July 1st, 2008, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Caliarbor
Hi Everyone,
Slight change increases heap size, doesn't check for cover art being greater than 170x170, and instead of only showing info of playing track shows info of highlighted track in browser
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July 1st, 2008, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Albandu51
Pxl_Installer of Pxl_Team's , I'm a developer , who allows you to download and install official PTF themes and unofficial CTF themes on your PSP, thanks to its automatic update at gamestart. It also installs the CXMB software, according to your Firmware release. You don't even need a computer to change the XMB, so take a drink and stay on the sofa.
What's new ?
- Bugs correction.
- Superposition of the Wallpapers with the icons of the XMB for a better preview.
- Improvement of the scrolling.
- Improvement of the CXMB Software Installation.
How does it work ?
- X : Select
- O : Return
Themes/ menu :
- Up and Down for the shift
Good to know :
- It is possible that a theme which you personnaly made appears as : "Anonymous author". If that's the case, contact us by Mailling Post in our forum : www.pxlteam.com
- The last CXMB PRX release displays CTF themes in the PSP themes menu. To display PTF themes you need to disable the CXMB PRX.
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July 1st, 2008, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Spoiler for Changelog:
Changelog v2.0
Added feature to prevent PSP from going into suspend mode if the power button is pushed too far when turning off Hold mode.
I never made any previous hold plugins, those are not by me.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v2.0 are
0x278, 0x284 - CPU,GPU (Both should be same)
0x27C - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU/GPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU/GPU and Bus speed work.
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via torch
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July 1st, 2008, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Uguru let me know via PM tonight of a release of a new MSX Emulator for PSP, Windows, Linux and Dreamcast.
Heres the translated release details;
uMSX is an emulator-based MSX fMSX of Marat Fayzullin. The Gui and other changes have been implemented by Uguru.
Current Status
Emulation functional
Save and load states of game
Scaling screen
To do
Enable sound. -- OK!
Integration of all options Gui.
Integrators emulator options in the Gui.
Implementing the virtual keyboard. -- OK!
Change drive for the games multiple discs.
Versions for other platforms.
Clean and climb to SVN source.
Documentation under construction
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July 1st, 2008, 03:27 Posted By: yonaba

Mario Kart 64v1 - PSP Edition
Coded By SeanPaul223
What's this?
Here is a new Lua coded game.It's a kart racing game, including Nintendo
characters Mario and Luigi, as the tile implies.
# 3 Tracks for a "Best time Challenge"
Koopa Troopa beach
Moo Moo farm
Kalimari Desert
# 2 Characters (Mario and Luigi)
# HighScores Manager System
Extracts Contents into ms0:/PSP/GAME
Fat and Slim PSP Compatible
Should work on 1.50/3.XX/4.XX kernels
This game has been tested and it works properly.But it should freeze on some systems because of the RAm usage.
This will be fixed in a new update.

Download: Mario Kart 64 v1- PSP Edition
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July 1st, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Activision will be offering you the "Top Gun Anthem" for Guitar Hero III this Thursday.
It's to celebrate Independence Day and so it will be completely free, and Eurogamer's been told that the song will be on the European PS3 Store the same day.
"Top Gun Anthem" is an instrumental guitar piece. We could hum it to you but you're better off listening yourself. Importantly it isn't "Danger Zone" or "Take My Breath Away".
Did you know that Top Gun instructor Jester is played by Michael Ironside, who is known as the voice of Sam Fisher? You probably did actually. We're not special.
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July 1st, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: MK2k

Screen 1: Wake mode screen
Sleep'n'Wake is THE app for dozing off to your favorite music playing silently and getting waked up again with the music you chose, this time with the volume maxed to the system volume setting on your Playstation Portable.
New in this version
The current version 1.99b adds compatibility to Custom Firmware 3.xx and 4.xx by utilizing Mr305's OpenAlarmLib as well as fixes a bug in snooze mode for AM/PM time users.
Features (as in previous versions too)
- Full support of cbr/vbr/abr 8kbps-320kbps 44.1kHz MP3 of arbitrary length
- Playlist Management for sleep and wake lists
- Set a special more silent volume for sleep mode
- Time settings for wake up, fade in and sn00ze
- Utilization of OpenAlarmLib by Mr305 for Suspend/Resuming the PSP and thus saving a lot of battery power
- Multilanguage Support (EN_DE_FR_IT_NL_FI_PT_PT-BR)
- and more... read the README textfiles for details
More Screenshots

Screen 2: In the menus
Via mk2k.net
-- MK2k
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July 1st, 2008, 21:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has denied that it plans to offer PlayStation 2 titles as digital titles via the PlayStation Store.
As we reported yesterday, a forum post on N4G allegedly quoted a Sony London insider saying that the store would get PS2 games this summer. They posted a nice screen, too.
According to Sony's Patrick Seybold though, this is not happening. "I'm not sure where the image came from," he said to GamePro. "At this point, we haven't made any announcements, and there are no plans for PS2 downloadable titles on PS3."
Pretty decisive words. The source did claim that Sony would reveal the service at E3 this year though, so there's still a possibility Sony is just staying tight-lipped until the big reveal.
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July 1st, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Director of PlayStation Network operations Eric Lempel has posted some answers to the most asked questions regarding Sony's latest PlayStation 3 firmware update.
The FAQ covers subjects like voice messaging and private chat, web browser access, in-game invites and even Eric's favourite cheese. Sounds pretty intensive. Here's the full thing:
Will voice-messaging/private chat be featured in 2.40 as well? If not, can we expect to see this feature added in the future?
We are evaluating the opportunity to offer voice chat, but for this update, we wanted to focus on text messaging as the key priority for communications that our users have asked for.
Can you use the web browser in game?
No, you must exit the game before browsing the internet.
Will In-Game XMB come up during playback of PS2 games, Blu-Ray discs, and DVDs?
The XMB is an exclusive feature for PS3 game titles. Accessing the XMB during gameplay was the top request from our users, which we focused on for this update. However, we continually engage PS3 owners for feedback and will evaluate the opportunity to offer XMB access during movie playback in the future.
Can we go to the display settings and change anything there in-game (resolution, input, etc)?
No, you must exit the game before changing these settings.
Will it be possible to change in-game the sound output?
Yes, sound output changes are supported.
Will we be able to access the PLAYSTATION Store while in-game?
No, but you can view your downloads in progress.
Will we be able to stream music (either via media server or USB drive) for custom soundtracks or is it relegated to music stored on the HDD?
Currently only music stored on the HDD is accessible in games that support this feature. We'd also like to reiterate that Firmware v2.40 merely enables custom soundtracks. It's up to developers to include this feature in upcoming games (or to patch existing ones).
Does 2.4 enable cross game invites? Will it down the line?
No, cross-game invites are not available in this system software update. We are evaluating opportunities to expand on the new features delivered in 2.40.
Will trophies be mandatory for all games release here on out?
We are working with developers to ensure that Trophies are supported across the board in the future.
Where is each player's trophy stat info held? I am going to upgrade my hard drive and I don't know if the trophies will still be on my account if I earn some and then get a new hard drive.
Trophies will be attached to users' PSN ID. Trophy data needs to be synchronized to the online account on PSN to be transferred to the new PS3 system.
Will the patch automatically allocate unlocked trophies according to your saved files or would you have to do it again?
No, Trophies aren't retroactive.
Can we view PSN profiles/Trophies from a PC using a Web browser? Will there be an API for web developers to access the PSN data, so online profiles can be created?
We're evaluating these opportunities to expand where Trophies can be experienced.
Can you only compare trophies with friends that are online?
As long as a friend has a PSN account, you can compare trophies with them regardless of their online status.
Is there a limit to how many trophies the devs can put set by Sony?
There's not a limit on number of trophies, but there's a value assigned to each trophy. Developers must balance out the trophies that are available to stay within an overall value based on whether the game is considered large-scope or small-scope. Essentially, a user that has unlocked every trophy in one game would have the same level as a user that unlocked every trophy in another title, all titles (depending on scope) have the same overall impact on a users' level.
Will new games have a cool little icon on the back saying "trophy compatible?"
We're currently working on how Trophy support will be messaged to the consumer on our software packaging.
When you get a trophy, does it make a noise?
How quickly things can change - there *will* be a sound effect when you unlock a Trophy.
What is Eric's favourite cheese?
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July 2nd, 2008, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster

It's never clear how a company plans on implementing a given patent, but Sony's patent application for a haptic touchscreen composed of "tactile pixels" lists former Sony Computer Entertainment chief Phil Harrison as the inventor and makes several references to potential use in "a game device" and to "game events," so it's a safe bet that it was at least developed with the PSP in mind. The patent app describes a sophisticated haptic feedback system that goes well beyond the basic rumble of today's device -- the pixels themselves are able to move up and down between two positions, providing direct feedback to user actions. That's certainly an interesting idea, but like all patent news, we're not going to hold out hope for it to surface in a consumer device anytime soon -- but we're willing to be surprised, you know?
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July 2nd, 2008, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
According to importer YesAsia, the PlayStation 3 version of Soulcalibur IV will join the ranks of games requiring a substantial installation to the console's hard drive. How substantial? Substantial. About 6.5 GB worth of your HDD, with 2 GB of space on top of that allocated to save data. The latter disk space requirement makes some sense, as the game looks to have a fairly robust character creation tool, which we hope allows for a larger number of custom fighters than its predecessor. Regardless, 2 GB, if true, is still rather hefty.
Xbox 360 fans may also be in hard drive requirement heaven, as the official Xbox site indicates that Soulcalibur IV requires a hard drive to play. This could have huge implications if... wait, who doesn't have an Xbox 360 with a hard drive by now?
We've contacted Namco Bandai Games to verify this information, but have yet to hear back.
So it looks like the folks over at Microsoft messed up. The page has now been updated to reflect the fact that the game actually doesn't need a hard drive
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July 2nd, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fans of this virtual racer have been waiting for five long years since Sega released Initial D Special Stage on PlayStation2. To justify this long wait, Sega upgraded this installment by making use of the advanced graphical capabilities of the PlayStation3 console, the visions of familiar cars and mountain regions are recreated with striking resemblances to reality, making the game play more exciting than ever.
The event scenes and characters are drawn with water color shading techniques similar to the style of the comic artist Shuichi Shigeno so players can experience a full absorption into the world of Initial D.
The old courses in the Gunma prefecture and characters as featured in the arcade games are included in this new installment. In addition to that, the developers put in new characters like the pro-racer Tomoyuki Tachi whom Takumi regards as his eternal rival and new courses in Happogahara.
The twenty eight race courses in the game are from the hilly regions of Akina and Myogi etc. There are twenty three cars and twenty six drivers to choose from and to beat. Collect points and customize your car, connect to the network and take on racers from all over the country and aim for the highest place in the National Time Attack rankings.
National Time Attack ranking records the data of the players who raced under the Time Attack mode. Download the ghost car data of the top racer in this chart and launch the Time Attack mode in the game. Make use of PlayStation3's networking facilities and visit the PlayStation Store to download more cars' data, avatars, music etc.
*Please bear in mind that the networking functions may not work for areas outside Japan
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July 2nd, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: Safari Al
Dark AleX has released an experimental version of the plugin we've all been waiting for, which allows you to save your progress at any point within the game.
PspStates Experiment for PSP SLIM
Please read carefully this book... i mean this readme before proceeding to use this plugin.
Note: The author will not be responsable of any kind of damage to units or of data loss
(including game data loss) that this software may cause.
This is true for all my software as they are free, but in this case I would feel like I
would indicate it explicitily.
It is recommended that you backup the nand and important data of memory stick before using this plugin, in order to avoid posible loss of data.
This program was never intended to be part of M33 cfw, it always was planned to be released as
a plugin, just to clarify
This software is experimental work and it may behave incorrectly or not work in all cases.
- 4.01 M33, 1 or 2, doesn't matter.
- A good memory stick is recommended. Fake memory sticks are... fake... and shit, they could make
load and savestate too slow.
Copy seplugins folder content (IMPORTANT: including the empty folder SAVESTATE, as the plugin will not create it) in /seplugins and activate the plugin using the recovery.
This plugin at the moment will only work in game mode, don't bother to use it in pops or vsh.
VERY IMPORTANT: because of technical reasons, DO NOT USE this plugins with umd's inserted,
and do not use it of course with UMD's in normal mode, even isofs mode is not recommended.
Use only in march33 (recommended), np9660 or in homebrew.
You can have the plugin loaded in umd's, as soon as YOU DON'T USE IT.
SaveState procedure:
- To save a state, press the home button in game, and once in the home button screen, press R
plus one of the followings buttons: up, down, right, left, square, triangle, cross, circle or start. Each of this button is considered a "slot", so you can have up to 9 states.
At the moment these state are global: this means they are for all games, not for a specific one.
- At that moment, the PSP will go to sleep mode and return automatically inmediately.
- After the quick sleep mode return, you will see a black screen for some seconds, don't worry it will end. The time can vary depending of games and cpu speed, at this state the program is copying ram from one place to another.
- When the screen is turned on again, you will see the memory stick led blinking for some time: this is the write of the file. If your memory stick is good, this step should be quick.
- The state is saved, it can be loaded during the game or in another game session. (if memory sitck is same or with similar content, you can load other game states withing a game).
The state is saved to one of the followings files:
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_u.bin -> up button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_d.bin -> down button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_l.bin -> left button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_r.bin -> right button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_q.bin -> square button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_t.bin -> triangle button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_x.bin -> cross button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_c.bin -> circle button
ms0:/seplugins/SAVESTATE/globalstate_s.bin -> start button
The size of the file may vary depending of the game, as it is a 36 MB dump compressed.
Tests show that the most expected range is: 10-20 MB. The plugin will not check free space,
you are on your own on that.
LoadState procedure:
- To load a state, press the home button in a game, and once in the home button scree, press L
plus one of the slot buttons mentioned in savestates.
- In that moment, the memory stick led will blink. This step should be fast on good memory sticks.
- After that, the psp will go to sleep mode and return automatically quickly.
- The screen will be black for some moment, this wait moment is much faster than the one for savestates.
- Once the screen is turned on, and if all went fine, your system will be now in the state in which you saved it.
- The current release is a 4.01 M33 specific plugin. It won't work in a future firmware without an update, unless that firmware has highly similarities with 4.01.
- For faster operation, it is recomended that you set speed to 333 for game in vshmenu or recovery.
- You can load the state of any other iso or homebrew, as soon as they are really in the same memory stick. Do not change name or path of isos or homebrews after you have saved a state of that iso or homebrew, or the load state will not work properly (would probably work for some moment until game try to load data from ms). Anyways, in some cases, in prevision of hardware
related problems it is more recommended to load states only from the same game.
- A load state is a REAL LOAD STATE with all the consequences.
Lets say you are playing an iso game in march33 mode with the plugin X activated and plugin
Y desactivated.
Then, in another sesion you are playing that game (or another, as doesn't matter), in
np9660 mode with the plugin X desactivated and the plugin Y activated. When you load the state,
the game that was saved will still be in march33 mode with plugin X activated and Y plugin
Because the load state even restores the own pspstates plugin itself, this also causes the
"plugin self-downgrading" problem commented later.
- This plugin is not compatible with any homebrew or plugin using the memory extended size of the slim. It can be enabled while using them, but it SHOULD NOT BE USED.
- Interoperability between different sony version numbers: this won't be supported, technical reasons. If you were in let's say in a future 4.10 M33 and you want to load a state saved in 4.01 M33, even if the plugin is updated to work on 4.10 M33, it will probably crash loading that state.
- Interoperability between different M33 version numbers (4.01 M33, M33-2, M33-3...): there shouldn't be problem with this. After load state, the system would be temporally downgraded in ram, until you exit to vsh.
- Interoperability with future versions. Because this software is still experimental, future versions could change savestate data format. Even if it doesn't change, the "plugin self downgrading" problem still exists: you have saved a state in version 1, and then you load it
in version 2, the plugin in ram after the load state will be the version 1.
- Interoperability with other psp's. Probably not a good idea to share savestates between psp's... they could cause hardware incorrect answer or data loss. The only test done has been PSP1: TA-085, PSP2: TA-085 v2. The PSP1 saved the state.
The PSP2 loaded the state. The state load apparently worked, but the game, which was controlled
by analogic pad, wasn't answering properly to controls. Wether this was caused by different mother boards or other reasons it is unknown.
Anyways if you want to proceed to do more tests, do it on your own, but have in mind some things:
* Functional issues: the hardware should be the more similar possible. The isos or homebrews
should have same paths. Better not to have another plugin activated.
* Privacy issues: The savedata may contain in plain text or compressed, wep or wpa keys. Also,
if the XMB didn't clear properly the ram, there exist the possibility too of the savedata
containing filenames or even binary data of media that was played in the XMB, which can
be recovered using computer forensics.
Q: Why only PSP SLIM?
A: In the current implementation, I'm using slim extra memory. The file writing is post-poned
while file read is done before the real load state. This is because we lack of a good memory
stick driver that could be used in situations where the kernel is off. The only memory stick
driver we have, which is the used in DC, is extremelly slow, it has no sense to use it here. Until memory stick dma code is reversed, it is impossible the implementation on psp phat.
Q: After doing a savestate, sound stopped working
A: try to load the state you just saved to see if this fixes. This may happen sometimes in
some games, it is not 100% sure, but the reason identified in tests seems to be: the write of the file. In the current implementation,the plugin performs the real savestate after returning from the induced sleep mode code, compressing it in from one ram to temporal one, then original sleep mode return code is executed,and when the system is stable, the file is written. It seems some games or some sony code may not like that such a big file is written, probably due to the time it may take.
If some day, the DMA memory stick driver is reversed, this problem should be gone too... hopefully
Third party licenses
This program uses the FastLZ library, which is relased under MIT license. A copy
of the license can be found at fastlz_license directory.
- Please be sure to read the fastlz license!!
Please read the readme included with the plugin!
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July 2nd, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a question you would think that could be answered by saying the latest Custom Firmware Released but to many and especially veterans of Custom Firmwares there may be one that stands out as the best Custom Firmware of all.
So to the PSP Community, Which is the Best Custom Firmware at this time ? Please also explain why too
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July 2nd, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Mastiff, a San Francisco based developer and publisher of videogames, announced today that Nihon Falcom's action-RPG, Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure has become the first third-party PSP (PlayStation Portable) system title available for online purchase and download to the PSP system through the PLAYSTATION Store and is available now.
Upon its release last year, Gurumin immediately won over the hearts of countless reviewers.
Gamespy, for example, said "Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure delivers the classic Japanese RPG experience and is simultaneously adorable and hilarious. If you're only planning to get a single RPG for your PSP this year, this could well be the one to play."
The Associated Press said"Gurumin" is filled with a uniquely Japanese sense of whimsy that translates well into English, and it's one of the nicest surprises of the year so far." Review site Deeko said "Gurumin is one of those rare games that should be in every PSP owners collection." Console Gameworld, echoed the sentiment, writing "Gurumin is definitely one of those titles you have to pick up, period."
"Charming, full of personality, and with a gentle sense of humor, Gurumin is a bright and catchy portable game," said Heather Campbell of Play magazine. And Geoff Haynes of leading gaming website IGN.com, called Gurumin "...an excellent title that should appeal to action fans." Gurumin's strong reviews earned it a place in the top 50 of almost 1100 PSP titles ranked on IGN.com.
About Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure:
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure stars a strong-willed girl named Parin, who is sent to live with her grandfather in a small mining town while her parents are off excavating an ancient ruin. With no other children living in this town, Parin is surprised one day to encounter a young girl being tormented by a stray dog. After Parin drives off the mongrel, she is shocked to discover the young girl is actually a monster, and like all monsters, invisible to adults. Parin is soon invited to the mysterious Monster Village, which happens to be hidden right behind her town. Parin has just started making monster friends when evil spirits, known as Phantoms, invade the village and monsternap most of the inhabitants. Parin soon learns of the Legendary Drill, a weapon hidden underneath the village that is powerful enough to destroy the Phantoms. Thus begins Parin's quest to reclaim the Legendary Drill and set the world right.
Gurumin features Include:
Non-linear game play in over 30 stages set in a variety of environments.
23 non-player characters, 48 unique enemies, and more than 90 items to collect.
18+ costumes to unlock, and 15 equip-able headgear to level up.
Destroy everything in your path with your legendary drill: almost all objects in a stage can be destroyed, and many hide money and valuable items.
Challenging boss battles, puzzles and traps.
Mini-games galore!
Hidden characters, modes and other secrets.
For more information on Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure please visit www.gurumin.us.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from slicer4ever

ok, so this is my first attempt at ad-hoc, and i thought what better than to create a small game?!, anywho so this is two player snake clone, it's also like tron, basically eat the food to get longer, and try and get your buddy to run into you to win....pretty simple
anyways need to point out a couple of things:
1. an ungodly special mention to InsertWittyName, would not be possible wat-so-ever without him
2. must start server first, else the client well never find the server(hopefully i can remidy this, however if u do accidentally start the client first, give it an couple minutes to have a pop up message, simple hit /\ and quit)
3. can only be ran on 3.xx kernel
4. umm...no single player, can only play 2 player
alright so here you go, check the readme for anything else
i know their are bugs(glitchy around and random loses/wins, i'll try and remidy this in the future)
anyways plan for a couple more releases of this than an update to pixel with adhoc, before i implement it into pspbillards, anywho enjoy:
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: Shrygue
Okay. Sony has released the much anticipated 2.40 firmware update for the Playstation 3. You can update via System Update on your console or download it onto a memory card or other via PC. The full changelog from 2.36 is as follows taken from the company's european website:
Main features in system software update version 2.40
- You can now access the PS3 Home Menu screen while playing PLAYSTATION 3 format software.
- You can now perform an Internet search directly from the PS3 Home Menu screen.
Other new or revised features in version 2.40
- You can now see the system clock on the PS3 Home Menu screen. The date and time that were set under Settings > [Date and Time] are displayed.
- When using a keyboard, you can now clear the entire text entry field at once.
- An icon is now displayed when you press the PS button for an operation that cannot be performed.
- Users
- You can now turn off the PS3 system from the PS3 Home Menu screen using the [Turn Off System] option.
- You can now set the PS3 system to turn off automatically after updating the system software.
- [Reassign Controllers] and [Controller Vibration Function] have been added as options under [Accessory Settings].
- You can now print images from a playlist.
- You can now sort items that are grouped in a folder by month or year using the [Film Date] options.
- You can now use a mini-size control panel while playing music.
- You can now play music content encoded in MP3 Surround format.*
* MP3 Surround can only be played in Linear PCM output.
- You can now use the [Frame Noise Reduction] and [Block Noise Reduction] settings for video content that is saved on the hard disk or storage media.
- You can now play upscaled video content that is saved on the hard disk or storage media. When the video content is played, it is upscaled automatically to fit the screen size.
- Upscaling of Blu-ray Disc (BDAV) video content is now supported.
- For DTS-HD playback on DVD-Video and Blu-ray Disc media, DTS-ES and DTS 96/24 for DVD-Video and DTS-ES Matrix for Blu-ray Discs are now supported.*
* "DTS" is a trademark of DTS Inc.
- The procedure for quitting PLAYSTATION 3 format software has been changed.
- You can now collect trophies in games that support the trophy feature.
- [Search] has been added as an option in the browse mode menu of the Internet browser.
- The number of Friends who can be added to a Friends list has been increased from 50 to 100.
- The [Information] screen has been redesigned and renamed as [Profile].
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Daniel Chan
This is Daniel Chan, developer of the recently-released cWatch program, here to announce another little program I made in Lua. This is a very, very simple program aimed at helping out PSP Developer's who have trouble with constantly having to guess the correct x- and y- coordiantes to align their homebrew properly. With this simple program you can pinpoint a location on the screen and get the coordinates for that position to within 5 pixels. This should greatly reduce some time for those of you that are new to developing and just everyone developer in general because even if you know a pretty good estimate of where each part of the screen is you still need to constantly fine-tune your coordinates several times to get it right. The program also features the ability to activate the PSP's USB mode (it does not turn off when the program closes but only when LuaPlayer itself closes allowing you to switch back-and-forth between your program and pinpoint.Tool without switching off the USB mode) which speeds up development.
Please tell me how useful this is for you, if at all. If you have any suggestions or if you find any bugs/problems then please reply to this thread or shoot me an email(in the README) and I'll see what I can do. This is very possibly going to be the only release for pinpoint.Tool as I am trying to keep development of more complicated projects going but I do have some ideas for pinpoint.Tool that I might possible add in a feature releas so that is why I am taking suggestions.
Also, if you are one of the people that downloaded cWatch v.100 I would like to say thank you and for everyone that is interested the new version is going to be out soon after I release the game I am working on currently so just hold on to your seats. It will feature some fixes as well as new features mentioned in the previous release as well as some other as-of-yet unnanounced features.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Media Molecule's David Smith has confirmed trophies will feature in LittleBigPlanet - and offered a hint at what you can expect.
During a live text interview with Eurogamer Smith said, "We've been having a lot of fun working out what trophies most fit our game. Because we have this catchphrase of 'Play, Create, Share', the trophies (and indeed some of the other scoring systems) reflect this."
He was responding to a question from reader 'will.', who wrote, "Personally, I'm looking out for 'Rocket sack - launch your sackboy into the heavens!'"
Smith co-founder replied, "One of the trophies is close to what you've suggested - for somehow making your sackperson be thrown at some huge velocity. You'll probably need to make a machine using the create tools."
Earlier on in the interview, Smith confirmed LittleBigPlanet is down for an October release and said there are still plans for a beta trial. Read the full live text interview for more, here.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everybody,
I have just finished the new version (version 1.0) of my app called CoranPSPDownloader
This application allows you to download all sourathes of the Koran of two sheikh (sheikh alafasy and sheikh al-ghamidi) for the time being...
Now in this version, you can know the percentage of downloading, the size of downloading and the speed of downloading...
I would to thanks my mother and my father, sheikh alafasy and sheikh al-ghamidi, the creators of the sdk and the creators of the sdl
Here's the video of this app:
PS: Video quality is poor...
And here's the link to download this app of course ^^ :
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Early last week, we were whisked to the aboveground lair that acts as LucasArts's San Francisco office and bombarded with enough information on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed to choke a tauntaun -- or at least enough info to make sure this week's Monday through Thursday plan of covering every version of the Force Unleashed went off without a hitch.
Day One of this expansive coverage belongs to one of the few systems with a metachlorian count high enough to break the bonds of a home entertainment system and take gaming on the road -- the PSP.
Now, no doubt, you've heard all about the console versions of the Force Unleashed and how they will make use of some crazy physics engine that allows you to crush walls and toss crap around. Although that level of destruction and manipulation isn't on the PSP, we can tell you that after lightsabering our way through the first two stages of the game, the handheld rendition of the Force Unleashed is far from any kind of Sith Slump. While bumming 'round the LucasArts office, we got to see every iteration of the Force Unleashed and can report that when you boot up your PSP, you're getting the same voiceovers and the same story of Darth Vader and his secret apprentice as the console versions.
Although you'll play the majority of the game as the apprentice -- name withheld to protect the evil -- the initial outing in the game's story mode casts you as Mr. Padmé himself, Darth Vader. At its most basic level, the Force Unleashed will be all about this dynamic Dark Side duo running around the galaxy and waxing any and all Jedi holdouts. This opening level is no different as Vader lands on Kashyyyk to terminate a former colleague.
As its title would indicate, this game is all about giving you the Force and letting you run wild with it. As soon as Vader stepped off his ship and powered up his lightsaber, that sentiment became clear to us. Sure, the typical stuff such as the Force push (tap Triangle) and bouncing laser blasts back at bad guys with a lightsaber (hold Square) are there, but the Force Unleashed ups the ante. Your HUD is basically two meters. Red is your typical health front (it's refilled by finding red packs thoughout the levels), while Blue is a regenerating Force bar. Aside from the aforementioned moves, this blue goodness will also allow Vader to pick people up and choke them -- which starts with your foe gurgling and ends with an extremely satisfying neck snap -- lift people into the air before pushing them into other bad guys or off an edge, as well as picking people up and impaling them with his lightsaber.
We took full advantage of snapping every furry neck that got in our way on the Wookiee-infested planet. Some of the furballs came at us brandishing a sword in each hand, while others let their blasters do the talking, but Vader's mastery of the choke and his ability to pick up the random, loose crates and use them as weapons made short work of the rebels. Better yet, when we eliminated a Wookiee running an outpost turret, Vader was able to Force grab the gun and have it float alongside him as an automatic killing machine. As we ran from tree base to tree base and over wooden suspension bridges, Lord Vader would occasionally get surrounded by enemies and we'd hold the left shoulder button and tap Triangle to unleash a devastating Force shockwave.
Now, before we were ushered past troves and troves of LEGO Indiana Jones schwag, LucasArts made us promise not to spoil any of this game's story elements, so please excuse us for being a bit vague in the coming paragraphs and such. Anyway, the Kashyyyk levels ends with Vader coming upon his Jedi prey, crushing the HQ the guy was chilling in with the Force, and entering a massive lightsaber duel. We were tapping Square to swing our 'saber, but every now and again, the two fighters would get locked up and try to push their blades into each other's face. This set off a quick action event where we needed to tap buttons repeatedly to win the tug of war. When the Jedi was on his back, we needed to pull off another series of button combos to finish him off and get to the end cutscene … where the real story began to unfold.
Feel the Force!After Vader's chapter is in the books, it's time for the secret apprentice to take center stage. If you've been reading our coverage of the Force Unleashed, you probably know what to expect from the Vader/apprentice relationship. The young one kneels a lot, calls Vader "master," and the Sith Lord orders the little guy around. The second level opens with a cutscene detailing the apprentice's next mission, which is to head to a ship and take out another Jedi straggler (Order 66 my ass!). Before heading off to battle, we meet PROXY -- the apprentice's right-hand droid who apparently will brief us on each mission we're about to head out on -- and Juno Eclipse, the smoking hot female pilot just hired to ferry the apprentice around on the Rouge Shadow spy ship.
Seems Vader killed the last half dozen pilots for incompetence, so good luck with that, Juno!
Once the actual gameplay starts, it's apparent that the apprentice is way more nimble than metal-man Darth could ever dream of -- the secret apprentice is fast, he can leap around with ease, and his moves are brutal. As you play, you're going to find Jedi Holocrons that expand the character's health and Force meters, so he's a bit weak in the beginning, but his powers are devastating none the less. Although the Force push and Force shockwave you learned to use as Vader will be part of the apprentice's repertoire when you start, you'll find that Force lightning will have replaced Darth's chokehold.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
The latest issue of Jump reveals that Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 will come to PSP with several new characters, including Yuri from Xbox 360’s Tales of Vesperia, the total characters is reported to be more than 50. A blurry image of the report also shows Arche Klein (Tales of Phantasia), Veigue Lungberg (Tales of Rebirth), Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss) and Cless Alvein (Tales of Phantasia). Can’t figure out what is the release date yet (the first game was announced in June and got released in December), we’ll have to wait for clearer image or next week’s Weekly Famitsu for more information.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Auraomega
I've just had a fiddle with the main bulk of Project4's code to remove the offending line of code, the BSoD should no longer appear.
I also took the liberty of spending a few minutes on patching 4.01M33 to allow you to use the newest custom firmware, and Project4.
There is information in the download on the cause of the BSoD, if you are interested, and why p4ml.prx wasn't included in the original installation.
There is no other bug fixes, this is purely a quick update to remove the 2 main issues, over the next few days I'll be active on the bug reports board compiling a list of errors to fix in the next update, after Sunday I'll be compiling a list of requested updates and starting work on any remaining issues.
And here is the link to V1.6180 - 2, enjoy!
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
reizencroft has posted a new game release for the PSP, heres release details:

Yay!! Finally, I was able to finish my first PSP homebrew game project. I introduce you, Tweexter. I really can can’t come up with a great name so i just combined twist and texter. Tweexter is very similar to Gamehouse’s Texttwist. You are given a set of 7 letters(on future release, it will be a combination of 6 and 7 letters) and you have to unscramble it to a more sensible word. To advance to the next round you need to solve the 7 letter word.
I was really planning on porting Texttwist to PSP, retaining the graphics and sounds but I figured that i could get in a lot of trouble if I do so. So i restarted from scratch, producing the graphics, except for the background. Currently, there is no sound effects, but i’m planning to add sfx on the next releases.
Included in the release is the source code. I am not a great programmer, so please don’t expect super fast and efficient algorithms. It was written in C++, but can be easily converted to C. I’m not an expert in C, so I just used this project as an opportunity to experience C++. The use of classes was a total mess and since i’m too lazy to rewrite it, I ended up sticking to it. To compile the source code, you’ll need a pspsdk, and a couple of it’s dependencies, namely, libpng and zlib.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated PSP Filer, a file manager for the PSP.
Heres Whats New:
version 5.2: MD5=5EB2E395AA8462079C6F1EB9098042D8
- added "GAME4XX" folder to re-order game icons. (added "GAMEnaa" folder : n=0-9, a=0-9/a-z/A-Z)
picture viewer:
- changed circle button's function to toggle "make a picture to fit screen width" and "to fit screen height".
binary editor:
- fixed a bug that a help screen was vanished when Filer finishes to read a large file.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Hackers have broken into Sony's PlayStation website and visitors' computers are risk, the IT security firm Sophos has warned.
Web security experts at SophosLabs discovered unauthorized code from criminals on pages promoting SingStar Pop and God of War. The code would cause pop-up to appear on visitors screen telling them viruses had been detected on their computer in an attempt to scare the user into purchasing anti-virus software.
"There are millions of videogame lovers around the world, many of whom will visit Sony's PlayStation website regularly to find out more about the latest console games," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos.
The group further warned that the hackers who compromised the webpages could easily alter the payload so that it became more malicious, and install code designed to harvest confidential information from users among other things.
"Most would never expect that surfing to a website like this could potentially infect them with malware. If users do not have sufficient protection in place then they might find that before they know it they have been scared into handing their credit card details over to a bunch of cybercriminals,"
"It is essential that all websites, especially when they are high profile like this or receiving a large level of traffic, have been properly hardened to prevent hackers from injecting malicious code on to what should be legitimate webpages," Cluley added.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Media Molecule co-founder David Smith has revealed LittleBigPlanet will run at 30fps in 720p.
Speaking in a Eurogamer live text interview, he said, "The game uses a lot filmic techniques like depth of field and motion blur, so this fits the game pretty well."
When asked about the game's HD install Smith replied, "We haven't finalised the details on this."
However, he did go on to add, "The game is designed to be fairly lightweight, to make the sharing of new content easier. Our levels squidge down into really tiny files, which means that when the community makes new ones, they'll download quickly.
"The HD install is perhaps around a gig. Perhaps more or less. It's not finalised yet."
LittleBigPlanet is out this October. Read the full live text interview for all the latest news.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's PlayStation Network director of operations, Eric Lempel, has said that Sony will fully support any developers who want to patch trophies into their games that are already on sale.
"Right off the bat when the firmware update goes live we'll be patching Super Stardust HD, so that game will include Trophies from Wednesday," Lempel told Next-Gen. "We're also patching Warhawk and PAIN, while Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, a completely offline title, will also be patched over the network, so it's definitely an option for developers and we're fully supporting first and third parties that want to patch, and of course those that want to implement this system going forward with new titles."
There are still a few features missing in the new update, but Lempel added that 2.4 wouldn't be the last PS3 firmware enhancement. "We're not going to stop enhancing the features. Every time we do a firmware update we enhance old features as well as providing new features, so we're taking a lot of the feedback very seriously. Going into this we knew there were some things that wouldn't make it but there's always time to fix those and get them in, but in the meantime this should keep consumers satisfied for some time."
And it look likes PSN will remain free, at least for the short term. "We're happy with what we're doing right now and we're going to stick with it," he stated. "I think being free is always an advantage. The fact that it's free is nice for consumers who want to try out the online experience, those who may be new to it and may not be ready to commit to spending dollars, and that's a really good message for us.
"Being free also gives them the opportunity to spend the money that they may have spent on a subscription on online items or online games instead. We have a ton of games for the price of a subscription and offer a significant amount of great original content that you can't get anywhere else."
Read the full interview here.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has released two new shots of its alien-powered FPS, Resistance 2.
Due around November, the game will feature two campaigns. A single player one with you fighting the war as Nathan Hale a co-op campaign (for up to eight players) that runs parallel to Hale's story. Now that's a lot of action, man.
Check out the new shots on your right and look out for a lot more info on the game at E3 is a few weeks' time.
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July 2nd, 2008, 21:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Police who previously used internet chat rooms to set up sting operations are now playing Grand Theft Auto IV online to catch kiddie fiddlers.
"Child predators are migrating from traditional methods to alternate media," said Detective Lt. Thomas Kish of the Michigan State Police to the USA Today. "They are going to places where children are."
And so the police are apparently following. According to the newspaper, cops are now playing everything from GTA IV to chess and chequers online to make arrests.
Last December, Michigan prosecutors sentenced a man to 10 years in prison for using WoW to lure a twelve year-old girl into having sex with him. The police found that the man had been using a variety of online games to pursue other children.
A number of similar cases have occurred in the past year, with Lt. Jessica Farnsworth of the Utah Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force claiming the division has seized many Xbox machines for investigation.
Apparently, Microsoft has been forthcoming on how to extract information from them.
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July 2nd, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
While it seems like every time the PlayStation 3 undergoes a firmware upgrade is plagued by people trying to blame broken systems on the update, last night's 2.40 update seems to have caused genuine issues with many posters over at the official PlayStation forums. Owners of PS3s in all shapes and sizes have been reporting that their systems were loading to the initial PlayStation wave screen and simply hanging there after applying 2.40. No icons, no controller functions, no nothing, just the wave across the middle of the screen.
There doesn't seem to be any real pattern as to which systems are affected. 60GB, 40GB, 20GB, and 80GB systems alike have all been afflicted with the issue. We've contacted Sony for word on the issue, but in the meantime several of the more tech savvy forum posters have determined how to fix the issue, if you're willing to yank out your console's hard disk drive.
Users found that removing and reformatting their PS3 hard drive and then reinserting it into the console would get the system to boot completely, after which it asks to reformat the disk again and everything runs normally. Of course they lose all of their saved games and have to redo all of their downloads, but I suppose that is better than sending in the system for a $150.00 [£75] repair.
One can only assume that the update was the catalyst that caused certain data on affected hard disks to become corrupt, rendering the system unbootable. It would certainly explain why only certain systems are being affected, and why Sony couldn't have caught the problem in the first place.
We'll keep you updated on the issue as we learn more. In the meantime, feel free to hit the link below to read through 30 plus pages of quality PS3 forum drama.
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July 2nd, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: yonaba
Hi guys,
I've did in a night many updates to this.I'm happy to share it with you.

Mario Kart 64v2 - PSP Edition
Coded By SeanPaul223
What's this?
Here is a new Lua coded game.It's a kart racing game, including Nintendo
characters Mario and Luigi, as the tile implies.
This Current build is the second release.the game becomes more entertaining now!
Features and Changelog
#2 Modes: Time Challenge, and Race
# 6 Tracks :
Koopa Troopa beach
Moo Moo farm
Kalimari Desert
Toad's TurnSpike
Banshee BoardWalk
Frappe Snowland
# 4 Characters Available : Mario, Luigi, Link and Donkey Kong
# Best Time Recording Module
# New Code, New GFXs
# RAM Usage Reduced
# All Bugs Fixed
Special Thanks
#Zion, Paiku for GFXs and Sprites (See Credits)
#The Spriters Ressources for Sprites
#Homemister and PickDat for Their LuaPlayerHm
Extracts Contents into ms0:/PSP/GAME
This game is complatible on both 1.50, 3.XX and 4.XX Kernels.Should Work on Slims and Fat PSPs.
This game has been tested and it works properly.But it should freeze on some systems because of the RAm usage.
In This Case, please report me.See The ReadMe

Download: Mario Kart 64 V2 - PSP Edition
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July 2nd, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN

Image from Kotaku
Nyko Technologies, the premier gaming peripherals manufacturer, today revealed details for its upcoming Media Hub for the PlayStation 3. The Media Hub easily attaches to the console, adding three additional USB ports and a media card reader slot that supports SD cards and Memory Sticks. Compatible with all PS3 models, the Media Hub matches the color and contour of the system to expand its media capabilities while maintaining a clean form factor.
The all-new Media Hub from Nyko attaches to any available USB port and enables the connection of three additional USB devices including flash drives, PSP, MP3 players and additional controllers. Its unique design requires no tools or internal modifications, draws its power directly from the PS3, and easily installs in just seconds.
"We found that many of our customers who had purchased the popular 40 GB version of the PS3, which has less USB ports and no media card reader, were looking for an affordable solution to expand with these features," said Chris Arbogast, Director of Marketing at Nyko Technologies. "With the Media Hub, an additional three USB ports and a media card reader are now possible for all PS3 models, allowing consumers to enjoy the full capabilities of their multimedia system no matter which model they choose."
Nyko's Media Hub for PS3 is expected to hit store shelves by August 2008 for the suggested retail price of $19.99.
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July 2nd, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
If you signed on to the PlayStation Network last night to get Trophies for Super Stardust HD, you may have noticed a humble expansion nestled in the title's in-game store. At the time this article was written, the pack is not mentioned or linked anywhere on the PlayStation Store and can only be purchased in-game, though this is sure to change tomorrow when the store updates.
Called the Team Expansion, this new pack adds several features to the experience. Split-screen co-op and various deathmatch modes have been added, as well as a Ship Editor for tweaking your heroic little vessel. A new Orchestral soundtrack was also added, joining the Default and Retro soundtracks already in place.
The expansion can be purchased for $4.99, though you're really just purchasing the expansion key. From the looks of things, the content is already installed during the free software update that adds Trophy support, version 4.00.
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July 3rd, 2008, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has pulled the 2.40 firmware update from both its in-console update and website after some users reported that the firmware has bricked their system. SCEA PR director Patrick Seybold told Joystiq that Sony is "looking into it right now and will work with those customers directly to address any issues they may be experiencing." Has it bricked your system? Let us know in the comments below.
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July 3rd, 2008, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today Sony launched firmware V2.40 for the PS3 which is mandatory for online play. Too my horror after installing the update my console wouldn't boot, and this appears to be a not uncommon problem affecting PS3's of all age and model. Although there is rampant fanboy denial over at the official Playstation forums, the Kotaku article details issue and has a suggested solution if you don't mind yanking your PS3's hard drive
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July 3rd, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Get ready to hit the seedier side of Tokyo and slug it out in HD – Yakuza 3 is coming. The "real" Yakuza 3. As first reported on 2chan, the latest issue of Famitsu quotes Yakuza series director Toshihiro Nagoshi as stating that the game is a direct sequel to Yakuza 2, and is in development exclusively for PS3.
Nagoshi states in the Famistu article that Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! – which is set in Edo-era Japan – is actually considered a spin-off from the "main" Ryu ga Gotoku series (Yakuza here in the West). No release date has been announced for the series' third (well, technically fourth) installment, but we'll keep you posted.
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July 3rd, 2008, 04:15 Posted By: Jj23
via EmuWiki.com
Stella, the great Atari 2600 emulator, can be compiled for Yellowdog Linux on Playstation 3. EmuWikiAdmin has published the steps if you don't know how to compile programs on YDL. There is also a configuration file that already has the Playstation 3 joystick mapped and corrects a small menu display bug.
Emulation, speed, and sound are perfect.

''There's probably more to come, I'll go around the good Linux emulators like those for Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Atari, Playstation, Genesis etc... and try to see if they can compile and if speed can be improved so come back for some more guides. I can already tell you that I found what was wrong with SNES9X being very slow for a lot of people, it is now running full speed and I should publish this very soon.''
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July 3rd, 2008, 13:14 Posted By: DarthPaul
PSP coder Dark_AleX released the second version of the SaveStates plug-in for the PSP Slim.

- Fixed important bug in inter-thread code (semaphore wasn't waiting due to interrupts disabled), that caused the load state to not be completely read in some cases. This caused black screen after state load (unless you just saved that state, in this case state was still in ram), or even worse, game not working properly due to partial load.
- Added states per game basis. The controls are slightly different: old controls now do a local savestate/loadstate of the game, while pressing additionally select button will save/load a global state. See instructions for more info.
- Fixed bug that caused normal sleep mode waking up inmediately.
- UMD discs and isos in normal UMD mode are now supported. Check out the Readme for more details.
Note: Remember that states of the old version are all globals, and you need to press select addtionaally. Also, remember that when doing the load state of a state saved in previous version,
the plugin in ram after the load will be the old one, so it is probably better to discard old
save states.
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July 3rd, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment has announced it will be launching the fourth version of the PlayStation 2 for the European and Indian market by October 28.
SCE country manager Atindriya Bose told the Indian Economic Times that the launch would be simultaneous in both markets and the that the new PS2 would be a slimmer model with in-built AC adapters.
"PS2 is an entry-level console, which helps first timers to enter the gaming zone," said Bose.
He further revealed that the new console, which will keep the RRP of the outgoing model, is aimed at penetrating India's and Russia's burgeoning market for games.
"We feel PS2 has the potential to penetrate further into the Indian and Russian markets. Console gaming is in its nascent stage in India. These are untapped markets and are new to the gaming world, hence we have no plans to phase out PS2 anytime soon," he added.
When asked if thought it would impact PS3 sales, Bose responded: "We do not market it as a PS2 or PS3. It is the experience of the PS that we market. PS3 is for the next generation. People who are first timers in the gaming market want to pick up PS2 and experience that, before upgrading to PS3," he said.
Sony has made a number of attempts over the past couple years to ingratiate itself with the Indian games market, including the opening of a studio in the region and signing up 13 local developers to work on games for the PS2.
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July 3rd, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's PlayStation 3 Japanese console sales showed signs of catching up to those of the Nintendo Wii in June, according to the magazine publisher Enterbrain, as reported by Reuters.
The Wii still managed to outsell the PS3 by 1.7 to 1, putting it at the top of Japanese hardware sales for a seventh consecutive month, but the ratio has fallen significantly since the 6-to-1 lead the Wii had the month before.
The past few months have seen the PS3 reap the benefits of a number of high profile titles not available to the Wii that may have boosted console sales, including Grand Theft Auto IV and the PS3-exclusive title Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
According to Enterbrain, Nintendo Sold 235,990 Wii units of in the five weeks ended June 29, while Sony sold 139,494 PS3 console units.
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July 3rd, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
2K Games has announced that veteran developer Digital Extremes will be helping to bring BioShock to PS3.
"Bringing Digital Extremes on board allows us to continue to deliver the best experience possible to our fans," says 2K president Chris Hartmann, who let's face it is probably a bit biased.
The fairy on top of Digital Extremes' Christmas tree of experience, of course, is its part in the development of the Unreal series - a job for which the Canadian studio proudly claims a co-creation credit.
Presumably, Digital Extremes' CV also rose to the top of the pile by virtue of its work on the recent cross-platform shooter Dark Sector.
Gears of War with a boomerang in some senses, it hardly set Dan Whitehead's world alight when he reviewed it, but it won praise in Round Eleven of our Face-Off series, with Rich Leadbetter making a quietly impressed face at Digital Extremes' very own Evolution Engine.
BioShock is, of course, quite a big deal. The tiny portion of shots currently available in the PS3 cafeteria are showing promise, but there's an awful lot to live up to in the game's original PC and Xbox 360 incarnations, with GOTY plaudits flying around like drinks at an epilepsy conference.
Digital Extremes CEO James Schmalz is confident, stating that "You really can't ask for a more exciting, technically impressive world to work in than Rapture, and the incredible knowledge and talent between the 2K studios and our team at Digital Extremes is unprecedented." The truth, inevitably, will be in the shiny, genetically mutated pudding.
BioShock is due on PS3 in October of this year. Start practicing holding your breath underwater now.
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July 3rd, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PS3's long-awaited answer to Achievements, Trophies have arrived "too late" to be supported by the console's number one FPS Call of Duty 4, developer Infinity Ward has revealed.
The Trophies feature was added in the now pulled 2.4 firmware update, which also briefly added the long-awaited in-game XMB before Sony realised it was bricking some consoles.
In a post on its official forums, company spokesperson Fourzerotwo said that if support for the feature was available earlier, the developer would've loved to have supported it in its acclaimed FPS.
"At this time, we have no plans to patch in Trophy support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the PS3," the post reads. "Much like DualShock rumble addition to the PS3, the support for these new features have come much to late for us to add it to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare due to our current production schedule.
"We would have loved to have these in the game at launch if the support was available, or shortly after."
Sony's PSN boss Eric Lempel said the platform holder will fully support any developers who want to patch trophies into their games that are already on sale. Infinity Ward's decision doesn't give us much confidence in seeing many other devs going back for a retro-fit, though.
"We're fully supporting first and third parties that want to patch, and of course those that want to implement this system going forward with new titles," said Lempel.
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July 3rd, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from thecobra
This is just a simple prx that i made to put the psp more organize. it organize the game folder into 2 folders ( games & apps). you can switch between this two folder by the click of a button.
First create Two folders in the ms0:/psp/ folder and called them games and apps. transfer all your Games to the games folder
and all your applications to the apps folder. then delete the normal game folder( this is important or else the prx wont work) then
Just copy CHANGE-D.prx to your SEPLUGINS folder and add the line:
vsh.txt, enable it in your recovery menu and you are able to use it.
L Trigger button to switch between games and apps. Everytime you do this you must select the memorycard in one
of the other section in vsh and the go back to the memory card in the game section( this is because you need to
let the vsh reread the memorycard game section)
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July 4th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
In case you didn't get the message, Sony's due sooner-rather-than-later 27-inch OLED is going to be priced for the Mark Cubans, Bill Gates' and other people not you of the world, at least for the next couple of years. Even with recent massive investments, U.S. head Stan Glasgow tells CNET OLEDs in the future could be seen as a premium alternative to LCDs, but don't expect Sony to jump on smaller screens while they wait for the technology to catch up, HDTV is the focus. As for the upcoming standard def-streaming Hancock experiment? The first of many, if things go well, while at the same time he acknowledges format war winner Blu-ray may not penetrate to the same level as DVD since "a lot of people may be happy with an upconverting DVD player" -- which would be music to Toshiba's ears.
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July 4th, 2008, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
No sooner does Sony (briefly) improve the PS3 user interface with the much-talked-about version 2.4 firmware update, than some at the company feel cocky enough to start badmouthing the competition's interface. Speaking to Next-Gen, PlayStation Network Director of Operations Eric Lempel took the bait in taking a few moments to compare Sony's redesigned PlayStation Store to Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace. "I think if I look over at the competitors' UI they may have some issues just displaying content," Lempel said, "and scrolling up and down lists isn't the easiest way to find things." Tell that to McSweeny's, why don'tcha?
Lempel also pointedly pointed out that the PlayStation Store interface has "a lot of room with virtual shelf space to put a lot of things," a not-so-subtle jab at Microsoft's recently announced plan to de-list some Xbox Live Arcade games. "Depending on what type of UI you have you can accommodate a lot of titles," Lempel continued, "and specifically with our new store redesign which launched back in April we have a great ability to merchandise a wide variety of titles." That's all well and good, assuming your PS3 is currently working.
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July 4th, 2008, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revised a remark made by Eric Lampel that "every game" would eventually feature Trophies. What Lampel likely meant, and what he apparently relayed to GameSpot is that at some point, all new PlayStation 3 releases -- both first- and third-party -- will feature Trophies. Sony has clarified that Trophy patches for existing games are the responsibility of the games' respective publishers and developers, and we should not expect to "ultimately" enjoy a complete catalog with Trophy support.
Insomniac has already pledged its intent to stay focused on Resistance 2, passing up the invitation to add Trophies to its previous titles, the first Resistance and Ratchet and Clank Future. Also joining the "much too late" camp, are Infinity Ward and 2K Games, both releasing statements (here & here) that affirm there are no plans to add Trophies to Call of Duty 4 and Civilization Revolution.
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July 4th, 2008, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
2K Games has announced a partnership with Dark Sector developer, Digital Extremes, to aid in the completion of the PlayStation 3 version of superb submerged shooter, BioShock. Digital Extremes is the fourth studio to join the project -- 2K Marin, 2K Australia and 2K Boston have already dove in -- and aims to give PS3 players a "fully optimized experience," complete with new features and content. And trophies, probably.
James Schmalz, CEO and founder of Digital Extremes, noted that the decision to work on the critically acclaimed project didn't even require a brain. "When 2K approached us to assist with development on BioShock for the PLAYSTATION 3 system, it was a no-brainer," he said. "You really can't ask for a more exciting, technically impressive world to work in than Rapture, and the incredible knowledge and talent between the 2K studios and our team at Digital Extremes is unprecedented." Apparently, when it launches this October, BioShock will make the PS3 "sing with Big Daddy goodness and Little Sister 'thank you's'."
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July 4th, 2008, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's latest PlayStation 3 firmware update 2.4 brought what the fanboys have been crying about since the console's inception—in-game access to the console's Cross Media Bar (XMB). But I'll tell you something, in-game XMB is fine and dandy, yes, but there were more pressing issues that Sony should have fixed first. In fact, I count 10 of 'em (because a list of nine would get me fired).
Smarter Firmware Updates
Let me agree to terms and conditions—a tiny 1K file transfer—before downloading the whole software update. Then once the update downloads it can roll into an install without me having to push some stupid buttons on the controller.
Automatic Downloaded-Game Installation
We're really still manually installing most game and demo downloads? Seriously? No, seriously?
Real Keyboard Support
The PS3 "supports" a mouse and keyboard. But keyboard support is still not functional or assignable in most games. Some middleware solutions would be nice here, Sony. I should be able to play anything on a mouse and keyboard by mapping SIXAXIS/DualShock3 buttons.
In-Game Web Browsing
OK, so here's an instance where we can access the XMB while in a game, but we can't really access it. Because you can't browse the web while in a game. I'd love the option to look up walkthroughs...err...hints and tips without going to the computer.
Controllers Don't Charge Without PS3 "On"
Why do I need to leave on my entire PS3 to charge one controller? A firmware update could program the USB portion of the console to stay powered on while charging like, say, the Xbox 360.
PS Home
Oh, I haven't forgotten. Though I'm becoming more bored by this once novel concept every day it doesn't appear.
Account Management
Let's just stick all those account management menus into the PlayStation Store. That way if I need to make changes to my account (something that would probably be prompted by a transaction at the PS Store), I don't need to revisit dead gray screen land.
Background Folding@Home
I'm as lazily, unconsciously altruistic as the next guy, so work with Stanford to make Folding @ Home even better. Let me use it as a background process for when I'm just hanging out on the dashboard, or browsing the PS Store. I know that playing some MP3s doesn't use all of the PlayStation 3's power, so let's use some of that extra number crunching to cure the world, or whatever.
Any game, any time, I want to be able to perform a screengrab. I want to then be able to save the screengrab to my photo library or message it to a friend. This software technology has long been figured out, and it'd be nice to have for showing everyone how awesome I am all the time.
Lower Power Standby
The PS3's primary standby mode is super low energy. But if you want to access Remote Play (XMB, pictures, etc) through the PSP, it's suddenly sucking as much power as five refrigerators just sitting there. Surely there is a clever way that the PS3 can be activated through an SMS or email system that would make it more eco-friendly than just being on all the time. Remote Play is not something I'll use every day. And because of that, I've turned off the function completely—which is a shame because it's a pretty incredible idea.
It's not that the latest firmware update is bad; it's that the whole interface is so pleasurable to use and packing so much customization (for a console) that the rough spots can stand out even more. Come on, Sony, let's make the PS3 unbelievable.
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July 4th, 2008, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
I feel, as a culture, we've gotten really joyfully achievement-obsessed. We check our point scores as compulsively as we do our bank accounts, we demand to know what achievements will be available in games that aren't even out yet, and we have anticipated the launch of PS3 trophies with fervor. Fervor, I tell you.
A big part of this is so that we can show our play habits and our performance off to our buddies; seeing a My Gamercard on someone's website is like an instant badge of recognition. So it's unsurprising that a company called Playfire has rushed to be the first to create a Gamercard service for PS3 trophies (hopefully 2.4 squares away soon). It's currently in beta, and here it is!
The... trophycards? support themes, too letting you skin the cards with Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet or SuperStardust HD.
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July 4th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.1
Fixed a bug where if the Hold switch was turned off and quickly turned on again, the PSP would not suspend after being left idle for a few minutes (the idle timeout didn't work).
I never made any previous hold plugins, those are not by me.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v2.1 are
0x278, 0x284 - CPU,GPU (Both should be same)
0x27C - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU/GPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU/GPU and Bus speed work.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack Posted this:
Thanks to all of you who responded to the Commodore message; I’ve tried to read responses on this weblog, as well as those at dcemu. My original question was regarding the C64 and VIC-20 systems, but it seems like most of you would rather see an Amiga emulator than a C64/VIC-20 emulator.
I’ve also noticed interest in the Spectrum series (ZX-81 certainly hasn’t missed any opportunities to remind me of the need for such an emulator ), so I’ll keep both of these in mind.
I am interested in finding out why those of you interested in these systems don’t use PSPUAE and PSPectrum, however.
Thanks to all those who responded, remember using your voice is a powerful tool in any homebrew scene 
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July 4th, 2008, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. today announced a new release date for the fourth installment of its critically-acclaimed and genre-defining Midnight Club franchise, Midnight Club: Los Angeles. Set for release on October 7th in North America and October 10th in Europe and developed by series creator Rockstar San Diego, Midnight Club: Los Angeles will give gamers the unprecedented freedom to race through a hyper-realistic LA.
Rockstar San Diego has created a beautiful rendition of Los Angeles to race through at break neck speeds and explore at your own pace. With no tracks and no load times, Midnight Club: Los Angeles offers the ultimate freedom to play however you choose.
Also scheduled for release simultaneously, Midnight Club: LA Remix for the PSP system will provide another incredible portable racing experience. Developed by Rockstar London, the game will take full advantage of the hardware to deliver the unrivaled sense of speed and style that the best-selling Midnight Club series is known for.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Waywardson
Hi everyone i would like to release a test/beta version of my star defender game i am working on.
I was going to wait till it was completely finished to release anything, but i am running short on ideas and would like some feedback on how to improve the game play.
Controls in menu:
D-pad:up = change menu selection
D-pad:down = choose menu selection
Cross = select
Controls in game play:
D-pad:left = weapon select
D-pad:right = weapon select
Cross = throttle
R = shoot
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July 4th, 2008, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Freeplay
NewBTCNFedit by FreePlay v0.3 (July 2, 2008)
Use this tool to build a customized pspbtcnf.bin file for firmwares not supported by PSPBTEdit.
I designed this tool because I didn't have any way to load plugins in APP mode on 3.90m33-2... and Go! Messenger runs in APP mode.
As with most of my releases, the source is included. Thanks to Dark_AleX for information about the new pspbtcnf format; this wouldn't have been possible without that. (Well, maybe it would be... but it would've taken a little longer.)
Usage: btcnf <pspbtcnf file> -build | -extract -b | -e
-e | -extract: extract pspbtcnf file to pspbcnf.txt
-b | -build: build pspbtcnf file from pspbtcnf.txt
The pspbtcnf.txt file should be pretty straightforward; it's just a list of modules paired with a list of modes each module is loaded in.
Valid modes are VSH, Game, Updater, POPS, and App, abbreviated as V, G, U, P, and A. To make a module load in one of these modes, just add it to the list after the module name. They can be in any order, upper/lower case, doesn't matter.
New in v0.3:
* Since there are now more firmwares, it now saves the version of the pspbtcnf.bin file in the .txt file, and will use that when you rebuild the .bin file. If there is no version info present, it assumes version 3.90 (since that's the version assumed by previous versions of this program).
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July 4th, 2008, 03:10 Posted By: wraggster
At this point Sony Computer Entertainment hasn’t pulled any pre-E3 surprises yet. Their first party line up consists of tested franchises like Resistance, Buzz, and Motorstorm. Little Big Planet is the new IP of the bunch this holiday season. XAM’D: Lost Memories may be the other. The “XAM’D” most likely is a hip homonym for “examined”, but the title sounds more like a RPG, maybe an adventure game.
So what is it? My first guess is something new, but Rezel Cross (pictured) also comes to mind. Rezel Cross is a role playing game released by Sony Computer Entertainment Asia with XMB combat. Yes, I admit the link is malleable. We’ll be scanning for more details on XAM’D to see if it bears any relation to Rezel Cross (unlikely), Coded Soul (doubtful), Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 (wishful) or any other Sony published PSP/PS3/PSN game when we’re at Sony’s E3 press conference.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dan369:
Welcome to the Legend of Zelda Alpha 3 readme!!!
since me actually liking(love) zelda games i took it upon myself to make my own and this is what i have so far...
Alpha 3 is a damn well lot more playable than alpha 2 and 3 with various bug fixes and changes/alterations to alpha 3 from alpha 2 which will be explain more in the changelog!!
This game is powered by the dan369 Zelda game engine based on zion one and has alot more features!!
Wriiten in lua the game has been in development for ofter 2 months and the progress so far is outstanding and this well eventually good by the BEST zelda hombrew game on PSP .
-Fixed bug where after going in Link_Study you Couldn't go in Links_Workshop
-Fixed sword bug
-[] is now the attacking button
-was going to have an new move but it didn't look that good so it's GONE
-Changed menu Imaged (MY GFX designer adas123 did this 
-Added 3 more new levels (2 off them are completely orignal and not in any other Zelda game) designed by adas123
- Exit now working in Links_study so you don't have to find it
-Links_aunt has now been added as a character so go talk to her she's in Links_Study
-added Stool,Table and Writing desk to Links_study
Things in progress::::
-Combat Engine
-Enemy Ai
-Save/Load functions
-New Move????
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July 4th, 2008, 03:18 Posted By: Zack
PSP Slim Port & Music + Sound support Coded By : Zack
This Wolf3D port is based of HardHat's Wolf3D port V2.0.
Hey guys.
Seen as I had a couple of days off work I decided to finish up a port of Wolf3D for the PSP. I recently acquired a slim and realized that there was no version of Wolf3D that runs on the the slim. I also noted that none of them had Sound Or Music support.
Well not any more 
It works on both the PSP Slim & Phat, and is in usermode so it should run on any firmware in any GAME folder.
Features :
- Full Sound Support (works great )
- Full Music Support (works great )
- Full Screen Support (as default, can be enlarged more however)
- Full Speed
- Runs at 222mhz (saves your battery)
- PSP Slim Support
- PSP Phat Support
- Configurable Controls (See Read Me!)
Known Bugs :
Saving/loading. It works (as far as I can tell), but it's buggy.
If you save your game then quit & restart the game, you will experience the following : After the title screen you will get a black screen with the memory stick light blinking, its loading your save game. The black screen will last 8-12 seconds, then the main menu shows up as normal.
I will fix this bug in the next version, I'm planning to rewrite the saving/loading to use the psp's inbuilt system.
Summary :
So yeah it's a lot better now . More fun to play with Music & Sound effects too.
I will update it again if there is enough interest in the project.
I hope you all enjoy it 
Here are some screens :

Source Included.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Poisonhzkj
Somebody has modified cxmb to work at 4.01, but pity to say that, it used a wrong ctf magic 0xDEAD0400 ( should be 0xDEAD0401 ), so if you had produced some themes with that version, they won't be applied at CXMB 3.2, you can hex edit it at offset 0x10 to make it work.
If you want to contribute to CXMB, just contact me, I will add you to the CXMB google project so that you can commit source, it would save our time, right? 
By the way, I can't find the newest PSARDUMPER source, it's a GPL project right? is there a new rule breaker?
New In This Version
1. Add 4.01 capability.
2. Select the random.ctf, then cxmb will randomly apply your themes in /PSP/THEME/
3. Compile universal binary, cxmb.prx should work on 3.71/3.80/3.90/4.01
4. Fix some wrong io opration (I wrote some sceIoClose where there should be sceIoDclose)
5. Clean up sources (yea... I think I did it..)
Please read through this post or readme.txt before using.
Sources: google project
Download: CXMB 3.2 Usernal Binary
Download or share CTF theme here
( \ / )
To Alien
CXMB 3.2 for 3.71m33/3.80m33/3.90m33/4.01m33 by Poison
A hand-made PSP XMB theme (witch is usually hex edited from the official PSP firmware files) enabler.
+Add 4.01 capability.
+Select the random.ctf, then cxmb will randomly apply your themes in /PSP/THEME/
+Compile universal binary, cxmb.prx should work on 3.71/3.80/3.90/4.01
+Fix some wrong io opration (I wrote some sceIoClose where there should be sceIoDclose)
+Clean up sources (yea... I think I did it..)
+You can build .ctf file with a ptf that including wallpaper.
-Readjusts the reboot delay after applying a theme to prevent some registry issue.
+Add 3.80 capability.
+You can select your theme via XMB's theme selector (Settings->Theme settings->Theme) , and apply it.
-Fix a font bug ( after sleep or usb connection it display ugly character ).
before 3.0:
+Without touching your PSP Nand flash, you can get all amazing effect provided by traditional ready flash theme show in your XMB. (I mean nothing would be written into flash)
+With CXMB full version installed, traditional XMB theme would be packed into a .ctf (short of cxmb theme file) file, then you can share it easier, and CXMB lite version user can download .ctf file then apply it.
Update of bug fix whats new:
CXMB 3.2.1
Fix bug (freeze while applying theme)
Fix bug (restore to original official XMB when returns from game)
make official XMB not a choice of random.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaGnaTeK of a new release of the Pandora Installer
Latest update to include version 401M33 CFW, this firmware no longer needs to have the fatmsmod.prx installed and this update is to reflect that change.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from 3r14nd
I am putting both of these in one thread due to either one not working with the other..he he..
One of these antiupdates only works on the classic where the other works on the slim. The slim version came from coolj and the classic version has been around since before my time here on the console.
The classic version works on 3.10 OE-A up to 4.01 M33-2 and i'm sure beyond that.
The slim version works for me on 3.71 M33 up to 4.01 M33-2 and i'm sure beyond that. I never had 3.60 M33 so I could not test it.
I just figured I wanted them and finally found ones that work so I would post it.
They have been re-named for each version of psp.
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July 4th, 2008, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS/GBA/GP2X and also the PSP, heres whats new:
Two versions ago, David Parker ported POWDER to the GP2X. The GP2X is a type of hardware I've always meant to support - they actively encourage homebrew style development. Thus, I am very happy that David's changes have been rolled into the main development branch so we should have a GP2X build now. For those aching for stylus support - the source is there too. I have compiled this version blind, so apologies in advance if there are problems. With your feedback we can get it worked out.
Updated 32x32 icons from Ibson the Grey that have the new weapons.
Describe Ricochet. (Malte Helmert)
Extra regen for being full occurs even if you have a ring of regeneration worn. (Malte Helmert)
Regenerating magic when hungry occurs deterministically. (Malte Helmert)
Sleeping creatures are not damaged by light attacks.
Creatures who can't eat won't be hungry or full, regardless of pre-poly state. (Tobias Pierce)
Port to the GP2X by David Parker, done original for version 104, has now been rolled into the official build process. (David Parker)
Fix a type mismatch passing a structure as a pointer (!!) which surprisingly only caused problems on some platforms. (Peter Roozemaal, with patch)
Attempted to move all systems to va_copy - I hope I'm not longer using any old enough compilers that complain. Apparently MSVC still lacks va_copy. (Peter Roozemaal)
Some liches were locked up in a secret room as a temporary measure until I do a proper fix for AI opening doors. (The Rani)
Pushing a boulder against another boulder now has a full stop. (FEG)
Remove redundant to in bind soul description. (David R. Shultz)
Anachronistic reference to jello replaced by jelly. (R. Dan Henry)
Improved message for losing water walk (R. Dan Henry)
Pax will now grant Endure Hunger and Teleport. Tlosh will grant Preserve. Klaskove will grant Blunt Weapons. (R. Dan Henry)
+10 flaming swords have been overpowered because the +10 counts as a pure damage bonus to both the flame and regular sword attack, effectively giving +20 damage. To mitigate this, enchantment bonus is now only added to the base sword damage, not any bonus artifact or fire damage. Further, the enchantment is rolled against so you get +1d10 damage rather than +10. This doesn't effect +1 weapons, but provides a sliding penalty for the overpowered weapons tossed around by H'ruth.
Fixed source code comment that lied about ways to charge lightning rapiers. (Adam Boyd)
You can really eat water elementals now. I hope.
There is now a mini icon for the rapier. It is the same as the sword in all builds but Ibson the Grey. You may guess who motivated this inclusion. (Ibson the Grey)
The Leather Helm now has its own tile icon so you can tell it apart from iron helms on the dungoen floor. (Jan Milewski, Ibson the Grey)
Speaking of which, the Ibson the Grey tileset has caught up to all the current tiles and also sports distinct male and female clothing.
Casting wizard eye and possess will now be noticed by the gods. (R. Hamaker, Bridget Farace)
When you choose a god or forget a spell there is now a confirmation.
Your current god is reported when you level up. (Meddyan)
An entry on the wiki was ret-conned to be correct.
Skills and spells don't show up in the intrinsic list if they'll show up later anyways. (R. Dan Henry)
Torches classified as weapons rather than misc, so thus should no longer change their properties when artifacts become or unbecome being torches. (David Damerell)
Jumping will noise your feet as expected.
After you have filled your highscore list, you will get the option to pick a starting god to avoid having to start-scumm to get equipment suitable for different gods. (Derek S. Ray)
Option to pick a random name. (Sam Goldfield)
Firing upwards with ice/fire wand no longer affects the square you are on.
You can now zap lightning rapiers. (Bunnyriffic)
Special rooms now have their doors flagged so creatures will not open them until you do - this should avoid out of depth creatures wandering the dungeon and killing you. (Derek S. Ray, Brendan)
Remove forbidden double knowledge from description of bleeding wounds skill (David R. Schultz)
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July 4th, 2008, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
Unless the promise of spending time with our pal Ms. Veronica Belmont and another episode of Qore sounds like a nice Thursday night (there's an episode teaser after the break) it might be best to just ignore this week's PSN update. Per usual, the rhythm games add some content and there's also some game videos that might be of interest. With E3 only a couple weeks away, it's understandable that things are a bit quiet at the moment, but we're seriously starting to itch for PixelJunk Eden!
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July 4th, 2008, 03:54 Posted By: wraggster
Guitar Hero World Tour is going to let players make their own songs, so it only stands to reason that Rock Band 2 will as well, right? Right? Not according to Alex Rigopulos, the CEO and co-founder of Rock Band developer Harmonix.
Speaking to CNN, Rigopulos states that his company "wanted to do [song creation] right." He adds that Harmonix is "taking a radically different approach" to player-created tracks – presumably he means from the way Guitar Hero World Tour dev Neversoft is handling it – and will "take more time to do it." So, Rock Band 3 with a song creator it is then, right? Right?
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July 4th, 2008, 07:49 Posted By: Jj23
via EmuWiki.com
EmuWikiAdmin released a compiled version of FakeNES v0.5.9 beta 3 for Yellowdog Linux running on Playstation 3. Details can be consulted here. You can now easily emulate Nintendo Entertainment System on your Playstation 3. Emulation, sound, and plugged-in PS3 joystick support are just perfect. Best of all, FakeNES is a great emulator with a nice GUI, and it's click & play. Download the FakeNES package. The Sources for this compilation have not been modified, they are the originals. Extract the package and follow the simple instructions in the readme.
Here is a video showing the results :
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July 4th, 2008, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Rumors that Devil May Cry would be theatrically shooting its way onto the PSP are about as old as the PSP itself. As far back as June 2005, Capcom discussed bringing Devil May Cry to the PSP along with nine other PSP titles; at that time, GameSpot wrote, "Devil May Cry [for the PSP] could see the light of day before 2006." By the time 2006 rolled around, still no sign of Devil May Cry for PSP, save for a mention on Capcom's Japanese website.
So here we are, two years on, and again we're seeing a mention of Devil May Cry for PSP on Capcom's Japanese site. Included at the top of a list of recently released and not-yet-released PSP games, "Devil May Cry" is alone in its absence of a release date, a price, or a linked website. Hit the Source link to see if it's still there or, just in case they've noticed that Dante crawled out of his cage and taken it down, we've got a screengrab after the break. Just a reminder: Capcom's E3 press conference is at 10:30ET on July 15th. Just saying ...
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July 4th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Be prepared to get lost in the world of fast cars, talented drivers, and dirty tricks as Agetec, Inc. today announced that they are revved up and ready to "step on the gas pedal" with their upcoming game, DT Carnage, for the Sony PlayStation2 computer entertainment system. DT Carnage, which promises to be the most cutthroat racing game ever seen, can be found in North American retail stores this summer.
In DT Carnage, players will race on various tracks using any and every trick they have up their sleeves. From using items to slow down opponents, to crushing other drivers against the side of the track, to simply breezing past rivals using skillful driving maneuvers, racers will do whatever it takes to be proclaimed number one.
"Fans of the racing genre will love this game. It features top notch graphics, amazingly realistic controls, and over the top action. With all of that and more, the game will really make players feel like they're in the race of their lives," says Mark Johnson, producer at Agetec. "DT Carnage also sets itself apart from other racing games by having a RPG like mode that allows drivers to live the life of a racer from start to finish."
In RPG mode, players start off with training. Players will learn how to use various items and techniques to excel on the track. After players have finished training and leveling up their drivers through the growth system, they will send their drivers off to the tracks to battle against the best of the best.
For more information visit www.agetec.com.
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July 4th, 2008, 19:42 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Conspiracy Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of Garfield: Lasagna World Tour, a platforming game based on Garfield, the famous cartoon cat, to North American retail. Garfield: Lasagna World Tour for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system challenges players to jump into the world of the comic cat in a quest to win the Lasagna World Tour - dressing up Garfield in a variety of humorous costumes (each granting him special powers) while playing a variety of mini-games that everyone in the family can enjoy in single- and multiplayer modes.
About Garfield: Lasagna World Tour
Garfield is back, and he's bigger, funnier and wackier than ever. The PAWS TV channel is organizing a treasure hunt, "The Lasagna World Tour," and guess who's ready to compete? Garfield and his hungry stomach are up to the challenge, especially for the chance to win his weight in lasagna for life!
Key features include:
-Accompany Garfield through 10 vast levels of Lasagna munching action!
-Explore Mexico, Italy and Egypt to find those elusive clues.
-Play, ride and give orders to Odie with hilarious results!
-Dress Garfield up as a soccer player, cowboy, a fakir or a chef and obtain hilarious super powers.
-Switch to multiplayer mode to make the mini games into games for the family to play together.

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July 4th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) today announced WALL-E, the video game based on the highly-anticipated Disney-Pixar film, has shipped into retail outlets throughout North America for Wii-, Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, Nintendo DS, Games for Windows, Mac and mobile phones. Developed by Heavy Iron Studios, the game will also be made available worldwide in more than 69 countries including UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan and Australia over the coming months. WALL-E is rated E for everyone and is now available for the suggested retail prices of $49.99 (Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system), $39.99 (PlayStation 2 system), $29.99 (PSP system, Nintendo DS) and $19.99 (Games for Windows, Mac).
THQ's long-running and successful relationship with Disney-Pixar has achieved shipments of more than 35 million units worldwide. The launch of WALL-E marks the second installment in the company's well-established and successful association with Disney-Pixar, which includes rights to create games based on four newly created Disney-Pixar film properties. Last year's Ratatouille video game was the first property released by THQ under this agreement and was a top performing kids title in 2007.

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July 4th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
With our super-secret hands-on report of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 a little over a week away -- see you on July 11th, everyone -- THQ has loosened its iron grip on some news and let the official box art for SVR '09 hit IGN.
Degeneration X fans should be pleased.
Yes, this year's game will come to you boasting none other than the mugs of the King of Kings and the Showstopper. As you can see below, Triple H and Shawn Michaels are there in all of their badass glory. This is Hunter's fifth time on the cover and HBK's first. Cory Ledesma, THQ senior creative manager, said picking the pair was a no-brainer.

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July 4th, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Europe has told Eurogamer that Siren: Blood curse will be released on 24th July.
This is the episodic PS3 reinterpretation of the scary PS2 original. It will be broken up into four downloadable chapters on the PlayStation Store.
Each chapter has three episodes in it and will cost GBP 4.99. Or you can snaffle up the whole lot in a full game download for GBP 19.99.
We had a chance to tip-toe our way through the first chapter recently, and were very impressed to find it immediately much more playable than any of the previous games.
Add vastly improved voice acting, atmosphere, audio and sumptuous visuals to that and you should be as excited as we are.
Check back soon for our in-depth look at the entire four chapters.
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July 4th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony is staying hush on when the pulled PS3 2.4 firmware update may be reinstated for download.
like to at least have a rough idea of how long it may be before Sony fixes the problem and delivers the goods, but in pestering Sony UK today, CVG was told there was "no further update".
In case you missed it, the much-anticipated update, which adds in-game XBM access and a new trophy rewards system to the PS3, among other tweaks, was launched yesterday then swiftly pulled when it emerged it was breaking consoles.
The CVG boss managed to install the new firmware without a problem. But of all the firmware updates to mess up, this should not have been the one.
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July 4th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has released the official soundtrack to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
The soundtrack has been scored by long-term Metal Gear associate and Hollywood artist, Harry Gregson-Williams and the 16-track CD features all the tunes from the blockbuster hit.
Konami says it's "the perfect complement to Hideo Kojima's final Solid Snake opus" and is available now via www.konamistyle-europe.com for 12,95 Euro. The obsessed hardcore players need only click that link we reckon.
CD box shots
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July 4th, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
We were resigned to the fact once retailers started pushing their release dates back to mid-October, but the dev team have gone and made it official, announcing that SOCOM Confrontation has been delayed until October 14. The usual short-term delay reasons are apparent - a desire to add a little more spit, a little more polish, so while you'll be waiting a little longer to get the game, you'll also hopefully be playing one that's a little better.
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July 4th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Generation
“The Home open beta is still on schedule for release later this fall,” Eric Lempel told us in a recent interview.
Having been delayed on a number of occasions, the PSN boss was keen to assure gamers that Home would be worth the long wait by promising a rich and full-bodied experience come launch later this year.
Referring to comments made last month by fellow PSN director Susan Panico, in which she said that Home’s “rollout will be similar to Gmail" and that it will function as an "open, working beta", Lempel said that the online initiative, even in its initial public form, will not be some half-finished article but rather it will be representative of what the virtual world will ultimately offer.
“If you think about Gmail and Susan’s reference, Gmail when it launched in beta was a fully functional email service. I personally was using it and it offered everything you’d expect, but was in beta just to say that there’s more to come and maybe it’s not fully polished.
“The reason we’ve been delaying [Home] is so that we can deliver a high quality service that the users will enjoy. Even though it will be in beta, it will be a fair representation of what the service can be and its potential, so it won’t be a 0.5 release, it will be a fully robust service.”
Lempel also touched briefly on Sony’s recently confirmed plans to launch a PS3 movie download service this summer, although he wouldn’t be drawn into commenting on launch dates or content details.
“I don’t have any more specifics right now, but like Kaz [Hirai] said, it will go live [in the US] this summer and I think it will offer consumers everything they’re looking for from us. It will offer everything they expect from us and probably a little bit more.”
Asked about a service launch date for Europe and Japan, Lempel said that he couldn’t “speak for the other regions at this time”.
He also declined to discuss the possibility of downloaded PS3 movies being transferable to PSP, reports that Sony has yet to secure any movie content deals with third parties, or whether the company is planning to offer TV and music content over the PlayStation Network alongside films.
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July 4th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Generation
The firm told MCV that it’s planning to make regular shipments of the long-awaited PS3 pad now that it’s finally been released, but that early DualShock 3 supply levels are likely to be tight.
“It’s going to be a close call as to whether we can guarantee enough stock for everybody day one,” said Mark Howsen, SCEE’s UK sales director. “However, we’ll be making regular shipments thereafter, in order to satisfy demand.”
Howsen also said that SCEE will continue to offer the Sixaxis controller for now in order to give customers a “cost effective buying choice”.
The £39.99 DualShock 3 controller was released in Japan last November and in North America in April.
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July 4th, 2008, 21:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Following the news of its slight skid into October, Rockstar has released four new screenshots of the promising-looking Midnight Club: Los Angeles.
The open-city PS3 and 360 racer is now due for release on October 7 in North America and October 10 in Europe, and going from what we saw of it as Game Convention last year it should certainly turn a few heads when it arrives.
The racer's basically an even more technically impressive Test Drive Unlimited, slapping you behind the bonnet in a RAGE Engine-powered Hollywood that we can't even begin to imagine how Rockstar mapped out. We recognised actual pubs.
Rockstar is also working on a PSP spin-off called LA Remix, which is being handled by the Manhunt chaps at Rockstar London. We'll be impressed if that one's got the free-roaming Los Angles bit...
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July 4th, 2008, 22:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Take a look in the 'Extras' menu of Metal Gear Solid 4 tonight and you'll find two new camo suits to download.
The Laughing Camo and Raging camo are free to download and cover snake in Japanese text, which might not sounds so great, but they'll also have enemies laughing or howling like mentalists when you get near to them in the main game.
Bizarre. Give it try...
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July 4th, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
10,000 B.C. (~Steven Strait, Camilla Belle, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Batman The Movie: Special Edition [dts] (~Adam West, Burt Ward, ...) US US$ 39.98
Cherry Pie (~Akira Shirai, Mika Hijii, ...) JPN US$ 38.90
Day Watch Director's Cut JPN US$ 46.90
Drillbit Taylor (Extended Survival Edition) (~Owen Wilson, Leslie Mann, ...) US US$ 39.99
Ganges US US$ 28.99
Gangs of New York (~Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis, ...) US US$ 34.99
Gegege No Kitaro (~Mao Inoue, Rena Tanaka, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd Out of Control (~Larry Miller, Patrick Warburton, ...) US US$ 35.99
Giniro No Season (~Rena Tanaka, Tetsuji Tamayama, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Hana Yori Dango Blu-ray Disc Box (~Mao Inoue, Jun Matsumoto, ...) JPN US$ 239.90
In the Line of Fire (~Clint Eastwood, John Malkovich, ...) US US$ 28.95
John Mayer: Where the Light Is (~John Mayer) US US$ 29.98
Live In Amsterdam (~TOTO) JPN US$ 49.90
Mad Men: Season One [dts] (~Jon Hamm, Vincent Kartheiser, ...) US US$ 49.99
Meet the Browns: Special Edition [dts] (~Angela Bassett, Rick Fox, ...) US US$ 39.99
Night Watch JPN US$ 46.90
Night Watch / Day Watch Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 85.90
Onpu To Conbu (~Chizuru Ikewaki, Yui Ichikawa, ...) JPN US$ 38.90
Point Break [dts] (~Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, ...) US US$ 39.98
Prison Break Season 1 Blu-ray Box (~Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, ...) JPN US$ 239.90
Rock Montreal (~Queen) JPN US$ 49.90
Sex and Death 101 (~Simon Baker, Winona Ryder, ...) US US$ 34.98
The Way Up Tour-Live In Korea (~Pat Metheny Group) JPN US$ 49.90
Tokyo No Uso (~Sayuri Iwata) JPN US$ 38.90
Vantage Point (~Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, ...) US US$ 38.96
White Mexico (~Senri Ooe, Tiala A.k.a.hiromi W., ...) JPN US$ 38.90
Wild Hogs JPN US$ 46.90
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July 4th, 2008, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fun & funny party game
Cute animals with universal appeal
Easy controls for casual gamers
Addictive action & prizes
Pixar-style humor for all ages
Cooperative and team play modes
Hail to the Chimp is a fast paced, action/party game where players fight and race each other to determine who will become the next King of the Animals. Developed by Wideload Games and the mind behind Halo
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July 5th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
It's not often (in fact it's never) that you see a game tagline line this: "Make music with a disc of 510 067 420 km² = the Earth." But that's what Oterp, a hombrew PSP app by Antonin Fourneau does.
Oterp uses the PSP GPS add-on to track your relative position on the planet and alters music in real time based on your movements. Its developer has also hard-coded numerous "collection" spots around the globe into the software. Travelling to these locations will unlock new music and effects, similar to unlocking characters via GPS in the Japanese release of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Sounds pretty cool, huh? More videos of it in action can be found at the Oterp site.
Video here
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July 5th, 2008, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jimmikaelkael
Free MC Boot is an 'exploit' that allows a user to install it on official 8MB Sony MC's as well as 3rd party cards. (with the exception of those needing a boot disc to be recognized or cloned Chinese cards)
Now there's a Free McBoot Configurator (made by suloku), see links.
Loader side :
- OSDSYS Hack, by Neme (You can reload FMCB from OSDSYS, great work Neme ).
- Added Rescue loading (tries before all things to boot "mass0:/RESCUE.ELF", "mc?:/RESCUE.ELF", passing to another if the previous is not found)
- Added third entry (LK_???_E3) for each key in cnf file.
- Added entry for Skip-HDD in cnf file.
- Fixed 1st controller problem with slims ps2.
Installer side :
- Compatility with scph-10000 by loading X-modules (XSIO2MAN, XMCMAN, XMCSERV, XPADMAN) from the same folder where installer is running, by Coolaan.
- Config folder renamed ("SYS-CONF/FREEMCB.CNF" --> "FMCB-CNF/FREEMCB.CNF"), and icons added, by JNABK.
- The file to embed must now be "EMBED.ELF", and placed in same folder where installer is running (This option is only useful for developpers as ffgriever's cdvd init and multilanguage fixes are not applied to the embedded elf).
- You can modify your FREEMCB.CNF before install and put it in same folder where installer is running, If the file is not existing on MC, it will be copied as config.
- You can put a BOOT.ELF in same folder where installer is running, it will be copied as mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF (if the file is not already existing on MC).
- Modified default config, more noob-friendly.
- Install with Cross-Linking available.
- You can exit installer by loading "mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF", "mc?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF", "mc?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF" (passing to another if the previous is not existing)
- Fixed bug in custom embedding process.
Thanks to TnA for all useful ideas.
If your memcard was holding a cross-linking version of FMCB, Format it before to install.
Multi-Version Install checks for dummies and Uninstall it (means it unlinks the cross-linking), so FMCB 1.5 and higher will not require to format your card each time you reinstall.
In FMCB Installer :
- CROSS : Normal Install
- SQUARE : Multi-Version Install
- TRIANGLE : PowerOff PS2
- CIRCLE : Load BOOT.ELF ( try to boot these file in this order : "mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF", "mc?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF" , "mc?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF"), maybe you will find a better name for this one.
- SELECT : Format MC
- START : Uninstall Multi-Version (this perform the Uncross-linking, to unpatch dummies, not like to just delete them).
Normal Install creates only your osdxxx.elf file.
Multi-Version Install uses cross-linking to make your card compatible with all ps2 versions (of the same region).
Uninstall Multi-Version properly unlinks the cross-linked dummies and revert back to normal install.
You can optionnally put in the same folder that the installer :
- "DVDELF.BIN" file to replace your rom dvdelf taken by default for inject (It must be encrypted,
so just taken out from rom).
- "EMBED.ELF" file to be injected in dvdelf and replace the Free McBoot loader.
- "FREEMCB.CNF" file to be used as default config (is it is not already existing on MC).
- "BOOT.ELF" file, it will be copied as mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF (if the file is not already existing on MC).
The BOOT folder is intentionnally empty, place on it your boot files.
Don't delete any FMCB file (essentially dummies or uninstall file), unless you know what your doing !
The installer creates a mcX:/FMCB-CNF/FREEMCB.CNF config file if it not already exist.
Config options:
- for boot from usb use for example : mass:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
- for boot from memcard use for example : mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF or mc1:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
- you can use too for example : mc?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF it wills check for the file in the two slots.
- LK_???_E1 entries are first boot attempt, LK_???_E2 entries are secondary boot file, LK_???_E3 third boot file.
- All LK_???_?? can either be set to a path or to "OSDSYS", in the second case if no key is pressed you will be
rejected to the browser. If you set a path it will be booted if no key pressed.
- AutoBoot_Disc option allow to check if a ps2 disk is present (Close the tray !!!) and boot it, set it to 0 to avoid this.
- Debug_Screen set to 1 allow to keep the Green debug screen if no boot file is found, if set to 0 reject to browser
By default, config file is set to boot like that (if you press R1) :
BOOT2.ELF if you press R2.
BOOT3.ELF if you press L1.
BOOT4.ELF if you press L2.
BOOT.ELF if no key pressed.
Rejected to browser for others keys or no boot file found.
AutoBoot_Disc is set to 0.
You should not see Red screen if the CNF is readed, if you experience red screen check that you have config file in valid path
If you don't want of this config file, delete it ! (Just the FREEMCB.CNF, Not all the FMCB-CNF folder !!!)
If no config file is found the loader boots like 1.4 :
If you not hold any button,
- mc0:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF (where ? is your region.)
If you hold R1 button:
- mass0:/BOOT/BOOT1.ELF
- mc0:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT1.ELF (where ? is your region.)
If you hold R2 it boots BOOT2.ELF, L1->BOOT3.ELF, L2->BOOT4.ELF
If you have a red screen at boot, this means no boot file found, check that you have a BOOT.ELF file in boot folders.
Known Bugs:
- The formatter will not work properly if the memory card have bad blocks.
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July 5th, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted a release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's a test build. It's not meant to be used, it's for feedback on the GUI mainly. That doesn't mean it doesn't work - it boots my 8.0 CD just fine. It's just not usable yet due to limitations.
Ignore the crappy refresh routines - I'll be replacing them entirely in the next few days. I just used enough of a stretch blit to be able to see something to be certain the emu is running.
Currently, the analog stick is the mouse, with LTRIGGER/RTRIGGER as the buttons. The d-pad is the cursor keys, and X is ENTER. I'll eventually have denzef keyboard and pspirkeyb support, as well as the ability to remap the buttons when in that mode. As I mentioned, this is just a test.
The only volume you can select is the cdrom. You can select hardfiles, but they aren't remembered or used (yet). I'll put a floppy selector in there as well tomorrow or the next day.
The default directory for roms is "roms", the default dir for floppys is "disks" (and floppies should all have an extension of .dsk), the default dir for cdroms is "cdroms", and hardfiles is "hardfiles". It doesn't mean they HAVE to be in those directories, but that is where the file requester will go first.
I allow three Mac resolutions - 512x384, 640x480, and 768x576. You can select four different depths - 4bit, 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit. At the moment, the video is also hardcoded to only display on the LCD. I'll change that when I change the refresh routines.
The binary here is currently set for small memory so I could check how it would work on a phat - you can get up to 16M on a phat and 44M on the slim (not with this build - with a build set for large memory).
Anywho, here's the current test build and src arcs.
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July 5th, 2008, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from red squirrel:
CTF Manager v2.0 by Red Squirrel
What's it?
It is a simple GUI for ctf/unctf tools.
With this program you can create CTF theme files directly on your PC, without the need of a PSP!
You can also extract files from a CTF file and install CTF themes in your PSP!
-Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 4.01M33!
-Possibility to extract file from a CTF file made with CXMB 3.2 (ONLY with the "official" Poison CXMB!)
-Now program is all in a single EXE
-If program does not find required folders it will create them automatically!
-Now you can use also CTF custom names that contain spaces.
-Added some security checks (to avoid some NET Framework error messages).
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July 5th, 2008, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everybody,
Here a new release of the demo of my future game named Bleach Adventure...
- One of the hollows follows you with automatic displacement
- Added "AI"
- Management of displacements of the civilians in the city (the civilians are links but in the final version will belong true "civilians")
- System of collisions ameliorated with addition of the superimposing of the elements of the decor
- Fixed some bugs in the battle
- Modification of some element of the decor (the colours of dialogues being not changed through lack of time at this time of hollydays)
- Better precision of the attacks of the hollows: consequently hollows would not miss you any more
- Modification of the PIC1.png
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July 5th, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everybody,
I have just finished the new version (version 4.0) of my prx called prxutility++
This prx allows you to know several information about your battery (time left, charge level, temperature, voltage, ac adapter, ...) , cpu/bus speed, your mac adress, the motherboard model of your psp...
prxutility++ also allows you to shutdown, reboot or sleep your psp, to set brightness to maximum (or minimum)...
- Compatible with the 4.01 M33 or higher
- You can now take screenshots with L + HOME saved to "ms0:/PICTURE/prxutility++shot"
- When you are in the Help menu, this prx suspend the xmb to avoid that the xmb is decelerated
- Fixed some bugs
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July 5th, 2008, 02:52 Posted By: Zack
PSP Slim Port & all other improvements Coded By : Zack
Hey guys.
You wanted it, you got it!
Wolf3D v4.0 now supports : "Spear of Destiny" full and trial versions
Analog support has also been added, along with a partial re-write of the menu system to make it easier to use + other fixes!.
Read below for more info :
It works on both the PSP Slim & Phat, and is in usermode so it should run on any firmware in any GAME folder.
Features :
- "Spear Of Destiny" Full & Trial support --New!
- Full Sound Support (works great )
- Full Music Support (works great )
- Full Screen Support (as default, can be enlarged more however)
- Full Speed
- Runs at 222mhz (saves your battery)
- PSP Slim Support
- PSP Phat Support
- Configurable Controls (See Read Me!)
Known Bugs :
Saving/loading buggyness is still there. I didn't even get chance to look at it yet. It's on the todo list for v5.0 
Changes In This Version :
- Added support for "Spear Of Destiny (full version) & "Spear Of Destiny (Trial Version). Both work great 
- Added Analog support. Analog support has been added to both the menu and ingame.
- Exit/Quit bug fixed. Game no longer crashes your psp upon exit.
- Re-wrote Parts of the menu code. Now is more console specific. Some pointless options removed, lots renamed.
- Quit messages fixed. Remember been insuled every time you wanted to quit Wolf3d? well the messages have been fixed now, so you can be!
- Change screen size option removed from menu, pointless. (why would you want it smaller?)
- Code cleanup. (quite a bit of it )
- Fixed typo in Game title on release, icon0 and pic1
- Various other fixes/clean-ups.
Summary :
So yeah, a nice few changes . Hope you all enjoy Spears Of Destiny. I am working to get the full version of Wolf3D working. It's fighting me but I will get it in the end . Version 5.0 will include support for it, so look forward to that!.
Q : Why is each game a separate zip file?
A : The way the game is made means they have to be separate. I am looking into a way to select which game you want on boot however.
Thank you all for your kind words and warmness toward this project. It makes it fun to work on. :thumbup:
I hope you all enjoy it 
Here are some screens :

NOTE : To run the FULL version of Spears Of Destiny you must find/purchase its .SOD/.sod files & put them into the wolf3d folder. I can't include them due to them been under copyright. More info in readme. Google is your friend.
Source Included.
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July 5th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: MK2k

Screen 1: Main Menu
After the great Kaiten Patissier and Ura Kaiten Patissier games, team Alpha Secret Base released Champyonshipp Kaiten Patissier today. The gameplay stays the same as in Kaiten Patissier and Ura Kaiten Patissier. With this release you get 50 really hard levels to challenge your brain and reactions. Have fun with the PSP port of it. Oh and on a side note, please don't blame me about the title, I took it directly from the Alpha Secret Base website and actually know how to write "championship" :-)
Further Screenshots

Screen 2: Walk and jump around to get the items floating around

Screen 3: In-Game, rotate the whole level clockwise or counterclockwise
via mk2k.net (including source)
get the original Windows/Linux/GP2X release via Alpha Secret Base website
Read the readme.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
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July 5th, 2008, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
Buried under predictions that 2012 will bring dominance for Blu-ray over DVD and breaking news that the PS3 just may have had a hand in winning the format war the Entertainment Merchant's Association 2008 Annual Report on the Home Entertainment Industry holds survey results showing 87% of PS3 owners reported they watch Blu-ray movies on their console. That's a stark contrast to last year's NPD survey indicating 60% of owners didn't even know it played them. We don't know what's behind the jump, be it better marketing/consumer education, or something wrong with how one the surveys were conducted. You can mull that one over during the fast money round while also peeping results that say 22% of HDTV owners think they're watching HD programming, but in fact are not -- not like we haven't heard that before.
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July 5th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
We were starting to think that the new camo patterns available for download via Metal Gear Solid 4's "Extras" screen were going to be fairly mundane. Silly us! This is Hideo Kojima we're talking about here, and behind his stoic stare the guy has quite the sense of humor.
Case in point: the two new OctoCamo patterns available today. Called "Laughing Camo" and "Raging Camo," they cover Snake in text when equipped (which doesn't exactly sound like the best thing for, you know, stealth gameplay). These patterns aren't about hiding from enemies, though ... their effects are actually seen when you get near them. They cause PMC soldiers and other foes to break out into laughter and howling on sight, rendering them temporaily stunned. (Making the new camo settings something you'll want to use only on your second, third, fourth, or fith play-through, lest you ruin a "pure" first-time experience.)
Taking on The Patriots and getting kooky with Kojima? That's what we call a fun way to spend the Fourth.
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July 5th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
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July 5th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Now that Blizzard has Activision, undisputed masters of *ahem* "getting the most out of a franchise", looking over their shoulders, would a console port of Diablo III really surprise you, were it to happen? OK, no, look. Calm down. I said were it to happen. Because while it's not confirmed, or even strongly hinted at, it may happen. May. Because Blizzard's Rob pardo has said that it's a "theoretical possibility", and that "of our major franchises, [it's] the one that's most console friendly, for sure". Pretty sure he's talking about the 360 and PS3, there. Can't see Mii support and friend codes really fitting with the whole gates to hell thing.
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July 5th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Two teens were apparently arguing over a Sony PSP in Jacksonville, Florida ended in a shooting. According to the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office, 17 year-old Zachary Robinson was arguing with another teenage male when he suddenly started shooting, hitting the other teen twice. The scene took place in Hemming Park, and no one else was hurt. Robinson has been charged with aggravated battery. No word on the victim's condition.
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July 5th, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
A 21-YEAR-OLD man has been arrested in connection with the brutal murders of French students Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez.
The friends, both 23, were bound, gagged and stabbed to death in a bedsit in New Cross, south London, on Sunday night.
Police said the man was arrested at 3.40am. He is currently in custody at a south-east London police station.
The arrest comes as police revealed the pair may have been tortured for the PINs to their bank cards.
A police source told The Sun that cards belonging to biochemists Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez are missing and have been used to draw cash at ATMs. Detectives appealed to criminals to help trap the killer - or killers - who tied up and stabbed Laurent 196 times and Gabriel 47 times.
They hope to trace two Sony PSPs stolen during the slaughter at Laurent’s bedsit in New Cross, South East London, on Sunday.
A week earlier, a burglar took a Packard Bell Easynote laptop. Cops want to hear from anyone offered the equipment. The laptop is number FBHg-P-032W. One of the PlayStations was number SO1-0613169-C.
A blaze was started to destroy evidence — using accelerant TAKEN to the flat. Det Chief Insp Mick Duthie said: “It suggests premeditation.” The savage stabbings suggest a sadist like Mr Blonde in Quentin Tarantino’s film Reservoir Dogs. Forensic psychologist Gerard Bailes said such killers become “highly aroused” by their control over trussed up victims.
The students, both 23, were on post-graduate projects at London’s Imperial College. Flowers were laid yesterday at Clermont-Ferrand University in central France, where both studied.
Family and friends have paid tribute to the pair.
The father of Mr Ferez described his son as “incredibly gifted”.
Olivier Ferez, a nurse, told a national newspaper: “We are just in shock and completely devastated.
“Gabriel is, was, the most intelligent, affectionate, wonderful son anyone could ever want.
“He had such a bright future and now that has gone.”
According to Le Parisien, Mr Bonomo’s best friend at school, called Aurelien,
said: “You could always count on him.”
Another friend, Erik, said: “He was really happy all the time. He was a party
type, always open to other people.”
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July 5th, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Firmware 2.4 has added a number of ‘hidden’ upgrades that we dont know about. The first was an upgrade to the Playstation Store where pre 2.4 the store would load sluggish and it wouldn’t cache properly. This was fixed in 2.4 and the store now loads a lot quicker. Also there is a new view mode if you press square while browsing through the content.
Along with the above, another hidden upgrade has been found and that is the ability to play Flash games in the Playstation 3’s web browser. Some people have reported that you could do that before 2.4 came out, but it seems now that a lot more people can play Flash games with their PS3’s with firmware 2.4 installed.
A user has emailed in saying that he can now play Flash games in the PS3’s browser and has been playing Sonic at the following site: http://www.sonicgamesflash.com/ultim...onic-game.html (watch out for pop ups though)
You can now view and watch/play stuff on newgrounds.com
If your the lucky one who has installed firmware 2.4 with no problems go ahead and try your favourite flash games. Check this post out over at Gametrailers.
[UPDATE] According to Alex in the comments section, the Flash Player is now at version 7.0.25. Thanks Alex!
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July 5th, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson has ruled out developing and publishing full PS3 games, due to the development costs on Sony’s format being too high.
Speaking to Yahoo Japan (translation here), Hudson’s president Michihiro Ishizuka ruled out making any full PS3 games, due to the high development costs and associated risks of developing for the format.
While this will undoubtedly be something of a disappointment for PS3 owners, given the developer-publisher’s recent games, it’s not overly surprising.
Although the company has developed a few full 360 games in the form of (the admittedly dire) Bomberman Act: Zero, Fuzion Frenzy 2 and JRPG Far East of Eden, its focus has predominantly lay with the Wii and DS.
That said, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that the company’s coding efforts may yet be seen on Sony’s console.
Despite ruling out releasing standard boxed titles on the PS3, Ishizuka (according to the translation, anyway) does appear to praise Sony’s PSN download service, describing it as “attractive” in the business sense.
It certainly wouldn’t surprise us if Hudson developed games started turning up on the PS Store.
Hudson has been very active in the download sector, being a keen supporter of Nintendo’s WiiWare and Virtual Console download services.
It has also released Bomberman Live on Xbox Live Arcade to much critical acclaim – and we’re pretty sure that most PS3 owners wouldn’t say no to a PSN Bomberman title.
Thanks to Gamefront.de for the heads up.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Network director lays out the firm's 2008 roadmap, telling Next-Gen that Home's fall launch "won't be a 0.5 release" and reiterating the company's commitment to delivering a PS3 movie download service this summer.
Referring to comments made last month by fellow PSN director Susan Panico, in which she said that Home's "rollout will be similar to Gmail" and that it will function as an "open, working beta", Lempel said that the online initiative, even in its initial public form, will not be some half-finished article but rather it will be representative of what the virtual world will ultimately offer.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted a release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test 3. Even more stuff - the CPU frequency is set by the prefs, and networking should be working (it's just impossible to set the network settings on the Mac side since there's no keyboard). The cdrom and floppy are removable now... but that led me to a weird quirk I'm not sure is due to B2 or not.
When you have the floppy and cdrom set as removable devices (and not just missing when not in use), sometimes the Mac video "stops" - you get the initial dither pattern and nothing else, even though the Mac is still running in the background. As long as you have a bootable hardfile, bootable cdrom, or the combination of a non-bootable hardfile AND a bootable floppy, the video doesn't go out to lunch. So no trying to boot just a floppy. Weird, huh?
Uh... to insert media, press SELECT. You'll get a field that shows a floppy or cdrom. Press left/right to switch between floppies and cdroms. Press up/down to scroll through the list of floppies or cdroms. When you reach the disk you want, press X to mount it. Note that you must not have a disk inserted in that device or you won't be able to mount it. So if you already have a cdrom inserted, you have to eject it before you can insert the next. Same for the floppy. Only cdroms and floppies in their respective directories will show. You don't get to navigate willy-nilly to select cdroms/floppies on the desktop.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Madmax11

My first game, I've been working on it for a while and would love some feedback. I wasn't planning on releasing it until it was completely done, but I realized that it may take a long time, so here. Thanks.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
LuaPlayerHM users.
This is for the next release of the player. It will be included in the release zip. But you can install it if you want now.
This is realy a release for the developers so that they can use the prx's in there own code. It is designed to be in the flash1
for ease of acsess to all games.
Copy the folder LPHMDinstall to under the 4.xx or 3.xx kernal folder. Run it and it will install.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kenium

My fifth homebrew is a game of hockey table which is played against a one. I have included an artificial intelligence (5 levels), which represents not a palace but a bar (Can be a palace in a future version). Possibility to play two on the same psp. All instructions are inside the homebrew (in the readme and the game itself). This homebrew participates in competitions scenebeta.com in the hope that my creation is rewarded ^ ^. So I created this opportunity, an English version and Spanish version.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from LittleVish
The Magic Number is a simple game coded in Lua (yeah...) which reads your mind and tells you which number you are thinking of.
This game is fairly boring if you play it by yourself, as you will either figure it out or get stumped as to how I am able to read your mind so easily. It is good for amazing friends and stuff though...little kids seem to be particularly impressed by this trick
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July 6th, 2008, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Xart posted this news:
This project is an open source shell for the PSP that is at the moment is getting developed.
People like to customized things and for most users, they simply don't know how to do so, this project is aimed to change all that, it will allow a beginner to customize his or her PSP for the stuff they use on it
The concept of how the shell works is modular, it is simply made up of a collection of small homebrew apps passing a message to a main app that is called the glue that carrys out the task that has been requested from it by the small homebrew app that passed the message to the glue app.
GLUE V1.0 "BUILD 0C000" is completed.
SHELL is very much in development stage, close to an Alpha release.
SHELL will be very customizable by any end user with no programming skills required.
One will be able to make fancy Menus and Sub-Menus for all his or her homebrew, ISOs "persinal backups", Emulators etc...
They will be a offical webpage for this Project that will include the source code for anyone that is into PSP Development.
Following this project will be OpenChoice Packs to show how one can customize the shell.
Credits so Far
xart : project leader and sole developer for now.
alfatreae : logo designer & naming of project.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sega details the two ways of getting the demo for Phantasy Star Portable, a demo UMD will be distributed through selected gaming stores in Japan while the rest of us can grab it from the PlayStation Store. As reported earlier, Sega is pretty generous with the demo, you can play the whole of the first chapter and five missions from the multiplayer mode. As a result, it’s 301Mb in size and the usual way of distributing demos via “Browser” or website just isn’t reliable enough. The date to remember for this is July 14th.
On the other hand, the game’s official website gets some updates following the Weekly Famitsu report. There are more characters introduced, a TV commercial and finally something Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G fans will be really familiar with, downloadable missions are being planned in future.
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July 6th, 2008, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen
What's better than a new theme to play Tetriabetes? This theme GTA 4 is signed stifpsp, a member of the team vortex. All funds and images were replaced by skins GTA.
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July 6th, 2008, 14:02 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the pad plugin for PCSX2 (a PlayStation 2 emulator for PC).
* Bug that, when mouse mode wasn't set to disabled, slowed PCSX2 window resizing and could cause crashes fixed.
* Added "1D" force feedback option. Some devices need it checked for force feedback to work, others won't work properly with it checked. Also added a 2D option, but as of yet, doesn't seem to help anybody.
* I now initialize DirectInput devices later in the process of starting the emulator. Seems to get around some occasional issues with devices not being initialized correctly.
* Added a workaround for large fonts appearing in configuration screens when Windows display settings are messed up.
* Quitting with Alt-F4 should no longer change the skip mode.
* Whammy up/down buttons added to guitar page.
* "Sensitivity" label replaced with "Vibration" when dealing with force feedback. Also a couple even more minor changes to the interface.
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July 6th, 2008, 14:10 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
At the Anime Expo 2008 earlier today, Atlus U.S.A. announced that Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 would be coming to PlayStation 2 this holiday season. Larger and deeper than previous Persona titles and set within the Japanese countryside, Persona 4 will balance many familiar game mechanics from previous Persona titles to create an intriguing adventure for players. Set in the countryside town of Inaba, Persona 4 revolves around the year long visit from a young urban man. Shortly after his arrival, a horrible murder occurs in the town that leave no clues or suspects, an incident that seems to spawn a series of crimes. Only the young man and his friends seem to have the ability to solve the mystery behind these events, restore peace to the town and discover who's behind the crimes.
With more than sixty hours of gameplay, players will need to work on balancing their high school classes, part-time jobs and extra-curricular activities with interaction with friends, fusing Personas and new weapon creation systems to prepare them for battle. Forging bonds and tighter Social Links with friends are much more vital to success in combat, as you'll directly control your teammates in Persona 4 in battle and improve party support with each successful fight.
Persona 4 is currently scheduled to be released on December 9th, 2008. The title will be a special two disc set, with customers receiving a soundtrack CD along with the game disc. Persona 4 has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
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July 6th, 2008, 14:37 Posted By: Zack
I know I said there wouldn't be another release for a bit longer than usual since I am back to work tomorrow..... but I looked into the problem with the Wolf3D CD files not working and fixed it.
So now you can use your original files from the Wolf3D CD version.
Again, make sure there is no CONFIG.WL6 file in the folder or it will cause the game to crash.
Also if you start up the game and the music is playing but your only getting a black screen with the ms light blinking... This means that your savegame is being loaded.
Note : This wont run the files from the wolf3d floppy disk version. It is only for the CD version.
I am working on the new menu system and adding a menu where you select which game you want to load on boot, to save having 4 eboots 
Topic for discussing future builds & wip news : http://dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthr...p?p=2148083543
Hope this helps people 
Source Included.
ps. Sorry for spamming your news forum with my releases Wraggster 
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July 6th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC has released a new version of his Dos (old PC Games) emulator for the PSP
Heres whats new:
I've put up a new build with an experimental change to improve performance. Unfortunately it doesn't improve performance as much as I hoped, but every little bit helps I suppose. Also, now you can change frameskip from the command line,.
EBOOT.PBP the main binary
exception.prx if this prx is present, crash dumps will be displayed
fixup.prx if the prx if present, the ME region will be added to the code cache.
dosbox.patch.gz the patch
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July 6th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted a release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Okay, here's test4. This one doesn't hang when switching display modes. You'll want to run in 8 bit mode for right now. 640x480 is nice, but if you have bad eyes, 512x384 would be easier to read. Don't try to use 768x576 right yet as it's too tall for the current refresh routines. Also includes other minor updates, but I forget what beyond the video hack.
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July 6th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Torch:
Tested on 4.01M33-2 Slim.
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you hold the UP d-pad button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Originally Posted by Changelog
Changelog v2.2
Added feature to allow operation of the PSP with display turned off.
Changelog v2.1
Fixed a bug where if the Hold switch was turned off and quickly turned on again, the PSP would not suspend after being left idle for a few minutes (the idle timeout didn't work).
Changelog v2.0
Added feature to prevent PSP from going into suspend mode if the power button is pushed too far when turning off Hold mode.
I never made any previous hold plugins, those are not by me.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v2.2 are
0x24C, 0x250 - CPU,GPU (Both should be same)
0x258 - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU/GPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU/GPU and Bus speed work.
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July 7th, 2008, 01:21 Posted By: Zack
Sorry to keep posting news all the time 
I just tested the Spears Of Destiny Expansion packs in "Wolf3D V4.5 Spear Of Destiny Full Version" and they both work perfectly.
So yeah, the port now supports every version of Wolf3S & every expansion pack made for Wolf3d 
Q) How to use the expansion packs?
A) Just replace the .sod files from the expansion pack with the ones that you have in the folder already.
Note : Make sure there is no CONFIG.WL6 file in the folder. It causes the game to crash.
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July 7th, 2008, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted a new release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test5. This one adds danzeff keyboard! YAY!! Now you can type in the Mac. No ctrl/opt/cmd yet. Press start to toggle danzeff on/off. Press right/left to move danzeff to the right/left bottom corner. Otherwise, it's regular danzeff.
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July 7th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Quoted from a post the GameFAQs PSP Message Board
It does you guys no good to have no warning, so I'll tell you.
GameFAQs is about to update its TOS. The new document will be roughly the same as GameSpot's current TOS. The largest and most noticeable change is the inclusion of homebrew under the Illegal Activities rule. That's why all the stickies have gone - even CJayC's, because it is no longer correct.
When the new TOS hits the site, all of the topics on this board (and the DS and Wii boards, as they each have a good homebrew community) that talk about homebrew will be deleted or closed. If they're deleted, you'll probably get an NKL, and contesting it will do no good.
If you want to complain about this change, here is not the place to do it (as it's considered Off-Topic). In fact, complaining about it at all isn't going to help, as this ruling is never going to be rescinded.
If you need information concerning homebrew, there are plenty of other sites out there that can help you. Because linking to those sites will be a violation of the new TOS, I can't link to them for you, but Google is always your friend
It seems again homebrew and piracy have been painted with the same brush by a "Big" site.
Moved to Network News as this implicates all Homebrew Communities, isnt it time the Mainstream didnt put us Homebrewers with the pirates ???
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July 7th, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
Protect America and freedom from enemy forces in urban and rural warfare in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault, exclusively for the PlayStation 2. SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault builds on the strengths of the multimillion-selling franchise to firmly establish both its single-player and multiplayer as equally outstanding game experiences. Created in association with U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command, SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault is as close as a player can get to being a Navy SEAL on PS2.
The patch for SOCOM 3 will bring it to version 2.30. The patch for SOCOM: Combined Assault will bring it to version 1.40. It’s easy to grab, just jump into the game and choose to play multiplayer using Online mode. The patch will automatically start to download once you’re connected to the server.
Take a look at the list below to get some more details.
* Augmented the Cheat Detection system.
* Resolved an issue where the controlled hostage was not appearing correctly on the radar.
* Resolved an issue with hot swapping weapons and rate of fire.
* Resolved an issue with controller schemes that didn't have a quickswap button.
* Resolved an issue which prevented users from seeing a blocked shot icon while swimming.
* Resolved an issue where the client's name was displayed as the game name instead of the name that the host gave it.
* Resolved an issue in which dead bodies were showing on the radar inappropriately.
* Resolved an issue which allowed more than one player on the same team to receive a point for capturing the same Control Point.
* Resolved an issue in which the satchel disappears if the session master drops out while it's being planted.
* Resolved an issue which prevented the M2 mines from being destroyed.
* Resolved an issue which created instability for player when controlling hostages and getting killed.
* Resolved an issue which showed the player the incorrect round time on subsequent rounds after the first round had been completed.
* Resolved an issue which resulted in the graphic under the flashbang showing a GL36 frag instead of a hand frag graphic.
* Resolved an issue where the incorrect reticle graphic was appearing for the M203.
* Resolved an issue which showed the incorrect text for unranked games on the Briefing screen.
* Resolved an issue in which the Control Points gametype was misspelled.
* Resolved an issue which allowed players to add Map Pack maps to a playlist with more than 16 players.
* Resolved an issue which allowed the player character to walk in the air.
* Resolved an issue which allowed the player character to switch weapons while sliding down a ladder.
* Resolved an issue which caused the round timer to freeze for the player after the satchel bomb was defused.
* Resolved an issue which allowed the player to access the offline profile select screen while still logged online.
* Resolved an issue where the player would see the DEFUSE BOMB icon at unintended times.
* Resolved an issue where the Night Vision goggles weren't consistently working on Medley playlists.
* Resolved an issue which prevented players from joining Map Pack maps that had spaces in their passwords.
Players can experience the campaign mode in single player or in 4-player online cooperative mode. Additionally, players will have the option to select an individual tactical mission area that was previously completed, and play it as a stand-alone, or 'Instant Action', mission in 4-player online cooperative play. Players can then customize these Instant Action missions for nearly endless replay.
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault will also contain the full SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs multiplayer online game with all maps, patches and updates included and it will be completely compatible with SOCOM 3 Online multiplayer. In addition it will feature new competitive 32-player maps, exclusive to SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault. Improved Crosstalk functionality between SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault allows each game to have even more dramatic effects on the progression of the other, in addition to unlocking special features across the titles.
* 4-Player Online Co-op with full community support, including all SOCOM 3 communication features, ladders and ranking.
* Mission design, layout and enemy behavior will allow players to decide how they want to approach a given enemy engagement, whether through stealth or raw offense.
* Enemy behavior has been enhanced to make them more tactical, intelligent and deadly. Vehicle driving behavior has also been dramatically improved for more realistic movement and decision-making.
* New weapons, including a selection of non-lethal weapons such as tear gas, pepper spray projectiles and concussion ordinance, and defensive equipment such as flak vests.
* 3 vehicle classes including the light, agile but vulnerable Recon class, the fast Support class that focuses on troop transport and the heavily armed and armored but slow Armor class.
* SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 both take place in the same single area of operation with an in-depth, unified story arc.
* Crosstalk functionality between SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 will be enhanced through cinematics, voice-over, in-game cut scenes and action events that combine the efforts of both SEAL teams, in addition to numerous unlockables.
* Association with the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command ensures authentic and realistic SEAL gameplay and mission designs.
* PlayStation 2 system's top online gaming franchise continues its groundbreaking gameplay with an intensely designed online community. SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault offers 32-player competitive and 4-player cooperative gameplay, and will have an expansive list of community features - including friends list, chat functionality, a detailed ranking structure, expanded stat tracking and more.
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July 7th, 2008, 19:23 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Atlus U.S.A., Inc., the only publisher with maxed-out social links, today announced Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 for PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, a gripping new chapter in the Persona universe and sequel to the highest-rated RPG of 2008*. Larger, deeper, and loaded with thrills, Persona 4 delivers an all-new story set in the Japanese countryside. A mysterious chain of deaths remains unanswered and only you and your team of gifted supernatural sleuths can uncover the truth. Will you thwart this hidden evil before it is too late?
Soundtrack CD included - Every single copy of Persona 4 is a special two-disc set. In addition to the game disc, customers will receive a soundtrack CD featuring selected music from Persona 4.
Persona 4 is currently scheduled for release on December 9, 2008 for an MSRP of $39.99.
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July 7th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
D3Publisher's PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title Dark Sector will be hitting the Australian market following a series of cuts that have allowed the game to receive a MA 15+ rating.
The title had been refused a rating by Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification, which effectively meant the title was banned.
In Australia the R 18+ and above ratings apply only to film and not to videogames, this has led to a number of titles unable see a release in the region unless cuts are made to adult themed content
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July 7th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The huge in-game XMB PS3 update that was pulled from PSN last week following technical issues will be re-released for download by Wednesday, CVG has been told.
According to customer support, firmware version 2.41, which should be clear of all errors, will out "midweek", although Sony is yet to make an official announcement to confirm that.
In case you missed it, Sony last week was forced to pull the hotly anticipated update after widespread reports of it breaking PS3 consoles.
The firmware is available to download from various website on the internet, but to be on the safe side you'd be best to wait for the update from Sony.
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July 7th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first Tales of Hearts (DS) and Tales of World (PSP) have landed online, and both look rather good for portable titles.
Tales of Hearts is the latest in the Namco Tales role-playing Tales series. As you can see in screenshots posted on Neogaf (look to the right for an example), the game mixes up 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds. For a DS title, we think it works well.
The PSP title, Tales of Hearts: Radiant Mythology is the second in a spin-off series that features a number of characters from different Tales games.
In addition, the websites for both Hearts and World are now open, so be sure to take a look if you're a Tales fan.
One Screen
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July 8th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has a new guru in charge of all in-house games development. Luxuriating in the job title of President, Worldwide Studios, his name is Shuhei Yoshida, and we were there, at Sony’s London Studio, when he first faced the press in the UK. We decide to quiz him about where he sees Sony’s in-house development for the PlayStation 3 going, his background and where the UK stands in Sony’s general development scheme of things. A personable, impeccably polite chap with a fine grasp of English, he has been a PlayStation man since the earliest possible days. So read on…
Shuhei Yoshida’s roots
Q: Tell us about your background: you’ve been based in the US, haven’t you?
Shuhei Yoshida: Yes, for the past eight years, and I’m still based there now. But I joined the PlayStation project in February 1993. At that time, Ken Kutaragi’s team was purely an engineering team, and I was there as a non-technical person, to help them develop business plans and software strategies for the team. My first job with them was to help them convince Sony to make the investment and start the business. So, that was successful and the company was established in the November of that year. At that time, I was assigned to be the manager of the third-party relations group, working with Namco, Konami and Capcom.
I moved to game development in 1996, and managed our internal studio in Japan for four years. When I moved to product development, there was only one team making games for SCEI – Kazunori Yamauchi’s team. They were finishing their second game, Motor Toon Grand Prix 2, and working on a prototype of Gran Turismo. I helped them finish the game, the game was very successful and they became an independent studio. I helped people to form new teams, which made games like Ape Escape and Ico. I moved to become the head of the US development group in 2000 and held that position until last month.
Q: Now you’re stepping into a large pair of shoes vacated by Phil Harrison. What are your first impressions of the job, and what directions are you looking to take?
SY: I’ve known Phil since 1994, when he became the official evangelist for the PlayStation project. I’ve always been impressed with how good he is at articulating very technical things to non-technical people. Then he moved to product development in Europe, and we were peers – I was running the group in the US and he was running the group in Europe, and we met regularly. So when he became President, Worldwide Studios in 2005 and became my boss, he asked me not to just run the US group, but to participate as a part of Worldwide Studios management — to form and lead the strategy for the entire group. Phil’s departure was unexpected, and we miss him, but as far as where we are going, we have so many things we are already working on, so I just continue that drive.
Shuhei Yoshida on collaboration between Sony’s many internal development teams
Q: When I visited the London Studio recently, everyone was keen to stress that there is a new spirit of collaboration between Sony’s in-house development teams.
SY: That was one of the key initiatives that Phil and I worked on. Before, we were part of each regional organization of Sony Computer Entertainment, so we were a little bit at arms’ length, and didn’t necessarily share information from an early stage. But after Worldwide Studios was formed, we have been sharing our technology and developing a common infrastructure. After two and a half years, the distance between the London Studio and Foster City in the US might as well be as close as the distance between London and Liverpool. I may be exaggerating, but we feel as if that is already happening.
Q: You have shelved the development of Eight Days and The Getaway: what was the thinking behind that?
SY: People were doing the right things on the projects, and there were things in the games that were working really well, but the projects were coming to the end of the pre-production stage, and that is the time when we evaluate every product. Because after that, we would assign more resources to them, and they would really become major investments. This is a regular appraisal process for every project. We do evaluate and cancel projects all the time, because we do start more projects than we finish, and if we finished the same number of projects that we started, that would mean we were not taking any risks at all, and that wouldn’t move our industry on any further.
There are many new ideas that sound very interesting, but we don’t know whether they would really work, or how much it would take to accomplish our vision – that’s why we use the early pre-production stage to try new ideas and measure how much it would take to develop the product. With all that understanding, and with all the other projects that are going on – perhaps other projects are at the same stage and demanding lots of resources from many fronts, because we support many platforms in PS3, PSP, PS2 and PSN – there are more things we want to do than we can, given the number of people and resources. So, it was not like Eight Days was in jeopardy: it was making progress. But it was more about business situations and priorities.
Shuhei Yoshida on exclusive PS3 games
Q: I’m wondering about Sony’s policy regarding exclusive PS3 games – it leans more towards internal development rather than paying third parties for exclusives. Are you re-evaluating that policy?
SY: My role is to run first-party development, and we are always exclusive. Because, in this generation, it costs much more to develop one product, it’s just natural for third-party publishers trying to recoup the investment from multiple platforms. I think that’s pure economic pressure, pushing most of the third parties to move from some exclusive titles to more multi-platform titles. Because we know that is the trend, we, as a company, can invest in our first-party studios; in terms of exclusive titles, our role becomes more important.
As far as I can see, with major publishers like Activision and EA, their major titles will be day-and-date with the Xbox 360 and their quality will be really good. And some of the titles, I expect, will have something extra because of the PS3’s abilities and the space on the Blu-ray format.
Shuhei Yoshida on the top PS3 titles
Q: What, for you, are the key PS3 titles in development at the moment?
SY: The title I’m most excited about is LittleBigPlanet, because it has so many things to offer to consumers. And that, I hope, will become a major step forward for the whole industry, regarding how we will empower consumers and get them creating.
Q: How important is Home? Will it be ready for this Christmas?
SY: We certainly hope so – every indication is positive. With the timing of the launch, we’ve always set target dates, such as the end of last year or spring of this year, but our problem is always implementing features, testing with beta users, getting feedback and making modifications. When we become confident that it is good enough to make it available to all users, that would be the right time. We have been making good progress, but recently, we have been thinking that this fall is the timing we will work towards.
Shuhei Yoshida on the future direction of Worldwide Studios
SY: I am moving my base from the US to Japan later this year, because one of the roles that I feel myself and Worldwide Studios will play for the future of PlayStation is not only to create games, but to participate in the overall direction-setting of our company and our future platforms. Since Kaz Hirai took over Ken Kutaragi’s position, he has been pushing and inviting us and regional headquarters people to the core strategic discussions. Our tech people in Worldwide Studios are in constant meetings with tech people in Tokyo on the hardware side. So I feel I have to be in Tokyo – to participate in the top management group of SCEI and really achieve the vision that Kaz has in terms of how this company should work going forward.
Shuhei Yoshida on what PS3 games will be like in the future.
Q: Do you feel that there is a lot more to come from games on the PS3, in terms of truly exploiting all its power?
SY: Yes. This is a time when we feel more comfortable with the technology, so we can focus more on the actual game development. I think that’s the same for the major developers and third parties. So, many games have focused on the graphics side, and it’s often the case when a new platform comes out that the gameplay kind of goes back. But now, in the second and third years of the platform, we will start to see something really unique and interesting.
Q: Sony has said that the PS3 can have a longer life-cycle than previous consoles because of its power. Is that something you agree with?
SY: Yes, I do agree. But we can’t say it will have a longer life than other platforms, because we don’t know what their intentions are. PlayStation 2 is still doing very well in its eighth or ninth year. And what we are saying is that, because of what is included in the PS3, our intent is to make it a really relevant system for another ten years. And if it’s longer than other companies’ strategy, that’s up to them to decide.
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July 8th, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: aiondev
New version of PspKanji is out.
-Runs on CFW M33 and thus PspLite.
-Display Kanji strokes order.
-More powerfull kanjilist creation with xml files.
-Added support for french and italian for the interface (not kanji's definition).
-Not limited anymore to 14 kanji lists.
-Added more kanjilists, you can still create your own with more than 3000 kanjis available.
You may get it here : http://pspkanji.sf.net

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July 8th, 2008, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted a new release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test6. This one has the minor cleanup of the audio... should sound better for apps that do distinct clips instead of streaming. Major change - I got tired of looking for what was wrong with 4 bit video, so I did a hack - I convert the four bit video into 8 bit and then use the 8 bit code. Works fine. One thing this tells me - the Mac is drawing the four bit correctly, so the problem is with the GU_PSM_T4 handling. I can't spot the problem... I'll leave it for another time. This at least makes it where you can read the damn display so initial installs and four bit games should be usable now.
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July 8th, 2008, 02:28 Posted By: Zack
Hey guys.
Today was my last day off work, so I put in extra effort and finished the game loader & "fixed" the sound.
The sound is slightly faster, but 100% clear in the sound fix version. The only problem with it are the guards voices, they sound like they have inhaled helium. Aside from that, it sounds great.
The sound fix is only a test, for the sound to be perfect for everything I need to re-write the sound core, which will take time.
The game loader is 100% complete. I think it is great, however if you guys want it changing just ask 
It starts up, and you pick your game, simple as that No more having 6 eboots clogging up your xmb game menu 
The file structure has completely changed. From now on you have to put the game in this directory for it to work :
The wolf3d layout has also changed :
There are 6 folders. Each correctly named. You place the game files in as normal into these folders.
Important :
1) I found out why Spears Of Destiny Episode 3 was so unstable. For some reason you have to have savefiles in there to make it stable. I have included 2 save files in that folder . Don't delete them or you will have issues. This game also has to have a CONFIG.SOD file in there. It is the ONLY one that requires it.
2) Spears Of Destiny Episode 3 is the ONLY game that needs the CONFIG file. Make sure you DO NOT have a CONFIG file in the folder of any of the other games or it WILL NOT WORK. This keeps coming up and up, so please heed it this time.
Note For people who want to use the 1992 Wolf3D Full Version CD Files. Please only download the "Wolf3D V4.7 - Normal Sound + For 1992 CD Version" or the "Wolf3D V4.7 - Sound Fix+ For 1992 CD Version" releases.
To try out the version with the sound fix, download the appropriate :"Sound Fix" version below. If you would like the new version with the same sound as the previous release download the appropriate "normal sound" release below.
Next release probably wont be for 1-2 weeks 
Thanks and enjoy it 
Screens :
Game Loader Menu Screenshot :

Screenshot from Spears Of Destiny Episode 3 :

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July 8th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test 7. Major features!!! TV SUPPORT!!! YAY!!!! Even for interlaced/composite TVs. Add to that the improvement in the scaling and the graphics got a major boost here. I'm not done with the refresh yet - I still need to accelerate the four bit conversion if I can, and do the swapping on the 15 and 24 bit modes. At that point, the graphics will be complete.
Major feature! The OSK is better - I fixed ENTER and added qualifiers like I mentioned previously.
We're getting closer to the finish line here. Need to work on detecting headers on various files, and work on the extfs and networking.
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July 8th, 2008, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China although im sure its the same as the model released last year, judge for yourself ?

Talismoon hands free car mount for PSP (cradle holder) is made out of the toughest material to ensure quality holding and a long lasting product.
Very simple to install, it keeps your PSP at reach while driving or just sitting in the car. With all the applications available and soon coming on PSP, it is a great accessory for the PSP hard core user!
And as always with Talismoon, it comes with a low price tag for such quality product!
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July 8th, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Notaz has today posted a new version of Picodrive for the GP2X but also let it slip that a new PSP Version is on its way too, now we may not get all the features the GP2X Version gets but heres a looky at the new features for the release:
Yep, yet another release of my Genesis/MegaDrive/SegaCD emu.
So what's new this time?
I've added some support for Sega Pico, which was not-so-famous Sega toy, based on MegaDrive hardware. I think PicoDrive is the first emu (remember SVP) to have some kind of support for that system. I've done this just because of the emu name (hey fDave, why have you named it like this?).
I've managed to improve performance again, after some more talks with Lordus (jEnesis/jEnesisDS author) and Exophase. Many games, which needed some push to run fullspeed (full 50/60fps) with accuracy settings enabled (like Comix Zone), should do that fine @ 200MHz now. SegaCD games should perform a bit better too.
I've also removed "accurate*" settings, as disabling them no longer gave any significant improvement with the new code. Now all games should just work, without any messing with options, and "bug" reports, which were configuration issues really, should go away, I hope. Unfortunately this is not yet true for SegaCD, but I hope to improve that in the future.
Another new thing is the bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, which converts cue/bin rips to cue/iso/mp3, made from Exophase's bin_to_iso_ogg. This is the tool I recommend using to get best rips for this emu.
Complete changelog:
Added some basic support for Sega Pico, a MegaDrive-based toy.
Added proper support for cue/bin images, including cdda playback. .cue sheets with iso/cso/mp3/wav files listed in them are now supported too (but 44kHz restriction still applies).
Added bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, based on Exophase's bin_to_iso_ogg. The tool can convert .cue/.bin Sega CD images to .cso/.mp3.
Greatly improved Sega CD load times.
Changed how scheduling between 68k and z80 is handled. Improves performance for some games. Credits to Lordus for the idea.
YM2612 state was not 100% saved, this should be better now.
Improved renderer performance for shadow/hilight mode.
Added a hack for YM2612 frequency overflow issue (bleep noises in Shaq Fu, Spider-Man - The Animated Series (intro music), etc.). Credits to Nemesis @ spritesmind forum. Works only sound rate is set to 44kHz.
Implemented some sprite rendering improvements, as suggested by Exophase. Games with lots of sprites now perform better.
Added better idle loop detection, based on Lordus' idea again.
"accurate timing" option removed, as disabling it no longer improves performance.
"accurate sprites" was removed too, the new sprite code can properly handle sprite priorities in all cases.
Timers adjusted again.
Improved .smd detection code.
ARM: fixed a bug in DrZ80 core, which could cause problems in some rare cases.
ARM: fixed a problem of occasional clicks on MP3 music start.
Minor general optimizations and menu improvements.
Fixed a bug in Sega CD savestate loader, where the game would sometimes crash after load.
Fixed a crash of games using eeprom (introduced in 1.40b).
download here
PS: PSP fanboys (I see quite a few of them at these boards lately) will get their release in a few days too.
PS2: somebody was reporting that Silpheed was crashing for them, can you retest? I couldn't myself as it's very difficult to reproduce.
Nice to hear another toy is coming for Picodrive fans 
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July 8th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
Sony has released firmware version 2.41 for the Playstation 3. It is a patch of 2.40 that deals with the problems the previous update had that affected a small number of consoles - causing them not to function correctly. Get it via System Update on the console or download it via pc from Sony's official website.
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July 8th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has revealed more about why The Getaway PS3 and Eight Days were cancelled - stating that both titles were only in the pre-production phase.
"People were doing the right things on the projects, and there were things in the games that were working really well," he told Threespeech.
"But the projects were coming to the end of the pre-production stage, and that is the time when we evaluate every product. Because after that, we would assign more resources to them, and they would really become major investments.
"This is a regular appraisal process for every project," Yoshida continued. "We do evaluate and cancel projects all the time, because we do start more projects than we finish, and if we finished the same number of projects that we started, that would mean we were not taking any risks at all, and that wouldn’t move our industry on any further."
The Getaway and Eight Days were first shown at E3 in May 2005, but only in tech demo form. Hardly any more was said about the games until last month, when Sony cancelled development on both titles, citing a need to reallocate resources.
At least network service Home is still on track. When asked by Threespeech whether it'll be here in time for Christmas Yoshida replied, "We certainly hope so - every indication is positive."
So what's with the delay? "With the timing of the launch, we’ve always set target dates, such as the end of last year or spring of this year, but our problem is always implementing features, testing with beta users, getting feedback and making modifications," said Yoshida.
"When we become confident that it is good enough to make it available to all users, that would be the right time. We have been making good progress, but recently, we have been thinking that this fall is the timing we will work towards."
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July 8th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has updated Metal Gear Online with two free new gameplay modes: Team Sneaking and Headshot Only.
Team Sneaking lets all the members of one team play as a Snake-style secret agent, invisible unless spotted. Their objective is to infiltrate and attack their goal, but if the defending team spots them they will have to hide until a timer runs down.
Just like the single-player, then, except online. Some, like our own Dan Whitehead, would argue that there should have been more of that in MGO to start with. As he pointed out in his 7/10 review, MGO's Sneaking Mission - where one player plays as Snake - was the only real nod to the game's traditions.
The other mode, Headshot Only, should be self-explanatory. We hope anyway, or we've seriously misjudged our audience.
You can keep up with MGO's ongoing updates via Konami's official website, and we'll continue to note them here. After much faffing around downloading the PS3 2.41 firmware earlier we can also confirm that the above modes are available to European gamers, too.
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July 8th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
PeterM a resident coder here at DCEmu has posted some great new for PS3 Homebrewers:
Oh well, that’s graduation all done and I’m now back at work full time. Surprisingly though, because I’m not both studying and working, I’ve got a little more free time in the evenings!
After working so much with Quake, I felt quite fed up of looking at its code. I needed to work on something else.
So I’ve been beavering away on a PS3 Linux version of Cave Story and I’m happy to say it’s nearly done. This is a fresh port based on Pixel’s source code, instead of the earlier SDL/GP2X/x86 Linux port by Simon Parzer and I. There were a few things which I wanted to do a little differently in the code to make it more portable to systems which didn’t have SDL, such as the iPhone or WiiWare.
Those ports sadly fell through, but because Pixel gave Simon and I permission to port to Linux, I thought it would be a nice idea to port to this particular flavour of Linux that a few folks may have in their living rooms.
But anyway, I still need to do a few things before I can release it:
Get my wireless controller working in Linux.
Make a configuration file which maps the controls suitably.
Some memory usage optimisation.
Write up some documentation.
Work out how to make an .RPM.
Cave Story looks great on the big screen, so I’m quite excited that it’s nearly finished. I just hope I’ve found all the byte order bugs!
Sounds awesome although i wish there was a real homebrew for PS3 rather than PS3 Linux
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July 8th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MadMax11

Hello to all again. Here is the next build of Maelstrom:
The main updates with this build is the ability to jump to a new system using a jump portal and a jump map, 7 new ships, and 1 new upgrade. I'm still requesting feedback and bug reports, which is more detailed in the readme.
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July 8th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Thecobra has updated Change-D to v0.3
Heres the details
This is just a simple prx that i made to put the psp more organize. it organize the game folder into 2 folders ( games & apps). you can switch between this two folder by the click of a button.
First create Two folders in the ms0:/psp/ folder and called them games and apps. transfer all your Games to the games folder
and all your applications to the apps folder. then delete the normal game folder( this is important or else the prx wont work) then
Just copy CHANGE-D.prx to your SEPLUGINS folder and add the line:
vsh.txt, enable it in your recovery menu and you are able to use it.
L Trigger button to switch between games and apps. Everytime you do this you must select the memorycard in one
of the other section in vsh and the go back to the memory card in the game section( this is because you need to
let the vsh reread the memorycard game section)
i just update it to version 3 and added video,music,iso and common ( keep on giving comment so i can fix anything or improve it  )
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July 8th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Homebrew Idol fans will recognize this one… Sangheili’s PSP Pileup. Visually improved over its last release, PSP Pileup 0.4 features more or less the same game play; however, like I said, Sangheili has revamped the look ‘n feel using oslib with other added effects.
PSP Pileup 0.4 Alpha changes:
made the music stream.
ported the entire thing to oslib, for image rotation etc.
cleaned up the interface and added som menu specialFX.
made the code less “dangerous” not using labels anymore.
added a shooter, not really a shooter but a “dodger” since the bullet system is not quite ready.
added fade in/out screens, they make it look really cool.
added an “end” though you can keep on playing afterwards.
added fonts, sorry for “stealing” from NIGathan’s Shootuh
added a new way to play, “new age” based on the “shooter”
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July 8th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Mctuna has released a new WIP version of the CPS1, CPS2 and Neogeo emulator for the PSP, tested to work on 401M33-2.The Emulator at this time has no sound & no analog.
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July 8th, 2008, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Poison
Matchung send me the SRC of RSPsardumper4.00byanonymousdevfrompspgen just now, so I make a quick modify on it to make it work on 4.01. here is the binary and src.
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July 8th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPgen
Chardetm, member forums Devsgen, has released its first ever homebrew coded lua and appointed strong ducks. The homebrew is to pick up ducks in a pond without touching the sides, otherwise you lose a duck. Then, when you have all the ducks, go on the box "end" to see your score. The homebrew has 5 levels of difficulty.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Blu-ray recorders have been on the scene for a while now, but now that the format war's over, it looks like more companies are starting to commit to BD-R devices -- like Pioneer, which announced today that it'll have a Blu-ray recorder out in Japan by the end of the year. The company didn't say what model it would be or what price point it was aiming for, but the tech is being jointly developed with Sharp, so hopefully it's have a family resemblance to units like the 1TB AQUOS BD-HDW20 in everything but the $2,611 pricetag.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
A Wal-Mart spreadsheet allegedly listing products that the company is having difficulty stocking states that the 40GB PS3 "will be replaced with [a] new model in early August." We received this sheet from an employee that's sent us solid information in the past though s/he can't confirm the origin of the note that the model will be replaced.
For those keeping track, if true, this would be the third version of the PS3 to cease production. Let's take a trip down memory lane: The 60GB PS3 was last seen in late 2007 roaming the plains of retail (some still speak of finding them in random places today) and the 20GB was officially declared dead in early 2007 after it went missing from retail for months. Perhaps next week's E3 will shed some light on the fate of the 40GB unit.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
The good news is, well, you've seen the good news. The bad news is, if you can't see the good news ... there is no good news. Speaking through semi-official community site Three Speech, SCEE has released a statement reiterating that PlayStation 3 update 2.41 (the good news) has been released, fixing the bricking issue associated with update 2.40. The statement attributes affected 2.40 users' inability to load the console's XMB to "certain system administrative data ... contained on the HDD." Spooky.
Unfortunately, if you're the proud parent of one of a "limited number" of bricked PS3s, you're stuck with your brick, a fix, and no way to wed the two. SCEE recommends contacting Customer Service (presumably for a new or repaired unit) -- or you can wipe your PS3 hard drive on your own (losing all data in the process) and try reinstalling. This is, if you haven't guessed already, the bad news.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Dual-layer Blu-ray discs are so 2006. The new hotness is Pioneer's just-developed, 16-layer Blu-ray disc (pictured above) with a whopping 400GB of writable storage space. For reference, that disc could hold roughly eight copies of Metal Gear Solid 4, 187 copies of Final Fantasy VII, or 1.25 million copies of the original Super Mario Bros.
The new discs require a special "wide-range spherical aberration compensator and light-receiving element" to detect the weaker laser signal, so don't plan on sticking one of these data-bloated monstrosities into your existing PS3. That said, the next generation of game consoles could support this new disc system, which is fully backward-compatible with existing Blu-ray discs. Of course, by the next generation, game systems might not be using optical discs at all, so who knows what the future will hold.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Represent the country of your choice and compete in such sports as track and field, aquatics, gymnastics and more
In Olympic Games mode, players organize their daily schedule and customize their national teams with agility, power, stamina, and speed for competition in 38 events
Face challengers from other nations, compete in exhibition events, and track your progress on the leaderboards
In Beijing 2008™ - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games, embrace the competitive spirit of the world’s most prestigious sporting event and represent your country as you compete for the highest honor - the Gold. Delivering a far more entertaining and immersive Olympic experience with superior graphics, Beijing 2008™ captures the fine emotional detail of each event where a fraction of a second means the difference between winning and losing as well as brand new gameplay mechanics challenging your time, speed, and coordination. Competing alone or with up to seven friends online, you will strive to break records as you lead the US team to victory in 38 authentic Olympic events. This summer, everyone will want to show their patriotism and bring home Gold.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Note: This reprint does NOT include the bonus items that came with the original collector's box set release.
"Devour" your enemies and absorb their devastating powers and special abilities!
Strategic battle system! Switch between your human and demon to take advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses.
Customize and develop your characters using the unique “Mantra Flow” system.
All new “Break” system allows you to protect you from an enemies attack and even reflect it back at them.
Discover special link attacks to unleash the power of your party!
Experience an epic sci-fi fantasy story with over 50 Hours of gameplay!
Junkyard, a town of endless rain...
With his four companions, Serf, the main character and a member of a tribe called Embryon, sets out for Nirvana, a land that can only be reached by the champions of Junkyard. They devote themselves to fighting against the never-ending resistance mustered by other tribes.
In the midst of chaos, a mysterious object, the Pod, suddenly appears. Countless spheres of light are emitted by the Pod and infect Serf and his comrades, awakening their demonic powers. An unimaginable battle unfolds within their faint conscience. They develop a desire to tear the flesh and shatter the bones of their enemies, who have also been transformed. Their instincts tell them to devour every being in their path. Until then, Serf and his comrades only knew of battle, but for the first time, they experience new emotions.
At that time, a dark-haired girl, Sera, comes to their rescue. Although she does not know where she came from, she holds a strange power - the power to control the party's demonic transformation. They receive orders from the Church of Karma to head for Nirvana, and they are accompanied by the dark-haired girl. " They who reach Nirvana first shall be recognized as the champions of Junkyard." The struggle intensifies, and they discover that the girl holds a key to the mystery. But, true fear still awaits Serf's party...
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July 9th, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Charges two joypads at once
Rapid charge
Powered from any USB port (USB cable supplied)
Styled to match PS3®
Leaving your console switched on while you charge your hand controllers isn’t always convenient. Luckily, now you don’t have to. Simply connect the Datel Controller Charger to a spare USB port on your computer, or even a USB mains adapter, and you can plug in up to two joypads at a time to recharge. Charging time is surprisingly quick, and it doesn’t take any longer to charge two joypads than it does with only one attached.
Controller Charger is supplied with a USB cable, to connect it to your computer or USB mains adapter.
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July 9th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Offers Skype VoIP functions.
Ideal for chat-enabled internet games.
Handy multimedia controls.
Stereo earbuds.
Perfectly-positioned mic.
With Datel’s PSP 2000 Communicator Headset, you can take advantage of your new slimline PSP’s Skype capabilities. With your PSP connected to the internet, you can make ultra-cheap phone calls to friends all over the world using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), the very latest in telephony.
But it’s not just for Skype. With PSP 2000 Communicator Headset, you can talk, strategise and control. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an stereo earbuds for crystal-clear sound, you can bark out your orders or taunt your opponents in any PSP game which boasts internet chat. Plan your strategies, warn your comrades in arms of impending danger and make sure everyone is doing the job they're meant to be doing. With Communicator Headset, you can hear every word your buddies utter, and your own instructions are never lost in the heat of battle.
PSP 2000 Communicator Headset is ideal for multimedia applications too. Want to listen to your movies or music while on a train, bus or car journey, but without disturbing those around you? No problem. Not only will PSP 2000 Communicator Headset keep the peace, it also boasts a handy multimedia control pad which clips to your clothing. You can pause and resume the entertainment, increase or lower the volume and skip to the next track without touching the console. Just the thing if you want to listen to your music with your PSP in your pocket or bag…
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July 9th, 2008, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Maxthebest
Hi everyone
Few weeks ago, I released on french forums the french version of this software (mainly to see weather it also worked on other people or not), and, after a while, I conclued that it did work for other psp users (proving I was not mad, and it was not dangerous, as some pretended...)
So, this thing is a PSP version (not a port, just a psp version) of Mitch Altman's brainmachine (for info, Mitch altman's also the creator of TV-B Gone... which you might know).
What it makes is synchronise your brain to a state (here, meditation).
when listening to it, make sure you are confortable.
So, after listening to this, you might feel better, your headache mught have disapeared, or whatever.
For some reason, it can happen that it does not work for you orn, worst, that you don't like hearing this, then, I'm just sorry, stop using it... (it's made to make you feel better, not worst )
Please, note that it is NOT dangerous at all (just sounds making you feel better!).
A readme is inclued.
Remember to plug in your earphones before trying,
And I'm really waiting for your feedbacks, tell me how you feel after those 14 minutes of meditation!!!
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July 9th, 2008, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
The hunted becomes the hunter in Code Red’s LUA-scripted adventure, “Deer Avenger Mini.” You’re put in the boots of Bambo and tasked with the duty of hunting those who killed members of family Cervidae. This is what Bambo does, who Bambo is… Live for nothing, or die for something.
Recognize — “Deer Avenger” is a Simon & Schuster game available on both Windows and Mac platforms.
Deer Avenger Mini v2.00 changes:
Added a story for Bambo
Added more stats to trophy room
Added option to choose season (summer or winter)
Worked on a few bugs in the script (some remain; like sound issues)
Changed some images and added others
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July 9th, 2008, 16:17 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Capcom has announced that 1942: Joint Strike will be releasing soon. The classically inspired vertical arcade shooter1942: Joint Strike arrives on PSN 7/24 and on XBLA on 7/23.
1942: Joint Strike takes inspiration and influence from the ‘80s 194X series of World War II-themed vertical arcade shooters. The art, sound and gameplay of the new game take cues from the original 194X games, much like Wolf of the battlefeild: Commando 3 (check out our review). Gameplay will resemble the classic 2D style that gamers expect, but the game utilizes a fully 3D engine. Set in a World War II-themed locale, stages, vehicles and weapons have the look and feel of WWII with some stylistic differences.
The new 1942: Joint Strike features 2-player online cooperative play. Graphics and music have been similarly updated by Backbone Entertainment, the developers of this latest entry into the 194X series. There’s also a brand new score for the game created by Norihiko Hibino, an international composer well-known for his work creating music for the Metal Gear series.
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July 9th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Well looky what we got here, boys! Looks like test 8. This version should take care of headers on nearly everything. Also now includes proper refresh of thousands and millions mode. Millions is a wee bit slow, but that's a lot of data for an emu like this to be pushing around. Stick to 256 color mode most of the time. Thousands isn't bad, but because of the two-pass blit I do to convert from Mac to PSP format, the green will be slightly off if you're using gamma correction. Turn gamma correction off for perfect color.
Download and give feedback and Compatability Reports via comments.
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July 9th, 2008, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
PSP appears to take center stage in this week issue of Weekly Famitsu. Apart from confirming Patapon 2 (winter 2008) and Loco Roco 2 (no release date), early leaks from the mag also reveals a couple of new games from Arc System Works and Sega. Lair Land Story appears to be another PSP project from Arc after the Guilty Gear XX Accent Core port. On the other hand, Phantasy Star Portable is not the only PSP game Sega is working on as the publisher unveils Garnet Chronicle. Confirmation, details and photos/scans will hopefully come later.
Princess Maker 5 Portable and Soldier Collection (PC Engine Best Collection) were given some space as well, both were revealed at various retailer sites earlier. Last but not least is Namco’s Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2, which is covered here already. In the Cross Panel Review, Gundam Battle Universe gets a nice 8,8,8,9 (33/40).
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July 9th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you hold the UP d-pad button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.3
Bugfix: When the PSP was operated in display off mode (after holding UP and turning off Hold), if left idle for the duration of the LCD idle timeout, then after that pressing any key would enable the display. It was supposed to enable the display only on pressing the Screen key.
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July 9th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen
F1DUMPER 0.1 is a homebrew coded LUA to dump the contents of your flash1 on your memory stick and connect to USB. This is quite useful if you want to recover WiFi settings such as after a reformatting or reset flash1.
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July 9th, 2008, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
via gxmod
Mia reveals through its official website a game that has the appearance of Tetris, without having, however, the gameplay. Indeed, it is a game that uses a physics engine 2D appointed chipmunk, and in which the goal is absolutely no link lines, but simply try to interact as many coins as possible before reaching the fatal top of the screen. A "concept" very nice.
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July 9th, 2008, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Hmm now heres an odd one, i found yesterday a release of a Final Burn Port to PSP by Mctuna and yes its very real and on GXmod they have posted another Final Burn Port called FBA4PSP by Oopsware, confused yes i am too. It does seem both are seperate ports so ill continue to post about both 
Heres the release info:
a port of FB Alpha now work on PSP in full speed. for the M68K some slow, i replaced it with NJEmu's C68K, and fix zet.cpp let it use MAME Z80 . the sourcecode and EBOOT.PBP can be download from oopsware.ys168.com
PSP1000 has 20MB memory (PSP2000 has 50MB) and haven't mmap to cache swap file , so it can't play large ROM currently
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July 9th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
A Wal-Mart spreadsheet allegedly listing products that the company is having difficulty stocking states that the 40GB PS3 "will be replaced with [a] new model in early August." We received this sheet from an employee that's sent us solid information in the past though s/he can't confirm the origin of the note that the model will be replaced. Of course, in the eternal battle over semantics, "replaced" could simply mean some minor tweaks to the model and the addition of the DualShock 3.
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July 9th, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: BelmontSlayer

The official Japanese page for SEGA's port of the popular MMO has been updated a bit earlier than expected. What did they add you might ask? Why nothing short of a huge demo that includes the entire first chapter from "Story Mode" and 5 missions from "Multiplayer Mode". RomTheStampede has mirrored the huge 297MB demo on SendSpace and you can grab it from the below link.
via RomTheStampede
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July 9th, 2008, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Cycling’s biggest tournament, the Tour De France, started on July 5th with the world’s best cyclists battling through the 22 day race. Cycling fans can get a unique insight into the epic competition with Pro Cycling Manager – Tour De France 2008. This is the latest version of the popular racing management game for PC and PSP, available now from www.Amazon.co.uk, www.play.com, GAME and all good retailers.
Aspiring sports managers must build the best team and implement strategically sound race tactics throughout their own Tour de France, as they mastermind a bid for the prestigious yellow jersey. Players are in charge of every aspect from start to finish, including selecting the best riders and setting training schedules to prepare the team for the arduous race ahead.
Once the tour begins, the team of cyclists has to be guided through the 21 stages and 2000 miles of gruelling competitive racing. Starting in Brest, the stages make up a round trip of France, including races through Nantes, Toulouse and the famous Alpe D’Huez. Cyclists will finish the three week stint with the traditional loop around the historic Champs-Élysées in Paris.
Highly detailed rider models and animations combine for a realistic environment that accurately recreates buildings and tracks, giving players and fans a chance to experience the most famous cycle race in the world.
Watch the trailer here
Visit http://www.cycling-manager.com for more information.
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July 9th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: Safari Al
via Homebrew Heaven
Well, I finally worked up enough time to finish it. Here's Mario Gold Rush, a game that I've been working on for a few weeks. Just a note, this was a project that I started to see what I knew. This was made to show myself how to be dedicated to a project. That being said, this game may not be updated too much if not at all. I've decided I'm going to go on and pursue a larger project. This game and most other's I'll be making use the Old School Library by Brunni. Please enjoy the game, and if you have any questions, please post them below. Information from the readme:
The objective of Mario Gold Rush is pretty simple. You want to try and collect as many coins and points
as possible before you run out. There are two types of coins, a red coin and a yellow coin. Yellow coins
are the normal coins worth 1 coin each and count as 350 points. The Red coins are worth 2 coins each
and count as 725 points. It's really your decision as to whether or not points are more valuable than the
number of coins you collect.
1. Yellow coins - worth 1 coin each, worth 350 points each
2. Red bonus coins - worth 2 coins each, worth 725 points each
3. Ability to change time in the options menu
4. Ability to change number of red coins in the options menu
5. Ability to fly - similar to the Super Mario Brother's 3 raccoon flying engine

I hope you enjoy this game. Message me if you want to look at the source code.
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July 9th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has launched lots more information about its Amusement Park add-on for PAIN.
It will be out later this summer and will hop on the trophy support bandwagon, according to Sony spokesperson Travis Williams on the official US blog.
Amusement Park also finally lets you invite friends into your world over the Internet, rather than limiting you to the existing mini-game spin-offs.
Inside the park are giant hot and cold teddy bears, rollercoasters, rides, stalls, and all the clutter you expect from a wildly exaggerated theme park.
"Bouncing clowns that need tossing and smacking?" asks Williams, suggesting they'll be in.
PAIN came out on PSN early last year and got lots of claps. The idea is to launch your rag-doll into things so it hurts itself and smashes the place up. If you can keep your momentum up and chain your pain together then you can get big points.
Williams also left a cryptic little message about the new area that will follow Amusement Park. "Oh. My. Good-Goobly-Goo," teased Williams. What?
Crash into Eurogamer TV for the first PAIN: Amusement Park trailer.
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July 9th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Balance your double life – Beyond intense battles, Persona fusion, and new weapon creation exists a normal high school life of friends, classes, and part-time jobs. The way you manage and integrate your activities within each day will determine how you progress through the game.
Unprecedented team control – With a greater emphasis on developing bonds in the fight to solve the mysterious murders, strong friendships are key to your success. Directly control teammates in battle, earn greater party support for combat, and master individual Social Links to unlock your party's true potential.
Find the true ending – 60+ hours of gameplay thrusts you into a deep mystery where midnight television leads to serial killings. You must investigate murders, rescue those who can be rescued, and unmask the culprit behind it all—or risk being forever shrouded in the fog of doubt.
Shortly after an urban youth begins a year-long stay in the countryside town of Inaba, the rural town's peace is shattered by a horrific murder that leaves no clues or suspects. As the lone incident develops into a series of bizarre crimes, he discovers that only he and his friends have the power to solve the baffling case, bring those responsible to justice, and restore harmony to his new home.
The element of suspense is vital to the fourth installment of this contemporary RPG series. To clear the game, the players need to solve the string of mysterious murder cases that are happening in town and figure out the real enemy.
To ensure that that best visual and audio qualities are achieved, the art director Soejima Shigenori and sound director Meguro Souji from the last installment teamed up again with the game director Hashino Kei to create an intricate system that spots a multi-ending system, smooth and polished graphics and music that are both stylish and modern.
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July 9th, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We're always up for a peek at Killzone 2, but we do wish they'd show off a few different-looking levels now. Here are the latest screens and yes, they're still grey.
Don't get us wrong - the shots below (which emerged here) look nice, even if we find ourselves hoping those explosions are work-in-progress, because they're looking a bit PS2 at the moment.
Killzone 2 is penned for an early 2009 release, pushed back from late 2008 because Sony wanted "to make sure we didn't have three shooters in the marketplace competing for retail dollars during the same holiday season," the other shooters being Resistance 2 and Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation, also both set for late '08 releases.
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July 9th, 2008, 21:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We didn't think Fallout 3 was close enough to completion for a rating, but the Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification has already refused to classify the title, effectively banning it from sale in the country. The game be resubmitted, with edits, in the hopes it meets the gudelines for MA15+ rating. If Grand Theft Auto IV could do it, we have no doubt that Bethesda will find a way to edit the game for sales in the Land Down Under. So much for the Bloody Mess perk.
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July 9th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The mystery heroine who has been appearing in the Resident Evil 5 screenshots and trailers has at long last been identified. This week's Famitsu has first details on that character and more.
According to the magazine, the character's name is Sheva Alomar. Born in Africa, the setting of this latest RE title, Sheva is an agent in the West African branch of the B.S.A.A. (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance), the organization whose North American branch has Chris's loyalty. In her past, she was caught up in some sort of bio-terror incident and grew extremely hateful of terrorism.
While Famitsu didn't get into specifics on RE5's storyline, it did reveal that Sheva will be meeting up with Chris in Africa after he's dispatched there on a mission. The setting of Chris and Sheva's new survival horror adventure is Kijuju, that ruined town shown in the trailers.
Sheva will be fighting alongside Chris, but she seems to have some advantages over the long time RE series hero. In addition to being good with guns, she's also skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
Also revealed in this week's issue is a mysterious masked character who dresses in robes. He may be a villain, or he may be an ally.
With E3 just around the corner, expect more details on Sheva, Chris, Kijuju, and all things Resident Evil 5 soon.
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July 9th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
another 18 English language songs and 15 for other European gamers as part of tomorrow's SingStore update.
Who knows what constitutes a highlight in the super-subjective world of music appreciation, but ones we recognise include "Hey Ya!" by Outkast, "Coffee & TV" by Blur, "Nancy Boy" by Placebo and "She Bangs The Drums" by The Stone Roses.
There's also "Dialectos da Ternura" by Da Weasel for our Eurogamer's growing Portuguese contingent and "Aller plus haut" from Tina Arena for France.
Songs on the SingStore cost GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49.
Here's the full list:
- Blue, One Love
- Blur, Coffee & TV
- Coldplay, Fix You
- David Bowie, Absolute Beginners
- Hanna Pakarinen, Leave Me Alone
- Hard-Fi, Cash Machine
- OutKast, Hey Ya!
- Placebo, Nancy Boy
- Saybia, The Day After Tomorrow
- Sunrise Ave, Fairytale Gone Ball
- The Offspring, Self-Esteem
- The Rasmus, In My Life
- The Rasmus, No Fear
- The Rasmus, Shot
- The Rasmus, Chill
- The Stone Roses, She Bangs The Drums
- The Ting Tings, Great DJ
- Sanna Nielsen, Empty Room
- Indica, Ikuinen Virta
- Kotiteollisuus, Helvetistä Itään
- Kotiteollisuus, Tämän Taivaan Alla
- Luke, Hasta siempre
- Tina Arena, Aller plus haut
- Falco, Out Of The Dark
- Helge Schneider, Käsebrot
- Jumpy & Mungo Jerry, In Der Winterzeit
- Anna Oxa, Senza Pieta
- Velvet, Funzioni Primarie
- Da Weasel, Dialectos da Ternura
- Sanna Nielsen, Empty Room
- Barbados, Världen Utanför
- Kikki, Bettan & Lotta, Vem É Dé Du Vill Ha
- Roger Pontare, När Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn
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July 9th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: notaz
Finally PicoDrive 1.50 for PSP is ready.
This version should improve performance quite nicely for most games (even CD ones), thanks to ideas from Lordus (jEnesisDS author) and Exophase, and my own work, of course. This version also adds some support for Sega Pico, a toy based on Genesis/MegaDrive. Another feature is cue/bin support (finally) and improved Sega CD load times.
wraggster already posted the log, but I'll paste it again:
- Added some basic support for Sega Pico, a MegaDrive-based toy.
- Added proper support for cue/bin images, including cdda playback.
.cue sheets with iso/cso/mp3/wav files listed in them are now supported too (but 44kHz restriction still applies). - Added bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, based on Exophase's bin_to_iso_ogg. The tool can convert .cue/.bin Sega CD images to .cso/.mp3.
- Greatly improved Sega CD load times.
- Changed how scheduling between 68k and z80 is handled. Improves performance for some games. Credits to Lordus for the idea.
- YM2612 state was not 100% saved, this should be better now.
- Improved renderer performance for shadow/hilight mode.
- Added a hack for YM2612 frequency overflow issue (bleep noises in Shaq Fu, Spider-Man - The Animated Series (intro music), etc.). Credits to Nemesis @ spritesmind forum. Works only if sound rate is set to 44kHz.
- Implemented some sprite rendering improvements, as suggested by Exophase. Games with lots of sprites now perform better.
- Added better idle loop detection, based on Lordus' idea again.
- "accurate timing" option removed, as disabling it no longer improves performance.
- "accurate sprites" was removed too, the new sprite code can properly handle sprite priorities in all cases.
- Timers adjusted again.
- Improved .smd detection code.
- Minor general optimizations and menu improvements.
- Fixed a bug in Sega CD savestate loader, where the game would sometimes crash after load.
- Fixed a crash of games using eeprom (introduced in 1.40b).
- fixed suspend/resume (hopefully for real).
July 17 update: 1.51 bugfix release:
- Improved bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, it should no longer complain about missing lame.exe even if it's in working dir.
- Fixed a regression from 1.50, which caused slowdowns in Final Fight.
- Fixed some regressions from 1.50 related to sprite limit and palette handling (caused graphical glitches in some games).
- Added ABC turbo actions to key config.
- Some other minor adjustments.
normal version
kxploit'ed version
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July 10th, 2008, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you hold the UP d-pad button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.4
Bugfix: When the PSP was left in Hold mode for longer than the idle timeout, and then you hold UP and turn off Hold, the screen used to turn on even though you were holding UP.
I never made any previous hold plugins, those are not by me.
If you want to change the clock speed to your own values, you can use a hex editor to change them. The offsets in the file for v2.3 are
0x28C, 0x290 - CPU,GPU (Both should be same)
0x298 - Bus (Should be half the CPU speed or less)
The values should be entered in hexadecimal. The default value for CPU/GPU is 3C (60 MHz in decimal) and the default value for bus is 1E (30 MHz in decimal).
Note that simply using any arbitrary value will not work. You will have to test and see which values for CPU/GPU and Bus speed work.
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July 10th, 2008, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test 9. I still haven't got networking going, but I didn't want to put off the next test long enough to debug it more. Improvements: date/time now set correctly. Minor speedup in millions of colors. Timing is more like regular B2. And because YOU DEMANDED IT - Speedy Gonzales!! Yes sir, the fastest mouse in Meh-he-ko is now here!
I also improved the retry code on the access point connection code.
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July 10th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
You'll have something to spend those PSN pennies on today as Echochrome finally makes its way to the Euro PS Store.
In case you don't know, it's a clever little puzzle game that does its best to melt your brain as you try to help a little man get through 3D levels using a unique perspective-based puzzle mechanic.
We won't even try to explain - see screens here, or just buy it.
There's a Top Spin 3 demo in today's PSN update, too. Here's the full list of new content:
EchoChrome PSN - £6.99
Top Spin 3 Demo - FREE
High Velocity Bowling-Amber Vorhees character - £0.69
Go!Explore PSP Map Packs - £14.99
EchoChrome Trailer - FREE
Call Of Duty: World At War Reveal Trailer - FREE
Kung Fu Panda Trailer - FREE
PSP content available to download via PS3 Console store
EchoChrome Micro PSP - £4.99
PC store
EchoChrome Micro PSP - £4.99
Secret Agent Clank Launch Trailer - FREE
Kung Fu Panda Trailer - FREE
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July 10th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The PlayStation Network version of Bionic Commando: Rearmed will support Remote Play and rumble, producer Ben Judd has confirmed, with more surprises to come.
Judd, writing on the US PlayStation Blog, said Remote Play had been tricky to implement in Capcom's upcoming side-scrolling downloadable title.
"This one wasn't as easy [as DualShock 3 support] to add and, matter of fact, there is one point where we had to 'creatively' reprogram the controls to give players the illusion of using two sticks (you'll know when you see it)," he explained.
"The classic 2D side-scrolling graphics really fit with the PSP and just make the PSN version all the more cooler."
Remote Play allows PS3 owners to play certain games and do multimedia things on the PSP remotely.
On the subject of rumble support, Judd said, "we all know that games that vibrate are better and besides... there really is no reason not to implement a feature that has become the industry standard."
Not content with all that, the Capcom man hinted at more treats for people who buy the PSN version of Bionic Commando: Rearmed, promising "one more very cool surprise for those of you who purchase the PSN version" but refusing to elaborate for now.
Elsewhere in the post - the first in a series running up to the game's launch - Judd discussed female chopper pilot Haley and the Hagle Breaker Assault Shotgun.
He also spoke about the game's Medals system. There are 12 to collect, apparently, so presumably it's analogous to the Xbox 360 version's 12 Xbox Live Arcade Achievements. There's no discussion of Trophy support, however.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed is a retooled version of the classic 2D NES platform-shooter, which is due out soon to pave the way for Capcom's upcoming 3D re-imagining of the game. It's also in development for 360 and PC.
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July 10th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Solid Snake voice man David Hayter has written an open letter to the Internet after comments he made at the Anime Expo recently were apparently "misinterpreted".
Hayter claimed his "acerbic" sense of humour was taken out of context, leading to stories portraying him as unhappy at some dramatic decisions by Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. Others even suggested he was homophobic for joking about a homoerotic scene being "humiliating".
"Let me say, here and now, that that is the most ridiculous, untrue, and personally offensive thing ever said about me. I have nothing but love for the gay community (and pretty much every community, in principle). If I can clear up one gross misconception from this mess, please let it be that," said Hayter in his open letter on 1UP.
"I believe Mr. Kojima to be a true genius, and I regard his artistic choices as sacrosanct and entirely justified in every sense. It is his game, his world, and if he says that Otacon and Snake ride off into the sunset together, then that is the exact, right choice.
"I not only owe a huge portion of my career to Metal Gear and to Hideo Kojima - the genius who created them, but I am also a rabid fan of the games," he added.
Hayter went on to reveal he has Metal Gear posters on his wall, but clarified that despite his adoration for the series, he did not start a petition to write the Metal Gear screenplay.
"I pitched a Metal Gear movie outline to the MGS producers a few months back, and they opted not to hire me. That is a choice they are entirely free to make. I am not, nor will I ever be, 'petitioning' anyone to hire me for anything," explained Hayter.
"I am not suffering for screenwriting offers. I just thought I had something to offer that particular film, given my peculiar history. If someone else writes the film, then I wish him or her nothing but success. I want to see a good MGS film as much as any fan."
Hayter will be adapting Capcom game Lost Planet for the big screen, though, or so he suggested at the same US event recently. Capcom has said nothing so far, but rumours expect the publisher lift the curtain on it at E3 next week.
We also think David Hayter happens looks like a younger Ricky Gervais, but with a gravelly voice Tom keeps trying to recreate.
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July 10th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Yet more evidence has emerged to suggest a sequel to LocoRoco will be out this year.
Sony Europe is keepign quiet, but Famitsu (translated by Kotaku) says it is so, and usually gets these sort of things right.
Word is LocoRoco 2 will feature new music and bosses, plus the ability to bite things and swim.
Chances are any such sequel will be on show at E3 next week. The Sony press conference will take place on Tuesday at 7.30pm UK time.
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July 10th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: littlevish
Clock Ness
Clock Ness is just a simple game coded in Lua. It doesn't have fancy graphics or antyhing, but it's a pretty decent time killer 
The object of the game is to stop the timer at an exact second. There are 10 levels, each with a different amount of time. Your score is based upon how close you are to stopping it at the exact second (eg. 5.000 seconds). Your scores for each level are combined and at the end of the game, the game checks to see if you have set a "low score" (lower scores are better). If you have, your low score is updated.
X: Start the timer
O: Stop the timer
MP3 Music
To add your own song to the game, replace "bgm.mp3" with an MP3 sound file of your choice. The current song is one made by me. Click here for more songs of mine 
1) Copy folder "ClockNessGame" to GAME3XX or GAME4XX
*Please note that on 4.01 M33, the folder actually is called "GAME4XX" not "GAME401"
2) Launch from your PSP's XMB
3) Enjoy
ZIP 5.96 MB
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July 10th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
“Once this city used to pulse with energy; dirty and dangerous, but alive and wonderful. Now it is something else.” – Faith. DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio (NASDAQ: ERTS), today announced that writer and story designer Rhianna Pratchett is responsible for crafting the intricate script for Mirror’s Edge™ - a unique first-person action adventure. Pratchett introduces players to Faith, a ‘runner’ in a world where communication channels are highly monitored and the movement of human traffic is closely watched. When Faith’s sister gets framed for a murder she did not commit, Faith finds herself on the edge of the city, on the wrong side of the law.
“It was a great experience working with the team at DICE to help breathe life into Faith; her world, relationships and backstory,” said Rhianna Pratchett. ”My heroines and heroes have always been the ones who were ordinary, but through the events of a story, became extraordinary. Faith is skilled, but she's certainly not a superhero. She has her flaws, like all of us. In short: she's real. That's her appeal.”
Mirror’s Edge delivers players straight into the shoes of this modern day heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat, fast-paced chases and challenging puzzles. With a never-before-seen sense of movement and perspective, players are drawn into Faith’s world.
“We were excited to work with Rhianna to develop the story, setting and character of Faith,” said Owen O’Brien, Executive Producer, DICE. “We were extremely lucky to be able to work with someone who is not only a writer, but also a core gamer, to create the world of Mirror’s Edge.”
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July 10th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced the development of Stormrise™, an innovative real time strategy console title built specifically for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Stormrise marks The Creative Assembly’s first foray into developing a purpose built RTS title for console and is slated to ship in 2009.
Stormrise offers fans of the classic RTS genre an immersive and dramatic twist whilst challenging the conscience of the gamer. Experience the heat of the battlefield by leading your troops from the front line, instead of the traditional way of controlling the units from a detached view point. Stormrise also allows units to be commanded in the air, across rooftops, on the earth’s surface and even underground, this unique idea of “verticality” introduces multiple layers of gameplay that must be mastered for strategic advantage. The experience is heightened by a simple yet effective control system tailored specifically for consoles, which allows easy unit selection, rapid navigation and precise deployment.
“The Creative Assembly have proven their general leadership in developing RTS games through the award winning ‘Total War’ series on PC”, commented Gary Knight, European Marketing Director, SEGA Europe. “However, Stormrise has been built from the ground up specifically for high def consoles to provide a more intense, frenetic style of game that, coupled with the all new control mechanic, will revolutionise the way RTS games are played.”
Set on a bleak and barren earth, devastated by a catastrophic event centuries ago, Stormrise sees the Echelon and the Sai battling to survive in a hostile and uninhabitable wasteland. Remnants of a superior technological people the Echelon survived the event through self-educed hibernation, whilst the Sai, a more tribal faction, still exist having learnt to adapt to their surroundings and the new environment. Having evolved in vastly different ways, the differences between the two factions have spurred much animosity and hatred between the two races, and the future of the planet is now hanging by a thread…
Stormrise is in development at The Creative Assembly’s Australia studio and is priming its forces for release in 2009. For more information please visit http://www.sega.com/stormrise
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July 10th, 2008, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Hermosa Beach, CA July 8th, 2008: Global video game developer and publisher Deep Silver today released early details of its very first US bound title 'Ride to Hell' produced by their internal development studio.
The game is set in the last years of the roaring 1960's, a time of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N Roll. The biker movement, rock music and the hippie counterculture all add to the fascinating atmosphere to be experienced in 'Ride to Hell'.
Action loaded from the very start with free roaming environments, players can immerse themselves in the liberty and freedom of riding full throttle with their gang on a multitude of different vehicles through the dusty flats of Western America. Protecting their turf, their brothers and their machines from rival gangs is just a taste of what this epic game will involve.
'Ride to Hell' is not for the faint hearted; it's aimed heavily at the player who wants to become fully involved in the original West Coast biker culture. With its hard drinking, bare knuckle environment, this is as close to the action as you can get.
In a movie style production model, the internal Deep Silver studio is teaming up with leading creative companies such as Eutechnyx, Perspective Studios, and others, to bring the authentic and massive game world of 'Ride to Hell' to life.
"The Deep Silver development team has worked on some of the greatest and grittiest, freeform-style games to ever hit the market," Cathy Tische, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Deep Silver, Inc. "They are pulling out all the stops to bring the biker gang world alive in Ride to Hell, from the 1960s art style, music and scenery to the completely raw and intense game play."
"Ride to Hell is one of Deep Silver's largest global multiplatform game launches to date and one that will put Deep Silver on the map in the US," says Hannes Seifert, Managing Director at the Deep Silver development studio. "Ride to Hell captures the spirit of the biker movement in the 1960s, while delivering an authentic, action-packed game play experience."
'Ride to Hell' – This brand new multi-platform game has been in development for over a year and is due for a worldwide release simultaneously on next gen consoles and PC in the 2nd Quarter of 2009.
Official game site: http://ridetohell.deepsilver.com
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July 10th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced a partnership with Double Fusion to deliver dynamic in-game advertising on PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™). Double Fusion will leverage its expertise, technology and sales force, working with publishers and advertisers to create effective marketing programs for brands targeting PS3’s coveted gamer demographic.
“PS3 is open for the ad business," said Phil Rosenberg, Senior Vice President, SCEA. "We are very excited about hosting contextually relevant and well-crafted creative advertising on PS3. PlayStation is taking a major role in enabling this fast-developing sector that is positive for the games medium."
PS3 provides advertisers with a direct avenue to reach the highly targeted, sought after gaming demographic, and has sold more than 13M units worldwide. DFC Intelligence forecasts that sales for the current generation of game systems including portable devices will pass the 180 million mark by 2011, reiterating the potential for the in-game advertising market. The worldwide in-game advertising industry is expected to grow 1,150 percent to $971.3 million between 2006 and 2011 according to the Yankee Group.
“We have already received tremendous support from publishers who want to incorporate ads into their PS3 games, across all of the regions of the world,” Jonathan Epstein, president and CEO, Double Fusion, said. “We are very excited to work with SCE on this and PS3 will add a vast number of players to our already robust network. SCE’s participation strengthens the in-game advertising ecosystem
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July 10th, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Running With Scissors (RWS) has announced Randy Jones of the original '70's musical group sensation The Village People as the first in a series of celebrities who will be appearing in the third major installment of its long-running POSTAL series, POSTAL III.
American Music Award winner and multi-platinum recording artist Randy Jones has been a pop cultural icon since the 70s, when his band The Village People racked up such musical mega-hits as “Macho Man”, “YMCA” and “In the Navy”. Randy is currently celebrating his 30th year in show business with a new CD and international concert tour "TICKET TO THE WORLD".www.randyjonesworld.com
Appearing for the first time in a video game, the macho man Randy Jones will be cast as the leader of a gay biker gang. . As Running With Scissors ringleader Vince Desi put it: “What more can I say than Y M C A. Who needs John Travolta when we’ve got the original Macho Man, Randy Jones!”
Starting this weekend Randy will be staring in the Broadway hit musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” written by the award-winning team of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice www.fairfieldacc.com.at
RWS will be announcing other celebrity signings for key character roles in POSTAL III. The brands premier on console will release in 2009 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC/Mac.
For more information on Postal games and gear, as well as updates on the development of POSTAL III visit our new expanded site www.gopostal.com and be sure to visit PostalNation.net for in-depth coverage of the RWS scene.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Kit includes an AC & car adapter, each with custom power connections for Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy micro, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite & PlayStation Portable.
Keeps handheld gaming system powered up while at home or on the road.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Listen to music and even play on TV while charging your PSP Slim console with this 5 in 1 Charger Stand which comes with built-in headphone and multi cable slot.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Argor tonight post on GP2X News that Notaz is working on and close to completing Sega 32X Emulation on the GP2X.
Lets hope that Notaz nest release of Picodrive for the PSP comes with Sega 32X emulation onboard
Is there any chance at all you would consider 32X support?
It is already considered and even more then that, it just needs a bit of work to complete. But I'm currenly moving to something else for a while, once again
Lets hope that 32X emulation does indeed come to the PSP, all those in favour answer why you would love emulation of the Sega 32X via Comments
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July 10th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
EA, Harmonix and MTV Games today confirmed that Rock Band 2 will indeed be coming to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2 and Wii sometime this year. The original announcement for the game slated the Xbox 360 release sometime in September, with versions for "other systems" coming later in the year. Well, it's now official that it'll hit the three aforementioned systems sometime this year. No official timeframe was given, but the PS3, PS2 and Wii releases will hit sometime after the Xbox 360 release, but before the end of 2008.
Rock Band 2 is slated to feature at least 80 tracks, all master recordings. It's scheduled to be shown at this year's E3, which is now less than a week away, so stay tuned for more info soon.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 1UP
For an entire generation (or at least until those plucky hardcore devs at Treasure came along) Thunder Force was the series that defined shoot-em-ups on Sega systems. Originally released for Japanese PCs way back in 1983, the series hit it big with 1989's Thunder Force II on the Genesis, with two more 16-bit sequels following over the next few years. The last time we heard from this series was nearly ten years ago, when Working Designs released Thunder Force V for the PlayStation (pictured). But Sega has a long memory, and as they revealed this week, Thunder Force VI is far more than a shooter fan's fantasy -- it's very real, and it?s coming to the PlayStation 2 in a matter of months.
Thunder Force VI is being developed by an internal group at Sega headed by Tez Okada, the eccentric mind who's worked on games like Segagaga and Astro Boy: Omega Factor. "Thunder Force is finally making a return," Okada told Weekly Famitsu magazine this week. "Development is being handled by a new staff, but we've put together a team with lots of shooter experience (not to mention being really big fans of Thunder Force), so I don't think fans of the old games will be disappointed. After this, I'd like to hopefully release the sequel to a game that will probably surprise you...assuming everything goes well with this game, of course."
So far, the new Thunder Force looks like it doesn't stray far from the formula devised in Thunder Force V -- 3D graphics, 2D side-scrolling gameplay, rockin' music, and massive explosions. It's you against the ORN Empire once again, and you've got a couple of ships at your disposal to take care of them: the hip blue Phoenix and a revised version of the Rynex that you piloted in Thunder Force IV. Like in previous games, you're able to switch between your weapons at the press of a button; the Phoenix has five at its disposal, and you don't even lose them if you die. Grabbing green orbs dropped by enemies fills up a gauge at the bottom of the screen; if you have enough gauge energy, you can use a special screen-clearing "over weapon" attack as often as you want. You'll probably need that weaponry, too -- six stages are in the works, including the traditional fire, ocean, and burnt-out colony themes that make an appearance in nearly every Thunder Force.
Okada's shooter is due out October 30 in Japan and set to cost 6090 yen ($57); no U.S. release has been announced.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: JKKDARK
TT Superbikes Real Road Racing Championship, the eagerly anticipated follow-up to the best-selling TT Superbikes game, is here!
The new generation of the Sony PlayStation 2 game was officially released on Friday, July 4th 2008.
The new generation is the result of years of development by Jester Interactive Publishing. Once again Duke Marketing, the world-leader in powersport entertainment, has been appointed the sole UK & Ireland distributor by Jester.
Featuring more circuits, more riders, more teams and more machines, this is the ultimate in motorcycle racing games. It faithfully recreates the incredible challenge of road racing - blasting along public roads at up to 200mph with houses, hedges and walls just inches away.
TT Superbikes Real Road Racing Championship takes the original game to a whole new level, offering gamers an even greater experience. Unparalleled bike physics deliver ultra-realistic handling for the ultimate adrenalin-fuelled racing experience. Jester Interactive, based in St. Asaph, Wales, has utilized its proprietary technology to deliver the most thrilling gameplay, truly capturing the excitement of the sport.
TT Superbikes Real Road Racing Championship features seven of the most challenging circuits on Earth. Added to the world-famous Isle of Man TT course and Southern 100 circuit featured in the first game are the North West 200, Ulster Grand Prix, Macau, Oliver's Mount and Aberdare Park.
Players can choose from a list of top riders and teams to race in third and first-person perspective, and can select one of 80 unique championship machines in six different classes to compete on.
Dynamic motorcycle set-up options give complete control, while marshals, flags and changeable weather conditions help keep the experience ultra realistic.
Burnouts, wheelies, stoppies and jumps can be performed throughout the racing, and the behavior of the bikes changes according to tire and bike wear and tear, along with fuel use.
There's also a two-player option and five different game modes:
- Race Now, simply hop on and go head-to-head and have a blast
- Challenge, where the player unlocks circuits, bike classes and models along with other rewards
- Championship, which allows players to race over all circuits on one bike class and score points
- Weekend, where the player races different classes of bikes at one circuit to score points on each
- Race School, which teaches bike control and circuit sections through a series of challenges and set pieces, again unlocking rewards, including the class championship and circuits.
It all adds up to a very exciting proposition.
Eight-times Isle of Man TT winner Ian Lougher said:
`I can't wait for its release. I think the attention to detail on the game is fantastic - the effort that has gone in to ensure the realism of the tracks is astounding. The game offers a real challenge to hard core gamers, whilst also giving race competitors and fans a perfect opportunity to learn the circuits.'
TT Superbikes Real Road Racing Championship was released on July 4th, 2008, on PlayStation 2, priced £24.99RRP. The game will be available from all leading outlets or direct from Duke by calling 01624 640000 or visiting www.dukevideo.com.
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July 10th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
One of the most requested features to come with In-Game XMB was Voice Chat. However when 2.40 arrived, many people were disappointed to hear that it wouldn’t be featured with the update. Sony will deliver this addition sometime later this year, however they also hope to go one step further: In-Game Video Chat. And we’re not just talking about video chatting while you have the game paused. According to an inside source, In-Game Video Chat will enable you to video chat with a friend while actually playing your game. It will work in a similar fashion to BD-Live where there is a PiP (Picture in Picture) window in the top right corner of the screen so you can see your friend(s) while you chat with them. It’s unclear when exactly this will arrive but it should come via firmware update by the end of this year.
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July 11th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Dragon Electronics released 2 new accessoiries for the Playstation3:
* 2.4GHz Wireless Duo Shock 3 Controller 2
A very complete wireless controller that is compatible with Playstation 3, Playstation 2 (adapter included) and PC. It is packed with features such as rumble, wireless DVD remote control, 2.4GHz operating mode and more!
Specifications :
- 3D mega vibrator
- 2.4Ghz wireless mode
- Operating range: up to 8 meters
- Comes with analog/digital/dual shock/dual shock 2 function
- Automatic detect and case up 2.4Ghz wireless channel function
- Compatible with PS3, PS2, PSOne and PC action/shooting/ fighting/AVG/RPG/sport and any racing games
- Built-in PS2 wireless dvd remote control function
- 4 controllers can be used simultaneously
* 40G Cooling System for PS3
Built-in 5 high efficient and reliable mega power fans to speed up the air circulation and prevents the console from overheat thus prolongs its life span.
Specifications :
- Easy to set up
- Power wind and without noise
- All-in-one design
- 2 compensate USB slots
- No batteries required
- Built-in led indicator
- Built-in 5 mega power fans
Buy Now: 2.4GHz Wireless Duo Shock 3 $23 | 40G Cooling System $13
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July 11th, 2008, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Time for another update! Test 10 adds input mapping. There's nothing in the GUI for it at this time - you have to make them with a text editor and then copy them to the imaps directory in the B2 directory. Like the other directories, it'll create it if it doesn't exist when you run B2. Input maps are selected and loaded just like floppies and cdroms - press SELECT in the emulation and press right/left to switch between imaps, floppies, and cdroms. Press up/down to select the specific file. With imaps, pressing CROSS parses the button map file. I include a file that is the same as the defaults used when the program starts - that allows you to go back to them after using another imap.
The format is deceptively simple - it's just one or more lines of four numbers. The first two are in hexadecimal and represent the buttons that should be pressed, and shouldn't be pressed, respectively. This is the same value as the defines from pspctrl.h:
UP = 0x0010
RIGHT = 0x0020
DOWN = 0x0040
LEFT = 0x0080
LTRIGGER = 0x0100
RTRIGGER = 0x0200
TRIANGLE = 0x1000
CIRCLE = 0x2000
CROSS = 0x4000
SQUARE = 0x8000
You can combine those to look for more than one button. For example, 0x6000 is both CROSS and CIRCLE at the same time. The reason for having a value for buttons that SHOULDN'T be pressed is to allow for one or more buttons to be used as a qualifer. For example,
0xC000, 0x0000
0x4000, 0x8000
The first says to look for BOTH SQUARE and CROSS, while the second says to look for CROSS and NOT SQUARE. That makes SQUARE a qualifier that changes the meaning of CROSS depending on if it's pressed or not. This allows for more combinations of buttons than is useful, but I didn't want to limit people too much.
The next two numbers on each line are in decimal and represent the key(s)/mouse button(s) to press. For Mac keycodes, look at the keycodes file in the unix directory of the source. The second column of numbers is the decimal value of the Mac key shown after the # symbol. There are also pictures floating around the net that show the value of the keys over top an image of the keyboard. Use 255 to represent nothing. 256 represents mouse button 1 and 257 mouse button 2. You get two codes, so you can do one or two keys, a key and a mouse button, or any such combination.
So a line in the file of
0x4000 0x0000 256 255
makes the X the mouse button. Remember to make that second code 255 when not being used! 0 is a valid keycode for the Mac, so 0 doesn't cut it. I use 255 for just that reason.
You are currently limited to a maximum of 64 input mappings. I can change that if people want more, but it should be enough for nearly everyone.
The default mapping is currently:
d-pad = cursor keys
ltrigger = mouse button 1
rtrigger = mouse button 2 (although I'll probably change this to CTRL+MB1 for contextual menus)
cross = enter
square = tab
circle = CMD+W (close window)
triangle = CMD+Q (quit)
I fixed a bug in the OSK where the Command key got stuck once you used it. It's why people reported that sometimes the OSK quit working - it was still working, but the CMD qualifier was stuck.
I also added the ability to create blank floppies in the Create Hardfile sub-menu of the Volumes sub-menu. It makes a blank 1.44 MB file that you can then insert and format in the emulation from the Mac desktop.
Download and give feedback and Compatability Reports via comments.
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July 11th, 2008, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dragula96
Hello everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve updated Tetriabetes since I’ve been busy with work, and playing GTAIV and MGS4.
I had a hard drive crash (good thing I backed up my hard work), and just never got around to re installing the psp SDK again.
I think it is time to start working on Tetriabetes 1.50 again.
The final version of 1.50 will be the last update unless bugs are found. After that is done, I will release the source code and hopefully other devs can keep working on it, to make it even better.
In the mean time I will be releasing beta builds of 1.50.
I’ve also decided to make v1.50 beta 2 public.
You can download it here:
Tetriabetes 1.50b2
Changes are listed below.
Thank you everyone for your support.
next beta will focus on skin support/optimization.
1.50b2 Changes - 7/10/2008 Public release
Decided to release 1.50b2 to public
Thank you for your support!
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July 11th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
You can say what you want about Sony Computer Entertainment's first-party games, but you can't fault them for being unartistic. In fact, they've got a reputation for off-beat games that goes all the way back to the launch of the original PlayStation, a fact brought to the forefront once again with Patapon, which hit stores in February and charmed the pants off PSP owners worldwide. Sony and Patapon designer Hiroyuki Kotani aren't waiting around for the afterglow to fade away from their efforts, though -- they're already working on a sequel, and it could be in our hands as early as this winter.
"We had been thinking about a sequel ever since we were working on the overseas version of the original," Kotani (whose previous work includes overlooked PS2 puzzle game Bombastic) told Weekly Famitsu magazine. "I wanted to make a sequel, and I was thinking about how best to go about it. We had a few different directions in mind when [SCE producer Junichi] Yoshizawa finally ordered us to make a multiplayer game in the Patapon universe."
Without a doubt, four-player ad-hoc multiplayer is the biggest new addition to the Patapon sequel, tentatively titled Patapon 2. The idea behind the co-op multiplayer mode is simple. In Patapon 2's single-player story mode, you'll occasionally come across giant eggs -- some of which contain helpful items, some of which hold smaller eggs inside. In order to hatch these suckers, you'll have to team up with other players and navigate a special enemy-laden multiplayer battleground, using the traditional pata-pata-pata-pon drumbeat to heft the egg forward and defending it whenever monsters loom nearby. Once you arrive at the special egg-hatching altar at the end of the field, all four players will perform a hatching ceremony, a sort of tribal drumline where everyone has to match their rhythms together to crack open the egg.
As Kotani put it to Weekly Famitsu, the original Patapon lacked multiplayer because he thought it would be too hard for players to come to grips with. "You control a lot of characters at once in Patapon, so we thought multiplayer would be too difficult to deal with," he says. "You wouldn't have any idea which fighers were under your control. That's where the Hero Patapon come in." These Hero Patapon, amusingly enough, play a similar role to the "heroes" in real-time strategy games like Warcraft III -- they're a central unit to your Patapon army, a very powerful character that can be further customized and strengthened with the special items you earn in multiplayer. "[The Hero Patapon] are strong, but the enemies are just as strong this time," Kotani notes. "There are lots more bosses and midboss-type enemies this time. We've got about double the amount of content to explore, just in terms of the number of stages alone. Add the customization options to that, and to be honest, you may never get to fully explore every bit of it."
Patapon 2 has a release date set for winter in Japan, although no international release plans have been announced yet. "I'd like to get people playing this as quickly as possible," Kotani commented. "People really liked the game when it debuted, and I don't want people forgetting about it if we disappear for too long."
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July 11th, 2008, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Nobody can deny the cuter qualities of the LocoRoco. The simplistic yet uniquely addictive PSP game was a breath of fresh air when it was released in 2006 -- easy to come to grips with, fun to look at, and downright charming once you broke out the headphones and learned all the neat little songs the Locos sung for you. Two years on, and the music is still stuck in the heads of thousands worldwide.
Rumors about LocoRoco 2 have been buzzing around for over a year now (former Sony vice president Phil Harrison inadvertently confirmed it when he mentioned how he was playing "LocoRoco's next version" at the 2007 DICE event), but now we've got official confirmation: the Locos are heading back to the PSP, and it's going to be as cute as ever. As before, you use the L, R, and Circle buttons to help the strangely cute LocoRoco across a dangerous planetary landscape, with the merry blobs singing and generally having a good time along the way.
The Moja Troop, the vaguely rasta-ish aliens that got in the LocoRoco's way in the previous game, are back -- and as director Tsutomu Kouno tells Weekly Famitsu magazine this week, they've learned how to sing themselves. "The Moja Troop are back with some new bosses, but this time they've also learned some songs," he says. "They've been practicing as hard as they can, and they've learned how to use music to sap the energy out of everyone. Now nobody feels like doing anything, so the LocoRoco have to go around the world and pep everyone back up again." Does that mean you'll be hearing the Moja singing away if you approach one? It sure does. "They're pretty good, too!" Kouno claims. "You'll also run into other enemies as the game goes on -- not friends of the Moja, but there's a boss that has transformed these creatures and has them under his control, and he uses them to attack the LocoRoco."
The original LocoRoco was a hit among both hardcore PSP maniacs and the more casual audience, and Kouno is quick to point out that the sequel won't lose the first game's light, quick gameplay and simple charms. "We've tried our best not to change the core gameplay too much," he says. "We're being careful to keep it from getting too complex, and in addition to that, we're putting in lots of new features for people who played the first game to enjoy." Among those new features is a wealth of new abilities that the Locos learn as you go on: "In the first game you could only swim on the surface of bodies of water, but here you can dive underwater," Kouno says. "You could catch yourself on a rope by biting on it earlier, but you can bite down on more stuff this time -- you can even pull things out entirely with your teeth. We'd like to have more places where the player and the LocoRoco work together to do things, giving you a taste of what it's like playing with them."
No release date has been proffered for LocoRoco 2, which Sony Computer Entertainment says is about 75 percent complete.
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July 11th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has released a new version of his excellent 3d FPS for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
07-09-2008 Version 1.0.6
- some internal map format changes: the map editor can open the old versions, but the game can't (so open the map in the editor and goto file / create game format)
editor changes:
- set hitpoints of each enemy
game changes:
- set hitpoints of player (config.txt)
- faster rendering of world geometry
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July 11th, 2008, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen

Hi everyone!
So today I return with a stunning version 0.4 of my Homebrew: Space Monster Attack!
-- New interface for the menu
-- Nearly all been redesigned graphics
-- From Monster Battle, the life of character is now saved between levels
-- Two new characters have been added (it now has the choice between 4 characters)
-- 6 levels are now present in Monster Battle mode before entering the final boss (formerly
only 5 were available due to a bug)
-- All minor bugs have been fixed
-- New police writting
-- Improved random mode Astroid Survivor
-- Adding an animation of destroying monsters with a sound mode Monster Battle.
-- Adding a new game mode: Chrono Destroy! (play modes are now number 4)
Explanation on different modes of play:
Monster Battle: you choose your decor, then your character, and go on an adventure through 6
levels or you will destroy alliens before they kill you with your arms 2:
Single bullets and fireballs, to be used with restraint and wisdom (only the number of 5!)
course in the allotted time. And all this to happen to a boss ... recalcitrant.
Astroid Survivor: you choose once more your scene and your character to go in
a field of asteroids or you will survive as long as possible to you moving with the analog stick to achieve the highest score possible (which is saved and can be seen in the section Best score of the game).
Chrono Destroy: Again you choose your background and your character.
You then determine how much time you want your hard part (30 or 60 seconds choice) and voila you in an arena where you must destroy as many monsters as possible in the time that you have chosen to start (the best scores 30 and 60 seconds are also saved in the section Best scores)
Two Players: the time has come to call your little brother or little sister
for him to prove that you are the best. On the same PSP, each of you control a small character, and you shoot using the triggers L and R. Each shooting involving the enemy relates 2 points and is the first to 10 wins the match!
In menus:
-- X: OK
-- O: Back
For the rest of orders, go to the Help menu of the game!
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July 11th, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
via psp hacks
Update: Two point ten is out and it’s sportin’ analog action…
Analog support in game (for sillyzombie666)
Hunters spawn more frequently
Exit to Menu from Season Select Screen
Added image to binocular
The hunted becomes the hunter in Code Red’s LUA-scripted adventure, “Deer Avenger Mini.” You’re put in the boots of Bambo and tasked with the duty of hunting those who killed members of family Cervidae. This is what Bambo does, who Bambo is… Live for nothing, or die for something.
Recognize — “Deer Avenger” is a Simon & Schuster game available on both Windows and Mac platforms .
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July 11th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has said that there are no plans to drop the current price of the PlayStation 3.
Speaking to investors, chief financial officer Nobuyuki Oneda said the company remains focused on profitability for its games division.
"Our strategy is not to sell more quantity for PS3 but to concentrate on profitability," said Oneda, reports smartmoney.com
"Our plan is to not reduce the price."
The comments come ahead of an expected announcement by rival console manufacturer Microsoft that it will cut the price of its Xbox 360 Premium SKU by USD 50, to USD 299 this weekend.
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July 11th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Criterion has launched the first major Bunrout Paradise update, codenamed 'Cagney', for PS3 and you can download it right now free of charge.
Boot up the game on your PS3 and, considering you're online of course, you'll be prompted to update the game to version 1.30 - a huge 385MB update.
The "game changing" update adds new online game modes, new vehicles and "a stack of enhancements and fixes", so that should give you plenty to be getting on with.
The update for the 360 version was delayed four days to Monday.
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July 11th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As Namco's frantic fighter (published over here by Ubisoft) nears release, another character has been revealed. And it's not all about the Star Wars cash-in either. Say hello to Algol...
Hideo Yoshie, character designer, explained, "We aimed to make a character that is the 'king' of an ultra ancient civilization and a character that obviously proves the setting of being the strongest character ever in SC series.
"So, he's wearing a costume from the ancient kingdom that isn't recorded in history, and it was really difficult and troublesome to make the design of his costume as so just by looking at it. The final motif of the amour ended up being the 'bird', but there were many other ideas like the lion, cobra, dinosaur and more. I believe the design combined dynamism and splendor, and is very cool.
"His right hand glows red and his left hand glows blue because he holds the Soul Edge in his right and the Soul Calibur in his left. Also he has ten kinds of weapons built in his body and shows a variety of fights never seen before, including flying in the air and sitting in the throne. I want people to have fun by his buzzard actions.
There was an idea for an additional option which he causes an off-site brawl with a pipe chair instead of the throne, but we were not able to put the idea in the game this time.
"By the way, the Algol that shows up in the opening demo is Algol when he was still a human.. That's why his hair has a different colour from within the game. There are some more detailed differences, so please go on and find more differences on him for fun through the game."
Right then, all sounds good. But we bet he's not the hardest fighter ever to appear in the series. That's got to be either Yoda or Darth Vader surely?
Image of the character here
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July 11th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Far Cry 2 creative director Clint Hocking has confirmed that there will be no pre-release demo of Ubisoft's open-world shooter sequel. Or, "no, no demo" as he put it to us last week at the team's HQ in Montreal.
And that's because, according to Ubisoft, the open nature of the game would make it impossible to offer a worthwhile teaser without serving up too great a slice of the content.
Hocking explained: "One reason is, even if we were to give out what you played today - even if we put invisible walls around it and said, here's the demo, you can go anywhere you like inside these walls and play it how you want - that's potentially right there eight-to-ten hours of gameplay. I don't know too many people who are willing to give away a 12-hour game for free." Spoilsports.
Hocking further confirmed that the game was now feature complete, with the vast majority of the team involved in the lengthy process of debugging. "Once you push 100 guys onto debugging for a week, things can get stable really fast."
You can read all about what we made of the brand new E3 build of Far Cry 2 today. The game's due out on PS3, 360 and PC before Christmas.
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July 11th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster

We've seen more than our share of game controller hacks in our day, but few as devious as this creation by the folks at Near Future Laboratory, which promises to make games more "realistic" by simulating fatigue. That was done with the aid of the ever-versatile Arduino platform, which was wired to the DualShock 2's analog sticks and programmed to tweak the output signal ever so slightly so that the longer you play, the slower your character moves. Madness, we know, but if you want to give it a shot yourself, you can find the details and necessary code at the link below.
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July 12th, 2008, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
10.5 Apocalypse / Category 7: The End of the World (~Randy Quaid, Shannen Doherty, ...) US US$ 24.99
Batman Begins (~Christian Bale, Michael Caine, ...) US US$ 28.99
Batman Begins (Limited Edition Gift Set) (~Christian Bale, Michael Caine, ...) US US$ 49.99
Batman: Gotham Knight (~Kevin Conroy, Gary Dourdan, ...) US US$ 34.99
Bonnie And Clyde (~Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Dirty Harry Ultimate Collector's Edition JPN US$ 236.90
Exiled (~Anthony Wong, Francis Ng, ...) HK US$ 27.90
Kiseki No Yama Fuji-san JPN US$ 46.90
Natural Born Killers (~Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Sleepwalking (~Nick Stahl, AnnaSophia Robb, ...) US US$ 39.98
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb / Blackbeard (~Casper Van Dien, Jonathan Hyde, ...) US US$ 24.99
The Moody Blues: Lovely to See You - Live [dts] (~The Moody Blues) US US$ 24.98
The Ruins (Unrated Edition) (~Jonathan Tucker, Jena Malone, ...) US US$ 39.99
Umi - The Ocean Blue V-Music JPN US$ 46.90
Vicom Blu-ray Tenbo Shinkansen 0 Kei Kodama Hakata Minami - Hiroshima Kan - 2008 Shuen No Toshi JPN US$ 51.90
Zodiac Director's Cut (~Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
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July 12th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Marvelous Entertainment USA and XSEED Games today announced its E3 plans which include a stellar line up of games for both Nintendo platforms, the Nintendo DS and Wii, as well as the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system. Both companies will display their portfolio of upcoming titles at E3 2008 which will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from July 15th – 17th. E3 attendees are invited to visit the Marvelous Entertainment USA and XSEED Games booth located at Concourse Hall Pavilion #427.
”We’re very pleased to be able to give the North American audience a sneak peak at our upcoming lineup,” stated Yasuhiro Wada, Managing Director of Marvelous Entertainment. “This is just the beginning of some of the great games that we’ll be releasing in the US under our Marvelous Entertainment USA banner.”
“It’s been an amazing year for us, and we feel that we’re well positioned going into E3,” said Jun Iwasaki, President of XSEED Games. “We’ve got a fantastic partnership with Marvelous Entertainment which we greatly appreciate, and the overall line up of titles we’re showcasing is strong and diverse, which we’re exceptionally excited about.”
Games being shown under the Marvelous and XSEED Games partnership are:
Avalon Code DS
From the creative minds behind Rune Factory and Harvest Moon with the development studio responsible for the Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy IV DS remakes comes Avalon Code, an action RPG boasting incredible graphics, a deep and engrossing story, and innovative game play mechanics. Using the main character’s ‘Book of Prophecy’, players can modify the rules of engagement during battle as well as weapon and monster attributes. The player even has control over the story as it changes depending on which gender the player chooses to play as, enhancing the ability to immerse themselves into the story. Avalon Code DS is scheduled for release Q1 2009. The game will be published in Europe by Rising Star Games*, a subsidiary of Marvelous Entertainment.
Rune Factory: Frontier Wii
From the creators of Harvest Moon and Rune Factory for the DS comes the first installment of Rune Factory for a home console. Developed exclusively for Wii, Rune Factory: Frontier features stunning graphics and takes full advantage of the Wii’s unique controls to fully immerse players in the Rune Factory universe. Rune Factory: Frontier incorporates an open-ended structure that allows players to choose the type of game they wish to experience. Whether it’s growing crops, expanding the town, fighting (or befriending) monsters or even falling in love, the experience is unique to each player. Rune Factory: Frontier Wii is scheduled for release Q1 2009. The game will be published in Europe by Rising Star Games*, a subsidiary of Marvelous Entertainment.
Little King’s Story has an art style that is very ‘story-book’ in look and a magical fairy tale quality that will intrigue and delight gamers. The storyline, visual look, and lyrical music of Little King’s Story, work in concert to transport players to an interactive, enchanting, fairy tale world. By combining gameplay elements from life-simulation, real-time strategy, and adventure genres, the many aspects of creating a vast kingdom come to life! As King, players will manage and involve their townspeople in the goals of creating this new territory; enlisting them to dig for treasure, build new buildings and otherwise better their community. Of course, leadership is a two-way street, so as King, players will try to conquer rival nations to create a single unified kingdom, while also granting the requests of townspeople at whim. The game transforms the Wii Remote™ to a royal scepter and offers players the chance to be the best king in the world! Little King’s Story Wii is scheduled for release Winter 2008. The game will be published in Europe by Rising Star Games*, a subsidiary of Marvelous Entertainment.
Sequel to the popular Valhalla Knights, Valhalla Knights 2 promises to give fans of the original game a vast and expansive world to explore, and the customization tools to create the ultimate battle party. This action RPG (Role Playing Game) sequel adds new races, job classes, weapons, magic spells, foes, armor and more to the Valhalla Knights universe, all within an engrossing story arc. Controlling and choosing character aspects such as skills, race and appearance, players engage in real-time 6 on 6 battles, reliant on tactical combat strategies to achieve success. Supporting 2 player ad hoc network play, gamers can engage in Co-op and Versus modes with friends, or simply trade items and weapons. Valhalla Knights 2 PSP system is scheduled for release Fall 2008.
Separately, XSEED Games will unveil the company’s first official support of the Nintendo DS with three titles:
Populous™ DS
Based on the original Populous PC classic from Electronic Arts, Populous DS brings a re-imagination of the classic game, which pioneered the God simulation genre. Featuring touch-screen controls that utilize the dual-screens, players manipulate 5 elementally-imbued gods, each with their own unique miracles, within an extensive single-player campaign. Within the multiplayer wireless mode, up to 4 players can unleash earthquakes, tidal waves and raging volcanoes onto rival players’ lands. Populous DS is scheduled for release Fall 2008. The game will be published in Europe by Rising Star Games*, a subsidiary of Marvelous Entertainment.
Designed after the famous KORG MS-10 music synthesizer, KORG DS-10 is a music-creation program for professional and aspiring musicians alike. The sound sources in the KORG DS-10 come from KORG, one of the world’s top musical instrument producers, and no effort was spared in the replication of creating high-quality sounds. The Nintendo DS’s touch-screen controls are utilized to the fullest to provide an authentic feel and operability across a dual-screen layout that is unsurpassed in portable music creation. A 6-track/16-step sequencer enables precise control and provides a wide range of musical possibilities, and up to eight DS units can be linked via wireless connection to play together or to exchange sounds and songs. KORG DS-10 is scheduled for release Fall 2008.
Retro Game Challenge
An original game based on the popular Japanese GAME CENTER CX TV series, Retro Game Challenge reinvents how classic games are played. Featuring a story-driven progression, players complete short challenges in a wide-variety of fictional retro-games. Specific challenges in shooting, racing, action and even an epic role-playing game are integrated into the story, while the in-game magazines offer cheat codes as well as fake 80’s news stories paying tribute to the rich history of the gaming industry. Released to raving reviews as Game Center CX: Arino’s Challenge in Japan , the game received a Gold Award from Famitsu with a 33/40 review score. Retro Game Challenge is scheduled for release Winter 2008.
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July 12th, 2008, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via playeradvance
News/release from J3r3mie of a new version of his iphone simulator for the PSP:
-- Possibility to launch 5 predefined addresses since [Safari] (5 addresses are stored in files
site1.txt to site5.txt in the [ms0: PSP \ game \ iPhone Simulator \ SYSTEM \ APP \ Safari \ CFG \]
-- Possibility to launch a file (TXT, JPG, GIF, HTM, HTML, PHP, SWF) with the web browser since [Safari]
-- Viewing the hour, minute and second since [clock]
-- Display of the month, day and year since the [clock]
-- Adding a cronomètre (Start, Pause, Enabling 0) since [clock]
-- Ability to display its IP address by connecting to WiFi since [Settings]
-- Adding a metronome to Lua I coded since [Metronome]
-- Possibility to change the beat since [Change the tempo]
~ X: Between the tempo with the keyboard
~>: +1
~ <: -1
~ O: +5
~ []: -5
-- Ability to delete a folder empty since [Explorer]
-- Ability to create a folder since [Explorer]
-- Recode complete Customize
~ Possible to display the menu used on the preview with Wallpaper / \
~ Possibility to change the menu
~ The preview menu s'Affiche installed on the Wallpaper
~ Possible to restart the Summerboard
~ Adding a new menu
~ Adding several other wallpapers
-- Fixed a few bugs
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July 12th, 2008, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
lolittle posted this tutorial on how to get emulators running on the PS3 in PS2 Mode, basically you need a 20GB/60GB Backward Compatible PS3 and a SwapMagic Disk:
What we need:
Swap Magic Disc (v3.6) - Consolesource sell them
USB Memory Stick
A Pc
A Ps3
This method only works on ALL PS3's that are capable of playing PS2 games (20/60gb SKU's), and upto firmware 2.40. This does NOT work with NTSC systems.
[UPDATE]: We have reports that this method does work on 20/60gb NTSC SKU's that are running on firmware 2.10 (Anything above not tested as of now).
UPDATE : Tested and working on PAL 60gb SKU 2.41
UPDATE : Confirmed working on NTSC 60gb SKU Running FW 2.41 by ztkratos
Step 1
Download This .zip file :: Swap Magic Emulator Files (download via Comments)
And extract its contents into the root of your USB Memory Stick.
Thats the easy bit Done
Step 2
Put your new USB Memory Stick with the files on into your ps3
Insert the Swap Magic Disc and click the ps2 disc icon when it appears
Swap Magic Will now load ... you will have to press your PS Button to use control pad again here.
Step 3
Now press R1 + Up on the Dpad simultaneously and a menu should appear.
Press any direction on the Dpad and then Circle Button to enter Config.
Press again at default and then in the new list go down to 'MISC/' and press Circle Button
Go down one to 'FileBrowser' and yes press Circle Button again
Now the old config menu should appear go down to 'Ok' and press Circle Button
Step 4
At this point you have to make sure 'FileBrowser' text is gray by using Dpad directions and pess Circle Buttonwhen it is gray.
Here go down to 'MASS:/' the go down to 'USBD.IRX' and press R1 and then 'Copy' (press) Circle Button
Press Triangle Button to go back
Now go to 'mc0:/' and press Circle Button
Press R1 and then go down to 'New Dir' and press Circle Button
Name the new directory as follows
All American NTSC consoles - BADATA-SYSTEM
All PAL consoles - BEDATA-SYSTEM
All Japanese consoles - BIDATA-SYSTEM
Thanks Aries2k for this info
then press Ok
Enter the BEDATA-SYSTEM directory now and press R1 again then paste the USBD.IRX file there by chosing 'Paste' in the box
Press Triangle Button twice and then the PS Buttonand 'Quite Game'
Thats the hard bit over, its all plain sailing for now
Step 5
Now start Swap Magic Again
This time hold up on the dpad and then press L1
This will bring up the choice of emulators Pgen and Snes Station
Choose the one you want by pressing X Button
There you have it its all done !!
All You have to do now is get sume roms for the emulators
To answer most peoples question :: No you dont have to do the whole proccess each time you want to run the emulators, just connect the USB Memory Stick and go from Step 5
Please Search around the internet for USB SNES STATION, download it and place it in psxloader directory in USB Memory Stick
Mod Edit - changed the machines working on to all Ps2's that are backwards compatible form just PAL
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July 12th, 2008, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack
A new emulator is currently in the works. If all goes well, there should be a release within the next couple of weeks.
Second, according to the folks at the MSX Resource Center, there is an MSX ROM mapper database, licensed under GPL. This may well mean the end of ROM type selection for fMSX. Special thanks to Manuel Pazos and Manuel Bilderbeek for their help.
If you can help with similar information for the Atari800 (ROM CRC and ROM type information), please let me know.
Great time to be part of open source development, to be sure.
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July 12th, 2008, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Um... test 12? Had a stupid goof in the new button code that (among other things) prevented you from naming a hardfile at format time. Also, once you enabled the memstick, it was on for life. Both are cleared up in test 12.
Here's test 11! I made a minor change to the interpretation of the NOT SET field of the button map. It used to be any of the bits in the NOT SET field made it not match. Now it's those set bits exactly. Makes the logic cleaner. You match the set bits against pad.Buttons, and the not set bits against ~pad.Buttons in the same manner. Think of it this way: you have a total of 10 bits to match against; the first field says to match if all the bits you specify are 1s; the seconds field says to match the bits you specify if they are 0s; any other bits are don't-cares.
Big change for this update is memstick access!! Now I don't have to put up with noobs whining about not being able to use HFVExplorer. The emulator will now mount the files directory in the B2 directory when enabled. If the files directory doesn't exist, it'll create it when you run B2. This is the "old standard" for putting Mac files on a non-HFS partition, using helper directories to store the finder info and resource fork. As far as noobs go, just put .sit/.bin/.hqx files in the directory, then drag them onto the hardfile once the emu is running. I don't recommend installing software ONTO the stick. Although the helper directories should make it work, it's not meant for that purpose. It's really just an easier way to move files back and forth.
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July 12th, 2008, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from burows
Good morning
QURAN PSP is an application for a Muslim it allows you to read the quran on your psp console psp.
-adding search functions
-Adding functions Chapter 32
-new menu
-correction bugs
the English version not yet complete
Copy "QURAN PSP" to / PSP / GAME.
Bugs et suggestions:
For the next version:
I will complete the chapter.
I'll add the English language for the quran.
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July 12th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
via G4
Usually when we talk about console wars, we mean a bunch of nerds whining about the platform they like best, but according to a report from activist group Toward Freedom, the PlayStation 2 may have caused an actual war in the Congo.
The decade long war in Africa is called "The PlayStation War" by some, because it came about partially because of insatiable Western demand for a rare black ore called coltan that is used in the PS2 as well as other electronic equipment. Evidence shows that hundreds of millions of dollars worth of coltan were stolen from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the most active thieves were reportedly the Rwandan military, fueling tensions between the two nations.
Not only that, but apparently the Rwandans were using slave and child labor to mine the elements needed for you to play Katamari Damacy. "Kids in Congo were being sent down mines to die so that kids in Europe and America could kill imaginary aliens in their living rooms," said British politician Oona King, who was a Member of Parliament from 1997 to 2005.
The entire saga is depressing and disheartening look at the consequences of global capitalism. Sorry for the buzzkill, man.
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July 12th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: Unicorn

Via psp.scenebeta.com.
Carlosgs has just released a VERY usefull Homebrew. Maybe if you are a PSP's scene fan, you remember the oldie Install-o-tron, by Fanjita.
downPSP is very similar, we will be able to download, and install, some of the best Homebrew for our PSP, without using any PC!! You only have to configure your PSP's WiFi connection.
This is possible thanks to the GREAT LUAPlayerHM (Homemister). If Homemister implements the unrar function in LUAPlayerHM, we will be able to download almost ALL PSP Homebrew, directly to our Memory Stick, thanks to psp.scenebeta.com (because all the files there are prepared to be installed in the root of our Memory Stick).
For the time being, we can download Homebrew from PSP.SceneBeta.com, but it wont be installed automatically. We even can use an integrated search. Of course, you need to have an account in that PSP Homebrew community, if you want to download from there.
You can translate the application into English just pressing Square when it boots up. downPSP is also "skinable". And the best of all is that this application auto-updates every time you use it, so you will always get the last version easily.
This Homebrew takes part in the Scenery Beta 2008, an International Homebrew Showcase.
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July 12th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Poor Spike TV. Their scoop's blown! The first details on the next Wolfenstein title are actually to be found in the latest issue of Game Informer, which gives us information on the game's setting and requisite gimmicky features. Aside from the obvious (you're still BJ Blaskowitz, you're still fighting Nazis who are mucking about with the occult), the game will introduce a quasi-sandbox city, with different parts of it opening up as you complete missions. It'll also feature an AI-controlled resistance force that will assist you, and there'll be some Link-to-the-Past-ish elements courtesy of an ability to enter "The Shroud", a dark, alternate version of the game's city. As expected, Raven are handling development, and it'll be appearing on the PS3, 360 and PC.
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July 12th, 2008, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Hope you're not superstitious! Here's test 13. Now uses AppleDouble format instead of B2 format on the memstick. This is the format Apple uses to write files to non-HFS format disks. In this format, you have two files for each file you see on the desktop: the first has the regular name and holds the data fork - note that this file may be 0 bytes long, but still MUST exist; the second file will have "._" prepended to the regular name and holds the finder info and resource fork. They should be in the same place - if you've gotten a zip from the 68kShrine, you'll notice both those files are present, but in different directories. I don't know why - maybe zip does that. Just copy the files into the same directory. For example, when you copy the glider files, you'll have these in the same directory:
"Glider 3.14"
"._Glider 3.14"
Also, directories can have finder info as well, so after running this on the memstick, you'll find "._files" in the main B2 directory. That is the AppleDouble file that holds the finder info for the main directory "files/". That is normal.
I noticed there is a problem with the B2 external filesystem where it won't write to the memstick. I first noticed it on the new code, so I went back to the old and it was there as well. I added logging to the code and found it's a problem in B2, not my external filesystem. I might look into it more later.
Anyhow, see how you like this as opposed to the B2 filesystem.
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July 12th, 2008, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal Hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.5
Added feature to allow normal Hold mode where only the keypad will be locked without changing the display or CPU speed. Hold ANALOG UP when turning on Hold to do this.
The button for operating in Display Off mode has also been changed to ANALOG UP while turning off Hold.
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July 12th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SG57 via psp hacks
Continuing to make a name for himself is SG57 with two classic cabin-coded clones — Minesweeper and Block Dude. Both have been rewritten and redefined in fine homebrew form for your PlayStation Portable.
The source code is said to be available soon; for those who learn better from example.
Move the cursor fast with teh analog stick (good for just starting out randomly selecting squares)
Move the cursor slowly for more precise cursor movement
Press X to activate a square if not already activated and it isnt flagged
Press [] to flag a square as a mine or if it is flagged it removes the flag
Press SELECT to start over and pick your difficulty (easy, intermediate, expert)
Block Dude:
Pretty close to the same graphics as on the calculator, just colored
Has sound effects, just little ones though (from the playSound function in the tiffsdk gfx library)
Included levels are exact replicas of the originals
It supports up to 100 levels named consecutively in the lvl folder from 1.lvl to 100.lvl in a very easy to use map format.>
Download: Minesweeper | Block Dude
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July 13th, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News from Peter M
Oh boy.
Unfortunately I can’t say why it’s cancelled, but really - it’s good news.
I think this will be the last port I bother with, as after having several platforms get pulled out from under me I’m not terribly motivated to do it again. Time to work on my own stuff again I think.
Just after I have a quick cry.
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July 14th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEO Summer coding contest 2008 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
*** close time: Aug.20th 2008 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,5206.0.html
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 5 winners for PSP App, total 10+5 winners.
In this neo coding contest, the main concept is for R6 Gold / MK6 Motion cart / PSP Motion kit applications, it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full motion function.
The rules of NEO Spring coding contest 2008:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] With this contest we will keep to use the new judge way still --- everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , and you must give out your own top 10 winner judgement, from here you can find the "TOP REVIEWER" sample --- http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ard,108.0.html
We will keep the new award --- "NEO TOP REVIEWER" too, we will check all review reports and choose top 6 from NDS division and top 6 from PSP division too, so will have 12 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.
[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.
[4] You can enter the PSP/NDS/GBA's GAME contest and APP contest at the same time, without any limit.
[5] You must put the splash screen of "NEO Summer coding contest 2008" to your production.
[6] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.
[7] If your project can support NEO Motion function, then you will get +5 "Motion Score".
[8] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer will be welcome.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:
The No.1 : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.2 : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.3 : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The top 12 NEO Professional Reviewers (6 from NDS/GBA division and 6 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list too.
Total winners : 47
NEO Summer Coding contest 2008 close time : Aug.20th 2008
Winner prize send out time : Sep.20th 2008
Note: We will keep the right for use the neo contest production in the NEO products,like use for demo.
Good Luck to all PSP, GBA and Nintendo DS Coders
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July 14th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has released a new Spectrum Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Joining the cornucopia of emulators today is a port of the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator (Fuse), a Sinclair Spectrum emulator. A nice addition to the PSP port is support for ZIP files.
I’m happy with most of the port, however, there is an issue with intermittent tape loading hangs that I will be investigating further. To mitigate this issue (and Spectrum’s slow tape loads), I’m (grudgingly, for those of you who remember Caprice32 ) adding support for Z80 files from the game tab. The ‘autoload slot’ feature is also available.
Please check the documentation for any other issues. Feedback is always appreciated!
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July 14th, 2008, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
test 15. This fixes a few bugs - one in the imap/floppy/cdrom menu, I switched back to unix gettimeofday timing (seems a little more consistent), it should handle the caps lock key correctly, and should load IRDA.PRX on 3.80+. Would someone with a Phat and 3.80+ please check that?
I also fixed a minor quibble in the default input mapping - CROSS is now enter instead of keypad enter. I now allow for comments in the input maps. Look at the included default and Maelstrom maps as examples. Here's a tip for testing your input maps/keyboards - under the Apple Menu is a little jewel of an app called Key Caps... use it!
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July 14th, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Recovery Editor by Red Squirrel
What's it?
It's a simple tool for Windows XP/Vista that allows you to edit CF 3.90/3.95/4.01 Recovery Menù and VSHMenù colorous!
-Added the possibility to change colours of 4.01M33 Recovery Menù.
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July 14th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Koei is bringing the Neo Angelique series to the PSP with Neo Angelique Special this September. The title appears to be a port of a 2006 PS2 game with four new characters from the latest anime series. It is a love sim that features a young girl taking on an evil demons with the help of various male characters, of whom she conveniently fell in love with.
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July 14th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
Mr. Shizzy back up in the heezy, baby… Get down with XMBeditor V.3 for custom firmware 4.01 M33. You know what it’s all about — flash this theme, change that theme, create your own… Do it all from one easy to use homebrew app.
XMBeditor V.3 changes:
now for 4.01 M33 (and all 4.01 m33 updates)
added EULA
usb menu (Toggle Mem stick, Flash 0-1-2-3))
overclocked for faster flashing
added support for all the new 401 rco files
now uses luaHM7
can now rename themes using SONY’s osk
can now rename MODS using SONY’s osk
added powertick (to prevent auto sleep mode while using Program)
updated all prx offsets in prx editor for 4.01
Added security to prevent people from doing unsafe hex jobs of this program
Can now play video/sound preview of gameboots
Can Now remove/restore gameboot logo
Minor bug fixes
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July 14th, 2008, 07:31 Posted By: badplankton
hi - i'm writing to announce the latest version of PSPSeq, a homebrew audio synthesis and sequencing application for making music on the PSP. some of the new features in version 3.00 include:
- loading and saving of synthesizer presets
- exponential frequency modifying envelopes for all generators
- memory optimizations allowing for handling up to 7 MBytes of samples within a song
- FM generators improved to include feedback parameters
- per-step pan
- faster load/save of sequencer data
- configurable color schemes
- better envelope controls
sample songs can be downloaded at the PSPSeq homepage, dspmusic.org/psp.
PSPSeq is compatible with 1.5 sony firmware and runs via the 1.50 add-on in M33 custom firmware.
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July 14th, 2008, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH releases first Metal Gear Online download enhancement on July 17th
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced it will release the first expansion pack for its Metal Gear Online title on July 17th. Entitled Metal Gear Online Gene Expansion, the download adds new maps, characters and a game mode to the existing game.
Metal Gear Online is a dedicated online title released with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, an exclusive title for PLAYSTATION®3, which took the market by storm on its release in June. Featuring characters, weaponry and levels taken from and inspired by Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online allows up to 16 people to play simultaneously. The online game retains the famed stealth combat gameplay of the Metal Gear series, players are dropped in a series of war zones wherein different challenges await.
The new Metal Gear Online Gene Expansion enhancement will be available to download via Metal Gear Online’s built-in store from July 17th, and is priced 9,99 Euro. The download adds a number of key features to the basic game, including new three new maps. ‘Coppertown Conflict’ boasts wide, open streets, ‘Tomb of Tubes’ is a labyrinth of underground passages, while ‘Virtuous Vista is a sprawling outdoor locale, and ideally suited to medium and long-range combat techniques.
A new ‘Survival’ mode has also been added, wherein players are charged with staying alive for as long as possible within a series of increasingly challenging stages, while a Reward Shop has been added wherein accrued points can be traded for new gear. The new add-on also added Metal Gear Solid 4 heroes Meryl and Johnny to the list of playable characters, both of whom enjoy unique skills, and will be randomly allocated to players when their use is enabled. Finally, Kojima Productions has also added the ability to create female soldiers for those creating new characters.
“Konami is committed to the evolution of Metal Gear Online, and this first expansion pack illustrates the ways the game can be enhanced with new stages, characters and modes,” commented Christopher Heck, European Brand Manager for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. “The new update represents terrific value for money, and will be followed by additional add-ons in the coming months designed to keep Metal Gear Online fans enthralled with the new possibilities they will bring.”
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July 14th, 2008, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
Discover what will make Rise of the Argonauts™ a unique epic action RPG experience, in a new developer commentary video from Liquid Entertainment, released today by Codemasters® and now available to view and download from www.rise-of-the-argonauts.co.uk.
In the Immersive Game Experience video, Liquid Entertainment’s President Ed Del Castillo and Lead Designer Charley Price reveal the thought process behind the creation of Rise of the Argonauts™ and its express aim of creating a role-playing game like no other. Key to this was streamlining the traditional RPG menu systems, ensuring that the player is always immersed in the extreme Greek mythology action.
In Rise of the Argonauts, Jason and his trusted band of Argonauts embark on a quest to find the Golden Fleece and revive his beloved slain wife while exploring the vast Aegean – a dynamic world of forbidding islands, shining cities, lush jungles and deep forests – in a vibrant realization of ancient Greece. As Jason, players will carve a unique journey through the game world as their choices bring favour with the gods, shape the plot, change the outcome of quests and open up new story arcs.
Mixing deep exploration, grand-scale quests and gladiatorial combat in a story powered by the timeless motives of love and vengeance, Rise of the Argonauts is coming this autumn for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Games For Windows®. For the videos and more, head over to the website at www.rise-of-the-argonauts.co.uk.
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July 14th, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
Apogee Software is back to re-establish itself as an innovative leader in interactive entertainment. Apogee is reviving some of its legacy catalogue of 30+ releases as well as publishing all-new properties in collaboration with diverse creators and developers.
Apogee is bringing the King of Action himself, Duke NukemTM, to the handheld console market with three new missions, together called the Duke Nukem TrilogyTM. Apogee Software is producing the Trilogy under an exclusive license agreement with 3D Realms and MachineWorks Northwest LLC. The Trilogy is comprised of three episodes: Critical MassTM, Chain ReactionTM, and Proving GroundsTM.
"This marks a new beginning for a famous publisher with a history of market-making innovation," said Terry Nagy, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Apogee. "I can't think of a better character than Duke or a better franchise than the Trilogy to usher in a new era for Apogee."
"It's funny how what's old is new again in this industry," remarked Apogee co-founder, Scott Miller. "Many of the things Apogee pioneered are back in style, so it only makes sense to bring back Apogee and its properties with a visionary team that will once again create innovation for gamers around the world."
Apogee pioneered the shareware game revolution in 1987 by inventing the concept of game demos, distributed online, which advertised the remaining episodes in a series. Before this time, game demos and episodic releases were unheard of. These concepts created by Apogee have become mainstream today. Apogee's amazing history includes the original releases of Commander KeenTM (1990), Duke NukemTM (1991), Wolfenstein 3-DTM (1992), RaptorTM (1993), and Rise of the TriadTM (1994), just to name a few.
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July 14th, 2008, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Sky are pleased to announce that Go!View, the official PlayStation Portable (PSP™) video-on-demand service in the UK and Republic of Ireland, is now live. From today, content spanning TV, movies and sport will be regularly added to this new service for PSP users to enjoy in addition to their usual gaming experience. With everyone who registers for the service at www.goview.tv receiving a free month’s subscription, there’s no better time to be a PSP owner!
Go!View makes portable, video-on-demand a reality, now PSP users are able to easily transfer content to their PSP via a PC. Through agreements with distributors and broadcasters including Disney-ABC-ESPN Television, BBC Worldwide, Sony Pictures Television International, NBC Universal International Television Distribution, National Geographic and Sky Sports, Go!View can offer PSP users an excellent range of content. Programming will range from US dramas such as library series’ of Lost and Desperate Housewives (produced by ABC Studios) to hit UK shows such as Doctor Who and Top Gear (from BBC Worldwide) through to FA Premier League football action and blockbuster movies.
Comedy, Sport and Entertainment Packs are available by monthly subscription, whilst selected movies and TV series can be transferred via the rental service on Go!View. Subscription packs are priced at £5 (€7) for 1 pack, £8 (€11) for 2 packs and £10 (€14) for all three packs and users can trial all three packs free for a month. Rental TV is available from £1.50 (€2.00) per episode and a range of movies is available from £2.50 (€3.20) each.
This initial launch phase will see the Go!View service constantly growing from now through the autumn. ‘We are working with our content providers to secure a quality range of programming and ensure that PSP™ owners are getting the best possible service on-the-go and on-demand.’ said Alison Turner, General Manager, Go!View Entertainment UK
Go!View is a joint venture between Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Sky who have established the joint venture ‘GO!VIEW Entertainment UK’. This is being used to bring the PSP video-on-demand to market in the UK, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands & the Isle of Man. Sky is providing their expertise in building successful video-on-demand platforms as well as content acquisition. Sony Computer Entertainment is providing the marketing for the service.
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July 14th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Get down and dirty with Ford Racing Off Road and experience the thrill of massive high speed action using authentic vehicles made by Ford and Land Rover. Race through dense forests, cliff hanging mountain terrain and snow covered landscapes before making your way across the finish line. Through this unique driving experience, you will feel the adrenaline pumping excitement the way off roading is supposed to be.
Release Date July 15, 2008
Platforms Wii, PS2 and PSP
ESRB E (No Descriptors)
Genre Racing
Publisher: Empire / Crave Entertainment
Number of Players:
Wii & PS2: 2 / PSP: 6 (Wi-Fi ad hoc)
UCP Code
Wii 6-50008-50025-7
PS2 6-50008-50021-9
PSP 6-50008-50023-3
Price Point
Wii $29.99
PS2 $14.99
PSP $19.99
Key Features
• Drive 18 officially licensed Ford and Land Rover vehicles, including concept trucks not yet on the market
• Plow through 24 intense tracks that consist of different environments such as desert, snow and ice which affect the race
• Experience the real pounding and through real time body damage
• Challenge your friends (2 players) on split screen racing on the Wii and PS2 or over Wi-Fi on the PSP (6 players)
• Enjoy virtually endless game play through hours of themed competitions and challenges
• Test your racing skills through 12 different race types ranging from the standard race to, “Gold Rush”, Slalom, “Show Me the Money Race” and more!
• Discover alternate paths and advantageous pick ups to get the racing edge on your high flying competition
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July 14th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Okay, here's test 16. Made a few more changes to the timing, and now I support suspend/resume. The only thing that shouldn't work after resume is the network. I might add that later. I'm not very motivated on that front right now.
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July 14th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
With the eyes of every nerd firmly affixed on the Los Angeles Convention Center, Sony announced on the official PlayStation Blog a few gems that are coming to the PlayStation Store. Apparently this Thursday will bring The Best of The Who Rock Band Edition, the Super Stardust HD Team Mode add-on, and the debut of Elefunk, a downloadable puzzle game. On top of all that game content, Sony's promising HD videos from publishers such as Capcom, Namco Bandai, Activision, and THQ.
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July 14th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Red Squirrel:
Hi guys, because of there are many people that take alive this homebrew, I decided to leave it and use my time to other PSP project :P
But first to leave this homebrew, i want to give you my last public update, RSPsar Dumper v3.5!
Changelog v3.5
-Added support for 4.05 Official Firmware
-Fixed usbhostfs.prx that did not work in CF 4.01M33
-My last public update for this homebrew.
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July 14th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
Eugene, our new developer of the shadows, just fun to decipher the firmware 4.05.
Nothing really sorcerer in this decryption because nothing has really changed between 4.01 and 4.05. A simple adaptation of the buffer size can therefore decrypt the firmware 4.05 and Eugene has thus send us what to do.
Looks like you wont be getting a Custom Firmware for the newest firmware release
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July 14th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from lordvisaris
Hello everyone, I just show you the homebrew on which me and Aghio working from 2 months (and 3 for me).
Coded entirely by me in lua, with graphics Aghio.
This first version may contain many mistakes, if you find please report them.
Official website: http://global-guardians-corp.fr.gd/
Version: 1.01.1
SMXP-v1.02 by akabane
- Luaprog v0.3 by the team vortex
Descriptions: Homebrew to create its own rpg lua simply without a thorough knowledge.
Editor-MAP v0.1
- Editor v0.1 script (adapted from luaprog
- Editor pnjs v0.1
Publisher-merchants v0.1
- Editor system_game v0.1
- combat system v0.2
- systeme pnj / merchants v0.1 beta test
- Engine v0.1 heros
- menu system v0.2
Open menus: SELECT or START
Bringing in a Class: X
Bringing in a sub-category: []
Exiting a subcategory: START
Exiting a Class: / \
Exiting a menu: O
Place on the map: R
Switching to collision: L
Leading the sliders: keys and directional X, O, / \ []
In a menu, change tilesets: L and R
Running: X
Interrargir: O
Menu / pause: START
Thanks to all members of the GGC, akabane to thank you, thank you for xtreamlua, pspgen and devsgen for support
Copy the file RPG YOUR GAME CREATOR and in the case GAME your psp and RPGCXP the root of your ms.
Note the authors:
This version will not be téleporter in houses, this type of code must be manually.
If you create resources or scripts for this program, please put them on the present site of the GGC, where she will perhaps be used for future versions.
With a theme and resources:
Thank you all!
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July 14th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from fableboss1
hello all!
I just finished my 4th homebrew asser well realize that is named Hear Test
this is a homebrew a hearing test which allow whether you have good ears or not
there is 10 sounds a listen.
if you hear a lot, you have good ears
nen if you hear little or none, your ears have deteriorated!
at the end, you are told what is your hearing based on the number of sounds you could hear
in this homebrew, you can:
- a hearing test
- to leave the game at any time by pressing L
- restart the game any time by pressing O
- extinguish the psp at any time by pressing square
- see credits (available only after having finished the hearing test) by pressing triangle
All these functions are also possible in the menu of credit
then decompress homebrew 13MB is a cause of 10fichiers sons ...
to use this hombrew,:
- download the hombrew here: http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=DQLHBIV2
- once download, plug in your psp usb
2 times-click on the file download and select "to extract" and choose the letter associee a psp on your pc
- wait for extracting files
- then leave the mode of usb psp then go to "game" in memoristick, then lua player and press X
- voila, the homebrew is launched!
voili voilou tell me how you find my homebrew!
go hi!
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July 15th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
It's not often you get to see new footage of Final Fantasy XIII. But, that's exactly what we have here. Moments after announcing an Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix has released a trailer that still touts its PS3 exclusivity. There's tons of new pre-rendered footage to be feast upon, and a little bit of real-time content ... and it all ends with "for PLAYSTATION 3 Only ... in Japan."
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July 15th, 2008, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so maybe PSP firmware 4.05 really did have "other features." A look at PlayStation.com's support page for firmware 4.05 reveals that the update adds "Support for PLAYSTATION®Store Movies and TV video service." Sony has been teasing its video service for quite some time, and it looks like they'll finally unveil all the dirty details tomorrow during their press conference. Will it be able to best Microsoft's video offerings through XBLM and Netflix?
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July 15th, 2008, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Represent the country of your choice and compete in such sports as track and field, aquatics, gymnastics and more
In Olympic Games mode, players organize their daily schedule and customize their national teams with agility, power, stamina, and speed for competition in 38 events
Face challengers from other nations, compete in exhibition events, and track your progress on the leaderboards
In Beijing 2008™ - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games, embrace the competitive spirit of the world’s most prestigious sporting event and represent your country as you compete for the highest honor - the Gold. Delivering a far more entertaining and immersive Olympic experience with superior graphics, Beijing 2008™ captures the fine emotional detail of each event where a fraction of a second means the difference between winning and losing as well as brand new gameplay mechanics challenging your time, speed, and coordination. Competing alone or with up to seven friends online, you will strive to break records as you lead the US team to victory in 38 authentic Olympic events. This summer, everyone will want to show their patriotism and bring home Gold.
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July 15th, 2008, 02:11 Posted By: 10shu
Here few screenshots of the upcoming PSN title for PSP : "No Gravity : The Plague Of Mind" developed by Realtech VR and published by Anozor. The game was originally a homebrew game and came an official Sony product :
This game shows what the homebrew scene at its best can do and even better its now an official sony product 
Screens Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=120300
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July 15th, 2008, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Okay, here's test 17. Let me know how it goes. Only change is in the waits to trigger task switching.
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July 15th, 2008, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Madmax11:
Big update this time! Instead of a pub on planet, there is a 'Missions' option. On each planet there are 5 random missions that earn you credits which you can use to buy different ships and upgrades. Here's a quote of the changes from the readme:
- [RELEASE] Alpha2
- Code optimization for planet
- Made planet images bigger
- Added "Mylon" system & planet
7/8/08 - Added system "Nyx"
- Changed planet menus for anticipation of missions
7/9/08 - Distributed upgrades
- Added portal to map as a red dot
- Added credits
7/10/08 - Started implementing missions
7/14/08 - Finished implementing missions (Can't do more than one at once.. for now. You make commissions off of completed missions.)
- Added L+R to exit from main menu
- Added mission info to pause screen
- Put prices on upgrades
- Code is more tidy for planet
- Reorganized ships, by size & price & looks, distributed throughout systems
- Added 1 ship
- [RELEASE] Alpha3

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July 15th, 2008, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated PSP Filer, a file manager for the PSP.
Heres Whats New:
- putting filer/text/binary [.bmp/.jpg/.png] in the same folder of Filer, Filer changes background as mode changes.
picture viewer:
- image loading will be done in a separated thread.
- reduced a bug that audio playback was stopped while reading a piture.
- added a feature to read next picture in background. (maximum 7 pictures)
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July 15th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom® Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced Flock! (working title) for PLAYSTATION®Network, Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows® PC. Developed by Proper Games™, whose talented team members are known for their previous work on Lemmings, Crackdown, and Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, Flock! is currently scheduled for a downloadable release this Holiday season.
In Flock!, players take control of a UFO that has been given the challenge of herding farm animals to its mothership through a variety of puzzle-filled interactive levels, including corn fields, pastures and other “plushie”-like environments. In order to succeed, players will have to manage the quirkiness of the animal’s distinct behaviors, as well as solve a series of environmental puzzles using Flock’s! physics-based gameplay. The animals that populate these islands – sheep, chickens, pigs, cows and more – respond to the UFO in all kinds of eccentric ways based on their nature. By finding or creating a passable route across a level, players can herd the animals safely toward their ship. Solving the puzzles within the suggested time limit yields exciting rewards, but players can also take their time in order to find more hidden bonuses. With a unique theme, clever humor and easy pick-up-and-play controls, Flock! promises to be an instant hit with gamers of all ages!
Flock! uses a sophisticated physics engine that drives the challenging puzzle elements of the game. Whether using the Tractor Beam to move obstacles out of the way or the Depressor Beam to stamp out crop circles to guide your herds, being an extraterrestrial has never been this fun! Friends will also be able to join in on the animal herding adventures through co-op play. And when all the levels have been completed, the journey is just getting started as users will be able to make their own customized puzzle-filled levels using the level editor. Flock! comes packed with so much content, the potential fun is out of this world!
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July 15th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
At the 2008 E3 Media and Business Summit, Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, announced Mega Man 9™ for Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Nintendo WiiWare™, and PLAYSTATION® Network. The original 2D classic Mega Man returns, bringing the series back to its core with retro-action platform gameplay and NES-inspired old school graphics. Relive the Mega Man experience with maniacally themed environments, a host of power-ups, and classically inspired bosses, each with their own unique weapons and weaknesses. Mega Man is currently scheduled for a simultaneous launch on all three platforms this Fall.
Mega Man 9 is a continuation of the original Mega Man series and will feature the classic gameplay fans know and love focusing on defeating bosses and acquiring a diverse arsenal of weapons. Mega Man 9 will feature over a dozen new challenging levels, a horde of new enemies with designs directed by Keiji Inafune, the original Mega Man character designer, online leader boards and a gamerscore achievements system.
In the year 200X, as the advanced science of the era has created industrial robots that co-exist with humans. However, an evil genius, Dr. Wily, plots for world domination and creates his own robot army to take over mankind. Luckily for humanity, Dr. Light outfits one of his domestic robots “Rock” to fight Dr. Wily’s creations. Mega Man is born.
Set after the events of Mega Man 8, multiple riots have sprung up all over the world. Whilst many people suspect that this is another plot from Dr. Wily, Dr. Light is stunned to recognize that some of the robots rioting on the TV screen are his own creations. Even more stunning, Dr. Wily appears on television to proclaim that Dr. Light is the evil mastermind behind these latest catastrophic incidents and it’s up to Mega Man to clear his creator’s name!
Launching this Fall for all three major platforms, Mega Man 9 is the must- buy Mega Man for both old and new fans alike. Its retro look and feel will draw old fans back to the series while its intuitive controls and the 80’s retro style gameplay will open up the game to a broader audience.
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July 15th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) and JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAKK) today announced additional details surrounding WWE® Legends of WrestleMania®, the new World Wrestling Entertainment® videogame property currently in development for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Poised to deliver an impressive lineup of Legendary Superstars and Managers, a new combo fighting system and a historically accurate representation of WWE telecasts during the Eighties and Nineties, WWE Legends of WrestleMania is scheduled for release in March 2009 to coincide with WrestleMania 25 in Houston, Texas, live on pay-per-view on Sunday, April 5, 2009.
“WWE fans are extremely supportive of our leading fighting videogame franchise, WWE® SmackDown® vs. Raw®, and they have wanted a Legends-based game for quite some time,” said Tracy Williams, director, global brand management, THQ. “WWE Legends of WrestleMania has the right combination of talent, gameplay and presentation elements to extend the sports entertainment videogame experience and enable gamers to relive, rewrite or redefine classic moments etched in WWE’s history books.”
“WWE Legends of WrestleMania has a tremendous amount of potential with game enthusiasts, casual players and WWE fans of yesterday and today,” said Nelo Lucich, senior vice president of interactive, JAKKS Pacific. “The impressive talent and managerial roster, classic visual elements and key gameplay features like WrestleMania Tour Mode will encourage players to revisit classic matches, create new history and secure their rightful spots in the WWE Hall of Fame.”
WWE Legends of WrestleMania will embrace the leading sports entertainment organization’s rich history to relive, rewrite or recreate the definitive elements of WWE from the Eighties and Nineties. Players will relive the entertaining lives of more than 40 larger-than-life Legends and have control over Legendary Managers, each of whom will play crucial roles in match outcomes. The game’s new grapple-based fighting system will capture the high-energy action and drama seen in vintage WWE matches, while a historically accurate representation of past WWE telecasts will set the stage, including dynamic visual treatments, signature ring entrances, renowned commentators and notable venues. WWE Legends of WrestleMania will also include a WrestleMania Tour Mode that allows players to participate in key matches from multiple WrestleMania events, a Create-A-Legend system to develop the Legends of tomorrow, as well as online functionality for players to compete on the biggest stages in WWE history.
More information about WWE Legends of WrestleMania can be found at www.legendsofwrestlemania.com, www.THQatE3.com and www.thq.com.
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July 15th, 2008, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
SUBSONIC innovates again, and allows you to travel with your favourite portable console! Innovative accessories to make your trip easier and have fun everywhere with your portable console or MP3 player! Car, plane, train, with a back pack, don’t forget to put your Subsonic accessories kit in your luggage!
THE only car charger available to recharge all your nomad stuff!
Listening to music, playing games on your portable console (DS™, DS™ Lite, PSP™ & PSP™ Slim), recharge your laptop before a meeting. The USB & “4 in 1” car charger will be a must have for all your car trips!!
“4 in 1” car charger description:
1 car charger with a Female USB connector +
1 male USB cable -> 4 connectors
Compatible with:
Every portable console: DS™, DS™ Lite, PSP™, PSP™ Slim & Lite.
Every Mini USB connector device
Ipod® compatible.
1,1m cable
THE cunning case for globe-trotters!
Your Nintendo DS™ will be accompanying you on your holidays?
Take the Holidays Crystal Case to travel, by plane, by train, by car … This case is anti-shock, anti-scratch, and can contain your Nintendo DS™, 4 games, and all the necessary components for your Nintendo DS™!
The Holidays crystal case is available in pink, white, silver or black.
. Scratch-proof and shock-proof outside shell, rubber-made interior compartments.
. Telescopic metal DS™ Lite stylus, earphones with a retractable cable, cigar lighter charger and retractable USB charger cable for the DS™ Lite.
. The DS™ Lite stylus improves handling, comfort and precision. It is easily stored in the stylus holder of your console.
THE essential for a road trip with your NDS™ lite!
Always travelling? Just keep your “Premium kit” for the Nintendo DS™ lite! This kit contains all the accessories necessary for serious travellers!
The “Premium kit” for NDS™ lite is available in 4 colours: White, black, silver or pink.
• Storage case for Nintendo DS™ Lite System with pockets for DS™ Game Cards and accessories.
• 2 air-bubble free screen protectors (reduced reflection, re-adjustable).
• Microfiber cleaning cloth for dust and finger marks.
• Anti-dust protections for the console slots.
• Stereo earphones with volume control.
• Protective storage case for 6 games.
• 2 anti-scratch styluses and 1 special game finger stylus.
• Wrist strap.
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July 15th, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China

This Official Case is designed to offer all-around external surface protection to your PSP Slim and Lite console without compromising its usability. It provides the maximum protection for your console against everyday hazards and scratches while allowing easy access to all buttons and ports. It molds perfectly to the console's shape to highlight its beauty while providing full access to all controls.
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July 15th, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: PremierPro
PremierPro is proud to bring to you London’s Number 1 Pro Evolution Soccer Gaming Tournament on the PS3.
Do you think you got what it takes! Are you the “Bees Knees” on Pro, then £500 cash prize must sound like easy money not to mention a trophy as well. Too good to be to true I hear you asking, no simply purchase your entry ticket in advance and bring yourself down to The Priory Nightclub Ealing on Saturday 9th August 2008.
Pit your wits against the nations hottest and slickest players on Pro Evolution Soccer and be presented your trophy and champion status by none other than Peter Crouch(Liverpool&England) and Rocky Baptiste(FA Cup Legend).
The tournament is based on knockout rounds, draws on which are based on ticket allocation number, any player not present at time of match will forfeit their match and allow their opponent to enter the next round.
Tournament Venue: The Priory Nightclub 17 The Mall Ealing London W5 2PJ
Kick Off: 11am Sharp! to 8pm Saturday 9th August 2008
Contact Number: 07904 485209/07950 713740
Advance Tickets: £20
Under 18's MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Spectators:£5 on the door
More Info: www.evotournament.com
E-Mail: pro@evotournament.com
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July 15th, 2008, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Aizaki Koi is the granddaughter of the head of the board of directors in Tenjou Gakuen, an elitist boys school. One day when she was walking home from school, two strange men in black beckoned to her, telling her there is something her grandfather wishes to speak to her about.
At first, she was skeptical about the purposes of these men, however, when the voice of her crush and cousin Hayami Naohito calls out to her, she losts her skepticism and blindly follows them to the car. When she realizes they have taken her to her grandfather's school, she knows something is wrong.
But it is too late, for her grandfather has already dealt his damage. He has taken her out of her old school and enrolled her into his boys school to prove to the board of directors that changing the boys school to a co-ed system is good for the school's development.
Koi is obviously opposed to the idea and her grandfather's way of doing things, but the violent outbursts from the board of directors inflames her and before she knew it, she has decided to join her grandfather on his little crusade.
Being an only girl in a boys school gives Koi and the players plenty of opportunities to (re)experience teenage romance. But aside from romance, can the strong willed Koi change the board of directors' minds about the school system?
Takuyo's comedic dating simulation game HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable for Sony PSP™ is in stock today, shipping as a region free Japanese version for US$ 58.90 only.
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July 15th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are having a massive sale of all their in stock items starting from 25% up to 75% off some games/accessories:
as of writing the sale lasts for another 4 days
Heres a selection they posted:
Sony PSP™:
After Burner: Black Falcon US US$ 34.90
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 JPN US$ 36.67
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 ASIA US$ 32.17
DJ Max Portable KOR US$ 37.42
DJ Max Portable 2 KOR US$ 37.42
Driver 76 US US$ 11.18
Every Extend Extra US US$ 7.43
Full Auto 2: Battlelines US US$ 11.18
God of War: Chains of Olympus US US$ 33.67
Initial D Street Stage ASIA US$ 29.90
Iron Man US US$ 29.92
Megami no Etsubo JPN US$ 7.43
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus US US$ 24.90
Pump It Up EXCEED Portable KOR US$ 9.68
Pump It Up Zero Portable KOR US$ 29.92
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 5: The Block Kuzushi Quest - Dragon Kingdom ASIA US$ 5.18
The Dog Happy Life JPN US$ 7.43
Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP the Best Reprint) JPN US$ 11.18
Virtua Tennis 3 US US$ 34.90
Wild Arms XF US US$ 33.67
Wipeout Pulse ASIA US$ 22.42
More details etc ---> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 15th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are having a massive sale of all their in stock items starting from 25% up to 75% off some games/accessories:
as of writing the sale lasts for another 4 days
Heres a selection they posted:
Battle Fantasia JPN US$ 44.93
Battle Fantasia ASIA US$ 41.18
Condemned 2: Bloodshot ASIA N/A
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit ASIA US$ 52.43
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit JPN US$ 56.18
Dual Shock 3 (Black) JPN US$ 59.90
Dual Shock 3 (Ceramic White) JPN US$ 59.90
Dual Shock 3 (Satin Silver) JPN US$ 59.90
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars US US$ 37.42
HAZE US US$ 37.42
Iron Man ASIA US$ 37.42
Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore Bundle US US$ 79.90
LEGO Indiana Jones ASIA US$ 41.18
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition JPN US$ 29.92
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition ASIA US$ 49.90
MotorStorm Complete JPN US$ 29.92
MotorStorm Complete ASIA US$ 33.67
Playstation 3 Eye Camera US US$ 29.92
Sega Superstars Tennis ASIA US$ 22.42
Sega Superstars Tennis US US$ 29.92
Sonic the Hedgehog US US$ 18.67
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Biolith Scourge Theme Deck US US$ 7.43
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Booster Pack US US$ 2.93
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Earth Emperor Theme Deck US US$ 7.43
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Fire Crusader Theme Deck US US$ 7.43
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Water Barrage Theme Deck US US$ 7.43
The Eye of Judgment: Biolith Rebellion Set 2: Wood Swarm Theme Deck US US$ 7.43
Viking: Battle for Asgard ASIA US$ 29.92
Virtua Tennis 3 US US$ 32.17
More details etc ---> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 15th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia are having a massive sale of all their in stock items starting from 25% up to 75% off some games/accessories:
as of writing the sale lasts for another 4 days
Heres a selection they posted:
Arcana Heart JPN US$ 29.92
Bleach: Blade Battles 2nd JPN US$ 48.68
Death by Degrees US US$ 8.18
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness JPN US$ 28.90
Espgaluda JPN US$ 64.90
Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (w/ Bonus DVD) JPN US$ 37.42
Genso Suikoden III JPN US$ 7.43
Get Backers: The Stolen City of Infinite JPN US$ 7.43
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (Append Edition) JPN US$ 11.18
GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 JPN US$ 64.90
Hanjuku Eiyuu IV: 7-Jin no Hanjuku Eiyuu JPN US$ 7.43
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Ultimate Hits) JPN US$ 26.17
Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection US US$ 34.90
Negima!? Dream Tactic Yume miru Otome ha Princess [Utahime Version] JPN US$ 14.93
NiGHTS into Dreams... (Nightopia Dream Pack) JPN US$ 37.42
SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 US US$ 18.67
Seaman 2: Peking Genjin Ikusei Kit (w/Microphone) JPN US$ 18.67
Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 31: Dennou Senki Virtual On JPN US$ 21.67
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne US US$ 33.67
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (CapKore) JPN US$ 14.93
Super Dragon Ball Z JPN US$ 14.18
Super Robot Taisen OG: Original Generations Gaiden ASIA N/A
Super Robot Taisen OG: Original Generations Gaiden JPN US$ 22.42
Super Robot Taisen OG: Original Generations Gaiden [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 74.93
Vampire DarkStalkers Collection (CapKore) JPN US$ 19.90
beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky JPN US$ 51.68
beatmania IIDX 14 Gold JPN US$ 48.68
More details etc ---> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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July 15th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that it has sold-in 10 million PSPs to Japanese retail, as of July 15.
The system is available in seven different colours in the region, and boasts over 580 local titles.
SCEJ has also announced two new bundle packs for the region, a PSP Metallic Blue Value Pack and a PSP Metallic Blue 1 Seg Pack, due for sale July 17.
The system was first launched December 12, 2004, with the upgraded Slim & Lite model introduced on September 20, 2007.
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July 15th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first ever proper in-game footage of BioShock running on PS3 has emerged for Sony boys to feast their eyes on.
After months of rumours, BioShock was finally confirmed for Sony's console in late May, bringing more than a few smiles to the faces of PS3 owners.
Not a great deal has been said about the supposedly enhanced PS3 version since then, so we know you'll be pleased to see how it's running on the new hardware.
Check out the video for yourself right here.
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July 15th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Namco Bandai announced this morning that Eternal Sonata, a role-playing game that hit the Xbox 360 last September, will be coming to the PlayStation 3 this fall. Inspired by the life of a composer, Eternal Sonata follows Frederic Chopin through a tale of combat and exploration … and colorful monsters. There's combos, light and dark influences, and secrets to discover. The PS3 version will feature new quests, new playable characters, new music, and more.
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July 15th, 2008, 21:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
One of the more interesting services to be announced for the PSP has just gone live in the UK & Ireland, allowing owners to access a new video-on-demand service with Sky, beginning with a 1-month free trial.
Users will be able to access content from Disney-ABC-ESPN Television, BBC Worldwide, Sony Pictures Television International, NBC Universal International Television Distribution, National Geographic and Sky Sports. The service is PC-based and uses the Kontiki peer-to-peer software for downloading programmes which can then be transferred to your PSP. What, no Wi-Fi access to download directly to the PSP?
It will come served up in three subscription packs: Comedy, Sport and Entertainment and no, it will not be free after that 1 month trial. The packs cost £5 per month for 1, £8 for 2 and £10 for all 3. There's also something called Rental TV which allows you to skip the monthly fee and just download the programmes you want. TV episodes cost from £1.50 per episode and movies from £2.50 each.
According to Sony and Sky:
"Programming will range from US dramas such as library series’ of Lost and Desperate Housewives (produced by ABC Studios) to hit UK shows such as Doctor Who and Top Gear (from BBC Worldwide) through to FA Premier League football action and blockbuster movies."
New content will be added regularly throughout the summer. With many of you PSP owners, will you be checking it out? Find out more here.
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July 15th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
At Sony Computer Entertainment's 2008 Media Briefing, SCE announced a new PlayStation 2 bundle. This superhero-focused bundle packs in LEGO Batman and Justice League: New Frontiers DVD movie. The system will be priced at $149 and will be released this fall.
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July 15th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
At Sony Computer Entertainment's 2008 Media Briefing, SCE displayed a quick list of games coming out for PSP in the coming months and beyond. Here's a rundown of what was there:
- NBA 09: The Inside – SCE rebots its b-ball franchise with this new edition. We're not sure yet what's new, but it looks nice.
- Super Stardust Portable – The Geometry Wars-killer is now in your handheld. Smooth play and a hectic pace promise your time will be sucked away.
- Valkyria Chronicles – Yes, the PS3 game also is coming to PSP! According to the video shown at the event, the game looks exactly like its big brother.
- LocoRoco 2 -- More rocos going loco!
- Patapon 2 – Previously announced in Japan, this four-player sequel will get into your brain.
- Star Wars: Force Unleashed – It's much smaller than its PS3 brother, but it might be just as good.
- Madden NFL 09 – Toss the pigsking once again.
- Lego Batman – The LEGO fun continues.
- Buzz! Quiz Master –The master trivia game is now portable.
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July 15th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
At the E3 2008 Sony Press Conference, Jack Tretton unveiled news about the PSP system. Among these is a new PSP title by Sony Bend, Resistance: Retribution.
The game is a completely new game in the Resistance line.
The trailer shown at the conference presented some of the gameplay for the third-person action shooter. The game appears to be set between the first and second games, and features levels that appear to be France.
There were familiar weapons and shields from the first game, and most of the enemies look similar too, along with some that were shown in the Resistance 2 trailer.
Resistance: Retribution is set to release in Spring 2009.
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July 15th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has announced that, from September, the 80GB PS3 model will be available for the same price as the 40GB version in the US ($399), which means the firm is effectivly getting rid of the 40 package.
There's still no word on whether or not the 80GB version will make the journey to Europe and the UK.
If you ask us, it'll happen one day though. Either way, we got the 60GB version, so we're all good thanks.
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July 15th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
At Sony Computer Entertainment's 2008 Media Briefing, SCE announced its long-awaited video download service. Its partners include Fox, MGM, Lionsgate, Warner, Disney, Paramount and Turner. This service includes movies, TV and much more. Separating this from other video services, the video will all be able to be transferred to the PlayStation Portable.
As far as pricing goes, TV shows will be available in both HD and SD, starting at $1.99. Movies start at $2.99 for rental, and $9.99 to buy. The download service browser is quite similar to the PlayStation Network front end, so those used to buying games on the service will be familiar with the interface. The service offers a video preview of its content (which can be full-screened), and also lists details such as run time, language and description. It should take about
1 hour for a 2-hour movie to download, and the service offers progressive download to watch video as it's streaming in.
Movies demoed for the service include 3:10 to Yuma, Reservoir Dogs. The Eye, The Terminator , SuperBad, Spider-Man, Rambo, Cloverfield, The Bank Job, Spiderwick, Naponlean Dynamite and many more.
Surprising the audience, SCE announced that the service will launch tonight, July 15th – if you have further questions on the service's integration, you can check it our yourself when the service launches this evening.
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July 15th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Drakon has just posted this release:
It's my first post here and I want to share with my small project.
I ported small Soft Body Physics library made by walaber from C# to C++. Also I made some optimizations for PSP so it's running on PSP quite nice
Here you can find vr. 0.2 beta of the library. For rendering I used pspGl (I have version with GU for rendering but it have some bugs). In demo on square and circle bodies are added, on triangle you can drag bodies. Exit is on the start button.
If someone is interested here is svn repository with c++ version for PSP and PC
I would very grateful for some advices about optimizations.
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July 15th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Digikid13 posted this release:
This is my very First Game it is made with Miro Lua. It is the original Pong with a few enhancements. There are a couple of things that I will do for this game.
Things To Do:
1. Play 2 Player on same screen.
2. Add sound.
3. Add better Graphics.
4. Play 2 Player on Ad-Hoc, and Infrastructure.
5. Add more game modes and maybe add a 4 player mode MAYBE.
I would like to thank the makers of PspLua and all of the tutorials out there for PspLua.
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July 15th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: DarthPaul
PSP coder Dark_AleX, the man behind the famous custom firmwares and the Team M33, just released a new plugin for PSP Custom Firmware.
What does it do?
This is a plugin to fake the version that the PSP reports via USB to the PC and/or PS3. It's been made mainly to avoid the PlayStationNetwork downloader complain about firmware version.
- Copy the folder seplugins to the root
- Activate the plugin in the Recovery Menu.
- The plugin will fake the version to the one contained in seplugins/usbversion.txt, which
by default is set to 4.05, but you can set it to other version.
Why would I want to fake the USB version?
Well, the PSN Store has been updated to only work on firmware 4.05, and Dark_AleX won't release a Custom Firmware 4.05, because they just added a new Music Visualizer, and it can be flash to 4.01 easily.
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July 15th, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
mhorpheox posted this news/release:
Our user "miro" releases a new version of its Miro Savedata Suite listed here are the news
A useful program for managing your rescue the PSP, you can create bakup, download saves complete and much more ...
Main features:
-- Possibility to open rescues of your PSP simply selecting the name of associated or open the rescue of a folder whatsoever.
-- Ability to create Bakup with the same format as are saved on the PSP (as a folder) or with a new format for rescue PSPSave that contains the rescue compressed into a single file.
-- The files are viewable PSPSave simply opening with a double click and are removable in its original format for PSP.
-- Ability to create a "Stand Alone" that is, make a copy of the program that resides on the memory stick in your PSP in order to show their rescue even on computers that is not installed Miro Savedata Suite. I remember that the programme will open from autorun menu that appears when you connect the PSP to a PC.
-- Possibility to import saves on your PSP (or on an open folder) from an original rescue, a rescue PSPSave or from the Internet
-- For info on how to create a server for making available their rescue read the ReadMe.pdf available along with the program.
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July 16th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Torch:
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal Hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.6
Modified the code a bit so that it should work better in GAME mode, although I don't really support using it in GAME mode.
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July 16th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: kyyubidx
Hi there folks,
I want to start a discussion on the state of gaming on the psp and hear opinions so I'm going to start by giving my take on it.
Its mid-2008 right now and I remember when I bought my PSP back in end 2006 I was hyped up about it. Today I feel shrouded in uncertainty. I have looked at almost all major gaming sites (IGN, GameSpot) and sites that make calculates average points for games (GameStats and MetaCritic) and I always see that the PSP has better rated titles than the DS though the PSP has much fewer games but still I have not had a game since Crisis Core that hooked me to my console (which, btw, I do not intend to get rid of ever). THe only games I have beat on the PSP are Crisis Core (love it or hate it, its the best FFVII spinoff), God Of War: CoO, both Budokai DBZ games, Daxter, MK: Unchained, and one or two more). But still I feel something's wrong...
I can tell what's wrong though... Apart from MK: Unchained all the games I beat on the PSP were originals. THe PSP lacks original games and this E3 didn't help much (one more LocoRoco, one more Patapon and a Resistance title) but those are only coming Spring 2009. From now until then what do we have? The usual anual rif-raff: Fifa 09, PES 09, NBA 09, Football Manager HH09, SD! vs. Raw 09, and one Star Ocean (which is a port, well a remake... my point is its not an original) and with luck we might get Dissidia: Final Fantasy by the end of the year (Squeenix did announce a few months back they were going to start releasing the games in all regions at the same time - we do know the game is coming this year still).
Were does this leave us? Is this enough? DS got Civilization: Revolution, Guitar Hero and others... Is the PSP dead as far as games are concerned? Or is this just a bad phase? I want to hear your opinions...
On a more positive note I am hyped up for Dissidia, KH: Birth ny Sleep, Resistance, LocoRoco 2 and Patapon 2...
(sorry for the long post but I'd like to hear opinions)
EDIT: thanks to jamotto for remembering me: Star Wars: Force Unleashed in September... Plus there's the MIA GT: Portable...
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July 16th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Hellcat has updated his Pandora Installer for 3.xx kernels, heres whats new:
Revision 4: (15.07.2008)
- added a new menu system for more easy navigation of all available options
(I ran out of buttons for new functions *lol*)
Usage should be a bit more easy now, less confusion....
- added option to install TimeMachine IPL to the MemStick
(the IPL is build in, not required to have it as file on the MemStick)
- added option for installing a DDC stick! ("Desparter Del Cementario", or however it's spelled ;-) )
Now you can finally make a MagicStick with this app that also works perfectly on the Slim and
installs a recent CFW! :-)
No need for any additional tools or setups.
(3.40 module extraction based on M33's PSARDumper)
- added option to modify a DDC MagicStick to launch ELF-Menu, instead of the original
DDC ressurection.elf - already presupplied with NAND-Tool (propperly set up) and the
original ressurection to be launched from the menu.
For all you maintanance needs :-)
- It now looks for the 1.50 updater under "150.PBP", no longer under "UPDATE.PBP"!
- The required updater .PBPs are checked on startup and missing ones a are noted in a warning at the bottom of the mainscreen
Key features
Prepare (repartition and format) your memstick for Pandora
(to reserve space for the MS IPL)
since revision 3 you can also choose the name after format (see below)
Make normal battery to Pandora one
Make Pandora battery to normal one
Install a full 1.50 to the memstick, including the Pandora (classic, Fat and 1.50 only)
Install a full 1.50 to the memstick, including DAX' DDC universal unbricker for Fat+Slim
Install optional tools (ELF-Menum NAND-Tool) to a DDC stick, already propperly set up and ready to use
Backup current battery serial to file
Restore battery serial from file
(if trying to restore from a backupfile without one beeing present,
the default serial will simply be used instead)
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July 16th, 2008, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
via pspgen
Stifpsp, developer of our forums and a member of the team voxtex just make a MOD for TetriAbetes 1.50b2 of Dragula96. This mod gives you a theme in GTA IV and 2 music.
To add your own music in TetriAbetes 1.50b2 MOD GTA IV v3, create a file in the folder tetriabetes MUSIC located at the root of your Memory Stick. The music must be at *. MP3 format for easier reading them.
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July 16th, 2008, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via gxmod
taeky, a member of our forums, we propose a new version of his original game for PSP: ParKing, which passes to version 1.3.
The goal is to park the car as soon as possible. Currently, 3 levels are available.
News / Corrections:
-- Adding a 3rd level
-- Adding a 3rd vehicle
-- Improved graphics
-- Downloads file records
-- Optimization script
-- Fixed bug minors
-- EBoot LuaPlayer HM 7.0
Commands Thursday:
Triangle: Forward
Round: Back
Croix: Brakes
Right: turn right
Key left: turn left
Square: pause
Start: Repeat
Select: Main Menu
L + R: Screenshoot
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July 16th, 2008, 04:38 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
At Sony Computer Entertainment's 2008 Media Briefing, SCE displayed a number of new titles coming out for PS2 in the coming months.
Here's a breakdown of the games shown:
* Yakuza 2
* NCAA Football 2008
* NCAA Tiger Woods 09
* Star Wars: Force Unleashed
* Warriors Orochi 2
* Singstar Pop Vol 2
* Madden 09
* Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
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July 16th, 2008, 14:42 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Good times! Sega's announced today a release date for Yakuza 2 in the US. Yes, we know, it came out in Japan in 2006, but let's try and look on the bright side for once, eh? It'll be out on September 9 (Europe, you get it on September 28), and instead of trying to get the likes of Michael Madsen back into the recording studio, the sequel will just be sticking to the Japanese voice actors, with English subtitles provided.
via kotaku
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July 16th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has said that over 130 PlayStation 2 titles are due this year – and that by the end of 2008, a total of over 10,000 games will have been released on the eight-year-old system.
Games set for release include Yakuza 2 from Sega, Warriors Orochi 2 from Koei, SCEE's SingStar Pop Volume 2 and Mercenaries 2, Tiger Woods and Madden NFL 2009 from Electronic Arts.
"The biggest brands in the industry are still delivering games on PS2," commented Jack Tretton, CEO of SCEA, during the company's E3 conference yesterday.
The company has also announced a new PS2 bundle for North America, with the system, a copy of LEGO Batman and a Justice League DVD retailing for USD 149.99.
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July 16th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Guerrilla Games told Eurogamer today that a Killzone 2 multiplayer beta is "definitely" in its plans.
The Dutch developer behind Sony's upcoming FPS showed off the online multiplayer side of the game at E3 and admitted it "wants feedback from the fan-base" later in the year - promising more details on when and how in the near future.
The developer also said that co-operative play was "part of our plans" for downloadable content although declined to share more details.
We were told to expect hands-on with the multiplayer - and more details, which we'll infer may include beta details - at Leipzig's Games Convention in late August.
Killzone 2 multiplayer will ship with eight maps, the developer said, and players will be invited to rank up as they play in a similar fashion to current FPS heavyweight Call of Duty 4. Support is for between two and 32 players, although there are no hard player limits, with a lot of scope for customisation.
There will also be six player classes to choose from - assault, scout, medic, engineer, tactician and saboteur - and each will come with various specialist skills. For example, the tactician can deploy mobile spawn points and call in air-strikes from a chopper, while the medic can revive players with a medi-gun and toss health packs to comrades.
This sort of team-play behaviour will contribute to ranking up, as will kills and completing objectives, and there are also a range of "ribbons" to earn by doing a certain number of headshots and so on.
What's more, players will be able to customise their approach further by combining two classes (known as "badges" in the game's lingo) to combine certain abilities.
For game-types you've got team deathmatch, capture-and-hold, search-and-destroy, assassination and "body count", and it will be possible to customise party playlists so that you work through a sequence of different game-types during one session - without leaving the level.
There's masses more to report - including the community aspects and the minute details behind all of the above - but we'll save it for our extended preview either later in the week or once we get home from E3.
Look out for more on Sony's top PS3 games - including a LittleBigPlanet showing that left us giddy as school-children - very soon.
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July 16th, 2008, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We're progressing through a steady list of screenshot zip files here, and next up is LittleBigPlanet, which was demonstrated and dated at Sony's E3 press conference last night.
The exciting platformer create-em-up will be out for PS3 in October. Sony impressed us all by using the game's creation tools to turn its usually boring sales charts section into a display of patchwork pie charts and sliders in LBP.
Check out the shots and look for a new video shortly...
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July 16th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has unveiled its first wave of PlayStation 3 budget titles for North America.
These will be lumped together under a Greatest Hits label and be sold for the princely sum of USD 29.99 (GBP 15). So far the range includes first-party offerings MotorStorm, Resistance, and Warhawk.
But perhaps more interesting are the third-party additions of Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas, Assassin's Creed, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Call of Duty 3 and Need for Speed: Carbon.
There are no European plans yet, but the PS3 did launch a few months earlier in the US remember. We know a Platinum range is "likely" to make it here, and sometime around September with a price point of GBP 19.99 sounds good to us.
Hopefully we can wangle some sort of confirmation from Sony at E3.
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July 16th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Sorry, Europe. The video store will be heading your way at some point in the future, but in the mean time you're going to have to live with without some awesome non-interactive downloadable content. The video store is ip locked to the US, which means that even if you set up a US account in Europe, you're going to be locked out. There are probably ways around it using proxies, but for most people that's going to be more hassle than it's worth.
The question is, if Sony can region lock the stores like this, why don't they? Surely it prevents cross-region purchases far better than just crying "don't do that!" On the other hand, it makes sense considering that the PS3 is region-free for Blu-ray games, but locked for Blu-ray movies. Maybe the game stores remain unlocked because they know what a shambles the EU Store is. Whatever the reason, we're glad for it. Hopefully we'll hear about the EU rollout for the video store soon.
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July 16th, 2008, 22:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Sony has thought about and continues to play around with the idea of building a Playstation Portable with a built in hard drive or internal memory, Jack Tretton, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said this morning at a gather of game writers.
"I think we definitely thought about it," he said. "I think that's the trend moving forward."
With the recently announced ability to purchase movies on a Playstation 3 and move them over to a Playstation Portable, and as the cost of memory continues to drop, the chance that a new Playstation Portable would include some sort of internal storage option is becoming increasingly likely, Tretton said.
New of the push toward digitally distributed movies through the Playstation Store is also like to impact UMD's already flagging movie sales, he added.
"I think the UMD has struggled," he said. "And that's an understatement. That's been a very frustrating thing. I don't think (UMD movies) were handled very effectively."
He said it seemed that studios said "lets see if we can get people to pay $20 or $30 for crappy movies with less content."
Digital distributed movies, he said, is either going to supplement the UMD movie's struggle or be the "stake in the UMD's heart."
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July 16th, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
As totally rad as arcade classic Golden Axe might have been in 1989, developer Secret Level's decision to axe co-op from the game's upcoming sequel is akin to castrating the series of the one thing that made it worth playing at all. Since hearing of the studio's misguided design choice, we've been pining for the opportunity to ask anyone who'd listen for an explanation, a chance we got this week at E3 when we cornered Sega's VP of marketing, Sean Ratcliffe.
"Rightly or wrongly, we don't have co-op multiplayer in the game," he offered, a statement that was met with a short, yet uncomfortable pause. "I think as much as anything it's taking inspiration from the original series but in terms of that multiplayer co-op the developer decided that they didn't want to take the game in that direction."
"If Golden Axe: Beast Rider is successful," he added, "we can then come back with something else that maybe will have the co-op mode that everyone is wishing this game has." Or, you know, you could give people what they want in the first place instead. Just a thought.
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July 16th, 2008, 22:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've been playing Stardust HD more recently thanks to it being the only game that lets us kick off our Trophy collection on PS3, so it was a pleasant surprise to see it coming to PSP.
There's not a great deal going on in these screens - Sony's screenshot man must have given up the fight after all this E3 madness - but the brief glimpse we got of Super Stardust Portable at Sony's press conference looked promising.
Sony is yet to reveal whether it'll be a download title like its PS3 brother, or sold on UMD.
How well, or badly, will the dual analogue control system convert to the analogue stub and little face buttons of the PSP, though?
Screenshots here
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July 16th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
When Sony showed off Sega's Valkyria Chronicles as part of its upcoming PSP line-up, alongside titles like Resistance: Retribution and LocoRoco 2, we thought.... "Wait. Valkyria Chronicles? For the PSP?!" It was, inarguably, the best looking PSP game on display.
The reason for that is that Valkyria Chronicles is a PlayStation 3 title. Chalk its appearance at Sony's E3 media briefing up to a massive blunder on Sony's part. Sega president Simon Jeffery sounded none too pleased about the flub when we talked to him earlier today and hinted that Sony was on the receiving of serious tongue-lashing from the publisher. Oops!
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July 16th, 2008, 22:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
At an E3 2008 roundtable, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton admitted that the company has had trouble establishing the UMD as a movie format.
"I think the UMD has struggled," he said, as reported by Kotaku. "And that's an understatement. That's been a very frustrating thing. I don't think [UMD movies] were handled very effectively."
He said it seemed as if the studios said "let's see if we can get people to pay USD 20 or 30 for crappy movies with less content."
Tretton noted that Sony was considering a PSP model with a harddrive or larger built-in memory, which he viewed as the trend going forward.
Yesterday, Sony's video download service for the PS3 and PSP went live. Tretton acknowledged that digital downloads will determine the fate of the UMD as a movie format, saying that they would either supplement the UMD's struggle or be the "stake in the UMD's heart."
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July 16th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
Remember that PlayStation-branded SOCOM Bluetooth headset we told you about a while ago? Not surprisingly, it's for real, and we spotted it in Sony's booth alongside SOCOM Confrontation here at E3. It looks to be a relatively nice unit, a bit bigger than your standard Bluetooth headset intended for phones, and the USB charger it comes with is clearly intended to hang out with your PS3. Sony points out that the headset sports a giant mute button for your in-game arguments with significant others, and battery time is promised to be "exceptional." They wouldn't tell us exactly how exceptional, but we'll believe them for now. Finally, they did confirm that you'll be able to pair this with your cellphone in case you want to show off your SOCOM love while away from your living room.
Photographs of the headset here
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July 16th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo US
In a non-exclusive round table with various outlets like us, Kotaku and Engadget this morning, Sony Computer Entertainment America's CEO Jack Tretton gave us some great looks behind the public curtain of the PlayStation brand. In short, they know what's wrong with the way they made the PS3, and they know how to fix it. In Jack's words, "we know what we're doing," but it's going to take a long time to atone for past missteps.
As everyone knows, Sony is a hardware company. But when making the PlayStation(s), they've become a software company as well. The problem came from the fact that they didn't know whether they're a software company or a hardware company or even both, which influenced the way the PS3 was developed. In this case, the hardware guys developed the console fairly independently then dumped it onto the software guy's lap, effectively saying "do something with it." In essence, as Tretton says, the PS3 was not developed in collaboration between the two teams. As a result of this, the software team has been cleaning up the mess made by the hardware team for years.
This is one of the biggest problems with Sony as a whole. Their UI designs are not as good as they could be because much of the company still sees themselves as a hardware force first and a software firm second. Hopefully with previous boss Ken Kutaragi out and guys like Kaz Hirai and Jack Tretton influencing development on the sure-to-be-upcoming PlayStation 4, things will be better in the next generation.
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July 16th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SECA boss Jack Tretton has promised the world that Home will be worth the wait in every sense of the world. "Your patience will be rewarded" strated Tretton.
A new video was shown at the conference that showcased themed rooms from PS3 games and lots of people hanging around and dancing.
We've slapped some new screenshots in below, and look for the movie here soon.
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July 16th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We loved the original LocoRoco and the sequel looks like it'll be more of the same. Fine by us
Sony is yet to offer even a rough release date for the title, but considering it'll probably use the same assets and physics, we can't see it taking too long to arrive.
With Sony's new emphasis on download content, maybe it'll release on PSN this time around (like the not-so-great LocoRoco Cocoreccho on PS3).
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July 16th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
SCEA president Jack Tretton has aired his feelings on Square Enix's decision to nix PS3 exclusivity for Final Fantasy XIII. During a roundtable chat this morning, Tretton said that he was disappointed by the decision, but not exactly caught off guard.
"Am I disappointed by it? Yes," Tretton told us, adding: "Am I surprised by it? No." He was quick to stress that the game remains a PS3 exclusive in Japan, but that "seeing as there isn't that big of a [PS3] installed base in [there], I don't know how big of a coup that is for us."
Speaking to the concept of paying third parties for exclusives, Tretton said that Sony has "invested so much money in the [PS3] hardware" that it simply "can't write checks for exclusive software."
Echoing statements made by Sony Worlwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida prior to E3, Tretton said that Sony's is more focused on exclusive titles from its own teams. "You've got to create platform-defining franchises that you own," he said. "It's the only way you're going to guarantee exclusivity going forward."
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July 16th, 2008, 23:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are shots (Update: and now a trailer) of Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty, which will launch in autumn this year as a download-only title for PS3.
As Sony detailed in yesterday's press conference, the title will be smaller in length than previous adventures (because you don't want to be downloading a 50GB file, do you?), but while it lasts it'll have all of the gameplay and visual splendour you expect from the series.
Check the feature list:
- All new wrench mechanics: Push, pull, and manipulate objects
- Light/Dark gameplay: Illuminate dark areas and use your wits to survive.
- Pirate Puzzles: Mix brew, manipulate shadows and play tunes to find hidden booty!
- Travel to four exotic locations on Planet Merdegraw: Pirate Fleet, Hoolefar Island, Morrow Caverns and Darkwater Cove
- Fight a motley crew of pirate enemies including Skull Walkers, Hot Heads, Giant Vipers (Pythors) and Undead Robotic Pirates.
- Explore a small island town and interact with the townspeople to find vital clues to Captain Darkwater's treasure.
- Up to four hours of epic Ratchet & Clank gameplay for both fans and newcomers to the franchise.
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July 16th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has confirmed that God of War III will launch on PS3 next year.
The trailer didn't give away anything and was all CGI, but it came just in the nick of time.
We thought Sony was going to wrap up its conference and leave us gamers high and dry, a little bit like Nintendo did.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo USA
Remember those old telephones that had the springy springy cable that would stretch out when you used it? Yeah, we didn't like them either. And we don't like it on the bass drum pedal of the Rock Band drum kit either. Using the Extense cable, you can have easier placement of the bass drum pedal on the stand, or move it off the stand, if you wish. Also included are 2 USB extension cords that can be used for the wired controllers, which allow you to have even more room to play.
Compatible with PS3 and Xbox 360 versions
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July 17th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
There have been a bunch of rumours floating around that Ubisoft picked up the Armored Core baton after SEGA fumbled the release of Armored Core 4. Historically, Ubisoft are also a publisher that have had a decent relationship with From Software, as they published Armored Core 2 back in the day (in Europe) and more recently the Enchant Arm games.
Well, it seems that a few entrepreneurial staff at Wal-Mart have surreptitiously posted the release dates online. It seems that both the 360 and PS3 versions are scheduled for a US release on the 16th September this year. Despite the somewhat unfortunate name change; "Armored Core The Answer" will finally be gracing Western shores. Here's hoping that Ubisoft don't ruin the boxart like they did with Senko no Ronde and that the IGN, Gametrailers and 1up reviews evolve a clue prior to sitting down with the English version (as I've always thought that their previous "efforts" have been somewhat lacking, after all trying to play through the likes of Armored Core Last Raven with the starter config is forcibly facile).
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July 17th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: JKKDARK
The famous shadow from PSXC2 along with 'mad' have started working on a PSP emulator in Java! There is not much info and no releases yet, but you should definitly keep an eye on this project.
Check for updates at the official website.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released:

Tears to Tiara: Kakan no Daichi takes place 1200 years after the bronze period. The rapidly rising superpower Holy Empire is expanding their lands and gradually they are usurping areas under the Ancient Kingdom's rule.
Erin Island is one of the small countries being invaded, to counter their forces, the inhabitants, a tribe named Gale is holding a ceremony to call forth the demon lord, and in order to do so, they offered their priestess, a young girl named Rianon as a sacrifice.
Due to various reasons, the ceremony failed, however, the demon lord Aaron is awakened and so his quests begin.
The game is split into an adventure part and a battle part. The adventure part is where you converse with characters and proceed with the plot. These scenes are text based but fully voiced by a star studded cast of seiyuus that bring out the essence the the characters with their voices
The battle power depends on the character's associated element. Keep your eyes on the wheel located at the lower right hand corner, it rotates to a new element for every battle. To make full use of the system, split your group of player characters up carefully and send the suitable group to the battles.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released:

Gundam Battle Universe is the most comprehensive Gundam action, it has inherited the thrilling system of its predecessor Battle Chronicles and is combined with elements from Gundam ZZ and Gundam Char's Counter Attack. There are more than 200 mobile suits for you to pilot and around the same number of missions for you to complete.
Battles are seldom fought by one person alone, win the battle and open the path to a new era with your friends. This game focuses on cooperation, some missions are designed to be difficult when you carry it out individually, but with the help of your friends, they become less impossible.
A lot more freedom is allowed during your customization of Gundam Suits, so feel free to ensemble the best mecha for your missions.
Enter the war of the universe via your Sony PSP™. Gundam Battle is available as Japanese and Asian versions for respectively US$ 48.90 and US$ 42.90 only.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly Released:

With Metal Gear Online, you can enjoy the action involved in Metal Gear Solid 4 with your friends, and not just with a small group of friends, you can form a regiment in battles as a total of 16 people are allowed in the game at the same time.
The system in this online game mode is called an SOP system. This sets itself apart from other online games by making use of updates real time mode. With this system, you can locate your comrades, their opponents and know of their statuses immediately. You will never feel this close to your team members in any other online game.
Communication plays a center stage. By making use of the mail system and other communication features, you can call out to your team for help any time during battles.
One element that worries novice online gamers is that they might be killed off by other players before they can familiarize themselves with the environment. To ease their worries, this game offers a training module where novice gamers come under the wings of the veterans.
Under the lead of professionals and the auto-matching facility that seeks out players of the same level for a game, there is less chance of novices being bullied.
This game offers infinite hours of fun as you can purchase expansion packs from the MGO shop, so new elements like weapons, stages and characters are be added regularly.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from SUccess HK (They also Ship WORLWIDE - Region free for half the price)

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution will be the first offering in the legendary Civilization series to appear on next generation consoles and handheld systems. In development by legendary designer Sid Meier and Firaxis Games, this game will deliver Civilization's renowned epic single-player campaigns featuring vast re-playability and unmatched addictive gameplay. In addition, with revolutionary features like real-time interaction with leaders and advisors, extensive multiplayer capabilities and integrated video and voice chat, Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution will completely transport the Civilization series to a level of gameplay that fans have never seen before.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK (They also Ship WORLDWIDE - Region free for half the price)

Top Spin 3 immerses players in a visually and physically realistic tennis experience. Using next generation technology, gameplay and graphics, Top Spin 3 is a benchmark-setting tennis experience with dynamic weather changes, evolutionary player visuals and the most comprehensive online offerings. In Top Spin 3, players compete online and offline to rise in the ranks against current top ranked professional players. Adding a unique user-generated component, players can also use new player creator features that include free-form body sculpting, makeup and tattoos.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK (They also Ship WORLDWIDE - Region free for half the price for us in the UK)

LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures takes the fun and creative construction of LEGO and combines it with the wits, daring and non-stop action from the original cinematic adventures that enthralled audiences everywhere (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). With a unique tongue-in-cheek take on the original adventures, LEGO Indiana Jones follows Dr. Jones escapades through the jungles of South America to the mountaintops of India. Fans can build, battle and brawl their way through their favorite cinematic moments, from Indy's entanglements with snakes to his dashing boulder run.
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July 17th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK (They also Ship WORLDWIDE - Region free for half the price for us in the UK)

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith brings these quintessential rock legends to the interactive realm to create the ultimate gaming experience. As fans progress through their careers in the game, they can rock out to scores of Aerosmith's greatest hits, as well as songs from celebrated artists that the band has either performed with or has been inspired by in some way. Venues from historical moments during the band's illustrious career offer the experience of "sweet emotion" and further capture the essence of the band's rise to fame.
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July 17th, 2008, 18:57 Posted By: yonaba

Mario Kart v3 - PSP Edition
A Mario Kart 64 Clone For PSP
Coded By SeanPaul223
What's this?
Here is the 3rd version of this Lua coded game.It's a kart racing Simulation game, including Many
characters of Nintendo.As the title implies, it is a clone of Mario Kart 64 for PSP.
This Current build is the 3rd release.A great list of changes have been done on the code to make the game more exciting
New Features and Changelog
#2 Modes: Cup Event & Race
# Three Cups are included, but only one is fully playable
#Mushroom Cup (Luigi's raceway,Moo Moo farm, Koopa Troopa Beach, Kalimario Desert)
#Flower Cup (not yet playable.Will be added into the last release)
#Star Cup (not yet playable.Will be added into the last release)
#Race Mode:6 tracks are available, in a solo or a two players race mode
# 10 Characters are available for playing
- Bowser
- Donkey
- DryBones
- Luigi
- Mario
- Princess Peach
- Petey Piranha
- Toad
- Luigi
- Wario
#The playing time was increased. (8 laps to complete a race)
# The Module for managing Best Times have been ameliorated
# Sprites and GFXs were changed (By JOY6679)
# Freezes Fixes
# All Bugs Fixed
Gameplay Infos
# In the Two Players race Mode or the Cup Event, your Opponent has a little AI..
so be carefull if you don't want to loose.
#The time Trial Mode is locked by default.To unlock it, you have to complete at least one cup, or use a special cheat.
You can get this cheat by visiting my website
(See at the end of This Post.)
Special Thanks
#JOY6679 for GFXs and Sprites (See Credits)
#The Spriters Ressources Website for Sprites
#Homemister and PickDat for Their LuaPlayerHm
Extracts Contents into ms0:/PSP/GAME
This game is complatible on both 1.50, 3.XX and 4.XX Kernels.Should Work on Slims and Fat PSPs.
(Thanks To LUAPlayerHm 7 Eboot)
This game has been tested and it works properly.It should freeze on some systems because of the RAm usage, even though the probability is Low.
In This Case, please report me.See Contacts for Links.
Website: www.seanpaul223.xtreemhost.com
Mario Kart 64 V3 ( French release)
Mario Kart 64 V3( English release)
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July 17th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
SCEE has confirmed that the 80GB PS3 will be launched in the UK on August 27 for £299, while the 40GB console is phased out.
"We have been listening to our customers and are pleased to be able to answer one of their key requests," said David Reeves.
"There is more downloadable content than ever before, with the emphasis moving towards user generated content, something clearly seen this week in LittleBigPlanet.
"When you add this to the already compelling entertainment offering on PS3 ... the extra storage becomes invaluable."
Bigger hard drive aside, the new console will don the same feature set as the 40GB SKU, so no PS2 backwards compatibility. Soz.
Sony will phase out the 40GB model too, so don't expect to see those at a reduced RRP, unless it's in the second-hand section.
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July 17th, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store again.
This time Elefunk leads the stampede. This is the PSN puzzler where you build a bridge and then get as many elephants over it as you can. It costs GBP 4.99 and we'll be bringing you our thoughts on it very soon.
Also on the Store is a demo for Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. Sounds unexciting, but it is a PS3 exclusive and it does look splendid.
On top of those are trailers for Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, Siren: Blood Curse, and Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty.
Head over to Eurogamer TV to watch those right now.
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July 17th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The PS3 Trophy system could be heading to the PSP, according to Buzz! Master Quiz producer Emerson Escobar.
He was talking about rewards in the PSP quiz game during the GameSpot Live E3 2008 Stage Show, before he unveiled rather more than he probably should have.
"The cool thing is it isn't just getting the gold medal," began Escobar. "We've also implemented a trophy system. Let's say you answer a question within one second, you get a lightning finger trophy.
"If you answer a question within half a second, you get a supersonic trophy," he added.
However, when asked directly about Trophies on PSP, Escobar reportedly grinned, laughed sheepishly and said to "check back with us later".
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July 17th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony is to launch a budget range of PS3 games in Europe in a fortnight's time.
The Platinum range will kick off on 1st August at GBP 19.99 / EUR 29.99.
Initial first-party games will be Resistance: Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Ratchet & Clank 3.
Virtua Tennis 3 from SEGA and Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft will be the first third-party titles, followed by WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008 "later in September".
SCEE boss David Reeves said "ten further titles" from third parties would then arrive "between September and the end of November".
"If you're a longstanding PS3 owner with gaps in your collection – or perhaps you've just joined the family – the PS3 Platinum range is your chance to pick up some of the very best games at a wallet-friendly price,” added Reeves in an accompanying statement.
"With great titles spanning a huge breadth of gaming experiences, this August is a great time to be a PS3 owner."
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July 17th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We somehow managed to get Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi to slam on his brakes for a moment today and talk to us about his flagship racing franchise. According to the Polyphony Digital boss, his studio is focusing a majority of its efforts on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. In fact, he confirmed that the proper, disc-based Gran Turismo 5 might not even roll out before 2010.
In the meantime, Polyphony will continue to expand Prologue with additional cars, tracks, and features. Yamauchi couldn't speak to specific plans, but mentioned that an new update is planned for the near future.
With all of the work his company is putting into the next console GT installment, Yamauchi tells us that it hasn't forgotten the long-delayed Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for PSP. He confirms that the game – originally announced at E3 2004 – is still actively in development, although it isn't planned for release until after GT5. That would be 2011 for those with pen and calendar in hand
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July 17th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We somehow managed to get Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi to slam on his brakes for a moment today and talk to us about his flagship racing franchise. According to the Polyphony Digital boss, his studio is focusing a majority of its efforts on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. In fact, he confirmed that the proper, disc-based Gran Turismo 5 might not even roll out before 2010.
In the meantime, Polyphony will continue to expand Prologue with additional cars, tracks, and features. Yamauchi couldn't speak to specific plans, but mentioned that an new update is planned for the near future.
With all of the work his company is putting into the next console GT installment, Yamauchi tells us that it hasn't forgotten the long-delayed Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for PSP. He confirms that the game – originally announced at E3 2004 – is still actively in development, although it isn't planned for release until after GT5. That would be 2011 for those with pen and calendar in hand
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July 17th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Namco boys can spend the rest of the week watching E3 trailers and videos of people being smacked in the head with spoons on Break.com, because Soul Calibur IV has gone gold and we've got some new E3 screens.
22 of them, in fact, some of them featuring Ivy who we like because she barely wears anything.
Yes, we like over videogame girls. In fact, we've had long discussions about who's the fittest fighting game girl ever.
Who gets your vote?
Screenshots here
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July 17th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Gran Turismo TV will launch properly in Europe at the same time it does in the USA.
That's 1st August in case you missed Sony's E3 press conference.
"The prices for the GT TV offerings will be announced within the next two weeks," SCEE president David Reeves said at an event in Santa Monica today.
Which is sort of obvious, he added, given that 1st August is two weeks away.
GT TV is part of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, but its soft launch with the game is finally being reinforced by programming from racing competitions around the world, the BBC's Top Gear and internal programming.
This will even include GT creator Kazunori Yamauchi - who attended Reeves' briefing at the Viceroy hotel on Santa Monica's Ocean Drive - touring the Ferrari factory.
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July 17th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Now i spotted this at NintendoMax (thanks guys) and well im not sure at all if its a fake or not but for now we will give it a weary benefit of the doubt for now, firstly heres a screenshot:

Heres the translated info
We are very proud to present our latest creation
this affects both the wii: No emulator $ PsP which emulates the psp on wii!
The emulator does not read actuelement the CSO nor the DAX, only the ISO, and runs between 4 and 8 fps (which is far from a perfect emulation.)
In order to correct some bugs still quite annoying, to post the next few days. We wish to thank the creator of the source
potemkin, because it is a little grace has it that we have the ariver or we actuelment.
We wish you a rapelez that the version we will posterons a beta version which is far to run their games has vitèsses normal.
Lets hope teamshift arent doing us over but we shall wait and see. A PSP Emulator for Wii surely its not doable at a decent speed, your answers via comments, although it would be fun to play PSP Homebrew on the Wii
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July 17th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation Home will launch into open beta at the same time in Europe as it does in the USA.
That's according to SCEE boss David Reeves, who told hacks at the company's Santa Monica gathering this week that it will arrive "with the same specs, same support and at the same time in autumn 2008".
According to Reeves, "The precise date will be announced by SCEI very shortly."
Home, which has been in development for approximately 2 billion years, is a virtual world where PS3 owners can come together and enjoy one another's company, launch games and behave in a web 2.0 fashion.
It's been delayed so often that it might as well be a train, and we'll have hands-on impressions of the latest build - and the current thoughts of its developers - on the site in very short order.
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July 18th, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via pS3hax
PS3Hax member silenoz has found a way to launch a simple java game on the PS3 gameOS, with the BD-J (BluRay Disc Java) functionality. The game he launched has BD-J (Bluray Disc Java) functionality (BD-J allows bonus content on Blu-ray Disc titles to be far more sophisticated than bonus content provided by standard DVD, including network access, picture-in-picture and access to local storage.)
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July 18th, 2008, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack:
After some discussion at worldofspectrum, I learned that the problem with Fuse PSP is psplib’s restrictive disclaimer, which prohibited commercial use of the code. psplib is the library that I initially wrote for fMSX PSP; it is common to all the ports I’ve done to date. While the disclaimer wasn’t actually meant to serve as a legal document (as I mentioned in the forum, I’ve always considered psplib public domain software), Philip’s argument is that it went against GPL, which prohibits user restrictions.
To resolve this incompatibility, I’ve decided to license psplib under the GPL. The library is already undergoing structural changes (parts of it have needed tweaks for a while now), so now seems as good a time as any. The updated library is in the trunk branch of Fuse PSP’s repository.
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July 18th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack:
As I mentioned before, psplib is currently undergoing some changes; some will be noticeable immediately; others will take a while. One of these changes is an improved virtual keyboard interface, which should resemble an actual system keyboard more closely. The new keyboard will be released with the next version of Fuse PSP.
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July 18th, 2008, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here's test 19. Updated the input mapping. Rules are as follows:
1 - You can have a maximum of 64 map entries.
2 - Map entries have two hexadecimal numbers followed by four decimal numbers.
3 - The first number is which PSP buttons must be pressed to match this map entry. The second number is which PSP buttons must NOT be pressed to match this map entry. Any combination is allowed. If you don't specify all the buttons between the two fields, you can match to more than one entry (which is something you may want to do).
4 - The third through sixth numbers are Mac input values. They may be key codes, mouse buttons, or mouse movements. The following rules apply to Mac input values:
Anything less than 255 is a Mac key code. For the caps lock to work properly, it must be the first and only Mac input value for the map entry.
A value exactly equal to 255 is a null code - it does nothing. Be sure to fill unused values with 255!
A value between 256 and 511 is a mouse button, where the button number is the value - 256. So 256 is mouse button 0, 257 is mouse button 1, etc. Note that the 68K Mac never really used anything other than mouse button 0.
A value between 512 and 768 is a mouse movement. The movement is a value from -8 to +7 added to 8, with the horizontal movement being multiplied by 16. Negative values move up or left; positive values move down or right. So if you wished to move the mouse up at a speed of 2 and right at a speed of 5, the movement value would be 512 + (5+8)*16 + (-2+8), or 726. It might be easier to visualize it in hexadecimal, even if the value must be in the map as decimal. In hex, the mouse movement is 0x2XY, where X is the horizontal movement, and Y the vertical.
Notice that the mouse movement is new - I added that so that the d-pad could be used as a mouse if the analog stick weren't working. I've included a new input map that makes the d-pad the mouse.
Note that the default mapping has changed! LTRIGGER is now the OPT key, and RTRIGGER the Control key. The CROSS is now the mouse button, while Enter was moved to SQUARE. The rest are the same as before: the d-pad is the Cursor keys, CIRCLE is CMD+w, and TRIANGLE is CMD+q.
This matches the d-pad mouse pretty well, where the d-pad becomes the mouse movement, and LTRIGGER changes from OPT to FAST mouse movement. So if you just press the d-pad, the mouse moves slowly, and if you hold LTRIGGER and press the d-pad, the mouse moves quickly.
Note that making RTRIGGER Control by itself was necessary to get contextual menus working right. Hold RTRIGGER, then press X over top something to get its contextual menu.
Download and give feedback and Compatability Reports via comments.
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July 18th, 2008, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xart:
This project is an open source shell for the PSP that is at the moment is getting developed.
People like to customized things and for most users, they simply don't know how to do so, this project is aimed to change all that, it will allow a beginner to customize his or her PSP for the stuff they use on it
The concept of how the shell works is modular, it is simply made up of a collection of small homebrew apps passing a message to the shell and vice verser.
GLUE V1.0 "BUILD 0C000" is completed.
SHELL is very much in development stage, close to an Alpha release.
SHELL will be very customizable by any end user with no programming skills required.
One will be able to make fancy Menus and Sub-Menus for all his or her homebrew, ISOs "persinal backups", Emulators etc...
They will be a offical webpage for this Project that will include the source code for anyone that is into PSP Development.
Following this project will be OpenChoice Packs to show how one can customize the shell.
Credits so Far
xart : project leader and sole developer for now plus designer of OpenChoice default look.
alfatreae : logo designer & naming of project.
Alpha 2 is here http://openchoice.xart.co.uk/downloads/OpenChoice.zip
BUILD 2A062 "Patch for Previous Alpha 2"
Mouse Speed Controle, via ini file
BUILD 2A063 "Alpha 2 Update (Requires Alpha 2)"
Alpha 2 will let you see how things are shaping up.
Analog Stick: Mouse
Digital Pad + Cross: Mouse
Digital Pad: "BETA & Final" disabled in Alpha
Square: Home Default Location
Cross: Select Entry "Focus"
Double Cross Press: Launch or Open Folder
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July 18th, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dark Sabre:

I know it's not the best atm :P
this is my first game, a modified version derived from jo3_sum's code, added features like
Second image for paddle 2
Faster Gameplay
and soon to be:
Music (tried to do it today with oslib mod, It doesnt like me tho :P)
Simple physics engine
Enhanced menus
2 Player with second player (using X and Tri)
Maybe more......
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July 18th, 2008, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raphael:
Long awaited and finally here to stay. JoySens in version 1.4 adds a couple of features and fixes:
- Added support for configs for different modes (VSH/POPS) and game/eboot paths
- Added analog<->Buttons mapping modes
- Fixed primary button mapping
- Fixed HOLD button preventing analog input
- Fixed to keep PSP from suspending/shutting down LCD if analog was pressed
- Fixed font output shadow making it better readable on light background
- Improved auto-center function a bit
- checked compatibility with CFW up to 4.01-M33-2
- Made installation easier
Yes, it's now easier to install for all those that couldn't get around those .txt files and allows you to specify settings for each of your games/UMDs individually. Play your favourite racing games with high smoothing, while the shooters have low smooth and higher sensitivity.
If you have problems making JoySens run on your latest firmware, try formating your flash1 from recovery menu and resetting the PSP.
If you haven't heard about JoySens before:
- "JoySens is a custom firmware plugin for Sony PSP that allows you to control the sensitivity of the analog stick in a very efficient way as well as "repair" faulty analog sticks. In very bad cases where the analog stick is not repairable, you can also just disable it so it doesn't interfere with your games anymore. Apart from that it includes functionality to swap and remap DPad input to analog stick and vice versa, hence allows you to control the XMB with the analog stick for example."
Version 1.4 has been replaced with bugfix version 1.41 dealing with the following problems:
- fixed crash when saving settings from game
- fixed JoySens not starting in homebrew
- made JoySens not boot in recovery
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July 18th, 2008, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xeeynamo
Hi today I want releae my first homebrew that I've developed in this site ^_^
This is a Hex Editor for PSP, very easy to use
DPad = Move x1
Analog = Move x2
Cross = Decrease
Square = Increase
Triangle = Copy
Circle = Paste
LTrigger = Page Up
RTrigger = Page Down
Select = Menu
Start = Data View
-Add a menu with the following options:
-Show hex code and text
-Show only hex code
-Show only text
-CPU Speed setting (17-333 MHZ)
-Select File
-Added a Data View that allows to show the corrispondence of the hex values to decimal.
-Fixed an bug that not write the file in some case.
-Fixed an overflow bug when you select too file.
-Fixed the reading/writing bug after standby mode.
-Some improvement in the program's code.
-Fixed Visualization bugs:
-Console Text at top.
-Gray background when returning back to file selection.
-Charachters visualizzation.
-Fixed the bug that made crash the console when selected a 0 bytes file.
-Improved the management of the keys.
-Improved the code saving about 700byte.
-CPU set to 133/66
-Initial Release
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July 18th, 2008, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from andbad:
I have released the second update of VisualApplication, the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application.
This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and
a WAV/MP3 graphical player.
It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library.
This is the changelog from 0.2 version:
v. 0.3 - Menu: The wallpaper file is now included in the code;
You can use analog stick to move mouse pointer (menu "Option->
Analog/Digital Mouse");
- VisualMP3: Enable balance control in VisualMP3;
It's possible to load a file simply click on "no file loaded"
Some bugs resolved in play routine;
- VisualT2Speech: some optimization thanks to 0.3.4 Nanodesktop release;
- VisualOCR: Added;
Save .txt file (on same folder of image file);
- VisualFM: Added;
Click on file for exit;
- Some optimization of the code;Readme file in english language included.
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July 18th, 2008, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Updated Release from Torch:
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal Hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.61
Fixed a bug that was introduced in v2.6 that caused the control input buffer to completely fill up, hence causing the Analog Up features not to work in Hold mode, when the plugin was used for an extended period of time.
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July 18th, 2008, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from Sonypspplayer:
I'm here to tell you that my (now our) project is still alive. Nielkie joined me. He has done a cover search function.
List of new features:
-Progress bar
-Cover search
-less bugs due to new id3lib by Nilkie
-Album based (far from working)
The menu in the video is not finished yet, nor is the cover search function, but i wanted to give you an idea of it.
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July 18th, 2008, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe-ur-boat
Hey, I've updated my AutoStart PRX to V4 and it has a few new features and changes. Some new features include PSX launching support and you now have an option to bypass the autoboot by putting the WLAN switch up. (Can be enabled/disabled in the configurator) View the full changelog below and don't forget to read the readme.
For anyone who doesn't know what it is, a brief explanation, it allows youto specify a number of separate homebrew applications to load at launch. Each application can be bind to certain key. When that key is held during bootup, the PSP will automatically load your homebrew.
Feel free to leave any comments/suggestions/bugs below and/or send them to my email.
Version 4:
You can now bypass the autoboot by putting the WLAN switch up.
You can launch PSX games now too.
Rewrote the configurator and the configuration file parser. Configurator looks better and is more user friendly. (Thanks to Mc Cabe for the background)
PRX size decreased thanks to recoding and psp-packer.
No need to enable the prx for game.txt now.
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July 18th, 2008, 16:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list of whats new:
Alvin And The Chipmunks (~Jason Lee, David Cross, ...) HK US$ 31.90
College Road Trip (~Raven Symone, Martin Lawrence, ...) US US$ 34.99
Dragon Ball Z - The History of Trunks / Bardock: Father of Goku US US$ 34.98
Enchanted (~Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (~Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, ...) US US$ 34.99
Seven Swords (~Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Shutter (~Joshua Jackson, Megumi Okina, ...) US US$ 39.98
Signs (~Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Step Up 2 - The Streets (~Briana Evigan, Will Kemp, ...) HK US$ 27.90
Step Up 2: The Streets (~Briana Evigan, Robert Hoffman, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Bank Job [dts] (~Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows, ...) US US$ 34.98
The Golden Compass (~Nicole Kidman, Freddie Highmore, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Simpsons Movie [English / Cantonese Dub Version] HK US$ 31.90
The Warlords (~Jet Li, Andy Lau Tak Wah, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Unbreakable (~Bruce Willis, Samuel L.jackson, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Virtual Trip Music Edition Island With Gontiti JPN US$ 46.90
Virtual Trip Yakushima Yukyu No Rakuen JPN US$ 46.90
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July 18th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Unleash your inner-chimp! Play as both Ham the Third and Luna with your space chimp crew to free the imprisoned aliens of the planet Malgor.
You must use your brains and acrobatic brawn to survive thick alien jungles, escape dry desolute canyons and well guarded dungeons in order to defeat the evil Zartog and find your way home.
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July 18th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and with Worldwide Shipping

Feel the electricity of Big Play Saturday with NCAA Football 09! Powered behind groundbreaking gameplay controls and unique college-style animations, NCAA Football 09 arrives on campus with all the excitement and pageantry of a storied college bowl game. Develop a loyal fan base with an adrenaline-pumping Home Field Advantage and see if you can build your legacy in the Online Dynasty Mode. With authentic collegiate gameplay and thousands of school specific plays, college Saturdays jump to life like never before with NCAA Football 09!
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July 18th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and with Worldwide Shipping

Beijing 2008 will be an authentic simulation of over 35 events from the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and will allow gamers to experience the thrill of competing in many of the official venues ranging from the famous Beijing National Stadium (the "Bird Nest") to the National Aquatics Centre (the "Water Cube"). In addition, Beijing 2008 will incorporate innovative control schemes that allow novice gamers to learn how to play the game, while providing experienced gamers the chance to set new records. Superb online gameplay, and a variety of game modes never seen in an official video game of the Olympic Games before, Beijing 2008 will be the new benchmark for the sporting genre and truly allow gamers to experience the "Olympic Spirit".
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July 18th, 2008, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Mathfacts has contacted me to release publically his game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Unzip and copy the folders picture and picture% to your psp\game directory or to your psp\game150 directory
Compare the two pictures to find the 8 differences. Check your time and beat your friends!
See the screen shot below for the controls
Study the picture that you see. Once you have a good image of it in your mind, press the square key to see the modified picture. When you are looking at the modified picture you will have a red square that you can move around. Highlight the image where you find a difference and press the X key. This will mark the picture with a yellow square. You can swap between the two pictures by pressing the square key again. Continue marking squares until you have identified 8 differences. Once you have marked the 8 spots, press the triangle key to see your results. The game keeps track of your time so you can compare your results with a friend. You can press the right bumper to turn on background music. Press the circle key to skip to the next picture.
I wrote this for my kids after we played this in a magazine. It contains 6 pictures; about 1 to 2 hours of play depending on how sharp you are. Since I modified the pictures, I cannot really play it. My hope is that some of the people that download it make their own pictures so I can play! I've included instructions below that explain how to create your own pictures. (Now get to it!!)
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July 18th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo China

LCD TopGun is the first light gun to support CRT, LCD, Plasma, as well as Projector. It supports every Gun Shooting games in PS3, PS2, Xbox and PC. Now you can enjoy Gun Shooting games with your LCD or Plasma or everything you like, instead of your old and small CRT TV.
- Supports 52 inches 16:9 screen at 7 feet from the screen (with LED stands mounted above and below the screen)
- Supports windows Vista (32bit) / XP (32bit) / 2000 / ME / 98 SE / 98
- The 1st light gun for all screens: CRT (50Hz / 60 Hz / 100 Hz), projector, LCD, HDTV, Plasma and any new screens in the future
- Supports PS3, PS2, Xbox, PC
- Compatible with MAME and more than 100 Flash games
- Provide POINTER and RECOIL function
- Provide Auto-Fire / Auto-Reload mode
- Provide debug function
- Recommend screen size : 14 – 120 inch
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July 18th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo China

LCD TopGun is the first light gun to support CRT, LCD, Plasma, as well as Projector. It supports every Gun Shooting games in PS3, PS2, Xbox and PC. Now you can enjoy Gun Shooting games with your LCD or Plasma or everything you like, instead of your old and small CRT TV.
- Supports 52 inches 16:9 screen at 7 feet from the screen (with LED stands mounted above and below the screen)
- Supports windows Vista (32bit) / XP (32bit) / 2000 / ME / 98 SE / 98
- The 1st light gun for all screens: CRT (50Hz / 60 Hz / 100 Hz), projector, LCD, HDTV, Plasma and any new screens in the future
- Supports PS3, PS2, Xbox, PC
- Compatible with MAME and more than 100 Flash games
- Provide POINTER and RECOIL function
- Provide Auto-Fire / Auto-Reload mode
- Provide debug function
- Recommend screen size : 14 – 120 inch
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July 18th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The surprise launch of Sony's video service on Tuesday did not apply to the company's home territory of Japan. Today, Sony revealed that a Japanese launch for the service will take place in September.
Sony will kick off the Japanese service with a major title. Set to launch with the zervice in September is Bounen no Zamudo, a new anime from Bones whose first episode is currently available through the North American store. The PS3 download service will have this anime exclusively, as it's not scheduled for television broadcast.
PSN users will be able to download the production on a rental basis in HD and SD. In HD, a three day rental of one episode of the anime will cost 400 yen. An SD version will cost 300 yen. Each of the anime's 26 episodes runs 30 minutes.
There will be more to the Japanese video service than just this one title, of course. More content will be announced at the Tokyo Game Show in October.
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July 18th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo UK

The EX-01 Wireless Bluetooth Headset has been exclusively designed for gamers and gaming, not mobile phones! So you can now maximise your game time without an irritating and uncomfortable earpiece!
· DarkLite illuminated feedback, perfected for dark viewing conditions.
· 20-degree variable mic arm allows movement away or towards cheek, working with contours of face.
· Ergonomically designed controls allowing instinctive location of volume and power/mute.
· External speaker sponge designed to sit comfortably on the ear, without entering the earhole itself, allowing longer gameplay in comfort.
· Charges via USB.
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July 18th, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
WipEout HD has yet to be released because of a "specific technical problem", but Sony hopes it will be out "before the end of the year".
"There is a specific technical problem with WipEout that we have to solve. I can't go into details but it is a really, really tricky technical problem that no region has been able to solve at the moment," Sony Europe boss David Reeves told us when we hassled him about the game's progress this week at LA.
"I think it will come out before the end of the year but it is something that was just very difficult to get to grips with."
Which is a shame, because WipEout HD looks great and we were pretty happy with it when we got to play around with an unfinished build a few months ago.
WipEout HD features eight tracks borrowed and spruced up from the excellent PSP games along with online multiplayer and the promise of downloadable content. It also aims to run at 60 frames-per-second in 1080p.
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July 18th, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Divineo UK

With Datel’s PSP 2000 Communicator Headset, you can take advantage of your new slimline PSP’s Skype capabilities. With your PSP connected to the internet, you can make ultra-cheap phone calls to friends all over the world using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), the very latest in telephony.
But it’s not just for Skype. With PSP 2000 Communicator Headset, you can talk, strategise and control. With a microphone positioned near your mouth and an stereo earbuds for crystal-clear sound, you can bark out your orders or taunt your opponents in any PSP game which boasts internet chat. Plan your strategies, warn your comrades in arms of impending danger and make sure everyone is doing the job they're meant to be doing. With Communicator Headset, you can hear every word your buddies utter, and your own instructions are never lost in the heat of battle.
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July 18th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
In June, Namco Bandai said of the PS3 version of JRPG Eternal Sonata - currently due for release in Japan - "We have no plans to release the game on the PS3 in the US at this moment". No plans in June, maybe, but this is July, buddy, and Namco Bandai have plans. They've announced that the game will indeed be getting a US release, in the Fall, and just like the Japanese version, will feature extra characters, extra cutscenes and (*squeal*) extra outfits.
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July 18th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It may be hidden in the shadows of Killzone 2 and Resistance 2, but Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation is looking quite nice in these new E3 screens.
Confrontation is a 32-player, online-focused, team-based affair that has it's sights set on taking CoD 4's online crown later this year. That's a tall order, but there's nothing wrong with ambition.
Screenshots here
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July 18th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Europe's PlayTV service for the PS3 is looking very nice. We already knew SCEE were looking at a release window of around September, but yesterday Sony's David Reeves started handing out actual dates and actual info. The UK will be the first country to get PlayTV, with it due to start up on September 10, with a staggered roll-out across Europe in the weeks after.
As a bonus treat, he also confirmed that you'll be able to record TV onto your HDD at the same time you're playing a game, with the necessary code having been quietly slipped into the 2.41 update. Oh, and before anyone not up to speed on PlayTV asks, no, there are no plans to bring it to the US.
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July 18th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
In just under a week (July 24 to be precise) the brilliant-looking Siren: Blood Curse will hit PSN in its entirety - and has been out in Japan for a while - but that hasn't stopped Sony from putting out a giant dose of screenshots to ponder over before you make the download. Tuck in...
Lots of screenshots right here
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July 18th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa:
Today, I have released a new version of my drawing homebrew, PaintMIXER v2.1.0, a program that recalls MSPaint.
This is the changelog:
ChangeLog PaintMIXER
v 1.0.0 -> First release.
v 1.0.1 -> Save's bug fixed.
v 2.0.0 -> Added in the programs directory a file .ini, in which you can change some settings program.
Added functionality Rettangolo
Added functionality ScegliColore
Added functionality Zoom
Added functionality Cerchio
Added functionality Pennello
Added functionality Graffiti
Added functionality Riempi
Added functionality Muovidisegno
Added a menu with different features
v 2.1.0 -> Now the X, Y coordinates are approximate
Added the battery status
Added an option in the file ini

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July 18th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking with us in the closing moments of E3 in Los Angeles, PSP brand manager John Koller argued PSP as primed for a strong 2008.
Faced with increasing competition from Nintendo DS, mobile, and now iPhone, he contends the portable will succeed by playing into "broader cultural trend for content on the go".
High-profile titles like God of War: Chains of Olympus and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII have spurred purchases of the handheld in North America. Additionally, the introduction of new colours has made the platform more attractive to new consumers. "It simply has the best gaming experiences around."
Although PSP is first and foremost designed for games, Koller pointed out the multimedia functionality of the portable as crucial to its success. Remote play functionality, Skype, video content via the PlayStation Store, and other features set it apart from DS and other handhelds. "It's been a perfect confluence of events resulting in our performance," Koller observed.
When questioned on how Sony plans on driving continued sales of the system, Koller mentioned "the need to keep adding new features, new functionality." Adding GPS is part of that plan and he confirmed that it will receive a release in North America within the next nine months. (The Go!Explore GPS unit has already launched in Europe.)
PSP has always faced fierce competition from Nintendo DS, yet Koller remains optimistic about Sony's prospects through 2009. Concerns over other competitors, such as iPhone, are virtually nonexistent according to the company's perspective.
Asked specifically about the recently-launched iPhone App Store, Koller confessed, "We think the iPhone is more of a threat to DS than anything else." The device's focus on telephony leads its users to be more compelled by casual content, a key demographic for Nintendo's handheld, is the thinking.
Given our first look at key titles including Patapon 2, LocoRoco 2, and Resistance: Retribution, there's little doubt gamers will be flocking to PSP through the next year.
Pressure from other portables, however, is undeniable. Few third-party publishers had PSP on display during this year's E3, a stark contrast to the slew of DS games on show. Couple that with iPhone's rapid adoption rate and promising line-up of games and PSP may end up sharing a within that broadening cultural trend Koller mentioned.
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July 18th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Patapon 2 looks brilliant. Okay, it appears to be pretty similar to the first game, but that's not a bad thing, and these shots offer the first glimpse of the game's new multiplayer mode.
Drum beat your way through the 18 screens, here.
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July 18th, 2008, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Notaz has released an update to his Genesis/Sega CD Emulator for the PSP, heres the release info:
July 17 update: 1.51 bugfix release:
Improved bin_to_cso_mp3 tool, it should no longer complain about missing lame.exe even if it's in working dir.
Fixed a regression from 1.50, which caused slowdowns in Final Fight.
Fixed some regressions from 1.50 related to sprite limit and palette handling (caused graphical glitches in some games).
Added ABC turbo actions to key config.
Some other minor adjustments.
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July 19th, 2008, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
Hmm Teamshift or maybe Teamshifty until we get real confirmation have posted that they have got up to 15FPS on the game Locoroco on their PSP Emulator for the Nintendo Wii, like ive already said this could be fake as ive never heard of them but like always we will post news until proven one way or the other.

Heres the translated info
Voila already 3 days we talked about our emulator no $ PsP, and we'll aircraft say that we come out a beta version in a very short time but wanted
improve a little before the break. Well, we have good news:
-- The emulator can now read the CSO but not yet the DAX
-- We have resolved some bugs display with some games
-- The emulator is mounted a 15 fps in the menu of the game LocoRoco!
Now, voila major problems emulator:
-- The son!
-- Being forced to play with a joystick gamecube (we are currently working so the wiimote is supported, but it is quite difficult)
-- The speed of games that is much too slow !!!!!!
We also wish to inform you that during the launch of a party with LocoRoco, the console goes out alone! We are currently working on this problem.
We hope the poster with the least possible bugs therefore sorry to make you wait more ...
We look forward to your proposal to improve the emulator.
Ill remind you this could be a fake and for that will not link to the site until confirmation arrives.
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July 19th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news for any folks considering PS2 Development:
News from LBGSHI
I've been working on reviving Win32 homebrew PS2 development, by tackling its most irritating problem: that there currently isn't a working Win32 development environment available. As such, the only way to program with the (PS2Dev.org) PS2SDK has been via Linux, either actually installed, or from within a virtual environment.
Hence, starting from a base of Lukasz Bruun's tutorial on installing the PS2SDK in MinGW, and with help from several people in the PS2Dev scene (who I will mention below), I've fixed, built, further fixed, and slightly revamped the MinGW environment and current PS2SDK, for use right out of the box (or the archive, in this case). Copied and pasted from the readme.txt I threw together:
This is the fully compiled PS2SDK, using msys and MinGW (fixed), including gsKit (fixed) and the SDL port (for further graphics support), SDL Mixer (for better sound/music support) and ps2-packer-lite-0.4.4-win32 (for packing and unpacking, and in alignment with some sources floating around the 'net). Essentially, we have a fully-built, standard PS2SDK, and additional functionality through gsKit, SDL, SDL-Mixer, and PS2-Packer Lite.
This package is current, as of July 19, 2008 (and will probably remain current for some time, given the rate of updates to PS2SDK).
To install, simply extract the mingw and msys directories into C:\, and run msys.bat, under c:\msys\1.0\. If you like, make a shortcut to msys.bat, and throw it on your desktop or Start menu, for quicker access. If you'll be checking things out via SVN (which you probably will, at some point), install Subversion by running svn-1.4.5-setup.exe.
To test your environment, change directory up to 1.0 (type "cd .." without quotes), then cd down to local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/samples (type "cd local/ps2dev/ps2sdk/samples"), choose a sample and cd into its directory (for example, type "cd cube"), then type "make". If you get the message "No targets specified and no makefile found", there's likely a subdirectory that contains the source you're looking to compile (as there is in several of the samples). Simply type "ls" to list the directory's contents, choose a subdirectory, type "cd subdirectory" (replacing subdirectory with whatever it's really called, of course), then try typing "make" again. If you compile something, then later want to compile it again (perhaps you modified it, or modified your environment), simply type "make clean", then type "make".
A little later, I'll provide a collection of compilable source, by many authors, which you can simply extract into your c:/msys/1.0/home directory, cd into after starting msys, and compile.
Thanks go out to:
Lukasz Bruun, for doing 99% of the work (this environment is based on his MinGW PS2SDK tutorial, with several modifications and fixes), and also for giving me a few nudges in the right direction involving gsKit, SDL, and romfs (the latter of which is still a work-in-progress).
ps2devman, for providing some Cygwin files for gsKit - as MinGW couldn't properly build gsKit without them, and PS2SDK will no longer build in Cygwin, thus I had no direct way of getting the files myself - and for providing help with fixing gsKit, and helping to update some source code of his to compile with the current PS2SDK (the more compilable source, the better  ).
ptek, for providing several Cygwin files and some good info for the attempted romfs fix, which is still being worked on.
Oobles, for PS2Dev.org.
Many people, for PS2SDK.
And everyone else in the PS2 development scene
- LB, of GSHI.org
Download can be found here: http://gshi.org/vb/showthread.php?t=3097
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July 19th, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from psprogrammer
Alright this is my own RPG. This release is a very early release, and is mainly just a proof of concept. It still contains some bugs. But the next release is to be rid of almost all of these bugs. So please post below with feed-back and suggestions for the game. thanx for downloading!!

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July 19th, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DaMerv
TruFlow version 1.0
advanced coverflow type music browser
by Da MerV
Put the folder "truflow" in your "Games" folder. Your music goes in the "music" folder in the "truflow" folder. Add your cover art to the "music" folder with the same name as your mp3. The program will fetch cover art in the following order:
1. PNG with same name
2. JPG with same name
3. id3 cover art
4. General Album Cover
Due to size limitations, some cover art might not be fetched if the image is too large. When you run TruFlow for the first time, it will index your music folder. All the cover art is copied to the cache folder. If you change your music folder, you must reindex the music folder. To do this, go into the menu and select "Reset cache". The button configuration is as follows:
Cross: plays the selected album, select menu item
Square: stops playing the current song
Circle: pauses/plays the current song
Triangle: displays/closes menu
L/R: play previous/next song
Left/Right: browse albums one by one
Analog nub: scrolls through albums
Up/Down: change selection in menu
There is a slight delay when a song first starts. I have noticed some trouble with mp3's encoded at 320 or higher. If you experience any problems, please notify Da_MerV of the details. I can be found on forums.qj.net or on my website, merv.recoding.net.
Thanks for trying TruFlow
Special thanks to Sakya and Homemister for help with ME.
Update is coming soon!
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July 19th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
That is right. LuaPlayerHM8 has been released today. You can download it from below or using the Update script.
When using the Updater script it will automaticaly start the LuaPlayerHM Drivers install. For all who don't use the Updater script you will have to install them via the included LPHMDinstall.
%%%%%%%% NEW %%%%%%%%
Fixed Wlan.startGameShare(filep ath) Now all homebrew work for gameshare.
Added and Fixed System.autoCpu() now has power modes. 1 for saver, 2 for performance.
Added Controls.wlan() returns 1 for on and 0 for off
Added System.stopPRX() Will stop and unload a PRX file that has been loaded. It needs the unique name of the PRX file given when the PRX is loaded.
Eg name = System.loadPrxKernel(file name) System.stopPRX(name)
Fixed System.loadPrxKernel(file name) Will load a PRX into the kernel memory. Allows kernel functions to be used. returns a unique name
Fixed System.loadPrx(filename) Will load a PRX into the memory. returns a unique name
Fixed System.startGameSave() Saves game data Eg System.startGameSave("Nam e of savegame","Name of game","Details/message",data to save, "Name of the game*used to identify the save data")
Fixed System.startGameLoad() Loads the save data selected Eg data = System.startGameLoad("Nam e of the game*used to identify the save data")
Fixed Wlan.init(connection number) Can use just Wlan.init() to see all conections of use Wlan.init(1-10) to automaticaly connect to a specific conection.
Added IntraFont * Use in between Gu.start3d() and Gu.end3d() *
IntraFont.init() Call befor loading intrafont. Starts the IntraFont engine
IntraFont.term() Ends the IntraFont engine
IntraFont.load() Load a font 1 = Normal 2 = fast draw|less memory 3 = Large Memory 4 = Japaniese
IntraFont.print() Prints the text to screen Eg IntraFont.print(x,y,TEXT, Size,Color,Glow) Color and Glow must be in a HEXIDECIMAL format Eg
"0xFF0000FF" = red *****Use in between Gu.start3d() and Gu.end3d()
IntraFont.color() (Red/Gree/Blue/Alpha) Returns a Hexidecimal Value for the color
Added New TTF library (
Font.init() Call befor loading Font. Starts the Font engine
Font.print() Prints test to the screen with a font. Eg Font.print(x,y,"TEXT",col or,fontslot)
Font.load() Loads a font to a font slot Eg. Font.load("ms0:/font.ttf",1) slots range from 1 to 5
Font.unload() Unloads a font from a slot Eg. Font.unload(1)
Font.term() Ends the Font engin
Font.color() (Red/Gree/Blue/Alpha) Returns a Hexidecimal Value for the color
Fixed System.startUpdate() Now works properly
Added March33 and NP9660 use for ISO loading. *Only when LPHM Drivers are installed.
Improved System.runeboot()
Improved System.startPSX()
Added Mp3me.setPos() Sets the position of the mp3 file can be used for FastFwd OR Back. Returnes the position of the file
Added Mp3me.getPos() Returnes the position of the file
Added Mp3me.stream() Will return the remaining buffer left of the mp3.
Added Mp3me Will stream songs from the internet
Added Mp3me.visL() Will return the Visualtion data for left channel.
Added Mp3me.visR() Will return the Visualtion data for right channel.
Fixed Mp3me.percent()
Fixed Mp3me.rawSongTime()
Added PingPSP. In Adhoc send string "PINGPSP", start a timer and stop the timer when the Nickname of the pinged psp is returned with PING. Eg Adhoc.send("ping) the receved data will be "OtherPSP'sNicknamePI NG"
Added Aac to Audio files able to be played (thx to sakya)
Added Aa3me.setPos() Sets the position of the Aa3 file can be used for FastFwd OR Back. Returnes the position of the file
Added Aa3me.getPos() Returnes the position of the file
Added Aa3me.stream() Will return the remaining buffer left of the Aa3
Added Aa3me Will stream songs from the internet
Added Aa3me.visL() Will return the Visualtion data for left channel.
Added Aa3me.visR() Will return the Visualtion data for right channel.
Fixed Aa3me.percent()
Fixed Aa3me.rawSongTime()
Added System.getTachyon() return version
Added System.getPommel() return version
Added System.getBaryon() return version
Added System.download() Use like the Webbrowser System.download(url,downl oad path) Must be in same directory as the LPHM Eboot
Eg System.download("http://www.homemister.axspace.co m/LuaPlayerHM7.zip","ms0:/PSP/GAME/LPHM"),
You can also use the Webbreowser to download files just put the download url in.
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July 19th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Jonathan Janevski has gave details of what looks to be an awesome 3D graphics engine for the PSP
-load heightmaps (complete)
-creation of terrain mesh using CCW winding triangle strips (complete)
-back-face culling (complete)
-texture mapping (complete)
-FPS style camera (complete)
-lighting (complete)
-quadtree LOD
-software 3D clipping
-texture splatting
-dynamic day/night cycle running off PSP clock
-objects (trees, vegetation, etc.)
-fake volumetric clouds

More info --> http://jj.iamjunkie.net/psp.php
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July 19th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
I’m not gonna sugar coat it for you PSP fans out there; Sony’s CEO Jack Tretton told Engadget that the reason there aren’t any new PSP games coming out is, you guessed it, pirates! Tretton said that "piracy in the hundreds of thousands of units are preventing software sales. It’s a problem that affects our software sales right now."
He also blamed the PSP’s media functions and PS2 games being ported for the unit, saying that people don’t want to buy the same game twice. Back to the piracy thing, though. John Brownlee of Boing Boing Gadgets says it best…
“So the loss of hundreds of thousands of totally imaginary, theoretical sales are preventing developers from generating hundreds of thousands of real ones? That’s not what’s going on. If that were true, the DS (which has a far more easy-to-access piracy scene than the still-difficult-to-hack PSP) would be a total ghost town.”
It’s likely that the real reason we’re not seeing the volume of PSP games in comparison to DS games is that the DS appears to be much easier for developers to work with and there are a lot more DS owners out there than PSP owners.
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July 19th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
tonyboy10, a member of our forums, fate today the first version of his homebrew a coded LUA that this appoints Mario Dance.
As you would expect, but this homebrew is to free the princess who was (encooooore) captured by Bowser. For this, you need to recover parts and rabbits gold find in this mini-game where you have to draw the centre of the target to earn points.
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July 20th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sega's E3 presence was among the weakest at last week's event, trumped only by the pitiful showing at Camp Belmont, a notion not helped by the absence of Gearbox-developed Aliens: Colonial Marines from either the show floor or Sega's own booth. Videogamer.com cornered Gearbox president Randy Pitchford about the missing shooter, a no-show he blamed squarely on Sega's marketing strategy, adding that "the game is in great shape. People are going to freak out when they see it."
By people, he obviously didn't mean Sega's own marketing VP Sean Ratcliffe, who told us that while the publisher was considering showing the game at E3, Sega didn't feel that it was quite ready for prime time. "I think it needs a little more time before we want to put it in front of the press," the exec told us. He added that more news regarding the status of Aliens: Colonial Marines will be announced sometime after E3, though we continue to hope that Sega will release game as planned in late 2008 and not nuke the site from orbit.
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July 20th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
In an age where 20 hour games are long, Valhalla Knights 2 is an anomaly. It takes between 60 to 80 hours to complete and up to 135 hours if you want to fully complete it. The game was penned by the scenario writer for Final Fantasy XII so it does have a very involving story. Good news is that you won't spend most of that 135 hours grinding as there's even sneaking abilities so you don't have to constantly engage in battle. Also, no random encounters. Yay!
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July 20th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster

Up to now, the only occurrences of a platinum blonde wig and a PSP in the same frame could be found in someone's cosplay Photobucket album. Sony probably saw that and, in the interest of portraying the real people who would really use its Go!Explore GPS gadget and service, came up with the above promo shot. Other photos (found by Pocketgamer.co.uk) are on the jump. Wherever the hell this entourage is going, I half expect them to meet the Dos Equis World's Most Interesting Man when they get there.
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July 20th, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
I put Enchanted Arms to play for awhile. It seems In-game xmb doesn't support enchanted arms.
I check my other games. Hmmm..Lost Planet does not seem to support it either.
What gives? Hopefully we will get a patch in the near future.
Valkyria Chronicles - Japanese version *According to gamer, Le-mo*
Call of Duty 3 *According to gamer, theycallmeryan*
Blacksite: Area 51 *According to gamer, theycallmeryan*
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July 20th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ep:
OK, here is the unofficial version of LaunchELF. (Note: It's based off Mirakichi's source to LaunchELF v3.41)
Changes: Unofficial LaunchELF releases by EP + dlanor
LaunchELF v4.21 (2008.07.20)
-Changed FileBrowser icon colour assignment to use Color5, Colour6, and Color7 for folders, ELF files, and generic files, respectively
-Changed default colour values for FileBrowser icons to be yellow, green, white, used for folders, ELF files, and generic files, respectively. This change also affects HddManager pie charts as they use two of the same colour definitions
LaunchELF v4.20 (2008.07.17)
-Implemented an icon mode for the FileBrowser, where each file/folder name will now be prefixed with a small coloured icon. The icon shape for folders is different from that for files, and three different colours are used. One for folders, another for ELFs, and a third for all other files.
-Implemented a new CNF variable 'FB_NoIcons', which may be set to disable the new FileBrowser mode. By default it is zero, enabling the new mode. There is no entry in the configuration menus for this variable, so you must add or change it by text editor (as yet).
LaunchELF v4.19 (2008.07.17)
-Fixed a bug preventing launch keys D-Pad Left and D-Pad Right from working, when redefined from defaults, and only one menu page was used (== only one CNF)
-Fixed missing implementation of "uLE:/" search for some device related configurable files (mainly alternate USB drivers and regional keyboard maps)
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July 20th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ffgriever. is an app used with freevast etc:
ESR public beta, revision 9a
* changed stream handling to make some old games working (Onimusha: Warlords) - but for some games it will need additional IOP memory
* fixed a bug that caused read callbacks to be called more times that they should (thus making the game think, some data is ready, while the read operation wasn't even issued - GT3 PAL)
* rewrote IOP code to use a little bit less memory
* now it should work with any other valid media than PS2DVD and DVDV - though, I can't find use for that
* replaced some temporary solutions by real ones, thus increasing stability, I guess
* some small changes to get the games that lost compatibility in r9 working again (ie. KYA: Dark Lineage, V-Rally 3/PAL)
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July 20th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack:
In the process of making changes to psplib’s video rendering routines, I came across a strange problem - calling a certain library function resulted in screen and palette corruption. Since the function was used to access contents of the VRAM, I figured it was because I was writing to the wrong location in memory somewhere.
The strange thing was that I had a similar function already in place, and except for some minor semantic differences, the code was the same. Even more surprisingly, commenting out the code that called the function did not help - the only thing that did was completely removing the function’s definition.
I finally tracked down the problem to the compiler’s optimization flag (O2). Completely disabling optimization with (-O0) got rid of the corruption. I’m not sure if this will have any detrimental effects on the rendering library in terms of speed (I doubt that it will, as psplib’s renderer is extremely frugal), but I suppose that I’ll eventually find out.
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July 20th, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Okay people, we're really getting down to the nitty-gritty... the goalpost is in sight. I'm tempted to consider this RC1.
Here's test 20. MAJOR changes:
The floating point has been SUBSTANTIALLY rewritten. I've incorporated SoftFloat into the FPU emulation to get extended precision floating point. I've also added most of the FPU functionality that's usually only present in B2 when using x86 assembly. The only compromise left is the transcendental functions are still done in double precision. I seem to have cured most of the FPU problems - the scrollbars in OS8.x work, Arashi and Maelstrom play properly, the calculator gives proper answers... I'd appreciate it if people really checked this as well as they can. This was a BIG rewrite of B2 code (for the FPU). This code should also be portable, so it could help folks trying to port B2 to other platforms as well. Given the rewrite in the FPU and other more minor changes to the B2 code that AREN'T platform specific, I've decided to bump the B2 version from 1.0 to 1.1.
The Mac would hang on RESTART, and I don't feel like chasing that bug down, so I altered B2 to shut down on restart instead of trying to restart. So instead of the PSP hanging and people screaming about that, now they'll just whine about the emulator shutting down instead of restarting.
Fixed some other minor bugs, but spent so much time on the FPU that I don't remember them anymore.
I still haven't heard any feedback on the IR keyboard support. I'd appreciate it.
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July 20th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Nataku92 has via a 3rd party released a new version of his 2D Counterstrike game for the PSP.

Heres whats new:
Fixed a bug in the server list pinging code
Map files are now deleted if the download is cancelled before completing (prevents crashes
when trying to redownload the same map)
Fixed a bug that prevented properly putting the PSP in sleep mode while the game was running
Implemented grenades (you can only carry one grenade at a time though)
Added the highlighted gun's image and cost to the buy menu
Implemented a simple decal system for blood and explosion marks
Implemented a grid partitioning system to optimize collision detection (larger, more complicated maps don't slow down as much now)
Fixed a bug that made the remaining ammo count after reloading inaccurate
Made the camera less jerky during variations in frames per second
Added a map check that gives an error message when the map and the server's map don't match (this should also catch half downloaded maps that would have otherwise crashed the game)
Fixed a bug in the knife collision check when more than two players were in contact
Redid a lot of the bot code (they should now detect when they get stuck and try to move away)
Implemented A* pathfinding (bots can actually find each other now instead of moving randomly)
Made waypoints optional (bots won't move on maps without waypoints)
Fixed a few other bugs
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July 20th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Konami announced their yearly Yu-Gi-Oh PSP game in Japan, but it won’t see a release in North America. Don’t worry Yu-Gi-Oh fans, a game based on Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is in development for the Wii. Usually, this isn’t the kind of thing I would report, but my interest piqued when a Konami representative told me it wouldn’t be like any other Yu-Gi-Oh game to date. I said, “No cards or dice?” He replied, “Think racing.”
I stood their quizzically for a moment imagining a mix of F-Zero and Panzer Dragoon. On second thought, I don’t think this Yu-Gi-Oh game will be that exciting. Yu-Gi-Oh for the Wii will probably be the new anime characters riding D-Wheel motorcycles with tilt control.
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July 21st, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
LittleBigPlanet may allow users to charge each other for content they've created, according to comments made by David Reeves, president of SCEE.
Reeves compared the title's planned system to monetise user-generated content to that of eBay and iTunes, further suggesting that users could set their own prices and that LittleBigPlanet could help users generate substantial amounts of money.
"What we're trying to do with LittleBigPlanet is almost iTunes meets eBay in the sense that once an individual or a developer has qualified by producing certain levels or certain add-ons, they will then be able in the future to exchange these and make money out of them," explained Reeves according to PS3 Fanboy.
"Eventually, it's feasible that you might well see the first LittleBigPlanet millionaire!"
"Even if you charge less than one euro, it doesn't take many downloads if you've got a really strong LittleBigPlanet level for people to be able to make money. It's a great way for people to show others what they can do," he added.
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July 21st, 2008, 18:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has admitted there are currently "no permanent solutions" to technical hiccups relating to the Metal Gear Online Gene Expansion.
That's according to information on the official game website, where the publisher apologised for any inconvenience caused.
"We regret to inform that the release of expansion pack Metal Gear Online Gene Expansion on 17th July 2008 was marred by major system related problems resulting in great inconveniences for all our customers," reads the statement.
"We have been taking numerous corrective measures since the problems initially started, but unfortunately there are no permanent solutions we can announce at the present moment."
For now, restrictions on which IP addresses can access the MGO Shop are still in place, but Konami is confident this will speed up waiting times. The company has no idea when the Reward Shop will re-open.
Still, Konami has finished refunding everyone who bought items from the MGO shop but never received them - so that's something.
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July 21st, 2008, 18:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's Kaz Hirai has said that the company is targeting PlayStation 3 sales figures of 150 million units during the console's lifecycle.
The PlayStation 2 has sold over 140 million units since it launched nine year's ago, and the original PlayStation hit 102 million units sold.
"It's not fun for me replicating the PS2 numbers. I've seen that movie already," said Hirai, speaking to the FT.com.
"I want to try to see if we can exceed the PS2 numbers after nine years, otherwise why are we in this business?"
Sales of the PlayStation 2 were 12.85 million in March, and the company expects to sell another 10 million by the end of the fiscal year.
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July 21st, 2008, 18:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony is still yet to reveal a top-secret game supposedly shown to the BBC earlier this year.
You may remember a BBC reporter claiming to have been shown a secret PS3 title that he said "could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion".
But this game, according to that same reporter, was not shown at last week's E3 expo. "MAG appeared - the massively multiplayer online FPS game," he says, but adds: "this was not the game I was referring to. It still hasn't been shown publicly."
Speculation originally linked the secret game to Eight Days - a now-cancelled title from Sony's London studio - but that wasn't it either.
"Some of you might be thinking the game is pure vapourware. But I promise you it's real," says the BBC reporter.
We'll be keeping an eye out at Leipzig next month then.
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July 21st, 2008, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 1 contains 20 songs previously released as downloadable content for the Xbox 360™ and Playstation 3™.
The following songs will be featured on the Track Pack. All are master recordings.
"Song title" - Artist
"KillThe Kill" - 30 Seconds to Mars
"Move Along" - All-American RejectsThe All-American Rejects
"All the Small Things" - Blink-182
"More Than a Feeling" - Boston
"Moonage Daydream" - Bowie, DavidDavid Bowie
"We Care a Lot" - Faith No More
"Truckin'" - Grateful DeadThe Grateful Dead
"Die, All Right!" - HivesThe Hives
"Calling Dr. Love" - Kiss
"Gimme Three Steps" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
"March of the Pigs" - Nine Inch Nails
"Live Forever" - Oasis
"Crushcrushcrush" - Paramore
"Synchronicity II" - PoliceThe Police
"Little Sister" - Queens of the Stone Age
"Teenage Lobotomy" - Ramones
"Siva" - Smashing Pumpkins
"Interstate Love Song" - Stone Temple Pilots
"Buddy Holly" - Weezer
"Joker & the Thief" - Wolfmother
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July 21st, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The most dynamic football animation system ever lets you take complete control of the game like never before
With huge cut-back lanes, arm tackles, over-pursuing defenders, and downfield pump fakes, never before has the college game felt more wide-open
Build a collegiate powerhouse online and invite up to 11 players across the country
Shape your program into a perennial powerhouse and watch your team's prestige rating increase after every winning season
Experience the pageantry of college football Saturdays as cheerleaders bring the sidelines to life with aerial stunts, celebrating every momentum-swinging moment
Maintaining your composure is key as less experienced players are prone to making bad decisions in hostile environments. Signal callers can re-gain composure by acing the Quarterback Quiz mid-game
NCAA Football 09 will unveil the all-new Break Away Animation Engine which allows gamers to break in and out of moves giving the user more direct control as well as instant influence and responsiveness on the field. At its core, NCAA Football 09 will focus on wide-open collegiate style gameplay featuring unique animations that you will only find on college football Saturdays. This style of gameplay will allow agile backs like McFadden to show off their break out speed and maneuverability in-game
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July 21st, 2008, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Thwart the secret plans of X.A.N.A. in a game that combines action, space combat and puzzles in 2 universes that constantly overlap
Assume the role of the 5 main characters from the animated series: Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Jeremy and Aelita…
Upgrade your skills and equipment using a system of experience points
Play through a blend of the 2D real world and 3D Lyoko world, digital sea and Replikas
Explore the digital sea and fight your enemies aboard the Skid, the Lyoko Warriors’ new vehicle
Discover and experience a new story linked to the events from the 4th season and co-developed with the series’ creator, Moonscoop
Join the battle to save William – and Earth!
Our heroes must struggle against the evil forces of X.A.N.A which has escalated it's attempts to take over the real world by creating Replika worlds. The only way to stop it is to destroy the Replikas. But our heroes soon realise that destroying the Replikas is useless – unless they destroy the supercomputer linked to it…..
Changing tactics, they realise they can use “Translation” to materialise in the labs that contain each supercomputer, which are hidden around the globe, protected by bosses.
Each end-level boss is a guardian that exists in the physical world, and has been built or enhanced. The heroes must confront all the bosses and destroy all the supercomputers before achieving their ultimate goal of saving William.
By scanning the Digital Sea, the heroes discover that the supercomputers sustaining the Replikas which they destroyed using the "Chimera" code are linked to a mysterious and dangerous Replika: the Volcano Replika.
It soon becomes clear that this Replika contains the true core of X.A.N.A: a crater containing a number of towers.
When they finally manage to destroy all the other supercomputers; they turn their entire efforts to the supercomputer in this Replika. They discover the tower controlling William in the crater on the Volcano Replika and manage to save him just before destroying the Replika, while destroying X.A.N.A at the same time!
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July 21st, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Koei plans to offer the extended and standalone FES edition of Persona 3 here on 17th October.
This adds around 30 hours of extra content to the acclaimed PS2 role-playing game. Expect a whole new chapter, more Personas, cut-scenes, quests, some sort of weapon creation tool, a hard difficulty mode and the ability option to change your clothes. How thoughtful.
Saved games from Persona 3 will work in the FES edition, but there's no requirement to finish the original story before you're allowed access to the new bits.
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 came out earlier this year and was hailed as one of the finest RPGs on the PS2, of which there are about a million.
Pop over to our Persona 3 review to find out more.
Alternatively, look in our Persona 3 FES gallery for an idea of what to expect.
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July 21st, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Europe has told Eurogamer that all user-generated content in LittleBigPlanet will be free at launch.
The publisher was clarifying comments made by David Reeves to PS3 Fanboy. He said you will be able to make money by selling your LBP creations using an "iTunes meets eBay" system, and even teased that we may see someone become a millionaire off the back of it.
"SCEE and Media Molecule can guarantee that all consumer-generated content will be free at launch. We know how important this is to the LBP community and what we want most is for people to enjoy playing, creating and sharing their content," Sony told Eurogamer.
"Obviously, we're also excited about the future and David was talking about how user-generated content could potentially evolve in the long term. Any decisions that are taken to evolve LBP in the future, will include the community and focus purely on enhancing the user experience."
LittleBigPlanet was one of the stand-out successes at E3 last week; Tom dribbled and drooled over the game during his hands-on play test.
LittleBigPlanet is due out exclusively on PS3 this October.
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July 21st, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have restocked the 40GB Silver PS3 Consoles that has of writing are only on sale in Japan/Asia area, we in America and Europe are stuck with just Black at this time

They are retailing for $412 (£204) at this time and for anyone in the UK expect to pay £35 for delivery and always choose airmail and ask SuccessHK to mark the parcel as Sample to avoid crappy customs 
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July 21st, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: Zack
Me again 
I worked hard on this today to make up for letting everyone down last week (due to me messing with my operating system and wasting 2 days)
I am very happy with the end result, some things included in this release were not supposed to be even looked at until v5.0, but I just steamrollered though the "to do list" today I guess.
Lets run though the changes in this version :
Sound & Music :
Yes it is finally better. I would say about 95/100%. It is now the correct tempo, with little to no crackling in-game. Another thing that is fixed sound related is the enemy's voices. They are now the correct pitch and also finish there sentences now!.
Before they said : "Acht" now it's the correct "Achtung!". They also finish there dying sound effect correctly now too. This is a big fix and really improves the experience a lot.
Another fix is when pressing the "open door" key the sound used to crackle. This has been fixed in v4.8 
New feature in this release is the ability to quick save & quick load in-game. Saves having to return to the menu all the time.
Hold "Start" and press the "L trigger" to save or Hold "Select" and press the "L trigger" to load.
The saving/loading is still slow, however I know how to fix the issue I just have not got round to doing it yet. It will definitely be in for version v4.9.
Graphics :
I have enabled Vsync in this version. It improves the game a lot. There is little to no "ghosting" in v4.8 as a result.
Controls :
The controls have finally been updated in v4.8, Dpad is now default for movement, to change to analog see below :
Here is the new mapping :
Weapons :
Yes, you can now finally change weapons in my Wolf3D port.
How to change ? Well it depends on whether your using analog or dpad. Whichever your using for movement, use that device to change weapons.
Cheats :
For those of you that like a helping hand, cheats support has now being added 
To activate cheats :
The game also seems more stable now. I think the crashes have stopped also, This has not being tested that long though. There has also been fixes to all the game loader bugs.
For all other fixes see changelog.
Changelog :
So that's it. Quite a major improvement overall. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to explain everything properly to save myself being swamped with questions.
I would recommend upgrading to 4.01 M33-2 if you haven't already. The game seems the most stable on that firmware.
Thanks to Da1writer & Ashtr for continually finding bugs, and to Da1writer for making the excellent readme/faq that now comes bundled with each new release. Stuck, cant get it to work? Take a look at that!
Hope you all enjoy it :thumbup:
Source Included.
Screenshot :

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July 21st, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Dan369 has released a new version of his Zelda game for the psp:

Its taken a while but I FINALLY have a NEW release.
Ok, Changelog::
-Changed the Image loading around a bit so images are accessed when need be
-Fixed Some Sound Bugs (Menu)
-Diagional Movement
-Analog support
-New Inventory Page Added (Character view Link's stats)
-Added Rupees
-Added Chests
-Changed sum Collision
-Use a collision function, makes code look neater/cleaner
-Added 6 new maps,
Outside Link's House2 and 3 Town_1,2 and 3
-The Shop map has been added aswell but no shop interfaceYET
-Added a simple HUD (press L to access)
-Slower Movement when walking on hills
-Started the Questing System
-Added the Baker Animation
-And other minor things
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July 22nd, 2008, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch
This is a simple plugin I made a long time ago for my personal use. I just found the source code while going through some old stuff on my computer, so I thought I'd clean up the code a bit and release the plugin.
I realize that there are other plugins that feature similar functionality but I wrote my own because I wanted to be sure its coded optimally, as there are a few careless ways in which these functions can be improperly used (the point of this after all is to conserve battery life).
It does the following when the Hold switch is enabled:
* Switches off the LCD backlight.
* Switches off the actual LCD screen.
(This is important because the backlight and actual screen are two different things. You can have an image being displayed on the screen while the backlight is switched off, such that you can see the image if you use a flashlight. You can also have the screen switched off while the backlight still illuminates the powered off screen.)
* Underclocks the CPU to 61MHz
(Sony has changed the clock speed functions such that only certain combinations of speeds work correctly. Simply trying to underclock to arbitrary values will result in the CPU simply running at the stock speed. I have verified that Hold+ successfully underclocks to 61MHz.)
* The original screen brightness and clock speed are restored when the Hold switch is released.
* Prevents the PSP from going into suspend mode if you accidently push the power switch too far when turning off Hold mode.
* Allows operation of the PSP with the display turned off, to change volume, skip songs etc.
Turn on the Hold switch to automatically disable the display and underclock the CPU. Turn off the Hold switch to return the CPU to normal speed and enable the display.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning off the hold switch, the display will remain switched off and the CPU will remain underclocked, but you can operate the PSP. This is useful if you just need to adjust the volume, fast forward/rewind, or to skip to the next song, without unnecessarily turning on the display. To return to normal, just press the Screen button.
If you push the ANALOG UP button when turning on the hold switch, it will only lock the keypad like normal Hold mode. The display and CPU speed will not be changed, so that you can watch videos etc. with the keypad locked.
You can install it in the seplugins folder, and make an entry in VSH.txt. Thus it will be active in the XMB. Its also possible to use it in games by adding it to GAME.txt, but some games may crash etc., if the CPU is underclocked to such a low value.
Optionally, its also possible to install it in your PSP's flash0 so that it will work without a memory card. For this you can use FreePlay's "NewBTCFNedit" and enable it for VSH mode in the all the PSPBT?NF.bin files. Add it after vshmain.prx.
Thanks to adrahil for helping with preventing the suspend mode.
Changelog v2.62
Fixed a bug where the Analog Up features would not respond after opening the Photo menu in the XMB. After you exit the Photo menu, just toggle the Hold switch once and the Analog Up features should work after that.
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July 22nd, 2008, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xart:
This project is an open source shell for the PSP that is at the moment is getting developed.
People like to customized things and for most users, they simply don't know how to do so, this project is aimed to change all that, it will allow a beginner to customize his or her PSP for the stuff they use on it
The concept of how the shell works is modular, it is simply made up of a collection of small homebrew apps passing a message to the shell and vice verser.
GLUE V1.0 "BUILD 0C000" is completed.
SHELL is very much in development stage, close to an Alpha release.
SHELL will be very customizable by any end user with no programming skills required.
One will be able to make fancy Menus and Sub-Menus for all his or her homebrew, ISOs "persinal backups", Emulators etc...
They will be a offical webpage for this Project that will include the source code for anyone that is into PSP Development.
Following this project will be OpenChoice Packs to show how one can customize the shell.
Credits so Far
xart : project leader and sole developer for now plus designer of OpenChoice default look.
alfatreae : logo designer & naming of project.
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July 22nd, 2008, 01:16 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Conspiracy Entertainment is pleased to announce that Summer Athletics for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system has gone gold and is set to arrive in stores in early August. Summer Athletics is a fresh and fun take on more than 25 sports such as sprinting, archery, javelin, hammer throw and swimming - all presented in a friendly manner sure to please all types of players. A custom character editor, lifelike graphics and realistic animations will immerse players in the game's diverse and challenging events. A suggested retail price of $14.99 USD will make Summer Athletics the perfect game for families and casual gamers.
For more information about Summer Athletics, please visit http://conspiracygames.com.
Developed by 49Games, Summer Athletics will bring more than 25 action-packed sports right into your home. Featuring controls custom-tailored to each platform, the game will be accessible to all types of gamers. A character editor, career mode, 3D animations and realistic environments round out the game's offerings, ensuring fun for the whole family and sports fans alike.
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July 22nd, 2008, 14:19 Posted By: Unicorn

Via psp.scenebeta.com.
Gladiator (GDT) has just released a very simple application. It will show some internal information about the PSP while listening to a pleasant song, but maybe the most important function is that Info Portable v2.0 will be able to detect if you own a PSP TA-088* (although the coder advises that he could not test this function).
Its in English and Spanish, and the SRC has been released (so everyone can learn with it). I must also say that this Homebrew takes part in the Scenery Beta 2008, a Homebrew competition.
*TA-088 is the PSP mobo which is supposed that we cannot use "Despertar del Cementerio". We dont know if this is 100% real yet, and we dont know if we will be able to execute Homebrew in those PSP, but Info Portable will detect that motherboard if those PSP can execute Homebrew.
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July 22nd, 2008, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

The best selling 2D fighter series Guilty Gear is releasing their newest installment GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE PLUS onto the PSP to commemorate their 10th year anniversary.
The game comes with extra content that makes full use of the handheld system's facilities in addition to the existing elements in the previously released PS2 version. Turn on your network switch and launch the Rank Match mode, the more victories you get, the higher you climb on the rank ladder and the nearer you are to the top, the position of the chief of the Holy Knights.
You don't have to fight alone in this game, form a team of three characters of your choice and battle other people's teams. The rules are simple, just fight until the last member of your opponent's team falls.
Elements of adventure games are added to this version. Depending on what choices you made during the game's scenario, the story of the game changes. More scenarios are added to this game and they are fully voiced.
Other additions to the game system included a mission mode and a survival mode. Once you cleared a stage in the mission mode, you will be rewarded with a CG illustration. In the survival mode, you can strengthen your player characters in a gradual manner before taking on the hard bosses.
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus is available on PSP™ as both Japanese and Asian versions. These two versions are sold for US$ 39.90 and US$ 37.90 only.
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July 22nd, 2008, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

More well known titles from the NeoGeo era are revived for home consoles. Samurai Spirits chronicles that marks a turning point in the development of hack and slash fighters is converted for the PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™.
In addition to the old fun, this Online Collection version contains a lot more other elements which fully utilize the facilities of the PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™.
This collection contain five of the most representative games in the series:
Samurai Spirits
Shin Samurai Spirits
Samurai Spirits Zankourou Musou Ken
Samurai Spirits Tenkusa Kourin
Samural Spirits Rei
And in addition to this, the collection comes with a bonus game called Samurai Spirits Tenka Ichi no Kenkaku den.
Both PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™ versions feature a color edit system that allows you to change your player character's outlook and two sets of background music for you to listen to.
Aside from these audio and visual additions, the system is upgraded with a VS mode where you can repeatedly fight a character until you are satisfied with your scores. Another upgrade is the training mode where novices and veterans alike can practice on controls and sure-kill attacks.
With the suitable networking facilities and hardware installed to your PlayStation2™ system, you can also launch the multi-matching mode and pick on all the best fighters throughout the network.
Samurai Spirits Anthology from the NeoGeo era is revived on PlayStation2™ as part of SNK Playmore's Online Collection. The game is available as an NTSC J encoded Japanese version, selling for US$ 49.90 only.
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July 22nd, 2008, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

This 23 in 1 value pack is quite power and useful, including protectective carrying case,car charger,USB Date & Charging Cable and so on.Take this power pack and upgrade your PSP Slim to the ultimate gaming system on the go!
Protective Carrying Case(x1)
Car Charger(x1)
Remote Control for Earphone(x1)
Screen Protectectors(x2)
Game Cases(x4)
Cover Case(x1)
Rubber Guard(x2)
Dust Protector Kit(x3)
Cleaning Cloth(x1)
USB Date & Charging Cable(x1)
Emergency Charger(x1)
UMD Cleaner(x1)
Soft Bag(x1)
Wrist Strap(x1)
PSP Xploder Lite(x1)
Price - USD 15.94 £7.50
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July 22nd, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Images have emerged of what's claimed to be an upcoming hardware update for the PSP, sporting new buttons and a built in microphone.
The pics, which cropped up on Chinese forum PSPChina (via Kotaku), show the new 'PSP 3000' shell complete with 'PS button' in place of the old 'home' one and a tiny microphone off to the side.
The metallic ring on the UMD drive on the back of the console is also thinner, possibly keeping the handheld more stable on flat surfaces.
The PSP Slim & Lite, which is much lighter than it is thinner, only hit the shops last year.
For brand consolidation reasons it'd make perfect sense to switch the 'home' button out for the PS3's version, and the other changes aren't exactly earth shattering, so we reckon this update could be plausible.
We've just got off the phone with Sony Computer Entertainment's UK office though and it's dishing out a straight "no comment" on the PSP 3000 pics. Predictable.
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
PlayStation Home is "important enough of an initiative for the [PlayStation 3] platform and for SCE" to warrant taking as much time as is needed in order to come up with a "fun service" at launch.
That's according to Sony Computer Entertainment president and group CEO Kaz Hirai, who told GamesIndustry.biz that the company was committed to "doing it for the right reasons".
When asked if he was concerned that the product might become something of an anticlimax after such a long period of hype and anticipation, Hirai was bullish: "Well I would put it the other way around," he said.
"Because we got so much buzz, had we launched it before we thought it was the right time and the right features and functionality to launch it - with the high anticipation, people would go there in droves the first time around, they would check it out and say, 'This isn't fun at all, so I'm not coming back again.'"
And Hirai is happy to take the flak for delaying the open beta of of Home: "Okay, we've been dinged, I've been personally dinged many times," he said, "But if I know we're doing it for the right reasons and that once we launch the service this Fall it's going to be something that the consumers once they go there see that it's actually going to be a fun service, that to me is a lot better than doing it the other way around.
"I've said this on many occasions, and right now we're aiming for a Fall open beta programme, but no beta should be opened before its time, and it's important enough of an initiative for the platform and for SCE, that we don't want to prematurely launch it and then be dinged for having a bad service."
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Thore
Heysan is a mobile Instant Messaging service optimized for the Sony PSP. Heysan supports all the major networks, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Gtalk and ICQ and includes extended community features such as chat rooms, profiles and forums. Heysan has been growing a lot lately and taken over a lot of traffic from other popular services on the PSP, as Heysan is better suited for the specific device. The Sony PSP has now become one of our biggest devices in North America, with hundreds of thousands of users, and we've seen that it's been picked up more in the different PSP communities lately. We'd love for you to check it out... :thumbup:
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
2K Marin has explained how you'll be able to collect a few of the Trophies in the PS3 version of BioShock.
These range from bronze to platinum, according to producer Alyssa Finley on the US PlayStation blog, and are designed to entice you into exploring Rapture.
Bronze rewards will be dished out for researching, modifying weapons, hacking and crafting, with each skill apparently "loaded" with awards. You could find yourself up to "your armpits in prizes", said Finley.
Silver Trophies will be more rare. The one example used was the historian award, given to those who find all the audio diaries in Rapture. They reveal lots of back-story behind events unfolding during the game and it's worth doing anyway, we reckon.
Meanwhile, gold Trophies are for those playing through BioShock multiple times. "Brass Balls" will be awarded to anyone who beats the game on hard with Vita-Chambers (respawn points) turned off.
Finally the coveted BioShock Platinum Trophy will be reserved for those who can "take down a Big Daddy without shivering", which presumably means losing no health.
Trophies were recently added in a PS3 firmware update and are gradually appearing across a number of titles. You can collect these and show them to your friends in PlayStation Home, whenever that virtual dream is finally realised.
BioShock PS3 will be out sometime this October and is also receiving exclusive downloadable content in the form of Challenge Rooms. These are puzzle-based and have you solving problems using Plasmids, those super-power abilities you inject in-game.
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster

J3r3mie has posted a new version of his Pong Game for the PSP, heres the translated details;
iPlay Pong Alpha 2 by J3r3mie
New ---------------- --------------------
Possibility of changing the speed of the racket left.
Possibility of changing the speed of racket right. (If you're CPU mode, a speed exceeding 3
will row thereof)
Ability to customize the pong.
Possibility of a display screen, place a wallpaper of 480x272 and appointed Fond.png in the file of the homebrew.
The ability to read music during the game: Put an MP3 file given Musique.mp3 in the file of the homebrew.
Possibility to change the color used (one used for text, racquets and ball) (In case of complete customisation,
it is used only for texts)
3 Create text file named [r.txt; Value your red color] [g.txt; Value your green color] [b.txt; Value your blue vouleur]
in the case of homebrew.
Net code improvement.
Customization ---------------- --------------------
The files are optional customisation. If they are not present, default serotn used.
They are to be placed in the file of the homebrew, alongside the Eboot.
The racket left: [Name: Raquette1.png] [Format: PNG] [Size: 5x30]
The racket of law: [Name: Raquette2.png] [Format: PNG] [Size: 5x30]
The ball: [Name: Balle.png] [Format: PNG] [Size: 4x4]
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony is adding another meaty update to the PS3's SingStore this Friday.
Leading the 33-song influx has to be Toni Braxton with her ballad "Un-Break My Heart". [Rob is clearly too young to appreciate it is in fact Foreigner who top the list. Now this mountain I must climb feels like a world upon my shoulders. - Dep Ed]
Also on the list is "Step by Step" by New Kids on the Block, who were all ridiculous but we watched the cartoon about the band anyway. [In this order: Jordan, Joe, Jon, Donnie, Danny - Dep Ed] There's some Shakin' Stevens, Foreigner and Leonard Cohen too.
Songs cost GBP 0.99 each from the PS3 SingStore.
Here's that list in full:
- Toni Braxton - "Un-break My Heart"
- Maria Mena - "Just Hold Me"
- Aleksander With - "The Other Side"
- Margaret Berger - "Samantha"
- Turbonegro - "High On The Crime"
- The Proclaimers - "Letter From America"
- Sandi Thom - "I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)"
- OutKast - "Idlewild Blue (Don'tchu Worry 'Bout Me)"
- Weird Al Yankovich - "Like A Surgeon"
- Shakin' Stevens - "This Ole House"
- Elvira Nikolaisen - "Love I Can't Defend"
- The Offspring - "All I Want"
- Santogold - "L.E.S Artistes"
- Beth Orton - "Stolen Car"
- HIM - "Killing Loneliness"
- Foreigner - "I Want To Know What Love Is"
- Leonard Cohen - "Famous Blue Raincoat"
- New Kids On The Block - "Step By Step"
- Surferosa - "Saturday Night"
- Christophe Willem - "Jacques A Dit"
- Mademoiselle K - "Ça Me Vexe"
- Fatal Bazooka - "Fous ta cagoule"
- Vamp - "Tir Na Noir"
- Erik Og Kriss - "Det e’kke meg det er deg"
- Erik og Kriss - "Den Låta"
- Erik Og Kriss - "Dra Tilbake"
- Anne Grete Preus - "Manens Elev"
- Vamp - "Månemannen"
- Melendi - "Kisiera yo saber"
- Danza Invisible - "Sabor de amor"
- Duncan Dhu - "En Algún Lugar"
- Arja Saijonmaa - "Högt Över Havet"
- Lasse Holm & Monica Törnell - "È Dé Det Här Du Kallar Kärlek"
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Entertainment retailer HMV has told GamesIndustry.biz that supplies of the 40GB PlayStation 3 are already thinning out as retail awaits the delivery of the 80GB SKU, due to go on sale August 27.
The 80GB unit was announced at E3 last week, and will retail for the same price as the outgoing 40GB unit – GBP 299 / EUR 399.
Sony will also be offering the console with bundled software from September until December.
"40GB stock has been in very short supply over the last few weeks," offered Jonathan Hayes, commercial manager for games at HMV.
"Although we expect demand to fall due to the 80GB announcement we would not expect to have stock issues if availability remains restricted."
"PlayStation 3 will now boast a monopoly on Blu-ray, increased storage space and Play TV in the near future," he added. "All this points to a stronger proposition for Sony going into Christmas. The only disappointment was the lack of backward compatibility compared to the US version."
Sony is also due to roll-out a range of Platinum budget titles for the PS2 at the beginning of August, with titles such as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, MotorStorm and Assassin's Creed included in the first batch of titles.
"We are pleased that PS3 is getting a platinum range," said Hayes. "With the format being over a year old it is great to have a strong budget proposition.
"We see this range as adding sales to the format rather than taking them away."
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July 22nd, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Many, many things were missing from E3 last week but if you're a Sony fan, one of them was anything to do with the long-awaited PSN version of WipEout.
The streamlined HD racer was strangely absent from Sony's E3 conference, with the firm citing technical difficulties as the culprit.
We've been playing a near finished version of the game here in the office for ages now. Check out these exclusive movies to see how pretty it looks. All we were waiting for then was news of a release and how much it would set us back.
Imagine our surprise when we were told that the game had failed epilepsy tests and has to be re-engineered as a result before it can be released to the public.
CVG has been told that WipEout "fails the epilepsy tests so much that it has to be re-engineered." All that speed and flashing lights zipping past your eyes must be too much to handle.
No further details were available, such as how long this re-working might take but we've contacted Sony and are still awaiting an official response on the status of WipEout HD and when we can expect to see it launch on PSN.
And while we're at it, what ever happened to the PSN release of 2097 (XL in the US)? You'll know when we do.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay the coder of PSP Fame has stepped up and released in his own words the first minimal Devkit for the PS3. A way for now to get the first non PS3 Linux homebrew on the system, basically its a Java Homebrew for PS3 Devkit. Not quite the major breakthrough but still a great step in the right direction.
Heres the readme:
BD-J for PS3 minimal devkit by FreePlay
NOTE: For this to work properly, you *MUST* copy it to the root of your C: drive - that is, to C:\bdj-ps3. DO NOT rename the folder.
Included is everything you'll need to get started except for:
1. a working installation of JDK, the Java Development Kit (get that from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp - currently, the latest version is JDK 6 Update 7)
2. a copy of bdj.jar, the BD-J API. I can't provide this, since you need a license to use it; however, if you have a PC program capable of making or playing Blu-Ray discs - like Nero or PowerDVD - you can get this file from there. (In Nero 8, the file is located in C:\program Files\Common Files\Nero\NeroBLC\BDJ\jlib .)
I don't have any real documentation on BD-J, though I'm sure you can find some on the HDCookBook website. In the 'docs' folder is some basic info on BD-J on a very high level.
So far as I can tell, there are some pretty strict limitations on the PS3's implementation of BD-J:
1. You cannot read or write local files.
2. You cannot list the contents of a directory.
I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I ran a few tests and couldn't do those things.
I've also included a sample Hello World application and silenoz's RSS reader, as well as a build.bat file for building, packing, and signing the programs. This batch script is pretty much universal, unless you need to add in other JAR files for your compilation.
Source files for each project should go in a folder called root\org\homebrew. For example, if you make a project called "Test App", in your "Test App" folder you'll place the universal build.bat , then make a root\org\homebrew folder and place your .java files in there. The 'root' folder will become the root of your JAR file; any files you place in that structure will become part of the JAR.
The 'disc files' folder contains the file structure for what you'll copy to your storage device. Once you've built your 00000.jar file, copy it to 'AVCHD\BDMV\JAR\' and you'll be ready to test it.
Good luck!
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's main GT man, Kazunori Yamauchi, has come out and crushed any hopes we had of playing a full version of Gran Turismo 5 any time soon.
We've been waiting for it for ages and our pain was eased a little with the launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. But Sony and Polyphony Digital are taking things a little to far now.
In an E3 interview with IGN (missed due to all the noise), Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi said, "There's no plans in the works for GT5 yet - that might be 2009, or it might be 2010... But we're totally focused on getting the updates through for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and that's all we're focused on."
So it's not even on his radar yet. Quite an astonishing admission if you ask us.
Fingers crossed something got lost in translation. You can read the full interview here.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
JF otherwise known as ChillyWilly and as JLF65 on DCEmu, hey and even i got confused last night when JLF65 remarked on the emu here at DCEmu :P
Anyway heres the official release package which is the same as test 20 but for guides etc:

The official release of Basilisk II for the PSP is here! Features include:
Emulates a Mac II series machine running OS 7.0.1 through 8.1, depending on the ROM used.
Uses UAE CPU emulation, with new SoftFloat FPU emulation for better compatibility.
The PSP memstick can be mounted on the Mac desktop (requires File Manager 1.2).
Supports on-the-fly change of colors and resolution (requires Display Manager).
Has stereo, 16-bit, 44kHz audio (requires Sound Manager 3.0).
Supports emulated floppy and CDROM with removable media (no CD audio yet).
Supports up to four hardfiles for use as fixed drives.
UDP tunnel for AppleTalk networking across WIFI (no general networking yet).
Emulates a Mac Extended ADB keyboard and mouse. Buttons can be remapped on-the-fly, and popular IR keyboards are supported on the Phat PSP.
Supports extra memory and TV out on the Slim PSP.
I made changes to the non-platform-specific code (particularly the FPU emulation), so I've bumped the version to 1.1. I'll probably make some changes and bug fixes later, so I'm calling this 1.1.0. Two main downloads for the binary and one of the source are available. The larger binary archive comes with a nice BIG guide, so I archived it with 7zip. If you don't know how to handle 7zip, google it.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
During the middle of the game the difficulty in Valhalla Knights sharply changed from medium to hours of grinding. Xseed plans to fix this issue in Valhalla Knights 2 by streamlining the difficulty. In the US build it’s easier to level up and items drop more frequently. Also if you have save game data from the Valhalla Knights you instantly get a familiar and helpful elf ally.
The other change is Marvelous developed and Xseed localized a more cohesive story than the amnesiac in distress plot from the first game. I’m not expecting an epic tale, but Valhalla Knights 2 should have more pre-text to push players from one dungeon to the next. Yes, Valhalla Knights 2 is a dungeon crawler where you run into enemies on the map. The combat system is similar too, but I didn’t get to go in depth with it. At E3 the characters in the demo were overpowered. As soon as they walked into a fight it was magically over in a few seconds.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will launch a GPS add-on for the PSP early next year. Alongside it, there will be gaming applications.
“That’s [GPS] going to be a big one for us,” said Sony’s senior marketing manager for PSP, John Koller, during an E3 interview.
“It changes the dynamics of GPS but also changes the way developers think about games on PSP because you can start integrating GPS into it.”
Koller said Sony intends to start shopping the GPS add-on to publishers this year, but also told me that the company is already investigating ways to use it in games.
“There’s been a number of things that our first-party worldwide studios have looked at, and they’ve been trying to look at different options,” he said.
Does that mean we can expect a GPS game from Sony early next year?
“Yeah, we’ll probably lead the way on that,” he said.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Gefa has updated his paint app for the PSP, heres the release notes:
Hi guys
Today I release PaintMIXER v2.2.0, a drawing program.
This is the changelog (v2.2.0):
- Added functionality Triangolo
- Added functionality Testo, with possibility to change the font
- Added functionality Irradia
- Added an option in the ini file, in witch is possible to change the program's language.
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Blah has today updated his Lua Player for Windows up to Beta 3:
Heres the release notes for this latest release:
added the option to use the console.
on startup in the dialog window it can be selected to start or while luaplayer is running with the right-click context menu it can be opened or closed. (while the console is running errors are directed to it instead of the message box)
added option to force "waiting for vertical refresh" ... also on startup.
i also re-wrote the gui.. and cleaned up the code..
and this
ive emulated the analog too.
how it works:
the center of the window would be the "dead zone". (the size would depend on what you define in your script)
example: "if math.abs(pad:analogX()) > 32 then" 32 being the size of the "dead zone".
then with the mouse (holding the left button down) drag it in what ever direction. when you release the mouse button or go within the the bounds of the "dead zone" it returns back to the "dead zone".
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July 22nd, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Homemister has released a new beta release of his Lua Player for the PSP that is now regarded as the best Lua Player for PSP and full of great features.
Hey all I have done a update to the player. It will run with out the LuaPlayerDrivers
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Show #75 - Some Thoughts on the PSP in 2008 (MP3 10.8 mb 15 minutes 42 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
Not a news and review show this week, but my thoughts on how Sony and the PSP are faring in 2008. From a strong start to the year with Wipeout Pulse, Patapon and God of War, they’ve kinda let the side down. There’s some good vibes coming from Sony on the second half of the year (there would be, naturally), but I remain to be convinced.
My thinking detailed in more depth in the show, is we need more regularity to the market, over a four week cycle, that goes something like this…
Week 1: Release a big, flagship game.
Week 2: Release something cute, around $5, on the Playstation online store
Week 3: Release a second tier game, that’s quirky and fun, perhaps experimental.
Week 4: Add a new service to the PSP, either via a firmware update, or a utility app via the store.
Listen to the show (or subscribe in iTunes), and feel free to leave your comments.
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen

tite-shrimp-89, has put online a mario for Tetriabetes MOD, MOD a very well done. The blocks are now the mushrooms Mario the inevitable Thursday, the back cover as well as other small details have changed for the MOD mario.
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster

mohshow has released new webcam watching portal for the PSP which is similiar to our very own PSP Earth, a good app for the perves amongst us 
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Some nice releases tonight and reminds me of the days when we had game mods coming out our backsides. Anyway heres a Stargate themed mod for Charnolds PSP Dungeons from McKay236;

This is a new version of my "mod" (GSC Invasion) for PSP Dungeons, the original game can be downloaded from the site of the publisher of the game: http://www.caweb.de/caweb/downloads.html
You are in the CMS and the alarm goes off: CMS is invaded. To you then take up arms and go repel the invasion and through the door to eliminate the threat.
-- A new level accessible through the door of stars (not finalised)
-- More enemies
-- A few small additions on the first map
-- A new weapon usable on the second map, the likeness P90 ... (thanks a Malancius67)
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Coppens has released a new shell for the PSP and its a Blueshell and the release is of the same name, how witty :P

Heres the translated via google release features;
version: 1.3
-- Manager MS
* copy and paste
* Remove folder / file
* ZIP file extraction
* launching file. lua,. pbp ....
-- Windows Live Messenger
-- Purge RAM
-- Change police
-- Improved dump (ICON0 's UMD displayed)
Other functions:
- setting Cup
usb-ms, flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 and umd
- MP3 player
- launch UMD
- Internet browser
- credits
- extit.
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Kersam has released a new Portal for the PSP called Kersam Home with a rather impressive Mac theme to the proceedings and a whole host of features.
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
fableboss1 has released a new Shell for the PSP, heres the translated features:
voila I come to finish my new homebrew sappelant G-stion'R.
That's more than 2 weeks that I am disappointed day and night just a coder on my pc ...
each evening for 2 weeks I coat a 2 H mat because I narrerete no coding.
this homebrew can:
- connect the USB
- flash0 to connect the usb
- flash1 to connect the usb
- umd to connect the usb
lumd-dump on the crankcase memoire
- view date
- show your percentage of battery
- size display that takes the game on the umd
- display the size restatnte on your memory card
- view the total capacity of your memory card
- listen to your music in ms0: / MUSIC /
- see credits
- in the credits, there is written:
your name
your firmware
your address mac
instead remaining on your memory card
the total capacity of your memory card
the speed of your CPU
the speed of your BUS
tells you if your psp is a slim or fat
- the startup of the homebrew there is written:
your name
percentage of your battery
the date
whether your psp is a fat or slim
in this homebrew, there is the temp wrote the date time, the percentage of your battery.
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July 22nd, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bigproman:

Hello everyone!
BigProMaN (encoder) and tonyboy10 (graphic) you have the demo of their creation: Mario Moto Cross.
As its name indicates, this is a homebrew which resumed on Thursday famous Mario, but on a motorcycle! The game is a demo version does not contain a level to give you a first taste of a game that we hope to the future!
-- A standard mode History
-- Credits
-- Leave the game
But the game:
You first choose between two characters (for now): Mario and Luigi then you must finish the level without falling and without losing your two precious lives.
Known Bugs:
-- Error Loading Image sometimes occurs.
-- Mario made a small "jump" at the end of last springboard.
New to come:
-- Corrections Bugs
-- Additions levels mode History
-- Adding a Course
-- Adding a mode Contre la Montre
-- Improving the graphical interface and menus
-- Surprises ...
How to Play?
In menus:
-- X: OK
-- O: Back
"In Game":
-- Arrows directional (left and right): Move
-- Croix: Jump
-- Keep trigger L: make a looping (while you are in the air)
-- Start: Pause
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July 22nd, 2008, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Purist has released a double treat of game mods of Dragula96s tereiabetes game, we have a Final Fantasy mod and a MGS mod both with music themed to each version.
Heres the screens

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July 23rd, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Videogame publisher XS Games announced today its new music rhythm game, PopStar Guitar, featuring songs from top pop music stars including 3 Doors Down, Simple Plan, Blink 182 and many more. PopStar Guitar allows players to unlock their inner pop celebrity and star as the lead guitarist in their very own band. Shipping in October 2008, PopStar Guitar will be available for the Wii and the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. The Wii version of PopStar Guitar will feature the AirG, an exciting new peripheral that turns the Wii Remote into an air guitar.
"The popularity of music rhythm games is at an all time high, but to date the games have primarily featured hard core metal, classic and alternative rock music," said Steve Grossman, chief executive officer of XS Games. "With popular songs from today's top pop artists, PopStar Guitar is a game the whole family can enjoy. We've also created a dynamic new air guitar game play experience with our AirG peripheral for the Wii, allowing players to have a blast as they unleash their inner pop star."
PopStar Guitar features a single player Career Mode and two-player Co-operative Mode, along with single player and multi-player mini-games. The game takes the player on a musical journey that starts with forming a garage band to playing at 25 unique venues and eventually performing in the worldwide "Battle of the Bands" contest. Twelve playable characters are featured in the game and can be customized to give the band its own unique look. PopStar Guitar features over 50 pop songs, including several masters performed by the original artists.
Exclusively for the Wii, PopStar Guitar will come with the AirG, a peripheral that snaps onto the Wii Remote and turns the controller into an electrifying air guitar. For PlayStation 2 system players, PopStar Guitar will function with any PlayStation 2 system compatible guitar peripheral.
PopStar Guitar has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
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July 23rd, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Scholastic Interactive, a division of Scholastic Media (SM) today announced Goosebumps HorrorLand for Wii, PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and Nintendo DS. Goosebumps HorrorLand is the first game to be published under Scholastic Interactive's new publishing label Elastic.
Scholastic Interactive is already well-known for high quality, award-winning games that educate and entertain children. Now, with the introduction of the Elastic label, the company is expanding its catalog to include more entertainment driven titles and broaden its reach to consumers. The titles under the new label will be published across all interactive platforms and will feature content based on Scholastic properties, such as Goosebumps, as well as other original and third-party licensed properties.
"We are delighted to be launching our new games label, Elastic, with Goosebumps. Goosebumps has a broad and enthusiastic global fan base who will be thrilled with our new games. What better way to deliver the thrills and chills of a Goosebumps experience than with a game that puts the player in the heart of HorrorLand," said Deborah Forte, President, Scholastic Media and Executive Vice President of Scholastic Inc.
Marking the brand's first foray into gaming consoles and handhelds, Goosebumps HorrorLand is an adventure game set in a fright-themed amusement park filled with over thirty thrilling rides and bone-chilling attractions. Sounds like fun - until players discover the scares are all too real and find themselves vanquishing vampires, hanging on for life on the Roller Ghoster and battling Certain Death. As players fiendishly try to escape the park, they will unravel a mystery, encounter a host of creepy horrors, monsters and mummies plus trademark Goosebumps twists and cliffhangers. Goosebumps HorrorLand will offer the suspense, pulse-pounding action, tension and humor that defines the franchise. Goosebumps HorrorLand, the video game, is set to make nightmares come to life on Wii (SRP $39.99), Nintendo DS (SRP $29.99), and Playstation 2 system (SRP $29.99) in October 2008.
For an exclusive peek at Goosebumps HorrorLand, go to www.GoosebumpsVideoGame.com or to YouTube to view the "No Ordinary Park" teaser trailer.
With more than 300 million books sold in 32 languages, Goosebumps is a global mega brand. Goosebumps HorrorLand is based on the new 12 book Scholastic series by R.L. Stine that launched in April to terrific sales and national press attention. Additional content can be found on the official Goosebumps Web site www.scholastic.com/goosebumps.
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July 23rd, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
In DT Carnage, players will race on various tracks using any and every trick they have up their sleeves. From using items to slow down opponents, to crushing other drivers against the side of the track, to simply breezing past rivals using skillful driving maneuvers, racers will do whatever it takes to be proclaimed number one.
“Fans of the racing genre will love this game. It features top notch graphics, amazingly realistic controls, and over the top action. With all of that and more, the game will really make players feel like they’re in the race of their lives,” says Mark Johnson, producer at Agetec. “DT Carnage also sets itself apart from other racing games by having a RPG like mode that allows drivers to live the life of a racer from start to finish.”
In RPG mode, players start off with training. Players will learn how to use various items and techniques to excel on the track. After players have finished training and leveling up their drivers through the growth system, they will send their drivers off to the tracks to battle against the best of the best.
Be prepared to get lost in the world of fast cars, talented drivers, and dirty tricks as DT Carnage revs up to “step on the gas pedal," promising to be the most cutthroat racing game ever seen, coming to North American retail stores this summer.
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July 23rd, 2008, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK at Amazon UK:

The Incredible Hulk, one of Marvel’s most powerful Super Heroes, unleashes epic destruction on the big screen this summer in the much awaited release from Marvel Studios. Adding to the excitement, SEGA will be releasing The Incredible Hulk, an intensely realistic third person action videogame.
The fury-fuelled game will feature key moments from the film, as well as additional plotlines and characters from The Incredible Hulk universe. Crash through New York City, battle gigantic enemies amidst soaring skyscrapers and leave your mark on the fully destructible environments.
With the ability to damage buildings, streets, cars and anything else the Hulk can get his hands on, you have the ability to make New York City your own destructible playground.
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July 23rd, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK at Amazon UK:

The Sat Nav add on for the PSP finally released in the UK
Heres a reader review:
I bought this one in a major UK high street store two weeks ago and have been very impressed with the results. After a bit of getting used to it works as well as any other Sat Nav I have used. The device to attach it to your windscreen is sturdy and fully adjustable; it picks the signal up very quickly and has a variety of routes to choose from (economical, fastest etc). Navigation of the software using the PSP controls is easy, typing addresses using the on screen keyboard is a joy; the predictive software is logical and fast. Personally I have never liked the touch screen sat navs so the use of the D-Pad and other PSP buttons is a functional plus point for me. Once your route is selected there are a host of bonuses - seek out nearest petrol stations, shops, bars, places of interest - its like a mini tourist focused yellow pages coming along for the trip!
Drawbacks? Well yes - the built in speaker is pretty quite in my car so I have to use the headphone socket to feed the sound to my Cars stereo system - not ideal but it works very well.
I have not tested it on foot - the 3D maps look great but I don't fancy wandering the streets with mp PSP and Sat Nav gizmo on full display!
Conclusion - for the £100 or so outlay you are getting the functionality of a £200 plus Sat Nav with some small drawbacks (Sound, Size when on Foot). These drawbacks aside I am delighted with the purchase.
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July 23rd, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has refused to comment on "rumour and speculation" that Final Fantasy VII is heading to PS3 in a revised format.
Website PlayStation Lifestyle claims that the widely-adored RPG is being refitted exclusively for the Sony console, citing inside information, but can't say whether it will be on Blu-ray or PSN.
The site also says to expect a separate port of the original FFVII to appear on PSN in 2008, which echoes other unsubstantiated claims from earlier in the year.
We may learn more from the Square Enix Party in Tokyo, which takes place on 2nd and 3rd August.
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July 23rd, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's PlayStation Blog has released the first pint-sized screenshot of Zipper's massively multiplayer shooter MAG and it looks erm, decent... we think.
If you missed the original announcement, MAG is a new online shooter from the blokes who did SOCOM where up to 256 players wage battles as 8-person squads. It's massively ambitious and out next year.
"Though it's early to talk in depth about MAG, we can definitely quell some fears we've already heard from you about how MAG will need to compromise on gameplay to support its size," says the semi-official blog, addressing our own concerns.
"Well, it may be massive but it is an action shooter at its core. You can run around and shoot enemies, throw grenades, and drive vehicles just like any other shooter except with MAG you'll do it with up to 256 players.
"The team at Zipper was one of the pioneers of online gaming on consoles with the SOCOM franchise and they've used this knowledge to create a brand new server architecture to make an original game like MAG possible."
Why don't you let us see it in action, Sony?
One screenshot
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July 23rd, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
System 3 has told Eurogamer that the first Ferrari Challenge content pack will be released for PS3 in August and will cost GBP 3.99.
Inside is the Nürburgring GP-Strecke course, one of the most pant-wetting and unpronounceable tracks around, plus five brand new Ferraris.
These are the powerful Ferrari Enzo, the stylish Ferrari P4, the lightweight 430 Scuderia, the rare 612 Scaglietti and the Gran Turismo flagship 599 GTB Fiorano. You can eyeball all of these on the official Ferrari website.
"To compliment an already huge array of Ferraris on offer in Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli, we've hand-picked the most sought after models to launch our first downloadable content pack," said Mark Cale, boss of System 3, with the wind in his hair.
"We're pleased to give the community another world-class race track on which to race these fantastic cars. We're not planning on stopping there, with more downloadable content packs to be announced shortly, cementing Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli as the most feature-packed simulation available for PlayStation 3."
You can ask Mark Cale your questions right this minute in a live interview here on Eurogamer. He will be around from 4pm BST to give you his racy answers.
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July 23rd, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation marketeer Peter Dille believes Final Fantasy XIII going cross-platform is not worth getting upset about.
"What you have with Final Fantasy XIII is a lot like what [Microsoft] paid for with GTA IV. It's not an exclusive on their platform. It's now a cross-platform game," Dille told MTV Multiplayer.
"Consumers responded to GTA IV on the PS3 just as they did on the 360... And I think if you fast forward to when Final Fantasy XIII comes out I think you're going to have millions of people who grew up playing Final Fantasy on the PlayStation playing it on a PlayStation 3.
"They spent a lot of money, I'm sure, to get Final Fantasy onto the 360, but at the end of the day it's on our platform as well."
Dille went on to talk about Microsoft opening the chequebook in order to secure big titles, but argued that developers who want a "global return" from their games will choose PS3.
"If you look at the global footprint, PlayStation 3 dominates in Japan where the 360 is really irrelevant. In Europe, the PlayStation 3 is already past the 360. And in the United States you have a dogfight," added Dille.
"So back to the third-party community, they're looking at what's going on, they're realigning their development resources to exploit PS3 and I think they understand that if they want to have a global return on their investment, PlayStation 3 is the only place they're going to get it."
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July 23rd, 2008, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Following a mysterious teaser unveiling a couple of weeks back, Sony Japan has at long last shared specifics on its newest PlayStation 3 title, The Last Guy, or as it's fully known in Japan, The Last Guy Japan Premium.
In The Last Guy Japan Premium, you play as Last Guy, who's come from the Himalayas to save the people of Asakusa, one of Tokyo's hot tourist spots, from attacking zombies. Your job is simple: find people remaining in the Asakusa area and lead them to special escape zones.
As suggested in the original teaser trailer from two weeks back, the game makes use of real life aerial photos of the Asakusa area. Judging by the few screenshots Sony handed out today and the new trailer video that was posted at the game's official site, gameplay appears to be viewed from a strictly overhead perspective.
The Last Guy Japan Premium hits the Japanese PlayStation Store on July 31 at 500 yen. The download will take up 314 megabytes on your hard disk.
Other installments for the game appear to be on the way. The trailer footage at the official site hints at zombie infestations in other areas of the world, including The Opera House in Sydney.
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July 23rd, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We just got off the phone with Sony, trying to see if we could get more info on Fat Princess, and were told that the demo for PixelJunk Eden will be available tomorrow with the regular PSN update. We're looking forward to people finally being able to test the game out for themselves instead of us trying to explain its simple and addictive gameplay. If you can, grab a friend and play co-op, since the title is even more enjoyable with a companion. The full game will be available next Thursday, July 31. The price for the full game has not been confirmed.
Screenshots here
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July 23rd, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack posted this news:
It looks like very recently, all the non-recent (read: excluding Fuse PSP) PSP emulators have exceeded 1000 downloads. fMSX is the most downloaded emulator at over 5000, SMS Plus is second with almost 3000. Of course, this excludes the (estimated) thousands and thousands of downloads from PSP sites that host their own files. And to celebrate, I offer… thanks!
Uberjack has also released a faQ here --> http://0xff.akop.org/faq/
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July 23rd, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
NoEffex posted this news:
This thing works great, I mean, I'm sure anyone who has installed pspsdk knows it's ANNOYING to do so. Yesterday, realizing that it took all day to install the damn toolchain when it's not that big of a file, that and the fact "dmonchild" gave me the idea of doing so, but since he couldn't because he has dialup, and uploading 767 mb's kinda sucks on dialup. Anyways, with that said and done, ONLY thing I forgot to do is edit the profile script that is loaded on all names to load the variables for pspdev, but that isn't hard, so I didn't really care. In case anyone is too lazy to look at psptoolchains readme or go to ps2dev, it's in the readme and right below. This uses the LATEST toolchain, and has psp-packer in it. By latest I mean day before yesterday latest.
export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/binIf anyone can PLEASE download this and upload it to a stable server, I BEG of you to do so. My download speed on this server owns, but it has a tendency to go down.
http://irish.exofire.net/pspsdkubuntu.rar. P.S If this is in the wrong section, please move it, not sure where to put it, so I figured since this(pspsdk/toolchain) is in essential in psp development, why not put it here. If my server happens to go down, try and hour from when it goes down, but it hasn't gone down in like a week, since they recently did a cleanup.
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July 23rd, 2008, 22:46 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
ZeniMax Asia K.K. announced today that Bethesda Softworks will ship Bully for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system to Japanese retailers on July 24th.
Bully, the critically-acclaimed title by Rockstar Games, allows you to experience the life of a troublesome schoolboy. With both single-player missions and 2 player mini games, you'll stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks on malicious kids, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious boarding school, Bullworth Academy. Originally released on the Xbox 360 in 2008 and the PlayStation 2 system in 2006, this is the first time the game will be available in the Japanese market.
"We're looking forward to bringing this fan favorite to Japan," said Tetsu Takahashi, General Manager, ZeniMax Asia K.K. "Rockstar produces exceptional games and we're excited to be working with them on extending their reach to gamers across the globe."
For more information on Bully visit http://www.rockstargames.com/bully. For more information on Bethesda Softworks, visit http://bethsoft.com.
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July 23rd, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Complex story spread across 12 dramatic separate episodes with seven playable characters in all
Sight jack system lets you see exactly what your enemies see
Sneak past the deadly Shibito or take them head on with over 50 kinds of weapons, each with unique fatal finishing move animations
Archive system lets player unlock a variety of story clues and important background information
An American TV crew has arrived in Japan to film an expose on the legend of the “vanished village.” Controlling seven different playable characters, the player must uncover the mystery behind the curse that grips the eerie village of Hanuda. The unique “sight jack” system allows the player to see from the point of view of the Shibito, or living dead, to avoid their detection or watch as they close in on the player and companions. Intense graphics, realistic character animation, and a gritty film-like graphical presentation add to the horror of Siren: Blood Curse.
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July 23rd, 2008, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki 3 is an RPG that takes place 6 months after the end of its previous installment Sora no Kiseki SC and makes connections with the plot lines of Eiyuu Densetsu VII. In this third installment the spotlight moves from Estelle and Joshua Bright to the pair of Star Grail Knights Kevin Graham and Ries Argent.
After the fall of the floating metropolis Libel Arc, Kevin and Ries are sent to investigate on the remnants of an ancient civilization called Artifacts. To learn about these substances and the story behind them the two knights are sent to board a huge airship that would fly them off to their adventure.
The third installment to the highly popular RPG series, Sora no Kiseki 3 is released for Sony PSP™ as a region free Japanese version for US$ 49.90 only.
The Konamistyle Special Edition of the game is arriving later this week and is available for US$ 99.90 only.
Be prepared for your adventure by gathering some information about your journey. The PC & PSP Official Capture Guide gives you directions to both the PC version and PSP version of the game and is available for US$ 27.90 only.
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July 24th, 2008, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Lifestyle blog promises that on August 3rd, a "MAJOR" PlayStation 3 exclusive will be announced that makes MAG, Killzone 2 and inFAMOUS look like "NOTHING" (yes, the author seems to like all-caps).
The blog also says it'll offer three hints on Saturday, July 26th, stressing that it is a "new" PlayStation 3 "exclusive." In this case, it's the author, not I, who put those words in quotes — does that make anyone else a little leery?
Right now, all that's up in the post is a reminder that the announcement is unrelated to Square Enix's event over the same August date. Uh, oo-kay? Oh yeah, and they've got three words listed, all of them crossed out with strikethrough:
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July 24th, 2008, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
Until now, nerds who wanted to play Namco's pop idol sim THE iDOLM@STER had two choices: Play the arcade versions or play the Xbox 360 versions. But not every owns an Xbox 360 in Japan. (Shocking, we know.) Good news! There's a new option as Namco Bandai is releasing the game on the PSP. Dubbed THE iDOLM@STER SP, this one player game almost looks like a port of the arcade version with PSP-tweaked graphics. There is a new "mail check" system where players have to check the idol's email from magazine writers, stylists and fans. Since Namco Bandai won't be able to make a killing on DLC like it has with the Xbox 360, the company is releasing three versions of the game with three characters spliced into each one. Maximum profits!
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July 24th, 2008, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from maupsp
Here is my own homebrew (xD), I just started psp developing a few weeks agoo and I came up with this!!!! It's called SÍGUEME it's only its first version (beta)...
to make long story short... SIGUEME it's base on C++ languague programming, SIGUEME will show you a couple of botton sequences you must memorize and then repeat when your turn comes!!!.
NEXT features...
anybug feel free to tell me
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July 24th, 2008, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Blutelf
I have one of my times Lua programs halfway completed the written and would like to upload somewhere ^ ^ but I peil none of the page as I do.
Can someone explain me how to here.
I first saw the lad here as attachment.
It is a calendar in Lua, in which for every day down notes, which are then saved.
You can also add entries from the year are not dependent. (For birthdays and the like)
There is also a function to "clean up" old files, in all the entries are deleted already, and not this month.
In the next version is the prefix and suffix of files with the entry adaptable, I also will add a simple Mölichkeit the Programa into other languages translated.
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July 24th, 2008, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspgen
TetriAbetes is a homebrew to relive the Tetris of the good old Game Boy.
After many mods already available for this homebrew (Mario Mod IV, Final Fantasy Mod, Mod GTA IV, ...), here is a new colours of Zelda directed by Kiscool of our forums.
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July 24th, 2008, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster

A tipster mailed in these additional PSP spy shots to go along with the ones we saw yesterday. Assuming this is real, it shows a black PSP with the new PlayStation button, the mic hole, and a thinner outer ring. There's also the headphone jack with the TV out port which features more arrows than before. Color us amazed. If anything, this says that everyone, from Sony themselves to people who have nothing better to do than to make fakes and seed them to news sites online, aren't really expecting much out of the next iteration of the PSP
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July 24th, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon.com:

Pelican's Charge and Store Station provides an easy and quick way to charge and store your PS3 wireless controller. Fully charges up to 4 PS3 controllers within 3 hours.
Product Description
The Pelican Charge and Core Station for PS3 charges up to two PS3 controllers, 3 times faster than through the USB port.
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July 24th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon.com:

An ancient Chinese Emperor will rise and the adventure of a lifetime will begin! Embark on an action-packed adventure set in the mythical world of the Rob Cohen film, The Mummy¿: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor movie. Play as Rick and Alex O'Connell in this quest to stop the powerful shape shifting Mummy, born of an ancient and vengeful curse. Fight through forbidden Chinese tombs, the heights of the Himalayas and other breathtaking and deadly environments.
Product Description
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor PS2
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July 24th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has released Siren: Blood Curse on PlayStation Network but the price of the individual three-episode bundles has gone up by two quid.
We were originally informed that the 12-episode game would be sold in four discrete three-episode bundles at GBP 4.99 apiece, but that's now gone up to GBP 6.99 for each one.
However, the full 12-episode game is on sale for GBP 19.99 as originally stated.
Sony's latest stab at survival horror is a bit of a series reboot, borrowing heavily from the almost-great PS2 original and fixing a lot of its problems in the process.
In light of the last-minute price-hike on individual episodes, we'll be adding an update to our review of the first three-episode bundle, which originally scored 9/10.
Fortunately though, the price change won't impact our review of the full game, which is published today. Check it out.
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July 24th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Q-Games has detailed some of the Trophies in PixelJunk Eden, the flowery PSN game that should be released in demo form sometime today.
PSN titles are allocated fewer Trophies than full-scale Blu-ray releases, according to Q-Games boss Dylan Cuthbert, and they're not allowed the elusive platinum reward.
Anyway, to earn a bronze Trophy in PixelJunk Eden, you need to open every seed on one level. Other Trophies are given out for destroying 500 prowlers or collecting 15 crystals in one jump.
Cuthbert says his favourite reward is only obtainable when playing with two friends; you have to bounce one person between the other two for a total of five times without the ball-person touching the ground.
PixelJunk Eden also has built-in YouTube support, which requires simple one-button commands to execute and has no impact on performance.
We're told Q-Games is looking into retroactively fitting PixelJunk Monsters with Trophies, as well integrating in-game XMB music; if the demand is high enough, the features will be added.
Head over to our PixelJunk Eden gamepage for plenty more information.
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July 24th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Although Sony says Home is "on schedule" for autumn, we wouldn't bet your life on it as big Kaz has iterated that "it doesn't matter when we launch."
While offering a reminder of his apology for the twice-delayed online networking service, Hirai made clear:
"I'd much rather make sure we take the time to have a great service rather than rush something into the market - only for consumers to say: 'This is not enough for me.'
"I want to avoid that. If we have the right service, it doesn't matter when we launch - so long as it's in a reasonable timeframe," he added.
He doesn't care for rip-offs trying to steal Home's thunder either. "Whether our competitors decide to follow what we've done with Home or not follow us, that's up to them. Given the fact that I've delayed the launch of Home twice - for which I've apologised - I think I've done it for a very good reason, and that's because I want to bring the very best service possible to consumers around the world.
"We're very confident in when we do launch the open Beta service, it's something that will really resonate with the consumers," a confident Hirai told MCV.
After waiting this long, we hope he's right.
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July 24th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Resistance 2 will be getting the Beta treatment this September, with subscribers to Sony's US only online magazine Qore able to get an early taste of Insomniac's eagerly awaited first person shooter.
With the full game scheduled to launch towards the end of the year, Qore subscribers will be able to get an early taste of the multiplayer game that's set to support up to 60 players. Unfortunately for European dwellers, Qore remains exclusive to North America, and although Sony are yet to confirm details for access to the Beta in other territories expect an announcement in the coming months.
In the meantime, gorge yourself on this prime selection of gameplay videos for what's set to be one of Sony's biggest titles this year.
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July 24th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
The King of Dokapon has offered you his throne; all he asks for in return is that you dispose of an invading horde of thieving monsters. Trouble is - you’re not the only one he asked. Contend with up to three friends as you navigate playfields littered with challenges, monsters to defeat, and rare secrets to unlock. Warning: Relationship counseling not included.
The Kingdom of Dokapon is a land of wealth and riches ruled by a gold-loving King and his daughter Princess Penny. One day, monsters begin appearing all over the realm, assaulting the towns and stealing all of the empire’s wealth. The King, unable to collect taxes from his impoverished citizens, calls for heroes from across the land to come and rid his monarchy of these monsters. The prize for the hero who is able to free the land: The hand of Princess Penny and rule of the Kingdom itself!
Key Features
* Innovative board game-RPG crossover – Tired of shallow gameplay in party games? The genre gets retooled in this exuberant mix of role playing and board games! Encounter zany characters, collect rare items, and explore a fascinating kingdom on your quest to vanquish monsters, gather treasure, and level up!
* The friendship-destroying game – Turn the heat up on your rivalries! Take on up to three other soon-to-be-ex-friends in the race for Princess Penny and the crown. Battle, steal, deface – playing dirty is the name of the game – through a variety of locales and challenges. After your friendships are broken, the game is just as much fun to play alone.
* Never the same game twice – Tons of battles, magic spells, mini-games, and multiple play modes add up to endless replayability!
* Easy, intuitive, and effective combat system – This is no boring game of hack-and-slash. Players covertly choose their actions in an intuitive battle interface that guarantees every fight will surprise.
Dokapon Kingdom, not yet been rated by the ESRB, is currently scheduled for release on October 14th, 2008.
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July 25th, 2008, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Way, way, way back in 2006, Sony announced it would be bringing a GPS add-on to the PSP. The world rejoiced, but quickly we discovered the immediate launch of the device was pretty much exclusively set for Japan.
America would be left directionless.
As part of the San Diego Comic-Con's preview night, I got to take a waltz through Sony's booth this evening and saw kids playing all sorts of games that I got to see at E3. Then, I spotted a Slim rocking the GPS add-on sitting alone amongst a group of PSPs people were playing.
I could barely believe my eyes.
From the main menu, there are four options for you to dive into -- Find and Go, Explore Map, My Data, and Settings. I'm assuming you've been in a car in the last few years and are somewhat familiar with a GPS system. Find and Go acts as the PSP ap's most basic GPS function -- you choose a city and state before entering a location and getting step-by-step directions. Once you get the data in, you can just explore the map if you like and see what all is around. The default view is a top-down Mapquest POV, while the secondary look anchors the lower part of the map at the bottom of the screen and tilts the view at an angle. Explore Map lets you jump around at will, and My Data has you set up to 32 favorite places; search by hotels, airports, and more; view saved routes; and track logs.

What I found pretty neat were the options in the Settings folder. You can set your preference to give you routes that are the fastest, shortest, or economical; you can set it to avoid u-turns and tolls; and you can set your transportation mode to be car, taxi, pedestrian, or bicycle.
Let me be the first to say, I cannot wait to see someone on a bicycle trying to use PSP GPS.
Obviously, Sony doesn't want Comic-Con kids wandering around with its PSPs, so I couldn't test the devices turn-by-turn capabilities. However, I did pull up a map of Brisbane, Calif. -- IGN's home base, yo! -- and the 101 and bay were where they were supposed to be.
Although we've been told to expect the GPS device to arrive in the states within the next nine months, there's still no date set for the device I got to hold today. That's sad, but the application seems to work OK. It was simple to get into and find what I needed, and the options to toggle and fool with seem to outpace the GPS we have in my wife's SUV.
If this ever comes out, we'll have more on it.
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July 25th, 2008, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Badboy;
-- p-twit!? What is it? --
You know Twitter? No? Visit www.twitter.com
It's a social networking and microblogging service.
You can write short (140 characters) message just to say what you are doing right now.
p-twit! is a client to write tweets from everywhere. You just need a working WLAN-Configuration.
For the rest: please read the readme.
-- v0.0.2 --
- second release, still beta
- now you see "from p-twit!" at twitter.com
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July 25th, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
As you might have already seen, there are some mobos (TA-088 ones, slim models) in where the IPL used for Despertar del Cementerio, Pandora and Time Machine therefore, doesn't work.
IPL can be still run from the Memory Stick, but just those that are signed by Sony, and not the ones that contain a different signature; a problem that will probably block the actual way of running your cfw's, as you couldn't even load on this NANDs the custom IPLs with different signature.
Even though, IPL is not the problem, but probably the mixed kernel of 1.50&&3.40, and it will be the best option to use a new kernel on Despertar del Cementerio future versions.
So, to sum up, new Dc version will not be released till the new Core and interface is finished. Please be patient
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July 25th, 2008, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
New mod release from Kiscool:
Hello all the world to the 3rd edition here is the new way simpson skin! in two days
Coming in a few hours, Naruto Edition!
Tetriabetes Mod Simpson life '!
With a premium music tres entrainante! "LOL!"
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July 25th, 2008, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Coco1230 and Said0011 just update their application called ErrorF.
It lists all the fault codes of the PSP and offers solutions to address them.
This utility also has a research module that allows you to quickly find a code corresponding to a specific error.
What's new
Bug fixes.
A countdown has been added to the main menu. If no choice is made, the first is selected.
Note: You can not move from version 2.50 to it via the update package.
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July 25th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are 45 cel-shaded screens of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, coming to PS3 in November.
Ultimate Ninja Storm takes the familiar 2D gameplay of the previous games in the Ultimate Ninja fighting series, but adds a new free-roaming 3D element that sets you loose to explore a fully-recreated Leaf village as seen in the brilliant Shonen Jump anime and manga series.
The game will feature 25 playable characters and over 100 missions to complete, and downloadable content is expected post release. Although there's no mention of online play, which is a bit shabby in this day and age.
Screenshots here
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July 25th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari has told Eurogamer the PS3 version of Alone in the Dark will be out in November.
That means arriving five months later than the Xbox 360, PC, PS2, and Wii versions, of which the former was clearly best.
Best, maybe, but still hampered by irksome controls and technical hiccups, intent on knocking you back each time you felt a fondness for the game arise.
We hope developer Eden has taken the extra time to address these issues for PS3 and dollop some of that extra content on that we heard about back in April.
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July 25th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: flaminfox
Mediumguage has updated PSP Filer, a file manager for the PSP.
Heres Whats New:
picture viewer:
- fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when reading picture in background at low memory.
- made scroll speed faster whie reading picture in background.
- added a feature to jump to the edge of the picture by pressing START with left, right, up and down.
- enabled to move next/previous picture while reading picture in foreground.
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July 25th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has issued a response after we learned that the silent delay of PSN title WipEout HD was due to it failing epilepsy tests.
CVG was told on Tuesday this week that WipEout "fails the epilepsy tests so much that it has to be re-engineered," hence the game's absence from E3, despite us having had what appears to be a near complete version for AGES.
Sony has neither confirmed or denied the report, only saying CVG: "Regarding the speculation about health issues, we can assure you that we take consumer safety very seriously and monitor it very carefully."
There's still no estimated release date, or exactly what might be different when the game eventually does see the light of day.
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July 26th, 2008, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

It's time to get creative with the Talismoon Evolve series! Evolve for PSP are a refreshing blend of complete and easy to install faceplates to brighten up your mood and undoubtedly your PSP. At a period where customization is crucial, each evolve faceplate brings a special edition PSP into the range of everybody regardless of technical know-how. Everything needed to create a new look PSP is included in a single package, consisting of the faceplate colour of your choice, an illustrated diagram, hardened steel Jeweler's screwdriver, a dazzling set of diamond series buttons as well as a finely made polishing cloth to preserve the appearance of your PSP for years to come.
Get the custom look you want for your PSP at a small fraction of the cost for supposed official 'limited editions' and break away from the norm!
Each and every one of Talismoon's PSP faceplates will reach gamers with in pristine condition due to meticulous handling from start to finish of the production process.
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July 26th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
21 (~Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, ...) US US$ 38.96
An Empress And The Warriors (~Donnie Yen, Kelly Chen, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Avalon (~Malgorzata Foremniak, Wladyslaw Kowalski) JPN US$ 77.90
Batman Begins (~Christian Bale, Michael Caine, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Batman Begins [Blu-ray+Figure Limited Edition] (~Christian Bale, Michael Caine, ...) JPN US$ 188.90
Batman Gotham Knight JPN US$ 47.90
Earth: The Biography US US$ 39.99
Ghost In The Shell S.A.C. [Limited Edition] (~Atsuko Tanaka, Osamu Saka, ...) JPN US$ 279.90
I Know What You Did Last Summer (~Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, ...) US US$ 28.95
Imax Theatre Bears JPN US$ 46.90
Imax Theatre Wolves JPN US$ 46.90
Jarinko Chie JPN US$ 77.90
Jin-roh (~Hiroyuki Kinoshita) JPN US$ 77.90
Jumper JPN US$ 46.90
Jumper & Fantastic Four [Limited Edition] (~Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
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July 26th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play asia:

The Konamistyle Special edition of Sora no Kiseki 3 has arrived today, together with the PSP game, this package comes with a stylishly designed pouch, an artbook and a set of badges neatly aligned in a special box.
As the third installment of the Eiyuu Densetsu sub series, this game serves as a connection point between Sora no Kiseki and Eiyuu Densetsu VII. Search for clues and directions as to where the hit RPG series will lead to with the additional material that comes with this special edition.
The 48 page colored artbook that comes with the package contain high quality images of crucial scenes drawn by Haccan, the famous illustrator. Enjoy the artwork and search for hints to fuel your anticipation for the next game.
Show that you support your favorite character by pinning their badge on your clothes. This special edition of Sora no Kiseki 3 comes with a total of 50 tin badges featuring major and not so major characters of the series. With so many characters and colors, at least one of them will suit the color scheme of your outfit.
Since your Sony PSP console is the channel to your adventure, keep it safe, clean, and unscathed and the stylish pouch that comes with the bundle serves this purpose most aptly.
It is thickly padded and very light, it will protect your console from physical impacts like bumps or minor falls. Aside from serving the practical aspects, it is visually appealing as it is printed with the game's logo in a sharp silver color on the black leathery material.
The Konamistyle Special Edition of Sora no Kiseki 3 is here to wrap up your exciting week and is sold for US$ 99.90 as a region free Japnanese version for Sony PSP™.
Prior to the release of the special edition, Sora no Kiseki 3 is published as a standard edition and this is available at Play-Asia.com for US$ 48.90 only.
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July 26th, 2008, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
Siliconera brings word from San Diego Comic-Con that more karacters have been added to the roster of Midway's crossover fighter, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. Specifically, the site confirms Jax and Kitana from the MK games are set to appear, along with DC Comics characters Green Lantern and the clown prince of crime himself, Joker. The site speculates that, since villains in MK vs. DC will be able to perform fatalities, Joker could conceivably kill Superman. We're not sure how happy DC would be about that, so don't get too excited.
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July 26th, 2008, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
After a dozen tips pleaded with us to cover a seemingly scandalous story on Yahoo this morning headlined, "Playstation 2 component incites African war" some of us here at Joystiq HQ thought the story didn't sit right. First of all, we'd already read that story seven years ago when shortages of the newly launched PlayStation 2 were later attributed to coltan, which is later refined into tantalum, a heat-resistant element that (according to a 2001 New York Times story on this very same issue) "can be found inside almost every laptop, pager, personal digital assistant and cell phone."
So how is it that a commonly used material that briefly made headlines in 2001 because of its association with PS2 shortages has now filled our inbox with tips exclaiming, "The PlayStation 2 kills children" (really, we got that tip)? Easy! A major outlet, Yahoo in this case, runs a story on a report by activist site Toward Freedom who include a sensational, albeit predictable, quote from former British Parliamentarian Oona King, who cleverly analogized, "Kids in Congo were being sent down mines to die so that kids in Europe and America could kill imaginary aliens in their living rooms." Of course, we wonder if she offered that quote to them over her mobile ... or maybe email using a laptop computer.
Point being, laying the blame on the PlayStation 2 – built by Sony who, it should be noted, had already begun trying to limit their use of Congolese coltan back in, all together now, 2001 – is scapegoating of the worst kind. Then, citing things like increased prices for coltan – also taken from 2001 (the New York Times story notes that in the Spring of 2001, "the price of coltan crashed, falling from $80 a kilo in March to $8 in June") is selective reporting. That's to be expected from an activist website tasked with a political agenda, but it's disappointing coming from a major video game outlet tasked with, one would hope, providing a more thoughtful consideration of the already besieged industry it's covering.
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July 26th, 2008, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The AirForm Pouch is designed for PSP-2000 series only. It can protect your console from scratches dusty or shocks, and can hold 2 UMDs inside it also.
It is made by super material, quite light ,and touches comfortable. The lovely dog picture ,makes it more beautiful.
Simple and fair design, has double zipper, can open 270 degree. The bag also come with a pothook, you can take it easily . There are three colors for you to choose: Pink, White and Blue.
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July 26th, 2008, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster

Buffalo's upcoming internal and external BD recorder units can burn both single or double-layer BDs up to a sizzling 8x speed, and DVD ±R up to 16x. Of course Blu-ray technology is going to improve, probably following a similar pattern to DVD burning tech. But here's a funny: these drives use Panasonic SW-5584 units inside... and the speed may actually outstrip the currently fastest available Blu-ray burnable discs. Amusing, and a situation that can't last long. The drives are SATA-based (with USB 2 on the external unit) and will be available in Japan at first for around $380 for the internal and $440 for the external drive.
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July 26th, 2008, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
Midway is packaging their last three Mortal Kombat games into a exclusive Playstation 2 collector's edition box set. The set will come with Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, and Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks.
Midway says Mortal Kombat: Kollection is due out this September for $30.
"Mortal Kombat has been a pinnacle fighting franchise for well over a decade now and this is an ideal package for fans and collectors in terms of content and price point," said Mona Hamilton, vice president of marketing, Midway Home Entertainment. "With the PlayStation 2 still holding the highest market share of any home console, we saw this as the perfect opportunity to offer an incredible value to our consumers as we ramp up for the highly anticipated launch of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe."
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July 26th, 2008, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
The iPhone has a ton of promise as a gaming machine. Sega certainly think so. But what of other companies? Companies that, thanks to their stake in the handheld market, may not be quite as open to the idea of facing a new challenger? MTV found out by asking Nintendo and Sony what they thought of Apple's latest gizmo. Unsurprisingly, both were a little cold on the device. Reggie said:
From our standpoint, we are aware of what the iPhone is doing. We certainly monitor it. But just like in the home console space we’re focused on doing what it is we do well...we’ve got a large installed base that we’re looking to drive even further and to sell software into. That’s our focus. We’ll see what happens with the iPhone but it is not something that will make us change our direction.
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July 26th, 2008, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
shadow and mad have released the first svn version of the PSP Emulator written in Java for WIndows, this release doesn't play games or demos and it's just an unfinished debugger ATM but worth a look none the less.
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July 26th, 2008, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
At an exclusive European media briefing, SCEE president David Reeves told MCV that global announcements and ‘blockbuster' revelations will emerge from the Leipzig event, and even backed the possibility of a London-based show.
"It's not just Euro-centric - there will be some global announcements," said Reeves. "The announcements we make will be more important for the local markets that come to Leipzig.
"And it's not just Leipzig, it's Game Convention - if we had one in London we'd do it in London. We have a number of things which is real blockbuster stuff for Europe."
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July 26th, 2008, 13:52 Posted By: wraggster
UK Playstation boss Ray Maguire has admitted what we already knew, namely that the PS3's slow start was due to the high RRP.
"The gamble that Ken Kutaragi took with the PlayStation 3 was to put in a high level of technology, so it has been a bit slow to market in some respects, but we're now seeing how people are starting to understand how the technology works. Historically, the installed base of any hardware platform has been proportional to its great gameplay, but also very attached to the RRP. That was the second part of Kutaragi-san's gamble, as that hardware made the machine more expensive. But now we're in the second part of the PS3's cycle, and since the price came down, there has clearly been an uplift."
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July 26th, 2008, 13:57 Posted By: wraggster
CrazyC has released a new version of his Dos (old PC Games) emulator for the PSP
Heres whats new:
I haven't been able yet to finish everything, but I've put up a new WIP binary for people to play with. The only change is a modest performance improvement..
EBOOT.PBP the main binary
exception.prx if this prx is present, crash dumps will be displayed
fixup.prx if the prx if present, the ME region will be added to the code cache.
dosbox.patch.gz the patch
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July 26th, 2008, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
Set up with Sky, Go!View is Sony's TV-on-Demand service for PSP. It's currently only available for users in the UK and Ireland, although in time deals will be set up with other European partners for other countries.
The basic system requirements are a PC running WinXP, Internet Explorer v6.0+ and Adobe Flash v9.0+. You'll also need a decent broadband internet connection and 3GB of free disk space on your PC. In terms of your PSP, at least 1GB of free space on your Memory Stick is recommended, and you'll also need a USB cable.
The main focus of the service is monthly subscription packages for access to TV from the likes of Sky, the BBC and National Geographic.
TV packages are £5 per month for one pack, £8 for two, and £10 for three. The current packs are Entertainment (including Hustle, Scrubs, Weeds, Spocks, Battlestar Galactica), Comedy (including Little Britain, League of Gentlemen, Red Dwarf, Alan Partridge), and Sports (er, some old sports stuff).
Movies range from £3.50 for Eastern Promises, Michael Clayton and Wedding Daze to £2.50 for Snatch, Men in Black, ET and The Way of the Dragon. Presumably these will be updated over time.
But how to get your hands on such goodies? Well, check out the following 14 straightforward steps.
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July 26th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: dragula96
ps3 homebrew 2 Player Pong 1.0
download ps3 2 player pong source here.
ps3 2 Player Pong Ready to Go Pack here.
ready to go pack, for those of you that havent been keeping up with the BD-J exploit.
just extract the and put the AVCHD folder and everything in it on USB pen drive root directory.
then place USB pen drive on ps3, go to video and run the AVCHD folder.
and the game should run.
read me file:
PS3 2 PLAYER PONG 1.0 by Dragula96
silenoz of PS3Hax //for bringing this discovery to the general public
FreePlay //for taking time to develup his Minimal BD-J (Java) Devkit for PS3
Drakon //for wrighting up the gameloop, input functions needed for this project.
the game is not perfect, it needs some tweeks with the variables, collision is very basic.
this is 2 players, can be played with 2 ps3 controllers.
player 1 controls:
up- moves paddle up
down- moves paddle down
player 2 controls:
square- moves paddle up
cross - moves paddle down
ball speeds up every time it hits a paddle to make things interesting.
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July 27th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Midway recently announced that their Vin Diesel-infused Driver-esque title Wheelman has hit some traffic whilst traveling down the release date turnpike, pushing its initial release window of Fall 2008 to the first quarter of 2009. While we're sure that there will be a number of Vinthusiasts out there who will be disappointed by this announcement, we fully understand the postponement -- based on our brief time with the game, we could tell it needed quite a bit of polish. Judging by the waxy sheen of the beefy actor's rippling head, we assume Diesel has plenty of polish that Midway could borrow, should they muster up the courage to ask.
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July 27th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Some good news from Uberjack:
Most of the bugs/known issues from the last release of Fuse PSP have been fixed (the sole exception being the speed of tape loading, and there’s not much that can be done about that).
Next version will also include a bunch of new features and improved hardware support — exact details are currently being worked out.
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July 27th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
The release of the 2 Player Pong Game for PS3 and also the Homebrew Devkit using the Java Runtime for PS3 brings hope that a full on exploit for Homebrew on the PS3 can be found.
In the meantime this use of the Blue Disc Java Runtime means that at least Java Games are doable in Homebrew on the PS3 and on most any firmware/region version of the Console.
The next eventual step will some sort of emulator on the PS3 using Java and looking on Google you can see theres quite a few Java Emulators emulating a lot of systems, theres even a Java PSP Emulator for Windows being worked on, now imagine running PSP Games on your PS3 in time.
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July 27th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Whilst things are a little quiet in the PSP Scene, the PS3 Scene has hotted up a fair bit recently, firstly the release of Freeplays Java Devkit for the PS3 with all the info you need to get you started making Java Homebrew for the PS3.
Also Yesterday Dragula96 released the first 2 Player Pong Game for the PS3 using the Blue Ray Disc Java Runtime (PS3 Java Runtime), now with all the emulators for java that can be found via Google and maybe even more exciting is the recent Java PSP Emulator being written at this time, now it doesnt support games etc at this moment but in future it should do but imagine the same emulator being ported to PS3 Java, a PSP Emulator on PS3 would be pretty awesome.
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July 27th, 2008, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK at Amazon UK:

International Athletics is the most realistic athletics simulation available on handheld consoles.
Featuring thirteen events with career, tournament and multiplayer modes and some of the most well known international stadiums. International Athletics, quite simply, has it all.
Unlock extra events by winning medals and compete in the ultimate test of human strength and endeavour "" the Decathlon and prove your are the best!
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July 28th, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the UK at Amazon UK:

Access great cheatsaves for GTA 4, Xploder blows your games wide open! Have access to new weapons, loads of money and missions unlocked, Xploder cheatsaves gets you ahead of the game!
Also includes cheatsaves for Gran Turismo 5 - Prologue, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed and many more!
BONUS: Take control of your PS3 and PSP media with Xploder HD Movie Player & Media Manager, the complete media management tool for your PS3 and PSP movies, music and photos.
MOVIES - Includes PS3 HD Movie Converter. Convert movie files into AVC (.MP4) for playback on PS3 & PSP; Non copy-protected DVDs (VOB), MKV, Xvid, DivX, MPEG 1, M1P, MPEG 2, TS, M2P, WMV, ASF, MP4 and AVI formats. Multiple video output selection allows optimum settings for both PSP and PS3, with PSP files automatically renamed in line with the PSP file format structure.
MUSIC - Transfer music from your existing iTunes database. Convert your CDs to MP3 with auto completion of artist, track and album details via the online database. Attach album artwork to your MP3 music files. Simply drag-and-drop MP3, AAC and WMA files to your memory card or USB device for playback on PS3 and PSP.
IMAGES - Manage your photo and image gallery for viewing on PS3 and PSP. Preview thumbnail images from within the Xploder software and simply copy them across to your portable memory device for viewing on the PS3 or PSP.
SAVES - Download PS3 cheatsaves for latest and greatest games including assassins creed, Heavenly Sword, Call of Duty 4 and many more!!
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July 28th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Dragula96 is on a roll, after releasing his 2 Player Pong for PS3 the other day he is back with a release of Snake for the PS3, heres his details:
here is a very simple snake game i coded.
snake speeds up and gets longer the more "apples" you eat.
includes a high score tracker.
game and source attached.
what more can i say it's snake.
updated to 1.1
-added snake head
-added apple image

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July 28th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Alienware has released a new homebrew game for the PS3 which is a mod of the game Bunny Blast using the BDJ Method:
This is a mod of the java game BUNNY BLAST for PS3.I just change the sprites.
The sprites comes from a homebrew game for psp and pc.
So,this will be the first homebfrew mod for PS3,the game plays exactly like bunny blast,but with better graphics,change the bunny for a spaceship and turtles enemys by alien spaceships.
Hope you like the changes,and I hope this will lead to something.
To install,copy the AVCHD folder to the root of a memory stick or usb flash drive,go to video on PS3,select the device,select AVCHD,when menu apears select bonus,and game... (X = ENTER)
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July 28th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Good news for those of you still sitting on the fence on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: there's a demo hitting PS3 and Xbox 360 online services next month.
According to marketing man Matt Shell (in a chat with G4 TV) the demo will let you try out a special version of the Tie Fighter Construction Facility level with extra force powers unlocked.
What's more, the trial will feature a "unique ending" especially for demo players, says shell, which hopefully won't involve Darth Vader begging us to buy the final game. At least he can't run.
The demo's out on PSN and Xbox Live sometime in August, then the final game in September.
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July 28th, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack on the latest version of his Spectrum emulator for the PSP:
New in this version:
Added various game image types missing from the initial release
New virtual keyboard
Added monitor type selection (color/grayscale)
Fixed a serious memory leak, which would manifest itself when opening ZIP files
Fixed the “tape loading hang” bug
Added +3 support
Added Kempston joystick support
Added “hack cursor” support (keyboard up/down/left/right)
Lots of code reshuffling
This version also includes extended DSK support; however, this does not seem to work correctly at the moment. Since the next version of Fuse is going to have drastically revamped 765 support, I’m probably not going to work on this until the next version.
UPDATE At least one user has reported palette corruption problems, so I’m pulling the new version down until I can revert the psplib code back to an older version. Please bear with me, and if you have the version originally released, please don’t distribute it.
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July 28th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from noeffex
**COPY TO ms0://seplugins/nitepr/PRX**
Alright, for this Non-TSH release, since the knife code is exclusive, I have disabled it, so if you press it, it will do nothing. For any other option you will have to turn it on IN GAME or IN LOBBY only. If you are not in designated area, and you decide to press the button, ***YOU ARE ALMOST GUARANTEED TO FREEZE***, for some reason my validation function decided to not work. This contains a few cool things, that work perfectly.
Press TRI+UP to open menu
-Hold L to rape(IN GAME ONLY) - Must be laying down
-Points mod(IN GAME ONLY)
-Knife with L+R(Disabled since TSH exclusive)
-Press [] To see through walls(Doesn't matter, but will work in game only, won't freeze)
-Anti-12(Doesn't matter, but you won't be able to get to the server with it on)
-Anti-Server lock(It is to be turned on before going to a server, if I'm correct, you cannot turn it off, you are welcome to try though)
This is it's FIRST public release, I've worked on this for about a week now, and have the structure all down, all my editing functions(I'm cheap and use an include full of functions that I wrote up). I'm not releasing the main source, but I will release the include in case you want to use any of the functions in any of yours. The name comes from the fact that I was listening to motley crue at the time of naming.
A few bugs I've noticed:
If it doesn't come on and game locks up, press O, then do it again until it does, I'm working on fixing that.
MUST be loaded with the newest MKULTRA, get from http://opensourcedev.org/WhitePR/MKU...KULTRAV1.7.zip
Screen is kinda flickery, if you have an idea as to why, please tell me.
That about sums it up
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July 28th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from psprogramer
Alright here it is Uncharted Lands v0.02. The game is sooo much more playable, and has much more in it. The new features are listed below. Alos expect a larger time inbetween this release in the next, as the next release is going to Be amazing!!! It will incorporate many new things, if you want a preview of whats to come then check out the READ ME in the Documents folder. So check it out, and leave feed-back here!!!(also I'm unsure about the new character image, please give me your thoughts on that)
5 outside Maps and 4 indoor maps maps
fixed pause menu
main menu - - (fully functional)
items shop interface
weapons shop interface
npc characters -- (moving characters, functions have been made, and will be fully implemented next release)
begining night time function (it's function is made and is in the file, just hasn't been ativated in the game because it lags too much)
early sign reading/talking function
state system created, and functional

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July 28th, 2008, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget

Call it a remarkably strong hunch, but we've got a feeling that the detail-less console that just popped up in the FCC's database is the 80GB "Core" PlayStation 3 we heard about at E3. The FCC filing is exceptionally devoid of juicy nuggets, with just a pair of ID labels to swoon over. We can see that the new model will be dubbed CECHL01, but outside of that, it's a total crapshoot as to what's going on here. Okay, maybe not, but it's fun to pretend.
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July 28th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa:

Today I release PaintMIXER v2.3.0
This is the changelog:
- Added a new functionality, Ellisse
- Added new fonts
- Added a new option in the ini file
- Added "Size file" in KB when you load an image.
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July 28th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
With Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 due for release this Wednesday on 360 Arcade, Bizarre Creations has hinted that we could see it on PS3 at some point in the future.
"Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 is currently an Xbox 360 exclusive title," Bizarre Creation's games manager Craig Howard said an interview with 1UP, adding, "although PSN is definitely in our company plans going forward."
For those who haven't seen our screenshots and movies, we can guarantee Geometry Wars 2 looks ace.
Hopefully, his use of the word 'currently' will translate into the game appearing on PSN one day. That's some love that just has to be shared.
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July 28th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks (the official fusa site has some weird popups that kill my browser)
From the FuSa crew to you — FuSa screenShoot! The name speaks for itself; FuSa screenShoot is a PRX plugin used for snapping screen shots at any given time. Sure, other plugins may do the trick, but here’s the difference:

This plugin takes picture of “real screen”, so you can use it with FuSa (instead of grabvram+RVV)
Press “+” and “SELECT” to take a screenshot. (picture will be saved in the “PICTURE” folder as “frmbuf###.bmp”)
You can also assign your own button or buttons combo with help of ConfiguratoR (Win32 version include
d in this package). Just run it and choose desired button or buttons combo, then click on SAVE button and you will get config.key (at the same folder where you’ve launched program). Copy it to your seplugins folder and enjoy.
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July 28th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DJB

Release Notes:
Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
New features this time around include a Backup / Restore option, plus the option to install the 1.50 / 3.40 Mixed Mode of Time Machine v0.1, plus a whole new GUI.
Hope you enjoy this nice little program.
* A PC with Windows XP / Windows Vista and .NET Framework v2.0.
* A PSP with USB Connection and 3.xx/4.xx M33 Custom Firmware Installed.
* The official Sony Firmware Update files (EBOOT.PBP) for 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, and 3.90.
What it does:
* Formats your PSP Memory Stick
* Copy the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.
* Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, abd 3.90 to your PSP.
* Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF Menu to access all the programs.
* Copies Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.
* Copies Despertar Cementerio 3 to your PSP.
* Copies Despertar Cementerio 4 to your PSP.
* Copies Despertar Cementerio 5 to your PSP.
* Copies Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.
* Copies the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader Installer to your PSP.
How to use it:
1. First of all, BACKUP YOUR MEMORY STICK as this program will FORMAT it.
2. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.
3. Select the Programs you wish to install on your Memory Stick.
4. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.
5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.
- Totally re-coded from scratch
- Upgraded Hellcats Pandora Installer to Revision 4
- Upgraded jas0nuk ELF+PBP Menu to 0.4
v0.1 (2008-04-27)
- Initial Release
Programming and Logo by: DJB
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July 28th, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mrafenne
Hello and voila the first version of my homebrew "Arabshell v1"
It is a shell in Arabic and is the first I believe
voila different functions:
- MP3 player
- launch UMD
- Internet browser
- calculmp3
- MS
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July 28th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: argor
Notaz posted videos of Picodrive runing on the Pandora, gp2x and psp with speed limit off
Also note that in these videos, both PSP and GP2X are clocked to their max, and Pandora board is running below it's planned nominal clock.
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Notaz also added this about 32x emulation support for pandora:
I do plan to add support for it, but that will probably happen some time after Pandora's release.
Will the Pandora challenge the PSP/GP2X for the Handheld Homebrew Crown ? , for more Pandora news check out Pandora Homebrew: http://pandora.dcemu.co.uk/
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July 28th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vava59
Let me present my new Homebrew entitled: IMC Psp Psp IMC Used to Calculate His BMI (Body Mass Index) Thus, You know if you had to eat more or more sports ^ ^
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July 28th, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Golan:
I have simply taken the homebrew of Gosti, and I've improved (design and functions).
therefore very convenient for programmers lua, because it lets you code without leaving the lua player (well, only if you open your scripts with notepad + + directly from the psp).
So unzip the archive at the root of your psp, and you get the files in X: \ PSP \ GAME \
later, c you put the files in the lua player after YOUR script.lua renowned script-.lua
the archive contains: script.lua Resources (file containing the image files)
Think also to add the following command in your script to be able to return to Programs, and reactivate the usb
if pad: triangle () then - triangle or whatever you want
dofile ( "script.lua")
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July 28th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Tuxi

Hello all,
I put myself in mod Tetris Abetes, So I suggest that we can play with a tetris and His Skin CSS CSS, and music substantive Daft Punk (Alive 2007)
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July 28th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
News from pspgen
KETM is a shooter made by Deniska 2D for PSP very well done. This is based on the game Tyrian. wally just cover the game for kernel 4.xx and is now compatible 4.01M33, he also added support for TV output. The game comes with 2 mods, KETM Episode 1 and 1941.
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July 28th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Magazine for PSP/DS/PC has seen a new release, heres the translated details;
Sanqua Horizons 16 is available. We are talking about finally GTA, but also Sins of a solar Empire. Elenie s'inscruste for discourse on systems used in various Final Fantasy in detail. From the music side, Bluepowder focuses on the last album Faith No More, while qu'Egomet back on the interference at the international level. For Japan is Akihabara, which is in the spotlight, but for its killings! Good reading at all.
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July 29th, 2008, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
CBHD, née CH-DVD -- the Chinese version of the now-deceased HD DVD format -- is in production, gearing up for a fourth quarter launch. DigiTimes cites reports from enorth.com.cn that Shanghai United Optical Disc has laid out the first production line, although Taiwanese disc makers (already burned by HD DVD) aren't as confident it can take on Blu-ray, even with considerably lower royalty fees and hardware costs for disc replicators. Coming alongside news that Chinese-built Blu-ray players based on increasingly affordable hardware is on the way, plus a decided lack of studio support, it's not hard to see how this one will turn out (again.) Not to underrate China's national pride, but unless it can gain an unexpected foothold among DVD pirates, CBHD will probably be on the high definition scrap heap alongside HD DVD, EVD and the rest before long.
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July 29th, 2008, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at Play Asia:

Experience intense combat with seamless switching between hand-to-hand attacks and action-packed gunplay
Battle supernatural creatures from the film such as the three-headed Gorgon, and Terracotta warriors
Unlock mysterious chambers and hidden treasures through puzzle solving and hieroglyphic decoding
Experience fast-paced action that follows and extends the characters and situations depicted by the movie.
Based on the third installment of The Mummy franchise, the story will center on the adventures of popular characters Rick and Evy O’Connell, and their now grown son Alex. The action will take place in the exotic locations of China, India, Egypt and London from the film. In addition, the film will introduce an all-new Mummy (Jet Li)!
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July 29th, 2008, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Kaz Hirai, master of all things PlayStation, better known as Special K to his crew, says that the power of Sony Computer Entertainment's Worldwide Studios is "unrivaled." According to a report from MCV, Kaz was not quoted as implying that should Nintendo or Microsoft attempt to step to this, they'd best check themselves before they wreck themselves. He then posed.
"Our first-party product is obviously platform exclusive and is the best out there," Mr. Hirai says, namechecking upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusives like LittleBigPlanet, God of War III and Resistance 2. In addition to those internally developed games, Kaz, not pictured, points once again to the power of the Blu-ray format, saying that bonus content exclusive to the PS3 platform is totally rad.
"Peace!" Kaz then didn't say. I'm out.
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July 29th, 2008, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
First EA announced Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3, and then they put the PlayStation 3 version on indefinite hold. What's the deal? Videogamer.com got the skinny from EALA producer Amer Ajami during a recent visit to EA's UK headquarters.
"We actually announced a PS3 version early on but that was when we were still doing a lot of technical exploration of the architecture. PS3 is a very powerful system but as you guys know it's very exotic and tough to develop for and our engine really at the time wasn't designed for PS3."
And another game falls to the old "tough to develop for" excuse. There's still a glimmer of hope, however, as Ajami does go on to say that they might go back and do something with the PS3 later one. Might? PS3 owners need not your "might". They need Tesla coils, and they need them immediately.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new slice of Homebrew for the PS3 from Drakon:
Here is another game made with BD-J It's a small port of my old game made for j2me and PSP.

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How to install:
Just extract the and put the AVCHD folder and everything in it on USB pen drive root directory.
then place USB pen drive on ps3, go to video and run the AVCHD folder.
and the game should run.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:19 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai is pulling a Pokemon-like strategy with the Idolm@ster franchise. Three Idolm@ster SP games with three different sets of idols to manage are coming to Japan this winter. You get to choose if you want to manage Perfect Sun, Wandering Star or Missing Moon.
The preview video doesn’t delve into specific details about each version. It’s more like a proof of concept video demonstrating you can have a similar Idolm@ster experience on the PSP minus downloadable content. Maybe minus downloadable content. The other Idolm@ster console games “printed money” by selling costumes and songs over the Xbox Live Marketplace. I wonder if Namco Bandai is exploring selling additional content on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
Ok im not smoking anything but our very own drkIIRaziel who occasionally hangs in our Chatroom has been working on a Dreamcast emulator for PSP.
Now unless im very well mistaken theres not a chance in hell that full speed or even playable is possible but we all live in hope
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July 29th, 2008, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Component AV Cable included high quality cable ,can provide superior picture.Compared with the common Component AV cable, this one has a RCA output(yellow),provide another video output model for players. The whole length is 2.5m,making the video device put easily.It is compatible with PS3 series fully,simple to use too.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:54 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Entertaining at home takes on a whole new meaning this fall as SingStarTM comes to the PLAYSTATION? (PS3? computer entertainment system. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's London Studio, SingStar PS3 takes the successful interactive singing experience established with the multi-million selling global PlayStation? franchise to the next level with personalization and community taking center stage. SingStar PS3 allows you access to a catalog of hundreds of downloadable songs featuring the real artists and videos, via the PS3 online SingStoreTM. Become a global star as you share your SingStar experiences with friends and the online SingStar community via captured video, audio and photos. A perfect addition to the social gaming genre, SingStar will revolutionize the way you spend time with friends and family.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Component&Composite AV Cable included high quality cable ,can provide superior picture.Compared with the common Component&Composite AV cable, this one has a RCA output(yellow),provide another video output model for players.
The whole length is 2.5m,making the video device put easily.It is compatible with PSP series fully,simple to use too.Anti-oxidation meterials with long life.
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July 29th, 2008, 03:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The RGB Cable included high quality cable ,can provide superior picture.The cable is thick, strong and features gold connectors for the best possible audio and video quality.
The Mulitcenter output,providing high definition graphics.The Stereo Sound Output, let you into a reality video world.It is compatible with PS3 series fully,simple to use too.
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July 29th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

The Classic Fighter Returns
Return to witness the epic struggle between the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, and the cursed sword, Soul Edge, in Soul Calibur IV. Warriors from far reaches of the galaxy battle to control the powerful swords and use them for their own goals. Should these fighters succeed, they will face the ultimate judgment. The ongoing story continues with new revelations, exciting new gameplay features and stunning visuals. And perhaps most exciting of all, a character from the Star Wars universe will also make an appearance.
Key Features
Newest addition to the Soul Calibur series features thrilling next-gen graphics brimming with intensity
Continues the struggle between the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, and the cursed sword, Soul Edge
Features the infamous Darth Vader as a guest character
Expanded customization options let you give your character a personalized look and specific abilities
Take both customized characters and original favorites online for the first time
Exclusive Special Characters
Revered and feared Star Wars Sith Lord Darth Vader appears as a guest character in the PlayStation 3 version of Soul Calibur IV. In addition to that thrilling fact, you'll also discover expanded customization options that let you bestow your character with a personalized look and specific abilities. And, for the first time, you'll be able to take both customized characters and original favorites online to challenge an entire world of fans. Completely reinvented but with the same intensity you've come to know, Soul Calibur IV provides an adventure that never disappoints.
Thrilling Next-Gen Graphics
View Image
Online Challenges!
View Image
Product Description
Set to finally reveal the origins of this ongoing story, Soul Calibur IV features new and familiar faces from across the galaxy, seeking rival swords for vengeance, honor and salvation. Shown in amazing 720p HD graphics, new and classic characters fight in a revamped battle system to revolutionize the fighting game genre. From character customization to online battles, the features of Soul Calibur IV help propel this venerable franchise into the next generation of gaming. Sith Lord Darth Vader appears exclusively on the Playstation 3 system. Story - Uncover each character's story line as you battle to reveal their motives Arcade - Take on the challenge in battle after battle in this classic arcade mode Tower of Lost Souls - Fight in special battles to challenge your fighting skills and customizing skills in order to reap the rewards Training - Practice your skills to earn your place as the ultimate weapon master Character creation - Create a character unlike any other, with custom looks and items influencing their skills and abilities, which will affect the outcome of your impending battles Museum View - movies, backgrounds and art that you have unlocked Standard VS - Battle one on one in this classic match up for ultimate bragging rights Special VS - Take your customized SC character or newly created character into the world arena and prove if your creation is the best in the world Online Battles - Multiple online versus modes and ranking styles will allow fans to test their fighting and management skills
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July 29th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

Introducing MLB Power Pros, Japan's top-selling MLB series available for the first time in the U.S. MLB Power Pros delivers a unique flair to America's favorite pastime with an original visual style, pick-up-and-play gameplay mechanics and deep gameplay modes. Available for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii this fall, MLB Power Pros is sure to be a hit with gamers of all ages.
Product Description
MLB Power Pros 2008 delivers a unique flair to America's favorite pastime with an original visual style, pick-up-and-play gameplay mechanics and several deep gameplay modes. With over ten different exciting game modes including the traditional Practice, Exhibition, League and Home Run Challenge modes, MLB Power Pros 2008 will bring fans closer to the action than ever before. Gamers also get the opportunity to act as general manager and control the destiny of their own franchise in Season mode, or engage in entertaining role-playing story modes such as Success and MLB Life modes. As general manager, gamers can trade, sign free agents, coordinate practice schedules, purchase new equipment, call up and send down players from the Minor Leagues; along with other management strategies to bring in fans, win play-off games, and eventually earn the title of World Series champion. In Success mode, you can participate in a story-based career of rising players in the Double-A Minor League system trying to improve their baseball skills and make an impression on baseball scouts while also having to balance various situations in their personal lives. While continuing to play in games through the regular baseball season, you will also participate in a number of realistic situations such as signing contracts, purchasing houses and cars, making charitable donations, building up relationships with friends and teammates, picking up hobbies and much more. League Mode - Compete in a league with up to 6 players Practice Mode - Learn the basics
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July 29th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

JEEP the undisputed King of Off Road Adventure, invites you to climb into the driver's seat and experience racing like never before! From the jungles of Central America to the frozen Alaskan tundra, this is adventure racing like it ought to be! Jeep Thrills! And Everyone else? Gets left behind
Product Description
JEEP the undisputed King of Off Road Adventure, invites you to climb into the driver's seat and experience racing like never before! From the jungles of Central America to the frozen Alaskan tundra, this is adventure racing like it ought to be! Jeep Thrills! And Everyone else? Gets left behind.
18 Customizable Jeep vehicles - including futuristic concept cars!
35 intense tracks - with one main objective: Conquering the terrain and the elements and owning the planet!
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July 29th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

Hardwear Console Armor is a real metal protector for your PlayStation 3. Not only does the Console Armor protect your investment, but it provides a stunning new look. The product is easy to install and remove and will not damage the PS3 console. Watch for many more Hardwear products for PS3 coming in the future.
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July 29th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

Some of the greatest athletes in the world will not be found on the gridiron, running bases or shooting hoops. They are behind the net, bumping, setting, and spiking their way to victory. Womens Volleyball captures the speed and intensity of the sport at its finest. Play as one twelve countries battling their way to the top of the ranks, or train and create your own team of pros to take on the world. This game is not for the fainthearted, it is a world where only the finest athletes can compete. Are you up to the challenge?
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July 29th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

2 Tons of Racing Fun! Get down and dirty with Ford Racing Off Road and experience the thrill of massive high speed action using authentic vehicles made by Ford and Land Rover. Race through dense forests, cliff hanging mountain terrain and snow covered landscapes before making your way across the finish line. Through this unique driving experience, you will feel the adrenaline pumping excitement the way off roading is supposed to be.
Product Description
Choose from 12 distinct race types as you jump, bump and power slide powerful off road vehicles across 24 sweeping tracks designed for high-speed racing. Find the alternative routes to gain an advantage in your bid to be first past the finish line. With acceleration faster than any previous Ford game, real time, on-the-go vehicle damage repair and in-game pick-ups, Off Road is an adrenalin-pumping, high-speed racing experience. Pick up and play handling Discover hidden routes Power sliding - throw powerful trucks around the tracks In-game pickups - Discover repair pods, time extensions, artifacts and cash Multi-player racing via split screen
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July 29th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

2 Tons of Racing Fun! Get down and dirty with Ford Racing Off Road and experience the thrill of massive high speed action using authentic vehicles made by Ford and Land Rover. Race through dense forests, cliff hanging mountain terrain and snow covered landscapes before making your way across the finish line. Through this unique driving experience, you will feel the adrenaline pumping excitement the way off roading is supposed to be.
Product Description
Choose from 12 distinct race types as you jump, bump and power slide powerful off road vehicles across 24 sweeping tracks designed for high-speed racing. Find the alternative routes to gain an advantage in your bid to be first past the finish line. With acceleration faster than any previous Ford game, real time, on-the-go vehicle damage repair and in-game pick-ups, Off Road is an adrenalin-pumping, high-speed racing experience. Pick up and play handling Discover hidden routes Power sliding - throw powerful trucks around the tracks In-game pickups - Discover repair pods, time extensions, artifacts and cash Multi-player racing via split screen
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July 29th, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

Straight from Snake's item inventory to your living room - arm yourself with the latest in tactical espionage action technology with this Metal Gear Solid 4 licensed Bluetooth 2.0 headset from PDP. Compatible with PLAYSTATION 3 and Bluetooth compatible handsets. Ergonomic ear attachment for long wearing comfort. Built-in rechargeable battery gives 8 hours talk time and 160 hours standby with 30 feet operation range.
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July 29th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released in the USA at Amazon USA:

Summer Athletics offers multiplayer fun for the entire family and brings the action and excitement of the most popular summer sport disciplines right into your living room! The charming 3D comic style, varying levels of difficulty and intuitive controls will make Summer Athletics great fun for beginners and experts alike. Customize your character and develop your career as a professional athlete in career mode or challenge your friends in head-to-head competition.
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July 29th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Developer Hothead Games has dismissed suggestions it's favouring Xbox 360 and PC, following the recent and long-awaited confirmation of Penny Arcade Adventures for PS3.
"Everyone seemed to come up with their own rumours. They thought there was exclusivity or that Penny Arcade doesn't like the PlayStation 3 but that wasn't it at all," Vlad Ceraldi, Hothead boss, told Kotaku.
Top priority, explained Ceraldi, is getting the game finished as soon as possible - which is why he stuck with PC, Xbox 360 and Linux to begin with.
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness is due out on PS3 this autumn, following a rather poor reception on PC and Xbox 360 in May.
There are four episodes planned for the deranged 1920s horror-cum-comic adventure, according to Ceraldi. And when those are finished, the Penny Arcade creators will explore other settings and storylines.
Incidentally, Hothead would love to bring the RPG adventure to Wii, only the game is too big for a console without a hard drive. Oops.
"It's purely an issue of size limit. Our game is just too big. If they increase that limit or add a hard drive, anything like that we would revisit [Wii Ware]," said Ceraldi.
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness costs 1600 Microsoft Points (GBP 13.60 / EUR 19.20) on Xbox Live Arcade.
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July 29th, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The PlayStation 3 has sold twice as many units worldwide this summer than during the same period last year, producing smiles and maybe lunch parties with wine at Sony.
Between April and June 2008 shoppers snapped up 1.56 million PS3 consoles - over double the 700,000 figure from 2007.
PSP sales were also up, climbing from 2.13 million in 2007 to 3.72 million in 2008.
Software figures followed a similar trend. PS3 game sales surged upwards by 18.1 million units, more than quadrupling the 4.7 million figure for the period in 2007.
PSP game sales increased by 2 million, bringing the April to June total to 11.8 million.
Sony saw a slight slump in PS2 hardware and software numbers, although both figures are still more than respectable: 1.51 million consoles shifted and 19.3 million game sales.
Sony still expects to sell 10 millions PS3 consoles this financial year, which ends March 2009, as well as 15 million PSP handhelds.
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July 29th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
Originally scheduled in 2000 as a DreamCast title, Thunder Force VI is a side scrolling shooter game in development for the PS2, directed by SEGA's Tetsu Okano, known for Segagaga, Astro Boy: Omega Factor and Gunstar Super Heroes.
Get the Thunder Force VI (PS2) Trailer off WP (12mb)
The setting of the Thunder Force games (excluding the fifth chapter) are centered around the war between inhabitants of the "Galaxy Federation" (protagonists), and the "ORN Empire" (antagonists). The games feature the "FIRE LEO" spacecraft and its iterations, developed by the Galaxy Federation under "Project Thunder Force" to be small, but maneuverable and powerful fighter craft. The Galaxy Federation feels that these ships have the best chance of defeating large forces such as the ORN empire's, as opposed to sending a host of larger ships. Thunder Force V details the discovery of Galaxy Federation technology by Earthlings and the conseqences this discovery causes.
Early games in the series had multi directional scrolling, overhead stages where the player would attack airborne and ground targets. These stages were later removed in favor of horizontally-scrolling stages that contained various gameplay elements derived from popular horizontal scrolling shooters Gradius and R-Type, such as an array of interchangeable and unique weapons, satellite turrets which provide the player additional firepower, and level design which encourages player memorization and skillful ship maneuvering/positioning in order to effectively pass.
Thunder Force VI is currently only scheduled for release in Japan, on October 30, 2008
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July 29th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Jeff has released a new version of his Rogue clone for the Nintendo DS/GBA and also the PSP, heres whats new:
Congratulations go to Ilyak who has successfully ported POWDER to Windows CE. His changes haven't been brought into the main baseline yet and require some munging of libSDL, but hopefully the baselines can be synchronized soon. The addition of this new port, whose SDK bested my last attempt to install, has led me to step back from my attempted policy of building every platform myself. The GP2X build I attempted never worked, and lacking the hardware, it is very time consuming to try and fingle it into working. Thus, both GP2X and WinCE will not be directly maintained by me. GP2X is already integrated in the source code so it is "relatively" straightforward to build, hopefully something similar can be done for WinCE. I'll try and point to the last-known-build of these versions, but as they'll be maintained by external volunteers, they can't stay in sync.
Adminstrivia out of the way, on to the goodies! Exciting new tools include the first large special weapon - the Earth Hammer. More zaniness has been added to the great tridude den in the sky. Sick and stoning characters will get some onscreen visualization of their plight, and users of stickyflame will enjoy a more accurate depiction of the suffering of their foes.
Leather helms will actually use the new leather helm icon. (Bunnyriffic)
Doors to special rooms will hopefully now be properly blocked so wandering monsters don't wander through them.
Secret doors should no longer be giveaways in dark rooms by being the only lit wall.
Special overlay tile when creatures are on fire.
New special weapon, the earth hammer. (Ibson the Grey)
Creatures may teleport you to escape rather than always themselves.
Creatures will use wands of sleep to escape. (Derek S. Ray)
Creatures that are tame to someone other than yourself are described as followers rather than tame. (Derek S. Ray)
Picked up items always go to the end of your inventory rather than filling holes, hopefully making it easier to find items you just picked up. (Malte Helmert)
H'ruth is no longer impressed by you being surrounded by sleeping or paralysed enemies. (Robert Hamaker)
The charging of lightning rapiers is now proportional to the damage that would be done.
Tlosh will grant exotic armour skill. (R. Dan Henry)
Necromancer and Barbarian dress codes (R. Dan Henry)
When polyed into a grid bug you can move diagonally with the stylus, mouse, or the new Move command. (Michal Bielinski)
Flamestrike's strength now is dependent on your favour with your current god. (Xaintrix)
Ghosts are no longer able to bypass the library's locks.
You can make secret doors and hidden traps. (CYBER Aeon)
You can smash viewports. (Brendan)
Name generator has a hotkey so keyboard purists can use it. (Brendan)
Forgetting things no longer leaves the menu on screen.
When turning to stone or poisoned your apperance changes.
The final damage from poison is now applied before the you are cured message, leading to a less confusing apparent order of events. (Andrew Poandl)
Ibson the Grey tileset white and red dragons fixed. (Vladimir Stalin)
Gameboy Advance [510k].
Nintendo DS [941k].
Playstation Portable SDL [839k].
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July 29th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has updated his Spectrum emulator for the PSP:
This update fixes the following issues present in version
Palette corruption on various PSP units
Bug in the sound rendering engine that would cause occasional sound slowdowns
Updates from (just to reiterate):
Added various game image types missing from the initial release
New virtual keyboard
Added monitor type selection (color/grayscale)
Fixed a serious memory leak, which would manifest itself when opening ZIP files
Fixed the “tape loading hang” bug
Added +3 support
Added Kempston joystick support
Added “hack cursor” support (keyboard up/down/left/right)
Lots of code reshuffling
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July 29th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Following up on our screenshot update last week, we've got the latest details on Macross Ace Frontier, the new PSP title based off the classic Macross anime franchise.
Namco Bandai has confirmed the existence of a replay feature for the game. You can save full replays covering the start to end of your mission. The replays can later be replayed from your choice of camera angles and zoom levels. It's even possible to view the fight from the enemy's perspective. This replay feature is also compatible with the game's wireless ad-hoc wireless battle mode.
In addition to saving replays, the game also allows players to capture screenshots. These can be saved as wallpapers that are used in the game.
Namco Bandai has also disclosed a few new characters and mecha units. New characters include Vrlitwhai Kridanki (Macross), Guld Goa Bowman (Macross Plus), Mylene Flare Jenius (Macross 7), Gigile (Macross 7), and Luca Angelloni (Macross F). The total character count in the final build top 30. Joining the vehicle lineup, which will total over 40 in all, are Defender, Monster and Tomahawk.
Finally, a few additional details on the ad-hoc battle mode. The game lets you create an ID card consisting of your nickname, pilot status and level, mission completion percentage, item completion percentage, and play time. You can also decorate the card with your choice of icons and patches that you receive as you work through the game, and can add in a self introduction. This card is exchanged with other players when facing off in a wireless battle.
Macross Ace Frontier is now scheduled for a Japanese release on October 9. The title has yet to be announced for markets outside of Japan, so PSP owners should get set to go region free on this one.
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July 29th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspfanboy
The first quarter of Sony's new fiscal year (Apr-Jun 2008) has proved to be quite successful for the PlayStation brand. The gaming division posted a profit of $51 million, a stark change from PS3 loss-driven quarters in the past. PSP played a significant role in bringing PlayStation to profitability, with increasing hardware and software sales.
During this period, PSP sold 3.72 million units worldwide. This is an increase of 75% over Q1 2008. Software sales went up to 11.8 million units, an increase of 20%. While improving software sales is a good sign, this total still trails significant earnings from both the PS2 and PS3.
PSP has been meeting incredible success all over the world, especially in Japan. With sales the way they are now, there's little reason to believe the trend will change any time soon.
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July 29th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
news via pdroms
Eugene Plotnikov has updated his SMS (Simple Media System) multimedia playing application for the Sony PS2. Using this program you can view multimedia files including DIVX, AVI, XVID, MPEG, MP3, etc ... on your Sony Playstation 2 video gaming console.
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July 29th, 2008, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The AirForm Pouch is designed for PSP-2000 series only. It can protect your console from scratches dusty or shocks, and can hold 2 UMDs inside it also.
It is made by super material, quite light ,and touches comfortable. The lovely dog picture ,makes it more beautiful.
Simple and fair design, has double zipper, can open 270 degree. The bag also come with a pothook, you can take it easily . There are different colors for you to choose: Pink, White ,Blue and so on.
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July 30th, 2008, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released on import at Play Asia:
The world’s premier weapon based fighting game franchise returns to showcase the epic struggle between the spirit sword Soul Calibur and the cursed sword Soul Edge.
Soulcalibur IV provides the ultimate next generation experience on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, finally allowing the critically acclaimed franchise to flex its graphical muscles and present this legendary game as it was meant to be enjoyed.
Set to finally reveal the origins of this ongoing story, Soulcalibur IV features new and familiar faces from across the galaxy seeking the rival swords for vengeance, honor and salvation.
Game Features:
Updated HD graphics – Experience the legendary Soulcalibur level of graphics in 720p HD resolution for the first time. Never before, has Soulcalibur looked this good
Ever expanding roster – The lineup of weapon wielding characters grows with new fighters
New fighting system elements
Multiple Mode of play
Online Battles – For the first time ever, fight online to prove who is the ultimate Soulcalibur weapon master in the entire world! Multiple online versus modes and ranking styles will allow fans to test their fighting and management skills.
The influence of the evil and holy swords are spreading beyond this world toward outer space, even the sword masters from Star Wars are entering the fray in this installment. Yoda is joining the ultimate fight in history in the Xbox 360™ editions when the black knight Darth Vader is participating in the PlayStation3™ versions.
The epic fight is accessible via your next generation consoles:
Buy Xbox360 Region Free Soul Calibur IV
Buy PS3 Region Free Soul Calibur IV
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July 30th, 2008, 01:51 Posted By: Zack
I made this some time ago and just gave it a little brush up today.
What is it?
Lua2C is a small C example for lua coders who are looking to move from lua to C but need a small sample to help them on there way.
What features does it have?
- Mp3 Loading & Playing Example.
- Wav Loading & Playing Example.
- Background Scrolling Example.
- FPS Counter Example.
- Basic Defines Example.
- Header Files Example.
- Function Example.
- Input Example.
- Runs On PSP Phat Or Slim.
It's all aimed at being simple to follow. The main point of this is to make the introduction to C a bit less daunting for lua coders.
Don't expect this to blow you away, I am sure it is of no interest to anyone bar lua coders.
What is included in the download?
1) A compiled eboot that shows the scrolling background, plays the mp3, shows the fps & plays the sound if you press X. Press Start to quit.
2) The full source code including makefile. The code is in C.
You may use any of this code free of credit.
I took a screen shot even though it was pretty pointless 

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July 30th, 2008, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
During its quarterly earnings conference call, EA announced that its first-person romp through the popular Command & Conquer universe would not be released until the company's fiscal year 2010. Converting that information into a format your calendar will better understand: Don't expect Tiberium to arrive before April 2009. We expect this delay from the game's previous Fall 2008 release date will better allow the designers to craft exciting weapons, insert formidable enemies and carefully remove any elements which could remind us of the last time someone tried to make a C&C FPS.
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July 30th, 2008, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sega is giving shmup fans one more reason to import a Japanese PlayStation 2 this fall with the release of the Sega Ages 2500: Fantasy Zone Complete Collection. Like the recently announced Thunderforce VI, classic side scrolling action will be hitting PS2's on the other side of the Pacific courtesy of Sega in September. Unlike Thunderforce, however, the Fantasy Zone Collection will be packed with primaries and pastels, as it's more cute 'em up than not.
Fantasy Zone (Arcade)
Fantasy Zone (SMS)
Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa (Arcade)
Fantasy Zone II: The Tears of Opa-Opa (SMS)
Fantasy Zone Gear (Game Gear)
Super Fantasy Zone (Genesis)
Fantasy Zone: The Maze (SMS)
Galactic Protector (SMS)
That's (pretty much) complete, right there! For those remotely interested in revisiting the shooting adventures of Opa-Opa, keep in mind that these things tend to be English friendly, despite being region locked. (Don't hold your breath for a North American or European release!)
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July 30th, 2008, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster

Xbox 360 owners can keep their biannual complete overhaul of the dashboard and all its features, PS3 owners are getting their consoles spruced up every couple of weeks it seems. Why just this morning there was a brand new version of the console's firmware that made its way online.
What new features can you expect? Well, according to Sony, 2.42 "improves the playback quality of some PlayStation 3 and PlayStation format software." ... Hey, we said the updates were frequent, we never said they weren't vague.
via joystiq
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July 30th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you wondering the the BD-J homebrew will still be working then have no fear, i have word from Multiple sources that the BD java Method of homebrew on the PS3 is very much still working.
Good news for us all.
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July 30th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Mythos has modded Dragula96s Snake release for the PS3 and updated it with better visuals ie new background and replacement of some images.
Screenshot via comments
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July 30th, 2008, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Jf has posted yet another release of the Mac Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
And test 22.
Made pspirkeyb files relative to the B2 directory. It's probably why some people couldn't get the IR keyboard to work - they didn't have the proper files in the seplugins directory. Now they don't need to worry about it. The files are now in the b2 directory and included with the program. It IS set to Palm, so if you have another keyboard, you'll need to edit the pspirkeyb.ini file. I've verified this works and that the IRDA.prx is loaded by B2 on a Phat running 4.01 M33-2.
Compiled program with functions aligned to 64 bytes. This makes the program about 100 KB bigger, and about 6% faster.
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July 30th, 2008, 19:03 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Late last week, Namco Bandai formally announced the next videogame entry in the Gundam OO franchise for Japan. Following DS and mobile titles, the anime, which will be entering its second season in Japan this October, will next hit the PlayStation 2 through Mobile Suit Gundam OO Gundam Meisters.
Meisters promises the "high speed dynamic action" for which the Gundam video game adaptations are known. Players take control of a Gundam Meister and team up with a partner Meister when heading out on a mission. In the main mission mode of play, the game replicates the full first season of the anime along with some original game-only episodes.
Namco Bandai is teaming up with Sunrise for the title. The anime version's producer will be working on original animated movies, including a new intro and ending. The title will also feature full voice from the show staff.
Four Gundam Meisters have been confirmed for the mission mode: Setsuna F Seiei, Tieria Erde, Allelujah Haptism, and Lockon Stratos. Likewise, four Gundam units have been confirmed so far: Gundam Exia, Gundam Virtue, Gundam Kyrios, and Gundam Dynames.
Japanese players can look forward to Meisters on October 16.
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July 30th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: JKKDARK
via ElectricPig
Rumour has it Nokia’s mobile games will soon make the leap to the living room, with both Sony and Microsoft in the firing line for console conversions of N-Gage titles.
According to Nokia’s Aki Jarvilehto,the company is looking into concepts “where we use the same assets for Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation online.”
The Nokia bigwig was speaking at a debate during the Develop Mobile 2008 conference, and while it’s nowhere near an official confirmation, the fact Nokia’s investigating it is enough to get our minds racing.
Both the Xbox’s Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network offer small games for fast download, which would suit N-Gage down to the ground. What’s more, since both consoles are connected to the internet, the N-Gage’s multi-player abilities could easily slot right in.
Of course, there’s the small problem of resolution. We can’t see gamers used to HD-quality graphics settling for mobile games blown up into blur-o-vision on their large telly.
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July 30th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Naughty Dog has confirmed that a patch introducing trophies to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune will be released imminently.
Forty seven trophies will be up for grabs and a 48th trophy will be awarded should a player manage to find all of them.
They will be awarded for things as diverse as finding treasures, getting a hundred headshots or defeating fifty enemies in a row without dying.
The trophies will be tied to the medal rewards system and the requirements to get each trophy will be exactly the same as the one for the associated medal. We never saw that coming...
Finally - and of no surprise here - the trophies will not be retroactive. "We originally left our save games unlocked and portable so gamers could move them off the hard drive and their existing game elsewhere or show off some of the unlocked content at a friend's house," Naughty Dog frontman Arne Meyer told IGN.
"This type of portability would have allowed gamers to get Trophies unfairly and we couldn't let that happen. To receive Trophies in Uncharted you will have to start a brand new save game without any medals or rewards unlocked."
We'll let you know when it's time to stick Uncharted back in and give it another go. Thank goodness it's seriously worth a second play.
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July 30th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High strength and shock resistance anodized aluminum case with rubberized back holder protects your PSP Slim console from everyday hazard. Its inner soft and durable silicon cushions the console from any impacts. It comes with two memory cards compartments and the 270 degrees foldable back holder acts as a movie stand.
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July 30th, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Armored Core for Answer, the thirteenth title in From Software's giant mech love fest, is preparing to stomp onto North American shores later this year. Ubisoft is set to publish the laboriously-titled game, which will unload onto both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in September.
Armored Core for Answer follows 2007's Sega-published Armored Core 4, and promises to once more let players slip behind the controls of a giant modular war machine, with "epic" boss fights, "seamless" 2-player co-op and 7-player competitive modes promised as well. Much like most games that come out of Japan, Armored Core for Answer pits rebels against a malevolent megacorp with the fate of the world, not to mention precious customizable parts (130 new, 400 total), hanging in the balance.
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July 30th, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has shot down plans to release Tom Clancy's Ace Combat HAWX in September. The flight combat game will instead take to the skies in early 2009, according to a report by CVG, which also states that no reason for the delay was given. Online retailers have updated to reflect the change, with GameStop listing the new date as January 6. This news comes just one day after Ubisoft announced a delay for its WWII-era FPS, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway. That game, which had originally been slated for an August 29 on-sale date, will hit one month later on September 26.
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July 30th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Singling out Japanese PSP system seller Monster Hunter Freedom 2G, Capcom trumpeted its "best Q1 net sales and operating income since quarterly release announcements began." Net sales were ¥16,352 million, up 14.5% from the same period a year ago, thanks mostly to strong performance in its Home Video Games business, citing "exceptional sales of approximately 2.4 million units" of the aforementioned Monster Hunter title. The Home Video Games business saw quarterly sales of ¥10,406 million, a 31.5% jump from the same period last year.
So, what's keeping the rest of Capcom down? Arcade operations were particularly weak; Capcom said, "The number of customer visits and average customer spending grew at a sluggish pace reflecting market stagnation and declining customer confidence, forcing us to struggle." Ouch! That unit had an operating loss of ¥73 million, versus an operating income of ¥261 million in the same period last year. Arcade Games saw an increased operating loss "due to an increase in development costs" while "character-related licensing royalties" were up 25.7%.
So, what's the lesson? More developers should target the PSP because, really, people just want some games for it. And second, arcade games aren't even doing well for Capcom ... in Japan.
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July 30th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster

Apparently, developing games for the PlayStation 3 is roughly comparable to that one time we pushed a wheelbarrow full of lovely, scantily clad ladies up and down the beach -- "exotic and tough." Speaking to VideoGamer.com, EALA producer Amer Ajami used those words to elaborate on the decision to halt PS3 development of the Hitler-free real-time strategy romp, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3.
"We actually announced a PS3 version early on but that was when we were still doing a lot of technical exploration of the architecture," explained Ajami. "PS3 is a very powerful system but as you guys know it's very exotic and tough to develop for and our engine really at the time wasn't designed for PS3." Couch commanders need not give up all hope, though, as Ajami notes EA "might go back and do something with the PS3 later on." Also just like that time we pushed a wheelbarrow full of lovely, scantily clad ladies up and down the beach.*
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July 30th, 2008, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Two PC Engine game series are revived on Sony PSP™ one of them is Tengai Makyou Collection, one of the classic RPG games and the other is Galaxy Fraulein Yuna, an ancestor of bishojo games.
Tengai Makyou features Zippangu, a world shaped after the westerners' view of Japan. This series features Tengai Makyou Ziria which pitches the hero against Daimonkyou, a militarized religious organization, its sequel which depicts the battle between the fire tribe and the root tribe and a spinoff Fuun Kabukiden which stages in both Japan and London and combines Kabuki with battles.
Tengai Makyou Collection is available on Sony PSP™ as a region free Japanese version for US$ 29.90 only.
Aside from the collection, the fourth installment of the series Tengai Makyou: Daishi no Mokushiroku is also available on Sony PSP™ as a best priced version for US$ 29.90.
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna is a digital comic that portrays Yuna's growth from an ordinary teenager to the messaiah of light. Aside from the heroine, the rest of the cast, including enemies are all designed as pretty girls. The collection also contains the second installment Yuna 2, which features two new characters Yuri and Erika 7 and a red hot battle system.
The third game in the collection is Galaxy policewoman Sapphire which switches the spotlight from Yuna to a group of four powerful girls. Instead of using the battle system in the old games, Sapphire is a shooter. Take down terrorists and criminals as a cute police officer.
Both Tengai Makyou and Galaxy Fraulein Collections features a bonus game related to the series and a illustration collection.
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Collection is sold for US$ 29.90 only.
Another PC Engine revival is happening, the Soldier Collection is arriving in September and is currently available as a preorder for US$ 29.90 only.
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July 31st, 2008, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Phantasy Star Portable fills in the gaps and information about the plot between the first and second episodes of Phantasy Star. It is also the first game that features a multi-ending system.
After finishing his studies, the protagonist (player created character) is paired up with a cast (android) named Vivienne on his missions. Vivienne is a prototype made by GRM corporations, her functions such as information analysis abilities far outreach other models.
Together the two of them set off to investigate on the guard machinery berserk cases that happened around the colony and realized that a woman, Helga is behind them. To make matters more complicated, SEEDs that were left behind since the last installment is discovered.
But no matter how complicated things are, nothing can stop the rookie Guardian and his android partner from finding out the truth and stopping evil plans.
Sega's hit RPG Phantasy Star is now also available on Sony PSP™ as region free Japanese and Asian versions for US$ 48.90 and US$ 42.90 only respectively.
Decorate your Sony PSP™ console along with the Phantasy Star theme with the accessories pack. The pack comes with case to prevent your console from damages, headsets printed with the game's logo and two UMD cases to protect your discs from scratches
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July 31st, 2008, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Power Max II is for PSP console only. It has automatic constant current and voltage charge control, and with a LED indication to tell you whether is charging or is finished. The smart circuit protection and the folding plug let you use it easily and safety.BR> Please notice that: You must charge the battery before the first time using after purchase
Automatic constant current and voltage charge control
LED indication for status
Smart circuit protection
Folding plug
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July 31st, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Our good friend Gary Merson the HD Guru reviewed Sony's BDP-S350 and Panasonic's DMP-BD50, the latest Blu-ray players from each company, Battlemodo style. Both BD players scored high marks on video performance, with a slight edge to Panasonic, but Panasonic's $600 BD50 smoked Sony's S350 on pretty much everything else.
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July 31st, 2008, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
New president of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida is reflecting on the company's underdog years in a new interview with VentureBeat. Interestingly, he credits getting Square to get on board with PlayStation with Final Fantasy VII with the largest share of the original console's successful entry into the market.
Discussing how third-party relations — the management of which was Yoshida's prior role — saved the Playstation, Yoshida said:
We didn’t have a first-party operation. Our success had to come from the third parties. It was really fun. Namco was a believer because on Super Nintendo they had no outlet for their 3D arcade technology. We really targeted them as a launch partner. The biggest challenge was to get Square and Enix to make games for PS. We had to prove ourselves and it took a couple of years. They made the decision to make games like FFVII. So then I got to move to product development.
Now, though, when asked if the PlayStation 3 is the underdog again, Yoshida sees shades of the past:
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July 31st, 2008, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sony had a working version of their GPS package at Comic-Con to play with, but it didn’t really “work”. The PSP was tethered on the show floor and the receiver wasn’t properly getting data either since it was buried inside the convention center. Unlike the build I saw at CES the software has been updated with full US maps. Sony included a handful of 3D maps for major cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. I asked if we will be able to buy maps for Europe and there are no plans for that, but Sony is considering releasing downloadable content with points of interest in North America. The GPS unit is currently scheduled to come out around this holiday season and it will be packaged with the US mapping software.
I asked if Sony has any plans to bring the camera over too. A representative felt the 1.3 MegaPixel Chotto Shot camera wasn’t powerful enough since many cell phones have cameras with a higher resolution. At this time I agree with Sony. It's too late for the Chotto Shot / Go!Cam unless Sony starts making games that work with the peripheral.
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July 31st, 2008, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raphael:
After a long time, here’s an update for the motionkit driver too. It finally brings the driver and SDK out of beta status and merely contains a new motionUnload function that allows to unload the currently running motion driver so you can load a different version as well as addresses a problem when trying to load the driver in a 3.xx+ kernel application.
So what does it do?
If you are a dev: You get easy acces to the neoflash motion kit input data without any SIO coding on your side, provided as raw gravital acceleration vector as well as a rotation vector that represents the tilting of the PSP. Those values are also filtered and smoothed over time in a configurable way to enhance signal quality without any coding on your side. You also don’t have to care whether the user has the motion kit plugged in or not, you just poll the motion data as an additional input method - as long as no motion kit is plugged in, the driver will just return zero values for all vectors. If your application requires a motion kit to be plugged in, you can easily check for that too (the SDK sample application shows a method to do so). Apart from that the driver bypasses the nosound problem that the motionkit suffers from because it’s being connected to the headphone port. It’s even possible to switch the motion kit and headphones at any time without a problem.
If you are a user: You get a custom firmware plugin for adding a simple support for the motion kit to any UMD game or homebrew by enabling the button forwarding mechanism, which interprets motion gestures as configurable button presses. Ever wanted to navigate through XMB by tilting your PSP? Do it!
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July 31st, 2008, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raphael:
Here’s another update on JoySens, this time fixing some of the issues that were introduced with 1.4/1.41:
- fixed compatibility issues with Sony UMD driver (and possibly some other applications that require more kernel memory)
The config file system now uses a mere 1Kb of RAM where it used 24+Kb in 1.4/1.41
- Reduced module size a bit (to further help memory problems)
- added a workaround info output for POPS (flickers a lot, but at least you see something)
- fixed the adjust calculation to avoid crashes for high values (shouldn’t happen anymore even with adjust 32.0)
- fixed a little Button remapping bug
If you still find any compatibility issues with specific UMD drivers, homebrews or games, please let me know about it with detailed information on your firmware version, other plugins running and any other circumstances that might influence the behaviour of JoySens.
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July 31st, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: Pegasus2000
Till now, some users have reported troubles with the long installation
process of Nanodesktop 0.3.4.
Daniele Colanardi has released the version 1.0 of Corona Installer.
The utility is able to automatize the installation of Nanodesktop 0.3.4
on your hard disk.
You can download the tool here:
I invite all users to try Daniele's utility and to report the results here or
on psp-ita website.
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July 31st, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Some Tidbits from Uberjack:
I finally broke down and bought a component cable, to be able to play PSP games on a TV. The experience was… disappointing, to say the least. The entire PSP screen takes up a fraction of the television’s screen, somewhat killing the point of having a TV cable. The XMB/DVD playback screen is larger (it’s displayed in interlaced mode), but still relatively small.
This probably wouldn’t be that big of an issue, if the cable worked on traditional TV’s (it won’t, unless your TV supports progressive scan), but it doesn’t, and using it on a big-screen TV kinda makes you wonder why the whole thing was put together in the first place.
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July 31st, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Mauro Frischherz has recently (actually nearly 6 weeks ago but no site not even me spotted the release on his site) released the first binary of his Low Level PSP Emulator for WIndows:
Inside are the windows binary and gfx folder containing Play/Pause/Stop gfx . After seeing theese you surely think I suck at Photoshop and I can't argue with that. Of course if you can do better DO SO please  . (someone already took the job, thx smokescreen)
Scrolling bars for disassembly window and memory will come soon (*bump*Stefan Zurfluh*bump*) and of course the rest of the toolbar-buttons as well...
If you want to redo the buttons they ought to be 50x50 pixels and 24bit bitmaps.
Aaand yeah , only thing it does till now is unpack PBP's into the file's location.
Don't forget to have a look at the included source.
In truth theres not much to see at this time but fans of PSP Emulation may want to take a looksy.
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July 31st, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
Don't expect a sequel for Sony Japan Studios' quirky PSP and PSN puzzle title echochrome, two of the creative folk behind the game told Eurogamer today.
Producer Tatsuya Suzuki and Kyushu University's Jun Fujiki - whose academic research into realising "trick imagery" in 3D inspired echochrome in the first place - were chatting to us at the Develop conference in Brighton.
It took a bit of discussion before they could work out whether they were allowed to say anything, but eventually, Fujiki told us starkly that "we're not doing a sequel - we're not doing echochrome 2".
It's not all bad news for fans of the mind-bending puzzler, though, because Fujiki definitely wants to work with Sony's development team again - and they're already working on a new title focused on an entirely different kind of trick imagery.
Expect more brain-breaking, M.C. Escher style visuals, then - but not echochrome all over again. Excellent.
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July 31st, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Don't expect a sequel for Sony Japan Studios' quirky PSP and PSN puzzle title echochrome, two of the creative folk behind the game told Eurogamer today.
Producer Tatsuya Suzuki and Kyushu University's Jun Fujiki - whose academic research into realising "trick imagery" in 3D inspired echochrome in the first place - were chatting to us at the Develop conference in Brighton.
It took a bit of discussion before they could work out whether they were allowed to say anything, but eventually, Fujiki told us starkly that "we're not doing a sequel - we're not doing echochrome 2".
It's not all bad news for fans of the mind-bending puzzler, though, because Fujiki definitely wants to work with Sony's development team again - and they're already working on a new title focused on an entirely different kind of trick imagery.
Expect more brain-breaking, M.C. Escher style visuals, then - but not echochrome all over again. Excellent.
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July 31st, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raphael:
Raphael just released an update:
Well, the supposed nosound-fix somehow doesn't work anymore in this version. So for users as well as devs that don't need the driver to work from 3.xx+ kernel applications it's currently best to stick to the 1.0b beta drivers.
As said, the only difference (was at least supposed to be) is the missing motionUnload() function for devs and the support for 3.xx+ apps.
After a long time, here’s an update for the motionkit driver too. It finally brings the driver and SDK out of beta status and merely contains a new motionUnload function that allows to unload the currently running motion driver so you can load a different version as well as addresses a problem when trying to load the driver in a 3.xx+ kernel application.
So what does it do?
If you are a dev: You get easy acces to the neoflash motion kit input data without any SIO coding on your side, provided as raw gravital acceleration vector as well as a rotation vector that represents the tilting of the PSP. Those values are also filtered and smoothed over time in a configurable way to enhance signal quality without any coding on your side. You also don’t have to care whether the user has the motion kit plugged in or not, you just poll the motion data as an additional input method - as long as no motion kit is plugged in, the driver will just return zero values for all vectors. If your application requires a motion kit to be plugged in, you can easily check for that too (the SDK sample application shows a method to do so). Apart from that the driver bypasses the nosound problem that the motionkit suffers from because it’s being connected to the headphone port. It’s even possible to switch the motion kit and headphones at any time without a problem.
If you are a user: You get a custom firmware plugin for adding a simple support for the motion kit to any UMD game or homebrew by enabling the button forwarding mechanism, which interprets motion gestures as configurable button presses. Ever wanted to navigate through XMB by tilting your PSP? Do it!
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July 31st, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom's Ben Judd has teased the "VERY cool surprise" in store for the PSN version of side-scrolling remake Bionic Commando: Rearmed.
Speaking on the PlayStation Blog, Judd said that the PSN version of the download game will support rumble on Dualshock 3 and excitingly, remote play on PSP.
"Rearmed is one of the only PSN games to feature Remote Play support," he said. "This one wasn't as easy to add and, matter of fact, there is one point where we had to 'creatively' reprogram the controls to give players the illusion of using 2 sticks (you'll know when you see it).
"The classic 2D side-scrolling graphics really fit with the PSP and just make the PSN version all the more cooler," he added.
"Of course there is one more VERY cool surprise for those of you who purchase the PSN version... but that is another story for another time."
Any one got any ideas what it could be? Surely he's not talking about Trophy support? We'll let you know when we find out...
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July 31st, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Im not into podcasts but those of you who are will like this:
The PSP Show #76 - Buzz: Master Quiz (MP3 9.36 mb 13 minutes 35 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
Well spotted, this isn’t Echocrhome (it’s coming, I can see it… now I can’t… now I can… he-heh), but the house here has been on Buzz’s PSP incarnation all weekend, and we’re all fighting to get the 100% perfect score on the solo challenge. So there was no doubt it’s time to swap out the reviews for the newest release. It’s definitly one for trivia heads, and worth a look. Plus I have a look at the news, Sony’s Q1 2008/2009 financial figures, and chat about your comments from last week’s ‘Future of the PSP’ show.
Listen to the show (or subscribe in iTunes), and feel free to leave your comments.
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July 31st, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has detailed today's European PSN update, which introduces bizarre rope-swinging game PixelJunk Eden... and little much else.
Really, that's all we can say about this one. Eden's not bad for a fiver but definitely give the demo a try first - it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Here's the list:
PS3 demos
- PixelJunk Eden Demo - free
- echochrome micro Demo - free
PS3 games
- Prince of Persia E3 Gameplay Trailer - free
- The Last Guy Trailer - free
- Movement - free
- Bionic Command Rearmed Wallpapers
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July 31st, 2008, 21:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A "significant update" for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will be hitting PSN tomorrow, Sony's PlayStation Blog has revealed.
The real meet of the patch though seems to have bugger all to do with actually playing games, but downloading free and pay-per-view video content on Gran Turismo TV.
From tomorrow GT5 Prologue owners will be able to purchase episodes of Top Gear and Japanese show Best Motoring for a discounted price of $0.99 each (less than 50p - but only for the first two weeks).
Users are able to fast forward, rewind and skip chapters during video playback and up to eight episodes can be downloaded at once. See the full content list here.
"Whether you're in the mood to tour Ferrari's factory in Italy with Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi, or to be insulted by Jeremy Clarkson talking trash about your favorite cars, or even sitting down to watch some mad Japanese race drivers play 'car soccer', there is a variety of choices for all types of car fans," says the PS blog.
Before you get your angry comment-typing keyboard fingers out though, take note of the gameplay tweaks included in the patch. Look out for fixes in "penalty judgments, more tire choices for Time Trial and improved physics during collisions between cars during online races". Lovely.
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July 31st, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
16 new Killzone 2 screenshots have emerged on the internet, showing off what we reckon at least is the PS3's most graphically impressive game so far.
A release date of February 2009 was given at E3 earlier this month, as well as the first details on the FPS's multiplayer modes, which will be class-based and support matches for up to 32 players.
See the rest of the shots on French site Gamekyo.
Screenshots at CVG
More shots at Gamekyo
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July 31st, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
SingStar Amped is coming down under, but it's in a very different form to the SingStar Amped that launched in the States last year. The Australian edition features a radically revamped track list, reflecting "sweat-soaked, melody-laden, fists-in-the-air rock". This includes a number of Australian classics, from the likes of Choirboys, Divinyls, Grinspoon, Regurgitator, Silverchair and The Saints. It's coming out on August 14th, for AU $49.95 (standalone) or AU $99.95 (bundled with mics).

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July 31st, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: JKKDARK
Today, Hyderabad and Los Angeles based Gameshastra Inc, announced a partnership with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) to build a game on the PlayStation 2 platform for the Global market.
The game will feature traditional Indian sports like Kho Kho, Kabaddi, Gulli Danda, etc. SCEE plans to grow the market in India and other countries for PlayStation 2 game software, by collaborating with local developers like Gameshastra to produce games targeting consumers in South Asia and the Indian Diasporas globally.
Prakash Ahuja, CEO of Gameshastra, said, "A typical Indian Gamer is a city-bred youth who has no idea about traditional Indian Games. These games have an inherent Indian rustic appeal to them which will be appreciated by Indian Gamers if presented in an interesting format. We are confident that the old world charm of these games would appeal not only to people in India but also to the Indian Diasporas worldwide."
Speaking about the partnership with Gameshastra, the COO of SCEE, Jim Ryan said, "We feel that the Indian Gaming market with its current growth has reached a level where a new concept like this can be tried and we expect it to do very well. We are delighted to be partnering with Gameshastra in this endeavor and have every belief that it will be a huge success."
The game is expected to release in Spring 2009.
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July 31st, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: JKKDARK
Disney Interactive Studios challenges players to think fast in a new game show-style quiz game that will test players' Disney and general knowledge. Scheduled for release later this year on both Wii and PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, Disney TH!NK Fast promises to be a family favorite party game this holiday season.
Hosted by the always loveable and charismatic Genie from Disney's "Aladdin," Disney TH!NK Fast is an exciting, fun-filled game for players of all ages and Disney fans. Playing as their favorite Disney characters, including Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck, contestants square off in more than 15 rounds to see who has the quickest mind and the fastest finger on the buzzer.
Rounds range from multiple-choice questions to thrilling, fast paced mini-games in which players compete in themed locations based on such Disney classics as "The Lion King," "The Little Mermaid," "Lilo & Stitch" and "101 Dalmatians." Up to four players can compete, tackling more than 5,000 challenging questions on topics ranging from Disney trivia to general knowledge. A unique visual answer system puts players right in the game and makes it fun for all ages.
The PlayStation 2 system version will be bundled with a set of four buzzers, while the Wii version will utilize the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as buzzers. Developed by Magenta Software, Disney TH!NK Fast is scheduled to ship this holiday season and has an anticipated Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating of E for Everyone.
For more information, please log on to www.disneyinteractivestudios.com.
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July 31st, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: JKKDARK
Atlus is bringing the Devil Summoner series back to the PS2, the latest issue of Famitsu reports. Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha Versus King Abaddon, as the new title is known, will hit the Japanese PS2 on October 23.
In this sequel to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army, you once again play as Raidou Kuzunoha. The title promises updated battle and investigation components and a "more occult" taste.
The setting for the sequel has moved away from the original's capital city location to a village far in the countryside. Raidou is asked to conduct an investigation into the whereabouts of someone who's gone missing, and ends up going to the village with his black cat buddy at his side. As he conducts his investigation, he learns that a great danger is approaching the capital city.
New to the game is the MAG Scheduling Battle system. As part of this system, you strike enemies in their weak points to steal their "MAG," which is the name for the energy that demons require in order to appear in the real world. Your ally demons can use the stolen MAG to unleash powerful special skills. This system appears to encourage you to continue inflicting damage on foes, as doing so earns you more MAG which can be used to inflict more damage and further steal more MAG.
Kazuyuki Yamai is in the director's cubicle for the sequel. Producer and character designer is, of course, Kazuma Kaneko.
The title is currently 80% complete, Famitsu reports.
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July 31st, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
We had previously only seen a few trailers and screenshots for the unconfirmed The Last Guy, a quirky downloadable title available on the Japanese PlayStation Store. But today on the official PlayStation Blog, Producer Josh Miller made a post confirming The Last Guy for an eventual US release. Set sometime in the future, the Earth has been zapped by a strange purple ray, turning anyone it touches into monsters and zombies. It's your job (as some sort of special zombie from the Himalayan mountains) to lead the panicked masses to safety. The US version of the game will boast 14 levels, more than the original Japanese version.
The Last Guy uses aerial photos from cities around the world like Tokyo, LA and London to create a truly authentic top-down environment. As you collect civilians from inside buildings, you must lead them to an Escape Zone to be picked up by the United Rescue Force, before monsters attack them in the streets.
Although no release date has been given for The Last Guy, Miller notes that it will find its way onto the PlayStation Network soon.
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