February 1st, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: Safari Al
Dark Alex and the M33 Team have posted a Video on youtube of their latest soon to be released project called the Time Machine, this release when it happens will allow all PSP Slim users who use Custom Firmware to have access to the wonderful world of 1.5 Firmware Homebrew.
Heres the Video
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February 1st, 2008, 15:52 Posted By: bandit
Here is another video of XCM's Rateup for the PlayStation 3. This time, its being used with Call of Duty 4 (COD4) on the PS3. This product allows you to use a keyboard and mouse just like the Xbox 360 counterpart. The video also shows you how to map controller buttons to your keyboard and mouse. It will cost you $90-$100USD at Play-Asia, Divineo China, Divineo France and Divineo US.
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February 1st, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget

According to T3 magazine and a "particularly well-informed insider," the PS3 is due not just for hard drive updates, but a total design revamp down to a slimmer and smaller package sometime in the Fall. If you believe what you read, the refreshed console will sport all the same specs, but will receive a fresh coat of paint, a trip through the shrinking machine, and probably a lightened load.
Of course, this is all just wild speculation coupled with salacious, magazine-selling 3D renders of the phantom device, as Sony denies the existence of an update and we don't really know who this source is. On the other hand, the company pulls this kind of ditzy "who me?" stuff whenever it's got a new product up its sleeve -- though we're not feeling the timing on this shocker.
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February 1st, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The days of you being on a bus and getting pissed off because you can't participate in a virtual game show are coming to an end, my friend. Sony announced today that Buzz! is headed for the PSP this summer.
Developed by Relentless Software, Buzz! will keep the wonky antics from the previous Buzz! games that tested your general knowledge acumen and toss them onto a UMD for one to six players to enjoy on the go.
The game will pack more than 5,000 questions covering topics such as music, celebrities, and more to tackle in six new round types specifically designed for PSP. Sony descried Quickfire Challenge as a "speed-is-of-the-essence" challenge, Picture This as a "picture-puzzler" and Virus Challenge as "mind-boggling." Each round comes complete with pictures and videos.
Buzz! will have three multiplayer modes including Pass Around -- where one user answers and then can choose who to pass the next question to based on the subject material -- four-player Fast Fingers via game sharing, and Quiz Host mode, which allows six players to face off with one of them asking questions and controlling points.
Of course, Sony isn't forgetting the "table for one" crowd. Single-player in Buzz! will have 15 different quiz challenges to test general knowledge and award bronze, silver and gold medals as well as special trophies for answering a certain number of questions correctly, answering quickly and answering a certain number correct in a row.
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February 1st, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Shiny new graphics and a number of new and improved areas have been revealed in the latest batch of screens of Sony's PlayStation Home.
After being delayed from its 2007 release, the world still awaits a firm release date from Sony, but it seems the extra development time is being put to good use because it's looking really nice.
In the shots you can see some of the new outdoor environments, an empty home space that'll be yours to full with furniture and whatnot, and another peak at the Lounge, where playable arcade machines and other recreational activities can be found.
We'll have loads more info on PS Home soon, but in the meantime take a look at the screens below and, if you fancy, poke around on the new official Japanese site.
Screenshots here
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February 1st, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
CEO of Electronic Arts John Riccitiello has admitted that the company is still experiencing issues with PlayStation 3 software development, although not with titles where the PS3 is the lead format.
Speaking in an investors conference call following the announcement of the company's financial earnings, Riccitiello said the group still had engineering work to do on the format.
"Games where we led development on the PS3 platform, like Burnout, which is doing very well on the market today, we had no issue at all," he said.
"But in circumstances where we either led on the Xbox 360 or ran parallel production, for the most part, we're still experiencing some delay on the PS3. It's a little bit more of a challenging development environment for us."
Admitting that the problem has improved over the past months, he added, "there still remains some catching up to do on the engineering side for the PS3."
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February 1st, 2008, 20:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
The Wiimote may be spurring on the majority of desktop VR hackery these days, but at least one enterprising developer seems to be aiming to change that, and he's now showing that you can do more or less the same thing with a PlayStation Eye.
As with the Wiimote, you need a pair of homemade IR-equipped glasses, but you'll also need to perform a couple of minor modifications to the PS Eye itself. That all-important detail consists simply of a homemade lens cap that houses some exposed and developed film, which lets the camera receive only the infrared signals from the glasses. Pair that with some custom-made software (now available for the taking), and you'll be giving unsuspecting visitors motion sickness in no time. Head on over after the break for a peek at the setup in action.
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February 1st, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Cinema Blend
Following the success of Silent Hill Origins, Konami’s prequel to their popular horror series on the PSP, we are going to get the game on our PS2’s. The game will be the same, following truck driver, Travis Grady, as he wanders around town for some unknown reason. Maybe he likes the ambiance in the air, it gives him a tingling sensation.
The PS2 version will be visually upgraded, but probably not by much. Just enough to make it worth a look if you can’t decide between the two versions. The feel of isolation is going to be maintained by the new features like “Cineractive System”, which has players facing monsters with a changing control scheme depending on the situation. The idea is to make the player feel like their some moronic truck driver just wandering through town, rather than an elite super agent with uber monster ass-kicking training.
Silent Hill Origins is set to release on the Playstation 2 in May 2008.
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February 1st, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix announced today a final Japanese release date for Star Ocean 2 Second Evolution. The PSP remake of the PlayStation classic will hit Japan on April 2, carrying the standard price point of 4,800 yen.
Those who pre-order the title will get a very special bonus. Square Enix will be giving away a DVD containing promotional clips for future tri-Ace titles, along with the latest footage of Star Ocean 4. Maybe this means we'll at last have learned a platform for the mysterious fourth entry in the series in time for the remake's release.
The remake of Star Ocean 2 features new character designs, battle scenes, animation from Production I.G, and full voice for event scenes. The game will presumably see an international release following the first one, which hit Japan in December.
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February 1st, 2008, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster

Today we have a treat for Golf fans on the PSP and thats a demo of the game Minna no Golf Portable 2, the demo is of the Beginner stage.
Buy at Play Asia
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February 1st, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Earlier, we reported that some users of the PLAYSTATION Store were unable to transfer content from their computers to their PSP systems. Looks like that's finally been fixed in firmware 3.90. Many users are reporting on the PlayStation forums that their once defunct systems can now play with the rest of 'em. Games like Beats and Syphon Filter: Combat Ops eagerly await those systems.
Supposedly, the fix only affects PSP-2000 systems, but it's clear that each firmware update Sony releases fixes a few more issues that users are experiencing.
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February 1st, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dragula96:
i have made an app that stores and "dials" stored numbers, it creates touchtone sounds for your phone, so it automaticly dials the selected number for you.
place pspdialer folder in your game folder
this is a 3.xx eboot works with slim just fine
to edit numbers, open the "records.txt" file using note pad on your computer
edit the "ENTRYx" with contact name
edit the following 10 digits with the desired phone number
do not delete or modify the "[]"(square) symbols they are needed by the program
you may add more contacts by modifying the "number of records" on the second line
edit the number only.
to use , select the desired number, turn on your phone, put the psp volume all the way up,
and put the psp speaker right next to the phone "mic" then press either x (cross) or L(sholder button).
plese feel free to contact me for comments, or questions
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via dragula96
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February 1st, 2008, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Art:
Hi Guys,
This is Pointless Pacman V1c, which is a 2D Pacman clone with a unique twist
for 1.50 kernel PSPs (PSP Phat with custom firmware).
An experimental slim version is also available with this release.
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February 1st, 2008, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP mag out, heres the details:
We’re back in 2008 with our biggest issue ever.
Maxing out at over 70 pages, issue 10 is the best yet, featuring J.J. Abrams’ fantastic new monster movie Cloverfield. With an in-depth timeline, looking at all the important events since its creation only February last year, and the plethora of online viral marketing. We review the film too.
Also on the cinematic side of life, we’ve got opinions on the latest and greatest films of 2008 including The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Be Kind Rewind, cult Spanish horror film [REC], No Country for Old Men and new Britflick horror/comedy The Cottage.
To mark the glory of film, we have a special art spread, taking a look at some of the finest films and cult images through the eyes of cell shading.
Moving to music, we talk to Long Beach’s finest new talent We Barbarians, also reviewing them mesmerising debut EP. Hot property Operator Please’s debut also gets the critical eyes alongside new albums from Lightspeed Champion, Vampire Weekend, Hot Chip and These New Puritans.
With season 4 of LOST impending, we’ve got the lowdown on the mysteries you should be looking to solve plus for you gamers, PS2 classic Okami, now due for Wii, is given some overdue space. With the PSP dragging its heels, we see if Jeanne D’Arc is the game to get it back on track, plus we go drumming on the DS.
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February 1st, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Over the last couple weeks, the PS3 rumormill has been raging, seemingly indicating that Sony is about to get rid of its 80GB PS3 SKU. Many suspect that Sony is getting ready to replace the 80GB with a 120GB model.
GameDaily BIZ has learned, however, from a very reliable source close to Sony that the company has yet to actually decide on what the next SKU configuration will be. Apparently the executive teams and product strategists have been meeting this week in Japan. "There are a lot of different strategies under consideration, but nothing is final yet. They are considering ways to put some relevant distance between the two PS3 SKUs, but it's unclear how that will roll out," our source indicated.
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February 1st, 2008, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The PS3 Cooling fan reduces the operating temprature of the console , helping to prolong gaming sessions. The cooling fan is easy to install and just plugs into the PS3.
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February 1st, 2008, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The Logic3 PS3 Blu-Ray / DVD Remote control is a multi functional remote designed to help you enhance your blue-ray DVD viewing experience on your PS3. Control your PS3 DVD viewing options from the comfort of your chair as well as all the standard DVD remote functions. Stylish and slick in design to match the PS3, simply connect the receiver to your PS3 and your ready to go. Display menus, options, skip and scan through scenes with the Blu-Ray / DVD Remote control, an ideal accessory for your PS3.
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February 2nd, 2008, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Play FPS and other advanced games on your Playstation 3 the way they should be, with a clear technical advantage with the XFPS Rate Up Adapter.
With this smart device, you can use a mouse and keyboard on your Playstation 3 by remapping the Dual Shock 3/Six Axis buttons to be used on the keyboard and mouse.
With great compatiblity and high sensitivity, it is a must have for all hard core FPS gamers on Playstation 3!
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February 2nd, 2008, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Servers will remain functional until February 15
Electronic Arts has decided to extend the online mutiplayer portion of the Burnout Paradise demo.
Earlier this week, EA indicated that it would be switching multiplayer off as of February 1 "in order to enable the best possible experience for gamers who have purchased Burnout Paradise." The company then urged players to buy the full game.
An EA spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz that they have extended the deadline by two weeks, and will now be switching off the servers on February 15 instead.
"As you may know, Burnout Paradise is built to provide the ultimate in freedom and discovery online and offline. The demo did a terrific job of providing players a taste of that.
"Seeing how the social online multiplayer gameplay is such a huge part of Burnout Paradise, we've decided to keep the multiplayer demo functionality on for a bit longer," the spokesperson said.
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February 2nd, 2008, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list of whats new:
Daddy Day Camp US US$ 38.96
Damages: The Complete First Season US US$ 79.95
Dispatch Zimbabwe: Live At Madison Square Garden (~Dispatch) US US$ 29.97
King of California US US$ 34.98
Monty Python's Life of Brian US US$ 28.95
Sahara (~Matthew Mcconaughey, Penelope Cruz, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Invasion US US$ 35.99
U-571 (~Matthew Mcconaughey, Bill Paxton, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Underworld (~Kate Beckinsale, Bill Nighy, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
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February 2nd, 2008, 04:05 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
With the sun setting on the PlayStation 2's lifecycle, some fans have begun to wonder how much longer Sony's bread-and-butter will continue to get quality titles. However, if you're into singing, there's still a fair bit of daylight for you to bask in. Although the franchise is in the midst of making a splash on the PlayStation 3, SingStar is still committed to pumping out karaoke games for the PS2.
Today, we're happy to announce the song list for the next title in the franchise, SingStar '90s.
Obviously, the '90s was an amazing decade for music -- Weezer debuted, people -- so choosing which songs made the cut couldn't have been easy for Sony as it honed in on it's March release window. Want to read a bit more about how they chose? Check out our exclusive interview with Associate Producer Ryan Hamlyn once you've scoped the songs below.
"Tennessee" -- Arrested Development
"Motownphilly" -- Boys II Men
"Tubthumping" -- Chumbawumba
"I Wanna Sex You Up" -- Color Me Badd
"I Touch Myself" -- Divinyls
"Free Your Mind" -- En Vogue
"More Than Words" -- Extreme
"Hey Jealousy" -- Gin Blossoms
"Only Wanna Be With You" -- Hootie and the Blowfish
"Right Here Right Now" -- Jesus Jones
"Steal My Sunshine" -- Len
"U Can't Touch This" -- MC Hammer
"Torn" -- Natalie Imbruglia
"Step By Step" -- New Kids On The Block
"Lithium" -- Nirvana
"Opposites Attract" -- Paula Abdul
"Unskinny Bop" -- Poison
"Everybody Hurts" -- REM
"Smooth" -- Santana (feat. Rob Thomas)
"I Want You" -- Savage Garden
"Kiss From A Rose" -- SEAL
"Baby Got Back" -- SIR MIX A LOT
"Kiss Me" -- Sixpence None The Richer
"Black Hole Sun" -- Soundgarden
"Two Princes" -- Spin Doctors
"Plush" -- Stone Temple Pilots
"Zombie" -- The Cranberries
"Ice Ice Baby" -- Vanilla Ice
"Hold On" -- Wilson Phillips
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February 2nd, 2008, 04:08 Posted By: JKKDARK
via 1UP
Sony's Buzz! franchise of trivia and simple arcade games -- recently the subject of some legal battling -- will expand on March 11th, as the publisher announced plans today to bring Buzz! The Hollywood Quiz and Buzz! Jr: Robo Jam to the PlayStation 2 in North America.

Today's announcement via the PlayStation.Blog details The Hollywood Quiz (pictured), which contains more than 5000 total questions, and provides sample questions to get players prepared for the March release. Robo Jam is said to be similar to last fall's Buzz! Jr.: Jungle Party, with 25 robot-themed mini-games aimed at a younger audience. Both Robo Jam and The Hollywood Quiz were released in Europe in 2007.
According to GameStop.com, the game bundles will retail for $39.99 each with four buzzer controllers, or $29.99 each for just the game.
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February 2nd, 2008, 09:24 Posted By: SchmilK
This is a FULL update to the latest 3.90m33.
Thanks to matchung and vegetano1 for starting the vshmain offsets and organ for using his decoder ring 
I found all the paf offsets and this IS a 3.90 vshmain paf and rco used!
I have fixed the mute icon finally
I have included the 01-12.bmp from the Original Blue Large + theme.
I have included some dummy fonts to save some space since compression didnt go to well for me
New icons for Skype and GoMessenger (sorry still no 1seg)
XMB Text removed for English, Spanish, Japanese, and French YAY BEER
This installs fine on phat leaving 1.64mb free space WITHOUT using the dummy fonts!!
Other than that...enjoy as usual on dark alex's latest update to the m33 family 

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February 2nd, 2008, 16:55 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying (click the link for more screens)
While the PSP and PC versions of the original have yet to be released, Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors will meet again in an unforgettable crossover event, as a sequel is already in the works. Adding a Versus mode, characters from both franchises must team up to wage war against a new, powerful force in Warriors Orochi 2.

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February 2nd, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
A man robbed a GameStop store Tuesday after apparently first casing it, according to a police report.
Police said the man in his late 20s entered the store in the 1000 block of South Stapley Drive about 9 p.m. He chose some video games then said he had to go get money to pay for them.
He returned followed by another man, also in his mid 20s, who pulled out a gun and demanded money from the clerk,according to the report.
He then forced the clerk to go to a storage room and get him a PS3 Playstation, police said. Both men fled on foot.
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February 2nd, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Homebrew developer PHPnerd, StiffMeister & Lewishamilton from www.psp-hacks.nl come with an update from their own Easy Installer!
Easy Named Easy Installer 3.90M33 v2! With this Easy installer you have to choose if you have a PSP Fat or Slim & Lite and if you want 1.50 kernel or not!
And it copys all the files needed for the upgrate to 3.90M33 at once to your psp!
Verry handy for people that are lazy or can't get along with a PSP but still want to enjoy 3.90M33.
- 1.5 Kernal added
- Vista compabilty added
- Steps added
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February 2nd, 2008, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dragula96:
i have made an app that stores and "dials" stored numbers
it creates touchtone sounds for your phone, so it automaticly dials the selected number for you.
place pspdialer folder in your game folder
this is a 3.xx eboot works with slim just fine
to edit numbers, open the "records.txt" file using note pad on your computer
edit the "ENTRYx" with contact name
edit the following 10 digits with the desired phone number
do not delete or modify the "[]"(square) symbols they are needed by the program
you may add more contacts by modifying the "number of records" on the second line
edit the number only.
to use , select the desired number, turn on your phone, put the psp volume all the way up,
and put the psp speaker right next to the phone "mic" then press either x (cross) or L(sholder button).
final 0.02 change log:
0.02 changes
- swapped the tones with clearer,louder,longer ones
as a result dialing takes longer though
- total records(and probably the limit) = 18 now
- added record editor(a very simple one) but it gets the job done.
- as a result names are now restricted to 20 charecters as a result.
- no more pc needed for editing numbers!
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via dragula96
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February 2nd, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Eelim:
PSPMud is a mud client for the psp, based on Danzel's Peldet 0.8
use D-Pad for basic movement (North, East, South and West)
Square = Enter Key (needed for scrolling pages)
Circle = OSK for entering your commands
you can connect to servers either by manually entering their address, or by entering them into the provided servers.txt, so you only have to choose them at programm startup.
more features in upcoming versions
PSPMud is compiled for Kernel 3.x

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via eelim
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February 2nd, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Nametaken33 has updated his Torrent app for the PSP:
uPSP Features
- PHP based (10 sec refresh)
- Any PSP can access it CFW or now, just need the web browser
- Allows you to stop torrents
- Allows you to start torrents
- Allows you to pause torrents
- Allows you to force start torrents
- Allows you to force re-check torrents
- Allows you to remove torrents
- Allows you to delete torrents
- Allows you to see your torrent size
- Allows you to see how much you have downloaded for a torrent
- Allows you to see your download rate
- Allows you to see your upload rate
- Allows you to see your ETA
- Allows you to see the peers for a torrent
- Allows you to see the seeds for a torrent
uPSP Login
- Just did some remodeling. The foxUSB icon is now the submit button.
Main User Interface Page
- Added the ability to view torrent details without opening a new page
- Added a download progress bar
- Added the ability to see your torrent size
- Added the ability to see how much you have downloaded for a torrent
- Added the ability to see your download rate
- Added the ability to see your upload rate
- Added the ability to see your ETA
- Added the ability to see the peers for a torrent
- Added the ability to see the seeds for a torrent
- Removed the foxUSB background icon
- Removed the ability to see your download percentage
- Changed the GUI around to better fit the PSP
- Changed the automatic refresh to 10 seconds
Torrent Details Page
- Added the ability to force start torrents
- Added the ability to force re-check torrents
- Added the ability to remove torrents
- Added the ability to delete torrents
- Removed the ability to see your torrent size
- Removed the ability to see how much you have downloaded for a torrent
- Removed the ability to see your download rate
- Removed the ability to see your upload rate
- Removed the ability to see your ETA
- Removed the ability to see the peers for a torrent
- Removed the ability to see the seeds for a torrent
- Removed the top bar image along with uPSP title
- Removed the foxUSB background icon
- Removed the refresh rate
- Removed two unnecessary tables within coding
- Removed the ability to see your upload rate
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the download & upload ratio. It would always report .500 as a share ratio. This has been fixed and will report your share ratio properly. Now poor torrent users will feel guiltier when not seeding to at least .500 or 48 hours.
How to Install
1. Download and install uTorrent (no need to download and install the webUI) on your PC
2. Enable the web UI in the preferences in uTorrent on your PC
3. Make sure you have your IP and that your port is opened
4. Point your PSP browser to: https://fisher.globat.com/~nametaken.org/
5. Make note that it is https and not http
6. Login using your credentials
7. Once logged in, you can bookmark the page so that you don't have to ever log in again.
uTorrent already has a webUI. Why should I use this?
It's simple. uTorrents webUI isn't compatible with the PSP's web browser. uPSP is modified to work with the PSP browser and better yet, to fit the screen of the PSP
But there are other webUI's for uTorrent as well such as the one for the iPhone or mobile phones. Again, why uPSP?
Again, the one specifically made for the iPhone isn't compatable with the PSP browser and the mobile UI, while does work. Is just plain and boring and was meant for your average cell phone.
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via nametaken33
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February 2nd, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hyve 647846
Convert your PSP Slim into a Karaoke Machine!
This is my first homebrew for the PSP!. A karaoke player that can play MP3+G files. MP3+G is actually just an MP3 music file with an accompanying CDG file for the lyric graphics.
This is a concept beta version with the following features:
Plays MP3 + CDG Format
Add songs to queue
Play Pause
Skip to next song
Sqlite3 songs database
I plan to put a slide show of pictures in the background. And if it is not too difficult, video. The background can currently be customized by replacing BG.PNG with your own image.
The player will play songs from the MP3G folder. The songs have to be named m1.mp3, m2.mp3, …mX.mp3 with a corresponding m1.cdg. The ‘1′ will be used as the song number.
Alternatively, you can populate an sqlite3 database (kpl.db) which allows you to forgo with the naming convention and store MP3G files in different locations on the memory stick. Note that most MP3G files on the internet don’t have mp3 id tags. The sqlite database has columns for artist names and song titles.
The controls are:
TRIANGLE - Show song number input
UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT - Input song number
CROSS - Add song number to the songs queue
SQUARE - Skip to next song
CIRCLE - Play / Pause
Tested on PSP Slim, firmware 3.71 M33-2
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February 3rd, 2008, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
Its been a few days since Dark Alex surprised us with a new release of his excellent Custom firmware for the PSP. Did the release live up to its billing and is everything working or fixed from previous releases.
Give your verdicts on the latest release of the M33 Custom Firmware via Comments
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February 3rd, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Grab the best deal in accessories for PSP Slim & Lite with Dragon Electronics 22 in 1 accessories kit! It includes all the accessories you need for your PSP Slim and Lite at a fraction of the price.
Specifications & extra information
- 1 * Soft card
- 1 * Cleaning Cloth
- 1 * Carabiner
- 1 * Air foam pocket
- 1 * Soft protective seal
- 1 * Cleaning card soft case
- 10 * Control stick silicon cap
- 1 * Car lighter Adapter/Adaptor
- 2 * Dual layer UMD storage box
- 1 * Memory stick slot cleaning card
- 1 * Multi-functional stick crystal cover
- 1 * 2 in 1 power charge & data transmit cable
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February 3rd, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
While it doesn't take a soothsayer to guess that Grand Theft Auto IV is going to make quite a splash in the pool of a number of family watchdog organizations when it's released upon the world come April 29 -- Dan Houser, Rockstar's VP and writer for GTA IV, recently said in an interview with Yahoo! News that he expects the fumes of controversy to waft especially thick and heavy over this particular chapter in the GTA franchise.
Why, you might ask? What could be worse than territorial gang violence, drug trafficking, or poorly rendered depictions of consensual sex between two adults? Houser explains -- the studio will definitely be hearing about certain gameplay elements, such as drunk driving, and the inclusion of current-gen advancements in video game strip club technology. Well, duh -- if a space marine and his azure-skinned concubine can't tastefully bump uglies without a media explosion, we doubt an in-game visit to The Booby Trap will be overlooked.
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February 3rd, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
State Police in Blooming Grove is investigating a robbery which occurred at the mailboxes of a private development known as The Falls @ Saw Creek, Lehman Township, at around 8 p.m., January 31.
A 13 year old boy was at the mailboxes playing with his Sony PSP (PlayStation® Portable) when a Ford Expedition pulled up and a juvenile male jumped out and grabbed the Sony PSP from his hands.
The male jumped back into the vehicle and speeded away, said Trooper Bryan Slavinski. the Ford Expedition was described as black in color with tinted windows, gold or silver trim along the wheel wells, and having running boards.
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February 3rd, 2008, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mirzab14:
This app will backup act.dat from flash2 into ms0:/act.dat. It will also backup config.se, system.dreg, and system.ireg from flash1.
How to Use:
Put flashOP into ms0:/PSP/GAME. This will work on both Psp Phat, Psp Slim, and 3.xx kernel.
When you run the program, it will ask you to press X to backup act.dat into ms0:/act.dat. Once you do that, you have the ability to either use HOME to exit, or backup config.se, system.dreg, and system.ireg to memory stick. Backing up act.dat from flash2 is this programs main feature.
****I put F1 in front of the files from flash1 so you know what is from flash1.****
Features in 0.1:
[1] Ability to backup act.dat from flash2 into ms0:/act.dat.
[2] Ability to backup config.se, system.dreg, system.ireg into ms0:/F1config.se, ms0:/F1system.dreg, ms0:/F1system.ireg.
Thank you for using. If you have questions, comments, email me at mirzab14@hotmail.com
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February 3rd, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
homemister91 posted this news:
HI all,
This is a totaly new release and new LUA Player to run it.
IT is alot faster and stable.
As well as full surrport for PSP Slim and 3.90m33
PSP FAT And Slim (Slim use eloadersystemplayer101)
----PSP PHAT----
Copy Ander LUA to Ms0:/PSP/GAME/
not Ms0:/PSP/GAME150/
----PSP SLIM----
Copy Copy Ander LUA and eLoaderSYSTEMPLAYER101 to Ms0:/PSP/GAME/
not Ms0:/PSP/GAME150/
------New Features------
The main menu and System menu have been updated.
The system info has been fixed with surrport for all cfw including 3.90 m33
The System Browser has been updated and runs faster and more efficent.
Runs on new LUA player
Mp3 playing will 99% of the time exit propley and not crash the System.
It runs faster now.
CPU setting has been removed.
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via homemister91
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February 3rd, 2008, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
RS-GUI PopStationMD v3.0
It is a GUI that makes easier to use Dark_Alex popstation_md!
N.B.: This is a only-Windows program, so it does not work on other OS!
-Added Turkish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish and Greek translations!
-Added popstation.exe support, now 1CD PSX games can be converted too! Only one program to convert ALL PSX Games!
-Thanks to Brisma, no BASE.PBP or KEYS.BIN is required by popstation.exe
-Added the zero compression level for 1CD PSX games
-Added a Splash Screen with a security check for the presence of program's necessary files
-Possibility to disable and ri-enable aforesaid Splash Screen
-Added support for NRG and MDF CD images. Now program read these following formats: ISO, NRG, IMG, BIN and MDF!
-Now popstation.exe and popstation_md.exe will ask user to press any key before closing them, so users can understand what is the error which does not allow the eboot creation (if it exists!).
-Added a list of games titles-codes
-Possibility to search for a game title quickly from the listbox
-Auto-recognition of Game-ID from its title
-Added a security check for Game-ID correctness
-Added a "real time" preview of eboot personalization
-Possibility to enable/disable aforesaid real time preview
-Added the possibility to insert any image as PIC0, PIC1 and ICON0! All formats and sizes are accepted! Program will resize and covert images automatically
-Added the possibility to choose the output folder name (Noone, Game Title and Game Code)
-Added a check for the true existence of selected image
-Added the docmaker!
-Possibility to create a DOCUMENT.DAT standard alone or with the eboot itself
-Possibility to insert any image to DOCUMENT.DAT, program will resize and convert images automatically (so all formats and sizes are accepted!)
-Possibility to add, remove or clean the images list added to docmaker
-If DOCUMENT.DAT will be created together the eboot, it will created in the same folder of the eboot
-Many v2.0b bugs fixed
-Something other that I don't remember at the moment
-Added support for .IMG, .CUE, .BIN
-No BASE.PBP required (thanks to Brisma!)
-Added Italian Translation
-Added French Translation
-Added Spanish Translation
-Added possibility to personalize the eboot with sounds, videos and images!
-Added a control on Images size!
-Added possibility to view a preview of every image!
-Added possibility to view a "total" preview of like eboot will appear on PSP menù!
-Fixed a bug that didn't allow to make eboot.pbp if in CD Image path there were spaces
-Fixed a bug that brought to a wrong calculation of Games Code
-GUI simple and easy
-Possibility to choose ISOs number to convert
-Possibility to choose compression level for each ISO
-Possibility to choose an output folder for the eboot.pbp (so directly the PSP too!)
-Auto-set of Code Games
-Program does not require a Windows-installation!
-You must have .NET Frameworks 2, 3 and 3.5 installed in your Windows, otherwise program will not work! You can download their FREE from Microsoft WebSite!
-Now double click on .exe file to start the program!
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February 3rd, 2008, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Koutsou posted this news/release:
I made this easy installer to help the newbies to install the new custom firmware and don't get confused on what they have to rename, or where they have to put the files e.t.c.
This Easy Installer copies only the necessary files according the type of your psp. So, if you have slim it doesn't copy the 1.50 kernel, otherwise it copies it. You don't have to worry about spare files and what exactly to do.
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via koutsou
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February 4th, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Art has again updated his Pacman Game for the PSP, heres the details:
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February 4th, 2008, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3hax
Team ICE and SorroW have released a "overflow.tiff" exploit today which is confirmed working on PS3 firmwares up to 2.10 on BOTH PAL and NTSC consoles.
At the moment the TIFF file freezes the PS3 via "heap overflow" (not buffer overflow), but by knowing the "backend number and making the right calls" it is possible to inject a simple code."
This is mainly being released so other hacking teams can take a crack at it, and hopefully it can accomplish what all PS3 hackers have been patiently waiting for. (Team ICE could not get the full potential of this TiFF becuase they lacked the PS3 SDK)
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February 4th, 2008, 01:58 Posted By: dragula96
PSP Phone Dialer 0.02 UK Edition , especialy crafted for you UK'rs 

p.s. hey wraggster, what's up, its been a while since iv been around here.
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February 4th, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
From today on and covering the whole network of DCEmu Sites covering all the homebrew scenes, im going to ask you the Members and Visitors to DCEmu to recommend Memory Cards, Controllers, faceplates and much more.
First on the list is
Whats the Best Storage Option for the PSP.
Basically you have a choice of
Theres your choices, tell us which one you think is best and why and also if you have any horror stories or complaints about the items above then please post away.
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February 4th, 2008, 04:27 Posted By: Art
DTMF Dial V1
Hi Guys,
This is DTMF Dial V1, a user mode program that should run on many PSP firmware variations.

DTMF Dial is a 25 entry phone book, editor, and auto dialer.
Full instructions are included in the readme file.
DTMF samples are 44100hz (CD quality),
but I probably do need to fiddle with the length of pauses for the next version.
Rapidshare download backup link:
Cheers, Art.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Turok is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious planet in the future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a former black ops commando, now part of an elite special forces squad, known as Whiskey Company, which is on a mission to take down a war criminal – Turok’s former mentor, Roland Kane. While Whiskey Company is traveling to the genetically altered planet inhabited by Kane and his soldiers, their ship is shot down. Turok must use his elite military training to elude Kane’s well-trained army, known as Mendel-Gruman, and the ravenous, unpredictable dinosaurs, huge insects and other massive creatures that populate the dangerous environment. Turok’s mission? Survive at all costs.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

40+ Mini-games - Sports fan? Try your hand at the Golf mini-game. Or are you the outdoors type? Jump in the river and try the Run and Swim mini-game. With 40+ unique and addictive mini-games there’s something for everyone.
Character Customization - Customize and create your very own Bomberman character with a variety of accessories and costumes.
Fun-filled Adventure - The world of BOMBERMAN LAND is in fragments! Uncover the mysteries of the land to collect the missing fragments and restore BOMBERMAN LAND to its rightful glory.
Original BOMBERMAN Battle Game Included! - The Original BOMBERMAN Battle game features 47 Stages and 5 different Battle Modes packed in! Multiplayer action doesn’t get any better than this!
Multiplayer Action - In the original BOMBERMAN Battle game, go head-to-head and battle up to 4 players via Ad-Hoc mode
Embark on a fun-filled, theme park adventure as you discover a huge land to explore, a gigantic multiplayer pack, and a host of addicting mini-games. Also included is the original BOMBERMAN Battle game. Battle up to 4 friends via Ad-Hoc wireless play to find out who is king “Bomberman”.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pages: 192
Platform: Sony PlayStation 3, X-Box 360 and PC
Maps: Labeled maps of every level make navigating easy and finding items even easier.
Combos: A full combos list including secret moves!
Walkthrough: A complete walkthough of the game will keep you from getting stuck on any one boss or puzzle.
Items: A full items list! Know what's out there and where to find it.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Main pocket to store your handheld save
Second pocket for accessories and games
Removable nylon strap and carabiner
Additional cleaning cloth
You like to carry your handheld with you, wherever you go? Then the Pebble Army Bag should be the right choice to store treasure. Rough, cool and very convenient, you will never wanna miss it again.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Fashionable bag for your Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite and 1 UMD™
Belt loop for safe transportation
Magnetic closure flap
There is no way to protect your Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite with more style, than with the Pebble Bag of Elegance.
If your are sick of character branded pouches and you are looking for something more classy and mature - here you go.
Coming in various fashions, these bag not only offers perfect protection for your console and your favourite two games, it also simply looks stylish.
The magnetic closure flap makes it easy to open and close the bag and still offers security, a belt loop offers an opportunity for safe transportation.
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February 4th, 2008, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Main pocket to store your handheld save
Second pocket for accessories and games
Removable nylon strap and carabiner
Additional cleaning cloth
You like to carry your handheld with you, wherever you go? Then the Pebble Outdoor Bag should be the right choice to store your Nintendo™ DS Lite or any other handheld.
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February 4th, 2008, 13:39 Posted By: I_Love_Homebrew

Source http://beta.pesepe.com/.
neofar has released a very easy to install application for our PC. With this, we will be able to have a preview of our Homebrew or .CSO files in Windows Explorer, using Thumbnails view.
All you have to do is copy .DLL files to C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32, double click on "VCREDIST_x86.exe" and double click on "install.bat". Remember that, if you have Windows Vista installed, you will need to use admin privileges.
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February 4th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
confirmed that a budget range of PS3 software is likely to be unveiled in the future.
Such a range is already on the way in Japan, according to IGN. A retailer over there reckons the first wave of titles will include Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Gundam: Target in Sight and Ridge Racer 7. Apparently they'll be priced at JPY 3800 (around GBP 18) each.
SCEE declined to comment on the report directly. But a spokesperson did tell Eurogamer, "We have introduced a Platinum range of best selling titles for all of our platforms to date, and it is likely that we will do so in the future for PS3.
"However, no decisions have yet been made on timing or line-up," the spokesperson added.
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February 4th, 2008, 19:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Comptuer and Video Games
Unreal Tournament III will at long last be hitting UK stores on February 22, retailers have revealed.
The UK's biggest online retailers, including Play, Amazon and Game are all reporting the same date. So is publisher Midway, which pretty much sets things in stone then.
There's still, however, no firm date on the arrival of the 360 version, though Play calls out a March 28 release. Though we think that's unlikely, as it the equally farfetched February 29 date on Amazon.
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February 4th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Japan will shortly be re-releasing a number of PlayStation 3 titles in the region at a budget price
According to a report on IGN, the greatest hits package will include a number of original launch titles including Resistance: Fall of Man and Ridge Racer 7, as well as FolkSoul, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Gundam: Target in Sight.
The titles will retail in the region for JPY 3800 (USD 35.5 / EUR 23.9), according to information from Japanese retailers, although SCEJ has yet to make an official announcement.
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February 4th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
With the December numbers hot off the press, Daxter has enjoyed one of its best month sales-wise nearly TWO YEARS after its release.
It has been widely recognized as the best PSP game of 2006, bundled with new PSPs twice already (once with the new ceramic white PSPs in Europe and once with the new silver Slim PSPs, the best selling entertainment pack by a wide margin). All added together, the game has now sold over 2 million copies worldwide since it’s release.
Daxter has been an incredible success for us, especially considering it was our very first game as a company. We can only look forward to God of War: Chains of Olympus doing even better. The bar has been set and we’re just about to raise it!
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February 4th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
While this has nothing to do with a larger hard drive, Sony will be offering a new bundle in Australia that includes a 40GB PS3, second Sixaxis controller and one of the following games: Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction or NBA 08 all for $799.95 [£368]. Wow, that's looking a LOT better than the original $1000 [£460] PS3 launch price that Luke had to put up with.
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February 4th, 2008, 19:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Devil May Cry 4 is coming to 360 and PS3 this Friday. That's good news mainly for the reason that it's an awesome game. You can look forward to the review later this week, or read this if you can't wait any longer. But there's a little issue of a MASSIVE installation process that forces all PS3 gamers to wait just under 22 mins before they can tuck in to Dante's finest.
You'd think there'd be a benefit after being forced to install nearly 5GB of game data, like shorter or even no loading times during the entire game. Funny thing is though, it doesn't make much difference to load times compared to the 360 version, that you can play straight away.
We clocked the entire install process at 21 minutes, 41 seconds.
Following that the opening load time on PS3 was five seconds against eight on 360. And then three seconds versus four, and four versus five seconds in following load screens, PS3 - 360. As you can see there's not much in it.
So over the course of an eight-to-ten hour game you might get your 21 minutes back over 360 players with ever-so-slightly shorter loading times. But really?
Time to put the stopwatch away and get back to playing the game. Check out in-game footage here.
While we're 'on topic', it's also being reported that (in Japan) the PS3 version of Devil May Cry 4 is outselling the 360 game 5-1. But that's because there are only six people with 360s in the country. It'll be much closer over here, if not the other way around.
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February 4th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Chatter of a 120GB PS3 rippled across the internet, with multiple sources claiming a 120GB console is imminent shortly. Sony won't confirm either way, but simply reminds us that if we really want a bigger hard drive we can upgrade it ourselves.
When asked about the rumours, SCE Australia boss Michael Ephraim admitted he wouldn't reveal such plans, even if he knew of any, before adding: "The hard drive issue, we've done it so you can upgrade the hard drive.
"It's non-proprietary, and you do have external hard drives," he says, before suggesting that retailers could themselves stock PS3s with pre-fitted larger hard drives.
"With PlayTV, yes you will need more storage," he goes on to admit, "and retailers will probably accommodate those needs for consumers.
"As we all know, the price of hard drive space is coming down. If we do it, fine, but if we don't do it, the consumer will still have choice," he told The Age
You can get 500GB external hard drives for around £80 these days. Bargain.
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February 4th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nataku92 has posted an update to his 2D Counterstrike game for the PSP, heres the full release details:
v1.5 UPDATE-
I finally had time to finish up v1.5 for release! The biggest feature is probably online infrastructure, but I'm not sure how the system will perform under heavy usage (so don't be too surprised if something doesn't work :O). I've also made quite a few other smaller changes, which can be found in this complete list of updates:
Implemented new camera system
Added aiming guide lines
Made some small changes to recoil system (mainly for sniper rifles and shotguns)
Added character type select
Added spectator mode for singleplayer
Added round timer in spectator mode
Made score list sorted
Changed layout of Options a bit
Added option to enable/disable friendly-fire
Added option to choose name
Implemented new Online system
_________________________ ___________________
***Implemented infrastructure multiplayer***
_________________________ ___________________
Implemented Game Lobby
Added ability to chat
Made multiplayer less buggy (hopefully)
Fixed network select (before it wouldn't work if you deleted any connections)
Limited death indicator to 3 max
Fixed the buying deagle bug
Fixed a small sound issue when firing and strafing
Fixed knife
Made sure money doesn't go down if you already have full ammo
Text on scoreboard is now the name of the map instead of "test"
Made shotgun fire straighter
Added more custom maps (including river by me )
Added more guns to iceworld
Other small fixes that I can't remember right now
The zip also comes with the CSPSPServer application so that you can run a server from your own computer. Make sure to read its readme.txt for instructions on how to set it up.
Comments and suggestions, as well as bug reports, are welcome and needed
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via nataku92
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February 4th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
via UPMS:
Gh0st has just completed coding the newest installer from UPMS Project.
Here are the words from Gh0st himself.
UPMS Project is proud to bring your the 3rd release of UPMSInstaller.
DC3 (3.71)
DC4 (3.80)
Ability to write IPL to Memory Stick under 3.80M33 and 3.90M33.
Pandora battery creation.
Format for Fake Memory Sticks
And a few more extra's.
Download (23MB) at official site --> http://upms-project.com/modules.php?...Article&sid=27
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February 4th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows posted this for Developers:
Released source code of Xvid4PSP 5.0 (31.01.2008).
Lang: C# .NET 3.0.
Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blend 2 projects.
So if somebody want help me or find bugs or join to winnydows team - post messages to developing section.
I have many task that can by developed separatly: SWF Decoder, AVI Muxer, WMV Encoder.
Wanted: C# programmers, C++ programmers, WPF designers.
Later will try reload source to SVN.
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February 4th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Final Fantasy Versus XIII may be the most mysterious of the three known FFXIII projects, but, in a surprising twist, it's going to be the first one with a soundtrack! HMV Japan has posted a listing for a new soundtrack from Square Enix that will contain tracks from the TBA title.
The soundtrack is called Drammatica - The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura. Being released in celebration of Shimomura's 20th anniversary as a game music composer, the soundtrack will include selections chosen by Shimomura herself, re-recorded using overseas orchestras (overseas as in outside of Japan).
FF Versus XIII music is being included as a bonus.
Look for the Drammatica CD on March 26 at a cost of 3,000 yen. When contacting your favorite importer, ask for catalog number SQEX10112 on the Square Enix label.
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February 4th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China

The UMD Airfoam Pouch with secure zip protects your UMD against damage. It can hold 5 PSP UMD Discs plus 2 Memory Stick Duos. The package comes with a detachable carrying strap.
Colours available:
Black, White, Silver.
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February 4th, 2008, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Convenient charging cradle for PSP Slim & Lite
- Easy to use
- Illuminates in dark and best for watching movie
- USB charger cable included
Colours available:
Black, White, Silver, Blue, Pink, Violet.
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February 4th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Protect the PSP Slim & Lite console, UMD, memory stick and other accessories from any damages and scratches.
You can play your console without having to remove it from the case.
Colours available:
Black, White, Silver, Blue, Pink, Violet.
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February 4th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A replacement original faceplate for your PSP Slim and Lite.
- Smart, Stylish design
- Easy to install, easy to use
- High Quality finish reflects everything in VIVID DETAIL
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February 4th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony subsidiary SN Systems has cut the cost of the PlayStation Portable dev tools in half, effective today. The announced price reduction, in conjunction with a new Tuner performance optimizer, is hoped to increase the appeal of developing for the PSP. Support fees for current licensees will also enjoy a 50% reduction.
Sony made a similar move last November when they halved the price of its PS3 dev kit to a reported $10,250. Sales of the PSP, while still trailing the DS, have received a sales boost in recent months thanks to the handheld's redesign.
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February 5th, 2008, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
M@x posted this news/release:
I just setup a new open source project to porting SUN's phoneME implementation to PSP. The first step is phoneMEFeature, and the future may come with phoneMEAdvanced. Please go to my project to have a look ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspme/ ), I need many helps in term of suggesting and testing.
Now you can download the beginning version release from the project site, in both source and binary, please help to test with MIDlets, any advice, bug report or feature request is welcome. The current version doesn't support networking, nor do sounds and music. However, I've tested several MIDP applications which I can found and most of them are running well. Please also notice the Bugs & Issues report in the ReleaseNotes, thanks!
Heres a further description of the release:
A PSP porting of phoneME project, to enable MIDP/JavaME applications running on PSP. First comes a phoneMEFeature porting, and expecting phoneMEAdvanced in future. For more phoneME information, please refer to this URL: https://phoneme.dev.java.net/
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February 5th, 2008, 13:08 Posted By: Art
DTMF Dial V2
Hi Guys,
Here is DTMF Dial V2, with phone book and editor.
Some elements may remind you a little of X-Flash.
A similar name editor has been added.
The phonebook file is compatible with DTMF Dial V1,
so you can copy the file over and just add the names.

See the readme for full instructions.
If you like this, or my other applications, please consider a donation.
I'm not looking for money, but low capacity Memory Sticks to aid in programming.
Rapidshare backup link:
Cheers, Art.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has unveiled a new Satin Silver PlayStation 3, to go on sale in the region on March 6.
The 40GB console will cost JPY 39,980 (USD 372/ EUR 252) and come bundled with a silver DualShock 3 controller.
Last November SCEJ launched a Ceramic White PS3 in Japan.
Sony Japan has also confirmed that it will be releasing a range of budge titles for the region known as The Best, with games Ridge Racer 7, Gundam: Target in Sight, Ninja Gaiden: Sigma, Resistance: Fall of Man and FolkSoul all retailing for JPY 3619 and going on sale Match 19.
Yesterday, Sony told GamesIndustry.biz it was "likely" that a budget PS3 software range would be introduced in Europe although no date or titles were mentioned.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:05 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Folding@home program aids the study of protein folding in order to help scientists attempting to tackle the development of a number of diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, cystic fibrosis and certain forms of cancer.
Mass uptake of the program by PS3 users has enabled researchers to utilize the processing power of hundreds of thousands, and now a million, PlayStation 3 consoles.
Sony says that one million PS3-owning participants equates to around 3,000 PS3 owners registering per day, or two new registered users every minute worldwide, since March 2007, although PS3 users attempting to participate in the program have had a few issues recently.
"Since partnering with SCEI, we have seen our research capabilities increase by leaps and bounds through the continued participation of Folding@home users," said Vijay Pande, associate professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home project lead.
"Now we have over one million PS3 users registered for Folding@home, allowing us to address questions previously considered impossible to tackle computationally, with the goal of finding cures to some of the world's most life-threatening diseases.
"We are grateful for the extraordinary worldwide participation by PS3 and PC users around the globe," he added.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We've got three new screens for the very-nearly released Need For Speed: Pro Street on Sony's handheld. And a picture of ex-Hollyoaks stunner Gemma Atkinson plugging the mobile version.
Need For Speed: Pro Street is chasing the rest of the pack and should be with us on Feb. 22.
Check out a couple of screens, right here.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
tarting its new video game blog off with a bang, Variety reports that last spring a Grand Theft Auto movie was almost ready to roll into full production. The story goes that after years of trying, some studio actually navigated the bureaucracy of Take-Two/Rockstar and was ready to start production -- "quite possibly" with Eminem as the star. The reason this even came to be after so many years of stonewalling by GTA's rights holders is that current Take-Two chair, Strauss Zelnick, comes from traditional media at BMG music and 20th Century Fox.
Variety goes on to say that the movie was so close to being finalized that its own reporters were prepping stories, with sources at Take-Two saying it was a done deal. At the last moment though, the whole thing fell allegedly apart after the publisher couldn't finalize terms with the studio. Whether it was an issue about money or giving away the movie rights (Rockstar is very protective of its brand) is still an unanswered question. Oh well, we've gotten used to movies based on modern mega-franchise games falling apart.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Army of Two assistant producer, Matt Turner has told CVG that he fully supports PSN, but admitted experiencing "growing pains" with the relatively young system.
With its friends list access, universal game invites system and general intuitiveness, Xbox Live is rightly regarded as the superior service. Turner says, however, that PSN "has all the capabilities".
"There are extra challenges [with PSN] just because the PS3 is newer to our team so we've had to work through some growing pains, getting used to a whole new system of development," Turner told us.
"But it has all of the capabilities, it's just that at the moment we have more experience on the Xbox."
He goes on to say that the upcoming Army of Two will get over the shortfalls of the PS3 firmware's online menus in similar ways to Burnout Paradise.
"We have friends lists accessible during the game, you can send invites and your friends can join you - it's as easy as doing it on Xbox Live," he promises.
PSN is expected to catch up to (or even better, dare we speculate) Xbox Live when both a much-talked-about in-game XMB is introduced in a firmware update and PlayStation Home is released later this year.
Look out for Turner's full interview, his hopes for PS3 success in 2008 and how his game measures up to Gears of War, later today.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom US has responded to CVG's report yesterday that PS3 Devil May Cry 4 forces gamers to sit through a mandatory 21 minute install time - with little improvement to load times there after.
Just to be sure, we timed the 5GB install process (which you can't opt-out of) on our PS3 retail version and it clocked in at 21 minutes, 41 seconds.
After installation, we timed DMC4's load times to be only one or two seconds shy of those in the 360 counterpart. Hardly worth sitting through 21 minutes of concept art, then.
Capcom community man Chris Kramer disagrees:
"It's true: the first time you drop your DMC4 Blu-ray disc into your PS3 tray, you're going to be treated to an exciting 22 - 25 minute load process as the disc spins a few gigs of data onto your hard drive," he admits.
"If you don't want to watch the 'Previously, on Devil May Cry...' portion of the install process, go make a sandwich and grab a soda, then come on back," Kramer joked. "You're going to be spending some serious time with this game, and we don't want you going hungry. Low blood sugar will make you dizzy and you'll need to be focused like an Alan Parsons Project to defeat the enemies in this game.
"Wah! Have you ever played a PC game? At least we aren't making you shuffle multiple discs into a ROM drive, or continuously click 'Yes!' on a series of endless Windows dialog boxes," the Capcom man continues, possibly shuffling the install-less yet basically identical 360 version out of view.
"Installing on a console may seem like a weird idea, but there's a real benefit," says Kramer.
"Once installed," he claims, "the PS3 version of the game has near-Super Nintendo speed load times. You'll be amazed how fast levels load, the virtually instantaneous transition from cut scenes to action and that you're continuously playing the game."
We're a good few hours into both versions and the load times on the PS3 version are a few seconds shorter than the 360 cousin at best. They're definitely no way near "Super Nintendo speed".
DMC4 is out on Friday. And it'll cost you an extra £10 on PS3. Check online stores for the best deal. Either way, it's still a great game - look out for the review tomorrow.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Empire has told Eurogamer that a demo version of FlatOut: Head On will be released on 22nd February.
The demo will consist of three levels from the Carnage mode - one Race, one Destruction Derby and one Ragdoll Stunt.
You will be able to play these as much as you like, says Empire, but you won't be able to save your progress on the demo or unlock other features.
The full game features around 40 different cars, nine gameplay modes, and wireless multiplayer options for up to four of you.
Look to our FlatOut: Head On screenshot gallery for visual evidence.
FlatOut: Head On is due out on 14th March.
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February 5th, 2008, 17:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Ready At Dawn, developer of the upcoming PSP God of War title, has announced that its Daxter game has sold 2 million copies.
Daxter, the company's first title, was originally released in 2006.
The game was later bundled with the slim model PSP - ceramic white in Europe and silver in the US - and was the best-selling PSP entertainment pack by a wide margin, according to Ready at Dawn.
Daxter was also branded as a Greatest Hits title last year, which may have helped the title reach its biggest increase in sales during the holiday season.
Ready at Dawn's second game, God of War: Chains of Olympus, is scheduled for release on March 4.
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February 5th, 2008, 18:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Two teenagers have been charged in the death of James Felton-Maitland, 17, who was hit by a truck in Miami and killed while running from the teens bent on stealing his Playstation Portable, Miami-Dade police said.
Police sayd that Jamila "Jam" Brown, 19, and Keith Lebrone Goa, 17, spotted Felton-Maitland as he walked from North Dade Regional Library on Dec. 27 with a PSP in his hand. The two knocked the teen to the ground and "beat him while attempted to take custody of the PSP," according to the arrest report. The teen managed to escape with his PSP and ran across a street where a truck slammed into him, causing severe head trauma.
He died Jan. 5.
Initially the Florida State Patrol ruled the death an accident, but the family hired a private detective and pamphleted the neighborhood with flier seeking witnesses. After tracking down the teens who allegedly tried to rob the boy, they handed their information over to the Miami-Dade Police Department.
The teens, one of which later confessed, were arrested on charged of second-degree felony murder and strong-arm robbery. In Florida, anyone who commits a violent felony that results in death can be charged with murder.
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February 5th, 2008, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
The ultimate digital mapping software has just been announced for the PSP over in Japan. Zenrin announced today an update to its Minna no Chizu series of GPS-ready mapping titles.
Minna no Chizu 3, the third entry in the series, is so big that Zenrin is included two UMD discs! The first disc has regional maps for all of Japan along with detailed maps and information on 200 cities. The second disc has the regional maps along with detailed maps of 1,100 cities.
The second disc is meant to be copied over to a Memory Stick so that you'll only have to carry one disc with you. While this procedure will take over 2 gigabytes of Memory Stick space, you will be able to scroll through the detailed maps at twice the speed of Minna no Chizu 2.
Besides the added map content, Zenrin is updating all areas of the game. You now have more search options for finding places around town. GPS updates can be set to take place every 1, 10, 20 or 30 seconds, giving you greater flexibility over the fixed 1 second update phase of the past titles.
Those wanting the ultimate digital Japanese map should check with importers about Minna no Chizu 3 when it sees release on April 24.
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February 5th, 2008, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
You might think of crash test dummies as big floppy replica people with no feelings. Er, because they are. But imagine a dummy who is given emotions so that he can go off and save the dummy daughter of his creator (it's a complex story).
All of a sudden it seems a bit cruel to go smashing the poor sod through car windscreens, but sadly this is the fate of CID, the character in a new game called CID the Dummy.
The game's been announced by Oxygen Interactive and is coming to PSP and DS (as well as PS2, Wii and PC). It's primarily a platform game with CID able to climb, swing, bounce and even headbutt his way through and past a whole range of obstacles. The game's environments promise to be highly interactive, so smashing through walls and burning down barrels are just some of CID's skills.
Bizarrely, he also comes armed with a bazooka. One which can fire freeze, flame or rubber bullets, depending on the enemy you're trying to take down.
Unfortunately, being on a mission to save a beautiful crash test dummy lady doesn't excuse him from his day job, so CID must also take part in various Crash Test levels. One of which has you driving a super-modded vintage Italian car at top speed through solid walls for extra bonuses (which, for a crash test dummy, is probably the equivalent of going into work and being told you have to give a presentation to the bosses).
First screenshots of the PSP version in action are above and the game is down for a 'second quarter of 2008' release date.
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February 5th, 2008, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Pjeff has released a new version of Super Mario Toy:

Heres whats new:
Starts a Day 03 February 2008:
- A timing was a set up for rain followed by the sun
- Management of the Mist in the 2nd map Change
- Improvement of the dialogue box to the RPG (re)
- Adding an animation in the main menu.
- Adding an Intro in the game (not yet sound and not 100% complete).
Add-in cards Animations (flower, water… ..)
- Adding effect when you walk on the grass
- Adding new character in the map 2
- Changing dialogues for the characters and the creation of an early history.
- Fixed various bugs in the game
- Adding birds in map 1.
- Correction of the animation of the main character and he can walk diagonally.
- Correcting some little thing and animation in the 1st mini games.
- Adding a Start Menu in the RPG with a list of inventories Win or Buy.
- Adding medal won in the mini games.
- In a house can now buy certain object (for the moment we can not use them when you have).
The former put a Day:
- Management of rain in the first card
- Management of the Mist in the 2nd map (while waiting to make an automated system for day, night, rain ...)
- Improvement of the dialogue box to the RPG
- Fixed many bugs for the menu and use of Fade In and Out.
- Adding a virtual keyboard to request the name early in games only if no backup record.
- Adding a Pseudo Artificial intelligence for Peros 2 of the First map but this crazy moves without specific goal is better than nothing.
NPJ-set when we come back in the first map, it has come back to their seats.
Can be accessed at 1 Mini games (Mario corner) talking with Zelda but not the departure must follow the story
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February 5th, 2008, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Arktrt of a German Version of his Quiz for the PSP:
PortableQuiz v 1.0 German Version
Copy the Folder PortableQuiz in the Game150,Njoy!
- Its in German
- 2 New German Exclusive Questions
- Fixed a Bug
http://rapidshare.com/files/88905541/ PortableQuiz.1.0_German_Edition.rar
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February 5th, 2008, 18:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Grafele of a new Version of IPSPhone for the PSP, (basically an attempt at turining the PSP into an iphone)
We releasen the latest version (4.00) of IPSPhone. Do not wonder that now comes from us, because the old developer has stopped and we do (after his appointment).
-- In the menu also up and down switch
-- Design conversion to our team
-- Games, the three of us in it
-- Sysinfomenü revised
-- Very inserted SPasswort Revo
-- Other bugs fixed!
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/89153870/iPSPphone_2_.zip
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February 5th, 2008, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Grafele of a new Version of Crash the racing game for the PSP:
And already the nöchste release! Chrash! Car and comes back in V4!
With new routes and new car!
Highscore added
Vehicle selection added
Route selection added
More bugs fixed!
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February 6th, 2008, 01:30 Posted By: DPyro
Team ICE has released the first public version of their elf2self tool. This allows you to convert a regular elf into a special sony elf file. The package also includes examples, tutorials on how to use via the Motorstorm and Resistance exploits, and an xmb avatar customizer.
Download Here
Via PS3hax
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February 6th, 2008, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Since the last game in the franchise was released in the terrifying time before Joystiq (2003!), you were probably too busy fending off saber-tooth tiger attacks to bother acquainting yourself with THQ's sci-fi first-person shooter, Red Faction. The series drew much attention to its use of "GeoMod" technology, a fancy bit of programming which enabled the real-time destruction and geometric alteration of specific and often rare in-game surfaces. A third game, unsurprisingly referred to as "Red Faction 3," has now been revealed to be in development for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.
Speaking in a recent conference call, THQ CEO Brian Farrell noted that the game would once again be created by Volition, the same developer that's somehow responsible for both Saint's Row and Descent: Freespace. Red Faction 3 is expected to further enhance the franchise's destructive tendencies through the aid of today's more powerful platforms (translation: bigger 'splosions plus bloom) and should arrive somewhere between April 2008 and March 2009.
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February 6th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: JKKDARK
Don’t set that PS2 aside just yet. Even though the console has been out since I was in high school, people are still pumping out new titles. It would be great if the PS3 still had decent backwards compatibility, but I digress. The next big release to look forward to is actually a collection of old games. The first three Metal Gear Solid games to be precise.

The release of these games is no doubt a move to build up excitement about the impending release of Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3. If you haven’t played one or all of these games, you can bet that it’ll be well worth the money. After all, it’s been labeled as one of the most successful games series of all time (even if it was Konami’s VP of Marketing that labeled it such).
We’re not actually sure when the Metal Gear Solid: Essential Collection will be hitting store shelves. However, we do know that it’ll set you back $29.99, which isn’t bad for what you get.
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February 6th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
via SlashGear
Have you been itching for some more God of War goodness lately? If you have a PSP, you could always go out an pick up a copy of Chains of Olympus, but I’m going to guess you’d already have done that by now. A new rumor coming down the pipeline suggests that you may not need a PSP to get your hands on the portable God of War title.
Industry insiders claim that the PSP title may get ported later this year to the PS2. This would make for yet another reason why you shouldn’t unhook your old console just yet.
There is speculation that the port will not actually be handled by Capcom. It would likely be handled by a yet-unnamed LA-based developer.
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February 6th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: JKKDARK
via DailyGame
KOEI today shipped a PS2-exclusive game, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power, to retail in North America. The game has previously released in Japan.
Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power is a historical simulation game set during the 16th century, during the Sengoku (Warring States) period of Feudal Japan. It was during this time that the visionary Nobunaga Oda assembled the most advanced military force in Japan and instituted new policies that stimulated the growth of the nation's economy.
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February 6th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
At the Warner Middle School in Farmington Hills Michigan this morning a fire broke out in a young boy's pants. According to police, the PSP in the student's pocket overheated and exploded, burning a hole in his pocket and causing minor burns on his legs.
A teacher at the school managed to separate the boy from his gaming system, after which a lockdown was instituted at the school to facilitate emergency personnel reaching the injured young man, whose burns were treated on school grounds before being transported to a local hospital. Police are currently investigating the cause of the PSP's malfunction.
In the meantime, you might want to consider moving that puppy from your pocket to a backpack - preferably lined with asbestos, which is easily found at many schools across the country. I've had video games get my pants hot before, but somehow this just seems a whole lot less pleasant.
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February 6th, 2008, 20:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SouthPeak Games has revealed the full title for the first PS3 instalment in the Monster Madness series.
Monster Madness: Grave Danger is being developed with feedback from Battle of Suburbia in mind, so "every Zombie, Werewolf and Vampire has been recalled to square one".
Expect better camera angles, an improved control scheme, enhanced graphics and "expanded" online multiplayer modes. The game will also feature online co-op for up to four players. Plus there will be more than 15 new character costumes and more than 20 'Challenge' mini-games.
Monster Madness: Grave Danger is out in Q2. In the meantime, you can read Simon's review of the original and see the game in action on Eurogamer TV.
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February 6th, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sega's The Club, coming by the hand of PGR dev Bizarre Creations, hits PS3, 360 and PC this Friday.
Here are a few movies that just may tip the balance of if it's for you or not. But should three cuts not be enough for you, have a read of the review of the PS3 version here.
Don't expect any cars though, The Club is something completely different. But from the gameplay footage you're about to watch, it should be easy to identify what type of gamer you are? Terminator? Run and Gunner? Oh, missed the feature? Read it here then.
Trailer here
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February 6th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Rockstar has denied reports it almost gave the go-ahead to a Grand Theft Auto film last year, saying the company is "not interested" in bringing the series to the big screen.
According to Variety, a deal to develop a GTA movie was "virtually in place with one of the six major studios" last spring. "Eminem was quite possibly going to star," according to the report. The deal supposedly fell through at the last minute after Take-Two failed to agree terms with the studio.
Now Rockstar president Dan Houser has responded to the report, stating the company never considered being involved with any such project.
"Some movie producers were trying to put something together to entice us to make a movie, as studios and production teams frequently have done in the past," he told MTV.
"This proposal was no more interesting than the numerous others we receive. We never entertained proceeding with the project."
Houser further clarified, "Rockstar was not involved in this project in any way, shape or form." When asked if there are any plans to produce a GTA film in the future he replied, "It is not something we are currently interested in."
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February 6th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: borgqueenx
Download here: http://consoles.gdteam.net/download.php?view.11
This package allows you to autoboot the dos navigator, so you wont have to typ every command over and over to reach a game or something.
It also contains 4 cool freeware dos games and keymapping files so you can play the games instead of using the virtual keyboard to move/shoot/ect.
This package contains:
A readme.txt(i recommend all people to read it first)
Dosbox.(well, without this you could do nothing...)
Dosbox editted configuration file.(for booting the navigator, cpu speed 333mhz, and more)
Dosbox Navigator(for easy browsing through dosbox)
4 cool dos freeware games(2 rare games you wont find on the internet that fast)
Keymapping files for some games(read the readme for more info)
Credit goes to Murdock, and me...
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February 6th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Midway Games has announced new title This is Vegas from The Suffering developer Surreal Software.
The open-world game is a new project for the publisher, as it continues to show commitment to creating new intellectual properties for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, such as the recently released John Woo's Stranglehold and Blacksite: Area 51.
"We are thrilled to be unveiling the first-ever videogame experience which allows players to live out their wildest Vegas fantasies," commented Alan Patmore, studio head at Surreal.
"Whether it's partying in the hottest night clubs, racing in underground circuits, testing your luck at the tables or getting into a bar-room brawl, This is Vegas has it all," he said.
This is Vegas is currently due for release in winter 2008.
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February 6th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui is a hexagonal strategy game, distributing your forces and moving them about in a strategy phase, then battling enemies in turn-based combat. In this game, you'll find scenarios from plenty of other Gundam franchises to play through, so no matter which Gundam floats your boat, you'll find something to enjoy. The game promises 20-30 hour game play with 400 different robots.
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February 6th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Poison:
It has taken some time to see Awaker in final version, he took 10 months, The project started in April 2007, with some pause that I granted, We voila, Awaker is finally available (source code as a bonus) and no Only on PSP, a Windows version and a version for Linux on the day.
Awaker is a game in which you lead a small black square, The aim is to reach the end of the level before the adversary, While avoiding the sentinels because if you move while It is activated, you will be returned at the beginning of the level and it
Will catch your delay. Two modes are available, an easy mode, and an expert mode Where you slide on downgrades. Beware of false start, they are penalized!
The game boasts nine levels, as well as a bonus level, I let you Discover how to access.
The screenshots can be performed by pressing L,
Are saved in the TIFF file, and can therefore
Be consulted directly on your PSP.
How to play? (PSP):
Fléche multidirectionelle = Navigate the menu
Fléche Right / Forward = Joystick
X = OK
L = Screenshot
Start = Pause
? = ????? (Extra)
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February 6th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Takka has released a new version of his work on exophases GBA emulator for the PSP.
UnOfficial gpSP kai-1 test svn rev 3.3.
Two PSP communications for test.
Transfer Dummy data after connection, then log be stored in MemoryStick.
Games communication is not available.
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February 6th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows posted this:
Fixed a lot of old bugs.
Accelerated import files through FFmpegSource.
Added forced decoding import. Helps a problem decode files, such as DVR-MS.
Updated components: x264, ffmpeg.
Fixed import 59.94 fps files.
Fixed Decimating work for the files differ from 29.97 fps.
Sound options merged to new free box. Soon all options will be here.
For MPEG2 formats added CBR encoding profile.
Intellectual TextControl replaced to more usefull WPF Custom NumericUpDown.
Changed logic work with audio.
Added audio channels control. Now you can DownMix and UpMix with many different variations.
Now you can specify external audio files.
Added volume detection accuracy.
Added bassAudioSource decoder - you can now specify external tracks in formats: MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG/WAV/AIFF/WMA/FLAC/WavPack/Speex/Musepack / AAC/M4A/APE/MO3/IT/ XM/S3M/MTM/MOD/UMX/CDA.
Updated design for XviD4PSP and WPF Player.
To framerate list added 50.00, 59.94, 60.00, 120 fps.
Added tsMuxeR tool. For manual M2TS muxing, later will be added M2TS out format.
Enhanced FFRebuilder feautures. Now this tool possible use for audio demuxing.
Now AVI format support x264 encoding.
XviD4PSP free program, but work on the program requires a lot of time and effort.
The new version will be available to all, where the sacrificial altar will reach 1000 points.
Can be sacrificed via PayPal, SMS.Wallet or Yandex.Money.
935 points still left.
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February 6th, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
With so many firmwares released these days and updates coming as fast as hell its very hard to keep up with what is the best firmware for the PSP Slim and PSP Phat.
Firmware v1.5 used to be the kingpin although i preferred v1.0 myself but with these days of custom firmwares and so many revisions it will be interesting to hear from the DCEmu Members as to which firmware everyone recommends.
So over to you, whats the best firmware and why ?
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February 6th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: TCLCloud

Readme | [video=youtube;yQYlrv-V7F4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeYVMcMFcug"]Preview 1[/URL] | | [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQYlrv-V7F4[/video]
Its been a long time coming but its finally here! With nice new graphics, layout and content this needs to be on your PSP!
[B]Portal 117 details[/B]
20 Pages with all new graphics
350 Wallpaper links
168 Flash Games
35 Applications
21 Flash Videos
16 Music Downloads
38 Video Downloads
19 Ebooks, 11 other readings and readme's
62 RSS Channel Links
13 Game Saves
29 PSP websites linked, 31 other sites linked and 10 wikis.
Direct Links to demos
[B]Installation Guide[/B]
*1. Before downloading remove any older versions of Portal 117
*2. After downloading and unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make x:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
*3. On your PSP Browser type exactly- file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.html - in the search bar
*4. The main portal page should load up
*5. Notes for installation, you will need a USB cable, around 64MB on your PSP Memory stick and a PSP with at least 2.00 firmware
*6. Flash will have to be enabled to use some content and features. This can be done by going to system settings under
settings on the main menu of the PSP (XMB). It can also be done through custom firmware registry hacks. Other features
of the Portal will require the use of WiFi (Wireless internet).
[B]Updates to this version[/B]
* All new graphics and pages
* Better layout for wallpapers and media sections
* Nearly 70 new games
* New applications
* 12 new flash cartoons
* Ebooks and reviews added to read
* 30 new links added
* 15 more video and music links
* 220 wallpaper links added
* Around 20 new RSS Channels
* Added 3 new game saves
A big thanks to all these people who have helped me one way or another:
BOS Cowly
Wilko and Ollington
Boothy_boy and Mishy_Don
Benh at PSP Fanatic and Dcemu
Blackrave @ Dcemu
power7714 at the PSP Demo Center
PSP Updates
PSP Fanboy
A real big thanks to all those who have waited very paitently for this release. Its been a long time coming but its because of you guys its worth it. Thanks to all the regulars at PSP117 for the constant support and kind words, wouldn't be here without you guys!
[B][SIZE="4"]Download it here[/SIZE][/B]
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February 6th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
From today on and covering the whole network of DCEmu Sites covering all the homebrew scenes, im going to ask you the Members and Visitors to DCEmu to recommend Memory Cards, Controllers, faceplates and much more.
First on the list is
Whats the Best PSP Music System.
Basically you have a choice of
Theres your choices, tell us which one you think is best and why and also if you have any horror stories or complaints about the items above then please post away.
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February 7th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
kiddido posted this video on youtube of the supposed unreleased Hello World for the PS3:
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February 7th, 2008, 05:56 Posted By: PSPdemon
This is meant to follow up with the memor32 review found here. - http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=82142
Extended review of the Memor32 memory card and Memento Firmware.
MEMOR32 review
Ill first begin with the Memor32 unit itself... and then move onto the memento firmware and other features that can be used with it.
The Savegame Manager ( SGM ) is not only eye pleasing, it is also really easy to use and understand. Basically, "Import" and "Export" features if you have a ".max" or another person's ".m32" save, and a "Backup" and "Restore" to move saves to and from the memory card.
screenshot of the savegame manager
Final Thoughts:
I really didnt think I was going to be too impressed, but boy was I wrong. It really does help with managing your game saves ( esspecially if you have loads of ps2 games ). The only thing i wish they would have included was atleast a usb cord and maybe instructions... bu
- Build quality is top notch... Feels great, looks great and pretty much is great!
- Ability to export and import saves. ( So you have hardcopies of your saves just incase you need more room. )
- Ease of use. ( Wether you are new or old, its easy to understand. )
- No USB cable
- No Software
- No Instructions
- Price ( but I suppose it pays itself off by allowing gamesave management )
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February 7th, 2008, 19:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Top Men on the Internet have uncovered a hidden message in Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition that says the series is coming to PlayStation 3.
As spotted on NeoGAF, kids from GameFAQs discovered that random numbers displayed through the Dark Past video can be substituted for corresponding letters to give the message "Twisted Metal is coming on PS Three".
This comes a few days after David Jaffe of developer Eat Sleep Play told GamePro that "if you want to know what our next game is, it's absolutely revealed if you have a sharp eye in Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition".
"It's a really cryptic riddle we put in there," he said.
Twisted Metal publisher Sony told Eurogamer this morning that it could not comment on the reports.
Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition - out now in the States - is a budget-priced port of the PSP game Twisted Metal: Head-On, which features all sorts of added bonus content to keep fans of the series happy.
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February 7th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
An online multiplayer demo of Capcom's frosty shooter Lost Planet has just appeared on PSN - but only if you're Japanese.
You can get at the demo, which allows for 8 player deathmatch rather than the full game's 16, by changing your PSN region and other sneaky methods of getting at juicy Far Eastern content.
The PS3 version is set to feature all the downloadable content and bonus characters from the year-old Xbox 360 version, plus via the magic of PSN you can of course play online without having to pay a penny. Nice.
The final game's out on February 29.
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February 7th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
From 90mm to 65mm to 45mm - IBM has announced details on a smaller, more efficient version of the Cell BE processor, which of course is the brains inside every shiny new PlayStation 3.
IBM will soon migrate from the 65nm process currently used to manufacture the chips to their next generation 45nm high-k process, which results in a Cell that requires 40 percent less power, reducing cooling costs while a smaller die means higher yields and a lower overall cost. This gives Sony a choice - reduce the price of the system to increase their install base or just ride the cheaper process for awhile to work up a little profit. Also interesting to note is that once again the shrink comes with no performance tweaks, with IBM citing the need to maintain gaming software operation. In other words, IBM's Cell division is Sony's little b***h.
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February 7th, 2008, 20:11 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sky Diving is the GBP 3.49 downloadable game star of this week's PlayStation Store update on PS3, while PSP owners can download the WipEout Pulse Mirage Pack if they fork out GBP 3.49 on the PSP Store for PC.
The second-most exciting thing on the PS3 Store this week is a pair of free DLC updates for two of Sony's best-supported games - Folklore and MotorStorm. The former, Game Republic's charming little blend of hackandslash and spooky adventure, says hello to a new Folk called Malion.
Interestingly, said Folk was actually designed to meet the specifications outlined by the winner of a competition for PlayStation.com forumites. "The Malion (Spore Lion) runs circles around the enemy whilst creating an intoxicating spore cloud from its tail and thorny mane," Jeff Read had explained. "When the prey is dazed The Malion jumps in for the kill. The tail and claws are primary attacks, but this Folk is highly poisonous... wear protective gloves! The Malion fears fire."
This was enough to dazzle Game Republic, with dev-head Yoshiki Okamoto praising the high standard of entries. "Congratulations to Jeff, the runners-up and all the people who took the time and effort to design a new Folk," he said. "We hope you enjoyed being creative and that you continue designing."
And so do we, because it's a nice thing to hope for. As for the MotorStorm treat we mentioned, it's the enigmatically monikered "MotorStorm Chinese New Year". Let us know what that one's all about in your usual special place.
Also among the downloadable treats for PS3 owners are European demos for Conflict: Denied Ops and Turok, both of which are due out on PS3 and other formats tomorrow, 8th February.
And if you absolutely can't bear to put the pad down, then Lost Planet and PixelJunk Monsters trailers are also there.
But no Everyday Shooter. Or PAIN. Come on, Sony!
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February 7th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capello, famous for his hard-line approach to discipline, has given the England squad a number of new rules to abide by under his management.
According to the Daily Mail, they include:
- A ban on the 'PlayStation culture'
- A ban on visitors, including agents and friends, from the team hotel in Hertfordshire
- Players must eat at the same table
- They have to be on time for meals
- No walking around in shorts and flip-flops. They must wear England track suits
- instead and suits and ties to games
- No mobile phones in public areas
"If Fabio Capello is that concerned about winning with England, he may have missed a trick by banning PlayStations," writes The Times' chief football correspondent, Martin Samuel.
"What happened to playing to your strengths? PlayStation was never the problem for England's footballers anyway. PlayStation, we're good at. If Steve McClaren could have found a way of challenging Croatia to a game of Donkey Kong, he might have stood a chance. No gadgets, Fabio? Big mistake. It is the football that needs banning. That is what baffles us."
Last year Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp said that 'Xbox culture' was damaging football, while West Ham goalkeeper Rob Green said that England's footballing failures were down to gaming. Maybe Green will get a call up to Capello's second England squad if the manager gets wind of his feelings on the matter.
Capello began his England tenure with a two-one victory over Switzerland at Wembley in a friendly match on Wednesday night, so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
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February 7th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Fonfun announced today World Neverland 2in1 Portable: Olerud Kingdom & Republic of Pluto, a PSP combo pack that combines the first and second World Neverland games. The game will be released in Japan in April at 3,800 yen.
The two World Neverland games tell of the Kingdom of Olerud and the Republic of Pluto. You play as a citizen of these countries and, after joining up with a guild, experience life surrounded by AI-driven residents.
From what we can tell, Fonfun is just porting over the original PlayStation titles, with just a few presentation updates for the PSP. Still, this should be a good chance for newbies to experience the Neverland games, which are having an influence in the production of King Story for the Wii.
Screenshots here
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February 7th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) today applauded the Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs' (MDTCA) raid this week of an illegal pirate game duplication lab in the southern Malaysian city of Johor Bahru, resulting in the arrest of seven individuals and confiscation of thousands of pirated computer and video games. The ESA's local anti-piracy representative, MFACT, provided support for the MDTCA's action.
"Our industry stands ready to vigorously defend our rights and actively pursue and prosecute thieves like these that steal our industry's products," said Michael Gallagher, CEO of ESA, the U.S. trade association representing computer and video game publishers. "We commend the MDTCA and the enforcement team headed up by Fahmi Kassim for their swift and effective action against this pirate operation."
MDCTA seized more than 110,000 pirated computer and video games, 46 DVD-R burners, as well as thousands of other infringing items. The 46 burners seized are, according to estimates, able to duplicate 2.4 million pirate discs per year. Among the game titles taken by MDTCA were pirate copies of FIFA Soccer 08, EA Sports Rugby 08, NBA Live 08, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08.
The ESA is the U.S. association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of the companies publishing interactive games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computers, and the Internet. ESA members collectively account for more than 90 percent of the $9.5 billion in entertainment software sales in the U.S. in 2007, and billions more in export sales of entertainment software. For more information about the ESA, please visit www.theESA.com.
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February 7th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
The last Dells we saw with a slot-loading Blu-ray drive were the XPS One and monster XPS M2010, but it looks like Round Rock's taking it mainstream soon -- the latest BIOS update for the popular XPS M1330 lists support for an unspecified "Blu-ray / DVD +/- RW Combo Drive." No word on when we'll see these actually for order, but if you were in the market for an M1330, you might consider holding off until these become available.
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February 7th, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster

For those who feel more comfortable, at home even, with the PlayStation controller, take heart. Kyoto online retailer Vis-a-Vis has you covered. It's got a "Flexible Hand Grip Pad Advance" for the Slim & Lite PSP. (There's a model for the original PSP as well!) The add-on is only ¥980 (US $9.20) and perfect for people with gianormous hands.
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February 7th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
m@x has updated his JavaME implementation for the PSP, heres the full details:
pspME v0.2.1
8 Feb. 2008
Author: M@x
General information
This software is a PSP porting of SUN open-source JavaME implementation: phoneME. The words below is copied from phoneME's website to describe the project:
The objective of the phoneME project is to further expand the usage of Java? Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME platform) technology in the mobile handset market. The project scope includes a focus on the mainstream feature phone segment with phoneME Feature software, and the emerging advanced phone segment with phoneME Advanced software. Our goal in making these technologies available to the Mobile & Embedded Community is to reduce implementation variation, increase the rate of innovation and enable new devices to leverage the power of the Java ME platform.
You can also refer to the original website from here: https://phoneme.dev.java.net/
The goal of pspME is porting phoneME to Sony PSP game console. As the first step, my goal is a phoneMEFeature PSP implementation, which can enable user to run JavaME application on CLDC. In future, if time permit, I'll try to porting phoneMEAdvanced as well.
- Java AMS with MVM supporting
- Several input methods: QWERTY/Abc/Symbol/...
- Install application from local JAR file
- Jpeg support
- MIDI support
- Play sample audio (High)
- User configurable key map (High)
- Networking (Medium)
- Graphic optimization (Medium)
- JSR184 (Low)
- MIPS JIT compiler and Interpreter generator (Low)
Bugs and known issues
- sceIoRename, which is used in javacall_file_rename(), doesn't work properly somehow
- javacall_file_truncate doesn't ported, so some file truncating operation, such as some RMS operations, may not work as expected
Run from binary bundle
1. Download pspME-bin-x.x.x.zip
2. Extract the zip to PSP's /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME150
3. If you want MIDI support, download midi_res.zip and extract it to PSP's /PSP/GAME/PSPME or /PSP/GAME150/PSPME
4. Here we go!
Building instructions
0. You have to prepare the building enviroment for phoneME at first. Please refer the document from here: https://phoneme.dev.java.net/content...html#win_setup
Now assume you have installed the building environment by following the above instruction. In Cygwin:
1. unzip the source bundle to a directory
2. cd ${your_source_dir}
3. export JDK_DIR=${your_jdk_dir} (example: export JDK_DIR=c:/j2sdk1.4.2_16)
4. ./build-psp-cldc.sh
5. cd psp
Now you should see the success message of phoneME libs building.
6. make kxploit
You should get PSPME and PSPME% directories in this directory, just copy them to your PSP's /PSP/GAME or /PSP/GAME150 directory.
7. Copy "lib" and "appdb" directory from ${your_source_dir}/midp/build/javacall_psp/output/ into PSP's /PSP/GAME/PSPME or /PSP/GAME150/PSPME
8. unzip midi_res.zip to PSP's /PSP/GAME/PSPME or /PSP/GAME150/PSPME (If you need MIDI support)
Running tips
- Install MIDlet from JAR file:
1) Copy the JAR file to memory stick
2) In AMS, select the first item "Install Application"
3) Input the full path name of the JAR file. For example: ms0:/abc.jar, means to install MIDlet from abc.jar which is copied to root directory of memory stick
4) Click Right Soft-button and select "2 Go to" from the popup menu, then follow the steps on screen
- Input text:
You can't use Qwerty input method on PSP since it's lack of standard keyboard, but there's still other input methods available. In any text input sence, you can popup the menu by Right Soft-button, and change to another input method. I'd suggest to use "abc" to input alphabetics, just like you've done on your phone, input english characters by 0~9,#,* keypad.
- Key map:
Currently, key map is hardcoded and you've to change source code to alter it. By default, the key assignment is blow:
Left Trigger : Left Soft-button
Right Trigger: Right Soft-button
Up/Down/Left/Right: Up/Down/Left/Right
Select: *
Start : #
Triangle: CLEAR
Circle : SELECT
Analog Joy Stick:
UP 2
Left Trigger + Right Trigger: Multi-tasking key (Click to return AMS and put MIDlet to background)
- Multi tasking
In and application, press Left Trigger + Right Trigger will put current running MIDlet to background, and AMS screen will be shown. The background running MIDlet is shown in high-lighted, and you can choose another MIDlet to run without stop the previous MIDlet. To bring a background running MIDlet to foreground, just click the MIDlet item from AMS is ok.
- Enable browse and select JAR from local file system, don't have to input the full path name of JAR file now.
- A little optimization of RMS speed.
- Separate MIDI config and instrument files from binary bundle to decrease the size, and make you not have to download them for every release.
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February 7th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via psphacks
Developer brk3 has shared with us LED Control — a simple yet effective PRX plugin used for enabling/disabling the PSP LED’s. Not only that, included is the source for those who wish to enter the development game and represent their own virtual concrete. So download it, try it out, and why not learn something new while you’re at it.
Hold L-Trigger + the Music Note button to turn off LED’s; press again to turn them back on. Copy LEDControl.prx to your SEPLUGINS directory and add the appropriate line to game.txt and/or vsh.txt — just like any other plugin. Enjoy!
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February 7th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
Sony has just released two new demos available for download. The games are Harvey Birdman and Puzzle Guzzle. You can download from the PlayStation Store or by following the following links.
Harvey Birdman (247MB)
Take control of Harvey Birdman in this demo to the popular PSP game, “Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law”! In this episode, Harvey finds his office furniture has been stolen. He must question two likely suspects and takes them both to court. As Harvey, you must navigate through a court session in an attempt to find the real thief!
Puzzle Guzzle (11MB)
Get ready for your mind to bend in different directions, because Puzzle Guzzle is a game like no other. Your goal is to complete diagonal shapes on a squared board, which would be easy if you weren’t facing off against an opponent throwing different attack moves that make you think in even more peculiar ways. Addicting and fast-paced, when you play Puzzle Guzzle, you don’t just think outside the box, your brain tears the box to shreds!
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February 7th, 2008, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
via Killzone_Kid
Official PSP Internet Radio is good but it relies on the stations that are obtained via searching the shoutcast or icecast directory. And the search word is the genre you chose. It is obvious that if you have you favourite station, like I do, you might never be able to load it up.
So I made this stripped down version that has 5 presets, which you can change. The only setback is that you can't really permanently save your own streams unless you edit the script file, which is javascript and very easy to edit.

Download: (the installation instructions are in README.txt)
You have to have official 3.80 firmware and the official PSP internet radio player installed and activated
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February 7th, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
via podcast network
The PSP Show #67 - Gradius Collections (MP3 6.7 mb 9 minutes 42 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
Carrying on with the classic titles from last year (and beyond, by the looks of it) is another ‘Arcade Collection,’ this time focussed on a specific genre (the horizontal shooter) and a specific brand - Gradius. How does this make the transition from arcade cabinet to portable powerhouse? I’ll give you a hint, slightly better than Atari Classics… but only slightly.
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February 7th, 2008, 23:38 Posted By: JKKDARK
Gigaherz released a new version of his CD plugin for PCSX2, the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux.
A few days ago I started to code a CDVD plugin using IOCtl raw reading as the access method.
The main reasons I started this plugin were:
1. To have the ability to start the emulator without a disk in the drive, and to be able to swap discs anytime.
2. To be able to keep some kind of "cache" or maybe a file with "hints" about what is the game gonna read next.
At the moment, the plugin will start without a disc, and will detect when the disc is removed or inserted, but sometimes it fails to detect the disc correctly and it will report the disc as being illegal (making the bios show that annoying red screen).
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February 7th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: JKKDARK
New version of the SPU plugin for PCSX2 (the PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux).
# SPU2replay disabled until I add options for it.
# Improved the limiter handling to reduce lag (in dsound stereo and 5.1 only).
# Initial AC3 decoding - does NOT work yet!
# Experimental 24/32bit audio input. This allows the CDDA player in the bios to work!
# Added a button on the config to configure the output modules. NOTE: None of the modules have a config dialog yet.
# Simplified redundant code in the mixer.
# New experimental register handling method. Might slightly improve the processing speed.
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February 8th, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Ryan Payton, an associate producer at Kojima Productions, has claimed he was misquoted with regard to Metal Gear Solid 4 sales.
As reported last year, a Reuters article claimed Payton said the game needed to sell more than a million copies on launch day because of high production costs.
Now he's set the record straight on the Bionic Commando podcast, stating, "I wish I could send a message out to the whole world cause I hear about this all the time. It was a story from Reuters, so it was literally sent to every news source around the globe. If you notice, in the news story, I have lots of quotes in there with quotation marks, but that part of the story isn't in quotation marks.
"Number one, that million dollar figure is incorrect. I don't even know how many figures we'd need to sell to be profitable," Payton continued.
"More importantly, that's not something you really talk about in an interview. It's nothing I'd ever say... I've been trying to contact Kemp Powers over at Reuters to see, I don't know if he recorded it on tape, but I'd love to hear it. So we can set the record straight."
Not that MGS4 should struggle to sell a million, of course, but day one could be a stretch. The game is due out this "quarter", and in the meantime you can read all about it and see it in action via the gamepage.
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February 8th, 2008, 20:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Loads of new screens and movies have been released by Rockstar on a revamped GTV IV website.
Just as we're winding down for a bit of Quake action before heading on to the pub, Rockstar only goes and updates the GTA website with a TON of new content. On a Friday evening! We don't know...
You could fill a whole magazine with it - so look out for that in about four weeks' time.
We've nicked the best bits and posted them up here, to save you some time. But we strongly suggest you head on over to the site and check out the movies.
No telling porkies about your age, mind...
Screenshots at CVG
Trailers at Rockstar
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February 8th, 2008, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SuperVillain Studios has let everyone know its PSP version of flOw will be out in the USA on 6th March.
Unfortunately Sony was unavailable to chime in and clear things up for Europe.
FlOw first appeared as a PlayStation Network title (well, it was originally a Flash game if you want to be picky) on PS3. It sees you swimming around some uncharted waters as a tiny organism with a large appetite.
The idea is that you try to get bigger by gobbling things up, but some meals present more problems than others. We were rather taken with it, applauding its serene and hypnotic charms, although it lacked variation and progression.
The PSP conversion will have all of the PS3 content except the expansion, and be controlled by the analogue stick.
Interestingly SuperVillain Studios was first used to make that expansion not the full title, so its exclusion here seems a little bizarre.
It's yet to be priced, and obviously you lot are looking for a cheaper price point given it cost GBP 3.49 on PS3.
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February 8th, 2008, 21:14 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News/release from Red Squirrel
RS Psar Dumper by Red Squirrel
http://redsquirrel.forumitalian. com
RS Psar Dumper is a "derivated" from classical Psar Dumper (last version of which was released by HelldashX).
Its functions are the same of classical Psar Dumper (so dump Firmware from an Official Udpater Eboot), but it's more! Infact this version has a user interface full of colors, more interactive and especially it has the new important function to make a dump of Firmware directly on PC, without using Memory Stick!
Infact this Homebrew has a USBHostfs connection function with a PC, so the program can read eboot directly from Hard Disk (that is a good profit because new Sony Updater Eboots weigh also more than 20Mb!) and it can also dump the Firmware directly on PC, so Memory Stick is NEVER used during the process!
Attention: v3 does NOT violate any Sony Copyright!
Infact if you use it under a 3.80 (or more) Firmware, the program try to get NATIVE support for decompress KL3E (to decompress reboot.bin) and the oldest 2LRZ (to decompress <=3.73 firmwares).
KL4E in this case is decrypted using an import exported by UtilsForKernel function.
What is the effective profit?
1. Well, first of all homebrew does not require free space on Memory Stick (that can be full too!)
2. You spare time because you do not need to copy files betwenn PC and Memory Stick!
3. Extracting and Dumping process require a very smaller time!
An example? Look to this my little "experiment":
3.71 firmware dumping from the Official Updater Eboot
Technical data:
Eboot of 22,5Mb (biggest released from Sony!).
Memory Stick used: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 2GB (that released with PSP pack!).
Process used: the most "onerous", so PSAR loading with extraction e decrompression of the Firmware (SQUARE key in the homebrew)
-"Classical" process executed on Memory Stick: about 90 seconds of waiting...
-"New" process executed on PC Hard Disk through USBHOSTFS: about 25 seconds of waiting...
Using new USBHOSTFS function you can gain more than one minute!
And then I do not calculate great times necessary to copy eboot from PC to Memory Stick, times that with USBHOSTFS are void!
-Added the support for complete KL4E/KL3E decryption
-Increased the 3.90 Firmware support, now it's complete at 100%!
-Program will tell you what sort of decryption support you have.
-Now RSPsar Dumper is ready to use, NO other file is required!
-No copyright or licenses violation.
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February 8th, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News/release from Jumpr
Even though there is no real use in it, it's neat to have your system information show a different firmware Before this, you needed to HEX-edit the vshctrl.prx and reflash it, this had some danger (well, not with Pandora now, but heh ).
This is a small plugin that allows you to change the version number without any flashing (but in memory, instead), please note that this doesn't allow you to play any new games or use new features, it only changes the version number in system information.
Very simple plugin to change the version number in 3.90 M33 System Information, enable the plugin and create a vchanger.txt in the root, which you fill with the version you want.
It doesn't need to be a numeric version, you can use anything you want, even complete words
Note that it MUST be 10 characters, so if yours is shorter add spaces at the end. Example:
[Devil ]
Without the '[' and ']', that was just to show the number of spaces.
Coded by JumpR, thanks to Kwastie for re-testing on his PSP
It probably won't work on the Slim, but I can't test it as I don't have one, if you tested it on the Slim, please report if it's working or not, so we might be able to solve it in the next version.
Only compatible with 3.90 M33
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February 8th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
Coolj posted this release on his site:
Little test,pmf player app for 3xx kernels.
"cintro.pmf" goes in the root of the memory stick.
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February 8th, 2008, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Buried in a press release announcing D3Publisher of Europe has hired some dude we've never heard of as Managing Director is some news about a game we're rather fond of. Way at the bottom it says a follow up to Puzzle Quest is on the way for this year.
Now, D3 has already announced that it is working with Infinite Interactive, the developer of Puzzle Quest, on another puzzle/rpg hybrid called Galactrix. It is possible this is what it means by "follow up." Then again, Puzzle Quest was such a huge success the publisher will surely want to capitalize on that particular brand.
GalactrixLook for D3 to make an official announcement about whatever this follow up is at GDC in a couple weeks.
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February 8th, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya
I'm here to release homebrewSorter version 1.0.0.
It's a very simple program to sort homebrew and ISO for kernel 3.x (should work also on SLIM).
Source code is included in the rar and is totally free (not even GPL).
If anyone wants to add a decent gui it's obviously free to do it (I don't think I will).
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February 8th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bumuckl:
Dow! - Develope on the go!
That's what it's good for. It's an application for developing right on your PSP. At the moment you can write LUA-scripts in the selfmade editor and with the help of codesnippets. And of course you can safe them
Caution! I dont know if it will run on Slim as well. Im sure it runs on CFW less or equal 3.71 M33 with the special eLoader, but i dont know if CFW 3.90 M33 is able to run it, although it should. It makes me crazy, because on every new CFW there are other conditions, CFW 3.90 M33 promises to run 1.5 kernel appz due to the 1.5 kernel emulator, but it doesnt work that properly. I've also heard 1.0 Homebrews would run without any problems. This Homebrew is a single Eboot, that means it should run anyway...ahh please someone explain me which CFW on which PSP supports which kernels,
Eboots, whatever...I'd be very happy if someone could
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February 8th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
Stealthkill has released a new version of his Counterstrike game for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 0.73
Added New Player Models all made by X3nophon
Terrorists have Glock
Counter-Terrorists have USP
Added Bots Menu
Added GG Maps Menu
Added Fy Maps Page 2 Menu
Added New Menu GFX by X3nophon
Added New Sniper Crosshair by X3nophon
Bots are using player models
Spawnpoint fixed
Added M4A1
Added M3 Super 90
Added XM1014
Added New Awp Modell
!!!!!ALL MAPS MADE BY SoTe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Added aim_ak-colt_pool
Added fy_buzzkill
Added fy_iceworld
Added $2000$
Added aim_taliban
Added aim_glocker
Added gg_mini_dust2
Added de_dust2
Added de_prodigy
!!!!!ALL MAPS MADE BY SoTe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you spawn press up button to change your weapon and kill the bots.
Choose a team twice to get 20$ (bug lol)
Copy to PSP/GAME
Make sure your GAME folder is on the Kernel of your current FW.
working with 3.90m33
Analog nub: look
Triangle: Move Forward
Square: Move Right
Circle: Move Left
Cross: Move Backward
LTrigger: Jump
RTrigger: Attack
Select: Scores
LeftArrow: Buy Menu
Right Arrow: IN game menu
UpArrow: Change Weapon
DownArrow: Zoom with sniper rifles
To zoom out press up
When you add new models remove the glquake folder
for custom files
Download Via Official Site --> (17MB) http://stealthkill.foren-city.de/top...able-0-73.html
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February 8th, 2008, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Weltall:
Here it is a new version of cwcheat: 0.2.1 REV.A
The major news about this version are two:
Now homebrews finally get their own ids. The id is made trough hashing of the launched eboot from the game menu. it will have the HBxxxxxxxx format and so it will allow you to catalogue easily and cleanly in your database cheats for different homebrews.
four new test code types which uses adress comparison in place of comparing a fixed value with the value at a particular adress.
The general format is this:
0xDaaaaaaa 0xXbbbbbbb
0xnnnnnnnn 0x0000000Y
a = adress to the left operand of the test operation
b = adress to the right operand of the test operation
X = test operation to be executed: 4 for equal, 5 for not equal, 6 for less than, 7 for greather than
n = number of lines to skip if the test fails
Y = bits of the operation: 0 = 8bit, 1 = 16bit, 2 = 32bit
Then there is the classical list of fixes and optimizations on cpu clock functions, text reader, and some select cheats menu functions.
Finally a polish translation was added thanks to Bolec and some workaround were applied for some 3.80+ firmware bugs till better ways are found.
- [ALL] Added a polish translation thanks to Bolec
- [ALL] Fixed a memory leak in the text reader
- [ALL] reworked partially cpu clock functions. now they will be able to work as expected also 3.80 without setting first 333/166
before changing values.
- [ALL] various optimizations in the cpu clock functions
- [GAME] Added four new code types. They are all test codes, but they check two adresses for ==, !=, >, <.
This is their format:
0xDaaaaaaa 0xXbbbbbbb
0xnnnnnnnn 0x0000000Y
a = adress to the left operand of the test operation
b = adress to the right operand of the test operation
X = test operation to be executed: 4 for equal, 5 for not equal, 6 for less than, 7 for greather than
n = number of lines to skip if the test fails
Y = bits of the operation: 0 = 8bit, 1 = 16bit, 2 = 32bit
- [GAME] Added support to homebrew identification: an hash is done out of the launched eboot and an id is assigned from there in this format
HBxxxxxxxx. This will allow you to keep your homebrew codes separated in the database.
- [ALL] fixed a bug in the cheat deletion function in the select cheats menu which didn't copy correctly the various codelines of the cheat under
the deleted one, leaving codelines of the deleted cheat in place of the cheat under it.
- [ALL] the informations on the main menu about the memory stick total/available space was disabled for the 3.80+ firmwares
because of a bug in the firmware which could lead to freeze. This was done as a temporary solution till a workaround to this problem is found.
If, after opening the in game menu, the ms led stays blinking, don't do any file operation: reload/save db, save setting, search operations,
selecting a remapsp. If you need those go out from the menu and reopen it in a time while the ms led isn't blinking. This doesn't affect older
- [GAME] some little fixes
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February 8th, 2008, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
On March 19th two versions of Echochrome materialize in Japan. A physical UMD disc for the PSP costs 3,980 yen ($37) while the downloadable PlayStation 3 edition only costs 1800 yen ($17). Sony hasn’t announced any differences between the versions other than portability and if that is the sole difference I’ll stick to the more reasonable PlayStation Network download.
Take note that these prices are only for the Japanese release of Echochrome. Occasionally, Sony Computer Entertainment America alters prices for North America and when they do the resulting game is often cheaper. Piyotama, Go! Sports Ski, Jeanne D’Arc and Patapon are a few examples that come to mind.
Heres an update to the original post:
Yes, the PSP version of Echochrome costs twice as much, but there is reason for the extra cash. Walaber’s comment (thanks!) prompted immediate research and all of the answers are found over at Impress Watch. The PlayStation 3 version is actually Echochrome: Jokyoku or Echochrome: Prelude in English. For 1,800 yen ($17) you get a get a sample of Echochrome by tasting 50 puzzles. The 3,980 yen ($37) PSP version contains 100 puzzles and multiple modes including a variation where you have to avoid walking dark echoes. Fortunately, both versions come with canvas mode, which lets players create and upload puzzles on the PlayStation Network.
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February 8th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dridri85:

"My Audio Player" is as its name suggests an audio player. At the moment it only supports MPEG, but I intend to improve on this subject.
As the reader of the PSP, it lists the contents of two folders ms0: / MUSIC and ms0: / PSP / MUSIC.
As you can see, I managed to midrange graphics, it has two yen (those there). And I intend to make a ifhcier configuration to change their color.
HIGH and LOW: to move in the list mode
CROIX to read the selected file
ROUND to stop reading
START to Play / Pause
SELECT to change mode (mode reading list or ongoing)
CARRE to change graphics viewer
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February 8th, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Becus25:
PSP Mc is a PSP utility for change mac keys of xmb. It writes fake mac or also can write again real mac of your psp (before, it’ll dump your original mac keys).
Usefull for change the mac fast before of make a video that need show ‘System information’ menu and then restore it launching the app again.
All the proccess is automatically. The dump of your real mac keys will be done at ms0:\PSP\System with the name mc_config .
The fake mac is BE:BE:BE:BE:BE:BE .
The first time that you run the program, it'll make a backup of your real mac at \psp\system with the name mc_config and then it'll change your mac real to mac fake BE:BE... . The next time that you run the program it'll put the real mac and this all the times.
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February 9th, 2008, 14:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sconer:
This is an early beta, so you'll find that many words wont display! This glitch will be fixed in the next version!
Put the contents of the attached file into: PSP/COMMON/
Locate the following address in your browser: file:/PSP/COMMON/T9/T9.html
Change the background image by editing the bgIMG variable in the html file! PNG will be supported in the next version!
I don't have my PSP at the moment so this hasn't been tested 100%! Give feedback!
to do list (not in order):
full word list support (just need to fix a glitch)
auto capitalization for new sentences
load feature
save feature
custom words
boot text such as daily devotional, to be cited as an html tag
other stuff
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February 9th, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jumpr:
Even though there is no real use in it, it's neat to have your system information show a different firmware Normally you were required to HEX-edit the vshctrl.prx and reflash it, this had some danger (well, not with Pandora now, but heh ). But not anymore, it's all flashless now.
This is a small plugin that allows you to change the version number without any flashing (but in memory, instead), please note that this doesn't allow you to play any new games or use new features, it only changes the version number in system information.
-- Flashless Version Changer by JumpR
Coded by JumpR, tested on fat PSP by me, FmR and Kwastie.
Tested on Slim by Nick48, great thanks to him for providing me the Slim vshctrl memory dump and allowing me to port it
Very simple plugin to change the version number in 3.90 M33 System Information, enable the plugin and create a vchanger.txt in the root, which you fill with the version you want.
It doesn't need to be a numeric version, you can use anything you want, even complete words But the maximum it can go is 10 bytes, not any longer.
Only compatible with the firmware 3.90 M33, might add other firmwares later.
If you used version 1, there is no longer any need to space it upto 10 characters, it's all fine now
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February 9th, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
We'll be straight with you -- we aren't surprised one iota by this one. For those keeping tabs, Samsung's slate of Blu-ray players have been plagued with issues essentially from day one, and while it has released a flurry of firmware updates over the years in an attempt to mend a variety of incompatibility issues, even its recent BD-UP5000 hybrid player is being axed early on after giving owners all sorts of fits. Apparently, one particular buyer isn't taking things lying down, and has decided to file suit against the mega-corp alleging that it has sold "defective Blu-ray players" to consumers. According to the suit, Sammy was "fully aware of the defective nature of the player [BD-P1200, in particular] at the time of manufacture and sale," and it also claims that the firm has "failed to provide a remedy consistent with the products' intended and represented uses." More specifically, the verbiage picks on the units' inability to play back select BD titles, and while some fixes have indeed been doled out, we still get the feeling many consumers have been left dissatisfied. Needless to say, this outcome should be interesting.
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February 9th, 2008, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellin:
Quick Flasher is a simple application for Fat an Slims PSPs with custom firmware 3.71m33, 3.80m33 and 3.90m33.
This application gives you the possibility of keeping 6 themes in your memory stick and flash them wherever you want simply and confortably. Remember that this software touches files in flash0,
Instalation and Use
Before start, you have to know, for a correct operation of Quick Tuning Flasher, you have to had the files in flash0 NOT hided, for the correct acces to them.
You have to extract the content of the rar and copy the content to the flash0. After that, you have to execute
"Ejecutador.bat". Finally, the files are unhided, now you can delete the copied files.
Note: If you have 3.71 M33 or 3.80 M33 installed with "Despertar del Cementerio" of Dark_Alex, you don't need to follow this instructions, because the files aren't hided.
For instaling Quick Flasher extrack all the content of the .RAR archive and copie it in the folder MsRoot in the root of yous memory stick
Using Quick Flasher is very simple, use the direction pad or jostick and select one of the options by pressing the X buttom.
Note: The application will show a warning for15 seconds when it is started, you can pass this warning by pressing X
The files or themes for flashing in your Fat or Slim PSP should go inside the folder PSP/THEME/Xmb0x
Important: Before flashing any theme, be sure you have the required space in the flash
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February 9th, 2008, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Demon X:
This was intended for personal use when I was using uPSP, but since some want to run your own webserver instead of using Nametakens server then this application will be useful.
Not tested on Vista, I don't care if it works or not on that horrible OS.
Security Issues :
You need Port 443 open, Check your firewall/router.
No .htaccess is supplied, any "unsafe" content put htdocs folder should be protected with .htaccess (common sense)
Robots.txt included to prevent ALL search bots from seeing your content.
Installation :
1) Extract either the .rar/.zip into the folder you want the server in
2) run install.bat, wait for prompt to press 1
3) run server.exe
4) Browse to https://YOUR IP/upsp on your PSP.
Once Server.exe has started, you can minimize it and it will work fine.
To shut down the server - Close it, or goto the drop down menu and select Apache > Stop.
Please see this video for a more detailed tutorial :
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February 9th, 2008, 23:13 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Dark Alex has released a new version of the V1.5 Kernal addon to his M33 Custom Firmware for 3.90M33, heres whats new:
Instructions. Copy to /PSP/GAME and run.
- TA086: when being in 4th brightness level and recovering from sleep mode, the display was black. Fixed.
- Added support in the 1.50 kernel for memory sticks greater than 4 GB.
Before, only the first 4 GB portion was recognized by the 1.5 kernel.
Now, the theroetical limit is 4GB*512 = 2 Terabytes. ("only" 1 TB, if sony were using signed variables).
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February 9th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
As that April release date creeps ever closer the latest issue of GamesMaster has got a hands-on report of Grand Theft Auto IV - and it's still sounding fantastic.
"It's during a cab ride that we realise just how good the new GTA is," the mag says. "There's as much traffic as you'd expect. But you can see people actually driving their cars and hear what they're playing on their stereo as you drive past.
"Major changes have been made to the [vehicle] handling," GM continues. "So it's much more difficult to chuck a top-of-the-range motor around a right-angle by jamming on the handbrakes.
"It's much more realistic, making the faster cars and bikes more difficult to control and the difference between models more noticeable. It still felt fun but don't rely on that handbrake when cornering."
Car combat sounds like a much more enjoyable experience behind the pad, as well: "If you get a wheel shot out you'll be able to tell from your car's handling, but also by the thumpa-thump of the rubber flapping around the rim.
"Niko can lose health when your car takes a pounding but unlike in previous games, they won't always explode after being flipped onto their roof. Another nice touch is that Niko can now lob grenades out of the window if he's got a tail and you can lock onto targets, making shooting while driving and absolute pleasure."
Xbox 360 controls (the PS3 version is running "a week behind" according the mag preview) seem to be made up of the following:
A = Run
B = Push pedestrians/Car Camera
X = Jump/Grab ledge
RB = Cover
LB = Call Taxi
LT = Lock-on
RT = Shoot
Later on in the mag's 8-page blow out it reveals new and tantalising details on the ground combat as well, which sounds top-notch.
"In GTA IV, it's strongly implied that Niko's got some kind of military training, and the shooting's been rejigged to reflect this," GamesMaster says.
"Holding LT (left trigger) locks onto enemies - then you can push up or down on the right analogue stick to go for the head, hand, knee or groin shot. The reticule shows how much health your target's got left, too.
"Press RB and Nico will snap to any cover he's near," the preview continues. "Point the camera at another bit of cover and Nico will either run and slide or forwards-roll into it. Parked cars are one of the best places to do this, although of course there's always the chance they'll drive away and leave you without cover".
Games Master magazine frontpage scan here
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February 10th, 2008, 06:28 Posted By: DarthPaul
So we have support for Memory Sticks greater than 4gb on 3.90 M33 firmware now. But what about those who are in another firmware?
Dark_AleX released a patch that let's you use the 8gb Memory Stick in any other Custom Firmware. All you have to do is follow the instructions below and you are ready to go.
Warning: Make sure that you know what you are doing. You are dealing with the Flash0 manually, that means you can brick.
- Copy the patch(attached) to /kd folder
- Add the following line in all pspbtcnf*.txt file:
"/kd/mspatch.prx" after the line "/kd/msstor.prx".
Note: You need to install the 1.50 Kernel add-on before installing this patch to the firmware. And remember that you'll have folder km instead of kd in some firwares.
And that's it. Good luck. 
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February 10th, 2008, 10:43 Posted By: DarthPaul
Source: PSP-Generation
Ketchup just released an updated version of his Recovery plugin for Custom Firmwares, now with support for 3.90 M33.
* 100% functional 3.90 M33
* Add the option Hide PIC0 in Game PIC1 and in the Advanced menu
* Adding a menu Game
* Adding a game in the Game menu: a set of coded Tristyl teasing!
Now enjoy this nifty plugin as I always do. 
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February 10th, 2008, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
Wow todays sees an updated release for the PSP from Sleeper which basically allows you to play mobile java games on your PSP.
Heres the release details
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "pspkvm" and "pspkvm%" to GAME150 folder.
Start PSPKVM and select a .jar file in the Memory stick to run.
The defualt device is SE K800i, user can press Triangle to select another device, such as Nokia S60, Motolora Triplets, and etc.
Key mapping:
Up -> NUM2
Left -> NUM4
Right -> NUM6
Down -> NUM8
AnalogStick -> D-pad
Cross -> NUM0
Square -> NUM1
Triangle -> NUM3
Circle -> NUM5
L+Square -> NUM7
L+Triangle -> NUM9
SELECT -> L-Soft
START -> R-Soft
L+Circle -> SELECT
L -> *
R -> #
L+R+Cross -> Red-key(terminate current application)

Supported APIs:
a part of nokia UI
Proposed Supporting APIs:
nokia UI
Bugs & suggestions:
2008-02-09 20:19 v0.0.9
Support 3.XX kernel now, tested on my PSP-1000 3.71m33 & 3.90m33  .
Add fake functions for WMA2.0/1.1, many games that need WMA API will can be run now.
Add functions to "String Midlet.getAppProperty(String key)", can run "Cang Shen Lu(苍神录)" now.
Add functions for command bar.
Add a function to load the last selected device when restart, thanks to Shawn Winnie for suggesting it.
Add a new key "L+Cross -> CLEAR", thanks to Jörg Westphal for suggesting it.
Disable some unnecessary exceptions.
Fix a OutOfMemory bug.
Fix a bug when decode some images with transparent color, thanks to asenchai for reporting this.
Fix the bug when display some specific letters, thanks to SOUDAN Gael for reporting it.
Fix the bug that "SELECT" key don't respond sometimes, thanks to Anton Buckov for reporting it.
Download this awesome release via Comments and Give Your Feedback and let us know what games work on the PSP 
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February 10th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: darksoft
Hey Guys!
I updated Hexaxis XXI a couple weeks ago but didn't release it due to forgetfulness so here it is:
Rushed Video:
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February 10th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: kgsws˜™
Only little update of HW_UM Quake 1.1 by Juraj Styk.
what is new?
- AdHoc multiplayer
- Show ammo and health in fullscreen mode
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February 11th, 2008, 10:01 Posted By: DarthPaul
SofiyaCat just updated the famous application that let's you stream videos from great sites like YouTube, DailyMotion, Stage6, Veoh, and more, on your PSP.
- Optimizing On2VP6
- Environment for software development was renewed to up-to-date ones
- It corresponded to the specification modification of Dailymotion
- It could not correspond to the search specification modification of Veoh.It is in the midst of information collecting of search result acquisition.
- In addition, detailed modification
- Added new streaming source: YouKu
- Deleted one streaming source: Veoh
It seems that as for Veoh and Dailymotion recently specification of search changed, tried correspondence even with PSPTube, but regrettable it seems that cannot correspond Veoh for the present.
Note: The Changelog was translated from Japanese. My bad if you don't understand.
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February 11th, 2008, 11:16 Posted By: Baboon
The Sony PSP's Go!Explore software has been leaked to the public already.*
The full UMD (UK edition) isn't supposed to be out to purchase till Spring 2008 but people have got hold of an early version of the UMD (possibly a pre-release press version). 
According to various unscrupulous websites it's not a demo but the complete UMD inculding full maps for UK and Ireland. This UMD is confirmed working in the UK with the Sony PSP290 hardware (which has already been released in Japan).
Here's the official information from Sony for the new up and coming software/hardware:
Turn your PSP into a personal GPS Navigation System with Go!Explore.
As of early Spring 2008, PSP owners need never get lost again – thanks to a new addition to the Go! range called Go!Explore which puts 3D city mapping in users’ hands by turning PSP into a state-of-the-art personal GPS Navigation System. Just enter your destination and Go! Explore will do the rest for you.
Go!Explore consists of an attachable GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver and a UMD disc of the user’s chosen maps. At the touch of a button, users will be able to find their position on a map and work out the direction they need to take. Go!Explore works both on foot and in the car, offering a top-notch personal GPS Navigation System at a fraction of the cost of other systems on the market.
On foot, you’ll be able to plot your way through cities in 3D thanks to the fully modelled city maps contained on the UMD discs. Simply load the UDM disc, select your destination, and watch as the city’s landmarks and points of interest appear on-screen in 3D. You can download new maps and upgrades from PLAYSTATION Store (PC) – a resource that guarantees you’ll find those special locations wherever you’re travelling.
When you’re in the car, you’ll benefit from different display modes for day and night, meaning that you’ll always get the clearest view of where you’re going. And you won't need to worry about your battery life or where to put your PSP while driving thanks to the Car Adaptor and Car Mount accessories which will be bundled together in one package.
As well as the awesome power of PSP, Go!Explore uses the technology of two other market leaders: map data industry leader TeleAtlas and navigation software legends NavNGo.
“Go! Explore is a stunning addition to the Go! range,” said Stephane Hareau, PSP Senior Brand Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. “Who would have previously thought that PSP owners would be able to use PSP to navigate their way around an unfamiliar city? It’s an awesome product and another testament to the unrivalled potential of PSP.”
There will be three ways to buy Go!Explore for PSP:
GPS receiver and UMD disc (including maps of the relevant country)
GPS receiver, UMD disc (including maps), Car Adaptor and Car Mount
PSP, GPS receiver, UMD disc (including maps), Car Adaptor and Car Mount
Packs mapping the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg will initially be available, and Go!Explore will support 11 unique audio languages on every geographic version. Updates will be available from PLAYSTATION Store (PC) at store.playstation.com.
Go!Explore launches in Spring 2008
Source: The internet.
* Obviously dcemu does not condone the use of pirated material in any shape or form!
Remember kids - Piracy is bad. Mmmkay?
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February 11th, 2008, 13:16 Posted By: Triv1um
Via Play.tm
While Far Cry 2 is a wholly appropriate PlayStation 3 release, Ubisoft Montreal are finding development for Sony's platform something of a complex task.
"We were somewhat worried by some of the reported high complexity of developing for the PS3",admitted Technical Director Dominic Guay, "but the raw processing power is impressive".
Guay was speaking to PSM3 magazine.
The task of developing for the PS3 was initially daunting apparently, and compromises have been hinted, however the programmers are apparently "not scared" by the platform, with work on the new title progressing apace.
"One thing that we realized pretty quickly as we started R&D on PS3, was that the hardware architecture had a very nice fit with some of our technical design decisions. We were positively surprised by how efficient the SPUs (the Cell processing units) were to do such things as run our vegetation simulation, our animations or our physics systems. So while it did require quite a bit of R&D to understand how to use the system correctly, once we started having results we saw that it was a very capable console and that FC2 could run on it."
The Blu-ray drive not to mention the PS3's built-in hard disk also offer the developers various opportunities while Ubisoft Montreal do admit the PS3 release is unlikely to match top-end PCs.
More shortly.
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February 11th, 2008, 13:20 Posted By: Triv1um
Via Eurogamer
Capcom has temporarily pulled down the American PS3 demo for Lost Planet and shut down the multiplayer servers.
It has to address some "issues that have come to light", according to the US PlayStation blog, and a sparkly new version will available as soon as possible.
The error being reported is "not being able to connect to any multiplayer lobby", which tends to make playing with your friends online a little tricky.
Meanwhile, we are still waiting for Capcom Europe to announce its plans for our Lost Planet demo.
Pop over to our Lost Planet PS3 gamepage for more information.
---- So if you are from the US or have a US PSN account, and you thought you was the only one not able to get on. You Ain't the only one. ----
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February 11th, 2008, 13:24 Posted By: Triv1um
Via PSX Extreme
Some flight fans were confused to learn that the latest installment in the revered Ace Combat franchise wouldn't be coming to a Sony platform. Every single prior entry had, but Ace Combat 6 is only exclusive to the Xbox 360. Why, we're not entirely sure, but Namco may be rectifying the situation shortly.
According to something N4G noticed in PSM3 magazine's latest feature, "2008: Year of the PS3," it seems very possible that AC6 will be making it's way to the PlayStation 3 at some point in the near future. Here's what the article said-
"Japan's favourite dogfighting series returns with a new made-up war, a brace of superweapons, online co-op and a custom controller for the superfans."
Well, if 2008 is indeed the "year of the PS3," it would certainly help if Ace Combat 6 got added to the system's growing library of must-have titles. There's no official word on this, of course, but it does seem very likely that Namco would be interested in giving the PS3 a series made popular on its predecessors. We'll keep an eye on this and see what happens.
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February 11th, 2008, 13:29 Posted By: Triv1um
Via Video Gamer
Developer admits to "slight differences" but is "working really hard right now to put them on par graphics wise".
The PS3 version of hotly anticipated FPS Rainbow Six Vegas 2 will not be a port of the Xbox 360 version, its developer has said.
Speaking to VideoGamer.com in an interview you can see elsewhere on the site, Vegas 2 designer Philippe Therien, from Ubisoft Montreal, said that the team is "working really hard right now to put them on par graphics wise" but admitted that there will be "slight differences" between the two versions, including lighting.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, the follow-up to December 2006's Vegas, features an extended story, a new main character, new multiplayer maps, a sprint option and a CoD4-esque levelling-up system. The PS3 version of the first Vegas game didn't run as well as the Xbox 360 version, suffering from frame rate problems.
Speaking on potential differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, Therien said: "It's very important for us that the 360 and the PS3 version are the same. We're working really hard right now to put them on par graphics wise. As far as the gameplay goes it's going to be the entire same product."
However, when pressed on whether there will be any noticeable differences in graphics, he admitted to "slight differences", saying: "The two consoles don't handle everything in the same way. Lighting doesn't come out the same on both consoles. But other than those very slight variations they should be the same graphically."
Therien added: "They're (the PS3 and Xbox 360) very different. PS3 and Xbox 360, it's not the same at all. When we were working it's not like there's a 360 version and it's being ported on PS3, that doesn't really work. So what we did is we split the team in three, we got people working on Xbox, people playing PlayStation and people working on PC. These three teams are working together but in parallel to make sure everything gets to the same point. That's not to say that one console is better than the other, they're just different. We just want people to choose the platform of their choice to play Vegas the way we want them to."
Therien also confirmed that the development team had help from the Assassin's Creed team with Rainbow Six Vegas 2's graphics. He said: "The guys who worked on Assassin's helped us out with presentation." Knowledgeable gamers will know, of course, that both Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Assassin's Creed were developed by Ubisoft Montreal.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is due for release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on March 21
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February 11th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Netflix has announced that it will be phasing out HD-DVD movies in favour of Sony's Blu-ray format, stating that the movie industry has already chosen a winner in the battle of hi-definition formats.
Movies on HD-DVD, developed by Toshiba, will be dropped from the online rental service by the end of the year, with the company stating the format war has been damaging to consumers.
"The prolonged period of competition between two formats has prevented clear communication to the consumer regarding the richness of the high-def experience versus standard definition," commented chief content officer Ted Sarandos.
"We're now at the point where the industry can pursue the migration to a single format, bring clarity to the consumer and accelerate the adoption of high-def.
"Going forward, we expect that all of the studios will publish in the Blu-ray format and that the price points of high-def DVD players will come down significantly. These factors could well lead to another decade of disc-based movie watching as the consumer's preferred means," he said.
Microsoft backed Toshiba's HD-DVD format for the Xbox 360, launching a movie playing peripheral, but the company has never released uptake figures and has slashed the price of the device on a number of occasions since launch.
Sony's PlayStation 3 is built around the Blu-ray format, with the company clearly stating that Blu-ray would be the key differentiator between the two home consoles.
Netflix claims to be the world's largest movie rental business with more than seven million subscribers accessing over 90,000 titles. It currently stocks around 400 Blu-ray movies.
"From the Netflix perspective, focusing on one format will enable us to create the best experience for subscribers who want high- definition to be an important part of how they enjoy our service," added Sarandos.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and Buena Vista Home Entertainment all endorse the Blu-ray format.
Paramount Home Entertainment and Universal Studios Home Entertainment have backed HD-DVD.
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February 11th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's complex PS3 hardware is a 'nice fit' for Ubisoft's ambitious Far Cry 2 - but developers Ubisoft Montreal admit that compromises have been made. "We were somewhat worried by some of the reported high complexity of developing for the PS3", reveals Tech Director Dominic Guay, "but the raw processing power is impressive".
After a slew of delays, and some unfavourable comparisons between 'identical' Xbox 360 and PS3 ports, it seems developers are finally getting to grips with Sony's machine. "We made sure we had a group of programmers that were not scared by complexity and had a large console programming experience to work on the initial PS3 R&D of Dunia (Far Cry 2's graphics engine). At that point, we didn't know what to expect."
"One thing that we realized pretty quickly as we started R&D on PS3, was that the hardware architecture had a very nice fit with some of our technical design decisions. We were positively surprised by how efficient the SPUs (the Cell processing units) were to do such things as run our vegetation simulation, our animations or our physics systems. So while it did require quite a bit of R&D to understand how to use the system correctly, once we started having results we saw that it was a very capable console and that FC2 could run on it."
Tech Director Guay is also impressed by the potential of Blu-ray and PS3's hard drive for streaming games in real-time. "The hard drive and Blu-ray are making our life easy considering FC2 is an open world continuously streamed around the player. That streaming bandwidth and disk space is very appreciated. So, in terms of AI, game structure, physics, dynamic time of day, open world gameplay, dynamic weather system, destructible vegetation, all of those things where we had really pushed the envelope technically, they run well on PS3."
The PS3 version, unsurprisingly, won't match top spec PCs. "However, the notable area where we had to make some tradeoffs is in some assets resolution which had to be brought down from the higher end PC configurations due to memory size difference. However, the good new is that since PS3 players are not outputting over the top resolutions like high end PC users, this is not a big deal. It's somewhat proportional to our video resolution output."
To read more about Far Cry 2, including an exclusive Q&A with Creative Director Clint Hocking, check out PSM3#98, on-sale 14th February in all major UK newsagents.
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February 11th, 2008, 16:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has temporarily pulled down the American PS3 demo for Lost Planet and shut down the multiplayer servers.
It has to address some "issues that have come to light", according to the US PlayStation blog, and a sparkly new version will available as soon as possible.
The error being reported is "not being able to connect to any multiplayer lobby", which tends to make playing with your friends online a little tricky.
Meanwhile, we are still waiting for Capcom Europe to announce its plans for our Lost Planet demo.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released this week
Across The Universe US US$ 38.96
Brave One US US$ 35.99
Breaker Morant US US$ 29.98
Crimson Tide US US$ 29.99
Fantastic Four Blu-ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 85.90
Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer JPN US$ 46.90
Jane Austen Book Club US US$ 38.96
No Reservations (~Catherine Zeta-jones, Aaron Eckhart, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Ocean's Twelve (~George Clooney, Brad Pitt, ...) JPN US$ 37.90
Protege (~Andy Lau Tak Wah, Louie Koo Tin Lok, ...) HK US$ 31.90
Wall Street US US$ 39.98
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February 11th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has popped two new PSP demos onto its American PC Store.
The first is for Puzzle Guzzle, which has you making diagonal shapes on a square board while an opponent tries to make your life more difficult; "your brain tears the box to shreds" apparently, and that sounds like super powers.
The other is a sampler for Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, a game based on the US cartoon where superheroes and characters from 1960s Hanna-Barbera shows tackle court cases.
However, early reviews suggest this is a bit rubbish, and Capcom has no plans for it to appear here anyway. We'll let you know soon.
You will need to trick the PC Store and pretend you live in the USA to download these demos. Do this by selecting "United States" as the place you live in, or delete your cookies and try again if you have already committed to The Truth.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Twisted Metal®: Head-On explodes to the PlayStation®2 with an Extra Twisted Edition featuring added gameplay and bonus content for true fans of the franchise. In addition to technical advancements and an exclusive bonus level for the original Twisted Metal®: Head-On (available on the PSP® system), the PS2 version includes "The Black Levels", 4 never before played levels from the Twisted Metal®: Black universe. Finally, explore a new twist in bonus content – control the most popular Twisted Metal character, SWEET TOOTH, in an special interactive level filled with behind the scenes content and historic factoids direct from the development team.
Experience the chaotic thrill of car-combat and get behind the wheel and outlast your opponents in an all-out melee of vehicular destruction. Jump into a variety of vehicles armed with heavy machine guns, turbo boost and each with a unique devastating specialty attack to unleash mayhem in wide-open arenas based on locations across the globe. Collect an arsenal of weaponry like homing missiles, fire rockets and napalm to deliver explosive attacks on your opponents' vehicle. Utilize advanced combo moves such as rear fire, freeze missiles & FLAK to confuse & disable the competition.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New vehicles, weapons and stunts make for one of the most action-heavy games to come to PSP™ system.
New Multiplayer mode makes pick-up and play even more fun.
Featuring epic boss missions with more action and outrageous boss vehicles than ever seen before.
12 vehicle types available throughout the game including classics that have been enhanced like helicopters, cars, jet skis, trucks, buses, bike and sidecar, and speed boats as well as new vehicles including hovercrafts.
More than 30 types of weapons at the player’s disposal including handguns, shotguns, machine guns, and some heavy artillery.
Five notorious gangs to bring to justice, each in their own distinct section of Capital City.
More over-the-top than its predecessor, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will have players taking the role of a commander who is the highest ranking operational officer as well as four new playable characters, all of whom are responsible for tracking down and bringing to justice five hardcore street gangs in and around Capital City. As a member of a special police unit known as the Pursuit Force, this time around players will engage in high-speed action to traverse land, air and sea in their continued battle to rid the city of crime which includes three new gangs.
Featuring more than 50 criminal cases set among seven distinct environments, players will have access to 12 different vehicle types which include hovercrafts and boss vehicles that are each unique and specifically designed for boss encounter missions. Extreme Justice also offers an expanded weapons arsenal to assist players in the pursuit of justice.
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will also introduce multiplayer capabilities to the franchise with up to four players in Ad Hoc mode.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Compete online head-to-head games, or enter your own American Idol tournament online with multiplayer support for up to 8 players
Download new characters, outfits, and expand your karaoke library of music with downloadable songs
Multiple offline & online game modes: Quickplay, American Idol, Battle, Practice
40 all-new hit songs from classic hits to recent chart-topping hits including music featured on the show
New motion capture animation and high resolution character models of Simon, Paula & Randy, and deeper interaction among judges (arguing, interrupting, etc)
Rock out on various stages and all-new settings each with new dynamic lighting and special effects
New un-lockable video content from the American Idol TV series
New crowd system with expanded functionality
Improved quality of camera angles for a more accurate recreation of the actual show
Step into the spotlight and become and idol. Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore delivers the most realistic recreation of the American Idol experience with an all-new next generation game engine and 40 smash hits from the 70's, 80's, and 90's and today. Grab the mics and challenge your friends to find out who will be the next superstar and face the music as Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson critique your performances. Millions share the dream. Now you can live it!
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February 11th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

From the producer of the original Devil May Cry® and Resident Evil® 4
High-definition visuals moving at 60 frames per second
Blend of familiar and new: newcomer Nero clashes with veteran Dante
New characters and environments
Signature blend of guns and swordplay
Deep combo system rewards stylish dispatching of enemies
Unique "Devil Bringer" arm opens up a range of combo options
Distinct set of weaponry and moves for Nero and Dante
Exceed System allows Nero to charge up his sword with a throttle effect, revving up to three levels with powerful attack options
New active style change system for Dante allows him to switch styles and weapons on the fly, producing crazy combo possibilities
Devil May Cry® 4 immerses gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with a familiar hero. As the new leading man, Nero, players will unleash incredible attacks and non-stop combos using a unique new gameplay mechanic, his powerful "Devil Bringer" arm. Dynamic action and undeniable style combine with explosive fighting options and a gripping story to produce the incomparable experience that only a Devil May Cry game can deliver.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

From the beloved best-selling series of books and upcoming film adaptation, comes The Spiderwick Chronicles, a fantasy adventure for children and adults alike. Like the movie, the game recreates the adventures of Jared, Simon, Mallory and the mysterious book that offers them entrance into the unseen universe of faeries, goblins, pixies, elves, ogres and other extraordinary and enchanted creatures who have lived among people for centuries but are invisible to the human eye.
Players can take the role of all three Grace siblings, each with unique abilities, along with Thimbletack the Brownie, whose small size allows players to discover the inner passages of the enchanted Spiderwick home. Featuring several areas from the film to explore, gamers must solve quests by engaging in kid-friendly combat, while capturing and cataloging all the creatures they find along the way
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February 11th, 2008, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power, players will assume the role of Nobunaga, or of a rival warlord, in their quest to unite Japan under one rule. Packed with 7 dramatic scenarios - from the 1551 Struggle for Power to the events following Nobunaga's death in 1582, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power lets players embark on their quest from more than 300 different starting points.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

More than 80 levels with 5-6 different environments
10 Downloadable levels in a new Paradise environment
3 Modes to choose from – Adventure, Free Play, and Survival modes
Over 8 types of tools available – from destructive items like Bombs, Harpoons and Fishing Nets, to more unique tools like Fans and Freezers
A giant cyclone has sucked up thousands of fish from the oceans! It’s an ecological disaster! Tanks of water are immediately assembled throughout the world, so that all the fish can be returned to the oceans. As the sea creatures start falling back to Earth, someone must make sure they land safely and quickly since they cannot survive for long out of water!
Your goal in Downstream Panic! Is very simple: you have to safely lead as many fish as possible to the sea. Use various tools to control the flow of water and rescue the fish swimming in it.
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February 11th, 2008, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Now you can use a standard PSP® battery on your PSP® Slim. Enjoy up to 100%* more battery life using standard batteries. Styled to match silver, piano black and white PSP® Slim. Each pack contains 3 covers - one for each colour so you can mix and match or share with your friends.
*Based on 2200mAh battery
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February 11th, 2008, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Lasiaf:
This plugin will make your power led blink when your battery is 15% and below
I included the readme for installation and controls
I use it for my own
I just wanna share it, some people might find it useful.
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via lasiaf
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February 11th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TRStealthX :
It sucks when a PSP is stolen, it really does. Well, it won't suck as bad once you have DZ's PSAFE installed. When installed and configured properly, your PSP will know exactly when it's not on your computer, or at your house. So if it ever gets stolen, it'll send you an e-Mail along with the thief's IP address so you can call local authorities, or hack the living crap out of the thief's computer - whichever one your prefer. Of course we don't encourage illegal hacking, but you know, if someone stole something of mine...never mind.
Just download PSAFE below, and keep yourself protected! You never know when you'll need it. More information included in the README file.
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via TRStealthX
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February 11th, 2008, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Waywardson:

hello everyone.. iv decided to release a demo version of a game iv been working on to get some feedback on how its comming along...so leave feedback ok
the games name is ashura the hedgehog and in this demo release you will be able to play two levels
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February 11th, 2008, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Littlevish:
Galaxy 2 is here!
Overview of Portal Content and Features
11 Flash Games
8 Applications
11 Flash Videos
Useful Links
Ability to load your own flash games and apps directly into the portal
Multi-tasking ability (run more than one thing at once)
Standard File Browser
Brand new "PSP Stumblr" app, which sends you to a random website in Galaxy's database.
Email app, which allows you to send an email to anybody in the world
Many more great features!
Easy Installer for Windows [EXE, 8.6 MB]
Easy Installer for Mac [DMG, 9 MB]
Archive [ZIP, 8.6 MB]
Online Version*
*The online version does not display the font-size correctly on a PC. Don't judge the portal just by looking at it on your PC. Also, some things will obviously be slower on the online version.
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February 11th, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sonypspplayer:
That's my Coverflow application written in lua.
Your Music goes to mp3 folder and album art goes to the cover folder.
The mp3 and the png have to have the same name (eg. song.mp3-song.png) and the png has to be either 32*32 or 64*64.
If it is bigger, the application will be slow and if it is smaller it isn't very funny to look at the image.
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February 11th, 2008, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jfig111:
[Moovlin RPG Episode 1#]
[Moovlin RPG Episode 1# Source Code]
This is a flash based RPG game I made for PSP, I plan on porting it to Lua, if anyone wishes to help me, just pm.
This is also open source, it was made in an open source flash editor as well, http://liveswifers.org
The reason I posted it here is because I mainly want to port this to LUA, and discussion of the port will be talk about here.
X button: Jump, Fire Laser
Left and Right: Move left and right
Up: Use current attack
Analog stick: Move in Forest
I'll get some pictures up as well, but if you are on your PSP, you can try it. As well as if you are on your computer.
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via jfig111
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February 11th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dan369:
hello everyone and welcome to the second release off something by dan369, but this time i've had some help from a mate adas123!!!
this is a beta mod of the lua homebrew game Tales of symphonia
whiich now has an eboot!!!
added more moves for the player
added better ai
added more moves to the ai
added menu image
and finally has a plot!! made by me!! ( not the whole plot but a bit)
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February 11th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sonypspplayer:

Hello everyone,
I've made a very stylish Lowser replacement with the iphone clownfishes background.
You can have a maximum of 15 apps because the psp's screen isn't big enough, but that limit may be removed in future versions if i add scrolling.
You can start your application by pressing the button "cross".
You can start your last launched application by pressing the button "right".
You can adjust CPU speed by pressing L/R.
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February 11th, 2008, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Game Factory has announced it's bringing a PSP game based on the French animated TV series Code Lyoko to US gamers. A game has already been released for DS but this'll be the first for the PSP.
If you've never seen it, the cartoon series stars a group of five boarding school students – Aelita, Jeremie, Odd, Ulrich and Yumi – who end up inside a supercomputer they find in an abandoned factory. In it they fight an evil digital entity called X.A.N.A. The series ran for four seasons on TV and this game is based around a new story linked to the events in its fourth and final season.
So the game's 43 levels are packed with action across various areas, including the Ice, Mountain and Volcano Sectors. You should also expect space shooting levels and boss fights.
Described as an action adventure, the game features fights with all sorts of creatures and puzzles standing between the lead characters and hunting down X.A.N.A. As well as exploring the digital sea and fighting enemies aboard the Skid, you can use the Lyoko Warrior's new vehicle, created by Jeremy.
Exclusive to the PSP version of the game is a new wireless trading system.
Unfortunately there aren't any screenshots of the game available yet – instead developer Neko Entertainment has released some concept art from the game. But as it's scheduled for release in North America in June (a European release is currently not on the cards), we should have more on it as that date gets closer.
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February 11th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
BluezPS on Flickr has designed what must be one of the sweetest looking Designs for the PSP yet.
Heres the screen:

Digg This
How awesome is that 
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February 11th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
via psphacks
Due to a button configuration conflict with other 3rd party plugins, and that resulting in several requests asking to correct the problem, brk3 has issued a new version of LED Control. All that’s changed is the button combination; now press LEFT Trigger + Volume Down to toggle the PSP LEDs — wifi, power, and memory stick.
FAQ (before you ask) –
Q: This already exists in IRShell!?
A: Yes IRShell is the reason I programmed this, as (if you read above!) I liked this functionality. When 3.90M33 was released IRShell wasn’t compatible, so I missed this feature. IRShell has since being hacked to run on 3.90M33 but it is still nice to have this functionality in the normal XMB.
Q: Can you change the LED’s to <insert color>?
A: No.
Q: Can you make it compatible with <insert firmware>?
A: It should be compatible with all custom firmwares. If you are certain you are not making some stupid mistake, please email me you’re current configuration and I’ll do my best to see what the problem is.
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February 11th, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: F9zDark
From: http://n4g.com/tech/NewsCom-109951.aspx
TheGamersThought.com has reported that Universal Studios will no longer support HD DVD exclusively as per EGM's March 2008 issue. Picture of the story covered in EGM's magazine has been scanned by TheGamersThought.com
Full Article available here: http://www.thegamersthought.com/ (Second article, after the Netflix Going Blu Article)
Looks like this format war will be over sooner than we all thought... That leaves 1 major studio backing HD-DVD...
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February 12th, 2008, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
Best Buy, the largest US consumer electronics chain, said it will recommend that consumers choose the Sony high-definition video format and will feature Blu-ray hardware and software promotions in all its stores.
"Because we believe that Blu-ray is fast emerging as that single format, we have decided to focus on Blu-ray products," Brian Dunn, Best Buy's president and chief operating officer, said in a statement.
Netflix, which is the country's largest online DVD rental service said it will stock high-def movies exclusively in Blu-ray.
Netflix has been stocking high-definition movies in both formats since early 2006, but said in a statement that all of its new high-definition movie purchases will be Blu-ray and that it will phase out HD DVD discs by the end of the year.
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February 12th, 2008, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from SG57:
Rather then do numerous physics problems that try to engrain the same thing into my mind tonight, I thought making a quick fun little game that demonstrates what were currently doing to be a bit more beneficial in the long run. Nothing insanely complicated or intricate so don't expect that (before I get a bashing).
Well, your a square with an elastic extension jutting out of you (O.o) connected to a smaller square (your weapon of choice). Object of hte game is to flail that sucker around to send the other red squares that are out to get you to flying. (it's pretty addictive hitting them all and watching them sail off the screen).
Credit goes to OSlib for the graphics and input. Various sources elsewhere for a few formulas I wasn't %100 on at the time. Oh and a tiny easter egg is in there, not much but hey something to shoot for when playing should you like those kinda things
I dunno where else to go with this. I guess I could add sounds, power ups, levels, bgm/mp3 playback. I don't have any intention to at the time however, unless wanted I suppose. One thing that's very possible is adding a config file to edit the physics on the fly (should make for interesting mods O.o (band strength, number of enemies, colors, shapes, speed, etc.))
I suppose I could upload a few screens, but they wouldn't do it justice IMO.
Select to cycle through bg effects (one of them turns them off if you dont like them).
Start is pause.
R and L triggers will make subtle changes to the background effects (yet those small changes result in a big graphical difference ^^).
Analog / D-Pad - move your guy
(I'll still have to do the numerous problems... public school educational system ftl .....)
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February 12th, 2008, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Dragula96:
based off of the old Conway's Game of Life,
only with metroids
metroids live and die based on these simple rules:
--Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
--Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
--Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
--Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to life.
the eboot is not custom and shows lua player 20 :P, this should work on all custom firmwares, but was tested using a slim on 3.90 m33.
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February 12th, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Video Encoder for the PSP:
On this week will don`t add new functions. Just bug hunting.
List of fixes will be updated, if found more bugs.
Crash if open some files. Resolutions bug.
One more open crash fixed - thanks to Haruyuki.
XviD4PSP 5.029 update
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February 12th, 2008, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
PCSX2 the PS2 emulator for Windows has seen a new beta release. heres whats new:
Fix for other DMC1 version (see forum dwellers, i told you 302 would fix it Tongue)
Including fixes from 277-301:
Fix for neopets/tenchu problems introduced recently
GT4 crashes might be reduced now when using ZeroGS (GSDX will still crash)
Some aging rec bugs have been fixed, not sure what games it effects
Few counter changes effecting DMC1 and Mojo Ribbon, possibly others.
Fixed a small bug in Tokyo road race
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February 12th, 2008, 19:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer that Riff: Everyday Shooter will be released on the European PlayStation 3 Store this Thursday.
The publisher told us that you will have to pay GBP 4.99 for the pleasure of its jangly company, compared to USD 9.99 in Americaland.
Everyday Shooter is an "album" of distinctive musical shoot-'em-ups built around the same underlying two-stick movement mechanics.
It was developed by a chap called Jonathan Mak, who drew inspiration from the likes of Kenta Cho, Kanta Matsuhisa and Tetsuya Mizuguchi according to its self-deprecating release notes.
We go over some of that and why Everyday Shooter is one of the best things on PSN in our Riff: Everyday Shooter review elsewhere on the site.
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February 12th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Factor 5 boss Julian Eggebrecht has said he was surprised by the negative reaction to Lair from the hardcore audience.
However, he realises the control system turned a lot of you away, despite - he feels - there being a really good game underneath it all.
"What's disappointing to me is that almost every single person in and outside of the industry who is little bit more of a hardcore gamer had a huge problem with it, and we, quite frankly, didn't anticipate that," Julian Eggebrecht told IGN.
"I hope that a lot of people realise that underlying the problem they had with the base control was a really good game. At least, that's what I think. Well, what else would I say?"
But it seems the Rogue Squadron developer is not finished with the dragon fighting game just yet, as Eggebrecht suggested he was working on a way to win back the hearts of the PS3 crowd.
"We might have a chance yet to bring those [gamers] back to the table and, hopefully, if that should happen, they would give the game a second chance," continued Eggebrecht.
"Nevertheless, we definitely took a long look at the results and learned a couple of lessons. If you're on a platform where this whole motion control is something new and not being pitched as the main feature of the platform, you should probably give the choice between having different control schemes. There is absolutely no doubt about it."
Keep your eyes out for a patch or perhaps an expansion in the near future, then.
Lair is an action game where you fly around on a dragon and kill other dragons and fly around some more and kill more dragons. Sounds tedious, and it was.
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February 12th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and they ship WORLDWIDE

Devil May Cry?4 immerses gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with a familiar hero. As the new leading man, Nero, players will unleash incredible attacks and non-stop combos using a unique new gameplay mechanic, his powerful "Devil Bringer" arm. Dynamic action and undeniable style combine with explosive fighting options and a gripping story to produce the incomparable experience that only a Devil May Cry game can deliver.
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February 12th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and they ship WORLDWIDE

Turok is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark, mysterious planet in the future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a former black ops commando, now part of an elite special forces squad, known as Whiskey Company, which is on a mission to take down a war criminal ?Turok’s former mentor, Roland Kane. While Whiskey Company is traveling to the genetically altered planet inhabited by Kane and his soldiers, their ship is shot down. Turok must use his elite military training to elude Kane’s well-trained army, known as Mendel-Gruman, and the ravenous, unpredictable dinosaurs, huge insects and other massive creatures that populate the dangerous environment. Turok’s mission? Survive at all costs.
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February 12th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and they ship WORLDWIDE

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 lets players develop the WWE Superstars of today into the Legends of tomorrow. The No. 1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers more depth and strategy with prominent new features, key annual enhancements and incredible graphics while making its much-anticipated debut on three new video game systems. It’s time to live the life of a Superstar. How will you play?
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February 12th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has told Eurogamer it's aiming for a late March release for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, with an exact date and price are still to be confirmed
The news comes on the heels of fresh speculation from a "release schedule" that apparently listed the game as coming out on 28th March, priced at GBP 24.99.
Sony has previously said GT5 Prologue will be out in the US on 17th April. However European plans are still being worked out.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue is a fully-fleshed out taster of what to expect when Gran Turismo 5 finally makes its way into shops.
In the garage are 60 gorgeously realised cars you can race around tracks from all over the world, taking on up to 15 of your friends. Quite a lot of friends that, might need to use strangers.
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February 12th, 2008, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The imminent threat of piracy is growing increasingly close for PS3, as hackers find a way to run retail game code from hard drives.
Piracy has been rife on PSP since hackers found a way of running game UMD data from a memory stick without the need to physically modify the PSP itself.
Now the same threat looms over PS3, hackers have found a way to run game code from internal and external USB hard drives.
Their discovery is only on for Test PS3 consoles (a developer version of the console), so they've not cracked retail machines just yet, but this will apparently allow them to study how game data is handled, which could lead to further developments.
Sony will, meanwhile, no doubt be working on locking down PS3 with firmware updates. Plus, 25GB game downloads will no doubt act as a deterrent to pirates.
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February 12th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

A replacement original faceplate for your PSP Slim and Lite.
- Smart, Stylish design
- Easy to install, easy to use
- High Quality finish reflects everything in VIVID DETAIL
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February 12th, 2008, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster

Blu-ray duplication systems have been on the block for a good while now, but apparently, Aleratec's flavor does something that none of the other cool kids can even dream of: it supports LightScribe. The 1:3 Copy Cruiser Blu LS houses a trio of LightScribe-enabled SATA Blu-ray burners that can toast BD-Rs at 6x as well as vanilla DVDs and CDs at much higher speeds. You'll even find a built-in eSATA connector and a dual channel eSATA host adapter bundled in for those who need one. Here's the rough part -- this critter will set you back a staggering $3,199, so you best be making some serious coin on whatever you're duplicating for this to be even close to a sound investment.
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February 12th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Having upset the Church of England with its depiction of Manchester Cathedral in Resistance: Fall of Man, Insomniac Games has said that Resistance 2 will see it getting right back on the cross [surely "horse" - Ed].
"We've actually made it a big focus to include more churches and now synagogues and mosques in Resistance 2," Price told our sister site GamesIndustry.biz in an interview.
We suspect he may have been joking. According to gi.biz, "Price later remarked that he is an Episcopalian and considers the Church of England the 'mother ship'." Just don't say anything about Sharia Law, Ted. It will end in tears.
Resistance: Fall of Man was a PS3 first-person shooter about fighting monsters in places like London and Manchester. The sequel follows on from the first game [let's have more of this kind of piercing insight - Ed], and also aims to build on its solid 40-player online modes with support for up to 60.
It's due out in autumn 2008.
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February 13th, 2008, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Not sure how i missed this but Dark Alex has released a patch so that those with 8 GB cards can use them with popsloader the PSX emu for PSP.
"I haven't been able to reproduce the problem in my 8GB card, but anyways i think the reason is literally that the memory stick was not ready in the time plugins are loading, althoug the memory stick modules are loaded, but they require some time to initialize as they are executing code in other thread. The code in 3.80-3.90 of plugins loading is same, it was probably the change of sony ms driver what altered timings, etc."
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February 13th, 2008, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
via tehskeen
Eugene Plotnikov has updated his SMS (Simple Media System) multimedia playing application for the Sony PS2. Using this program you can view multimedia files including DIVX, AVI, XVID, MPEG, MP3, etc ... on your Sony Playstation 2 video gaming console.
What's New?
* added support for raw .aac files (ADTS only). Thanks to 'hip203' for the sample files
* added support for AAC audio in .avi files (codec ID 0x000000FF). Thanks to 'hip203' and 'MrJiggles' for the sample clips
* updated SMS image generator. Added possibility to embed custom palette into generated image, so SMS palette can be managed by background image
* updated USB mass storage driver in attempt to raise data transfer speed. For my USB flash memory stick there's improvement from ~500KB/s to ~700KB/s. This is quite experimental stuff, so if this won't work then there's a possibility to load "old" version from 'mc:/SMS' folder same way as for 'USBD.IRX' described above. Driver name must be 'USBM.IRX', however . Note, that keeping filesystem on the USB device defragmented also improves performance !!!
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February 13th, 2008, 07:47 Posted By: dragula96

relase notes for v0.02
0.02 2/12/2008 changes
- fixed a bug where the last colum was not calculating correctly
- added animation to metroids
- added space background
- added pause feature(to check out interesting patterns)
- added cycle speed up and cycle speed down with L and R buttons
- select now ends/resets the program
-start now pauses program
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February 13th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Finally the PS2 gets some homebrew loving 
Lukasz has ported Doom to the PS2, heres the details:
Doom by id Software seems to available for every platform known to man, except for the PlayStation 2. So I wondered how long it would take to port it over to PS2 and the answer to that question turned out to be less than 3 hours. Using the PS2 port of SDL, gsKit (SDL requires it for video) and PS2SDK, all available from PS2dev.org Subversion repository and a SDL port of Doom available here, I managed to get a very basic (read: hackish) port of Doom running on the PS2 without much effort.
I’ve only tested the port over PS2Link and it will most likely not run from a CD-R. There is no sound, however there is support for sound in PS2 SDL, but does not appear to work with Doom and I havn’t investigated the cause. Saving and loading of games works, as they just save to host/PC. The Dualshock controls are as follow (USB keyboard and mouse are untested)
Left Analog Stick : MoveCross : EnterSquare/R1 : CTRL / FireCircle/R2 : Space / Open doorsTriangle : EscapeL1 : xL2 : yL1 and L2 are for entering savegame namesI will not continue to work on this port, it was just a quick nostalgic proof of concept port :-)
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February 13th, 2008, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya:
I'm here to release LightMP3 Version 2.0.0 ALPHA.
It's unfinished (it's an ALPHA version, no?), I release it only for testing purpose.
As you can see LightMP3 now has graphics (I used OSLib)!
It's skinnable (have a look at the skins directory, should be easy to understand), I'll make a document to explain how to make you own skin.
You can change element's position on screen, images, fonts and font's color.
It's multilingual (have a look at the languages directory, should be easy to understand too).
Media Library is still missing, but tracks' data are saved in a SQLite database. If you want to check the data you can use some SQLite client and open the file mediaLibrary.db
A free client is SQLite Expert Personal: http://www.sqliteexpert.com/download.html
Track's data are added to the database when you listen to it (but there'll be a function to scan the whole MS).
With Media Library you'll be able to browse tracks by Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Rating and make some search.
Battery lifetime seems the same as the "classic" version (if you activate "Economy mode" with START while listening to a track).
To rate your music keep pressed X and use UP/DOWN on the DPAD.
Known bugs:
1.FLAC playback is broken (the app crash)
2.Suspend doesen't work (the app crash)
3.libMAD playback is almost useless (for now) because isn't streamed/buffered and the free memory is only 10Mb)
4.USB connection doesen't work
5.Help screens are missing
You can download it here:
http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=fileview&file_id= 939
Any bugreport, comment or suggestion is welcome.
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February 13th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
HI all,
Sorry about the errors on the System Player 101 for slim and phat,
The LuaPlayer was not good. So i have made my own that will work on both 1.50 kernel and 3.xx kernel.
There are some known issus with the 3.xx kernel like the USB functions will not work.
I am still working on them and hopefuly will have a fix on the next release
Just copy the EBOOT.PBP to the System Player 101 folder in Game Not GAME150 or GAME3.xx
Have Fun
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via homemister
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February 13th, 2008, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TRStealthX:
With over 200 users in less then 24 hours it would be a mistake not to upgrade PSAFE. PSAFE v2 touches up on the stuff that v1 needed. It adds a couple of bug fixes, hides the setup files, and fixes the email problems it was having. The README file will guide you through everything you need to know, including what's coming up from PSAFE. As always, thanks for downloading.
Please note that I tried to explain as much as possible about the next 2 FINAL versions of PSAFE in the README file. So if you are confused or you have opinions for the next 2 versions - download and read the README
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via TRStealthX:
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February 13th, 2008, 19:54 Posted By: wraggster
If you're anything like us and misspent many a happy hour frantically slotting pieces of adjoining pipe into place before a load of sewerage came seeping out the end, you'll be thrilled by today's announcement from publisher Empire that it's remaking classic Amiga game Pipe Mania.
The original Pipe Mania was first released in 1989 and later ported to a range of formats including Atari ST, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Game Boy and NES.
The game queues up differently shaped bits of pipe for you to slot together from a start to a finish point. Each level requires the use of a minimum pieces of pipe and, once a clock has counted down, sludge starts to trickle through the pipes making connecting them up ever more fraught. It's a simple concept but one that's stood the test of time and has produced plenty of clones over the years.
Speaking to MCV, Empire Interactive CEO Ian Higgins said: "We are very excited to be bringing back Pipe Mania. Releasing this popular puzzle title across all formats will give gamers of all ages the opportunity to enjoy this exciting puzzle sensation."
The new version will remain similar to the original but includes new game modes, characters, themes and play mechanics and, as Higgins discloses, it'll be released on all formats later this year.
An Empire spokesperson has since confirmed to us that this includes DS and PSP. Which we're happy about because Pipe Mania is perfect handheld fodder.
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February 13th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager & More for the PSP
Heres Whats New:
- mutes sound while CPU is busy.
- added a feature to create a directory in copy screen.
- added a feature to access RAR archive file. (read-only) .
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February 13th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Sleepper posted this news:
pspME and PSPKVM merged
After a fully discussion today with M@x, the author of pspME, the two projects, PSPKVM and pspME, will be merged, and keep the name as PSPKVM. After a quickly release with sound support in the next days, PSPKVM will discard some old code to base on phoneME feature. We will try to offering a better JavaME VM on PSP.
Sounds awesome 
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February 13th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from JasonUK:
Here's version 2.0
Check the readme.txt for full instructions if you havent used this before.
1.9 --> 2.0
- Working KL4E decompression in 3.80/3.90
- Press LEFT on the D-Pad to signcheck all ~PSP encrypted files in the ms0:/enc folder
- Totally reorganized the source code. Everything is now in one build. Internally the code is slightly different for 1.50, 2.71~3.71, and 3.80+.
` All functions are now loaded from prxdecrypter_0xg.prx (1 = 1.50, 2 = 2.71~3.71, 3 = 3.80+)
` At the moment, RLZ decompression is available in 1.50 if you put a decrypted 2.71+ sysmem_rlz.prx into ms0:/enc
` RLZ decompression is natively available in 2.71~3.71 but NOT KL4E decompression
` KL4E decompression is natively available in 3.80+ but NOT RLZ decompression (as they removed it)
` So, depending on what you want to decompress or decrypt, you may need to run it from a different firmware
` KL3E decompression is NOT yet available, so you can't properly extract the 3.80+ reboot.bin
- Made the options a little more organized with a few dividers, and changed keys to make more sense
- Press SELECT to switch between the normal output folder (which overwrites your input files) and "ms0:/dec" so the input files are kept separate from the output.
Stuff I'll add next version:
Menu system
RLZ decompression in 3.80+ (by loading 3.71 sysmem.prx) - hopefully
1.8 --> 1.9 (Bugfix release)
- Fixed bug where pressing X for too long caused it to try and decrypt multiple times resulting in a huge log of error messages
- Rewritten method of loading files for RLZ decompression in preparation for 2.0 which will have KLE decompression
- Improvements to the logfile
- Tweak to enable 1SEG.PBP decryption
- More keys added (certain apps which run in pspbtcnf_app mode)
- Fixes to prevent crash on 3.80
` NOTE: 3.80 has removed the RLZ decompression routines and replaced them with KLE. At the moment I have no information about the KL3E/KL4E NIDs and have therefore left them out of this version
` RLZ still works fine in 3.71 and below, and in 1.50 where you can load sysmem_rlz.prx to enable it as usual
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February 13th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
A release from a few weeks ago that i missed
heres the details from jas0nuk:
This is a 3.xx+ kernel app to display Tachyon, Baryon and Pommel version numbers of your PSP's motherboard.
It also displays the PSP model (TA-079, TA-081, etc.) based on this data.
Just copy the PSPident folder to your GAME/GAME3XX folder and run it. If you want, it will also run in the 1.50 kernel.
NOTE: If your PSP is detected as a TA-085 v2, it is the newest Slim revision which cannot write to the battery serial and therefore cannot be used to create a Pandora battery!
Information about the numbers printed:
Kernel version - internal version of the current kernel you are running the app on (could be either 1.50 or 3.xx if you're using OE/M33)
Tachyon - this seems to be the version of the chip which contains the CPU, ME and GPU.
Baryon - this is the version number of your PSP's Syscon (system control) chip
Pommel - the PSP's GPIO/watchdog which handles system events and shuts down in the event of a crash
Kirk - the PSP's main decryption/verification chip
Spock - secondary decryption chip, only used to decrypt data from the UMD discs
Note: these are internal SCE names for these devices, not names I made up xD
0.1a -> 0.1b
- Added KIRK version
- Added SPOCK version
(KIRK and SPOCK only known versions are 0010 and 0050 respectively, if you have another version, PM me)
0.1 -> 0.1a
- Added detection for "TA-079 v3" (Tachyon: 0x00200000, Baryon: 0x00040600) - I'm almost sure this is 79 rather than 81, as the tachyon which indicates a major revision has not changed. Though, who can say for sure?
Note: If it is unable to work out the motherboard model then your PSP has an unseen tachyon/baryon number. I'd appreciate if you could post the details here in that case.
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February 13th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
When PlayStation Network director Eric Lempell was asked by the mag if the now BC-less console kills any chance of offering PS2 games via the PlayStation Store, as it does for original PlayStation games, Lempel said "We haven't talked about that yet, but there are possibilities through technology and software emulation to make that possibles."
Lempell chose not to talk about "specific plans at this point" but that doesn't mean we can't hope. And pray. And start online petitions.
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February 13th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Coming March 2008
(Limited Early Release Edition without rumble in select retailers now)
Experience innovation with the Zero wireless controller for PlayStation 3. The Zero controller is an entirely new ergonomic design, built to maximize comfort for all players while providing a unique and stylish appearance. With full six-direction tilt functionality and vibration support, the Zero is fully compatible with all PS3 software and control schemes. The Zero is powered by an included NiMH rechargeable battery that provides up to 25 hours of wireless gameplay. When necessary, simply plug the included charging cable into the PS3s USB port and play and charge the controller simultaneously or use the included AA battery pack. The Zero is the first controller to feature LED back-lit action buttons, heat dissipating aluminum panels and a hybrid metal-resin design. The Zero is the paramount in controller precision, design and engineering.
* Unique metal polymer resin hybrid design for optimal grip and comfort
* Full 6 direction motion control and vibration support
* Rechargeable NiMH battery with USB charging cable provides up to 25 hours of play time
* Backlit LED analog face buttons
* State of the art wireless chip set with a range of up to 30 ft
* Precision analog sticks, buttons and triggers provide maximum durability
* Heat dissipating aluminum panels
* LED charge indicator light
* AA battery pack
* Choose from 3 unique designs
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February 13th, 2008, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Simmer down -- it's not like you haven't seen advancements in blue laser technology before, and even though the current format war may still be raging when either's successor rolls into town, Kaai and Soraa are already looking to the future. Reportedly, Khosla Ventures has invested in both of the aforementioned firms, and while company representatives aren't disclosing much at the moment, we do know that the duo is exploring ways to "exploit gallium nitride, which is also the basis for existing blue LEDs and blue lasers." Apparently, they'd like to concoct suitable replacements for conventional LEDs in the lighting market and make a showing in the optical data storage arena, too. But seriously, with 200GB Blu-ray discs, who needs to worry about the next best thing?
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February 13th, 2008, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Reaches milestone quicker than the PS2
Sony has confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that the PlayStation 3 has sold over one million units in the UK.
The console was released in the UK on March 23 last year, meaning it has reached the milestone quicker than the PlayStation 2, which took 50 weeks to sell one million units.
Sony announced back in June 2007 that sales had hit the one million mark across the whole of Europe in just nine and a half weeks.
With sales of the most expensive home console reaching important milestones for Sony, publishers are becoming more confident in the format.
Last week, Electronic Arts stated that it expects the PS3 to outsell the Xbox 360 this year, clocking up between 5 and 6 million units in Europe and up to another 5.5 million units in North America.
Nintendo's Wii reached the one million mark in the UK within 38 weeks on sale, making it the fastest-selling home console in the region.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 sold one million units within 60 weeks.
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February 13th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Title will feature multiplayer elements for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
Following earlier reports based on comments made by Microsoft's Don Mattrick that Grand Theft Auto IV would feature "multiplayer support" that was "unique to 360", developer Rockstar Games has confirmed that both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of the game will feature multiplayer content.
"It's always something we've been open about, both versions will support online multiplayer capabilities," a Rockstar spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz, although exact details on those capabilities have not been announced as yet.
Precisely what Mattrick meant by his comments is now unclear, although one possibility is that he may have instead been referring to the Xbox Live experience as "unique", rather than alluding to specific exclusivity of the title.
Grand Theft Auto IV is scheduled for release on both platforms on April 29.
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February 13th, 2008, 21:21 Posted By: gamefreak199101
Dark Alex has released another update to his excellent Custom Firmware for the PSP:
- Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME and run the program.
If you are in 3.90 M33, that's all needed.
If you are in previous version, you need to download 390.PBP and put it in same folder or let
the program to download it for you.
- Improvements in plugins loading code:
* Fixed some problems with problematic cards due to filesystem not mounted.
* Now plugins should read the faster.
* Problem fixed with lines with spaces at the end.
- Added the rest of regions to the recovery option fakeregion.
- (PSP SLIM): Added patches in nand ipl to allow Booster multiiplloader and TimeMachine iplloader to boot from nand.
Note: only 3.90 M33-2 and higher can be booted from nand in slim with those ipl loaders,
not official Sony firmwares or previous versions of M33.
Changes in updater:
- The 3.90 eboot downloading code is now more stable, no more freezes after selecting AP
- Memory stick write in the 3.90 downloading code is delayed the maximum possible for faster operation
(the system prefers big chunks of data written at once).
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February 13th, 2008, 21:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
If you own a diet PS3 (the 40GB version incapable of playing PS2 games) - your backwards-compatibility shortfalls could be remedied with downloadable PS2 games on PSN in future.
That was the hint dropped by Sony's PSN director Eric Lempel, who said the technology exists to make PS2 downloads possible.
"We haven't talked about that yet, but there are possibilities through technology and software emulation to make that possible," he told EGM magazine (via Kotaku).
Most PS2 games are below the 4GB mark so it's perfectly feasible.
PAL 60GB PS3s use software emulation to play PS2 games. If this feature was removed - presumably to cut production costs (which puzzled us to start with) - why would reinstating the software via downloads be any better?
This insinuates that the 40GB hardware is still capable of playing PS2 games. So surely Sony could just make the emulation software available as a cheap purchase (like a standalone patch), to allow 40GB owners the choice of paying to BC-up their console and play PS2 discs?
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February 13th, 2008, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Major Games sale from Play Asia

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Play-Asia.com kicks off the Year of the Rat with another exciting Lunar New Year Sale. Celebrate the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar with us and enjoy thousands of brilliant bargains. But that's not all. Simply place an order for any discounted item and get a chance to win fantastic prizes.
Now is the perfect time to browse through our extensive offerings and find one or another product that was left on your Christmas wish list, with a good chance of it now available at a lower price tag. We have spent time carefully reviewing our inventory and the result is a total of more than 5,000 in-stock items, all of them now available at discounted prices and only for a limited period of time.
Just like we've done with our sales in the past, you will again have the chance to win fantastic prizes, including an Xbox360™ or PlayStation3™ Console, Nintendo Wii™, Nintendo DS™ Lite or PSP™ Slim & Lite, store credit vouchers and much more by simply joining our New Year Sale.
And this is how it works:
Joining the Lucky Draw is easy. All you need to do is to place an order for any discounted item eligible for the Lucky Draw at Play-Asia.com between February 13th and February 29th. You can recognize these items by the "Year of the Rat" icon located on each individual product page.
Every paid order item will automatically join the Lucky Draw. The more items you order, the higher your chance to win one of our prizes. The winners of the 50 main prizes will be announced in this news post during the first week of March 2008 and will also be notified by e-mail.
1st Prize:
A: Xbox 360 Console (Halo 3 Special Edition) (Japanese Version) + 3 Xbox 360™ Games of your choice
B: PlayStation3™ Console (40GB) (Japanese Version) + 3 PS3™ Games of your choice
2nd Prize: Nintendo Wii™ Console (Japanese Version) + 2 Wii™ Games of your choice
3rd Prize:
A: Nintendo DS™ Lite Console + 2 NDS™ Games of your choice
B: Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite Console + 2 PSP™ Games of your choice
4th Prize: GP2X F-200 Game System + Eigertec Easy Access Leather Case
5-10th Prize: A copy of Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer [First Print Limited Edition] for PC
11-20th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 30 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
21-50th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 20 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
(*) The "game of your choice" is only valid for any game priced up to a maximum of US$ 70 per title. Winning choices may be limited to countries where shipping restrictions apply. Prizes cannot be redeemed as cash.
Discounted Items:
More than 5,000 different in-stock products have been discounted at Play-Asia.com, including about 3,000 video games and accessories, 1000 movies, 700 CDs and 400 toys.
Sony PSP™:
Audition Portable [Limited Edition] KOR US$ 29.90
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (English language Version) ASIA US$ 24.90
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles / Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle JPN US$ 19.90
Coded Arms Contagion (English language Version) ASIA US$ 12.90
Goku Makai-Mura Kai JPN US$ 19.90
Initial D Street Stage ASIA US$ 29.90
Jet de Go! Pocket (Eternal Hits) ASIA US$ 9.90
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus US US$ 18.90
Namco Museum ASIA US$ 9.90
Salamander Portable ASIA US$ 19.90
Silent Hill Zero JPN US$ 19.90
Silent Hill: Origins (English language Version) ASIA US$ 24.90
Twinbee Portable ASIA US$ 19.90
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February 13th, 2008, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Major Games sale from Play Asia

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Play-Asia.com kicks off the Year of the Rat with another exciting Lunar New Year Sale. Celebrate the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar with us and enjoy thousands of brilliant bargains. But that's not all. Simply place an order for any discounted item and get a chance to win fantastic prizes.
Now is the perfect time to browse through our extensive offerings and find one or another product that was left on your Christmas wish list, with a good chance of it now available at a lower price tag. We have spent time carefully reviewing our inventory and the result is a total of more than 5,000 in-stock items, all of them now available at discounted prices and only for a limited period of time.
Just like we've done with our sales in the past, you will again have the chance to win fantastic prizes, including an Xbox360™ or PlayStation3™ Console, Nintendo Wii™, Nintendo DS™ Lite or PSP™ Slim & Lite, store credit vouchers and much more by simply joining our New Year Sale.
And this is how it works:
Joining the Lucky Draw is easy. All you need to do is to place an order for any discounted item eligible for the Lucky Draw at Play-Asia.com between February 13th and February 29th. You can recognize these items by the "Year of the Rat" icon located on each individual product page.
Every paid order item will automatically join the Lucky Draw. The more items you order, the higher your chance to win one of our prizes. The winners of the 50 main prizes will be announced in this news post during the first week of March 2008 and will also be notified by e-mail.
1st Prize:
A: Xbox 360 Console (Halo 3 Special Edition) (Japanese Version) + 3 Xbox 360™ Games of your choice
B: PlayStation3™ Console (40GB) (Japanese Version) + 3 PS3™ Games of your choice
2nd Prize: Nintendo Wii™ Console (Japanese Version) + 2 Wii™ Games of your choice
3rd Prize:
A: Nintendo DS™ Lite Console + 2 NDS™ Games of your choice
B: Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite Console + 2 PSP™ Games of your choice
4th Prize: GP2X F-200 Game System + Eigertec Easy Access Leather Case
5-10th Prize: A copy of Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer [First Print Limited Edition] for PC
11-20th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 30 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
21-50th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 20 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
(*) The "game of your choice" is only valid for any game priced up to a maximum of US$ 70 per title. Winning choices may be limited to countries where shipping restrictions apply. Prizes cannot be redeemed as cash.
Discounted Items:
More than 5,000 different in-stock products have been discounted at Play-Asia.com, including about 3,000 video games and accessories, 1000 movies, 700 CDs and 400 toys.
Beowulf US US$ 24.90
Beowulf ASIA US$ 22.90
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII ASIA US$ 24.90
Enchanted Arms US US$ 24.90
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men ASIA US$ 39.90
Lair US US$ 29.90
Megazone 23: Aoi Garland JPN US$ 24.90
Megazone 23: Aoi Garland [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 39.90
SEGA Rally Revo US US$ 39.90
SEGA Rally Revo (English language Version) ASIA US$ 24.90
Sonic the Hedgehog US US$ 24.90
Spider-Man 3 (Collector's Edition) US US$ 29.90
Time Crisis 4 with Guncon 3 JPN US$ 79.90
Timeshift US US$ 34.90
Virtua Fighter 5 JPN US$ 29.90
Warhawk (incl. PSN 50 HKD Ticket) ASIA US$ 29.90
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February 13th, 2008, 21:43 Posted By: wraggster
Major Games sale from Play Asia

Kung Hei Fat Choi! Play-Asia.com kicks off the Year of the Rat with another exciting Lunar New Year Sale. Celebrate the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar with us and enjoy thousands of brilliant bargains. But that's not all. Simply place an order for any discounted item and get a chance to win fantastic prizes.
Now is the perfect time to browse through our extensive offerings and find one or another product that was left on your Christmas wish list, with a good chance of it now available at a lower price tag. We have spent time carefully reviewing our inventory and the result is a total of more than 5,000 in-stock items, all of them now available at discounted prices and only for a limited period of time.
Just like we've done with our sales in the past, you will again have the chance to win fantastic prizes, including an Xbox360™ or PlayStation3™ Console, Nintendo Wii™, Nintendo DS™ Lite or PSP™ Slim & Lite, store credit vouchers and much more by simply joining our New Year Sale.
And this is how it works:
Joining the Lucky Draw is easy. All you need to do is to place an order for any discounted item eligible for the Lucky Draw at Play-Asia.com between February 13th and February 29th. You can recognize these items by the "Year of the Rat" icon located on each individual product page.
Every paid order item will automatically join the Lucky Draw. The more items you order, the higher your chance to win one of our prizes. The winners of the 50 main prizes will be announced in this news post during the first week of March 2008 and will also be notified by e-mail.
1st Prize:
A: Xbox 360 Console (Halo 3 Special Edition) (Japanese Version) + 3 Xbox 360™ Games of your choice
B: PlayStation3™ Console (40GB) (Japanese Version) + 3 PS3™ Games of your choice
2nd Prize: Nintendo Wii™ Console (Japanese Version) + 2 Wii™ Games of your choice
3rd Prize:
A: Nintendo DS™ Lite Console + 2 NDS™ Games of your choice
B: Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite Console + 2 PSP™ Games of your choice
4th Prize: GP2X F-200 Game System + Eigertec Easy Access Leather Case
5-10th Prize: A copy of Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer [First Print Limited Edition] for PC
11-20th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 30 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
21-50th Prize: A store credit voucher worth US$ 20 each, redeemable for any purchase at Play-Asia.com
(*) The "game of your choice" is only valid for any game priced up to a maximum of US$ 70 per title. Winning choices may be limited to countries where shipping restrictions apply. Prizes cannot be redeemed as cash.
Discounted Items:
More than 5,000 different in-stock products have been discounted at Play-Asia.com, including about 3,000 video games and accessories, 1000 movies, 700 CDs and 400 toys.
A.C.E. Another Century's Episode 2 Special Vocal Version JPN US$ 29.90
Arcana Heart JPN US$ 39.90
Art of Fighting Collection (NeoGeo Online Collection the Best) JPN US$ 14.90
EdgeFX Controller US US$ 14.90
Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System (w/ Bonus DVD) JPN US$ 39.90
Gold Gashbell: Yuujou Tag Battle 2 JPN US$ 12.90
Hanjuku Eiyuu IV: 7-Jin no Hanjuku Eiyuu JPN US$ 9.90
Kaido Battle 2: Chain Reaction JPN US$ 9.90
Monster Hunter G (PlayStation2 the Best) JPN US$ 14.90
MotionFX Controller US US$ 12.90
Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 30: Galaxy Force II JPN US$ 18.90
Sega Rally 2006 (First Print Limited Edition w/ Sega Rally 1995) JPN US$ 14.90
Street Fighter Zero - Fighters Generation (Best Price) JPN US$ 14.90
Super Robot Taisen OG: Original Generations Gaiden JPN US$ 34.90
Super Robot Taisen: Scramble Commander The 2nd JPN US$ 29.90
Tales of Destiny Director's Cut ASIA US$ 39.90
The Bouncer JPN US$ 14.90
Winning Eleven 2008 JPN US$ 29.90
World Heroes Gorgeous JPN US$ 29.90
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February 13th, 2008, 22:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The word sweeping the net this morning is of a supposed confirmed UK release date for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, set for March 28 by a "Sony release schedule", according to reports.
Not having received the schedule ourselves, we contacted Sony UK, who told CVG: "We still haven't confirmed anything yet".
A march release has been on the cards since last month, as we reported, and Sony's official site doesn't shine ay more light on the matter.
Admittedly, these March 28 reports can't be far off the mark. Although Sony is still unwilling to pin down an exact date, it has told CVG: "We're currently aiming for a late March release, but an exact date and price have yet to be confirmed."
Plus, major online UK retailer, Play, has had GT5P penned it for that exact date for some time, so it's looking likely.
But "late March" is the current official word. We'll report with the official date the second Sony utters one.
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February 14th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Many people are making plans to be with the ones they love on February 14th, but Sony's spreading a little digital love in the form of two highly anticipated demos. The PSN and PSP stores will receive a demo for MLB 08: The Show, SCEA's critically acclaimed baseball series. Players will be able to experience three innings between the Red Sox and the Rockies at Fenway Park during the day within the demo.
The PSP store will also receive a demo for Patapon, the funky rhythm game that pits diminutive creatures against strange beasts. The Patapon demo will feature seven levels of exploration, collection and dancing, which should provide more than an hour's worth of gameplay. These two demos will be downloadable with the other content within the PSN update, which will be posted tomorrow.
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February 14th, 2008, 07:35 Posted By: Art
DTMF Dial V3
Hi Guys,
This is DTMF Dial V3 release.
DTMF Dial is an auto touch tone dialing phone book.
It allows you to place phone calls and navigate touch tone based
phone menus with pre-programmed DTMF sequences.

This is the first version that is user skinnable.
The default skin was provided by Jomann of QJnet forums.
The original skin is included in the download package,
and may still be used as an external skin.
Rapidshare Backup Link:
Cheers, Art.
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February 14th, 2008, 15:52 Posted By: rmedtx
I found this article By Justin Pinter about Wardevil:
"PSU: New Wardevil Screenshots and details
Posted on February 14th, 2008 at 00:21 EDT
Only a week after our first Wardevil Update, the Digi-Guys have released new images showing off the further changes to Wardevil Project, as well as providing us with some new information.
According to the Digi-Guys, these shots are just a taste of what is to come. Keep in mind that they are currently working on not only a game, but a Blu-ray CGI film as well that coincides with Wardevil's storyline.
For a quick overview about Wardevil and its storyline, check out our preview here, or our last week's update here.
Here are the latest details about Wardevil:
- They are not finished with the game yet, still adding improvements both gameplay wise and graphically.
- They are making good use of the SPU's and streaming off of the Blu-ray disc
- Their goal is to get the Blu-ray film & game to look as identical as possible... so there is no transition between game/cinematic
- They will not be at GDC this year, however expect to see new updates to their website around the same time. "
They have some cool images posted there as well.
Here's t he link to the article/news:
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February 14th, 2008, 19:24 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Online retailer Play has popped up a surprisingly good PS3 bundle deal.
For GBP 299.99 you can get yourself a 40GB PS3 with a copy of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Ninja Gaiden: Sigma.
Delivery is free and the package should save you a few quid. Bundles elsewhere seem to ask for 30 quid extra on a two-game bundle, despite some good single-game offers at 299.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was probably the best game on PS3 last year, scoring a worthy 9/10 on Eurogamer.
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma is a polished port of the Xbox game and, despite being rather antiquated, is the best in the series so far and not to be sniffed at.
So, seen any good bundles lately?
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February 14th, 2008, 19:28 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Following incredible success for music gaming fuelled by breakout hits such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band, Nana-On Sha president Masaya Matsuura has told GamesIndustry.biz the next step for continued evolution of the genre is to include user-generated content.
EA and Activision have relied on their publisher muscle to secure licensed titles for Rock Band and Guitar Hero, respectively, but Matsuura believes that if they can monetise user-generated content they'll open up further business models as well as broadening user appeal.
"The current success of music-based gaming in the West is based upon licensed music," said Matsuura in an exclusive interview published today.
"The [companies] already have music resources. So they can use a lawyer to get the license and they can make the product of the game.
"In the future I think maybe they should open the format of the audio to the public so that everybody can make their own tracks for Rock Band or Guitar Heroes – publishing in some way using the internet, exchanging their own game code, including songs, with each other," he said.
"If they can sell that kind of data, some people will be on the money."
Matsuura also see opportunities for record companies hoping to take advantage of the popularity of music games, allowing users to sample free tracks in a game in return for advertising a bigger musical portfolio.
"If one record label has a catalogue of 30 titles this month, and if you want to play one song without paying the money, the record company allows you to play that one track but during the playback you have to watch advertisements for other titles, for example," he offered.
The full interview with Matsuura can be read here.
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February 14th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Polyphony Digital boss Kanzunori Yamauchi has promised to connect the global community in Gran Turismo 5.
He was speaking in an interview with GT Channel (dug up by videogaming247), highlighting the advancements the PS3 had allowed his team to make.
"This Gran Turismo was going to be the first game produced for the PlayStation 3 hardware, so we definitely had to take the specs of the game to a whole new level," said Yamauchi.
"For example, we've increased the number of cars that can run in a single race. We've also worked hard to make the driving simulation more real; for instance, we've tried to give the player more control when drifting the car. Another element is the AI, the cars that you race against. It's become much more intelligent.
"Also, this game will have online capabilities. Even up till now, I think Gran Turismo has created a unique global community, but the users weren't really connected to each other. Now the community will really become global. This will be a big change," he added.
Which all sounds lovely, if it turns out to be anything more than 16-player online featured in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - out here in late March.
Yamauchi went on to describe the Gran Turismo series as a game with elements "that will resemble an encyclopedia of cars".
Its always been about simulating cars and having real life models available to play which, apparently, was a concept that took a while to catch on.
"At first the whole concept of Gran Turismo couldn't be understood by the games publisher," continued Yamauchi. "Back then, there wasn't anything called driving simulators."
He went on to boast about the contents of his personal garage. He has a beefed-up Nissan 350Z, a Honda S2000, a Mercedes SL55, a Porsche GT3, and two Ford GTs. Snap!
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February 14th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
God of War: Chains of Olympus is finally nearing release. So much so that Sony's flung out a new batch of shots for the bound-to-be-awesome action game.
We're massive fans of the franchise and you should be to. Check out the new shots on this very page.
And head over to the Chains of Olympus game page here when you're done. Right, can we have some God of War 3 action now, please?
Screenshots here
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February 14th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has updated the PlayStation Store with a bunch of content you mainly won't be interested in, but there is one item worth taking a closer look at.
Riff: Everyday Shooter
Downloadable Content:
Guitar Hero 3 - Classic Rock Pack
Everybody's Golf World Tour
Resident Evil 5 - Wallpaper
Conflict: Denied Ops - Trailer
Super Stardust HD - Theme
Spiderwick - Trailer
If we get you to do one thing today, hit this link and check out our videos of Riff: Everyday Shooter in action. We think you'll agree, it's a little different, and worth a punt.
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February 14th, 2008, 20:26 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
According to the Blu-ray disc association European promotions committee, Blu-ray disc movie sales across Europe have eclipsed the 2 million barrier a mere two months after reaching the 1 million unit mark.
Blu-ray movie sales in Europe total 2.4 million according to the latest figures from Media Control Gfk International. 79 per cent of the high-definition movie discs bought in 2008 to date were on the Blu-ray format.
The biggest Christmas release was Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, with sales of nearly 100,000 units, joined by impressive sales for The Simpsons Movie and Casino Royale.
"DVD-Video was first introduced into Western Europe in 1997, and the following year some 230,000 DVD players were installed and 2 million discs were sold through," the BDA said.
"In comparison, Blu-ray Disc made its first tentative launch in Western Europe in 2006, and the following year some 3.2 million PlayStation 3 consoles and 34,000 standalone players were installed, while 2.3 million Blu-ray discs sold through."
"News from Warner Bros. at CES last month caught the headlines, but what this news proves is that the tipping point in the format war in Europe happened several months prior to CES and the tide has been running strongly in favor of Blu-ray Disc for many months," BDA European Promotions Committee chairman Frank Simonis told The Hollywood Reporter.
"Our challenge now is to move Blu-ray Disc into the mainstream."
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February 14th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
It's those random moments that make Grand Theft Auto work so well. You know, when the unexpected happens, and everything just falls into place and works. What's random GTA IV moment has stood out for Rockstar honcho Dan Houser? He says:
There are so many defining moments, but a recent one was during a police chase. A song I love came on one of the radio stations while I had two cop cars chasing me through chinatown. I was speeding along when another cop car I hadn't seen rammed me straight on, our cars crunched together, and I was sent flying through the windshield. I ducked into cover and could still hear the song playing from my smashed-up car. Then the cops opened fire, but one of them hit a pedestrian who pulled out his gun and started shooting. The next thing I know, there was a full-scale war going on between a random gang and the cops. Within a few seconds all the cops were dead and the gang members walked away. I got hold of another car and quietly drove out of the search area to lose my wanted level.
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February 14th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster

Sony's been relatively mum on its Slingbox-like PlayTV add-on for the PlayStation 3 since it announced it last fall, but it's now finally starting to show it off for all to see and, thanks to the BBC's dot.life blog, we now have a pretty good idea of what European PS3 users can expect. As you can see in the video after the break, the PlayTV software appears to be straightforward enough, and includes the usual program guide, and options to pause and rewind live Freeview TV, as well as the ability to record one channel while watching another (thanks to the dual tuners in the device itself). Also on display is the PlayTV's ability to work with your PlayStation Portable via Remote Play, which'll let you watch live TV (or recorded programming) from anywhere with a WiFi connection. One of the few things it can't do, it seems, is record programming in the background while you're playing a game, although the developers are apparently "working hard" to add that feature. Still no word on a price or exact release date though, so you have a bit longer to be spared the inevitable bragging from your European friends.
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February 14th, 2008, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Finally, Michael Bay has stepped down from Cheese Mountain to pontificate on the finer points of the HD DVD vs. Blu-ray war. Speaking from the inner-sanctum of his lair -- located equidistant from the Church of Scientology and a gigantic cotton candy stand -- Mr. Bay reminds us that, "Blu-ray's better, and I told everyone," then goes on to further prop himself by adding, "I was very vocal about it. I knew HD [DVD] was not going to make it." We're glad that Bay can sleep at night, safe in the knowledge that the mere "quality" of the formats decided the winner of this battle, rather than massive business partnerships fueled by the desire for marketshare. He wrapped up his message (actually given at an awards ceremony held by the Visual Effects Society) by saying, "Am I thrilled? It really wasn't my fight, but remember what I said in the press? I was kind of saying HD [DVD]'s going to lose... No one believed me." He then slammed a trophy he was receiving to the floor, pointed to the packed room, and yelled, "In your face, HD DVD!"
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February 14th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster

For a brief moment this week, the PlayStation 3 site touted (via NeoGaf) the ability to "talk to others during gameplay." The ability to access the cross-media bar (XMB) and send messages in-game has been long at the top of our wish lists, especially given that Xbox Live users have long enjoyed that feature.
However, despite our longing an in-game XMB update still isn't on our systems. The PS site has since been updated, removing the tantalizing phrase. It was promised at CES 2008 to come out this year. Was it a goof in wording or a hint at a spicy GDC announcement? We'll know next week.
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February 14th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
As you can see, we follow Atlus USA's requests to the letter. The quirky company has asked us to tell you lot about R-Type Command, "a bold new turn-based strategy entry in the long-celebrated series of side-scrolling shooters." Hitting the PlayStation Portable on May 6th, the game has players going up against the evil "Bydo Empire" in "exciting tactical gameplay!" The exclamation mark is theirs.
You'll have close to a hundred different upgradeable units at your command, including those hailing from the aforementioned Bydo Empire. Oh, and a little protip for those eager to engage in the wireless Ad-Hoc multiplayer: Make sure your underwater module with powerful anti-air missiles and torpedoes doesn't lose its resupply function! (That one was ours.)
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February 14th, 2008, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sharp just introduced their latest, itty bitty blue laser. While maintaining the same 3.3-mm diameter of their previous package, Sharp's new GH04P25A4G semiconductor laser manages to boost the power to 250mW. That little trick should make 6x recording speeds to dual-layer BD media in laptops a reality. They've also announced a similarly speced 5.6-mm (GH04P25A2G) jobbie for desktops.
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February 14th, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Ubisoft announced that Chessmaster: The Art of Learning for the PSP
(PlayStation Portable) system is in stores. In both games, Josh Waitzkin, International Master and eight-time National Chess Champion, coaches players to grasp the basic fundamentals of chess and to master the game through exciting courses and tutorials taken directly from his groundbreaking book, The Art of Learning (Free Press).
Key features include:
* Guidance from champion Josh Waitzkin: Using the basics from his book,
Josh puts players in his shoes during some of the most riveting moments
of his career, walks them through the classics, and introduces beginners
to the fundamentals of the game, all the while providing revealing
commentary about the road to mastery.
* Single/Multiplayer modes: Compete against 24 advanced AI characters
(ranging from easy to hard) or challenge real players via wireless.
* New chess variants: Discover new ways to play chess, with original
mini-games and variants - Dark Chess, Losing Chess and Extinction Chess.
Chessmaster: The Art of Learning for the PSP system is rated "E" for
Everyone by the ESRB and has a MSRP of $29.99.
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February 14th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Many people are making plans to be with the ones they love on February 14th, but Sony's spreading a little digital love in the form of two highly anticipated demos. The PSN and PSP stores will receive a demo for MLB 08: The Show, SCEA's critically acclaimed baseball series. Players will be able to experience three innings between the Red Sox and the Rockies at Fenway Park during the day within the demo.
The PSP store will also receive a demo for Patapon, the funky rhythm game that pits diminutive creatures against strange beasts. The Patapon demo will feature seven levels of exploration, collection and dancing, which should provide more than an hour's worth of gameplay. These two demos will be downloadable with the other content within the PSN update
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February 14th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from PCpro:
Elephant is a program for PC, that allows you to synchronize all your media with your psp. A little bit like iTunes, but for PSP. Not only music, pictures and videos can be synchronized, Homebrew and ISO games too. All you have to do is check de checkboxes and click synchronize.
Of course there is a music player too. For more info, check out the web site. The download is available there also.
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February 14th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dsi:
Hi guys,
Thanks to homemister91's new LUA Player which allows compatibility with the Slim, I was able to make new changes to the original Memory game for PSP.
To install:
- Unzip contents of zip file to \PSP\GAME
- Ensure the game is located at \PSP\GAME\MEMORY
Release Notes for 1.1:
- new fonts
- loading screen shown at start
- some aesthetic changes
- improved random number seed; games were getting predictable
- works on PSP Slim now (thanks to homemister91's new LuaPlayer HM)
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February 14th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TRStealthX:
Wohoo! Just like I promised, the 3rd version of PSAFE is finally released!
Features -
- IP ADDRESS UPDATE: You are now able to update your IP address. The system will check to make sure that your IP address isn't the same and update it if necessary.
- CONNECTION LOG: You are now able to view all of your PSP's connections. You can print out the log information if you want. The logs will tell you whether the connections were from your computer or not.
- NEW PSP THEFT CHECK: Due to the amount of ISPs that refresh your IP address a few times a week, I now added a new way for your computer to recognized. The check application will make sure that its your computer by the IP Address AND the computer's nickname.
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via TRStealthX:
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February 14th, 2008, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DSI:
Hi guys,
Thanks to homemister91's new LUA Player which allows compatibility with the Slim, I was able to make new changes to the original Go Fish game for PSP.
Release Notes for 1.1:
- Added high score file containing overall results
- Changed EBOOT icon (thanks to nicodemus82)
- Minor cosmetic changes
- Improved random number seed; cards were getting predictable
- works on PSP Slim now (thanks to homemister91's new LuaPlayer HM)
To install:
- Unzip contents of zip file to \PSP\GAME
- Ensure the game is located at \PSP\GAME\GoFish
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via dsi
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February 14th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Dragula96:
based off of the old Conway's Game of Life,
only with metroids
metroids live and die based on these simple rules:
--Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
--Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
--Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
--Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to life.
the eboot is not custom and shows lua player 20 :P, this should work on all custom firmwares, but was tested using a slim on 3.90 m33.
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February 14th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Today's update to the PC store is probably the best since its launch. With two demos and an add-on pack, the PSP is finally getting some decent downloadable content. Here's the full release list:
WipEout Pulse "Icaras" add-on pack (£2.99/€3.99)
Fireteam Bravo 2 demo (free)
Patapon demo (free)
FFVII Crisis Core trailer (free)
Spiderwick movie trailer (free)
Looks like that February 21st prediction turned out to be wrong, as the Patapon demo has arrived in Europe a full week early - the same day as it is due to become available in the US. We love when that happens. As for the WipEout Pulse DLC, this is the second pack in as many weeks, as promised. Too bad there's only two more weeks of content left.
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February 14th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from Dark Alex
Patch to load 3.71 fatmsmod in 3.80/3.90 M33
The purpose of this patch is to load the fat memory stick driver of 3.71 in 3.80/3.90 to make memory stick reading work better.
- Using psardumper get fatmsmod.prx from 3.71. It doesn't matter if it is decrypted, encrypted, etc
It is probably better idea that is encrypted because it is also compressed and use less flash space.
Copy it from /F0/kd/fatmsmod.prx to the root.
- Copy the FATMSPATCH to /PSP/GAME and run it. If the patch is successfull, you'll have 3.71 fatmsmod running in 3.80/3.90
This process flashes the fatmsmod.prx as flash0:/kd/fatms371.prx, it adds a custom file needed to compatibilize the module with 3.80/3.90 (fatms371_friend.prx),
and changes the pspbt* files.
Note: fatmsmod of 3.71 usually works better because it has a better cache system, and usually reads on bigger blocks.
(in some things is worse than 3.89/3.90 like sometimes reading more data than needed - lazy prediction -).
However it uses more kernel memory, and it is unknown if it will have any kind of secondary effect running this module in 3.80/3.90
The lags in np9660 no umd mode won't probably be solved, as that is a different problem.
Changes in v2:
- Added to the installer the check of correct checksum of fatmsmod.prx. Use only encrypted or decrypted version of file.
- Music, videos, etc now work.
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February 15th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: Elven6
Today news has come out of dvdtown that Warner has not ruled out abandoning HD DVD completely. The report states that Warner will still produce and restock HD DVD movies if demand calls for it. This means big titles like Dark Knight, 10 000BC, etc will probably see HD DVD releases! Great news for us HD DVD fans, its not full on support like before, but you have to take what you get.
Digg This
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February 15th, 2008, 17:54 Posted By: DarthPaul
Via: Amazon
Ok guys, I found this deal too cool to let it go. For those who are looking for a 8GB Memory Stick after the release of the last Dark_AleX's custom firmwares, but didn't want to pay the huge amount of money they're worth, and couldn't find one cheap, this deal is for you!
Amazon.com is offering the Memory Stick for $97.99 + Shipping for a limited time only! Pretty awesome deal, I payed a little bit more for my 1gb when it came out, so wait no more and click the link!
BUY IT NOW (and save me one)
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February 15th, 2008, 20:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
According to data released by Sony Computer Entertainment America, downloads via the PlayStation Network increased to 7.9 million in January, 2008.
That's up from the 6.6 million the previous month, with Sony also stating that 52 million pieces of content have been downloaded from the PlayStation Store since it went live with the launch of the PlayStation 3 in the US.
The company now has 2.9 million registered PlayStation Network users in North America.
The figures come following the release of NPD data for January that showed the PS3 outsold Microsoft's Xbox 360, with 269,000 units sold compared to 230,000.
In a statement, Jack Tretton, CEO of SCEA offered: "Coming off a great holiday season we see strong momentum behind PS3 in 2008, and feel confident about the year ahead.
"We have Blu-ray emerging as the de-facto high-def standard, the developer community is hitting their stride, consumers are recognising the tremendous value and innovative services such as PlayStation Home are all in the works, so this is definitely shaping up to be a breakthrough year for us."
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February 15th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has popped the Lost Planet PS3 demo back on the US PlayStation Network.
It was taken down because players were having trouble connecting to lobbies online, which makes testing the multiplayer side of things a trifle difficult.
But that should all be fixed now, and those of you who have mastered the art of pretending you are American can give it a whirl. We're waiting to hear back from Capcom about its European demo plans.
Lost Planet PS3 is due out on 29th February, which is over year later than its original launch on Xbox 360.
Still, it has had some patches and multiplayer maps added to it since then, and Capcom is rewarding you with new playable character Luka for your patience. She is a show pirate with a lovely face.
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February 15th, 2008, 21:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Need for Speed ProStreet gives you free tracks, free cars and more! Available now, at the PlayStation Store, gamers will be able to expand their ProStreet experience with the no-charge, Energizer Lithium Extender Pack. The pack features two new tracks (Leipzig Test Track & Tokyo Expressway) and two new cars (Plymouth Road Runner & SEAT Leon Cupra). The Extender Pack will also give gamers an opportunity to purchase 14 high-end dream cars including the first ever Bugatti Veyron to be experienced in a videogame, the McLaren F1, the Aston Martin DBR9, and many others! This content will also be available on Xbox Live Marketplace in the coming weeks. Keep checking http://www.ea.com/prostreet/home.jsp for more details.
When you're all set, get ready for another chance to pit your skills and reputation against the best street racers starting February 22, 2008, with Energizer's Community Race Weekend! The weekend's activities are exclusive to Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers. Special prize packs will be awarded to the weekend's winners.
To download the Race Day and gear up for competition, visit Need for Speed ProStreet's Race Day page.
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February 15th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster

Now obviously, before proceeding here you're going to want to find the largest grain of salt you can locate and keep it nearby. According to SEfanatics, a page in an issue of Sony Magazine (an office favorite over here) makes passing mention of a "PSP-Style phone" which is supposedly in development, then casually suggests the device could be "in shops as early as February." Of course, we've been hearing hushed conversations about this topic for some time now, though it does strike us as slightly odd that it's referenced in what is essentially a multi-page Sony advertisement. Sure, it's possible that something like that patent we recently saw could be headed our way -- obviously the company is still capable of throwing a few curve-balls in our direction, though we're going to need to little more evidence than this to start cracking open our piggy banks.
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February 15th, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Sigmatek is joining the legion of Blu-ray manufacturers with its newest player, the SBR-1000. Coming in at a price of under €250 ($364), it'll be the cheapest Blu-ray player available in Europe -- compared to the €369 ($537) BDP-S300 -- when it launches in April. We're assuming this player supports at least Profile 1.1 / Bonus View features, to go along with the confirmed 1080p/24, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD and HDMI 1.3 support. The low price is credited to Sony and Nichia's new cheaper blue laser, which should lead to similar new price floors here in the U.S. sooner rather than later.
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February 15th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: gamefreak199101
From Dark-AleX, A gift to you.
TimeMachine 0.1
The Timemachine is a program to load previous firmwares and custom firmwares from memory stick
using pandora. Like devhook, but working throgh pandora and custom ipl's, it would work even if the
flash and nand ipl of the machine is destroyed.
The timemachine is useful to run software that is not supported anymore, and also as a way of
booting psp's even if the internal firmware is destroyed. It can also be useful for developers
to test their homebrew in different firmwares.
Currently the timemachine can install the following firmwares:
- Original 1.50 (can only be loaded on the phat)
- 1.50 with some 3.40 hw modules. Can be loaded on both, phat and slim.
- 3.40 OE (can only be loaded on phat)
- 3.60 M33 (can only be loaded on slim)
Rest of cfw will be added in the future.
Requeriments of time machine:
- The timemachine itself doesn't require any firmware, only a pandora battery.
Timemachine nand boot in slim, requires, however, 3.90 M33-2 or greater.
- The timemachine installer requires 2.71 SE or higher.
Instructions: Copy the TIMEMACHINE folder to /PSP/GAME and run.
All firmwares can be installed on whatever PSP (slim or phat), but they can only be used
in the psp indicated in the option.
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February 15th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster

Following yesterday's unveiling in PC Gamer, Electronic Arts has sent us a press release providing more details on the upcoming Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. Like C&C3: Tiberium Wars, the game will come out for consoles as well, announced for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
In Red Alert 3, the Soviets have been toying with time travel to try and save "Mother Russia," only to inadvertently cause a third world power, The Empire of the Rising Sun. In this alternate timeline, World War III has started between the Allies, Soviets and Empire. The game will feature a co-operative campaign mode.
EA also announced a PC-only beta of RA3 for anyone with a copy of C&C3: Kane's Wrath; details of the beta are expected this summer. Red Alert 3 is being developed by EA Los Angeles (Tiberium Wars, Battle for Middle-Earth). No release date was announced. While we applaud Tiberium Wars' gamepad-friendly controls, we're still crossing our fingers that the PS3 version supports keyboard and mouse.
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February 15th, 2008, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Rock out your way! Players can beat on drums, sing along, groove as a bassist and shred riffs as guitarists (using a licensed replica of the legendary Fender® Stratocaster®) – either in single player career mode leading a band, in multiplayer as part of the band, or against each other – in person or online!
Unrivaled song library! Major record labels and leading music publishers have signed on to provide unrivaled access to master recordings and legendary rock artists – from punk, metal and alternative to classic and southern rock of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s.
Fully customizable! Form your own band, create and customize your own rocker, and then travel on a fast rise to fame around the world in a quest for rock ‘n’ roll glory!
Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Dies! Supports downloadable content for never-ending challenges.
Play together in your living room or across the world! Rock Band offers deep online functionality, allowing players to rock together whether they’re in Rhode Island or Reykjavik.
Developed by Harmonix, developers of the blockbuster Guitar Hero franchise, Rock Band is an all-new platform for gamers to experience music, giving players the chance to rock in the shoes of the biggest guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers of all time – as a solo superstar or as part of a hard rocking band. Rock Band delivers the most authentic music game ever – by challenging rockers to master lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals. Built on unprecedented deals with top record labels and music publishers, the music featured in Rock Band spans all genres of rock and includes many master recordings from legendary artists.
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February 15th, 2008, 22:26 Posted By: F9zDark
HD DVD dropped by Wal-Mart, Toshiba?
Megaretailer goes Blu-ray-exclusive as competing format's creator is reportedly ready to throw in the towel.
HD DVD dropped by Wal-Mart, Toshiba? Megaretailer goes Blu-ray exclusive as competing format's creator is reportedly ready to throw in the towel.
It's been a rough year for Toshiba's HD DVD format. After spending 2006 and 2007 locked in a heated battle with the Sony-backed Blu-ray for high-definition, high-capacity disc format dominance, HD DVD has suffered a series of devastating setbacks in the first two months of the year.
Warner Bros. kicked 2008 off by going Blu-ray exclusive in the first week of January. An apparently panicked HD DVD camp canceled its Consumer Electronics Show conference in response, and reports quickly surfaced that HD DVD holdouts Paramount and Universal were looking to switch to Blu-ray.
Bad news for HD DVD fans is continuing to snowball this week, as Best Buy and movie rental service Netflix both said they would back the Sony-supported format going forward. (Best Buy will still stock HD DVD, but its salespeople will advise prospective customers to go Blu-ray).
Two more big names came up as abandoning HD DVD today. This morning the official Wal-Mart blog confirmed that the massive retail chain is going Blu-ray exclusive by June, and the Hollywood Reporter is citing "reliable industry sources" for the news that Toshiba itself is ready to drop its own format.
A Toshiba representative denied the news to the film-focused trade newspaper, but left plenty of room for people to infer there is some truth to the report.
"Given the market developments in the past month," the rep is quoted as saying, "Toshiba will continue to study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers, particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD players."
A source "close to the HD-DVD camp" told the paper that an announcement could be made in a matter of weeks, but that it is definitely coming soon.
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February 15th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list
Baby Bash Live & Uncensored (~Baby Bash) US US$ 24.95
Becoming Jane (~Anne Hathaway, James McAvoy) US US$ 34.99
Gone Baby Gone (~Casey Affleck, Michelle Monaghan, ...) US US$ 34.99
No Reservations (~Catherine Zeta-Jones, Aaron Eckhart, ...) US US$ 35.99
Over California US US$ 19.99
The Amateurs US US$ 34.98
We Own The Night (~Joaquin Phoenix, Eva Mendes, ...) US US$ 38.96
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February 15th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold posted this release

Hello! This is a simple shooter (just find and eliminate all enemies as fast as possible)
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February 15th, 2008, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Nigathan:
It's been a while and i still don't have a PSP but with the help of some friends (letting me borrow their PSP or testing for me) i finally got around to getting all the bugs out of NPaint and adding a few more features.
-added a feature that allows you to change the theme color for the border.(R,G,B)
-fixed music volume.
-fixed bug causing brush to move back to the top left corner after changing color.
-fixed ALL menu bugs by completely recoding the entire menu.
-removed the random bars in the main menu.
-reduced sizes of menu images by cutting out the parts needed instead of loading an image the size of the screen.
-menu screens should appear faster now that it doesn't randomly load constantly when choosing a new option. instead all images are loaded at the beginning increasing the loading time by a few seconds.
-added an error message warning you when you try to load an image and you have no image saved.
-added support for 3.71+ for Slim and Original PSP's.
Download: 12MB
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February 15th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Pilout
Hello everyone I just you have a new homebrews created by me is marc6310
The goal game:
You are a bubble that must avoid another to avoid bubble burst (Over time you will remain alive more increases your score)
Available in this version:
-- Grade
-- Score
-- Option
-- Beau graphics marc6310 ^ ^
Available (at least I hope) in the next version:
-- The scores will be online in the top score you have the highest score in the world that someone could do and the best score of your psp ^ ^
X = push remove the bubble
X = not push down the bubble
Select = screenshoot
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February 16th, 2008, 09:24 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
This is a pre-release demo of the Time Baby V11 Plasma clock display.
YouTube Video Link Here:
I thought I might shoot the video early because I may not have this
camera for very long, and I'll be left with a camera of not so good quality.
The video still doesn't do it justice though, here's some shots of how it really looks:

The Plasma demo is GNU, so it looks like Time Baby V11 will come with the
release of it's source code, which really should have been included with the
last version with the plasma screen saver mode.
The screen saver is easy, but any sort of programmer will realise the difficulty
of this display with speeds set to: 133, 146, 1.
The video demonstrates the user can play with the display, and I'd also like
that configuration to be saved along with the rest of the user profile.
It also demonstrates that the display can be made to gradually cycle through
solid colours, and that the normal user defined colour applies to other display modes.
I had given up on this, and then got it going today! 
Credit: Armon Khosravi (PSPprogramming.com) for porting the Plasma demo to PSP.
Donate a 32Mb Memory Stick and see your nick on the greetings screen too!
Cheers, Art.
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February 16th, 2008, 11:47 Posted By: DarthPaul
SofiyaCat has updated the famous video-streaming application for our PlayStation Portable.
- "video-enabled version of the search specification change"
- A few bugs were fixed
- You can read video comments
Sorry, we're not Japanese, we can't fully understand what's written on that site. If you find any other changes, go ahead and tell us.
Note: The attached file only contains an Eboot.pbp, in order to make it work, Download the previous version here, copy it to the PSP, and then replace the new Eboot with the other one.
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February 16th, 2008, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
Japan's NHK has followed up The Hollywood Reporter's earlier indications Toshiba was ready to dump its money-losing HD DVD business, with news that the company is prepared to cease manufacturing software and hardware, at a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. This caps the worst week ever for red, when HD DVD was dumped by Netflix and Wal-mart, pushed to the background by Best Buy and put on -- an apparently incredibly short -- deathwatch right here. Toshiba is mum on the subject right now, but we hear there's plenty of cheap players and movies in a dumpster around back of the HQ.
Update: Along with an English translation of the NHK's article (Thanks sfditty!) comes additional confirmation from Reuters sources, it's a wrap. Toshiba is shutting down its DVD manufacturing facilities in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, while official word is expected "soon".
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February 16th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
Wow todays sees an updated release for the PSP from Sleeper & M@x which basically allows you to play mobile java games on your PSP.
Heres the release details
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "pspkvm" and "pspkvm%" to GAME150 folder.
Start PSPKVM and select a .jar file in the Memory stick to run.
The defualt device is SE K800i, user can press Triangle to select another device, such as Nokia S60, Motolora Triplets, and etc.
Key mapping:
Up -> NUM2
Left -> NUM4
Right -> NUM6
Down -> NUM8
AnalogStick -> D-pad
Cross -> NUM0
Square -> NUM1
Triangle -> NUM3
Circle -> NUM5
L+Square -> NUM7
L+Triangle -> NUM9
SELECT -> L-Soft
START -> R-Soft
L+Circle -> SELECT
L -> *
R -> #
L+R+Cross -> Red-key(terminate current application)

Supported APIs:
a part of nokia UI
WMA2.0(JSR205, fake function)
Proposed Supporting APIs:
nokia UI
Bugs & suggestions:
2008-02-16 18:33 v0.1.0
Add audio support, it can play MIDI and WAVE now.
Add the homebrew icon, thanks to Datadayne and vivid for making it.
Add the function to select the last selected file when restart, thanks to Kevin Borchert's suggestion.
The fixedsys font was back, thanks to vivid for making font of the special characters.
Fix a crash bug caused by a corrupted jar file in the folder, thanks to Kevin Borchert for the reporting.
Fix the bug that it don't display file name include '.', thanks to Anton Buckov for reporting it.
Download this awesome release via Comments and Give Your Feedback and let us know what games work on the PSP 
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February 16th, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: borgqueenx
Hi all, my P-SPot psp portal has now the possibilty to download direct homebrew applications and games to your psp and with your psp, not need for a computer.
So far, i have only uploaded PSPTube but i want to upload more.
I can only upload homebrew games and apps that:
1-Have no folders!!!
2-have not more then 6 files!
See this:
And this:
If you got a homebrew game or app that i can upload please pm me:thumbup:
Just goto http://psp.gdteam.net/ >>ON YOUR PSP<< and then click the ">>" on the menu above, and then hit HB-Apps and download psptube.
(the HB-Games section will not work yet)
Ofcource, you'l see that this portal have alot of other functions
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February 16th, 2008, 20:34 Posted By: badplankton
hi – i’m announcing the launch of a new netlabel dedicated to music written on the Sony PSP. it is called Running Jump Records:
the first release will be made public in the next two weeks (end of february/beginning of march 2008) and the label is now openly taking submissions for new work. the main guidelines for submissions are:
1. all music must be made on a PSP. the known applications for making music on the PSP are:
PSPRhythm - http://psprhythm.com (homebrew)
PSPSeq – http://dspmusic.org/psp (homebrew)
PSPKick – http://pspkick.com (homebrew)
Traxxpad – http://traxxpad.com (commercial)
2. all sources such as saved sequences and samples must be included with the release. mp3s will also be made available of the final tracks. this label is designed to both draw interest to the PSP music scene and also to serve as a way for people to learn new tricks on how to compose using each of these applications.
if you have any questions or wish to submit your music for review, please email hakyoku@gmail.com.
also note that i am not the person launching the label but as the author of PSPSeq i do have a lot of interest in this project.
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February 16th, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: gamefreak199101
As you may probable know, that since is the final release on iR Shell , some functions were not fully compatible for 3.90 M33, since it was released after iR Shell last version, now AhMan Fixes a bug and lets you use No-UMD mode on iR Shell (A.K.A Play ISO's on iR Shell)
There was a tiny bug in the previous fix where it wouldn't work if the original 3.80 patch wasn't on your memory stick. This has been fixed in the new file. Please re-download if you previously downloaded the file already.
What is it ?
This update makes iR Shell more compatible with CFW 3.90 M33. It skips the firmware check implemented by AhMan and will also allow you to install the No-UMD ISO compatibility patch under CFW 3.90 M33. The relevant info has been available on this forum for a couple of days now but I have finally been able to reach AhMan to allow me to post the edited files.
Many thanks to alejandroues for finding the missing link !!!
Note: Please be aware that some functions may not work properly and this solution is not fully supported !
Note 2: If you want to use the 3.71 memory stick driver under 3.90 M33 then you must apply this patch here before you install the memory driver.
If you already have iR Shell 3.9 installed:
1. Copy the "IRSHELL" folder from this archive to the root of your memory stick - OVERWRITE the files already there.
2. Install the 3.90 M33 No-UMD patch by following the instructions in the User Guide. The patch for 3.90 M33 is in /IRSHELL/PATCH/3.90
If you don't have iR Shell 3.9 installed yet:
1. Download and extract iR Shell 3.9
2. Copy the "IRSHELL" folder from this update to the iR Shell 3.9 folder - OVERWRITE the files already there.
3. Install iR Shell 3.9 by following the instructions in the User Guide. The patch for 3.90 M33 is in /IRSHELL/PATCH/3.90
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February 16th, 2008, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
Boy, you guys must really hate going to your local game retailer. Sony today announced that it's PSN Online Store has racked up an impressive 52 million downloads since launching with the PS3 back in November '06 (and expanding to the PSP in November '07).
For context, Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace reached to 50 million download milestone back in August '06, roughly five months faster than Sony's network (when staggered launch dates are taken into account). Sony's current mark of 2.9 million registered PSN users also pales in comparison to the 7 million Xbox Live users as of last September, though Microsoft's head start likely played a part in that lead.
Still, Sony's online service is going in the right direction, growing from 6.6 million downloads in Dec. '07 to 7.9 million in Jan. '08. And with the PS3 starting to outsell the Xbox 360 in the American marketplace, could the much-predicted Sony turnaround finally be coming to pass?
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February 16th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Eminnentjonfrost:
I'm releasing my unfinished game because it's been left untouched for a looong time (Since the beginning of year '07) and I really did want to release something for the PSP while the homebrew scene was strong. (Don't know if it still is, haven't been keeping up) My "game" is coded in Lua... and hopefully it at least becomes a useful snippet to people.
As it's name implies, it was based on playing with elements. I wanted my first game to be innovative somehow but didn't know how to proceed and stopped coding for so long and just.. lost interest.
You install it by putting the the Elements folder with the rest of the Lua applications in Luaplayer. (Oh btw, I used Cool's mod 4)
I'm sorry I can't post a screenshot because I don't have the PSP app that can do that anymore, but here's the main menu screen at least. It and the little icon are the only actual pics I used in this game. (People who dissect the game will know what I mean. A note to those who do: I did so to save space, and it was quite efficient)
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via Eminnentjonfrost:
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February 17th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TRStealthX:
Oh crap! I received LOTS of emails yesterday about PSAFE crashes. So I decided to patch some bugs. Also, I was looking through the code of the web client, and man, there were 2 major security flaws that allowed for ANYONE to change your IP or view your log - I took some measurements that should fix the problems until v4 is out. Also, if you would like to know more details about the final version of v4, I explained it all on the README file.
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via TRStealthX:
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February 17th, 2008, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from radioedit420:
This app is a HP tracker for the Magic the gathering card game.
It trracks the HP of 4 players.
Please dont flame me, I meant for it to be a basic looking app becuase the purpose of it is not that advanced.
**It is a LUA app.
Even if you dont play MTG, try this out if you got time and tell me what I could do better.
This is my first program ever.
I didnt even do a hello world.
Please leave some feedback.
via radioedit420:
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February 17th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
Our good pals over at Neoflash have posted News of a new coding competition for DS/GBA and PSP, heres the details:
NEO Spring coding contest 2008 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
*** close time: March.20th 2008 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,4862.0.html
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 5 winners for PSP App, total 10+5 winners.
In this neo coding contest, the main concept is for R6 Gold / MK6 Motion cart / PSP Motion kit applications, it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full motion function.
The rules of NEO Spring coding contest 2008:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] From this contest we try to use a new judge way --- everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , if can come with your top 10 winner judgement will be best, here have one nice judgment sample come from anjanj26 --- http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.....html#msg31451 .
We will set a new award --- "NEO Professional Reviewer Award" from this contest, we will check all review reports and choose top 3 from NDS division and top 3 from PSP division too, so will have 6 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.
[3] The result of public contest projects poll just use for judger refer, but it'll not affect the project score again.
[4] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.
[5] You can enter the PSP/NDS/GBA's GAME contest and APP contest at the same time, without any limit.
[6] You must put the splash screen of "NEO Spring coding contest 2008" to your production.
[7] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.
[8] If your project can support NEO Motion function, then you will get +5 "Motion Score".
[9] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer will be welcome.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:
The No.1 : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.2 : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.3 : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
Total winners : 41
NEO Spring Coding contest 2008 close time : March.20th 2008
Winner prize send out time : April.20th 2008
Note: We will keep the right for use the neo contest production in the NEO products,like use for demo.
The Neoflash Competitions are the premier coders competitions for the PSP and Nintendo DS Scenes 
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February 17th, 2008, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxtheBest:
Hi, I'm back with my little protect-me app.
For those who ignore it, it allows you to put a password on your psp, it's not flashed yet, but it will.
here is an extract from the readme about the changelogs since v0.9 and installation:
-Unzip the archive at MS root
-Edit the vsh.txt file and add ms0:/seplugins/protectme.prx
-Set the password you'd like using the eboot installer (don't do it if you don't want to set a passwrod.
it'll still save the history of power on...
-Activate the plugin through recovery menu.
Final Release Revision 0.9b
-Changed (not really important, but I got bored of the old ones...) ICON0 and PIC1 (still Fraise's creations)
-Now there is only 1 file, the installer, the prx is not in the package anymore as it is
autogenerated by the installer(noobz might be delighted as they don't have to copy it to
the right place (hard job isn'it?, no just kiding)). But you still have to add the good line into vsh.txt...
-Two more options in the installer:
- now you CAN exit without, making any changes (in case you just wanted to see the wonderfull menu, who knows?)
- you can delete the plugin (which will diseable it) from the menu.
-Not much important, but I added few colors to the menu...
-Corrected a display bug.
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February 17th, 2008, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
According to documents sent to the FCC on February 14th, it appears as though Sony is attempting to change the specifications of the PSP. The company is requesting a change for "AK8PSP2001." That looks like the PSP-2000 series to us. The document states that "we change parts other than a wireless module. This is not to cause any modification to the mentioned electric characteristics and RF characteristics."
The other documents on the FCC site are rather unhelpful, as they demonstrate the various radio capabilities of the PSP. What changes will be made to the PSP are unclear at the moment, but we'd postulate that these are simple cost-reducing measures, and is not indicative of a new PSP series. Why? Sony would most likely file a new model number altogether in that regard.
We doubt Sony will give specifics regarding this situation, but stay tuned for any new developments.
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February 17th, 2008, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
The PSP Show #68 - Pursuit Force, Extreme Justice (MP3 6.86 mb 10 minutes exactly)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
It’s fast and it’s furious, and sequels are always bigger and better, aren’t they? Sony’s Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice promises a Hollywood A-List plot of explosions and intrigue, but can it deliver in a 21st century gaming environment?
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February 17th, 2008, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster

We weren't blown away when a couple of days ago a rumor started to take hold that a "PSP-style phone" was in the works, but now we've officially entered either elaborate hoax territory (the image above has been seen in both English and Spanish), or just might have pics of the real thing. We're banking on the latter, but we're working with our Spanish-speaking bureau to whip up a translation, which we'll post in a few minutes.
"New in 2008: July-Dec"
Top box: Between both keyboards there is a 3 inches screen with the same resolution of the PSP (480x272 pixels) which guarantees a good gaming experience. Good as well for movies.
Lower right box: PSP functionalities were replicated in this architecture, making possible that all PSP games can be played. It won't have UMD slot, but it'll have M2 cards instead
Left box: Slide on one side and you'll find a joypad with analog stick for PSP controls. Slide to the other side and a number keyboard will show up enjoying the ergonomy of Sony Ericsson
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February 17th, 2008, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Maxthebest
Here is the pre-final release, revision 0.9C of my protect me app, which allows you to put a password on your psp and which registers every time you psp is switched on to a history file.
A readme, which I advice you to read is included, and here is an extract from it, about the changelogs since v0.9b (which was released yesterday):
Final Version revision 0.9c
In the Installer:
-Changed the interface totally, now you have a nice one.
-Recoded most of the eboot.
-New options:
-You can now exit via the menu
-You can now uninstall the prx, and password and history file
-You can now delete the password without deleting the prx (to keep history function)
-You can reset the history (clear the file)
-Now the installer checks wether vsh.txt exist or nopt, if it does not exist:
- it creates it
- It adds 'ms0:/...blah blah blah" so that you don't have to do it yourself)
-The prx checks wether the good line is writen in vsh.txt, if it does not, then it adds it.
So now the installation is easier, you just put the eboot in your psp and launch it, and then activate the prx, nothing else!
-Changed '********' to 'aaaaaaaa' because it caused some little problems.
In the prx:
-Changed '********' to 'aaaaaaaa' because it caused some little problems.
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February 17th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Homemister
Here is the Latest Update
Copy the systemplayerupdater folder under GAME not GAME150 or GAME390 and then run the Installer from the Game menu in the
------New Features------
3.90M33 SystemInfo Bug fixed
CPU auto Throttling introduced (longer Battery life)
Fixed the Visualtions not changing song after the end of the prevous song
Also my New Lua Player HM (HM = Homemister) is installed so System Player 101
can be run on Slim and Phat. Also alows the Auto Cpu Throttling to work plus
it is faster and more reliable.
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February 17th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Archaemic:
This workaround has gotten a little out of hand. That's right, I wrote a GUI for No Bull Moose, which was originally conceived as a workaround for a bug in PSPComic that couldn't be fixed due to memory limitations! It's not perfect, but it gets the job done, and it's certainly a lot easier to work with than the command line utility. At least, it is if you're command line illiterate like most of the world. It's also bundled with a new version of No Bull Moose that has better detection of the location of jpegtran. As usual, the application is available for Windows, two Linux architectures and Mac (as a universal binary). However, the Mac version of FANG won't work as a native 64-bit application. Regardless, it should still work fine on 64-bit machines. The file size is a little large due to its dependence on Qt, but, unless you're on dial-up, it should download in only a few minutes.
Please note that I do not plan to continue development of neither FANG nor No Bull Moose following this release. Now I can finally get back to finishing up PSPComic v1.0! Soon...soon...
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February 17th, 2008, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via xtreamlua

Pjeff continues to improve his game: Super mario toy, which is now in version 0.5 click away!
One day, Mario and his friends were in the forest for a picnic, suddenly, they see a plaque a little bizarre, mario approaching, the key, and is projecting to the world of Zelda.
Once happen very intrigued by the situation that he found beside zelda and asks for help. Equally etonné as much the other mario him talk about what has just arrived. Zelda offered him to see that the former is in the village, and it indicates the path. (Heading north).
In the village everyone that met all wondered about these new people, the priest arrives and then he explains the history
A priest told him: "You go home, you need to get the medals scattered throughout all the world, why, you should acomplir mini-games that some people suggest you, as soon as you have done, come back here"
Only what you do not know yet is that when mario finds all the medals, he will visit the ancient and it will mislead in this ca magic formula and better mario Worse than going this shows up in VERY strange (SONIC, SUPER MEDROID, KIRBI ....) and many other adventures.
Orders PSP:
O: Running
X: Jump
Start: Display the menu in the games (in the mini games only)
The changelog:
Player who appeared at the top of some sprite when we speak
- Cloud and rain that disappeared when we speak
Correction-collisions in the houses.
- Traveling guards on the map
- Changing a juvenile or 2 things in the intro
- Changing texts with correct spelling
- Renomage of Zelda "Link"
- Addition of new mini games:
- Pacman
- Space Invader
- DuckHunt
- Changing the menu and update of the same with animations
- Adding a part in the menu BONUS permetant once debloqué to access the mini games faster.
- Loading the backup for Honda.
- Added a menu in the START minis permetant games to take a break or leave the mini games.
- Prohibits certain enter a house
- Sets for clouds in the sky
- Many other improvements and bug fixes.
- Temporarily as backups will not be gerées pjaff allowed access to all the mini games in the menu without having to earn them. But it is only temporary.
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February 18th, 2008, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
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Bub and Bob, the stars of the Bubble Bobble franchise, must battle an evil record company that is polluting the ecosystem with constant noise.
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February 18th, 2008, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
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As is tradition with the series, gamers will race along at high speeds in futuristic vehicles outfitted with weapons. New to the franchise with Pulse is a mag-strip, a part of the track that locks the vehicles onto the track, allowing them to race through loops, 90-degree-angled parts of the track, and steep drops.
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February 18th, 2008, 16:27 Posted By: bandit
XCM will be releasing a new Multi-Console Component Cable very shortly. No price has been announced yet. This is an upgrade to their previous cable which now includes the PSP Slim.
- Fully Compatible with Xbox 360™, Wii™, PS3™/PS2™, PSP Slim™, Xbox™.
- Built in switch prevents interference of other consoles
- High quality shielded cable.
- Support Component Signal (Stereo Function)
- High Quality and High Speed for Transfer Signal.
- Support Dolby Prologic.
- Support DTS 5.1 Channel System.
- Support DOLBY Digital and Surround Sound
- Support Stereo Sound
- Support Optical Signal on Xbox 360™
- Compatible with Surround Receiver or Integrated Amplifier
- Support CRT, Plasma, LCD or any HDTV System
- Support D2 (480i/480P); (720i/720P) & D4 (1080 i/ 1080 P) technology.
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February 18th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Toshiba made a formal announcement today with regard to the state of HD DVD. Unfortunately, it wasn't the white-flag surrender we had hoped would bring a swift end to the format war. In a statement made by a Toshiba spokesman, the firm said, "Toshiba has not made any announcement or decision. We are currently assessing our business strategies, but nothing has been decided at the moment." This came as its stock soared under investor speculation that Toshiba was ready to pre-empt future losses and bring the battle with Blu-ray to a conclusive end. Nevertheless, a multi-format disc pressing plant for indie films by the name of Blue Ray Technologies (BRT) announced the closure of its HD DVD stamping lines. According to BRT's founder Erick Hansen, there's no need to wait for the formal announcement, "HD-DVD is dead, all that is left is the burial." Ouch.
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February 18th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
UK studio keen to follow MotorStorm success with more of the same
Evolution Studios, the developer behind the European PlayStation 3 launch title MotorStorm, has said that it wants to "dominate reaction racing for a long time".
Asked about the future of MotorStorm as part of a Eurogamer.net feature exploring the game's first year of downloadable add-ons, gameplay producer Jed Ashworth explained that the question "goes way beyond downloadable content".
"We have the aim of turning our launch-window title into a sustained, massive brand," he said. "We plan to dominate reaction racing for a long time. We'd never aim any lower."
Ashworth declined to comment on plans for MotorStorm 2, but confirmed that the first game's considerable support since launch wasn't getting in the way of development.
"The picture some people have of us all working on [MotorStorm DLC] is somewhat off the mark," he said. "We're a multiple-project developer now."
MotorStorm has sold more than 3 million copies worldwide, making it one of the Sony flagship platform's most successful games to date.
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February 18th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda's dark future RPG should be out on the same day for all platforms
Forthcoming Bethesda Softworks title Fallout 3 is set for a simultaneous release later this year on several platforms, according to the game's executive producer Todd Howard.
Bethesda's previous title, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, was released over a year later on the PS3 than on the Xbox 360 and PC platforms.
Speaking to videogaming247.com he said that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC versions "should all be the same date…that's our plan."
Howard spoke of his belief that the game would transcend the traditional genre borders between role-playing games and first-person shooters.
"I like to think of RPGs as the best genre-blenders, in that you can do anything in them. No type of interaction is off limits and you can have action parts, puzzle solving parts, or anything else," he said.
"When you're making a shooter, you never ask 'can the player get married and have kids?' When you're making an RPG, that type of thinking goes on all the time, so while it may look like a shooter, I think that dramatically undersells what the game does."
He also explained that the Fallout 3 team has been looking carefully at a variety of influences, including Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road.
"The Road is fantastic and came out in the middle of our design phase, so it became required reading for many of us," he said.
"We looked at many post nuclear movies, some very disturbing, things that deal with Hiroshima and such, and it gave us a good look at that type of nuclear destruction. Other general ones we looked at were things dealing with survival or how people deal with the effects of any war or rebuilding."
Fallout 3 is due for release in Q3 of this year, and is set 200 years in the future in post-apocalyptic Washington DC.
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February 18th, 2008, 18:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The internet went a bit mental when we reported that Devil May Cry 4 on PS3 forced you to install 5GB of data taking over 20 minutes - and Capcom has done it again with Lost Planet on PS3.
LP: Extreme Condition, which releases on PS3 on February 29 (that's next week), has picked up a mandatory 20-minute installation process before the game can be played, according to reports.
This, as Capcom was quick to tell us after the DMC4 uproar, helps to bring load times between levels down from what would otherwise be inherently slow Blu-ray drive load speeds.
Installation times don't rattle our cage much to be honest, having chose to install files on games where it was optional (Ridge Racer 7) but is it against the principles of console gaming?
Tell us what you think in comments below and look out for a discussion later.
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February 18th, 2008, 18:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Warhawk game director Dylan Jobe has announced some PlayStation Home functionality for Incog's online war-game, and promises much more to come. Handy for those of you on the beta.
First up is the ability to form groups, meet in Home apartments, discuss tactics and then launch games. Games launched from Home "show up in the global games list in an attractive gold colour". Nice one, Dylan. All this is going into patch 1.3, coming soon at no extra cost to consumers.
PlayStation Home is Sony's upcoming online world, in which players will be able to communicate with one another, set up houses and apartments and show off their in-game achievements, as well - obviously - as coordinating game sessions. It's been likened to Second Life and is due out this year.
"Now this is just the beginning of what we're gonna to be doing with Home and there's some really neat stuff on the horizon," Jobe says in a Sony US blog post. "I'd love to show you more of the cool Home stuff that we're working on but I suspect I'd get a PR-shank to the spine...or possibly a lung."
Also coming in the 1.3 patch, which is in testing right now, are two new troop items to help rebalance the on-foot stuff. The Bio-field Generator produces a healing field and can be attached to walls, vehicles and so on, while the Mechanic's Field Wrench is for repairing vehicles by whacking them repeatedly.
Other new bits include expanded voice-over-IP support, some new paint schemes and insignias, and possibly some new server options if they test well.
Jobe says he'll post an update on the Sony blog when he can talk about the patch release timing, and the Sony blog is where you should go for all the minute details and images about what's going into the free download.
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February 18th, 2008, 19:02 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Free Radical has assured PS3 owners that the delays slapped on its platform-exclusive FPS Haze have meant the game is far better as a result. But it's bound to say that isn't it?
"While we can't explicitly say what improvements we've made (I'd love to tell you all the cool stuff we've been putting in!... but I also love my job too...)", a Free Radical staffer teased on Ubisoft forums, "I can guarantee you that the extra bit of time has made a big difference for the better".
Well, thank goodness for that. We were beginning to wonder...
The spokesperson goes on to say the team understands the frustration gamers have been experiencing thanks to the topsy-turvy release date, "but we just want to make sure things are right for the people who'll be playing Haze *very* soon".
"...maybe once Haze is sat toasting away in your PS3s we'll be able to do some post mortem video's/articles for you lot, and explain what's gone in and what improved with the bit of extra time we had", they add.
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February 18th, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK
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Design and tweak your car to perfection, then lay it all on the line in high-speed events around the globe.
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February 18th, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Newly back in stock from SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship Worldwide

Official Dual Shock 3 wireless controller
Connects via bluetooth (wireless) or USB (wired)
Lithium Ion rechargeable battery pack built-in
Play & Charge technology: Recharge battery pack when connecting via USB
A very complete wireless controller that is compatible with Playstation 3, Playstation 2 and PC. It is packed with features such as rumble.
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February 18th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly back in stock from SuccessHK
SuccessHK Ship Worldwide

Revolutionize your interactive gaming and online communication experience with the PLAYSTATION®Eye USB camera. The PLAYSTATION®Eye has the ability to reduce background noise and focus on the spoken word for smoother, more accurate speech recognition and transfer. The fast frame rate allows for improved tracking and responsiveness for pristine video quality. The PLAYSTATION®Eye is also engineered to perform well in low-light conditions and includes a dual action lens for close-up and full body options.
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February 18th, 2008, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
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SuccessHK Ship Worldwide

Conflict: Denied Ops is a next-gen FPS set in volatile areas around the globe and features two player co-op.
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February 18th, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Team ICE has released Ice Package 1.2 today, and it contains some new and updates from their previous release.
+ RADTools
+ Home Beta Exploit EU
+ HDD Format SELF
+ Customize your XMB Version 2.0
+ Motorstorm Exploit US
+ Resistance Exploit US
+ Motorstorm Exploit Fix
+ Resistance Exploit Fix
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via ps3hax
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February 18th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Yuriy Yermilov :
Hello guys,
I was out for a while after bricking my psp. But now I got a new and going to fix my bricked one with the Pandora battery I've ordered today.
Ill be posting lots of cool PSP programs/games just help folks out.
This is a demo I wrote a while back to control the sensitivity of the key press on the psp.
I've used it in my tetris game and it work flawlessly.
Here are the links:
my psptetris game: http://devrc.org/pub/psptetris/ (worked on 2.6 FW)
psp controller sensitivity demo (src included): http://devrc.org/pub/pspctrl/
psp dice demo (using the sensitivity code above): http://devrc.org/pub/pspdice/
Let me know if these are useful.
If anyone wants the code to the tetris game let me know I'll post it on my site.
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via yuriy
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February 18th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
RS Psar Dumper by Red Squirrel
RS Psar Dumper is a "derivated" from classical Psar Dumper (last version of which was released by HelldashX).
Its functions are the same of classical Psar Dumper (so dump Firmware from an Official Udpater Eboot), but it's more! Infact this version has a user interface full of colors, more interactive and especially it has the new important function to make a dump of Firmware directly on PC, without using Memory Stick!
Infact this Homebrew has a USBHostfs connection function with a PC, so the program can read eboot directly from Hard Disk (that is a good profit because new Sony Updater Eboots weigh also more than 20Mb!) and it can also dump the Firmware directly on PC, so Memory Stick is NEVER used during the process!
Attention: v3 does NOT violate any Sony Copyright!
Infact if you use it under a 3.80 (or more) Firmware, the program try to get NATIVE support for decompress KL3E (to decompress reboot.bin) and the oldest 2LRZ (to decompress <=3.73 firmwares).
KL4E in this case is decrypted using an import exported by UtilsForKernel function.
What is the effective profit?
1. Well, first of all homebrew does not require free space on Memory Stick (that can be full too!)
2. You spare time because you do not need to copy files betwenn PC and Memory Stick!
3. Extracting and Dumping process require a very smaller time!
An example? Look to this my little "experiment":
3.71 firmware dumping from the Official Updater Eboot
Technical data:
Eboot of 22,5Mb (biggest released from Sony!).
Memory Stick used: Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 2GB (that released with PSP pack!).
Process used: the most "onerous", so PSAR loading with extraction e decrompression of the Firmware (SQUARE key in the homebrew)
-"Classical" process executed on Memory Stick: about 90 seconds of waiting...
-"New" process executed on PC Hard Disk through USBHOSTFS: about 25 seconds of waiting...
Using new USBHOSTFS function you can gain more than one minute!
And then I do not calculate great times necessary to copy eboot from PC to Memory Stick, times that with USBHOSTFS are void!
- Fixed a critical bug in the previous version of pspdecrypt.prx.
In previous version if you signcheck a encrypted file you obtained a corrupted prx.
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February 18th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
lps has updated his Quake Arena release he made here a few months ago, heres the details:
Great mod of quake with q3 weapons, armors and gameplay style.
Based on q1a 0.75 mod from electro (see q1a.txt for more info) with some updates by me.
Tested on:
- phat psp with cfw 3.71m33 and phat psp with fw 3.80m33
- psp quake 1.1 hw-um (13mb heap memory)
- psp quake 1.1 hw-um adhoc (14mb heap memory)
- you may have some problems with psp quake 1.1 hw-um on NOT ORIGINAL MS.
- psp quake 1.1 hw-um adhoc crashes with maximum screensize
- add waypoints for all maps, it may make bots smarter
psp q1a 0.75 R3:
- used psp gl quake 1.1 (see PSP_Quake_1_Readme_v_1.0. txt)
- changed/fixed some maps (see maps.txt)
- some maps was retextured in q3 gothic stle by me
- fixed all missed sprites (bubbles)
- green armor textures was changed
- bots skill decreased (0-1)
- maximum bots now - 3
- changed fraglimit on some levels
- demos was removed
- some small fixes
- all levels was tested
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February 18th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
via beta-pesepe
Linuzer, collaborator of our community gives us the privilege of playing its first project: Solitarie Mahjongg. Let the wisdom of ancient Chinese fill us. A card game addictive, simple, and entertaining is what it presumed the Mahjongg. If you are bored with solitaire classics, this game is for you.
Mahjong is a game of cards of Chinese origin, but are even American and Japanese versions, which will have to clean up the board, eliminate all the cards. Originally the game is played between four people, but there are versions "lonely" like this.
Our goal is to clear the board of all the letters, finding identical pairs, we will do this until terminating the possibilities or wipe the board, nothing complicated, but very entertaining.
3 will have different boards: Classic, Pyramids and Double Pyramid.
X: Select letter
Or: Help
Start: Back to the menu
Pad Digital / Analog: Move the cursor
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February 18th, 2008, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
todays sees an updated release for the PSP from Sleeper & M@x which basically allows you to play mobile java games on your PSP.
Heres the release details
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "pspkvm" and "pspkvm%" to GAME150 folder.
Start PSPKVM and select a .jar file in the Memory stick to run.
The defualt device is SE K800i, user can press Triangle to select another device, such as Nokia S60, Motolora Triplets, and etc.
Key mapping:
Up -> NUM2
Left -> NUM4
Right -> NUM6
Down -> NUM8
AnalogStick -> D-pad
Cross -> NUM0
Square -> NUM1
Triangle -> NUM3
Circle -> NUM5
L+Square -> NUM7
L+Triangle -> NUM9
SELECT -> L-Soft
START -> R-Soft
L+Circle -> SELECT
L -> *
R -> #
L+R+Cross -> Red-key(terminate current application)

Supported APIs:
a part of nokia UI
WMA2.0(JSR205, fake function)
Proposed Supporting APIs:
nokia UI
Bugs & suggestions:
2008-02-18 18:11 v0.1.0a
Limited the heap size used by sound font to fix a crash bug.
Download this awesome release via Comments and Give Your Feedback and let us know what games work on the PSP 
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February 18th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Jumpers, people with a genetic anomaly that enables them to teleport themselves instantaneously to anywhere on the globe, have existed for centuries. An age-old battle rages between the Jumpers and the Paladins, a clandestine organization set on eliminating them from the planet. The Jumper game extends the film's storyline, following Griffin, a battle-hardened Jumper determined to avenge the death of his parents at the hands of the Paladins
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February 19th, 2008, 01:09 Posted By: not here anymore
Namco released a Space Invaders Extreme demo on Playstation Spot today.
Put in a folder called "ULJM05315" in PSP\GAME.
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February 19th, 2008, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cpasjuste:
I have updated my plugin to version 2.0, here is the changes :
- Removed usb/wifi ISO streaming for multiples reason, principaly it was not the goal of cfe at the beginning.
There is now "USB ISO Loader" by psp.padawan that will do the job well.
You should soon be able to grab it from http://www.mydedibox.fr/~psppadawan/
- 390m33-2 and 150_340TM custom firmware now supported (cfe should now work on any firmware),
note that on the 150_340 time machine firmware, the ftpd server will not work,
and remotejoy under ISO/HOMEBREWS won't work too for now. All other functions should work well.
- Time Machine compatibility : You can now reboot "on the fly" from one time machine firmware to another,
just edit the cfe.config file under "ms0:/seplugins/cfe/" to choose which firmware you will reboot to
by pressing a combo button. Format is the same as the original time machine configuration file.
Default configuration is NOTE+LEFT => reboot to 150_340 firmware, NOTE+RIGHT => normal reboot (NAND).
- Remotejoy fixed to work on both slim and phat psp, without savegame bugs, so it should now be
completely usable for gaming and recording.
- Tested on 390m33-2 and 150_340TM firmware on SLIM and PHAT psp.
- And more, can't remember all the work i have done on this
========================= =======
========================= =======
"Custom Firmware Extender" is a set of plugins that will add some extra option to your SONY PSP.
With "cfe 2.0" you should be able to :
- Hook some Vsh menu functions (replace icons function).
- Start a ftpd server while under the VSH (PSP Menu).
- Make some in-game videos with the help of remotejoy from tyranid.
- Reset the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO/HOMEBREW), including dark_alex "time machine" support.
- Power off the PSP with a button while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO/HOMEBREW).
- Change the speed of the PSP CPU/FSB while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO/HOMEBREW).
- Start and stop Usb Mass Storage under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO/HOMEBREW).
- Take some screenshot while under the VSH (PSP Menu) or in-game (UMD/ISO/HOMEBREW), saved in the PICTURE folder.
- Enable full screen brightness.
- Enable Usb Mass Storage at startup.
- Set a default CPU/BUS speed at startup.
- Set a default brightness level at startup.
- Fully configurable via a configuration file.
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February 19th, 2008, 05:04 Posted By: Napalm-Death
An Associated Press business article, dedicated mostly to the impending conclusion of that stupid, distracting "format war", has buried in its conclusion some PS3 sales figures. According to the piece, Sony have now sold 10.5 million PS3 consoles since launch. Which is good news for them, as it puts them squarely on track to meet their goal of selling 11 million by the end of March, a target they set themselves last December. Oh, before you go, those who like to dabble in the odd bit of conjecture and speculation should note that it's been Sony policy for a while now to count "sold" as sold, not shipped.
Sony's Blu-ray DVD format could prevail.
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February 19th, 2008, 15:07 Posted By: bandit
TOKYO--Toshiba Corporation today announced that it has undertaken a thorough review of its overall strategy for HD DVD and has decided it will no longer develop, manufacture and market HD DVD players and recorders. This decision has been made following recent major changes in the market. Toshiba will continue, however, to provide full product support and after-sales service for all owners of Toshiba HD DVD products.
HD DVD was developed to offer consumers access at an affordable price to high-quality, high definition content and prepare them for the digital convergence of tomorrow where the fusion of consumer electronics and IT will continue to progress.
"We carefully assessed the long-term impact of continuing the so-called 'next-generation format war' and concluded that a swift decision will best help the market develop," said Atsutoshi Nishida, President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation. "While we are disappointed for the company and more importantly, for the consumer, the real mass market opportunity for high definition content remains untapped and Toshiba is both able and determined to use our talent, technology and intellectual property to make digital convergence a reality."
Toshiba will continue to lead innovation, in a wide range of technologies that will drive mass market access to high definition content. These include high capacity NAND flash memory, small form factor hard disk drives, next generation CPUs, visual processing, and wireless and encryption technologies. The company expects to make forthcoming announcements around strategic progress in these convergence technologies.
Toshiba will begin to reduce shipments of HD DVD players and recorders to retail channels, aiming for cessation of these businesses by the end of March 2008. Toshiba also plans to end volume production of HD DVD disk drives for such applications as PCs and games in the same timeframe, yet will continue to make efforts to meet customer requirements. The company will continue to assess the position of notebook PCs with integrated HD DVD drives within the overall PC business relative to future market demand.
This decision will not impact on Toshiba's commitment to standard DVD, and the company will continue to market conventional DVD players and recorders. Toshiba intends to continue to contribute to the development of the DVD industry, as a member of the DVD Forum, an international organization with some 200 member companies, committed to the discussion and defining of optimum optical disc formats for the consumer and the related industries.
Toshiba also intends to maintain collaborative relations with the companies who joined with Toshiba in working to build up the HD DVD market, including Universal Studios, Paramount Pictures, and DreamWorks Animation and major Japanese and European content providers on the entertainment side, as well as leaders in the IT industry, including Microsoft, Intel, and HP. Toshiba will study possible collaboration with these companies for future business opportunities, utilizing the many assets generated through the development of HD DVD.
Here is something interesting during Q&A:
Q: How many HD DVD players and recorders, exactly, did you sell?
A: 600,000 players in the US -- 300,000 of which were Xbox 360 HD DVD drives. 100,000 units were sold in Europe. And about 10,000 players and 20,000 recorders in Japan. So about 730,000 units worldwide. You would think there would have been more HD DVD drives sold during the $100 fiasco price drop at Best Buy, Walmart, Circuit City, etc.
Source: Toshiba
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February 19th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
In the Q&A session following Toshiba's HD DVD dumping event in Japan, Atsutoshi Nishida, President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation made a bit of a surprise announcement. While it remains committed to standard DVD, they have "no plan at all at this moment" to take up the Blu-ray format. He also stated that Tosh has no plans for a next-next gen format at all. Perhaps they are just licking their wounds until HD downloads become a reality
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February 19th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget

Open today for public beta after long last, DVD Jon's first, um, "legit" software business venture: doubleTwist Desktop, a Windows-based app intended to help seamlessly organize, transcode, and sync your various media types to devices like the PSP, Kindle, and Symbian S60 and UIQ phones, as well as share online through Facebook. (Apparently a Mac version is due in Q2.) Nary a mention of DRM stripping or the like (just a couple references to "liberating" your iTunes media -- convert it to MP3, stripping the FairPlay DRM), just a whole lot of talk about making your media easy to move between devices and share with friends.
More Info - http://www.doubletwist.com/
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February 19th, 2008, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Analysts agree that HD DVD demise is good news for the console
Sales of the PlayStation 3 could see a rise of up to 10 per cent in the wake of Toshiba's pull-out from the next generation DVD war as a result of educated consumers who have been waiting for the format war to end.
That's according to Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, who also told GamesIndustry.biz that as well as the short term boost, the long term effect will be even more positive.
"Longer term, I think it's a huge boon for Sony, as most retail clerks will be instructed to push Blu-ray along with sales of HD monitors at holiday, so we should see a large increase in PS3 sales year-over-year at holiday," he said.
Ed Barton and Richard Cooper, from Screen Digest, broadly agree: "With the format war over, and the end of the consumer indecision resulting from it, video consumers are likely to purchase the PS3 as the most cost effective, future proof Blu-ray player," they said.
"In the longer term lower price, higher specification set-top Blu-ray players will take on the role as best entry level Blu-ray player but not within the next 12 months. This could result in a small but significant rise in the number of PS3s bought over the next 12 months as Blu-ray players."
On the question of what Microsoft's response might be, given that the Xbox 360 supported an HD DVD peripheral but with no official plans to do the same for Blu-ray at this point, opinion was mixed.
Pachter feels that while committing the Xbox 360 to Blu-ray is an option for Microsoft, either in terms of a built-in device or as a peripheral, both are unlikely - while to compete on that basis with the PlayStation 3 the company can only look towards price cuts.
Barton and Cooper feel that the demise of HD DVD won't have a negative effect on the Xbox 360, and that Microsoft will instead see benefits in other areas.
"If anything Microsoft will appreciate more Xbox 360 owners being driven to the Live Video Store as it makes more margin on HD content supply from XBL than via the HD DVD platform."
Sony is yet to officially comment on the HD DVD situation, while Microsoft has reiterated that it doesn't believe Xbox 360 sales will be affected.
"As we've long stated, we believe it is games that sell consoles and Xbox 360 continues to have the largest next-gen games library with the most exclusives and best selling games in the industry," the company said.
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February 19th, 2008, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:

This new installment in the critically-acclaimed Virtua Fighter series packs a serious punch fueled by the power of the Playstation3™. Virtua Fighter 5 will have an all-star cast of 17 fighters, including characters from the previous iterations along with two new characters named El Blaze and Eileen. El Blaze is a Mexican fighting champion that defeats unsuspecting opponents with his lightning-quick Lucha Libre fighting style and Eileen uses a Monkey Kung Fu fighting style which she learned from her grandfather, a former Kung Fu master. Choose from an array of costumes and attachable items and then step into the ring and prove that you're the best.
Sega's Japanese region free version of Virtua Fighter 5 for Playstation3™ is now available at a bargain price of US$ 18.90 only.
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February 19th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

“NiGHTS are always in your dreams"
The makers of the hugely popular Sonic the Hedgehog series created yet another legendary action RPG game “NiGHTS”
The innovative game system is an answer to a dream which everybody has – flying the skies freely. The plot is a moving drama which depicts the rites of passage of both boys and girls. Throughout the decade, the game has captured the hearts of many.
In 1996, when the game was first designed, its system received praises for its brand new concept and the gaming experiences it provided. This time this highly regarded series is revived through PlayStation2™. Although eleven years have gone by, the color of dreams and emotions still shine brightly.
Ever more beautiful and ever more elegant, the exhilarating experience of flying in the air was re-created through the PlayStation2™. By remaking the game that combined fantastic graphics and the hardware capabilities of the console, the world of NiGHTS is resurrected in its full glory. The dearly remembered original Sega Saturn mode is devised for all fans of the first installment of the series, this also allows the new gamers to get to know the original point of NiGHTS and dreams.
Sega's NiGHTS into Dreams... (Nightopia Dream Pack) for PlayStation2™ is in stock today, shipping as an NTSC/J Japanese version at US$ 49.90 only. The pack comes with an illustrated story book that is the fruit of the combined efforts between the original game's designers and the writer Inukai Kyoko.
Please note that since this is the limited edition of the game, it is only available for as long as stocks last.
The standard edition of NiGHTS into Dreams... Japan Version (NTSC/J) for PlayStation2™ can also be ordered from our site. NiGHTS into Dreams... Original Soundtrack will be in stock on the 22nd of February and is available on preorder.
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February 19th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The bestselling video game in the music game category explodes onto the dance floor with Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA2, the follow-up to 2006’s biggest and hottest DDR game to date! Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA2 delivers a one-two punch with its fun interactive gameplay, incredible song selection and innovative new game modes.
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February 19th, 2008, 19:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Q-Games has said it has two more PixelJunk games in development for the PlayStation Store.
The first of these will be PixelJunk Eden, an abstract puzzle game that bears a passing resemblance to LocoRoco. You are a little blob and have to eat pollen and birth flowers and become a part of the environment around you.
It's bright and colourful and was described as "kind of like an organic Mario" by studio boss Dylan Cuthbert at the Independent Games Summit in Japan earlier this week (reported by Gamasutra).
With a proposed development time of around six to seven months, Eden should be out very soon indeed - work began last June. Pop over to YouTube to see it in action.
The other title to come is PixelJunk Dungeons, a top-down dungeon crawler, although little else is known about it.
PixelJunk Racers and PixelJunk Monsters are the two already available on PSN. The former is a racing game where you have to dodge traffic while gaining speed around a little track, while the latter is a real-time strategy affair and rather good at that.
Despite all being very different, Cuthbert is keen for us to get to know the PixelJunk name and its emphasis on "simplicity, familiarity, and originality", which is why they all carry the title.
Pleased to meet you, PixelJunk.
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February 19th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has told us that the European Lost Planet PS3 demo will be out this Thursday.
That means you can get a taste for bungling around in the snow in giant robot suits while you blow chunks in enormous insects and naughty baddies with guns.
You can also enjoy a spot of it in online multiplayer battles for up to eight of you, although the full version will feature 16-player matches.
This was the same demo the US was given a couple of weeks ago - the one that was pulled down due to a few technical hiccups. Thankfully none of those should be apparent here.
Lost Planet PS3 will be out at the end of next week, and brings with it a new playable character in lovely Luka, as well as all the various patches that have been applied to the Xbox 360 version.
Capcom offered no comment on if it will need a lengthy installation like Devil May Cry 4, though, but given the outcry that caused we would be surprised if it did.
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February 19th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony says its softly-softly approach to PlayStation Network will help it identify the "next Will Wright and David Jaffe".
Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, John Hight, director of product development at SCEA's Santa Monica Studios, explained why PlayStation Network hasn't been particularly overwhelmed with games.
"We're very careful about the stuff we add to our catalog. Early on as a company we decided it's not going to be about giant numbers and 'Hey, come to PlayStation Network and you'll have 5000 games, maybe three of which you actually want. Go ahead and find that needle in the haystack'.
"It's more about each one of these experiences is something special," he added, noting that Sony's decision to operate in this manner would help it to unearth visionary designers like Will Wright and David Jaffe.
Hight went on to say that PSN would see plenty more original titles, as well as a bigger budget, and larger sized games this year, while titles that include cooperative multiplayer games would be made a priority. "It's not a must-have, but we feel the competitive universe is mostly covered."
He also acknowledged that Sony was having a problem implementing a strict game pricing policy. "We have to decide, 'Gee am I going to charge more because everybody wants to have it? Or I'm going to set a price zone and everything has to reach that?' We have messed around with experimenting with prices."
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February 19th, 2008, 20:13 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ninja Theory, the UK-based developer behind PS3 hit Heavenly Sword (and Kung Fu Chaos), has updated its website to tease us about what its next project will be. Heavenly Sword sequel or something completely different?
"Right now we're working on an exciting new concept that has got everyone we talk to buzzing," reads the website. "We can't say a lot except that it's going to be great to work on and should be even better to play! It'll take all the things we loved about Heavenly Sword and make them bigger and better than ever before."
All clear on that, then? Good.
"There are some teaser elements on this new look website," adds the post. Hit this link and have a look for yourself.
Don't go expecting too much now. All we can make out is that, what ever the game is, it doesn't like it's based in the same time period as Heavenly Sword.
Spotted by NeoGaf.
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February 19th, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Having already shifted some 1.2 million units over in the US, Midway has announced that it's bringing Unreal Tournament III to the PlayStation 3 in Europe on Friday, February 22.
With its hooves firmly entrenched in the multiplayer arena, Unreal Tournament III is a highly competent first-person shooter, earning itself a '9.0' when reviewed by our US team last December.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of the title is the ability to download mods and user generated maps over the PlayStation Network – a near-unprecedented feature on the console landscape and a marked evolution from Halo 3's Forge-enabled content. However, US players were forced to wait a couple of weeks to fully benefit from the feature – we contacted Midway to see if there would be a similar wait over here but were unable to pin anyone down for an answer.
Regardless, it's easily in the upper echelon of shooters currently available on the PS3 and serves to further bolster the console's rapidly expanding catalogue.
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February 19th, 2008, 20:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
In case you were wondering how Sony's software performed during the month of January in Japan, the Famitsu Marketing Data Service recently broke down the sales and delivered some numbers for any curious parties. This information pertains to sales occurring between December 31, 2007 and January 27, 2008.
PlayStation 3 sold 47,000 titles while Sony's portable platform sold 279,300 titles. The PS2, even in its old age, pushed 303,500 titles. These sales translate to market shares of 1.4%, 8.4% and 9.1%, respectively -- that's almost 20% of the total market share. While no information on 360 software was provided, Nintendo's Wii and DS titles are still outselling Sony's products by a significant margin, with over 80% of the total market share for software.
Notable titles include Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Star Ocean: The First Departure for the PSP -- both of which were in the Top 20 best-selling games of January.
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February 19th, 2008, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Not a whole lot to go on right now, but German site HDTV Praxis has it that both Paramount and Universal will now make the obvious choice and publish their films on Blu-ray. Notably, this follows hints seen in certain Circuit City databases as well as word that we've received noting that both studios would indeed make things easy on everyone and simply support the one format still standing. Interestingly, DreamWorks isn't mentioned in the linked article per se, but we've all ideas it'll be following suit shortly.
Update: Universal's president Craig Kornblau had this to say: "While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray."
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February 19th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
In case you were wondering how Sony's software performed during the month of January in Japan, the Famitsu Marketing Data Service recently broke down the sales and delivered some numbers for any curious parties. This information pertains to sales occurring between December 31, 2007 and January 27, 2008.
PlayStation 3 sold 47,000 titles while Sony's portable platform sold 279,300 titles. The PS2, even in its old age, pushed 303,500 titles. These sales translate to market shares of 1.4%, 8.4% and 9.1%, respectively -- that's almost 20% of the total market share. While no information on 360 software was provided, Nintendo's Wii and DS titles are still outselling Sony's products by a significant margin, with over 80% of the total market share for software.
Notable titles include Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Star Ocean: The First Departure for the PSP -- both of which were in the Top 20 best-selling games of January.
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February 19th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
The Famitsu Marketing Data Service recently released their monthly report for January 2008, and Sony's three systems did very well in Japan during the first month of the year. Recording data from December 31st, 2007 to January 27th, 2008, 1,729,034 hardware units were sold across Japan. The PSP was the most popular piece of Sony hardware sold during the month, with almost 400,000 units. Surprisingly, the PSP even bested Nintendo's Wii in the second week of the month, selling almost 84,000 units to the Wiis' 82,000 units. The PSP's incredibly strong start gave it 23.1% of the total market share for January, which was only behind that of the Nintendo DS Lite and the Nintendo Wii.
The PS3 and PS2 didn't have a bad start in2008 either, with respectable numbers for January. The PS3 moved almost 166,000 units of hardware, taking a 9.6% share of the Japanese market. The venerable PS2 still managed to sell extremely well, moving almost 74,000 units and gathering 4.3% of the market share. While these numbers may seem light, any one of Sony's three consoles easily left the Xbox 360 in the dust, which only moved 27,000 units and acquired a meager 1.6% of the Japanese market. Plus, with all of their numbers combined, all three Sony systems accounted for 37% of systems sold in January, which is a rather good start to the year.
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February 19th, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from BJK
This is the official release of my Windows XP. The main thing right now is kinda crappy, but later on in this thread I will issue new bug fixes and updates. The cool thing is that this is the only main file, all later bug fixes and attachments will be small (so you don't have to re-download the entire thing). All other questions will be answered here, most topics already covered in the read-me, including how to edit it and make it yours.
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February 19th, 2008, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jack:
PSPvista released in v0.6 and provides lots News:
-- Creation of a bios (possibiliter little configuration for the moment)
-- Creation of a "boot" to open the session
-- A sound is a play the opening of the "boot"
-- Creation of a menu of information on the battery (read note2)
-- Possibiliter to change the user name (see note)
-- All photographs choice of session to open / close the session were redone
-- All the graphics have been redone (and not have someone come to me say that his looks not a vista this time!)
-- A basket was created (it is merely decorative as useless)
-- A second page for my documents was created (it is empty but will be used later when I rajouterais other application)
-- Text reader "mikehaggar99" has been added (has been available since my documents)
To change the speed of the mouse -> rendezvous in ms0: / PSP/GAME150/VISTA / and open "souris.txt" and write in a number, that number will be the speed of the mouse in pixels (eg, the 3 mouse to move 3pixel in 3pixel)
To change the substance -> rendezvous in ms0: / PSP/GAME150/VISTA and put your background must s'appeller "fond.png" and not otherwise.
To change the cursor téléharger pack of slider (available since v0.5), choose one and copy it to "ms0: / PSP/GAME150/VISTA/system32/images/icone /"
To change the name rendezvous in ms0: / PSP/GAME150/VISTA / and to open the file "name.txt" all you need to do as writing your name or nickname in
Of tutorials will do to teach you to change yourself PSPvista.
Note 2:
To access the menu of information of the battery incone click on the battery or charger.
It displays the remaining minute temsp
It displays degrees in degrees celsus
Thanks a luaacro for its assistance to the code
Thanks also to a certain graphics basara (nother start menu)
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February 19th, 2008, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellcat:
Back in the 1.50 days we could use tools like "Shines Savedata Tool" to dump/decrypt and resave gamesaves.... and edit them inbetween
Since FW 2.00 a few more security measures got put into the FW to prevent messing around with the savedata.
Well, while trying something different - but related - I created this CFW plugin.
This plugin makes the PSP to save the savedata in unencrypted from alongside the normal, encrypted data, and also loads it back in on savedata load operations.
Did some major internal changes due to huge compatibility issues when actually running/using the plugin.
Should be way more stable now, hopefully running on 100% (or at least 99.9% ) of the games.
Also it's only one .PRX now, not splitted in two anymore, since the main .PRX is now a native kernel mode one.
The usual minor bug fixes
Added a new feature to patch/overwrite the SFO params/info on save (see readme)
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via hellcat
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February 20th, 2008, 05:42 Posted By: jasonuscg
"MacSolidWorks" over on Youtube contacted me about his recent video so I registered here to share it.
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February 20th, 2008, 15:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Generation
The publisher said that the success of Devil May Cry 4, which has been bundled with Xbox 360 and PS3 systems, was driven by its decision to release the game on multiple next-gen platforms. The game will also be making an appearance on PC, although a release date has yet to be confirmed.
Capcom also said that the series has now sold over nine million units globally.
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February 20th, 2008, 15:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Next Generation
The share gain was driven by optimism over future sales of Blu-ray players and Sony’s PlayStation 3, which sports an in-built Blu-ray drive, after Toshiba confirmed mounting speculation by announcing it was pulling the plug on its rival HD-DVD business.
William Blair analyst Ralph Shackart told Reuters that Blu-ray’s victory would lead to greater PS3 adoption, likely at the expense of Microsoft’s Xbox 360, which allows users to watch movies in high definition via an HD-DVD drive accessory.
"We believe Blu-ray's victory could drive market share gains for the PS3, as we believe consumers will now be more willing to pay up (versus 360) for the standard Blu-ray player," he said.
Microsoft has said that the death of the HD-DVD movie format won’t hamper an Xbox 360 strategy that's focused on games.
Earlier on Tuesday Sony shares in Tokyo closed up 2.2 percent.
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February 20th, 2008, 15:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue doesn't look real - it looks better than real. It's like God swooped in and invented a new kind of light that makes everything that much cooler.
These eight new screens of GT5 Prologue might not be high-res enough to give you a proper view of this game's 1080p splendour, but you can get an idea of how sweet it looks. Just look at that shot with the Ferrari.
GT5 Prologue - packing five courses and over 50 cars - will hit the US on April 17, but will be getting it here in Europe in "late March", which is nice.
Although Sony is yet to announce a fixed date, the word on the street is it'll be out March 28.
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February 20th, 2008, 16:16 Posted By: FOL
Hi, thought I would post some info on the new PSPUAE release that is almost ready (just needs some final testing).
I have spend every spare minute of this month, getting to know the source and C in general. So abit sick of looking at the code now, . Im just happy my time and guess work has paid off.
Im sure alot more might have been achieved if the other devs were still about, Chilly should have a new version (soon). So until then, this should keep all Miggy users happy.
Heres the changes list for the up and comming release.
Added alot of Rics FAMEC code and optimisations. (Gave some speed increase)
Altered Hsync handler. (Removes slow down when sprites on screen, with CPU = MAX)
Altered CPU CYCLE UNIT to 256 (Gave the most speed increase)
Altered CHIPSET settings (To fall inline with CPU CYCLE UNIT change, its now a much more finer setting than in previous versions. Giving better results)
Added Rics FAMEC Sound code (Still clicks, we know what the problem is, but i need help to solve it)
Added Interpolation to 4CH sound (This improves sound slighty)
Altered HEAP SIZE for available memory to PSPUAE (This solves all memory problems)
If you have any questions, give me a shout over at http://www.pspuae.com
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February 20th, 2008, 16:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Protect the PSP Slim & Lite console, UMD, memory stick and other accessories from any damages and scratches.
You can play your console without having to remove it from the case.
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February 20th, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Grab the best deal in accessories for PSP Slim & Lite with Dragon Electronics 22 in 1 accessories kit! It includes all the accessories you need for your PSP Slim and Lite at a fraction of the price.
- 1 * Soft card
- 1 * Cleaning Cloth
- 1 * Carabiner
- 1 * Air foam pocket
- 1 * Soft protective seal
- 1 * Cleaning card soft case
- 10 * Control stick silicon cap
- 1 * Car lighter Adapter/Adaptor
- 2 * Dual layer UMD storage box
- 1 * Memory stick slot cleaning card
- 1 * Multi-functional stick crystal cover
- 1 * 2 in 1 power charge & data transmit cable
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February 20th, 2008, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
We've always heard that there's no need in regretting, and apparently, Toshiba is following said mantra after the collapse of its beloved high-definition movie format. In an interview with TechRadar, Toshiba's deputy general manager of HD DVD Olivier Van Wynendaele stated that it "wouldn't change anything that it did," and continued on to say that "circumstances saw to it that [Toshiba] had to make the decision not to continue, but that doesn't mean [the company] did anything wrong." Just in case you couldn't already sense the inability to swallow one's pride, Mr. Van Wynendaele also proclaimed that its format was "a finished standard, unlike Blu-ray," and concluded by noting that HD DVD was still "better than Blu-ray." Maybe he really didn't get the memo?
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February 20th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Company responds to death of HD DVD format
Sony has responded to news of its victory over Toshiba in the next-generation DVD battle by pointing to Blu-ray as "one more reason" for people to buy a PlayStation 3.
The comment, made by Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO Jack Tretton, also pointed to 2008 as being key to the platform's evolution.
"The emergence of Blu-ray as the de facto high-def standard is one more reason why PS3 is a great value to consumers. The combination of strong sales, Blu-ray dominance and widely-anticipated games all point to 2008 as a breakthrough year for PS3."
Both analysts and publishers have now gone on record stating their belief that the PlayStation 3 will outsell its Microsoft rival, the Xbox 360, throughout 2008 and the demise of HD DVD is expected to give Sony a monthly boost in sales of around 10 per cent.
But Microsoft isn't admitting defeat, and Studios' corporate VP Shane Kim hinted recently that there was more to come from his company's machine that hadn't yet been announced.
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February 20th, 2008, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
The good news is that nothing has been lost in flOw's translation to the PlayStation Portable. The bad news, however, is that something has been gained. Though the aesthetics and soothing audio of the PlayStation 3 version have been mostly preserved, SuperVillain Studios' pint-sized port has been "gifted" with with far more precise control, courtesy of the system's analog nub.
Unfortunately, what would normally be considered to be an improvement introduces a mechanical, almost rigid feel to the relaxed and fluid movements in flOw. It's a bizarre complaint -- oh no, the control is more responsive! -- but in the dreamy context of flOw, an increase in precision isn't necessarily in the game's best interests. We should have considered throwing some quotation marks around the word "game" (just like that), as its serene atmosphere and aimless immersion still manages to evade such precise definition, even on a smaller screen.
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February 20th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA just updated their Flickr page (aren't they so web savvy these days?) with an intriguing image: shirts that proudly display the phrase "in-shirt XMB." Apparently, Sony's picked up a sense of humor these days. We read this either one of two ways:
ZOMG, in-game XMB confirmed!!!1
Sony is just teasing the gaming community in a cruel, but humorous way
In-game XMB has been one of the most requested features for the PS3 since its inception. Currently, gamers are forced to quit games in progress in order to do things like check which friends are online, read a message or play music. This much-awaited feature has been promised for "this year." According to our watches, that includes now. Stay tuned.
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February 20th, 2008, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The History Channel takes you to the Battle for the Pacific where you will experience history brought to life in one of the defining campaigns of World War II. Relive epic land battles fought on some of the most brutal and unforgiving battlefields in recorded history. Retake strategically important locations throughout the Pacific Theatre that are vital to the allies on the Road to Tokyo. Play through the eyes of an American GI as you experience intense, no holds barred action against an opponent for which surrender isn't an option! Fire authentic allied and axis weaponry including sub-machine guns, sniper rifles, anti-aircraft guns, pistols, and grenades Relive History - each level begins with a documentary video featuring actual battle footage, key facts and statistics, and the importance that the battle ultimately played in the allied victory.
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February 20th, 2008, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

“Space invaders is COOL and EXTREME!!”
In 2008, Space Invaders will reach its 30th anniversary. Space Invaders is obviously widely known as a game, but also as a motif. Even the members of the younger generation who have never played the game have come into contact with its icons through fashion and other designs. So this name is loved throughout the generations.
The popularity of Space Invaders and its motifs transcend generations, and this time it is remade to combine brand new visuals and exhilarating gaming experience in an innovative system, and this becomes the Space Invaders Extreme!
This Space Invaders Extreme will not only re-attract the gamers of the previous versions, but appeal to new and younger players as well. To maximize the game's enjoyability, the shooting system is incorporated with elements like speed, freshness and is powered up in all aspects.
This is a game that must be played.
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February 20th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

On-Foot and In-Vehicle Modes - Command heavily armed bipedal vehicles or switch to more stealthy exploration on-foot.
Vast and Vivid Environments - Snowstorms, arctic winds, towering buildings and mountains of ice create cinematic stunning visuals and breathtaking landscapes!
Next-Gen Realism – Immerse yourself in the brutal chilling world of Lost Planet as you labor through waist-deep snow, hear the crunch of ice with each step, and fly backward from explosive force during battle
Alien Encounters – Face off with an array of Akrid, from massive rolling behemoths and long-legged ground-dwellers to fast-flying swarms overhead!
Driven to the brink of extinction in ice-covered wastelands, humankind fights to survive, from the deadly elements to the hostile alien creatures known as the Akrid. With only fragments of his memory intact, Wayne Holden must struggle to recover his past and the answers to E.D.N. III’s secrets. While the search for the truth could lead to valuable allies and a means to save humanity, what he finds instead could be worse than he ever imagined!
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February 20th, 2008, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pages: 192
A comprehensive walkthrough of the entire pulse-pounding game.
Detailed area maps pinpointing critical locations.
In-depth listing of all available items and equipment.
Expert boss strategies to defeat even the toughest boss.
Tactics for each mode of gameplay.
Signature Series guide features bonus foldout and more!
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February 20th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

For the first time in the Musou series, the whole of the PS2 game field is completely incorporated into the PSP so that you can enjoy Musou styled action on the grand fields!
Players can cooperate with each other through adhoc communications – This rendition of the game for the PSP platform has made this feature possible. But the game is just as exciting even when played alone.
The story is enriched with cut-in events – event scenes in the battles are combined with PSP's beautiful screens and are arranged as cut-scenes.
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February 20th, 2008, 18:31 Posted By: bandit
Today at the Game Developers Conference 2008, Logitech revealed the official Wheel of Gran Turismo, for Sony’s PlayStation 3.
The wheel, named Logitech Driving Force GT, has been crafted for use in Polyphony Digital’s upcoming Gran Turismo 5, and will be available in Europe on March 28th, and April 17th in North America.
Suggested retail price is US $149.99.
Source: Akayuki
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February 20th, 2008, 19:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix has told us that Odin Sphere will be unleashed on Europe from 14th March.
Lucky for you, that, because it is a decent PS2 role-playing outing with some marvellous scenery, an engaging storyline, and considered voice-acting.
Pity it is a little long, a trifle difficult, and a touch basic in the combat department though, otherwise it could have been one to cherish for a long time to come.
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February 20th, 2008, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

Expand the battery capacity of your PSP Slim & Lite while improving its grip with this smart 3 in 1 accessory from Dragon Electronics. With built in indicator, easy access to UMD drive and the ability to use regular PSP (big format) batteries, it is packed with features!
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February 20th, 2008, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

- Convenient charging cradle for PSP Slim & Lite
- Easy to use
- Illuminates in dark and best for watching movie
- USB charger cable included
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February 20th, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Toshiba, Sony, and Sony Computer Entertainment today formalized a partnership that will see PS3 chip production handled by a jointly owned subsidiary. First details on the partnership were revealed in October of last year.
Today, the firms announced that new company will be located at Sony Semiconductor Kyushu Nagasaki Technology Center when it opens up shop on April 1. Toshiba will hold a 60% stake in the company, with the other 40% split evenly between SCE and its parent. Even the unannounced executive staff will be split between parents, with the chairman set to come from Toshiba and the president from Sony.
The new firm has yet to be named. Let us take this opportunity to suggest Soshiny.
PS3 chips such as the Cell CPU and RSX GPU will be produced on the production lines held by the new company. However, Toshiba plans on also using the company to producing chips for its own products in the future.
Initially, the production lines will run on a 65nm process, with the aim of moving over to a cutting edge 45nm process down the road.
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February 20th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Now that the HD movie format war is officially for-sure over, Sony is ready to reap the benefits. Sony's US shares rose up to 5 percent yesterday (closing up 3.4% at $46.30) on the news that Toshiba was ready to put HD DVD on an ice float.
Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton took the opportunity to say that with Blu-ray winning the format war it is "one more reason why PS3 is a great value." He believes 2008 is the PS3's "breakthrough" year with Blu-ray dominance and "widely-anticipated games."
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February 20th, 2008, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Ptek has released a modified version of Doom for the PS2:
I've done some modifications to the Lucasz port.
Now it loads (only) from an USB mass storage connected to the PS2 and I also changed some screen settings. So it uses a non interlaced screen and I also stretched the image to meed the original PC version aspect ratio.
There you will find two versions : One that don't change the aspect ratio and another that stretches vertically to fill the screen - I find it more close to the original PC version.
Currently only binaries are available but soon (hopefully next weekend I'll post the modificed sources - I had to change the gsKit and sdl for getting the non interlaced screen mode).
I didn't touched sound nor controller settings yet.
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February 20th, 2008, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Leading video games publisher and developer, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., announced today that Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress will launch exclusively for the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system this summer in North America. Developed by CyberConnect2, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress continues the frantic, action packed one-on-one battles the series is known for. The game also introduces a new storyline based on the popular Naruto animated series, rated T for Teens, from VIZ Media, as well as a roster of more than 20 characters and frantic head-to-head multiplayer action with game sharing capabilities.
The storyline of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress revolves around a mysterious phantom castle that has suddenly appeared over the Hidden Leaf Village, draining the townspeople's life energy. When Naruto infiltrates the castle to find out who is behind this terrible scheme, he finds himself confronted with threatening illusions, visions of the past and a strange masked woman with a vendetta against the Leaf Ninja. Joined by his friends, it will take all of Naruto's courage to unravel the puzzle behind the castle and defeat this powerful new enemy.
In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress, players take a custom party of four Naruto characters through over 100 floors of the castle, experiencing fierce one-on-one battles, exciting mini-games and dramatic story twists in an all-out game of survival. Along the way, players will be able to power-up each party member in a new character customization system, equipping abilities and items to gain a decisive edge in battle. Updating the series' trademark fast-paced combat system, players will be able to pull off acrobatic flying attacks, flashy combo strikes and unstoppable jutsu skills with ease. Additionally, players can customize their game experience by choosing to play through the full game with English or the original Japanese voices.
Players will also be able to hone their fighting spirit against their friends in the game's intense multiplayer mode. An incredible variety of team configurations are available as players do battle to see who has the strongest ninja jutsu. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress supports game sharing for multiplayer action on two PSP systems with just one copy of the game.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress will launch exclusively for the PSP system this summer. For more information please visit: www.namcobandaigames.com and www.naruto.com/.
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February 20th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Time Machine Configurator by Red Squirrel
What's it?!
It is a simple homebrew that has the aim to configure D.A.'s Time Machine from your PSP.
All the procedure is done on PSP simply by pressing some keys, so no PC is require.
Program will edit the /TM/config.txt.
More info are in the homebrew main page.
-Possibility to choose keys for 1.50/1.50+3.40/3.40M33/3.60M33 and Pandora/DC.
Known bugs
-Because of some kernel issues, NOTE, WLAN, VOL,SCREEN and HOME keys can not be used!
I hope to add support for them in next releases...
-Copy PSP folder (contained in the package) in the ROOT of your Memory Stick.
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February 20th, 2008, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager & More for the PSP
Heres Whats New:
- added Hungarian mode.
- fixed a bug that some kind of file in RAR was considered as a directory.
- fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when it tried to open an encrypted RAR archive.
- fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when it tried to open a RAR archive on few memory.
- chased to fix that extracted files and folders from archive files would be ReadOnly and could not change nor delete anymore under CFW 3.90 or later.
- fixed a bug that Filer was crashed when it tried to rename a long file name (more than 128bytes). .
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February 21st, 2008, 12:16 Posted By: gamefreak199101
This project allows you to view your computers CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP graphically.
You are required to run a small server application on the PC which you wish to monitor, the PSP then connects to this over WiFi and displays the info.
The server is written in VB6, while the PSP code is in C++
- Although the WiFi connection screen only use the debug text, the rest of the application is graphical
- PSP is clocked down to 111Mhz when using the application to extend battery life.
- Server only tested on Windows XP SP2 (may not work on anything below SP1 as some network usage monitoring code relies on it)
- Requires 3.XX Kernel (Tested on 3.90 M33-2 only) so make sure it is in the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or GAME3XX
- Allows WPA WiFi Access
! The IP Address of the server must be set in "wifi.cfg" (in the format address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) NO SPACES!!!
1. The "PCMonitor" folder must be copied to either the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or the GAME3XX folder on the PSP
2. To use this application the server (PCMonitor.exe, Located in the "PC Server" directory) MUST be running
3. Open the application on the PSP and connect to the network
Home will allow you to exit the application.
- If the PSP is no longer in the application and the server reads state 7, then you will need to reset the server to use it again.
- The PSP will ONLY connect in when the server is in state 2
Known Bugs
- If the PSP drops the connection (low signal, server reset, server closed, wifi switched off, etc.), it will not try to reconnect, it will just show a set of static values but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
- If the IP Address is incorrect in the config ("wifi.cfg"), the application will just sit on a blank screen but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
- The square and cirle symbols are messed up on the first screen
PSP Wifi Code from "WiFiController v0.4.4" by David Rudie
PC CPU Usage Code from "Get the System Total CPU Usage using API" by Jason Hensley
PC RAM Usage Code from "Get Performance Info Example" by Jason Hensley
PC NET Usage Code from http://www.himarticles.com
Alpha Tester "Wildboy99" from QJ Forums
This is my first C++ project so please be nice! It has quite a few bugs to iron out, so please no bug reports till the next release as I plan to rewrite it as this was more of a proof of concept. Any other questions/comments are encouraged 
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February 21st, 2008, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

- Transfer pictures from the Wii and PS3 console that can be displayed on a PC monitor or HD TV
- The resolution of the pictures is 480P (640*480) when connecting with the Wii game console. The resolution of the pictures is controlled through the game console.
- The resolution of the output pictures is 480P/720P/1080I/1080P when used with the PS3 game console.
- The product will only work properly once the settings are set up properly with the Wii or PS3 game console.
- The frequency of the output pictures is 50/60/75HZ
- Audio output signal port is compatible with speakers and a headphone.
- Power consumption: 150MA-200MA, supplied by game console.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
Michael Bay can breathe easy, Paramount (Dreamworks included) has officially gone Blu-ray. Two and a half years after announcing itself purple, and exactly five months after becoming HD DVD exclusive, this move makes all six major Hollywood studios Blu. Don't make space for that Blu edition of Transformers in your DVD rack just yet, as the company plans to "monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly", but with PS3 sales up and BD Live on the way, we can't imagine it will take very long. The Hollywood Reporter expects to see Universal and Paramount new releases hitting Blu-ray and DVD at the same time by late spring or early summer, when we can forget this whole thing ever happened -- unless of course you picked up an HD DVD player for Shrek, in which case we have a few ideas on what to do next.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster

Quietly unveiled at yesterday's PSN session was PhyreEngine, a new "free to use graphics engine" from Sony Computer Entertainment. According to the presentation, the package includes full documentation, "70+ samples" and "full source code and artwork" of sample game templates. Working on both OpenGL and Direct3D, this engine will allow developers to more easily develop for the PS3 by using PC environments they're more familiar with. A "simple recompile" is supposedly all that's needed to make the game run on the PS3. Sony is promising "ongoing development and support" for the PhyreEngine.
The ramifications of this subdued announcement are actually quite significant. Three titles have been revealed to have used the PhyreEngine for development: flOw, GripShift and DiRT. Of those three, only one is exclusive to PlayStation. It appears that the PhyreEngine is truly cross platform -- Sony is indirectly contributing to the development of PC (and Xbox 360) games.
But why make it potentially easier to make games on a competing console? Well, it's undeniable that developers are increasingly focused on multiplatform development. It's been rather commonplace for developers to neglect PS3 with inferior and oftentimes delayed versions of multiplatform games. With PhyreEngine, Sony is making a much more attractive plea: make games on PS3 first, guaranteeing high quality games that will not only match their 360 counterparts, but in many cases can exceed them. Sony's message is clear: start games on the PS3, and they will be better for both PS3 and 360 owners. It appears to us that PhyreEngine is a crucial part of that plan.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
North American gamers who wish to live out their long held fantasies of frolicking through Escher's world of Relativity will get their chance this summer, when Echochrome, Sony's perspective swapping puzzle platformer, will be made available for download on the PlayStation Network. In the usual fashion for Sony developed games, Japanese gamers will be able to pick up the game long before the rest of us -- some time in March.
No news has been heard about a stateside release date for the pricier PSP version of the game, though Siliconera is claiming that a Sony rep told them the handheld edition is "up in the air". This isn't a death knell for the portable port -- we don't know why they'd cancel the U.S. version, considering that Japan's March release date is for the PSP as well. We'll let you know when we know a more definite release date for the two versions, until then, we suggest enrolling into some sort of MENSA organization in order to garner the massive, genius brain you'll need to navigate these impossible constructions.
Update: The PS3 version is on track for a Spring release.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
North American gamers who wish to live out their long held fantasies of frolicking through Escher's world of Relativity will get their chance this summer, when Echochrome, Sony's perspective swapping puzzle platformer, will be made available for download on the PlayStation Network. In the usual fashion for Sony developed games, Japanese gamers will be able to pick up the game long before the rest of us -- some time in March.
No news has been heard about a stateside release date for the pricier PSP version of the game, though Siliconera is claiming that a Sony rep told them the handheld edition is "up in the air". This isn't a death knell for the portable port -- we don't know why they'd cancel the U.S. version, considering that Japan's March release date is for the PSP as well. We'll let you know when we know a more definite release date for the two versions, until then, we suggest enrolling into some sort of MENSA organization in order to garner the massive, genius brain you'll need to navigate these impossible constructions.
Update: The PS3 version is on track for a Spring release.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster

Chris Eden from Sony Computer Entertainment made mention of PLAYSTATION Store on PSP in his Game Developers Conference session. Currently, players must use a PC in order to download content and transfer it to the PSP. Going forward, PSP fans will be able to download games directly to their systems from within the PSP itself. "Access native PLAYSTATION Store on PSP via wireless hotspot," the slide notes. "Purchase and download content direct to PSP (no USB cable)." Launch is currently "TBA." More details are promised for the future. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Toshiba has confirmed that it isn't ruling out going Blu on its laptop range in the future.
Although the company has confirmed that it won't be offering a standalone Blu-ray player anytime soon, Olivier VanWynendaele - deputy general manager, HD DVD has said at the company's annual UK event that Toshiba is "still reviewing the strategy for our laptop range when it comes to the next generation format."
The announcement means that Tosh laptop owners might be able to watch high-def movies on the go in the future.
We will keep you posted.
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February 21st, 2008, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Play.com big-boss-man tells T3 that new Blu-ray punters have sky-rocketed, since the end of the format war.
Those cagey folk who refused to hedge their bets in Hi-Def Match showdown sure didn't waste much time once Toshiba closed the door on HD-DVD, this week.
Play's Stuart Rowe informs us that on VHD (Victory in Hi-Def) Day this Tuesday, the company sold more Blu-ray players than in the previous week combined.
"There was a seven fold increase in Blu-ray player sales, on that day alone." said the Chief Operating Officer.
"People have been waiting a long time to move into the Hi-Def era and now they have the confidence that this is going to be the format.
"Our cheapest player (The Samsung BD-P1400/XEU) is now £199 and you'd expect the prices to come down further as Sony try and build the brand. It's all great news for the consumer."
Play was among the first to react to Toshiba's white flag on Tuesday by knocking £40 off their cheapest HD-DVD player, making it just £79.99 - the first of what Stuart is predicting will be a slew of bargain basement offers.
"There's going to be a lot of great deals out there in the coming weeks. HD-DVD player prices will fall in line with DVD players with people now buying them more as great DVD players with the capacity for upscaling."
Don't expect to be finding too many HD-DVD flicks on the clearance stock shelves just yet however...
"There are no real plans for us to slash prices on the disks," says Stuart. "A lot of people have the players and collectors will keep buying them for the time being."
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February 21st, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom has said that while Bionic Commando on Xbox 360 will obviously have unlockable Achievements, the PS3 version will have a similar system of Trophies.
Producer Ben Judd told Eurogamer that in addition to the main game objective, players would be faced with "mini challenges", such as defeating ten particular enemies or performing a pair of back-to-back zip-kicks using the grapple hook.
These would then unlock new skills and Achievements on 360, while PS3 will have an equivalent system of rewards so that your accomplishments are recorded in the same way.
Judd also said that "there is a message" behind the game's story, which sees disavowed Bionics forming a renegade, terrorist unit, and that the plot will explore the idea of man versus machine and comment on the frailty of the lead character when robbed of the power of the bionic arm.
It's probably not as high-brow as all that, mind you, especially judging by how you can swing around the environments like a cyborg Tarzan splattering enemies.
The demo version on display at GDC also takes the game outside cities into a lush jungle environment with an impressive draw distance.
Less impressive were Judd's shoot-'em-up skills, which saw him perish repeatedly in close combat. Although if we had to provide scintillating insight into a game while playing a hard bit after 36 hours with no sleep, we'd probably be a bit rubbish as well.
Look out for more on Bionic Commando soon.
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February 21st, 2008, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
All six major Hollywood studios are now in the Blu-ray Disc camp, a day after Toshiba has pulled the plug on HD DVD and Blu-ray became effectively the only next-gen game in town.
Paramount Home Entertainment quietly came onboard via a statement sent exclusively to The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday: "We are pleased that the industry is moving to a single high-definition format, as we believe it is in the best interest of the consumer," the statement reads. "As we look to (begin) releasing our titles on Blu-ray, we will monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly."
Universal Studios Home Entertainment, in contrast, cast its lot with Blu-ray within hours of Toshiba's announcement Tuesday morning that it was ending the format war by ceasing the development, manufacture and marketing of HD DVD players by the end of March. Universal made a big splash with its announcement, sending media outlets a statement from division president Craig Kornblau in which he said, "While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray."
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February 21st, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
KOEI's hit crossover of the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises expands to new platforms in March 2008.
KOEI, recognized worldwide as the premier brand of strategy and action games, announced today that Warriors Orochi will ship for PSP (PlayStation Portable) system on March 25, 2008 and for Windows-based PC in March 2008. Warriors Orochi is in stores now for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system.
Warriors Orochi for PSP boasts the massive seamless battlefields of the console versions, while previous games in the series for handheld platforms had combat taking place on battlefields divided into smaller "cells". The handheld release includes all 79 playable characters, and features 2-player co-op play via wireless (ad-hoc).
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February 21st, 2008, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from nickdagamer:
What is this?
This is a music application for the PSP's web browser, like PSPTunes. It uses an external xml file to load the songs.You can even specify the song's title, album and artist.
How many songs can it play?
It can play unlimited number of songs, by simply editing the ".xml" file.
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via nickdagamer
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February 21st, 2008, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Auraomega posted this:
Project4 is likely to stop development now as earlier today the source codes were lost. While developing at college, my memory card went missing, this memory card had the only Project4 source codes on it, and quite obviously its taken 6 months to reach this stage in development, I can't really constitute another 2 months to just get back to this level.
I am going to have another sweep of college tomorrow, and hope and pray some kind soul has handed in the memory card on which it is stored, I do think it is likely due to the vast number that are handed in, and because being only a 32mb memory card it is highly undisireable, which is probably a good thing.
If I find it tomorrow, Project4 will be released on the 24th as expected, otherwise it will take a few months, if at all, until another release is seen. Fortunatly this has not hit the mainstream PSP website yet, so there will not be a major dissapointment. I do have a Project4 Closed Beta 3 uploaded to the website, but it is locked out from the normal user, if I am unable to find the memory stick then I will try my hardest to remove the lock on a HEX editor, or a dis-assembler, but there is no gaurantees.
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February 21st, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
The PSP Show #69 - Top 5 PSP Games for Traveling
2008 Version (MP3 7.59 mb 11 minutes exactly)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
So I’m getting read to head out to a number of conferences - I’ll be on the road for the next four weeks, starting off in Barcelona by being on the keynote panel for the European Broadcasting Union’s Multimedia Meets Radio conference. And that means a fully loaded PSP, with a bundle of games to get me through the flights, delays, queues and aggravation. So what are my top 5 PSP games while travelpsping? And has it changed since the same show last year? Let’s find out
(And as a challenge, try and guess the top five before you listen…)
You’ll be able to follow my adventures at www.ewanspence.com/video and the more official reporting over on The Tech Conference Show. Don;t worry though, with some big PSP games on the way, and the occasional surprise, you’ll still get your weekly hit of PSP podcasting fun.
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February 22nd, 2008, 01:23 Posted By: Elven6
Here are the changes:
- correction of a bug which prevents PSPvista from being left when the percentage of battery was lower has 10
- new explanation on the orders available since the control panel
- the function to take screnshot was given
- addition of luaprog of “SERVING Jérémy” under “my documents”
- addition of the bomb disposal expert of “JEK”
- correction of a problem on the images to lower or close the window.
- creation of the window 3D which is 100 _ functional and acts like the office with more functionality!
- the homebrew will post “weak battery” if the percentage of battery is lower has 15_
- tutorials were make to learn has to change the speed of the mouse, the name of user and the bottom (under docs)
- creation of the miniature (when you metter the mouse over the bar of the spot lorsque' a window is open)
- old the bug due to the loading of the images was éradiquer
- the menu to start was remade with images of overflight (when you to pass to the top of an icon)
I love this program, and with work I think it could replace the XMB. I don't know how to install "3rd party" LUA apps on this, but if anyone else knows then please help us out.
Download Link
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February 22nd, 2008, 15:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's Phil Harrison, head of worldwide studios for Sony, has expressed his frustration that the company's Japanese division was too slow at accepting the ideas of social gaming - a market now dominated by rival manufacturer Nintendo and its Wii console, GamesIndustry.biz reports.
Sony Europe already had three products on the market designed specifically to encourage social gaming in the living room before the Wii was even released - the EyeToy, SingStar and Buzz - but Japanese execs didn't believe in the concept of families enjoying gaming together.
"It's a very interesting and frustrating thing for me to experience because I have been banging the drum about social gaming for a long time, with SingStar, EyeToy and Buzz," he said during a private lunch taking place during GDC week.
"And our Japanese colleagues said that there is no such thing as social gaming in Japan - people do not play games on the same sofa together in each other's homes. It will never happen. And then out comes the Wii."
Harrison said that he thinks Wii Sports is a title that encapsulates the idea of a true 'next-generation' game, and he admires Nintendo's success in marketing and sales.
"What's interesting with Nintendo adverts - and they are the same the world over - they always show the view from the television back to the sofa, which is very clever. And what do you see? A family or friends all on a sofa," he said.
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February 22nd, 2008, 15:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's Phil Harrison, head of worldwide studios for Sony, has expressed his frustration that the company's Japanese division was too slow at accepting the ideas of social gaming - a market now dominated by rival manufacturer Nintendo and its Wii console, GamesIndustry.biz reports.
Sony Europe already had three products on the market designed specifically to encourage social gaming in the living room before the Wii was even released - the EyeToy, SingStar and Buzz - but Japanese execs didn't believe in the concept of families enjoying gaming together.
"It's a very interesting and frustrating thing for me to experience because I have been banging the drum about social gaming for a long time, with SingStar, EyeToy and Buzz," he said during a private lunch taking place during GDC week.
"And our Japanese colleagues said that there is no such thing as social gaming in Japan - people do not play games on the same sofa together in each other's homes. It will never happen. And then out comes the Wii."
Harrison said that he thinks Wii Sports is a title that encapsulates the idea of a true 'next-generation' game, and he admires Nintendo's success in marketing and sales.
"What's interesting with Nintendo adverts - and they are the same the world over - they always show the view from the television back to the sofa, which is very clever. And what do you see? A family or friends all on a sofa," he said.
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February 22nd, 2008, 15:17 Posted By: Shrygue
Valve has confirmed that it has no plans for a PS3 version of Left 4 Dead.
Spokesperson Doug Lombardi said the developer had "limited interest" in working on the platform, and only offered Orange Box on PS3 because Electronic Arts had asked and taken care of it itself.
"EA wanted to do Orange Box on PS3 and they handled it," Doug Lombardi told videogaming247. "Left 4 Dead isn't coming out on PS3 because we've not had that call. If the phone rang we would have the conversation, certainly, but it hasn't happened."
Traditionally Valve has had a hard time working on consoles, according to Lombardi, and struggled developing Half-Life for Xbox many moons ago.
But the developer has since expanded and put together an Xbox 360 team to create console code side-by-side with its PC counterparts. And this is how Valve plans to stay for the time being, so any PS3 versions will have to be handled by a third-party.
Left 4 Dead is a sumptuous squad-based shooter that pits a group of survivors against the Infected, or zombies as we like to call them.
The interesting part is that not only can you join your friends on the survivor side, but you can also join others as the Infected. These consist of rank and file zombies that die as quickly as extras (you re-spawn as another upon re-death), but there are also boss types as well as others that act has walking time bombs.
You can play it on your own, or with the computer controlling the Infected - there should be difficultly levels hard enough for even the tightest team to be swamped in.
For those reasons and more, Left 4 Dead is already a well-tipped game of the year by many of us.
Left 4 Dead is due out in late summer on PC and 360, as Valve is taking its time to make sure everything is balanced and sparkly.
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February 22nd, 2008, 15:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The floodgates are well and truly open at Rockstar's mammoth GTA IV PR fortress, as nine new screenshots and two character videos appear in another official website update.
It's out in little over two months time (for real this time), with initial hands-on reports just starting to emerge in games magazines worldwide (look for our own very soon).
And if you're struggling to decide which version to get, Microsoft has just confirmed that the first downloadable "episode", Grand Theft Auto IV: Episode One, will be coming this August exclusively to Xbox 360. That's rumoured to have cost Microsoft a fair few pennies.
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February 22nd, 2008, 15:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Scott Steinberg, Sony Computer Entertainment America's VP of product marketing, has told GamesIndustry.biz that he believes the PlayStation 3 is the smart choice for any small developer wanting to get their games to an online audience.
Responding to the Microsoft keynote at the Game Developers Conference, Steinberg pointed to the section of the talk from Chris Satchell on the XNA platform, and explained: "it was interesting in the sense that what they were talking about we've sort of been doing for the last couple of years with PSN and giving smaller, start-up, entrepreneurial developers the chance to get in and make their games available on the PSN."
He went on to note that the online services for the PlayStation 3 were free to consumers, whereas to experience full functionality on the Xbox 360 users were required to pay for a Gold membership.
"We don't charge for our online service," he said. "We make it available for everybody. So, the accessibility of somebody's content who decides to make a game that is maybe smaller, more affordable for consumers to buy – I think we're a better choice because the PS3 owner has the ability to go online day one without having to cut a check.
"I think on a global basis, the PS3 brand is going to be the winner. I think the story is already written in Europe and in Japan. In the US it is sort of a 'jump ball' that is remaining, but quite candidly I think if a small, start-up company wanted to have global access to their content, and have global commercial potential for their content, Sony is by far the best platform."
Steinberg also went on to say that, in the scheme of things - taking into account the ten year plan for the PS3 - he believed that Sony could be very confident about the forthcoming year.
"The importance of 2008…We're exactly where we want to be chessboard-wise heading into 2008."
In the full interview, which is available now, Steinberg also touches on the Blu-ray situation and his perception of the long-term viability of physical media, as well as the PS3's software line-up for 2008.
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February 22nd, 2008, 16:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
The creative director of Sony's Home project has told GamesIndustry.biz in an exclusive interview to be published in full next week that he believes the PlayStation 3 virtual world platform is the "best-looking" and most "user-friendly" multiplayer experience he's seen so far.
Talking on a recent trip to Monaco for the Imagina conference, Ron Festejo explained his feeling that other virtual worlds, such as Second Life, were garish, while other online experiences were simply too hardcore for most people.
"From my point of view, looking at Second Life - because it has been mentioned a lot in the same paragraph as Home, and people make that comparison - I'm amazed at how many people go on there," he said.
He went on to discuss the importance of user-interfaces, detailed the issues he'd had interacting with others in Second Life, and also referenced other online titles that don't make it easy for inexperienced players to get involved with them.
"John [Venables, Home's lead artist] said in a presentation that for a lot of people, their first experience of online play is to 'log on…get shot in the face, log on…get shot in the face' and actually that's true - people tend to not go into that because of those experiences," he explained.
"Personally, looking at other models, a lot of them are too hardcore, a lot of them are garish in the way they look. I think what we've done with Home is have the best-looking multiplayer world - and actually the most user-friendly that I've seen as well.
"We don't have anything in there that's appealing to that kind of geeky audience that you might find in Second Life."
And Venables, who's worked on the Home project since its first concept on the PlayStation 2, agreed that it's important for Sony's virtual world experience to keep a high "quality bar", but pointed out that the Second Life creators, Linden Lab, had a more difficult proposition in terms of PC compatibility.
"Essentially, with the Second Life example - and partly the disparity of the graphics, because you have to cater for the lowest-end PC whereas on the PlayStation 3 it's a level playing-field - with something so organic as Home, with features being added, it's difficult to set that benchmark of how many polygons to throw around, and how many to save for future things that we may or may not want to do," he said.
"I think the PS3 platform has given us an advantage in terms of keeping a polished look, and it not to look like Second Life. I don't want to dis Second Life, obviously they've been successful and they have to cater for people with old Pentium IIs and whatever, so I can understand why it looks the way it does.
"So it's not to criticise them, it's just that as a PlayStation 3 online space it was very important that there is a quality bar that we want to hit."
PlayStation Home is the forthcoming multiplayer online environment that will serve as an introduction to new content as well as a space for users to network and socialise.
It will be introduced to more PlayStation 3 users over time as a free download, although no specific date has yet been announced for the end of the current beta phase, which has so far led to some positive changes.
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February 22nd, 2008, 16:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Portal end-credits song "Still Alive" (oh come on, you must know that by now) is set to join the ranks of downloadable tracks in Rock Band.
At the end of a set by Still Alive writer Jonathan Coulton at the Valve GDC party the other night, Harmonix's Sean Baptiste and Alex Rigopulos took the stage for a finale and played it for the crowd.
According to Baptiste's blog entry, which catalogues the event, this went down rather well.
"It will be made available as DLC at a future data. When I know when I'll let you know," he wrote. (Well, he used capslock, but it's much too early in the morning for that.)
Elsewhere, one of Portal's designers, Kim Swift, added to the growing speculation about Portal's future in an interview with G4TV (thanks Shacknews).
She even used the words "Portal 2", claiming that Valve's omnipotent marketing VP Doug Lombardi had revealed it recently.
This may have been a reference to his recent comments in a Eurogamer interview that "There'll be more Portal, for sure." We like to think so anyway. It gives us an inflated sense of worth.
But, to bring it all back to where we were, Portal is available now as part of The Orange Box on PS3, 360 and PC (or as a separate download on Steam), while Rock Band is available in the US for PS3 and 360 with a European release set for this year.
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February 22nd, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Often rumored and much desired, Doug Allen from the IGN Blogs has reportedly gotten his hands on the analog controls for Factor 5's much-maligned PlayStation 3 game Lair, and claims they are the bomb - quite possibly the bomb diggity.
I played it and Holy sh*t; Greg needs to give them a new score. It was kind of clear that Factor 5 put in the extra effort a little begrudgingly, but the results were amazing. This might push me over the edge into the "must buy PS3" territory. I also mentioned Greg Miller's name, and the Factor 5 guys burned a hole through my skull with their looks of hatred. I think they'll be alright once the patch is out for a while though.
Sounds good to me, though since this is just a guy in a blog post we're going to have to chalk this up as a rumor right now. Why no official confirmation yet? With all the new stuff to look at, who is going to drop by the Lair kiosk?
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February 22nd, 2008, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list of whats new:
Afro Samurai The Movie JPN US$ 57.90
Danny The Dog (~Jet Li, Morgan Freeman, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Hi-Definition Reference Disc JPN US$ 94.90
Hollywoodland (~Ben Affleck, Adrien Brody, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Counterattack / Gyakushu No Char - Theatrical Feature JPN US$ 77.90
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 - Theatrical Feature JPN US$ 77.90
Perfect Stranger JPN US$ 47.90
Rogue Assassin (~Jet Li Jason Statham John Lone Jason Statham, Luis Guzman, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Run Lola Run (~Franka Potente) US US$ 28.95
Stomp The Yard JPN US$ 47.90
Sukiyaki Western Django (~Hideaki Ito, Koichi Sato, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Taxi 3 (~Samy Naceri, Frederic Diefenthal, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
Toshiki Kadomatsu Performance 2006 Player's Prayer Special 2006.12.16 Nakano Sunplaza (~Toshiki Kadomatsu) JPN US$ 65.90
Transporter Twin Pack (~Louis Leterrier Corey Yuen Jason Statham, Shu Qi, ...) JPN US$ 80.90
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February 22nd, 2008, 19:07 Posted By: dangee
Here's version 1 of TrailblazePSP (alpha), a new homebrew app.
* Manipulate a PNG in 3d realtime, to create some interesting visuals.
* Screenshot support
Click the pic for info
all needed files are in the attached ZIP
(Guests: if your server opens www.dangee.net,
then follow the Trailblaze links for a download)
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February 22nd, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksaboteur:
This project allows you to view your computers CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP graphically.
You are required to run a small server application on the PC which you wish to monitor, the PSP then connects to this over WiFi and displays the info.
The server is written in VB6, while the PSP code is in C++
- Although the WiFi connection screen only uses the debug text the resource monitoring screen is graphical.
- PSP is clocked down to 111Mhz when using the application to extend battery life.
- Server only tested on Windows XP SP2 (may not work on anything below SP1 as some network usage monitoring code relies on it)
- Requires 3.XX Kernel (Tested on 3.90 M33-2 only) so make sure it is in the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or GAME3XX
- Allows WPA WiFi Access
! The IP Address of the server must be set in "wifi.cfg" (in the format address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) NO SPACES!!!
1. The "PCMonitor" folder must be copied to either the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or the GAME3XX folder on the PSP
2. To use this application the server (PCMonitor.exe, Located in the "PC Server" directory) MUST be running
3. Open the application on the PSP and connect to the network
Home will allow you to exit the application.
- If the PSP is no longer in the application and the server reads state Connected (7), then you will need to reset the server to use it again.
- The PSP will ONLY connect in when the server is in state "Listening (2)"
Known Bugs
- If the PSP drops the connection (low signal, server reset, server closed, wifi switched off, etc.), it will not try to reconnect, it will just show a set of static values but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
- If the IP Address is incorrect in the config ("wifi.cfg"), the application will just sit on a blank screen but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
PSP Wifi Code from "WiFiController v0.4.4" by David Rudie
PC CPU Usage Code from "Get the System Total CPU Usage using API" by Jason Hensley
PC RAM Usage Code from "Get Performance Info Example" by Jason Hensley
PC NET Usage Code from http://www.himarticles.com/SourceCod...alBasic_04.htm
Alpha Tester "Wildboy99" from QJ Forums
Alpha 3
Bugfix - Now auto detects the drive Windows is installed to (used for network library install)
Bugfix - The X and O symbols are messed up on the first screen
Feature - Added minimize to tray option for server
Feature - Cleaned up server interface
Alpha 2
Bugfix - Added check for networking libraries and prompts for install if required
Alpha 1
Inital Release
This is my first C++ project so please be nice! It has quite a few bugs to iron out so please only report bugs related to the server application. Any other questions/comments are encouraged
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via darksaboteur
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February 22nd, 2008, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
New from thecobra:
here is my new program
JOKETOPIA 0.1 with src and no picture
JOKETOPIA 0.1 without src and with picture
it may have some bug with the text and credit menu
this program show some "yo mamma jokes"
custum menu and background
about 16 difrrent jokes
src code include
you could edit it in anyway u like as long u give me credit.
to change the menu look just put a difrent png pic in the same directory as the eboot.
it must contain the same name as the original
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via thecobra
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February 22nd, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxTheBest :
I'm back with my protect-me app.
Here are the changelogs since V0.9C:
Originally Posted by Readme
-The interface is now the same in the prx as in the pbp installer (nicer one)
-After 3 tries with wrong passwords, the psp displays an error message and you can only shut it down with a hard reboot.
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February 22nd, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Independent console games developer Insomniac Games, creators of the multimillion-selling Ratchet & Clank(R) and Resistance(TM) franchises, today unveiled a tech-sharing initiative dubbed 'Nocturnal' in which it will share elements of its technology source code and presentations free of charge with the worldwide development community.
"The Nocturnal initiative is designed to encourage greater communication and information sharing among the development community because it will ultimately enable us all to create better games at a lower development cost," said Mike Acton, engine director, Insomniac Games. "And, in the end, it's all about making great games."
Nocturnal is being deployed in separate phases. The first phase, Insomniac's "R&D" site (http://www.insomniacgames.com/tech/techpage.php), launched in August 2007, and has been updated every Wednesday with new presentations, research and articles since. Phase two will be launched shortly, and will open some of Insomniac's source code under a liberal open-source license. Source code will be documented and downloadable from a wiki at (http://nocturnal.insomniacgames.com). Insomniac will further support Nocturnal by releasing additional source code, research and presentations in the future.
"We feel that the time has come to share what we have learned, and learn from others to improve our solutions to the common problems that present themselves when making a game," said Geoff Evans, an Insomniac senior tools programmer who helped develop and launch Nocturnal.
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February 22nd, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: JKKDARK
via TechRadar
It seems pretty clear that Sony's PlayStation 3 is currently on the up and up, but we're surprised to hear a company exec suggest that its predecessor, the PS2, might get just another year of support from the parent company in spite of booming sales.
SPOng reports that Michael Ephraim, the managing director of Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, claimed the older console would soon be on its way out.
Software still coming
"We still are going to support PS2 hardware for the full year, we still have a number that is rather bullish, we're not backing off on hardware and we think the software tail will be very strong," he is reported as saying.
In other words, a year from now, the company will be hoping that gamers still considering buying PS2 hardware will be persuaded to go for the newer machine instead. Naturally, Sony still intends to sell plenty of new games to the PS2 fan base as well.
Whether that perception shift is accomplished through more must-have games appearing for the PS3 or by the seeming triumph of Blu-ray over HD DVD, it will definitely have to be accompanied by a lower price for the console as well.
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February 22nd, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying (Click on the link for screens)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 adds new innovative features, enhancements and customization options to the franchise. Battle through 20 unique stages using more than 40 of the most loved and feared characters from the animation phenomenon. Unleash the hidden chakra from within and experience the best yet from the series.
Get the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 [PS2] Trailer off WP (35mb)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 makes monumental leaps in the franchise with a host of "firsts" for the series. Players can now live through and be a part of all the major events that defined Story Arc 1 in Heroes History mode. Also, ninja-in-training can customize their characters with the Ultimate Jutsu which gives them that extra bit of edge during battle and allows them to earn points towards upgrading their strength, defense, chakra, agility and other special abilities. Turn playable characters into more powerful ninja of unprecedented size or summon giant creatures as allies with the new Summoning mode. In addition, Naruto fans throughout North America can experience the game in both English and original Japanese voice over.
"Naruto is an international sensation and Ultimate Ninja 3 is the perfect complement to the VIZ Media franchise," said Makoto Iwai, Executive Vice President and COO, NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. "CyberConnect2 has built upon the series and crafted a title that reaches Hokage level of fun."
In keeping with the tradition of the series, an exclusive and original story will have players exploring the massive 3D rendered Hidden Leaf Village, participating in battle royale matches and completing more than 55 missions. The unparalleled experience doesn't stop there as tons of unlockable content will be available to offer loads of replay value including movies, music and cards.
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 will be available in March 2008 exclusively for the PS2.
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February 22nd, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: JKKDARK
via WorthPlaying
Rogue Galaxy is a fantasy-themed RPG which revolves around the game's main character, Jester Rogue. Players follow Rogue as he planet-hops around space, visiting a number of planets, each with their own unique ecosystem populated by various unusual creatures. North American producer Nao Higo gives us some details on the imminent project.

Q: How would you describe the world of Rogue Galaxy? What were the influences in creating the story and overall art direction?
NH: The game is heavily influenced by iconic action movies and popular sci-fi franchises. We even include nods to some of them in-game in the form of parodies. After working on Dark Cloud, Level-5 decided we wanted to do something different. So they discussed possible projects and decided upon making a sci-fi game. Space pirates actually weren’t the initial choice – they toyed with the idea of a semi-futuristic game based around a [cyberspace premise]. But ultimately the concept didn’t reflect Level’s 5 signature style, so they did some tweaking and thus we have Rogue Galaxy.
Q: How is the combat system in Rogue Galaxy unique for an RPG?
NH: You control one character but have access to two allies that you control through various commands. As you progress through the game, you will have access to eight total characters, which you can switch out at any time. Of course, you can switch between the three characters at any time during battle. There is a unique suggestion system where your two allies will ask if they can perform certain attacks and you can instruct them how to engage.
The combat system isn’t so much magic focused but rather is based on an ability system. Each character has a certain set of special abilities that they can use. The combo system in this game allows the player to execute a barrage of strikes against an enemy to turn the tide of battle instantly. This system, called Burning Strike, is executed by collecting orbs that are dropped by the enemy during the course of battle. Once you gather enough orbs, you will be able to unleash the Burning Strike, a timing based combination system where you are able to chain together up to 9 strikes.
Q: Can you explain the weapons creation systems and how they work?
NH: There are two ways to create weapons in the game. The first is called Synthesizer Toady, which is a frog that takes two objects and combines them to create a weapon. The second is the Factory System, where you will get clues from other characters in the game on how to create an item get the raw materials, assemble a factory line, and create a custom weapon. There are more than 500 weapons in the game so depending on how players forge their weapons there will be different levels of how the weapons will perform.
Q: Can you discuss the mini-games in Rogue Galaxy? What is unique about them?
NH: One game is a quarry system where you will need to hunt down characters/elements throughout the game that have certain prices attached to them.
The other mini-game is called Insectron. This is a collection and fighting game where you go around trapping up to 20 species of insects, rear them, and then have them fight in a tournament. As you work your way up the rankings in the tournament you will earn prizes and other items.
Q: What does Rogue Galaxy bring that’s different from other console RPG games?
NH: The biggest thing is the lack of load times. Each of the worlds transitions seamlessly and you can explore vast amounts of any given world without any pauses. It’s not something you really notice until you play a game like this, but it’s amazing how much time we spend in front of load screens during normal RPGs. Once you play Rogue Galaxy and experience traveling from place to place seamlessly, it’s hard to go back.
The other big thing is the high polish and look of the game. It is a standout graphical experience, particularly for PS2. The team used its deep understanding of the hardware to push it as much as possible. I think it’s one of the best looking games on this platform.
Q: What’s the one reason RPG fans can’t afford to miss out on the game?
NH: It’s the ultimate edition of the title, offering even more content than the Japanese release. We went all out for the U.S. edition, adding new worlds, scenarios, stages and weapons. We’ve put in so much effort into this game that it really went beyond Localization. It’s the final realization of the team’s original vision for the game.
Q: Is this a completely new game engine than what Level-5 has used in the past?
NH: The graphic engine being utilized in the game is an evolution of the graphic engine they’ve used for previous titles.
Q: Do you think this might become a franchise title? Might we see the series appear on PSP or PS3?
NH: I definitely hope there will be more Rogue titles in the future—it’s a great game and has a great setting that will be perfect for sequels. But ultimately, it’ll depend on how well Rogue Galaxy is received in the US.
Q: Do you think that stylized graphics, like those of Rogue Galaxy, will still have a place on the next generation consoles, like the PS3, where the companies are trying to focus on more realistic games?
NH: Just like the movie industry where live action/CG/animation can coexist, I definitely think that there’s a place for stylized graphics on the next gen hardware. In fact, I think the hardware will allow developers to experiment with a multitude of different art styles.
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February 22nd, 2008, 22:02 Posted By: gamefreak199101
News/release from Cpasjuste:
A new release again
Be sure to read the readme, and look at the "cfe.config" file
- Added music playback based on music.prx by joek2100. (only tested under 3.90fw),
default combo button for the music menu is NOTE+SQUARE.
- Changed the way we reboot from one firmware to another firmware with Time Machine,
the original configuration file is now backup and restored at each boot.
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February 23rd, 2008, 01:08 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PSO-World
he regional PC/Playstation 2 servers received a small, unannounced update today to 'The Collector' item trade-in mission on Parum. Players can now acquire items such as the Transfer: Moatoob remodeling ticket, Melton's Frying Pan, De Colte Line, Protein Can, two new Music discs, and much more.
EDIT: The following items are currently glitched: PM Fighgroll, PM Bullgroll, PM Defgroll, and PM Techgroll. These items will show up in your inventory as unlabeled weapons/line shields with no descriptions. It is highly recommended that you do not trade for these items right now. They may have unintended side-effects such as item inventory deletion.
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February 23rd, 2008, 01:10 Posted By: JKKDARK
via PSO-World
Due to a data integrity glitch associated with today's update, the regional PC/Playstation 2 servers are receiving a rollback. All player data is being restored to a point right before the update. Any items that may have been found/synthed or any levels gained in the meantime will be lost. You can share your thoughts about this development in our Phantasy Star Universe forum.
EDIT: The Collector mission update has been removed. It is expected that a fixed version will return next week.
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February 23rd, 2008, 01:46 Posted By: royale
After some initial hacking on my PSP, I have been working on my first port for the PSP.
I choose the SDL/GL game "Chromium B.S.U.", which is a nice space shooter arcade game.

I think it has not been ported yet, sorry if I missed another post.
The archive for firmware 1.5 and the source code are available on my website: http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
I hope you will also like this little game 
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February 23rd, 2008, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling gets it. He knows that even though similar levels in a game like Call of Duty 4 are an important part of creating a coherent world, people want something different in a pack of downloadable content. And that's exactly what they'll be getting, with an upcoming pack of three maps. But as to what, exactly, that means, Bowling still isn't saying.
What he will say is that those who've been clamoring for new content may already have a good idea of what's on the way. "It's a lot of community feedback, they want bigger maps, more buildings, more close quarters fighting. It's going to be really evident that it's stuff that they asked for," Bowling said. "People in the community should have a good idea of what to expect."
The maps are now in the playtesting phase, so hopefully even us non-forum goers will know what Infinity Ward has cooking soon.
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February 23rd, 2008, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster

Kotaku found this InterSense technology demo down at the Game Developers Conference, which seems to do what Nintendo and LucasArts will not: a 1 to 1 mapping of a gesture controller to a lightsaber on screen. These guys are more of a technology company rather than a peripheral company like Novint, so they're aiming at getting a volume deal with a console manufacturer like Microsoft or Sony to bundle their tech into controllers.
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February 23rd, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
Recent strong sales of higher-priced PlayStation 3 models may be an indication that Sony Corp does not need to cut prices of the flagship video game console soon, a U.S. executive said on Thursday.
When Sony lowered U.S. prices of the PlayStation 3 last November, it was surprised to see that consumers bought as many $500 models as $400 models, said Scott Steinberg, vice president of product marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment America.
"So we're seeing that the hard-core gamer is not afraid to throw another $100 at the PlayStation 3 because the value proposition is so rich," Steinberg told Reuters in an interview.
Asked if that meant the pricing pressure posited by many analysts had not materialized, Steinberg said. "It's leading us to think so."
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February 23rd, 2008, 02:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony marketing bigwig Scott Steinberg has set the tone for Hardware Wars 2008 confidently predicting that consoles competing with PlayStation 3 are effectively doomed to also-ran status.
"In three years, the Wii will really start to look its age graphically and, will seem to consumers, pretty long in the tooth."
"Microsoft have had their window to build up a lead, but when we track sales of Xbox 360 against comparable time since launch sales of the original Xbox, there isn't much difference, so I think that opportunity has passed for them, and it looks like they haven't expanded beyond their core of shooter players."
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February 23rd, 2008, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
I met up with NTreev Soft earlier today and I saw a shiny silver slim PSP at sitting behind a keyboard. Since it was around I asked if they were working on Pangya for the PSP and without hesitation I got a “yes”. (Thanks to some excellent reader sleuthing for the original tip!) I got a chance to try it out too and it feels similar to Hot Shots Golf. You charge up the degree of a swing’s power by pressing a button. Afterwards a blue line moves from the right tip of the power meter down to a sweet spot near the end. You need to hit the button again when the blue line is in the sweet spot to get the best shot and a “Pangya!” remark on the HUD.
Before the match bits of dialogue (in Korean) were exchanged and a few familiar characters from the Pangya series flashed on the screen. NTreev Soft told me they are trying to bring all of the characters from Seasons 1-4 into the PSP version.
SK Telecom will publish the PSP version of Pangya in Korea sometime this year. I pressed about a North American version and I was told probably.
One other neat tidbit is NTreev Soft plans to start publishing PSP games in Korea. I asked if they were going to localize Japanese / US games or publish original Korean games. They couldn’t tell me anything, but after the meeting I remembered they have a hand in Astonishia Story 2. Perhaps, more original PSP games are being developed in Korea?
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February 23rd, 2008, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everyone,
Here I present to you my first prx entitled BATalert that allows alert you when your battery starts to get low.
Starting from the 30% led power starts blinking very slowly, from 20% less than it blink slowly, from 10% in the blink rapidly and led from 5% in the blink led very quickly
Url file:
# Connect your PSP to your computer via USB,
# Post your PSP into USB mode with the option USB connection,
# Right click on the file you downloaded,
# Choose to Extract the files ... (WinRAR is to be installed)
# Select destination as the letter assigned to your Memory Stick in the My Computer
# Press OK and wait extraction files
# Add to files VSH.TXT, GAME.TXT, POPS.TXT and GAME150.TXT who are in the directory SEPLUGINS your Memory Stick, the following line:
* Ms0: / SEPLUGINS / BATalert.prx
# Leave the USB mode and switch off your PSP (press and hold the power button)
# Restart your PSP maintaining the R Trigger right to enter the Recovery Menu,
# Choose the option plugins
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") BATalert.prx [VSH] by pressing X,
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") BATalert.prx [GAME] by pressing X
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") BATalert.prx [POPS] by pressing X,
# Return to XMB using the Back and Exit options.
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February 23rd, 2008, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
Art has again updated his Time Baby Alarm Clock for the PSP, heres the details:

Hi Guys,
This is Time Baby V11b release.
Unfortunately, I found at the last minute that the USB functions caused problems while running
the program under irshell, so I have removed the USB functionality. It may still be possible to
implement USB properly by initialising USB functions only when the program detects that it is
not running under irshell.
V11b (23/02/08):
- Implemented Flamez PSP fire effect demo by Midnight, optimised and ported to PSP by Fanjita,
modified for use with PSP graphics library, and variable positioning by Art.
- Fixed display bug when resuming from standby.
- Improved font for time announcement duration setting screen.
- Intro sequence is slightly faster than previous versions.
- Shutters open faster than they did previously in plasma clock mode.
- HOME button can be configured to power off by editing the last byte of the config file.
- Face buttons are locked when plasma screensaver is active, although the program still runs underneath.
Please consider the donation of a 32Mb Memory Stick, and see your nickname appear on the greetings screen.
Cheers, Art.
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February 23rd, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from ez2dxa :
This was Developed by me not Cyrax20.
This is evidence
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February 23rd, 2008, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Cpasjuste:
Version 2.2 released, it's a bug-fix version, thanks for all your reports.
Be sure to read the readme, and look at the "cfe.config" file..
- The Time Machine reboot function should now be fixed ... stupid error i made. Note that the function is only made for use with NAND firmware and 150_340 one, with the TM files provided in this archive. If you want to use it with another firmware than 150_340, you will have to edit your firmware files manually to add the cfe_vsh.prx and cfe_game.prx plugins (TM/fw/pspbtcnf.txt and TM/fw/pspbtcnf_game.txt).
- Fixed some little bugs in the music player, and found the reason why it was not working for all the people. If the psp hang while loading the music menu, you should apply the dark_alex 3.71 fatmsmod.prx patch, it should fix all the problem's.
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February 23rd, 2008, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
From Eden Software comes a new release of Unlimited Video For PsP, heres the details:
Unlimited Video For PsP "is a video encoding software for the Sony console.
Completely dedicated to it, "Unlimited Video For PsP" allows the encoding quality video and proposes several possible resolution: 368x208 (Firmware 2.0 +), 480x272 firmware (3.03 OE-B +), 720x480 (Firmware 3.30 +) and several choices bitrate.
"Unlimited Video For PsP" supports the following format: wmv, avi, mpg, mpeg, mp4, vob, 3gp, 3g2, mkv, mov, divx, flv, m2v.
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February 23rd, 2008, 15:47 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
SouthPeak Games announced today that Iridium Runners has shipped for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. The high intensity on-foot racing title developed by Playstos Entertainment is rated "E" for Everyone and is available now.
Iridium Runners takes video game racing to a whole new level. Set in the future where cars have been made obsolete by the blazing speed humanity has achieved on foot, Iridium Runners is a no holds barred, furiously fast racing game that allows players to step on shrunken opponents and knock others over the edge of the track and into oblivion. With 20 characters and 8 sidekick pods, each with differing strengths and weaknesses, knowing the track, your opponents and which combination to pick is essential to winning, Iridium Runners features several game modes, from a deep Championship to a single race, as well as split-screen multiplayer. A team mode is also featured, allowing for two paired teammates to race and battle one another on all the tracks.
"Iridium Runners is the perfect racing game for gamers looking for something different," said Luca Da Rios, CEO and executive producer, Playstos Entertainment. "Behind its cartoon style and futuristic setting hides a deep and challenging racing title that can be both fun to pick up and play, as well as demanding enough to play for hours on end."
In January, SouthPeak Interactive, LLC and Global Services Partners Acquisition Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: GSPA, GSPAB, GSPAW, GSPAZ) jointly announced that they have agreed to a business combination resulting in a new publicly held entity that will be called SouthPeak Interactive Corporation. The transaction will allow SouthPeak to access the public markets to accelerate its growth strategy and take advantage of strong industry growth trends.
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February 23rd, 2008, 15:51 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Scheduled to begin Thursday, February 14, EverQuest Online Adventures (EQOA ) will celebrate its 5th anniversary with a game update that brings new adventures and storylines to EQOA's thriving community. Players will see the continuation of the Khalimet and Broken Blade storylines and the ongoing turmoil there, but the adventurers of Norrath will also make time to celebrate Valentine's Day until February 17, 2008. Players are encouraged to seek out a GM, and a Valentine's Day gift will be their reward.
Unlock the Mystery of the Broken Blade!
Many years ago, adventurers encountered Cave Hydra in the depths the caverns of Solusek's Eye. After a long battle with this mystical three-headed creature, the adventurers discovered that it was protecting a secret. The Hydra possessed a magical Broken Blade with an inscription that provided little information as to the true destiny of this item. Hoping to decipher the words written on the blade, they sought out many races throughout Tunaria for translation. The translation is currently unraveling and unrest is taking over the land once again. For those with a keen ear and a sharp mind the mystery will lead to the discovery of a shocking change to the land of Tunaria.
Meet Khalimet!
The new Khalimet quest line introduces a new adventure that will unlock a path for players to choose. After having sent his harbingers to ready his arrival, Khalimet is starting his occupation of the various planes and Khalimet's campaign will change the face of the Zaoran Plateau forever.
Check out all latest enhancements!
WHEN: February 14, 2008
WHERE: EverQuestOnlineAdventures.com
WHO: About EverQuest Online Adventures
EverQuest Online Adventures is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), which allows PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system owners to experience an open-ended, persistent virtual world, filled with thousands of other players. It was the first of its kind available on the PlayStation 2 system in North America and utilizes the Network Adaptor to connect seamlessly to the Internet. The game carries a monthly subscription fee per person for continuing access and updates to the game world. Players can subscribe either by using a credit card, or by purchasing SOE Game Cards from various retail outlets. For more information, please visit www.everquestonlineadventures.com.
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February 23rd, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: Elven6
From: http://upsilon.forumpro.fr/les-homeb...ta-v08-t96.htm
The biggest improvement this time was Slim compatibility! Heres a translation via Live Search:
PSPvista becomes version 0.8 and brings nouveautées certe not many but conséquante!
- A version of the homebrew is compatible slim (less powerful than the version for kernel 1.5)
- correction of a bug when a screenshot was taken (the key R was also to use by the exploror of ms - > maintaining it + R is L)
- the mouse is now controlable also by the keys dircionelle
- correction of a bug at the time of the opening of page 2 of my documents
- the control panel was remade
- the speed of the mouse is modifiable since the control panel (you can nevertheless do it manually)
- The bios was to improve
- the name of user is modifiable since the control panel (you can nevertheless do it manually)
PSP Phat
PSP Slim
I don't have a slim so ill be intrested to hear what those users have to say. If anyone knows French, could you possibly post in his forum and ask when a English version will be released?
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February 23rd, 2008, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Some rumors never die, and this one we heard even before the official Warner press release was issued. Now that the format war is officially over, newspapers and magazines everywhere are looking back on the events preceding Toshiba's announcement. While no one really knows why each studio made its decision, The Globe and Mail cites "analysts" who think the payoff was a factor. Well, we asked Warner point blank about the payoff rumor and Kevin Tsujihara, president, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group said that it "was not a bidding war" and that it really came down to Q4 sales. This answer leaves us with the impression that while some money probably changed hands, the real reason why Warner went Blu was because during all of 2007 the Blu-ray versions of Warner's titles always outsold the HD DVD. The bottom line is that regardless of any single payoff, since Warner owns most of the home media market, it had the most to lose if it waited too long to chose a format.
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February 23rd, 2008, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese electronics retailer Edion has instituted a take-back program for its customers who purchased HD DVD players, offering to replace the units with Blu-ray players. That is true class.
Throughout March, customers can return any of seven Toshiba HD DVD decks and swap them for a BD unit from Sony, Panasonic or Sharp. If the latter is more expensive, customers need to make up the balance, but if it’s cheaper they’ll actually get a refund of the difference.
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February 23rd, 2008, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Leading video game retailer confirms long wait for the highly anticipated PS3 racing simulation.
In an email sent to customers, GAME, a leading retailer of video games, has confirmed Gran Turismo 5 won't be released this year, with European PlayStation 3 gamers having to wait until 2009.
"The legendary "Real Driving Simulator" Gran Turismo 5 is heading to PlayStation 3 in 2009, utilising the uber-console's raw horsepower to generate an unrivalled level of realism," states the GAME email.
The email does, however, promote the March 28 release of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, which will be priced only £19.99. This early teaser will feature five tracks and 40 cars, plus 16-player online racing.
Gran Turismo 5 currently has a tentative 2008 release date in both Japan and North America.
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February 24th, 2008, 01:24 Posted By: FOL
We have released a new version of PSPUAE (Amiga Emulator for PSP), changes / improvements are listed below.
V0.70 - FOL update
* Added alot of Rics FAMEC code and optimisations. (Gave some speed increase)
* Altered Hsync handler. (Removes slow down when sprites on screen, with CPU = MAX)
* Altered CPU CYCLE UNIT to 256 (Gave the most speed increase)
* Altered CHIPSET settings (To fall inline with CPU CYCLE UNIT change, its now a much more finer setting than in previous versions. Giving better results)
* Added Rics FAMEC Sound code (Still clicks, we know what the problem is, but i need help to solve it)
* Added Interpolation 4CH Sound under sound menu (This can improve sound slighty)
* Altered HEAP SIZE for available memory to PSPUAE (This solves all memory problems)
* Added Rics FAMEC FrameSkip Algorithm (This gives a finer smoother Auto FrameSkip)
Remember Read the README`s, I have readded the "options and what they are" section.
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February 24th, 2008, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bladefinor:
After the "stupid" project fPSPVista, I will come back with Mac OS X Leopard, but it won't be in flash, just in html and javascript!
So keep in mind that fPSPVista is over and a new portal is being developed in HTML/JS!
Features of v0.2 BETA:
• Dock, no working links (zoom-feature kind of buggy) - 100%
• Change wallpaper (in v0.2 BETA it will be a temporarly wallpaper if you don't want to replace the wallpaper file to your own...) - 100%
• Login screen (create account directly from PSP) - 100%
• Special minimize (the button in the right corner on the opened window) - 100%
Mac OS X Leopard [v0.2 BETA]
- Please remember that I don't own a Mac OS X Leopard, so please give me some advices or tips about how giving this portal a nice and likely real Leopard looking!
- I will be active on this topic, and so do you too! :P
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February 24th, 2008, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jabbyjim:
I have made my first PSP game, that as far as i can tell, runs on firmware 1.5 . Its a LUA script, so i imagine its more compatible than i think.
Hopefully I can get some help here. Let me know what you guys think! I tried to keep it as simple as possible, with levels and that sort of thing.
The controlls are simple, left and right and shoot. All you have to do is shoot down 60 attackers and you win. Its harder than you think though, if you miss one of them, it lays down a mine that chases you and if your lucky you can avoid it for awhile, but it will kill you. There are three levels also, all "Ascii Shui"
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via jabbyjim
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February 24th, 2008, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Homemister:
hi all here is the latest LUAPlayer HM v2.0
Read Below
Be careful with the System.setcpuspeed() it could cause damage to you psp.
copy the Lua Player HM v2 into your folder for Lua programing and run from xmb.
------New Features------
Slim and Phat Enabled.
New Functions and ability to play new audio files
Sound Files able to be played
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February 24th, 2008, 12:13 Posted By: DarthPaul
Sofiyacat came up today with a new release of his(her?) video-streaming application for the PlayStation Portable.
--- 20080223b
- AmebaVision site added
- added method for debug
- fixed PSPTube.encodeURI
--- 20080223c
- fixed AmebaVision search
--- 20080224
- FNN-News added
- added method PostContents
- changed GetContents.
- support cookie.
- not yet support HTTPS protocol
Also, I read a tutorial a few days ago at the site which I think is to add any video site to PSPTube. I'm not sure, and my japanese isn't good, so don't judme me if I'm wrong. Here. Also, the new sites are stored in a java file in the folder system, which is prove...
Note: This version is to test out the Java Script thingy. There's no YouTube, DailyMotion, YouKu, NicoNico, or Stage6 search in this version.
Well, that's all. Enjoy. 
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February 24th, 2008, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Antoine "Royale" Jacquet has released what looks to be a new space shooter for the PSP, heres the release details:
t h e s t o r y
You are captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U., responsible for delivering supplies to our troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel.
y o u r m i s s i o n
Do not let ANY enemy ships get past your fighters! Each enemy ship that makes it past the bottom of the screen will attack the Chromium, and you lose a fighter.
Use your fighters as weapons! Crash into enemies to destroy them before they can get past you.
Strategic suicide is a powerful tactic! When the Chromium launches a new fighter, it releases a high energy burst which destroys all enemies in range.
Self-destruct to preserve your ammunition! A double-right-click will cause your current fighter to self-destruct. Before the ship blows up, it ejects its ammunition so that the next fighter can pick it up.
Known issues:
Some graphic effects are disabled in the menu.
The game is a bit slower during the first seconds.
You may experience some speed variation during the game.
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February 24th, 2008, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksaboteur:
This project allows you to view your computers CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP graphically.
You are required to run a small server application on the PC which you wish to monitor, the PSP then connects to this over WiFi and displays the info.
The server is written in VB6, while the PSP code is in C++
- Although the WiFi connection screen only uses the debug text the resource monitoring screen is graphical.
- PSP is clocked down to 111Mhz when using the application to extend battery life.
- Server only tested on Windows XP SP2 (may not work on anything below SP1 as some network usage monitoring code relies on it)
- Requires 3.XX Kernel (Tested on 3.90 M33-2 only) so make sure it is in the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or GAME3XX
- Allows WPA WiFi Access
! The IP Address of the server must be set in "wifi.cfg" (in the format address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) NO SPACES!!!
1. The "PCMonitor" folder must be copied to either the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or the GAME3XX folder on the PSP
2. To use this application the server (PCMonitor.exe, Located in the "PC Server" directory) MUST be running
3. Open the application on the PSP and connect to the network
4. To make the server startup automatically with Windows, create a shortcut to PCMonitor.exe, copy it to the startup folder in the start menu, right click it and go to properties, go to shortcut tab and change target from "pathtoexe\PCMonitor.exe" to "pathtoexe\PCMonitor.exe" -minimized
Home will allow you to exit the application.
- If the PSP is no longer in the application and the server reads state Connected (7), then you will need to reset the server to use it again.
- The PSP will ONLY connect in when the server is in state "Listening (2)"
Known Bugs
- If the PSP drops the connection (low signal, server reset, server closed, wifi switched off, etc.), it will not try to reconnect, it will just show a set of static values but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
- If the IP Address is incorrect in the config ("wifi.cfg"), the application will just sit on a blank screen but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
Alpha 4
Bugfix - Fixed overflow '6' error in server (needs testing on vista. Feedback Please!)
Feature - Server now takes command line option "-minimized" used to start server minimized. (See usage 4.)
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via darksaboteur
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February 24th, 2008, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Art has again updated his Time Baby Alarm Clock for the PSP, heres the details:

Hi Guys,
This is Time Baby V11b release.
Unfortunately, I found at the last minute that the USB functions caused problems while running
the program under irshell, so I have removed the USB functionality. It may still be possible to
implement USB properly by initialising USB functions only when the program detects that it is
not running under irshell.
V11c (24/02/08):
- Better display fix for wake from standby
Please consider the donation of a 32Mb Memory Stick, and see your nickname appear on the greetings screen.
Cheers, Art.
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February 24th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
According to MetaCritic, the soon to be released God of War: Chains of Olympus is already garnering high enough review scores to take the top PSP game spot surpassing long time record holder, Lumines. The current ranking is based on seven reviews and currently is averaging 94 out of 100. Of course this could change once more review scores are added to the average, but for now, Kratos is on top before he even hits the store shelves. From everything I have seen and played of this game, it well deserves its scores and will probably go on to become a PSP system seller for many.
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February 24th, 2008, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Littlevish:
Introducing, Pocket Gambler! It is sort of a cross between a casino game, and a text-based Grand Theft Auto.
Yes I know, it's not very pretty right now. But a version with graphics will be released sometime in the future.
Game Information
Buy lottery tickets and play slot machines
Out of money? Take a risk and steal things to gain money, but you might get sent to jail.
In jail? Try to break out by yourself or by using special items. You can also behave well and hope for parole.
If you have a lot of money you can buy items, and then sell them later when you are low in money.
Coded in HTML and JavaScript
Currently only text, will make GUI later
High score submitting
Game saving and loading. This feature currently only works on the PSP, but a expect a PC version using cookies to save soon.
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February 24th, 2008, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Auraomega
Ok, this will probably come as a supprise to a lot of people, but I have worked really hard in the past few days to get (what I believe to be) a suffient amount of changes to Project4 to constitute a new release.
For those who know, I lost all my source codes at college, and they have yet to be found, I also hadn't taken a backup, or had I? I found a backup taken the day after release of Open Beta 2, and started working like a mad man on that. Updates may be a little sparce, but at least there are some, and I hate breaking with tradition (note the release day of other releases).
So why all the secrecy about my workings on Open Beta 3? Well I didn't want to let everyone know I was working on it again incase I couldn't update it enough, or incase I just could face continuing on with it, only my testers, plus 2 other individuals had found out that Project4 lives on.
So whats new in this version? Lots, considering the time period I had, I'm not going to get deeply into everything thats been changed as its all in the readme, but I will explain the new installer, to face up to problems with patching speed, mainly on 3.60+ I wrote an installer that runs on a computer, with the PSPs flash0 mounted via USB. Running on the computer it runs at the computers speed which means the patching process is increased dramattically. The installer is only command line based, with no GUI, but its only a temporary solution until I get chance to work on the installers for the PSP, or find I get a new, more reliable patch running. There is currently no un-installer, this will hopefully arrive tomorrow.
REMEMBER - You must have enough space in flash0 to install, for pre 3.60 versions, thats about 750kb, for anything 3.60 and above, you need about 1.5mb
Heres whats new etc from the readmefile:
Updates since Open Beta 2:
Added a boot sound.
Added an option to turn the bootsound on or off.
Added an optional filebrowser background, perfect for people who find their normal background doesn't go well in the filebrowser or gets in the way.
Added a clock.
Added the ability to move the clock around the screen.
Changed the code to load the EBOOT menu when entering a folder with an EBOOT.PBP inside, only applies if using the "Request" option.
Allowed the icons to be varying sizes, giving the ability to customise the menu even more than before. Icon sizes are determined during bootup, so no editing in the config required.
Moved the selected icon to the centre, instead of the first.
When playing music, album art can be showed as long as Folder.jpg is present in the directory.
Added M3U playlist support, which works in all directories above or below unlike previous versions.
Added the "Low Key Music Player" which is like a very basic version of LightMP3 installed in the flash, when booting up the PSP if you press the left shoulder button it is loaded, and plays music in the file ms0:/PSP/MUSIC/LKMP.m3u. The clock speed is drastically reduced, making this a good option for those who use their PSPs as their main mp3 player.
Added some notes saying how to save, and how to temp save the config.
Changed the about screen to make it appear neater, and compacted the lists.
Centralised the menus (mount, request, extended) which looks neater, also changed the colour scheme for them.
Updated the default config written to comply with the updated code.
Added a [#] to each of the options that do not yet work, these are mounting of flash3, XMB loading, and resetting the PSP.
Added a device mounter that can mount:
Flash0:/ (read mode only)
Disc0:/ (untested but should work)
Host0:/ (assuming RemoteJoy or other plugins are loaded)
Bug fixes for Open Beta 3:
The "Extended Menu" now shows all options, instead of only a few.
The filebrowser now no longer runs off the bottom.
Some basic memory leaks, there still exists 2 in the filebrowser, these will hopefully be worked out by Open Beta 4.
Changed some spelling mistakes.
When pressing circle to drop a directory, you must also let go before you drop, which should stop dropping directories at a fast speed.
Config updates:
Basic info on editing the config, the default config is:
0 6 4 4 5 ms0:/PSP/EMU ms0:/PSP/GAME ms0:/PSP/APPS ms0:/PSP/MUSIC ms0:/PSP/EBOOKS ms0:/PICTURES 0 0 0 98 0 197 480 15
0 6 4 4 5 refers to settings edited in the config menu on Project4, so theres not much point in getting into that. The next 6 options are locations for the icons to load. The next 6 options are co-ords for icons, the final 2 are the co-ords for the clock. The graphics on the clock is drawn upwards, not down, so you should compensate by adding 15 on to the value (15 being the least value to get it on screen without going over the top).
Locations of some additions:
Boot sound goes in flash1:/P4/intro.mp3
Filebrowser background goes in flash1:/P4/fb.png
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February 24th, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: royale
Thanks for your feedbacks and the news on my first contribution 
I have just released a new version that fixes a couple of things:
- Save the options and max level when exiting the game.
- Pressing "Select" pauses the game.
- Bigger fonts in the game to improve reading.
- Now uses the SCEkxploit (to hide corrupt icon).
The last version is available here: http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
If you have missed the previous posts, here is what the game looks like:

Good luck!
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February 25th, 2008, 15:26 Posted By: borgqueenx
finally all the functions of the online psp portal are up and running!!!

Here's a full feature list:
-psp news.
-chatrooms(4 english, 4 dutch)
-about 100 flash games.(sorted on game type)
-about 10 flash applications.
-rss channels.
-useful links for psp browsers.
-psp sized forums.
-search function with nice psp keyboard.
-about 200 wallpapers.
-6 game demos.
-about 10 mp3 files.
-about 10 mp4 videos.
-about 30 xmb themes.
-The Installotron 2, 7 HB apps and 5 HB games so far.
-easy interface for quick navigation on the portal.
Ofcource, we will still make updates to the site, but its just that finally everything works again, if something does not work, please pm me
(adding official firmware upgrades next)
just goto http://psp.gdteam.net. on your psp's browser and have fun
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February 25th, 2008, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Not but a few days after some decided anti-Sony Japan commentary by a very frustrated Phil Harrison, the Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President is out, with his role to be assumed by the monolithic Kaz Hirai. Phil recently expressed his frustration for SCE Japan's resistance to online and social gaming, which, as it turns out, is exactly where Sony needed to be like five years ago. From the sound of things, Phil's departure is a little unceremonious (and, dare we say, sanctimonious?), but who's to say what really went down behind closed doors?
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February 25th, 2008, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Not but a few days after some decided anti-Sony Japan commentary by a very frustrated Phil Harrison, the Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios President is out, with his role to be assumed by the monolithic Kaz Hirai. Phil recently expressed his frustration for SCE Japan's resistance to online and social gaming, which, as it turns out, is exactly where Sony needed to be like five years ago. From the sound of things, Phil's departure is a little unceremonious (and, dare we say, sanctimonious?), but who's to say what really went down behind closed doors?
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February 25th, 2008, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster

Well, well -- what have we here? Apparently, this PSP (developer's edition, we're told) was spotted at the Game Developers Conference in California attempting to showcase how well the gaming handheld could handle navigation. Unfortunately, the underground nature of the booth resulted in a slightly inaccurate reading, but we're sure it'll do quite alright under normal circumstances when it's (hopefully) loosed in the not-too-distant future.
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February 25th, 2008, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
When word broke earlier this month of an expansion to Sony and Wizards of the Coast's fourth wall-breaking PlayStation 3 card game, Eye of Judgment, few details were offered save for a promise of more cards and a rather ambiguous spring release. Now Sony has nailed down a specific date, March 27, for the 100-card expansion's debut, as well as let loose a number of details surrounding just what players can expect from the new set once they get over that intoxicating 'new card smell.'
While the additions are numerous, the most interesting bit concerns how exactly the new cards will be made available to players, as it turns out that Sony will double dip into the wallets of those who wish to try out the new cards first hand. According to the PlayStation.Blog, before being able to use any new cards purchased from the new set, the expansion will first require players to pay for a download from PlayStation Network, adding new artwork, animations, and rules for game's second set of cards.
We still don't know exactly how much this download will run, though the set's boosters and theme decks will continue to carry the normal asking price of $3.99 and $14.99 respectively. If there is a silver lining to be taken from this news however, it's that even those players who choose not invest in the new expansion will be able to play against those that do, no doubt excellent news for players who decide to stand strong against the tides of capitalism alongside their army of Biolith ninjas.
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February 25th, 2008, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Dynasty Warriors 6 features completely re-imagined character designs and weapons, yet the designs maintain familiar characterizations that are accurate to culturally significant depictions.
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February 25th, 2008, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released this week:

Rise Through the Ranks of The Club™. As one of eight fighters, blast your way through five single player game modes including: Sprint, Time Attack, Survivor, Siege, and Run the Gauntlet.
Earn Respect Online. Shoot your way to the top of the leader boards in over eight cut-throat multiplayer modes. You will face-off with 7 real-time opponents online or battle with your friends offline in 4-player split-screen action modes.
The Club™ is Global. Battle in eight unique real-world locations from around the globe, including war-torn cities, abandoned factories, steel mills and many more.
Extreme Gun Battles in Hazardous Environments. A motion blur camera system intensifies the adrenaline rush in both open range and close quarter firefights. Destroy and manipulate objects in the environment to your advantage.
Build up the highest score. A unique score-based accumulation system creates even more competition among players; the faster, more efficient and accurate that you are, the more points you will earn to unlock weapons, characters and maps.
Select from an Arsenal of Weaponry. There are 17 high-powered assault weapons to choose from and customize, including Automatic Weapons, Sniper Rifles, High Caliber Pistols, Sub Machine Guns, Mounted Weapons, and many more.
Each Character has a Story to Tell. Choose from eight different characters to rise through the ranks of The Club™ and uncover each person’s true motives and intentions.
The Club™, created by critically acclaimed developer Bizarre Creations, is a new breed of third-person shooter, combining fast-paced run and gun gameplay, destructive environments, and lethal weapons. You will fight to survive in a shadowy underground blood-sport controlled by a faceless, obscenely wealthy and influential elite who place their bets on who will survive as the blood-bath ensues before them. Take control of up to eight uniquely trained killers motivated by greed, driven by pure insane bloodlust, and hell bent on earning respect on a global level.
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February 25th, 2008, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony showed a few games off at GDC, but one they didn't "show off" was MotorStorm 2. That one was reserved for the BBC, apparently, as only the Beeb's Darren Waters got a premiere showing of Evolution's upcoming racer. The sequel to 2006's launch favourite is leaving the desert behind, and will instead concentrate on a "lush island environment, full of interactive vegetation". More importantly - for both haters of exotic flora and PS3-owning Mario Kart enthusiasts - the game will feature 4-player split-screen racing, so you and three friends can party like it's 2002.
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February 25th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: jasonuscg
This is an update to the PS3 single rear USB port mod but now with six fully functioning ports.
PS3 six USB port mod
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February 25th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: HardHat
Resonate is a new PSP Homebrew game where the objective is to evolve. You start as a Sea Urchin, and can move up to Tuna, then Stingray then Thresher Shark by collecting evolution tokens. But get damaged, and de-evolve into a lowly Plankton, or lose the level. As a rail shooter it is all about timing and aiming. This game is inspired by the PS2/DreamCast game Rez.
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February 25th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
It will be possible to export TV recordings made with PS3's forthcoming digital TV receiver in a standard file format and store them anywhere you like, Sony explained today.
Mark Bunting, a producer at Sony's Cambridge Studio, which is working on the software for the PlayTV device, showed how the MPEG-2 video files could be moved from the PlayTV interface to the PS3's home menu.
From there, they can be moved to another storage device such as a memory stick, backup hard drive or PC. There is no copy protection in place and no time limit on how long the recording can be kept. Asked what you could do with the file Bunting said: "Anything you like, really, as long as you do it legally. It's in its raw format."
He was no doubt alluding to the piracy of TV programmes that is currently rampant on BitTorrent peer-to-peer networks. It seems that there will be nothing to stop PlayTV acting as a source of these recordings, as can any PC TV tuner.
"We've talked to our legal department about it," said Bunting. "All we're doing is moving it out of PlayTV and to the cross-media bar as if it was any other recording. So hopefully users won't do stuff they shouldn't do with it.
"If I'm prohibited from getting the recording off and storing it somewhere else because some other dude is making money out of selling it, then I'd rather they brought the law in to catch those people," he added.
We'll be posting full details about PlayTV soon - although sadly, these still will not include a price or release date for the device, which are still under wraps.
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February 25th, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
CVG can confirm that the Overlord series, a Pikmin-influenced management adventure previously only on 360 and PC, will be making its debut on PS3 this summer with Overlord: Raising Hell.
Raising Hell will feature the full Overlord game that released on 360 last year, as well as all of the download content that has been released to date, all on one Blu-ray disc.
You play as supposedly the most evil being on the planet - who needs some little Gremlin-like dudes, called Minions, to help him out.
Clearly not a plot to be taken too seriously, command your Minions in gameplay uncannily similar to Nintendo's Pikmin games, with Minions in different colours each one with different weaknesses and abilities.
"Use the Minions tactically and they'll always be on hand, ready to sacrifice themselves just to save the Overlord's illustrious arse", says Codemasters.
"Summer" is as specific a release date as Codemasters offers at the moment. First exclusive PS3 screens are below.
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February 25th, 2008, 23:24 Posted By: Shrygue
SEGA has said it will be bringing gorgeous PS3-exclusive Valkyria Chronicles to the West this autumn.
You might know it as Valkyrie of the Battlefield, and you also may have seen it on Eurogamer TV, parading around as a cel-shaded role-playing strategy game.
More specifically it's built on a new Canvas engine, and is said to look like a watercolour painting in motion. It also has a funny Blitz battle system where you can move and attack freely despite being a tactical RPG affair.
Valkyrie of the Battlefield takes place in a make-believe world roughly modelled on 1930s Europe, where the Empire and Federation are the two ruling powers. Sounds familiar: where's Hitler?
Anyway, this Empire force invades a neutral country called Gallia which, unsurprisingly, happens to be situated in the middle of the two factions.
You take the role of Welkin and his fellow soldiers in the 7th Platoon of the Federation, as you use weapons to sort everything out.
SEGA Japan is developing it, and must be nearly done because it's due out in Japan in April.
Meanwhile, pop over to Eurogamer TV for the trio of videos, or into our Valkyria Chronicles gallery for the first shots.
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February 25th, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: JKKDARK
via TVG
SEGA Europe has today confirmed that the PlayStation 3 exclusive RPG, Valkyria of the Battlefield, will be heading West from Japan this Autumn.
Despite undergoing something of name change to the snappier Valkyria Chronicles, the Japanese RPG title remains on course to deliver the fantastical story of two superpowers(the Federation and the Empire) heading for war intact. Developed by SEGA's Game Studio Japan, which has also produced the CANVAS engine specifically for the title (in true Japanese RPG fashion), Valkyria Chronicles follows a Federation soldier called Welkin and the rest of the 7th Platoon as they fight back against their aggressive neighbours.
"Valkyria Chronicles has been enthusiastically requested by European fans" said Gary Knight, European Marketing Director SEGA Europe ltd. "The unique graphics and compelling gameplay are just two reasons why we're delighted to bring it to them."
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February 25th, 2008, 23:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A Sony spokesperson has told Eurogamer he believes that LittleBigPlanet is "potentially our biggest Blu-ray release of 2008".
Asked about Sony's plans for the Media Molecule game, marketing man Nick Robinson - a senior product manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe - confirmed the title will be released in September on Blu-ray disc only.
He left no doubt that Sony is giving the unusual, innovative mix of platform game and content creator the full blockbuster-release treatment. "This isn't a Warhawk or a Tekken: Dark Resurrection," he said, mentioning two games Sony has made available for download on the PlayStation Network. "This is a triple-A Blu-ray title."
Robinson felt that Sony's confidence in LittleBigPlanet was backed up by the overwhelmingly positive reception it's met with so far. He also confirmed the game will have a very substantial offline Story mode to justify the price for those less interested in its community and content-creation aspects.
Certainly, today's demonstration hasn't dimmed our own (massive) enthusiasm for LittleBigPlanet. Check back soon for full hands-on impressions.
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February 25th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony expects Resistance 2 to go "toe-to-toe against Gears of War 2" in the battle for your money this Christmas, according to US VP of product marketing Scott Steinberg.
I think one of the biggest games for us will be Resistance 2. We expect that, in November, to go toe-to-toe against Gears of War 2," Steinberg told GamesIndustry.biz during GDC.
"It will be our third-generation PS3 product. Insomniac, having shipped Resistance 1, quietly sold a million units. And then Ratchet & Clank last fall. This is the third on their technology shipping in November."
Steinberg also explained Sony's low GDC profile. "It just felt stronger coming from so many different high-calibre partners as opposed to self-congratulatory announcements from ourselves that the war is over and the standards battle is complete, and we have a standard and it is us," he said, referring to the recent HD-DVD discontinuation.
"It just felt like a keynote would be a little bit over the top," he added.
You can read the full Scott Steinberg interview on GamesIndustry.biz.
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February 25th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has up its sleeves a top-secret game headed to PS3 in 2009 that will apparently showcase a new standard in "story-telling and immersion" on games consoles.
The BBC reports having been shown supposedly "in-game" footage of the super-confidential title, but has been sworn to secrecy.
"I was shown a trailer for a game not due out till 2009 but was sworn to absolute secrecy," says the BBC reporter.
"Apparently, Sony just wanted to give a glimpse of what the console will be capable of."
He goes on to add: "In fact, the game is such a secret that when I mentioned the game to Phil Harrison last week he was unsure at first whether even to admit the title existed. When I explained I had been shown it under strict Non Disclosure Agreement terms he looked relieved."
Being careful not to reveal any specific details, he goes on to say: "I don't mean to be a tease - all I can say is that I was left speechless.
"If the footage I was shown truly is 'in game', as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion," reads the excited report.
Hopefully it won't turn out to be another CGI 'target tech' trailer like the early Killzone 2 footage. And hopefully it's God of War III.
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February 26th, 2008, 00:23 Posted By: JKKDARK
via IGN
Atlus U.S.A., Inc., the vanguard of role-playing games, today announced Persona 3 FES for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, the highly-anticipated definitive cut of 2007's RPG of the Year, Persona 3. With two games on one disc--a brand new chapter featuring 30+ hours of gameplay and an enhanced version of the original game loaded with new content and features--Persona 3 FES is the comprehensive version of one of the most acclaimed RPGs of 2007.
Persona 3 FES is a stand-alone product and does not require the original Persona 3 to play. However, players with save files from the original game will be able to transfer some of their saved data, such as their Persona compendium, to be used in the enhanced main story. The new story is accessible from the start and does not require players to finish the original game beforehand.
Persona 3 FES is scheduled for release on April 22nd for an MSRP of $29.99.
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February 26th, 2008, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxTheBest
Hi, Here is the latest version of SaveMe (which used to be called screensaver).
This is a prx that makes your psp go into a low consuming mode when you don't use it for a while.
A readme is inclueded
Here are the changelogs:
Originally Posted by README
Now the prx runs in kernel mode (so it kicks out most of the freezes problems)
The prx doesn't crash when launching internet browser (thanks to kernel mode)
If hold is down, the prx won't launch (usefull on USB connexions)
Deleted the config file (it will be back soon...) (so time is set to about 30 seconds and cpu to 10MHz)
Now the screen is switched off rather than displaying black background (saves more power)
Nothing is displayed anymore (as the screen is off, it would be useless)
Unzipp to ms root
add ms0:/seplugins/SaveMe.prx to vsh.txt
enable prx in recovery mode.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like Phil Harrison's sudden resignation was not the only change in Sony's executive lineup as of late. In a recent press release, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced the appointment of three new key executives: Robert Dyer to Senior Vice President of Publisher Relations, Ian Jackson to Vice President of Sales and Sally Buchanan to Vice President of Human Resources. These positions will take effect in March and April of 2008, and the executives will report directly to SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton.
"Rob Dyer, Ian Jackson and Sally Buchanan's proven records of strategic leadership and innovation, combined with their extensive industry experience re-enforce their new roles as a great fit for our organization," said Tretton. "These three appointments augment an already strong executive staff at SCEA and provide the company with additional leadership to focus on key relationships with some of the most important constituencies, our publishing partners, retail community, and internal employees, as we continue to build on the momentum generated in early 2008 by the PlayStation family of products."
We'll keep you posted on further developments as they become available.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
It looks like Phil Harrison's sudden resignation was not the only change in Sony's executive lineup as of late. In a recent press release, Sony Computer Entertainment America announced the appointment of three new key executives: Robert Dyer to Senior Vice President of Publisher Relations, Ian Jackson to Vice President of Sales and Sally Buchanan to Vice President of Human Resources. These positions will take effect in March and April of 2008, and the executives will report directly to SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton.
"Rob Dyer, Ian Jackson and Sally Buchanan's proven records of strategic leadership and innovation, combined with their extensive industry experience re-enforce their new roles as a great fit for our organization," said Tretton. "These three appointments augment an already strong executive staff at SCEA and provide the company with additional leadership to focus on key relationships with some of the most important constituencies, our publishing partners, retail community, and internal employees, as we continue to build on the momentum generated in early 2008 by the PlayStation family of products."
We'll keep you posted on further developments as they become available.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bootsector:
Hi folks!
PSMS Reloaded attempts to bring PSMS 1.2 (a SEGA Master System/Game Gear emulator by Sjeep) back to life! It now supports following devices, without relying on any special "FILES.TXT" index:
:. Memory Card
:. USB Devices
:. HDD
This version was converted from old PS2LIB/GFXPIPE to PS2SDK/GsKit.
Thanks to the following people who (in)directly made this happen:
:. PS2SDK maintainers/developers
:. PS2DEV forum members (Lukasz and others)
:. ragnarok2040 for his menu component (used in FCEUltra for PS2)
:. dlanor and EP for LaunchElf and its source code
:. Sjeep for the quick and dirty, but still good PSMS port.
:. My lovely wife, Miriam, for letting me to spend some of our valuable time with this
This is a WIP project. There are still many features to be added, such as:
:. Support to PAL
:. Screen centering
:. General config menu
:. Ingame config menu
:. Save state and SRAM support
Hope you folks enjoy it!
Source Code
Binary ELF
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February 26th, 2008, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Tom Clancy's EndWar creative director Michael de Plater is reported to have confirmed that the RTS will be released on DS and PSP, as well as 360 and PS3.
According to several reports, de Plater confirmed the game will making its way to handheld platforms at GDC. That's all we've got to go on, for the moment as nothing official has come from Ubisoft.
EndWar takes place during World War Three, where most of the Earth's resources have been depleted.
Proving that even a nuclear war can't keep those damn Russkies from pursuing their expansionist polices, players take control of an army to fight over the residual resources, like mineshafts.
There's a lot of radioactive fallout surrounding March 2009 as a possible release date. We've contacted Ubisoft for confirmation. Stay tuned.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
We already know 2008 is going to be the year for new fighting games, both 2D and 3D. What we didn't quite expect was the huge display over at the SNK area of classic fighters and their respective compilations also getting a 2008 release. The video details some of the PS2 anthologies, but also goes into some of the PSP versions. If you're a fan of fighting games, new or old, this is your year. Embrace it, buy it roses, but keep it at arms length or it will say you're suffocating it and it needs some time to itself. Then the year will never, ever come back.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
“Bionic Commando: Rearmed,” a re-make of the original “Bionic Commando,” is coming to a PSP near you — but isn’t going to be released on PSP.
Say what?
Capcom producer Ben Judd told me last week that the PS3 version of “Bionic Commando: Rearmed” for the console’s PlayStation Network will be playable on PSPs using the PS3’s Remote Play feature.
Remote Play allows a PSP user to access content on their PS3 theoretically from any location where they can get a WiFi signal. The feature was implemented in limited fashion for last fall’s PS3 dragon-combat game “Lair” and then delivered in full for the PSN game “PixelJunk Monsters.”
If Capcom gets Remote Play to work properly, the game may well be one of the first to use the service well and among the first, if not the first, third-party game to use it.
The end result: “Bionic Commando: Rearmed” playable on PSPs, even without the game being released on PSP.
Like I said.
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February 26th, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksaboteur:
This project allows you to view your computers CPU, RAM and Network Usage on your PSP graphically.
You are required to run a small server application on the PC which you wish to monitor, the PSP then connects to this over WiFi and displays the info.
The server is written in VB6, while the PSP code is in C++
- Although the WiFi connection screen only uses the debug text the resource monitoring screen is graphical.
- PSP is clocked down to 111Mhz when using the application to extend battery life.
- Server only tested on Windows XP SP2 (may not work on anything below SP1 as some network usage monitoring code relies on it)
- Requires 3.XX Kernel (Tested on 3.90 M33-2 only) so make sure it is in the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or GAME3XX
- Allows WPA WiFi Access
! The IP Address of the server must be set in "wifi.cfg" (in the format address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) NO SPACES!!!
1. The "PCMonitor" folder must be copied to either the GAME folder (if it is set to 3.XX kernel) or the GAME3XX folder on the PSP
2. To use this application the server (PCMonitor.exe, Located in the "PC Server" directory) MUST be running
3. Open the application on the PSP and connect to the network
4. To make the server startup automatically with Windows, create a shortcut to PCMonitor.exe, copy it to the startup folder in the start menu, right click it and go to properties, go to shortcut tab and change target from "pathtoexe\PCMonitor.exe" to "pathtoexe\PCMonitor.exe" -minimized
Home will allow you to exit the application.
- If the PSP is no longer in the application and the server reads state Connected (7), then you will need to reset the server to use it again.
- The PSP will ONLY connect in when the server is in state "Listening (2)"
Known Bugs
- If the PSP drops the connection (low signal, server reset, server closed, wifi switched off, etc.), it will not try to reconnect, it will just show a set of static values but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
- If the IP Address is incorrect in the config ("wifi.cfg"), the application will just sit on a blank screen but the application may be exited by the home button still (This will be corrected in the next release)
Alpha 5
Bugfix - Second attempt at fixing the overflow '6' error in server (had to do with how much data had been transfered over the network since boot, as always feedback is appreciated)
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February 26th, 2008, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hellcat:
HELLCATs Wallpaper Changer
The name's the deal - this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less
However you have a few features:
Two modes of operation: "Everytime" and "Once per day" (see readme for details)
You can set special, predefined images for a specific date (again, check readme)
change the XMB background *BEHIND* the waves (a.k.a. 01-12.bmp) - WITHOUT writing to flash!
(the last one lets you set a fixed wallpaper for the specified date instead of using an all random one)
That's it.
Short and painless.
Maybe someone might like it
Added capability of changing/randomizing the background *BEHIND* the XMB wave lines
(WITHOUT touching the flash0:! So, perfectly save )
Read the notes about this in the readme when having trouble with it!
Wallpapers are now finally copied BEFORE the XMB loads, so you see the change imediately, not at the next reboot
Major internal changes (making the plugin pure kernel mode and dealing with the consequences), the usual bug hunting and some cleaning up of the code.
Uh, and since I forgot to put it into the readme: *lol*
Put your .BMPs that are supposed to become your background behind the waves into this folder on your memstick:
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February 26th, 2008, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Joppy Furr posted this release:
This is the second release. It is based on the PC game Ants (Also known as Castle Wars). I hope you enjoy it. To install the game, download the file, and rename "Ants4PSP.Archive" to "Ants4PSP.zip". Place the Ants4PSP folder in ms0:/PSP/GAME.
You may need to right click the link and use Save Link As.
- Cards used by the computer are now shown for a longer time
- Cards now have a tick or a cross in the top right corner, to show if you can use them or not.
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February 26th, 2008, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Red Squirrel:
Alternative VSHMenù by Red Squirrel
N.B.: I'm Italian, so sorry for my BAD english :P
What's it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenù that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenù and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME (by Default) in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenù!
Press CIRCLE (by Default) in Menù to close it.
N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenù does not work!
-Added a security check to the plugin.
This because of a lamer team, called "Team Just Dead", creator (but I have some doubt about it too...) of the "JD-Battery", that when I released the v3.5 they diffused a hex-edit spanish version of my Alternative VSHMenù saying that they were its programmers and creators...
-Added the NO PIC0 AND PIC1 function
-Added the GAME KERNEL function for PSP Fat
-Added the USB CHARGE function for PSP Slim.
-GAME KERNEL and USBCHARGE functions share the same line, so if you use Alternative VSHMenù on a PSP Fat the GAME KERNEL function will appear, otherwise on a Slim the function USB CHEARGE will appear.
-Now when you change one of the functions that requires the reboot of the console to be applied (Game Kernel, USB Charge, M33 Network Update, No Pic1.png and Pic0.png), Dashboard will be restarted automatically, applying the change!
-Some minor bugfix and improvement to the code.
Note: Because of lack of time, translations will be released later.
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February 26th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Sakya of an update to his MP3 Player for PSP:
Heres whats new:
Many bugs fixed
-FLAC is back
-Media Library starts to work.
-Coverart is retrieved from ID3v2
You can actually scan your Memory Stick, browse your media by Artist, Album and Genre and search for a text (in album, title and artist).
For coverart LightMP3 will look:
1.In ID3v2 info (only MP3)
2.For a file named like the file .jpg (ex: filename.mp3.jpg)
3.For a file named cover.jpg in the same directory of the file
When you're on an item in the Media Library you can add it to your playlist by pressing START.
Post your comments and bugreports here.
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February 26th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ooblik:
iTunes Controller is an application that allows you to control iTunes
wirelessly from your PSP.
It supports multiple connections so you can use more than one PSP to
control iTunes.
To install PSP iTunes Controller:
1) Copy the "iTCntrl" folder to the ROOT of your Memory Stick.
2) Start iTunes
3) Run the application after iTunes has loaded.
4) Go to the URL displayed at the bottom of the applications
window with your PSP Web Browser. ( http://***.**.**.***:1020/)
This is still in BETA!
- This requires the Visual Basic 6 Runtimes form Microsoft.
- You may have to unblock the program with Windows Firewall.
- If you start the application BEFORE iTunes you will get errors.
- You must forward port 1020 if you are behind a firewall or router.
Email any bugs or comments to:
(After you have read through this document carefully!)
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February 26th, 2008, 19:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has firmly distanced itself from a listing on hmv.com that puts the price and release date of PlayTV at GBP 99.99 (EUR 130) on March 28.
"We have not confirmed the price and release date of PlayTV to anyone, and that includes retailers," a Sony spokesperson told our siter site Eurogamer.net.
PlayTV is a digital TV tuner accessory for PlayStation 3 that uses the console's hard drive to record broadcasts.
It's due for release in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK later this year, and the company has recently demonstrated how the hardware will not be restricted by copy protection.
Although no official date and price has been announced, it's expected it to arrive later than March, and possibly cheaper than GBP 99.99.
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February 26th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Whispers from an on-going retailer conference could have finally revealed the release date for Metal Gear Solid 4: June 12, 2008.
Word from Destination PlayStation says Sony will also be flogging a hardware bundle complete with MGS4, an 80GB PlayStation 3 and DualShock 3 in the same pack.
This would put both MGS4 and Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3 before the summer - surely a good reason if ever to pick up the hardware.
We're currently on the case with Konami to confirm the news, and as always will let you know.
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February 26th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: bandit
Word from retailer conference Destination PlayStation, is that the Dual Shock 3 has gotten a US release date. Set to launch April 15th for $54.99, it's slated to coincide with the release of GT5 Prologue.
Its approximately $5.00 less than what importers are currently charging. If you cant wait that long, you can purchase from any of these importers in various colors: Goldenshop.com.hk, Divineo China (black), Divineo China (white), Divineo Spain (black), Divineo Spain (white), Play-Asia (black), Play-Asia (white) and Play-Asia (satin silver).
Source: Kotaku
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February 26th, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Stills don't do High Moon's Bourne Conspiracy game justice. They looks like any other ordinary third-person movie tie-in, but it's actually rather good.
How do we know? Because we just got back from Paris, where we got to grips with three levels in both the PS3 and 360 versions.
You can find out what the best bits about the game are in this feature.
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February 26th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Although Haze -- a first-person shooter from Ubisoft and Free Radical Design -- is set in 2048, you won't have to wait that long to get your hands on it.
Haze is coming this May exclusively to the PlayStation 3.
In an early morning announcement, Ubisoft said today that the much-anticipated title will arrive in just four months with a Mature rating. Haze casts you as a brand new soldier in a private military corp. -- in this bleak future, the government outsources fighting wars -- and sets you and your plethora of cutting edge weapons up against the rebels known as the Promise Hand.
Words don't paint the picture for you? Check out the spankin' new trailer below or download the HD version here.
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February 26th, 2008, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
They're not pretty screenshots like these, but Sony's new Resistance 2 renders and concept art is enough to get us pumped for the sequel - which looks ridiculously pretty by anyone's standards.
Though it was one of the best games in the PS3 launch line-up, Insomniac has thankfully listened to feedback from the original game, and focused on improving the enemy AI, checkpoints and health system for the sequel.
There's also support for an astounding sixty players in multiplayer gameplay, which focuses on squad-based shooting and character classes.
The Tank class, for example, gets all the big guns, Special Ops handle the long-range sniper action, and the Medic's their to patch up the rookies.
It's expected on PS3 at the end of the year. Head-to-head with Gears 2 maybe, which should be a good one to watch from the sideline.
Concept art here
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February 26th, 2008, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA
- Official Dual Shock 3 wireless controller
- Connects via bluetooth (wireless) or USB (wired)
- Lithium Ion rechargeable battery pack built-in
- Play & Charge technology: Recharge battery pack when connecting via USB
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February 26th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
In addition to Metal Gear Solid 4, Sony will bundle another hit with one of its platforms, offering a special red God of War themed PlayStation Portable package in June. The special edition edition PSP will follow in the tradition of last year's Star Wars Battlefront bundle and feature a rendering of Kratos emblazoned on the back side of the device.
The God of War package will come bundled with God of War: Chains of Olympus, a UMD version of the hit comedy Superbad as well as a gift certificate for a PlayStation Store downloadable game. Pricing is said to be set at $199.
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February 26th, 2008, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience the never-before-told story of a previously unseen flight 815 survivor.
Uncover the island’s secrets, exploring familiar and new locations and interacting with other key survivors.
Confront the island’s dark forces to solve the mystery of your own illicit past and discover a way home.
You awake to the blazing sun, the screaming of other passengers, the wreckage of Oceanic flight 815. And no memory of what has happened. Now you must fight for your survival by exploring the island, uncovering its dark secrets, and piecing together the fragments of your own furtive past. If you’re lucky, you may just find a way home…
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February 26th, 2008, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

New vehicles, weapons and stunts make for one of the most action-heavy games to come to PSP™ system.
New Multiplayer mode makes pick-up and play even more fun.
Featuring epic boss missions with more action and outrageous boss vehicles than ever seen before.
12 vehicle types available throughout the game including classics that have been enhanced like helicopters, cars, jet skis, trucks, buses, bike and sidecar, and speed boats as well as new vehicles including hovercrafts.
More than 30 types of weapons at the player’s disposal including handguns, shotguns, machine guns, and some heavy artillery.
Five notorious gangs to bring to justice, each in their own distinct section of Capital City.
More over-the-top than its predecessor, Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will have players taking the role of a commander who is the highest ranking operational officer as well as four new playable characters, all of whom are responsible for tracking down and bringing to justice five hardcore street gangs in and around Capital City. As a member of a special police unit known as the Pursuit Force, this time around players will engage in high-speed action to traverse land, air and sea in their continued battle to rid the city of crime which includes three new gangs.
Featuring more than 50 criminal cases set among seven distinct environments, players will have access to 12 different vehicle types which include hovercrafts and boss vehicles that are each unique and specifically designed for boss encounter missions. Extreme Justice also offers an expanded weapons arsenal to assist players in the pursuit of justice.
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice will also introduce multiplayer capabilities to the franchise with up to four players in Ad Hoc mode.
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February 26th, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: bandit
To go along with the news we posted about the Dual Shock 3 being released in the US in April, here is some more news about MGS4 for the PS3 and God of war for the PSP:
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 Bundle
To coincide with the much-anticipated North American launch of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots in late Q2 2008, SCEA will introduce a PS3 bundle, which will include an 80GB PS3, the upcoming blockbuster Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and a DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller for $499.99 (MSRP).
As has been announced previously, MGS4 will include a Metal Gear Online “Starter Pack.” If you can’t wait to try out MGS4, the good news is you don’t have to much longer. Those who pre-order the game will be guaranteed access to a multiplayer beta test for Metal Gear Online scheduled for late April.
God of War PSP Entertainment Pack
In June, a new PSP Entertainment Pack will be hitting stores, featuring the famous face of the Ghost of Sparta — Kratos. Here’s what you get in the bundle, which will be available for $199.99 (MSRP):
* Limited-Edition “Deep Red” PSP with Kratos silkscreened on the back
* God of War: Chains of Olympus
* Superbad on UMD video
* Voucher to download Syphon Filter: Combat Ops from PLAYSTATION Store for free
God of War: Chains of Olympus still arrives for PSP on March 4, 2008.

Source: PlayStation Blog
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February 27th, 2008, 00:47 Posted By: Art
Time Baby V12 - MP3 Player
Hi Guys,
This is Time Baby V12 release... or a preview release really,
since there is still much to be done in the V12 Mp3 Player series.
I have released this version a little early due to the fact that it
already provides a better alternative to runing Time Baby under iRshell
to play mp3 playlists to use Time Baby functions and hear music at the same time.
Use of the Mp3 player causes Time Baby to clock the PSP at 333/333 Mhz,
as does the Heart Rate Monitor. Otherwise the CPU is still 133/146 Mhz.

The selected track in the middle is highlighted. It didn't turn out in the screenshot.

This is not supposed to provide an alternative to the mp3 players out there,
just an alternative to running Time Baby under iRshell to run playlists.
Q: Does Time Baby run on the PSP Slim and Lite?
A: No.
Q: Will Time Baby ever run on the PSP Slim and Lite?
A: Not because of any action taken by me.
Q: Does this bother you?
A: No.
Donate a 32Mb Memory Stick and see your name appear in the greetings intro screen!
Thanks to Slasher for the heads up on the mp3 player source 
Download from Rapidshare:
Program has been updated.. search for later letters!
Cheers, Art.
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February 27th, 2008, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
As Sony über-executive Phil Harrison prepares to leave the company this Friday after 15 years, GameDaily wondered what this would mean for PlayStation's Home. Harrison is credited as a leading proponent of the Home experience going back to its beginnings on the PS2. An SCEA spokesperson said that it's "business as usual for Home."
At GDC '08 some new screens and tools were shown for Home, but there is still no announcement about release. The last major progress report from late '07 showed the program is coming along, but still faces some challenges.
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February 27th, 2008, 01:23 Posted By: royale
Again a new release, which adds some features:
- Added a simple background to run at full speed.
- Nicer 16/9 display.
- Speed improvements.
The last version is available here: http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
In fact, even with optimizations, the default background seems to be to complex to run at full speed (so it runs only at 30 fps).
I used an alternative background the original programmer had made to run faster (60 fps).

You can still choose the original background if you prefer.

Also I updated the game to display nicer on the 16/9 screen. This is why the patch is now bigger, since there are now some more modifications to the original code.
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February 27th, 2008, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is opening up its in-game advertising platform -- likely providing a boost to the already-burgeoning $400 million in-game-ad market and sparking a battle among the three key players who sell these ads.
The maker of the PlayStation3 system will offer an open platform, meaning in-game-ad-serving companies Double Fusion, IGA and Google-owned AdScape all will be able to sell ads in games that run on PS3, according to people familiar with Sony's plans. The three companies will strike deals with the major game publishers creating PS3 games, such as Electronic Arts, Activision and Ubisoft. Increasingly, those who score the plum publisher deals will turn out to be the winners in the competitive and fast-growing space.
"It'll come down to games and who has the largest catalog of games," said one person familiar with Sony's plans, but who did not have authorization to speak about it publicly.
In-house sales team
Sony is just starting to sell in-game ads and has its own PlayStation Network sales force to sell dynamic ads in Sony-produced games, such as the forthcoming "Pain" title. A Sony spokesman said the company doesn't comment on unannounced initiatives or products.
The decision will ramp up the competition for prime publisher inventory in a battle not unlike that in the greater internet space. There is no internet-ad-serving company that has a lock on web ads; however, ad networks (and their portal owners) duke it out for the right to sell those ads on publisher websites. During the past couple of months, Yahoo has expanded the network of newspaper sites on which it sells ads, Microsoft has inked deals with Viacom and Dow Jones sites, and Google has re-signed The New York Times' website as an ad-network partner.
While the ad-serving companies might have hoped for an exclusive contract to sell ads in PS3 games, analysts said that a more competitive model could benefit marketers and the in-game market in general. "Making things open only makes things better for marketers or people who want to place ads because they aren't the mercy of a given network," said James Belcher, a longtime video-game writer and senior writer at eMarketer. He said the market is already hypercompetitive. "Everyone's playing around with the best model -- how to charge, what gamers will and will not put up with."
According to eMarketer data, video-game advertising is a $400 million category this year and is expected to grow during the next five years at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 23%.
'Baked in'
Dynamic in-game advertising refers to ads that are changed in and out of games post-development, from interactive placements to signage to sponsorships. Video-game advertising also includes ads that are "baked in" to games -- meaning they are integral part of the game's development and cannot be switched out once they're created -- and ads that run on the console communities, such as XBox Live and the Sony Home network, which is in private beta.
Dynamic ads are considered less risky than baked-in integrations because they don't require a marketer to speculate whether a game will be a hit. Marketers can wait, see how a game performs and then buy ads in it -- much like buying "scatter" TV inventory.
Sony's open platform is a clear departure from how things are done on Microsoft's Xbox, whose exclusive model means all dynamic in-game ads must be brokered through Massive, a company the software giant acquired in May 2006. That acquisition essentially closed off the opportunity for other in-game ad brokers to sell inventory in games that run on its Xbox and Xbox 360 consoles -- and it elevated the bet they are placing on Sony.
Of course, one potential complication of an open philosophy is that, at least initially, Sony's decision will make in-game advertising harder to buy, as an advertiser could have to buy through as many as three different parties to place ads in a single game -- Massive for the title's Xbox version, another for dynamic ads in the version that runs on Sony's PS3 and a third for baked-in product placement in the game.
Sony signed a deal with Nielsen over the summer to measure in-game advertising. In October, it hired Darlene Kindler, a veteran of the video-game business who was most recently at AdScape, to oversee its in-game advertising efforts.
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February 27th, 2008, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
For those of you wondering (and not already discussing the news in the Kotaku comments section!), yes the PlayStation 3 included in the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle announced earlier today will play select PlayStation 2 games via hardware and software emulation. SCEA PR manager Al De Leon confirmed that the hardware is similar to what was included in the 80GB Motorstorm bundle and will feature partial backward compatibility. While the original Metal Gear Solid for PlayStation should play without a hitch and Metal Gear Solid 2 is listed as having "no major problems", you may experience a hiccup or two playing the third MGS game.
According to the official PlayStation 3 backwards compatibility database, Metal Gear Solid 3 has the following issues: "At various points throughout gameplay, the title performs at a significantly slower than normal performance speed" and "During various FMA sequences throughout the title, the FMA does not play as 'smooth' as normal." Not bad. Not bad at all.
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February 27th, 2008, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Everybody loves the designs that Apple is creating. But we also like and need other gadgets too.
I’m a design fanatic, and ifI’m honest, there are many great gadgets out there that we like. But if you be honest - is there only one gadget that has such a clear and nice design like the Apple products? I don’t think so..
My good friend Pilau send me this picture of the “Apple iPSP”. I think if the Sony PSP would look like this I won’t let her out of my hand :-).
For sure the design of your gadget is not all, the most important are the things it can do. But I think a little bit of that dream is in all of us?
What do you mean? Isn’t that nice? I hope the Sony guys are not envious
That’s what Spicu and friends want to see:

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February 27th, 2008, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
As many of you may have noticed, fMSX has recently been updated to version 2.5. For us PSP folk, the importance of the release is mainly in its fix of sound playback when loading save states. This is a great fix, as I often saved two separate states when playing SD Snatcher, to prevent this sort of issue.
Another great feature of this release is that the source code now includes full Unix code, which may help others port this great emulator to other platforms.
Stay tuned!
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February 27th, 2008, 08:37 Posted By: dragula96
well here it is TetriAbetes V1.0
squeezed down the filesize to 3.79mb's
game has no proper game over, when one block reaches the top, the game pauses for a few seconds then score,grid, and pieces reset so you can play another round.
to exit just exit using the home button
controls are like every other tetris.
start pauses the game 
there is no rotating left, rotating is done with the O (circle button).
i will work with making the visuals for next release since the main game engine is now done.
TetriAbetes 1.0
RapidShare Mirror:
TetriAbetes 1.0
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February 27th, 2008, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Investigators said today an after-market charging device could have played a role in overheating a hand-held video game system that burned a 12-year-old Farmington Hills boy.
Sheilah Clay, whose son Harold is recovering from second-degree burns in the Feb. 6 incident, said the family has retained an attorney. She said representatives from Sony and Pelican Accessories, the company that makes the charger, will be in Michigan in the coming weeks to inspect the device. The Clays have not filed a lawsuit. Clay declined to give the name of their attorney.
“We’re just trying to figure out what happened,” said Sheilah Clay, who is a member of the Farmington Public Schools’ Board of Education. “That’s all we’re focusing on. I want to get the word out to other parents so we can avoid another child being hurt.”
Lt. Denny Hughes of the Farmington Hills Fire Department said today he device was turned over to the Clays’ attorney. He said investigators haven’t identified a specific cause for the Sony PSP overheating, but said the charging unit — which the Clays bought to replace the original one after it was misplaced — likely played a role.
“I think it overheated the unit by overcharging it,” Hughes said.
Sheilah Clay said her son, who is in the seventh grade, is back in school and playing on the basketball team but has a lot of pain when the burns on his left thigh are cleaned. The device was in his pocket when it overheated.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, said there have been no recalls of the Sony PSP, is also looking into the incident.
Officials from Sony and Pelican did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
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February 27th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony has confirmed that its PSP wireless communication package, Go!Messenger, will be released on the European PSP Store this Friday.
Go!Messenger, developed by Sony in collaboration with BT, lets you send voice, video and instant messages to other Go!Messenger users from any wireless Internet connection, and will work over wireless Internet - including that provided by the 2,500-plus BT Openzone hotspots around UK city centres.
To take advantage of the package, you'll need the PSP's Go!Cam, an attachable video camera and microphone, as well as access to a wireless network. Apart from any connection costs for the broadband, the service is free. After being downloaded, the Go!Messenger application will appear on the PSP's cross media bar.
Unlike Skype, which requires a PSP slim, Go!Messenger users can own either model PSP. However, users can only contact other Go!Messenger users, rather than real phones.
"Enabling more than 8.5 Million PSP users across the SCEE region to communicate with each other, through Video or Voice chat, truly confirms the always evolving nature and potential of PSP," said PSP European marketing manager Stephane Hareau.
BT's mobility and convergence group director, Warren Buckley, says he believes the service will "only help SCEE to attract even more customers for the PSP."
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February 27th, 2008, 20:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Midway has told Eurogamer that Blacksite on PS3 will arrive a week later than expected on 7th March.
So, those of you saving your pennies for this Friday will have to hold on a little longer.
Blacksite is a first-person shooter that sees you facing off with aliens in small-town America.
It hit press headlines due to its narrative, which is inspired by the current political climate in the US. Creative director Harvey Smith feels very strongly about this, and clearly hoped he could illuminate us through the game.
But his ambition was blighted by a rather slap-dash final product which, by his own admission, had been rushed to release.
Smith was open about its failure on 360 and PC last November though, and said he and his team "deserved" the critical backlash because he believed in "personal accountability".
He left Midway soon after. Apparently it was a mutual decision.
So Blacksite was underwhelming, unfinished, and only around four hours long. Hopefully the extra time the PS3 version has had in development can turn this into a solid rental recommendation.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:04 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The PlayStation 3 version of Digital Extreme's glaive-flinging shooter Dark Sector was almost canned, producer Josh Austin has revealed.
"This is the PS3 version," Austin said while demoing the game recently.
"It looks just as good as the 360 version, which we're very happy about. Towards the end we started having some serious conversations about what we were going to do, but we ended up pulling it off, so we're very proud of that.
"It was just not running as well as the 360," he added.
Usually this'd be the bit where we rant on about how PS3 multi-platform problems should've been ironed out by now. But we've got the Sony version of Dark Sector right in front of us and it runs lovely, like. So there you are.
The sci-fi slasher is still on for a worldwide release on both Xbox 360 and PS3 next month, and it's shaping up rather nicely.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to E-lation for spotting this, the NEC PC-8801 Emulator from bkclog has had a new release a few days ago.
Cant say whats new as the translation proggy isnt working.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
SCEE has "no plans" to release a Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle or God of War PSP bundle in Europe.
It was responding to queries after the American arm of the company unveiled some fancy offers.
The Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle will go on sale in the US in late Q2. It will contain the game, an 80GB PlayStation 3 and DualShock 3 controller. The bundle will cost USD 499.
The DualShock 3 controller will cost USD 54.95 on its own and will be available in April.
The God of War: Chains of Olympus bundle will arrive in June and set Americans back USD 199.99. Inside will be the game, a Deep Red PSP with a picture of Kratos on, the film Superbad and a PC Store voucher to download Syphon Filter: Combat Ops. Gosh.
God of War: Chains of Olympus is due out in the US on 4th March. European retailers suggest it will be here on 28th March, but this is currently unconfirmed.
"In response to incredible demand, we will be manufacturing more 80GB PS3s for North America and the Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 80GB PS3 bundle is an ideal way to offer that continued value to our consumers," said Sony US boss Jack Tretton.
"With Blu-ray having won the format war, our stellar software line-up and a broad product portfolio, we will continue to drive the incredible momentum we've been generating since last fall."
Sony America also revealed a pre-order promotion for MGS4, which will guarantee you access to a multiplayer beta test for MGS Online in late April.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
HMV has cancelled pre-orders for Sony's Play TV after apparently being informed by its "supplier" that the product "no longer has a scheduled release date".
Customers were able to pre-order Play TV - a digital TV receiver and recorder for PS3 - for £99.99, dated for a March 28 release.
Those orders, however, have now been cancelled, with email notifications going out to customers.
"Unfortunately we have been informed by our supplier that this title no longer has a scheduled release date," reads HMV's notice.
"We are really sorry for any disappointment caused and we will email you with details if and when this item becomes available to pre-order again"
Retailers have been known to take pot-shot guesses at release dates. But if HMV got its intel directly from Sony, this suggests plans to release Play TV in March have been delayed.
Sony is yet to announce any official price or dates for Play TV. Looks like we won't be getting it anytime soon then.
Thanks to CVG reader Gareth for the tip.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bootsector:
Hi folks!
PSMS Reloaded attempts to bring PSMS 1.2 (a SEGA Master System/Game Gear emulator by Sjeep) back to life! It now supports following devices, without relying on any special "FILES.TXT" index:
:. Memory Card
:. USB Devices
:. HDD
Hi folks!
Version 0.4 released. What was changed:
:. Support to PAL
:. Screen centering
:. General config menu
:. Ingame config menu
:. Save state and SRAM support
:. Several source code cleaning (still needs more) and bugfixes
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February 27th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
According to the Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) website—think of it as Europe's ESRB—Sony has quite a few PS One classics in PSN's hopper. Because not only does PEGI rate titles; they also place said titles on their website for all to see. A simple search of the PSN platform reveals at least 25 titles that haven't been announced for PAL territories at this time. And even our North American contingent will appreciate the list, as it reveals a few games that even we haven't heard are coming to downloadable form yet.
01. Bust a Groove (Other/Music games)
02. Crash Bandicoot 3 (Action/Platform)
03. Colony Wars (Action/Platform)
04. Cool Boarders 2 (Sports/Extreme Sports)
05. Cool boarders 3 (Sports/Extreme Sports)
06. Destruction Derby 2 (Racing)
07. Devil Dice (Puzzle)
08. Everybody's Golf (Sports/Golf)
09. Klonoa (Action/Platform)
10. Kurushi Final (Puzzle)
11. Motor Toon Grand Prix (Racing)
12. Namco Museum (Other/Mini game Collection)
13. Namco Museum 2 (Puzzle)
14. Namco Museum 4 (Puzzle)
15. Omega Boost (Action/Shooter)
16. Ridge Racer (Racing/Arcade Racing)
17. Ridge Racer Type 4 (Racing)
18. Rollcage (Racing)
19. Spyro: Year of the Dragon (Action/Platform)
20. Tekken 2 (Fighting/Beat-Em-Up)
21. Tekken 3 (Fighting/Beat-Em-Up)
22. Twisted Metal (Racing)
23. Vib Ribbon (Other/Music games)
24. Wip3out (Racing/Futuristic Racing)
25. WipeOut 2097 (Racing/Futuristic Racing)
I was actually incredibly excited about the prospect of Tekken 3 before I remembered that I have Tekken Tag Tournament sitting on my shelf...and the original Twisted Metal looked enticing before I remembered the sequel was already on my hard drive. See anything you're jazzed about?
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February 27th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A video of the latest 0.83 version of Home has appeared on the internet. Fancy that!
The new version expands the environments of the old Home with spacious outdoor areas, a bigger cinema, arcade and bowling alley. Apparently, says Sony, these changes were influenced by Las Vegas and the Sony Center in Berlin.
Although Home is free, players will have to use real money via PSN accounts to purchase furniture and other items for their virtual pad. We think a mortgage for a real house is already enough, ta.
The initial launch, version 1.0, will apparently receive a post-release expansion as more content is added via updates, with Home Developer Kits having already gone out to Sony partners.
When we'll actually get our hands on Home though is anyone's guess at this point. Watch the leaked video (which is the first of five) here.
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February 27th, 2008, 20:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft and Free Radical have revealed the latest release date for PS3 exclusive, Haze. Again.
This time "May 2008" is the projected date for the shooter, which was last due Christmas '07, and originally months before that as well. Let's hope the extra effort proves worthwhile. Free Radical, at least, thinks it will:
"While we can't explicitly say what improvements we've made (I'd love to tell you all the cool stuff we've been putting in!... but I also love my job too...), I can guarantee you that the extra bit of time has made a big difference for the better," a company staffer recently teased on the Ubisoft forums.
Watch the new trailer and hope the improvements he's hinting aren't just "better FMV videos".
Trailer here
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February 27th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours are coming in that Team ICE the group behind the "ELF2SELF: run ELF files on PS3" Exploit have left the PS3 Scene, as of this time i cant verify one or the other, it would be a major blow to lose decent hackers from the PS3 Scene for whatever reason, lets hope its untrue.
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February 27th, 2008, 21:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We remember seeing the Sony London-developed 8 Days almost two years ago in a (blatantly pretend in-game CGI) trailer at E3 2006. We assumed it died, but reports say it's very much alive and well.
A new trailer along with gameplay demos are reported to have been showcased beind closed doors at last week's GDC.
Sony is yet to officially release any new details on the game, but according to reports, the whole game takes place over the course of eight days (makes sense). By the sounds of things, these eight days form a sort of time limit within which you must achieve your goals - almost like in Pikmin.
You'll travel across eight States of North America. This, as you might imagine, is said to make for one of the biggest game maps in any console game to date. So large, in fact, that you will never revisit any one location, and will be constantly pushed to move on.
It will also apparently incorporate Google Maps functionality, and tie into a real-life clock, so when played at night in real life, it will be night in the game.
You take control of one of two characters (possibly one of the two seen in the early trailer), each with their own storyline and varying abilities. One's a bad guy, who's out for revenge on a mob syndicate.
The other is a good guy - a detective who's in search of the same mob syndicat, who've kidnapped his son. Their paths, predictably, cross at some point, and they end up working together.
Reports speak highly of the game's visuals and animation, comparing it to Killzone 2 for graphical detail, and Uncharted for its impressive animation.
The game is being linked by some to the 'secret game' talked about recently, however that was apparently due in 2009. 8 Days is tipped for an October 2008 release with an official announcement to be made soon. Expect some sort of unveiling to take place in March.
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February 27th, 2008, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Souless:
Hey everyone,
I am new to these forums, and sort of new to the PSP Homebrew world (only just getting back into it), after moding my psp to run M33 Firmware, I started looking into the Lua Scripting, for a bit of fun, after a bit of toying arround ive started to code a Hack n Slash like RPG (well enemies will hack n slash, but player is a Mage), below are a few screen shots of the game, and atrtached is the game itself
I hope that you enjoy what I have created so far, but take note this is still in a beta form, and is far from being finished, and that ive never coded in Lua before the start of this project, so coding is not optimized.
List to do:
Make enemies attack back
Make enemies aggression level (depending on level of aggression, some enemies may try and attack you as soon as you enter the map, others wont)
Fix the dialog box text split (still not working properly)
Make player stats etc save to file
Make a editor to make maps, spells, npcs, enemies etc
Make a story line
Make "teleport" tiles, to change maps when you enter a building etc
Make a Menu
Add items to the game
(more to come)
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February 27th, 2008, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP version of Echochrome has not been confirmed or denied for North America. Hopefully, Sony Computer Entertainment America will pick it up, but if they don’t there is another way for eager Echochrome players to experience the extra PSP puzzles in the King's English.
Sony Computer Entertainment Asia is dubbing the PSP version Echochrome Plus, which comes out in two languages traditional Chinese and English. The target release date for Echochrome Plus is sometime in March, which may or may not be simultaneous with the game’s March 19th debut in Japan.
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February 28th, 2008, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
We were already blown away by Johnny Lee's headtracking demo using a Wiimote, but it looks like Sony's trying to take it mainstream in a much slicker way. The company was demoing a PS3-based headtracking system at GDC that doesn't require any special IR glasses to function -- it just uses a bone-stock Playstation Eye camera to track your ugly mug around the room. Sony says it's not announcing the system for any games yet, but we can't imagine devs aren't clamoring for this to get official -- this would be amazing for all sorts of genres.
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February 28th, 2008, 12:11 Posted By: Art
Time Baby V12c - MP3 Player
Hi Guys,
Here is the Time Baby V12c release 
A much finer tuned mp3 player this time 

The screenshot doesn't really show much, or reflect any new functionality, so:
Time Baby is a 1.50 kernel mode program for the PSP 1000 only.
Donate a 32Mb Memory Stick to see your nickname on the greetings screen!
Download Time Baby V12c from Rapidshare:
Cheers, Art.
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February 28th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
A Sony spokesperson has confirmed to Eurogamer there are plans to launch a new Gran Turismo 5 Prologue bundle next month.
News of the bundle first emerged on French website Game-Class. They reckon EUR 399 will get you a 40GB PlayStation 3 and copy of GT5 Prologue, and suggest a release date of March 29th.
Sony declined to confirm a price or lock down a release date. However, a spokesperson did tell us, "We are targeting an end of March release for GT5 Prologue - standalone, PlayStation Network and bundle."
This isn't the first time they've mentioned late March in the context of GT5 Prologue - but it is the first we've heard of a tied-in hardware bundle.
Game-Class also reckons there's a movie bundle coming, which also includes a 40GB console and costs EUR 399. It's said to come with Blu-ray versions of Spider-Man 3, Casino Royale and 300.
Sony has yet to confirm the report. The spokesperson simply stated, "I don't have any details on the movie bundle I'm afraid." He didn't say "There isn't one" though...
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February 28th, 2008, 20:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
KOEI - European distributor for Nippon Ichi games - isn't ready to confirm that Disgaea 3 will be released in Europe, but the game is coming to the West.
Overnight we heard that the turn-based strategy game will be appearing in the USA this August, following its release in Japan last month.
We understand that nothing's signed and sealed for a European release, but given the strong links between KOEI and Nippon Ichi at executive level and the existing agreement between the two companies, the transition is a formality.
Disgaea 3 takes players for another round of the Netherworld, with a new cast but many of the same core themes and mechanics, while a few subtle new systems have been introduced to keep veterans happy, like Demon Change. Woo.
Wikipedia has lots more, so we won't pretend that's not where we're getting it.
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February 28th, 2008, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Guerrilla Games has hotly defended its infamous Killzone 2 E3 2005 trailer by saying it served a purpose and was not intended simply to build hype.
The developer responded to "false" accusations on the "Ask a Dev thread" on the US PlayStation boards, suggesting Sony PR had confused things at the time.
"The E3 2005 trailer was not false. One confused Sony rep claimed it was a movie from the game engine - one guy blitzed out of his mind on fatigue, jet-lag and the madness that is E3. One guy not at all affiliated with Guerrilla Games - probably with a head full of 30 different titles," said "EON", a member of Guerrilla Games.
"Everyone else named the E3 2005 video for what it was - a target render of what we thought would be possible on the PS3. Something we would be aiming for. Then, during E3 2007, in front of the majority of the gaming journalist press, we released a trailer of Pre-Alpha code running and demonstrated a playable Killzone 2 that stunned the industry."
The developer went on to play down the hype around Killzone 2, suggesting we will not see a "definitive" game on the PS3 for some time to come - if it is rational to expect one at all.
"The truth is that nobody is releasing the definitive game of the PS3 only three years into it's lifespan."
"And no sane person would even try to release 'the definitive game' - because who knows what will make the definitive game definitive?"
Killzone 2 is a first-person shooter that is a bit like Call of Duty 4 in that lots of things happen around you in a war-torn area where your squadron is fighting for survival.
Like Gears of War it has been associated with its exclusive platform since the unveiling of the console in 2005, and picked up a considerable following along the way. A Killzone 2 public beta test is expected this year, although a full release is less certain.
Pop over to YouTube for the before comparing it to the E3 2007 real deal.
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February 28th, 2008, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ooblik:
PSP iTunes Controller (Beta 2)
By: Ooblik
iTunes Controller is an application that allows you to control iTunes
wirelessly from your PSP.
It supports multiple connections so you can use more than one PSP to
control iTunes.
It is also completely skinnable!
- Added Experimental Library Functions
- Can Change Port
- Added Volume Control
- Toggle Shuffle
- Toggle Repeat
- Refresh
To install PSP iTunes Controller:
1) Copy the "iTCntrl" folder to the ROOT of your Memory Stick.
2) Start iTunes
3) Run the application after iTunes has loaded.
4) Go to the URL displayed at the bottom of the applications
window with your PSP Web Browser. ( http://***.**.**.***:1020/)
This is still in BETA!
- This requires the Visual Basic 6 Runtimes form Microsoft.
- You may have to unblock the program with Windows Firewall.
- If you start the application BEFORE iTunes you will get errors.
- You must forward port 1020 if you are behind a firewall or router.
Email any bugs, comments, or skins to:
(After you have read through this document carefully!)
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February 28th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Sony has declined to comment on suggestions it is encouraging first-party developers to add PlayStation Home integration to their games.
Fresh speculation was kicked up by Kotaku, which "learned" that Uncharted, Warhawk and Resistance would be given some rather fancy content.
According to the US blog, Uncharted will be gifted a side-scrolling arcade game described as a cross between Contra and Out of this World.
You will also be able to have a look around game levels as your avatar, which is something you can apparently do in Resistance: Fall of Man, too.
Specifically, Resistance will offer some sort of room hub that you can explore where can wander around the game world or flesh out the story by listening to intercepted radio transmissions between European and US forces.
Apparently Warhawk will also feature a lobby area known as a war room, where you can meet with friends, set up and launch battles. Furthermore, developer Incognito is putting a to-scale strategical map table in the middle of the room, where you can plan out your strategies like a real life army person with a loud face.
We already knew Warhawk was going to be include Home functionality, thanks to patch 1.3 notes from director Dylan Jobe earlier this month. But the map is new to us. And exciting.
PlayStation Home is currently in beta and has just undergone a batch of meaty changes. You can see these on YouTube.
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February 28th, 2008, 20:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video games
The Singstore for Singstar PS3 will be updated with a massive 67 new tracks for virtual singers to yelp along to on March 7.
We've had a look down the list and there's no Snoop Dogg or Wu Tang, so we'll probably sit it out. But if you're a girl, or you have long hair that you like to flick when you hear music, check out the (massive) complete list here:
- Aha: The Sun Always Shines On TV
- Alice Cooper: Poison
- Big Brovaz: Nu-Flow
- Bill Joel: Uptown Girl
- Blu Cantrell: Hit 'Em Up Style (Oops!)
- Blur: End of a Century
- Britney Spears: Baby One More Time
- Coldplay: Speed Of Sound
- Crash Test Dummies: Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
- David Bowie: Heroes
- Dragon: April Sun In Cuba
- Elvira Nickolaisen: Egypt Song
- End Of Fashion: Oh Yeah
- Fairground Attraction: Perfect
- Feeder: Buck Rogers
- Five: Keep On Movin'
- Jamelia:Superstar
- Jamelia: Stop
- Joy Division: Love Will Tear Us Apart
- Lemar: It's Not That Easy
- Lordi: Hard Rock Hallelujah
- Maria Mena: My Lullaby
- Maxïmo Park: Graffiti
- Maxïmo Park: Going Missing
- Natalie Imbruglia: Torn
- opus X: loving you girl
- Paddy Casey: Saints and Sinners
- Paddy Casey: Whatever Gets You True
- Reamonn: Supergirl
- Roachford: Only To Be With You
- Rooster: Come Get Some
- Roxy Music: Love Is The Drug
- Shannon Noll: What About Me
- Spice Girls: Wannabe
- Spice Girls: Who Do You Think You Are?
- Steps: Deeper Shade of Blue
- Stereophonics: Dakota
- Stereophonics: The Bartender And The Thief
- The Darkness: I Believe In A Thing Called Love
- The Hoosiers: Goodbye Mr A
- The Screaming Jets: Better
- The Thrills: One Horse Town
- The Thrills: Santa Cruz (You're Not That Far)
- The Undertones: Teenage Kicks
- Trio Rio: New York, Rio, Tokyo
- Whitney Houston: I Want To Dance With Somebody
- Clueso: Kein Bock Zu Geh'n
- Die Fantastischen Vier: Geboren
- Laith Al-Deen: Leb Den Tag
- Laith Al-Deen: Bilder von Dir
- MIA.: Tanz Der Moleküle
- Pur: Abenteuerland
- Revolverheld: Ich werd' die Welt verändern
- Revolverheld: Mit Dir Chilln
- Alexia: Egoista
- Alexia: Da Grande
- Daniele Silvestri: Salirò
- Fiorello: Viviere A Color
- Litfiba: El Diablo
- Loredana Berte: Il Mare D'Inverno
- Luca Di Risio: Calma e sanguefreddo
- Paola & Chiara: Blu
- Jan Eggum: På'an igjen
- Kaptein Sabeltann: Vi seiler vår egen sjø
- Philip and Sandra: Sommerflørt
- Gloria Estefan: Hoy
- Pereza: Pienso En Aquella Tarde
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February 28th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: gamefreak199101
source Sofiyacat
Today sees a new PSPTube release from developer SofiyaCat.
Heres whats new:
* JavaScript can be added at the site.
* This based on the part of the search for additional specifications Let’s brush up on.
* Video search specifications are subject to change parts. Please, please.
* YANTOKA Vu Chu site evaluation.
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February 28th, 2008, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), an innovative provider of video games for the mass market, today announced it has shipped Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship for the PSP system. Developed by IREM, Blokus Portable brings the highly successful board game to the PSP system with a winning combo that includes the original four-player Blokus, two-player Blokus Travel/Duo and the endearing anime characters from Steambot Chronicles.
"The PSP system version of Blokus captures the same exciting strategic play that has helped its board game counterparts build a worldwide fan base of three million players," said Gui Karyo, Executive Vice President of Operations, Majesco. "We think the consumer-friendly price point coupled with the award-winning board game content is a perfect mix of value and addictive gameplay."
The rules of Blokus are simple: Each player places his/her pieces on the board in turn, ensuring that pieces of the same color touch at one or more corners, but never along the sides. The objective is to strategize and place as many pieces as you can before your opponent/s beats you to it. Based on the same basic rules and intuitive gameplay that earned the board game 26 prestigious awards, Blokus Portable allows up to 16 people to play in ad hoc wireless mode, or up to three friends to play simultaneously using one Universal Media Disc (UMD) in the ad hoc game sharing mode. Blokus Portable also lets players customize their own character and unlock 18 additional characters from the Steambot Chronicles series.
Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship is rated E for Everyone and is now available on the PSP system for a suggested retail price of $19.99. For additional information, please visit www.majescoentertainment.com.
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February 28th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from pspmachine:
I have created this nice little mod for Tetriabetes. It is entitled Simple Tetris, I created this mod for myself, because I prefer simple graphics, and thought I might as well release it for other people to enjoy. All credits for original coding go to dragula96.
Download the mod here:
Please tell me what you think!
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via pspmachine
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February 28th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News from cdesseno
Boring of searching how to to use the Google Maps on the PSP, I decided to make my own app, it's not an eboot, it is an online app.
The page where it is: PSP Google Maps. You can test it with your PC and use it on the PSP's browser (tested). I try to made it in the best and lightest way.
Now you can use this url also: http://cdesseno.com.ar/psp
Some help:
The C means center.
Move trough the maps using the Up, Down, Move left and Move right options in the combo box.
Change the zoom with the zoom combo.
I hope you will enjoy it. If you have questions or suggestion, just comment them.
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February 28th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxTheBest :
Hi, if I made this plugin, it's more to learn how to make irshell plugins than to make a real usefull one, but anyway, here is cypher me, it will enbale you to encrypt the highlighted file or decrypt it (when encrypted, if you reencrypt it, then it will decrypt it...).
It's an alpha version, and also my first irs plugin, so don't blame me if you think it is totally useless.
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February 28th, 2008, 22:31 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Gaming Today
A couple weeks ago, Konami announced that they would be releasing the first three Metal Gear Solid games as a single package on the PS2. At the time, they didn’t elaborate on the full details of “Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection,” but we’ve now learned a couple new things thanks to GameAlmighty.com. For one, the first MGS will be presented as a port, thankfully eliminating the need for any disc swapping or old memory cards. Unfortunately, it will still be the PS1 version, as opposed to the Twin Snakes remake that came out for the Gamecube. On the plus side though, the other two Metal Gear Solids will be in their expanded “Substance” and “Subsistence” versions, which adds almost two extra games’ worth of bonus material. If you haven’t experienced these games yet, this is a definite must-buy for any PS2 owner when it comes out.
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February 28th, 2008, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspflashsystem
Hi everyone,
Here I present to update my prx entitled prxutility + + (it has changed its name: you will understand why:>), which is now in version 1.0.
Starting from the 30% led power starts blinking very slowly, from 20% less than it blink slowly, from 10% in the blink rapidly and led from 5% in the blink led very quickly.
With a keystroke, you can:
- Turn on your PSP
- Reboot your PSP
- Pause your psp
- Set the backlight of your maximum psp
- Set the backlight of your psp at least
NB: All key combinations are detailed in a help menu.
To make it appear, simply press the button on your psp L ...
# Connect your PSP to your computer via USB,
# Post your PSP into USB mode with the option USB connection,
# Right click on the file you downloaded,
# Choose to Extract the files ... (WinRAR is to be installed)
# Select destination as the letter assigned to your Memory Stick in the My Computer
# Press OK and wait extraction files
# Add to files VSH.TXT, GAME.TXT, POPS.TXT and GAME150.TXT who are in the directory SEPLUGINS your Memory Stick, the following line:
* Ms0: / SEPLUGINS / prxutility + +. Prx
# Leave the USB mode and switch off your PSP (press and hold the power button)
# Restart your PSP maintaining the R Trigger right to enter the Recovery Menu,
# Choose the option plugins
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") prxutility + +. Prx [VSH] by pressing X,
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") prxutility + +. Prx [GAME] by pressing X
# Enable ( "[Enabled]") prxutility + +. Prx [POPS] by pressing X,
# Return to XMB using the Back and Exit options.
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February 28th, 2008, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksidious
Hi all
Following my permission to give novservant continue luaprog
I therefore propose You Luaprog 0.3
This new version fixes bugs:
- Unable to go on record and holes in open
- Fixed bug when recording which placed the 1st and 2nd line on the same line in the file
- Bugfix when registering and you register when you were sue the 2nd page and recorded just 2 nd this page
- When you quit over freeze
It also contains news ^ ^:
- Color of the syntax of lua was increased
- Deleting an empty line support when the []
- Adding a line when you press O
- At the sauveguarde you can save the file in the directory and under the same name as you opened
- You can view and modify file 180 characters per line at 120 locations
- When you press / \ you show mp3 player
- The cpu is a 333 mhz overcloker to avoid that the program ram ^ ^
For v 04 is planned:
- The addition of RBG editor (which allows you to test the colors ^ ^)
- You can view and modify file 240 characters per line at 180 locations
- Code generator (thanks Sabbator)
-Copier/Coller (Another clue about Sabbator ^ ^)
Bug known:
-- No
Here if you have any amelioration of iddes made me part ^ ^ or if you denichez the bug too. ^ ^
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February 28th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from UPMS Project:
Added new option to the Firmware Menu.
Clean Memory Stick for Fresh Install
If you already have either a Pandora or UPMS stick that is working, you can now choose to clean the stick and do a fresh install either as an upgrade or because you want to without having to write the IPL to the stick again or install the fatms371.prx
Download (23MB) here--> http://upms-project.com/modules.php?...InstallerV3r33
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February 28th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from the Podcast Network
The PSP Show #70 - Patapon (MP3 8.1 mb 11 minutes 47 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser.
It’s been well advertised, it’s obviously something Sony strongly believe in, but is Patapon a good game? And if so, just how good is it and how should it fit into the marketing strategy and message of the Playstation Portable? Let’s find out what I think, in this week’s PSP Show (coming live-ish from Barcelona).
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February 28th, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
Paul Tobeck has drawn up some images of his PSP2 concept design.
Check it out below:

PSP with a Touchscreen, we can but dream.
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February 29th, 2008, 03:55 Posted By: NekoGráfico
Via: HomebrewHeaven
Quinta Essentia is a homebrew role-playing game for the PSP which is being developed by Xeoka. The game has been in development since late 2007.
• Original music
• Original graphics
• Unique storyline
• Full RPG experience!
• Everything is original :thumbup:
Release Date: TBA
The members of the development team are:
• NekoGráfico [ Lead Programmer ]
• DimensionT [ Composer ]
• Paikudesu [ Art Director ]
• Geralz [ Writer ]
• Fran89 AKA fjh89 [ Aux Programmer ]
**The game is being programmed using C++.
Calm Town
Title Demo
There's plenty more from where that came from!
Screenshots: v No spoilers here! It's just image heavy!
More information coming soon!
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February 29th, 2008, 11:56 Posted By: gamefreak199101
PSP owners warm up your handhelds as the online PSP messenging service powered by BT has been released and is available for download via the Go! Messenger icon on your XMB. Make free video calls, voice chats, or text chat with your friends using your PSP and if they don't own a PSP, then call them on their PC. That's right you may also make free calls to PC's by downloading some software for free, called 'BT Softphone 2' which can be found on the Go!Messenger site.
This service is available to both Phat and Slim users and will only work on European PSPs. Have Custom Firmware??; then simply follow this easy guide by zainil.
You may also sign up on your PC here, and if you enter your email, then you'll have to wait for two confirmation emails. Remember thats two, once you receive the second one then you're good to go and can login on your PSP.
NOTE: You need a theme with the GO! Messenger icon installed on it. Some custom themes do not have this icon.
via:Go! Messenger
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February 29th, 2008, 15:44 Posted By: JKKDARK
via Kotaku
Back. It. Up. Yesterday, Konami's American PR said that the version of Metal Gear Solid 1 included in the upcoming Metal Gear compendium would be shipping on a PS2 disc. Turns out that was a load of rubbish. The game will be shipping on two PS1 discs, just like it always has. Kojima Productions producer Ryan Payton tells us:
"This is totally false and I want to make sure everybody is clear that the MGS1 package is two PS1 CDs."
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February 29th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Updated releases of his Tetris Game from dragula96 :
this new version is optimized to run faster.
i fixed the controls to feel more natural
i added a ghost feature, where a transparant piece shows where the current piece will land.
ghost can be tuggled on/off by pressing select
ported the whole game engine to OSlib, very nice lib
there are still some things i wanted to add before i released this but it will have to wailt till next update sometime next week.
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February 29th, 2008, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from Red Squirrel:
What's it?
With this plugin you can launch an eboot when you press on one of the XMB icons.
In the first version icons that can be replaced are:
-Location Free Player icon can be replaced ONLY in PSP that did not install the 1.50 addon!
-Plugin does NOT touch the Flash0, so the risk of a brick is NULL!!!
-Plugin works only on PSP with CF 3.90M33 (but there is another version for 3.52M33 too!)
Added the following icons to the list of the icons that can be replaced:
-Music (the MS icon under the Music menù)
-Video (the MS icon under the Video menù)
-Photo (the MS icon under the Photo menù)
-Internet Browser
-Saved Data Utility
-Internet Radio
[UPDATE] - Added a 3.52M33 version!
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February 29th, 2008, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Archaemic posted this release:
Happy leap day. Have a PSPComic.
v1.0 (2008-02-29)
[Feature] Themes! You can now select different themes consisting of a background, font and text colors!
[Feature] Languages! Now one can use the interface in a language other than English!
[Feature] Directories can now be opened as if they were comic books. Note that previous/next comic book does not support opening directories
[Feature] The Slim's extra memory is now used, so much larger images may be opened
[Feature] USB mode. One can now change around the files on the memory stick by pressing select in the menu. Changes are not automatically registered, and a menu must be reloaded by using the reload menu option
[Bugfix] Fixed outstanding bug and memory leak if a filename is too long
[Bugfix] 8-bit non-color-keyed surfaces no longer display black as transparent
[Bugfix] Fixed an off-by-one error leading to a buffer overflow when resampling images
[Bugfix] One no longer has to restart the program after attempting to open a comic book in a non-existent directory
[Bugfix] Fixed minor bug with battery meter when battery is not inserted
Further rotozoom optimization
And many more minor changes...
/!\ Caution! Comic books with bookmarks in them must be on the memory stick
while upgrading from a previous version of PSPComic for the bookmarks to be
(You might want to back up your bookmarks file first--/comics/.pspcomic/bookmarks.xml--as I've gotten a report that it might break when upgrading, although I've been unable to reproduce this)
The base pack is just PSPComic v1.0, a few languages and the default theme. The Theme and Language pack includes Polish and Chinese, as well as the Unicode and CJK themes necessary to use these languages. The mega pack includes both of these as well as the utilities No Bull Moose and FANG for those that don't have a Slim PSP.
[Mega Pack]
[T&L Pack]
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February 29th, 2008, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MaxtheBest
The Fibonacci calculator allows you to generate the fibonacci number.
Extract the ZIP to Memory Stick Root.
Then chose the number of fibonacci numbers you want to compute and press cross.
The fibonacci number will be saved in a text file named "ms0:/fibonacci.txt" or "ms0:/fibo.txt".
-Added a nice interface
-Added Fra1se's icon0 and pic1, thanks to him!
-Reorganized the code
-Now it does not crash when computing more than 48 numbers
-Limit of number you can calculate is now 95 (it seems to be the long long unsigned limit.)
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February 29th, 2008, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Homemister:
This Idstore will enable homebrew applacations on psp slim if the
original Idstoreage was corrupt, and enable the psp slim to boot.
I have tested on several psp slims.All worked.
I have not tested on psp Phats. Please if you test on a Phat
send back info to the Qj forums.
Have a Pandors battery and MS
install despertar cementerio4
install nandTool 0.3 beta1 (use the noUSB one)
install pandora elf menu 02a
get all from QJ
copy over the folder Nand tools to root of MS
then boot pandora and select the nadn tools no usb
go to others
go to write Idstore
select Homemisters Idstore
and press triangle
exit and quit
then restart
then boot up psp
--UMD will not work , you will get a Disk can not be read
--Wireless will not work you will get an internal error has occurred.
thx to Rednut and Roger for the testing.
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via homemister
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February 29th, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: dangee

* 100% personalized PSP 3d Wallpapers can be created *
(no minilogo in Guide Off mode)
+ 3d Sprite engine has an API in SysMode
+ Default BootScript source included
+ A 2-state alpha revi.png autogenerates on boot #2
beta-dev notes: "while testing v11a ,I captured a spheroid infinity
loop" !
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February 29th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
Today sees the release of another new colour PSP this time its the turn of Mint Green, heres a look at it:

All you get is the Console, Battery and Power Supply in this pack. Personally i think all PSP Slims with the exception of the Deep Red PSP Slim to be wishy washy colours.
SuccessHK are selling the console for $228 (£114) and ship worldwide (Only mainstream site who do ship Jap PSPs to UK/Europe).
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February 29th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Konami has announced that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be released in Europe on 12th June as well as in the US.
That also means that Metal Gear Online: Starter Pack will come out at the same time.
Word comes courtesy of a German announcement, which specifies the date and adds that there will be - and we're translating here - a "free accessible beta" for MGO.
Konami UK has confirmed the date, clarifying that "Full details of the public beta program will be announced shortly".
In the meantime, get excited with our MGS4 and Online first impressions.
Thanks to our chums at Eurogamer.de for the heads-up!
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February 29th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Western gamers might soon have a choice of colours of the PS3, as reports suggest White PS3s are being shipped to US retailers to go on sale next month.
Circuit City employees reported receiving new shipments of PS3, supposedly replacing the Spider-Man 3 bundle, sporting the model number CECHH01.
This, as Kotaku points out, is the serial number for White PS3s, recognisable from previous filings to the Federal Communications Commission in US for the white console.
If indeed true, it's speculated that these consoles will go on sale in March, although Sony has yet to officially confirm anything.
As expected, Sony UK has told CVG it has "no plans to release the White PS3 in the UK at this time."
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February 29th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
If you love to street race while blasting J-pop anime music, you're going to have to get yourself a PS3. The latest issue of Famitsu has a first look at Initial D Extreme Stage, a PS3 version of the Japanese racer that's known in arcades as Initial D Arcade Stage 4.
In addition to a visual update, the big new feature for the home is an online racing mode. Similar to the arcade version's "National Tournament" mode, players can rise in class by beating other racers and gain access to even tougher opponent classes.
The arcade version also let online players customize their characters. Sega hasn't announced this for the home version yet, but it sounds like a likely feature to us!
Solo drivers can look forward to an updated version of the arcade's single player mode, Koudou Saisoku Densetsu (this name translates to something along the lines of "Legend of the Fastest on the Road"). Over 20 rivals will appear in this story mode, which uses the PS3 for high quality shading.
Initial D hits Japan this Summer. An international release has yet to be announced.
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February 29th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony, we know you're trying hard, which is why we think it must sting all the worse when you wake up to sales figures like this. According to a report, the Wii outsold PS3s in Japan 4-to-1 in the month of February, and its games dominated bestseller lists. What does that look like in cold, hard numbers? Nintendo moved 331,627 consoles over the month, while Sony only managed 89,131 units in the same time. But wait, there's more: in January, the ratio was 3-to-1, which means that Nintendo's lead seems to be growing as the year moves forward. Still, Sony could have it worse, the Xbox 360 only scraped up a paltry 14,079 Xbox 360 sales in that same span of time.
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February 29th, 2008, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Go figure. There really is a limit to the once-unfathomable expanse of the Blu-rays. Speaking on the latest Kojima Productions Report session, Metal Gear Solid 4 producer Ryan Payton confirmed that the game's chatter will be as indulgent and convoluted as ever -- even more so than past entries. Meaning: "Unfortunately because of disc space, we don't have the space to include other languages, other voice over files for the respective versions. So the Japanese version's not gonna have English VO, and the North American and European versions won't have Japanese VO." Hayter it is then!
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February 29th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Worried that game integration with Playstation Home will just be trophies, trailers and t-shirts? Well, so were we, actually. Luckily, Kotaku's learned some interesting details about the Home integration of Warhawk, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Resistance: Fall of Man. Turns out its way cooler than we thought.
Warhawk will reportedly allow up to eight players to meet in a "war room" prior to a match, mapping out strategies on "sand table" replicas of each level. Once they're ready to go, players can jump right into an online Warhawk match from the Home interface. A nice touch, indeed.
Resistance and Uncharted, meanwhile, will give Home users access to full unpopulated levels from the games, allowing players to casually walk through battlefields with their Home avatars. In addition to this killer feature, Resistance will allow players to explore unseen portions of the game, and locate radio transmissions that further explain the storyline. Uncharted will feature a Contra-style 2D shooter that launches from Home. Consider us floored. We can't wait to see these features in action.
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February 29th, 2008, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Ready the troops, it's time to march (pata-pata-pata-pon) into battle (pon-pon-pata-pon) with Patapon, a delightful rhythm-based action/strategy game standing proud and alone in a new genre. Patapon is another jewel in the ever-increasing library of notable games for the PSP and at only $20 you shouldn't even bother reading the reviews below -- just go get it! Pata-pata-pata-pon!
IGN (92/100): "While LocoRoco appeared to have the cuteness crown with enjoyable play for the PSP, it looks like it will have to move over – the time for Patapon has come. If you own a PSP, make sure you go to the stores and you get a copy of this game. Your game collection will thank you, and you won't be disappointed."
1UP (90/100): "Patapon poses a serious challenge over its 15 hours (some arcane objectives and explanations don't help); it's not very portable (no pausing, headphones required), and some players won't enjoy the backtracking necessary to buff up their army or the unforgiving economy of the collectibles (you'll often find yourself with far too many items and not enough ka-ching). But it atones for its faults with understated strategic depth, an astounding sense of reward (both literal and whimsical), and an inspired difficulty curve that sticks with you to the end."
EuroGamer (80/100): "While Patapon has got the same quirky sense of style and visual charm as [LocoRoco], it doesn't offer the same easy breezy gameplay. Instead, it offers an imposing amount of depth and a considerable amount of micromanagement. Which isn't necessarily a criticism - it's just that forewarned is forearmed, and if you're nuts about LocoRoco there's no guarantee that you'll go bonkers for Patapon, because it's complicated, and it can be frustrating. But then it can also be rewarding and yes, it's absolutely charming and that counts for a lot."
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February 29th, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
So, we were expecting God of War: Chains of Olympus to be good. But even we didn't think that the PS2 action game would make the transition to the PSP as well as it has. Check out some of the reviews below for a sample of some of the glowing praise.
IGN (94/100): "God of War: Chains of Olympus is a stellar achievement on the PSP. It plays perfectly into the franchise's storyline and offers up the same level of intense action as its console counterparts. It's also the best looking title on the system, without question."
Gaming Nexus (90/100): "God of War:Chains of Olympus is a must have for PSP owners. There are a few slow parts to the game towards the end of the game but the strong start and finish to the game make this worth the $40 price tag as long as you don't expect anything new from the game."
PSXextreme (98/100): "To have a game as epic as God of War in the palm of your hands is absolute bliss. This game alone makes purchasing a PSP worthy - no fan of the series, or the action genre, should be without it."
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February 29th, 2008, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
It's no secret that around these parts, we love demos. In fact, we love them so much that when a game doesn't have a demo, we start to get a little nervous. "What are they hiding?" we wonder aloud, much to the chagrin of our friends and family. So you can imagine our disappointment when we read today that we shouldn't be expecting a demo for Rockstar's upcoming crime epic, Grand Theft Auto IV.
OK, so that doesn't necessarily have us worried about the quality (it is GTA after all), and their excuses for going sans demo do make sense. But will that stop us from being moderately grumpy for the next hour as a result? No. No it won't.
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March 1st, 2008, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Just when the members of the Blu-ray Disc Association were settling down to enjoy the fruits of victory, another challenger has entered the ring -- oh wait, it's just NME, makers of VMD, so it's really more like "remained in the ring and basically ignored." The company just issued a press release saying "All indications are that VMD can fill the void left by HD DVD," and that "The way is now clear for VMD to be embraced by the industry." We suppose that's true -- the Asian bootlegging industry really hasn't weighed in with a format choice yet, has it? In any event, VMD players have apparently been shipping to the US for a month now, so all you HD DVD fans out there looking to back yet another losing horse can probably find one -- start at the shadiest retailer you can think of, and then move downwards.
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March 1st, 2008, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Platform: Sony PlayStation 3 and X-Box 360
Pages: 176
Co-op strategy: Whether human or AI, you'll always have a partner. Prima details how to take advantage of the integral cooperative play.
Maps: The world's hot spots are confusing places. Prima's guide has the recon to keep you on task and safe.
Equipment Customization: Shotgun or sub-machine gun? Laser sight or rifle stock? You want the right tool for the job and Prima can give you the intel on what gear will serve you best.
Battle-tested tactics
Tips to make the most of Aggro and the full range of tactics at your disposal
Stats on all weapons and upgrades
Preview of the Army of Two: Dirty Money graphic novel
Prima has the intel you need to fight hard, stay strong, and cash in.
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