January 1st, 2008, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
There are sure a lot of "best of lists" coming out of the woodwork now since the year is beginning to come to a close. And not surprisingly, many of the lists read basically the same. Many of the games that are on those lists are definitely must play games (Super Mario Galaxy, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box), but whatever happened to the other games that were fantastic throughout the year like World in Conflict, Persona 3, or Lunar Knights to name a few. With just an avalanche of triple A titles hitting us at the end of the year, many excellent games were overshadowed by the sheer amount of press coverage and excellent PR campaigns that were given to those games that were at the top of those 2007 lists. So here are the games that are the ones that have been forgotten because they came out early in the year or worse, never got the credit that they deserved in the first place.
The PS3 games in the list:
03) Super Stardust HD (Playstation 3)
16) Virtua Tennis 3 (PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Sony PSP)
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January 1st, 2008, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3scene
A new version of TVersity Media Server has been released. TVersity allows you to stream pretty much any media (music/pictures and video) format to your PS3 (with on-the-fly transconding if required) from a Windows PC.
What's new/fixed:
* Transcoding
o Transcoding configuration can now be done on the file/folder/url level, in which case it wil supersede the system wide settings.
* Customizable Menus
o It is now possible to set the menus to be organized by folders only, this is in additon to the default menu organization and the custom one.
* Devices
o Turn off transcoding of AVI/DIVX (version 4 or higher) for the Sony PS3 (Divx3 is still transcoded) since firmware 2.1 can play them natively.
o AVI/Divx that do not play natively can still be manually configured to be transcoded. This for examples solves the PS3 problem with Divx files larger than 2 Gb.
* Bug Fixes
o Do not register a Windows shell context menu command for files (since it gets invoked when double clicking on file types that have no other handlers). The context menu command for folders is still kept since it has no undesirable side effects.
Official Site: http://tversity.com
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January 1st, 2008, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3scene
A tool has been released on ps3hax.net to read the PS3 NAND chip with the Infectus chip:
This tool is used to interleave, then byteswaps both dumps of the PS3 NAND.
Upon completion, it creates a 'user readable' file.
This file is then scanned by the tool, and the flash files are extracted to a folder.
This folder is named PS3Nand-XXX.XXXX, where XXX.XXXX is the SDK Version magic in the flash (usually the version number of the firmware)
.B .A usually works, however in some cases .A .B order is required.
The tool was made by mainman, assisted by the PS3News.com Developers!
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January 1st, 2008, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
News from Chewi:
I've written a program for Linux that scans APA partitioned hard drives and uses Linux's device-mapper to create block devices for each partition. This means you can plug the hard drive into your PC and work directly with any Linux partitions you may have on the drive. No more fudging around with sector offsets! You can even mount installed games as ISOs, though I'm not sure whether that's really very useful.
This program could also potentially be used to boot the PS2 into Linux from an APA partition. It runs in userspace but an initrd/initramfs could do the necessary work before the system boots. I have Linux 2.6 in mind here but MontaVista's APA code is adequate for 2.4. I did try and update that code for 2.6 so that everything could be done in kernelspace but the non-contiguous partitions made it too messy.
Anyway, it's actually not 100% finished yet, it doesn't seem to get the offsets for the additional partition segments quite right but it's nearly there and you can still see it in action.
It's ready now. It seems to work well, the only problem I've had is that the DMS HDD Format Tool appears to create partition tables that not even hdl_dump, let alone apascan, can read. uLaunchELF can read them though. Maybe this isn't really a problem but I expected it to work and I want to know what's up with it.
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January 1st, 2008, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the iLua Team of a dodge the bullets game for the PSP.
New year, new version. v0.70 has come to the scene with:
Better Graphics by KiKAnCiO
Code cleaned
Multilanguage English/Spanish
3 level added
Animated menus
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January 1st, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PSX Extreme
Sometimes, when you're a role-playing fan, you wish you lived in Japan.
According to RPGFan, Sega has announced they will release a Phantasy Star Complete Collection for the PS2 in Japan in late March. This will include the first four installments in the legendary RPG franchise (Phantasy Star I - IV), plus eight scenarios of Phantasy Star II Text Adventure. Also, for all you gamers out there who aren't interested in the entire "old-school" experience, Sega will offer more save spots for the games. In addition, they're going to feature multiple difficulty settings - hey, some of these were pretty difficult back in the day - and you can even alter the speed of your characters on screen! It's going to be quite the compilation for those who remember the good ol' days of console role-playin'.
This great collection will hit store shelves in Japan on March 27 for the reasonable price of 2500 yen (a little more than $20 USD). Obviously, no word yet on whether or not Sega plans to bring the compilation to the US, but we suggest not holding your breath.
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January 1st, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Scene continues to stagger most the scene that defies everything Sony do to stop us, so much has been achieved already but i have one question to all PSP Fans
What are your Hopes for the PSP both in Homebrew and the Commercial Arena ?
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January 1st, 2008, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
The Playstation 3 has had enough bad press this year but it is the most powerful console of this generation and the very good games are starting to arrive, on the homebrew front the PS3 has linux but real homebrew fans want something more than Linux, with that in mind heres a question for PS3 fans!
What are your Hopes for the Playstation 3 both in Homebrew and the Commercial Arena ?
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January 2nd, 2008, 00:35 Posted By: Sp3ct0r
Okay heres a big release. It includes 4 games that I've coded.
**AniMayhem V2**
-AniMayhem is coded in LUA for the PSP. It is based on the Japanese game, Jump Ultimate Stars.
In case you don't know, Jump Ultimate Stars is a Nintendo DS game in which you can play
as various characters from many of Shonen Jump's manga. AniMayhem includes 18 playable characters,
from series such as Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z,
D. Gray-Man, and Black Cat. The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent by reducing their
health to zero until all their lives are gone.
This game contains over 2,100 images
Things Added:
-New Player Selection Interface
-10 more playable characters (28 total)
To Do:
I might not release updates anytime soon because i get distracted. However if anyone is interested in helping me create this game, just send me a pm.
About: Yea this game wasn't finished, i just kinda stopped working on it. I had sound effects for the gun, but I lost them lol. Anyways, this game is pretty much a Demo.
The Game: This game is never-ending. Zombies are randomly generated from the left and right sides of the screen. Your goal is to kill them with either your knife or gun before they vomit blood on you. There is a resident evil style health bar, however, i did not make it so you die when your health reaches zero, instead it goes to negative numbers. This is just for testing purposes.
**Mario Bros. Classic Clone**
About: This is a clone of the old mario bros. arcade game. There are a few known glitches, but not huge ones. The only thing I didn't program into the game was the ability to get hurt. Sorry, i just got lazy. But the game is still fun. Oh and by the way, it's never ending.
**Super Mario Hunt**
About: I made this game mostly for the laughs. It's a shooting game in which various enemies from Super Mario games walk by, and your goal is to kill them all. When you kill one, blood sprays out lol.
To Do: There are currently only 3 levels in this game, my goal is to have at least 10.
- I also have a PC version of this game, which has more levels.
****please do not re-distribute any modified versions of these games without my permission, If you ask me, I'll most likely give you permission****
Also, could someone please tell me how to change my status from "PSP User" to "Lua Coder"?
AniMayhem - http://www.sendspace.com/file/wtnhns
Containment - http://www.sendspace.com/file/wc7fal
Mario Bros. Classic Clone - http://www.sendspace.com/file/mkz3nr
Super Mario Hunt - http://www.sendspace.com/file/xqgtgs
Super Mario Hunt PC Version - http://www.sendspace.com/file/xtytnq
If you want to play these games without 1.50 kernel, then put the folder without the percent sign into "PSP\GAME\" and replace the eboot with the one located below
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January 2nd, 2008, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
The PS2 has had a quiet year in homebrew but still many good games commercially being released, the release of the Memor32 Memory card which can be used as a way of playing homebrew without chipping your console has given the PS2 scene a boost it needed. For fans of the PS2 heres a question for you!
What are your Hopes for the PS2 in the forthcoming year , both in the homebrew and Commercial arenas?
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A playable demo of Yakuza 3, the latest (PS3-exclusive) edition of Sega's Japanese gangster-themed brawler will be hitting the Japanese PSN as soon as this month, reports suggest.
After two games set in the glitzy lights of present day Tokyo, the third game takes the series back in time to the 17 century, with samurai running around with swords, slicing faces off and stuff, as you do. Sounds awesome.
The demo is expected to arrive on PSN "mid-January", according to "wholesale" sources, coutesy of Google translations of Gamefront.
Sega is, however yet to officially confirm the demo's release date. The full game is out in Japan on March 6. Don't expect a UK release to follow until late '08 at the earliest.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Skype, a program that allows you to talk to people for free via the internet, is headed for the PSP, Sony has revealed.
The voice-over-IP client works a bit like MSN, but specialises in voice transfer; you build up a friends list or simply dial the number of the Skype account you want to contact, and it works like a phone from there on in.
Although Sony hasn't given it the whole press-release treatment, the revelation comes from an easily miss-able mention on their official site for the upcoming CES show.
"Call friends, talk trash to fellow gamers or catch up with acquaintances via Skype for PSP system," Sony states. Note, Sony expects you to talk trash - try having an intellectual conversation with gamers and the PSP will explode (maybe).
Expect specific details - tech specs and release - to come out of CES and related conferences, kicking off on Monday. We'll be there to cover it all, of course.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? That's a shame. But Sony was looking out for you - sneaking a 1.7GB-shaped demo of The Club under the celebratory bristles of the PlayStation Network tree with the sort of festive love and care glaringly absent from other elements of this boringly appointed sentence.
You lot have been getting your teeth into it already, with uiruki summing up Bizarre Creations' first attempt at a shoot-'em-up as "a driving game mixed in with Tony Hawk-style trickery" in feel. "Technically, it is excellent. The graphics are extremely solid and pretty, with the PS3 never missing a beat at 30fps. Perhaps a little jaggy, but very clear," he adds, saving me some work. "I not like this game at all," NatAttack offers in a cutting riposte.
The full version of The Club is due out on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on 8th February, and there's a bundle of previews, videos and other assorted attention-grabbers on its gamepage.
Also on PlayStation Network over the only week off we ever get was a Super Stardust HD demo, giving you the opportunity to find out whether you agree with Rich Leadbetter that it's "an absolute star, the jewel in the crown of the PlayStation Store and quite possibly the best purists' shooter to appear on console since the legendary Geometry Wars". He was very cross that it didn't make it into the Top 50, you know.
Finally, the PSN update also included a demo of another downloadable game, Snakeball, which Dan Whitehead quite liked, revealing that yes it is a bit like the mobile phone game.
Seeing as tomorrow is Thursday, expect more PSN update news in the near future. Everyday Shooter plz.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Criterion's Alex Ward has responded to feedback on the recent Burnout Paradise demo defending certain elements that have come under fire.
"Everyone breathe, relax, and remember, it's only a demo - we think we made the best demo released all year - you don't see many other games getting an online enabled demo up on both systems before launch," the outspoken developer wrote in a Christmas message.
Some of the response to the demo has focused on the lack of a retry button once you fail a task (something we pointed out earlier this year), changes to Crash mode and the size of Paradise City itself.
"The lack of retry really isn't an issue," says Ward. "You may disagree, but we don't feel it is and retry would have introduced loading into the game, which we didn't want to do." As for comments on Crash, he's less sympathetic. "Hmm, again, none of you have played it yet... It's not Crash Mode, it never was - it never could be. There was no way we would have created a linear and limited experience in a massively open game that is about freedom, expression and seamless play. Again, try it for yourself and make up your own mind. Don't let the internet do it for you."
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This PSP-2000 Remote Control Earphone splitter allows two sets of earphones to connect to your PSP at the same time,allowing 2 people to listen to music or watch movies on your PSP-2000. The remote control features full media controls and hold button,and the best listening experience.
Full remote control
Earphone splitter for two sets of earphones
High quality listening experience
Cable length: 0.8m
Allow multiple users to connect to the PSP-2000
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This PSP LCD Screen Filter can protect your PSP console and prevent air bubble .It has a high transparent rate,which up to 99.5%,making you see it clearly. It is easy equip by fingerprint.
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Charge your PSP-2000 system battery outside the system with the convenient Battery Charger. A spare battery pack to keep your game going at all times.
The maximum power equation
2400mAh Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
L.E.D. indication for status
For PSP-2000 only
The voltage is 3.6V
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January 2nd, 2008, 19:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Turn your living room into a state of the art arcade arena! Join operatives Giorgio and Evan to investigate and prevent a top secret weapon from falling into the hands of international terrorists.
The latest and most advanced title in the popular Time Crisis series is now arriving on the PS3. Time Crisis 4 delivers the first and only arcade style interactive first-person shooter (FPS) gaming experience on the next gen console with HD quality graphics. Superior to its arcade counterpart, Time Crisis 4 is reborn with additional new free roaming FPS stages along with a new and improved Guncon. In addition to future downloadable content, Time Crisis 4 brings a fresh new look that will carry the series into the next generation.
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January 2nd, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raphael:
I'm here to announce the release of the first public beta of my motion kit driver for the Neoflash motion kit.
You can find the Neoflash motion kit here:
It currently only works for custom firmwares < 3.71, though a simple NID fix should make it work on 3.71 too. I didn't release that version yet because I couldn't test it, but it will be available with the final 1.0 release.
The motion kit driver allows you to make use of the motion kit in the VSH or games even though they weren't written for the motion kit. A configuration file allows you to setup the driver per homebrew/UMD game, so you don't have to use the same configuration everywhere.
Also, the driver fixes the missing sound issue with the motion kit plugged in and allows you to switch between motion kit and headphones any time without problem.
The SDK provides the source for compiling libmotion_driver that allows you to interact with the driver and poll motion kit data, as well as source for a small sample application that shows usage.
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January 2nd, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has posted another update to his excellent Video Converter for PSP and More:
Added MP4 Archos 650 format.
Added Italian translation, thanks to 9600pro.
Fixed resolution masks.
Fixed XviD profile creation crash.
Update valid for XviD4PSP 5.027 final only.
XviD4PSP 5.028 RC1 update
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January 2nd, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: aTomIC
New day, new release . CrazyC released a new build of his famous port of DOSBox for our PSP. He wrotes:
I put up a new build which attempts to auto calculate the cylinder,head,sector values. The result should have a number of sectors just slightly less then the actual on the disk. Hopefully it will also be larger then the first partition, but if not it won't be terrible as dosbox only uses CHS for int 13h operations which very few apps use. In short, don't try to run fdisk from within dosbox. To do it run "imgmount <drive> msstor0: -t hdd -fs fat".
Get the latest build from:
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January 3rd, 2008, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
How many times over the past few months have you heard that "the worst is over" and the chances of the high-def format war finally coming to a close were increasing by the day? If you haven't heard it at least once, you're probably not reading the right stories.
But with all that going on, the war is officially a quagmire for both sides and the chances of getting out of this quickly are diminishing at an astounding rate. Consider this: as it stands, the Blu-ray camp commands roughly 49 percent DVD market share, while HD DVD is trailing slightly behind. To make matters worse, some reports suggest HD DVD may be gaining strength, although most buyers are sitting out.
So what's really going on with this war? Is there an end in sight? Even better, is there a solution in sight that can finally put this to rest? If you ask me, I think this could be over in a month if the Blu-ray camp follows three steps.
Step 1: Warner
Step 2: Slash prices on all players
Step 3: Get in contact with HD DVD's supporters and inform them of the bad news
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 is the best-seller in Q4 videogames category as sales leap by 24 per cent
The PlayStation 3 was one of the big winners in the last quarter of 2007 for Play.com as the company reported a 24 per cent jump in sales over the previous year.
Sony's flagship console was the best-selling item in the videogames category, followed by Assassin's Creed and Mario & Sonic at the Olympics - although it's not clear if this was measured by sales volume or total sales value.
The most searched for product on the site was the Nintendo Wii, followed by the terms "games console" and "Transformers" - the DVD of the latter was the site's top-selling item in December.
The company also revealed that on its peak trading day, Monday December 3, it processed an average of 700 orders every minute - up from 422 the previous year.
Jersey-based Play.com sells a variety of goods online, and CEO Simon Perree stated that this blend was one of the company's major assets.
"Despite the worry about tightening of the purse strings and the credit crunch, Christmas on Play.com has been a big success and sales have been outstanding," he said.
"A combination of good prices and availability of must have product across DVD, CDs, books and videogames, gadgets and electronics has proved a winning formula."
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Following the successful digital release of Tomb Raider Anniversary over Xbox Live, Crystal Dynamics' Riley Cooper has told GamesIndustry.biz that Sony's PlayStation Network should offer more flexibility for delivering future titles.
Anniversary was originally developed for PlayStation 2, with publisher Eidos offering the title to Xbox 360 users via Xbox Live Marketplace by splitting the game into episodic chunks.
But Cooper, lead designer on Anniversary, believes that Sony's PlayStation Network could prove to be the better service for developers looking to bypass retail and deliver full games to users, as it doesn't have as many constraints as Microsoft's service.
"I'm very, very interested in digital distribution and the potential it has," said Cooper, speaking during GDC Lyon last month. "PlayStation Network is extremely interesting because it's a more flexible space."
"We made an in-road with Anniversary on 360, and it was a full game essentially, but Microsoft is only slowly increasing requirements and opening up the constraints of Xbox Live. It's been a slow process, whereas PSN hasn't been restricted by size, they've just done Warhawk for example."
Riley believes that digital distribution of console games that were only previously available via retail is inevitable, and that technology barriers are being chipped away at an impressive rate.
"In a long enough time line it's inevitable so at the moment it's just a matter of how fast. Within this console generation we're already seeing huge uptake in that direction. Xbox Live continues to get press and the limits are being expanded, Tomb Raider Anniversary was a huge expansion of those limits," he said.
"The additional downloadable content for titles like Guitar Hero is making a lot of money. As well as that, digital distribution isn't just about how to get a game but how to stimulate communities after the game has been released. Once users have bought into the IP you can continue to keep that community alive and get revenue from it," he added.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Lots of good things come out of Hong Kong like John Woo and Bruce Lee cinema and rumours that Sony is planning a monthly subscription for its PC PlayStation Store.
These high-kicked into news chops after PlayStation Asia whipped a poll onto its site to gauge interest in a number of areas.
When asking what you found most appealing as an offer on the Store it suggested a monthly subscription plan to grant unlimited PSP game downloads and possibly Kung Fu although I am not sure I can say that and now face unemployment for the second time this week.
Sony UK offered no comment about it and suggested there was little more than information-gathering behind it all.
Sounds like a rather good idea to us, though.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Below you will find what is apparently the first ever screenshot of Insomniac's upcoming Resistance 2.
Yes, it looks like total arse, but that's because it is reported to be a shot taken from a very early beta version of the from April or May last year - hence the lack of lighting, shadows or textures.
Even if this is a real shot, it really doesn't give you any insight into what the game will actually look like, because the final product with all the effects turned on will look worlds better.
Which begs the question what good it is leaking a grubby screenshot from nine-month-old beta code?
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
GiGaHeRz has released a new version of his sound plugin for PS2 Emulators:
[*] Converted all the output modules into C++ classes, this way it's easier to manage them. [*] Cleaned up some parts of the code. [*] Modified the DPLII decoding code to try to improve the quality.
[+] Added an option to change the LFE lowpass crossover frequency.
[+] Added "delayed" Irq calls so they are only called once in each T. [*] Restored the older decoding function, and partially rewrote it.
The newer decoder function was breaking some games.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The release date for Radical Design's delayed PS3 shooter, Haze, is as cloudy as the game's title. But is could be out this month, according to Sony's official site.
The official US PlayStation page lists Haze for a January 15 launch, despite the fact that no-one - not even Ubisoft UK (who declined to comment) - seems to know exactly when the game will hit shelves.
Haze was originally planned for a November 2007 release, before being pushed back first to December, then back further into early 2008.
As it stands, the official line is that it'll be out during Q1 this year, so either way you've not got long to wait. That is if it doesn't slip again..
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Developer United Coders has decided to make a PSP version of Laser Disc favourite from the olden days, Dragon's Lair.
This 1983 telly adventure put you in the shoes of Dirk the Daring and had you rescue princess Daphne from an evil dragon in a wizard's castle, skipping through lovely animated scenes as you went. It made quite an impact back then and made youngsters excited.
New to this version is a Director's Cut mode for you first timers. Here you are given five lives instead of three, have new scenes to play through, do away with the semi-random scenes, get a scrolling castle map to display your overall progress and have spruced up technical punch for the PSP.
Meanwhile those of you returning to Dragon's Lair have the option to play the Arcade mode for a more hardcore experience, featuring all the nuances of the original.
United Coders is still looking for a publisher for its game at the moment, but has already drummed up significant interest in its existing DS version of the game. Well, it says it has.
Dragon's Lair PSP is pencilled in for a Christmas 2008 release.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Ubisoft has announced that Far Cry 2, the follow-up to 2004's hit PC game, will also be coming to the Xbox 360 and PS3.
The first game, developed by Crysis, perfected an open-end approach to first-person games and won itself many fans in the process. Ubisoft Montreal has now taken over the reins for the sequel, and it looks to be equally impressive, taking the player on a sandbox tour of the savannahs of Africa via a eye-popping graphics engine.
The PC version is due to hit towards the end of Q1 2008, with the console versions slated for release somewhere in the vague time-line of the fiscal year 2008-2009.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
New details have emerged about fresh-faced Swedish developer Avalanche's Just Cause 2, the follow-up to the well-received sandbox game that earnt itself an 8.8 score from our reviewers last year.
In an interview with PSW magazine, the game's lead designer Peter Johansson stated: "We identified the key areas we wanted to improve for Just Cause 2. We wanted to make better use of our huge game world, enhance the stunts, improve the combat and reward exploration more." What's more, the original's setting on the island San Esperitio has been ditched in favour of a tropical paradise in South East Asia, but retains its charismatic lead Rico Rodriguez.
Of particular interest is the bold move to ditch the peripheral activities that often form the backbone of the majority of sandbox games, with Johansson claiming: "We've ditched the concept of side-missions." A brave move, but maybe one that's necessary to differentiate the title in an already over-crowded market.
The game will be fully next-gen - unlike the last entry which straddled the generational divide - and is expected on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
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January 3rd, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Recent activity on Valve's Steam forums is pointing towards an imminent patch that should go some way towards remedying the numerous flaws evident in the PS3 version of The Orange Box.
While the game was widely heralded as one of the games of 2007, that wasn't necessarily the case for those opting to play on the PS3. Having had to wait a number of weeks for what is widely acknowledged as a broken port of one of the biggest bargains of recent times, PS3 owners were subjected to below-par frame-rates across the Half-Life games, alongside extended loading times in Portal and broken matchmaking facilities in Team Fortress 2.
These flaws led to IGN giving the PS3 port a score of 8.4, which although respectable paled to the 9.5 awarded to the PC and Xbox 360 versions. Fortunately, the game's original developer Valve is looking to cement its reputation as one of the more considerate presences in gaming, opening up a thread on its forums for PS3 owners to air their grievances and suggest possible tweaks.
It's still unclear when we can expect a patch and EA, responsible for the games PS3 port and publishing, was unable to offer confirmation or a concrete timeframe. We'll bring you more as soon as we get it.
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January 3rd, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The UT III mod cooker - a tool to turn PC mods into PS3-compatible mods - could be released as early as next week in an update.
Rein brought the good news in a brief progress report: "We're very close to releasing an update to the Unreal Engine 3 editor, that comes with the PC version of UT3, that will allow UT3 mod-makers to cook their mods into the required PS3 format.
"We've been doing some internal testing and we're hoping to expand to a wider group tomorrow or Friday. If all goes well then we should see the update released next week which is what I expect will happen."
Rein assures fans that the cooking system is already up and running smoothly, pointing out: "we put out a few mods before Christmas and people seem to be playing them," on the official forums. Testing is underway on simply applying the update, he explains.
Then watch out for the rush of converted mods moments after the update hits.
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January 4th, 2008, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
This is just the faintest whiff of a rumor, but Sony Asia just put up a questionnaire in which it asks how interested PlayStation Store for PC customers would be in a "Monthly subscription plan (1 price for unlimited download)." That suggests that the company is at least thinking about a service that would let gamers play as many downloadable PS1 and PSP games as they want for a monthly fee -- although it's not at all clear if the service would be PSP-only or work on both the PSP and PS3, which would sweeten the deal considerably. Chalk this up as wishful thinking for now -- but those of you with PSN IDs may want to hit the read link and fill out the questionnaire.
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January 4th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Fire up those ovens and roll out the dough! Epic VP Mark Rein says he expects an update to the Unreal Engine 3 editor will be released next week, allowing Unreal Tournament 3 mod-makers to cook their PC mods into PS3-formatted delicacies. Some broader testing is necessary before the update's release, but Rein assures us that "the process works," given it was used to cook DM-Shrine, which was served to PS3 players free of charge a few weeks ago. Nothing like free food, eh – but are those PC chefs any good?
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January 4th, 2008, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from waywardson:

Well i spent a long day working on this game and came up with a version 1 release....the object of the game is to jump and duck in order to dodge enemies while trying to collect rupees...
green rupees = 5 points and red rupees = 10 points ....
there are only 2 kinds of enemies to dodge at this time and more will be added soon....let me know how this game can be inproved and what you think of it :]]]
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January 4th, 2008, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted a new release of Time Baby for the PSP
Heres whats new:
Hi Guys,
Here is an update to my Time Baby program with a few code fixes. This release brings a better colour changer inspired by the Amiga Workbench OS!
This is great for me because it has always been choppy, and I never liked it.
V8c (02/01/08):
- Improved Colour Changer screen allows smoother control, and greater range of colours.
- Code fix to keep solar monitor working in world time clock mode.
- Various code fixes
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January 4th, 2008, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from arber
Tell You know? Is a strange game which is to count how many triangles there on the screen. It's quite entertaining and fun, there is no need to mention that a new "platform" game which never before hab*ais tested. Easy to understand but hard to guess, you will use your brain with the "CPU" the most ;-). Graphics simple background music catchy and well adapted. Scheduled in Lua. Author of this delicacy, Arber.
The game is easy to understand, the only thing we should do is count all the triangles are on the screen of our PSP and then select the correct answer. As I mentioned above is easy to understand but can be as easy to play? Come on, put your skills in place to count.
This game although this programmable and designed by myself, merit is not only mine but of the entire Staff of Magicgames, which I am grateful for their assistance:
Regards to all of them.
Coder: Arber
Graphics: Arber
Beta TESTERS: Ulind, Elin, Kristian.
Very easy to learn:
On the menu:
PAD above: Moving upwards.
PAD below: Moving down.
X: Select.
O: Back.
The Game:
X: Select the first option.
Square: Choose the second option.
Triangle: Select the third alternative.
Or: Select the fourth alternative.
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January 4th, 2008, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Wifi scanner for the PSP, heres whats new:
Hi Guys,
Here's Road Dog, the talking wifi scanner for 1.50 kernal mode PSPs (PSP Phats).
Read the docs for information!
V2d (03/01/08):
- Improved startup, and WiFi scanning speed. This should be just noticeable.
- Added feature to save screenshot when the NOTE button is pressed.
- Reduced size of program by removing unused samples from the player routine.
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January 4th, 2008, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darko79:
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33 that displays some basic info on screen (CPU speed, battery status and local time).
Installation: put hud.prx in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.
Usage: default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner. Press NOTE to access configuration menu.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
Known problems: display is best shown in bottom left or right corners, I don't know why it won't work in upper corners just as good as in bottom ones.
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January 4th, 2008, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
SofiyaCat has released a new version of PSPtube otherwise known as Youtube for the PSP
Heres whats new:
+ + PSPTube Version20071231
General General
CFW3.71M33 working in the 3-reviewed CFW3.71M33 working in the 3-reviewed
All right intraFont use fonts to display the characters appear cleanly. All right intraFont use fonts to display the characters appear cleanly.
Thumbnail use the file extension changed to THM. Thumbnail use the file extension changed to THM. Much smaller 160x120 jpeg files created please. Jpeg files much smaller 160x120 please created. THM file the same name as the file is displayed in thumbnail. THM file the same name as the file is displayed in thumbnail.
Font cache folder is a folder and no longer Font cache folders and folders have been removed
Veoh Video respond. Veoh Video respond. Environment, a decent if見れない. Environment, a decent if見れない. Veoh itself is not in response to the Japanese because it seems like the keywords in English, please. Veoh is in response to the Japanese because it is not like the keywords in English, please.
Stage6 respond with a joke. Stage6 respond with a joke. → tag search. → tag search. Tag is separated in space, space itself tag + and if you have, please. Is a space-delimited tag, the tag itself is + and if you have space, please. Example) "video game" tag "psp" tag in the search for "video game psp +" Example) "video game" tag " psp "tag in the search for" video game psp + "
KONFIGUFAIRU writing changed. KONFIGUFAIRU writing changed. Who edited please note. Attention should be edited please.
Playlist feature has been added Playlist function has been added
Network Network
Firmware encryption system that are supposed to respond. Firmware encryption system that are supposed to respond.
Expansion to download multiple files can be downloaded simultaneously. Expansion to download multiple files can be downloaded simultaneously.
MMS protocol has been implemented MMS protocol is implemented.
Playback related regeneration>
Play like to make another change thread in the background, you can now play Play like to make another change thread in the background, you can now play
You can now play AAC You can now play AAC
Width is more than 513 movie "YO sea urchin to do" to end tourists Fixed Width is more than 513 movie "YO sea urchin to do" to end fixed tourists
DivX video playback is a little right now DivX video playback is a little right now
Asx file playback corresponding meta Asx file meta supported regeneration.
Other, Other faster, faster
SDL to the exclusion of sound device has been simplified SDL to the exclusion of sound devices simplify.
SDL and eliminates color space conversion process has been deleted when SDL eliminate color space conversion and processing time deleted
OpenSSL library incorporated incorporated OpenSSL library
Oniguruma library incorporated Oniguruma incorporated library
Spidermonkey library (Java Script) incorporated Spidermonkey incorporated library (Java Script)
Search favorites to implement Search has been implemented favorites.
YouTube search → tag has been implemented successfully respond search YouTube search → tag has been implemented to respond to the search.
→ smiling supported with a variety of problems and instability. → smiling supported with a variety of problems and instability.
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January 4th, 2008, 09:11 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh has let slip some more news on the status on custom firmware 3.80 M33
Heres the translated info:
MathieuLH has clarified an important and essential part of the policy of M33: quality first. It therefore through this little sentence that precipitation is no room for complacency and that the 3.80 M33 released once completed and functioning at 100%.
To date, 3.80 M33 already exists and boot perfectly. It allows running all homebrews in User mode and it is already good news. So what remains to be done?
Dark_Alex works currently on the NIDs Resolver allowing the launch of homebrews in Kernel mode and also to use, in theory, all the plug-ins present without modifications. This party is so much work and so time.
So take your bad to let patience and time to time. You know now that the 3.80 M33 is well advanced but the need to allow the artist to work ...
So for any non french people it means that 3.80 M33 firmware is already up and running and they are just ironing out bugs
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January 4th, 2008, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster
Still not convinced Burnout Paradise was "THE best demo released" last year? Criterion has rubbed some grease on frontman Alex Ward's heaping helping of self-praise by doubling the maximum number of online players (from 4 to 8) and adding 13 new Freeburn Challenges. So does this mean that Burnout is now the best demo of 2008? Quick! Somebody give these guys an award!
(Note: The multiplayer boost will take effect on servers between today and Jan. 14th. The demo is available on PSN and Xbox Live.)
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January 4th, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia of this weeks Blueray Film Releases:
Heres the listing
Da Vinci Code (~Tom Hanks) US US$ 38.96
Love Is Born 4th Anniversary 2007 At Hibiya-Yagai Ongaku-Do On 9th Of September 2007 [tentative] (~Ai Otsuka) JPN US$ 57.90
Resident Evil US US$ 28.95
Resident Evil 1-3 US US$ 89.95
Resident Evil: Extinction US US$ 38.96
Shoot 'em Up US US$ 35.99
The Prestige JPN US$ 46.90
War US US$ 39.99
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January 4th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a story about a Burglar pinching a PSP and getting caught, rather embarassing for her 
A dozy serial burglar was caught after leaving a trail of Corn Flakes from the scene of her crime.
Amber McCarthy, 31, broke into a flower shop, forced the till open and stole cash.
When the owners arrived to prepare floral displays at the shop next to the Cooden Beach Hotel in Bexhill they found Corn Flakes and blooms scattered outside.
Rachel Beckett, prosecuting at Hove Crown Court, said: "The owners noticed a trail of Corn Flakes outside the shop and called the police.
"The trail led from the flower shop to Room 118 at the hotel.
"When they searched the room police found items taken from the shop."
The Corn Flakes were found at 4am on June 15 last year.
McCarthy, of Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, was arrested.
Just days earlier she had climbed through the open window of a house in Swallowfield Road, Eastbourne, while the owner was out.
She stole a Sony PSP games console, a digital camera and other equipment worth more than £700.
Miss Beckett said McCarthy later sold the camera and console for just £30.
She was caught after a fingerprint found on the open window matched her police records.
McCarthy admitted the burglaries and asked for two similar offences in June to be taken into consideration.
The court heard she also has two previous convictions for burglaries in 2001 and 2002.
New laws meant she could have faced a minimum three year jail sentence for a third similar offence.
Isobella Forshall, defending, said McCarthy had been addicted to drugs.
She had left her "chaotic lifestyle" in London and moved to Eastbourne to try to start a new life.
Miss Forshall said: "She has been in prison for six months since her arrest.
"She has availed herself of the facilities there to address her problems and has made considerable progress.
"This was a lapse into her previous drug use. It would be unjust to impose a minimum three year sentence."
Judge David Rennie said McCarthy had chosen to put her own needs first.
He said: "No matter what your problems they were not the problems of the householders whose homes you chose to invade.
"Three more people have had the upset of knowing that somebody else has been sniffing around inside their homes and stealing their property.
"You justifiably face a sentence of at least three years."
However, he said McCarthy had already served the equivalent of a 12-month prison sentence since her arrest in June.
He said he was also impressed by the progress McCarthy had made in trying to beat her drug addiction.
Judge Rennie added: "This creates a good platform from which you can build a drug-free and crime-free future.
"If that happens you win and, much more importantly, the community which you have harmed by your activities in the past also wins."
McCarthy was given a three-year supervised community order.
She must also complete a nine-month drug rehabilitation order and take part in a substance misuse programme.
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January 4th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
New version of the impressive art/photo editing software from Shaolan:
Heres whats new:
New update for DAPES, which therefore to version 1.5:
Changelog this version:
-- Added tool "Insert Text" with the virtual keyboard DENZEL
-- Added tool "Draw a line"
-- Added tool "Paint Bucket"
-- Adding Installer Update
Coming in the next version:
-- Added tool "Selection" option and copy / paste
-- Amelioration of the keyboard DENZEL (adding the figure and uppercase)
-- Amelioration of dialogs
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January 4th, 2008, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
While some developers have been critical of PS3's complex architecture (yes, Gabe Newell from Valve, we're pointing at you) many more are praising the power and potential of the machine.
"The amount of action we're able to put on the screen at 60 frames per second dwarfs what we were able to do a year ago at 30 frames per second," claims Insomniac's (Resistance, Ratchet) Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings, "What's most exciting is I think we'll see just as big a leap from our second generation engine to our third as we did from first to second."
Fallout 3's Executive Producer Todd Howard - from Oblivion developer Bethesda - understands that PS3 "has more than enough power. No single game is using it all yet - not even close". Back at E3 in July ‘07, Mercenaries 2 Lead Designer Scott Warner claimed their game was only using 30% of PS3's power - while EA's Chief Visual Officer Glenn Entis claimed their launch games like Fight Night 3 only tapped 20%. The figures sound hokum, but it wasn't until five years into PS2's life cycle that games tapped even 90% of its power - a statistic measured by Sony's Performance Analyser tools, yet to be released on PS3.
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January 4th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Spong posted an update to the Skype on PSP Story, heres the full article
Update: SPOnG has received the following comment from Sony: "As we've mentioned in the past, we are constantly evaluating new technology and features to add to PSP and further details will be announced shortly." Could it be? A non-confirmation confirmation? Sure looks that way to SPOnG. Keep your eyes here for the further details as and when they're announced.
Sony looks set to announce the introduction of Internet-based telephony service Skype to the PSP at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas - starting on January 7th.
Details of just how the Voice over Internet Protocol service (VoIP) will be used with the PSP remain scarce. The news comes from a product listing for the PSP over on Sony's CES website. Innocuously placed at the bottom of the description we are informed that PSP owners will be able to, "Call friends, talk trash to fellow gamers or catch up with acquaintances via Skype for PSP system."
Sony has already announced the Go!Messenger service for the PSP in European territories, which will - in conjunction with BT in the UK - enable gamers to make video calls, voice calls and send instant messages wherever they've got a wi-fi connection. The service will operate in conjunction with local phone providers in different European countries. Given that, it looks unlikely that the service will be aimed at us.
Because the information appears on a website for an American electronics show, the US is a pretty good bet for where the service will be rolled out. Sony is unlikely to announce a VoIP service for the US which is inferior to its European counterpart, so the Skype service is likely to have similar features to Go!Messenger. That said, US gamers are still waiting for the Go!Cam - which will be needed to enable video calls - to see release.
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January 4th, 2008, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
PVP of Acidmods has posted a video with a PSP with an amazing 30GB of storage, heres the video
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January 4th, 2008, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
It's all a bit slow on the PAL PlayStation Store this week after last week's surprise addition of The Club in demo form, with just a Folklore add-on called Fear In The Night (side-quests, new folk, new costume) and a Devil May Cry 4 trailer to get excited about, according to our diligent forum spies.
Across the pond there is depth, but a lack of excitement - Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock benefits from downloadable content launched on Xbox Live before Christmas, Rock Band gets its usual weekly update, there are some more cars for Need For Speed ProStreet (most at USD 2.49) and a demo of NFL Tour '09.
Meanwhile, the PSP Store for PC appears to be barren on both sides of the Atlantic, so unless Sony has something 11th hour in store (so to speak), you're in for a quiet weekend. Or at least one involving things you've already bought, like the excellent Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, or perhaps the under-loved Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction.
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January 4th, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Epic Games hopes to release a patch that will allow PC users to package their Unreal Tournament III modifications and add-on levels for use on PlayStation 3 next week.
"We've been doing some internal testing and we're hoping to expand to a wider group tomorrow or Friday," Epic vice president Mark Rein wrote on the game's official forum. "If all goes well then we should see the update released next week which is what I expect will happen."
The PC version of UT3 comes with a fully functioning game editor based on Unreal Engine 3, and while the PS3 game does not include this, the aim is to ensure compatibility with content produced on the PC.
"Obviously the process works, as we put out a few mods before Christmas and people seem to be playing them, but it is the update to the editor that we're testing."
Meanwhile, UT3 modification website www.ut3mod.com claims to have come up with a way for people to download PS3 mods for Unreal Tournament III from within their PS3 web-browser - something that until now had been thought impossible.
Official instructions for transferring mods to the PS3 involve a PC, a Memory Stick, holy water and a pentangle of salt.
For more on the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament III, check out our Unreal Tournament III PS3 import review.
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January 4th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Those of you who have imported the Xbox 360 version of Rock Band will be interested to learn that the US Official Xbox Magazine is cover-mounting a trio of exclusive add-on songs later this month.
The February 2008 issue, which goes on sale (sorry, "hits newsstands") on 15th January, includes Freezepop's "Sprøde", Bang Camaro's "Rock Rebellion" and Count Zero's "Shake", all of which can be installed to the hard disk for easy future access.
Joystiq has tracked down YouTube vids for a couple of them, and speculates that if discs can be used to stuff the hard disk with new content then Harmonix/MTV could potentially offer retail expansion discs along these lines. It certainly doesn't sound like it's outside the realms of possibility.
The game's creators have already established themselves as keen proponents of add-on content, having released over a dozen single-song downloads and several track packs on both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network since the game's late-November US launch.
For more on Rock Band, which is due out on PS3 and Xbox 360 in Europe in Q1 2008, check out our Rock Band import review.
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January 4th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
ony's great white hope - the quite wonderful looking LittleBigPlanet - looks nearer to finding its way into our homes, with Sony insiders confirming they are working to get the game out in the UK for this September.
The game - which was unveiled to universal applause at last year's Games Developer Conference - is currently being developed by British company Media Molecule. It is one of the highest profile exponents of a new generation of games placing an emphasis on creativity, giving players a blank canvas to explore co-operatively and making full use of the PlayStation Network to deliver patches and user generated content. It's continued to impress at subsequent outings at E3 and the Tokyo Game Show, and if it manages to realise its lofty ambitions it could well prove to be Sony's killer app.
The September release date may be a little later than many had hoped - initial mummurings suggested the first quarter of this year - but at least it gives us something to look forward to towards the end of the year. As soon as more concrete details emerge, we'll be sure to let you know.
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January 4th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
New updated release from Mirzab14:
CreatDir 0.2 has been released. No new major features in this one (sorry guys), but I have updated the app a little.
* I've added colors to the text.. (Blue= Checking/Creating, RED=Does not exist!)
* I've added a little delay after the title, so the title displays a bit longer.
* I've added a little message after all is done..
AND I've included a French readme.
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January 4th, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Pspflashsystem has updated his Pixel Réveil application to version 0.5

Heres the release info from this version.
Hello all,
For information: I am not English I am French so excuse me for my bad english. Here it's update to my Pixel Réveil v0.5: a lua-coded homebrew application. Now you can do two possibilities to restore dead/stuck pixels on your LCD screen:
a full mode and a precise mode. Besides, the graphics were improved.
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January 4th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has posted yet another update to the best Video Converter around, heres whats new:
Added translations: French, Hebrew, Spanish. Thanks to mwm, leglaude061 and fran1987.
For simple bitrate encoding added auto bitrate calculation.
Fixed audio tracks selection.
Fixed crop aspect fix for cropped sources.
iPod profiles renamed to MP4 iPod 5.0G and MP4 iPod 5.5G.
Archos profile renamed to MP4 Archos 5G.
Tweaked and fixed Archos format.
Update valid for XviD4PSP 5.027-5.028 RC1 only.
XviD4PSP 5.028 RC2 update
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January 4th, 2008, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
In response to consumer demand, Warner Bros. Entertainment will release its high-definition DVD titles exclusively in the Blu-ray disc format beginning later this year, it was announced today by Barry Meyer, Chairman & CEO, Warner Bros. and Kevin Tsujihara, President, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group.
"Warner Bros.' move to exclusively release in the Blu-ray disc format is a strategic decision focused on the long term and the most direct way to give consumers what they want," said Meyer. "The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger. We believe that exclusively distributing in Blu-ray will further the potential for mass market success and ultimately benefit retailers, producers, and most importantly, consumers."
Warner Home Video will continue to release its titles in standard DVD format and Blu-ray. After a short window following their standard DVD and Blu-ray releases, all new titles will continue to be released in HD DVD until the end of May 2008.
"Warner Bros. has produced in both high-definition formats in an effort to provide consumer choice, foster mainstream adoption and drive down hardware prices," said Jeff Bewkes, President and Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner Inc., the parent company of Warner Bros. Entertainment. "Today's decision by Warner Bros. to distribute in a single format comes at the right time and is the best decision both for consumers and Time Warner."
"A two-format landscape has led to consumer confusion and indifference toward high definition, which has kept the technology from reaching mass adoption and becoming the important revenue stream that it can be for the industry," said Tsujihara. "Consumers have clearly chosen Blu-ray, and we believe that recognizing this preference is the right step in making this great home entertainment experience accessible to the widest possible audience. Warner Bros. has worked very closely with the Toshiba Corporation in promoting high definition media and we have enormous respect for their efforts. We look forward to working with them on other projects in the future.
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January 4th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Hardhat has posted an update to his PSPFlash Card app for the PSP, heres the release info:
Here is the long overdue update to my PSP Flash-Card program. It is designed for students to memorize all of the "important" facts that we all need to know to pass tests.
Use this to make studying easier for subjects like history.
For this version, there are two updates to improve usability.
- First there is a new Definition mode, that allows you to see the definition and guess the terms that they define.
- Second there is a new "batch mode" that shows the cards in groups of 5, so that the hard to remember terms are repeated more often when you get them wrong. This version uses a "replenishing" system, where there is a deck of waiting cards that fills the batch all the time. That way you'll see the trouble cards at least ones every batch size.
As always, it is open source, with the source code included for you to modify.
The two new functions are controlled with the L and R trigger buttons.
This version is still skinnable, so have fun and go wild.
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January 5th, 2008, 10:20 Posted By: wraggster
via podcastnetwork
The PSP Show #62 - 2008 Predictions (MP3 10 mb 14 minutes 33 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
To follow up from my thoughts on 2007, it’s time to stick my neck out (just a little bit) as I discuss with you all what could happen over the next twelve months; the Sony Playstation Store, God of War, the PSP hardware, homebrew titles, official firmwares and breakout games are all discussed. Now, it’s over to you. What did I miss or get wrong?
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January 5th, 2008, 10:25 Posted By: wraggster
We knew this wouldn't take long -- just like when Paramount made the switch to HD DVD, rumors are swirling that a sum of $500 Million was involved in the decision to make the switch. The rumor goes on to say that Fox's allegiance to Blu-ray was a factor as well, but when it refused to defect from the Blu camp and accepted an undisclosed amount, Warner had no choice; because at this point, without another studio going red it would've only put the war into more of a stalemate than it already was. Of course, Warner tells the story a little differently, and on a recent conference call when asked about any "compensation" Kevin Tsujihara, president, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group said that it "was not a bidding war" and that it really came down to Q4 sales, specifically in the International markets -- then he wanted to know if we had any idea where they could collect the $500 Million. Ultimately, Warner wanted to try and give consumers a reason to get off the fence.
As for the remaining five months, although there will be a delay in the release of Warner HD DVD titles in comparison to the Blu-ray releases, the specifics haven't been worked out just yet, and the decision has also not been made to stop production of current HD DVD titles -- but the retailers will have a say in that one. We closed the call with the most pertinent question of all, "Where's the Matrix on Blu-ray?" to which the answer was, as soon as they work out the details of BD Java and PIP.
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January 5th, 2008, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
The NY Times reports: In addition to Apple, Warner Brothers is now going to throw its weight behind the Blu-ray format for high-definition disks. Warner has been the only major studio to publish its movies in both Blu-ray and HD DVD formats. Today, the studio announced that from now on, it would only issue movies in Blu-ray. Richard Greenfield, the media analyst with Pali Research, wrote that this marks the end of the format wars: "We expect HD DVD to 'die' a quick death."
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January 5th, 2008, 16:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darko79:
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33 that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time
Put hud.prx in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.
Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.
Known problems:
Display is best shown in bottom left or right corners, I don't know why it won't work in upper corners just as good as in bottom ones.
Version History:
January, 5th 2008. v1.2
- buttons for menu and HUD are configurable within configuration menu
- add custom alignment (adjust with analog)
January, 4th 2008. v1.1
- added cpu usage and bus speed
- menu is now accessed with NOTE+LTRIG
- toggle HUD with NOTE+RTRIG
- redesigned menu selection (looks nice now)

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January 5th, 2008, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Wifi scanner for the PSP, heres the release details:

Hi Guys,
Here's Road Dog, the talking wifi scanner for 1.50 kernal mode PSPs (PSP Phats).
Read the docs for information!
V2d (03/01/08):
- Improved startup, and WiFi scanning speed. This should be just noticeable.
- Added feature to save screenshot when the NOTE button is pressed.
- Reduced size of program by removing unused samples from the player routine.
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January 5th, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pronto:
Hello Guys ^^
as ever is my english a little bit bad XD
various know my pictures drawn tool
Bixi I release the new version of Bixi , Bixi EL
new in this version:
-save images and chanche a filename
-new brushes
-chanche a background yellow,black,blue,red
-write text and chache big,biger...
-a new menu
-load images
-new userbar
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January 5th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
A new mod of Doom has been released with what seems to be a Streetfighter flavor to the proceedings
heres the translation
For more than 6 months, the team of Ice Man Page is working on a FPS "Ken survivor" which would use the 3D engine of DOOM ... This international project which will be grouped around twenty people and created many partnerships ended recently and has been adapted on PSP! Click on quickly thereafter.
What better way to celebrate the 20 years of the survivor Ken (Hokuto No Ken) and the 10-year 3D engine of Doom in the public domain than to marry in a project named Hokuto No Doom? In any case, the idea was the iceman57:
During this year, I was fortunate enough to mount an international partnership with www.hokutolegacy.com (Belgium) and www.doomwadstation.com (USA) and manager of a team of 20 people around the world under the "Hokuto No Doom." What is this project? .. Quite simply a game "Ken survivor" on PC-based 3D engine of Doom.
Why an engine as old? Simply because he is the one who was best suited, as amended, and converted a host of tools are available. And then I had the opportunity to attack me ten years ago but the current competence.
Why Ken? Simply because an engine for 80-90 years and then I had a series of the same period and who else but Ken could evolve into a world as violent as that of Doom? ..
The project completed in September, iceman57 has quietly returned to his usual occupation ... But it was not counting on PSPGen and our article on the latest version of DOOM PSP, which gave a new idea to the project leader:
Run "Hokuto No Doom" on PSP (not that it !!!).
Rejoice therefore you dear readers, since grâceau engine Chilly Willy and the support offered by several weeks since Alree, a member of our forums, Hokuto No Doom is now available on PSP!
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January 5th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
New version of the impressive art/photo editing software from Shaolan:
Heres whats new:
Changelog this version:
-- Added tool "Selection"
-- Added tool "Copy / Paste"
-- Amelioration of the keyboard DENZEL (adding the figure and uppercase)
-- Amelioration of the interface
Coming in the next version:
-- Menu advanced functionality
-- Addition of Local Zoom (zoom only on a selected area of the image)
-- Adding options Symetrie
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January 5th, 2008, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Home Entertainment President Kevin Tsujihara says the studio took no pay-offs to exclusively back Blu-ray.
In a post-announcement conference call, Tsujihara flatly denied rumors that studio had accepted anywhere from 250M to $500M in exchange for dropping its HD DVD format support.
According to the exec, Warner's sole motivation in dropping its HD DVD format support was to ensure growth of the "category" and the long-term health of the industry.
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January 5th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
Full article from Gamespot
Earlier this week, Sony's Consumer Electronics Show site slipped news that voice over IP support would soon be added to the hardware maker's frontline handheld, the PlayStation Portable. While the blurb contained no information beyond the fact, Japan's Nikkei Net news service (registration required) is reporting today that Skype functionality will be added to the PSP as early as this month.
Nikkei also provided a few details on what PSP owners can expect from the Sony-Skype partnership. Skype's Internet phone technology will be limited to owners of the PSP Slim, which launched worldwide in September. Owners of the redesigned handheld will able to download Skype software directly onto their PSPs and then use a specially designed microphone to communicate.
The Skype service will be free for PSP-to-PSP and PSP-to-PC calls. PSP Slim owners will also be able to sign up for a dedicated phone number, which Nikkei is reporting will run for 2,250 yen (about $20.70) for three months of usage. Nikkei did not report on whether the pricing structure would extend to other regions. Sony had not returned requests for comment as of press time.
Doesnt sound so great now, paying for the bast drops my willingness to try it.. We need a homebrew Skype 
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January 5th, 2008, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
By all accounts it wont be long till we see a new release of the M33 Firmware by the excellent Dark Alex and Co but if you could request a doable feature what would it be ?
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January 6th, 2008, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
As if anyone expected anything different, New Line confirmed with Variety Magazine that it'll follow Warner to the Blu-ray promise land. While this is a no brainer considering the relationship between Warner and New Line, (also owned by Time Warner, just like Engadget) other studios remain up in the air. When, and if, Universal makes the switch as well is any ones guess, but at this point we doubt many would expect otherwise. But, as we've learned in the last few days, anything's possible, but the idea of having one HD format to adopt is something even most members of the red camp can get behind.
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January 6th, 2008, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from BigGhost of an update to his Xavshell for the PSP, heres whats new:
Changes, XAVShell 1.0.2 - 1.0.3
- Cursor bug fix.
- SDK updated
* Simple encryption and decryption library and header.
- The password must be encrypted (use the utility XAVShell Password Generation aka XSPG.exe for make it)
- XAVShell Multitool utility (use it for generate the speed cursor and other things, look his instructions opening the application,
you need .NET Framework 2.0)
Note : Copy XAVShell folder to /psp/game or /psp/game150 .
About XAVShell Multitool you will get more information looking it.
Now on the shell there is new icon 'Homebrew1' it's not work yet because his file configuration has more characters than 1 and we have to implement a new function for read it. On the next revision it'll be solved.
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January 6th, 2008, 10:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe-ur-boat:
Here's the second release of my game Basket Catch. The highlight of this release is the highscores screen. The full changelog is below.
- Small bug that didn't reset the score after a game over
- Made some minor tweaks to the speed of movement
- Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash if there was no previous highscore saved
- Removed options menu(there was no need for it)
- Added Credits
- Fixed a bug where eggs disapeared on the screen then spawned randomly somewhere else
- Added a highscores page
- Didn't release
- Initial Release
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January 6th, 2008, 10:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Said0011 and Coco1230:
Said0011 and Coco1230 have thought about before you caught an error code on your Psp impossible to understand. Indeed, they have a coded Utility that contains all the errors of the Psp as well as their meanings. This tool, called ErrorF is well coded and will be useful to. Many owners Psp annoyed by one of the many error messages on the PSP.
Here, the characteristics of this homebrew:
All errors are registered with their meanings
Research Module
Visualisation code errors
Compatible Slim & Lite
USB mode
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January 6th, 2008, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Not many shops in the world have any of the original PSPs for sale these days and im sure most would agree that at the moment the PSP Phat is the better for Homebrew.
Luckily it seems that Divineo China still have some PSP Phats for sale starting at the price of $199 (£95)
So for those of you wanting the Original PSP which they have in stock in both White and Black Flavours, youll need to be quick off the mark.

Buy PSP Phat Black

Buy PSP Phat White
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January 6th, 2008, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
Well another studio down. Maybe I was right? Blu ray is just better. HD will die a slow death. It's what I predicted a year ago. Now with Warner's down for the count with Blu Ray. That makes it easier for Wal-Mart to push Blu Ray. And whatever Wal-Mart pushes - wins. Hd better start giving out those $120 million dollars checks to stay alive. Maybe they can give me some so I can give it to my Make-A-Wish charity, just to shut me up. Have faith people Transformers will come out in Blu-ray one day!
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January 6th, 2008, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
SofiyaCat has released a new test version of PSPtube otherwise known as Youtube for the PSP
This app plays supports much more than just Youtube, why not try with your favourite streaming website and post your verdicts.
No Idea whats New as its a Test version but it is for Custom Firmware 371M33.
Digg This
This let's you play and watch the videos directly from the YouTube website,you don't have to download and convert FLV files or anything.
- Download and unzip the file attached here.
- Copy the PSPTube folder to the GAME3XX folder.
- Create an account here.
- Open the psptube.cfg file with a Text Editor.
- Find the ev_id = "ABCDEFGHIJK" dev_id = "" text in the file and insert your account information there.
- Start the application from the main menu and select an internet connection with the O button.
*Note: It'll show as "No Videos",just press O to search for the videos.*
- Enjoy!
Start Button - Play/Pause
O - Select/Enter
X - Go back to Results
L Trigger - Go to the Previous Results page
R Trigger - Go to the Next Results page
Select Button - Change Screen size
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January 6th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Fadil posted these observations about the supposed evidence of a 3rd Generation PSP.
The release of a third generation of PSPs seems to be confirmed ... and SilverSpring reverses its mass we prove once again the existence of this degree of PSP in development.
For several weeks, the indices and many are accumulating evidence that betray the release of a new PSP:
-Speaking of NIDs Bluetooth, and GSensor Hard Drive
(Hard Drive and bluetooth supported by the PSP Slim & Light?)
-Files containing references with the small attribute 03g
([True or false] Firmware 3.80: a new PSP in preparation?)
-The questionnaire Sony evoking an "integrated storage capacity" and a "Bluetooth Headset"
(A new PSP in preparation? - Part 2!)
Today, the hacker SilverSpring, on the basis of these discoveries.
Indeed, during his reverse of 3.80, he has found other evidence that is still thinking about the existence of a third generation of PSPs in preparation at SCE:
Fragment of syscon.prx code:
enum SceSysconCallbacks ENUM SceSysconCallbacks
{ (
SYSCON_UNK_DEV_CB // in 3.80 only - PSP 03g? SYSCON_UNK_DEV_CB / / 3.80 in only - 03g PSP?
The file contains several functions syscon.prx (NIDs) for the useful part of the PSP hardware (some of these functions are used for example to create a pandora battery!).The above list is a list that is used to be called in another function (those with a few concepts include C). As you can see, some names come back again:
- And the most surprising: SYSCON_UNK_DEV_CB, who appears only from3.80!
Moreover, the small thing that could confirm these topics is about: 3.80 M33! What is delaying the release of this new Custom Firmware is the NID that Resolver Dark_AleX must encode, Sony has changed the address of Would they have done this for a compatibility of their firmware with their PSP in preparation?
New features of the current PSPs?
As usual, the famous "Wait and See"
Could that be a new PSP or new features for Slim & Lite???
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January 7th, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
As if we didn't already know, Sony just spit out a press release announcing the availability of Skype on PSP courtesy of a firmware update due later this month. After the update, a Skype icon will be available under the Network menu, allowing users to create a new account or login with their existing one. Otherwise, it's Skype as usual: free calls between Skype users; SkypeOut to make calls to regular old phones; SkypeIn to receive calls on your PSP (just don't answer the phone in front of a potential mate). There is one notable caveat however: Skype will only work on the PSP-2000 (ie: PSP Slim, PSP Lite, PSP Petite). We're not sure if there's a hardware limitation preventing the original PSP from using the service but our best guess is that whatever microphone attachment is released may not be compatible with the older model. Also, no word if Skype functionality will be enabled in-game. More as we hear it, folks.
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January 7th, 2008, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Basfreak:

Here i am again
This time with the game "PTB (Push The Button)".
How do the game works?:
In this game there are buttons, if they are above the river press the button.
If you pressed a button right the speed is only times:1.1 if you miss times:x1.6.
Version 0.45:
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January 7th, 2008, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his Time Baby app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Focus of this update is:
Improvements to Solar Power Monitor mode functionality, and appearance.
Long Version Time Display mode with centisecond display,
which provides obvious potential for a future stopwatch feature,
and improved resolution of the Heart Rate Monitor is also on the cards.
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January 7th, 2008, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita announced in the skype thread that the NoobZ team are back 
Heres the full details on this release:
Sometimes it's important to assert the dominance of homebrew features over Sony's lacklustre official firmwares.
Take the forthcoming PSP phone functionality. According to various rumours, Sony will shortly announce (in a few regions of the world) some new software to allow you to make and receive phone calls with your PSP via wifi, which may or may not be based upon the popular Skype platform.
That's nice, but there are a few flaws:
It's not yet clear how much it will cost to obtain the software, to subscribe to the service, and to make calls
It's not likely to be available in all countries
It's rumoured to only run on the PSP Slim - what about all those loyal early-adopters? 
It will probably only support a limited subset of possible voice platforms - e.g. maybe just Skype, which is notoriously bad at interoperating with other networks.
Here at Noobz, we're fans of freedom. So we thought we'd release our own PSP Phone software - and here it is, codenamed "Furikup" (it's a geeky protocol-based joke, don't worry about it).
Here are some of Furikup's best features:
It's free software - in both the beer, and speech senses.
You can use it anywhere in the world, subject to signing-up to a suitable local SIP-based voice-over-IP provider and being near a usable wifi access point. In many countries, you can find those for free or nearly-free - e.g. with SIPGate, in the UK, you can call to your PSP from any standard phone (landline or cellphone) for just the standard local call cost, and from PSP to another SIP phone (another PSP or a PC) for free.
It runs on both slim and fat PSPs.
It uses open standards, for maximum compatibility with other phone systems.
You can use a Go!Cam (Chotto Shot), Talkman microphone, or SOCOM-style headset for audio input. (And even if you don't have any of those, you can still send audio from a WAV file in a pinch).
It's still pretty much beta software - the audio quality needs some work (but it is usable), the UI isn't very pretty, and video calls aren't working (yet!). But it works, and it's a nice demo of what is possible.
Since this is open source homebrew software, there are endless possibilities as to what inventive minds could do with this engine. We'd like to see a much nicer GUI (we suck at UIs!), and maybe a custom firmware plugin to use the engine as a teamspeak-style add-on feature for online games. Go on, go crazy and show us what you can do with it - you have our blessing!
The download link is below. Make sure that you read the README.HTML file (we don't write them just for fun...)
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January 7th, 2008, 01:51 Posted By: JKKDARK
Finally, EA closed the servers for these online games for PlayStation 2 (Burnout Revenge, Need For Speed Underground and Need For Speed Underground 2).
It's interesting to notice that these games were planned to terminate in November 1st 2007.
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January 7th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Without comparable numbers from the other two console manufacturers, you'll have to consider these numbers from Sony in a vacuum of sorts. Nevertheless, regardless of the console horse race, Sony's got plenty to be proud of: 1.2m PS3 consoles sold since Black Friday; 1.4m PSP systems (unsurprising to anyone who had difficulty tracking one down this holiday); and 1.3m PS2 systems. That's a total of 3.9m PlayStation consoles sold in less than two months and, with the recent Blu-ray news, we suspect PS3 sales may trend upwards.
While Microsoft touted their total Xbox 360 sales numbers last week, we'll have to wait another week and a half before we get specific NPD numbers for December. But sales like these, regardless of the relative strength of the competition, means at least one thing: there's 3.9m game consoles living in happy homes and that's good news for everyone.
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January 7th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Without comparable numbers from the other two console manufacturers, you'll have to consider these numbers from Sony in a vacuum of sorts. Nevertheless, regardless of the console horse race, Sony's got plenty to be proud of: 1.2m PS3 consoles sold since Black Friday; 1.4m PSP systems (unsurprising to anyone who had difficulty tracking one down this holiday); and 1.3m PS2 systems. That's a total of 3.9m PlayStation consoles sold in less than two months and, with the recent Blu-ray news, we suspect PS3 sales may trend upwards.
While Microsoft touted their total Xbox 360 sales numbers last week, we'll have to wait another week and a half before we get specific NPD numbers for December. But sales like these, regardless of the relative strength of the competition, means at least one thing: there's 3.9m game consoles living in happy homes and that's good news for everyone.
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January 7th, 2008, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Son just dropped a bombshell and thats that you lucky USA folks are getting Satnav Via your PSP.
Heres the info from PSPfanboy
The Consumer Electronics Show has been big for the PSP. Sony officially revealed plans for Skype on the PSP. Now, they've shown off GPS navigation for use with the PSP. The peripheral has been readily available in Japan for quite some time now, but this is the first official sign that the US will also receive the device.
The Sony CES website reveals that the peripheral will work with navigation software, provided on UMD. "Your PSP will provide 2D/3D locations, driving directions, POI's, and even downloadable city guides. With an easy search feature feature and customizable settings, GPS on PSP is the easiest way to navigate new areas and new cities."

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January 7th, 2008, 15:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here is the first glimpse of the upcoming Skype software integrated into PSP's XMB firmware, and the accompanying PSP microphone peripheral.
Skype is a voice-over-IP (internet) program that will allow PSP users to make voice calls to other PSP owners via the web.
As reported earlier, Skype will rather shockingly only be available for PSP Slim units, not the old-school fat ones. Soz, early adopters.
The microphone peripheral necessary for voice chat will go on sale in Japan on January 24 for 2,500 Yen (£) for one, or 4000 Yen (£) for a two pack, according to Famitsu.
Neither the microphone nor Skype service has been dated for UK. Sony has also revealed a 16GB Memory Stick Duo for PSP too, which will be out in March and cost a fortune.
Images of Skype mic here
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January 7th, 2008, 15:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Those of you with sneaky eyes will have noticed two fresh samplers for Yakuza 3 on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
The game is called Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 in those reaches of the world and you can get at it by creating a Japanese account claiming you live there and enjoy it very much.
According to our cherished forum-goer disc, the first and biggest of the two is a narrative taster at 960MB. Here you can amble around the city fetching some bits and pieces for quests, as well as draw a picture to unlock a new finishing move. You should also get into a couple of scrapes and enjoy some swanky cut-scenes.
The other demo is collection of mini-games: one has you trying to win the affection of a Geisha, another riding on horseback while shooting things and avoiding obstacles, while the last focuses on arena combat against a varied range of opponents.
So far Yakuza 3 is only confirmed for Japan, although SEGA recently confirmed the second game in the series would make its way to the US.
Meanwhile, us Europeans have only been treated to the first third-person action title, missing out on the other two due to poor western sales.
Pop over to our Yakuza 3 gamepage for a spattering of videos, or slice into our Yakuza 1 review to see what's what.
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January 7th, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's Kaz Hirai has said that the company hopes the next fiscal year will see the PlayStation 3 console business achieve a profit.
Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Hirai said that profitability in the 2008 financial year was not a definite commitment, but something the company was striving for.
"We want to get to the positive side of the equation as quickly as possible," commented Hirai, reports Reuters.
"The next fiscal year starts in April and if we can try to achieve that in the next fiscal year that would be a great thing. We are going through the budgets right now.
"That (profitability) is not a definite commitment, but that is what I would like to try to shoot for," he said.
Sony has just announced sales figures for the PlayStation 3 during the US holiday period reached 1.2 million, although the machine is still being out-sold by Sony's own PlayStation 2 and PSP consoles.
Production costs for the PlayStation 3 are falling noted Hirai, with the recently introduced 40GB model requiring less components than the higher end 60GB and 80GB models.
"Component costs are coming down, and the number of components... we are seeing a reduction.
"The 40 GB PlayStation 3 obviously has fewer components, and uses less power, which means that components required to dissipate heat, for example, can be smaller, so there is some cost reduction there," he added.
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January 7th, 2008, 15:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony says more MotorStorm tracks will populate the PlayStation Store this month, and we're convinced.
The first new course is Eagle's Nest, which takes place on a narrow and treacherous winding circuit high up some place or another, where easing your opponents over the edge is a primary tactic.
The other is a less fiddly affair called Diamondback Speedway, a natural desert bowl with banked corners, a sinkhole, and scary tunnel.
Like other packs it will lighten your wallet by GBP 3.49, which is about half as much as a ticket to the cinema in Brighton and twice as much as something else.
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January 7th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
Following on for its official announcement of support for Skype wireless communication on PSP, Sony has confirmed the reason the service will only be available on PSP Slim & Lite (PSP-2000) is due to memory differences between it and the original PSP (PSP-1000).
Nick Sharples, director of corporate communications, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, told us:
"Although PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 are identical in basic functions, there are differences in hardware specifications to some extent and for that reason, PSP-2000 may differ in features from PSP-1000. We had studied the possibility of supporting Skype with PSP-1000 but had to give it up because of the smaller size of main memory on PSP-1000 series."
PSP Slim & Lite features 64 MB of internal memory, while the original PSP only has 32 MB, making it slower when loading games and, crucially in terms of Skype, web operations.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Art has once again updated his Time Baby Alarm Clock & More for the PSP
Heres the release details:

Focus of this update is the first implementation of a fully functional stopwatch feature.
Time Baby is, and always will be a kernel mode program for Phat PSPs only.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
homemister91 posted this news/release:
Hi all my name is homemister and i have made a LUA based applacation that has many things.
below is a extract from the readme which covers most of it.
!!!!!!!!!UPDATE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
File Browser :System Browser
You can browse the MS0: and Play MP3 files, you can read txt files and view png and jpg files. !!!!CAN COPY AND PASTE AND MOVE FILES NOT DIRECTORIES!!! USE TRIANGEL WHEN VIEWING IMAGES TO SET THEM AS YOUR MENU BACKGROUND!!!
3d cube
a demo 3d cube from LUA Player
Wifi connector
a demo Wifi connector from LUA Player
Irda tester
the test the functionality of your irda port just run it and press the button on a remote infrount of your psp.
Color Tester
will unfreeze stuck pixles and will test the colors on your psp
Maze Game
Made by Highsight, added for fun. great game. good JOB!!!!!.
-----system Menu
Read CFG
Reads the cfg file and displays it on the screen. To close it press circle.
System Info
Shows lots of system info. Press start to exit.
Change Cpu Speed
Use up and down to select speed then press triangle to set the speed. You need to restart the game to use the speed.
Purge Installed Apps
Use to remove all links to installed apps.
Restore Background
Restores the normal background.
Exits to XMB
Shuts down the psp.
--Main Menu
to scroll down and up use arrow keys
to run applacation press cross [x]
to stop music press square
press r trigger to enter system menu
--System Menu
to scroll down and up use arrow keys
to run applacation press cross [x]
to exit press start
--System Browser and Music Player
to scroll down and up use arrow keys
to scroll faster press left and right arrow keys
to run or install applacations press cross on lua apps and follow prompts
to play music press cross
to stop music press square
to enter music player while listining to music press l trigger
to exit press start
to view images press cross and to change image while still viewing press l or r trigger
to copy or move press r trigger on a FILE not directory and follow the prompts and then browse to the directory
where you want to move/paste the file and press r trigger again.
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January 7th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
darko79 has posted an update of his PSP Hud app for the PSP, heres the release details:
PSP-HUD v1.22 - January, 7th 2008.
========================= ===========
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time
Put hud.prx in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.
Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.
Known problems:
Display is not perfect and is usualy best shown in bottom left or right corners but it really depends on program or game running.
Version History:
January, 7th 2008. v1.22
- fixed cpu usage display
January, 6th 2008. v1.21
- slightly improved display

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January 7th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
If you're anxiously awaiting new original titles for the PlayStation Network, Sony is bringing in help to satisfy your needs.
Today, Sony Online Entertainment announced that it has selected Gamebryo, the Emergent Elements engine used in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3, to create some upcoming PSN titles. Sony described the partnership in a release as a way to bring developers the tools they need to create games faster than ever before.
"Gamebryo gives us a great deal of flexibility in creating downloadable titles for the PlayStation Network," said Shalom Mann, SOE senior vice president. "The codebase provides an solid foundation for our downloadable games framework that allows us to bring a variety of different types of games to the PlayStation Network in a fraction of the time had we coded the base engine ourselves."
The first SOE games using the Gamebryo engine are set to launch before February's Game Developers Conference and are described as being based on "gameshow IPs."
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January 7th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Mirzab14 has again released a new version of his Create Directorys app for the PSP, heres the release details:
The third release.
New Features:
[1] Now auto-detects if you have 3.52 M33 or 3.71 M33, and will make the directories for that specific firmware. (THANKS DARK_MOON!!)
[3] Program exists quicker than before.
Version 0.3 should work on both the Original PSP and the Slim PSP, but I dont have one so I am not 100% sure.
This release wouldn't have been possible without the help of Dark_Moon. Thanks a lot!
Note: Once again, I have included both a English and French readme. So be sure to read those!
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January 7th, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

7 Diverse Single Player and Multiplayer Modes including: Single Race, Tournament, Time Trial, Speed Lap, Zone Mode, Elimination and Head-2-Head with wireless multiplayer mode via Ad hoc and Infrastructure modes.
8 Teams including the new EG-X team and 12 new reversible tracks.
Pumping soundtrack licensed by a range of top artists including Mason, Loco Dice, Stanton Warriors and Kraftwerk.
Mag-strip Track Feature allows for a large variation in track design including loops, vertical drops and 90 degree angled sections.
Photo Mode allows you to snap a photo of your ship and upload online for the world to see.
Upholds the brand heritage and refines all the best elements of the franchise to deliver an intense racing experience loaded with high-tech weapons, high-octane speed and futuristic anti-gravity combat racing.
Wipeout Pulse is loaded with a full tank of innovation and design, bringing stylish new tracks, futuristic ships, high-tech weaponry and 7 game modes combined with high-octane speed and adrenaline pumping anti-gravity racing. Featuring a soundtrack licensed by a variety of artists including Mason, Loco Dice, Stanton Warriors, Kraftwerk and a variety of downloadable content, Wipeout Pulse refines all the best elements of the franchise to showcase what the future of racing is all about.
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January 7th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
The concept of copying a lower-resolution version of a film from a packaged media disc to a portable device is not new--in fact, late last year, Fox and Warner released the first standard definition titles to offer this capability (on Live Free, Die Hard and Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix, respectively).
Sony today demonstrated the next level of disc copying. At the company's booth at CES, Sony demonstrated how you could put a Blu-ray Disc movie into a Playstation 3 and copy the film to a Playstation Portable or a Memory Stick. "This way, you can have a portable copy you can take with you," explains David Bishop, president of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
"There was always the promise of greater interactivity. You'll see that coming in the new year," Bishop added. In addition to the PSP copying example, Sony also demonstrated how you could download ring tones and new content to a BD Live player, using Men in Black as the example.
BD Live is proving to be a big catchphrase at the show: Panasonic announced its BD Live player yesterday, Fox showcased an early version of its Alien vs. Predator multiplayer game at the Blu-ray Disc Association's booth, and Sony showed its interactive Men in Black trivia game. The game was being played by two people in two locations on a Playstation 3.
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January 7th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
The concept of copying a lower-resolution version of a film from a packaged media disc to a portable device is not new--in fact, late last year, Fox and Warner released the first standard definition titles to offer this capability (on Live Free, Die Hard and Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix, respectively).
Sony today demonstrated the next level of disc copying. At the company's booth at CES, Sony demonstrated how you could put a Blu-ray Disc movie into a Playstation 3 and copy the film to a Playstation Portable or a Memory Stick. "This way, you can have a portable copy you can take with you," explains David Bishop, president of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
"There was always the promise of greater interactivity. You'll see that coming in the new year," Bishop added. In addition to the PSP copying example, Sony also demonstrated how you could download ring tones and new content to a BD Live player, using Men in Black as the example.
BD Live is proving to be a big catchphrase at the show: Panasonic announced its BD Live player yesterday, Fox showcased an early version of its Alien vs. Predator multiplayer game at the Blu-ray Disc Association's booth, and Sony showed its interactive Men in Black trivia game. The game was being played by two people in two locations on a Playstation 3.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's only taken Sony three years to realise that it takes three years to type anything on PSP. So it's finally gone and unveiled a keyboard for the portable.
Sony offered no pictures or descriptions as to what it will look like, but we expect it'll have lots of buttons with letters on them. But that's only a guess.
Hopefully it'll be better than previous attempts by third parties to make a decent portable keyboard, which mostly turned out flimsy, cheap and awkward to use.
"We're looking at several designs, but can't tell you anything more specific," a Sony rep told GameSpot. They must be looking at several thousand designs, because Sony says it won't be out until mid-2009.
How long does it take to make a mini keyboard?
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January 8th, 2008, 15:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Paramount Pictures has shot down reports that it is to follow Warner Bros. Entertainment and ditch the HD DVD format in favour of Blu-ray.
It emerged at the weekend that Warner Bros. Entertainment will release its high-definition DVD titles exclusively on Blu-ray starting later this year.
Perhaps a case of Chinese whispers, this was followed by news that Paramount Pictures is poised to follow suit. However, the company has denied this is on the cards.
"Paramount's current plan is to continue to support the HD DVD format", a spokeswoman for Paramount said earlier today, reports Bloomberg.
Just as well really. HD DVD would have been sent reeling from that double-whammy.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Square Enix' president Yoichi Wada thinks that Europe has great potential for growth and wants his company to be stronger in that market.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Wada noted that the Japanese market is currently quite weak when it comes to games for core gamers, whereas the Eurppean and American markets are growing at enormous speed for core games.
While eyeing the western market, he recognised that regarding Europe as just one block could lead to fatal mistakes.
"Each country in Europe can be different in two things. Firstly, cultural background: for example in France, Japanese animation and manga are very popular, therefore they have a cultural background where overtly Japanese character design is highly appreciated," he said.
"Secondly, we have to consider their views on technology in general: how the people of a particular country regard networked systems, and if they're prepared to look at it as a means of fun."
Yoichi Wada acknowledged that other large Japanese publishers are targeting western markets very aggressively - acquiring and establishing western studios and signing western games.
"We would like to develop a strategy to equal the moves made by Sega and Capcom, or maybe exceed them," he said.
"Mergers and acquisitions is not necessarily our main method, but obviously it has to be deemed as one of the main strategy options. If we were to look for a place in the top three in the global games industry, obviously we would have to consider it seriously."
The entire interview with Yoichi Wada can be read here.
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January 8th, 2008, 15:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo

An eager tipster sent in a pic and some info on what appears to be some sort of PS3 clone called "Winner" – think Vii meets PS3. While the Vii concentrated on mimicking (horribly, but still) the Wii's feature set, the Winner is all about mimicking the PS3's myriad media functionalities. That means a photo player, karaoke functions, SDHC for media storage. But it's all about the (really crappy) games, right? Winner is going to be packing 2D and 3D graphics with online and motion sensing features (note the totally not-a-Wiimote controller). How much would you expect to pay for the privilege? Did you say $600? No! Did you say $400? No! How does $120-150 sound? At that bargain basement price, these things are really going to go fast; good thing they're promising 3 million consoles for the Japanese and North American markets.
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January 8th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
1up did a great interview with Sony's John Koller.
Actually finding Sony's booth within the monstrosity that is CES 2008 is a task in and of itself, but after some desperate twists, turns and semi-politely asking a few friendly fellow attendees, 1UP tracked down Sony's expansive presence at the technological expo. There wasn't much of a gaming display at their booth (though Metal Gear Solid 4 garnered its fair share of attention), but PSP senior product manager John Koller was on-hand to answer some of our questions about the future of their handheld, and we think you'll be surprised at some his answers (read: it doesn't sound like Remote Play for Lair was exactly "Sony authorized").
For more CES 2008 coverage, make sure to check out 1UP's CES 2008 page for the latest CES gaming news and PC Magazine's CES 2008 hub for everything else at CES.
1UP: The big thing you guys announced was Skype support. It leaked a little early...
John Koller: Yes, yes it did. [laughs]
1UP: But it makes my day more interesting, your day more interesting!
Koller: [laughs]
1UP: What brought about Skype? Why do you think it's a good fit for PSP?
Koller: You know, we looked at a number of different opportunities on a wide variety of levels, and Skype came about because consumers were saying 'we want VOIP or a phone, one of the two.' They've been knocking on our door for a long time for that. So, we went to Japan and Japan started negotiations with Skype/eBay and we were able to come to an agreement. For us, it really adds to the social communication aspect of the PSP. It's obviously a gaming device, but it's so much more. It has a lot of good multimedia features and functions, so this is a way for consumers to call others, and I really think it answers the call for that VOIP that they were asking for.
1UP: When do you expect it to roll out?
Koller: Probably in three to four weeks, probably end of January. It'll come in a firmware update.
1UP: Looking at 2008, what is something you've wanted to see happen with the PSP but hasn't happened yet? What do you want to do with 2008?
Koller: With 2008, we're looking at ways to expand the social communication area and navigation area, which kind of goes in the same bubble. We're looking to expand that area. In terms of challenges, we're looking at ways on the gaming side to truly hit certain demographics correctly. Whether it's snack-size or bite-size content that we put on the PSN store or larger, broader content like a Final Fantasy: Crisis Core that you put on UMD, we want to make sure we target against those demographics appropriately. I think in the past we've had a whole lot of games and a different variety of different demographics and different genres, but for us, we want to hone in from a marketing perspective on who these people are that we're talking to. I think we're getting to a good place with that; the teen demographic's been a big thing for us this last holiday.
1UP: You guys actually outsold the PS3.
Koller: We did, we did.
1UP: That's very impressive.
Koller: Handhelds in general did very well, PSP did excellent. For us, we looked at it being even a supply situation where our demand was so strong, our Entertainment Packs would hit the shelves and bounce out; they'd sell out so quickly. Great situation for us, but I think this year, following last year where we had a price cut and the PSP 2000 launch, I think it's going to be a big one, because we're going to expand the Entertainment Pack line, which obviously is a bundle opportunity. We have a lot of different things we can do with that, and we're going to look into a lot of opportunities on the feature and function side, so whether that's accessories or firmware updates, it'll really add a lot of cool things to the PSP. I think you'll see a lot of that.
1UP: Do you think it's going to be a lot on that end -- accessories and firmware updates -- as opposed to a revision of the hardware anytime soon?
Koller: Yeah, it'll be the Slim for now. In the near future, it's going to be all firmware update additions. If we add anything, it'll be through firmware updates. We've made our hardware revision for now, we did that last September. I think for us, the more features and functions we add through firmware updates, the more palatable a lot of those firmware updates become. More and more people want to grab those and download them. They're really easy to do and they're free, so why not?
1UP: One of the recent firmware updates added Remote Play to PS One titles, but it was more or less secretly discovered by gamers. Here, you have a really cool, new feature that no other handheld or console can do, so why didn't Sony make a big deal about it?
Koller: At the time of that launch, we were still testing a few things. Since it became public, you guys did all the work for us, but it's a great feature and we want to expand Remote Play. You asked the question about what things we want to do this year and Remote Play is a big part of that. Just from a PlayStation brand perspective, you look at the PS3 installed base and the growth is very healthy there now, PSP is extremely healthy -- we marry those and have them communicate and talk. How do we bring those two consumers together? A lot of our research says that is the same consumer, but how do we get them to talk? Right now, Remote Play is music, movies and photos that you can stream, but in what ways can we expand?
You can see DLNA here [at CES 2008], which I think is underutilized. We'd like to be able to promote that more, which is just streaming from PC to PS3 and Remote Play to PSP. That's awesome, and nothing else can do that in the handheld world. What ways can we use to increase usage of that functionality? I mean, you can take your PC content with you on the road now.
1UP: In enhancing Remote Play, is that in the space of refining its performance? Right now, if you use Remote Play with the PS One games, if you stick to the slower paced games it works fine, but if you try to play Gran Turismo 2, it's not going to work so well over Wi-Fi.
Koller: Your question deals with your latency, where you are, the wireless [you're on], but I think in terms of ways in which we can expect it, without getting into too much detail, I think is really just expanding how they communicate in what ways and in what mediums. You mentioned the PS One, that was one thing we wanted to add because we have this huge library of PS One games and they can be streamed pretty easily, so why not do that? That was something that was pretty easy -- let's expand the growth of that library. That's one area. But, there will be a lot more. I think corporately you'll see a lot more.
1UP: It wasn't really publicly announced, but you could use the same functionality with Lair.
Koller: Yeah. Lair was a developer situation. That was Factor 5. They placed that [Remote Play for Lair on PSP] into the gameplay, showed that it was possible, and nothing's on the horizon for another game at this point, but technologically it's possible. It works.
1UP: With the PSP store launching now on the PC, for someone who doesn't necessarily always have access to a PC while on the road, they can't access the store through their PSP. Is changing that in your plans?
Koller: We're concentrating more on the PC right now. We're using the kind of TiVo-to-go model, where before you leave on your trip, you download a bunch of stuff and you bring it with you on the go. That'll be the way it is moving forward for the foreseeable future, but the idea you bring forth is certainly something that's palatable and I think that makes a lot of sense, but there's nothing on the immediate horizon for that. But, again, as we get more content on that PC store it's going to be very important. We have two games on there now and there's going to be a lot more coming.
1UP: You mentioned a desire to expand the demographics you're hitting. Is that the casual market you're talking about? The Nintendo DS seems to appeal to both males and females, while PSP, with its mature content and media functions, is primarily a male, ages 18-24 device.
Koller: The teen demographic we've kind of nailed, it's a good demographic for us. I think looking at the younger set, to a degree, as well as female, both those areas I would agree would be good areas for us to look into in the next few years. I think what'll dictate that is the quality of the games and quality of other content, so things like Skype, GPS and Internet Radio. Those appeal to more of a gender split than maybe God of War will. We look at ways to increase those opportunities. Japan in particular is really pushing for that; they're making a big push for the female demographic, as well. You know, we made no secret it's a male-dominated device right now, and if we add the female demographic, I think we'll be in very, very good shape. It's a push for us.
1UP: Japan is becoming more and more of a handheld market. How, as a company, do you balance between Japan's preferences and what American consumers want?
Koller: It's a little bit of a juggling act, but only insomuch as it impacts the various brands. I would say that North America is starting to trend towards handheld, as well. Not towards console, but just in general, there's a trend behind iPhones, iPods, the Touch, just phones in general have kind of increased [that], and Japan's lead the way a long time on that. I think the growth of the PSP installed base and the DS installed base has shown the handheld growth into an area that I don't think we've seen before in North America. For us, it's a balancing act because there's definitely a living room console demographic and that's the PS3, PS2 and then separate from that is this PSP that we happened to launch a couple years ago. It has appealed to a much different demographic than anything we've had on the console side before.
Now, we're starting to see a marrying on the PS3 and PSP, but it's still different and the person that's on the go -- we call it the "urban nomad," which is kind of marketingese for a professional or late-teen, early-twenties who bring stuff on subways and in class and what not. That's a lot different than the person playing PS3 right now.
1UP: To a large extent, the experiences brought to the PSP are console-esque experiences brought to a handheld market. Do you foresee that being your strategy going into 2008 and beyond?
Koller: That's a good question. There's two ways to look at it. The first is, if you look at it from a PC store perspective, those will be handheld-specific, bite-sized content that you'll probably not play on a console, unless you were getting it through the PS3 store. PSP is attuned for that because you can take it with you on trains, taxis, airplanes, what not.
On the other side of the equation is: how do we launch games that appeal to the PSP set that aren't ports from console? I think that's probably what you're getting at, because there were a lot of those in the early years of the PSP, and what we're really emphasizing now - and you're starting to see -- with Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, God of War, are games that are unique, franchise games, big games, but are unique to the PSP. Daxter is another good example. Obviously, that was a huge franchise with Jak & Daxter, but we take Daxter out of the equation and make a unique game out of it, the Entertainment Pack does well and the game sells like crazy. We expect the game on God of War, I think you'll see more of that this year, and I think it's something we've really tried to push hard with both third-party developers and our first-party group.
1UP: What're you expecting from third-parties going into 2008? With the increasing presence of Nintendo on handhelds and console, a number of third parties seem to be going casual, almost funding the hardcore games with the casual titles. Are in you interested in that group, or do you remain committed to the hardcore?
Koller: I think we'd want to appeal to both groups, and the casual market I think we're really going to be able to get through the PC store eventually. Right now, it's a little bit more of a hardcore set simply because of what it is. As we go along this year, there are going to be a lot of games coming out that are a lot more casual in basis, so I think we'll be able to appeal to that group a lot more through that area. UMD, certainly, there's a lot of great casual-type games on that, as well, but I think the PC store's going to be a great avenue for that [type of game that is] quick pick-up-and-play. And, we talked about earlier, appealing to different demographics that we haven't hit before. On the UMD side, though, there's obviously hardcore and also some casual games, so God of War is a little more hardcore and maybe Final Fantasy, but then Patapon. I mean, that's obviously very casual. It's really split.
1UP: Why wait until God of War to unlock the processor speed? I'd heard before that was mostly a Japan-mandated decision. It seemed like the God of War team was finally the group to say "we really need this option" and they got it.
Koller: It was unlocked last year, actually, but it's the developer's call and they could make the decision. When we unlocked it last year, many of the developers were already in their cycle for launching for holiday, so they chose, in their case, not to increase the processor speed. But, ultimately, it's kind of an interesting discussion, because it's ultimately a development tool that may or may not impact gameplay. In God of War's case, it probably will, but sometimes you can ratchet down to 222mhz and still have a fantastic game and we've seen a lot of great games at 222mhz. I don't think consumers have noticed the difference. We'll see if consumers really notice it in God of War, but God of War is a great game anyway.
1UP: You mentioned UMD. What do you take as the new plan for UMD? It was a big splash at first, but studios seemed to put out titles that didn't really appeal to the PSP demographic. Now, studios don't seem to be abandoning it, but they're scaling back about it. What's your approach?
Koller: There's a few ways to take this. Your analysis was right on, though. They were releasing titles that did not necessarily appeal to the demographic, titles that may have launched well before that demographic was alive and for a lot more money than they were willing to pay -- $39, $49 in some cases, which is extraordinary compared to DVD prices, and I think consumers were saying "DVD vs. UMD? It's the same content, why am I paying $20 more?" I think that's a fair assumption by the consumer at any retail level. So, what we've done, SCEA [Sony Computer Entertainment America] has kind of taken it on our shoulders to make sure that we talk to the studios [and] get relevant content. You've seen a lot of that in the last year or so -- Wedding Crashers, Old School -- titles that really appeal to that demographic at the right price point. So, $14, $9.99, those types of price points that are just excellent for that demographic.
We, actually, at SCEA, we're going to be launching our own titles, as well, so we have a deal that we're going to be launching some studio titles on our own. We'll be distributing, marketing and selling content, so we'll be able to dictate -- you know, hand pick those titles that appeal to our demographic that we know intimately, and we'll put it at the right price point for retail. I think you'll see a lift. I mean, consumers still ask for it, but they say "gimme something I want at the right price point." And I think that's fair. You'll see that this year.
1UP: To wrap up, we have a pretty good idea of what PSP has going on into the spring, but when are we going to start hearing about the rest of 2008?
Koller: Um, we can turn that over to Brian. [laughs, points to PR rep. at the side] But, I can tell you we have seen a very healthy lineup, and from a quality perspective it's a very good year. There's a huge lineup of games now -- 360, 370 games out now -- and I think you'll see it added to significantly but from a really strong quality perspective. So, God of War's a good example and I think you'll see from a first-party perspective, how can we bring over very strong franchise titles as one pillar that are unique, non-ported and bring that casual, Patapon-type experience and have both of those as our pillars. I think you'll see that on the third-party side, too.
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January 8th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
homemister91 posted this news/release:
here is the latest System Player 101 as promised
-----New Functions----
``You can Delete all types of files and Directories only after the directory is emty.
``BMP images can be loaded now but not viewed when using image move (the left and right trigger's to view images)
``System Browser now reconises install.psp files and will auto execute them and install the code needed.
``System info now updated with more stuff.
``System Browser has install and deletion of files and directory fixes. to now will remember the directory where the files were deleed from and go straight back to there after the file is deleted.
PSP Slim
Same as PSP Fat But no CPU changing or Mp3 Play Back because of the LUA Player.
Extra App's Pack
Remeber to read the read me
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via homemister91
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January 8th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Melonhead:
I've finished work on a .NET 2.0 application based on Zodiac's Excel workbook. Right now it can open a SCUS_942.21 file and apply changes to it. It also generates Gameshark codes based on the current file's differences from an unmodified file. You can also save or load your work in the custom *.fftpatch format. It works with the PSP version (War of the Lions), too!
Check out screen shots here or download here
Let me know if you have any ideas for improvements.
Updated 1/7/08:
New version:
FFTPatcher - v0.168
Changes since v0.164:
Fixed bug in CheckedListBoxes where the highlighting was not always displayed correctly
Added ENTD editor
Optimized .fftpatch generation to generate only the elements that are necessary.
Changes since v0.148:
Changed the behavior of the CheckedListBoxes so that you only have to click once to check or uncheck an item
Optimized CWCheat/Gameshark code generation so less codes are generated and the CWCheat codes get split out into groups of 25
Added highlighting and tooltips to all editing controls:
Controls will be highlighted in blue if the value they modify has been changed from its default
MouseOver on an editing control (except checkboxes) will show a tooltip with the default value
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January 8th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Zora182
Funky Kong is based off the classic barrel-jumping-hammer-bashing arcade game, Donkey-Kong! Except, Funky Kong is a side-scroller unlike the original game. This time around, you'll have to hurry and make it to the top, but by avoiding any possible danger. That includes; Falling Barrels, Spinning Barrels, Flame Enemies, Flaming Barrels and finish off by a boss battle after a level.
The game took me quite some time to make, I encourage you to read the readme for further information on the game.

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January 8th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
DarkGhost posted this release:
The Ghost team anti update plugin
1. What is it ?
It's a plugin for lock Sony updaters from any umd. It also lock all eboots launcheds from UPDATE folder.
If you want do this, install it, but when you want launch any eboot from UPDATE folder you must disable the plugin.
2. More
It patch the nids of sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs1 and sceKernelLoadExecVSHDiscUpdater.
It should run fine on PSP Phat and Slim|Lite . It has been easy to do it, special thanks to Sony for do that the nids of the phat and slim of the
library sceLoadExec (LoadExecForKernel) be the same.
Only tested on PSP Phat.
3. What happen if I launch Eboot or UMD ?
Nothing. If you launch eboot from Update folder the PSP will go to XMB and will show the error (FFFFFF...).
And if you launch any umd update, the PSP will go to xmb.
It has tested on PSP Fat with 3.71 M33. It should work good on Slim too with 3.71 m33.
Also, it should work on 3.72-3.73 HX
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January 8th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sovereign
I didn't find any GUI working decently with both single- and multidisc PSX games, so I decided to make my own.
Requires .net Framework (3.5 i think, not sure though)
So it has the basic features of a GUI for popstation (duh):
- Click-friendly conversion from PSX to PSP games
- Somewhat beginner friendly (atleast I would've understood what was going on when I found out about popstation ^^)
- Error handling so your PBP's end up like they should
- Custom menu images
Please send all bug reports to sovereign|at|live|dot|se. All feedback is welcome, either in this thread or via email.
All credits for the converter executables goes to Dark-AleX!
- Added custom menu images
- Made it look cleaner and nicer to work with
via sovereign
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January 8th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Dggc92 has released a new quiz for the PSP, the questions start off rather basic and get harder and if you dont know the easy ones shame on you:
heres release details
PortableQuiz v 1.0
Copy the Folder PortableQuiz in the Game150,Njoy!
-R to Activate Usb/L to Deactivate Usb
-has a Intro
-2 Categories of Quize(Gaming,Math)
-Every Category has 10 Questions
-A working battery Icon
More to come......
By Shefqet.
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via dggc92
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January 8th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster

Updated release from Bumuckl:
Hi guys, Bermuda CS 9 is now ready for PSP Slim!
grafele had a great idea how to fix the compabilityproblem with PSP Slim.
Bermuda Cs 9 works with the eLoader. I dont have a PSp Slim, but grafele hast tested Bermuda CS with eLoader and he says it works fine!
The package is totally complete, the eLoader is already included and configured, you just have to copy the folder "BermudaCS9" to your Homebrew folder!
Please tell if it does not work for you, but actually it should. Have fun with it
Bermuda CS is my drawing-app for the PSP. Its coded in LUA, so you need the LUA-Player. And of course, you need the FW 1.5 or any Custom Firmwares....
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January 8th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
via psppodcast
The PSP Show #63: Wipeout Pulse (MP3 10.6 mb 15 minutes 29 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
And into the new year, with some lovely news from the Las Vegas CES Show (if you have a PSP Slim). I talk about GPS and Skype on the PSP and why the break from compatibility for Skype (Slim and Lite only) is something expected. And of course, the big game of the year is already flooding Europe. Is Wipeout Pulse really that good?
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January 8th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
--Sony has shored up the problems in its electronics, and will concentrate in 2008 on bringing more video content to its devices and improving its software, said CEO Sir Howard Stringer.
One of the first examples of this strategy will be an expansion of the PlayStation Network. The network now is mostly used by gamers. Sony wants to turn it into a platform to deliver video, too. Sony will hold a press conference in two months to discuss changes to the PlayStation 3.
--Stringer wouldn't directly comment on whether the Blu-ray consortium paid money to Warner to put its movies exclusively on Blu-ray. Stringer said Warner saw the value of the format but dodged discussing financial terms. "I think you are going to have to take that announcement at face value," he said.
--Sony is also looking at incorporating its Cell processor, which currently sits inside of the PlayStation3, in other products. Cell is particularly good at manipulating video streams. The company even held a contest among engineers to design new applications. However, Sony didn't put a firm date on when some of these devices might come out or what they might be.
--The PlayStation 2 will become the device that Sony will use to take on the Nintendo Wii. Titles like Guitar Hero have sold well with PlayStation 2 and consumers can expect to see more casual games and non-core gamer games coming out, said Kaz Hirai, chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment, which oversees video consoles.
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January 8th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Play your PSP Slim and Lite on a larger screen with Talismoon’s Video Linker.
With its high quality gold plated connections, it will be bring your games and UMD movies into another dimension.
- All-in-one solution for high-definition and standard TVs.
- Component connection + AV video
- Progressive-scan playback in 480p
- Audio Stereo
- 24k golden plated connection
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January 8th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
It's no secret that Sony was subsidizing your PlayStation 3 experience to the tune of some several hundred dollars per console and it should come as no surprise that they're not looking to do so forever. While those numbers have undoubtedly come down since the console's late '06 launch, PlayStation head honcho Kaz Hirai told a CES audience that they're looking "to get to the positive side of the equation as quickly as possible" (read: make money). While we let out a collective "Duh," Kaz clarifies that they're hoping fiscal '08 will be the year of profitability. The biggest cost offenders they'll need to address: those pricey Cell and RSX chips. And to think, one day, they'll crunch the whole beast down into a tiny, affordable, and profitable package.
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January 8th, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Nullriver is now offering its MediaLink application which creates a "seamless solution" for file sharing between the Mac and PS3. A 30-minute free trial is available now, with the full application costing $20.
A quick addendum: DRM'd iTunes music will not play, and Nullriver actually has a good FAQ to check out before going down the media link rabbit hole. We'd love to give an initial report on how well it works, but after getting the Mac and PS3 to recognize each other the concept of "media sharing" failed spectacularly. We'll keep trying, let us know how you fare.
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January 8th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster

Play Asia have posted a new weekly special offer and this weeks it the latest harry potter game for the PS3 and at $14.90:
Heres the details:
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community is in denial about the teenager's recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldemort has returned. Fearing that Hogwarts' venerable Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is lying about Voldemort's return in order to undermine his power and take his job, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbledore and the Hogwarts students.
But Professor Dolores Umbridge's Ministry-approved course of defensive magic leaves the young wizards woefully unprepared to defend themselves against the dark forces threatening them and the entire wizarding community, so at the prompting of his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Meeting secretly with a small group of students who name themselves "Dumbledore's Army", Harry teaches them how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, preparing the courageous young wizards for the extraordinary battle that lies ahead.
With the ability to play multiple characters, including Harry Potter, Dumbledore and Sirius Black, the videogame of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix offers fans the opportunity to wield a wand, explore all around Hogwarts, and experience one of the most exciting and dangerous years in the life of the Boy Who Lived.
EA's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for PlayStation3™ is now available at US$ 14.90 only. This is the region free Asia release version, with full English in-game language support.
Buy now from http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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January 9th, 2008, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new press release:
In early Spring 2008, PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) owners need never get lost again – thanks to a new addition to the Go! range called Go!Explore which puts 3D city mapping in users’ hands by turning PSP into a state-of-the-art Personal GPS Navigation System system. Just enter your destination and Go!Explore will do the rest for you.
The Go!Explore setup consists of an attachable GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver and a UMD disc of the user’s chosen maps. At the touch of a button, users will be able to find their position on a map and work out the direction they need to take. Go!Explore works both on foot and in the car and – as most of the hardware is in the PSP attachment – it offers a top-notch Personal GPS Navigation System system at a fraction of the cost of other systems on the market.
On foot, you’ll be able to plot your way through cities in 3D thanks to the fully modelled city maps contained on the UMD discs. Simply load the UDM disc, select your destination, and watch as the city’s landmarks and points of interest appear on-screen in 3D. You can download new maps and upgrades from PLAYSTATION®Network (PSN) – a resource that guarantees you’ll find those special locations – wherever you’re travelling.
When you’re in the car, you’ll benefit from different display modes for day and night, meaning that you’ll always get the clearest view of where you’re going. And don’t worry about your battery life or where to put your PSP while driving – we’ve got Car Adaptor and Car Mount accessories on the way too – bundled together in one package.
And don’t worry about the credentials of the product – as well as the awesome hardware of PSP, Go!Explore uses the technology of two other market leaders: map data industry leader TeleAtlas and navigation software legends NavNGo.
“Go!Explore is a stunning addition to the Go! range,” said Stephane Hareau, PSP Senior Brand Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. “Who would have previously thought that PSP owners would be able to use PSP to navigate their way around an unfamiliar city? It’s an awesome product and another testament to the unrivalled potential of PSP.”
The three ways to buy Go!Explore for PSP:
* GPS receiver and UMD (including maps of the relevant country): RRP €119
* GPS receiver, UMD (including maps), Car Adaptor and Car Mount: RRP €149
* PSP, GPS receiver, UMD (including maps), Car Adaptor and Car Mount: RRP €299
Hmm a tad expensive eh
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January 9th, 2008, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Stealthkill has released a new version of his Counterstrike game for the PSP, heres the release details:

changed name from "CS Combined Assault" to "CS Portable"
When you start a game press right button to choose a team
for bots add
impulse 150
impulse 100
in to the console
visit my forum for custom files
Added Equipment to buy menu
Added Crouch function
Added Spectator mode
Added 4 Counter-Terrorists
Added 4 Terrorists
Added Team Deathmatch
Added ChatMenu
Added BuyMenu (not 100% finished)
Added Orders Menu
Added Team Menu
Added Money on Hud
Added func_ladder
Added func_water
Added func_breakable
Added New Sounds
Added 5 Crosshairs
Added Crosshair selection to options menu
Added Sniper scope
Added Random Fall Damage
Added Smaller Hud Icons
Added Adhoc
Added Bullet Holes
Added 2D Muzzleflash
Added Maps:
de_2x2dust.bsp (small stupid map)
de_dust2 (fixing textures)
Added Guns:
HE Grenade
Copy to PSP/GAME
tried with 3.71 and 1.5 kernel
Adhoc works only with 3.xx kernel
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via stealthkill
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January 9th, 2008, 05:14 Posted By: DPyro
via The Game Reviews
Sony’s gaming division might have a small showing at this year’s CES, but that doesn’t keep Paul Purdy from dropping some big PS3 news: in-game Xross Media Bar (XMB) access is confirmed for 2008. When pressed for a specific time frame, the Sony rep simply relayed that Sony’s focus at CES is on hardware.
For those not aware, the PS3’s operating system is unavailable while in games. This prevents the use of custom soundtracks or messaging while a game is active, and since the Xbox 360 offers its users both while in-game, PS3 owners have been justifiably frustrated.
More information to come as it is released.
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January 9th, 2008, 07:20 Posted By: Nikolaos
The long awaited custom firmware 3.80 M33 is waited upon by many people, and the most excited feature on this new firmware is going to be the Radio. But now that a new firmware is due from Sony around the end of this month should DaX wait to release this new cfw and maybe possibly work on the new one to be released? This new firmware update will include Skype, and if any of you who don't know what Skype is, you can look here; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skype
Do you think he should release 3.80 M33? or should he wait and work on this new update coming out?
Personally, I think this next update is going to be big from Sony, and I think DaX should wait before he releases 3.80 M33, and work on this new firmware.
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January 9th, 2008, 15:19 Posted By: bandit
Sony of Japan has announced the newest color to the PSP Slim family, Mint Green. It will be available in Japan on February 28th under the "Blume series" which targets female audience/gamers which will retail for 19,800 yen. It looks pretty much barebones with just the PSP, battery and charger.
Source: PlayStation JP
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January 9th, 2008, 15:22 Posted By: NoQuarter
M.Jackson wrote:
I have released a new bootloader v0.22 capbable of running on 2.0+ firmware and slim PSP (in theory). Besides a few bug fixing, the major change in this version is employing a safer way of running code in the kernel mode avoiding the risk of overwriting the in-used code during RAM transfer. It has been tested on 3.71 m33-4 on my psp (I just upgraded it last night to get the closest testing environment to slim) and has not yet been tested on slim. But theoretically it should work just the same. Can anybody help to test it?
The prebuilt package can be downloaded here: http://myfreefilehosting.com/f/960525c96b_0.09MB
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January 9th, 2008, 15:53 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Bandai Namco announced today plans to port Gundam Musou from the PS3 and Xbox 360 to the PlayStation 2. Set to be titled Gundam Musou Special, the PS2 port of the series known internationally as Dynasty Warriors: Gundam will feature new scenarios and mobile suits over its more high-end counterparts.
In Japan, the PS2 version of the game is due for release on February 28. International versions have yet to be announced.
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January 9th, 2008, 15:54 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Target
Do you know what the hottest selling CDs in America are? Would you believe that the soundtrack to High School Musical was the best-selling CD of 2005 and the soundtrack to the sequel was the second best-selling CD of 2007? Would you also believe that the soundtrack to Hannah Montana was the eighth best-selling CD of 2006 and that the second collection placed in the top ten of 2007 while selling almost three million copies?
With all of these sales figures in mind, it should come as no surprise that Konami released Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Channel Edition for the PS2 today.
The game will feature music and characters from popular Disney Channel shows and movies including Hannah Montana, High School Musical, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, That’s So Raven, The Cheetah Girls, Kim Possible and more. The game will include 40 songs in total.
The game includes the standard roster of DDR modes including Workout Mode, Training Mode, Advanced Mode Free Play and Edit Mode. The game also includes "Magic Mode," which pits players against their favorite Disney Channel star.
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Channel Edition will be available in both a game/dance mat bundle and a game-only version.
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January 9th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: one winged angel
sofiyacat has released a new version of his excellent app for the PSP that allows you to view not only Youtube but other Flash Video sites.
This release comes with no changelog
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January 9th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster

We checked out a working demo version of Skype on the PSP at Sony's booth and are pleased to report that audio quality was pretty decent -- certainly comparable to what we experience when using Skype either on a PC or on the receiving end of one. The only caveat is a bit of lag time in the audio transmission, less than a second but enough to be noticeable. The interface is super simple -- just select the Skype icon and you can see your buddy list of who's online; select someone to ring them up. At the demo station the headset in use was just a regular PSP headset jury-rigged up to the video out jack via the remote control cable -- not something we'll see in production. Since third-party manufacturers will be free to make their own PSP Skype headsets, there should sooner or later be some range of options available for headsets to use according to taste.
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January 9th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

For PS3 analog controller
A part of the charge emits light, and the color changes at time.
The charge situation is displayed with the LED lamp.
USB cable (1m) is attached.
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January 9th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar is keeping quiet in the face of rumours that a fourth trailer from Grand Theft Auto IV is in the pipeline.
The rumour originally appeared on German website Cynamite.de, said to be taken from a recent interview with Rockstar. However, the site has since removed its article, leading to speculation among conspiracy theorists that the report was on the money. Either that or it was just plain wrong.
Rockstar's UK arm shed no light on the rumour on a new trailer when contacted earlier today, but a spokesperson reaffirmed that the sequel will be out in the company's financial Q2 - which runs from February this year to April 25, 2008.
Will the Rockstar hype machine release a fourth trailer before the game hits? We wouldn't be surprised. Could it announce a release date? Who knows, but it's good fun guessing.
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January 9th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has confirmed with us this morning that LittleBigPlanet will be out in September.
An autumn release date for the quirky PS3 game was hinted at yesterday, when producer Kyle Shubel spoke about the 2008 timeline for the title in a demonstration at CES in Las Vegas.
A LittleBigPlanet demo was expected toward the end of 2007 but failed to materialise. A rep from Sony's UK had no further news on a release date for the demo at this time.
In LittleBigPlanet you start off as a small teddy bear-like creature made from wool, and you use your little avatar to construct in-game objects using materials such as wood and cloth.
With a bit more time however you can construct entire levels that can then be ran through in a side-scrolling platformer style.
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January 9th, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster

I spotted that SuccessHK had posted they had in stock Pal Versions of the new Silver PSP Slim but it wasnt that i checked Argos did i realise that the UK hasnt even got Silver PSP Slims yet. Quite funny how a Hong Kong firm can beat the UK for a Pal version of the console.
Digg This
On sale at SuccessHK for $206 (£103) with full worldwide delivery.
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January 10th, 2008, 14:26 Posted By: borgqueenx
According to this video, if you listen closely, you'l hear the guy presenting go!messenger say its gonna be a small program that you download tom your psp and that the program will work then with the newest firmware.
According to the guy, this functions is coming in January or Febbruari(didnt understanded it well wich one of those 2.)
Sorry for my bad english
And here is the video
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January 10th, 2008, 18:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Those of you with sneaky eyes will have noticed two fresh samplers for Yakuza 3 on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
The game is called Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 in those reaches of the world and you can get at it by creating a Japanese account claiming you live there and enjoy it very much.
According to our cherished forum-goer disc, the first and biggest of the two is a narrative taster at 960MB. Here you can amble around fetching some bits and pieces for quests, as well as draw a picture to unlock a new finishing move. You should also get into a couple of scrapes and enjoy some swanky cut-scenes.
The other demo is collection of mini-games: one has you trying to win the affection of a Geisha, another riding on horseback while shooting things and avoiding obstacles, while the last focuses on arena combat against a varied range of opponents.
So far Yakuza 3 is only confirmed for Japan, although SEGA recently confirmed the second game in the series would make its way to the US.
Meanwhile, us Europeans have only been treated to the first third-person action title, missing out on the other two due to poor western sales.
Pop over to our Yakuza 3 gamepage for a spattering of videos, or slice into our Yakuza 1 review to see what's what.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Japan has announced that it is to discontinue the 20GB and 60GB PlayStation 3 skus after a final shipment in January.
The company said that it now intends to concentrate on the 40GB model in the region as it "vigorously promotes" the home console during 2008.
Both 20GB and 60GB models were launched in Japan in November 2006, with the 40GB model launching in November last year.
Sony has continuously changed prices and introduced new models of the PlayStation 3 across Europe, the US and Japan since launching the console in each region.
Last October Sony Europe dropped the price of the 60GB console and introduced a 40GB model, before revealing it would phase out the 60GB sku all together.
In North America Sony launched a 80GB PlayStation 3 last August, and slashed the price of the 60GB model.
The 40GB PS3 has a few less features than the higher-spec models, most notably the loss of backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 titles.
The 40GB model is known to be cheaper to produce for Sony. Kaz Hirai noted earlier this week that he hopes the company's PlayStation business will become profitable in the next fiscal year, now that costs are being reduced at a manufacturing level.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Konami has confirmed earlier reports that Metal Gear Solid 4 will indeed come packaged with the multiplayer spin-off title, Metal Gear Online, but it will only be a starter pack.
We have an online component called a 'starter pack' that's shipping with Metal Gear 4," Konami told GameSpot, before confirming that downloadable content will be released following MGS4's release.
Exactly how much of the game would be in this starter pack went undisclosed, but in PSN terms 'starter pack' basically means it'll be a demo, with the main bulk of the game likely to come as a standalone purchase via the online PSN Store.
Konami promises more info on the deal soon.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Those all-knowing industry analysts have peered into their crystal balls to see a bright future for PS3 following Warner Bros.' decision to go Blu-ray exclusive.
The move by the film-making giant puts Blu-ray, Sony's HD format, in good stead to win its long-lasting format war with the Microsoft-backed HD-DVD format, and that's ultimately great news for PS3, say analysts.
Mike Hickey of Janco Partners said: "We expect Sony's PS3 product will benefit from an eventual consumer and retail awakening of Blu-ray as the winning high definition format."
He added: "If Blu-ray can win the current format war, the true value of the PS3 can be unlocked, and will likely lead to an acceleration of PS3 sales."
Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities was equally as optimistic about PS3's future, pointing at HDTV penetration as another crucial turning point for Sony. Noting that the PS2's success was helped by it being a popular DVD player, Patcher predicts the same of PS3 with it's Blu-ray playback.
"The difference this time is that you can't enjoy the full experience unless you have a 1080p TV, and we are still below 10 percent penetration," Patcher notes. "I think as overall HDTV penetration crosses 50 percent of households (probably late this year), Blu-ray will become more relevant, and PS3 will have an advantage," he told GameDaily.
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January 10th, 2008, 18:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's PlayStation Network director of operations Eric Lempel has told our sister site Next-Gen that we should expect fewer, but more significant firmware updates.
"Many of our upgrades have offered tremendous value to our users so I think they appreciate getting these new features as soon as they are ready," he said during an interview with Next-Gen. "We're certainly going to continue to plan on combining features so we can roll out fewer, but more significant firmware updates.
"With millions of users using our products in different ways and connecting them to a wide variety of equipment, there is the potential, on occasion, that an unforeseen issue will be brought to our attention. We like to take corrective action as fast as possible to ensure our users are having the best experience with our products. The best way for us to do this is through firmware updates. We are looking at ways of making this process easier going forward."
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January 10th, 2008, 18:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
New Line Home Entertainment has confirmed that it plans to drop support for Toshiba's HD DVD format in favour of Sony's Blu-ray platform, according to an article in the Hollywood Reporter.
The news comes after last week's announcement by Warner Bros that it would be following a Blu-ray-exclusive path from now on, a move which led to the cancellation of the HD DVD press conference at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
US TV giant HBO will also follow suit, meaning that in future some of the most popular TV series' such as The Sopranos, will not be released on the HD DVD format at all.
Recently Microsoft, which had been seen to favour the HD DVD format with the release of its Xbox 360 player attachment, stated that it had no preference on format, and that if necessary it could release a Blu-ray attachment as appropriate.
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January 10th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Baboon
Namco have just released a CES 2008 teaser trailer for their new game 'Soul Calibre IV' which is due in the Summer.
The extra cool thing about this new title though is that it features bonus characters from the Star Wars universe!
Darth Vader and Yoda feature in the video! :thumbup:
Check the video for yourself here:
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January 10th, 2008, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Rumors just won't stop about the future of HD DVD, and while we try not to post all of them, some seem too believable to pass up. Our friend Bill Hunt, at the Digital Bits, -- still waiting on those permalinks, Bill -- is reporting that his "second to none" sources informed him that both Universal and Paramount are in the process of going blu. But don't bother asking 'em, because the same contracts that prevent them from switching now, prevent them from confirming the rumor. In addition, Bills sources tell him that while Paramount could make an announcement any day now, Universal's won't come until February -- at the earliest -- because "their contract period with the HD-DVD camp expires at the end of January."
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January 10th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
The big boys of game industry analysis are back to tell GameDaily what they think this new Blu-ray tide of exclusivity will mean to gamers. Sure, the big talk is that Blu-ray winning could mean a PS3 price cut, but that'll only benefit those who don't already have the latest console Kutaragi built. For consumers with a PS3 snug at home, they should breathe a little easier knowing they won't have to buy another HD movie player in the near future. But what do the boys with the crystal balls think?
Mike Hickey, Janco Partners: The PS3 will eventually receive an awakening as Blu-ray becomes the winning format, this will lead to larger install base and motivate third-party developers to the PS3.
Michael Pachter, Wedbush Morgan Securities: Says Sony once said 70 - 80% of PS2 owners treated it as their first DVD player, he believes the same will hold true for HD movies -- except that there is currently only a 10% penetration with 1080p televisions. He also says there will be a sales spike later this year coinciding with another price cut.
Colin Sebastian, Lazard Capital Markets: He says when consumers decide they "need" a Blu-ray player it certainly can't hurt the PS3, especially if its games improve and hardware prices decline.
David Cole, DFC Intelligence: Doesn't believe Blu-ray is a determining factor in the console wars, but it is a nice bonus. He believes if a consumer were stuck choosing between two gaming platforms that were equal, then the Blu-ray might tip them over to the PS3. But he says the list for consumers goes: Price, good exclusive games, and, finally, Blu-ray.
The boys of analysis have spoken, what do the ladies and gentlemen of these here internets believe?
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January 10th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster

Is it April already? A quick glance at our calendars confirms that it's still January, and an extended glance at 1UP's reveal of Soul Calibur IV's secret characters does nothing to evaporate the reigning feeling of utter confusion. The lineup of saucer-eyed assassins, scantily clad combatants and bizarre pain fetishists in Namco's anticipated fighter is set to be joined by the Sith's darkest lord and the Force's most diminutive master. Our little green friend can almost manage to fit in to Soul Calibur's ye olde fantasy trappings, but poor ol' Vader appears to have gotten lost and disoriented after leaping over some sharks on his space jet ski.
Even better news can be found in 1UP's suspicion that even more Star Wars characters will waltz into Calibur's cantina, possibly via downloadable content. An interesting idea, but we reckon you'd save money by simply buying a copy of Masters of Teräs Käsi off eBay.
Update: Gamespot reports that Darth Vader is reserved for the PlayStation 3, while Yoda will be included in the Xbox 360 version.
Why not both in same version the miserable basts
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January 10th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: SamuraiX

This update includes mostly bug fixes and new features for modders. However, as of today the developer know as UTunnels from LavaLit has made significant improvements to his script engine that lies within OpenBOR. He was able to cut memory in half for mods that use his script engine. So what does this mean.... His wonderful mod known as Golden Axe is now playable on all platforms including PSP Phat!
Lastly, for PSP users I've created a new PRX (Based off CrazyC's 3.71 exception logic over at ps2dev.org, Thank You for sharing your source!) called exception.prx to report critical bugs that crash the PSP. When this happens please report the log file to my website asap so it can get resolved quickly. Though I haven't seen an exception in almost 1 year..... one never knows when it could happen 
Just copy the respective OpenBOR folder for you platform and then insert your mods under the Paks directory.
For PSP users 3.71 m33-4 is the minimum requirement and must be installed in the GAME directory.
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January 10th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted today that they are back in stock of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue for the PS3.

SuccessHK Ship Worldwide and all PS3 Games are Region Free if like me you live in the UK and are tempted by this game.
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January 10th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Revolutionize your interactive gaming and online communication experience with the PLAYSTATION®Eye USB camera. The PLAYSTATION®Eye has the ability to reduce background noise and focus on the spoken word for smoother, more accurate speech recognition and transfer. The fast frame rate allows for improved tracking and responsiveness for pristine video quality. The PLAYSTATION®Eye is also engineered to perform well in low-light conditions and includes a dual action lens for close-up and full body options.
SuccessHK Ship Worldwide
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January 10th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Just in case you haven't twigged yet, PlayStation 3 is a constantly evolving console. Sony's Cross Media Bar (XMB) dashboard is fast, easy to use, packed with features and looks cool as cucumber, as our parents might say. Still, it's far from perfect or complete.
Playing catch-up in the online arena is what gets most people talking though and in-game friends lists and messaging are easily the most commonly requested features. But there are numerous other issues Sony could work on for the XMB. Here are our top ten improvements we hope to see made into reality at some point this year.
* In-game friend list access
* Online Game Invites
* Multiple sound outputs
* iPod recognition
* An official video converter
* Auto demo installing
* Animated/interactive themes
* In-game PS1/PS2 memory card creation
* Dashboard clock
* Menu screen explanations
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January 10th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
When we heard about Blu-ray-to-PSP movie transfers getting all official we got pretty excited, even though the announcement was a little skimpy on the details: How big are the files? How long will it take to download a movie? How odious is the DRM? Most importantly, when? Well, we've got 'em all right here.
The deets: The movies are around 1GB (standard def and PSP-optimized) and take about 3-5 minutes to download via USB to the Memory Stick Duo in your PSP. Currently, the idea is that they aren't stored locally on your PS3. Sony expects it to be available sometime this year—nothing more fine-grained than that timewise, unfortunately
The sweet news: For now, the plan is that the service will be free and it "can be used potentially on any Blu-ray movie title." Hopefully that means it'll be available for every Blu-ray title.
The potentially bleh news: Sony is still in the processing of reviewing how the DRM is going to work, and how portable the copies are going to be (important, since they're stored on Mem. Stick Duos, which are pretty pocketable.) In particular, the number of copies you can make from each disc is still up in the air—so it looks like how many friends you can share with is definitely going to be limited.
DRM-wise it's nothing unexpected—given Blu-ray's emphasis on strong copy protection, Sony's obviously not going to give free reign with the PSP copies. But even with some limits placed on the service, it stands to be one of the best PS3-PSP connections yet.
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January 10th, 2008, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
News from Blackshark:
I have reasently made a teaser video of a game Im working on. Aap Lander, its beta version. First and formost id like to apologize for the video quality, all i have to shoot it was my laptop's webcam. Thus, i had to turn the psp facing the computer and play using the video feed on the screen.
Any way, the game is in a sence like Lunar lander, 2d scroller. Except the maps are more like mazes, were you have to find keys to unlock the exits, and bonus life packs can be found throught the game to extend life. You must also dodge spikes that tend to be lethal if touched! Like the lunar landers before it, you shall have to complete all of the above tasked under fuel restraints, but simply landing on the pads will fill you up, and save your position, should you die in the level again, you will respawn at the pad.
The game has 28+ maps and more will be done before the release, it will come with a Computer end Map editor, with an idiot proof interface, currtisy of EarthQuake. you will be able to edit tiles, map gravity (default is 10, but range is -20 - 20, yes, -gravity is possable!), tiles to be used and enemy optimization/performance.
Enemy speed and maximum map limit can be in a configuration file, Gravity as well, if you perfer to not use map specific Grav.
with the max. map limit, you can choose to add your maps to the story mode, just increase the number, with the number of maps you wan't to add. or you can load your maps individually, within the game menu, "load custom map" if you perfer to name your maps, this is ideal. Good also for sharing single maps.
That concludes this incite for now, if you have any suggestions or would like to help out with any thing please let me know here.
Thank you!
via blackshark
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January 10th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Realtech VR have released another quality homebrew game for the PSP, heres the details:
A Game coded by Tristyl, designed by Romuald Genevois, and sounds by Alexel
Storie :
Welcome in the fastest race of the galaxy.
You have to finished all the races before the dead end, and try to avoid every obstacle on the road.
Rules :
- a time limited race
- choose your difficulty : the easy way on the left, the hard way on the right
- get "extra time" stars, destroy mines, and jump over halls.
Credits :
Code - Tristyl
Code Helper - Ketchup
Code Helper - Xpierreh
Design - Romuald Genevois
Music - Alexel
Controls :
Pad : control the ship
SQUARE : shoot
CROSS : jump
START : Pause menu
Download Over at Homepage Here --> http://www.realtech-vr.com/purplemotion/
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January 11th, 2008, 00:44 Posted By: DPyro
via PlayStation Blog
You may have read about some interesting enhancements to European versions of Super Stardust HD on various game sites. Today, the new and improved version of SSHD hits North America.
The ability to build custom soundtracks is perhaps the most noticable new feature. Now you can blast away to whatever music you’ve got stored on your PLAYSTATION 3 hard disk drive.
The scoreboard has also gotten a facelift, and now tracks stats such as how long the hi-score session took, and highest difficulty level reached with this score.
Best of all, these new enhancements won’t cost you a dime. If you’ve already got SSHD on your PS3, you’ll be prompted to download a patch to integrate these new features. If you haven’t already tried the game out, this is the time! PS3 owners can download the new demo from the PLAYSTATION Store free of charge this Thursday and then purchase the full version from right within the game.
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January 11th, 2008, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster

Deniska has posted a new version of his port of Tyrian to the PSP, heres whats new:
Update: [01/04/08] OpenTyrian_PSP_09 patch released.
- music volume increased
- Christmas mode activation dialog added
- based on the latest (674) revision of OpenTyrian
This port is based on OpenTyrian project code (http://code.google.com/p/opentyrian/), maintained by
mindless2112, syntaxglitch,emacs.hacker, yuriks.br.
Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter.
The player controls a space ship fitted with different weapons and enhanced energy shields.
Money is earned by destroying enemies and grabbing bonuses, which is then used to purchase
upgrades such as weapons, shields, energy generators, and different ships from interlevel menus.
The game is fast paced and presents a variety of enemies and bosses.
[SQUARE]/[O][X] joystick buttons 2,3,4 (can be reconfigured in setup)
[SELECT] in-game setup menu / back button
[START] in game pause
Please refer to README file for installation instructions and additional information.
Download and Give Feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=80987
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January 11th, 2008, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
MathieuLH let slip on IRC that Dark Alex is to release the 3.80M33 Custom Firmware today.
Heres the details from last night:
The custom firmware 3.80 M33 will be available in a few hours. Yesterday evening on IRC channels agitation was at the height. The unrest appeared to announce the impending release of Custom Firmware 3.80.
Around midnight, and then 0:51 to 1:30, everyone hoped to see the messiah come to the PSP to announce the release of 3.80 M33.
Shortly before 2 am the new tomb: Dark_Alex should not releaser the Custom Firmware M33 tonight but tomorrow.
By contrast, MathieuLh came from the Shan PSPGen (chat) to bring a little news that will please everyone: Dark_Alex just implanted in his new custom firmware updated automatically.
This new function will therefore an update identical to the official firmware, but for custom firmware. As for official firmware, it will be possible to test the presence of an update and download, and install directly via the PSP.
At first glance, these updates will be cumulative and, as for the official, the latest one will upgrade your firmware without having to go through the previous ones.
Thanks again to MathieuLH for having donated a pretty information. What wait until Dark_Alex that pushes the mouse button to bring online a new baby.
As soon as the new firmware arrives it will be here on DCEmu.
Digg this news and let the Gaming World know that Homebrew has taken over 
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via pspgen
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January 11th, 2008, 15:54 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex is in the matter of hours to unleash a beast of a new custom firmware for the PSP with the ability to play your own backed up games, full speed Playstation games and the hundreds of Emulators Games and Applications.
Not only will this release allow you to have full homebrew capabilities but also to update to it without the need to find other files and the whole messing around that all that entails.
In short this is the greates release ever, we wait with baited breath at what is to come 
Your thoughts on the new features and that you can update like you would an official FIRMWARE.
Digg this news and let the Gaming World know that Homebrew has taken over 
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January 11th, 2008, 18:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony plans to give PSP titles a new lease of life by making them available digitally over the PlayStation Network.
Games that have been dropped by retail but are still in demand by consumers will head to Sony's online store, as well as short "bite-size" titles, according Sony's senior product manager John Koller.
Speaking to Kotaku, Koller said that PSP titles which "retailers aren't interested in carrying at this stage, games that we hear a lot of demand from PSP owners," will be re-released over the service.
Sony has already released a handful of retail PSP titles via the newly re-launched PlayStation Store, most notably first-party releases B-Boy and Fired Up.
Demos, trailers and classic PSone titles are already part of the offering, but Koller said the company is keen to experiment with shorter, more immediate gaming experiences.
"We have an opportunity to bring bite-size experiences to the system, ten minute, pick up and play content that can be downloaded from the store," said Koller.
Movies on the UMD format are likely to benefit from a price reduction, and Koller also said Sony was happy to see Blu-ray movies come with an embedded PSP-formated version of the title, as recently announced at CES.
"Any way we can help get that multimedia content onto the PSP, we're going to take it," he said.
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January 11th, 2008, 18:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami says that Metal Gear Solid 4 is "on the eve of entering bug-checking phase" and that the developer is still committed to the game's Q2 release date.
"The next few months are going to be hell," assistant producer Ryan Payton said in the latest Kojima Productions podcast, confirming that it's the "big push". "Yeah, and we're committed to this quarter-two release date, or release timeframe."
"We're committed. Mr Kojima of all people is committed to it because he really hates to disappoint people, and I know that he is embarrassed by what happened with the 2007 slip into 2008, because we even put it in our trailer with Raiden slashing away '2008' and when you go that far you put a seal on it and then he has to delay it - that really hurt."
Payton expects the game to see a "simultaneous worldwide release" - albeit not exactly the same day - and dismisses any specific dates from retailers. "Any date that you're seeing is just speculation," he says. Apparently as recently as last Sunday they were "going back and forward with marketing" about when to do the release.
Asked about the specifics of current development, Payton said that it is possible to play the game from start to finish, although certain elements such as the opening cinematic aren't finished yet.
Indeed, the way Kojima Productions works means that they may continue adding small features throughout testing. "We could be adding stuff two weeks before gold submission," he said, which is apparently what happened on MGS3. But, he explained, "For the majority of the team, this is the end."
But is it the end for Hideo Kojima? Who knows. What we do know is that we were quite impressed with the playable demo at Tokyo Game Show last September and that we'll be bringing you more impressions very soon.
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January 11th, 2008, 18:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've got HD TVs now, so what's next from the world of TV tech? Well Toshiba has few ideas for screens powered by PS3's Cell processor.
Toshiba contributed to the development of the PS3's Cell chip along with Sony and IBM, and its new flat-panel TV is the first fruit of its investment.
These new uber-screens use the raw grunt of the Cell chip to provide some sweet new features.
Gone will be the days of having to flick through channels one-by-one - Toshiba's TV has enough processing power to render and display 48 standard-definition thumbnail videos simultaneously.
Click on one thumbnail and it'll be displayed on the bottom half of the screen for you to check out in more detail, while 16 thumbnails remain streaming on the top half. Clicking the same channel again makes it full screen.
With HD video, it can render six streams at once, said Toshiba spokesperson, Hiroaki Komaki, at the CES demonstration.
The Cell chip would also provide more powerful upscalling opportunities. It could upscale standard-def video extensively, in real-time, to achieve a picture quality that's far closer to HD than current sets do.
It could also offer a zoom feature that would upscale the portion of the video you zoom in to, resulting in minimal loss of quality.
So, 48 streams at once, and ultra-zooming features - that's a porn fan's dream.
The sets shown were just for demo purposes, and the final features of a Cell-based TV are yet to be finalised, but they certainly they won't include PS3 gaming integration, says Toshiba.
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January 11th, 2008, 18:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's not a bad update this week for PSN shoppers, but if you were looking out for Sony's stylish bullet-dodger, Riff: Everyday Shooter, you'll be disappointed.
Instead, you'll find two new PS1 games: N20 (puzzle) and Hardcore 4x4 (racing), each costing the usual £3.49, the new Motorstorm map pack and a bunch of other trailers and videos for Devil May Cry 4.
Riff is due out this month, so get those fingers crossed for next week. And, you should drool with envy while watching us playing the game in these sweet videos.
Oh, and the full PSN update list is below:
PSN Store
- N2O - £3.49
- Hardcore 4X4 - £3.49
- Double track pack (MotorStorm) - £3.49
- Pigly (Folklore) - Free
- PixelJunk Monsters Trailer - Free
- DMC4 TGS Trailer 2 - Free
- Devil May Cry 4 Wallpaper 1 - Free
- Devil May Cry 4 Wallpaper 2 - Free
- Devil May Cry 4 Wallpaper 3 - Free
- Devil May Cry 4 Wallpaper 4 - Free
PC store
- N2O - £3.49
- Hardcore 4X4 - £3.49
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January 11th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo
Adding more gasoline to the whole format war bonfire, Sony Pictures Television has announced that they will start distributing movies online using the DivX format. The files wil play in DivX Certified devices, including the recently updated PlayStation 3 as well as the updated Xbox 360. This, and not Blu-ray vs HD DVD, is the true battle for the future of movie distribution. Discs are so le tired.
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January 11th, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
One minute, 39 seconds of brand new Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 action is ready for viewing in our video player.
The new trailer, the third movie from the sequel to be released to date, focuses on a hostage rescue mission, Team Rainbow on operations in a grandeur theatre. Check it out.
Previous movies can be seen here and here.
Sin City itself has been expanded for Vegas 2, as has the weapon roster available to players with 11 new guns to splatter terrorists with. Team Rainbow's gone shopping too and bought itself new camouflage, clothing and gear "for the ultimate customizations".
On the multiplayer side, one of the biggest new features is the addition of 'jump in' to co-op. What this means, if you haven't already guessed, is that your mate can jump into your single-player game at any moment and turn it into co-op.
As for the storyline, Vegas 2 doesn't begin straight after Vegas. In fact, it doesn't begin after Vegas at all. It starts in 2005, a full five years before the events of the first game.
"Our story defines a whole new conflict that will have a profound effect on the events of Rainbow Six: Vegas and its sequel," explains Game Designer Philippe Therien.
Of course, most of the story takes place in Vegas again, so Michael Walter and Jung Park will be returning to back you up. But because Logan's busy getting ambushed across the border there's a new team leader. Step forward... you. No, don't look behind you, we mean you...
See the new trailer here
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January 11th, 2008, 19:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Pandemic has updated the official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames website with a small child's handful of new screens.
Mercs 2 missed its scheduled 2007 release and is now set to be released sometime this year across PS3, 360 and PC.
Screenshots here
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January 11th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: titch.ryan
Another great release from the guys of realtech VR.
heres the info off their site:
eyeliner is an arcade/puzzle game for Sony PSP published by realtech VR.
Story :
Welcome to the matrix. Your mission is to infiltrate the network of a large international group. They are suspected of trafficking in organs, synthetic globally. These organs are sold on the black market under the name "X-eXtension. Once inside the matrix. You will need to collect the "capsules" that allow you access to safe levels higher and higher, which will open new areas. The matrix is monitored continuously by the "gatekeepers". If you do spotted, park up and tell the dead. It is the only way to get away. You need to achieve the highest level of security of the matrix. You will find ia which manages all data, which will neutralize it ... His name "EYELINER"
Rules :
- Must be 10 "capsules" to raise an extra level of security
- If you are attacked by guards, you lose capsules
- To fool guards, stay motionless
- vous disposez d'un "ghost" qui vous servira pour activer certains mécanismess
- You can view the map of the matrix at any time

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January 11th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK

The Traveller Case is made of high-grade silicon,provididing a comfortable and improved feel for extended game play and a stylish and robust solution to protect your PSP-2000 series console from damage and scratches. The Traveller Case has been designed to allow full access to PSP-2000 series controls and the flexibility allows quick and easy installation.
The lid turns 270 degrees into a stand
High protective
Protect your PSP-2000 series from scratches
For PSP-2000 only
Available Color: Blue, White ,Purple and Black
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January 11th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the new releases at Play Asia:
3:10 To Yuma (~Christian Bale, Russell Crowe, ...) US US$ 39.99
Con Air (~Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, ...) US US$ 29.99
Dragon Wars (~Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks, ...) US US$ 38.95
Man on Fire (~Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, ...) US US$ 39.98
Resident Evil: Extinction (~Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, ...) US US$ 38.96
Sunshine (~Cliff Curtis, Chipo Chung, ...) US US$ 39.98
The Rock (~Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, ...) US US$ 29.99
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January 11th, 2008, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Compete to win in an extensive series of international paintball competitions.
Prove your superiority in 6 different styles of match play including Tournament, 1 Hit 1 Kill, Castle Siege and more.
Select from over 20 indoor and outdoor playing fields, or use the Playfield builder to create an infinite variety!
Immerse yourself in realistic paintball action with a full range of movements—run, jump, crouch, lean, crawl and dive.
Equip your team with 160+ professional pieces of gear, including markers, barrels, loaders, goggles, shoes, gloves and more.
Take your skills online with full multiplayer, leader-board and voice chat support.
Ballers Wanted…Load and Go!
World Championship Paintball offers unprecedented game depth and paintball realism for the PlayStation®2. Advance your team bunker by bunker to World Championship supremacy! Load and go—it’s time to play paintball!
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January 11th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sure, I'm over them, but I'm in the clear minority; most of you lot can't get enough of achievement points. You crave them. Oh, except for people who own only a PS3. You don't. But you soon will, and not just in Home's promised "trophy shelf" system either. PSN boss Eric Lempel:
"I know that an achievement system is very important to our consumers. With Home, and in addition to Home, we have some very exciting programs planned to recognize our consumers gaming skills and loyalty in new ways that go well beyond a single score."
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January 11th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid 4's nearly done. They promise! On his latest podcast, Kojima Productions' Ryan Payton has told listeners the game's in its "last push". While a few late features or tweaks can be expected, for most of the team work's winding up, and the project is about to enter the bug-testing stage.
PAL users will also be interested to know Payton re-iterates the fact the game will be seeing a simultaneous worldwide release.
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January 11th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry to everyone for the lack of updated and of reply to the e-mail in these days, but the amount of work we had to do was really staggering, and we needed also a small break to recharge our energy and be ready to complete all the promised work and fullfill all the expectations that all of you have in this product.
We start the new year with a new website layout, the addition of a tutorial section, a resource page and a support forum page where we will host links to tutorials, forums and resources in different languages!
Feel free to browse our website and let us know what you think about it. Suggestions, comments and complains are wellcome and can be sent to: memento@pop3.ru
If we do not reply in short time please do understand us, we are receiving hundreds of e-mail each day and is not possible to follow work and reply to e-mail at same time, but be sure that we read everything you send to us.
The new firmware is arriving, we know you are all waiting for it, but we want to release something that we will be proud of.
Be patient, we are 99% done :-)
Have Fun, spread the word!
There is more to come.
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January 11th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex has hit a bug in his Custom Firmware and a small delay has been announced in the release of this New and ever so wanted Custom Firmware for the PSP which promises the most noob friendly features and ease of updating and like most i prefer noob friendly and ease 
heres the translated info
Following the announcement we made yesterday, everyone was waiting for the release today. Unfortunately, it seems possible that the release of the M33 was postponed to a later date. But why should we say? According to our information, some technical issues remain, and as we are reminded so mathieulh, the motto of the team M33 is "the quality first. Clearly, Dark_AleX still seems to have some minor adjustments to make, and he prefers to take his time before putting its online Custom Firmware 3.80 M33. Anyway, it's the most wise decision because there is no press. Knowing the talent of Dark_AleX, the delay could be a few days or just a few hours. For the moment, no one knows. We ask you to remain calm, quiet, because Dark_AleX dislikes, and rightly so, that he put pressure.
So it could still arrive tonight but it may be a day late or so, no real time announced but im sure youll understand that Dark Alex wants it perfect first.
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via pspgen
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January 11th, 2008, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure many of you who own a PSP and the staggering success of the Custom Firmwares mainly by Dark Alex must wonder like most of us is a PS3 Custom Firmware Doable and can it have the features and more what the PSP version has, imagine a Custom firmware that allows you to play your PSP, PS1 and PS2 games and emulators and homebrew on your PS3.
What are your thoughts on Custom Firmwares on the PS3?
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January 12th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: JKKDARK
via X-bit labs
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan said this week that it had stopped shipping versions of its PlayStation 3 game console with hardware backwards compatibility to Japan. As a result of the decision, Japanese buyers will have to own PlayStation 2 game console to play previously released games, whereas PlayStation 3 will only play newly-developed high-definition titles.
From now on the only available new-generation game system from Sony Computer Entertainment in its domestic market will be the PlayStation 3 40GB, which is not compatible with games developed for PlayStation and PlayStation 2. Previously available PlayStation 3 20GB and 60GB models featured built-in PlayStation 2 hardware inside, providing absolute backwards compatibility and allowing end-users to seamlessly transit from PS2 to PS3. Sony’s PlayStation 3 60GB in Europe and PlayStation 3 80GB in the USA relied on software emulation to enable backwards compatibility with PS2 and for some reason Sony decided not to make them available in Japan.
Sony Computer Entertainment claims that cutting-down backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 is not something completely negative, as growing library of games developed for the advanced new-generation game system should substitute the lack of previous titles. While this may be correct for so-called hardcore gamers, which play a great variety of games, casual customers who currently own a PlayStation 2 have no reason to transit to the new-gen console due to the lack of casual games for PS3. As a result, they may migrate to Nintendo Wii, which features unique motion sensitive controller as well as a relatively rich library of simplistic games.
Sony PlayStation 3 console is based on the Cell processor developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba, the RSX graphics chip by Nvidia Corp., wireless network and Bluetooth connectivity and is equipped with Blu-ray optical disk drive. There are several versions of the consoles available around the world with 60GB or 80GB hard disk drives and variable compatibility with PlayStation 1/2 games as well as 40GB version that cannot play old games at all. The official prices of Sony PlayStation 3 40GB and 80GB in the USA are $399 and $499, respectively, European customers have to pay €399 ($590) and €499 ($738) for 40GB and 60GB models, respectively, whereas Japanese gamers can obtain PlayStation 3 40GB for ¥39 980 ($367 or €248).
check my face
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January 12th, 2008, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
Well CES was fun and I look forward to being there again next year.
Not much divulged other than the two posts I've made so far but I did hear an interesting 'bon mot' from a friend that works at SONY.
Seems our little friend the PSP will soon be getting DivX Certification to allow for the downloading of movies and TV shows through the PC store, transferred from PS3 and from selected third party online retailers (psst...starts with G and ends with le).
DivX for PSP should be released within two months and be included with the 4.0 firmware update.
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January 12th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony announced way back in 2004 it was prepping a PSP version of Gran Turismo 4 for on-the-go racing. It was supposed to be an "exact replica" of the PlayStation 2 game. But we haven't received an update on the title since mid-2006, when series producer Kazunori Yamauchi told Famitsu that it was still on the way.
It looks like Gran Turismo 4 Mobile may not ever cross the finish line, though, as an IGN staff member just received a call from GameStop bearing bad news. The retailer says pre-orders of the game have been cancelled -- because the game has been cancelled. By the vendor, apparently.
As of this writing, Sony representatives could not be reached for comment. If the news is true we can't say we're entirely surprised. Four years is a long time for a direct port to be in development, and two years is an eternity to go without a status update.
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January 12th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Amrcidiot:
Yes, I've finally gotten PSPlay to work under Slim.
So now, everyone can stop complaining hehe
Slim version MUST load under eloader or else it WON'T load.
Read the readme file, just do it.
The only thing really all that different is slim support and a menu (featuring my guitar)
Slim Version Mirror
Phat Version Mirror
Thanks for playing
Coming soon:
Drum (I know, "Vdrum".... but this is for lazy people who don't want to load a different app to play the drums)
Electric guitar
**Possibly piano or keyboard**
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via amrcidiot
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January 12th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Darko79 has updated his PSP Hud application, heres whats new:

PSP-HUD v1.3 - January, 10th 2008.
========================= ===========
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time
Put hud.prx and hud.lang in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick
and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.
Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.
Known problems:
Display is not perfect and is usualy best shown in bottom left or right corners but it really depends on program or game running.
Version History:
January, 10th 2008. v1.3
- added language menu option
- added serbian and french language (thanks to Mizou93 for french translation)
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January 12th, 2008, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Grafele:
Today we releasen (pspfreak.de DEV TEAM) something very special, PSPflow.
Anyone who wonders what it is, gets the answer:
PSPflow is a program that the Cower flow system is copied, to use his example, Also in the menu of music and the ipod Touchs iphone. The icons also connect with a program / game.
Very important! It also works on the Slim! And another important it is coming to PSP / GAME!
Included in this version are:
-- A menu for Games:
-- Crash! Car and fall ball
-- A menu for programs:
-- Lowser and Bermuda Cs9 (Special thanks to bumuckl, it already allocated)
-- A music player (especially by us for PSPflow made)
-- Credits
-- An end Icon
I stress that this is only an RC version is!
Download: Here 13MB
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January 12th, 2008, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Andbad
I have released the firt update of VisualApplication, the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application.
This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and
a WAV/MP3 graphical player.
It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library.
This version is now compatible with CF and Slim
Readme file in english language included .
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January 12th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxtheBest:
Hi all.
Here I release the first revision of the final version of protect-me
Here are the changelogs since v4.0
-Added an onscreen keyboard, so that it's easyer to input the password. (only in the prx, not in the installer...)
-Remade a good part of the code (thanks to the keyboard...)
-Now you won't see the XMB behind your password prompt, but just ... a black screen.
To install it, follow the readme instructions (in english). (but that's not hard, unzip it, run the eboot and activate the prx...)
Here is a quote from this readme:
Final version revison 0.1
By MaxTheBest
Your questions on http:/blog.ifrance.com/maxthebest.dev
or maxthebest.dev@gmail.com
-Unzip the archive at MS root
-Edit the vsh.txt file and add ms0:/seplugins/protectme.prx
-Set the password you'd like using the eboot installer (don't do it if you don't want to set a passwrod.
it'll still save the history of power on...
-Activate the plugin through recovery menu.
-New eboot icones by j3r3mie
What's new:
-now you enter the passsword with a keyboard.
-You can't see the xmb behind the password.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellcat:
The name's the deal - this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less
However you have a few features:
Two modes of operation: "Everytime" and "Once per day" (see readme for details)
You can set special, predefined images for a specific date (again, check readme)
(the last one lets you set a fixed wallpaper for the specified date instead of using an all random one)
That's it.
Short and painless.
Maybe someone might like it
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via hellcat
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January 12th, 2008, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Archaemic
Wait, what? I actually released it? Yes, that’s right, I actually released it. This release has some major changes. Allow me to break out the list:
[Feature] Added support for ZIP and RAR archives
[Feature] Output directory for out of place converting
[Feature] Full 64-bit support on Macs
[Bugfix] Filenames with $, \ and ” are now supported
[Bugfix] Fixed potential stack overflow in to_baseline function
Now you no longer have to extract all of your archives! Simply put them in the folder and launch nbm. Now here’s the bad news. Due to a major issue I discovered with No Bull Moose v0.1 on Macs and Linux, you can no long launch the executable by double-clicking it. You must launch it from the command line with an argument. Therefore, I’m recommending the use of the Open Command Window Here PowerToy for Windows (download here) for people who want to convert often. Simply enter “nbm .” into the command window (no quotes, of course) if you’re on Windows and hit enter. It should have the same effect as would be expected by double-clicking, except without the hazards. Note that there is another small issue in No Bull Moose v0.1 (although I don’t believe this issue affects the Windows version either…but it may; I haven’t tested it thoroughly and decided to patch it instead), and therefore I am recommending the immediate disuse of No Bull Moose v0.1. v0.2 is better, anyway. See the readme for further details on executing and command line options, etc.
Note that the output of RAR files is not now nor will ever be supported. All archives are output as ZIP.
[ Download No Bull Moose v0.2]
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January 12th, 2008, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from Pegasus2000:
This announce is very, very important.
Visilab will release the next version of Nanodesktop (0.3.3) in few hours.
This new version will add new things, as the native support for custom
firmwares (so, the nd applications will be able to work on any PSP, SLIM
or FAT), the support for Sony GoCam, hundreds of bug fixes and
improvements, and new tecnologies as ndSIFT, ndGOCR, and ndSQLLite.
In the same time, I want to release this application for PSPE emulator
and for PSP (FAT and SLIM) called Visual-OCR.
Visual-OCR has been written by Andrea Badiali, the same programmer
that has written Visual Application. It is a front-end for the popular
GNU OCR program: it allows you to execute optical recognition on a
simple PSP.
You can download the package here:
The version for PSP, uses the new HAL for custom firmware (HAL CFW).
For this reason, you have to copy the "kernel extender" (ndKrnExtender.Prx)
in the root folder of your memory stick before starting the new
application. This driver is included in the zip package.
All future nd applications for custom firmwares, will require the same kernel
About the use of the program: choose a file (bitmap, jpg or png) in your
memory stick, that has been obtained by your scanner. Click on the
button "Start Scan" and the GOCR engine will start and it will print the
text that has been recognized on the screen.
For optimizations, see the documentation of GNU OCR.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CCSpita:
ccpspita release a new version of MyPSP, the 5.2.1.
In this version there are some improvements at the simulated voice of module MyTalk and at the management of the ram.
besides, ccpspita, have release a Stand Alone modules to allow the function on PSP FAT. The Stand Alone modules are: MyEye, MyVVoIP, MyTalk, MiAI.
Installation guide:
1) Copy from flash0 on the folder "PRX" of the program the following prx:
2)Follow the instruction writings on the file "INSTRUCTION.txt"
Download at Homepage Here
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January 12th, 2008, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Death Cradle:
hey, im just posting a crap firmware i made called 1.50 UE, stands for useless / Un-Wanted Edition. The only reson im posting this is because my friends said i should lolz. btw in Australia atm its my Birthday another reason why i felt like posting it, i think the UE is old and quite useless, but it comes with a new recovery, woohooo bout all
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January 12th, 2008, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
More updates on the release of Dark Alexs M33 v3.80 Custom Firmware for the PSP , Brakken has posted News and More that Matheiulh gave him (Dark Alexs right hand man and a decent person as well)
Heres the article in full - just in case brakkens blog goes down.
Well, for all of you Dark_Alex custom firmware fans I've had a chat with Matheiulh about the upcoming release. First off all, there was so "set" release date. This supposed release date was fabricated by a certain scene site, made it into publications which is why Dark_Alex's responded to it's delay.
Secondly, one of the main factors of the creating remote update function is the fact that so many "so called" scene sites are using the CFW to further their own greedy money making agenda's.
Additionally, I was able to confirm that Zeus himself asked Matheiulh to add a function into the CFW to block out Datel's batteries. This was of course before Zeus suddenly changed his mind (due to money) and now supports the batteries.
Lastly, which is the best part Dark_Alex won't be releasing the CFW on Max-console.com anymore due to issues that Matheiulh wants me to keep confidential. Let's just say both Dark_Alex and Matheiulh aren't too happy with the state of the site at this point in time.
So once again you get the raw details straight from the source and not from biased sites out to make a buck, start rumors and spread misinformation to fill their own pockets. Don't you just love "the scene".
Thats the latest details, more news as we get it.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
In a piece primarily focused on Blu-ray over at Business Week, a bit of scrolling led to quite the interesting tidbit: Sony has apparently been able to slash the production cost of its PlayStation 3 in half. More specifically, it was noted that the firm has been able to "shrink the PS3's chips and tweak its design," which aided in getting the cost per machine "to around $400 now, from above $800 just before it went on sale in November 2006." According to Nikko Citigroup's Kota Ezawa, the biggest culprit for such an improvement is the "reduction in the parts count." Still, we wouldn't get our hopes up for yet another price cut just yet, but at least things are moving in the right direction.
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January 12th, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
DivX and Sony Pictures Television have locked arms in a deal to enable online retailers to offer Sony Pictures content for download-to-own on DivX Certified devices. Engadget HD has confirmed that PlayStation 3 is one such 'certified' device, but not Xbox 360 (we're guessing Microsoft passed on paying the licensing fee). Though specific platforms have yet to be named, the agreement could see any number of Sony Pictures' ginormous catalog of past and present television shows being sold through PSN in high-quality DivX format. But, seeing as how Sony can barely manage to deliver a single, unenhanced PS1 game on the network at snail's pace, we're cautious to put our faith in the dubious service ever taking on the competition.
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January 12th, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Well its a bit of a guessing game at the moment on the release of the newest Custom Firmware to hit the PSP but this tidbit came from Team M33 on the IRC Chan last night:
We finally spotted the issue but don't expect a release too soon, it will be released done and fixed. Thanks for your undestanding
please people stop releasing fake M33 binaries or I add the word "M33" to the spam filter, thank you for your understanding.
good news we found precisely where the issue is and are currently fixing it, then it will be "testing time"
Again a global will be issued here and at malloc.us whenever the 3.80M33 becomes available, there is no need for refreshing the dark-alex.org page
Ok it wont be tonight folks, we need some decent sleep in here, tomorrow MAYBE.
Ok so it may or may not get released tonight but to pass the time heres a question.
How many of you will upgrade to this release from any of the older custom firmwares or official firmwares esp now that it looks like you dont have to update through various different firmwares ?
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January 13th, 2008, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster

SCEE have announced a new PS3 bundle for the European market (bear with us, for the moment we've only got UK pricing). While a standalone 40GB PS3 will at the moment set you back £299, for £350 (or $685 currently-weak American dollars) you can get a "Pick N Mix" bundle, which contains 40GB PS3 and two games. And no, not two rubbish games, either! You get to choose from a list, which while including stinkers like Genji, Formula 1, Lair, and previous bundle stars MotorStorm and Resistance, also includes SingStar (the expensive one, with included mics), Ratchet & Clank, Folklore, Warhawk and, best of all, 2007 NQGOTY Uncharted. Two top-shelf first-party titles for 50 quid? Expect this bundle to go down very well when it's launched on January 18.
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January 13th, 2008, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Freeplay:
Sony didn't want us going back to firmware 3.60, I guess... so I made my own installer. Using an encrypted, un-sigchecked dump of firmware 3.60, the 3.60 IPL, and a few modules from the 3.52 updater, you can now install 3.60 again on slim PSPs.
The readme is intentionally hard to understand (written for experts) because of the risks posed in flashing your entire firmware this way. There are no safety checks in place or anything.
On the plus side, it will only run from a Pandora memory stick setup, so if you do manage to mess things up and brick your PSP, you can always get things back to normal
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January 13th, 2008, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sandix has updated his Flasher app for the PSP:
FLASHX is an lua program made for the psp. It can view files from many place on the psp.
E.G: FLASH0 FLASH1 and MS0. If you do not know what these are find out (google it)
It is just a basic file viewer.
delete, copy, paste, and more with this program. Also has USB MODE TO MS0:/ only!
Graphical update! (windows XP style, MAC osX soon!)
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January 13th, 2008, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellin:
Recovery Translator v.4 is an application that will allow us to change the language of the recovery menu on firmware 3.71 M33.
The application is made to work on PSP Fat or Slim. Remember that this software manipulates files in the flash, so, use with caution & under your responsibility.
******* Requeriments *******
Before you start, make sure:
1º that your PSP Fat or Slim, have the 3.71m33 firmware installed
2º your memory stick must have 3mb of free space
3º your flash0 must have 100kb of free space
4º the battery must be charged more than 30%
***** Installation *****
When you are sure you have the requirements, you can proceed to install the software, so you only need to extract the .rar file and copy the folder inside MSROOT to the memory stick.
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January 13th, 2008, 09:18 Posted By: Pegasus2000
The new version of Nanodesktop SDK (Software Development Kit) is
online and downloadable here:
This new version of the system adds a new HAL (Hardware Abstraction
Layer) called HAL CFW. It is designed for custom firmwares, either on
PSP-FAT or on PSP-SLIM. Now, the nd applications can work on
every PSP. The new HAL has been tested on custom firmware version
3.71 M33-4 (in PSP-FAT or in PSP-SLIM).
Here is the new user guide, with hundreds of how-to:
The new distribution adds the support for ndSQLLite (a library that
manages database), ndSIFT (an alghoritm that allows the recognition
of an object), and ndGOCR (a reimplementation of GNU OCR, that can
work on PSP).
We have fixed hundreds of bugs.
The system now supports the Sony GoCam, and not only the Eyeserver
tecnology. In the guide you can find some example about the use of
the GoCam with few rows of code.
Remember that, all applications that are developed on CFW HAL, must
be accomplished with the "kernel extender": it is a driver called
ndKrnExtender_v1.Prx and it must be copied in the root folder of
the memory stick before starting the new nd application.
You can find the kernel extender in the download page of the Visilab
New version of the SDK supports also ndHAL_SystemExec to load another
homebrew from a homebrew, the pseudoExec function to make easier the
porting of software and libraries that have been originally developed for
PC, and a faster version of Nanodesktop graphical system.
The multimedia features include support for WAV and MP3 decoding via
Media Engine (hardware accelerated).
The engine for Text-To-Speech synthesis is ndFLite.
If you have trouble in Nanodesktop installation, you can find help in
Nanodesktop official forum:
Enjoy !
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January 13th, 2008, 12:57 Posted By: Baboon
SofiyaCat's been busy and has released another fantastic update for his PSPtube.
PSPTube++ 2008/01/13 version.
Changes from 20080109
- Dailymotion login be correspond.
- when video download, file name can be changed.
- downloaded video file name can be changed.
- URL directly input be added.
Related Play
- present time, full time and buffer information displayed.
- can hide comments.
Bug fixes
- niconico Premier members had search problem. now fixed.
- when niconico video playing, freeze glitch now fixed
Known bug
- 2X play in the WLAN is unstable, so please do not use.
- Video's full time is strange sometimes.
Source link : http://nekomimi.cafe.coocan.jp/wiki/...C3%D6#a24210f3
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January 13th, 2008, 18:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mirzab14
What is It?
Its a little homebrew app thats meant to be played as a prank to other people. It will look like it is deleting some important stuff then tell you it is a joke.
Its disguised as a flasher called "alpha-flasher". Use your imagination to tell your friends what it does.[*] Program auto-exists at end[*] HOME button does not work (I disabled this on purpose)[*] Uses colors: White, red, blue, green
.::::.How to use.::::.
Put pspPrank folder into ms0:/PSP/GAME. Execute like any other homebrew. Works on both 1.50 and 3.XX kernel.
You might want to rename the folder if your using the prank on a friend.
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January 13th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
This is a important update needed for the psp fat.
here is the update info.
PSP FAT ONLY 1.5Kernal only
Copy folder update and update.lua to root of memory stick eg: ms0:/update.lua and ms0:/update (the directory)
Then run System Player and run System Browser
Navigate to the update.lua file and run it. (no not install it)
Let the update finish then press triangle.
System Player 101 will restart and the program is updaded.
If you have a problem the updater will need to be redone.
other wise copy the firmbrowser.lua and the .png files to ms0:/psp/game/ander lua/aps/lowser/
------New Features------
Under music player you can press Triangle to start the visualiations and circle to stop them.
Pressing triangle changes them.
There are 5 visulations.
The main menu has been updated and the clock and selection arrow have been fixed.
The system info has been fixed with surport for all cfw including 3.80 m33
The System Browser has been updated and runs faster and more eficent.
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January 13th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Oma
today i release my first LUA game.
- You can make your own music with the buttons of the psp,
with or without music.
This is just a beta , we will improve the version.
if you have found any bugs mail it to Thijs.laurent@gmail.com
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January 13th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sandix has updated his Flasher app for the PSP:
this update includes:
mac OS X like menu. (for you mac users if any .
FLASHX is an lua program made for the psp. It can view files from many place on the psp.
E.G: FLASH0 FLASH1 and MS0. If you do not know what these are find out (google it)
It is just a basic file viewer.
delete, copy, paste, and more with this program. Also has USB MODE TO MS0:/ only!
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January 13th, 2008, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all still no confirmed details of a release but tonight mathieulh (Dark Alexs Friend and right hand man etc) posted this over at Brakkens Blog:
This is not only about zeus or Max-console or even Datel. We wish to only release on dark-alex.org or through network (not even on exophase, lan or anywhere else.) for the time being for our own reasons.
Mostly because we are tired of people making money on our backs, wether it is max-console qj or anyone else. That doesn't only include news sites but also shops that ILLEGALLY make money by flashing m33 firmwares on psps or even selling pandora batteries/memory sticks sets, some will ask over 50 euros per installs !
Some even have the guts to claim sending a percentage of the money to m33 or c+d when this is not true!
We took that decision not only against max-console but every other sites that do make money over our work. Of course most/all of news sites do exist for the purpose of making money and yet, those are needed.
We can always dream of decent sites that make news with no earning whatsoever but considering the tiresome job that it is and how time consumming it is for people to actually look for news and report it on a 24/7 basis, I doubt that we will see such a thing happening any time soon.
Nevertheless we hope to be able to move things and that such a change may happen if we keep having a fair release system between each and every psp related sites (by only releasing on our website or through network, then we do not care of what sites do of the binaries once they got those.)
Another thing we are pretty much fed up of is the "news race" that tend to happen between all sites that try to be the first to news stuffs all the time, and everyone of them try to get news from us almost every minutes despite the facts that we do have lives of our own for the sole purpose of getting ranked up on Alexa.
To be honest I like the max-console comunauty which seems more mature than the ones of most other sites, this is what kept and keeps me staying here, the fact that we stop releasing from that place does not mean we wont keep posting in there. I think that most sites got carried away and forgot that comunauties are before all created by the users, for the users.
P.S. I do not think that deleting the threads is a solution, and I do not believe that moderators were closing those on purpose. A forums need to be moderated. As long as we discuss of things peacefully there is no reason for a thread to be deleted, if not then indeed there is. If people start flamming, bitching or cursing all over the forums, then indeed those threads need to be deleted or closed. I personally know most of the moderators responsible for the psp section on the max-console forums, and I pretty much doubt that any of them would have deleted threads just to prevent anyone from express themselves or share their opinion (wether good or bad) about this forum.
Also a personal message to Brakken: We (the M33 team or even the Prometheus group) never worked for divineo even once, and even if we did, how would this be ANY of your business ? I have yet to see your so called "proofs" about us working for divineo (which do not exist since we never done such a thing) Keep in mind that we were not forced to make free releases available to everyone, we just CHOSE to do so. I can tell you for sure that we would have not if we worked for such company as divineo to begin with. Now please stop making pointless assumptions without proper evidences. Thank you for your understanding.
Personally when you have your own website why would you release anywhere but on your own page, its great to see that from now on the Dark ALex homepage will be the only release venue and im sure like most others do that the whole team behnd these custom firmwares deserve all the donations they can get for the tireless work they put in on behalf of the PSP Community.
It is nice to hear it straight from one of the people behind the custom firmwares.
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January 14th, 2008, 00:53 Posted By: jurajstyk
Release by jurajstyk
This is a port of ID Software's Quake 1 to the PSP.
Based on PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and Chris Swindle.
Developed and tested on PSP with firmware version '3.40 OE'.
Changes in this version
- Fixed bug that prevented changing sky texture between levels (HW rendering only)
- Fixed z-buffer related bug when rendering sprites (HW rendering only)
- Added options to turn on vertical synchronization and dithering (HW rendering only)
- Reorganized options menu (Select 'more options'/'less options' to switch options list)
- Added more options for analog stick controls
- Added analog stick strafing (while you hold stafe button or always if allowed in options menu )
- Configurable heap size
- MP3 playback changed from madlib library to playback trough module in firmware
- New command line options
- Simple startup screen to choose game mod directory, heap size and cpu clock (use -prompt command line option)
- Music playback trough MP3 implemented with module in firmware (can be switched on/off from options menu)
- Software and Hardware rendering.
- Single player game
- Sound
- Save/Load
- Console commands
- Command line params (through 'quake.cmdline' file)
- Multiple screen resolutions in software rendering (trough command line params)
- User made maps loading (from console or command line params)
- User made mods loading (through command line params)
- Demo recording and playback (from console)
- On Screen Keyboard
Known issues:
- Some mods or maps might not work due to memory constrains or might not work correctly
- timerefresh command disabled in hardware rendering (stability issue)
- Some maps require raising 'r_maxsurfs' and 'r_maxedges' to render correctly in SW client
(can be done from command line or console)
See readme file for details and installation instructions
Download available at : http://jurajstyk.host.sk/download.htm
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January 14th, 2008, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster

Just spotted at SuccessHK that they are back in stock of the WHITE 40GB PS3 Consoles for $418 (£205)
For those importing to the UK it will cost you another £30 with shipping by Airmail (always use airmail and always ask it to be shipped as a toy sample )
Remember all PS3 Games are region free and it doesnt matter where you buy your PS3 the power supply is usuable anywhere in the world without a stepdown converter. Also most Blue Ray films are region free too.
SuccessHK also have the Black 40GB PS3s for a fantastic $418 (£205)
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January 14th, 2008, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster

Just spotted at SuccessHK that they are back in stock of the WHITE 40GB PS3 Consoles for $418 (£205)
For those importing to the UK it will cost you another £30 with shipping by Airmail (always use airmail and always ask it to be shipped as a toy sample )
Remember all PS3 Games are region free and it doesnt matter where you buy your PS3 the power supply is usuable anywhere in the world without a stepdown converter. Also most Blue Ray films are region free too.
SuccessHK also have the Black 40GB PS3s for a fantastic $418 (£205)
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January 14th, 2008, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Gravity Control: With a push of a button, you change the law of gravity and alter courses by turning walls into new tracks filled with shortcuts and alternative pathways.
Gravity Dive: This gravity-defying dive creates the ultimate speed boost, hurtling objects from the path and allowing you to grind on objects and cars that are floating in the air. Hapless competitors are left far behind.
You can now air board on walls and pull gravity-defying tricks and even grind on cars that are floating in the zero-gravity environment. With these new moves, cornering becomes more intense and the pace is brought to heart-stopping speeds!
You can compete against your friends in three exciting Multiplayer modes: Free Race, World Grand Prix and Survival mode. In the Wii version, you can also download ghost data to hone your racing skills and beat the top riders.
The fan-favorite Sonic Riders series returns with a whole new form of chaotic racing by manipulating gravity itself! These gravity-altering powers can transform walls into tracks, or create a "black hole" that sucks you through for the ultimate speed boost, and allows for an entirely new way to gain a leg up on your competitors. From illuminated highways in a bustling metropolis to the outer reaches of space, you will race at the speed of light on 16 dynamic courses. Sixty different vehicles allow you to grind rails and pull off daring tricks on futuristic tracks, including solar loop-de-loops, height-defying vertical drops and tons of other edge-of-your-seat moves. As Sonic or one of 18 colorful characters, you will compete with up to three friends at heart-stopping speeds in three exciting multiplayer modes. With all the action, speed, and addictive gameplay that only Sonic can deliver, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is set for hyper-drive!
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January 14th, 2008, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Sleuth your way through five uproarious all new court cases
Experience fully animated gameplay and voice-over dialogue
Enjoy the vocal talents of series regulars like Gary Cole, Lewis Black, Peter MacNicol, John Michael Higgins and more
Visit and explore familiar locales from the show
Interact with favorite series characters – let Mentok take your mind! Get shrunk by Reducto! Avoid Phil Ken Sebben's quadruple entendres!
Investigate and collect evidence for courtroom battles with semi-evil prosecutors
Press, confront and break witnesses for your chance to reveal lies and scintillating secrets
Step into the shiny wingtip shoes of Harvey Birdman, third-rate superhero now third-rate attorney. Visit familiar locales from the show, interview off-the-wall cartoon characters, paw through their personal items looking for clues and then take the whole kit and caboodle to court. With five cases going to trial, mind-taking judges and attorneys armed with shrink ray guns, he'll need some law books. With pictures this time.
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January 14th, 2008, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Sleuth your way through five uproarious all new court cases
Experience fully animated gameplay and voice-over dialogue
Enjoy the vocal talents of series regulars like Gary Cole, Lewis Black, Peter MacNicol, John Michael Higgins and more
Visit and explore familiar locales from the show
Interact with favorite series characters – let Mentok take your mind! Get shrunk by Reducto! Avoid Phil Ken Sebben's quadruple entendres!
Investigate and collect evidence for courtroom battles with semi-evil prosecutors
Press, confront and break witnesses for your chance to reveal lies and scintillating secrets
Step into the shiny wingtip shoes of Harvey Birdman, third-rate superhero now third-rate attorney. Visit familiar locales from the show, interview off-the-wall cartoon characters, paw through their personal items looking for clues and then take the whole kit and caboodle to court. With five cases going to trial, mind-taking judges and attorneys armed with shrink ray guns, he'll need some law books. With pictures this time.
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January 14th, 2008, 15:51 Posted By: Shrygue
Dark Alex the icon of the PSP Homebrew Community has today released a new version of his M33 Custom Firmware for the PSP that allows users all the official capabilities from Sony plus the ability to play Homebrew Games and Emulators inc Sonys official Playstation 1 emulator and even back your own games up to play on the PSP and save your UMD Drive from overuse. Todays release has the great feature where you can network update direct from Dark Alexs homepage just like the official firmware.
Spread this awesome news
Alright people, the wait is finally over. Dark_Alex has finally released the highly anticipated custom firmware 3.80 M33 for the Playstation Portable. The full readme and changelog from 3.71 M33-4 is shown below as follows:
3.80 M33
- Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher. In the future installation using
panddra battery will be released.
- Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the 3.80 sony update from somewhere, and put it in same folder, with name "380.PBP".
- Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the
PSP pressing X or O, do it.
- HEN core: user mode can load now signchecked files from flash.
- recovery: flash1 format will create flash1 directories after format.
This could fix some flash1 issues with the previous versions.
- Network update from dark-alex.org page. By default is enabled.
You can turn it off in recovery (when off, network update will download sony updates as usual).
- Nids resolver for various kernel libraries.
In 3.80 sony has changed (again) kernel nids. The nids resolver will resolve a lot of nids from firmwares 1.50-3.60
(traditional nids) to the ones of 3.80 kernel.
In general, 3.71 nids will NOT be resolved to 3.80 ones. However, to compatibilize 3.80 M33 with prx's programmed for 3.71,
a few very 3.71 nids that were found in some 3.71 plugins will be resolved too.
More info about what is resolved in nidsresolver_status.txt.
Thanks to the combination of the nids resolver and the user libraries possibility in kernel mode added back in 3.71 M33-3,
some programs that stopped working in 3.30 M33 may work again now. One of them is PimpStreamer 0.90.
Finally, popsloader plugin from 3.71 will not work in 3.80 M33 due to its system dependancy. A new one will be rewritten for 3.80 M33.
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January 14th, 2008, 16:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Third-party software company, StreamMyGame, has launched a free application that "enables you to play any PC game via a PlayStation 3 running Linux."
Sounds shit-your-pants awesome, so what's the catch? The clue is in the name of the company. Linux Player isn't a dream-making format converter, it's a video and audio streaming app.
As StreamMyGame explains: "The free StreamMyGame Server enables PC games to be played remotely by converting the game's video and audio into a Game Stream and sending it over a home network to a second computer where you can view and play the game with the free StreamMyGame Player."
Yes, that includes the latest PC games like Crysis, with resolutions up to 3200 x 2400 (more than your eyes can see, we reckon).
It's a universal trick too. "The second computer can be a PC, laptop, PS3 or Linux device," it says in the announcement - essentially extending your high-end PC gaming to any room in the house with a PS3 or PC. We wonder if the controls all work the same.
It's all streaming over a home network (not the internet), so there's no worry about lag or a loss of picture quality. "The game can be played on the second computer without any lag and the second computer does not need to have the game installed."
But internet-compatible plans are in place. "StreamMyGame will extend its services in March 2008 to enable games to be played remotely over broadband networks that have sufficient capacity such as Verizon's FiOS, Comcast's Wideband and British Telecom's FTTP."
Those are probably some super-fast services we've not heard of yet, because we're sure our 8Mb connection wouldn't be able to take the strain.
Find out more at the StreamMyGames website.
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January 14th, 2008, 16:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
US attorney Jack Thompson has criticised Buzz! The Schools Quiz, claiming teachers should concentrate on traditional teaching methods instead.
His comments were aired in British newspapers The Telegraph and The Daily Mail, both of which questioned Sony's motives in selling the PS2 title to schools, presumably in much the same way an impartial observer would question the newspapers' decision to make a non-existent row the focus of their stories.
"Videogames have hurt far more people than they have helped," claimed Jack Thompson, who hasn't actually been rude to us lately. "I don't see how they can be of any more benefit than normal teaching."
Educational psychologist Jane Healy agreed: "If you watch kids on a computer, most of them are just hitting keys or moving the mouse as fast as they can. It reminds me of rats running in a maze," she said, demonstrating an impressive understanding of how Buzz works.
Buzz! The Schools Quiz features around 5000 questions based on the Key Stage 2 Curriculum and is available in both shops and schools.
It's a self-funded project by Buzz! developer Relentless, and has proved both successful and popular in schools around the country - as we heard in an interview last Friday.
Sounds all right to us. But what about you at the back there with your hand up and your snotty nose, what do you think?
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January 14th, 2008, 16:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The inevitable sequel to Resistance: Fall of Man has finally been unveiled.
It's the cover story on the February issue of US magazine Game Informer. The game will feature boasts co-operative play for up to eight players, plus enormous 60-player battles over PSN.
On top of this are two full campaigns (one may be a co-operative endeavour) set in what could be New York, if the Brooklyn Bridge-alike on the cover is anything to go by. We'll call it Earth for now.
There is no clarification as to whether Manchester Cathedral will return for a cameo.
Resistance was developed by Ratchet & Clank brainbox Insomniac Games and launched alongside the PS3 in the US and Europe.
Unfortunately it failed to command top-end scores; the game was chastised for its generic environments and enemies and a disappointing range of weaponry from a usually abundant creative talent. "Just a bit limp," reckons Tom.
Pop your head into our Resistance: Fall of Man gamepage for our US and European reviews of the game.
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January 14th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We already know how amazingly flexible the editing tools in Littlebigplanet are, yet we're amazed every time we see something new made with them.
In this first video, Sony shows off how easy it is to make a unique object (in this case, a tree) using the tool in the game, and talks about the potential for you do make so much with very little effort.
He then goes on to show the interface that will be used to share your created levels with the rest of the world via PSN.
And in this video the game's audio designer, who obviously specialises in sound, not level design, creates an entire stage in a clich� Mexican theme.
He uses items like lava pits and giant hats as obstacles, and builds structures with simple blocks, even forming pivots and seesaws with simple shapes. Genius.
September, as the release is now set, cannot come soon enough.
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January 14th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Apparently fighting giant alien bugs on a snowy world isn't just a man's job anymore. Famitsu reports that the PS3 version of Lost Planet will allow gamers to play as Luka, the leader of the Snow Pirates from the original game.
Additionally, the PS3 version will also include Joe, Mega Man, and Dead Rising's Frank West, who were originally playable in the PC version. Hey, remember when Lost Planet was a 360-exclusive? So that lasted a while, huh?
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January 14th, 2008, 17:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The big in-game XMB (Cross Media Bar) that PS3 owners are crying out for will be implemented in an update before the end of January, suggest fresh rumours.
Below are the first images of what a "nameless source" claims to be screen photos of the new firmware in action. The highlighted Game icon in one image looks to cover all the things the current list of in-game options do.
But to the right you can clearly see that all-important friends list column - where we expect you'll be able to send and receive messages and send game invites, and on the left is the music option, so playing your own tunes during gameplay should become an reality.
Of course, the suspicion is that some sad and lonely Photoshop wizard knocking these up in their spare time is more likely than a Sony insider exposing such a significant detail to the web.
We'll be in touch with our Sony UK contacts as soon as they're awake.
A couple of blurry photographs here
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January 14th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
SouthPeak Games announced a new twist on the racing genre in the form of Iridium Runners, placing gamers in a futuristic world where they are literally running for their lives.
Set in the year 2050, the Iridium Championship is a series of athletic on-foot races sponsored by futuristic mega corporations, where pure speed isn’t necessarily the only route to winning on the game’s wildly inventive tracks. Combinations of collectable power-ups and weapons add to the frenetic pace, opening up a wide range of options for securing victory over the other contestants.
Iridium Runners will feature several game modes, from full championship to single race, with the highlight being split-screen multiplayer. Split into traditional free-for-all racing and a tactically rich team mode, Iridium Runners’ multiplayer allows for CPU players to fill space where human adversaries aren’t available. The team mode features two teams with two players each, with each team having to balance racing for the finish line with hampering the efforts of their opponents by making good use of all the available collectables. Rendered in a delightful cartoony style, Iridium Runners’ unique visuals underline the freshness of the overall concept, which promises to re-invigorate the PS2’s racing catalogue.
Melanie Mroz, Executive Vice President, SouthPeak Games said: “Iridium Runners is our first release for 2008, which promises to be an amazing year for us. We’ve got titles across eight formats lined up for the rest of the year and it’s great to be starting with a distinctive, instantly-accessible racing title like Iridium Runners. At its mid-range price point, we’re sure its charm and inventive design will appeal to any PS2 gamer looking for a bit of futuristic racing action.”
* 20 characters and 8 pod sidekicks to choose from. Picking the right one is crucial to winning the race.
* 30 tracks to race on, each with their own unique obstacles and challenges.
* Single Race, Cup and Championship modes are available in both single player and multiplayer.
* Collect power ups during the race that give you special powers that allow you to increase your performance or attack your opponent.
* Unlock new characters, suits, tracks, soundtracks, and production artwork as you proceed throughout the game.
Iridium Runners, rated E for Everyone, is developed by Italian game studio Playstos Entertainment and will be released on Feb. 22, 2008.

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January 14th, 2008, 18:14 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
In Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2, an ancient organization which was long thought disbanded is alive and in search of several orbs to resurrect a mechanical horror that will ravage the land. It's now up to Naruto and all the Hidden Leaf Genin to join forces with those of the Hidden Sand Village to stop this menace.

A new evil has risen and threatens to take over not only the Hidden Leaf Village, but all the other villages and ninja clans as well. An ancient organization which was long thought disbanded is alive and well and in search of several orbs to resurrect a mechanical horror that will ravage the land. It’s now up to Naruto and all the Hidden Leaf Genin to join forces with those of the Hidden Sand Village to stop this menace.
While staying faithful to the hugely popular anime, Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles2 boasts a completely new original adventure, plus co-op gameplay, character customization options, and multiple playable characters switch-able on the fly including Naruto, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Kakashi, Guy, Neji, Choji, and more. In addition to 2-player Vs Battle gameplay, during normal solo play a second player is able to join in the action for a simultaneous two-player adventure in Co-op mode. Dazzling lethal attacks and an armoury of specialised ninja weapons are taken straight from the anime with over 30 attack items for kicking ninja ass. The thrilling gameplay modes include Story, Head-to-Head, Mission, and Survival modes giving aspiring ninjas plenty of kicks and punches to throw.
Features :
* Explore the Naruto world with a brand new story line that can only be experienced through Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
* During the game, a second player is able to join in on the action for a simultaneous two-player adventure! Or, fight head-to-head with a friend and battle it out for the title of Hokage.
* Additional gameplay modes further enhance the Naruto experience:
o Story Mode - Play alone or with a friend and traverse a lush, 3-D anime-style world in which Naruto and his friends work together to unravel the mystery of the Shirogane Clan and their nefarious army of "puppet walkers." Hone your skills to become the ultimate warrior and unlock a secret chapter of the story.
o Mission Mode - Take on a series of challenging side missions.
o Survival Mode - Test your skills to become the ultimate warrior and unlock a secret mission.
* Choose your favorite ninja, including Naruto, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Kakashi, Guy, Sasuke, or Choji, to complete story-driven missions and intense challenges.
* Prove yourself in battle and earn money to create the ultimate warrior using Chips and Plates that can customize your character's speed, strength, stamina and even special moves.
* Harness the power of Rasengan, Lightning Blade, Sand Coffin, and other moves, straight from the series!
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2, already available in North America, is scheduled for European release in March 2008.
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January 14th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Mathieulh just posted this on the IRC Chan that team M33 use:
[19:42:39] -Global- [Mathieulh] stay tuned for a 3.80M33 update is going to be released soon
and Dark Alex posted this recently too
I will implement 1.5 kernel on fat, but it just doesn't have to come the same day as 3.80 M33, but unfortunally there will be always some side effects in the 1.5 kernel, like sleep mode not working properly 100%.
Makes you wonder if they found some bugs, ill update with new news when we get it
Thanks to all who sent this in.
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January 14th, 2008, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster

Dark Alex has posted an update to his awesome 3.80m33 Custom Firmware for the PSP, heres the readme details:
Spread this awesome news
3.80 M33-2
3.80 M33
Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME folder
This update fixes a couple of issues.
- Function scePowerGetClockFrequency/scePowerGetClockFrequencyInt was not resolved properly due to a
confussion between the two nids applying to the same function. Fixed, this update is necessary
for plugins and kernel homebrew reporting psp cpu speed.
- PSX EBOOT.PBP that have a icon of 80x80 pixels will not be replaced by Dracula icon in savedata.
Explanation of icon issue:
In 3.80 pops, Sony has introduced a bug that causes a crash when the icon of the pbp is not 80x80,
like those of psstore. To resolve the issue, M33 was replacing the icon in ram by the one with Dracuala image,
what caused the side effect of ps1 save games having Dracula icon.
Now the behaviour in 3.80 M33-2 is to replace the icon in ram only if the one in the file is not 80x80.
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January 14th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: blackrave
Source: SofiyaCat.
Digg This
A new build of the PSPTube application for PSP, 14/01/08, has today been released on the official website. It seems to fix a few important freeze bugs, and is a recommended update if you have previous versions installed.
PSPTube, with its smooth interface, lets you stream, and also save, media from various different websites, like YouTube, Dailymedia, Stage6, Veoh, NicoNico, and Onsen.
Make sure you have a custom firmware, such as 3.71 M33-4, installed, and put the PSPTube folder in /PSP/GAME3xx (replace xx with your firmware's version). It runs from the 3.xx kernel. Run it, and choose a network connection to connect to.
To use the login function in Dailymedia, open the configuration file in the archive and plot your user information in their respective places. This will allow you to view media you have to log in to view on a computer.
Out of video:
Triangle: Display a menu with different options, such as saving videos.
Circle: Go back to the search panel.
Cross: Play the currently selected video.
Left trigger: Go back one page.
Right trigger: Go forward one page.
Select: Go to next video site search results.
When playing a video:
Triangle: Show or hide the currently playing video's time information.
Circle: Stop playing video and go back to video search results.
Square: Go back to search results while video still is playing. Will split the screen in half if pressed twice.
Left/right D-pad: Choose between 0.5x, 1x and 2x speed.
Start: Pause the video.
Select: Change screen size.
These are still beta builds, but they work extremely good.
Available for download below. Please give your comments on this build.
Thanks to Baboon for noticing it.
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January 14th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Play football a whole new way with NFL Tour. Take on the league's top players in rock festivaltype atmospheres under the night skies of America's hottest cities and make a name for yourself in hard-hitting seven-on-seven football action. Hold your own against the league's elite and you might earn a spot on an NFL roster. Whether you're jumping into Play Now mode or playing online against the nation's best players, you can live out your dream of becoming the next NFL star with NFL Tour, authentic arcade-style football from EA SPORTS
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January 14th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This PSP-2000 Leather Case Pro being made of special antifriction leather,providing strong protection for youe PSP console.This simple yet fine design makes it stylish.
Protect your PSP console from scratches, shock and finger prints
Adopt special antifriction leather, high quality
Simple but fishion design
For PSP-2000 only
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January 14th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who SHIP PSP Games Worldwide

Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law is a fully animated interactive adventure game that merges the fun and mayhem of the popular Adult Swim TV show with Capcom's unique style of gameplay. Players will step into the shiny wingtips of Harvey Birdman, a third-rate superhero turned third-rate defense attorney charged with exonerating parodied classic cartoon characters.
Over the course of the game, players must guide Harvey through a series of odd and comical cases. Each of the game's five interactive stories takes the winged crusader of justice to familiar locations from the TV show. In order to prove his client's innocence, Harvey must peruse the scene of the crime, gather evidence, talk with other cartoon characters, occasionally have drinks with opposing council, and of course, tear holes ?no matter how ridiculous ?in the testimony provided by the witness for the prosecution. Harvey must bring the whole story together to defend his client in a court where anything can happen?including a confrontation with the prosecution who brandishes a Shrink Ray Gun. With outrageous gameplay and the comical antics of hilarious animated characters, players and fans alike will feel that they are not just taking control of a character, but actually taking part in a brand new episode of Harvey Birdman.
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January 14th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Based on the top-rated Yu-Gi-Oh! GX series from Cartoon Network
Includes over 2,400 cards which allow for new decks and duel strategies
Duel characters that only appear in GX Tag Force 2 (PSP)
Connect to GX Tag Force 2 (PSP) to obtain more cards
Each game includes three special edition trading cards
Continuing its tradition of events, the Duel Academy has decided to hold a “Tag Duel Tournament” this year. All the students are running about trying to find the right Tag Partner to ensure they’ll win! You take on the role of a transfer student who has just joined in the midst of all the excitement. Players must duel the best duelists in Duel Academy, building trust and friendship in order to find the right partner for the “Tag Duel Tournament”. In this tournament, whether or not you will find true friendship and “unity” depends on their compatibility with your partner and your dueling spirit!
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January 14th, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

All-new “Disney” DDR game hits the PlayStation®2!
# Featuring music and characters from some of Disney Channel’s biggest sensations such as High School Musical, Hannah Montana, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, That’s So Raven, Cheetah Girls, Kim Possible & more!
40 songs including other popular hits
Multiple difficulty levels so everyone can get out there and dance!
The magical world of Disney hits the dancefloor with an entirely new DanceDanceRevolution game on the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. Leveraging some of the hottest and most popular shows and characters from the Disney Channel network, DanceDanceRevolution Disney Channel combines the mega-popular DDR dancing phenomenon with content that is cool and relevant with today’s youth.
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January 14th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Christophe has released a new version of his Commodore64 Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
V1.2 : (Jan 08)
What's new :
- Support huge ZIP archives.
- Support GameBase64 format (V05).
- Tool for recompressing GameBase and save lot of memory of PSP stick.
- Speed up zip parsing.
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January 14th, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from fusionadmin
MUX_2.0_by_KINGSEBO (380 M33 proofed)
You need more PSP/GAME/UPDATE Folders.
Use MUX20:
MUX20 Multiplex your Update-folder.
IN PSP/GAME/MUX20/ you have now 9 Update_X Folders.
Put Update Data inside this folders.
Start MUX20
choose your update_x folder an press O to make a notice like: CFW 3.80 M33-1 or 3.80 M33-2 Update etc....
then choose your Update_x Folder an press X. All Files copy to PSP/GAME/UPDATE, so you can start your aktivated UPDATE over XMB like a normal UPDATE.
After Updating you can delete the UPDATE in the XMB, because you can aktivate it over MUX20 whenever you want, and you have no UPDATE-ICON in XMB.
When runnig MUX20 the first time, the UPDATE folder will backuped to ms0:\UPDATE_BACKUP, so you don´t lose data.
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January 15th, 2008, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Maxthebest has updated his app with a bugfix release:
-Unzip the archive at MS root
-Edit the vsh.txt file and add ms0:/seplugins/protectme.prx
-Set the password you'd like using the eboot installer (don't do it if you don't want to set a passwrod.
it'll still save the history of power on...
-Activate the plugin through recovery menu.
-New eboot icones by j3r3mie
What's new:
-now you enter the passsword with a keyboard.
-You can't see the xmb behind the password.
released v0.1b that corrects a bug that made the psp freeze if some folders were not created
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January 15th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Archaemic
Now you no longer have to extract all of your archives! Simply put them in the folder and launch nbm. For those of you still wondering what No Bull Moose is, it's a utility that goes along with PSPComic that converts progressive JPEGs, which can cause the dreaded JPEG Loading Error, to baseline JPEGs, which will usually load fine.
UPDATE: v0.2.1
[Feature] In place converting of ZIP and RAR archives (sorta)
[Bugfix] Fixed a crash if a ZIP or RAR is specified in the current directory
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January 15th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay has updated his PSP Slim Firmware 3.60 Installer, heres whats new:
Sony didn't want us going back to firmware 3.60, I guess... so I made my own installer. Using an encrypted, un-sigchecked dump of firmware 3.60, the 3.60 IPL, and a few modules from the 3.52 updater, you can now install 3.60 again on slim PSPs.
New version. The previous instructions were a bit off. They didn't take into account that the IPL taken straight from a NAND dump would contain 16 spare bytes after every 512 bytes, so I wrote a program that strips those bytes out. The fixed instructions and the program are attached here.
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January 15th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay has updated his Freeradio app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Just updated this to version 1.4 when I realized you couldn't add non-Shoutcast streams; someone on YouTube made me aware of it. Now you can add any M3U or PLS-style stream from anywhere.
Example: http://www.lowercasesounds.com/ has a streaming PLS channel at http://www.lowercasesounds.com/modul...0&format =PLS and a streaming M3U channel at http://www.lowercasesounds.com/playlist.m3u. They're added by default in the MyStreams.js file so you can see how it works.
Changelog from 1.3:
You can now add M3U and PLS playlists to the MP3/AAC Streams page. They're added by editing the 'MyStreams.js' file, following the same convention as adding a stream, but with the M3U and PLS entries in their own lists. (These sections only show up if there are any entries in the list.)
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January 15th, 2008, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK and they do Ship Worldwide

It's June 6th, 1944, and the war is in your hands. Step into the boots of OSS Operative John Berg and infiltrate Normandy from behind enemy lines to undermine the Nazi regime. On both the Wii and PSP systems, choose to tackle all-new missions in traditional single player campaign or engage in massive, 32-player online, continuous-joining multiplayer battles where you can jump into the battle at any time.
In addition to a full-fledged single player campaign, Medal of Honor Heroes 2 also features an all-new mode designed specifically for the PSP, Medal of Honor Heroes 2 will deliver the most comprehensive shooter experience to date on the PSP, with robust single player campaign and on-the-go 32-player multiplayer capability that allows you to battle it out, anytime and anywhere.
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January 15th, 2008, 07:44 Posted By: wraggster

Back in Stock today at SuccessHK and they do Ship Worldwide are PSP Slims in the following colours
Felicia Blue
Ice Silver
Lavender Purple
Rose Pink
Piano Black
Ceramic White
Deep Red
For those in the UK who cant get these colours they retail for £103
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January 15th, 2008, 10:58 Posted By: blackrave
Source: Dark_AleX
MrTuto_Alek just gave word on IRC that a 1.50 kernel addon for 3.80 M33-2 now has been released by Team M33. Essentially, this lets you use 1.00/1.50 kernel homebrew on your new custom firmware like you can on earlier custom firmwares. Great news for PSP-1000 users indeed.
Spread this awesome news
A PSP-1000 (fat) with 3.80 M33-2 custom firmware installed. Official firmware will not be able to install this.
- Copy the files in the release to a directory called anything BUT UPDATE
- Move the directory you created to /PSP/GAME/.
- Get the Sony 1.50 update and copy it to the root with name "150.PBP"
- Run the program and done.
1.50 firmware update.
3.80 M33.
3.80 M33-2 patch.
This will not work on the newer PSP-2000 (slim).
Thanks to Exophase.com for the installation instructions.
Comments on this good news?
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January 15th, 2008, 17:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
2K Boston, previously known as Irrational Games (before the 2K Games merging) - the team responsible for Bioshock - is on the hunt for programmers with experience on PS3 development.
Tools programmer and senior console programmer positions note PS3 experience as "highly desirable", while PS3 experience is also mentioned for the programmer position on the dev's website.
So, PS3's on the team's menu, it seems, but what's in the pipeline? Bioshock 2 on PS3? That's what we're rooting for.
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January 15th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has told CVG that yesterday's images of the high-anticipated in-game XMB we're indeed fake.
And so our fears of it being the work of a sad, lonely soul with nothing better to do with their worthless lives than screw with the hearts of others have been realised.
"The XMB images are fake," Sony told us, adding: "There are no firmware updates planned for January."
Damn those faker makers. We hope their dirty, Photoshop-forging PC explodes and they're forced to continue their virtual social lives in internet cafes with the tourists and homeless people.
For now, you'll just have to stick with Sony's previous confirmation of the feature to come in 2008.
Also, cross your fingers, arms, legs and whatever other limbs you can that Sony adds some of the features discussed in our '10 Steps to Perfect PS3 Firmware' write up.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Suspicions of Sony having canned GT Mobile for PSP have arisen once again after months of silence on the title, and its recent removal from certain retailers' online pre-order lists.
When speaking to a Sony UK correspondent today, we were told: "Polyphony is currently focusing all its resources on developing GT5 for PS3."
While this does not confirm that GT Mobile has been scrapped, it certainly insinuates that GT Mobile has been put on the backburner while the obviously crucial PS3 game takes the lead.
This was, after all, exactly what series creator Kazunori Yamauchi, said just last month - that while he's very much working on Gran Turismo Mobile, it won't be out till after Gran Turismo 5 releases.
GT Mobile's future has been balancing on a tightrope for some time now. Originally planned for release in 2005, its release was thenput back "indefinitely" in September 2006.
We reckon the PSP game will be revived sometime next year. But only if the PS3 games ships as intended later this year.
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January 15th, 2008, 18:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Has a retailer let slip the release date of the next Grand Theft Auto? National electronics chain Micro Center has released a sales circular with the bottom of one page stamped with the Grand Theft Auto IV logo, a few choice pieces of art, and the words, "March 08." That would be a Saturday for those of you who keep track of such things, which is a pretty odd day for such a huge title but certainly not unheard of. The circular warns that new release availability is subject to change, but it seems like an awful lot of black ink to waste on speculation. GameDaily, who broke this particular story, got in touch with the folks at Rockstar to see if they could get some sort of confirmation.
A Rockstar Games representative on Tuesday replied by reiterating that Grand Theft Auto IV "is going to come out during our second financial quarter of 08."
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January 15th, 2008, 18:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
"Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is back, with new characters, new stages and new gameplay modes," begins our trailer, which pretty much sums it up.
Portable Opts is essentially an extended version of the already release Metal Gear Portable Ops, just with the word "Plus" in the title. Oh, and a bunch of new content, too.
There's a new single player mode, Infinity Mission, new soldier careers, and old Snake from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4 is now playable, although it looks like you'll need to unlock him first.
Anyway, the trailer explains it all so check it out, and the new screens below.
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January 15th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new version of his Cheat App for the PSP, heres the release details:
Here it is a new version of cwcheat: 0.2.1
This version has many interesting functions for both users and code makers/users.
I'll start with the most interesting addition of this version: A dynamic clocker.
What does it do?
Starting with the cpu load, which you can see by enabling it in the setting menu, it will dynamically change the clock of your cpu up and down with up to 8 variables managing it. So you can make new more or less aggresive plans for it, just by editing the cwcheat.ini file.
When the dynamic overcloker triggers, if you have the fps counter enabled you will be able to see also the change in clock. In this way you will be able to gain minutes (maybe hours depending on the game) of gameplay from your battery
Another interesting thing is a fix on the informations functions for > 4gb sticks so you will not get anymore your memory stick space less 4gb.
The memory editor and disassembler were fixed to work in the memory space of the psx in pops mode and not going out of the mapped area, plus now they able to generate correct codes for pops games.
For swedish users thanks to tostoo it's available a new translation for that language.
And last but not less important are major changes in the pointer codes which let you do a pointer copy byte and a multi adress pointer write plus some more addition to the base type. For more informations check the changelog or the cwcheat wiki.
Three important notes, also stated on the changelog:
1) If you use 3.80m33 it's suggested to update to 3.80m33-2 and use the 360- / MS_ROOT builds
2) set bus at 166 if you want the dynamic clocker to be able to go up to 333
3) if you use a language file update it as the old ones won't be compatible anymore
- [ALL] Added a cpu load counter it can be shown with or in place of the fps counter on the top right. You can enable it from the settings menu.
- [ALL] Added a dynamic clocker. It will change dynamically the cpu clock depending on cpu load. It's extremely flexible thanks to the 8 variables
managing it which can be choosen by editing the cwcheat.ini (the default plan should be quite conservative on higher cpu frequencies but you
can make a more agressive one by choosing correctly the values there). This will be very usefull to increase battery life while keeping the psp
softwares/games/vsh from stuttering. You can enable this by setting the cpu clock as -1 in the main menu.
There are various variables here's the explanation of them and in the ( ) the default value of them:
( 56)INCREASE MHZ - this is how much the frequence will be increased each time
( 33)DECREASE MHZ - this is how much the frequence will be decreased each time
( 80)INCREASE LOAD - when the cpu has a load greather than this the dynamic clocker will be triggered
( 40)DECREASE LOAD - when the cpu has a load less than this the dynamic clocker will be triggered
( 0)INCREASE WAIT - This is the time in seconds (0 = immediate) which the dynamic clocker will wait with the load greather than "INCREASE LOAD"
before changing the clock
( 5)DECREASE WAIT - This is the time in seconds (0 = immediate) which the dynamic clocker will wait with the less load than "DECREASE LOAD"
before changing the clock
( 36)MIN MHZ - This is the minimum mhz the dynamic clocker will be allowed to set, it won't go down more
(333)MAX MHZ - This is the maximum mhz the dynamic clocker will be allowed to set, it won't go up more
- [ALL] If the fps counter is enabled the changes in frequence will be shown if the dynamic clocker is enabled
- [ALL] Various optimizations in the menu in the cpu clock options
- [ALL] Reduced a bit main thread priority
- [ALL] Now it's possible to read data about space available/total correctly on > 4gb memory sticks
- [POPS] Fixed memory manager english strings so they aren't shown anymore as plain black
- [POPS] added proper support in pops in the memory editor. Before it was going out of psx ram area
- [POPS] added proper support in pops in the disassembler. Before it was going out of psx ram area
- [POPS] Added support in the memory editor to generate codes compatibles with the pops cheat engine
- [POPS] Added support in the disassembler to generate codes compatibles with the pops cheat engine
- [ALL] fixed a missing translation in the disassembler
- [ALL] fixed a problem with > 4gb card which may prevent the dump function from working on these sticks
- [ALL] Added swedish translation thanks to tostoo
- [ALL] Fixed a problem in an italian string
- [ALL] Some fixes for 3.80m33
- [GAME] now the nnnn part of pointer codes will be taken in consideration so it must be 1 for normal codes and > 1 for codes with an extra pointer line
- [GAME] Improved pointer codes and added a new codeline to them if nnnn > 1
There are three types of additional codeline.
-The first is the null one, this type is just 0x00000000 0x00000000 and it's used if you want to just use the new qqq part of the pointer codes.
it will add each loop declared by n the q*4 offset to the adress to load the base starting with a. This is usefull if the game
stores pointer near each other.
-The second is the multi adress pointer write. It let you do what was done before with multiadress write codes but with pointers
0x6aaaaaaa 0xvvvvvvvv
0xqqqxnnnn 0xiiiiiiii
0x9sssssss 0xwwwwwwww [works only on n >= 2]
a = adress to load 32bit base from
v = value to store in the calculated position
i = 32-bit offset to add/subtract to base
x = pointer type 0 8bit, 1 16bit, 2 32bit, 3 8bit inverse, 4 16bit inverse, 5 32bit inverse
n = number of times to point (n starts with 1 when the code should do only one loop and so should not have an extra pointer code line),
before this was ignored so there are some invalid codes with 0 here, they won't execute in this case, if in the db, please report
to me else notify who made then. To fix them you just need to place an 1 as last digit eg: 0x00040001
q = offset to add(*4) to a (adress) to load the base from at each loop (n > 1).
s = offset to add(pointer type 0,1,2)/subtract(pointer type 3,4,5) to base each loop (it's valuated like this: base+/-offset*loopnum*bytes(1,2,4))
where loopnum is zero for first loop
w = value to add to v each loop (it's valuated like this: v+loopnum*w) where loopnum is zero for first loop
-The third is the pointer copy byte. This type will change slightly the functionality of the pointer code:
0x6aaaaaaa 0xvvvvvvvv
0xqqqxnnnn 0xiiiiiiii
0x1sssssss 0x00000000
a = adress to load 32bit base from (source)
x = 0 (this is no more pointer type)
v = number of bytes to copy (0 won't copy any byte)
i = 32-bit offset to add to base (source)
q = offset to add to aaaaaaa to load the base(*4) (destination)
n = 2 (this is fixed)
s = 32-bit offset to add to base (destination)
NOTE: texts were updated again so you must update your language file, if you use any.
NOTE2: for 3.80 i suggest updating to at least 3.80m33-2 and using the prx inside 360- / MS_ROOT folder, if you don't want to update use the
371 / MS_ROOT_371 folder
NOTE3: if you want to make the dynamic overclocker work correctly with all the cpu frequences (up to 333mhz) it's suggested to set the bus frequence
to 166 else you will be limited to a maximum in cpu clock(it's just a simple rule don't take this as a perfect comparation) of bus * 2
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January 15th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new app called Charge Control
Heres the details:
This is an extremely simple plugin i did for my convenience. It does two simple things: disable the psp charging functions and enable them back.
When you disable the charging you are able to put in and out any battery without the psp starting charging it (usefull if you don't really want to charge the battery but the battery has drained and you need to switch to line power, or you just want to connect the psp to line power avoiding to recharge with no reason the battery) You can easily do this with two key combinations. A note this will work only till the psp is powered on, when you powers it off the command will be reset to default and so the
battery will start anyway charging up. well enjoy. 
you can install this plugin by copying the prx to the seplugins folder of your memory stick (if missing create one in the root) and adding it to the vsh.txt, game.txt, pops.txt or game150.txt in this way: ms0:/seplugins/prxname.prx, which most probably would be ms0:/seplugins/charge_ctrl.prx or ms0:/seplugins/charge_ctrl371.prx, but could change if you put the plugin somewere else or change it's name. Finally you need to enable it by going into recovery (R when powering on the psp), then in plugins and pressing x over the plugin. NOTE: for 3.7x you must use the charge_ctrl371.prx but if you want to load this in the 1.50 kernel within a 3.7x firmware (game150.txt) you must use the charge_ctrl.prx.
The use is quite simple it consist of two buttons combinations L TRIGGER + R TRIGGER + VOL - to disable battery charging. This status will remain till power off L TRIGGER + R TRIGGER + VOL + to enable battery charging. This the normal behaviour of the psp :P
- [ALL] First release
- [ALL] Buils for 3.7x and other firmwares
- [ALL] Works at low priority and combinations are checked one time every second
- [ALL] It's possible to enable and disable battery charging immediately
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January 15th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Unicorn

Via http://psp.scenebeta.com.
pspgorrister has released a usefull application to convert your videos into PSP format. I know that there are a lot of video conversors, but this is one of the simplest I have ever seen, and its translated into English, Spanish and Catalonian.
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January 15th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel
Hi guys, I updated my plugin because there was a bug with the console standby function using the new CF 3.80M33
Now it works perfectly
Alternative VSHMenù v3.1 by Red_Squirrel
What's it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenù that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenù and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME (by Default) in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenù!
Press CIRCLE (by Default) in Menù to close it.
N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenù does not work!
v3.1 changes:
-[FIX]- In CF 3.80M33 Standby function did not work. Now it works.
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via redsquirrel
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January 15th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: F9zDark
From: http://n4g.com/News-100018.aspx
"We don't create these videos for the fanboys. That's not the point. We create them so that people who own both systems can be a little more informed on which version to buy. It's the fanboys that turn the comments section for these videos into a debacle.
As for using RGB or adjusting the white levels on the PS3, that completely defeats the point of these videos. We play both systems on default settings with the same cabling. If we were to adjust the settings on the PS3 to make it look better then we'd be sacrificing the integrity of the video. It's not the other way around."
Many comparison videos of games on the PS3 and Xbox360 from Gametrailers have the PS3 version looking faded; which is often cited against the PS3. However, if the TV allows RGB Full, it is on by default. Otherwise it is off to save energy.
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January 15th, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Poison

Wake2up is an alarm clock, which is meant to be as simple as possible. You can set the time at which you
You want to wake up. And when it is time, the alarm rings.
By default if there are any mp3 in the file ms0: / MUSIC / homebrew selected a random mp3 for the play, otherwise if there is no mp3 in this case, or whether there has been any errors during loading of mp3, music in Wake2up/data / will be played, in every case you will be awake.
/! \ The music offered with the homebrew was quite legal, it is a free music that I found on Jamendo, which the artist is David TMX /! \
/! \ For the alarm clock works it is imperative to stop disable automatic retroéclairage /! \
-- Top / Triangle = Increase hours 10 minutes.
-- Low / Croix = Decrease hours 10 minutes.
-- Right / Round = Increase hours 1 minute.
-- Left / Carre = Reduce the hours / minutes to 1.
-- Start = Enable / Disable clock.
-- Select = Save the configuration.
I made this homebrew more for fun than anything else, so do not expect something grandiose.
The source code is available in the archive.
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January 15th, 2008, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
darksidious posted this new release:

Hi all
Psp Tools is a utility coded in C / C + +
You Tired of having full of utilities on your psp, I have the solution: "Psp Tools"
Indeed Psp Tools can be many things:
-- Pandoriser / Dépandoriser your battery
-- To format your Memory Stick to create a Pandora
-- Write msipl.bin on your Memory Stick (needed for Pandora)
-- Sauveguarder register
-- Restoring the registry previously recorded
-- Delete config.se which puts the default configuration
-- Format flash1
-- Delete Internet history
-- Create files on the important ms0
Here is a version 0.1b will exit in the event of important bug report
Kernel 1.50 mandatory for launch
Give me your comments, impressions, reaction. And eventual improvement functions and for that I do
In version 0.2A there will be a graphical user interface, lack of correct spelling ^ ^ and can be compatibiliter S & L and your eventual additions ^ ^
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January 15th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jack:
Hello here is a creation that is not new since it was presented in PSPvista therefore it is simply a version with no eboot update in the meantime.
Link to the DL:
Compatible slim and light. You must be in 3.71M33 minimum.
Luaacro a mercy for his help, elesthor for the image of a boot and heistsu for images of eboot which are magnificent.
There is yet no specific goal you can walk around the city, go into certain building nothing else.
Analog stick: move the cursor information
Directional pad: move the character
X: call the drop-down menu
O: leave the drop-down menu
[]: Do appear map
/ \: Leave the map
Start: back in the menu of the game
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January 15th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everyone,
So, I present to you my new project, which is encoded in lua (as usual lol), which is entitled Naruto mission Sasuke.
The story is being established, but the aim of saving Sasuke from the grip of Orochimaru.
Not much in this demo except Konoha village and the announcement .... (You find).
Please let me know your comments and please tell me if my project is zero or not because if this demo does not like is a waste of time as I continue.
PS: I made my project since the release of this demo at other sites, I code systems struggle for the moment.
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January 15th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from xevious78
Hi to all
During the closure of xtreamlua, I had time to schedule the new version of Music Quiz and create a new game called Shoot The warriors.
You know everything Music Quiz, therefore I am not going to talk you XD
The Warriors Shoot Voila! :
Xevious78 wrote:
Hi to all
I just releaser the new version of The Warriors Shoot passing therefore 0.2! Previous News about this game here
New in this version:
-- Adding Levels 4 + BOSS
-- Adding to its when you pull
-- Addition of a pause in (Tap start)
-- Deletion of a score already going into the game
News of the next version:
-- Adding levels
-- Added management Analog Stick
-- Addition of a background music
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January 15th, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
New release from the Underminer
PReSS stands for Portable RSS. And that's just what it is: an RSS reader for the Playstation Portable. Let PReSS connect to any WiFi access point and you're good to go. With it's 6 hour battery lifetime, reading the news while travelling was never easier.
Because PReSS stores all feed data on your MemoryStick, you can enjoy your favourite channels even when you are not connected to the internet.
Typing in a feed adress on a device that has no keyboard is not what we call 'user-friendly'. That's why PReSS has it's own catalogue, filled with user-submitted feeds.
Version 0.2 - 13 January 2008
- Image full screen - Handy for comics or another way of browsing topics
- Added Newly Added category under catalogue
- add links to browser bookmarks (clicking a link will add it to the browser's bookmarks)
- auto-update (Updates will be posted on the PReSS updates feed)
- font size
- hide feed view
- feed update combo
- prev/next unread topic button combo
- faster saving/loading feeds
- fixed leftmost pixel column bug: the leftmost column is simply not blitted anymore, wich would display improperly sometimes
- added activity indicator for feed download: if it doesn't move for 5 seconds; it never will
- parrallel feed downloading cuts waiting time
- Improved unreadable character replacement
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January 15th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
With this mod I'm able to voice chat wirelessly on PSP games like the SOCOM FTB franchise using my Bluetooth headset. In addition to working with the PSP I can also use the same Bluetooth headset to voice chat wirelessly on any PS2. In case you didn't know if you try to play say SOCOM: Combined Assault (a PS2 game) on the PS3 without this mod you cannot use a Bluetooth headset because the PS2 game is not coded to take advantage of the PS3's Bluetooth functionality, but with this now you can!
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January 15th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from infinity888
Hi all, this is a very small little program i made to help out some ppl that were having trouble making a free VoipCheap.com land line contact in contacts.txt for Furikup. If this app actually helps ppl ill update it to include more SIP servers and SIP to SIP calls ext. There's no read me but if you click the about button in the program it will tell you every thing you need to know about it. Basically you input some variables (like name and number) and push a button and it adds the contact to your contacts.txt file or creates a new one. I would like to say thanks to noobz for creating furikup and hope this helps some.
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January 15th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Hello, this is a patch for the PCM (PSP Content Manager) v1.8 by Ufox
I made this patch for CF3.80M33, so now people that will want to update to 3.80M33 will can use this wonderfull Windows program!
Download of the patch from HERE
-It's very easy: first of all you need PCM 1.80 by Ufox (if you have not it, you can download it from HERE).
-Then you have to download the patch from the link in this post.
-Now you have to extract RAR package on your PC: a file called 380M33.reg will appear in your directory.
-Now run the file (sx double click on it!) and Windows will ask you if you want to add some data to your System Registry.
-Give the OK and patch will be installed.
Enjoy PCM 1.8 for CF 3.80M33
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via red squirrel
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January 15th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: -Xandu-
jas0nuk posted this interesting information
In 3.80, Sony have heavily "optimized" the fatmsmod.prx which is the memory stick driver, reducing the size by nearly 80kb.
However, whatever they did seems to have had 2 effects
1) Caused crappy read and write speeds for certain memory sticks
2) Totally broken Saved Data and Game menus for certain memory sticks
However, USB hasn't been affected as these drivers haven't changed.
A possible solution is to replace fatmsmod.prx with the decryped one from 3.71 - not easy as the exports will need to be changed to the new random ones in 3.80
Not working
Slow but working
Weird occurence: I had someone test a 32MB stick that wasn't working in 3.80 M33-2 after trying all the usual fixes, it instantly worked fine in 3.80 official firmware.
He went back into 3.80 M33-2 and it continued to work.
OK, after collecting this info, looks like formatting it in the PSP under 3.80 usually fixes it. The firmware should automatically format 4GB+ sticks to FAT32, which also seems to solve the problem if done manually in Windows via USB.
Even then, some memory sticks report slowdown with certain ISOs, this can sometimes be fixed by using the M33 driver.
However this is unacceptable, 3.81 should be released with no more stupid POPS bug and a fixed memory stick driver.
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January 16th, 2008, 01:07 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
If you've been checking the official PlayStation blog recently, you may have noticed a post by David Jaffe regarding the upcoming Twisted Metal: Head-on: Extra Twisted Edition. In the post, Jaffe spends a fair amount of time discussing the special features that will be included on the disk, and the list seems quite impressive.
For those of you not yet familiar with the game, Extra Twisted is a port of the PSP title Twisted Metal: Head-on, but now runs at 60 frames per second and features updated textures and art. According to Jaffe, the game also has a new level to play on: the Transylvania Castle. There are also four "lost levels" from the Twisted Metal: Black world that focus on multiplayer deathmatch, and Jaffe stresses the high-quality of their design.

Continuing on, gamers who buy Extra Twisted will receive a code that enables them to download a free copy of the Twisted Metal Symphony album. Jaffe explains that this album is a compilation of songs from previous Twisted Metal games, with some fan favorites included.
Next up on the list is an art book full of concept drawings, some of them dating back to the original Twisted Metal. However, some of the biggest extras on the disc are videos: a 30 minute (and very honest) documentary outlining the history of the Twisted Metal series, and a handful of live-action ending movies Jaffe himself wrote and directed, originally planned for the first Twisted Metal game but never included. Very intriguing indeed.

Finally, gamers can play a new mode: the Sweet Tour. Here, you can take control of Sweet Tooth and run around older levels collecting icons that open up even more extras.
Jaffe ends the post by noting the price of the game: an extremely reasonable $19.99. Sounds like quite an appealing deal. Head over to the PlayStation blog to check out the full post and check back soon as we continue our coverage of Extra Twisted.
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January 16th, 2008, 09:33 Posted By: Baboon
I just checked ttymans site http://ttyman.free.fr/ to see if he's updated his mame emulator for psp and I see he's just released 'PSPUAE4aLLr1'? 
This has nothing to to with the PSPUAE build that FOL, Chilly Willy etc are working on but I thought I'd post it here seeing as it is news.
Heres what the readme says:
PSP UAE4ALL r1 by TTYman, 16/01/2008
Install directions:
- Copy in /PSP/GAME (user mode build) or /PSP/GAME150 (firmware 1.5 compatibility for 3.xx OE release);
There are two different builds in archive:
1) 1.50 Kernel mode (psp_uae4all_r1);
2) 2.00 User mode (psp_uae4all_r1-usermode);
Use psp_uae4all_r1 as installation base, then replace EBOOT.PBP if you have slim psp or would use user mode build;
- Copy kickstart file named kick.rom of version 1.3 in same folder;
- Copy desidered disks images as .adf or .adf.gz (.adz) compressed format into disks folder, for convenience;
Specific Features:
- Based on latest Chui’s Dreamcast UAE4ALL and notaz’s uae4all gp2x v0.7.2a optimized blitter routines;
- Maximum speedup hacks using single precision math hardware support;
- full screen hardware scaled support;
- Fixed Overclock to 333 MHz while emulating, 222 MHz in menu;
- Only 546KB kernel build version (1.7MB user mode build).
Same features as Dreamcast version:
- Frameskip between 0-1 without sound and 1-2 with sound.
- Fast FAME Motorola 68000 C core by Fox68k.
- Autoframeskip for real speed.
- Mouse support.
- Joystick support.
- Fast sound with 8 buffers synchronized.
- Filemanager with subdirectories access.
- Complete menu with load, throttle, frameskip, reset… options
- Save disks changes into Virtual memory files (testing).
- Superthrottle mode for speed up intros and loading time.
- ADZ support (ADF floppy image gzip compressed)
- 2 floopy drives emulated.
How work special features:
- SuperThrottle
Hold right trigger first and left trigger second for automatic sound off and frameskip to 10 for speed up. This try to avoid large time for intros and loading time.
- ADZ support
You can compress your ADF floppy images with GZIP compression utility in order to save CD space. GZIP is free and multiplatform: Windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS … better use short filenames to read correctly disks numbers.
- Save disks changes to VM
UAE4ALL can save to VM disk sectors changed using ZIP compression. For games as Dune2, now you can save your campaigns and continue at future. A new menu option called “Save Disks” has added for enable or disable this feature.
- 2 floppy drives emulted
You can choose on filemanager a new disk for DF0 with Cross(X) button and a new disk for DF1 with Square([]) button. Also, you can eject DF1 with ‘Eject DF1′ option or pressing Triangle button while in menu.
- Throttle
Amiga is a hard machine to emulate. So, a lot of games support drawing shortcuts and cpu timeslice ampler. These methods speed up emulation and improve playbility under PSP.
- Autoframeskip
Unfortunately, UAE4ALL needs frameskipping for real time emulation. Active auto-frameskip menu option for real speed.
If you want sound, it’s a very important thing, the sound needs to be synchronous
- Mouse
Some on loading game demo requires specific mouse buttons combo, so try both buttons and movements while in such menu’s or demo.
Specific Controls:
- Button SELECT: Main Menu.
- Button START: not used.
- Button HOME: not used (exit, as normal, in user mode build).
- Buttons L+R: Deactivate SuperThrottle mode.
- Buttons L+R while keep pressing: Activate SuperThrottle mode (10x emulation velocity).
- Button Cross(X): used to confirm menu options, to select 1st disk, DF0, in load menu and as 1st mouse button.
- Button Circle(O): used as 2nd mouse button, as secondary joystick button and as go back in menus.
- Button Square([]): used to open load disks menu while in main menu, used to select 2nd disk, DF1, in load disks menu.
- Button Triangle(/\): used to eject DF1 and as primary joystick button.
- Button L: in Main menu Run emulation, in load menu go top of list.
- Button R: in Main menu Reset and Run emulation, in load menu go to bottom of list.
- Directional Buttons: emulate mouse movements.
- Analog stick: emulate joystick movements.
Known Problems:
- Keyboard emulation unimplemented.
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January 16th, 2008, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an awesome new release for the PSP, full details from Steve Dragoon:
It's been close to 3 years or something. My time in working on this game is still more to come, but it's been very slow and I'm now the only working person on it. I will soon make everybody able to edit and create, but right now it's time for me to release this open beta. As I've gotten older, it just seems my time for the project decreases and I try to keep the fans going as much as I can. I held this for too long and maybe it's time for me to open this up and show all what this is really about.
If things goes well with the open beta, maybe I can find more talented people to help me out on the project. I do have to thank a lot of people for the time and help they have put into this project, and I haven't finished the OPTIONS and CREDITS in the RPG. Though this is a big achievement for me to release PSP-RPG to the public I hope all goes well. I'm sorry for the long wait all of you had to suffer. lol.
I do keep my word, even though this was held for a long time. I never wanted to gain hype, or anything. It just came and I wanted to learn more on PHP + JavaScript and databasing and I've learned a lot from PSP-RPG and this is work I've done on my free time and also the earlier version of the RPG back in 2004 I was a part of. To everybody who stayed by my side during my hard work. I thank you, and to the haters, I thank you too, becuase there is not a world without them.
I just want to let you know I will still work on PSP-RPG and it will always be running. With the RPG and our Flash Games that are still being created, It was the PSP fans that really kept me going. From running on a free (and crappy) webhosting site, to paying for and building my own creation. It took my money, my sweat and my time. Even though I can't be here all the time, I thank all of you. What else can I say?
Oh well, PSP-RPG is now available to to the public. My maverick force members get the taste. Yall go ahead and spread the word
Seems like you have to register to play it by going here --> http://www.maverickforce.com/PSP-FASTLANE/
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January 16th, 2008, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
The ScummVM team is currently looking for help with the PlayStation 2 port of ScummVM. We are in need of a second experienced PS2 porter, as the current one is rather busy with other stuff. The port is currently a bit in disrepair, several things need to be brought up to speed. However, the team would help any interested developer to figure out what has to be fixed and how. Contact us via the usual means (if in doubt, just contact Fingolfin).
We are currently gearing up for releasing 0.11.0, and it would be great if the PS2 port could be included with that release. But we realize that the time might be too short to do that effectively, so it's only a bonus, not mandatory.
Reward would be eternal fame and the everlasting gratitude of the PS2 userbase of ScummVM :-).
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January 16th, 2008, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Today has seen a new release of ScummVM for many systems, heres a description first followed by the news for this release:
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the games, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!
Some of the adventures ScummVM supports include Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2; Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, Broken Sword 1 and Broken Sword 2; Flight of the Amazon Queen; Wyrmkeep's Inherit the Earth; Coktel Vision's Gobliiins; Westwood Studios' The Legend of Kyrandia and games based on LucasArts' SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system such as Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more.
Todays release news:
ScummVM. Do you hear it? Do you smell a new version? It's now here. And as usual and regularly, it is packed with tons of new features. Hold on, and take a look at the list:
Support for the FREEWARE adventure Lure of the Temptress (available for download here)
Seven other new supported games: I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream, Elvira 1 and 2, Waxworks (Amiga version only) and 3 Sierra pre-AGI games for children
Two newly available ports: iPhone and Maemo
Support for the Mac version of The Legend of Kyrandia and the Amiga version of Nippon Safes
Better support for Sierra AGI games
Improved support for modern 64-bit systems
Support for FLAC encoded music in Broken Sword 1 for the purists among you
Better support for non-English versions of games, including eastern languages
Sound compression for SAGA games
Heres the release notes:
New Games:
- Added support for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark.
- Added support for Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus.
- Added support for I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream (demo and full game).
- Added support for preAGI game Mickey's Space Adventure.
- Added support for preAGI game Troll's Tale.
- Added support for preAGI game Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Added support for Amiga version of Waxworks.
- Added support for Lure of the Temptress.
New Ports:
- Added iPhone port.
- Added Maemo port for Nokia Internet tablets.
- Added ARM assembly routines for code in the sound mixer and SCUMM video playback, resulting in some nice speedups on several ports.
- Improved the way keyboard input is handled internally, resolving some odd quirks in some game / port combinations.
- Added optional 'confirm exit' dialog to the SDL backend.
- Added support for TiMidity++ MIDI server.
- Added DMedia MIDI driver for IRIX.
- Improved detection of new game variants and localized versions.
- Completely reworked internal access to files. (GSoC Task)
- Added option to delete games from the list with Del key.
- Added support for "~/" prefix being substituted by $HOME in paths on POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OS X etc.).
- Added support for AGI256 and AGI256-2 hacks (GSoC Task)
- Added support for Amiga menus and palettes (GSoC Task)
- Better support for early Sierra AGI titles
- Fixed crashes related to OmniTV playback in The Feeble Files.
- Improved work on 64-bit systems.
Broken Sword 1:
- Added support for FLAC encoded music.
- Added support for Macintosh version.
- Added support for Amiga version of Nippon Safes, Inc.
- Many bugfixes
- Added support for Adlib music.
- Added missing music patterns playback in Amiga version.
- Added subtitle skipping (via '.' key) in older games which didn't have this feature so far (e.g. Zak, MM, Indy3, Loom).
- Added support for Chinese COMI.
- Better support for eastern versions of games.
- Various fixes for COMI and other games.
- Added support for original save menus (browse only). Use Alt-F5 to activate.
- Added support for Spanish version of NES Maniac Mansion.
- Better support for German version of C64 Maniac Mansion.
- Fixed bug with cursors in Windows versions of Humongous Entertainment games.
- Added support for compressed sound effects, voices and music.
- Added workarounds for some glitches/issues present in the original game.
WinCE Port:
- Switched compilers again. Now using cegcc ( http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/).
- Plugins now supported for WinCE (but not used in this release).
- Redesigned 'Free Look' action, mainly for the lure engine's requirements.
- Smaller optimization setting to counteract the growth of the executable.
- Various bug fixes.
GP2X Port:
- Support F200 Touchscreen
- Various fixes to input code
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January 16th, 2008, 17:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has finally given Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII a European release date of "spring".
For those unsure, this is the action RPG that caused PSP sales to multiply six times over in Japan last September.
Set before the renowned Final Fantasy VII, you play as Zack who works for SOLDIER, a military group run by an electric company busy at work on building a metropolis.
The game begins when you, Angeal and Sephiroth are sent to investigate the whereabouts of some missing SOLDIER members. Complications ensue.
Crisis Core was among the first games announced for PSP, and its lengthy development means gorgeous visuals and cutscenes to put others to shame.
But its big selling point, the real-time and fast-paced battle system, is yet to be proven. Perhaps we needed more time with it, but when we saw it last May it felt fiddly and unconvincing.
Could be wrong though - Japanese magazine Famitsu gave it a score of 35/40.
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January 16th, 2008, 17:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The PS3 is one of the cheapest Blu-ray playing machines on the market, yet ironically it's also one of few players that can be upgraded to support new features to be introduced in future Blu-ray films.
The PS3's regular firmware updates and internal hard drive give it the potential to support features to be introduced in new 'Profile 2.0' Blu-ray films releasing later this year. These will allow you to access downloadable content such as trailers, feature films and ringtones.
But, as silly as it sounds, most of the current, pricier dedicated players won't support Profile 2.0 features simply because they lack internet access support.
Why has this happened? Due to a lack of a standards agreement prior to Blu-ray's release, it was decided that these different 'profiles' would be used to identify the new features as they are added the media format.
This means that early adopters of dedicated players will be left with machines incapable of future features, which Philips spokesperson and European chairman of the Blu-ray Disc Association, Frank Simonis, admits is "not an ideal situation".
But he reasons: "Whether you have a profile 1.0, or profile 1.1 machine, the playback is not disturbed. It's the high definition playback that consumers are seeking," reports the BBC.
So, the tip of the day: buy a bloody PS3 to play Blu-rays, people. It'll save you money in the long run.
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January 16th, 2008, 18:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku

The last Monster Hunter PSP portable pack was so successful that Capcom decided, heck, let's do it again! On March 27th, the ¥25,800 (US $243) bundle goes on sale. It includes a strap, pouch, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G software and a MH PSP. Looks pretty nice, we guess, and it should sell truck loads in Japan. The front isn't so exciting, however. That's okay. Anwyay, take a look for yourself after the jump.

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January 16th, 2008, 18:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Silent Hill Origins, the well-received PSP scare-me-up from Climax Studios, could be heading to its chunky PS2 brother if recent postings on retail sites Amazon and Gamefly are to be believed.
While doing a spot of online shopping, website Siliconera spotted mock-ups of PS2 box-art for the game on both sites – and although admittedly even the simplest of Photoshop monkeys could have rustled up the image, both sites have enough conviction to give the game a release date, with Amazon boldly declaring 4 March, and GameFly being a little more modest in their estimate with a street date of 31 March.
We contacted the game's developer Climax for confirmation but were unable to secure any comment. As soon as more concrete news emerges we'll post it here for your delectation.
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January 16th, 2008, 18:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Issue 97 of PSM3 magazine, on sale tomorrow, features the first review of Capcom's much-anticipated Devil May Cry 4.
PSM3 kicks off stating: "If you go into DMC4 with expectations about fairness, checkpoints, structure and rewards that you've got from God Of War, you're going to end up all hurt and confused."
That's because, as PSM3 explains, the game is kick-in-the-balls tough, as series fans will have no-doubt expected.
"Most games these days tend to hold your hand all the way through," says PSM3, adding "Devil May Cry is not like that. It'll throw a million demons at you because it wants to, put in half a dozen arbitrary fights in a 30-foot stretch of map, force you to survive for ages on a tiny sliver of health... and then give you a D at the end of the level because you weren't doing enough combos."
They go on to say, however, that DMC4 is easier than the third instalment, which is a relief, even if the magazine does point out that the pacing can be "all over the place".
"Sometimes you'll have five brutal fights within yards of each other, other times it'll suddenly whack in a brick wall of a puzzle. ... Weirdest of all, the difficulty curve seems to peak in the middle of the game," explains the review.
The addition of the new revving sword combo system is "a perfect example of how DMC4 encourages autistic obsessiveness with beautiful combos", says PSM3, but also admits you can play through the game with barely a need to use the new system.
"There are bits in DMC4 that you'll absolutely love, and bits that you'll hate," says PSM3, before giving it the thumbs-up with a nice 80/100 score.
You can read the huge eight page monster review (and check out loads more screens) in issue 97 of PSM3 magazine, on sale Jan 17 (cover pictured below).
Scan of PSM3 magzine front cover here
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January 16th, 2008, 21:02 Posted By: Sektor

This is a port of the classic cdogs (cyberdogs 2) to Sony PSP. It's a gauntlet style shooter. You walk around shooting enemies and collecting items for missions.
The only change from the last version is 3.80 M33 compatibility. It now requires 3.02 or higher custom firmware and should work on the slim PSP.
At the moment it only runs at around 13 FPS. This is mainly because it's scaling 320x240 to 640x480 and then SDL is scaling it to 480x272. I tried running with the scaling disabled but the display just gets messed up (probably a bug/missing feature in PSP SDL). The sound is really quiet and settings aren't saved.
- Sektor
- http://GTAMP.com/PSP
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January 16th, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: Sektor

REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game "Flashback: The Quest for Identity" made by Delphine Software and released in 1992. REminiscence was created by Gregory Montoir.
- compatible with 3.80 M33 firmware (should work on slim PSP but I don't have one to test it)
- added analog nub support
- fixed a bug that made cutscenes always display in English even if French was selected
- removed power and credit cheat since it caused crashes and it was useless
- L & R no longer quick load/save since they could be pushed accidentally
- Sektor
- http://gtamp.com/PSP/reminiscencepsp.php
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January 16th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: techgt
Dark Alex has just released Custom Firmware 3.80 M33-4 (update)
Digg This Hot News
3.80 M33 or 3.80 M33-2
Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME folder and run it
- Fixed synchronization issue that plugins check code caused in PSN NP9660 original games (fixes 0x80010013 error)
- Added a couple of libs to the nids resolver.
- Added some internal changes required by incoming 3.80 popsloader plugin.
Edit by wraggster - hes updated it to 3.80 M33-4
- galaxy.prx was changed to a new version that is giving problems with slow memory sticks.
Reverted back to previous versions. This didn't only affect decrypted isos running in NP9660 mode.
Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME folder and run it
Dark ALex has also released popsloader the PSX Emu loader for m333.80 Firmware 
Instructions: As usual, copy seplugins to memory stick, activate popsloader plugin in recovery,
and put sony pops files in seplugins/popsloader.
Requires 3.80 M33-3 to be installed
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January 16th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
When the fall 2007 target date for a LittleBigPlanet demo came and went we were sad, but when we heard the full game had been bumped from spring 2008 to September, we were downright despondent. Thankfully, the Sony staffer in this video is there to comfort us, promising that a public beta for the game is still in the works and that it will arrive early enough before the final product so that changes can be made. (What does that feel like to you? Late spring? Early summer? Yeah, we're thinking something along those lines.)
Though the levels you create in the beta won't be on the disc, they will be populating the servers of the game as soon as you greedily tear it open later this year. Oh, before we forget, we should mention this video isn't just any dry nugget of information, it's been coated in a delicious gameplay video shell. Enjoy with our compliments.
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January 17th, 2008, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Another beta release of the PS2 emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
FF7 Dirge Of Cerberus crash fixed.
Couple of Vif stall fixes (chessmasters goes 1 screen further, woo!!) brings a tiny speedboost for Guitar Hero too.
VU Skip reverted to the old version to fix those games which had black screen problems when using it
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January 17th, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
via psxscene
Spanish-language site Megalandia has reported a new PS3 homebrew project called MegaBox. MegaBox is similar to a media center, similar to the XBMC on Xbox 1, fully functioning on the PS3.
The MegaBox has many cool features that any PS3 owner would find interest in such as VoIP, P2P, TV, Movies (Including MKV), and much more!
The best part is the program will require NO INSTALLATION, and would be OPEN SOURCE (based on FREEVO). In layman's terms, all you need to do is pop in a CD/Flash drive with the program and anyone can enjoy it without too much problems (no need for linux either).
We have a small tutorial and the beta file if you are interested in trying this. Please note that it is very buggy at the moment and this is a BETA version.
Easy Instructions by StreetSkaterFU:
ISO Download (OS): http://www.rapidshare.com/files/82297965/k3b_0.rar.html
Petitboot Loader Download: http://ozlabs.org/%7Ejk/projects/petitboot/
Installation (easy way):
1. Install the Petitboot Loader
2. Burn the ISO (from the dl link) as image on a cd
3. Start petitboot loader
4. Put in the cd
5. Choose CD icon with petitboot
6. Start the second icon
7. TADAAA... works
Note: This beta release does NOT work with HDMI outputs.
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January 17th, 2008, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
As much as we'd like to hold the physical embodiment of the rumor that BioShock is coming to the PlayStation 3 under water until we've forced it to spill the beans (or simply kill it), we can't do that and make it go away. In time with EGM recently regurgitated the rumor that BioShock would be "Cell-enabled" in 2008 comes new job listings at 2K Boston clearly indicating that some sort of work is happening on the PS3. Compound that with further rumors that a BioShock prequel is in the works and, well, you wind up with absolutely no confirmation and a bit of a headache.
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January 17th, 2008, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jbskateur
Ba voila I keep up to date my little wormstation including a small menu and a solo against the computer (it is corriace attention)
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January 17th, 2008, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast from the podcastnetwork:
The PSP Show #64: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror (MP3 5.71 mb 8 minutes 19 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
Released in Europe just in time for Christmas, and in the States back in September (so consider last week’s Wipeout Pulse dates our revenge…) is Gabe Logan’s second mission on the PSP, the incredibly tightly plotted Syphon Filter Dark Mirror. It’s the sort of game that can cure jet-lag (honestly)!. And a round of up other news… or at least what there is of it.
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January 17th, 2008, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mattiology
This is just a quick fix up to remove the UMD Update that shows in XMB, Game.
No credit is due...
Boot in to recovery
Connect to flash0
Replace vshmain.prx
Hope this helps a few people out
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January 17th, 2008, 08:51 Posted By: dejkirkby
Vettacossx has released a new mod of the Dungeons homebrew and this mod has Mario running around in a FPS Game with graphics that will be familiar to any Mario fan.
Icon KillerZ Vs1
Icon KillerZ is based on CHARNOLDS amazing pspdungeons vs0.6 engine..The mod is themed after different video game "ICONS" this is the first of many installments of the icon killers series of mods. Naturally the most iconic of all video game "icons" would have to be that shroom eatin fireball spitin super mario  so its only fitting version one offers a mario theme in whitch you can kill 3d models of Mario,Luigi and even the occasional Wario. there are a series of different style levels in this mod some more maze like than others..There is also a few humorous additions as far as sound effects ive done. (PLEASE listen to the song on the XMB icon its funny)
Tips for gameplay
(future mods confirmed so far are a simpsons and tomb raider mod because ive found some worthy md3's for the task at hand  also from filefront like these ones)
Just unzip the files contained in the archive then drag the game's contents too
the proper directory (ms0:/psp/game) and play!
Custom Firmeware Users be sure to set your kernell to 1.5 within your recovery menu or the game wont work for you  because dungeons it is such a detailed 3d engine it requires a great deal of kernall memory...
(note: you must use a psp capable of running in 1.5 kernell mode to play this
game ALL custom firmeware's can do this on the PSP original/phat to date..As of now the slim cannot...Srry)
Please link back to The Playground!
Fell Free To Leave Feedback and suggestions...Thank You For Playing Another DJMNV MOD and Njoy The Game... :vetta:
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January 17th, 2008, 12:05 Posted By: turulo
After 4 months, here is a new release which includes support for PSP Slim and 3.XX firmwares, the support for 1.50 has been dropped, as new hardware no longer supports it. This also means that you can now use the game in WPA authenticated access points which wasn't possible under 1.50.
This release also includes some small bugfixes, and the fix to avoid the nasty crash which was produced while playing the game with the midi background music enabled, so now you can play while hearing background music without unexpected crashes. It should be really stable now.
- Code updated to be Slim and 3.XX firmwares compatible
- Code updated to 0.5.3 to be able to play on latest online servers
- Game crash while playing background music fixed
- Bug from last resize of replace trains window fixed
- Windows can now be dragged out of screen limits, to be able to see windows which exceded the screen height, such as the patches configuration dialog, just hold square pressed over a window to move it
- Place Tree window now is displayed inside screen limits
- PSP dedicated server upgraded to 0.5.3
Dedicated server for PSP players have also been updated:
- OpenTTD for PSP players Europe
Visit http://openttd.pc-workshop.da.ru for downloads.
At last don't forget to take a look to the README for installation instructions, Enjoy!!!
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January 17th, 2008, 17:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has issued a statement to Eurogamer regarding the current lack of songs on the SingStar PS3 SingStore, promising new content on 18th January and more to follow in early February.
"SingStar fans have been asking when the SingStore will be populated with more songs," the statement reads. "Our original vision, as outlined in early preview coverage of SingStar, was to have more than 350 songs available on the SingStore. We are working hard to increase the volume of content as quickly as possible.
"Eighteen new tracks will be live in the SingStore from 18th January (15 English and 3 Spanish tracks) including songs from KT Tunstall, David Bowie and Blur. This will be followed by an update the week of 4th February, including tracks from The Editors and MC Hammer, and we will be updating the SingStore with new content twice monthly thereafter. Thanks for your ongoing support."
The statement comes partly in response to a petition to Sony complaining about network outages, a lack of updates, "false advertising" (namely the "hundreds of songs available to download" image on the in-game interface), and a "lack of community news".
We've asked for comment specifically on the network issues, but we're still waiting on that.
Readers have also reported to us that their plaintive attempts to catch Sony's attention using uploaded video pleas have been ignored, with the videos deleted.
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January 17th, 2008, 18:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari has decided it's about time Dragon Ball Z moved onto PS3 and Xbox 360. So it has, and Atari will release it this year.
Burst Limit will be the first fighting game in the series to tackle the new hardware, bringing usual boasts of online battles and much fancier visuals. Also, lightning fast action.
Otherwise this is simply Dragon Ball Z. Name sound familiar? It should; DBZ is a Japanese anime series that has been recreated into over 25 games since 2002.
Total worldwide sales: over 10 million. Atari bread and butter, you could say.
The most recent to be released was Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 on PS2, which will be ported to Wii early this year.
If you're not fussed about Dragon Ball Z then probably best avoided. Even those who like it will find it a tough and often unrewarding slog, even if it is a competent enough game. Slug over to our Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 review for more.
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January 17th, 2008, 18:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Q-Games' Dylan Cuthbert has revealed that US PlayStation Network users will be able to buy PixelJunk Monsters "next week", which presumably means Thursday 24th January.
Sony UK wasn't able to nail down the exact date of the game's release on the European PSN when we spoke to someone there, but it's in QA and the expectation is we'll see it at the end of January. So, either next week or the 31st, most likely.
Cuthbert's US Sony blog post talks about the game scenario - protecting your island and villagers from an invading monster horde - and outlines the various level specifics, items and tower types for defence.
An accompanying video also reminds us that there is support for co-operative play and Remote Play using the PSP, for those of you who like to continue playing after you're sent to bed with no dinner.
Look out for our review of PixelJunk Monsters pretty soon. We may even get round to reviewing PixelJunk Racers one day, but who knows. Check out our PixelJunk Monsters gamepage for more in the meantime.
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January 17th, 2008, 18:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We had told you previously about some new MotorStorm tracks that were in the works, but a few details have changed in the intervening days and we wanted to make you aware. First off, as you might have noticed on January 10, they're not coming out on January 10. They're coming out today. Also at that time, we told you that we thought the tracks would run $7, based on the £3.49 in the press release. Well, apparently, they'll cost you $2.99. (Our English friends are just going to love that.)
A couple of the details are still the same though. For one, the track pack does include courses called Diamondback Speedway and Eagle's Nest. Also still true: Releasing new DLC nearly a year after a game is really, really great and we wish more companies would follow suit.
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January 17th, 2008, 19:11 Posted By: blackrave
Source: Dark_AleX
Team M33, led by Dark_AleX, the developer behind the popular M33 custom firmwares, has released an updated popsloader plugin for its newest custom firmware, 3.80 M33.
This update fixes the sleep mode bug discovered in the previous plugin.
The popsloader's main purpose is well explained by saulin here.
Make sure you have 3.80 M33 with the M33-4 patch installed. Copy the containing seplugins folder to the top level of the memory stick. Enable the plugin in the recovery mode, and add the wanted pops files by following the description below.
List of files needed for each version:
3.00-3.03: kd/popsman.prx, kd/meaudio.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.10-3.30: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx
3.40-3.72: kd/popsman.prx, kd/pops.prx, vsh/module/pafmini.prx, vsh/module/libpspvmc.prx
For example; for 3.72 pops to load, you must get the files mentioned for 3.72 above and rename them to popsman372.prx, pops372.prx, etc. Repeat for all wanted firmwares.
The files must be decrypted (use square in psardumper) from their full firmwares using the psardumper attached. PSP-Hacks.com has a good archive with all the PSP firmware updates. Put the EBOOT.PBP in the root/top level of the memory stick and run the decrypter. The decrypted files will lie on your memory stick when finished. Move them to /seplugins/popsloader/ and rename the files correctly. Hold R while booting a PSX game to bring up the popsloader menu.
Download the update below and comment.
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January 17th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay has updated his Freeradio app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 1.5, 1/16/2007
I've combined IchigoKurosaki's graphic theme and Joost's 'more screen space' mod, along with my own tweaks, into a much cleaner looking interface.
I also fixed the 'Now Playing' and 'Stop' buttons in place so you can always see them.
BTW, if you want to upgrade, but don't want to lose your personal settings from earlier versions, just delete the 'radio\personalize' folder from this when you unzip it (before you copy it onto your memory stick).
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January 17th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Allow me to re-introduce Kosmodrones — a homebrew game developed with Amiga classics like TurboRaketti and Gravity Force in mind.
Like I said before, you may compete with other players by sharing your high scores & ghosts with kosmodrones.com. Download ghost races from other competitors, load ‘em up, try not to laugh, and have them eat your dust.
Kosmodrones v1.02 changes:
PSP Slim compatible
New Race Level
Support for WPA-encrypted networks
Online highscore list for best total time
Fixed bug that caused high-score uploading to hang when the connection failed
Various other minor bug-fixes
Kudos InsertWittyName, Abhoth, and Frode Frank. Terrific work.
Download at Official Site Here (44MB) --> http://www.kosmodrones.com/
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January 17th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
I must admit i havent updated either of my Homebrew PSPs up to 3.80M33 yet, at the moment im happy enough on an older firmware infact i have a PSP on V1.5 and the other on 3.71M33-3
But now the dust has settled on the releases of the last few days and the v1.5 Kernal Addon and PSX Emu Popsloader have been released i feel its time to ask the PSP News visitors their verdicts on it and if theres any major bugs that need a looksy at
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January 17th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: F9zDark
From: http://www.gamesradar.com/us/ps3/gam...09104752229059
Even before the PC version released, rumours of a PS3 conversion of the stunning Crysis (developed by Far Cry creators Crytek) were rife, and not far off the mark if insiders at the studio are to be believed. The game looks to be a port of the PC original plus some extra modes and features, a kind of Crysis 1.5. Like the PC game you can expect a visual powerhouse; an open-world shooter that begins on a beautiful tropical island before things take a turn for the worse and aliens from a parallel world stake a claim on Earth. Only the mighty Killzone 2 could possibly hold a candle to this shooter. For technical reasons we hear an Xbox 360 version of Crysis isn’t in development. Bet you’re glad you bought a PS3 now, eh?
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January 17th, 2008, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
The Playstation Portable comes in a wealth of colours but which one is your favourite
Heres the rundown of colours available at the moment.
So thats all the colours of the PSP at the moment but which is your favourite ?
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January 18th, 2008, 02:40 Posted By: Unicorn

Via SatFinder Portable Homepage.
I have the pleasure to show to you one of the most original Homebrew that have ever coded. Pedro J has just released one of those MUST HAVE applications. With this impressive Homebrew, we will be able to watch artificial satellites from our home, using our PSP (you dont need any GPS adapter).
Pedro J words: "SatFinder Portable is the perfect program for all keen on astronomy. Its main task is to be a tool to locate in the sky hundreds of satellites that can be seen with the naked eye, making a special follow-up to the International Space Station (ISS), the brightest satellite ever."
With Satfinder Portable we will be able to:
* To determine the current position of artificial satellites and if they can be seen by the observer.
* To determine the current position of the stars, the sun and moon in the sky. We can use them for finding the satellites in the sky.
* To determine the position of constellations.
* To determine when will be the next times you will be able to see the International Space Station (ISS) in your hometown, drawing the path the ISS will follow in the sky.
* To determine which satellites are visible in the next half an hour.
* To determine the precise moment when the Sun and Moon raise and set.
* To determine when the moon phases will happen: 1st quarter, full, 3rd quarter and new.
* To determine the night starts and ends..
* To have a world map with all satellites drawn at their current position, showing up for eache one if it is eclipsed or not by the Earth, and the path the ISS will follow during the next hour.
* To listent to an voice assistant that notify us important events, letting us not to keep seeing the PSP screen all the time. These are this events:
o The dusk and dawn, to know from when we can start looking for satellites and when not.
o The emergence of a new satellite above 0, 30, 60 and 80 degrees of elevation when there is no one with higher elevation. It is useful for long waiting times in the absence of satellites, which we can look away from the screen and wait while we look at the sky.
o The appearance and disappearance of the ISS, in addition to the time when it reaches its maximum elevation.
o In each notification also is said in what direction we should look: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and UP are the possible directions.
o Sunrises and sunset. Moonrises and moonsets. There are two notifications, the first one few minutes before and the second one just when it will happen.
* It has an installer for the PC that help us to easily install the application on our PSP, taking into account the type of firmware installed, searching the corresponding directory. It is called Satfinder Updater.
* Change the SatFinder settings:
o The possibility of changing the location of the observer using the installer (permanent change), or directly using the options menu in the PSP (temporary change).
o Posibilidad de cambiar entre visión diurna y nocturna. Ability to switch between day and night vision.
o Possibility of configuring the colors for night vision and for the daytime.
o Possibility of enabling and disabling the elements to represent in the sky (Sun and Moon, stars, satellites, constellations).
o Possibility of configuring the number of stars to be shown changing the magnitude limit.
o Possibility of using automatic magnitude limit adjustments.

Its seems a little complicated at first, but you can enjoy a complete guide (in English) in the author's homepage. After installing the programm, you will be able to access to SatFinder from PSP's web browser, to learn more about our sky without using a PC.
Its coded in LUA, and its PSP Slim compatible.
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January 18th, 2008, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list
Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid JPN US$ 46.90
Commando JPN US$ 46.90
Dragon Wars (~Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Good Luck Chuck US US$ 39.99
Man On Fire (~Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Mr. Woodcock US US$ 35.99
Predator JPN US$ 46.90
Suburban Girl US US$ 32.98
Sunshine (~Michelle Yeoh, Hiroyuki Sanada, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Wall Street (~Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Went To Coney Island On A Mission From God Be Back by Five US US$ 24.97
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January 18th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer what some of you have been arguing about in our forum - that the European version of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune doesn't support 1080i resolution after all.
"Naughty Dog only added it to the US version very late in the development process," Sony told Eurogamer. "Including this in the PAL version would have meant delaying the game's release as a result of QA testing each localised version again."
"The extra time spent on QA could have resulted in the game launching post Christmas (rather than two weeks after the US) which would have upset consumers," the spokesperson explained.
This means that a very small sub-set of PS3 owners in PAL territories will discover that their HDTVs only display the game in 480p.
The reason for this is that some older HDTVs don't support 720p resolution, which is the game's highest available, and despite the developer's ability to upscale that 720p image to 1080i that does require a bit of extra programming to achieve.
Fortunately not many people in Europe will suffer on account of it, because most of our HDTVs are more up to date. In the US, however, the problem is much more prevalent, which is presumably why - alerted to it at the last minute - Naughty Dog acted quickly to satisfy its customers there.
In the end then, we got Uncharted on 7th December with 480p and 720p support, but not 1080i.
It's not all bad news for those two or three of you with older HDTVs, however, because the PlayStation 3 does not discriminate against games from other regions, meaning that you can always pop along to somewhere like NCSX, Videogamesplus or wherever and snag the US version, and enjoy the game in 720p upscaled to 1080i after all.
Plus, of course, it doesn't actually look bad in 480p anyway. Those Naughty Dog kids, they're not messing about.
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January 18th, 2008, 17:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's a year after the Xbox 360 version was released by hey, Lost Planet's a decent game and if you missed the 360 one it's well worth a look.
So here it is - 15 new screens of the PS3 version, looking as sweet as the first one did.
Unfortunately, if you're thinking about grabbing the game, you've got another six weeks of waiting to do because it's not out until February 29.
Screenshots here
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January 18th, 2008, 17:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
US attorney Jack Thompson has claimed that quotes attributed to him by British newspapers are "a total fabrication".
"I was never interviewed about Buzz. I had never heard about it until I was quoted having allegedly said this about it," Thompson claimed in an email to Eurogamer.
In articles apparently attempting to stoke concern about Relentless Software and Sony's Buzz!: The Schools Quiz for PS2, Thompson was reported to have said, "Videogames have hurt far more people than they have helped."
Thompson refutes this. "I would never say what I am quoted as saying in any context, as the quotation, regardless of what it is applied to, is absurd on its face. How in the world could anyone prove and/or quantify that games have hurt more people than they have ever helped?
"It is a total fabrication by a reporter who needed a quotation from an anti-gamer person and simply made this up," Thompson alleged. "I am very upset about this."
Thompson said he had contacted the newspapers to complain.
Having rung around Associated Newspapers (which publishes the Standard and the Mail) and Telegraph Media Group, we've been told that the quote originated in the Standard, but the writer in question has not responded to requests for comment at the time of publication.
Thompson said that while he was happy to accept criticism for things he did say, he drew the line at what he described as "fabrication". He added that he got a lot of nasty emails from people about his campaigns, and revealed that he had even received a death threat just before we called to confirm his identity.
Buzz!: The Schools Quiz uses Key Stage 2 National Curriculum questions as the basis for its interactive quiz-show. As Relentless Software's Andrew Eades explained in an interview with Eurogamer last Friday, the game was created in conjunction with the Department for Education and Skills (DfES), with development self-funded by the Brighton-based software company.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's a sports week for PSN as playable demos of Sony's NBA 08 and EA's FIFA Street 3 hit the UK PS3 Store.
Sony must be going for a DLC record with Folklore too, because there's another goody pack to grab today, titled "Visions of the Tower".
And you can put that US account to use and download the newly-released Turok demo from the US PS3 Store, too.
No PSone games though, disappointingly. What's the deal with that, Sony?
Full list below:
PS3 Store
- NBA Demo - Free
- Fifa Street 3 Demo - Free
- Turok Demo - Free (US PSN only!)
- Visions of the Tower (Folklore) - £1.49
- Guitar Hero III -Trust - Antisocial Single Track - £1.49
- Guitar Hero III - Die Fantastischen vier - 1.49
- Guitar Hero III - Extremoduro - So Payaso Single Track - £1.49
- Guitar Hero III - Warner Track Pack - 3.99
- BIA Hell's Highway Trailer - Free
- Borderlands Debut Trailer - Free
- GT5 Prologue Trailer - Free
PC store
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January 18th, 2008, 18:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has issued a statement in response to the cries of disappointment from gamers who expected the online SingStar shop, SingStore, to contain 350 songs - as Sony had originally promised.
"SingStar fans have been asking when the SingStore will be populated with more songs," admits Sony. "Our original vision, as outlined in early preview coverage of SingStar, was to have more than 350 songs available on the SingStore."
Sony instead only managed to deliver just over 60 songs on the store.
Sony adds: "We are working hard to increase the volume of content as quickly as possible. Eighteen new tracks will be live in the SingStore from 18th January (15 English and 3 Spanish tracks) including songs from KT Tunstall, David Bowie and Blur."
You can see a list of the SingStar Packs, as well as the rest of the new PSN content available today in our earlier report.
"This will be followed by an update the week of 4th February, including tracks from The Editors and MC Hammer, and we will be updating the SingStore with new content twice monthly thereafter," promises Sony.
"Thanks for your ongoing support," concludes the statement on semi-official blog, Threespeech. Just bring on the Snoop Dogg tracks and we'll be willing to forget about it.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
MTV has said more than 2.5 million Rock Band songs have been downloaded from Live and PSN.
Developer Harmonix has added fresh content regularly since the game's US launch last November.
Songs can be downloaded in packs of three for 440 Microsoft Points (GBP 3.74) or USD 5.49 on PSN. Or you can buy them individually ranging from one to two dollars, depending on current offers.
Most popular so far is a Metallica pack with masters of Ride the Lightning, Blackened and Justice for all. The Police and David Bowie combination bundles (two covers, one master) also sold well.
The individual crown went to the Juke Box Hero cover by Foreigner, while Buddy Holly by Wheezer stood out as the only master among the runners-up.
Full album downloads will be out "very shortly" according to MTV boss Paul DeGooyer (talking to GameSpot), although a price is still to be mentioned.
He also promised standalone instruments "shortly", as currently you need to buy the entire bundle to play.
Rock Band was released on 20th November in the US, but recent NPD yearly sales figures showed rival Guitar Hero III was currently winning the rhythm-action battle.
The game won't face in Europe until sometime this quarter, but clever clogs Tom managed to get a US version to play and decided it was worth an 8/10. Pop over to our Rock Band review to find out why.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Electronic Arts has told Eurogamer any similarity between the Burnout Paradise box and the cover of an album by US band Karate is "pure coincidence".
As reported by Joystiq earlier this week, the album was released in 2000. It shows a car coloured with red, black, blue and yellow tones on a white background.
Burnout Paradise is due out later this month for PS3 and Xbox 360. The game's cover shows a car coloured with red, black, blue and yellow tones on a white background.
However, an EA spokesperson today dismissed suggestions the similarities between the images were anything more than a fluke. "It is pure coincidence," he stated.
Burnout Paradise will hit the shops on 25th January.
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January 18th, 2008, 18:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
LucasArts has winged over five brand new screens for its space shooter, Fracture. Come see.
Here's a little weekend treat, five new shots from Fracture, which doesn't look anything like Mass Effect at all. Does it?
Anyway, we bet you agree it's looking great and here's a clip from PSM3's recent preview: "Fracture is set in 2161. There's a war on. Now there's a surprise. It's Europe and Eastern USA vs Asia and Western USA, who, unsportingly, have created a load of genetic mutants to fight their battles.
"But Jet Brody on the East USA side and 'cybernetically enhanced', has a trick or two up his sleeve - and they're called 'tectonic' and 'subsonic' grenades. Subsonic grenades cause massive ditches which magnetically attract enemies towards them, then blow up."
Finish what you started here. But not before you've looked at the shots below.
Screenshots here
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January 18th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: bandit
Sony has released a video of how their new PlayTV works with the PSP, TV and PlayStation 3. You can watch, replay and record digital TV on your PlayStation 3. Watch the video..
Source: Three Speech
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January 18th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: bandit
Sony has released a video of how their new PlayTV works with the PSP, TV and PlayStation 3. You can watch, replay and record digital TV on your PlayStation 3. Watch the video..
Source: Three Speech
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January 19th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Even before the PC version released, rumours of a PS3 conversion of the stunning Crysis (developed by Far Cry creators Crytek) were rife, and not far off the mark if insiders at the studio are to be believed. The game looks to be a port of the PC original plus some extra modes and features, a kind of Crysis 1.5.
For technical reasons we hear an Xbox 360 version of Crysis isn't in development.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Hardware Momentum
* December 2007 was the biggest month for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) since launch, with 798K hardware units sold in December; this represents an increase of 60% over December of last year. With upcoming titles like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, and HAZE as well as current momentum for Blu-ray, there is a great deal of enthusiasm for the PS3 as we enter the new year.
Software Momentum
* PlayStation total software revenue in December was $822 million, sales nearly doubled compared to last month's sales.
* PlayStation platforms had three software titles in the top ten list across all consoles for the month of December: Guitar Hero III for PS2 sold 800K units, Madden NFL 08 for PS2 sold 655K units and Call of Duty 4 on PS3 sold 522K units.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Is it the rising Blu-Ray hype that is driving sales? Or a baser aspect of the techno-toy that is beginning to spur on the return of the PlayStation brand.
In my opinion the answer is a bit of both, sales have steadily increased arguably in line with the rise of HD TV. But similarly world-wide sales of the Wii and Xbox 360 have also increased almost in parallel.
The big jumps in PS3 sales have occurred on a regional basis because of significant software releases, for example, in Japan there were spikes of PS3 sales for the release of Virtua Fighter 5, Gundam Musou, Hot Shots Golf 5 and more recently for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.
Amongst the differing tastes of Western regions on the other hand, it is hard to find a PS3 exclusive that became a console seller. Unlike Halo 3 for Xbox 360, games such as Lair, Heavenly Sword and even Uncharted: Drake's Fortune caused only minor ripples of increased hardware sales.
No, the single significant event that has started the resurgence of sales in the PS3, which now matches the Xbox 360 world-wide, was the price adjustment in early November . Across all regions, the spike in sales and continued success of the machine has been simply due to making it cheaper.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Remember when Sony took backwards compatibility out of the PLAYSTATION 3? That hurt. But, don't worry, it appears as though Sony hasn't totally given up on BC. A job listing for a development engineer has popped up on the Sony Computer Entertainment site. The job entails:
"Implementing and improving software emulation for the PS/PS2/PSP/PS2 for the PS3 and the next generation system."
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January 19th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Supercomputing in education is a brand-new game thanks to a cluster of Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) consoles and some creative thinking.
In 2005, when University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth physics professor Guarav Khanna first learned of Sony's plans to release a new open-platform PlayStation device with a high-power microprocessor, or a "Cell Broadband Engine," he had a feeling the new video-game console would hold great promise beyond gaming.
Now, Khanna's suspicions have paid off, as he conducts high-level scientific research on a supercomputer he built with his colleague Glen Volkema late last year, using a cluster of eight PS3 consoles running Linux.
Because of the unique features and easy accessibility of the PS3, Khanna believes the console has huge potential for use in settings other than research institutions--such as in classrooms and school computer labs.
According to Khanna's calculations, each PS3 cell processor--which he dubs a "supercomputer on a chip"--is equal to about 25 processors in a traditional desktop computer. The PS3 has a "lot more legs" than other processors, Khanna says--"a lot more potential."
The raw power of Khanna's PS3 supercomputer is perfect for highly calculation-intensive research, such as his own on small stars and black holes. But it's the machine's low cost that is the real story.
Whereas a mid-range desktop computer with decent processing power costs about $1,000, a single PS3 console sells for about $400, even though the production cost of the device runs around $800. As with other gaming consoles, the cost of the PS3 is subsidized, Khanna explains, so Sony can make money from the sale of video games.
"We're talking about saving a tremendous amount of money," Khanna says, referring to the use of multiple PS3 consoles to create a supercomputer.
Khanna's eight-PS3 supercomputer has tremendous implications for the research community, especially as the wait time for supercomputer use has skyrocketed in recent years.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
According to a new survey conducted by product pricing site kakaku.com, as reported by Dow Jones, Japanese gamers care more about software than pricing. Of the 3,422 gamers polled 49.2 percent said their top concern when considering a console to purchase is whether it's "compatible with the games they absolutely want to play."
28 percent said they planned to buy the Wii next compared to 27 percent who said the PS3 would be their next purchase.
Perhaps, however, these numbers are so close because so many gamers have already purchased a Wii at this point. One quarter said they already own the Wii compared to just 10 percent who own the PS3. Another quarter own the DS, while just three percent have the Xbox 360.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from RedSquirrel:
Hi guys, sorry for my bad english, I'm Italian ^^
I would to share with this wonderfull community my last update to Alternative VSHMenù, the 3.5.
from the attached README.txt:
What's it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenù that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenù and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME (by Default) in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenù!
Press CIRCLE (by Default) in Menù to close it.
N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenù does not work!
-Changed the disposition of menu lines to avoid to occupy all PSP screen height.
-Added a function to enable/disable M33 Network Update.
-Now when VSHMenù begins, the button "Shutdown PSP" will be selected as the first. In this way the process of PSP turning off, reboot and standby is quickly.
-Added 2 new versions of the PRX: one of them is the Italian translation (by Red Squirrel) and the other is the French Translation (by Britix).
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January 19th, 2008, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
mirzab14 has released a new version of his create directorys application for the PSP Custom Firmware 3.80m33
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January 19th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Freeplay has released a new version of his Radio Player for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 1.6, 1/17/2008
fixed the readme... this ain't 2007 anymore
Added support for user themes, based on cascading stylesheets. To make a theme, create a file called 'user_theme.css' in the Radio\Personalize folder and edit it with any text editor. It's a standard CSS stylesheet, so if you don't know about CSS, it's time to learn There are a few special pieces of the page which can be themed individually:
'bg': The background image.
'meta': The bar at the top of the screen that displays the current stream info.
'stopbutton': The 'stop playback' button.
To theme these pieces, make sure their name is preceded by a '#' in the user_theme.css file; this is how CSS knows it's a page element that has a specific ID. If you're confused, check out the example user_theme.css file; it's a copy of default the 'bg', 'meta', and 'stopbutton' theme settings.
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January 19th, 2008, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from theketchupman
Hey guys, it've been a long time since i've not updated the recovery LE ... Here it's the time to do it
Recovery LE 3.80 v1
Credits :
- Pandora tool thx to HellCat & SilverSpring (thx so much)
- WildCard team for the Recovery Plugin
New in this release
- 100% functionnal in 3.80 M33
- [+] adding "M33 network" setting in Advanced.
- Pandora now use (thx to HellCat & SilverSpring) hardware functions, since pandora's main functions no longer exist in 3.80.
- [-] Removed : backing up and writing up EEPROM.
Known bugs :
- when you go off sleep mode, there's 99% of chance that the plugin freezes. If someone has an idea, just mail me at ketchup[at]pspgen.com
- if you see more bugs, just tell me at the same email adress.
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January 19th, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
If you and your PlayStation 2 were hoping to tear up some farmland with your UFO, THQ has bad news for you: Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed has been cancelled.
IGN discovered the cancellation during an e-mail session with a THQ representative but has been unable to obtain a comment from the company.
Set before the events of Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon -- a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 installment of the franchise that ships in March -- Big Willy Unleashed is still coming to the Wii and PSP. Basically, aliens are back to conquer the planet and it's up to you to make sure the beasts succeed.
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January 19th, 2008, 01:28 Posted By: JKKDARK
via GameGuru
After the launch of Singstar Bollywood, Sony Computer Entertainment has brought yet another party game to India. Sony’s Buzz quiz game was so popular the world over, and now it is here in the country in the form of Buzz!: The Maha Quiz. Making it very special is the fact that the game has been made to cater to the local audience and has been developed in collaboration with quizmaster Derek O’ Brien. It is available as of now only for the PlayStation 2 console.
This party game has over 5,000 questions on trivia ranging from celebrities to nature to history to sports. There are some questions relating to music as well, making this even more of a fun party game. Basically, the game promises to recreate the TV game show experience right in your room!
Set in a well-designed virtual studio, you will be surrounded by all the hype with the comically cheesy Buzz as the game show host and his curvaceous assistant Rose.
The best part is that up to 8 people can play the game. Moreover, Buzz!: The Maha Quiz comes with 4 buzzers, making it even more realistic.
Buzz!: The Maha Quiz was launched in style in a swanky lounge/club in Mumbai in the presence of cricketer Srishant, actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, flim critic Rajeev Masandand Mr.Radhakrishnan, well known as a NeoSports anchor. Certainly it was a star-studded affair, and all four of them who seemed to have been well picked from varied fields, competed against each other on stage, playfully edging each other on.
Yes, a real life Mr.Buzz was present at the event, who seemed to live up to his comic and cheesy nature as well.
Mr.Atindriya Bose- Country Manager, Sony Computer Entertainment said, “Buzz enjoys a tremendous fan following across the globe because of three key elements - accessibility, character and sociability. It’s the live-in-your-living-room game show experience that everyone can enjoy, thanks to the Buzz! Buzzers. The cheeky personality of Buzz guides the tone of the game and related communications, setting it apart from bland competitors. Rose with her vixen-like appearance and appeal, also adds glamour to the game. After the success of Singstar Bollywood, it is only natural that we bring in Indian game contents in such a popular franchise as Buzz!: The Maha Quiz.”
The newly launched Buzz: The Maha Quiz which is based on the original Buzz! Game includes 3 new rounds together with the old favorites. Expect the final round of the game to be very competitive. Buzz!: The Maha Quizz also gives you many characters to choose from.
A very interesting feature is that you will actually be able to get yourself on to the big screen only if you have an EyeToy USB camera!

Here are the new features seen in Buzz!: The Maha Quiz
# Slick TV-style presentation and a studio at-its-most technically advanced
# Fully-implemented 5-8 playermode
# 12 different territory SKU’s
# 5000 + brand new general knowledge questions, covering TV, movies, music, sports, science, nature and more
# New pictures, videos and music
# All-new round types g) “Mystery Games”
# Track your stats in the Hall of Fame
# 16 contestants to choose from
# plug in an EyeToy USB Camera and get yourself on the big screen
# fine-tune the Buzz! experience with 3 difficulty levels and 3 game lengths
# Classic Buzz! game modes: Single Player and Multiplayer, plus Teamplay, Quiz Master and Quickfire Modes.
Buzz!: The Maha Quiz is available for the Sony PlayStation 2 console for a price of Rs.1,499 in India. It comes with 4 buzzers for a fun multiplayer experience.
Word is that Buzz!: The Maha Quiz will be launched for Sony PS3 consoles sometime in late 2008.
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January 19th, 2008, 01:29 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Freeplay has again updated his Radio Player for the PSP
Version 1.7, 1/18/2008
Added support for custom plugins. Included an example - a two-channel equalizer that displays beneath the 'stop' button. For an example of how plugins work, open X:\radio\plugins\equalize r.plugin in your favorite text editor.
Plugins are self-contained JavaScript files, so if you're any good with that, you can easily make your own plugins. FreeRadio will automatically load any plugin files stored in the X:\radio\plugins folder with a filename ending in '.plugin'. The only requirements for a plugin are 'load' and 'start' functions and a variable named 'started'. The rest is up to you.
Plugins are only loaded in the Shoutcast, Stream, and Playlist views; this is because rest either don't play audio or might not always look the same (since podcasts and RSS can use HTML).
The web browser and bookmark links now open in a new tab, rather than the current one.
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January 19th, 2008, 02:24 Posted By: JKKDARK
New beta of the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux.
* Reverted a Scratchpad change which stopped Tekken 4 working in 275.
* Fixed the corrupt block in the corner of the psychonauts videos
Plus previous fixes:
* FF7 Dirge Of Cerberus crash fixed.
* Couple of Vif stall fixes (chessmasters goes 1 screen further, woo!!) brings a tiny speedboost for Guitar Hero too.
* VU Skip reverted to the old version to fix those games which had black screen problems when using it
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January 19th, 2008, 05:54 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
This Moonrise/Moonset Calculator is based on an old BASIC program that has been floating about the net for years.
All I know is that it was printed in an old astronomy magazine, and it works. It is available on the net here:
and that is the original program that I have translated for Commodore 64 BASIC to produce this C64 program file.

It's ready to run on the PSPVice emulator for the Sony Playstation Portable.
PSP Vice for the PSP can be downloaded here:
All testing with this program was done with PSPVice version 1.2 (Jan '08) as is the current version available from the website.
At some stage, I will probably port this to C, and include it into my Time Baby Clock program.
Look out for Time Baby V9b. It corrects a moon phase calc bug.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, if you want the source code, just type LIST once it's finished running!
Cheers, Art.
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January 19th, 2008, 16:01 Posted By: gamefreak199101
MUX 2.1 by KingSebo (C) 2008

Copy MUX21 folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/
Delete ms0:/PSP/GAME/MUX21
MUX 2.1 is a tool, to multiplex your Updates to your MS, this means:
After starting MUX 2.1 the first time, in PSP/GAME/MUX21/ you have 9 UPDATE_X folders.
In this folders, you can put your UPDATE files.
Now start MUX 2.1.
Press O to label the UPDATE_X folders
(Remeber the content of the UPDATE_X folders)
Press X to aktivate UPDATE_X as UPDATE
(means: Copy the content of ms0:/PSP/GAME/MUX21/UPDATE_x to of ms0:/PSP/GAME/MUX21/UPDATE)
Press [] to aktivate UPDATE_X as GAME
(means: Copy the content of ms0:/PSP/GAME/MUX21/UPDATE_x to of ms0:/PSP/GAME/MUX21/UPDATE_APP)
(Example: 3.80 M33 1.5er Kernel AddOn (this AddOn have to use another foldername as UPDATE)
After activate an UPDATE, you can return to XMB and start the UPDATE normal.
Starting MUX 2.1 the first time MUX 2.1 is looking for MUX 2.0. When found MUX 2.0 and the UPDATE folders inside,
MUX 2.1 using the content of the MUX 2.0 folders and delet MUX 2.0
When MUX 2.1 don´t found MUX 2.0, the folders will be creat new.
Your old UPDATE folder will backuped to ms0:\UPDATE_BACKUP.
ms0:/PSP/GAME/anothername/.... will not work.
NEW in Version 2.1:
* Copy as UPDATE or as GAME (for UPDATES not using PSP/GAME/UPDATE)
* Increase the speed
* Small changes by read the Update Folder Infos.
* Completly in english (Menu and Readme)
__________________________________________________ __________________________
Dark_ALeX, psp2dev, bumuckle, Team3GO ,smokescreen, QJ,
BUM BUMMANIAC, Ralf Ricker, Murat, Maria and Peter, PSPFreakNRW2007,
pspfreak.de , die Ludolfs......
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January 19th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
SNK has announced all the titles in their upcoming Arcade Classics Volume 1 for PS2 and PSP:
A lot of these are already available for purchase elsewhere on the PS2 (or virtual console), but it'll be worth it for Sengoku, Last Resort, Shock Troopers, Burning Fight, and Baseball Stars 2. My guess is this'll be at the $29.99 pricepoint instead of the usual $14.99 - simply because there's also a PSP version, and you can't really sell a new PSP game for much less than that..
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January 19th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
via insert credit
SNK has announced all the titles in their upcoming Arcade Classics Volume 1 for PS2 and PSP:
A lot of these are already available for purchase elsewhere on the PS2 (or virtual console), but it'll be worth it for Sengoku, Last Resort, Shock Troopers, Burning Fight, and Baseball Stars 2. My guess is this'll be at the $29.99 pricepoint instead of the usual $14.99 - simply because there's also a PSP version, and you can't really sell a new PSP game for much less than that..
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January 19th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has posted this on his website for those wondering why the porting machine hasnt released for a while:
The recent drought of new releases may have some of you wondering if development has stopped. The answer is no, not really - though if you want someone to blame, blame Microsoft and the XBOX 360 - it’s been sucking up more of my free time than my trusty old PS2 (for those who may be wondering, I rarely use the PSP for anything other than emulation). That, and the heavier workload (at work) are the reasons why development is sluggish.
Good news, however, is that development hasn’t stopped - look forward to some interesting releases in the time to come.
Oh, and Happy New Year. Let’s take this time to thank the generous souls behind the PSP SDK for continuing to provide us with many hours of coding (and classic gaming) goodness. If it wasn’t for them, the PSP would be just another portable gaming console. Thanks, guys.
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January 19th, 2008, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video converter for the PSP and more, heres whats new:
After long work on web design released new version of XviD4PSP.
For more easy crop to fit video for iPhone added 1.500 out aspect (for MP4 iPhone and MP4 iPod Touch formats).
Added 30.000 fps framerate.
From main installer unnecessary splitters. These functions must do your codec pack now.
To main installer added AviSynth 2.5.7 MT (multi-processor version) now.
Added a lot of new filtering presets, many of them with a multi-processor support. Thanks HellGerhard and Andrew_B.
FFMpegSource decoder updated to version 1.15. Now it is a static version does not require the installation of files in the system32.
Updated components: ffmpeg, MP4Box, x264.
Added MKVRebuilder tool. It helps rebuild damaged MKV files.
Added FFRebuilder tool. Use it to decode or rebuild any problematic or damaged file.
Added translations to French, Spanish, Hebrew, Portuguese and Chinese. Thanks to mwm, leglaude061, Ginger, chrono_kazumi and evanren.
For simple bitrate encoding added auto bitrate calculation.
Fixed audio tracks selection.
Fixed crop aspect fix for cropped sources.
iPod profiles renamed to MP4 iPod 5.0G and MP4 iPod 5.5G.
Archos profile renamed to MP4 Archos 5G.
Tweaked and fixed Archos format.
Added MP4 Archos 650 format.
Added Italian translation, thanks to 9600pro.
Fixed resolution masks.
Fixed XviD profile creation crash.
Many thanks to all who make donations to support the project!
Download at Official Site Here --> http://www.winnydows.com/comment.php?comment.news.31
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January 19th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
kingromain posted this release:

Hello everyone!
Voila, I propose a second version of my game battle star. I do not know if anyone remembers my first version but I give you the link. History rafraichire the memory of some lol
So without further ado news of the new version (the game still has no second level, I am right now in the process of working on it)
- The game has now sounds when the vessel fired or explode
- The effects were added when you kill the boss
The bump-shooting blue balls that are more damage
- There is more to the possibility of increasing their lives or to bring down with r or l
- The game now has a break with start
It is also important to note that the official website of this game is the site:
http://devluapsp.free.fr/ (it is also a site programming lua for psp)
Voila feel free to give your impressions!
Thanks again to you!
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January 19th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
First, bring up a terminal.
Applications > Accessories > Terminal
Then, in the window that comes up, type
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10
To make the change permanent, do the following:
in the terminal, type
sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
(if you don't have gedit, type sudo apt-get install gedit, then perform the above step)
In the sysctl.conf file, add this line at the bottom of the page:
Afterwards, either click File > Save
Or just click the Save icon.
Close the window afterwards.
Congratulations! You just forced Linux to use the PS3's RAM more often instead of virtual RAM on the Hard Drive (known as swap file...it's 100 times slower than RAM access).
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January 19th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
You all remember the video of the Playstation 3 XMB being something like you see in Minority Report but on screen? The Playstation 3 might be getting the interactive XMB and all you need is the Playstation Eye. You be able to browse through your friends list, music, movies, games ect using your hand movements...cool huh!
As stated above they "might" so for now it just be a rumor and please do take it lightly and enjoy the games thats coming out for the Playstation 3...
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January 20th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Quick Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.71 m33.
This application gives you the possibility of keeping 5 themes in your memory stick and flash
them wherever you want simply and confortably. Remember that this software touches files in flash0,

Instalation and Use
Before starting you should know that Quick Flasher can only be playen in a Custom Firmware 3.71 M33 instaled
from "Despertar del cementerio v. 3" from Dark_Alex
For instaling Quick Flasher extrack all the content of the .RAR archive and copie it in the folder MsRoot in
the root of yous memory stick
Using Quick Flasher is very simple, use the direction pad and select one of the options by pressing the X buttom.
Note: The application will show a warning for 10 seconds when it is started, you can pass
this warning by pressing O
The files or themes for flashing in your Fat or Slim PSP should go inside the folder PSP/THEME/Xmb0x
Important: Before flashing any theme, be sure you have the required space in the flash

File List
Developed: Marce82
Graphics: FullDark
Web-Site: marce82projects.blogspot.com
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January 20th, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
AC-_k has released a new version of his XMB Editor, this editor is now compatible with the latest dark alex 3.80 m33 firmware:
General Editor :
- Drag & Drop.
- Config for CheckPRX.
- Config for Enabled Compression.
PAF Editor :
- Paf.prx 3.73 support.
- Paf.prx 3.80 support.
VSHMain Editor :
- Error on Menu Editor Fixed (Find by MikeyMike01).
- Y Position Hold Fix in 3.71 & 3.72.
- VSHMain.prx 3.73 support.
- Date & Hour Format (Just Read - Write Function Needed).s
- VSHMain.prx 3.80 support.
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January 20th, 2008, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE - Dark Alex has now released the latest update to his Custom Firmware, Heres whats new:
3.80 M33-5
- Fixed custom CPU clock not working in games
- CPU clock has never (in any SE/OE/M33) be set at all in games that restarted using sceKernelLoadExec to use a subgame or reload themselves,
after said restart happened (e.g. Castlevania). Fixed.
- Added setting to recovery to hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG in the XMB game menu
By default off, when on you will probably notice a faster browse in XMB games.
This setting only applies to any kind of apps/games (pbp, iso) that load from MS, but not to UMD's.
Make sure you have 3.80M33 Installed
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Mathieulh just let us know that a new update to the 3.80 m33 Custom Firmware is incoming
ahem.... your attention please, M33-5 soon to be released over the network update (I am going to global whenever it is so avoid refreshing the website or the network update feature every minutes) Thanks for your understanding
News and downloads etc as soon as it arrives
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January 21st, 2008, 16:15 Posted By: gamefreak199101
PSPFAN This Will Really Cool You Off On A Summer Day. The Fan Can Blow Really Well. Turn The Volume Up And Feel The Cool Air.
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January 21st, 2008, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
Wow todays sees a great release for the PSP basically PSPKVM allows you to play mobile java games on your PSP.
Heres the release details
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "pspkvm" and "pspkvm%" to GAME150 folder.
Start PSPKVM and select a .jar file in the Memory stick to run.
The defualt device is SE K800i, user can press Triangle to select another device, such as Nokia S60, Motolora Triplets, and etc.
Key mapping:
Up -> NUM2
Left -> NUM4
Right -> NUM6
Down -> NUM8
AnalogStick -> D-pad
Cross -> NUM0
Square -> NUM1
Triangle -> NUM3
Circle -> NUM5
L+Square -> NUM7
L+Triangle -> NUM9
SELECT -> L-Soft
START -> R-Soft
L+Circle -> SELECT
L -> *
R -> #
L+R+Cross -> Red-key(terminate current application)

Supported APIs:
a part of nokia UI
Proposed Supporting APIs:
nokia UI
Bugs & suggestions:
2008-01-07 00:37 v0.0.8 fix some bugs that may cause some games can not be played. Please check the gameloft games compatible list.
2008-01-04 20:04 v0.0.7 fix the blank screen bug; add a new key "SELECT". download
2008-01-03 01:04 v0.0.6 user can select device by press Triangle now.
2008-01-02 00:20 v0.0.5 fix some bugs.
2007-12-31 23:50 v0.0.4 fix 2 crash bugs.
2007-12-31 00:14 v0.0.3 fix a crash bug and optimized.
2007-12-23 01:48 v0.0.2 fix some bugs.
2007-12-10 00:42 v0.0.1 the first release.
Download this awesome release via Comments and Give Your Feedback and let us know what games work on the PSP 
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January 21st, 2008, 18:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
THQ has declined to confirm or deny rumours the PlayStation 3 version of Frontlines: Fuel of War has been canned.
The rumour began via that ever-reliable fountain of truth, the Xbox.com forum.
The flames were fanned by an administrator posting on the Kaos Studios boards. "Please do not overeact to rumors or, like with release dates, take what retailers say as truth," he advised.
However, the admin didn't go so far as to deny the rumour, stating, "The timing of this was unfortunate as it was the weekend but there will be actual info shortly."
Another poster claiming to be from Kaos sought to offer reassurance Frontlines is still in development for at least one console. "Don't fret," he wrote. "The Xbox 360 version is great!" Great.
We went to publisher THQ for clarification - but went home disappointed. "THQ does not comment on rumour and speculation," a spokesperson said.
Frontlines: Fuel of War is due to arrive on PC, Xbox 360 and possibly even PS3 on February 29th. There's already a demo on Xbox Live and you'll find all manner of screens, videos and typing about it over on the gamepage.
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January 21st, 2008, 18:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Activision has announced that its Guitar Hero franchise has set an industry record, surpassing USD 1 billion in North American retail sales in just 26 months.
"Guitar Hero is one of the biggest brands and one of the most powerful distribution platforms in all of entertainment today," said Michael Griffith, president and CEO of Activision Publishing, Inc.
"Guitar Hero's popularity with broad audiences is a confirmation that video games have become a true mass medium."
Since its initial release in fall 2005, the Guitar Hero franchise has sold in excess of 14 million units in North America alone, according to The NPD Group.
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was the number one title in units and dollars for calendar year 2007, making it the number one best-selling video game of all time in a single calendar year according to Activision.
In the ten weeks since the game's launch, consumers have already downloaded more than five million songs.
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January 21st, 2008, 18:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Ask any Gran Turismo 5 Prologue player what's missing from the GT5 sampler, and they'll likely answer with Moon Over the Castle. The franchise theme song didn't make it into the Prologue version, suggesting that we'd have to wait until the real GT5 release before hearing it again.
Today, we learned that this won't be the case. The new version of the theme song, titled Moon Over The Castle GT5 Prologue Version, will be included in an upcoming soundtrack for the game which was announced today in Japan. The theme song was newly recorded in Los Angeles.
Set for Japanese release on February 20, the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Original Game Soundtrack will include a total of 18 tracks. Village Music will publish the soundtrack, which will retail for pre-tax 2,200 yen.
Here's a list of tracks, listed with composer/lyricist.
1. SURV1V3 (daiki kasho/ayesha cole)
2. ROAD STAR (Nittoku Inoue/-)
3. Back 2 U (MAKOTO/-)
4. Love&Peace (KENMMEI/-)
5. Flatout (Mitsutoshi Sato/-)
6. Constructor's Blues (Mitsutoshi Sato/-)
7. When The Rains Come (Satoshi Bandoh/-)
8. Farewell (Satoshi Bandoh/-)
9. Are you ready? (Yudai Sato/-)
10. The Last Helping (Mitsuharu Ura & FUNAI/-)
11. GT-FORCE (cargo/-)
12. Current of the times (Yudai Sato/-)
13. Wind from Rio (Yasuo Sako/-)
14. twieky 4 (naomee/-)
15. sky high mountain breeze (naomee/-)
16. EDGE OF THE WORLD (daiki kasho/Jonathan Underdown)
17. GET AWAY (Nittoku Inoue/-)
18. Moon Over The Castle GT5 Prologue Version (Masahiro Andoh/-)
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January 21st, 2008, 18:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Do we continue to write Lost Planet posts no matter how insignificant simply because the headlines practically write themselves? No. Don't be ridiculous: We're professionals. Now, do we post about Lost Planet because our collection of Photoshops based on it continue to make us laugh? ... Yeah, OK. You got us on that one.
But hey, don't scroll away just yet, this is Lost Planet info that you might actually find pretty useful. Capcom has announced that the PS3 version of the shooter will be arriving on February 26. In case you've forgotten, this version also ships with a new playable female character, Luka, in tow. We're just happy to hear she got off the second floor.
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January 21st, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Dark Alex is back with a new version of the Universal Unbricker and Custom Firmware Installer for the PSP
Changes in version 4
- - Installer now checks if user has a custom theme installed, and ask him to disable it before running the program.
- - the PSN DRM file in flash2 (act.dat) is now backuped during ms creation and restored in the unbrick.
- - flash2 is now formatted too.
- - Now installs 3.80 M33-5 instead of 3.71 M33-3.
- If you have already a pandora ms, don't do this part. Otherwise,
format an ms using c+d mspformat or any other tool that allows to move
partition to ~250kb from first sector
Remove ms, usb and connect again usb and ms.
Make PSP and PSP/GAME dirs.
- - Copy despertar_cementerio to PSP/GAME/
- - Download 1.50, 3.40 and 3.80 update eboots and copy them to ms root with
150.PBP, 340.PBP and 380.PBP names. - - If you have a PTF custom theme set, quit it before running the program.
- - Use the app under a cfw with 2.x or 3.x kernel (be sure that kernel is
selected on recovery to the correct one (2.x or 3.x)) - - Once finished, u will have msipl.bin on root. If you already have a pandora
ms, you don't have to do this step (ipl doesn't changes lol), otherwise,
use c+d msinst to install ipl on ms; or use dd command from unix, or any
hex-edit program to write on sector 16 on the physical drive. - - Now you can delete 340 and 150 PBP's, as they won't be used more; but 380.PBP
will be used for unbricker, so don't delete it. - - Now you have an universal pandora ms ready to go, and you just need a proper
battery. If you have 1.50 kernel access, use c+d tool. Otherwise, use corly149 tool.
Battery and ms will work on all psp and slims to this date.
- - Press X to install 3.80M33.
- - Press O to install original 3.80
- - Press [] to dump nand to nand-dump.bin. When done, psp will auto shutdown.
- - Press L+R+HOME+start to restore nand from nand-dump.bin
This proccess is very dangerous, and you should *just* use it if it's your
last chance to get it working.
This is a physical restore process (not a logical one), and will try to make
a 100% exact clon of the dump.
If you are working with a dump that isn't yours, you will get either a brick
or a corrupt idstorage, depending on the firmware.
If while you are restoring your psp have got any damaged block more than
when you dumped it, you might also get a brick, depending on what block is it.
Works for both PSP and PSP Slim.
Note: If you are gonna use the memory stick to restore a psp other than the one that created it,
check if the file /registry/act.dat exists in the ms. If it exists, remove it, otherwise the restored psp may not be able
to buy psn games until the user doesn't delete from flash2 the act.dat of the other psp. (act.dat files are unique for each psp).
Note that act.dat will be restored to the moment of the MS creation.
If you have bought other PSN game later, the act.dat file may have changed and if you restore the old one, you may loose the latest bought game.
Backup flash2:/act.dat each time after you buy something from the PSN! Download And Give Feedback via Comments
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January 21st, 2008, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Although Japan Today doesn't realize that Blu-ray discs aren't DVDs, they do have some interesting stats that shed some light on why Warner might have chose to go BD exclusive. The report is from a study of 2,300 Japaneese electronic retailers, and shows that 90-percent of HD movie player sales -- not counting the PS3 -- were owned by Blu-ray. The other interesting thing to note is that although Americans couldn't care less about recording to shiny round discs, the Japanese continue to love it, and HD disc recorder sales were up to 20-percent in November and December from 6.1-percent in October. Leading the way in recorder sales was Sony, followed by Panasonic and Sharp.
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January 21st, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, JAPAN Studio, THE EYE OF JUDGMENT presents a new style of gameplay where collectible trading cards, embedded with a CyberCode, are brought to life in the 3D game through use of the innovative "9 Fields" battle mat and PLAYSTATION Eye. Players compete by selecting a card and placing the coded card in front of the PLAYSTATION Eye for their respective creatures to come to life and battle on screen. Players take turns placing cards as they jostle for control; the winner is the first player to conquer five of the nine squares of the "9 Fields" battle mat. The gamers task is to conquer the board by deploying their cards more skillfully than their opponent.
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January 21st, 2008, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Xsjado posted this news/release:
Project4 Theme Flasher/Manager by Xsjado
This is a very basic app that can
easily manage, backup and flash
themes for Auraomega's Project4
XMB Replacement. It is only a text
based menu and no fancy graphics to
keep it as simple as possible.
Backup is put in ms0:/P4/Backup/
Theme1 images go in ms0:/P4/Theme1/
Theme2 images go in ms0:/P4/Theme2/
Theme3 images go in ms0:/P4/Theme3/
Up - Navigate Up
Down - Navigate Down
Left - Change Option(for USB)
Right - Change Option(for USB)
Cross - Select Option
Start - Toggle Black Rectangle On/Off
*Sometimes, when moving throught the
menu, two backgrounds will kinda
mesh together when you scroll
*Background rectangle wont turn off
USB or Exit is selected
*When you turn off the background
rectangle and scroll to either
USB or Exit, the text will get
messed up
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January 21st, 2008, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Good Bookr is a Bible reader for the Sony PSP, based on the open source Bookr ebook reader.
Unlike other Bible releases for the PSP, The Good Bookr is a standalone compiled program, not a set of images or web pages. This is because a major goal of The Good Bookr is to provide a robust search interface which lends itself to Bible study.
The Good Bookr uses SQLite to store, search, and retrieve Bible texts. It also uses Danzeff OSK for the search interface.
Load a specific book, from Genesis to Revelation.
Search by keyword, chapter, or verse.
Bookmark individual chapters and verses.
Navigate via book and chapter.
Configurable controls.
Select font face and font size.
Customize font and background colors.
Rotate the text to read vertically.
Most of the controls are configurable. These are the defaults:
Triangle - Open search menu
Square - Previous chapter
Circle - Next chapter
Left Trigger - Previous book
Right Trigger - Next book
Up/Down - Scroll one line
Left/Right - Scroll ten lines
Select - Open bookmarks/options
Start - Open main menu
Search by book, chapter, or verse, with support for book abbreviations.
Search history (similar to command line history.)
Option to search entire Bible (can be slow, use accordingly.)
Danzeff numeric pad modified to make searching for verses easier.
Single search result opens directly instead of opening search menu.
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January 22nd, 2008, 02:53 Posted By: JKKDARK
via SchackNews
While no official announcement has been made, a recent PlayStation Underground e-mail (pictured left) from Sony confirms the oft-rumored PlayStation 2 port of High Impact Games' Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (PSP).
According to the e-mail, the port will hit stores in March, about a year after the title debuted on PSP. Size Matters marked the first Ratchet & Clank title to be developed outside of Insomniac Games, which created the franchise.
It also marked the first title for High Impact Games, the staff of which includes several ex-Insomniac employees as well as veterans from Jak & Daxter developer Naughty Dog. The studio is currently working on another portable Ratchet & Clank title, Secret Agent Clank (PSP).
PSP to PS2 ports have been all the rage these days, and rumors of marquee PSP releases making the leap to the PS2 are frequently tossed around. Fortunately for Ratchet and Clank fans, this one turned out to be true. Expect an official announcement from SCEA in the near future.
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January 22nd, 2008, 15:10 Posted By: bandit
Filings at the Federal Communications Commission reveal that Sony will be releasing the Ceramic White PlayStation 3 in North America.
Originally released in Japan in November, the 40 GB units comes with a white DualShock 3 controller and retails for JPY 39,980 in the region.
A covering letter from Sony Japan shows that the unit was submitted to the FCC and the American Telecommunications Certification Body in October of last year, requesting short-term confidentiality "to avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release of the product to the public."
The US Ceramic White PS3 is Model: CECHH01. No release date or pricing but it shows that the US will be getting. Its just a matter of time.
Source: GameIndustry.biz
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January 22nd, 2008, 15:10 Posted By: bandit
Filings at the Federal Communications Commission reveal that Sony will be releasing the Ceramic White PlayStation 3 in North America.
Originally released in Japan in November, the 40 GB units comes with a white DualShock 3 controller and retails for JPY 39,980 in the region.
A covering letter from Sony Japan shows that the unit was submitted to the FCC and the American Telecommunications Certification Body in October of last year, requesting short-term confidentiality "to avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release of the product to the public."
The US Ceramic White PS3 is Model: CECHH01. No release date or pricing but it shows that the US will be getting. Its just a matter of time.
Source: GameIndustry.biz
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January 22nd, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: MK2k
A fresh port by me (MK2k), this time: Jump 'n Bump 1.51a for the PSP.
Game Info
This is a game for the whole family. You are cute fluffy little bunnies
and hop on the other bunnies' heads.
At the beginning you are in the menu, where you have to jump
over the tree trunk if you want to play and walk right.
Then you'll enter the arena. The aim is to jump on the
other bunnies' heads...
PSP Controls
Use the following Buttons on the PSP to have a 2-Player match:
Analog/D-Pad Left : P1 Left
Analog/D-Pad Right: P1 Right
Analog/D-Pad Up : P1 Jump
Square : P2 Left
Circle : P2 Right
Triangle : P2 Jump
Select: End the game and display statistics
The following Key Combinations enable special Cheat Modes:
START + D-Pad Up : Pogostick (continuously jumping bunnies)
START + D-Pad Right: Bunnies in Space (Bunnies can jump higher)
START + D-Pad Down : Jetpack
START + D-Pad Left : Lord of the Flies (Flies are following the Bunnies)
START + LTrigger : Blood is thicker than water
For the PSP it is not bad to enable the Pogostick mode, so only 2 Buttons are
necessary to be used by both players.
PSP Installation
This game is 1.50 Kernel.
Original 1.50 Firmware users should copy the content of the directory
FW150/MSROOT to their memorystick.
Custom Firmware users should copy the content of the directory FW3xx/MSROOT to
their memorystick.
Screen Shots

via pdroms: http://www.pdroms.de/files/1495/
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has declared PlayStation 3 had a bumper Christmas in Europe, with more consoles sold over a five-week period than ever before.
The company reckons 1.2 million PS3s were shifted in total. According to big king chief man Kaz Hirai, that figure is in line with high US sales during December.
Speaking to Bloomberg, Hirai said Sony would continue to ramp up support for its shiny black box. "We want to promote games only available for PlayStation 3," he said. "The introduction of the 40 gigabyte model is in line with that strategy."
According to analysts, Sony is unlikely to meet its target of 11 million PS3 units shipped by the end of March. A figure of 8 million is more likely, apparently. But Kaz sounds very relaxed about everything.
"We haven't made any conclusion whether we have to give it up," he stated. "It depends on how aggressively dealers buy our PS3 inventory."
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A new advert for the PS3's PlayStation Network has appeared online and it seems to be taking a slight dig at Microsoft's subscription-based Xbox Live model.
"The fun's always free" is the tagline for the ad, pointing out that it costs PlayStation 3 owners precisely bugger all to download content and play online, where as paying Xbox Live Gold subscribers cough up £40 for the same privileges.
Of course you could also argue (and we will) that Xbox Live Marketplace is a superior service to the PlayStation Store (what's with the month-late PS3 demos?) and integrated friend lists also give XBL the edge. But is it really worth the full cost of a game?
If anything, it's great to see that Sony's finally pushing one of the PS3's greatest selling points. If the public starts taking notice of the PS3's online service it can only mean good things for us, and hopefully less wallet pain on the Xbox 360 end too.
Let's just hope Sony doesn't turn round some time this year and start charging for PSN. That would make them look a little silly...
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
It has endured a horrible introduction to the world, but PlayStation 3 has survived. Now it's set to prosper. Next-Gen's editor-in-chief Colin Campbell explains...
* The decision to go with Blu-ray was good because Blu-ray is going to emerge as the winning platform in the war against HD-DVD. It was good because millions of people will be upgrading to hi-def over the next five years. It was good because a significant percentage of them will make PS3 a central part of that upgrade process.
* Up until this point, Xbox 360 has represented the best value. No longer. PS3 is $50 more expensive than Xbox 360 but you get a bigger hard drive, you get a Blu-ray drive and you get to play online for free. It is becoming extremely difficult to argue the case that Xbox 360 is better value than PS3.
* For many people, it looks like a tres-moderne piece of under-the-telly technology. And, what‘s more, it carries the Sony logo and the PlayStation logo. For those of us entrenched in the biz, both these brands carry baggage. But for them out there - the Year 3 Console Adopters, the people who bought a DVD player after the Millennium - these are brands to trust. They speak of sophistication and quality.
* Will PlayStation Home make a difference? When I saw it a year ago, I was convinced that this piece of software would play a major role in the console wars. I still believe it has a touch of genius, the common touch, to take virtual living out of the machismo ghettoes of Xbox Live or the vacant loonyness of Second Life. If it works, it's an amazing thing.
This hardware cycle has confounded most of what we thought we knew about the console games market. We used to believe that there would always be an ultra-dominant console and a distant second-place. We used to believe that third place was no-where. It was once a central belief that games consoles ought not try and be something else; that convergent devices were anathema.
Those things don't seem to hold any longer. All three console manufacturers are in a strong position to take a win from this generation; simultaneously.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
There's a rumor that began circulating on the CheapAssGamer forum stating that the PlayStation 3 would be seeing a price-drop soon. Certain other members chimed in with their own "knowledge" and vouched for the rumor. The alleged details are a price-drop for the 40GB PlayStation 3 down to $299, which will occur on January 28th.
Now before you get all excited, do note that the chances of this being real are extremely thin. Seeing as how Sony only recently dropped the price of the PlayStation 3, I wouldn't expect them to do so again.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp., the world's largest video-game console maker, sold a record number of PlayStation 3 machines in Europe during the holiday shopping season after lowering prices to compete against Nintendo Co.'s Wii.
Sony, which began selling PlayStation 3s in Europe in March, shipped about 1.2 million consoles in the region during the five- week period ended Dec. 31, Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony's game division, said in a Bloomberg Television interview aired today. That's in line with U.S. shipments during the period, he said.
Price cuts and the introduction of a cheaper model helped Sony approach its goal of selling 11 million PlayStation 3s in the year ending March. Still, analysts at Nikko Citigroup Ltd. and Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd. predict the Tokyo-based company will miss the target after being outsold by the Wii and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360.
Sony, which generated 12 percent of revenue from the game unit during the three months ended Sept. 30, has posted seven straight quarters of losses at the division.
Higher sales, coupled with lower production costs, will reduce the company's operating losses related to PlayStation 3s by 90 percent to $158 million in the fiscal second half ending March 31, according to Dec. 27 estimates by Nikko Citigroup.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A new PS3 custom theme maker from an unofficial developer has bettered the official theme-making software because it allows you to change the sounds effects for your theme.
Official themes made downloadable from the PSN Store, like the Heavenly Sword theme, feature different icon sounds, which showed that such a change is possible. Yet Sony's official custom theme maker doesn't allow you to change sounds at all.
You can download the new theme maker for free from its official site, then you can proceed in recording fart noises for your new PS3 'beans theme'.
P.S - if you DO actually make a 'beans theme' with fart noises, send it to us (via Mike Jackson). That would be funny.
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Rhythm fans rejoice: Patapon will be storming shores wearing a less-than-$20 price tag.
In a holiday post yesterday on the PlayStation Blog, Sony's Director of Software Marketing Jeff Reese broke the news that Patapon, a 2D rhythm-based game where you lead the Patapon tribe into battle, will ship for $19.99.
"As you can see, Patapon is really different and highly creative, a new kind of PSP experience we don't want anyone to miss," Reese wrote. "It's a game that shouldn't get lost with some other big titles launching on the platform. It deserves your attention because it's very cool."
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster

Deniska has posted a new version of his port of Tyrian to the PSP, heres whats new:
Update: [01/18/08] OpenTyrian_PSP_1.0 released.
- support for 3.xx FW & slim PSPs
- based on the latest (689) revision of OpenTyrian
- latest source code included
This port is based on OpenTyrian project code (http://code.google.com/p/opentyrian/), maintained by
mindless2112, syntaxglitch,emacs.hacker, yuriks.br.
Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter.
The player controls a space ship fitted with different weapons and enhanced energy shields.
Money is earned by destroying enemies and grabbing bonuses, which is then used to purchase
upgrades such as weapons, shields, energy generators, and different ships from interlevel menus.
The game is fast paced and presents a variety of enemies and bosses.
[SQUARE]/[O][X] joystick buttons 2,3,4 (can be reconfigured in setup)
[SELECT] in-game setup menu / back button
[START] in game pause
Please refer to README file for installation instructions and additional information.
Download and Give Feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=80987
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January 22nd, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
Art has once again updated his Alarm Clock and SO much more for the PSP, heres whats new:
V10b (22/01/08):
- Moon phase image is flipped to represent the moon phase appearance in your hemisphere.
- Fixed 13:37 Easter Egg that was broken in the last program version.
- Initial position for the World Clock screen is my home city of Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.
- Map crosshair will fly over to the user saved location for the initial use of World Clock mode.
Don't forget to set your location as you should have done to use the Sunset mode.
Read the manual for all information pertaining to the new feature.
Time Baby is a 1.50 kernel mode program for PSP Phat only!
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The previously 360 and PC-only Splinter Cell Conviction is now also set for a simultaneous release on PS3, according major UK retailer GAME.
The site also pens the game to release on all three formats on April 1, despite previous announcements only stating a vague early 2008 release.
As we all know, retailers have a tendency to let slip on things publishers don't always want revealing. Just look at Konami's latest announcement, of which first word came from a very similar posting.
However, Ubisoft UK has told CVG that neither a PS3 version of Conviction, or any proposed release date, have been confirmed by the publisher.
We knew that though, that's why we called. We'll keep the sniffer dogs out on this one...
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster

New from Divineo China (Who Ship Worldwide)
The fifth entry in the gonzo racing series, Burnout Paradise gives players license to wreak havoc in Paradise City, the ultimate racing battleground, with a massive infrastructure of traffic-heavy roads to abuse. Gone is the need to jump in and out of menus and aimlessly search for fun like many open world games; in Burnout 5, every inch of the world is built to deliver heart-stopping Burnout-style gameplay. Every intersection is a potential crash junction and every alleyway is an opportunity to rack up moving violations. Feel the adrenaline course through your veins as you take to the road for the first time in Paradise City, where the action is all around you. Explore the city, discover events, and look for the best opportunities to crash, jump and pull signature takedowns. In Burnout Paradise yo'’re given the keys to the city, but it's up to you to earn the keys to the meanest and most dangerous cars on the street, and earn your Burnout license.
Also at Play Asia --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-2fm4.html
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster

New from Divineo China (Who Ship Worldwide)
Developed by Konami’s football Studio in Tokyo, the game contains all the realism and intuitive controls associated with the series. The PSP version of PES 2008 shares a lot in common with the existing PlayStation 2 game, with a wide range of tournaments and leagues on offer, alongside an all-new World Tour mode, wherein users are set a series of challenges as they tour the globe. As each task is successfully completed, further tests designed to show the capability of your chosen squad are unlocked.
Also at Play Asia --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-2eud.html
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster

According to the latest NPD group report, during the month of December Blu-ray players held 60 percent of the HD media player market -- despite the fact that HD DVD players were considerably cheaper. While that might've helped Warner in its decision to go Blu, the move has definitely had a dramatic effect on player sales since. According to the same study the week after the announcement, Blu-ray players were able to grab 93 percent of the market, which puts the year to date (short, we know) share for Blu-ray players at 70 percent. Granted, it's hard to put too much stock in just a week or two of data, but if this and the recent media sales numbers (85 percent) becomes a trend, maybe this won't be such a slow death for HD DVD after all.
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: JKKDARK
via SPOnG
Kaz Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), has raised some interesting questions regarding his company's strategy regarding PS3 backward compatibility and the future of PS2 gaming.
Speaking to Bloomberg, Hirai said, "We want to promote games only available for PlayStation 3. The introduction of the 40-gigabyte model is in line with that strategy".
This stays very much on-message with statements made late last year by Sony Computer Entertainment (UK) managing director Ray Maguire who told SPOnG, "When we launched, we said we would focus on forward production than backwards-compatibility, but there was more of a need for backwards-compatibility six months ago. So, from here on in, there are no plans for backwards-compatibility in PlayStation products."
Before the crashing tedium of fanboy ranting begins elsewhere, let's analyse the statement:
Hirai did not say, "We only want to promote games available for PlayStation 3".
So, don't read this as "We won't promote non-exclusives". It would be insane for Sony not to co-promote non-exclusives such as Assassin's Creed or Smackdown vs Raw, which would help sell hardware.
What this re-statement of intent is more likely to mean is that days of the PlayStation 2 are well and truly numbered.
At this point, we'd like to remind you of Kaz's assertion that, "The introduction of the 40-gigabyte model is in line with that strategy.''
One of the most notable missing features of the 40GB PS3 is its lack of backwards compatibility. Doesn't it appear counter-intuitive to drop backwards compatibility and also pull support from PS2 itself?
Not if Sony plans to shift its focus with regard to PS2 games towards making them available over the PlayStation Network as legacy titles, or 'PlayStation Originals'?
That is, of course, a bit of a stretch - but it remains a possibility nonetheless. A possibility that could be supported by a recently spotted job vacancy for someone to work on PS3 backwards compatibility, in spite of the fact that Sony's most prevalent PS3 model has none.
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Of course, the world's just being polite. Though Konami's official announcement of a PlayStation 2 version of Silent Hill Origins is welcomed, it arrives about as unexpectedly as that surprise birthday party you planned for yourself once. That might have been more enjoyable if you had any friends, but then you're far too busy clobbering jittery, faceless nurses in your free time.
Incidentally, that's exactly what you do in this game. Casting some light on the spooky town's black history, Silent Hill Origins for PS2 aims to impart the "chilling, suspenseful and fear-filled experience that handheld gamers encountered" to those who prefer considerably larger screens. "This is their chance to learn more of the mystery and mythos surrounding Silent Hill that's been hinted at in earlier games and made the series such a success," said Anthony Crouts, VP of marketing and ineffective secret keeping at Konami Digital Entertainment.
We'll share further details as soon as they come shambling out of the foreboding mist.
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January 22nd, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We thought WipEout HD looked decent enough when we posted the first shots of an early preview version, but these new shots show the game has come on in leaps and bounds.
The textures have more... texture, and the lighting has been massively improved by the looks of it.
Hopefully all these improvements won't come at the expense of the luscious 60fps smoothness in the demo we have here.
You can see videos of that in action (and in comparison to our old favourite, WipEout 2097)
in an earlier feature.
We're also hoping the handling has seen as much attention as the visuals, because we thought it was far too tight to be a believable hovering ship. 2097 had the handling spot on - why change it?
Screenshots here
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News/release from RedSquirrel
Quickest Exit by Red Squirrel
http://redsquirrel.forumitalian. com
What's it?
Quickest Exit is a very simple plugin to activate in GAME.
Its function is to replace the classical HOME menù (the menù that appear when you presses HOME during a game or homebrew) and to enable the quick exit from the game or homebrew.
So, if you enable the plugin, when you will press the HOME button during a game or homebrew, PSP will return to dashboard immediately, with a great time profit.
If you press L+HOME PSP will switch off.
Finally, if you presse R+HOME PSP will go in Standby.
I want to specify that there is NO security check after the pressure of HOME button, so PSP will return to Dashboard even if you press unintentionally the HOME button!
Finally, I want to specify that it is a plugin, so it can NOT damage your console in any way.
-HOME menù substitution with the quick exit (when you press HOME, PSP will return to Dashboard immediately!).
-Possibility to switch off and to put in Standby PSP with the combination of L and R with HOME button.
Installation (if no plugin is already installed)
-Copy the SEPLUGINS folder (contained in the package) in the root of your Memory Stick.
Installation (if other plugins are installed)
-Copy the QuickExit.prx in the SEPLUGIN folder of your Memory Stick.
-Open SEPLUGINS/GAME.txt and SEPLUGINS/GAME150.txt and add this line to the files: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/QuickExit.prx
Note: After the installation you have to activate the plugin from Recovery Menù!
To users of PSP-Cheats.forumitalian.com and PSPGen.com.
To my girlfriend, the only that believe always in me.
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Hellin posted this news/release:
//BEFORE START!! SORRY FOR THE GRAMMAR, my english is too bad.
UltraPandora Installer v2 is a PSP APP for create all the necessary things to do a a Downgrade or Unbrick to a Fat or Slim PSP.
Before start, you have to meet this requeriments:
1º- To have a Slim or Fat PSP with CustomFirmware 3.80M33
2º- To have a Memory Stick Duo 256MB or more, but less than 4GB (1GB recommended). 4GB MEMORY DO NOT WORK
3º- To have a Compatible Battery with Pandora (Level charge 100%)
*Compatibility list:
o Sony's "standard" Li-ion 1800 mAh
o Datel, PSP Battery 3600 mAh (X2)
o Datel, PSP Battery 1800 Max Power
o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh
o Atomic Battery Pack 3.6V 1800mAh
* No compatible:
o 2600 mAh Mega Battery Pack
o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh (Fake)
o Battery 3600mAh, Mark unknown, (china made model NK-RH008) (Fake)
- Allows Memory Stick formatting
- You can extract files from 1.50 Update and MsIpl.bin
- MsIPl installation in Memory Stick
- Ms_MultiLoader installation
- Despertar del Cementerio V4 installation
- Pandorize Battery
- Do a normal Battery
If you want to do a Downgrade in a FAT or Slim PSP or Unbrick this, you have to follow this instructions:
*Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 1.50:
1º- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!!
2º- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB.
3º- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick.
4º- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of theMemory Stick (Game/Memory Stick).
5º- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick"
6º- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick
7º- Now, we have to copy the Oficial Firmware 1.50 to the Memory Stick, you have to rename it to UPDATE.PBP.
8º- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again.
9º- In the menu,now, we select "Extraer Archivos Update 1.50".
10º- When it finish, we have to select "Instalar MsIpl.Bin"
11º- When it finish, we select "Pandorizar Bateria"
12º- FINISHED!,now, you have to exit from the APP and enjoy you Magic MS and Magic Battery.
*Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 3.80 M33-5:
1º- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!!
2º- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB.
3º- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick.
4º- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of the Memory Stick (Game/Memory Stick).
5º- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick"
6º- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick
7º- Now, we have to copy this firmwares to the Memory Stick:
-Oficial Firmware 1.50, renamed to 150.PBP
-Oficial Firmware 3.40, renamed to 340.PBP
-Oficial Firmware 3.80, renamed to 380.PBP
8º- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again.
9º- In the Menu, we select "Despertar del Cementerio". (Exit from the APP)
10º- You have a new APP in the Memory Stick, Despertar del Cementerio, execute it.
10º- When it finish "Despertar del Cementerio",execute UltraPandora v2,we have to select "Instalar MsIpl.Bin"
11º- When it finish, we select "Pandorizar Bateria"
12º- FINISHED!!, you can enjoy your Magic Battery and Memory Stick.
- Programmed by: Xcorpia,Arkarian & Marce82
- Graphic design: Alej3 & FullDark
- Thanks to:
*Pandora authors: Nem, Joek, Fanjita,Chris,Jim, psp250, Ditlew, Skylark,Dark_Alex, Mathieult, Turanid, Adrahil & Booster
*Despertar del Cementerio: Dark_Alex
*Pandora Src: Hellcat & cory1492´s
*Special mentions: Mr.Tuto.Alek & Xenogears
*Oficial betatesters: Unicorn,Berto1989,Adrin,A bismo & Recse
Web Site
More information of this software in: www.marce82projects.blogspot.com
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January 22nd, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
A new version of SMS or Simple Media System for the Sony Playstation 2 has been released. Using this program you can view multimedia files. It's most noteworthy change would have to be the support for (avi) files up 4GB in size.
Simple Media System: Tiny yet powerful DivX/Xvid/MP3 player for the PS2. SMS will read video files from a variety of sources: Network Streaming, USB Drives, Hard Drives, CD/DVD-ROM.
What's New
* changed font drawing algorithm
* slightly changed .avi parser in attempt to fix incorrect header data. Thanks to 'Startropic1' for the sample clip
* fixed bug related to localized folder names (impossible to browse) in SMB driver (thanks to 'Hikarudo' for the remark and sample
* added support for MBCS subtitles; - added support for big (max. 4GB) OpenDML .avi files. Thanks to 'KnoWei' for the sample clip; Note: big files have a hudreds of thousands of indices. Each index entry consumes 16 bytes, so system can simply run out of memory (SMS exception handler will be activated) under certain conditions (big resolutoins, subtitles, multibyte fonts etc.)
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January 22nd, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Darko79:
This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.80M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time
Put hud.prx and hud.lang in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick
and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.
Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.
Known problems:
Display is not perfect and is usualy best shown in bottom left or right corners but it really depends on program or game running.
Version History:
January, 18th 2008. v1.31
- updated for 3.80M33-4 (actually droped previously used NIDs for 3.71 and now using NIDs from pspsdk)
- new translations: german (two translations), dutch, italian, spanish, polish and turkish
I won't be accepting any more translations and I'm planing to drop translations for future versions (it's easier for me).

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January 22nd, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
The PSP Show #65 - Cube (MP3 8.12 mb 11 minutes 47 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
The regular slice of news for the week (and Patapon at $20 is a damn good idea, Sony). THe review is another title missed from last year, the interesting puzzle game, Cube. Definitely not mass-appeal, but as an arcade puzzler, it does reasonably well. Listen to the show (or subscribe in iTunes) to find out all my thoughts.
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January 23rd, 2008, 01:33 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: iRShell Un-Official Forums
Stonecut revealed some good news about the future of iRShell. And some bad news too...
I would like to inform you that there will indeed be another iR Shell release for 3.80 M33 soon ...
However, this will be the FINAL release of iR Shell.
This means: After the next release there will NOT be any more releases. Ever. After that Ahman will be retiring from the scene for good. It should be out in a few days if nothing serious happens during beta testing.
No more iR-Shell, huh?
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January 23rd, 2008, 12:19 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News Release from sakya.altervista
I'm here to release LightMP3 Version 1.7.2.
Users reported that it works fine under CF 3.80M33-5
Here's the changelog:
-Added: Sleep mode (press TRIANGLE while playing a track).
-The psp will shutdown after the track or playlist/directory.
@mico: va bene così?
-Added: Option to use the Sony On Screen Keyboard
-Fixed: Files named like "dfgeerr...mp3" weren't recognized as mp3
-Fixed: Freeze on "Opening..." or time stucked at 0 after 20 tracks
-Fixed: Repeat track mode.
-Fixed: Cracking sound when quitting while playing a track.
-Fixed: Some mp3 with "strange" ID3 made the app freeze.
-Fixed: Some mp3 displayed wrong ID3v2 informations.
Some notes:
The conflict with Music PRX is still present (in my tests now I have an exception and LightMP3 crashes).
If you're using Music PRX please disable it before launching LightMP3.
Custom Firmware Extender slows down LightMP3, so if you're using it you'll have to raise CPU clock in LightMP3 (or disable the plugin).
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January 23rd, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
KOEI, recognized worldwide as the premier brand of strategy and action games, today announced that Nobunaga's Ambition®: Rise to Power has reached gold status. The historical simulation from legendary game producer Kou Shibusawa will ship to North American retailers starting February 5, 2008, exclusively for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.
Gamers looking for the latest information on Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power, can visit the newly launched minisite at www.koei.com/risetopower.
About Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power
Set during the 16th century, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power sends players back in time to the Sengoku (Warring States) period of Feudal Japan. It was during this time that the visionary Nobunaga Oda assembled the most advanced military force in Japan, and instituted new policies that stimulated the growth of the nation's economy.
In Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power, players will assume the role of Nobunaga, or of a rival warlord, in their quest to unite Japan under one rule. Packed with 7 dramatic scenarios - from the 1551 Struggle for Power to the events following Nobunaga's death in 1582, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power lets players embark on their quest from more than 300 different starting points.
For the first time in the series, military campaigns are carried out using an explosive 3D real-time battle system. Plus a new command lets players go "all in" and risk their entire empire in battle. If victorious, players will expand their empire, but a defeat could mean the total loss of their land.
Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power is more than just a game of military domination. Life in Feudal Japan is brought to life with remarkable detail. In vibrant castle towns the daily lives of characters will unfold while players nurture their village into a flourishing empire. Players will also manage government affairs and develop critical infrastructure such as ninja camps, blacksmiths, and markets. A robust character edit function features a wide variety of character faces, the ability to edit stats, and let's the player choose when and where the characters will appear.
Originally released in Japan as Nobunaga's Ambition: Tenkasousei, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power marks the return of the series to North America. Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power is developed by KOEI Co., Ltd and produced by Kou Shibusawa, the mastermind behind the legendary Romance of the Three Kingdoms® and P.T.O.™ historical simulation series. The game is rated "T" (Teen - Alcohol Reference, Mild Language, Violence) by the ESRB. Press can find (watermark-free) assets at gamespress.com.

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January 23rd, 2008, 18:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Halt; Capcom Europe has told Eurogamer that European Xbox 360 gamers will get the Devil May Cry 4 demo the same day as their American counterparts - January 24th.
However it won't appear on PlayStation Network until one week later, to be precise. You could mock up a US account if you fancied downloading it tomorrow, mind.
Sorry for any confusion, we will look both ways before crossing the road from now on.
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has delayed the launch of the Skype service for PSP users just 24 hours before it was due to launch.
The company had prepared two first-party microphone packages for launch day, but neither of these has met specifications defined by Skype.
As a result, Sony said it decided to postpone the launch of the service until a solution can be found.
"Solutions to enable users to start using Skype features and services on their PSP are being sought for and will be announced in due course," said SCEJ.
Sony only confirmed Skype for PSP earlier this month a CES, saying it would be enabled in the latest software upgrade.
The Skype software has over 246 million registered users, and allows for free communication over the internet.
Sony Europe has stated that the service will still launch in the region as scheduled, before the end of this month.
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The European release of Skype and its associated microphone packs for PSP are said to be unaffected by an announcement of a delay to the Japanese launch.
According to semi-official Sony blog Three Speech the voice packs are still on schedule to arrive here in late January.
Confusion erupted earlier after Sony Japan revealed its microphones did not reach the Skype specifications, prompting a delay while the necessary bits and bobs are stuck on. A fresh release date for the region is yet to be announced.
More than 246 million humans around the world use Skype software to phone each other up over the Internet, saving money and whatnot as they go. The PSP integration will let you chit chat to others on landlines or mobiles, although you will need to be connected to the Internet to do so.
Dogs and cats cannot use telephones, but they can make funny faces.
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Interested in turning your PS3 into a TV tuner / recorder? If so, then you need to take a look at this handy little video that guides you through the process.
PlayTV will initially be available in UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain in "early" 2008 with other PAL territories following in due course.
The movie (in the player on your right) should answer most other questions you've got about the system operates. It all seems pretty straight forward. What it doesn't do though is tell us how much the box costs and when we're likely to see it down the shops. And that's quite important, don't you think.
Video here
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January 23rd, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Square Enix promises that "2008 will be the year" for new info (and maybe the release?) of the latest in its epic RPG series, Final Fantasy XIII, as it reveals plans to release a demo.
Not even a rough date was given for the demo, only that it main objective will be to give fans a hands-on with the new battle system.
The only hint of the full game's release was the quote: "I wonder when we'll be able to sleep...". Eh? We plan to have a kip tonight - is that when it's coming out?
Because we know you FF fans are keen on the smallest of details, here's a few more tid-bits plucked from the translations of the Japanese mags, courtesy of FF-XIII.net.
- Nomura: "2008 will be the year. There will be tons of news bits, info on characters and summons, and an unexpected connection between the keywords Cocoon and Farushi.
- We're aiming for a demo to give players a hands on on the battle system.
- FF13's theme: determination.
- Farushi: Their existence surpasses humans.
- Rushi: Those chosen by Farushi to carry out a mission. The pigtail girl is a Rushi. Farushi is not the Crystal.
- Mr. 33cm is also a Rushi.
- This time summons are in digital form.
- A new monster that looks like a cross between a turtle and elephant.
- The red thing on Carbuncle's head is a ruby.
- Hint on release date: "I wonder when we'll be able to sleep..."
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January 23rd, 2008, 19:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
After flexing his muscle in last year's God of War 2, Kratos may need to take a little break. Games Radar is claiming (via Games World UK) that inside sources tell them God of War 3 won't be released until at the earliest Christmas 2009. That date seems to fall under common sense, given that two years passed between the first two God of War titles and the next iteration is taking a leap to the more technically-proficient PlayStation 3.
An earlier rumor from EGM suggested the game would come out this Christmas alongside an also-rumored release of Gears of War 2. The third God of War, sans outgoing lead developer Cory Barlog, is expected to feature ultra-fancy graphics, motion controls and rumble.
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January 23rd, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Deadline Games has revealed brand new shooter Faith and a .45, due for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
The developer is yet to announce a publishing partner for the new IP, which is one of two next-gen games currently in development at the Nordic studio.
"Since we at Deadline have our roots in movie production, we value original stories, settings and characters very highly," commented Chris Mottes, CEO of Deadline.
"Our previous games are testament to this, but we believe Faith is going to take our creative might to a whole new level."
The developer, whose previous titles include Total Overdose and Chilli Con Carnage for Eidos, will be showing the game behind closed doors at the Game Developers Conference next month.
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January 23rd, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
2008's first look at the near-finished Grand Theft Auto IV has arrived, and it's the most in-depth look we've had yet at the genuinely exciting sandbox sequel. It's also only the second.
The 4000-plus word rundown of the latest demo describes the missions, gun fights, series-shaking action sequences and everything else Rockstar allowed us to eyeball - including a gorgeous boat trip around Liberty City's waterways.
"Of course Rockstar's 100" TV might have something to do with it, but IV isn't looking dated considering it should have been out for a few months already.
"In fact, it's running visibly smoother at the beginning of our demo. Niko stands on the waterfront at a dock in Broker. It's the kind of rusty, tramp-ridden area of town you'd expect to find flaming barrels and lots of pigeons and that's exactly what surrounds us here."
"The game is in a very, very different place now," boldly claims our Rockstar PR aide. "It's improved in virtually every single way imaginable.
"When we first showed the game a year ago, we said it was really early - it was the earliest we've ever shown a GTA game. A year later and just three/four months away from release you're looking at a game that's virtually complete."
Read the whole thing here.
We're expecting a release date any day now but to help fill the gap here's a fist-full of new screenshots. Don't forget the preview either, it took us ages to write.
Screenshots here
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January 23rd, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Pegasus2000
This is a very important advice.
Blind Assistant is the attempt to create an homebrew that is able to
recognize the names of the people that are present in a room. This
can help blind men and people that are visually impaired.
Visilab Research Center has released the first official version of the
program here:
The source code is released too, and it is under GPL license.
Blind Assistant uses a complex algorithm of recognition based on
PentLand/EigenFaces and on SIFT (Scalar Features Inverse Transform)
to recognize the name of the people that are present in the room.
In the following versions, I'll add also the ability to recognizes the place
in which the user is in that moment, and other features.
Each Blind Assistant installation, is able to auto-update itself using
Internet connection. So, when Visilab will release a new version of
BA, your program will detect the update, and it will download it and
install it, in a fully automatized procedure.
The system supports either PSP Fat or PSP Slim, with custom firmware
3.71 M33-4. The Sony GoCam device is fully supported, and Eyeserver
is only the second choice.
The engine for vocal synthesis is the ndFLite, based on the Alan
Cox's work (Carniege Mellon University).
The graphical interface is based on the tecnologies released with the
new Nanodesktop 0.3.3.
I hope that it is useful for the blind.
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January 23rd, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft revealed in its quarterly financial statement that a new Prince of Persia game was coming in its fiscal year 2008-2009. That would land a new Prince title sometime between April of this year and March of '09.
The financials do not state what platforms will be home to the new Prince of Persia. The team that created the critically acclaimed Prince of Persia: Sands of Time worked on Assassin's Creed. It's unknown which of Ubisoft's development studios is working on the new Prince title.
Ubisoft declined to expand on the sleight-of-hand Prince of Persia announcement.
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January 23rd, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellin:
Quick Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.71m33 and 3.80m33.
This application gives you the possibility of keeping 5 themes in your memory stick and flash them wherever you want simply and confortably. Remember that this software touches files in flash0,
Instalation and Use
Before starting you should know that Quick Flasher can only be playen in a Custom Firmware 3.71 M33 instaled from "Despertar del cementerio v.3" or Custom Firmware 3.80 M33 instaled from "Despertar del cementerio v.4" from Dark_Alex
For instaling Quick Flasher extrack all the content of the .RAR archive and copie it in the folder MsRoot in
the root of yous memory stick
Using Quick Flasher is very simple, use the direction pad and select one of the options by pressing the X buttom.
Note: The application will show a warning for 10 seconds when it is started, you can pass this warning by pressing O
The files or themes for flashing in your Fat or Slim PSP should go inside the folder PSP/THEME/Xmb0x
Important: Before flashing any theme, be sure you have the required space in the flash
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January 23rd, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Pjeff has released an awesome looking Mario Game for the PSP, check out this screen:

Heres the translated info:
Hello, I just give you my project
Starts a Day of January 20, 2007:
- Management of rain in the first card
- Management of the Mist in the 2nd map (while waiting to make a automatic system for day, night, rain ...)
- Improvement from the window of dialogue for the RPG
- Fixed many bugs for the menu and use of Fade In and Out.
- Adding a virtual keyboard to ask for the names beginning to play only if no backup record.
- Adding a Pseudo Artificial intelligence for 2 Persos of first card but this crazy moves without precit but it is better than nothing.
NPJ-sets when we revert to the first map, it has come back to their seats.
The former put a Day:
Correction-collisions with all types of Sprite manage map included
- Improvement of managing evennement usable for all kinds of games
- Management of the party with RPG NPJ
Management of the conversation with NPJ
- Management "TELEPORTEUR" to enter homes
- Editing plusieur thing for the mini games Mario Coin and optimization of the same and different Adding monster
It can be accessed at 1 Mini games (mario corner) talking with Zelda
Prevision Near:
- Many things:
- Rearrange or organize code facon clearer and more straightforward.
- Add a lot of special effects
- Facilitate the flower or other door in the map RPG ......
- Adding bird in the map that will be present when the weather is nice
- How different temperature, rain, sunshine, with mist ... why not appear to temporarily empleintes if not it rains (a few seconds)
- Making a Start menu in the RPG with the management of the objects.
Make-gestions Objects (heart, safe, key pieces ...) with a special annimation
- More Artificial Intelligence for NPJ present in the map (running everywhere, stops are certainne thing ......)
- Make a annimation startside games.
Prevision warning:
Make a 20-ene mini games
- How the games platform has mario
- FINALLY CREATE A HISTORY because there are not at all
- APPLICATION OF AID FOR AN ENCODER programmetion Help me in the mini games and special effects.
Games coding in C with OSLIB
How to play
O courrir
X for Sauter
START Display the menu in the games (in the mini games only)
J'espaire have any reaction on this games and have comments or ideas for improvement are
GAMES THIS IS NOT WITHOUT BUG, indicate he will correct me!
Done at my e-mail and pjeff_adsl@yahoo.fr with any questions or for proposesitions in case some person would be interested
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January 23rd, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Art has again updated Time Baby the Alarm Clock and More for the PSP.
Hi Guys,
This is Time Baby V10c, with World Moonrise / Moonset Time Calculator.
V10c (23/01/08):
- Fixed bug in Moonrise / Moonset implementation discovered by nicodemus82.
Timezone parameter for moon time routine is read directly from PSP system settings rather
than being calculated by comparing UTC and local times. Sun time routine remains unchanged.
- Introduction of debug mode for program testing in various parts of the world.
- Fix to prevent the Heart Rate Monitor from announcing "zero" when the sensor is not plugged in.
- Sound effect is now made when the saved location fly over feature reaches it's destination.
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January 23rd, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Ceramic White PS3 unit is currently only available in Japan, having been released in the region on November 11, 2007, although filings submitted with the Federal Communications Commission indicate that is soon to change.
Sony Computer Entertainment America told Next-Gen via email that it was happy with the existing PS3 models on the market.
"As you may know, there are many FCC filings like this each year. We haven't made any announcements about upcoming PS3 plans, but are comfortable with our current two sku strategy."
However, the statement went on to add, "We are continually evaluating the market trends and consumer input to determine the appropriate PS3 models for our territory."
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January 23rd, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ooblik:
Ultimate CFW Installer v1.0 Beta
By: Ooblik
This easily copies custom firmwares to your PSP!
No more searching for EBOOTS and figuring
out where to put everything this program does if for you!
All needed files and Eboots are included!
* It is Recommended that you Downgrade to 1.50 before installing any
older custom firmwares. Some may not work for you. For the time being
in all the SE and OE firmwares you have to copy the DXAR file yourself
after it is made. This will be done automatically in future versions.
Supported Firmwares
150 POC
2.71 SE-A
2.71 SE-B
2.71 SE-B'
2.71 SE-B''
2.71 SE-C
3.02 OE-A
3.02 OE-B
3.03 OE-A
3.03 OE-A'
3.03 OE-B
3.03 OE-C
3.10 OE-A
3.10 OE-A2
3.40 OE
3.51 M33
3.51 M33-2
3.51 M33-3
3.51 M33-4
3.51 M33-5
3.51 M33-6
3.51 M33-7
3.52 M33
3.52 M33-2
3.52 M33-3
3.52 M33-4
3.60 M33 (Slim)
3.71 M33
3.71 M33-2
3.71 M33-3
3.71 M33-4
Also Included:
1.50 M33 Add-on
KXploit Patcher
- Windows Vista / XP / 2000 / 98
- Visual Basic Runtimes (Included in Package)
- Downgraded PSP (Do not ask me how!)
Email Bugs to: ooblik@gmail.com
181 MB (I'm Sorry Its Huge But It Includes All OFW Eboots and CFW Updates)
Download Here
via ooblik
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January 24th, 2008, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
New today from SuccessHK

The PSP-2000 Clear Case 2 using super plastic material,giving your PSP the best protection.Simple but refinement design,can possible to connect with an external input terminal such as GPS.Convenient and easy use,can change the UMD without remove the case.It is for PSP-2000 only.
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January 24th, 2008, 16:32 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: GameIndustry
Rockstar Games has finally set a date for the release of one of the year's most anticipated software releases.
Grand Theft Auto IV will be released worldwide on April 29 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
"We are so excited to be releasing Grand Theft Auto IV," commented Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games.
"We've pushed ourselves very hard to make something incredible and hope the game sets a new benchmark for interactive entertainment."
The date is later than some internet sites had speculated, and comes just within parent company Take-Two's end of financial year.
It also misses the crucial easter sales, considered one of the first big retail periods of the year.
With that being said, all we need now is to wait. Let's just hope that they release a Demo earlier. It could help us kill the time meanwhile. 
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January 24th, 2008, 17:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The game, developed by Free Radical Design, was previously scheduled for a fiscal Q4 release, which would've been sometime in the January-March quarter.
Ubisoft said in an earnings release Wednesday it would raise 2008-2009 sales forecasts to €1 billion because of the game's delay, up from previous guidance of €975 million.
Ubisoft recently delayed upcoming war games Tom Clancy's End War, Brothers in Arms and Far Cry 2 into next fiscal year.
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January 24th, 2008, 17:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Everyone knows that Square Enix can produce some incredible CG images, but will the PS3 Final Fantasy games be the first to look nearly as good in-game?
Square has sworn to use the "full specifications" of the PS3 with the RPG sequels, and Japanese Famistu magazine has unleashed the first glimpse of its latest work - Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Although the slightly grainy images on FinalfantasyXIII.net probably don't do the game justice, the character models look nice, and they show off some of the game's flashy magic effects.
It's not much, but it's a start, and we expect a flood of proper in-game screens within the next week or two. Come on Square!
Screenshots here
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January 24th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Europe will be backing Play.com Live, the consumer event to be held at Wembley this March, GamesIndustry.biz can reveal.
The event already has the backing of Activision, Ubisoft, Microsoft and THQ, and offers the chance for consumers to play games before release, as well as take part in events – including two chances to win GBP 50,000.
VIP tickets for the event, which takes place March 15 and 16, are on sale now for GBP 16.
Sony has yet to give full details of its involvement with the event, and it's expected more developers and publishers will be signing up for the Wembley show in the coming months.
"Play.com Live provides a great platform for all games publishers to showcase their games for 2008 and Wembley provides a fantastic venue for an entertainment show," said Gian Luzio, head of games at Play.com, announcing the event last year.
The retailer hopes to attract around 40,000 consumers to the show.
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January 24th, 2008, 17:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first image of Team Ico's much-anticipated PS3 debut has appeared on the internet - though it's just a bit of a tease.
The image, which could be either an in-game pic or artwork, shows lots of detailed stonework surrounding a gigantic chain. The only thing of interest, in fact, is that Team Ico's fantastic artistry thankfully seems to be intact.
It appeared on the dev team's updated recruitment page, which is advertising for planners, animators, artists and effects designers for the Shadow of the Colossus developer's next game.
We expect to (hopefully) see more of Team Ico's PS3 offering at next month's GDC in San Francisco. After the stunning Ico and Shadow of the Colossus quests, we can't wait to see what this mysterious title has in store.
Single image here
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January 24th, 2008, 18:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It's being reported on a few European-based websites that SCEE has finally dated Gran Turismo: Prologue.
Update: Sony's finally made it in and has told us the following: "We have yet to confirm a European release date for GT5 Prologue, and will be making an announcement in due course." Now before you go crying into your cornflakes, or bacon butty, that doesn't mean it won't be out in March. it just means they're not saying. Yet. Update out
We'd still wait until the official press release drops into our laps, or at least wait until Sony gets into work and give them a bell, but March sounds about right to us.
Some reports claim the date has been set as March 28, but we're hoping that's wrong because it's clearly the wrong side of the month we're hoping for. All of this is coming from a reported SCEE website update.
We do know that Sony's been making moves to PR the game across Europe, which doesn't take a marketing analyst to figure out that a launch window has been set. Especially when you consider that the Japanese version was out before Christmas.
While we wait for Sony to get off the Tube and into work, hit this link and check out our exclusive, direct feed movies that you may have missed a while back. More soon.
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January 24th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
The PS3 pricing structure is like a really wily monkey. You may think you have him, you've got your stun club and net all ready and then ... poof! He loses you, leaving behind only a monkey-shaped cloud of dust. In what appears to be its latest juke, the 80 GB version of the PS3 will apparently go closeout (read: no new shipments) at Best Buy stores, according to an internal memo sent to PS3 Fanboy.
What does this mean for the PS3 exactly? We've checked with our team of experts and are now able to report that we have absolutely no clue. It's worth noting that in Japan, the 20 and 60 GB SKUs of the system were dropped to focus all efforts on the 40GB model, but we don't know if that's what's happening here. The only facts now seem to be that something is up, and Sony's saying it's business as usual. We'll let you know when we hear more.
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January 24th, 2008, 18:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar Games has finally answered assumptions that PlayStation 3 development trouble was the reason behind GTA IV's 2008 delay, admitting that it "definitely" contributed to the slip.
Speaking to MTV's multiplayer blog, Rockstar's Jeronimo Barrera said: "It's really no surprise to anybody that the PS3 was definitely a contributing factor to that." Now though, he says, "we're neck and neck".
"Back then that was something we were taking into account. That's not to say there's anything wrong with the PS3 version. It's awesome. They're both identical."
When it was revealed that GTA wouldn't make its original October 2007 date, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told investors that "technological problems" were the reason behind the slip.
Those techy niggles were widely assumed to be PS3 dev troubles, after a summer of delays plagued multiplatform PS3 releases including Stranglehold, Rainbow Six Vegas and others.
Thankfully, Barrera says it's "not an issue anymore", and an international release date of April 29 has been set for both versions.
Hopefully then, Rockstar will come good and give us a near-identical game on both platforms - something we expect to see much more of in multiplatform releases this year.
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January 24th, 2008, 18:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It looks like Pandemic's tardy explosion-em-up Mercenaries 2 has been delayed yet again, this time to the end of the year in August 2008.
That of course, is if we can believe the word of internet retailers Amazon and Game Stop, which have both coincidently opted for an August 25 ship date for Pandemic's free-roaming action-fest.
The sequel, which is in development for Xbox 360, PS3, PS2 and PC, was delayed before from its Christmas 2007 release date into 2008.
Now that it's probably been pushed back again, we're really hoping it manages to impress more than the initial hands-on we had last year.
We've left a message with EA's PR department and hopefully they'll be able to shed some light. Otherwise, the wait is on. Again...
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January 24th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), a proud sponsor of ESPN's 12th annual Winter X Games, will enable attendees to experience their own extreme gaming experience at the world's premier action sporting event. While waiting for favorites of more than that 250 of the world's best athletes to compete in skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile sports, fans can warm up with hot, new pulse-pounding games on PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) and PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) in PlayStation® tents.
Athletes and attendees will have the opportunity to play the latest PS3 and PSP titles at this year's X Games at Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen/ Snowmass, Colorado on January 24-27. In addition, PlayStation will be hosting a hands-on game competition featuring last year's Winter X Games champions such as Aspen local, Gretchen Bleiler (2007 Winter X Games Gold and Olympic Silver medalist for snowboarding); Simon Dumont (2007 X Games Silver medalist for skiing); and Tucker Hibber (2007 X Games Gold Medalist for snowmobiling). Consumers and fans will have the opportunity to play Gran Turismo™5 Prologue, complete with 1080p graphics and authentic car physics, against some of their favorite X Games athletes.
The following PS3 software titles will be featured on-site:
• Gran Turismo™5 Prologue is a the latest iteration of the best-selling Gran Turismo™ racing franchise and is one of the most anticipated PS3 titles for 2008. GT5 Prologue continues to blur the line between simulation and reality and sets the bar to unprecedented heights of realism, quality of design and physics technology.
The following PSP software titles will be featured on-site:
• Pursuit Force™: Extreme Justice is the second chapter in this pulse-pounding adventure and driving franchise. This chapter increases the thrills with new multiplayer capabilities and promises to bring all of the excitement of a Hollywood blockbuster film.
• wipEout® PULSE is the next title from the multi-million selling wipEout franchise, offering fans fast-paced, futuristic, anti-gravity racing. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's (SCEE) award-winning Liverpool Studios, the iconic PlayStation racing franchise is racing back to the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system with a full tank of innovation, including new racetracks, ships, teams, game modes and new music tracks.
In the PlayStation VIP and athlete lounge, third party titles will also be making an appearance in including Burnout with the PLAYSTATION®Eye and the critically acclaimed EA Sports NFL Tour titles. Also, PSP's onsite will feature the new Internet Radio via AOL's SHOUTCast service, where users can choose from more than 20,000 stations of all musical genres.
SCEA is proud to support talented individuals who live life to the extreme within the sporting arena and contribute to the promotion of an active lifestyle.
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January 24th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), a proud sponsor of ESPN's 12th annual Winter X Games, will enable attendees to experience their own extreme gaming experience at the world's premier action sporting event. While waiting for favorites of more than that 250 of the world's best athletes to compete in skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile sports, fans can warm up with hot, new pulse-pounding games on PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) and PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) in PlayStation® tents.
Athletes and attendees will have the opportunity to play the latest PS3 and PSP titles at this year's X Games at Buttermilk Mountain in Aspen/ Snowmass, Colorado on January 24-27. In addition, PlayStation will be hosting a hands-on game competition featuring last year's Winter X Games champions such as Aspen local, Gretchen Bleiler (2007 Winter X Games Gold and Olympic Silver medalist for snowboarding); Simon Dumont (2007 X Games Silver medalist for skiing); and Tucker Hibber (2007 X Games Gold Medalist for snowmobiling). Consumers and fans will have the opportunity to play Gran Turismo™5 Prologue, complete with 1080p graphics and authentic car physics, against some of their favorite X Games athletes.
The following PS3 software titles will be featured on-site:
• Gran Turismo™5 Prologue is a the latest iteration of the best-selling Gran Turismo™ racing franchise and is one of the most anticipated PS3 titles for 2008. GT5 Prologue continues to blur the line between simulation and reality and sets the bar to unprecedented heights of realism, quality of design and physics technology.
The following PSP software titles will be featured on-site:
• Pursuit Force™: Extreme Justice is the second chapter in this pulse-pounding adventure and driving franchise. This chapter increases the thrills with new multiplayer capabilities and promises to bring all of the excitement of a Hollywood blockbuster film.
• wipEout® PULSE is the next title from the multi-million selling wipEout franchise, offering fans fast-paced, futuristic, anti-gravity racing. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's (SCEE) award-winning Liverpool Studios, the iconic PlayStation racing franchise is racing back to the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system with a full tank of innovation, including new racetracks, ships, teams, game modes and new music tracks.
In the PlayStation VIP and athlete lounge, third party titles will also be making an appearance in including Burnout with the PLAYSTATION®Eye and the critically acclaimed EA Sports NFL Tour titles. Also, PSP's onsite will feature the new Internet Radio via AOL's SHOUTCast service, where users can choose from more than 20,000 stations of all musical genres.
SCEA is proud to support talented individuals who live life to the extreme within the sporting arena and contribute to the promotion of an active lifestyle.
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January 24th, 2008, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
As seen from their games, Inis is about bringing joy to others and encouraging the broken spirited with cheerleaders. Hidden from recent memory and probably a lot of the gaming public is Rain: Wonder Trip, an interactive PSP title where you interact with him in his limousine. You can check Rain’s schedule, answer questions in QuizBillionaire mode and buy him presents. If you pick the right gift or order his favorite food you can make him happy as seen in the picture above. Probably the most exciting “game” you can play with Rain is rocks-paper-scissors.
I saw a copy of this floating around in a store in Korea and I was so tempted to buy it because Inis' name was on it. My logic was Gitaroo Man and Ouendan were awesome, this should be too! When I walked out of the store I was relieved I didn’t buy this because it would have immediately been junk. Hardcore Rain fans might think otherwise though!
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January 24th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster

March sees the release of God Of War: Chains Of Olympus on PSP, and we’ve been given an exclusive peek at the never-before-seen European packshot for the title.
Developed from the outset as the prequel to the award-winning God Of War on PlayStation 2, this brand new title will see anti-hero Kratos journeying to lands that no mortal has ever walked upon. With the world plunged into eternal darkness and the Gods rendered powerless, Kratos will face some of the most feared creatures from Greek Mythology, and ultimately be forced to choose between his own redemption and saving the world from certain destruction.
God Of War: Chains Of Olympus keeps true to the God Of War ethos with epic set pieces, dramatic camera angles, highly detailed graphics, incredible animation detail and the entire heritage of the series.
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January 24th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Auraomega posted details of whats to come in the next release due today? of his Project 4 application for the PSP.
A lot of people are asking what functions are going to be in the second release, and when it will be released, some basics have been posted on a French forum after they interviewed me (link here).
All changes made will be going here, and when a suitable release date is decided that too will go here.
ETA - 24/1/08
Added a basic screenshot function for theme previews, turn the hold switch on then off and a screenshot will be taken and saved to ms0:/screenShot.png, please bare in mind that this is basic at the moment and will likely crash the PSP if the memory stick is not inserted.
Completely removed pspdebug font and replaced it with intraFont, there may be some graphical errors, but we are trying hard to get them all ironed out before release.
eBook reader has been removed for now in order to add intraFont support.
New loading option for games, it is tagged as experimental, but it loads usermode games and apps while keeping Project4 running in the background, this will be used in order to play music and games (much like iRShell I guess).
2 new options in the config menu, 1 to reflect the above change, and the other to give more flexibility - a new option called Request will bring up a screen asking how you want to load a game, the options are the same as those in the config menu, so you can select as you load a game if you wish.
Revamped the config, it now controls the folder location that each icon goes to, and controls the icons locations, its a bit complex at the moment, but in the future I plan on adding a graphical flasher.
Added a new menu thread, pressing start brings up the menu, it gives you the ability to take screenshots.
Changed the screenshot function so save files to ms0:/screenShot[x].png where [x] is a number, it also determines the next available file. This works up to ms0:/sceenShot999.png.
Fixed a bug in the file browser which now auto-determines the position in the folder you are, and will allow you to view the next set of files, instead of having to press select and up or down to view the rest of the content of a folder.
Found a new, quick, universal patch that will not interfere with the loading of Sony games (as the "Dirty Hack" did).
Fixed a bug in loading homebrew, was unsuseptible when testing with PSPLink, only happened when flashed, this problem has now been solved.
Fixed a bug in the menu system and screenshot functions that caused it to revert to the previous frame, this error is now fixed.
Added a new function, sysDump, which dumps all the Project4 system variables in case of a BSoD, it has also been added to the Project4 Main Options. The dump is pointless unless you are specifically looking for bugs.
Fixed another bug in the browser, this time linked with entering a folder with a . in it, a check is now proformed to see if its a folder or a file you are attempting to open, and acts accordingly.
Changed the default config written if one is missing.
Fixed a bug in the browser I introduced which meant that files not in the root would not be executed.
Fixed a bug in the main options which made the option go off screen.
Updated the default config, if the config.ini is missing this file will now be written containing the updated data.
Fixed a bug with the alpha layer in screenshots, this caused the screenshots to sometimes contain nothing but a white random mess.
No updates yesterday for a good reason, because today I have PSX games loading
Fixed a bug with a module replacement which could cause certain offical Sony games to not load savegames correctly.
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January 24th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Those who enjoy the simpler things will definitely have use for Reineborn’s PSP SaveGame Utility…
Manage your PSP save games in an easy way. Plug in your PSP to the PC or use a memory stick reader. Start the program and it will find the savegames automatically. You can backup selected or all your savegames to your PC. You can delete them in a fast way compared with the XMB.
There is no installation program — just download and unrar to your choice of folder.
And that’s that. Enjoy it.
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January 24th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel
RS Psar Dumper is a "derivated" from classical Psar Dumper (last version of which was released by HelldashX).
Its functions are the same of classical Psar Dumper (so dump Firmware from an Official Udpater Eboot), but it's more! Infact this version has a user interface full of colors, more interactive and especially it has the new important function to make a dump of Firmware directly on PC, without using Memory Stick!
Infact this Homebrew has a USBHostfs connection function with a PC, so the program can read eboot directly from Hard Disk (that is a good profit because new Sony Updater Eboots weigh also more than 20Mb!) and it can also dump the Firmware directly on PC, so Memory Stick is NEVER used during the process!
Attention: HelldashX prxs violate Sony Copyright, so they are deleted from my homebrew (that now uses old prxs by M33).
To make RSPsar Dumper compatible with 3.80 Eboot you have to use HelldashX's prxs (take libpsardumper.prx and pspdecrypt.prx from HelldashX's 3.80 Psar Dumper release and put them in RS Folder overwriting existing lib.prx and pspdecrypt.prx).
Note: If you use HX prxs, you have to be conscious that you're violating Sony Copytights!!!
What is the effective profit?
1. Well, first of all homebrew does not require free space on Memory Stick (that can be full too!)
2. You spare time because you do not need to copy files betwenn PC and Memory Stick!
3. Extracting and Dumping process require a very smaller time!
An example? Look to this my little "experiment":
3.71 firmware dumping from the Official Updater Eboot
Technical data:
Eboot of 22,5Mb (biggest released from Sony!).
Memory Stick used: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 2GB (that released with PSP pack!).
Process used: the most "onerous", so PSAR loading with extraction e decrompression of the Firmware (SQUARE key in the homebrew)
-"Classical" process executed on Memory Stick: about 90 seconds of waiting...
-"New" process executed on PC Hard Disk through USBHOSTFS: about 25 seconds of waiting...
Using new USBHOSTFS function you can gain more than one minute!
And then I do not calculate great times necessary to copy eboot from PC to Memory Stick, times that with USBHOSTFS are void!
-Fixed all license violation of the release
-Added source code to respect GPL license
-Deleted HelldashX prxs that violated Sony Copyrights
-Possibility to extract and decrypt files from the 3.80 Officiale Updater Eboot.
-Added an exe file to make easier installing the homebrew on PSP with CF 3.80M33
Insert eboot.pbp to decompress in the root of Memory Stick.
Insert homebrew folder RSPsarDumper in the PSP directory: /PSP/GAME37x
Insert folder called RS in the root of MemroY Stick
Make sure from Recovery mode that kernel is 3.xx
Start the homebrew from PSP under the menù Game -> Memory Stick
Insert eboot.pbp to decompress in the same folder where Usbhostfs.exe is
Insert homebrew folder RSPsarDumper in the PSP directory: /PSP/GAME37x
Insert folder called RS in the root of MemroY Stick
Make sure from Recovery mode that kernel is 3.xx
Start the homebrew from PSP under the menù Game -> Memory Stick
In both the cases will be created a folder called DUMP in the same directory where the Eboot (to decompress) is.
When process will end, in DUMP folder you will can find Firmware files extracted from the Offical Updater Eboot chosen.
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January 24th, 2008, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 installed base in PAL territories will eclipse Microsoft's Xbox 360 by the end of the summer, Sony has claimed.
"In terms of installed base in some of our major markets, such as France, Spain, Germany, Italy, plus some distributor territories in smaller markets like Switzerland, our current cumulative installed base is now higher than that of the Xbox 360, " said Reeves. But what of PAL territories as a whole?
According to Reeves Sony expects "to overtake installed base of Xbox 360 across PAL territories in late summer." To add some weight to Sony's belief, Reeves added that "last week we outsold Xbox 360 in PAL territories by a ratio of 3:1."
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January 24th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: DPyro
Via PlayStation Blog
Time again for the PlayStation weekly update:
Downloadable Games
PixelJunk Monsters ($7.99 for a limited time)
Add-on Game Content
Folklore Create-a-Creature Winner Add-On (free)
Rock Band
* “Wonderwall” - Oasis ($1.99)
* “Live Forever” - Oasis ($1.99)
* “Don’t Look Back in Anger” – Oasis ($1.99)
* Oasis Pack 1 ($5.49)
Need for Speed ProStreet Extender Pack Premium Car Bundle #1 ($5.99)
Need for Speed ProStreet Extender Pack Premium Car Bundle #2 ($5.99)
* Stranglehold Map Pack ($14.99)
Pack features:
• 10 additional multiplayer maps including Kowloon Market, Wong’s Estate Grounds and the Rooftops of Chicago.
• 21 all-new multiplayer character skins.
* Stranglehold CE Map Pack ($14.99)
The Stranglehold Collector’s Edition Map Pack features:
• 10 additional multiplayer maps including Kowloon Market, Wong’s Estate Grounds and the Rooftops of Chicago.
• 21 all-new multiplayer character skins.
Devil May Cry 4 Demo (free)
The Club Demo (free)
PS one Classics for PS3 / PSP
Jet Moto 2 ($5.99)
Movie and Blu-ray Disc Trailers
Step Up 2: The Streets Trailer (free)
Dragon Wars Trailer (free)
PS3 Themes
PixelJunk Monsters Theme (free)
Lemmings Theme (free)
PS one Classics
Jet Moto 2 ($5.99)
Game Videos (free)
Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground – Stevie’s Skater Story
Soul Calibur IV Trailer
Lost Planet Promotional Movie
Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway Trailer
Dynasty Warriors 6 Trailer
Borderlands Trailer
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January 24th, 2008, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Though it faced some troubled times over the last few years, the PSP's Universal Media Disc is showing impressive resilience as a portable movie format. Case in point, today's announcement that MTV will become bring some of its classic programming to the PSP-exclusive format.
The discs, which will be available for $14.99 at retailers nationwide starting today, are:
"Beavis & Butt-head: The Mike Judge Collection," Vol. 2 and 3
"Jackass," Vol. 2 and 3
"Wildboyz," Vol. 1 and 2
"Viva La Bam," Vol. 2, 3, and 4
"Aeon Flux: The Complete Animated Collection" (2-disc set)
No word yet on whether or not current MTV hits like ... uh ... current hits ... um ... there's no word what other classic MTV hits will be released on UMD, but we'll let you know if and when we hear.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ryan Payton, assistant producer at Kojima Productions, promises there will be no MGS 4 demo next month.
Payton sought to clarify some of the MGS-related rumours floating around the net this month, with the big one being PSW's that a playable demo would be on PSN in February.
Discussing the rumour in a webcast on an official blog, Payton admits that while everyone may have gotten excited about the possibility of a demo, despite the wide-spread rumours, "that's not the case".
Oh well... there's not long to wait for the full game now anyway.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've never even considered buying a film on a disc that can only be played on a PSP. Most didn't - that's why UMD Video video fell flat on its ass, but Sony isn't letting go just yet.
This time, instead of pushing films out on the pointless proprietary format, it's going for TV programmes.
SCEA has miniaturised MTV shows Beavis and Butt-Head: The Mike Judge Collection, Jackass, Wildboyz, Viva La Bam and Aeon Flux: The Animated Series to head a new push for PSP multimedia, reports Reuters.
Who wants them, though? 4GB memory sticks for PSP cost peanuts nowadays, by the way. You can fit ALL the video on those bad boys.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
PlayStation 2 owners looking to take on their portable siblings can now do so with online battles of the new Yu-Gi-Oh! game, The Beginning of Destiny. According to the press release (via PSP Fanboy), the PS2 and PSP titles can do battle and, akin to other card battle titles, collect cards from cross-platform opponents otherwise unavailable in your version.
Sure, the PS2 is a last-gen console, but still one that sold almost 4 million units last year. We're hoping to see more cross-platform play between the two consoles.
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January 25th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The chief executive of Sony Corporation, Sir Howard Stringer, has revealed that he believes the company is performing well, but has expressed concern about the impact a strengthening yen could have on the business.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he admitted: "There is always an impact on exports. The yen is volatile...We watch it with some anxiety," reports Reuters.
Because a significant proportion of the company's goods are exported for sale overseas, a rise in the strength of the native currency automatically makes its goods more expensive for other countries to import.
But despite that, he said, the consumer electronics arm is holding up well so far, buoyed by a better performance in the last month or so by the PlayStation division.
"PlayStation 3 has now gone past Xbox on the Christmas market. It's moving into its own as it gets into higher bandwidth...PS3 is out of the woods and beginning to hold its own," he said.
His comments echo others made separately by SCEE boss David Reeves, who earlier revealed the extent of sales in Europe, and claimed that the PS3 would outsell the Microsoft machine by the summer.
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January 25th, 2008, 18:10 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
There are more PS2s in the world than humans (true fact) which is probably why System 3 has decided to add Sony's sure-fire cash-maker to the list for it's upcoming Ferrari Challenge racing game.
Previously announced for the PS3, Wii and DS (which we preview here), you race around real race courses in Ferrari cars new and old.
The PS2 version is said to match the PS3 version in features, except for the sweet-ass 1080p resolution of course, and the online mode is reduced from 16-players to eight.
All versions are set to release in spring, providing there are no further delays, that is. Check out the first screens of the PS2 version below.
Screenshots here
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January 25th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo

With Blu-ray destroying the competition, the availability of cheaper units is going to be a big part in the future success of the format. That is why Sony's recent success in shrinking the basic Blu-ray reader/writer module is a turn for the better. The new modules will pave the way for thinner drive bays and cheaper players.
The units are only 3mm thick, and Sony is confident that the smaller size will allow Blu-ray functionality to become mainstream in standard 9.5mm laptop drives. Sony are further hoping that this move towards greater ubiquity is secured by the end of this year.
The cost effectiveness will be due to a simpler manufacturing process, and the 3mm modules will also be able to read dual layered BDs with organic dye in the recording layers. Such discs can be produced from traditional DVD production lines, again driving down the costs. Sure, this may all sound like great news, but do you not recall the movies, people? The hardships that were faced by a tiny Thomas Brown still bring a tear to my eye.
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January 25th, 2008, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Auraomega posted this news/release of a new version of his XMB Replacement for the PSP:
Hey guys, releasing Project4 Open Beta 2 now (finally), the updates are a little sparce because of exams, but some of the ones in there are pretty significant in my eyes.
This update brings about some major updates, and some requests made by people, along with some more minor bug fixes and little additions that will probably not be used.
If you install this, its suggested you have a Pandora battery at hand incase the worst comes to the worst, the code has not changed for installing/un-installing, so if there was an underlying bug, its going to remain there. This update must be a fresh install, because of its Beta status I've not bothered making an upgrade option... maybe in the next version...
Unfortunatly this hasn't been tested properly yet, its installed on my PSP, but my exams have stopped me using it much, and both of my testers have been unable to test, everything should be fine, but there may be some graphical glitches that will need to be fixed.
The config has been changed, and an explaination of the config will be posted on the themes board as it mainly links in with the themes, from there you can edit it to suit your needs. This update comes with my Crüxshadows theme (Live. Love. Be. Believe), I guess very few people will like it, and even less understand it, but it was the only one I could package without an internet connection.
…it looks like everyone fell foul of a purposeful thing I added to Project4, after the problems with bricking last time around because people didn’t read the readme, I decided to NOT make a file structure, instead I hoped people would read into it and find where the file must go. The Project4 installer has a hard coded loading path, which is ms0:/PSP/GAME/Project4, you MUST have all the files in here for it to work, next time I’ll just place this in the readme I think, and I’m sorry for any problems this has caused
Heres whats new etc
e-Book reader and the HEX reader.
pspdebug style font.
PSX loading
Screenshot function
Menu thread giving some background functions in Project4.
New menu when launching games, gives the ability to select directly what kernel you want to load in.
Added a function to load games in the background, although I’ve found none that work. Tagged as experimental.
sysDump function which is called upon a BSoD, used to check system variables.
Added intraFont
The menu is now more advanced, you can select the location on screen icons go, and which folder they open when selected.
Folders with a . in them can now be opened.
Folders with lots of files in can now be browsed easier, instead of pressing select and up/down, just move around in the folder and the new algorithm will determine when you have run off the screen and act accordingly.
Universal Installer modules have been tweaked slightly so they no longer cause issues with some offical Sony savegame loading.
Button changes:
I found the buttons held no consistency whatsoever, so I decided to re-work the entire controls for Project4, these below show what all buttons do now:
Main Menu - Right shoulder button
File Browser - Left shoulder button
Extra Menu - Select
Accept - Cross
Cancel - Circle
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January 25th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Right here you read about john4p’s PSP UAE4ALL resolution & control mods. Provided today is another with the added ability to adjust the screens vertical alignment. Furthermore, UAE4ALL controls have been refined to accommodate the latest mod-job; those listed below…
Some games like Stunt Car Racer would be fullscreen with the 320×200-mod if they were vertically centered. But some are not and thus I implemented the possibility to move the screen position vertically by holding the R-Trigger + dpad up/down.
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January 25th, 2008, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Muhie:
Hi !
A while ago i released Mario Road v0.1 in LUA . I teamed up with PHPnerd and we're proud to present ; Mario Road v1.0 . This time it's coded in C
The main coding was done by PHPnerd so great thanks to him
Your goal is to collect all the coins and avoid Bowser and the banana's . This is tested on a Slim and Fat psp with 3.80 M33-4 firmware .
From the Readme :
Changelog v1.0
- LUA code reversed to C ( Many thanks to PHPnerd )
- Fixed the bug with Bowser ; now his sprite changes when he goes up , down etc..
- Fixed the bug with the screen ; Mario could "escape / disappear" on the bottom of the screen
- Fixed the bug with the bananas ; you could drive over them without losing points.. this has been fixed
- Changed Credit screen
- Changed "Winning" screen
- Changed ICON0.PNG
- Added --> 5 more levels ; now there are 8 levels
- Added --> Pause menu
- Bowsers movement has been slowed down, as many people complained he was moving to fast.
- Smoother gameplay and movement of Mario
- Star icon changed to coin
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January 25th, 2008, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the details:
Arthur And The Minimoys (~Luc Besson Freddie Highmore, Mia Farrow, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Theatrical Feature JPN US$ 77.90
Escaflowne - Theatrical Feature JPN US$ 77.90
Game Plan US US$ 34.99
Me Myself and Irene (~Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, ...) HK US$ 31.90
New Cinema Paradise (~Philippe Noiret, Salvatore Cascio, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Roman Kiko Switzerland Kuchu Sanpo JPN US$ 47.90
Saw 4 US US$ 39.99
Sento Yosei Yukikaze Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 247.90
Taxi 4 (~Samy Naceri, Frederic Diefenthal, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
The Wicker Man (~Nicolas Cage, Ellen Burstyn, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Utawarerumono Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 499.90
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January 26th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released;

2in1 excellent protection: Soft Jacket & anodized aluminium casing
Precisely molded case for perfect fitting
Detachable movie stand included for movie & picture viewing
Innovative "unbreakable screen cover" for total screen protection
Protects against drops, shocks, dust, dirt & scratches
Easy access to all controls & buttons
Attractive choice of colors to personalize your game console
Comes in many colours
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January 26th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released;

Separate signal input ports for Wii™ and PS3™
One RGBHV signal output, 15 pin, can be connected to PC monitor or HDTV
Red and white stereo signal output with RCA ports
Green RCA port is a colorless video output port, which is used to adjust the output format of game consoles.
No need for an extra power supply
160cm length VGA cable
Transfer pictures from the Wii™ and PS3™ console that can be displayed on a PC monitor or HD TV. The resolution of the pictures is 480p (640*480) when connecting with the Wii™ game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console. The resolution of the output pictures is 480p/720p/1080i/1080p when used with the PS3™ game console.
The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75hz. Audio output signal port is compatible with speakers and a headphone. Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console.
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January 26th, 2008, 21:52 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PSX Extreme
According to Siliconera, Sony has unveiled a very hot new limited edition PlayStation 2 at the Taipei Game Show: it's a brand new color, called Aka Takara Kurenai, or loosely translated as Crimson Red Treasure. Evidently, the cutie holding the PS2 is also wearing the same color. Furthermore, if you notice in the upper right of the page, that's our ad for the red PS3 we're giving away...see, we warned you about copious amounts of red! That new PS2 is scheduled to arrive in Asian retail stores on February 4, just in time for the Lunar New Year, but Sony didn't say if the Crimson Red Treasure edition was coming to North America. However, if you want a shot at winning an awesome red PS3 (one of a kind!), all you gotta do is register for our newsletter. Simple, yes?
One last added detail from the show- the intriguing and original Echochrome now has an estimated release date of spring 2008 in Asia. It's coming out in Japan on March 19, but again, we gamers in the U.S. don't have anything beyond "TBA 2008" at this point. Let's hope we hear more about both Echochrome and the limited edition PS2 coming to North American shores. In the meantime, isn't all that red pretty?
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January 26th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Much like the dim-witted kid you constantly taunted in kindergarten, Activision is having extraordinary difficulty making it past the number "1." Constantly cited in press releases, it appears uno is the only number the publisher cares to count on: #1 US publisher in 2007; a $1 billion dollar franchise in Guitar Hero; and #1 game in last week's Xbox Live Activity. Perhaps you too would be laughing all the way to the bank if you weren't such a mean-spirited brat in your early years.
Activision's latest claim to #1 fame is based on sales figures obtained from The NPD Group, Chart Track and The GFK Group, which label Infinity Ward's critically acclaimed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare as the best-selling game for 2007. The frantic first-person shooter is said to have sold in excess of 7 million units worldwide, a particularly impressive victory considering the game's relatively recent November release. Of course, those keen on the shooting of the aliens will recall that Microsoft claimed an 8.1 million sales 'splosion for Halo 3 earlier this month, bringing the title of "Best-selling Game of 2007 OMG" title into minor dispute.
We've contacted both boasters to clarify the figures ... just so we can be sure to stick the air pump into the right ego. Regardless, you'd best take this as a sign to start counting down the months until the inevitable Call of Duty 5 arrives. Let's just hope it's not a #2.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
I got a region A (American) copy of Shoot 'Em Up which is region locked (which i did'nt know about at the time).
After i put it into my UK PS3 and clicked onto the filmes icon (BDMV), the machine thought about it and a message came up in big letters saying REGION INCOMBATIBILITY. Then it goes back to the PS3 menues
Tried it a few times and it done the same over and over again.
So on the last try when the "region incombatibility" message came up i pressed the triangle on the controller, which brings up the pop-up menu and clicked on "TOP MENU" then BINGO the films menu came on .
Everything on the film works OK and the film plays all the way through.
I dont know if this would work on other titles?. But it works on this one
Other reported region A(region locked) titles that also work are (Which are all from New Line):
Mr woodcock
Rush Hour 3
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January 27th, 2008, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
GameDaily BIZ has heard from a corporate retail source - not from Best Buy, but at another major retailer - that something is definitely "afoot" but he "can't really comment (until the 80GBs are gone.)" [parentheses statement added by source, not us - Ed].
Moreover, we spoke with Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey who told us, "Sony is likely dumping the 80GB version because it has failed to meet internal sales projections."
UPDATE2: Well, this is interesting. We just heard from The NPD Group who told us, "In the last quarter (when both were on the market), the 80GB sold more units than the 40GB." When pressed for a more exact breakdown of the sales data between the two SKUs, NPD said they could not provide that. It's certainly a surprise to us, however, that the more expensive 80GB would have sold more than 40GB, which many have attributed the PS3 sales spike to.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
* How is PlayStation Network doing in PAL territories?
* One thing that has surprised us is in network purchases and the level of interest that has been shown around the network business. We've gone from zero to almost double digit millions in terms of what people have purchased in euros. And we're obviously very happy about this. I suppose you might ask whether the retail trade would be worried about it. But what we're seeing is that most of these purchases are incremental.
And we're working very closely with the retail trade, particularly countries like France, where Carrefour has its own online retail programme. Even in emerging markets some of the trade are already looking to work with us on joint marketing programmes.
We've now got about two million PlayStation Network registrations. That's about 40 per cent of users who are registering. We've also had about 33m downloads which is a huge, huge number. And we've got 25 stores up and running across the PAL territories. That, of course, is one of the reasons why it's sometimes slow to get some of the uploads onto the European PlayStation store; we have so many stores.
* What everyone is interested in, of course, are the top line numbers...
* Well, Sony Corporation will be announcing the full numbers shortly, so we have to steer away from installed base. But I can give you some figures...
I would call December something of a trinity, because we sold just over a million PlayStation 3s during the month. That's across all PAL territories and that's a sell-through figure.
About 20 to 22 per cent of that figure was sold in the UK alone; we're very happy with our performance in the UK.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Rhythm fans might just have a new reason to celebrate the upcoming release of Patapon. Recently, the title's price was reduced to $19.99 (a price typically reserved for Sony's Greatest Hits series) to highlight its unique gameplay. Today, this news was followed up with an announcement on the Playstation Blog of a unique demo with exclusive content for the final title.
Currently available at any Gamestop for players that pre-order the title, the Patapon trial will include a few levels of the game and a demo-only weapon for the diminutive Patapons known as The Spear of Protection. What makes the demo special is that players will be able to save their progress from the demo and transfer their progress to the final retail product with the exclusive Spear of Protection along with any stats they've received. This will give players an edge with the retail version, instead of having to start from the beginning without anything. We'll have more on the upcoming rhythm title soon.
Update: Shortly after we posted our piece on the Patapon Demo, we were contacted by a Sony representative, who informed us that the demo will be available at Gamestops "within a week or two."
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January 27th, 2008, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CSwindle: of an update to Furikup the Phone app for the PSP
I have just uploaded a new version of Furikup, this version is mainly just to add extra debugging and a fixing a couple of bugs. Here are the details:
Logging to file is now possible using logfile= in sipcfg.ini
Network selector now added
Fixed to strip off trailing spaces in username/password entries in sipcfg.ini
Fixed to allow quitting even when it does not login
There have been no changes made to the audio, that will come at a later stage, just wanted to try and remove some of the bugs in the code first.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Kaltorak:
The Kop Team surprise us with a new input for PSP. This is a game like "Sokoban" pseudo3D in perspective, that will make insurance delight lovers of the puzzle type games. It is worthwhile to take a look at the MANY improvements coming from the hand of Kaltorak in programming, Kei in the audio and Loopin in paragraph graphic. A game pretty long and entertaining, with dozens of screens, record and cargo items, compatible with analog Stick ... And only 3Mb of space!. And I decis if I tell you we can take to make suggestions to the author. That is the big Homebrew.
Selector "worlds" in the Kopbanpsp. Iran remains accessible when overcome the early stages.
Improvements version 0.41
Movement doll
System saved game
System load items
Levels Boxclone (93 LEVELS)
Levels 100BOXES (10 LEVELS)
Icon for xmb
Image for the Xmb
Use Of Stick to move the character
Implemented the opportunity to take a step back by pressing O
Implemented bookshops Desbloqueables At the end of each library
Modified KOBANPSP And Add New Levels
Implementados sound effects of walking and moving boxes
Including Level 2 Echo _DSCS_ by the Libreria KOPBANPSP
Fixed bug found by Alpha 5 towards that sometimes step back adjudge
Fixed Bug found by Loopin that by the barrel of the menu was very fast.
Cambiados Menus for the new echos by Loopin
Introduction maps bookshelves for the selection to be more graphic
Introduced music in the menu and the game sent by Kei
Modified the sound of walking sent by Loopin
Capture of the second level. And the thing is complicating anger ...
Future versions:
Implement a menu of options
Putting a story on the game (I am in it  )
Debugging the completion of levels
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January 27th, 2008, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
PSP UAE4ALL continues to get the loving attention it deserves… Again john4p has further enhanced the emulator by adding support for analog mouse control; leaving us now with 5 different control modes.
The 411:
Implemented ANALOG MOUSE control: The mouse pointer moves faster the further you move the PSP’s analog nub. The cursor moves even faster while holding the R-Trigger.
By default the analog is mouse control and the dpad is the joystick. You can swap these by pressing “Start + []”
Overall there are now 5 different control modes:
Default Control (activate with “R-Trigger + Select” or “Start + X”)
Dpad Mouse & Analog Joystick - Control (”Start + []”)
Alphabet Input Control (”L-Trigger + Select”)
Pinball Dreams and Numeric Input - Control (”Start + O”)
Dpad = Numpad 4, 8, 6, 2 and analog mouse - Control (”Start + /\”)
“Alphabet Input Control” has all 26 letters of the alphabet.
“Pinball Dreams and Numeric Input - Control” has the numbers 0-9.
John4p has created EBOOTs for the resolutions 320×200, 384×216, 414×240, and 480×272. This time they’re available as KERNEL and USERMODE builds.
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January 27th, 2008, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sales data for HD-DVD and Blu-ray players and movies has been misconstrued lately by various outlets, with reports implying that HD-DVD sales have fallen at an amazing pace while Blu-ray sales have blasted through the roof.
The NPD Group attempted to quiet the storm of online scuttlebutt with the following statement:
"The facts are that during the week that is being singled out, both Blu-ray disc players and software were being given away for free with the purchase of 1080p TVs. It is also important to note that the instant rebate promotions that had previously netted Toshiba's players' MSRPs to $199 and $249 had actually ended on Jan. 5th -- causing an increase in HD DVD's MSRP back to $299 and $399 during that same week. Since Toshiba's retail price move on Jan. 13th to $149 / $199 -- Toshiba is seeing very positive sales trends at retail. This reinforces the fact that price is a significant driver of sales."
"Toshiba's HD DVD players represent a significant value to the consumer and the marketing campaign that just began is proving effective."
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January 27th, 2008, 12:24 Posted By: one winged angel
SofiyaCat just released a new version of her wonderfull app called psp tube.
new feateres:
-This is a version to test "video-out"
-You'll need a video-out cable
-You'll also need a PSP-2000 with CFW3.71+
-This new feature is for people who aren't afraid of hurting their PSP. Please use at your risk
-About video-out:
screen size is 720x480 16bit colour.
very heavy
haven't tested interlacing
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January 27th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Play FPS and other advanced games on your Playstation 3 the way they should be, with a clear technical advantage with the XFPS Rate Up Adapter.
With this smart device, you can use a mouse and keyboard on your Playstation 3 by remapping the Dual Shock 3/Six Axis buttons to be used on the keyboard and mouse.
With great compatiblity and high sensitivity, it is a must have for all hard core FPS gamers on Playstation 3!
Specifications & extra information
- Compatible with all PS3 games
- Compatible with all versions of PS 3 (NTSC/US , PAL, NTSC/JAP)
- Can map the controller button keys to any key of the Keyboard
- Compatible with 95% of mice and Keyboards models and brands.
- High sensitivity, precision and smoothness.
- Can adjust the mouse sensitivity from 2 extra wheels with 16 levels of adjustment for X and Y sensitivity to adapt perfectly to every mice.
- Built in Turbo (Auto Fire) functionality. Independent Auto fire buttons: Eight customizable auto-fire buttons (no soldering required)
- Plug and Play - Just connect the XFPS RATEUP to PS3. (no PC required)
- Ease of use: Just use the original PS3 controller to re-map itself to the keyboard.
- Both controllers analog stick keys can also be mapped to the keyboard.
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January 27th, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
We know that Final Fantasy games, much like fine wine and Radiohead albums, take some time to come together nicely -- still, it's hard for us to believe that Final Fantasy XIII (in all its shapes and forms) will be dropping by its latest release date of "this year". We've had our hearts broken so many times by delays for hotly anticipated titles that we've sadly come to expect them.
Fear not, says the comforting voice of long time series character designer Tetsuya Nomura, the long wait for the Fabula Nova Crystallis collection will be over soon enough. Not only does he swear by the game's 2008 release date, he teases at a playable demo for FFXIII on the PlayStation Network a while before the game is released, to show off the game's revamped battle system. So don your steepled hat and cuddle tight your cactaur plushie -- your chance to sit down with the unluckiest chapter in Square Enix's seminal RPG franchise could be just around the corner.
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January 27th, 2008, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nametaken33:
Finally at a stopping point on uPSP. This will allow you to control and view your torrents that are downloading on your PC from your PSP.
uPSP Features
-PHP based (15 sec refresh)
-Any PSP can access it CFW or not, just need the web browser.
-Allows you to stop torrents
-Allows you to start torrents
-Allows you to pause torrents
uPSP Information Viewable
-Download Percentage
-Torrent Title
-Download rate
-Upload rate
-Estimated Time Remaining
-Share ratio
uPSP Installation
First you need to install the webUI for uTorrent. You can look on how to do that here: http://lifehacker.com/software/hack-...bui-260393.php
Once that is down, simply point your PSP browser too: http://fisher.globat.com/~nametaken.org/
Enter your name, password, ip, and port that you set up when installing the webUI and you're in
Remember that this is a beta and not a final version. Any constructive criticism is welcomed.
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January 27th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305:
This plugins transforms your psp into a Mechanical-sounding alarm clock.
This plugin works by parsing CONFIG.TB in msdrive:\PSP\GAME150\Time Baby\
When the PSP turns on because of alarm, this works by checking the RTC clock and the alarm time in CONFIG.TB if the time matches, it plays the alarm sound [RAW MONO PCM ] in "seplugins/alarm.wav", which is also customizable.
Spoiler for Why use this plugin when's theres the original program?:
1) There's isn't any specific autoboot app released specifically for alarm + AutoBoot is broken since few lasts CFW's, also it SLOWS DOWN boot time of the psp, hence I made a relocatable module [A.K.A PRX A.K.A a plugin].
2) Starting from CFW 3.71 M33, 1.5 IPL is no longer used which causes the incompatibility when the PSP Resumes from sleep mode and shuts off. Also using Sleep mode Alarm wastes battery.
1) In Time Baby Set Alarm time and make sure it's enabled.
3) Press SELECT to go to Stand By / Turn off Mode alarm. [RECOMMENDED, you could also press Start, but it is an unnecessary waste of battery]
4) Wake up to the sound of PSP'S Mechanical Alarm sound! [In XMB, PRESS SQUARE TO STOP]
1) Atleast CFW 3.80M33.
2) Time baby installed to PSP\GAME150\Time Baby\
Spoiler for Installation:
1) Add the line ms0:/seplugins/TimeBabyHelper.prx to vsh.txt or copy entire
"seplugins" folder [in this package] to Memory Stick root.
2) Enable in Recovery under plugins, so that it is enabled.
Spoiler for How to make Custom Alarm sounds:
Make sure Alarm is somewhat long; filesize should NOT exceed 5KB's or else expect absurd behaviour.
- Yet Another useful release by Mr305. Enjoy!
You may post suggestions for improvement in the thread or modify the source yourself.
Finally, a weight off my back and I can work on other things!
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January 27th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dggc92
iPSPhone 2nd Generation.3.00 FInal
This Version has all functions as the Previous.
* Bugfix
* All Games/Apps Can Quit by Pessing START
* NEw Battery ICon
* PortableQuiz Added
* Its the last Version by ME!
* USB Mode [L > Off+R > On]
* Has a Intro
File Browser by Tactical Penguin
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January 27th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Art posted this:
Hi Guys,
I'm not sure if the Popstation exploit was all handled in the
EBOOT.PBP itself, or something was done in CFW to make them run.
Could someone with ORIGINAL FIRMWARE please try running this brew
in the same manner as a popstation game?
It might be handy to have a way into original FW, even if user mode.
Thanks, Art.
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January 28th, 2008, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Art has once again updated Time Baby the Alarm Clock and more for the PSP:
Hi Guys,
This is Time Baby V10d, with World Moonrise / Moonset Time Calculator.
V10d (25/01/08):
- Pressing the TRIANGLE button while in the World Map screen causes the fly over feature to move the
crosshair from wherever it is, back to the location that is either currently in use, or last saved.
- Improved map grid in World Clock screen so coordinates should line up more accurately.
- Fixed slow down in intro screen, and shortened the time of the intro screen.
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January 28th, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Several "anonymous sources" have this weekend emerged from the woodwork to spread news of the 80GB PS3 being pushed aside to make giving way to a new larger SKU.
Stories suggest that the 80GB SKU currently on sale in US is due for the chop, with a 120GB version set to replace it.
This would go hand-in-hand with a previous statement from SCEE president and CEO, who hinted last year that a 120GB PS3 could be possible.
"The difference between 60 and 80GB is very small, we just feel that going up 20GB is not worth it," he said, adding: "if you go to double it, it's worth it ... so maybe you'll see something a little bit later."
Sony UK, however, dismissed this weekend's reports as "rumour and speculation".
If the rumours turn out to be true, the 80GB console will be the third SKU axed in just over a year since the console's release. But does Sony really need to release another new PS3 so soon? It might be a different story once PlayTV is up and running.
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January 28th, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Next Generation
There are nearly 40 million PS2s in the United States. Top-shelf Triple-A products have all but abandoned the system, yet there remains an entrenched market for new PS2 games. Sony has relaxed restrictions on what can come out for its old workhorse, as evidenced by late 2D fighters like NeoGeo Battle Coliseum and inexplicable trash like Crazy Frog Arcade Racer.
This combination of facts means one thing; that the PS2 has been repurposed as fertile ground for budget publications priced to move. In general, publishers will look at this situation and capitalize upon it with kids fare, licensed junk and unnecessary paring-downs of current-gen blockbusters.
But there is another way for American publishers to take advantage—by taking a second look at the strange or unique foreign titles that have long since been passed up for US release. Below are our personal favorites; we would love for a brave publisher to pick up any of these, yet this would not be charity. Yes, under other circumstances these games would not have stood a chance at American retail. But today, all the conditions exist for them to find their market.
Some Notes:
• To avoid the most visible added cost to publication, we have avoided text-heavy games where localization could come at a premium.
• While none of these games have been announced for a US release, a publisher may have already picked one up and may have yet to announce it.
• Of course there is some bias here; we would love to play these games without having to import. None of these games are great (or they would have made it over by now), but they all have something interesting and/or marketable to present.
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January 28th, 2008, 16:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games

Three new screenshots from Grand Theft Auto IV have found their way onto the internet.
Last week Rockstar confirmed the massively anticipated sequel will go on worldwide release on April 29, while admitting that PS3 contributed to the game's delay to this year. News that like writes itself.
We recently tripped over the Rockstar's UK HQ for a new look at GTA IV, and in case you missed it you can read our MASSIVE in-depth report here.
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January 28th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Until now we've only seen scans of Resistance 2 - but here we have the first seven proper screenshots from the PS3 sequel.
Recent info on the game revealed the Chamelion and Stalker, beasts that have stealthier tactics than the Chimera, with the ability to cloak themselves invisible and sneak up on you. Insomniac has apparently listened to feedback from the first game, and focused on improving the enemy AI, checkpoints and health system in the new game.
The sixty-player multiplayer gameplay will take on a new focus on squad-based gameplay. There will be three main classes of player, a Tank class who have the big guns, Special Ops handle the long-range sniper action, and the Medic to patch up the n00bs.
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January 28th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The world of dodgy console peripherals has struck again with another laughable invention, this time to add rumble to your bog-standard SixAxis controller.
If buying the £300 console left your wallet too empty to import a DualShock 3 controller, peripheral company PEGA wants to help with its $17 [£8.55] contraption pictured below.
It's called the Vibrating Bag, for some unknown reason, and features a vibrating unit that straps to your SixAxis, with a transmitter that is attached to your PS3.
Only, the transmitter has a massive '80s-style aerial antenna on it, ruining the neo look of your PS3, and by the looks of it, the shaking unit responds to sounds in the game (like a sort of small vibrating speaker), not the game's proper rumble signals.
But don't let that put you off because it also has a built-in FM radio tuner - cutting edge stuff. And according to the packaging it was "specially designed for PS3 game chip" so it must be good.
Why did we ever spend £40 on a DualShock 3 when we could have just got this?
A couple of images of the gadget here
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January 28th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Americans who found the hot coffee mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas "offensive and upset" can claim up to $35 [about £17.60] in compensation from Rockstar, People Magazine reports.
The exact amount you can claim depends upon how much documentation you have to prove your outrage.
Rockstar is referring to receipts or proof of purchase by the way, so you can throw away all those psychiatrist's reports linking your mentally deranged mind to seeing the simulated sex mod.
For our American readers and/or the intrigued:
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas First Edition Disc: Replacement Disc
- Detailed Store Receipt: Cash payment up to $35.00
- General Credit Card Statement or Check: Cash payment up to $17.50
- Disc/Purchase Details: Cash payment up to $10.00
- No Disc/Purchase Details: Cash payment up to $5.00
Further details can be found at gtasettlement.com if you feel you were traumatised by the ordeal.
As a nice epilogue, the lawyers involved have received one million dollars for defending American citizens from the tyranny of Rockstar's unused code.
That sort of money makes us think that writing about games for a living wasn't perhaps the best career choice, after all. Spotted by Gaming Steve.
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January 28th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: Baboon
Ahman has released the final public release of his famous iR Shell application.

New Features:
Added support for 3.80M33-2, M33-4 & M33-5. Pls note M33-1 & M33-3 are not supported due to some technical issues which I'm lazy to resolve.
Added support for 3.80 Popsloader Version 2. Version 1 isn't supported.
The 1.5 Kernel Addon for 3.71M33 & 3.80M33 has caused some incompatibility issues with fw 1.5 iR Shell. This is now resolved.
Enhance PSP ISO compatability. Previously failed ISOs will probably work in this release.
For slim only, the nethostfs MAX mode is now compatible with WPA.
Some older firmware supports have been removed to reduce the distribution archive. This version has support for fw 1.5, 3.10 to 3.80. Also, directories EXTAPP15 & EXTAPP3X have been combined into a single EXTAPP to save space. Each APP# directory has 2 EBOOTs, with EBOOT.PBP for fw 3.x and EBOOT15.PBP for fw 1.5.
Special thanks to:
Dark_AleX for his help and support in iR Shell development. Many of the M33 related features are made possible with his assistance.
Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
Smokescreen for the new included skin.
M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
remotejoyGUI for Windows & Cleanup Script is developed by StoneCut.
remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
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January 28th, 2008, 18:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
It been confirmed that the controversial Grab Bag Achievement in the new Turok game, which would reward players for killing members of their own team in an online multiplayer game, will be removed via a patch on the day of the game's release.
Josh Holmes, VP of Propaganda Games, told CVG last year that his team was considering readying a patch to remove the Grab Bag achievement should it prove to be ruining the game for players. After the noise we made about it, Propaganda evidently decided to go ahead with the fix.
Wired, who quotes CVG as calling the Grab Bag achievement the "worst multiplayer achievement in the history of games," reports that the patch will be made available online on February 5, and will change the Achievement (or the "accomplishment" in the PS3 version) so that you only need to kill an enemy, a creature and yourself.
Rumble functionality and 1080i support will also be included in the patch for the PS3 version.
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January 28th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
Gartner, the fat lady of research firms, is singing HD DVD's swan song this morning. Hiroyuki Shimizu, Principal Research Analyst in Japan, says in Gartner's Semiconductor DQ Monday Report that, "Gartner believes that Toshiba's price-cutting may prolong HD DVD's life a little, but the limited line-up of film titles will inflict fatal damage on the format." He goes on to call the recent price cuts "useless resistance" in avoiding the inevitable. What's that, you coyly ask?
According to Shimizu, "Gartner expects that, by the end of 2008, Blu-ray will be the winning format in the consumer market, and the war will be over." With 5 of the 7 major studios now backing Blu-ray exclusively, Gartner's certainty on the subject doesn't appear to be much of a stretch.
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January 28th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: bandit
Our inside source of all things video gaming has been right almost every time it comes out of the shadows to give us information, so I'm going to dispense with the back story. Wherever his or her information is coming from, it's usually solid. After I spoke to Sony about the possible discontinuation of the 80GB PS3 model, I lit the mole-signal.
Working late into the night on Saturday, I heard a noise behind me. For both of our safety, I didn't turn around. "You've talked to Sony," the mole said in a gravelly whisper. "Tell me what they told you."
I repeated the information we reported on Friday: Sony is sticking to a two-model approach at retail, but the company won't comment on whether or not the other model would be the 80GB system. The 40GB system seems safe. I asked the mole what information he had.
"Sony is, in fact, phasing out the 80GB PS3. Sony is going to stay with the two-SKU approach though, and the prices look to stay the same," the mole told me. I heard sirens in the background, and the mole seemed nervous. "The Spiderman 3 pack-in will disappear as well once the 80GB unit is gone. In order to maintain a similar value proposition to the 80GB/Spiderman 3 bundle, I expect to see a storage increase to 120 or 160GB at the same price point, plus the new Dual-Shock 3 controller..."
No word on when this is released if true. Theres also no information as to whether it will have backwards compatibility, card reader or how many USB ports it will have. If this new SKU'd PS3 is the same exact thing as the current 80GB and same price just only bigger harddrive and includes Dual Shock 3, early adopters will be screwed over by Sony,
Source: Arstechnica
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January 28th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: genevois
I am pleased to announce the release of the latest draft realtech-vr project : the newton war
Code by quadrizo, music by alexel and gfx by romuald genevois

Story :
After the 3rd World War, the Earth's surface has become uninhabitable... but war continues...
Rules of war :
- You need to enable all slabs numbered by pushing blocks... activating them in the order
- To disable your enemies, you must attack them in contact mode by activating the "red" mode
- To open gates, You must projecting above enemies disabled
Authors :
Code - Quadrizo
Gfx - Romuald Genevois
Music - Alexel
Control :
Joystick : Move
TRIANGLE : "red" gravity
CROSS : "blue" gravity
START : Pause/Menu
Official site : http://www.realtech-vr.com/newtonwar/

Download :
Good luck soldier, the whole nation is counting on you...
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January 29th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
System Soft Alpha is working on remakes of its PC-based RPG title Tir-nan-og V for PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2. Originally released on May 27th 2005, Tir-nan-og V is the newest installment in the long-running RPG franchise. The first Tir-nan-og made its debut on the PC-98 in 1987. The series is probably best known for its scenario generator.
The remakes of Tir-nan-og V will include new characters, scenarios, event scenes as well as other exclusive features, such as an item database.
Tir-nan-og V for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable will be available in Japan sometime this spring. The PlayStation 2 version will carry a suggested retail price of 6,800 yen ($62.23 US), while the PlayStation Portable release will cost 4,800 yen ($43.93 US).
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January 29th, 2008, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
System Soft Alpha is working on remakes of its PC-based RPG title Tir-nan-og V for PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2. Originally released on May 27th 2005, Tir-nan-og V is the newest installment in the long-running RPG franchise. The first Tir-nan-og made its debut on the PC-98 in 1987. The series is probably best known for its scenario generator.
The remakes of Tir-nan-og V will include new characters, scenarios, event scenes as well as other exclusive features, such as an item database.
Tir-nan-og V for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable will be available in Japan sometime this spring. The PlayStation 2 version will carry a suggested retail price of 6,800 yen ($62.23 US), while the PlayStation Portable release will cost 4,800 yen ($43.93 US).
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January 29th, 2008, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Irem is bringing more support to the PSP, this time with Ikuze Gensan, a story of a young and kind hearted carpenter who set out to stop an irresponsible construction company from creating more havoc on the streets, amusement parks and beaches… I decided to find out more about the “comic action” game after seeing Famitsu screens of little boy fighting construction worker on a highway, with a wooden hammer! The release date in Japan is this Spring.
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January 29th, 2008, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Hellcat:
What is it?
This adds a new bootmenu to a magic memorystick of the Pandora battery with some new functions and abilities.
Key features:
* Choose to boot firmware from memory stick, internal flash or the original Pandora mainmenu
* Fix flash1:/ (the one holding the settings and config) by formatting it and creating all directories
* Launch an additional application (PSPFiler or such) with working access to the real flash0:/
* Launch custom firmware installer (OE / M33) with working flash0:/ access, so it can install the CFW straight from a Pandora boot without the need to downgrade to 1.50 first, no matter of the current state (and version) of the internal flash.
* Access flash0:/, flash1:/ or memory stick via USB (straight from the menu)
Known issues/bugs
* The boot from the internal flash doesn't work too well....
If you boot from the internal flash, using the option in the menu, the UMD drive errors out and does not work, programs may fail to load and you might get a lockup after the Sony intro.
However on recent CFWs there are workarounds: In the recovermenu configuration set "Skip Sony Logo" and "Hard reset on homebrew" to "ENABELED", that almost solves anything (UMD works again after first program launch).
Furthermore, due to the IPL, the PSP has been initialized from, this can only boot 1.50, CFWs and a few 2.xx FWs.
Higher (original Sony) firmwares will fail to boot.
There has to be a better way of rebooting the PSP, it just needs to be found.
I am currently using sceSysconResetDevice() to do it. scePower_0442D852() has been reported to be cool, but that's not available on 1.50
Just copy the installer EBOOT to /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME150 on your memstick, and run it - done :-)
All you need is a plain Pandora Magic Memorystick, no need for an already installed firmware on the stick, the installer takes care of everything.
Just be sure the 1.50 UPDATE.PBP is still in the root directory of the stick if you want to install with full firmware booting from stick.
If you already have a firmware propperly booting from your memstick, or you are upgrading from a previous version of the bootmenu, the installer gives you the option to install without firmware setup, only the required bootmenu files will then be installed.
Well, I don't have to explain how to use a menu, do I?
Nevertheless, some usefull info:
* Access to the real flash in general:
If you run a custom app, or a CFW installer, from this menu, after your application (or the installer) has started, wait a few seconds before actually using it and letting it access the flash!
This is because the flash emulation is disabled with a slight delay to give the starting app the chance to load additional modules from the (emulated) firmware before the emulation gets disabled and the app would no longer be able to load modules (since they might no longer be available).
* Custom application to be started with access to the real flash0:/ (and flash1:/ and all the others)
Default path for EBOOT to launch is:
The path can be configured, by pressing O or [] while the option is selected. O will let you choose any program from /PSP/GAME and [] will let you choose from /PSP/GAME150.
This application can then be started with the "Launch app with flash0:/ access" option from the menu.
A few seconds after your app has been started you are then be able to access the flash of your PSP using this program.
Very usefull to perform file operations with tools like PSPFiler from a Pandora boot.
* CFW installer
Default path for EBOOT to launch is:
The path can be configured, by pressing O or [] while the option is selected. O will let you choose any program from /PSP/GAME and [] will let you choose from /PSP/GAME150.
This menu lets you start a CFW installer (OE or M33 or whatever) also with flash emulation disabled, so the install WORKS.
No need anymore to downgrade to 1.50 first, and then run the CFW installer from there.
Like with the app above, give the PSP a few seconds before starting the installation to let the flash emulation get propperly disabled.
TA-082/086 NOTE:
TA-082/086 users that never downgraded their PSP before:
You DO NOT NEED to downgrade with the original Pandora function and you DO NOT NEED to patch your idstorage since this will install a 1.50 compatible IPL that also runns fine on TA-082/86! (All credits for this, and I mean 100% all, go to "moonlight" at the PS2DEV forums!!! I only implemented/copied it into my code.)
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January 29th, 2008, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellcat:
OK, here's the thing:
While this plugin is active, on every save operation, there's a second set of savedata written to
on your memstick.
The folder layout in there is pretty similar to the one in the original /PSP/SAVEDATA folder, only that everthing in here is plain and unencrypted.
You can then edit your heart out on your savedata, on the next load the unencrypted (and maybe edited ) version will be loaded instead of the normal/encrypted one from /PSP/SAVEDATA.
If no unencrypted version exists for a savegame, the normal one will be used as if nothing ever happened.
More details can be found in the readme.
Read it, especially when having trouble, as there are a few "confuseness" causing things are mentioned in there....
Finally we're back at good ol' gamesave cheating
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January 29th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Stealthkill of an update to his Counterstrike game for the PSP:
Version 0.72
Added New Font
Added New Sounds
Added New Help Menu GFX by Kratelos
Added New Muzzle Flash GFX by Kratelos
Added New Credits GFX by Kratelos
Added New Menu GFX by Delmi
Added New Menu Background by Kratelos
Added Weapon Idle
Added New Eboot GFX By Kratelos
Fixed Bot Animations
Fixed Weapon bug
*new maps*
De_dust2 (not working yet )
_________________________ ________________________
Copy to PSP/GAME
Make sure your GAME folder is on teh Kernel of your current FW.
_________________________ ___________
Analog nub: look
Triangle: Move Forward
Square: Move Right
Circle: Move Left
Cross: Move Backward
LTrigger: Jump
RTrigger: Attack
Select: Scores
LeftArrow: Buy Menu
Right Arrow: IN game menu
UpArrow: Change Weapon
DownArrow: Zoom with sniper rifles
To zoom out press up
_________________________ ___________
How to Spawn Bots:
Go to console (options)
and write
impulse 100 or impulse 150
_________________________ ___________
When you add new models remove the glquake folder
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January 29th, 2008, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Memento Team posted this news for fans of their PS2 Modchip Memory Card:
Hi, yes, we know we are late, but we are doing many more controls and checks to be sure that this wil work on all the PS2 models released. It might take few more days, but once released it will work on ALL PS2 models. running from DVD-R is same difficulty as running from HDD, HDD better becouse no need to make DVD-R burn. mementoteam
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January 29th, 2008, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Hammerin' Harry was a bizarre game for the Famicom, Game Boy, and SFC, and is now getting a PSP sequel.
It's 3D graphics with 2D gameplay, and is called Ikuze Gensan in Japan. Aside from the 3D, Gen/Harry also gets new outfits and objects to hammer with, and there's a female character, though the article doesn't confirm whether she's playable. Irem says it's planned for Spring 2008. Thanks to Fanitsu, who thinks it "looks mint," for pointing it out (British people and their crazy words!).
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January 29th, 2008, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Based on the classic arcade Rainbow Islands series, Rainbow Islands Revolution is set once again in the ostensible Rainbow Islands where Bub and Bob are now under the shadow of an evil record company who is polluting the ecosystem with a constant, mass-produced musical chant. Only Bub and Bob have the experience to take on the record company and its seven bosses, setting the stage for an entirely new adventure.
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January 29th, 2008, 07:10 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: NekoMimi
SofiyaCat released an updated version of the video-streaming application known as PSPTube.
- Works on PSP-1000 (20080129) now. However, no video out.
- Shh also fall and more of adults only, please use at your own risk.
- D (20080129) Less terminal interface components and the corresponding output.
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January 29th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has told GamesIndustry.biz that there are currently no plans to introduce a 120GB PlayStation 3 in the region.
Rumours are circulating that Sony America is due to launch a new model PlayStation 3 in the US, as stocks of the 80GB model begin to disappear from shelves.
Gaming blog Ars Technica has reported that a 120GB sku is due shortly – complete with DualShock 3 controller and retailing for the same price as the 80GB Spider-Man 3 bundle – although Sony has made no comment to confirm this.
However, if any 120GB unit is to be launched in North America, there's no such roll-out on the cards for Europe.
"We do not currently have any plans to release a 120GB PlayStation 3 in the UK," said a spokesperson for SCEE.
Sony has hinted in the past that it could release PS3 units with larger hard-drives if consumers demanded it, to take advantage of the increasing supply of digitally delivered content via services such as the PlayStation Network.
Sony has constantly chopped and changed prices and hardware configurations in all three of its key territories, most recently discontinuing the 20GB and 60GB skus in Japan.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony is currently facing legal proceedings over the trademark Buzz, which it uses for the quiz series developed by UK team Relentless Software.
Buzztime Entertainment in the US had filed a suit against SCEE alleging the Buzz line of games violate a number of the company's trademarks while demanding that all infringing products be recalled and destroyed, along with a payment of damages, reports GameSpot.
The US company also alleges Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is guilty of "malicious, fraudulent, wilful and deliberate" violation of trademarks.
SCEE has acknowledged the lawsuit to GamesIndustry.biz, stating: "We are aware that a complaint has been made against Buzz in the United States, but as is our normal procedure in matters like these we will not be making any public statement."
Buzztime Entertainment makes electronic trivia games usually found in bars and restaurants, as well as running quiz events over mobile phones, through cable TV and plug-and-play devices.
Sony's trademark applications for Buzz are currently pending in North America, but Buzztime Entertainment wants the US Patent and Trademark Office to reject the applications.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: Shrygue
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue will be available in the US from April 17 in shops or as a download. We're sitting tight about a European release date though...
Sony has sent word that the long awaited GT5 will be out in the US mid-April. Or a few weeks before GTA IV to be more precise. "It's official - SCEA announced today the April 17 North American ship date for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue" beams the official PlayStation blog.
Sony UK told us, "April 17 is a US date only. We have yet to confirm a release date for GT5 Prologue in Europe, and will do so in due course."
The title will be available for $39.99 [£20] on Blu-ray Disc or as a download via the PlayStation Store. Curiously Sony hasn't said how much cheaper the download version will be, if at all.
But if you opt for the Blu-ray version you'll also get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of the game dubbed, Beyond the Apex, which translated into UK English means Round The Bend.
"This video will offer some awesome access to the folks at Polyphony and give some background on how they are able to create such a realistic and beautiful driving simulator," says Sony.
We're promised more in the run up, but if you can't wait that long take a look at our recent GT5 movies, taken straight from the Japanese version, which went on sale the other side of Christmas. It's all good.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Konami has kindly offered a helping hand to CRT-owning PlayStation 3 Pro Evolution 2008 players, with a new patch available today over the PlayStation Network ironing out frame-rate issues experienced by our lo-def cousins.
While it may come as a surprise to some that PS3 owners may still be hooking up their console to older televisions, the news will be welcomed by the large number of current-generation gamers yet to make the switch to HD, and marks a welcome stance from Konami following some other publishers shunning of older technologies.
The download will be initiated automatically upon next booting up PSN via the game.
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January 29th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rake out your PS2 next month - a game that doesn't involve singling or answering pointless trivia questions is coming out and it's bloody good.
Persona 3 from Koei was very well received in the US, where it recently went on sale, and it'll be hitting UK stores on February 29.
As part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona 3 is set in a Japanese school, with a unique time mechanic that sees you socialise with students and make friends during the day, almost like a life sim, then battle demons that emerge at night.
The UK Official PlayStation Magazine gave it a 10-out-of-10 score, Koei is keen to boast, so it's definitely a reason to put the PS3 to one side for a few weeks (unless you have a full-fat 60GB console that'll play your PS2 games as well).
Check out these screens for a taste of the action within.
Screenshots here
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January 29th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson Entertainment, the North American publishing arm of Hudson Soft, today announced Bomberman Land for the Wii and the PSP (PlayStationPortable) system, and Bomberman Land Touch! 2 for the Nintendo DS are now available at retail. Published by Hudson and distributed in North America by Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., all three versions are now available for a suggested retail price of $29.99 each.
Bomberman Land brings an exciting single player campaign element to the Bomberman property while holding true to the multiplayer mode that has
made it so popular in the past. The series troduces a multitude of attractions, many of which can be played in multiplayer mode. Both the PSP system and Wii feature 50 attractions. While the Wii version
is full of interactive games that use intuitive Wii Remote controls, all of the PSP system's attractions can be played and shared in multiplayer. The Nintendo DS version features more than 40 types of
attractions that either use the stylus or the microphone to play. In addition, the Bomberman Land series contains a robust single-player
Story Mode, where adventurers explore a fantasy land, take on quests and solve puzzles to restore the peace and tranquility of the beleaguered Bomberman world.
The biggest feature on each platform is the classic multiplayer Bomberman experience that gamers know and love. The PSP system and Nintendo DS allow up to four players to compete globally. While both versions offer shared multiplay, the Nintendo DS title allows eight people to play locally. The Wii version, on the other hand, features six "Battle Modes": Normal, Points, Stars, Crown, All-Out and a Wii exclusive mode designed specifically for the Wii Remote. Each "Battle Mode" includes 20 maps, making it the game to have for the ultimate
"As one of the most recognizable video game franchises in the industry, the Bomberman series has always been known for its fun and addictive
gameplay, and these three new installments are no exception," said John Greiner President and CEO of Hudson Entertainment. Packed with fun attractions, a compelling single-player mode and a competitive
multiplayer experience, these new games will keep players coming back for more."
For more information on Hudson Entertainment, BOMBERMAN LAND or BOMBERMAN LAND Touch! 2, please visit
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January 29th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) announced today that Pursuit Force(TM): Extreme Justice is now available exclusively for the PSP(R) (PlayStation(R)Portable) handheld entertainment system. The pulse-pounding driving adventure franchise increases the thrills with new multiplayer capabilities, more than 50 criminal cases across multiple gameplay modes, 30 weapon types and 12 different vehicle types. Developed by Bigbig Studios, Ltd., this second installment in the Pursuit Force(TM) franchise brings even more over-the-top Hollywood-blockbuster-style action to the small screen.
"Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice is exactly the kind of game that PSP owners want," said Jeff Reese, director, software marketing, SCEA. "It offers incredible value in terms of re-playability, is a perfect pick-up-and-play experience in both single-player or multiplayer mode, and most importantly is extraordinarily entertaining."
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will have players taking the role of a commander, the highest ranking operational officer, and partnering with four other new playable characters, all of whom are responsible for tracking down and bringing to justice five hardcore street gangs that are out of control in Capital City. It is up to the player to, literally, drive them out of town. To rid the city of gang crime, players must engage in high-speed action to traverse land, air and sea. Players can also leap between motorbikes, cars and trucks in the pursuit of justice.
Featuring more than 50 criminal cases set among seven distinct environments, players will have access to 12 different vehicle types which include hovercrafts and outrageous vehicles that are each unique and specifically designed for epic boss encounter missions. Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice also offers an expanded weapons arsenal to assist players.
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will launch with more than 20 hours of diverse gameplay, with the future availability of downloadable content packs for players to continue to extend their enjoyment of the game. In addition, increasing the already impressive re-playability of the title, the game will also introduce multiplayer capabilities to the franchise with up to four players in Ad Hoc mode.
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January 29th, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellin:
Quick Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.71m33 and 3.80m33.
This application gives you the possibility of keeping 6 themes in your memory stick and flash them wherever you want simply and confortably. Remember that this software touches files in flash0,
Instalation and Use
Before starting you should know that Quick Flasher can only be playen in a Custom Firmware 3.71 M33 instaled from "Despertar del cementerio v.3" or Custom Firmware 3.80 M33 instaled from "Despertar del cementerio v.4" from Dark_Alex
For instaling Quick Flasher extrack all the content of the .RAR archive and copie it in the folder MsRoot in
the root of yous memory stick
Using Quick Flasher is very simple, use the direction pad or jostick and select one of the options by pressing the X buttom.
Note: The application will show a warning for 20 seconds when it is started, you can pass this warning by pressing X
The files or themes for flashing in your Fat or Slim PSP should go inside the folder PSP/THEME/Xmb0x
Important: Before flashing any theme, be sure you have the required space in the flash
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January 29th, 2008, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Becus25:
Now it incorpore a SDK for programmers and the src code of the app. The SDK has one function reversed from 3.80 M33 and with this you’ll can patch 3.80 system calls ,redirect system functions and read if any eboot is SCE Update . Now the app patch $ce updaters from UMD disc.
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January 29th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
The Podcast folks have released a New podcast, heres the details:
The PSP Show #66 Atari Classics Evolved (MP3 6.86 mb 9 minutes 57 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
More news and reviews around the SonyPSP world, as SCEE continues to push Patapon ahead of a late Feb release in Europe and the US, the new MTV UMD video (why use a physical medium when the Playstation Store is there) and a look at a bundle of over 50 games from the golden age of the arcade in Atari Classics Evolved.
Listen to the show (or subscribe in iTunes) to find out all my thoughts.
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January 29th, 2008, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
This comes straight from Insomniac's brochure released on 1ts January,2008.
All our systems started off as RAW mode. The only long term (not finished this frame) asynchronous processing is the collision on the raw SPUs. We use [Job Manager] but not all systems use it in the typical way of fire and forget. Most of our system require the SPU to be running a particular system at the same time as the PPU. To ensure the SPU is doing what we want at the correct time we send [Job Manager] the job and use our own thin synchronization and job buffering schemes using the locked-line for communication
10-20% total SPU utilization
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January 29th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Mia has released a new version of Game&Watch Fantasies, heres whats new:

-- Additional tiers, some of which contain figures as LCD platforms.
-- New music: Beyond Love of Fat Jon, one of my favorite artists.
-- Menus title and menu screen break, with options.
-- Automatic backup: it is now possible to leave the game at any time and resume later.
-- How easy lunar gravity (change in the menu pause).
-- Minor adjustments.
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January 29th, 2008, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
SebonPSP has released a new demo for the PSP, heres the details:
BIG 20 is a demo I did to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the release of the B.I.G demo by TEX.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
April 17 release as download and on Blu-ray disc
Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will ship on April 17 in North America.
The game will be available as both a Blu-ray disc and a PlayStation Store download. The disc version, priced at USD 39.99, will feature an exclusive behind-the-scenes HD video feature called "Beyond the Apex."
"Ten years following the introduction of Gran Turismo on PS One, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue delivers the most realistic and technologically advanced racing experience on any platform," said Jeff Reese, SCEA's director of software marketing.
"With 1080p graphics, revolutionary online features like Gran Turismo TV and the new in-cockpit racing view, the world's best-selling racing franchise will once again set the standard for racing games."
Prologue, a precursor to Gran Turismo 5, will feature over 60 vehicles from manufacturers such as Ferrari, Audi and Nissan. Players will be able to race online for the first time in the history of the franchise with up to 16 vehicles racing at once. SCEA is promising a frame rate of 60 fps in 1080p HD, along with support for the new DualShock 3 controller.
A new dedicated online channel from the PlayStation Network, Gran Turismo TV, will offer worldwide motorsport programming and manufacturer content.
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January 30th, 2008, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

The Tales of Destiny Director's Cut is based on the 2006 released PlayStation2™ game Tales of Destiny with plenty of new features, including a new game mode called the "Lion's Side", which will make Lion Magnus the main character instead of Stan Aileron, a few new events for sub characters, new carry over features, new voice clips, new dungeon hints and even some more battle difficulty levels for all hardcore Tales fans.
If you happened to miss out on the original release or are a solid Tales fan, then you should definitely check out the Director's Cut. Good news also for everyone who has played the original release as this game supports Tales of Destiny (PS2) save files.
The Premium Box version comes with a nice storage box, a special (different) game case, a Tales of Destiny Illustrations Book (128 pages) and Soundtrack (21 tracks).
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January 30th, 2008, 02:27 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: PSP-Ita
This site is reporting a supposed new motherboard that will be integrated in the new PSPs. And it will prevent the creation of Pandora Batteries.
New alarming news arrives from Dark_Alex. It seems in fact that or in circulation a new model of PSP SLIM & ARGUMENT with firmware 3,73 of factory and a new one mobo, called TA-085 v2.
This type of card mother would prevent in fact the creation of pandorizzate batteries, inhibiting therefore the access to the writing of the eeprom of the battery.
This new way will not prevent I use but it of batteries already pandorizzate, and therefore it will not prevent the possibility to install a Custom Firmware.
Al moment does not exist methods in order to go around such new system, does not remain to us that to attend ulterior developments.
True or Fake? I doubt this because I haven't heard about Dark_Alex saying this anywhere else.
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January 30th, 2008, 07:33 Posted By: wraggster
The latest firmware for your PSP has now arrived, heres whats new:
Support for PLAYSTATION Network titles has been expanded.
Skype has been added as a feature under Network.* (Only for PSP-2000 series.)
Available through NETWORK UPDATE but remember that homebrew wont work on this official firmware for now. For those who do upgrade let us know your findings
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January 30th, 2008, 10:22 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
This is Pointless Pacman 2D Pacman clone for 1.50 kernel PSPs (PSP Phat with custom firmware).
This version was completed within 36 hours of starting which includes time spent
on non programming related activities that are required to keep the Human body functioning.
It is written 100% from scratch!
Bigger map 
More ghosts 
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January 30th, 2008, 16:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has had a rummage down the back of the sofa and told us European gamers will get a free sampler of Patapon after all.
It goes live in the PSP Store on 21st February, and is the same demo-to-final-save taster that US fans get when pre-ordering the title from Gamestop. Ha.
Demo-to-final-save means you can transfer your saved progress across to the retail copy when it finally arrives. You also get your hands on a rare Spear of Protection to carry over, too.
Patapon is a quirky side-scrolling tactical-rhythm action something-or-other from the maker of LocoRoco. However, it is a little more complex than the latter, although just as stylish.
Patapon will be out for PSP on 22nd February. Head over to our Patapon review to find out more.
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January 30th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
So some UK retailers are charging as much as ten extra quid for the PS3 version of Devil May Cry 4. Why's it more expensive than the Xbox 360 version? Both versions look pretty much the same. What gives?! Says a Capcom spokesperson:
We don't set the prices of our games, that's at the discretion of the retailer. In this specific instance, the process has resulted in a price difference, but the process itself is not something we completely control.
That sucks, but there it is.
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January 30th, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We brought you first details on the sequel (via PSW Magazine) back in early January. And Eidos has given the green light to show off some screens.
"Thankfully the sequel is going to be bigger, broader and crazier," says PSW. "There's no sign of Eidos tethering Rico to anything as boring as realism. If anything, the added zap of PS3 power behind the game has enabled developer Avalanche to push its ideas further still."
The game's lead designer Peter Johansson, said, "We identified the key areas we wanted to improve for Just Cause 2. We wanted to make better use of our huge game world, enhance the stunts, improve the combat and reward exploration more. We feel we have been successful at that and created a true sequel."
You can read the full PSW preview right here. After you've looked at the screens, of course.
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January 30th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News/release from Poison
Description :
Eboot2psp is a linux script (I don't know if it works whith cygwin) I've made to make compilation and tests of homebrews more comfortable, its aim is to help developers . This script allow you whith one command line only to :
- Delete files as *.o .
- Compile.
- Copy eboot to your PSP.
- Copy folder where are your data files such image, music etc... on psp.
- Unmount psp.
Installation & Command :
Once you've downloaded and unzip the file, open a Terminal and go into the folder where your file is downloaded (ex : cd ./Desktop).
You have to make the files "ready", then type in the terminal :
chmod +x ./eboot2psp.sh
Once it's done, move the file : eboot2psp.sh to /usr/local/bin/ , then type :
sudo mv ./eboot2psp.sh /usr/local/bin/
All right, now it's installed. Lets go how it works, this script use 3 arguments.
The first is the device which you PSP is connecteds, le second is the folder where you want to copy your Eboot (on your psp), and the third is the folder which contains your data files.
For instance, when I connect my PSP, it's connected on the disk-1 device. As I'm coding my old game : Awaker and as on my psp the awaker folder is located to ms0:/PSP/GAME/Awaker/ i have to type :
eboot2psp.sh disk-1 Awaker
Here we are, the script will compile my program and send my EBOOT.PBP to ms0:/PSP/GAME/Awaker.
Now if I want to copy my Eboot and all data files which are located in the data folder, I've to type :
eboot2psp.sh disk-1 Awaker data
It will compile my program and send my EBOOT.PBP and my data folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/Awaker.
If you want to compile your program whitout to send Eboot and data file to PSP, you have to type only :
/!\ When you use eboot2psp.sh please, be sure you are located in the folder of the game you are coding /!\
Download :
Download eboot2psp
Thanks for reading me
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January 30th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Databoy2k posted this release:
Hey All:
I've taken the liberty of modifying Sony's PLAYSTATION(R) Network Downloader software to run on Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. The software as downloaded from Sony's site refuses to install onto this operating system, despite the fact that it works flawlessly. I've changed the flag that was blocking this, and the file is here for us all to use.
To Install: Unzip the file (the file is in standard Windows "Compressed Folder" format, meaning it should be easy for anybody to get into). Run the "PLAYSTATION(R) Network Downloader - x64 Edition.msi" file contained within. Enjoy!
I'll try to keep updating if they bother to update the software, though it's a fairly basic program. I doubt they'll actually change anything. My tests of this have been done on the latest Windows XP x64 (SP2) running 3.80M33-5. Have fun x64 Users!
CURRENT VERSION: (Modified and Uploaded 1/30/08)
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January 30th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Ignition Entertainment is pleased to announce Rainbow Islands Evolution is now available for the PlayStation® Portable. Don't fall under the shadow of the evil record company! Their mass-produced musical dirge is polluting the ecosystem causing the flora to wilt and the fauna to mutate into aggressive enemies…but who has the experience to take on the record company? That's right, only Bub and Bob have the skill to rise against this evil corporation and its seven bosses.
The strict vertical ascents of the original gameplay have been expanded and extrapolated into three dimensions, with each level's building-block platforms now following perspective and disappearing into the distance. As Bub and Bob negotiate the levels, these platforms will scroll to the forefront as they become accessible.
Rainbow Islands Evolution offers level after level of action, beautiful graphics, great gameplay and secrets galore with a host of brand new twists and turns.
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January 30th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson Entertainment, the North American publishing arm of Hudson Soft, today announced Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, and the Nintendo DS have gone to gold master. Published by
Hudson and distributed in North America by Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., both versions are planned to ship February 12th, 2008 for a SRP of $29.99 each.
In the game for the PSP system, players are trained in weaponry and mystical forces as Warriors of Ancient Arts. On a quest and ready to uncover the fate of a legendary kingdom, gamers will prepare to battle demonic forces and monstrous creatures. Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts features hundreds of variations of weapons, armor and
equipment that can be chosen and upgraded throughout the adventure to defeat enemies. Unique for the PSP system, players have the ability to choose their warfare style with more than 150 different kinds of fighting arts, including Big Bang Arts, allowing three players to team up to triple their destructive power in Ad-Hoc Multiplayer mode.
In the Nintendo DS version, gamers find themselves in a land plagued by a legion of undead, monstrous soldiers. The story takes place centuries after the events of the PSP version, as a legend foretells
of a hero who will rise to face the threat. Gamers must rediscover the lost Ancient Fighting Arts of Westria to restore peace to a once vibrant kingdom. With more than 60 different fighting arts across 8 lost Ancient Fighting Art schools, players can become a skilled warrior to successfully wage battle against dangerous enemies such as
the Demon God's undead soldiers, mutated monsters, and an army of ancient automatons. The game offers hundreds of weapons, armor and
equipment; all can be reworked along the way. Players can also choose from three hero races and three character classes to form a unique warrior for battle. For a group effort, 3 players can join forces to battle the Demon God's minions via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
For more information on Hudson Entertainment or Dungeon Explorer, please visit http://www.hudsonent.com/.
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January 30th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Last night, IGN let you know that Firmware 3.90, which unlocks your PSP Slim's ability to use Skype, was out in Japan and hypothesized that the U.S. update would be coming soon.
Soon is now!
Yes, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced this morning that you can now fire up your PSP, download the update and get to using your PSP to make free calls to other Skype users over the Internet. You can also call non-Skype users (i.e. landlines and cell phones) for a fee.
How can you join this revolution? Sony broke it down for us …
Download and install the 3.90 firmware upgrade to the PSP-2000 system.
Connect the PSP system to the Internet at a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Attach a PSP Headset and the Remote Control from the PSP-2000 Headphones, and insert a Memory Stick Duo to save the Skype software.
Access the Skype/Sign In icon within the Network category of the XMB menu. First-time Skype users need to create a free account, while existing Skype users can simply enter their username/password.
To make a call, either access the Contacts icon and click on a name or scroll to the Dial icon.
What if I want to call a non-Skyper?
While calling other Skype users is free, PSP owners can also purchase Skype Credit to make SkypeOut calls to landline and mobile phone numbers around the world. Skype Credit can be bought online at http://skype.com, accessible on your PSP system or a computer.
Pay As You Go: Place a pre-paid amount of Skype Credit in your account and then refill it as you need it. It's 2.1 cents per minute to Skype's 30 most popular destinations around the world.
Pay Monthly: Sign up for the Skype Pro premium subscription for $3.00/month. This gives you free calling to landlines and mobile phones within the U.S. and Canada (with no connection fee); a discounted rate for a personal online number (SkypeIn™) to receive calls; voicemail; and other features, such as the ability to pay nothing per minute for local calls when traveling to 29 other countries (connection fee applies).
You can also purchase a personal online number so you can receive calls wherever you are in the world with a subscription to SkypeIn for $60.00/year or $18.00/three months (save $36 on this feature with a Skype Pro subscription).
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January 30th, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
The list of PsOne classics isn’t as initially interesting probably because the titles aren’t as well known in the west. Sony put up a Mahjong game, a rudimentary baseball simulator from Hamster and Block Kuzoshi is an Arkanoid clone. Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~ may raise some eyebrows now that Atelier Iris reached North American shores. If the spelling of “Fantasm” didn’t tip you off, it’s a role playing game from Gust.
Dezaemon Plus is arguably the shining star on the list. If Mario Paint had a shmup creator equivalent this would be it. You can draw bullets, make music and plan levels. It’s a really unique product if you’re willing to invest time into developing shmups to share with your friends. It’s a shame Athena didn’t upgrade it with some kind of online level sharing community. If they made a LittleBigPlanet style sharing system I would be willing to pay double, maybe even triple the price for it.
Here is what you can get for 600 yen ($6):
Dezaemon Plus
Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus
Kuroi Hitomi no Noir ~ Cielgris Fantasm ~
Block Kuzoshi
WaiWai Kusayakyu
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January 30th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe ur boat
Here's the fourth release of my game Basket Catch. Most of the changes are improvements but I have added a new powerup and added more eggs falling as you progress in the game. I would also like to thank squee666 for doing a great job on the graphics for me.
- Added a new powerup
- Improved animation
- Improved random function
- Improved the way the eggs fall
- Improved Graphics(thanks squee666)
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January 30th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Hi guys, sorry for my bad English.
This is my new update to RS Psar Dumper.
The changelog is very simple: ADDED COMPATIBILITY FOR 3.90 EBOOT!
Note: I want to remember to make you that to RS Psar Dumper compatible with 3.80-3.90 eboots you needs pspdecrypt.prx taken from 3.80 Psar Dumper by HelldashX.
I could not add the PRX to my release because of Sony Copyright!
So you have to know that if you use Helldashx's prx you are violating Sony Copyright!
RS Psar Dumper by Red Squirrel
RS Psar Dumper is a "derivated" from classical Psar Dumper (last version of which was released by HelldashX).
Its functions are the same of classical Psar Dumper (so dump Firmware from an Official Udpater Eboot), but it's more! Infact this version has a user interface full of colors, more interactive and especially it has the new important function to make a dump of Firmware directly on PC, without using Memory Stick!
Infact this Homebrew has a USBHostfs connection function with a PC, so the program can read eboot directly from Hard Disk (that is a good profit because new Sony Updater Eboots weigh also more than 20Mb!) and it can also dump the Firmware directly on PC, so Memory Stick is NEVER used during the process!
Attention: HelldashX prxs violate Sony Copyright, so they are deleted from my homebrew (that now uses old prxs by M33).
To make RSPsar Dumper compatible with 3.80 and 3.90 Eboot you have to use HelldashX's prxs (take pspdecrypt.prx from HelldashX's 3.80 Psar Dumper release and put them in RS Folder overwriting existing pspdecrypt.prx).
Note: If you use HX prxs, you have to be conscious that you're violating Sony Copytights!!!
What is the effective profit?
1. Well, first of all homebrew does not require free space on Memory Stick (that can be full too!)
2. You spare time because you do not need to copy files betwenn PC and Memory Stick!
3. Extracting and Dumping process require a very smaller time!
An example? Look to this my little "experiment":
3.71 firmware dumping from the Official Updater Eboot
Technical data:
Eboot of 22,5Mb (biggest released from Sony!).
Memory Stick used: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 2GB (that released with PSP pack!).
Process used: the most "onerous", so PSAR loading with extraction e decrompression of the Firmware (SQUARE key in the homebrew)
-"Classical" process executed on Memory Stick: about 90 seconds of waiting...
-"New" process executed on PC Hard Disk through USBHOSTFS: about 25 seconds of waiting...
Using new USBHOSTFS function you can gain more than one minute!
And then I do not calculate great times necessary to copy eboot from PC to Memory Stick, times that with USBHOSTFS are void!
-Increased the available buffer to allow the CORRECT extraction of the 3.90 Firmware from Official Updater Eboot.
-Now the 3.90F Firmware can be extracted perfectly
-Only X and O functions will work without problems, the SQUARE function (extract and decrypt of ALL files) works fine but ends with and error when search for reboot.bin!
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January 30th, 2008, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Andyauff:
This is based off of a game that I remember playing years ago where you had to take all the jewels without being captured. As far as I remember, this is just like it as far as how you play. -----------> Many thanks to NeonBox of the qj.net forums, who brought it to my attention the game that I was thinking about. By coincidence, it is also called Jewel Thief.
--Can now control player with d-pad as well as analog nub
--Code overhauled: now just one, much more efficient script
--Backgrounds appear randomly
--Unlimited levels
--Gradually increasing difficulty up to level 20
--Pause function
How To Play:
Use the analog nub to move your player (the thief). The object is for you to steal all of the jewels on the screen without being caught by the good guys who are running around. If they touch you, it's game over. Take all of the gems on the screen without being caught and you move on to the next level. No two levels are the same, for the gems are placed randomly around the screen. The game starts out easy and gets harder as you progress. If you get caught, press start to restart the game. The game
goes on forever: try to make it to the highest level you can! After level 20, the game stops getting harder, but it is hard enough by that point that you probably won't last
much longer after that anyway!
Controls: |
Analog Nub or D-Pad: Move player |
Start (during game): Pause |
Cross (when paused): Unpause |
Start (after game over): Restart |
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January 30th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Cooleyes has released a new version of his PMPlayer Advance Media Player for the PSP, this release adds support for Dark Alexs 3.80M33 custom firmware:
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January 30th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
We know that there's plenty of folks out there eager to get their hands on Sony's rumbling DualShock3 controller, but we're hoping there's not many desperate enough to consider something like this contraption in the interim. Apparently known only as the "Wireless Vibrating Grip," the device rather obstructively attaches to your controller and presumably makes it vibrate with no rhyme or reason whatsoever at your command.
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January 30th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Many were quick to claim that HD DVD was dead when the NPD group's numbers showed Blu-ray players had a 93 percent share the week after Warner's announcement. While those numbers were staggering, those with a level head wanted to wait to see if the blue camp could keep it up, and now according to the same firm, it did not. In fact the very next week sales were back to where we'd grown to expect them, about 65 percent Blu.
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January 30th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is apparently working on a 65 nm to 45 nm migration of its Cell Broadband Engine. Sony claims that the chip area size will be reduced by 34% and the 45 nm Cell will consume 40% less power than the 65 nm generation. The company also works on improving the design for manufacturability (DFM) for Cell to simplify the CPU production process.
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January 30th, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
According to a source in Spain Sony Computer Entertainment's vice president for Spain and Portugal, James Armstrong has confirmed that a new Starter Pack is due to go on sale on 31 January.
The Starter pack comes with 40GB console, two Sixaxis controllers and copies of:Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The Console comes at the estimated price of 499.99 euros which is alot more for your buck.
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January 31st, 2008, 02:44 Posted By: DarthPaul
Dark_AleX has announced that we can expect a Custom Firmware based in the 3.90 Kernel really soon.
3.90 is mostly same as 3.80, that's why almost all works. However you will loose this with this trick: pops, msvideo plugin will get corrupted in ram, vshmain will get corrupted in ram (may or may not have consequences), sysconf_plugin will get corrupted too (that maybe the reason of sys info crash).
Anyways you can wait for 3.90 M33, this is an easy firmware.
So what can we do? Wait. 
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January 31st, 2008, 02:48 Posted By: DarthPaul
Some guy known as tinman found a way to use 3.90 features on your 3.80 M33-5 PSP.
1. Install 3.90
2. Enter service mode with a working elf menu and PRX's needed for flash access.
3. Backup flash0 from 3.90 to your PC.
4. Install 3.80-5 via DC4 M33.
5. Enter service mode.
6. Access flash0 copy everything from your 3.90 backup over 3.80 M33-5.
Tested homebrew, ISO's, skype, recovery menu, and M33 VSH menu. Many plug-ins do not work, POPS is untested. System crashes when entering the setting menu > game menu.
This works because the homebrew enabled IPL works with 3.90, well mostly.
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January 31st, 2008, 05:01 Posted By: F9zDark
A new and improved Home is reported to arrive on the PlayStation Network in Spring of this year, GamesIndustry.biz writes today, a taste of which is on hand at Monaco's Imagina 08 exhibition. What's changed? It sounds mostly cosmetic, as a new environment replaces the enclosed apartment, described by GI.biz as a "serene outside space, with plenty of room for people to interact, and tables with fully functional chess and draughts games included."
According to the report, user feedback changed a good portion of the virtual living space, with a streamlined theater and a wider variety of "apartments" being readied for launch. Sweet. Who else can't wait to virtually walk around and collect some virtual stuff?!
Home: Feedback led to changes [GamesIndustry.biz]
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January 31st, 2008, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
XCM has released a video of their new XFPS product, Rateup for the PlayStation 3. This product allows you to use a keyboard and mouse just like the Xbox 360 counterpart. It will cost you $90-$100USD at Play-Asia and Divineo China.
Compatible with all PS3™ games
Compatible with all versions of PS3™ consoles
Can map the controller button keys to any key of the Keyboard
Compatible with 95% of different kinds of mouse and Keyboard
High sensitivity, precision and smoothness
Built in Turbo (Auto Fire) functionality. Independent Auto fire buttons: Eight customizable auto-fire buttons,
Can adjust the mouse sensitivity from 2 extra wheels with 16 levels of adjustment for X and Y sensitivity to adapt perfectly to every mice.
Plug & Play - Just connect the XFPS RATEUP to PS3. (no PC required)
Ease of use: Just use the original PS3 controller to re-map itself to the keyboard.
Must be used with original PlayStation™ controller
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January 31st, 2008, 16:32 Posted By: VampDude
Via: HEXUS.gaming
Sony hit the black, but lower sales forecast
Sony’s third-quarter results are in and spurred on by software sales for the Playstation 3, the electronics giant has reported a 31.2% increase in sales for their games division.
However, good news is followed by bad, because despite the reduction in the cost of producing the PS3 and the recent upsurge in sales, the company has decided to drop their sales forecast for the console in the lead up to March by 1.5 million units, bringing their estimation to 9.5 million.
"Sales of the PS3 have been robust since the introduction of the new model. We are receiving strong feedback and feeling very confident going forward," said Oneda.
"However, the momentum is not enough to cover the sluggishness we saw in the first half. So we have decided to change the sales target for the PS3," he said.
Sony are hoping to fair better with the PSP, which is still selling strong, and subsequently have raised their sales target for the current business year to 13 million units from 10 million.
Source :: Yahoo
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January 31st, 2008, 16:39 Posted By: VampDude
Via: Pocket-lint
Climb-down on figures as fiscal results announced
NEWS: 31 January 2008 13:42 GMT - Sony has announced it has cut its PlayStation 3 sales target for the year to March 2008 to 9.5 million units from their predicted figure of 11 million.
This climb-down on the sales figures is in strong contrast to their stance at the Tokyo Games Show last September.
Sony Computer Entertainment president Kazuo Hirai said, in his keynote speech at the event, that he believed the company would achieve its predicted sales target of selling 11 million units before the end of the fiscal year in March.
Worldwide, Sony sold 4.9 million units of the PS3 between October and December.
Sony has raised its PSP sales target for the current business year to 13 million units from 10. Third quarter sales were up by 1.1 million units to 5.8 million, although game sales dropped.
Sales of the PlayStation 2 dropped by 1.35 million compared to the same period of last year, but beating predictions, it outsold the PS3 with over 5 million units bought worldwide.
Overall sales and revenue were up 9.6%, but the gaming division is still in the red - and expects to stay that way for some time to come due to losses made on the PS3.
"We have reduced losses on the PS3 due to production cost-savings but don't expect the game division to become profitable until the second half of the next fiscal year," a Sony spokesperson said.
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January 31st, 2008, 16:58 Posted By: Accordion
The UK PlayStation Store has been updated for 31st January.
Devil May Cry 4 [DEMO]
MX VS ATV Untamed [DEMO]
Fade to Black [PlayStation Classic]
Motorhead [PlayStation Classic]
Theme Hospital [PlayStation Classic]
Good to see Dark Mist and Everyday Shooter failed to meet the "January 2008" launch
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January 31st, 2008, 18:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Rockstar Games founder Dan Houser has said the company expects an angry reaction from certain corners of the media when GTA IV is released this April. Really?
"I expect it because we've had so much of it in the past," Houser said at a recent game demonstration in North America.
The elusive company founder said that he thinks GTA and other violent games area "convenient enemy" for the mainstream media. "I wish people would treat video games the same as other media," he said. "They seem to not want to do that for reasons that I don't understand. It's a convenient enemy for people."
It's also convenient for Rockstar's time in the media spotlight and sales numbers, no doubt.
Speaking to The Canadian Press, Houser also decided to distance GTA IV from the more 'cartoony' parts of previous instalments.
"If the graphics are slightly cartoony, we make sure the writing is slightly cartoony to match that," he said. "Obviously, the graphics have gone closer to realism, so we wanted everything else to be closer to realism as well."
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January 31st, 2008, 19:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Final Fantasy fans who got excited over reports of FFXIII releasing in 2008 have sadly been the victims of poor translation, as Square Enix officially falsifies recent reports.
It was widely reported that, in an interview with Japanese Dengeki Magazine, series boss-man Motomu Toriyama stated the game would be ready for a 2008 release. Not so, however, as Square releases a statement to clarify: "Although information regarding the release date of FINAL FANTASY XIII has been reported by certain videogame websites, Square Enix itself has yet to make an official statement on this topic.
"Any reports of a confirmed release date are erroneous and should be disregarded. Square Enix will make an official announcement in the future concerning the release date when it has been determined," it added.
The correct translations, Square has pointed out, state that many more "revelations" will be made in 2008.
As we reported before Toriyama also expressed his wish to make a playable demo of the game to demonstrate the new battle system.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We can't play flOw on PS3 for more than ten minutes without coming over all sleepy - it's Pikmin for its sleep-inducing tranquillity - and now the drowsy gaming is coming to PSP.
Anyone who's played the PS3 game will know what to expect because it sounds like pretty much the same deal on the portable. "Explore the soothing depths of a living underwater environment, discover strange new organisms and embark on a journey of evolution," explains Sony.
"Freely glide around before diving down to the challenges beneath or aggressively consume food and compete with every surrounding creature," it adds.
So, no change then. Oddly, the update neglects to mention a price or release date, only that it'll be downloadable via the PlayStation Store for PC. But it's not on there yet - we checked.
We expect it'll go live in today's expected PSN update, which should happen later. We'll keep you posted.
Meanwhile, here are the first screenshots of the portable version.
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January 31st, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: VampDude
Via: Joystiq
Sure, everyone loves activating star power and wailing on the whammy bar in Guitar Hero. But for a certain, incredibly anal subset of players, these actions and their distracting arm movements represent potential streak killers. Well, those finicky gamers are in luck, because peripheral maker React has now released a foot pedal that transfers those pesky arm motions to your feet, which were just sitting there tapping out a rhythm before.
The wireless pedals, which require 4 AA batteries and work with any PS2 guitar, might seem steep at $25, but they're a bargain for the truly compulsive GH player. As the sole Best Buy reviewer put it, "I bought this pedal primarily because activating Star Power by raising my guitar usually results in missed notes." And was we all know, rock music is about exacting precision above all else.
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January 31st, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: Shrygue
All right people, Dark_Alex has done it again and released 3.90 M33 for the PSP. As it seems, it did not take him long to crank out this update. You can download it here or use network update on a 3.80 M33 enabled PSP. The full changelog and readme is as follows below:
3.90 M33
- Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher.
- Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the 3.90 sony update from somewhere, and put it in same folder, with name "390.PBP". Alternatively, you can let the installer to download for you via wifi.
- Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the
- PSP pressing X or O, do it.
- 3.80 -> 3.90
- March33 NO UMD: fixed (yet another) bug related with exiting with home. (infinite semaphore wait)
Changes in updater:
- The degeneration check and correction of IDS keys happens too in 3.71 now.
- Added code to download 3.90 PBP from net via wifi. Note that his code is not yet 100% stable, it may crash when selecting AP. In that case, reinit the installer.
- L+triangle has been restored as method to bypass battery. If you already have 390.PBP keep those buttons pressed until you see "Veryfing 390.PBP". If the 390.PBP is being downloaded bia wifi, press those buttons at the end of download until you see the previous sentence.
Download and leave feedback via comments. Keep up the great work Dark_Alex!
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January 31st, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex has just released the latest Custom Firmware for the PSP:
Heres the details:
.90 M33
- Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher.
- Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the 3.90 sony update from somewhere, and put it in same folder, with name "390.PBP".
Alternatively, you can let the installer to download for you via wifi.
- Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the
PSP pressing X or O, do it.
- 3.80 -> 3.90
- March33 NO UMD: fixed (yet another) bug related with exiting with home. (infinite semaphore wait)
Changes in updater:
- The degeneration check and correction of IDS keys happens too in 3.71 now.
- Added code to download 3.90 PBP from net via wifi.
Note that his code is not yet 100% stable, it may crash when selecting AP. In that case,
reinit the installer.
- L+triangle has been restored as method to bypass battery.
If you already have 390.PBP keep those buttons pressed until you see "Veryfing 390.PBP".
If the 390.PBP is being downloaded bia wifi, press those buttons at the end of download until
you see the previous sentence.
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January 31st, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: Shrygue
Dark_Alex has made a 1.50 kernel add-on for custom firmware 3.90 M33, usable for series 1000 PSPs (the big, original ones) making 1.50 homebrew usable again. Readme and instructions below:
150 kernel addon for 3.90 M33 (psp phat only)
- Copy 150k_addon to /PSP/GAME
- Get sony 1.50 update and copy it to the root with name “150.PBP”
- Run the program and done.
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January 31st, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
After bleeding red for months, Sony's games division finally turned a profit last quarter. Sony sold 4.9 million PS3s last quarter after slashing console prices, boosting game titles, and cutting production costs internally. Of course, we're sure Wii shortages aren't hurting Sony's bottom line either. Sony did lower its annual sales goal of PS3s from 11 million to 9.5 million (citing a slow start) while increasing PSP projections to 13 million from 10 million as originally expected. Sony's fiscal year ends in March. Overall, Sony's profits rose 25% for the quarter. Welcome back to black Sony, it's been a long time coming.
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January 31st, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
After bleeding red for months, Sony's games division finally turned a profit last quarter. Sony sold 4.9 million PS3s last quarter after slashing console prices, boosting game titles, and cutting production costs internally. Of course, we're sure Wii shortages aren't hurting Sony's bottom line either. Sony did lower its annual sales goal of PS3s from 11 million to 9.5 million (citing a slow start) while increasing PSP projections to 13 million from 10 million as originally expected. Sony's fiscal year ends in March. Overall, Sony's profits rose 25% for the quarter. Welcome back to black Sony, it's been a long time coming.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gamasutra
Publisher Atlus has announced it will be continue to support the still-strong PlayStation 2 by bringing 2D all-girl fighter Arcana Heart to the North America this April.
Sporting four different modes including arcade, story, versus, and training, as well as an unlockable extras gallery, the game centers around elemental spirits from called Arcana which particular humans can call upon.
Players will fight to keep "the mysterious Mildred Avalon" from forming a rift between the human and spiritual world to "prevent her from bringing an end to all humanity."
Atlus says the game, when it launches in April, will feature 11 female fighters with customizable attack and defense skills, as well as "11 different Arcana to pair with your fighter." It also notes that the game features "huge battle maps" for vertical fighting with "air dashes and homing techniques to create devastating aerial combos."

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January 31st, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Today's Playstation Portable firmware update came with a little touch of Skype (except if you live in China, go figure). Once patched, the Skype option shows up under Network. I was able to pretty quickly register for a new account using the PSP and get it working in less then five minutes.
It's a pretty cool build of the software and while I'm not sure how often I'd use it around the house, I definitely plan on bringing it with me when I travel for some free calls. Also plan on abusing the hell out of it to harass Ash since it only cost me $10 to buy seven hours worth of worldwide Skype to phone service. (Skype to Skype is free) That's right seven hours of me rambling to Ash... can't wait!
Video Here --> http://kotaku.com/350606/hands+on-with-skype-psp
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January 31st, 2008, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
A GameStop conference call was held today, which supposedly explained that the system was no longer being produced, in favor of a 120 GB or more model bundled with the Dual Shock 3 controller. There's no official date for when this enhanced model will be ready for purchase, or the price, for that matter, but it should be relatively soon. GDC is just a few short weeks away, so at the latest, it should turn up by then.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's forthcoming PlayStation Home platform has undergone key changes in the last few months as a result of feedback from users currently engaged in its beta test.
What had been an enclosed room with a large window showing a lush view has now been transformed into a serene outside space, with plenty of room for people to interact, and tables with fully functional chess and draughts games included.
Additionally the entrance points to key content areas - the Theatre and the Bowling Alley - have been redesigned so that they're much more recognisable.
The Theatre itself, while retaining the same functionality, has had all of the screening areas moved down to the ground floor, after feedback from users that the 12 second walk to go upstairs took too long.
Venables and Festejo also revealed that it was now possible to take your avatar out onto a balcony from your own apartment, and that there would be "around eight or nine" different apartments available at launch, although no new details on potential pricing options for the premium apartments were available.
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January 31st, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
In-game advertising seems like an easy way to turn a buck, right? Wrong. While advertising is established in magazines and television, games are a great unknown. Activision Blizzard honcho Bobby Kotick says he wouldn't go in that direction himself. "It's early days," according to Kotick. Sony bossman Howard Stringer also remains unconvinced.
Says Stringer:
"The [supposed] solution to everything at the moment in the digital space is ad-supported. While advertisers are happy to talk that up, there is a limit to the amount of money available... Young people don't like advertising very much..."
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February 1st, 2008, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DJB:
Disinter is a .NET v2 application written by PSP Devloper Klutsh, it is used to copy applications and files to a PSP for use in making a "Pandora" MemStick for both the "Phat" & "Slim" PSP's.
- Either a 1.50 or 3.80 Firmware "Pandora" MemStick can be created.
- Option to install the 1.50 Kernel extentions for M33-3.80 on a "Phat" PSP.
- Loading of eBoots directly or from rar files.
- Full onscreen instructions.
- All features can be used on Vista.
- MD5 verification of eBoot's.
v3.80 (Update by DJB)
- Updated to use Despertar del Cementerio v4. (Installs M33-3.80-5)
- Updated to use Hellcats Pandora Installer for 3.xx, V3a
- Updated to use M33-3.80 1.50 Addon
NOTE: I had full permission from the Klutsh to do this version.
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