Suzaki: We did not make any adjustments to the character for the PSP version and there will be no adjustments to this time either. For the PSP version though, we had to work around the mechanics of the character receiving damage as they hit the wall as a result of an attack due to difference in hardware. However, this time there is no difference in mechanics between the arcade versions this time; we were even able to keep this aspect the same.
IGN: Will you include any of the PSP version's exclusive modes?
Suzaki: Since this title was intended to be a compact port of the arcade version, there will be no PSP exclusive modes. However, a handful of features that were popular in the PSP version were included. For example, the idea of the Ghost Battle Mode, where players can earn fight money bonus depending on the outcome came from the PSP Gold Rush Mode.
IGN: On a totally unrelated note, SEGA's Katsuhiro Harada and yourself acknowledged several years ago that a "Tekken vs. Virtua Fighter" game was something you'd like to do one day. What are the chances of us ever seeing that?
Suzaki: I had the opportunity to speak with the director of Virtual Fighter on many occasions in the past and actually talk of collaboration came up again recently. Being from the same industry, this is something we definitely would like to try at least once. Looking at it from another perspective, we began to realize that it would actually be more difficult to make this happen than we first thought. More than anything, we believe this decision greatly lies in our fans. So, we would actually like to ask for our fans' opinion on this.
IGN: Thank you Mr. Suzaki.
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February 23rd, 2007, 13:09 Posted By: shadowprophet
Recently IGN has posted some rather interesting new pics from God of War 2 For the ps2. As a God Of war fan, I couldn't resist Picking up a few and showing them off.
There where Quite a few new ones all dated February 22. I've only posted a few of the more interesting ones here to save space. Make sure To check out IGN If you want to see them all.
Here We see Kratos in Flight for the first time.
A Nice Look At Krato's New Wings
 Coming In for a landing.
And check out some of these environments
If you look closely you can see kratos in this pic.
What can be said beyond this point. God of war 2 looks Stunning.
I think I speak for us all when I say Bring it on!
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February 23rd, 2007, 14:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via game watch
As for “the DSLite charge cradle” of UGAME charge private stand. To tell the truth, the DS Lite private charge stand of the domestic manufacturer appearing as for this product the first time. 83rd introduced with time “the charger stand for DSLite” at the overseas manufacturer make procurement characteristic was low, but you happen to see this product frequently even with the home appliance mass sales store and the game shop.
And, it becomes the charge stand for PSP, also it checks “stand charger P+”. As for PSP, AV player function such as playback of animated picture and music and cooperation with the remote play which is loaded onto the 60GB edition of PS3 has been complete. If these functions are used at the interior, the stand is the necessary item.
“It tried buying with our stomach!”With the corner, the play station 3 (below, PS3) it purchased “PS3-ESATA” of the adapter and the professional inclination which can exchange HDD to the external HDD of 3.5 inches, tried reporting the use impression.
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February 23rd, 2007, 14:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
Baseball fans be excited because the MLB 2k7 soundtrack is getting great reviews. Tim Rosa, 2K Sports' Director of Brand and Lifestyle Marketing said that "producing this soundtrack was like making a mix tape for a friend, especially considering the profile of the artists and the quality of the songs.
Heres a list of what will be in the soundtrack-
# 311 "Down"
# Bishop Allen "Middle Management"
# Cities in Dust "Emergency"
# Death From Above 1979 "Little Girl"
# Dixie Witch "Set the Speed"
# Editors "Munich"
# Five Horse Johnson "I Can't Shake It"
# Greatdayforup "Man’s Ruin"
# Les Savy Fav "Hold On To Your Genre"
# Nerf Herder "High Five Anxiety"
# Nirvana "Breed"
# Sublime "Summertime"
# Tapes 'n Tapes "Insistor"
# The Jealous Sound "Naïve"
# The M's "Plan Of The Man"
# The Pixies "Mr. Grieves”"
# The Specials "A Message to you Rudy"
# The Stooges "I Feel Alright"
# The Thermals "A Passing Feeling"
# The Walkmen "The Rat"
# Wolfmother "Woman"
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February 23rd, 2007, 14:58 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gamezone
“It's this management of your own internal resources, combined with mastering combos and special moves to kill specific enemies, that really defines us.”

“The main reason for this decision was simply time,” said Producer Jeff Nachbaur. “Movie games have a reputation of being poor and we here at WBIE (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) are really trying to fight against that trend.
“More often than not, the biggest issue is that by the time a movie is greenlit and starts filming, it's usually already a very tight development schedule. When we looked at this, we considered our timing and the resources we had available, and to make a movie launch date, we decided the only game that we could really be sure to do well in our time frame was a PSP title. But that's not to say that there won't be something in the future. If the film becomes a classic and our game does well, who knows what may happen.”

You play as King Leonidas, correct? What kinds of strengths and abilities does he have?
Jeff Nachbaur: Yes, you do play as Leonidas. Aside from all his weapon abilities, he has Battle Skills. These are four special abilities that the player will unlock as they play the game. Every time you successfully hit an enemy, you get a little bit of Wrath. When you build enough Wrath, you can then activate a Battle Skill. While the Battle Skill is activated, every hit on an enemy gives you health instead of wrath. It's the way that Leonidas heals himself. It's all about calling on his own inner strength and fortitude to keep going in spite of injury.
Potions and the like just didn't seem very Spartan. It should be all about the warrior and not anything else. That's what a Spartan is. These are guys who went to war naked.
Anyway, we have four different Battle Skills, each with a different effect. There's Fortitude (a quick instant heal), Blood Drunk (a battle rage that increases damage), Defense (Leonidas automatically blocks all incoming attacks), and Eye of the Warlord (time slows for Leonidas, allowing him to dodge enemy attacks and attack them more quickly). Then he has all his combos and weapons. He's a formidable guy.
Tell us about the gameplay. Is this a free-for-all kill-everything-in-sight kind of game, as the movie's battle sequences appear to be?
JN: There is a whole lot of killing of Persians as you would expect. However, there is more to it than that. Our combat system is a bit more thoughtful – it isn't a button masher. You can button mash for the first level or so, but after that, you really need to start thinking about what you're doing. Our solo combat is deep, allowing you to upgrade weapons, use special abilities we call Battle Skills, unleash Wrath attacks, and perform combos to dispatch enemies.
While you are constantly in the action, you are also regularly managing your wrath and health. It's this management of your own internal resources, combined with mastering combos and special moves to kill specific enemies, that really defines us. Then, of course, we have our non-solo sequences, the phalanx, where the gameplay changes for a bit and allows you to control an entire line of Spartan soldiers.
Could you give us an idea of what the missions will be like?
JN: The inspiration for our missions comes directly from the film or comic. For instance, our fourth mission is called First Day. It is inspired directly from the comic's "First Day" at Thermopylae and it is the first big battle between the Spartans and Persians. Although each mission starts with a specific goal in mind, the goals usually change and evolve as the story unfolds. It's all about telling a particular piece of the story. Each ends with a sort of set piece, usually a boss battle or some sort of environmental puzzle. There's a sense of finality to each of them… none of them just end.
In addition, each mission allows you to get to know one of your allies a bit better. Our second mission focuses on Daxos, our third on Astinos, our fourth on Stelios, and so on. This helps the player feel a little more connected to these characters and makes him more invested in the game's ultimate goal, instead of just having a whole slew of faceless Spartan warriors.
Does the game share the same story as the film? How is the story presented – how does it unfold?
JN: Generally, we follow the story of the film and the comic; we are dealing with the same history after all. However, it's only a general guide for us. We don't stick to it like glue. We move things around as needed to hit the dramatic beats that are best for gameplay. We found this to be much more important treating it as canon.
Our big story moments are in our cinematics that occur between missions. These provide the scope of the story and the setup. Then, our short in-game cut-scenes provide the moment-to-moment story needs of the gameplay. But all the key beats are there. The Immortals, the hunchback's betrayal, the Captain's son being killed… it's all there, although it may not happen in the same place or exactly how you remember it.
Since the battles will be large-scale, what did you find when working with the PSP? Did it allow you to have as many characters on screen (simultaneously) as desired?
JN: The PSP has a lot of graphical power, so getting a lot of guys on screen wasn't the problem. What was a real challenge was putting Collision on them and allowing you to interact with them… you are a bit more limited in processing power with the PSP. So, we really had to perform some tricks.
We limited collision and interaction to only those that are near you, which allowed us to put more characters on the screen in the background, in cut-scenes, etc. This provides the illusion that there are a lot of guys there. When you are playing, we control the camera and are able to get enough enemies on the screen to make it feel full. So, when you are fighting, you never get the feeling that there isn't much going on. In fact, it can sometimes be overwhelming. We were able to get the feel of a battlefield, but it took a lot of work by Collision to get there.
Is there a specific engine powering 300: March To Glory?
JN: Yes. Collision licensed the Vicious Engine from Vicious Cycle. I believe it was the first Sony-endorsed middleware engine solution available for the PSP.
What kinds of weapons can you wield?
JN: There are three basic weapon sets available. We have spear & shield, sword & shield, and dual swords. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The spear allows you to pierce armor and break shields. The sword is good at dealing out damage to unarmored opponents. The dual swords is crazy fast, but you lose the security of a shield. The shield can be used as a weapon. The spear can be thrown and instantly kill baddies, but then you lose it. The shield can be thrown and picked up again. Not having a shield allows you to dodge and roll quickly. So, despite having basically two weapons in the game, your weapon choice has a myriad of gameplay effects.
Is there an armor and/or upgrade system of any kind?
JN: Absolutely. Every time you successfully kill an enemy, you gain what we call Kleos, which is a Greek word for "renown" or "honor." This is our currency and allows you to buy new combos, and upgrade battle skills and equipment. Each sword, spear, shield, and set of armor has five different levels. Each battle skill has three. There is tons of stuff to upgrade…it's a very big part of the game.
Are there any bosses or specific fights that must be overcome in the game?
JN: Boss battles are plenty. Each mission ends with either some sort of puzzle or boss battle. In fact, we loved boss battles so much we even introduced a few new ones not seen in the comic or movie. We took Hydarnes of the Immortals and Mardonius directly from history. Both were around at that time and led troops for Xerxes. Both are bosses in the game and play a big part in our story.
We also took bosses directly from the film, such as the Uber Immortal and the Executioner (that big fat guy with his forearms sharpened into axes). Finding bosses was never an issue…the film, in that regard, is very much like a videogame.
What is the ultimate goal in 300: March To Glory?
JN: To kill as many Persians as possible and create a grand legend that allows the Greeks to eventually defeat the massive Persian horde that threatens their freedom. Oh, and have a whole lot of fun in the process. And decapitate a whole lot of baddies. I think that's it.
Thank you for your time.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:05 Posted By: gunntims0103
new xmb via undertaxxx
heres what he had to say-
Because everyone send me massive amount of pm's and emails i decided to share my whole xmb with all of you. because Innercy have full permissions to share the Icons in psp format we can all enjoy them. Original coming from deviantart and made by Sérgio Catumba and than Innercy from Qj make the icon to 32 bits psp format. Than i decided to restyle everything on the xmb so it's looks perfect with the high resolution icons. Sony must take maybe for psp2 new designers ? . Anyway enjoy it all
Whats all in this package ?
- 32 bits High Ress Black Icons
- 32 bits High Ress Battery Icon
- 32 bits High Ress Volumebar
- 32 Bits month background + Bogus Waves
- 32 Bits High Ress Load Icon (game, savedata, photo & corrupt)
- 32 bits High Ress Load Circle (Right Corner thing)
- Xmb line, Schadow, Selectbar ar customized to Black/Cromé
- All other thats included and i forget

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February 23rd, 2007, 15:11 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via mcdongle
heres what he had to say-
Well I finally got some spare time to get pspWeather up to a certain point that I felt was "ok" to release it. There are a few features I still want to implement, but I hope you enjoy the update.
NOTE: This release is intended for firmware v1.5.

pspWeather v2.0b
by mcdongle
pspWeather comes with absolutely no warrenty of any kind. By using this application
you are taking full responsibility of your actions and what it may or can do to your PSP.
- See versions.txt for changes
- I know there is some text that doesn't center properly. This will be fixed at a later date.
- Only up to 10 wireless access points will be shown. I will also fix this later.
- You may want to clean out your data directory every so often. I haven't implemented anything to clean it yet.
- PLEASE DONT EXIT/POWER DOWN/REMOVE MEMORY STICK while memory stick light is on!
Edit \PSP\GAME\PSPWEATHER\config.xml with any text editor and place your location code
Search for your location code!
- Go to http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where= and type your location there.
(eg"http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where=Rome Italy"
- Then read the displayed location id's, and choose which one you need. (eg <loc id="ITXX0067" type="1">Rome, Italy</loc>So use ITXX0067 in the config file)
That's it! Run the program and enjoy!
If you have any comments/suggestions or bugs to report, please email me at
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:17 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign

Burnout Dominator from EA Games will definitely have us pushing the pedal to the metal and our fingers on the NOS button. Watch your back though as your opponents won't hesitate on turning you into a piece of roadkill - or a piece of burning twisted metal for that matter. In game, you'll have all the freedom to drive like a maniac and leave skid marks as your signature.
Burnout Dominator challenges gamers to face off against a series of hot-blooded rivals in brutal tests of aggressive driving techniques where performing burnouts gives you the advantage and multiplies your score potential.
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February 23rd, 2007, 15:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via hallo007

This application if very good for customizing your firmware. This program does write to flash. Be advised that no one is responsible besides yourself if you brick your psp!
Changelog for Flash Agent F4
* Bug fix : crash after relink dummy files
* Bug fix : a "." can eb added in your own instruction manual site
* Bug fix : Manual hacks should work 100% now
* Graphics Bug fix: dumping
* new start up
* !!Security upgrade!!
* Music can be played under file browser
* screenshots can be made while pressing note
* Possibility to flash system_plugin.rco and recover
* Possibility to flash game_plugin.rco and recover
* Firmware version showed while start up
* Possibility to view the size of a file
* Possibility to move faster in file browser
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:07 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via slashgear
Good news for all of you PS3 owners out there. I’m sure you could use some good news after shelling out as much money as you likely did and got so little for it. Anyway, on to the good news.

A piece of software called BRDGen has been released that is capable of copying, or even modifying PS3 games. Oh, and you can copy Blu-Ray movies as well.
This could potentially turn around the poor sales of the PS3. Though I’m not sure Sony would condone the use of this software, it might give people an excuse to buy it. Just imagine if you could actually modify your PS3 games. Add levels, new weapons, who knows? I’m not sure how well that would actually work, but it’s a nice thought.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:09 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via msnbc
Hefty price of the game machine may be scaring away shoppers
TOKYO - Sony is giving away freebies to woo buyers to the new PlayStation 3 video game machine whose hefty price appears to be scaring away shoppers.
The latest giveaway from the Japanese electronics and entertainment company is being promised for the Australia launch for the PlayStation 3 set for March 23 — a Blu-ray Disc version of the Sony Pictures James Bond movie "Casino Royale," for the first 20,000 Australian PS3 buyers.
The PlayStation 3 costs a hefty $790 (999.95 Australian dollars), for the 60 gigabyte hard drive version.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:12 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via redherring
Latest Sony PlayStation in Europe won’t play as many PS2 games as models in Japan and U.S.
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The European version of PlayStation 3 will play fewer PlayStation 2 video games when it launches on March 23 compared with models launched earlier in Japan and America, Sony said on Friday.
“The backwards compatibility is not going to be as good as the U.S. and Japan models,” a Sony spokesman said.
PlayStation 3 (PS3) was first launched in Japan and North America in November and the model that will be introduced in Europe will be designed differently.
Software will take over some of the functionality that was originally taken care of by dedicated chips, which means far fewer PlayStation 2 (PS2) games can be played on a European PS3 compared with the Japanese and American PS3 models, which play 98 percent of old games.
“Sony is managing expectations by saying now that the new console will play fewer of the old games, and that’s a good thing,” said analyst Alex Kwiatowski at British market research group Vertical Market Technologies.
‘I’m as disappointed as the next game player about the reduced backward compatibility, but even the most nostalgic, misty-eyed gamers will have their steely hearts impressed by the new features that PS3 games provide.’
Over the last 18 months Sony has had a series of public relations disasters, including a recall of nearly 10 million of its computer batteries, PS3 delays, and a software program on Sony Entertainment music CDs that breached computer security.
Hold onto Your PS2
Mr. Kwiatowski said gamers with a PS2 would have to hold onto their device to play their current collection.
The PS3’s graphics and sound capabilities are much improved over the PS2.
“Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3,” Sony Computer Entertainment said in a statement.
About 1 million units will be available at the European launch next month, as many as were made available in the United States during the first six weeks after the launch last year.
Sony loses money at first on each PS3 sale due to high production costs.
But Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony’s chief financial officer, said in January the company aims to bring the negative PS3 margin to break even toward the second half of the next business year, which starts in April, by component cost savings on chips driving the PS3.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:36 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via spong
Now, here at SPOnG we’ve got to admit that we don’t watch a lot of the glory-hunting, bandwagon-jumping glamour-puss nonsense that is the ‘Champions League’. But we do play a hell of a lot of footy games on any platform we possibly can (we’re also bloody good at them).
So, when the latest screens for the PSP version of UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 we all came over a bit Francis Lee* about it.
The game is due out on March 23rd – which as you’ll all no doubt be aware is the day before the massive six-pointer between Brighton and the mighty Huddersfield Town.
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February 23rd, 2007, 16:39 Posted By: badplankton
hi - i'd like to announce version 2.00 of PSPSeq. this is a continuation of my work to design a software synthesizer and sequencer for creating music on the PSP. some of the new features in 2.00 include:
* 4 new synthesizers (2 FM, square wave with configurable PWM, and WAV sample-playback)
* over a dozen new waveforms for virtual analog synthesis
* 1 new FX (waveshaper) + enhancements to existing FX
* WAV file recording of songs and loops
* GUI/control improvements to increase compositional speed and flexibility
* 2 visualization modes
* add & delete instruments from a song
* core synthesis optimizations to improve polyphony
PSPSeq can be downloaded here:
PSPSeq should run on most homebrew enabled firmwares, including 3.03 & 3.10 OE.
two songs are also online to demonstrate what can be done with PSPSeq:
also, i have set up a user's forum for PSPSeq at http://groups.google.com/group/pspseq
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February 23rd, 2007, 19:17 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Kingsquitter
PSX2PSP v.1.2 info:
* Fixed bugs in popstation.dll.
* Added effects to customized icons. Check theme pic below.
I've attached pics.zip. It contains Theme_white.psd and cIcon0.psd.
I've also attached Theme_editor.zip. It contains a simple theme editor and src for the theme editor. (When using the theme editor, save often and take backup of layout.ini)
This is the final version. I will only update to fix bugs!
Src might be released some time in the future.
v.1.1 info:
* Added batch mode. Check pic below.
* Added command line support. Info below.
* Added a new Customized image for icon0.
* Fixed "The application failed to initialze properly (0xc0150002)" bug.
* Fixed bug that made prog check for snd file instead of a at3 file.
To start batch mode run "Batch mode.lnk". (Only available after PSX2PSP.exe have been started at least once)
When converting in batch mode, all .iso, .bin, .img and .pbp files will ben converted. The program will check in every subfolder for theese files.
Command line:
PSX2PSP.exe /theme Opens program in theme mode.
PSX2PSP.exe /clasic Opens program in clasic mode.
PSX2PSP.exe /batch Opens program in batch mode.
PSX2PSP.exe "c:\file.iso" Opens c:\file.iso.
con pack and design of icons courtesy of matriculated: (Original torrent by l337h4l)
If you download and extract files to ".\pics\pic1\" most games from USA will show the game cover as shown below.
Megaupload link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XMJE8ZWN
The icon pack contains 1400 icons and is about 150MB.
v.1.0 info:
* Source code have been rewritten from scratch.
* Added theme support. (Check pic below)
* Using popstrip and popstation in one DLL file so converting files is much faster .
* Program can create custom images. Check Default Icon0 profile for a example.
* Supports cdda from both .cue and .ccd files.
* Can save toc to both .cue and .cdd when extracting iso from pbp.
* Can use any type of pictures (.jpg,.bmp...) for icon0, pic0, pic1 and boot.
* Converting PBP files in one pass. (Can even PAL fix already converted PBP files)
* And some other stuff...
Place base.pbp in files folder. If you are using 3.03 OE-B or below, you will also need keys.bin in the files folder.
Theme mode: (Icon0 in below image was automatically generated by the program. The pic was also automatically resized to fit the screen. Pic from: http://www.ps2vicio.com/imagenes1/PS...hildren_20.jpg)

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February 23rd, 2007, 19:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via tombraider

The tombraider anniversary official website has finally opened. Those who have been anticipating to see more tombraider action will be very anxious to see whats in store. Tombraider anniversary trailers can now be downloaded via the link provided. Lora has never looked better. The visuals look great.
Download trailer via link provided
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February 23rd, 2007, 20:53 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via jp.playstation
Japan's Playstation Network has recently added seven PS1 titles to its list of downloadable games for the PSP.
SONY play station 3” (PS3™) of PLAYSTATION®Store which is offered with the online service PLAYSTATION®Network which can enjoy by the fact that you connect to Internet being similar, past it was sold as the title which the game of the “play station”, PSP® with “portable” to enjoy February 22nd (the wood) we start the download sale of 7 titles it can receive.
* For the country you take charge of business… as a division company of corporation SONY
List of new ps1 titles as followed
* R-Type Delta (Irem)
* Yaku: Yuujou Dangi (Idea Factory)
* Shanghai: Dynasty (Success)
* Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke (SCE)
* Ganbare Morikawa-kun 2nd Pet in TV (SCE)
* The Drugstore (Hamster)
* Puzzle Mania (Hamster)
For ¥525 a pop (about US$ 4.34), you can start downloading these PS1 titles for your PSP
To bad we homebrew users all ready have popstation ey......
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via gametrailers

Now you can blaze a portable trail across the scenic island of Hawaii.
Heres one for all you fast car racing enthusiast. Test Drive unlimited will definitely be a well awaited title. Some may have already got a sneak peak at the game but for those who haven't the screen shots and trailers look amazing.
trailer via link provided
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:15 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via pj1115
Heres what he had to say-
HideMov is a PRX module for use with one of Dark_AleX's OE firmwares that stops the PSP's video menu from finding any files until a button combination is pressed. That way, you have full control over who can watch your videos!
When launched with the XMB, the module forces the PSP to be unable to find any videos, so it just returns: "There are no videos". When the button combination ([Home]+[L]) is pressed, the PRX lets the video menu find you files again, and you can your movies at will!
For extra security, you can re-disable video's with another button combination ([Home]+[R]). With this utility, you can prevent people from rooting around your personal stuff with ease!
However, there are two things to remember:
* If you've entered the video menu while it's unclocked, and then you lock it, anyone can still see what you've got in the menu (the PSP cache's it). To "refresh" the video menu, just go into the memory stick option of another feature (such as game, saved games, photo, etc)!, and the cache will be cleared! (Pj1115 is trying to find a way to fix this).
* This isn't completely secure. If someone knows what they're doing, they can disable the module from the OE recovery menu!
I'm not going to make any implications as to what this could be used for, other than that it can be used to hide your videos. End of story. If I get any serious complaints about the utility (such as its potential purposes) then I will make efforts to stop distribution.
Have fun, but as always, read the readme file!
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:24 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via worthplaying
The Godfather The Don's Edition for the PS3 and The Godfather Blackhand Edition for Nintendo's Wii offer brand new ways to go from Soldier to Don as you gain control of the streets of New York. Follow the path of an Enforcer or Operator; each with its own unique perks and abilities to earn. Now you can chat up specific characters to get the skinny on dirty cops, take down two additional revised compounds of rival Families, execute five new contract hits, and call in larger Corleone Hit Squads when the going gets tough. With The Godfather The Don's Edition also having the new Shipyard and Rail yard transportation hubs to explore and exploit; your path to the head of La Cosa Nostra is wrought with all new perils and excitement.
The Godfather The Don's Edition takes full advantage of the SIXAXIS controller for PS3; manhandle your controller to manhandle your opponent. For improved, hyper-intuitive Blackhand Control in The Godfather Blackhand Edition, use gestures with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to really beat down your opposition, or point directly at the screen using the Wii Remote for pinpoint firearm accuracy.
Developed by EA Redwood Shores, The Godfather The Don's Edition, and The Godfather Blackhand Edition, not yet been rated by the ESRB, are scheduled to ship in March 2007.
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:34 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via mediapost
FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS FOR Sony: In January, the Playstation brand posted its highest numbers in its history, as PS3 sales began to pick up, taking the first few steps toward closing the gap between it and the market leader, the Xbox 360. Of course, given the bluster of Sony sales execs, you'd alternate between thinking that there was a PS3 in every living room in the country -- and that PS3s can't be had for love or money at retail. The former ain't quite right -- data released this week by the NPD Group put the PS3 in third place, with the Nintendo Wii moving 436,000 units and the 360 selling 294,000, trailed by the PS3 with 243,554. And the latter is quite effectively refuted here.
Despite its slow start, though, Sony and the PS3 have enough brand loyalty accumulated from years of dominance with the first two Playstations to ensure a solid install base in the long term. But as time draws short before the long term arrives, Sony's most glaring weakness -- aside from its high price point and lack of present killer titles -- gets worse.
Nintendo is slowly rolling out its online apps, and Xbox Live is the top online service among the next-gen consoles, both as a consumer platform and a tool for marketers to reach gamers. Sony has the Playstation Store and the Playstation Network, but nothing comparing to Live, and no apparent plans to rearrange its online offering to something more integrated.
Sony needs to mobilize its fanboys the same way Microsoft has: it's hard to believe how passionate 360 owners get about their Gamerscores or their buddy lists -- it's all the fun of social networking with added violent competition. Call it the Playnation, call it anything but the Playstation Network -- but until there's a more coherent online offering from the PS3, it'll spend a lot longer in third place.
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February 23rd, 2007, 23:36 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via blorge
Not content with delaying the launch of the PAL version of the PlayStation 3 (PS3) by three months and charging a premium for it, Sony executives have decided to make the PAL PS3 inferior to the version of the PS3 launched in the US and Japan.
The PAL PS3 is scheduled to launch in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australasia on 23 March 2007 (PAL is simply the broadcast system used in these countries; NTSC is used in Japan and the US).
Sony will be cost-reducing the PAL version of the PlayStation 3 (PS3) by removing PS2 chips from the PS3 hardware. Instead backwards compatibility with PS2 games on the PAL PS3 will be handled through software emulation. And as we all know, software emulation is slower and less reliable than hardware.
This will mean that while the PAL PS3 will be compatible with a broad range of original PlayStation (PS), it will only be compatible with a limited range of PlayStation2 titles.
Trying to put a put a positive spin on the situation, Sony said in a statement:
“PS3 is first and foremost a system that excels in playing games specifically designed to exploit the power and potential of the PS3 system. Games designed for PS3 offer incredible graphics quality, stunning gameplay and massively improved audio and video fidelity that is simply not achievable with PS and PS2 games. Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology.”
In the statement Sony acknowledged the compatibility problems with PS2 games in a footnote, saying: “Certain PlayStation 2 format software titles may not perform properly on this system”. A web site at http://www.playstation.com will provide advice about which PS2 games will work with the PS3.
Sony looses money on each PS3 sold in the US and Japan due to high production costs, and is no doubt removing the PS2 chipset from PAL PS3s chipset to reduce the component cost.
However, given that the PAL PS3 is late, more expensive than the PS3 in Japan and Europe, and more importantly more expensive than its competitors, Nintendo’s Wii console and Microsoft’s Xbox, 360 you do have to wonder whether Sony is cost reducing the PS3 out of desperation.
If Sony really didn’t think PS2 compatibility was worth the trouble, why did the company include it in the Japanese and US versions of the PS3? And much can the company be saving by stripping the eight-year-old PS2 chip set from the PS3? It all smacks of desperation.
You do have to wonder whether cost reducing the PS3 to save a few dollars will outweigh the further negative publicity. This could well be the straw that breaks the camel’s backs, and relegates the PS3 to a niche position in the games marketplace in this round of the console wars.
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February 24th, 2007, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Ryan Block, lover of gadgets and managing editor at sister site Engadget, believes flOw to be the PS3's current killer app. He says the downloadable game "may be the best, most original gameplay experience" for the console right now and that it looks "absolutely astounding" in 1080p. "It's one of those titles that reminds me of why I used to love games so much back in the day."
On the contrary, GameSpot calls the game an "attractive screen saver you can steer." While praising the game's audio and visuals, they ultimately liken the experience to that of buying art. "You buy it as something to look at and appreciate from time to time. It's a way to cool out--not something to compete at."
flOw is currently available for download on the PlayStation Network for $7.99.
via joystiq
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February 24th, 2007, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
UPDATE Sony's head of UK PR David Wilson has given CVG the following statement:
"PS one title backward compatibility has not changed and there will be a limited number of PS2 titles compatible - but PS3 is defined by key features such as the CELL broadband engine, its Blu-ray drive, the SIXAXIS Controller and its ability to output full 1080P HD game content which makes it an entertainment system for the future, without equal. Backwards compatibility is important but it does not define the PS3 in the same way as the other features do.
"We have been assessing the extent of backward compatibility, and will continue to do so right up until launch. It is therefore not possible to provide a specific number of backwards compatible titles at this stage. Users will be able to check whether their titles are compatible with PS3 by checking the list of compatible titles at http://faq.eu.playstation.com/bc. This site will be available on March 23 to meet launch day.
"PS one titles remain backwards compatible and we will continue to assess the compatibility of PS2 titles right up until launch. We will continue to offer firmware upgrades to increase the number of titles that are compatible, but rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology.
"Whilst in the longer term these production related cost reductions will enable us to reduce the cost of PS3 to consumers (in the same way we have done with PS2 over its 6 year lifetime to date) SCE has no immediate plans for any price reduction on the platform.
"We will continue to assess the compatibility of existing and new PS2 titles, both first and third party."
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February 24th, 2007, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Last year, Namco Bandai brought the racing frenzy of the Fast and the Furious movie franchise to the PlayStation 2. Based only in part on the third movie, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, the game put players in control of extremely fast rides on the mountainsides and freeways of Tokyo. This Spring, the racer will hit the PSP and bring with it all of the racing and customization options that strengthened the original release.
Not to be a stripped down port in any fashion, The Fast and the Furious on the PSP will contain all of the modes, vinyls, parts and more that we saw in the PlayStation 2 release. In addition to some new multiplayer modes that we'll talk about in a minute, the game will also feature two new options that relate to the single-player game. One small new thing is that you'll now be able to change your oil. Yes, it sounds somewhat mundane, but swapping out your oil for some cleaner stuff will allow your engine to run a little cleaner, or even rejuvenate an aging machine.
The second and significantly cooler feature is called the Swap Meet. By linking up with another player via Ad-Hoc, you'll be able to swap vinyls and even complete cars with one another. If one player happens to be adept at tossing stickers all over his ride and you like his particular style, you can grab his skins and slap them on your ride. Or, if your buddy happens to have a fully-pimped vehicle in his garage, he can give you a copy of that as well.
When you enter a Swap Meet, you'll be able to tag which cars and vinyls you want to show off to the other player, and vice-versa. If you see something you want, you can send a request to the other player. If he then deems you worthy enough to hop in his pimped-out Mustang or sport his dragon-emblazed vinyls, he can okay the transaction and you'll be off and running with your new digs. One very user-friendly aspect of this is that vinyls will adapt themselves to any ride you stick them on, so you don't need to match cars model-for-model in order to be able to trade them.
Keeping with the designers' goal of having only positive rewards for the player throughout the game, anything traded at a Swap Meet is simply a copy - that is, the original owner won't have to give up anything while another player is able to reap his hard work. On a similar note, this means that you won't be able to race for pink slips in any of the multiplayer modes as Eutechnyx didn't want to ever penalize the player in any significant way.
Speaking of multiplayer modes, the PSP version of The Fast and the Furious will contain a few new ways to compete with your friends and/or enemies. One that we were able to check it goes by the name of Road Sweeper. Similar to a standard drift battle in many ways, up to four players can simultaneously race along a mountainside while trying to score the most drift points. The catch here is instead of racking up an overall point total, racers are attempting to win individual corners, and the player with the most wins at the end of the race will drive home victorious. If you've played Graffiti in any of the Tony Hawk games you'll find it to be very similar to Road Sweeper in many ways.
The other new mode we had a look at was a Tag Run. Set up like a relay race, two teams of two racers each send one car down a raceway and back again, with the second racer on each team doing the same only after the first car has crossed the finish line. As you have to drive back towards the starting line, you're able to literally run head-on into an opposing racer and attempt to really slow them down. Up to four players can compete in this mode, but should only two or three players be available then the computer will choose the empty teammate slots and the solo player(s) will race as both cars.
The Fast and the Furious is set to hit the PSP sometime this Spring.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
We hate to say it, but after Konami cranked out three nearly identical button-mashing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) titles on the old-gen systems, game fans, turtle fans, and pretty much everyone else in their '20s who remembered Vanilla Ice's great achievement in acting were left longing for something more. We've all been waiting for a publishing/development team to treat TMNT material with intelligence, humor and design savvy. And one might say we're still waiting.
Enter the internationally diverse publishing powerhouse, Ubisoft. Grabbing the game license based on the upcoming 2007 CGI movie, Ubisoft Montreal has blended kid-friendly action, platforming and simplified Prince of Persia (POP) acrobatics into a single turtle concoction. Coming sooner than you think, TMNT is hitting eight platforms, yes eight, March 20. You'll see it on Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PSP, PC, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, GameCube, and Wii.
Gain momentum in "Turtle Time."
In this new adventure, you'll take on the role of every turtle, Donatello, Rafael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo, with each character prepared to lay down his own special set of moves. And not so surprisingly, you'll face dangerous and dark criminals bent on causing massive destruction to the turtles' home turf, the Big Apple. This episode's evil enemy appears in the form of the mysterious Max Winters who, after being fired from his job, pursues a new career in creating an army of monsters to do his bidding. Even though the turtles have grown apart, there is no doubt you'll combine all of their skills to defeat Winters, who threatens the very heart of the turtle family.
Visually, TMNT takes the easy approach. The turtles look more like moving comic-book characters than "realistic" super heroes. We are talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles here; you know, anthropomorphic, walking, talking turtles, so they're already distinct. One's got the red bandana (and two sai), another's got an orange one (and nunchakus), Donatello has the purple bandana and the quarter staff, and Leonardo dons the blue bandana and wields two katana. Still, Ubisoft Montreal has kept the visuals simple and easy on the eye, using very little next-generation juice to spruce things up. Let us just say that one shouldn't expect the same CG-quality visuals used in the movie.
The animations look decent in this preview build, with some of the better ones showing the turtles shimmying along rooftop walls, running POP-style over cave walls, and hopping, Mario-style, across every object possible. While none of the working public has seen the movie, which hits theaters three days after the game (March 23), the title doesn't appear to spoil too much of the movie's narrative. It does, however, use the same themes and environments as the film. Ubisoft Montreal uses a series of set-cameras, or cinematic camera positions, to capture progression throughout the game. Much like Prince of Persia, Peter Jackson's King Kong, and Onimusha, the camera is set in the most theatrical position possible, sometimes sliding along rails, and sometimes, in boss fights, remaining completely still.
Very much a kids' game, TMNT starts out and remains easy. The first few levels teach players how to perform the basic and necessary moves. All four turtles can jump, double jump, cling to and shimmy on special ridges on walls and cliffs, and they can walk, run, and perform fighting moves. Using arcade games as its model for fighting and the Jade Engine to power it, Ubisoft Montreal's combat moves consist of a simple attack button, a helicopter kick, and a jump and slam move that momentarily pushes enemies away. The attack move links out to combos by simply hitting a single button repeatedly. I gotta tell you, you'll want to link up all the moves, but, sadly, the best strategy is just pressing attack over and over. It's the best way to cream a circle of NY punks with pipes in their hands, anyway.
Team up, dude, and totally slam that harsh boss!
The game follows a basic familiar formula: Platform through an environment, fight groups of brainless and simple AI, platform some more, then fight a boss. What makes the fights a little more entertaining is the way in which you battle. Along with the basic attacks, an evade move sets up counter attacks. There is also a momentum meter that appears on the upper-left hand side of the screen to indicate multiple uninterrupted attacks. By nailing about 10 to 15 uninterrupted attacks in a row, the turtles will jump into "Turtle Time" (i.e. Bullet Time), slowing enemies down while cleaning them up without restraint. They basically crouch down into their shells and "spin attack" enemies by slamming into their shins until they lose momentum. It's silly, but satisfying.
While the turtles share basic moves, each wields his own weapon and delivers a special move set. Donatello, who wields a quarter staff, uses a pole jump to cross large gaps and pummel enemies lined up in a row. Rafael moves like a quick lithe fighter, cutting enemies into bits using his double sai. Leonardo follows the medium-range fighter type by using his double katana to pummel enemies into the dirt. And Michelangelo flips his nunchakus in a blaze of light to surprise and KO his opponents. Early in the game, you'll fight individually in flashback sequences, but later on the turtles will combine forces to create tag-team combo attacks while still using a simple set of buttons pushes. Finally, each time you complete a level, you'll be graded on time spent, combat performance, and coins collected. The determining factor is always the amount of coins collected. If you achieve a B in timing and an A in combat, and all coins are collected, you'll get bumped up to an A grade and receive descriptive taglines such as "excellent" and "ninja." If you play the Xbox 360 version, the Achievements appear quite easily. I collected four by simply learning each of the four turtles' special moves.
Luckily, TMNT doesn't just consist of side-scrolling fights (though a strong contingent of IGN staffers wouldn't mind a clean port of the old coin-op classic on their newfangled systems). Instead, gamers will find themselves enjoying a mixture of platforming, POP-style, through jungles, sewers, caves, mountainsides, and the streets and rooftops of New York. The turtles will scamper across walls without falling, acrobatically swing from poles and girders, and maneuver over dangerous drops.
The game reminds you how young an audience Ubisoft is aiming for each every five to 10 seconds, too. You'll hear the turtles talking their own brand of turtle smack, issuing familiar catch-phrases such as "wuu-huhu-ho!", "totally awesome!", "cowabunga!", "awesome!", and "super-sensationalistic!" with relentless repetition. Yes, there is no doubt this game is for the youngins', but Ubisoft's game is true to form: the turtles were never the intellectual type. We realize this is also a preview build, but the few phrases were repeated over and over, giving us the feeling that either this preview build is just really early, or we're in for a painful audio experience.
In short, TMNT is a friendly, easy game that will bring back some fond memories, but won't, by any means, challenge the hardcore gaming psychonaut inside of you. Ubisoft's game should appear in nearly identical form on PS2, PC, Xbox 360, PSP, GameCube and Wii, while the Nintendo DS version should differ.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
It seems that comic book licenses are a permit to print money these days. Even if the comic books themselves don't quite have the mass appeal they once did, the characters are American icons guaranteed to generate sales. Look no further than the recent success of Ghost Rider for proof. It almost goes without saying that the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie will have videogames released on nearly every conceivable platform to accompany it. We recently had the opportunity to see a guided demo of the hi-def iteration running on Xbox 360, courtesy of publisher Activision and developer Treyarch. From the looks of this first in-game demo, Spider-Man 3 appears to be a refined version of the last movie-inspired Spidey game, capitalizing on its successes while scrapping some of the more ill-conceived ideas.
As the demo opened, we were given a rooftop look at the new and improved vision of Manhattan that will serve as your playground. Running in HD, this is easily the best looking Spider-Man we've seen on a console with a nice draw distance and slick animations. Spider-Man himself is looking good, especially in his black suit and Treyarch did a good job modeling the villains to look just like their movie counterparts. The city looks crisp, though we were a little let down at the lack of visual tricks such as the windows not having reflective surfaces. Still, the transition to new and more powerful consoles looks to be a smooth one.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
The battle to keep violent games kept out of public view has moved to Denver. Yesterday, the Parents Television Council and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is asking the Regional Transportation District to discontinue advertising of games rated Mature and Adults Only.
Last year, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories was advertised on a number of RTD trains. Though the RTD is not currently housing ads for any M-rated games, its policy allows for future advertising on its buses and trains.
"Our public transportation network serves more than half the residents of Colorado and is doing them a disservice with its tacit approval for the dangerous content in the Mature-rated video games that are advertised throughout the system," said PTC Denver Chapter Director George Robison in a recent RTD board meeting. "I'm here today to remind Chairman Chris Martinez and the board that they have a responsibility to act in the best interest of those who voted you into these important positions. You can take a step towards being a better steward of the public good today by no longer accepting advertising from violent video games that can have long-term harmful effects on the youth in our community,"
"It is unconscionable that RTD would accept advertisements for a game like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories," said CCFC member Peter Simonson. "In Vice City Stories, players are rewarded for killing innocent bystanders, law enforcement officers and rival gang members, as they attempt to set up illicit businesses, such as drug dealing and prostitution rings, and commit armed robbery. As a father and a Denver-area resident, I want to know that my children can ride public trains and buses without being subjected to ads that promote violence and lawlessness."
In November 2006, the CCFC convinced the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to refuse future advertising for M-rated titles. With the ESA recently teaming up with Senators Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton, this issue could soon broaden to a larger public policy. The government imposes limitations on public advertisements for alcohol and sexually-explicit content. Videogames could follow.
Supporters of the videogame industry's right to advertise M-rated games in public spaces have cited the acceptance of R-rated movie trailers and posters.
The RTD has not yet made a decision on this issue. It is unknown when a decision will be made.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 software hasn't exactly been crowding the top ten sales charts over in Japan. Even Virtua Fighter 5 made a one week appearance at the top (just barely beating out Wii Sports) then fell to oblivion the next week.
The question is, when will a PS3 game hit the top 10 and remain there until it's sold a billion copies?
That answer could be ours next week when Gundam Musou sees Japanese release. Bandai Namco and Koei held an insiders-only (that's the industry kind of insider, not the IGN kind) event in Tokyo today to mark the completion of this unlikely combination of Gundam and Dynasty Warriors. At the event, Koei cofounder Keiko Erikawa had this to say about the upcoming title: "We've made a fantastic game. Gundam Musou is the most ordered PlayStation 3 game, but it's just one tenth of the sales we're thinking of. For us, Bandai's Gundam is one million , and the Musou series is one million. We'd like to sell a total of two million copies."
A Bandai Namco rep later lowered that forecast to one million worldwide sales.
Sony Computer Entertainment Interactive Chairman Ken Kutaragi was also at today's event and, speaking about Gundam Musou, said "Second generation software has already come out. While a variety of things were said early on, including that development is difficult, we've already crossed into the second generation in half a year."
Kutaragi also touched briefly upon the impending European launch of the PS3, stating that Sony has already shipped a million systems for the late March launch. It's still a bit early, so we presume that "shipped" doesn't mean shipped out to retailers.
But before that, we'll apparently be getting a look at "second generation" PS3 software when Gundam Musou hits Japan next week. Check back here for impressions.
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February 24th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese PlayStation Archives has been updated yet again. This time, the update includes six mostly obscure Japanese games that we're sure only a handful of you will recognize.
Here's what's new to the 525 yen-a-pop lineup: Ganbare Morikawa-kun Ni-go (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan), Yaku Yuujou Dangi (Idea Factory), R-Type Delta (Irem), Shanghai Dynasty (Success), The Drug Store (Hamster) and Puzzle Mania (Hamster). Aside from R-Type, there doesn't appear to be too much of interest there, unless you've always wanted to manage a drug store.
With this update, the total number of PlayStation classics that you can download for play on your PSP, but only if you have a PS3, has now reached 31. Only 5,000 to go!
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February 24th, 2007, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese PlayStation Archives has been updated yet again. This time, the update includes six mostly obscure Japanese games that we're sure only a handful of you will recognize.
Here's what's new to the 525 yen-a-pop lineup: Ganbare Morikawa-kun Ni-go (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan), Yaku Yuujou Dangi (Idea Factory), R-Type Delta (Irem), Shanghai Dynasty (Success), The Drug Store (Hamster) and Puzzle Mania (Hamster). Aside from R-Type, there doesn't appear to be too much of interest there, unless you've always wanted to manage a drug store.
With this update, the total number of PlayStation classics that you can download for play on your PSP, but only if you have a PS3, has now reached 31. Only 5,000 to go!
via ign
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February 24th, 2007, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that comic book licenses are a permit to print money these days. Even if the comic books themselves don't quite have the mass appeal they once did, the characters are American icons guaranteed to generate sales. Look no further than the recent success of Ghost Rider for proof. It almost goes without saying that the upcoming Spider-Man 3 movie will have videogames released on nearly every conceivable platform to accompany it. We recently had the opportunity to see a guided demo of the hi-def iteration running on Xbox 360, courtesy of publisher Activision and developer Treyarch. From the looks of this first in-game demo, Spider-Man 3 appears to be a refined version of the last movie-inspired Spidey game, capitalizing on its successes while scrapping some of the more ill-conceived ideas.
As the demo opened, we were given a rooftop look at the new and improved vision of Manhattan that will serve as your playground. Running in HD, this is easily the best looking Spider-Man we've seen on a console with a nice draw distance and slick animations. Spider-Man himself is looking good, especially in his black suit and Treyarch did a good job modeling the villains to look just like their movie counterparts. The city looks crisp, though we were a little let down at the lack of visual tricks such as the windows not having reflective surfaces. Still, the transition to new and more powerful consoles looks to be a smooth one.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:08 Posted By: gunntims0103
release via my-video-convertor
Moyea PSP Video Manager is a PSP Video file manager freeware developed specially for PSP owners, which can transfer PSP video files between your PSP and computer with ease and is very popular with the PSP owners. PSP Video Manager helps you easily import PSP MPEG4 files to your PSP. At the same time, the freeware also allows you to export PSP MPEG4 files located in your PSP to your computer. While transferring PSP video files, you can copy or move the video files to decide whether or not keep the original files. The whole process is easy. You don't need to manually rename PSP MPEG4 files to play in Sony PSP, and just a click can do it with PSP Video Manager.

The simple and easy-to-use user interface;
Two beatiful skins are offered in the program to select;
The program supports two lauguages- English and Chinese;
The size of the selected file will be displayed;
Both veterans and beginners will love it, and you can know what function is available from the status of the buttons;
Before using PSP Video Manager, you need to know what kinds of file can play in PSP. PSP just can play PSP MPEG4 file (.mp4) so that you can not import AVI or another video files to PSP. If you have not PSP MPEG4 file in your computer, you must use other software of converter to convert PSP MPEG4 file, e.g. PSP Video Converter
What a best and powerful PSP MPEG4 file manager freeware! With PSP Video Manager, you will no longer be confused by how to manage your PSP video file. From this icon of easy-to-use interface, It is not difficult for you to see how to use PSP Video Manager.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:23 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via el33online
The latest Japanese sales data released by tracking firm Media Create reveals that Virtua Fighter 5 has fallen from the top of the charts to 25th in the space of a week. It remains the sole PS3 game in the top 50 games sold in the week of 12th to 18th of February 2007. Japanese video game sales are usually quite front-loaded in that a large portion of their sales are made in the first week, but this is a surprising result for the anticipated title.
The PS3 console itself kept a fairly steady 20676 units sold, which is still a lot less than its main rival, Nintendo's Wii with 63618 units sold. The DS dropped a lot from the previous week with 136999 sales (down from just over 200000) but, as has been the case for a year now, it is significantly supply constrained. The PSP has kept a very steady pace, selling 34505 this week, up 2000 from the previous week.
Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village Japan BoxLevel 5 made their publishing debut with Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village on the Nintendo DS in the week and managed to top the charts with a very healthy 136736 copies sold. Level 5 are best known for developing Dragon Quest 8 and the Dark Cloud series, but up to now have not published a title themselves. The rest of the top 5 were also all new releases, shared between the PSP, DS and PS2.
Sony will be looking forward to the next few weeks with big releases coming out for PSP in Monster Hunter Portable 2 (this week) and for the PS3 in Gundam Musou (next week). Monster Hunter Portable, by Capcom, is expected to have first week sales of over 500000.
This coming week also sees the release of Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn and a new Naruto game for the Wii as well as Sim City DS and Metal Slug PSP for their respective platforms.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via newtech
When the PS3 is out in Europe and Australia this March, the units sold will have no Emotion Engine like the ones sold in Japan and US. Instead Sony will use emulation software to play back PS2 and PS1 games.
Sony is doing this to cut manufacturing costs but also functionality, as the new version will play fewer games developed for the PlayStation and PS2 than the U.S. and Japanese version. This is an utter disgrace especially the unit sold in Europe and Australia is more costly.
It is time to boycott Sony products. Go buy a Nintendo Wii and/or a XBox 360 instead!
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February 24th, 2007, 07:27 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psu
The PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion will not have downloadable content available when it is released, even though the Xbox 360 and PC versions did.
Pete Hines, PR Vice President of Bethesda said: “You could point to any number of factors for why that is. Although it's impossible to say which is the better between [Xbox Live, PS Network], Xbox Live is easier to implement because we've had a much better sense of it at an earlier stage than with PS3”.
The company did say that it’ll be releasing extra content for the PS3 version of Oblivion at a later date.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:30 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via clickz
Video game enthusiasts can be a fairly loyal and at times a very snarky bunch, so I wasn't too surprised when a few game developer friends of mine tipped me off to this video floating around the Internet about Sony's PS3 sales woes verses the Microsoft Xbox 360.
But as the song repeats its chorus of "How You Killed Your Brand" intermixed with samples of Phil Harrison, the president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, supposedly hemming and hawing over answers to questions, and even several shots of PS3 declining sales charts, I was hard pressed not to chuckle at things as well.
A brief search on my part failed to uncover where the video came from, aside from the fact that it was recorded by someone named Doc Adams, but it's hard not to smell some of Microsoft's hand in things. If viral marketing is all the rage, was viral mudslinging not too far behind? Or perhaps some viral dancing on graves?
Still, it's a catchy tune!
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February 24th, 2007, 07:31 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via psu
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe today announced that the PlayStation 3 to be launched in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australasia on 23rd March 2007 would utilize a new hardware specification.
The European PS3 will feature the Cell Broadband Engine, 60 GB hard disc drive, Blu-ray Disc player, built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, SIXAXIS wireless controller (as with the US and Japanese PS3 units). It also embodies a new combination of hardware and software emulation which will enable the PS3 to be compatible with a broad range of original PlayStation titles and a limited range of PlayStation 2 titles.
This means we won’t be seeing the 100% backwards compatibility feature that Sony promised we’d all have sometime ago, although Sony did say that additional PS2 games will become compatible on the PS3 system through regular downloadable firmware updates.
“PS3 is first and foremost a system that excels in playing games specifically designed to exploit the power and potential of the PS3 system,” said David Reeves, President of SCEE. “Games designed for PS3 offer incredible graphics quality, stunning gameplay and massively improved audio and video fidelity that is simply not achievable with PS and PS2 games. Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology.”
You’ll be able to check which games work by visiting this website: http://faq.eu.playstation.com/bc.
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February 24th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via scoop
First 4,000 New Zealand PS3 Registrants on PLAYSTATION®Network to be Rewarded with Casino Royale on Blu-ray
23rd February 2007 – Sony Computer Entertainment New Zealand (SCE NZ) confirmed today that, in addition to the extensive line-up of games, the first 4,000 purchasers of PLAYSTATION®3 who registered on the PLAYSTATION®Network will receive a Blu-ray disc movie of Casino Royale, starring James Bond newcomer Daniel Craig.
Casino Royale, which has already grossed more than US$560 million at the box office worldwide, and has established itself as the most successful Bond film of all time will debut on a 50GB dual-layer Blu-ray disc encoded in MPEG-4 AVC. With a ground breaking collection of added-value features in 1080P High Definition visual quality, and with uncompressed audio features for the best possible audio experience, Casino Royale not only demonstrates the exceptional visual quality of Full 1080P High Definition movies on Blu-ray disc, but is the perfect vehicle to highlight the broader entertainment credentials of the PLAYSTATION 3 system.
Explaining the offer, Warwick Light, General Manager of Sales and Marketing said, “The PLAYSTATION®Network unlocks the broad range of interactive entertainment features of PLAYSTATION 3. It’s a simple set up, it offers free online gaming, has an array of tools for staying in touch with friends and family, and includes a wide variety of content for download through the PLAYSTATION®Store.”
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February 24th, 2007, 07:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku
Wired's Chris Kohler recently swung by Sega's office last week to check out what they have on tap for the Playstation Portable, and the news is good.
Sega has a big PSP push coming for this summer with After Burner: Black Falcon, Full Auto 2: Battlelines, Virtua Tennis 3, Crush, Alien Syndrome and Crazy Taxi all headed to the portable.
Kohler seems to think that puzzler Crush has potential to be a killer app and that the rest range from decent to time-killers, to... well, potentially, who knows.
Hit up the site for his full take on the games.
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February 24th, 2007, 13:41 Posted By: HomerSp
Hey all.
I just thought I'd release this Chip-8 emulator I ported last night.
It's nothing fancy, but it does what it should. I also included a simple file brower so you can select any game you want.
It uses the D-pad and the X, O etc for input so in some games you might have to search through the buttons to find what each one of them does :P
You can return to the file browser at any time by pressing the START button.
I included quite a few PD roms so you don't have to search for roms.
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February 24th, 2007, 15:19 Posted By: EvilSeph
Booster has released an update to his firmware emulation program, Devhook.
Now at v0.52.0100, it includes some bug fixes and support for firmware version 3.11.
This opens up new avenues for XMB hacking at least, as it allows people to try new things without bricking.
NOTE: You NEED the previous version of DevHook installed to update to v0.52.0100.
Get it here: Devhook v0.52
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February 24th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
Remember when bits were everything? 32 bit versus 64 bit...the "24-bit" neo geo, the Jaguar "do the math" controversy - then the Dreamcast came along, the first 128 bit system, and pretty much everyone stopped talking about it. I even remember a time when I thought the intellivision and 2600 were 4 bit, because they came before the NES. You doubled the bits with the next system, that was just how it worked! But then it started to be about how emotional your engine was. Anyway, I decided to mail sony and ask how many bits the PS3 has. A gajillion? Six? Here's the official answer (bless them for indulging me, thanks to Sony PR boss dave karraker for getting a tech guy to respond to this - I can't think of anyone else that would do something this awesome):
"The PS3 is 128 bit, but it is more 128 bit than the others. The number of bits isn't really a very good measure anymore. To be honest, it hasn't been a good measure since PS1 days. That said...
Most single pieces of data fit in 32 or 64 bits. The benefit of 128 bits is that you can operate on 4 pieces of 32-bit data at the same time, which is called SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data). This is only useful for data that needs the same operation on all 4 pieces, which is common in games for things such as 3D graphical transformations, physical simulation, collision detection, etc. 128-bits is the "sweet spot" of price and performance, so that is what everyone seems to have settled upon.
To get more power, people have instead now been moving to more processor cores. (PS3 has 8, Xbox 360 has 3, Wii has 1, PS2 had 1 + 2 special-purpose, Xbox had 1, etc).
For graphics, it is even trickier to explain. The biggest difference is that in the past, graphics chips were "fixed-function". Now, they are programmable. But people don't really talk about it in terms of bits; instead, they usually measure in terms of flops."
Aside from maybe a little fudging in terms of the PS2 cores, because by that logic the Saturn had three, that's pretty interesting! So the PS3 is 128 bit - just like the Dreamcast! Which means the Dreamcast is still top of the line! The Intellivision, which I mentioned before, was actually 16 bit, according to the all-knowing wikipedia. So this clearly means the PS3 is worth 8 Intellivisions! I was also assured that the 360 and Wii are 128 bit as well. So while I knew bits no longer really 'mattered', I guess this is official confirmation that the bits war is over. It's all about cores now, and flops. Now that's a loaded word! As a bonus, here are some fun equations for you. Create your own!
Jaguar + N64 = PlayStation 3
Intellvision + Genesis + Jaguar - Saturn + Neo Geo + NES + 32X = PlayStation 3
Dreamcast - Wii + NES x SNES = PlayStation 3
Dreamcast / PS2 x supergrafx + PC-FX + Neo Geo Pocket Color - CD-i + Nintendo 64 + 3DO = PlayStation 3
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February 24th, 2007, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
So Europe and Australia gets the 12-foot shaft. In a place most doctors would strongly advise against. If you're in an NTSC market, already own a PS3 and want to actually play that extensive PS2 library you own on it, great, you've dodged a bullet. But if you don't already have a PS3...are you a little worried? A hardware revision in PAL markets only seems a strange decision - is this going to be a global thing? 1UP contacted Sony to find out, and got this in response:
We have no announcement regarding any hardware specification changes for PS3 in North America at this time.
Way to smash a rumour there, guys. I believe a "no" would have been the answer people wanted to hear.
via kotaku
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February 24th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
It might not have been the best day for Sony in terms of news and reception from gamers, but at least one research firms backs them up. Gamasutra spoke with research group Screen Digest's Ed Barton to get the skinny on why even though Barton thinks PS2-level success won't be seen in this generation, the PS3 will still come out on top.
One reason why, in a list of very long reasons is:
We also have a lot of faith in the ability of, in particular, Sony, which we see has really got a huge amount of development resources, and they are backing the PlayStation 3 to enormous unprecedented levels for a first party publisher.
One of our core beliefs is that no one buys one of these plastic boxes on technical specs alone, people tend to buy them for content. Our forecasts at the moment are based on the belief that PlayStation 3 has this level of support. The numbers that we're seeing now for the Nintendo Wii, they've come out of the blocks fantastically strongly - no one would deny that - however it's incredibly early in the hardware cycle. There's still another five or six years to play out on this one, and the first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007.
It's an interesting perspective, one that makes me want to read the full report. However, I don't have $3260 lying around for the PDF and I don't think I can expense this one.
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February 24th, 2007, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Well, one way to toss away your kid friendly image is to make fun of people getting shot. On last night's GameHead, Geoff Keighley spoke with both Reggie Fils-Aime (Nintendo) and Phil Harrison (Sony) about their respective system launches. Reggie went all Perrin Kaplan while discussing the PS3 launch lines saying, "Were those the people ducking to not get shot?"
Fils-Aime dug into Sony deeper saying they had no line at last year's E3, the PlayStation 3 is a "very expensive device" and Sony's got some "core fundamental issues with their strategy."
Harrison, who is clearly on the defensive, starts rambling about the PlayStation 3 after Keighley says those who own the console are happy, "I think that's the important thing to measure. What are we doing? We are creating entertainment. We are creating technology that empowers entertainment for people. And ultimately, it's the people who spend their money, who buy the machine, who love the machine, who have a tremendous relationship with that machine, whether it's playing games ..."
Keighley interjects, "So not a lot of guys coming up to you on the street saying, 'Phil, you know, I feel ripped off.'"
"Never," responds Harrison.
via joystiq
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February 24th, 2007, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Yesterday in Japan, Monster Hunter fans were able to go to their local game stores and download new quests from the demo kiosk's "PlayStation Spot". In addition to quests and more, PSP owners who don't own Monster Hunter Portable 2nd can download a demo of the game.
With reports of Monster Hunter 2 coming outside of Japan, let's hope this additional content is either included in the version we get, or that we can similarly download the content. I personally dig the idea of downloadable content on the PSP and I hope more games start to feature it. Does downloadable content appeal to you as well?
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February 25th, 2007, 07:11 Posted By: froggie22
Nielkie has released a new version of his XMBwave texture injector and extractor. heres whats new:
New version, supports extraction of texture. Also, it doesn't use scripts for file I/O, and it has no Sony copywriter material!
A 0.3 will come soon.
File index (almost done!)(no file size limit)
Wave speed (easy)
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via nielkie
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February 25th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: Sp3ct0r
This is a set of Halo icons for the psp menu. Tell me what you think of them.
And if your wondering what it is...the battery icon is 3 bullets from a magnum.
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February 25th, 2007, 20:20 Posted By: badplankton
a bug was found in the sequencer where pushing on the D-pad too quickly could improperly transfer control from step editing to the transport. this bug is fixed along with a couple minor GUI/display bugs. the latest version can be found here:
lastly, there was also a bit of confusion on how to install PSPSeq on OE firmware. it needs to be run from the GAME folder (not GAME150 or GAME310) and the firmware needs to be configured for 1.50 mode in the recovery menu.
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February 25th, 2007, 21:12 Posted By: Buddy4point0
this is an icon set i made. some of the icons were alerady made and some of them were made by me in paint and photoshop.
in the folder there is all the icons and a 3.03 top menu plugin so you dont have to put it together yourself. the topmenu plugin rco alerady has update firmware hex edited to reboot psp and usb connection hex edited to connect to pc. it also has psp updates instead of instuction manual. of corse for it to acually reboot your psp you'll have to install the psp rebooter in the cusotom theme pack 4. and for it to acuaally bring you to psp updates instad of the online instuction manuals you will have to use flash agent and change it.
i also included my system plugin fg that has my homemade battery,volume and busy circles in it
install it by copying it to flash0/vsh/resource
make sure you back up your psp before installing
here ya go
edit k sorry before i forgot to put in the impose_plugin (volume bar)
its in there now so you can re-download
i also edited something and updates the read me
here ya go again:thumbup:
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February 25th, 2007, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
via arstechnica
Almost a year later, it's completely obvious that Sony has stretched itself too thin. As we learned this morning, Sony is now bifurcating their product line even further, delivering a lesser product to the European market in order to save a few bucks. Dumping some of the dedicated hardware for backwards compatibility should save Sony a few greenbacks (or yen, as the case may be), but it screws gamers. And for what? How much cost is Sony saving by scratching this hardware?
There have been several "tear down" estimates for PS3, the best of which comes from iSuppli. They estimate the cost of the Emotion Engine in the PS3 at $27. That's the chief hardware component providing PS2 backwards compatibility. Did Sony just jack with the PS3 over $27? Even if the cost were twice as much, would it be worth it?
With the PS3, Sony has let its video entertainment aspirations dictate the design of a gaming console, and the results are now plain for us to see: when the going gets rough, the gaming functionality gets going (going, gone!) out of the box. Buh-bye. Sure, now Sony will use software to provide some backwards compatibility, but not full compatibility. They've got a stop-gap measure in place, and we're hoping that it works really well because who wants to keep an old PS2 sitting around once you have a PS3?
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February 25th, 2007, 22:18 Posted By: keefurxxcore
Here is my XMB Theme for the psp! Heres the readme,
Hi guys! this is my xmb theme currently! i was in dcemu forum and someone ask for my topmenu_plugin so i decided just to upload my whole theme instead! Its a blue theme. look at the included PNG!
I used flash agent to flash, and svc capture plugin to screenshot.
If you brick you psp, its not my fault man, its yours so don't complain to me about it!
Heres my link!
Click to download my theme!!!

If anyone wants the background PM me or post here....
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February 25th, 2007, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
On IGNs Boards its claimed that the latest PSP game Monster Hunter Portable 2 has sold 500,000 games in one day in Japan. If thats true then the PSP has one major hit on its hands.
When real verification comes in ill post more about it.
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February 25th, 2007, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Zettablade:
So, I've decided to release vLib. What is vLib? vLib is the Velocity library, a general purpose library written by yours truly. It's been a little project of mine for a while. It's pretty fast, and has most of the functions you'd need to make a simple 2D game. I am releasing it under GPL, just in case anyone's interested.
Originally Posted by README
- Loads PNG images
- Load image into ram and vram
- auto-swizzles images upon loading (makes for a much faster blit)
- Draw images
- Rotate images
- Crop images
- Draw an image from a specified center
- Unload images
- Enable/Disable linear filter
- Powerful input checking
- Functions for init/uninit library and drawing
- Set it to draw for 2D or 3D
- A function that displays the current fps and the current available memory in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Can also display any extra info you would like.
- Load custom mdl file.
- Display models
- Primitive display list
- 3rd person camera
- Bugfixes! (yay?)
- Optimizations (duh!)
- Add in support for the following image formats.
tga bmp jpg/jpeg/jpe
- Add in support for the following 3D model formats.
obj md2 (these ones eventually) 3ds maya blend
- Add in support for the following audio formats
at3 wav
- Write a player to play all the media formats listed above
- Better display list system
- Fix texture vram loading
- Add image alpha masking
- Add in a bitmap font loader and printing function
- Graphical filter functions
lighting, reflection, cell shading (need more)
- Terrain generator
- Mip-Maps
- Functional 1st person camera
- More powerful/faster 3rd person camera
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via zettablade
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February 25th, 2007, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Media Player Mod from Moneytoo. heres whats new:
Version 1.02M-K (23.02.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- added directory support
- changed scrolling in filelist is a bit optimized (faster)
- changed left (analogue pad) = go parrent directory (..)
- changed for speed (cpu) change hold R trigger and press L trigger (to
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via moneytoo
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February 25th, 2007, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Vulpix
bootWave for TGA
tgaWave .9
Extract for system_plugin_bg.rco's
Extract for opening_plugin.rco's
I have decided to return. Due to EvilSeph asking me, and several posts asking for a bootWave that actually works (We messed up the first one. Don't ask!) I have fixed bootWave and modified it for TGA injection.
I have also upgraded tgaWave with better software to trim the TGA.
I have also made a tool that makes it easy to recover TGA's from any system_plugin_bg.rco.
I have not implimented file size indexing. I am talking to nicinico about this, and it may be in the 1.00 release of tgaWave CS.
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February 26th, 2007, 05:54 Posted By: Sp3ct0r
Iv'e been working on this for a little while now, it's a mod of Super Mario Wars called "Anime Wars." Of Course it features anime characters, Music from anime shows, and anime levels.
Im not quite ready to submit this, but i will be soon. If you can make any Anime Related Character Skins or Levels I would greatly appreciate it if you sent it to my EMAIL and i will put it in the release.
My Email = zombie_byte@yahoo.com
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February 26th, 2007, 06:51 Posted By: ICE
Heres my new Custom Theme Pack:
*set of 12 custom backgrounds
*custom wave
*volume bar
*battery icon
*photo sub-sub icon
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February 26th, 2007, 17:04 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
I'm all finished with my first homebrew game mod. It's a Turrican MOD. I've made a South Park Theme for it.
You play as Cartman. I've made Timmy, Kenny, Mr. Hat, Mr. Hanky (The Christmas Poo), Terrence, & Phillip as enemies. 
I drew all sprites by hand, except for a few background sprites ect, that came from either DJMNV's Halo MOD, or Arguru's original Turrican.
It consists of 2 Levels. Should Arguru ever release a level editor for Turrican, I will update this mod at that time.
THANKS to Arguru for developing the (awesome) Turrican Engine
Special thanks to: Everyone at Team DJMNV
And an extra special thanks to: VettaCossX for all his help and support. 
This was a good 1st project.
Expect more mods from me soon... 
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February 26th, 2007, 17:45 Posted By: Darksaviour69
via BBC News comes an article bringing PSP Hacking into the mainstream attention.
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Computer hackers have scored a victory in their battle against Sony and the way the company controls its PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld games console.
Sony sells its PSP with built-in software, known as firmware, which controls how the console operates.
The firmware locks many of the PSP's capabilities, preventing enthusiasts from writing their own programs, known as homebrew, and running them on the machine.
It also disables its ability to play some films which are not bought on special Sony PSP disks.
But last month three hacker teams - Noobz, Team C+D, and a group led by PSP hacker Dark Alex - co-ordinating their efforts over the internet, found a flaw in the most recently released version of the firmware - version 3.03.
Unlocking PSPs
Using this flaw they devised a way to unlock all PSPs, regardless of their age or the firmware running on it.
This development has been a cause for celebration in the PSP homebrew community, but caused alarm at Sony because unlocked PSPs can be used to play pirated PSP games.
"The problem experienced here is not with homebrew applications, but with hackers who pirate commercial titles," a Sony spokesperson said.
Sony have never been in touch with me, so I am confident that what we are doing is legal
Fanjita (David Court)
PSP Hacker
"Piracy is illegal and we strongly oppose any acts which either aide or profit from it."
But the hackers say piracy is not what motivates their teams to unlock the PSP.
"My aim is to enable as many people as possible to run homebrew programs," said Fanjita, a member of the Noobz team.
He added: "Everyone has the right to do what they want with their own hardware. Piracy does upset me, and because what we are doing opens the way to piracy it's harder to justify it morally.
"But our stance on piracy is clear, and we hope to be role models. Sony have never been in touch with me, so I am confident that what we are doing is legal."
Hackers unveiled
Fanjita - real name David Court - is very different from the popular hacker stereotype of the socially inept teenaged geek working all night in his bedroom.
A married man of 34, he is an accomplished professional programmer who writes server software for large telecommunications companies for a living. He spends an hour or two a night hacking PSP software in his Edinburgh home, and is also a martial arts enthusiast.
Dark Alex fits much more comfortably into the hacker mould.
A student from Spain, his hacker moniker derives from his real name, Alejandro, and a liking for all things gothic, he says. His interests are Japanese Manga comics and cats, but PSP hacking is his main hobby.
"It takes up a good part of my spare time, more or less what some other people may spend watching TV," he said.
"I mainly do it because it is fun to research the internals of the operating system of a machine made by a big company. I am also against DRM (digital rights management - a type of electronic copy protection) in any of its forms, and against restrictions that make a device unable to show its true potential."
Not just pirates
Dark Alex said that although his work makes piracy easier because it enabled PSP owners to play copied games, this was not his responsibility.
"I think it is up to users to make the correct decisions about how to use my software," he said.
"I believe in the presumption of innocence, unlike the media companies."
There were many quite legitimate reasons why you might want to copy a game you own from its original disk, Dark Alex said.
"You can transport a number of games on a single memory stick, which is very convenient, and the games actually load faster. And most important for me, these games can actually be modified, allowing users to customise their games," he said.
"I've seen great things done in this area, like people changing the music of games, or making full translations into their own language."
Breaking the code
Whenever Sony releases a new version of its PSP firmware, the three hacker teams compete to see who can decode and examine it first.
They then collaborate to see if they can find any way of unlocking it.
This task has been made harder in recent months as Sony has introduced a new and more secure motherboard in the latest PSPs, and because Sony's firmware has become increasingly sophisticated in response to the hackers' efforts.
"When each new version of the PSP firmware comes out we can see that Sony are putting in countermeasures against the things we have been doing," Court said.
In this case it turned out that a well known mistake in the way a PSP game called Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories was written provided the hackers with a suitable "exploit".
By loading the game it was possible to get access to a restricted part of the firmware called the kernel, and an oversight on the part of Sony's firmware writers then allowed the hackers to run a special program of their own devising.
An upgraded 'downgrade'
This "downgraded" the PSP to an earlier version of the firmware which allows homebrew to be used.
The drawback of this early firmware is that it won't run the latest games, but this problem was quickly overcome by Dark Alex, who wrote his own firmware, called Dark Alex's Open Edition, with the help of a fellow hacker known as Booster.
With this firmware installed, the PSP is completely unlocked, but also has all the features of the latest firmware.
Within days of the release of the Noobz team's downgrader and Dark Alex's Open Edition firmware, Sony updated its firmware, fixing the flaw which makes unlocking possible.
Anyone buying a new PSP with this firmware installed will be therefore be unable to unlock their console - at least until Noobz, Team C+D and Dark Alex and his crew find another exploit and the whole cat-and-mouse game played by Sony and the hacker teams repeats itself.
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February 26th, 2007, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Following previous internet reports, Sony has confirmed that downloadable racing update Gran Turismo HD Concept will be available for the PlayStation 3's European launch next month.
The free one-track "glimpse" comes with the Swiss Alps course and ten drivable cars, including the Ferrari 599 - which we're told is the first time the Italian motor brand has appeared in Gran Turismo.
Another first for the series is the online ranking system, which lets you slug it out in the included time trial mode in an attempt to get your PlayStation Network handle at the top of the boards.
Look out for our impressions along with plenty of other PS3 coverage in the weeks running up to the March 23 launch.
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February 26th, 2007, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has become the latest publisher to pick up the rights to use the Unreal Engine 3 for an as-yet unannounced action game.
Laird Malamed, Activsion's head of production said of the deal: "The Unreal Engine is one of the most technically advanced engines on the market and is a perfect fit for our upcoming action game. The engine's robust suite of programming tools will enable our development team to deliver what is sure to be an amazing game experience."
There's bugger-all info on the actual game at the moment, though we're guessing it's going to be a next-gen only title that will most likely appear on 360 and PS3.
"We're extremely excited to be working with Activision" said Epic VP Mark Rein, possibly from a solid gold chair covered in licensing cash. "We've admired them for a long time and we're pleased that they've chosen to use Unreal Engine 3 and we're confident they're going to make a great game with it."
via CVG
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February 26th, 2007, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
THQ has confirmed earlier reports that the first title to spawn from its Conan licensing agreement (not to be confused with the Eidos MMO) is an action adventure game coming to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Nihilistic Software (Vampire: The Masquerade) is the developer behind the game, which apparently features a deep combat system, a variety of deadly weapons and a story of "epic brutality, sheer evil and visceral combat." Not at all like God of War then.
"The strength and diversity of the Conan brand lends itself extremely well to the interactive format," said Jack Sorensen, THQ's executive VP of worldwide studios. "Through intense combat, familiar environments and next generation visuals, we believe Conan fans and action adventure enthusiasts alike are certain to embrace this future addition to the Conan universe."
According to THQ we can expect Conan in the shops sometime next year. We'll let you know how it shapes up.
via cvg
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February 26th, 2007, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has given the pricing details for its first-party launch line-up in Europe, and the numbers are looking far more wallet-pleasing than the actual hardware.
£39.99 GBP is what flagship PS3 games Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man will cost you at launch (that's €59.99 for our other friends in Europe), £10 GBP cheaper than what Microsoft charges for its first party games.
In addition to the disc-based content Sony has also confirmed the costing of downloadable PlayStation Network titles, noting that games such as flOw, Super Rub a Dub and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection will be made available for an introductory period "at prices which range from €2.99 to €9.99" depending on the title.
Other first-party content available on the PlayStation Network such as game items and video content will be priced at a "sliding scale" of charges starting as low as £0.99 GBP.
SCEE president and CEO David Reeves said of the games prices: "Not only will it be completely free to register on the PLAYSTATIONNetwork with no subscription fees and access to many free demos, but with these competitive prices for additional content we are able to offer the consumer both top quality games on Blu-ray discs and a whole range of downloadable content from the PLAYSTATIONNetwork.
"With over 30 first and third party disc and network games available at launch, we are confident that this will be one of the most successful launches of all time."
It's nice to see that we'll be subjected to reasonable game prices after chucking our notes on Sony's console powerhouse, and it does take some of the blow away from that hefty price tag (a little bit, anyway). How will Microsoft react to Sony's software undercutting? We're already heading to the Microwave with the Popcorn.
via cvg
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February 26th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A vertical stand that packs extra features like a power button with its own power plug slot, holds firmly your Playstation 3 and protects it against power outage and short circuit with its electrical protection.
-All in one design
-Built In "Power On/Off Button"
-Built In "AC Power Cord Input slot"
-Safety and more long-life of console
-Super steady vertical stand function
-Compatible with different version of the PS3
-Prevent P3 System damaged by short circuit
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February 26th, 2007, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Free yourself and your PlayStation®2 from cords and limits.
Enjoy precise control with no tangled cords! The comfortable Logitech® Cordless Precision™ features two high-performance analog sticks for smooth control and over 360 degrees of movement.
- Highly reliable, lag-free performance from Logitech's 2.4 GHz radio frequency technology.
- Range of 10 meters; play almost anywhere in your house!
- Critically-acclaimed D-pad design is more responsive than traditional pivot-point designs.
- Power management for longer battery life; up to 300 hours of game play on two AA batteries (not included). After 5 minutes of inactivity, the gamepad goes into sleep mode.
- Compact mini-receiver plugs directly into your console.
- All analog gamepad controls are PlayStation compatible, including thumbsticks, action buttons, triggers, "Back" and "Start" buttons.
- Vibration feedback promotes a realistic, immersive gaming environment.
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February 26th, 2007, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Bring a powerful cooling system to the most precious console on the market with Dragon Triple Power cooling system. Plug and play, installed in a few seconds and with no extra power needed, it almost should be mandatory for any Playstation 3!
- 3 Built-in power cooling fans
- No battery required
- USB plug in
- Adjustable cooling fan speed
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February 26th, 2007, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Just in time for summer blockbuster season, Sony's pre-announced its new BDP-S300 budget Blu-ray player. It'll MSRP for a cool $600 -- still significantly less than the better-late-than-never S1 -- and will apparently have all the fixins of its predecessor (as well as CD playback), and a size closer to a traditional DVD player. Which makes you wonder why they'd announce such an attractive "low end" model model so early when it's got all the same features as the current generation. Perhaps because consumers still aren't as confident about picking up a Blu-ray as Sony might have hoped? We don't know, but we have a feeling they just killed S1 sales through summer.
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February 26th, 2007, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Gurgling mouth wash this morning was Sony, who has finally belted out the full SingStar Pop Hits track listing into our appreciative faces.
You already know that you can expect to be singing along to Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, who's currently going a bit off the rails, as well as screech in time to the likes of U2, Jamelia and Scissor Sisters when the game is released in Europe in April.
However, what you didn't know, unless you're a bit psychic, is that Lily Allen, Corinne Bailey Rae, Jennifer Lopez, and a host of other pop-warblers are also included. So, given that, you might want to eyeball this list:
Akon - Lonely
All Saints - Black Coffee
Ashlee Simpson - Boyfriend
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending
Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Cascada - Everytime We Touch
Corinne Baily Rae - Put Your Records On
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
Dannii Minogue - I Begin To Wonder
Evanesence - Bring Me To Life
Fall Out Boy - Dance Dance
Girls Aloud - No Good Advice
Goldfrapp - Oh La La
Jamelia - Beware Of The Dog
James Morrison - You Give Me Something
Jennifer Lopez - Jenny From The Block
JoJo - Leave (Get Out)
Lemar - It's Not That Easy
Lily Allen - Littlest Things
My Chemical Romance - Helena
Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous
Norah Jones - Don't Know Why
Orson - Bright Idea
Razorlight - Golden Touch
Rihanna - SOS
Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancing
Sugababes - Push The Button
Travis - Sing
U2 - Beautiful Day
Will Young - Switch It On
via eurogamer
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February 26th, 2007, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
The next game in the Shin Megami Tensei series will be coming to Europe courtesy of Koei, who has announced a 27th April release date for the PS2 RPG.
SMT: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army will feature a more action orientated experience than previous titles, introducing arcade-style combo attacks in addition to magical and special abilities deployed in a familiar RPG fashion.
You'll play as Raidou Kuzunoha The 14th in early 20th century Japan, taking on the role of detective in what appears to be a straightforward kidnapping case, but naturally turns out to be much more. This dark and intriguing storyline coupled with your ability to stun and capture progressively more powerful demons is what will make Devil Summoner another essential purchase, Koei reckons.
"Games as impressive as this one deserve to reach a wide audience across the globe and this only serves to strengthen our position as a leading publisher of first-rate RPGs in Europe," said Naoki Katashima, senior vice president of Koei Europe.
via eurogamer
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February 26th, 2007, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
via gibiz
Sony has confirmed that the new model PlayStation 3 for Europe has had its backwards compatibility reduced due to costs.
Sony released the final specifications for the Euro PS3 last week, revealing that the machine would only play a 'limited range' of PlayStation 2 titles.
Speaking to GameSpot, Sony Australia MD Michael Ephraim stated that PAL PS3's will not contain the 'emotion engine' chip – the PS2's CPU. Instead, the technology will be emulated.
"Clearly costs is one of the [reasons]. If software is cheaper than the cost of the chip, then why not do that?," said Ephraim.
Sony intends to release a full list of PS2 titles that are compatible with the PlayStation 3 on the day the console launches in Europe, March 23.
Ephraim downplayed the importance of backwards compatibility, even though the publisher is happy to support more original PlayStation titles than PS2 games.
"I think backwards compatibility is important, but when you look at what the PS3's doing with new games, digital content and so on, that specific functionality may not be as important as previously felt," he said.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Say what you will about Phil Harrison, the guy's a real trooper. He's in a position that lesser me would have run screaming from over the last few months, and yet he soldiers on, telling it like it is. James Brightman from GameDaily.Biz has just posted an exclusive interview with Phil from DICE earlier this month, where Phil explains why there are PS3 systems sitting on store shelves.
Talk to the people who run GameStop, talk to the people who run BestBuy, and they'll tell you that the demand is unprecedented and that they give us kudos for managing to keep a very sophisticated supply chain moving.
So in other words, the moment after you see a stack of PS3 systems somewhere they are gone, only to be replaced with a completely different stack next time! Of course!
I just love seeing what the guy has to say, and the interview is a great read overall. He discusses the price point, the rumble feature ("it's not the next-generation feature"), and things the competition could learn from Sony.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Sony blog Three Speech got a chance to talk to Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe about last week's announcement that the PS3 wouldn't be fully backwards compatible.
Despite the fact that the blog is Sony backed, they asked some good questions and got some direct answers including why Europe is paying more for less and how to tell the difference between the gimpy UK and non-gimpy US models. Hit the jump for the short Q&A. Brian Crecente
People weren't expecting this announcement. Surely we have the right to know the number of PAL supported games before the launch?
We have been assessing the extent of backward compatibility, and will continue to do so right up until launch. It is therefore not possible to provide a specific number of backwards compatible titles at this stage, but close to launch consumers will be able to check whether their titles are compatible with PS3 by looking at the list of compatible titles at http://faq.eu.playstation.com/bc. This site will be available on 23rd March to meet launch day.
Does this mean that the PS2 hardware chips have been removed completely and replaced with software-only emulation?
The original PS3 used the Emotion Engine/Graphics Synthesiser to emulate PS2 titles. With the latest European specification we have removed the Emotion Engine, retaining the graphics chip. This has an impact on the number of PS2 titles that will be backwards compatible.
If this is a business decision to save cost, why are users left to bear the burden, having to purchase a system inferior to those sold in the US and Japan at a higher price?
The PS3 launching in Europe is every bit as powerful as the PS3s available currently in North America and Japan. PS3 is defined by key features such as the CELL broadband engine, its Blu-ray drive, the SIXAXIS Controller and its ability to output full 1080P HD game content which makes it an entertainment system for the future, without equal.
PS one titles remain backwards compatible and we will continue to assess the compatibility of PS2 titles right up until launch We will continue to offer firmware upgrades to increase the number of titles that are compatible, but rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology.
How will consumers be able to tell the difference between the fully compatible launch model available in America and Japan and the new degraded model?
On the external packaging of the PS3 there will be a small 'PAL' logo to denote that the PS3 is built for the European market (North American and Japanese models have a 'NTSC' logo). The model number will also appear on the label stuck to the top flap of the PS3 packaging (beginning CECHC followed by two digits - see below).
In addition, each PS3 carries a barcode and serial number on the back of the system. At the end of the unique serial number for each console is the model number. In the SCEE territories there are four model numbers:
Europe: CECHC04
UK and Ireland: CECHC03
Australia/New Zealand: CECHC02
Russia/India: CECHC08
Will the new updated hardware version improve the quality of the images of PS2 games on the PS3, as the current crop have been highly criticised?
This has already been achieved by a firmware upgrade, which will be incorporated in European launch models.
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February 26th, 2007, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
CPC has released a new app for the PS3, heres the features:
It is an installable otheros.bld file, which runs a custom application on the PS3.
• Web Interface (via HTTP) that lets you do all of the below featured!
• Check Blu-Ray Disk size
• Format internal PS3 HDD
• Explore HDD (Linux side), and download files to a PC.
• Explore Blu-Ray Disks, and download files to a PC (with UDF 2.5 Support!)
Note: With SAK v1.00 you can now dump your PS3/Blu-Ray disc images without installing PS3 Linux, however, you must still format the PS3 HDD prior (as if you were going to install PS3 Linux) in
order to install/use the OtherOS-- this is a $ony requirement unfortunately.
Not so "feature" features:
• Reboot console
• Reboot console to PS3OS
• Poweroff console
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February 27th, 2007, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xecuter posted this in an interview:
* Soft-Mods: It seems like you guys have some knowledge about the upcoming Paradox Loader, can you share some of that with us? What firmware versions it will work on? How it will boot? And if it is a full blown exploit?
* Team Xecuter: Just wait till the European release of the PS3. imsure more will happen around then.
Lets hope a breakthrough for PS3 Homebrew is coming
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February 27th, 2007, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
Someone e-mailed me with this link and mentioned the water. All this time, we were focusing on dragons and failed to realize that the water in the game looks absolutely stunning, too! The latest batch of screenshots were pulled out of the Factor-5 oven on the 23rd, apparently, but we're getting around to it now. Lair is due out in May, and from the way things are shaping up, will probably make quite a splash. Did you see that one coming? Hopefully the dragons will be able to take a dive into the briney deep. That would add extra fun to the killing and such... although falling on top of a plethora of soldiers is equally rewarding.
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February 27th, 2007, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
via australia news
THE battle for supremacy in the console games market kicked off in earnest at the weekend as Sony began a month-long drive to convince consumers it's soon to be released PlayStation 3 is the way of the future.
Sony Computer Entertainment and its retail partners will spend $7 million over the next six weeks, with much of the marketing aimed at giving people hands-on experience with the console.
"Demo, demo, demo" is SCE managing director Michael Ephraim's catchcry.
With rival Microsoft's Xbox 360 trading at half the price of the PS3, and Nintendo's Wii coming in at under $300, Mr Ephraim admitted people needed to trial the PS3 to be convinced the $999.95 price tag was value.
At the weekend retailers fired their first salvos as part of the Sony push, with Harvey Norman retailer Domayne offering $50 vouchers (understood to be underwritten by SCE) to customers if they are unable to get a hands-on demonstration of the machine.
The PS3 launch is also the first stage of the battle for supremacy between High Definition DVD and the Blu Ray formats, with PS3 featuring Blu Ray.
While PS3 consoles will be hot properties when stores around the country open at midnight on March 23, Mr Ephraim knows the marketing battle is to be played out over months, not weeks, when the average family, not tech-savvy early adopters, will need convincing.
The key, he said, was making them see the PS3 as an entertainment centre merging gaming, movies, the internet and messaging through the (preferably high-definition) TV in the living room.
"We are very aware and have punctuated that point -- demo, demo, demo," Mr Ephraim said.
"We have talked to our retail partners. My company have set the agenda of demo-ing. How we go about that is tricky and costly."
Part of the challenge is demonstrating the wireless aspects of the device in a store environment.
"The key retailers -- Harvey Norman, Domayne, JB, Myer -- all these stores that I have just mentioned sell consumer electronics and they see the benefit to selling PS3 properly because they will sell Bravia (TVs), MP3 Players (and) Walkmans.
'Demo is the way to go. It is a strategic direction I have given the organisation as far as marketing dollars, retail co-op dollars."
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February 27th, 2007, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita posted this news over at noobz
After using the downgrader, some people have had problems with their screen brightness. This article explains why, and what you can do about it.
The problem seems to occur only for recent TA-082 / TA-086 PSPs, that came originally with firmware 2.71 or later.
The problem is that Sony changed the display hardware in some of the recent PSPs, and the firmware needs to be aware of how to handle that.
This means that if you run a lower firmware than v2.71, then the display isn't given the right brightness signals. Where normally you would see a bright screen, and it would go dark after a while of not pressing any keys, now it is normally dark, and goes bright if you don't press anything for a couple of minutes.
The best fix is obviously to install a firmware that can control the display correctly. Fortunately the OE firmwares, e.g. 3.10 OE, will do this. The only drawback is that, when running homebrew in the 1.5 kernel mode, you will get the old screen behaviour. But you should be able to work around this by pressing the 'screen' button a few times.
It's also possible, for advanced users, to make a hybrid firmware that will use the later screenhandling code in the 1.50 kernel mode of OE.
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February 27th, 2007, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Following Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's bomb late last week regarding a possible drop in backwards compatibility for the European PlayStation 3, Japanese gaming site Impress Watch reports today that SCEE's Japanese parent SCEI has at last issued a statement on the matter, providing clarification into exactly what will be going on under the hood.
The current PS3 model that's available for purchase in Asia and North America achieves backwards compatibility through hardware, as each unit includes the "Emotion Engine + Graphics Synthesizer" combination CPU and graphics chip that powers the slim model PS2. The European version of the hardware will not have this chip, SCEI confirmed today. To achieve backwards compatibility, the European model will rely on a combination of hardware and software. Sony is including hardware of some form that will take the place of the Graphics Synthesizer graphics chip. The Emotion Engine CPU functionality will be replicated entirely through software emulation.
Sadly, SCEI did not clarify some of the vague terminology used in the European subsidiary's press release to describe the level of backwards compatibility that can be expected from the new system configuration. SCEI also kept mum on when the new version of the hardware will appear in other territories.
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February 27th, 2007, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
While Tekken 6 made a surprise appearance at the AOU arcade expo in Japan a couple of weeks back, missing from the trailer footage and brief developer interview aired at the show was specific information on when we'd be able to get our hands on the title. In fact, aside from a promise of a 2007 arcade release, Bandai Namco failed to make a clear timeframe public.
But the folks at Japan's number one arcade magazine were privy to some extra details, it seems. A major arcade website has obtained the April issue of the monthly Arcadia magazine and posted all the key details. Included is one little bit that's sure to get Tekken fans excited. Tekken 6 development staff revealed to the magazine in an interview that they hope to put their latest creation on location test before the weather gets hot.
Depending on exactly how hot they mean by hot, this could imply a location test as early as May. We'll let you know if we hear anything more specific.
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February 27th, 2007, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Microsoft Paint isn't the most useful image manipulation program in the world. In fact, it's so primitive that it becomes a real challenge to do anything substantial on it. That hasn't stopped RANDISALBION from recreating an entire PSP in Paint. Seriously. Just watch ... but be careful! Your jaw might hit the floor.
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February 27th, 2007, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Joel Van:

Hi Everyone. I've been talking to Guitargod1134 about a cooperative project and i recently got a message to make a release on my own (guitargods a little busy) anyway, I've made a new version of Guitarhelper with:
-New fresh GUI
-Crisp new Samples for the tuner
-More chords&scales
-New eboot with music!
Its using most of Guitargod1134's scripting (its in lua), but i've done some of it on my own, this is my first real project [bar print("hello world")]Well, there it is, Thanks to guitargod1134, jemdev and davezpsp. Be sure to read the readme!
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via joel van
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February 27th, 2007, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has once again updated his PSP Radio streaming app for the PSP:
Heres whats new:
New Features:
(raf) Core: Added AUTOSTART option under USB, instead of it being its own option, and using up screenspace.
(raf) Core: Better Suspend/Resume support.
(raf) Core: Added Tell/Seek functions to the streams/decoding. Added support to resume to continue playing where it was before it went into suspend mode (localfiles).
(raf) Core: Buttons can now be mapped. Look at PSPRadio.cfg for details. Changed the default mappings. SQUARE=CANCEL now. L+R cycle screens. (Button combinations are now also allowed).
(raf) Core/Plugin/Version: Changed the interface to .15. Working on a revamped interface. (will be .2). TextUI uses the button mapping to remap buttons if the skin is configured to do so (look at SHOUTcastScreen.cfg for an example).
Bug Fixes:
(raf) Core: USB is now working again, thanks to AhMan's for the help.
Known Bugs:
(raf) Core: Static IP connections don't work correctly. Seems the gateway is not used as it should.
(raf) Core: Module unlëading doesn't free up all memory correctly. Even though plugins can now be loaded/unloaded, the PSP can eventually crash as it runs out of memory (after loading/unloading enough times; even though I switched back and forth between the text and 3d UIs over 20 times, and everything worked fine).
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February 27th, 2007, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of Personal Media Manager has been released, heres whats new:
Complete Re writing of the interface of reception
The parameter setting of the path of homebrews is replaced by the path of the PSX ISO
Add support of the Sony firmware 3.10 and 3.11
Add support of the DarkAlex firmware 3.10OE
Manage PSX ISO :
Correct the crash during the encoding of some ISO (freeze on recording EBOOT.PBP)
Correct the crash of the copy when the direct copy is not checked
Correct many bug
Complete manage of PSX ISO File
Manage Homebrews :
Correct the bug of display Homebrews when ISO PSX is present on the PSP
Correct the bug of display of the homebrews pictures
Optimize the time of load
Manage movies :
Correct bug in the display of the name of videos on SONY firmware 3.x
Support of videos YouTube in the format FLV
Support of videos in the format MKV
Correction bug on video encoding in the format MOV
Optimize the time of encoding
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February 27th, 2007, 07:25 Posted By: wraggster
pj1115 has released a new version of his applcation that keeps your fave movies away from prying eyes on the PSP:
HideMedia (previously HideMov) is a PRX module for use with one of Dark_AleX's OE firmwares that stops the PSP's media menu's from finding any files until a button combination is pressed.
When launched with the XMB, the module forces the PSP to be unable to find any files, so it just returns: "There are no xxxx's". When the button combination is pressed, the PRX lets the menus find you files again, and you can listen/see/watch your media at will!
For extra security, you can re-disable the files with another button combination. With this utility, you can prevent people from rooting around your personal stuff with ease!
Unfortunately, I'm unable to call this anything but a BETA. This is because it still doesn't work how I would like it to:
- Write to the PSP's memory instead of the memory stick. Faster, more reliable. If you can help me with this, please give me a buzz: piers[dot]jones[at]gmail[dot]com.
- The PSP cache'ing of files make an inconvenience. (See below). Again, if anyone can help me with this, drop me a line: piers[dot]jones[at]gmail[dot]com.
HideMedia BETA II-
- Now hides video (including VIDEO folder), music, photo, game (GAME, GAME150, GAME303, GAME310), Browser bookmarks, savedata (Warning: Unhide files before launching a UMD game or it won't be able to find them).
- HOPEFULLY increased compatibility for older OE firmwares.
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February 27th, 2007, 12:12 Posted By: Cloudhunter
via BBC
Fanjita of the noobz team has had an interview on BBC World service radio.
Listen to it here: Hacker teams unlock PSP or a link to an MP3 here.
If you don't want to listen to it, I took the liberty of writing a transcript for it:
Presenter: Computer hackers have appeared to have scored a strike in the battle against the industry giants. They’ve found a way to unlock Sony’s handheld games console, the playstation portable, or PSP. The PSP is sold with its own built-in software which is known as firmware. This controls how the console operates. The firmware “locks” many of the PSP’s capabilities so that enthusiasts can’t write their own programs for it. It also prevents the PSP from running pirated games or films. But now, inevitably you might say, hackers have found a way round the locks and controls. David Court, (Fanjita) professional programmer, part time hacker is among those who’ve unlocked the PSP. He joins us now from Edinburgh in Scotland. David Court, why did you want to do it?
Fanjita: Well it’s quite simple. We were just frustrated by the fact that having bought this 200 pounds console, it wasn’t possible to do what we wanted with it.
Presenter: But one of the reasons that these sort of limits are put on is to stop piracy, it’s to make sure that you only run games that are legitimately bought and paid for, for instance.
Fanjita: Indeed and that is a very important thing to bear in mind. The aim here was definitely not to allow piracy of software. Working as a professional programmer myself, piracy is a thing that is quite dear to my heart. If I was to go around pirating software, then I’m going round pirating from my colleagues.
Presenter: So you don’t see yourself as some sort of modern day digital pirate then?
Fanjita: Absolutely not, absolutely not. The aim here was just to enable running of legitimate and personally developed software that would basically unlock the capabilities of the machine.
Presenter: But hang on a minute, this is a machine that Sony have designed and invested lots of money into, don’t they have the right to restrict what you can and can’t on it?
Fanjita: I don’t believe they have the right to restrict what you can do with a piece of equipment that you bought outright. If it was rented from them, then fair enough. But the fact that I’ve paid 200 pounds for a piece of electrical equipment that I then can only do what they tell me to do, that to me is frustrating.
Presenter: But what’s the difference between that and the sort of agreements you sign when you buy a bit of software.
Fanjita: Well, I think that’s the key difference, where’s the agreement, on the actual hardware? If there was an agreement like that, would people agree?
Presenter: So, you’ve got this machine, you’ve unlocked it, what is it that you are now going to be able to do what the rest of us who have got them in their plain ordinary form can’t do?
Fanjita: Well there is a whole wealth of things. It opens it up to this sort of “bedroom” industry of people churning out games, and all sorts of other creative things that they otherwise would not be allowed to do.
Presenter: But why not use a computer then, because the PSP doesn’t even have a keyboard?
Fanjita: That’s correct, but then again, most computers aren’t as portable. If you are sitting on a bus, it’s nice to be able to pop this thing out of your pocket and just play a simple game on it or something. More than that of course, there’s all sorts of other exciting applications that are opened up. For instance, there’s a guy that has written what’s effectively a Sat-Nav application for the PSP, that was something that was promised by Sony from the first day of the PSP. It took them about two years to come out with this thing, this guy beat them by about a year.
Presenter: But I guess this is a bit like all the arguments that go on about the free software that you can, or can’t download from the web. It’s sort of about people’s intellectual property rights and sort of about what people can and can’t do with something they’ve bought. There are going to be fights like this over and over again aren’t there?
Fanjita: Sure, sure, and I think it’s important for the industry to realize that restraining people in this sort of way, is something that they are going to object to.
Presenter: Ok. David Court, Professional programmer, thanks very much indeed.
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February 27th, 2007, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed the first information on its plans to release additional content online to expand the PS3 launch day shooter, Resistance: Fall Of Man.
"We're going to release additional content for Resistance. I don't think we've gone into detail on the schedule, but we have some really, really cool things that will be extending the story, extending the locations, some brand new content, starting in April," Harrison said in a recent interview.
And there's every chance that a sequel could already ben on the design board: "So if that works well and is well-received by the audience, then that will keep the engagement with game going between now and should there be a sequel at some point in the future."
Resistance: Fall Of Man will launch alongside PS3 on March 23.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
An analysis report on the current console war leading up to 2010 cites PS3 and Xbox 360 will dominate over Wii in all major territories.
The report by Screen Digest's Ed Barton, forecasts that the leading console will differ for each territory, predicting the PS3 to overtake Xbox 360 in Japan and Europe, but come in a close second to Microsoft's offering in America.
The analysis puts Wii in a significantly distant third in all three territories.
In an interview with Gamasutra, Ed Barton explained: "The one thing I would admit is that Nintendo's strategy with the Wii is, at the moment, the great unknown," later saying: "The numbers that we're seeing now for the Nintendo Wii, they've come out of the blocks fantastically strongly - no one would deny that.
"However it's incredibly early in the hardware cycle. There's still another five or six years to play out on this one, and the first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007."
Barton cites exclusive third-party support as a crucial issue for Wii in the next gen war: "We've already seen things like Dragon Quest going exclusive on the DS, but if we see those kind of tipping points on the Wii, we'll have to amend our view, clearly. But at the moment, this is the view we're taking."
Barton points out Wii's cheaper development costs to be a huge advantage but, considering the console's limited technical ability, Barton speculates, "As to whether more cheaply developed games can continue to drive Wii sales momentum, when you put it against the kind of game pipelines we're seeing for the Xbox 360 and PS3, I would argue that the jury's still out."
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February 27th, 2007, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
SCEA's Managing Director Michael Ephraim has told attendees to a media launch event in Australia that Wii is a "completely different" product to Wii.
"We think PS3 is not a product to be compared with Wii, it is a completely different product. This is a digital hub, that is a games console, he said. "If you want to look at comparisons with our other competitors, to maximise Xbox 360, you need Media Centre, you need a PC. And now if you want to play high-definition movies (and we can argue which format is going to win) you have to spend another $249. Xbox is significantly dearer than PS3 for what it can do straight out of the box. Then you have Media Centre, HD-DVD drive, wireless adapter."
Ephraim has also come under fire over the high price of the system compared the US and Japan launches. "Compared to Europe and the UK, we're right in line. We can have an endless argument about who do you compare price with: US or Europe. If you compare to Europe, our price is spot on," he explained.
And what of the much-talked about price cut? "Consumers also need to understand that Sony has spent US$ billion on the development of the Cell chip, the R 'n D for PS3, and the logistics of bringing this product to market. A lot of analysts have commented that Sony is losing money on this device every time we sell one. So at least we can assure the punters in Australia that we're not 'ripping them off' if we're selling it at a loss. We're in line with UK and Europe, comparable products cost more in Australia, and we will do our best to bring the price down as soon as we can."
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February 27th, 2007, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has stepped up its initiative to establish Blu-ray as the high definition home entertainment format, by announcing a new Blu-ray disc player which will retail for US $599.
The BDP-S300 will go on sale early this summer and is priced the same as the recently released PlayStation 3. The previous model BDP-S1 currently retails for US $999.
The BDP-S300 is around the size of a standard DVD player and has all the features of the US $999 model, with the added benefit of being able to play CDs.
Sony is heavily promoting the Blu-ray format, recently offering initial European PlayStation 3 consumers a free copy of the movie Casino Royale when the console goes on sale on March 23.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
As kids, we grew accustomed to the age-old debate where “our dad could totally beat up your dad.” Naturally, that argument segues into today’s “Xbox Live is totally hotter than PlayStation Network.” Well, now there’s more news to fuel that ever-swirling debate.
Next Generation is reporting that Bethesda - creators of the life-consuming uber-RPG Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - is having difficulty with Sony’s online service. Seems that Bethesda wants to support downloadble content for Oblivion, but has no clue about how to implement that feature. Oh, and the game comes out next month. Swell.
“We plan to support downloadable content on PS3, but we couldn’t tell you how or when it will be out, because it’s not clear how we’re going to do that yet,” said spokesperson Pete Hines. He added, “Although it’s impossible to say which is the better between [Xbox Live and PS3 Online], Xbox Live is easier to implement because we’ve had a much better sense of it an earlier state than with PS3.”
A case of a large third-party developer bitching about user-friendliness or another swipe at Sony’s continuing difficulty to ease the programming process? One thing’s for sure, the PlayStation Network does have a robust online service, but it'll be a while before the training wheels are off and it’s riding side-by-side with Xbox Live.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion hits the PS3 on 23 March.
via gamesradar
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February 27th, 2007, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
This image-burst illustrates SBK-07 Superbike World Championship, the official game of this year's superbiking competition - which includes all riders, manufacturers and tracks from the full Superbike calendar, fielding an impressive 28 riders in each race.
We've had a chance to rev the game up for a swift test ride recently, and it's a suitably deep but appealing racer. Like Tourist Trophy, Superbike World Championship boasts an imposing level of realism, but for our money it's more accessible than the Sony-published biker, mainly due to its plain-and-simple controls and a satisfying sense of kneecap-threatening speed.
Also, there's a neat Scenario feature that places you in a compromising situation - fifth place with one lap to go, and you must win, say. Plus for anyone who just wants the rubber-burning action without the brake-balance juggling tinkering, there's a novice option available. The game also hits 360, PS3 and PC later in the year, which should add some next-gen visual flair to the game's already interesting gameplay.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 Release:

Gundam meets Koei's popular Musou (Dynasty Warriors) series in this action packed PlayStation3™ hit. Gundam Musou features mobile suits from three of the Gundam series: the original Gundam, Zeta Gundam and Gundam ZZ.
You take the role of the main character from each of the series and play important battles from each story, putting you right in the heart of the action. Characters included are Ray Amuro (pilot of the original Gundam), Char Aznable (and his special Zaku II), Kamille Bidan (pilot of both the Gundam Mark II and the Z-Gundam), Judau Ashta (and the Double Zeta Gundam), and Haman Karn (and the Qubeley mobile suit).
Gundam Musou has been developed by Koei's Omega Force, featuring the typical Musou (Dynasty Warriors) hack and slash gameplay. New moves have been added to the gundam suits that were not present in any previous Gundam game, including special kicks, beam rifle shots and others.
As typical for any Gundam game, but new to the Musou series, you will encounter battles in outer space.
Don't miss out on Namco Bandai's next gen PlayStation3™ hit Gundam Musou, shipping today as Asia release version at US$ 64.90 only. The Japanese release version is expected to be in stock later this week, selling at US$ 69.90 respectively. Please be reminded that PS3™ game software is region free, in other words this game will run on any common PlayStation3™ game console.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
Oxygen Games is proud to announce the May 2007 release of Dave Mirra BMX Challenge – the first BMX title for the PSP® (Playstation®portable) system.
The King of BMX is back and ready to shake the world of BMX once again – only this time – on the PSP® (Playstation®portable) system!
Easily the most decorated athlete in the history of the X games, Dave Mirra has dominated the competition arena for over a decade. Dave Mirra BMX Challenge lets you defy gravity wherever you go. With ad hoc wireless play for 1-4 players, challenge friends to racing and freestyle competitions and see who’s got what it takes to ride with the greatest.
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge features nine exciting environments in which to race or ride freestyle including Shipyard, Far East, Washington Heights and a NASA space shuttle! Progress through 17 challenging levels as you compete in exhibition, novice and pro circuit modes.
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February 27th, 2007, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Anyone who keeps track of the Japanese games market knows how big Capcom's Monster Hunter series is over there. For a reminder, we turn to the latest weekly sales report from Mainichi Interactive. According to the Japanese site, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd sold 700,000 units in its first week following release on 2/15.
Needless to say, this is a record first week for a PSP game. In fact, these sales could make Monster Hunter Portable 2nd the best selling PSP title to date in its home territory.
The site also reports that PSP hardware performed favorably over the week. However, while Sony released a gold-colored system to commemorate the game's release, the most popular colors were the previously released blue and silver units.
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February 27th, 2007, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via BBC News
Back in 2003 Sony's Ken Kutaragi, "the father of the Play Station", made a bold prediction.
Announcing Sony's plans to enter the portable gaming market, he claimed the PlayStation Portable (PSP) would become "the Walkman for the 21st Century".
At that time conventional wisdom dictated that any attempt to break into the handheld market, dominated for so long by Nintendo, was doomed to failure.
To suggest that Sony's console would not only make an impact on the market, but also match the success of the 1980s cultural icon that was the Walkman seemed to argue a self-confidence bordering on arrogance.
After all, Sony shipped more than 50m Walkman units in the first ten years of production, reaching a total of 150m units produced by 1995.
The name Walkman has even joined that select group of brands like Hoover and Xerox whose name defines the product.
So four years down the line has the PSP lived up to "Papa" Kutaragi's prediction? Has it succeeded in breaking Nintendo's apparently unshakeable hold on the market?
Market domination
Since its release the PSP has seen steady growth with global shipments increasing from just over half a million units in 2004 to a total of 24.7m units by the end of 2006.
Impressive figures, but still not enough to reverse Nintendo's market dominance.
Nintendo has shipped more than 35m units of the DS and DS Lite consoles worldwide since launching in 2004, smashing European records for console sales on the way.
Features: MP3 and video playback, web browser
Processor: 333MHz MIPS R4200
Memory: 32 MB
Connectivity: 100ft (30metres) local range, Wi-Fi
Features: Touch screen, embedded chat software
Processor: One ARM9 and one ARM7
Memory: 4MB
Connectivity: 100ft (30metres) local range, Wi-Fi
So why has the mighty PSP failed to overtake its less powerful rival?
Margaret Robertson, editor of Edge gaming magazine, believes that one factor could be that the sheer power and versatility of the PSP caused more confusion than Sony expected when it first launched.
"Sony thought it was a straightforward and compelling offer of a gadget that can do music, videos, films and gaming," she says.
"But the problem with that is that consumers either fell into a category where they didn't really want all of that or they were technologically savvy enough to have commitments to other mediums, particularly memory formats."
Sony was not alone in finding the early market reluctant to embrace a new console; Nintendo also had problems when it first unveiled the DS.
"It wasn't a great-looking gadget," said Ms Robertson.
"In the West nobody was quite sure what the DS was trading on for its first year. It didn't seem to be trading on that Nintendo nostalgia feeling for the core fans."
Shock of the new
Consumers familiar with Nintendo's classic games were initially wary of the new and unknown aspects of the DS: the touch-screen game-play, the unconventional games.
But in the last two years prices have fallen and gamers have adapted to new concepts.
Games like Nintendogs have boosted sales of the DS console
DS owners in particular have embraced new genres of games that seemed unlikely to succeed when they first appeared.
The popularity of Nintendo's so-called Touch! Generations games such as Dr Kawashima's Brain Training and Nintendogs are cited by Nintendo's European Marketing Director Laurent Fischer as the major factor in driving console sales.
Paul Jackson, Director General of the UK's Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association (Elspa), suggests that the wide appeal of handheld games on all platforms has broadened the gaming demographic, making handheld consoles the UK's biggest selling hardware systems of 2006.
"Many people who would perhaps not have considered gaming have got involved," says Mr Jackson.
"And many people who are passionate have been able to change the way they game within a more social context."
PSP games are also overcoming initial difficulties.
While early PSP titles may have once been viewed by some as the poor relations of successful Play Station 2 (PS2) franchises more recent releases such as GTA: Liberty City Stories have been strong enough to cross back over to PS2.
More than a game
So where next for portable devices?
Sony's vision for the PSP is based on connectivity and integration with the PlayStation 3 (PS3).
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesman Jonathan Fargher says the PSP will come into its own when connected wirelessly to the PS3.
Some commentators criticised the Nintendo DS's looks
The Remote Play functionality in PSP and PS3 currently allows the PSP user to wirelessly access pictures, videos and audio content stored on the PS3 up to a range of around 25-30 metres.
But Sony has big plans for connecting its devices.
"We're hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months," said Mr Fargher.
The idea is to use the PSP to access the PS3 at home from anywhere in the world with a wireless hotspot.
"If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices too," said Mr Fargher.
With a PSP camera and GPS device in the pipeline, Ken Kutaragi must be a proud father, but has his prediction that the PSP would become the Walkman of the 21st Century come true?
Apple's Steve Jobs might have something to say about that. The iPod has shipped more than 88m units since 2002, with 21m of those manufactured in the first fiscal quarter of 2007 alone.
It looks like the PSP still has some way to go if it is to live up to Mr Kutaragi's promise.
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February 27th, 2007, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Peripheral manufacturers simply aren't learning. We mocked Mad Catz's Power Pak for making the PSP's battery stick out as much as J-Lo's rear. It seems like the "Powerbank" tries to one-up Mad Catz by making an even larger battery solution. Although it'll give you more than twice the battery power, it's not worth it when it makes the system larger than a Game Gear. Honestly, wouldn't it be easier just to buy a spare PSP battery?
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February 27th, 2007, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Jamie Fuller
PSP Stacks is a great block based puzzle game, the original concept was taken from a Mobile phone game called 'Ambi-stax'
PSP Stacks is an addictive and fast-paced block puzzle game. The challenge is to insert pairs of coloured PSPs into two stacks, one on either side of the play area. Create a group of 3 or more adjacent PSPs of the same colour, and they disintegrate, gaining you points to move closer to the next level. As you progress, the time that you have to choose where to insert your PSPs decreases, so you'll have to move quickly because you'll lose the game if either of your stacks fills up!
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February 28th, 2007, 07:28 Posted By: wraggster
A new mod from the Acidmod team:
The first thing you should know is that the PSP Camera cannot see in the dark, obviously, so we are going to use Infra Red LEDs to illuminate the cameras field of vision with "Invisible" IR light. The only thing keeping us away from that is the IR Light filter installed inside the Chotto. I will now go on to the dissection of the camera.
You can test the camera by pointing a IR remote control to it and pushing a button on the remote. You will not see any light.
But first get familiar with this picture, that way you will know the major parts of the Chotto and you will be able to know what I am talking about.
Firstly there are two screws on the bottom of the faceplate that have to remove. Get your screwdriver and take those out. By taking out these screws you can now remove the camera faceplate. The faceplate has clips on the very top of each camera “huggers” Be careful not to break them when removing the faceplate.
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February 28th, 2007, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
Via worthplaying
Burnout Dominator is an all-new installment of the Burnout series, loaded with intense racing action and dozens of retina-searing World Tour events. Burnout Dominator Senior Producer Nick Channon gives us some more details ...
Q: Who has the honor to talk to us? State your name, rank and position!
My name is Nick Channon. I am the Senior Producer on Burnout Dominator.
Q: Burnout Dominator serves as something of a halfway release between 2005's Burnout Revenge and the forthcoming Burnout 5. Tell us a bit about the decision to take another stab at a last-gen Burnout title – when did the idea first come about, and at what point did EA UK begin the development process?
NC: The game has been in development for just over a year, and basically it's all about making the best games we can for the individual platforms. We wanted to create a game that was all about testing the user's dangerous driving skills, and felt that PS2 and PSP were the best platform to do this kind of a game on.
Q: How involved was Criterion in the actual development of Dominator?
NC: Fully.
Q: Burnout Dominator puts more of an emphasis on the racing elements of previous series entries, eschewing the Crash and Traffic Attack modes in the process. What was the driving force in redefining the focus of the series for this particular entry?
NC: We've been looking for an opportunity to bring back the idea of "Burnouts," and Burnout Dominator felt like the perfect opportunity to do this. We wanted to make sure we built the game around this great feature, and as such the focus of the game had to be all about driving as dangerously as you could and avoiding the crash. Thus creating a game that really captures the essence of Burnout, the thrill of weaving in and out of traffic, doing huge drifts and generally driving like a Maniac.
Q: Using Burnout Revenge as a basis, tell us a bit about how the racing experience has changed in Burnout Dominator.
NC: The races themselves haven't really changed, you can still drive aggressively and take down your opponents, however the introduction of Burnouts has changed the boost mechanics , and as such changes the way you use boost, which really gives a cool new feel to the races.
Q: The ability to check traffic in Burnout Revenge fundamentally altered the core experience, which sometimes made it tough to go back to the previous Burnout titles. With that element missing from Dominator, do you anticipate that gamers will have trouble adjusting to the modified experience?
NC: No I don't think so. The important thing for us was to create a game that felt very fresh and new. This game's focus is on avoiding the crash and testing your driving skills to the limit. The ultimate pay-off is the Burnout and chaining these together and fighting to avoid the traffic.
Q: On that same note, will elements of the core Dominator experience make their way to Burnout 5? If players adjust their style of play for Dominator, might they have to do so again when Burnout 5 hits later in the year?
NC: You'll have to wait and see. Burnout 5 is an all-new game with a completely different design.
Q: What can we expect from the new tracks in Dominator? Will they be like the winding, multi-path courses of Burnout Revenge, or more like the straightforward tracks of previous entries? Will any "classic" tracks from the previous titles be included?
NC: All the tracks are brand new and unique to Burnout Dominator. They have been built from the ground up with the new game modes and mechanics in mind. They feature big sweeping drift corners and wide motorway sections for weaving in and out of traffic. They do feature alternate routes, some of which you need to unlock with the new Signature Shortcut feature.
Q: Will there be any considerable non-visual differences between the PlayStation 2 and PSP versions of Dominator? Will the two interact in any way?
NC: The big difference is that the PSP version will feature ad-hoc play for up to six players, with Race, Road Rage and Maniac modes being available. Additionally, the user will be able to upload their high scores to a central web site to compare how they rate against other players from around the World. They will also be able to share their scores with friends through ad-hoc, and we will be releasing two unique tracks through download post-release.
Q: Sony is currently pushing its PSP downloads, offering demos for various titles. Any chance there will be a downloadable Burnout Dominator PSP demo? If so, what would it include, or why not ?
NC: As mentioned, there will be two tracks available for free post-release.
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February 28th, 2007, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
Agent Orange has updated his Screensaver for Windows, heres whats new:
- v0.95
* Probably fixed flickering on startup
* Problems with hiding Mouse Cursor fixed
- v0.9
+ Added Control Panel
+ Color selection, Custom colors
+ Frequency of Colorchange, Background Options
+ Wave Speed, Wave Height
* Fixed Several smaller Bugs
- v0.5
* Fixed Bug concerning Multi-Monitors / Widescreens
* Fixed Timing Errors
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February 28th, 2007, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
New theme from xploren:
by xploren
icons by innercy
volume and battery icons by Hooverphonic (MaDSouL)
loading circle by [Unknown]
original background by BearColin
wave by xploren
black32 is a collection of custom XMB themes by several people for the enjoyment of others. The package includes a custom background, volume bar, battery icon, and more.
black32 has been updated to encore1. It now has a custom battery icon and a loading circle. More updates are on the way.
It's not really this bright, just in case you didn't know. Have fun!
NOTE: READ THE README BEFORE FLASHING. I, nor the creators of the custom XMB hacks, are responsible if you brick your PSP. INSTALL THESE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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February 28th, 2007, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Steve's been crazy for this game. Maybe it's because it promises "the highest kill rate of any PSP game ever!" [Source: Gamespot] This PSP-exclusive version of Total Overdose certainly has been receiving decent reviews, making it far better than the "refried port" I thought it would become:
Gamespot (74/100) says the new game absolutely trumps the original: "By trimming the fat and ramping up the ludicrous factor, Chili Con Carnage does what Total Overdose couldn't, and creates a wildly over-the-top action game that's not only bizarre and funny, but also fun to play all the way through."
IGN (77/100) says the game is fun but mindless: "All this is great, it does get a little repetitive after a while. You'll find that you're performing the same "jump, lock-on and nail a headshot" move over and over and over again."
Play.tm (85/100) notes that you'll have fun, as long as you play by the rules: "If you play it the way that it's clearly meant to be played, as opposed to just blasting through the levels as fast as possible, then you'll be rewarded with one of the best action games on the PSP."
Not great, but certainly not bad. Maybe we'll find out what Steve thinks about the game once he picks it up.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is to introduce a Blu-ray player priced at $599 USD, the same price as a 60GB PlayStation 3 console in the US.
The BDP-S300 will comes with all the same bells and whistles as its more expensive Blu-ray players, only now you won't have to re-mortgage your house to get one underneath your telly.
Already there's plenty of hustle and bustle on the internet asking how this new player will affect already-criticised PS3 sales. The console was always thought of as somewhat of a Trojan horse for the Blu-ray format, and now it's no longer the cheapest way for consumers to play the high-def disc format.
Our colleagues at Next-Gen.biz received a response from Sony Computer Entertainment America's PR boss Dave Karraker, who argued that the PS3 was always about high-def games and not movies.
"Yesterday's announcement from Sony broadens options for movie lovers and will help to further expand Blu-ray adoption, so it is a benefit to consumers and the company," he said. "Our research shows that the number-one purchase driver for the PS3 is the ability to play high-definition, next-generation games. PS3 has always been about gaming first and foremost."
We'll find out if Sony's right when the BDP-S300 Blu-ray player arrives this summer.
via cvg
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February 28th, 2007, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Sony has revealed the pricing details for PSN titles in the UK and it looks like we'll be paying a little more than our European friends.
Update: Sony has sent us the following info.
The release schedule for PSN titles currently looks like:
Tekken 5: DR - March 23 - £6.99
Blast Factor - March 23 - £3.49
Gran Turismo HD - March 23
Super Rub-A-Dub - March 30
flow - April 6
Go! Sudoku - April 13
Go! Puzzle - April 20
Sony has only confirmed prices for two titles but we hope to have an update soon regarding the rest. We expect flOw and Super Rub a Dub to be £3.49 too, but we'll let you know.
Update ends
If Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, for example, goes for top whack at £6.99, that's 8.87 EUR in today's climate.
Specific details on the line-up of game we can expect to see from the March 23 launch have yet to be made by Sony.
Just in case you missed it, Sony announced that first-party PS3 games will go on sale from launch at £39.99.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has given a PAL release the all-clear for its PSP game Monster Hunter Freedom 2. The title is due out this September.
Yep, it's time to hunt or be hunted in the action-adventure sequel focussing on wiping out bloodthirsty critters. Boasting round 50-percent more content that its predecessor, Freedom 2 combines the action with RPG-style elements character customisation and ability-building via weapons and armour.
Single-player monster hunting is accompanied by multiplayer co-op battling - supporting up to four players via wireless ad hoc - and plans are afoot to boost the game with post-release content and missions.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
The first details have emerged on Stuntman: Ignition, the sequel to the PS2 original previously published by Atari.
The premise for the new Stuntman has essentially remained the same. As a Hollywood stunt driver you're tasked with performing action-packed film sequences with your precision driving skills, dragging your career higher the more spectacular your stunts are.
Over 25 vehicles are promised for the PS3, 360 and PS2 sequel, and 36 stunt runs spread across six themed films and commercials, reports IGN.
The most interesting part of Stuntman 2 however appears to be the online mode, which lets you challenge up to eight other stuntmen and steal stunts from them in multiplayer arenas. With the stunt construction toolkit you can also plan out your own stunts online and see if anyone can meet your challenge, or miss the mark and crash in to a house like some kind of stuntman nancy.
Bob Aniello, senior VP of worldwide marketing at THQ said, "The game brings a unique approach to the genre, encouraging gamers to perfect their racing technique while creating their own personalized Hollywood stuntman experience."
Stuntman: Ignition is currently pencilled in for this summer. Look for the first screens and movies soon.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
Signs are indicating that Grand Theft Auto IV will feature ground-breaking technology used in LucasArts' new Star Wars game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Rockstar has partnered with NaturalMotion to use the latter company's euphoria engine in "upcoming next generation" games.
Employed in the recently revealed The Force Unleashed, euphoria simulates the human body and motor nervous system. It means that in-game characters are fully interactive and always react differently to external influences, ultimately leading to a more life-like experience for the player.
Specific reference to how euphoria "uses the processing power of PLAYSTATION 3 and Xbox 360" to simluate the human body and motor nervous system was made in the announcement.
While Rockstar is yet to name games using euphoria, its integration of the tech is well advanced.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
The amount of PlayStation 3 units on store shelves throughout North America is due to the strength of Sony's manufacturing and supply chain, according to SCEA chief executive Jack Tretton.
While critics have suggested the next-gen console is not a hit with consumers due to the fact it hasn't sold out in many locations, Tretton has stated it's because the company has never been this well organised.
"It's a testament to the fact that we've been able to manufacture and ship units on a greater pace than any previous console," Tretton said in an interview with Reuters.
via eurogamer
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February 28th, 2007, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Last month, Sony Online Entertainment said it would bring a half-dozen Midway arcade classics to the PlayStation 3, and it appears the first of those will arrive next month. Sony's Station.com now lists the bloody brawler Mortal Kombat II as a March release, with a $4.99 price attached.
The game brings together the original game's roster of a dozen fighters and their respective finishing moves, and is updated with online multiplayer support. The Station.com site also claims players will be able to "battle all of your favorite bosses such as Goro or Shang Tsung…" However, the four-armed Goro did not appear in the arcade version of Mortal Kombat II, having been replaced by a similar creature called Kintaro. As of press time, an SOE representative had not answered GameSpot's request for comment.
The remaining five games named in the Midway-SOE deal are Gauntlet II, Joust, Rampage World Tour, Rampart, and Championship Sprint. SOE has said that all of them will have online multiplayer included in them for their PS3 releases.
via gamespot
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February 28th, 2007, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Those so inclined to turn on their PS3 systems this morning were greeted with instructions to update to the latest firmware version, that being 1.54, which unlocks many new magical abilities of Sony's futuristic video game box. After a little poking about, I found a list of changes over at the PlayStation.com forums.
* The image of the person you are chatting with during video chat can now be changed to match the screen size.
* You can now use a USB camera compatible with USB video class (UVC) for video chat.
They delayed my morning Virtua Fighter 5 fix for this? Hardly worthy of a whole .01, but I suppose somewhere out there who uses their PS3 for video chat that is just tickled pink right now. As an added bonus, one of our readers named Phil found that after applying the update his 160GB HDD upgrade was no longer recognized.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
As the title says, the Art of Fighting Anthology for PS2, which we've covered a few times before, is coming to the u.s. This news comes from SNKP's u.s. forums, which indicate that the game is coming out here in spring. It's a bit of an odd choice for localization, as Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, Last Blade, Mark of the Wolves, and others still haven't had their remakes released here. But perhaps they've just given us too many versions of the same game? Either way, I won't really complain. This compilation, as you may know, contains all three AoF games. Thanks to ishmael's post on the Madman's Cafe bbs for the news.
Via Insert credit
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February 28th, 2007, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Since the PS3 was released in the states, gamers have been anxiously awaiting an update that allows them to do something other than look at the progress bar and dream while downloading something from the PlayStation Store. Now Inner Bits claims to have stumbled upon some information regarding the upcoming March PS3 patch 1.60, which is supposed to coincide with the European release of the console. The patch is said to feature background downloading for the PS3...but not while you are playing a game. The PlayStation 3 needs the resources for gameplay, so when you enter a game the download will pause, resuming when you exit it. While this is 100% times better than just having to stop your download and start over should the urge to play hit you, it is still rather bleh overall.
Mind you, the Inner Bits article begins with a sentence that reads like dialogue from a Tom Clancy novel...
We have recently obtained through our contacts in the industry a summary of a high level meeting of the major players involved in Sony's network platform
...so you might want to approach this with a certain amount of skepticism. I'll wait for Sony's word on this before officially being disappointed.
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February 28th, 2007, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
As GDC rapidly approaches, GameDaily's James Brightman sat down with conference director Jamil Moledina to discuss possible PS3 announcements among other things. According to Moledina, PS3 owners will be "very happy" come March 7 after hearing Phil Harrison's keynote. "Not to be coy but you'll just have to come to his talk" he told GameDaily. "All I can say is that I stand behind my ['very happy'] comment."
It's likely Moldina has the advance on Harrison's keynote because, after all, it's his freakin' conference. And being that Jamil isn't on Sony's payroll, maybe PS3 owners do have some legitimate good news to look forward to next week. To say they need it is an understatement.
via joystiq
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February 28th, 2007, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Hot from the press release office comes new screenshots of the game MACH
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February 28th, 2007, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Atari have sent over 6 new screens for the game Test Drive Unlimited for the PSP
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February 28th, 2007, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
Agent Orange has updated his XMB screensaver to v0.96 for Windows. Here is the changelog:
- v0.96
* Fixed a bug preventing this to work on WinXP
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February 28th, 2007, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
According to a report by the BBC, Sony's PSP console is finally going to delve into the realm of cross-platform, worldwide content access. A moderately-demanded feature for gamers, the report quotes Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesman Jonathan Fargher.
"We're hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months." He extrapolates, "If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices, too."
The functionality Fargher is referring to is the PSP's built-in wifi capabilities and therefore the PSP's potential for proper online, cross-platform content sharing, beyond the basic online features currently available to the owners of the system.
We will be keen to see exactly how accurate Fargher's comments are as the months creep closer to his "six months" prediction.
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February 28th, 2007, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Strategy fans will at last be able to retire the old Game Boy Advance SP come May as Square Enix at last releases its Final Fantasy Tactics remake for the PSP. The latest issue of Famitsu reveals a May 10 Japanese release date for the title, along with a price point of 4,800 yen.
Tactics on the PSP brings back all the strategy of the early PlayStation Square classic. The game includes two new classes, new FMV, and a new surname, Shishi Sensou (we've unofficially translated this as The Lion War)
Square Enix has yet to announce a date for the title's release outside Japan.
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February 28th, 2007, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
It's been nearly five years since we first hopped behind the wheel to pull off insane Hollywood stunts for fame and fortune. Now in the hands of Paradigm Studios, Stuntman Ignition is poised to bring the stunt driver back into the limelight this summer for Xbox 360, PS3, and PS2. The basic premise of the game remains the same; pull off death-defying stunts with precision driving to create action-packed film sequences. Pull off the stunts to perfection and you'll find your career soaring to new heights. Plus, since this is THQ's take on a franchise previously owned elsewhere, there's obviously a bit more to it this go around.
Stuntman Ignition puts over 25 vehicles at your disposal, including sport cars, motorcycles and even a hovercraft. Each of these will be used to progress through the career mode where you'll work towards unlocking new movie and commercial job opportunities. All told, there are 36 stunt runs spread across 6 themed films and commercials to test your merit in.
The online mode, playable with up to eight players, is where things start to get new and interesting. Here, you'll be able to challenge other stuntmen and steal stunts from them in multiplayer arenas. With the included stunt construction toolkit, you'll be able to plan out your own stunt runs and then take them online to see if anybody can meet your challenge.
How the online mode works exactly is still unknown at this time.
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February 28th, 2007, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Dyspros:
EinMal1 is a simply calculator written in lua.
it's my first app in lua so give me a try.
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March 1st, 2007, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Vulpix:
After a couple days of work I an updated release of tgaWave CS. I have done 10 versions of this program, several did not work. The version that I consider "classic" is the .5 release, though .8 is the release that changed everything. Now at the 1.00 release we have fixed a lot of the bugs, and I have learnt a lot in the process of creating this hack. I have learned not only to not quit a project because of something dumb, but to continue it until it is finished. Thanks to all that helped me find and make applications to make this program poss-
ible. And finally, a huge shout out to nicinico, who has worked behind the scenes fixing minor mistakes that I have made along the way. Without nicinico, I could not make 1.00 a reality. Enough of my monolog, and more of the program. Enjoy the 1.00 point release, and let your PSP customization fly free with the waves!
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March 1st, 2007, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Johny 5 posted this news/release:
This is an app for custom firmware 3.03 OE-C and above!
This app can:
--Merge your 12 bmps
--flash bmp
--flash topmenu created by this xmb icon maker
--flash XMBWave (system_plugin_bg.rco)
--flash different fonts
--flash gameboot.pmf
--flash location free player
--flash battery icons
--flash opening plugin boot sound+gameboot "psp gameboot logo"
--flash custom files from CUSTOMIZATIONS folder
--flash from backup files
--Backup function!
--Free up flash0 space!
--Backup ALL flash0
Also includes apps:
--kgsws xmb icon maker
--XMBWave Credits:Kgsws, DarkStone,vb_master!
--TGAWave Credits: DarkStone, vb_master, autopopstation4, Y.F. Gamzun,
nicinico, Al-Zamli
--PSP Submenu Icon Injector v1.1-GUI Credits: dark420bishop
--rco icon editor-GUI Credits:ZiNgA BuRgA
--volume colors Credits:Zinga for the RCO editor
--wave_attack Credits:Sulpher Dragon Also couldn't of been made
without original icon hackers
To find out how to use Please read the readme!
I made this application because i found it taking too long to go through and copy files from the pc to the psp then to flash. I made this for personal use but i realized it can be of good use to many people. It includes lots of great apps created by other dev's not me AND I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR THEIR WORK. I wanted to add great apps like these in mine because i wanted something that i can use so that i wouldn't have to go looking around all over my computer (i have a lot of stuff on my computer considering i have 600gb of memory ) so i added all of the things into one great app that will convert/create files then also flash them!
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via johny 5
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