January 1st, 2006, 03:23 Posted By: wraggster
What a year for the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network, the network expanded from the original Dreamcast site to take in all of my sites and then with the server problems we upgraded to a Vbulletin Forum and now the forums actually serve as news forums for all the network sites.
The community is expanding at a massive rate with a total of 20 sites under the network covering all these consoles
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360
Nintendo Revolution
Tapwave Zodiac
Nokia N-Gage
Retro Consoles & Gadgets
We also have some of the Homebrew scenes best developers hosted here at DCEmu:
We are a network of sites who post news about Homebrew, Development, Hacking, Emulation and the Commercial side of each console, we never ever take the easy road and post warez or host iso loaders etc, the quickest way to destroy a scene is to do that so we keep well away from it.
This year has seen the emergence of the PSP scene and our PSP News site has enjoyed so many releases to a new console that it has been staggering, of late the GP2X has took over the billing of the scene with the most releases but that could change at anytime.
We have over 18,000 members now and looking at the stats we had over 4100 online at one time and thats pretty damn decent, some of the scenes we cover dont see much activity but we follow them regardless.
In 2006 we hope and well with a nutter like me running the place, this network will get bigger and better and hopefully one day the legal Homebrew scene will be looked on more favourable than it has been in the past, we can but hope 
Of course even though i do a heck of a lot of work id like to thank Martin64 for hosting me and my server killing sites (yeah we actually killed a server), also Soully and DS69 and indeed all the staff and mods at DCEmu and the members and helpers who make my job easier, a big thanks to you all, it has personally been a year with some great ups (this network) and some severe downs ( losing family members) but its great to come home and emerse myself in the Homebrew scene, a scene ive followed for 9 years or more (im forgetful), ive had some crackin arguments (yeah those are fun) and made some great friends but its all worth it overall, just remember though without the developers and hackers and i suppose in a smaller way newsposters and webmasters/mods etc you wouldnt have your scene, so its always worth trying to say things in a correct way even if you dislike their work or release.
Ok ive bored everyone to sleep and im drunk anyway but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 
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January 1st, 2006, 03:25 Posted By: wraggster
What a year for the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network, the network expanded from the original Dreamcast site to take in all of my sites and then with the server problems we upgraded to a Vbulletin Forum and now the forums actually serve as news forums for all the network sites.
The community is expanding at a massive rate with a total of 20 sites under the network covering all these consoles
Nintendo DS
Nintendo Gamecube
Xbox 360
Nintendo Revolution
Tapwave Zodiac
Nokia N-Gage
Retro Consoles & Gadgets
We also have some of the Homebrew scenes best developers hosted here at DCEmu:
We are a network of sites who post news about Homebrew, Development, Hacking, Emulation and the Commercial side of each console, we never ever take the easy road and post warez or host iso loaders etc, the quickest way to destroy a scene is to do that so we keep well away from it.
This year has seen the emergence of the PSP scene and our PSP News site has enjoyed so many releases to a new console that it has been staggering, of late the GP2X has took over the billing of the scene with the most releases but that could change at anytime.
We have over 18,000 members now and looking at the stats we had over 4100 online at one time and thats pretty damn decent, some of the scenes we cover dont see much activity but we follow them regardless.
In 2006 we hope and well with a nutter like me running the place, this network will get bigger and better and hopefully one day the legal Homebrew scene will be looked on more favourable than it has been in the past, we can but hope 
Of course even though i do a heck of a lot of work id like to thank Martin64 for hosting me and my server killing sites (yeah we actually killed a server), also Soully and DS69 and indeed all the staff and mods at DCEmu and the members and helpers who make my job easier, a big thanks to you all, it has personally been a year with some great ups (this network) and some severe downs ( losing family members) but its great to come home and emerse myself in the Homebrew scene, a scene ive followed for 9 years or more (im forgetful), ive had some crackin arguments (yeah those are fun) and made some great friends but its all worth it overall, just remember though without the developers and hackers and i suppose in a smaller way newsposters and webmasters/mods etc you wouldnt have your scene, so its always worth trying to say things in a correct way even if you dislike their work or release.
Ok ive bored everyone to sleep and im drunk anyway but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 
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January 1st, 2006, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
This is the highest honor that we bestow upon a PlayStation Portable game, and with it we acknowledge the one game that stands out from all the rest as being the greatest, most highly recommendable game of the year. Sony's first handheld system had a strong launch, followed by a fairly typical drought of good games that lasted up until the very end of 2005. But with our eyes fixed on the offerings of the Tokyo Game Show, and the precedent being set by the end-of-the-yearbatch of releases, it's easy to be hopeful for the PSP's lineup next year. This year's lineup still had a few very noteworthy titles, and here they are.
Burnout Legends
Burnout Legends is the best racer the PSP has to offer, and any PSP owner should definitely check it out
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Liberty City Stories has its share of minor issues, but it gets enough of the GTA look and feel in there to be an exciting portable game overall.
Between the beautiful presentation, the innovative gameplay, and the excellent single-player and multiplayer modes, Lumines may very well be the greatest Tetris-style puzzle game since Tetris itself.
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
Fireteam Bravo effectively captures the spirit of previous SOCOM games on the PlayStation 2, making it easily the best shooter yet for the PSP.
Wipeout Pure
Wipeout Pure is a joy to look at, and it's viscerally satisfying enough to please fans of the series and new players alike.
And the winner is... Lumines
Lumines, the launch game from legendary developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi, has a noteworthy pedigree and the gameplay to back it up. The simple genius behind this puzzle game can best be compared to Tetris, and yet it doesn't just derive from what made the most classic of all puzzle games great, but brings its own brand of ingenuity to the table. Not only does it play well, but it looks and sounds sensational too. A strong soundtrack and beautifully rendered graphics only help to enhance this stylish and personable game. Though the PSP certainly has the strength to become the powerhouse of all the portable consoles, its greatest achievement this year was one of its simplest, proving that you don't need a lot of muscle to make a great game.
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January 1st, 2006, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
I got a fantastic news submission last night, so here goes in full the submission:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2118&stc=1">
A new version of Adventure Maker Free Edition has just been released!
You can download the new version (v4.2.0 - Freeware - No registration required)
from the official website: http://www.adventuremaker.com
The changes include:
- New PSP engine for better visual experience
- Integrity-check routines for error-free software compilation
- Added support for animations (animated GIF's)
- Added support for timers to go to other places after a given time
- Added semi-transparent background for the text messages
- Improved installer for loading the produced software on the PSP
Adventure Maker is the ONLY toolkit available for creating point-and-click
software for legal 2.x PSP's. No scripting or programming is required, and the
program is totally free!
The produced software is compatible with any legal firmware 2.x, and does not
require any system modification or hacking of any kind! (it is safe HTML-based
software that runs through the PSP built-in Browser)
What you can create for the PSP is:
- First-person point-and-click adventure games
- Interactive magazines
- Myst/Riven-like games
- Educational software
- Quiz games
- Interactive visits
- Tour guides (museums, sites...)
- Interactive presentations and brochures
- Interactive comic books...
..and any other pre-rendered point-and-click software!
The concept is very simple: you import your pictures (photos, drawings,
renderings...), you add hotspots to link them to one another, and you are done!
You can even create complex puzzles without any scripting: just create some
variables, and then make the hotspots or pictures appear or disappear depending
on the value of the variables!
To see a few examples of what you can achieve without any programming, make sure
to try out the free PSP games available at the following URL:
You will find more information and tutorials at: http://www.adventuremaker.com
Thanks to the Adventure Maker staff for the rather great submission.
Those on 2.6 Firmware and below, why not try it and get back to us 
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January 1st, 2006, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker the author of Raine has released a new patched version of Yoyofrs NeoGeoCD emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Fix sound effects not working in aero fighters 2 & 3 (it was a communication bug between the 2 cpus, it's quite amazing that the problem was only in these 2 games !)
- Code cleanups for removing some of these warnings with gcc-4.
I don't think I will need to release anything more for neocdpsp now !
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January 1st, 2006, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
Whats the hack that we want the most, maybe its to have full homebrew capabilities on PSP firmware v2.6 but maybe a hack that could have been released is one that most if not all of us want more than any.
That is...
A Region Free UMD Movie Hack or Software
We know that games are region free but its such a pain that we cant use different region UMD movies on our PSPs, in this day and age theres no need surely for region encoding, most of us have probably got multi region DVD Players at home and with the internet these days we can get our hands on titles worldwide so easily it makes sense to have region free.
Lets hope Datel release some freeloader type device so we can load films from any region and put a stop to the barmy practices.
Its one hack i would gladly pay for, come on Sony ....
Thoughts ... answer via the comments
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January 1st, 2006, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
Slow PSP new day so i thought id let you know that our Console Hardware News Site has been given a makeover and a fresh new emphasis, for a while it has been sitting and rotting away but now it will be the site for New Gadget, Retro Consoles and Clones and also Reviews as well as the Shop guides for each system (although theres lots to update there)
Check out Console Hardware News here --> http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk/
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January 1st, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source Joystiq
In Yahoo's top product-related searches for 2005, Sony's came in at sixth place overall. The Xbox 360 came in seventh overall. The Nintendo Revolution and Sony PS3 were not searched for enough in 2005 to earn a spot on this year's rankings. Only one other electronics device (the iPod) outranked the PSP and Xbox 360. This is interesting because search activity is a raw measure of general interest in a product.
Is it surprising that the PSP topped the Xbox 360 as a search item in 2005? One interpretation is that search tends to be driven by advertising and word of mouth and that there tends to be more of it after a given device has launched. Since the PSP had more post-launch months in 2005, it's natural that it would outrank the Xbox 360. If this is the case, then the Xbox 360 has done nearly as well in one month as the PSP has done in nine months.
Another interpretation is that search activity is directly correlated to pre-launch hype. In other words, it's the pre-launch buzz that really drove Yahoo's search traffic. If this is the case, then the Xbox 360 underperformed versus the PSP. We can't know for sure unless Yahoo wants to release the numbers behind their rankings.
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January 1st, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
PSP RK has released a new version of the interactive graphical novel for the PSP,
Heres a Translated version via google 
* Like " the KM3_1_ " having frozen at the place where it ends with the under bar correction
* When recombining the CHIP to the FPK, the bug which does not move correction
* With the CharaId.tbl name the bug where voice of the キャラ of 5 letters or more is not played back correction
Looks like just a bugfix release basically 
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January 1st, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
FreakDave of Xbox Emulation and Gaming Ports fame has ported over Abombniball to the PSP heres the information from the readme:
<blockquote>About Abombniball:
Abombniball PSP is a PSP port. The original game was made by Martin Donlon (Akawaka),so all credits go to him. Visit his site on http://akawaka.csn.ul.ie/abombniball.php3 This game is released under the license of GPL.
The objective of Abombniball is to defuse all the explosives on each level. As a ball, this would normally be a simple task, however each level is filled with traps and devious puzzles placed there by...oh...lets say "Dr. Y-Front", your arch-nemesis (he's very evil). These traps take the form of special tiles which disappear or do other nasty things.
Grey Tile - A solid tile. He never falls away and abandons you like all those other tiles. He's always be there for you.
Blue Tile
Green Tile
Red Tile - These all vanish after you leave them. Leaving a gapping hole in the grid and an empty space in your heart.
2 Tile - More caring and forgiving than those selfish color tiles. You can bounce on these submissive fellas twice before they vanish.
Blue Arrow - Rude fellows. Shove you in whatever direction the arrow is pointing.
Red Arrow - Even ruder still. They make you jump in whatever direction the arrow is pointing.
You defuse bombs by landing on the bombs square, however you can only defuse the bomb thats currently counting down. Trying to defuse any other bomb will cause it to explode.
Each level provides you with a certain amount of jumps, they are limit
so use them with care.
Controls (Analogue stick)
Left - Move left
Right - Move right
Up - Move up
Down - Move down
(hold) X button - Jump
Abombniball PSP Changelog:
v1 initial port and release:
- ported to PSP
Known bugs:
- If launched through Fanjita's Eboot Loader 0.9, the game will crash while trying to quit with HOME. Just use the ingame QUIT instead
Things to come:
- Cheat support ?
Tested on FW 2.00 and Fanjita's Eboot Loader 0.9
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January 1st, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker the author of Raine has released a new patched version of Yoyofrs NeoGeoCD emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 0.5.3 :- Art of fighting is now playable
- Fixed the broken save states which oculdn't be loaded in most games
- removed the annoying error messages behind the game screen when playing in zoom1 mode.
- Added a binary for firmware 1.0 in the binaries package.
Version 0.5.3-fix :
- Just fixes the loading of unziped cd that I had broken in 0.5.3.
By the way I advice to zip *ALL* the games, unless you have a lot of space to waste, the loading lasts longer, but the playability remains the same, and you save quite a lot of space on your memory card !
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has just updated his PSP Telnet application, Heres whats new in this latest release:
– Fixed the irc bug I added in 0.8 (One whole line, the _only_ line that changed in the irc code between 0.7 and 0.8 lol)
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Zones have released the first issue of what they say will be a weekly magazine for the PSP, heres the info:
PSPWeekly, the new weekly psp emag from pspzones.com has been officially released. Yes that's right, weekly!
It features, news, reviews, previews, cheats, tips and lots more every week directly from pspzones.com and the rest of the web!
Screenshots and download of the mag via the comments:
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:49 Posted By: wraggster
An industry insider who goes by the name Fishie (how very appropriate) says that he got some hands-on time with Playstation 3 games in Japan and wasn’t too happy with what he saw.
From his comments:
PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just arent there and lots of other isseus I cant delve into right now.
Before you start thinking that Fishie’s post is, um, fishy, he has earned himself a tad more credibility than the typical poster by reporting dead-on facts about the 360 a few weeks before E3. Back then he called the 360 titles underwhelming and said that while there may be some kickass stuff, most people won’t be floored.
So, what does this mean for the PS3? Will it be a rocky starty or a delayed launch, or is Fishie just full of crap?
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January 2nd, 2006, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
The latest Quake 2 Port to PSP update by McZonk:
Why is the headline #?$%& ? Because this time you have to read the text to find out what is really new in Quake II PSP and it is a lot. I have decided not to post news as often as I did before: That's a compromise, because i really thought about stop posting news. But I don't want disapoint the people waiting wishfully for the release.
But at first I want to thank everyone how wrote a nice comment in my blog or in one of the boards, you make me belive in the work. Thanks to everyone how buys a good game instead of playing iso rip. Thanks to everyone how writes homebrew for the psp, just one little word of criticism: do we really need more lua shells Thanks to everyone how supports the psp scene.
So what is new in quake 2. I added a lot of effects like sprites and beams/rays. Both effects are needed by the bfg.
There are tons of new stuff in the last days. But one word about Quake II PSP firmware 2.0 compatiblity: No. I talked to fanjita about the aviliable memory. This guy did an awesome work with the eboot loader, but Quake 2 will not run on 2.0. Perhaps if I reduce the memory usage (there is still a lot of memory wasting).
Another new feature is linear texture filtering. Nothing special because it is hardware based but it looks much better with it enabled. If the player moves it reduces the flicker of textures in the back and reduce the smoothness of textures near to the player.
The really impressing about the texture filtering is. That the png files of the screenshots are much bigger than before Because a 256 color palette is not enough anymore. I added a fade screen to the menu so you see the game in the backgound of the menu. Another senseless feature I added was the handness of the player.
Here are two more screenshots of quake. Without words and without sense 
And here is the big fish. As you can see in the psp hacking 101 episode 10 video, Quake II was not playable. You could only playback demos. If you don't have watched psp hacking 101, stop reading and watch it, because you can learn stuff, the show is funny and you can see the first Quake II video.
Rehbock, one of my testers and the designer of the small maps, mentioned out, that you can already start single player games with the help of the console. I added all stuff for movement and you can play Quake II now.
So I could release Quake 2 now, but there are to much bugs and I would get tons mails from people having problems and cannot read an faq. We already discussed the psp community is full of newbs. So you have to wait some more days.
Screenshots and more via comments:
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January 2nd, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster

A new audio addon for the PSP has been recently released, its called the Home AV Arts Organisation (cool name eh), is it good enough to take on the Logitech Playgear amp well lets see, heres an excerpt from the review:
The audio unit can be turned off, or speakers on or charging so the unit can be used as a power charger. The unit has a pull down slot at the back which is enough for 12 UMDs, the speakers pull out and seem sturdy enough, the PSP fits nicely into the slot, which holds the console nice and steady. The unit has buttons for volume up and down, prev, next and play. Their is also a nice remote control with all the features of the buttons above. The PSP in the unit can be brought forward or satback.
Read the full review and judge for yourself here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/homeavarts-review.shtml
We are always looking for reviews of any PSP Games, UMD Movies or PSP Accessories or even comparisons, if you have any then please post them in our PSP Review forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=86
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January 2nd, 2006, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
The first PSP News & Lik Sang Coding Competition was a great start to a series of competitions for the Homebrew and Emulation scene on the PSP, the winner of that Competition was indeed Deniska with the port of NOIZ2SA (v0.7).
This competition sees a top prize of the excellent 4GB Hard Drive by Datel

A decent prize for any Developer or infact any fan of the PSP.
The competition ends on January 10th 2006.
Full details can be found Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml and questions etc can be posted here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15195
Thanks again to Lik Sang for supporting the PSP Emulation, Homebrew and Development Scene 
Remember that it can be a new version of an already released game but that new version must not be made public until after the competition winner has been announced 
8 Days to go, spread the word to your favourite developer 
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January 2nd, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
New information has been released suggesting that the Blu-ray disc format, which will be used by Sony on their upcoming Playstation 3 console, will have only one encoding for both the US and Japanese game markets. From the article: "Japanese reports are surfacing that Blu-ray disc will adopt a new region encoding scheme that will put Japan and the rest of East Asia into the same region as North and South America. If this region encoding applies to Blu-ray games, this would mean that PS3 games could flow easily between Japan and North America."
If the reports are true, there will be the following four regions:
Region 1: North America, South America, and East Asia (excluding China)
Region 2: Europe (including Turkey), and Africa
Region 3: China, Russia and others
Region 4 (null): no region specified, playable anywhere.
Let the mod-free trade of PS3 imports begin.
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January 2nd, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
valkyrie over at Meristation has posted some great scans of Splinter 4 for the PSP, Check the 4 out in full size via the comments
Thanks to everyone who pmed me this story 
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January 2nd, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
My friends at Lik Sang have sent me another Audio adapter for the PSP to review in my own special way, now remember i am like any other member of the public, im no expert, i dont give technical details but i give an honest verdict, anyway heres the info about the 2.1 subwoofer system for the PSP:

The 2.1 Subwoofer Speaker System features a tiltable stand for the PSP, a charging function, dual headphone sockets and subwoofer. The system can be powered either directly by the PSP or using a PSP power supply, which will also charge the PSP while playing your music, videos or games. Also included is a wireless remote control.
Heres an excerpt from the review:
The Adapter like the other adapters that are released can be also used to charge the PSP, but a word of caution this adapter wont work if you have the 4GB Hard Drive attached or bigger than the normal (meaning sticking out the back) batteries.
The unit itself is very light and to be honest you get what you pay for, it isnt the Build quality of the Playgear Amp but its sturdy non the less, the Speakers can be adjusted up and down to your hearts content, the unit also has 2 headphone adapters although why you would use them is beyond me.
Read the full review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/21subwoo...m-review.shtml
Thanks to Lik Sang for the review sample.
Later tonight ill do a comparison of all 3 audio adapters released for the PSP. 
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January 3rd, 2006, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Unofficial PSP Magazine has been upgraded to Issue 3, heres what they posted was new:
The Unofficial PSP Magazine - Issue 3!!
New and improved! Reviewed: NFS Most Wanted, SOCOM, New Wallpapers AND MUCH MORE!! You'll have to download to see!
Download via the comments:
Just a side note, we are a bit slower tonight because our GP2X Site got slashdotted, seems that the mainstream wants some GP2X action and with us having one of the worlds best GP2X as well as PSP sites its giving us a kicking 
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January 3rd, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Jonny has released a new version of the Media Player for the PSP, heres the info:
PMP Mod is a media player for PSP.
The "Mod" suffix indicate that this is a modified version, based on the original version from JiniCho. Many thanks goes to JiniCho for porting FFMPEG and FFPLAY to PSP. Without his work, this modified version would never be possible. Starting from version 1.00, i've introduced a custom container, that's why the muxer is needed. You can find more informations about supported video and audio formats here.
I wasn't able to crash it in the last 10 days, it should be stable and reasonably fast.
The player is totally rewritten (now i'm using only libavcodec from FFMPEG).
Zoom option is still missing (for videos with width and/or height < 480x272), apart from this, basic functions are here (pause and seek).
Everything is quite optimized, plus, i use a buffer of about 1 second to prevent slowdown on complexity spikes and keep the psp spinning frames.
It's programmed in a way that av will never desync (when a scene is too power demanding you'll notice audio skipping).
Today i've tested the battery, the app eat ~40% for a 2 hours movie (not bad considering the cpu @333 and the me running).
Download via the comments 
Thanks to theelise for the news tip 
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January 3rd, 2006, 02:51 Posted By: wraggster
StereoMike has released a new version of the port of Doom to the PSP, heres the full info:

I have been hacking away at the source of the Doom PSP port and have now got a lot of new features added to it. I'll just paste the changelog and let you all test it out. You will need atleast the shareware wad to run it.
-Music now works fine
Uses samples from the opensource freepats.opensrc.org
Needs these placed in the inst directory. This is included in the package.
The library libtimidity that is used is included with full src for others to add midi music. Just take a look i_sound.c in the doom src for an example of using it.
-Added Selection of PWAD to load in addition to the main (I)WAD.
PWADS should be put in a directory below the WAD directory
for example
PSP/GAME/DoomPSP/WADS --put the main wads here
Select with triangle.
Can also view txt-files, scroll with Square button.
-Can now load IWADs that are not named correctly. Just assumes that it's a Doom 2 wad.
This makes for example DUKENUKEM.WAD load and run without having to rename it to DOOM2.WAD
-Compiled against latest PSPSDK
-Changed key usage to cross for selection in wad list and circle to go back.
-Changed exit screen to say "press x to exit" instead of "press y to exit"
-Fixed going back one directory by using circle button.
-Rearranged a bit in the code.
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
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January 3rd, 2006, 08:29 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk has posted more info about theport of Quake 2 to the PSP, heres the news:
I think my Quake II PSP is the most configurable game on the psp now I added the options for select the analog nub behavior now.
Following options are availiable:
look: look up and down, turn left and right
move: walk forward and back, turn left and right
strafe: walk forward and back, move left and right
This should offer a good configuration to everyone. But there are a lot of actions in quake. So I added the headphone remote control too.
I worked on a basic layout for quake 2 togehter with Rikki Tikki Tavi. We did't agree in all points so it is good everyone can adjust controls himself. This is the basic layout for Quake II.
The blue options could be changed. The red options are hardcoded. You don't have to own a remote control but it is nice for extra actions.
Check out the screenshots via comments:
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January 3rd, 2006, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Reports hitting the Internet over the weekend claim that Sony Computer Entertainment is in dire straits, unable to cope with the PlayStation 3, asserting that the console will be both late and plagued with bugs.
Much of the uproar stems from amateur games site Kotaku, and upon closer inspection, fails to hold any significant weight. In fact, we'll be impressed if the site doesn't come under pressure from Sony, given that its claims - eagerly picked up on by a press sector with little to cover for a few weeks - stem from between nothing and very little.
The uproar stems from a person who (and where have we heard this before) is an insider who gets real, actual, hands-on time with the PlayStation 3. His message as reported on Kotaku reads:
“PS3 Info Before I Head Out Of Japan Friday Towards Noon, Thats Tokyo time. Have fun waiting a while longer boys. No way that thing is coming out in March. The games just arent there and lots of other isseus I cant delve into right now.”
It seems that Kokat... Tokaku... whatever, has been emailed by one of the trillion 'insiders' who unfailingly have in-depth, hands-on knowledge of an unreleased console and decide that emailing websites to tell them all about it is the best way to spend his time.
There's more however. Kotatu... Tukoki... whatever, posted a follow-up piece to lend weight to its initial article. The genius behind this is so overwhelming, we feel it is essential reading. The site explains:
“We reported Friday about what a man named Fishie claimed was his first hand experience with what he called a very not-ready-for-prime-time Playstation 3. Today I’ve got an interesting conversation between an in-the-know and a friend that occurred a few months ago.”
It then, incredibly, posts a MSN Messenger conversation between two 'insiders' for your reading pleasure:
In-the-know says:
Sony will have to scramble and scramble hard to make spring release
In-the-know says:
and in case they actually manage that their content will stink since all games are way too far off
Friend Mole says:
Friend Mole says:
i thought it was easy to program for
Friend Mole says:
unreal enine demo
Friend Mole says:
that was up in no time
In-the-know says:
an engine demo is not a full featured game
In-the-know says:
a game needs testing and extensively so
In-the-know says:
suppose you have an engine that can render a thousand butterflies
Friend Mole says:
[NOTE: He was most likely talking about the Factor 5 dragon game ‘Lair’]
In-the-know says:
and can do that in hi def at 60fps
In-the-know says:
you make one of the butterflies fully controllable instead of random
In-the-know says:
and its still 60 fps
In-the-know says:
but suddenly the engine starts cracking even without touching a controller
In-the-know says:
then you need to start looking what code is making it behave that way
In-the-know says:
start optimizing and changing parameters so external shit doesn’t cause that sorta stuff
Friend Mole says:
In-the-know says:
lemme give another example
In-the-know says:
You have a 350 horsepower engine
In-the-know says:
350hp in tests
In-the-know says:
put it in a car and use faulty screws
In-the-know says:
and the engine will tear your nice car apart
Friend Mole says:
hmm, are things that severe over in sonyland?
In-the-know says:
then just try to find out what is wrong
In-the-know says:
it’s that severe with every game
Friend Mole says:
Friend Mole says:
do you think they foresaw these problems?
In-the-know says:
Friend Mole says:
In-the-know says:
I mean
In-the-know says:
its always like that
In-the-know says:
MS has the same problem
In-the-know says:
but Sony miscalculated the added complexity of the cell infrastructure and its adverse effects on development
Friend Mole says:
so what did MS do right where Sony misstepped?
In-the-know says:
MS did a shitload wrong as well
In-the-know says:
none of the early games really show of the XBox
Friend Mole says:
has to do with out of order processing?
In-the-know says:
that is giving them a big image problem right now with people calling it xbox 1.5
In-the-know says:
yah that too
Of course, the reports cropping up in recent days stem from little more than developer and publisher unease at Sony's progress with its new home console, and delays have been widely mooted for months. The lack of rolling game footage has caused endless speculation on the subject of taming the Cell processor, and it seems that this chatter has spurred reports across the web that stem from very little of substance.
We believe it's highly likely that the PlayStation 3 will be delayed. We also believe that it will launch with a dire lack of software. However, aside from the off-the-record comments of developers (already in receipt of PlayStation 3 development kits) these assertions don't stem from any of the hundred or so 'insider' emails we receive on a weekly basis*. More the fact that it's completely ****ing obvious.
*'Insiders' and those with a best friend who works at Company X in Japan. From now on, your emails must be accompanied by some sort of image to garner any sarcastic coverage on our pages.
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January 3rd, 2006, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Another port of Super Tux has been released for the PSP this time by Jomar Johansen, heres the info:
SuperTux is a jump'n run like game, with strong inspiration from the Super
Mario Bros games for Nintendo. Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping on them or bumping them from below. Grabbing power-ups and other stuff on the way.
Directional pad to steer Tux
X = jump
SQUARE = run
CIRCLE = shoot
START = menu
For firmware version 1.50, unpack and copy SuperTux and SuperTux% folders
to /PSP/GAME/ on your PSP.
For firmware version 1.0 unpack and copy SuperTux folder to /PSP/GAME/, and then replace SyperTux/EBOOT.PBP with the FW1.0/EBOOT.PBP file.
Port changes:
- psp button input
- images resized
- 16:9 screen support
- separated run and fire button
- added some gore
- other minor changes
Screenshots and download via the comments (Lets compare both versions )
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January 3rd, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterday we had StereoMike release an updated release of DoomPSP and today with the help of our great members at PSP News and the DCEmu Homebrew Network with detailing any bugs to the coder himself, Stereo Mike has posted on our forums a new fixed release of the Doom Port.
Heres what he posted:
I've found the bug with the screen alignment and the music volume so i'm releasing a fixed version.
Changes in Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S b6 fix
-Fixed problem with screen alignment
Was a problem with the memory aligment of the texture.
-Increased the music volume to a normal level
Download the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...threadid=16377
Or our Comprehensive Doom PSP download page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
Great work StereoMike 
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January 3rd, 2006, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2175&stc=1">
Take a look at that screenshot above, its the new rival to the PSP and it has some impressive features, more info and bigger screens at Console Hardware News --> http://console-news.dcemu.co.uk
Can it take the PSP on, who knows?
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January 4th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: Quitch
I notice the site has some PS2 emulators for the PC, but there wasn't anything there to help me tell them apart. I want to get an emulator for the simple fact I have one PS2, but multiple people living in the house and multiple PCs (and memory cards suck).
Does anyone have any experience with these emulators? Can anyone make a reccomendation or give me any guidance?
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January 4th, 2006, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2173&stc=1"><img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2174&stc=1">
PSPrimed have released Issue 3 of their magazine for the PSP, heres the info:
PSPrimed is pleased to present the 3rd issue of our PSP e-mag titled "Primed" In this issue we have included the following features and a whole lot more:
• We Interview 50 Cent and Whitey from GamerGraffix
• We review Socom U.S Navy Seals: Fire Team Bravo
• We review: Tokobot
• Primed E-Mag Unique Wallpapers Included
• E3 Booth Babe Special
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January 4th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2176&stc=1">
Source - PSP Magazines
I have been preformatting FHM content for the PSP for a long time, but now it looks like I can finally take a break. FHM.com released their "FHM on your PSP" website which contains a bunch of preformatted images and PSP video of all your favorite FHM girls. Check it out at http://www.fhm.com/psp
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January 4th, 2006, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Hate to disappoint everyone, but a spokesperson for Sony told TG Daily that we shouldn't expect any announcements related to the PlayStation 3 at this week's CES. Not that we were expecting anything to crazy, mind you, but c'mon, it would have been nice to get a solid release date or at least check out some playable demos or whatever. Something to keep us hungry, you know?
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January 4th, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
The Ubisoft supremo speculates a Sony PS3 release date for September and Novemeber in the USA and Europe respectively but slightly earlier in Japan.
Although both Sony's and Nintendo's next-gen platforms are expected to hit the market this year, no clear timeframe has been set for either. Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot, however, gave the BBC an educated guess as to when he believes Sony and Nintendo may launch.
We think September could be the right time for Sony in the US and November in Europe, he said. Japan a bit earlier, say June or July.
Guillemot added that he thinks Nintendo will launch around the same time, but that Europe may be last to experience the Revolution. Unfortunately for European gamers, Nintendo's new system might not debut across the pond until 2007 if Guillemot is right.
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January 4th, 2006, 03:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Cinematical
Cable network Starz! has just announced that they'll partner with Microsoft and Sony to form Vongo, a legal, pay-for-play movie download service. For a $9.99 service fee per month, Vongo users will obtain unlimited access to a rotating 1,000 film library, likely culled from Starz! current catalog. They'll be able to watch those downloads at any time on a PC or portable media device (presumably that means iPods, PSPs, etc), and will be able to download "new releases" (theatrical features will be available for download after a six month window) for $3.99 apiece. Though the service will obviously draw instant comparisons to the iTunes Music Store, which just started selling television shows for $1.99 an episode with a one day window, to VOD services like GreenCine and Movielink, and to traditional models of television-based pay-per-view, Vongo would seem to go beyond old methods of delivery in terms of its breadth of content alone. But that six month window seems terribly wide, doesn't it? Especially considering that, with the backing of Microsoft and Sony, Vongo will undoubtedly be marketed to PSP and Xbox-rocking gamers. Bill Gates is expected to expand on the deal and the concept in his CES keynote this week.
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January 4th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via Joystiq
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2180&stc=1">
PSPvault's Liam McNulty put together a handy, but brief guide to the various flavors of the PSP operating system that Sony updates every time hackers exploit one of the system's software flaws in order to run their own custom programs on the device.
As many readers are fond of reminding us, the PSP really shines once it has been extended with various unofficial software applications.
A portion of Liam's guide is shown in the thumbnail above, but click through for the full thing. It's good stuff!
Check it out at PSPvault (one of wraggsters fave sites )
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January 4th, 2006, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new product:

Product Features of Network Adaptor Asian ver.
Specially designed for the PS2
For connecting hard drive - ideal for using with the HD Loader
For connecting PS2 online
The Network adaptor can work on Japan , Euro or USA PS2 consoles - model SCHP - 3000X or later.
More Description of Network Adaptor Asian ver.
PlayStation BB is a platform to enjoy broadband network services provided through PlayStation 2 connected to a TV monitor and to the always-on broadband networks. Taking advantage of the penetration of broadband networks, various interactive broadband content such as games, music, broadcasting and publishing, will become available on TV monitors in the living room. Also, BB Unit can be used with HDAdvance in order to store and load PS2 games from Hard Disk directly.
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January 4th, 2006, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted this new product:

Product Features of Car Adaptor for PS2 Slim
For PS2 Slim only
Take your game on the road with this Car Adaptor
Input: 12V 4A
Output: 8.5V 5A
More Description of Car Adaptor for PS2 Slim
Take your game on the road with this Car Adaptor to power up your PS2 Sim! A power regulator is embedded into this unit, so you can plug it directly into the PS2 Slim without having to carry the cumbersome AC power brick that comes with the unit.
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January 4th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed their first lineup of the Blu-ray movies.
As the pathbreaker, the PS3 has taken the charge of starting and keeping the position of the Blu-ray standard. Therefore, a plenteous movies lineup is very essential to the success.
The list of the movies are as followed:
The Fifth Element
Bram Stoker's Dracula
For a Few Dollars More
The Guns of Navarone
House of Flying Daggers
A Knight's Tale
Kung Fu Hustle
The Last Waltz
Legends of the Fall
Resident Evil Apocalypse
Sense and Sensibility
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January 4th, 2006, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts announced today that Oscar De La Hoya will serve as cover athlete and spokesman for EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3.
Olympic gold medalist, former WBC & WBA super welterweight champion, WBC welterweight and super lightweight champion, De La Hoya is recognized as one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world and will be featured on the cover of EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3 for the PSP.
"It's exciting to be contributing to a project that pushes the popularity of boxing to a new level and to a new audience," said De La Hoya. "EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3 is so realistic anyone can pick up the game and learn about the actual sport while having a fun time doing it. The visuals in the game are so amazing. You can actually see the emotions on my face change throughout the round."
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3 brings the most intense boxing videogame experience to the virtual ring. Film-quality graphics and innovative gameplay establish EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3 as one of the best-looking and playing Xbox 360 sports game on the market.
Developed by EA Chicago, EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 3 is scheduled to ship in February 2006 for the PSP.
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January 4th, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Did i ever say i love free stuff, well heres a competition to enter 
Source - MoviesOnline
Do you own a PSP yet? Well if not we just got a great reason for you to get one. Our latest super-fantastic contest you can win 4 great new movie titles for the PSP! We have 8 PSP's in total, that we will be giving away in 2 great prize packs. Yes I know dont you just hate it? To enter is simple, email us your name and address and your entered. Check back to see if you win and more importantly to enter all the otehr super-alicious contests we run!
MADE: Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughan return as a hilarious odd couple of the underworld with Made, playing (respectively) Bobby and Ricky, long-time pals in Los Angeles. Failing as amateur boxers, they're recruited by their mob-connected boss (Peter Falk) to make what should be an easy delivery to an East Coast kingpin named Ruiz (Sean "P. Diddy" Combs). By the time they reach New York, Bobby's no-nonsense approach has been bulldozed by Ricky's hopelessly false bravado, which he's blithely absorbed from too many mobster movies. While Ricky invites disaster with reckless ambition, Bobby just wants a happier, legitimate future for his stripper girlfriend (Famke Janssen) and her neglected young daughter.
THE DOORS: Director Oliver Stone's homage to 60's rock group The Doors also doubles as a biography of the group's late singer, the "Electric Poet" Jim Morrison. The movie follows Morrison from his days as a film student in Los Angeles to his death in Paris in 1971, at the age of 27. The movies features a tour-de-force performance by Val Kilmer, who not only looks like Jim Morrison's long-lost twin brother, but also sounds so much like him that he did much of his own singing, performances by Meg Ryan, Kathleen Quinlan, and Kyle MacLachlan are similarly impressive.
GODSEND: After their young son, Adam (Cameron Bright), is killed in an accident, a couple (Greg Kinnear, Rebecca Romijn) approach an expert (Robert De Niro) in stem cell research about bringing him back to life through an experimental and illegal cloning and regeneration process. When Adam comes back to them, however, he's…different...
Saturday Night Live: Best of Will Ferrell Vol. 2
Get entering, let me know if you do and especially if anyone here wins 
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January 4th, 2006, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska has released a great port of Defendguin for the PSP:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2188&stc=1">
Heres the information:
This is PSP adoptation of "Defendguin" by by Bill Kendrick (bill@newbreedsoftware.co m; http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/defendguin)
Defendguin is based loosely on William's classic arcade game, "Defender."
Some recognizable stars in the realm of modern operating systems should be fairly obvious. See original documentation for details on game play, credits, etc.
- 20 levels with final boss (guess who? ;-))
- original sound fx & soundtrack
- modable graphics
1.5 users: copy contents of 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.0 Please let me know if either version works with the latest eboot loader for 2.0 firmware
Download and leave feedback at the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16462
great work Deniska 
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January 4th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Cheatworks PSP Type S by Team n:exp is a game save editor that works on the PSP and also on the PC.
Download via comments(full details inside download)
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January 4th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
For those of you who use the Trainer for Grand Theft Auto by Edison Carter and have a v2.0 or higher PSP then this Movie player finder file by PSPZones, heres the info:
This is a simple file which provides quick links to your videos created using Edison Carters GTA:LCS Cheat Device.
To install simple do the following:
1. Connect PSP to USB
2. Put PSP in USB Mode
3. Place this file into the root of the memory stick (DO NOT PLACE INSIDE THE MP_ROOT FOLDER OR ANY OTHER FOLDER)
4. Open up the psp browser
5. Cancel out of all screens until you are left with the blank browser page.
6. Type the following into the address bar: file:/player.html
7. Click the links to view your videos!
If you have any problems then please visit pspzones.com or email us. Thank you and enjoy!
Download via comments
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January 5th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
$1,800 isn't really all that much for Pioneer's forthcoming player, which bundles 1080p output and 1080p video upconvert, and supports DTS-HD, DTS and Dolby Digital. Besides an HDMI jack for one-cable hookup, the BDP-HD1 will be able to network with any DLNA-compliant server or any PC running Windows Media Connect.
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January 5th, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
With Sony incorporating its Blu-ray media format into the PlayStation 3 and Microsoft publicly pondering an HD-DVD-equipped model of the Xbox 360, the battle for supremacy between the two formats is likely to have repercussions for the gaming industry.
That battle is heating up today as the Consumer Electronics Show opens in Las Vegas to opening salvos from both camps.
Unsurprisingly spearheading the charge for Sony's Blu-ray was Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, which announced an initial lineup of 20 titles to be released alongside the first Blu-ray players this spring. That full first wave includes The Fifth Element, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Desperado, For a Few Dollars More, The Guns of Navarone, Hitch, House of Flying Daggers, A Knight's Tale, Kung Fu Hustle, The Last Waltz, Legends of the Fall, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Robocop, Sense and Sensibility, Stealth, Species, SWAT, and XXX. Sony Pictures also announced Black Hawk Down and The Bridge on the River Kwai for a summer 2006 release.
Also in the summer, Sony Pictures will start adding bonus Java games to its Blu-ray discs and begin releasing some titles for the format at the same time as their standard DVD counterparts. To update its sizeable back catalog of titles, the studio will initially give the Blu-ray treatment to four older titles per month beginning this summer, and move up to 10 titles per month by the end of the year. Also being readied for a summer release is the complete Stargate Atlantis TV series in high-definition.
Independent distributor Lionsgate announced its own support for the Blu-ray format as well, detailing its first 10 titles, set to start hitting shelves in the spring: Lord of War, The Punisher, Devil's Rejects, Saw, T2: Judgment Day, Reservoir Dogs, Total Recall, Dune, Rambo: First Blood, and See No Evil, starring the WWE wrestler Kane. Twentieth Century Fox has also said it will release 20 Blu-ray films in a first wave this year that will include films such as Fantastic Four and Ice Age.
There was news on the HD-DVD front as well, as a primary backer of the technology, Toshiba, unveiled its first two HD-DVD players for the US market. Beginning in March, the HD-XA1 and HD-A1 players will hit stores for $799.99 and $499.99, respectively. Both units are backward compatible with regular DVDs and upconverts the signals from them to an output resolution of 720p or 1080i for HDTVs. Perhaps taking a cue from the Blu-ray-equipped PS3, some HD-DVD players will have USB ports "for convenient connection of gaming controllers," according to Toshiba.
Not all the format wars news is coming out of Las Vegas. Japanese site ITmedia has reported that Blu-ray discs will shake up the current DVD regional lockout system. DVDs and DVD players carry one of nine different region codes, each corresponding to a different set of countries and territories. To play a disc from a given region, a DVD player must come from the same region (or be a Region 0, or all-region, player). According to ITmedia, Blu-ray discs will shuffle which countries are in which regions so that North and South American, Japan, Thailand, Malayasia, Korea, and India are all in Region 1, with Europe and Africa in Region 2, and China, Russia and others in Region 3.
This should make it easier for importers and cinephiles to get their hands on foreign films, as the current DVD Region 1 is essentially confined to American and Canadian releases. It is currently unclear what changes HD-DVD will make to the standard DVD region system, if any.
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January 5th, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Yesterday, rumors wafted across the Atlantic from francophone fanzine Jeux-France.com. In a typically brief article, the site said that Ubisoft had confirmed that Splinter Cell Essentials, the franchise's first foray on the PSP, would be a prequel--meaning it would be an all-new title, not just a tweaked port. Specifically, Essentials would "explain the origins of Fisher," according to Jeux-France, which said the information was confirmed by French Ubisoft officials.
As it turns out, the Essentials-prequel rumor was partially true. Ubisoft reps confirmed to GameSpot that Splinter Cell Essentials would indeed include a "prequel aspect." The rep declined to elaborate what exactly the "aspect" would entail, but did say that "it definitely is not the primary focus" of the game.
The Ami-Ubi disclosure raises the possibility that Splinter Cell Essentials could be a tweaked port of a PlayStation 2 title, a la Prince of Persia Revelations. That game was a miniaturized version of the PS2 Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, with some new content added and several levels reworked.
So what exactly will Splinter Cell Essentials be? Ubisoft isn't saying--yet. "We are preparing to make an official announcement and will give more details very soon," said the rep.
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January 5th, 2006, 15:37 Posted By: PeterM
I am happy to release the first version of my port of Quake to the PSP. Hopefully some people will enjoy it.
Here is the readme:
Quake for PSP
Peter Mackay
5th Jan 2006
This is a port of id Software's Quake to the PSP. There's already an excellent port out there by PacManFan, but I wanted to code something for the PSP and it was a good project. I also wanted to port from the original id source, instead of the PocketQuake source.
The following is working fine:
- Software rendering.
- Sound.
Things missing:
- WLAN support for network play. Nobody I know has a PSP, so I can't implement this.
- Hardware rendering. I have no PSP GU experience, so it'll take a while to do.
This game is for PSPs with firmware versions 1.0 or 1.5. To get it running on other versions, you will need to up/downgrade your firmware appropriately. Unfortunately I don't have a v1.0 PSP, so I can only hope that it works on that version of the firmware.
It almost definitely won't work with a v2.00 EBOOT loader.
Installation instructions:
2. Firmware v1.0 users:
Copy the Quake folder from the 1.0 folder to the PSP/GAME folder on your PSP.
Firmware v1.5 users:
Copy the Quake and Quake% folders from the 1.5 folder to the PSP/GAME folder on your PSP.
3. Download the shareware version of Quake for the PC from here:
4. Copy PC Quake's ID1 folder to your PSP/GAME/Quake folder.
Regarding the buttons:
The PSP buttons are connected to the following keys during the game and when the menu is shown. You will need to go into Quake's options and configure the keys you want to use.
For example, when you press CROSS, Quake gets a CROSS key press, which you will need to set to your desired action in the game options screen.
Regarding the analog nub:
If mouselook is turned on, then the analog nub is used to look around. You'll need to allocate other buttons for movement. If mouselook is turned off, which is the default, then the analog nub is used for movement.
I don't intend to provide personal email support for this game. I believe that I'd get a lot of useless mail if I were to publish my email address for this purpose.
If you can't get Quake running, try posting on a related PSP forum and hopefully someone can help you.
Known bugs:
- Fast key taps may go unnoticed when the frame rate is low. This is because I'm not sure how to get buffered input on the PSP. Does the PSPSDK support it?
If you've found a bug in the code, please post about it. I will probably read it and fix the bug if I can.
Big thanks go out to:
- All the great guys on the PS2Dev forum for all your hard work on the PSPSDK, and your helpful replies on the forum.
- id Software, for supporting the game porting community by making their game sources GPL.
- Hazel, for putting up with the complete lack of attention from me while I was working on this.
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January 5th, 2006, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Eurogamer
Rising Star Games has released the first details of Bubble Bobble Evolution, the spanky new PSP version of the old days classic.
The original gameplay has been expanded "into entirely new realms", apparently, and there are all kinds of innovative features - you can expect new bubble types, obstacles and hazards, for starters.
But most significantly, the level structure of the game has changed. Instead you will see three screens on a central "spindle" and you'll be able to jump between them whenever you like.
There's still plenty of bubble popping and monster bopping to be done, but you can expect new puzzly bits - apparently you'll face a "cerebral challenge" in each level. These might involve finding a way to melt an ice barrier with fire, for example, or watering a seed so that a plant will grow to bridge a grap.
"We wanted to bring something new to Bubble Bobble beyond a straightforward 3D update. With the PSP, we have its raw power and we've channeled that into creating a deeper, more complex take on the Bubble Bobble concept," said producer Tony Byus.
"This isn't Bubble Bobble as fans of the series are used to. This is an entirely new game and with these puzzle elements included, it is literally an evolution of the original game design concept."
Bubble Bobble Evolution is due out in February - we'll bring you more details
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January 5th, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some fantastic news thats come from nowhere 
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2206&stc=1">
PeterM one of our new forum members has posted this fantastic news in this Forum Thread:
I am happy to release the first version of my port of Quake to the PSP. Hopefully some people will enjoy it.
Here is the readme:
Quake for PSP
Peter Mackay
5th Jan 2006
This is a port of id Software's Quake to the PSP. There's already an excellent port out there by PacManFan, but I wanted to code something for the PSP and it was a good project. I also wanted to port from the original id source, instead of the PocketQuake source.
The following is working fine:
- Software rendering.
- Sound.
Things missing:
- WLAN support for network play. Nobody I know has a PSP, so I can't implement this.
- Hardware rendering. I have no PSP GU experience, so it'll take a while to do.
This game is for PSPs with firmware versions 1.0 or 1.5. To get it running on other versions, you will need to up/downgrade your firmware appropriately. Unfortunately I don't have a v1.0 PSP, so I can only hope that it works on that version of the firmware.
It almost definitely won't work with a v2.00 EBOOT loader.
Installation instructions:
2. Firmware v1.0 users:
Copy the Quake folder from the 1.0 folder to the PSP/GAME folder on your PSP.
Firmware v1.5 users:
Copy the Quake and Quake% folders from the 1.5 folder to the PSP/GAME folder on your PSP.
3. Download the shareware version of Quake for the PC from here:
4. Copy PC Quake's ID1 folder to your PSP/GAME/Quake folder.
I don't intend to provide personal email support for this game. I believe that I'd get a lot of useless mail if I were to publish my email address for this purpose. If you can't get Quake running, try posting on a related PSP forum and hopefully someone can help you.
Known bugs:
- Fast key taps may go unnoticed when the frame rate is low. This is because I'm not sure how to get buffered input on the PSP. Does the PSPSDK support it?
If you've found a bug in the code, please post about it. I will probably read it and fix the bug if I can.
Big thanks go out to:
- All the great guys on the PS2Dev forum for all your hard work on the PSPSDK, and your helpful replies on the forum.
- id Software, for supporting the game porting community by making their game sources GPL.
- Hazel, for putting up with the complete lack of attention from me while I was working on this.</blockquote>
Thanks to PeterM for a great release for the PSP Scene, download and leave feedback at the release thread in our submit news forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16503
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January 5th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
For gamers, no event at the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show was as anticipated as Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer's keynote. While yesterday's Microsoft presentation did have some surprises--like an HD-DVD peripheral and Capcom Xbox Live Arcade games--the fact the Xbox 360 is already on the market made it largely moot, from a gaming perspective. Not so Stringer's address, which many hoped would offer a new revelations about Sony's next-generation console, the PlayStation 3.
Unfortunately, Stringer chose to focus more on Sony's overall vision of a "digital future" than games in particular. After a series of flashy multimedia presentations, the wealthy Welshman began a keynote which hewed closely to the official Sony CES 2006 Web site.
Both the site and Stringer's speech outlined the company’s four-pronged plan of attack for the digital age. The first prong the CEO mentioned was e-Entertainment, the concept of using--what else--Sony electronics to access entertainment in new ways from any location. As examples, Stringer trotted out the new Sony Ericsson W810 mobile phone with Walkman music playback and the Sony Reader, a slim new e-book device.
However, it was only when Stringer whipped out a PSP that gamers' ears perked up. Stringer used the handheld to show off LocationFree, Sony's internet-enabled video system which streams video to multiple TVs, PCs, or PSPs wirelessly or over the Web. To demonstrate, Stringer showed a live East Coast TV broadcast being played onto the PSP via a nearby Wi-Fi hotspot.
Several celebrities joined Stringer to help tout the second aspect of Sony's four-part plan, Digital Cinema. Unsurprisingly, all three--actor Tom Hanks, director Ron Howard, and producer Brian Grazer--are involved in a major Sony film production, Columbia Pictures' forthcoming Da Vinci Code.
Of greater interest to gamers was Sony's third prong, Higher Definition. Similar to Microsoft's prophecy of the forthcoming "HD Era," this part of Sony's plan outlines how it will (hopefully) dominate HDTV entertainment. Its cornerstone is Blu-ray Disc, the next-generation media format that is vying against HD-DVD, backed by Microsoft and Toshiba, to succeed the current standard, DVD. The PlayStation 3 will come with an internal BD-ROM drive, while the Xbox 360 will require users to buy a external HD-DVD peripheral.
To help drive home the importance of Blu-Ray, Stringer was joined on stage by Michael Dell, founder and chairman of Dell Computer. In a presentation tailor-made to counter Microsoft's hyping of HD-DVD the previous evening, Dell said that BD-ROM was a format that would last over 10 years. He also reiterated his company's support for the format, which can store upwards of 50GB of data on a single disc.
Unfortunately, when it came to the fourth part of Sony's digital future vision, PlayStation, the Sony keynote disappointed. Stringer, a masterful presenter, ceded the floor to Kaz Hirai, the similarly smooth President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, who talked about … the PlayStation 2. Hirai said the console actually saw a 10 percent year-on-year increase in holiday sales, contradicting many analysts' predictions. He also said the PSP sold well, and elicited chuckles by pointing both the console and the handheld outsold the hard-to-find Xbox 360 over the holidays. He also took a verbal swipe at Sony's next-gen rival, saying, "the next generation doesn't start until we say it does."
When the subject did turn to the PlayStation 3, Hirai offered no major new information. He did say that the console is a "key pillar of Sony growth in 2006"--re-confirming its release this year--and said Sony has shipped out 4,000 software development kits for the console worldwide. Otherwise, though, Hirai merely restated previously known information about the PS3. He said its CPU, the vaunted Cell processor, would only use seven of its eight cores, and, yes, the console would be backwards-compatible with both PS2 and original PlayStation games.
Hirai's multimedia presentation also contained nothing new about the PS3. After running through a series of slides showing a nonfunctioning PS3 console and its controversial "batarang" controller, the lights dimmed. Then trailers for MotorStorm, Formula 1, Vision Gran Turismo, Lair, and Warhawk were shown--the same trailers Sony showed at E3 last May. The only one with any discernible additions was Vision Gran Turismo, which had a flashy new introduction.
With that, Stringer retook the stage to deliver his closing comments. But by that time, many gamers in the audience had tuned out, already calculating when they might get a closer look at the PS3. Luckily, it won't be long until their next opportunity--the 2006 Game Developers Conference is less than two months away.
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January 5th, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
When Sony launched its Connect music-download service in May 2004, it was with the obvious intention to try and take down Apple's iTunes service. Nearly 20 months later, iTunes is breaking records, while Connect--which uses Sony's proprietary, non-iPod-compatible ATRAC3 audio format--is used by only a tiny sliver of the market.
Yesterday evening at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Sony executives announced that in March, the company will relaunch a new version of Connect. The revamped service will offer movies, video, and games for download onto Sony's multimedia and gaming portable, the PSP.
"Soon, Sony will be rewriting the rules once again," the company said in a statement. "The Connect service will enable you to download hundreds of videos, games, and TV shows as well as films and other content. You'll even be able to browse from a wide selection of books."
The mention of games raises the likelihood that Connect will have an Xbox Live Marketplace-like section which will let PSP owners download titles. Currently, games on Xbox Live Marketplace cost between $5 to $20 and feature classic arcade titles like Joust and new casual games like Hardwood Backgammon. However, Sony did not mention any specific titles.
No specific movie or video titles were mentioned either. But Sony, by virtue of owning the studios Columbia/Tristar and MGM, has a massive film and television catalog to draw from. Sony executives did not mention what movie and video downloads would cost. However, as Connect's music prices mirror those of iTunes--$0.99 per song--expect a pricing scheme similar to iTunes' video offerings, which go for $1.99 per music video or television show. Moviesquare, the movie-download site Sony currently runs in Japan, may also offer a clue. It offers more than 260 movies for the PSP, priced from 210 yen ($1.78) to 1,260 yen ($10.71) depending on the feature.
It appears Sony wants to emulate the success of iTunes' video venture, which has exceeded expectations, and Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace, which has seen four million downloads since it launched in November. However, one big issue may inhibit the growth of Connect's video and game service. While video iPods have 30GB or 60GB of storage built in and the Xbox 360 has a 20GB hard drive, the $249 PSP Value Pack comes with only a 32MB Memory Stick Duo, which is adequate only for game saves and very limited audio offerings. That means those who didn't pick up the $299 PSP Giga Pack over the holidays will have to purchase a separate high-storage Memory Stick Duo to be able to download PSP movies and games, which usually come on 1.8GB Universal Media Discs (UMD).
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January 5th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a Save Game hacker for Commercial PSP games to give you max money etc, heres the info:
This is a simple application that i'm working on for months, it contains
a database which is used to patch known savegame to have max money or similar things. Being still a beta version it's still limited in possibility of patching but it can (at the moment only for legend of heroes) asks also what value to patch It can also show the game picture to make simpler finding the correct save 
-first release
-supports showing a list of all the games in the savedata folder
-supports showing the icon0.png image from the selected savegame
-supports these games: Legend of eternia JAP(ULJS00015), The Legend of heroes USA(ULUS10022)
Need For Speed: Most Wanted USA (ULUS10036) and EU (ULES00196), Medievil Resurrection EU(UCES00006)
and kingdom of paradise USA(UCUS98623)
-permits to select how much money to patch in he legend of Heroes
-menu to select available patches (disabled for release)
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January 6th, 2006, 00:39 Posted By: Sephuja
I'm using a fairly new Gameshark 2 (vers. 1.1) and I'm trying to use a snes emu.... now, I was following the directions for the knife swap, but when I get to the part when I'm supposed to actually do the knife swap, the drive opens itself when I chose to start the game... I may not have made this clear, so I will give it step by step (skipping some to get to the point :P )
I am on the gs main screen, and I choose to start the game. the box comes up saying press "X" when ready. when that box comes up, that's when the swap takes place, BUT, for some reason my drive opens when that box comes up... what am I doing wrong, if anything?
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January 6th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
[UPDATE] Take-Two announces that its best-selling PSP game is coming to Sony's current-generation console; hints next handheld edition might be original.
As part of its earnings report today, Take-Two Interactive made a rather surprising announcement. While announcing the roster of games for its 2006 fiscal year, which ends on October 31, 2006, the company revealed it is porting a PSP game to a "current-generation console."
It doesn't take a Wall Street game analyst to guess that the title is Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, the most popular PSP game to date. According to Take-Two, which owns GTA publisher Rockstar Games, the game will be released on a "current-generation console" during the company's second quarter, which ends on April 30, 2006.
However, since Take-Two did not specify which console the game would be coming to, it has opened up the floodgates of speculation. [UPDATE] However, the scuttlebutt was scuppered by comments by Take-Two CEO and president Paul Eibler during a post-earnings announcement conference call. In that call, he told analysts, "We are very pleased that we have been able to extend Liberty City Stories into the PS2 environment."
In other news, Take-Two also announced that the next PSP GTA, first revealed last year, would be an "all-new property." The company did not specify whether that means it will be a new adventure set in an old locale, like LCS was, or a completely original game and setting.
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January 6th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP has been around for just over a year now and this site is near on 19 months Old, what a fantastic time thats been, since nems Hello World release to the Quake Release today we have seen some fantastic software and also we have seen some fantastic sites for the PSP, sites that even if you dont like their practices are good sites that fully support the scene as it stands, Sites like us at PSP News, PS2Dev Forums, PSP Vault, PSP Hacks and even my mates at PSP updates , whether you hate a site or love a site for whatever reason you can respect that they like you are their for the scene and wont leave just because its the inthing at that time.
Then you get the less apealing side of any scene, thats the side that via forums has warez downloads (yes they do have an effect on the console and the scene), the sites who arent really there for the scene but just occasionally post or just blatently steal every bit of news going, (No ones perfect on that score but some really take the mickey).
Support the real PSP scene and community 
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January 6th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Tivo is now supporting PSP and Ipod, heres the detail:
"This feature is for TiVo® Series2™ Digital Video Recorders only! DIRECTV DVR with TiVo, and TiVo Series1 DVRs are not eligible for this update.
Only DVRs with TiVo Service Numbers beginning with the following characters are eligible for this software:
110, 130, 140, 230, 240, 264, 275, 540, 565, 590, and 595
(You can find your TiVo Service Number by going to:
TiVo Central -> Messages and Setup -> System Information.
You can also log into: Manage My Account)
Your DVR must be connected to Windows PC via a Local Area Network. If you need more information on how to set up your DVR to connect via your home network, please see tivo.com/getready
You must have the latest generation iPod with video support or a Sony PSP (system version 2.0 or later) for the duration of the Beta period.
The Beta software will automatically expire at the end of the Beta period. At that point, you can download the final version of Desktop 2.3 with auto-transfer support. You'll need to purchase the iPod and PSP support separately."
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January 6th, 2006, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
Dreamsoft have released a html based Virus scanner for the PSP, heres the info from the readme file:
Antivirus is compatible with any legal 2.x portable gaming system. It is safe HTML-based software that does not require any system modification or hack of any kind.
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January 6th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPFanboy:
In the land of Las Vegas, the Consumer Electronics Show is kicking off, much to every geek's anticipation. Accessory manufacturer Nyko Technologies has announced several new products for the PSP. The international CES will have some of these on the showfloor: a PSP on TV converter, charger grips, Theater Experience PSP, and Power Tuner. Hopefully we'll hear more about these products soon.
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January 6th, 2006, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
iPods are the worldwide leader in the area of MP3 Players and also theres a promising Emulation and Homebrew scene for the iPod which include a Gameboy emulator and also a port of Doom, check those and the latest iPod news out at IPod Emulation News here --> http://ipodnews.dcemu.co.uk/
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January 6th, 2006, 08:16 Posted By: wraggster
The PSPLua site have reported this news:
cubiCPixel A Member of our site has just released TrickedOut v0.1 this is the first sports game to be made in lua.
Things that will be done:
- rotation and flip strenght based on joystick movement (same as carving)
- rails and grindable objects
- scrollable on y axis
- cameramans
- style meters (seriously )
- much more
Freestyle snowboard game with no time or races. Inspired by snowboarding itself. Should be able to carve around. This is a basic starting teaser where you can see its potential.
Everything will be changed, mostly graphics: Every images have allready been exported and ready to use (cinema 4D).
PS: I've been snowboarding for many years now, don't worry, this will be a simulation type game and not a cartoonish type peace of garbage!
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January 6th, 2006, 08:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Gabe Logan has got the stealth action hero thing down. Close-cropped hair cut? Check. Gravely, grim voice? Check. Enough moves and gadgets to take down a small army of bad guys? Check and check. About the only thing missing from Logan's arsenal has been a handheld version of the game series in which he stars: Syphon Filter. Thanks to the good folks at SCEA, currently in the midst of developing Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror for PSP, that's one more item the action hero can check off his list. We got a chance to take Dark Mirror for a spin on the show floor at this year's Consumer Electronics Show and came away impressed with the handheld game's solid look and interesting controls.
In Dark Matter, Logan and his crew of special ops badasses will be once again responsible for saving the free world, this time against a mysterious group known as the Red Section--or at least that's who we were up against in the demo level we played. The Red Section folks had infiltrated a petroleum refinery in the snowy reaches of Alaska. It was up to us (as Logan) to take them down without destroying half of the Alaskan wilderness in the process.
After a cool intro movie introducing the major players during the initial insertion into the oil refinery, we took over Logan, who was charged with opening up a vent on a huge oil depository before the pressure built up and exploded. The only catch? The area was crawling with bad guys and a sniper perched at the top of the depository was looking to cap anyone who came too close. Just another day for a guy like Gabe.
The controls for Syphon Filter for PSP take some getting used to, especially if you've never played the SF series before. You move with the analog stick, of course, and fire your weapon with the right trigger. Aiming, however is done with the face buttons--to aim left or right you press the square and circle button; to move your aim up you press the triangle button and use the X button to aim downwards. With just a little practice, we were popping heads like Jiffy Pop and moving through the lower levels of the refinery with relative ease. Enemies are as intent on staying alive as they are in stopping you dead in their tracks, however, so don't be surprised if you have to chase a few around the obstacle their hiding behind.
As we progressed through the mission, we picked up an extra submachine gun to go along with the silenced pistol and sniper rifle we already had in our possession. By pressing the right directional button, we brought up the weapon menu where each gun in our possession was tied to a face button on the controller. To equip the rifle, for example, all we had to do was press the X button. In addition, certain weapons (such as the aforementioned rifle) can be armed with multiple types of ammo. The rifle, for example, used regular 6mm rounds, explosive rounds, and even X34 gas ammo (presumably when you want to stop an enemy but not necessarily kill him). Logan doesn't always have to be lethal after all, if you manage to sneak up on a bad guy, you can give him a whack on the head with a blunt object and knock him out long enough to make your escape.
No great spy is truly complete without a great set of gadgets, and some of the cornerstones of Logan's technological arsenal are his goggles. At one point in a mission we were stuck at a fence but were informed by our technical advisor over the comm-link to try our EDSU goggles to look for a way to unlock the gate. We're not sure what EDSU stands for, but as soon as we switched them on (by accessing a menu similar to the weapon menu system described above) lo and behold we found a blinking section of the fence that was ideal for compromise. One well-placed pistol shot later and we were through to the next objective. EDSU goggles aren't your only choice however; you'll also have night vision and infrared goggles at your disposal, as well as a traditional flashlight for those especially dark corners.
The Syphon Filter series has always been about mixing up its gameplay and Dark Mirror appears to be no different. After dispatching the sniper and releasing the vent, for example, it wasn't long before we were joined by a member of our Precision Strike team who required cover fire while she infiltrated the oil refinery. Perched on top of the depository, it was up to us to dispatch any bad guy intent on filling her full of lead, using the sniper rifle and its handy zoom feature.
Graphically, Dark Mirror is looking handsome on the PSP--with sharp player models and fairly expansive environments (at least on the one level we played). In addition, we found the animations for Logan and other NPC models to be varied and good-looking. Sony seems to be delving a bit deeper into the PSP and extracting more out of the handheld than you might be used to. Only time will tell if this kind of quality will be consistent throughout the rest of the game. On the sound front, we had the luxury of playing Dark Mirror complete with a nice set of headphones (Sony-manufactured, of course) so we could really get a sense for each gun shot we fired, and each panicked shout by a guard we were about to mow down. Like its graphics, Dark Mirror's audio package seems to have a lot to offer and we're looking forward to exploring more of the game in the coming weeks. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is currently due for release in March and you can expect more coverage on Gabe and the rest of his crew in the coming weeks ahead.
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January 6th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has released a new version of his Telnet application Peldet, heres whats new:
Did some additions to get connecting to cygwins telnetd working. Some big changes to the renderer, now it is called directly instead of with message passing. This gives some big speed ups (libcaca mplayer is almost compeletely smooth at default speed). I was hoping to hold this for the next version, but as my CVS server machine has died I'm including it now. This may lead to a crash as I haven't thread safed it yet, but malloc/free is called much less, so there shouldnt be crashes related to that anymore.
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January 6th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
The Liquid Platinum version of the PSP Replacement faceplate is now available, heres the info:

Product Features
Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Includes plastic window located in front of the screen, as protection
Does not include buttons or screws (original screws and buttons supplied with PSP system must be swapped)
Necessitates removal of 7 screws on your PSP system
Exchanging faceplates will void your PSP system warranty
Includes Installation Guide with Pictures (English language)
Front Side only, no back side available
This repair part can be used in case your original faceplate got damaged
This product is not manufactured or approved by the console manufacturer
More information here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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January 6th, 2006, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Take 2, parent company of publisher Rockstar, has announced that Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, originally a PSP exclusive game, will be released for PlayStation 2 later this year.
Also confirmed for release in 2006 are Rockstar's controversial school game Bully and two PSP games, one of which is described as an "all-new" Grand Theft Auto.
These announcements are part of Take 2's financial report to the City in which it outlined its release schedule for the upcoming year.
The news of GTA: Liberty City Stories coming to PS2 is something of a surprise as Rockstar was eager to point out the title's exclusivity to PSP at its release. However it does make financial sense as there's a huge PS2 userbase hungry for more GTA action that would snap up Liberty City Stories, especially if it was released at a budget price.
As regards the GTA PSP game, "all-new" could just refer to new characters and story rather than a new location, so a return to Vice City is still a possibility.
There are no real clues about the second PSP game mentioned but, as Rockstar proved with Midnight Club 3, it's more than capable of squeezing full PS2 games on to the Sony handheld, which means a Warriors PSP game shouldn't be ruled out.
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January 6th, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
If you are loving the Final Fantasy XII demo, this is sure to make you drool. On March 16th, the same day Final Fantasy XII launches in Japan, Sony also plans to unleash a very special bundle for FFXII fans: a slim-line PlayStation 2 with an engraving of Judge Master crest worn by the game's main character. In addition, the bundle will also include, in addition to the console, a strap for your cell phone, a vertical stand, and a copy of Square Enix's much-anticipated RPG.
The bundle is currently planned for Japan only, and we're hesitant to believe a similar bundle will ever grace North American or European shores. US and European gamers, be sure to check your favorite importer for a chance at the console.
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January 6th, 2006, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas yesterday, Sony heavyweight Howard Stringer failed to assert the previously published spring release date for PlayStation 3, furthering expectations that the highly-anticipated console won't be on sale in the early part of this year.
Stringer simply said that Sony's new machine will debut 'later this year', leading many to believe that SCE has abandoned its original launch plans. Indeed, there is the belief emerging that Sony never intended to launch in spring, merely offering the period to consumers in an attempt to distract them from Microsoft's frenzied Xbox 360 launch.
Stringer was joined on stage by Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Kaz Hirai who also avoided making any mention of a ship date for the PlayStation 3. Hirai's appearance consisted of outlining the support program in place for developers of PlayStation 3 software, announcing that around 4,000 development kits for the Cell-powered monster have been shipped.
However, the resounding note of the somewhat lacklustre presentation came from Stringer's words, 'later this year'. We contacted Sony yesterday in the wake of the CES address with a simple question - When is the PlayStation 3 expected to launch in any territory? We received no response at time of press.
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January 6th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Source PSPFanboy
Coming from The Memory Stick corner of the Sony booth during the International Consumer Electronics Show that's going on has come the introduction of higher capacity Memory Stick PRO Duo media. Dubbed "Gigabyte Life", the exhibit gives us a look at the 4GB and 8GB memory sticks that will be showing up later on this year.
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January 6th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Pikoro posted this news:
Just wanted to remind the people who have put in submissions that the flash player coding contest is nearing the Deadline (Jan 15th).
We may extend one more time depending on the submissions we get before the 15th. Remember, you only need to submit beta code if you have it. After the contest submission deadline ends, there will be a month for final coding and cleaning up to reach a (hopefully) finished product.
Also, we have raised the Cash Prize to $2000 from $500, so if you want a piece of the cash, make haste! An extra $500 provided by PSPHacks.net, and the other $1000 provided by heavy.com.
Team submissions as well as personal submissions are welcome!
Complete details can be found in this forum thread.
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January 6th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Adrelith posted this news over at PSP Vault
"On December 30, 2005, a new version of a program called Adventure Maker was released to enable users to create click-and-point games and multimedia software for both windows and the PSP.
To check out more about Adventure Maker go to their homepage:
Using this software myself, Adrelith, and a friend, Shuyin, have created a game called Stick Adventure PSP. At the moment it is very undeveloped, as we just wanted to release something to let the public see whats coming in future releases of the game. "
Some info about the game:
A point-and-click homebrew game for the PSP. It uses the fireware 2+'s web browser. It is very undeveloped, as we just wanted to release something to show the public what's to come in Stick Adventure PSP. In the game you are a secret agent infiltrating a robotics lab. The game is very easy to install, just download, unzip, plug in your PSP and run the setup.exe file. A REAME is included for further instructions if needed. Expect newer version soon, and enjoy!
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January 6th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
PG Revolution has posted a review of the new Wresting game for the PSP, heres an excerpt:
" installment of the popular WWE wrestling franchise is a major leap over what was once acceptable as a wrestling game. For example, the introduction of two gameplay mechanics that revives the lost art of “a whoopin’ dat ass.” What am I talking about? Stamina and Momentum. These two aspects alone shift the game’s feel from an arcade fighter to more of a simulation. In past installments of the WWE franchise you would be able to slew together a mess of powerful moves in order to keep your opponent firmly glued to the floor. This isn’t the case anymore."
Read the full review here --> http://pgrevolution.com/2006/01/06/w...w-2006-review/
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January 6th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
About two months ago, we at GameSHOUT fell into the same speculation that the Sony PlayStation 3 would not be released until 2007. A few days later, Sony contacted GameSHOUT and told us that they were still on track for a Spring 2006
launch date.
As of this morning, January 3rd, 2006, Sony again informed GameSHOUT that the Sony PS3 will be released in May 2006, and that the recent reports of a delay are pure "myths".
During the weekend, many sites and news agencies have reported that the Sony PlayStation 3 is full of bugs, and that the game machine is not ready for the Spring 2006 launch. However, please keep in mind that these are pure speculations.
Notice how much of the rumour is based on a "March 2006" launch. Sony never told us on what month the launch will occur.
Unless Sony says otherwise, don't take any notice to anyone else that's claiming to know the facts or the scoop. There are tons of people out there misleading the public. If there is a change in the 2006 Sony PS3 launch, we'll know about it.
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January 7th, 2006, 11:03 Posted By: GameSharkGX
Hello all, in this midnight release i am reveling my new DDR Mood
Hope you enjoy it
Note: Read the in game warning and you should be fine
Better graphical interface
More and Better songs
Future Releases:
More Songs
2 Player - adhoc wifi mode
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January 7th, 2006, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source IGN
Everybody's favorite sarcastic sidekick is finally getting his own adventure. That's right, Daxter is off on his own without the help from his old friend Jak, but he hasn't lost his rather deranged sense of humor and loud mouth, which is exactly why we love him.
Daxter begins the game with a simple flyswatter, which acts as his main melee weapon against a horde of robotic spiders (and whatever else may lie ahead). A few levels into the game, Daxter will find himself in possession of a canister of bug spray, which does more than just kill robo-spiders. By using it as something of a propellant, you're able to hover and glide over long gaps, or by igniting it in a nearby flame, turn the canister into a makeshift flame flower.
Aside from his unique canister, the rest of Daxter's movement repertoire mimics that of his buddy Jak. He has a double-jump at his disposal, the ability to cling to ledges, perform air-stomps from above and more. If Jak could do it (in the original game, at least), Daxter probably can as well.
One thing that the series has undoubtedly excelled at is animation quality, and Daxter is no different. The animation fidelity here is absolutely fantastic, with Daxter having what is easily the best and most realistic motions we've seen on the PSP thus far. As we've mostly dealt with robotic spiders, it's hard to judge how his opponents will fair, but we doubt it'll be any less excellent. Really, this is AAA animation quality that you only find in a handful of console games.
Along with excellent animation, the Jak & Daxter series has also always had spot-on controls, and again, Daxter has seen this implemented to perfection. The controls are extremely tight, and though Daxter's animations are all blended together for smooth animation, it in no way inhibits your control over him.
This is partly due to the excellent framerate, which in the sections of the game we've seen is smooth as silk. Never a hitch in sight, we're easily reminded of the PS2 series' fantastic visual silkiness. That's not to say that its visuals have suffered for this as the game looks quite good, implementing the classic style from the franchise that we all love. Granted, much of what we played took place in a wine cellar or some such, replete with steam pipes and bottomless pits for whatever reason, but what we've seen looks great.
Though a wine cellar doesn't sound like the most interesting of places for an early section of the game to take place in, along with the aforementioned steam pipes and bottomless pits you'll find plenty of platforms, crazy ramps and such to navigate. This is a platform game through and through, focusing at least as much on hopping from place to place as it does at puzzle solving.
The early puzzles we witnessed were all fairly simple, but we can see some promise here. For instance, the robotic spiders have left cobwebs everywhere (even though they're robots, which really makes no sense, but you're also in control of a rat-lizard or something so whatever), and to get rid of them you have to find a nearby fire, set your poisonous gas afire and keep it lit until you make it to the obstructed area.
One cool aspect of the game is that Daxter will find himself dreaming of various heroic situations every now and then, like the Burly Man Brawl from The Matrix: Reloaded. These dreams sequences are minigames of sorts and play much differently than the main sections of the game. For instance, in the Matrix sequence, as enemies approach you you'll see a symbol with one of the four face buttons appear on the ground, and when the enemy reaches the button, you simply press it to unleash Daxter's martial arts skills. It gets fairly fast and hectic, where you'll have to move quickly and press multiple buttons simultaneously.
The little bit we've seen of Daxter looks great. We're all fans of the series, but the first Jak & Daxter is one of our favorites as it combined classic platforming with modern technology. Daxter looks to be a throwback to this style of gameplay, which warms our hearts. Stay tuned as we'll have more on Daxter shortly. (Get it? Because he's short...)
Screens and more at IGN
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January 7th, 2006, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this news:
One chip for v12-V15 (ie works with Jap/NTSC/Pal) , low price but high quality chip.
- One chip for v12-V15 (ie works with Jap/NTSC/Pal)
- 20 Wire Installation
- Boot from browser
- Direct Boot of DVD9 Games
- Plays PS2 original imports
- Plays Backups on HK Silvers
- Plays Backups of originals (cdr/dvdr)
- Plays EA Backups (Without Patch)
- Plays Original Imports EA Sport
- The ability to disable the modchip.
- Plays PSX imports/backups
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January 7th, 2006, 13:32 Posted By: wraggster
Lua Player is a lua script player for the Sony PSP. What this means, is that making your own games for PSP just got that much easier.
Shine Posted this news:
On http://www.luaplayer.org you can get the new version 0.16. This is only a small bugfix update, because currently I don't have much time for Lua Player, but AdHoc network and an updated Windows version with Socket and TTF support is planned. One new thing is the DNS resolver, now you can write a web browser :-)
The changelog:
v0.16 (all changes for this version by Shine)
- Wlan:getIPAddress bugfix: now it returns nil on error and the IP address otherwise
- DNS resolving. Now you can write Socket.connect("www.luaplayer.org", 80) instead of Socket.connect("", 80), thanks to ideas how to use the resolver lib from PSPRadio
- when loading JPEGs, the file was not closed
- System.md5sum bugfixing for the Windows version
- Wlan.useConnectionConfig index is 1 based instead of 0 based, like usual in Lua
- System.powerTick added: this prevents power off, now you can nail your PSP on a wall for your electronic painting :-)
- System.createDirectory, System.removeDirectory and System.removeFile added
The new functions are documented at http://wiki.ps2dev.org/psp:lua_player:functions.
Download Lua Player v0.16 Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luaplayer.shtml
Check out the massive range of Lua games and apps on the left hand column of the site or the Lua forum and also the PSP News forum.
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January 7th, 2006, 13:39 Posted By: wraggster
AnonymousTipster has released a new version of his ThrottleX Racing game, heres whats new etc from the coder:
This is the second release of the ThrottleX buggy racing platformer. This version comes with five new levels (17-21), with the last two being particularly mean. There are also 4 clues spread throughout the whole game (which includes <16) which tell you how to unlock a secret hidden within the game.
A few notes:
By pressing Select in-game, a screenshot will be saved to the root of the memory stick
The wheels are still square.
Thanks to NaYoN for a level idea.
Thanks to the PSP community for being supportive.
Have fun, try and find all the clues. It's worth it .
Downloads and screens Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/ThrottleX.shtml
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January 7th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Our forums are one if not the best release ground for the PSP Scene, the ability to join up and upload your homebrew and emulation software directly to the forums and get that precious feedback cannot be understated.
If you have a release you would like to share to the world then register and upload away and we will promote your work to the World of PSP Homebrew.
Today xwh1225 has released a modified version of the dictionary homebrew application called YDict, heres what xwh1225 posted:
"Hello guys !
I'm xwh1225 from China. I made a PSP homebrew mod and I would love to share it with others. It's a dictionary homebrew application(a mod for "YDict0.2"). Check the rar file within. More details are in the readme files. Thanks.
New features:
1. Redesigned keyboard.
2. Redesigned UI colors.
3. Some trival changes.
Enjoy !
Download and leave feedback in the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16644
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January 8th, 2006, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
Hey all within the next hour or so we will have masses of news, went out drinking last night and had my first night off in ages but no worrys ive got over my hangover and the news is incoming 
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January 8th, 2006, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PocketLint
The PSP maybe seen by most as a games console, but the handheld device has taken its first steps as a remote control for your car.
Based on what was once a 94 Honda Civic, a pimped up concept car has gone on show at CES in Las Vegas that allows you to control everything from opening the doors, turning on the lights and even driving it down the street all via the PSP and a wi-fi connection.
The car which has been modified by Metro Electronics in America, who specialise in electronic amps, stereo racks, amps and in car dvd players is even eco friendly having its petrol engine ripped out in favour of an electric one.
“We took out the petrol engine not for the green appeal, but so we could get in more amps and kit,” a spokesperson for the company told Pocket-lint.
But the company didn’t just stop at the remote control and eco-friendly elements. Showing that this vehicle could beat any home cinema system the car comes with 24 LCD screens, including one in the front grill, three amps and more speakers than at a Aerosmith concert.
The price tag? Pocket-lint was told that it was not for sale, however the spokesman said that if it was it would be in the region of around $250,000 (130,000 GBP).
Still just think of the looks you would get on the school run.
Check out the link above for those cool screens 
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January 8th, 2006, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
Dr|PuppeT and iNFiDEL have released PSPMPverter v0.2 which is a AVI to PMP converter app, heres the info:
This app requires:
- A copy of mencoder from http://oss.netfarm.it/mplayer-win32.php
under "Precompiled Mencoder binaries"
- A copy of PMP Muxer from http://jonny.leffe.dnsalias.com/
- VB6 Runtimes (included in most windows anyway)
How to use:
Click browse, choose your file, click calculate to calculate resolution.
You have 2 options, to make a bat file and not execute it, for your own
purposes, and just a plain convert button which makes the batch file and
then executes it.
The encoded pmp file will appear in the same directory as the original
video file when everything is finished (when the dos windows disappears).
During the process the original gui does not need to be open at all.
You can set video bitrate to whatever you want and compatible audio
bitrates are in the drop down box.
The resolution and other settings can also be set in the batch file, you
just need to be able to deduce which setting is which (not too hard at all)
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January 8th, 2006, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster
Moaku has released the first public version of what is one of the most unique puzzle games so far for the PSP, heres what the coder wrote:
The project's goal is to do a basic simple game in order to add features / effects/ variants in the future to train with pspsdk and its libraries. I've choose the Pentomino. Searching google, I found numbers of variants that I
never heard about that don't use digits, so I guessed that this gamebase that I learned to play with when I was 10 was the perfect choice.
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January 8th, 2006, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Miemt11 posted this release in our Submit News Forum:
PMP Simple Converter 0.01 for memcoder
What it do?
1: Convert any video (rmvb, avi mpg, wmv) to PSP PMP format
2: Support size is 320x240, 360x272 and 480x272 resolution
3: All PMP output video are harddup enable
4: Encode Process Priority
Download and more information at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16664
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January 8th, 2006, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
Malloc has updated Jonnys release of the Media Player for the PSP which plays AVI/ Divx files, heres the info:
- a volume booster function (up and down can be used to change the volume from x1 to x2, x4, or x8 during play, usefull for the low volume scenes)
- a resume function (when the video is exited with triangle, the position is saved in a small file, and when the video is played again, it goes directly where it was saved)
- Left and Right trigger can be used to adjust the luminosity during playback (it's usefull to add a bit of luminosity to remove the bad ghosting effect of the LCD screen in dark scenes)
- if START is pressed during play, it goes to the start of the video.
- if the .PMP.POS file is selected in the file selector, it launches the .PMP directly
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January 8th, 2006, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
thepixelatedpoo has released a new version of his Lunar Lander game for the PSP, if your a fan of retro gaming then this is for you, heres what the coder posted:
This is my final release of lunar lander, the changes are:
- sound effects and background music
- added pbp image
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January 8th, 2006, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
The UK Magazine team have released issue 2 of their mag for the PSP, heres what they said was new:
Here it is, revamped and ready to go! At 120 pages long and sporting a brand new design along with reviews of NFS: Most Wanted, PES 5 and more! Also in this months mag is an interview with Fanjita, previews, news and much more.
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January 8th, 2006, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSmonkey aka Nexis2600 posted this news on his Site:
<blockquote>Well its the start of the new year and thus means time to get my ass back in gear. So here is info as to whats going on globaly.
1) BspViewer 0.3 is being delayed some more. This is all in due to me cleaning up the source code and trying to re organise things. This is a good thing because hopefuly next build you can start loading and unloading maps & md2 models with out having to reboot the app every time. As well hopefuly let you select any map by filename insted of the bs testXX.bsp setup now.
2) My ass is in high gear over the Dcemu compo. I have 7 days to pretty much write a game. See below for more info regarding this.
3) Bof3 trans is dead 100%. We gave up mostly because its not worth the time investment with capcom finaly bringing an english release early this year. Plus this give me more free time to work on the 3d engine. Clessy contains all rights to the code and my documentation. He is free to do as he pleases with it (so its up to him if the info will be released).
4) ngPsp might see an update release in the comming months. My good friend yoshi has taken the time off to port the code to the newest sdk (I was on the original nem setup). This is great as it saves me weeks from getting it done. Once thing settle a little on the 3d engine. I will jump back over and get things cleaned up and finaly get a damn freaking multiplayer build out (sorry it took over a year, ran into many adhoc bugs that someone else figured out now).
Dcemu Compo
Ok so what do I got cooking? Well me (coder), MGFox (Map Maker) & Produkt (Texturing & Lighting) are working on a very small and basic FPS/TPS for the psp. The maps will be very small but the basis is that users can build their own maps if they wish or use their favorite quake 2 character models.
So far there is tons of work to be done. I do plan to keep updating this project to some extent after the compo release. The only thing is I am a little worried the compo entry might be more of a alpha build then an actual game (due to there being so much needed to be done).
Anyways. See Forums for an early screen shot of the game. Keep checking back for this screenshot to evolve.</blockquote>
Check out his site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
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January 8th, 2006, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
Source - 1UP
There have been a number of breakthroughs in recent months allowing PSP owners to shell out some cash and play their UMDs, games, and whatever illegal activities they have streaming off their memory stick onto a TV. Digital Innovations is providing the latest solution, and this one will actually be available at retail.
The GameDR Excelerator Series ScreenMax Video Transmission System will cost you $69.99, and the device reportedly resembles an oversized mouse.
The device's "camera and lens system digitizes the PSP image, transmits it through a four-foot-long built-in cable that is attached to a TV or monitor on the other end, and reproduces the image in magnified form for a full-size gaming or viewing experience," reads the press release.
You'll also need four AA batteries to keep this sucker running, but there's (of course) an optional accessory so you can jack into the wall. If big-screen PSP playing and watching interests you, Digital Innovation is shipping their device some time next month.
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January 8th, 2006, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
GameSharkGX has released a great new Mod for the DDR type game PSP Revolution, heres what he says:
"Hello all, in this midnight release i am reveling my new DDR Mod
Hope you enjoy it
Note: Read the in game warning and you should be fine
Better graphical interface
More and Better songs
Future Releases:
More Songs
2 Player - adhoc wifi mode"
Download and give feedback at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16623
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January 8th, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GamersReports
According to a job posting on Gamasutra by Shiny entertainment, the developer is looking for a PSP programmer. The company states that the game will "harken back to the earliest days of Shiny's game development history." Sounds exciting, Earthworm Jim anyone? Let us hope it is that to which they refer and not another Path Of Neo. Either way it is nice to hear Shiny will potentially be giving us an old school favorite.
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January 8th, 2006, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
News article at our respected site PSP Vault:
" I have created a website that will hopefully be updated every week or (sometimes less!) that is saved to your PSP so no internet connection is required!
Well, I got kind of mad when I couldn't find a wireless connection around my house, and I thought I should do something about it! Thus, I have created a website that you download, save to your PSP, and view through the browser. PSPO (Play Station Portable Offline) will be updated on a regular basis (whether it be weekly or biweekly). IF you want to advertise on it, or even submit content, I would appreciate it!
Have a nice day.
~Dillon (MuttsMooch) "
He has also released a 2nd Version
"The second update to my first site! This update contains more content, more fun, more everything! This will overwrite the older PSPO. Readme included! "
Download both via comments: (The smaller download is issue 1)
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January 8th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
PacManFan is still working on his PSX Emulator for PSP, heres the latest status report from him:
I know everyone is dying for an update (or a file release). Currently, I'm working on some issues getting the Eboot to run on a real PSP. I've been working primarily with the PSPE emulator, and the dynaimc recompiler works fine, however, I'm having somewhat random crashes getting it to work on the real PSP.
It actually works fine as long as file debugging is turned on, but when I turn off my logging, or try to comment out the file writes in the file debugging code, the PSP crashes. I think it has to do with the CPU registers being saved before file writes. I need to figure out why (or what) is causing corruption of the registers during run-time. I suspect it's another thread. The dynamic compiler definately DOES work on the PSP.
One issue that I'm still having with the PSPSOne emulator is GPU interrupts not being handled correctly all the time. I beleive it's because my program counter variable is being updated only while branching.
One other thing that I'm going to do is change the architecture of the plugin system to integrate the GPU Plugin code directly into the project, instead of being called through a function pointer system. There are several unnecessary layers of function calls being made every time I write to the GPU memory, This can be optimized for better speed, as well as normal memory reads/writes.
Another thing I'm doing, is converting the project to work with the PSPSDK. I know this may sound strange, but I used a smaller psplib.c file with limited functionality in it, as well as my own startup.s code. This is the same code that I used to build Quake before there was a PSPSDK.
I can post a binary that works in the PSPE emulator if everyone wants, but I think you all can wait till I iron out a few issues with the PSP version.
Hopefully, I'll have something for everyone to see soon. Be patient,rest assured that I'm still working on this, and devoting a lot of time to it.
-PMF out
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January 8th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
The first PSP News & Lik Sang Coding Competition was a great start to a series of competitions for the Homebrew and Emulation scene on the PSP, the winner of that Competition was indeed Deniska with the port of NOIZ2SA (v0.7).
This competition sees a top prize of the excellent 4GB Hard Drive by Datel

A decent prize for any Developer or infact any fan of the PSP.
The competition ends on January 10th 2006.
Full details can be found Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml and questions etc can be posted here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15195
Thanks again to Lik Sang for supporting the PSP Emulation, Homebrew and Development Scene 
Remember that it can be a new version of an already released game but that new version must not be made public until after the competition winner has been announced 
2 Days to go, spread the word to your favourite developer 
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January 8th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another quick survey of sorts to find out what you use your PSP for, heres what i use mine for in order
1) Emulation and Homebrew
2) Commercial Games
3) Movies
4) Photos
5) MP3s
6) Browsing The Internet
Of course you really need 2 PSPs to do all those things to the best but it will be interesting to see what order you all use your PSPs features.
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January 8th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Blue 2K today released in This forum topic his release of MBShell Artiliery for the PSP v0.05, for those who dont know what that is, its a shell for PSP, which changes the look of the PSP etc, heres what he posted:
Well then, here it is. MbShell Artillery 0.05. Please check the readme for installation instructions, it is already in 1.5 format for easy installation. Here is a screenshot of the new theme:
Artillery 0.05 features:
- New theme
- UMD loading + return to shell function
- Slideshow application (reads png and jpg)
- Jpg image support up to 1280x960
- Graphical MP3 player (under construction, but functional)
- USB connection
- Detailed battery indicator
- Icon and windowing support with drop shadows
The graphics have been done by Afinnity and the programming as usual by me. Here is another screenshot with the applications running:
Now the original release had problems but a fixed release was put up a short time ago, download via the comments and check the cool screens too 
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January 8th, 2006, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Elxx has released a new version of his PSP Webserver, heres whats new etc:
Here's a nice and supercharged version of my PSP web server, powered by the recently released LuaPlayer 0.16.
What this does is basically let you download files from your PSP using your wireless network connection. You can browse through the memory stick wirelessly, using only the web browser on your computer. HTML pages will even be sent so you could run a website off your PSP. Thus, it turns your PSP into an HTTP Daemon.
In 0.4, there have been some huge changes to the transfers. LuaPlayer 0.16 has apparently fixed the issues with the WLAN connection dropping randomly, so you should be able to run the server for several hours. Remember to have it hooked up to the charger though! Now, you will also be prompted at the start of the app to choose which WLAN connection to use.
In addition, I have once again improved the error handling. With a nice quality connection, you can easily hit speeds of over 100 kb/s! That means you can listen to the MP3's on your PSP without even having to wait for them to download (if you have software that can stream like that). I eagerly await your comments on how fast you were able to push the server. Just keep bumping up the chunk size and see how fast your transfers can get.
Have fun, and don't hesitate to give comments and suggestions.
Changelog for v0.4:
* Added WLAN profile chooser at startup [thanks modsyn]
* Improved error handling now resends only missing portions of chunks, allowing higher speeds
* Default chunk size increased to 8192
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January 8th, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.pcsx2.net/
Final Fantasy XII Demo that was released with Dragon Quest VIII in North America goes ingame! :O
Thanks to some recent work by Refraction and a new contributor ZeroFrog, we can now walk around the first demo area of this game. Given this is VERY early work in progress (W.I.P), there are some major bugs to be ironned out, like various graphical issues!
However to celebrate this breakthrough, there is a video and several screens, and be sure to check out the official forums for some up-and-comming new shots, progress and general discussion!
This video is a AVI (Xvid) and should be playable under any decent media player and is being shared using Bit Torrent, thus you will need a Bit Torrent client such as uTorrent to get this video!
This video is being shared through Bit Torrent, we ask if you could seed (share) this file for aslong as possible!
Visit the PCSX2 site for additional high resolution screenshots!
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January 8th, 2006, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
In our "it's about time" category, the Blu-Ray Disc Association finally completed the the Blu-Ray spec. The press release wasn't all that informative on the spec, so we're awaiting further deets on any last minute changes. Both the 25 and 50GB discs specs were approved which is kind of bummer for the quad-layer (100GB) Blu-Ray TDK discs we caught a glimpse of at Digital Experience. The good news is that with HD-DVD out of the gate within the next month or two, Blu-Ray can start catching up; the BDA expects Blu-Ray discs in our hot little hands in the next few months.
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January 8th, 2006, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Sony was proud to re-introduce Pursuit Force at CES this year. The demo, which featured several Easy levels and a Medium difficulty level, showcased some of the fine-tuning that has taken place in order to prep the title for North American consumption. BigBig's super cop action hybrid turned head's at E3 last year, but when it was finally released in late 2005 for European audiences, the game received mixed reviews.
Critics complained that Pursuit Force suffered from maddening difficulty spikes and inconsistent vehicle handling. Sony knew they would have to clean things up if there was any hope for Pursuit Force to live up to expectations and become an innovative killer app.
From our hands-on time with the demo, it looks as if the developers have succeeded. Vehicles have been better balanced and handling tightened-up--you can actually make sharp turns now. Pursuit Force is still a difficult game, largely because the combination of play mechanics is unfamiliar to most gamers. However, playing through the Easy levels, we found that the title has become more accessible. But the game will still be up against the repetition factor, which most casual gamers will likely succumb to. How may chase & escort missions can we really stand? Regardless, Pursuit Force has that arcade flash that lends itself to short bouts on the PSP.
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January 8th, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Theres many rumours of a revamped Sony PSP coming out maybe later this year but what do we want fixing or upgrading on our Beloved PSPs, well heres my personal list of things id like to see but some may and some may not be fixed.
1) Homebrew Support for all firmware (exceedingly unlikely)
2) Built in PSP to TV support
3) Longer Battery power
4) Built in Hard drive (4gb)
Id like to see them fix the cases of PSP Games or release cases so that people can finally play games that have had faulty cases.
Whats your List ?
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January 9th, 2006, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker has released 2 very quick updates to the continuation of Yoyofrs original Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in both new versions:
<blockquote>Version 0.6.1 : fixes for Fakk2 (!)
Ok Fakk2 found very quickly a bad bug with transparent sprites handling which made lots of sprites to disappear in Art of Fighting 2, and some others, so here is the update.
Also, I made sure the audio is really muted before loading game files (it was creating an annoying noise when loading "Art of Fighting 2" game files, at the begining of the game).
And Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer should work now, it was just an error message which was messing the game screen.
Version 0.6
- fixed the crash in Karnov's revenge when pressing X on the title
- Fixed the freeze of magician lord when you enter your name for a
- Fixed the freeze of 2020 super baseball at start
- The fps counter is now readable (does not blink all the time as before),
and it really displays 60 when it should, and not 61.
- Autoframeskip : in the menu you can choose frameskip: auto. In this mode,
the game skips frames when it has to only. If you display the fps counter
in this mode, it shows the number of frames actually skipped between []
if it has skipped some.
- Finally fixed the disappearing graphics in "Art of fighting"
- Fixed sounds for games with very big samples (art of fighting for example)
- Reverted to the loading picture from neocdsdl, quite better than the
the previous one... !
- Fixed bad music un bust a move and probably some other bad sounds in
some other games by adapting the code for the ym2610 from raine !
- Worked around the crash of Cross Swords 2 : it's caused by an error in
decoding the 3rd track (mp3). But it doesn't make any sense, and even
if the file is re-encoded, I still get the error. I worked around it
by making it a non fatal error, now the track is just ignored. I'll have
to investigate this later...
- When a game tries to load a mp3 and you didn't create a mp3 directory for
it (neocd.mp3) don't display anymore a stupid error message behind the
game screen
- Speedup : use solid masks to avoid transparent sprites
- Removed the 68k & z80 frequencies options from the gui, they would
be ignored because of the new timers. I should add speed hacks one day...
- LOTS of code cleanup
Known problems :
- After launching 3 or 4 games in a row, you loose sound effects !!!</blockquote>
Download at our Comprehensive NeoGeoCD Emulator download page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml
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January 9th, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Ive some great news that should interest all PSP Developers and PSP News Sites and those who release Magazines and so on and so forth.
We have now changed to Open Source newsposting, that means any admins, mods, staff and more importantly PSP Coders can now post news and with the ability to upload up to 8mb files then this is a great launch platform for your Homebrew game, emulator, application or indeed anything.
Massive thanks to Martin64 for sorting out the tech stuff but from now on anyone who wants to post news (obviously i have to first give you the ability) can do so.
What this means is that no more do developers have to put up with sites non linking and more importantly you get the feedback and credit you deserve and to me thats whats most important.
Theres a way to newspost but theres also rules which ill gladly chat via the comments, but for now use PSP News as your main and true launch site for anything PSP related.
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January 9th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
Videora PMP Converter is a free video conversion application developed by the creators of Videora. It allows you to convert your regular PC video files (avi, mpeg, etc) into the PMP video format developed by Jonny. With a version 1.5 PSP and Jonny's PMP Mod 1.0, you can now playback full resolution video on your PSP!
When combined with Videora, Videora PMP Converter + Videora allows you to download, convert and copy video to your device, automatically using BitTorrent and RSS technology. See ITVCasting for more details:
This was posted at the Release Thread
Thanks to Jonny, full native 480x272 video is now a possibility on the PSP (well v1.5 PSPs at least). Due to the limitations of the PSP's processor, video still has to be converted and thus we are proud to announce the first beta version of Videora PMP Converter.
Mega Thanks to Jonny
Jonny, we just want to say thanks for sacrificing your own free time to write this awsome, insanely complex piece of software. We really appreciate all the hard work you have put into it. We hope everyone will also take the time to thank Jonny for his hard work.
Obligatory Videora Converter Introduction Stuff
Our favorite feature of Videora PMP Converter is ITVCasting, a term we coined up to define automatically downloading, converting and copying video. For more information, see this page.
If you are looking for help with Videora PMP Converter, want to submit a bug report, request a feature or talk about PMP in general make sure to check out the forums specifically for PMP.
Finally, if you enjoy using Videora PMP Converter or this website please consider making a donation to help support the development and webservers of PSP Video 9 and Videora.
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January 9th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster

Just Noticed that Lik Sang are carrying the great Football (Or soccer depends where you live in the world) manager game for the PSP, the PC Versions were excellent and if you like those sort of games you will be well sorted, heres the info:
Championship Manager PSP is a fully portable version of the best known football management simulation, and also boasts a wealth of new features. Dealing with everything from transfers to training, tactics to tabloids, Championship Manager is the closest you'll get to real-life football.
A realistic 2D match engine
55 playable leagues across the top 12 footballing nations, including Europe, Asia and South America
25,000 players from 100 nations
Exclusive PSP game modes, including Challenge mode and Quick-play 3 season mode
Live Cup Draws
Realistic manager options to influence your team tactics, and the match result
Fully interactive transfer system simulating modern day negotiations
Exclusive PSP skin and interface

More information and to buy visit Lik Sang Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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January 9th, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey has posted some excellent screenshots of what will be his entry into our Coding Competition for the PSP, heres what he posted:
Well it's time to give you all an update & introduction to the project me, MGfox & Produkt have been cooking up recently (sorry if this anouncement is somewhat incohearent, i'm lacking on sleep atm).
So today I introduce to you Iris. Iris is a game built off the bsp rendering engine I have been working on for the past few months. The game is ment to be a simple yet fun 3rd person Deathmatch game for the psp. Old Quake mappers will have the additional fun of making their own maps & characters to use in the game. The maps are based on quake 3 bsp format & the character are based on quake 2 MD2 model format.
Insted of giving you guys some unoptimised quake 3 maps. MGFox & Produkt have steped up and created 3 wonderful maps that will be included in the release as well as the posibility of 2 more maps (if time permits).
Sadly due to time limits, our dcemu compo entry might more be an alpha then a real release (too much to do) but we plan to get a second build out asap to add what we want.
With out further delay, time to check out the screen shots !!
Check out the outstanding screenshots via the site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/
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January 9th, 2006, 08:08 Posted By: wraggster
k_man316 has posted news of the release of a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the info:
This is my initial release of Air Warriors for the PSP. This was written and is powered by the amazine PSP LUA engine! I'm a big fan of shooters and wanted something that could be played on my PSP so wrote this one.
This game is you basic top down shooter for the PSP. I have tested it with LUAPlayer version 0.15 on a US PSP with 1.5 Firmware so I'm not sure of compatability with other firmware versions.
Copy the "AirWarriors 1" and AIRWAR~2% to the \PSP\GAME folder
Thank you!
Download from the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16733
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January 9th, 2006, 08:14 Posted By: wraggster
HEDZX has updated his game written in Lua to V0.6, heres whats new:
V: 6 Added:
two levels,
level select, and an
optional chao design.
also a diffrent menu option when using new chao.
new chao is... Tails Chao, my favorite
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January 9th, 2006, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
At last, you can connect your PSP to the internet easily, cheaply and WIRELESSLY! With WiFi MAX, a whole world of online gaming is opened, and you can also manage your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house.
WiFi MAX for PSP couldn't be simpler to use. Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. You can then connect to the internet and play online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP gamers from all over the world. Just the thing if you don't have a wireless router! Best of all, WiFi MAX supports up to five 'local' PSP gamers at a time, so you and your mates can all play online at once!
As well as multiplayer games, WiFi MAX also lets you organise your media files and download them to your PC using our exclusive MAX Media Server software. Transfer MP3s, images and video files from your PC to your PSP from anywhere that's within range of your new WiFi network. As it operates on the Wireless G standard, it's five times faster than an ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise your effective WiFi range.
If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi MAX too. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi router!
Internet gaming through any internet-enabled PC.
No cables necessary – make a wireless connection.
Organise your files, and convert videos into a PSP-friendly format.
Five times faster than standard WiFi.
Suppled with software CD and WiFi dongle, and also a USB cable and stand for optimal positioning.
Datel's WiFi MAX is out now.
Divineo UK Have the Wifi Max in stock.
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January 9th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
You've got to love CES. Just when you think the games industry will emerge blinking and somnambulant into the New Year with nothing to report, the annual Consumer Electronics Show throws up a raft of new and intriguing tech developments, products and stories to kick off the year in fine style.
So it transpires this morning, with Sony adding further fuel to the Blu-ray versus HD-DVD fire by touting the PS3 as a cut-price solution to your future high-definition movie viewing.
Why? Well, with the announcement of some of the first Blu-ray movie players from Samsung and Pioneer (the BD-1000 and BDP-HD1 respectively) due to come to market this spring and expected to cost around 1000 USD and 1800 USD, the PS3 - which ships with a Blu-ray drive - starts to look more of a bargain.
Okay, we still don't know the price of the PS3 itself yet, but with expectations around the 400-500 USD mark, Blu-ray movie playback could be an important factor in driving initial sales, just like DVD playback was for the PS2. By contrast, the first HD-DVD players from Toshiba will also debut in March with the HD-XA1 priced at 799.99 USD and the HD-A1 costing 499.99 USD.
In the current gen, PS2 did extremely well out East during its initial launch phase simply because it was one of the cheapest DVD players on the market and you also got a games console to boot. It's a strategy Sony seems to be repeating this time around and if it works, why the hell not? The only slight problem might be the PS3's launch date, which although originally touted for spring this year seems almost certain to slip back further, especially in the West.
But what do you think? Will the PS3's Blu-ray drive be more of an incentive for you to buy the console, or is it all about the games? Will it arrive too late to make a difference or perhaps you'll be checking out the Xbox 360's new HD-DVD drive which we reported on last week? Let us know in the forums below.
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January 9th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Mczonk posted this news:
I added a lot of new stuff to Quake II PSP the last week: Inline models (like doors or ladders) and sky support.
The Quake II archive format (.pak) is now supportet. So you don't have to copy 1000 small files to your memorystick anymore. Just one big .pak file which is much faster transfered.
My current tasks are: clipping, lightmaps, a simple test mod, sound and music player.
The clipping on the psp is a mess. You can see clipping problems in some commercial games as well as in some homebrew stuff. You can read more about psp and clipping on pspdev.org: Thread 1 - Thread 2
My first idea was a brute force polygon subdivision algorihm. Each polygon is divided into 4 new smaller polygons. That's my current version and it is bad. It costs a huge amount of power for subdivision and a huge amount of sceGumDrawArray(GU_TRIANLGES, ..., 3, 0, verts); is called. That's why Quake slows down at the moment.
This implemmentation is not really good because you still have some errors.
This errors can be fixed with a dirty hack. It is just fake but it reduces black spots completly and it is fast. There are still some graphic errors but they are not so eye-catching anymore.
I'm working at a new clipping algorithm for the psp. Which solves the problem and not avoid it. I'll release more information for the developers if I found a good solution. Solve this problem is more important for me than light or sound in Quake because it is a generic psp problem.
Public Beta
In the next three days the first public beta of Quake II PSP will be released. My testers already played around with this beta version. Thanks to all of them for their work.
Simple test level
All weapons (including bfg, hint: give all)
All items: Quad Damage, etc
Different monsters
Full configurable button layout
Load and Save (little bit buggy)
Sound and background music
Mod support
The development is a currently a step further. But I only want give away a well tested version.
Awesome News, check out the screens via the coments:
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January 9th, 2006, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Zones have released issue 2 of their Magazine, heres the info:
PSPWeekly 2, the official PSP Emag of pspzones.com has been officially released! It features 119 pages (excludes cover and wallpapers, 128 pages in total) full of News, Reviews, Previews, Cheats, Tips and other useful info! And all this in just over 7mb, due to the fact that we don't waste pages on images or large font sizes. We've packed in lots of info in this issue from CES 2006 so that you can stay up-to-date with all the latest! Remember, PSPWeekly is the first and original weekly psp emag so our next issue is out on 16th January 2006! We hope you enjoy this Issue as everyone who has contributed by sending us their news, has helped us make this such a big Issue. We are still looking for staff members so if you're interested, please contact us!
Thanks, pspzones administration.
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January 9th, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita one of our forum members and pioneer of the Eboot Loader for PSP v2.0 firmware consoles, heres what the coder posted:
"Just a small thing, really, but I've ported my Tetris game to the GTA exploit, and have it running on a v2.50 PSP. There's a small technical glitch that means it doesn't run yet on v2.60, I hope to sort that out ASAP, before I release a version that will run on any firmware that can run GTA. So - no release yet, but it's imminent.
As well as being the first homebrew game for v2.5 and v2.6, it will also be a good test of the improved GTA loader that will be used to launch the EBOOT loader. Sadly at the moment this is still for US and EU versions of GTA only, my attempts so far with the German version haven't worked correctly, but I hope to change that soon. "
comments, thoughts ?
Great work as always Fanjita and great to see the news at your site 
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January 9th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Malloc has released a new mini mod for the Media Player for the PSP, heres the info:
Here is the last mini mod for the week
Zoom / Aspect ratio handling with the SELECT button (using the GU to stretch the video with bilinear).
there's 4 cycling modes :
- original size
- zoom to fit the width of the video (cropping the top & bottom if necessary)
usefull to zoom 4/3 video (losing the top and the bottom)
- zoom to fit the height of the video (cropping the left & right if necessary)
usefull to zoom 4/3 video (adding black bars left/right)
- zoom to full screen (doesn't preserve aspect ratio)
Download here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16741 and thanks to miemt11 for the news 
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January 9th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has released in our forums an update to the PMP Simple Converter, heres the info:
Change from version 0.01
1: Fix the pmp_muxer.exe (if pmp_muxer.exe is not available, encoding will not continue )
2: add 160x120, 368X208 and 400x192 resolution
3: Add high quality encoding option
4: minor fix ...
What it do?
1: Convert any video (rmvb, avi mpg, wmv) to PSP PMP format
2: Support size is 320x240, 360x272 and 480x272 resolution
3: All PMP output video are harddup enable
4: Encode Process Priority
Download at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16743
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January 9th, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gizmodo
"Got a ton of video in MPEG4 format laying around waiting to be put on your PSP, but you just can’t cram it all on there? Never fear—the SavitMicro S25 HDD enclosure lets you use any 2.5” hard drive as a PSP storage device. Totally awesome. Just hook it up to your PSP, Digital Camera, or any other device that can accept an external storage device and you’ve got tons of extra space. The price isn’t bad if you’ve already got the hard drive too. It’s about $100 for the enclosure and USB cable and is shipping now."
Hmm just remember that the PSP will only see 4gb until a firmware update and well $100 seems a lot for just an enclosure, thoughts ?
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January 9th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Josh Robinson, who claims to have developed for the PS3 over the past year using one of five developer kits released in North America, questions why Sony has yet to reveal and deliver the final box to developers. Considering that the console appears to be in a near-complete state, that could be a justified inquiry. From the article: "I started off VERY excited about the PS3. I was very confident that it was going to just destroy the XBOX 360 just on the name SONY alone. The more time that goes by the more I am becoming doubtful. Everything I’ve developed or seen developed has yet to be 'next gen.'"
He does note the difficulty in creating demos for a system without a final box and believes the unit's true "next-gen" potential won't be achieved until one year from launch. By limiting what's available in the form of developer kits, does Sony still have some cards up their sleeve?
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January 9th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Rhythm DevTeam have released a new version of their musical app for the PSP, heres all the info:
PSP Rhythm is a homebrew drum machine for the Sony Playstation Portable.
Inspired by classic drum machines such as the Linndrum and Roland TR-series, PSP Rhythm has been created to use the simple, yet effective 16 step style drum sequencer. PSP Rhythm incorporates the use of audio sample playback instead of drum synthesis. PSP Rhythm has been directly influenced by one of our favorite modern drum machines, the Elektron MachineDrum. The most significant is our use of "parameter locks" (as used by the MachineDrum). Parameter locks enable you to change the pitch, volume, and pan per step to create moving, changing melodies and effects. This control over your sounds will give you much more creative freedom and allow you to not only use drums, but to use instruments in your music.
Version 2.1 New Features
- Easily Skinnable using your own 32bit BMP image files
- Song Mode - Normal or Loop
- Text Color (For custom skins)
- Audio Channels (1-32) - Use this to tune your song for best performance
- Save System (Text Color, Audio Channels, Song Mode)
- QUIT? (For future PSP OS 2.0 support)
PSP Rhythm 2.1 Comes with a drum kit designed after one of our favorite musical artists DAFT PUNK. If you are upgrading from version 2.0 you can just copy your current banks files over the bank files in this version.#
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPRhythmComposer.shtml
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January 10th, 2006, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPMagazines
Thousands of products debut at CES, but only a handful will shoot to the top of every technophile's wish list. CNET's editors have selected 36 products from 12 categories that we consider the cream of the crop.
What are CNET's editors looking for? We want to see pioneers: just-announced products that innovate, whether they're kicking off a new category, establishing an emerging one, or taking an existing category to a higher level. We want products that are stylish, entertaining, easy to use, and/or easy to integrate with other products. We want tech that's equally cool and useful.
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January 10th, 2006, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker has released a new update to the continuation of Yoyofrs original Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
<blockquote>I didn't want to release something else so fast, but I had to find a way to load samurai spirits rpg zipped and fast. And the difference is so incredible that I had to release this version as is. It loads samurai spirits rpg in 23s if it's zipped now ! It might actually load faster the zipped version that the unzipped version now !
Actually the trick was to add a read cache to unzip.c, if some other emus want to use the trick, they are welcome to !
I also stopped to display the loading picture while ingame, and I added the patch.prg file, necessary to load samurai spirits rpg.
Also, be careful at the filesystem corruption bugs : if a program quits without closing its opened files, then there are good chances that the psp corrupts the files. So if you quit neocdpsp with the home key, a reset of the eboot loader for firmware 2.0 if you use it, or by a crash, then I advice to run something to check the filesystem on your memory card (like scandisk).</blockquote>
Download at our Comprehensive NeoGeoCD Emulator download page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml
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January 10th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
The first PSP News & Lik Sang Coding Competition was a great start to a series of competitions for the Homebrew and Emulation scene on the PSP, the winner of that Competition was indeed Deniska with the port of NOIZ2SA (v0.7).
This competition sees a top prize of the excellent 4GB Hard Drive by Datel

A decent prize for any Developer or infact any fan of the PSP.
The competition ends on January 10th 2006.
Full details can be found Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml and questions etc can be posted here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15195
Thanks again to Lik Sang for supporting the PSP Emulation, Homebrew and Development Scene 
Remember that it can be a new version of an already released game but that new version must not be made public until after the competition winner has been announced 
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January 10th, 2006, 08:15 Posted By: wraggster
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2299&stc=1">
Fanjita has released Tetris which is playable on Firmware V2.5 PSP Consoles, heres what he posted:
There are still a few issues with the v2.6 GTA loader, so for now I decided to release the Tetris for v2.5 users, so that they can have some fun. Full instructions for installation are in the README.TXT file inside the archive. Remember that you will need WinRAR or a similar utility to open the RAR-format package.
Heres the full details from the readme.txt
<blockquote>Tetris for GTA v1.5 by Fanjita
Includes code by:
Delyan Kalchev
Edison Carter
This is a simple demonstration that homebrew games are possible for PSP firmwares v2.01 and v2.5 via the Grand Theft Auto savegame exploit. It is also a test of the general-purpose GTA loader that will be used as the basis for running the EBOOT loader on v2.01+.
At the moment this game will not work on firmware v2.6, but I hope to release an update very soon that will. It also will not work on the censored German version of GTA - again, I hope to release an update soon.
To install:
Unzip the contents of this package into the /psp/savedata folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing savegame that uses slot 5, then this will be overwritten by the Tetris savegame.
To use:
Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the Tetris savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the Tetris game should start.
To quit the game, you will need to hold your power button for 10 seconds. The HOME button looks like it might work, but it doesn't, yet.</blockquote>
So for all of you with v2.01 and v2.5 PSP Firmware, get trying and let us know how you get on and your findings, bugs and of course credits to Fanjita for this reakthrough.
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January 10th, 2006, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Last we heard, things degraded from gung-ho to so-so for Samsung on the prospect of going in on a dual-mode device that'd bridge the gap between HD DVD and Blu-ray for the consumer. But it looks like guarded has now turned to closed-until-further-notice according to a SVP of Marketing at Samsung North America, Peter Weedfald. We had no idea there were licensing agreements in place that prevented a dual-mode player, but apparently "Until everyone agrees to check their egos at the door and help the consumer, there is nothing [Samsung] can do about a universal product." And thus today our final hope for a truce -- even if involuntary on the part of both warring factions -- is dashed. We're not going to worry too much, however, you know how these things like to turn around every fifteen minutes, or how tech execs get "misquoted" and rescind.
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January 10th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
It took 'em a couple of days, but Google Video now allows you to buy that Charlie Rose you've been jonesing for, along with some CBS episodes (we just nabbed a few Macgyver episodes to get the creative juices flowing), NBA games, and random crap that reminds you that Google isn't just about the premium partners for their new Google Video Store. They've also added a download button to get an iPod or PSP formatted version of free videos, but most of the for-pay content is going to have Google's own special flavor DRM and require their Google Video Player to peep.
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January 10th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry
Sony Computer Entertainment America is facing criticism from a New York City official over a guerrilla marketing campaign which uses graffiti to promote the PlayStation Portable.
Last November, spray-painted images depicting cartoon characters with PSPs began appearing in seven cities across the US, including San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York.
Following speculation that the graffiti was not the work of underground artists but part of an advertising campaign, Sony admitted responsibility but said that all the wall space on which the images appeared had been legally licensed.
This was not enough to appease many local residents, however, who claimed that the advertisements were eyesores regardless of whether or not Sony had obtained permission, and many of the images were defaced with words such as "Fony".
Now Peter Vallone Jr., a councillor for the borough of Queens, has demanded that the company get rid of the ads and contribute USD 20,000 to the city's anti-graffiti program.
Speaking to the New York Post, Vallone said: "Children are impressionable, and if they see a wall with graffiti on it and they don't know that it's done with permission, it could very well lead to them believing that it's okay for them to do it."
Sony defended the ads by arguing that the simply represented a "different" way of using advertising.
This isn't the first time that a games company has been accused of encouraging graffiti by using it to promote a product - Atari recently came under fire from politicians in Florida over forthcoming PC, PS2 and Xbox title, Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure.
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January 10th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Seems Sony have really stirred it up with their Odd ad program, as someone who has graffiti problems at work i find it annoying too, heres the article at Gamestop
When a series of bizarre graffiti pieces incorporating drawings of the PSP began showing up in cities across the country, most gamers immediately smelled a(nother) viral marketing campaign. Those suspicions were confirmed a few weeks ago, when television ads featuring similar art began running. Just before New Year's Eve, Sony admitted to the BBC that it had hired graffiti artists in seven cities to paint the art on legally licensed walls in an effort to target "urban nomads."
However, the fact Sony went by the book isn't good enough for a New York City official. Queens Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. told the New York Post that he wants Sony to take down the ads and pay $20,000 to the city's anti-graffiti program. "Children are impressionable, and if they see a wall with graffiti on it and they don't know that it's done with permission, it could very well lead to them believing that it's OK for them to do it," said Vallone. Sony defended its use of the space, saying it was merely a "different" approach to advertising.
The flap over the PSP ads isn't the first time games and anti-graffiti activists have locked horns. Last August, the organizations Keep America Beautiful and the National Council to Prevent Delinquency lambasted Atari for publishing Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, claiming the game would spark an increase in graffiti.
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January 10th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
-OOM, a consumer electronics software subsidiary of German company bhv Software, today unveiled information about its latest application, X-OOM Music on the PSP. The PC application lets users download Internet radio streams and upload them in PSP-friendly formats to the handheld. The program permits recording of 20 channels simultaneously, and time scheduling for downloading favorite radio shows. X-OOM, which previously released the application Movies on the PSP, is selling X-OOM Music on the PSP for $29.99 via their Web site.
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January 10th, 2006, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
New accessory for PSP from SuccessHK

Heres the info:
PSP Remote Control Earphone is a closed-type. Fontopia design earphone with soft earbuds which effectively reduces outside noise for high –intensity listening. Remote control not only includes a hold button and media controls, but also a splitter allowing two earphones connecting with your console at the same time.
High intensity
Soft Silicon Earbuds
Remote Control
Cable Length: 1.6M
Allow two earphones connecting to your console at the same time
Price is USD 6.73
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January 10th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
New accessory for PSP from SuccessHK

2.1 Subwoffer speaker system
Docking station for PSP
Portable design ,Come with protective bag
Provide you with hi-fi quality sound
Two colors available: Black and White
Price is USD 21.80
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January 10th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Another new accessory for PSP from SuccessHK:

The high quality stereo speaker with 82dB sensitivity turns your PSP console into a media center. It greatly enhances the sound output for playing movie and music. The compact size remote controller contains multimedia buttons to provide convenience controlling your PSP console when playing media. There is also a slot for holding the remote controller on the UFO speaker. UFO speaker also supports charger function on the PSP console slot. It not only stands your console but also charges it at the same time. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about the power problem when watching movies or listening to music.
High quality stereo speaker with 82dB sensitvity
Come with remote controller
It also a battery charger
Enlarge the sound volume for watching movie or listening to music
Requires 4 AA batteries
Price = USD 30.20
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January 10th, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Critical Velocity is set in "Priyo City", a 8km long and 9km wide, spacious and unique city. In here, gamers can drive through estates, speed down the highway and cut through narrow back lanes, enjoying the bustling city life and peaceful sub-urban living.
Critical Velocity is a mission based driving game, containing more than 40 unique missions to choose from. During such mission, you can speed up to give chase to your enemies and then speed away after you have close in on them, make use of nitrate gas for hyper speed and more, realizing the excitement and action almost impossible in real life. Like in a movie sequence, the use of multiple camera angles with highly detailed graphics brings you one step closer to this virtual world. Critical Velocity contains no fixed routes, drivers can freely drive around the map as they wish.
Namco's PlayStation2™ mission based racer Critical Velocity is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
This weekly special is valid for exactly 1 week (if not sold out earlier) and this time limited to a maximum purchase of 3 units per customer. As a small restriction, please also notice that you cannot use any further discount coupons along with this special offer.
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January 10th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
CKemu posted this news:
The PCSX2 team are busy at the moment, not just on Final Fantasy games I assure you, but hey when it's this sexy!
ZeroFrog has once again been working on PCSX2, and has managed to fix the once present 'holes' in the terrain models of Final Fantasy X, making the game look excellent. This fix also has a wide range of effects on other games, so don't worry folks there will be news soon which doesn't involve a Final Fantasy! :P
Whilst the game certainly now looks beautiful, it's still not playable from start to finish, due to various 'looping' issues and video playback, speed is of course an issue with such a complex emulation task, but will be improved upon in the future, keep watching this space!
To celebrate this bit of progress, we have a large selection of screenshots, and one of the sexiest videos I've recorded from PCSX2 in awhile :blush:
This video is a AVI (Xvid) and should be playable under any decent media player and is being shared using Bit Torrent, thus you will need a Bit Torrent client such as uTorrent to get this video!
Walk Through Kilika, menus and a battle!
1 Minute 31 Seconds | 58.8MB | Real Ingame Speed - 6-14 FPS.
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January 10th, 2006, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
dsi has released a new version of his Memory Game written in Lua, heres whats new etc:
New changes in this version include:
- using an actual playing card deck for the tiles
- the executable is now a standalone app; you no longer need to load from LUA player (easier for newbies to install)
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January 10th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
PLynx has ported the Atari Lynx Emulator Handy to the PSP, heres a screenshot:

heres the information from the readme:
- Atari Lynx emulation
- Bad sound support 
- Save/Load emulator state
- Change the PSP CPU/Bus clocks
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/plynx.shtml
Give it a try and let us know how it works for you.
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January 11th, 2006, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Evilo posted this great news of a new Homebrew game for the PS2 and its the classic game Pang, heres the info:
I had it laying on my PC for a long now, so I decided to finish it for the start of this new year and to share it with you. So here is my port/adaptation of the PANG remake by marc louvet
This is a first release based on the 1.0 version, so be kind (untested on NTSC machine), I hope you'll enjoy
Evilo & the Froggies.
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January 11th, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
NovaCaine has posted this news:
Hey all
Over the last couple of weeks I have been writing an app to allow users to download and install tracks for the game gripshift using only their PSP. and today I am releasing the first complete(for now) version. The download also includes Fanjita's latest EBOOT loader. Just unzip to the root of your Memstick.
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January 11th, 2006, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted the news that the H20 Modchip is back at their store, heres info on the H20:
The H2O mod is the newest addition to the SubZero family. It carries all the features of the SubZero 2 with a reduced wire count (no TR wire needed for autoboot) AND it has the SubZero fix psTwo protection ONBOARD. By adding J and K wires your psTwo will need no other fix, just the H2O modchip inside.
The pcbs are very stylish, with their colour and 24 carat gold pads and via protection. But that is not all, the producer went all out and added a special 2 layer print to achieve a blue/gray/green effect. Not that it is needed for the operation of the chip, but quality needs to be stressed in all fields.
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January 11th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China posted news that Slide Card Pro is now at their store:
The SlideCardPro is the latest invention that makes it possible to play imports and backups (together with swapmagic CD/DVD) on the PlayStation2. This completely new solution is the best available and offers a new replacement cover too. Not only does it look good, but it also has special functions to make the CD/DVD change over even easier than before! With the old slide card or slide tool, it was always difficult to find the right place to lock or unlock the drive. This new combination of the Slidecardpro and replacement cover is a great solution, as the locking/unlocking of the drive is made automatically!
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January 11th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
Alongside Daytona USA and Ridge Racer, Sega Rally is famous for its simple drift 'n' fun gameplay, and now an all new sequel has been built from the ground up for the PS2. The game's career mode has you start life as an amateur, then you can slip and slide your way to fame and fortune. Various racing events are organized through your in-game calendar, and using prize money you can take your car to the shop and kit it out with quick and simple upgrades. Sega licensed a range of wheels to choose from, including the Subaru Impreza, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII, Ford Focus, Peugeot 307 and 206RC, Lancia Stratos and Delta, Toyota Celica, Citroen Xsara and many more.

The graphics won't stress your PS2, but the arcade style gameplay is what Sega Rally is all about, and there's enough here to last you months! Beyond career mode the classic arcade option is rearing to go, starting you off in 15th place and giving you four stages to make it to first. There's also a time attack option, with over 200 stages to tear across. In stock now, Sega Rally 2006 is both great for a muddy burst of gaming fun and a longer in-depth career mode. All preorders have been shipped out and more stock is available, as the game was already delivered to us end of last week.
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January 11th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
Recently Japan's Famitsu magazine asked their readers which console they hope to buy this year, and at number one with 47.8% was the PS3. Second with 24.5% was the Revolution, and third with 15.5% the Xbox 360. At last year's Tokyo Game Show however, surveys were taken at the exits, and an astounding 72% of all visitors said they planned to buy a PS3 soon.
Either way you look at it, with between half and three quarters of all gamers polled wanting a PS3 within its first half year or so of release, we learn again never to underestimate the power of PlayStation. It comes as no surprise then that the entire gaming world is eagerly awaiting new information on the next gen dream machine. Hence here we kick off the new year with everything we know so far about the PS3...
Release Date and Price Point
The release date is still unknown. Where in the past Sony bigwigs claimed a Spring release was in order for Japan, in order to keep a share of your mind rather than leaving it all empty for the 360, now the only comment to be had is "later this year". Last weekend however Sony did announce 4,000 development kits have been shipped, which is a promising step forward. Sony avoided however talking about the PlayStation at last weekend’s big CES electronics and gadgets expo, and only the console along with the controller, now with a large "Conceptual Design" sign next to everyone's favorite boomerang, was shown [Editor: to me, it looks more like a PC Saitek controller from 1998]. Apparently however, Sony does have plans for a special event this month or next, which is likely the place where more details will come forward. Meanwhile others think the Game developers conference on March 20th to 24th will be Sony's stage.
The price is another subject of hot speculation, and in an interview last year with Japan's Weekly Famitsu magazine, Masatsuka Saeki, Sony Computer Entertainment Corporate Executive said how internally, Sony will be arguing over the price until the last possible minute. Meanwhile Ken Kutaragi, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, has gone on record to say several times that PS3 will be expensive, stating "our goal for PlayStation 3 is for consumers to think to themselves, "I will work more hours to buy one". Ken didn't add though, if he wanted jobless people and students to think "I should set up a gamestore-jacking with my mates" 
Gamers aren't the only ones worried about the price tag. Keiko Erikawa, CEO of Koei, a major PS3 supporter, said she'd consider swapping to another platform if development costs for the PS3 prove too expensive. Developers will receive many additional development tools from Sony this month to help though, including Epic's Unreal 3 engine, also licensed for the Xbox 360. Already Gearbox announced they will be using the engine to develop the upcoming Brothers in Arms.
The Games, Region Locking and Game to Console Locking
In a quote that is of particular interest to gamers who travel, Sony of Australia's managing director, Michael Ephraimn said "If you look at the fact that [the PS3] will support high-definition TV, which will be a global standard, there's a good likelihood that it will be global region, as for example we've done with the PSP." We really must stress though, this should be taken with nothing more than a grain of salt at this stage, and as much as we'd love to see PS3 region free, even we think this is much more likely a bogus rumor or absurd miss-interpretation on behalf of Mr Ephraimn. Instead of compatibility issues between NTSC and PAL, Sony's reason for region locking has much more to do with restricting markets from one another, as pleases giant media publishers such as Sony's themselves and also their key partners. Either way, region free or not though, as with UMD movies, Blu-Ray films will certainly be region locked, but unlike UMD and DVD, both the US and Japan will share Region 1, while Europe will be Region 2.
Like the Xbox 360 and Revolution, the PS3 will feature password protected parental controls. When booting a game, it'll check the content rating encoded onto the disc, and if it's above what parents set the console as, there'll be no blood bath that night for little Billy. While the consoles release is of course too far away to talk about the launch line-up with any confirmation, in the latest issue of PlayStation Magazine (PSM), Jack Tretton, COO of SCEA was quoted saying how Factor 5's Lair and Sony's WarHawk are two of planned titles to be out on day one. Beyond those, there's already over 150 titles confirmed to be in development. The most recognizable of which includes:
• Alone in the Dark Sequel
• Stuntman Sequel
• King Of Fighters Maximum Impact 3
• Fight Night
• Devil May Cry 4
• Biohazard 5
• Gradius
• Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
• Final Fantasy
• Sonic The Hedgehog
• Gran Turismo Vision (in 2007)
• Minna no Golf 5
• Mobile Suit Gundam
• Brothers in Arms 3
• Armored Core 4
• Genji 2
• The Getaway
• Castlevania
• Unreal Tournament 2007
• Tekken
• Def Jam 3
• Killzone
• Formula One
• Indiana Jones
• Spider-Man 3
• Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
• Fatal Frame
• Half Life 2
• Soul Calibur
• Mortal Kombat
• Prince of Persia 4
• Fatal Frame 4
• Ridge Racer 6
• Tomb Raider: Legend
• Need For Speed Underground 3
• Ghouls N' Ghosts
• Grand Theft Auto 4
• Medal of Honor
• Burnout
No doubt many more will join that list as the year wraps up, and a possible addition comes from how John Carmack of id Software said last year, "One idea we've been sort of tossing around is possibly doing some kind of super edition of the Doom 3 stuff for the PS3."
One area of technology we absolutely don't want to see ending up in the PS3 however is a recent patent founded by Sony, credited to staff members including president of Sony Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutaragi. It describes a system where when you put a game inside your console, an authentication code is read from the disc and saved to your machine. That part of the disc is then made unreadable, meaning you can only ever play that game on that one system.
Gone would be the days of renting games and buying 2nd hand titles, but while those would be major blows, life would continue. Not being able to borrow from your buddies or to take a game to a friend's for some multi-player fun however is more serious, and most worrying of all, if your console was damaged or such, your entire library of games would instantly become nothing more than shiny coasters. It's for reasons like these that we don't believe Sony will soon put this patent into practice, as quite simply the public out cry would be strongest ever felt in videogaming industry history. Another possible area Sony would like to change though, although it's unclear if anything will happen, is that Phil Harrison, VP of development for Sony Europe, suggested games feature episodic content. "Our industry should move away from putting 20 hours of content onto a 5 gigabyte disc, and shift to a model which embraces more of an episodic delivery of content, just like television", he said.
With around 5,000 PlayStation 1 and 2 titles out there, backwards compatibility is naturally fairly important, and instead of using an emulation process, Sony stated the past games for both machines will run through "on the chip" hardware, leading to the belief there will be two extra chips in the console, each containing the CPU and GPU of the PS1 and PS2! While the PS2 improved the look of your old PSOne games through emulation, using a hardware solution would make this more complex, but Sony are unlikely to let the Cell power go to waste, and an improved image on PS2 games even, is highly likely but un-confirmed.
A hurdle in the way of full backwards compatibility however, is the fact you can't use your old memory cards on the PS3. The console won't have the ports for past controllers or memory cards; instead the cards are being replaced with Memory Stick Duo, the same system used for the PSP. Comparing prices and the amount of space you get with PS2 memory cards vs. Memory Stick Duo, that's a massive saving for us consumers though, and does allow for easy backing up of data to a PC. Also, unlike on the PS2, you can use the new format of memory cards to play old games, meaning even PSOne titles will treat the Memory Stick Duo as a regular PSOne Memory Card.
The Controller
Another welcome move is the switch to wireless controllers. At the same time however, Sony dropped the Dual Shock design. While the change of controller shape led to much fear (and boomerang jokes) on the internet, again at the recent CES expo Sony has pointed out the design isn't final. In reality the controller is quite a lot smaller than you'd expect from photos though, and if you imagine it in your hands, the shape of the new pad seems like it'll fit perfectly and keep your wrists straight.
Online Functionality and Accessories
The PS3 can accept up to seven of wireless Bluetooth 2.0 controllers, but as SmartJoy FRAG users know, sometimes a controller just isn't right. With six USB ports, Sony confirmed you'll be able to plug in a keyboard and mouse, and then play titles including Unreal Tournament 2007 with them. Also, with a removable hard drive due in the future, most likely to be sold separately, Sony have announced Linux will come pre-installed.
It's too early for accessories to be announced, but in actual fact, many of us already have one sitting in our homes today. You'll be able to use your PSP to bring the PS3 out of sleep mode, manage music, videos and files stored on the console, or control movie playback. Sony have also expressed great interest in a planned USB device that would let you record TV to the optional hard drive, like TiVo, and then you could watch them on your TV or PSP.
Expanding beyond your home and going online, Sony plans to have a network running from day one. This will include the ability to track friends, send and receive messages and more. For the actual online games however, Sony will continue to leave all this to the individual developers. Executive vice president for SCEE, Phil Harrison, said how "distinct from our competitors, we are happy for publishers to make their own financial agreements directly with consumers."
Technical Specs
Also distinct from their competitors, there are no minimum requirements for the game's resolution from Sony either, although most titles will feature 720p support. The PS3 hardware however, with dual HDMI (digital video and audio) cables, can perform up to 1080p. While today that's asking more than most TV sets can deliver, if the sheer number of 1080p LCD and Plasma screens at this month's CES expo is anything to go by, it won't be long now till it's found in standard HD sets.
As for watching actual shows and movies, despite the delays and price of the Blu-Ray format, it will be used for the PS3, although exactly what speed of drive is unknown. Even if it's 1x however, that's 36 MB/s, over double that of the Xbox 360 DVD drive. New reports indicate 2x drives will be available at Blu-Ray's big launch too, which if used, would zip along at 72 MB/s, greatly reducing load times.
The drive supports a truly massive array of formats, beginning with the CD-ROM formats of PlayStation and PlayStation 2, then CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side), PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, PlayStation 3 BD-ROM, BD-Video, BD-ROM, BD-R, and BD-RE.
Next to that, there's four front USB 2.0 ports, a slot for Memory Stick Standard/Duo/Duo Pro, another for SD standard/mini, and lastly an opening for Compact Flash (both Type I and II) memory cards. Wireless wise, the PS3 supports 802.11b and 802.11g, and as mentioned can handle up to seven wireless Bluetooth 2.0 signals at once. Round back, there's not one, but two HDMI outputs, a digital optical output for sound, AV output, three Gigabit Ethernet plugs, and the last remaining two USB 2.0 ports. Furthermore, there's space for the Detachable 2.5" Hard Drive, of which Sony would like to begin at 80 GB.
Onboard, the PS3 has 256MB XDR Main RAM and 256MB GDDR3 VRAM at 700MHz, plus the seven 3.2GHz cores in the Cell processor. Screens and videos of games at the E3 and TGS last year certainly impressed, and while the famous Killzone trailer was rendered on PS3 hardware, it was actually done at 5fps then sped up so it ran at a super smooth 60fps. Guerrilla Games however are confident they will achieve such a speed in real time on the final PS3 hardware. Now with the actual cell powered development kits shipped to developers, we wait with more than just baited breath to see what this year holds for the PS3.
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January 11th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang finally have the new Adapter in Stock:

Use Compact Flash Cards on your Sony PSP. Allows you to effectively use larger and cheaper CF cards. Also allows you to plug in a Memory Stick (even older outdated larger sizes) using its pass-through port, hence the 2in1 product name.
Product Features
Supports Compact Flash Cards or Microdrives on Sony PSP
Supports Memory Sticks without unplugging the device (pass-through)
Supports flash cards and drives with up to 4.0GB
More info and to buy one go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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January 11th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game Released:

The Legend of Heroes Gagharv trilogy Umi no Oriuta is the third of Nihon Falcom's trilogy of RPGs, resurrected for the PlayStation Portable after release years before on PC systems. The story and the characters change and this time the scenario revolves around an ancient legend hidden deep inside the ocean, while the graphic engine and the battle system will be similar to the first two episodes.
More information Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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January 11th, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
This 30 Day Comp has been very successful and the waiting is nearly over, we have had some very nice entries, not gonna say anymore but keep checkin because you want wanna miss them 
Not too much longer now 
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January 11th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GamesIndustry
Sony has told its manufacturing partners that it will ship 20 million units of the PlayStation Portable this year, according to Hwang Chang Gyu, head of the semiconductor business at Korean electronics firm Samsung.
Samsung supplies the NAND memory used by consumer electronics devices such as iPods and the PlayStation Portable, and Sony is one of the firm's biggest customers - with forthcoming Sony MP3 players also expected to use Samsung memory.
Hwang was speaking in a press conference late last year where he announced that the company had secured a huge order from an undisclosed buyer for NAND memory - bigger than the half-billion dollar order it secured from Apple in November.
Sony today declined to comment on Hwang's statement, with a representative of the firm telling GamesIndustry.biz that "the only statement we have made for PSP is to confirm we have shipped 10 million [units]... No further announcements [have been made] for 2006 or next fiscal year."
Over ten million units of the PlayStation Portable shipped during 2005, with a million of those going to the UK alone, but the device continues to lag behind Nintendo's DS handheld in terms of overall sales. The DS had sold through over 13 million units worldwide by the end of 2005.
Sony may well be hoping that better manufacturing rates will allow it to speed up the rate of shipments of the PSP, while the launch of new software such as Gran Turismo 4 should increase demand for the system. 2006 will be the first year that the PSP has been available worldwide, as it didn't complete its global roll-out until September 1st when it finally arrived in European stores after a nine-month delay.
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January 11th, 2006, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
Source Spong
So you've showed off your PSP to your friends, noticed that girls like the idea of watching Bridget Jones on it, and now it sits around your desk, looking pretty. We're right, aren't we? It's okay, you can admit it.
Aside from the heady delights of Pursuit Force, a full write-up of which you can read here, the needs of those intent on playing only insane arcade racers have not been met.
Enter Sega - glorious beautiful Sega - and a re-work of OutRun 2 and Coast 2 Coast for PSP. SPOnG doesn't like to record its expenditure (we refer to it as investment) in OutRun 2 arcade. We worry that our womenfolk will catch on, and point out that we could have spent the amount on a second car.
We in turn would point out that we got to spend hours drifting in Ferraris, rather than driving to the supermarket in a small Japanese hatchback. The argument goes on. We eventually sleep on the sofa.
Check out the lovely screens via comments
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January 11th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
AkumaATR has released a new Application written in Lua, heres the details:
1. Instructions
a) Have a proper infrastructure network connection set up and
working. The application uses the first connection (just like
the Lua WiFi example it's based on). In the event that you have
connection issues, note that I've heard that setting the power
save settings for WLAN to off can increase the speed/reliability
of connections (for homebrew), but I am unsure as to the truth of
b) Create the folder "\PSP\PHOTO\Penny Arcade" on an inserted
memory card. This folder is needed for one required cache file
(the last comic viewed) as well as any other comics you've
decided to save (which can then be viewed offline from the PSP
photo viewing software).
c) If you are a fan of Penny Arcade, this viewer, or just being
a decent human-being, consider donating to Penny Arcade's (of
which I have no affiliation) Child's Play charity drive at
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January 11th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
The 2nd <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk" target="_blank" >PSP News</a> & <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/list.php?category=218&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a> 30 Day Competition entries are in and the prize of a <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=307&products_id=7825&lsaid=21979 3" target="_blank" >Datel 4GB Hard Drive</a> will go to one of these lucky 9 entries.
Heres a rundown of the entries:
Entry #1) Quake 2 Port by McZonk
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/q2-007.png">
Entry #2) Ceres Version 1.2 (1.1a) By Po-Han Lin
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ceres.jpg">
Entry #3) GALPSP By Karurosu
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/house.JPG">
Entry #4) PSP Realtime Cloth Demo by Cubane
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ytyt.JPG">
Entry #5) TOPPLER PSP v0.5 by Deniska
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/toppler.jpg">
Entry #6) KETM PSP v0.05 by Deniska
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ketm.jpg">
Entry #7) PSP Missile Command by Yashamaru
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/jhf.JPG">
Entry #8) Iris by PSmonkey, MGFox & Produkt
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/irisScreenshot05.jpg">
Entry #9) PlayStation Portable Open-Source Shell Version 0,2 by PSP-OSS team
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/screenshot9ktpsposs.JPG">
Thats 9 fantastic entries for the PSP Scene and i must give a big thanks to Lik Sang for sponsoring the competition and also to all the Developers who worked hard on those great entries above.
More details on each release can be found at the <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml" target="_blank" >PSP 30Day Competition #2 Page</a>. Downloads of course as well 
We are looking for 3 volunteers to help with the very hard task of judging these releases, please respond via comments if you can do the job 
Remember if you see these releases on other sites without a proper link then let them know, remember Quake 2 and Iris etc were released exclusively on PSP News Coding Competition
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January 12th, 2006, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ever since the PlayStation 3 was announced, industry watchers have been prognosticating its price point. Just over a month after E3 2005, Merrill Lynch predicted the game would sell for $399, even though it would cost an estimated $494 to make--before labor.
However, when Microsoft announced the Xbox 360, which uses current-generation DVDs, would sell for $399, many thought the PS3's internal next-generation Blu-ray disc drive would push its cost higher. That assumption was reinforced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last week, when the first stand-alone Blu-ray disc player was unveiled--with a $1,800 price tag. (The Xbox 360 uses conventional DVDs, but will get an external drive which supports Blu-ray's rival format, HD-DVD).
In the wake of CES, CNN/Money correspondent Chris Morris decided to poll a nonscientific sampling of game analysts and developers to see how much they thought the PS3 will cost. "Several developers I spoke with (under the condition of anonymity) said their studios were expecting the system to launch at $499," wrote Morris, who included quotes from analysts who concurred with the assessment.
However, Morris said that not all insiders' estimates were the same. Some pegged the console as matching the 360's $399 price point--which, according to last year's Merrill Lynch report, means Sony could lose more than $1 billion during the console's first year on the market. Several developers also lowballed the console at $450, while others said it could cost as much as $699. However, as Sony is staying resolutely mum on the PS3--until GDC 2006, anyway--no price is yet official.
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January 12th, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories".
Cheats Include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
Bikes can drive on walls
Freeze everything
Gameplay speed
Walking speed
Flip over
Unlimited heli flying height
Cheat Maker
Download both versions via comments:
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January 12th, 2006, 03:23 Posted By: wraggster
Evil Dragon posted this news:
Well, as you may know, I offer webspace for everything homebrew related.
Last year, Sousanator wanted to create a site dedicated to SmashGP / SmashGPSP.
I just wanted to post about it here, as it has grown quite fast, you can now find over 100 characters and over 30 levels (though not all levels work with the GP32-version) already!
So, if you want to play SmashGP and are longing for new characters, you should take a look there!
The page is: http://sousanator.psparchive.de/
These new additions may or may not work on the PSP Port of SmashGP but try them anyway 
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January 12th, 2006, 04:06 Posted By: melenya
I need some help! my PS2 is on its last legs, and I desperately need a new console. I don't really want to change from Sony but getting tired of waiting. So...
1) Anybody got any idea when the PS3 is being released?
2) Will it be back-compatible, or do I have to keep my PS2?
3) Any exciting rumours about capabilities, etc.?
4) What games are you looking forward to?
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January 12th, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
As the industry awaits confirmation on the release strategy for Sony's next-generation games console, the company has confirmed that its forthcoming developers conference will focus exclusively on the PlayStation 3.
Scheduled to take place from the 1st-2nd March at the Atlantis Gallery in London's Brick Lane, the two day event will cover all aspects of game development for the new console, including graphics, audio, networking, middleware and the PS3 Cell architecture and operating system.
The conference will include presentations from more than 20 PlayStation 3 experts, covering all aspects of game development for the new platform and will include representatives from Havoc and Aegia, the official providers of physics technology for the machine. In addition, numerous middleware vendors will be available to showcase their latest PS3 products and answer questions from attendees.
A comprehensive agenda for the event, which will be divided into two specific conference streams, is available online, and registration for the event is now open for all delegates of companies which have an executed TMLA agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe."
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January 12th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have this newly released PSP Game:

PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient has players solve a series of graphical puzzles set in a virtual world. Puzzles include such tasks as moving blocks into required positions while avoiding obstacles. Based on the amount of time and number of moves it takes you to solve the puzzles, the game determines your IQ. As the main focus of the game is to determine your IQ, controls are being kept simple. You'll interact with the game only with the D-pad and with the circle button, which should leave your mind free to think about the solution to the puzzle.

Success HK are selling it for USD 31.24 (£19)
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January 12th, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have got this new PSP Game in their store:

Players will get ready to travel the globe to five of the world's most exclusive casinos, each shown in a unique 3D interface allowing players to roam the casino floor and choose their favorite game. Run the table and own the game with Texas Hold'em, Blackjack, Baccarat, Slots, Roulette and much more! Players will even have the opportunity to customize their own character with physical features like hair, face and body types as well as a wide variety of clothing accessories.

Success HK are selling this new release for USD 32.24
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January 12th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted this new PSP Game:

The player takes the role of Maximillan, the leader of Bounty Hounds -- a ruthless band of mercenaries. The mission is to engage in battle with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI) spread across planets and unfold a sinister plot between a corporation and ETI that threatens to take over the world. With more than 500 weapons and armor, players face 40 alien species and 40 expansive missions. Advanced enemy AI will adapt to player health and weapon type. Dungeons are randomly generated each time the game is played so no gameplay experience is the same. Wireless gaming will allow players to access rare items to share they can't get when playing alone!

Success HK are selling this release for :USD 41.24
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January 12th, 2006, 18:44 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have another PSP Game releasing soon:

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is a remake of the original Mega Man X title that first appeared on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game builds upon the original with new renderings of 3D character models, new environments and gameplay features that raise the bar for side-scrolling platformers. Mega Man Maverick Hunter X also includes an animated movie that provides real insight into the Mega Man X universe and even gives gamers a sneak peek at events that took place before the plot line of the first game. Plus to ensure that even the most veteran of gamers is given a real challenge, the level arrangements have been modified with item locations, map layouts and the strategies needed for completing levels all updated. The year is 21XX. A mysterious robot named X has become the model from which further Reploids were created to aid mankind. Unfortunately, some of the Reploids turned against the humans and were given the name Mavericks. In response to this, the Maverick Hunters, an elite squad of Reploids, were formed to combat these renegade Reploids and calm was restored until one of the Maverick Hunters, a powerful Reploid named Sigma, turned against the peacekeepers. Now X and his fellow Maverick Hunter friend, Zero, must prevent Sigma from executing his evil plans to destroy humanity.

Success HK have this game on preorder for USD 40.74
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January 12th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have yet another PSP Game:

To become an expert in monkey business, you first have to go to monkey school, so enrol now at the craziest college the world has ever seen. You can work your way up through the school years by winning wacky mini-games, but keep an eye on your classmates - students they may be, but when it comes to trouble and tomfoolery, these goofy monkeys are pros!
This minigame spin-off for the PlayStation Portable of the quirky action series featuress more than 45 minigames, as well as share-the-system challenges for two players and WiFi play that brings the total number of multiplayer availability to four with two systems shared.

Success HK have this on preorder for USD 40.74
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January 12th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - C&VG
We like to pride ourselves on our multi-national routes. We've an editor who frequents Poland more than an actual Pole, a news ed who was raised in the Welsh valleys and a deputy ed who once looked at a holiday brochure - unfortunately, the only bits of foreign we can repeat on demand are "Mae mynci ar y teledu" and "La gare est dans la petite poubelle avec le grand chat et le baguette fableux". Neither of which we've had much call to use recently.
Thankfully, Sony's now at hand to soothe our language woes with the announcement that the company will be bringing its translator software Talkman to the PSP this May. The European version contains over 3000 phrases and six different languages - French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. And it comes with a microphone, so if you're having trouble with your trumpet in France, all you need to do is speak the phrase you desire and Talkman will come back with something like "Il y a confiture dans ma trompette" to pimp around the musical quarter.
As well as the translator tool, Talkman also features a Pronuciation Game (for practicing your noises) and a Listening Game where you're tasked with identifying the correctly translated phrase based on a spoken sentence. Finally, the software also features a Voice Memo, Unit Convertor, Alarm Mode and Friend Map to top it all off.
C'est le sac magique!
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January 12th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Yale Huang has released a Fixed version of the PDF player for the PSP, heres what he says on his site:
"I installed PSPPDF v0.2 to my PSP days ago. It's great expect the bug of color: it shows everything in red.
It's a small bug about color format, so I fixed it soon. (I failed to contact the original developer of v0.1 and v0.2.) Now, it's released as v0.2u1. There're still some know bugs. For example, it hangs when loading some large PDFs. I'll work on them later."
Screens and Download via the comments 
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January 12th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
scarface350 one of our members has released a great new Mod for the Game PSP Revolution, heres what he says:
<blockquote>Hello fellow homebrewies, I have been working on a new mod for psp revolution. After seeing Gamesharks mod for the game i thought that his theme was good. So i figured that id make my own mod. I named it PSPrevolution Extreme. Here are the details. FIRST OFF ID LIKE TO GIVE MANY THANKS TO psp-news.dcemu.co.uk FOR THEIR DAILY NEWS AND WONDERFUL PSP DOWNLOADS. now then
MOD includes:
- a new startup menu
- a WHOLE BUNCH of new not colors
- some Pre set songs of my choice ( they show most of the note detail)
- a cool New Look all around, Especially ingame. ive made it so that if your song has no background i have made a cool new green ddr xtremish look.
CREDITS GO TO GAMESHARK, DENITRO, and DEVING13 of the psp.news DCEMU FORUMS!!!!</blockquote>
Check out the Mod at this forum link --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16908
Thanks to scarface350 for a cool new mod 
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January 12th, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
k_man316 has released another great game here at PSP News, this time its BattleShips with the Simpsons 
"This is my initial release of The Simpsons Battleship for the PSP. This was written and is powered by the amazine PSP LUA engine! I'm a big fan of The Simpsons and love the game Battleship and wanted something that could be played on my PSP so wrote this one. I know, what does Battleship have to do with The Simpsons? Who knows...
The game is my first attempt and some things need to be tweaked. Heck, the CPU AI is probably as good as Homer's right now!
Right now this is a single player game. There are 2 difficulty settings - Easy and Hard. Easy simply allows your shot to cover a bigger area.
I have tested it with LUAPlayer version 0.15 on a US PSP with 1.5 Firmware so I'm not sure of compatability with other firmware versions."
Check out this great new Lua game and thanks to k_man316 at this release thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16909
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January 12th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDroms
LPairs is a memory game where the player flips over cards in a grid two-at-a-time to see if they match. If they do, they are removed from the board. The game ends when all the pairs are removed.
Added "How to Play" option on the main menu.
Figured out problems with input and cursor display.
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January 12th, 2006, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
With there being 3 leading handhelds in the world of homebrew and emulation, i thought that some friendly banter discussing the merits of each console and the downsides and without too much fanboyism come to the conclusion of which is the best.
Heres some info on each
Good - 333mhz console with widescreen, massive range of emulators and homebrew, up to 4gb hard drive space can be added, easy to upload on v1.0, v1.5
Bad - Shortish battery life, Annoying firmware updates that stop new users playing all homebrew
Good - 2x200 Dual CPU console, Linux based, play movies without encoding, very impressive range of homebrew and emulators, many at full speed, up to 4gb space can be added, built in tv out, firmware updates to improve abilities.
Bad - Short battery life, concerns over build quality of first edition
Nintendo DS
Good -Long battery life, Stylus/Touch Screen is perfect for RTS games, Lots of homebrew but not as many emulators, up to 8gb can be added,
Bad - Weakest in power of the three consoles
Ok thats a very brief rundown of some good and bad points, which for you is the most well rounded of the consoles.
Let the debate begin 
answer via the comments
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January 13th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
In a financial report last March, Ubisoft revealed that the Splinter Cell series was coming to the PSP. Nine months later, it let slip that the stealth action series' debut on Sony's portable would be titled Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Essentials. Finally, last week it confirmed rumors that the game would have a "prequel aspect."
However, it wasn't until today that the publisher officially announced Essentials, revealing a bevy of details. The publisher said the game will feature new content by virtue of being both a sequel to Splinter Cell Double Agent and a prequel to the entire series. "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials starts where Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent ends," the company said in a statement, "and takes players to the years before Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell when Sam was still a Navy SEAL."
But although Ubisoft is pushing the fact that Essentials will sport "unique gameplay sequences designed specifically for the on-the-go nature of handheld gaming," it did admit the game will feature recycled levels. "Discover the untold story of Sam Fisher through flashbacks to various missions from the entire Splinter Cell franchise, including Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent," said Ubisoft.
As far as gameplay details are concerned, Essentials will (obviously) center on the stealth elements that made the Splinter Cell series famous. The game will feature all the weapons and items from Sam Fisher's previous arsenals, along with some all-new items. It will also feature the spy-versus-spy multiplayer mode introduced in Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, which will (naturally) be playable via the PSP's Wi-Fi capabilities.
Last but certainly not least, Ubisoft reconfirmed that the game is due in spring 2006, meaning it will ship in a matter of months. Currently, online retailers and rental outlets are listing it with a tentative late- or mid-March date.
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January 13th, 2006, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
After a slow start, the lineup of role-playing games on Sony's PlayStation Portable looks to be nicely filled out in the coming year. New installments in the Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Namco's Tales, Suikoden, and Shin Megami Tensei series have all been announced, but Ubisoft is betting there's still room for at least one newcomer to the group.
Today the publisher announced that it has reached an agreement with Korea-based Sonnori Corporation to release Astonishia Story around the world (excluding Japan and Korea). Said to be "a rich and simple experience" by Ubisoft, the game casts players in the role of a royal knight charged with recovering a sacred relic. Assisting the knight on his quest will be wizards and "many other mysterious allies."
Ubisoft will release the game on American shores first in March. There is no word yet on when Ubi hopes to release the game in the other regions covered by the deal.
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January 13th, 2006, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Source Joystiq
Mister Jalopy at Hoopty Rides writes about his friend Jose Luis Junior, a 9-year-old who dreams of having a PSP. He's taken to drawing life-size models of Sony's svelte black handheld, studied the specs, the games, the minutiae. Jalopy recalls his desire for an Atari 2600, as I recalled mine for a Sega Genesis.
Winter of '89: my only desire, for years following its announcement until its release, was the Genesis; day and night, Genesis; specs memorized; launch games categorized. It was intoxicating. Of course I didn't get it on Christmas and when I did, the reality of the unit never lived up to my expectations. Since that launch I've learned to temper my hopes (don't let me down Revolution!).
Oh yeah, there's a happy ending. They raised enough money to buy the PSP. Hopefully he'll enjoy it as much as he did making those drawings.
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January 13th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjared has ported his 2D puzzle game Masterpiece to the PSP, heres some detail:
Tabs come down from the sky, and you have to connect 3 in a row going up and down, diagnoal, and across. Once you do this they disolve. Press the A and S key to switch the colors up and down, and the arrow keys to move the tabs from side to side.
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January 13th, 2006, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Mczonk posted 2 items on his blog:
Quake II - First Patch
I have got a lot of bugs reports. But I know there are much more bugs 
I'll upload the first patch soon.
enable invert analog nub
go to menu after id logo
remove network game start crash
on screen keyboard for console input
The next beta with more features will come when a lot of more features are finished.
ISO Gamer Protection
Lots of comments like:
My Quake crashes with a bluescreen.
Quake2::Sys_Error()Quake2::Version: EE Quake 2 PSP Port Beta 10xBAD1 Unabled to start Quake 2
And the solution is also known. Remove all your isos, loaders and iso loader directories from your psp and the game will start.
It is a very simple protection and everybody with some coding knowlegde can remove it. I don't put any work in this, but I still think it was a funny idea.
**** You ISO Gamers!
A lot of people were angry about this protection. Especially psp-hacks.com where strong against this. How can I play my legally backup now?
I don't think there is a really need for backup a psp game.
The typical argument is the umd will be damaged. This is very stupid. The umd is safe boxed in the cover and will not take damage even if it is often changed.
I'm sorry if this really disturb some gamer. But I'm sure the major part of iso gamers are 13 years old kiddies with one or two umds and one hundred isos. That was my intention. And as you can see. The protection was hacked fast...
I don't know if I spend further time with improve the protection, but I still think it was a good idea 
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January 13th, 2006, 08:08 Posted By: wraggster
Elxx has released a new version of the web server application for the PSP, heres whats new:
* Server is now a standalone PSP app, using a custom compiled version of LuaPlayer
* New WLAN connection code in LuaPlayer core, allowing for quick checking of connection status without freezes
* Network profile selector now able to save your selection
* Network profile selector auto-connects if you only have one network profile
* Added top status bar to show input/output/uptime/IP info
* All server execution is within a single loop now, allowing for soft restarts
* Added slight margins and line spacing to console output for better readability
* Changed directory listing template to 90% relative width to make viewing on mobile/PSP browsers easier
* Split code and templates into separate directories
* Title of directory listing page reflects location
* Added auto_restart config setting
* Added autorestart_method config setting
* Fixed crash when trying to view non-existent directory
* Added MIME type for MP3 files
* Added screenshot function (press Triangle when idling to save to screenshot.png)
* Changed 'bytes' to 'b' in file size parsing function
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January 13th, 2006, 08:38 Posted By: wraggster
Mondy has posted news that the PSP OSS Team have updated their Open Source Shell for the PSP, heres all the info posted
"Remember to visit us at http://www.psp-oss.com/
MAIcrosoft has released a very nice skin. Its so nice i though it would fit right in here with the new release.
BMIIDX12 Happy Sky
+ Changes from 0.2:
*Homebrew launched from PSP-OSS should always go back to
PSP-OSS when pressing Home
*LUA Files are supported and also go back to PSP-OSS
*Mouse Speed can be edited from the Settings Menu
*Short cuts can be created by clicking O on any item in the file
file browser, then click on Make Ql and they will apper on the desktop. Eboots will have to
be renamed.
*CPU Speed bug fixed in this release
*Vista Skin Included
I really dont recommend going higher then a mouse speed of 3. You can edit the file from outside psp by going to
open it in notepad and change the number to “1″
Download from the site link above or this thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16968
Thanks to Mondy for the news 
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January 13th, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry
Sony's PlayStation Portable has overtaken the Nintendo DS in Japan's hardware sales chart for the first time in months as Nintendo struggled to keep its handheld in stock - but DS titles continue to dominate the software charts.
The PlayStation Portable sold almost 133,000 units during the week, while the DS fell into second place with just 91,000 units sold - despite Nintendo's pledge to switch to air shipments of the DS in an effort to keep stock levels up.
In previous weeks the DS had sold 310,000, 600,000 and 390,000 units respectively, and last week Nintendo was forced to apologise publicly for the stock situation - although many industry watchers believe that the firm is keeping the channel dry deliberately to prepare for the launch of a redesigned handheld in the coming days.
Software sales for the DS continued to be impressive, however, with the recently launched More DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain continuing the success of the brain training series by racking up a further 290,000 sales, meaning that it has now sold a total of over 700,000 units in just two weeks.
Three other DS titles also sold over 100,000 units, namely Animal Crossing: Wild World, which was the biggest-selling game in Japan last year and racked up a further 133,000 units this week, Mario Kart DS, which is now close to breaking a million unit sales, and the original DS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain.
Mario and Luigi RPG 2, which came in at number four, sold some 98,000 units - and Simple Brain Exercises, Tamagotchi Connection, and Pokemon's Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team all also charted in the top ten for the DS.
That left only two places for other consoles in the chart, which were occupied by a solitary PS2 title, Square Enix' Kingdom Hearts II, at number six with 83,000 sales - the game is also very close to breaking the million units mark and may well do so next week - and another Nintendo title, the GBA edition of Pokemon's Mysterious Dungeon, at number ten.
For those following the fortunes of the Xbox 360 in the market, just shy of 7,500 units of the console were sold during the week, down from the 12,000 units sold in the previous week, when Dead or Alive 4 charted at number 13.
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January 13th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Press Release from Sony:
Sony Computer Entertainment America is continuing to feed consumer demand for the market-leading PSP TM (PlayStation ® Portable) system by delivering six new software titles to the revolutionary portable device in early 2006. The upcoming titles span across multiple genres and will provide innovative, exciting entertainment content to gamers of all ages, continuing the momentum for the PSP system post-holidays. The PSP system brings an unparalleled gaming experience to consumers, and with the addition of these action-packed first-party titles to the PSP system's software library of more than 70, along with the ability to watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and browse the Internet using the PSP system's built-in Wi-Fi capability, consumers have many new reasons to celebrate well after the holiday season has ended and the new year has begun.
"Our first quarter lineup is yet another example of our continuous pledge to consumers to deliver viable and innovative new entertainment choices for the PSP system," said Jack Tretton, executive vice president, co-coo, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "With the PSP system's first holiday season demonstrating incredible sales and market penetration, we will continue to drive the unprecedented demand for the PSP system with compelling content for gamers of all ages."
With PSP hardware and software sales continuing to flourish, momentum for the PSP system is strong, and will continue with the addition of the following much-anticipated first-party titles available in the first quarter of 2006:
Developed by BigBig Studios, Ltd., Pursuit Force for the PSP system brings Hollywood-style movie action to life by delivering high-speed vehicle chases and thrilling shootouts, all in the quest for justice. In Pursuit Force , players take the role of a young rookie police officer, responsible for tracking down and thwarting five criminal gangs in and around Capital City. Pursuit Force presents a variety of gameplay elements for each criminal case, including collect and follow assignments, high-speed pursuit, on-foot action, and aerial attacks. Featuring an innovative gameplay mechanic where players can jump from vehicle to vehicle at speeds of more than 150 MPH, Pursuit Force keeps the action moving seamlessly. Players will hang perilously as they battle with enemy gangs and attempt to commandeer a number of vehicles. Players will skirt along city highways and dusty tracks in speeding cars, bikes, SUVs, and buses, and high-powered speedboats are available for chases through metropolitan waterways and scenic, canyon-lined rivers.
Available March 2006 – Rated T
From the development team of the critically acclaimed Syphon Filter® franchise, comes their first project exclusive to the PSP system, set to deliver an intense, edge-of –your-seat thriller. Gamers assume the identity of Gabe Logan, a highly-trained Precision Strike Operative, commanding a black box United States Agency that legally doesn't exist. As Gabe, players will have to strategize quickly, as he is responsible to infiltrate, recon and execute decisively. Once inserted, Logan is his own authority –making life and death decisions, quickly choosing his course of action. An immersive single-player experience also delivering an evolving online multiplayer experience, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror features melee attacks, target lock, precision aiming, target and vision enhancements, enhanced artificial intelligence (AI), and high-tech weaponry. Gamers can choose between difficulty modes that monitor and adjust skill level, multiple unique online maps using both Ad Hoc and Infrastructure connectivity, and four types of gameplay modes in multiplayer.
Available March 2006 – Not Yet Rated
As the longest running officially licensed baseball franchise on PlayStation platforms and already widely considered the most authentic baseball simulation available, MLB® 06 The Show picks up where last year's game left off and pitches the complete portable package for the PSP system. G amers can play their entire career "on the road." An all-new Career Mode allows baseball fans to create a player and attempt to land a spot on the roster of their favorite team based on their abilities, while an updated Season Mode, now tracking multiple seasons, lets users take their team and make a run for consecutive rings. An all-new Rivalry Mode allows players to set up and maintain multi-game rivalries, while tracking stats for the life of the rivalry, and the Historical Greats option allows core baseball fans to go up against baseball's heroes of yesteryear. Sports fanatics can now stay up-to-date with news with an all-new online news service, providing users with MLB updates on current events from around the league or their favorite team.
Available March 1, 2006 – Rated E
After years of standing in Jak's shadow, Daxter finally gets his turn in the spotlight as he stars in his very own self-titled game. An all-new adventure platformer made exclusively for the PSP, Daxter is centered around the world of the famous orange ottsel made popular in the multi-million unit-selling Jak and Daxter franchise. As the first title developed by Santa Ana-based Ready At Dawn Studios, Daxter will push the popular Jak and Daxter world in new directions through the eyes of Daxter as it completes the Jak and Daxter story and allow players to find out how Daxter became a hero, freeing Jak at the beginning of Jak IITM. Daxter, on his own in an unfamiliar place, realizes that being small and furry won't help his chances of survival or saving Jak, so he takes on a job as a pest exterminator - a job in high demand due to a mysterious metalbug invasion. His new job enables him to explore parts of Haven City in an effort to collect the clues that will lead him to Jak...but Daxter soon discovers more excitement than he bargained for.
Available March 2006 – Not Yet Rated
Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing is an action/role playing game exclusively for the PSP system . Developed and created by Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. and Neopets Inc., Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing brings a hidden Petpet world of Petaria to life in 3D for the first time. Players move through the game using characters they create from among four popular Petpet species and, utilizing the wireless Ad-Hoc mode, can compete head-to-head in the Battledome using their characters from the single-player game. In their search to overcome evil and recover the fabled Wand of Wishing, players will discover more than 100 unique characters and enemies, as well as have the opportunity to collect and use over 800 items. With more than 30 million registered users worldwide accessing the site in 11 languages simultaneously, Neopets.com is the fastest growing youth-oriented website in the world. Neopets.com is consistently ranked among the top 10 stickiest sites on the Internet, generating more than seven billion page views worldwide per month.
Available February 28, 2006 – Rated E
Created by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, Ape Escape Academy delivers a whole new twist while retaining the fun and frenetic flavor of the Ape Escape series. Specter has failed over and over again in his attempts at taking over the world, all because of a few inept monkeys. To rectify his problem, he decides to form the Ape Escape Academy, where he will serve as principal and train the monkeys so that he can help improve their behavior. In a collection of more than 40 diverse mini-games that make up the academy, players can work their way through six school years by winning each mini-game. Combining the franchise's trademark personality, excellent visuals and featuring ad hoc wireless functionality, Ape Escape Academy will offer an engaging experience to players.
Available January 17, 2006 – RatedE10+
The PSP is available for a suggested retail price of $249.99 (USD) in a PSP Value Pack. In addition to the revolutionary PSP hardware, the PSP Value Pack contains an unprecedented added-value package of accessories and entertainment content, including 32 MB Memory Stick DuoTM, headphones with remote control, battery pack, AC adaptor, soft case, hand strap and cleaning cloth, and a movie/music/game video sampler UMD disc including multiple non-interactive game demos. There are currently more than 70 games available for PSP and more than 250 feature films, TV programs and videos from major studios combining to create an unmatched library of entertainment content.
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January 13th, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Source -Gamespot
Sony Computer Entertainment is experimenting with some new features for the PSP with three of its upcoming titles. According to the latest issue of Famitsu, a trio of games slated for release by SCE on March 9--I.Q. Mania, XI Coliseum, and Bomberman: Bakufuu Sentai Bombermen--will include a number of unique bonuses that take advantage of the handheld's ad hoc and Wi-Fi abilities.
Up until now, PSP owners could only compete against each other over Wi-Fi when both parties owned a copy of the game. However, the three aforementioned games will include game sharing, which allows users to play multiplayer games with only one copy of the game. The only catch is those involved must own a copy of one of the three games. For example, if one gamer owns I.Q. Mania and another owns Bomberman, the two players can play a multiplayer game of I.Q. Mania or Bomberman together.
Aside from being able to cross-connect in ad hoc mode, each game comes with playable demos of the other two games. Although game demos aren't anything special for the PSP, this is actually the first time that three simultaneously released titles will include demos of one another.
Last but not least, all three games will come included with a number of mini-games that can be unlocked online. Two mini-games will be available by default; a mahjong game, and XI ColoBowl, a bowling game that can be played with up to five people. Additional mini-games can be unlocked by downloading wallpapers at a special site by using the PSP's online connection.
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January 13th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Lylatitude has released the game "In The Air" for the PSP. it is a new vertical scrolling shoot em up game for the console,
Heres what the coder says:
In The Air (ITA). It is a shooting game. And on PSP, the screen is rotated 90degree. The original game is based on WinAPI on Windows platform, from wzysj[at]citiz[dot]net. And I rewrite the game to suit to PSP platform, make it working and add some sounds. I know the game is not a big one and it is written without GU(in sdk). Just writing VRAM buffer simply. The source is written in C style.
The game works OK on firmware 1.5, but I must say that there are 2 bugs: sound control and exit exception. These 2 bugs wouldn't influence PSP after exiting the game. I have tested it on my PSP for many times. The problem may be caused by the "huge switch" and playing sound.
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January 13th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
ahem we take this time to thank........
No no i have to stop
Anyway while we wait for judges to decide who is the winner of OUR PSP News and Lik Sang Coding Competition, i thought about things that make you laugh and in our buisness its newsposts, do you know of any that are so funny (even though they may not mean to be) that they have had you rolling on the floor, either by being wrongly posted news or a severe case of sucking up or infact anything along those lines.
This will be an interesting thread, answer via the comments 
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January 13th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has posted a new release of PMP Simple Converter on our forums:
"PMP Simple Converter 0.04 for memcoder and pmp_muxer
Develop by miemt11 Date 14 Jan 2006
What can it do?
Convert any video (rmvb, rm, avi, mpg, wmv, asf) to PSP PMP format
Change from version 0.03
1: add volume gain option (0-default to 10- Loudest but noisy)
2: add bit_exact option (Use only bit exact algorithms when a need of binary identical files)
3: minor fix"
Full information and downloads and please give feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16979
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January 13th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
FeAReD let us know that a new Demo has been released for the PSP Firmware versions 2.5 & 2.6 also works on v2.01
Over at PSP3D they posted this:
"We at PSP 3D are happy to introduce the second homebrew application for 2.5 and 2.6 (and 2.01) firmwares. It is a ported Starfield demonstration. This Starfield demo was originally made for 2.0 firmware by Lok Tai (Andy) Fung.
This is just something fun to look at and show off to your friends, and something to keep you occupied along with Tetris as we all patiently wait for an EBOOT loader. The more homebrew apps for 2.5/2.6, the better!
To run it, just use it like you would use 2.5/2.6 Tetris.
As always, big ups to Fanjita for all his efforts in making 2.5/2.6 homebrew possible.
Enjoy. And as a side note, if you are a developer or have the source code to a 2.0 firmware game/demo, feel free to send us the source and we will try our best to make it 2.5/2.6 compatible."
Awesome news PSP3D, could this be a way to get emulators lets hope that they do one day on the latest firmware versions.
Downloads and screenshots below
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January 13th, 2006, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Deniska who entered KETM into our 30 Day Coding Competition told me about bourbon bot`s Mod for his game titled 1941, heres some info:
"Thanks to Deniska for a taste of a great little shooter
I am working on a mod for it based on the game
even though the game has no sound yet
and this mod is a WIP
here is what I have done so far
To install unrar and place files in KETM
you need to overwrite original files
have done first boss and some planes and helicopter"
Excellent screenshots and downloads can be found in the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...highlight=ketm
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January 14th, 2006, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Looking at the world of gamers and we are a somewhat funny bunch, the japanese love their Role Player Games while the Americans love their American Football and Baseball Games whilst for me in the UK we love games like Fifa and Championship Manager.
Whilst hardcore gamers will try any type of games some people are stuck to just 2 types of games.
So for the sake of interest and this doesnt have to be PSP Specific because some game types dont exist yet, lets have your 3 favourite types of games and where your based and see if a pattern emerges (all in the name of fun)
Ill start
1) RTS Games
2) Management Sims
3) FPS/War Games
answer with yours via the comments 
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January 14th, 2006, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
According to the latest issue of Famitsu, Taito is developing a new installment of its Bust-A-Move puzzle series for the PSP. The game is titled Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket, and is slated for release on March 23. Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket keeps the traditional rules of the series while spicing up the gameplay with 16 different puzzle modes. The player is required to connect three bubbles of the same color in order to erase them from the screen. The puzzle modes in Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket include Blind Puzzle, where the colors of the bubbles on the screen are hidden with symbols, and See-Saw, where the screen tilts and sways if there are too many pieces on one side. As expected, players can challenge one another by using the PSP's ad hoc connection.
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January 14th, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster

Lik Sang have the latest PSP Game in their store, heres the details:
Find out how adept you are at solving logic problems in P.Q., an addictive new puzzle game. Your speed and accuracy will determine your PQ score. Upload your score to the online ranking site and see how smart you really are!
Product Features
100 various logic puzzles presented in 3D
Great pick-up-and play appeal. Play during a short break or during a long commute.
Using the Infrastructure Mode, players can connect to the Internet and check their ranking against other players.
More info and tons more screenshots Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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January 14th, 2006, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
Forbes has recently posted an article on IBM's new revolutionary Cell processor. Cell is going to enable PS3 developers to create movie-quality games with blazing-speed graphics. Applications in other areas are also considered." From the article: "Some techies say PlayStation 3, which may debut by midyear and could end up in 100 million homes in five years, will usher in the next microchip revolution. The Sony system owes its prowess to a microprocessor called Cell, which was cooked up by chip wizards at IBM (with help from Sony and Toshiba) at a cost of $400 million over five years.
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January 14th, 2006, 13:33 Posted By: wraggster
Source joystiq
2005 was good to the games industry, due mostly in part to handheld gaming (ahh, those busy lifestyles). The NPD Group reports U.S. game retail sales hit a record $10.5 billion in 2005, breaking the previous record of $10.3 billion set back in 2002. And get this; software sales for the GBA, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP increased by 42 percent over 2004. Nintendo's five-year-old GBA comprised a whopping 52% of total handheld sales.
The article continues: "Console software experienced a 12 percent decline, with hardware and accessories declining 3 percent and 8 percent respectively from 2004. Many analysts and executives blame the decline in console software and hardware sales on consumer anticipation of the Xbox 360, which remains in short supply nearly three months after the console's launch."
So are we seeing a trend here? Is portable gaming, not consoles, where the majority of revenue growth be found? Either way, high-fives all around to the little portables that could.
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January 14th, 2006, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
There's really no telling what 2006 has in store for the PSP (we're not even sure Sony knows what's going on). But here's our predictions for what's headed our way in what is shaping up to be the year of the PSP.
PSP Prediction #1: The UMD market will collapse. 2006 will see too much UMD content delivered too quickly. It will continue to be priced too high and include the bare minimum in terms of value add (we should have predicted this for 2005). The new format war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray combined with the mainstream acceptance of "digital content on demand" via the likes of iTunes and Google will leave little room for the oh-so-cute UMD. Inventories will rise, prices will plummet and new content being delivered on the format will level off to something more sustainable by the market.
PSP Prediction #2: The PSP will take on some very specific colors. The black monolith will make some room at the table for brothers and sisters of different colors. Sony will begin to steal adopt some tried-and-true iPod marketing tactics and release the PSP with new color and accessory options before the year is out. Count on at least two new colors, including a hot-rod red and a camo green, possibly marketed with or around the likes of, oh, let's say Gran Turismo 4 and Metal Gear Solid.
PSP Prediction #3: The PSP will allow you to access your PS3 from anywhere. Now, this prediction depends on the release date of the PS3. It's still Spring right? Right. Anyway, you'll be able to access content stored on your PS3's HDD (media, game saves, whatever) by accessing it via the PSP over a wifi Internet connection. Have a layover at the airport? Just whip out your PSP, access a hotspot and phone home to stream your favorite movie. Who needs memory sticks now?
PSP Prediction #4: The PSP will get a price drop and then some. Yeah, this one is a bit of a no-brainer, but we wanted to get at least 1 out of 5 right. The PSP will certainly see a price drop this year (likely sometime in the Fall, but possibly at E3). We expect it to be in the $50 dollar range, but you may also see additional pack-ins or offers that sweeten the pot. Don't be surprised to see another movie included "free" like Spiderman was during the PSP's launch. In fact, depending on how bad the UMD crash of '06 gets, you may see multiple free movie offers as Sony tries to dump and write-off the inventory of its own studio's UMDs. This scenario would be very similar to the early days of DVD where Warner Brothers produced too much product and offered 5 free DVDs with the purchase of certain partner companies' DVD players.
PSP Prediction #5: Sony will completely botch PSP advertising in 06. Ok, so we're going for a guaranteed 2 out of 5 correct predictions now. After a couple of advertising fiascoes in 2005 (the "Italy incident" and the "Graffiti conundrum") Sony will take a much more cautious approach, and, again, look at how Apple select competitors have successfully advertised their products. Expect PSP ads to go upscale and play up the "lifestyle" aspects of the device ("now with new colors that match any personality!"). This will further distance the PSP from its actual core competency: gaming. It will take Nintendo's Gameboy SP successor to wake Sony up and get them back on track with the PSP as a gaming device.
There you have it, 5 predictions for the ages (or at least 2006). Agree, disagree? Have your own predictions? Join the fun and comment below.
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January 14th, 2006, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
KornerKamp has released his first issue of the PSP Pro Mag. This issue has 30 pages, included are
art programs
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(to save those with modems this is a lite version)
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January 14th, 2006, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
I think its time we adopted the PSP News name as our true name which means a new banner for the site to replace the PSP Emulation News banner, we are so much more than just an emulation and homebrew news site and forums, we are probably one if not the most active true source of news for PSP around, but to be that we need the help of all of you to spread the news of this site and also if you have any PSP related news and projects then let us know and we will (if they are newsworthy) promote them, we arent shy of linking to sites so send that news in 
If anyones feeling creative to do a banner/logo for the site that has PSP News as the site name and maybe in small letters undernneath The Emulation, Homebrew and Gaming Site underneath thatd be awesome 
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January 14th, 2006, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
Scarface350 has released a new Mod for the Game PSP Revolution which is a Dance Dance Revolution type game for the PSP, heres the details on this Mod:
<blockquote>Well This is my second PSP revolution mod named DDR max: night/midnight fever.Now i must say the idea and the title that i made for this MOD are wierd. Many people whom i showed the screens too all wondered how did i come out with the title and the theme. It was quite wierd really. IT JUST CAME TO ME . I decided to get more into PSP revolution modding as the game needs to be varied more and decided to make another one. I was browsing through my photoshop brush equipment to get some new ideas. suddenly i ran into this brush that had some creepy looking trees along with grass flowers and other stuff... And it Just came to me... why not make a dark scary looking forest that is 480x272 dimensional and listen to dance music. at that time i also got creative with the arrows and arrow top sections. It was a strange idea indeed But surprisingly IT ACTUALLY looks great. ESPECIALLY once you see it on the psp screen.i even put some songs that i think? would kinda synch in with the setting. Try it out and see what you think.
Technichly this is an unfinished mod because this mod got me interested and i want to improve more than just the arrows and such. I am planning to re- design all of the original PSP revolution design to best fit this mod. Comments suggestions are appreciated as well as creative ideas for my next design. re designing this might take a week or two depending on the amount of free time i have... anyway... yea thats how i got the whole scary forest rave theme.
- new Note special color, I call it dark matter ( call it whatever you want)
-Variety of songs
credits- denitro deving13 Gameshark, And Wraggster for his hard work maintaining DC/EMU and Bringing good news.</blockquote>
Downloads and feedback can be found at this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17024
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January 14th, 2006, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
Miemt11 one of the many great developers who are a part of the DCEmu Network Forum Membership has released a new unnoffcial version of the MPH Firmware Launcher for the PSP, heres the details:
"After receive a few feedback of PSP 1.00 Japan user, about having problem with MPH FL. So I decide to help again.
MPH Firmware launcher for PSP Japan 1.00 and of course FW 1.50 as well.
Version : 1.3.7u5u1 (Last version)
Author : MPH
Patch by : miemt11
u5u1 version:
1: For PSP user with Japan Firmware 1.00 (Not tested)
2: Further reduce the eboot size to 40+KB only
3: Last version (I hope)"
Downloads can be found in the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17026
Please give feedback and thanks to Miemt11 for the news/release.
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January 14th, 2006, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
Whilst looking to add to my PSP Games collection i noticed that the PSP TV Adaptor by Blaze is down in price to $33, at that price its a gamble worth taking, heres the info on this product:

The PSP TV Adaptor lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite and Stereo connectors. This adapter requires no modification of your PSP console. This new peripheral takes a completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set.
Interested then head on over to SuccessHK
Update - It has worldwide free shipping too (OK im having one)
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January 14th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: xwh1225
uo_YDICT_060114 for PSP by XWH1225
I'm xwh1225 and today I'm gonna show you the new uo_ydict, uo_YDICT_060114. This is the 2nd release of the uo_YDICT which is based on ZYM's work, YDICT ver 0.2. YDICT is an dictionary homebrew application for psp users. This unofficial mod edition includes an Oxford dictionay which is not only a English-Chinese but also an English-English dictionary. So if you don't speak Chinese you can still enjoy it. The new features include:
1. Most pronunciations now can be displayed properly. But some of them ...You learn the pronunciations at your own risk 
2. Bugs fixed. Now the new ring keyboard is very stable and should be more easy to use.
3. Chinese and English are displayed in different colors.
4. Other trival changes.
XWH1225 my e-mail: xwh1225@hotmail.com
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January 14th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Another great release thats been released on our forums, heres the info from the coder xwh1225
<blockquote>uo_YDICT_060114 for PSP by XWH1225
I'm xwh1225 and today I'm gonna show you the new uo_ydict, uo_YDICT_060114. This is the 2nd release of the uo_YDICT which is based on ZYM's work, YDICT ver 0.2. YDICT is an dictionary homebrew application for psp users. This unofficial mod edition includes an Oxford dictionay which is not only a English-Chinese but also an English-English dictionary. So if you don't speak Chinese you can still enjoy it. The new features include:
1. Most pronunciations now can be displayed properly. But some of them ...You learn the pronunciations at your own risk
2. Bugs fixed. Now the new ring keyboard is very stable and should be more easy to use.
3. Chinese and English are displayed in different colors.
4. Other trival changes.</blockquote>
Download and give feedback at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17087
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January 14th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita the main man behind getting homebrew to work on firmware 2.0 and above PSP consoles has today released a Dev package for those wanting to try more software or even hacks with PSPs of that firmware.
This is for Devs only, download via comments
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January 15th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker has released 2 very quick updates to the continuation of Yoyofrs original Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in both new versions:
<blockquote>Version 0.7.1
Just a fix for a stupid bug which made quite a few games to crash in 0.7.
Thanks to the quick tests which allowed to spot this one very quickly...
Version 0.7
Less bugs, better sound quality, a few little additions, and a loooong list of changes :
- Fixed crash in breakers : this is once again related to the upload area,
so I can just hope it won't break other games
- Try harder to recognise game files from ipl.txt : some originals have
weird filenames in the ipl.txt (a double dragon version is in this case).
Now if I can't find the file type in the extension, I look for it in
the whole filename, which seems to work for this double dragon version,
at least.
- Fixed sound effects : they are now much clearer, and in real stereo.
The difference is especially noticeable in bust a move.
- Fixed a last possible corruption of the memcard.bin file if quiting with
the home key. Now it should be safe to use the home key to quit at any
time, and there should be no way left to corrupt any file (mp3 or other).
If you use fw 2.0, be sure to use the Exit command from the gui though,
or do otherwise at your own risk (I am not testing neocdpsp with fw 2.0)
- The sound effects do not stop anymore after 3 or 4 games (finally !)
- Added some game messages at the bottom of the screen (now you know
when an mp3 track is starting to play, if it didn't find it, if there
was an error decoding it, and so on...)
- In previous version, if an mp3 had some id3 tags it couldn't be played
in neocdpsp. This is fixed now, sorry for those who encountered this
- Now you can also place your mp3s in PSP/MUSIC. Example :
say you have a game in a directory mslug. The you can put its mp3s
as previously in mslug/neocd.mp3/ but now you can also put them in
/PSP/MUSIC/mslug/ if you prefer. After all these are mp3s, so you should
be able to play them from the psp interface if you want to !
The directory in music where you put the mp3 must be named exactly like
the directory of the game for neocdpsp.
- The mp3 decoder is a little more resistant to crashes, that is if you have
an mp3 file at 0 or 1 byte after you have filled your memory card, it
won't crash anymore. I don't say it will not every crash again though,
there are probably files which can make it crash !
- Fixed sound and music in top players golf
- Fixed Art of Fighting 3 freezing at start of gameplay
- The loading of zipped games is even faster than in 0.6.2 !
- The ingame sound effects of samurai spirits rpg work now, the game is
still very long to load, but it was already long on the original hardware
and is now limited by the access speed of the memory card.
- Now the memory card is writen only when you quit the game, not everytime
the game tries to write to it.
- Added "Select lock" option to the gui. When enabled the controls become:
Select + LTrigger instead of LTrigger for the gui
Select + RTrigger instead of RTrigger for snapshots
and Select + Cross instead of Select alone (pause in most games).
This for those who press the triggers by accident !</blockquote>
Download at our Comprehensive NeoGeoCD Emulator download page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml
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January 15th, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
Yashamaru posted this news in our Submit news forum:
Knifa has just released "Music Sequencer"
<blockquote>I've wrote a basic music sequencer in Lua. It has support for multiple tracks (or instruments, whatever you want to call it) too, changing BPM and the likes.
It's not exactly the most useful thing ever, but I got bored and made it for the fun of it :P
If you're going to make a song on it, it's very simple, you should be able to figure out what to do by reading the songs that come with it. Remeber that they are processed in HALF-BEATS and not a single one.
You can also add your own samples by doing something like this at the top of your song file.
V_TONE1 = AddSample( "file.wav" );
Then you would use that in your song scores/tracks </blockquote>
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January 15th, 2006, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDRoms
Lumos latest project is a Mesh/3D model loader coded in Lua. It is in beta stage.
<blockquote>I am modellin' 3D stuff for some time by now, and I always tried to get my stuff into games/mods or something like that. That's why I got the idea about loading a mesh file to the PSP.
Whats the aim of my work?
The main target is to get some 3D Models from Maya (or whatever.) to PSP.
How do I model in 3D?
This depends on what you like. If you prefer 3D Studio Max, you can model there, or use Maya, as I do.
How do I load 3D Meshes to my PSP?
Thats quite simple! If you have your model in Maya, the only thing you have to do is:
# Triangulate the model
# Combine the model
# Export the model by using my Tools
PSP reads those Ascii-file?
Actually no, but it would be possible to implement it. I decided to use this format as a good structured base. If you got this far, you are in front of your target! You can now convert your mesh to a 3DB file (3D-Binary) which can be loaded with my code|application.
Why use 3db and not ascii mesh?
cause: 3db loads faster and uses far less memory than ascii meshes!</blockquote>
More info --> http://lumo2000.lu.funpic.de/?action=bomberman
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January 15th, 2006, 03:30 Posted By: wraggster
Percival has released the second Homebrew game for the V2.5/v2.01/v2.6 PSP Firmwares and this release is a Pong Game, heres what he said:
"I have written a Pong game with Fanjita's Devkit for GTA homebrew.
Hope you guys like it!
Note: I have no idea how to let GTA load another file besides tetris.bin, so the Pong game file is called tetris.bin. Please don't be confused.
Note2: Only tested with 2.01 and EU GTA"
Remember you must own Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories and a PSP with firmware v2.01/v2.50 or v2.60 for this to work.
Download via comments and let us know how you get on.
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January 15th, 2006, 06:41 Posted By: Yeldarb
Hey guys, I spent the better part of the day working on getting Snakman to work with Fanjita's DevKit. Snakman is a hybrid of Snake and Pacman. You are Pacman and you must eat the gray balls. You avoid the Red and Orange balls.
Here it is:
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January 15th, 2006, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
Yeldarb has released the 3rd Homebrew game for the V2.5/v2.01/v2.6 PSP Firmwares and this release is a a hybrid of Snake and Pacman, heres what he said:
"Hey guys, I spent the better part of the day working on getting Snakman to work with Fanjita's DevKit. Snakman is a hybrid of Snake and Pacman. You are Pacman and you must eat the gray balls. You avoid the Red and Orange balls."
Remember you must own Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories and a PSP with firmware v2.01/v2.50 or v2.60 for this to work.
Download at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17124
Thanks for a great release Yeldarb 
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January 15th, 2006, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has released a new version of his video converter for the PSP, heres the info:
"PMP Simple Converter 0.06 for PMPMOD
Develop by miemt11 Date 16 Jan 2006
Convert any video (rmvb, avi, mpg, wmv, asf) to PSP PMP format
Change from version 0.05
1: add a right-click short cut menu
2: minor change to the GUI to support Windows XP Classic Style
3: Fix the unexpected error (file not found) when finish encoding
4: minor fix."
Download from the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17127
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January 15th, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPFanboy
TiVo may have beaten them to the punch with TiVo ToGo, but Miglia Technology nonetheless has their own video compression and export software that may prove quite an asset to fans of both the PSP and Apple Computers. Their new software compresses live television in real-time, which means no more waiting for boring old progress meters to finish up. If you're not a Mac owner, however, you're out of luck since this only works for those in the service of Steve and his white-clad minions. If you're a Macphile on the other hand, prepare to simplify your life.
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January 15th, 2006, 13:03 Posted By: wraggster
Today is another great day for the PSP scene and also to visitors to the DCEmu Network, Ive been working with PLynx the Author of the Atari Lynx Emulator of the same name to get a site with forum so that he can get that much needed feedback to his releases.
Anyway heres the info of the new release of PLynx, now at v0.3B:
Hello !
Thank you to Wraggster for hosting the Plynx website on DCEmu.
New PLynx release for PSP 1.0, 1.5.
In this v0.3b release :
- Speed improvement, now, most of the games run at normal speed, without "overclocking" the PSP.
- Support zip compression format for cartbridge images.
- Option to change the control keys.
- Some add to to GUI.
Check out the release at the Official PLynx Website.
Be sure to leave some feedback (Whoops covered over my mistake )
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January 15th, 2006, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
Plain boiled water from the PSPChina forums has updated his Super Mario Portable Demo.
Super Mario Portable is a W.I.P. Super Mario game for the PSP.
Whats new:
Scrolling implemented, achieved the effect of the preview picture. Music added. Arrow keys for scrolling. The level design was not copied from the Mario games, since this is only a conceptual demo.
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January 15th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Detnews
U.S. retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories hit a record $10.5 billion in 2005 as strong demand from portable gaming gadgets offset weakness in console players, the NPD Group research firm reported Friday.
The results surpassed the old record of $10.3 billion set in 2002 and were 6 percent higher than the $9.9 billion reported in 2004.
Software for portable players such as Nintendo's Game Boy Advance and Sony's PlayStation Portable jumped 42 percent to $1.4 billion in 2005 -- the second straight year with sales above $1 billion. Game Boy Advance programs made up 52 percent of total sales.
"The real story for 2005 was the incredible expansion of portable gaming," said Anita Frazier, an NPD analyst. "The GBA continued to realize stellar sales, and the introduction of the (Nintendo) DS and PSP to the market brought older gamers to the portable format."
The console market faced software delays and hardware shortages. Consumers also held off purchases in anticipation of Microsoft Corp.'s new Xbox 360, which was in short supply after its Nov. 22 U.S. launch, as well as Sony's and Nintendo's upcoming consoles.
For 2005, console hardware, software and accessories saw sales declines of 3 percent, 12 percent and 8 percent over 2004.
"It goes without saying that the full impact of next generation consoles on the consumer market won't unfold until later this year when Sony and Nintendo's video game consoles hit U.S. retail shelves," Frazier said.
Electronic Arts Inc.'s "Madden NFL 06" for Sony's PlayStation 2 was the most popular title of the year as measured by units sold. It was followed by Nintendo's "Pokemon Emerald" for Game Boy Advance and Sony's "Gran Turismo 4" for the PlayStation 2.
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January 15th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
arobase has released possibly the most unique software for PSP for a while as it is aimed at children and provides the ability to learn, heres the info:
"This small utility is there to help the children to learn the words by associating them images. For the moment this software is adapted for the game console PSP. This game is open, you can add new topics by creating a new repertory or adding pictures in an existing subject. One of the advantages of this play is that it is for all langages.
All the file learn.zip is to be placed in the PSP\GAME\luaplayer\Applications repertory of your console.
It is necessary to have installed luaplayer on your console above all. "
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January 15th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster

McZonk who released the first version of Quake 2 for PSP in our PSP News & Lik Sang Coding Competition #2 has today released a new patched version, heres the info:
<blockquote>The first patch is finished. It will just fix little bugs. It not contains sound, no full singleplayer or multiplayer support and nothing of all the other missing stuff.
- fix invert analog nub (was not working)
- go to menu after first loop of intro
- fix network game crash
- added gpl to zip
- removed the iso protection
I have not added an osk. I didn't found a good one that was installable into Quake II.
I still think the iso protection was a good idea. There was a lot of discussion about that. I know I cannot stop piracy, but perhaps you think about it now and buy games instead of steal them.
I removed the protection because it will be removed as soon as I release the sources. In fact it is just a #define 
I'll setup a source code package with Quake 2 PSP the next days. I have to fix some stuff so it will compile without problems. It will include all sources as well as a tutorial for mod porting. But I cannot support anyone until my first final release. Sorry, it would handicap my own development.</blockquote>
Download this great release via the comments
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January 15th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Lumo has released a new version of his Meshloader thats written in Lua. Heres some info:
I am modellin' 3D stuff for some time by now, and i always tried to get my stuff into games/mods or something like that. Thats why i got the idea about loading a mesh file to the PSP.
Whats the aim of my work?
The main target is to get some 3D Models from Maya (or whatever.) to PSP.
How do i model in 3D?
This depends on what you like. If you prefer 3D Studio Max, you can model there, or use Maya, as i do.
Full details at the link above
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January 15th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Malloc has updated the Mod for the Media Player by jonny, heres whats new:
- Fixed a small bug in the saved position handling when a video was ended, and then replayed
- Added a small interface opened with START button, displaying the psp clock time, video time, video position, zoom mode, volume boost & luminosity mode.
- Moved the seek to start on the HOME button
- Added a high speed seek if X is pressed while LEFT / RIGHT is used
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January 16th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
PSP3d have released a new version of their Web Portal for use with the PSP Web Browser.
Heres the info:
All new "Aqua" and "Dark Aqua" look.
Contains 10 applications, including "Address Book", and "System Preferences".
Custom user desktop pictures.
Featuring 15 games such as "Battleship", and "Towers of Hanoi".
Over 65 links ranging from "Email", to "Travel".
Redesigned standard 12 hour digital clock.
Sony PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable) exclusive.
Zero error source code.
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January 16th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
fafenstein has ported Laserix 2 to the PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>Laserix is a flash game created by Jason Storhed, a video game designer student. This game is just 100% fun and perfect transpose to PSP !!!!. I have tried it once and became a big fan! After a couple of days, and few broken PSPs, I finished the 13 levels. Oh no! What am I gonna do !!! I contacted Jason, to ask for more, but he was busy with his exams. So guess what, I decided to create my own levels.
Now you can play 52 levels (incuding the 13 orignals masterpiece) and try to finsih the game. Good Luck and have a blast!!!
Laserix is a laser that should go through all diamonds on the grid. The only way to do it, is to use mirrors, in the right position and adjust them to define the right laser path. Laserix is a real “Chinese puzzle”. There is no need for 3D or video. The game is just fun!!!
Thanks again to Jason, who design the game and let me used the source code to create new levels.</blockquote>
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January 16th, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese publisher Tecmo has confirmed its intention to release next-generation software titles on multiple platforms, dispelling any rumours of exclusivity for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console.
Confirmation of the company's PS3 software development came from Tecmo's Yoshimiri Yasuda in an interview with Famitsu, partially translated by IGN. Yasuda said that specific titles would be announced "shortly", and though he declined to offer any further details the news is likely to provide a significant boost for Sony as the company prepares to launch its next-generation machine.
Tecmo is viewed as one of the strongest Japanese supporters of Microsoft's console - some of the original Xbox's best-selling titles, including Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, were created by Tecmo's renowned Team Ninja. Dead or Alive 4 is due for imminent release on the Xbox 360, although it is unknown at this stage whether or not the game will also appear on PS3.
Tecmo has created numerous hit titles for Sony's current PlayStation 2 platform including survival horror franchise Project Zero, the third instalment of which is scheduled for release in February. Several PSP titles are also due for release over the coming months.
The publisher initially announced its intention to produce games for Sony's next-gen machine in August 2005. More details are likely to be announced in the run-up to the E3 expo in May.
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January 16th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamesradar
Electronic Arts has released new screens of Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover for PSP as it extends its hip-hop scrapping series to Sony's handheld.
The story of The Takeover actually takes place before the events of the first Def Jam game, Def Jam Vendetta, and so will reveal just how D-Mob came to rule New York City.
The game includes new moves and venues but most of the hip-hop superstar fighters have featured in the series before, such as Busta Rhymes, Lil' Kim, Ludacris, Method Man, Redman and Snoop Dogg.
The PSP version will allow players to go head-to-head with others using the handheld's Wi-Fi capabilities, and gamers will be able to create their own fighter and dress them in the latest branded streetwear.
Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover will be released for PSP this April
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January 16th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjared has released an SDL application ported to the PSP to simulate Trails, this works on v.1.0/v1.5 and also v2.0
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January 16th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Killer has ported Dumbbell to the PSP, heres some info on the game:
"You control a constantly moving dot that can turn left or right. This dot leaves a toxic resin everywhere it goes, so crossing your previous path will be fatal.
The point of the game is to collect dumbbells, which appear randomly — the more dumbbells you get, the higher your score. When you get a dumbbell, it cleams up some of the toxic resin nearby, enabling you to pass through small gaps in your path. Each dumbbell counts for 1000 points, and your score also goes up a little as you move around."
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January 16th, 2006, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
Yeldarb who is one of the PSP Scenes leading figures for tutorials for Developers has released a new Tutorial, heres what he posted:
I just finished the fifth installment in my PSP Programming Tutorial Series. This lesson teaches more programming methods, such as overclocking, switch structures, colors, and graphics-based text. The tutorial walks the reader through creating a background-color changer, thoroughly explaining each step. The tutorial series is great for everyone from a newbie who has never programmed in his or her life to an advanced programmer looking to get a start in the world of PSP Programming. There is also a new RSS feed on the tutorials, allowing you to stay up to date with new releases.
Awesome stuff, check out the information via this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17194
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January 16th, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
Lylatitude has updated his homebrew game - which is a great vertical shooter game- In The Air, this game like releases in our first Coding Competition is played with the PSP held long ways.
Heres whats new:
With the help of Plain Boiled Water, the administrator of PSP development forum in PSPChina, I've cleared those 2 bugs in the ITA. The Exception will occur when using "mikmodlib" incorrectly. The correct method is: play the music after stopping and freeing the music. Now the game runs OK and exit without any exception.
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January 16th, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjared has updated the Masterpiece game for the PSP to V2.0, those who havent played it will be glad to hear its a Tetris type Game, heres whats new:
Works with 2.0 EBoot Loader
Ability to compile out for Windows/Linux/Unix/FreeBSD/XBOX etc.
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January 16th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
We're still digging through gigs of CES photographs when we happened upon one rather juicy bit we thought we might share. We found this little number over at the Blu-ray booth -- which, given the circumstances, we can only assume was paid for and set up at least in large part by Sony. Yes, you're reading that placard right (we had to zoom in from another angle since the lighting made it hard to catch a decent shot). Is it true? Is the Sony PlayStation 3 that we've all now come to know and love (or not) merely a "conceptual design?" Because if it is they must be further behind than we originally anticipated.
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January 16th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki posted this news:
Now there is no need for my hacked versions of PSP-Set to remove the Wave Effect. This program will add and remove the wavey effect for you. This has been tested on my PSP and it Works perfectly on Firmware 1.50. If you want to use the Change Background Utility just put the Background you want in the root of you memory stick.
xx=Number of month (Ex. 01, 02, 03, 04...)
Download FlashMod Version 1.0
Change Log:
Version 1.0 currently has these features:
-Remove Wavey Effect
-Add Wavey Effect
-Change Background
-Restore Background
Version 2.0 hopefully will include:
-User Friendly GUI
-Cross and Circle Button switch
-Menu Renamer
Special Thanks:
Thanks Go out to McZonk and everyone on their IRC and the PS2SDK's Samples.
The Download is available via the comments, but we at PSP News do not agree or condone the use of programs that write to the Flash Memory and can damage your PSP. Use with Caution
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January 16th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
My apologies to all the entrants to the Coding Competition, i am awaiting the last judge to give us his scores, until then i am sorry for the prelonged wait.
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January 17th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki posted this news:
Same as the last Version except now there is a User Friendly GUI, A Notification of
when it's done writing to the Flash0, A exit option in the menu, and now you can have the
EBOOT.PBP in any folder. You can also find updates on Orbis PSP Development's Project Page
Version 1.5:
-User Friendly GUI
-Notification when done writing
-Folder Name can be changed
-Exit option in menu
Version 1.0:
-Remove Wavey Effect
-Add Wavey Effect
-Change Background
-Restore Background
Special Thanks:
Thanks Go out to McZonk and everyone on their IRC, the PS2SDK's Samples, and Brad Dwyer for the tutorials.
The Download is available via the comments, but we at PSP News do not agree or condone the use of programs that write to the Flash Memory and can damage your PSP. Use with Caution
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January 17th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
PacManFan posted this update concerning his Playstation Emulator for PSP Project.
<blockquote>Hey eveyone,
I want to let you all know the current status of PSPSOne. After I got my dyanmic recompiler(mostly) working, I realized that I just wasn't seein the speed increase I was hoping for. The actual CPU emulation was running 3-5X faster, but the screen updates were still very slow (2-4 fps).
Well, I took the plunge, and converted my project to use the latest version of the PSPSDK, and the HW accelerated graphic functions (ge functions). With this, there is good and bad news. The bad news is that I'll no longer be able to run my project under the PSPE emulator, the good news is now PSPOne has the ability to run much faster with ge functions,than with the previous SW-based rendering.
I found an open-source OpenGL graphics plugin for PCSX, and converted it to work with the PSP GL framework. The PSP GL functions take advantage of HW-based acceleration, instead of software based rendering that I was doing before.
I was amazed by the speed improvement immediatley. I am now getting 8-10fps, and that is running with the interpreted (not dynamically recompiled) version of the CPU core.
So, In short, PSPSOne is now running at 8-10fps using hardware accelerated functions through OpenGL.
Because the PSP OpenGL port is not 100% complete. My rendering has some issues. Most noticably, the textures are not in the correct format. I'm working today to manually change the code that specifies the texture pixel format.
I'm very excited by this huge jump in speed. This will be even faster once I work out some issues with my dynamic recompiler running on the PSP with OpenGL
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January 17th, 2006, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
PSPWeekly have posted their latest mag for the PSP, heres the info:
PSPWeekly, the first and original weekly psp emag has already reached Issue 3. It features all the latest news, reviews, previews, cheats and tips, downloads and lots more!
In this issue, we've listened to your comments and tried to improve the mag but we've still got more to do and we need your feedback and help.
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January 17th, 2006, 08:04 Posted By: wraggster
Modsyn has released LuaLinker for the PSP, heres the info:
<img src="http://www.cs.ulm.edu/~jself/jmenc/LUA-stuff/linker-screenshot.png">
LuaLinker - Remote file grabber for the PSP
This program allows you to grab files from the internet
from a list of websites you save on your memory stick.
Everything is completely customizable. You can:
Use your own bookmarks (bookmarks.inf)
Define your own file extensions list (type.inf)
Choose where to save the files you download (dirs.inf)
The future?
Possible to allow following links (maybe a VERY primitive
text-based web browser)
much of this code was borrowed. here is the credits
Elxx - modified graphicsPrint()
LuMo - str_explode/implode
ema - Button (pad) control
[your name here] - if i forgot someone, oops...
thanks to p4ch3c0 and LordCthulu for the handy-dandy advice
on domain resolving!
Download at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16791
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January 17th, 2006, 08:09 Posted By: wraggster

Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories".
Cheats Include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
Rocket Boost gives you forward thrust whether you're on the ground or in the air or upside down. Settings 1 or 2 are good for fast driving on the ground. Rocket Boost 10 is good for making bikes fly.
I added the ability to turn your motorcycle in the air while using Rocket Boost.
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awesome work Edison 
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January 17th, 2006, 08:12 Posted By: wraggster
Yeldarb has posted a great compilation on all the software released so far for versions 2.5/2.6 and 2.01 PSPs. heres what he posted:
Since releasing Snakman two days ago, I have been bombarded with tons of inquiries asking how you can run more than one program on 2.01+ firmware. Well, this is my little hack to get it working. It's nothing complicated. Basically, it's the source code of all three games that have been released as of now compiled into one game. It's a simple solution, but I suppose it works.
There's info in the file on how to add your own programs.
Included so far:
Download and give feedback in the release topic here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17236
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January 17th, 2006, 08:26 Posted By: wraggster
RafPSP has released a new version of his internet radio streaming client for the PSP, heres whats new:
(raf) TextUI: Added a new config element to specify the length of the metadata.
(raf) GraphicsUI: Removed from the build as it doesn't work correctly with the current core.
(raf) TextUI: Added config item/implementation to provide 24/12-hour clock configuration.
(raf) TextUI: Separate config files per screen
(raf) TextUI: Metadata color is now configurable (see bug #5907)
(raf) Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk's pspnet now.
(raf) Core: Added new LocalFiles screen.
(raf) TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199.
(raf) TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list's titles.
(raf) TextUI: -2 in the X position for configuration items makes the item not be printed (suggested by HalfastII)
(raf) TextUI: The config file is now partitioned into one section per screen (suggested by HalfastII)
(raf) TextUI: Added support for showing the time and the battery level.
(raf) TextUI: Now files defined in playlists are displayed without the path, and the extension is only shown if configured to in the config file.
(raf) Compiled against latest pspsdk (r1542). There should be some speed improvements, as things like memcpy are now optimized.
(raf) Core/TextUI: Added support to print text using pixel coordinates
(raf) TexUI: Removed cleaning code that was unnecessary in the options screen renderer. This should speed it up a bit.
(sandberg) Added support for showing the time and the battery level on the 3D UI.
(raf) Enabled pausing of local streams
(raf) Cleanup/robustness added for play/stop core.
(raf) Created playmodes; defaults to NORMAL (will play next track after current one ends), also has SINGLE and REPEAT modes.
(raf) Completely re-wrote buffering system. (Using stl lists, and optimized buffers). New change from one stream to the next is seamless.
(raf) Made font size configurable in the textui config file. If these settings are set correctly, then the artifacts produced when using outlined/shadowed text should go away. (The downside, is that the number of columns/rows is also modified as these values change.)
(sandberg) Added support for showing the battery status and the current local time.
(raf) TextUI is now more configurable (for listboxes/textmode(font modes))
(raf) Added shadowed font mode for textui.
(raf) Added option to select if file extensions should be displayed or not in textui.
(raf) Added pngs for startup/shutdown of PSPRadio
(raf) Now using pngs designed by Semtex/albadross/HalfastII
(raf) Added better support for suspending/resuming psp.
(Halfast) Minor tweaking of the textui.cfg
(raf) The initial screen can now be selected in the PSPRadio.cfg file, under SYSTEM/INITIAL_SCREEN
(raf) Can now refresh the playlists from the Options screen.
(raf) Options can now be saved from options screen.
(raf) 0.37-pre3c: Now you can save and restore USB autostart / wifi autostart / intial screen from the options screen
(raf) Added a genre processing/parsing stage for shoutcast.com database.
(raf) Changed the text ui layout a bit, so that the stream name has more room
(sandberg) Added a radial blur effect as a background effect on the 3D UI.
(raf) Added code to draw font with outline - thanks to Halfast for the idea.
(raf) Revamped code to handle playlists in memory.
(raf) Now shoutcast.com entries are sorted by genre
(raf) Now will reload shoutcast.com db on download. Also now include a default db.xml
(raf) ScreenHandler: Now selecting to refresh playlists in Options screen will also refresh the local files screen virtual playlists. (Bug #5904).
(raf) Core: Corrected basename implementation bug #5982. (files shorter than 4 chars weren't getting displayed).
(raf) Core: Corrected bug #5924, if PSP/MUSIC folder was empty, the app would crash.
(raf) Core: Corrected problem where if no playlist or local files where present, the app would crash when the user tried to access the next track/playlist using UP/DOWN.
(sandberg) Core: VBlank fix.
(sandberg) Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk.
(raf) TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed.
(raf) Corrected logging timestamping, now using localtime (inspired by sandberg's code).
(raf) Core: Logging instantiated in the heap instead of the data segment.
(raf) Core: Modifications to make it compatible with the latest pspsdk (r1542)
(raf) Playback: Corrected bug that caused app to crash when a stream failed.
(raf) TextUI: Made the title shorter so it fits no matter what font is used.
(sandberg) Updated the 3D UI so all options are fitted to the screen.
(raf) Corrected log times now that clock changed in sdk
(raf) Corrected bug with playlists v2, where streams with spaces were getting truncated.
(raf) Fixed problem where PSPRadio was exiting when it went into screen blank mode.
(raf) Some refactoring of options code/pspapp_network. Corrections on loglevels.
(raf) 0.37-pre3b: Corrected the WIFI:AUTOSTARTing.
(raf) Corrected issue where SHOUTcast screen wasn't allocating memory for the lists, reusing the playlists' memory. This was causing instability in version 0.37-pre1.
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January 17th, 2006, 08:30 Posted By: wraggster
PacManFan has released a new Alpha version of his Playstation Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
"Well everyone,
I've decided to release another ALPHA version of the PSPSOne emulator as a demo so everyone can see how much the speed has progressed.
No BIOS is required for this demo, I'm using the internal HLE Bios built into the emulator. This is the same Paradox demo I released last year, except this runs much faster.
Some techinical info:
-This version is running with the interpreter CPU core, not the recompiler.
-This is running with full 256x256 textures (I can get better speed with 64x64 or 128x128 textures)
-No sound
-Partial debug loggin enabled
-partially optimized build
I'll add a fps counter to all future versions so you can see speeds for yourself. Remember that this Paradox demo was designed to test the very limits of the Playstation."
Thanks to miemt11 for the news 
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January 17th, 2006, 08:35 Posted By: wraggster
LostJared has released a compilation of ports for the PSP dubbed LostPorts, heres the list:
LostPorts contains
Trails Demo
Iso-Fractals Demo
MasterPiecePSP 2.0
SDL_mxf (for custom fonts)
LostPuzzleBox 0.2
and PSC CD Demo (A Joke where you shoot pennys at PlanetSourceCode CD's)
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January 17th, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
I posted about Streetfighter coming to PSP yesterday but now Lik Sang have posted this article:
The way recent news of Street Fighter II on Xbox Live Arcade spread across the net like wildfire shows Capcom's legendary beat 'em up still packs a punch. So naturally fans are thrilled that this week Street Fighter hit the PSP, and the title they chose to port is regarded by most as the single highest point of the entire series, SF Zero 3 Double Upper (known as SF Alpha 3 MAX outside of Japan). Starting with an all new animated intro, you'll discover beyond the line-up of characters from SF 1, 2, 3, Final Fight 2 and Capcom vs. SNK 2, there's the cute but deadly Ingrid from Capcom Fighting Jam, new to this PSP release. Also unlike the handheld's other fighter, Darkstalkers, which simply stretched the game to fit widescreen, SF here is in true widescreen format. Heading in, there's both single and wireless multi-player options, including a Variable Battle tag-team mode exclusive to the PSP. Here you can switch between your two characters at any point of the match, which also lets you quickly compare how various fighters fare against a specific opponent.
Arcade Mode pits you against 10 fighters, while the in-depth Training Mode lets you manipulate your opponent and even repeat a string of moves for you to practice against. Next Edit Mode allows you to balance your character's attributes to your exact liking and purchase upgrades that'll allow them to deal out more damage, take none when blocking, or automatically guard. Given you have to spend chunks of your 1,000 character points on these however, fights remain balanced. Furthermore with the ISM system you can customize and even create your own combos, then use these characters in modes like World Tour, traveling the globe dishing out pain. As you progress you'll earn even more character points to build up your fighter too. Dramatic Battle Mode teams you up with a computer controlled ally against one enemy, while Reverse Dramatic Battle Mode pits you alone against 2 opponents. Finally over the wireless you can play VS, Team, Variable and Dramatic Battles, proving this is much more than a simple port, it's a jam packed SF explosion! We received stock of the Asian Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper a few days early, and so new orders are welcome right now.
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January 17th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
2K Sports, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), today announced that World Poker Tour® (WPT) for the PSPTM (PlayStation®Portable) system is slated for release this spring. World Poker Tour for PSP features real-life professional poker stars and venues featured in the popular World Poker Tour television series with enhanced A.I. players, customizable characters and online capabilities compatible with PlayStation®2 consoles.
"With the growing popularity of televised poker shows such as World Poker Tour, poker has become a mainstream sport," said Greg Thomas, president of Visual Concepts, a 2K Sports studië. "By partnering with the trusted World Poker Tour brand, we are bringing both gamers and poker fans alike the most realistic poker experience available. And now that World Poker Tour will be available on the PSP, gamers can enjoy the game wherever they go."
World Poker Tour for PSP allows gamers to take a seat at the world's most prestigious poker tournaments and make their mark in the virtual poker arena. The game will feature the virtual equivalents of real pros such as Antonio "the Magician" Esfandiari, Erick Lindgren, Evelyn Ng, Lyle Berman, Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi and Phil "Unabomber" Laak.
Online connectivity is a major part of playing World Poker Tour on the PSP. Gamers will have the ability to connect wirelessly with other PSP systems or online to compete against players across the country on both the PSP and the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. New enhancements to World Poker Tour for PSP include a completely new and innovative artificial intelligence system that allows gamers to challenge more than 1,200 different characters, all with their own unique playing styles and behaviors. Gamers who are able to bump up their career earnings can unlock custom clothes, accessories, and invitational events found only in the PSP version. Players can also create more than 4,000 custom variations of poker, and choose to play against computer opponents or take their custom poker game online to battle for poker supremacy.
"We are thrilled to be launching World Poker Tour on the PSP with 2K Sports," says Andrea Green, VP of Global Consumer Products, WPT Enterprises, Inc. "2K has far exceeded our expectations for this game and recreated the thrill of our TV show with simulated casinos and events in the palm of your hand. We can't wait to see where this takes us in the future."
For more information, log onto http://www.2ksports.com.
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January 17th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Nothing tickles our morning gaming fancy quite like a good hard analyst's prediction, and this morning we've got a cracker, with US analysts now apparently lining up to predict that the PS3 may not be out until March 2007 in Europe.
Now while all such predictions should be taken with the requisite amount of sodium, analyst Evan Wilson, quoted in Interactive Investor, said that he be believed the PS3 would launch in summer in Japan with a million units, with a US launch of one million units 'most likely' for November. Wilson tips the PS3's European debut to follow in March 2007 - presumably with roughly the same number of units for us poor Euro slobs.
So far, so fairly interesting and while of course these things should never be taken as gospel, what is intriguing is that Wilson has gone so far as to actually name unit allocations. If he's to be believed, there'll be a scramble for PS3s that would make the Xbox launch look like it was overflowing with milk and unit allocation honey.
Although Sony has long said it would launch the PS3 in spring 2006, many discerning games watchers believe this can only be in Japan and it may indeed be lucky to make that time frame. Overseas markets like the US and Europe will almost certainly face delayed gratification similar to the PSP launch and Wilson's predictions would certainly appear to fit intë that time frame.
Whatever way you slice the PS3 launch carrot, it seems good news for Microsoft with a lot riding on the PS3 launch for Sony as it looks to the PlayStation 3 to restore the company's profitability.
However, whether any of this is more than inspired guesswork, we simply can't tell. Analysts do the stuff for a living and they're not always right and perhaps analyst William Drewry of Credit Suisse First Boston sums it best when he says: "The decision as to whether to delay the PS3 launch has yet to be made and is dependent on improving its chip yield."
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January 17th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
As if we didn't already have enough PS3 delay rumors, now industry analysts are jumping into the fray, some predicting a fall launch for the console. The two reported issues that could cause a hold-up are improving chip yield and production hiccups in game development.
From the article: "Analyst Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities, said 'the most likely scenario' is that PS3 will be released in Japan this summer with about 1 million units and in the US in November with 1 million units, followed by a European launch in March 2007." Regarding the newly released analyst data, Next-Gen writes: "William Drewry of Credit Suisse First Boston said,'The decision as to whether to delay the PS3 launch has yet to be made and is dependent on improving its chip yield.' Although Sony talked about a spring launch for PS3 last year, it has never offered regional specifics. A 'delay' until November will be good news for Microsoft, which has bet its strategy for the next generation on selling as many Xbox 360s as possible prior to PS3's arrival."
If Sony can get their chip production on schedule, would you rather have an early US release with fewer games, or wait until 15-20 titles are ready for launch?
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January 17th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Weekly special: Square-Enix's PlayStation2™ Action RPG Code Age Commanders at US$ 10.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: With survival in a post-apocalyptic world as the theme, the use of a new experiential system with the playing style affecting the outward appearance of the character, and created by the famous game company Square Enix, this all new action RPG blockbuster is about to make its grand debut!
In this closed world known as "world within the sphere", you find yourself in situations where conflicts cannot be avoided. In order to live on, let's fight! Then absorb the codes (DNA) of the vanquished and evolve further!
Besides the evolution of the hand, you can also learn or change freely the character's abilities. In the process of tackling the various stages, you can be awarded different points according to the performance, and these points can be used to enhance four character abilities, "Attack", "Life", "Energy" and "Defense".
Square-Enix's PlayStation2™ Action RPG Code Age Commanders is now available at discounted US$ 10.90 only.
More info here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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January 17th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjarad continues his homebrew rampage for the PSP, heres the details on the latest release:
Algorithm to demonstrate one of the interesting puzzles of chess. This program demonstrates the problem originaly puprosed by the mathmatician Euler. The puzzle is this, can the chess piece known as the knight move around a empty chess board and touch each of the 64 squares once and only once. This demonstrates a solution to this problem. Press the Space bar to move the knight, and press the enter key to return the board back to normal.( for PSP use triangle in place of space and circle in place of return )
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January 17th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Source Xbox Scene
Xantium the webmaster of really the only Xbox & Xbox 360 hacking site you need to visit posted this earlier
<blockquote> It's not really Xbox related, but we've always been following up on XLink Kai(info) stuff so I thought it'd be interesting to mention we got some leaked information from sources close to the people behind the XLink Kai tunneling software claiming that they are about to announce a new commercial PSP online gaming network - possibly as soon as Q2 this year.
Will this be a tunneling service - or something more unified - like Xbox Live!? Is it officially supported by Sony (unlikely)? Why is it a commercial product from a crew which have always contributed free services to the community? Will it get support from game developers? How is it different from the existing Kai PSP support (that will not cease to exist of course and development will continue) - justifying a price tag?
Notable members of Kai's technical crew have either resigned or gone missing over the last few months - so this story could have some weight.
Looking over XLink's site gives nothing away, and attempts to contact the resigned members have gone unanswered.</blockquote>
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January 17th, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Somehow i missed the annoucement on the NEO spring coding contest 2006, but theres still some weeks left so hey better late than never , heres whats posted on the NeoFlash Forum
<blockquote>NEO spring coding contest 2006 for PSP announcement
* PSP APP division
There will be 10 winners for psp apps too. No restriction of coding except to add the "NEO spring coding contest 2006 for PSP" splash screen in your app.
The top 10 prize for PSP contest are:
The No.1 : MicroSoft X-BOX 360 deluxe version whole set
The No.2 & No.3 : Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor + 4GB HD whole set OR Neo-MAX 16Gb whole set (winner can choose)
The No.4 ~ No.10 : Neo-PSP 4in1 mini convertor whole set OR Neo-MAX 1Gb whole set (winner can choose)
NEO spring coding contest 2006 close time : 20th.Feb 2006
Winner prize send out time : 28th.Feb 2006
BTW: we need the new splash screen for PSP 2006 coding contest,please show us your design if you can do it</blockquote>
Remember this Coding Comp is for apps only. Time for you Devs to get your Developing hats on 
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January 17th, 2006, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
jimshaw has posted this news:
<blockquote>Here's a link to a port I have made of ps2yabasic to the PSP. It lets you play (but not edit) all your yabasic saves on the PSP.
I've included eboots for both 1.5 and 1.0 BIOS versions - put the correct folder(s) in the PSP/GAME folder on the memory stick.
Put the yabasic folder in the PSP folder on the memory stick.
What's working?
Pretty much everything except below!
What isn't working?
It runs about 80% of the speed of the PSP.
The console output window doesn't work.
No text input is working.
Slight memory leaks.
The beep doesn't work.
Things to note:
It slaps the PSP into 333MHz mode while the interpreter is running, and back into 222MHz mode at exit.
Press both shoulder buttons together to exit the interpreter.
Have Fun!
Bibo ergo sum</blockquote>
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January 17th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender have announced a new product for the PSP:
The first water proof PSP carrry case in the world!!!
Need rugged PSP protection for your day at the beach in the Summer or
weekend ski trip in the Winter? The Solution: XCM Seawalker waterproof
bag for PSP, the most versatile, durable PSP cases on the market. The
XCM Seawalker waterproof bag for PSP provides unbeatable protection for
the PSP console. Interactive, waterproof, and drop-resistant, XCM
Seawalker waterproof bag is ready for any adventure. Bring on the rain,
snow, dirt and dust!
Check out its amazing features:
- Waterproof, Can protect PSP up to 20 meters under water
- Dust-proof, dirt-proof, sand-proof, and drop-proof
- Can With stand extreme Low and High temperatures
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January 18th, 2006, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Tsukasa has released a cool new app for the PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>Hi everyone,
At the moment, this program will only work on version 1.50 psps.
About the program:
PSPShot lets you take screenshots of all things, which your psp shows to you (eg. System OS, Video, Game, etc..).
It's still buggy and makes sometimes strange lines in the screenshots, if the background is moving too fast. I'll try to solve this problem in the next version.
The screenshots are BMPs, which will be saved under X:\PSP\PHOTO\PSPShot\
Start: Starts the system menu in "screenshot mode"
Select: Starts the insertet UMD in "screenshot mode"
L: Enables normal movement
R: Makes a screenshot
L+R: Exit the program
If the background is moving too fast, it helps when you take more than one screenshot, so you can choose the best one.
I hope you like it </blockquote>
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January 18th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
StereoMike has released a new Version of Doom PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>17/1/2005 19:55 GMT+1
Changes in Doom-PSP v0.05
-Added showing of datestamps of savefiles
-Fixed problem with changing to chainsaw and showing map
-Dehacked support (use square to select a file) Batman Doom has been tested and is working, a sample .deh file is included
A big Thank you to the author of Chocolate Doom (http://www.chocolate-doom.org/) for letting me use his code for the dehacked support.
Oh, and Dehacked files are used for modifiying the behavior of Doom, weapon damage and rate and such things. Try out arsenal.deh to see what it's about</blockquote>
Download at our Comprehensive Doom PSP Page -> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
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January 18th, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
Lostjarad has again released a new demo for the PSP, heres the scoop:
Draws Animated Fractals on your PSP
the framerate is kinda sluggish as of right now but im working on getting it up to speed if anyone has any ideas or suggestions please share.
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January 18th, 2006, 08:07 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has posted a new version of his Converter app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Change from version 0.06
1: Add new Batch Conversion Mode with no limit (Now you can encode more than one video at a time)
Select your input and output video and than click on the add batch button
2: Able to encoding all or selected only
3: Complete New PMP simple Converter GUI Design
4: Extra Video and General command switch option (now you can add additional filter and general setting)
http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/man/en....1.html#GENERAL ENCODING OPTIONS (MENCODER ONLY)
5: Simple file size calculator (Total MB per hours)
6: no need rm.exe program anymore (using internal command)
7: fix the open file dialog
8: Enable better rmvb and wmv encoding
9: Skin Changer for PMP Simple Converter
More information and download in the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17298
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January 18th, 2006, 18:25 Posted By: wraggster
LostJarad has released another Compilation of his releases weighing in at a hefty 25mb, heres the details:
Just run ./build_all.sh from the command line to build all the source code
make sure you have PSPSDK and SDL installed..
Whats New:
* 5 New Programs I did today
- KnightsTourPSP
- FileBrowser
- CodeMatrix
- ThoughtMatrix
- MovingFractals
* Update to Trail Demo to use CPU Overclock for faster frame rate
looks great now.. Special thanks to BlackPhenoix for the info..
Now because of the size the best way to download this is via BitTorrent, heres the linkys:
Consider using BitTorrent to get the file...
to see a directory listing of my current active projects..
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January 18th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
A new gun for gaming 

This universal light-gun is the first light gun to support CRT, LCD, Plasma, DLP as well as Projector. It supports every Gun Shooting game on PC, PS2™ and Xbox™. Now you can enjoy Gun Shooting games with your LCD or Plasma or any TV you have, instead of your old and small CRT TV.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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January 18th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released (well i think so anyway )

In the latest game in the series that originated in 1987, players assume the role of Adol Christian and embark on a rich adventure set on a deserted island. This time Nihon Falcom changed for a 3D action-RPG featuring stunning magical skills and a rebuilt gameplay.
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January 18th, 2006, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Gamasutra reports on a list of first-party titles that will see launch with the PlayStation 3. From the article: "The specifically listed games are Polyphony Digital's latest Gran Turismo iteration, Genji 2, presumably a sequel to Yoshiki Okamoto's samurai action title for the PlayStation 2, Everybody's Golf 5, the latest in Camelot's popular cartoon golf series, and titles named Monster Carnival, Angel Rings and The Eye Of Judgment. No other information is currently available on the games."
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January 18th, 2006, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
Pacific Crest Securities analyst Even Wilson has predicted that Sony's PlayStation 3 will launch in November in North America, preceded by a summer launch in Japan and followed by a March 2007 European launch.
Wilson's glance into the crystal ball, reported in Marketwatch this week, is just the latest in a string of often conflicting theories from US analysts about Sony's launch dates for the next-generation console - but is interesting since Wilson also goes on to predict unit volumes for the system.
He believes that the PS3 will launch with a million units in Japan in summer, with similar volumes seen at the US launch in November, and presumably a similar number again when the system arrives in the European market in March.
The numbers he predicts are better than those Microsoft achieved with the Xbox 360 this Christmas, when a simultaneous global launch with just 1.3 million units of the console left retail in both North America and Europe unable to fulfil pre-orders for the system.
However, the shipments would still be small by comparison with likely demand for the PS3, and if Wilson's "most likely scenario" is correct, Sony would be under immense pressure to keep a steady supply of the PS3 into the market post-launch.
A number of elements suggest that Wilson may be off the mark, however - not least comments made by Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot at the start of this year, when he told the BBC that the PS3 was likely to launch by September in the US and November in Europe, with a Japanese launch as early as June or July.
Sources at other major publishers confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that their understanding from Sony was that the company was absolutely committed to launching in all three territories by the end of 2006 - with a slip into 2007 to be avoided regardless of the cost.
Wilson also voiced his thoughts on the PS3's initial software line-up, saying that it would be "clearly weaker than the Xbox 360 holiday 2006 line-up" - presumably based on the fact that Xbox 360 developers will have had longer to work on the hardware by then, although Sony claims that over four thousand development kits for PS3 have already shipped.
The analyst is unimpressed by the fact that Sony has not shown off hardware and software yet, ignoring the fact that this is a standard and unavoidable practice in the videogames sector - with even Microsoft forced to show off very early software running on PowerMac based boxes at a quarter of the performance of the final Xbox 360 when it went to E3 last year.
"All we've seen are [demos] running on a box supposed to be the equivalent of the PS3," Wilson commented. "We really have no idea."
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January 18th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
The first batch of first-party PlayStation 3 titles has been confirmed by a listing on Sony's Japanese website, PlayStation.jp, with six titles being named for the next-generation system including new Everybody's Golf and Gran Turismo games.
None of the listings have been given confirmed dates, and all are marked as being working titles only - but this still represents the first time that Sony has gone this far in officially confirming games for the system, which is expected to launch later this year.
The six titles are Genji 2 (Action), Angel Rings (RPG), Monster Carnival (Action RPG), Everybody's Golf 5 (Sport), Gran Turismo Series (Racing) and The Eye of Judgement (genre TBA).
Sony studios outside Japan are also known to be working on titles for the PlayStation 3, with the best-known being the next-generation sequel to Killzone, which is being developed by SCEE's Guerrilla Games studio in Amsterdam.
Several third-parties have also announced projects for the system, including Konami - which showed off Metal Gear Solid 4 for the first time at the Tokyo Games Show last September - and Epic Games, which is developing a version of Unreal Tournament 2007 for the PS3.
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January 18th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
LostJarad has updated his Trails Demo for the PSP,
Whats New:
* Added Overclock
* Fixed Resolution of the bitmaps
runs like a dream now.. Big thanks to BlackPhoenix for showing me how..
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January 18th, 2006, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
lostjared has updated another of his Demos for the PSP, heres whats new:
CPU Overclock
Directory Browser to Select Image to Distort
Ability to Change images without having to restart
Changed Resolution to 480x272
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January 18th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
lostjared has released yet another demo for the PSP, heres the details:
This one you gotta see for yourself.. It implements a algorithm I thought up which I call AlphaFlame.. Runs smooth on PSP and even smoother on the PC.
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January 18th, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
smayds has ported the game Vector Infector to the PSP, heres the details:
<blockquote>Hi all,
I'm fairly new to the PSP, and have been spending the last week or so learning how to play with its innards. I've come up with this little game, which is a 'port' of Vector Infector, a game being put together by one of me mates. It's a Geometry Wars inspired game. Basically, you have to kill everything that moves, except for the shiny little gems, which you collect. The more gems you get, the higher your score multiplier, and the bigger your guns get.
It's still VERY beta so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Dpad or analoggy to move
Shape buttons to fire
Ltrigger = switch between robotron-esque and straight-ahead shooting
Rtrigger = freeze movement for aiming when shooting straight ahead
Select = dump screenshot to MS root (just raw, sorry!)
Start = cycle music (only 1 track though, so never mind)
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January 18th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: bfg
(News Submission)
Evilo, DingoFR,Ingo Arndt and myself are proud to offer you Pang, the arcade game on various system.
You can Download version at
At this link you'll find my site, and link for Evilo, DingoFR and Ingo site.
Credits :
Me : GP32,Dreamcast,Windows,Linux Version
Evilo : PS2 Port
DingoFR : PSP Port
Ingo : GP2x Port
Have fun !
Screenshots and download via comments also (wraggster)
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January 18th, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
Fluff posted this news:
Psix, setting a whole new level of homebrew quality
From every angle psix emits a glow of pure quality, combining both breathtaking quality graphical interfaces with easy intuitive control systems, from the many onscreen displays you always know exactly what is going on, be it the current song, or if usb is enabled, even if software on the psp requires an update!
Get ready for the new beginning.
Massive feature list
With the additional feature of being able to update you're software on the fly, psix makes sure that you're gaming experience is the best it can possibly be.
Stay tuned for the complete feature list, to be released her very soon!
Extended module system
Imagine a wireless server module, you could share you're files wirelessly with other friends running psix, a radio module, listen to internet radio or even stream music off a friends psp!
The possibilities are endless, and it's all within our grasp!
Just what is this worth?
While we have no price set in stone at this time, the full version of psix will most probably be set between $7 and $15 per license, this license covers all future updates and patches, and also gives you access to the development forums where you can take part in discussions with other developers and suggest things which may be added to psix!
Hmm, thoughts on this?
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January 18th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
The 2nd <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk" target="_blank" >PSP News</a> & <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/list.php?category=218&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a> 30 Day Competition entries are in and the prize of a <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=307&products_id=7825&lsaid=21979 3" target="_blank" >Datel 4GB Hard Drive</a> will go to one of these lucky 9 entries.
Heres a rundown of the entries:
Entry #1) Quake 2 Port by McZonk
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/q2-007.png">
Entry #2) Ceres Version 1.2 (1.1a) By Po-Han Lin
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ceres.jpg">
Entry #3) GALPSP By Karurosu
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/house.JPG">
Entry #4) PSP Realtime Cloth Demo by Cubane
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ytyt.JPG">
Entry #5) TOPPLER PSP v0.5 by Deniska
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/toppler.jpg">
Entry #6) KETM PSP v0.05 by Deniska
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/ketm.jpg">
Entry #7) PSP Missile Command by Yashamaru
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/jhf.JPG">
Entry #8) Iris by PSmonkey, MGFox & Produkt
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/irisScreenshot05.jpg">
Entry #9) PlayStation Portable Open-Source Shell Version 0,2 by PSP-OSS team
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/comp/screenshot9ktpsposs.JPG">
All Downloads on the <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp2.shtml" target="_blank" >PSP 30Day Competition #2 Page</a>.
Time to announce the Winner 
The judging is made up from 5 Judges, 3 are Coders (Inc Fanjita), Me Wraggster and one Wild card judge, the judging gives marks out of 10 and they are added up, then the winner is chosen.
Heres what our Special Guest Judge Fanjita said about the releases
<blockquote>OK, here goes. I've based my judgements on the following criteria, mainly:
technical achievement
fun/wow factor
completeness and presentation
Quake 2
A great achievement by McZonk, this has come along a long way since the early alpha release that I saw.
This sets the standard for future 3D FPS homebrew for the PSP.
Overall score: 8
A nice faithful asteroids clone, and the addition of a back-story helped with the professional appearance.
My only gripe was that there didn't seem to be a lot of difference from the previous version.
Overall score: 7
Tower Toppler
A fun, cartoony port with great presentation and a novel approach to platforming.
I found it difficult to get to grips with the controls, though.
Overall score: 6
PSP Cloth
I've always had a soft spot for small tech demos, and this is a great little demo of realistic cloth simulation. It's effects like this that add the finishing touch to professional games.
Overall score: 5
A nicely polished port of this fun shooter. With the ability to add new mods, this should have lasting appeal.
Overall score: 7
Missile Command
An update of the existing Duck Shoot LUA game, I enjoyed the missile-command style of play. The addition of downloadable cheats over wifi was a cool addition.
Overall score: 6
This wasn't really my kind of game, but I can see how it would appeal to fans of the genre. The library has obviously been well put together, and there's potential for some great games to come from this in the future.
Overall score: 7
A very nice achievement considering that this is original code and not a port. There are some small visual glitches that give away the beta status, but overall there's enormous potential in this game. Support for v2.0 is also a bonus.
Overall score: 9
At first glance, this is "yet another shell", but it becomes obvious that it's an extremely-well put together one. The skins are slick, the function is broad and well-implemented, and the effortless EBOOT launcher / HOME button handler hides some hard-core code.
Overall score: 9</blockquote>
Heres the scores:
Quake 2 Port by McZonk 42,
Ceres Version 1.2 (1.1a) By Po-Han Lin 28.5,
GALPSP By Karurosu 25,
PSP Realtime Cloth Demo by Cubane 21,
TOPPLER PSP v0.5 by Deniska 37.5,
KETM PSP v0.05 by Deniska 35,
PSP Missile Command by Yashamaru 32,
Iris by PSmonkey, MGFox & Produkt 41,
PlayStation Portable Open-Source Shell Version 0.2 by PSP-OSS 36.5,
The Winner is
By the Closest of Scores the Quake 2 Port by McZonk has won the second PSP News and Lik Sang Coding Competition.
the top 4 are
Quake 2 Port by McZonk 42
Iris by PSmonkey, MGFox & Produkt 41
TOPPLER PSP v0.5 by Deniska 37.5
PlayStation Portable Open-Source Shell Version 0.2 by PSP-OSS 36.5
Congratulations to MC Zonk for his great port of Quake 2 to the PSP which by a Whisker won it in front of the very impressive Iris.
Thanks to all the judges and all the developers and also our friends at <a href="http://www.lik-sang.com/list.php?category=218&lsaid=219793" target="_blank" >Lik Sang</a> for helping PSP News stage an awesome competition for the PSP Scene 
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January 19th, 2006, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDroms
Filer has been released by mediumgauge. It is a file manager for the PSP. You can view text files and browse thru foldes. You can't open music or binary files yet, also it is not possible to copy, rename or delete files. Thanks to snesy for translation.
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January 19th, 2006, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Raion has updated his Maze Game called PSPMaze to V0.8 this release can be downloaded via the comments:
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January 19th, 2006, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
Placa posted this news about the Dual Boot Project:
Hi all,
these are no news about Quake 2 this time but about my progress at PSPdualBoot and other projects.
Because I get about 40 mails every day I decided to give you some information's.
Progress in PSPdualBoot isn't that good as I want it to be because of some exams coming on I have to practice for. If everything works like I want it to work I will release it in the first quarter of 2006. But it is still possible that I come to a point where I don't get any further.
I do have 2 other projects beside dualboot, one of it is a tool which I write with dot_blank and one of my own. Dot and I started to code a NAND-Writer, we didn't do much yet, but this will change.
My own project has only got a project name until yet. It is called "ProjectElisha". I won't tell you more about this project at this time but it has something to do with 2.0. The name is just fun and has nothing to do with the program.
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January 19th, 2006, 08:12 Posted By: wraggster
cubiCPixel has updated the Snowboarding Game Tricked Out to V0.3, heres the info:
<blockquote>Hello world,
Just finished with the music player of Tricked Out. You can now listen up to 5 different loops of music from either the sound menu or by using the arrows during gameplay, play stop...
These beats can be changed... just rename your music as music1.wav, music2.wav, music3.wav etc... They have to be mono .wav sounds. The code is quite simpler than I thought. They will loop doh since I use 16 seconds loop sounds. You can also stop all sounds.
Either than that the level engine works. I just need to finish my graphics. I'm currently using graphs from a previous flash game I made... Works for now,
see ya latter :-x
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January 19th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Release at Lik Sang

Product Features
Get ready for the most realistic and immersive wrestling experience ever as you play your favorite WWE superstars
High-resolution texture, motion capture technology and improved fighting system will bring your WWE matches to life
An astounding 100 different match types are available to challenge your wrestling skill
# Character roster includes a whole host of celebrated WWE legends
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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January 19th, 2006, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesradar
We've got the latest shots of a Capcom contribution to PSP in form of Extreme Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, a revamped version of its classic 2D action game, directed by the original's creator Tokurou Fujiwara.
As always, it stars intrepid knight Arthur as he battles and hops his way through legions of lance-wielding evil creatures.
The game has maintained its fierce difficulty but there are a few differences, such as Arthur's ability to shoot down while jumping in the air, haul himself up on to ledges and collect different projectile weapons. It's still basically a 2D game but some 3D effects have been used to add a sense of depth to the levels.
Capcom has included more extra lives to pick up, so you won't have to try to get through the game with just a suit of armour and a pair of pants. Also, the route through the game will be far from linear thanks to branch and warp points that allow you to decide your route and even retrace your steps.
Unfortunately Capcom has yet to confirm that Extreme Ghouls 'n' Ghosts will be getting a European launch, but we have been told that it will be "more than likely".
A UK release is yet to be confirmed for Extreme Ghouls 'n' Ghosts for PSP
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January 19th, 2006, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry
Software development tools specialist SN Systems, a subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment, has been awarded Game Developer Magazine's Front Line Award for its PSP software development tool, ProDG.
ProDG, which is complimented by accessory products such as ProView and Tuner, has helped to establish SN Systems as the market leader in PSP development tools, and is utilised in 20 of the 24 PSP games scheduled for release in the US.
The product won Game Developer Magazine's prestigious Front Line award in the Programming Tools category, beating competition from a broad range companies and software development products, including Intel's VTune Performance Analyzer.
Andy Beveridge, SN Systems director, commented: "It’s a great honour to win this award and be acknowledged by the industry and the very people that use our tools on a daily basis. We’d gained plenty of experience from previous platform launches and knew what we had to do to get it right from the start. It’s been a very busy year for everyone at SN Systems and this is a perfect finish to 2005."
"Rest assured, we will continue to build on the success of ProDG for PSP by continuing to evolve the product further, ensuring it remains the market leader and first choice for all PSP game title developers," he added.
The eighth annual Front Line Awards, created by Game Developer Magazine, aims to recognise and reward excellence and innovation in game development tools. Companies who have enhanced the art of software development with tools that enable faster and more efficient game creation are honoured each year, with nominations coming from Game Developer Magazine readers and industry professionals. A panel of professional game developers specialising in each of the categories selects the winners, based on various criteria including utility, innovation, value, and ease of use.
Full details of the 2005 Front Line Awards winners and finalists in each category can be found by visiting the official awards website.
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January 19th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc has removed six listings for PlayStation 3 titles from its Japanese website, PlayStation.jp, and has stripped all mention of the PlayStation 3 console from the forthcoming releases page.
The titles, including new Everybody's Golf, Gran Turismo and Genji games, were originally listed alongside PSP and PS2 releases for 2006, as we reported yesterday, and represented the first confirmed PS3 titles from SCEJ.
However, the listings - which merely showed titles for the games, and gave no indication of whether they were set to be launch titles or not - have now been pulled without explanation - presumably indicating that they weren't meant to be revealed this early on.
A Sony spokesperson contacted by GamesIndustry.biz this afternoon declined to comment on the reason for the removal of the titles from the site, saying simply that" "We are working on the launch of PlayStation 3 and a confirmed list of titles will be announced at the appropriate time."
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January 19th, 2006, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry
Andy Parsons, senior vice president of Pioneer Electronics, has told the media that he expects between four and seven million units of the PlayStation 3 to ship worldwide by the end of 2006, representing an "explosion" for Blu-Ray players.
Speaking to video technology website The Digital Bits, Parsons said that the PS3 - which is set to launch later this year - "is going to represent an almost overnight population explosion of Blu-Ray capable players."
"That's not something that's really happened before," he commented. "The PlayStation 2 helped, because that came well down the road after DVD launched, but it did help to get a lot of players out there. But this is something new - the PS3 is launching right at the forefront of Blu-Ray Disc."
The PlayStation 3, which will be the only next-generation console to incorporate a next-generation DVD player, is expected to launch in Japan by summer, with US and European launches to follow before Christmas - although some analysts believe that the European date could be pushed out to March 2007.
"If Sony ships the kind of numbers we expect them to this year, that will provide a very rapid growth of players out there hungry for titles," Parsons continued. "We've been hearing between 4 and 7 million units could ship."
Parsons' comments come in the wake of projections earlier this week from Pacific Crest Securities analyst Even Wilson, who predicted a Japanese launch in summer, followed by November in the United States and March in Europe - with just a million units available for launch in each territory.
That outlook is far more pessimistic than Parsons', and suggests that less than three million units of the PS3 could ship worldwide by the end of 2006. However, publisher sources have indicated in recent weeks that they believe the PS3 will launch in Europe before the end of the year, suggesting that Parsons' figures could be the more accurate of the two.
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January 19th, 2006, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Sony has sent out an invitation for PSP owners to beta test their upcoming title Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror. All they ask is that you go to http://pspbeta.us.playstation.com on your PSP's brower, submit an application, and hope they pick you.
There is one catch though: Sony is requiring that all applicants use (the still unhacked) PSP firmware 2.6 just to apply. Clever plan. Create excitement by having an open application process to beta test an upcoming game, hoping applicants will choose to forgo their downgradable/downgraded homebrew friendly firmware just for a small chance to play a new game before it's out. Thanks, but I'll stick with my 1.5 PSP chock full o' stuff.
(Read on for Sony's invitation; thanks, al.)
[Thanks to everyone that tipped us!]
You have been hand selected for a very special mission. We're beta testing a title exclusively for the PSP (PlayStation®Portable) system Syphon Filter®: Dark Mirror. We'd like you to apply to be one of our beta testers. Space is limited, so register today using only your PSP browser. (You will not be able to register for this beta test any other way.)
Just follow these simple steps:
1) Upgrade your PSP Firmware to 2.6*
2) From your PSP Internet browser go to http://pspbeta.us.playstation.com.
(We will only accept registrations that are completed on the PSP%uFFFD browser.)
3) Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your registration.
You will not receive a confirmation email. We will not send out acceptance notifications until all applications are processed.
Please note that this beta is ONLY playable online on your PSP%uFFFD system via a wireless Internet connection. No offline version is available.
*Instructions on how to download
- install the 2.6 Firmware Upgrade:
- Information and instructions about using your computer to install the Firmware are available here.
- If you have wireless Internet access, simply choose the "Network Update" option under the settings menu of your PSP system. More details.
Important Beta Test Guidelines
EMAIL ADDRESS: Once you have submitted your application via the PSP browser (part of Firmware 2.6), do not change the email address in your PlayStation Underground Member Profile. You may only participate in this beta test with the address to which we sent this invitation.
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January 19th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Tsukasa has updated his Screenshot app for the PSP, heres whats new:
Thanks for all the comments
I still can't remove these strange lines, but i nearly can solve this problem with UMD Games.
Nevertheless I added a few new features to this release:
USB Support everywhere (eg. Games)
Remote control support
No need for pressing any button to set the screen for screenshot mode
More comfortable button settings
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January 19th, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
Xan has posted a new review in our PSP Review Forum, this review is of the Venom PSP Leather Case, heres an excerpt:
2 pockets for UMD`s. Inside is layed with soft material , thus you avoid any scratches on UMD`s and PSP Itself. Quite good quality leather , looks very elegant.No PSP logo and ect make its very unnoticable. Magnectic lock hold PSP hard inside. Attachable wirst strap. Its very stiff , when falling on ground < made few accidental fall tests ;p> PSP and UMD`s are well protected.
Fits great into hand/jacket pocket .Low weight. When closed you can easy plug PSP remote in and be able to use PSP as MP3 player.
Read the rest of the review and checkout the screens here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17253
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January 19th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
Veoh Networks, the first Internet Television Peercasting Network, today announced that the majority of its catalog of more than 20,000 independent, user-published videos is now available for download and enjoyment on the Sony PSP.
Veoh automatically downloads videos of interest to a PSP owner's device each time they connect it to their PC.
The recent introduction and adoption of portable video players mean consumers all over the world are looking for high-quality content to watch while on the go. Using Veoh's unique Peercasting model, the network easily and efficiently distributes TV-quality, full-screen video to be played on a PC or Mac or on a variety of new portable devices. Thousands of iPod owners are already filling their players with thousands of videos available through Veoh. From music videos and comedy sketches to how-to sessions and all things automotive, PSP and iPod enthusiasts will find compelling content.
"Portable video is a hot topic for consumers, with many devices introduced and lauded earlier this month at the Consumer Electronics Show. Consumers clearly want to see their content when and where they choose," said Dmitry Shapiro, CEO of Veoh Networks. "Veoh is designed to support the many viewing choices consumers need, including the living room TV, their laptop and portable video devices. Our network allows anyone to publish TV-quality video that can be watched everywhere."
Veoh integrates with the Sony PSP Media Manager, sold separately through Sony, allowing easy export of videos from the Veoh Network to a person's PSP. Veoh's peer-to-peer distribution technology, unlike streaming video, gives portable device owners a place to discover high-grade video they can watch wherever they are.
Veoh software, installed on a PC or Mac, creates a virtual television network that allows video bloggers and independent producers, as well as film studios and TV networks, to distribute TV-quality, full-screen video to hundreds of millions of users with broadband connections. Producers can publish unlimited amounts of TV-grade video content to the network, providing consumers with unparalleled choice in television programming and control over their viewing experience.
Unlike rogue P2P networks that are used to share mostly pirated video, Veoh is a community of publishers and consumers, where published content is approved by editors, and consumers are assured they get what they request. The system also integrates tightly with RSS, providing content producers with easy publishing to multiple video systems.
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January 20th, 2006, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPFanboy
Will we see a phone feature appear on the PSP soon? Tom Keating of the VoIP and Gadgets blog seems to think it will. In fact, he considers this more an inevitability than mere speculation. He also suggests that companies like Google are in line to come up with some sort of VoIP service for PSP considering that intergration of IM applications like Google Talk are already headed for handheld devices. And since Google Talk, like the even more widely used Yahoo! Instant Messenger, already has voice built in, it's only natural to expect that a microphone peripheral (say the SOCOM headset) will take advantage of that avenue and allow for phone-like capabilities on Sony's prized portable.
Having a phone attachment on the PSP, especially a free one, is such a neat idea it makes me feel like donating to charity. Of course, several issues need to be addressed. One, the phone attachment needs to be reasonably sized so as not to make the PSP unmanageable. Two, power usage needs to be improved since the PSP's WiFi feature is notorious for its energy suckage. Also, if this development gets pushed back a a year or two, there's always the chance that Sony will do a redesign and integrate these enhancements. Come what may, we're just oh-so-happy that even if Sony isn't maxing out the PSP's abilities, other people are at least trying to on their own.
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January 20th, 2006, 08:10 Posted By: wraggster
DJing and Bemani fans listen up!
From the Korean game maker Pentavision comes a special PSP™ version of the web-based and mobile music mixing game DJ Max. The game resembles Konami's popular beatmania series: You take the position as DJ and are challenged to hit the correct button(s) on your PSP™ handheld at the right time to complete the song.
As expected from a music game, most parts are completely in English and make DJ Max easy to understand and to pick up for persons without any Korean knowledge. With more than 50 tracks to choose from (including K-Pop, Techno, Breakbeat, Hip Hop, Rock and other popular genres), every music game fan will find a tune of his taste. Lyrics of all songs are included in the game's manual as bonus.
Prior song selection, you will have several options available, such as speed & fader adjustment, mirror mode selection and more. After completion of a song, you will receive a summary of your performance, including a combo & break counter, rating and score.
Your achievements are saved into a Ranking Chart. Additionally, you can unlock new tracks and items in the Gallery Mode.
Depending on the difficulty level, DJ Max can be played in either 4 button (left, up, triangle, circle) or 6 button mode (left, up, right, square, triangle, circle). You can further manually increase the speed with the L/R buttons.
DJ Max contains a number of game modes and extras as listed up below. Be warned that rookies might have their difficulties in the beginning; DJ Max's difficulty level is adjusted to experienced gamers.
Portable Game Mode
Rookie DJing: Easy difficulty 4 button mode. 10 tracks are selectable from the start.
Pro DJing: Normal difficulty 6 button mode. 11 tracks are selectable from the start.
Club DJing: Expert difficulty 4/6 button mode. Select a music theme and unlock new genres.
Unlimited Mixing Stage: Choose from 40 tracks from the start in either 4 or 6 button mode.
Gallery: Shows your disc collection and a number of images and videos once you have completed parts of the game.
Ranking Chart: Your high scores are saved here.
Options: Adjust settings such as Gear Display (left/center/right), Sound (speaker/earphone), Control Settings & Save Settings
All 58 tracks that are included on the Collector's Edition double disc soundtrack album are also stored on the UMD. The player includes useful functions, such as random and repeat play. Ideal to chill out and listen to DJ Max Portable's sound on the go.
M/V Clips
Select from 39 music videos to play back from the start. Here you can sit back and relax and watch DJ Max's music videos without being challenged as DJ at the same time.
DJ Max Portable is now available as regular edition and Limited Collector's package, suitable to play on any PSP™ console from any region.
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January 20th, 2006, 08:21 Posted By: wraggster
Percival has released the first homebrew game thats only for v2.01/v2.5/v2.6 PSP Consoles, heres the details:
The goal of Penguin Scramble is to survive as long as possible. Don't touch the ice at the roof or the bottom!
Penguin Scramble is still beta. The following are known problems:
-sometimes the cave is impossible to go through
-highscore :-)
-good looking menus
-more features
To install, Place the proper savegame folder (ULUS10041S5 for US or ULES00151S5 for UK) on your Memory Stick. Boot up GTA and load this savegame file.
At title screen:
Press any button to start the game
During the game:
L - speed down
R - speed up
Start - pause
Select - quit
Screenshot and download via comments.
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January 20th, 2006, 08:24 Posted By: wraggster
TyRaNiD posted this news:
I've just commited a working PSP ELF packer to subversion (under svn://svn.pspdev.org/psp/psppacker), it is based in part on the version John _K did a while back but improved somewhat, plus it has a nice simple PC tool to pack you executables. It also works with both normal ELFs (even pre-built applications) and PRX files.
For all the lazy windows 'tards out there I have cross compiled a version for windows using mingw, it is available in the www.pspdev.org psp tools section.
Enjoy and post any feedback/bugs etc. here.
Oh and you need to update your pspsdk, again, to build it ;P
This release is for Developers only.
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January 20th, 2006, 08:41 Posted By: wraggster
Game Collector has posted a review of the newly released game Ys The Arc of Napishtim, heres more info on the game:

In the latest game in the series that originated in 1987, players assume the role of Adol Christian and embark on a rich adventure set on a deserted island. This time Nihon Falcom changed for a 3D action-RPG featuring stunning magical skills and a rebuilt gameplay.
Buy at Lik Sang
Heres an excerpt from the review:
I got this game nice and early this morning and I played through up to the first boss. First of all I have to say that what I read about there being no voice was correct Come on Konami, how hard would it have been to keep the voices intact!?! Pretty sad when games like Tales of Eternia, GTA and Comic Party Portable exist with their full voice. Anyway, I guess it doesn't bother me TOO much as I have not played the PS2 version and I have only played this on the PC up till now. Another silly thing Konami did was keep the save points, a very bad thing to have in a portable game.
The graphics are great, they look just like the PC version and there has been no slowdown or anything so far and the music is identical. There is no cheat mode in the menu and the only difficulty available at the begining is Normal.
Check out the rest of the review here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17409
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January 20th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster

Source - Gamesradar
Take 2 is bringing Tokobot to UK gamers, the first PSP game to come from Dead or Alive developer Tecmo.
Tokobot is a puzzle adventure game which revolves around the existence of Tokobots, small robot helpers that have extraordinary power.
The tiny bots have attracted attention from various treasure hunters who want to use them to take over the world; something which our hero, Bolt, wants to prevent from happening.
While small and feeble on their own, Tokobots become much more useful when they fuse together to execute joint actions such as creating ladders, swings and gliders. They can also merge together to create a larger, more powerful robot that can wield a sword or act like a crane.
Gamers will start the adventure with six Tokobots but will have to find more as the puzzles and challenges become more difficult.
Tokobot will be released for PSP in March
Tokobot is already for sale at Lik Sang (and its region free like all PSP Games) for $39 or £22 with free worldwide shipping, more info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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January 20th, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have posted on thier site that they have a full restock of V1.52 PSP Consoles, now V1.52 Consoles are rubbish for anything but you can upgrade to v2.0 and use the Eboot Loader to play around 85% of homebrew and emulators for the PSP or you can upgrade to v2.0 then downgrade to v1.5 which gives you full access to all homebrew.
The price these consoles are retailing at is USD 255.00 or about £140 in other money.
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January 20th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
PLynx has again updated his Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in this version:
- Screen size selection : Original, x2, Full screen
- Filtering method selection : Nearest, Linear
- Possibility to overwrite last saved context file
- Save configuration for each game
Download at the official homepage hosted by the DCEmu/Emulation 64 Network here --> http://plynx.dcemu.co.uk
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January 20th, 2006, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamesradar
We've got the latest shots of Tomb Raider: Legend as Lara makes her debut on two new games machines – PSP and Xbox 360 - and she looks incredible on both the handheld and the next-gen console.
The actual gameplay of Tomb Raider: Legend is identical for every format but there are differences with presentation, especially with the 360 version; the visuals have been specifically created for the new console, rather than it just being a polished port.
The main difference offered with the 360 version can be seen in the textures, which are far more detailed than in the PS2 and Xbox game. The lighting and shadow effects show more sophistication, too, and are shown off nicely when Lara uses her torch in the dark tombs.
Online play via Xbox Live is not available but there may be content on offer in the Marketplace.
The PSP version might not have the detail of the 360 game but it is still remarkable to look at; proving almost identical to the PS2 version. This is partly due to the fact that using a smaller screen allows the texture detail to be lessened slightly without it having much impact on the overall effect, but that's not meant to devalue the achievement developer Crystal Dynamics has made getting Lara's new adventure on to the handheld.
The developer is hoping to include a system that will allow gamers to swap save games between the PSP and the PS2 versions, so you'll be able to continue Lara's adventure at home or on the move.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend will be released for PS2, Xbox, PC, Xbox 360 and PSP in the spring
Screens at the link above
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January 20th, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
PCSX2 progresses further with Tekken 4 'playable', here is what General Plot hed to say on the official site:
Nachbrenner made this video from ingame on Tekken 4. Game looks very good, with only slight graphics issues which rarely occur.
Video is WMV using Windows Media codec, so you will need a media player capable of playing back this format. This file is being shared using Bit Torrent, so you will need a torrent client, such as uTorrent to download this video.
Tekken 4 Ingame
2 Minutes 0 Seconds | 5.60 MB | Real Ingame Speed - 1.5-6 FPS.
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January 20th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
The Coder who is behind the NeoGeo CD Emulator for Windows called NEOGEO CDZ Emulator has released his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.1 now). The translation from google is poor as usual but here it is:
<blockquote>How it made without. It is private correction edition of NEOCDPSP 0.5. (The after of the 0.5, being kind of to be advanced to the direction which just a little is different)
All sources are rewritten around video and excluding the dependence processing part of the PSP.
Temporarily because it just tried to move, whether it is heavy from the first, (the PSP procuring, because it is third day, permitting, the く put out the ぇ).
Being to become heavy you do not attach the luster processing and load picture.
Because it raises the source cord/code in the next few days, the lawn tide waiting. </blockquote>
Anyone who can translate it better please do.
Anywa download this new release and let us know if its any better in any areas, downloads and feedback via comments
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January 20th, 2006, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has updated what is now the best Genesis Emulator for the PSP (We need a new PSPGenesis release /me looks for Sougen), heres whats new via translation:
Ver 1.30 * Turbo mode mounting (in キーコンフィグ addition)
* Deletion functional addition of state (SELECT + □)
* State saving / load verification message option addition
* State date indication
of saving
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
Give feedback via the comments
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January 21st, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
While the Nintendo DS continues to experience shortages in Japan, the PSP remained on top of Japanese hardware sales chart, this according to research group Media Create. Nintendo plans on replenishing DS supply by the end of the month, so it should be interesting to see how the restock effects subsequent charts.
Japanese sales (units sold) the week of 1/9/2006 - 1/15/2006:
PSP - 57,686
NDS - 54,284
PS2 - 39,076
GBASP - 9,982
GBM - 6,341
X360 - 6,107
GCN - 5,465
GBA - 233
XBX - 119
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January 21st, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
Blue2k the coder behind the MBshell for the PSP has posted this update:
<blockquote>Ok, major update.
I've finished creating my first version of an extension (or plugin) system. At the moment it can load an extension and display it on the screen within a window. So what is an extension? An extension is just a normal module (prx) as any module but this module can be dynamically loaded at runtime by the shell, and multiple can be loaded at once! This means that you can create whatever extension or plugin you want for MbShell as long as you conform to a simple API:
Once the module is loaded and started by the shell the module is required to:
1. register itself with the shell by calling a function and providing:
- If it needs a window
- If so, what is the name of the window
- Should the window support transparency
- the width of the window
- the height of the window
- Pointer to a screen update function
- Pointer to a controller handler function
- pointer to a destroy handler function
2. Implement the screen update function returning a pointer to the current buffer it wants on screen
3. Implement the controller handler to handle controller input
4. Implement the destroy handler function to clean up stuff when the extension is closed
I will provide an example with sourcecode that will implement these things and provide a simple graphics library with sourcecode so you can get started somewhat faster.
I'll have to finish the whole thing, but anyone already intrested in taking a look at the extension support can contact me using PM. Be sure to have at least some understanding of C and psp development as I have no time to explain basic things at the moment. Set up the dev environment first
Just for viewing pleasures, a screenshot of the latest build:</blockquote>
Screenshot via comments 
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January 21st, 2006, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki posted this News of whats to come in the next version of Flash mod:
<blockquote>Just got finish designing these images and can't wait to start codeing them at school tomorrow while i wait for someone to need my technical assistant. This version will include 4 brand new features:
-Running a UMD with 2.00+ Support(Also clocks processor and GPU to 333/166)
-Running a UMD without 2.00+ Support(Also clocks processor and GPU to 333/166)
-Installing of Custom XMB Menu Names
-Restoring of Default XMB Menu Names
Along with a Extra Feature:
-A step-by-step guide on how to hack you Playstation 2 with your PSP</blockquote>
Screenshots via comments
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January 21st, 2006, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
Califrag has made a great new logo for the site that fiits perfectly with the colour scheme we use at the moment and also uses the name that most sites know us by and thats PSP News, the Emulation, Homebrew and Gaming Site.
Check out the new logo above 
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January 21st, 2006, 08:27 Posted By: Kaiser
Thanks to meimt11 for the news 
Raf has updated his PSP radio app here's what he had to say:
What's new:
0.38-Pre1 (r726) (2006-01-20)
(sandberg) Core/3DUI: Merged the new TextUI3D into the main branch. (r712)
(sandberg) Core: Support for USB enabled/disabled events to the UIs has been added. (r712)
(raf) Core: Added code to sort all lists (localfiles/playlists/SHOUTcast listings) alphabetically in ascending order (r713)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Made the graphics in the new UI configurable, to allow new skins to be made. (r716)
(raf) Core Now duplicates are eliminated from SHOUTcast listing genres. Duplicates are looked for in case insensitive mode. (r717)
(raf) Core: Top 600 listing is now left unsorted (so it stays sorted by popularity). (r718)
(raf) TextUI: Clock format (12/24) is now retrieved from the system settings, and the config option is not used anymore. (r719)
(sandberg) 3DUI: New graphics from Semtex integrated. (r720)
(raf) Core: Now SHOUTcast Titles are parsed and corrected to display & instead of #amp; and the correct character for X; (r721)
(raf) Core: Refactoring/ Added option to select directory for localfiles in the config file. (r724)
(raf) Core: Removed the config option to turn logging on/off. Just use log levels.
(sandberg) 3DUI: shutdown screen are now shown on the new UI. (r720)
(sandberg) 3DUI: IP number and program title are shown after switching UIs. (r720
Download at this forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17467
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January 21st, 2006, 08:27 Posted By: Kaiser
LostJared Has released Masterpiece v2.6 and developed an add-on to help coders develop for PSPs version 2.01+ using the GTA exploit. This is great news because the easier it is to code for GTA's exploit the more homebrew all PSP users can enjoy here's what he had to say:
This is a library that Ive been writing to aid me in Developing for the GTA Expliot it is based off the orignal GTADevkit..
It allows you to compile and test on windows before you test it on your PSP.
This speeds up the development proccess (atleast for me)
What this package contains:
Source code for Cross GTA and 4 example programs + 2 tools
Updated version of MasterPiece for GTA Expliot:
* Score menu
Knights Tour
Hello World with MasterX Fonts
Random Pixels Demo
You can also check the original release forum for the add-on here
...and the release thread for Masterpiece - 2.6 here
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January 21st, 2006, 09:38 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has updated his Tetris game to work on the Censored German version of Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories for the PSP, heres the info:
This package allows you to run GTA homebrew on the German censored (16+) version of Grand Theft Auto. It's a simple demonstration that homebrew games are possible for PSP firmwares v2.0, v2.01, v2.5
and v2.6 via the GTA savegame exploit. It is also a test of the general-purpose GTA loader that will be used as the basis for running the EBOOT loader on v2.01+. It also allows you to run up to 4 other GTA-ready homebrew applications, using 4 spare save-slots. This version is only for the German censored version of the game.
Awesome stuff, download via comments 
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January 21st, 2006, 10:42 Posted By: wraggster
miemt11 has released a new version of his PMP Converter for the Media Player by Jonny that plays Xvid/Avi files, heres whats new:
Here is what's new in this release:
Change from version 0.07 (small update)
1: Allow you to direct transfer of your encoded PMP video to PSP
2: add a short-cut to open your PSP Video folder
3: minor fix
Download and feedback at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17471
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January 21st, 2006, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
PSP owners craving some stealth action won't have to wait much longer. At the conclusion of Sam Fisher's Double Agent exploits, the story continues on Sony's handheld in Splinter Cell Essentials. Pro-G has nine new screenshots of the game, which Ubisoft says will be both a sequel to Double Agent, and a prequel to the entire series.
Sam's previous portable outings haven't scored as high as their console counterparts, but this entry will feature all of the weapons and items from the previous games (in addition to new gear), and a Wi-Fi spy-versus-spy multiplayer mode. Essentials is tentatively scheduled for a late March release.
Heres the link to the screens --> http://www.pro-g.co.uk/media/1276/
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January 21st, 2006, 13:23 Posted By: wraggster
Ok got a press release sent to me about a new Handheld to play Sega games (Genesis i presume). The handheld is licensed by Sega and it will have cartridges or tv games with 10 or 20 games that will plug into the handheld, it does sound a bit vague at the moment but for those interested check out our Dreamcast Site for the full info.
More to come on this subject.
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January 21st, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
The PlayStation 2's World Rally Championship series is making its way to the PSP under the name WRC: FIA World Rally Championship. The latest issue of Famitsu revealed the first details of the game, which is slated for release in Japan this March.
The biggest difference in WRC: FIA World Rally Championship for the PSP is that the game allows multiplayer games. The racer will allow for up to eight players to simultaneously compete with each other via wireless connection in ad hoc mode.
Like previous releases, WRC: FIA World Rally Championship is officially licensed from the FIA international racing league, and includes all the machines that raced in 2005, as well as six concept cars. The game features 16 stages based on real courses from the World Rally Championship's 2005 season, including tracks in Spain, Mexico, New Zealand, Greece, Great Britain, Turkey, Argentina, Cyprus, France, and Japan.
Realistic weather and time of day will effect not only the game's visuals, but also each car's handling--for example, driving will be a lot tougher when there's rain or snow covering the road. Cars in the game are modeled after their real-life counterparts and will actually take and show damage when they crash.
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January 21st, 2006, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Ema has released a new version of TwinTail LDE which is a text editor written in Lua, this release now comes in English & Japanese versions. Heres whats new:
2.0 -> 2.1:
- Added OSK selector(by plugin)
- Added new OSK
- Modified skin
- Modified file selector
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January 21st, 2006, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
MIB.42 has released MSTest which is a Memory Stick benchmark utility for the PSP.
Heres the info from the coder:
I just got my new SanDisk 2GB MemoryStick Pro ( the light blue one ) and run the R/W tests. Read speed is same as the 512M one ( 14.3 MB/s ), but the write speed dropped a bit compared to the 512M ( 4.3MB/s vs. 5.2MB/s ), but this should be fine and still pretty good...
I also cleaned up the memorystick test program which I attach. Can be interesting to run it on those HDD devices...
Assigned buttons :
X - HELP screen
SELECT - Clear Screen
Up/Down - Change test data size
Shoulder - Test data size +- 1KB
Left/Right - Test data size +- 128KB
Square/Circle - Test data size +- 8MB
Triangle - Change the number of R/W tests
START - Start the tests
During Test :
Square - Cancel Write Test
Triangle - Cancel Read Test
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January 21st, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
PLynx has once again updated his Atari Lynx emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:

<blockquote>I'm glad to announce you the last PLynx version .... with better sound support !!!
!! ATTENTION : Due to the support of the analog stick, the configuration files (/cfgs/*.cfg) are not compatible anymore.
!! Please delete all the .cfg files in /cfgs/ .
- Better sound support !!
- Fake lynx bios detection error
- Analog stick support during game, option to change the sensibility of the analog stick
- Corrected : emulator crashes when trying to move the cursor up past the rom at the top of the list.</blockquote>
Download at the Official PLynx Homepage
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January 22nd, 2006, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has released another great new Loader for the PSP, heres the details:
In response to popular demand, I helped the chaps over at PSP3D to put together a homebrew package for the GTA exploit that lets you place the GTA homebrew of your choice into any of 5 homebrew-loader game slots. This means that you can easily pick from your 5 favourite GTA homebrews. Although you can't change the names of the save slots, you can place your own icons in there if you replace the ICON0.PNG file in each slot, so it's easy to tell them apart.
More info:
Unzip the contents of this package into the /psp/savedata folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing savegame that uses slots 3,4,5,6 or 7, then this will be overwritten by the Tetris savegame.
You can see which slots you are using by the folder names - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX : X is the slot number.
Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the Tetris savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the Tetris game should start. To quit the game, you will need to hold your power button for 10 seconds. The HOME button doesn't work, this is a known problem.
This package comes with 5 homebrew savegame slots. You can use these to choose between your 5 favourite GTA-ready homebrew applications. To copy a GTA homebrew into place:
- Decide which slot you want to use. Tetris uses slot 5 by default.
- Copy the "tetris.bin" file from your new GTA homebrew into the ULES00182SX folder - where 'X' is the slot number you have chosen.
- Optionally, copy an ICON0.PNG (for the game icon) and a PIC1.PNG (for the larger game picture, seen in the savegame manager) into the folder, to make it easier to remember. You need to follow the format of the existing PNGs in the folder.
There are 3 versions of the folders in this package, to cover all known versions of the game. You only really need the version appropriate to your copy of the game, which is:
ULES00182S* for German GTA
ULUS10041S* for US GTA
ULES00151S* for all other versions.
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January 22nd, 2006, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
Percival has updated his Penguin Scramble game for PSPs using the GTA Save Hack, heres what he says:
Finally finished it, with working highscores this time. Download it here.
Click here fore a screenshot.
Screenshot and download below
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January 22nd, 2006, 06:13 Posted By: Tromedlov
(News Submission)
This is Chong 1.1 Lua App!
Chong is a spiced up clone of pong for lua player.
There are 35 funny sound effects in Chong.
First to score 5 points Chongs (beats) the opponent.
Chong is a 1 player game with an intelligent AI.
Don't be discouraged, it is possible to win (I have tested it).
The perfected difficulty level has made this game rather addicting, enjoy!
Press select to exit.
You will need lua player to play this game.
Just place the included "PSP" folder on your psp.
- Tromedlov
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Xodiac21 has released a rather cool Demo for the PSP that has flashing lines/colours.
Dont take my word though, download via comments
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
SG57 has released a mini-game/trainer called Stopper 69. Heres the info from the coder:
This is my little mini~game homebrew game / Trainer because first off...it's a game and secondly, it's a good example of how a first time dev should start, small to big.
The source code of this is also included so all the new devs out there can take a look and learn a few shortcut lines of code and how to use some lines of code properly (blitting multiple images, making one entire backround, using bools, the '} else {' function, etc.). This also incorporates almost all the Lessons together into one source code so theres no more worrying about losing or forgetting how to define a variable, make a table, booling, etc.
Thanks go to everyone who is involved in the PSPDEV scene (via PSPSDK, toolchain, cygwin, etc.)
And of course, thanks goes to Brad Dwyer (aka Yeldarb) for making the Lessons on programming to get me started.
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nero the creators of easily the best Burning Software have on thier PSP page a load of Movie Trailers for the PSP, heres the list:
Fun With Dick and Jane
Into The Blue
Memoirs of a Geisha
Oliver Twist
The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
The Fog
The Gospel
The Legend Of Zorro
The Pink Panther
Underworld: Evolution
Check out the site here --> http://trailer.nerodigital.com/enu/PSP.html
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
PsPmad has released a rather cool beatemup written in Lua for the PSP called Little Fighter 2 (Beta v1.60), heres the info:
This New updates is to test the NPC's
I’ve been working on this since the last release.
New Features:
Character can walk now
NPC are now characters not Bombs they fight back.
Cleaned Up some off the codes
Going to be features:
I’ve been testing out the new Lua features
and I’m looking at the WIFI compatibility
I think it possible to send small bits off code
through it so that two people can play with each other
using WIFI. But still lots off work to be done.
Going to add:
New menu
Options Ex: Sound, Speed, and Brightness Lv
WIFI Compatibility
Character Selection screen
Add your own music (with options to change during game play)
game play menu
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January 22nd, 2006, 13:48 Posted By: wraggster
SmayDS has now released an updated Vector Infector (look at the screenshots here) that works on v2.0 firmware:
Heres the info for all users (well below 2.01 anyway)
<blockquote>1.5 users:
Copy the 'vector' and 'vector%' folders to the GAME folder in the PSP folder of your memory stick. Play.
1.0 and 2.0 users:
Copy the 'vector' folder to the GAME folder in the PSP folder of your memory stick.
If you want a proper icon (and background, for 1.0 users), copy the EBOOT.PBP file from the '1.0 EBOOT' folder into the 'vector' folder on your memory stick. This isn't mandatory.
2.0 users only:
Use Fanjita's 0.9 eboot loader, plskthx. That's what it's been tested with. It won't run with 0.3, and I haven't tried 0.7 or 0.85.
Reboot your PSP. Completely. Don't put it to sleep; turn it off. Otherwise (sigh) the MP3 library probably won't start up, regardless of whether or not I release the sound channels. So you'll get sound effects, but no music. Nggghhhh. But the game will run.
Start the game from the eboot loader.
New keys:
Start switches music. If you want more music, just convert your mp3's to 44.1kHz, 32kbps, mono (too much of a CPU drain otherwise). You can have 3 tracks, titletune1.mp3 -> titletune3.mp3. If a particular song is missing, it doesn't care.
Select+Rtrigger dumps a TGA screenshot into the game's directory. Don't know why I didn't put a TGA header on the raw file to start with!
Select+Start quits. No more power-button-holding. *EDIT: You can just hold Home too, that works fine.
Remember, if it doesn't run: Reboot your PSP. It works fine here on 2.0.
It is still very much a beta, so aside from the explosions being toned down, nothing else has changed. I'm working on that now!</blockquote>
As usual download via comments.
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January 22nd, 2006, 16:09 Posted By: LostJared
(News Submission by LostJared)
This is a library i been workin on to make a shell for my and (hopefully others) games.. This is still very early in development so dont expect it to run 100% perfect.
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January 22nd, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: tomy
(News Submission)
We are the Mach-one team.
We have finished our latest project, a freeware PSP game, called Vortex!, It's a spaceship-skill game, with a controlling similar to Stardust (Amiga). If You want to know more about the game, and/or to download it, please visit our website at: http://www.mach-one.hu (finally we have the domain).
Please, if it's possible, do not upload the game to Your site, but place a link instead, because we have to know correctly, how many people downloads it, to determine our future developments. There will be additional levelpacks, wich will be downloadable soon. If You want a UNIQUE level pack, please complete our little questionnaire at: http://www.mach-one.hu/questionnaire.php , and we will send one (which won't be collectable in other way) via e-mail. To make it clear, we will NOT use Your e-mail address to send spams etc.. and we will NOT give it to a 3rd person. (The truth is, that the mailaddress will not be saved, we use it only to send the bonus-pack). This questioner is really important for us, because with those informations we can create better stuffs for the users.
Thanx for Your attention!
The Mach-one team.
(To Comply please visit the site above for downloads)
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January 22nd, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
The Coder who is behind the NeoGeo CD Emulator for Windows called NEOGEO CDZ Emulator has updated his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.1 now). The translation from google is poor as usual but here it is:
<blockquote>* Unless load there is a picture, being to be lonesome, it corresponded. With option it can make invalid.
* Several part which unpalatably processes with version before was corrected. </blockquote>
Anyone who can translate it better please do.
Anywa download this new release and let us know if its any better in any areas, downloads and feedback via comments
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January 22nd, 2006, 20:08 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumgauge has updated his simple file browser for PSP.
Heres whats new:
Added side scrolling, the analog stick will produce high speed side scrolling
Modified the background viewing algorithm
Increased the maximum number of characters allowed on 1 line
Added help via the triangle key
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January 22nd, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker has released a new version of his continuation of Yoyofrs original Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
<blockquote>Version 0.7.2
- The copy-protected neocd games don't need to be cracked anymore (as in
version 0.5). It was a very primitive copy protection system !
- Adjust fps to 59 fps : nam 1975 intro was obviously too fast in 0.7.1
(not in sync with cdaudio sound).
- The music not playing in the kof serie seems to be fixed.
- The path of the last rom loaded is saved now when you exit the emulator</blockquote>
Download at our Comprehensive NeoGeoCD Emulator download page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml
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January 22nd, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Jonny's AVI & More Media Player for the PSP has been updated
Whats New:
All the problems in the "Common problems" section are corrected
Muxer: improved avi parser (more compatibility and support up to 4GB avis)
Muxer: improved mp3 parser (more compatibility, wild search for mp3 frames)
Muxer: a log file is written at the end (GUI programmers can use the last line of this log for error checking)
Muxer: the tk version should run on linux with no modifications now (please someone should confirm this)
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January 22nd, 2006, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
antiroC has released Ms Driller for the PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>Here's a quick port of a Mr Driller clone, called Ms Driller.
Original game by Adas
Lower res graphics taken from the GP2X port by Kfazz
I have modified the controls a bit to try and compensate for the PSP's crappy diagonal movement handling, so the controls are:
Move: Analog or Dpad
Dig/Drill: Circle
You can also use the L & R shoulder buttons to jump up/left and up/right.
Only tested on 1.5 firmware and seems to work fine - should also work on 2.0 if someone wants to test it out....
Todo - make it higher res and improve the readability of the ingame text and possibly add some background music....
edit: changed controls info...</blockquote>
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January 22nd, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita the master of the Eboot Loader and a member of our forums, has posted this news on his site:
<blockquote>Ditlew and I made some breakthroughs today with the EBOOT loader for GTA, and I'm so excited I thought I'd share the news, since we've been hammering away at this problem for weeks now, and it feels like we're starting to get somewhere.
Last night we finally managed to remove what is believed to be the last traces of GTA from the PSP's memory, and we appear to have full user-mode control over all the available memory and resources (with the exception, of course, of flash memory).
So far this hasn't translated into everything magically-working, including the loader menu, but we have run the first homebrew game using the EBOOT loader - "PSP Rick Dangerous".
So, there's still a lot of work to do, but it's coming along nicely.
This also seems like an opportune moment to properly introduce Ditlew, although we've been working together since the start of the EBOOT Loader for GTA project. He's a 30-year-old Dane working as a lead programmer, with a past in the gaming scene and a strong passion for AI - not to mention a sharp mind and a lot of determination.</blockquote>
Great work Fanjita and Ditlew, are Sony going to be pissed at this 
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki released a new version of FlashMod, heres the full details:
<blockquote>FlashMod Version 2.0 for PSP Version 1.5
WARNING: If you used FlashMod 1.0 or 1.5 to change Backgrounds please Restore the Default Backgrounds with 2.0 and install your custom background again. This is due to the original writing to flash code when it couldn't find a file it would just write it as 0 bytes.
New Features
.:UMD 2.00 or higher support:.
Not yet finished and requires a 2.00+ Firmware in the root of your Memory Stick in the folders "Flash0" and "Flash1". Right now the only fix i have is a untested SOCOM fix. (Edit: I was told SOCOM does not work) It will also run your UMD's at 333Mhz for the CPU and 166Mhz for GPU. This will not write to your Firmware or UMD.
.:UMD Loading support:.
This will runs UMD's without 2.00 or higher support. It will also run your UMD's at 333Mhz for the CPU and 166Mhz for GPU. Which means Faster Loading time and smoother Gameplay.
.:Change XMB Menu Names:.
This will let you change your XMB Menu Names just follow these steps:
1. Extract the Utilities folder on to your Desktop.
2. Go into the Utilities folder and run "PSPMenuEdit.exe"
3. Now select you Language and click on the button [...] under [Edit topmenu_plugin.rco]
4. Now select [topmenu_plugin.rco] which should be located in the utilities folder.
5. Once you are done editing all your Menu Names just click [Patch File] and copy the [topmenu_plugin.rco] out of the utilities folder to the root of you Memory Stick.
6. Now go into FlashMod and select [Install Custom XMB Menu Names] and your done.
.:Even safer writing:.
Now will not write if it can't find the file and will display the [Flash Complete] Picture longer.
.:Version used Info:.
Now if you are unsure of what version you have used of FlashMod just go to your XMB (Cross Media Bars) and go to [Settings]-[System Settings]-[About PSP™] and after it shows the copyright information it should tell you "Firmware Flashed with: FlashMod Version 2.00"
.:New Graphical User Interface:.
Now with discriptions for all the features included on the GUI.
.:New Agreement:.
The new agreement is due to FlashMod being Open Source and Public Domain which could cause people to download a Version of FlashMod that might not be from Orbis PSP Development. So for yours protection I urge you not to download FlashMod if it does not say Orbis PSP Development. As for people that want to release their own version of FlashMod please tell me before releasing any unofficial versions.
I Agree by downloading FlashMod Version 2.0 that I relinquish Orbis PSP Development of any liabilities concerning the software effect on my PSP.</blockquote>
Please read and understand fully the newspost above before downloading via comments.
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
fchaos has released a new file browser for Lua, heres what the coder says:
I got tired of the same old Lowser interface, so I decided to make a file browser. It has the basics right now, neat interface, file browsing, execution of Lua scripts, and an image viewer. You may change some settings in the index.lua to suit your needs. Suggestions and comments are welcome.
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
dbeyer3069 has released Url2PSP, heres the details from his site:
<blockquote>This service is FREE and allows you to transfer URLs of files you would like to download to your PSP by entering them here. The PSP unit will connect to this web site, login using the MAC address of your PSP, transfer your list of desired file URLs and then download them.
The URLs you enter will be stored for up to 7 days in this website’s database. In the current version, you must remove the URLs from our database yourself, or wait for the system to purge them automatically after 7 days. In a future release, URL2PSP will automatically remove them for you. For simplicity and your privacy, we are asking for your MAC address instead of an email address.
NOTE: Although this web site only serves as a way to make downloading to the PSP easier and does not do any file transfers itself or store any files, please don’t use this service to aid in the downloading of any illegal or copyrighted materials. Your cooperation is appreciated.
To get started or to sign back in, please enter your MAC address. Your MAC address appears in the LOWER LEFT CORNER of the URL2PSP program screen as well as in the System Settings of the PSP.
Updates will be provided on a regular basis. Please check back for updated versions.</blockquote>
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Trevor Wilson has ported the Classic robotfindskitten to the PSP, heres the details:
Yet another portable zen simulation. Based on original DOS robotfindskitten by Leonard Richardson. Ported to PSP by Trevor Wilson (myself). Uses messages from robotfindskitten Java by Brian Enigma. Uses pg.c and pg.h from nem's hellopsp.
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:29 Posted By: miemt11
(News Submission)
Latest version of Mallocs Mod for the PSP Media Player(M4.01) :
- added Jonny's 1.01 fixes
- added alphabetical sorting of files in selection menu
- added USB activation in selection menu (refresh file list with START)
- fixed small slowdown creating more audio drop than the previous versions (it should be as quick as the first versions now)
- fixed interface.tga hardcoded path -> the path to the pbp can now be renamed
- fixed small buffer clear bug whith zoom mode changes
- fixed small precision problem with luminosity boost
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Welcome to the "ump-teenth" edition of the "PS3 might be delayed" saga, this time per Forbes Magazine. Regarding the issue of when the console will launch, the author writes: "Sony's last word on this remains spring 2006, but almost nobody believes it — at least not for the North American launch — because of a history of delays for previous products. Thanksgiving looks to be a better bet, at least to Evan Wilson, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities."
The article suggest that Sony staying mum on details only hurts the PS3's chances of success. In Sony's defense, doesn't staying quiet about a launch date and price keep its competitors on their toes while keeping consumers anxious for the product a la Apple Computer?
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January 23rd, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Linkers4u.com have the newest product for the PS2, details below:

Product Features
Designed for PSTwo model SCPH-7000X to 7500X
Does not void the warranty of PSTwo
Fast and Easy installation, no need to open your PSTwo
The lip of PSTwo can be open and close as normal
More Description
By this new version of Magic Switch, you can close the console cover when using swapmagic disc!! Magic Switch is designed for use with Swap Magic discs V3 on the PS2 SCPH-7000X. Easy and simple installation.
The newly added component (Tool E) is specially designed for the latest model of PS2 Slim, such as, Ceramic White and Satin Silver PS2 Slim. The advantage of Tool E is that you do not need to unscrew the case of your PS2 Slim (If you install Tool D, you need to open the case of the PS2 Slim). Just follow the installation guide and you will install the Magic Switch Pro V3 easily and quickly.
Compare this to the price of the mod chips on the market today. You save time and money. You can remove or place any time you like without taking any screw from the case of the PS2.
1. Tool D and E are designed for the new model of PS2 Slim, such as Ceramic White and Satin Silver.
2. Once you installed the Tool E, you do not need to install Tool C or Tool D.
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January 23rd, 2006, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
ntba2 has released an awesome new version of his multi-purpose tool for the PS2.
Current features of myPS2
- Browse pictures from HDD, CD/DVD or USB
- Thumbnail preview and image zoom
- Create and manage files and directories on HDD, Memory Cards, USB
- Recursively copy and delete directories and files
- Launch other software from HDD, MC, CD and USB
- FTP server running in the background allowing you to easily copy files
from and to your PS2
- threaded MP3 player that plays MP3s from CD, HDD or USB
- Shoutcast radio client
- Shoutcast station browser
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January 23rd, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
danzel has released a new app for the PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>A Program that lets you read the front page news from a limited amount of news type sites, Currently:
slashdot (rss feed)
apple (rss feed)
To Do:
Add more feeds.
Add picture and comment viewing to **********.
Fix some characters.
Add general rss reader (mostly done)
Release under GPL (its not GPL licensed atm so don't ask for the code, I'll release it when I'm ready to)
Go to bed.
To Not Do:
Write a complete web browser.
Add anything I don't want to.
Not tested on 2.00, should probally work...
Any suggestions of feeds/sites/features to add, post em in this thread </blockquote>
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January 23rd, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Team XodiMac and Lil_fred have released a rather cool demo that looks like Lava Lamps you get in kiddies bedrooms, rather cool too.
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January 23rd, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Galaxy have released a new issue of their Mag, heres whats new:
Silent Hill Movie Trailer
Interview with Steve Purita from EA Canada Reviews of Ape Escape Academy, PQ Intelligence Quotient and Kindgdom of Paradise.
Terranova Weekly Comic
Plus the regular goodies and more!
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January 23rd, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
Matthias Graffe has released a new app for V2.60 PSPs only, heres the details:
<blockquote>First download, install and configure Hfs with this how: to: http://psp.servegame.com
Now share your MP3 Dir and use this path in the MP3 RSS Feeder.
Create a RSS Folder and share it with Hfs and use the path in the MP3 RSS Feeder. For later use, you can also edit the index.html, and use the folder as link for the RSS Music Button, then a simple click on the Button is enough to reach the RSS Folder, for adding new items.
I hope you have Folders with Artistname 1, Artistname 2, Artistname 3, ... in your Shared MP3 Folder, then you can use the "Use Subfolders" Method - means setting the RSS Filename, -Title and Discr auto by Subfolder Name (only works on the first level of the Shared Music Folder).
Choose a MP3 Folder to seed (MP3 Folder 2 feed) and seed it, now you can just enter your PSPortal and open your RSS Files.
Have Fun streaming your whole MP3 Archive local or over the Internet ;-)
Use path.dat.org without .org if MP3 RSS Feeder crashs at start because of wrong loaded path. </blockquote>
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January 23rd, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
PsPmad has updated his Beatem up written in Lua, heres what the coder said:
<blockquote>I've been working on this since yesterday and have finished some of it. I'm am releasing a test demo to the public so i can see iff people enjoy the concept of this release so please enjoy...
New add ons:
Intro to game
New menu
added exit from game
(But it doesnt exit it just restarts the game)
added some credits(thanks to Lumo)
and ive added an option menu but its still says Coming soon.</blockquote>
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January 23rd, 2006, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesindustry
Electronic Arts has confirmed that its movie licensed gangster romp, The Godfather, will not be appearing on PSP or Microsoft's next-generation Xbox 360 console when the game hits retail stores in March.
Already the subject of various development delays, The Godfather was originally scheduled for release in the fourth quarter of 2005, during the industry's busiest sales period as consumers prepare for Christmas. The initial change in release dates, pushing the title to March 2006, prompted analysts to lower their estimates for the company's full-year performance.
Development on current generation platforms, including PC, PS2 and Xbox is almost complete for the Mature-rated title, and the game is on schedule for a simultaneous multi-format release in March.
Speaking to Gamesindustry.biz this morning, an EA representative confirmed the release of current generation versions is definitely on track, adding that a release date for the PSP and Xbox 360 versions has yet to be officially announced, effectively denying rumours of additional development delays.
At the time of writing, EA would only confirm that the next-gen and PSP versions will be released at some stage during the company's 2007 fiscal period, which begins 1st April 2006
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January 23rd, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Source Spong
One of SPOnG’s all time favourite Dreamcast and PS2 games, Sega’s sublime music-shooter Rez, is rumoured to be in development for PSP.
Shacknews.com reported over the weekend that, according to their source at Sega, a PSP port of Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s classic is "...sounding like a pretty sure thing".
Whilst a handheld version of this classic videogame would seem to make total sense to the hardcore Sega faithful, it might not make as much sense to Sega’s bottom line-driven sales teams. SPOnG hates to be the voice of commercial reason, but it also has to be remembered that neither versions of Rez sold in any significant numbers.
The game is one of those strange things – a critically-lauded, much-loved classic that very few people actually bought or played. On the other hand, for this very reason, it could well be given the ICO treatment, with a polished PS2 re-release coming out alongside a PSP version, thus making the game actually available again, outside of rare CEX sightings.
SPOnG spoke to our sources at Sega UK this morning who refused to comment on the rumour.
Ah well, we sure hope that we do get to see Rez on PSP soon, although we will wait to hear confirmation directly from Sega before we get too overexcited.
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January 23rd, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
kennethdm has released a new game for the PSP, heres the info from the coder:
<blockquote>This is my first homebrew attempt, it's a simple game, but not so easy to win. The goal is simple, you have to find out what the secret code is.
Using left and right on your analog pad, you select the circle.
Using up and down you change the cirle's color.
If you are satisfied with the colors of the row, press cross,
now the little circles will show how good your guess was:
-the number of green circles is the number of correct colors at the correct place
-the number of blue circles is the number of correct colors at the incorrect place
This game is limited to 6 attempts, it is based on mini mastermind which is a mini version of the original mastermind.
If feedback is positive, I plan on expanding the game with the following:
-more (and harder) game modes
-high score list
-two player mode (one player inputs the code, the other one has to crack it)
for any (constructive) feedback: homebrew.psp@gmail.com / or this thread</blockquote>
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January 23rd, 2006, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.2 now). The translation from google is poor as usual but here it is:
<blockquote> * Frame processing of skip was modified.
* Automatic frame skip was added.
* In addition correction.
Anyone who can translate it better please do.
Anyway download this new release and let us know if its any better in any areas, downloads and feedback via comments
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January 23rd, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Arwin has ported his Keyboard app Psprint to Lua, heres the info:
<blockquote>I have now completed porting p-sprint to lua (see http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=2913 for more info on the c version of p-sprint )
This contains the following files:
The psprint.lc is a lua include file for easy use.
The index.lua is an example of how to use the include file to read p-sprint like text input.
(It's my first lua program and (thus obviously) the first time I made an include file - things may therefore look very messy, but at least it works; input is appreciated )
I will post my process here as I did in my p-sprint thread, and input is more than welcome.
- keychars
- keycodes
- keynames
- keygroups
- modifiers
- key repeat
- make into lua include
Still to do:
- trainer
- the wrapper functions for readex (e.g. the blocking calls like getChar)
- allow user-configuration of keymaps (all six available ones)</blockquote>
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January 24th, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source C&VG
A few details have emerged on Killzone: Liberation, a spin-off from the first-person shooter series that's infiltrating PSP. Liberation, which is being developed by Guerilla Games, ditches the first-person viewpoint for a third-person angle, implying that tactical gameplay has been given greater consideration in this title. According to a report in Official PlayStation Magazine, the storyline follows on from the plot of Killzone on PS2, players reprising the role of killer trooper Jan Templar. Armed with an array of new firepower and attacks, he'll be battling the militaristic separatist faction Helghast.
Screenshots from Liberation are doing the internet rounds, but if we posted them here large men in balaclavas and wielding big guns would break down the office door and wheel us away to never be seen again. Still, from what we've seen, graphically it's pretty decent with the pics showing industrial/headquarters environments; and with plenty of cover apparent, it's clear that stealth is going to play a role too. In fact, looking at the shots it reminds us a little of the first Metal Gear Solid game.
Sony was unavailable from comment on Killzone: Liberation at the time of writing so no further info from that quarter just yet, but hopefully we'll have more details - including official screenshots - soon.
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January 24th, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
We already posted a week or so ago about the emergence of the PSIX replacement shell project and today a feature list of that project has been unveiled, heres the listing:
<blockquote>Features to be included for launch day :
- Eboot/UMD Launching with Psix callback
- Fully featured audio player
- Audio player playlist with shuffle, repeat, loop etc.
- Image viewer
- CPU Speed adjustment
- Customizable eboot icons
- File manager
- Two professional skins, Default and Termina
- Module management system
- Customizable backgrounds
Features for future releases :
- Network functionality, updating, downloading and sharing
- Video playback (may make it for release)
- Advanced boot configuration (2.00 eboot support)
- RSS reader
Modules :-
- Ski-Free
- Text reader/editor
- Notebook
- PBP (Psix Basic Painter)
- Psix Calendar/Scheduler </blockquote>
Hmm paying for homebrew is a no no just like paying for homebrew downloads and lets be fair any site that does that deserves the beating Sony will no doubt give them, Dreamcast Fans will remember Bleemcast and what Sony did there with lawsuits etc. Lets keep our Homebrew scene free, sure all coders deserve our donations but paying for homebrew and other ideas like paying for premium membership and downloads must never be entertained by the mainstream.
Agree or disagree ? answer via the comments
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January 24th, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Simon sent me this news:
www.psptree.co.uk are offering a new bolt-on to the existing PSP screen replacement service. They are also providing a faceplate fitting service where you can choose from 10 faceplate colours and they will fit it at the same time as doing the screen replacement. New faceplates are available for £14.99 including VAT and labour. Faceplates are also available for sale separately. Also for sale are sets of different coloured buttons, and spare battery covers.
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January 24th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: Jman0708
(News Submission)
HEY GUYS!!! once again i update counter strike for psp
read the readme file for info on lvls and guns
The New Lvls dat will shock all is.........
if anyone has any consurns or stuff pm/im me or go to the new post named
"counterstrike 2.6 Updates/requests"
--NOTE: the abaove thread is on my sig just click!"--
Hope At least a few people like it
(Download/Feedback via comments)
DOWNLOAD REMOVED - Reason: Used Sin'pls work without permission! - MGFox
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January 24th, 2006, 08:01 Posted By: wraggster
Percival has released a multiplayer version of GTA Pong, heres some detail:
"This one is good if you have a friend nearby. It's basically GTA Pong without the 'computer' opponent. You hold the PSP vertically, with one end of the PSP in your hand, and the other end in your friend's hand. Move the paddle left and right and walla! Multiplayer using one PSP. Innovative!"
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January 24th, 2006, 16:09 Posted By: modsyn
hi fellow PSP-ers. i just finished an update to my LUA internet program
called LuaLinker. it's a neat idea especially for mp3blog visitors.
a neat trick (for psp-to-psp file sharing) is have someone start up
the psp web server (psphttpd v5) and you can use their IP address
as a bookmark. with this, you can download any file from their
memory stick.

and download here
please enjoy and leave feedback, thanks.
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January 24th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have some new packs of Faceplates for the PSP, heres the info:

Product Features
Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Includes plastic window located in front of the screen, as protection
Does not include buttons or screws (original screws and buttons supplied with PSP system must be swapped)
Necessitates removal of 7 screws on your PSP system (screwdriver included)
Exchanging faceplates will void your PSP system warranty
Includes Installation Pictures
Front Side only, no back side available
This repair part can be used in case your original faceplate got damaged
This product is not manufactured or approved by the console manufacturer
What's in the box
Screwdriver to open the PSP
Installation Pictures
Faceplate Metallic Dark Blue
Faceplate Metallic Gold
Faceplate Metallic Dark Green
Faceplate Metallic Bronze
Faceplate Metallic Pink
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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January 24th, 2006, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the 2nd new pack of Faceplates for the PSP, heres the info:

Product Features
Replace your boring faceplate with exclusive new colors
Includes plastic window located in front of the screen, as protection
Does not include buttons or screws (original screws and buttons supplied with PSP system must be swapped)
Necessitates removal of 7 screws on your PSP system (screwdriver included)
Exchanging faceplates will void your PSP system warranty
Includes Installation Pictures
Front Side only, no back side available
This repair part can be used in case your original faceplate got damaged
This product is not manufactured or approved by the console manufacturer
What's in the box
Screwdriver to open the PSP
Installation Pictures
Faceplate Metallic Light Blue
Faceplate Metallic Purple
Faceplate Anthracite Black
Faceplate Metallic Light Green
Faceplate Metallic Peach
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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January 24th, 2006, 18:46 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
Attention PS2 owners, this week we've got what you want, what you really really want [did I just type a line from the Spice Girls?! My little sister would probably love me for that... while I hate her for knowing about the existence of that damn band]. The big names on the menu include Final Fantasy, Samurai Spirits and Onimusha! First though, as a fan of wacky 'way out there' Japanese titles, I couldn't pass up the chance to mention Cooking Mama, due March 23rd for the NDS. As you can see from the screenshots further down, it's a cooking sim!
Similar to the Revolution tech demo, suddenly your NDS stylus slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries! In addition to knowing how to prepare a number of meals fit for human digestion (although sometimes our views and the Japanese can differ there!), you must get the presentation right too. Anyone who's played the cooking mini games in Eye Toy Play, or given Yoshinoya a spin will know how much crazy fun this can be. As for everyone else, you can find out by pre-ordering a copy today, then learning how to dish up scientifically studied whale left overs this March
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus - PS2
Square Enix's mammoth compilation of Final Fantasy VII continues this week with FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus on PS2. Timeline wise this is also the end, set after AC (Advent Children - The PSP movie), BC (Before Crisis - A mobile phone game), and CC (Crisis Core - An upcoming PSP title). Three years after the events of FF VII, events kick off here in the midst of the Revival Festival when Deep Group soldiers lay siege on the town of Kalm. This army of Shin-ra comes in search of Vincent Valentine, who far from a secret character, this time has the lead role. Packing some serious firepower, Dirge of Cerberus is a third person shooter with many RPG elements, and beyond a wide range of guns to choose from, Vincent can also transform into his Limit Breaks such as Galian Beast, Chaos and possibly more!
Not wanting to be compared to Devil May Cry, designer Tetsuya Nomura explains how it's more influenced by Half Life. Tetsuya was the character designer for the original FF VII, and many of these staff members also played their part in the 1997 epic, including Writer / Director / Producer, Yoshinori Kitase. So here we have a shooter with the brightest stars of Japan behind it, a storyline that expands on the most famous RPG of all time, and includes characters like Cloud Strife, Yuffie Kisaragi, Lucrecia Crescent, Hojo, Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, Cid Highwind, Cait Sith, Azul, Reeve Tuesti, Shelke, Shalua Rui, Rosso, Nero, Vice and more. It keeps getting better though with three online modes, starting with Team vs. team, then a free-for-all deathmatch, and finally a mission mode to gang up on a boss. Culminating in one hell of an action packed adventure, this dramatic ending finale to Final Fantasy VII arrives this very Thursday, and at the same time fans of the first game can still pick up both the original soundtrack, plus the fantastic piano collection right here.
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuten - PS2
SNK Playmore's Samurai Spirits (known as "Samurai Showdown" outside of its home land) has been going strong since 1993, and set in the early 1800's, pays great attention to realism, using authentic Japanese weapons and even background music. Along with its focus on quick powerful attacks, Samurai Spirits is a unique and spectacular 2D beat 'em up. When Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuten came out in arcades last year, players couldn't wait for the PS2 port, but this week that day has come.
Really outdoing themselves, SNK have packed an unbelievable 53 characters into the game! That's everyone from the all previous titles, including any hidden characters, plus 5 new comers to the arcade edition last year, and then on top of all that, 11 more fighters exclusive to this PS2 release! Also new to the home release, you can change character colors, select from an arranged soundtrack, or choose and edit styles from every single previous Samurai Spirits game. If you can't find or make one you like there, there's also three new styles, Beast, Evil and Fiesta. Then in addition to all the usual game modes, there's an extra Survival Mode to test your might. So grab your twin swords and get ready for the biggest Samurai Spirits ever! It's coming out before the end of the week.
Shin Onimusha Dawn of Dreams - PS2
Right behind Resident Evil, Megaman and Street Fighter is Capcom's 4th biggest franchise, Onimusha, and the next hit release has just arrived yesterday. If you haven't picked one up before, now's your chance as Capcom designed this sequel with the goal of it being totally accessible for newbies to the saga. The series is a third person action combat affair with a healthy side of puzzles and a rich story. Many characters and settings also come straight out of real Japanese history, giving the adventures a depth and spirit unmatched by other action titles. There's also some role playing elements present, such as level ups and charging power ready to unleash special magic attacks from certain weapons. Veterans needn’t worry however, as Capcom have worked hard to balance the number of storyline connections to past titles in order to make it something new comers won't get confused by.
That's just the tip of the ice burg with improvements however, next being real time 3D graphics being used instead of pre-rendered, and thus giving you the ability to control the camera. Dawn of Dreams is also more open, free and gameplay oriented, as opposed to the full on storytelling approach. For the first time you'll be wielding dual swords too, playing as an original character, Hideyasu Yuki. There's four other playable characters to choose too, including Jubei with her short katanas, Ohatsu and her guns, Tenkai with spears and staves, and Roberto with his strong fists and gauntlet. Each has around 15 weapons to find, a greatly increased number over past titles. You can also now team up with a character and switch between them in real time, and unlock an actual full 2 player co-op mode! Capcom are taking Onimusha to fantastic new heights, and best of all there's no more waiting, the game is already in stock right now. Preorders are on their way, new purchases are welcome.
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January 24th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Source Slashdot
Next Generation has a piece on an analyst's prediction that Sony's PSP will gain more ground on the Nintendo DS, here in the states, over the next five years. From the article: "SIG has compared year-by-year sales and estimates for the first five years of each machine's life, using sell-in and factory shipments. It points out that in its first year both PSP and DS managed around 13 million units each, with DS slightly ahead. Year two cumulative stats give PSP 25 million over DS' 22 million. In Year Three the difference rises to ten million (38m to 28m). In Year Four, PSP's lead has stretched to 15 million and to 20 million by Year Five." Though the PSP is now leading in the U.S., the DS is still king of the mountain in Japan.
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January 24th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamesradar
Koei's Samurai Warriors series is coming to PSP this spring in the form of Samurai Warriors: State of War.
The action strategy game allows gamers to re-enact battles from Japan's feudal past when warlords such as Nobunaga Oda, Shingen Takeda and Kenshin Uesugi struggled for control of the country.
The action is similar to Koei's other hack 'n' slasher, Dynasty Warriors, with your character slicing through clusters of enemy soldiers in open battlefields or booby-trapped citadels.
State of War has an all new story mode which allows you to align your characters with one army corp and experience the conflict from their perspective. Once that has been concluded you can choose another group to align with and chop your way down another story path.
There's also a competitive multiplayer option that allows up to four players to test their tactical nous and button mashing abilities against one another using PSP's Wi-Fi capability.
Samurai Warriors: State of War will be released for PSP on 24 March
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January 24th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Modsyn posted news of his new release:
<blockquote>LuaLinker v0.2 - Remote file grabber for the PSP by modsyn
This program allows you to grab files from the internet
from a list of websites you save on your memory stick.
new features (for preview):
Increased speed!! Now downloads are much much faster.
Added in-program menu
Added keyboard input (TTLDE style) for adding bookmarks from the program
Added "follow links" mode so you can use a link from an online site like a bookmark
Cleaner/optimized code
upcoming for full release:
A prettier skin from WraithLord (who does most graphics work for my apps)
Selectable input methods ( TTLDE/psprint/OSK )
*just a reminder that you can queue up songs (or links) by hitting
the right button at the download selection screen. to unmark a
selection, just hit left while it's selected. selected links are
indented so they are clearly visible</blockquote>
Screenshots and download at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17640
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January 24th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Submission posted at http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17636
<blockquote>Fastest DVD to PSP software launched
Makayama introduces PSP Media Studio 2.0
PRESS RELEASE 24-jan-2006
Introducing 300% faster conversions from DVD to PSP, Makayama Interactive announces the availability of PSP Media Studio 2.0. In less than 45 minutes a DVD can be transferred to the PSP. But also home movies, downloaded films and TV-series can be put on the PSP using only two clicks, making it the fastest and easiest product available on the market.
The software installs an encoding package on a Windows XP computer, users pick any video file from their harddrive, CD or DVD and the PSP Media Studio turns it into a compressed movie file, which will play on the MPEG4-mediaplayer on the PSP of the memorystick. The headset or the built-in speaker can be used to listen to the sound. Subtitled and foreign language DVDs are also supported. The software produces an amazingly sharp picture and stereo CD-quality sound.
The new version is 300% faster than other products and it adds greater flexibility to the user interface. In less than 45 minutes a DVD can be transferred to the PSP. No other software works this fast. PSP Media Studio is the ideal solution for frequent travellers or to keep the kids happy in the back of the car.
The software captures all content (AVI, MPEG1, DivX, XVID, VOB, ASF) on all drives (harddrive, CD, DVD, removable) and encodes it to PSP.
The free tryout version allows users to convert 3 minutes of all content and doesn’t expire. Runs on Windows XP/2000/NT.
The online download price is USD 32.95 (EUR 29.95). A free demo version is available. Existing users may upgrade for only $14.95.
Product page: http://www.makayama.com/dvdtopsp.html</blockquote>
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January 24th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
KennethDM has updated his Mastermind Homebrew game for the PSP, heres whats new in this version:
v1.01 24/01/05
-fixed double message when you won at last row
-"game could not be started" error should be solved
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January 24th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nayon has released v2 of his Metriod: Planets mod for the game Super Tux.
This game is now compatible with firmware 2.0.
Here are the features:
Title screen
Samus and environment
X-virus obtaining
Bullets act like metroid bullets instead of SuperTux bullets
Enemies don't disappear when they go offscreen
The screen can scroll both ways - almost done
Samus is always in a mode where she can shoot
Story - almost done
Still to do:
Music - Turns out Machina is doing this, great
Enemy sprites
Upgrades - seems far right now
Custom levels
Free transformation between morph ball and standing samus
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January 24th, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
PLynx the coder behind PLynx the Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP has released a new version of the Atari Lynx emulator, heres the info:
Here is the last PLynx version.
The firmware 1.5 package was tested with the Fanjita Loader and approuved
- New sound system for Fanjita Loader compatibility for firmware 2.0.
- New GUI.</blockquote>
New Screenshots of the emulator and the new release posted at the Official Site on the DCEmu Network Here --> http://plynx.dcemu.co.uk
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January 24th, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.2 now).
Googles translator is playing up for me so can anyone post via the comments
Anyway download this new release and let us know if its any better in any areas, downloads and feedback via comments
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January 24th, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who played the first release of Calisto will know its one of the best homebrew games on the PSP, today our friend rmedtx sent me this news:
<blockquote>I just want to let you know that the second level of Callisto is looking really cool. We are working really hard to get this one ready as soon as possible. Some new features are being added to the game: New enemies, a killer new boss, and some other improvements. Screenshoots coming soon.
We have installed a donate button in our fraglab website:
Callisto Site
Hopefully people help us donating some money. Two of our team members don't have PSPs yet.
I'm sure with 2 more PSPs we will be able to work faster and more efficiently.
Thanks for all your help and support!</blockquote>
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January 24th, 2006, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Rhythm is a homebrew drum machine for the Sony Playstation Portable.
Inspired by classic drum machines such as the Linndrum and Roland TR-series, PSP Rhythm has been created to use the simple, yet effective 16 step style drum sequencer. PSP Rhythm incorporates the use of audio sample playback instead of drum synthesis. PSP Rhythm has been directly influenced by one of our favorite modern drum machines, the Elektron MachineDrum. The most significant is our use of "parameter locks" (as used by the MachineDrum). Parameter locks enable you to change the pitch, volume, balance, start and end time per step to create moving, changing melodies and effects. This control over your sounds will give you much more creative freedom and allow you to not only use drums, but to use instruments in your music.
Thank you for all of your support!
01-24-2006 PSP Rhythm 3.0 Release! New Features: Reverse Drums, Start and End times per drum hit and Wave File output! These new features will let you create some amazing songs and then share them!
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January 25th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
PSPZones have released a new issue of their Weekly mag and at 70 pages long thats some going, heres whats in this issue:
OutRun 2006 Review
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review
XCM Seawalker Preview
News Summary of the Week
Homebrew Summary of the Week
And more!
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January 25th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
via PSPMagazine.com
In a world where everything is fake, This 24-year-old Polish model (Joanna Krupa) is the genuine article. Now this stunner is poised to take on Hollywood. Her upcoming flicks include The Dog Problem with Don Cheadle and Ripple Effect with Virginia Madsen—and that’s not counting her starring role in the forthcoming psychological thriller Sorority Asylum. This and much much more in this Stuff PSP Magazine release...
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January 25th, 2006, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
via PSPMagazine.com
Emmanuelle Vaugier... Where you've seen her: After meeting a gruesome end in Saw II, she is reborn as Charlie Sheen's love interest on Two and a Half Men. Jennifer Scholle... Where you've seen her: On TV more than the ball while her boyfriend, James Blake, made a run at the U.S. Open. Sheetal Sheth... Where you've seen her: The sexy Indian guide in Albert Brooks' new flick, Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World.
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January 25th, 2006, 07:19 Posted By: LostJared
(News Submission by LostJared)
MasterX written by Jared Bruni
Graphics by Pedro
KDE Theme
Console with the ability to add your own commands.
- Controls
Left Trigger/Right trigger to shift dimensions
Circle to click the mouse joystick to move the mouse
Select to Open the keyboard.
The games inside there own dimensions have there own controls..
- LostJared
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January 25th, 2006, 07:25 Posted By: LostJared
(News Submission by LostJared)
Just a simple 3D wireframe Cube that you can rotate by using the D-pad .. full source included..
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January 25th, 2006, 07:57 Posted By: wraggster
Gary13579 has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details:
PSP News Reader v0.1 beta
Now writes XML feeds to separate locations for each feed (timestamp in filename soon?)
Updated the URL to my RSS feed
Fixed a bug where it wouldn't download the modshark feed then crash
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January 25th, 2006, 08:00 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has done it again, heres the news he posted earlier:
<blockquote>We finally made a more solid breakthrough with the EBOOT loader for GTA tonight. Not only does the menu now work properly, but I've also managed to run the uo_SNES9x emulator, and play the Pilotwings ROM (the only one I have), on both v2.0 and v2.5.
At the moment everything is hanging together with a pretty nasty hack. Ideally I'd like to get that fixed up before release, but it's more likely that we'll decide to release things as they currently are, and iron out that issue later.
Please note that lots of basic homebrew is still not working, but I thought that getting SNES emulation running was a big enough milestone to celebrate! Also, if we do decide to release, it will take a few days to knock the code into a releasable format. </blockquote>
Awesome stuff eh 
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January 25th, 2006, 10:32 Posted By: MadMonkee
(News Submission)
I had written a program before to change the name of the folders to a longer name which after I believe 33rd character PSP didn't recognize but then some "folder specific" homebrew wouldn't run properly. So I noticed PSP lists the icons according to folder's creation date, and made a program which finds your PSP drive (as best as it can) and changes the % folder's creation date to the current time which moves the "Corrupt Data" folders waay into the bottom of the Game list. It's not as good as "completely invisible" but still rather visually pleasing :P
The README is not "really" necessary but people always ask so here it is.
First from the above combo box select your PSP drive. The program takes a good guess at what it already is, but just to be sure select it yourself. After you have selected the PSP drive click the button below. After you have clicked it, you will notice all the Corrupt Data icons have moved to the bottom of the list.
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January 25th, 2006, 12:45 Posted By: LostJared
(News Submission by LostJared)
Use the D-pad to move around.. Full Source is included..
- Download this new 3D Demo for the PSP with A massive screenshot via the comments
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January 25th, 2006, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new accessory released today:

Product Features
Mounts your PSP to the back of the driver or passengers seat rail bolt.
Spring-loaded mounting cradle
Bundled with a Flexible Steel Gooseneck Pedestal
Features the new spring-loaded mounting cradle specific for the Sony PSP bundled with a Flexible Steel Gooseneck pedestal.
A solution able to mount from the back of the car’s driver or passenger seat rail bolt. This mount is designed for a semi-permanent installation, and tooling is required to tighten onto the vehicle.
More info Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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January 25th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Another new accessory for the PSP :

Product Features
Mounts your PSP to your car's window, dash or console with 3M adhesive or provided screws
Features a super strong suction cup that can be mounted to any window in the vehicle
Easily transferable from one car to another
Easily mount the Sony PSP to your car's windows, dash, or console. The tower suction mounting kit features a super strong suction cup that can be mounted to any window in the vehicle. Best of all, it can be easily transferred from one vehicle to another.
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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January 25th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
In Japan, would-be pop stars can now download tunes and practice singing their favorite songs through their PSPs. Taito, one of the country's major karaoke providers, today announced that it has launched a karaoke download service for the PSP on Portable TV, a Sony Web site dedicated to PSP content.
The selection of karaoke songs currently encompasses Japanese pop music, songs from popular anime shows, and TV theme songs. At this time the site offers only about 70 songs, but Taito plans to expand the available selection to more than 10,000 songs by early summer. Each of Taito's karaoke songs can be downloaded for 105 yen ($.93) and can be played back on the PSP for 15 days.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GamesRadar
Bethesda Softworks has revealed two new Star Trek games, the often-rumoured RTS Legacy for Xbox 360 and PC, while the action driven Tactical Assault will appear on PSP and DS.
After a messy legal scuffle between Trek license holders Viacom and developer Activision, the rights to produce games from the entire history of Trek has passed to publisher Bethesda, just in time for the 40th anniversary of the TV series.
As shown in these two screens Star Trek: Legacy will drop gamers into an Admiral's chair allowing them to command a task fleet of ships on a number of bold missions spanning stories from the original show right up to the Enterprise era.
With large and small scale battles, the Mad Doc Software developed game will also include numerous multiplayer options, online stat tracking and a lovely range of primary hued jumpsuits.
Less has been revealed about Tactical Assault so far with developer Quicksilver Software promising that the game will feature Federation and Klingon single player campaigns as well as head to head Wi-Fi battles on both formats.
Star Trek: Legacy will engage players on PC and Xbox 360 from this September while Star Trek: Tactical Assault will materialise on PSP and DS later this year.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news coming from the Snes9xTYL Team, heres the info:
<blockquote>Hi, Received the source from latest version. Yoyo told me about a bug in the mode7 tuning I did. So I need to take a look to it... Yoyo need also to fix some stuff before release. But at least give us some days... We will try to release before two weeks. If you are lucky may be beginning of next week. Yoyo is wondering about which features need to be added to this release. Personnaly I am for game genie feature... Because quite a lot of people requested it. Yoyo talked also about mp3 players feature as it is already available in the other emu. Of course the main event is the sound moved to the Media Engine. and mode7 tuning. See you guys. He he he Its going to rock within two weeks on the forums
Media Engine is a second CPU inside the CPU. We use it as a coprocessor to do the sound generation of the SPC700 (snes sound chip). Now you will have 44 Khz full audio quality at the same speed as "no sound with emulation". The SPC700 CPU is still emulated on the main cpu I believe... the sound GENERATION is done on the ME.</blockquote>
Thanks to miemt11 for the News.
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January 25th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Our friends at Success HK have posted a review of the PSP game Pinball Hall of Fame:

<blockquote>Take a trip through pinball's memory lane in the palm of your hand with this compilation of classic Gottlieb tables for the PSP.
If you want a dose of old-school pinball, there aren't a lot of places you can go. Most of the latest pinball games are buried under a Nintendo license. But for people who like their pinball with a touch of nostalgia, there's the new PSP port of Pinball Hall of Fame, which is a collection of Gottlieb pinball tables.
Pinball actually goes back a lot longer than you may know. In the beginning, there was pinball. And it was good. But then along came video games and, well, rolling a ball around wasn't quite so exciting for a lot of folks. In Pinball Hall of Fame, you'll get to visit a time before pinball had to compete with Pac Man.
Pinball Hall of Fame is a port from other console systems, but it adds three new tables to the already impressive collection for a total of 11 tables, all markedly different from each other. The oldest table in this collection is Play-Boy from 1932. They hadn't even invented flippers yet. It was about as interactive as a slot machine. You just pull the plunger and hope the ball gets stuck in one of the holes on its way down to the drain. And you only get one ball at a time, so Play-Boy has nothing on Pachinko.
Then in the 1957 table, Aces High, you get flippers. Eventually, the tables start folding in more goals, ramps to different levels, and gimmicks like the table-within-a-table on 1981's Black Hole. There's an inset area under glass beneath the main table, but it's tilted in the opposite direction so that the flippers are on top and the ball seems to roll backwards. Very freaky.
As the tables progress, you can see Gottlieb struggling for new ways to make pinball different. In 1983's Goin' Nuts, you use multiple balls at once to build up a timer, which starts ticking down once you've only got a single ball left. The table never actually entered production and there are only ten test models, virtually recreated here for your edification.
This isn't just a bunch of tables crammed onto a UMD. There's a lot of history in Pinball Hall of Fame, which gives it all a touch of class. It has the reverence of a museum, complete with old pictures of the pinball machine factory and scanned promotional materials for each table. The developers at Farsight Studios have created a sort of virtual arcade where you earn credits to play tables until you've unlocked them by beating goals on other tables. You can even spend the credits on arcade gimmicks like a Love Meter and a fortune teller, both of which might earn you additional credits. You can play a tournament mode that tracks your performance on each of the tables for a total score.
The tables look great, lovingly rendered in full 3D with your choice of camera angles. You can play holding your PSP sideways, which isn't nearly as cool as it sounds. For some reason, it's oriented with the analog nub at the top. But you need to use the analog nub to nudge the table, which involves taking your hand off a flipper button and reaching across the screen. Why didn't they just flip it over and use the right and left direction button for the flippers?
Fortunately, with so many options for camera view, the game displays just fine from the default horizontal view. The graphics are lovely and smooth, with the exception of some slowdown in multiball mode on some of the busier tables like Victory and Tee'd Off. The sound is affectionately captured, from the hearty clunk of a free game to the tinny digitized voices.
All told, this is a great package for the PSP that offers discrete slices of fun with every game. It's perfectly suited for five-minute playing sessions whether you're into old-school pinball or not. And it'll let you save your quarters for more important things like laundry and parking meters. </blockquote>
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January 25th, 2006, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Source Joystiq
<blockquote>This series of photos shows how Flickr user JavaMoose created his own stylish PSP stand with a little heat, a little ingenuity, and about $.25 worth of orange plastic. Right on!
When asked how to create one, JavaMoose explained:
"Well, you can use a strip-heater like I did - or just heat up the plastic with a hot-air gun (a hairdryer usually doesn't cut it) and make the bends (edge of a wooden board is perfect). It is really very simple to do, and only three bends to make. If you use a hot-air gun - keep it moving. If you stay in one spot too long you can burn the plastic. Hell, if you wanted to do it on the super-cheap - use a toaster (slot kind, not oven kind). Just hold the plastic a half-inch above the toast-slot. You'll feel it when it is soft enough to bend..."</blockquote>
Full info here --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/javamoose/87090121/
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January 25th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr (although Zelurker has updated his version to 0.7.2 now).
What's changed (version 6):
-Fixed the screen clear's palette format when using the hardware renderer.
-Fixed a bug that made the game speed unstable due to a mistake in calculating the frame rate.
-Other fine tuning.
Development status:
-I'll release the source code with the next (probably update it this weekend) version. Please just be a little more patient.
Items to be fixed in the next version
Thanks to b8a for the great Translation , download via comments
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January 25th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Mr44 has updated the Homebrew Browser thats for the Jap 2ch forum but can be used for other sites if you edit the bookmark, this release has bugfixes & a Keyword search in thread list.
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January 25th, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Matthias Graffe has released a new version of his MP3 RSS Feeder, heres whats new:
Here is the newest version of my MP3 to RSS Feeder (v0.4)
- Readme edited
- "Functions for the save of the users" added!
- some other mistakes fixed.
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January 25th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Team XodiMac and Lil_fred have updated their Lua Lava Lamp Demo for the PSP, watching the demo should warm you up on cold nights 
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January 25th, 2006, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
There’s little doubt that Nintendo DS as revived a couple of gaming genres, including puzzle games. Polarium, Meteos and even the Brain Training series are all part of the puzzle genre. Coincidentally, all of these games are also hot sellers on the DS. Not to be out done Sony decided to dust off a couple of PSP classics for re-release this March. You’ll be able to get a copy of XI Coliseum (Devil Dice in the USA) a remake of the brain bending dice rotating puzzle game, Bomberman: Bakafuu Sentai Bomberman with wireless action and I.Q. Mania a remix of Intelligent Qube with even more puzzles than the original. All of these games all you to play with ad-hoc (i.e. people next to each other PSPs in hand) wireless, but you don’t need to have the same game to play over Wifi. So if you have a copy of Bomberman and someone else has I.Q. Mania both of you can play Bomberman. Each game also comes packaged with a couple of mini games like Mahjong and Bowling. Could these games attract the same “non gamer” audience that the DS is going for?
Source Siliconera
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January 25th, 2006, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
PSmonkey has posted some news about his awesome Iris project for the PSP, for those who dont know heres a screen:

Heres what he posted:
<blockquote>Hey guys, I though it would be a good time to give you all a status update. It has become increasingly apperent to me that the code base is getting messy and I still have yet to properly plug things into the correct location or made it easy to expland on parts (like say suport for multiple model file formats, ex md2/md3/md4/hl). So I have desided now is probably the best time to port & rewrite the project to CPP. This way it will be cleaner and easier to work on. I also plan to start making parts open source for others to include into their project.
So the plan is to now stop where I am at and rewrite everything into cpp. Once the rewrite is done, I think everything is acceptable enough to push the long over due BspViewer 0.3 out the door. After that I plan to polish up more game mechanics for the iris 0.2 release.
Oh also sometime tonight or today. I will post up a video of the current build to BspViewer/Iris engine so you can see it in action. It's quite nice with improved box collission, jumping, & sliding suport (now you can go up & down stairs or slopes in the enviroment).
So that is about it for now. I promiss I wont disapoint for the next wave of releases regarding both projects.</blockquote>
Help PSmonkey out, if your into wad making then you could be part of a team that brings out a 3D Game for the PSP that rivals Commercial PSP Games.
Check out the official site (hosted by DCEmu ) here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/
Lets Help PSmonkey release a killer game for our PSP Homebrew Scene.
Remember Teamwork and feedback mean so much 
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January 26th, 2006, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Naboo has an awesome remake of the classic game Bombjack for the PSP, heres the info
BombJack is out in beta stage, only 4 levels available in this version, please try it and report problems, improvements and suggestions! You can edit levels with BombJack Level Editor (14 levels included, full pack).
I’m searching for betatesters with PSP firmware 2.01 or greater.
Screenshot and Downloads for game and level editor via comments:
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January 26th, 2006, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
Arguru has released a sweet port of Mario Bros to the 2.01/2.5/2.6 firmwares. Many homebrew users have been looking for a port like this for a long time now, and now the void is finally filled. We have first-hand tested the Mario Bros port, and it is simply outstanding! Great job arguru, we hope to see you around in the PSP development scene in the future, and we can't wait till the next version is released. (thanks to PSP3d for the newspost )
Features in this initial release include:
- Nice 24bit ripped sprites.
- Skinnable sprites bmp.
- 256 random generated levels.
- 4 different enemies.
- Flip/Kick enemy mario bros style.
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January 26th, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
Look at this for a screenshot:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2664&stc=1">
Turkeyman posted this news in our Submit News forum:
<blockquote>I just wanted to let the home brew community know about a game i've been working on for the past little while. We call it Caelestis, and its coming together slowly but surely. Its not yet at a stage where i'm happy to release a binary or source openly, but i'll show some screenshots for the moment just to let people know the project exists.
For the record, I'm desperately searching for more talented artists to help make this game look and feel very professional. What you see is average coder art which i'd like to replace with real artists work at some point
I attach screenshots running on PSP and on PC.</blockquote>
Check out the other awesome screenshot and give feedback or even volunteer to help the project over in this thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17745
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January 26th, 2006, 08:02 Posted By: turulo
(Awesome News Submission by Turulo)
<img src="http://nixgeneration.com/~jaime/psp/openttd/screenshots/openttd-1.png">
I have started a port of OpenTTD game based on the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Now the port is playable but save/load doesnt work by the moment.
UPDATED: Looks like release isnt working in 2.00, any help with this is very much appreciated as i dont have access to a 2.00 psp for testing ;(
More info about the game and full feature list:
I include the readme that contains all the information about port status, etc ..
Also, some screenshots and the game 
Sources and binary can be downloaded via the comments:
And some screenshots
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January 26th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo have today announced a slimlined version of the Nintendo DS called DS Lite, The DS Lite will be less than two-thirds the size of the original Nintendo DS and more than 20 percent lighter. Screenshots and more information at <a href="http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/" target="_blank" >Nintendo DS News</a>.
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January 26th, 2006, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial release for the PSP, heres the info:

A new PSP version of the anime adventure game series originally released in Japan for PS one, produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and Production I.G. The game is a two-part graphic adventure based on Production I.G's animated film, with detailed images and over two hours of footage of the vampire girl's PlayStation adventure. The PSP title includes both the first and second volumes of the PS2 game along with a strategy flow chart, a CG gallery and specially edited movies.
More information and to buy go here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...6&lsaid=219793
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January 26th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
The 2006 Konami Gamers' Day in San Francisco had more than just games on display today. Wilson Cheng, product manager at Konami Digitial Entertainment, said, "I am very happy to announce that Konami will be introducing a new type of genre that combines different types of media onto one UMD disc."
Thankfully for longtime Konami fans, the subject of the "new genre" is something gamers will be very familiar with. It also appears to answer questions raised by legendary designer Hideo Kojima, who recently told Famitsu that he was working on a non-game project for the PSP called Metal Gear Solid BD.
Metal Gear Solid Digital Comic (working title) is an interactive comic book-style story from franchise creator Hideo Kojima and producer Noriaki Okamura. Artwork will be provided by Australian comic book artist Ashley Wood, who fans may know from his work on Todd McFarlane's Spawn and the Metal Gear Solid comic books.
"MGS Digital Comic goes way beyond just clicking through scanned comic book pages," said Ryan Payton, international manager of Kojima Productions. "It provides an involved interactive experience as players must investigate the MGS story, link together plot points, and complete the puzzle of the Metal Gear narrative through multiple play throughs."
It's unclear just how interactive the comic will actually be, but a trailer shown at the event certainly confirmed it will be animated. Voice bubbles appear in sequence with the game's audio, and static images slide across the screen as comic-style effects like "Bang!" or "Pow!" appear onscreen when characters fire bullets.
Konami has not announced a release date or price for Metal Gear Solid Digital Comic.
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January 26th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Trigger-happy PSP owners in North America were green with envy late last year when Konami revealed that Gradius Portable would be invading Japan this February. Stateside fans of the series could only hope that Gradius Portable would somehow make it to US shores, and apparently fortune smiled upon them.
As part of the Konami press event in San Francisco today, the publisher revealed that Gradius Collection would zoom into US stores sometime this spring. Like its Japanese counterpart, Gradius Collection will include Gradius, Gradius II, Gradius III, Gradius IV, and Gradius Gaiden, which was previously unreleased in North America.
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January 26th, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
Nearly six months after the PSP version of TOCA Race Driver 2 went on sale in Europe, its publisher has announced the franchise's debut on US PSPs. UK-based Codemasters revealed that a reworked version of the game, called Race Driver 2006, will be released for Sony's handheld in May.
A "North American exclusive," Race Driver 2006 will feature the core gameplay of TOCA Race Driver 2, plus a vast injection of new content. It will add 10 all-new tracks from around the world, including ones in Nashville and Shanghai, bringing the grand total to more than 60. Players will be able to choose from more than 50 different cars such as the Buick Gran Sport 455, Pontiac Firebird Formula 400, Dodge Charger, Gemballa GTR 750 EVO, and Koenig GTD. Crashes of said cars will sport realistic damage and physics.
The game will also feature 16 different types of races: GT sports car racing, street racing, rally, DTM, V8 Supercars, Global GT Lights, Rally Cross, Formula Ford, Open Wheel Grand Prix, classic car racing, super truck racing, stock car oval racing, ice racing, convertible racing, and performance car events. Up to 21 cars can race simultaneously in each event, and up to 12 players can compete in multiplayer races via the PSP's wireless LAN functionality.
Race Driver 2006 will sport several multiplayer modes, including revised time trial, free race, and trans-world cup, a new short-course mode designed specifically for PSP play. Besides the multiplayer modes, Race Driver 2006 will also include the "entire" single-player career mode from the PlayStation 2 version of TOCA Race Driver 2.
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January 27th, 2006, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamesradar
Do not adjust your eye-globes, this is not a rumour - Killzone Liberation is launching an assault on your PSP, and we've got the images to prove it. Sony has confirmed this completely new future-war adventure, and it's specially designed for handheld carnage.
Built from scratch to create a new episode in the Helghast-bashing universe, Killzone Liberation uses a third-person viewpoint to maximise easy blasting on PSP. Just take a look at these screens and you'll get an idea of how this will work.
Following on from the conclusion of Killzone on PS2, Liberation redeploys the action to another frontline on war torn Vekta - an Earth-controlled colony invaded by jackbooted Helghast rebels seeking retribution.
Promoted to commander of a covert hostage rescue operation, Killzone's ISA hero Templar returns to spearhead an assault on Metrac, the Helghast General, in what's looking more like an MGS stealth-o-rama than a mindless bullet-fest. We like how that sounds.
Anyone fearing that PSP would only ever be a recycling ground for hit PS2 games should heave a sigh of relief. Killzone Liberation is looking like joining GTA: Liberty City Stories as an originally developed killer title for PSP. And it can't come soon enough. Expect a detailed info burst real soon.
Killzone Liberation will be released for PSP at the end of 2006
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January 27th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gameradar
Konami has today fired a broadside of PSP shots and details from its forthcoming WWII naval strategy game, Steel Horizons.
Designed for DS and PSP, the game takes place around the major battles of WWII but offers a fictional set of 20 watery missions and a secret, shadowy enemy who is armed with lots of fancy, futuristic weaponry.
And being positioned midway between Advanced Wars and Command & Conquer-style titles, the game mixes both real-time elements and turn-based battling.
Along with the battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines in your fleet, Steel Horizons also promises to packs WiFi multiplayer mode into its armoury.
Steel Horizons will leave its (Bis)mark on PSP and DS later this year
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January 27th, 2006, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Source Joystiq
If there's one thing this current generation taught us, it is that putting monkeys in hamster balls is a great idea. Sega today announced another title in their Super Monkey Ball franchise, Super Monkey Ball Adventures, set for release Q3 2006 for the PSP, PlayStation 2, and Nintendo GameCube.
This time out, in addition to 50 new 'classic' puzzle stylings, there will also be a story-driven platformer element to the game - our favorite simian protagonists will have to reform five feuding feral families, or "Monkey Ball Kingdoms." Sega also promises to bring 3 classic party games (our picks: Monkey Fight, Monkey Target, and Monkey Bowling) and 3 new ones (Monkey Kombat? Hey, we can dream).
Super Monkey Ball Adventures is currently being developed by Traveller's Tales (Lego Star Wars). All previous Monkey Ball games - even the N-Gage one - had been developed by Amusement Vision. We're not sure why Sega decided to shift houses, but the screenshots released do look pretty.
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January 27th, 2006, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Mach-one have released a V2.0 compatible version of their game, heres some info about their game:
"The Vortex is a space-skill game. Your viewpoint is above your spaceship. Your mission is to find the rescue pod, and return it to the central teleport, before the timer reaches zero. You can pick up some extra time and extra points along Your way.
After You returned the pod successfully, You have the same mission, but now a different level. Each level contains colorful obstacles, avoid to collide with them."
Downloads can be found at their site here --> http://www.mach-one.hu/
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January 27th, 2006, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Source PSP3d
Arguru, in a matter of less than a few hours, had released a new update to his first initial release of MiniMario (EU only), with a lot of new fixes/updates at that! This appears to be one heck of a popular game in the homebrew community, and is by far the most polished 2.01/2.5/2.6 release yet.
Changes in V2 include:
- Added pause/resume game (press Start button in your PSP).
- Enemies will flip back after 5 seconds.
- Slighty improved graphics.
- Improved tile "shadows".
- Better map generator code.
- "double scroll" in bottom sewer waters.
- Program version and title on right screen.
- Other minor changes.
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January 27th, 2006, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Nekokabu has released a new version of his Screen Capture program. It allows you to take screencaptures during games and other situations.
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January 27th, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Source ProG
The Silent Hill experience may be coming to the PSP, but not in videogame form. Designed as a guide to all things Silent Hill, The Silent Hill experience combines several media formats to give the user a "compelling overview of the horror series." In what sounds like a virtual museum, you use a 3D interface to view interactive Silent Hill comics, listen to music from the games and watch exclusive content. An interview with Christophe Gans, the director of the Silent Hill movie is also available to watch.
The interactive comic book section will contain a story from long-time Silent Hill author, Scott Ciencin. The new comic uses elements from the new movie and delves into the origins of Silent Hill. Specifically designed for the PSP, the comic will feature animated panels and interactive transitions. Also included will be the acclaimed Dying Inside comic book series adapted for the PSP format.
Twenty songs form the four Silent Hill games have been selected to be included in the Silent Hill Experience by Music Director and Composer, Akira Yamaoka. An interview with Yamaoka, also on the UMD, explains his choice of tracks for the package. The Silent Hill experience is rounded off with behind-the-scenes info of the Silent Hill movie and the intro movies for all four games.
"Konami has created an entirely new genre for the PSP system, combining a variety of media onto one package and showcasing the renowned Silent Hill franchise in a way that has never been done before," offered Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management of Konami of Europe. "Fans of the Silent Hill series and horror fans alike will appreciate all the exclusive content as well as get a unique behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming Silent Hill movie."
At this time no release date has been announced.
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January 27th, 2006, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Source PSPMagazines
After a 6 month absence from the PSP Magazine scene Gamers Heaven Magazine (GHM) is back! And back in style with a 260 page bumper issue! Highlights of this issue include a look back at the Best of 2005, the events we covered, Our Exclusive chat with Phil Harrison of Sony Computer Entertainment and the other things we got up to in London. Also thanks to our new friends at Logitech well have hardware reviews and prizes galore from now on! So expect regular competitions and it wouldnt be an issue of GHM without all the latest news!
Download here (23mb) --> http://www.gamersheavenmag.com/modul...op=getit&lid=4
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January 27th, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has updated his Browser Come RSS Reader, heres whats new:
zomg, quite polished looking almost.
Many Many Many Many Many Many..... improvements on the parser and special chars conversion.
Rss reader, Atom reader (probally both are a bit buggy :P)
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January 27th, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
New release for PSP by Brunni and translated by poqako:
<blockquote>Hello everyone I present the project to you on which I bump for some time: a bookshop for PSP. It is a version alpha, i.e. it is there to test and say to me what does not go, and that it can change the whole to the whole from one version to another, you are warned. As its name indicates it (OldSchool Library), this bookshop will enable you to make pretty plays and demonstrations while benefitting from the power of the console. Moreover, the bookshop is completely accelerated in hardware, therefore finished the warblings after three sprites which are run afterwards! There is what to draw lines, rectangles, ranges with four corners, stretched images, in rotation, alpha-blend, etc. There are also functions of management of the joypad and analogical stick. The bookshop also includes a section its (not functional calculus for the moment since there is no loop, stop of its in progress, etc.) who can play of the sounds in ADPCM and PCM (wav), with the possibility of streamer the sounds since MemoryStick (but it is slow). The bookshop is written out of C history to be compatible with all the projects, but that makes it a little less practical. It is fast and does not take control on your application: it carries out well defined operations, a little as the basic functions which you must in any case write for the engine of your play. You can download it here: http://infernobox.dyndns.org/brunni/OSLib.rar For the installation, modify the batch so that the following line points on the installation of cygwin: set CYGWINDIR=C:\cygwin the distrib includes an example which makes it possible to make ravel a map with the stick, Start posts a message, cross plays a music and round a sound. Thank you in advance for your comments.</blockquote>
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January 27th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
KINGOFNOOBS released a new Naruto Lua game for the PSP, heres what he posted:
Naruto Adventure is here! a Naruto game in Lua i created, right now its nothing much and is very buggy but ill debug those soon
X is to jump
Dpad to move
thats pretty much it
Things to do
Take out the bugs
Add some good AI
Add Special Moves
Add some Story Line
More playable Characters
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January 27th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Greg Berkhof has released a new version of DoomPSP with improvements made by him, heres info on whats new:
Features added
- auto run : By default, your marine now is running whenever moving, turning, or strafing.
- walk button : Because of autorun, the run button is now the walk button. Press and hold whenever walking is required.
- map zoom : you can now press up and down on dpad/nub to zoom in and out in the auto map.
- CHEATS! : hold start and press x, o, square and triangle. x for god, o for keys, guns, and ammo, triangle for full map, and square for level skip.
- gamma is now set to 3 rather then 0 : Brightens the game consideratly, may cause some washout however
- minor key assignemtnts : swapped O and X buttons in L+R+Start menu, weapons now bound to left and right rather then up and down.
- minor text changes : quit now says "press use to quit" instead of x (as you can set use to whatever you want)
Download at the PSP Scenes most comprehensive Doom for PSP page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
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January 27th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
The Guardian Gamesblog has a longish piece talking with Volatile Games, developers of the title Possession for the PS3, about what it's like to make a game for Sony's next-gen console. From the article: "At the end of the day it's just a multi-processor architecture. If you can get something running on eight threads of a PC CPU, you can get it running on eight processors on a PS3 - it's not massively different. There is a small 'gotcha' in there though. The main processor can access all the machine's video memory, but each of the seven SPE chips has access only to its own 256k of onboard memory - so if you have, say, a big mesh to process, it'll be necessary to stream it through a small amount of memory - you'd have to DMA it up to your cell chip and then process a little chunk, then DMA the next chunk, so you won't be able to jump around the memory as easily, which I guess you will be able to do on the Xbox 360.
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January 27th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Source GamesIndustry
Consumer electronics giant Sony Corporation has revealed its third quarter financial results, showing a 51 per cent increase in revenue that will result in the avoidance of the company's first annual loss in eleven years.
During the third quarter, sales reached 2368 billion Yen (EURO 16.64 million), a 10 per cent increase on the same period in 2004. Net income was posted at 169 million Yen (EURO 1.18 million), marking a 17.5 per cent increase compared to 2004 and more than doubling the 63 billion Yen which analysts had estimated for the period.
The company has adjusted its full fiscal year estimates accordingly, forecasting a profit of 70 billion Yen - a marked difference to the 10 billion Yen loss forecast in October. Contributing factors in the company's financial u-turn include sales of the recently introduced line of new Bravia LCD televisions, which gained a number one market share in the U.S.
The videogame division was also cited as a major contributor, with sales and operating profit up by 48 and 52 per cent respectively, compared to the previous year. Sony attributes this increase to the growing demand for its PSP handheld, which shipped 6.22 million units in the third quarter alone, and has now shipped a combined total of 15 million units worldwide.
The results are bound to be viewed especially favourably by the company's new boss, Sir Howard Stringer, who has instigated a massive restructuring plan that calls for factory closures and a cut in the workforce of approximately 10,000 jobs by March 31st 2008.
Shigemi Nonaka, chairman of Polestar Investment Management Company, stated: "Sony's higher forecast is a positive signal that the restructuring and efforts to improve finances and other reforms are leading to results. It's a turning point.''
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January 28th, 2006, 00:49 Posted By: cswindle
(News by C Swindle)
Hi All
I have been working for a while on getting Quake working in adhoc mode and I have managed to get an initial version working, it is not perfect, but it does work (It is a bit of a hack the way it is currently done, but I have a few things to try out to improve the network play). This was done using Peter Mackay's port as the base code and changing the video functions to use the GU to speed it up a bit to help the network tasks have more time.
I have only tested this using the 2 PSP's so I am not sure how well it will work with more than 2, if you have more than two PSP's to test with then let me know how well it works.
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January 28th, 2006, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher Success adds two more titles to Sony's next-gen roster; unnamed role-playing game and simulation title get 2006 tag.
The PlayStation 3 is supposed to come out this year, but its projected lineup for 2006 is a bit on the thin side. However, third-party publishers are starting to announce their contributions for the year little by little.
The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that Japanese game publisher Success has scheduled to release both of its PS3 games before the end of the calendar year. One is a yet-to-be-named role-playing game, and the other is a simulation game named Hitsuji Mura (Sheep Village). Both games were already announced at 2005's Tokyo Game Show, but their release dates were given the mysterious "To Be Announced" label.
While there are already 71 publishers making 102 games for the PS3, most of the games still carry TBA release dates. With Success' pair added to the list of 2006 hopefuls, there are still only eight titles slated for this year. Koei is the only company that's announced titles for release this spring, when the PS3 may launch in Japan.
The list of PS3 games currently projected for release in 2006 is below:
Fatal Inertia, Koei, spring 2006
Mahjong Taikai, Koei, spring 2006
Ni-Oh, Koei, summer 2006
Shin Ten Makai VI, Idea Factory, summer 2006
Vampire's Rain, AQ Interactive, winter 2006
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega, 2006
Unnamed RPG, Success, 2006
Hitsuji Mura, Success, 2006
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January 28th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from C&VG
Rumours of a Microsoft-backed portable gaming system have been doing the rounds since before God decided he'd have a go at fixing the dodgy tap in the kitchen himself and managed to flood everything (thank Heavens for that Ark, eh?). Now though, Peter Moore has further ruffled the feathers of speculators by commenting on such a device. According to an article in Business Week, the magazine has learned that Microsoft is seriously considering producing its own portable media device, designed to rival Apple's iPod music and video player. At this point, it seems that the project is still in the very early stages, with Microsoft only recently assigning a team to investigate the business potential of such an undertaking.
So far, so unrelated to games then. However, Microsoft exec Peter Moore told Business Week, "It can't just be our version of the iPod." Additionally, Moore states that, "I think the [Xbox] brand is an opportunity." It doesn't take a monkey to realise that the Xbox brand could play a key role in leveraging sales of such a Microsoft-developed portable system. What's more, it's not unreasonable to envisage a handheld machine that plays games alongside music and videos, if tied into the Xbox product line - placing it in direct competition with Sony's PSP. Despite the very early stages of such a project - if Business Week's sources are accurate - the news could be the clearest indication yet of Microsoft's bid to enter the lucrative market currently dominated by Nintendo and Sony.
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January 28th, 2006, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nekokabu has released a new version of his Screen Capture program. It allows you to take screencaptures during games and other situations.
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January 28th, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Source PS2 Scene
weltall (stefy2) has released a new version of his MP3 player for PS2 :
Whats New:
-added an audio spectrum
-added a volume level meter
-added a timer
-added support to play a whole folder (current folder) by pressing select
-added an option to disable the volume level meter
-added an option to change the interface color by selecting R, G, B values
-fixed some bugs
-other little things
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January 28th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Killer has released an unnoficial release of Lua Player that is pushed to the full 333mhz speed.
Give feedback if better or worse than original Lua Player 
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January 28th, 2006, 03:05 Posted By: wraggster
Fabre has released a new SOKOBAN game for the PSP, heres the info from his readme:
<blockquote>SOKOBAN by Fabre (aka Matt P)
Yes, I know there is already a Sokoban game available for PSP. I created this as an example to help me get into a Game Development course
This is my first PSP release, and I hope to be able to change some things to get the EBOOT even smaller. This first version comes with only 9 levels,
but you can expect more in the next release.
Editing the game:
You can change the levels easily, just open one of the files in Notepad or similar. Here is what different symbols mean in the level file:
' '=Space
If you have done it right, the file should be 362 bytes. If it is larger or smaller, make sure the text editor you are using has put only a CR/LF at the end of each line.
You can change the graphics by renaming the files to *.png. Transparency is supported, the filenames should make it pretty self-explanatory, don't change the
resolution of the images or the level won't render properly. For now, levels can only be named from '1' to '9', I'll fix this in the next release.
Tested on 1.5, should work on 2.0 as well.
Thanks to:
The PSP-Dev team for giving us homebrew on 1.5, rest in peace CybBlade.
Fanjita for homebrew on 2.0+
All the authors of great homebrew games/emulators/etc</blockquote>
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January 28th, 2006, 10:25 Posted By: wraggster
Must have missed this release, but anyway Raf has released a new version of his PSP Radio app, now you can listen wirelessly to music when your even in your toilet :P
heres whats new:
(sandberg) Core: Added support for logging via WiFi instead of using the memorystick. (r729)
(sandberg) External: Added a simple server application which can receive the log-entries via WiFi on the PC. (r729)
(sandberg) 3DUI: A new popup dialog has been added to show error messages from PSPRadio. (r732)
(raf) Core: Next/Prev via HPRM are now global (r733)
(raf) TextUI: Updated skins from Semtex199 (r733)
(raf) Core: Added new playmode "GLOBAL". When on this mode, when the last track of an album finishes, the player goes to the first track of the next album. (r734)
(raf) Core: Updated SHOUTcast db.xml to lastest as of 1-26-06 (r736)
(raf) Core: Added support for ID3 tags (v1 and v2) (r738/739)
(raf) Core: Made Playback mode a config item in PSPRadio.cfg. Now its saved with the other config options. Make sure you update your PSPRadio.cfg for this to work. (r744)
(sandberg) 3DUI: The active item are now default selected when entering the option screen. (r728)
(sandberg) 3DUI: The program version is now only shown on the option screen when using the 3D UI (r727)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Fixed a couple of bug which caused the UI to read random data. (r730)
(sandberg) Core: Added check for buffer event, so they are only sent when there are changes. (r731)
(raf) Core: Fixed bug where HPRM would crash the localfiles screen (r733)
(raf) TextUI: Corrected problem where 12AM was being displayed as 00AM (r734)
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January 28th, 2006, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Out of all the Different firmwares that have been released for the PSP which is the one that gives you the best balance of gaming and homebrew or just homebrew if you arent interested in gaming as much.
Heres the options:
v1.52 (ugh)
So which is your favourite firmware ?
For me i have 2 PSPs a V1.0 and v2.6 so im fairly lucky in the respect that i can play the latest games and play the best homebrew too, which are your favourites ?
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January 28th, 2006, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
Shatterdome has released a cool new Helicopter game for the PSP, heres what he posted:
<blockquote>Hey all, well i've been working on this for about a week now and thought I would share what I have just to get some feedback. It's a rip-off of that helicopter game you can play almost anywhere :P
Progress hasn't been as fast as i'd hoped, but now that I kind of have a basic system down it won't be long now. I need to fine tune the scoring abit more, and i'm also going to spawn bonus points above buildings that are short and then have it spawn a tall'ish building after that...and i'm also going to add planes flying across the top, just for more fun...and maybe they will shoot at you ?
Some bugs I know about...you can fly as high as you want, you will run out of buildings eventually, you can go as low as you want...and also once your in a game and have a few buildings, hit Triangle to go back to the main menu, then start a new game again, it will keep doubling the amount of buildings it draws...kind of fun :P
Square raises you, let go to decent...works better if you hold and release, and tap to remain level...
Triangle goes back to main menu, where you can exit, or just use home...</blockquote>
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January 28th, 2006, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
alatnet posted this news:
<blockquote>This is a very much improved version of my Acno's Energizer for the psp port.
So Whats New to the Groove?
-ubuntu/linux type loading screen.
-optimization here and there.
Known Bugs:
-Sound is sorta scratchy/slow in some points of the game. Im currently trying to convert the .wav music files to a mikmod format, which is REALLY hard for me to find a converter. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.
-if you start a new game and quit and it takes a few hits on quit in the main menu to quit the game.</blockquote>
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January 28th, 2006, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
KingOfNoobs has updated his Naruto game for the PSP, heres the details:
<blockquote>Ok here is another release of naruto adventure
---------- Change Log ------------
-Platforming as now been added (so now u can actually jump on platforms)
-New Jump as been added
-minor bug fixes (even thougn new one's came while fixing those )
---------- Things to add ----------
-Improved Sprite movement
-Fix the Collision with the Group and Naruto
- possibly add background effects</blockquote>
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January 28th, 2006, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk the winner of the 2nd PSP 30 Day Coding Competition has released a new version of his Quake 2 port to the PSP, heres the details:
"I still have stress with my exams but on my spare time I still love coding. So I have not time to finish real new features. But I improved Quake II a lot. So here is the second patch:
- graphic and game bug fixes, should run more stable
- 333 mhz support
- on screen keyboard (press left trigger in input mode of console or on text fields).
- player name is now saveable
There is still no sound, no multiplayer (I saw Quake 1 has adhoc now, I'll add it to after exams), no full singleplayer and no 2.0 or higher support.
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January 28th, 2006, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has now ported his own emulator NeoGeo CDZ to the PSP, Google offers a rather amusing translation but here it is:
<blockquote>Because content became the different thing, name was modified. Also the source cord/code is release.Doing from the birthplace, in addition to the fact that る thing increases, because has not made still optimization and the like altogether, It is thought it is heavier than the birthplace securely. ま ぁ, the inside that * & *.
Modification point (beta 1):
* Various modification.
Development circumstance:
Thinking, the idea contest or the background, above modifying, it is not possible either to use the lord, although you tried drawing up, It is sense, feeling keenly (laughing)</blockquote>
Whatever the translation says we have a new Neogeo CD emu to play with, download and source via comments.
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January 28th, 2006, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
As most of you know we have our PSP Shops and Sellers Forum and that forum is for the discussion for shops good and bad for PSPs. What shop or indeed shops online would you recommend for their service.?
Shops that i have personally had good service with are Success HK, Lik Sang and also Decal Girl.com but whats yours.
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January 28th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Overseas analysts ponder release dates, success, and prices of the Revolution, PlayStation 3. Xbox 360 still seen as a contender.
The latest issue of Famitsu features comments from Japanese analysts regarding next-generation game consoles, many of which seem to echo predictions made by analysts from the US.
Daiwa Institute of Research senior analyst Eiji Maeda predicts the PlayStation 3 will be released in Japan between April and June, but the console will not have much of a third-party lineup until summer or fall. Credit Suisse First Boston analyst Jay Defibaugh (who's currently working in Credit Suisse's Tokyo branch) predicts a similar release period for the PS3, sometime between May and June.
While Sony still has its PS3 launch set for spring, the analysts predict that the console will come out a bit later since the console's games are behind in development. The PS3 is reportedly difficult to develop for, and while there are 71 developers currently working on 102 games, only eight titles have been announced for release in 2006, with just two slated for spring.
Daiwa's Maeda predicts the PS3 is likely to hold the top share in the next-generation console war, but he cites the lack of launch titles as one of the factors that may affect its sales in 2006. Maeda also says the PS3's Blu-ray drive isn't as strong a sales point as the PlayStation 2's DVD drive. Back in 2000, consumers were drawn to the PS2 because it was also a DVD player, eliminating the need to buy a then-expensive stand-alone player. Another point cited by Maeda is the system's price. Maeda predicts that the PS3 will be priced in the 40,000 yen range ($343) at the lowest, while Nintendo's Revolution will be 30,000 yen ($257) at its highest. He also believes that by the time the PS3 comes out, Microsoft will likely have dropped its price on the Xbox 360.
With regard to the Revolution, Famitsu turns to IT journalist Hiroshige Gotoh. Gotoh believes the Revolution has the possibility of succeeding in the next-generation game war because of its innovation and its unique controller. He explained that the console's uniqueness could still match up against machines with higher specs, much like the way the DS has been outselling the PSP.
So when will the Revolution come out? Nintendo president Satoru Iwata recently told Sankei Journal that his company will need to release the console by Thanksgiving in America to take advantage of the busy shopping season. However, Maeda predicts that the Revolution could come out in Japan as early as June. Maeda also said that the machine would still have a larger launch lineup than the PS3, even if it's released that soon.
Credit Suisse's Defibaugh commented that the Xbox 360's sales in Japan were predicted to be low, but its actual performance was even lower. He thinks that the Japanese market will be dominated by the PS3 if the Xbox 360 continues to see sluggish sales in the country.
Daiwa's Maeda says that Microsoft isn't out of the race yet; the company had released its console half a year before its competitors, which gives it an upper hand in mass production and cost cutting.
Defibaugh and Maeda both think the PlayStation 3 will have half of the market in the worldwide next-generation console war by the end of 2006, followed by the Xbox 360 at 30 percent, and the Revolution at 20 percent.
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January 29th, 2006, 02:00 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk posted this news:
I have written a short tutorial about how to use the psp osk. So you don't have to crawl to Quake 2 source. It is pretty easy if you follow some basics. But it is unfinished, because I have no idea about settings a specific char set and all the other stuff. So the half of the struct is used is unknown.
Download: http://zcom.sytes.net/tee/tutorials/psposk/psposk.zip
I will give it to pspdev.org to include in the pspsdk.
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January 29th, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
PLynx has once again updated his Atari Lynx emulator for the PSP which is called PLynx too, heres whats new:
There is the last PLynx version.
- Added homebrew format support (.o)
- Option to rotate the screen (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
As usual download at the Official Site hosted by DCEmu/Emulation 64 Network.
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January 29th, 2006, 04:31 Posted By: wraggster
thepixelatedpoo posted this news:
<blockquote>Here is my homebrew titled Mankalah. Here are the instructions that I included in the game:
Mankalah (also called Warri) is one of the oldest known games originating from Africa. Each players has 7 pits, 6 of them containing stones. The larger bowl to the right is called the Kalah.
The object is to move more stones into your Kalah than your oponent. On each turn a player selects one of his pits to move stones from. All stones are removed from the pit and a single stone is placed in each pit in a counter clockwise direction, skipping your oppponents Kalah. If the last stone lands in your Kalah, you get another turn. If the last stone lands on one of your pits that is empty, and there are stones in your opponents pit directly across from the last pit, both your stone and your opponents stones are moved to your Kalah.
You play against the PSP in this release.
Feedback is appreciated.</blockquote>
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January 29th, 2006, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
IchigoKurosaki has updated his Flashmod app to work on v1.0 and v2.0 firmwares. Heres the info:
<blockquote>Developer's Note: I have a 1.50 PSP and i didn't really feel like upgradeing then downgradeing tonight just to test something that should work seeing that there was no real editing to the code just swaping of PRX files.
Features for Firmware 2.00:
Load UMD's with CPU clocked at 333 and GPU clocked at 166
Restore/Edit XMB Menu Names (Can't use PSP Menu Edit by Loco for Firmware 2.00)
Features for Firmware 1.50:
Load UMD's with 2.00 or higher support (Has not been improved)
Load UMD's with CPU clocked at 333 and GPU clocked at 166
Restore/Remove asura effect
Restore/Add custom backgrounds
Restore/Edit XMB menu names
Version reminder removed due to complaints
Features for Firmware 1.00:
Load UMD's with 2.00 or higher support
Load UMD's with CPU clocked at 333 and GPU clocked at 166
Restore/Remove asura effect
Restore/Add custom backgrounds
Restore/Edit XMB menu names (Can't use PSP Menu Edit by Loco for Firmware 1.00)
This agreement is due to FlashMod being Open Source and Public Domain which could cause people to download a Version of FlashMod that might not be from Orbis PSP Development. So for yours protection I urge you not to download FlashMod if it does not say Orbis PSP Development. As for people that want to release their own version of FlashMod please tell me before releasing any unofficial versions.
I Agree by downloading FlashMod Version 2.0 that I relinquish Orbis PSP Development of any liabilities concerning the software effect on my PSP.</blockquote>
Warning any program that writes to your PSP's flash memory has the potential to damage your PSP. So if in doubt do not use.
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January 29th, 2006, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Mads L has released a program that organizes the listing of programs on your PSP.
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January 29th, 2006, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP forums which include our PS2 and PS3 forums have swelled by 2 more with the joining of PSmonkeys and PLynxs forum.
Also any coders doing Emulation projects for the PSP who dont have a site or who would like one then we can offer you a place on this network, the forums on here can be used for newsposting on any page which means you get full feedback and with the many thousands that visit this Network every day your in great company. Any one who is interested then let me know. It takes me minutes to set it up and you dont even have to mess with Ftps because our forums have a great upload facility 
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January 29th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: General Plot
I got a build just last night from saqib, which had some cache issues fixed, and tested it with Killzone. It took some effort, but I was able to get ingame with it. This game up until then, had never gotten past the intro screens, so this is a nice fix indeed. You can see the info and screenshots if you'd like in my thread at General Emulation here.
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January 29th, 2006, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Well not really, but Richard Heard came across a fake PSP in Australia for 12 Aussie dollars or $9 or about £5.
Check out the screenshot via the comments (post more fakes if you find them)
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January 29th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
A new edition of the Xtreme PSP Magazine has been released, heres whats featured:
Issue 8 of the Xtreme PSP Magazine is now available for download. Issue 8 is packed with over 100 pages of great content including Previews of Lemmings and Exit, reviews of The Sims 2 and NBA Street Showdown. And all the regular content including tutorials, tips and cheats, the latest news, and our recent survey results.
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January 29th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
McZonk the winner of our 2nd 30day Coding Competition has updated us with some news:
Rehbock, the friendly guy making the test maps for me has loaded the map boss2 "Final Showdown" in Quake II. He is testing my port the whole day and already loaded the first single player game. I don't know how he has done it, it is an unmodifidy patch 2 version and it crashes on my psp. Thank you Rehbock.
Rehbock already loaded the some single player maps. You see some of the erros in Quake II (window is not translucent and the soldier has an error in frame 480) but it is playable.
Check out the screenshots and leave feedback via the comments:
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January 29th, 2006, 22:41 Posted By: cswindle
Hi All
Here is the latest build of the multiplayer support version of Quake, in this build it has the following additions:
- Infrastructure mode added
- Adhoc & Infrastructure are now enabled via the network menu
- The access point for infrastructure mode setting is in setup in the network settings
- Hacks to speed up the FPS to enable network versions to have less lag
- Sound support in both adhoc & infrastructure
In order to change the access point that you want to use, just go to the network setup menu and press left or right on the access point box.
Hope you enjoy.
Chris Swindle
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January 29th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Arguru has posted some great news of an update to the Mario Game for v2.01, v2.5 and v2.6, heres what was posted:
<blockquote>Super MiniMario has just been released by the creator of MiniMario and PSP 3D forum member, Arguru. If ya haven't already checked out MiniMario for 2.01+, definitely check Super MiniMario out. This is by far the most polished homebrew game I have seen that was specifically made for 2.0+, and if anything, the best homebrew game I have seen period. This is not a port, it's a purely hand-coded version of Super Mario. And most probably the greatest thing about this game is that it is fully customizable and modable. You can make your own levels, change character looks, everything. Loads of fun. And plus it works on 2.6 too, so since this doesn't use the EBOOT loading method, we can all enjoy Super MiniMario!
Here's some of the outstanding features this game offers:
- Full level map modding (using a simple text editor).
- Levels can be grouped to make a pack/game (smm_level_001.txt, smm_level_002.txt, etc). <- All the details about this are in smm_level_001.txt file included.
- Maps can be up to 1024x64 tiles (a psp game-screen is 30x16).
- Up to 128 enemies per level.
- 4 way scroll, breakable bricks, etc.</blockquote>
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January 29th, 2006, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita the master of the Eboot Loader for v2.0 PSPs and also the GTA Eboot Loader for v2.01 and v2.5 PSP Consoles, has posted this news:
"Thanks to a brainwave from Ditlew, we've had a breakthrough finding the v2.6 firmware syscalls, and we think we have about 90% of them figured out.
So this means, basically, that a version of the eLoader that works on v2.6 is really not very far away now. Woohoo! "
PSP News will be their to provide as usual the best news and unbiased reporting but while you wait check out our recently opened Eboot Loader & GTA Eboot Loader Forum.
Great work Fanjita, flying the flag for the British in the PSP Scene.
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January 29th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Llamma`s Site they have posted possible the best looking mod for the PSP ive ever seen:
<img src="http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=2787&stc=1">
Heres the info:
"We had a positive chi evening, two mods we had been stuck on are now working! Sometimes things go right and sometimes things go wrong in modding. Last night two things got figured out so we are pretty pleased. We have a PSP that has LED's that turn on and off based on the existing power indicator LED and also a 360 wireless controller with working blue LED's. The PSP was a learning curve thing, how do you switch on and off some LED's without adding a mini switch? I think "relay" but there is just no room for one in a PSP, we found that basically the solid state equivalent of a relay is a transistor.
In the words of Ali G, Boo-ya-kasha! We finally got it working! Now we have our lighted triggers, lighted D-pad and another light by the buttons for good measure! All thanks to a little device called a transistor. It took more than a bit of research and discovery, but now when the PSP green LED is on so are our 4 surface mount 0603 LED's. This has been the most time consuming lighting mod we have performed so far. Stick with us as we go through the steps and break it down step by step over the next few days!"
Opinions ?, any have a better PSP Mod or seen one elsewhere ?
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January 30th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Zelurker has updated the original version by Yoyofr of the NeoGeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
<blockquote> - Fixed speed of animations (waterfall in blue's journey...)
- fixed voices too fast in art of fighting (and maybe some others)
- Fixed red and blue inverted when clearing the screen in hardware mode
(it was producing a red sky in crossed swords, and a few bad colors in
some other games).
- Some files were really intended not to be loaded in the neocd, such as
these weird samples in aof, and another in neo turf master. Now they
are correctly ignored.
- The rasterline interrupt is now emulated which enables playing art
of fighting 2 at 115 or 130% (button B when starting a game)
The raster effects are not yet emulated, the background in super
sidekicks2 is now all green !
- A new gui from Radius !
- Added support for the fonts of the SDL_gfx project, and added a font
selector to the new gui
- Fixed the crash in neogeo cd special
- Added more options than what anybody will ever need for the osd :
you can now choose if you want to see or not mp3 tracks, mp3 errors,
if you want a black or transparent background and I added a profiler
display that you can choose from the "Show FPS" option. This profiler
is mainly usefull to me to see where the emulation looses time, but you
can try it if you are curious !
All this is now in the "OSD..." menu.
- Acceleration : a basic optimization for the 68k handlers and I won about
15 fps on the art of fighting main menu, and a trick on the raster
counter helped me to win about 30 fps in ninja commando, and the hall
of fame in magician lord (now maybe you don't have enough time to input
your name in magician lord, oh well...)</blockquote>
Downloads from our Comprehensive NeoGeo CD Emu page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/neocdpsp.shtml and discussion via the comments.
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January 30th, 2006, 06:11 Posted By: turulo
Well here is a version that fixes fileio problems, which means saving/loading is now working, there is still too much work to be done in the gui. Im releasing this as playing without saving is a pain, and now i can continue porting more relaxed.
Also note that now there are 2 openttd packages, one for 1.50 and the other one for 1.00 & 2.00, i hope this simplifies the installation and also to avoid the language issue.
The ChangeLog:
- Fixed fileio problems, this enables
- Save/Load scenearios
- Save/Load scenearios
- Play any of the four landscape types
- Save ingame modified settings - Triangle deleting main screen fixed
- Some debug messages added when missing files
- Added screenshot support presing select button
For those having issues with the game here is the explanation, so please be patient and dont ask twice for the same thing.
The problem is the following, openttd keeps by default 8 opened files
and PSP just allow 10 opened files a as max, then it just have 2 files
to open left for save/load, screenshots or any other fileio
Looks like fanjita loaders keeps 1 or even 2 files opened, so it will
produce malfunctions on openttd, i will try to contact fanjita to see
if he can free those 2 precious file descriptors in his loader.
The release is on good working condition, it works fine for me uncompressing and copying files from a unix box, so i dont know if winzip or windows xp integrated zip is truncating files or what...
If you are installing this over an old release, just delete the old one and install the new one.
If you are still suffering the language issue, just delete the "brazilian_portuguese.lng" file under "/PSP/GAME/ottd/lang/" and rename your desired language to "brazilian_portuguese.lng".
The Readme:
See attachments for files and screenshots.
Source: openttd-psp-src.tar.bz2
Nothing more to say, just enjoy this release and tanks to the openttd developers for so nice portable code :P
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January 30th, 2006, 07:30 Posted By: liquid8d
(News Submission by Liquid8d)
Hello everyone,
I have released the first version (1.0) of my lua RSS reader. I know, another one. I still have a lot of work to do, but hopefully someone will enjoy it.
Download is available here http://liquid8d.allhyper.com and via the comments
note: I have noticed a problem on occasion where it is unable to parse the feed and crashes. If this happens, remove the .tmp feed files from the feeds folder. Working on correcting this.
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January 30th, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: PSPages
After a bit of a timeout from the scene due to staff issues and other problems, PSPages magazine have relaunched a much improved looking website. This comes ahead of the launch of their 4th issue scheduled for release in the first week of February.
Not only does the website now look better, it is also easier to navigate, features new sections such as the "Score Bank" and there are even some donwloadable wallpaper packs to keep you happy. There is more content to come but for now you might want to pay a quick visit and bookmark it ready for the release of issue 4.
Check it out at the usual address: PSPages.co.uk
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January 30th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
The city attorney's office of Los Angeles has filed a lawsuit against Rockstar Games and parent company Take-Two Interactive over the controversial Hot Coffee mod in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
The lawsuit, which is apparently part of an ongoing investigation into the marketing of videogames, was introduced by attorney Rocky Delgadillo. He claims that Rockstar and Take-Two deliberately misled the Entertainment Software Ratings Board by not disclosing the hidden content, stating that the firms "engaged in unfair business practices by hiding pornographic material in a game which received an M rating."
The Hot Coffee mod allowed gamers to access a hidden mini-game in Rockstar's GTA: San Andreas, and view scenes of a sexual nature which would have been deemed inappropriate for the Mature rating that the game initially received. Rockstar initially maintained that the game was the solely the result of a third party modification, until the ESRB traced the same hidden code in all formats of the game and changed the game's rating to Adults Only.
Delgadillo's lawsuit acknowledges the fact that the content can only be accessed using a fan modification or console cheat-code system, but insists that Rockstar marketed the game "in a fashion that encourages the creation and use of mods." The attorney is seeking a combined fine for the two firms of USD 5000, that the firms relinquish all profits gained from sales of the title in California, and that Take-Two cover all court costs and associated charges as a result of the city office filing the lawsuit.
"Businesses have an obligation to truthfully disclose the content of their products - whether in the food we eat or the entertainment we consume," Delgadillo told the Associated Press.
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January 30th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamesradar
Midway is bringing its NBA action and lifestyle game to PSP with NBA Ballers: Rebound.
The action is one-on-one streetball as you attempt to guide your created-baller from obscurity to superstardom by taking on and beating the best players in the NBA.
There are over a hundred different ways you can customise your aspiring basketballer, then develop his skills against the best in the world. Then each time you defeat an NBA star you'll be rewarded with Ballers Credits which can be used to enhance your athlete's image with new clothes, cars and mansions.
The PSP version will feature two new luxury courts to play on, new DunkFest and King of Thieves modes and a WiFi one-on-one option.
NBA Ballers: Rebound will be released for PSP in April
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January 30th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Gameradar posted a review of Me and My Katamari, heres some info of the game:

This PSP followup to 2004's most original title looks just like its PS2 counterpart -- that is, full 3D, lots of objects to pick up, a similar looking prince as the main character, a similar screen layout and even the same visual style. One day, the island of Paradise Commonwealth Island, where many different kinds of animals live together in peace, is struck with a giant tsunami and is left a mess. A single turtle, who'd been separated from the island due to the tsunami, washes ashore on the nearby Prince Island and speaks of his misery to the Prince. This Prince is the very prince that has caused much havoc in previous Katamari games. Katamari Damacy PSP features one big change from previous titles: dynamic levels. The levels change based on the time and season. Levels also feature changing paths which make the game different each time you play.
Heres an excerpt from the review:
<blockquote>Me and My Katamari: a title that shows just how connected people feel to the videogame generation's little Prince. Already a miniature hero, he's been squeezed even tinier in order to fit his gentle games of world-scouring and star-building into your pocket.
Except that, for this adventure, instead of shooting skyward to form new constellations, the Prince's clumps of bric-a-brac are allowed to fall to Earth, forming new island homes for scores of animals left homeless after a tsunami.
Despite this change, almost every other element of the previous two games is in place. Indeed, it feels closer to the first game, limiting its environments to the townscapes and interiors rather than flower gardens or gingerbread houses, and liberally raiding the original's soundtrack.
Even the process of learning the digital controls may remind you of your first, slightly clumsy attempts at the game. The twin-stick input has been directly translated on to the D-pad and face buttons, and the hour or two it takes your brain to rewire is time painfully but valuably spent.
The engine has also survived the miniaturisation process successfully: there is minimal pop-up on some of the busier levels, and the moments when your katamari expands are rather more intrusive, but on the whole it's smooth and competent.
In short, it's a game with its spirit, its satisfaction and its structure intact. It's no longer just the King of All Cosmos who can hold the Prince in the palm of his hand.
Overall: 7 / 10</blockquote>
Me and My Katamari is out now in Japan.
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January 30th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
March 24 will witness the release of Team 17's handheld Worms-a-thon Worms Open Warfare. Heading to PSP and Nintendo DS, it sees a return to the series' trademark 2D gameplay of old. If you've had your head stuck underground for the last ten years and have absolutely no idea what classic Worms is, well, it's all about two teams of Worms, armed with ridiculous weaponry, kicking the crap out of each other in a bunch of destructible environments. Check out the new Worms Open Warfare PSP screenshots we've uploaded and prep your exploding sheep, ready for imminent deployment.
Screens at the link above.
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January 30th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Eurogamer
Majesco has announced that old days fighting series Guilty Gear is coming to Sony PSP and Nintendo DS.
Guilty Gear Judgment (sic) combines two games on one UMD - along with arcade fighter Guilty Gear X2 Reload, you get 18 levels of brand new side-scrolling action to play through.
There are 20 classic Guilty Gear characters to contend with, including Sol Badguy, Potemkin, May and Dizzy, and special moves include Psych Burst, Dust Attack and Roman Cancel. Two players can battle it out in wireless multiplayer mode.
Nintendo DS title Guilty Gear Dust Strikers features 21 fighters, and apparently their "intertwining stories reveal all-new insights into each character's personality and past."
There are six modes, including Arcade, Story and VS Battle, and seven touch screen mini-games to have a pop at. You can customise your special moves in the Robo Ky Factory, and go head to head with up to three other players in multiplayer mode.
Both Guilty Gear Judgment and Guilty Gear Dust Strikers are due out this spring.
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January 30th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: badplankton
(News Submission by Badplankton)
hi everyone i just released an early alpha version of my homebrew music synthesizer and sequencer, PSPSeq.
it is similar to PSP Kick and PSP Rhythm Composer; however in one way it is greatly different - PSPSeq uses synthesis rather than audio file playback for all its instruments. the basic functionality is there and you can make interesting loops, but there is still a -lot- of work to do.
have fun!
Download via comments 
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January 30th, 2006, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
PSPWeekly have released their 5th issue of PSP Weekly Magazine. At 114 pages, this issue is the best so far and full of what you would expect, download via the comments.
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January 30th, 2006, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Tsukasa has updated his excellent screenshot app for the PSP, heres the info:
Hi @ all, I'm back
Maybe I've good news:
Finaly PSPShot takes perfekt screenshots of nearly everything. I know, a few days ago, someone has released a program clled PSPcapture, which makes perfekt screenshots of games, but I promised to solve this problem in my program, so I released PSPShot v0.3.
New in this version:
Homebrew support (not realy, but it works (see readme))
Removed some bugs (e.g. those occasional lines)
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January 30th, 2006, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
SG57 has released a Demo of game, Kitty Cannon.
Some Info:
SELECT = Screenshots (they arent the best mainly because i didnt define a drawBuffer so i recomend not doing them)
X = hold this down when playing the main game, its the only way to move the kitty, and i made it this way strictly for slow motion deaths lol
[] = reset the level meaning it clears away the blood and resets the cannons positon and cats postiion
Credits are there but you cant get back to the main menu once you see them, only to the main OS menu by clicking the [ X ] button
Options menu is there but it says coming soon and u have to click x to reboot kitty cannon
Lastly, a DEBUG mode which means a flying kitty at your control so make as many bloody deaths as you want!
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January 30th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
LostJared has on our forums released "Atari Assembly Language Virtual Machine" to the PSP, heres some info:
<blockquote>Its a Virtual Machine, NOT a Emulator.. It interprets Atari 800 Assembly Language with a few extra instructions for modern computers NO you cannot run Atari 800 ROMS but if you get the assembly source than it can be interpreted...
This is meant to help you learn how to write a interpreter/virtual machine as well as teach you the foundations of modern programming languages.</blockquote>
More information and screenshots at the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17984
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January 30th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has updated his RSS/Atom reader for v2.0 and v1.5 PSPs, heres whats new:
Fixed to work on 2.00
Adding in some more character escapes
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January 30th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
SukkoPera has posted in our forums his new PSP Manager Application for the PSP, heres what he posted:
<blockquote>Upspear is a new application to fully manage the PSP from a PC. It's thought for PSPs with firmware 1.50, at least for the moment. Support for other firmwares may be added in the future, in case somebody gets homebrew running on them.
At the moment you can:
See the homebrews you have installed, rename and delete them.
Identify useless folders in psp/game.
See your savegames and delete the ones you don't need anymore.
Hide the "corrupt data" icons or push them to the bottom of the list.
Kxploit a 1.0 eboot.pbp, making it work under 1.5 firmwares.
View the contents of a .SFO format file (i. e.: param.sfo).
All these functions can be performed through the nice graphical interface the program has. The program itself is in English, but it uses GNU gettext, which means that it can be easily translated in other languages. At the moment only an Italian translation is available, but anybody can submit more translations, see the "Contributing" section below if you're interested.
Upspear is programmed in C, using the GTK+ toolkit. Development is done under Linux, but it should run with no problems on other operating systems, such as Windows and MacOSX. The code is released under the GPL, so it is free software (as in "free speech", not as in "free beer").</blockquote>
Download via the release thread and please give feedback here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17952
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January 31st, 2006, 00:06 Posted By: Kaiser
Seems a little teaser was slipped in the news section over at http://yoyofr.proboards44.com/
How soon? What new features will it have?
We don't know yet, but I'm pretty sure everyone in the PSP scene Is eagerly awaiting this release.
Credit to miemt11 for the discovery.
Original forum topic here
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January 31st, 2006, 04:57 Posted By: Kaiser

GameSharkGX has created an unofficial patch for Fanjita's sweet eboot loader. Here's what he had to say...
Hello GameShark Here!!!
First of i just want to say that Fanjita deserves all the credit in the world for making Eboot_Loader 0.9, i is a great app.
Now for the Patch!
I have made a patch for Fanjita's Ebootloader 0.9
Below is a list of improvments + a few customization fetures
* Improved Stablity
* New Background + Optional Background Pack
* More Stablity When Running a Wifi Apps
* More Memory for Programs
* Kernel Warning Removed - (no longer need confirmation before running kerrenel apps)
* Holding Home Now either restarts psp (May freze but will restart), or bings you to the eboot_loader
There is a new set of backgrounds i have included
Credit for the backgrounds goes to, my bud M1ndle5s (PSP-HACKS.COM)
Read the readme in the Backgrounds Package folder for installation directions
Hope That This Release Holds You all over till Fanjita makes an offical Update.
Download at this forum topic--->http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=18031
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January 31st, 2006, 06:40 Posted By: modsyn
(News Submission by Modsyn)
Here's something for all of the faithful 1.5 users - Ograniser.
It's a silly LUA application that lets you organize the icons
for you homebrew games. I know there are plenty of these
programs already, but they're all for PC. I wanted to be able
to change the order when i was out and about PC-less.
I'm calling it a beta version because i didn't test it for more
than a week or so.
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January 31st, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories".
Cheats Include: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather & Spawn Anything.
Whats new:
Teleport ability addded
improved Video recorder
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January 31st, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey who is hosted here at DCEmu Network, posted this very interesting news on his site:
<blockquote>I just felt like saying this. I today, theoreticaly, made a new first for the psp. It's ungodly ugly, slow (1.5fps) and wont progress farther in the near future. Yet on a technical test it's damn interesting. It's nothing complex (a simple port from pc with much cleaning) yet it might open a huge can of worms on the psp scene. Expect a full anouncement & release (bin & src) in a few days by wragster (it will be a dcemu exclusive). There will be some baggage to this release (i am fed up with another sites brown nosing certain coders) but it will be my statement & a cheap technical laugh to give me a short 2 day break on iris. Thats all i say for now. Iris is not suffering over this. Iris is my #1 priority now. This was just done for kicks (and something i've been thinking about for months).</blockquote>
What can it be, check out the site and leave comments here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
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January 31st, 2006, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a press release:
Sumthing Else Music Works, Inc., through a licensing relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd (SCEE), is pleased to announce their first release of 2006: MediEvil ResurrectionTM Original Soundtrack. The soundtrack album from the third title in the multi-million selling MediEvil series, developed by SCEE's Cambridge Studio, is now available at European and US retail outlets through Nile Rodgers' Sumthing Else Music Works label www.sumthing.com, the industry leader for licensing and distributing videogame soundtracks.
The MediEvil Resurrection Original Soundtrack encompasses an eclectic mix of styles that reflects both the gothic horror and the irreverent humour of the MediEvil series. Featuring original compositions as well as new arrangements of the previous MediEvil game scores written by Bob and Barn (MediEvilTM, PrimalTM), the re-mastered score was orchestrated by Nic Raine (PrimalTM, Kameo: Elements of PowerTM) and recorded by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir in the Czech Republic. For music samples please visit www.bobandbarn.com.
Piers Jackson, producer of MediEvil Resurrection, said, "I've often heard Bob and Barn state that of all the games they have worked on MediEvil is their most requested soundtrack, so for all of you who have been waiting for it, and for all of you to whom this is the first outing, I hope you gain as much enjoyment from it as I have."
MediEvil Resurrection is a hilarious action adventure game designed exclusively for PSP that sees the return of the 'fearless' knight, Sir Daniel Fortesque. In his latest misadventure, Dan 'bravely' attempts to rescue the land of Gallowmere from the evil Zarok and in death, becomes the hero he never was in life. Inspired by the myths, characters, and environments of the PS One games, the beloved MediEvil franchise comes to the PSP with new characters, environments, mini-games, and more!
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January 31st, 2006, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Like a good many PSP launch titles, Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade got largely middling reviews. However, the role-playing game's hack-and-slash action won many fans, making it one of the top titles for Sony's handheld for months.
Today, Sony Online Entertainment has announced that Untold Legends' sequel, Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code has gone gold. Veterans of the first Untold Legends will notice the game's expanded storyline, which includes high-quality animated cutscenes, along with quite a few in-game cinematics. The plot in question concerns a secret society of shape-shifters on the short end of an attempted genocide by the hands of a powerful warlord. A small band of survivors comes across a secret that could lead to their salvation--that's when the players come into play as one of five character types.
Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code will also see the return of a cooperative mode, and gamers with more bloodlust can opt for the player-versus-player mode. Adventurers will traverse 45 areas across five new chapters and will battle more than 40 unique monsters and contend with 12 boss battles. The game is rated T for Teen, retails for $39.99, and will begin its retail quest March 14.
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January 31st, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Massa84 has released a new piece of software that turns your PSP into a Universal Control, heres the information:
<blockquote>WORKS ONLY ON 1.50
What it does
it lets you emulate every remote supported by lirc (www.lirc.org), they're nearly 1800 (all included in the release)
for the remotes not yet supported i suggest you to try to use the others remotes from the same manufacturer. there's a good probability that they would work
How do i make it work?
- extract the archive in the psp root
- launch the app
- press square and the remote list will appear
- select the manufacturer pressing x
- select the remote pressing x
- program will "reboot"
- press circle to make appear the commands list
- select the command and press x
to exit press triangle! home button makes the psp crash
What will it do:
in a near future it will have a leaning commands function, the gui will be improved now it's a little bit empty
raw lirc support
these files are already available but the app doesn't find any command</blockquote>
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January 31st, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
Some crackin news of a new ScummVM for PSP Release, heres the details:
<blockquote>Release Name: 0.8.1
- More descriptive game titles in all engines.
- Fixed crash when trying to apply aspect-ratio correction to games that
cannot use it.
- Fixed potential security vulnerability with oversized PATH environment
- Lowered the default gain for the FluidSynth music driver and made it
- Scrolling fixes in COMI, so it is less CPU-hungry.
- Added support for Maniac Mansion NES German version.
- Fixed mouse button states in COMI.
- Fixed overflow when using control panel for robot in the Dig.
- Added support for sound code, used by songs in HE games.
- Improved shadows in later HE games.
- Fixed subtitles glitches in HE games.
- Improved music/sound for HE games.
- Improved support for international versions of HE games.
- Improved support for Macintosh versions of games.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Fix crash when speed/volume sliders are clicked and then dragged out
of the scummvm window.
- Fixed disappearing cursor when level password is typed in
- Warn user if he tries to run CD version directly from CD under Windows
- Fix digital music playback under BE systems.
- Implemented more precise MD5-based game detection.
- Added Polish support for Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed fades during ride to goblins camp in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed palette delay at the end of Simon the Sorcerer 1.
- Fixed sound looping in Windows version of Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed a bug where looping sounds would keep playing during cutscenes or
when displaying any form of control panel dialog.
- The save game dialog would erroneously claim an I/O error occurred if the
savegame list had unused slots, and savegames were compressed.
- Fixed a scrolling bug which caused the finale sequence to be displayed
- Fixes and cleanups to the end credits. The German credits work now.
- Fixed missing speech/music in the second half of the game, reported to
happen in some versions of the game.
PS2 Port:
- Completely reworked and now really goes official.
PSP Port:
- Fixed a bug that caused Broken Sword 1, and games that use ripped CDDA
tracks (most notably the CD version of Monkey Island 1), to stop
functioning properly after a while.
WinCE Port:
- Check backends/wince/README-WinCE for the latest news
- Fixed disappearing panel when opening a list widget in GUI
- Knakos patches (QVGA smartphones fix, easier key binding and panel
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/scummvmpsp.shtml and leave feedback 
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January 31st, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Some crackin news of a new ScummVM Release, heres the details:
<blockquote>Release Name: 0.8.1
- More descriptive game titles in all engines.
- Fixed crash when trying to apply aspect-ratio correction to games that
cannot use it.
- Fixed potential security vulnerability with oversized PATH environment
- Lowered the default gain for the FluidSynth music driver and made it
- Scrolling fixes in COMI, so it is less CPU-hungry.
- Added support for Maniac Mansion NES German version.
- Fixed mouse button states in COMI.
- Fixed overflow when using control panel for robot in the Dig.
- Added support for sound code, used by songs in HE games.
- Improved shadows in later HE games.
- Fixed subtitles glitches in HE games.
- Improved music/sound for HE games.
- Improved support for international versions of HE games.
- Improved support for Macintosh versions of games.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Fix crash when speed/volume sliders are clicked and then dragged out
of the scummvm window.
- Fixed disappearing cursor when level password is typed in
- Warn user if he tries to run CD version directly from CD under Windows
- Fix digital music playback under BE systems.
- Implemented more precise MD5-based game detection.
- Added Polish support for Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed fades during ride to goblins camp in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed palette delay at the end of Simon the Sorcerer 1.
- Fixed sound looping in Windows version of Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed a bug where looping sounds would keep playing during cutscenes or
when displaying any form of control panel dialog.
- The save game dialog would erroneously claim an I/O error occurred if the
savegame list had unused slots, and savegames were compressed.
- Fixed a scrolling bug which caused the finale sequence to be displayed
- Fixes and cleanups to the end credits. The German credits work now.
- Fixed missing speech/music in the second half of the game, reported to
happen in some versions of the game.
PS2 Port:
- Completely reworked and now really goes official.
PSP Port:
- Fixed a bug that caused Broken Sword 1, and games that use ripped CDDA
tracks (most notably the CD version of Monkey Island 1), to stop
functioning properly after a while.
WinCE Port:
- Check backends/wince/README-WinCE for the latest news
- Fixed disappearing panel when opening a list widget in GUI
- Knakos patches (QVGA smartphones fix, easier key binding and panel
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February 1st, 2006, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source CVG
One of Microsoft's key advantages in both current and next gen is its impressive and rather slick online service Live, which offers a seamless interface to the (sometimes) wonderful world of online gaming. With online one of the key battlegrounds in the next gen, it's something Sony has probably always looked at enviously, but officially seemed less inclined to follow.
Well, all that might be about to change with the arrival of the PS3, if the latest word from the Official US PlayStation Magazine is to be believed. Despite past assurances that Sony would leave multiplayer matchmaking to game developers and in the remit of individual titles, it now seems like a centralised Live-style service is almost certainly in the works.
PSM reports that Sony wants much, much more than a simple matchmaking and ranking lists service, and developers in possession of the PS3 dev kits will have to meet with Sony's online compliance team to make sure their titles will work with the projected PlayStation Network.
Unnamed sources quoted by the magazine say Sony plans to develop a full PlayStation Network type service to compete head on with the current version of Live. They also say that the service will integrate the PlayStation Portable, which we've always speculated may act as a controller for the PS3 - and now as a portable connection to the online service. The magazine suggests Sony has been plotting this service since just after the delivery of the PS2 Network adaptor.
If OPM's reports are true - and we have to say they're given a boost by the appearance of that recent online questionnaire - it signals a seismic shift in Sony's thinking, but a vital one if it's to compete with Microsoft's perceived online advantage.
Live has already shown that it can be used for much more than multiplayer gaming, with the delivery of movie trailers, music and additional content - key targets and battlegrounds for Sony as it looks to establish Blu-ray and return all divisions of the troubled company to profitability. So it increasingly looks as if PS3 will have an online network to truly compete with Live and push Sony's multimedia content to every PS3 and PSP owner. We'll be following developments on this one closely, though we have to say, it'll have to get the PS3 out of the door first.
But what would you want from a Sony online service, and can Sony compete in the one area where it has always trailed Microsoft? Let us know what you think in our forum below.
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February 1st, 2006, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Source CVG
One of Microsoft's key advantages in both current and next gen is its impressive and rather slick online service Live, which offers a seamless interface to the (sometimes) wonderful world of online gaming. With online one of the key battlegrounds in the next gen, it's something Sony has probably always looked at enviously, but officially seemed less inclined to follow.
Well, all that might be about to change with the arrival of the PS3, if the latest word from the Official US PlayStation Magazine is to be believed. Despite past assurances that Sony would leave multiplayer matchmaking to game developers and in the remit of individual titles, it now seems like a centralised Live-style service is almost certainly in the works.
PSM reports that Sony wants much, much more than a simple matchmaking and ranking lists service, and developers in possession of the PS3 dev kits will have to meet with Sony's online compliance team to make sure their titles will work with the projected PlayStation Network.
Unnamed sources quoted by the magazine say Sony plans to develop a full PlayStation Network type service to compete head on with the current version of Live. They also say that the service will integrate the PlayStation Portable, which we've always speculated may act as a controller for the PS3 - and now as a portable connection to the online service. The magazine suggests Sony has been plotting this service since just after the delivery of the PS2 Network adaptor.
If OPM's reports are true - and we have to say they're given a boost by the appearance of that recent online questionnaire - it signals a seismic shift in Sony's thinking, but a vital one if it's to compete with Microsoft's perceived online advantage.
Live has already shown that it can be used for much more than multiplayer gaming, with the delivery of movie trailers, music and additional content - key targets and battlegrounds for Sony as it looks to establish Blu-ray and return all divisions of the troubled company to profitability. So it increasingly looks as if PS3 will have an online network to truly compete with Live and push Sony's multimedia content to every PS3 and PSP owner. We'll be following developments on this one closely, though we have to say, it'll have to get the PS3 out of the door first.
But what would you want from a Sony online service, and can Sony compete in the one area where it has always trailed Microsoft? Let us know what you think in our forum below.
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February 1st, 2006, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Source Gamespot
Fans of Mega Man have had to endure a full three weeks without a new release starring their favorite blue robo-boy. Thankfully, the dry spell is over for the prolific protagonist, as Capcom today announced that Mega Man Maverick Hunter X for the PSP is now available for the PSP. The game is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older and retails for $39.99.
Those familiar with the series will recognize the game as a mobile remake of the original Mega Man X, which debuted on the Super Famicom in Japan in 1993 and was a series spin-off. The game retains the classic side-scrolling and boss-battling action of Mega Man, while introducing a different story and new characters.
The PSP version features new graphics, gameplay tweaks, and rearranged music and sound effects from the original. Those who played the SNES veresion will be happy to know that there are new pre-boss-fight cutscenes, new locations for items and enemies on levels, and a new story featuring Mega Man X's archrival, Vile, which is unlocked after beating the game's story mode.
Even though he debuted in the late 1980s, Mega Man does not appear to be slowing down. He continues his assault on handhelds March 14 with Mega Man Powered Up for the PSP.
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February 1st, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: miemt11
Latest Version of PMP Mod v1.02 released from Jonny
PMP Mod is a media player for PSP.
The "Mod" suffix indicate that this is a modified version, based on the original version from JiniCho.
Many thanks goes to JiniCho for porting FFMPEG and FFPLAY to PSP. Without his work, this modified version would never be possible.
Change in this version 1.02
- A part of the color space conversion is done in parallel with audio decoding, speed increase around 2.5fps
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February 1st, 2006, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has updated his emulator NeoGeo CDZ to the PSP, Google offers a rather amusing translation but here it is:
<blockquote>* Luster it corrects the processing of the counter. Below checking the luster counter, it reached the point where the game operates.
NEO Drift Out
It reached the point where it operates entirely with this whether it is it is not.
After unless luster effect how there is an oak, * & *.
Whatever the translation says we have a new Neogeo CD emu to play with, download and source via comments.
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