October 1st, 2005, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Quick question to those who downgraded, would you sacrifice the ability to play Homebrew and emulators and play games like the Grand Theft Auto game if they made you install a non Homebrew firmware.
Sony you can be sure are working to cover the holes in their firmware to stop exploits and it wouldnt be unheard of for a company like them to trace the hackers and pay the hackers to find aany exploits and fix them.
To answer my own question above, i think the time has come for me to buy a US PSP as thats the area with the UMD Movies i most want to watch.
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October 1st, 2005, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Kick a Drum Machine app for the PSP has been newly updated, heres the info:
2.00 - Welcome to the new PSPKick.
New features:
1) User interface is now fully skinable and new skins can be set while using PSPKick.
2) Users can now create their own sound packs.
3) A fully functioning song mode has been implemented that allows users to chain together their patterns in any order to create full songs and save them for later.
4) Songs can be exported as .wav and .mid to the memory stick.
5) Samples can now be auditioned while the pattern is playing.
6) Users can now modify pitch, amplitude and panning with the analog stick.
7) A chaser light has been added to show place in pattern.
8) Name of current sample in use is highlighted.
9) Help screens for all 4 menus have been drawn.
10) Many more samples are included by musicians and composers from throughout the world.
11) Anti-aliased fonts are now used.
12) Graphics were updated with an even more futuristic look.
13) Two levels of Accent are now available.
14) Now includes User's Manual.
Changes/Bug fixes:
1) The sound engine was completely overhauled and now runs faster, smoother and better than before.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspkick.shtml
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October 1st, 2005, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
Source- Joystiq
Rockstar has just announced multiplayer support for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, a first for the best-selling Grand Theft Auto series of games.
The Liberty City Stories website has been updated with details, and IGN has posted an article on their experience with multiplayer mode. This is the game that will finally breathe life into the PSP’s ho-hum game line-up. Multiplayer mode will be hot, like scalding coffee hot.
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October 1st, 2005, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
Shine posted this:
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 10:20 am Post subject: Template for map based games like Pac Man, Bruce Lee etc.
I've added a basic example for map based games to http://www.luaplayer.org/tutorial/index.html . Now it is trivial to implement games like Pac Man (one day) and easy to program games like Bruce Lee (less than a week). Some more ideas: http://www.df.lth.se/~ola/c64games.html
Some of this games were really fun back in the old days and even today. Today games have nice 3D graphics, but sometimes I miss novel ideas and good game play. Maybe I'm just too nostalgic :-)
A bit more difficult would be games with scrolling, like Boulder Dash, Marble Madness or Wizball (interesting game idea). But with 4 offscreen images and incremental update of parts of the images it should be really fast.
Discuss this and your game ideas in our Lua Forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=89
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October 1st, 2005, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
IndianCheese has done a review of the Jansport Maffia Backpack, heres what he says:
You may be wondering why there is a review for a backpack in a PSP review, but this backpack was made for the PSP. This backpack boasts many PSP fan-loving atrributes. It contains a side pocket to store the PSP in for easy access, which will also hold the Logitech Playgear Pocket, NyKo Charger Case, or a variety of Pelican cases. Or, if you are leaving your PSP and want it to be secure, there is a hidden side pocket that has a thin zipper strip and a tiny zipper pull to keep it from being noticed easily.
Check out the rest of his review here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11585
Got a Games, Accessories or UMD Movie then review it and if its a decent review ill post it on the main site, submit your reviews in our PSP Review Forum here -> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=86
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October 1st, 2005, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Bepe86 has released a new Shell written in Lua, heres what he says:
Just created the draft for a possible LUA shell, only for testing. I will not develop this one further, but I'm looking for a LUA shell project to join.
- Mouse pointer that is controlled with analog stick (can be used with X-button to increase cursor speed)
- Statusarea which shows current time (HH:MM) and battery status (percent/charging), and only updates every 60 fps (every second)
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/bpde.shtml
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October 1st, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
BBS who im right in thinking is the webmaster of the German PSP Emulation Site --> http://www.pspemus.de/ has posted this news in our Submit News Forum:
News from Sonyxteam.com!!!
We wanted to warn the users that the fiirst beta downgrader version released by MPH is VERY Unstable ! It has about 5 to 10% chances to brick your psp when using it, because it writtes directly on the flash offset and that can be very dangerous, uf the offset changes just a little it will overwrite another file than index.dat, and that will brick your psp without doubt !
However that issue had been fixed on v1.0 , the probability to brick your psp using v1.0 is less than 1%.
We still want to remind you that we still give credits to MPH for taking part on the downgrader creation, (as he did gave credits to SXT as well), and will be added in any future downgrader version based on the one we devlopped together. So althrough 1.0 Final was entirely coded by yoshihiro and finished by yoshihiro, we give credits to MPH for it as well, as it's still based on the beta version where we worked on it together.
(Especially MPH and Yoshihiro, as yoshihiro found the lflash writting code on 2.0 working overflow exploit, and MPH and yoshi both had the index.dat idea, MPH created and compiled the first beta version from the knowledge and data he and yoshi acquired together).
Here the changes:
- More stability
- Added text infos
- No need for index.dat file anymore
- Easier for noobs
Thats great news and if anyone uses it successfully let us know 
Im sure this will start another case of handbags at dawn when certain hackers with friends on certain sites see the above release, in any case lets keep it clean gents 
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October 1st, 2005, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Spastic has released a new game written in Lua and released in our Lua Forum --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11633, heres what he posted:
This is my second shot at programing in Lua. It's a digital take on the classic Quarters drinking game. The instructions should be easy enough to follow.
I'm new to programing so it was difficult to get a true multi-player format. If anyone has suggestions let me know.
There is some pretty dodgy physics on the coin, but it's good enough to make it fun to play. I'm going to work with a better programer to try to get that more realistic, again suggestions are welcome.
I'd like to waive all liability for any damages that may arise from handling your PSP while drinking with buddies. And as always don't play PSP drinking games and drive
Download at the release thread above or our page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/quarters.shtml
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October 2nd, 2005, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Had a great email sent to me about a rather cool PSP site, here goes 
"Hi, I am the webmaster of www.pspgallery.net, a web with more of 20.000
wallpapers for PSP
Thank you for their attention."
- I checked out the site and its a Goldmine for wallpapers and so much more, visit the site here --> www.pspgallery.net
leave some feedback for us on what you think 
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October 2nd, 2005, 04:33 Posted By: wraggster
Kristof has released to the PSP a port of Vice the Commodore 64 emulator, heres more info:
V0.1 :
What is working :
- Emulator works
- Speed is good
- Virtual keyboard
- D64 and T64 files support
What is not working :
- No sound
- Sometimes hang when enter menu
- Transparency not working (keyboard and menu display)
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspvice.shtml
2 C64 emulators in one week, spoiled arent we 
Thanks to Kojote for messaging me this at 3.10am ;P
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October 2nd, 2005, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP scene since the release of Hello World by Nem has been nothing short of outstanding, the amount of visitors this site and forums gets shocks me and the fact that for someone with a V1.0 PSP its so damn easy to get software working for testing and playing its great and the amount of releases means that as a webmaster in newsposting near on 24hours a day (not bad when some sites have 5 people doing the same job ). The scene doesnt seem to be slowing down either but is the scene the easiest to get into?
Looking at other Console Scenes you can forget about any you need modchips for or flashcarts etc so the next scene is the Dreamcast Emulation and Homebrew Scene which has near on 500 Emulators and Homebrew releases and once past the way of burning the software onto CD is a great scene.
The next console to think about is the GP32 with sites like GP32Xtreme and GP32 Emulation which have hundreds of software much like the PSP and a fantastic scene to go with it.
Finally the new kid on the block, the GP2X a console that even before its released officially, has a port of Quake, PC Engine emu and Amiga emu and embraces Emulation and Homebrew(check out our GP2X Sister Site)
All those 4 consoles are easy to get into but which is the most friendly you decide (comments below)
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October 3rd, 2005, 02:50 Posted By: gimpyjr
The PS3 is clearly more powerful than the 360. (if the MGS4 trailer wasn't proof enough than your beyond help).
Anyway since the PS3 is 3 times more powerful than 360 would it be possible to make an emulator for 360 on the PS3?
I say this because the 360 is using a G5 variant processor. Mac OSX is based on the G5. so if the cell processor can run OSX and linux than it must be partly similar to the G5.
Also the 360's cpu has 3 cores running at 3.2 GHZ the PS3 has 7 cores running at the same speed.
If an emulator could be made it would probably be run off the memory stick like the PSP homebrew is. Sombody could write a plugin to use the PS3's blu-ray drive to run the 360 games. Also since microsoft is planning to release a USB version of the controller you could plug the 360 controller in to PS3 and play the games in the emulator.
Give me your thoughts. It's probably not possible but it's a cool concept.
Gears Of War on PS3 baby!
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October 3rd, 2005, 04:35 Posted By: wraggster
Kojote posted this news at PDRoms
Rainer Sinsch has sent me another application for the PSP. This time it's a MOD player for the PSP. Release source of this application is PDRoms, so please give proper credits (proper credits means: mention at least pdroms along WITH a link).
Installation notes (for PSP v1.5):
Extract the memory-stick folder to your memory-stick as it is. If you want more mod files just put them into the mods folder
located at the root of your memory-stick.
PSP-MODPlay plays all available MOD-files located at the /mods folder. Press "X" to cycle through them (no file browser yet). Everything will be played at stereo 44.1khz, including linear interpolation. Supported file types are all .MOD files: Sound-tracker, Star-tracker, Pro-tracker, etc - up to eight
Please note that the included mod files where taken somewhere from the internet, respect the authors.
Known bugs:
mods folder is limited to 512 songs max
Rainer Sinsch (rsinsch[at]t-online.de)
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmodplay.shtml
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October 3rd, 2005, 04:39 Posted By: wraggster
Kristof has updated the PSP a port of Vice the Commodore 64 emulator, heres whats new:
Center Screen
Display keyboard and menu improved
Quick Save/load of snapshots (L1/R1)
Virtual keyboard on triangle button.
Square and Circle emulate "space" and "enter" key
Thanks to ditto on EFNET #pspemu for the news.
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspvice.shtml
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October 3rd, 2005, 08:25 Posted By: wraggster
With the advent of the downgrader (Please watch out for fake ones, if in doubt ask the excellent members on this site) and the incoming new PSP firmware that will close the door to future Homebrew on the PSP, theres stil a need to source reputable companies (and not some scammer whos changed their ver number to make a quick buck) who are selling v1.5 - the homebrew compatible PSP consoles.
I checked SuccessHK just a moment ago and they still have according to the page on their site PSP v1.50s in stock (USD 279.00), at this time i couldnt find any others advertising the fact they had v1.5s in stock.
If you do know then let us know via the comments.
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October 3rd, 2005, 17:38 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have today posted news that they have the Jap version of the best football game on the PSP, heres some details:
Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution features the utter realism, intuitive play and fast-paced action of the ever-popular series. The handheld version is almost identical in terms of available clubs and international sides, with 57 national sides lining up alongside 136 club teams. Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution also benefits from a number of exclusive features designed to showcase the PSP's capabilities. The highly-competitive multi-player aspects of the game are highlighted using the hardware's wireless systems. Using this, players within a certain network radius can challenge rival Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution fans to games, with all data related to match results goals for, goals against, wins, etc retained in a running tally. Solo players can also hone their skills within six different leagues and a host of cup tournaments, and the PSP™ game can also be linked to the PlayStation2™ version of Winning Eleven 9 for data exchange. Using this, players can import teams they have created within the PlayStation2™ game for use against friends on their PSP, or swap teams with other PSP users.
More info at Divineo UK
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October 3rd, 2005, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Eurogamer
Sony's released a 2.01 firmware upgrade for Japanese PSPs. Its only function, as far as we can work out, is to close the security hole that allows people to downgrade their systems to version 1.5 system software, which can be easily manipulated to run homemade emulators, games and other software applications loaded onto the Memory Stick.
We'd question the logic behind this 2.01 strategy of Sony's, but then we'd end up using the word "logic" in conjunction with it, which wouldn't do at all. The patch has to be manually applied to a Japanese PSP running 2.00, but surely the people who are prepared to apply will have decided they don't care about downgrading anyway? It doesn't actually make any difference to anything else – there certainly aren't any games out there that won't work without it, and you can fool the ones that think they need 1.51/2 or 2.00 into running on earlier firmware anyway.
It's not so much locking the stable door after the horses have bolted, then, as it is asking the bloke who opened the stable door in the first place if he wouldn't mind going off, fetching the horses, putting them back again and then locking the door afterward. The only other explanation is that this so-called security update has been designed to prey on the gullible and uninformed. Surely not!
By the way – the website warns people outside Japan not to apply it and to wait for regional versions to emerge. So far there's no sign of it on the American PSP system update page.
Still, if you own a Japanese PSP and want to apply 2.01, you can do so on the Sony Japan website. Doing so renders you slightly less naughty than you were before, but you're still going to hell for buying a Japanese PSP in the first place. That said, you're not the only ones.
(Is anyone gonna upgrade and ruin the only chance to downgrade - i think not)
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October 3rd, 2005, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Rmedtx let me know that the Callisto site has been updated with some new great looking screenshots of what i can see is the best looking Homebrew game on the PSP so far and close to commercial quality graphics (in my opinion)
Check out the site here --> http://www.fraglab.at/callisto
Leave comments below 
thanks to rmedtx for the news 
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October 3rd, 2005, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Rob_psp has renamed his notpad app to PSP-PDA, heres whats new in this latest release:
This is a PDA program with a notepad, music player, image viewer, address book, calendar, and calculator.
New to PSP-PDA Version 1.0
Renamed: Since this is now far more than a notepad program, it has been renamed to PSP-PDA
Added: Calendar
Added: Calculator - a mathematical expression evaluator
Added: Bookmarks are auto-loaded and saved
Added: Music plays while viewing pictures, but scaling and rotation is disabled.
Added: MOD and XM support, TGA
Added: Keyboard Settings - select analog, digital, and 2-cursor keyboards
Change cursor and button sensitivity
Added: Cursor can be moved in text fields with the pad. Text fields can be selected with the pad.
Fixed: Toggle Bookmark crash
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp-pda.shtml
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October 3rd, 2005, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Ryochan7 has released a new release of his version of DoomPSP, heres whats new:
Changes in Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S. b4:
-Removed case sensitive WAD lookup.
The last release only worked properly with WAD files with lowercase letters
in the filename. This release can work with WAD files that have uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and also with WAD files that have a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters in the filename.
-Customizable button configuration. Button configuration is read from a text file.
The portion of the program that reads the file mostly remains unchanged from the DoomPSP v0.04u1 release. The method by which the buttons are implemented is the major difference.
-Added a fix that allows both Unix and Windows formatted text files to be read.
This program outputs the configuration changes to a Unix formatted text file.
The original code only allowed Windows formatted text files to work properly so the output data made by this program could not be read by the program.
-Added a button configuration submenu.
You can edit the button configuration while running the program. The changes can be saved to the configuration text file within the menu. To enter the submenu, press the L Trigger + the R Trigger + START. The layout of the menu is a little jank. You have to select which action you want to change from the right side and then press which button you want to be associated with the action. A swap will occur and the button that was highlighted will take the action of whatever the previous button had. Also, to switch from analog movement to using the DPad, you can select either
choice in the menu and press any button to swap the two actions.
Download Here -> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
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October 4th, 2005, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Modsyn has released a new Lua game called Circles, heres some info
i have written my first game ever in LUA for the PSP. i've been programming
for a while, but never tried to tackle my own game. but i tossed that and
here is what i came up with, it's an addictive little shooter-type game. maybe i'm partial, but it's my new favorite homebrew game. i would never have tried this if i hadn't come here and seen all the help i could get.
Screenshots and download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/circles.shtml
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October 4th, 2005, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Last week, Piper Jaffray analysts Anthony Gikas and Stephanie Wissinck released a report with some surprising forecasts for the gaming industry, not the least of which included a prediction that the Revolution's sales wouldn't live up to its name and the expectation of a new hard-drive-equipped model of the PSP to hit shelves next year.
Today, GameSpot caught up with Gikas for a bit of explanation on his analysis, starting with the forecast that the Revolution would have no significant impact (positive or negative) on Nintendo's place in the console market through 2008.
"As a starting point, that's essentially what we're looking at," Gikas said. "Nintendo will have the same 15 percent plus or minus market share."
As shocking as the Revolution controller might have been for many gamers, Gikas didn't think it would substantially affect Nintendo's fate in its first couple of years of release. "I don't think that the controller's a big enough deal that it's changing [Nintendo's] place in the market," Gikas said.
As for the hard-drive-equipped PSP, Gikas considers it a natural choice for Sony for a couple of reasons. "If it really is going to be a multidimensional entertainment device," Gikas said, "it's going to need a hard drive so you can store greater amounts of data in it."
Beyond fulfilling the company's vision for the handheld gaming gadget, a hard-drive-equipped PSP would also let Sony reprice the hardware (possibly selling the base PSP for $199 and the new model for the original price point of $250) and stem the losses that come from regular price cuts on gaming platforms. It's a tactic Gikas said he expects to see from more console makers in the future.
"They're not making much money on these hardware devices to begin with, and to the extent that [systems] go historically from $300 to $200 to $150 to $99 to $79, you're just losing more and more money as the cycle progresses," Gikas said. "I think you're going to see smaller upgrades to these hardware devices as we move into this next cycle, and that will give the hardware guys an opportunity to reprice and keep those price points higher."
While multiple hardware configurations and upgrades have failed in the past (from the Sega 32X to the PlayStation 2 hard drive), the trend of regular hardware upgrades doesn't necessarily mean developers and publishers have to worry about which particular system configurations their customers might be using.
"There are things you can do to the box along the way that don't disrupt the development process for the publishers," Gikas said. "I'm not talking about a change to the underlying technology of the box itself. There are ways to upgrade that box that really don't interfere with anything the publishers are doing."
For instance, if Microsoft were to unveil an Xbox 360 model in the future with a larger hard drive or a high-definition DVD drive, publishers wouldn't have to worry about whether gamers had a 20-gig or a 50-gig hard drive. And as for upgrades that would impact the core functionality of a system, Gikas says there's just no call for them in the first years of a system's life span.
"For this first round of games on the Xbox 360, the publishers are only going to be utilizing half of the technology of that box," Gikas said. "It takes a couple generations of these products for the publishers to really ramp up to utilize the full potential of the technology of these systems."
Finally, Gikas expounded a bit on the growth of nontraditional software markets composed of in-game advertising, direct console downloads, and mobile gaming.
"We do project that [combined] market at about $900 million in 2007, so when you add that on top of the almost 9 billion in software from console, handheld, and PC, it's a big chunk. All of a sudden it's 10 percent of the industry in 2007."
That would make those nontraditional markets bigger than PC gaming by 2007. But while Gikas fully expects that sector to experience significant growth, the markets are so new and so small as yet that he expects that individual projections for all three of them will change dramatically in coming years.
"The point is there are real dollars there, they're coming, and they're coming over the next few years," Gikas said.
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October 4th, 2005, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Rockstar Games recently updated the official Web site for Grand Theft Auto Liberty Stories for the PSP, and one of the most eagerly anticipated additions to the franchise has been confirmed: Liberty City Stories will have multiplayer modes. The series, known to the public for its glamorizing of a crime-ridden lifestyle, violence, and adult-oriented minigames, has also been long known to gamers for being almost strictly single-player. (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has some two-player minigames.)
Liberty City Stories will feature several multiplayer modes, and it will, if a diagram on the Web site is accurate, support up to six players. The Web site details three of the modes, and it promises more to come in the future. The Web site does not say if the game will be playable over the Internet or in an ad hoc fashion.
The first mode, Liberty City survivor is the game's take on the typical deathmatch format. It will apparently be available as an every-man-for-himself format or in a team (referred to as "gangs") format. The games will be played with a time limit, and the first team to reach a certain number of kills or to have the most kills when time runs out will be declared the winner.
Protection racket sees gamers playing both sides of a gang attempting to destroy four limousines in another gang's base. Like the familiar multiplayer game of assault, play will occur in multiple rounds, and teams will be designated as being either on offense or defense. Once the four limos are destroyed, the teams switch sides. The new offensive team must destroy its rivals' limos faster than its opponents destroy theirs.
Get stretch is best described as capture the flag with a twist. Gone are the standard flags associated with this genre, as targets are now automobiles. Each gang's base has a designated vehicle the other team is required to steal and bring back to its home base.
Also released on the Web site is the latest trailer for the game, which shows protagonist Tony Cipriani interacting with some nefarious characters. The trailer also confirms, not so shockingly, the game's M for Mature rating (for Strong Language, Blood and Gore, Use of Drugs, Intense Violence, and yes, Strong Sexual Content--all on a handheld device).
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories will be released October 25 for $49.99.
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October 4th, 2005, 20:11 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted this new Memory Card compatible with the PSP:
Product Features
Save your game levels on your PSP
Include Xploder Media Center Lite Software
Data Protection Light Flashes During Transfer
Record your high-resolution digital images and store other types of data safely and easily at incredible speeds. Memory Stick Duo PRO works with all Sony Memory Stick Duo PRO compatible devices including your Sony MP3 audio recorder, video cameras, and computers with a Memory Stick slot.
PSP Xploder Media Centre Lite software allows you to manage your Music, Images and Gamesaves. Create MP3 play lists, music folders and more. Simply drag and drop into the Xploder application for music on the move!. Manage your JPEG digital photos and transfer them to your PSP via the Xploder application. PSP cheat saves allows you to unlock secret weapons, characters, access all levels, energy and more.
Price is $99
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October 4th, 2005, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Last week we received word that Madden NFL 06’s Franchise mode was causing a number of PSPs to crash. Late last night, an EA forum moderator posted a “Work Around” for this glaring flaw. Unfortunately, since no mention was made of a re-release, downloadable patch, or refund opportunity, we’re left to believe that this is EA’s permanent solution. In addition, EA claims that after a thorough investigation, they have determined that the shutdown-issue “isn’t a widespread problem.” What they’re sayin’ is, if you’re unfortunate enough to be one of the few gamers affected by this issue then just “work” with it.
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October 4th, 2005, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Eurogamer
Sony's announced that it plans to release a new battery pack for the PlayStation Portable in Japan. We'd been hoping for this for a while of course, so it's slightly disappointing to learn that it merely lasts up to 20 per cent longer - but still, it's something. The Pack, part number PSP-280, should retail for 5,300 yen, which isn't much more than £26 / €38.
Meantime, Sony's European arm (the UK finger, specifically), has confirmed a few dates for upcoming software. Twisted Metal: Head On is now due on November 4th, followed by Namco Museum Battle Collection (Nov 11th) and Pursuit Force (Nov 18th). World Rally Championship is also due out in November.
A few days later, Go! Sudoku will be with us on December 2nd - and Sony's latest missive confirms that, curiously, it's Sumo Digital handling the puzzle compilation. Sumo's past work includes the Xbox version of OutRun2 and Codemasters' PSP port of TOCA Race Driver 2. How queer!
Further beyond, Q1 2006 will apparently see the release of Lemmings, Ape Escape: On The Loose and Key of Heaven, while the excellent TalkMan has yet to be dated.
Finally, Sony's also lined up a new PSP-branded Memory Stick Pro DUO for Japan. It's a 1GB model, priced at 9,500 yen - the basic difference between this and the regular Memory Stick Duo being the lower price. We don't understand either.
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October 4th, 2005, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
This site isnt tied to any hackers or teams so we can bring you the best in impartial news as what you would expect and heres the latest release from Yoshihiro and co:
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you
The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 2.00 or 2.01
to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.0
The System think it's a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0, V2.1
even if its a v1.5 or 1.0 .
Backups your original index.dat with the filename vc_bak_index.dat
on the memory stick root.
<------------------------- How To : -------------------------------->
Unrar the file and put the Folders into :
Then follow the instructions on the screen
Square : Trick to Firm 2.0
Circle : Back to Firm v1.50
Cross : Back to Firm v1.00
Triangle : Trick to Firmware v2.1
When is done you can go to System Settings =>
System Information and Check Your System Version :=)
Then launch the game!
Download via the comments and thanks to all who sent this news 
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October 4th, 2005, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro was interviewed by French Site Metagames.fr heres a excerpt from that interview which has been translated by PSP Vault
How did you come to the PSP? Do you own other consoles?
I came to the PSP because I found it was not a bad device at the begining and when I got my hands on one, homebrews weren't working yet.
A this time I used my PSP to watch my pictures but also to test its weakness and study its behaviour during the launch of eboot.pbp files like the 1.0 update from Sony launched in January 2005.
For the other consoles I own a modified PS2 with a HDD, 2 Xbox (one modified with a dev kit) and a modified Gamecube.
Ive mirrored the entire interview via the comments so that full comments can be made.
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October 5th, 2005, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info:
PSafeP 1.0
By: Dark Killer
PSafeP is a windows tool to scan Sony PSP executable (EBOOT.PBP) files for suspicious code.
Important Note: Due to PSafeP scanning for any and all access to the flash memory, some legitimate software (ex: LUA Player, PSPInside) that accesses flash0 to load certain prx modules will fail the scan even though they are 100% percent safe.
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October 5th, 2005, 08:08 Posted By: wraggster
Raf sent an email with ths news:
A new release of PSPRadio is out. Thanks!!
This release is the same as 0.34-pre3
I'm making 0.34-pre3 official, because:
1- it's stable enough
2-I'm making major internal changes right now, and I'd rather make 0.34-pre3 official than waiting until I have everything straightened out.
So, in short, if you're already using 0.34-pre3; then you're not missing anything. The only difference is that this release is packaged correctly...
Anyways, here's the changelog from 0.33b:
-Corrected the mutex and semaphore implementations..
(Now logging needs more resources because of this though, so it's probably a good idea to keep high).
-Also found a bug that would cause the crash on exit (one at least).
(PSPSound's destructor was accessing the m_ThDecode without checkin if it existed first.)
-Also added USB support. Needs to be enabled in the config file. ([USB]ENABLED=1; )
-USB support is dangerous. Not recommended.
-Disabled pause for URL streams.
-Lots of internal refactoring.
-Support for playlists v2 was added.
-Now data from playlist v2 is shown, then updated when metadata arrives.
-Can force a profile now, look in the .cfg file to see how.
-Dropped the 'b' as is redundant with the -pre.
-Now when pressing L and R, the song only auto starts if the user was currently playing a song.
-Added thread exit synchronization using the semaphore. (Should help make sure the app exits correctly).
-Removed forced network profile code. (As users having problems where able to solve them themselves).
-Tweaked the playlist v2 support so that it (hopefully, test) works with winamp .pls files. (Now I just
ignore the "NumberOfEntries"/"numberofentries" tag.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml (the pre version which is the final version)
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October 5th, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Source - GI Biz
Sony CEO Howard Stringer has revealed some of the company's future plans for the PSP and PS3, describing the next-gen console as "a monumental technical advance."
In a speech delivered at the CEATEC electronics show in Japan, Stringer said that PSP owners "Will soon be able to deploy the device's built-in Wi-Fi to watch video from home entertainment terminals, anytime, anywhere in the world."
He also confirmed that larger capacity memory sticks will enable users to record television programmes using digital video recorders and then watch them back on the PSP. Some DVR models already come equipped with memory stick slots.
Moving on to the PlayStation 3, Stringer described the console as "Our biggest breakthrough yet."
"The Cell microprocessor really sets the PS3 apart... Offering twice the processing power of Xbox 360. It's simply amazing in a home entertainment device."
"The PS3 is only the beginning, but it is a monumental technical advance."
Stringer conceded that Sony had "fallen short" when it came to performing strongly in the competitive electronics market - the company is expecting its first operating loss in more than a decade this financial year due to losses in its TV sector and costly restructuring expenses.
"We must free ourselves from the old ways that bind us," he said.
"We must restructure to improve efficiency, improve our focus and provide the necessary resources to create unique, competitive advantages."
Stringer added that his vision for Sony is "One that is streamlined in terms of product lines, manufacturing and efficiency... We will become a more nimble, responsive and creative company with a better relationship with the public."
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October 5th, 2005, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Yashamaru has released a new game for the PSP, heres some info:
This is a demo Release of PSP Hogans Alley. This Demo only has MODE A Working(MODE B & MODE C coming soon). Since someone (Anonymous) Requested i make this Game. When I Released PSP Duck Hunt v0.0 I thought it would be eazy to do. Have fun.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psphogansalley.shtml
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October 6th, 2005, 08:17 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has updated PSP Radio, heres whats new:
-Refactored PSPSound/PSPSound_MP3. (lots of things are different. but one thing that is evident to the end user is that the buffers were reduced by a factor of 5. Next -pre release will allow for the buffers to be configurable).
-Added basic multiple samplerate support!
Supported rates:
8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000.
Any rate can be implemented, I just need to add it to the code, let me know if other rates are required.
Note that the samplerate conversion is really linear and simplistic, and hence the produced sound will not
be very good. Still, better than nothing.
-UI now displays buffer percentage (instead of in/out number)
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October 6th, 2005, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
The latest twist in a four-year legal battle over the legality of mod chips in Australia has ruled the devices legal once more, with the country's highest court finding against Sony in an appeal case which could have wide-reaching consequences.
The High Court's decision found that the PlayStation chips whose functions are circumvented by mod chips to allow unauthorised (pirate or import) games to be played are not primarily copy protection devices, and thus not covered by copyright laws which prevent the circumvention of such devices.
The ruling overturns a previous judgement by Australia's Full Court, which found that the PlayStation's copy protection mechanisms provide a general deterrent to copyright infringement.
That argument wasn't good enough for the High Court, which noted that since no full copy of the game being played is made in the PlayStation's memory when an unauthorised game is inserted in the machine, there's no actual unauthorised copying taking place.
Of course, it's still illegal to duplicate PlayStation games - that's never been in question, and continues to fall under the same regulations about piracy and copyright protection which have always been in place. But the simple act of playing an "unauthorised" disc - which can, remember, also include an imported game - is not illegal.
Although Sony has been ruled against on what may seem like a technicality, there's a strong feeling that the company's region protection system helped to deliver the killing blow to its legal arguments, since not only does it show up a legitimate use of mod chips, but it also rankled with many Australian officials who saw it as an artificial trade barrier which was hurting competition and consumers.
The actual case at the heart of the whole affair is that of Eddy Stevens, who was taken to court by Sony four years ago for chipping PlayStation consoles.
"It's a victory for consumers, but also for business people," a lawyer for Stevens commented after the judgement. "It will likely increase competition in the market and possibly reduce the prices in the market for gaming."
What effect the ruling will have outside Australia remains to be seen, although the legal arguments used by Stevens' team will no doubt be examined closely by firms involved in mod chipping or import gaming all around the world.
Not all consoles sport the same region coding protection which is used in the PlayStation; all of Nintendo's handheld consoles, and now the PSP as well, are region free, while Microsoft made region-coding into an optional feature for Xbox publishers.
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October 6th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's CEO Howard Stringer has been singing the praises of PS3. Speaking recently at the CEATEC Japanese electronics show he's called the next-gen console "Our biggest breakthrough yet", enthused about the Cell processor - which "really sets the PS3 apart" - and boldly stated the processor offers "twice the processing power of Xbox 360". Hurrah for another bout of willy waving.
Anyway, according to reports, Stringer went on to heap yet more praise on the Cell microprocessor, saying that "It's simply amazing in a home entertainment device... The PS3 is only the beginning, but it is a monumental technical advance." Can you feel the love?
Moving away from the 'mine's bigger than yours' bravado, he revealed Sony's forthcoming initiative to allow PSP owners to use the handheld's wi-fi functionality to "watch video from home entertainment terminals, anytime, anywhere in the world," a feature which is apparently coming soon.
And there was something about recording TV programmes on digital video recorders and then watching them on PSP courtesy of higher capacity memory sticks, which sounds great. We think.
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October 6th, 2005, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
With barely a fortnight left before the Grand Theft Auto series makes its PSP debut in the form of GTA: Liberty City Stories, it's no surprise that the hype machine is cranking up to eleven.
Hot on the news heels of Rockstar's Liberty City Stories multiplayer announcement, the software king of controversy has tossed out a brand new trailer, showing more of Tony Cipriani's Liberty City exploits in full-on moving-panel box-o-rama - what's more, you can see it right at the bottom of this page.
See car chases! See angry, fist-shaking policemen! See motorbikes! See a SWAT team muscle in on the action! Then get trampled to death as every single GTA fan in the universe stampedes their local games emporium as if under some curious and inexplicable mind control on October 28.
Download over at C&VG --> http://www.computerandvideogames.com....php?id=126964
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October 6th, 2005, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
This was around the mainstream websites yesterday but i was waiting for a reputable PSP site with japanese connections/newsposters to post it and divulge more accurate information and luckily the rather excellent PSP Vault came to the rescue:
Thanko has announced the "PSP Wireless Headset," a set of wireless headphones you can use with your PSP. They're pretty cheap at 1,480 yen (~$13 USD), but there is also a pretty big downside: they don't support stereo audio. This is quite a downer for those of us who thought this would be really awesome to use with PSPRadio. FM is used to transmit the audio to the headphones, so you don't need to worry about it interfering with your WiFi.
Visit the site here --> http://www.thanko.jp/psp_wireless/index.html
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October 6th, 2005, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
This is what fans of the PSP have wanted for ages, <a href="http://venuselections.com/psp/" target="_blank" >Sycross</a> has made WIndows Mobile for PSP and while it looks great and all the real killer part about it is the fact theres 58 (heck yeah) games and applications for use on PSP Consoles with the V2.0 Firmware, the games include such Classics as Tetris, Chess and Pacman.
A few screens:
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/files/Portal-Home.gif">
<img src="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/files/Games2.gif">
The info youll need:
1. Copy the "mobile" folder into the root folder of the PSP.
2. Turn on your psp and open the web browser.
3. Type in "file:/mobile/index.htm"
(Firmware update 2.0 is required.)
1. Open up the "mobile" folder
2. Right click on "link.html" and select "Edit" or "Open with>Notepad"
3. Edit where it says "site Url" and "Link Name Here"
1. Open up the "mobile" folder
2. Right click on "index.html" and select "Edit" or "Open with>Notepad"
3. Edit where it says "http://mail.yahoo.com"</BLOCKQUOTE>
Download <a href="http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/files/WindowsMobileforPSP.zip">http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/files/WindowsMobileforPSP.zip</a>
Thanks to Psychondrius for this awesome news item.
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October 6th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Slashdot
Evangelion writes <i>"PSP hackers beware! According to <a href="http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3144414">1up.com</a> today, Symantec has identified <a href="http://www.sarc.com/avcenter/venc/data/trojan.pspbrick.html">the first PSP Trojan</a> in the wild. Known as Trojan.PSPBrick, it turns the PSP into, well, a brick. With buttons. Users have to download and install it themselves, and as a result it effectively breaks the PSP."</i>
Yes we already reported this but could this be the start of the worrying new trend, remember kids stick to reputable sites like this one for releases that wont damage your PSP.
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October 7th, 2005, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Well with the first PSP Virus being released its a good thing we have Dark Killers scanner that checks for suspicious code, heres the scoop from the readme:
PSafeP 1.1
By: Dark Killer
PSafeP is a windows tool to scan Sony PSP executable (EBOOT.PBP) files for suspicious code.
-program now attempts to decipher between read and write access to the flash memory
-PBP file validation
-some small misc tweaks
-initial release
Downloads and screens via the comments (below)
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October 7th, 2005, 03:30 Posted By: wraggster
I could be joking or i may not be but regardless of that something is starting Saturday and its gonna be good 
and now ill leave you to ponder what it is.
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October 7th, 2005, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have posted this:
Thanks to forum member diehard for pointing out to us that Datel is currently working on a very hot new product for the PSP. According to the latest rumors floating on the internet, the famous UK based company is about to release a 4GB HDD for the PSP by the end of this month. Lik Sang asked Datel and received official confirmation that the product is on the way, but release date and exact price point remain undisclosed.
The 4GB HDD will be bundled with the X2 Battery into a neat 2-in-1 add-on that you would plug in the battery slot at the back of the PSP. Technically speaking, just plugging the battery module into the battery slot will probably not be enough, normally there has to be a flat cable or another connection to the PSP's Memory Stick slot. The only picture available unfortunately also doesn't reveal if the hard drive is actually part of the battery, or, as we first thought, if the 4GB hard drive could be replaced with a larger one.
We will keep you informed as soon as we receive more details and a final release date from Datel. Preorders are taken right now for US$ 249.99 and you will be asked for re-confirmation when the final SRP is made available to us. The current price is only the best bet available at our bookmaker right now, it could go up or hopefully down.
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October 7th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released a new version of one of the best emulators for the PSP, heres whats new via translation:
* The Ver0.93 -> occurs with 0.95 correction
of the bug which * When turning the PSG to OFF, is frozen correction
of the bug which * Several correction of trouble
of games * State sound becoming strange with the load correction
* When sound setting (sampling rate) changing, sound becoming strange correction
* Sound quality improvement (DAC part)
* Performance improvement
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/dgenpsp.shtml
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October 7th, 2005, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender have posted this news concerning their PSPTV Project:
As requested by PSP2TV fans we have took more pics to show you wonderful supporters of our product. The top pic shows off our high quality "Crystal Blue" face plate and the bottom pic shows the location of the S-Video port on the docking station.
Screenshots via the comments.
Both Divineo China and Lik Sang will be stocking the PSP - TV and the price is $119.
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October 7th, 2005, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
AnonymousTipster has updated his homebrew game for the PSP, heres the info:
This is a 3D FPS homebrew game developed by the AnonymousTipster, the latest version adds 5 levels and an easy to use level editor.
-Doesn't crash if you do not place the Resources folder in PSP/GAME, but you will be unable to save or hear sounds.
-Editor Added!
From the main menu there is now an option called editor, when you go into the editor, the palette is automatically open at the right-hand side, this tells you what type of block you currently have selected. Change the current block using Square an Circle. The blue box in the 3D view shows the block that is currently ready to be changed, and by pressing X, you can set it to the block selected in the palette. Use the arrow buttons to move the blue box. By holding the LShoulder, you can move the 3D view laterally using the Shape buttons and can zoom in and out using Up/Down. If you hold RShoulder, you get to the properties menu, where you can open files, save files, change the name of the saved level, test the level out, change the required kills for a level, or delete all level information. Use X to select an option, when selecting a level to open, you can get out of the drop-down list using triangle.
-5 more levels have been added to story mode, and can continue where you left off from your last save. These 5 levels are also included as example levels in the editor.
Download from here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/RoboTORN3D.shtml
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October 8th, 2005, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News & Lik Sang are proud to announce the first 30 day Coding Competition for the PSP, starting now the 8th of October 2005.
You can submit any software that works on the PSP including apps, emulators, games, demos incuding the likes of Lua. Multiple entries are allowed
Heres the rules:
-The contest will run from October 8th 00:01am 2005 to November 7th, 2005.
-The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of November 7th , 2005).
-Submissions for the contest should be sent to bluebolshi@hotmail.com or messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu UK forums or posted in the Private Developers Forum
-Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically released before the winner of the contest is announced.
-Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of entries is small starting November 8th.
-Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
-Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
-This competition is open to anyone and all software for the PSP.
-The Judging will be done by 5 selected DCEmu Forum Members after a poll decides who the top 5 entries are.
-The winner will be announced on the 12th November 2005.
The Competition has one prize and thats a complete package of essential PSP accessories full details can be found on the competition page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp.shtml
Good luck to all (Who got it right on the post i made last night?)
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October 8th, 2005, 14:10 Posted By: wraggster
This isnt really PSP Related but its very serious to all users of the Nintendo DS, apparently Darkfader who is a well known hacker of hardware has released a file that will brick not only your DS but the fllash card etc also.
You may say this will only affect the warez boys but this code could already be in homebrew, its rather sad to see a scene destroyed by one person.
The full story is on our Nintendo DS Sister site here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/
For the moment extreme caution is going to be needed for anyone trying Homebrew on the DS - A sad day indeed-
What would you like to say or do to Darkfader and the people behind this. ?
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October 8th, 2005, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
The recent Brick inducing PSP/DS Software has claimed many victims, more DS than PSP, heres an article from the respected Kojote of PDRoms
just can't hold myself back but there are a few things which have to be said right now.
Recently the PSP and now the DS are affected by malicious programs, which are able to break your handhelds. The sense of this action is just right beyond my understanding and the understanding of most developers I know. People who are new to homebrew might be tricked to run a program, which will destroy their hard paid off system. Not everyone can afford a new one - and it's not clever to trick new people into running code which is really doing bad things. Many people will get a wrong opinion about homebrew software and this is what i don't want.
The PSP is affected in two ways:
There is a FAKE downgrader which ****s up your bios, the chance of getting it back to work is almost zero
Recently Symantec also figured out the first VIRUS for the PSP. It doesn't spread it self, but it ****s up the bios as well.
The NDS is affected in this way:
The DS bricker will overwrite some regions of the bios and it will be extremly hard to recover anything.
All that stuff might have been developed to show skills, but never forget there are kids who don't understand anything about it and they forward those things to their friends to fool them. More and more system will be bricked - Is this what we need? Things will spread over Bittorrent and E-Mule and reach hundrets of people - hundrets of people who are now in potential danger to brick their system.
Exactly such a behaviour shows companies as Sony that they are right with upgrading their firmware again and again, and finaly eleminate EVERY SINGLE EXPLOIT which is found. If there are no exploits left, you can't run any homebrew. This could be the dead of everything people were supporting for years.
Until further notice:
Homebrew over - at least for the next days.
I hope my words will ring a bell in some people head. A general warning to everyone who is new to homebrew, please only get things for a serious source and avoid warez, as playing commercial games for "free" might be a bigger target. You shouldn't play warez at all anyway.
Thanks for everyone who keeps on destroying the homebrew scene - Thanks for destroying the hard work of many people - Thanks for destroying the effort people used to get everything working.
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October 8th, 2005, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
SmileyPyramid has released a new PSP Renamer app, heres the info:
PSP renamer 1.0 (for PSP 1.50)
This is an app i did for myself because i got a 1.50 psp and don't want to see corrupted icons when choosing an application in the "games" section. The best way to use it is to put the exe in X:\psp\game folder (if X=psp drive letter) and then run it from windows...
do that after you added some new homebrew app and that's it . No useless installer needed, no gui, just an exe that runs directly and does the job.
How it works?
Basically it checks the current directory for folders like xxx and xxx%,
when it finds them, it renames them to "xxx _" and xxx_~1%. Take care if the original folder name has more than 5 characters like abcdef it'll be trimmed down to 5; in case of conflict like you have ABCDE1/ABCDE1% and ABCDE2/ABCDE2%, then only ABCDE1/ABCDE1% will be renamed, the program never deletes nor overwrites anything 
If you want to keep the exe in another directory like c:\programs, then run the exe with a parameter specifying the working directory, for example make a bat containing: renamer.exe F:\psp\game
(without \ after game) and use that bat.]
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October 8th, 2005, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Alexmae has released a Pixel Fixer for the PSP, heres what he said:
This is a single pixel fixer by flashing RGB colors.
- Pad -> move by 1 pixel
- Analogic -> move by 10 pixels (faster)
- X -> start flashing
- R -> change background color (black, red, green, blue, white)
- /\ -> to stop flashing
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/alexmaepixelfixer.shtml
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October 9th, 2005, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
I’ve now finished PSPgrab 0.1. It is just a little side project.
Actually it doesn’t work as I imagined. It always freezes if you want to start a game or listen to music. To select something in the menu you have to press SELECT, then you have two seconds to select something. To take a screenshot you have to press HOME, this takes 2 seconds. During this time you should not do anything with your PSP. The screenshots will be saved as TGA on the root of the MS. I hope you can play around a bit with this 
Placa from Team Emergency Exit
Greetz to McZonk, dot_blank our new member, Vampire, Pyrs and of course ortakus 
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October 9th, 2005, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher has updated his Shell written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
Well here's V2 of PSPwindows...I've added quite a few nice little touch ups and have included a calculator, paint, file/firmware browsers, a few games, and im sure ive added other stuff too.
Press Start during any game or app and that will exit the program, unless your playing teh pwn just press L. If it gets too buggy at any time just press the restart button at the bottom of the screen and that should fix any problems.
basically same controls as before
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October 9th, 2005, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted on their site about the release of NBA 06 the Basketball game for the PSP, heres more info:
NBA '06 for PSP provides all-new gameplay features, animations, and mini-games for high-flying NBA action on-the-go. Running at 60 frames per second, NBA '06 for PSP makes every shot, pass, and dunk as smooth and realistic as the real deal. Two new mini-games, Dodgeball and HORSE, allow gamers to step away from traditional 5-on-5 basketball action and engage in some classic schoolyard battles. A new virtual trading card system allows gamers to collect virtual cards with freeze frame snapshots of highlight-reel plays and exchange them with friends via Ad Hoc mode. In addition, NBA '06 for the PSP features the "Clutch" Shooting Mechanism and a simplified play- calling system, while team and opponent A.I. have been improved.

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October 9th, 2005, 19:43 Posted By: iLListSnig
Is there a Media player that would allow me to play my .avi files that are burned onto dvd? Pleeze help, because I am pretty new to this...Helpful response would be much appreciated.
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October 9th, 2005, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
This isnt PSP news but being as the Dreamcast Scene and more importantly the DCEmu network was founded by the Dreamcast site its worth a plug.
Today saw the relaunch of a site that is 360 pages in size featuring every emulator and all the Homebrew for the last 2 years.
Heres a screenshot:
If you thought the PSP was great for easy to use Homebrew and Emulation then the Dreamcast is the perfect console to carry that dream along. the scene still trives even after all these years since Sega ditched the console.
Most Dreamcasts can be picked up for $40 or less and then you enter a world of free software like no other. Check out the worlds premier Dreamcast Site at http://www.dcemu.co.uk
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October 9th, 2005, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
71M posted a new release of the excellent File Assistant for the PSP, heres the news from him:
"Its been some time, but here is another update to FileAssistant++
Changes in this build include:-
[!] Filenames are now correctly read.
[+] Memory stick free space is displayed.
[+] Date and time is displayed on the HUD.
[+] First pass of SWF player, very very buggy!
[+] LUA files are now supported and return to FA++.
[+] Atari YM player support.
[!] Amiga AHX module replay rate fixed.
[+] Images can be zoomed and moved on via analog and dpad.
[~] Text entry is improved.
[~] HOME button now brings up an exit message box.
[~] Background bars can be disabled in skin.xml
[~] The position of HUD icons can be configured.
[+] Credits screen.
[+] Amazing skins package!"
Download from site linked above or here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/fileasistant++.shtml
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October 10th, 2005, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Cast your minds back to Grand Theft Auto III, driving around Liberty City for the first time in 3D, working for the man, Toni Cipriani. Well now Rockstar are taking us back to the old neighborhood with an entirely new game, made exclusively for the PSP. Set three years before the events of the PS2 title, this time around you're playing as Toni Cipriani himself. Fresh out of hiding, Toni is keen to get his foot in the Mafia's door, and being GTA, we know he'll do whatever it takes.
Traveling through the city doing we won't say what, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of GTA San Andreas, like wild motorbikes and the ability to play dress-up with your gangster. New weather effects like snow also give you a fresh take on the city, and after skidding around in the winter weather, fans will no doubt get a grin on their face when they take that infamous monorail for a ride once again. For those that did play GTA III, you'll be able to appreciate the city's past, with different businesses and buildings present this time around. Using a new ferry too, you'll be able to travel between the three islands in style, unless you'd prefer to take a boat of your own of course.
Remember the radio commercial in GTA III about a reality show called "Liberty City Survivor"? What was a joke back then is reality now. For the first time, you and five others can go multi-player on Grand Theft Auto! The first of seven game types is Liberty City Survivor, and it's a kill or be killed world out there. You can take it on alone, or join up into gangs. The second mode is "Protection Racket", where your team is either the Attacker or Defender, and must destroy or protect the four limos the defending team has. Each having a go at both roles, who ever takes out the limos the fastest wins.
Next up is "Get Stretch", which is like capture the flag but with cars. Nab the other gangs car, take it back to your base, but at the same time make sure no one is boosting your car either! With 60 controllable characters to be unlocked, there's plenty to choose from in multi-player, and we can only hope this is the start of a new tradition for GTA titles.
The rest of the article and screenshots, videos and more over at Lik Sang
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October 11th, 2005, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita on his site released a new Eboot Loader for the PSP V2.0 Firmware, heres what his site says:
This is a tool to run homebrew EBOOT programs on your v2.0 PSP. It will not run on any other firmware version.
It's very much work in progress, but can load a surprisingly large number of existing EBOOTs.
To use it, download the zip file here and unzip it into the root folder of a memory stick, and use the PSP photo viewer to open the "EBOOT loader" folder.
Please let me know if you are able to get any interesting EBOOTs to run, or details of any EBOOTs that it is unable to run, so that I can try to enable them.
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October 11th, 2005, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
Liquid8 has released an FTP client for the PSP, heres the scoop from the readme file:
A basic ftp client for the PSP. Began working on this in August, 2005. By August 23, I was able to successfully transfer a file via ftp to the psp. I just started learning C about a month earlier, and played around with some of the sdk samples. When I saw the ftp server, I knew a client was needed, mainly as I wanted to do PSP 2 PSP transfers. My original and eventual goal is to create a file sharing program, to make it easy to transfer files back and forth without a USB cable.
My intent with this is more to make the functions available for other programs to access ftp as opposed to a full out ftp client, but I at least have working standalone functionality available for standard use.
When entering text, use Up/Down to change characters, and Left/Right to adjust, and X to confirm.
Once connected, L/R will change the command, and X to confirm.
Note: I HIGHLY recommend turning off the WLAN Power save in your PSP configuration menu, as this seems to really slow and/or cause problems.
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October 11th, 2005, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
Rob_PSP has updated his PDA proggy for the PSP, heres whats new:
Added: Alarm clock
Added: Fullscreen view has its own set of bookmarks
Added: Cell phone entry in Address Book
Added: Calculator has a new keyboard
Fixed: Calendar background bug
Fixed: Address book scroll bug
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October 11th, 2005, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
Did i ever say i like Harry Potter, well i do (take that #emuholic ), and it seems finally that Warner Bros are releasing the films to UMD, heres the news from our Submit news forum by Rmedtx:
While many major studios have decided to release movies on Sony's new UMD format, some studios have been reluctant to follow suit. Dreamworks Home Entertainment and Warner Bros. Home Video are perhaps the two biggest studios that have yet to release any movies on UMD. Well, it looks as though that's going to change. According to a recent announcement, Warner Bros. is preparing to release a slew of titles in coming weeks.
And it seems as though Warner Bros. wants to make up for lost time. As part of the studio's first batch of UMD releases, it plans on shipping all three Harry Potter films, the Matrix trilogy, Batman Begins, The Island, Polar Express and Constantine. Currently, there's no word whether any of these movies will include bonus features of any kind, apart from Japanese and English subtitles and audio. Now that Warner Bros. has decided to support the UMD format, there's a good chance the studio will begin transferring a backlog of DVD releases over to UMD. Look for the first batch of Warner Bros. movies to hit store shelves late November.
Until then, stay tuned for any further developments.
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October 11th, 2005, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster

Well we have the coding competition thanks to Lik Sang and now we have a new competition for you members of PSP News, and guess what all these comps are free and for anyone, (Premium contests for free )
Anyway Lik Sang have donated 5 Tokyo Access DVDs to give away on this site, and the best way would be a 14day competition starting now the 11th of October and ending on the 25th of October for the best new
Review (game or hardware)
And for all of the above its for the PSP.
Enter as many times as you want but only 1 Tokyo Access DVD per person, a poll that will run for 2 days will decide the winner and if need be i will have the finishing vote.
Heres some info on the Tokyo Access DVD:
Our long time partners from NextGenVideos have officially announced that they will cover the Tokyo Game Show this year, with the same amount of professionalism and high-gear equipment as they did for the E3 in Los Angeles. Tokyo Access DVD is expected to ship in the second week of October, and will be covering the complete three days of Tokyo Game Show 2005, including press conferences and keynotes speeches, taking place between September 16th and 18th. With an emphasis on NextGen systems and with a dozen of playable Xbox 360 consoles, this year's event promises to be fully packed, with action in all corners. Reporting from the floor, NGV will have the goods for you. Tokyo Access is the official TGS DVD, licensed and endorsed by the CESA. This will guarantee the crew some exclusive backstage entrances, for the best and most in-depth coverage possible. Additionally, this instalment will feature several special side stories, about gaming lifestyle in Japan. Preorders are now open, for the low price of 9.95 US$ only!
SO get those Reviews/Faqs/Guides and Tutorials coming in, if you do one then please post in the correct forum and just leave a note in the comments 
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October 11th, 2005, 08:29 Posted By: wraggster
ChaosKnight has released the worlds first Apple Macintosh emulator for the PSP, the port itself is of the Macintosh emulator Basilisk II, heres the info
What Works
Video (wrong colors, slow)
Input (start = return, mouse = analog + X = click)
What Doesn't
External Filesystem (ability to use flash0:, mc0:, etc...)
Serial (no irda0: support yet)
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October 11th, 2005, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
Another article about the soon to become reality Hard drive for the PSP:
from GI.BiZ
Datel is to launch a new bundle that is designed to increase both the battery life and the storage capacity of Sony's popular PlayStation Portable handheld.
The bundle will include a hard disk drive which slots into the handheld's memory stick port to offer 4GB of extra space - enough for around eight movies, more than a thousand MP3s and a huge number of pictures and game saves.
It will come with the X2 Battery, which replaces the PSP's default battery and is said to last for twice as long - up to eight hours on a single charge, according to Datel. The bundle will also include a USB cable for connecting the PSP to a PC.
There's no word on pricing as yet, though the X2 Battery is already on sale in the UK for GBP 34.99. Online retailer Lik-Sang is taking preorders for USD 249.99 but warns customers that "The current price is only the best bet available at our bookmaker right now, it could go up or hopefully down."
Datel has yet to confirm a European release date for the bundle.
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October 11th, 2005, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony isn’t likely to cut the price of its PlayStation 2 console in an attempt to trip Microsoft’s Xbox 360 launch, but there’s a “slight chance” that the PSP will drop from $249 to something a bit more reasonable as a result of slowing PSP sales, according to a research report by Shawn Milne and Todd Greenwald, analysts at Friedman, Billings, Ramsey & Co., Inc.
They write: “We do not expect a PS2 price cut due to solid sales at $149 and, perhaps, a price umbrella (due to the high price of Xbox 360 hardware and bundles). However, we believe there is a slight chance for a PSP price cut from $249, as sales have slowed somewhat and the Nintendo DS received a shot in the arm with the release of Nintendogs.”
Source - Joystiq
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October 11th, 2005, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Sony's taken the first step in its plan to roll out downloadable PSP demos nationwide in Japan, introducing the first "PlayStation Spot" deployment pod on the sixth floor of its showroom in Tokyo's Ginza district.
Sony typically uses its Ginza building to showcase all of its electronics for the public. You can walk in and pick up everything from PSPs and its new T7 digital cameras to AIBO robotic dogs and incredibly expensive professional video cameras. All the laptops are out to play too, and the big-screen TVs. So it's no surprise to see the PlayStation Spot getting its first installation here.
Judging by the pics, it's basically the same model that was stationed (ha) just off the Sony stand at the Tokyo Game Show, and continually swamped by quiet Japanese people who didn't seem anywhere near as pissed off as we were that it was being completely hammered and failing to give up any software.
PlayStation Spot. Probably yesterday and all.
When it does work, anyway, it should allow fans to download demos of Byte Hell 2000, Loco Roco, MegaMan, Ape Academy 2 and Portable Resort. They don't remain on the Memory Stick after downloading, sadly, but there's no limit on how many people can try out in a row.
For more pictures of the PlayStation Spot in action in Ginza, head to Game Watch, or check out the Sony Japan website.
Any plans for Europe? "We have lots of new and exciting content for the PlayStation Portable in the upcoming future and will continue to look at new ways of extending sampling and gamesharing opportunities for games, movies and music for the handheld. It's having great success in Japan so we will keep you up to date for Europe," is what Sony said the other day.
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October 11th, 2005, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Ccm304 has updated the PDF and Document Reader for the PSP, heres whats new:
Changelog for 0.6.0:
Added a bookmarks menu with support for multiple user bookmarks.
Added a fast scroll mode for PDF files.
Added selectable font, font size and colors for the plain text viewer.
Supports any TrueType font.
Fixed centering of landscape PDF files. Only available in fast scroll mode.
Minor UI enhancements, like scrollbars for long menus and error and warning
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October 11th, 2005, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
ChaosKnight has updated the Apple Macintosh emulator for the PSP, the port itself is of the Macintosh emulator Basilisk II, heres whats new:
It looks like POSIX is required for Extended FS. I tried to get around it with writing my own functions but to no avail. Not enough time today. I'll work on it a bit later maybe. I'm taking suggestions for what to work on next (proper color? ethernet? mac os 8? who knows?). I have uploaded a new binary set (for unzipping on your memory stick!) which will load up any HFV or DSK file that is sitting around. No more required startup.dsk... although you can keep it and it will still work.
-- EDIT --
Forgot to put this in. The analog pad moves 2px at a time, which is too much for hitting small controls sometimes, so I made the DPad do 1px. Much easier.
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October 12th, 2005, 22:45 Posted By: Bayston
I got a problem with ma ps2 i can play any game i like on it except FIFa 2006 which is a arsehole cos dats what i brought FIFA 4 was 2 play it i tried it on ma mates PS2 and that works and i tried it on my old broken ps2 that takes half an hour to load and i works the problam with ma old ps2 is that it doesnt read the disc properly
o p.s No hammers :P
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October 13th, 2005, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita updated his EbootLoader to v0.3, heres whats new:
v0.3 : Compatibility enhancements
- Allow browsing of multiple EBOOTs
- Change directory to selected EBOOT location
(adds sounds to Attack of the Mutants)
- Restore screen mode before running EBOOT
(improves reliability)
- Allow multiple text segments in ELF
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October 13th, 2005, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
A while back i got messages saying there were popups on the site and even in the forums, my reply back was that there isnt and never will be popups but still people were telling me there was, i contacted our host Martin64 and he even changed the ad code altogether and still we had popups, now this was cuasing concern as there was no code for that on the site but today it was pinpointed to the stats counter and yes the Nedstats counter is displaying popups since they changed to a new company.
How very nice of them to inform sites that they were sticking popups on sites and obviously making a packet off them.
So now ive took down all their counters off the whole network of sites and apologise for the damned popups.
Pity i didnt spot this earlier 
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October 13th, 2005, 08:19 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PSPVault
<blockquote>2.50 firmware is out. You can currently get it via "Network Update," but keep your eye on the Japanese and USA update pages as we expect the update to be appearing there shortly. Update: looks like it's on the Japanese homepage now.
The biggest addition in the new upgrade appears to be:
"LocationFree Player has been added as a feature under [Network]."
I've been saying and saying LocationFree support was coming, so please read the old article I did on "LocationFree support for PSP." I'll be posting more information throughout the night as I get it.
I have a short FAQ prepared inside with some questions I expect to be asked about this new update.
Update 1: Complete changelog inside!
Update 2: Added some more clarification about LocationFree, pointed a few interesting aspects out.
Update 3: Added some screenshots of the new features from the Sony webpage.
Update 4: Added links to necessary Sony sites.
Update 5: Holy crap, an English site about all this. Looks like us Americans will also get this feature!
Update 6: Added more screenshots of the LocationFree feature.
Update 7: Added a boatload more screenshots from the official Sony documentation. I've also uploaded Sony's PDF about LocationFree for PSP, in English, here. I'll put it in the File Vault later tonight.
Revisions to strengthen security have been added
[LocationFree Player] has been added as a feature under [Network]
[Auto-Select] and [Unicode (UTF-8)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [Internet Browser] menu bar.
[Text Size] and [Display Mode] settings of the [Internet Browser] can now be saved.
The input history of online forms accessed through the [Internet Browser] can now be saved.
Copyright-protected video can now be played under [Video]. (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
[Set via Internet] has been added as an option to [Date & Time Settings] under [Settings].
WPA-PSK (AES) has been added as a security method under [Network Settings].
Korean input mode has been added to the on-screen keyboard.
So the first question you ask is:
What is "LocationFree"??
And the answer is, well, we've already answered that question! If you read this PSP-Vault article, I explain exactly what LocationFree is and suspect that it will be available for the PSP. And now it is. The LocationFree server is this thing:
And it retails for 33,000 yen, which is around $289 USD.
Will this be available outside of Japan?
Yes, it will. There is now an English website about LocationFree for PSP. SonyStyle is also listing the LocationFree server (product page here) in their lineup. It retails for $349.99 USD.
What do they mean by "Copyright-protected video"?
I suspect this has something to do with the P-TV service. PortableTV offers downloads for the PSP, but these downloads have been free of charge -- if Sony wants to start charging for downloads of more popular programming, they will need some sort of copyright protection. Good for them, too, because Memory Stick Duo already has integrated protection through "MagicGate" copyright protection technology. We'll be bringing you more details on this particular aspect in another few hours, we hope.
Wait, does that say "Memory Stick"? Don't they mean "Memory Stick Duo"?
That's something I noticed too. I have absolutely no idea what this means; is Sony planning some sort of accessory for the PSP? I guess this is just a typo in the update file itself, or I'm looking into things too deeply.
Will homebrew work?
Seeing as how this update incorporates the security changes we saw in firmware version 2.01, the answer is no, homebrew will not work. If you want to retain your ability to use homebrew, do not update. You cannot downgrade.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Besides the browser improvements, that appears to be the extent of what the new firmware update offers. We'll keep you posted as we expect some sort of official announcement from Sony about this.</blockquote>
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October 13th, 2005, 08:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have unveiled their LocationFree Website, heres all the info:
<blockquote>What is LocationFree®? How can I use it on my PSP™ system?*
You never have to leave your home entertainment behind again. With LocationFree® you can stream TV or movies from your home over broadband internet to your PSP™ system– virtually anywhere in the world. At home, simply connect you’re A/V components (TV, DVD Player or DVR) and broadband internet to your LocationFree® Base Station. On the road, connect your PSP™ system to a wireless hotspot and click on the LocationFree® icon to start streaming your favorite TV programs. Change channels, pause or record on your components at home with the onscreen universal remote. With LocationFree® on your PSP™ system, you can enjoy your home entertainment beyond the living room. And, not only is LocationFree® designed to provide the ultimate in entertainment on the go, but its wireless capability makes it perfect for use around the house too.
To start using LocationFree® video streaming on your PSP™ system, you may need to download some software.
What do I Need?
At Home
1. LocationFree® Base Station with software version 2.000 or later. A LocationFree® Base Station is included in the purchase of either the LocationFree® TV or LocationFree® Player Pak, which can be found at major retailers or at www.sonystyle.com/LocationFree®.
2. Broadband Internet with at least 300kpbs of uplink speed.1
1. PSP™ system with software version 2.50 or later (update available at www.us.playstation.com/psp/).
2. Broadband Internet connection (via a hotspot) with at least 300kpbs of downlink speed.2
3.Memory Stick® Duo, which is used to store remote control codes for the PSP™ system.
How do I get Started?
In order to use the LocationFree® Player on your PSP™ system, you need to make sure your software has been updated. Please refer to the following steps and update your software as needed.
STEP ONE Make sure you are using PSP™ system software version 2.50 or later.
STEP TWO Make sure you are using LocationFree® Base Station software version 2.000 or later.
STEP THREE Download Remote Control codes to your Memory Stick® Duo on your PSP™ system to enable you to control your audio/video equipment at home.
Step One
Make sure you are using PSP™ system software is version 2.50 or later. To check your current system software version, select "System Settings" in the PSP™ system home menu, and then select "System Information". If your PSP™ system software version is 2.50 or later, you do not need to perform this update. Go to Step Two. Click the following link to update your PSP™ system software: (www.us.playstation.com/psp/)
Step Two
Next, you need to make sure your LocationFree® Base Station software is version 2.000 or later. When connected at home to the LocationFree® Base Station, your PSP™ system (with system software version 2.50 or later) will identify if the Base Station needs to be upgraded and point you to the correct download site. For more information on how to connect the PSP™ system to the Base Station, follow the instructions in the Quick Start Guide or the Setting and Usage Guide for PSP™ system.
Alternatively, your LocationFree® Base Station can be upgraded using a personal computer with the LocationFree® Player for PC software installed. For details, see the Operating Instructions for the LocationFree® Player Pak (LF-PK1).1
Step Three
This step will help you turn your PSP™ system into a universal remote control, allowing you to remotely change channels, pause and otherwise remotely control your video equipment at home. You can download needed remote control data into the Memory Stick Duo® via a personal computer or your PSP™ system. The Memory Stick Duo® stores remote control data that is needed when you use home audio/video equipment. For details of how to upgrade the software, see the Setting and Usage Guide for PSP™ system of the LocationFree® Player Pak for PSP™ system.
Quick Start Guide
Use a personal computer to view or download the Quick Start Guide. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat reader on your PC to view the Quick Start Guide.
Quick Start Guide for LocationFree® on PSP™ system pdf (328KB)
Masses more info at the Official Site</blockquote>
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October 13th, 2005, 17:52 Posted By: wraggster
MIB.42 has released a new version of PSPUAE, the Amiga emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
PSPUAE v0.40 (MIB.42)
Changes :
- Several minor optimizations on M68K and Amiga/PSP graphics.
- Semi-transparent ( customizable from Config Menu ) full-featured keyboard.
- Fully configurable button and analog stick assignments from Config Menu/Options ( finally )
: includes flexible assignments of key presses, joystick/mouse buttons to PSP buttons.
: includes flexible assignment of Joy0/Joy1/Mouse to PSP Analog stick/Directional Buttons.
- Auto repeat on menu selections.
- Adaptive Border Padding ( change from Config Menu )
- Load / Save / Default configurations ( 2 slots )
: I use this to load different configs for different games... Joystick/Mouse/keys etc...
- ScreenSave to .bmp file. ( Assign key from Config Menu/Options, START button by default )
: saves to directory where the executable was invoked from ( the non-% pspuae directory )
- Fine mouse movement ( HiRes ) is possible while holding button ( assignment customizable )
- From Config Menu, press Select to shortcut back to the Amiga.
- In the Config Menu ( activated by Select ) : Cross (X) is select, Circle (O) is cancel.
Still single buffered, looking at performance / visuals, I don't think I'll do double.
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October 13th, 2005, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
For immediate release
For further information on Be.ez please visit: http://www.be-ez.com
Paris, France, 13 October 2005 – Be.ez, a leading designer and manufacturer of multimedia accessories in Europe and Asia, announced today that the LArobe PSP is a must have accessory for Sony PSP owners.
The LArobe PSP is a new pocket sized sleeve for the Sony PSP that closes with a zipped finish similar to a jewellery case, offering protection, originality and quality. The LArobe PSP was designed by Be.ez to efficiently protect the PSP without diminishing its original styling, providing a credible alternative to other monotone looking protective cases. The LArobe PSP is made in a soft, shape-memory material, ideal to fashionably dress your PSP in a 'couture' style while protecting it from day to day wear and tear.
Nicholas Cottard, CEO, Be.ez, commented: "LArobe is the ultimate ultra fashion accessory for the PSP. The PSP is designed for use on the go and is prone to some of life's little scrapes and scratches so it is essential that it is kept in good care. The PSP is a serious piece of portable gaming technology and deserves a stylish protective home which the LArobe PSP offers."
LArobe PSP – low resilience protective sleeve for your PSP in a trendy and unique design. The LArobe PSP uses low resilience polyurethane (LRPu) technology and offers robe protection thickness with an inner lip for maximum protection. The cases come in a variety of colours from bright pink to turquoise blue, apple green or black, providing a different and attractive product range.
Pricing and availability
The LArobe PSP are available now and can purchased online at www.be-ez.com
LArobe PSP - £14.95 inc VAT
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October 13th, 2005, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster

Success HK have reduced the price of their Memory Cards for the PSP, heres the prices:
SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB w/ Adaptor USD 87.00 £46.00
Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1GB Gaming Edition USD 89.00 £47.00
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October 13th, 2005, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Spong
Sony Computer Entertainment is in the process of launching the latest Firmware upgrade for Sony’s PSP, unsurprisingly called SCEI PSP Firmware Version 2.50. The latest augmentation to the portable games and multimedia device offers some much-anticipated functionality as well as unknown security implications.
The known new functionality discovered to date includes:
- Streaming TV functionality region lock-out removed (UMD movies still region-locked)
- Auto Select and Uni Code have been added to browser encoding
- Browser Font option and display options can be saved
- Browser input history can be saved
- Korean keyboard input
- Copyright Video can now be played from Memory Stick - Licensing issues unannounced
- System setting such as time and date will be auto-set via Internet
- WPA AND PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access with Pre-Shared Key) have been added to PSP network settings
Firmware Version 2.50 is only available (officially, at least) to Japanese PSP owners at time of going to press, though availability in the US and Europe is expected within two to three months. Sony stated that all new PSP units shipped after November 1 will have Ver 2.50 pre-installed. Adventurous importers of PSP hardware can find the upgrade on Sony’s PSP page.
Meanwhile, hacker communities are mulling over this latest twist in the battle for boot-rights to PSP. Homebrew software use and wholesale piracy has been a major concern for Sony since it launched the PSP with its tentative stab at keeping out unwanted tinkerers…
We’ll keep a track on Ver 2.50 in the coming days.
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October 13th, 2005, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
If reports are to be believed, Microsoft's determined push to increase the Xbox 360's popularity in Japan may be paying off, with many Japanese publishers apparently growing weary of Sony's spiralling next-gen development costs.
Japanese website zakzak.co.jp has run an article, kindly translated into English by ps3focus.com, quoting an inside source as saying that development for the next generation of consoles is increasingly "nothing but a nightmare for many Japanese software development companies."
The trouble seems to stem from Ken Kutaragi's insistence that PS3 titles should be markedly different in terms quality to existing PS2 games, requiring significant expenditure to meet Sony's lofty expectations: "Developing software for the PS3 from scratch will require an initial investment of at least 2 billion yen," not including actual development costs, "There are not many software companies that can easily afford that kind of money."
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October 14th, 2005, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Gamespot analyze the new firmware update:
Sony Computer Entertainment has released a new patch for the PSP that updates the handheld's system software to version 2.50. The update gives the PSP a number of new features, with the biggest addition being the Location Free Player option.
PSP owners will be able to watch TV and play back video recordings through the Internet using the handheld's wireless LAN connection and one of Sony's Location Free TV Base Stations (LF-PK1). The LF-PK1 is a network-enabled TV tuner that lets PCs remotely view television, and it sells for around the price of 29,800 yen ($260).
By hooking up the base station to the Internet, PSP owners can remotely access and check out various TV shows, even if they're overseas. The base station also connects to DVD-HDD recorders and other home video equipment, letting PSP owners remotely play back recordings from their homes.
The PSP update to 2.50 comes with other convenient features as well, one of which is the function to automatically sync the hardware's clock to the correct time via Internet connection.
Sony Computer Entertainment warns that this update to 2.50 is only for Japanese PSPs with model numbers of PSP-1000, PSP-1000 K, or PSP-1000 KCW. There are no guarantees that the patch will operate properly on other PSPs. The company will release patches for PSPs in other countries in the near future, as soon as they are ready.
Details on the 2.50 update patch are below:
Network Functions:
- Added Location Free Player support
- Added Auto-Select and Unicode (UTF-8) as text encoding options in Internet browser
- Added function to save display mode and font size settings in Internet browser
- Internet browser now saves form input history
Video Functions:
- Added capability to play back copyright protected movies saved on Memory Stick Duo.
Settings Functions:
- Added function to automatically set time and date through Internet, via wireless LAN.
- Added WPA-PSK(AES) as network security format.
Miscellaneous Functions:
- Added Korean input through keyboard.
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October 14th, 2005, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Modchips have let me know they have the latest in PSP Replacements and in the UK:
Replacement TFT LCD screen
Brand New Sharp LCD Screen replacement part for Sony PSP. This replacement part will fit all current Sony PSP models. This is brand new LCD screen, 100% working and no dead pixel, not pulled out from PSP system. If you have problem with broken LCD screen or screen does not function correctly. This should cure the problem.
Replacement UMD Laser Lens

Replace your fault PSP laser lens with this Brand New Replacement. PSP UMD Laser Lens. Brand New from Sony. Fits all current PSP models
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October 14th, 2005, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted news of a price drop of the 2GB version of the Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo to USD 180.00 or around £95.
Quite cheaper than a lot of places ive seen and about time too
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October 14th, 2005, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted on their site of the news that GTA: Liberty City Stories is up for preorder, the price is USD 49.55 which is around £27, is that good well untill other stores post prices im not sure:
This PlayStation Portable GTA edition is an all-new game set in the seedy, sprawling underworld of Liberty City, the New York-Chicago hybrid that was also the crime scene for Grand Theft Auto III. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with the franchise creators at Rockstar North, you can expect all manner of adult felonies from car theft to robberies, murders and more. As has become a standard for the ambitious and controversial series, Liberty City Stories will shine on Sony's handheld with interactive, open environments, superb voice talent and diverse, cool music.
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October 15th, 2005, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Anhanguera has released a Windows Lookalike shell for the PSP, heres the news from the coder:
I was working on a embedded windowing system (xynth), and ported to pspsdk. give a try...
what is xynth; xynth is a portable embedded windowing system, it has nearly all features that you might expect from.
I do not know if v1.0 is working, mine is v1.5. Sources are avaible on site, but source file is rather old... i`ll upload latest sources next week.
After lounching xynth please wait till desktop (blue screen will shown with icons) opens, and memory stick stops blinking. what i have is, a server that handles windows (clients), a desktop client, a taskbar client which is a child of desktop. move the mouse cursor with D-pad (X left button, O right button). and click twice on desktop icons... or, open start menu by pressing X on start menu icon. only demos are working...
Clients open as threads, and they talk to server via pipe emulation over socket emulation. I am using UDS on linux, but if there is no socket api, socket api emulation with pipe() is used. If there is no pipe, or fd.., pipe emulation with mutexes is used.
Pressing X on the left-up corner will couse the xynth to quit, or you can close xynth by pressing home button as usual.
You can resize or move any window.
One last thing, some times xynth dies becouse of memory problems... I do not understand why this is happening, becouse i am using xynth over SDL, vesa, svgalib, fbdev on linux and there is no such problem, even with valgrind (www.valgrind.org).
Excuse for my english, is not so good to write such long writings Alper "anhanguera" akcan. even with valgrind (www.valgrind.org). Excuse for my english, is not so good to write such long writings
Download from Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/xynth.shtml
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October 15th, 2005, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted the following new PSP commercial games:
Soccer fanatics can now take the TOTAL SOCCER experience anywhere with FIFA Soccer 06. Delivering an unprecendented combination of attacking gameplay, pure authenticity and challenging mini-games......
The sport of hockey has given fans enough thrills, chills and memories to last a lifetime. From legendary Game 7 Stanley Cup Finals to a group of college kids winning the gold medal in 1980..
The fastest game on snow comes to the PSP. Reach breakneck speeds, catch huge air, and become an icon with SSX On Tour
More info at SuccessHK
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October 15th, 2005, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has updated his Eboot Loader thats for PSP version 2.0 consoles only, heres whats new:
v0.4 : Usability & reliability enhancements
- Return to menu if possible after failed load. NOTE : this is a bit flaky, and mainly designed for quick checks for kernel-mode apps, etc. If something crashes after you ran through a few EBOOTs that wouldn't load, it's worth retrying it immediately after a reboot.
- Experimented with exception handlers for extra diagnostics, but this is not possible in user-mode (and anyway the appropriate syscall code is unknown for 2.0).
- Fixed overflow with more than 19 directory entries - now apps that failed just after EBOOT selection will get further.
- Added set up of argv, argc to supply path arguments - helps for Ghost In The Matrix, possibly others.
- Changed load address to 0x0860000, to allow more headroom for increased loader complexity. Also begun integrating Abu's loader code with the TIF file.
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October 15th, 2005, 12:55 Posted By: wraggster
Arwin has released a new version of Basilisk with improvements made by him, heres what he says:
"Anyway, I fixed a few small bugs. Now that there are two input routines dealing with either extended mouse control or the p-sprint integration, the 'Enter' key should be left to p-sprint. It's not necessary, but there's a small key-repeat bug (the Enter key now 'sticks' in keyboard emu mode) that you can simply get rid of by removing the non-p-sprint handling of that key. I also fixed the (number) 9 key (now gave 7) and the 5 and 6 keys (which were reversed). Other than that, most things seem ok now. You can test quite well with the Key Caps application - holding the key will eventually light it up on this virtual keyboard.
I also think that the extra mousemode isn't really necessary if you work out the threshhold levels better - only put full mouse speed near the extremes of the analog stick range, and let everything in between be slow/precise movement that you have on the cursor keys now should do the trick and removes the need for switching between different methods. I'll have a look if I can at least modify the p-sprint routine to work that way, then it won't do harm either "
Download both the binary and source files here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/basilisk.shtml
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October 15th, 2005, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang sent me a Portable Pouch for the PSP to review, heres a screen of it:
Heres an excerpt of the review:
Some of the problems of cases for the PSP are that if your wearing tight trousers or indeed smallish pockets then most of the cases are no good for you, well this Hori Pouch is made of a really soft material thats padded also but doesnt add too much to the size of the Pouch, it has 2 slots for holding Memory cards and a Velcro fastening strap that holds the PSP snugly in place.
Read the rest of the review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/portablepouch-review.shtml
Thanks to Lik Sang for the review sample.
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October 16th, 2005, 12:18 Posted By: wraggster
Denitro in this PSP Emulation forum topic --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11069 has released a new version of his Attack of the Mutants game for the PSP, heres whats new:
-Ported AOTM to PSPSDK
-New Music added using Mikmodlib.
-Disabled anti-aliasing on 3D sprites to better fit the classic style (minor difference)
-Added 2 Bonus levels
-Basic modding support added to allow customized sprites/graphics. See README_MOD.txt for Info
-Size of eboot and game greatly reduced from version 0.2 (almost 70%)
-Added some 1-liners submited by BrokenWing
-Many minor bug fixes (all I know off). Thanks everone who submited them
-A few minor gameplay changes/additions
Post your bugs and more importantly credits in the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11069
Download from above or our page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/attackofthemutants.shtml
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October 16th, 2005, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you The most advanced Firmware loader ever created for psp:
It's been tested to boot successfully :
firmware 1.0 debug unit (the bogus 1.0 update from sony), 1.0 retail, 1.5 retail and 1.52 retail. firmwares 2.0, 2.01 and 2.50 do not boot yet on this version.
This version is useful to developers and firmware hackers.
What's new compared to existing FW loaders :
- Totally coded from nothing by Yoshihiro from SXT.
(although the original idea of running a firmware from a memory stick comes from MPH)
- Unlike other loader that patches like 3 prx, BFM (the SXT version) patches them all !! It means unlike other fw loaders BFM does NOT load prx modules from the flash unit but only from the memory stick !
It also means less risks of freezing, and no chances of bricking your psp while playing with your tweak fw (or untweaked ones)
- prx modules are patched on the fly !
- Improved stability
- You can almost use every fw feature including music (mp3) playback and videos ( including UMD videos) playback !!
- You can have several fw at once on a single memory stick !
- Runs descrypted and encrypted firmwares !
- You are now sure of botting 100% of the fw files from the memory stick and not from your flash (whitch means you would run modules from your own fw instead of running the ones located in your memory sticks, fw loaders such as the ones from MPH have that issue)
- No sources yet, we do not release sources with our beta versions.
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October 16th, 2005, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
We were recently reporting about a soon to be released TV Adapter solution for the Sony PSP. The main concern with that model was that it would require you to open your precious machine and voiding of the warranty de facto.
A Taiwanese company at the Hong Kong Electronics show, pulled Lik Sang behind their closed curtain and showed off their new TV Adapter project, which doesn't require opening the PSP system at all and therefore will be easier to use and not void the warranty. The same manufacturer already developed the famous TV de Advance a couple of years ago, a TV Adapter for the GBA.
This new peripheral takes a completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set. While that sounds complicated, we were quite impressed with the result.
There was only a preliminary prototype that could be demonstrated to Lik Sang in a private room, and we were required not to take any picture. After flashing the image of what we saw in our limited brain memory, we spent a bit of time playing around with Photoshop in order to render the concept for you.
The first evaluation samples are expected to be available in November, when mass-production is also supposed to start. The retail price is expected to be slightly over 100 US$, and Gametech is rumored to be in line for a Japanese launch of the product by the middle of December. Gametech was already the distributor of the TV de Advance for GBA in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Awesome news eh 
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October 16th, 2005, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have already begun taking preorders for the No Mod PSPTV Kit, heres the info:
The TV Adapter for PSP lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. This adapter requires no modification of your PSP console. This new peripheral takes a completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set.
More info at Lik Sang
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October 16th, 2005, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
News From Lik Sang
One of these anxiously awaited Video Recorders for Memory Stick was also on display in the Audio hall. Only showcased behind a window glass on RockRidge USA booth, the VRX02 was not demonstrated during the show and not much information could be gathered about it from the representatives at the fair. All we could steal is a decent resolution picture of the VRX02 and its packaging.
All these three MP4 Video Recorders, be it from Itan, Hori or RockRidge, might probably be all based on a same new MPEG-4 encoding IC chip. This could be the explanation why so little can be seen about these products despite the supposedly short time left until their listed release date. As to predict which unit will come out first, it maybe just depends who is the fastest in mastering the chip, and fitting it into their own designs, diagrams and engineering plans. The speed of each company's factory partner might also have importance in such a tight race. Stay tuned, time will tell.
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October 16th, 2005, 23:06 Posted By: Stew2000
I have Extracted the GT4.vol file into a hundred different files, And know I have no idea which file is which and how to open any of them.
Any Ideas?
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October 17th, 2005, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you
The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 2.00 or 2.X to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.X
The System think it's a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0, V7.50 and not the v2.50 why ever wait a new version for update the changer :=) . even if its a v1.5 or 1.0 .
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October 17th, 2005, 01:16 Posted By: wraggster
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you
The most advanced Firmware loader ever created for psp
It's been tested to boot successfully :
firmware 1.0 debug unit (the bogus 1.0 update from sony), 1.0 retail, 1.5 retail and 1.52 retail. firmwares 2.0, 2.01 and 2.50 do not boot yet on this version because the flash1 is corrupted when the firmware 2.X boot.
This version is useful to devloppers and firmware hackers.
What's new compared to existing FW loaders :
- 1.52 can now load flash1 correctly (there was a bug on the BFM 0.1 beta that had been fixed)
- Totally coded from nothing by Yoshihiro from SXT. (although the original idea of running a firmware from a memory stick comes from MPH)
- Unlike other loader that patches like 3 prx, BFM (the SXT version) patches them all !! It means unlike other fw loaders BFM does NOT load prx modules from the flash unit but only from the memory stick !
It also means less risks of freezing, and no chances of bricking your psp while playing with your tweak fw (or untweaked ones)
- prx modules are patched on the fly !
- Improved stability
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October 17th, 2005, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sherpya has released a great new port of Heretic for the the PSP, heres the info:
I've seen yet an heretic port, but I'm doing this mainly to learn something,
also doom-psp should run heretic wad (really?). Anyway my port is faster and plays fullscreen, audio is not yet supported and buttons are not yet all mapped. If someone intrested I've in plan to add audio, full action controls and maybe multiplayer. the package with shareware wad file can be found here.
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/hereticsherpya.shtml
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October 17th, 2005, 08:14 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita updated his EbootLoader for PSP firmware version 2.0 to v0.5, heres whats new:
v0.5 : More compatibility enhancements, bug fixes
- Better argc/argv handling, prevents a common cause of startup crashes (e.g. PSP Schedule).
- Made the 'return to chooser' function more stable. It now shouldn't affect how well the next EBOOT loads.
- Improved file scanning speed - large EBOOTs should load much faster.
- Added 'alternate startup parameters' option on final launch menu.
- Bundled v0.3 alongside this release, for running Sega Master System emulator (broken in 0.5).
- Introduced 'EBOOT signatures' : known workarounds for specific EBOOTs should now be turned on automatically, and install location can be automatically checked if a specific path is required.
- Added support for .init sections, should help avoid a few more startup crashes.
- Added option to return to EBOOT chooser on final confirmation menu.
- Version number shown on screen fixed.
- Lots more info in readme file.
- Various minor bugfixes.
Adds support for these EBOOTs:
- PSP Schedule 0.25
- PSP Sokoban 0.9
- Tetris Portable 0.3
- Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator (was broken in v0.4).
... and probably more.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some people have had problems running v0.4 without a custom wallpaper set. I recommend setting a custom wallpaper if you have problems running v0.5, too.
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October 17th, 2005, 08:20 Posted By: wraggster
Marcelo Souza has released a scientific calculator app that is just for v2.0 firmware PSP consoles only, heres what the coder says:
I made all the changes on the original code (It's a free code), and did the new skin, to be suited to the PSP screen resolution. I did not tested this calculator on any browsers of the versions older than PSP 2.0. I am sure it runs nice on the PSP 2.0 Browser.
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October 17th, 2005, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
Great News for Homebrew Fans from Lik Sang, now we can store much more on our PSPs and for the better price of $199, heres some of the news from Lik Sang:
With the very first sample of Datel's 4GB Hard Drive for Sony PSP, we received the final and confirmed price, as well as availability and shipping information. Lik Sang expects to have the product in stock by Monday, and the final and confirmed price of the unit is US$ 199. All customers who pre-ordered for the unconfirmed price of US$ 249.90 will of course get the new price applied automatically (we'll send you an email within 48h).
There is currently a huge rush on the unit and stock will definitely be limited over the next couple of weeks. Secure your unit by placing a pre-order today, compared to available Memory Sticks and expansion batteries it's a steal.
The 4GB Hard Drive is connected with the PSP by means of what Datel calls a flexible Memory Stick™ adapter that is plugged into the Memory Stick™ slot on the PSP. Once connected, the body of the HD attaches to the back of the PSP using two location posts which slot into corresponding holes on the back of the PSP. When used in conjunction with the X2 double capacity battery the 4GB HD forms an ergonomic extension to the PSP which follows the neat lines of the handheld.
The PC software is completely optional and advanced users already setup with Memory Stick, video converting software and game saves manager may keep their old setup. If you are completely new to "media management" for your PSP, Datel's software will be good quickstart: it allows you to manage your save files, download more of them from Codejunkies, convert movies, transfer files back and forth and more. The software comes in form of an 8cm CD-ROM. When we installed it, we were asked if we would like to automatically download an update from Codejunkies.com.
You'll also find an installation guide in the box and Datel provides support virtually everywhere in the world through codejunkies.com and their European and American hotlines.
Free Space 3803 MB - Size and Performance
Once in place and the PSP switched on, the hard drive is recognized by the firmware with 3803 MB free space. Because the 4GB Hard Drive is based on Microdrive technology (see here for an illustration), it is tiny and small and therefore doesn't make any noise when it is spinning.
If you are worried about the total weight of your PSP with 4GB Hard Drive and X2 Battery Pack, we've got good news. The hard drive's weight is is about 35 grams, and the X2 only additional 80 grams. The total weight of both units connected to your PSP is not more than about 125 gram. A PSP with standard battery and a UMD in the drive weights about 320 grams in comparison.
Transferring Movies to the PSP
In this test we have transferred a movie file with about 150 MB from the PC to the PSP's Memory Stick slot.
• Transferring to Memory Stick using Media Manager: 44 Seconds.
• Transferring to 4GB Hard Drive using Media Manager: 90 Seconds.
• Transferring to Memory Stick using Windows: 35 Seconds.
• Transferring to 4GB Hard Drive using Windows: 75 Seconds.
Loading Times
Here is an overview of how loading files from the three different solutions compares. Please note that in this test we measured the time from pressing start in the PSP menu, until the file was fully loaded and could be played back. The times will of course vary depending on the file size.
• Loading from Memory Stick: 1 Second.
• Loading from 4GB Hard Drive: 8 Seconds.
• Loading from UMD: 27 Seconds.
Battery Life on Movie Playback
To answer the question if a Microdrive consumes more power than a normal Memory Stick, we have put a couple of PSP's into test and waited until they shut down before running out of power.
• Playing movie with Standard Battery and SanDisk 1G Memory Stick: 4.45 Hours.
• Playing movie with Datel X2 Battery and Datel 4GB Hard Drive: *Still Testing* (Updated within 24h)
Replacing the Internal Hard Drive
After having done all the standard tests, it was now the time to get a screw driver and see if our theories about hard drive up- and downgrades will prove to be true. After last weeks announcement of the 4GB Hard Drive, all the tech freaks here at Lik Sang couldn't resist to conjecture about all the different possibilities should the 4GB Hard Drive turn out to be a normal Memory Stick to Microdrive (aka Contact Flash, aka ATA/IDE) adapter on the inside. Imagine if Compact Flash cards work with it, imagine if you can plug in a 6GB or 8GB Microdrive, imagine if you can trick around and actually run a 120GB hard drive on your PSP?
Now all these theories can only be proven to be true if the PSP's Firmware actually supports file systems with maximum volume sizes of over 4GB. A quick search at Microsoft.com revealed that the standard FAT (FAT16) format that the PSP uses has a maximum volume size of 4GB, only FAT32 (maximum 32GB) and NTFS (maximum 256 terabytes) would allow larger hard drives. While the PSP itself only formats FAT, a quick test revealed that the PSP doesn't have any problem with FAT32 formatted Memory Sticks created with a PC. This having said, our hope for larger hard drive support in the PSP was back and the wait to get our hands on the opened hardware was getting more and more thrilling.
Theres much much more to see at Lik Sang, let us know what you think 
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October 17th, 2005, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
Xbox UK boss Neil Thompson has confirmed that he is confident Microsoft will have a strong head start in the next-gen console battle, suggesting that the PS3 might not launch until spring 2007.
“I’ll be happy to compete whenever they turn up, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not until spring 07,” he told trade magazine MCV.
“If they hit Xmas 06, then maybe it’ll be a very thin launch; a launch in name only.”
So far Sony has only hinted that the next-generation PlayStation will hit the market in spring 2006, and it seems unlikely that the company will follow in the footsteps of Microsoft and attempt a global launch. They're more likely to follow the traditional model and launch in Japan first, followed by North American and then PAL territories.
But just when will the console arrive in Europe? Autumn 2006 seems likely to be the earliest date, with a 2007 release still a distinct possibility. As for how much the console will cost, estimates continue to vary wildly, with some industry figures predicting that the PS3 could retail for as much as GBP 499.
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October 17th, 2005, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Yesterdays news at Lik Sang about a new PSPTV product was today commented on by Team Xtender the makers of the other PSP TV Adapter:
<blockquote>Magic Mirrors Enter The PSP Accessory Market...
Earlier today we were inundated with masses of mails which notified us of a supposed substitute product to our highly accliamed PSP2TV product.
Several websites have picked up on the news that a taiwaneese manufacturer is hard at work on magical mirror PSP2TV like device, this supposed competition will not even come close to the quality of PSP2TV.
Yes, we understand you will not have to open up the PSP to clip on the magic mirrors but remember this their whole product relies on mirrors. That means, whatever is actually displayed on the LCD screen will be mirrored to your TV.
Mirrored images will include, finger prints, scratches and all the other dust particles and grime that may be loitering on your PSP LCD screen. One actually begins to wonder wether this taiwaneese toy would be more suitable for crime scene investigators rather than hardcore PSP Gamers ?
Our original PSP2TV product intelligently gains a real live video capture from the PSP and as a result you can not only expect a top quality smooth image but also a TV display which is free of dirt and grime. Don't even get us started on how bad the quality will be from this 'competing' product, infact their concept was explored by our technicians in the initial phases of our research and development some 7 months ago. Now let's take a look the facts as to why PSP2TV will remain as the number one PSP to TV adapter for many months to come...
1) A direct capture is taken from anything that is being run on the PSP, consequently viewing experiences will be of the best quality and will not ruin any viewing experiences on the big screen.
2) S-video connection option - This will further enhance the viewing quality
3) Full support for a variety of aspect ratio's including 4:3 and 16:9, giving you the end user as much opportunity to customise your PSP2TV display.
4) Dualshock PS2 controller support meaning you utilize the superior PS2 controller method whilst playing your favourite PSP games on TV.
5) A docking station for the PSP, just rest your PSP in the docking station and enjoy the show!
6) A very simple, solderless install complete with a range of vibrant faceplates for your PSP. Yes, you will have to undo the front fascia of the PSP but this is the only way that you will get a crystal clear and dirt free image on the TV.
Many of our customers have been the likes of IGN, Gamespot and Eurogamer. Not only do they want to review this product and see how cool it is but it is actually one of very few ways that they can easily video review PSP games titles. Now imagine if their screenshot captures contained even a speck of grime ? Of course it wouldn't make the cut and the whole product would be flawed as it's not fulfilling one of it's uses.
To any successful product there will nearly always be some form of fly-by competition, we urge you not to fooled - we as Team Xtender and the high profile media who have already purchased the PSP2TV have every confidence that our device is the original and ultimate solution for a TV output from your PSP. </blockquote>
Opinions comments ?
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October 18th, 2005, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
PSP298 has released a new Gameboy Advance emulator for the PSP, this release has great speed although not 100%, it uses the full 333mhz speed, it s full screen and it also uses what looks like is the Rin file selector and can be fully configured.
Heres some screens:
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspgba.shtml
This is a much better GBA emu for the PSP than the other one and the speed will impress.
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October 18th, 2005, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Killer has released a new version of his app for windows that checks for malicious code, heres whats new:
-improved flash read/write detection algorithm (flash0 access for wlan drivers isnt detected as suspicious anymore)
-added Drag & Drop support
-bundled COMDLG32.OCX (fix "missing dependency" error)
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October 18th, 2005, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have posted the very latest PSP games that they have on preorder today and what a list, heres all the games and info:
Star Wars Battlefront 2 US ver.
Star Wars Battlefront II improves upon the original game's single-player experience with open-ended, mission-based objectives inspired from all six Star Wars films. The compelling storyline spans more than 12 new locations......
Ghost in the Shell US ver
Based on the critically-acclaimed anime series by the renowned manga artist and writer Masamune Shirow, this sci-fi first-person shooter offers wireless multiplayer action for up to four-players, including
The CON US ver
The Con is a unique fighting game where the underground world of gambling plays center stage. Customize your fighter with five different brawling styles, programmable fighting combos.
The Hustle: Detroit Streets US ver.
The Hustle: Detroit Streets lets players take on the role of either Jack Stone or Kat Hudson as they make their way through the pool halls and clubs of Detroit. As an unknown pool player, down on luck and out of money.
The Legend of Heroes US ver

In the post-Gagharv era, the land of El Phildin is consumed by a bitter war. As its citizens fight to survive, one will be taken by the darkness. As time passes and light returns, wounds heal and lives move on - except for one. On his quest to free his sister, will Avin be prepared for what he finds?
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse US ver
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse introduces the epic storyline of an uneasy alliance between the X-Men and the hated Brotherhood in a fight to reclaim.........
What a list of crackers headed by the Star Wars game, more info at SuccessHK
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October 18th, 2005, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
Yesterday we posted a tip about how to get Playstation and Xbox consoles on the cheap via eBay. Well we thought we’d also pick up on two auctions that exhibit the negative side of eBay video game auctions. Back in May this year an eBay seller successfully sold an Xbox box (yes, just the box) for $200. And again this September someone managed to sell a PSP box for a little over $200. Since these auctions are not breaking eBay’s rules there’s nothing they can do to stop them.
The PSP auction is still online at the “Read” link below, but the Xbox auction went offline a month or so ago. You can read about the Xbox box auction here. With the impending release of the Xbox 360 (and inevitable deluge on eBay) expect a lot more Xbox boxes to turn up on eBay this November. Don’t say you weren’t warned!
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October 18th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
In a BBC TV interview last week, Sony Chief Executive Producer Phil Harrison put on a brave face and announced that Sony isn’t concerned about Apple’s new video iPod. Quote: “No, we’re not worried.”
If it weren’t just necessary bravado (executives aren’t allowed to admit to being afraid or needing their comfy blankies), we might be inclined to believe him. As it stands, though, the new iPod could put a serious crimp in Sony’s plans to sell the PSP as anything other than a portable gaming device.
Here’s a quick comparison of the two products from the video playback angle only:
Resolution: iPod 320x240; PSP 480x272 (advantage: PSP)
Storage: iPod 30GB and 60GB; PSP memory sticks up to 4GB (advantage: iPod)
Commerce: iPod video store uses familiar iTunes interface; PSP lacks video store or central video clearinghouse of any sort (advantage: iPod)
Usability: getting video onto iPod is part of the product design; PSP requires third-party compression software and technical know-how (advantage: iPod)
Portability: iPod weighs 4.8 and 5.5 ounces; PSP weighs 9.17 ounces (advantage: iPod)
Operation: iPod is made for one-hand operation; PSP requires two hands (advantage: iPod)
What we’re really hoping is that the iPod creates within Sony an urgency that will allow the PSP’s product designers to ditch technologies that are holding the console back and push through changes that have been shot down in the past for political reasons. The good folks at Sony know what’s required for the PSP to compete with the iPod, but political considerations and warring internal factions can result in compromises that cripple product popularity.
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October 18th, 2005, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
The rather diffeent PSP TV Adapter posted by Lik Sang the other day how has an official website, heres what they posted:
<blockquote>PSPonTV is manufactured by the same people that brought you GBATV ™ ! We made the first GBA2TV product and also we made the GBA Halo back light, which demonstrates our commitment to quality and innovation. Regarding high tech electronics manufacturing, we have millions of units sold vs 0 units sold from our competition. You can trust our quality!
Other competing products "claim" they are available, or will be soon, but they have absolutely no proof of existence other than some photo still shots on a TV Screen (as of Oct 2005). We have video proof that PSP on TV works great, even before the final tweaking has been done!</blockquote>
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October 19th, 2005, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang sent to me a review sample of the Hokori Cap Portable which are basically dust caps for ports on the PSP, heres a pic and info:
Protect your PSP console connections from dust with the hokori cap portable. Each cap is perfectly designed for each port on the PSP and provides the ultimate protection for the connections on your console.
Heres an excerpt from the review:
I will be honest here, i said i would review this product but wasnt looking forward to it and i can honestly say im quite surprised, the covers which fit over the headphone (x2) and the power port (x2) and finally the USB port are made of durable rubber which fit perfectly...
Read the full although shortish review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/hokorica...e-review.shtml
Thanks to Lik Sang for the review sample.
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October 19th, 2005, 03:14 Posted By: wraggster
deniska has posted that he/she is working a port of NOIZ2SA for the PSP, heres what was wrote:
My NOIZ2SA PSP porting project is at it's final phase. I still need to brush up a few things before I release it (hopefully somethere next week).
For those who don't know, NOIS2SA (don't ask me how to pronounce it :-)) is a 2D abstract shooter originally developed by Kenta Cho (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cy.../noiz2sa_e.html) for PC. It has been ported to many Unix flavors, Dreamcast, Xbox, Palm.. and now it's PSP's turn...
The PSP version will have the sound support, custom soundtrack support (play your favorite game's s3m, mod, xm,or it files), High scores recording with all the stage stats, ability to take screenshot (to prove to your friends
how far your advanced in to Endless Insane mode :-))
See the attached screenshots that I took during the gameplay...
Also, if someone knows the way to convert/"re-compose" game's original ogg soundracks to mod/s3m/it/xm or has some cool soundtracks in the formats above, please let me know...
Keep your eye on this thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12477 for more info.
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October 20th, 2005, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
TeamXtender have posted news that the PSP2TV will come with three interchangable faceplates for the PSP. The Folowing Colours will be released
- solid black, platinum silver and crystal blue.
<blockquote>As the release of the PSP2TV nears, we at Team Xtender would like to thank our customers by giving them another free face plate with the purchase of the PSP2TV!!!
In total the retail PSP2TV will come with 3 different faceplates:
1) Solid Black
2) Platinum Silver
3) Crystal Blue</blockquote>
More information at Divineo China
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October 20th, 2005, 08:48 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has updated his Eboot Loader for firmware 2.0 PSP consoles, heres whats new:
v0.6 : Compatibility and stability
- Bundle user-mode LUA player.
- Only process stringtable section header and .reginfo, all others are unused.
- Setup $gp register from .reginfo
- Change folder thumbnail to smaller image, improves launch stability.
- Added scan for EBOOTs with hard-coded paths.
- Clear display RAM before starting some EBOOTs, to clear up some
graphical anomalies.
- Added direct seek to ELF header - much much faster file loading.
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October 20th, 2005, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted that they have the 4 Gig Hard Drive PSP Addon by Datel in stock now, heres what they say:
We have a limited stock of Datel 4 GIG drives, in the UK and ready to go!. All pre-orders are shipping within the next working day!. Get it next working day!
Remember with our prices, you pay the price you see - VAT & IMPORT DUTY is included - no nastry surprises.
Heres some info:
<blockquote>PSP 4 GB HARD DRIVE + X2 Battrery + USB MEDIA KIT Use the awesome storage capacity of your new Hard Drive to store hours of high quality movies and MP3s, hundreds of JPG images and all of your PSP game saves in one place! PSP 4Gb Hard Drive emulates a standard Memory stick Match the huge storage capacity of your Hard Drive with the stamina of a double capacity X-2 battery. Use the USB lead to provide a high speed USB2 connection to your PC. Manage your whopping content using the slick MAX Media Manager PC software. Automatically encode your videos into PSP format and transfer music, images and game saves effortlessly to your PSP’s new Hard Drive.</blockquote>
Check out the PSP 4 Gig Hard Drive at Divineo UK.
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October 20th, 2005, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engadget
If you were ever curious as to exactly what was entailed in a PSP-bricking (for the uninitiated, that’s when running some code that kills your PSP entirely), famed antivirus company F-Secure (who we hope you should well know by now) plunked down the $250 to do an on-camera bricking, for, um, educational purposes. It’s not pretty. In fact, you may want to shield their eyes if you’ve got children (or gamers) in the room. The lesson to learn here? Always use protection, kids—never run unverified arbitrary code.
Bricking Video (14mb WMV)
More at http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/
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October 20th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Engagdet
Don’t get all excited here, this isn’t the PSP with the integrated hard drive we’ve all been lusting after. No, Sony’s Giga Pack is far less interesting—the PSP is now being bundled with a 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, a small stand, and the other usual suspects like USB cable, remote and earphones, slip-in case, etc. This does indeed make things easier (and cheaper) for those annoyed at having to spend a couple bucks in the regular PSP Value Pack bundle for the 32MB card when they’re just going to drop an extra $80 or $90 on the one gig card. Their listed price is ¥29,800 (about $250), which we’re hoping isn’t as much of a price cut as we’re going to see on the system for this coming holiday season—especially since it’s not really a price cut when they just bundle the same device with some more gear and then ask the same price. You’ll be able to get yours in Japan, Asia, Europe, and North America starting November.
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October 20th, 2005, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gi.Biz
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has announced plans to launch a limited edition PSP bundle containing a 1GB Memory Stick and a number of other accessories in time for the run-up to Christmas.
The PSP Giga Pack will include a USB cable and a newly-designed PSP stand for hands-free viewing along with the new larger capacity Memory Stick, which offers enough storage for around 30 hours of music, 500 digital photos or two feature films.
The bundle will retail for EURO 299.99 (GBP 214.99). Consumers who have already purchased a PSP Value Pack, which retails at EURO 249 (GBP 179) and contains only a 32MB Memory Stick, will be able to purchase the PSP-branded 1GB stick separately from the beginning of November.
The PSP Giga Pack will go on sale in the UK and Ireland on November 21. It will launch in other European territories, and in Africa and the Middle East, on November 28.
More than a million PSPs have already been sold in PAL territories and the handheld is likely to be one of the most popular gift purchases this Christmas season. Key forthcoming software titles include Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, out on October 28, and movie tie-in Peter Jackson's King Kong, slated for a December release.
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October 20th, 2005, 19:51 Posted By: wraggster
The second PSP TV Device now has been unveiled and heres the info from the makers of it:
<blockquote>Just warning you, it's REALLY shiny...just like the sexy PSP itself!
The HEIGHT of the PSP on TV is just slightly taller than the WIDTH of the LCDscreen. The buttons, D-Pad, and Analog Stick are definitely NOT hindered whatsoever,since only the LCD is covered. As you can see, the device simply CLIPS to the front of the PSP. No internal modification required, you do NOT have to open your PSP. No Faceplate replacement required. No tools needed, no annoying dust on the surface of your LCD screen because you simply don't need to open the PSP. Installation of the PSP on TV could not be more simple.</blockquote>
More info at the official site here --> http://www.pspontv.com/
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October 20th, 2005, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster

Another Battleships game has been released for the PSP, heres the info:
This battleships game is unrelated to the other recently released one.
When wireless stuff is easier maybe the two versions could be compatible.
Working on menu:
- very simple random VS Computer game, my nice ai seems to mess up the psp graphics... weird.
- Hot seat multiplayer
- Quit button
X - select menu item / place ship / fire
[] - rotate ship / show your own grid, instead of the grid you shoot at
Start - return to the menu
Screnshots and download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/profships.shtml
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October 20th, 2005, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster

Neoflash.com have posted new images of their product for the PSP, heres the details:
Memory functions:
* Uses any SONY MS to boot
* Use SD/MMC or CF/MicroDrive like a standard SONY memory stick
(it's one option,all memory card or MicroDrive not included in the retail box)
* SD/MMC/CF/MS auto detect and auto run, plug and play
* Supports up to 4GB memory size in PSP
* Built-in PSP Ready/Busy/NULL, 3-state status indication
* Can exchange the data between PC and PSP through the standard PSP USB cable, supports SD/MMC/CF/MicroDrive/MS formatting on PSP directly
Battery functions:
* Use 4 pcs AA Ni-MH rechargable batteries or 4 pcs AA normal batteries for the PSP backup power
(it's one option,all batteries not included in the retail box)
* Built-in A.I. Ni-MH battery recharge system, full battery protection and fast full charge in 12 hours
* Built-in battery charging and the force full charge indication on LED display
* Built-in battery mode switch, can select the Ni-MH battery or normal battery
* Supports infinite Ni-MH battery capability (nowadays up to 3800MA/h X4)
* Multi DC power input, can use the PSP DC adaptor / car DC adaptor and PC USB cable to charge the batteries
* Supports the force full charge mode, can force full charge and doesn't matter how much battery power is available
PSP Pad functions:
* Anti-Shock
* Ergonomic design, you can play the PSP like a SONY PS2 joypad for a more familiar and comfortable gaming experience
PSP kickstand function:
* Built-in car mounting bracket, you can use the PSP in your car with a stable display
* Come with one extra fixup kit
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October 21st, 2005, 01:08 Posted By: sgt_kidd21
Hi guys!
I posted here a few times before and got an astronomical amount of responses within' the first couple of min. and i wanted to say thank you for that, but now i have another dilema. My broken PS2. I have little knowledge of fixing them, but i sure can play em' lol corny? ok i know. anyways is there anyone that can help me fix it please i can post all the pictures you need and am willing to tell ya any info needed thanks!
i've opened it a couple of times, and lost some of the screws, not that that matters (or does it? ) anyways, it was dropped a couple of times and i got disk read errors, then, (regretfully) i opened it up and toyed around... not really touching much but rather looking really. So i close the PS2 and plug it in, alas now it won't even turn on... NOOOOOO. any suggestions now? I can post pic's if you want, might take a lil' bit cause i'll have to open it though.
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October 21st, 2005, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
The list of sites that have the 4GB add on for the PSP grows heres a rundown of sites that are both safe and the prices they are charging:
Lik Sang $199 - Ships 24th October
Divineo UK £149 - In Stock
Divineo Germany 239.99 € - In Stock
Divineo USA $269 - Preorder
Divineo China $225 - Preorder
Divineo Spain 229.95 € - Preorder
Well looking at the ones i found quickly i would say that Lik Sang is cheapest and then Divineo UK/Spain are decent too, if you know of any other decent sellers then let us know by clicking the comments.
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October 21st, 2005, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
The newest PS2 to go on sale in Japan will have trouble playing seven PS2 games and nearly 40 PS1 games, according to IGN. The satin silver model is scheduled to go on sale in Japan on 11/23 (about two weeks before the Xbox 360 launches there), but the system sometimes freezes when playing Gauntlet Dark Legacy, The Stylish Mahjong F1 2001, F1 2002, and Tekken 5. It also has issues with a few other titles.
Sometimes it seems that the only way to reliably play older games is to spend lots of time hunting down reliable emulators. Even CDs, DVDs and ROM cartridges eventually stop working. The only guaranteed storage is a hard drive that’s backed up regularly to multiple locations.
The real question is this, though: if the latest PS2 can’t claim to be 100% backwards compatible, how the heck is the PS3 going to achieve it?
(By the way, Sony has not yet announced whether the satin silver PS2 will be made available to North American consumers.)
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October 21st, 2005, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has updated his PSP Radio App, heres whats new:
0.36-pre2 (r364)
(sandberg) Added support for the option menu in the 3D UI.
(jpfouch48) GraphicsUI playlist browser and playlist item browser is now functional
(jpfouch48) Made the text display funtions more modulare to make future enhancments easier
(jpfouch48) Added a unique ItemIndex to the MetaData structure and directorydata structure to make the
browsable playlist integration a little bit easier
(raf) Some more work on the OGG decoder.
(raf) Now TextUI will display selectable lists for playlist and playlist entries
(raf) Made the current selections more dynamic so they follow the list.
(raf) Changed user interface for playlist access: User now uses UP/DOWN to select a playlist, then
press X or O to go and select an entry. Navigation in entries box is also with UP/DOWN.
User can also use <- or -> to go back and forth between List and Entries. (need to iron out)
(jpfouch48) Added options screen
(jpfouch48) Updated how playlist scrolls
(jpfouch48) Fixed problem with theme clipping song filename in upper pannel
Download from here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
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October 21st, 2005, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sam has released a great looking Dance Dance Revolution type game written in Lua for the PSP, heres some details:
If you don't know how to play, it's very simple. As the pictures of buttons come
up, try to press that button when it's right over the gray area.
Background Animation:
Stars = Show a starfield in the background
3D Cube = Show the 3D cube in the background
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luabutto...volution.shtml
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October 21st, 2005, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
JDemon has released a rather cool Mod for Denitros Attack of the Mutants game, heres what he says:
Ok here are my "beta" mods They are "Star Wars" themed. Just overwrite the folders to your gamecard. I think I did the 1.0 right but have no way of checking it since I have a 1.5....anyone?
I'm saying "beta" because I do intend to finish it of with some other sounds.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/attackofthemutants.shtml
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October 22nd, 2005, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted the following new item for PSP on their site:
Xploder PSP Movie Player and Media Centre is a movie conversion, media management and game enhancement kit available for anyone with a PSP console, connecting your PC to the PSP and giving you full control. Xploder PSP Movie Player and Media Centre lets you convert your PC movie files (MPEG 1 & 2, DIVX, AVI, MOV) easily for playback on PSP- Now you can watch your favourite movies on the move! Simply drag and drop from PC panel to Memory Stick in Xploder PSP Movie Player and Media Centre and your movie gets converted automatically; it couldn't be simpler! Whats even cooler is we've added a CD import function that lets you convert any of your CD's into MP3's! The PSP Media Centre even calls them by the correct song names! You can Copy, Delete, Download and Upload saves and media files between PC, Memory Stick and Xploder online database, and save valuable space on your Memory Stick by backing up files to your PC. The downloadable Xploder cheat saves let you get ahead in your new games instantly - includes cheat saves for top games including Ridge Racer, Tony Hawk's Underground Remix, Wipeout Pure and more! Download latest cheat saves for new releases and unlock new characters, secret levels and more tracks. Xploder Movie Player and Media Centre for PSP utilises realtime RSS technology to keep you updated with the latest PSP saves available for download, and other PSP news.
Retails for USD 18.06
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October 22nd, 2005, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
Tedzero has released a new version of his Browser that allows the PSP to browse and transfer files to any computer that its connected to, heres whats in this version:
1) Menu driven.
2) MessageBox for confirmation (While you delete.. etc etc.).
3) You can Now copy the entire folder from your PC to PSP.
4) Delete a folder on PSP (The folder should be empty.)
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/tedzerobrowser.shtml
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October 22nd, 2005, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster
Because of the massive amount of news the PSP Scene generates ill push this news up every 4 or 5 days, but if you didnt know we have 2 great competitions running side by side for the PSP Scene, and best of all they are 100% free to enter and no dubious entry rules like we have seen on other sites, heres the info on both comps:
There seems to be some confusion, if you already released an emulator to the public then an unreleased version of that emulator or game etc that wasnt publically released before the deadlines below could be entered. Although it would have to be a good update to be succesful.
<b>PSP News & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Competition</b>
PSP News & Lik Sang are proud to announce the first 30 day Coding Competition for the PSP, started on the 8th of October 2005.
You can submit any software that works on the PSP including apps, emulators, games, demos incuding the likes of Lua. Multiple entries are allowed
Heres the rules:
-The contest will run from October 8th 00:01am 2005 to November 7th, 2005.
-The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of November 7th , 2005).
-Submissions for the contest should be sent to bluebolshi@hotmail.com or messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu UK forums or posted in the Private Developers Forum
-Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically released before the winner of the contest is announced.
-Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of entries is small starting November 8th.
-Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
-Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
-This competition is open to anyone and all software for the PSP.
-The Judging will be done by 5 selected DCEmu Forum Members after a poll decides who the top 5 entries are.
-The winner will be announced on the 12th November 2005.
The Competition has one prize and thats a complete package of essential PSP accessories full details can be found on the competition page here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psp30codingcomp.shtml
<b>PSP News & Lik Sang Review/Guide/FAQ Mini Contest</b>

Well we have the coding competition thanks to Lik Sang and now we have a new competition for you members of PSP News, and guess what all these comps are free and for anyone, (Premium contests for free )
Anyway Lik Sang have donated 5 Tokyo Access DVDs to give away on this site, and the best way would be a 14day competition starting now the 11th of October and ending on the 25th of October for the best new. So get starting
Review (game or hardware)
And for all of the above its for the PSP.
Enter as many times as you want but only 1 Tokyo Access DVD per person, a poll that will run for 2 days will decide the winner and if need be i will have the finishing vote.
SO get those Reviews/Faqs/Guides and Tutorials coming in, if you do one then please post in the correct forum and just leave a note in the comments 
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October 22nd, 2005, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Drdragonwolf has posted a mini review of the new Version 2 Nyko Theater Experience!
<blockquote>Just Recently I have received the Nyko Theater Experience Version 2! Here are some pictures below of some new features added to this version 2.
-The obvious difference between the original and the newer is the audio quality. This newer unit has very little to no crackling in the background; much better than the older unit. For those that own a Version 1 Theater Experience, They have noticed that the sound has kind of a crackling noise in the background. This issue was due to a wiring issue that was causing interference when the PSP was being issued power from the built in battery of the Theater Experience.
-The next feature is the On/Off Amplifier button above the left speaker on the unit. The Version 1 unit speakers seemed to be always on, and the unit would drain its battery life incredibly fast. For this newer unit you can shut off the speakers when your traveling with the unit closed it will charge the PSP with the speakers off, then when you have the unit open you can turn on the amplifier for the real experience that this little thing has.
I would highly recommend this product to anybody! Unfortunately there is no release yet for this newer version in the US market, but it should be with in the next month to month and a half. Happy Gaming =)
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October 22nd, 2005, 18:07 Posted By: THE_JUDGE
I Work whit a HD on my PS-2 and with flip-top system
So maybe one of your guys can help me out whit a copy of that game, i try already a long time to get my hands on that particula game.
Any one?
U can send me a nero image ore iso of the game.
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October 22nd, 2005, 20:45 Posted By: aab5590
my english is bad im from argentina and want to know some program for ps2 to play karaoke, no game, something i can modified .The game like karaoke revolution is in english and i like to add o modified the music for music in spanish .Thanks and sorry for my english. There are some program to play archive kar in ps2?
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October 23rd, 2005, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
With Xmas coming up its more than likely that the PSP will be the worldwide gadget of the year this Xmas along with the likes of the Mario Kart/Nintendo DS Bundle and also on a much smaller stage the emulation and homebrew friendly console the GP2X.
Whilst the Black original PSP is to be found everywhere the Ceramic White PSP will be a little harder to find, well heres a quick look at prices and availability at the major online sellers worldwide:
Lik Sang sell the Value Pack for US$ 279.90 (~158.37 GBP)
Divineo China sell the Value Pack for $ 274.95
Success HK sell the Value Pack for USD 245.00.
Divineo Italy sell the Value Pack for 239.99 €
Divineo Sweden sell the Value pack for 2690 Kr
There you have a selection of shops from around the worldit seems that on price only that Success HK are the winners with a price of $245 or about £130 but costs for shipping and getting past customs in each country makes the end price harder to work out (although Airmail is said to be the best way to get around customs).
Do you know of more legit shops seling the Ceramic White PSP, then respond with link and price via the comments.
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October 23rd, 2005, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Just noticed that Lik Sang have got preorders on the newly announced Giga Pack, the pack itself is retailing for US$ 329.90 (~186.65 GBP) and features:
PSP Hardware (PSP-1000G1 Giga Pack)
PSP Memory Stick Duo 1GB
PSP Headphones With Remote Control
PSP Soft Case
PSP AC Adapter (100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, works worldwide)
PSP Battery Pack
Free Travel Plug (to fit in your country)
PSP Stand
PSP Cleaning Cloth
Nice but is it worth it, you tell us ?
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October 23rd, 2005, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Tomppa has done a review of the PSP game Metal Gear Ac!d, heres some info about that game:
This new take on the blockbuster Metal Gear franchise gives players a new approach to their espionage. Metal Gear Acid (also lovingly known as Acid Metal by its creators for the trippy take on the series) is a card-based simulation that progresses as a series of missions. Gameplay is somewhat like a 3D board game or RTS, in that players have a set number of moves and actions to take in a given turn sequence -- play out your Weapon card to take down an enemy, play the box Item card to duck into hiding when foes are on patrol, and play the Ninja or Roy Campbell Character card to call in some heavy-duty support from your allies in the field.
Heres an excerpt from that review:
The graphics are, pretty nice. Explosions are OK, gun shots are the classic MGS style, characters are only a little enchanced from the first PC MGS, wich, I say are pretty fine after all. All kinds of details in the areas, like exploding barrels, with the OK looking explosions mentioned before. After all I feel like putting the cpu to 266 after looking at the cutscenes but the gameplay is smooth enough. Also the anime style graphics while talking to the codec and on some cutscenes are a little extra, the type I like from
Read the rest of the review here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12771
Check out our great Review forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=86 and contribute yourself 
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October 24th, 2005, 08:41 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has updated his Eboot Loader for use on V2.0 Consoles only, heres whats new:
- Implement simple internal memory manager, hooked onto firmware memory
management, to boost memory pool available to applications.
- Hook thread allocation and exit, to allow for clean return to the
loader from applications that support an Exit option.
- Improve code signature algorithm to distinguish between similar EBOOTs
(fixes mis-identification of Casino Addict as SMS emulator).
- Added overclocking option : use left and right trigger buttons when
choosing file to change CPU speed.
- Add NID resolution for Sircs function : enables PSP IR Remote function.
- Add USB stubs to user-mode LUA, and better debug info in case of script
- Added left and right DPAD support in file-chooser, to go to the start
and end of the list
- Now supports more than 20 files in a directory
- Found pathname hack to run PSP Rhythm Composer.
- Improved cache flushing, should improve reliability
- Added safeguard to prevent PSPSet from being run and bricking 2.0.
New Working EBOOTs in this release:
- Attack of the Mutants 0.3
- Bookr 0.6 (PDF support works fine now)
- Casino Addict (was broken in 0.6)
- Freecell
- NeoCDPSP 0.1
- Noiz2SA 0.5
- Polygon
- PSP Pacman
- PSP Rhythm Composer
- PSPRemote - hopefully. Let me know if you are able to test it.
- PSPdePon
- Puyo Puyo
- Robotorn 3D
- Snakman
- Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator (was broken in 0.4-0.6)
- SNES9x TYL 0.1
- Terra Incognita
- Tsukihi Minti
New working LUA scripts in this release:
- Air Hockey
- Alien Duck Hunt
- Bomberman
- Button Mashing Revolution
- Ceelo
- Chicken Legs
- Hiragana Quiz
- Jezzball
- Memory Game
- PSP Millionaire
- Shivers
- Tsukihi Minti Demo 1.1
- Wall Breaker 0.03
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October 24th, 2005, 08:47 Posted By: wraggster

One of the biggest news storys as far as PSP accessories go has just been released at one of the worlds biggest Online VideoGaming Sellers, heres the Full info from Lik Sang:
The X2 Battery is a direct replacement for your PSP's rechargeable battery, but offers double the capacity of the standard model. Now bundled with a 4GB HDD, it gives you plenty of space for your saves and files on the go.
The 4GB HD uses ultra-reliable Micro-Drive technology. The HD interfaces with the PSP by means of a flexible Memory Stick™ adapter which is plugged into the Memory Stick™ slot on the PSP.
Once connected, the body of the HD attaches snugly to the back of the PSP by means of two location posts which slot into corresponding holes on the back of the PSP. When used in conjunction with the X-2 double capacity battery the 4GB HD forms an ergonomic extension to the PSP which follows the neat lines of the handheld, fitting snugly in your palms. Once connected, you use the 4GB HD just as you would a normal Memory Stick™; you can playback video, MP3s, movies and images and save from inside your PSP games.
Product Features
4 GB HDD built-in
Provides 4 gigabytes of storage space for your PSP saves and files
Effectively doubles the capacity of the standard PSP battery
3.6 volts - 3600 mAh
Lithium-polymer battery technology
Plugs at the back of your PSP
Retails for US$ 199.90 (~113.18 GBP)
More information Here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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October 24th, 2005, 18:20 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have followed up the newspost i did this morning with one about the status of those who ordered the new 4Gig Hard Drive Addon for the PSP:
<blockquote>The Datel 4 GB Hard Drive has been taking the internet by storm for the last two weeks, and finally the wait is over. We have today received delivery of our first batch, which was massive enough to cover all reservations and still have stock for purchases to come in during the week. We hope to receive another second stock by next Monday to make sure sales can go on smoothly over next week as well. Please note though that Datel currently has to face unbelievable demand for a product not cheap to manufacture, and it is not sure if production will follow or if there will be supply shortages later down the road. After the first round on the internet, it's now up to Datel's international distributors and major retail chains to get served, and they are talking different numbers. In fact, the product has not even yet been launched stateside with even Codejunkies' US portal maintaining silence about the product for now (North American allocation is probably somewhere on a boat on the Atlantic ocean...) Anyway, that's enough of me speculating about future availability. At the time being, after shipping out all preorders (all of you are receiving tracking numbers by email while I am typing these lines), we have several hundreds of the popular hard drives left for instant ordering, and that's a celebration!
For those who just come back from the moon and have no clue what we are speaking about, the Max 4GB Hard Drive from Datel is delivering 4 Gigs of storage space for your PSP, through the Memory Stick slot. It comes bundled with Datel's X2 battery (3600 mAh) and both clip on each side of your portable system in some kind of balance and ergonomic way. The price of 199 US$ is very affordable for so much space (compared to Memory Sticks prices) and adds only little weight to your PlayStation Portable, as the combo weights less than 125 grams!</blockquote>
More information at Lik Sang
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October 24th, 2005, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from GIBiz
November 4th is the new European release date for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, with Rockstar's hugely-anticipated PSP-exclusive forced back seven days for reasons as-yet unconfirmed.
The game's UK distributor Gem confirmed the news to our sister site Eurogamer today, and admitted it had only just received confirmation itself this lunchtime. The game had originally been planned to ship this Friday, October 28th.
It is not yet known whether the European slip will have any effect on the game's US release date, which at the time of writing is expected to be tomorrow, the 25th October.
Should the game remain on track in the US for this week, it's fair to say that import retailers will be enjoying a bumper weekend selling what is one of the most in-demand games of the entire year on any platform.
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October 24th, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender have posted this news about the forthcoming PSPTV Adapter:
We are delighted to let you all know that the official release of PSP2TV is closing in on us. We are not ones to break promises usually, we pormised you an end of October release date and it looks as if PSP2TV is right on track! Here is a small packshot teaser as well as some additional information -
Farmer Entertainment’s PSP2TV™ is a revolutionary PSP to TV adapter (docking station) device. Now it is possible to connect your PSP™ to your TV by using the PSP2TV. PSP2TV™ will take your PSP™ games and movies and make it a large screen experience.
Summary Of PSP2TV
- Supports Sony Playstion 2 Dual Shock Controllers ™
- Supports S-Video output and standard composite AV output
- Charge your PSP’s battery while it docks on the PSP2TV™
- Supports wide screen and standard TV formats
- Supports NTSC, PAL, and NTSC J formats
- Includes 3 free PSP™ replacement faceplates including Platinum Silver, Black and Crystal Blue
More information about the PSPTV HERE
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October 24th, 2005, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Ryochan7 has posted a new release of Doom PSP based off Lantus Source, heres whats new:
This is the fifth release of Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S. and it will be the last. Here are the changes that were made for this release.
-Compiled against newer version of the PSPSDK
A graphical glitch that periodically occurred in the other versions of Doom-PSP v0.04 S.S. has been fixed. Doom runs slightly faster now and the graphics have slightly improved.
-Menus changed slightly.
Analog nub works in menus. Holding directional buttons now works to allow faster navigation through menus.
-Cleared conflict with the default button configuration without config.ini.
-Added overclocking feature
The CPU clock speed can be changed to run at 222 MHz, 266 MHz, or 333 MHz.
This release includes the eboot files for firmware 1.0 and 1.5. This release also include the complete source code for this program.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml
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October 24th, 2005, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang sent me a Screen Protector that also changes the controls on the PSP, heres the info about it:
Protect your PSP from scratches and damage. Includes a raised analog stick for ease-of-use. Also includes a Mini D-Pad stick. Provides an effective Anti-Shock protection.
Heres an excerpt from the review
The cover has a much better analogue stick which to be honest ive left on and installation of the stick was really easy, basically it just pulls off. The screen itself is made of a good clear rigid plastic and you have the raised buttons on one side and the joystick on the other side, the device itself screws into the 2 holes on top of the PSP.
Read the review here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/minidpad...l-review.shtml
Thanks to Lik Sang for the review sample.
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October 25th, 2005, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Diggen has updated his WallBreaker game written in Lua for the PSP, heres the info:
Added: Combos
Changed: Skin Handling, if there are not all required files they are being loaded from Default Skin
Added: Nicer Loading Screen
Fixed: The fast-moving-lines Bug whenn you have 50000 pts and higher
Changed: Some code cleanups
Added: Skin from One5siX
Write something like a manual
Code Cleanups
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/wallbreaker.shtml
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October 25th, 2005, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
It seems like a Gran Turismo game just wouldn't be a Gran Turismo game without a delay or two.
Very little has been reported on Gran Turismo 4 Mobile since about a year ago, when Polyphony Digital president Kazunori Yamauchi stated that the game is in development for release in spring 2005. Obviously, it didn't make that date, but how much longer will consumers have to wait for the game?
According to the latest update on Sony Computer Entertainment's upcoming game schedule, Gran Turismo 4 Mobile (tentative title) is now slated for release during 2006 in Japan. It seems that gamers will still have to wait a bit longer to get their hands on the PSP version of Sony's hit racing simulator.
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October 25th, 2005, 08:24 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK posted these new UMD Cases which come in 2 variants, one holding 2 UMDs and the other 3 UMDs, heres the info:
-Protect your UMD game/movie discs and memory stick
-Make with durable material
-Trendy outlook
-It can hold three UMDs and three memory stick
-Three colors available: Blue, Red, Yellow
UMD Triple Case is a solution to prevent your memory sticks and UMDs from any direct damages including scrathces, shocks, etc. This light case provides a rubber inner as a shock absorber and a full plastic outer as a guard to any external damages. Each triple case provide three slots for UMD and three slots for memory stick.
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October 25th, 2005, 08:39 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita`s excellent Eboot Loader for v2.0 firmware PSPs is a great piece of software but for those who want ease of use then a v1.0 (No chance of getting this firmware version) and also a v1.5 are the best ones to get.
Now a lot of people would never touch a downgrader with a bargepole as the risk of bricking (killing your PSP) is there, there may be a small chance but thats not gonna please the 0.01% who bricked theirs.
Luckily theres still some shops worldwide who have still got v1.5s (Legit and not Claiming falsely) in stock, heres the rundown on who has em and for what price:
Success HK - USD 245.00
Divineo Germany - 299.95 €
Divineo Sweden are selling the Black version for 2590 Kr and the white version for 2690Kr.
Thats just 3 stores that i could find and i bet theres more worldwide although only buy from legit shops and not some Ebay or Email selling scammer.
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October 25th, 2005, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
We’ve plenty discussed Xbox 360 backward compatibility issues over the last few months, but we’ve nary addressed what’s in store for Sony’s PlayStation 3. Maybe it was the PlayStation 2’s recent difficulties in playing old (and even new) games that re-prompted the question, but it’s almost like people have been taking it for granted that the PS3 would be able to play PS2 games—especially after precedent was set by having the PS2 play original PlayStation games and they ran their it’s-gonna-be-backwards-compatible E3 launch in spite of Microsoft’s then-soft stance on the issue. But after Sony’s recent PS2 debacle overseas, it was reported that Sony spokesperson Reiko Sakamoto told the press, “It’s hard to say the PlayStation 3 will be 100 percent backwards compatible, but as we said earlier this year we aim to make it so as much as possible.” If they’re having trouble making minor changes to the PS2 and actually leaving a bit of doubt as to whether the PS3 will work as expected, well, we’re not liking the sound of this, not one bit.
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October 25th, 2005, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamespot
Rockstar's Games' latest criminal caper is once again one of America's most wanted. However, gamers looking for the title on its familiar turf of the PlayStation 2 will have to think smaller. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is now available for Sony's other console, the PSP.
Traditionally known for causing havoc on home-bound consoles, Liberty City Stories marks the first time the franchise has moved to the handheld market in the spirit of its bulkier brothers.
The game is set in the late 1990s and stars Tony Cipriani as a simple man with a simple dream: knocking off all rival crime families and scum in Liberty City to bring the city under the control of the Leone "family." Tony sets about his destiny by mixing with underworld kingpins, carjacking both innocents and enemies, and firing the occasional rocket propelled grenade into a mob of bystanders.
LCS introduces the first proper multiplayer mode for the series, and supports up to six players. A recent update to the game's Web site confirmed three new multiplayer modes to the previously announced trio. The Hit List works like a game of kill the carrier, except instead of tackling the target, it's open season on the player designated "it." Street Rage is a simple racing mode, challenging gamers to make checkpoints in vehicles. In The Wedding List, carjackers steal select cars and deliver them to secret shipping crates in the best condition possible. A final multiplayer mode, Tanks for the Memories, pits one player in a tank while others play tankbuster.
The Web site also features a new trailer with footage of the multiplayer action, as well as some new screens.
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October 25th, 2005, 22:57 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PDroms
Here is anothe pre-release of PSPRadio by RAF, it is an internet radio client for your Playstation Portable.
(raf) Enabled the CPU speed change option.
(raf) Added 111MHz; which is not useful for MP3, but works for OGGs in the text ui, and can save battery.
(raf) Refactored PSPApp/PSPRadio so that it runs in USERMODE. The drivers for the network and USB are now started from a kernel thread during app construction. This allows for DHCP to work! (thanks to PspPet and 'benji' for figuring this out.)
Consider this -pre more -pre than -pre3.. I just got this working, but I had to change the way pspradio works internally enough that I may have broken something..
Download Here -> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
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October 26th, 2005, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
Blaze who are one of the worlds leading producers of accessories for just about every console have released screenshots and plans of their forthcoming PSP to TV Projector, this is now the 3rd PSPTV adapter being worked on but Blaze are known for good products at a fair price so this could well be the cheapest yet.
Managing Director of Fire International, Jason Cooper said The PSP to TV Projector offers users the first opportunity to view their PSP content on the screen of their choice. From the feedback we have received from PSP owners, the ability to use their console via the TV was undoubtedly the No. 1 product on their wish lists. Unique titles such as the PSP only GTA: Liberty Stories is a typical example of an exclusive to PSP title that can now be enjoyed on the big screen
This exciting new product will be available from December 2005, for now heres some screens:
3 Options should mean a cheaper price for all and increased competition for a quality product.
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October 26th, 2005, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
If you thought the PSP Value Pack lived up to its name, check out the upcoming Giga Pack, just in time for Christmas. Due Nov 17th, you get a Sony 1GB Memory Stick Duo card instead of 32mb, a Sony PSP Stand, a USB Cable, a Cleaning Cloth, plus the PSP Console in either Black or the Japan only White, Headphones, a Remote Control, Soft Carry Case, AC Adapter (100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, works worldwide) and a battery pack. Pre-orders are open now for both extreme PSP bundles, the Ceramic White Giga Pack and Black Giga Pack.
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October 26th, 2005, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
The second FPS for the PlayStation Portable hits this week with the US edition of Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. Based on the hit anime, Section 9 are back to give the cyber-terrorists a run for their money, and Bandai have done a fantastic job with the games storyline, while the show's voice actors add a new dimension to cut scenes. With four different playable characters, you can use Motoko's agility, Batou's strength, Togusa's stealth or Saito's sniper skills to investigate the mysteries of Berutarbe. There's also just over 50 different weapons to help get the job done, from hand guns to rocket launchers, sub-machine guns, and then stun guns for those stealth missions.
You can train and customize your Tachikoma (a sort of tank like robot), of which there's four different robots to choose from, with a massive number of parts to be found like weapons and accessories to enhance their abilities. You can send your Tachikoma in to help back you up, or give it commands via a quick menu system. With six player wireless support, you can also fight as either members of the Section 9 team, or as your Tachikoma bots! Again in stock this week, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex is not only perfect for fans of the anime, but for those FPS starved PSP gamers too.
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October 26th, 2005, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
Version 1.0a brings the question count up to 340.
**New and much improved graphics have been added, as well as original sounds from the show.
**New Graphics and sound were done by xangelx.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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October 26th, 2005, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Source -PDRoms
Here is anothe pre-release of PSPRadio, an internet radio client for your Playstation Portable. Changes:
(raf) Enabled the CPU speed change option.
(raf) Added 111MHz; which is not useful for MP3, but works for OGGs in the text ui, and can save battery.
(raf) Refactored PSPApp/PSPRadio so that it runs in USERMODE. The drivers for the network and USB are now started from a kernel thread during app construction. This allows for DHCP to work! (thanks to PspPet and 'benji' for figuring this out.)
Consider this -pre more -pre than -pre3.. I just got this working, but I had to change the way pspradio works internally enough that I may have broken something.. Report issues, though!
Download here -- > http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspradio.shtml
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October 26th, 2005, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
NeoFlash let us know on IRC (efnet #emuholic) that he has upgraded the specs of the Neo-PSP 4in 1 pad, heres the specs:
we have upgraded the NEO-PSP 4in1 pad ,here is the new SPEC:
Memory functions:
* Uses any SONY MS to boot
* SD/MMC/CF/MicroDrive ALL-IN-ONE total solution, use them just like a standard SONY memory stick (it's one option)
* SD/MMC/CF/MicroDrive/MS auto detect and auto run, plug and play
* Supports up to 4GB memory size in PSP,and up to 32GB in PC
* Built-in PSP Ready/Busy/NULL, 3-state status indication
* Can exchange the data between PC and PSP through the standard PSP USB cable, supports SD/MMC/CF/MicroDrive/MS formatting on PSP directly
Battery functions:
* Use 4 pcs AA Ni-MH rechargable batteries or 4 pcs AA normal batteries for the PSP backup power
(it's one option,all batteries not included in the retail box)
* Built-in A.I. Ni-MH battery recharge system, full battery protection and fast full charge in 12 hours
* Built-in battery charging and the force full charge indication on LED display
* Built-in battery mode switch, can select the Ni-MH battery or normal battery
* Supports infinite Ni-MH battery capability (nowadays up to 3800MA/h X4)
* Multi DC power input, can use the PSP DC adaptor / car DC adaptor and PC USB cable to charge the batteries
* Supports the force full charge mode, can force full charge and doesn't matter how much battery power is available
PSP Pad functions:
* Anti-Shock
* Ergonomic design, you can play the PSP like a SONY PS2 joypad for a more familiar and comfortable gaming experience
PSP kickstand function:
* Built-in car mounting bracket, you can use the PSP in your car with a stable display
* Come with one extra fixup kit
Release time : Nov. 2005
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October 27th, 2005, 07:59 Posted By: wraggster
Shine/Nevyn have updated the Lua Player with a new experimental release, heres whats new:
- pixel format changed to true color [Durante / Shine]
- initial GU mapping [Shine]
The GU mapping needs to be completed (I'm feeling like a macro processor :-) perhaps someone can write some macros for it, because most functions are the same like in Lua) and perhaps wrapped in some nicer API and the blitting speed is halfed, because of the true color change, but you can still implement smooth animations with less than 60 fps with the Timer class. To enhance the speed VRAM caching of images needs to be implemented, if someone wants to do this.
Lua has been a truly great release for new and upcoming coders to release software for the PSP, take a look at our MASSIVE Lua section to see how much as been released.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luaplayer.shtml
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October 27th, 2005, 08:08 Posted By: wraggster
YourStillWithMe has done a review of what is probably the 1st killer game for the PSP in a while, heres some info about Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories should you be living in a place thats never heard of it:
This PlayStation Portable GTA edition is an all-new game set in the seedy, sprawling underworld of Liberty City, the New York-Chicago hybrid that was also the crime scene for Grand Theft Auto III. Developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with the franchise creators at Rockstar North, you can expect all manner of adult felonies from car theft to robberies, murders and more. As has become a standard for the ambitious and controversial series, Liberty City Stories will shine on Sony's handheld with interactive, open environments, superb voice talent and diverse, cool music.
More info Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12929
Heres an excerpt from the review:
This is one you probably all want to know. Theres no R2 and L2 how do i change my guns???? You use the left and right on the pad to do that and up is to activate the missions in the cars, bikes etc. R is to lock on to target (you'll use this a lot ) O is to shoot and beat people with a bat or gut them with a chainsaw!!! (chainsaw is one of the best. . ) X is to do the speed boost (yes the tap trick works still. . .) and triangle is to get in and out of cars and yeah its smooth people. I dont fel like doing a whole thing on the cntrols one thing you want to know is that YES YOU CAN SHOOT OFF OF BIKES IN FRONT OF YOU AND TO THE SIDE!
Read the full Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City Stories Review by YourStillWithMe here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12929
Got a PSP Review then Post them in our PSP Review forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=86
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October 27th, 2005, 08:16 Posted By: wraggster
Those of you who live in Europe have got a bit of a wait for Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories or you can import from over seas.
Lik Sang are selling Liberty City Stories for US$ 59.90 (~33.77 GBP) but for that you get free worldwide shipping.
Ill post more importers when they update their status from preorder to buy.
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October 27th, 2005, 08:23 Posted By: wraggster
Machiyuta has released a new version of TiMidity for the PSP, cant understand whats new but heres a description of this release:
TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital instrument data files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays. It can not only play sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard disks as various audio file formats. - http://timidity.sourceforge.net/#info
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/timidity.shtml
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October 27th, 2005, 08:28 Posted By: wraggster
karurosu released Kanji Flashcards yesterday, heres the info from the post in our LUA Forum here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12909
I made some flashcards for the PSP written in LUA, there is a readme text that shows how to use it. Please be careful, it needs to copy about 6350 files, and I don't know if that is harmful for the memory stick, it's just a warning, if somebody knows if it is true, please tell me. (you will need about 50 mb of free space, the files take 15, but the extra is for the FAT)
Download via the Release Thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12909 until i make a new page 
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October 27th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
Denitro has updated his great Space shoot em up to V0.4, heres whats new:
-MP3 music now playable from "/psp/music" folder. Use L/R to cycle songs
-New EBOOT icon and wallpaper art made by ArKo. Thanks ArKo!
-In game screenshot support added using the SELECT button
-Support for multiple custom mods which are loadable from the main menu
-Support for custom level change text
-Score display now shows up to 9,999,999 points
-Small asteroids on bonus level 2 are now worth 50 points
-Analog support added to all menus
-Player's lasers no longer downgrade after failing a bonus level
-Player's laser graphic now moddable. Added info in Readme_Mod.txt
-Mods now support custom music. See Readme_Mod.txt for filename/formats
-A few minor gameplay changes/additions
-Minor bug fixes including...
--Score sometimes not being increased after completing the asteroid bonus level
--Pausing game no longer affects bonus level timers
Since the mod support was added in 0.3, I've seen some amazing player made mode come out.
I'm thinking about compiling and releasing a mod pack on Sunday November 5th. If any mod authors would like to have your mod included, please E-mail it over to me before then at (check the forum) I'm curious to see the cool things you guys can come up with
Hope you guys have fun!
Download from the release thread on our forums here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...t=11069&page=3
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October 27th, 2005, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Elka has released a very nice looking Tetris clone for the PSP called ASTC or Another Stupid Tetris Clone, heres the info:
Beta V1.0
known bugs
- seems to crash after something like 10min of playing, probably due to a memory leek, need to check
whether it crashes during a game or just when restarting a game.
- ok, major problem is, THIS GAME IS BORING, so as i'm not a tetris fan, i would really like to
add funny things like maybe some combo possibilities, a lumines like mode (where the blocks could be brocken
in pieces when they fall) or just another game whith blocks that's more funny and intelligent to play 
So all comments / ideas / feedback are welcome, fell free to email me or post comments
at http://elkadev.blogspot.com/ thanx in advance 
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/astc.shtml
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October 27th, 2005, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Lewis N. Reed has released LUA Forever Chase for the PSP. Forever Chase is a simple game. Details from the readme:
--Game objective
You are this flashing dot thing, and you are trying to avoid these blue squares. You are falling verticaly, untill you hit a red line. When you do this, you can either press left or right to controll your direction, and if you don't, it will automaticy be generated for you. Once you reach the bottom of the screen, you will gain a level. Every level you gain, one more red line appears. Every other, a new blue square will appear.
--Comming soon
User created levels
More level types
--Bugg report
Any bugs found, please send a email to zzzurdeadzzz[at]hotmail[dot]com
You will need Lua Player v0.12 to run this game.
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/luaforeverchase.shtml
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October 27th, 2005, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Now im a bloke who loves freebies (/me looks at all PSP Gaming and Accessorie Manufacturers ) and my friend Pascal pointed me to a Survey on Eurogamer where you can win some great PSP Gear just by filling in a Quick Survey, heres the stuff on offer:
1 Sandisk Memory Stick PRO Duo 1GB
3 Sandisk Memory Stick PRO Duo 512MB
5 PSP Logitech PlayGear Amp
15 PSP Logitech PlayGear Mod
30 PSP Datel X2 Battery
50 PSP Logitech PlayGear Pocket
You can win 1 item if you are drawn so why not 
Heres the Link --> http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=61233
Tell us if you entered im just about to 
Anyone know of any more legit Competitions (Not Scam ones or ones like we have seen already in the scene) then let us know in the submit news comp.
Remember Free is Good as long as it really is free and not some scam.
The end date for this comp is October 31st so get entering.
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October 28th, 2005, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Sony's latest firmware update makes the PSP compatible with Sony's Location Free Base Station, a device that attaches to your home entertainment center and broadcasts your media through your internet connection, allowing you to view television and videos on the PSP when in the vicinity of a wireless internet connection. This new compatibility has produced an unexpected bonus, useful for those wanting to play PS2 games on the go.
The Location Free Base Station unit is compatible with a variety of devices, including Sony branded digital video recorders. The PSX, a failed entertainment hub device that combines a PlayStation 2 with a hard disk and DVD recorder, is on the Location Free compatibility list, leaving one with the question: can you load a PS2 game disk into your PSX and then play it on the PSP?
In its latest issue, Japan's Weekly Famitsu reveals that the answer to this question is yes. Just as you can use the PSP to watch any videos stored away on your PSX, you can also play a game that happens to be loaded into the system. The action appears in a window on the left side of the PSP's screen, with a digital version of the PSX's remote control taking up the right side. To get into a game, you go through the PSX's Cross Media Bar, which appears in the video window exactly as it would appear on your television (you'll have to be sure to not confuse it with the similar looking Cross Media Bar that the PSP users for its interface). The digital remote includes the PSX's "End Game" button, allowing you to switch off your game and go back to viewing the other media on your PSX.
Famitsu tried out a few games, including a fast action title like Dragon Ball Z Sparking and slower adventure games and RPGs. The magazine reports that, while the image quality is clean, the two to three seconds of lag time from when you push a button to when you see a reaction on the screen makes faster titles impossible to play.
We'd have tried this out for ourselves, but the Location Free Base Stations cost about $300 or so. That's quite a bit to pay for a laggy game experience, but those who want the convenience of accessing their digital video recorder on the go (along with the bonus of PS2 gaming on the go, assuming your DVR is a PSX) ought to look into the Location Free technology.”
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October 28th, 2005, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Review from SuccessHK
<blockquote>PSP owners should all be familiar with the 32MB memory stick that comes with the purchase of the Sony PSP. This small amount of space is capable of saving all of your game files, as well as a few songs or a few minutes of low-quality video. With the release of the 2.0 firmware recently, the PSP is not merely a holding device of games, but a multimedia device.
It currently supports a variety of photo and music files and can even display video in 4:3 and 16:9. However, a lot of owners are missing out on these features because of their 32MB restriction.
Luckily, Lexar put this problem to an end. The Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb is capable of holding not only your save files, but also several full-length, high quality movies, hundreds of .mp3 or ATRAC3 music files or even thousands of photos. Obviously it seems a right decision, but some PSP owners still have concerns involving performance issues. After benchmarking the Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb against the stock Sony 32MB Memory Stick Pro Duo, we can finally put all of these concerns to rest.
Well there you have it, the Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb outperformed the stock of Sony 32MB Memory Stick Pro Duo in every single aspect imaginable. Strangely enough, transferring photos is unbearably slow on both devices, but that is more of a problem with the PSP*s hardware than the memory stick. Surprisingly, even the PSP*s web browser had noticeable speed increases just by switching to Lexar *s memory stick. Unless you intend to just use your PSP for playing video games and nothing more, then you should definitely consider a Lexar memory stick.
The files transferring speed of Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb is much faster than PSP`s has been proved, however the owners focus on its price. Unless you intend to just use your PSP for playing video games and nothing more, then you should definitely consider a Lexar memory stick.
The 1GB memory stick just sold $89.
While there is no absolute answer regarding capacity, the best we can do is give approximations of how much data can be stored. Although it*s advertised as a 1GB memory stick, only 949 MB of it is usable from the start, due to system overhead. Depending on the length of the movie and the quality, you should be able to fit 2-4 movies on the memory stick without a problem. We managed to fit 2 hours of high quality of footage with enough excess space to hold save games. Again, with the music the number of songs that can be stored also depends on quality and length. Roughly 350 .mp3 should be able to fit on the memory stick, but we would recommend going with the ATRAC3 format to save space without sacrificing too much sound quality. The file size of pictures won*t vary from the PC to your PSP because it is now able to support everyday files, like .JPG formats. In short, the Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb will be more than satisfactory for your portable multimedia needs.
In conclusion, the Lexar Memory Stick Pro Duo 1Gb is clearly the best memory stick available for the PSP. Not only it is the highest capacity memory stick on the market, but also it outperforms Sony*s memory sticks. Simply put, if you*re ever going to buy a PSP memory stick, buy from Lexar.</blockquote>
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October 28th, 2005, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster

News From Lik Sang which will interest those in Europe and Asia more than the USA but heres the article:
Now we could go into a long news item explaining how Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is in stock now for PSP, but then again, those few words are just about all most people need to hear. The pre-orders are getting processed, and for those who didn't order in advance, here's the link to pick up a copy now, and it'll be on the way within 24 hours.
Back in our GTA coverage two weeks ago, we mentioned how it was rumored you'll be able to stream your own custom soundtracks from your Memory Stick. Rockstar kept their lips sealed on this, but out now, we can confirm GTA: Liberty City Stories does indeed allow custom MP3 soundtracks through a choice called "Our Radio". What songs will your station play? Post your music to kill by in a forum topic here.
Furthermore since our past news item, along with the new trailer below, three more of the seven multiplayer modes have been revealed, such as the "Wedding List", a Gone In 60 Seconds style rush to grab cars and take them to specific shipping crates. Then "The Hit List" has one player be the mark, and survive as long as possible as everyone else hunts you down. Each person has a turn at being the mark, and who ever lived the longest wins. As a reward to those who kill the mark though, they get additional time added to their score. Lastly, "Street Rage" is a race to the finish with a GTA twist, i.e with weapons, power-ups, car switching and more.
Check out the videos and more at Lik Sang
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October 28th, 2005, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
It's possible, says Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi; all that's needed is a TV capable of displaying it.
Coming soon to an Internet message board near you: waves of more-hardcore-than-thou posters referring to any game running at 60 frames per second (fps) as "a slideshow."
Appearing at the Tokyo International Digital Conference on Thursday to talk about the technological capabilities of the PlayStation 3 and the Cell processor, Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said he expects the PS3 to be capable of running games at a stunning 120fps, according to a report in The Nikkei BP.
Never mind that even newer TVs aren't capable of refreshing the screen 120 times in a single second. Kutaragi said that when new technology comes to market, he hopes to have the PS3 ready to take advantage of it.
As for the Cell chip at the heart of the PS3, Kutaragi also had high hopes for its future beyond gaming. Using high-definition TV as an example, he said that the Cell chip could take advantage of the technology in many ways, such as displaying newspapers in their actual size, showing multiple high-definition channels on the screen at once, and video conferencing. He emphasized that the Cell can be used to decode more than 10 HDTV channels simultaneously, and it can also be used to apply effects such as rotating and zooming.
Later, he introduced the idea of a Cell cluster server that operates with 16 units, each consisting of eight Cell chips running at 2.5Ghz. That would be a total processing power of 25.6 teraflops. Kutaragi also outlined plans to shrink the chip from the current 90-nanometer process to a 65-nanometer process in the future and eventually down to a 45-nanometer process.
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October 28th, 2005, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gizmodo
<blockquote>This handheld runs on Linux, and we all know that means it can do everything but clean the crumbs from under your keyboard. The GP2X player has a dual core ARM processor, 64mb NAND Flash RAM, SD memory card slot, a 3.5” TFT screen. It plays photos, movies, music and games, you could even read an eBook because you are probably smart like that if you own this gadgy. Utilities and emulators? Don’t bore me with your silly questions. Think Quake, Doom, SNES, Megadrive, MAME, and media players galore. You can even connect the GP2X to a TV. For a more than reasonable $190, you’ll get the player, USB Cable, manual and 1-year warranty. Oh, also, it runs on two AA batteries. What does PSP stand for now, huh? Pretty Sucky Peripheral? Poor Sony Poo-poo?</blockquote>
More info at http://www.gbax.com/main.pl and also at http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk
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October 28th, 2005, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Another freebie is a good thing, heres the scoop from Joystiq
If you’re interested in getting a free copy of NBA ‘06 or checking out the Black Star alliance then the Breed Love Odyssey Tour is just the ticket. Even if you’re not interested in purchasing a ticket to see Mos Def & Talib Kweli—along with Pharoahe Monch and Jean Grae—perform on behalf of PlayStation, you can still hit up the “Street Team,” which will be giving away 50 copies of NBA ‘06. Follow the link below for a list of venues.
Link --> http://www.us.playstation.com/Events.aspx?id=154
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October 28th, 2005, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
xxxdvlman has released a new starwars mod for the Attack of the Mutants game for the PSP, heres the info:
Here is my first mod for the greatest homebrew game on the PSP, Attack of the Mutants. Be sure to download the latest version of Denitro's AOTM_v0.4 then drop this entire folder into the Mods folder. Boot the game and then go to load mod. Voila! Enjoy!!
Overall theme and mod design by xxxdvlman
Title and background pics provided by the Hubble telescope
BG Music "The force (star wars remix)" composed by Sean Sindahl
Core AOTM game and most credit to Denitro. Thanks for the wonderful game!!
Download here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/attackofthemutants.shtml
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October 28th, 2005, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
First with the Emulation News on PSP as you would expect from the Worlds Premier site for PSP Homebrew and Emulation, anyway onto the newest release from E who has released both PC Engine and Nes Emulators for the PSP.
Todays release is an update to Hue which is now the best PC Engine emulator for the PSP, i cant tell you whats new at the moment but you can download below. I did change the original release froma 7zip file to a normal zip file as its much easier that way.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/huepsp.shtml
Our sister site Xbox Evolution has a zipfile of nearon 200 Homebrew/Public Domain roms for the PC Engine, download those here --> http://xbox-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/pcengine-roms.shtml
(If other sites want to use the collection then seek permission first and dont hotlink the files.)
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October 29th, 2005, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Source - IGN
<blockquote>This week's release of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PlayStation Portable has delivered fans of the handheld the biggest game yet for the system. With the game came a couple of surprises, including an unannounced feature on the Audio menu for Custom Soundtrack playback. The feature -- a popular add-on for the Xbox versions of GTA and a heavily requested feature for PSP game releases -- was not mentioned in Liberty City Stories previews, nor was it given mention in the manual, and the feature was non-operational in the game.
After a week of false rumors and questions, Rockstar has finally come out with an official announcement on the Custom Soundtrack feature in GTA: Liberty City Stories. The feature requires a special converter for use on your home PC that will change audio files into a format compatible with the game.
for Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
A couple of notes are of interest regarding this Custom Tracks application. First, although GTA is all about rhyming and stealing, Rockstar has made the decision to focus exclusively on purchased music. You can only convert music from a store-bought CD -- no tracks downloaded from a music blog, no tracks ripped from your buddy's CD collection. This also means no tracks bought and paid for from services like iTunes or Napster yet, but it could be possible that future versions of the Rockstar Custom Tracks feature might support alternative audio formats.
NOTE: IGN readers are reporting that iTunes' burning option will make CDs that are recognized as bought discs by the Rockstar Custom Tracks application, and have been able to upload tracks to their PSPs after first burning their music to a standard playable CD. We have not yet confirmed what will and will not work within Rockstar's application.
Interestingly enough, this is not called the "GTA: LCS Custom Tracks" converter -- it's the "Rockstar Custom Tracks" converter, and while Rockstar mentions the custom tracks are for play currently on GTA:LCS only, future PSP games from the company may be able to use the same music files. When you play music in the game, it does not mix in with the radio stations as in the Xbox feature for GTA -- instead, it plays like a CD player, with the left and right buttons switching the music track instead of changing the radio station (you will have to turn Custom Tracks off if you want to go back to the radio.) The Custom Soundtrack feature will interface with the FreeDB CD database for picking up the song names and other relevant info about the songs you are converting, showing up in the game so you know what you're listening to and can pick tracks easier from a big collection.
Before you convert, you must also have at least one GTA: LCS save file on your PSP's Memory Stick, or else the custom tracks cannot be imported. The Custom Tracks feature will not read music off of your PSP (MP3 or otherwise), and your PSP will not be able to read Rockstar tracks in the Music menu on the main menu -- these tracks only work inside the game. The program uses ATRAC encoding to massively and cleanly compress your music (it'll typically squeeze a CD down to half of what you get in MP3s of the same quality), but you cannot play ATRACs already on your PSP, or move ATRAC files into the Custom Track folder for play in the game. You must also have a USB cable to transfer the music from a PC to the PSP, and there is currently not an application for Macs to make Custom Soundtracks.</blockquote>
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October 29th, 2005, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier in the week we posted news that Blaze/Fire International were making their own PSPTV Adapter for the PSP, now i contacted SuccessHK who seem to be the main Hong Kong Supplier of Blaze products and now they have posted about the PSPTV Device being on Preorder, and for the excellent price of 49$ (around £27), now if you have been following the developments of PSP TV products youll know this is at least 50% of the price of the other adapters, heres more details:
<blockquote>The PSP TV Adaptor lets you hook up your PSP to your home television (NTSC and PAL) via Composite or S-Video and Stereo connectors. This adapter requires no modification of your PSP console. This new peripheral takes a completely different approach and clips on top of your PSP screen, with two screws to fit at the back of the handheld (in these two holes you can see on the top of the UMD drive). Some sort of pyramid grows from the base, with a precision lens and mirror system at the top, capturing the image and light, in a similar way a scanner or camera would. It then converts it into a video signal that is sent through video leads going from the adapter to your TV set.</blockquote>
Allows you to connect your PSP to your TV
No Modification required
You won't void your standard or extended warranty.
Installation of the PSP on TV could not be more simple
Composite, S-Video and Stereo Sound connectivity
Sounds a lot more interesting now doesnt it, head on over to the PSP Section at SuccessHK for more information.
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October 29th, 2005, 11:48 Posted By: wraggster
The guys over at PSPHacking 101 have released a new video episode of their PSP hacking, heres what they say:
Pox AND Ragable (I was MIA) showing off PSP Radio and a simple Memory Stick to Duo adapter mod. We show you our process of using a 32MB Duo stick to create an adapter so your PSP can read regular Memory Sticks. It's a simple straight through connection and anyone with soldering skills and some basic equipment should be able to do this.
PSP Radio will let you stream music from any SHOUTCast server wherever your PSP can pick up WiFi. Included for this segment is a little education guide on IP addresses. This is in response to email Pox received after showing PSP VNC to control your PC. Keep in mind this segment is for people with little or no knowledge of basic networking concepts.
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October 29th, 2005, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster

Sherpya has released a new version of the port of Heretic for the PSP, heres whats new:
Update, sound support added is not very smooth, but not so bad (I think I'll need to implement a sort of noise shaper since samples are 11khz 8bit),
also a bit faster since I've enabled -O3 on the compiler (before was crashing with opt > 01 since there is an incompatible gcc optimization)
Download the latest release here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/hereticsherpya.shtml
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October 29th, 2005, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster
Curly posted this over at PS2Dev
Hi, all
It's the first message I put on this forum, it's to announce that I put on my website a software to download email from a pop3 server with a fix ip wifi connection.
I don't write DNS client, so you have to enter the IP addresse of the pop3 server. Moreover I search information on a dns client. For enter your information, you have to edit the pop.ini that you can find int ms0:\PSP\GAME\PSPPOP\.
The email viewers have a lot of problem due to the complexity of the text format. But the software save the email on the memory stick in the format *.eml. You can load them with outlook express. I made all my test with the wanadoo server (in France) so i don't know if it works with other server.
if people want the source, i can send to them.
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October 29th, 2005, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gizmodo
Funny thing I noticed while testing an early build of SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Fire Team Bravo for the PSP. In the multiplayer mode there is this neat little headset icon in the upper right hand corner. Sony has been threatening a microphone-enabled headset for the PSP since day one. And they introduced the PS2’s headset when SOCOM came out for that platform. Who wants to bet me that Sony is announcing a PSP headset when SOCOM comes out for the PSP on November 8?
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October 30th, 2005, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
Not many days left to enter or prepare your entrys for the PSP NEWS & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Comp, heres an update of all the info:
The contest will run from October 8th 00:01am 2005 to November 7th, 2005.
The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of November 7th , 2005).
Software can be for any version PSP.
Submissions for the contest should be sent to bluebolshi@hotmail.com or messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu UK forums or posted in the Private Developers Forum
Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically released before the winner of the contest is announced.
Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of entries is small starting November 8th.
Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
This competition is open to anyone and all software for the PSP.
The Judging will be done by 5 selected DCEmu Forum Members after a poll decides who the top 5 entries are (the poll will run for 2 days).
The winner will be announced on the 12th November 2005.
One main prize of a complete package of essential PSP accessories:
Logitech PlayGear Amp
External 3200mAh Battery Pack
Power Charging Cradle
Hori Portable Pouch Style (Ash Black)
Airform UMD Pocket (Black)
USB Transfer/Recharge Cable (2in1)
Liquid Crystal Filter
Good Luck 
So not too long now, remember you can enter as many times as you want and we accept any PSP Software including new unreleased versions of older publically released software, for example if a PSPGBA 30day Comp edition came out it could be entered, so hopefully you understand.
Now onto an important note, im looking for 5 Non coders to judge the entries should we get a number of entries thats too high for a poll, please reply to this to be able to be considered.
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October 30th, 2005, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
Team Xtender have posted a rather amusing article on how to make your own PSP To TV Device, here goes:
<blockquote>Take a camera with a video output and a piece of cardboard…cut the cardboard into the shape of a pyramid and hey presto you have created the PSPOnTV! Forget forking out 100 bucks for a high school type DIY project which will have many flaws as we will kindly illustrate to you below -:
NO dual shock PS2 controller support – that means you will have to try and play your PSP games on the big screen with a top-heavy and bulky PSP. Forget about going to the GYM, you can conduct those bicep curls whilst playing GTA: LCS with the PSPOnTV. Let’s not forget it’s other purpose as a chin rest after your hard workouts ;-).
Once you actually clip on the PSPonTV there will be minimal thumb space on your PSP, ultimately this will hamper your gaming experience considerably. Would you spend your hard earned cash on a device which will actually make your gaming experience inferior? We didn’t think so!
We have noticed Blaze’s attempt into the market, which rather unfortunately does look like a clone of PSPOnTV. Don’t be fooled by these inferior devices, they will be cloned by the masses as they are incredibly simple to make as we explained in the first few lines to an extent. There is only one minor flaw with the PSP2TV and that is the install is slightly harder, but the benefits of being able to use your dual shock controllers as well as a smooth direct capture far outweigh this minor disadvantage. This is no secret, and to hear our so called competition continuously use this ‘voiding warranty rant’ as ammunition just gets so mundane…
There is only one thing you can be sure of in the PSP to TV adapter market, our PSP2TV is the best solution for your big-screen PSP needs. Nothing else will ever come close the unparalleled success of the PSP2TV .
Stay tuned for an installation video coming up soon, the install only took 14 minutes to complete – 14 minutes for a trouble free PSP movie and gaming experience on the big screen.
P.S Did we mention that the PSP2TV will be ready for shipping to all our power sellers by the middle of next week?</blockquote>
Preorders your PSP2TV from Divineo China
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October 30th, 2005, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
I love these competitions and if i can let fellow PSP users in on them i damn well will, of course i wouldnt link to some scam site that claims FreePSPs when curiously they dont advertise them now (those that know what im getting at will have surely noticed the same too).
But anyway Eurogamer is having another competition to win a PSP and 3 UMD films and because i love competitions and freebies ill tell you too, heres the info:
<blockquote>To celebrate... I have absolutely no idea what we're celebrating any more, but [furious passing of notes commences AFK...] what we are celebrating is 20th Century Fox's decision to re-release, on the 7th of November, three films on UMD: Daredevil, starring Ben Affleck but not Matt Damon, Predator, starring The Governator himself Mr Schwarzenegger, and The Day After Tomorrow, starring that Jake chap out of Donnie Darko running around a frozen New York. S'ace.
To facilitate the celebrating of the re-releasing, we're giving away a brand spanking new PlayStation Portable along with all three films. All you have to do to enter is answer the question below (correctly) and hope that you make it out of the hat first. Do so and it's all yours. We'll let you know who won after the competition closes.</blockquote>
The question is
Q: Which of the following afflicts Ben Affleck's character in Daredevil?
Get your answers and name and email addy posted on the comp page here --> http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=61401
Ive entered 
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October 30th, 2005, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster

Joost Peters, Paolo Costabel, Thomas Mayer have just released a new version of ScummVM for the PSP which now works on v1.0,v1.5 and also v2.0 PSPs. Heres the info:
We are pleased to announce a long-awaited ScummVM 0.8.0 release. We, the ScummVM Team, have prepared a big pack of new features for you. the new version of ScummVM (0.8.0) was just released, which also marks the first official, non-beta, release of the PSP port! The PSP version contains vastly improved support for The Dig and The Curse of Monkey Island, a 2.00 EBOOT loader compatible version, and various other fixes and improvements. Some additional features are:
New improved launcher and in-game GUI
Support for Inherit the Earth and Gobliiins
Playstation Portable, Playstation 2 and EPOC/SymbianOS ports
CGA and Hercules rendering modes for some games
Preliminary support for NES and C64 LucasArts games
Official ScummVM PSP Forums are now at http://forums.scummvm.org/
Download Both V1.0/V1.5 and the V2.0 PSP Zips Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/scummvmpsp.shtml
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October 31st, 2005, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster

Source - Engadget
Not so sure about you, but this thing looks pretty much like an officially official Sony-made PSP headset to us. The first of what we hope will be many Sony-made PSP accessories to be released this holiday season — the PSP Giga Pack just isn’t quite sitting right with us right now as their sole offering. Apparently this bad boy’ll ship the 5th of November, and will run you up $19.99.
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October 31st, 2005, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Joystiq
On the evening of Tuesday, November 8, Joystiq will host a Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories meetup and virtual beatup to put the GTA:LCS ad-hoc multiplayer mode through its paces as part of our upcoming review of the game. If you’d like to join us, read on for details.
What: If we have enough responses, we’ll do a bracketed GTA:LCS tournament with prizes. If we just get a few people, it’ll be more casual.
When: Tuesday, November 08, 9pm ET till 1am ET (that’s 4 hours, so bring an extra battery, as the location won’t have outlets for charging!)
Where: At a bar in Philadelphia. Exact location is private, so post a response in this thread and an invite will be sent to the email address you use on the comment form. You will need to be 21 or older to get in to the location, so bring ID!
Chris Grant, who writes the games column over at indie mag Philadelphia Weekly, deserves props for helping us hatch this idea over beers at Joystiq’s Philadelphia HQ last night.
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October 31st, 2005, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Johnny has updated the PSP Media Player, heres what he posted:
the color space conversion (PIX_FMT_YUV420P -> PIX_FMT_RGBA32) is now done in asm + me
(note: no check for PIX_FMT_YUV420P, some codecs could be broken with this)
some numbers (talking about **csc only** with 480x272 res - @333mhz):
ffmpeg original: ~52 fps
my c version: ~64 fps
my asm version: ~70 fps (lol it's my first mips code, maybe someone could enter here and at least get a better instructions reordering)
asm + me: ~135 fps :O
this traduces in + 4-5 fps for 480x272 mpeg4sp @900 kbps
(low bitrates/resolutions have more speedup - due to a less idct bottleneck)
Get trying those avi and mpeg files and report back 
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/PSPmediaplayer.shtml
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October 31st, 2005, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony launched the "Yarouze" project back in 1995 to encourage development for the first Playstation. "Dokodemo Issho" and "XI[sai]" were two million-seller titles to come out of the project. Until the project closed in 1999, the company received a total of 1200 applications.
The project is back. Sony is re-establishing the project to encourage development on the Playstation 2, PSP, and Playstation 3. The press release is a bit lacking on specific details, but it does specify that Sony will "back up" developers, financially and technically, to get them established.
We can't say this means Sony is supporting homebrew, but we can at least say Sony wants to encourage people to get involved in programming for their devices. The official Japanese press release is below:
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November 1st, 2005, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.naoneo.com/
Psix project has been temp-terminated, neither me nor Qubitz have the time to maintain and work on the project at this time, may resume in the new year depending on what were up to then but no breath holding, additionally team xanxion has been dissolved, Dual Savours development has been halted and updates to this site will now cease, i have neither the time nor patience to deal with liars, untrustworthy assholes and blackmailers, to the testers that have the beta, feel free to leak it, it wont work on other peoples psp's anyway.
Feel free to direct your hate mail to someonewhocares@somesite.com
Later all, hope the homebrew scene doesn't die while i'm gone.
Hmm looks like that Shell for PSP is a goner 
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November 1st, 2005, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
PSPMillionaire has updated his Who Wants to be a Millionaire game written in Lua for the PSP, heres whats new:
To install:
You must already have PSPMillionaire 1.0a to install this Question Pack.
Drop all files in the rar file into your PSPMillionaire folder. Let it overwrite all the old files.
This Pack adds 140 questions to the game, bringing the total to 510 questions.
Download Here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspmillionaire.shtml
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November 1st, 2005, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a curious statement:
Take-Two is reducing its fiscal 2005 guidance to reflect several factors, including the movement of the launch of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for the PSP(TM) handheld entertainment system in certain European territories from the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005 to the first quarter of fiscal 2006, due to unexpected delays in final product testing and submission. Shipments of the title have been made to the UK in the fourth quarter, with the title expected to ship in the remaining European territories in late November."
"For Fiscal 2006, we are well positioned for the opportunities to extend our brands across the large installed base of current generation platforms, as well as next generation hardware including the two previously announced Rockstar Games titles for the PSP, one of which is a new Grand Theft Auto title."
-- Paul Eibeler, President & CEO, Take Two Interactive
SO there you go, a new GTA Title for next year.
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November 1st, 2005, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster

Denitro posted this news in our PSP Emulation and Homebrew forum:
Since the release of Attack of the Mutants 0.4, I've teamed up with my good friend Devin923 on a little side project. There's still a little work to do before an full release, but this is a Non-interactive Demo/Sampler of our project.
This is a Stepmania style game, with all original code and graphics.
The game will support ".SM" and ".DWI" step files, as this demo currently runs from a ".SM".
Please let us know what you guys think
Downloads and give feedback etc here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13147 or here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/psprevolution.shtml
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