August 1st, 2005, 03:15 Posted By: wraggster
Our first contest in conjunction with Lik Sang has given us 10 entries for the review contest, i shall make proper pages later or maybe tuesday but for now we need you the site visitors to vote for your best reviews, bear in mind that each reviewer can only win one prize for those with muliple reviews.
Read the reviews over here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7994
Post your comments in this topic (via the comments link) and get voting
Remember only the top 5 reviewers can win 
Voting will end 9pm August 1st GMT(basically when its 9pm for me )
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August 1st, 2005, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that it is raising its full-year shipment targets for both the PS2 and the PSP - but the news came as the division posted massive losses, contributing heavily to an overall loss for Sony Corp.
The firm now expects to sell 13 million units apiece of the PSP and the PS2 by the end of the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31st, up a million units each from its previous projections.
The games division posted a loss of 5.9 billion Yen (43.3 million Euro) for the quarter ended June 30th, more than doubling the loss it posted in the same quarter last year, and making up a significant proportion of Sony's overall 7.3 billion Yen (53.6 million Euro) loss.
However, SCE's losses paled in comparison to those of the firm's electronics division, which topped 36.3 billion Yen (266.6 million Euro) during the quarter.
The loss came despite a massive increase in software sales, which were up by 64 per cent year on year, and a major rise in shipments of PS2 hardware - where rising shipments in the USA and Europe outweighed a drop in Japan to bring overall shipments to 3.53 million units.
The drop, therefore, can be attributed largely to increased R&D costs on the PlayStation 3, the development of which is accelerating greatly at present - although Sony also fingers higher "selling, administrative and marketing expenses" as a key factor.
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August 1st, 2005, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
We can’t guarantee that this is all completely legit, but PSM collected some inside dirt about the PlayStation 3 courtesy of several unnamed game developers who were apparently willing to break any non-disclosure agreements they may have signed. First off, they don’t tell us what we really, really want to know, like when the PS3’s actually going to come out or what it’s going to cost (that’ll probably have to come straight from Sony), but they were able to get a few nuggets of juicy gossip about the next-gen console, like that the PS3 won’t support PS1/PS2 peripherals, that its hard drive won’t be used for gaming (supposedly it’ll only be used for storing media), that despite the console’s support for 1080p most games will only be 720p, that games will run a bit faster if you’re connected to a lower resolution display (which sort of makes sense), and that there will eventually be some sort of USB TV tuner add-on for the PS3 so it can double as digital video recorder (best part: it sounds like it’ll incorporate Sony’s LocationFree technology so you can access recorded TV shows using your PSP from anywhere in the world over the internet).
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August 2nd, 2005, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
syn-z released a private beta for download that has experimental save state support. The states are uncompressed; sometimes they will total 2MB or more of memory card space. The author also notes they probably won't be compatible with future version of the emulator since this is a BETA. syn-z has requested that the file not be mirrored and the page not be posted, but we felt like giving you this WIP update.
Thanks to Smiths for news and translation
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August 2nd, 2005, 14:00 Posted By: psyvers
Hi, I have researched a bit but need more help on the topic of PS2 modification. I have the 7 series PS2 and I would like to make the dvd part region free as well as have the possibility to play us games (NTSC) on my european console (PAL). Can anybody help? Is it at all possible (region free dvd I know, but converting ntsc vs pal)? How / how much? Thanks a million.
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August 3rd, 2005, 00:56 Posted By: gimpyjr
given the recent information that the PSP's memory stick will act as PS3's memory card format, it may be easy to start a homebrew scene on sony's new beast.
This is great news for those of us who love homebrew and emulation. Give me your thoughts?
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August 3rd, 2005, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Our Contest with Lik Sang to win an E3 DVD has ended and in all fairness ive thought it fair that we have 6 winners, so with that in mind can the folowing pm me their name and full address within the next 3 days:
Thanks again to Lik Sang for this contest. 
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August 3rd, 2005, 08:23 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released an update to his Megadrive/Genesis emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
– Added state saving
– Several in-game problems improved
* State Save
- 1 game can have 350KB for state saving (1 file is 30+KB * 10)
- States are saved in "STATE" sub-folder with the same fold where the EBOOT.PBP is.
- When loading state, the sound will be strange. Please bear with it m(_ _)m
- Contents in SRAM is not included
- State Slot 0-4, 5-9
[On Memory and MS] : Save into memory when playing, and write to MS when the program exits
[On MS ] : Save directly into MS even playing
[On Memory Only ] : Save into memory only (All date will be lost when program exits)
States are loaded from MS as default. You need to choose which mode to use manually.
* Increment State Save
The Using of Slot 0-9, 0-4 or 5-9 for saving can be automatically switched. You need to bind this function in the "key config".
Download from here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
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August 3rd, 2005, 08:48 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure that people who visit here visit other PSP sites and one in particular with its "premium" member (basically a scam to get poor people to cough up 3 dollars each per month to pay for news without ads and forum permissions that every other site are on for free), well this same site has teamed up with LIK SANG (who im sure did not authorise them to use the contest to con people into getting "premium" status via what is a giveaway)
heres an excerpt:
So they are using Lik Sangs give away to make a massive amount of profit and con people into sigining up for premium memberships,
Im extremely unhappy with not only this but also the last competition which was open to "Premium members Only"
Its truely a devious way of making people part with money for a competition thats a GIVEAWAY and should be 100% free. Referring members is one thing but 10 points if you get somone to buy a premium member, well it stinks
Im sure you all have comments on this. yet again the real scene is exploited by these people. 
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August 3rd, 2005, 21:13 Posted By: andrea86
i have a ps2 with hdd,no modchip, and i installed snes station,but i can find a way to load the roms..since the console doesnt read cd-r.... somebody can help me? thanks a lot
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August 3rd, 2005, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
New details regarding the capabilities of PS3 have emerged and it seems that instead of playing with PS3 through a pad, you can use your PSP instead.
However, you will be able to use your PSP's WiFi capability to play movies and flick through all of the files and folders on your PS3 from the comfort of your sofa. And since the two machines will also share Memory Stick Duo cards, you will be able to transfer photos and films between the devices.
This will be particularly handy for watching TV on the go, as it seems Sony is planning a peripheral which will allow you to record TV programmes straight on to PS3's option hard disk and watch them later - either at home or on the move.
Read the full post at http://ps3-evolution.dcemu.co.uk
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August 4th, 2005, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Hi as you know and can see if you visit here reguarly, this site is one of the very best if not the best for PSP Emulation and Homebrew news and dowloads with an awesome forum to boot.
From Saturday for a week im on Holiday and need say 3 people to help post news at the site, obviously you need to know and understand the PSP scene and all the releases and be known to me and extremely trustworthy and eager (at least for a week) and keep this site up to date with news.
anyone interested then pease say hollar 
Thats all for now 
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August 4th, 2005, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
The homebrew web browser for the PSP thats in Japanese and to be honest a bit of a bugger to get working has been updated to v0.3, heres whats new:
added UTF-8 and EUC coding support
more tags now can be parsed
Anyone got a tutorial on how to use this then please let us know 
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/2chwebbrowser.shtml
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August 4th, 2005, 22:28 Posted By: Ziro
Can I use my PS2 USB drive for anything interesting?
Maybe connect my flashdrive to it? Or my PSP?
Will there be anythng for me to do with that?
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August 4th, 2005, 22:40 Posted By: gimpyjr
I was just thinking if it would be possible to make a PSP launch homebrew and backups for your PS2.
instead of using the swap method use like a kxploit type tool to launch PS2 homebrew. With the PSP plugged into the PS2 USB port could you put in a PS2 homebrew CDR and launch it using the PSP.
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August 5th, 2005, 14:18 Posted By: boros.biker
Hi i am looking to purchase USB extreme for my slim line silver p2s as on reading up swap disk will only work if I open up my ps2 and tape down a micro switch inside. This is because 1 of the 3 tools developed for the slim line black ps2 will not work on the silver 1.
so what I was wanting to know is if I buy USB extreme and set it up ect will I still be able to use my action replay max disk which I have just bought with games that I intend to back up on my hdd??
Any info would be much appreciated
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August 5th, 2005, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Marcus Dion has released a great Cleaning guide in .PDF format for you to browse and goes into great detail about dos and donts when cleaning your PSP.
This is a recommended read for every PSP owner.
Thanks to Marcus Dion for a great guide 
(download below/via the comments)
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August 5th, 2005, 15:10 Posted By: wraggster
Is it too early to accurately gauge which next-generation console is going to be the leader where raw processing power is concerned? Perhaps so, but that hasn't stopped critics and gamers alike from forming strong opinions about these attractive new machines.
According to a recent IGN.com poll of more than 15,000 readers, nearly 55% or some 8,234 participants believe that Sony's PlayStation 3 will be the most powerful next-generation console. Meanwhile, 31% of those polled, or 4846 readers, believe that Microsoft's Xbox 360 system will offer the most processing muscle during the next round.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, scheduled to launch in America this November, aims to deliver gamers immersive new play experiences enveloped in high-definition visuals. The system will also capitalize on the company's well-established Xbox Live service, which promises to bridge distances and bring gamers together for online-based matches and tournaments. Games for the system look sharper and more realistic than ever before. In fact, titles like Gears of War show dramatic graphical enhancements over current-generation software.
However, some pundits believe that a surprisingly strong showing of PlayStation 3 at last May's Electronics Entertainment Expo may have taken Microsoft by surprise and swayed some potential 360 owners just as the console was gaining steam. Others suggest that Sony's unparalleled marketing powers, which kicked off well before PS3 materialized with talk of its powerful Cell chip, may have influenced gamers' opinions about the hardware.
The most logical reason that readers believe in PS3's power, though, may have less to do with E3 showings or marketing muscle and more to do with Moore's Law, which states that in general processing power doubles every 18 months while prices fall. The fact of the matter is, PlayStation 3 is set to release at least six months after Xbox 360, and possibly longer still, which in of itself suggests the machine will be more powerful.
That's all good and fine. But why, then, do only 10%, or 1,591 of readers polled, believe that Nintendo's next-generation consoled, codenamed Revolution, will be the most powerful of the bunch? The machine is expected to debut in late 2006, making it the last of the next-generation platforms. Doesn't Moore's Law apply? Apparently not. Nintendo has publicly stated on several occasions that its focus with Revolution is not raw processing power, but rather to create a small, quiet and affordable console.
Only 4.3%, or 669 readers polled, said they had not yet formed an opinion about which console would be the most powerful in the next-generation wars.
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August 6th, 2005, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
Its holiday time for me and unless i can get hold of internet via my wireless card im stuck,
see ya all in a few days.
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August 7th, 2005, 16:38 Posted By: thegreatgonads
All my pal copies of final fantasy have died, i was interested in getting a jap ps2 with copies of the games. this looked expensive lol. So i need to know how i can do the following.
1> Run japanese/NTSC ps2 games on my PAL console
2> Run japanese/NTSC ps1 games also
3> removed as you cant ask that bit here, H
I'm new to modding and importing so any advice is welcome.
please help
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August 9th, 2005, 10:12 Posted By: gimpyjr
Hey guys I really need some help here! I have just seen the HD xbox 360 trailers and they look great! I really want a PS3 but I am wondering if the wait and price will be worth it? I am wondering if the 360 is even with PS3 at all?
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August 9th, 2005, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Its been a long 4 days with no internet but im now back and ready to shake all the other PSP scene sites with the fastest news updates as you have come to expect from one of the worlds best PSP sites and same for the newsposter/webmaster
ill grab a coffee and start hammering the news out in a bit 
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August 9th, 2005, 22:03 Posted By: gimpyjr
A new development team working out of their garage is developing one of the coolest first person shooters I have ever seen! The graphics are incredible cinema quality.
It's called project offset! Picture Halo in a LOTR setting it is incredible! The team has some great ambitions and a breathtaking engine!
Check out there website: http://www.projectoffset.com/
for info on the game! These guys need help funding to bring this great looking game to PS3 and xbox 360.
So you may make a donation on their website!
They are also looking for other developers who might want to endorse their engine! Head over to the site and check it out!
:-) feel free to Spread this to other forums
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August 9th, 2005, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of PBP Maker has been released by PSP Wiki, heres whats new:
1.50 PBP files can also be loaded correctly (PBP files in archieve too)
form of the output EBOOT.PBP file can be selected
language file supported
updated to the latest compiler
Download via the comments (below)
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August 9th, 2005, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Myungwoon Go has released v0.2 of his AVI player for the PSP.
Here is what he had to say about this release:
this is first AVI player for PSP.
this is port of AVI player for GP32 console (aka GP Cinema).
This is program is still experimental. and not optimized so enjoy it with your own risk!!
New features
this version supports sound decoding. but,the supported codec is still limited(video-DIVX and audio-MP3)
I am working on more codec support and more optimization, but many timer related API and IRQ routines are still undiscovered. I am also working hard to discover the API. But I am not a professional programmer, so the optimization is slow, unfortunately.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/aviplay.shtml
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August 10th, 2005, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Haggar has released a “quick and dirty port of Dr. Mario” for the PSP using Lua v0.7b2 (the one included in Lowser.) Included are the 1.0, 1.50 and Lowser versions of this game.
- First release, hopefully with most bugs fixed.
-Left and Right = Control Piece
-Down = Drop faster
-Cross = Rotate Clockwise
-Circle = Rotate Counter-clockwise
-Start = Pause
-Select = Quit (if you use Lowser)
-Hold = Hold
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/drmario.shtml or Haggars homepage here --> http://haggar.pocketheaven.com/
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August 10th, 2005, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of what maybe the best Snes emu so far (and the one that killed my 1gb mem card) is coming soon, heres the news from the official site:
Update coming soon, with new features and fixing the crash bugs.
Current version is unstable, particularly when using PSP accelerated modes (PSP acc. and the 2 mix. modes) and having mosaic effect.
Check out the website here --> http://yoyofr92.free.fr/psp/snespsp.html
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August 10th, 2005, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang :
What on earth are Sony doing?, If it werent for sites like Lik Sang and gaming magazines then we wouldnt have the World wide surge for the PSP that we do.
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August 10th, 2005, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
This is more of a notice to all of you people who think the Free PSP sites are legit and not a scam, well if you think that a company are gonna give away $279 dollar PSP consoles for free then you are extremely mistaken.
These sites fool you into giving details about your credit card and much more, lets put it this way, if your the owner of a company you would want a lot more money back for each PSP you give away.
So maybe somone wiill get lucky but thousands wont and somone meaning the FREE PSP website is making a packet off you.
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August 10th, 2005, 04:51 Posted By: wraggster
More fallout over the Lik Sang case:
Popular online retailer Lik-Sang has announced that Sony Computer Entertainment has initiated legal action against it in the high court of Hong Kong for selling PSP consoles to UK and European customers.
The action, taken jointly by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and its parent company, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, alleges that Lik-Sang has breached its trademark rights regarding the PSP by offering it for sale to the UK.
Curiously, it also claims infringement and seeks damages for the reproduction of the PSP manual on Lik-Sang's site back in early June - a matter which was assumed settled when Lik-Sang removed the manual at Sony's request on June 14th.
Sony is seeking a court order against Lik-Sang which would prevent the retailer from selling the PSP, its games and its accessories to customers in the UK and the European Economic Area.
This is just the latest in a series of legal actions against importers of PSP hardware taken by Sony in the run up to the system's September 1st launch in this territory - but while the firm has had considerable success in cracking down on importers in the UK, Lik-Sang believes that it'll be a different story in Hong Kong.
"This lawsuit comes as a complete surprise to Lik-Sang.com, given that the laws of Hong Kong are clear when it comes to parallel trade," an official statement from the retailer reads.
"Hong Kong's legislation is based on the fact that allowing parallel and free trade will restore natural competition and benefit consumers with lower prices," it continues. "Hong Kong, one of the pioneering countries respecting worldwide exhaustion of trademark rights, allows free trade once an item entered the market for sale."
The retailer plans to fight the case in the courts, and says that it is currently looking into options to combat the action. It also plans to continue selling PSPs to customers overseas for the moment - having last month announced an offer which provides worldwide free shipping on PSP hardware until September 1st.
"This is the most aggressive move against its own customers that a console manufacturer has taken in the 30 year history of videogames," commented Lik-Sang marketing manager Pascal Clarysse. "Sony wants to completely cut hardcore gamers away from items released in Japan or anywhere else outside their own country. A very active part of the gaming community has been enjoying Japanese gaming culture for over two decades, and that's what the Empire is now willing to destroy."
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August 10th, 2005, 05:05 Posted By: wraggster
Three entirely self-funded software developers formerly of S2 Games (Savage: The Battle of Newerth) are currently using their apartment as the staging ground for a brand new PC (and newly-revealed possible PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) game known as "Project Offset." Named after the development team itself (which is simply called Offset), the upcoming actioner is being hailed as "unlike no other first-person shooter to date."
Set in a fantasy world similar to those found in most PC RPGs, Project Offset allows players to select from among several different character classes while forming clans to combat over ranked mission-based objectives. There will be a heavy emphasis on game mode flexibility and users can participate in solo, co-op, team, and deathmatch-style showdowns. Interested parties can also expect both long-range and melee combat as well as a throng of vehicles, creatures, and dragons to ride and drive.
In the team's latest update on its official website, further bits of information regarding the game's multiplayer aspects were described in higher detail. Of the several elements mentioned, the co-op components were listed as Project Offset's main design goal. Moreover, the typical player limit is expected to fall somewhere around 64 or higher, and the ability to gain experience points to customize and improve any one of the five available character classes has also been confirmed.
Speaking of character classes, the team shed some light on what those can be used for too. Human Warriors, for example, are the default "all purpose" units that just about anyone can pick up and use. The stealthy Elvin Marksmen, on the other hand, are meant specifically as sneak attack and ranged snipers, while Dwarven builders (used to repair and construct objects), Healers (pretty self explanatory), and Wizards (area damage experts) were also touched on.
Vehicles were glossed over a bit as well and seem to be the great equalizers in terms of game balancing. Horses, catapults, dragons, giant trolls, and battleships all provide a number of unique advantages to those that use them (increased speed, the ability to fly, mass group movement, etc), and when taken in tandem with the aforementioned character classes begin to describe something reminiscent of Battlefield 1942 in the Middle Ages. Other interesting morsels of info, like multiple battles that form overarching war scenarios and castle sieges have also been hinted at, while destructible environments, dynamically simulated deaths, and various other physics-based goodies were revealed.
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August 10th, 2005, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure im not the only one who has noticed this but since the Piracy Loaders etc have been released we have seen a massive drop in releases from our friends over in Japan, i was told that certain coders dont want their releases posted near any Warez news so have the sites that post our Emulation and Homebrew news as well as Piracy news caused a major downturn in releases from the Japanese PSP Community?
Whatever the case may be we thank all those like Mr Mirakichi, Ruka, KMG. TMK and the rest of them for the early work in the PSP scene and hope they arent put off by the warez news.
The real Emulation and Homebrew scene doesnt post warez news, stick to PSP Emulation News, Emuholic and PDroms.de for your fix of PSP news.
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August 10th, 2005, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP while a great console with clearly a low battery life and a screen thats a bit too easily scratched has it seems a far greater problem and that problem is the Dead memory Card Problem, it doesnt matter if you are usin Homebrew/Emulators or just Games and putting Photos/Movies/MP3s on the Card it seems that a simple pressing of the power off button or indeed anything can fry the Memory Card, My card a Sandisk 1gb which cost me over £100 (yes im crying as i write this) died when the emulator i tried crashed and i did a restart by taking the battery out and now the PSP nor Card reader will recognise the Card so im stuck all ways.
At a £100/$100 a throw this is a major worry for all PSP owners, none of us can throw away that type of money, is it a dodgy batch of Sandisk memory cards in my case or is there some miracle cure to get the card working again.
(if there is let us all know)
Whatever the problem we and thats a big we need that fix sooner rather than later.
For those interested my card isnt recognised by my PC or PSP but when in the PSP the orange light is flickering nonstop.
Ok ive fixed it, it seems.
Firstly you need to get a PC Reader for the Mem Card this doesnt work on PSP at all or via the USB Lead.
Once you have your PC Reader installed then insert your 1gb card (in my case)
When i clicked on the drive it was slow to enter and it said there was nothing there.
Right Click the drive the card is in
Click format (dont quick format)
If your Lucky it will format and you will have a working card again.
This has just worked for me and the PC Card Reader cost me £8 so its a worthwhile investment., remember before you format and you click on the drive it wil say theres nothing there but if you right click and then format you may if your lucky be able to format and save your card.
Fingers crossed for you all, my card seems to be working fine now 
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August 10th, 2005, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Slow release day today for the PSP scene but maybe the news isnt coming from just releases these days, maybe the antics of certain PSP sites is causing more news than anything:
I dont personally like Emunoobs but they are spot on the nail with their comments about the PSP scene.
Read on at this addy : http://emunoobs.blogspot.com/
Got a comment then share it
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August 10th, 2005, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo UK
Datel has finally shipped thier Action Replay, get ready to cheat!
<a href="http://www.divineo.co.uk/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=psp-ar64"><img src="http://www.divineo.co.uk/divineo/images/products/psp-ar64-s.jpg" border="0" alt="Buy on Divineo.co.uk"></a>
Heres some info:
If there's one PSP peripheral you really shouldn't be without, it's Action Replay MAX for PSP . It has everything you need to get the absolute most from your favourite PSP games. There's an Action Replay Memory Card, with an amazing 64Mb of storage space, a USB 2.0 cable to connect your PSP to your PC or PS2 and a software which allows you to manage your saves, MP3s and movies, as well as download more materials from the CodeJunkies server (internet connection required).
More info @ Divineo UK
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August 11th, 2005, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher Rockstar Games has released a new patch for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas which disables and removes the controversial Hot Coffee minigame - preventing the hack that enabled it in the first place from functioning.
"The Hot Coffee scenes were not intended to be part of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas experience," according to a statement from the firm, which recommends using the patch "if your copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PC has been altered by the unauthorised Hot Coffee download circulating on the Internet, or you wish to prevent your version from being so altered."
It's something of an exercise in closing the stable door after the horse has bolted - Rockstar has already been forced to withdraw stock of the game in North America after the ESRB re-rated it as AO (Adults Only).
The Hot Coffee minigame has also turned out to be accessible on Xbox and PS2 versions of the game.
Here in the UK, however, the game has retained its original 18 rating, with the BBFC describing the Hot Coffee content as falling within the bounds of what is acceptable for an 18-rated title
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August 11th, 2005, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
Whats the Most Wanted PSP Accessorie you Want ?, well thats a hard one isnt it and well for me it would have to be a PSP to TV adapter to play the PSP games/UMD movies on the big screen.
Whats your most wanted ?
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August 11th, 2005, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new:
This one is worth the wait folks. With Issue #3 we broke the 100 page barrier. Which was pretty sweet, until you realize that Issue #4 weighs in at over 160 pages! The madness! If putting out a new issue can be compared to childbirth we can safely say we just gave birth to quadruplets! We couldn’t resist with all the great game reviews, news blurbs, product reviews, imports, another new eMan and interviews. This issue is wall-to-wall, filled to the brim, bursting at the seams PACKED with great stuff!
Check out our exclusive interview with the creators of Death Jr., Senior Producer Chris Charla and Creative Director Mike Mika. Drool over the great PSP gear from Logitech. Read about the upcoming 2.0 update straight from the big Playstation meeting with Sony. Get juicy sneak peeks at such titles as Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Infected, MediEvil and Virtual Tennis. We played Coded Arms, Dead To Rights and Midnight Club…. just for you! All this and import titles, news, gossip, updated release dates, and a new contest too.
So enjoy issue #4 in all its enormity. You go do that and we’ll all go pass out now.
Check out the site here --> http://www.pspemag.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=720
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August 11th, 2005, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
More news on the best Snes Emulator for the PSP, heres the full info:
New version still on the way, coming soon ;-) Here's some things to know with current version issues :
– games freezing & mosaic mode : use software rendering modes (software accurate or software approx.). (Mario, Final Fantasy, Lufia, ...)
– no sound & game freezing, but emulator's menu still accessible : you have probably turn off sound and reactivated it after. This is not and cannot be supported, as in Zsnes or Snes9x on PC. When you turn off sound, the sound processor is not emulated anymore, so the sync between main cpu and sound cpu is lost for the snes. Another solution is to save your game using original snes saves (save IN the game, not using savestate). Then turn on sound in menu, reset the snes and load your game. Of course this can be done only in game that support saves (RPG, Zelda, Mario, ...) If you want to gain a little speed and be able to turn on sound later, used "sound emulated/no output" mode. Update coming soon, with new features and fixing the crash bugs.
– PSP sleep mode issue & memory stick corruption : current version has issues with sleep mode, so please don't use it. It doesn't resume well and moreover can corrupt some memory cards. If your memory card is corrupted, try to get the remaining data on your PC using a card reader and then format it.
(i had that exact problem but ive fixed it now and you should do the same )
Check out Yoyos site Here --> http://yoyofr92.free.fr/psp/snespsp.html
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August 11th, 2005, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
mATkEUpON's has released a new version of his excellent Smash Brothers Clone for the PSP, heres what he says:
Enjoy the technical advantages of the PSP, in this second version of SmashGpsp. New menus, 60fps gameplay, bilinear filtering, 222MHz... The 2d engine has been totally rewrote !!!!
Download this awesome PSP Homebrew game Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/smashgpsp.shtml
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August 11th, 2005, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
The internet is now a place that has born a new menace that the Legal system needs to address, theres been a steady growth in the rise of sites that are riping people off claiming you can get FREE PSPS and Ipods etc but in reality you are on a Pyramid scheme and maybe one or two will get lucky after the signing up but in reality a lot of you will never get anything and pay a major amount more than the cost of the PSP etc.
These people are basically using those who are too poor or who dont read every single bit of legal information that they sign up to.
Im sure you know that one PSP scene site has shamelessly opened a FREE PSP site which its members and indeed its very own unpaid forum staff are having to put up with all in the name of the site needs more cash to pay its staff etc.
If Free psps and ipods were so easy to get and a painless journey i myself would post how to do it and help all those who cant afford to buy one for whatever reason.
SO what im saying is please dont be fooled and dont sign up for stuff just because your favourite news site (who want your cash) are saying so.
A message to all PSP sites, Respect the people who visit you.
Reply to this article and post your horror storys.
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August 12th, 2005, 08:20 Posted By: wraggster
Port of Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Zeon no Keifu. The original Giren no Yabou title was a strategy game where you took control of the Zeon army. In addition to giving orders to generals, you also had to carry out negotiations and develop new weapons. For the PSP version, Bandai is promising more than just a straight port. In addition to more refined enemy AI and movie scenes reformatted for the wide screen, portable players will also be glad to know that the special Kouryaku Shireisho expansion disk, which added a number of original situations and scenarios to the original, is being included. Of course, the PSP game will ship entirely on one disk.
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August 12th, 2005, 08:22 Posted By: wraggster
Upgrade your PlayStation®Portable´s audio and enjoy full, rich sound. Versatile power and storage options make PlayGear Amp™ the ideal companion when you need great audio to go.
Full, rich sound. Think you have to compromise to get good sound from small speakers? PlayGear Amp´s matched quad micro drivers deliver remarkable performance in a small package.
Everything in its place. The custom-fitted cradle holds your PSP™ while you listen to music or watch movies. The included, extra long audio cord lets you enjoy the superior sound even while gaming
Stow and go. Use the included deluxe travel case to store your speakers, cables and AC adapter when they´re not in use. Once packed, these speakers are nearly as portable as the PSP itself!
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August 13th, 2005, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
Louie Iturzaeta has emailed me and asked me to host his awesome new Musical App for the PSP, heres the info 
PSP Rhythm Composer is a TR-x0x style drum machine. It features a easy to use
16 step sequencer, 16 drump pattern loops and 16 drum sounds.
-=How to use the drum sequencer=-
There are 16 buttons on the bottom of the screen. Each one represents a step
in a measure. There is a red line above the step currently selected. When you
press the X button the step will light up orange for regular sound, then red
for accented sound and green for flam (hits accented drum twice).
There is a bar above the buttons, the note represents each beat and whole
gray bar shows you which buttons (steps) are in that beat.
To change the drum sounds press up or down on the D-Pad. The currently
selected drum will display on the screen. The buttons on the bottom of the
screen will also light up and show you the programming of the drum hits.
I can tell you it works fine on v1.0 PSP as well as v1.5 
Download this Project hosted for Louie Iturzaeta, Tri Nguyen & Billy Iturzaeta here on PSP Emulation News here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPRhythmComposer.shtml
Thanks for the Emails Louie 
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August 13th, 2005, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure you have noticed that this last week ive not been the Speed Devil that i normally am, one reason was my holiday to Skegness (came back after 4 days) and yesterday a works outing where i got exceedingly drunk but its all hands on the pumps now and im back to getting the news (and testing and verifying before i post) out to you as quick as i can.
Something to remember is that i am the webmaster of <b>17</b> emulation and homebrew sites and apart from the main Dreamcast Site (http://www.dcemu.co.uk) and the forums (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/) where we have some great staff and helpers i run the sites alone and i dont use a Content Management System, so its all done manually. Not to mention i Work and have a wife and family so if you look at the whole picture this site and the others keep up quite well 
People have asked if im in competition with other sites or even jealous, the fact is all sites are in competition and competition makes a scene stronger as long as sites dont get out of line for whatever reason and then it takes someone to point out the problems and im a person who wont hold back , and im proud of the sites and forums i have and im not in any way shape jeaolous of others .
anyway lets get back to some great PSP emulation and Homebrew news 
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August 13th, 2005, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
alex_dsnews has posted in this topic (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9159) something that will please fans of the ZX Spectrum until a real ZX Spectrum emulator is released, heres what he said:
<blockquote>Using fMSX and the attached .dsk image of an ancient Speccy emulator for the MSX, it's entirely possible to run 48k BASIC at a half decent speed. Sadly, the emulator doesn't support snapshots and stuff, but it's nice to see the Spectrum BASIC prompt on the PSP screen...
Use the .dsk image I've made (zipped) as a normal MSX disk, in MSX2+ mode, then enter RUN "ROMU6.BAS" using the fMSX on screen keyboard (right trigger). And then wait about 5 seconds.</blockquote>
Heres the screenshot:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=905&stc=1">
Downloads and information and further investigation can be done in the Official Release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9159
Something to keep us busy till a real ZX Spectrum emulator arrives 
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August 13th, 2005, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
Matan has ported the x86 emulator Bochs over to the PSP, now you can run Dos games and even Win95 or Linux on your PSP, heres some news from his site:
Yes, it's true. I've managed to run Windows 95 and Linux on the PSP. I've done it by porting the excellent open source x86 emulator Bochs.
Windows 95 actually runs quite well but don't expect it to be a speed demon. It takes about 10 minutes to boot but afterwards it's pretty usable. I was able to do things like: open "My computer" and browse the virtual hard drive, complete a whole game of Minesweeper and run various other applications. Now you too can get your Minesweeper fix on the go
I've also tested DLX Linux which comes pre-packaged with Bochs and it works just fine. However, I couldn't do much with it because there's no keyboard support. If you want to do your word processing on it then wait until keyboard support is implemented (though I doubt it will be any fun using the joystick).
Screenshots and downloads Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/bochspsp.shtml
Start testing games and report back to us 
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August 13th, 2005, 23:34 Posted By: gimpyjr
Hey guys, I have just been thinking about the new offset engine and I think it could be the one that will deliver the kind of visuals we saw in the killzone demo at E3. It might very well be the best next-Gen engine yet!
If you check out the offset homepage there is a photo with a model comprised of 1.2 million polygons, and right next to it, the same photo comprised of a couple thousand.
The cool thing is that the photos look positivley identicale!
No loss of detail!
Not even the new unreal engine can do these visuals!
Also as you know it's a group of only three guys.
let me know if you guys think this engine could do those visuals we saw in killzone!
I feel that with an engine like this PS3 and xbox 360 will be able to showcase those CG visuals. Move over unreal engine 3, offset is comin!
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August 14th, 2005, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Agoln has posted this news:
Currently this is a driver program, but anyone that wishes to incorperate it into their program can easily do so. All that is needed, is that you include the header file, and compile the C file.
This is work in progress, I will be adding a shift, caps lock, numbers and more as I continue work.
Download the source and 1.5 binaries HERE
Please let me know if this works on other keyboards. I have tried to make this code as modular as possible. It is tested and working on a MP-0118 Micro Innovations keyboard (Pocketop).
To Use:
Copy over the two directories to the psp/game directory and keyboard.dat file to the root of your PSP, then run the program.
Save your data by pressing O
Load your saved data by pressing /\
Added Numlock.
Added Caps Lock.
Added Shift Lock (yes, lock, have to toggle it).
Added Numbers.
Added both Shift's and Both Space Bars
Cleaned up my code a bit.
Removed the running of config and supplied the config file. Although in kbInit.h if you uncomment the #define of CONFIGURE then you will configure your keyboard.
Find a better way to flip the screen (The way in source is slow and buggy)
Add more support for other keyboards.
Finish the current keyboard config file.
Download from Here --> http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=2926
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August 14th, 2005, 04:42 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Scene owes a lot to Developers and the ways of thanking them are <b>Correctly linking to their sites</b> giving feedback and if they want or maybe ask a small donation as a thank you.
Evil Dragon the extremely well respected co webmaster of GP32X http://www.gp32x.com has posted this news (and stickied too)in our forums:
Well, some may know this from gp32x.com.
Clicks for Devs is a service I run there successfully since a few months, now I decided to start this service for the PSP scene as well.
The idea is simple: I have a Google Banner on my site (www.psparchive.de).
But the money I earn from these clicks each month will be 100% donated to a dev.
And who this is is YOUR decision!
This is how it works:
A few days before start of each month, there will be a voting between ten devs.
A dev who won the voting once can't be voted again for at least 3 months.
As there are more than ten devs out there, but we can't have bigger votings, the voting for the next month will consist of the places 2 - 5 from the voting before and 6 devs who haven't been in the voting before.
I keep track of who was on the voting list when, so you can be sure it will be fair for all.
When the dev has been decided, he gets the money from the clicks I make with the google banner. This doesn't mean you should go clicking there like hell - but you can be sure you actually support the devs simply by clicking.
Now, I need some suggestions for devs (together with an information which program he created) for the first round!
So start your suggestions NOW
Respond here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9205
Lets make this a whole PSP scene effort and support Homebrew and Emulation on the PSP the <b>Correct Way</b>.
Thanks to Evil Dragon for using the DCEmu Forums to launch this new Drive 
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August 14th, 2005, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
MSX one of our forum members has released a new app for the PSP made via Lua, heres what he says:
I've been coding and testing all night in Lua, and I've come up with something that's somewhat useful, well, I guess not useful, but this is my first PSP app .
Basically this will output whichever button you press to the PSP screen, except for Home, Vol +/-, Display Brightness, and the Musical Note buttons. It isn't too hard, but if you put too much power into it, you can turn the PSP off instead of turning Hold off (if you press it to show the output on the screen).
You can go into and out of USB mode while still in this program. Read the readme to see the controls for clearing the screen, starting USB mode, and exiting USB mode.
I think that covers it...hopefully I'll release a more advanced game soon
Download for yourself from here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9224
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August 14th, 2005, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
GP32 Xtreme posted this news:
Well, it looks like there's no ending for the <STRONG>SmashGP character</STRONG> wave!
Some characters have been<STRONG> updated</STRONG> (<A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,863" target="_blank" >PacMan</A>, and <A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,857" target="_blank" >Link</A>) and some <STRONG>new ones</STRONG> have been released:
<A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,864" target="_blank" >Sora</A> (from Kingdom Hearts)<BR><A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,865" target="_blank" >Riku</A><BR><A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,866" target="_blank" >Young Link</A><BR><A href="http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,41,867" target="_blank" >Qwest</A><BR><BR><STRONG>Enjoy!</STRONG>
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August 14th, 2005, 19:09 Posted By: dcemuuser
I was thinking to buy this:
Video Seven 27" LCD TV LTV27C
to boost my game experience with my playstation, but I have read that sometimes you can have issues with some lcds if you are playing games like doom. I was wondering what is the parameter I have to look at to be sure I will not running into these issues. Is it the response time?
Would this tv be ok? Would I have been able to play a game like Tekken 5?
DCEmu user
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August 14th, 2005, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Louie Iturzaeta has emailed me and now he has an official site for his new musical app for the PSP Official Site), heres whats new:
I made a simple website for my drum machine and re wrote my sequencer code so the timing issues should be gone.
and more info:
This software was inspired by the PSPKick software. I saw a lot of potential and thought it would be a cool experiment to design my own drum machine software that had a user interface similar to the classic Roland TR series drum machines.
I was originally going to make a TR-707 clone but decided to use a digital screen type display because it was more versatile.
Since I am a novice C programmer most of the code I used to make this program had it's origins in the SDK examples and code from wavloader by jpadams (audio) and the Nem's Hello World source (graphics). I have to give these guys props for sharing thier code to show us newbs how to do it. The sequencer code was all mine and is rather simple.
Thanks also go to my brother for making me some kick ass samples to use and Tri for making some great looking graphics!
In the future I plan on adding a series of new features and possibly posting my source code. If you have any suggestions please email me at rconlives|at|yahoo|dot|com.
Download this Project here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPRhythmComposer.shtml
Thanks for the Emails Louie 
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August 14th, 2005, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
71M has released a new with Bells on version of File Asistant the awesome app for the PSP, heres what he wrote:
Hi, Here is a small application that I've written in conjunction with Lin J.R and Shazz. Thanks go out to both of them for their help in producing this application. It's based on the original File Assistant written by Lin J.R, but has been souped up with some fancy GPU fueled rendering and ninja C++ coding! Give me a shout if you need any of the additional librarys.
Current Features
Copy File
Move File
Delete File
Rename File
Make Directory
View Image ( tga, bmp, png, jpg )
USB Toggle
Music Playback (mp3, ogg, ahx, mod )
Run Executable ( pbp, elf )
Future Features
Text Viewer
True Type Fonts
Skin Browser
PRX/BIN Execution
...and anything else Shazz or Lin J.R have planned!
Oh, and I must get around to commenting the code to make it easier to understand!
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/fileasistant++.shtml
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August 15th, 2005, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from Psychondrius:
e-messenger.net has a mobile MSN messenger to use through a browser (like wipeout pure or 2ch). http://mob.e-messenger.net. A very simple interface logs you in. I haven't personally used it yet on my PSP, but I think it looks promising. Enjoy!
Something for version 2 owners 
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August 15th, 2005, 08:49 Posted By: wraggster
Struggling to get Bochs working, heres an excerpt from a great tutorial:
In this tutorial I will try to describe how to set up Windows 95 in the Windows version of the Bochs x86 emulator. There are many ways to install it but I describe one of them. You will need the Windows 95 install CD in order to fully use this tutorial. Also this was tested on a Windows 2000 machine, and in the current (1.2.1) version (when this was written) does not support physical CD-ROM or floppy access under Windows 9x/ME, so if you're using one of those systems you'll have to find another solution like making a diskimage of the CD (which isn't covered in this tutorial).
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August 15th, 2005, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
Parabolee posted this news he had found out about the Amiga emulator for the PSP:
Yes it is in development and we should see an update in the next week or two. Christophe Thibault (the guy working on it) posted on his board that he would be away till August 15th but will be working on it then and had some good idea's to increase the speed.
Right now it's cool to see running but the framerate renders it pretty useless (frameskip of 8!).
thanks to 1timeuser for the headsup.
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August 15th, 2005, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Philip from over at PSP China has released a new modified version of the great CN Reader (ive also added a v1.00 eboot file), heres whats new:
1. Added Vertical reading mode.
Change the "Reading mode" from "Horizontal" to "Vertical". Other controls remain the same.
2. Added wallpaper support
Supported file format: BMP, PNG @ 256 colors
How to use: 1. Set "Use background" to "Yes"; 2. Browse to the picture you would like to use, then press circle.
Download From Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/cnreader.shtml
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August 16th, 2005, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the MAME port to the PSP has been released heres whats new via translation 
- Now uses v0.97 core.
- Modifications to the memory
- Improvements to the sound and the quality
- Correcting the fact that effective speed is strange
- Analog input correcting the mounting mistake of system
- Adding description below to the search path of roms and samples
Ms0: /psp/game/mamepsp/ silkworm silkworm silkworm
- CFG retention and correction
Download at the homepage here --> (till i get all the downloads up http://www.geocities.jp/pspmame/ or here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmame096.shtml
Thanks to Guyfawkes for the translation.
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August 16th, 2005, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Hotbot has been updated to beta5, heres whats new
Beta 5 enhancements include:
Split setup for PSP 2.0 and 1.x
+ It's the same Hotpot software but with different default configuration.
+ The default configurations have been reviewed to offer speed over space (e.g., MP4 is prefered to MP3 for music encoding). You'll need to customize the settings again if you'd changed the previous configs. Apologies for any inconvenience caused (really !). I pondered over 2 days for this change but decided to do it while in beta.
Music Conversion (Existing users come first)
+ jlanzago's request to handle iTunes MP3 to AAC converter for people who choose to use MP3 encoding in iTunes. I reviewed through various options (including going to QuickTime right away), but decided to postponed QT integration until v1.1 as planned.
The MP3 to AAC convertor uses iTunes itself to do the conversion. It should be able to handle your needs until I have full QT integration (like 1 month or so). You don't have to do anything to activate MP3 to AAC conversion, Hotpot will apply it automatically, MP3 -> AAC or AAC -> MP3.
2.0 Support
+ Beta 5 provides more robust support for MP4s. Previously certain files are not encoded in MP4 / AAC. Now it's enforced consistently as long as the user specifies MP4 as a preferred clone format.
+ Internet favorites can now be synced to PSP 2.0's bookmark. Existing bookmarks in PSP 2.0 web browser will be preserved. Hotpot will just transfer additional (selected) bookmarks from Windows to PSP. It's ok to sync many times, since Hotpot prunes duplicated entries away.
+ Typing History supported. I hate to use the keypad to type. Hotpot will now transfer every line from the history file "My Documents\PSP Keywords.txt" (if present) to your PSP. This gives you the ability to personalize the typing history to speed up keyboard input.
UI Enhancements
+ Fixed an obscure crashing bug in the Settings dialog. This one got in during the last beta and escaped my regression tests.
+ Added code to warn users about outdated config file.
More info etc here --> http://www.qrias.com/
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August 16th, 2005, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Wintermute has posted this news on his site:
The devkitPro windows installer has been released. This application will allow you to selectively download and install components of the devkitPro toolchains and later update them as required. The installer/updater even checks for updated versions of itself and will download and run the new installer. It doesn't get much easier than this.
Good news for PSP Devs
More info here --> http://www.devkitpro.org/
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August 17th, 2005, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
HomebrewPSP Converter is a simple tool to convert and manage your Homebrew PSP software for v1.0 PSP's for use on v1.5 PSPs using the new 1 memory stick method.
Simply click the plus button and select an EBOOT.PBP file to add that file to your Game Library.HomebrewPSP Converter will save your new, ready to go files in well labeld folders (Application Support)...just press the "Transfer to PSP" button to copy to your mounted PSP and enjoy!
Check out the site Here --> http://kaisakura.com/homebrew.php
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August 17th, 2005, 08:17 Posted By: -claus-
Hello i have been trying to get dc 64 to work.
I have followed the readme instruction. I placed the files on the cd and created the text file with games.
The program starts up but it will not load the games.
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong.
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August 17th, 2005, 08:42 Posted By: wraggster
Arwin has released a new version of his "Keyboard Emulator" for the PSP, heres whats new in the latest version:
version 0.51a
- added a non-blocking readKey function with a new structure that contains information on which group is selected, which modifiers were pressed, and so on, all at the right time. The p-sprint testscreen uses the function to display a proper blinking cursor. I spent a few hours on getting the key-repeat to work properly, but I couldn't manage it and the night's almost up, so have to get back to that later. But this is a significant step for other coders, so I'm releasing this early version for testing and development.
Getting a key from p-sprint is a lot like reading the controller now, with a comparable, non-blocking structure setup.
It would be fun to see if it were difficult to integrate this function into MicroWindows or something similar now.
Once I get the keyrepeat working I can rewrite the p_spGetChar and p_spGetKey functions calling the readKey functions in a loop, and wrap the whole thing up in a nice header file.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/p-sprint.shtml
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August 17th, 2005, 16:02 Posted By: waybrane
i recently went looking for a game (god of war) and found a torrent, but alas i have to make some adjustments before i can use the game that i have....i'm not sure what i am able to do, first do i need a mod chip or can it be done via the puter or memory card, and is there a tutorial for dummies, pictures would be nice but i'm not sure where to go or what i might need, currently have an older version of the ps2, not the slim line......i guess i'll start here and see where it takes me, thank you for all your reply's! 
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August 17th, 2005, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
dragula96 has released a wacky new Homebrew game called Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3, heres what he says:
source is messy but it gets the job done.
this is pretty much done unless someone finds a way to keep the music looping forever (see readme.txt).
--- have fun and by all means let me know what you guys think.
Download and Screenshot here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/turkeypuncher.shtml
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August 18th, 2005, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
VMU has posted in this DCEmu forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...8&page=2&pp=10 an update to his port of Nethack for the PSP, heres whats new:
Update: 1.0b released. You may not see many changes. Its mainly code cleanup and understanding of the sources. The game data and saves are now stored in the game dir. I also fixed the corrupted icon display. More keys have been added to be able to wear and take of armor and items. A mouse emulation has been added and can be used to select items. Make sure you read the Guidebook on nethack.org and adapt the file .nethackrc in the game dir.
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/nethackpsp.shtml
Thanks to VMU for posting news of the release on our forums , be sure to give him some feedback 
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August 18th, 2005, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
This isn’t the first device that’ll let you use regular old (and cheaper) MemorySticks on your previously Duo-only PSP, but it is the most practical so far — even if it still leaves a bit—ok, well, a lot—to be desired on the design side of things. PSP Hardware’s selling these for $25US a pop, and say it’ll even work with 4GB Memory Sticks. Now, can someone pretty please with sugar on top rig an SD or CompactFlash adapter?
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August 18th, 2005, 03:55 Posted By: wraggster
As most of you know the PSP Homebrew scene has only been going a few months and in that time we have seen some awesome achievements in all areas of the scene with a console that kicks ass in a lot of areas.
So to answer my question above what is the best release for the PSP Scene?
Well thats a rather easy one, the best release was from Nem and it was the Hello World demo because it was then everyone sat up and we knew there was a system we could run homebrew on.
Opinions, Comments ?
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August 19th, 2005, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the news:
myTego is proud to announce the introduction of Tego; a customer designed custom covering that fits onto practically any phone or personal electronic device. It is a thin, flexible covering that can be customized in any way imaginable!
It's About Your Choices
We are about providing you with the tools to make your phone or other device look exactly the way that you want.. We are the first company to offer a product that changes with your tastes and reflects who you are and what you like. We can put any picture or graphic onto your device with our new and unique custom covers, Tego!
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August 19th, 2005, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Travis Turgeon sent me this email
I put alot of time into this, its basically a super good version of
SmashGpsp. Here it is:
Terdinglage has put together what he calls the SmashPack. It is a
version of SmashGpsp which contains 12 bonus levels he created and 12
of the best custom characters out there. Easily installed by
extracting the .zip to the root directory of your PSP, its a great way
to enhance your SmashGpsp experience. Terdinglage felt the pack could
be put to better use, so he approached PSPBrew.com with turning his
pack into one of Brew's unique Pack Generators. Monkeymaximus, the
site's admin accepted his request, and here's what he had to say.
"Within the next few days, we will be releasing a new version of our
one of a kind Pack Generator - the SmashPack Generator. We'd like to
give special thanks to Terdinglage for developing the levels and
constructing the pack as without him this wouldn't have been possible.
The SmashPack Generator will give you the ability to choose from a
list of all the currently available levels and characters that you
want in your version of SmashGpsp. This allows you to have your own
unique version of the game, with the characters and levels YOU want,
not what the developers want! To top it all off, it will be just as
simple as our original Pack Generator. Just run the auto-extracting
zip and install to the root of your PSP."
Here are the current lists of characters and levels the Generator will have:
Character List:
Chrono, Chun Li, Contra, Coolspot, dante, Forte, Goemon, Gold Elite,
Guile, Harpuia, Inuyasha, Jack, Link, Luigi (original), Majin Yusuke,
Mario (original), Master Chief, Mecha Sonic, Megaman, Megaman Zero,
Metool, Moriya, Pacman, Qwest, Retro Link, Riku, Rockman, Samurai
Jack, Samus, Shadow, Sonic, Sora, Tails, Trunks, Wolverine, Zero.
Level List:
Bowser's Dungeon, Dark Citadel, Deathstar, Mario World, Shark's Mouth,
Pokemon Stadium (original), High (original), Blue Sky (original), Pipe
Dream, Mario and Luigi Flyby, Mario World Basic (originally Small xx),
Mario Brothers 3, Hell on Earth, Sunray, Mario World, Shinobi.
Want to download or discuss the SmashPack? --> http://www.pspbrew.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=4768#4768
Are we missing a character or level? Please post here --> http://www.pspbrew.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=4767#4767</blockquote>
You can also download the new Smashpack Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/smashgpsp.shtml
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August 19th, 2005, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Machiyuta has released TiMidity for the PSP, heres some info i pull off the net:
TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital instrument data files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays. It can not only play sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard disks as various audio file formats. - http://timidity.sourceforge.net/#info -
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/timidity.shtml
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August 20th, 2005, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Let’s remind ourselves of the words of SCEA, posted last week and still resting as they were, regarding the expected release of the 2.0 update to the PSP firmware:
The PSP Firmware 2.0 Upgrade for the North American market will be available during the week of August 15th, instead of on August 12, as previously reported.
Well… its afternoon on Friday the 19th of August here in the US (except for those in the pacific islands). And like a bride (or groom) standing at the alter during some uncomfortable pause as the expected to be betrothed does not appear upon the 3rd replay of their musical cue, PSP fanatics sit/stand dumfounded. There’s no reference to the update on the Playstation/PSP website, no updates in the message boards. We can only hope that this update is so fantabulous that it brews espresso, runs the lights and features of our homes and carries no bugs that might make our happy little portables sick to their stomachs.
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August 20th, 2005, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry for the late posting, i sometimes forget to check my PM box but i was sent a great message by Yeldarb the other day and here it is :
Yeldarb has released tutorial number three in his PSP Programming series. It runs through basic programming techniques such as variable declaration, loops, if/then statements, and button input. This is the sequel to the first two tutorials which covered setting up a development environment, and creating your first program.
Lesson 03 - A Programming Primer can be found here: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9546
The first two lessons can be found at:
Lesson 01 - Setting up the Development Environment can be found at: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9544
Lesson 02 - Creating your First Program can be found at: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9545
Thanks to Yeldbarb for sending me this news and lets hope we get more Devers join the scene 
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August 20th, 2005, 16:42 Posted By: sparko
Ive been having a few problems with my PS2 of late.The controllers would not work so I sent it back under warranty and got 2 new controllers.These work perfect on some games but on others such as MOH they dont work at all.
Has anyone else heard of this problem as Id like a bit more info before I go taking it back to the store again
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August 20th, 2005, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
dragula96 has released a new version of his cool looking homebrew game for the PSP, heres what he says:
NORT 0.2 (2 player version only for right now)
by dragula96
version 0.2 changes/fixes
-added cycles to playfield
-changed blue color line and cycle to yellow
-removed white line in the middle of cycle walls
-changed background to a nicer one
- fixed bug where some people were not able to run game(ihope)
-fixed bug that would let you go "out of bounds" at the top
known bugs in 0.2
-pressing diagnaly is NOT RECOMMENDED, and slows down the game indefinetly
-if game goes on to long then slow down will occur however i cant find anyone to test this with so i dont know how much slowdown you will get
Download and leave bug reports etc in the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9554
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August 20th, 2005, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Ive noticed and myself included have had bad experiances with some Online Stores, on our forums ive read about companys charging people months after they had already charged the person for his PSP, faulty PSPs and when contacted no reply.
The list goes on but as a site that doesnt want its members and visitors robbed, i feel that we can all help each others by pointing out these people and hopefully get everyones problems fixed and avoid future problems
Ive an email sent to me tonight that youll want to read in the comments.
Remember help each others helps all PSP owners.
Read the comments for more:
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August 21st, 2005, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Carlos Aldana AKA indianajonesilm has updated his air hockey game for the PSP, heres the info:
New Features:
AI for single player games.
Analogue control.
New Main Menu.
Press "Start" to enter the Main Menu while in game. (The L button no longer enters the menu).
Make Selections in the menu with either the "Start" or "X" buttons.
When changing Puck Speed, the new speed does not take effect until after the next goal.
You can't enter the menu while the words "Get Ready" are on the screen. Just start the game and once "Get Ready" is gone, then you can hit "Start" to enter the menu.
The AI really sucks bad! (I'll improve it in future versions)
Possible updates for the next version:
Fix bugs relating to Puck Speed, and menu bugs.
Single player game with levels, new backgrounds, and more intelligent AI.
To install, just extract the contents of the ZIP file to the PSP\GAME folder on your PSP.
Thanks to Shine for Lua Player and also for helping me with the menu! Thanks to nevyn for his contributions to Lua Player and also for the paddle acceleration!
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspairhockey.shtml
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August 21st, 2005, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
The 512M and 1G memory stick Pro Duo from SanDisk are now both cheaper than ever, and quality is just as good (if not better as seen on many product review) than the official Sony version.
<a href="http://www.divineo.cn/php/affstart.php?affcode=arboretum&prod=misc-mem1GB"><img src="http://www.divineo.cn/divineo/images/products/misc-mem1GB-s.jpg" border="0" alt="Sandisk Mem card"></a>
The price for the 1gb is $ 109.95 (cheaper than mine )
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August 22nd, 2005, 03:42 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
I'm new to the PS2 Forum
The only thing I care about knowing is how to run NES roms Do I need to open up my system and seriously risk getting my system damaged? Please someone help me out. . .Like I said all I want to know is how I run NES Roms!
Thank You
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August 22nd, 2005, 03:44 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
What exactly is the use of the USB cable in front of the PS2? I tried to hook up my PSP to my PS2 in hoping I could play my PSP Homebrew and/or my PSP UMD's on it and that wasn't working and I know its not for the internet. . .So are there any cool uses with the USB?
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August 22nd, 2005, 03:50 Posted By: wraggster
Shine has updated Lua Player to version 0.9, heres whats new:
On http://www.luaplayer.org you can get a new version. Some bugs are fixed, memory to memory transfer speed is doubled for some functions (VRAM access (with "screen" variable) is not faster) and no new features. Changelog:
- bugfixing clearImage and clearScreen
- sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll only needed before sceGu functions, when reading modified main memory
- speed improved for fillImageRect, fillScreenRect, blitAlphaImageToImage, blitImageToImage and drawLine
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luaplayer.shtml
Thanks to Mike Haggar for the heads up on IRC 
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August 22nd, 2005, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Dragula 96 has updated his rathert cool Tron Cycle game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 0.3 changes/fixes/notes
-Added Startup Title Screen
-Made grid area wider (478 x 270)
-Added new sounds
-Added 3 second countdown at start
-Added "player 1/2 wins" at endgame
-Changed background to accommodate new grid dimensions
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/NORT.shtml
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August 22nd, 2005, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Exceed have released the worlds first Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP, heres whats featured etc:
– L button: Game selector list, Circle selects the game
– Triangle: Picture size large/small
– Circle: Turn sound on or off
– Cross = A button
– Square = B button
– R button: Pause
– Select: Option 1 button
– Start: Option 2 button
The emulator has a nice file selection screen but you will need the Bios for the Atari Lynx, it has sound and one ultra cool option, basically you can change between a normal screen and the game inside the Atari Lynx 
Heres some shots :
Download and more shots here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/handypsp.shtml
Thanks to Exceed for bringing a great emulator to the PSP.
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August 22nd, 2005, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Laxer3a who is one of the coders of the highly promising Snes emulator for the PSP called Snes9x_TYL posted something of interest to those waiting for the next release of their great emulator:
"It depends on games but you can expect a change between +5% to +12% on the frame rate.(So +2 to +7 fps)
If you remove some effect (add/sub), and remove the sound you have rougly 60 fps on mario kart or FZero in the next release.
There is some tuning still possible, I will have a look next week end :-).
(GCC assembly output is just so so... Assembly rewrite seems a not so bad idea)."
Now thats great news for Mario Kart fans like myself, heres the forum link for the rest of what was said --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...&page=13&pp=10
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August 23rd, 2005, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
Neuromods has modifed the turkey punching game and used Michael Jackson instead:
I was really bored and made this, it's kinda lame but fun all in one. All
I did was use Dragula96's Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 game, change some pics and sounds and BOOM here is Michael Jackson Puncher. It's not perfect and I can't seem to get those white looking lines around MJ off. Hope no one gets mad that I made this.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/michaeljacksonpuncher.shtml
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August 23rd, 2005, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released a nice Sram Data Convertor Tool for his and other Genesis/Megadrive Emulators, download via the comments 
Thanks to Smiths on IRC for the news 
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August 23rd, 2005, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
rerofumi has released another new version of his application that converts text to a Jpg, it comes in windows and mac flavours.
Aug.22.2005 - Ver1.3
- added : user has possible to choose JPEG compress level.
Check out the downloads at his site here --> http://www.fumi2kick.com/jpegbook/ or via the comments 
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August 23rd, 2005, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Yoyofr, Laxer3a and Thunder have released a new version of what is the best Snes emulator for the PSP, heres the news from the Official Site
This version should be a lot more stable than previous one, especially regarding memstick corruption & freezing issues.
However, shit happens, so remember to backup all of your critical data/saves, ... ;-)
Remember to use the OFFICIAL FORUM for BUGS and FEEDBACK, since we don't have so many time to spend
on the various forums, we'll mainly check our one.
[FIX] psp accelerated rendering fixed
[FIX] fixed crashing bug with mosaic effects & psp accelerated modes
[FIX] fixed sleep/resume freeze
[FIX] lots of small fixes in emulation core, gui, browser, ...
[NEW] snes BRR decoding in mips assembly (sample decoding, sounds better in man games)
[NEW] snes cpu/hdma optimization
[NEW] ppu optimization (FF6 is eventually playable)
[NEW] implement snesadvance "speedhacks"
[NEW] gui cosmetic enhancements & fixes (correct time, ...)
[NEW] new ppu hacks mode to speed up emulation
[NEW] autosave sram shortly after being modified (usually 1second)
[NEW] auto savestate every n minutes
[NEW] import savestate from uoSnes9x or Zsnes
Get some here : Zsnes save state archive
just place the .zsX file in your psp and use the "Import savestate" menu option
[NEW] help, press Triangle on a menu option
[NEW] started internationalizing (english, french, japanese) (only for menu help, not complete)
[NEW] disable savings features when battery too low (avoid memstick corruption)
[NEW] mode 7 hack to speed up a bit the rendering
[NEW] option to render PAL games as NTSC games (get ride of black border at bottom)
[NEW] per game settings.
Use the "Save settings as DEFAULT settings" to define the default settings applied to every game at first launch.
Use the SQUARE button in file browser to bypass ROM specific settings and use the default ones instead.
Settings are saved on a per game basis, the settings file is created at first menu access after loading a new game.
[NEW] configurable inputs
Nice icon by Pochi </blockquote>
Remember to give a little donation to them for their great work 
Download from the Official Site or our Snes9x tyl page Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/snespsp_tyl.shtml
Discuss this release Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9668
Thanks to Yoyofr /Laxer3a and Thunder for a great release 
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August 23rd, 2005, 18:17 Posted By: evilo
Just to inform people still motivated to develop on the ps2, that in september we (the froggies @ froggies.ps2dev.org) will launch a little contest, in order to bring some fun after those crazy holidays !
There is already a little pre-announce on the site rigth now (in french only for the moment), but it will be updated shortly with full details.
as said before, contest will start beginning of september, the time to prepare the whole thing and to look for some nice prizes.
there is also an freshly opened thread here (http://froggies.ps2dev.org/forum_viewtopic.php?26.498) , if you want to post comments or your wishes for some prize 
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August 23rd, 2005, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
from gamespot
Despite that the major PSP firmware update was released in Japan just last month, Sony Computer Entertainment platform development chief Izumi Kawanishi was already discussing expansion of the handheld's new features a few weeks later. Among the topics touched at that point were Web-based game content, downloadable movies, and e-mail support. But apparently that was not all that was brewing at Sony's platform development studio. In an interview with Japanese technology Web site ITmedia, Kawanishi revealed even more possible plans for the PSP.
Sony's developers are considering adding Macromedia Flash support for PSP's Web browser in the future, as well as expanding Javascript functions. Kawanishi explained they need to determine Flash's performances on the PSP before coming to a conclusion. Kawanishi said that his team basically has an open stance toward network-related functions, and Flash playback was not intentionally ignored. On the other hand, Kawanishi explained that security issues prompted the team to leave out some Javascript support, such as allowing scripts to access the UMD. The PSP development team is planning to release a guideline manual for content providers so they can make Web pages catered to the PSP. Kawanishi is also considering disclosing the specs to the public as well.
When a Web page is displayed on the PSP, all data is managed in the handheld's main memory, Kawanishi explained. The browser does not use the Memory Stick Duo accessory to display Web pages (though it is technically possible), because as removable media, unexpected errors can occur if the stick is removed during use. Kawanishi added that displaying saved HTML files from the Memory Stick is technically possible and will be kept under consideration for future updates.
Kawanishi also revealed that Sony is already planning a number of USB peripherals for the PSP, and some should be announced in the near future. He commented that a keyboard and mouse are possibilities, as they will facilitate browsing the Web. The Global Positioning System device shown during last year's E3 is another possible peripheral, as it could be used with both the Web browser and PSP games.
The 2.0 firmware update gave the handheld H.264 MPEG4 movie-playback capabilities, and Kawanishi confirmed that he would like to add support for other formats. However, explained that some third-party formats cannot be supported. Instead, Sony's developers will be giving first priority to the most standard file formats. Kawanishi said there are also plans to support high-resolution and high bit rates, with plans already under way for the MPEG4-AVC format. In terms of audio, Kawanishi explained that the PSP supports AAC format, since it's standardized, and there's the possibility that the m4a audio format will be added as well.
When asked whether the PSP will support downloadable games, Kawanishi simply stated that the idea is under consideration. He also added that it would be interesting if users could develop their own simple games and distribute them online.
Kawanishi did not mention any release dates for the next update for the handheld's software in Japan or abroad. Stateside, PSP owners are still awaiting the release of Firmware 2.0, which lets the PSP browse the Web, among other functions. Sony promised that the update would be available the week of August 15.
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August 24th, 2005, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
PSPide C++ is an application that allows to create projects of programming for PSP in language C/C++. For the correct operation it is necessary to have installed the PSPSDK Beta 1.0 and to have correctly formed all the correct path variables. The first time that we use PSPide C++, it will ask for these 3 paths:
- Path where we have installed the PSPDev, normally all we will have it in C:\PSPDev
- Path where we will keep all of our projects
- Route of the Kxploit
(Original Link not used for reasons youll understand)
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August 24th, 2005, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Yoyofr, Laxer3a and Thunder have released an update of what is the best Snes emulator for the PSP, heres the news from the Official Site
Second quick update in a row, and should be the last one
[NEW] autosave modified SRAM is now an option (can cause major slowdowns in some games).
[NEW] reverted the directories name for V1.5 to standard KXploit since new names was causing issues on some PSP.”
Remember to give a little donation to them for their great work 
Download from the Official Site or our Snes9x tyl page Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/snespsp_tyl.shtml
Discuss this release Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9668
Thanks to Yoyofr /Laxer3a and Thunder for a great release 
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August 24th, 2005, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
This was posted in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9716
Its just been posted in the forums about a new exploit uncovered by Yoshihiro and the wab team, heres some of it:
How To :
!!! HOW use it !!!
Put your two folders on your games folders and run it .your game boot
and freeze your psps on white screen .after your psps shutdown it's
because your second eboot.pbp like on kxploit "From pspsdev team for psp 1.5"
is corrupted juste find teh 02000800 and replace the 08 by 01 for test in
the header of your elf it's easy but it's proof concept the psp 2.0 can read
the elf but in another format .
More info on this news here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9716
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August 24th, 2005, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
Heres news for those of you who desire the new firmware although not that its any good whatsoever for the Homebrew scene, heres the details of the new firmware for the USA people 
Remember if you have a Jap PSP you can not flash it with a USA firmware
From the official 2.0 update release notes:
+ An internet browser has been added
+ 4:3 screen mode has been added (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
+ Go To feature has been added (for UMD Video and UMD Music).
+ A-B Repeat feature has been added (for UMD Video, UMD Music and video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
+ Audio options have been added (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
+ MP4 (AVC) has been added as a playable file format (for video saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
+ The combination of SonicStage version 3.2 (or later) and PSP system software 2.0 (or later) has made it possible for music files in ATRAC3 plus format to be transferred to a Memory Stock PRO Duo.
+ MP4 (the audio codec for MP4 format audio files is MPEG-4 AAC) and WAV (Linear PCM) have been added as playable file formats (for music saved on Memory Stick Duo media).
+ Wallpaper feature has been added.
+ Image transfer feature has been added.
+ TIFF, GIF, PNG and BMP have been added as viewable file formats.
+ Korean has been added as a system language in [System Settings].
+ [Character Set] has been added in [System Settings].
+ [Theme Settings] has been added.
+ [Internet Browser Start Control] has been added as a security mode in [Security Settings].
+ WPA-PSK (TKIP) has been added as a security mode in [Network Settings].
+ Web address shortcut feature has been added as an input mode for the on-screen keyboard.
<b>Just remember this will stop you having the ability to play homebrew and emulators on your PSP, so we wont be linking to downloads for it</B>
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August 24th, 2005, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo (great PS2 Coder) posted this news on our PS2 forum:
Just to inform people still motivated to develop on the ps2, that in september we (the froggies @ froggies.ps2dev.org) will launch a little contest, in order to bring some fun after those crazy holidays !
There is already a little pre-announce on the site rigth now (in french only for the moment), but it will be updated shortly with full details.
as said before, contest will start beginning of september, the time to prepare the whole thing and to look for some nice prizes.
there is also an freshly opened thread here (http://froggies.ps2dev.org/forum_viewtopic.php?26.498) , if you want to post comments or your wishes for some prize
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August 25th, 2005, 02:18 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
It is rumored that the PSP will be able to have certain capabilities with the PS3. I heard that the UMD movies will be possible to watch through the PS3? Will games from PSP be able to run on the big screen? Watch movies from the 100MNV01 file? View pictures? etc. etc. What are the possibilities/capabilties with the system?
Thank You All!
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August 25th, 2005, 08:43 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP and Nintendo DS have yet another rival to worry about and this time its none other than the newest version of the GBA in Micro Form, heres the news article from <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3676&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a>
sexy, no-nonsense gadget: Nintendo's latest addition to the GameBoy family, the GameBoy Micro will be the smallest Ninty handheld to date. After announcing the retail price and release date recently, Nintendo has now made public that they will introduce a new version of the popular Play-Yan peripheral, which lets you play MPEG4 movies and MP3 songs on GBASP, Nintendo DS and GameBoy Micro, now called "Play-Yan Micro". It will replace the current one being sold and will be available on September 13th, simultaneously alongside the system. Nintendo has all the specs on their dedicated Japanese site here. Enjoy your favorite videos and music on the go, pocketsize! On the train or bus, waiting for a friend to arrive or sweetly killing time on those long oversea flights, the GameBoy Micro is perfect for instant entertainment, wherever your travels may take you. Even more so with the beautifully retro Famicom Color version; celebrate Nintendo's glorious history with this cool edition, honoring Mario's 20th birthday! You can view two official TV commercials for the Famicom Color GB Micro here:
Because of the dramatically smaller size of the Micro, the unit comes with a new port included. Due to this, all previous link cables and charger units from the GameBoy Advance era will not work with the GB Micro without a special adapter. To remedy this, Nintendo offers the GB Micro Conversion Connector, which allows for standard GBA link cables to be used with the Micro. Another way to link up is the GameBoy Micro Communication Cable. Said cable comes exclusively for the GB Micro line, which basically is a custom link cable that works just like the regular GBA cables, but supports linking up to four GameBoy Micro handhelds without the need of an extra connector.
Wireless is the way to go in 2005, so Nintendo has another official peripheral in store for its fresh GameBoy incarnation. A special wireless adapter has been created just for the GB Micro. The device can communicate with other GB Micro or GBA systems that also have the wireless doohickey and a wireless-compatible game, such as Pokémon Fire Red or Leaf Green. Why use cables, when you can obtain the freedom this wireless solution offers? We are welcoming preorders for all mentioned accessories already, which are all scheduled to be available on the GameBoy Micro's release date, September 13th.
Sounds like both the DS and PSP Should watch out, check out our GBA Emulation site for all the emulators released for the GBA --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk
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August 25th, 2005, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Got a nice email when i just got home with a new emulator for the PSP, the emulator is an Atari 2600 emulator for the PSP which is a port of the rather great Stella Atari2600 emulator. The coder who ported it is called Aenea, heres whats in the readme:
This is a port of the Stella Atari 2600 emulator to the PSP. Original code by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony and Jeff Miller and many others. This PSP port was made by Alysa Habraken (aka Aenea). It's not very optimized and not all games run or at full speed. Some have a little flickering, but this will be resolved in upcoming versions.
Heres some shots
Ive made a v1.0 eboot and stuck it in the Zip and also you must read the instructions ive posted to get it to recognise roms 
For a first release this is a great one 
Download from HERE --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/stellapsp.shtml
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August 25th, 2005, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro & Team Wab have been busy and released a new piece of software that fools your PSP into thinking its been flashed to v1.51, 1.52 or v2.0 for games that do a check.
This software is for v1.00 and v1.50 PSP Owners, heres some from the nfo:
Yoshihiro and WAB are proud to bring you ÛÛ
²Û The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 Û²
²Û to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.0 ²±
²Û The System think it's a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0 ±°
²Û even if its a v1.5 or 1.0 .
Note - I myself havent tried it as i dont own any games requring the firmware update.
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August 26th, 2005, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
PSPet has released a rather cool InfraRed Remote Control app for the PSP, heres what it says on his site:
Install the proper version on your Homebrew compatible PSP
Run the program on the PSP
At the start page, select the device you want to control (RoboSapien, ICybie, Media Center)
Use the PSP as an IR remote control for that device.
The buttons are labelled on the screen with the commands.
Certain buttons (like LTrigger and RTrigger) can act as shift buttons. Hold those buttons and new options will show up. Keep holding the shift button and press the regular button.
When pressing a command button, aim the top of the PSP towards the device's IR receiver
Press HOME to go back to the main screen to change devices
Press HOME again to exit the app
Downloads and more info Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspirremote.shtml
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August 26th, 2005, 01:31 Posted By: ChrisKahn
I would like to know which hard drives will work with the nexstar enclosure that allows the Slim line Ps2 to have a hard drive. Is the 120 Gig the biggest one that will work? And also do the emulators run when I store it into the hard drive or does it run of a disc? And do backups and imports work if it is stored into the hard drive without having a mod chip? Thanks.
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August 26th, 2005, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you in the UK (like me) and the rest of Europe are 5 days away from a console whos graphics will blow you away. You may be lucky and get a v1.5 (Homebrew compatible firmware) or you may indeed have to put up with a non homebrew PSP but dont let that put you off, the design of the PSP is jaw dropping, the first time you boot up Ridge Racer you will think your playing on a PS2 and in some ways the PSP is faster. The fact you can play and store Music, Photos, Movies and such things as all the PSP Magizines that have been released plus some excellent films on UMD and the possibility that the PS3 will be PSP compatible with a UMD slot that will be great for movies and be basically a place to play PSP on a big screen. (Now who told me that juicy info ).
5 Days till you get your hands on a console that will amaze 
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August 26th, 2005, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Attila has released a new build of the port of the Amiga emulator UAE with support although early for the Keyboard, heres what he says:
How the keyboard input works :
- Press AND(!) HOLD the [] - Square button.
- Press the Up / Down button ( on the left side of the PSP ) to change the selected key.
- Press the Left / Right to jump to the beginning / end of the keylist.
- Press the () - Circle button to actually "Press" the selected key. ( still holding the [] - square button ! )
At the moment no simultaneous key input is implemented ( like pressing a key while holding this and that ).
I know this is not what you had in mind, but it kinda works for now... ;-)
I am designing the proper GUI... etc...
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspuae.shtml
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August 26th, 2005, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Morris at CNN/Money has an interesting theory on Sony’s insistence that the Playstation 3 will “be expensive” — are they bluffing? The advantage would be twofold: first, set consumer expectation high, then surprise them with something much lower, driving a potentially much larger buying rush. Secondly, lull Microsoft into thinking they can get away with sticking an extra high pricetag on the Xbox 360, scaring off some of its potential buyers. The other potential reason for crowing about high pricing expectations might be to force Microsoft to make the first move, thus prepping consumers to get beyond the cognitive barrier of paying more than $300 for a game console. And, you know, it’s not like we would be shocked and appalled to discover than Sony totally played the media on this one — what do y’all think?
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August 27th, 2005, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
In six days’ time Europe will experience the biggest hardware launch since PlayStation 2 in 2000, with Sony insisting that any competition with Nintendo is ‘irrelevant’.
And after a hard year for the High Street, PSP brings with it what the trade hopes will be a long-awaited turning point in the fortunes of the market and the promise of a bumper Q4.
Despite shortages, Sony’s handheld has already launched to great success in Japan and the US. And while delays have pushed back the release of the system in PAL territories until September 1st, the £179.99 unit is expected to prove a sell-out.
With the final part of the global launch jigsaw almost in place, backed with a massive £10m cross-media marketing campaign, SCEE expects its dominance in the home console arena to drive its debut handheld system to success, dismissing the challenge of sector leader Nintendo.
“The idea of a handheld rivalry with Nintendo is an irrelevance,” VP of studios Phil Harrison insisted to MCV. “Those formats don’t appear in our planning. It’s not a fair comparison; not fair on them, I should stress. That sounds arrogant, maybe, but it’s the truth.
“Nintendo knows its target audience, because it has really narrowed that down; and it’s pretty much defined by a boy or girl’s ability to admire Pokémon.
“With the DS, it’s fair to say that Nintendo stepped out of the technical race and went for a feature differentiation with the touch screen,” Harrison continued. “But I fear that it won’t have a lasting impact beyond that of a gimmick – so the long-lasting appeal of the platform is at peril as a direct result of that.”
But Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter believes there is enough room for both systems in the market: “Longterm, I see DS expanding Nintendo's demographic upward to the high teens,” he told MCV. “I see Sony’s PSP expanding the ‘mobile’ demographic to the 30s. Both will expand the overall market by providing an outlet for gameplay beyond the home or office.”
The face of the enemy
Sony may be dominant in the home console field, but it has a long way to go to match Nintendo’s handheld achievements...
Game Boy Range
Total global hardware sales (as of 9/04): 176.8m
Total global sales: 67.7m (inc. SP)
Total PAL sales: 15 million (inc. SP)
Nintendo DS
Total global sales: 6.65m
Total PAL sales: 1.3m (inc. 300k in UK)
Big hitters at launch
While its movie and music playback features will prove a draw, PSP’s ultimate success is dependent on its game content. MCV highlights a trio of titles carrying great expectations...
GTA: Liberty City Stories (Rockstar)
A dream title for SCEE to have in the launch window, retail has been briefed to expect Rockstar’s original, fully 3D adventure to release in October. And with early reactions bordering on the hysterically positive, this has ‘system seller’ written all over it.
Ridge Racer (SCEE)
An integral part of the PlayStation story, Namco’s latest Ridge Racer offers the definitive arcade petrol-fuelled experience.
WipEout Pure (SCEE)
Another title synonymous with Brand PlayStation, Sony Liverpool has conjured another fast and furious, future perfect racing thriller.
Source -MCVUK
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August 27th, 2005, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Evil Dragon:
Well, as announced, Clicks for Devs will start in September!
What's Clicks For Devs, you ask?
Well, over at www.psparchive.de, there is a Google banner at the top.
And every click pays back a homebrew author - because a developer YOU vote gets the money made from the clicks of a whole month!
So, now is the time to vote the dev for the September... vote NOW!
Heres the options:
Y (uo_Snes9x)
YoyoFr (NeoCD, SNES9x TYL)
Shine (Luaplayer)
Osakana (fMSX)
Sougen (PSPGenesis)
Ruka (NesterJ)
Mirakichi (Rogue, Rin)
GlobWare (Squarez)
eDepot (AgenaWorld)
Some great coders there and as webmaster of PSP Emulation News i urge you to vote for the coder who most deserves this first Click for Devs Donation by Evil Dragon and his PSP Archive site 
Vote Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9857
Its nice to see the coders get a bit back 
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August 27th, 2005, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Smiths has released a new unnofficial build from the sources of Snes9xPSP_TYL v0.1, heres whats new via the readme:
+ Added Key Configuration support
- saves to key.cfg
- if no key.cfg, loads defaults
- basically the same as NeoCDPSP's key configuration support
+ Tweaked menu browsing
- I don't like selecting "- - - - - -"
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/uosnespsp_tyl.shtml
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August 28th, 2005, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Source - JoyStiq
Activision PSP launch titles and UMD movies have been sighted on the shelves of a central London Virgin Megastore ahead of the official European September 1st release date of the PSP. The trio of Activision launch titles including Spider-Man 2, Tony Hawk’s Underground Remix and Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade were sitting alongside UMD movie Old Boy, so it’s possible that Sony hasn’t been strict enough in giving retailers instructions on when to start selling. Personally, I think retailers in the UK should rebel against Sony and just start selling them whenever. UK users have had to wait long enough for the console (which will probably be identical to US/Japanese models). The system of releasing consoles in Japan, then America and finally Europe is tired and pointless. That’s one area where Microsoft will be innovating with a global release of the Xbox 360. In other news, Sony has confirmed that the Oxford Street HMV will be open past midnight on the 31st August so insomniac gamers can go pick up a PSP, finally.
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August 28th, 2005, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Speculation is rife about a rumour that Yoshihiro and Team Wab have somehow worked out a way to downgrade the as yet non homebrew PSP consoles to v1.5 so in other words we may yet see some very exciting news 
I will as soon as i chat to Yoshiihiro and get more information get back to you but i trust both him and team wab so this could be the news we have all been waiting for.
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August 29th, 2005, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
71M has posted news of the release of a new version of the File Asistant app for the PSP, heres whats new:
[!] Fixed music playback not stopping when selecting a new file.
[+] Added simple file information dialog box.
[!] Shazz fixed the executable loading.
[+] Config.xml contains all user options.
[~] Current folders are saved.
[~] Folders will automatically refresh.
[~] Option to hide corrupt files.
[~] USB can be turned off at startup using config.xml
[+] Progress bar now shows duration for copying files.
[+] Selecting multiple image files will trigger slideshow mode, use L/R Triggers.
[+] Images can be flipped and mirrorred, bugs out on large images.
[~] Start hides UI when viewing images.
[+] Skin.xml can now be used to edit the look of the skin.
[+] If background.png exists in your skin folder it will be displayed.
[+] PBP icons are displayed as background when selected (only v1.0 PBPs)
[!] Skin selector now works!
[~] OSX skin included, with traditional FA style view.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/fileasistant++.shtml
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August 29th, 2005, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
Mike Haggar has released a clone of the SFCave game, heres what he says:
SFCave Clone for the PSP. Made in LUA, Partially based on YASFCave. You can play module music files in this game. The music browser starts with folder ms0:/PSP/MUSIC/
You'll need LUA 0.7b7 or better to run this game. The script is a uncommented mess, but take a look if you want to. Feel free to send me improvements if you make some.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luacave.shtml
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August 29th, 2005, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
Squidly1 has posted this cool tutorial on his site:
I cannot share the Win95 image (for some obvious legal reasons), so please do not ask me for it. If you look REALLY hard for it you can find it - just not via the web. Googling for it has produced no definitive hits.
How I did it:
I am *sure* there are other, more elegant, ways to pull this same trick, but without the original code to work from - I came up with this compromise...
1. Took the two Bochs directories located in ms0:\PSP\Game and used SeiTool to create a single EBOOT.PBP.
2. I then created a ICON0.PNG for each VM I wanted to load. I can't stand blank icons (I'm a picky one).
Using PSP rew to change title and ICON0.PNG
3. I attached the new ICON0.PNG to each new EBOOT I was altering, and changed the title so that it would post correctly in the PSP game menu.
4. Next, I used UltraEdit32 to open up the "new" EBOOT and searched for "MS0:"
Looking for "ms0:"
5. For the first occurance, I changed the "ms0:/PSP/GAME/BOCHS" to a new directory name, something that fits the five letter space (anything more or less will crash Bochs). With this one I used "BOW95."
Found it... Made my two changes.
6. Next, I looked below and made sure that I edited the "ms0:/VM/" directory to reflect the location I wanted it to look - this time "W9."
7. Saved the changes to my new EBOOT.PBP.
Using Sei Tool for the final install.
8. I then opened up SeiTools and created on my memory stick the 1.50-friendly directories I needed while installing the new EBOOT.PBP. I made sure that the directory on the PSP was set to "BOW95," as specified in my earlier edit.
9. Copied over the image files and related configs to the "W9" directory. Made sure that all instances of "VM" were changed to "W9" in the "bochsrc.bxrc" file.
10. That's about it - test it out and have fun .
Check out his site for images and links to go with the tutorial here --> http://www.schleppingsquid.net/PSPHacking/
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August 29th, 2005, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
The Milhouse Dev group have released a great Dev Package for the PSP, heres whats featured:
- Help from PSPSDK
- Toolbar with shortcuts to usual functions
- It changes his colour each month
- Full integration of PSPSDK
- Language support with ini files
- Languages in the package: Spanish, English and Catal�n
- Projects windows can be hide
The download comes in at a rather hefty 45megs but its a great and easy way to get into PSP Development as it boasts plug and play capabilities.
Download from here --> http://milhouse.blogsome.com/
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August 29th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Its not long now till thursday and for an experiment i want all who buy their PSPs to check what firmware is in it, i would say theres no chance of a v1.0 but its possible that you could find v1.50 if your lucky ( the only shop i know who did have some v1.5 was SuccessHK but its a risk you take)
Most likely youll be buying a v1.52 or v2.0 PSP
Please report what your firmware is and where you brought it just in case there is some v1.5s around or maybe Sony will bring in a higher firmware number ?
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August 30th, 2005, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
rob_psp using Lua has made a great Notepad type text editor for the PSP, heres the info:
This is a notepad programmed in Lua. This has been tested to work on
luaplayer 0.7b7 and above, created by Shine and Nevyn.
How to use:
The D-pad controls the green cursor.
The left trigger inputs the value of the green cursor.
The square, triangle, circle, and cross buttons controls the red cursor.
The right trigger inputs the value of the red cursor.
Press Select to cycle to Edit and Keyboard modes.
Press Start to bring up the File menu.
The left and right triggers page up and down the screen in Edit and
Full Screen modes
To use the Copy, Cut, and Paste functions, first move the cursor the first
position. Press Triangle to mark it. Move the cursor to the second
position. Press Triangle to mark the second position. Finally, you can
use the Edit functions.
Special thanks to Shine, Nevyn, and Mike Haggar
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/notepadpsp.shtml
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August 30th, 2005, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
It seems like the PSPs best Snes emulator will get much better soon, heres what Laxer3a posted at the Official Forums
Hi everybody,
Laxer3A here.
I met Y (the author of the other snes emu) today and we had a long discussion.
Most likely we will do an update about it on our web site.
But for the moment, I will just write on the boards here.
1/ Y is interested to join our project while maintaining his own emu.
Which is good, his emu beeing using a different base, some games will work better on his emu that ours.
Diversity is always good, whatever the eco-system is.
2/ Y seems to never had so much interest into modifying the core of Snes9x. Which is the opposite of our philosophy.
So his skill and our skills are a perfect match.
3/ How, when, what is not decided... I promised him that he could have the source code and have a look, that's it.
4/ I take the opportunity to say that we all have a social life, all have a job (the youngest of us is 28 if I am correct and I am the oldest actually) and a social life.
We will probably continue to work hard for a while until it reach a "correct" level that satisfies us (yes, we are not satisfied yet) and then probably work on it only once in a while. It will be more open and we will leave to other people to maintain it and help it to grow better.
I don't think we can keep the pace that we had for the last 5 weeks. And I think yoyofr need some sleep :-P.
Actually we were thinking that 0.2 would be released a month after 0.1 and it was released only 18 or 19 days after the first release.
Most likely the 0.3 will follow the same pace.
But 0.4 may be slowed down...
We are investigating the following areas right now :
- Mode7 optimized second version.
- Mode7 hardware accelerated for SOME case only.
- Netplay.
- Sound over ME.</blockquote>
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August 30th, 2005, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Since they’ve already begun public beta testing for SOCOM 3 for the PS2, it only makes sense that they’d get started on SOCOM for the PSP before too long. Last night (Monday the 19th), select members of Sony’s PlayStation Underground elite (i.e., the Gamer Advisory Panel) received e-mail invites to register for the first PSP online beta test. The game in question was SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo, and with a little over two months until its November 8 release date, the team at SCEA’s going to need all the help they can get if they want to really make waves with the much hoped for infrastructure multiplayer mode. (That’s playing online, people!) Registering fast enough to make it into any of the PSU’s beta tests is hard enough for games on the PS2, but there’s a special twist with this application: you’ve got to register using only your PSP browser, as there’s no other way to sign up. Of course, this means you’re required to have at least one of the 2.0 firmware updates installed in order to even apply (let along get into the beta itself). If, however, you’re ready with that and have your invitation handy (you did get one, right?), try pointing your PSP browser to http://pspbeta.us.playstation.com and hopefully get started.
I’m sure there are folks out there who’d love to get in on this, but where does that leave me, a guy who doesn’t even own a PSP (but just bought a DS)? It’s hard to say, as I received this e-mail invite despite having never registered a PSP with Sony nor ever indicating that I’d owned one. Not only that, there’s also this restriction: “You may only participate in this beta test with the address to which we sent this invitation,” so the invites are not very transferrable, and I wouldn’t feel right handing out my invitation for someone else to use. (Sorry!) Well, I guess I’ll have to leave the testing to dedicated PSP owners this time. Help make a good game, guys, and please let us know when all the tester spots fill up.
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August 30th, 2005, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster
I spotted this news on several sites like Engadget etc and thought the price was too high (at $35) so i went to Success HK and its on sale for USD 24.77
Product Features
Charge your PSP by solar energy
Double solar boards for charging
It can charge the PSP/NDS if you have matched cable
Dimensio: 84 x 82 x 22 (L x W x H)mm
Inner lithium battery is 1800mAh
More Description
There is a LED in the left of this charger. When the board is irradiated by the sunlight, the LED will be green. It indicates that the sun energy is turning into electric energy. When you use the PSP AC Adaptor to charge the inner lithium battery, the LED will be red. When the battery is fully charged, the LED will be off.
Pays to look eh 
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August 30th, 2005, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
Pikoro posted this news at his site:
Been talking with Yoshihiro lately and got some "inside" information.
If you want any hope of playing homebrew on your 1.51. or 1.52 PSP, don't upgrade to 2.0.
He is currently working on a downgrader for 1.51 and 1.52. DO NOT UPDATE TO 2.0!
It appears to be a one shot deal. You won't be able to use the same method to run homebrew on your 1.51 or 1.52 because it HAS to be an update, or something along that lines. Looks like the hole might be in the updating process.
He has also put out a call for bricked PSPs. If your PSP has been bricked, and you cannot return it because it's out of waranty since you bought it online or some such, let us know. You can donate your PSP to "the cause" and, if you like, your name will be put into the NFO file when the utility is released.
If you're interested in donating your PSP, a bricked PSP, or just a 1.51/1.52 motherboard, get onto IRC and join #WAB on the irc.blackcats-games.com server. DO not join #WAB on EFNET if you'd like to help. It isn't the "Official" WAB channel. The Yoshihiro that is on EFNET is not the one we all know and love.
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August 30th, 2005, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro is looking for Donations or even a bricked PSP v1.51 or v1.52, heres what he says:
"I've already downgraded a PSP 1.52 JAP with success after not finding a PSP 1.51 for testing. You can find the 1.52 update on all sites, and after you downgrade, :=) (he also adds this: nothing out if i dont have a psp 1.52 eur)" Which is needed for further testing and to make sure PSP's will not get bricked with this"
Those interested in helping Yoshihiro and thus helping the scene can either contact him at irc.blackcats-games.com #wab or donate to his cause below (paypal button)
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/fr_FR/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Effectuez vos paiements via PayPal : une solution rapide, gratuite et sécurisée !">
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August 30th, 2005, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Attila has released a new build of the port of the Amiga emulator UAE with support for the Keyboard, heres what he says:
PSPUAE 0.31 w/KBD 1.0
Changes to PSPUAE 0.31 :
- Moved statistics screen to Menu/Options/Show statistics
- Added finer mouse movements while the () - Circle is pressed.
- Optimized some drawing related functions.
- Added FULL keyboard :
:: To activate/deactivate keyboard; press [] - Square
If Keyboard is active :
- Triangle : changes position of keyboard to top/bottom of the screen.
- Up/Right/Down/Left arrows : walk the keyboard.
- X - Cross : Press invokes a key-press event,
Release invokes a key-release event.
- () - Circle : presses the "Return" key...
The are 8 sticky keys (Ctrl,Alts,Amigas,Shifts,CapsLock); pressed once
will make them sticky (they will not be released - indicated by red
highlight), pressing again will release them.
Also, please note, this uses a US keyboard layout. If your kickrom is
non-US, there are going to be some minor "discrepencies".
( Just imagine that you connected a US keyboard to your Amiga... )
Thank you Christophe for 0.31.
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspuae.shtml
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August 30th, 2005, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix the master of the porting of the AtariST emulator Castaway is now working on a port of it to the PSP and at the moment he has it working and we may see a release soon 
Heres a screenshot

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August 30th, 2005, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
This site is one of 17 sites (yes 17 ) ran by one person and is hosted by the Emulation 64 Network and now 3 of the biggest and best sites in that network have merged to create one of the worlds best sites for General and Next Gen emulation, check out Emulation 64 Network Here --> http://www.emulation64.com/
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August 31st, 2005, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ive been speaking to an insider tonight on IRC and he has a Euro PSP already and he confirmed to me that the firmware on the PSP is v1.52 he also said that the UMD demo has the upgrade to V2.0 on that, so you have been warned.
At this time theres no way to play homebrew on either v1.52 or v2.00 but Yoshihiro has already successfully downgraded a v1.51 Japanese PSP down to v1.5
So much for Sony releasing in Europe the V2.0 from the word go 
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August 31st, 2005, 04:05 Posted By: wraggster
Crazy C has given me the go ahead to publically announce the release of his port of Dosbox v0.60 to the PSP, heres some info about Dosbox:
DOSBox emulates a full x86 pc with sound and dos. It's main use is to run old dosgames on platforms which don't have dos.
Heres what Crazy C posted about this release:
This patch, when applied to dosbox 0.60 and linked with these library functions, arwin's p-sprint and SDL (with 8-bit surface patch), gets dosbox running on the psp. Later versions use an array too large to fit in the PSP memory for indexing memory pages while this version has high level emulation of dpmi. I've tested simcity 2000 and tie fighter and they run although very slowly, a lot of optimization will be need if this will be usable. Note that stat fails if the root of the memory stick is what is being checked therefore it cannot be mounted. Mounting ms0:/psp works fine though. Also there is currently no mouse or joystick support.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspdosbox.shtml
Thanks to Guyfawkes for making the eboot and Crazy C for another great PSP release.
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August 31st, 2005, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Take this as a rumour until i get more confirmation but heres an email i just recieved:
<blockquote>Hi all
i picked up a UMD of The One today in Brisbane - Region 4 - and it works on the Jap PSP Region 2 - i was shocked and happy at the same time.
The Jap PSP also plays Jap and US UMD movies as well, so this is a bargain. If a US/Jap UMD is not released in Australia, i can play it on the Region 2 PSP.
Great news.
Can anyone test and confirm this, and please post your firmware number just so we can keep an eye if it changes.
Report back please 
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August 31st, 2005, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
Skeezix has released the first Atari ST emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
Crappiest first alpha (for PSP). Don't expect much yet, except for updates
to come quite quickly over the next little while.
Although the emu is missing any form of finesse, it does run pretty well --
for many or most games, it'll run full speed with no frameskip (which is good
since I didn't implement frameskip yet During 'heavy math' operations it'll
run slower, so unpacking Dungeon Master takes a good minute or two probably..
but running Xenon 2: Megablast and it'll run a little too fast until I add
speed throttling.
REM: .ST disk images only (.MSA or zipped images not yet supported.)
REM: Default disks looked for: DISK_A.ST and DISK_B.ST -- you don't need
them if you just want to see TOS. If you want to boot a game without
picking in the (not yet existing disk picker, name it DISK_A.ST!
ex: /PSP/GAME/ATARI_ST/DISK_A.ST that is a copy of A_133.ST (Automation 133)
will fire up Xenon 2.
REM: You need an operating system; the file can be called either
TOS.ROM or TOS.IMG (doesn't matter, its just a filename); use TOS 1.02 US
for best results, but many others work (and many do not.)
REM: Stick files in /PSP/GAME/ATARI_ST
REM: ST-Low res works well; ST-Medium res works, but is fugly for now.
ST-High res not yet supported.
REM: Analog is for controlling the mouse motion
REM: Left D-pad for controlling joystick motion
REM: Square is left-mouse-button, circle is right-mouse-button,
cross/X is joystick fire
For now, Triangle hits '1' on the ST keyboard.. maybe can get into some
games (such as Xenon 2: Megablast). Right-trigger is 'Space', so should
get a few games going.
Needs: Throttling -- a little too fast sometimes; during high math its
likely slow (like loading Dungeon Master, though runtime should be fine.)
Needs: Fullscreen scaling
Needs: Disk selection menu
Needs: Frameskip selection (and other 'options' menu)
Needs: Etc etc.
Codejedi Inc.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/castawaypsp.shtml
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August 31st, 2005, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The first sequel to an original PSP title, Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 is based on the Bleach manga and anime series which began back in 2002. Complete with the voice actors from the anime, and supervision by original manga creator, Kubo Taito, this is an action packed cell shaded fighter in the same spirit as One Piece or Naruto. The star, Ichigo Kurosaki isn't your regular 15 year old boy here either, because he sees dead people. While he's always had the ability to see spirits and ghosts, this ability doesn't change his life nearly as much as his close encounter with Rukia Kuchiki however, a Soul Reaper and member of the mysterious Soul Society. While fighting a Hollow, an evil spirit that preys on humans who display psychic energy, Rukia attempts to lend Ichigo some of her powers so that he can save his family; but much to her surprise, Ichigo absorbs every last drop of her energy. Now a full-fledged Soul Reaper himself, Ichigo quickly learns that the world he inhabits is one full of dangerous spirits and, along with Rukia--who is slowly regaining her powers--it's Ichigo's job to protect the innocent from Hollows and help the spirits themselves find peace.
While extremely popular, the original PSP title was hampered by its small character roster. Here the number of playable fighters has been almost doubled however, as in addition to Ichigo Kurosaki, Uryu Ishida, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Orihime Inoue, Rukia Kuchiki, and Renji Abarai, the sequel adds Byakuya Kuchiki, Gin Ichimaru, Toushiro Hitsugaya, Kisuke Urahara and Shihoin Yoruichi. With a new team battle mode, all new growth system, and a collection of mini games, Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 is sure to please fans, and is arriving to stock in the next couple of hours.

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August 31st, 2005, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI.Biz
Sony's PlayStation Portable goes on sale officially in Europe for the first time tomorrow, with hundreds of retail stores across the UK planning to open at midnight tonight in order to sell the handheld console early.
Leading retail chain GAME plans to open 250 of its stores at midnight, with 1500 staff working overnight to meet demand for the new console, which is launching with around 30 software titles and 30 UMD movies.
Many other retailers are also planning to open tonight, with several planning special launch party events - including Sony's official launch event, which will take place at the HMV store on Oxford Street.
The PSP launched nine months ago in Japan, and five months ago in the USA, with the European launch being delayed as Sony struggled to manufacture enough units to meet demand in other territories.
Despite the wait, most retailers expect to sell out of the PSP this week in Europe - and demand may not be met fully until a rumoured second, larger shipment of the hardware arrives later in September.
Some retailers claim to have sold out of their launch allocation on preorders alone, and may have no unallocated stock to sell on launch day - with customers being advised to shop around to find stores which still have stock available.
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August 31st, 2005, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Source- GI.BIZ
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today launched its eagerly anticipated PSPTM(PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system across the European market and throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Following the success of the PSP launches in Japan and the USA, and with over 5 million PSP systems already shipped worldwide, PSP launched today in a single version Value Pack, priced at €249 (£179). The PSP Value Pack contains an added-value package of accessories and entertainment content, including the PSP system with a pouch, 32MB Memory Stick DuoTM, Battery Pack, Headphones with Remote Control, AC Adaptor, Wrist Strap, cloth and a video/music/game sampler Universal Media DiscTM (UMDTM) including several game demos.
A copy of Spider-Man 2 on UMD Video will be available free of charge to early purchasers of PSP, who register their PSP through www.yourpsp.com. The official SCEE web portal for PSP, www.yourpsp.com allows PSP owners to view trailers and screenshots from a wide selection of PSP Game, UMD Video and UMD Music titles, as well as accessing the latest software updates and a host of regularly updated competitions, news and features about PSP. Consumers will also be able to download exclusive content to their PSP.
PSP in Europe will launch with over 30 game titles, all of which have been developed especially to exploit PSP's stunning high resolution TFT widescreen display. Featuring classic PlayStation brands that have been re-invented for the new format, alongside some all-new properties, the games catalogue offers something for everyone. For speed demons, there's the new turbo-charged Ridge RacerTM; sport fans can showboat their skills in World Tour Soccer and Everybody's GolfTM; there's madcap monkey madness in Ape AcademyTM with mini-games ranging from monkey hockey to the '1m Dash'; and the legendary MediEvilTM: Resurrection delivers action, humour and an adventure that will challenge all levels of gamer.
(Click the comments for the rest of the press release.)
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August 31st, 2005, 21:38 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
Anyone know anything abut Tekken 6, have any screenshots, or know when it's release date is? Thank You
I saw this picture of Jin and he looked UNBELIEVABLE
Hwoarang is my fav though because i love Tae-Kwon Do!
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August 31st, 2005, 21:39 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
Is this game scheduled to come out for PS3? My Guess is yes but I don't really know. I dont want to buy this for PS2 and find out its probably gonna come out for PS3 with better graphics. . Ideas? Do you guys know anything?
Thank you all!
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September 1st, 2005, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Ive had my PSP from the first week but now its the turn of my fellow UK people to get their hands on a PSP, tell us your thoughts about the PSP when you get it 
Good Luck and safe shopping
If you are unlucky searching for one then SuccessHK who sell for $239 or £125 and Lik Sang US$ 249.90 (~139.91 GBP) may be a valid option.
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September 1st, 2005, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
This is not speculation. It comes straight from the company that manufactures both the PS3’s RSX and the GeForce 7800 GPUs. True, you’ve got to be wary of the article’s sources, namely Team Xbox (a rival) and the Inquirer. But still, if nVIDIA is admitting (in the Official PlayStation Magazine) that its latest PC graphics chip, the GeForce 7800, is more powerful then the RSX GPU to be featured in the PS3, then Sony might have slipped a notch in the “mine is bigger than yours” bickering match with MS.
If the PlayStation 3’s launch is still a year away, and already we are seeing stronger PC GPUs, then you can hardly call the PS3 a “next-gen” console. As for the Xbox 360’s GPU (developed by ATI), Team Xbox claims that its technology won’t be matched on PCs until late 2006. Dag!
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