December 1st, 2005, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamesindustry.Biz
Sony has responded to reports that consumers are angry at being forced to buy two games with their PSP Gigapack bundles, telling GamesIndustry.biz that standalone packs will be available in time for Christmas.
The Gigapack includes a PSP unit and 1GB Memory Stick, and carries an RRP of GBP 214.99 - but at present, it cannot be bought as a standalone bundle.
Instead, consumers are also required to buy a two additional games if they wish to purchase a Gigapack - namely Sony-published titles Everybody's Golf and World Tour Soccer.
Consumers have complained that they feel forced into buying these games and thereby paying extra for their Gigapacks, since the games bundle retails for GBP 269.99. But speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, a Sony spokesperson said: "The limited edition PSP Gigapack and Games Bundle is our current retail promotion offering exceptional value to consumers who can enjoy the console with two games and added accessories such as the 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, a USB cable and a hands free PSP stand."
"We are looking to extend this limited edition run for gifters as a standalone PSP Gigapack closer to Christmas. And, of course, consumers have the option to purchase the regular PSP Value Pack instore."
The Value Pack, which includes a Memory Stick with only 32MB of storage, retails for GBP 179.99. Sony-branded 1GB Memory Sticks are available separately for around GBP 60.
Lik Sang sell the GIGA Pack seperately.
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December 1st, 2005, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamesradar
Highly respected US magazine Time has put PSP on its shortlist for Best Invention of 2005. Sony's sexy handheld is in the Live Wires category, alongside a really clever bit of rope and a watch alarm that won't always go off.
The Smart Rope is stuffed with conductive fibres and communicates with a handset warning if it's under too much strain – perhaps alerting fat rock climbers with soothing 'You are about to die – but at least you were doing what you loved' messages.
The watch features a really thoughtful alarm which won't wake you if it's a bad time, such as when you're fast asleep. A motion sensor looks for the restlessness of light sleep and allows the alarm to sound then, having delayed it for up to 20 minutes.
Consequently, wearers need never suffer the grogginess of waking from dream sleep as they sprint through bus fumes with their trousers on backwards and half a piece of toast in their hair.
PSP runs games, shows widescreen movies, plays music, manages photos, wirelessly surfs the internet and streams live podcasts, despite being small enough to fit in an inside pocket.
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December 1st, 2005, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

Play as Genmai, a quick-thinking 16-year-old agent who has discovered some small and friendly creatures called "Tokobots" in the ancient ruins. The simple minded and sweet Tokobots will faithfully follow you like on your journey, helping you avoid obstacles, traps and enemies by working together in cooperative fashion to create "joint actions". Together, you and the Tokobots will reveal the mysteries hidden in the ruins and save the world from a horrible plot!

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December 1st, 2005, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

A compilation of 11 of Gottlieb's greatest tables recreated in a 3D environment, the Pinball Hall of Fame authentic visuals and sound effects takes players back in time to when pinball machines ruled the arcades. The PSP collection includes tables such as Aces High, Central Park, Big Shot, Genie, Black Hole, and Victory, plus three tables never before seen in a Pinball Hall of Fame game. In addition, pinball aficionados will also enjoy the historical art and fun facts from the golden age of the game. Two player can link for "game sharing" via wireless connection with one disc for multiplayer pinball play.

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December 1st, 2005, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
PSP3d has created a portal for the PSP. Heres the info:
X5 is the worlds best, easiest, and only perfect sourced portal for use on your Sony PSP.
All new "Dark Aqua" look.
Contains 10 applications, including "Address Book", and "System Preferences".
Custom user desktop pictures.
Exclusive media downloads from "Music", to "Pictures".
Featuring 15 games such as "Battleship", and "Towers of Hanoi".
Functional standard 12 hour digital clock.
Over 65 links ranging from "Email", to "Travel".
Sony PSP exclusive.
Zero error source code.
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December 1st, 2005, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
JoshDB is at it again, heres the info:
Here's my Dungeons and Dragons Mass Battle Generation program.
This program let's you handle up to 2000 units on two opposing sides, with up to 10d50 hp, and dealing out up to 10d50 dmg per turn, all calculated for you on the spot.
Simple, straight-forward GUI, and a powerful reading at the end. Just press square to advance one turn into the battle!
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December 1st, 2005, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Mohyo has released his own version of the 2ch Browser, test version 0.13. This is a homebrew browser for the Japanese forum – 2ch
whats new:
Move from thread general view is now possible
Select and L/R key mapped
Can’t write to MS yet, bugs present
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December 1st, 2005, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has updated what is now the best Genesis Emulator for the PSP (We need a new PSPGenesis release /me looks for Sougen), heres whats new via translation:
*Ver 1.20 (2005.12/01. ) Thanks to Smiths for the Excellent translation 
+ Core Switches
- Switched 68K core to high-speed MUSASHI 3.3
- Switched Z80 Core
- High-speed 68K Core and Z80 Core appropriated from NeoCDPSP (thanks Yoyofr)
+ Added key config for core switching / reset
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
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December 1st, 2005, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
The PSP Trainer for "Liberty City Stories" has been updated. For now it already supports a few basic cheats like: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything. This trainer in it's version 0.1c works on the US/Canada version of LCS and requires a 2.0, 2.01 or 2.50 firmware. Version 1.0d seems to work only with the UK version of this game.
Unzip the archive to your memory card so the files go in PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10041S0 if you're installing the US version, PSP/SAVEDATA/ULES00151S0 for the UK version. This replaces the first save on the card. To start CheatDevice, simply load it like a saved game. You can then load another save if you want and CheatDevice stays in memory.
Disclaimer: THIS CAN CRASH YOUR GAME. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Some of the spawn choices like the RC toys and boats will crash the game. Don't save your game after using this.
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December 2nd, 2005, 08:45 Posted By: wraggster
This is just the first of many PSP calendars to be released on PSPMagazines.com before the first of the new year.
Lets have a looksy at a pic:

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December 2nd, 2005, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPFanboy
PSP Fanboy reader Ryan writes in asking if the 2.6 firmware has some bugs. He notes, "I installed it just fine and then added the wma support which seemed to go just fine. I transferred a bunch of wma songs over as i have done many times with the mp3 format. The songs play fine until you try to skip forward (cue) through a song. Doing this seems to immediately lock up the PSP. The only way to stop it is forcing a restart buy holding the power switch off for a good 7-8 seconds till it powers off or to remove the battery. Then you restart. I was able to repeat this 'lock up' every time and on different songs in different folders."
Has anybody else seen this? What about any other bugs since the firmware update? I've had the Browser crash on me not once, but three different times when I was trying to load Yahoo!'s podcasting service to grab a few items for RSS Channel. This wasn't a light crash either. Each time, my entire PSP rebooted. Not cool.
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December 2nd, 2005, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster

PoPoLoCrois is sure to be an instant favorite for the new generation of PSP users. This classic fantasy story features brand-new sequences from the animated TV series, new playable adventures, plus exciting battles with rich, vibrant colors and cell-shaded 2D graphics. You'll be hooked on the delightful characters and animated storyline that is fun for all ages.

Many more screenshots and info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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December 2nd, 2005, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has released a new version of the GTA:LCS Trainer for PSP.
Heres whats new:
Teleport works whether you're on foot or in a car. If you're in a car, I had to make it stabalize it for a few seconds or else it would often get tipped over or flipped around. It stabalizes for 2 seconds teleporting within an island, 18 seconds going from island to island. If you're parked on a slant, it's kinda interesting when you come out of teleport.
I added teleport locations for well known landmarks and mission pickup locations. I haven't finished the Shoreside Vale missions, so those may not be complete. I didn't include teleport locations for the insides of the safehouses because you just fall into nothing unless you're teleporting from there. It seems once you leave the interior, it goes away. They do appear to be located inside their buildings where they are represented to be.
Instead of walk through walls, I'm doing step through walls. Go up to a wall facing it and go to the menu and press X on Step Through Wall. It'll move you 1 meter forward. You can do a fun standing walking thing if you hold X down. (was there a music video that had this in it?)
Power Jump allows you to fly around using the jump button. Press and hold SQUARE to jump and keep jumping, then pump the SQUARE button to stay level. I added a little forward velocity to keep you going. Feels a lot like the Matrix jumping from rooftop to rooftop this way. It does have the power to shove you through a roof if you want to walk through ceilings. This gives you the ability to explore everywhere, inside buildings and above the height limit. A lot of buildings are not solid above a certain height. The one I'm standing on in the picture I think is the highest solid building.
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December 3rd, 2005, 00:34 Posted By: Hobson
I bought breaker pro today and I booted it up and when i click cheats it says "Game Cheats function is not avaiable in this version." (Yes it really spelt available wrong). Is there any way to get cheats working or is it just choice that will never work. The whole reason I bought this was for the cheats. I also do not think there is any other version to my knowledge besides 1.1 
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December 3rd, 2005, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
The DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network (which is the new network name) is going from strength to strength with newly revamped websites and a whole host of features and one of those great additions is the much needed fresh new look for the Nintendo DS site which for those that dont know covers anything from Emulation to Homebrew, Hacking, Gaming and Hardware. In fact if its for the Nintendo DS you will most likely read it at the Nintendo DS Emulation Site, the site is updated daily and to mark the special occasion a review of Mario Kart DS was added tonight.
Check out the best Nintendo DS Emulation & Homebrew Site (and most up to date) here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/
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December 3rd, 2005, 03:32 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro and the SXT Team posted this news:
Here is a the new SXT BFM Firmware loader including sources !
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you The most advanced Firmware loader ever created for psp.
It's been tested to boot successfully :
firmware 1.0 debug unit (the bogus 1.0 update from sony), 1.0 retail,
1.5 retail, 1.52 retail, 2.00 retail, 2.01 retail and 2.50 retail
This version is useful to devloppers and firmware hackers.
What's new :
- Loads 2.00 and higher firmwares (decrypted only)
- New module loading method uses drive realocations by unmounting flash0 and flash1 and moint it again to the MS drive
- more stable than the previous version.
- faster to load.
- no need to patch all of the fw modules.
- A lot more ram freed.
- can run eboots !
- The fw believes ms0 is flash0.
- Sources included !!!
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December 3rd, 2005, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
Shine has posted a preview release of LuaPlayer for the PSP version 0.15.
Lua is the easiest way for beginner coders to release games and applications for the PSP without the messing about of setting up a major Dev Environment, heres whats new:
- Timer bug fixed (was bug in PSPSDK) [mrbrown]
- Outgoing wlan socket support (based on PspPet's "WiFi Multi-Test .03") [Shine]
WiFi Functions:
– Wlan.init() - Initializes Wlan
– Wlan.term() - Terminates Wlan
– Wlan.getConnectionConfigs () - Returns table consisting of strings that tell the connection configuration names on your psp
– Wlan.useConnectionConfig( string config) - Sets the connection configuration to use (config)
Socket Functions:
– Socket.connect(string IP, integer PORT) - Returns a Socket Object that can Send and Get data from an IP Address(IP) (Connects to Port PORT)
Socket Object Functions:
– socket.send(string data) - Sends data to the Socket that is a string (data)
– socket.recv() - Returns data that has been sent to the Socket
– socket:isConnected() - Returns true(1) or false(0) depending on if you are connected or not
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December 3rd, 2005, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk has posted this great article :

With the help of some university lecturer I have removed the flash chip from a psp board. Neither the board nor the chip are damaged. My idea is to build a PSP with 2 flash roms. If I brick one, I can restore it with other one. Everybody how has a bricked PSP can help Team Emergency Exit with giving us the board. I also need some money for build a circuit board to attach two on. Contact: mczonk@teamemergencyexit.com
The Good Facts
The chip is a standard chip from Samsung: K5E5658HCM . There is nothing secret with the chip. Everybody can buy it, if you take 1000 
The Bad Facts
The chip is not only the flash rom (256 mbit nand rom). It is also the ram (256 mbit ddr ram). If you read though the datasheets of the chip, you will find there figures. The flash is built from nand gates. It won't be as easy as access nor gates. So direcly writing into the flash is not easy.
The Ugly Facts
If you look at the board, you will see the wire loops from processor to the flash/ram chip. These wires are made to keep all wires in the same length. This is important for the timing of the ram and timing is very very cirical. If I brought back the flash/ram on the board with just some small wire brigdes, it could disturb the timing of the ram. The flash is not critical, but the ram is.
I will also try to build a two flash psp.
It seems that the article that was posted here exclusively by McZonk has yet again been stolen and worse the site who stole it is getting credited, our apologies to McZonk about these sites 
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December 3rd, 2005, 12:53 Posted By: wraggster
The GP2X has today thrown the gauntlet down with a PSX Emu Released, its slow but for a first beta its quite impressive, keep your eye on our sister site for the full info --> GP2X News
Now wheres all the PSP Coders when we need em 
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December 3rd, 2005, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster

Ive had a exceedingly rough week (my Gran passed away on Monday) so reviewing the Logitech Playgear Amp was a much needed boost to my feelings and ill start off by saying the moment that Lik Sang started stocking these i was very impressed with the look of them but with everything in life the only time you really know if its any good is to try them yourself. Now my review isnt as long as i should have given it but to be fair i was that impressed that youll understand why.
Read my Logitech Playgear Amp Review Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/logitech...p-review.shtml
Massive thanks to Lik Sang for supporting this site and the PSP Scene.
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December 4th, 2005, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
I have a couple of reasons for this question, one my son is getting a PSP for xmas and i want to buy a couple of games but at £30-£40 each like most parents you cant afford to cock up, so what are the 3 best games for the PSP so far ?
That includes any that upgrade the firmware 
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December 4th, 2005, 11:36 Posted By: wraggster
This year we have seen some great accessories for the PSP, the 4gb Hard Drive by Datel (i have a review coming), the PSP to TV Device, Talkman, Logitechs PlaygearAmp and thats just a few, so what would you recommend to fellow PSP fans ?, which accessory is an essential purchase and why?
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December 4th, 2005, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Slashdot
It would appear that the Sony Corporation (known for their world-class rootkits) paid graffitists to paint pictures of children using their new PSPs on city walls. Sony "artists" (corporate operatives?) have even been caught in the act of painting advertising campaigns on public walls. Note that these are not paid-for billboards or advertising media, but illegal graffiti in the first place. Beyond that, Sony is attempting to co-opt the subculture and possibly even artistic integrity of real graffists to sell more PSPs! Luckily, people have started to paint back and show that corporate vandals are not welcome." Though it does appear the vandal depicted is copying the image off of a sheet of paper, there's no real proof of Sony's complicity. Take with a grain of salt
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December 4th, 2005, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Fox Filmed Entertainment sees the Sony-led Blu-ray high definition DVDs winning the next generation DVD technology battle on the back of widespread Hollywood support and the release next year of the PlayStation 3 video game console, Fox‘s co-chairman said on Thursday.
"In terms of the number of companies involved, the PS3 (PlayStation game console) momentum and the level of content that is committed to Blu-ray, it does seem to have a pretty strong lead," James Gianopulos, co-chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment, said at the Reuters Media and Advertising Summit in New York.
"We believe that Blu-ray not only has the superior technology and backing in terms of strength to market but also the superior content protection," Gianopulos added.
The media and technology industry is racing to offer next generation DVDs that offer higher definition video amid a spike in sales of flat screen high definition television sets, but many in the industry are concerned the dueling new DVD standards will confuse consumers and slow early growth.
The Sony (6758.T)-led Blu-ray DVD technology, which will be built into Sony‘s PlayStation 3 video game console next year, is fighting a consortium that includes Toshiba Corp. (6502.T) that has developed the HD DVD format.
Gianopulos said Fox has no plans to release movies in HD DVD.
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December 4th, 2005, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Team Emergency Exit have released PSPsetX for V2.0 PSPs, heres the info:
After several people asked me, if I could make a Button-Swapper for 2.0, I finally decided to make PSPset for 2.0. Unfortunately there are still some problems and I cant write into flash0. But that will be corrected until the next version. Until now you can only swap buttons. The new PSPset for 2.0 called PSPsetX.
Attention: If you do Button-Swapping all your settings get lost.
1. Restorte factory settings before using x-o swapper.
P.S.: www.teamemergencyexit.com is online ;-)
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December 4th, 2005, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Insert25
The same way Apple made sure to let anyone who owns an MP3 play it on their iPod, Sony must embrace the fact that people will download movies and television shows from their P2P software and will want to watch it on their PSP. Without doing so will only push to further increase the marketshare of Apple’s latest iPod with video and god forbid Apple come out with a portable media player with a bigger screen.
In their article, Attack of the Playstation Hackers, BusinessWeek writes about a man who was able to put his hundreds of movies and TV shows he his 1GB memory cards. That’s cool and all, but still way too complicated. Not to worry though because hackers will find a way and create programs that will make the device even more easy to use and useful in the future and you know this won’t sit well with Sony who will probably think of ways they can shutdown hackers because the free stuff they do doesn’t help out their profits.
A month later, it followed with similar upgrades for U.S. users. Sony officials won’t say whether they are considering suing hackers. “We cannot guarantee PSP hardware that has been modified,” says SCEI spokeswoman Nanako Kato.
If profits are made from games and videos sold, why not let the device prosper amongst the hacker community so it becomes even more enticing to the mainstream community. Isn’t it better to have people buying 1M PSPs because they think they can do cool stuff with it and buy games and movies, instead of 1,000 people buying them because they know they can just play games and watch movies with it?
Would the first Playstation been as successful without the ability to add a modchip and therefore play burnt games? How about the XBOX? We all know Linux wouldn’t even be close to where it is without the ability for people to dig in and hack it to death so why aren’t larger companies pushing aside their old mentalities and embracing the hackers?
David Prochnow, a technology writer, says the PSP had all the potential of a powerful multimedia device but was “crippled” by its software. Using a soldering iron and a screwdriver, he tore open his PSP — and now it prints photographs, shares music with other portable players, and runs all types of converted video files. “Any, and every, PSP owner can become a hacker,” says Prochnow, whose book, PSP Hacks, Mods and Expansions, goes on sale in December.
To me that is so cool and if I didn’t have a PSP already, reading that would definitely entice me further to get one. Instead I get to read this paragraph next:
Sony says it can stay ahead of the hackers. With recent updates, the PSP can now play a variety of music formats and podcasts, as well as digital video clips downloaded form the Net. In October, Sony added its newest option — a LocationFree program that lets users stream videos to the PSP by tapping into a PC or DVD player at home over Wi-Fi or broadband connections.
You can stay ahead of 1000s of hackers just like Microsoft can keep their Operating Systems secure. If anything use the hacker community as a radar for what might be popular and then develop programs and functionality around that. Make it official and you have just added a couple more customers. Doesn’t it make sense?
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December 5th, 2005, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mohyo has released a new version of his Homebrew Browser for the Japanese 2ch forum:
Whats New
Write in is possible now.
When it doesn’t reload the thread list, please go back to thread list again to fetch the data.
JPEG is working now, use analog stick to view the whole picture.
JPEG can be saved on memory stick.
URLs for JPEG is displayed in blue.
Disconnect communication is possible… but not stable.
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December 5th, 2005, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Mike Haggar
antiroC has released a new Space shooter written in Lua for the PSP, heres what he says:
Currently I am developing my first game using Luaplayer, called Galuaxians, it's a space shooty game.
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December 5th, 2005, 23:20 Posted By: djsupes
Hi guys,
I'm new here, my friend reccomended me. I currently do not have a PS2 slim but I AM buying one, I assure you. I've read this other thread:
http://www.howardforums.com/showthre...hreadid=570039 *nine months old*
and it says Pacific Mall is a bad place to get a PS2 slim modded because it burns the laser out, I don't know if this is still true as it's December now.
I go to Pacific Mall quite often and I don't really care if the mod chip they give me is a clone, as long as it works and does not damage my PS2 slim in any way.
Are their any other places to get it modded in Toronto? Where would I go? How much? The main thing is that it doesn't damage the PS2 slim, I want it to work for years
I'm also willing to buy a new PS2 slim from the store which mods it, to get a discount on the modding process. One of my friends said that Pacific offers a modded (brand new) PS2 Slim with 2 controllers and 2 games (copied probably -_- - I do not endorse piracy lol) for $250. I'd definately buy this but who knows about their modding process, I don't want the laser or anything to be damaged.
So, ultimately, the question is - where do I get my PS2 (SLIM!!) modded without damaging the system short term or long term. I'd really appreciate any responses and thanks for reading all this...
- djsupes
P.S: Please, be sure - I really don't want to break such an expensive product.
Oh, and I want to play all 'c0pi3d' games (including Japanese imports such as Naruto), etc. free of hassle (no swapping or anything, just as if I were to put the original in).
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December 6th, 2005, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at GameShout are reporting that the PlayStation 3 will be delayed until Spring 2007. The evidence in their article, to me, doesn’t seem all that convincing, but to quote,
“At first, we here at GameSHOUT thought that this was pure speculation, or rumours. But, about 2 weeks ago, the BBC news was covering the Digital Life Expo at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. They stated that the PlayStation 3 launch date is 2007.
The actual quote is, ‘By launching its new Xbox 360 22 months ahead of the PlayStation 3, it's hoping it'll be able to win over the minds and money of gamers’, said BBC.”
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December 6th, 2005, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
<a href="http://www.ocprojects.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=56&page=1 " target="_blank" >OCprojects</a> have written an excellent article detailing the first year of the PSP, the article talks about the <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk" target="_blank" >Homebrew Development</a>, Games, accessories and what the future holds,
Heres an excerpt:
It has been nearly a year since Sony introduced its first handheld console, the Playstation Portable, to the consumer and much has happened in that time. Going up against Nintendo in the handheld market seemed by many to be a fool's errand. Fortunately for Sony they were able to pull through the first year with only minor battle scars. The PSP did better than any other non-Nintendo portable in recent memory, but to say that the PSP dominated at retail would not just be a blatant over-exaggeration, but completely and utterly wrong.
So what exactly has happened in the first year of the PSP's life? Plenty of stuff – some good, some bad, and yes, some ugly. In this article we will be taking a retrospective look at the PSP's first 12 months and also do a little speculating on the PSP's future. The PSP still has quite a bit of untapped potential and with some luck (and brains) Sony might be able to have quite a successful first outing in the handheld game space. While this editorial as a whole may seem negative, the truth is that I am a little annoyed with Sony and how they handled the PSP. Here they have a perfectly capable platform with which to ‘wow' gamers with jaw-dropping games never before dreamed about on a handheld, and they kind of blew it. That said, it has only been a year, and the PSP still has 80% left of its lifecycle to turn things around.
So lets take a look at the PSP - Year One.
read the full article <a href="http://www.ocprojects.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=56&page=1 " target="_blank" >Here</a>.
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December 6th, 2005, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Bob535 has updated his Flashcards game for the PSP, heres the news from his site:
I have now released an update to my Japanese Flashcard program which includes all eighty of the tier 4 kanji. It can be found in the My Programs link on the right hand side of this page. This is a great step and I hope to continue working by moving on to the large number kanji remaining in tier's 3 through 1. However without a PSP, as per my last note, I am not in a great mood. So, like all good web pages, I am asking for you to donate so I can again repurchase a 1.5 Firmware PSP and the accessories I need. In return for a donation of more than 5 USD I will be adding your e-mail to a list and providing any and all beta updates I will be working on in adding further kanji to my Japanese Flashcard program.
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December 6th, 2005, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
thepixelatedpoo has updated his Moon Lander remake "Lunar Lander". There's been some fixes one being the graphics and the landing pad (you can access the classic mountains by pressing the square button).
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December 6th, 2005, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
From Slashdot
A Sony spokeswoman has actually admitted they will stop crippling the PSP's RSS functionality if enough customers ask for it." From the article: "SCEI will consider adding compatibility for RSS text feeds should users request it, said Nanako Kato, a spokeswoman for SCEI in Tokyo. The support for podcasts allows users to stream audio content to the PSP. The system supports feeds compatible with RSS 2.0 and encoded in the MP3 or AAC (MPEG4) formats. The firmware update also added support for Windows Media Audio files, direct download of copy-protected content through the PSP's Web browser, and Chinese-language character encoding." We just mentioned the rollout of the limited RSS functionality they already support
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December 6th, 2005, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has released a new text editor written in Lua: (also 3 more Lua releases found on site)
"TTLDE Version 1.0
is a text editor written by LUA.
...with following features:
- Original input method
- LUA code execution(TTLDE catches syntax/runtime errors)
- Windows style selection & cut, copy, paste
- Multi document editing
- Auto indent
- Word select(from dictionary)
- Quick search
- Customizeable color scheme / keyboard layout / dictionary. "
Download this and
-HSV Version 0.1 (3k)
-Blit benchmark (2k)
-Mass point dynamics test (1k) either above or via the comments
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December 7th, 2005, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
Just a short off topic but still interesting newspost:
The Xbox360 is now available around the world and although it may be hard to get a hold of ive seen and played on one and my jaw dropped at the graphics (must have been a damn good TV too). Our Xbox360 Site on the DCEmu Network has the latest news from around the world about the Xbox 360 inc if you cant find an Xbox360 and if your desperate then <a href="http://www.success-hk.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=112&A=50&Task=Click" target="_blank" >Success HK</a> might be the best place to snag an import Xbox360.
For the best in Xbox 360 News check out our <a href="http://xbox360.dcemu.co.uk/" target="_blank" >Xbox 360 News Site</a>.
Back to Normal Transmission 
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December 7th, 2005, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
dr_watson has released a great looking Space Invador Clone for the PSP, heres the info from the Release Thread
"This is a prototype of StarBugz, a Space Invader clone. The purpose of the project was to get myself familiar with programming PSP games, and hopefully to build up a simple game engine in the process.
After working on the project in my spare time for nearly a month, the hardware accelerated 2D game engine, called JGE (Jas Game Engine), was basically done. JGE uses Gu libraries for image rendering and StarBugz now becomes a small showcase of the engine, demonstrating various features of it. "
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December 7th, 2005, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
A new Commercial PSP Game thats been released in Japan is Geki Sengoku Musou, heres the info:

Geki Sengoku Musou or Samurai Warriors: State of War is Koei's latest PSP action strategy game. In this version, you can pair with another warrior or soldier to fight the battles, each paired warrior gives you different abilities and power-ups. Koei announced over 200 characters that you can pair with. The PSP version also support head to head battle and co-operative battle with up to 4 players over WiFi.
Sounds awesome, for more info and to get yourself a copy head over to Lik Sang
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December 7th, 2005, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Not sure if this is already out in Europe/UK but its such a great game ill give it a heads up, heres the info:

Burnout Legends sets the bar for on-the-go automotive anarchy, combining the series' trademark speed, destruction and depth with new PSP-only features, gameplay refinements and connectivity. Gamers can look forward to eight gameplay modes, including crash, road rage and pursuit, with white-knuckle multiplayer via WiFi, and a GameShare option allowing players to wirelessly share a demo level of the game with friends.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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December 7th, 2005, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
I posted the news yesterday of Metal Gear Acid 2 on PSP but Lik Sang did such a good article it deserves more exposure:
Last December Metal Gear Acid, the spin off strategy card game launched with the PSP. Now the sequel has arrived and all pre-ordered copies are already winging their way over to you right now, complete with the free "Solid Eye Tobidacid" device. As you can see this goes onto the front of your PSP, blocks outside light, and through two eye holes at the top, produces true 3D graphics. While it isn't suitable for use everywhere (you can turn 3D mode off), it's perfect for anywhere you have some privacy, and the effect is excellent.
The games theatre mode allows you to view video clips from special cards collected during gameplay in true 3D, which according to the official website "includes a sexy scene with Eva". In that spirit, Konami also buddied up with a Japanese men's magazine called Sabra, and their female idol models are featured exclusively in this Japanese release and you can check 'em out with the Solid Eye.
Moving onto the actual game, there's an all new story this time around, starting when Snake is suddenly taken captive by a man who calls himself an FBI agent. Coaxed into infiltrating a research facility, Snake soon finds a cleverly devised trap involving the U.S. military and Venus, a female secret agent who holds the key to top secret research and the third generation Metal Gear. All the while Snake’s mind is flooded with troubling thoughts as he tries to put together the pieces of his fateful past.
During gameplay you'll be able to switch between the two lead characters, Solid Snake and Teliko Venus. This is the first of many major changes the sequel brings with it, and to quote Konami's official website the new gameplay is "redefining Card Tactics for a new generation", and an "increased level of Intellectual Stimulation will accelerate production of Serotonin." In other words, MG Acid 2 will really get the brain juices flowing. Then at the same time the "dynamic gameplay will spark a dopamine rush of pleasure", and the 3D Solid Eye device "will cause noradrenalin wonder to rush through your body." Which I believe roughly translates to it'll be lots of fun and it looks damn cool too. Check out three full trailers and screenshots etc at Lik Sang .
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December 7th, 2005, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview published in Xbox360ism (a special edition of Dorimaga), Capcom Research & Development division chief Keiji Inafune said he expects Resident Evil 5 to be released simultaneously on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 if possible.
"We want to grow the Resident Evil series into a multi-platform franchise, so we hope to release it simultaneously [on the two next-generation consoles]," Inafune told Xbox360ism. "But since we don't know the launch period for the PS3 yet, so it's hard to say [if we can]."
Inafune also revealed that Resident Evil 5 will feature online elements, although he did not elaborate.
In other zombie-related Capcom news, Inafune said that his first project for the Xbox 360, Dead Rising, is slated for release after summer 2006. Inafune explained that the game could be released earlier, but he's taking the time to polish it as much as possible.
Inafune also revealed that Microsoft initially asked Capcom to make an original Xbox 360 title catered towards the taste of the Japanese consumers, but the third-party publisher declined. Inafune stated that Capcom's aim is to release games that will be a global hit, regardless of whether it's for the Xbox 360 or PS3.
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December 7th, 2005, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Digital World Tokyo
The theory behind Sony’s LocationFree TV products is both sound and compelling — take a video source at home, such as a TV or digital recorder of some form, and beam the resulting pictures across the internet to a dedicated mobile screen. Until now, however, the practical results have been somewhat less than perfect, with clunky equipment and poor image quality.
That may all be about to change as the LF-PK1, the latest attempt to get LocationFree right, will happily send your shows to more devices, including a PSP or a regular laptop. Our own Martyn Williams risked square eyes for life to road test it and you can read the intriguing results after the jump.
A couple of months ago when Sony announced its latest LocationFree TV base station it seemed like the product line had taken a new course. LocationFree TV is a system that enables you to take your living room on the road. With a broadband connection the base device can stream broadcast TV and content from devices such as DVD players or hard-disk recorders across the internet to wherever you are.
Read the full hands on at the link above:
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December 7th, 2005, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
MikDaSpik & Warlord 7856 have released their first issue of PSPUK magazine.
PSPUK magazine covers commercial games and homebrew.
The magazine weighs is a massive 80 pages to keep you busy. This issue has reviews of GTA, Coded Arms, Burnout Legends and an interview with DeNitro and reviews of homebrew games.
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December 7th, 2005, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
deniska in our PSP Emulation & Homebrew Forum has released a great new game for the PSP , heres a screen to get you moist:

Here is a PSP port of Kenta Cho's shooter rRootage:
Control your ship and avoid the barrage.
Use the laser to destroy the battleship of the enemy.
You can cause more damage if you fire the laser close to the enemy.
When all ships are destroyed, the game is over.
The ship extends 200,000 and every 500,000 points.
Downloads and more information here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14995
thanks to Deniska for another great release for our PSP Scene and on our great DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network Forums.
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December 8th, 2005, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Continuing the theme of some of my newsposts from last week, i would like you the members and visitors to this site to answer what is the Worst game, UMD film and accessory for the PSP, the one thats a real stinker and reasons why of course.
Itll be interesting to guage reaction as to what is the worst.
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December 8th, 2005, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Like most PSP webmasters and fans i check out lots of sites and i do admire some even if they are rivals to our own. So with that in mind im offering to do a Linkshare scheme where i on either my left or right column (dont ask me which) will link to your PSP site and obviously we should share by linking back, call it a partnership of sorts 
I wont link to any site who have downloads for UMD loaders & Warez for obvious reasons. So if you have a site then let me know and we will check it out and then ill sort the links out.
Remember a community grows stronger by coming together 
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December 8th, 2005, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Slashdot
TheStreet.com is reporting that the 360 has captured the hype machine for this Christmas season. The PSP, meanwhile, is still struggling for mindshare compared to Nintendo's offerings. From the article: "Sony launched the PSP in the U.S. to great acclaim earlier this year and sold more than half a million units in the first two days. The device marked the first effort by Sony, the leader in the console game industry for the last 10 years with its PlayStation and PlayStation 2 systems, to enter the portable game market, which has been dominated by Nintendo ... Right now, the PSP's threat to Nintendo -- much less to Apple -- remains hypothetical. Sales of the PSP are disappointing thus far, particularly this holiday season. Through the end of October, Sony had sold just 1.6 million of the devices after the first days' sales flurry."
Comments please 
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December 8th, 2005, 08:28 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki posted a new version of Deflect, heres the info:
"This release was meant to feel more like a game than an example. I have added a Health bar that will gain once you deflect the ball and lower if you miss the ball. I have also added random ball movement and smoother paddle movement. The point of the game is to deflect the ball and not to drain your health bar.
This Version
-Random Ball Movement
-Smoother Paddle Movement
-Health Bar
-Game Over Screen
Upcoming Versions
-Multi Player Game
-Music Selection
-Game Options"
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December 8th, 2005, 08:31 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated the Cheat Device for GTA:Liberty City Stories, heres whats new:
– Activate spawn cheats with one button
– Screenshot
– Edit car colors
– Never fall off your motorcycle
Download both UK and USA versions via the comments.
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December 8th, 2005, 08:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
This Lua program is a heavily modified version of the 3D cube that comes with Lua Player. In this program you can control the cube's movement using the analog stick & sholder buttons. You can zoom in and out using the dpad up and down. Displayed on the cube is the x,y,z, and zoom values. If you press X, the stuff displayed on the cube will change to battery info. and back. To use, just place the 3D cube 2 folder in the "ms0:\PSP\GAME\LuaPlayer\A pplications".
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December 8th, 2005, 08:36 Posted By: wraggster
ema has updated the texteditor for Lua.
Whats New:
Global Word Selector (can access all built-in features)
Memory status (needs LuaPlayer 0.15 or later)
More stable LUA execution (require works correctly)
Add new color schemes
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December 8th, 2005, 08:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sjurk has released a great new game (and nice website too) written in Lua, heres the info:
Solitaire Mahjongg is a freeware game, developed in Lua by Sjur Kristiansen for the Sony PSP. Get the game and installation instructions in the downloads section.
Solitaire Mahjongg is a game of strategy, memory and luck. It uses 144 Mah-Jongg tiles, arranged in a pile called "The Dragon". Match the titles in pairs to clear the board and win the game.
You can play either a laid back solitaire game, or a fun two player hotseat challenge.
Single player solitaire
Two player hotseat challenge
Classic Dragon (or Turtle, as some call it) board layout
Classic Mah-Jongg tileset
Small footprint. Only takes about 1.5 MB on your memory stick
Freeware. This game will cost you zip, nada, nothing.
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December 8th, 2005, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
The president of Warner Home Video has criticised Sony for the tactics it has employed in the battle of the next-gen DVD formats - and for dragging home entertainment companies into the console war.
In a speech delivered at the Perspectives in European Video conference, Lieberfarb said: "If I put Blu-Ray in PlayStation and I don't license it to Microsoft for Xbox and I get all the studios to only publish in PlayStation, I'll beat Microsoft in the next-generation games market."
"We've been sucked into PlayStation versus Xbox."
Lieberfarb went on to compare Sony's strategies to those used by Samurai swordsmen, stating: "If you ever read The Art of War, you will see all of Sony's moves, including taking all its enemies in the same tent and then leaving them empty-handed. These are things that they have done historically."
"They did the same thing to Matsushita and Betamax, they did the same thing to Matsushita on compact disc, they did the same thing to Matsushita on the digital video camcorder," Lieberfarb continued.
"They compete like Samurai. It isn't the way we compete in the West."
Lieberfarb said that although it may look like Blu-Ray is set to win the battle of the next-gen formats, the war is not over yet.
"Hollywood blew it. They got duped. They could have created the format that optimized their creative interests. It looks like we lost, because there are six studios supporting Blu-Ray and only three supporting HD-DVD. But you know, there's always surprises," Lieberfarb stated.
He concluded by urging the industry to join Microsoft and Toshiba in supporting the HD-DVD format, telling the audience: "Convergence is here, everything is digital, the Internet is going to deliver video, you are going to want to pass information from one device to another and HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray is really the first battle in the issue of who controls the home."
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December 8th, 2005, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. can exclusively announce OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast, the latest instalment in the iconic OutRun series, will appear on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system and PSPTM portable entertainment system for the very first time! OutRun 2006: Coast to Coast is set for release in March 2006 giving a new legion of gamers the opportunity to experience the thrills of this hugely popular franchise.
The enchanting draw of the open road has never been so appealing with the choice of one of 12 fully licensed Ferrari models, featuring the all-new F430 and the dazzling Superamerica. Gamers will feel the throaty whine and that distinctive Ferrari exhaust tone as they power their way across 30 glorious stages from the best of the OutRun2 original, and the new OutRun2 SP arcade experience. Race from coast to glorious coast with a fresh new mission structure, a license mode and online play with up to 6 players for a thrilling head-to-head journey.
"Amazing Ferraris, incredible courses, beautiful girls - and all available on Sony's PSP and PlayStation 2," commented Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA. "The only thing you'll be asking for is another go!"
With platform specific missions, the player will also be able to unlock PSP exclusive content by connecting with the PS2 version, and vice versa. Stack up the OutRun miles from the sun-drenched sands of Palm Beach to the charms of Cape Way to unlock new tracks, cars and much more! With a girlfriend by your side and open country before you, which route will you take?
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast is being developed by UK developers, Sumo Digital Ltd, the team responsible for the critically acclaimed OutRun 2. OutRun 2006: Coast-2-Coast is scheduled for release in March 2006 for PS2/PSP/PC. For more information on these and other SEGA titles, please visit www.sega-europe.com
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December 9th, 2005, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
mrbrown from the PS2Dev Forums has also ported rRootage to the PSP, heres the info:
Screenshots don't work on 1.0 or 1.5 PSPs due to a bug in PSPGL's
There are a few graphical differences from the PC version due to missing
features in PSPGL. The differences should not affect gameplay.
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December 9th, 2005, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
ema has updated the texteditor for Lua.
...with following features:
- Original input method named 'TwinTail'
- LUA code execution(TTLDE catches syntax/runtime errors)
- Windows style selection & cut, copy, paste
- Multi document editing
- Auto indent
- Word select(from dictionary, from globals)
- Customizeable color scheme / keyboard layout / dictionary.
- User plugin handling
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December 9th, 2005, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
Hideo Kojima recently spoke with PSM magazine, and they actually managed to get some new info out of the old man about MGS4. Here are some of the highlights. It seems that MGS4 is going to feature some sweeping changes, some that may not even reflect what we saw in the trailer. Apparently almost everything is still not 100% nailed down. Here are the highlights.
"The whole environment changes in real time, so the player controling Snake has the option to make any sort of involvement they would like to in order to progress the game"
"...But in the near-future war, it's more like a business, so there's lots of money involved, meaning they'll hire mercenaries to fight on behalf of their country."
The whole Sanke injecting something into his neck sequence in the trailer may not be featured in the game at all.
Stamina will most likely make a return in MGS4, and he is "...still undecided on the food capture system."
"Will you ever control it yourself to scout ahead or take pictures?" [Otacon's Robot]
"Yes. We're tyring to do it at this stage, but if the game comes out and those features are not in the game, please realize that it was because we couldn't do it for a good reason. We had the plan for a remote controlled robot for even MGS2, however, due to the specs of the PS2, we couldn't do it."
Apparently Kojima has even thought about having a second player or even using the PSP to control it, how cool is that.
Raiden is popular in Japan supposedly; they are making him a "cool" character this time around. "There's even potential you'll like him more than Snake!" Not likely.
"...in MGS4, yes, we will try to make Snake control anything that's possible" He was talking about vehicles.
Kojima said "I might have second thoughts about a younger Snake if everyone thinks he looks too old."
Kojima is still working out how many years after MGS2 this game will take place. He said it might be as many as 10 years, but nothing is set in stone.
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December 9th, 2005, 16:21 Posted By: Escape-To-88
Hi all,
Wondered if anybody knew, (have posted on various forumsbut don't seem to be able to get a definate answer) if I have a Modded PAL Ps2 with it run NTSC jap/us games at full speed??? I ask becuase i had a Modded PAL Ps2 a number of years ago and while it ran imports fine there was a speed drop as it ran them all at 50hz!
I know some new chips you can choose between NTSC/PAL video modes, but i did not know if this corrected the speed issue???
Can anyone confirm for me a Modded PAL Ps2 will run all NTSC Psone and PS2 games full speed correctly???
Much appreciated
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December 9th, 2005, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Reuters is reporting that, despite some reservations by analysts, Sony's next-gen console appears to be on-track for a Spring 2006 launch. From the article: " The timing of the release of Sony's updated PlayStation console has become a matter of speculation in the $25 billion video game industry and among the studios, hardware makers and other companies looking to handicap the battle over next-generation DVD technology. A spokesman for Sony, the No. 1 provider of game consoles, said it was still targeting a spring 2006 launch for the PS3, which is key to maintaining its lead in the game console market against Microsoft Corp. which recently launched its competing Xbox 360 console.
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December 9th, 2005, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamestop
After a long drought of releases, the PSP is currently bathing in a flood of new games. Today Ubisoft announced that Prince of Persia Revelations, the first version of the franchise for Sony's portable, has arrived in stores. The game retails for $49.99 and is rated M for Mature.
As one might guess by the rating, Revelations is a more violent game than Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, the fanciful adventure that revamped the long-dormant action-adventure series. In fact, Revelations is a reworked version of the sequel to Sands, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, the first "dark" entry into the series. It follows the now-embittered prince as "he embarks upon a path of carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death," according to Ubisoft. Standing in the way of the prince's destiny is the Dahaka, "an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution."
This week also saw the POP pop up on the DS with Battles of Prince of Persia. Departing from the series' formula, this original title is a turn-based card-battle game. Cards are acquired by progressing through the single-player campaign, and they can be used in competition or traded with friends via Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection wireless network. It is rated a more family-friendly E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older, and retails at the more frugal price point of $39.99.
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December 9th, 2005, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Source joystiq
Ubisoft have released their fiscal reports for the year to date, and things are looking good for the publisher. It has managed to reduce its operating loss, halve its net debt and increase its sales, and the report states that the company is on track to meet all its targets this year, including €600m of sales.
The fiscal year ends on March 31st, so the financial report also includes the titles scheduled for release in January-March 2006. Interestingly, this includes Brothers in Arms (PSP) and Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Essentials (PSP), as well as Rainbow Six Lockdown (PC) and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (360, Xbox, PS2, PC). There’s also a mysterious “new title” which has yet to be announced—speculation should fly over the next few weeks. It could be the yet-to-be-confirmed Splinter Cell Double Agent or an entirely unexpected title
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December 9th, 2005, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Source C&VG
<blockquote>Today's the day that Championship Manager PSP hits store shelves, and, if you're a-clamouring for some handheld footie management thrills, you might want to check out the diminutive version of the long-running series.
We recently sat down with Gusto Games CEO Simon Phillips and talked all things Championship Manager PSP. From our brief hands-on with the game, it's looking like being on par with its console siblings - only this version's perfect for filling those few snatched moments of freedom from the family this Christmas.
What's different between the 'bigger' versions and the PSP version of Championship Manager?
Simon Phillips: The first thing to point out is that this is real Championship Manager - because it's on PSP a lot of people assume that it's cut down or watered down but this is full-on Championship Manager. One of the key development mantras was that if we couldn't make the game properly we weren't going to do it. It had to have all of the stats, all of the gameplay features, it had to have a proper match engine in there, all the AI in there and stuff like that.
And what's new in this version?
Simon Phillips: Basically, what we've done is we've taken the solid game from Championship Manager PS2, we've listened to the fan feedback, read the reviews, built on that and then started work on the PSP version of Champ Man based on the good features from the PS2 version. Rather than taking a PC game and trying to cut it down and slap it on to the PSP, we've started with a nice new bit of code and moved it to PSP, and that's allowed us to use the hardware properly because we haven't got to change mouse drivers into d-pad controls.
We've got decent controls, we've had a match engine that wasn't brilliant but now we've improved on that based on the player feedback - basically it's a big PSP version of the game. We've got over 30,000 players from 52 different nations, there's 12 playable nations in the full game with another six to eight in the challenge modes. Player profiles are a new addition as well - alongside the usual stats you can make your own player pictures by downloading them from fan sites or creating them yourself.
What else can you tell us about how you've changed the game to accommodate the handheld platform?
Simon Phillips: What we did at the end of the console version was read all of the reviews, be very critical of ourselves and find out all of the things that were annoying people. Things like not knowing where you're going when you're navigating, so on the player profile screen you can instantly put players on the transfer list, you can change what squad they're in - whereas before you'd have to go through menus to set their transfer status. It's all still there, so a hardcore Championship Manager fan will be familiar with it, but it's kind of softened up a bit with the extra options for new users.
We've also introduced help menus, because the thing about Championship Manager was that if you know it, you know it and if you don't, tough luck. Now on every page you can access help, get a list of controls and get specific help for each screen which shows you what you can do and how it all works. It can all be turned off if you find it annoying, but for new user it's vital. The control system is admittedly tricky at first, but after about 15 minutes of play it becomes second nature. You've got the quick nav button on triangle which jumps around certain menu aspects of the screen, you've got square which is secondary action - like right click on a mouse, and the start button goes to the continue button.
What kind of gamer is the PSP version of Championship Manager for?
Simon Phillips: With the PSP version we've got the Championship Manager player who wants the full-on hardcore Championship Manager mode that goes on for years and years, then you've got the kind of people who are only on the train for an hour so - they want a quick bite-sized chunk of Champ Man so we've also introduced challenge mode. Basically, Challenge mode gives you four kinds of categories like 'avoid relegation', and within that you chose a team. The challenges run anything from 6 months to a year, so if you haven't got time to get immersed in the full game this mode is useful for a quick game.
There's another mode in there called 'quick play' mode which is a no-holds barred Champ Man but for three seasons only. That way, if you've got a limited time to play it but you want an end to your game you can just jump straight in, play for three seasons, get a high score at the end of it and then start again.
So it was developed from the top down for PSP...
Simon Phillips: Yes, we've taken the core elements from the console version, but the actual code is PSP-specific from the ground up. It kind of shows from things like the loading times which use streaming technology. The controls as well have been totally specified for the PSP; the continue button for example has been tied to the Start button, so instead of constantly having to navigate down to it you can access it with the press of a button. The processing time is pretty fast, everything is loaded from the RAM instead of the UMD disc so the battery life goes on for hours.
How does the streaming work?
Simon Phillips: A lot of games ported from consoles to PSP will stream everything from the disc, but all the time the disc is spinning it's churning the battery life down. What we've done is managed to fit most of the game into the 24Mb of RAM available so that nothing is being read from the disc, and we can actually shut the disc drive down so that it doesn't use any extra battery power. We've managed to get about two hours out of it on one battery charge, but I don't think anyone's gone beyond that.
The PSP version is just as complex and deep as its PC counterparts, then?
Simon Phillips: Absolutely, this isn't Championship Manager 'lite', it's the full-on experience. You'll probably find that even after a few days playing the game you won't even scratch the surface of the options available.</blockquote>
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December 9th, 2005, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has updated his text editor written in Lua:
New in Version 1.3:
added png/jpg view
optimized speed (always 60FPS)
current directory came to be restored after 'Exec LUA'
fixed some bugs
modified 'Function jump' more friendly
fixed 'Jump to...' command bug
added plugin handling
added sample plugin using WLAN service
moved some functions to plugin (search dialog etc.)
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December 9th, 2005, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
PacManFan posted at PS2Dev this tidbit of news concerning his Playstation Emulator for the PSP:
At this point, I don't really have anything else to show, however, I want people to know that I haven't given up. I've been working on PSPSOne yesterday and today, and I've made some real progress. I'm on my 3rd attempt at writing a recompiler, and I think the 3rd time is the charm. I've given up on the idea of being able to "filter" out the addressing scheme, and now I'm taken a more traditional approach to writing this recompiler.
I've got the recompiler executing the bios at this point, and I'm tracking down some issues with my branch and COP functions. I think I'll have something to show soon.
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December 9th, 2005, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of PSPRadio for the PSP.
PSPRadio is an internet radio streaming client for the PSP. Heres whats new:
(raf) Core: Logging instantiated in the heap instead of the data segment.
(raf) Core: Modifications to make it compatible with the latest pspsdk (r1542)
(raf) Playback: Corrected bug that caused app to crash when a stream failed.
(raf) TextUI: Made the title shorter so it fits no matter what font is used.
(sandberg) Updated the 3D UI so all options are fitted to the screen.
(raf) TextUI: Now files defined in playlists are displayed without the path, and the extension is only shown if configured to in the config file.
(raf) Compiled against latest pspsdk (r1542). There should be some speed improvements, as things like memcpy are now optimized.
(raf) Core/TextUI: Added support to print text using pixel coordinates
(raf) TexUI: Removed cleaning code that was unnecessary in the options screen renderer. This should speed it up a bit.
(sandberg) Added support for showing the time and the battery level on the 3D UI.
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December 9th, 2005, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Placasoft has updated PSPsetX for v2.0 PSP. Here is the info of this release:
<blockquote>PSPsetX 0.2 out now?
With the safest downgrade function ever!!!
Just select downgrade, go to the PSP menu afterwards and start the 1.5 update!
The pmf for the gameboot video should not be bigger than 1,2MB. If your PSP crashes it's not my fault. If you got any problems just send me an email to pspsetX[at]placasoft[dot]de.
-- Change Gameboot
- Change Gameboot = copies the Gameboot.pmf from ms0:/Gameboot.pmf?into the flash
- Backup Gameboot = copies the Gameboot.pmf from the flash into ms0:/Gameboot.pmf
- Restore original Gameboot = Restores the old gameboot.pmf
-- Firmware Tweaks
- Set Version 1.00 - 2.5 = Sets your PSP Version to 2.5. You can now also play games which require 2.5
-- Change X-O-Buttons
>>>>>> Before using this please restore factory settings <<<<<<
- Set X as enter (US / EU) = now X = enter at the psp menu
- Set = as Enter (jp) = now O = enter at the psp menu
-- Stuck Pixel Cleaner
- Start cleaning = takes about 20 minutes
BIIIIGGGGG THX TO fanjita ... he is a really nice guy!!!!</blockquote>
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December 9th, 2005, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster

Samstag has released the worlds first Vectrex Emulator for the PSP, heres the info from the readme:
This is a port of the Windows-based Vectrex emulator by Valavan Manohararajah known as VecX (http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/~manohv/vectrex.html). This version should run on any PSP with a firmware version of 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0.
Version 1.01 - 8 December 2005
*Added the Mine Storm rom.dat to the compiled code (to make the Eboot
stand-alone like the original console).
*Fixed the failure to display single-pixel and sub-pixel lines.
Version 1.0 - 3 December 2005
*Initial port from windows source.
*Modified original windows source for more cross-platform portability.
*Replaced Windows-specific interface code with PSP-specific code (file
handling, control input, display output).
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspvecx.shtml
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December 9th, 2005, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
My good friends at Lik Sang have informed me that the 4GB Hardrive for the PSP which also has a Double strength battery and software for encoding movies is down to $179 from $199, heres more info:
The X2 Battery is a direct replacement for your PSP's rechargeable battery, but offers double the capacity of the standard model. Now bundled with a 4GB HDD, it gives you plenty of space for your saves and files on the go.
The 4GB HD uses ultra-reliable Micro-Drive technology. The HD interfaces with the PSP by means of a flexible Memory Stick™ adapter which is plugged into the Memory Stick™ slot on the PSP.
Once connected, the body of the HD attaches snugly to the back of the PSP by means of two location posts which slot into corresponding holes on the back of the PSP. When used in conjunction with the X-2 double capacity battery the 4GB HD forms an ergonomic extension to the PSP which follows the neat lines of the handheld, fitting snugly in your palms. Once connected, you use the 4GB HD just as you would a normal Memory Stick™; you can playback video, MP3s, movies and images and save from inside your PSP games.
For full information and to buy one for yourself check out Lik Sang Here
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December 10th, 2005, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
CanCan has released a new version of Contacts which is a Lua Application to keep all your Personal info on., heres whats new:
- Read and save single vcf file (vCard) into the directory vcf instead of reading a file containing multiple vcf files. This to make it easier to sync the contacts between the psp and mail clients (Outlook, Thunderbird, Palm Desktop, ...)
- Field can be selected with the A-PAD in the Edit screen
- Selection of themes available in the directory themes
- Separate the functions in differents lua scripts (vcf, keyboard and themes).
This will allow someone to include one or the other script in another program if needed (please let me know in case of)
- Better GUI
- Code cleanup
Screenshots and download at the release thread in our PSP Lua Forums Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15084
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December 10th, 2005, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
A new accessory for the PSP has been released, heres the info:

Charge your PSP while showing it off inside this display stand.
The Smart Charger includes a connection at the back for connecting your PSP power adapter or the included USB cable and also has LED's in the front which illuminates when the charger is connected. The Smart Charger includes a USB power cable for charging the PSP from any USB port on your computer or laptop. Available in two color, white and black.
More info at Lik Sang here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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December 10th, 2005, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
Linkers4u.com have posted the release of HD Combo, heres the info:

Product Features
The Module compatible with all PS2 V12-V13 console
An innovative design to connect an 3.5'' IDE Hard Disk into your Slim PS2
Support all brand 3.5'' Hard Disk : Maxtor, Seagate, Hitachi.., include WD
A solid ALL-IN-ONE design, easy to carry and go ( with 3.5'' Hard Disk )
HDAdvance is needed for booting up the system
More Description
No other extra accessory needs, 80pin IDC cable and power connector build-in.
Two cooling fans support to quench the HDD temperature. ( 20,000 hours life )
Rocker switch and two-colour pilot lamp supported. ( HDD power and active )
Stand pillar for PSTwo vertical stand purpose. ( when PS2 with HD still can stand )
Special Y Power cable, for people easy install. ( use PS2 original power cable only )
HDAdvance is needed for booting up the system
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December 10th, 2005, 14:48 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it's runtime libs.
fixed 'Get HTTP' plugin bug
added shortcut to change keyboard mapping
added new keyboard mapping named 'RapidTail'
letter frequency based mapping
numbers become easier to input than other mappings
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Thanks to PDRoms for the news.
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December 10th, 2005, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
InhumanElmo has released a RPG (style game) written in Lua for the PSP, heres what the coder says:
"This is a rpg style game that has a pacman style to it. It is still a work in progress but it is still cool. This is my first game and is sloppy but I will make it better. So far only 3 levels. Its written in lua and needs to have luaplayer to play it.
Coming soon:
Power Ups
Other asthetics"
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December 10th, 2005, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
ntba2 has released a new version of myPS2, a picture and file viewer for the PS2.
- Added MP3 player that plays MP3s and M3U playlists from CD, HDD
or USB
- Added poweroff button in options menu (Bixente)
- Can now take screenshots with SELECT
The MP3 playback is done in its own thread. This means you can still
navigate the menu/browse pictures etc. while listening to music. I think
there are still some issues with this though so if you find any bugs
please let me know. I have only tested it on my PAL console.
Right now you can't seek to a position in a track yet.
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December 10th, 2005, 15:44 Posted By: wraggster
Now we are on v1.2
heres whats new
Disabled antialiasing; graphics are MUCH improved. Fixed a bug in the way boxes were being drawn.
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mrbrown has updated the port of rRootage for the PSP to v1.1.
Now certain other websites including one that think they are the scene reported Wrongly that Deniska released the v1.0 when Deniska released his own port v0.1, so in future its best to stay with sites that know what they are posting 
anyways heres the info:
2005 12/09 v1.1
- Fix screenshots for 1.0 and 1.5 users.
- Pause the game when Home is pressed.
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December 11th, 2005, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Jim Paris posted this rather interesting statement:
<blockquote>As you may know, EdisonCarter has made a trainer for GTA that uses a straightforward exploit in the game to execute arbitrary code. He chose not to reveal his techniques, but with the new savedata encryption and decryption routines at http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=4335, now anyone can run homebrew on 2.0, 2.01, 2.50, and probably 2.60:
Decrypt the GTA cheat device using the savedata/decrypt sample
Find and modify the code (look at offset 0xc4 for the offset of the start of MIPS code)
Reencrypt the save using the savedata/encrypt sample
Note that the syscalls may be changed from the 2.0 VSH mode, since a different set of modules is loaded. Hopefully it shouldn't take long before someone clever like Fanjita can make a decent loader for us.</blockquote>
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December 11th, 2005, 10:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
We just received stocks of the chip that replaces one of the most popular chip on PS2, the Duo 2 SE. This new chip, called the Duo 2 GT is available now. We will add all product information in the next 48 hours.
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December 11th, 2005, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
Vaza has released a new mod for the game Attack of the Mutants heres what Vaza posted:
Hi Everyone, Since the AOTM front is a little slow i decided that i would try out to make a new mod, so i did. AOTM Pacman! Edition (as the name suggests) is a mod for the game created by Denitro called Attack of The Mutants (great game 10/10) this changes the theme of the game to Pacman from the default "Space" theme.
Get the download and give feedback etc in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15166
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December 11th, 2005, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
Gamersgalaxy have released PSP Galaxy magazine issue number 2.
Issue 2 contains reviews of GTA: Liberty City Stories, Armored Core: Formula Front International, and Star Wars Battlefront II. To install, copy the images to /PSP/PHOTO/Galaxy2.
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December 11th, 2005, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
fchaos has released an early version of a Homebrew RPG that he/she is working on, heres what fchaos posted:
"I've started an RPG and I decided to show some of the progress. I just have the basics so far: moving, animation, collision dectection, and teleporting to other maps.
Todo list:
Battle System
Scrolling (maybe)
My own graphics =P
The sprite thats in the game is from the RPG MAKER Toolkit."
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December 11th, 2005, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
mrbrown has updated the port of rRootage (excellent looking shootemup) for the PSP to v1.3, heres what he says:
2005 12/11 v1.3
- Fixed PSPGL's GE init code to be more compatible across all PSPs. rRootage
should work on 2.0 PSPs now.
Download this excellent game for the PSP via comments with screenshot too.
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December 11th, 2005, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
The first PSP News & Lik Sang Coding Competition was a great start to a series of competitions for the Homebrew and Emulation scene on the PSP, the winner of that Competition was indeed Deniska with the port of NOIZ2SA (v0.7).
This competition sees a top prize of the excellent 4GB Hard Drive by Datel

A decent prize for any Developer or infact any fan of the PSP.
The competition starts today at midnight and ends on January 10th 2006.
Full details can be found Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml
Thanks again to Lik Sang for supporting the PSP Emulation, Homebrew and Development Scene 
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December 12th, 2005, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
cgruber has updated the puzzle game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 0.5 with 29 playable levels and the control fix thanks to Geo
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December 12th, 2005, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
New fashion bag for the PSP:

Product Features
Low Resilience Polyurethane (LRPu) Technology
Robe protection Thickness 5mm
Trendy, Unique Design
Inner Lip for maximum protection
No more Scratchs for your PSP™
LArobe PSP is made in a soft, shape-memory material, ideal to dress your PSP™ in an original fashion while protecting it from mobile life worries.
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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December 12th, 2005, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
A new external battery for the PSP gives you the power that you need for long gaming sessions, heres the info:

This lithium-ion battery pack contains a whopping 6000mAh delivering up to three times the life of the standard PSP battery additionally to your system. Includes a battery life tester on the battery.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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December 12th, 2005, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
New game posted at Lik Sang, heres the info:

Armored Core Formula Front is ultimate Mech Customization Game. Unlike the other games in the Armored Core series, you do not control the robots directly in battle, instead you can issue various commands to instruct the robot how to battle, much like a war simulation game.
The PS2 Version and the PSP Version will feature connectivity.
More info/screens here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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December 12th, 2005, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
More PS3 News:
Reuters reports that Sony still plans to launch PlayStation 3 in spring 2006.
The company originally named that date at its E3 unveiling in May, and reiterated it during its showcases at Games Convention in Leipzig and the Tokyo Game Show.
Reuters cites a Sony spokesman saying that the company is still targeting a spring 2006 launch for the PS3, although it doesn't name the spokesman or directly quote him.
The past few months have seen widespread speculation that Sony's next-generation gaming platform will actually launch at a later date in 2006. Even Larry Probst, CEO of Electronic Arts, has weighed in, speculating that the console would actually arrive during the autumn.
The Reuters report is set against the backdrop of growing unease about the perceived war between Sony's Blu-ray disc format and HD-DVD, which Microsoft has said it may support during Xbox 360's life cycle.
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December 12th, 2005, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
A top Sony exec has confirmed that both Sony's own WarHawk and Lair from developer Factor 5 are already lined up as launch titles for PS3.
In between staggering under a nametag that reads 'co-chief operating officer, executive vice president and corporate executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc', Mr Jack Tretton was the man who let the feline flee from its fabric encasement during an online interview.
Answering a question about PS3 power and the previously seen demos, Tretton said, "WarHawk is playable and you can compare the graphics and see them live. And Lair, another one of our launch titles, has live footage that compares very favourably to that which was shown at the E3 press conference".
WarHawk is the all-action flight sim/shooter that has wowed audiences by showing hundreds of hovering foes on screen, while Lair is a somewhat mysterious dragon-based game developed by the team behind such Gamecube titles as Rogue Squadron.
PS3 is due to be launched in the spring
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December 12th, 2005, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have today posted the release of the first NO MODIFICATION PSP to TV Device for the PSP, heres the info:

The PSP TV Adaptor lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. This adapter requires no modification of your PSP console. This new peripheral takes a completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set.
More info at Success HK
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December 12th, 2005, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
The hardcore gamer’s top PS2 title of 2005, Shadow of the Colossus, is strongly rumoured to be in development for PS3.
Whilst European gamers wait patiently for the early 2006 release of Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2, Internet forums are alight today with eager gamers discussing a rumor that US magazine EGM has published, stating that the developers of what is surely a strong candidate for 2005’s game of the year, are already at work on the PS3 version.
The mere idea of fighting 16+ mountains, in bigger scale maps, with bigger colossi, all in glorious high-definition clarity is almost too much for some to take. The developers were also rumoured to state that you will be able to go online and tackle a colossus with a buddy. Yes. You read that correctly. The game will, so the rumours say, support full online, co-operative multiplay.
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December 12th, 2005, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
Neodudeman has just completed a Madness Interactive port in Lua. You are able to move around and punch and things. There are no enemies and no weapons yet.
Youll Need Lua Player for this release, screenshot and download via comments
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December 12th, 2005, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
Mohyo has released his 2ch Browser test version 0.35. (browser for 2ch forum)
Whats New:
Fixed a bug which causes freezing
Text input method changed to on-screen-keyboard
Auto-reload after writing is possible
Reload in thread screen is possible
Search in thread list, in-thread and ID search function added
When starting for the first time, thread list is saved for further use.
Analog input
Icon added
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December 12th, 2005, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
MPH Firmware Launcher allows to launch a firmware from the memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool.
Minors modifications, allows to choose firmware folders with configuration file.
Thanks to Kojote for the newspost 
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December 12th, 2005, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Dkla has released a great looking Sudoku game for the PSP written in Lua, heres the info:
Here is my first semi-functional release of a Sudoku program written in Lua. I just noticed a few Homebrew and commercial Sudoku releases recently, so I thought I'd let this out into the community in the hopes it may grow into a group Opensource project. Anyway, this is a PSP version of those simple yet addictive Sudoku puzzles. Written in LUA, LuaPlayer is required to play this game (version 0.15 or higher). LuaPlayer can be downloaded for free at http://www.luaplayer.org
The aim of the Sudoku puzzle is to enter a number from 1 through 9 into each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"). Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. No math is involved, but completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability. More information on Sudoku can be found at http://www.dailysudoku.co.uk/sudoku/index.shtml
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December 12th, 2005, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Swindle has released a new version of the port of the GameGear and Master System emulator SMS Plus to the PSP, heres whats new/info:
<blockquote>You can now play multiplayer games using the wifi adhoc option, here are the details of the steps that you need to take to play:
1 - Load up an SMS ROM on both PSP's
2 - Press select to go to the menu
3 - Enable Adhoc on both PSP's
4 - A screen will come up with the machines available
5 - Select a game to play from one of the PSP's (this will be the client)
6 - On the server agree to accept the connection from the client
7 - Wait for the rom to be sent to the client PSP (this should take a few seconds, occasionally it does not send it and you need to quit out of SMSPlus and start again)
Once this is done the PSP should send the ROM from the server to the client and then start sending the controls to each PSP, if you start a multiplayer game you should find that player 1 is controlled by the server and player 2 is controlled by the client.
If one user presses select during multiplayer, both users must press triangle to return to the game.
Thanks go to Mike for letting me borrow his PSP for the last couple of weeks to sort out adhoc support.
NOTE: Do not load another ROM without stopping wifi play, otherwise the machines will be out of sync
NOTE: All of the adhoc code was determined by patching Lumines to save to file all of the parameters and return codes.
You can get to the menu pressing select, here are the options available:
Load ROM - Load a new ROM cartridge (DO NOT USE THIS IN AN ADHOC GAME)
Load Game - Load a save game state
Save Game - Save a game state
Screen Mode - Press select to change between 4:3 ratio and fullscreen
Adhoc Wifi - Enables or disables wifi
In the menu you can quit back to the game using the triangle button, X is used to select an option, O is used to cancel (only really used in wifi).
Source Released
Included in the ZIP file are the source files for the PSP port of SMSPlus, the code specific to the port is all in the psp directory.
Chris Swindle</blockquote>
Download via the comments Great work Chris 
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December 12th, 2005, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPMagazines
The first time FHM readers saw Lauren Harris in February 2005’s It’s Your Ex-Girlfriends! story, she was sharing a shower with her best friend. After that, she appeared along with 63 other women in the inaugural Miss FHM Invitational and then joined the tournament’s three other regional winners in the November 2005 issue’s Final Four pictorial. Now, 1.5 million FHMUS.com votes later, the Cherry Hill, NJ, hairstylist finally stands where she belongs: alone at the top.
Download this rather nice Photo/Mag for PSP via the comments 
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December 12th, 2005, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
TwinTail Lesson v0.1 (PSP Lua misc)
This program teaches you how to use the TwinTail LDE (Editor written in Lua by Ema) in a proper way. It can be compared to typing lessons on a real typewriter but just for learning TwinTail LDE.
TwinTail LDE v1.5 (PSP Lua Application)
Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it's runtime libs.
fixed key mapping bug
removed 106 key mapping
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December 13th, 2005, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
I mentioned the release of a new external battery earlier but now theres an article from Lik Sang
We have today received stock of the most powerful External Battery available on the market. We have two models shipping within 24 hours, one in fancy black for the Sony PSP and another in stylish white for the iPod. Both models are the same in terms of capacity, they boast 6000 mAh, which is a hell lot of playtime. Nothing even remotely comes close to it at the time being 
From our tests, you can expect the following when using this new battery with the Sony PSP:
Tests performed using third brightness mode. Depending on overall conditions, experiences may slightly vary.
Running MP3s on the iPod takes of course less power than spinning a UMD in your PlayStation Portable, which makes the External Battery 6000 mAh virtually impossible to empty with the little Mac sensation 
Retailing for US$ 49.90 only, these bad boys are still very affordable and are of very great quality. Made by a manufacturer outside of the video games industry and specialized in producing only Lithium batteries, you can expect it to be extra reliable. Bulk discounts are available for resellers.
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December 13th, 2005, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
The great people over at Lik Sang have done a crackin handson of the new NO MOD PSP TV Adapter by Blaze, heres their findings:
We have today received a new TV Adapter Kit from Blaze, which follows up on the so-called PSP2TV Adapter Kit that we have been reviewing in October. There are two major differences between the latter and the new Blaze product: this new model requires no modification of the PSP whatsoever and comes in at half price. Additionally, it offers a NTSC-PAL switch which makes the item universally compatible. Please note that this new Adapter Kit is also different than the 98.90 US$ model from Q-Mark/Gametech that we have been reporting about, and which is also known as PSPonTV, after some american marketing genius renamed it this way. The Blaze TV Adapter Kit for PSP is in stock and ships within 24 hours for the attractive price of US$ 59.90 only.

We have played around a bit with this new toy earlier today and have been overall satisfied with the item, without jumping up and down of excitement neither. Hooking up the device took less than two minutes: pluck the big black adapter on top of the PSP screen and connect both the supplied AV cable as well as the original AC Adapter that you received with your PSP console. Turn it on with the black button on the top, select NTSC or PAL with the switch at the back of the product, and configure the focus with the dialer. It's that simple. The image displayed on the PSP screen is captured by a mirror-and-lens system, similar to what you can find inside a camera. Yes, this means finger prints and dust will be visible on the TV, if you don't properly clean up your display beforehands. Compared to the previous TV Adapter that we had in our hands a couple of months back, the display result you get varies from "as good" (16:9 ratio wide screens) to "better" (on 4:3 ratio) depending on the type of television set you use the devices with.
At the end, the picture quality is alright, the price is affordable (at last), and the installation is a piece of cake... but... one still has to wonder what exactly is the point. Except of course if you're in it for the fun of freaking around with a new gadget, we have to say that for playing PlayStation games or even movies on a TV, you get a better result by using a PlayStation 2 and sticking to just that configuration. As a matter of fact, , even though it's still relatively lightweight, the adapter kind of makes the handheld bulkier and less comfortable. It for sure doesn't quite stand the comparison when playing with the good old Dual Shock 2. Same goes for the display of the image: it works fine and all but it doesn't come close to the crispness of the graphics you can get by using a home entertainement system with an RGB or S-Video cable. In conclusion, it's probably the TV Adapter Kit for PSP that makes the most sense so far but it doesn't transform the PlayStation Portable into a PlayStation 2. Mankind just can't fight fate or change destiny I guess. To go down from my philosophical horse, I would say you can't change the purpose of a system by releasing any kind of converter for it. If the PSP was meant to be played on a television, there would be a signal output going out of a connector on the actual machine, and there would be an official Sony cable allowing you to do just that. Like Sony does for all its digicams. Like Sega did for the Nomad in the nineties. Or like with the PlayStation 2 actually.

Many more screenshots and a movie of the device at Lik Sang
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December 13th, 2005, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
From Gamesindustry.biz:
Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has claimed that Microsoft's Xbox 360 "doesn't have true HD functionality," saying that consumers seeking a HD experience will have to wait for the PS3 to arrive.
Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz this week, in an interview to be published tomorrow, Harrison described the Xbox 360 as "a lot better than their [Microsoft's] first introduction to the console business," but questioned the console's claim to being a High Definition device.
"The true definition of HD is the three elements of the HD value chain - the display, the content and the hardware to play back that content," he explained, "and PlayStation and Sony is the only organisation that has all three bits of the value chain together."
"As you well know," he continued, "the Xbox 360 doesn't play high definition movies and doesn't have true HD functionality - PlayStation 3 is the only format that has 1080-progressive, which is the true definition of HD, so it's really premature to be talking about the HD era."
"The HD era really only starts when we are on the market," he concluded.
Harrison's comments refer to the fact that the PlayStation 3 is the only next-gen console which will support the top end of the HD standard, the 1080p resolution, and also the only device which will be able to play high definition movie content, thanks to its support for Blu-Ray discs.
"High definition as far as the consumer is concerned means high definition movies, which means Blu-Ray disc, and that is the reason that people will buy high definition displays coupled with a player that is capable of playing movies and games - which is obviously PlayStation 3," he claimed.
Also in our exclusive interview, Harrison discussed other aspects of Sony's attitude to the next-generation console from its key rival, Microsoft, along with the company's ongoing plans for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable platforms and his belief that the games retail model is set to undergo a major shift in the coming years.
Check back tomorrow for our full interview with one of the key architects of Sony's console dominance.
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December 13th, 2005, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Vaza is a one man modding machine and since the other day has released a variety of mods for the Attack of the Mutants game.
Heres a rundown of them:
AOTM Mod: Tekken 5: Devil Within Edition
Hello Everyone,
Today another mod, Tekken 5: Devil Within, this mod follows Jin on his quest
to defeat his father, Kazuya, who is the boss in this version (in devil form).
AOTM Mod: Prince Of Persia Edition
Hello Everyone, A new mod, and the only one for today:Prince Of Persia Edition.I will continue to make mods until the next Eboot Loader is released.
AOTM Mod: Socom Edition
Hello everyone, Yet again another mod, this time it is Socom.I know that there is already a socom mod out now but i only made it for a request. Enjoy!!!
AOTM Mod: Spongebob Squarepants Edition
Hello Everyone...yet again, From demand by Jman0708 i ahve created yet another Attack of the Mutants Mod. This time comes a Spongebob Squarepants version. This is the 4th Mod in 2days, Enjoy!
AOTM Mod: Final Fantasy VII: Fighting The Turks
Hello Everybody,
This is the 3rd AOTM Mod today and my 5th over 2 days. This time it is A Final Fantasy Mod, Final Fantasy VII: Fighting The Turks. Since there is already a Final Fantasy VII Mod i decided to make one that has its own theme to it, this one has the theme of the Turks, this mod represents a battle between Cloud and Rude, Elena and Reno. Enjoy!!!
Bloody Hell thats a lot of mods, try them all out and give somem feedback 
excellent work Vaza 
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December 13th, 2005, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
The updates are flying in tonight and this news is thanks to Modsyn who posted about the release of jMEnc2
"i have just finished coding my encoder front end (named jMEnc). it's version
2 - here's some info from the readme file:
- changes
custom Java Virtual Machine invoker.
Easy options panel!!
Save default settings from jMEnc
Stopping encoding process midway no longer makes the video unplayable!
Logging function for reporting troubles (if necessary)
Optimization of code ( in many ways )
Custom look and feel - can be changed on the fly for most skins
New splash screen - shorter
Live Update / Skin grabber
now bundled with AviSynth"
and also PSpoofer Version 2:
"the PSpoofer program has been updated to version 2. that's the
program that will let you embed a file into a jpeg so you can use 2.0's
photo sharing feature to send any file between 2 psps. it fixes the 2 meg
picture size limit by splitting the files into pieces. it is then used on the
other psp to reassemble them back together. it's neat if you don't have
access to a computer and you're sending a relatively small file. "
Links to both files can be found in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15266
Thanks to Modsyn for the news.
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December 13th, 2005, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has updated the text editor for the PSP written in Lua.
Whats New:
added keyword hilighting (test) - became slower - any ideas for optimize?
modified pad service to time based
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December 13th, 2005, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
F.O.S.K. is the Fast On-Screen Keyboard-based TEXT EDITOR requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character.
square button printed as Rect,
printing in dispText corrected by removing "%s" (see forum on Luaplayer 0.15)
browser : oldPad added, so it is no more so sensitive
ttf.. first trial -> really slow (see forum on Luaplayer 0.15)
ttf vs. Standard font switchable manually in index.lua
Battery status in % added with changing color
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December 13th, 2005, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
E has updated the Wonderswan Emulator for the PSP, heres a rough :P translation:
It meaning kind of that グラフィクス processing is slow, it is in the midst of improving.
It has reached the point where is not sound.
Mounting still still being to be, the possibility where it cannot be satisfied with speed is high, is.
Please stop also the fact that complaint you say.
However always it seeks concerning the information regarding the WonderSwan.
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/eswan.shtml
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December 13th, 2005, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nexis2600/PSMonkey the coder who released the NeoGeo Pocket Emulator in our forums (and not at the updates site as they would falsely have you believe) has updated his site at http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk and also his forum hosted here on the DCEmu Network with some great news and awesome screenshots of his progress with his Quake 3 BSP Viewer:
"ok small update,
If I clock the cpu & bus to 333/166. The entire thing runs at a rock solid 60fps (or 59.~~~, i need to fix the accuracy on that thing).
So I have desided to take a break from fixing the graphics. Insted my 2 priortys are.
1) Colission detection
2) Base implementation of Q3 Shaders (will need them for mesh & blended surfaces like water/fire/glass).
My goal is to have working colission detection by this weekend for the next build. Shader code will be more down the line (due to all the complex commands it could have)."
The screenshots are amazing and what this holds for the PSP Scene in the long run is mouthwatering, check out all the screenshots via either the link above or this thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...threadid=15168
Oh and also i have an exclusive early copy of the next release and will be doing some screens and my thoughts later, an exclusive for PSP News 
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December 14th, 2005, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
wekilledbambi03 has released a new version of his Drag Racer game written in Lua for the PSP, heres some info:
this game is my first real game. its pretty good but still buggy (not as bad as v1.0). if i add to it ill release more updates. im planning on adding more cars, and eventaully two player (although not likely)
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December 14th, 2005, 08:10 Posted By: wraggster
PSP3D have released the first homebrew game runing on 2.01 firmware, heres the info:
"That's right. From Hello World yesterday, to Tetris today. We at PSP 3D have successfully ported the first 2.01 game EVER. Thanks to Fanjita for the tips and for the wonderful GTA hack (props to all the people who helped him too). In the next few days, expect this and more games to be ported to 2.5 also (if and when we get SYSCALs working)."
To install, use the same exact steps as the Hello World.
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December 14th, 2005, 15:08 Posted By: floatless
just ordered a dms4 pro solderless from game world direct uk.they promise to dispatch order same dayif ordered before 5.30 and payed extra for special delivery.i ordered early yesterday afternoon was sent an email from them at 13.48 confirming order and an email from nochecks confirming payment.
just checked my account again to find order still pending.ive tried emailing them,they havent replied, ive tried calling them but they are constantly engaged.
just wanted to know if anyone has delt with them in the past and if i should be worried.
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December 14th, 2005, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial PSP Game released:

To become an expert in monkey business, you first have to go to monkey school, so enrol now at the craziest college the world has ever seen. You can work your way up through the school years by winning wacky mini-games, but keep an eye on your classmates - students they may be, but when it comes to trouble and tomfoolery, these goofy monkeys are pros! This second episode for the PlayStation Portable of the quirky action series featuress more than 100 minigames and still features WiFi play that brings the total number of multiplayer availability to four with two systems shared.
More info and to buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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December 14th, 2005, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry:
In an exclusive interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, has discussed the firm's future plans for the PlayStation family and its delight with this year's successes.
One of the key players in Sony's plans for the videogames market, Harrison is uniquely placed to comment on the status of the PlayStation 2, the PlayStation Portable and the progress towards the launch of PlayStation 3.
In today's interview, which you can read in full here on GamesIndustry.biz, he discusses everything from the firm's sales ambitions for its existing platform to his thinking on next-generation topics such as online gaming and high-definition.
Harrison paints a picture of a company untroubled by the early arrival of its key rival in the next generation, the Xbox 360, telling us that "I think we've already made it - I don't think there's any risk of it being broken" in response to a question about whether 2006 is a make-or-break year for the PlayStation.
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December 14th, 2005, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry:
In an exclusive interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, has discussed the firm's future plans for the PlayStation family and its delight with this year's successes.
One of the key players in Sony's plans for the videogames market, Harrison is uniquely placed to comment on the status of the PlayStation 2, the PlayStation Portable and the progress towards the launch of PlayStation 3.
In today's interview, which you can read in full here on GamesIndustry.biz, he discusses everything from the firm's sales ambitions for its existing platform to his thinking on next-generation topics such as online gaming and high-definition.
Harrison paints a picture of a company untroubled by the early arrival of its key rival in the next generation, the Xbox 360, telling us that "I think we've already made it - I don't think there's any risk of it being broken" in response to a question about whether 2006 is a make-or-break year for the PlayStation.
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December 14th, 2005, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska the winner of the first PSP News 30 Day Coding Competition has ported the awesome Rise of the Triad to the PSP, heres what he posted
"Attached zip file contains the first version of my port of
Famous Doom-like FPS from Apogee/3D Realsm: Rise Of The Triad (http://www.3drealms.com/rott/).
It's still in a very early stage and crushes after ~30 seconds.
But it's a proof of concept.
I just want to release a first version before someone checks the code in to some public repository and accuses me of stealing it as it happaned with rRootage port, which I stoppped developing and left in capable hands of mrBrown...
Current demo features
-full screen support
-full speed emulation
I'll try to release a playable version short after I get back from my ski vacation."

Download at the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15346
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December 14th, 2005, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
mrbrown has updated the port of rRootage (excellent looking shootemup) for the PSP to v1.4, heres whats New:
Fixed the Psyvariar crash that only happened to 1.50 users.
Fix GL_LINE_LOOP in PSPGL. Graphics are improved.
Add the performance meter from PSPGL (commented out).
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December 14th, 2005, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
PSP MIllionaire has released a new version of his Quiz thats like our Who Wants to be a Millionaire show, heres whats new:
- Total Questions now 1050!
- **** 2 Player mode added! **** You can now play with two players. For now there is no wifi. Here is the rundown:
* Each player gets a question starting with player one.
* Answer correct and you move up a rank to the next dollar amount.
* Answer wrong and you fall down to the last major point. For example, if you were at $8000 and got it wrong, you would drop back down to $1000.
* Whether you get it right or wrong you only get one question per turn.
* After your turn pass the PSP to your second player and he or she will repeat the above.
* The first player to a million wins.
* Each player gets 2 of each lifeline to use as they wish throughout the game. The amount of lifelines you have left are visible on the stats screen between each question. You cannot use the same lifeline twice in one question.
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December 15th, 2005, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Here at PSP News we deliver the best in Homebrew and emulation and with the help of our excellent forum members and developers from around the world give the scene a real site to showcase the releases from talented men and women.
We will never link or post warez newsposts, we dont suck up to sites or developers just to keep our place at the top of the scene and we dont use bullyboy tactics and threatening emails to sites such as some do, we dont host any illegal files unlike some sites in the PSP scene and we link correctly (although not to one site who steal news and credits from developers for themselves so they can get more visitors from the bigger sites)
This site and indeed the DCEmu Network will continue to get bigger and better as we give the Homebrew scene a legal and proud face, a side to the scene we can show to the likes of Sony and say let us develop and play homebrew on the PSP but with sites posting loaders and with other sites saying that a certain game has been released and you can play it via a loader, it makes it harder.
As the PSP scene changes you will see some sites desperate to hang onto what they have now or abandon the scene because its not profitable anymore, and that includes a site that thinks its the #1 site, well this site is here for as long as we have a scene and if i have to remark on the state of things you can be damn sure i will 
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December 15th, 2005, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
A new Amiga Emulator has been released by Titan for the PS2 cant tell you how good it is but if your interested the download is a staggering 493MB, godknows whats in the ISO but thats massive, download via the link above:P
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December 15th, 2005, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
PSPMillionaire has released a patch for the most recent version of the addictive homebrew game PSPMillionaire v1.10. This patch fixes a bug with Single Player. When you lose the check given is for the amount of the last question you answered correctly instead of dropping down like you're supposed to. This is fixed.
If you downloaded version 1.10 then replace the script.lua file with this one to fix the bug. No need to download the whole game again when this is a simple fix until the next release.
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December 15th, 2005, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to Kojote for this news.
alatnet has released a public beta of his programming class project "Acnos Energizer". It's a puzzle game written in Lua.
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December 15th, 2005, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Elxx has released a web sever application for the PSP.
"What this does is basically let you download files from your PSP using your wireless network connection. You can browse through the files on your web browser, as if you're surfing a website. HTML pages will even be displayed and rendered correctly so you could run a website off your PSP"
Thanks to Kojote again for the news
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December 15th, 2005, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Dkla has updated the great Sudoku game for the PSP, heres the info:
Version 0.2 is now here, and thanks to the people who helped contribute Lua code -- this is rapidly becoming a cool OpenSource Lua project!!! :-)
Anyway, here's the update info:
Version 0.2 (alpha)
New stuff added:
* "New Puzzle" now picks a grid from over 200 valid puzzles (all generated from gnome_soduku). Thanks to Benoit Favre for submitting the "New Puzzle" code!
* A new selectable "Show Candidates" option shows the possible choices for the current cell in a fun and irreverent manner...
* Fonts are still bitmapped, but the code is in there for TT fonts. Uncomment the code and see for yourself.
* Graphic tweaks and cleanup
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December 15th, 2005, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has released in our Forum --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15337 a UMD Loader to Load UMDs only (not isos, we never post warez unlike some )
Heres what miemt11 posted:
"Simple UMD Loader for Education purpose
What it does?
Just boot a real UMD inside the drive
Version 0.02
1: Simple Option to run or exit the program
2: Press Square to boot the UMD
3: Press Circle to exit the program
4: Detect whether a UMD is in the drive
Version 0.01
1: Boot a UMD that all"
Could this be a way to eventually boot games like GTA/Star Wars Battlefront 2 on a PSP v1.50 well lets hope so but for now check out the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15337
and remember you saw it first on PSP News 
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December 15th, 2005, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
It has been brought to my attention by a source who i cannot divulge that a PSP site may try to charge by way of membership to download Homebrew files, now until it happens i will take this as a rumour but the site who i wont divulge at the mo plans to ask for membership fees for their downloads section, similiar to what other file downloaders do.
Now remember that Homebrew is for free, if any site asks you to pay via any means tell them a big no and to developers make sure if it happens that you force them to take your releases away from them, i hope this is just a rumour but with the PSP scene nothing surprises me.
Earlier i was pointed to a download on that server that had a price to download, i didnt take a screencap but i did post the news over at PS2dev in the release thread and the download is now free, but i wasnt the only one that spotted it, the price for download was .11$ and yes that isnt much but when software is supposed to be free its a downright cheek, the link is here for those interested --> http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=3571&start=210 (thats the link to what i posted in the release thread)
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December 15th, 2005, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has again updated his great Trainer for the Grand Theft Auto game, remember that this coder above all is reponsible for the groundbreaking homebrew on v2.60 firmware.
Heres whats new:
Your car is indestructible, always steaming, smoking, or on fire
No reload
Support for firmware 2.6
Download both UK and US Versions via comments 
Remember Keep the Homebrew Scene free and boycott sites who charge
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December 15th, 2005, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news from a quality free PSP site and a great addition to the PSP Community: PSP Vault
"Exit" came out in Japan today. There are screenshots all over the place, but I suppose you've already seen them at your site of choice. The art style of this game is supposedly second to none, so I'll have to give it a shot when I get a chance.
It looks like downloadable content will also be released for this game; the official webpage says that 10 stages will be playable per pack, and they'll release several packs throughout the game's lifetime. Right now it looks like they have 4 packs scheduled, and 1 is already available: http://www.exitgame.net/pc/h_download.html
There are also some PC-sized wallpapers of the game's logo that you can download: http://www.exitgame.net/pc/h_gallery.html#ga01
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December 16th, 2005, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
MPH has released a new version of his Firmware Launcher:
Firmware launcher 1.3.6 with video support !!!
I have just finished the last version of firmware launcher which allows to play video (MPEG4 and AVC) with firmware 2.00 launched (2.50 bug).
Source soon available.
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Thanks to miemt11 for the news 
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December 16th, 2005, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Vaza is a one man modding machine and continues to release mods for the gameAttack of the Mutants, heres the info from this mod:
Hello Everyone, New one today.
This is a special AOTM mod, It is 2 mods of the same theme. The theme is
Futurama VS The Simpsons. You choose which one you like the best and install it, the theme will be the cartoon you chose vs the other one.
E.G. Choose The Simpsons, Your game will be against Futurama.
Download and give feedback at the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15406
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December 16th, 2005, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
Onetonbullet has posted some news and a screenshot of the release of the Neo Mini PSP convertor, heres some of the info:
The Neo 2 in 1 Mini-converter for PSP is a perfect add-on to your PSP for user that require memory space Use multiple cheap memory source like CF card, Microdrive or Micro HD via this converter on your PSP!
Product specifications:
* Acts as a CF card, Microdrive and Micro HD converter all-in-one. You can use any type of card/drive just like you will use a standard Memory Stick!
* CF/MicroDrive/MicroHD/Memory Stick auto detect and auto run: Plug and play! - Support up to 4GB memory size on PSP. * Built-in PSP Ready/Busy/NULL, 3 states status indication. - The 2in1 Mini-converter can exchange data between PC and PSP through any standard PSP USB cable. It supports direct CF/MicroDrive/MicroHD/MS formatting on PSP.
Check out the full info and screenshot in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15408
Thanks to Onetonbullet for this great news.
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December 16th, 2005, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
alatnet has updated his puzzle game Acnos Energizer. According to the author this version comes with "major improvements". More detailed information is supplied with the attached readme.txt.
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December 16th, 2005, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
We are talking Homebrew and Emulators here but whats the Port you would like to see or maybe even a new version of an existing release on the PSP, obviously you have to be realistic and remember that PSP developing still has a long way to go, most releases dont use any ASM so for emulators that could mean quite a difference.
Ill start off by saying i would love a port or even a Nintendo 64 emulator released on the PSP, the buttonconfig might be a problem but to see Mario 64 on the PSP would be awesome.
Reply with yours via the comments.
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December 16th, 2005, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released, heres the info:

A remake of the 1997 Super Nintendo game. Mega Man: Irregular Hunter X builds upon the Mega Man engine, with newly rendered 3D models and visually enhanced environments. In addition, players can expect a new soundtrack and new sound effects as well. The game also sports new cutscenes that will precede every boss battle, and an all-new, unlockable movie that details the Mega Man X universe. As with previous Mega Man titles, a stage select system lets players tackle levels in any order and replay them limitless times. By defeating bosses, X acquires weapons which can be used to unlock new paths through other stages. Armor parts are also hidden throughout the game and provide players with abilities that can be used to access additional areas and items. With combinations of jumps, dodges, wall jumps and a high speed dash ability, the action reaches the frantic heights which the X series has become known for.

More information and screenshots etc here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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December 16th, 2005, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
The New PSP Releases keep on coming:

This portable version of the Japanese flight sim features full-3D planes that include the Boeing 777-200, Boeing 767-300 and Boeing 757-400. You can fly from a cockpit view, either from the perspective of the captain or the first officer, from a behind the jet view, or from a clear view with no obstructions except for the required readouts. Jet De Go! on PSP features four modes: Flight Mode, Trial Mode, Replay Mode and Flight Guide. Flight Mode and Trial Mode both involve flying different planes, but Trial Mode allows you to select your plane and airport freely and attempt to make your flight in a fixed time. Replay Mode lets you view replays of your flights, selecting your favorite camera angle. The Flight Guide mode gives you a look at cool little facts about your favorite planes.
More information here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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December 16th, 2005, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Yet another new commercial PSP Game released:

Pinball Hall of Fame is a compilation of 10 Gottlieb’s greatest pinball machines spanning the 60 years of arcade pinball’s golden age. Recreated in a 3D environment, the gameplay visuals and sound effects are so authentic; it will take the player back in time to when pinball machines ruled the arcades! The mix of tables will include Aces High, Central Park, Big Shot, Genie, Black Hole, Victory and more!
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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December 16th, 2005, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted this news:
We have added another type of PSP to TV adapter. This model by Blaze is less efficient than the original PSP2TV, and you can't connect a dual shock controller, but it is cheap and requires no installation (it does not void your warranty). A great alternative for people less familiar with technical installation

The PSP TV Adapter lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. This adapter requires no modification of your PSP console. This new peripheral takesa completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set.
Its selling for $49, more info at Divineo China
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December 16th, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America boss Kaz Hirai has dismissed claims that Xbox 360's significant headstart on the PlayStation 3 will give it a serious advantage in the console battle, arguing that content is far more important.
Speaking in an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine in the USA, Hirai pointed out that Sony has never been first to market with any of its consoles - the PlayStation being preceded by the Saturn, and the PlayStation 2 by the Dreamcast.
"People, especially people up north on the West Coast, seem to put a lot of credence on being out before the other consoles," he said, in a clear reference to Seattle-based Microsoft's oft-repeated view that PS2's headstart over the Xbox gave it an unassailable advantage.
"If you take a look at when our competitors came out in the market, we had upward of 3 to 5 million PS2 units when our competitors came out with a platform," he continued. "Consumers adopted our platform because [they like our content] and not because we were first to market."
"First to market, from what we can tell, has never been an advantage," he concluded.
Hirai went on to argue that the availability of a complete PlayStation family of products - encompassing both the hugely successful PlayStation 2 and the handheld PlayStation Portable consoles as well as the next-generation PlayStation 3 - would seriously bolster the company's position in the market.
He also downplayed talk over the technical advantage being on PlayStation 3's side - while being careful to indicate that he believes this to be true.
"The technological advantage is almost a given," he said, "but by itself, it doesn't mean very much. What kind of software do you have to help drive that technological innovation? We've proven over the past 10 years with three products that we can deliver, whether it's first-party of third-party support."
One other topic of interest touched upon in OPM's interview is the question of the PlayStation 3 controller - a prototype for which was shown off at E3, to a highly mixed response, with some commentators ridiculing the "boomerang" shape of the controller and calling for a return to the popular Dual Shock design.
"We've gone through two consoles with essentially the same controller design, and it's time for a fresh approach," Hirai commented. "We're going to look at the form factor, but at the same time we want it to feel familiar. It's difficult to balance the two. It's a work in progress. We certainly want to make sure that when you hold it in your hands that you've come home to something familiar."
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December 16th, 2005, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
pensoffsky has released PeP Viewer v0.5 to the public. It's basicly a picture viewer for the Playstation Portable featuring those things:
bmp, jpeg, png, ... support
adjustable scrollspeed for the analogstick & digipad
bookmark system
music player for .ogg files
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December 16th, 2005, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster

Source - PSPMagazines
This is a compilation of some of the best MAXIM photos of 2005 preformatted for the PSP as a 2006 PSP Calendar. All the images are in horizontal format so that you can set them as PSP wallpapers for each month of the new year. This first MAXIM PSP calendar includes photos of April Scott, Bobbi Sue Luther, Brittany lee, Brook Burns, Carmen Electra, Donna Feldman, Michele Merkin, Sarah Foster, Bali Rodriguez, Angela Marcello and finally Vanessa Marcil! Enjoy...
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December 17th, 2005, 10:14 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
With the Japanese release of Me and My Katamari just less than a week away, new details on the game keep rolling in. According to the latest issue of Famitsu, Me and My Katamari will include an unlockable 2D side-scrolling minigame as a bonus. The minigame, also named Me and My Katamari, features pixelated graphics with the look of a classic 8-bit game. As in the main game, the objective is to build up a huge Katamari clump by rolling it around environments and picking up various debris.
Perhaps ripped from last year's headlines, the objective of Me and My Katamari is to create new islands for animals that became homeless after getting hit by a huge tsunami. Players take the role of the pint-sized Prince of All Cosmos and roll up huge balls of debris that will be turned into new islands by his father, the King of All Cosmos. Players who make remarkably large Katamaris on a given stage will unlock the untimed eternal mode for that stage as a reward.
Other features in Me and My Katamari include a scoreboard, a gallery mode for playing unlocked movies and music, and a photo album mode where players can check snapshots they've taken of their in-game exploits. Up to 12 snapshots can be stored in the album, and they can be set as wallpapers for the PSP.
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December 17th, 2005, 10:36 Posted By: wraggster
Elxx has released a new version of his Web Server app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Chunk size no longer internally set as 1024
Default chunk size increased from 512 to 1024
File transfer error correction improved considerably, transfer rates of 20KB/s + usable now without frequent corruption
MIME type checking no longer case-sensitive, so files such as test.HtMl will still display
File size added to files in directory view
When browsing a directory with an index.htm file, the index.htm will be shown instead of directory listing
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December 17th, 2005, 10:39 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you the first downgrader compatible with the psp-1006 and psp-1007 hardware! (the previous versions didn't work with asian psp-1006 and 1007 psp as the 1.50 eboot didn't want to run). Release Note: This is still a BETA version as it remains untested as we speak. It might brick your psp so be extremly careful!!
Because of the worry of this release bricking PSPs we at PSP News will not host the file and advise our users to stay away from it for now.
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December 17th, 2005, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
Montrob has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
well here it is my first LUA game. I don't know if its worth posting but i will anyways. its basically a guy shooting basketball. (square- dribble) (circle- shoot.) (start - exit) i did it all in one day so dont excpect antyhing spectacular. theres lots more features to come, and ill probablay make a better game soon. oh and MAJOR thanks to slasher for helping me learn what to do and helping me.
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December 17th, 2005, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Source - reuters
Analysts predict that the PSP's long-term prospects are good, but where the iPod is praised for its stunning ease of use, some PSP players have told Reuters that games are slow to load on the device and that its left thumb-operated mini joystick can be awkward to master.
Clearly there is not the intoxication or hysteria that there is with the iPod, said Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey, who is among those betting on the PSP's success.
Sony Computer Entertainment America President and Chief Executive Kaz Hirai told Reuters in October the company's goal is to double its install base by selling between 2.5 million and 3 million additional PSPs in North America by year end.
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December 17th, 2005, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a couple of test versions on the Wonderswan emulator for the PSP he has ported, the tests if you read the title are for sound, as they are test versions ill upload to forum and not to our mirror page, so download the emulator via the comments
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December 17th, 2005, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
Now we as fans of the PSP know it is a great console but what could be done to make it better, what part of the system could do with improving or a new addition to the PSP for say a revised version soon.
My personal favourite would be a TV Out because it would just make the system perfect but also a 100% foolproof way of backdating the flash so it was impossible to brick a PSP,
Lets hope Sony are watching, what do you all think?
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December 18th, 2005, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted news that all the preorders for HD Combo have been sent, heres some detail about the HDCombo:

The HD Combo is a unique product designed to connect a hard disk to your Pstwo (V12 or V13) SCPH-7000x console. The integrated design allow you to have your HD built-in the console, and no extra accessories are needed!
A tough high quality product to get the best out of your Pstwo!
- High quality mold process – (not made in china)
- Compatible with all PS2 V12-V13 console. ( SCPH-700XX )
- Onnovative design to connect 3.5'' IDE Hard Disk into your Slim PS2.
- Solid ALL-IN-ONE design, easy to carry ( with 3.5'' Hard Disk built-in )
- Supports all brands of 3.5'' Hard Disk : Maxtor, Seagate, Hitachi.., include WD.
- No other extra accessory needed: 80pin IDC cable and power connector are build-in.
- Two cooling fans support to quench the HDD temperature. ( 20,000 hours life )
- Rocker switch and two-colour pilot lamp supported. ( HDD power and active )
- Stand pillar for PSTwo vertical stand purpose. ( You can still use vertical stand with the Pstwo+Hdcombo )
- Special Y Power cable for easy installation ( use PS2 original power cable only )
Buy one for yourself from Divineo China
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December 18th, 2005, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
Psilocybeing has posted some WIP news about his latest project for the PSP, heres the scoop:
<blockquote>Traveller is a game based in space, where players control ships(of course!), and explore the universe(a mapset, 16 million tiles in size currently, although that will expand) of dynamically generated objects, such as NPC spawns, asteroid belts, planets, bases, etc.
Here is an early screenshot, I'll have map update working online in a couple of days, depends when I get around to doing it. I have integrated WLAN, which has been tested and working, so it's just a matter of coding the server to go along with it.
When I've got the map update working, I'll get an eboot up for you to see how it works. For now, here's a screenshot</blockquote>
Check out the cool screenshot and give your views or indeed help in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15500
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December 18th, 2005, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of the internet radio streaming client for the PSP, heres the latest info thanks to miemt11:
New -prerelease: -pre8
0.37-pre8 (r649) (12-14-2005)
(sandberg) Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk.
(raf) TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed.
(raf) Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk's pspnet now.
(raf) Core: Added new LocalFiles screen.
(raf) TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199.
(raf) TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list's titles.
Also play your mp3 from your MS
This is more of a preview release so use with caution.
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December 18th, 2005, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft's Peter Moore, who oversees marketing and first-party game development for the Xbox 360 said that the Sony PlayStation 3 will be inferior to the Xbox 360.
You tell that to all the people that thought Xbox 360 was going to have super-duper DVD technology, and all the people that are already disappointed in the lack of Xbox 360 units available, while some consumers call the Xbox 360 launch the most horrible and mismanaged launch for a video game console.
Speaking about Sony PlayStation 3, let's not forget what the die-hard fans of Sony PS3 thought in Japan. You know, Sony-land. Japan consumers made it clear that the Microsoft Xbox 360 isn't the same type of next-gen console they wanted. Afterall, Sony is promising all the DVD and HD goodies for the PlayStation 3.
I am sure that most of the gamers in Japan just laughed at what they saw, after learning a bit on what the Sony has planned for the PS3.
Microsoft is left with complete embarassment after the Japan launch. Xbox 360 retailers in Japan still have plenty of stock on shelves. Shoppers are just walking by.
Meanwhile, there is a shortage in North America and Europe, causing Xbox 360 pre-order consumers to become angry, and perhaps, regretful that they even placed any money for this console. Still waiting, since mid-November, still no Xbox 360.
Amazon really messed up this launch even further by taking November pre-orders, then launching some "early-bird" special to allow new consumers to buy the Xbox 360 right away. Again, putting the Xbox 360 pre-order consumers back on the bottom of the stack.
Microsoft does promise new shipments before Christmas, but not that many. Here we go again, another "2 or 4" Xbox 360 consoles for eachr Wal-Mart!
How long can this go on before the game market shifts to Sony PlayStation 3? If Microsoft really wants us to believe that the Xbox 360 is this giant-muscle console that will dominate Sony PlayStation 3, they are wishing. I mean, it's another marketing hype thing.
I am sure when Sony or Nintendo Revolution launches their game consoles, it won't be the total disaster we've seen with Microsoft. The largest software company in the world has an excuse for everything -- on why there are shortages, and why their console is the best.
And now comes the dreadful noise from a Microsoft top boss trying to convince people that the Sony PS3 cannot compete with the Microsoft Xbox 360. Geeze, not so fast there, Microsoft. Get your own problems fixed before making such accusations.
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December 18th, 2005, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
ntba has released a new version of his Playstation Two Media Player myPS2.
Heres the info:
- Browse pictures from HDD, CD/DVD or USB
- Thumbnail preview and image zoom
- Create and manage files and directories on HDD, Memory Cards, USB
- Recursively copy and delete directories and files
- Launch other software from HDD, MC, CD and USB
- FTP server running in the background allowing you to easily copy files
from and to your PS2
- threaded MP3 player that plays MP3s from CD, HDD or USB
- Shoutcast radio client
- Shoutcast station browser
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December 18th, 2005, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk of Team Emergency Exit has posted some great news concerning his port of Quake 2 to the PSP:
"While finishing Quake 2 for the PSP I added screenshot code now. I can made better screenshots now, but they always look a little bit faked I think So I still will make some real photographs to show that the system is running on a PSP. I got a much better cam now. The the photos won't look so bad anymore.
I know everybody want to see level rendering, but there is no full rendering of the level at the moment. I will finish as fast as I can. I have loaded the full level into the memory. That was an important step.
I still hope to hold my release date. Deadlines are bad."
We wish McZonk the best of Luck with his Quake 2 Port.
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December 18th, 2005, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
MPH has updated his firmware launcher to version 1.3.7. Heres whats new:
Launch browser (firmware 2.50 only), see explanations
More stability when play video (firmware 2.00 only)
Corrected bug in config.c for comments in configuration file
Now exit with L + R trigger
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December 18th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has updated the text editor for the PSP written in Lua (You need to have Lua Player installed)
Heres whats new:
First TrueType handling. 87x32 screen!
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December 18th, 2005, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
ITs no surprise to anyone that was here since the Hello World release by Nem and the following 4 months of madness that followed with multiple daily releases by many coders that the PSP Scene has slowed down massively, is the cause of it boredom with the PSP?, have Sony won the war and the coders fed up with trying to take on the firmware updates everytime a firmware is hacked. Have new consoles with open source coding environments won the hearts of our coders or has piracy caused coders to leave the scene.
What do you think ?
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December 19th, 2005, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Mrn has updated FOSK, heres the info and whats new:
F.O.S.K. is the Fast On-Screen Keyboard-based TEXT EDITOR
requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character.
Most important new features:
- Save and SaveAs (SaveAs part of Save)
- Find and Find Next (sutable for dictionaries, just load ENHU.dic
- vertical scrollbar with changing height acc to the filesize
- analog joystick-based cursor movement during edit mode
- auto-scrolling the text in all directions!
Minor changes:
- dispAscii added to see what's available .)
- Esc/Enter added to the "Find/SaveAs" menu
- new chars added to the keyboard (<|>)
- added "Back" to Caps-mode
- auto-init filename for new file
- "square" now printed as Rect,
- ttf vs. Standard font switchable
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December 19th, 2005, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
Another nice calendar for your viewing pleasure from PSPMagazines:
Heres the info:
This is a compilation of some of the best FHM photos of 2005 preformatted for the PSP as a 2006 PSP Calendar. All the images are in horizontal format so that you can set them as PSP wallpapers for each month of the new year. This first FHM PSP calendar includes photos of Lauren Harris, Victoria Silvstedt, Amanda Righetti, Jaime Pressly, Leeann Tweeden, Jenny McCarthy, Rachel Sterling, Mandy Weaver, Mayra Veronica, Vida Guerra and Mariah Carey!!! Enjoy...
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December 19th, 2005, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
What a year and well we have seen some great releases for the scene but lets look at all the releases and have a friendly discussion about what was the killer Emulator released this year?
Hmm sure is a tough one but the one that impressed me the most was PSP Genesis followed closely by Snes_TYL but im a massive 16bit emulation fan.
Whats your favourite Emulator of this year 
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December 19th, 2005, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
Time to look at what was the killer game of this year and with so many to choose from its gonna be especially hard:
Im a big Mario fan and the Smash Bros clone SmashG PSP just edges it for me at the moment.
Whats your favourite Game of this year 
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December 19th, 2005, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
The 3rd in my series of questions is what was the best Application released this year and really i think that belongs to the downgrader from 2.0 to v1.5, the downgrader news gave the biggest surge of the year to this site and forums and yes it nearly killed the site and infact many of the biggest sites like ours were buckling under the pressure.
Am i wrong, what has your vote for App of the year ?
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December 19th, 2005, 03:31 Posted By: wraggster
Who is the Developer of the year in the PSP Scene, whos the one whos contribution to the scene gave us what we have today, looking around you have to look at people like Nem, Fanjita but there are so many more, for me it has to be Nem because without him it wouldnt have started so really he is the man, but who gets you praise for the Developer of the year ?
answer via the comments (thats it for questions tonight)
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December 19th, 2005, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have emailed me to say that for all DCEmu Network Visitors they have a code that gives you $5 off a purchase of $40 (isn't valid on consoles, or software which already has the free shipping worldwide offer), which is valid for 60 days starting today. It's basically very simple to use, just enter this code at the end of the checkout process: LS-917B8DF537
Might be handy if you were thinking of getting something soon from Lik Sang, money off is always a good thing 
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December 19th, 2005, 03:39 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have emailed me to say that for all DCEmu Network Visitors they have a code that gives you $5 off a purchase of $40 (isn't valid on consoles, or software which already has the free shipping worldwide offer), which is valid for 60 days starting today. It's basically very simple to use, just enter this code at the end of the checkout process: LS-917B8DF537
Might be handy if you were thinking of getting something soon from Lik Sang, money off is always a good thing 
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December 19th, 2005, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
A great news article from Lik Sang which is a hands on of the latest PSP TV Adapter and a comparison of all 3, its a great article and well worth the read should you be interested in actually watching your PSP Games, films or even playing Emulators of Homebrew on the TV:
Heres some of the article:
First of all, the box is very stylish. Probably the best packing of all three, there is no Chinglish text or foolish looking drawings on this one. The overall aspect is professional and the user's manual is very clear and complete. Printing quality is good. Well-done, this product is retail shelves ready. After getting the product out of the wrapping and taking it in our hands, we quickly installed it to the Sony handheld machine, without encountering major obstacles whatsoever. Plug it on the top of the LCD screen, attach the two spring-loaded screws at the back of the PSP and you're ready to go within a couple of minutes. Connect the PSPonTV to the power outlet near you, using the original AC Adapter from your PlayStation Portable, and a little blue LED will light up at the back of the unit. You then hook up the whole thing to your television set using the supplied USB to AV cable. Additionally, the "PSPonTV" offers a headphones pass-through port, meaning you can still use those earbuds while using the adapter.
The other noticeable difference between the PSPonTV from Q-Mark Technologies and the TV Adapter from Blaze is the fact that the PSPonTV is using a camera in front of the screen, without mirror, instead of a mirror-and-lens build. Also, Q-Mark uses a CCD chip for the conversion of the picture, while Blaze goes with the CMOS chip. This affects the picture quality, making the rendering a little better with the Q-Mark peripheral, as already mentioned above. On the other hand, this allows you positioning and configuring more freely in the case of the Blaze accessory, using the "focus" dialer.
Read the full article Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3766&lsaid=219793
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December 19th, 2005, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted the following new game available for PSP:

The debut PlayStation Portable offering of THQ and Yuke's long-running 3D wrestling series. WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 expands on THQ's popular multi-million unit-selling franchise with a number of key new features. The Buried Alive Casket match, two new wrestler attributes (Stamina and Hardcore), and a realistic momentum system all combine to turn the series away from its arcade roots and towards that of a simulation. The PSP version follows closely on the heels of its PS2 tag-teammate in terms of features and wrestler rosters, with exclusive extras including additional characters and other features for the PSP version, plus USB system link to connect the two versions together.
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December 19th, 2005, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
Analysts have warned that the release of the PS3 could backfire on gaming giant Sony Computer Entertainment, bringing the Sony subsidiary to its knees. Merrill Lynch Japan has stated it expects Sony to lose more than $1 billion on hardware manufacturing alone during its next-gen console's first 12 months on sale, a figure that may prove unrecoverable.
Merrill Lynch Japan Securities, quoted in the latest issue of Toyo Keizai, states that it expects core production costs of PlayStation 3 to be around $500, with the machine likely to ship at $399 – equating to a loss of around $1.18 billion in the first year the machine goes on sale. It should be noted that these losses are based purely on manufacturing costs and do not factor in the colossal marketing budget SCE has undoubtedly prepped for it's next home console launch.
Merrill Lynch warns that these losses would normally be absorbed with ease by Sony as it has previously entered markets lacking any serious competition. This time however, it will put a new machine on sale, its most expensive to date, to consumers who, in the West, have shown eager acceptance of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and a worldwide audience showing interest in Nintendo's budget innovation machine. Analysts warn that should Microsoft cut the price of Xbox 360 when Sony launches, the entire project could backfire. Should consumers be tempted with a next-generation console at a budget price, complete with a significant library of high-quality software and the option to augment this with something new, as offered by Nintendo, Sony might find its space under televisions around the world, its own for more than a decade, has been usurped.
Toyo Keizai goes on to publish comment from SCE head Ken Kutaragi, who understandably refutes MLDS' analysis; "Whether consumers think a product is expensive or cheap all depends on the balance between its appeal and price," said Kutaragi, again hinting that the PlayStation 3 may indeed be a pricy piece of kit. "Our idea is for consumers to think to themselves, 'Right, I'll work more hours and buy it.' We want people to feel that they want it, no matter what. When Nintendo was selling its 16-bit machine at around 12,500 yen ($114), we sold the first PlayStation at 39,800 yen ($364). The press was saying that it was expensive, but it was a huge hit. It's the same thing with the PlayStation Portable from last year. The Game Boy Advance is a similar handheld gaming machine, and it costs less than 10 thousand yen ($91). On the other hand, our PSP had cost 25,000 yen ($229). And there were people lined up overnight to buy it, and it sold out on the day of launch. It all depends on whether people want it. Of course, I'm confident that PlayStation 3 is a product that people will definitely want."
As you will have noticed, there are few sizable holes in Kutaragi's assertions. To equate the PlayStation launching against the Super Nintendo, a machine towards the end of its lifecycle and with less than half the power, to the PlayStation 3 entering the market against Xbox 360 is absurd. Again, to compare the PSP's launch against the Game Boy Advance, another machine nearing the end of its lifecycle and, interestingly enough, loosely based on the SNES from almost two decades ago is again, unquestionably ridiculous.
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December 19th, 2005, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Eurogamer
Sony Computer Entertainment America has confirmed that a new PSP instalment in the Syphon Filter series is currently in the works.
In a recent interview with IGN, John Garvin - creative director on Syphon Filter: The Dark Mirror - revealed that the game will feature an "all-new storyline" that has "nothing to do with the Syphon Filter virus."
Our old friends Gabe Logan and Lian Xing will return, however. Logan now runs his own underground agency that specialises in "precision strikes" - missions that are too sensitive or dangerous for conventional intelligence agents to take on. "Imagine if the CIA had a SWAT team - on steroids," said Garvin.
The game begins with Gabe and Lian embarking on what should be a straightforward mission to take down a bunch of terrorists known as Red Section, who have launched an attack on an Alaskan oil refinery.
But it turns out that there's much more to the mission than was first thought, astonishingly, and Gabe ends up travelling all around the globe as he tries to unravel the mystery. Along the way he will hook up with UN peacekeepers, face off with the Kaliningrad mafia, get caught up in an attempted revolution and be forced to confront a woman from his past.
Naturally there will be lots of new guns and gadgets to play with - such as the Rapid Traversal Line, which Gabe can use to hoist himself up to high places and swing around on when he's under attack. New weapons will include the MB-150, which features an electronic scope that connects with Gabe's goggles and fires three types of projectile - including 6mm sniper rounds and time-delayed darts.
As you play through the single-player story mode, you'll be able to unlock each level in mission mode - and then play through them all again to improve your Agency Ratings. You'll be judged on the number of stealth versus environmental kills you pull off and so on, and each time you earn a new rating you'll get new weapons and skills.
We're promised lots of unlockable content, including concept art, movies and audio tracks, and a few bonus missions - which are said to tie up loose ends from Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain.
The game will feature multiplayer online and Ad Hoc modes, and you'll be able to choose from Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Rogue Agent battles and the like. Or you can try out the new Object Mode, which sees two teams battling to complete a specific objective. Online rankings, unlockable content, friends lists and clans will all be present and correct.
Syphon Filter: The Dark Mirror is due out in the spring.
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December 19th, 2005, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo have gave me some great news about a new Accessory for the PSP from Datel, heres the full lowdown on this new device for the PSP:

<blockquote>At last, you can connect your PSP to the internet easily, cheaply and WIRELESSLY! With WiFi MAX, a whole world of online gaming is opened, and you can also manage your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house.
WiFi MAX for PSP couldn't be simpler to use. Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. You can then connect to the internet and play online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP gamers from all over the world. Just the thing if you don't have a wireless router! Best of all, WiFi MAX supports up to five ‘local' PSP gamers at a time, so you and your mates can all play online at once!
As well as multiplayer games, WiFi MAX also lets you organise your media files and download them to your PC using our exclusive MAX Media Server software. Transfer MP3s, images and video files from your PC to your PSP from anywhere that's within range of your new WiFi network. As it operates on the Wireless G standard, it's five times faster than an ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise your effective WiFi range.
If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi MAX too. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi router! </blockquote>

- Internet gaming through any internet-enabled PC.
- No cables necessary – make a wireless connection.
- Organise your files, and convert videos into a PSP-friendly format.
- Five times faster than standard WiFi.
- Suppled with software CD and WiFi dongle, and also a USB cable and stand for optimal positioning.
Awesome news and more as PSP News finds out more 
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December 19th, 2005, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Both the 2Ch Browsers have been updated today and i have to ask does anyone actually use them, for Japanese users they could be handy but for the rest of us well do you use them.
They are homebrew browsers but only really browse the 2CH Forums (Japanese forums)
Download both below and let me know your thoughts on these browsers:
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December 20th, 2005, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has released a patched version of MPHs Firmware Launcher, heres the info:
Version : 1.3.7u1
Change in u1 Version:
1: reduce overall eboot size by 30KB (Save some MS space)
2: L+R+START to quit emulation
I just make some patch on the MPH 1.3.7 to allow you to quit emulation with the L+R+START button and reduce eboot size by 30KB
Download here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15565
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December 20th, 2005, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
A Nice article/review from SuccessHK

Ah, those cute little modular robots: Technology courtesy of an ancient civilization, a collective mindset the Borg could appreciate, fashion sense somewhere between urban-winter-hoodie and Super Milk-Chan, and action/puzzle/platform gameplay. Tokobot is a stylish, unique title, and a sorely-needed infusion of original gameplay to the PSP library.
Players take role of Bolt, an adventurous researcher who comes upon a group of ancient robots during an expedition (it can happen). From there, any science-fantasy geek knows the drill -- the cute little robots identify and bond with the first being in the vicinity when they turn on, and the rest is action/platforming goodness. With this new posse of robotic homies, Bolt embarks on new assignments, and the Tokobots are there to help him out as his ever-useful, exceptionally versatile wing-things.
Players start off with six Tokobots (more become available throughout the game), which can link up in special physical formations, effectively becoming different machines. For some reason, there are those who insist on comparing the game to the experience of Pikmin, but the Tokobot formula is a lot more straightforward, aggressive and, well, nifty.
Tap a face button when the Tokos are arrayed on both sides of you, and they become a collective blade, whirling around you and dealing damage to all comers (or smashing objects... which can, in turn, become new threats!).
A basic, sensible circular formation is a bit more practical for simply moving around the environments, and also allows your robotic buddies to do a coordinated stomp-attack, or to activate large switches set into the ground.
Line the little guys up behind you single-file, and they can make themselves into a very useful whip. This formation can obviously be used as a weapon and also act as your own personal Indiana Jones-style grappling hook, pulling you up to higher elevations. An even cooler formation finds the Tokobots forming their own propeller, allowing players to jump across gaps and rotor their way down to safety.
Often, you'll need to be quick and decisive as you toggle through the formations. For example, you may stroll into an area with the Tokobots arrayed around you in the circular formation, automatically switch to a T-arrangement to pull a massive block to where you want it, employ the follow-line formation to whip-crack an aerial foe down to the ground, and finally re-assemble in the tight cluster formation to jump up and stomp the downed foe to his doom. It's hard not to like the Tokobots after you've pulled off a few successful, visually impressive combos.

As if that's not enough, the Tokobots can -- for an expenditure of ancient Karakuri parts, which you'll continually discover as you play -- do the Micronauts/Transformers number and jointly assemble into huge, distinct mecha-bots. These include a floating, sword-carrying warrior, a clobberin'-time hammer, and a rapid fire support platform on wheels. These mega-configurations are capable of defeating boss enemies, or gaining entry to new areas.
The control takes some getting used to, particularly when you're rapidly cycling "joint actions." Also, there's just the slightest delay between hitting the controls and getting the result you want. But this isn't an overly hyper world, and you still have the dexterity advantage over almost all your enemies. The camera is good, not great -- there will be the occasional "challenging" camera moment, but thankfully, they're few and far between.
Meanwhile, the PSP now has a stylish, almost insufferably cute dose of action/puzzle gaming, and a world that will appeal to both sexes and all ages. If your sessions of Pikmin left you in a controller-chucking frustrated state, Tokobot will be the hands-on antidote for what ails you.
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December 20th, 2005, 08:11 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for Liberty City Stories.
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats New:
This version lets you change your CPU speed between 222MHz and 333MHz. You can also see your battery level, voltage and temp. This feature is not available on firmware 2.6. The syscalls are all mixed up on 2.6 and it would be prohibitively difficult to discover the CPU and battery stuff on 2.6. You won't see a difference at 333MHz except when the refresh rate slows down with too many cars on the screen, then it won't slow down as much. Someone should figure out the difference in battery life between 222MHz and 333MHz.
Video Recorder records an animated GIF at 8 frames per second. I'm not sure if this works better at 222MHz or 333MHz. It's a little different on each. The CPU time starvation on 222MHz might be a good thing to keep the game from progressing during the snapshot.
Don't forget to press DOWN+X to stop your video before taking the memory card out!
The GIF file generated is uncompressed. To compress it, load it into anything that can load animated GIFs and then save. Compression reduces the filesize by better than 50%. Always compress the GIF before posting on the web, and limit the length of your recordings to keep the size reasonable!
The Heavy Motorcycle cheat determines the mass of motorcycles when they are first created, like when you open the garage or when you first see one in traffic, so you need to turn it on before opening the garage or finding a motorcycle you want to ride. Once a motorcycle is created, its mass property is set. Other motorcycles on the road will also be heavy, but for peds, their motorcycles burst into flames at the slightest touch of another vehicle. If you don't want this, get yourself a heavy motorcycle then turn the cheat off so new motorcycles will be normal.
With this cheat, you are the heaviest thing in the universe and in every collision, the other vehicle has to do all the moving to get out of the way. If you shove a car into a wall, it has nowhere else to go so it'll squirt up into the air like the Yardie Lobo in my video.
If you don't turn on Your Car Is Indestructible, you get a cool flame effect when you crash into walls.
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December 20th, 2005, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
You just can't have enough Flash Memory nowadays. Cell phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, PDAs, and even PSPs need them. But what can you do if you happen to have an MP3 player that uses SD cards, a digital camera (or N-Gage) that wants an MMC card, and a PSP and a cell phone that needs Sony's Memory Stick Pro Duo? Until now, you could either use half of your paycheck here and then to buy a new 2G monster flash card, or just forget about that high-tech frenzy and use the not-so-spacious 128MB or 256MB cards that probably came in the box with your devices.
Hope is near. The first 3rd party manufacturer in China is soon ready with the first generation Compact Flash and SD/MMC Card Adapters for the PSP. How they perform compared with Datel's bestselling 4GB Hard Drive for the PSP, if they are any good at all, and what else they are good for, we will soon find out. We have spoken to the developers and had the chance to play around with their beta hardware for a while. Read the following Hands-On review to find out more.
Datel 4GB Hard Drive with X2 Battery Pack (In Stock)
For the record, the Datel 4GB Hard Drive (as reviewed by Lik Sang here) consists of four parts: the Hard Drive, a X2 Battery Pack, Max Media Manager Software for Windows, and a High-Speed USB 2.0 cable to connect your PSP to your computer. The 4GB Hard Drive is connected with the PSP by means of what Datel calls a flexible Memory Stick™ adapter that is plugged into the Memory Stick™ slot on the PSP. Once connected, the body of the HD attaches to the back of the PSP using two location posts which slot into corresponding holes on the back of the PSP. When used in conjunction with the X2 double capacity battery the 4GB HD forms an ergonomic extension to the PSP which follows the neat lines of the handheld.
While there was initial fear that this may make the PSP look bulky, it turned out to be the best solution and adds only 125 gram to the total weight of your PSP. On the inside, the Datel 4GB Hard Drive is powered by a Datel developed Compact Flash adapter and a Magicstor 4GB Microdrive. Lik Sang successfully tested standard Compact Flash cards and Microdrives from other brands. Due to the PSP's Firmware limit of 4GB per Memory Stick (this may change in the future if Sony releases a new Firmware version), larger Microdrives or Compact Flash cards will work, but you can only use and format them with up to 4GB. In other words: it works with 8GB Compact Flash Cards and 6GB Micridrives, but you can only use 4GB which makes it all pointless so far. Again, this may change by Sony releasing a new Firmware for the PSP, this could happen once they release Memory Sticks with more than 4G.
First Generation Adapters Flash Card Adapters for PSP
After Datel's direct approach with a 4GB Hard Drive solution for the PSP, there are now three new products entering the market. On the first look, all three products definitely allow greater flexibility but we wanted to look a bit closer at the 2in1, 4in1 and whatever-in-one features. Just like with USB card readers on the PC, it may well be that behind a 21in1 device stands actually just a standard card reader that supports three different card slots with all its different card versions. Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick Pro Duo, Memory Stick with and without MagicGate, and of course you can connect it to the PC and have it sitting on your desk. That already makes it a 7in1. Do not underestimate (or overestimate) the creativity of Chinese third party manufacturers ;-)
The beta samples that Lik Sang has available for this hands-on report were all directly from the factory and they are all still work in progress. We were already able to collect a first impression and forward our feedback to the manufacturer. We hope that all the flaws we have discovered are fixed in the final stage of the products, and that the manufacturing quality et all will be improved.
We were particularly unhappy with the fragile flat cable (flexible PCB type) and the connector that goes into the PSP Memory Card slot. It has been particularly difficult to plug into the Memory Card slot, and there was a constant feeling that the cable will get damaged easily, having no protection whatsoever on the outside.
Datel addressed that problem by developing their own flexible Memory Stick adapter and not just using a flexible PCB. They've used a flat cable on the inside that is protected on the outside with isolating rubber material. The cable on the Datel HDD is naturally also much shorter because the hard drives position near the Memory Stick slot. On the other hand, the cable on all these new first generation adapters seems to be replaceable with a special connector, while the Datel one is not replaceable if you ever break it (but would still be fixed through Datel's 1 year warranty).
The next question we had to ask ourselves (at least with the 2in1 and 4in1 version) was where to actually put the device. Because the device looks basically like a PC card reader that connects to the PSP instead of a PC, there is not a lot of choice. You can't have it hang down on your PSP because that wouldn't only disturb your gameplay and look foolish, it would also break the Memory Stick adapter cable and in worst case even your PSP Memory Stick slot. The only way of putting your adapter out of sight is to use a double sided tape and stick it on the back of your UMD drive. While not included with our beta samples, the manufacturer told Lik Sang that the final units will come with Velcro to hold it on the back of the PSP, on the UMD lid covering the PSP logo and symbol.

We noticed that the overall quality of the card slots and the casing feels a bit dodgy when compared with a normal mass produced PC Card Reader. Again, we hope that this is still something that they improve for the final production but chances are that this won't change. Spring loaded slots like with the PSP itself would definitely help to increase customer satisfaction on this point. We also noticed that a Microdrive barely fits into the CF card slot, meaning that over time it will become scratched. We nearly had to force the drive in, which is a risky thing to do with a $250 Microdrive. The Memory Stick slot on the other hand seems too large, which means a smaller stick like the one that the PSP natively uses may need two attempts to sit perfectly. General impression of the hardware, parts and assembling was that it is of inferior quality, but this may change (at least a little bit) with the final version. Don't expect too much though, we have already received word that the 4in1 case will be re-used for the 2in1 (with the 'slot' for the SD/MMC card just closed and the words SD/MMC still sitting right on top of the unit). These are unfortunately the small details that low-fame manufacturers often don't understand, always looking to decrease production cost further.
Just as the Compact Flash adapter from the inside of the Datel 4GB PSP Hard Drive, the first generation flash card adapters also don't support anything larger than 4GB. This is not a flaw or design problem of these adapters, it is a simple limitation of the PSP firmware that Sony may change in the future. We have hoped that they developed a way around this by using two partitions and/or by implementing a switch just like Sandisk does with some of their higher capacity Compact Flash cards. Although this wouldn't show 6GB at once, it would at least make a 2GB and a 4GB partition available. Some users have also successfully connected real hard drives via standard CF/IDE adapters, and if this develops further (or in other words someone finally makes an adapter that lets us use multiple partitions), it could become very interesting: 8 GB Compact Flash cards, Microdrives, 2.5" and 1.8" hard drives with up to 60GB. Sitting right on the back of your PSP or in your glove compartment if you want.
To make a long story short, even if you connect a 6.8GB Microdrive from Hitachi or a 8GB Compact Flash card from Sandisk to one of these reviewed adapters, it will only format them as 4GB max.
The built-in Memory Card slot on all the tested devices basically functions as pass-through port. This means if you want to use a Memory Stick once in a while, you don't need to remove the adapter from your PSP. This is especially helpful considering the fragile Memory Stick slot flat cable, you just don't want to touch that too often or it may get damaged.
The Memory Stick slot also supports the older and larger (outdated) Memory Sticks, which is another positive side effect of the pass-through port.
Read the full article at Lik Sang
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December 20th, 2005, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Far from a mere re-release, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence is three discs bursting with new content, starting with an entirely new game, Metal Gear Online! That's right, online! At last you can experience the stealth tactical military action with full 8 player battles in a variety of modes. All moves right down to the classic cardboard box disguise are here, and there's no online fees, all you need is the PS2 network adaptor and a broadband connection. The full MGS 3 is here too, now with new easier and more extreme levels of play, a new and more dramatic third-person camera system, and a Demo Theatre to spice up your favorite scenes with your choice of camouflage and face paint.
Moving on, Dual Mode lets you take on boss characters, which many believe to be the greatest videogaming has to offer, then there's more Hide-'n-Seek in new levels, all of which are infested with those wacky, brainwashed, slippery monkeys from Ape
Escape. Then there's the secret theatre, a three hour Metal Gear movie, and still two more entire full games! Both Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are here! Quite simply there's far too much to cover here, but check out our full news item for in depth details on everything. Scoring an extremely rare 39 / 40 from Famitsu, and with the original MGS 3 game taking up just part of one of the three discs, this is a must have for every fan, whether or not they own last year's hit release (and almost 4 million of you do!). The Japanese version of the game is expected to be in our hands on or before Thursday. All reservations will be shipped out in no time.
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December 20th, 2005, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The Katamari series is brilliantly unique Japanese insanity at its best. Playing as the Prince under The King of All Cosmos, you run around pushing a giant ball made of houses, cars, cows, people and generally anything else you roll this round monstrosity into. Eventually it becomes so huge it's sent into space to replace a star, and the people of the games world, well those that aren't rolled up in it we assume, love it. This is the type of odd ball title you'd assume would never get an English release, but it's that incredibly fun and addictive, Katamari broke all the rules and got a western release on the PS2 earlier this year. This week however, Japan is of course already onto the next big thing, and that's the all new portable PSP Katamari title.
Improving on the PS2 originals, along with an all new storyline, this PSP release features dynamic levels that change based on the time and season. Ever changing paths also ensure the game is different each time you play, and there's four player multi-player battles. Lastly there's a bonus side scrolling 2D mini game included, which can be seen here. Out tomorrow morning already, Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy will show you exactly what players of the PS2 titles go head over heels for, and is the type of game you'll be dying to show your mates. You can get the ball rolling by placing your order below today. [Singing] Paaaaah, pah, pah, pah, pah, paaah, Katamari Damaccyyyyyy... [end of chorus]
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December 20th, 2005, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
This Christmas SNK announced a present for all NeoGeo fans with the PS2 release of NeoGeo Battle Coliseum. Ported from the recent Atomiswave arcade board release, this is an all-star all-action two on two fighting frenzy. The gigantic roaster of 41 characters pours in from The King of Fighters, Samurai Spirits / Samurai Showdown, Fatal Fury, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Art of Fighting, The Last Blade, World Heroes, Metal Slug and more!
Far beyond a simple port, this PS2 release features survival and practice modes, arranged background music, new 3D backgrounds and completely new stages, a character edit mode and a new bonus boss fighter named Goodman. Online play is also included, although it's unclear at this stage if the mode will work outside of Japan. The official release date is listed on December 22nd and we hope to receive stock this week but amazingly, shipping has not been confirmed to us as of now, which makes us fear SNK Playmore might be up for their classic trick again: postpone at the very last minute and put the title back on TBA status. We sure hope for the best but you never know what these guys are really up to, as such a chaos happened so many times before with them (some of you for sure remember the Metal Slug Advance running joke). Let's wait and see for a couple of more days hoping Santa will help out on this one 
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December 20th, 2005, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GamesIndustry
Sony Computer Entertainment America appears to have confirmed that the company is still on track to ship six million units of the PlayStation Portable console to retailers in North America by the end of the year.
Back in October, SCEA boss Kaz Hirai predicted that the firm would reach six million units by the start of 2006; at that point, Sony had recently announced hitting 4.47 million units shipped in North America, as part of 10 million units shipped worldwide.
However, there has been some confusion about whether Hirai was referring to installed base or shipments of consoles. SCEA generally refers to shipments rather than sell-through figures, but according to news agency Reuters, claimed to have sold three million PSPs by the beginning of November.
That figure is disputed by market information firm NPD, which pegs the sell-through figure for the PlayStation Portable by the end of the month at just 2.5 million units, just behind the Nintendo DS with 2.7 million units.
Speaking to Reuters this week, Sony spokesperson Molly Smith said that "we're mapping to that forecast... We're very comfortable with where we are," but did not clarify what, exactly, the forecast called for.
Given that 4.47 million units had been shipped by the beginning of November, shipping six million by the year-end seems reasonable; but at the other end of the spectrum, if only 2.5 million had sold through by the start of December, doubling the installed base in a month is rather less likely.
However, a corporate spokesperson for Sony in Europe this afternoon confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that there has been some confusion in the US media leading to incorrect stories regarding the comments made by Hirai and the US sales figures for PSP.
We were referred to the firm's statement on October 21st, when it hit the ten million shipments mark globally, as the most recent official comment on the status of PlayStation Portable in the marketplace.
In the absence of any further information about the situation, the logical assumption is that Hirai was indeed talking about shipments, not sell-through, as is standard Sony policy; and that NPD's figure of 2.5 million sales for the PSP in the USA by the end of November (plus, of course, a number of sales in Canada, bringing that figure to well over 3 million) is the fairest yardstick for the performance of the console in that market at present.
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December 20th, 2005, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
CKEmu posted this news:
Over on www.pcsx2.net I have posted a video created by Parotaku showing PCSX2 running Biohazard 4:
Time to brighten up the front page of this site with some sexy news.
Parotaku one of our long serving betatesters has been having 'fun' testing Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) under the WIP PCSX2 0.9 beta. Whilst there are still many issues with this game, such as a lack of memory card detection, it is fully playable, and looking utterly gorgeous at high res.
This video is a WMV and should be playable under any decent media player and is being shared using Bit Torrent, thus you will need a Bit Torrent client such as Azureus to get this video!
Biohazard 4 - Ingame
3 Minutes 16 Seconds | 24.1MB | Real Ingame Speed - 10 FPS.
(!) The video was recorded through GSdx which automatically speeds up video, so you are NOT watching actual emulated speeds! The real FPS is shown under the video link! Given that this video is being shared through Bit Torrent, we ask if you could seed (share) this file for aslong as possible!
Enjoy the video!comments=Spooky!!
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December 20th, 2005, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Drakonite has released his remake of Duckhunt for the Playstation 2 to the public.
Here are his release notes:
If you can't tell I've been a little too busy to update my site lately, and the big project I've been wanting to announce isn't ready yet... However I have a nice surprise for everyone!
This is the beginning of a quick clone of Duckhunt I've created over the past couple days.
It's not very robust (guncon has to be in port 2, etc), it's no where near complete, and there are likely a few bugs, but I wanted to get this out to see what type of reaction it gets.
I had planned to make a nice parady of Duckhunt, including some changes I know everyone wants to see to the original game, while making it look and feel as much like the original as possible to aid in the parady.. however if no one has a guncon and is going to play it I won't bother doing that much work.
I'll be judging the response I receive from this preview release to decide if I'm going to finish and polish it all up, or patch it up and call it good...
But if you have a PS1 compatible guncon, Enjoy!
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December 20th, 2005, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
IGN in their best of PSP awards have given the award to our Homebrew and Emulation scene , heres the info:
Best Developer
Homebrew Underground
Why They Rocked: This would have gone to SCE Liverpool for developing WipEout Pure (and developing and developing it, thanks to downloadable content.) But instead, it's kudos to the outsiders who made the PSP so much better than even Sony could manage in its first year. Unlicensed developers were able to work their magic with PSP thanks to easy access over USB and unintended access due to security holes. All on their own resources, they gave us user-friendly media managers, superior MP4 encoders, the "WipEout" browser, homemade applications, text readers, an iTunes-compatible media player, an AIM service, a dead pixel service identifier, "tapped compatibility" with classic games, and much more.
Unfortunately, piracy concerns arose, and Sony had to take action, effectively ruining much of the fun. Now, there's a line in the sand with the battle of the Updaters vs. the Homebrewers. We'd advise Sony to find a way to embrace these software designers rather than push them away, because they're doing amazing work that's worth recognizing.
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December 20th, 2005, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
A new UMD has been released for those of us of a Mature age, heres the info from DVD Empire:
Bouncy Pictures presents the hottest mature rated UMD in the world! Twelve of the hottest girls will blow your mind with strip teases and lap dances that go all the way in this first ever mature rated interactive UMD! The UMD includes:
True Virtual Reality
100% Your View
12 Hot Lap Dances
5 Bonus Strip Teases
2 Hours of Action
If anyone gets one we would love a review 
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December 20th, 2005, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has updated the text editor for the PSP written in Lua (You need to have Lua Player installed)
Heres whats new:
...with following features:
- Original input method named 'TwinTail'
- LUA code execution(TTLDE catches syntax/runtime errors)
- Windows style selection & cut, copy, paste
- Multi document editing
- Auto indent
- Word select(from dictionary, from globals)
- Customizeable color scheme / keyboard layout / dictionary.
- User plugin handling
- Keyword hilighting
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December 20th, 2005, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Yahoo
Hauppauge Computer Works, a division of Hauppauge Digital Inc, today announced the release of its new "Wing" software, enabling consumers to record TV shows on a personal computer for playback on the Sony Playstation Portable (PSP), Apple video iPod, and other portable video players. Wing can also be used to convert existing TV recordings to the PSP and iPod format.
Wing is sold as a $24.95 accessory to Hauppauge's PC-based WinTV-PVR personal video recorders. Live TV shows can be recorded with a single click and played on a PC or TV set as well as a portable video player. Wing records in H.264, MPEG-4 and Divx formats, and also will record directly to a recordable DVD disk.
The Wing application comes with three components: a plug-in for the popular TitanTV internet based electronic program guide for automatic recording of TV shows, a plug-in for Hauppauge's WinTV Scheduler for manual TV record scheduling, and an off-line recorder which will turn MPEG-2 videos into any of the formats supported by Wing.
"The emergence of portable video players like the Sony PSP and video iPod has created a demand for an easy solution for recording live TV shows for playback on these devices," said Ken Plotkin, Hauppauge President. "WinTV-PVR's have been very popular for recording TV on PC's, and Wing will be an invaluable tool for the many WinTV-PVR users who also have a portable video player."
Hauppage's Eskape Labs division is also developing a version of Wing for the Apple Mac using the myTV.PVR, the Eskape Labs Mac-based personal video recorder. That product will be released in early 2006.
Wing is available directly from Hauppauge at: www.hauppauge.com/wing
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December 20th, 2005, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Those dirty dogs (i mean great people ) at PSPMagazines.com have released another nice visual treat for male fans of the PSP, heres the screen:

Make sure there's a lifeguard on duty before checking out these pool cuties from our 2006 Swimsuit Special. Also included in this issue - Haylie Duff "see why we didn't vote for Pedro", Touriya "this dutch treat is sure to satisfy" and finally Ashley Massaro "climb through the ropes with this WWE Raw diva".
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December 21st, 2005, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Nexis2600 or PSMonkey as he also likes to be called has posted some WIP news concerning his rather impressive Quake 3 BSP Viewer for the PSP:
Anyways small update for everybody. After a good day of rewriting my md2 loader in c (yes I know, shameful, should be cpp but i am waiting on a full rewrite), I now can finaly load, animate and render md2 models on the psp. There is still some work to be finished regardind child models (like the gun in the players hand) and etc but the larger chunks are done.
I plan to suport md3 & md4 in the future but i've given up on having it done anytime soon (so it might be in january/febuary).
Heres a screen:

Remember you can only find out the original news from PSMonkeys forum and more importantly this thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...8&page=4&pp=10
The possiblities for a great Homebrew FPS game are growing 
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December 21st, 2005, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
The Madden franchise made its first outing on the Sony PSP in September, but it hasn't exactly been a problem-free debut. Hardened fans of the popular series experienced problems with the game's franchise mode, which caused a "shutdown issue" that forced the PSP to power down.
Electronic Arts discovered a work-around solution for the problem in October, but that entailed navigating through the game's menus in a roundabout way. Today, the publisher decided on a longer-term solution--just send the old disc in, and they'll send out a replacement.
The replacement disc has "revised software" that reportedly solves all the problems with the franchise mode. For the inconvenience, EA will also give customers two coupons. One is a $15 voucher for the online EA Store, and the other is for complimentary shipping on a future order from EA.
To get a problem-free UMD of Madden NFL 06, gamers should send their old disc, along with a note containing their name, address, e-mail address, and phone number, to:
EA Customer Warranty
Attn: Madden PSP
209 Redwood Shores Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065
The disc may take up to 10 business days to be delivered.
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December 21st, 2005, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his awesome Trainer for Liberty City Stories.
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats New:
includes an FPS (frames per second) meter added to the coordinates display.
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December 21st, 2005, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
The Blaze No Modification PSP TV Adapter has been reviewed by IGN:

Heres their findings:
Best performance for a camera style PSP to TV device yet. Strange quirks and loss of image quality, but superior to the only other device available for the duty.
Build Quality
Built well, but scroll wheels feel cheap and loose, and unlined light box produces reflections.
Audio Quality
Highest PSP brightness setting produces high-pitched background squeal. Other settings do not. Fine sound in general, as it is simply coming out of the PSP's headphone jack.
Video Quality
Much less artifacting and video noise than the PSPonTV, but warps the top of the image, sufferes from light blooming, and fluctuates its brighness level. Again, VHS quality in the end.
Ease of Use
Snaps on without strain. Connections are simple. Adjustments are easy.
$59.90 makes the Blaze TV Adaptor the cheapest PSP to TV adaptor available. Since its also the best performance wise, it's a good deal.
(out of 10 / not an average)
So there you have it the unbiased gamers at IGN rate the Blaze No Modification PSP TV Adapter as the top PSP TV Device so far (and cheapest too).
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December 21st, 2005, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Genki is developing a street racing game with a difference. Street Supremacy, developed exclusively for PSP, sees racers battling to control territory.
The licensed cars from Mitsubishi, Nissan and Subaru are highly tuneable and, with team battles to fight across 15 distinct areas of city, players will need to fit more than just fancy new lights to their motor.
The idea is to take control of the city's areas by challenging – and beating – other gangs of racers on their turf, until the whole thing is under your control.
Genki has previously created The Fast and the Furious and Drift Racer: Kaido Battle for PS2, both of which are out now. Drift Racer is also available for Xbox.
Street Supremacy is due for release on PSP in March 2006
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December 21st, 2005, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted news of a new accessory for the PSP, heres the details:

Product Features of Home AV Arts Organisation
Mega Sub-Woofer
Vertical Stand function, the stand is adjustable
Charging function
Retractable Speaker
2 colors available: White / Black
More Description of Home AV Arts Organisation
This item has 4-Speaker built-in with power amplifier & BBE system function which can output quality sound effect. Hidden tray can store up to 12 UMD. Wireless remote control function allows you to play/forward/backward easily.
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December 21st, 2005, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
As you can guess from the name, this is "Just Another Pain App(lication)". It's written in Lua and requires Lua-Player v0.15. Here are further notes:
My first LUA program...it's a PAINT program...you can seriously get any color of the rainbow from this. At the bottom left of the screen shows your Red, Green, and Blue values (default 0).
The top left shows your cursor speed. (default 64)
The cursor color will be the color that comes out when you press X (combination of R,G,B values)
If you don't feel like reading it all, press x, square, triangle, or circle with a combination of other buttons to figure out what they do.
Analog = move around cursor
X = draw with R, G, B values
Square = draw Red values
Triangle = draw Green values
Circle = draw Blue values
R + X = background color changes to R, G, B color
R + Square = background color changes to Red value
R + Triangle = background color changes to Green value
R + Circle = background color changes to Blue value
R + Left/Right = decrease/increase brush size
L + X = reset cursor speed (default 64)
L + R = reset cursor to center of screen
L + Square = sets Red value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)
L + Triangle = sets Green value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)
L + Circle = sets Blue value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)
Square + Up/Down = increase red value by 10
Triangle + Up/Down = increase green value by 10
Circle + Up/Down = increase blue value by 10
Square + Left/Right = increase red value by 1
Triangle + Left/Right = increase green value by 1
Circle + Left/Right = increase blue value by 1
Up/Down = increase/decrease cursor speed
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December 21st, 2005, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Brew-Review Issue #2 is a magazine for your PSP. It's bigger than Issue 1, sizing in at 91 pages! It includes a special Hombrew'ers guide to the best games of 2005, an exclusive interview with the leader of Dark* Development. Thanks to Yashamaru for the news.
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Thanks to Kojote for the news.
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December 21st, 2005, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
dm79 has released a demo of "Hokuto no Ken". This demo includes one character now but he plans to expand the game with more levels and characters.
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December 21st, 2005, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
The latest magazine full of the latest asian gadgets direct from Hong Kong has been released, download Akihabara PSP News Volume 16 via the comments:
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December 22nd, 2005, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror has been announced today for the PSP alongwith some screenshots (pictured). According to Sony, the game will feature gun fight lovin' along with puzzlesolving. It is said to include over 30 minutes of cinematic footage with over an hour of spoken dialog.
Online play will also be featured for up to 8 players, and the title is set for release sometime in 2006. Arethese the type of games getting you excited for PSP gaming in 2006?
Thanks to Joystiq for that article.
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December 22nd, 2005, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new sound test version of the Wonderswan emulator for the PSP. Heres the very rough translation:
In omission feeling you should have understood even just atmosphere kana.
It is the immature person where relationship of frequency between pitch does not understand (laughing)
It meaning that mounting is insufficient, still it is delicate.
" This how with atmosphere? When " we would like to see thought it is, may
Voice is mounted properly, but it is, mounting the channel immature
If it keeps mounting consecutively, thinking, it becomes the マシ, it increases.
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December 22nd, 2005, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
News thanks to Kojote
Ema has now relased a version of TwinTail LDE v2.0 which support japanese characteres! You gan tet it from it's official page. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it's runtime libs.
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December 22nd, 2005, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
soulphalanx has posted this new Lua game (Test Version)
An early alpha of a fighting in progress just some basic moves like punching and kicking, intro and victory pose only one character for now others will be added later got lots to do.
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December 22nd, 2005, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk has been updating his Quake2 Blog --> http://teamemergencyexit.blogspot.com/ (yes this is the correct link, some sites are linking wrongly for whatever reason) with some great news and screenshots:
Quake II PSP - New Menu

Because it is important now to navigate the player figure, I added a new options menu without the unnessesary options for psp and some new options like the adjustment for the analog nub.
You can now edit tolerance and speed. Tolerance it the point from where the stick reacts and speed is how fast the player will turn. Perhaps I have to add some non-linear speed function. Would allow better aim in the center and faster rotation with the same control settings. This will depend on the beta testers.
this was also posted yesterday:
Quake II PSP - Ingame Screenshots
I need more memory in the PSP. 64 or 128 mb ram would be enough. I have to optimize a lot of stuff to render all stuff. Speed doesn't seems to be a real problem for now. But I'll need some more team before I can release it.
I can render entites and particles now. Just the level is missing. Here are some screenshots.The red and yellow cones are entities are not loaded.
Another thing I tested is this. It is fast but not fast enough. This anti-aliasing is done hybrid, some parts in hardware some in software. Perhaps I can improve it for later usage.
Remember to visit this site and also McZonks blog here --> http://teamemergencyexit.blogspot.com/ for the latest Quake 2 to PSP WIP news 
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December 22nd, 2005, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Insomniac has posted the latest release of the Kill Your FM Magazine for the PSP, heres whats new:
82 packed pages of quality music journalism and awesome aesthetics, including:
-Interview w/ Derek Sivers, creator of CDBaby.com
-The Thieves: Prophets In The Cathedral Of Rock?
-FM Killers: Pandora & 15 Megs Of Fame
-1920’s Jazz vs. Modern Day Hardcore: More similarities than you think!
-Happy Birthday! The MP3 Turns 10
-A Popular Donkey, Episode III (and a whole lot more)
And of course, excellent indie rock, hard rock, and hip hop tracks from the bands we feature! Free, and legal.
I’ll let the issue do the rest of the talking. Major thanks to the entire staff for helping me crank this one out. Please enjoy, and leave feedback!
Download at the homepage here --> http://www.insomniaradionetwork.com/...m-issue-4-psp/
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December 22nd, 2005, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
mICrO who messaged me his new release over at PS2Dev forums
PSPainXmas 05 By NewOlds
PSPain.com and NewOlds wishes to all PSPs users a merry christmas and a happy new year.We would like to thanks, to all the people who make the PSP the best portable system and all the people who work on homebrew with the only interest of make the PSP bigger and bigger. Thanks a lot to all of you.
Special Thanks to :
HexDump, Weak, Fanjita, mrbrown, Fisionboy, Zack, Muradas, calopez, rmedtx, xennia87, Majes, Samer, ethernity, squall18, Wraggster.
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Thanks to mICrO for the news 
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December 22nd, 2005, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Yashamaru (Thanks ) has submitted news that pradeepkumar has just released a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the info:
"This is my first PSP Lua game written in LuaPlayer V0.15.
This game is very similar to Solitare in windows.
Please report any bug or feature request.
To do list
Add autoreturn of cards (right click in windows game)
optimise mouse speed/acceleration
Add more background / deck"
Download and screenshot here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15703
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December 22nd, 2005, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
Are SuccessHK the worlds cheapest for PSP Consoles, they have the PSP Console for sale for USD 212.00 which is £112 and thats very cheap, is it the worlds cheapest, if not its certainly close 
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China Posted this news:
The Myth Lite 101 and 102 have been discontinued, however, the good news is that their most powerfull chip, the Myth Lite 600, is now cheaper!
Heres some details about the Modchip for PS2:
The Myth lite 600 is a 2 in 1 high end version of the Myth range of chips. Auto boot on V5 to V14 consoles and full of features (read below for all specifications).
(Just insert any disc and Myth chip play it !!)
DVD Region Free Incorporated !! ( to play all regions DVD without need of any extra operation.)
Full 512 Kb Flash Memory on board Compatible with Playstation 2 USA/PAL/Japanese - V5, V6, V7, V8, V9, V10,V11,V12,V13, V14 7500X
Jumper less (Automatic Version detection)
Easy to Install. (only 18 wires for V1-V8 and 20 wires for V9, V10, V11, V12,V13,V14)
AUTOMATIC "GREEN FIX" (No need to change the cable to see your DVD movies on the PS2!!)
Import Games Fix (All PSX import games are played at FULL SCREEN and FULL COLOR !!)
Sleep-Mode (The Modchip will switch off itself after boot) 100% NO SWAP (Direct boot for all the PS2 and PSX games)
Supports games on DVD-9 media !!
PLAYS ALL THE CD’S and DVD’S Games (both, Import or Backup’s) SUPPORTS MULTI-DISK GAMES !!
SUPPORTS ANTI-MOD PS1 GAMES !! (Only for V9 - V14 PS2)
SUPPORTS DATEL 16MB MEMORY CARDS and Neo MEMORY CARD !! (No need to use the swap CD!!)
Very Reliable (All the Modchips are 100% tested before delivery)
Very Stable (Thanks to the sleep mode the IC will never Overheat) CD Lens Safe (Avoid CD lens damage by sending un-necessary signal to the Drive Controller)
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Back in 2002, combining the untouchable RPG experience of Square Enix with the magic of Disney resulted in one of the greatest team ups of videogame history. Rather than have their hands tied by a specific story from a certain movie, the developers of this RPG were free to create an entirely new adventure including all of Disney's most famous works. Then in September of 2003 the sequel was announced, and in stock now, the wait is over for those who pre-ordered, your copies are on their way. Meanwhile new orders are welcome, and will ship within 24 hours. Please bear in mind that this Asian release is all in Japanese and that you should wait for the US edition (due somewhen in 2006) if you want to follow the storyline in English.
Set after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on the GBA, the original lead character Sora, and Disney comrades Donald and Goofy have slept for a solid year while regaining their lost memories. Waking up, Sora puts on some fresh clothes (we should hope so!) and continues on his quest to seal the keyholes of each world, protecting their innocence from the dark forces of the Heartless, Organization XIII and Nobodies. With a much more complex plot development than that of the original awaiting you, players of the GBA sequel will get the absolute most out of this title. The developers however have gone to great lengths to ensure you won't feel left out at all if you haven't played the portable adventure, and new comers who missed both that and the first game need not worry either, you'll quickly be brought up to speed.
The original drew content from Alice in Wonderland, Hercules, Tarzan, Aladdin, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lion King, Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, 101 Dalmatians, Beauty and the Beast, and more. Here there's more of those classics, plus Lilo & Stitch, Chicken Little, Mulan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron, The Return of Jafar, Fantasia and others. In fact they range all the way back to 1928's Steamboat Willie, which of course takes place in black and white.
Despite some movies being used again, every level is brand spanking new, often taking place in completely separate settings of than before. For example instead of on the streets of Agrabah for Aladdin, you'll be exploring the Cave of Wonders. Some franchises like Beauty and the Beast and Mulan which were only represented with characters in the original have been fleshed out with entire worlds here too.
Read the rest of the great article at Lik Sang
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
We have good news for those of you who thought the price tag on the Replacement Faceplates for PSP was a little steep! We have received stock of new faceplates from a second team jumping on the bandwagon, and whose emphasis is on price. Also, our initial supplier has agreed to a price drop below the 30$ mark for the high-end replacement covers that they offer.
The new faceplates come in packs of 5 assorted colors. You got five different covers inside, allowing to change the front color of the PSP depending on your mood or on the weather. Each pack retails for the low price of US$ 36.95, which is less than 8-bucks-a-faceplate actually. Quantity discounts are available for resellers.
Please note that these faceplates do not wear any special coating (opposite to the high-end Faceplates that we have been carrying so far, on which either a special glossy or a chrome layer has been added). We have also noticed that the see-through window for the screen is not as firmly attached to the faceplates as with the previous models. Please be extra careful during installation with this fragile part of the product. Opening your PSP to exhange faceplates will void your warranty.
We have also received word from the manufacturer behind these quality produts that they have new editions in the works right now, with Liquid Platinum LE and bubble-gum Pink confirmed. These two new flavors are expected soon after the new year starts while these guys are also studying a potential Sunny Yellow model. More info on all that after it turned 2006 already.

Much more at Lik Sang
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Did Japanese Mangaka Kishimoto Masashi foresee the massive popularity of Naruto, when originally creating the series which can be read in Shonen Jump Magazine since 1999? It's certainly interesting how a clever story of a young Japanese kid determined to become a Ninjutsu expert has gone beyond being a huge success in Nippon to enjoying a rather large fan audience all over the world. The Naruto phenomenon in Manga and Anime form has inspired several videogames in the past, mostly Beat'em Up oriented only. Bandai's Narutimate Hero line of games for the PS2 added RPG elements to it, with the latest instalment, Naruto Narutimate Hero 3, offering an overall improvement in gameplay, features and visuals.
The overhaul is a welcome one, with about a year that fans had to wait after Hero 2 (which was itself embraced by the gaming community with great excitement). Now, going from 20 characters available in the prequel to over 40 to choose from in Hero 3, replay value has been cranked up a few notches good. There are now new characters from the Anime appearing in the game as well. And adding a number of fresh systems, there are more super combos for Naruto and Sasuke too. These can be unleashed when the Nine Tails or Cursed Seal power is full, with an awe-inspiring eye candy fest to boot.
Please note that Naruto Narutimate Hero 3 is in stock for PlayStation 2, shipping within 24 hours for only US$ 64.90. As with all import videogames, we offer Free Shipping Worldwide for this title as well! By the way, all those of you who have pre-ordered the game should receive it soon, as we have dispatched your orders already. We just love Bandai for releasing Hero 3 in two separate discs, where the first one is an Animation Disc, which contains a brand new Naruto OVA ("Original Video Animation", a Japanese straight-to-video term), created by the staff of the TV series. Watch this exclusive Anime and get extremely pumped, making yourself ready for the second disc, which holds the game itself. Then you'll be prepared to uppercut the other Ninjas into the stratosphere hard.
Both discs are included in the DVD game case for all orders. If you've always wanted to play as the first or second hokage and take part in the goings-on in Ninja village Konoha yourself, Naruto Narutimate Hero 3 is the title to own. A terrific blend of Beat'em Up and RPG, it's a must-have game for fans of the series, as well as for all fighting enthusiasts.
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Hideo Kojima may be busy at work on Metal Gear Solid 4 for the PlayStation 3, but he's also prepping other installments in the bestselling series. The latest issue of Famitsu revealed that Konami's famed game designer is working on not just one, but two new Metal Gear Solid projects for the PSP.
The first project is named "Metal Gear Solid BD," which Famitsu reports will be some form of "digital content" slated for a spring 2006 release in Japan. Kojima did not give any details about the project, but the article implied that it may be a form of entertainment other than a game.
The second MGS PSP project will be a "totally new Metal Gear Solid game." Kojima avoided disclosing the game's name, saying that it will give away what the game is about. However, he hinted that it plays relatively normal, excluding a new form of gameplay "which is only possible with the PSP."
While he personally thinks that the game will be interesting, Kojima added that the new concept is so "different," that he needs to test alpha version to see if the game has a chance at retail. When asked about the game's release period, Kojima would say only that it shouldn't take extremely long to develop.
The second game appears to be the title Kojima previously mentioned on his official blog. In November, he said he was working on a new PSP project with a "completely new system" which is being produced by Metal Gear Acid 2 director Shinta Nojiri.
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
As part of its pre-E3 PlayStation 3 conference in May, Sony brought Epic Games cofounder Tim Sweeney on stage. Besides saying that Epic had already received a PS3 software-development kit--which he said was "easy to program"--Sweeney also performed a tech demo of a shooter running on PS3 hardware.
The game on display appeared to be Unreal Tournament 2007, the flashy-looking, Unreal Engine 3-based successor to the popular PC shooter Unreal Tournament 2004. However, neither Sony nor Epic would confirm when--or even if--UT 2007 would arrive on the PS3.
Seven months later, the two companies have broken their silence. The January 2006 issue of PSM proudly proclaims that, yes, UT 2007 is coming to the PlayStation 3. Inside, the magazine also reveals that the game will be a launch title for the PlayStation 3, which is tentatively slated for a spring 2006 launch.
UT 2007 for PS3 is the second Epic shooter announced for next-generation consoles. However, the first, Gears of War for the Xbox 360, is slated for a general "2006" release date, meaning it could conceivably come out after the PS3 UT 2007.
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
More memory for your PSP is on the way, thanks to first generation flash card adapters on the way from Chinese manufacturers. There are three different models available, but all of them are limited to a maximum of 4GB of storage capacity. This limit is not due to the products, but rather to a firmware limitation with the PSP. 4GB is all that it will support.
The Neo2in1 and the Neo4in1 are kind of awkward because they just hang by the flat cable which attaches them to the PSP via the Memory Card slot. That makes it less convenient to use them on the go, though the manufacturers will apparently be including Velcro to attach the reader to the back of your PSP. The 2in1 is a Compact Flash adapter, while the 4in1 adds SD and MMC capabilities as well.
The Neo5in1 combines the capabilities of the Neo4in1 with an AA battery pack for backup power and 2 USB slots. The other big draw of this model is that it attaches to the PSP, making it much easier to use than the other two.
Prices for these readers range from $80 for the 2in1 to $100 for the 5in1.
News from MobileMag
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Following on from Lik Sangs PSP TV Compare article, SuccessHK have done the same:
We receive all the PSP to TV adapters and do the setup to test the products immediately. The following is the comparison between the three PSP to TV adapters which include PSPonTV Adapter Kit, Blaze PSP TV Adaptor, and PSP2TV Adapter.
For the function, all the PSP to TV adapters display the screen of PSP console to TV. Only PSP2TV Adapter supports Dual Shock 2 controller.
For the outlook, the designs of Blaze PSP TV Adaptor and PSPonTV Adapter are similar. However, PSPonTV Adaptor feels bulky with its huge height. Blaze PSP TV Adaptor looks stylish in comparison.
For the installation, PSP2TV Adaptor Kit is as easy as Blaze PSP TV Adaptor and both do not have to void the warranty. The designs are similar; both are using original PSP power adaptor, AV cable, etc. However, it is using screws instead of hocks to hold its position and offer a headphones pass-through port. Installation of PSP2TV Adapter requires much more skill and takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Also it voids the warranty.
For the quality, there are no significant differences between the three adapters. By comparing the screen output, we are amazed that the quality of PSPonTV Adapter Kit which is using CCD camera and Blaze PSP TV Adapter which is using CMOS camera looks the same. The only difference is that, screen using Blaze PSP TV Adaptor is a little brighter. Is PSPonTV Adapter really using CCD camera? We doubt it.
For the price, PSPonTV is set cheaper than PSP2TV Adapter Kit (US$119.90), but still far more expensive than Blaze PSP TV Adaptor.
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December 22nd, 2005, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted a price drop on PSP Console packages:
SONY PSP Value Pack - Ceramic White Latest ver. USD 229.00
SONY PSP Value Pack Latest Ver. USD 229.00 #
SONY PSP Standard Pack Latest Ver. USD 198.00
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December 22nd, 2005, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source: Spong
We have been picking up on chatter that comes from the blogging community, much of which cites 'retail sources' they are close to, that the Ceramic White PSP is heading to Europe, in time for Easter.
Thing is, there's loads of different blogs all running sub-identical pieces, all failing to reference each other in something of a farcical game of blind man's bluff. Either way, from what we can gather, the 'retail source' appears to be a shop assistant in a game shop. We'd also like to ask any of the blogs claiming to have this news nailed down as fact to get in touch, especially if they are the original source of the chatter.
Anyway, we contacted a senior buyer at a major European retailer today to find out what's going on. “Right now, SCEE sales hasn't been briefed to begin pushing white units,” we were told. “It has been mentioned, as there's been a certain level of interest at store level from consumers about the possibility of seeing the white machine and essentially, it will go on sale at some point, though nothing is official, so to speak. There's certainly no orders being placed for white PSPs.”
So when will we know? All the sites currently ripping each other off, claiming retail 'insiders' have given them the scoop, say Easter... “We have no idea. What is likely to happen and as is common at Sony is that there will be an announcement to press, then sales will tell us and we'll start getting them in. Easter sounds a good time, though anything claiming this is a concrete date is simply not true.”
For the uninitiated, the Ceramic White PSP is a PSP in white. The name of the white Sony has used is dubbed Ceramic. We believe this is to differentiate is from other types of white. It comes in a whiter box and ships with some white accessories. And is white. Expect an announcement about its European debut at some point early/mid-2006.
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December 22nd, 2005, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers Galaxy have released a new issue of their PSP Mag, heres the info:
It's Christmas time, and PSP Galaxy is back with their third issue!
Inside you'll find an exclusive interview with Tate Interactive, the developers of Kao Challengers, as well as reviews for Prince of Persia: Revelations, PoPoLoCrois and Kao Challengers.
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December 22nd, 2005, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
SonyXteaM is proud to present you their new downgrader for psp 1006 and 1007 (BETA)!!, Yeah you heared it's finally out ! it's been developped by Yoshihiro from SonyXteaM and here are the instructions !
This as been TESTED on psp-1001 and psp-1004 however we are not responsible for the eventual damage
Release notes:
We figured out that the error 80000025 is a system config error and that the system configurations are located in flash1 so we replace the original flash1 from the psp-1006 and 1007 to the ones from a psp-1001 unit.
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December 22nd, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Drakonite has updated his Duckhunt game! for the PS2, heres the new info:
With 130 downloads in about 2 and a half days, I suppose there are at least a couple people out there that want to play duckhunt, though I haven't heard many comments back from people who have tried it.
I've just uploaded an update to duckhunt. I didn't work on it as much as I was planning to this week, however since the christmas season is upon us and I doubt I"ll have time to get any noticable changes done over the weekend I decided to go ahead and post the few changes that have been made.
One of the major changes is in the ducks' behavior. Instead of the set path I had hacked together to get the first preview release done, they are now flying eradically around the screen and are much harder to hit!
I was well aware that it was rather strict on how close you had to be to score a hit. I've loosed up the strictness a little bit so it's now about the same as the original duckhunt.
Another noticable change is the inclusion of a shot indicator -- when you fire and miss there is a small animation showing where you had shot at. I had a couple requests for this and I was wondering it myself, but the original didn't have it and I'm not sure if I like it... so I'd like to hear feedback.
Plenty of other changes though I doubt any of them will be noticable.
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December 22nd, 2005, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Calisto has finally been released, now you can play one of the very best homebrew games for the PSP, heres the info from the official site:
Callisto is a retro style side-scrolling space shooter. You are a bounty hunter travelling through hostile planets searching for intergalactic criminals.
weak ... code
pimpot ... gfx
rmedtx ... additional gfx
makrospex ... sound fx
klesk ... assistance
Menu music theme by asobeat.
Background music by A P Bolan.
Callisto is being developed using the open source pspsdk.
- initial release

Thanks to Rmedtx who let me know of the news in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15725
Download from the official site or the link above , tell us what you think, btw the download is a rather hefty 17Meg for those on 56k 
a great release for the PSP Scene
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December 22nd, 2005, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
A new puzzle type game has been released for the PSP by an anonymous Chinese developer.
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December 22nd, 2005, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
JzBMSPlayer is a Beatmania clone for the PSP:

Heres whats new via translation:
* Stream playback / key sound, next BACKGROUND MUSIC of the selector in the ogg correspondence
Wav: Basis.
Mp3: Only stream playback correspondence.
The mp3 being compressed at stage of distribution, for る ones.
When by your you compress the wav in the mp3, because the gap occurs,
After beforehand considering the gap, it does not face other than the BMS which was made.
Ogg: Stream playback / key sound correspondence.
When you compress by your, with this way.
It reads key sound and the time it decodes and keeps with the 8bit, but
of the tags When the 16BIT and description (the COMMENT=16BIT) it is done in comment,
You keep that way with the 16bit. (Memory time consumption)
* Stream decision of playback from when the #WAV01 is above the 5m,
Altogether BMS first is found in defined order of the #WAV only one time in the #WAV which is not used modification.
* Level in meter three additions
* Decision in time base
* Tip pushing poor in non decision
* In addition what? Variety.
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December 22nd, 2005, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamasutra
Sony has announced the crossing of two important sales milestones in the UK, with the PlayStation 2 selling over one million units during 2006, while the PSP has passed the half million mark.
In June, the UK installed user base for the PlayStation 2 was put at 7.2 million (beating the installed based of the PSone), which suggests that the current total should now be around 8 million – although Sony has not yet given a precise figure. As of November 30th, the PlayStation 2 has sold 37.14 million units in European and PAL territories, with the UK market the largest within that group.
The success of the PSP has been difficult to gauge in the UK since its launch in September, following stock problems with both it and the rival Nintendo DS portable. Sony is now claiming a total of 610,000 sales until December 10th, with the end of year total likely to be close to 750,000.
Speaking to UK trade paper MCV, analyst Nick Parker commented: "The UK has performed better than any other European territory, and Ray Maguire will have undoubtedly hit his targets once again. And PSP will have at least met, if not exceeded, Sony’s expectations for the UK."
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December 23rd, 2005, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
HEDZX has released a new game for the PSP, heres the info:
I've been working kinda hard and have now completed my Beta for the game Chao Maze. Whta you do is collect all the fruit and mini character, i.e sonic , shadow etc. to go up in level.
To Do:
More levels
secret characters(beat game to be hero chao, dark chao, sonic, etc.)
also putting in stuff like poisinuss rivers and stuff.
D-pad: Move
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released:

The first PSP edition in the modern military sim game. In the PSP entry, you play as the leader of a group called Wild Kids and command your troops in battle on a variety of battle fields. Gameplay in Daisenryaku includes grid-based strategy, 3D cut-ins for attack sequences and separate production/movement phases during battle. During the game's planning phase, you're able to manufacture up to five units at one time. You can move your units in and out of battle freely, although in order to storm a city, you have to make use of ground troops. The game features over 300 units pulled from actual military bodies throughout the world.
More info here ---> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster

Lik Sang have posted news of the release of the Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder 2, now you can easily record films to play on your PSP, heres the big article:
We have today received our first allocated batch of the smoking hot Neuros MPEG-4 Video Recorder 2 from USA. The bad boy is shipping for US$ 149.90 only. The Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder 2 enables you to capture video content for the Sony PSP from any analog video source, including cable or satellite television, DVD players, VCRs, camcorders, and PVRs such as Tivo.
The video content is saved as MPEG-4 video files, eliminating the hassle of proprietary file formats. Utilizing standard Memory Sticks, you can record content on a card for viewing on your TV, or transfer that content onto your PSP.
Roughly the size of a PDA device, the Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder 2 hooks up to your existing home theater components, and allows you to view still photos on your TV or listen to MP3 audio files through your stereo. Additional features include upgradeable firmware for future functionality expansion.
The Recorder comes with a Compact Flash and Memory Stock slot and features different video recording formats such as QVGA (320x240), Wide Screen WQVGA (368x208), and VGA (640X480). The video files it creates can be played back not only with the PSP, but also with PDAs, Mobile Phones and other portable devices that play MP4 video.
The Neuros MPEG-4 Recorder 2 is surprisingly small and light. It comes in a nice box with a remote control, a multivolt power supply (100-240V, US type plug), a 32 page user guide in English (German, French, Italian and Spanish here), 2 AV cables for in- and output, and a CD-ROM with "The Core Pocket Media Player" and a copy of the user guide in Acrobat Reader format. The Core Pocket Media Player is an open-source media player for Palm OS-based and Windows CE / Windows Mobile-based devices. The remote control is very nice and very small too. It does the job and it's very easy to figure it out as it has enough buttons for most actions.
Read the full article at Lik Sang
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK posted the following new PSP Game:

Working very closely with Peter Jackson and Wingnut Films, Ubisoft's Montpellier studio (Beyond Good & Evil) and its Montreal studio (Splinter Cell) are together creating a game that will reflect the visual interpretation, character dynamics and dramatic narrative of Jackson's epic take on the classic King Kong story.
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
CanCan has posted news of the release of his new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
Vexed is a puzzle game in which your goal is to move similar blocks together, which causes them to disappear. Block can be moved to the left or to the right. When no block in under the current block, the block falls down.
Once all the blocks are gone, you've solved the level and you're presented with a new level to solve. You can only access the next level when the current one is solved. Vexed was created by James McCombe (Vexed at SourceForge.net) for the Palm OS.
Check out the great screenshots and download the game for yourself from the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15778
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
FreePlay is currently working on a RSS reader for the PSP using Lua. This will enable useres without having the latest firmware, to be able to read RSS Feeds too. Others notes:
I've got a new version! The URL for the RSS feed no longer has to be hard-coded into the Lua script. It can parse a URL, grab the IP address for the domain, connect, and download a file. Actually, it can download as many files as you want, one after the next.
There's only one problem: it's saving the HTTP header information into the file, which causes problems for both binary files and the XML parser. I'm sure it'll be a simple fix once I look at it. The last line of the header is always the "Content-Type" line, followed by a blank line, so I can just search for the second new line after the Content-Type and that should be the start of the file!
Things are looking good. My next step will be to read a .CFG file with a list of web addresses and feed titles. Then I can feed these web addresses into the download program, pass in the title, and have it save each feed individually.
I'll be away from my wireless connection from the 23rd to the 27th, so I might be slowed down a bit. Regardless, I can start working on the offline part of the program over my vacation.
At the rate I'm going, you may have an RSS reader for 1.50 PSPs by the start of the new year! (But don't hold me to that statement )
In my latest version, the various feeds will be download into the (Lua Player Folder)\Applications\RSS folder.
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December 23rd, 2005, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game "GTA Liberty City Stories".
Supported cheats include Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats New v0.5b:
Added "Really High" to teleport list for Dodo gliding
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December 23rd, 2005, 18:18 Posted By: wraggster

The Open Source PSP-OSS Shell for the PSP has been released, heres the info from the readme:
Built-in audio player
MP3 and OGG support
Built-in image viewer
PNG and JPG support an resolutions up to 512x512
*EBOOT Support:
Run any EBOOT off you memory stick via the "Start Menu" (1.5 firmware)
Easily access your memory sticks files via included filebrowser
Ability to Open, Cut, Paste, Delete and Rename files
*Easy-to-use GUI:
Restart and shutdown the PSP-OSS from the desktop
Run any UMD from the desktop (excluding UMDs requiring 2.xx)
Edit your theme or background from the configuration panel
Enable/disable USB mode
Access time and date information
Look at Shortcut.ql example on the desktop. Open in a text editor
*Folder Locations for Desktop and Start Menu
Files you want on the desktop or in the start menu go in these folders
Pictures: PSP\PHOTO\
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December 23rd, 2005, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
jsharrad has released a rather nice retro game for the PSP, heres the info:
Started working on a clone of an old dos game called MinerVGA, released as public domain in like 1988. Haven't got much at the moment, below is a screenshot and a very alpha test eboot where you can control the miner, clear the ore (they spawn in same spot every game atm) and walk pretty much anywhere on the screen, even through the road. :P
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December 23rd, 2005, 19:30 Posted By: deniska
It seems that alot of people got hyper about the recent Mario V0.2 Demo release. I am not sure if these folks as well as the game developers are aware of the existing Mario stand-alone game port hosted by ps2dev.org.
Original PC/Linux version of the game is available @ http://smclone.sourceforge.net
If you missed that game, please see the attached zip file with 1.5/1.0 versions unofficial builds that I compiled based on the ps2dev version.
The new unofficial version features:
- speed optimizations
- sound support (sound files included in the zip)
- music support (the music package is not included in this distribution. It can be downloaded from:
unzip the file and put the data folder in to ms:/PSP/GAME/smc/)
[O] - enter
[^] - jump
[X] - exit
analog joystick - menu navigation/movements
If you are interested in modding the game or creating the new levels, check
http://smclone.sourceforge.net for details.
The official source code is available from: svn://svn.ps2dev.org/pspware/trunk/SMC
All credits for PSP port go to rinco and other ps2dev members.
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December 23rd, 2005, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Tromedlov has released a new Lua App in our PSP Emulation & Homebrew forum, heres what the coder says:
This is my first homebrew program that I made from combining some of the sample programs from the Lua player. This program initializes USB mode while your in the Lua "Lowser", so you can edit and compile your programs on the spot. You can already do this with the "3d cube" sample program, but I made a program specifically for this purpose. It also has moving stars in the background, and a zoom in text (I did that on my own). I can't wait to start homebrewing some of my own stuff, this is awesome!!!
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December 23rd, 2005, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=1989&stc=1">
The PSP Scene is great and it makes you proud of how the scene has grown and i am especially impressed with the great developers and members and guests of this network 
Heres another great release by Deniska, who has released a great looking Mario game for the PSP:
"It seems that alot of people got hyper about the recent Mario V0.2 Demo release. I am not sure if these folks as well as the game developers are aware of the existing Mario stand-alone game port hosted by ps2dev.org.
Original PC/Linux version of the game is available @ http://smclone.sourceforge.net
If you missed that game, please see the attached zip file with 1.5/1.0 versions unofficial builds that I compiled based on the ps2dev version.
The new unofficial version features:
- speed optimizations
- sound support (sound files included in the zip)
- music support (the music package is not included in this distribution. It can be downloaded from:
unzip the file and put the data folder in to ms:/PSP/GAME/smc/)"
Download the game from the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15803
Thanks to Deniska for another great port 
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December 24th, 2005, 01:15 Posted By: Joe88
Does anybody if you can copy and boot games from Japan with HD LOADER from www.hdloader.com ? I am planning to buy a couple of games that never made it to the states and want to know if I can do it this way instead of buying a PS2 flip top and swap disk exploit.
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December 24th, 2005, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this news:

The new version of the Ghost 2, named Ghost 2 Version 2, is coming in a few days. We are now taking preorders and we are looking forward to what seems another improvement of this already ultra-performant modchip!
Heres the info:
The Ghost 2 (follow up to the Messiah 2) is compatible with all existing Playstation 2 and PSTwo (slimline), from all regions. The main advantage of G.2 Mod like his ancestors is its reliability - it's not sensitive to power supply, location, length of wires, etc.. No Ground Bounce and such proof of lacking electronics skills.
- Media autodetect powered.
- Easy Autoboot, simply put any CD/CDR/DVDR/DVDR/IMPORT/MOVIE/PS1/PS2, and it will boot straight away.
- There is simply NO LIMIT SO HIGH than those defined by this device.
- DVD region Free with RCE support.
- Watch all region DVD movies on your PS2.
- Colour Fix
- Screen Fix
- Green screen removed for Playback of DVD Movies.
- MacroVision Remover
- DivX and MP3 Mediaplayer compatibility.
- Action Replay and Action Replay MAX compatible.
- PSX LOGO position and PSX game screen position are PERFECT and FIXED.
- HDD (Hard Disc) ATAD patching Support (original HDD or any computer HDD with unlimited size).
- Disc swapping supported for CD/R media and DVD/R media.
- DVDR booting is very fast and reliable with 100% success.
- Unrivalled boot success rate The boot rate of G.2 is on 100%.
- - Rewritten VHDL code featuring v0 to v15 PAL/JAP/US compatibility. Number of wires varies between 17 and 19 depending on version and region.
Preorder yours from Divineo China
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December 24th, 2005, 13:01 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted this news:
Stock has now arrived of Datels latest product - the Wifi Max for PSP & DS. Connect your PSP/DS to the internet wirelessly.
At last, you can connect your PSP to the internet easily, cheaply and WIRELESSLY! With WiFi MAX, a whole world of online gaming is opened, and you can also manage your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house. WiFi MAX for PSP couldn't be simpler to use. Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. You can then connect to the internet and play online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP gamers from all over the world. Just the thing if you don't have a wireless router! Best of all, WiFi MAX supports up to five ‘local' PSP gamers at a time, so you and your mates can all play online at once! As well as multiplayer games, WiFi MAX also lets you organise your media files and download them to your PC using our exclusive MAX Media Server software. Transfer MP3s, images and video files from your PC to your PSP from anywhere that's within range of your new WiFi network. As it operates on the Wireless G standard, it's five times faster than an ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise your effective WiFi range. If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi MAX too. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi router! Features • Internet gaming through any internet-enabled PC. • No cables necessary – make a wireless connection. • Organise your files, and convert videos into a PSP-friendly format. • Five times faster than standard WiFi. • Suppled with software CD and WiFi dongle, and also a USB cable and stand for optimal positioning.
More information and buy one from Divineo UK
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December 24th, 2005, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
fchaos has just released an update to his -wip- rpg, still very early in its development, but it looks better with every release.
I've progressed a bit further in the RPG I've been making. The new things I've added are NPCs with basic dialogue, a basic battle system, and a few bug fixes. I have yet to find someone to make sprites for the game, but when I do, I'll release a small demo.
I would really like suggestions and feedback
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December 24th, 2005, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game "GTA Liberty City Stories".
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
– Completely stops the game for screen capture so that action shots will not be blurry
– New savefile for UK version
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December 24th, 2005, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
Mythos has released GTA:LCS Video Viewer for the PSP, it is for viewing the videos that Edison Carter’s Cheat Device can create. You must have a PSP with firmware v2.0 or above to use the firmware’s web browser capability, and the the GTA videos must be in the PHOTO folder on your memory stick.
The player features a fullscreen mode and custom styles.
To install:
– Copy all the files to the root of your memory stick, ie:
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December 24th, 2005, 13:23 Posted By: wraggster
Chau Le has released v2 of his Sudoku game for the PSP.
Whats new:
Pencil mode: press O on an empty square to start pencil mode. Use D pad to move around the square. Use shoulder triggers to enter possible numbers. Up to 4 numbers can be entered in one square. Press O again to exit pencil mode.
Best time for each level is recorded.
Can restart the game at any level, up to your best level.
Skinnable. Two skins are included but new skins can be added to the Skins folder. Use existing png files as templates.
New puzzles included. Puzzles are now symmetrical.
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December 24th, 2005, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Mr 44 has released a new version of the Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP, this is mainly used to browse the Japanese 2ch forum but it can browse text based sites too. This release has bug fixes and the ability to display jpegs now.
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December 24th, 2005, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk has posted a news update to his port of Quake 2 to the PSP:
Perhaps it is usefull to run the PSP at 333 mhz cpu clock frequency. So I added this option to the menu for select 222 or 333 mhz. You can set each frequency over the console in steps of 1 mhz beginning at 111 mhz. I hope Quake 2 will run with smooth with 222 mhz, at the moment it does.
I need some help from someone who is good at making animations. A short intro from id software is played at the begin of Quake 2. I want have a short Team Emergency Exit animation. So I need someone with a good idea and knowledge in animations. I have an animated running figure like the one in the logo, but I need a 2 - 5 seconds intro. Please come to the chat if you want help us.
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December 24th, 2005, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
Drakonite posted this news and a new release of his homebrew game for the PS2:
I felt a little christmasy today, so I quickly threw together an xmasy duckhunt.
I also made a modification so that if you don't have a guncon but still want to see it running, you can use a normal controller and press start to get pass the calibration screen (it still has to be in controller port 2 though)
Merry Xmas.
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December 24th, 2005, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
News from I4U
The UMD movies for the Sony PSP seem to be developing into a nice business. Amazon.com lists now 250 UMD movies to choose from (some are not released yet, but available for pre-order).
In May we reported about the sales success of two UMD movies selling more than 100,000 copies each. Back then only 70 UMD movies had been published. A half year later the number of available UMD movies has tripled.
The bestselling UMD movie on Amazon.com is Napoleon Dynamite, followed by Family Guy and Fantastic Four.
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December 24th, 2005, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Placasoft from Team Emergency Exit has informed us all of the latest project from them called PSPdualBoot!
"Hi guys
Merry X’mas! Maybe it’s time to let your know more about my new project “PSPdualBoot”.
With PSPdualBoot, you will be able to start 2 different versions of the Firmware on one PSP. OK, it’s really simple: if the WLan switch is turned off, the PSP will boot to the original Sony OS; but if the switch is turned on, it will boot and start an Eboot program automatically, such as PSP-OSS or Psix, from your Memory Stick.
You don’t have to take apart your PSP. All you have to do is as simple as installing a homebrew program.
There is still much to work on, so I can’t give a release day here. I don’t even know if it would be released or not.
Team Emergency Exit wishes you a wonderful time with your family or/and friends this during the X’mas.
More news for sure as we get it 
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December 24th, 2005, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster

Nige has released the worlds first Amstrad CPC Emulator for the PSP, heres all the info :
Merry Christmas and happy new year! CPCPSP is a port of the Caprice32 Amstrad CPC emulator for the Sony PSP.
Version 0.1 contains:
Without sound, about 92% of original CPC speed
With sound, about 75% of original CPC speed
Emulation of the 464, 664 or 6128
64/128k snapshot support
Very accurate emulation
Over the forthcoming releases, the following things should be added:
Disk (.DSK) support
Tape (.TAP) support
A virtual keyboard
A centred screen (and maybe some more screen modes)
Faster emulation
A better webpage (it couldn't get much worse)
Known bugs:
Video overwriting - there is some video corruption in places where the CPC screen shouldn't be intruding
Slowness! Accuracy is good but things need to speed up
User options. Config file mucking around can result in PSP crashes (you have been warned)
Dodgy sound. This is due to the emulator not running at 100% of original speed.
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/cpcpsp.shtml
Thanks Nige for an awesome Xmas Present for the PSP Emulation Scene 
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December 24th, 2005, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Its that time of year when Santa comes and visits and so from all at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network i wish each and everyone one of you a really great and safe Xmas 
Now im off to get rather drunk (I mean get down my neck some Xmas Spirit)
Merry Xmas to all 
If anyone gets any decent pressies then let us know 
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December 24th, 2005, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Its that time of year when Santa comes and visits and so from all at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network i wish each and everyone one of you a really great and safe Xmas 
Now im off to get rather drunk (I mean get down my neck some Xmas Spirit)
Merry Xmas to all 
If anyone gets any decent pressies then let us know 
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December 25th, 2005, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has updated the patched version of MPHs Firmware Launcher, heres whats new:
u4 version: (Only tested on Firmware Version 2.00)
1: L + SELECT to load the real/hardware original Sony UMD (Old way)
2: R + SELECT to load the real/hardware original Sony UMD (New way but unstable)
3: New method of loading the Sony UMD
4: No more L + R + SELECT boot methods
5: Internet browser should be more stable when entering web address (lesser hang does not mean no)
6: reduce eboot by 4KB ;( and some minor fix...
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December 25th, 2005, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Team n:exp have updated their app that looks for viruses and somewhat dodgy code in eboots, heres the info:
This is software which detects trojan-horse for PSP.
What is trojan horse?
Trojan horse is one type of computer virus and there are some trojan horse for PSP. This software detects trojan horse from detection rules(for now no heuristic detection is implemented).
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December 26th, 2005, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Cnet have rated the top 10 Gadgets of 2005 and the PSP comes in at #1 with the Xbox 360 at #2, heres what they wrote:
The Sony PlayStation Portable is the portable gadget of 2005. If you haven't gotten one already, you must not have seen one in action. The screen alone will make you salivate. So much more than a portable gaming console, it also plays music and movies. Not only does it look hot, it also has outstanding sound and graphics, a built-in Memory Stick Duo slot, and Wi-Fi. And if you already have one, read our PSP megafeature to unleash your PSP's full potential.
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December 26th, 2005, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk has posted more screenshots of his port of Quake 2 to the PSP and also has released a cell shading tutorial
Check out the yummy screenshots and the tutorial via the comments:
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December 27th, 2005, 09:56 Posted By: wraggster

Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game "GTA Liberty City Stories".
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
Gives the screen more time to repaint before screenshot
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December 27th, 2005, 09:59 Posted By: wraggster
PSP-HTTPD is a basic PSP web server, written in Lua.
What this does is basically let you download files from your PSP using your wireless network connection. You can browse through the files on your web browser, as if you're surfing a website. HTML pages will even be sent so you could run a website off your PSP.
Whats New in v0.3:
* New template-based interface for directory listings
* Fixed error on exit, server now shuts down cleanly
* Config file revamped, now with commented options and two new settings: server port and send retries
* If the config file does not exist or options are missing, default variables will be loaded
* File sizes now sent in HTTP headers
* Added CSS mime type
* Changed default number of error-checking repeats from 100 to 80
* File send message in console now shows more detailed info about the file
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December 27th, 2005, 10:06 Posted By: wraggster
Team Evolution have released a new OS written in Lua, you must have Lua Player installed to use this, heres the features of this release:
– Windows-like desktop
– Launch-able icons
– Multiple desktop support
– Themes
– Screensavers
– Start bar with time, battery, and Start menu
- Settings, which include Themes and Screensaver
- Included Programs, for easy access
– Small PNG viewer
– Additional small features, such as debugging and windows
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December 27th, 2005, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Punchjump
Sony Corp. is in talks to order 20% of Samsung's NAND flash memory chip production, according to Bloomberg.
Sony's PSP handheld entertainment system use NAND flash memory to save data.
Hwang Chang Gyu, head of Samsung's semiconductor business, said he heard from Sony that the electronics giant expects to sell about 20 million PSP units next year.
The large purchase of memory chips and a revised sales forecast could signal an increase in production and a possible price reduction of the PSP handheld, which has seen brisk sales in the U.S., Europe, and Japan.
Sony is on track to double the PSP's user base to 6 million units on initial holiday sales estimates.
Handheld market leader Nintendo continues to dominate in Japan where its Nintendo DS trumps the PSP in sales. The company edges out the PSP in the U.S. at 2.7 million Nintendo DS units sold compared to Sony's 2.43 million units sold...
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December 27th, 2005, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
As a news site we report on the homebrew and emulation side of the PSP scene plus new commercial games and accessories plus the latest PSP news from around the world even if its hacking or development world.
Our friends at Lik Sang have on their site a release of a new game in Japan for the PSP, heres the info:

Baito Hell 2000 is Sony's answer to Wario Ware games for the Nintendo DS. Baito Hell 2000 features various minigames like assorting chicks in bins, playing baseball, or smashing teacups.
More information here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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December 27th, 2005, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
OK i have been waiting for a while to do this but never had time and believe me, juggling 18 sites, a real work life, Children, a Wife and sleep makes finding time hard :P but i manage it without too many probs 
With many thanks to Lik Sang who supplied the unit as a review sample i finally got around to doing it, for those who dont know what the hell im talking about and thats easily done :P, heres some info about the unit:

The X2 Battery is a direct replacement for your PSP's rechargeable battery, but offers double the capacity of the standard model. Now bundled with a 4GB HDD, it gives you plenty of space for your saves and files on the go.
The 4GB HD uses ultra-reliable Micro-Drive technology. The HD interfaces with the PSP by means of a flexible Memory Stick™ adapter which is plugged into the Memory Stick™ slot on the PSP.
Once connected, the body of the HD attaches snugly to the back of the PSP by means of two location posts which slot into corresponding holes on the back of the PSP. When used in conjunction with the X-2 double capacity battery the 4GB HD forms an ergonomic extension to the PSP which follows the neat lines of the handheld, fitting snugly in your palms. Once connected, you use the 4GB HD just as you would a normal Memory Stick™; you can playback video, MP3s, movies and images and save from inside your PSP games.
Heres an excerpt from my review:
The announcement of the 4GB Hard Drive by Datel was a major piece of news for the PSP Scene and the addition of the Double Strength Battery and also Datels Media Software and also USB 2.0 Cable meant this was it seemed good value for money against Sony and Sandisk 2GB Offerings, when first announced the price was a steep $249 but upon release it dropped down to $199 and later to $179, ok thats the back ground heres my review.
Intstallation of the 4GB Hard Drive was quite easy, it involved opening up the slot where the Memory card goes and pushing the interface and cable into it, the Hard Drive then with what must be magnets on the case around the Hard drive it pushed in and was very sturdy with only the cable sticking out a bit from where it goes into the Memory card slot, not perfect but decent enough.
The installation of the X2 Battery was a breeze too, taking the original battery cover and battery out takes seconds and the install was just as easy and balanced the back of the PSP nicely, it does look a bit strange with the 2 ends sticking out but not massively awful.
Read the full review by me here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/datel4gb...e-review.shtml
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December 27th, 2005, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
According to an alleged employee of Rockstar North in Glasgow, Scotland, the next installment in the GTA series "will be titled Grand Theft Auto: London and will take place in the Great City of London in 1997."
If true, this sounds suspiciously like Rockstar trying to claim the "Great City" back from Sony's supposed usurpers to the crime-drivin' throne. Also, if you recall, there was a PC expansion to the first GTA in 1999 called Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, so this is either a bad rumor or a likely remake of old material.
We here at Joystiq hear a lot of crazy rumors about games, of course, but we sometimes wonder what to make of anonymous tipsters who claim to work for certain "developers of interest." Read on for the other details we received, and make the decision for yourself.
According to our source (who admittedly doesn't have the most perfect spelling), the "3 Island" system will be replaced by a new "North, East, South, West" system, and the main character will be an ex-gangster starting off in the "rough-and-tumble east end of London." Unlocked regions are to include the North End, South End, and West End, in order. The game is supposed to be about 60% finished, with the graphics and physics engines both completed. The focus is now mainly on the game's story component. The game is currently set to launch with the Playstation 3 in North America and Europe in Q4 2006. With about a year's work already done, the PlayStation 3's "fantastic graphical power" should provide some better horsepower under the hood of the sandbox series.
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December 28th, 2005, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
EEUG has released a new version of his media player for the PS2. Lots of additions, fixes and changes have been made in this release.
Heres the list :
subtitles support is added for .srt (SubRip) and .sub (MicroDVD) formats. Subtitle
files are recognized automatically by file extension (.srt has precedence over
.sub) as they are located at the same place as .avi file and have the same name.
Subtitles can be switched on/off via player menu. Note that this support is rather
strict in sense that no advanced text parsing was implemented, so subtitle file must
follow specifications (for .srt refer http://www.matroska.org). In case of Subtitle
error message refer displayed number as line number near the place where error
condition was detected. If subtitle line is too long to fit the screen it will be
splitted (by word) in two or more lines (space character is treated as word separator).
Thanks to BraveDog for the research/implementation, Mr.Worm~~ for advises
and testing and mastaalien for remark about long subtitle lines;
- player menu is introduced (start button during playback);
- multi-audio support is added (if multiple sudio streams are present in the .avi file).
Note that all audio streams have to be encoded using same codec and same codec settings,
otherwise results are unpredictable . Language can be changed via player menu;
Thanks to Mr.Worm~~ for sample clip;
- SMS menu is extended with new options (circle pad button can also be used for action
(for numeric input it reverses scrolling direction));
- external font support added. Following fonts can be loaded:
- mc0:SMS/ascii.mtf - contains 96 ascii characters ( 32-127)
- mc0:SMS/latin2.mtf - contains 128 latin2 characters (128-255)
- mc0:SMS/cyrillic.mtf - contains 128 cyrillic characters (128-255)
- mc0:SMS/latin1.mtf - contains 128 latin1 characters (128-255)
- mc0:SMS/greek.mft - contains 128 greek characters (128-255)
New font can be created by 'MTKFontCreator' utility (google) (I've used version 0.6.2).
During font save select Save Mediatek Font -> 4 color comp., variable width (NEW mode).
Min height must be set to 32. During font generation Max Width and Height parameters
(displayed on the status line) must not exceed 32. No error checks etc. are performed
by SMS here, so use it very carefully and on your own risk . Probably .ini file
for that utility has to be adjusted on site in order to generate reduced character sets
(96 and 128 characters instead of 256). By changing that .ini file it's possible to
create virtually any character sets (ISO-8859-7, for instance);
- pan-scan display is implemented. By default SMS displays movie in letterbox mode
(widescreen movies are shown in full width). 3 pan-scan modes are available (via player
menu or square pad button during playback). In pan-scan mode it's possible to scroll
picture left or right using L1/R1 pad buttons (L1+R1 resets changes);
- about screen is added (L1+R1+R2+L2 pad buttons in the browser);
- ps2host.irx driver is updated (fixed DVD hang issue on some consoles);
- fixed bug (only one file can be opened) in cdvd.irx;
- playback time OSD added (cross button during playback);
- auto poweroff timer added (start counting from the moment of pad button press).
auto mode there means poweroff when movie ends;
- fixed bug mounted partition saved in the configuration when there's no partition
mounted. Thanks to JuddMan for the remark;
- audio/video and subtitle/video manual synchronization added. circle pad button
activates OSD for it and L2/R2 adjusts time delay (from -5sec to 5sec (for
subtitles from -30sec to 30sec) with 250ms interval);
- basic and primitive mp3/m3u playback support added with silly allsim demo ;
- bug fixed (sceen offset adjustment settings is saved incorrectly) - thanks to
'dave_t' for the fix;
- video timeline/scrollbar added. This option is configurable and activated by select
pad button during playback (instead of pause). The use left/ ight pad buttons
to set new time offset, start/cross pad button(s) to resume playback. Thanks to
bix64 for the implementation;
- enabled support of VESA video modes: 640x480@60Hz (select+L1 pad buttons at startup)
and 640x480@75Hz (select+L2 pad buttons at startup). Tested only with ViewSonic VX910
TFT monitor with official Sony's cable. These modes are not selectable via SMS menu to
avoid confusions ;
- fixed bug upsampler routine ( icking noise with sample rates < 48KHz);
- new bugs have been implemented ;
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December 28th, 2005, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who visit PSP News will notice that we cover every homebrew and emulation scene via our forums and sister sites and most importantly with regards to this article our hosted Developer Chui a port of the NeoGeo AES Emulation for the Dreamcast, now with the extra power that the PSP has one of our forum users asked over at Yoyofrs Forum to see if a PSP port was possible or would be done and Yoyo himself answered with this comment
"regarding standard aes emulation it seems dreamcast just got it!
so perhaps I(or somebody else with more free time) can adapt the new neo4all/aes release for psp..."
Maybe soon once they get some time we will see AES emulation on the PSP, more news as we get it 
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December 28th, 2005, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
For those of us in the English or Non Japanese speaking worlds we are missing out on some excellent PSP Games that will never appear in the USA/UK/Europe and although some may be slightly hard to navigate there are some fantastic games, when you look at the Worlds biggest importers Lik Sang they have a total of 202 Japanese games and amongst them some absolute classics, if any of you have brought such games then why not tell your fellow site visitors and let everyone know if they are missing out on a classic PSP game.
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December 28th, 2005, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Psilocybeing has been busy with the project Traveller the online RPG, heres the latest 2 news items:
Here is the latest screenshot, I've dumped the old interface leaving the entire PSP screen available for gaming. I have completed the display of other players on the server, bar an initial object set upon connection, and appear messages for when the client moves(at the moment other players are only displayed when THEY move). Both of these are minor changes, and so soon I should be able to start work on actual gameplay.
First of all, merry xmas to everyone! Did anyone else get snow today, as we had a few inches overnight.
Traveller is coming along nicely, and I've sorted display of other clients(completely), although actions are still TODO. I've also whipped up a quick scrolling notice box, for messages from the server or other players to be displayed(will take input via F.O.S.K once I get it intergrated).
Another little addition, which is totally cosmetic is a little loading screen, with the Traveller logo on. Certainly looks alot better than printf eh.
Expect more and more to be added over the next few days, and over the new year. I'm having great fun coding this
Check out those great screenshots and give feedback to Psilocybeing in the discussion thread on our excellent forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...t=15500&page=3
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December 28th, 2005, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
An off topic newspost about the newest console to enter the handheld arena and whilst it will never be a threat to the Nintendo DS or Sony PSP in the commercial arena it may well provide some competition in the homebrew area, although its great as a Media player if your only interested in that side of things.
Tonight i finally got a chance to review the GP2X for those that dont know its the successor to the very successful GP32 (which has a great emu/homebrew scene), the console has dual 200mhz cpus, 64 Megs ram and a whole host of features and is Open Source and Linux Based. Heres my review (shortish but straight to the point) of the console.
Heres an excerpt:
"Well first i tried a normal avi file and it wasnt supported, but in future i should read whats supported :P, next i tried a xvid of the latest Harry Potter film and the fact that i didnt have to encode was excellent, and the playback for me was perfect, infact on that point alone i was sold, the picture and sound quality were spot on, the list of features like fast forward etc were there as you would expect 
Games and Emulators
This is the big area and if you look at any of the decent GP2X Sites youll see that theres been a mass of great game ports and emulators released for the GP2X, the buttons felt right and the joystick too, i can honestly say that the GP2X was spot on although at 3am i couldnt turn the sound down in a Tetris game i was playing but that was more than likely the game not having the controls coded in."
Read the full GP2X review Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/gp2x-review.shtml
Comments here about the new console --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16022
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December 28th, 2005, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carters excellent trainer for GTA Liberty City stories hopefully will be the start of many Trainers and Translations for PSP Games, its a pity that Sony couldnt allow for trainers for their games as it would open up the PSP still further to less able players.
Translations would be great for Japanese games that will never see the light of day anywhere else in the world.
What games would you like to see translations or trainers for ?
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December 28th, 2005, 10:19 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have info on a new commercial game release for the PSP:

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner is a port of the 1995 Sega Saturn original. In Devil Summoner, you play as a slick, suited man named Kyouji, who, having been killed by an assassin named Cid, manages to continue life as a Devil Summoner. Kyouji and his partner, Rei Reiho ends up serving as private detectives who get involved in a number of mysterious cases. The game is known for its character designs and gameplay that requires that you summon demons to serve as party members.
More info and to buy at SuccessHK
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December 28th, 2005, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
KilleRxElite has in one go released 4 new programs written in Lua (so youll need Lua Player on your PSP), heres the programs:
Pong - Classic Pong Action
Tetris - Based on Mike Haggars work
Paint - no need to explain 
Pixelz - Play with colours.
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December 28th, 2005, 10:53 Posted By: wraggster
KilleRxElite has updated his Pong game already adding controls to stop music and start music via the Left and Right shoulder buttons.
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December 28th, 2005, 11:32 Posted By: nothingman
Hi everyone.
I got a ar max evo for crimbo, but im having a problems with pgen, i cant seem to load any of my roms.
Ive downloaded pgen v1.2 and tried that but still no joy.
Ive looked at loads of guides but i didnt get any joy.
Any advice or suggestion would be great.
Im using nero, and this is the method ive been using
+-+ +-+
++| Booting PGEN and getting ROM's in place |++
+-+ +-+
| PGEN can be loaded from a CDROM, HDD or a Memory card. It can also |
| load roms from any of those three devices. The method for booting PGEN |
| and getting the roms into place varies between each of the devices, |
| and each method is described below: |
| |
| ----- |
| NOTE: In order to boot PGEN or load roms from a CDROM, you will need |
| to know how to boot CDR's on your PS2. I can not provide help in this |
| area, please seek information on this from a PS2 related website or |
| forum such as http://www.ps2newz.net |
| |
| Prepare a CD compilation using your favourite burning software. For |
| this compilation, you must place the PGEN files (PGEN11.ELF and |
| SYSTEM.CNF) in the root of the compilation. If you will be placing roms|
| on the compilation (which isnt necessary, as you may wish to place the |
| roms on a HDD or memory card instead), then place them in one or |
| several sub-directories in the root of the compilation. You must make |
| sure that the number of files and directories inside the root directory|
| does not exceed 32. For this reason it is recommended that you have a |
| directory called "Roms" in the root of your compilation, and then place|
| all your roms inside this directory. The 32 file/dir limitation only |
| applies for the root directory. Once your compilation has been |
| prepared, burn as a MODE2/XA disc. |
| |
| Memory Card |
| ----------- |
| PGEN can be placed on a memory card and be loaded via Macrus R Brown's |
| exploit. Without going into much detail, this will allow you to use |
| PGEN on a completely un-modified PS2 without the need for a swap trick |
| or similar. In order to load PGEN via this exploit, you must prepare |
| a special save on your memory card (which will show up in the browser |
| screen as "Your System Configuration"). You can use PGEN as your |
| BOOT.ELF. For more information on setting up this exploit, please see |
| http://www.0xd6.org/ps2-independence.html. PGEN will allow you to load |
| rom files stored anywhere on your memory card. It is recommended that |
| you place your roms in the same directory as the PGEN elf file, as |
| when a memory card is selected from the PGEN romlist it will default |
| to the directory on the memory card where the exploit data is stored |
| (usually BEDATA-SYSTEM or similar). |
| |
| HDD (Hard Disk Drive) |
| --------------------- |
| PGEN can be loaded from a HDD installed in your PS2, and can load roms |
| stored on the HDD. At the time of writing, the only application which |
| supports loading PGEN from the HDD is DMS HDD explorer. The HDD |
| Explorer installation CD comes bundled with PGEN, and if you boot HDD |
| Explorer with the installation CD inserted, you can choose to install |
| PGEN and other Dev.olution compatible applications from the CDROM. |
| HDD Explorer is available to DMS customers. Even if you cannot use HDD |
| Explorer to load PGEN from the HDD, you may still load roms from the |
| HDD. A utility such as the DMS HDD Dump tool may be used to copy roms |
| from a CD onto the HDD. You must first use the DMS HDD Format tool to |
| create a filesystem on the HDD to store the roms. You will then need |
| to create a CD compilation which contains all the roms you wish to |
| copy to the HDD. Burn as MODE2/XA. You can then use the dump tool to |
| copy the contents of your rom cd to your newly created filesystem on |
| the HDD. The DMS dump tool, format tool and HDD Explorer may be |
| downloaded from http://www.dms3.com |
| |
| Notes about the PGEN rom list: |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| The PGEN romlist is built the same way for each of the 3 supported |
| devices, according to the layout of the filesystem for each device. |
| This means that you can have sub-directories which span off the root |
| directory, and you can use directories to categorise your rom files. |
| |
| PGEN will use the filenames of roms when building the romlist - it |
| will not scan rom headers to get the rom name (this would take far too |
| much time). This means that if a rom's filename was "Sonic the Hedgehog|
| 2 (JUE) [!].smd", it will appear as "Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (JUE) [!]" |
| in the romlist. We suggest using the GoodGEN utility to rename your |
| roms to use the standard rom naming convention. You can download the |
| GoodGEN utility from the PGEN website. |
| |
| NOTE: Roms MUST have either a ".bin", ".smd" or ".zip" extension to be |
| recognised by PGEN.
Im stumped?????
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December 28th, 2005, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
Yashamaru submitted this great News in our Submit News forum:
pradeepkumar has just posted an update to his very well made Solitare card game.
Auto Return of completed cards (windows right click)
Game types Standard,Vegas
Game modes Draw Three, Draw One
Added 2 deck backgrounds
Mouse icon changes for valid/invalid drop points
Screenshots and downloads can be found here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15703
Thanks to Yashamaru for the news 
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December 28th, 2005, 13:44 Posted By: wraggster
Ryan Peters let me know that DecalGirl.com are stocking the very latest XCM PSP Faceplates, heres a look at the faceplates:
The XCM Faceplates come in 10 colours:
- Crystal Blue
- Crystal Clear
- Crystal Green
- Crystal Light Blue
- Crystal Pink
- Crystal Purple
- Crystal Red
- Gold Metallic
- Silver Metallic
- Solid White
Heres the info posted at Decalgirl.com:
For those looking for a more custom appearance mod to their PSP, we're proud to carry the complete line of XCM PSP faceplate kits. They are available in over 10 colors and feature an permanently attached plastic lens for easy installation. Designed to help you "Pimp Your PSP , the XCM faceplate kits are an affordable, entry-level replacement faceplate.
Installing this will void your warranty (as will any mod that requires you to open the PSP). We highly suggest familiarizing yourself with our PSP faceplate installation guide before purchasing.
This kit includes the Blue Translucent XCM faceplate and built-in plastic lens.
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December 28th, 2005, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2054&stc=1">
A new accessory for the PSP has been revealed, heres some info about the A375 Bluetooth PSP Audio Dongle:
It enables Sony PSP to transmit high fidelity digital audio streaming sound wirelessly to any compatible Bluetooth Stereo headphones. At the same time you don¡¦t disturb the other people and enjoy yourself. It is also suitable for general audio player by using 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo audio extension.
¡E Frequency : 2.402~2.480GHZ
¡E Bluetooth 1.2, up to 10 meters
¡E GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying)
¡E Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
¡E 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo audio plug.
¡E 3.5mm (1/8 inch) stereo audio extention to connect with general audio play
¡E Sensitivity : < 0.1% BER at -80 dBm
¡E RF Output Power : -6dBm to 4dBm
¡E Listening time : more than 5 hours
¡E Power consumption: around 30 mAh
¡E Battery : 3.7V 200mA Rechargeable Li-Polymer
¡E Power: input AC 100-240V, output DC 5v 500MA-1A, mini USB plug
¡E Operating temperature : -10C to +55C
¡E Dimensions: 126mm x30mm x20mm
¡E Weight: 20 gram (including battery)
¡E suitable for PSP, MP3, Hi-Fi, CD, TV, computer
More info here --> http://www.ever-e.com/product_a375.htm
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December 28th, 2005, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
from Spong
Market research this month by recognised authority Business Week magazine estimated that Sony PlayStation 3 sales will be topping the two hundred million units mark within the next five years. The first twelve million of these are estimated to come in the first year after the consoles release this coming Spring.
To just make this clear – this estimate is over twice the amount of PS2 units which have been sold in the last five years.
SPOnG wants to wait to see how the initial launch of the PS3 fares throughout 2006, before we feel that we can authoritatively comment on such bold claims for the console. The Business Week figures are based on the assumption that videogaming will continue to become more popular and mainstream at an exponential rate over the next five years.
Whilst SPOnG hopes that this is the case, we would currently urge industry analysts to be a little more conservative in their projections, in light of this Christmas’ fairly slow sales of games software and hardware. The idea that the market for console videogames will double worldwide over the next five years just seems a little too overoptimistic in our opinion. But perhaps that’s because we’ve eaten too much turkey and drank too much European fighting lager in the last three days to be in any fit state to offer a reasonable comment on Business Week’s projections.
In the other next-gen camp, Microsoft hit back with the even more unbelievable assertion that they plan to reach a billion consumers via their Xbox 360. Again, SPOnG urges a more conservative approach and thinks that we should perhaps wait to see if our friends at the American Uber-Corp can get out the three million Xbox 360s which was their target for the first three months post-launch. We'll be sure to come back to this at the end of February to see how close they are to that target.
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December 28th, 2005, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
Out of interest could all members post the PSPs they own and also what firmware they are, ill start things off by saying what i have:
2 v1.00 PSP
1 v1.50 PSP
1 v2.0 PSP
although the v2.0 and v1.5 & 1 v1.0 have broken UMD drives but are spot on for homebrew and i intend to upgrade the working v1.00 UMD Drive to v2.60.
So what PSP Consoles/Firmware do you own ?
It will be interesting to see what Firmware version is the most used out there.
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December 28th, 2005, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Sony's newest PSP advertising campaign is upsetting several cities along with some art purists. The new campaign uses tagging or graffiti in seven urban areas of large metropolitan cities including New York and San Fransisco. The graffiti makes no reference to Sony asking the question is this vandalism or art?
One Philadelphia resident had the following to say: "It's not mural art. This is someone trying to sell a product. This is commercialism. You have a multi-conglomerate operation coming into the city and breaking our laws."
Let's get one thing straight; graffiti can't be faked. Sony is obviously trying to play the urban cool card, but that's something that just doesn't work when forced. Looks like the company may have overstepped its bounds on this one.
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December 28th, 2005, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony confirmed again early December that they are on track to launch the Playstation 3 in Spring 2006. The Sony PSP did launch in Spring 2005 in the US. Sales where ok, but it was not great either. The PSP was already on the market in Japan in December 2004. The Sony PS2 launched in Spring 2000 in Japan. The US launch date was in October 2000.
I predict it will be the same with the PS3, because the global launch of Microsoft did not bring any advantage in my mind.
On the one hand you have still tons of disappointed consumers in the United States who wanted an Xbox 360 and did not get one. In Japan the Xbox 360 sales numbers did disappoint. Europe is in between. If Microsoft would have focused on the US first, it might have been better.
Sony can start selling the PS3 in Japan in the middle of Summer and it would still be a huge success. For the US and Europe the main season to launch a video game console is autumn. There is no way around that. Every other launch time would mean a soft launch.
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December 29th, 2005, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster

Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game "GTA Liberty City Stories",which if you didnt know is the only homebrew at this time to run on versions 2.01, 2.5 and 2.6.
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
I left the Dodo more realistic. If you pull back too much on the stick, it'll stall and descend. Like a real plane of this type, you can't climb too much too fast without losing too much speed. I think this was the amount of power they intended it to have because with more thrust it was a bad noseclimb problem."
-- "I made some more optimizations to the video recorded. It's a little faster now."
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December 29th, 2005, 02:50 Posted By: o2byzst
Kingdom Hearts 2 was just released in Japan and I'm wondering if I need to buy a Japanese PS2 in order to play the game or if there is some type of software trick or a boot disc I need to use in order to play import titles?
I know they had similar tricks/boot discs for the PSone and the Dreamcast, does anyone know how I can play import titles on my PS2? Just for reference I have the last edition of the thick PS2, the one that supposedly ran quieter and had less issues with disc skipping. I basically have the model PS2 that came out just before they released the slimline PS2.
Any help is appreciated.
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December 29th, 2005, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay has updated the RSS/XML reader for the PSP, heres some of the info from the readme file:
The new version allows you to enter in your own list of RSS feeds, download them all, and save them to a text file. It also allows you to choose how many enclosures to download, and whether or not you want to download them with the feeds.
To set up the program:
1. Create a folder for the enclosures: "X:\PSP\MUSIC\pspRSS", where X: is your PSP's drive letter.
2. Copy the "pspRSS" folder into the "X:\PSP\GAME\(LuaPlayer Folder here)\Applications" folder.
3. Create your config file, in this format:
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December 29th, 2005, 11:22 Posted By: wraggster
Mr. 44 has yet again released a new version of his homebrew browser for viewing the 2ch forum, the largest forum in Japan (although it can be used to view other sites with editing of the bookmarks).
Whats New:
Bug fix (partially)
2ch searching function
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December 29th, 2005, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Our friend McZonk has on his website posted some great shots of his amazing progress with the port of Quake 2 to the PSP, heres the news first:
This screenshots are the proof that you can work in a loud, dark enviroment filled with more than 200 people while watching demos, listening to music and hang around with the guys from Titan 
The clipping problem is not solved. I'll fix that in the next days. But it is just a nasty bug now and not the failure of skip the hole floor.
I send an exclusive beta to the guys from psphacking101. I always watch their little psp show and I'd love to see Quake 2 on it.
Checkout the screenshots via the comments, leave feedback 
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December 29th, 2005, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska the winner of the first PSP 30Day Coding Competition has yet again ported a new game to the PSP and what a cracker, heres all the info and screenshot:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2070&stc=1"><img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2071&stc=1">
"SuperTux PSP
This is a PSP adoptation of SuperTux (http://super-tux.sf.net) game by Bill Kendrick/Tobias Glaesser
(see AUTHORS file for complete list of credits)
SuperTux is a jump'n run like game, with strong inspiration from the
Super Mario Bros games for Nintendo.
Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping
on them or bumping them from below. Grabbing power-ups and other stuff
on the way.
The Milestone1 release of SuperTux features 9 enemies, 26+ playable levels.
Use level editor distributed with the distribution for your OS (http://super-tux.sf.net)
to create custom levels or modify existing ones
You can get loads of new levels here
1.5 users: copy contents of 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.0 Please let me know if either version works with the latest eboot loader for 2.0 firmware
Thats fantastic news remember if you see it anywhere else the release thread is here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16086 <-- Thats the place to download from too 
Awesome work Deniska 
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December 29th, 2005, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
Another Japanese PSP Commercial Game release (that let that put you off) heres all the info:

You play as a college student who, despite his genius at art, attends a normal college and leads a normal, boring student life. One day, you're asked to join a group called Comic Party that works on producing a comic magazine. The game takes you through one full year as you meet girls and attempt to solve their problems, all the while producing the comic magazine. A large female cast of characters features in Comic Party, including Mizuki Takase, your good friend from high school who is against your joining the Comic Party. Gameplay in Comic Party centers on your daily routine. On weekdays, you plan the week ahead, budgeting your time for creating the various areas of the comic magazine. Don't forget to include breaks in the day, or you'll run out of energy. Once you've set up a schedule, the game automatically takes you through your daily routine. Weekends and holidays are a bit different, as you carry out your plan the day that you make it. If you want, you can use your time off to work on the comic, but your real goal is to make phone calls and head out on excursions with the girls. When meeting with the girls, you take part in interactive conversation sequences. The first run of this PSP game includes a UMD bonus anime desc
More info and to buy the game go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...7&lsaid=219793
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December 29th, 2005, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
What a great day for PSP Homebrew and Emulation Fans, our good friend Deniska has released another port to the PSP and this time its a game called Circus Linux, heres a screen and details 
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2074&stc=1">
<blockquote>Here is a little cute game in the holiday spirit..
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Circus Linux!
This is a PSP adoptation of "Circus Linux!" game by Bill Kendrick (http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/circus-linux/)
"Circus Linux!" is based on the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari" by Atari,
released in 1980. Gameplay is similar to "Breakout" and "Arkanoid"- you
slide a device left and right to bounce objects into the air which destroy
a wall.
The clowns are trying to pop balloons to score points!
You control a teeter-totter with a clown on it. (refer to the original documentation for details)
1.5 users:
Copy folders from 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 users:
Use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder& data files from 1.5/circuslinux/data folder
2.0 users:
Please test if either version works with the recent versions of eboot loader for 2.0 (try 1.5 first)
[START] PAUSE</blockquote>
Downloads and a bigger screenshot can be found in the release thread in our PSP Emulation and Homebrew forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16057
Awesome work again Deniska , (Lets hope hes saving some for the 30 day comp )
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December 30th, 2005, 03:27 Posted By: wraggster
Niraj Shah, has released a new issue of his great Magazine for the PSP, heres what he wrote
XTREME PSP Magazine Issue 007 is out to download now! Issue 007 contains previews of 50 Cent: Bulletproof, Football Manager 2006 and FIFA Street 2 and Reviews of Ape Academy, Smackdown Vs RAW 2006 and lots more! Plus, new tutorials, the latest survey results and a new babe wallpaper!
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December 30th, 2005, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
mICrO has emailed me a new release of PSPainXmas, heres the updated info:
Update PSPain Xmas 05:
- Now working with fanjita Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader for PSP
Tested with : Firmware 2.0 Eboot Loader v0.9 for PSP
To Install:
- Unzip & Instal PSP Xmas 05 for Firmware 1.5:
- Copy Eboot file in the zip file xmas_eboot_20.zip to PSP/GAMES/PSPAINXMAS
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Thanks to mICrO for the great news 
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December 30th, 2005, 07:04 Posted By: YourStillWithMe
I was wondering if someone could guide me to a link or give me a quick overview of things im going to need to hack my PS2. I would like to play some NES, SNES and Gamegear on it. Thanks (I'm a noob to the ps2 scene but im VERY experienced in terms of the PSP)
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December 30th, 2005, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster

Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game "GTA Liberty City Stories",which if you didnt know is the only homebrew at this time to run on versions 2.01, 2.5 and 2.6.
Supported cheats include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
Added step up/down, use -1.5m to submerge a flatbed to ramp level
Step through walls works while driving
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December 30th, 2005, 11:54 Posted By: wraggster
Micha³ Skorupka has ported Crimson Fields to the PSP, heres all the info:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2087&stc=1"><img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2088&stc=1">
Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle.
The outcome of the war lies in your hands. You decide which units are
sent to the front lines, and when to unleash the reserves. Your mission
objectives range from defending strategically vital locations to simply
destroying all enemy forces in the area. Protect supply convoys or raid
enemy facilities to uncover technological secrets or fill your storage
bays so you can repair damaged units or build new ones in your own
factories. Lead your troops to victory!
Tools are available to create custom maps and campaigns. You can also play
the original Battle Isle maps if you have a copy of the game.
You can pit yourself against another human player either in hot-seat mode
in front of the same machine or via e-mail, or against the computer.
PSP Version Info:
This is a port of Crimson Fields - tactical war game in Battle Isle style. Original game by Jens Granseuer, port created by Micha³ Skorupka. There are two directories, one contains binaries and data prepared for Sony PSP with firmware 1.5 and modified game sources with projects makefiles ect.
- Sony PSP with firmware 1.5 (if someone wants 1.0 version please recompile by yourself or write me )
- Copy CrimsonFields and CrimsonFields% directories to PSP/GAME/ directory directly on you memory stick.
- there is no in game music (if You want music please ocnvert atached midi music into mod and place in same directory with .mod extension)
- game freezes at exit (you need to reboot your PSP, hold power button by 4 seconds 
- keyboard layout is not optimal (not a real bug 
- some mysterious hidden ones 
Excellent release, download via comments 
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December 30th, 2005, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
alatnet has posted an updated version of his game Acnos Energizer which is written in Lua and so youll need the Lua Player for. This release adds:
small update that implaments lives in the game.
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December 30th, 2005, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
Soulphalanx has released a new game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
Side scroller written in LUA
Works better with LuaPlayer v0.11
press x to jump
arrows to move
-Currently only one screen (no scrolling)
-some jumping
-slopes and semi-solid ground
-More Abilities(jump off walls, attacking, etc.)
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December 30th, 2005, 12:05 Posted By: wraggster
justatest has released a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the info:
an old puzzle game based on a legend from China literature 'SanGuoYanYi' (the legend of the three kingdoms) hope this translation is okey .
it will contain lots of bugs , and will fix it later .
hope u all like it and give me some advice .
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December 30th, 2005, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this news:
One of the most wanted PSP accessory ---- 4GB Hard Drive , made by Datel , only $178.95 , get one for you console now.
This follows the price drop that Lik Sang already did.
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December 30th, 2005, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
Article posted at ExtremeTech
This feature appears in the upcoming ExtremeTech book "Hacking the PSP." Here we'll learn how to emulate a PC on the PSP, install Linux, and run Windows on the PSP.
So the PSP can do games, movies, video, music, photos, and Internet. Well, that's not enough—it should be able to run software we enjoy on our home PCs! Utilizing an open source x86 emulator called Bochs, which emulates the hardware usually found in PCs, and creating a few hard disk images with the software we want on them, you can run Linux and even Windows on your PSP!
What You Need
Hackable PSP: (i.e. it can run Homebrew apps)
Memory Stick: Enough space for Bochs files and virtual hard drive image (512 MB stick is probably plenty, but a 1 gig stick will be more utilitarian since you still have plenty of space for other stuff)
Virtual PC or VMWare: if you're going to create your own disk images ($99+ depending on what version, but there are free trials available that will suffice for this project)
Virtual DriveCreation Software: such as R-Drive Image, if you're going to create your own disk images (~$49, and there's a free trial)
Windows 95 or Windows 98: You'll need the disks or disc if you're going to install Windows
NOTE: The American PSP only has 32 megabytes of available RAM, and the emulator uses a little of that, so that's why we're sticking to Linux and lightweight versions of Windows like Windows 95 and 98.
NOTE: There is also a Macintosh emulator called Basilisk II, available for download from PS2Dev.org. Basilisk can run Mac OS 7.5 through 7.6.1, and cannot run Mac OS X, but that's not bad!
More info at that above link:
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December 30th, 2005, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk the coder behind the Quake2 Port obviously feels a bit peeved at comments from some of the less imature members of the scene, heres what he posted at his site:
"I got a lot of commendation and a lot of critism for my Quake 2 port. And it is good to hear the nice words and I can live with the bad ones. But something really pisses me on, the dumbasses that turn every thread into a Halflife or Counterstrike porting discussion. Here is a little advice for you: write your own port and ...
My favorite spam on psp-updates:
Why is everyone so excited about this crap? It's a very ugly port of a 10 year old game. Before anyone gets pissed off atme, I'm one of beta testers. No one wants to play this crap.
The really funny fact about that is, he is not one of my testers. It's sadly.
I know the psp scene is not really big and it is flooded with small kids. There aren't much of good licenced games as well as just a few good homebrew games. Callisto (greetings Klesk) as example. Some good emulators have been written. In fact just a few coders make cool stuff, so why you cannot be thankful for their work. They spend hours of their leisure time just to make games and emulators and all of their stuff is free.
So just keep your stupid mouth shut and accept the games that are ported or in progess. And if you really want a game ported, do it your self.
Greetings to all psp coders out in the world!
Quitting the PSP scene
I'll really think about quitting the psp scene. It makes no fun. I hoped it would get better, but it got worse. The hole scene is filled with stupid suckers play isos the hole day and some other asking questions about iso gaming, because they are too stupid. On the other side are the 2.01+ guys. Asking the hole day to write a downgrade and spam around everywhere. Everyone is crying about the bad homebrew games and emulators. Not enough speed or too bad graphics. I can understand why a lot of developers quit.
I'll finish quake 2 and think about leave the psp scene. I'll still would make demos with Titan, because the psp is a cool piece of hardware, but perhaps I'll stop make stuff for the community."
I personally hope McZonk stays but i can understand reasons why coders get fed up with a lot of the scene.
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December 30th, 2005, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
PSP RK has released a new version of the interactive graphical novel for the PSP,
Heres the google translation of whats new:
* In the CG, kg and the CHIP which are recombined to the FPK correspondence
Recombining the PNG file which administers resize and conversion et cetera, with the FPKRepacker, the ms0: Please insert in the /PSP/GAME/TUYOKISS.
When it recombines to the FPK, the CG of the TITLE.INI, the value of kg and the CHIPTARGETTYPE in " the FPK ",
When that way the picture is inserted with present method, please make " the FOLDER ".
It recombines the CG and kg to the FPK, the CHIP it is possible to also the wind which is said that way
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December 30th, 2005, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
GameSharkGX has posted some great news in our Submit news forum -->
GameShark's custom 1.50 emulated firmware - allowing you to take advantage of additional media codecs available in 2.0!
So what is this? It’s basically firmware version 1.5 with extended media capabilities. You will need to use MPH’s Firmware Launcher in conjunction with this download.
Look Foward to a Flash Version
Later Editions Will Support 2.0 UMD's, 2.0 Web Browser
More info and leave feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16185
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December 30th, 2005, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
AtariGuy has posted this news:
My new website, PSP Design is now up and running.
The website is for anyone interested in multimedia and design for the PSP including webpages and PSP-formated magazines. The page will have several tutorials and templates to download, as well as discussion on good design for the PSP and general accessability.
You can now view the webpage on your PSP with it's new XHTML 1.0 design that's fully compatable with the PSP browser and will soon be avalible to download.
Leave him some feedback in this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16170
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December 30th, 2005, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska the one man porting machine has again released a new port in our forums, heres the info -->
A bunch of bugs fixed:
in-game directionals are re-linked to D-PAD (a lot of you requested this one)
If you like the analog pad, use the previous version.
You can re-assign the last 3 by changing the values
in ./supertux/config file:
(joystick-a 5)
(joystick-b 2)
(joystick-start 11)
PSP Button codes are:
0 Triangle
1 Circle
2 Cross
3 Square
4 Left trigger
5 Right trigger
6 Down
7 Left
8 Up
9 Right
10 Select
11 Start
12 Home
13 Hold
You can transfer your "saves" from the previous version:
just copy the contents of ./supertux/save directory
You can skip the intros/credits screens now by hitting the [FIRE]
Although the level editor is not completely functional yet, you can now do some basics like deleting objects/saving screens, etc.
If you want to create your own levels, stick to PC/Linux/MacOS verions for now.
BTW, the game is easily modable: you can change all the graphics/music/level logic w/o any programming knowledge.
So I hope to see some mods soon ;-)
Please let me know if the new version works for 2.0 firmware...
Download it in the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16186
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December 30th, 2005, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Our half-brother twice-related through marriage, Kotaku, has some juicy information coming out of the rumor mill regarding the PS3 and stability. Their insider, Fishie, unlike most tippers, actually has some credibility since he reported dead-on facts about the Xbox 360 prior to E3, and now he offers a little info about the PS3:
PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer, boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just aren’t there and lots of other isseus I can’t delve into right now.
Bunch of rubbish? If not, what does this mean for the PS3? Lots of delays? A forced release full of bugs? A complete flop? Horrible game selection that will kill a good console? What you think, Gizmodoians?
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December 30th, 2005, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
ATI and Nvidia, quite understandably, have a pretty bitter rivalry, stemming from the competitive graphics card market in the realm of PCs. While IBM can laugh all the way to the bank, having a hand or two in the creation of all 3 next-gen console's CPUs, ATI and Nvidia are having to share the console market. ATI are providing GPUs for the Xbox 360 and Revolution, while Nvidia can claim the coveted PlayStation 3 as its own.
It probably comes as no surprise, then, that the European Developers Relations Manager for ATI, Richard Huddy, is taking some technical jabs at Sony's next-generation serving (again). Huddy recalls how, "as [he] understands it," Sony went to Nvidia very late in the development cycle and they delivered was a modified 7800GTX - which "is a pretty powerful piece of hardware," he notes, "but not very elegant...Xbox 360 technology is likely to outperform PlayStation 3 technology by a pretty healthy margin in the long run." Remember, though, this is coming from a competitor of the PS3's GPU maker, so he's just a tad biased - and since Nvidia is probably never going to be critical of its own product, don't expect them to side with ATI on this matter.
This is just one of many competing firms, others being the console makers and disc formats, using the console launches to take jabs at one another. Do you ever wonder if consoles launches are just excuses for companies to vent?
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December 31st, 2005, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
29HD Network announced today that it is set to launch 29MP4 Video Store Beta(29MP4VSBeta), the first full-length feature film and video download store for Sony's PSP platform in the U.S.. The first such service for the prolific PSP platform.
Beginning on December30, 2005 the 29MP4 Video Store www.29mp4.com will offer full-length feature films and videos priced at $2.99 each. During the initial beta launch over a dozen films will be made available with a ramp up to over200 movies and videos planned by mid 2006 when the U.S. sell through of PSPs are expected to reach over 8 million.
Like iTunes and other music download services 29MP4VS Beta will allow the browsing, selection and purchase of MP4 PSP formatted films and videos that are then downloaded and stored on either a PC or Mac for later transfer and playback on the PSP.
In keeping pace with Sony's projected goal of 12 million PSP units sold world wide in the first year, over 5 million PSP have already been sold in the U.S. Sony also projects $250 million in movie and video sales in year one.
According to Joseph Shak co-founder of 29HDN, 29MP4VS will give PSP owners an affordable choice for starting a legal collection of MP4 encoded films at a reasonable price. Bob Caird of 29HDN, who headed up HBO's launch of HBO and Cinemax as a paid satellite service for dish owners explains, "with the right pricing and selection available through 29MP4VS, this service is laying the ground work for the PSP to emerge as a true multi-media portable platform, in the same vein as itunes and the iPOD".
29HD Network
29HD Network LLC. a California based company, mission is to bring interesting, intriguing, enlightening and visually stunning programming for the twenty and thirty-something cosmopolitan crowd via innovative media delivery platforms including a cable and satellite network delivered in HD and 5.1 Surround Sound formats and similar content designed for Broadband, and PSP users. www.29hdnetwork.com.
29HDN offers a daily online broadband guide www.29hdnetwork.com for the lifestyle of a 25-40 broadband cosmopolitan, www.29guide.com a broadband media guide updated daily for the best of music, audio recordings and video. 29GUIDE was the first US site to allow direct download of MP4 videos for PSP through a PC or MAC during at the initial launch of the PSP in the U.S. 29HDN also launched www.29hdnetwork.com/pspdirect/ the first video direct download video service through WIFI for 2.5+ browser enabled PSPs. 29Guide is a featured video feed on Sony's official PSP Media Manager software and is also available as a video podcast on iTunes.
29HD Network is comprised of an award winning team of people from the worlds of TV, Magazine, DVD and Broadband. Its key people have worked for media heavyweights such as HBO, MTV and Disney. They were pioneers in satellite broadcasting, and the first with sponsors such as BMW and Levis integrated into DVD content and distributed through POLYGRAM FILMS and Warner Bros.
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December 31st, 2005, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
Toxic OS v0.4 for the DMS4 PRO and DMS4 S.E. PRO ps2 chips. Heres whats new etc:
- Integrated cheat device added, now you can use cheats even while playing games from the HDD.
- Support for launching homebrew ELF files stored on any supported storage medium.
- Addition of the Dev.olution Flash boot mode. This allows you to copy an ELF file of your choice to the DMS4 flash and have this ELF loaded when your console boots by either holding R2 or setting the default boot mode.
- Support for selecting your own wallpaper for the ToxicOS GUI.
- Common file browser has been added and is used in several places to select files, ie selecting wallpaper, selecting devolution ELF. The file browser supports several storage mediums including memory card, cdrom, HDD and usb mass storage.
- Diagnostic screens displaying HDD and system information.
- Compatibility fixes for playing games from the HDD have been included. Games such as Jak X, Shadow Of The Colossus are now supported.
- Support for DMS4 S.E. series modchips
- Support for the V14 console
- Many other miscellaneous changes and fixes.
More at the site here --> http://www.teamtoxic.com.cn/#DOWNLOADS
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December 31st, 2005, 03:33 Posted By: wraggster
soulphalanx has updated his Lua game, heres the info:
Side scroller written in LUA
Works better with LuaPlayer v0.11
press x to jump
arrows to move
-some jumping
-slopes and semi-solid ground
-More Abilities(jump off walls, attacking, etc.)
Screenshots and downloads via comments:
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December 31st, 2005, 03:36 Posted By: wraggster
romero126 posted this news:
This is a test for a LUA based GUI OS based on ideas of Microsoft OS
Its verry modular and simple to add new programs to the OS shell. This is an early beta and some of the functionality that I would like to include isnt there. But try it out and see how you like it.
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December 31st, 2005, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
Team XMAG have released a new issue of their Magazine for the PSP, heres the info:
The PSP X MAG Team is proud to release the fourth issue of the magazine! This issue, having all-new graphics and 92 pages, features the following topics:
-Homebrew Articles, even for beginners
-Interviews with people from PSP3D and PSPCrazy
-Cheat Codes for five games
-Game Reviews and Previews
-The Latests in PSP Gear
And more!
Note that we also have a Lo-Fi version for dialup users. Enjoy the magazine!
Also, there is a free game giveaway this issue. You can win a UMD game if you're the first to spot the instructions within the magazine.
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December 31st, 2005, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk posted this update to news of his Quake 2 Port to PSP:
The release of the first public version will not be the first january. It will be some days later. This is the last update I will post about my Quake 2 project. I'm tired of the psp community that disrespects all the developers.
Check out the new screens via the comments:
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December 31st, 2005, 04:25 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker the author of Raine has released a patched version of Yoyofrs NeoGeoCD emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
This version fixes the music for Magician lord, Puzzled, and Ghost fighters at least, and probably some others. It also adds the possibility to change the volume of the music from the gui (mp3 volume).
Download here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16222
Thanks to miemt11 for finding this great news 
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December 31st, 2005, 10:35 Posted By: wraggster
Pox and Ragable have released the 10th PSPHacking101 video episode. This video covers the 2.50 web browser on a 1.5 PSP, PSP firmware by Box and a cool review of Quake 2 port to the PSP by McZonk.
More information here --> http://www.psphacking101.com/
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December 31st, 2005, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
The Wall Street Journal posted a good flash up showing a good comparison between the new home video game consoles. Covering the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3 and the Revolution, this article goes in depth to speak about market shares and base unit installations.
With the launch of Microsoft's Xbox 360 in 2005, Sony the current market leader, and Nintendo will both follow in 2006 there is sure to be fierce competition. All consoles promise amazing graphics, high fidelity audio, wireless networking support and a focus on multiplayer games. This year alone gamers are expected to spend approximately $12.8 billion on hardware and $19.3 billion on software according to Wedbush Morgan Securities.
Current Installed Base
Microsoft Xbox - 24 million
Nintendo Gamecube - 21.5 million
Sony PS2 - 83.2 million
Microsoft Xbox 360
Pointing out that Microsoft's initial push to release their product was a important jump on the competition. Microsoft Expects to sell around three million units within the first 90 days of launch. However they have less games then were hoped for. In addition where was Halo for Xbox360? This game would obviously put more Xbox 360's in the hands of gamers, looking at original Halo sales. Had it not been for lack of consoles for sale however the disparity in price was no help either. Seeing Xbox 360's being sold from the $299 base price up to $1500 or more, including rather sleezy business tactics by Best Buy.
Sony Playstation 3
Master of the Market, Sony has consumed the video game market for the last two generations of video game consoles. Selling 150+ million Playstation consoles and holding relationships with many top video game console developers. Sonys new system boasts a DVD Drive that supports Blu-ray format, providing 54GB (11 1/2 times as much storage as a typical DVD-R) However this time could be tougher for Sony seeing 'Microsoft's aggressive push and their deep pockets'.
Nintendo Revolution
Responding to the Nintendo's new sleek design, they said that despite that the console 'lacks a hard drive or built in DVD player, it is expected to be priced lower then its rivals.' With the addition of Nintendo's virtual console, Revolution owners might be playing Mario Brothers and Chrono Trigger on their new consoles legally! While bringing so much history that is based on years of solid games, the Revolution does throw one interesting curve, the controller. While their will obviously be other controller options 'some analysts worry the unusual device may confuse and scare of some gamers', other controller possibilities (such as an original Nintendo controller) were announced during a press conference.
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December 31st, 2005, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has released a new version of his PSP Telnet application, heres whats new etc:
"Whats new in this version?
I wrote an (almost) complete vt100 emulator and added in some telnet protocol negotiations.
What does this mean to you? Well it means that PSP is now a very powerful and featureful machine.
You can now browse the web, check email, stream movies, get on MSN/AOL/ICQ/GTalk/IRC, play text adventures and play nethack!!!
Heres a cutdown version of the changelog:
fixed some p_sprint bugs, the keyboard image is correct now.
Much better telnet support, I've implemented a vt100 emulator, currently it lacks a few features and seems to have some bugs, but it is good for most programs.
There is a known crash bug in telnet, read the README, I want your stack trace if it happens!
Programs List (If you have ran some programs, please post feedback and I'll add statuses here)
Works fine with default term, make sure you have colors turned on in your .nethackrc so you can enjoy them
Hard to control though, will get its own keyboard layout in a future version.
Works fine with default term, the control keys keyset is very good here .
Doesn't work with default term, runs with TERM=vt100. You can't do anything as ctrl-keys dont work. (I <3 this app so I'll definately get It fixed)
mplayer - Stream movies to your psp! (sorta, lol)
I run mplayer with - mplayer -quiet -vo caca /myvideofile.avi
It runs fine render wise. However on high framerate clips it likely runs too slow, infact you'll probally find that peldet 0.8 runs too slow to watch stuff, overclock your psp to 333mhz and it should run better (this will get improved in the future)
Works great use it with bitlbee (www.bitlbee.org) to get on all the messenger networks."
Theres 2 versions one which runs at 333mhz, download both via the comments
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