October 5th, 2004, 21:48 Posted By: StarChild
I personally dont know how to solder nor know anyone that could at the moment. My question is, the no solder modchip / swap magic disk combo (I know its probably a pain to swap disks all the time, but if I dont have to solder, fine for me!)... can it play mostly all games including japanese games (imports)? Is there any things I should know before buy this? Pro's Con's would be helpful 
Thanks guys !
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October 6th, 2004, 07:23 Posted By: tampasounds
Hey Guys , Just a heads up.
If you attempt to buy from HongKongToys.com
or ps2modchips.com you are likely to get
as I did. Unfortunately I tried to make a purchase
and never recieved anything other then 3 promises my order would be shipped in a week.....That was 6 weeks ago......
So I leave you all with 2 words of caution
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October 8th, 2004, 12:27 Posted By: wwe2004
Has anyone brought a datel max memory card? am thinking of buying the 16mb card and was wondering if its reliable? also i heard that there's a CD with it that lets u crush the saves so u can fit up to 10 times more data on it is that true?
Thanks 4 any help.
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October 9th, 2004, 03:09 Posted By: darknight777777
I am looking for a Playstation 2 with DMS 3 or neweer chip already fitted. I can't solder already tried once and it didn't work. i have tried to buy a premodified ps2 but everyone seems to have stop selling them. can anyone help.
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October 11th, 2004, 20:39 Posted By: Teemu123
Hi I am doing this poll to see how many people would prefer to buy different colour cases for PS2 network adapters. I know some people that I'm talking to that can maybe produce it but they first need a poll to see how it would sell. Please vote Thanks 
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October 14th, 2004, 05:31 Posted By: mouth_uk
Avoid PSX Repair.com like the plague, they are lying thieves.
I call out to all of you who I consider my brethen to aid me in this unspeakable incident.
My console was sent in to have the laser re-alligned or replaced if it was too warn as it no longer played DVDs, but still worked fine for my PS2 games. After 8 months of numberous emails, calls and voicemails they insist that it has been mislaid and ignore any of my further queries for an explanation and request to have it replaced. PSX Repair is obviously under the impression that because I am in London, I am unable to do anything about it, are they right? I think not!
Do we just lie down and let these corportate monkeys walk all over us?
My PS2 happened to be a very important part of my life as I'm quite sure most of you feel the same way.
Does anyone have any idea how to get this incident published in gaming magazines and on PS2 websites, we need to warn our brothers and friends to keep their consoles away from these people.
1) Respond if you are sympathetic to my cause.
2) Copy this thread and send it by email to everyone you know, the more people who are aware, the more people wont get screwed like I have.
The morale of the story: NEVER screw with a man and his PS2! You will burn!
***PSX Repair.com, if you are reading this, you chose the wrong person to screw with!!
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October 16th, 2004, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
With four years in the life of the PS2 behind us we were expecting to see a lot more quality games and maybe some more online options, but to see a complete overhaul of the system was a complete surprise. But that's what really happened at the Tokyo game Show and unfortunately the tiny new versions were all under plexiglass and all we could do is stare at them and wonder if they really worked. Well, we don't wonder any more because we got one in the office and after every editor had to come and hold the thing we checked out to see what was new.[br][br]The first and most overwhelming thing about the new PS2 (aka the PStwo) is that it's tiny. Not just small or svelte or wearing some slimming outfit, but the new shape is a small fraction of its former self. Measuring in at 1"x9"x6" the PStwo can easily be overwhelmed by a graphic novel and can be stacked right next to some games with anyone barely noticing. As soon as we put it down on Tal's desk for an impromptu photo shoot everyone dragged out every other console they could find for a comparison. Aside from the PSone, the new PStwo is one of the smallest consoles in recent history.[br][br]The second big change is that the PStwo no longer has a tray that slides out. With a flip-top lid games can be placed in from the top and there's no more worries about the motor for the sliding tray wearing out in the future. This is a slick feature, but it has a couple of consequences which are fine for when the console is on top, but otherwise it's a little tricky. For one thing the console can't be buried beneath books, other games, or any other paraphernalia that might be lying around the house. The other problem is that when the PStwo is in the vertical position it's a little more difficult to get the games onto the spindle since they need to be pushed in instead of being dropped in like before. Getting a stand or setting the PStwo up against a solid object will be unavoidable. [br] [br]To get down to fighting weight and then past that to Ally McBeal status the PStwo has had to make a couple of change along the way. The AC adaptor is now external like the GameCube with a cord similar to the original PS2's (except for the tip that's a figure 8 like the Xbox's) that feeds into the adaptor that then connects to the PStwo. Another big change is that there is no longer a big gaping hole for the HDD since the PStwo has no HDD support. This is a bummer, but unless gamers are playing Final Fantasy XI or want to play the upcoming downloadable levels of SOCOM II this shouldn't be a problem. [br] [br]One of the changes makes the machine smaller and more powerful in the same step. The Network Adaptor has now been internalized and there is an Ethernet port as well as a dial-up jack that is on the back. Say goodbye to the bulky addition on the back of the old PS2 and hello to the possibility of some quick and easy transport for a gaming machine that can jump in on a LAN game at a friend's house. While it's sad and unfortunate and frustrating that Gran Turismo 4 will not be online the game will be LAN-enabled and with the PStwo it will be at least an option to go to another spot and set up a network game.
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October 17th, 2004, 11:33 Posted By: toes
Hi all, im just looking for anyone in the UK who can chip playstation 2's i have a version 10 with the new DVD firmware. Anyone in the UK (mainly looking for people in the Manchester Area)
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October 17th, 2004, 13:12 Posted By: samar7
The BEST Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Update File
ONLY £4.50
Want to play a realistic PES4? well this is ther perfect answer! The Ultimate option file update includes.
Correct Player names
for both national and club teams, including the back of players tops.
Fully updated transfers
to the 04/09/04, meaning teams like Chelsea have all of their new players. man utd have Rooney, Madrid have Owen ect
Club team names/Commentry names all correct
Fully optimized squads,
meaning teams always start with their strongest lineup.
Some player stats optimized
some players who were underrated have been upgraded slightly.
All the Club team badges and flags
have been made 99% perfect.
All the Club and national kits
have been made life like with all the sponcers badges and names,
(man utd will have vodaphone and the badge and nike tick)
Commentry names have been made as close to the real thing as possible, some even perfect.
Unlocked player transfer mode so when a transfer happens it's simple to just swap the players clubs.
Also included in the update is the Complete premiership and champions league teams
+ much much more
Please mail all questions to
Alternatively you can add me to your msn as this is easier. This Option file is far more accurate than any cheap update disc's. All this for only £4.50
I am now also selling Brand New Official PS2 8MB memory cards with the update file on them for £23 with free p&p
please email chrisgcox3@hotmail.com for details
Update file photo album
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October 19th, 2004, 12:27 Posted By: cd0u3068
PS 2 games in various type for sale.
pls email *<cd0u3068@liverpool.ac.uk>
only in liverpool area
price from £10 each
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October 20th, 2004, 06:58 Posted By: kRAiZ3E
I have an .iso Image of GT4 and want to play this on PC,
is there any working emulation for .iso's anywhere? ???
thanx for answers... ???
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October 20th, 2004, 17:22 Posted By: duffy2004
Hi all,
I am considering installing a mod chip to my v10 so I can play homebrew and emmulators. I am thinking of a DMS 3+ or Matrix Infinity. What I want to know is:
1. Are there any problems playing on-line with one fitted?
2. How easy/difficult are they to install? I am an automotive electrician by trade so I am used to soldering but don't have a great deal of experience with PCB's and have never seen the board on a PS2.
Any one know ????
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October 21st, 2004, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Lion who is one of the leading developers for the PS2 Homebrew Scene has today released a new landmark app for the PS2, heres the details:[br][br] BootAdvance was designed to boot multple programs off the ps2 devices such as memorycard,mass,HDD,rom0.... . It was designed to be small in size and and simple to use and have the look of GRUB for linux. [br][br]More details and screenshot download Here
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October 21st, 2004, 21:04 Posted By: tinku
news from gamebase.ca
Sjeep has updated http://pgen.gamebase.ca with the new source code!
This might just open up a large market for PGEN mods and improvements! We should all take a moment and thank Sjeep for his hard work on this emulator.
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October 22nd, 2004, 09:26 Posted By: matejakezman
i copied usbd.irx from Tony hawk under ground 2 to Vice1.14 emulator for PS2.and when i try to load C64 emulator it stops on loading usbd.irx.
why?what should i do?
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October 22nd, 2004, 18:10 Posted By: Sinbad
I'm after a PS2 with Messiah 2, all cables 2 control pads and loadsa games, including new ones, and any other extras. Don't mind if its second hand, but must not be a cave man. Must be Mint
I'm in London,
email me on
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October 25th, 2004, 05:14 Posted By: mr_mephisto
morning to you all - i have a few queries concerning my ps2 - i own 2 such animals, but both of them make a terrible noise on 'start-up' which appears to emanate from the disk-drive. sometimes they will play a DVD or CD, sometimes not - any ideas what is going on - and more importantly - how i an get it fixed?
also - when/if i get these two beauties up and running - i would like to know if it is possible to link them together - would this be beneficial to game play - and how do i do this.
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October 27th, 2004, 16:35 Posted By: R30
Ok, about after a year of having my ps2, it just went to black and white. Its not the tv, because I have tries it on many. The Sony warranty was expired, so they can't fix it. The only thing I think is that I useally leave my ps2 on for long periods of time. Please, can somebody tell me how to get my ps2 back in color?????
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October 28th, 2004, 20:55 Posted By: Shapyi
Ok, here is my questions for you all, is there any chance to play a PAL game on an NTSC PS2 on an NTSC TV. Is there anyway to do it at all, I mean just at all.
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October 29th, 2004, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow has Posted that the Playstation 2 emulator for windows called PCSX2 now has full memcard support. No news on a new release but some screenshots can be found in the forum.
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October 30th, 2004, 10:14 Posted By: Skumface
my ps2 doesnt work!!
i played my ps2 fine one morning, a couple of hours later i came back to play some more but this problem occured:
when i try to load a game, it does not load but instead the ps2 just takes me to the configuration menu
when i go to the browser it says "reading Disc"
The ps2 will not play cd's, DVD's either.
can i fix this problem myself or do i need to take it into a dealer??
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October 31st, 2004, 18:56 Posted By: TripseV
Hi, i realise i do not know what i am talking about so please, no need to point that out to me.
I know there is no completed full working PS2 to PC emu that can enable you to play all games perfectly.
However, i have heard that for very popular games on PS2, people have managed to make a very accurate emu for that game alone.
Is this true? and if so, how long until gta: sa ought to have the same thing?
Thanks alot.
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