October 1st, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Just two months to go, and gamers of the Sony persuasion can get their thumbs-on the PS Vita. While we were getting comfy with the available list of this PSP successor's dos and don'ts, out comes further info to rain on our anticipated PlayStation Suite parade. According to a report from ASCII, game downloads over 3G connections will be limited to a max of 20MB. What does that mean for you, prospective buyer? Well, kiss that 500 - 600 strong library of PSP titles goodbye, and say hello to a catalog of minis. Sure, you could always hook up to some decent WiFi to purchase and play those old favorites uninterrupted, but that kind of defeats this portable's on-the-go design. Rest assured, this download cap could still change before the handheld launches in the US and UK. And anyway, you didn't think you were going to get far on that three to five hour charge, now did you?
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October 2nd, 2011, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sledgehammer co-founder and general manager Glen Schofield has said he feels under massive pressure to deliver the goods with Modern Warfare 3.
The former EA Visceral Games boss told the latest issue of Edge: "We were very confident after Dead Space, especially with our development processes. We knew we could deliver within a deadline and with a lot of polish. And that confidence was exactly what was needed.
"But there are days when you think: 'Holy shit, this is a monster'. There is a lot of stress. It's not crippling, but the thing that worries me most is people going: 'Look, there's the guy who brought down Call of Duty!' That scares the crap out of me."
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October 2nd, 2011, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
In this weeks episode of PlayStation Access the team take a look at Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection.
In this week's episode of PlayStation Access the team take a look at the Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection.
There's also a round-up of the latest PlayStation games, which include Child of Eden and Rochard, plus behind the scenes coverage of the recent Resistance 3 event in London.
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October 2nd, 2011, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster

One of [Wayne’s] relatives had their house robbed during a blizzard/extended power outage, and as is typically the case, none of the stolen items were recovered. His nephew’s PS3 was among the pilfered belongings, which didn’t sit well with him. Taking a cue from police “bait cars”, he thought it would be cool to fit a dummy game console with a tracking device, should anything similar happen in the future.
He bought a hollowed out PS3 shell on eBay, filling it with an Arduino, an accelerometer, a GPS sensor, a small GSM modem with a prepaid SIM card, and a reasonably sized LiPoly battery. The system usually sits in a sleeping state, but when the accelerometer senses motion, the Arduino powers up the GSM modem and sends an SMS security alert to his mobile phone. Using his phone to control the tracking system via SMS, he can request GPS coordinates and directional information, which can then be relayed to the police.
His tracking system is a great idea since hawking stolen game consoles are easy money for thieves. If there happens to be a string of robberies in your neighborhood, you could certainly rest a little bit easier knowing that your Playstation doppelganger will let you know if someone is looting your house..
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October 2nd, 2011, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
The months leading up to a big blockbuster release have a natural flow and order to them: First a title is announced, then months (or years) later we see screens, then trailers, eventually a demo or beta, etc. It's a strange, beautiful process, much akin to watching a caterpillar transform itself into a colorful butterfly.
Uncharted 3 has entered the final pupal stage of its metamorphosis, the "leaked trophies cocoon." Head on past the break for the full list of daring feats you'll be rewarded for come November 1.
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October 2nd, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Seminal SNES RPG Chrono Trigger is heading to PSN - next week!
A post on the US PlayStation blog outed the release date as Tuesday, 4th October. There's no corresponding post on the European blog - the game could arrive here on Wednesday, 5th October.
A subsequent post by Square Enix product manager Charles McCarter teased that Chrono Cross, sequel to Chrono Trigger, may also be on its way.
"Would rather be playing Chrono Cross. Yea [sic] I went there," posted blog member kassatsu.
"Well, you might not have to wait that much longer..." replied McCarter.
A PS3/PSP/PSN release for Chrono Trigger was hinted at earlier this year via America's ratings boardESRB.
Chrono Trigger was released on the SNES a million years ago, in 1995, and later ported to PlayStation 1. Presumably the latter version will be the one on offer.
There's no word on a price.
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October 2nd, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/09/26/...ll-development
Good news and bad news... And I'll give the bad news first: Coldbird, one of the developers behind the PRO custom firmware, has decided to up 'n quit the scene. Why? Because haters keep hatin' ... simple as that. These guys provide a free service in their spare time and when you flame 'em it doesn't sit well. So be it ... it is what it is. The good news: CFW PRO-C is still in development and there are still plans for the new online mode.
New online mode? Hells yeah... Apparently this mode will add infrastructure over Ad-hoc, similar to XLink Kai, only you won't actually need XLink -- just the custom firmware. Codestation has taken over the code and hopefully can continue where Coldbird left off. As for a release date ... there is none.
In the meantime you can download CFW 6.60 PRO-B9. It works with all PSP models.
Good lookin' VF, neur0n and Codestation. May the force be with you.
And best of luck in your future endeavours, Coldbird
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
Deank, father of Multiman offers a standalone version of its browser from the famous Multiman, usable from any application.
New / fixed: - Support for file upload - Downloaded files are stored in the current + / download - FTP server running in the background - Allocates 150Mb for the browser, more messages of memory error - If error link, the page will open Ps3 Official - Back to the application that launched if the left (if reload.self is present in the same folder) - If present in the folder Multiman, it will be used instead of the built-in - Free to be used by other developers Thanks to The-Green for the information.
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Condorstrike offers a kind of screen saver for PS3 intended for use with Multiman.
New / fixed: - Added MP3 player (beta) - Added more dynamic effect, more particles and planets - Disable FTP and replacement by the browser / FTP Deank (broswer.self) - Fixed rotation planets - Added key: press and hold X to display - Fixed a bug in the 2nd stage - Added wire-framed Hologram - Added output to the XMB - Added XMB PIC1.PNG - Cleaning the code and something else by the author forgot the MP3 player - MP3 Place in the "audio" to the root of a USB device - key down to change music - Press and hold the X button to display the caption - Press to display SQ Browser / FTP - Press O to exit - Press Triangle to launch Multiman - Press Select to pause, Start to resume the future updates will bring improvements to the code and plug-ins for the mp3 player. Multiman Solar Edition V2.3 Official website: www.tortuga-cove.com
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Team E3DIY returns to the packaging and give us a date of sale. The date is now set for Oct. 10, and following comments from people being afraid to weld the Team decided to remove the work piece for NAND. The edition is limited as amended. The first version will be out for the Ps3 NOR, a 2nd version released in a week with a special clip NAND. The packaging consists of 11 rooms, divided into three boxes:
Official website: www.e3-tech.net
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese developer Plum continues work on its MP3 playback plugin, it has just recently delivered a new version 3.3 of MP3PlayerPlugin , a reminder that allows you to play your favorite MP3 songs into full play
this new release fixes bugs that we had to meet in its predecessors.
MP3 files must be in the Music folder of Memory Stick as usual.
New / fixed:
- Activating the Plugin is back in the Mute button.
- Fixed a bug that occurred with some games.
- Fixed the menu display (video artifacts). MP3PlayerPlugin v3.3 Official Website: http://twitter.com/ #! / plum_429 /
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Usually a game console is made to play any more but maybe you can do other things such as play music, video, visit the Net and why not learn other languages! ! Yes it is possible by Nakano!
Nakano is a Japanese developer came to the PSP scene in 2011 at the Genesis Competition Forum PSP Wololo.net.
We presented "Any Language study" , carried out with the homebrew LUA language, which allows to learn the basics Japanese language with explanatory pictures and mini-games in a dynamic organization and ideal for beginners. This homebrew has changed the son to join versions in its catalog of other languages as well as exercises, tests, a "little" dictionary and a translation function recently, all on PSP. Our friend continues to work even after the end of the contest of 2011 Wololo, he offers us a new version 3.0 of its beautiful homebrew ever more novelty. 's New / Fixes: - Added a menu of quick passage to change the language and translation. - Added support for custom styles, the second style was provided by passingby Wololo.net forum - User can now determine the The order of buttons with the file buttons.ini - In a list of words, the position of buttons, alignment and text position can be determined. - Added a list of flags provided by passingby to demonstrate and facilitate the use of new features and functions.
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
While his CFW "mimimum Edition" arrived at the stage of saturation, which is very normal for a console at end of life, neur0ner always find something to delight its funs, he is currently working on plugins more fun. This time we will book the seventh version of the plugin satellite-game , which for those who do not know, can access a menu similar to the VSH "open game" . The goal is for example to change the CPU speed of the game in progress, quickly doused the console, come back to the XMB menu, enable / disable the USB connection in full play and it promises even more features in the future. Once the file. prx put in the seplugins folder, add the appropriate line to the file game.txt. To access the menu "satellite game" just press Select + R trigger .
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
If we talk about PSP emulators on the PC, you should probably discuss "JPCSP" PSP emulator written in Java. This is probably the best in its genre, its development is provided by a very active team since 2008, he played the son of versions advantage of hardware but also software improvements experienced by the PC in recent years. Although Perfection does not exist, JPCSP happens most often to ensure its role as an excellent emulator, the team announced more than 200 games with PSP fully functional. The software is easy to handle as desired with support for multiple languages, it works fine with the nVidia chipset, but also with dual core processors for better results, it is compatible with Windows, Linux, but Mac, 64-bit is also to go with a few flaws that still need work. Prerequisites: Minimum: - Windows 32/64 bit, Linux 32/64 bit, MAC OS. - CPU: Pentium 4 and above. - GPU: any graphics card that supports the protocol OpenGL 2.0 and above. - 1GB of RAM. Recommended: - Windows Vista and 7 (preferably JPCSP use 32 bit even on 64 bit OS for better support of audio / video) - CPU: Dual core @ 2.5 GHz - GPU: always install the latest drivers. - 2 GB of RAM or more.
New / fixed:
- Added tests for the application of sceSasCore, it is used to exploit new and future of sceSasSetPause support full ADSR wave.
- Improved verification of the priority values in the ThreadMan.
- The additional parameters were added to the functions and sceSasSetVolume sceSasSetPause, this could correct the errors that persist stop her on some games.
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
redsquirrel87 decided to offer regularly new versions of Showtime, an application based on a PS3 port of Showtime, a media player used on HTPC stations.
New / fixed: - Updated Italian translation, Chinese, Polish and Romanian - display correct local time - Two bug fixes on the functions These versions are called "unofficial" because it is not a Compiled by the author of the project, lonelycoder. These versions will quickly test the additions made to the development code without waiting for official versions may be out longer. Showtime v3.3.68 Unofficial Official site: www.redsquirrel87.com
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October 3rd, 2011, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Kakaroto updates its game clone of Crayon Physics.
The main update is the support of the Ps Move. Mouse and joystick are always compatible, but if you have a camera connected to PS Eye, the game will manage the Move Ps. Ps If the Move is detected, the ball will turn white at that time, you must aim the camera and press the Action button for calibration, then the ball will change color. You can always press the Action button to calibrate the game, when you calibrate you do not move, the ball will change color to his or over, if it becomes white, then you have moved and have to start over. There are two game modes, the first selected by default, is a 3d cord, you must move the entire controller (reaching to achieve corners), the second mode uses the gyroscope of Ps Move, just point and rotating the cursor will move. You can switch the select button. A bug that would crash the game, this in the previous version has been corrected. The game should be more stable. Control: Button Action = calibration Start Button = center the cursor on the screen Select Button = switch between modes T = Trigger button click The archive contains Pkg for Custom Firmware 3.41 and 3.55. Eskiss 2.0 Official site: kakaroto.homelinux.net
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October 3rd, 2011, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
FBANext-PS3 SVN r490 is released. FBANext-PS3 is a FBANext for PS3. FBANext (Final Burn Alpha) is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn. FBANext is a native port on the Xbox 360 Platform. A port to the PS3 console is currently underway. The goal is to have one source repository for both systems.
These are the currently emulated systems:
- Capcom CPS-1 / CPS-2 / CPS-3
- Cave
- Neo Geo (Neogeo bios requiered)
- Sega System 16 (and similar systems), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board
- Toaplan
- Taito 68k
- Psikyo 68EC020/SH2
- Konami
- Sega Megadrive (Savestates not supported)
- Other Misc Great Arcade Systems
- Full graphics/audio supported
- Resize Screen Function
- Easy to use rom browser.
- Option to filter on specific drivers
- Option to hide clones
- Option to only display 3 or 4 player games only
- 60fps performance at 1080p for *most* roms
- Pixel Shader support
- Up to 4 gamepads supported
- Rotate screen options
- Hardware filter options (Linear, Point filtering)
- Triple Buffering
FBANext-PS3 SVN Changelog:
(PS3) Ms. Pac-Man works again; reverted inconsequential PS3 ifdefs
[PS3] updated proj file
(PS3) Calculations in setview are no longer being done every frame, but done once outside the main emulation loop - the same goes for rotation.
(PS3) Build changes
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October 3rd, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
rpcs3 SVN r28 is released. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 SVN Changelog:
- Implemented "DisAsm & Interpreter" mode.
- Implemented SPU emulating.
- Fixed crash in NullMemoryBlock read mode.
- Implemented loading flags from ".got", ".data.sceFStub" and ".rodata.sceFNID" sections.
- Fixed seek for FS syscalls.
- Emulated more PPU instructions.
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October 3rd, 2011, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Once you've cleared the $25k or so in your budget that it will take to snag one of Sony's 4K VPL-VW1000ES your next problem will be finding some 4096x2160 res content to view on it. While showing off the new beamer for its Japanese audience at CEATEC today, Sony announced the PS3 will get a firmware update around the beginning of 2012 that will allow it to natively output 4K stills. There's a PlayView "visual magazine" already available on the PlayStation store in Japan that supports 4K and 3D, but this update will bring super high res viewing of your vacation pics, or any other high res image files you can snag, to the living room. While your friends will no doubt be impressed by the museum-quality art gala you're now capable of hosting, we're starting the timer for 4K video sources -- if we don't hear anything concrete at CES then we'll be incredibly disappointed.
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October 3rd, 2011, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Turns out, Sony Ericsson is really coming around to the understanding that Android phones are not a one-size-fits-all proposition. After taking notice of the FreeXperia team's tireless efforts to bringCyanogenMod 7.1 to certain SE devices, the company is now "pulling a Samsung" by lending its support to the cause. The firm has provided the group with approximately 20 phones, along with debugged and rebuilt camera library binaries to ensure a proper user experience. Not stopping there, Sony Ericsson hopes to make these bits available to all developers under a special EULA in the near future. Of course, the company continues to remind its users that it doesn't specifically condone unlocking the bootloader -- which still results in a void warranty -- even though it's willing to help you do just that.
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October 3rd, 2011, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Vita will have a 20mb filesize limit for 3G downloads for its Japanese launch, in line with Apple's similar policy on downloading over a mobile data network.
On Apple devices, download filesize is also limited to 20mb unless connected by wireless, a limit which Sony has decided to emulate, reports Japanese blog ASCII, translated by Andriasang.
Sony has indicated that this number may change in the future. Sony Europe has been contacted for clarification on whether the limit will apply to European territories too. Sony is yet to announce pricing or carrier parters for the UK.
Download speeds on the 3G model Vita are fixed to 128kbps down, with upload rates capped at 64kbps, allowing Sony's Japanese mobile carrier partner NTT DoCoMo to sell 3G access cards by the hour. However, the 100 hour card, priced at ¥4,980, grants users 3 hours of free high speed, 14 mbs down and 5.7 mbs up usage.
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October 3rd, 2011, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Australian Privacy Commissioner has declared that Sony Australia broke no privacy laws in its handling of the PSN breach earlier this year.
Although the Commissioner made clear that Sony should have communicated the extent of the breach to its customers more quickly, the legal investigation into culpability for the data loss has concluded that the loss occurred as a: "result of a sophisticated security cyber attack on the Network Platform's systems."
The office, which only has jurisdiction over Sony's Australian branch, also pointed out that the information itself was actually held by a different division of the company in California, reportsGamasutra.
The office judged Sony Australia to have responded to the crisis with due diligence in order to protect any further theft of its customers' information.
"The Privacy Commissioner was also satisfied with how the incident was dealt with following the breach in terms of the extra security measures that have been implemented to help protect personal information," reads the commissioners report.
However, some criticism was reserved for the speed with which Sony informed customers about the security breach.
"Given his concerns over the period that elapsed before Sony notified its customers, the Privacy Commissioner strongly recommended that Sony review how it applies the OIAC's Guide to handling personal information security breaches."
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October 3rd, 2011, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
A selection of "rare classic games" will be made available on the US PlayStation Store this week, according to Industry Gamers.
The move is part of Only On PlayStation Network, Sony's bid to draw attention to the range of exclusive games available from its PlayStation 3 download store. On October 4, PS2 classics including Capcom's high-camp brawler God Hand and hack-and-slash titleMaximo: Ghosts To Glory, Konami's strategy game Ring Of Red, and Vanillaware titles Odin Sphere and GrimGrimoire will be released.
As well as the old classics, October will also see the release of a host of PSN exclusives, starting on October 4 with Eufloria andRochard. Sideway: New York follows next week, with Sodium Collection due on October 13. Okabu and Rocketbirds launch on October 18 and, the following week, InFamous 2 expansion Festival Of Blood and Pixeljunk Sidescroller will be released.
PlayStation Plus subscribers will get a 20 per cent discount on all games released in the promotion, and those that spend $60 on the store during October will receive $10 credit for purchases in November.
We've contacted SCEE to ascertain whether the promotion only applies to the United States or will be rolled out worldwide, and are waiting to hear back from Capcom whether the PS2 games will be in original form or upscaled to HD.
UPDATE: We've had the following statement from Sony: "The Only On PlayStation Network programme is for the SCEA region only. However, we will be bringing the majority of the content to the SCEE audience, including classic PS2 titles. We have numerous exciting offers that we will be introducing to PSN users throughout our region in the lead up to Christmas and look forward to sharing these with you."
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October 3rd, 2011, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Hudson revealed its intention to capitalise on the rebirth of the fighting game with the announcement this weekend of Bloody Roar 5.
In a brief message on Twitter, the developer said: "New Bloody Roar sequel is in production! We'll post more soon," with hashtags implying that the game is planned for release next year.
This will be the first appearance of the series - which first appeared in arcades and on PlayStation in 1997 - since 2003 PlayStation 2 release Bloody Roar 4.
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October 3rd, 2011, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
SSX is on course to become a regularly released series again, EA has told MCV.
The last title in the franchise was 2007 Wii title SSX Blur. But with SSX making its comeback next January on Xbox 360 and PS3, EA wants to ensure fans don’t have to wait as long for the next instalment.
“We don’t want to wait another five years to bring it out again on PS4 or Xbox 720 or whatever,” SSX communications boss Duke Indrasigamany told MCV.
“But it depends on when the next consoles are due. I don’t know what Microsoft or Sony are planning, but if SSX is successful there’s a lot of things we could really explore. We don’t want to see this franchise go away for a long time. We want to make another one.”
The first SSX arrived on PS2 in 2000. EA says it’s going to be difficult to not only bring the IP back, but also appeal to younger players during the quiet January release window.
Indrasigamany added: “It’s been a long time since the last SSX and although there’s a lot of old school fans out there, it’s going to be a challenge to bring it to the current generation of gamers. But we really want to bring this franchise back.
“It’s also hard to say what sort of consumer mindsets and wallets will be saying after Christmas, but we feel January is the time the team needs to get it done at a level of quality EA Sports will be proud of.”
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Though Ubisoft's accounting and marketing departments probably have a greater say in the practice of annualizing Assassin's Creed (y'all keep buying it every year!), the people in charge of the franchise's elaborate fiction have their own impetus in the form of a ticking clock.
With Assassin's Creed: Revelations concluding Ezio's extended quest (and the "Embers" animated short providing a dignified epilogue), the plot's modern component -- starring feeble hoodie-hermit Desmond -- is set to run its course by the end of 2012, just in time for next year's AC outing. Creative lead Alexandre Amancio explains it to Eurogamer: "In Assassin's Creed we set up a timeline with this whole end of the world plot of December 2012. That's fast approaching, and the story we have to tell, we obviously need to do it before we arrive at that point."
Desmond's tale is far from being the final one in Assassin's Creed, but Amancio believes that having the current protagonist's dilemma linger after calendar 2013 would be "stupid," given the authors' efforts to run parallel to reality. "It would be stupid of us to be centring [sic] a game on a semi-reality and then have that conclusion happen after that date in real life," he says.
That's assuming we all survive beyond 2012 anyway.
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that Subway and Naughty Dog's bizarre "Taste for Adventure" campaigndoesn't extend past US borders, as Uncharted 3's "Multiplayer Experience" heads to other parts of the world this Wednesday without help from the sandwich chain. The only caveat? You must have a subscription to PlayStation Plus to join in.
Sony's EU blog announced as much this morning, detailing the "Multiplayer Experience" as a chance for gamers in "Europe, South Africa, The Middle East, Australia and New Zealand" to check out U3's multiplayer -- post-beta -- for a full month before the game's early November launch. Don't fret, frugal non-PS Plus subscriber, as the announce additionally teases "other ways to gain access" to the multiplayer... thing via the PS blog and community forums.
Like the US version, participants will be able to carry over "key aspects" of their multiplayer experience to the retail version, such as XP. Other details are unfortunately scant, but Sony promises more soon.
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
We know many of you just came here to ogle the PS Vita's European box, and we're OK with that. We understand you have needs. Go ahead, soak it in, we won't judge. The rest of you, we're sure, want to know about the icons you'll see when the system launches, but there's no way you'll be able to hear us over all the ogling.
Luckily, the EU PlayStation.Blog has the whole list explaining what all those buttons above are and how you'll be using them. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got to check on the oglers, who -- oh, oh good. Now they're licking the screen. Wonderful.http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/03/come-ogle-the-european-vita-box-and-learn-about-the-launch-scre/
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
As if you don't have enough games to worry about this torrential fall, Sony is adding to the downpour with its "Only on PlayStation Network" campaign. Every Tuesday this month, we'll not only be getting exclusives but a selection of "rare classic games" including God Hand, GrimGrimoire, Maximo, Odin Sphere and Ring of Red, all coming tomorrow. (We guess that since your PS3 doen't play PS2 games any more, those really are only on PSN.)
Industry Gamers reports PlayStation Plus members get every title at 20 percent off during launch week and those that spend more than $60 in October on the service will get a $10 credit for November. We're unclear on what other PS2 games to expect, but here's the lineup of PSN exlusives so you can plan your buying accordingly:
- October 4 - Eufloria and Rochard
- October 11 - Sideway: New York
- October 13 - Sodium Collection
- October 18 - Okabu and RocketBirds
- October 25 - inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood and PixelJunk Sidescroller
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
As expected FIFA 12 comes out on top of the UK PlayStation 3 sales chart this week and is closely followed by Codemasters' F1 2011.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection makes its debut on the PS3 chart at No.3, pushing Insomniac's Resistance 3 down to No.4.
Also suffering a bit of a stumble is Dead Island, which falls from No.2 to No.5.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution takes a less severe drop and moves from No.5 to No.6 and is followed by Driver: San Francisco at No.7, Call of Duty: Black Ops at No.8 and Gran Turismo 5, which had new DLC announced last week, at No.9.
Bringing the top ten to a close is 505 Games' Rugby World Cup 2011.
Here's how the top ten for the week of ending October 1 reads:
01. FIFA 12 (EA)
02. F1 2011 (Codemasters)
03. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (Sony)
04. Resistance 3 (Sony)
05. Dead Island (Deep Silver)
06. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix)
07. Driver: San Francisco (Ubisoft)
08. Call of Duty: Black Ops (Activision)
09. Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
10. Rugby World Cup 2011 (505 Games)
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October 3rd, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed the PlayStation Vita box (ooh) and descriptions of all launch applications (aah).
The box, cardboard, has a swirly, two-toned blue pattern.
On the pictured PlayStation Vita screen you'll see some beguiling but friendly icons. Let's decipher them together, using the European PlayStation blog's key.
- Welcome Park (the hand pointing at numbers 1, 2, 3) - Mini-games to get you to know the Vita
- Party (little man with headset) - Assemble a group of eight people to text, voice and cross-game chat with
- PlayStation Store (shopping bag) - Buy things for money
- Group Messaging (speech bubble) - Send updates, pictures to friends
- Photos (camera) - Photo taker and viewer
- Near ("near") - Location-based social tool
- Trophies (trophy) - What you've earned
- Music (quaver music note) - Music player
- Friends (two square heads) - Friends list, organiser
- Internet Browser ("www") - Surf the web
PlayStation Vita arrives in Japanese shops on 17th December - 26 games are promised for launch.
Europe and the US still await the specifics of an early 2012 release date.
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October 5th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PSN Import programme begins this week, with three lesser-known Japanese PlayStation games to launch on the European PlayStation Store.
All three ports have been handled by MonkeyPaw games, which has been busily converting obscure Japanese PSOne games to PS3 since PSN Imports launched in the US last September.
First is Arc The Lad, G-Craft's tactical RPG which was first released in Japan in 1995. It's joined by 1996 vertically-scrolling shooterSonic Wings Special, and Cho Aniki, a resolutely Japanese shooter accurately described by the PlayStation Blog as "a comic display of homoerotic, over-the-top graphics and Japanese wackiness on every level."
Sony announced in August that it had completed work on NTSC-J and NTSC-U PSOne emulators for PlayStation 3. All games released as part of the programme will be in their original form and require 60Hz displays to run properly.
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October 5th, 2011, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that an online pass system “will be incorporated into Uncharted 3 and future Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios games with online functionality".
"We will provide further information in the future,” the firm told Destructoid.
In June, Sony announced plans to introduce an online pass system which would see new copies of select firstparty games ship with a single-use code required to access their full online feature set, beginning with September’s Resistance 3.
"This program will be game-specific,” it said at the time. “This is an important initiative as it allows us to accelerate our commitment to enhancing premium online services across our first party game portfolio."
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October 5th, 2011, 12:57 Posted By: Atien
FRONTIER 1337 is a port for PSP from the 1993 Atari version of the game "FRONTIER - Elite II".
For those who still don't know this game, here is the intro sequence :
Here is the changelog for this new version :
- 30% speed improvement!
- Choice between fullscreen and original resolution at the begining.
- Select button is now also used to switch between radar and missiles.
- The game engine FPS can be show/hide by pressing right trigger plus select button.
- Now, you have to press CROSS button to pass the police arrest.
- Hold R trigger for moving the mouse cursor slowly (thanks JLF65 from DCEmu for the help).
- Hold R trigger and press D-pad UP to force mis-jump.
- Brand new PSP splashscreen and icon.
As always, for a better framerate result, set the level of shape detail to 'low' in the setup screen (start button), and disable things like 'Space dust, clouds etc' and 'Background stars'...
Don't try to change commander's name when you are saving your game. If you want to change it, rename the file in the savs folder.
You can find useful informations about the game on the official website, or about FRONTIER - Elite II in general at Frontierverse
Just unpack/copy FRONTIER_1337 folder to MS_ROOT/PSP/GAME
If you want sound, download the MUSIC and SFX packages, and place them in the FRONTIER_1337/data folder.
Analog-stick - Move the cursor through the screen
Hold R trigger while moving the mouse cursor for a more slow and precise movment
SQUARE - Used like the left mouse clic to select things with the cursor
CROSS - Used like the right mouse clic + "p" key to get through the police arrest thing
Hold CROSS + Analog-stick - Roll the vessel
Hold CROSS + SQUARE - Fire laser beam
Hold CROSS + D-pad UP - Zoom-in with the camera in external view
Hold CROSS + D-pad DOWN - Zoom-out with the camera in external view
D-pad - Rotate the camera in external view, and make ravel the galactic chart or the stockmarket list
TRIANGLE - Rear propulsion to increase speed
CIRCLE - Front propulsion to decrease speed
L and R triggers - Choose the functions that where directly available on PC with F1 to F10 keys
L + R - Validate the choosen function
Start - Go to the option screen
Select - Switch between radar and missiles
R + D-pad UP - Force mis-jump
R + Select - Show/hide game engine FPS
The sourcecode is included in the package. Use Minimalist PSPSDK to compile the game.
For unknown reasons, the game only compiles with the 0.10.0 version. If someone wants to take a look, the error is located in the screen.c function void Screen_Init(void).
Your computer must have loads of RAM to compile the huge generated C file.
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October 6th, 2011, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Yakuza: Of The End will be released in the west in March 2012 under the name Yakuza: Dead Souls.
The game is a spin-off from the main Yakuza series, a thirdperson shooter starring protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and cohorts as they try to survive in a zombie-infested Kabukicho.
Gary Knight, senior vice president of marketing at Sega, said: "We know how much people love Yakuza in the west and with Dead Souls being the latest and greatest in the franchise it's only right we bring it to them closer to the Japanese release than ever."
The announcement was very much expected, following the discovery last week that Sega had applied for the Yakuza: Dead Souls trademark in Europe.
We reviewed the Japanese release of Yakuza: Of The End in E232, awarding it seven out of ten and saying: "While shooting zombies in the head is undoubtedly fun, then, it's made more so by the sub-missions, the distractions, the characters and, of course, the opportunity to take to familiar streets that are wrecked and torn into unfamiliar shapes."
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October 6th, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Having missed its proposed release date yesterday (October 4th), Sony Online Entertainment has officially confirmed that Payday: The Heist has been delayed.
The game – which has been described as Left 4 Dead but with the zombies swapped for a bank heist – is a PS3 and PC exclusive.
“SOE and Overkill Software need a little more time to assemble the ideal squad and attack strategy for our highly anticipated adrenaline-pumping first person shooter, Payday: The Heist,” SOE’s executive director of business development Chris Sturr stated.
“With this in mind, SOE and the talented Overkill team have decided to push Payday’s official launch day to later in October, ensuring the overall game quality and potential score for all heist team members.
“Your continued loyalty and patience with the game’s further development is very much appreciated, we truly believe your first heist will be worth the wait.”
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October 6th, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Level-5 must have come under the impression that some people might not want an enormous book to accompany the upcoming PlayStation 3 version of Ni no Kuni. A new trailer reveals that the game's "Magic Master" will go digital on Sony's home console. You'll likely recall that when Ni no Kuni: The Jet Black Sorcerer launched for the Nintendo DS in Japan, it came packed with the 358-page behemoth to accompany your journey.
Instead, the "Magic Master" will be reproduced digitally for Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, giving players access to its data at the touch of a button.
Oh, you'd rather have two ridiculously cute characters from the upcoming game explain all of this to you? That option is also available to you, albeit in Japanese, just above.
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October 6th, 2011, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed what PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to receiving this month.
Obviously the most mouth-watering of the bunch is the 'Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Experience', but free downloads Double Fine's Costume Quest and PSone import Arc the Lad sweeten the deal.
Here's the full list.
PlayStation Plus Content
Costume Quest - PSN Game - 100% discount until 19th October
Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Experience - Exclusive until 19th October
1000 Tiny Claws (mini) - 100% discount and exclusive until 19th October
Speedball 2: Evolution (mini) - 100% discount and exclusive until 19th October
Street Smart (SNK mini) - 100% discount until 2nd November
Arc the Lad - PSOne (Import) - 100% discount until 2nd November
Armageddon Riders - 40% discount until 2nd November
Topatoi: Episode One - 70% discount until 2nd November
The Marbians - mini - 25% discount until 19th October
Stripes: Part One (Dynamic Theme) - Exclusive and 100% discount until 2nd November
Halloween (Dynamic Theme) - Exclusive and 100% discount until 2nd November
Ico Avatar 1 - Exclusive and 100% discount until 2nd November
Ico Avatar 2 - Exclusive and 100% discount until 2nd November
Shadow of the Colossus Avatar 1 - Exclusive and 100% discount until 2nd November
Still available:
Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica
- 50% off until 12th October
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October 6th, 2011, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Free Gran Turismo 5 update Spec 2.0 will be released on 11th October, a post on the European PlayStation blog has announced.
The post follows a series of tweets by game creator Kazunori Yamauchi that revealed the changes Spec 2.0 will bring.
"We've tried to include the feedback we've received from all our players," Yamauchi tweeted.
Yamauchi also shared snippets of information about the upcoming DLC. "Something like this," he said. "For the DLC we're preparing a racing car pack, a course pack, and a racing gear pack.
"I'll let you know more about that soon."
- Simplified interior view added to all standard cars
- User control of the weather change feature
- Added a setting sheet feature allowing you to save multiple car settings
- Spec 2.0 opening movie
- Improved UI response and usability
- Replay fast forward/rewind
- Mid-race save feature for endurance races
- Expanded online lounge features (narrowing down car types, shuffle races)
- Expansion of the B-Spec remote race you can play from GT.com (a graph display now shows changes in race rankings)
- Expanded photo travel features - you can now take photos of cars together with your avatar
- Added a NASCAR Pit Scene stage to Photo Travel
- Added eleven 2011 model NASCAR cars
- Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Shulze Motor Sport
- Improved physics and AI
- Support for the Logitec G25/G27 Steering wheel
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October 8th, 2011, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Cort Stratton, a developer who has worked on graphics code for many first-party PS3 games, wrote an article about the kinds of games that appeal to programmers. He covers coding-friendly games of varying depth, mentioning basics like RoboRally, RoboSport and Frozen Synapse before moving on to more complex options. Quoting: 'On the surface, SpaceChem has nothing to do with programming; it's merely a futuristic puzzle game in which you build factories that convert one or more input molecules into one or more output molecules. Each factory contains a pair of independent molecule manipulators (the game calls them "waldos") which follow a fixed path through the work area. Waldos can grab, drop, and rotate molecules, make and break chemical bonds between atoms, request new input molecules and submit output molecules. ... Don't be fooled! This isn't a game about chemistry; it's actually the closest thing I've ever seen to a low-level SPU programming simulator! Each factory is an SPU running a single task. The two waldos are the SPU's dual execution pipelines. Moving and editing molecules is analogous to reading, writing and operating on data in local store.
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October 8th, 2011, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
DICE knows its Mirror's Edge fans want a sequel with a desperate, craven passion, but with the focus on launching Battlefield 3, we haven't gotten more than vague hints that a second isn't impossible. With Battlefield 3's release around the corner, now DICE is offering slightly less vague comments about continuing the Mirror's Edge story.
"I think it's something that people are ready to get into again," producer Patrick Liu said. "We see that there's a huge fan following -- it's almost like a cult. And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we'd know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there's a market there."
The story here is what Liu isn't saying -- he isn't saying that DICE has given up onMirror's Edge; he isn't saying a sequel will never happen; he isn't saying Faith will return as a 7-foot male cyborg with tribal tattoos and a pot belly. Not that that's something he would say, but still, he didn't say it.
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October 8th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
In "late October," Sony will release a new version of its PS3 remote control peripheral, which is now designed to work not only with the PS3, but with TVs and Sony amplifiers as well. Commensurate with those new functions, it has volume and channel controls at the bottom of the device -- where the vast expanse of nothingwas on the previous version. Sony says it also works with Netflix now.
If you have a keen memory for media remotes, and a keen eye for the tiny images on Sony's website, you'll recognize this as the updated remote Sony released in Japan back in March, finally making its way stateside. The new remote hasn't been priced yet, but the original sold for $25.
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October 8th, 2011, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Smartphone games are the most popular type of app, claiming 64 percent of the active market this past month, with iPhone users playing for 14.7 hours, and Android owners playing 9.3 hours. Sony plans to take a bite out of that juicy Apple (and juicy green Droid) with the PS Vita, entertainment director of hardware marketing John Koller told InvestorPlace.
"We firmly believe that PlayStation Vita will supersede the mobile market when launched, and have grand ambitions for a product that is really at the forefront of innovation," Koller said. "The mobile market in the U.S. offers consumers extremely light gaming options." We assume Koller stopped himself before finishing that with "such as the PSP Go."
To better align itself against the apps, Sony will allow third-party developers to create content for the PS Vita and other PlayStation Certified devices through thePlayStation Suite, beginning in November. This content will then be available on Android products and on other Sony services. "The rigorous certification process ensures quality experiences only possible on PlayStation," Koller said. If this meansWords with Friends with guns, high-octane cutscenes and Sackboys, count us in.
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October 9th, 2011, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
The Exterminatus DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine will be released on Tuesday, 25th October, Eurogamer can exclusively reveal.
The free add-on will hit all three platforms - PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 - at once. Note that the PlayStation Store updates a day later in Europe each week, on Wednesdays.
With the Exterminatus DLC comes four-player online co-op. You play a special mode fittingly called Exterminatus, which pits Space Marines against Orks and the Forces of Chaos.
You can be either a Tactical Marine, Devastator or Assault class, and you can use perks unlocked in competitive multiplayer to give you an edge. Co-op progression will apply to your multiplayer ranking, too. Teams will be scored on their performance, and benefit from multipliers and dynamic challenges along the way.
Exterminatus will have two scenarios to begin with: Assault on Hab Center Andreas, and Escape from Kalkys Facility.
Developer Relic Entertainment last night told Eurogamer there will be more DLC to follow the Exterminatus mode.
"There are some plans [for more]," producer Andy Lang told us. "We're working on some other DLC."
He was reluctant to go into detail, but said that with future DLC "there will be a free component to them as well as some paid components".
An accompanying Relic PR confirmed that "we'll have both" - referring to premium and free DLC.
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October 9th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Now is not the right time for a download-only console, Sony has insisted.
Why? Because in some parts of the world, broadband internet isn't quite there yet.
Oh, and because people still like shopping in real life.
"We believe, for some consumers, the time is [right], but for other consumers, the time is still not [right]," boss of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida told Edge.
"So we believe the time is still not right to go download-only as a platform. Some PS Vita titles, like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, will be close to 4GB in size, which could be too large to download for consumers who do not have a fast broadband connection.
"Also, some consumers like shopping in retail stores, talking to knowledgeable store clerks, buying and playing games on the spot. We do not want to remove that capability from consumers."
New Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Jim Ryan concluded: "There are consumers in parts of the world - this is a global device - where the digital model has not yet fully been embraced."
Ryan and Yoshida's comments echo those made by ex-SCE boss Kaz Hirai, who said last year that a digital future is still 10 years away.
"We do business in parts of the world where network infrastructure isn't as robust as one would hope," Hirai said.
"There's always going to be requirement for a business of our size and scope to have a physical medium.
"To think everything will be downloaded in two years, three years or even 10 years from now is taking it a little bit to the extreme."
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October 9th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE: Warner Bros. just issued Eurogamer with the following statement:
"We have been made aware of the issues with the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection and are currently working on a patch to address them for all systems. Our goal is to ensure the best gaming experience possible for anyone playing a Mortal Kombat game and aim to get things fixed asap. Please stay tuned for updates on when a patch will be released."
ORIGINAL STORY: Why is downloadable fighting game Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection still absent from the European PlayStation Store over a month after it missed its release date?
There is a "technical issue" with the game, Sony said.
"There is a technical issue with this, I will try get an update on it," Sony's Andy Stewart wrote on theEU PlayStation Blog in response to yet another reader question about the MIA game.
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection launched on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live as planned on 31st August - in the US.
It launched on Xbox Live here, too, but on PSN it failed to materialise.
Publisher Warner Bros. has failed to offer an explanation for the game's absence from the EU PS Store - despite repeated requests for comment from Eurogamer.
So, what does "technical issue" mean?
It may mean Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, which acts independently from other SCE regions, decided the game wasn't up to scratch during the certification process.
Many fans complained about the quality of the game's online portion upon release, with some reporting it being unplayable online.
Earlier this month, on the Mortal Kombat Facebook page, Warner said it was aware of the issues with the game and was working on a patch to address them for all platforms. SCEE may be waiting for this patch to launch before giving the game the thumbs up.
"Our goal is ensure the best gaming experience possible for everyone playing a Mortal Kombat game," Warner said. "Please stay tuned for updates on when a patch will be released."
MKAK is the first time the original Mortal Kombat arcade trilogy has been re-released in one package. Fighting fans get 2D classics Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 in one bundle.
It was developed by Other Ocean in conjunction with main Mortal Kombat maker NetherRealm Studios.
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October 9th, 2011, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony announced that the PSVita, which will be released on December 17th in Japan, will be available for preorders in Japan on October 15th. It has been confirmed that games won’t be region locked, meaning you can buy a Japanese PS Vita and play American or European games on it. The same cannot be said about 3G connectivity, which will depend on the country’s network standards. ( 3G Connectivity in Japan will be handled by Docomo, for a price which doesn’t sound super attractive to me, in the form of prepaid cards, about 15$ for 20h ). But a Wifi-only version of the PSVita will also be available, so it would make sense to import one…
Now that smartphones have a better performance than the 6-year-old PSP, will the PSVita find an audience, even though the 3DS hasn’t convinced? Retailers in Japan expect the device to be a massive hit as soon as Preorders start… I think it will all boil down to the amount of exclusive games they have on the device (How long will Uncharted fans resist?)
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October 9th, 2011, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.romhacking.net/forum/inde...pic,13343.html
This patch translates the amazingly fun PSX game Choro Q3, the third and last game made by Tamsoft, the creators of this now very long series by TAKARA.
Choro Q3 has 100 customizable cars, more than 40 completely different tracks, a big city to explore, 100 hidden “events” to find, great two-player modes, lots of extras, and, most importantly, excellent gameplay. Most fans consider Choro Q3 as the best one in the series!
Trans. Note: I’m still an absolute beginner in Japanese, and my English is not very good; but since this is just a racing game without any kind of story or dialogues, I hope you won’t mind all the Engrish that you may find. This was my first hack, I hope you like it!
RHDN Project Page
Relevant Link: (http://www.mz-blog.com.ar/)
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October 9th, 2011, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/10/06/...e-v15-released
What's better than a new firmware? A new custom firmware! Yessir... Coming for your PSP, regardless of model, is neur0n's 6.60 ME v1.5. Now you should be using LCFW if your PSP is newer than a PSP-1000 or PSP-2000 (non-TA088v3); and if you're still sportin' an early PSP, drop the "L" and use the straight up CFW.
What's new? The same for each:
•Added a 199/99 CPU clock.
•Fixed a bug in VshMenu when save config.
•Optimizing the patch.
By the way it's recommended, if you're using CFW 6.60 ME -- the non-light version -- that you have a Pandora battery on standby ... you know, just in case something goes wrong when writing to flash memory. Rest assure though, I've yet to read a brick report. LCFW is 100% safe and patches memory on-the-fly (no writing to flash).
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October 9th, 2011, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/10/07/...e-v96-released
A round of custom firmware updates wouldn't be complete without neur0n's 6.39 ME -- both CFW & LCFW 6.39 ME v9.6.
This new version adds a little twist on the VSH Menu, letting you edit it directly: Press SELECT to display the VSH Menu; the menu won't be displayed while using the browser, skype, camera, remote play, or while browsing the PSN Store. Press L + R + SELECT to force open the VSH Menu. And while the VSH Menu is open press L + R + START to enter the new "edit mode."
Complete Feature List
•Support Unsigned Homebrew.
•Support Extra module ( = plugins ).
•Support ISO mount with M33driver , NP9660driver , OEdriver , NormalDriver and MEdriver.
•Support UMD video.
•Support converted PSX(PS1) game and custom DOCUMENT.DAT.
•Unlock 480x272 avc video.
•Unlock max display brightness level without AC adapter.
•Unlock ExtraMemory for Homebrew ( slim only ).
•Unlock Slim color in XMB.(need to prepare bmp file )
•Support USB battery charging.
•Support CPU speed control.
•Support hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG option.
•Support Flash0/1/2/3/UMD mount with USB.
•Support fake region.
•Support Battery EEPROM option in recovery menu.
•Support to load Unsignated module.
•Support to load packed ( with Dark_AleX's psp-packer ) module.
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October 9th, 2011, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/10/08/...deviceprx-cfws
For your PSP ... whatever CFW you may be running -- M33, GEN, ME, or PRO -- this is a fixed version of "usbdevice.prx" that corrects the following:
•Fixed UMD Disc mount in XMB.
•You can dump iso with correct size.
See "how2install.txt" for installation instructions specific to your custom firmware. Be careful though -- you're overwriting files in flash0. It is probably wise to create a backup first ... just in case.
And you can thank neur0n for it. Big ups.
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October 9th, 2011, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Pcsp is a PSP emulator written in c++
Althought we have already announced the total rewrite of pcsp from scratch to provide better support (some parts was really bad in pcsp) , this is the last release of pcsp based on old source.
Be warned this version isn't supported from pcsp team since we have moved our effords to the new pcsp rewrite. It is also quite possible to see a preview of the new pcsp in a few days , but also be warned that new pcsp doesn't run commercial games yet.
So what's new on this release. Basically a batch of features like:
Experimental Dynamic shaders . A lot faster works in a few demos – use it at your own risk
Added VEH handler for win32
New portable fiber implementation for win, linux and macosx 32/64-bit.
GLEW is now used instead of GLEE
Better thread behavior for KernelVsync
Fix a bug with opengl renderer when trying to unbind a shader program never binded
Implementation of sceRtcSetDosTime ,sceRtcIsLeapYear ,sceRtcCompareTick
Implemented adding of ticks. (11 syscalls)
Fix sceRtcGetCurrentTick()
Fixed sceKernelLibcTime()
Implementation for sceKernelPollSema()
Fixes in KernelEventFlag
added loading of files after resetting emu. (sceKernelLoadExec case)
Improved and refactored module management code into sceKernelModule.
Started implementation of restarting features for PCSP.
Partially implemented sceKernelLoadExec
Partial implementation for CMD_SIGNAL
Fixed pc address and stall address
Added LogicalOperation, corrected StencilTest
CMD_TLEVEL was wrong
Implementation of spline decoding
fix LOD issues in micromachines
fix a bug with DXTn compressed textures
sceAtrac3plus: source cleanup
You can d/l pcsp 0.5.4 from downloads section or from the folllowing link :
http://www.filesonic.com/file/2307630471/pcsp v0.5.4.zip
or you can d/l pcsp 0.5.4 with pcsp-udb (pcsp's frontend) from :
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October 9th, 2011, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of Openbor for the PSP, Dreamcast, Wii, GP2x, Wiz and Dingoo from the Lavalit team at http://lavalit.com:8080/
Beats of Rage is a customisable video game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega's classic Streets of Rage series. With Beats of Rage, users can create their own beat 'em up games - no programming experience required!
Beats of Rage was first released for DOS in November 2003. It was not advertised in any way other than by word of mouth, yet it soon gained enormous popularity. Ports to many other systems (e.g. Dreamcast, Linux, Windows, GP32, GP2X, etc) soon followed
r3517 | utunnels | 2011-10-08 05:33:20 -0400 (Sat, 08 Oct 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
y + 4 when use screen related spawn/summon to neutralize default gfx_y_offset.
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October 9th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.psp-ita.com/4654-445-EasyModder_v02a.html
The developer HoGaNeR, liked member of our forums, has worked to make life easier for anyone who wants to install a custom firmware on your PSP with EasyModder. All this can be done in just a few steps away from your PC without having to get every single file from the network.
Although lagging behind the release, the PSP-ITA has decided to reward the work of the developer tools giving notice of EasyModder now in version 0.2a . The tool in question allows, through a convenient graphical interface, the change to choose the most suitable for your model of the console, including downloading and installing the necessary firmware and CFW, all without opening your browser (if not download the tool first time). But EasyModder is not only that, in fact, due to some secondary functions (but no less important) you can know every detail of the model of PSP in our possession, we would like to make a useful resource when sensitive actions. EasyModder , despite being a valuable tool , does not conform to the status of PSP-ITA about the Sony copyrighted material, as part of the contents can be downloaded via the tool are signed with Sony-owned code to be launched at the official firmware. The news is therefore to be understood purely informative nature, to download and then you refer to the ever-faithful Google. In conclusion, all the staff of PSP-ITA is complimented HoGaNeR for their work. more info to follow. [Additional info : ChangeLog]
.: Changelog:.
- Rewrote source structure.
- Faster start-up application.
- Renewed designed.
- Fixed some errors. v0.1b - Added selection Firmware 6.20 or 6.60. - Added Downloader to download two files together. - Fixed error in the guide PSPgo!. - Modified Help window. - Added guide to the recognition of the Model. - Added guide to the recognition of the Unit.
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October 9th, 2011, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/2011/10/pcsx2-svn-r4927.html
PCSX2 SVN r4927 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
- Use float instead of int for the video framerate.
- Use 59.94 instead of 60 for the ntsc framerate.
This replaces a previous hackfix with a better one, but it's still not ideal.
The ideal solution for the video encoding side would be to use an actual fraction (60000/1001) and pass this fraction to the encoder.
The ideal solution for the gsdx side would be to deduce the real framerate from the timing parameters.
GSDX: I didn't even like that code when I changed it. Now I know why. And it looks much better this way.
GSDX: Whoops sorry I mixed two conflicting ideas into one.
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October 9th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/2011/10/pcsx2-z...svn-r4924.html
PCSX2 zzogl-dev SVN r4924 is released. PCSX2 zzogl-dev is a branch of PCSX2. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 zzogl-dev SVN Changelog:
zzogl-dev: sync from trunk (4649 -> 4923)
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October 10th, 2011, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
DaedalusX64 SVN r733 is released. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.
DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
Rev 401 - Corn
[!] Sprites are somewhat improved in DKR (still needs work)
[!] Fixed PD boot crash (tnx Bdcanay and Salvy)
[!] Share same global variable for special address in PD, DKR and CBFD
Rev 402 - Corn
[!] forgot to change these in last commit
Rev 403 - Corn
[!] Getting closer to proper rendering of sprites in DKR
[!] Simplified DRK TnL pipeline
[!] Fixed debug output of TnL for DKR
Rev 404 - Corn
[!] More refinements to DKR "sprites"
Rev 405 - Corn
[~] Correction to DKR "sprites"
Rev 406 - Corn
[!] small optimization for DKR, only load WPmatrix to GE when needed
Rev 407 - Salvy
[!] Sorted all ucodes and moved them to headers to make development easier and make sure cod placement is optimal (Note : More clean ups and sorting are needed)
Rev 408 - Corn
[+] Optimized palette loading (bypassing copy to TMEM) for a speed up in some games
[+] Old TMEM emulation is a compile option in buildconfig.h
[-] removed redundant texture info in struct
[-] TMEM is not using VRAM (was no speed benefit)
Rev 409 - Salvy
[!] Forgot to sort MoveMem and MoveWord
[!] Some clean up, mostly in S2DEX
[!] Reverted changes to DLParser_InitGeometryMode, it only made the code less readable
Rev 410 - Salvy
[!] Code clean ups and simplified some things here and there
[!] Make DLParser_PopDL static to hint compiler to inline (saves ~20 ops)
[!] Reverted changes to DLParser_GBI2_GeometryMode, only made code less readable
Rev 411 - Salvy
[~] Opps, removed SetTextureGenLin by error :P
Rev 412 - Salvy
[+] Patch normal ucode tables to create "custom" ucode tables
[!] Removed all custom ucode tables since they aren't needed anymore (saves alot of space to binary)
[!] Set ucodes, patch ucodes, set vtx multiplier in one go (ToDo : set ucode names in one go too)
Rev 413 - Corn
[!] Reduced (even more) memory usage for new TMEM implementation(1/4 of original)
[!] Fixed textures in Golden Eye
[~] Some cleaning in DLParser.
Rev 414 - Salvy
[!] Simplified and added comments to SetUcode (~100 ops)
Rev 515 - Salvy
[~] Silly typo from last commit
Rev 416 - Corn
[!] Fixed CPU clipping (used for reference and is ~5% slower than VFPU)
[!] Fixed Kirby blend and removed offending blend for Rocket-robot on wheels (tnx Bdcanay)
[!] Disabled Loop Opt for Rocket-Robot on wheels
Rev 417 - Corn
[!] Optimized CPU and VFPU VectorClip
[!] Reduced max number of clipped verts to 192 from 1024 (saving some memory)
Rev 418 - Corn
[!] Use another(faster) way to front/back face cull to avoid using 1/w for the cross product.
[!] small update/boost to reference CPU clip.
[!] optimized both VFPU and CPU clip flag generation
[+] added hack to make memory opt work in PD
Rev 419 - Salvy
[+] Add back compile option to disable VFPU code(Note : Not all VFPU code is suppressed yet)
Rev 420 - Corn
[!] fixed compiler adding more mults than needed for front/back face culling test
[!] fixed all compile warnings in release mode
Rev 421 - Salvy
[!] Optimized LoadFPR_Long
[!] Don't use pspFpuFloatToDouble (adds too much bloat and is only used by a few games, anyways I doubt it helps at all..)
[!] Small optimization in TLBP
Rev 422 - Salvy
[!] Forgot this
Rev 424 - Corn
[!] Various improvements and simplifications in TnL of Conker and PD
Rev 426 - Salvy
[!] Simplified set/fetch ucode names
[!] Patch ucode name tables to create custom name tables (Dlist dumps of custom ucodes are accurate now)
[+] Added GBI1_S2DEX ucode name table
Rev 427 - Corn
[!] fixed dlist debug text and warnings
Rev 428 - Salvy
[!] Clean ups in DLParser_SetUcode
[~] Reverted change from 421, was breaking several games (thx re4thewin for reporting it)
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October 11th, 2011, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Ericsson is offering four free EA games to all Xperia Play customers. The line-up consists of: Dead Space, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Need For Speed Shift and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. Handset owners should be able to find the free games in their Game Launchers ready to download, but can also scan the QR code on the offer website. The offer expires on January 15, 2012.
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October 11th, 2011, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Silent Hill: Downpour has been officially delayed and will not now be released until Q1 2012.
The game had previously been down for a November release on both PS3 and Xbox 360.
It will now be released some time in Q1 2012.
Furthermore, Konami has retorted to claims of a delay to Metal Gear Solid HD Collection by insisting that the game was never given a concrete release date in the first place.
However, rightly or wrongly the SKU had been pegged for a Q4 2011 release – not least by nearly every retailer under the sun. In recent weeks, though, most have changed their estimated release date to mid 2012.
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October 11th, 2011, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
The original Leisure Suit Larry game, Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, is making a welcome return in HD next year.
The 1987 16-colour original is being pumped up to current-gen 2D visuals by developer Replay Games, who is bringing the game to Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and a long list of PC digital services, as well as mobile devices.
Series creator Al Lowe is working with Replay on the updates, the making of which he seems mighty pleased about.
Speaking with EGM, Lowe said: "I'm overjoyed to see Larry released from his digital dungeon after all this time, and be placed in the hands of someone who understands him and wants to see him, brought back to the forefront by people who love him and understand him."
With adequate success, Replay says it will go on to remake to rest of the games in the original series.
The first remake is slated for release in Q4 2012.
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October 11th, 2011, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
SNK will treat PlayStation fans to two more of its classics this week.
Mental 2D shooter Metal Slug 2 and the old-school beat-'em-up King of Fighters '96 will be hitting the US PlayStation Store this week, reports Siliconera.
Metal Slug is known as one of the most insane and challenging scrolling shooters of all time and the second game adds new weapons to the series' arsenal.
Meanwhile King of Fighters '96 suffers no lack of variety with a massive 27 fighters to choose from.
The full PS Store update list will be with us any moment now. Stay tuned...
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October 11th, 2011, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive Dust 514 is the biggest multiplayer first-person shooter on the market, developer CCP has insisted.
The downloadable FPS, which connects with CCP's space MMO Eve Online, implements "thousands" of micro-transactions into the PlayStation Network, executive producer Brandon Laurino told theEuropean PlayStation Blog.
"Right off the bat, we have literally thousands of in-game items built into the system; likewise, in terms of scale, you're looking at a conflict taking place across thousands of planets, so we're not just talking a dozen maps - we're talking an entire universe of planets and areas of engagement within them," he said.
"That's the difference in scale we're looking at here, and taking our experience with Eve Online and also, some inspiration found in the best microtransaction based MMOs, social and mobile games, and we've set up our workflow so that we can iterate and add new content very quickly.
"In terms of scale, depth and volume of content, Dust 514 will easily be the biggest multiplayer FPS on the market - also by virtue of being an MMOFPS, not just an FPS."
Laurino said CCP chose the PS3 for Dust 514 because it was "attracted to the power and the feature set of PlayStation 3".
"But it really came down to Sony's willingness to work with us in bringing an MMO to the platform. There have been attempts to bring MMO games to consoles in the past but we believe we're now in a position to do it properly, using existing features on PS3 and the PlayStation Network, and collaboratively developing new features to support our vision."
CCP plans to launch Private Trials - its version of a beta - so that Dust 514 does not inundate Eve Online with new players overnight.
"With our Private Trials - we're not calling it a Beta, but Private Trials in both the real world and the EVE fiction - we're not taking the usual 'on/off' method of rolling out a build and then taking it back and tweaking it, then rolling it out again; when we roll out with those first few users we are introducing mercenary technology to Eve, our 'game as a service begins', and the story will continue from there as that technology develops, further empowering the Dust 514 mercenaries from test subjects in war games to ultimately allowing them to take hold of their own future," Laurino explained.
"It's what we call a thematic rollout."
With Dust 514, you'll have to pay a one-off fee of between $10 and $20 to play. This payment is then converted into in-game currency - what CCP calls a "cover charge".
What, exactly, you'll be able to spend your virtual money on is yet to be decided.
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October 11th, 2011, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
EA's FIFA 12 retains the lead on this week's UK PlayStation 3 sales chart, but it's closely followed by a duo of new releases.
Making their debuts on this week's chart are id Software's post-apocalyptic first-person shooter Rage at No.2 and From Software's excruciatingly difficult RPG Dark Souls at No.3.
F1 2011 hits the breaks and drops back to No.4, Resistance 3 shuffles down one place to No.5 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution holds steady at No.6.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection falls four places to No.7, while Dead Island finishes the week at No.8, ahead of Driver: San Francisco and Gran Turismo 5.
Here's the top ten for the week ended October 8:
01. FIFA 12 (EA)
02. Rage (Bethesda)
03. Dark Souls (Namco Bandai)
04. F1 2011 (Codemasters)
05. Resistance 3 (Sony)
06. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix)
07. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection (Sony)
08. Dead Island (Deep Silver)
09. Driver: San Francisco (Ubisoft)
10. Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
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October 11th, 2011, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
A pamphlet circulated at a Sony sales briefing in Japan has detailed how PSP owners will be able to continue playing their UMD collection on Vita. News of the pamphlet came from a Japanese retailer who claimed to be in attendance at the event.
Following the report, Sony development chief Yoshio Matsumoto revealed that Sony is considering offering a service which would allow owners of the UMD version of a game to download it again at a discounted price.
The PlayStation store already plays host to a great deal of PSP games in the wake of PSP Go's launch, but the above may hint at a more extensive back catalogue in future.
Meanwhile, the difference in cost between retail and download Vita games has also come to light with Sony announcing that the boxed copy of Uncharted: Golden Abyss will cost 5980 Yen (£49.85) while the download will be priced at 4900 Yen (£40.85). No details on European or US pricing is yet forthcoming.
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October 11th, 2011, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
With US ratings body ESRB slapping a mature label on EA's upcoming COD-contender Battlefield 3, the company issued one of the more blunt - and hilarious - statements of response in recent times: "I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation," an EA spokesperson told Eurogamer. "For God's sake, there is a nuke in Paris! Millions of lives are at stake!!"
The ESRB's outline of BF3's content detailed a scenario in which "players shoot police officers to complete a mission objective", conflicting with the comment by the game's producer, Patrick Bach, earlier this year that: "We have to build our experiences so we don't put the player in experiences where they can do bad things."
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October 15th, 2011, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has re-announced the PlayStation 3 version of MMO Final Fantasy 14.
It plans to integrate the "current service" and the PS3 version into an "all-new" FF14, called Final Fantasy 14 Online Version 2.0, between October and December 2012.
During this "reboot phase" the Japanese publisher will offer a second free trial, as well as a closed beta test for the PS3 version.
The PlayStation 3 version isn't expected to launch until January 2013 or beyond.
"Among our new plans is the fundamental reworking of in-game maps," FF14 producer/director Naoki Yoshida said.
"As part of this process, there will be a period required for switching over to a new client and new servers, after which there will be a large transfer of data when service is brought back online.
"After the new client is completed, new software for the PC version will be distributed online, and can be acquired free of charge. Character data and progress for players already playing the PC version will also be preserved, allowing those players to continue using their in-game avatars.
"Another announcement will be made in the future as the day on which the new Final Fantasy 14 software will become available for download draws near, and the PlayStation 3 system version officially released."
Meanwhile, Square Enix announced it will begin charging players to play the PC version from next month.
The game has been free to play for a year following its disastrous launch.
Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada said he was aware the decision would upset fans, but described it as a "necessary step".
"One year has passed since the game's release, and despite the disappointment surrounding its launch, we have received a wealth of support from you, the players," he said.
"Your encouraging words and continued loyalty have been a source of immeasurable inspiration to everyone involved with Final Fantasy 14's development.
"In the ten months since the Final Fantasy 14 team's restructuring, we have put forth the utmost effort into not only improving the game's existing features, but also creating a concrete plan to outline the game's new direction. Today, I am pleased to announce we can confidently present that plan to our customers.
"We fully realize this is but a single step towards our ultimate goal, and that to meet the high standards set in the plan, more time is required. In the meantime, however, we will not waver in our commitment to bringing players exciting and engaging content, even as the game moves through its evolution.
"With this, it is my hope that we will continue to receive your support as we will need to bring the unbilled period to a close between late November and early December 2011, and introduce our subscription-based billing system.
"I appreciate that this decision will not be popular, but it is a necessary step in building upon the foundation our fans and development team have made together and to realize the full potential of Final Fantasy 14.
"The team will stop short of nothing as they move towards realizing the new Final Fantasy 14, and as they do so, I humbly ask for both your understanding and support."
Final Fantasy 14 has been free to play for a year. In that time, a huge team of 250 has tried to turn the MMO around.
Square Enix will release information on the game's subscription-based billing system in emails to players.
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October 15th, 2011, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
Despite his offer of help earlier this year, original Syndicate producer and games industry veteran Peter Molyneux has had no input whatsoever into EA's forthcoming FPS reboot of his 1993 RTS classic.
Speaking to Eurogamer at a preview event in New York earlier this week, the game's art director John Miles said that neither EA nor developer Starbreeze has spoken to Molyneux about the project.
"No. We've not specifically gone out to speak to Peter," he said.
Miles added that a few Bullfrog veterans have been involved with the new title, but it's made no specific effort to seek help from those who worked on the original.
"A lot of the guys at EA Partners - which is the part of EA which has partnered with Starbreeze - are old developers, some of whom were at Bullfrog and worked with guys who were on Syndicate originally.
"I think we've done what we think is right with it, and what we wanted to do with it. We haven't specifically gone out and reached for input from the original team."
EA's announcement last month that it was reinventing the game as a shooter was met with criticism from many of the franchise's core fans. Miles explained that EA had anticipated the backlash and stands firm in its conviction that it's made the right decision.
"We talked about this a lot internally and felt like what we were doing wasn't... we didn't want to copy the old game," he explained.
"We wanted to take the world of Syndicate, the characters, the weapons, the corporations, the Machiavellian feeling and bring it to the current audience. We felt like this was the right format.
"I think the initial reaction from the hardcore fans is understandable, perhaps. But I think when they get to see it and actually start to play it and see more detail they'll realise it's still set within that environment but it's a new offering, a new experience."
And what of all the comparisons to the recently released Deus Ex: Human Revolution?
"This has been in development for a long time," replied Miles. "I think it does sort of make you smile when you read the comparisons, that people feel like we've looked at Deus Ex.
"Obviously, as you know, games take a long time to develop. I think it's a coincidence that they've come out at a similar time to us. When you actually get your hands on it you'll realise it's a different type of play style to Deus Ex."
Finally Miles offered a little insight into why the game has taken so long to see the light of day - the project was first hinted at way back in February 2008.
"Initially we wanted to make sure the concept was right before we marched ahead with it," he said.
"When you're bringing back an old title and developing something new at the same time you need to make sure that the concept is right, so prototyping is something that you can easily continue on and on with until you get something that you feel is worthy of the Syndicate name. I guess that's the reason it's taken longer."
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October 17th, 2011, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
There may be a healthy selection of new PlayStation kits coming your way in the near future. Images of unannounced bundle boxes have surfaced over at Slickdeals, courtesy of Scream777, who claims to work at a package production facility that makes 'em. Those include a previously unknown Mayhem Edition PS Move kit with a Sharpshooter peripheral and the newest Resistance and Killzone titles, while a Complete Entertainment Bundle packs a 160GB PS3 Slim with a free month of PlayStation Plus and the latest Little Big Planet and Ratchet and Clank. Gaming blog Gimme Gimme Games claims that the CEB will be $250, with Scream777 noting that its order invoice lists it as a Black Friday special. Adding credence to the leak, said poster also threw in box shots of the 320GB Uncharted 3 bundle andGoldeneye 007: Reloaded Sharpshooter set -- both of which are currently available for pre-order. Here's to hoping it all proves true, but in the meantime, you'll find more details in the links below.
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October 17th, 2011, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has officially confirmed long-rumoured plans to launch remastered versions of the first three Devil May Cry games for PS3 and Xbox 360.
Set for an “early 2012” release in North America for $39.99, theDevil May Cry HD Collection will bundle PS2 releases Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening Special Edition in one high definition package, with unspecified bonus content. Reports have suggested the game will launch in Europe on February 10.
A Devil May Cry HD Collection was first rumoured in June, when a Spanish retailer briefly listed it for PS3. America's ESRB later rated the first three games in the series for Xbox 360 and PS3.
Capcom announced in March 2009 that the Devil May Cry series had shipped over ten million copies worldwide since debuting in 2001.
we recently spoke to Bluepoint Games, the Texas-based developer behind the God Of War, Team Ico and Metal Gear Solid HDcollections on the perils of remastering the classics.
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October 19th, 2011, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Just over a year ago, Square Enix released Final Fantasy XIV. It was not well received, and to atone for their mistake, the company removed the game's subscription fee, replaced a bunch of the developers, and delayed the PS3 version. Now, they are confident enough in the updates they've brought to the game that they are re-instituting the subscription plan and working again on the PS3 version, though it's still about a year away. They've also explained their roadmap for version 2.0 of the game, which will include a new UI, a new graphics engine, and a redesign of all current maps.
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October 19th, 2011, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
A leaked version of DICE's upcoming war shooter Battlefield 3 has found its way on to illegal torrent sites, according to MCV.
The 9.96GB download contains the entire single player mode from the PC version of the game.
It's an occurance that is becoming increasingly more common. Leaks of high-profile games ahead of release this year have included Gears Of War 3, Crysis 2 and The Sims 3. And extensive details on Modern Warfare 3, but not the game, were also leaked this year.
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October 19th, 2011, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Day-one stock of Sony's soon-to-be-released handheld console Vita is rapidly running out following a pre-order rush in Japan.
Within hours of pre-orders going on sale, two of Japan's major online retailers, Amazon Japan and Yodobashi, reported that the device was out of stock.
Japanese gaming blog Esuteru claims that many other major retailers have also sold out, including Sofmap, Bic Camera and Joshin.
Anyone hoping to import Sony's region-free device is likely to face steep prices in order to secure one.
PlayStation Vita will be launched in Japan on December 17th.
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October 19th, 2011, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony UK wants to put Uncharted on the map this Christmas with a whopping £5m ad spend.
The format holder claims its unprecedented marketing push makes Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception its biggest software launch to date.
Part of the campaign includes a short documentary film produced by Oscar-winning director Ed Zwick (Last Samurai, Shakespeare in Love) which will be hosted on YouTube and digital PlayStation channels. This will be backed up by TV ads running this month to next, online videos and homepage takeovers, outdoor posters and more.
“This will be the biggest launch in SCE UK’s history, both in terms of ambition, numbers and spend and will be supported by a marketing budget of around £5 million,” SCE UK senior product manager Ian Vinten told MCV. “To really reach that mass audience at launch we will be running a large outdoor campaign with a number of different premium formats including high quality 48-sheets as well as builds across the country.”
Zwick’s film, The Hero’s Journey, looks at what defines a true heroic character and includes interviews with movie stars such as Troy’s Diane Kruger, Avatar’s Michelle Rodriguez and Nolan North, the voice of Uncharted’s protagonist Nathan Drake.
Further outdoor activity at launch includes six-sheet posters in shopping centres alongside digital screens. Ads and homepage takeovers will also run on games and lifestyle websites, while Sony is promoting the game via its long-running sponsorship of Five Movies.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception will hit UK?shelves on Wednesday, November 2nd.
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October 19th, 2011, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA has confirmed that the first DLC for Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed in the territory.
The download was scheduled to arrive in all regions today. It has already been released in Asia and should hit the European PSN servers later today.
However, the content now won’t be released on Sony’s American PSN servers until October 25th. The publisher has promised a “special bonus” for players disappointed by the slip.
The DLC offers two new tracks, an array of new cars, some other titbits such as paints jobs and racing suits. It can either be bought as a single bundle or in separate parts.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
[Hazer] managed to take a PlayStation 3 SixAxis controller and modify it so that all of the buttons can be remapped in hardware. Aside from this being really cool, he had a good reason for doing it. Regular readers should remember the feature regarding [Chuck Bittner's] internet petition calling for button mapping as a feature in all games. As the industry still hasn’t taken up the torch in this area, [Hazer] developed this mod for [Chuck] to use and has released it for any others out there who wish to give it a try.
The hardware alterations are pretty hardcore. On the left of the image, just below the rumble motor, a DIP microcontroller is nestled dead-bug style. This is a PIC 18F14K50. It’s running a bootloader, and has its own USB port on the opposite side of the controller. By cutting traces and soldering to vias, this chip intercepts button presses and shoots them off to the controller’s processor based on alternative mapping stored in EEPROM. There’s a helper app that lets you plug the controller into a computer to specify what each button does, including features like toggle for the buttons. Check out [Chuck's] thoughts on the hardware in the video after the break.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA head Jack Tretton today announced the PlayStation Vita's US launch date on stage at the Web 2.0 Summit (yes, really) -- it'll arrive on February 22, 2012. As previously revealed, the Vita will come in two separate versions with two separate prices, one for $249.99 without 3G and a pricier $299.99 model.
The Vita launch date also puts release dates to a handful of other "launch" titles, such as Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. We're hopeful that more titles will get penned in after today's big news.
Update: "Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Australasia" too!
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October 19th, 2011, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
CyberConnect2 has movie-making experience from working on a CG .hack movie, and it's that experience -- including motion capture expertise -- that drew Namco Bandai to the developer for Soulcalibur V. "I was approached by Namco almost two years ago," CEO and Naruto cosplayer Hiroshi Matsuyama told Gamasutra. "I knew they were working on Soulcalibur V, and they asked for help in the visual side of the game. The fighting gameplay was handled by their own team, and they just needed help in the visuals of the game, because they wanted to add more to the dramatization of the game."
CyberConnect 2 did storyboarding and motion capture for the fighter. Matsuyama said that the motions have a CC2 look. "The actions look a little like in Naruto, in the sense that the motion doesn't look like we used motion-capture," he said. "In that sense, I think the game looks like it's been done by us."
Matsuyama also said that Epic is surprised by CC2's use of Unreal Engine 3 forAsura's Wrath. He said it's "difficult" to make a cinematic action game in an engine designed primarily for shooters, but there's something like that for every engine. "I think the tools don't matter," he said. "And, a perfect engine doesn't exist. There's always something that's difficult to do with every tool."
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October 19th, 2011, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
If you think of time as flat, and the progress of time as a man-made construct, it should help explain the erratic (and backwards!) schedule of Sam & Max releases on PlayStation Network. Last year, the third "season" of the pioneering episodic series -- dubbed "The Devil's Playhouse" -- marked the crime-solving duo's PS3 debut. And now, ostensibly using technology created for developer Telltale's Back to the Future games, the second season is available today.
Nearly four years after its PC debut, and two years after its XBLA release, Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space is coming to the PS3 for $20. If you're starting from scratch, you may want to further bend the laws of time and space (and economics!) by picking up the Sam & Max: MAX Pack, featuring both "Beyond Time and Space" and "The Devil's Playhouse." If we were betting dogs and rabbity-things, we'd guess a final release of season one, Sam & Max Save the World, can't be too far behind. And then you're born.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:28 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 firmware 3.73 knows you've been too long bullied by all those firmware updates that require you to download them. But 3.73, he's different. He's casual. He's not a mandatory patch, he's completely optional. There's no pressure here, he knows you've had enough of that from those other guys.
But when it's time, 3.73 will be there. And when you're ready to accept his love, he'll be ready to improve the stability of "certain PS3 format software." Yeah, he knows that sounds vague. But girl, maybe that's exactly what you need.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
A "Mayhem Edition" Move bundle containing Killzone 3 and Resistance 3, along with a separate "Special Edition" of LittleBigPlanet 2, have apparently been revealed through some box factory snapshots. Slickdeals.net forum user "Scream777" posted several pics of the unannounced bundles from the box manufacturer he works at.
The pictures include the aforementioned "Mayhem Edition," a splayed box of the previously announced GoldenEye 007: Reloaded PS Move bundle, a 160GB PS3 bundle with Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and unannounced LittleBigPlanet 2 "Special Edition", and the Uncharted 3 320GB bundle.
One of the few things that immediately jump out as suspect is the typo of "steroscopic" on the Ratchet and LBP 2 bundle. The forum poster says Sony, which designed the packaging, didn't notice the mistake until later and didn't want to pay for a new run of boxes.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
"We're still sort of in the paper design stage," Irrational Games head and co-founder Ken Levine told me this weekend. Sitting in a nondescript conference room four floors above Manhattan's Union Square, sipping on his second Diet Coke, Levine was referring to the new BioShock game coming to PlayStation Vita, which he announced himself on Sony's E3 press conference stage earlier this year.
Despite the naming convention, BioShock on Vita isn't planned as a portable version of the upcoming game, Infinite, or the former two games set in the underwater city of Rapture -- at least, not right now. "That's not the current goal for what we're doing," Levine explained. While he admitted that "things can change," he added, "I think for us, the idea we have is a really good expression on a platform like that [Vita]. It's a different goal. And it has to sort of have its own voice in the franchise. If it just feels like a quieter voice in the franchise, I don't think that works. For us."
Which isn't to say he derides other developers for taking the pared-down port approach. "I think there's room for every kind of game and every kind of approach. But just for what we do. That's not to say I won't play a lot of those games. I'd love to have that kind of game on a handheld." It simply means the development of the BioShock Vita game isn't taking that route. "I'd rather do something that's an experiment and that's a little different. And is unique for the franchise," he teased.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 tactical shooter SOCOM: Special Forces gets a free DLC pack this week, Sony has announced via the PlayStation Blog.
The add-on brings back the franchise's Demolition Mode, which sees teams vying for control of a bomb which they can use to destroy the opposition's HQ.
The pack includes four new maps, two of which - Bitter Jungle and Ruins - return from previous SOCOM games. They'll also support many of the existing multiplayer modes, while six of the original retail maps will also support Demolition Mode.
There's two new weapons - the HS-C3 and 552 - and six new multiplayer skins too.
To celebrate the release, you can claim double XP in the game's multiplayer modes for the next week.
And that's not all. The Evac Co-Op pack arrives early next month priced at €4.99. It introduces a new co-op mode that sees players caught behind enemy lines. You'll have to fight your way to an evacuation point and then defend the spot until a pick-up vehicle arrives.
The new mode will work across all six original cooperative missions as well as the new Onslaught stage included in the download.
The pack comes with an additional six multiplayer skins and two extra weapons - the AM50 and M82A1A.
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October 19th, 2011, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
Dedicated PlayStation 3 gamers can now advance their PSN Trophy status beyond the level 50 ceiling.
As reported by IGN, at least two accounts have now advanced to lv. 55 and beyond. Hakoom is on lv. 55 with 15,662 trophies earned (including 296 Platinum awards), while duck360 is on lv.57 with 15,947 Trophies (including 319 Platinum).
Sounds impressive? Well, bear in mind that at least one of those accounts - duck360 - has a number of different users tied to it.
Sony hasn't revealed whether there's a new cap.
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October 19th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Remember how badly you wanted a PlayStation phone, only to find out that "experience" was headed to a multitude of devices across the Android spectrum? Well, it looks like Sony's finally making good on that retro-gaming promise. Starting today, the company's one stop shop for its classic games of yesteryear goes live in nine countries -- although, you'll have to be a Tablet S owner to partake of the PlayStation Certified nostalgia. Helping Sony usher its fanbase back into the quaintness of 32-bit graphics are ten titles familiar to PSOne fans: Cool Boarders, Destruction Derby, Hot Shots Golf 2, Jet Moto 1 & 2, Jumping Flash!, MediEvil, Motor Toon Grand Prix, Rally Cross and Wild Arms. So, if you happen to be packing the electronic giant's non-foldable slate, get your thumbs primed for a capacitive walk down memory lane. No word on when those other certified devices will get to mine the company's gaming archives, but there's always the Vita for that.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
Ken Levine, Irrational Games co-founder and creative director, has revealed that the company's new Bioshock title for Vita is still very early on in the development process.
"We're still sort of in the paper design stage," Levine told Joystiq.
He also spoke about the possibility of outsourcing the project to another development studio.
"To keep quality level, I wish I could say it was easy, it just tends to be more time consuming. It's just hard to find the right partners or the right people to hire."
"There are never enough resources to do anything, you know? We're always stretched."
One of the ways Levine hopes to maintain that quality level is by staying innovative, promising something "a little different" and "unique" for the Bioshock series.
"We have a Metacritic average of something like 88 or 89 percent," he explained.
"And the way you do that is you're very careful with your bets ... we made that bet and now we're very carefully proceeding to make sure that it's a game that stands tall within the franchise."
Back in July Levine spoke about his passion for the new Sony handheld.
Irrational, which is currently hiring for art, programming and QA positions, will release Bioshock Infinite next year. There is no release date for the Bioshock Vita project.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld will launch in the US and Europe on February 22.
The UK RRP for Vita is £229 for the Wi-Fi model, and £279 for the 3G version. In Europe the hardware will cost €249 and €299 and in the US those prices are $249 and $299.
Although no solid launch line-up has been given, Sony has over 100 games in development for the new handheld system, including Resistance: Burning Skies and Uncharted Golden Abyss, as well as social apps for connectivity to other Vita users and popular services such as Twitter, Facebook and Skype.
The system launches in Japan December 17 with 26 games on day one.
There is still no indication of pricing for 3G data services.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s unique stereoscopic 3D headset will be available in the UK from December 8th, MCV understands.
The unusual head-mounted viewing display is set to launch in Japan on November 11th, but Sony is already promoting the device in the West.
The firm’s UK retail arm, Sony Centre, has priced the HMZ-T1 model at £799.99.
And PlayStation games have been placed at the centre of Sony’s new marketing strategy for the peripheral, with titles such as Uncharted 3 featuring in promotional art.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
While UK gamers wait for the Dark Knight's critically acclaimed adventure, Australian and US consumers are having problems with the title's downloadable extras.
Through a combination of retailer deals and the Batman: Arkham City Online Pass, fans can gain access to extra levels and characters such as Robin and Catwoman - all of which is activated by one-use codes.
But reports reveal a number of issues with said codes in other markets, according to VG247. These include blank Catwoman code slips, Robin codes that fail to activate – some people have even been receiving multiple codes for the same content, but not the DLC they had ordered.
Additionally, Warner Bros has admitted that some Collector's Editions have been shipped out with a DVD copy of Gotham Knight, rather than Blu-ray as was originally promised.
The reports are reminiscent of the problems Ubisoft suffered with its uPlay Passport codes around the launch of Driver: San Francisco last month.
Batman: Arkham City is released for Xbox 360 and PS3 in the UK on Friday. The PC version will be released next month.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
A checkout error at a number of Sainsbury’s stores last night resulted in the supermarket selling a specific PS3 console bundle for just £114.01 last night.
As spotted by those eagle-eyed bargain hunters on HotUKDeals, the error concerned the chain’s current £199 deal on 160GB PS3 consoles complete with two free games.
One shopper noted that if the deal was combined with two copies of EA’s FIFA 12 then both games were fully deducted from the bill, resulting in a total price of just £114.01.
As if always the way with retail errors highlighted on HotUKDeals, a number of other bargain hunters made a quick beeline to their local store and were able to pick up the deal themselves.
However, those hoping the cheat the system this morning will be disappointed – it appears that Sainsbury’s has now closed the loophole.
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October 20th, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
What level of adorability are you looking for in your European PSN purchase this week? A significant amount? We suggest Okabu -- it stars things called "cloud whales," which possess a cuteness unrivaled by just about everything else on the planet. Average cuteness? How about Rocketbirds? Sure, the fowl therein are all about soaring through the air and murdering each other, but ... c'mon, birds are cute, right?
Want something decidedly un-adorable? You should go with the demo for Need for Speed: The Run. There's nothing cute about car-crimes, you guys. Check outPlayStation Blog for the rest of the line-up.
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October 20th, 2011, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's 3D Display, announced during E3, will be available on November 13 for $499. The company posted a lengthy FAQ on the PlayStation Blog, covering all the pertinent details regarding tech specs (yes, it's active 3D, with two HDMI inputs and edge LED backlighting) and how the nifty SimulView feature will work.
SimulView, which essentially gives two couch companions their own 2D screens, will require a second pair of 3D glasses. The bundle only comes with one pair of glasses -- separately, the high-tech spectacles will retail for $69.99. Games that will support SimulView at launch are MotorStorm Apocalypse, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, and Super Stardust HD.
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October 20th, 2011, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Vita's UK pricing and release date have been officially announced and at £229 (£279 for the 3G model), Sony's flashy handheld is more expensive than a PlayStation 3. So, will you still be buying one?
As always, we want to hear your crisp internet voices. So tell us, has the beefy price tag affected your plans to pick up Sony's otherwise impressive PSP successor? Or, being that it's priced in line with the Nintendo 3DS launch price, is it not actually that much to ask for what you're getting?
Vita is launching with 26 games in Sony's home country, but the platform holder has said it expects 100 titles to be available within the console's launch window.
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October 20th, 2011, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
HTC may be busy pondering its Android 4.0 future, but Sony Ericsson is apparently ready to take a bite out of Google's Ice Cream Sandwich. Yesterday, in a post on its Facebook page, Sony Ericsson's Dutch branch stated that it will indeed upgrade its Xperia lineup to the latest Android OS, though it didn't offer any details on release dates. We reached out to the manufacturer for confirmation, and received the following statement: Sony Ericsson is currently rolling out the upgrade to Gingerbread 2.3.4 across its entire 2011 Xperia smartphone portfolio. This software upgrade will be available through a phased roll out in select markets. Beyond Gingerbread 2.3.4, we plan to upgrade our 2011 Xperia smartphone portfolio to the next Android platform made available to us. The company went on to say that all official software announcements will be posted on its blog, so we'll let you know as soon as we have more details.
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October 20th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
As if you hadn’t already got the message, Warner Bros’ Batman: Arkham City is something rather special. So special, in fact, that it’s claimed the world’s first 100%+ review.
Yahoo! Games awarded the title a time and space-splintering six out of five it its review.
“Your entire gaming life could’ve been leading up to this moment, especially if you were raised on a strict Nintendo diet,” the review reads.
“We mean this in the best possible sense when we say that the legacies of Mario, Zelda and Metroid live on in ‘Batman Arkham City’. And what we’re suggesting by that is how this latest blockbuster comic-book escapade is worthy of the same lofty recognition.”
Indeed, Yahoo! Joins the rest of the world is heaping near-unprecedented praise on the title.
The Xbox 360 version currently carries a 96 per cent Metacritic rating based on 39 reviews. The PS3 version is on 96 per cent, making it not only the highest rated console release of the year but also the joint third highest rated release of all time.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Cut-price trade-in deals have become the norm on the High Street, but now online-only retailer GameStop.co.uk has dragged the sector into the online arena.
The headline is Modern Warfare 3 for 99p, but in reality the new deal offers gamers the chance to buy both EA’s Battlefield 3 and Activision’s Modern Warfare 3 for £37.96.
This is how it works:
Gamers must buy Battlefield 3 for £36.97 from GameStop on either Xbox 360 or PS3.
Then, they need to also buy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for £41.97.
The retailer will also ship out a padded pre-paid envelope. Customers can then use this to ship back their copy of Battlefield 3 before November 18th. Once GameStop receives it they’ll send out a new copy of Modern Warfare 3 and refund the buyer to the sum of £40.98.
It’s a fascinating new development in the increasingly competitive UK games sector and one that for the first time takes the High Street on at its own game.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
We suspect publishers were as surprised as everyone else when Sonyannounced the worldwide PlayStation Vita launch dates at the Web 2.0 Summit.
Two days after that unexpected reveal, Namco Bandai is officially putting that February 22 date on its own launch games: Ridge Racer, Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen, and the new Katamari game, which has been given the amusing title ofTouch My Katamari for its western release. Of course, all Vita games will be sold digitally, saving you from the nightmare of asking a retail clerk for Touch My Katamari. Namco announced these dates for North America, and Sony hasconfirmed they're accurate for Europe as well.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition is coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 15th in North America (and November 18th elsewhere), just a week after the game debuts on PC. And like the PC game, The Complete Editioncomes packed with every piece of DLC released thus far. [Update: We've confirmed with Rockstar that this will retail for $49.99.]
The bonus cases stacked atop your desk/disc include "The Nicholson Electroplating," "The Consul's Car," "Reefer Madness," "The Naked City" and "A Slip of the Tongue." They cover the arson, vice and traffic beats, and are offered alongside The Badge Pursuit Challenge and all unlockable outfits and weapons.
There's also a new prologue that explains why Cole Phelps transforms into Sergeant Frank Drebin every time he gets behind the wheel of a car.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's limbless helicopter-head hero is appearing with a little more physical fanfare in Europe. The publisher is wrapping his gorgeous return to 2D,Rayman Origins, in a Collector's Edition for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this November. Even the packaging itself is special.
The quality of the 50-page art book will likely match the visuals we've seen coming from the UbiArt framework (which integrates high-resolution illustrations and pairs them with a skeletal animation system), and the soundtrack will probably be described as "whimsical," but forget all that. The box itself folds into a cute diorama depicting mischief makers Rayman and Globox.
Ubisoft has confirmed to Joystiq that this edition of Rayman Origins, currently listed at GBP 54.99 on Amazon UK, is only coming to Europe -- soon to be the origin of quite a few imports, we imagine.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Delayed co-op squad shooter Payday: The Heist has failed to show up on the European PlayStation Network, despite launching in the US earlier this week.
When asked for a new release date and explanation for the delay, publisher Sony Online Entertainment told Eurogamer that a launch slot for European territories "has yet to be announced".
However, SOE pointed out that European PC users can download the game now through most of the standard download stores.
As announced earlier this year, the game will be offered as a free download to those who purchased all four titles in the PlayStation Network Play promotion.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Reports are emerging that the PlayStation 3 has been hacked once again in the form of a successor to the original PSJailbreak, dubbed "JB2".
Similar to the first hack, JB2 apparently takes the form of a USB dongle that plugs directly into the PS3 and compromises the system on power-up. Videos released so far of the device in action appear to show an extended boot -up period before the XMB finally appears, featuring a number of options only available to developer consoles, allowing for the installation of unsigned code.
The hack is curious in that unlike the older Jailbreaks, newer games cannot be run from the hard drive: instead, burned Blu-ray discs are used instead with the PS3 appearing to recognise them as legitimate pressed games. Older titles that pre-date the 3.60 update that locked out current piracy methods allegedly work from the hard drive as normal. This opens up the unpalatable suggestion that not only will the makers of JB2 make money from selling the dongles, but a black market of burned software could also emerge. Alternatively, it may simply mean that a debug console - which can work with BD-R discs - was used to create a fabricated video.
According to sources, the dongle has undergone a small launch in Indonesia ahead of a global roll-out, with a small range of pirate games including titles like PES 2012, Driver: San Francisco, God of War Collection Volume II and FIFA 12 being made available. The notion of limited titles being available may suggest that the games are being reverse-engineered, and that only some games may work with the new hack. Alternatively, the makers may simply be releasing the latest games first in order to maximise revenues with the small window of opportunity available before Sony legal gets on the case.
Previous "custom firmwares" could allow for the modification of game code and assets, allowing for an unfair advantage for cheats accessing the PlayStation Network. Although it appears to run new games, JB2 is apparently based on the same 3.55 firmware as older hacks, so there's a very strong possibility that PSN access will remain off limits for those running pirate software.
It's still unconfirmed beyond all doubt whether JB2 is the real deal or not. However, the evidence piling up over the last 24 hours does suggest that Sony's successful anti-piracy measures - which kicked off with the release of Portal 2 and the 3.60 firmware just over six months ago - may have finally been overcome.
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October 21st, 2011, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
A number of Sony's first party studios are working on PlayStation 4 games, according to respected industry site Develop.
"A trusted source connected to the matter" told the site that several of Sony's 16 internal studios have stated work on PS4 game concepts that could enter into full production if given the green light.
The site claims Sony has yet to finalise the console's technical specifications and that the PS3 successor isn't expected to launch before 2014.
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October 22nd, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Here's a little souvenir for Twitter addicts eyeing the upcoming PS Vita: at today's debut event in Hong Kong, we got to see said console's Twitter app in action for the very first time, and we were also fortunate enough to get some exclusive hands-on time with Sony's in-house software. As you can see in our video after the break, the overall design feels very much in line with Twitter's standard ID: the same shade of blue, the usual tabs on the left column, slick elastic scrolling in the timelines, and support for geotagging, hash tags plus photo attachment while tweeting. No surprises here, but hey, the app worked well for us.
That said, we were told that the app wasn't quite finished yet, and Sony still couldn't confirm whether this -- along with the other dedicated apps like Skype, Foursquare and Facebook -- will be ready for download by the time the Vita launches in Hong Kong on December 23rd (just a tad later than Japan's launch on the 17th). In case you're wondering, the Vita there will cost HK$2,280 (US$290) for the WiFi version and HK$2,780 (US$360) for the 3G flavor, both unsubsidized but cheaper than their Japanese counterparts. Of course, given that the console isn't region-locked, feel free to go do some shopping in Hong Kong then -- just save some for the locals, OK? Also, check out our gallery below for some close-up shots of the Vita's music and video apps.
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October 23rd, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Having seemingly closed the door on PS3 piracy earlier this year, Sony once again faces the prospect of another piracy threat looming over its console.
Digital Foundry reports that a new USB dongle device, dubbed the JB2 (JailBreak2) is reportedly now available in Indonesia. When plugged into a PS3 it circumvents its security measures and allows for the running of illegal or copied code.
Interestingly, while games released prior to the PS3’s 3.60 patch (which itself was released to combat the original security loophole) will run off the hard drive newer titles must be run from Blu-ray.
An added inconvenience for pirates, of course, but this also presents the sordid possibility of a new trade in illegal game discs.
A global launch from the device is thought to be not far off, though Digital Foundry does add that at this point all talk of the device and its abilities remains speculative.
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October 23rd, 2011, 13:09 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy XIV wasn't ever going to win Game of the Year, but that isn't stopping producer and director Naoki Yohsida from supporting the revamped version. Square Enix is considering Vita and smartphone support for Final Fantasy XIV, with access to inventory and in-game item purchases, Yoshida said.
"Not just the Vita, but also smartphones, so that kind of access will be allowed," Yoshida said. "That will open the door to things like applications that people can used to check their inventory, or check the market and purchase things from the auctions."
Yoshida said Square is also still speaking with Microsoft about an Xbox 360 version, but its focus now is mostly on releasing it on PS3.
"The one thing to regain that damaged player trust is to keep those promises, and one of the promises was to release a PlayStation 3 version," Yoshida said. "We made that promise long, long ago, and we still haven't kept it."
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October 23rd, 2011, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
Lightbox Interactive is hosting a private beta for Starhawk in November, but with a twist -- this private beta will be selectively public. Lightbox will invite "a bunch of" dedicated Warhawk players to test out Starhawk this November, chosen by their rank in Warhawk, their community involvement and a few other undisclosed parameters, president Dylan Jobe said.
The public private beta will include access to a secure SCEA forum for players to discuss the game and ask questions of the Lightbox team, who will also post their PSN handles and be available for voice chat in-beta. If you're a Warkhawkbeast with a clean record, look for an email with an invite soon.
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October 23rd, 2011, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
If you were hoping to preorder a PSVita in Japan, then you’re probably out of luck already. And if you’ve tried, you know what I’m talking about…Preorder units on major retailers got sold out within a few hours on Saturday. So even if you were lucky enough to actually reach the sites without a timeout, you could probably not even buy the device.
When the PS3 came out, I remember seeing scenes of old Japanese guys paying homeless people and students to wait in line in stores, and buy as many PS3s as they could, in order to resell them for twice the price. Are we going to see preorders for insane prices popping up on ebay?
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October 23rd, 2011, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
For anyone who wishes to remain legit on official firmware (OFW), but still has that undying, retro itch to jam some SNES action every now and then, then this build of SNES9x Euphoria is for you. There isn't much difference from this version, posted back in February 2011, other than it's signed for OFW. No hacks needed -- just copy the "Snes9x_Euphoria" directory to PSP/GAME, along with some roms under Snes9x_Euphoria/ROMS, and fire it up.
The author of this build promises more updates, aiming to improve emulation speed and also to update the core to the latest version of SNES9x, which is apparently 1.51; this current PSP port is based off the 1.42 source.
So... You know what to do.
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October 23rd, 2011, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
You know... You're supposed to keep your comics in clean, crisp condition; keep 'em in the plastic sleeve, tucked away deep in your closet, because in the future they could provide for your kids. My dad had a shit-load of original comics, issue #1s, way back in the day, but his dad called them "funny papers" and used 'em as target practice ... now I'm here. But anyway, enough about me... This is DeGenerationX's (or [Dx] for short) Digital Comic Reader for the PSP.
PSP DiGi CoMix Reader v1 supports the most common digital comic format: .cbr -- and .cbz and compressed .rar too. [Dx] claims it is "about 500 times faster" than other comic readers and takes no time while scrolling.
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October 23rd, 2011, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Total to the Noob and Dash to the Hacks present an exclusive PSP plugin for ya'll -- it's innovative, it's a first -- it's a new Download Manager for the PSP Internet web browser.
How many people out there right now are using the PSP browser on the daily? Are you downloading lots? If you answered yes to both questions then you already know the default way to downloading files via the browser sucks. That's when Total_Noob steps in ... simplifying and maximizing:
Activate Download Manager (in vsh.txt) and you'll get all this:
•Download multiple data items
•Download in background
•Pause and cancel downloads
•See the actual download rate
How's it work?
Select your item to download as normal and once it starts you'll be prompted to enter the Download Manager by pressing [START]+[SQUARE]. Once that opens you can manage each individual download; highlight an item and press [TRIANGLE] to pause or [CIRCLE] to cancel. Press [START]+[SQUARE] again to close the Download Manager.
And if you're a total noob ... read readme.txt.
Thanks to Total_Noob for the awesome, fresh plugin!
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October 23rd, 2011, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
It is the first time I've seen a neur0n CFW release without an official readme.txt; however, going by neur0n's previous track record, I'd assume PSP Custom Firmware (and Light Custom Firmware) 6.39 ME version 9.7 pack the same changes as L/CFW 6.60 ME version 1.6. That's usually the case, but I could be wrong... And I've been wrong before.
Lets assume I'm right though; then these would be the changes:
•Change CPU clock from 199/99 to 200/100.
•Update VshMenu. Now you can use translate text.
•Fixed an ISO size when dump it through USB in XMB.
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October 23rd, 2011, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Guess who? It's neur0n back again with another custom firmware update! It's 6.60 ME v1.6 -- and the change log says...
•Change CPU clock from 199/99 to 200/100.;
•Update VshMenu. Now you can use translate text.
•Fixed a ISO size when dump it through USB in XMB.
I believe the third item stems from this. So if you've already installed that, and you don't care about translating the VSH Menu or about adjusting the CPU clock, then you need not upgrade ... not right this second anyway. Still though -- it's better than a Sony firmware update ... and it's not mandatory.
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October 23rd, 2011, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
SuperFury has released an update to POPStation PSP -- a homebrew app that converts any PSX game to a compatible POPs format, meaning you can play said PSX (or PS1 / PSOne) game on your hacked or homebrew-enabled PSP.
If you're not familiar with POPStation PSP, then I suggest you read over the included readme.txt to get started.
And for POPS itself, weed through these posts to find the version appropriate for your CFW/HEN ... or use neur0n's PopsLoader Bridge if you're running CFW ME.
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October 23rd, 2011, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
It's been some time since the last news post so this will help bring everyone up to date with what we've been up to.
-For those of you who haven't heard, the latest SVN builds of PCSX2 have a new speed hack thanks to cottonvibes, named MTVU (multi threaded VU) which enables PCSX2 to use 3 threads now! (4 if you count the minor GUI thread). The speed hack has very high compatibility and provides a big speed boost in most games, especially for triple and quad core CPUs (but even on dual cores).
-We have a new page on our site, which you can view by clicking 'SVN' at the top menu. You will find the 20 latest SVN builds there, courtesy of Orphis' build bot so you will be always up to date with the bleeding edge changes in PCSX2! Do keep in mind that these builds might be a bit buggier than the official releases since they are all work in progress.
-The configuration guide has been updated for the 0.9.8 release (a bit late ) and a new quick start guide has been created by avih aiming to be much more compact and easy to read. As always you can apply for translating in this thread. Check them both out!
-A new input plugin named Nuvee and developed by Shalma came to our attention, which is the first to support Lightguns and USB Mice! It seems it already works with almost all games supporting Lightguns so be sure to check it out HERE.
-New PCSX2 wiki hosted on our server, you can find it here!. With your input, the wiki will eventually become a huge knowledge base for individual game settings and known workarounds for bugs, so those of you willing, start contributing your findings
-Our youtube channel already has over 150,000 video views and almost 2,000 subscribers! You can visit it by clicking HERE.
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October 23rd, 2011, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this week, a member Tuhti advanced ps3news said to have found a way for key 3.72, it returns tonight with a video.
The story begins early in the week with the announcement, with a clone of Progskeet and after two weeks of hard work, he would have found a fairly simple feat and could not be revoked by Sony, because how the hack Glitch and as the first words of the team FailOverflow, this would be a hardware fault.
The exploit would work as follows: we start the PS3, the exploit is launched and export the keys on a USB stick. The author states that it releaser anything yet except for the custom firmware 3.72 ready for the end user. Tuhti said he would return early next week with evidence on video, it's done tonight with two days in advance and its first video, second video will come as agreed earlier this week.
This video shows access to the PSN and the launch of homebrews. The next video will show the launch of a backup. After a month the PS3 scene seemed frozen, we do not yet know what new will prove accurate JFW between the DH, the dongle Jailbreak 2 or this news, but it seems good omen. Thanks to the-dragon38 and green for the information.
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October 23rd, 2011, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
However, news that was expected, since we showed previously that signed homebrew can easily launch the new PSP-1000 E SONY. This time it's not a homebrew but a downright custom firmware you see on the new jewels of the Japanese firm. A Japanese man was today put his hands on the new PSP, it took the opportunity by installing over the "light CFW 6.60 ME 1.6" of neur0ner. Result, the CFW "non permanent" is indeed functional, it shares with us and especially with neur0ner pictures of the console in question and the VSH menu as evidence, the picture below speaks for itself!

What's more, the future PSP-1000 E expected for next month would be flashable

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October 23rd, 2011, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
The team Gitbrew (Glivland, Snowy and Durandal) continue their work on the PS3. During the week, Monday to Friday, the team has delivered five new releases including two for the Sony console.
The first two are intended for Linux systems. The third is a new team site for developers to share their work. The fourth release is a software tool debrickage the PS3 using any dongle activated "service mode" that with a new PUP achieved by the team and a file can lv2diag.self debricker the PS3 FAT 256MB Nand using beta versions of OS Other CFW + +. It can also repair the PS3 stuck on some errors MAJ. It can be tested on other types of brick, it can work as not. Usage: - Put the file with the PUP lv2diag.self at the root of a USB key. - Connect your dongle - Turn on the console - if the USB is enabled, you have a great chance that it can fix the error. - If it does not work, the only solution must be a hardware flash gitbrew.org / brickfix The fifth release on the PSN games bought on the PSN that are disabled and would like to reactivate your CFW. The team released a utility that allows you NoPDRM facilitate this task. This tool has been tested and validated on CFW Other OS + + but can work on other CFW as not. The tutorial and the tools are available on this page: gitbrew.org / releases It's not all, directors of CFW Other OS tell us they have made significant progress in developing the PS3 RSX driver, this driver will allow one day to boot Linux on PS3 with optimal resolution and will use all the functions of GPU PS3 and why not a day to boot games on Linux or just plain making a CXMB ... Recall that incomplete version of this driver is already compiled and presented on their official website. The driver will be released within days. Finally, the team seeks Gitbrew beta-testers with PS3 firmware 3.56 mode service (3.56 + a console, if you activate the service mode, it will remain stuck above). Let's see what the story will end. If you admire the work of this team you support with your donation. Thanks to The-Green for the information. Homepage: http://gitbrew.org
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October 23rd, 2011, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Condorstrike offers a kind of screen saver for PS3 intended for use with Multiman.
New / fixed: - Principles updated graphics - Improved memory usage for stability - Added more effects, satellites and depth of movement - Fixed directory for music - Other things forgotten by the author should be noted that in addition to images, the application embeds the support of FTP and manage MP3 playback. Multiman Solar V2.4 edition Official site: www.tortuga-cove.com
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October 23rd, 2011, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game engine, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, GP2x, Wii, PSP and Wiz.
In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired
by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of
Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless
amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing
anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine.
In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They
agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the
community, and still is to this day.
r3553 | utunnels | 2011-10-22 12:37:43 -0400 (Sat, 22 Oct 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Fix various bugs in previous update.
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October 23rd, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 JailBreak 2 custom firmware and dongle updater has been dumped and spread. Like a pack of wolves the community is ready to dismember the poor thing, even without giving credits to Team KADO in Indonesia for making it possible to play v3.60+ games on firmware v3.55, as usual when there's a dongle involved. I have no doubts JB2 will be reverse engineered quickly.
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October 24th, 2011, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
Nuvee is an input / controller plugin for Sony Playstation 1 and 2 emulators.
- 10-21-11 Other misc stuff
- 10-21-11 Upgrade RES2 to working (latest PCSX2 SVN)
- 10-21-11 Create Resident Evil Survivor 2 Guncon2 profile
- 10-21-11 Fix more stuff (USB mouse poll rate, USB keyboard poll, misc emulation)
- 10-21-11 Fix lots of stuff (alt-tab focus, snap cursor, PC lightgun + mouse, other regressions)
- 10-21-11 Support joystick devices (PPJoy or else)
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October 24th, 2011, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
If you're looking to cheat whatever PSP game for whatever your reason(s), then look no further than DarkFrost. It's a [semi-]actively maintained cheat engine (read: plugin) for the PSP from developer, and Dashhacks forum member, demon450.
DarkFrost is a mod of SANiK's NitePR Rev. J. This version -- DarkFrost v5 -- is a maintenance release, which fixes many bugs and tidies things up a bit. It also comes with an auto-installer for ease of installation ... but as always see README.txt for important notes.
As for the actual PSP cheat codes -- use Google ... or Codeleakers is a good place to start for NitePR codes, which are of course DarkFrost compatible.
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October 24th, 2011, 12:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r4942 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
VIF: Removed the vu cycle counting craziness mentioned in r4941 comments. It was intended to pretend if the VU "ran" for longer than the VIF did, but it didn't really change a lot :P
Savestate version bump again
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October 24th, 2011, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Retailers HMV and GAME have once again decided to offer this week’s biggest release for a tantalisingly low price for those willing to trade-in specific games.
HMV has slashed the price of EA’s Battlefield 3 to just £2.99 for any customer willing to hand over a copy of either Batman: Arkham City or Forza 4.
For those who take up the offer they will next week have the chance to hand back their copy of Battlefield 3 and pick up Sony’s Uncharted 3 for just £2.99.
GAME is selling Battlefield 3 for £4.99 to those who trade-in one of the following – Batman: Arkham City, Gears of War 3, Forza 4 or PES 2012.
And GAME also has an Uncharted 3 deal lined up. It will be available for £9.99 when consumers trade-in either Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon or FIFA 12.
MCV reported last week that GameStop is offering punters the chance to grab both Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for just £37.96.
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October 24th, 2011, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Network security breach might have compromised the personal details of millions of its customers but Sony is looking on the bright side, stating that it's been great for business.
Speaking to TechRadar, Sony exec Soichiro Saida explained that the hack served to bring previously inactive users back online, rather than driving away more engaged customers.
"Our outage has woken up our dormant customers, we have improved the platform, the content, how you can access your content," he said.
"We have increased the revenue of games by 14 per cent. We have acquired 800,000 active users for Music Unlimited, five per cent revenue for Video Unlimited and we now have three million accounts for this service.
"We created the welcome back package, which is one of the reasons for the upsurge in activity on the site."
Saida reiterated that the platform holder has instituted a raft of new security measures since the hack back in April and will continue to educate its users about keeping their details safe.
"We have put various security issues in place, moved the data centre, automated log-in can now be blocked, we have monitoring system so we can detect it much more sooner," Saida explained.
"We also have the insurance scheme to protect those customers. We also notify customers if the password strength is not enough.
"Sony has been attacked but we have been upfront and honest and informed the world about what has happened," he continued.
"Network companies get hacked all the time - but do they make a noise about it? This is happening all of the time, it happened to us and it is about educating the consumers, making sure that they have their ID protected."
Last month, Sony CEO Howard Stringer revealed that PSN had picked up three million new accounts since the breach was resolved.
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October 24th, 2011, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
A PlayStation mini version of Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain arrives on 9th November in the UK, developer Laughing Jackal has announced.
The PS3 and PSP games are based on video game industry legends Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's classic Choose Your Own Adventure book of the same name.
Together Jackson and Livingstone co-founded Games Workshop and individually are both veterans of the UK video games industry.
Ian Livingstone is president of Tomb Raider developer Eidos, while Steve Jackson is also known for his work at Lionhead.
It's not the first time Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain has been turned into video game form - a version for Nintendo DS launched in 2009.
Originally published in the 1980s, the Fighting Fantasy series has gone on to sell over 15 million copies in 26 different languages.
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October 25th, 2011, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's website has been replaced by a splash screen formally announcing Grand Theft Auto V, promising a trailer on November 2 but offering no further details.
Speculation over the title has been rife, almost since the launch of the previous game, with commenters taking guesses on location, timeframe and characters.
No platforms have been posted for the title as of yet, nor has any window for a release date, meaning that the game could well slip to the next generation of home consoles.
Grand Theft Auto IV shipped huge numbers, breaking the then record for day one sales in the UK.
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October 25th, 2011, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Battlefield 3 arrives in the UK this Friday, and GAME has announced details of the frolics it is laying on for its flagship launch event in Oxford Street.
The Gadget Show’s Jason Bradbury is to host proceedings.
Fans will have the chance to grab a picture of themselves in-game using a green screen setup. In addition, the first 100 people in the queue will receive a limited edition, military style dog tag.
There will also be a competition to win a pair of Steel Series Siberia V2 headphones.
And while MCV has been sworn to secrecy, we can assure readers that GAME’s claim that “stock of the game will arrive just before midnight in a style inspired by Battlefield 3” must certainly be seen to be believed.
“With Battlefield 3 being even more interactive and exciting than its predecessors, we wanted to give our customers the biggest and most explosive midnight launch we could create,” GAME’s head of UK PR Neil Ashurst stated.
“With over 500 GAME and Gamestation stores opening at midnight, we’re definitely on the front line for this hotly anticipated launch and are happy to be able to give Battlefield fans the chance to get their hands on it as soon as possible. We can’t wait to be open our doors and let battle commence this Friday.’’
In total some 510 GAME and Gamestation stores will open their doors at 11:45pm on Thursday October 27th.
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October 25th, 2011, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Ready to learn even more about the intricacies of Vita game saving, long before you'll ever hit "save" on a Vita game? After reporting the list of games requiring external memory card, Kotaku Japan followed up with SCEI to get more information about the save system.
Games capable of saving directly to their own cartridges, the site learned, won't offer you the option to save to an external card. That means you'll never be given the choice -- games that can save internally will always do so. The site also discovered that you'll have to have a memory card in the Vita at startup in order to operate games that require external storage.
Sony told Kotaku Japan that in addition to save data, some games may use the memory card for DLC. Got it?
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October 25th, 2011, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 game production is to begin at Sony DADC’s Russian base in Borovsk, the company has announced.
Manufacturing of Blu-ray discs began at the facility in July following Sony DADC’s acquisition of Russian firm Kaluga earlier this year, but this expansion will allow the company to further spread the reach of PlayStation into the lucrative new territory.
Around 100 staff members are currently employed at the operation, which has the capacity to produce around 450,000 units per month.
The move “will significantly decrease time to market for PS3 games and home entertainment products”. A new customer service and sales support centre in Moscow has also been established.
“Our mission is to support customers in their global enterprise operations and this investment in Russia completes our local operations in each of the so-called BRIC countries,” Sony DADC Russia MD Johannes Stegfellner stated.
“Today, the games and home entertainment market is truly global and with Sony DADC, our customers have the confidence that one company can support all their local and regional operations worldwide to the same high standard.”
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October 25th, 2011, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
The arrival of a new PSP hardware bundle may seem ill-timed with theimpending launch of the Vita, but Sony isn't about to stop catering to the gift-craving siblings, cousins and nephews of the world this holiday. And we don't know about you, but we don't have any nephews that are worth spending two hundred and fifty dollars on.
Instead, for $160 you can pick up the new PSP Entertainment Pack, which includes a PSP-3000, 2GB Memory Stick Pro DUO, a UMD copy of soccer smashFIFA 12 and a download voucher for Cars 2 (a racing game, we'd venture). The bundle should be available on November 15th.
If you're jumping into PlayStation Portable gaming now (and feel free to use the "nephew" excuse we fabricated above), you should keep an eye out for theMega Man and Monster Hunter packs at Gamestop. That is, if you're willing to add UMD clutter to your life -- with an uncertain shot at backwards compatibility.
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October 25th, 2011, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
God of War creator David Jaffe isn't interested in returning to the franchise unless he could reinvent the template he laid down in the PlayStation 2 original.
Jaffe, who's currently hard at work on Twisted Metal for PlayStation 3, explained in a blog post today that he now only wants to make titles that put gameplay ahead of story, a stance that might be at odds with the cinematic action that God of War has become famous for.
"A lot of people ask me if I'd ever make another God of War (assuming that opportunity was offered) and I always say the same thing: if it were God of War meets something like Zelda (formula wise), then yes (aka Darksiders, right?)," he wrote
"But if it were God of War using the current formula, I would not. For me - and this is just me PERSONALLY (I get and respect not everyone shares this same thinking) - directing God of War made me realise that as a game designer (and certainly as game director) I want our games to serve the gods of GAMEPLAY first and foremost.
He went onto argue that the best titles are those that manage to strike a balance between engaging gameplay and a compelling narrative.
"Games can have story (and many should, such as God of War) and most games - even pure play games - should have strong world and IP," he explained.
"But working on God of War made it clear that - for me - if we have to cut a set piece or bit of spectacle because of our desire to put play first, then so be it. Ideally, the BEST games are those that do both."
Jaffe reckons that the games that really cross over and sell in huge numbers aren't your Uncharteds and God of Wars, but titles that are focused on gameplay above all else.
"What is really interesting/telling, is that as much hype and fan love as the cinematic experiences get, it's the game-y games that sell and sell and sell. Look at Guitar Hero, MW3, Angry Birds, Farmville, Mario, Madden, Wii Sports, and on and on and on," read his post.
"The GAME STUFF sells buckets when it's themed right and executed well," he added. "The EXPERIENCE STUFF sells well too but not near as much as the GAMEY stuff and the EXPERIENCE STUFF costs a hell of a lot more to make in most cases."
Yes, it would seem the man has a sticky caps lock button.
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October 27th, 2011, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers have been reporting problems connecting to multiplayer games of Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360 after its US launch last night, problems which EA and DICE have been hard at work to fix.
Battlefield 3's beta was downloaded, according to EA, by over nine and a half million people across all platforms, but the stress testing of that experience seems to have not prepared the servers for yesterday's load.
Battlefield 3's official Twitter feed reported the problems as fixed over seven hours ago, but many users are still experiencing difficulty in accessing multiplayer sessions.
DICE's community manager Daniel Matros reported a further fix just over an hour ago.
Battlefield 3 launches in the UK and Europe on Friday. For a round up of the game's critical reception, read our summary here.
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October 27th, 2011, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
A memory card is "pretty much a requirement" for PlayStation Vita, according to Japanese magazine Famitsu.
Andriasang brings word that some games - apparently includingUncharted: Golden Abyss - will not even boot up without a memory card inserted into Sony's upcoming PSP successor.
All of which is fair enough - especially for those preferring to download their games from the PlayStation Store rather than buy boxed product at retail - but Sony's decision to use a new proprietary card format means, inevitably, they will come at quite a price.
While worldwide pricing is yet to be revealed, in Japan a 4GB card costs ¥2,200 (£18), 8GB ¥3,200 (£26), and 16GB ¥5,500 (£45), while a 32GB card will set you back ¥9,500 (£78).
Vita launches in Japan on December 17, and will be released in Europe, Australia and the US on February 22.
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October 27th, 2011, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony says it is still working to get Payday: The Heist ready for release in Europe, a week after the game launched on the US PlayStation Store.
In a post on the PlayStation Blog revealing this week's PS Store update, Sony's Andy Stewart writes: "We are close to being able to confirm the release date of Payday: The Heist and are just waiting for SOE to provide 100 per cent confirmation, which we hope will be with us later today.
"SCEE and SOE are working hard to get the game in your hands as soon as possible; thank you for your patience."
The delay will be especially galling for those who are entitled to a free copy of the game after buying all four games in the PSN Play promotion. Payday: The Heist has already been delayed once, with Sony announcing it would not make its original release date of October 5 at the eleventh hour.
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October 27th, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and EA have reneged on a promise to include Battlefield 1943 with all PlayStation 3 copies of Battlefield 3.
The move was announced at Sony's E3 press conference in July, where Jack Tretton said that making use of the extra storage space on Blu-ray discs meant the PS3 release of Battlefield 3 would represent "one of the most exciting games of the year bundled free with one of the most popular PSN games."
After gamers in North America - where Battlefield 3 was released yesterday - noticed that Battlefield 1943 was conspicuous by its absence, a tweet from the official Battlefield account said that the free game had been replaced by early access to DLC, which was announced last month.
"In lieu of 1943 being available on disc," the tweet reads, "EA has made all BF3 expansions available early to PS3 customers."
The news follows reports overnight of server problems on the Xbox 360 version. Battlefield 3 will be released in Europe on Friday.
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October 27th, 2011, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Today, the PlayStation Blog confirmed earlier rumors of a re-release forLittleBigPlanet 2. We can't say we're surprised, since the previousLittleBigPlanet game had a Game of the Year Edition re-release, but here it is: both a limited edition title with all of the game's DLC thus far and a PlayStation Move hardware bundle are coming to select retailers on November 15.
The LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Edition features the original game, PlayStation Move add-on content, the Toy Story level and costume pack, and the pets costume packs, all in one package. But if you're lacking in hardware and have got the requisite clearance for flailing in your domicile, then perhaps the PlayStation Move hardware bundle is for you. It includes the enhanced version of LBP 2, plus a PlayStation Move controller, a Nav controller and a PlayStation Eye camera.
Sorry, no word on pricing, but we imagine the game will be $59.99 and the bundle will be somewhere around $149.99.
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October 27th, 2011, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Unreal-powered tower defense RPG Dungeon Defenders missed its European PlayStation Network launch due to a request for changes from Sony Europe.
As revealed earlier today, the game didn't appear on the PlayStation Store today as planned, despite going on sale on PSN North America and worldwide on Steam and Xbox Live Arcade.
Doug Kennedy, CEO of Reverb Publishing, told Eurogamer exactly what's been going on behind the scenes.
"SCEE and SCEA have their own qualifications for each territory, and we stand by the merits that the game has passed SCEA's stringent approval process and have submitted a similar build to SCEE," he said.
"We are working to get SCEE to meet their approval process because SCEE has a different approval process and SCEE decided to request changes to the game. [Developer] Trendy decided to finalise the game for North America and get the three SKUs shipped as planned.
"The game is currently available on XBLA and PC in Europe, we hope to be out on PlayStation shortly."
He added that the development team is currently "working to meet SCEE's additional requirements".
There's some better news for Reverb and Trendy though. The game, which first launched on iOS and Android late last year, was reportedly downloaded 250,000 times from Steam during its first week on sale.
Reverb PR director Adam Matza added that "the Xbox and PS3 numbers are amazing also", though wouldn't offer exact figures.
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October 27th, 2011, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
The new PlayStation Vita will launch in Japan on December 17 with a couple of features missing, according to a Famitsu report.
The Japanese magazine reports in a recent Q&A that the machines web browser will support cookies, Javascript version 1.7, HTML5, but will not support Flash "at launch".
The magazine also says, in conflict with information from Sony, that Vita will also not support 'Game Archives' - which encompasses downloadable PsOne and TurboGrafx-16 games in Japan - at launch.
This suggests that Sony may have some feature-boosting updates lined up post-launch, and we're hoping these holes, if true, will be plugged before the handheld's EU/US launch in February.
On a more positive note, the mag says Vita will have bilinear texture filetering for PSP titles, which will make the old-gen games look better on the new console.
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October 27th, 2011, 01:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed this week's PlayStation Store update.
Everything that's coming to both PSN and PlayStation Plus members is listed, with Battlefield 3 in the download section being the biggest name and InFamous 2: Festival of Blood catching eyes too.
Here's the full list:
PlayStation Plus new content
Alien Zombie Death (mini) - 100% discount for one week
Age of Zombies (mini) - 100% discount for one week
Dead Nation - 100% discount for one week
Alien Zombie Mega Death - 50% discount for one week
Burn Zombie Burn! - 50% discount for one week
Zombie Apocalypse - 50% discount for one week
infamous 2: Festival of Blood - 20% discount for one week
A range of additional Plus discounts across a number of Halloween Sale items including:
Additional 15% reduction on all TellTale Games Halloween Sale items
Additional 30% off all EA Halloween Sale items
Additional 10% off all Team 17 Halloween Sale items
Additional 10% off SEGA Halloween Sale items
Additional 20% off Atari Halloween Sale items
Be sure to check the Store for full details
Special Offer Selection
'Heads-Up' Game Store Update 26th October 2011
We have some 'sales from the crypt' for you this week to sink your fangs into for Halloween. However its not all blood and gore and there should be some content for everybody, so do check it out as it has everything from BD digitial downloads and full PS3/PSP games to minis and add on packs for some on your favourite games. So don't be scared and check out these monster savings today!
Here are a few examples of what is on offer:
Limbo (was £9.99/€12.99 - now £7.99/€9.99)
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (was £19.99/€24.99 - now £9.99/€12.99)
Prince of Persia Trilogy (was £31.99/€39.99 - now £15.99/€19.99)
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime (was £7.19/€8.99 - now £4.39/€5.49)
Protoype (was £31.99/€39.99 - now £15.99/€19.99)
Offers ends on 9th November 2011
PlayStation Network new content
Full Games (PS3)
Battlefield 3 (£49.99/€69.99)
(Available on Friday 28th October at 00:01 GMT)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All Locales
Infamous 2 - Festival Of Blood (£7.99/€9.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean The Videogame (£31.99/€39.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locales
Pixeljunk Sidescroller (£6.29/€7.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia or New Zealand
Ra One (£10.99/€13.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Australia or New Zealand
Demos (PS3)
Grease Dance Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in Indian, Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey and UAE
Ratchet & Clank All 4 One Multiplayer Demo Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locales
Full Games (PSP)
Soul Calibur : Broken Destiny + Tekken 6 Bundle (£23.99/€29.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: Not available in Germany
Exit 2 (Re-Convert) (£7.99/€9.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: Not available in Australia or New Zealand
Minis (PS3 and PSP)
Open Emotion Studios Triple Pack (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All Locales
Carnivores Bundle (£3.99/€4.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
Bee Wars (£2.49/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine
PSone (PS3 and PSP)
Silent Hill (£5.49/€6.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
Add-On Game Content (PS3)
Ace Combat Assault Horizon
Acah Dlc02 Asf-X [Magnificent Lightning Ii] (£4.79/€5.99)
Acah Dlc02 F-14D [Halloween Pumpkin] (£2.39/€2.99)
Acah Dlc02 F/A-18F [Red Devils] (£2.39/€2.99)
Compatibility Pack 2 (Free)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
Battlefield 3 - Online Pass (£7.99/€9.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Castlevania: Harmony Of Dispair
Add-On Character 'Simon Belmont' (£1.59/€1.99)
Add-On Level 'Chapter 8′ The One Who Is Many (£3.19/€3.99)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not available in New Zealand
Disney Universe
Absoluem Costume (free)
Daisy Costume (free)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locales
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record - CYBORG Skills Pack (£1.59/€1.99) Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Germany
Dungeon Siege III - Treasures of the Sun (£7.99/€9.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Elevator Action Deluxe - Additional Character KIKIKAIKAI (free) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All locales
LittleBigPlanet - Halloween Mask (free) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locals
LittleBigPlanet 2
Invizimals Costume Pack (£4.79/€5.99)
(Includes the following content, also available separately)
Flameclaw Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Icelion Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Metalmutt Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Tiger Shark Costume (£1.59/€1.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locals
MotoGP 10/11 - Gp Class 2011 Season Update (free)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All Locales
MotorStorm Apocalypse - Halloween Livery Pack (free) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
Rock Band Network
Caraphernelia - Pierce the Veil (£0.99/€1.49)
Gymnopédie No. 1 - Thomas Walker (£0.59/€0.79)
Moonlight Ride - Free Spirit (£0.99/€1.49)
Very Busy People - The Limousines (£0.99/€1.49)
Willow Of Tears - Amberian Dawn (£0.99/€1.49)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not Available in Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, India, Israel, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE
Rock Band 3
I Believe In A Thing Called Love - The Darkness (£0.99/€1.49)
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie (£0.99/€1.49)
Super-Charger Heaven - White Zombie (£0.99/€1.49)
Thunder Kiss '65 - White Zombie (£0.99/€1.49)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not Available in Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, India, Israel, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE
Soul Calibur IV - Full Weapon Set (£2.99/€3.59) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All locales
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike - Match Pack 1 (£3.19/€3.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All locales
TNT Racers - Drift Package (£2.39/€2.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: Not available in South Africa
Two Worlds 2
Pirates Of The Flying Fortress - Multiplayer (£15.99/€19.99)
Pirates Of The Flying Fortress - Single player (£23.99/€29.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: Not available in New Zealand
Worms Crazy Golf - Carnival Course (free) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
WRC 2 FIA World Rally Championship- WRC 2 Game Team (£0.79/€0.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Yoostar 2
Drag Race (£1.39/€1.75)
Rocky Balboa - Tell Me About The Stuff Inside (£1.39/€1.75)
Video Background - Fast Ride Through A Tunnel (£0.59/€0.75)
Voodoo Economics (£1.39/€1.75)
Some Like It Hot - Real Hot! (£1.39/€1.75)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not Available in Belgium, India, Netherlands, Portugal, Russian Federation and Ukraine
Avatars (PS3)
Driver: San Francisco
Jericho Avatar
John Tanner Avatar
Leila Avatar
Tobias Jones Avatar
All above avatars are available at (£0.40/€0.49)
Call Of Juarez: The Cartel
Ben Mccall
Eddie Guerra
Kim Evans
All above avatars are available at (£0.40/€0.49)
Beyond Good & Evil
Uncle Pey'J
All above avatars are available at (£0.40/€0.49)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Adam Jensen #1
Adam Jensen #2
Adam Jensen - Triangular
Faridah Malik
Lawrence Barrett
Megan Reed
Yelena Fedorova
Zhao Yun Ru
All above avatars are available at (£0.20/€0.25)
Dungeon Siege 2
All above avatars are available at (£0.20/€0.25)
The Studio Themes (PS3)
Zombies In The City (£2.39/€2.99)
Play Or Die Static (£1.59/€1.99)
The Maniac Dream Static (£1.59/€1.99)
Halloween Night In Little Wikkam Village (£1.59/€1.99)
The Riotus Rumpus Dynamic (£2.39/€2.99)
Themes (PS3)
Amazon Girl Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Dynamic Themes (PS3)
Abstract Horizon Light (£1.59/€1.99)
Digital Blasphemy: Fluorescence (£1.99/€2.49)
Digital Blasphemy: Phraxis Moon (£1.99/€2.49)
Digital Blasphemy: Tears (£1.99/€2.49)
Digital Blasphemy: Vigil (£1.99/€2.49)
Bacteria Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Bubbles Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Hifhway Lights Them (€£1.59/€1.99)
Electricity Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Speaker Wall Them (£1.59/€1.99)
Horses Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Lotus Flower Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Bridge Waterfall Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Halloween Cemetary Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Halloween Pumpkin Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Halloween Scary Bats Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Haunted House Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Halloween Wraith Lord Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Videos (PS3)
Access Episode 006
Dxhr The Missing Link Launch Trailer
Grease Official Trailer
Need For Speed The Run - Sports Illustrated Teaser
Need For Speed The Run: On The Edge Trailer
Syndicate Announce Trailer
Gran Turismo 5 Update Trailer
Pixeljunk Sidescroller Trailer
Permanent Price Reductions (PS3)
Transformers: War For Cybertron - Map and Character Pack #1 (Was £7.99/€9.99 - now £3.99/€4.99)
Transformers: War For Cybertron - Map and Character Pack #2 (Was £7.99/€9.99 - now £3.99/€4.99)
Alien Zombie Death (minis) (Was £2.49/€2.99 - now £0.99/€1.19)
Astro Tripper (Was £3.19/€3.99 - now £1.59/€1.99)
Me Monstar: Hear me Roar! (Was £3.99/€4.99 - now £2.49/€2.99)
Sid Meier's Pirates! (Was £11.99/€14.99 - now £9.99/€12.99)
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October 27th, 2011, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
We say proprietary and you think, Sony. Isn't that how it usually goes? For the electronic giant's latestreVitalized foray into portable gaming, the same old custom solution is in tow -- now, with limited storage options. According to a report on Kotaku Japan, games made for the handheld will either save your progress to its SD card-like external storage or to the cartridge itself, as SCEI's not offering users any option for overlap or preference. Thinking you might save a few bucks and skip out on the external memory altogether? Well, my frugal gaming friends, think again. Unlike the PSP, titles for the system requiring an external save, in addition to some downloadable content, simply won't play without a memory card on board. Sure, this tidbit of news could prove frustrating to those not indoctrinated to the company's obstinate ways. But, we're willing to bet this device's dazzling innards are enough to help you overlook these minor niggles come next February.
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October 27th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
The United States may not be getting the PS Vita at first, but that doesn't mean you can't be the first kid on your block to own one. Sony took to its US PlayStation Blog today, unveiling its First Edition bundle of the portable gaming powerhouse, which is up for pre-order now at "select retailers." US buyers will receive a 3G + WiFi Vita with a limited edition case, a 4GB memory card and a copy of Little Deviants for $350, while Canadian buyers will get the WiFi-only variant for $299 -- better yet, it'll arrive at your doorstep one week prior to the 02/22/2012 release date for North America. Sure, it may not have wishful goodies like pro bono AT&T 3G, but if you've just gotta have it, well, them's the breaks, y'all. You'll find more info at the source link below, or at Amazon where we've already spotted it.
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October 28th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita's browser will support part of the HTML5 standard but not Adobe's Flash at launch, reports claim, although support may well be introduced afterwards.
Sony has also revealed that the machine will require proprietary memory cards in order to launch some games and to download and store content, giving Sony free-rein to set the price of the peripherals.
These cards will be a new format, and won't be compatible with Sony's previous Memory Stick standard.
The information arose from an extensive PR Q&A with Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, which asked Sony to give details on many issues of concern to consumers.
Alongside the partial support for HTML5, Vita's browser will feature cookies and JavaScript 1.7 support.
The interview also makes clear that any movies or games customers downloaded for PSP via the PSN will be available for download on the Vita for free, although the matter of transferring save files remains unclear.
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October 28th, 2011, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Assassin's Creed won’t be forgotten in a busy Q4. Despite a very public battle between next month’s Modern Warfare 3 and today’s release Battlefield 3, Ubisoft’s has lined up an ad blitz to ensure its franchise cuts above the noise.
And the centrepiece of the campaign is an extensive TV and cinema push which runs all the way to December.
Mark Slaughter, Ubisoft’s head of brand marketing, told MCV: “We’re confident not only with the levels of spend but also our creative cut through. The competition is strong but we believe we’ll reach our target audiences.”
Brand manager Jan Sanghera added: “We have a blockbuster campaign in place for Revelations.”
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October 28th, 2011, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Uh oh, Sony's smart idea technicians have figured it out. The number one reason to purchase new gaming hardware, in its most expensive and least supported state, is to flaunt it in front of friends with fewer pixels. Pre-ordering the PlayStation Vita First Edition Bundle -- starting at "select" retailers today -- will not only grant you a few extra goodies, but access to the system one week before its proper launch.
In North America, the PlayStation Vita First Edition Bundle includes a 3G + Wi-Fi variant of the hardware, a system case, a 4GB PS Vita memory card, and a copy of Little Deviants, a wacky minigame showcase of the Vita's abilities. That'll be $350, or $50 over the 3G Vita's suggested retail price. Meanwhile, the Wi-Fi only Vita will get a First Edition Bundle in Canada for $300.
Of course, the biggest value here is that you can pick the bundle up on February 15, 2012. Yes, we know we're being petty and materialistic, but just look at the screen on this thing. Oh, no, it's not available to the masses yet, friend. This right here, this is the power button.
Oh, you wanted to see Uncharted? Well ... how about, um, Little Deviants? That's a game that ... nobody else has, you know.
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October 28th, 2011, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will be releasing a special 'First Edition' bundle PlayStation Vita to customers a week early in the US and Canada.
The bundle features the Bigbig minigame collection, a case and a 4gb memory card. In the US it will cost $350 and contain the more expensive 3G model, whilst Canadians will get the wi-fi only machine for $300.
Bundles will be delivered by Amazon for February 15, but no similar deal has been announced in Europe. The Vita launches in Japan on December 17.
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October 29th, 2011, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment’s PS3 and PC MMO DC Universe Online will become a free-to-play title on November 1st.
The studio announced that it was going to switch its title to the F2P model last month, but has only now finalised a date.
New players joining under the F2P model will have access to the game’s current gameplay and cities including Gotham City and Metropolis. They will be allowed to create two characters.
DLC and other perks such as additional character slot will be available to purchase via the in-game store.
The second tier of membership – called Premium – is open to any player who has spent at least $5 on the game (either via microtransactions or subscriptions). They will get free additional character and inventory slots and a greater range of in-game purchasables.
Legendary members, meanwhile, is reserved for those who wish to continue spending $14.99 a month on their subscription. As a reward, they will get all content and DLC for free as well as a host of other benefits such as 15 character slots and 80 inventory slots.
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October 29th, 2011, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, during a Capcom event showcasing the publisher's upcoming games, a brief demo on Asura's Wrath was given by Capcom's Kazuhiro Tsuchiya and developer Cyberconnect 2's Hiroshi Matsuyama, giving us a glimpse at the game's opening portion and the stage immediately followingAsura's fight on the moon.
While the two talked about all of the crazy stuff going on in Asura's Wrath at length, the end of the demo yielded a far more juicier nuggest: a launch date for the game in North America. Capcom reconfirmed the date this morning via press release, revealing a February 21, 2012 launch for Asura's Wrath on both Xbox 360 and PS3. That gives us plenty of time to practice our pose!
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October 30th, 2011, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
[DarkFader] sent in his build that implements two-factor authentication on a Sony PocketStation.
The PocketStation was a PS1 accessory intended to be a competitor to the Dreamcast VMU. [DarkFader] wrote an app for his PocketStation using a fabulous PocketStation emulator and uploaded it with the PS3 memory card adapter and MCRWwin.
The PocketStation app (available here) takes a key and hashes it with the current time to generate a six digit code. Combined with Google’s support for two-factor authentication, [DarkFader]‘s memory card provides access to his Google profile.
Two-factor authentication is also used in RSA SecurID key fobs that werecompromised earlier this year. This lead to a huge number of companies being penetrated. For a single person, obscurity is a reasonable (but still ultimately futile) means of providing a little more security, but a PocketStation hack is still pretty cool.
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October 30th, 2011, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Yo... What's the scenario? It's you, a PSP-3000 TA-095 (09g) owner, who downgraded with Davee's Chronoswitch, and cannot upgrade back to firmware 6.3x or 6.60 because you get error IDXFFFFFFFF. Anyone out there in that boat? There has gotta be a few... And this is for you: Frostegater's Physical Upgrader for said model affected by said error code.
Obtain the official 6.3x or 6.60 firmware update from Sony (we can't host OFW's anymore; copyrighted... Sony made us take 'em down) and copy that to /PSP/GAME/UPDATE/, keeping the name EBOOT.PBP. Copy Frostegater's upgrader to /PSP/GAME/Upgrader/ and launch it. That'll start the SCE updater, bringing you back to the latest and greatest, which you can later hack by installing CFW PRO or ME.
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October 30th, 2011, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
Did you upgrade to Liquidzigong's PSP Custom Firmware PRO-B10 the other day? If so, and if you're experiencing problems related to the CIPL Installer/Flasher, which should only be used on IPL-hackable models, like the PSP-1000 and early non-TA088v3 [first-gen] 2000s, then I suggest you upgrade to PRO-B10 Fix 1. Me personally though, from the initial PRO-B10 release, I had no problems installing and flashing the custom IPL on my PSP-2000.
And if you don't know: IPL stands for "Initial Program Load" ... If your PSP is hackable at the lowest of levels, again that's only PSP-1000 and first-gen 2000s, then you can permanently flash this CFW by running the Custom IPL (CIPL) Flasher, meaning each time your PSP [cold] boots you're already hacked and ready to go. But of course it can be risky writing to flash at that level; nevertheless, I've yet to see a PRO brick report.
Liquidzigong's PSP Custom Firmware PRO-B10 for 6.60, 6.39, 6.35, and 6.20.
Supported PSP Models
•6.20 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g]
•6.35 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g]
•6.39 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g]
•6.60 [1g, 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, 7g, 9g, 11g(likely)]
PRO-B10 Features
•Homebrew Compatible - Run your own unsigned applications, both user and kernel mode.
•Plugin Compatible - Add new features to your PSP via kernel mode background plugins.
•ISO / CSO Game Dump Playback - Backup your own UMD discs via USB and play them from Flash Storage.
•2g+ Memory Range Unlock - Use the previously locked RAM range within your own homebrews.
•NODRM Engine - Use your bought DLCs, no matter on which PSN account you are currently logged in.
•PSX Emulator Unlock - Play your PSX classics, yes - all of them. Not just PSN titles.
•And a lot more...
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October 30th, 2011, 19:04 Posted By: wraggster
A homebrew classic, dating back to early 2010, is Codetactics' Mobile Assault. The only pimped-out, homebrew helicopter shooter for your PSP ... and your iPhone too ... if you're sporting one of those (check the AppStore for it).
Mobile Assault is like Jungle Strike, and you remember how awesome that was, right? Beef that up and you got Mobile Assault v1.8.1. And since we missed version 1.8 I can tell you it adds a full French and partial Italian translation ... and a "really bad" partial translation into Spanish. So calling out all Spanish-speaking PSP sceners... Lend a hand! Visit the source and get in contact with Codetactics. Translate that!
You'll also find other improvements and bug fixes in 1.8 and 1.8.1.
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/downloads/mobile-assault
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October 30th, 2011, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
The JFW DH whose output was expected mid-October just lost his creator.
This is indeed what it says on the website of DamonHades, the author of JFW DH. Quote:
I decided to stop because the insults against me are becoming more virulent.
The insulting me go yet, but I do not accept that it takes for my family or my mother who is not well physically.
Jaicrab Thank you for everything he did and gave me the strength to continue.
Thanks to Alejandro for his patience and tests for years, I wish him the best for the future.
Thank you my brother DanteHades all models DH JFW and for being a good brother.
Thanks to Blip, Mater, Tuhti, and other Consoledev for participating in what will be the custom for the community.
Thanks to Luca for giving me given the position of director in Ps3pirata.
Thanks to the testers JFW DH that I consider very good friends and colleagues.
And of course thank you to the whole community of demons and especially enjoy what you do.
The JFW DH has definitely not finished shedding of ink and its future seems uncertain, but Alejandro could take over the project and go to the end. The other interesting fact is that thanks to has been Tuhti recently with the announcement about the custom firmware 3.72 . This brings him there instead of credit or the discredit he? DemonHades by then retired from Ps3pirata and is survived by his JFW DH which may be terminated by the team. I will end with the two latest of their advanced custom firmware. The preloader the flash plugin is finished. This plugin kicks in with a special file on the memory stick and can boot before the Ps3 to dump and restore partitions. It starts before the VSH to switch from recovery, and verification of hardware and features 2 modes to update the plug-the-grid or start with settings for itself specific to the user.
Homepage: www.demonhades.org
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October 30th, 2011, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
The team behind the Cobra USB updates its Cobra Manager version 4.1, the firmware of the dongle version 4.1 and released a new tool for the dongle updater easily.
New / fixed: - New firmware update, focusing on support Psp. - Increased compatibility with PSP games. - Added support for backups Psp. In the previous version, the backups were working on Iso Psp generated from mini games. However, these backups are no longer compatible with this version. You can see the backup data in the data in the PS3 XMB. - Cobra Manager can now give an error when using a game patched by Prometheus, as those who are not compatible with the PSP emulator. - Added Updater Cobra in the download section. With this tool, you can update the dongle using a PS3 on firmware Cobra least version 4. Update USB dongle using the Cobra Ps3: - Download "Cobra-USB_PS3_Updater_v1_0.pkg" and install it in the Ps3. - Put the file. "CBA" update to the root of your USB drive. If more than one file, Cobra USB Updater choose the latest version. - Insert the USB into the PS3 and run Cobra USB Updater. Press Yes to install the update. - Wait until the process is completed and press Yes when prompted to restart the PS3. Homepage: www.cobra-usb.com
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October 30th, 2011, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
The name of the new dongle Jailbreak 2 was announced and its functionality.
Welcome to the era of True Blue. Features: - Launch of 3.73 to 3.6 games with Blue-ray discs sold separately Special - Launch games to 3.56 from the hard drive using d a manager - do not need the trick power / eject - The custom firmware 3.55 behaves as an official firmware when the dongle is not plugged - Made from common ingredients and basic Actel - durable metal casing and high quality - Update to new features - Memory 2MB SPI Flash - Support for consoles Slim and Phat with 3.55 downgrader or any other console of 3.56 to 3.55 (the dongle does not function downgrade) - Support all regions and consoles Iso
In addition, Mathieulh explained he understood how this dongle: - I think I understood how it works - they patched the LV1 and LV2 - They have the LV2 which verifies that the self keyset or 0 × 10 or higher - If there is, the response is sent via a hypercall LV1 separate different hvsc99 - Who then sends the self or part of it in USB dongle - Who operates some calculations crypto - and returns the result decrypted LV1 - basically that's what I understand after a few minutes of debugging - I'm pretty sure the keys are in the dongle
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October 30th, 2011, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
In recent days, the scene PS3 reborn from its ashes. With the arrival of the new dongle JB2, aka True Blue, the boot games that require a firmware higher than 3.60 is possible.
Hackers Site Ps3devwiki began reverse engineering the dongle is already available from some vendors in Indonesia. Today, it seems that the work is about to make the latest firmware customization possible as to the age of 3 , 55. The team says that the recent work done will help to dump the key "Per Console." What is the key "Per Console?" These keys will allow others to decipher between the metldr the bootldr and part of EID. Specifically, this discovery should lead to the publication of private keys which can subsequently lead to the creation of a new custom firmware. EID encryption is very complicated and is made for this. The beginning of each EID0 is decrypted with a key and an algorithm alone. It is largely decrypted by the use of keys and algorithms. These keys are derived from the key consoles. Per_console_key_1 which is stored in the metldr to copy itself in the 0 and never leaves the insulation. This same key is derived from per_console_key_0 used to encrypt the metldr and bl. Isoldr deletes this key sector 0 before jumping into the isolated module, but before doing that, he-crypt with another set of key and be stored in a buffer. If you know this game works with a key AES encryption, you can go up the chain. per_console_root_key_0 - metldr is decrypted by this key - bootldr is decrypted by this key - can be obtained by per_console_root_key_1? per_console_root_key_1 / EID_root_key - derived from per_console_key_0 - Stored in metldr - Copy sector by metldr 0 - Cleared by isoldr - Used to decrypt a part of EID - Used to create additional keys - can be dumped by isoldr patched - Can be obtained by the derived keys up the chain per_console_root_key_2 / EID_key - Can be obtained by AES decryption since EID_root_key - EID can be partially deciphered by setting the key aim_spu_module.self - Load aim_spu_module.self + + EID0 EID0_key in anergistic EID0 decrypted = per_console_root_key_n - Key superior derivative of per_console_key_1/EID_root_key is for complex explanations that only developers can understand and use to normally move the Ps3 hack. Ps3devwiki The site offers downloads of these files is intended for developers and it says not to try to create customs at risk firmware with the brig. Mikratek Thanks for the information. Homepage: http://ps3devwiki.com
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October 30th, 2011, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game engine, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, GP2x, Wii, PSP and Wiz.
In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired
by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of
Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless
amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing
anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine.
In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They
agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the
community, and still is to this day.
r3567 | utunnels | 2011-10-29 07:35:42 -0400 (Sat, 29 Oct 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openbor.h
Change check_range macro so it returns true when minrange==maxrange..
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October 30th, 2011, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game engine, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com for the Dreamcast, Dingoo, GP2x, Wii, PSP and Wiz.
In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired
by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of
Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless
amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing
anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine.
In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They
agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the
community, and still is to this day.
r3567 | utunnels | 2011-10-29 07:35:42 -0400 (Sat, 29 Oct 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/openbor.h
Change check_range macro so it returns true when minrange==maxrange..
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October 31st, 2011, 19:17 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
[align=center] [/align]
My latest creation: Punch Out! Dynamic Theme for 6.39 cfw/lcfw
It took a while to hammer out some of the minor bugs, but it is finally ready for release!
[spoiler=Animated Preview (56k WARNING)] [/spoiler]
- lots of animations
- removed umd disc xmb update
-download CTF directly to THEME folder
- PSP download enabler added to Network section of XMB
- unique music visualizers (EPILEPSY WARNING!!)
- lots more!
- ZiNgA BuRgA: rcoEdit, rcoMage, and endlessparadigm.com
- M33, GEN, ME, and PRO cfw Teams
- vegetano1: knowledge, offsets, and his OSK from mMod
- NothingFace420: for bits & pieces used from his Simple Design Theme
- wololo.net for strong support of the scene
- patpat & highboy for all there awesome tools!
- Davee & Bubbletune for all they have given the scene
- all supporters of the homebrew scene
- all the end users who support my work and use this theme
To users of other cfw: Sorry for the 6.39 only release. I'm sure a savvy end user will convert it to other cfw eventually..
Please leave your comments, I enjoy reading them for better or worse!
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YC5XY3J4
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October 31st, 2011, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
It turns out that at least 5 million gamers the world over are into Battlefield enough to purchase its latest iteration in the first week. That's according to "internal estimates" from EA, anyway, which also dubs it "the fastest-selling game in EA's history." Hoo-rah!
Late last week, the publisher announced that the DICE-developed FPS hadmoved 10 million units of the game onto store shelves and noted, "sell-through is good and we are already receiving re-orders." One week later, and it looks like the sell-through was good enough to deplete half of the original shipments. Virtual vehicle repair shops are also doing record business, as 67 million vehicles have already been destroyed in-game. Sometimes that repair tool just doesn't cut it, you know?
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October 31st, 2011, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony America has confirmed three more PS2 games headed for the recently-launched 'PS2 Classics' section of the US PlayStation Store.
Joining the current limited selection this week is farming sim Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland, classic arcade shooter Raiden III, and bloodthirsty brawler BloodRayne.
Here's the official blurb for each title for those who don't remember the originals:
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland - Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland takes the popular series in a whole new direction, offering a deeper and more robust role-playing experience. It might be best described as a 'Life Simulation'.
Raiden III - Raiden III for PlayStation 2 is a port of the classic arcade shooter, complete with a stage select mode that lets you replay stages once you've cleared them. The series has transitioned from its 2D roots to 3D, creating lush environments, devastating explosions and countless enemies, without a drop in frame-rate. Two players can play together to push back the invading forces, just like in the arcade!
Bloodrayne - As the vampiric agent BloodRayne, you'll travel through the eerie swamps of Louisiana, to Argentina and Germany in this battle-heavy, third-person thriller. The game features non-linear gameplay in more than 40 levels and three massive worlds, the ability to suck blood for health, and to use slow-motion, zoom and aura visions to aid in death dealing. Pull off fantastic acrobatic moves to bend the environment to your will and dispatch enemies with BloodRayne's blades and kicks for awesome in-your-face combat.
Putting a positive spin on this year's disastrous PSN outage, Sony has said the downtime actually resulted in drawing dormant customers back online rather than putting them off.
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October 31st, 2011, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Unsurprisingly DICE's Battlefield 3 is No.1 on this week's UK PlayStation 3 sales chart, an accolade it gains by sending Batman: Arkham City to No.2.
FIFA 12 finishes the week at No.3 and manages to stay one spot ahead of its bitter rival PES 2012.
Rage, Gran Turismo 5 and F1 2011 fill No.5, No.6 and No.7 while Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, Driver: San Francisco and Deus Ex Human Revolution close out the top ten at No.8, No.9 and No.10.
Here's the top ten for the week ended October 29:
01. Battlefield 3 (EA)
02. Batman: Arkham City (Warner Bros Interactive)
03. FIFA 12 (EA)
04. Pro Evolution 2012 (Konami)
05. Rage (Bethesda)
06. Gran Turismo 5 (Sony):
07. F1 2011 (Codemasters)
08. Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One (Sony)
09. Driver: San Francisco (Ubisoft)
10. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Square Enix)
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October 31st, 2011, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
As we already promised , pcsp is not dead , still it has been rewritting all these past months. We had some major bottlenecks in our previous implementation of pcsp and with the knowledge we have gained from our work on pcsp , we are here to present the new pcsp 
For all that wondering is pcsp playing commercial games , the answer is NO AT THE MOMENT , but we are getting closer.
All parts of pcsp have been rewritten from scratch and some of them already show better results than previous pcsp implementations.
So far only homebrew are working but soon , we will probably have some progress on commercial games.
For now , i am posting only screenies from Nesterj (a nes emulator for psp) . Games are 100% playable (no sound yet ) . Soon or later there will be more status progress on pcsp so stay tuned 
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October 31st, 2011, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9718
For more than a month, the developer Davee gave us his chrono-switch 5.0 downgrader , downgrade a PSP that allows 300X 9G recent switch to official firmware 6.20. This was previously impossible on the PSP 9G, the latter come from the outset in official firmware 6.30 and higher. The trick was to distort Davee some information on the motherboard to make it appear to update it's a PSP 300X 4G. downgrader focused on the passage advantage of CFW 6.20 for PRO-B 6.20 permanent. Unfortunately, this adventure has gone wrong for some people! First, the downgrade could not make his mark on a lot of PSP 9G. Then if successful downgrade, users were stranded in 6.20! The upgrade to 6.3 + always fails with an error IDXFFFFFFFF. In response, Frostegater , active PSP developer in 2011 gives us a solution to this problem with its TA-095 9G "6.20" upgrade . This special Updater corrects the error IDXFFFFFFFF and allows the release of 6.3 + updates easily to allow a return to higher firmware to 6.20. Just place the desired 6.3 + update by following the following path: / PSP / GAME / UPDATE / EBOOT.PBP Then start the homebrew that corrects the error and starts the update official, just follow the instructions below. Frostegater like to thank everyone who helped to achieve this Updater - Dave - Yoti - ErikPshat - Valras - neur0n TA-9G 095 "6.20" upgrade Homepage: http://psdev.ru/
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November 1st, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r4952 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
Following shalma's recommendation, CDVD Status reads now also return the CDVD_STATUS_SPIN flag.
Apparently this is a common game breaker in PSX titles and it carried over to the PS2.
This fixes Time Crisis 2 loading and the frozen input in a horror game I have a dump of.
Please report any other titles you find fixed / broken! 
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November 1st, 2011, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Uo CPS2PSP 2.3.2 (u1) Cache Fixed is released. CPS2PSP is a Capcom Play System 2 emulator for the PSP.
Uo CPS2PSP 2.3.2 (u1) Cache Fixed Changelog:
- Added: See The Changes Of The Rar.
- Cheat Option Of Davex, Removed Mem Free.
- Add New Decription For Hackroms.
- Add New Romsets Of New Dumps.
- Others WiPs For The Next Version.
For PSP User 3.xx. Non Tested On PsP Fat, Test And Comment.
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