February 1st, 2009, 09:52 Posted By: Pegasus2000
The new version of Nanodesktop (0.3.6) is on Visilab website.
From this version, the installation process is totally automatized through
the Daniele Colanardi's Corona Installer 1.0.3 utility. The SDK can be
used from Windows (integrated to Dev-C++ IDE) or from Linux Ubuntu
(integrated with Code::Blocks IDE or from command line).
The SDK includes a version of PSPSDK with psp-gcc 4.1.0, already
compiled and ready for use.
The users that don't want to install Nanodesktop using Corona or using
the manual procedure, can also using the Nanodesktop VMI: a VirtualBox
Virtual Machine that contains a copy of Linux Ubuntu with the new
distribution already preinstalled and ready for use.
See the Nanodesktop manual for further details:
Now, let's see the new features of Nanodesktop. I'll consider only the most
important, other news can be found here:
The code has been totally reviewed to clean the warnings and potential
The system is able to manage the IR Keyboards, like Targus IR Keyboard, through the drivers ndPiKeyDriver.Prx and ndPiKeyDriver_IRInput.Prx .
I want to thank federgc for the help in testing.
The system is able to recognize the vocal commands that have been spoken by the user, thanks to the new ndPocketSphinx library.
The SDK can download the mail using ndPops3LibC library (thanks to blue_eye).
The ndOpenCV library has been updated to version 1.0 and the compatibility
with the x86 OpenCV C code has been updated.
Here the changelog:
1. ndOpenCV has been updated to version 1.0
2. Improved compatibility of ndHighGUI with original OpenCV Intel Code
3. New ndOpenCV applications included
4. Introduced function ndHAL_SetupMouseCallback ()
5. Added support for Linux
6. PSPSDK has been updated: psp-gcc updated to 4.1.0 version
7. Fixed a trouble in the strategy of USB managing (this solves problems with CFW and PSP FAT)
8. Fixed a trouble in MakeFile_PSP.mak that created a memory loss under PSP SLIM when you used the simple PSP strategy
9. Reduced stack space required for the ACT threads
10. Added new Microphone API
11. Added support for extended printf/scanf routines (via Trio library)
12. Added support for ndPocketSphinx voice recognition software.
13. Added support for ndPiKey drivers (via ndPiKeyDriver.Prx and ndPiKeyDriver_IRInput.Prx) (thanks for Gianfranco Crimi and to Joseph Felton)
14. Added support for Code::Blocks IDE under Linux (thanks to Daniele Colanardi)
15. Corona Installer is the official installer of the system now
16. Added support for emails through POP3 servers (via ndLibsPopC library)
17. New user guide
18. Fixed a trouble in fflush function (NanoC)
19. Removed support for extended printf/scanf routines (via Trio library)
20. Deep code review executed to Nanodesktop core (some small potential bugs have been fixed)
21. ndTBAR routines check that the bar is contained in WindowSpace before drawing now
22. Correct a bug with perror, strerror functions
23. Fixed a trouble in routines that provide to firmware recognition
24. Network routines now work also in KSU mode with custom firmware and 1.50 emulation (bug-fix)
25. Fixed a bug that, in KSU mode, prevented the disabling of the USB drivers loader at startup
26. Fixed a timing problem that caused the hang in ndGCurl library.
27. Fixed a bug that generated carriage return in ndWS_Print.
For assistance or other informations:
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February 1st, 2009, 10:20 Posted By: Pegasus2000
I have released the new version of Nanodesktop Blind Assistant (core CFW0005).
Blind Assistant is the attempt to help the blinds through simple commercial
devices as the Sony PSP, without the necessity to buy expensive
proprietary devices.
You can download the new homebrew here:
Sir, this is the most complex homebrew ever realized before.
As you have seen in a previous article, I've posted before two videos
that show the features of Blind Assistant:
This version of Blind Assistant, is able to talk with the blind using the
ndFLite voice synthetizer. It can answer to the vocal commands, using
the ndPocketSphinx speech recognition engine.
In this way, the blind can interact with the system using only his voice.
This version of the software integrates five features:
a) a face recognition engine, that can recognize the names of the people
that are present in the room (and the position in the screen), using
PentLand algorithm. Our version of the algorithm uses VFPU to speed up
the computations.
b) a room recognizer, that can recognize the room in which the blind is,
through a x86 server (BlindServer) and the SIFT (Scalar Image Feature
Transform) algorithm.
c) a optical char recognition engine, that can read to the blind a text
that is grabbed by the camera
d) a colour scanner, that is able to say to the blind what is the average
color of the image that is grabbed by the camera in that moment. This
is useful for the blind for recognizing the color of an object that is in
front of it
e) a mail reader, that can read the mail that the blind receives from a
POP3 server.
See the documentation in the zip file for the installation of the homebrew.
The program is able to autoupdate itself using internet.
I hope that this program can be useful.
Eng. Filippo Battaglia
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February 1st, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Max Shooter is a unique adapter that allows you to Use a keyboard and mouse on your PS3. You will be able enjoy First Person Shooters (FPS), or any other game where targeting is important, the way they are meant to be played.
Specifications :
- Compatible with all PS3 games
- Compatible with all versions of PS3 consoles
- Can map the controller button keys to any key of the Keyboard
- Compatible with 95% of mice and Keyboards
- High sensitivity, precision and smoothness
- Can adjust the mouse sensitivity by the 2 extra wheels
- Built in Turbo (Auto Fire) function, eight customizable auto-fire buttons
- Plug and Play - Just connect the Max Shooter to PS3.
- Ease of use: Just use the original PS3 controller to re-map itself to the mouse and keyboard
- Both controllers analog stick keys can also be mapped to the mouse and keyboard
- Connect PS2 compatible controllers to you PS3
- Compatible with PS2 joypads, light guns, racing wheels, dancing mats and more
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February 1st, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

Connect your PlayStation2 console, DVD player or other electronic devices supporting a optical output via this cable to your optical input of your HiFi receiver. For digital Dolby Digital and DTS surround-sound capabilities.
Specifications :
- Fibre-optic connection delivers higher sonic performance than standard cables
- Tuned spectral attenuation for optimum signal admittance and low loss
- High velocity of propagation for lower time smear
- Provides a digital connection from any Optical out connection
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February 1st, 2009, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Mr Modchips

This easy to use, easy to install converter let you use your PS2 Dual Shock 2 or even PS1 Dual Shock on Playstation 3 and PC. 4 Dual Shock/2 can be used at the same time!
Specifications :
- No batteries required
- Supports most PC games
- Plug and play on PC and Playstation 3
- Supports most PS3 games with PS2/PS1 Dual Shock type controllers
- 4 pieces of PS2/PSone Dual Shock controller can be used simultaneously
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February 1st, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
The JPCSP Team have posted a new PSP Emulator for the PSP which is a port of their Java PSP Emulator to the c++ language, heres the changelog
Changelog from 191:
Added debug for unknown syscalls, now it will also return the name
Prelimary work on plugin configuration dialog. Still not useable
Added prelimary RTC module support. (rtctest now works,some other demos might behave a bit better)
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February 1st, 2009, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Total_Noob

Ultimate VSH Menu is back with a big update
It's now almost like the M33 vsh menu
Big changelog of v1.03:
- All found bugs fixed
- It removed "flash1:/dic" for more space
- Don't activated VSH Menu in PSP Store
- Code completely rewritted
- Ultimate VSH Menu can only load after 3 seconds
- Fixed a bug, that sometimes CPU 222 is
- It's locked only the buttons
- Scrolling is now even faster
- Battery options are added to "MAKE BATTERY"
- Enter is now available with LEFT or RIGHT
- Screenshot now with NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE or R + L possible
- Possibility to change Speed up MS
- "USE SLIM COLORS" appears only on PSP phat
- Added Orange and Purple to "VSH MENU COLOR"
- Added "USB CHARGE" on PSP slim
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February 1st, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Damiaantjuh

PSPChrome is a webbrowser application for the PSP by Damiaan Reijnaers.
It's a application that looks like the browser Google Chrome, from Google. You've just only to download it, and put the files into your root directory.
You need a internet connection to save and load the files.
In a further release, V1.0, you will be able to create more tabs, and see you're favorites and history.
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February 1st, 2009, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Ahman has released a new version of the Shell for the PSP, heres whats new:
This is only a minor update for Slim PSP with Interlaced TV support. Phat users don't need to install this release.
New Features:
- For interlaced TV, some games have low frame rate. This is now fixed.
- For interlaced TV, some games have stuttered sound output. Most of them should now be fixed. If you still encounter stuttered sound for a specific game, you can try to increase the value of "Interlace TV Thread Priority" in iR Configurator. The higher the value, the lower the priority the thread will run and it will give more CPU time to the game which will help with the stuttered sound. You shouldn't lower this value, unless you know exactly what you're doing. The default value is 0 which will work for most games.
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February 1st, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
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February 2nd, 2009, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China (worldwide delivery)

Follow Afro Samurai as he fights to become the number one warrior, a title currently held by Justice, the man who killed Afro's father when he was a child. The game follows the plot of the original series with added material and background for fans and new comers alike.
Blood is beautiful in this hip hop infused action adventure as Samuel L. Jackson reprises his role as Afro and Ninja Ninja. A striking art style gives Afro Samurai a truly unique look and feel across beautifully animated open environments as he wages war against his adversaries to become number one. Using an innovative gameplay system, enemy AI is affected by the beat of the musical score produced by RZA of Wu-Tang Clan fame. These dynamic battles ensure stylized encounters throughout the game that affect the overall tone of gameplay. Slice and dismember opponents as Afro acrobatically leaps from one location to the next, interacting with anything and everything in the environment to help him on his journey.
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February 2nd, 2009, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster

We've seen plenty of semi-portable mashups from modder extraordinaire Bacteria, and now he's back with another luggable system that turns a PSone into a fully integrated handheld. The system is naturally made from a PSone console itself as well as a travel screen, a third-party controller, custom case, and, most importantly, a lot of skill and patience -- roughly 100 hours worth. You cay buy the tangible bits in a kit on eBay for £49.99 (about $70 US), then follow Bacteria's stupendously comprehensive instructions to build your own.
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February 2nd, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Portuguese developer Seed Studios has lifted the lid on PS3-exclusive RTS Under Siege.
Due out later this year, the game will place "special emphasis" on user-generated content, according to the official website, and be tailored for console gameplay and controls. Multiplayer and community features will be important, too.
There's not much else to go on, other than some pre-alpha screenshots, which show rural areas and what appear to be tribes and explorers. We can't see much evidence of technology, and the silhouettes on the site suggest swords are the staple weapon-type.
Under Siege doesn't appear to be have publisher yet. We'll let you know more when we do.
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February 2nd, 2009, 21:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has told Eurogamer that attractive PSN game Flower will cost GBP 6.29 when released next Thursday 12th February.
Flower costs USD 9.99 across the pond, which left us expecting a slightly higher conversion, so this is pleasing. And so is snow.
Flower - developed by thatgamecompany of flOw fame - has players restore vibrant colours to the dreary dream-worlds of city flowers. To do this, petals must be steered around on the wind and clattered into other flowers, sending up more petals to join the cause.
The effect is rather pretty and quite serene, as our hands-on impressions of Flower point out. Look out for our review soon.
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February 2nd, 2009, 21:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
PlayStation 3 owners will be getting a bit more time with Killzone 2 before release than originally anticipated, as Sony's semi-official blog ThreeSpeech announces a demo for the eagerly anticipated game dropping this week.
A demo for Killzone 2 will be hitting the PlayStation Network on Thursday, February 5th, several weeks ahead of the originally announced February 26th date, which would have placed the demo a mere day before release. In North America, this is the exclusive GameStop demo, with those not pre-ordering from the retailer still having to wait until the 26th.
The demo will feature the first two parts of the first level of the game, giving players a chance to learn the controls in advance of the title's official release.
Between this and today's Resident Evil 5 demo, PlayStation 3 owners will have a good bit less hard disk space by the end of the week.
UPDATE: Sony Computer Entertainment America contacted us to let us know that the demo would still be a GameStop exclusive in North America until the 26th of February. We've updated the article to reflect this.
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February 2nd, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Play as Coraline and interact with all of the colorful characters in this fantastical interactive adventure
Explore two distinct, fully interactive worlds like never before – the brooding Normal World and mesmerizing Other World
Graphic style and tone inspired by the amazing stop-motion animated film and the eerie storyline
Based on Focus Features and LAIKA Entertainment’s upcoming film, CORALINE is a whimsical exploration game that combines puzzle solving, character interaction and item collection with traditional action gameplay. About CORALINE (The Movie) From Henry Selick, visionary director of The Nightmare Before Christmas, and based on Neil Gaiman’s best-selling book, comes a spectacular highdefinition stop-motion animated feature. A young girl walks through a secret door in her new home and discovers an alternate version of her life. This parallel reality is eerily similar to her real life - only much better. But when this wondrously off-kilter adventure turns dangerous, and her counterfeit parents try to keep her forever, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home.
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February 2nd, 2009, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Assume the role of Nobunaga, or of a rival warlord, in a quest to bring Japan under one rule
Covering the breadth of Japan with over 60 castles and 30 port towns, this incredible simulation spans one massive 3D world map; a first for the series
Complete camera control and a degree of magnification lets players rotate the map view and focus on regions or towns
A new approach to the concept of learning creates a much stronger association between technology suppliers, the military and the government - the Iron Triangle
Over 1,000 daimyo and sub-officers, each possessing varying levels of aptitude which will affect their decisions on domestic policy and battle
Create fictional characters and modify attributes of historical figures with the game’s character creation feature
Select a daimy to control, and choose from among four historical scenarios and one fictional, and then unlock more scenarios as you progress. Nine scenarios in all!
Three modes of play: “Unification”, “Region”, and “Challenge”
A moving score composed by Kosuke Yamashita
In the latest edition of this classic simulation series, the acquisition of knowledge and a firm grasp of technology are even more crucial to establishing the groundwork for the future of the country.
Players must embrace technology, govern wisely and shrewdly, and prepare a near-invincible military force for war on land and at sea. Only with the mastery of these three elements, the Iron Triangle, will Nobunaga’s Ambition be realized and a nation united under one sword.
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February 2nd, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Keeping to the promise of being exactly one week late, Capcom's playable demo for Resident Evil 5 has finally hit the PlayStation Store worldwide. While touted as being identical to the one we've seen hit Xbox Live, it's slightly bothersome to note that the PS3 version eats up double the amount of hard drive space. That's 942MB to be exact.
Regardless of footprint disparities, the demo finally allows North American and European PS3 owners to try out RE5's online and offline split-screen co-op gameplay. However, those who disdain pairing up with another person can still get their shrill kicks playing solo.
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February 2nd, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
This news originally came out as a rumor, but the PlayStation 2 port of Wipeout Pulse is almost palpable. Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has yet to announce it, but the USK (Germany’s ESRB equivalent) knows a thing or two about it. Recently, they rated it confirming that a Wipeout Pulse port is in development and perhaps on deck for a release soon.
Wipeout Pulse was originally released as a PSP game with online play as one of the main highlights. Downloadable expansion packs for Wipeout Pulse were also sold over the PlayStation Store. Since the PlayStation 2 version hasn’t been given a formal unveiling we don’t know if either of these features will carry over on the PS2.
If Sony is going to continue porting PSP games to the PlayStation 2 they mind as well shoot for some of the creative ones like Patapon. More people should have a chance to play Patapon.
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February 2nd, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster

The JPCSP Team have released a new build of their Java PSP Emulator for Windows,
Heres whats new:
r912 fixed system time (nanos -> micros) Jan 25, 2009 pfft.whatever
r911 more patches thanks to raziel1000 Jan 22, 2009 geo...@moralis.gr
r910 Fix divide by zero (Issue 66) Jan 21, 2009 gi...@web.de
r909 Patch for Patapon provided by raziel1000 Jan 20, 2009 gi...@web.de
r908 fixed SceKernelSemaInfo Jan 19, 2009 pfft.whatever
r907 ops i commented out something by accident  Jan 19, 2009 geo...@moralis.gr
r906 fixed a small bug in sceKernelThreadInfo (write was 2 bytes wrong ) Jan 18, 2009 geo...@moralis.gr
r905 Patches for Castlevania X and Patapon provided by raziel1000 and snkmad. Jan 18, 2009 gi...@web.de
r904 ... messed up the last commit. This time: updated ResolveUnmappedNIDs tool, you can now copy paste lines from html logs as well as output directly copied from the log window. Last time: fixed thread issue in pspge. fixed endianness issue in mpeg module. tweaked devctl 0x02425818 to 32mb empty ms (values still guessed). Jan 16, 2009 pfft.whatever
r903 updated ResolveUnmappedNIDs tool, you can now copy paste lines from html logs as well as output directly copied from the log window. fixed endianness issue in mpeg module. tweaked devctl 0x02425818 to 32mb empty ms (values still guessed). Jan 16, 2009 pfft.whatever
r902 +1 Implemented sceUtilitySavedataInitStart mode 8 (Issue 51). Enhanced test program SavedataTool to test mode 8. Jan 16, 2009 gi...@web.de
r901 improved io seek. added fatms0 mapping to ms0 (untested). removed context switch from fast check sema when inside callback, who knows what will happen if the sema wanted to wait. converting ge sync(type=queued) to sync(type=done). Jan 15, 2009 pfft.whatever
r900 fixed PSF write (value offset was not getting updated) Jan 15, 2009 pfft.whatever
r899 fixed ioXXXAsync -> context switch -> waitAsync blocking forever. added devctl 0x02015804, 0x02015805, 0x02425823. Jan 14, 2009 pfft.whatever
r898 accidentally left GE callbacks disabled in the conversion - restoring Jan 14, 2009 pfft.whatever
r897 Fixed 2D display to no longer ignore depth information. - ZTST: fixed for 2D. Not yet fixed for 3D. - CLEAR: set DepthFunc to GL_ALWAYS instead of clearing the depth buffer Tested with 2dstudio.prx and different games. E.g. display problems in ToE are now fixed. Jan 14, 2009 gi...@web.de
r896 Fixed 2D display problems: - ATST: do not disable ALPHA_TEST when reference value is 0 - CLEAR: ALPHA_TEST is always disabled in clear mode - TME, ABE, ATE, ZTE: they have no effect in clear mode (other flags not tested) Tested on a real PSP using 2dstudio.prx Jan 14, 2009 gi...@web.de
r895 +1 Added test program 2dstudio.prx to test different parameter combinations when drawing 2D objects. Jan 14, 2009 gi...@web.de
r894 Added jaxen and jdom to .classpath for Eclipse Jan 14, 2009 gi...@web.de
r893 oops, didn't comment out a test properly Jan 13, 2009 pfft.whatever
r892 missed a file for the last commit. other minor changes. Jan 13, 2009 pfft.whatever
r891 re-wrote emu thread <-> graphics thread interaction. list sync implemented. old code/files will be removed later. Jan 13, 2009 pfft.whatever
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February 3rd, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mapsp95
Hello everyone,
yesterday I finished my homebrew and I've posted on my blog but not here because I had a little lack of time.
Well, forget this grave sin!
The name is PSPInfos I've developed in 1 week, as its name suggests, it gives you lots of info.
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February 3rd, 2009, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Davex has released a new Unofficial version of the CPS2 emulator for PSP:
Hi guys,
This Unofficial Work In Progress CPS2PSP version adds cheats support to NJs CPS2 great emulator.
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February 3rd, 2009, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Davex has released a new Unofficial version of the CPS1 emulator for PSP:
Hi everybody,
One feature missing of the great NJ emulators was cheat support. Maybe one day NJ returns to amaze us with their fabulous creations, but meanwhile I have been working adding cheat support to his CPS1PSP emulator.
This Unofficial Work In Progress version supports the cheat format used in FinalBurn Alpha and is ready for anyone who wants to test it.
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February 3rd, 2009, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
LEDA is a program that integrates into M33 custom firmwares to let some old 1.00/1.50 homebrew to run.
To avoid waste of memory, leda is only loaded when necessary.
Current compatibility is unknown as is still in beta.
Although it may work on previous m33 versions, it has only be tested on 5.00 M33.
The development of LEDA doesn't mean that development of 1.50 kernel addon will be ceased. 1.50 addon is very easy to code, and thus it will still be coded for almost full 1.5 compatibility, but LEDA has some advantages over it.
- It works on slim too
- It doesn't need much flash space
- You don't need to care about which folder your homebrew is.
LEDA first tries to load the homebrew program normally. If it works, then the homebrew is a 3.XX+ one, and leda terminates itself to not waste RAM. Otherwise, leda does some patches to load the 1.0/1.5 homebrew.
- Unlike 1.50 kernel addon, LEDA tries to be independent of firmware. This means that whenever a new version of M33 is released, leda will probably work without need of an update.
- Less compatibility. Anyways, I will try to make LEDA compatible with those old homebrew that are still useful today because they weren't updated or because they have a better old version.
Install instructions:
Copy LEDA folder to /PSP/GAME and run it. The program will install a prx in the system, this will be done very quickly. After this, you can already try to run 1.0/1.5 homebrew normally from XMB; LEDA folder is not needed anymore in the ms and you can delete it if you want.
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February 3rd, 2009, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Xart
This is a simple to use and add to any software you develope for the PSP device, it is also works well without any issue of anykind with BenHur's intraFont so here is the SXLibary (coreXLib Replacment) that I mainly coded for myself.
I will be, now on! sharing my code online to any that would like it.
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February 3rd, 2009, 16:35 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom plans on supporting PlayStation Home in a big way. Famitsu has revealed brand new Home content based on Capcom's upcoming games, Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5. SFIV will receive a post-release patch that will allow players to meet in Home and then jump directly into a Street Fighter match.
In addition to game launching, Capcom will also sell costumes to wear in the Home world. This isn't the first time Capcom has released Street Fighter costume DLC on a PlayStation system -- LittleBigPlanet also features a handful of premium costumes for purchase.
Capcom is also developing a Resident Evil 5 game space, which looks remarkably like the game's opening level. Here, players will be able to congregate and participate in various RE themed events. We're not sure if those events will involve eating other Home users alive, but we hope so.
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February 3rd, 2009, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
James Bond is traveling to Japan this March when Quantum of Solace finally releases on the PS3, 360, PS2 and Wii in the region. Activision Blizzard has handed the publishing rights to Square Enix for the game's eastern release, where it will be named 007: Nagusame no Houshuu. Quantum of Solace's March 26th release date means it will be arriving a bit late when compared to the movie itself, despite it only just reaching Japan within the last week.
We're not sure how well Quantum of Solace is likely to sell in the far east, but presumably Square Enix thinks there's some money to be made from it. As Activision has shut up shop in the region, handing the publishing rights over to Japanese publishers looks to become a regular occurrence. We weren't expecting Square Enix to be the first to take advantage of this, but who knows, perhaps sticking its name on the box will actually help increase sales
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February 3rd, 2009, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
Isn't it just like the internet to propagate unsubstantiated rumors. The latest such rumor surrounding the upcoming survival horror shooter Resident Evil 5 may have given the game some free publicity, but Capcom has decided that enough is enough. It's squashing the rumor once and for all in its latest community blog post. The "action" controls will not allow you to move and shoot simultaneously. Chris Redfield's testosterone-filled body makes multitasking an impossibility.
"While RE5 is very action-heavy, the base RE game design mechanic of holding fast while shooting remains," says the Capcom blog. Newcomers to the series may need to make some "mental readjustments," but the controls have remained this way to establish a sense of risk and danger while in combat. The new controls will instead grant "more natural motion to the second analog stick on your 360 or PS3 controller," allowing you to strafe. We're sure there are strong advocates for both sides of the argument amongst Resident Evil 5's audience. Maybe not Chris Redfield strong ... but strong.
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February 3rd, 2009, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
At E3 2006, Sony brass Kaz Hirai showed F1 Championship Edition running off a PSP as a rearview mirror that could be placed next to your PS3 set-up.
Gimmicky, sure, but one of many ways Sony has been trying to link portable and home console. There are other ways Sony seems interested in linking the PS3 and PSP.
In what appears to be a recent Sony survey, the company apparently asked users several questions and to rate their answers on a scale of 1 - 6 with 1 being "Not Appealing" and 6 being "Very Appealing."
Questions nineteen and twenty were as follows:
19. If you could make one modification to the PSP system, what would you like to see?
20. The following statements concern the way you would like a portable device to interact with a console. Rank these statements based on their appeal to you. (1 = Not Appealing, 6 = Very Appealing)
Use the device to complete side missions for console games (unlocakables, etc.).
Transfer media (music/pictures/video) wirelessly from the console to the device (broadcast television, new levels for games).
Use the device WHILE PLAYING the console game as an addition weapon/utility to help the gameplay (second player option, radar for incoming enemies, etc.).
Record console gameplay for display on the device (showing off your high scores ore "cool moves" to friends).
Well... How would you rate these?
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February 3rd, 2009, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Do they still use telepipes in Phantasy Star? Well if they do, Sega just selected one from its inventory, bumping up the release date of Phantasy Star Portable in North America.
The PlayStation Portable action role-playing game will be invading our shores on March 3rd, weeks in advance of its previously scheduled release date. Somewhat coincidentally, I also plan to turn on my PSP for the first time in many months on March 3rd, unless a review copy of Phantasy Star Portable should make its way here prior to that date.
Phantasy Star Portable was released in Japan last July, racking up over 700,000 sales, making it one of the top thirty selling games in the country.
Sega has more Phantasy Star action planned for later this year, as Sega of America recently expressed its corporate desire to bring Phantasy Star Ø to Western shores.
And then, once we're all covered on the Nintendo DS and PSP fronts, Sega will get cracking on bringing a proper Phantasy Star RPG to whatever. Right, Sega? "Right, Mike," says Sega.
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February 3rd, 2009, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success hk who ship worldwide.

Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of villains, and fight their way through parodies of multiple popular games.
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February 3rd, 2009, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success hk who ship worldwide.

Space Date 366: A young Federation officer finds himself transported to a mystical planet, where he is suddenly anointed as the Hero of Light. He begins a journey to fulfill a prophecy and save a newfound race. Continuing the franchise for STAR OCEAN fans, this PSP release of the classic RPG delivers the same epic storytelling and dazzling art style. Set 20 years after the events of its predecessor, STAR OCEAN: Second Departure receives special treatment in its PSP incarnation to further entice gamers to relive the adventure. The title takes the next step with fully animated movies, all-new character designs, extra playable characters, fully voiced dialogue, and more.
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February 3rd, 2009, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success hk who ship worldwide.

Developed in close collaboration with Shaun White ?Olympics Gold Medalist and eight times X Games Gold Medalist, Shaun White Snowboarding is the next-gen game that redefines the action sports genre. Shaun White Snowboarding lets you enter a snowboarding world of total freedom. You can create your own experience in this game, and choose how, where, and with whom you want to ride.
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February 3rd, 2009, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success hk who ship worldwide.

The silicon protector sleeve is made of high-grade silicon ,providing a comfortable and improved feel for extended game play and a stylish robust solution to protect your PSP-3000 saries console from damage and scratches. The protector sleeve has been designed to allow full access to PSP-3000 series controls and flexibility allows quick and easy installation. The form-fitting design allow you to access every button and slot, then the elastic soft silicon provides enhanced hand feelings.
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February 3rd, 2009, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster

anyone can go out there and put their hands on a couple of commercially manufactured Street Fighter IV joysticks, but there is something really cool about a simple, well executed homebrew mod. This PS3 controller may not be the cutting edge of industrial design, but it does say: "I can't wait for the new Street Fighter. It's gonna be sweeeet." Previously a wooden TV table and some controller stuff, the proper holes have been drilled, the innards affixed to the bottom and a picture of Chun-Li thrown in for good measure. We wouldn't recommend placing a drink on the thing (we know how carried away you get) but who has time for a beverage when you're consumed with vengeance?
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February 3rd, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
If digital distribution is going to be held off for another year, Blu-ray players are going to need to achieve some serious market penetration at a rather difficult time. VIZIO's $200 VBR100 should help when it releases in a few months, but could be quickly undercut by a predicted flood of $150 drives said to be inbound from a number of other industry players, including Lite-On. These "white-box" drives will probably be short on features, but so too were the cheap DVD players that killed off the VCR, and nobody thought twice about that. If all goes according to plan look for stacks of inexpensive drives to start appearing at whatever retailers are still in business later this year.
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February 3rd, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Brandish in 3D with Dela Delon as a playable character. That quickly sums up Brandish: The Dark Revenant, a PSP remake of one of Nihon Falcom’s early 90’s games scheduled to come out in Japan on March 19.
if you haven’t played the original it’s a dungeon crawler where you have to climb out of ancient ruins after falling into them. Most of the game you are alone except for run-ins with Dela who fell in with you and unexplained shopkeepers that are surprisingly well stocked. Brandish also had a weird system where the character you played always faced forward. If this batch of screenshots is anything to go by Nihon Falcom stuck with the unorthodox system for the remake. Ah, nostalgia.
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February 3rd, 2009, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Krakatos has posted a new version of the PS2 Emulator for Windows:
Heres whats new:
Pcsx2 PLayground beta 681
Main changes are, God of War and Kingdom Hearts 2 are now playable. Kingdom hearts 2 requires the appropriate gamefix, same as God of War
- God of War and Kingdom Hearts 2 now work if you use the appropriate gamefix
- New gamefix to be selected for tri-ace games. Be sure to enable both!
- Bugfix for emu crash after deleting the ini file.
- speed optimizations (as always, game dependant)
- fixes for some random and semi-random crashes
- implemented COP 2's branching instructions
- code cleanups
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February 3rd, 2009, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from slasher2661996
I ported this a while ago, its been sitting on my computer for ages, so i guess i should share it, i pretty sure its for managing 3d objects, so you could use it with Tri and other libraries,
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February 4th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
he Game Developers Conference 2009 has added four sessions looking at the development of PS3 exclusive LittleBigPlanet.
Other newly revealed sessions include an in-depth look at EA's launch of new IP Dead Space, and reflections on the birth and eventual demise of Hellgate outfit Flagship Studios.
Details of the sessions can be found at the official website.
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February 4th, 2009, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
amBX is to develop technology for the PlayStation 3, after gaining a tools and middleware license from Sony Computer Entertainment.
The technology adds support for light, colour, rumble and air flow to videogames through additional peripherals.
"This is a major milestone in the development of amBX as a ubiquitous standard for entertainment sensory experiences," commented Jo Cooke, chief marketing officer at amBX.
"amBX has already proved incredibly popular and successful within the PC games, music, movies and apps markets and the tools and middleware license agreement with SCEI will allow us to bring amazing light, rumble, sound and air movement experiences to game users."
The company will be at GDC 2009, offering free developer tutorials to interested parties.
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February 4th, 2009, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster

We're not saying the mildly brilliant eSATA HDD Extender wouldn't work in theory, but we're a bit skeptical about the, um, realness of this here product. Unlike Team Xecuter's Hard Drive Xtender, which is definitely shipping to buyers, this device supposedly gives Sony's PlayStation 3 the ability to recognize an external eSATA drive. Furthermore, the device also adds four USB ports for even more connectivity, and given just how sweet this looks beneath the console, we'd say some serious thought went into the design. Sadly, there's no real indication of where the PS3 HD Plus PHE-01 will be sold, and even if you are able to locate one, the installation is a few notches above "drop dead simple."
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February 4th, 2009, 19:11 Posted By: Safari Al
via Homebrew Heaven.net
Important Update! - The old version did not support C99. Please redownload below if you have intent of using it in a C project! I apologize for not doing this the first time, as I was rushed and had little time to check for mistakes.
This is a small updated version of Chipmunk Physics ported to the PSP
Please read the readme information below:
Enjoy, and please post any issues or comments below.
Download via the link below and give feedback via comments
Chipmunk Physics (4.1.0 update) Port
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February 4th, 2009, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Q Entertainment will finally release Lumines Supernova on the European PlayStation Store tomorrow.
You'll need GBP 9.99 or EUR 14.99 to buy the puzzle game, which adds Dig Down and Sequencer modes to the much-ported, proven formula.
Dig Down has players burrow through a block-filled screen, and the Sequencer lets users piece together backing tracks from a stock selection of loops.
Trophies are in, as are Skin Edit, Time Attack, Puzzle, Mission and local head-to-head modes familiar to Lumines. There's no online multiplayer yet, though.
To celebrate all this, Q Entertainment has teamed with Media Molecule to offer a special LittleBigPlanet skin.
Lumines, for those unaware, is a puzzler based around arranging 2x2 squares of same-coloured blocks falling from the top of the screen. Do so, and a vertical line sweeps along and clears them in time to the music.
Look out for our thoughts on Lumines Supernova soon.
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February 4th, 2009, 19:37 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Valve has brushed off new rumours (again) of a PS3 version of Left 4 Dead, sparked by a rather decisive listing on a UK retailer website.
With not just a PS3 version listed, but a release date of June 5, EA down as the label and even the ability to pre-order the game right now, HMV seems pretty sure it's happening. More than an easily-missed typo-o, anyway.
A Valve rep, however, mocked the listing, saying to CVG: "Fantastic. I can't wait to see it."
Looking around, Play.com has a L4D PS3 listing too, but there's no date or pre-order on it.
So it's PC and 360 exclusive still, but PS3 owners can always hope.
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February 4th, 2009, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
In April the Shin Megami Tensei spinoff that kicked off the Persona series is coming to the PSP. Famitsu says the game is a “remake”, but it looks more like a tweaked port a la Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War.
Atlus is adding new animated cutscenes to Persona and it looks like the battle interface took a cue from Persona 3 with floating heads as status icons. Dungeons appear to have more status information too, but they retain the first person viewpoint like older Shin Megami Tensei games. Persona is scheduled to come out in Japan on April 29. Of course, it’s too early for Atlus USA to announce Persona PSP, but if they do (and why shouldn’t they?) we should get an intact version of Persona with the Snow Queen plot.
Growlanser is also getting the PSP port up treatment for its tenth anniversary. New features include additional characters like Amelia and routes to follow. Since we never got Growlanser this game will be entirely new for us if Atlus USA picks it up. Japan gets it first though on May 14.
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February 4th, 2009, 19:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
The website Killzone2.com, it turns out, isn't owned by Sony, but the websites Killzone and Killzone3 are, MTV Multiplayer reports in this look at domain name shenanigans.
Multiplayer reports that Killzone2 is actually owned by Vegard Aure of GameDiscovery.com, which also owns DevilMayCry 2 and DevilMayCry3 websites.
And apparently neither Sony nor Capcom have contacted Aure to ask about the sites... well, not yet. A call to Sony reps netted a "we're going to look into it" comment.
It raises an interesting question about official sites for video games. How often do you search out a game, by name, on the web in hopes of netting new details? Would you be annoyed if the site wasn't owned by the publisher or developer?
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February 4th, 2009, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on worldwide shipping:

If you love playing with friends at home or online then this is the game for you. Welcome to Paradise City, a world built for fun and adventure. From team challenges to racing to exploring the city there’s always something to look forward to in Paradise City. Open the Ultimate Box and let the fun begin.
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February 4th, 2009, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Australians who preorder the enormous Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection from select stores will be able to snag a rare treat, in the form of a blue vinyl record containing classic Sega tunes.
The Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (Genesis Ultimate Collection in the states) collects more than 40 classic Sega titles on one disc for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with tweaked graphics for true HD gameplay. Even if that weren't worth $56.98 to Australian customers, the preorder bonus surely is. Limited to 3,500 pieces, the Limited Edition Vinyl Soundtrack contains six classic tracks from Sega's past, with Vectorman, Space Harrier, Golden Axe, and Ristar, all reproduced on a gorgeous 12 inch album. Seriously drool-worthy.
The album is exclusive to Australia, so if you'd like to get your hands on one you have two choices. Either watch eBay like a hawk come the game's late February release date, or quickly befriend a local. Oh Luke?
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February 5th, 2009, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Torch:
Some new UMDs are detecting files in the ms0:/seplugins and ms0:/iso folders and causing problems, even deleting files from these folders.
This plugin will hide these folders in GAME mode so they can't be accessed.
To install, copy cfwblock.prx to ms0:/seplugins and make an entry in game.txt
e.g. ms0:/seplugins/cfwblock.txt 1
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February 5th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from smartie_on_computer
Hey guys this is it. i have finally made a (more) stable version and now i'm going to officially make a release
This Homebrew enables you to use your psp Go!Cam or chotto shot as a webcam for your pc via a wireless connection.
instructions are in the file so i hope you guys enjoy!

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February 5th, 2009, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Exter
The Rubik's Cube is a 3D mechanical puzzle invented in Ernő Rubik. In a classic Rubik's Cube, each of the six faces is covered by 9 stickers, among six solid colors (traditionally white, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow). A pivot mechanism enables each face to turn independently, thus mixing up the colors. For the puzzle to be solved, each face must be a solid color.
The controls in this homebrew are designed to easily perform "Move notation" algorithms.
Version 1.3:
Back and Back Inverted moves.
Cube solve and scramble animations.
Move counter at the top right of the screen.
Session saving.
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February 5th, 2009, 17:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Australia has released the latest sales figures for the PlayStation 3 in the region.
Over the past year the electronics company sold 213,000 units, creating a total installed base of 460,000 units, reports GamesSpot.
Sony further revealed that of the installed base, 70,000 units were given away as part of TV promotion deal. In comparison Microsoft's Xbox 360 has hit 537,000 units, while the Nintendo Wii is outpacing the competition at 1 million units.
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February 5th, 2009, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said that pre-orders of PlayStation 3 exclusive Killzone 2 have reached over 1.1 million units in Europe.
President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, David Reeves, revealed the numbers in an interview with The Guardian. The game is released in the UK and Europe February 27 and has been picking up enthusiastic reviews from the specialist games press.
Sony is also releasing a PlayStation 3 bundle, which includes a 80GB console and a copy of the game, with Play.com offering a free Killzone 2 theme.
The demo for the game will be released in Europe via the PlayStation Network today.
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February 5th, 2009, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced the upcoming launch of three new colours for the PlayStation Portable-3000.
Starting this month, the PSP-3000 will be available in Mystic Silver and Pearl White and, from March, in Radiant Red.
Unveiled at the Leipzig Games Convention last year, the PSP-3000 represents the latest iteration on the handheld, with an enhanced screen, built-in camera and microphone.
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February 5th, 2009, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's president, David Reeves, has spoken frankly in an interview with UK newspaper The Guardian regarding the current state of the industry and Sony's place within it. Commenting on Sony's third-quarter losses, Reeves says that "we simply have to suffer a little, go down in market share and mind-share. We're still standing, we're still profitable and there's a lot of fight in us." Reeves' humility makes a refreshing change from other Sony representatives.
Reeves goes on to say that the company's PS3 sales forecast is still 10 million by March and clarifies why there was no PS3 price cut this year. "My objective is financial - to make a profit in our territory by the end of March, and we will. If we'd cut the price, lost another billion dollars, we might have had a huge Christmas but it would have been followed by a huge loss." Claiming that Sony has learned things from both Nintendo and Microsoft this generation, he feels "we should celebrate the industry and how we've collectively grown it beyond all recognition." There's not a hint of any "console war" mentality to be found.
Reeves also confirms that 45nm Cell chips will replace the 65nm versions currently inside the PS3, "probably in middle of year," and that downloadable movies will be available in PAL territories later this year. Both will increase profits for Sony and the former may even pave the way for a price cut later in the year. Here's hoping.
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February 5th, 2009, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Costa Cruises signed an agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment Italia to put PlayStation 2s and 3s aboard all of their ships by the end of 2009.
Starting in June, Costa Cruise lines in Northern Europe and the Mediterranean will have an area called "PlayStation World" for passengers to play PS3s. There will also be PlayStations in the cabins, on the lido deck with a big screen hookup and in kids' and teens' clubs so often featured on family cruises
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February 5th, 2009, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Tokyo Beat Down won’t be alone. Namco Bandai has a 2.5D beat ‘em up of their own in development by Blitz Arcade for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. Haven’t heard of the team? They made Powerup Forever and Sneak King.
Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao has a kung fu movie theme where players control Han Tao, General of a Thousand Victories, on his quest to track down the stolen Sacred Star. As a martial arts master Han Tao uses his fists and feet to pummel his way through warriors living and undead. A meter at the top of the screen charges up with each hit and lets Han Tao use more powerful zen moves.
All of this sounds basic, but then again the beat ‘em up genre is as elementary as you can get. These kinds of games can be pretty fun to play with a friend. Thankfully, Namco Bandai included co-op play. There are also online leaderboards for players to send their scores too and the screenshots show some kind of point multiplier. Actually, after looking at the screenshots I think Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao would be better received if it had gorgeous 2D sprites instead of 3D graphics. The style and character models just look so bland with the exception of the grainy film filter.
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February 5th, 2009, 18:48 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
DaRk_AleX has released an update for LEDA Software Loader.
For those who don't know, this is a 1.50 kernel substitute for SLIM users. (With slightly less compatibility than real 1.50 kernel)
DAX says Beta 0.2 should have much better compatibility with 1.50 homebrew, than the first release.
for more details, see the included Read Me file.
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February 5th, 2009, 19:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has updated Home to version 1.10, which clears out a list of bugs and adds a fair few handy tweaks to the whole software.
Here are the details courtesy of a Home rep:
New features
- We have added a new "Remove Player" function that allows the creator to remove people from a Game Launching session. This is complemented by the Block Player function, accessible via the Safe Screen, which can be used to stop people rejoining.
Changes and Improvements
We are constantly tweaking and enhancing various game elements to improve your experience in PlayStation Home. Updates in 1.10 include:
- The speed of the initial log-on process has been improved and a progress bar has been added to provide you with more information about what is happening.
- Items that you have already purchased will now be loaded when you first log-in, reducing the loading time when you enter stores in the Mall.
- Other players' avatars will now load faster when you enter a space.
- The names of Home reward items will now be shown when you obtain them.
- Download priorities have been changed so that certain graphics and images (like thumbnail images and World Map chips) will download more quickly.
- The inventory system (that stores Home Reward items) has been reworked and made more robust. We have also implemented additional safeguards to help ensure that you cannot inadvertently lose any of your items.
- The Chat log window will now always be displayed on top of any other on-screen graphics, except when zoomed in to a video or poster. When zoomed in, the chat window will no longer display.
- The size of the text box has been improved on message boards in Clubhouses.
- The option to "Block voice chat" has been changed to "Block chat," which will allow you to block both voice chat and text chat at the same time. Players blocked with this feature will not be automatically added to the block list on your Friends list.
- The game camera will now go into attract mode once you have been idle for more than 3 minutes.
- The "Resign sub leader" command has been removed from the Menu Pad. Club leaders will now have to downgrade sub leaders if they wish.
- We have further improved the UI for a variety of systems including Game Launching, Clubhouses and the Store.
- We have made several memory optimizations to improve client stability.
- We have made graphical improvements to particle systems and water effects.
Bug fixes
- Furniture in Personal Spaces will no longer occasionally vanish when you leave lights or lamps turned on.
- Single-seat chairs and sofas can no longer be occupied by more than one person at a time.
- You can now turn lighting objects on/off in your Personal Space.
- Furniture layout issues in Clubhouses have been resolved.
- The "Refresh Club Menus" option in the Menu Pad should now work as intended.
- Dates will now be displayed on Clubhouse bulletin board messages.
- A fix has been applied to the Home Safe Screen reporting process.
- Your screen will no longer freeze if you leave a game session with the game disc ejected.
- Item names and prices will now display correctly in the Mall.
- Wallpapers will now be displayed properly when you invite friends to your Harbour Studio.
- You will no longer be able to make a phone call to players who have deactivated voice chat.
- You should now be able to use two-seater sofas properly.
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February 5th, 2009, 19:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Engadget
It's no secret that Sony has been eyeing a shift to 45nm Cell processors in the PS3 sooner or later, but the always talkative David Reeves (Sony Europe's president) has now finally dropped a bit more specificity on the matter, while naturally still leaving the company quite a bit of wiggle room. Speaking to The Guardian newspaper, Reeves said that Sony is "always looking at ways to reduce costs," and that one of those measures is "replacing the current 65 nanometer Cell chip with a 45 nanometer one probably in middle of year."
Reeves also expectedly talked up the PS3's multimedia capabilities, which he says will help the PS3 compete better with the Xbox 360 in the short term without the need for drastic price cuts, although he doesn't seem to complete rule out the notion of some increased affordability before the end of the year, saying "it will make progress" in that direction, no doubt with the aid of that aforementioned 45nm Cell processor.
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February 5th, 2009, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
This is the weirdest controller ive seen for a while, just take one looksy at this:

Product Features
Fully Functional Game Controller & Steering Wheel for Playstation 3
State of the art 2.4GHz RF Wireless Technology
9M Range, No Latency
Advanced Motion Sensing Technology
Real Driving Experience
Enhanced Dual-Shock Function
Macro Function Indication to assign a key sequence to one button
Futuristic Design
See what i mean its a very weird looking PS3 Controller check it out at Amazon UK
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February 5th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from benhur:
intraFont just got (almost) complete: it can now also render the firmwares own Chinese font. That means, intraFont is now capable of rendering all fonts available in the PSP's firmware!
For Chinese writing you can use simplified Chinese (GBK) or traditional Chinese (Big5), both codepages are available. To clean up the code, I put all the string parsing/conversion stuff into a seperate library. The character code conversion library (libccc) can also be used on its own (if you want to add codepage support to your text application you might find this useful).
Here's the changelog:
added support for Chinese (gb3s1518.bwfon): now all of the PSPs internal fonts are supported! (thanks to Tong for his help)
added libccc (my Character Code Conversion library) for string parsing/conversion:
it currrently supports decoding of UTF-8 and the following codepages: CP437 (US), CP850 (Multilingual Latin I), CP866 (Russian), CP932 (Japanese Shift-JIS), CP936 (Simplified Chinese GBK), CP949 (Korean), CP950 (Traditional Chinese Big5), CP1251 (Cyrillic) and CP1252 (Latin I)
it's required by intraFont 0.30+ (simply add libccc.o to the OBJS list in your makefile)
if you don't need any codepages: add -DLIBCCC_NO_CP to the CFLAGS in your makefile, which saves around 140kB of size/memory.
finally, it can be used independantly from intraFont for your own character conversion needs
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February 5th, 2009, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Zen Studios released a half dozen screens and a trailer today for their upcoming "arena-based" first-person shooter The Punisher: No Mercy. The game is set for a spring release on the PlayStation Network.
The online multiplayer shooter runs on the Unreal Engine 3 and allows players to choose from Punisher allies and villains. The areas will let up to eight players shoot it out at a time. The game will also include a story mode that features exclusive artwork from Marvel artist Mike Deodato.
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February 6th, 2009, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
What’s EA’s least favorite console? Don’t say it’s the PSP! But the company’s release charts suggest a cooled interest in Sony’s handheld.
Financial statements released by mega-publisher EA as part of the company’s third-quarter results this week show the Sony’s PSP coming up short in company support.
A chart of the company’s releases for the just-concluded quarter, show just three PSP games released during the busy Christmas holiday season, compared to nine DS games, eight Xbox 360 games, 7 PS3 games and 12 Wii games.
EA prominently supported the PSP when the system launched and continues to put major sports and racing titles on the system. But the numbers here raise some questions that we’ll certainly be asking EA decision-makers about the next time we speak to them.
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February 6th, 2009, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has once again stuck to its guns over the PlayStation 3's "10 year life-span", stating that it sees sales of the console "far outlasting" that of the PS2.
Speaking in a statement given to T3 magazine, the company said: "PS3 won't celebrate its second birthday in the UK until March of this year, and we've said all along that the life-cycle for this generation of hardware will be longer than previous models.
"PS2 was still going strong after eight years, and with the power the Cell processor provides, not to mention the fact that PS3 is inherently future-proof, we see the PS3 sales curve far outlasting that of PS2."
PC gaming giant Crytek recently joined the many developers predicting the launch of the next console in "2011, or 2012."
Going on Sony's statement though, we're not expecting an unveiling any time soon... at all.
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February 6th, 2009, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster

They say there are some things you just can't make up. The accompanying photos, received today from an anonymous tipster who works at one of Sony's distribution centers, are definitely some of them.
What you see are "PS2 consoles" returned to retailers -- such as Best Buy and Walmart -- then subsequently sent to Sony for credit. We're not sure what's more silly: that someone would try to pass off a wooden replica PS2 for return, or that someone would actually take the time to make a wooden PS2 with such detail. The question of "Who would accept these for return?" must also be raised.
We'll take a moment to answer "Yes," "Yes" and "Maybe" to the following questions in advance: "Are those ladies dumbbells inside a PS2?," "Is that PS2 stuffed with towels?" and "Is that some sort of Chinese PS2 knockoff?" We hope that helps ease the pain.
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February 6th, 2009, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Free access / No double fees: Unlike Xbox Live, there's no annual service fee to access PSN. You also don't have to pay a Netflix subscription (because there's no Netflix!) and have the FREE ability to purchase whatever video content you want! Video content on the go: The PSN's video delivery service allows you to transfer certain types of content between your PS3 and PSP at no additional charge (unless your PSP's battery is in need of ... a charge). Faster download speeds: After a lengthy study, the respected scientists at the MTV Multiplayer labs have proven PSN downloads to be faster than all other current systems. Especially if you're downloading Mega Man 9. Quality HD experiences: The PSN gives you HD content in a reliable way -- there's no waiting for streaming connections like on Xbox Live. Connections which might not ever be made.
Blu-ray and streaming: Streaming is awesome, especially when you use it to watch videos through PS3's web browser! You can also download HD movies from the PlayStation Store or buy them on Blu-ray disc. Relevant new releases: Um, Max Payne is out now on Blu-ray! So, what do you think?
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February 6th, 2009, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Free access / No double fees: Unlike Xbox Live, there's no annual service fee to access PSN. You also don't have to pay a Netflix subscription (because there's no Netflix!) and have the FREE ability to purchase whatever video content you want! Video content on the go: The PSN's video delivery service allows you to transfer certain types of content between your PS3 and PSP at no additional charge (unless your PSP's battery is in need of ... a charge). Faster download speeds: After a lengthy study, the respected scientists at the MTV Multiplayer labs have proven PSN downloads to be faster than all other current systems. Especially if you're downloading Mega Man 9. Quality HD experiences: The PSN gives you HD content in a reliable way -- there's no waiting for streaming connections like on Xbox Live. Connections which might not ever be made.
Blu-ray and streaming: Streaming is awesome, especially when you use it to watch videos through PS3's web browser! You can also download HD movies from the PlayStation Store or buy them on Blu-ray disc. Relevant new releases: Um, Max Payne is out now on Blu-ray! So, what do you think?
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February 6th, 2009, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Other PlayStation branches are done localizing Patapon 2. Sony Computer Entertainment America may not be quite there yet, but Patapon 2 is marching forward. These screens have a bare amount of English text so we know SCEA is actively working on it.
When will Patapon 2 be ready? Don’t know. Sony hasn’t said when we’re going to unleash an army of Patapon on giant birds. Retailers sing a different song pointing towards a summer release and a possible $10 price increase compared to the first game.
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February 6th, 2009, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
I’m still not convinced Persona PSP is a “full remake”, but the extra cutscenes make me want to play it even if it’s an enhanced port. The new videos give Persona, an early PsOne game, much more style.
One thing I wonder is how Persona will be received here if Atlus USA localizes it. Since Persona 3 came out the series has gotten a lot of attention, but the first Persona game is a different beast. You still control a group of high school kids, but the Social Link system and modified Press Turn battles aren’t present. Persona feels more like classic Shin Megami Tensei since you can communicate with demons in battle and dungeons are explored from a first person perspective.
Will fans introduced to Persona on the PS2 be glad to check out a cult classic or will they find the original to be archaic? Also will Atlus USA give us a soundtrack CD as a pre-order bonus? That’s what Japan is getting and it seems like something straight out of the Atlus Spoils goody bag.
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February 6th, 2009, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
New and on worldwide import from Success HK

As the King of Iolcus, Jason had everything—a prosperous kingdom, the respect of his peers, and a beautiful fianc? When she was killed on their wedding day, he vowed to do anything to restore her life. Now, in order to accomplish this heroic feat Jason must seek out the Golden Fleece, and with the help of some of Greek mythology's greatest heroes, Jason will set sail on the most epic voyage of all time.
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February 6th, 2009, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new:
Afro Samurai: Resurrection - Director's Cut (~Samuel L. Jackson, Lucy Liu, ...) US US$ 39.98
Akira Kurosawa Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] (~Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, ...) JPN US$ 206.90
Being There (~Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, ...) US US$ 28.99
Clerks II (~Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson, ...) US US$ 34.95
Cliffhanger (~Sylvester Stallone) JPN US$ 51.90
First Blood (~Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Friday the 13th (~Kevin Bacon, Jeannine Taylor, ...) US US$ 29.99
Heyy Babyy (~Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, ...) US US$ 29.99
Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself (~Jeff Dunham) US US$ 29.98
k.d. lang: Live with the BBC concert orchestra (~k.d. lang) US US$ 24.98
Little Miss Sunshine (~Kinnear, Carell, ...) HK US$ 28.90
Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa (~Ben STiller, Chris Rock, ...) US US$ 39.99
Napoleon Dynamite (~Jon Heder, Jon Gries, ...) US US$ 34.98
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (~Jay Baruchel, Michael Cera, ...) US US$ 39.95
Office Space (~Jennifer Aniston, Diedrich Bader, ...) US US$ 34.98
Om Shanti Om (~Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, ...) US US$ 29.99
Raging Bull (~Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, ...) HK US$ 28.90
Rambo JPN US$ 51.90
Rambo First Blood Part II (~Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Rambo III (~Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna) JPN US$ 51.90
Rambo Trilogy Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] (~Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, ...) JPN US$ 145.90
Rashomon Digital Full Version (~Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway (~Will Chase, Rodney Hicks, ...) US US$ 38.96
Shutter (~Joshua Jackson, Rachael Taylor, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Sideways (~Paul Giamatti, Virginia Madsen, ...) US US$ 29.99
Sideways (~Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, ...) HK US$ 28.90
Space Buddies (~Jason Earles - Spudnick, Liliana Mumy - Rosebud, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Pink Panther (~David Niven, Peter Sellers, ...) HK US$ 28.90
The Secret Life of Bees (~Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Hudson, ...) US US$ 39.99
Transformers [2-Discs Edition] (~Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox) HK US$ 42.90
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (~Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, ...) US US$ 34.99
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February 6th, 2009, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Hi resolution graphics: Perform awesome combos and watch the screen flair with life as the animations blend fluidly with your beats.
Tons of Modes: New Freestyle, Extreme Challenges, and Fever Modes fit for all players.
Collection: Collect over 500 unlockable items like soundtracks, images, and music videos.
Battle: Challenge your friends to a beat battle.
Enter the world of DJ Max and experience the hit craze that has inspired the music game genre. Master the heat and conquer the rapid speeds of over 50 soundtracks and 70 extreme challenges.
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February 6th, 2009, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Space Date 366.
A young man man transported by accident to an uncharted world during a survey of an underdeveloped planet. The son of a hero, with much to prove, he finds himself on the path to greatness.
A young girl watches disasters befalling her world and the arrival of a mysterious meteorite. She waits for the arrival of a legendary hero. A child with a good heart and the ability to use powerful magic, she waits for the savior of her world.
What twist of fate brought these two together?
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February 6th, 2009, 20:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
We're starting to think that Capcom has caught word of our frequent nightmares about the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse. (It's going to happen.) Why else would it release a batch of new screens from Resident Evil 5 just as we were about to turn in for the night?
Well, perhaps it's to show off some new, decidedly non-shantytown areas of the game, including a sequence that takes place on boats. (Where the not-zombies can clearly still getcha.) It's a good thing water kills them. Oh wait, that's Gremlins. No, it makes them multiply. We're confused.
Screenshots here
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February 6th, 2009, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Last year Aksys brought Battle Fantasia to North America, but it was only for Xbox 360s here. Strangely, a PS3 version of Battle Fantasia exists - an English version of Battle Fantasia. Europe got it thanks to 505 Games.
Now things have changed. It looks like there is a chance the PS3 version of Battle Fantasia could come to North America in a rather peculiar way. The ESRB re-rated Battle Fantasia as an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and “PSN via PS3 game”. Huh. So, Aksys is planning to distribute a retail PS3 game as a PlayStation Network download? We’ve seen this happen before with games like Warhawk, Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, and Siren: Blood Curse which unlike the rest of the world was only a PSN download here.
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February 6th, 2009, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
From the PCSX2 site:
This has been considered for a long time and after the two teams met,we have come to a merge The new talented coders have already done great work on the emulator and will now be joined by the old PCSX2 team for an even better coding team!
This means that:
1)The PCSX2 - Playground project will be renamed and will from now on be the official PCSX2 project
2)The whole PCSX2 - Playground team will be added to the existing official PCSX2 team
3)The next PCSX2 release will replace the 0.9.4 version and the 0.9.5 beta which we provide will be replaced by new betas after the new release.This means that the current PCSX2-Playground build will not be provided as a download (since it will actually be an older version of the released PCSX2)
4)Our forum structure will be re-organized to match these changes after a new release has been made
On other news,we now host the PCSX2 Mac port made by Zendr0n in our forums here.Head there for the latest compiled build and try it on your Mac!
Many plugin updates,as usual grab them from our downloads section!
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February 6th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
Pad plugin for Sony Playstation 2 emulators has been updated. Changes:
- Will no longer hide the cursor when testing a force feedback binding and mouse mode is not set to disabled.
- Bug that required the GS window to be unfocused and then focused again for keyboard input to work when only one pad plugin was set to LilyPad fixed.
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February 6th, 2009, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
New beta version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released. Changes:
- Removed 2 of the gamefixes, which are now simply included in the code in a more stable fashion;
- More frameskip/vuskip fixes;
- Fixed some potential VU micromem clearing problems;
- Some fixes for opcodes, should help a few games, including Naruto Shippuuden Narutimate Accel 2;
- Some cdvd fixes;
- Version numbers included when compiling files;
- Usual code cleanups and reorganizations.
P.S. This is the last beta before the merge. From now on, the beta program is on hiatus till authors sort out any and all merge issues.
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February 6th, 2009, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
Against all odds, the PlayStation 2 is still hanging around, though it's ailing rapidly. According to Sony though, the PlayStation 3 will last even longer. Much longer.
Speaking with T3 (via Computer and Video Games), Sony representatives said, "PS2 was still going strong after eight years, and with the power the Cell processor provides, not to mention the fact that PS3 is inherently future-proof, we see the PS3 sales curve far outlasting that of PS2."
Meanwhile, most analysts seem to think that new consoles will be hitting in 2011 or 2012. The PlayStation 3 is indeed a powerful console, so it'll be interesting to see if developers can continue unlocking the machine's full potential four or even five years down the road.
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February 6th, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
In an interview published today on Kikizo, one of Tecmo's most prominent development staff, Keisuke Kikuchi, said that PS3 "worked better" for them in developing the upcoming shooter Quantum Theory - but admits the game is most comparable to Gears of War.
"Initially, the game concept was built around this game being a PC game... the project was altered slightly, and we tested out the graphics and visual presentation on the PS3. And looking at that, we were pretty confident that we were going to be able to display and execute what we wanted to using the power of the PS3."
He explained that the environmental detail from the trailer was something they wanted to push, adding: "we just thought the PS3 worked better for us."
The developer, whose credits include the Fatal Frame series, the PS2 adventure Trapt, and Super Swing Golf, also conceded that his upcoming game shares some DNA with Gears of War, even though it's a PS3-exclusive.
"Simply for the cover system it would [be closest to] Gears of War", he said. But he also stressed it'll offer something new: "We were pretty confident after doing a lot of research on a variety of shooters that we would be able to bring something unique - both visually and gameplay-wise."
Commenting on the gameplay, Kikuchi said: "While strictly speaking this is a kind of third-person action game-shooter, the main play style skews towards the shooter side. We feel we've already been successful in executing action game elements, as in Ninja Gaiden. So it's mainly a third-person shooter."
We've got a tonne of previously unseen screenshots and artwork in the full interview, which looks at THREE upcoming Tecmo titles, so head on over to the feature.
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February 6th, 2009, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Torch;
Some new UMDs are detecting files in the ms0:/seplugins and ms0:/iso folders and causing problems, even deleting files from these folders.
This plugin will hide these folders in GAME mode so they can't be accessed.
To install, copy cfwblock.prx to ms0:/seplugins and make an entry in game.txt
e.g. ms0:/seplugins/cfwblock.txt 1
This will NOT bypass any anti-ISO protection in games. It is for the protection of YOUR files on YOUR memory stick. Use the original UMD and it will work fine, and your files are also safe.
Changelog v1.1
It does not activate in Homebrew.
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February 6th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Video Converter App for PSP has been updated:
PSP Video 9 is a free PSP video conversion and management application. It can convert regular PC video files (avi, mpeg, etc) into PSP video files, as well as manage/copy these PSP video files between your PC and PSP.
4.05 Changelog:
Updated: VideoInfo 4.0
Updated: MediaInfo
Changed: VideoInfo Parsing
Added: New Firmware to Lists
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February 7th, 2009, 03:55 Posted By: Elven6
File this one in the rumoured category for now. Its been rumoured many times in the past, Burnaby, BC based Blue Castle Games is working on Dead Rising 2. Although previously these rumours were from a confidential source close to the developer, we believe these rumours may have gained a bit more credibility via Blue Castle’s job listings. Many of the job listings are referencing work on a licensed property, even mentioning rumours surrounding the company.
Full Story
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February 8th, 2009, 10:02 Posted By: wraggster
Unbound Saga, billed as an arcade-brawler with comic-book art direction, was announced with this trailer at New York Comic-Con. The adaptation of the Dark Horse title is due out for the PSP in June.
An accompanying news release says PSPers can battle it out as Rick Ajax, the series' star, traversing 10 levels of comic book panels slap full of mayhem until finally confronting "The Maker' - aka the omnipotent, disembodied hand and pencil that draws up all the trouble Ajax gets into.
From the trailer, looks like this strikes an interesting tone and it seems well suited for a platform like the PSP, with its blend of interesting visuals and pick-up-and-play action. We'll see how it stacks up come June.
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February 8th, 2009, 10:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from m-cid
Hello everyone,
VSIuO pre-release v1.0.0
Pre-Release VSIuO, Scenes Interactive Viewer using OpenGL.
2 concerns the demonstration projects, VSIuO and MMuOpengl (My engine using OpenGL).
VSIuO is encoded by M-cid, MMuOpengl developed by the same author will be later
made available to the public in the form of a C + +.
Principles VSIuO,
The principle is not to give coders the ability to create interactive scenes,
so compact.
This version is limited for the moment to display a single scene.
It can contain objects textured or not textured
cameras cameras free of constraints and a target point.
Setting a scene
A scene is defined by a file containing 2 subfolders:
- Gfx, for textures png (with alpha channel)
- OBJS for objects in Wavefront format. Obj (triangular facets converted)
Apart from the extension,
texture will be known as the object to which it must be associated.
The file vsiuo.content.conf:
This file is used to build the scene, following instructions.
To view a scene, this file should at least contain an instruction Sc
Sc exemple_scene
Sc exemple_scene indicates that corresponds to a folder,
containing a scene that must be loaded.
Free cm 0.0 0.0 0.0 <> 2.0 0.0 0.0
Add a free camera, positioned at x = 0, y = 0, z = 0.
Whose default target point x = 2, y = 0, z = 0.
Cm target 0.0 0.0 0.0 <> 1.0 0.0 0.0
Adding a constraint to a camera target point x = 0, y = 0, z = 0.
Whose default position x = 1, y = 0, z = 0
Rt exemple_objet y -1.0
Assigns a cyclical rotation of -1 to the object on its axis exemple_objet y.
Orders PSP and PC
Move back a camera free.
Zoom - a camera + constraint at a point target.
Proceed to the next camera.
[PSP - PC] Directions
Rotate the camera speed.
[PSP] Pad
Rotate the camera speed increased.
Download Here --> http://mcidclan.e3b.org/commun/VSIuOBin/
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February 8th, 2009, 11:03 Posted By: wraggster
Art has updated his game one more time, heres the release info:
Hi Guys,
This game is my homage to the Amiga family of computers.
Powernoid is a breakout clone with powerups based on Megaball for the Amiga,
which also later inspired DX-Ball for Windows.

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February 8th, 2009, 11:06 Posted By: wraggster
Art has also updated his Audio Mechanica app for the PSP:
Hi Guys,
Here is the Audio Mechanica V8d release with support all three possible
PSP microphone arrangements.
On screen keyboard for file naming, RAM buffered recording option, and improved GUI.
V8d adds Peb's improved OSK lib that will display the language your PSP is set to.
It also checks for the PSP /Music directory in case your MS was formatted with old firmware.

I have had lots of trouble trying to implement an in-program playback mode,
so it's still left out for now. maybe I'll have better luck with it in future.
Cheers, Art.
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February 8th, 2009, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
Damiaantjuh has posted a new release of PSPChrome:

Finally, the release of PSPChrome 1.0
-Browsing with more tabs
-Load bookmarks from your PSP*
-Codes for the adresbar**
-Donating for NL/BE/UK
-Listening to music while browsing
-Mailing with your PSP***
-Credits page added
-PSPWoord integration
-Tools added
*The program loads your bookmarks from your default Sony PSP browser into PSPChrome! Isn't that great?
**You can type codes into the adressbar like:
newsAnd a 'marquee' under will come up, with the latest PSP Releases!
Check the 'tools' >> 'news & funcs' for more codes!
***You can now easy mail everyone you want withouth logging in, just with a form with a field 'E-mail address (to)'.
Download the zip file, unzip it, and copy the files to your root directory. Go to the Sony PSP Browser on your PSP and type:
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February 8th, 2009, 11:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa

Hi all.
Today I released PSPDictionary v2.3.0
This is a simple dictionary for PSP (written in python), with an online mode.
In this latest version, I've added the support for Google Translate, and other some little improvements
Besides, now the program saves in the file translations.txt the translations
For example, when you translate 'che cosa farai questa sera?', from italian to english, connecting your psp online at the server Google Translate, in the file translations.txt will be written:
Mode: online
Server: translate.google.com
Word\Sentence: che cosa farai questa sera?
Translation: what to do tonight?
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February 8th, 2009, 11:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Lordvisaris

lordvisaris seems very busy in real life but he still managed to offer this demo version 3.XX.6 shell MyWindow its multi-window promises.
To date, this shell will make a number of things with a GUI multi-window very successful.
Icons (functions) are:
Mymedia Center
Home Center
Oracle Webbrowser
Setup Center
Debug MyWindow
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February 8th, 2009, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Codetactics

Apollonia (this game's working title) means "Destroyer", the femanine version of the Greek name Apollo. It seemed an appropriate name for an AH-64 helicopter and it also seemed like an original name until we found out that Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone was a character in the famous Godfather movie.
This game is essentially a tribute to the old Desert/Jungle Strike games for the Sega Mega Drive and PC (see wikipedia). Apollonia was made specifically for the PSP, as it seems a worthy platform to give these games justice. (I could never get Jungle Strike running under emulation on PSP, so we made our own).
At the moment, other platforms are straight ports of the PSP version (and thus use the 480x272 screen size), but more native functions will come in future releases.
Version 0.02
Improved rotor blades.
Added windows port.
Fixed some texture and sound bugs.
Improved graphics engine.
Added trees.
Instant action is now random, not just mission one, with random road networks and enemies.
Added a second control scheme to the PSP version which can be saved as a preference.
Fixed the home button so it now shows the exit screen on all PSPs.
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February 9th, 2009, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
A Sony Japan presentation has revealed a list of 24 publishers and developers that have been given licences to create content for PlayStation Home.
EA and Capcom have already revealed their plans for Home content. Other big publishing names on the list include Activision, Disney, SEGA, Konami, Namco Bandai and Ubisoft.
A number of independent Japanese developers - Q Entertainment, Nippon Ichi, and Game Republic - line up in the list alongside stalwarts of the Japanese game industry like Acquire, Atlus, Hudson and Tecmo.
There's nothing to say that these companies will definitely develop Home content, but acquiring a licence is some kind of statement of intent.
Here's the full list, as revealed by the presentation slide at Watch Impress:
AQ Interactive
D3 Publisher
Disney Interactive
Game Republic
Namco Bandai
Nippon Ichi
Q Entertainment
SNK Playmore
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February 9th, 2009, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Players of the upcoming PSP game “Resistance: Retribution” will be able to unlock several otherwise-inaccessible features in the game if they also own the $60 “Resistance 2.” Is that a fair deal?
On Friday morning I went to the basement level of a Manhattan restaurant in order to be shown what the PS3 can do for Sony’s next big PSP game.
“Resistance: Retribution,” a March 17 third-person shooter from Sony Bend, was wired to a PS3 in an alcove that would normally be used to feed a family of four. A flat-screen TV was on the table, and a Sony producer wanted to show me the two ways the PSP and PS3 could connect in order to enhance the handheld game.
A PSP-Plus feature allowed the game to be controlled with a PS3 controller, transferring the controls from the single-stick PSP scheme to a dual-stick via the PS3 controller. The transfer deactivated the game’s aim-assist feature. The game’s controls page changed to display a PS3 schematic instead of a PSP. I was told the game might control more conventionally this way, but would be more challenging to play.
The other feature, Infected Mode, was a lot more involved.
It changed the game’s lead-character, James Grayson, by infecting him with an enemy Chimera virus, turning his eyes orange and changing his outfit.
It dropped the game’s health-pack-oriented health system (and eliminated health packs from the game), replacing it with the “Halo“-style regenerating health seen in the bulk of both “Resistance” PS3 games.
It gave the lead character the ability to breathe underwater.
It armed him with a new weapon from “Resistance 2,” the HE .44 Magnum.
It changed the game’s cut-scenes and dialogue, which now reflected the wariness allied characters have of the infected lead guy.
It pulled a “LEGO Star Wars” and allowed Chimera-locked doors to open and grant access to hidden areas and Intel.
It did a lot.
None of these features is accessible to people who just buy the PSP game. They are all only experienced by anyone who hooks the PSP game to the PS3’s “Resistance 2.” I asked the Sony reps showing the game if, as cool as all this was, it amounted to a $60 cheat code. After all, it’s not like there’s anything on the “Resistance 2″ disc making this possible other than some sort of digital handshake. Their answer was that “Resistance Retribution” is already “a full experience.” They described the game as lasting 12 hours without the Infected mode. The additions earned through connecting the two games? They say it’s a bonus for fans of the series who own multiple copies.
The Infected Mode lingersin the PSP game as long as the system is powered on or asleep. It is removed when the system is powered down, which means players wouldn’t be able to rent a copy of “Resistance 2″ and permanently unlock Infected Mode in “Retribution.” You’d need to own it.
Infected Mode can be used strategically. The PSP game will allow re-Infections at any point throughout its campaign, which will allow some players, if they’re in a bind, to briefly Infect their game if they think the alternate play style is what the need to proceed.
So… fair deal? Is this a welcome reward for those who own both games, one that doesn’t slight purchasers of just the PSP game? Or is it a $60 cheat code? You decide.
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February 9th, 2009, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
The entry of Sony's PSP-3000 to the enormous Indonesian market has lead to one of those strange price fluctuations only understood by analysts - usually after they've happened.
According to The Jakarta Globe, "Since no one has yet managed to modify the PSP-3000 to play pirated games, the price of secondhand first and second generation PSPs, which can still be modified, has soared. The regular price for used or refurbished second generation PSPs is around Rp (Ruphia) 3 million (£174) in Jakarta now, while the newer version, PSP-3000, only sells for around Rp 1.8 million (£104)."
Sony was wise to this, apparently cutting "the production of the second generation PSP, so the PSP-3000 is their only available new game device on the market now."
This hasn't stopped the retailers from going after bigger margins, with several apparently, "dispatching their agents to buy refurbished units from PSP factories overseas in Hong Kong, Korea and Japan."
So, a piracy protected device is leading to fewer units being sold. There's a turn-up for the books.
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February 9th, 2009, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
A surefire candidate for most milked series on the PSP, Bleach will be receiving yet another adaptation on the portable. Sony made the announcement today via a newly opened official website.
Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 is, despite the number, actually the seventh Bleach game for the PSP (in addition to the Heat the Soul games, the system saw Soul Carnival late last year). While little is known at the moment, it seems the game will retain the tag-based fighting system that debuted in part 5.
Aside from that, we'll have to wait for Sony to share comment. A short video is available at the official site, so interested parties should check there for now.
Heat the Soul 6 is currently without a final release date.
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February 9th, 2009, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
Hey, remember Dead to Rights, that mediocre shooter you played in aught-two that inspired you to teach your pekingese how to bite the hands off of gun-toting criminals? If the mention of that particular franchise summons fuzzy nostalgia, we've got great news -- according to a preview in the upcoming issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine, Namco is bringing the series back to life after almost four years of inactivity with an entirely new installment, simply titled Dead to Rights.
The game is being developed by Volatile Games (the minds behind Reservoir Dogs, which doesn't exactly fill us with confidence), and is coming out on the PS3 (and according to 1UP, possibly the 360 as well). As the numberless and subtitleless moniker would suggest, the game is neither a prequel, sequel or off-shoot, but a reimagining of the series. For instance, instead of a bloodthirsty malamute, Shadow will be a slobbering French Mastiff. Also, the hard-nosed detective will be played by Tom Hanks. Rather than kill criminals, they'll get into playful shenanigans.
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February 9th, 2009, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on worldwide delivery (although i could have sworn this was released a while ago ?)

Dead Head Fred has some great ideas that are obscured by a lot of messed up mechanics
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February 9th, 2009, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pspfreak2007
Description :
You have to remember a way, which is marked with grey or black fields for 5 seconds. After that, you have to control your "block" through the fields the same way...
Changelog :
- rewritten the menu code
- fixed some bugs
- added a cheat :
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February 9th, 2009, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
0917725929 (yeah this is a psp dev) has released a new shell for the PSP with these features and is in french,
There is an Installer
Introduction "animated" with the Front
Mouse feature
System Update online
Internet Browser
UMD Dumper for
Note (Not functional)
Settings (Three available CPU frequency: 133, 266 and 333 mHz)
System Info (Firmware of the PSP model, time, date, ID,% battery remaining, remaining, temperature, voltage)
MP3 Player
Video Player (WPSPtube)
Images (PDF only: PDF Reader)
USB connection (F0, F1, UMD, MS)
Transfer ad-hoc (PSP File Transfer)
Explorer (launch of ISO, PRX and PBP)
Simple Calculator (coded in C)
Tester buttons (Coded in C)
Mini-games (Invasion I, Grand Tour Auto Beta)
Date and Time in all menus
Percentage battery remaining in all the menus (all info on the battery are displayed only if the battery is inserted)
Buttons stop, pause, and back to XMB in all menus.
Download Over at PSP Gen Here --> http://www.pspgen.com/shell-system-0...te-185241.html
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February 9th, 2009, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
undernoize has released a new game using the Gripshift exploit and another game for those on psp3000, heres the release details:
as promised enemies arrived.
increasing difficulty, score, game over, play again.
good enemies do not look like much yet, when I finished beating me with my display function of image, it should be much mieu.
by the way, I have not yet studied the function of screenshot of helloWorld (which also come from Tiff sdk if I am not mistaken) so I do not integré ais impossible to show you pictures of the game saw I n'ais a 3000 (well if I can take a picture with my goCam in a mirror or with the device taf mais bon ca vau not a real screen), so if someone want to make screens n ' hesitez not.
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February 9th, 2009, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Jk108 has released a new version of PSPtube:
Here it is. Ultimate PSPTube 1.9. A modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP. There are 35 sites included. Below is the readme which includes how to change the site order, disable certain sites and a small troubleshooting section.
Ultimate PSPTube 1.9
Scripts & Various Features - JK108
Original Program - SofiyaCat
Main Theme - Psimxc
Optional Theme - Salvy
This is a modification for PSPTube which aims to deliver a fully working video
streamer to the PSP with as little trouble as possible. The original PSPTube was
created by SofiyaCat. All scripts and various other features were created by JK108.
The main theme for Ultimate PSPTube was created by Psimxc. The optional theme was
created by Salvy. If there are any problems with the program please let me know
on the PSPHacks or MaxConsole forums and I will do my best to fix them.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh, Guba, Yuvutu and xHamster
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-Shufuni shows the first page of results for all pages
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
-Thumbnails don't show for MegaVideo and MegaPorn to stop the search from being slow
Delete any old version of Ultimate PSPTube that is already on your PSP and then simply copy the folder
"Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP. There should now be the folder
"PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
While Not Playing Video:
Select - Changes the selected site which is displayed in the top left corner.
X - Play the selected video.
O - Search for videos on the selected site.
Triangle - Brings up the menu where you can save to favourites, add to playlist etc.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
L Trigger - Previous page of results.
R Trigger - Next page of results.
While Playing Video:
O - Stops the video returns to search results.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
Triangle - Hides the time display. Press again to hide video playback and then press again to show all.
Select - Change the video playback size.
Start - Pauses the video. Press again to resume.
Left Arrow - Slows down the playback speed.
Right Arrow - Speeds up the playback speed.
Special Searches
Certain sites allow you to perform special searches. Below are the sites that allow special searches and
an explanation of what each special search does. Special searches are not case sensitive.
!popular - Returns the most popular videos as the search results
!viewed - Returns the most viewed videos as the search results
!hd - Returns HD videos as the search results
!featured - Returns the featured videos as the search results
!rising - Returns the most rising videos as the search results
!discussed - Returns the most discussed videos as the search results
!recent - Returns the most recent videos as the search results
!responded - Returns the most responded videos as the search results
!favourited - Returns the top favourited videos as the search results
!rated - Returns the top rated videos as the search results
Some of these special YouTube searches also allow you to determine the time period of the results. You can
do this by adding any of these to the end of the search:
Here are some examples:
!rated alltime - Returns the most rated videos af all time as the search results
!viewed thisweek - Returns the most viewed videos this week as the search results
!popular thismonth - Returns the most popular videos this month as the search results
!favourited today - Returns the most favourited videos today as the search results
!current - Returns currently being watched as the search results
!recent - Returns the most recent videos as the search results
!viewed - Returns the most viewed videos as the search results
!rated - Returns the most rated videos as the search results
!15min - Returns videos that are over 15 minutes long as the search results
!popular - Returns the most popular videos as the search results
!rated - Returns the most rated videos as the search results
!viewed - Returns the most viewed videos as the search results
!rising - Returns the most rising videos as the search results
How To Change The Site Order & Disable Certain Sites
Ultimate PSPTube has a feature allowing you to change the order that the sites are
displayed in as well as selecting what sites you actually want to display. To change
the site order or stop sites from being displayed, you need to edit the config.js file
found in root folder of Ultimate PSPTube. Below is an example of the section that
contains the site order and what sites to display.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
As you can see, the order of the sites in the example above goes YouTube, then TNAFlix, then
CrunchyRoll, etc. If you want to change the site order all you have to do is switch the
lines around. If you want to disable a site you can put // in front of the line
containing that site. Below is another example with a few changes.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
Now the order of the sites in the above example goes YouTube, then Dailymotion, then
Veoh, etc. Also notice that in this example TNAFlix and Guba wouldn't be displayed in Ultimate
PSPTube because they have // in front of them.
Adult Filter
This will disable all adult sites when it is turned on. You can turn the adult filter
on or off by editing the config.js file found in root folder of Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the
section that you would need to edit.
//Adult Filter
//Turn this on to disable all adult sites and content
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.AdultFilter = 0;
In the example above, the adult filter is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, the adult filter would be turned on. Please note that when adult filter is turned on,
Veoh family filter will also be turned on automatically. Adult filter is turned off by default.
Veoh Family Filter
You can turn Veoh family filter on or off by editing the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//Veoh Family Filter
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.VeohFamilyFilter = 0;
In the example above, Veoh family filter is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, Veoh family filter would be turned on. It is turned off by default.
YouTube High Quality
You can turn YouTube high quality on or off by editing the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//YouTube High Quality
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.YouTubeHighQuality = 0;
In the example above, YouTube high quality is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, YouTube high quality would be turned on. It is turned off by default. When it is
turned on, the high quality video will be displayed instead of the normal
quality video if it is available.
File & Folder Structure
Optional Theme/EBOOT.PBP
Optional Theme/Preview.jpg
Optional Theme/Readme.txt
Ultimate PSPTube/favorites
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/CrunchyRoll.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Current.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Dailymotion.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Google Video.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Guba.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/LiveLeak.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MegaPorn.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MegaVideo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MetaCafe.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MuchoSucko.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MySpace Videos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MyVideo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/NothingToxic.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Pornhub.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/RedTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Revision3.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Shufuni.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Spike.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/StageVu.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/StreetFire.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/ThatVideoSite.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TheTend.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TNAFlix.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tube8.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TubeIso.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tudou.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/VBox7.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Veoh.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/VidMax.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Vimeo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Wanktube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/xHamster.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/XVideos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/YouTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Yuvutu.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/dvemgr.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/mediaengine.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/site_man.js
Ultimate PSPTube/config.js
Ultimate PSPTube/EBOOT.PBP
Ultimate PSPTube/Readme.txt
Q. I can start the game but it just stays at a black screen.
A. Make sure you are using the latest kernel mode and not the 1.50 kernel mode. You can
change the kernel mode in the recovery menu which can be accessed by holding R1 when
you turn on your PSP.
Q. I can't start the game because it says the data is corrupted.
A. Ultimate PSPTube requires custom firmware to run. I can confirm that it works from version
3.90 M33 upwards. I haven't tested any lower firmware versions although they may still work.
-StreetFire is now included
-Current is now included
-Fixed the TNAFlix script after the site changed slightly
-Fixed a bug in YouTube which caused some searches to display no results
-Fixed a bug in YouTube which caused it to only show the first page for some countries
-xHamster script is fixed after the videos stopped working
-Fixed a bug in Muchosucko that caused some videos not to work
-Fixed a bug in Muchosucko that caused it to only show the first page
-Fixed a bug in Pornhub that caused it to only show the first page
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February 9th, 2009, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
Chinese Cooleyes returns with his famous video for PSP player.
The Advance PMPlayer in addition to offering standard operations in the integrated player on PSP, makes available more advanced features and allows the viewing of movies in PMP format.
PMPlayer Advance Build 20090205:
- Added compatibility with standard or "IPhone MP4AVC"
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February 10th, 2009, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
anasonic was already well on board the 3D bandwagon when we caught up with them at CES, and it looks like the company is now set to really blow things out, with it today announcing the opening of a new 3D authoring laboratory at its Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory in California. That, it says, will help it bring so-called "3D Full HD" to Blu-ray by 2010, and it'll apparently be working directly with various studios to ensure that 3D FHD (as the company seems to be calling it) becomes an actual standard of some sort for high-def 3D. In terms of actual products, it looks we could be seeing some of the systems that were on display at CES, including a Plasma 3D Full HD home theater system, as well as a 3D-ready digital projector with a 380-inch screen, although that is apparently intended solely 3D FHD picture evaluation at the lab. Let's all just hope they offer tours.
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February 10th, 2009, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
A downloadable demo for Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. hits the Playstation 3 on Feb. 12 and the Xbox 360 on Feb. 11, Ubisoft announced today. The demo will arrive on the PC on Feb. 26.
The demo will include jump-in, jump-out co-op for up to four-players, two game difficulties, three planes and two missions.
Operation: Off Certification is a training mode that teaches gamers how to pull different maneuvers. Operation: Glass Hammer takes place in Rio De Janeiro and includes support of the Assistance On mode which allows your plane's computer to calculate interception courses, evade missiles or hit a ground target.
The three planes that will be flyable will be the F-16A Fighting Falcon, SU-35 Super Flanker and the AV-8B Harrier II.
Ubisoft says that the demo will also let players take on tanks, amphibious targets and dog fight in a "stunning panoramic boss scene."
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February 10th, 2009, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
We've already touched on Famitsu's best PS3 titles of last year. Now, let's have a look at the best PSP titles of 2008 according to the Japanese publication.
Games are rated by four Famitsu critics on a scale of 1-10. Those scores are then tallied.
Here's the data:
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G: 9,9,9,9 36
God of War: Chains of Olympus: 9,9,9,9 36
Dissidia Final Fantasy: 10,9,9,8 36
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2: 9,8,8,9 34
Winning Eleven: Ubiquitos Evolution 2008: 9,8,8,9 34
Gundam Battle Universe: 8,8,8,9 33
Infinite Loop: Kojyou Ga Miseta Yume: 9,8,8,8 33
Phantasy Star Portable: 9,8,8,8 33
Macross Ace Frontier: 8,9,9,7 33
Patapon 2 Donchaka♪: 8,8,8,9 33
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Portable 3: 9,8,8,8 33
Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui: 9,8,7,8 32
Tomb Raider: Anniversary: 9,8,8,7 32
Clank & Ratchet: Maru Hi Mission: 9,8,8,7 32
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam: 8,8,8,8 32
LocoRoco 2: 7,8,9,8 32
Musou Orochi: Maou Sairin: 8,8,7,8 31
Bleach: Soul Carnival: 8,8,8,7 31
Chuumon Shiyouze! Oretachi no Sekai: 8,8,8,7 31
Space Invaders Extreme: 8,7,8,7 30
Vantage Master Portable: 7,7,8,8 30
Nippon no Asoko de: 9,8,7,6 30
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The 3rd: 8,7,7,8 30
Garnet Chronicle: 7,7,8,8 30
Kenka Banchou 3: Zenkoku Seiha: 8,8,7,7 30
Super Robot Wars A Portable: 8,7,7,8 30
- damn i havent played one of them games
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February 10th, 2009, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
Lots of games came out last year in Japan. Lots of games means lots of games for Japanese magazine Famitsu to review. Here are the best PS3 games of 2008 according to Famitsu.
Games are rated by four Famitsu critics on a scale of 1-10. Those scores are then tallied.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: 10,10,10,10 40
Grand Theft Auto IV: 10,10,9,10 39
LittleBigPlanet: 10,10,9,9 38
Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan!: 10,9,9,9 37
Burnout Paradise: 9,8,9,10 36
Siren: New Translation: 9,9,9,9 36
Gundam Musou 2: 10,9,9,8 36
Devil May Cry 4: 9,9,9,8 35
Soul Calibur IV: 9,9,9,8 35
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009: 9,9,9,8 35
Saints Row 2: 9,8,9,9 35
Pro Yakyuu Spirits 5: 9,9,8,9 35
Valkyria Chronicles: 8,9,9,8 34
Haze: 9,8,9,8 34
FIFA 09: 8,9,8,9 34
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit: 9,8,8,8 33
NBA Live 09: 8,8,8,9 33
Resistance 2: 8,8,8,9 33
MotorStorm 2: 8,8,9,8 33
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness 3: 8,8,8,8 32
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 9,7,8,8 32
Army of Two: 8,9,8,7 32
Aquanaut's Holiday: Insareta Kiroku: 7,8,8,9 32
Sega Rally Revo: 7,8,7,9 31
Skate: 8,8,7,8 31
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga: 8,8,8,7 31
Way of The Samurai 3: 8,7,8,8 31
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames: 8,9,7,7 31
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution: 8,8,8,7 31
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008: 8,8,7,7 30
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII: 7,8,7,8 30
Mirror's Edge: 8,8,8,6 30
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February 10th, 2009, 19:14 Posted By: wraggster
Next week Noby Noby Boy comes out worldwide as a PlayStation Network download. In preparation, Namco Bandai released this new trailer which still doesn’t tell us much about what kind of game Noby Noby Boy is. Well, now we know the BOY can wrap around objects and the game looks quite different from its showing at Tokyo Game Show.
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February 10th, 2009, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Don’t count on a Chocobo Racing remake anytime soon. Square Enix just put Chocobo Racing in Sony’s downloadable PlayStation Archives in Japan. Released during a wave of kart games Chocobo Racing’s claim to fame was really the license. Featherless characters like Aya Brea from Parasite Eve make an appearance in Chocobo Racing too
Also out this week is Lunar Wing, a dating sim RPG, and Kula Quest which Europe already has on their PlayStation Store.
Here’s the full list of games. Each one goes for 600 yen ($7).
Chocobo Racing
Lunar Wing: The Crusade Across Time
Kula Quest (aka Roll Away)
Fish Eyes II
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February 10th, 2009, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Don’t count on a Chocobo Racing remake anytime soon. Square Enix just put Chocobo Racing in Sony’s downloadable PlayStation Archives in Japan. Released during a wave of kart games Chocobo Racing’s claim to fame was really the license. Featherless characters like Aya Brea from Parasite Eve make an appearance in Chocobo Racing too
Also out this week is Lunar Wing, a dating sim RPG, and Kula Quest which Europe already has on their PlayStation Store.
Here’s the full list of games. Each one goes for 600 yen ($7).
Chocobo Racing
Lunar Wing: The Crusade Across Time
Kula Quest (aka Roll Away)
Fish Eyes II
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February 10th, 2009, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

All the favorites are here including Sonic The Hedgehog, titles from the Phantasy Star™ series, as well as three titles from the Streets of Rage™ series, to name a few
Unlock arcade games and interviews with the original game developers as you earn Trophies on the PLAYSTATION®3
The classic 2D style never looked so good! Each of the titles has been converted to hi-def (720p) and will be a blast to play using the intuitive controls of the PLAYSTATION®3 systems
Play these classics together with a friend from the same console at home
Take a trip back in time with over 40 titles from the SEGA Genesis™ era, including your Sonic The Hedgehog favorites! In classic single-player and multiplayer battles, you’ll take down a huge variety of enemies, including Sonic’s nemesis Dr. Eggman (AKA Dr. Robotnik), shuriken-flinging ninjas, hordes of altered beasts and the world’s greatest fighting champions.
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February 10th, 2009, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Radad has released a new version of Radshell for the PS2:
A command line client for the PS2.
Standard stuff:
- loading irx
- running elf
- execute scripts
- basic file management - delete, copy, etc
New features:
Improved 'stat' output
Fixed an issue with 'del' return values
Added the 'sleep' command
Added the 'store' command
Added environment variables
Added NULL output redirection
Initial rsh is dependent on the elf name
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February 10th, 2009, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Well hello
So behold PONG PSP.
So there are already several pong for psp you tell me ...
But certainly with that one, you can also play on a PSP 2.
I will also try to put a function to play 2 on 2 psp via wifi.
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February 10th, 2009, 20:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
SpaceHulk-SP is, in fact, a computer version of the unofficial game of Space Hulk Games Workshop published in 1996. This adaptation is based on the rules of the second edition of the game released in 1998.
This game is played and you only drive the BloodAngels Space Marines fighting the deadly Genestealers. A program that seems attractive. The 18 missions in three campaigns of the game company will be playable on the PSP once the game completely converted from VB6 to C + + by starfighter27.
What's new in this version 0.1?
Changing the management menus and graphics
Adding a mission briefing
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February 10th, 2009, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Torch is homebrew that allows the screen to white (green, red or blue) and then adjust the brightness to use your screen as a flashlight.
It is also possible to restore some dead pixels by pressing "l" (left).
New in version 2:
Repair of various bugs
Revitalization pixel greatly improved
Choice of the size of the square restoration
-L 'we can move this square
-Displays the battery in%
Text more readable (white square below)
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February 10th, 2009, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Festi has released a new version of his Guitar Hero type game for PSP, this release being a bugfix release:

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February 10th, 2009, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Here's my new project, "Bille PSP.
The aim of this game is to lead a small ball at the end of the road without falling into an acid bath or be crushed by hammers ....
Finally for the moment, level design is not top but it is an alpha version, so still a lot of bugs and inaccuracies.
After the major problems is resolved, beta version, I would proceed to the optimization of the code and rewrite some functions.
Finally, before that, I still need the basic right .
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February 10th, 2009, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Dear user of PSP,
This is a homebrew that lets you use your PSP as a stopwatch with several laps.
Simple but effective and accurate
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February 10th, 2009, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Factorisation is a hombrew for PSP to factor numbers and to say if it is a prime number.
↑ / ↓: Increases or decreases the number of 1
← / →: Increases or decreases the number of 100
Left / Right: Multiplies or divides the number of 10
Χ: Allows you to enter a number with the virtual keyboard
□: Resets the number
select: Exit
Simple but effective and accurate
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February 10th, 2009, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
Fibonacci PSP allows you to calculate the Fibonacci sequence from your psp.
In a recreational problem posed in one of his books, the Liber Abaci, Fibonacci describes the growth of a population of rabbits
"Having initially a couple of rabbits, how many couples do you get twelve months if each couple generates every month a new couple from the second month of its existence? "
If you want to know more about the theoretical part of this suite, we invite you to discover Wikipedia
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February 10th, 2009, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Fab
So here is a small homebrew that will allow you to keep pace in the skin
For now in version 0.1, no sound but you can create your own "beat" with colors
Simply create a text file in the root of homebrew (there are already 4 choices) and put the name of the color in a row and save! For example:
-w-rcel display screen black, white, black, red and again ^ ^
Possibility of colors: - = black, r = red g = green b = blue and w = white
It is therefore quite useful to identify as far as you play.
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February 10th, 2009, 21:18 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has told Eurogamer that Killzone 2 multiplayer servers are not active, and won't be until sometime close to its launch on 27th February.
Thus, the pre-release promotional copies currently out there will not work online until servers are up and running. There's nothing wrong with the discs themselves.
The platform holder was speaking after reports of Killzone 2 promotional copies not working online popped up on the official US PlayStation forum.
Promotional copies are distributed before release to industry insiders. They often end up on eBay, fetching sky-high prices from eager fans.
Both Xbox 360 and PS3 promos come without a manual or any disc-art, but otherwise are identical to regular retail games. The words "promo only - not for resale" are also clearly printed on the discs.
Killzone 2 will be released exclusively for PS3 from 27th February. There's a PSN demo to be tried until then.
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February 11th, 2009, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster

While our PSP wish list has yet to be fulfilled, one game called The Idol Master SP (PSP) will offer PSP users a new level of PS Home integration.
According to a translation from Gpara.com:
The Idol Master for SP is in the Home, and "Rewards" are supported, depending on the progress of the game, the Home can be used to obtain the item.
As we understand it, as you advance in Idol Master, you'll unlock clothing (and even whole avatars according to this shot) in PSHome—probably through the virtual Idol Master vending machine seen in our lead photo.
Still, precisely how this unlocking will occur is unclear. It could involve a PSP to PS3 sync, an online server or just a redeemable code. That said, this is certainly a much-needed step in connecting these various PlayStation properties to form a cohesive network.
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February 11th, 2009, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Retailer Game Crazy will be holding Street Fighter IV tournaments at 20 stores across the nation, with $500 as the prize for those who hadouken to glory at each location. The single-elimination, one-on-one tournament begins at 7PM on Friday, February 20. This is not to be confused with the national GameStop/EVO tournament, starting the following day.
There is no cost to enter and there is no pre-registration; competitors must be at least 13 years of age. There is also no limit on the number of participants allowed at each location, so these things could potentially go on for quite some time. We've asked Game Crazy to clarify which console it plans to use and whether players will be allowed to bring their own controllers (long shot, we know, but it's worth asking). The full list of venues can be found after the break.
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February 11th, 2009, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Is Persona PSP is remake? An enhanced port? Look at the additions and decide for yourself. The first thing I noticed was the new battle interface. It looks more like Persona 3 with the character portraits on the bottom and moon icon in the top right hand corner.
Japanese retailer Rakuten also has a list of revised features for the PSP version.
New animated movies done by studio Kamikaze Douga.
Rearranged soundtrack done by Shin Megami Tensei composer Shoji Meguro. Yumi Kawamura who sang in Persona 3 will do vocal tracks for Persona.
Supports 16:9 widescreen mode with a new user interface.
Additional dungeon floors have been added to the Sebek Chapter (main story) and Snow Queen Chapter. Watch out for new elements and tricky gimmicks.
Rebalanced gameplay with a tweaked encounter rate.
Considered to be more “user friendly” since players can pick the level of difficulty.
Battle loading times are 2/3rds faster compared to the original. During enemy encounters animations can be skipped. Sounds similar to Persona 2: Eternal Punishment.
Extra save points are added as well as a quick save feature.
A revised city map with a top down view and highlighted landmarks. The original Persona had a simple 3D over world map similar to Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.
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February 11th, 2009, 14:38 Posted By: MK2k
Description (by the original author and allegro.cc)
Alex the Allegator 4 is a true jump'n'run, just like the old classic ones. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her.
Alex the Allegator 4 is a very small game. It runs in a very low resolution with only four colors and will not provide you with any real time video or 3D effects. Nor will it snare you with a compelling storyline. It's only a short platform game with a few tricks up it's sleeve. We're sure you'll like it.
R2 Update Notes
After playing through all original levels and collecting every cherry and every star in them, you are able to enter a bonus game (on the PC by pressing F1). This wasn't possible in the R1 PSP port, so here is the R2 update. Press the Square Button in the stage selection menu to enter the bonus game.

Main Menu


In-Game Boss fight

In-Game another Boss fight
via mk2k.net (including sources)
Read the readme_psp.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
Alex the Allegator 4 PSP comes with an extra menu for choosing custom level packs, read readme_psp.txt on how to install new custom packs (there are already four custom packs included).
Visit www.mk2k.net
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February 11th, 2009, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts has tagged The Godfather II open-world mobster game with a new release date.
Originally slated for release in late February, EA has dated Godfather II for April 7 in North America and April 10 in Europe.
The new date means that Godfather II revenues will not register in EA's current fiscal year, which ends in March.
Developed by EA Redwood Shores, Godfather II combines open-world action gameplay with territorial control aspects similar to strategy games.
The game will release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
EA had previously said it would be delaying Godfather II, Sims 3 and the PC version of Dragon Age into next fiscal year in the company's most recent earnings call.
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February 11th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
God of War III will see Kratos hop on and control mythical beasts such as Cyclops, crashing through hordes of enemies to get to objectives and solve puzzles.
And that's just one of the new mechanics in Sony Santa Monica's new game, according to a preview in the latest issue of GameInformer magazine.
The biggest challenge will be harnessing what the PS3 can accomplish. "We want this to be the game that shows people what the PS3 can do," game director Stig Asmussen told the magazine.
That means titans: enormous and ancient god-like beings that have been tussling with the Greek gods for a while. Whereas action sequences involving titans in previous God of War games were restricted to cinematic sequences, they're now integrated on a much more dynamic level.
Kratos - a tiny cluster of pixels compared to the full model of a titan - clambers up their immense frames as they rock to and fro, some even aggressively interacting as our hero ploughs forward. "It's not just a set piece anymore; it's a living, breathing character," added Asmussen.
As for Kratos himself: he'll be around four times as detailed as on PlayStation 2. "Kratos on PS2 was probably about 5,000 polygons, and now he's 20,000," said art director Ken Feldman. "We wouldn't even be able to load him on PS2."
The gnarled warrior also visually carries the scars obtained in previous God of War games, as well as some of the abilities acquired: the Golden Fleece and the Icarus Wings are mentioned.
There's plenty of room for him to grow, though. The skill-set has expanded to include a wider array of combos and grapples and environmental interaction like smashing heads on walls. And a brand new supernatural magic-type has been introduced, as relying on god-powers of the past would be thematically daft; the gods are no longer friends of Kratos and are unlikely to grant him any more power, so his magic will come from somewhere intrinsic, somewhere else.
Additional weapons also await, and Sony Santa Monica promises each weapon will feel completely different to the signature Blades of Chaos, providing real alternatives rather than quick-thrill distractions. The Cestus gauntlets are given as an example; these spout spiked balls on chains from their decorative animal mouths, causing shockwaves that throw enemies back on each hit.
Abilities such as those will come in handy, as Kratos faces much stiffer opposition than ever before. The developer reached around 12 to 15 enemies on-screen in God of War II, and has bumped that number somewhere closer to 50 on PS3. Enemies can also jump on Kratos, eventually weighing him down and smothering him. This can be broken by wiggling the analogue stick.
Multiple baddies will now coordinate attacks, too, or take orders from a commander to organise into formations. And, of course, Kratos will face boss battles.
"You can look at the cast of characters from the end of God of War II, and you can kind of deduce [the bosses] from that," hinted Asmussen. One confirmed battle will be with Hades, who rules the underworld.
Sony Santa Monica went on to confirm that God of War III will not have multiplayer, although DLC remains a possibility for the future.
As far as story is concerned, God of War III will bring the trilogy to a close, but the franchise will live on, although we're told it won't be "run into the ground".
God of War III is in development exclusively for PlayStation 3. No firm release date has been set. Sigh.
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February 12th, 2009, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Floating behind Flower, which comes out this week, are a bunch of PlayStation Network games all slated for spring. We already know about Noby Noby Boy (sort of), but Sony’s Spring Fever plan includes a mess of stuff. Games on deck include:
Noby Noby Boy
Wheel of Fortune
Burn Zombie Burn
Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
The Punisher: No Mercy
Bomberman Ultra
Cellfactor Ignition
Texas Cheat-em
Diner Dash
Comet Crash
Hammer Fall
Zen Pinball
Also, No Gravity,a downloadable shmup for the PSP, is coming out during Sony’s Spring Fever burst. A few of these games sound like they’re being announced officially for the first time like Comet Crash and Worms which was leaked earlier this week. Good to see Sony pushing PlayStation Network with stream of games. Let’s hope they don’t come out here in sporadic chunks.
Funny thing about Flower. It’s coming out in Japan this week too under the name Flowery and it’s genre is “poetic adventure”.
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February 12th, 2009, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Floating behind Flower, which comes out this week, are a bunch of PlayStation Network games all slated for spring. We already know about Noby Noby Boy (sort of), but Sony’s Spring Fever plan includes a mess of stuff. Games on deck include:
Noby Noby Boy
Wheel of Fortune
Burn Zombie Burn
Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
The Punisher: No Mercy
Bomberman Ultra
Cellfactor Ignition
Texas Cheat-em
Diner Dash
Comet Crash
Hammer Fall
Zen Pinball
Also, No Gravity,a downloadable shmup for the PSP, is coming out during Sony’s Spring Fever burst. A few of these games sound like they’re being announced officially for the first time like Comet Crash and Worms which was leaked earlier this week. Good to see Sony pushing PlayStation Network with stream of games. Let’s hope they don’t come out here in sporadic chunks.
Funny thing about Flower. It’s coming out in Japan this week too under the name Flowery and it’s genre is “poetic adventure”.
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February 12th, 2009, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Out of all the Lumines games I enjoyed the first one the most. Partially because it was fresh, partially because of the soundtrack. Shinin’ was one catchy song.
Mondo Grosso’s music hasn’t made its way into future releases, but maybe, just maybe, it will sneak into Lumines Supernova. Q Entertainment is working on a Classic Pack which contains 20 skins from the PSP game. A song list, date, and price have not been announced. Check the screenshots at Famitsu and see if you can identify any of the skins. Strangely enough, at one time Lumines II had more music from Mondo Grosso and a song from Korean pop artist BoA. Of course, that version was never released in North America or Japan.
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February 12th, 2009, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on worldwide import

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom’s latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts.
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February 12th, 2009, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

In the Sengoku period, ninjas are held in high regard, taking off from the end of Tenchu 3, Rikimaru and Ayame has to act before the chaos of the era swallow them whole.
Unlike other ninja games that places brute force before stealth, to survive, in this game, you must not be discovered. Make use of all the crannies and crevices to hide yourself as you ambush your enemies.
Speed is another factor, instead of prolonged battles, kill your opponent in one move. Depending on your ninja skills, you can kill boss characters with one powerful slash. Get to know your weapons as the potential you can tap into depend on them.
Plunge head-long back into the chaos and emerge victorious.
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February 12th, 2009, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
Moscas user of our forum, updates its famous Goblin who comes to the PSP version
This program will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsolader, update your Custom Firmware and now also manage your plugins.
More in the changelog below.
Changelog v2.2.0.0:
-If you are upgrading from a version lower than v2.0.0.0 you must remove GoblinPSP
-Added the program for the management of the Plugin (still in testing but you can start to manage the plugins with this tool)
-Added in the administrative panel the ability to stop the operation of the various users Plugin
-Added a TaskManager processes inherent in GoblinPSP (necessary to complete the process of GoblinPSP if locked)
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February 12th, 2009, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like PSP will be joining in on the Home fun shortly. Japanese games site Gpara.com reports today that an upcoming PSP title will feature Home Rewards support.
The title in question is Idol Master SP, Bandai Namco's PSP version of its popular idol raising simulation game. Set for Japanese release on the 19th, the title will offer Home Rewards support, giving players Home items as they progress.
Home will also see Idol Master SP items and even an updated Bandai Namco Carrot lounge featuring Idol Master themes starting this Thursday. For screenshots, see the original Gpara article.
Idol Master is a Japan-only game, so this particular facet of Home will likely be accessible only by gamers in Japan.
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February 12th, 2009, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
Valentine's Day might still be a few workdays away, but we just got a gift that's sweeter than chocolate -- Patapon 2 demos from Sony have arrived.
Packed in a purple card are the UMDs that will give us our first chance to get in-depth with the sequel to IGN's PSP Game of the Year 2008, but aside from the actual game, the card contains confirmation that the game's coming in May 2009. Of course, Patapon is a rhythm game that casts you as the god of the Patapon tribe. It's up to you give commands to your people via your sacred drums so that they can retake Patapolis via one-eyed warfare.
We'll have impressions of the Patapon 2 demo as soon as we can
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February 12th, 2009, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from kronicali
Checkout my 1st ever homebreeeeew!!!lol
Just a simple game i made,i started coding about 3wks now.Its a simple aim an hit type game, hit the target as much times as ppssible to advance to the next level before time runs out..tell me what ya think for my 1st brew.everything was done by me with some help aswell(not much lol).
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February 12th, 2009, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Spiros
Hello Everyone,
This is my first homebrew release for the psp.
Basically, myself and a few people on the dark-alex.org forum's realised that after 5.00 M33 plugins were no longer compatible with older firmwares when running them through time machine because of the new format(the 0 or 1 at the end of the plugin entry in the .txt file) this minor difference caused the older firmwares to not recognize plugins. and i know most plugins work for 5.00 M33 except for the gta cheat device doesnt work on 5.00 M33 so some people who wish to use it and other plugins must run them through time machine.
My app, SEPlugins Time Machine is a very simple fix to this problem, basically, you run the app before using time machine and quickly copy your pre-5.00 M33 .txt plugin files to the seplugins folder and then run time machine and your plugins will be recognized in the recovery menu of the older firmware being ran through time machine. and then before exiting out of time machine and back into 5.00 M33 you can run the app again and copy back your 5.00 M33 .txt plugin files, or you can just enter the recovery menu of 5.00 M33 and let the recovery menu change the format back to the new one.
Let me know what you guys think, and if you find any bugs dont be shy to let me know. hope this helps.
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February 12th, 2009, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Thulium
Flash0 Plugin Loader v2 by Thulium
Changelog v2:
- Fixed a critical bug which stopped apps in the UPDATE folder from running.
- Fixed a bug that caused flash0 plugins not to load if there was no ms inserted at all.
This is something I wrapped together a while back, it has two features:
- Have an seplugins folder in the root of your flash0, which will function the exact same way as the memory stick one (you can have both at once).
- Adjusts the size of the buffer which holds the plugin text files to the exact size it needs, in theory it's now unlimited.
This has been coded for the 5.00 M33-2 custom firmware or higher, don't attempt to run it on a lower version. The plugins you flash won't show up in the recovery, but will be affected by the disable/enable plugins option under Advanced Configuration.
The installer will modify the three bootconfigs to load a small module, which will do some patches (dynamically) for the features mentioned above. Installation takes only about 3KB of flash0 memory. Create vsh.txt/game.txt/pops.txt in flash0:/seplugins and fill them the same way as ms0 plugins, but change the path to flash0. During installation, your bootconfigs will be backed up to ms0:/btcnf_backup, if anything goes wrong or malfunctions simply copy these back to the flash0:/kd folder.
As this program writes to the flash0, there is always a risk of bricking your PSP, I've tested it on multiple of my own PSP's and it worked fine, but it's your responsibility if something goes wrong. Based on the files it changes, the worst that could happen is a semi-brick, the recovery should remain functional.
Thanks to Dark_AleX for the bootconfig structures included in the macspoofer source code.
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February 12th, 2009, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wagic
It’s been a while! For people who somehow got used to the “monthly release” rate we had so far, sorry if we made you wait, but it’s for the greater good.
As you probably know by now, I got a Cease and Decist order from Wizards of the Coast’s lawyers. Put aside my personal feelings that Wagic is doing nothing but good to this company, I respect their work and copyright laws, so we had to temporarily remove all downloads from the site.
But fear not, we are back from the graveyard with a new release, which, unlike what I had announced, is packed with new cool features that I think you’ll enjoy.
The most obvious change in this version is that no copyrighted content is included in this release. This means no cool card thumbnails, but Wagic of course still allows you to put your own card pictures in the appropriate folders to play with nice graphics. If you need help on how to add your own card pictures to the game, the forum might help you. If not, google is your friend, I guess.
Now for the good new features:
More than 300 new cards, including cards from Tempest, Portal, and the new Conflux Expansion. Many thanks to Dr. Solomat for his work on Tempest and Portal. This means Wagic now officially has more than 1000 cards you can play with, not counting all the ones you can create by yourself (sky’s the limit, yeah!). As usual, check the forums for more cards!
Wagic now handles Token generators such as the Hive
Sacrifice has been added (I know you’ve been waiting for this one for a long time!)
New ability keyword: cloud
Lots of improvements in the card parser, new keywords, etc…. Cards such as Siege-gang Commander, Bad Moon, or the hive can now be 100% coded in the _cards.dat files without having to know one single line of C++ (sacrifice, token generators, “lord” ability improvement, multiple abilites for one cost,moveTo,…)
Font fixes
New cool menus
Lots of improvements for cards shown in “text” mode
Too many bug fixes to tell
Download Here --> http://wololo.net/wagic/download/
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February 12th, 2009, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from 0917725929
Hello everyone!
You can now download a new update for Shell System.
/! \ You need to have the original theme for Sony to update
-What have System Shell and a valid WiFi: SHIFT click on the desktop Shell System and press [] and make sure that the archive register well in "PSP / PHOTO" or it will not work.
-What have shell system but no WiFi, download this archive ( http://dl.free.fr/oEgLuMBP1) and place it in "X: \ PSP \ PHOTO" without the extract or the fame, then run Shell System, then click on Update / \.
-What have not Shell System peuven download here: http://www.pspgen.com/shell-system-0...te-185241.html, then do one of two steps above for making day.
News of the update:
Side menu-driven
Add-Messenger (Afkim)
Well, not n'ésitez to give ideas for improvement if you go to vote and especially here: http://www.pspgen.com/concours-1000-...te-185429.html
Thank you
PS: Try and tell me your impressions and what I can change the system update, thank you!
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February 12th, 2009, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Just received word from NoEffex: BakonICE v2.0 is out and ready for download. Have fun cheating Socom Fireteam Bravo 2 in plenty of the most morally wrong ways — one shot kills, infinite health, walk through walls, perfect target lock, crawl in water, edit your player’s speed, and the list goes on and on…
NoEffex notes one issue concerning the new VLF-enabled installer –
…the installer (more or less vlf) freezes with custom flash0 themes. I don’t have any screenshots because of the above reason, however about 20 minutes ago before I installed the theme I and quite a few other people tested it and confirmed it works. For the users who have flash0 themes, I included the plain prx (for old firmwares and 371, as old firmwares works on new firmwares, it’s just larger).
BakonICE v2.0 changes:
Added cheat parsing, uses userspace allocation.
Took out all other userspace allocation due to the fact that when it needs to stay in the ram, I can’t use it because the space is used, but when I only need it for about 5 seconds then scrap the buffer, I’m fine.
Updated license to GPL.
Reverted userspace allocation to old style as the new one was causing problems.
Added color scheme changes.
Installer now uses the vlf library.
Certain in-game-menu options were disabled, now re-enabled, was a mistake I had made while testing something.
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February 12th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Pretty as a petal PSN game Flower heads the PlayStation Store weekly update today.
It's a bit short to cost GBP 6.29, but that's the price Sony's opted for, and we'd still recommend a purchase; soothing, delicate, serene. Read our full Flower review to find out more.
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, a football-like sports/racing affair, is the other PSN game on offer. This costs GBP 7.99, but there's a free trial available.
There's also a second demo for MotorStorm 2: Pacific Rift to try out, plus a PSP sampler for Resistance: Retribution, which we think looks promising.
LittleBigPlanet gains Ape Escape and Toro the cat costumes at GBP 1.59 a pop, and there's a free All-Star Weekend 09 pack for NBA Live 09. Also free is a David Hasselhoff theme for Pain.
Guitar Hero World Tour gets the full Dig Out Your Soul album by Oasis for GBP 13.99. Tracks can be bought individually for GBP 1.59, and comprise of "Bag It Up", "The Turning", "Waiting for the Rapture", "The Shock of the Lightning", "I'm Outta Time", "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady", "Falling Down", "To be Where There's Life", "Ain't Got Nothin'", "The Nature of Reality", and "Soldier On".
There are also Acoustic and Southern Rock Track Packs at GBP 4.39 each. The former contains "Drive" by Incubus, "New Slang" by The Shins and "Wonderwall" performed by Ryan Adams. The latter, meanwhile, boasts "Commotion" by Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Black Betty" by Ram Jam covered by Wavegroup, and "Gimme All Your Lovin'" by ZZ Top.
Rock Band pickings are slim in comparison: The Fratellis Pack for GBP 2.49. Again, tracks can be snapped up individually for GBP 0.99, and include Creepin' Up the Backstairs", "Flathead" and "Henrietta".
And that's all the weather.
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February 12th, 2009, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Finally some great news from our friends at Neoflash, the Spring 2009 coding competition is now underway, heres the full details:
NEO Spring coding contest 2009 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
*** close time: March.20th 2009 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,5484.0.html
* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.
* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 5 winners for PSP App, total 10+5 winners.
In this neo coding contest, the main concept is for R6 Gold / MK6 Motion cart / PSP Motion kit applications, it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full motion function.
The rules of NEO Spring coding contest 2009:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] With this contest we will keep to use the new judge way still --- everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , and you must give out your own top 10 winner judgement, from here you can find the "TOP REVIEWER" sample --- http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ard,108.0.html
We will keep the new award --- "NEO TOP REVIEWER" too, we will check all review reports and choose top 6 from NDS division and top 6 from PSP division too, so will have 12 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.
[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.
[4] You can enter the PSP/NDS/GBA's GAME contest and APP contest at the same time, without any limit.
[5] You must put the splash screen of "NEO Spring coding contest 2009" to your production.
[6] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.
[7] If your project can support NEO Motion function, then you will get +5 "Motion Score".
[8] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer will be welcome.
The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:
The No.1 : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.2 : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.3 : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The top 12 NEO Professional Reviewers (6 from NDS/GBA division and 6 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final No.4 ~ No.10 NEO product prize list too.
Total winners : 47
NEO Spring Coding contest 2009 close time : March.20th 2009
Winner prize send out time : April.20th 2008
Note: We will keep the right for use the neo contest production in the NEO products,like use for demo.
Good luck to all Coders, may the best woman/man win, remember you only have a few weeks to get cracking 5 weeks to be exact so get coding, let us know by replying if your entering and as normal DCEmu will have news on every single entry 
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February 12th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
A very early entry into the Spring 2009 Neoflash Comp by Teamsushi:
Well, after submitting Sushi Rubik to NeoFlash last spring, I got a couple of requests for a tool that would be useful to speed cubists. It could also help cup stacking enthuasists too. The nature of speed cubing is to mix a cube and then time how long it takes to solve it, after inspecting the cube.
In competitions, they do 5 cube trials and exclude the best and worst time, then take the average. For training though, the recommended practice is to do 12 trials, exclude the best and worst time, then show the average. Over time, you hopefully get better.
This tool allows you to track all of the time for a cup stacker or speed cubist, and record the results into a file.
- generate random cube mix with 25 moves, mathematically proven to generate any possible cube configuration
- easy to use cube timing buttons
- show 12 most recent times on an on screen
- show average of the 12 most recent times excluding best and worst
- all times available in a scrollable history
- save current 12 solve history to a file for later review
- remove mistake solve times from the history a "pop" feature
- redo time of any solve in the history
Read the readme file for all of the details, or follow the online prompts. The most important thing is to press both triggers to start (or restart) the timer, and any arrow on the d-pad to stop.
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February 12th, 2009, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
Moscas user of our forum, updates its famous Goblin who comes to the PSP version
This program will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsolader, update your Custom Firmware and now also manage your plugins.
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February 12th, 2009, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
This is a mod of the GBA Emulator originally from exophase:
And 'the past few months since the release of gpSP-mod, modified by an unknown Japanese coder of gpSP, the excellent Game Boy Advance emulator for PSP was originally developed by Exophase.
The only novelty is understood that a specific EBOOT for IrShell, unfortunately due to the usual Japanese readme, you can not tell whether there was an increase in speed of emulation or improvements in compatibility with games.
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February 12th, 2009, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa
Hi all: I released PSPDictionary v2.4.0
In this new release, I improved the offline mode, adding the support for the translations freely distributed by Wiktionary. Now there are about 6000 translations for each language
Besides, always for the offline mode, I added a new language: the latin.
More info in the Readme file, that you can reach in this link too:
The official changelog is this:
- Now the program is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
- Improved the offline mode, adding the support for the translations freely distributed by Wiktionary. Now there are about 6000 translations for each language
Besides for the offline mode has been added a new language: the latin.
- Some little improvements
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February 12th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Hotter
PSPconsole tested on a PSP slim 5:00 M33-6. With PSPconsole you can view the card in the psp files to delete, move, copy. You will be able to sort games, use the calculator, play C snake and others.
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February 12th, 2009, 23:12 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony plans to release Worms, Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, Diner Dash and many others on PlayStation Network this spring.
That's according to a Sony US press release outlining plans for "PSN Spring Fever", which was sent out yesterday.
However, the same list reproduced on the US PlayStation blog has a few amendments, notably the removal of Worms and Diner Dash. There's no explanation, so we've gone in search of one. We'll let you know.
Other games due this spring on PSN, says the press release, are Flower, Noby Noby Boy, No Gravity, Wheel of Fortune, Burn Zombie Burn, The Punisher: No Mercy, Bomberman Ultra, Cellfactor Ignition, Flock, Texas Cheat-'em, Comet Crash, Hammer Fall, Underfire, Watchmen and Zen Pinball.
There's no mention of bonkers action game Fat Princess, sadly.
Our pick of the pack is Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic. This is made by LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule and puts multiple fighters up against each other in a Smash Bros.-style brawl. The twist comes from characters being flung around by their limbs in a wobbly Saturday night-like mash-up.
Mark Healey of Media Molecule made and released the original Ragdoll Kung Fu on Steam back in 2006 to considerable applause, ours included.
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February 12th, 2009, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has shipped more than 3 million copies of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G for the PSP in Japan, Capcom announced today. The game has been released in three editions: the original release, the hardware bundle, and a "The Best" reissue.
It's a massive success story for Capcom -- Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G couldn't have cost much to make, being based on Monster Hunter Portable 2nd, which is itself based on the PS2 Monster Hunter 2, and yet it was the best-selling game in Japan last year. It was also the only PlayStation title to sell over two million copies in Japan in 2008. The company has more big numbers to look forward to when it releases the game in North America as Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
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February 13th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

No switches, controls or wires to get in the way - the light fades on and off every time you tap the stick. Brilliant glow in low light situations. Professional grade stick constructed from Lexan plastic for optical clarity and superior durability
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February 13th, 2009, 21:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada has said the Dragon Quest IX delay may cause problems for the release of Final Fantasy XIII.
"The next term's schedule hasn't been fixed yet. Presently, I cannot say what kind of effect we will experience from moving the Dragon Quest IX launch from March to July," Wada told IT Media (spotted by Kotaku) when asked if there will be repercussions. "I cannot say there won't be an effect.
"There is a possibility that [the] Dragon Quest IX delay could affect Final Fantasy XIII," he added
Square Enix plans to launch Final Fantasy XIII exclusivley for PS3 across Japan this year. Europe and North America won't see the sprawling role-playing game until sometime after April 2010.
However, Square Enix won't begin work on the Western Xbox 360 version until the PS3 game has safely launched in Japan. That means that, if the publisher sticks with plans of a simultaneous Xbox 360/PS3 launch in West, we could be waiting even longer.
Still, fresh information for Final Fantasy XIII has begun to trickle out, lead by the arrival of a brand new trailer showing battle gameplay and sumptuous CGI scenes.
Japan will be treated to a Final Fantasy XIII demo next month as part of the Blu-ray release of Advent Children: Complete. There's no word on a Western release yet.
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February 13th, 2009, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
As of January 2009, Sony Computer Entertainment claims to have sold 50 million PSP handhelds worldwide. A number that includes all PSP-1000, 2000, and 3000 series devices sold since December 2004. That's a big number, no matter how you slice it... unless it's Nintendo wielding the perspective knife with its claim of 96.22 million DS handhelds sold between December 2004 and December 2008. Then again, PSPs have sold a bit better than Gizmondos, so there.
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February 13th, 2009, 21:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Wondering what it's like to play a game that lasts just 30 seconds? In Japan, gamers will get to find out in just a few months. Marvelous Entertainment announced today a final Japanese release date of May 28 for Hero 30 (Yuusha 30 in its native tongue).
But before that, Marvelous is making available series of demo samplers for the title. That's right, a full series of demos! In case you didn't read our initial preview, Hero 30 includes four modes of play, each with a different style of gameplay. To convey what it's like to play each of those modes, Marvelous will be releasing four separate demos.
The first demo hit Japan's PSN today. Additional demo will be released one per month leading up to the final release.
Getting access to PSN from a non-Japanese system is simple (just a few seconds of Googling), so we'd suggest interested parties take a look!
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February 13th, 2009, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 3 has seen a year-on-year decline in sales of 24.5 per cent in January, according to data released by NPD.
Last year, the console sold 269,000 units, compared to last month's results of 203,200 units.
During the same period, Microsoft saw sales grow 25.5 per cent, from 230,000 units in January 2008 to 309,000 units in January 2009, while the Nintendo Wii saw sales rocket 59.5 per cent, from 274,000 units to 676,000 units.
Sony's handheld PlayStation Portable experienced a 25 per cent decline, from 230,000 units in January 2008 to last month's total of 172,300. The company's mainstay console, the PlayStation 2, suffered a 62 per cent decline, with sales of 101,200 units, compared to 264,000 units for the same period the previous year.
When compared with results from January 2007, the PS3 has seen a 16.6 per cent decline in sales from 243,554 units, while the Xbox 360 has grown 5 per cent from 294,000 and the Wii has seen growth hit 34 per cent from 436,000 units.
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February 13th, 2009, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
If you want to unlock every character in Street Fighter IV without actually earning them, then you'll want to check out this little video put together by MyCheats Senior Editor Mike Nelson. He shows off just how easy it is to cheaply defeat the computer, without having to put in much effort. In fact, you could probably do this without even being in the room. Head past the break to see what we mean.
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February 13th, 2009, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Bummed that Capcom USA passed on Fate/Unlimited Codes and don’t have a PS2 equipped to play Japanese games? Don’t worry Fate/Unlimited Codes is coming to the PSP this June.
Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable is a port of the arcade game with tweaks like utilizing ad-hoc play for versus mode. Capcom also rebalanced the PSP version by adding features like Reflect Dash and simplified command system. Fans that already bought Fate/Unlimited Codes for the PS2 can look forward to some new costumes on the PSP.
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February 13th, 2009, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Inuyasha, Shinichi Mechazawa, Ippo, Hayate the Combat butler and a slew of other manga characters are meeting in the ring thanks to your friends Konami. Sunday x Magazine Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen takes icons from two competing manga magazines, Shonen Sunday and Weekly Shonen, and brings them together in a single PSP game scheduled to come out in Japan on March 17.
March 17? That’s about a month away and it doesn’t look like Konami is promoting the game much. Publications like Impress Watch have written more articles about Foreign Exchange Trainer Kabutore FX - a foreign currency training game than this. Ouch. Good thing Konami can count on the two manga magazines to give Sunday x Magazine Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen some attention.
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February 13th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Q Entertainment released an expansion pack for Lumines Supernova containing 20 skins from the PSP game that started the series yesterday. With a name like “Classic Pack” you might expect “classic” songs like Shinin’, Lights, or Shake Ya Body. Well, you won’t find them here! The Classic Pack doesn’t have any licensed music from Mondo Grosso. If you want to play those skins stick with the original and put the $4.99 you saved towards Flower.
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February 13th, 2009, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

ShellShock 2: Blood Trails is an ultra-violent, survival horror FPS game set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. Gameplay is centered on the use of psychological horror and fear, relying on the power of suggestion, mood, tension and foreshadowing to immerse players in a war that is worse than hell.
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February 13th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The producer of Resident Evil 5 has insisted that no changes were made to the horror game after accusations of racism were levelled at Capcom for its portrayal of black Africans in a trailer.
Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer TV earlier this month, Masachika Kawata said: "I don't recall modifying the game in any way after the controversy of racism." Kawata-san reiterated that the team had been taken aback by the reaction, adding: "Actually it was a little bit of a surprise for us as obviously the game is set in Africa and so depicting native Africans was a natural thing to do."
With the game exactly a month away from release, the producer, who was answering through a Capcom translator, argued that criticisms had faded after more of the game was revealed to the public.
"One thing I remember is that after the introduction of the character Sheva, who is half-African, half-European, everything died down and we're quite happy with that," he said.
The row erupted following the release of the E3 2007 trailer, which prompted fierce debate about the implications of the imagery Capcom had used. Newsweek's N'Gai Croal brought widespread attention to the issue during an interview last year, which prompted Capcom to speak out in defence of its title.
You can watch the full interview with Masachika Kawata over on Eurogamer TV. And you can read our own take on whether the final game is likely to put to bed, or inflame further, the controversy.
Resident Evil 5 hits PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 13th March.
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February 14th, 2009, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift may have been out on the Playstation 3 for a couple of months already, but it just got a new demo.
Pacific Rift game director Niegel Kershaw writes that the demo includes both a single player and a split screen multiplayer race. The track on the demo is Razorback, which features jungle, colossal waterfalls, dank caves and tons of different routes.
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February 14th, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP keeps selling, but Lord only knows who's buying it. It's certainly not people playing games on it, because aside from a few notable examples, the handheld has been starved of quality lately.
You know it. I know it. And Sony, Sony know it, SCEE's Claire Backhouse telling MCV:
Granted, perhaps there hasn't been the volume of high profile PSP titles we would have liked to have seen on the platform. But, that said, we continue to focus heavily on software development.
And that focus means new games, Backhouse promising "a number of currently unannounced, yet significant franchises that will re-invigorate the current user base" will see games released this year.
Details would be nice, but hard-up PSP owners will probably be content in the knowledge Sony at least have some intent.
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February 14th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new:
300 [Blu-ray+2 DVD Limited Collector's Edition] JPN US$ 83.90
A History of Violence (~Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, ...) US US$ 28.99
A Time to Kill (~Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, ...) US US$ 28.99
Amadeus (~F. Murray Abraham, Kenny Baker, ...) US US$ 35.99
Chocolate (~Jija Yanin Vismistananda, Yanin Mitananda, ...) US US$ 34.98
Djinn (~Mehrdad Sarlak, Navid Negahban, ...) US US$ 39.98
Donnie Darko (~Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, ...) US US$ 34.98
Doom (~Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson, Karl Urban, ...) US US$ 29.98
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13 / Bojack Unbound US US$ 34.98
Eagle Eye (~Shia Labeouf, Michelle Monaghan, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
French Connection II (~Gene Hackman, Fernando Rey) HK US$ 28.90
French Connection [1+2 Boxset] (~Gene Hackman, Fernando Rey) HK US$ 62.90
French Connection [2-Discs Edition] (~Gene Hackman) HK US$ 37.90
Frozen River (~Melissa Leo, Charlie McDermott, ...) US US$ 39.95
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February 14th, 2009, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Use Ayumi's pistol-blades to engage in melee or ranged combat instantly
Over 20 different unlockable spell abilities
Non-stop hack-and-slash action in beautifully detailed environments
Gripping fantasy story with two possible endings
Journey through ancient temples and ruins with Ayumi, an alluring treasure-hunter determined to unlock the secrets of a powerful orb and acquire untold riches. However, every treasure has its price - Ayumi has been struck by a mysterious curse upon finding her greatly desired artifact. Can you help Ayumi free herself from the curse? In this thrilling anime-style action-fest, you will encounter fierce battles as you help Ayumi confront her ultimate fate - whatever it may be.
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February 14th, 2009, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

25 colorful new stages with hidden challenges to uncover
Enhance LocoRoco by collecting music notes
Play 6 exciting new mini games
Challenge friends Ad-hoc 4 player battle
Armed with a deadly song that kills all living things, the evil Moja army have returned to enslave the LocoRoco! Help the LocoRoco bring life and music back to the planet in this exciting new sequel. Experience the addictive "Tilt and Roll" gameplay that made it an instant classic and discover brand new abilities and challenges.
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February 14th, 2009, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://emu-russia.net/en/
New WIP version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released. This is the first version released by united team of PCSX2 and PCSX2 Playground authors. Changes:
- fixed a memory corruption bug that has been there for quite a while now, should drastically reduce random crashes;
- fixed the COP0 condition for the Recompiler and Interpreter;
- fixed COP0's recompiled branch instructions;
- fixed a DMA bug (Fatal Frame should now work for good);
- fixed a bug in the Elfloader;
- usual code cleanups and optimizations;
- changed the Magna Carta gamefix to something more plausible;
- some VU optimizations should reduce the number of games that do not work well with Denormals are Zero selected;
- removed VSync INTC timing hack;
- added NTFS compression to the memcards folder. Note this does NOT slow down the emulation;
- renamed pcsx2pg.ini to pcsx2.ini;
- made "framelimit" mode default, instead of "normal" mode;
- made pcsx2 to default to MTGS mode "on" instead of "off";
- renamed everything to reflect the project merge, fixed up the logo and icon, renamed the files etc.
News source: http://forums.pcsx2.net
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February 14th, 2009, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
The producer and writer of upcoming PSP arcade-style brawler “Unbound Saga” told me about the game’s fictional history, why it’s a PSN-only download and how it’s different from “Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard.”
At New York Comic Con, I stopped by the Dark Horse Comics booth to check out the book publisher’s upcoming PSP title “Unbound Saga.”
Yep, that’s right — the PSP. The game, just announced this week, is slated for release in June and will only be available via digital distribution on the PlayStation Network.
Producer and writer Mike Kennedy from developer Vogster Entertainment was on-hand to demo the game. Clearly inspired by the likes of old-school, arcade-y brawlers such as “Comix Zone,” “Final Fight” and “Double Dragon,” “Unbound Saga” features the story of Rick Ajax, a beefy anti-hero who’s aware that he’s a comic book character and merely a pawn to The Maker, an omnipotent entity that tries him in various adventures requiring fisticuffs.
Along the way, Rick meets other characters, such as the assassin/spy/thief Lori Machete, and fights his way through over 30 unique enemies (like werewolves, sewer mutants, talking animals) through 120 different areas.
More - -> http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2009/...-saga-preview/
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February 14th, 2009, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
Man. Wow. We totally thought this one was going to be a clunker. Seriously, we gave the classic series appropriate fanfare whenever we received any news regarding it, but we were just doing it out of respect. We never thought that the Japanese game consuming populous would snatch up 86,000 copies of Street Fighter IV on its launch day alone. We were thinking it'd be more like a few hundy, maybe a thou by the weekend.
Capcom seems to be just as surprised as we are -- a community manager for the company recently reported that they were "overwhelmed by demand", and that the game had completely sold out in Japan. The only copies within the country's confines rest in a few boxes in Capcom's basement -- they'll apparently be sent out to retailers on Monday, and then snatched up with avarice usually associated with Turboman dolls.
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February 14th, 2009, 18:38 Posted By: MK2k
Tim "Argh!" Wright released a color edition source and data mod for Alex the Allegator 4. So here is the PSP port of Alex the Allegator 4 Color Edition.
Alex the Allegator 4 is a true jump'n'run, just like the old classic ones. Guide Alex through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a bag of her.
Alex the Allegator 4 PSP got an R2 update, which is also included in here.

Main Menu


In-Game Boss fight

In-Game another Boss fight
via mk2k.net (including sources)
Read the readme_psp.txt for installation notes and button configuration.
Alex the Allegator 4 PSP comes with an extra menu for choosing custom level packs, read readme_psp.txt on how to install new custom packs (there are already four custom packs included).
Visit www.mk2k.net
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February 15th, 2009, 14:35 Posted By: wraggster
We've known for a while now that the release of the downloadable, episodic brawler Watchmen: The End is Nigh would coincide with the March 6 release date of the slow-mo film adaptation of the same name, but for the sake of certain specificity (say that five times fast), Warner Bros. just clarified the launch date of the game. Xbox 360 (and PC) users can find it in their usual Wednesday offerings on March 4, while PSN users can can pick it up on Thursday, March 5. They're cutting it awfully close to the film's opening night, but we doubt anyone will have much trouble blowing through the game's two-hour-long campaign in time for a midnight screening.
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February 15th, 2009, 14:37 Posted By: wraggster
Just as Microsoft is changing your "device-buying experience" across the United States and opening a slew of stores, Sony is closing their main spot. Infamous for hosting PS2, PSP and PS3 launch events in the past, the Metreon Shopping Complex has hosted America's only Sony Playstation Store as well as a Sony Style store for nearly 10 years. The complex was sold to the Westfield Group and real estate company Forest City Enterprises in 2006, though Sony kept it's flagship Sony Style Store and only PlayStation branded store in the nation in operation ... until now.
Speaking with GameSpot, a Sony rep said, "Our lease with the Metreon for the PlayStation Store will expire this summer and we have chosen not to renew it." (A rep for the Metreon told GameSpot that the Sony Style Store's lease will expire on March 31st.)
So where will the company throw all those launch parties now? "While we are always looking at new avenues for additional retail exposure and space, we felt it best not to continue with a dedicated PlayStation Store at the Metreon at this time." Looks like if you want to attend a launch party these days and you're on the West Coast, you'd better be ready to lp+lk+down.
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February 15th, 2009, 14:42 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the guy who proposed to his girlfriend with a LittleBigPlanet level? They are in fact getting hitched - and are planning to do so in the game itself.
Dimmujed, the groom-elect, uploaded that video yesterday, then went into the LittleBigWorkshop forums this morning to announce the happy news that he and his betrothed, Andrea, are to be wed in April.
Remember the level I made where I got engaged with a LittleBigPlanet level? Well now I made a level inviting you all to our wedding in LBP! We are going to have the actual ceremony inside of little big planet with a level on April 11th.
You will be able to check out the level online, and the ceremony on a video come April 11th.
And then the community had this tender, heartfelt reaction to Dimmujed's joyful news.
Congrats to Jed and Andrea. I just hope the hyperactive Sony mods take the day off, or don't find any reason to take down their matrimonial level. Because that would be so ironic, like rain on your wedding day.
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February 15th, 2009, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the PSP-playing bus driver in Honolulu? The one who wasn't fired? Now six months later, the mayor has vetoed a city bill that would have outlawed playing games while driving.
Saying it is too specific and almost impossible to enforce, Mayor Mufi Hannemann struck down the measure that made it illegal to send text messages or play video games while driving. "A police officer operating a motor vehicle will only have a second or two to determine if the driver is committing a violation by text messaging or playing a video game," Hannemann wrote to the council.
As legislation goes, this seems a little unnecessary and reactionary to the bus driving incident, and laws like that are usually bad ones. Besides, if someone plows into a school bus because they're duking it out with Charon in Chains of Olympus, they're probably getting popped for reckless or careless driving anyway. It's probably a stupid idea to drive while baking a birthday cake, too, but that doesn't mean it needs its own law.
But the original bill's 7-1 vote means it has a veto-proof majority, so, Oahu drivers, please put down your Patapon and DS styli. Of course I don't like to see gaming singled out for abuse among all other behaviors, but really - if you're driving, you shouldn't be doing anything other than paying attention to driving. And that includes talking on the phone. At worst it's unsafe, and at best, the inevitable slowdown you see when someone makes or takes a call causes congestion, cutoff lane changes, delays at signals, headaches, and anger. I don't know a single person who doesn't hate cell phone drivers, but everyone does it.
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February 15th, 2009, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
New update from the PCSX2 blog:
Zerofrog documented the concepts of Virtual Memory a few years back. So now I figure it's VTLB's turn, since it's the new exclusive memory model used in current SVNs and any future releases.
So what is VTLB? VTLB stands for Virtual Translation Look-aside Buffer, which for most of us is a lot of common everyday words that, when put together like that, don't mean much at all.
Firstly, the memory model names VM and VTLB refer to the systems in place inside PCSX2 for emulating the Playstation2's memory, and don't actually refer to what's being emulated. In fact, neither VM or VTLB builds emulate the PS2's own TLB memory model, which can be misleading since VTLB contains the letters "TLB." The VM build was incapable of emulating the PS2's TLB without significant speed penalties and complications. VTLB on the other hand has the potential to emulate the PS2 TLB, but we haven't added functionality for it since it also depends on some other not-yet-complete areas of emulation (namely MIPS TLBMiss exceptions). As Zerofrog explained in an earlier blog, very few games utilize the TLB features of the PS2 anyway, so it's pretty much at the bottom of our wishlist at this time.
Conceptually, VTLB is surprisingly simple. It works by building a look-up of the PS2's physical memory on a per-page basis, and then defining actions or "handlers" for some pages, and defining other pages as "direct access" (fast mode). A page of memory is 4096 bytes long, so the PS2's 32Meg physical address space translates into 8192 total pages of memory, which ends up being a pretty small and efficient size as far as lookup tables are concerned. By comparison the current EErec uses a lookup table with 8 million entries!
So when a PS2 instruction performs a memory operation (usually referred to as a memOp), the VTLB grabs the lookup address. If the address has the "special handler" bit set, it routes to that handler. If the handler bit is not set, the address is treated like a normal pointer to physical memory. As an optimization, VTLB uses the sign bit of the 32 bit address for the purpose of differentiating handled memory pages from direct memory pages.
The pseudo-code looks like this, as performed for a write memOp:
uint page = ps2_addr/4096;
uptr pc_addr = vtlb_lookup[page];
if( pc_addr & 0x80000000 ) // sign bit check
*pc_addr = data;
handler[page]( ps2_addr, data );
By default, Pcsx2 utilizes the VTLB's handlers for several areas of Ps2 memory that hold hardware registers. Hardware registers are memory addresses that control the whats, whens, and hows of the Ps2 -- write to a specific memory address and the PS2 starts a DMA transfer, or changes the video mode, or plays a new audio sample. These writes have to be intercepted and handled by the emulator. The VTLB allows us to do that very efficiently.
The reason why VTLB is able to emulate the PS2's own TLB is thanks to the handlers, which can remap memory anywhere at any time, with any set of permissions. If a game decided to remap some pages of memory to a different virtual address, those pages would have the "handler bit" set TRUE, and then the handler for those pages would be instructed to remap the memOp to the appropriate physical address.
Thus, the flow would be as such:
Ps2_Virtual_Address -> VTLB_Lookup -> Handler -> Ps2_Physical_Address
The benefits of this model are three-fold: efficiency, extensibility, and ease of debugging. If a game doesn't use the Ps2's TLB, then the VTLB will simply use direct memOps (fast!). If a game does happen to use the TLB, then VTLB can remap the memory as needed, allowing that game to emulate correctly also without having to needlessly burden other games with the overhead of virtual memory remapping logic. And to top it all off, handler mappings can be traced and dumped quickly and easily at any stage of emulation.
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February 15th, 2009, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hitchhikr
I recently (today as a matter of fact ;D) made a psp replay routine for my softsynth tracker program available here:
The tracker is tailored for much faster machines so this is more an experiment than anything else.
If you intend to use it to create music for the PSP you'd better go very easy on the dsp effects and channels polyphony, especially the flanger fx is a really heavy toll because the media engine doesn't have any integrated hardware sin/cos or pow instructions.
The replay routine of the tracker uses the 2nd processor so the occupation time of the main CPU is really minimal.
Samples depacking with the PSP codecs isn't implemented yet (so samples packing should be set to "none" in that case).
The tracker itself is open source and available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Here is a quick little test using one of the 303 unit (tested on 1.5 and 3.40oe, older consoles):
Have a nice day,
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February 15th, 2009, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from roe-ur-boat

Here's a small game originally by Darkchild I've ported to the PSP from the DS. As you can probably guess from the title, it's a memory game.
The object of the game is to recreate the patterns shown to you. An extra life is awarded every now and then depending on the difficulty you choose.
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February 15th, 2009, 16:17 Posted By: wraggster
Nick Swardh has released a new version of his PSP Video Encoder software:
For one, there's a new subtitle option in town to keep the layout and all colors in style .SSA/ .ASS subtitles intact. And then a preview feature has been added as well, for you to check first the changes you've made before finally converting the video.
If you want to be really hawk-eyed about it, then you can also preview the video during the conversion. There's a "Preview" checkbox by the "Trim" option, through which PSPVC will show the current converted frame. Pause option has been added to the "Process Priority" list now, too, so no need to worry about pausing PSPVC even in the middle of a conversion.
The rest of the changelog are:
Added a "preview" option that displays the current converted videoframe
All settings (Framerate, Resolution, Image Tweaks and Subtitles) can be previewed when using the "Trim" options for instant view of changes in the setup
Added a "Pause Conversion" option to the process priority list
Added a VobSub filter for subtitles (now activated by default)
Added option to show/hide all video settings (now hidden by default)
Easier to select a preset
Improved "Tweak Image" options
Improved extraction of embedded subtitles
Added new presets
Misc improvements
Minor changes in the GUI layout
Download Here --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/
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February 15th, 2009, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
DaveX has released a new version of the NeoGeo MVS Emulator for the PSP with cheat support:
Hi guys,
Strictly speaking, since NJ added support to the Universal BIOS (UNIBIOS), MVSPSP has been with cheat support. But UNIBIOS support requires raster effects enabled, which may cause graphical errors and performance issues in some cases.
This Unofficial Work in progress MVSPSP version adds cheat support without requiring UNIBIOS. Also adds support to UNIBIOS version 2.3 if you prefer.
The UNIBIOS 2.3 used must be downloaded from The Universe BIOS Official Homepage (google it), because other UNIBIOS modified won't be recognized.
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February 16th, 2009, 19:09 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Namco Bandai's Keita Takahashi had admitted that even he has no bloody idea what Noby Noby Boy is all about, or why he made it.
Writing on the PlayStation Blog, Takahashi reiterated how it works: the player controls Boy, stretching him with the analogue sticks, with the final measurement being uploaded to a persistent character called Girl.
Girl's length is also supplemented by the Boy-stretching antics of other players around the world, and when she hits certain milestones new levels are unlocked for everyone.
"How come it's hard to explain, you ask? It's because I wanted to make a game that cannot be expressed by words in the first place," wrote Takahashi.
"By making an undefined and ambitious game, I want the player's reaction to be something like, 'I don't know why, but it's somehow interesting. I can't stop playing.' In that way, I would feel I have succeeded at creating what I wanted, that is, creating something that's not easily describable. Anyway, it's been a fun experience working on Noby Noby Boy.
"One big question most people have asked is, 'Why did you want to make such a game?' Seriously, I don't know. When I figure it out, I'll share it on this blog," he added, before adding slightly more after a video:
"As I mentioned earlier, this game is indescribable, and some people may say, 'This isn't a game!' But, what is a game? Should there be a definition for a game? That's the way I feel."
Noby Noby Boy is due out via PlayStation Network on 19th February and is expected to cost less than USD 10.
We'll have our review of the game (or however you care to describe it) in the next couple of days, so look out for that if you can't make your mind up. In the meantime, check out the Noby Noby Boy gamepage for screenshots and video.
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February 16th, 2009, 19:14 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Metal Gear Solid 4, one of the PS3's best exclusives, will cost you not a penny more than £24.99 as of March 5, Konami has confirmed. And if you look hard enough, you'll probably get it cheaper.
"Konami Digital Entertainment has announced that its heralded PlayStation 3 epic Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be released as part of the budget Platinum range from March 5th in (((insert country)))," says the slightly unfinished press release.
It doesn't specify how many copies of the game have been sold worldwide so far, but Konami does confirm that Snake's latest outing pushed total sales for the Metal Gear series above to 26.5 million units mark.
Pat on the back for Kojima, then. And if you haven't bought MGS 4 yet, you bloody should. It's brilliant.
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February 16th, 2009, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster

Difficult though it may be to believe, Panasonic showcased a conceptual in-dash BD deck of its own back in October of 2007. Obviously, nothing has really come of that, so Mitsubishi's stepping in with a prototype of its own. It's stated that the player has only a third of the volume compared to a traditional "home Blu-ray player," with it somehow being able to slip into a standard single-DIN opening. Better still, we're told that the final unit -- which is slated to hit production during fiscal year 2009 -- could also boast a mobile TV tuner in select markets, giving us even more reason to not pay attention to pedestrians, road signs and stop lights while taking that Sunday cruise.
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February 16th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
For more than a year, you've been reading about James Grayson's impending war with the Chimera -- a tale that'll fill in the gap between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2 -- and you've been salivating. You've been dreaming of firing your shotgun on the PSP, infecting the game with your PS3, and taking down conversion centers with your bare hands.
In one month, Resistance: Retribution will be upon us.
Still, that's a long time to wait, and rather than leave you desperately screaming into your pillow for 30 days, IGN's bringing you four behind the scenes videos straight from Sony Bend. That's right, you're going to be getting the inside scoop on everything related to R:R -- the story, the voices, and more. Can't wait? You don't have to. Click the videos below, my friend.
vids here --> http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/954/954400p1.html
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February 16th, 2009, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
It seems 1UP has the first details on Volatile Games' upcoming third-person shooter slash dog-commanding sim, Dead to Rights: Retribution. The game will reportedly be an origin story, setting up the history of longtime Dead to Rights series protagonist Jack Slate and describe how he and Shadow (the game's iconic dog) "first come together as partners against those who would bring the once great city to its knees."
Namco Bandai claims the game will feature a "hybrid combat system," which combines hand-to-hand combat and shooting, but the first screens do little to show off this concept. You also get to push people down stairs!
To keep you in the loop, we've created a handy list of things we know about Dead to Rights: Retribution so far:
The game is named Dead to Rights: Retribution and it's an origin story.
It's coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 in Q4 2009 according to Namco Bandai, the game's publisher.
There's totally a dog in it.
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February 16th, 2009, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
We've heard that Street Fighter IV has sold out in Japan. While we don't doubt for a New York minute that the game is selling well, but sold out in Japan? Like all of Japan?
Over the weekend, website CheapAssGamer did the detective work and discovered that the game is readily available at his local Japanese retailer TSUTAYA. The game was and is also available at retailer Yodobashi Camera. Click here to check the PS3 version's availability. (在庫あり means "in stock", and he blue circle means "yes.")
However! The Xbox 360 version of the game is sold out at Yodobashi Camera. That's only one retailer, however, and does not mean the Xbox 360 version is sold out at every store in Japan.
On this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday, CheapAssGamer went to approximately seven stores (Yamada Denki, Enterking, Toys R Us, etc.) in the greater Tokyo area — all of them had SFIV in stock.
Japan's got lots of stores, so to sell out in Japan isn't easy. But hey, like we said, we don't doubt that SFIV is doing very well. And yes, games do sell out in Japan — most Pokémon for example. But it's not always a mark of smash hit success, but often, simply a supply underestimate, and it should not always be used as a yard stick for sales. That's what the weekly sales figures are for.
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February 16th, 2009, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

1000 Units: Players will get 1000 lives to beat the toughest action sidescroller!
Lift & Throw: Prinnies are able to lift and throw objects on the battlefield.
Vehicles: Steal and control powerful vehicles, like tanks and UFOs.
Hip Pound: Jump and pound enemies to stun them. Then you can inflict multiple combo attacks for extra damage.
3D World with 2D Characters: In Prinny, character art is created using fluid 2D sprites, giving it a classic look with a comical tone. Battlefields and backgrounds, however, are created with 3D models. This allows for a smooth and unique combat action where certain attacks are rendered in a 3-dimensional view.
As Nippon Ichi Software's first pure action game, Prinny is the most heartpounding and challenging sidescrolling action game ever. Players control an unlucky penguin dude called a Prinny and slash their way through various Netherworlds. For this tough-as-nails action game, you're given 1000 units to accomplish your mission, but even with those 1000 units you will have to use everything you find on the battlefield to survive. Lift and throw objects, stomp enemies, even pilot tanks and planes to bombard whatever gets in your way!
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February 16th, 2009, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from SUccessHK and on worldwide import:

Take a trip back in time with over 40 titles from the SEGA Genesis era, including your Sonic The Hedgehog favorites. In classic single-player and multiplayer battles, you'll take down a huge variety of enemies, including Sonic's nemesis Dr. Eggman (AKA Dr. Robotnik), shuriken-flinging ninjas, hordes of altered beasts and the world's greatest fighting champions.
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February 16th, 2009, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
The jpcsp team have released a new build of the JAVA PSP Emulator for Windows:
heres whats new:
r920 Fixed video command TMATRIX: texture matrix is 3*4 (spotted by raziel1000) Feb 13 (3 days ago) gi...@web.de
r919 Update patch for Bust A Move Deluxe: allow sceAudio Feb 11 (5 days ago) gi...@web.de
r918 +1 another system time fix (spotted by shadow) Feb 05, 2009
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February 17th, 2009, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has released a new version of his file manager/browser for the PSP, heres whats new:
- increased much of original OSK feature.
- enabled to use built-in OSK (kernel3 version only).
- fixed a bug in copy window if you created a new folder, you could not move cursor to the folder.
- changed a destination device to copy from ms0 to the device where source files belong.
binary editor:
- fixed a bug that have shown wrong message on saving.
text viewer:
- added a feature of line editor.
note: edited files will be forced to be shift-jis encoding when it is saved. And, non-shift-jis file and binary file may not be edited & saved correctly.
- able to read UTF-16 encoding.
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February 17th, 2009, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
The coder Mickael2054 issue PSPNotes v2.0, homebrew for those who need to take some notes and through this program can do it on PSP.
More in the changelog below.
Changelog v2.0:
-Added two new themes and an image to upload
-At the first start of the homebrew, you must select the initial settings
-Ability to transcribe notes 10
-E 'a Topbar showing some information on the PSP
-Rewrote the code for the USB mode
-Improved the characters
-New menu with various options
-Code completely rewritten
-Added the Spanish language, now the program is translated into: English, French, Spanish
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February 17th, 2009, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from manatails007
PSPBTCNF BIN tool v2 by manatails007(Seungju Kim)
This tool allows you to modify PSPBTCNF BIN files(pspbtjnf.bin, pspbtknf.bin, pspbtlnf.bin)
copy PSPBTCNFtool to ms0:/PSP/GAME
Press X to extract BIN files to ms.
-it will be saved as text format at the root directory of memory stick. now you can edit it with your text editor
Press TRIANGLE to build BIN files
-convert your modified text files to BIN format
Press SQUARE to flash BIN files
-it flashes your new edited BIN files to flash0.
-v2 : added Slim PSP support
-v1 : initial release
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February 17th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Eskema
Well well its me again, ill bring u guys a new puzzle game, or maybe it is. You are a drunk guy who needs to go to the bar, so you "only" need to reach the bar (sounds simple huh?).
There are money in various colors and trashcans, so the green with green, blue with blue, etc,etc, each item unlock your way through the level.
You can carry only ONE item of each, if you try to get more than one, they be discarted.
If you stuck in any level you can restart it with TRIANGLE, select brings back to menu screen, and start select any menu option.
The game has only 5 levels, so if anyone want to contribute and make more levels i will be proud and include in final release. Contact me and i show you how the map's editor work.
Now the worse part, be adviced, this screens can cause you disorders and bla bla XDD
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February 17th, 2009, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from lokiare1
Merc Roid v.0.25 (Alpha)
Ok, I've updated Merc Roid with many things. I've created a few new levels. I've added lava (damage, visual, and liquidyness). You can now pick up any upgrades that I put in a level. You can travel from one level to another (I don't have a loading screen yet, but it is relatively quick to load each level). I've added a few sound effects, but they are slow to load, and I've had some crash problems with them. I haven't changed the screenshots yet, but I will later. In 0.25 I've added the door shield that can require any attack type to open. I've implemented the missile pickup (you start with 10 I think each tank adds 5 more.) I've created the first boss, but he is not playable until the next update.
L-Button - Jump (later I will have a system where you jump higher/further based on how much you do it).
R-Button - Shoot, hold for charge beam (shoots missiles when in missile mode, appears to charge but has no effect on the fire-power when in missile mode)
Analog-Nub - Aims the gun (moves the camera)
Triangle - Moves forward (move speed will vary based on how much you move)
Square - Strafe left.
Circle - Strafe right.
Cross - Move Backward.
Select - Switch between missiles and beam mode
Things still to do:
Create a story-line.
Create a menu screen.
Add a save feature.
Add doors that only open based on the attack that is used against them.
Add more monsters.
Add a few boss monsters.
Add zones that have different affects (water slows jump, move, and gravity speed, etc. etc...)
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February 17th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Namco Bandai plans to release a brand new Naruto PS2 game here in May.
Ultimate Ninja 4 will be the first instalment based on the Naruto Shippuden anime. It is set two-and-a-half years after the ninja left his friends to pursue his craft.
That's exciting for fans of the series, because all sorts will have changed for his return, which soon sees him uncovering a threat from a mysterious organisation called Akatsuki. Dun dun dun.
The main Master mode combines RPG and action, and tells the story of Naruto's return to Hidden Leaf Village. There's a Free Battle mode boasting the usual one-on-one fights to accompany the main campaign, and more characters than ever to pick from.
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February 17th, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Things went quiet on the Final Fantasy XIII front following that marvelous trailer from a few weeks back, but today Japan's Weekly Shounen Jump manga magazine came through with a few new details.
The biggest revelations concern new character names. The magazine introduces a team of fighters who battle alongside Snow (the guy with the bandana) during the early train sequence as part of what appears to be a team called "Nora." They were shown in the last trailer but never formally introduced.
Here's a look at three members:
This is the guy with the spikey blond hair who looks somewhat like Final Fantasy X's Wakka.
Lebro is the character with the impossibly low cut shirt that you'd never wear for a battle unless you were trying to win by distracting your enemies. She's the only female member of the team and is said to be strong-willed, but kind.
Ths is the guy with short blond hair, goggles, and what appears to be a Chicago Cubs jacket. Yes, it's a "he." Markie is somewhat timid, but is said to be a fine member of Nora.
Please note that the above names are not official Romanizations of the Japanese. It's possible that some of the names will have slight differences once Square Enix provides a more official look at the characters.
Lightning is not listed as being a member of Nora. In fact, the magazine states that while Lightning and Snow have a common enemy in the holy government army, their goals appear to be different. Nora's goal is said to be to help people who are being forced to move to the world of Pulse below. Lightning's goal may not be so clear, though .
Further insights should come from direct play of the upcoming Japanese demo, which is being packaged with the Japanese release of Final Fantasy XIII Advent Children Complete in mid-April. All the scenes in the magazine are from the demo, meaning we'll be getting a closer look at a good number of characters through the sampler.
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February 17th, 2009, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

A dream comes true! Use your Xbox 360 wired controller on your Playstation 3 with XCM Cross Battle Adapter. Also feature a Rapid Fire function.
For xbox 360 controllers' fans, now you can use your 360 wired controller on PS 3 console, plug and play, also built in rapid fire function.
For many reasons people really like the Xbox 360 controller. The look and feel are second to none. Now those same controllers can be used on your Playstation 3 console! For the first time you'll have the use of real triggers on your Playstation 3 console!
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February 17th, 2009, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
The results are in for Japan's Top 100 software sellers for 2008 and the data is certainly unsurprising. Rising to claim the #1 spot is Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. The PSP phenomenon has been topping the Japanese software charts for most of last year, and is, in fact, still selling hotly in Japan.
The PS3's best-selling game in Japan, Metal Gear Solid 4, barely scratched the top ten as it ranked in at #11. It was knocked out of the top ten by nine Nintendo exclusives, which include the likes of Super Smash Bros. Brawl at #5. But wait, Solid Snake is also in that title ... In a way, you could say he infiltrated the top ten. Back to your old tricks, Snake? And here we thought you had retired.
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February 17th, 2009, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
The results are in for Japan's Top 100 software sellers for 2008 and the data is certainly unsurprising. Rising to claim the #1 spot is Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. The PSP phenomenon has been topping the Japanese software charts for most of last year, and is, in fact, still selling hotly in Japan.
The PS3's best-selling game in Japan, Metal Gear Solid 4, barely scratched the top ten as it ranked in at #11. It was knocked out of the top ten by nine Nintendo exclusives, which include the likes of Super Smash Bros. Brawl at #5. But wait, Solid Snake is also in that title ... In a way, you could say he infiltrated the top ten. Back to your old tricks, Snake? And here we thought you had retired.
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February 17th, 2009, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Contextually appropriate character idiosyncrasy, or questionably shaped carrot dangled in front of the gaming press? Either way, Rockstar's latest addition to the Grand Theft Auto franchise -- one of controversy's more intimate acquaintances -- roasts yet another wiener on the fiery debate over mature content in games. Though we're certain most players were expecting a fair amount of dicks in The Lost and Damned's cast, the presence of a penis may come as a surprise.
The folks at 1UP (NSFW) have captured the scene between protagonist Johnny Klebitz and massage-loving exhibitionist Mr. Stubbs in all its full frontal glory. If you're going to watch it, be prepared to have an important thought rushing to your head: Is Rockstar cheekily pushing our beloved medium forward, or simply erecting another financially beneficial controversy trap?
We're inclined to think that IT'S A TRAP.
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February 18th, 2009, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
IF you thought the screenshots of the PSP video game based on the live-action catastrophe Dragonball Evolution were bad, wait until you see the game in motion.
Now to be completely fair, Namco Bandai didn't have a whole lot to work with when tasked with coming up with a video game based on the live-action adaptation of the popular Dragonball manga and anime, so they did the best that they could, I'm sure. The result seems to be a game that takes the "realistic" characters from the movie and puts them in places only cel-shaded anime models should go.
Trailer Here --> http://kotaku.com/5154940/dragonball...me-the-trailer
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February 18th, 2009, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation3
Moves List: Complete moves lists, with combos (Super and Ultra), chains, juggles, Focus Attacks and much more!
Full Character Data: Every fighter's bio, vital stats, strengths and strategies are revealed!
Tactics: Tips and tactics on Zoning, Reversals, Meter Management and other key features to keep you alive!
Achievements and Trophies: All Xbox 360 Achievements and Playstation 3 Trophies shown!
Complete moves lists, with Super and Ultra Combos, Chains, Juggles, Focus Attacks and much more!
Frame Data - At the core of every fighting game is the skeletal frame work of mathematics often referred to as frame data. Generally reserved for the super strategic Japanese fighting game books, frame data for the 17 arcade characters has been given a dedicated chapter in the official Street Fighter IV strategy guide. High level tournament players can study these in-depth data tables on their way to tournaments, while casual players looking to reach the next level finally have the tools generally reserved for the hardcore elite.
A Guide for Beginners - The Street Fighter series has been around for over 20 years, but there hasn't been a new installment in the series since Street Fighter III: Third Strike released 8 years ago. Whether you're an old timer who will be dusting off their arcade sticks, or a newcomer who has yet to throw their first Hadoken, everything you need to know to delve into the Street Fighter world can be found in the Basic Info and Terminology, and the Basic Training chapters of the official Street Fighter IV strategy guide. With this, you can ease your way into the world of Street Fighter at your own pace.
A Guide for Tournament Players - There are a lot of skilled Street Fighter players around the world, but Street Fighter IV is a brand new game for a new generation of consoles. The official Street Fighter IV strategy guide has everything a tournament-level player could ask for with key character points that allow players to quickly and easily find a character's best antiair attacks, poking attacks, and cross-up attacks. If you need a little extra help, the guide also includes in-depth strategies for all 25 arcade and console-exclusive characters, including tips to keep you up to date in the ever evolving world of high level Street Fighter competitive play. Interior
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February 18th, 2009, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Loco Roco is a game suitable for all ages. With its smoothly rolling 2D graphics, cute character designs and warm colors, it captures the heart of of many players who are not hard core gamers.
Roll from this side and that as a cheerful yellow blob and save the world from the black mujas.
Songs are not sung in any particular language, so you can just enjoy the adorable chantings of the LocoRoco. like the general atmosphere in the game, even the songs are warm, fuzzy and fun.
Let the Loco Roco cheer you up with their songs. They energize you in the morning and lull you to sleep at night.
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February 18th, 2009, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Beginning shortly before the ending of F.E.A.R., a Special Forces squad is on a routine mission when the city of Auburn is rocked by a supernatural explosion.
Alma, a girl with immense power and a thirst for revenge, has unleashed her wrath upon the city and thrown it into chaos.
The squad must combat enemy forces and the supernatural as they struggle to find a way to stop Alma and uncover the mysterious forces arrayed against them before it’s too late.
Game Features:
Strategic environmental combat opportunities available to both you and your enemies
Enhanced graphics engine takes action horror to new heights through enhanced visuals and effects
Maintains the authenticity of the Alma storyline and players will know this is the only place to continue the saga
Extinguish evil for good in F.E.A.R 2 Project Origin. The game is available on Xbox360™, PlayStation3™ and PC.
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin US US$ 64.90
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin ASIA US$ 49.90
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin US US$ 64.90
PC Game
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin US US$ 54.90
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February 18th, 2009, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Capcom will finally release Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on the PlayStation Network tomorrow.
And you'll need to fork out the stiff asking price of GBP 11.99 or EUR 14.99 to play.
SSF2THDR was worth the money last November, when the game launched on Xbox Live Arcade, but largely because eager fighting fans wanted something to fill the void while Street Fighter IV geared up for launch. With Street Fighter IV arriving on consoles around the world this week, we wonder why anyone would settle for second best.
Finally, about time it showed up on the European Playstation store.
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February 18th, 2009, 20:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Slant Six Games has come out to clarify the latest in a string of lag-related issues to plague online PS3 shooter, Socom Confrontation.
It's not had the best run so far, and players are again finding issues with lag, which the developer says is a server-side issue.
Here's the official word:
We've identified a server side issue which is causing some default games (Medley games) to be created on the Japanese and Asian servers for North American players and vice versa. When this happens, players experience higher than normal latency as they are playing on servers which are not located locally. This issue was recently made worse when the number of North American hosted servers was reduced.
On Sunday, February 15th, we added back in the North American servers which were removed. This will partially solve the problem as more games will be created in North America. The server team is working on a fix for the root problem as quickly as possible and we hope to have something rolled out soon.
Please note, custom games are not affected by this issue. Playing custom games will avoid the latency issues until a server side fix for the problem can be deployed.
We would like to thank everyone who provide extremely valuable information in the forums which helped us track down the issue.
The game was released in US last year, but only made it to the UK PS Store last Friday following a delay because of Sony's "extremely tight production schedule".
We hope things start looking up for it, soon.
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February 18th, 2009, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
New WIP version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released.
- disabled FtZ on EE and enabled DaZ on VUs as default choices;
- small hackfixes for katamary damacy and FFX;
- small Vif fixes;
- Pcsx2 now correctly sends CRC info to the GS plugin when using Run->Execute to boot games through the BIOS;
- usual game dependent speedups;
- usual codes cleanups;
- disabled all the broken memcard dialogue options;
- updated the Copyright;
- updated plugins.
News source: http://forums.pcsx2.net
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February 18th, 2009, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Could there be a brand new adventure for Gabe Logan and Lian Xing? News on Sony's espionage action franchise hasn't been coming from Sony Bend, and previous questions that we've asked about any additional sequels for the series since the explosive end of Logan's Shadow on the PSP have gone unanswered. But now, according to a posting on QJ.Net, there could be some new progress on the horizon. According to the article, two separate posts online indicate that the latest Syphon Filter title is currently being worked on at the Oregon Studio.
The first piece of evidence came from a posting on the SCEA Job site, which listed an opening for a Senior Game Tools Programmer at Bend'd Oregon studio. While the basics of the job seemed rather standard for the position, such as maintaining the production tool chain, developing new technology and building tools with scripting languages, one of the elements of the job listed that PS3 or Xbox 360 experience was required of all applicants. The second, and perhaps more interesting evidence, was that PCB Productions, a digital content creation company, listed that it had completed Facial Mo-cap for Syphon Filter 5 for the PlayStation 3 and noted Sony Bend in its credits section.
Could these be coincidences, or could this actually be confirmation that Syphon Filter 5 is being worked on? We contacted SCEA but did not receive an answer at the time this article was written. If we find out any news on Syphon Filter 5, we'll let you know.
*UPDATE*: Since our publication of the above news piece, we managed to speak to a representative of SCEA, who stated that, "SCEA hasn't made any announcements regarding a new Syphon Filter title.""
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February 18th, 2009, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 version of Tomb Raider: Underworld was somewhat maligned in its release thanks to missing Trophies and a lack of the downloadable content that the Xbox 360 will eventually receive. Finally, it appears that part of this dearth of features will be remedied. According to a post on the Tomb Raider Underworld forums, the developers have been working on a patch for the PS3 version that will enable Trophy support. According to a community manager, the Crystal Dynamics team wanted to include it. Currently, there is no exact release date for the patch.
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February 18th, 2009, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Kick the tires, pump the clutch, and prepare to burn rubber -- game update No. 1 is now available for MotorStorm: Pacific Rift. The patch allows you to backup your save data to the user account, displays a MotorStorm helmet during saves, makes online rankings easier to understand, and makes photos from Photo Mode look better. The patch also removes the ability to gain extra boost time by pausing and unpausing during a boost. Over on the PlayStation Blog, Evolution Studios Game Director Jed Ashforth said that the second patch is coming soon and hinted at collectibles and Trophies.
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February 18th, 2009, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
OK, here is the unofficial version of LaunchELF. (Note: It's based off Mirakichi's source to LaunchELF v3.41)
Changes: Unofficial LaunchELF releases by EP + dlanor
LaunchELF v4.39 (2009.02.17)
-Updated gsKit and existing source files to SVN rev 1470.
-Upgraded USBHDFSD to SVN rev 1534 by radad.
-Updated ps2ftpd and existing source files to SVN rev 587.
-Changed "DEVICE_UNITS" from 4 to 10 for the newer USB driver.
-Altered an old workaround to allow multiple USB devices to show up properly within FTP clients.
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February 18th, 2009, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Charnold

Hi! I don't have the time to develop this further a.t.m., but maybe it's useful for someone. This is all sourcecode and content to build the latest version of Dungeons Assault Run and the Dungeons 3D Editor. I'm releasing this all under the GNU GPL license.
This package contains:
- sourcecode of the Dungeons Engine 2
- sourcecode of the Dungeons 3D Editor
- sourcecode of Dungeons Assault Run
- MSVC++ 2003 project of the Dungeons 3D Editor
- MSVC++ 2003 project of Dungeons Assault Run
- makefile to compile the Sony PSP version
- Data to run Dungeons Assault Run + Dungeons 3D Editor
To compile Dungeons Assault Run for Mac / Windows, you need the following libs:
- OpenGL
- OpenAL
To compile the Dungeons 3D Editor, you also need:
- wxWidgets
Download http://www.caweb.de/special/DungeonsEngine2_GPL.zip
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February 18th, 2009, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from maxthebest

Hey guys, here's a new release of my game of life.
Here's what it can look like with one of the themes...
Here's a quote from the readme about the changelogs:
What's new from RC1:
-Added a couple of themes: by pressing Triangle, you can switch from one theme to the other. There are 3 themes for the moment, you can change them by editging the images in the game directory (each cell is 8*8).
-Added 4 brand new patterns: "The Queen Bee Shuttle", "The Pentadecathlon", "The Pulsar", and the "Diehard", which is special because it entirelyè dies after exactly 130 generations (you can check the generations by pressing L).
-When you press select, the menu pops up, and you can release the select button, which you couldn't before. It might help you navigate through the menu. To make the menu disapear, just press Circle or select an option.
Any question should be sent to this mail: maxthebest.dev@gmail.com , or just posted hre.
Here's my webpag for more info: http://maxence-dev.blogspot.com/
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February 18th, 2009, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
Update: I can personally confirm “The IdolM@ster SP” does not boot on custom firmware 5.00 M33. It errors out with the following, “The game could not be started. (80020148).”
Furthermore, after doing a little research, it’s rumoured The Idolmaster SP will feature unlockable “PlayStation Home Rewards.” It’s likely 5.05 may accommodate that.
Uh oh… Apparently this new PSP title, The Idolmaster SP, comes bundled with PSP firmware version 5.05, and not only that, you absolutely need 5.05 to run it. It’s been reported, even with spoofing your firmware version, that for the moment Idolmaster SP does not work on any custom firmwares. So that begs the question: what’s up with firmware 5.05?
To quote Mr. Anonymous –
The series of THE iDOLM@STER SP games (japanese), released today but leaked earlier, comes with a new and neat 5.05 update that is pretty much required for the game to run, or, at least, does not work on any existing CFW at the time. Spoofing the version through version.txt seemingly doesn’t work, either.
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February 18th, 2009, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPITa
The coder cobra77380 Iver releases PSP v1, a shell-One alternative to the classical XMB PSP.
The particularity of this shell is the presence of certain programs as PSPTube, PSPMaps and a graphic that recalls the now famous Iphone.
A follow the link to download.
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February 18th, 2009, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Reviews are beginning to appear for Guerrilla Games' upcoming first-person shooter, Killzone 2, a PS3 exclusive that has received a great deal of hype over the past several months. The reviews are mostly complimentary, but not overwhelmingly so; Ars Technica says it has "some of the best graphics yet seen on the PS3," and is a "solid take on the war-gaming genre." They also acknowledge that this is the latest game being held up as a standard for how good PS3 games can be, though the PS3 may not need such validation anymore. Edge Magazine is critical of the story, saying, "you could play the levels in random order to little ill-effect," but found the gameplay redeeming enough to warrant a 7/10. Concerns were raised early about the quality of the controls, but Guerrilla Games has affirmed that no changes will be made. Though the game won't be out for about a week yet, rumors of some fairly typical DLC plans are already cropping up. Giant Bomb recorded some video showcasing Killzone 2's multiplayer a while back.
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February 18th, 2009, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Fable II may be the most popular game to have run with a trusty canine companion, but it was hardly the first. In 2002, Namco released the first installment in its gritty crime noir shooter Dead to Rights, teaming up a grizzled cop with a K-9 counterpart to take on the mean streets of Grant City. Namco's Max Payne-esque shooter returned, dog and all, for a second multiplatform installment in 2005, titled Dead to Rights II, and has also seen iterations of uneven quality on the Game Boy Advance and PSP.
Today, Namco Bandai announced the next installment in the series, Dead to Rights: Retribution. And even though Namco Bandai is billing it as a "ground-up reinvention" of the franchise for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Jack Slate and his pooch Shadow will once again be prowling Grant City's corrupted streets.
Dead to Rights: Retribution will attempt to distinguish itself by hybridizing the third-person shooter and beat-'em-up genres. At range, players will be able to put Slate's marksman prowess to the test, using cover, blind-fire, and human shields to down his foes. Up close, players will have access to branching hand-to-hand combos, counterattacks, and disarming techniques. Players will also be able to take control of Shadow in certain situations throughout the course of the game.
Dead to Rights: Retribution is expected to arrive later this year.
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February 18th, 2009, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
It's about time that Metal Gear Online got back on the scene with a brand-new expansion pack. As revealed by Famitsu, this third DLC pack from Konami, titled "Scene," brings more Metal Gear Solid 4 characters and new map locales into the online battlefield. Both Vamp and Raiden will be added to the playable roster in this expansion, and three new territories are available to explore: "Hazard House" (a countryside manor), "Outer Outlet" (a shopping arcade) and "Revaged [sic] Riverfront" (a riverside town).
Though these first details currently only pertain to a Japanese release, we expect Scene to hit worldwide just like the Gene and Meme expansions that came before it. There are only two questions left that need answering: When should we expect Scene to arrive .... and what new word that rhymes with "spleen" will Konami use for the next expansion?
[Update: Konami just sent out a press release stating that the Scene expansion will be available in North America by March. Those who pre-order the pack off Konami's shop one week ahead of release will get complimentary "cardboard man" headgear.
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February 18th, 2009, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
While not as prestigious as the highly coveted Vector Monkey, the Game Audio Network Guild's audio awards are the most respected acknowledgements of achievement in video game sound design in the development community. As such, the aural masterminds over at Media Molecule have a lot to celebrate. GANG's recently released list of 2009 nominees is extremely LittleBigPlanet-centric -- the texturized, D.I.Y. platformer netted eight nods; most notably, it's in the running for Music of the Year, Best Interactive Score and overall Audio of the Year.
Other highly nominated titles include World of Warcraft with five nods, and Fable II, Gears 2, Star Wars: TFU and Dead Space with four a piece. Winners will be announced during GANG's 7th Annual Awards Show, held in conjunction with the 2009 Game Developers Conference on March 26. We've got the full list of nominees posted after the break!
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February 19th, 2009, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Persona for PSP may not be the full remake you were hoping for, but it still has some slick animated movies. Take a look at one of them.
There isn’t any voice acting in the video, but Atlus USA could add voices in. Square Enix did it with Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War. These other videos are character clips featuring the protagonist, Maki, and Masaso who prefers to go by the name Mark, just like he was called in North America.
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February 19th, 2009, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

1000 Units: Players will get 1000 lives to beat the toughest action sidescroller!
Lift & Throw: Prinnies are able to lift and throw objects on the battlefield.
Vehicles: Steal and control powerful vehicles, like tanks and UFOs.
Hip Pound: Jump and pound enemies to stun them. Then you can inflict multiple combo attacks for extra damage.
3D World with 2D Characters: In Prinny, character art is created using fluid 2D sprites, giving it a classic look with a comical tone. Battlefields and backgrounds, however, are created with 3D models. This allows for a smooth and unique combat action where certain attacks are rendered in a 3-dimensional view.
As Nippon Ichi Software's first pure action game, Prinny is the most heartpounding and challenging sidescrolling action game ever. Players control an unlucky penguin dude called a Prinny and slash their way through various Netherworlds. For this tough-as-nails action game, you're given 1000 units to accomplish your mission, but even with those 1000 units you will have to use everything you find on the battlefield to survive. Lift and throw objects, stomp enemies, even pilot tanks and planes to bombard whatever gets in your way!
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February 19th, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

As an idol producer, you have the power to change an ordinary girl to a nation wide idol. Widely popular in the arcades and on Xbox360, the game is now available on PSP.
Take your idol fledgeling with you wherever you go to show her off and do promotions. As a newbie producer, you have to pick a girl, see her character and design a career path for her.
Take her to lessons and to competitions as well as auditions for more public exposure. You sole aim in this game is to mould an ordinary girl into a star.
Push her idol rank up and see special events, the closer the two of you are, the more successful a producer you are. So be sure to get to know the girls properly before taking them to important auditions.
Besides impressing fans, you have to take care of rivals. Another production company has brought up a set of cute idols and it's up to you to see the true potential in your girls and let them outshine all other competitors in public events.
Perfect Sun features: Kikuchi Makoto, Takatsuki Yayoi and Amami Haruka
Missing Moon features: Kisaragi Chihaya, Miura Azusa and Akitsuki Ritsuko
Wandering Star features: Hagiwara Yukiho, Minase Iori and Futami Ami & Mami
The game is available at:
Sony PSP™
Idolm@ster SP: Missing Moon ASIA US$ 48.90
Idolm@ster SP: Missing Moon JPN US$ 54.90
Idolm@ster SP: Perfect Sun ASIA US$ 48.90
Idolm@ster SP: Perfect Sun JPN US$ 54.90
Idolm@ster SP: Wandering Star ASIA US$ 48.90
Idolm@ster SP: Wandering Star JPN US$ 54.90
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February 19th, 2009, 21:54 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A thread on the Game Trailers' forum claims to have the details on what we can expect from the next PS3 firmware drop.
Nothing's been confirmed by Sony and we'll ask for a 'no comment' when people turn up for work. All this info comes from a source who is said to work "in an R&D department at Sony". Stranger things have happened...
Friends List:
- Voice Messaging is now available as an alternative to text after selecting a user on the friends list. Voice message recordings are capped at 30 seconds.
- Home Integration: Saved PlayStation Home avatar photos can be selected as photo ID for Gamer Card/Friends List.
- Trophy number and Gamer Level are listed under Friend names for quick reference.
Gamer Card & Trophies:
- Gamer Card layout has been changed to more closely resemble the PlayStation Store aesthetic.
- Past Trophy information can be viewed in detail by selecting "Recent Trophy History" option.
- Newly acquired trophies auto-sync in the background
- Server infrastructure for Trophies has been optimized. Resulting in faster retrieval time for Gamer Card and Trophy information.
In-Game XMB:
- Loading time for In-Game XMB has been drastically reduced, resulting in a more seamless in-game experience.
- "Theme settings" options while in-game is now available, allowing custom themes to be applied to the In-Game XMB.
- Internet Browser can now be accessed while in-game.
- Voice messaging and voice chat options can be used while in-game.
- Options that cannot be used in the XMB during game sessions are grayed out (but still selectable) to eliminate user accessibility confusion.
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February 19th, 2009, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
DICE and Electronic Arts today announced that Mirror's Edge is getting a host of new time trial maps, all of which are available today on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. The pack of nine new maps take Faith outside of the city, away from the cops, and into an entirely new world where time is the only opponent. The time trials are available for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).
As an added bonus, PlayStation 3 users get an exclusive tenth time trial map that won't be available anywhere else. Fans of Mirror's Edge can also look forward to the two-dimensional version of the game which will be made available this Friday via the game's website.
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February 20th, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released an update to the PSP firmware, now bringing it up to version 5.05.
The twist is that, for the moment at least, the only way you can get the update is if you have Japanese game Idolmaster SP, because it's contained on the game's UMD.
This isn't the first time PSP firmware has been released on UMD only; version 3.96 was put out with Hot Shots Golf 2, as Exophase recalls.
With the lack of a changelog in the update installation screen, the exact changes are unclear although it's safe to guess it's a minor update that most likely clears up compatibility issues with the Japanese idol-raising sim.
It's currently unconfirmed whether the update will get a general release, although we've left a message with Sony.
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February 20th, 2009, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts is teaming up with Spicy Horse and American McGee to create a sequel to Electronic Art's PC classic from 2000.
Currently titled The Return of American McGee's Alice, the game is still in pre-production and "won't be completed for some time." The game is in development for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
"This new project is a dream come true for me and the fans who've kept the Alice flame alive," said American McGee, senior creative director at Spicy Horse. "EA gave us creative latitude and support on the original game which resulted in something beautiful and daring. This trip through the looking glass promises to be even more exciting."
"EA Partners is thrilled to team up with American McGee and Spicy Horse on the next installment of the Alice franchise," said David DeMartini, senior vice president and general manager of EA Partners. "American McGee's interpretation of Alice was an instant classic, and EA Partners is ready to help him bring his innovative vision for the franchise to even darker, more exciting places."
What are you hoping for from this game? A rework of the original? New ground broken? Multiplayer?
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February 20th, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
A job listing has appeared on the Sony Computer Entertainment website, looking for individuals to test "new model game hardware."
The Sony job listing says, "Experience an in-development game console (hardware) early!"
Job duties include checking on, reporting on and giving input for a in-development game hardware. The listing's Q&A reads: "This is specifically for a new model and unannounced game hardware for PS3, PS2, PSP and its peripherals." Note: In the original Japanese text, Sony separates those hardware platforms with commas only (there's not an "and), making it somewhat vague whether this is new hardware for each or all three.
This is a full time position. It starts this March and looks to run a year. There's a one month trail period, after which those awarded the position can look to make over ¥1,000 (US$10.70) per hour. Travel expenses are covered, and there's the possibility for a raise. This position is in Tokyo and is not open to students.
This very public job listing might get more fuel to those very persistent PSP2 rumors. Though, it also might simply be more a continuation of the current PSP and PS3 hardware iterations: slimmer with more memory.
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February 20th, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
A job listing has appeared on the Sony Computer Entertainment website, looking for individuals to test "new model game hardware."
The Sony job listing says, "Experience an in-development game console (hardware) early!"
Job duties include checking on, reporting on and giving input for a in-development game hardware. The listing's Q&A reads: "This is specifically for a new model and unannounced game hardware for PS3, PS2, PSP and its peripherals." Note: In the original Japanese text, Sony separates those hardware platforms with commas only (there's not an "and), making it somewhat vague whether this is new hardware for each or all three.
This is a full time position. It starts this March and looks to run a year. There's a one month trail period, after which those awarded the position can look to make over ¥1,000 (US$10.70) per hour. Travel expenses are covered, and there's the possibility for a raise. This position is in Tokyo and is not open to students.
This very public job listing might get more fuel to those very persistent PSP2 rumors. Though, it also might simply be more a continuation of the current PSP and PS3 hardware iterations: slimmer with more memory.
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February 20th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 may be light on RPGs now, but it’s getting plenty of MMORPG love with games like DC Universe Online, Free Realms, and the Agency in development. Predating all of Sony Online Entertainment’s projects is a title from Dynasty Warriors maker Koei.
Uncharted Waters Online: Cruz del Sur began life on PCs. Koei’s game is set in the Age of Exploration and lets players sail the seas, trade, and engage in large scale ship battles. On April 28 a PlayStation 3 port with the latest expansion pack arrives in Japan. The PS3 version connects with the existing PC servers and works with USB keyboards to ease chatting.
Since Koei never localized Uncharted Waters Online into English I wouldn’t count on this coming stateside anytime soon — if ever. The funny thing is Uncharted Waters Online isn’t the only PC to PS3 MMO in Japan either. Last year Q Entertainment released a client for free MMO Angel Love Online as a PlayStation Network download.
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February 20th, 2009, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hitchhikr
I recently (today as a matter of fact ;D) made a psp replay routine for my softsynth tracker program available here:
The tracker is tailored for much faster machines so this is more an experiment than anything else.
If you intend to use it to create music for the PSP you'd better go very easy on the dsp effects and channels polyphony, especially the flanger fx is a really heavy toll because the media engine doesn't have any integrated hardware sin/cos or pow instructions.
The replay routine of the tracker uses the 2nd processor so the occupation time of the main CPU is really minimal.
Samples depacking with the PSP codecs isn't implemented yet (so samples packing should be set to "none" in that case).
The tracker itself is open source and available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
v1.90 released:
- Added a scrollbar beside patterns.
- The tracker can now load all these .wav file formats (mono or stereo) :
- 8-bit integer.
- 12-bit integer.
- 16-bit integer.
- 24-bit integer.
- 32-bit integer.
- 32-bit float.
- 64-bit float.
- Added an option to render a module as 32 bit (float) .wav file.
- Inverted the right and left mouse buttons functions in patterns.
- Fixed an issue with the loop editor.
- Patterns now automatically scroll when using the right mouse button (also work when selecting a block).
- Added multi notes channels, they can be used to trigger several notes / track at the same time in order to make chords or to play several instruments in the same track and route them to the same row effect / dsp effect (thus allowing to considerably reduce the dsp usage and also introduce some modularity which could be useful, especially for the PSP replay).
Note that these channels are shared with the polyphony ones.
- Improved volume ramping.
- Keys repeat was disabled when editing note columns.
- Added LCTRL+TAB and LCTRL+LSHIFT+TAB to cycle through the notes of a track.
- Added LALT+A and LALT+LSHIFT+A to select one or all notes/instruments columns of a track.
- Modified the record function (for a better one, i hope).
- Some edition commands weren't working on last track.
- Midi channels polyphony implemented.
- Improved Mac OS X keyboard handling a bit.
- Compressor wasn't set right when loading .ptp files.
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February 20th, 2009, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Been looking for a puzzle game that you can't put down? You're in luck, as PopCap's Games' popular Zuma hits the PSN today. According to a blog post on the PlayStation.Blog, Greg Canessa, vice president of video game platforms at PopCap Games announced that the title will be available with the Thursday update. Canessa also mentioned that the title has been redesigned to take advantage of Sony's hardware, with Dolby 5.1 surround sound, Trophy support and PSP remote play.
Canessa also mentioned that PopCap is hard at work on bringing three more of their popular games to the PSN later this year: Peggle, Feeding Frenzy and Heavy Weapon.
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February 20th, 2009, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Been looking for a puzzle game that you can't put down? You're in luck, as PopCap's Games' popular Zuma hits the PSN today. According to a blog post on the PlayStation.Blog, Greg Canessa, vice president of video game platforms at PopCap Games announced that the title will be available with the Thursday update. Canessa also mentioned that the title has been redesigned to take advantage of Sony's hardware, with Dolby 5.1 surround sound, Trophy support and PSP remote play.
Canessa also mentioned that PopCap is hard at work on bringing three more of their popular games to the PSN later this year: Peggle, Feeding Frenzy and Heavy Weapon.
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February 20th, 2009, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's European studios have been doing some fairly inventive things over the past five-plus years with the likes of EyeToy, SingStar, Buzz! and so on. To talk about development in Europe, Michael Denny, senior vice president of Worldwide Studios Europe, and Mike Haigh, development director at Sony's London Studio, made an appearance at DICE to share their experiences.
Denny opened up the talk by going over Sony Europe's recent history and calling out some of the highest selling family and party-friendly titles, like Guitar Hero and Wii Play. He then talked about the community-driven success of Buzz! and SingStar. Nothing particularly shocking or interesting was mentioned in this bit.
Michael Denny then introduced Mike Haigh. Haigh began by explaining their view of what makes a good social gaming title, including group bonding, performing and competing, a broad appeal for all ages and spectator participation. He then explained the studio's take on social versus casual games, where social titles can still be complex, whereas casual titles are simple and are largely what is played by young kids or housewives.
Haigh then talked about the creation process behind the EyeToy and showed some early development videos that Dr. Richard Marks was toying with while working on developing the camera. He then moved on to talk about SingStar, a couple different early ideas for the game (like singing songs to defeat animals), and how two mics have been included in the package because tests showed that people were shy about singing on their own, but much more willing to do so with a partner.
Next up was the topic of Buzz! He didn't talk about the software a lot, but showed a few concepts for early buzzers, one that was box-shaped with a large red button in the middle and the four colored buttons set off to the side.
Haigh ended the presentation with a video look at EyePet, a new PlayStation Eye game coming for the PS3.
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February 20th, 2009, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's European studios have been doing some fairly inventive things over the past five-plus years with the likes of EyeToy, SingStar, Buzz! and so on. To talk about development in Europe, Michael Denny, senior vice president of Worldwide Studios Europe, and Mike Haigh, development director at Sony's London Studio, made an appearance at DICE to share their experiences.
Denny opened up the talk by going over Sony Europe's recent history and calling out some of the highest selling family and party-friendly titles, like Guitar Hero and Wii Play. He then talked about the community-driven success of Buzz! and SingStar. Nothing particularly shocking or interesting was mentioned in this bit.
Michael Denny then introduced Mike Haigh. Haigh began by explaining their view of what makes a good social gaming title, including group bonding, performing and competing, a broad appeal for all ages and spectator participation. He then explained the studio's take on social versus casual games, where social titles can still be complex, whereas casual titles are simple and are largely what is played by young kids or housewives.
Haigh then talked about the creation process behind the EyeToy and showed some early development videos that Dr. Richard Marks was toying with while working on developing the camera. He then moved on to talk about SingStar, a couple different early ideas for the game (like singing songs to defeat animals), and how two mics have been included in the package because tests showed that people were shy about singing on their own, but much more willing to do so with a partner.
Next up was the topic of Buzz! He didn't talk about the software a lot, but showed a few concepts for early buzzers, one that was box-shaped with a large red button in the middle and the four colored buttons set off to the side.
Haigh ended the presentation with a video look at EyePet, a new PlayStation Eye game coming for the PS3.
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February 20th, 2009, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from eloivanelst
PSPiton? Never heard of it before?
It's a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links.
It has been a long time sincs I released a new version of PSPiton, but today's the day I completly re-made the app and is now alot smaller! (the previous release was about 24 mb, now it's even lesser then 1 mb!) If you're interessed, just click on the download link below, but first. Here's the changelog:
- Re-made the app (not really a changelog, lol);
- Updated the applications (Now still includes 4 apps, but there will be loads more in furture! (PSPFiler, Ultimate PSPTube, CWCheat, Adhoc File Transfer));
- New, simple look (which made the file size alot smaller);
- Improved information;
- Bug fix, which caused an error if you hitted one of the numpad keys.
What am I planning for the next version?
- More apps, of course;
- Improved info;
- Something extra's??
- The up- and downgraders files + info;
- Translations??
- And maybe some bugs fixed...If you think your app is good enough, reply me the name of it (and a link would be great) and I'll see if it's really good enough.
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February 20th, 2009, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPIta
The French team on the scene GeekInside begins releasing PSP Play Everywhere, developed in-One homebrew LUA.
The program includes features such as the dump of the UMD and some games like Pong.
More to follow.
Changelog v1:
Five-games: Pong, Piano, Superman, Paint, Love
-E 'possible to explore the contents of the memory stick
-E 'possible to make the dump dell'UMD
-E 'can refer to the information system
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February 20th, 2009, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced its expansion of PlayStation products to make them officially available in Latin America.
Sony says the move is intended to expand its install base, currently consisting of 21.3 million PlayStation 3 systems worldwide. The electronic giant's move into the region covers 13 different countries, and will see the wider sale of the PS3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2.
"Our commitment to expand PlayStation business into Latin America supports our vision to provide access to social entertainment experiences that can be shared among friends and family from around the world," said Mark Stanley, director and general manager, Latin America, SCEA.
"This expansion is the direct result of us listening closely to our community, and we're proud to deliver premium hardware and software services that will allow them to easily connect, play and communicate with one another."
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February 20th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that the PS3 has amassed global sales above 21 million.
As part of the Sony's announcement regarding its bid to launch hardware across Latin America, the firm claimed that life-to-date sales of the PS3 were now at 21.3 million.
The company also stated that the PlayStation Network has amassed 17 million registered accounts, though this was given as a whole number and not specifying if it included duplicate accounts and/or excluded PSP accounts and accounts activated on the PSN website.
Last week, Sony announced that total worldwide sell-in units of the PSP had surpassed the 50 million mark.
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February 20th, 2009, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
"I think right now – in the future, when people look back, I think it's the renaissance of video games." These words were spoken by Jenova Chen – creator of Flower and flOw – to MTV Multiplayer on the role of digital distribution in the industry. Chen believes that digital distribution platforms like PSN, Xbox Live, WiiWare, and Steam are a bastion for new and artistic game designers to flourish.
While larger companies are struggling to maintain higher production costs on "bigger and badder" versions of the same games every year, cheap and unique downloadable titles are doing well for themselves. Games like Flower, Braid and PixelJunk Monsters are noteworthy games that exemplify the "rebirth" of diversity and creativity for the industry. While it's nice to hear that digital distribution has been experiencing a renaissance and pushing boundaries, we can only hope that the rest of the industry catches up and gets pulled out of the dark ages.
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February 20th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has released another four downloadable PSP games via the handheld's online store as part of this week's PlayStation Network update.
The games are World of Pool (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99), International Athletics (GBP 11.99 / EUR 14.99), Spectral vs. Generation (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99) and State Shift (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99).
Otherwise this week's PSN update is mostly known to you. There's the excellent Noby Noby Boy (GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99) and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (GBP 11.99 / EUR 14.99) at long last.
There's also the Burnout Paradise Legendary Cars Collection (GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99), featuring four cars based on various film specials. They're also sold separately for GBP 1.59 / EUR 1.99 each, except in the case of the Jansen 88 Special (the Back to the Future one), which goes for GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99.
Also in Burnout-land there's a Time Savers Pack for GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99. Burnout fans will be able to find more details on all that on the Criterion Games Network next time they boot up Paradise.
Beyond that there's a LittleBigPlanet WipEout Costume Kit (GBP 2.39 / EUR 2.99), the Mirror's Edge Pure Time Trials Pack (GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99) and the usual Guitar Hero and Rock Band releases, including a few by Wings for Guitar Hero.
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February 20th, 2009, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has released another four downloadable PSP games via the handheld's online store as part of this week's PlayStation Network update.
The games are World of Pool (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99), International Athletics (GBP 11.99 / EUR 14.99), Spectral vs. Generation (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99) and State Shift (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99).
Otherwise this week's PSN update is mostly known to you. There's the excellent Noby Noby Boy (GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99) and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (GBP 11.99 / EUR 14.99) at long last.
There's also the Burnout Paradise Legendary Cars Collection (GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99), featuring four cars based on various film specials. They're also sold separately for GBP 1.59 / EUR 1.99 each, except in the case of the Jansen 88 Special (the Back to the Future one), which goes for GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99.
Also in Burnout-land there's a Time Savers Pack for GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99. Burnout fans will be able to find more details on all that on the Criterion Games Network next time they boot up Paradise.
Beyond that there's a LittleBigPlanet WipEout Costume Kit (GBP 2.39 / EUR 2.99), the Mirror's Edge Pure Time Trials Pack (GBP 6.29 / EUR 7.99) and the usual Guitar Hero and Rock Band releases, including a few by Wings for Guitar Hero.
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February 20th, 2009, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Americans may not be fully up to speed on the details, but know that nearly half of all PlayStation 2 consoles sold have been sold in Europe.
A big part of that popularity has been down to what's now known as Sony's "Party Starter" lineup: SingStar, Buzz! and EyeToy.
These were all developed by first-party studios in the UK (and driven by ex-Sony man Phil Harrison), and all were aimed at expanding the appeal of gaming beyond its traditional market. So Buzz! was aimed at families and parties. SingStar was aimed at the girl's night in, the gay lad's night in and drunken parties in general. And EyeToy was aimed at, well, everyone.
And all three have been a success. None more so than SingStar, however, which to date has sold an astonishing 17 million copies, again mostly in Europe. So what's the secret to the success of these games?
Sony Europe's Mike Haigh knows. It's the controllers. Speaking at DICE, Haigh says it's that each of those games uses a unique controller. Non-gamers are often terrified of control pads, so - as we've seen with the success of the wavy-wavy Wii - giving them a simple substitute (like Buzz's quiz-show controllers, EyeToy's camera and SingStar's microphones) can work wonders.
So Microsoft, take note! Oh, sorry, you already have.
Oh, and speaking of microphones, that picture up there? It's of the long-awaited wireless microphones for SingStar, which were promised to appear close to game's launch in late 2007 but will instead be out in the UK on March 20. 2009.
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February 20th, 2009, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
NIS America told us they wouldn’t disappoint when it came to releasing Disgaea 2 Portable domestically. We’ll get to know the PSP game better under the name Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days when it comes out here.
The news isn’t 100% official yet, but since the ESRB leaked the name and since Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories already came out on the PlayStation 2 all signs are pointing to a North American release in the near future.
While this is a port Nippon Ichi added a number of features to Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days. Let’s take a look at them.
A brand new story line starring Axel, the Dark Hero, and his friends like the director.
More Here --> http://www.siliconera.com/2009/02/20...ark-hero-days/
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February 20th, 2009, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new:
Akira (~Mitsuo Iwata, Nozomu Sasaki, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
Body of Lies (~Russell Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio) US US$ 35.99
Capote / In Cold Blood (~Chris Cooper, Bruce Greenwood, ...) US US$ 54.95
Changeling (~Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, ...) US US$ 39.98
Code Blue Hybrid Version Blu-ray Box JPN US$ 382.90
Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion R2 Vol.7 JPN US$ 76.90
Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion Vol.7 (~Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Sakurai, ...) JPN US$ 76.90
Equator 1: Power of an Ocean US US$ 24.99
Gandhi (~Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, ...) US US$ 28.95
God Bless The Machine Dancouga / Choju Kishin Dancougar Blu-ray Disc Box 2 JPN US$ 439.90
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Deluxe Extended Edition) (~Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, ...) US US$ 39.99
High School Musical: Remix (~Zac Efron, Monique Coleman, ...) US US$ 34.99
Keitai Sosakan 7 File 07 (~Kanji Tsuda, Yuko Ito, ...) JPN US$ 63.90
Kramer vs. Kramer (~Jane Alexander, George Coe, ...) US US$ 28.95
Lady Cop & Papa Crook (~Sammi Cheng, Eason Chan, ...) HK US$ 27.90
Macross F / Macross Frontier 7 JPN US$ 76.90
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Vol.1 (~Mamoru Miyano, Shinichiro Miki, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Mushishi JPN US$ 51.90
Mutant Chronicles (~John Malkovich, Ron Perlman, ...) HK US$ 32.90
One Long Night (~Pedro Armendariz Jr., Alison Eastwood, ...) US US$ 29.99
Quarantine (~Jennifer Carpenter, Greg Germann, ...) US US$ 39.95
Ronin (~Robert De Niro, Jean Reno, ...) HK US$ 28.90
Sharkwater Special Edition JPN US$ 51.90
Tales of the Abyss Vol.1 (~Chihiro Suzuki, Yukana Nogami, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
The Midnight Meat Train (~Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, ...) US US$ 39.99
The Passion of the Christ (~James Caviezel) US US$ 34.98
The Silence of The Lambs (~Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, ...) HK US$ 28.90
The Square - T-square Since 1978 30th Anniversary Festival - Yaon De Asobu (~T-square Super Band Special) JPN US$ 94.90
Trilogy Live In Berlin (~The Cure) JPN US$ 54.90
Trilogy Live In Berlin (~The Cure) JPN US$ 54.90
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February 20th, 2009, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

In the Sengoku period, ninjas are held in high regard, taking off from the end of Tenchu 3, Rikimaru and Ayame has to act before the chaos of the era swallow them whole.
Unlike other ninja games that places brute force before stealth, to survive, in this game, you must not be discovered. Make use of all the crannies and crevices to hide yourself as you ambush your enemies.
Speed is another factor, instead of prolonged battles, kill your opponent in one move. Depending on your ninja skills, you can kill boss characters with one powerful slash. Get to know your weapons as the potential you can tap into depend on them.
Plunge head-long back into the chaos and emerge victorious.
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February 21st, 2009, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Have you been looking for a new RPG for your PSP? You're in luck, because today, Atlus and SK Telecom announced that they were partnering together to bring Crimson Gem Saga to the PSP in North America on May 26, 2009. Crimson Gem Saga actually has a history – it was once known as Astonishia Story 2: Fate to Unhorse One before it was renamed. According to the press release, the game will feature "hand-drawn visuals, an engaging fantasy tale, and an easy to use interface."
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February 21st, 2009, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MrX256
Here is a project I started working on back in April 2008 but hasn't had much of my attention since GTA IV was released. The aim of the game is you try to kill as many gnomes possible using C&C style superweapons before the time runs out.
At the moment the only superweapons available are Airstrike, Ion Cannon, and Nuclear Missiles.
It is still in beta stage so not everything works correctly (like the nukes) and there aren't any textures for the gnomes yet. There is no audio or a second stage, but this is the first release.
It requires LUA Player HM6 and comes bundled with it in .PBP form for easy installation.
Should be PSP 1000 & 2000 series compatible. Use 3.XX/5.XX kernel.
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February 21st, 2009, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Jdawson comes a new portal for the PSP:
Well its finished PSPPOD 1.4 Is now available for download.
With New google app, 16 new icons (Clock, maps, Ebuddy, calculater, Apps, Facebook, Games, weather, photo's, and more!.), calculator, ebuddy, IM, Mail, new dock, new about, AND MUCH MORE!
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February 21st, 2009, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from manatails
PSPBTCNF tool is updated to V3
now it has backup/restore function
......and 3G PSP support. hehe
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February 21st, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster

While the rumors of a PSP2 and PSP Phone have calmed down of late, they're never truly dead. According to a fluent Japanese speaker translating a Sony Japan job listing for GameSpot, the company is on the hunt for an "evaluator / assessor for a new game machine." More specifically, that elusive machine is said to be a "part of the PlayStation or PSP series and their peripherals." The listing goes on to state that the lucky winner will "be part of an advisory staff that will play PlayStation series software on this new machine and check its functionality," and they'll also be able to "test game machines not yet released or new functionality of PS3 peripherals before they are released." From there, it's up to your imagination to determine what exactly this could be alluding to, but we're setting our expectations remarkably low as to not be disappointed.
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February 21st, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster

While the rumors of a PSP2 and PSP Phone have calmed down of late, they're never truly dead. According to a fluent Japanese speaker translating a Sony Japan job listing for GameSpot, the company is on the hunt for an "evaluator / assessor for a new game machine." More specifically, that elusive machine is said to be a "part of the PlayStation or PSP series and their peripherals." The listing goes on to state that the lucky winner will "be part of an advisory staff that will play PlayStation series software on this new machine and check its functionality," and they'll also be able to "test game machines not yet released or new functionality of PS3 peripherals before they are released." From there, it's up to your imagination to determine what exactly this could be alluding to, but we're setting our expectations remarkably low as to not be disappointed.
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February 21st, 2009, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
New at Divineo China and on Worldwide import:

The second heart-stopping shooter by Monolith (after F.E.A.R.) continues the spine-tingling supernatural suspense story of an escalating paranormal crisis that threatens to destroy a major American city. At the center of the calamity is the mysterious Alma, whose rage against those who wronged her triggered a chain of events that has spiraled completely out of control. Now that she has been loosed upon the world, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Although this game is technically a follow-up to F.E.A.R., the game will not carry the F.E.A.R. franchise name due to a shift in publishers -- instead, it will feature a new name for its frights. This next-gen entry is being developed separately yet concurrently with its PC twin of terror.
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February 21st, 2009, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ryu ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3) isn’t kicking in Japanese PS3s yet. Still a week to go before it comes out and Sega is already teasing the future.
After the game launches Sega will support it with twenty nine downloadable items spread out over a period of eight weeks. Some of these will be special missions, others item packs. Even if they were just 29 alternate suits for Kazuma Kiryu I wouldn’t have the heart to complain since all of this DLC is free. You don’t even have to go to the PlayStation Store to download the content. Yakuza 3 will automatically update your game if you’re connected to the Internet, presumably like a regular patch, each time new items are released. Pretty neat way (and forceful way) to give out bonuses.
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February 22nd, 2009, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from eloivanelst
Well, here it is already. PSPiton v0.4 with lots of improvements and new apps and info. The main improvemnts are that I added 4 new apps and splitted the version in 2 (full and lite). Take a look at the full changelog the find out what has changed:
Changelog v0.4:
- More apps added;
- Splitted the application into 2 differend versions: full and lite (full doesn't require to download every single app, because they are already included. The lite version does require to download them, but
the lite version is alot smaller;
- Fixed a bug which caused to close PSPiton if you pressed home or end;
- Fixed a bug which showed incorrect information of some apps/homebrew;
- Readme added;
- Pressing the PSPiton logo doesn't cause showing up the credits anymore;
- Updated PSPfiler;
- Updated Pandora Deluxe;
- Added a second page, so I can add more apps in nearby future;
- Added the ability to resize the windowed mode to fullscreen mode (Maybe will be removed in the upcoming version).
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February 23rd, 2009, 19:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Capcom has announced that it has shipped two million copies of Street Fighter IV since its release in Japan on February 12, as well as in North America and Europe on February 17 and 20.
According to the publisher, the sales results of the 2D cross-platform fighter signifies a success in its strategy to revitalise the brand following the franchise's 20th anniversary, which it's also hoped will receive a boost by the upcoming release of the Street Figther: Legend of Chun-Li movie on February 28.
"The movie was developed in order to help rebuild the Street Fighter brand by drawing in new fans and reinvigorating fans of old," the company explained in a statement.
"In fruition of its policies, Capcom has achieved the feat of breaking the two million copy mark despite the economic crisis with this first iteration of the Street Fighter series in 11 years."
The company concluded: "At Capcom, not only do we strive to make entertaining and profitable games, but we are always endeavouring to lucratively develop our popular franchises in other media in ways that will please the fans."
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February 23rd, 2009, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe is to close down its Go! Messenger service due to a lack of users.
Go! Messenger was developed in collaboration with BT, and allowed users to make instant messenging, voice and video calls on the PSP.
"Although Go! Messenger brought innovative communications features to the PSP community, the service has not developed the base of users that we were hoping for," wrote a spokesperson for Sony.
"Although it proved a popular concept, achieving a significant number of registrations, it didn’t gain the number of regular users that BT and SCEE were aiming for."
Go! Messenger was only launched a year ago, and used the Go! Cam on any model PSP.
The service ends March 31. "We’d like to thank all fans of Go!Messenger and are sorry to have to make this announcement," said Sony.
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February 23rd, 2009, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has made a clever Killzone 2 plug-in that takes over browsers, fills them with Helghast and turns mouse-pointers into crosshairs.
The pocket-sized program can be nabbed from the Killzone 2 website, and, once installed, can launch from any URL. There's an opt-out option, plus players can form squads with up to three friends, either inviting them to battles or joining theirs.
Points and multipliers are awarded for shooting heads and hidden explosives, and the more people playing the more points there will be on offer. Cleverly, missed bullets tear apart the background website. Both Firefox and Internet Explorer are supported.
We wouldn't normally tell you about any of this, honest, but Killzone 2 launches this Friday and arrives with a big fat Eurogamer seal of approval.
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February 23rd, 2009, 19:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
We're sure you'll be counting down the minutes to this Friday's release of Killzone 2 and we're here to ease your pain (or make it worse) with a 'making of' video.
It's the first episode of what we presume will be a series released over the next few days. There's plenty of in-game footage, and some nice info-packed commentary from the big boys of the development team.
Video at CVG
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February 23rd, 2009, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Xbox World 360 Magazine has responded to claims they finished the long-awaited horror sequel in just 7 hours - considerably shorter than the "20+ hours" promised in US publications.
"As previously stated our first completion time, minus cut-scenes, was seven hours, thirty-six minutes and one second," the mag posted on its blog, even posting screenshots as proof. "For reference purposes, the total length of all the game's cut-scenes clocks in at 80 minutes.
"This time was achieved in single player and on the normal difficulty. This was not a speed-run, nor were we pressured for time, and was not, as suggested, merely the time to complete the first three chapters of preview code."
As the mag points out, this makes Resident Evil 5 considerably shorter than its predecessor - though you can't see everything in the new game that quickly.
"We wish to stress that you cannot see all there is to see in Resident Evil 5 in under ten hours - something which the review makes very clear. There are plenty of extras to unlock and reasons to keep playing. But the fact remains that the first run-through of the campaign is brief; especially when compared to 4's.
"We can only suggest that those citing 20+ hour completion times need to brush up on their gaming skills. :-)"
Read our summary of XBW's review here. Resident Evil 5 is out on March 23.
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February 23rd, 2009, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

Rock Out with the new sound activated Stagelight.
Super bright Darklite LEDs are projected all around the room, as you lay down
some serious riffs with your latest guitar game.
Sensitivity is fully adjustable to respond to different types or levels of music.
And a pair really gets the party started!
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February 24th, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Consumers are set to buy more than 100 million Blu-ray discs across the US, Western Europe and Japan within the year, according to research by Futuresource Consulting.
The group's research indicates that the greater prevalence of high definition TVs and reductions in Blu-ray player prices will fuel interest in the discs despite the economic downturn.
"In the USA, Blu-ray has moved from early adopter phase through to early majority, with the format gaining real traction in the marketplace," said Mai Hoang, senior market analyst at Futuresource.
"Last year in the US alone, Blu-ray video retail sales increased by a whopping 320 per cent to 24 million units; and we're going to see momentum continuing in 2009, with over 80 million disc sales forecast."
"The UK is the largest market for Blu-ray discs in Western Europe," Hoang explained. "With sales of more than 3.5 million units in 2008, it represented over 40 per cent of the West European total."
Jim Bottoms, managing director at Futuresource, added: "Blu-ray disc sales continue to expand into all major markets and genres."
"Although to date the business has gravitated towards new release titles. In particular, the action adventure genre dominates, appealing strongly to the young male technology adopter, which also closely matches the PlayStation 3 owner profile."
"By 2012, around 50 per cent of US and 35 per cent of Western European video disc retail sale volumes will be Blu-ray."
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February 24th, 2009, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Back before Christmas there was a rumour that there was going to be a "refresh the PlayStation Portable product line with a PSP-4000 model in late 2009 and launch a true successor - a PSP2."
Well, it's after Christmas now, and the rumour won't lie down and die. It has been reignited by a "highly trusted source" from somewhere (maybe Sony, maybe a publishers, maybe the chap who designed the image you see to the right - which is a mock-up) who has told VG247 that, "The revamp does have a sliding front-screen, and we’re assured the design being currently touted isn’t a million miles away from this now-infamous image."
The refresh will be announced at E3 or GDC... or somewhere, this year.
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February 24th, 2009, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
Oh that's right. More new PSP rumours. We've had a few surface lately, but this latest one is awfully specific, involving the machine's actual design, as well as its insides.
The last rumour came courtesy of IGN, who said the next version of Sony's handheld console would feature "a multi-touch screen, Bluetooth support, integrated GPS and a hard drive". Sony got quite nasty in shooting that one down.
Today's, however, comes from VG247, who see things a little differently. According to "a highly-trusted source", the next PlayStation Portable won't be an all-new PSP. Its internal architecture will be the same as current models, meaning any and all changes will be cosmetic ones.
And those changes involve the addition of a sliding front screen, which is normally employed in mobile phones - including many of Sony's own models - to cut down on size.
There's no mention of other features rumoured thus-far, including those involving touch-screen input.
As far as rumours go, this certainly seems the most (relatively, of course) plausible to date, because it fits with Sony's long-running company plan of eschewing drastic, radical changes in favour of iterative improvements, which normally take the form (especially when it comes to PlayStation products) of smaller, sexier cases surrounding existing hardware.
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February 24th, 2009, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The Bluetooth Headset leverages advances in voice technology to bring next generation features to the PLAYSTATION 3 system. It features High-Quality mode* which provides wide-band and dual microphone input to enable accurate speech recognition required to support “voice command?and “voice animation?features that will be offered in select games on the PS3 system. Easy pairing with the PS3 system, in-game Headset status indicator, included charging cradle and easily accessible microphone mute button makes it user-friendly. Designed specifically to enhance the game play experience, this is a must have Headset for the intense multiplayer gaming only available on the PLAYSTATION Network
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February 24th, 2009, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The manufacturer Try Electronics adapts the joystick for the PS3 by adding a USB connector but the basic functionality is the same as the original Royds Stick EX that we've been using for a while.
The design of the stick uses a modular panel which slots into the base and two different button panels may be inserted into the base as follows:
Standard 8-Button Panel
All right face buttons and trigger buttons (○, X, O, Δ, L1, L2, R1, R2) are located on the panel in a 4 x 2 configuration. The weight of this particular panel is 500g or 1.10lbs.
EX-System 4+1 Button Panel
The four face buttons and a trigger (○, X, O, Δ, L1) are spaced across the panel in a truncated arc pattern. The weight of the panel is 400g (0.88lbs).
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February 24th, 2009, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
Yet another update from moscas for his Goblin PSP, utlity-One PC that comes with version
Goblins PSP will allow you to perform backups of data on your memory stick, load and / or delete the backup of your UMD, launch programs like the RemoteJoy and USBIsolader, update your Custom Firmware and manage your plugins.
Following the changelog for this release and the link to download.
Changelog v2.2.1.0:
-If you are upgrading from a version lower than v2.0.0.0 you must remove GoblinPSP
-Added a new icon for the PSP in My Computer
-Improved the calculation of the free space Memory
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February 24th, 2009, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPita
The French team GeekInside releases a new update to Play Everywhere, homebrew from a variety of functions that come with version 2.0
More information about this new release in the changelog to follow
Changelog v2.0:
-Added an MP3 player
-Added a program to repair the dead pixels
-Added Powernoid
-Added an emulator for the Game Boy Advance
-Added a splashscreen to dell'homebrew
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February 24th, 2009, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hitchhikr
I recently (today as a matter of fact ;D) made a psp replay routine for my softsynth tracker program available here:
The tracker is tailored for much faster machines so this is more an experiment than anything else.
If you intend to use it to create music for the PSP you'd better go very easy on the dsp effects and channels polyphony, especially the flanger fx is a really heavy toll because the media engine doesn't have any integrated hardware sin/cos or pow instructions.
The replay routine of the tracker uses the 2nd processor so the occupation time of the main CPU is really minimal.
Samples depacking with the PSP codecs isn't implemented yet (so samples packing should be set to "none" in that case).
The tracker itself is open source and available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
- Resampler improved, should produce much less aliasing.
- Fixed a small issue involving the cache memory in the PSP replay.
- Added an option to show or hide the bottom panel in order to display more patterns rows (Shortcut: LSHIFT+ESCAPE to toggle the view)
- Left shift wasn't active while editing data columns of patterns to enter digits.
- Added global lists for instruments and synths, that should improve the ergonomy a bit.
- Samples weren't re-initiliazed correctly after a "New Module" command was issued.
- Fixed a bug in the 2nd oscillator of the synth core when using custom waveforms.
- Fixed the rand commands in the synth tab.
- Midi controller modification command (0x90) wasn't accessible anymore in panning row, fixed.
- Fixed an issue that could occur with rand() function under linux.
- Introduced zoomed tracks; Each track can be zoomed independantly and will be displayed with a bigger font.
- Track volume wasn't correctly re-initialized when only instrument column was filled without any note.
- Midi notes off command was broken.
- Effect 0xAxx (Set Random Cutoff) slightly modified, the xx value is now the amplitude of the calculated random value from 0 to 0xff.
- Implemented midi in/out for Linux and Mac OS X.
- Fixed a bug in the recording mode.
- Recording now starts at the current pattern line instead of restarting from it's beginning.
- An extra note was pasted after names input when editing mode was turned on.
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February 24th, 2009, 18:26 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Hot from this week's annual Destination Playstation meeting comes news of LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band and Assassin's Creed for the Playstation Portable.
Rock Band Unplugged will include Wi-Fi support and a "fully-featured in-game store" for downloadable content in the North American and Europeans markets.
This fall will see the release of MotorStorm Arctic Edge and LittleBigPlanet for the PSP. These titles will be built from the ground up for PSP:
LittleBigPlanet — Developed in conjunction with MediaMolecule, the critically acclaimed game LittleBigPlanet makes its way to the PSP, offering new SackBoy(TM) adventures with the same play, create, share experience for gamers on-the-go, in addition to brand new levels and environments specifically created for the platform.
MotorStorm Arctic Edge — Developed by the award-winning Bigbig Studios, the team behind the best-selling Pursuit Force series, MotorStorm Arctic Edge sees the music, the festival and the brutal off-road racing arrive in the breathtaking yet lethal and unpredictable setting of Alaska. The game is also expected to hit the PlayStation 2 platform in Fall of 2009.
Madden NFL 10 will enable NFL fans to build their own formations and plays from scratch on the PSP. Then, through connectivity with the PS3, the plays can be downloaded and perfected on the console. In addition, Madden NFL 10 will deliver a faster and more "PSP-friendly" gameplay experience to adapt to the PSP owner's lifestyle.
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR10 will allow gamers to experience the drama of major golf tournaments with revamped gameplay modes for on and offline play.
Square Enix's DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY, which has sold 850,000 units since launching before the holidays in Japan, will make its way to North America this summer.
Ubisoft will also be dropping a line of Petz software on the PSP later this year. The Petz series allows young players to create and care for pets chosen from many different breeds of dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, dolphins, tigers and bunnies.
All we know about Assassin's Creed for the PSP is that Ubisoft will debut an exclusive instalment of the franchise later this year.
Source: kotaku.com
and who said the PSP was dead?
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February 24th, 2009, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
With weeks still to go until the release of Resident Evil 5, producer Jun Takeuchi has already been talking about the sixth instalment in the series.
Specifically he's been talking to 1UP which reports that, "Resident Evil 5 is practically guaranteed to be the last of its kind, with... Takeuchi assuring us that a reboot is in order for the inevitable Resident Evil 6."
But what could that mean? A brand new control system? Bunnies instead of zombies? No racism? Takeuchi didn't say, unfortunately, and we'll have to wait months, at the very least, to find out.
Still, there's always Resident Evil 5, down for a 13th March release on PS3 and Xbox 360. The playable demo has already proved popular, with Takeuchi telling MTV it's been downloaded 4 million times.
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February 24th, 2009, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Killzone 2 looks set to be the biggest, loudest thing to yet land on the PS3. But did you know it's so big, and so loud, that Amsterdam's power supply couldn't cope with its development?
Yup. As the game's production drew to a close, developers Guerrilla - who are based in the Dutch capital - saw their team size swell from around 45 employees to around 200. And the poor old power system running through their block in Amsterdam couldn't cope with all the extra juice all those extra computers were sucking down.
So Sony had to fork out for a diesel generator to be brought in, so that Guerilla weren't forced to develop via candlelight and pedal-power. Which was lucky for us, otherwise we'd be left with a game that looked so dark it was developed with the lights out and...oh.
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February 24th, 2009, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
New WIP version of Sony Playstation 2 emulator for Windows has been released.
- New speed hack, which greatly increases performance in some games;
- replaced the memcard manager, and improved memcard hotswap support;
- Removed a huge hack in the superVU delay slot handling;
- improved savestates support;
- counters fix;
- Revert a cdvd timing change from playground. Fixes some games that depend on longer seek times.
- fpu interpreter bugfix;
- fix for art of fighting;
- various opcode fixes;
- various code optimizations;
- various code cleanups;
- various gui enhancements/ cleanups.
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February 24th, 2009, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been waiting to roundup sheep for your intergalactic probing, the finish line is now in sight. Flock will be coming to the PC, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live the week of April 8. Using your spacecraft's beam of light, you'll need to nudge animals around a variety of Flock levels until the creatures are onboard your mothership. Sometimes you'll need to shrink the animals and sometimes you'll need to crush trees.
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February 24th, 2009, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Have you wanted to take out demons wherever you go? Later this fall, you'll have the opportunity thanks to Atlus because Shin Megami Tensei: Persona will be brought to the PSP. The first chapter in the critically acclaimed series, which was originally released for the PSOne in 1997, Persona will be relaunched on the portable system with a new localization and additional content that hasn't been seen before in North America. Further gameplay enhancements and extras have been added to the PSP version as well.
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February 24th, 2009, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raing3
I was originally going to post this on the CWCheat forums but I am still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post therefore I am posting it here. I'm hoping I can get some help.
Ok, don't expect much from this at the momment, I only bothered starting this because no-one else has done it yet and many of the PSPAR cheats are not available in the CWCheat database.
Basically it can only convert "some" standard 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit type cheats to CWCheat format. I'm releasing this now because I have very little idea of how to fix the issues I am having. If you think you can help please post any information here.
Please DON'T post a list of cheats which don't work as I can quite easily see which cheats don't work and until it can convert the cheats better I DON'T care about reports of cheats which don't work. Also when you do convert the cheats you must place the PSPAR code file in the root of the Memory Stick and call it "pspar_codes1.bin". The difference between conversion mode 1 and 2 is that mode 1 will try to convert the addresses and values if needed to CWCheat format and save the file to "ms0:/cheats.txt". Whereas mode 2 will simply dump the addresses and values as they are written in the original PSPAR code file to "ms0:/cheats_nomod.txt".
Since I am unable to solve these issues further releases will be unlikely unless I can get some help fixing the issues which I am having.
What is planned in future releases (if I can get help fixing the big issues):
- Fixing all the code conversion issues (I need a lot of help here)
- Adding conversion to NitePR format
- A PC conversion tool
- Adding conversion of CWCheat format to PSPAR format (If I can figure out how the hash is calculated and where it is stored in the unknown bits of the PSPAR code file)
- Maybe I could also add support for conversion between as many cheat formats as possible (I'm not too sure about this one cause it will probably take some time)
What I can currently do:
- Understand about 98% of the PSPAR cheat file format.
- Convert 13 different controller handling PSPAR codes to CWCheat format (I know this sounds weird but I am pretty sure they are all controller codes and I think there may be more).
- Convert the Game ID and Game Name to CWCheat format.
- convert "some" of the standard cheats (cheats which don't use DMA/RLE/other stuff I don't know about)
What I can't do:
- I'm not 100% sure of the CWCheat database format.
- Convert DMA cheats from PSPAR format to CWCheat format.
- Convert RLE compressed cheat from PSPAR format to CWCheat format.
- Convert other format codes to CWCheat format.
- Convert any remaining standard codes to CWCheat format.
- Convert any remaining controller type codes to CWCheat format.
- Remove codes which are unneeded (if their are any, which I'm pretty sure there are)
- Fixing of any other issues with the code database.
The current version of the program along with a few research notes can be downloaded from here. The PSP Action Replay code file can be downloaded from www.pspar.com.
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February 24th, 2009, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Raing3

Here is version 0.9, this is probably the final version unless there are some more issues found or if I can add support for the dreaded 3.71 firmware or a new version of DC is released. I've had this much done for a couple of weeks now and I was hoping to add something more but I'm out of ideas.
PSP Tool is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a PlayStation Portable console. This includes:
- Backup and Restore the IdStorage of the PSP
- Check the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or a file located on the Memory Stick
- Check, Backup, Restore and change the battery EEPROM
- Connect various devices through a USB cable
- Create a checksum of the IPL injected on the Memory Stick or an IPL located on the Memory Stick
- Create a variety of different Magic Memory Sticks
- Erase the entire IPL space of the Memory Stick
- Extract the IPL injected on the Memory Stick to a file
- Format the Memory Stick
- Inject a variety of included IPLs or an IPL from a file to the Memory Stick
In this release I made the following changes:
- Added: Support for 2.71 SE and 1.50 running under Time Machine and check to disable running on 3.71.
- Fixed: RSOD when choosing ‘Test M33’ feature on a DC7 MMS created with this application (only occured on Fat).
- Fixed: Issue using SQUARE as part of the boot key when creating a Magic Memory Stick.
- Fixed: Issue which could arise when creating more than one Magic Memory Stick in a single session.
- Other: Other Memory Sticks can now be formatted by first clicking on the format item in the menu and before answering yes to the questions insert the second Memory Stick.
- Other: To reduce the risk of a BSOD when installing or running a firmware from a Magic Memory Stick the registry of a 1.50 system is now copied instead of the registry of the current system (to use the current systems registry files hold the L trigger while the Magic Memory Stick is being created.)
- Other: Implemented a check for modules which are known to cause issues with PSP Tool. If any of these modules are found a message is first shown with the modules which need to be disabled and then the PSP performs a reboot. To disable this check hold the R trigger while loading the game.
- Updated: Now uses VLF library 1.0 by moonlight.
- Updated: Updated the information shown in the System Information panels.
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February 24th, 2009, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa
Hi. We have issued ad PopBlocks, a puzzle game clone of the flash game pushori (eh is between today and yesterday c'avevo not own anything to do but the school again tomorrow ...)
I am not explain how it works in this regard I refer you to read the file HowToPlay.pdf in this package.
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February 24th, 2009, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo Usa

Want the best arcade joystick that gives you a real advantage in fighting and other games, then the Dominator joystick is for you. It is truly the best hardware advantage you can own!
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February 24th, 2009, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo Usa

Fully compatible dual microphone system for all Wii and PS3 singing games including SingStar, Rock Band andGuitar Hero World Tour
Datel Universal Wireless Dual Microphone is the ideal controller for singing games. Featuring plug-and-play convenience and compatibility with PS3 titles such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero World Tour, and Karaoke Revolution, it offers two separate microphones for two-player singing fun, and is also compatible with the Wii and PlayStation 3.
Universal Wireless Dual Microphone VHF receiver plugs directly into your PS3 USB port, giving you a 30-foot range for your two high-performance microphones. The dual channel base station offers independent volume controls, so it’s ideal for duets too.
Compatible with all Singstar and SingIt games as well as all Rock Band and Guitar Hero games that support a singing band member.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster

Tired of PSP colors yet? Sony doesn't think you are -- and it also thinks you're a lady, because it's squarely targeting the new Lilac PSP at girl gamers. Tween girls, to be specific: the Lilac will debut as part of a $199 Hannah Montana Entertainment Pack that features young Miley's PSP game, a UMD with a few HM episodes, a 2GB memory stick, and some fun stickers. What do the less overstimulated among us get? An Assassin's Creed Entertainment Pack that'll launch with Altair's PSP debut later this year and "other content that will announced later." Awesome, thanks for loving us too, Sony.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
EA’s rhythm action title joins Dissidia Final Fantasy, Assassin’s Creed, LBP and MotorStorm in surprise PSP line-up for 2009
As if the sudden announcement of LittleBigPlanet, Motorstorm, Assassin’s Creed and a new Buzz for PSP was not enough, it has also been confirmed that EA’s Rock Band is on its way to the machine, too.
Dubbed Rock Band Unplugged, it’s the first portable version of the popular musical instrument title to be announced. And like its home console cousins, the game will also support a dedicated content store accessible via the PSPs wi-fi capabilities.
Whether it will rely on peripherals or add-ons is not yet known.
Other EA titles confirmed for Sony’s handheld this year include Madden NFL 10, which will boast PS3 connectivity, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10.
Sony has also confirmed a Western release for best selling Japanese PSP title Dissidia Final Fantasy from Square Enix.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
In his latest industry note, Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey states that "recent channel checks indicate increased speculation for a PS3 price cut announcement from Sony in the next couple of days." Sony's been avoiding a price drop on its PS3 hardware, instead focusing on trying to turn the PS3 business into a profitable one. However, with hardware sales for the console floundering, most industry pundits believe Sony has little choice if it wishes to stay competitive with Microsoft and Nintendo.
"Sony is meeting with retailers this week in Phoenix, where SCEA is holding its annual Destination Playstation conference. We think the company needs to reduce the current price by $100 to effectively restart unit velocity at retail," commented Hickey.
He added, "We are also hearing continued speculation that Sony is working on a non-Blu-ray PS3 console, which could enable them to make the aforementioned hardware price reduction. We believe the market is expecting a PS3 price cut in April or by June (E3) at the latest, so a near term aggressive pricing decision by Sony could provide a positive catalyst for video game related stocks including GameStop, Activision and Take-Two Interactive. If Sony does not cut the price of their console, we expect the continuation of languishing PS3 hardware sales and the potential for publishers to accelerate their reallocation of resources away from the PS3 console."
While a price cut is certainly needed, and likely will happen at some point in the near future, GameDaily BIZ finds it incredibly hard to believe that Sony would launch a non-Blu-ray version of the PS3. Not only did Sony win the high-definition format war, but all of its games are of course produced in the Blu-ray format – and some of them, such as Metal Gear Solid 4, do indeed make use of the extra space on the disc.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment remains confident in their approach and strategy for "another record year of growth and momentum" for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3, SCEA CEO and president Jack Tretton said.
Talking to a gathering of retailers and developers at the annual Destination PlayStation event, Tretton called 2009's line up of games for both platforms unprecedented.
"With a year of record sales ushering us into the new year, we continue to raise the bar on providing consumers the deepest and broadest entertainment content for every member of the family to enjoy," said Jack Tretton, president and CEO, SCEA. "With new content being added every day to the PlayStation Network combined with an unmatched line up of exclusive titles on PSP, and the roll out of truly groundbreaking games such as Killzone 2 for PS3, we remain confident in our approach and strategy for another record year of growth and momentum."
SCEA previewed an impressive line-up of PlayStation 3 games for attendees including Killzone 2, inFamous, MLB '09: The Show, MAG, UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves and God of War III. All of which are set to hit this fiscal year. That's fiscal, as in not calendar.
They also unveiled an impressive line up of new PSP titles including portable versions of LittleBigPlanet, Assassin's Creed, MotorStorm and Rock Band.
And they announced two new PSP packs, including one featuring a lilac PSP, coming out later this year.
So what do you think? Year of the PlayStation?
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February 25th, 2009, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment remains confident in their approach and strategy for "another record year of growth and momentum" for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3, SCEA CEO and president Jack Tretton said.
Talking to a gathering of retailers and developers at the annual Destination PlayStation event, Tretton called 2009's line up of games for both platforms unprecedented.
"With a year of record sales ushering us into the new year, we continue to raise the bar on providing consumers the deepest and broadest entertainment content for every member of the family to enjoy," said Jack Tretton, president and CEO, SCEA. "With new content being added every day to the PlayStation Network combined with an unmatched line up of exclusive titles on PSP, and the roll out of truly groundbreaking games such as Killzone 2 for PS3, we remain confident in our approach and strategy for another record year of growth and momentum."
SCEA previewed an impressive line-up of PlayStation 3 games for attendees including Killzone 2, inFamous, MLB '09: The Show, MAG, UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves and God of War III. All of which are set to hit this fiscal year. That's fiscal, as in not calendar.
They also unveiled an impressive line up of new PSP titles including portable versions of LittleBigPlanet, Assassin's Creed, MotorStorm and Rock Band.
And they announced two new PSP packs, including one featuring a lilac PSP, coming out later this year.
So what do you think? Year of the PlayStation?
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February 25th, 2009, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 blockbusters like God of War III and MAG may not make a 2009 release after all, according to a software release update from Sony. The publisher further clarified its PS3 release plans today.
While the press release Sony issued last week pegged PlayStation 3 exclusives inFamous, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and the aforementioned God of War III and MAG for a release this "year"—largely assumed by the more literal of the internet to mean no later than December 31, 2009—the updated release window extends just a bit further.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Finally! That amazing sandbox for Warhawk's in-Home presence we first heard about last year is coming to the Playstation 3.
The Warhawk Command Center space in Home will feature "a new place to socialize and strategize featuring the sand table." The space arrives this week.
From what we've heard, using a three-dimensional "sand table" replication of the level, Warhawk players will be able to lay out their strategies in a properly scaled space. They'll even be able to place little army men avatars around the map to envision their formations, something we hope they can also do with teeny tiny Warhawk planes, tanks and Jeeps.
We've also heard that the Warhawk war room also serve as a launchpad for games, so jumping into a match shouldn't require leaving the Home interface.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster

You may have seen today a retail listing for a PSP game called San Andreas Stories. It's even got box art. Pity, then, it's all the result of the result of some wishful thinking.
The listing in question was spotted on the website of British retailer HMV. As you can see right here, it says "Grand Theft Auto (Gta): San Andreas Stories", and there's a tiny picture of some box art for the game.
But look closely at the box art. It's recycling art from the cover of the original San Andreas, something Rockstar never do when it comes to the handheld versions of their GTA game worlds. And if you're still not convinced that makes the listing bogus, click the little tab on the website that takes you to "description".
There you'll see the listing was in fact created in HMV's system in 2007. And you'll also see HMV's staff writing:
With San Andreas the only city in the GTA universe yet receive the Stories treatment, we wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar eventually end up bringing out 'San Andreas Stories' on PSP and/or PS2. There's no word from the developers about the game at this stage, but if you sign up by clicking the above link, we'll get in touch with you the second that the game is available to pre-order. If it ever does come out, that is.
Doesn't mean a San Andreas PSP game won't ever come out, just...this isn't it. Not this, not now. Nothing to see here, people, move along, move along!
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February 25th, 2009, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from play asia:

From the publisher: Hellboy: The Science of Evil will give players the opportunity to experience the epic adventures of the acclaimed comic book hero, fusing action, atmosphere and humor.
In his latest quest, Hellboy uncovers an insane Nazi plot for world domination and must rush to defeat the crazed Hermann Von Klempt before he can exert his evil will upon earth.
As a visceral brawler, the game lets players unleash Hellboy’s superhuman abilities as they smash their way through hordes of enemies with contextual use of the environment for added destructive power and strategy. Just another day for Hellboy…
The fate of the world rests in your fist, so go slam it into the face of your enemy with the full supernatural force you have up your arm.
HellBoy: The Science of Evil is available as an English language Korean version at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 12.90 only.
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February 25th, 2009, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Intense high body-count gunplay: Bring the heat with 20+ high powered weapons including heavy machine guns, advanced guided rocket launchers, grenades and explosives
Collaborative G-Unit crew member: 50 never runs alone. He's always got his G-Unit crew covering his back. Select a member of G-Unit to fight by 50's side - each with their own signature weapon
New Brutal Counter-kill system: All new interactive counter-kill system that gives you the control to finish off the enemy
Incredible music and sound: Exclusive music content will immerse you in the war-torn world of all-out combat game play. All of 50's tracks are remixed for the intensity of the game play
Explosive driving and flying sequences: Drive through the city's water runoffs and storm drains in high speed pursuit. Get behind the wheel as 50 while a member of your G-Unit crew shoots down pursuing enemies. Get inside a Blackhawk, mount the Gatling gun and shoot across the opium fields of the mountain valley
Online co-op multiplayer modes: Have your friends join your game online at any time! Have them pick a member of G-Unit's crew to help 50 get payback on those who wronged him
50 Cent and G-Unit music: New, never-before-heard exclusive tracks and classic hits from 50's albums make this the ultimate 50 Cent experience
The Ultimate 50 Cent Game Experience!
50 Cent and G-Unit® have just played to a sold-out crowd in a war-torn country. But when 50 tries to collect from the shifty promoter, he's told that a local drug lord named Kamal has screwed him over and stolen the box office receipts. 50 is ready to take his wrath out on the promoter, who begs for his life and convinces him there's a way to get his money back and get revenge on Kamal. With you playing as one of the world's biggest Hip-Hop stars, cue an all out battle across two countries to collect payday and payback on those who have crossed 50 Cent!
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February 25th, 2009, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon redefines the series for next-gen—increasing the size, scale and scope of Crypto's arsenal of alien weaponry, mental abilities and destruction
Manipulate or destroy anything in the world, creating disaster movie inspired level of destruction and mayhem
Go anywhere at anytime via an open world mission structure - Explore 5 open world environments without ever leaving the game world, or take on a variety of side missions and mini-games
Next-gen graphics, detailed destruction, new weapons, new mental abilities, expanded UFO capabilities, customized upgrades and co-op and competitive multiplayer gameplay
Destroy All Humans!® Path of the Furon™ takes players on a journey of Destruction and Enlightenment in the Funked Out '70's. The newest installment in the acclaimed franchise, redefines the brand's irreverent Sci-Fi action gaming experience for the next-generation Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PLAYSTATION 3 system with new weapons and mental abilities, high-fidelity destruction and expanded open-world gameplay.
In Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon, players will pick up where prequel Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed leaves off, controlling Crypto in the Funked out 1970's when mysterious new enemy attacks Earth, sweeping Crypto up in a conspiracy that unravels his groovy new way of life and threatens the very survival of the Furon race. Players will take Crypto on a journey of Enlightenment and Destruction as he gains new powers from an alien Kung Fu Master in order to take on his most difficult enemy yet - his own kind.
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February 25th, 2009, 20:20 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has revealed that over 20 million users have registered PlayStation Network accounts as of February 20, 2009.
The figure comes two years and three months after the service went live on November 11, 2006, offering PS3 and PSP users access to digital content, multiplayer gaming and other social features.
The Network is available in 55 countries and regions, with Sony stating that over 600 PlayStation titles now incorporate online play.
The PlayStation Store features more than 14,500 items of digital content, said Sony, including full games, demos, and over 5900 movie and TV episodes.
To date, over 380 million pieces of content have been downloaded via PSN, with sales exceeding USD 180 million.
Sony also said that the number of Home users now exceeds 4 million, less than 2 months after it went live in December, while the Life with PlayStation service has 2.6 million users.
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February 25th, 2009, 20:42 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Final Fantasy XIII director and writer Motomu Toriyama has said "development is going favourably for a 2009 launch".
That puts the PS3 role-playing game back on track after Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada said the Dragon Quest IX delay may have a knock-on effect.
Toriyama's words spill from the pages of Japanese magazine Famitsu, read and translated by bookworm Kotaku.
Toriyama added that the FXIII demo - due April 16th as part of the Advent Children Complete Blu-ray - will be over an hour long, and designed to be played over and over again.
The content, he said, doesn't reach up to when heroine Lightning meets Snow, the bandana-wearing blonde one with a cheesy grin.
Final Fantasy XIII won't be released here until after April 2010. Europe and North America will also gain an Xbox 360 version, although Square Enix won't start working on that until the PS3 game is on the way to shops in Japan.
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February 25th, 2009, 20:45 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The Warhawk Command Centre space will launch in PS3 virtual world Home this week, Sony Computer Entertainment America has said.
The Warhawk Command Centre offers players "a new place to socialise and strategise featuring the sand table", says Sony.
Translated, the three-dimensional table mentioned is said to be a replication of the actual level you and your friends are about to play, allowing you to plan formations and strategies with teammates before launching into a game.
At the moment its imminent launch is only confirmed for the States - we've asked Sony UK to confirm whether or not Europeans will be getting it this week too and it's checking for us now.
Home now has over four million users but it would probably be fair to say that they haven't got as much to keep them entertained as they'd like yet. Thankfully that's about to change.
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February 25th, 2009, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
The new Playstation Portable won't feature a UMD disc drive, according to Acclaim developer David Perry.
"I hear Sony FINALLY has the PSP 2. And thank goodness, they've removed the stupid battery-sucking UMD disc drive. I'm excited!" Perry wrote on both his Twitter and Facebook accounts.
It is unclear if he has seen the rumored new Playstation Portable himself or is just hearing rumors through the development community.
This rumor is the latest in a series of rumors to hit the net in the past month or so, including one from IGN and another from VG247.
If it's true that the Playstation Portable 2 won't feature a UMD disc drive, than I'd say it's likely it will instead rely on Memory Sticks and downloads through the Playstation Network Store. The bigger question is whether such a device could be backwards compatible, and if so how it would work.
There has been an awful lot of news about the PSP coming out lately, so I think it's a safe bet to say that we can expect something from Sony about the next iteration of the Playstation Portable at E3.
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February 25th, 2009, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
First version of brand new sound plguin for Sony Playstation 2 emulators has been released.
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February 25th, 2009, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G was Japan's best selling game last year. In fact, the top three PSP games of all time in Japan all have the words Monster Hunter in their titles.
So it probably shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that Capcom is doing another Monster Hunter game for the system.
Capcom's Keiji Inafune made things somewhat official in an interview featured in the latest issue of Famitsu. Without getting into specifics, he said that Capcom is setting its sights on the next PSP entry in the series.
He did admit that he's not sure if it will be called "3rd," and that he expects it to be a ways off. But it appears PSP owners in Japan can look forward to more from the series.
Of course, we're still waiting for 2nd G to come our way as Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, so all this talk of sequels is a bit pointless.
Inafune also shared some insight into how much importance Capcom places on the Monster Hunter series. He recalled having explained to producer Ryouzo Tsujimoto and the rest of the Monster Hunter Tri developmen staff that Monster Hunter isn't just a big game for Capcom, but a big game for the game industry as a whole. While admitting that he was just speaking boastfully when he told the staff that Tri can be bigger than Dragon Quest, he added that he really does want to make this to happen.
Inafune described Tri as an "amazing" game and said that he hopes it will set new records for the Wii game market. In Japan, Tri is set for a summer release.
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February 25th, 2009, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE boss David Reeves has expressed uncertainty over the PS3's proposed 10-year-life span
During an interview in an upcoming issue of Play magazine, Reeves said Nintendo and Microsoft will have new models on the market before Sony would, but that he doesn't know whether the PS3's lifespan will be "eight, nine, or ten years."
"The competition will have new models on the market by the end of the PS3," commented Reeves. "I have no doubt and we’ll have to be fast on our feet.....I don’t know whether the PS3 lifespan will be eight, nine or ten years"
“I don't know whether the PS3's lifespan will be eight, nine, or ten years”
However, Reeves added that the PS4 is not yet "on the horizon".
It was only last month that SCE president Kaz Hirai reiterated Sony's firm commitment to hold back on the PS3's successor for 10 years.
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February 25th, 2009, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
news/release from cobra77380
Hello everyone, I finally finished the version 2.00 of PSP Iver, some interesting new features were added.
New GUI (brand new)
Finder 100% functional, you can:
_ Copy File
_ Rename a file or folder
_ Create a new folder
_ Delete a file or folder
Igames was added, it lets you. ISO and UMD
iNotes was added (PSPWrite)
Settings has been added, it can change the CPU and put in USB (MS, 0 Flash, Flash 1, Flash 2, Flash 3)
The "Exit" was added
iDump was added, allows to dump and run a UMD
An English version of Iver PSP 2.00 is available
The browser has fewer bugs using the lua player 7 hm
I hope you enjoy it, and if you have any ideas, please let me know.
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February 25th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
pedroduarte0 has posted a new release of Doom for the PS2:
And today is the day!
Sound seems now reasonable, after adding some calls to swap between the mixer and game threads and even without any optimization over the mixer code, it seems to run well.
This is PS2Doom v. (let’s call the original Lukasz version and features sound. Basically is the same version presented at http://ps2homebrewing.wordpress.com/...-port-of-doom/ but I first replaced the sound routines by Jason’s http://www.jasonyu.net/ps2/lsdldoom-bundle.zip hoping to get sound working. Since it didn’t worked, I removed the SDLmixer calls from Jason’s functions and injected my own mixer calls.
I developed a rather simple mixer I decided to call cosmitoMixer, or cosMix for short and I’ll present it properly soon. Currently the cosMix uses SJPCM lib (this means it will fail on some older Japanese consoles) but hopefully I’ll switch to isjpcm lib.
Binary and sources here :
Instructions for running and compiling included. WADs not included.
The plan is to drop the unstable lsdldoom port and apply all the features I’ve been adding to PS2Doom port.
Stay tuned for more updates.
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February 25th, 2009, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The Japanese Futa coder releases a new update on his Speedy Screenshot Plugin version that comes to the 0:30
I remember that this prx has the particularity to make screenshots of your PSP in the PNG format instead of BMP.
A follow the link to download.
Ver.0.30 Changelog:
• The previous version was compatible until CF5.00M33-3, now also works with the last CF5.00M33-6.
• Ability to set in the configuration file method of identification / renaming screenshots (year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
• Ability to enable the display of a message to report the successful capture screenshot.
• Fixed a bug that caused, in particular conditions, corruption of the screenshot.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
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February 25th, 2009, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Look, we don't really "get" people who aren't willing to buy the latest and greatest thing regardless of the price and / or current economic state, but evidently there's a rather large sector still clinging to their antiquated DVD format. Blu-ray proponents Panasonic, Philips, and Sony are looking to change all that by knocking down the tab a few notches. The trio has revealed plans to form a single licensing firm for Blu-ray, which they anticipate will lower the cost of the license -- and therefore the retail price -- by "at least" 40 percent. They expect it'll amount to $9.50 for read-only BD player, $14 for a burner, 11 cents for read-only discs, 12 cents for BD-Rs, and 15 cents for BD-RE rewritable discs. In its current form, hopeful BD makers have to seek out each company individually. The group also hopes a single licensing entity will help them spot unauthorized BD devices, so watch out, suspicious mom and pop Blu-ray stores.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 could be about to receive a price cut, with Sony due to make an announcement imminently.
That's according to Janco Partners' Mike Hickey, who has said in his latest note to investors that Sony needs to cut USD 100 off the asking price of the luxury console.
"Recent channel checks indicate increased speculation for a PS3 price cut announcement from Sony in the next couple of days," wrote Hickey.
"We think the company needs to reduce the current price by USD 100 to effectively restart unit velocity at retail. We believe the market is expecting a PS3 price cut in April or by June at the latest," he added.
Hickey said that without a price cut, the console could stagnate on shelves, prompting publishers to move resources away from PlayStation 3 development.
"If Sony does not cut the price of their console, we expect the continuation of languishing PS3 hardware sales and the potential for publishers to accelerate their reallocation of resources away from the PS3 console."
He also said that there is talk of a PlayStation 3 unit without the Blu-ray drive, although such a console would not be compatible with the PS3 software already on the market.
"We are also hearing continued speculation that Sony is working on a non-Blu-ray PS3 console, which could enable them to make the aforementioned hardware price reduction."
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February 25th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that over 20 million users have registered PlayStation Network accounts as of February 20, 2009.
The figure comes two years and three months after the service went live on November 11, 2006, offering PS3 and PSP users access to digital content, multiplayer gaming and other social features.
The Network is available in 55 countries and regions, with Sony stating that over 600 PlayStation titles now incorporate online play.
The PlayStation Store features more than 14,500 items of digital content, said Sony, including full games, demos, and over 5900 movie and TV episodes.
To date, over 380 million pieces of content have been downloaded via PSN, with sales exceeding USD 180 million.
Sony also said that the number of Home users now exceeds 4 million, less than 2 months after it went live in December, while the Life with PlayStation service has 2.6 million users.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed that over 20 million users have registered PlayStation Network accounts as of February 20, 2009.
The figure comes two years and three months after the service went live on November 11, 2006, offering PS3 and PSP users access to digital content, multiplayer gaming and other social features.
The Network is available in 55 countries and regions, with Sony stating that over 600 PlayStation titles now incorporate online play.
The PlayStation Store features more than 14,500 items of digital content, said Sony, including full games, demos, and over 5900 movie and TV episodes.
To date, over 380 million pieces of content have been downloaded via PSN, with sales exceeding USD 180 million.
Sony also said that the number of Home users now exceeds 4 million, less than 2 months after it went live in December, while the Life with PlayStation service has 2.6 million users.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
Analyst predicts that "iPod Touch could be final nail in PSP's coffin"
Sony’s surprise announcement of a number of big-hitting PSP titles yesterday proves that it remains firmly committed to its portable platform – but one analyst has said that Apple could yet prove to be a fatal thorn in Sony’s side.
Speaking to MCV’s sister site CasualGaming.biz today, Game Brief’s Nicholas Lovell stated: “The iPod Touch is rapidly becoming the portable media player of choice amongst a younger audience, exactly the place that Sony wanted to be with the PSP.
“But the iPod doesn’t have expensive processors or a unique format disc like the UMD; it is an easy-to-use device that offers consumers their music, podcasts, short-form video and accessible games on the move and in my opinion, will be the final nail in the PSP’s coffin.”
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February 25th, 2009, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to being one of PSP’s best looking games, “Resistance Retribution” allows gamers to sync a Sixaxis controller and play “Retribution” like any other “Resistance” game, a feature we’ve learned does not extend to multiplayer.
With a copy of “Resistance 2,” PSP owners can enable a unique feature for “Resistance Retribution” turning on Sixaxis support for the PSP shooter.
At a multiplayer event for “Retribution” in San Francisco this week, Sony confirmed the feature is not compatible with the game’s multiplayer modes.
“Games would be too unbalanced with some people using the controller and some using PSP,” explained a Sony spokesperson to MTV Multiplayer.
Do you agree with Sony’s decision to not allow Sixaxis in multiplayer?
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February 25th, 2009, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to being one of PSP’s best looking games, “Resistance Retribution” allows gamers to sync a Sixaxis controller and play “Retribution” like any other “Resistance” game, a feature we’ve learned does not extend to multiplayer.
With a copy of “Resistance 2,” PSP owners can enable a unique feature for “Resistance Retribution” turning on Sixaxis support for the PSP shooter.
At a multiplayer event for “Retribution” in San Francisco this week, Sony confirmed the feature is not compatible with the game’s multiplayer modes.
“Games would be too unbalanced with some people using the controller and some using PSP,” explained a Sony spokesperson to MTV Multiplayer.
Do you agree with Sony’s decision to not allow Sixaxis in multiplayer?
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February 25th, 2009, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Kotaku just talked to Acclaim's David Perry, the guy who allegedly spilled the beans on the upcoming PSP 2 earlier today. And he's pretty sure about a launch date.
I spoke to a developer who is working on [the PSP 2] right now. I know this developer is already working on it, so that means they have a prototype. That would sound like a fall release to me.
Perry may be loosely projecting a date according to the bit of information he has, but it seems to us that whether it's specifically a fall or winter 2009 release that Sony is aiming for, the PSP 2 is likely being prepped for contention in the next holiday season.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
How will Harmonix squeeze the full band experience of Rock Band onto the instrument-free PSP? By making Rock Band Unplugged a spiritual sequel to Amplitude, Harmonix's critically beloved pre-Guitar Hero rhythm game.
First details on the recently announced Rock Band Unplugged from Primotech describe the peripheral-free game as a beat-matching rhythm title that uses the PSP's directional pad and buttons to play along with guitar, bass, drum and vocal tracks.
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February 25th, 2009, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Lost in all of yesterday’s other PSP announcements is a subtle confirmation that Pangya PSP will see a release overseas. Ntreevsoft first revealed the PSP version of Pangya at GDC 2008 with the intent to get the game released internationally.
Tomy is publishing Pangya in Japan. According to a leak by Gamestop Tommo will take care of Pangya when it comes out over here. Tommo acts as a distributor for UFO Interactive so it’s possible they are acting as the publisher. Before seeing this news I thought Atlus might publish Pangya since they have a relationship with Ntreevsoft, a subsidiary of SK Telecom, through Crimson Gem Saga. That’s OK. Atlus is plenty busy working on four other announced PSP games.
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February 26th, 2009, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have today posted the release of the 30th Anniversary Bundle PSP, heres the details:

Sony PSP-3000 console Jap version (x1)
"Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid" Jap version(x1)
Soft Bag(x1)
SuccessHK import to anywhere in the world for thosse interested in buying one.
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February 26th, 2009, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
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February 26th, 2009, 21:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has Killzone 2-themed DLC for LittleBigPlanet in the pipeline, if new pictures on the PS Blog's Flickr page are anything to go by (which they really are).
The official blog uses Flickr to upload pictures into its updates. Images of new Sackboys have been spotted on the account, including a Helghast costume, and a suit based on Sev from PS3's flagship shooter.
Weirdly, none of these images appeared in the blog's weekly 'Sack it to me' LBP update today, for whatever reason, but the images would seem to confirm the surprises to come.
We've asked Sony for confirmation, but in the meantime check out the new Sackboys on this page.
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February 26th, 2009, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
Our good friends at the rumor mill are at it again, this time churning out a most delicious prospect: a Silent Hill remake for the Wii and PSP. Supposedly under development at Climax, a report suggests that the return trip to Silent Hill is one of two Konami projects at the studio, the other being (according to job listings) a "ground breaking next-gen game for the PS3 and the Xbox 360."
We've asked Konami and Climax for comment and we'll be sure to update you as soon as we receive a response.
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February 26th, 2009, 21:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ubisoft has delayed the release of the Prince of Persia: Epilogue DLC.
The DLC had been due to launch today for PS3 and 360, but its release has now been rescheduled for March 5, the company said in a Twitter post (Twitter seems to fast be becoming the way everything's announced these days).
Ubisoft gave no reason for the delay, although we've left the firm a message asking for further details.
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February 26th, 2009, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
DJGameFreakTheIguana has let me know he has released a new version of his Beats of rage mod that should work on PSP/dreamcast/gp2x
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February 26th, 2009, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator for Sony PSP based on gPSP and gPSP kai source code has been updated. Changes:
- fixed sound bugs.
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February 26th, 2009, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via emurussia
Sound plugin for Sony Playstation 2 emulators has been updated. Changes:
- Fixed random bleeps and 'censor-like' sounds in many games.
- Fixed a less common "menu sound disappearing act" bug, where some games' menu sounds would be latent or missing after a few seconds of blipping around options.
- Added proper MMX register freezing.
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February 26th, 2009, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
With the PS3's ability to allow you to install your own OS, tech junkies have been tinkering with the console's potential since its launch a few Novembers back. There is one thing we haven't seen yet, though -- and that's a PS3 running Starcraft!
Accomplished through the use of Windows 95, with Qemu and Yellow Dog Linux, you too can can crush Zerg scum with the Protoss on your PS3. (Just don't think you're going to get Crysis to run on the thing.) Linux and Qemu really hog the Cell processor, so a low-end game like Starcraft is as stable as it gets. Zerg rush past the break to watch the video.
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February 26th, 2009, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspita
The coder Mickael2054 releases a new version of PSPAdhocMessenger, LUA homebrew developed that will allow you to chat with another PSP near AdHoc mode using the console Sony.
More in the changelog below.
Changelog v0.5:
-Renewed the graphical interface
-Added a sound when receiving a message
-Changes the virtual keyboard
-Added a list of conversation
-Added a notification that indicates the connection / disconnection of a contact
-Added a topbar that indicates the battery status and time
-Changed the name of the functions
-Fixati other bugs
-Code rewritten from scratch
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February 26th, 2009, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Back in 2007, No Gravity -- spaceship shooter -- popped up on a number of PSPs as a homebrew title, but tomorrow, it'll be available for all on the PlayStation Network. No Gravity: The Plague of Mind will pack five spaceships with different specs (speed, shields, etc.), a few unlockables, and 31 different missions for you to conquer, according to developer Anozor's PlayStation Blog post. You'll need to speed through the galaxy blasting foes to come out on top of the game's six worlds.
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February 27th, 2009, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Irshell is to have a new Advanced Multi-tasking feature for PSP Slims Only
Heres the video
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February 27th, 2009, 19:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
While not outright denying rumors of a UMD-free Playstation Portable, the head of Sony's hardware marketing said that the UMD business is "critical to us this year and beyond."
Earlier this week, Acclaim chief creative officer David Perry said that he knows a developer who is working on games for a Playstation Portable that won't have the UMD disc drive.
Although Sony's John Koller wasn't willing to discuss further the details of the rumor, he did say that Perry's comments about the new PSP does ring true in one area: Digital downloads.
"We are making a concerted effort for digital distribution," he said. "We've talked to developers about increasing their digital download content."
Currently publishers can choose to launch a game on UMD or go direct to digital through the Playstation Store.
"There is a delay right now because we want to ensure retail is respected and have their day in the sun," Koller said. "Retail has been concerned about the digital side of game purchases, but that conversation has changed in the past nine to 12 months."
That's because retail stores can sell Playstation Network cards and make a profit on them.
Sony is currently looking through their PSOne library and all publishers' back histories to see what can be placed on the Playstation Network, he said.
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February 27th, 2009, 22:23 Posted By: bandit
There's not exactly a wealth of information about this one just yet, but peripheral maker mLani (started by the former founder of SplitFish) looks to be doing its best to make PC gamers feel a bit more at home on the PS3 with this new FPS-minded controller which, coincidentally, looks to compete directly with some of SplitFish's own offerings. Apparently, in addition to improving your aim in Killzone 2, this one can double as a mouse for your PC and, as you can see above, it's also wireless, although it's at least possible that the cable between the mouse and the Wiimote-esque controller has been conveniently omitted. No word on a price, but this one's supposedly on track for a release in the next three months or so.
Source: Engadget
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February 28th, 2009, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
SCEA’s John Koller says half of PSP’s 2009 software lineup has yet to be revealed
The surprise announcement of LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm, Assassin’s Creed, Dissidia Final Fantasy and Rock Band earlier this week made PSP the platform to watch in 2009 – and now Sony has added that half of it’s PSP slate for 2009 has yet to be revealed.
“At Destination Playstation we announced about half of the line up for the PSP this year, some fairly major, triple-A titles are coming for the back half of the year that are going to be announced in the coming months and at E3,” SCEA’s director of hardware marketing John Koller told Kotaku.
“LittleBigPlanet is going to be one of the top three but a number of others that are coming are just as big.”
It’s anyone’s guess as to what Sony could have lined up. Gran Turismo PSP is an outside possibility, and guesses thrown about the MCV office include more WipEout, Call of Duty, Dead Space, Mario & Sonic, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Mirror’s Edge and even, at a stretch, Grand Theft Auto.
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February 28th, 2009, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE confirms that brand new franchises will form a big part of upcoming PSP extravaganza
Following on from John Koller’s bold statements about an exciting E3 for PS3, SCEE has told MCV that new IP will feature in the line-up.
SCEA’s director of hardware marketing John Koller said earlier that: “At Destination Playstation we announced about half of the line up for the PSP this year, some fairly major, triple-A titles are coming for the back half of the year that are going to be announced in the coming months and at E3.”
And an SCEE spokesperson has added to MCV that “we'll be outlining the release of additional, new and existing IPs for the platform in the coming months”.
Some are already calling this July’s event as the PSP E3, and it’s certainly an exciting time for Sony’s battling machine, though whether a brand new machine (possibly without UMD drive and with touch screen) will or will not be debuted is still up for debate.
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February 28th, 2009, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has been putting a greater emphasis on the PSP of late, with plans to bring some of its top properties such as LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm and more to the portable. Two of Sony's top PSP games to date – Daxter and God of War: Chains of Olympus – were developed by Ready at Dawn, a studio that has previously said it doesn't want to work on PSP anymore. Although Ready at Dawn has been wavering on that stance of late, Sony certainly would love nothing more than to get the talented folks at Ready at Dawn back into PSP development. And fans no doubt would be thrilled if they could play another portable God of War.
While speaking to SCEA's John Koller about the rumored UMD-less PSP2, Kotaku also queried the director of hardware marketing about Ready at Dawn. Koller acknowledged that Ready at Dawn is a "fantastic developer" and he said that "conversations with them continue," adding, "don't give up on Ready at Dawn yet."
Koller also noted that the release of the PSP-2000 model helped to bring some developers back to PSP after many had abandoned the portable in 2006. "In mid 2006 the hardware had seen a bit of a bottoming out, a lot of publishers decided to reallocate their resources," he admitted. "In 2007 the PSP-2000 came out and we saw a big increase in sales. When we met with developers in 2008 they said, 'How can we get back into the PSP?'"
After meeting with those developers last year, now in 2009 we'll finally start seeing the results with more third-party support, Koller believes.
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February 28th, 2009, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s not taking the “Grand Theft Auto” series’ move from PSP to DS as a permanent shift, the company’s head of PSP marketing in America told me in an interview.
After two successful “Grand Theft Auto” games on the PSP, the world’s most notorious gaming franchise is making its next portable outing — “Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” — on Nintendo’s DS.
But Sony isn’t ready to let portable “GTA” out of its grasp.
“No one should sleep on that franchise,” John Koller, Sony’s head of PSP hardware marketing in North America, told me in a phone interview yesterday. “That’s a tremendous franchise for PlayStation in general. We’ve had two that are the top two sellers on PSP right now. So, there’s definitely continued conversations with ['GTA' development studio] Rockstar on all their brands. That’s nothing that’s left the PlayStation family.”
Koller said he couldn’t recall when he found out that “GTA” was going to the DS after the PSP “Liberty City Stories” and “Vice City Stories,” but was composed about it. “To be honest, Rockstar has to manage their business as they see fit. We’re very good partners with them. They just launched ‘The Lost and the Damned‘ for 360, so, they need to make their own business decisions. But we certainly have a tremendous relationship with them and always have.”
Regarding “Chinatown Wars,” Koller doesn’t see it squarely matching with the DS fanbase, which the classifies as predominantly under 12 years of age. “It’s an interesting launch on DS,” Koller said. It raises some eyebrows in a lot of areas. It’ll be interesting to see how that sells.”
“Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars” ships on March 17. No new PSP “GTA” s are announced.
Rockstar Games declined to comment for this story.
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February 28th, 2009, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
PSP head of marketing John Koller told MTV Multiplayer in an interview that “Assassin’s Creed” PSP won’t be a port of “Assassin’s Creed 2.” And he gave a little more insight into other newly announced PSP games.
Several major PSP hits-in-the-making were announced earlier this week, but Sony’s head of PSP marketing in North America, John Koller, told me that we don’t even know the half of it.
The announcements we made are half the story,” Koller told me in an phone interview on Thursday. “There’s another half still to be announced in the next couple of months-slash E3. A lot of first and third-party titles that are coming in the back half of the year want to hold their announcement until E3 timeframe. There’s a few pretty ‘majors’ coming still in that franchise line, but we wanted to whet people’s appetite.”
Here’s what Koller told me about a few of the big ones announced this week:
“Assassin’s Creed” PSP
“One of the first to be very open about jumping back into the PSP world was Ubisoft. The ‘Assassin’s Creed’ idea popped up early. And we were able to announce that this week. That’s been a project in the making for quite a while.” Koller said this game won’t be an attempted port of the forthcoming “Assassin’s Creed 2″: “It’ll be a completely different game, unique to the PSP.”
“Rock Band Unplugged” PSP
“We’ve worked with ["Rock Band" development studio] Harmonix in the past,” Koller said, citing the studio’s PS2-exclusive rhythm games from earlier this decade. “I launched the ‘Amplitude‘ and ‘Frequency‘ games with them here.” At that time, Koller was the product manager for those games. “It’s a tremendous franchise and it fit within our recipe: big franchise, unique to PSP and tremendous quality.”
“LittleBigPlanet” PSP
“It’s obviously tremendously expansionary in the way that it will allow more casual consumers into the PSP world,” Koller said. “It just fits perfectly in a handheld environment. It’s going to be a really big brand for us.” I asked if the game would be interoperable with the PS3 game. “There are certainly a lot of options on the table for us there. Nothing is 100% confirmed, but you can look at those kinds of opportunities.” I pressed more, asking if we might be able to edit our PS3 “LBP” levels on the PSP. He said: “I can’t confirm anything like that yet. There are certainly options like that on the table.”
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February 28th, 2009, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s head of PSP marketing in North America would only confirm that part of what longtime developer Dave Perry recently said about the PSP’s future is true.
The following is an excerpt from an interview I conducted today with Sony Computer Entertainment of America’s John Koller, the director of PSP marketing in North America. I originally booked the phone interview with Koller to discuss the stunning line-up of PSP games Sony announced earlier this week, but by the time we talked, there was the PSP2 rumor to discuss that had been churning through the Internet ever since veteran game designer Dave Perry Twittered that a disc-free PSP2 was in the works for a possible fall release.
I’ll have a lot more from Koller about the new games and the future of the PSP on Friday, but let’s start here by dealing with the Dave Perry rumor. This is how I broached the topic:
MTV Multiplayer: Do you still consider Dave Perry a friend?
John Koller, Director of Hardware Marketing for the PSP: [laughs] That’s a great question! I didn’t even know who he was until about a month ago. I heard about [his PSP2 report] yesterday. We’ve never talked to him at all. I can tell you that we never engaged with him at all, so I don’t know where he’s getting his information.
MTV Multiplayer: Well, he says in his interview with Brian Crecente at Kotaku that he’s spoken to a developer who has a development kit for a PSP2. [NOTE FROM STEPHEN: In retrospect, I realize Perry didn't say that the developer had a dev kit but said the developer was working on a prototype of the system.] It doesn’t specify whether this is a sequel to the PSP platform or another iteration of the existing one. And he describes it as a PSP that doesn’t have a disc slot. It’s all digital, solid-state media. Is he making that up? What’s the story there?
Koller: I can’t go too much into detail other than to say there are no new hardware development kits out there. I will say that we have constantly looked at ways PSP can innovate. I think this last iteration [the 2008-released PSP 3000] said a lot in terms of how we view the business and how we want to move the platform going forward. We wanted to make sure the screen stayed intact. We wanted to make sure the resolution was better. And we added the microphone for the social communication function.
We look at areas like that rather than I think Dave talked about some wholesale shifts in design. I will say, though, because I did read his piece earlier that Sony’s making a big push to digital distribution. That part’s true. And we’ve been making a concerted effort to really over-emphasize the ability for publishers to publish on the PSN. Fits our view of the world. Eventually the digital distribution arm will have some leverage. I think consumers right now are choosing some tangible benefits of the disc. But we saw how that movie ended with music. And we know there are certainly some benefits to promoting that part of it now.
MTV Multiplayer: Right. That’s probably the part of the pitch you didn’t talk about at [retail summit] Destination PlayStation [earlier this week].
Koller: Right. We talked about it a little bit because retail realizes that digital is a significant component. And their big take now is how do we get involved with that business as opposed to having it be the enemy… Obviously the PlayStation Network card is a first step. They can sell those, make margins and become involved in the business. That’s a positive for them.
MTV Multiplayer: Ok. Just so we can have this as clear as we can get it: the rumor out there is that there’s going to be a new PSP that doesn’t use the UMD coming out by the end of the year. True or false?
Koller: Can’t comment either way, but I will reiterate that the digital component is very important to us. That’s all we can say at this point.
MTV Multiplayer: What do you make of the fact that there’s been months now of rumors of PSP2 and word that a PSP2 is right around the corner. What do you attribute that to?
Koller: I think it’s been four years of it. I launched the PSP and since day one I’ve been hearing that the second one is coming out… We always attribute it here to tremendous interest in the platform. There’s a lot of interest in not only the large scale development community but also in the smaller development community of looking for ways to integrate into the business. There’s a lot of people who say and think of ways that it would make more sense to them for the PSP to be designed a certain way. Everybody asks us for a second analog stick or about screen size. We do regularly quantitative and qualitative research. And where possible, we do integrate. Things such as the Skype integration, those types of things. All of those things came from consumer requests.
Dave Perry probably doesn’t count in the consumer request department. [laughs]. But general consumers, PSP owners, who ask for things like better battery life, we launched a battery kit that has a better battery life. We try to make sure those things are integrated.
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February 28th, 2009, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Multi Storage Hard Foam Travel Bag made of EVA material to carry your PSP-3000, PSP Slim or PSP consoles and other accessories around while protecting them against shock and scratch. The special lid-stand design can act as a movie station.
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February 28th, 2009, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
This month, many of the nation's video game sellers and makers met in Houston, Texas with Sony to talk all things PlayStation.
At the top of the list was the entertainment behemoth's plans for a renaissance of the PlayStation Portable.
The PSP revival is being led by three key factors: A resurgence in developer interest in the portable, a push for more digital downloads, and rumors of a new, sleeker model of the device.
While about 50 million people worldwide own PlayStation Portables, the device has, until recently, had trouble attracting developers. Last year, there was a dearth of good titles to choose from for the portable gaming device.
That's because back in 2006, PlayStation Portable sales seemed to be bottoming out and a lot of developers decided to invest their money in other systems. But in 2007, with the release of a slimmer PSP model, PlayStation Portable sales started picking back up.
"When we met with developers in 2008, they wanted to know how they could get back into PSP development," said John Koller, Sony Computer Entertainment of America's director of hardware marketing.
Because games can take a year to a year and a half to create, that gap in development meant a dry year for PSP owners in 2008. But at the week-long Destination PlayStation gathering, Sony unveiled a slew of high-end games for the PSP set for release this year.
Among the list is a portable version of PlayStation 3's popular platformer LittleBigPlanet, a PSP version of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed and a PSP version of the PS3's mud racer MotorStorm. And, Koller said, there are quite a few more big, exciting titles for the system that haven't been announced yet.
Sony is also in talks with developer Ready at Dawn, creator of the highest-rated game for the platform, about making a new game for the PSP.
"This is going to be the year of software for the PSP," he said.
Besides attracting new games to the platform, Sony is going back through their library of old games, all the way back to the original PlayStation, to see which titles they can bring to the PSP. The titles they select would most likely be sold on the PlayStation Network, allowing gamers to download the game and install it on the PSP.
"We are making a concerted effort for digital distribution," he said.
Most triple-A titles coming to the PSP still use the proprietary UMD disc, but it may not be long before we start seeing more games go directly to digital distribution.
If more games go to digital distribution, it might make sense for the PSP to be redesigned without a UMD drive, making the device less expensive, smaller and with a longer battery life.
While Koller says Sony remains committed to the UMD, at least one developer says he knows that Sony is working on a new PSP design that won't feature a UMD drive.
Acclaim's David Perry says the device is already having games developed for it.
Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter thinks eventually ditching the UMD is a good idea, but says Sony is stubbornly committed to their proprietary formats.
"Is it really worth building a drive in the PSP?" Pachter said. "The answer is probably no. The device is bulkier, heavier, and has less battery life with it."
"They would be better off designing it with flash memory."
With the PSP about halfway through its life-cycle, it's probably about time for another major redesign.
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February 28th, 2009, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
In an effort to turn every single Sony property into Sackboy form—hurry up, Blasto Sackboy!—the company has turned the LittleBigPlanet transmogrifier on the PSP tactical rhythm game Patapon. Cross-promotion is just a happy by-product.
Yes, Patapon 2 is coming stateside soon-ish—the official PlayStation blog says it's "in the horizon"—meaning a cyclopian Sackboy interpretation is overdue.
No word on when this guy will ship out to the PlayStation Store, but we're betting it's in advance of Patapon 2's street date.
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February 28th, 2009, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Remakes in LittleBigPlanet—or LBPmakes, if you will—are typically nothing if not impressive. The Gradius remake, for example, might have blown your mind. But this Contra remake is awesome if only for its exhaustive authenticity. This group effort covers all eight levels of the arcade and NES classic from Konami and was developed by a group of NeoGAF message board-lurking LittleBigPlanet fans over the course of the past month. The eight levels available for PlayStation 3 owners as of, well, right now, should the trailer for LittleBigContra get you excited enough to download. The official post on the project features screenshots, credits, intimate details and the high drama of any NeoGAF thread. LittleBig Contra is OUT NOW!! Let's Attack Aggressive, GAF
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February 28th, 2009, 17:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

From the publisher: Developed by Guerilla Games, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Killzone™ 2 is the highly anticipated first-person shooter created exclusively for the PLAYSTATION®3 system.
Following events and action from the original Killzone for PlayStation®2, Killzone 2 brings players into a highly detailed, ultra-realistic “theater of war” that truly leverages the processing power of the PS3.
Throughout the campaign, players will encounter lifelike and adaptable artificial intelligence (A.I.) from enemies as well as fellow soldiers, destructible environments, and stunningly detailed scenery.
Additionally, players will be tasked with utilizing a host of new weapons and vehicles in the war to stop the Helghast.
Featuring an extensive single-player campaign and thrilling multi-player mode, Killzone 2 delivers a host of new gameplay elements and an intense storyline that will once again drive gamers to join the ranks of the ISA and fight the Helghast…this time on the enemy’s home planet.
Highly realistic, KillZone 2 turns your living room into a war zone, in which you can, then, transform it into a blood bath with your massive arsenal of weapons. Take a peak at the environments that you can destroy.
Come join the troops through your PlayStation3™
Killzone 2 US US$ 64.90
Killzone 2 JPN US$ 74.90
Due to limited supply in the market, the Asia version is currently unavailable. We recommend all customers to purchase the US version instead, which is in stock right now. The Japanese version is scheduled to be released on April 23rd.
Check out the terrains and other information on your weapons through the official game guide:
Killzone 2 Signature Series Guide US US$ 19.90
Take a look at what happened before KillZone 2 takes place through it's predecessor Kill Zone: Liberation on Sony PSP™.
Killzone: Liberation (Greatest Hits) US US$ 24.90
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February 28th, 2009, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list of whats new:
Akira US US$ 42.90
Australia (~Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Baroque Motion Vol. 1 US US$ 34.95
Body of Lies (~Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Casshern Sins Blu-ray Box 1 (~Toru Furuya, Nami Miyahara, ...) JPN US$ 164.90
Chronos JPN US$ 51.90
Death Note (~Tatsuya Fujiwara, Asaka Seto, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Death Note The Last Name (~Tatsuya Fujiwara, Erika Toda, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Deen At Budokan No Cut - 15th Anniversary Perfect Singles Live (~Deen) JPN US$ 69.90
Ef - A Tale Of Melodies 3 (~Yui Horie, Mai Goto, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
French Connection 2 (~Fernando Rey, Ed Lauter, ...) US US$ 34.98
Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder (~Billy West, Katey Sagal, ...) US US$ 39.98
Futurama: Into The Wild Green Yonder HK US$ 32.90
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk (~Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Wade Davis) US US$ 24.98
Hounddog (~Dakota Fanning, Robin Wright-Penn, ...) US US$ 24.95
Kemeko Deluxe Vol.3 (~Chiwa Saitou, Mikako Takahashi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Kemeko Deluxe Vol.3 [Blu-ray+CD Limited Edition] (~Chiwa Saitou, Mikako Takahashi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
L Change The World (~Yuuki Kudo, Kiyotaka Nanbara, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
LCD/Plasma Ultimate HD Experience US US$ 19.98
Little Miss Sunshine (~Greg Kinnear, Paul Dano, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Lupin The Third Second TV BD Box I JPN US$ 197.90
Michiko To Hacchin Vol.2 (~Maki Sakai, Kanji Tsuda, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
Nights In Rodanthe (~Richard Gere, Diane Lane, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Predator [1+2 Boxset] (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, ...) HK US$ 54.90
Ray Harryhausen Collection Blu-ray Box JPN US$ 175.90
Ronin (~Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, ...) US US$ 39.98
Samurai 7 - Box Set US US$ 79.98
Sex Drive (~Josh Zuckerman, Amanda Crew, ...) US US$ 34.99
Shaolin Handlock (~David Chiang, Lieh Lo, ...) US N/A
Side Ways (~Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church) JPN US$ 51.90
Surrealist Motion Vol. 1 US US$ 34.95
The French Connection (~Roy Scheider, Gene Hackman) US US$ 34.98
The Incredible Hulk (~Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
The Pink Panther JPN US$ 52.90
The Sky Crawlers JPN US$ 85.90
The Sky Crawlers Collector's Edition [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 451.90
The Tribute to Pavarotti (~Jos Carreras, Andrea Bocelli, ...) US US$ 24.98
The Who: Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970 (~The Who) US US$ 24.97
Toaru Majutsu No Index Vol.2 (~Shizuka Ito) JPN US$ 82.90
Toaru Majutsu No Index Vol.2 [Limited Edition] (~Shizuka Ito) JPN US$ 82.90
Tytania 2 (~Daisuke Kishiga, Katsuyuki Konishi, ...) JPN US$ 74.90
Vanishing Point (~Arthur Malet, Barry Newman, ...) US US$ 34.99
Wanted (~James Mcavoy, Angelina Jolie, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
What Just Happened? (~Robert De Niro, Catherine Keener, ...) US US$ 34.98
Yami No Kodomo Tachi (~Yosuke Eguchi, Aoi Miyazaki, ...) JPN US$ 65.90
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February 28th, 2009, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released:

Intense high body-count gunplay: Bring the heat with 20+ high powered weapons including heavy machine guns, advanced guided rocket launchers, grenades and explosives
Collaborative G-Unit crew member: 50 never runs alone. He's always got his G-Unit crew covering his back. Select a member of G-Unit to fight by 50's side - each with their own signature weapon
New Brutal Counter-kill system: All new interactive counter-kill system that gives you the control to finish off the enemy
Incredible music and sound: Exclusive music content will immerse you in the war-torn world of all-out combat game play. All of 50's tracks are remixed for the intensity of the game play
Explosive driving and flying sequences: Drive through the city's water runoffs and storm drains in high speed pursuit. Get behind the wheel as 50 while a member of your G-Unit crew shoots down pursuing enemies. Get inside a Blackhawk, mount the Gatling gun and shoot across the opium fields of the mountain valley
Online co-op multiplayer modes: Have your friends join your game online at any time! Have them pick a member of G-Unit's crew to help 50 get payback on those who wronged him
50 Cent and G-Unit music: New, never-before-heard exclusive tracks and classic hits from 50's albums make this the ultimate 50 Cent experience
The Ultimate 50 Cent Game Experience!
50 Cent and G-Unit® have just played to a sold-out crowd in a war-torn country. But when 50 tries to collect from the shifty promoter, he's told that a local drug lord named Kamal has screwed him over and stolen the box office receipts. 50 is ready to take his wrath out on the promoter, who begs for his life and convinces him there's a way to get his money back and get revenge on Kamal. With you playing as one of the world's biggest Hip-Hop stars, cue an all out battle across two countries to collect payday and payback on those who have crossed 50 Cent!
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February 28th, 2009, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Krakatos posted a new version of the PS2 emulator for windows, heres whats new:
- Modified the GIF and SPR. This is an important bugfix, fixes games that were broken since revision 462.
- Fixed bugs in LDL/LDR instructions; fixing various TLB Miss errors in assorted games (namely ones that worked in the old VM builds).
- New Feature: Press TAB to toggle the framelimiter on/off (as a substitute for hitting F4 several times). Usable as a "turbo" feature, similar to other emus.
- Some minor cleanups / correctness fixes to the IPU's register Read/Write functions.
- Applied SUPERVU_VIBRANCHDELAY fix to IBGEZ/IBGTZ/IBLEZ/IBLTZ opcodes. ICO SPS will be gone without gamefix now.
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February 28th, 2009, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of the emulator that allows java/mobile phone games to be played on a PSP has been released:
- Enable input symbol in password textfield;
- Fix OSK bug;
- Fix drawRGB alpha blending bug;
- Fix a couple of bug inside VM interpreter.
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February 28th, 2009, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
Luma has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Nickname: LuMa
Projet name : Tibia for PSP
From : Germany
Division : PSP Game
Original enter : Yes
Support Motion : No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
Project description:
The name of my game, as the title suggests, is called Tibia. The original game Tibia ( http://www.tibia.com) is a MMORPG game in which you're involved in a fantasy world on the Internet with other players and you can solve Ouest, get levels and fight against other players.
I decided to copy of this game for PSP ,because it has a relatively simple 2D graphics and it is cope with Oslib.
Now some data about my Hombrew:
Until now, this Hombrew is only in the beta stage and is also only offline playable ,but I will change this in any case in the next versions .
It feature , however, the following functions:
Menu + Background Music
Selection between female and male character + naming of the character / account
Small map with one quest (58 * 40 fields)
and 3 monsters
1 monstertyp
4 armor (or weapons)
Many animated objects
2 Spells
Fully functional screenshot function
Incomplete in-game MP3 player (reads MP3's from MUSIC-folder)
Pause function
In-Game Menu + mouse
Now the hotkeys:
In the menu
Up / down direction keys
Select with X
In the game
Movement of the figure with the direction buttons
On/Off page menu with SELECT
Move the mouse pointer with the joystick
LOOK / USE function with R-Hold + X
Lifting of arms by the USE function (mouse on weapon -> R-hold + X -> Click to USE)
Healing spell with L-Hold + Triangle
Fire spell with L-Hold + Circle
Creature attacking by clicking on creature (with the mouse  )
Screenshot with R-Hold + START
MP3 player ON/OFF with START
Pause with Hold
I think that it was now everything , but you can explor the game yourself(maybe you can find a few more functions ... ^ ^)
Have fun testing and do not forget that this project is only in version 0.1 (Beta).
Yours sincerely,
PS: I know that until now,it is a bit unilaterally (boring) but it will certainly change with a larger world, more monsters, more weapons and more spells...^^
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