April 1st, 2012, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Rumours of the so-called Sony Orbis project gather pace
Two design illustrations, thought to be related to Sony’s next generation games console, show customers dancing in front of a Kinect-like camera while another person views the footage from a connected mobile device.
The sketches, put together by Coque Design, have since been removed from the company’s website, yet were captured beforehand and arenow being redistributed across the internet.
The picture, found below, shows Coque Design’s client was named as “Sony PlayStation”. The project was labelled “illustrations & Sketches for new PlayStation Orbis features”.
Yesterday, a Kotaku report claimed that Sony’s next generation console is codenamed PlayStation Orbis.
Sony has declined to comment on the unverified report.
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April 1st, 2012, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
A group of players unhappy with Activision and Infinity Ward's post launch support for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 are calling on the wider community to join them in not playing the game for a day in protest.
Revealed in a YouTube video, the campaign urges players to refrain from playing Modern Warfare 3 online for 24 hours on April 20, and lays out a litany of problems with the game that its developer has thusfar declined to fix.
"This is a call to action to the Call Of Duty community," organisers explain in the video. "Join us and your fellow Call Of Duty players as we take a stand against Activision and Infinity Ward for their lack of support towards the community's needs and concerns.
"We have been ignored repeatedly when asking for quality post-release fixes to be implemented," it continues, before outlining several concerns including lag compensation, a "broken" spawn system, and a paucity of playlist options, especially for members of the Elite subscription service.
It all hinges on comments made by Robert Bowling, who until his resignation earlier this week was Infinity Ward's creative strategist. In an interview with MCV last year, he promised "an extreme focus on post-launch support [in MW3], and that was baked into the way we designed the game.
"We've baked a lot of things into the back end which will allow us to do the free updates, addressing player concerns, [and] adding stuff to the game more quickly and efficiently than we've ever done before."
That, the video producers claim, simply hasn't happened, and MW3suffers in comparison to its Treyarch-developed predecessor,Black Ops. That had a fully-featured replay mode, and displayed more detailed stats on scoreboards in objective games; two features whose absence is so lamented in the campaign video.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Further evidence has come to light suggesting that PlayStation Orbis is indeed the current codename for Sony's PS3 successor.
Kotaku spotted images on the website of design agency Coque Design. These were labelled "Illustrations & Sketches for new PlayStation Orbis features".
The showed an EyeToy like device mounted on top of a TV interacting with a smartphone of some sort.
Yesterday MCV reported claims -again from Kotaku - of some quite detailed specs for the new machine, way beyond anything published to date.
Firstly, the site reckons the new tech is operating under the codename PlayStation Orbis. As it points out, when combined with the name of its new handheld, 'Orbis Vita' means 'Circle of Life'.
It also believes the early build of the device packs an AMD x64 CPU and an AMD Southern Islands GPU, meaning it will be a powerhouse machine easily able to pump out full 60fps/1080p/3D visuals.
Contentiously, it is also said that the new machine will (like some have said of the Next Xbox) incorporate technology that will block the use of pre-owned games.
Games will be available on either Blu-ray disc or download and will be locked to individual PSN accounts. Interestingly, even games purchased physically will be available to download over PSN at any date after purchase.
Permanent online access and a PSN account will be required to activate and play titles, as we sometimes see with PC games. Pre-owned titles will be compatible with other machines, but will only offer limited functionality once linked to another PSN account.
It will also apparently offer no backwards compatibility with PS3, PS2 or PSOne titles.
Select Sony partner developers have reportedly already got their hands on early dev kits with a view to the first titles being ready in 2013 to coincide with the launch of the console.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Using Plex as your media server software is great, with its ability to organize and transcode media for playback on a variety of devices, but what about platforms that still lack a compatible client? The freshest beta version of Plex Media Server fixes that by supporting DLNA, making it compatible right out of the box with many of the HDTVs, Blu-ray players, game consoles and other connected devices released recently. There are some limitations when it's being used this way in terms of metadata and subtitle support, but we're pretty sure being able to access Plex at all from devices like the PS3 (as shown above), Xbox 360 and WDTV Live (the profiles it's been tested with so far) is worth it. Also featured in the beta is support for Silverlight Smooth Streaming, which comes in handy for the new Windows Phone 7 client app (Update: If you're not seeing it yet don't worry you're not alone, it's been approved by Microsoft and should be live soon, check the forum thread and blog post linked below for more information). Check out the blog post for all the details or just head to the download page to try it out yourself if you're on a Windows PC or Mac -- Linux builds are still being tested.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
While the promised Sony Xperia Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade rollout is quickly running out of March and into April for all models, the company has just unleashed a new beta version of the upgrade for Xperia Play owners. Following the alpha release in December and a beta update in February for the Arc S, Neo V and Ray, Sony has pushed this version for the Play to find out which games may need some work to be compatible with Android 4.0. The usual drawbacks remain however, so because this release requires unlocking your bootloader -- which will keep users from upgrading to the final ICS update when it comes out -- and it lacks such creature comforts as Google Mobile Services apps (Gmail, Google Maps, Face Unlock) it's intended for developers only. If your gamepad-equipped handset is staying official-upgrade only, you can safely check out a video of the beta ROM running on an Arc S embedded after the break and take this as a heads up that the final release is that much closer.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
SoulCalibur 5's lackluster single-player offerings majorly stuck in my craw when I reviewed it last January, and while the game's combat is primarily excellent, I couldn't overlook the fact that its story mode is, as I said in my review, "a 3-hour hodgepodge of indecipherable, confusing storyboard panels punctuated by random (although admittedly gorgeous) cinematics."
As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who wanted more from the game's story mode: "Our first plan on the storyboard was that we had every characters' story, and actually we do have it in the studio, but time-wise, man power-wise we weren't able to do it and only one fourth of what we planned to do is in the game," said SC5 director Daishi Odashima during an interview withTrain2Game.
In its current form, SC5's story mode follows the adventures of Sophitia's children Pyrrha and Patrokolos. Similar story modes would have existed forevery character, but developmental restrictions prevented that from happening. Voice overs for some characters' canned stories exist in a finished, usable state, but Namco Bandai currently has no plans for how (or if) they'll ever be used.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Disgaea developer Nippon Ichi has announced its bringing three JRPGs West exclusively for PlayStation 3.First up is internally-developed action RPG The Witch and the Hundred Knights, which sees you deploying the titular army for either evil or noble ends, depending on your whim.Exactly how it all works hasn't been detailed, but the screenshot gallery below should give you an idea of what's in store. It's due out in early 2013.Secondly, there's turn-based adventure MugenSouls, due out in the Autumn. Again, details are thin on the ground other than that it's developed by Hyperdimension Neptunia studio Compile Heart. There's a seizure-inducing trailer below.Finally, Legasista is a top-down roguelike due out on PlayStation Network in August. You'll form a team of three characters and set off to explore the Ivy Tower's randomly-generated dungeons. See the last screenshot gallery beneath the story for a closer look.
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April 1st, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/27/e...he-hk-version/
Apologies to all the people who bought the Everybody’s Tennis game from the HK store, it turns out that version is a 4th version of the game for which no exploit was prepared yet.
The HK version of the game is difficult to find, so if you happen to own that game on your PSP and are a bit technical savvy, you might want to give it a try and port VHBL to it. I’m convinced it’s just a matter of time, it just takes one guy.
So, to whoever will do that port, thanks in advance, and to people who are waiting for the HK version of VHBL, please stay tuned. Neither wth nor me were actually aware that the HK version was different from the other 3, so it might take a while for something to be ready, but we’re not forgetting you.
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April 2nd, 2012, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/28/v...sion-released/
That was fast! Following our discovery yesterday that the Honk Kong version of Everybody’s Tennis was different from the 3 other ones, wth got to work and adapted VHBL to this version.
I haven’t tested this, but hopefully people who bought the HK version of Everybody’s Tennis can confirm if it works.
WTH also hinted to me that he might be able to get rid of the current limitation on the European version of the exploit, in which people have to switch the language of their console to French before running VHBL. Stay tuned.
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April 2nd, 2012, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/30/r...m-arctic-edge/
Thanks to wth who improved VHBL while he worked on the Everybody’s Tennis port, we were able to improve slightly the Motorstorm port as well. I’m sure you don’t really care about the technical details, what matters is that games using the Quake Engine such as KurokPSP (and probably Quake itself) now work!
Geometry Wars Portable, which was also not working for some reason, is now working fine.
I’m sure other games are now compatible, but I didn’t test everything of course. Sadly, I still couldn’t get gpsp to work, but I heard some people are getting it to work fine through the Motorstorm exploit, if you do, please feel free to share links!
VHBL is a homebrew loader for the Playstation Vita. It allows you to run fanmade games as well as emulators on the PS Vita.
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April 2nd, 2012, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Inspired by the very good weather we start this nice little contest.
Post your ideas for new PS VITA related applications on the following Facebook site: CLICK. The best idea which is chosen by the most "like it"'s will be developed (if technically possible) and the inVentor of the idea wins Blazblue Continuum Shift Extended for the PS VITA.
My well informed sponsor GAMEFREAX joined the action and sponsors an official PS VITA bag for the winner !
If there are 2 very good ideas and iQD and me like both a lot, we can play our joker and the second best idea will be developed aswell. Surely the inventor of this idea won't go home with empty hands and wins
a copy of Little Deviants 
The rules are simple:
- no updates/extensions for old apps
- no clones of existing apps
- no piracy
The contest timerange is 1 week, until the 1st April.
We're curious about your ideas!
- SKFU & iQD
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April 2nd, 2012, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/03/26/...cfw-thrown-mix
As most of you know there are a few CFW's out there to choose from already. Currently there is 6.60-ME and 6.60PRO-B but some of you my remember when it all started back in the days of 2.71-SE and how it all progressed from there with Dark_AleX running the show than later M33. Well now PRO Firmware Team has added to the mix with the simply named CFW "6.XXPRO-C Beta". So your probably asking whats the difference? Well this iteration of CFW will allow users to play games Via adhoc. For a list of games working in this installment and the release notes have a look below.
The initial revision (0.01) is currently undergoing public beta tests with 10 confirmed compatible
titles so far:
God Eater
Gods Eater Burst
Mod Nation Racers
Untold Legends – Brotherhood of the Blade
Untold Legends – The Warriors Code
Virtua Tennis 3
Pangya Fantasy Golf
Blood Bowl
Worms Open Warfare 2
Worms Battle Islands
PSP. Note: PSP 1000 (aka FAT) isn’t compatible at the moment. You’ll need a PSP 2000, 3000 or Go. Street hasn’t got WiFi so it will be never compatible.
CFW PRO 6.XX Nightly Build installed on your PSP. No matter 6.20, 6.39 or 6.60.
PRO Online Client Pack: depending on what firmware you are on, download the matching one for: 6.20; 6.39; or 6.60.
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April 2nd, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
[source: Davee @ lolhax.org] Turns out he’s not just a green frog! So, I’ve been throwing this word around recently and it’s probably about time I explain. Kermit, either a protocol or perhaps a funny name (see KIRK/SPOCK) is a communication interface for the PSP emu. Specifically it allows the PSP to talk to the host. Now, I can tell there aren’t as many developers here, so I’ll try to simplify for the curious minds but this stuff is pretty complicated. I’ll only explain the API in detail as the lower level still need a little bit of clearing up, but here goes. Ok, Kermit is here so that the emu can communicate to the host to share resources and other vitality. Perhaps the primary reason is that of hardware; the PSP emu is excluded from many hardware devices. So kermit sets in and allows the system to talk to the vita in order to use the hardware. Blabbering aside, this is the hardware that kermit seems to be responsible for...
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April 2nd, 2012, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
WebEmu NES v0.1beta for PlayStation 3 is released. This is a web-based emulator, so you can access it with both OFW and CFW to play a few NES games. The emulator is still in beta form so you maybe find some issues. WEN is a first Web-Homebrew for PlayStation 3, u can play now a NES games. No need a Jailbreak or CFW, just a Web!. Works on any Firmware. This is still beta so you can cause low fps, or hangs a webbrowser . Ohh..and this version not support yet Dualshock/SixAxis only Keyboard.
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April 2nd, 2012, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher defends Street Fighter X Tekken's on-disc locked content
Capcom has responded to a wave of consumer complaints about its practice of charging for content shipped with the disc, but locked until that content is purchased as DLC.
When hackers found twelve finished characters hidden on the disc, Capcom announced that these would be made available later for 1600 Microsoft points, valued at $20 dollars.
Customers have since filed several compaints with the Better Business Bureau, citing "false advertising", and "dissatisfaction".
Cinemablend reports that Capcom has responded to these complaints by claiming there is no difference between DLC and disc-locked content.
"While Capcom is sorry that some of its fans are not happy about the chosen method of delivery for the DLC, we believe that this method will provide more flexible and efficient gameplay throughout the game's lifecycle," Capcom told the BBB.
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April 2nd, 2012, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Black Bean Games’ rally racer WRC 3 will hit UK shelves this October on PC, consoles and PS Vita.
It’s the latest official game of the 2012 FIA World Rally Championship and has once again been developed by Milestone.
The title has a new graphics and game engine, as well as all the rallies in the real 2012 WRC calendar. Gamers will be able to compete with leading WRC teams and drivers in the revamped career mode, too.
There are 50 official teams, Class 2 and Class 3 series and ‘Super Special Stages’.
UK publisher PQube has just signed a deal with Black Bean to handle sales, distribution and marketing for its racers in the UK. The first game released under this partnership is MUD – FIM Motocross World Championship which is due in Q2.
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April 2nd, 2012, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is pouring £1.5million into an Easter campaign for PlayStation Vita.
It is the second big-budget ad push for the handheld following the console’s February launch. Sony says its new school holiday campaign will appear in areas with high footfall.
“The Easter campaign will consist of high impact outdoor media, along with an extension to our existing digital, cinema and press activity,” UK marketing boss Alan Duncan told MCV.
“This, combined with new retail promotions, will further strengthen Vita’s presence in the market and keep it front of mind throughout the holiday period and beyond.”
Outdoor adverts have appeared in 3,600 locations last week and will remain there until after Easter.
The PS Vita Mobile sampling teams will visit stores, airports and shopping centres throughout the Easter holidays.
There will be additional print ads in Sport and Evening Standard Magazine, as well as a Metro cover wrap.
This will complement promotions that began at launch, including the Rizzle Kicks short film shown before selected films. Sony will also introduce demo units into cinema foyers.
Duncan added: “We have an always-on approach to Vita marketing, continually evolving and updating our campaigns to match the new and compelling entertainment experiences delivered by this uniquely powerful device.
“With Resistance: Burning Skies and Gravity Rush on the horizon we have the perfect launch pad to get the next wave of consumers on board.”
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April 2nd, 2012, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
Source indicates that Sony will actually launch its next console before Microsoft
Sony launched its PS3 a full year after Microsoft introduced the Xbox 360, and for the next generation things may be markedly different. Despite the fact that Sony has previously said it will "probably be the last to announce," a source has indicated to VG247 that Sony is "confident" it will launch its next PlayStation before Microsoft brings the next Xbox to market.
The report notes that both Sony and Microsoft are aiming for a Christmas 2013 launch for their respective systems but that Sony will get the jump this time.
"Sony are completely in the belief that they have the jump on Microsoft this time," VG247's sources said. "You should be watching the timing of next year's E3 keynotes, and who's going to go first."
"Top line publishers already know about it," another source said. "Developers working with publishers - like Ubisoft, for example - already know what's going on. They're already working on it."
And yet another source noted that more information is going to be issued about PS4 to developers under NDA in May. This news all closely follows last week's new set of rumors about the PlayStation Orbis name and its specifications.
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April 3rd, 2012, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
This rumor fulfills too many literary and ironic fantasies for us to completely ignore it, but for now it is very much and definitely a rumor: Monolith Productions, under WB Games Seattle, is working on The Hobbit: Part One, the video game tie-in for Peter Jackson's film The Hobbit, rumor hunterSuperannuation reports. WB was previously slated to handle the tie-in title with an expected launch this year, making this leap, well, hobbit-sized. We have reached out to WB for comment.
Superannuation pegs WB Seattle as handling the second Hobbit game as well, noting that WB Games Seattle consists of Monolith Productions almost entirely, after WB fired 60 employees from Snowblind Studios, Surreal Software and Monolith itself in November.
We're just in love with the idea of a studio called "Monolith" -- defined as alarge thing -- working on The Hobbit.
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April 3rd, 2012, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony acknowledged in a matter-of-fact response the cross-platform PS3/Vita title Warrior's Lair -- previously known as Ruin -- has not been canceled. We followed up with the publisher last week after forum murmurings (some since deleted) claimed the game had been canned and over half the staff at developer Idol Minds were let go.To the first point, a Sony representative plainly stated, "Warrior's Lair is still in development; it isn't cancelled."As to whether the game is still in development at Idol Minds and if there were any layoffs? Idol Minds has not responded to our request for comment.Warrior's Lair was revealed at last year's E3 as a Diablo-style RPG with interesting social features.Update: Idol Minds is no longer on the project. Still no word from the company about layoffs.http://www.joystiq.com/2012/04/02/ps...led-says-sony/
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April 3rd, 2012, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Vita/PS3 racer Motorstorm RC gets a meaty set of new content this Wednesday, Sony has announced.The Carnival expansion adds six new tracks: The Side Show, Fun House, Bite Size, Beach Party, Splash Down and Aqua Plane.There's also 24 new events to take part in, across Race, Pursuit, Hot Lap and Drift modes, and four new Trophies to pick up - one bronze, two silver and a gold.On top of all that, there are eight new vehicle models with four Carnival-style liveries per car, with each livery offering four color scheme choices.A UK/Euro price has not yet been confirmed, but US gamers can pick it up for $3.99.The Evolution Studios-developed racer was among the highlights of the Vita's launch line-up. Head over to Eurogamer's 8/10 Motorstorm RC review to find out why.
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April 4th, 2012, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Harmonix's Rock Band Blitz is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PSN. It was revealed on G4's X-Play this evening, and showed gameplay similar to that ofRock Band Unplugged. Dispensing with peripherals, the controller-based gameplay has dexterous finger gymnasts cruising down a note highway, hitting blocks and switching between instruments for maximum scores.
The title will launch with 25 tracks, but the real coup is that the game can access the current Rock Band library on your console. The game also has access to the Rock Band Music Store for more DLC, meaning there are potentially over 3,500 tracks to import. As a bonus, the 25 songs that are bundled with the game are playable in Rock Band 3.
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April 4th, 2012, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Is it about aliens who inspire fear? Is it about aliens who are, themselves, afraid? Maybe it's about a new emotion that arrives from outer space? We don't know, but we'll find out in Alien Fear, a new Unreal Engine-based shooter coming to PSN (for PS3) and XBLA.
Alien Fear is a downloadable FPS in which players control a "highly trained elite commando on a mission of sabotage," in single-player or co-op, with gameplay designed as a "sustained burst of arcade aggression." So ... yeah, maybe it is the aliens who are afraid.
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April 4th, 2012, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's had such success with its PSN Spring Fever discount promotion the last few weeks that it's been extended an additional week. Joining the launch ofWheels of Destruction tomorrow are discounts across the board for all Mortal Kombat kontent.
The Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, which contains the original Mortal Kombat and sequels Mortal Kombat 2 and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, is on sale for $6.99, and $4.99 for PS Plus subscribers. In addition to that, all DLC content for Netherrealm's Mortal Kombat reboot is on sale, either as individual fighter downloads for $3.49 each ($2.44 if you're a PS Plus subscriber) or all together in one bundle for $10.49; $7.47 if you're a PS Plus subscriber.
Finally, you can download Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe at a reduced cost of $13.49, but you may want to read a few reviews before pulling the trigger on that one. Just saying!
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April 4th, 2012, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been troubled by your Vita going into sleep mode prematurely while you wait to connect with opponents in Wipeout 2048, listen up. Firmware version 1.65 -- to be released "soon" adds a new option to the Power Saver settings tab, extending the time before the PS Vita goes into sleep mode to 10 minutes.
In addition to the new Power Saver option, a notification alert will be added to the settings area, allowing users to toggle notifications on and off. Oh, and CAPS LOCK is being added to the on-screen keyboard for those times when telling somebody gg kthxbye just doesn't properly convey your appreciation and enthusiasm.
The last addition is an arrow icon that will be displayed when your PS Vita "finds new activities in the LiveArea."
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April 4th, 2012, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has temporarily pulled newly released Vita firmware update version 1.65 due to a technical fault.
The firm said in a statement on the PS Blog that those who have already downloaded it will be unaffected and can continue to use their system as normal."PS Vita system software update 1.65 has been taken down temporarily due to a technical fault," the platform holder explained.
"For any customers who may have already downloaded the firmware, they can continue as normal. We will notify you once the latest system software update is available to download again."
Earlier today Sony detailed a number of "minor enhancements" featured in the update.
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April 4th, 2012, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Mozilla join list of supporters for event
The prize pool for the upcoming UK game development competition GameHack has risen to £15,000.
Prizes for the two-day Tiga-run event, which has developers create an original game in 24 hours, include a PlayStation Vita development kit, a sound mix day at Pinewood Studios, a professional license for Marmalade and £3,000.
Cateogories for the event include best cross-platform application, best use of mobile, HTML5, Flash and a games trailer challenge.
As well as revealing a larger prize pool, the trade body also announced Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Mozilla as supporters of the event.
“We're passionate about engaging with the game developer community to better understand what they want from the web,” said Mozilla technical evangelist Rob Hawkes.
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April 4th, 2012, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Jennifer Hale, voice of the female Commander Shepherd in theMass Effect series, has spoken for the first time about the furore surrounding the ending to Mass Effect 3.
Since the release last month of the final part of Bioware's sci-fi trilogy, the internet has been awash with ill-feeling over the apparently lacklustre end to the game. A campaign to pressure BioWare into changing the ending drew support from thousands of fans, raising $80,000 for gaming charity Child's Play. In an interview on Tuesday, Hale broke her silence on the matter.
"I was surprised about the level of passion about the ending," she said. "But there's something really great about that, too: It says people are invested and they really care and they don't want to let go, which is awesome because I don't, either."
Hale says she knows nothing of what's coming in the new content that BioWare CEO Ray Muzyka says will address people's complaints over the game's ending. She hasn't been contacted by the team, hasn't had a recording session, or been given any indication that she will be needed for this new content.
However, she would be happy to oblige in the case that changes. Hale admits that regardless of whether she utters another word as FemShep again, she's pretending there's going to be more Mass Effect ahead because "I prefer to live in denial about it because it makes me too sad.
"I have mixed feelings about [the prospect of a new ending]," she admits. "I really respect the team and what they did and how hard they worked. And endings are hard! They're cutting new ground; the players are so involved in this game that to come up with an ending to something everyone's got their hand in is a huge challenge.
"So maybe it's going to take a little work to get everything sorted in a way that's going to make everybody happy."
When asked if she had any idea how developer Bioware might respond if fans don't care for the second stab at the ending, Hale laughed and said: "I don't know. Thank God I'm not a writer!"
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April 4th, 2012, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
The Grand Theft Auto series has been selected to feature in a new exhibition at the Victoria And Albert Museum in London.
British Design 1948 - 2012: Innovation In The Modern Age showcases numerous high points of post-war British design, spanning the period between the 1948 Olympics in London and this summer's games, which will also be held in the city.
The exhibition, which opened on March 31 and runs until the close of the Olympics on August 12, features a commemorative video chronicling the history of Rockstar's series. Tickets cost £13.50; for more, follow the source link below.
Source: V&A
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April 4th, 2012, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
A new PS Vita system update, version 1.66, has been released, and it fixes an issue preventing members of the PlayStation Plusservice from playing Minis given away with their subscriptions on Sony's new handheld.
As we revealed in February, new Vita owners were met with error messages when trying to load their PS Plus Minis, despite being able to download and install them. Sony acknowledged the issue, and said it was working on a fix.
That fix has come, along with what Sony admits are "minor enhancements" to Vita's functionality. Notifications can be toggled on or off; the system can be set to enter sleep mode after ten idle minutes; and the on-screen keyboard can now be set to caps lock.
The update was released yesterday as version 1.65, but was removed due to a "technical fault." Expect news updates to be thin on the ground this morning as we reacquaint ourselves with Where Is My Heart?
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April 4th, 2012, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Digital Foundry assesses the extraordinary rumours surrounding the next-gen Sony console.
It's shaping up to be one of the most extraordinary tech stories of the year. If the rumours are true, Sony is leaving its Cell architecture behind, instead working closely with AMD on its next-generation PlayStation.
Last week, the story took on a new dimension with Kotaku posting a major scoop: the machine is codenamed Orbis, and furthering the previous rumour, does indeed sport both main processor and graphics core from AMD. Since Kotaku's exclusive, information has started to leak from other sources - according to VG247, the new console is set for a Christmas 2013 release, so directly head-to-head with the debut of the next-gen Xbox.
"The race is on. With PlayStation Orbis, Sony is looking to meet Microsoft head-on with a Q4 2013 release."
Meanwhile, PlayStation Orbis sketches leak, suggesting a touchscreen/camera combination is part of the proposition, while the codename appears to resolve successfully on Sony's developer portal in the same way that Vita codenames also link through to the site - which is IP white-listed by the way in case you're wondering why you can't get any further.
The evidence such as it is all seems to suggest that the next-generation PlayStation will be arriving more quickly than we imagined, and its hardware make-up signifies a radical departure from the spirit of the designs conjured up during the Ken Kuturagi era.
It's the rumoured choice of CPU from AMD that has surprised many. With PlayStation 3, Sony continued its traditions of bespoke architecture by helping to create the Cell - a central processing core surrounded by eight satellite co-processors (one of which is deactivated to improve chip yields, another of which was blocked off from developers and used for security). Processing performance on the SPU remains absolutely out of this world, and many argue that it's the defining characteristic of the hardware in its first-party exclusive titles enjoying technological advantages over their Xbox 360 counterparts. Unfortunately, SPU coding has proved challenging for many third party games developers, despite the best efforts of Sony's engineering teams in providing robust libraries that allow for advanced features to be almost literally dropped into existing code.
There's also the inconvenient truth that a lot of SPU power was spent on tasks that are typically associated with the graphics chip - in effect, the power of the Cell was often being used to make up for a shortfall in the capabilities of the PS3's RSX. The notion of moving GPU tasks onto the main processor worked for PlayStation 3 but it's somewhat at odds with the way technology is developing generally - the rise of DirectCompute and OpenCL is all about offloading tasks uniquely suited to the massively parallel architecture found in GPUs and freeing up more CPU time, a complete reverse on Sony's strategy with PS3.
"The exotic, vision-driven hardware that characterised the Kuturagi era is over. Sony's strategy is to buy in the best tech and to concentrate its resources on superior game creation tools."
There is interesting talk in VG247's story about abandoned work on a next-generation Cell processor running with 24 SPU co-processors - a route that would have potentially made backwards compatibility with PS3 an option for the new hardware. Unfortunately it would also have increased the issues developers have had with SPU programming, particularly when it comes to scheduling/coordinating tasks. Running six SPUs effectively in parallel took time even for first party Sony developers (check out all the unused SPU time in Killzone 2) so the notion of handling 24 simultaneously would be even more problematic for those less au fait with the architecture.
Backing away from Cell may well surprise or even upset some, but it's entirely in keeping with a firm looking to extract maximum performance from its overall silicon budget - and it's exactly the same strategy the firm employed for PlayStation Vita, licensing established technology from the best in the business and concentrating its own efforts on superior development tools. Some may lament that the era of exotic, vision-driven hardware from Sony that characterised the Kuturagi era is over, but it's safe to say that a combination of non-standard, challenging architecture and lacking devtools contributed significantly to the PS3's uncertain early start.
PS4 represents the ability for Sony to hit the ground running from day one: AMD has proven that it can deliver in terms of both CPU and GPU design, plus the company has unrivalled experience in combining both into a single chip. While it's unlikely to happen at launch, the ability to consolidate hardware like this is immensely valuable in reducing costs at a later stage in the console's lifecycle - something that Microsoft has already achieved with its slimline 360S, and a strategy that Sony itself employed in the past with PlayStation 2.
This approach has already yielded dividends with PlayStation Vita, where Sony's focus on creating the tools to get the best out of the licensed hardware resulted in an extremely strong launch line-up, and it's an area where the platform holder will need to be at the top of its game in its upcoming battle with Microsoft. Having devised and implemented DirectX 11, the Xbox makers are at the forefront of rendering technology, a crucial advantage the firm has over Sony, having worked with the GPU vendors directly in helping to architect next-gen rendering.
"Memory and bandwidth haven't seen an enormous, generational leap since the launch of the current-gen consoles. Exceeding 2GB of RAM will be a tough challenge for both Sony and Microsoft."
Curiously, VG247's story talks about the new PlayStation also using DX11. While the core hardware available to Sony with Orbis will almost certainly be a DX11-capable part, the notion of Sony actually utilising its competitor's API doesn't hold much water. Far more likely would be utilisation of OpenGL, something not unknown to Sony with its existing "PSGL" support for PlayStation 3, with OpenCL able to carry out DirectCompute style functions that are at the heart of DX11.
For its current generation console, Sony even went so far as to develop its own low-level interface with the graphics hardware - libgcm - and we may well see something similar for the new console. It's believed that there's something very similar indeed implemented with Vita, and it's highly likely that Sony would want to preserve as much commonality as possible with the workflows it established for its current generation machines.
Previously it's been our understanding that the platform holders were keen on extending the current console lifecycle until at least 2014, only unleashing replacement hardware at that point. Bringing forward the release to 2013 creates a fundamental challenge for both PlayStation and Xbox replacements. The focus on specs is all about the CPU and graphics core, but the idea of 2013 launch for both consoles has clear ramifications in terms of memory and bandwidth - these important areas have not seen anything like the same level of performance gains since the current gen console era kicked off in 2005.
Reports on next-generation Xbox target specs have been discounted by many because they mention a paltry 2GB of system RAM - a seemingly conservative amount bearing in mind that PC graphics cards now routinely ship with the same amount of memory. In an age where smartphones pack 1GB of RAM and where even the $25 Raspberry Pi offers 256MB of onboard memory, the notion of such a small amount of memory in both next-gen consoles may seem unlikely - especially as RAM is often cited as the most important element for developers in a fixed hardware design. Unfortunately, with the technologies available today, exceeding 2GB is going to be very challenging for both Sony and Microsoft.
However, RAM comes in many different forms and performance memory limits the options available to the platform holders. The technology used in PC graphics cards - GDDR5 - appears to be the best bet for a console aiming for mass production by mid 2013. The problem here is one of memory density - at the moment 256MB of RAM is the highest amount of memory that can be packed onto a single chip. Multiple chips can be stacked together and accessed in parallel, but then the memory bus that connects them to the rest of the system becomes a lot more complex - and more expensive - to make. At 2GB we're already looking at eight memory modules crammed onto the mainboard, and 4GB would see that doubled to what could be an unmanageable 16, bringing with it the necessity for an expensive 256-bit or even a 512-bit memory bus.
"Efficiency in design and carefully managing costs will be essential in making launch prices for next-gen consoles affordable and sustainable for the platform holders."
Ten years ago the platform holders may have considered throwing money at the problem to make it go away (360 and PS3 were extraordinarily cutting-edge for their time) but a lot has changed over the last few years, not least due to the near-collapse of the world economy - efficiency in design and carefully managing costs will be essential in making launch prices for next-gen consoles affordable and sustainable for the platform holders.
Generally speaking, console design is a fine art - typically, it's about cramming in as much processing potential as possible into a 200W power envelope and while there's clearly a lot of leeway from a design perspective, the materials and production processes available are very much known quantities - supplied as they are by third parties with technological roadmaps that are a matter of public record.
A successor to GDDR5 is some way off and a solution based on DDR4 - supposedly set for mainstream production later this year - may well be viable but would present performance issues, perhaps requiring the addition of expensive eDRAM (it's thought that Wii U uses this solution - ultra-fast "work" RAM backed up by fairly slow memory for the main system RAM). Unless memory densities on GDDR5 improve or an innovative alternative comes to light, 2GB may well be all we get - a far cry from the 8GB many developers crave and which is fast approaching the standard in gaming PCs.
Could the rush to bring next-gen consoles forward by a year have compromised a key element of the design? Will memory density increase in time for a 2013 mainstream launch, or is there some other application of existing technology we're not yet aware of? How Sony and Microsoft attempt to overcome the 2GB ceiling may well be a crucial factor in the overall level of power and longevity in their next-generation systems.
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April 4th, 2012, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Shortly after unleashing (and quickly pulling back) the PS Vita's v1.65 firmware update, Sony's rapidly rolling out a followup release. Version 1.66 brings with it a few UI tweaks, including tidbits such as the addition of a progress bar during app installs, notification alerts now only popping up for three seconds, plus the option to tap Retry / Cancel when running into troubles during location search. Games like Unit 13 and Gravity Daze will also see "functional improvements," while the Near app is getting a direct link to the PlayStation Store, making it easier to grab apps that other folks are toying with. The refresh is up for grabs now, so be sure to hit that System Software on your quad-core beast, or head over to the source below if you're in need of some guidance.
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April 6th, 2012, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Next-Gen console to feature custom Radeon HD 7670 and AMD quad core processor with integrated graphics chip
The technical specifications for Sony’s next generation console have been leaked, according to a report.
Sources have told IGN that the Playstation 4, codenamed Orbis, will feature custom chips based on the Radeon HD 7670 GPU and AMD’s A8-3850 APU.
The HD 7670 is a rebranded version of the HD 6670, reported to be integrated into Microsoft’s next Xbox console, meaning the next-gen systems could pack similar power.
The A8-3850 meanwhile features a quad-core 2.9ghz processor with an integrated graphics chip.
The sources said however that whilst current system specifications harness these chips, this could change before the system launches.
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April 6th, 2012, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony CEO Kaz Hirai will front a briefing in Tokyo next week to outline Sony’s new business strategy.
Reuters reports that Sony is coming under increasing pressure to “to turn around its business” after predicting a $2.7bn net loss for its current fiscal year.
Obvious changes could revolve around its tablet PC and smartphone businesses, though the games industry will be keeping its eyes open for any mention of its current PlayStation Orbis project.
Rumours about the new machine have been gathering pace, and there’s now no doubt that development of a new console is well underway with a view to launch in 2013.
Gamers will also be waiting to hear any new Vita information. With sales of the handheld slowing dramatically in all markets, fans will be hoping for increased activity from the platform holder regarding the platform.
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April 6th, 2012, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
XSeed Games is bringing acclaimed PS3 title Way of the Samurai 4 to PSN in the US one year after its Japan release.
The action game was first released in Japan in March 2011, where it was published by Spike and developed by Acquire. It picked up a Gold Award with Japanese mag Famitsu.
Way of the Samurai 4 begins in 19th Century Japan. Players take control of their own customisable samurai who can roam the world and embark on various quests. Like Namco Bandai’s Demon’s Souls, gamers can also roam in other users’ games as an assassin to try and defeat them.
“Way of the Samurai 4 is the latest instalment of a prized series that we know will be well-received by fans here,” said Ken Berry, director of publishing at XSeed Games.
“In this new game, much more will be told of the epic battles fought in Japan in a way that further evolves the series, including branching storylines, multiple endings, a unique online element, as well as some random silliness and craziness that players have come to expect of the brand.”
XSeed localisation specialist Tom Lipschultz added: “Spike and Acquire’s Way of the Samurai 4 is confirmed for release in North America on the PS3, and we at XSeed Games are pleased to be bringing it to you fully uncut and uncensored.”
The game will arrive exclusively on PSN as a digital download in North America. A street date or UK release has not yet been confirmed.
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April 6th, 2012, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Naughty Dog has word that new content for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception will arrive next week on the Playstation Store.
Coming next Tuesday April 10th, four new DLC maps will be available for the multiplayer portion of the game. Maps The Graveyard, Old Quarter, London Streets, and Oasis will each come with unique, dynamic events.
"In Graveyard, a patrol boat will circle the border and launch grenades," said Naughty Dog's Community Strategist Eric Monacelli stated on the U.S. PlayStation Blog. "In Oasis, a passing plane will drop a shipping crate that can flatten you (or your enemy!) if you don’t make way. If you're smart enough to stay out of the crate's shadow, you may score the power weapon that resides inside. London Street and Old Quarter contain dynamic events as well… but we want to leave you a couple big surprises, don't we?"
The premium content will run $9.99, but will come as a free offering to those who are members of the Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunters' Club.
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April 8th, 2012, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, I'm surprised too. Rock Band Blitz, despite its superficial similarity to Harmonix's PS2 music games Frequency and Amplitude, is fundamentally different from those -- and from Rock Band. Well, okay, you're still hitting buttons in time to music, represented by icons coming down the screen. It's notthat far gone.
But almost everything else has been rethought. Instead of Rock Band's five "buttons" per instrument or Frequency's three, each instrument track in Blitz is limited to two tracks, with imported tracks converted algorithmically from the original Rock Band version. It is, technically, a simplification, but it's still challenging enough when you're juggling four or five instruments. And when you're playing "Symphony of Destruction."
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April 8th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Shepard will look like his/her old self next week when BioWare flips the switch on the Mass Effect 3 patch, which is expected to resolve many of the most requested problems with the space opera. No, the ending is not one of them.
The patch will go live on April 9 for PC and April 10 for Xbox 360 and PS3. The big fix for Mass Effect veterans will be to Shepard's facial features coming fromMass Effect 1 and 2, which should now import properly into the trilogy's conclusion. Several game-crashing bugs and online issues have also been addressed.
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April 9th, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Skullgirls' previously undetermined PSN release date has been totally determined, with the game now set to launch at $14.99 in the Americas on Tuesday, April 10 – one day ahead of the XBLA release. The game's PSN launch dates in Europe, Australia and New Zealand are unfortunately still a mystery, although Wednesday's XBLA release does include those territories.
Skullgirls is also knee-deep in the tournament fighting scene and will be making appearances at several major tournaments around the country -- appropriate, considering that it's been designed specifically with serious competitive fighting in mind. This will be helpful for people who are curious about Reverge Labs' debut title, but are also strangely adverse to downloading trial versions of things. Finally, a way to support your local fighting game community and indulge your bizarre eccentricities simultaneously.
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April 9th, 2012, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will cut about 10,000 jobs, which equates to about six percent of its global workforce, by the end of the year. The move comes after the Tokyo-based electronics firm more than doubled its loss forecast on April 5 to $2.9 billion, and the recent hiring of a new CEO, Kazuo Hirai, on April 1. Hirai looks to downsize Sony and pivot the company in a new direction to get out of the red for the first time in four years. The company will reportedly sell off its chemical products division, cutting about 3,000 workers in the process, and also make cuts within its small and midsize LCD operations. Sony did not say if it would cut these jobs in Japan, abroad, or both
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April 9th, 2012, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Grand Theft Auto V will be released in October this year, if the CV of a Rockstar North animator turns out to be accurate.
Character animator Alex O'Dwyer seemed fairly decisive about the launch in his CVs on both Google Documents and LinkedIn.Both were pulled offline swiftly after Joystiq's initial report on the revelation, and Rockstar is yet to respond to requests for comment.
A holiday 2012 launch isn't too far fetched, and would be rather pleasant considering recent reports suggesting the game won't arrive until 2013.
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April 9th, 2012, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/08/s...rking-on-vhbl/
Hey everyone, long time no blog!
I’ve been busy recently, trying to help many people porting their PSP Game exploits to VHBL. As I worked on this for the past weeks, it has become a bit clear to me that Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Everybody’s Tennis were both games with “ideal” conditions for porting HBL.
HBL Requires a subset of functions of the PSP SDK in order to run, and if the exploited game does not import these functions, it is difficult for HBL to even start. These functions are required to clean up the ram, start/stop threads, etc… In theory, most games should have these functions, but practically, I’ve seen over the past weeks that many games are missing one or 2 functions that are essential for HBL, and it seems Motorstorm and Everybody’s Tennis were some kind of exceptions.
These problems did not exist prior to Firmware 6.60, as we were able to access all functions, even those that were not imported by the game, provided we were able to estimate the syscalls attached to them. Estimating syscalls was easy to do up to firmware 6.20, but the logic was slightly changed after that, although we always found workarounds. For firmware 6.60, which has techniques against both perfect syscalls, and use non imported functions, it didn’t matter too much as we could sign homebrews (and JJS did create a 6.60 version of HBL, which bypassed the limitations of firmware 6.60 simply by having the loader – a signed homebrew which we used as the “game” to be exploited – import as many functions as possible).
Of course, signing PSP homebrews is not useful on the Vita, so we couldn’t use this trick for VHBL, and we’ve just been lucky that Motorstorm and Everybody’s Tennis import so many functions.
That being said, I have improved HBL recently in order to be a bit more “resilient” in such a hostile environment (many thanks to JJS, as often, for his great suggestions). If you’ve found an exploit in a game, and have been stuck porting VHBL to it because your game was missing some functions, please update your VHBL repository, and give it a try again, starting by regenerating your config files with the tool gen_exploit_config.rb. You might get lucky…and if not, you should feel free to contact me to see if I can help more.
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April 9th, 2012, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/09/w...al-vita-hacks/
People contact me regularly to ask why I’m spending time hacking the PSP emulator of the Vita, rather than the Vita itself. Others are wondering why we haven’t seen a true vita hack yet. So, what’s the current status?
It needs to be understood that one of the main reasons the PSP was easily hacked was because it allowed unsigned content to run in its first iteration. It is safe to believe that Sony did not do the same mistake with the Vita.
One of the consequences is that without any hardware, it is difficult to understand the internals of the Vita, and that makes software hacks close to impossible. For software hacks to be even possible, we need to understand the internals of the vita. This is something that we’ve been discussing here, for those interested. Of course, there are software attempts at understanding the Vita better (Davee is probing the walls of the psp emulator, Dridri is investigating USB communications, SKFU is playing with the network, etc…)
Many of us have a few crashes that could be interesting on the Vita, but of course, a software crash is basically useless until we have the tools to analyze it, and possibly turn it into an exploit. For this, most likely, Hardware hackers will be required… but even that is not a given, since hardware on these devices is made more and more difficult to investigate. Everything can be hacked of course, it’s just a matter of time and money, but I am wondering if we are reaching a point where investigating such a device from a hardware point of view has become complex and expensive enough that a hobbyist tinkerer will not do it, only people/companies will do it, as an investment to future sales (I’m thinking for example of Datel, or, more recently, the whole usb dongle thing going on with the PS3).
What do you guys think? Has it become too expensive for an individual to investigate the hardware of new generation consoles?
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April 9th, 2012, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/05/pro-online-client
The PSP scene is still kicking despite the Vita being out. Coldbird and co. are constantly working on improving their PRO Online Client that was first released a week ago.
The PRO Client allows you to play adhoc games via infrastructure on the Prometheus' server in a manner similar to Xlink Kai. It functions as an addon to those already on the 6.xx PRO custom firmwares and for those rocking a PSP Slim or newer.
To get you up to speed, the client now has an online menu, keyphrase chat support, a key binding that exits you to the XMB, offline Adhoc Mode and support for Tekken 6. To date, the client supports 12 titles:
•Blood Bowl
•God Eater
•Gods Eater Burst
•Mod Nation Racers
•Pangya Fantasy Golf
•Split Second Velocity
•Tekken 6
•Untold Legends – Brotherhood of the Blade
•Untold Legends – The Warriors Code
•Virtua Tennis 3
•Worms Battle Islands
•Worms Open Warfare 2
With the plug being pulled on official servers, this definitely will prolong the life of these games. If you aren't already the client, you can grab everything you need below.
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April 9th, 2012, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/05/...-between-games
New homebrew and plugins are still being pushed for the PSP. Just the other day, we've seen an entirely new UMD Dumper hit the scene. To join it, is an update to Quickboot.
Quickboot is a plugin that allows you to quickly switch between games and applications without having to return to the XMB. It doesn't matter whether the next thing you're launching is a homebrew, an ISO or a PSX game, Quickboot does it all. To make the transistion seamless and to ensure that you don't have to return to the XMB, Quickboot can also change the ISO driver in use.
You'll need to free up anything that uses the NOTE key such as screenshot plugins as that is the one you'll be using to bring up the Quickboot menu. You can grab Quickboot below.
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April 9th, 2012, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
PkgView is a tool for extracting files from PS3 pkg. This tool 100% legal it contains no code sony. PkgView also has a graphical interface that simplifies the extraction of both individual files and the complete package.
PkgView Changelog Version 1.3 --------------------------------- Added support for pkg psx / psp Added progress bar of tasks in Windows 7 Version 1.2 --------------------------------- FIX: I kept failing to extract large files. FIX : Problems in interpreting the structure. FIX: Other problems in the extraction. more descriptive extraction window. Optimized extraction retail pkg. Now create a log extraction. Version 1.1 ------------ --------------------- FIX: Failed to extract large files Version 1.0 -------------------- ------------- FIX: PARAM.SFO not appear. FIX: Empty folders not appear. Added support for retail pkg (thanks to the implementation of Mathieulh). Now accepts pkg passed as parameter. Added support to drag the application pkg. Added option in the source folder Extract Added extension association. pkg Added option Extract here in the context menu of Windows. BETA 2 ------------ --------------------- FIX: Duplicate Folders and files out FIX: Check if the pkg is debug folder Added extraction Improved extraction algorithm BETA 1 --- ------------------------------ First version
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April 9th, 2012, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/09/...ate-660-me-lme
After releasing his firmware dumper for the psp GO, neur0n is back with an update to his 6.60 ME & LME custom firmwares.
The v1.7 update to the ME & LME versions fixes a bug where the PSP would freeze if it entered sleep mode with the "Speed Up MS access" feature enabled and adds a "Text Color" option to the recovery menu. neur0n has also refactored the code in the firmware.
If you have 6.60 ME / LME already on your PSP, you can use the firmware's Network Update feature to update the firmware or manually update them using the files found on neuron's site. If not, then you will have to take the long way out.
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April 9th, 2012, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Since rewrite of pcsp has gone further than we expected , and the resulting emulator has nothing to do with the old one , for avoiding confusion between old and new pcsp we decided to rename new pcsp to
You can find the new site here : www.pspe4all.com
Old pcsp site will still be online to d/l older versions of the emulator. There might be some update to latest 0.5.4 release as well
Stay tuned
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April 9th, 2012, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
The True Blue, the first two JailBreak dongle that can play games on CFW 3.55 3.6 + could not keep a monopoly on the underground scene PS3, it was quickly copied in a "hardware" by another team has released the first clone JB-called king.
They were able to crack the three last update of the True Blue namely 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 with the latest CFW TB V2 compatible with consoles downgradées. With this success the price of JB-king is lower than that of True Blue, in France it costs around 45 euros only. A second clone behalf JB2USB, three times cheaper to set up in China, it is a marketed everywhere but is currently limited to the 2.3 update therefore compatible only with 60 patches EBOOTs TB, the latest games do not work on it. In response, the True Blue team decided to respond by revealing a nasty surprise, they say that users of the cracked 2.5 update on the JB-king may have their console freezée with the internal hard drive completely formatted. Quote of 5-4-2012: Warning for those who bought a clone True Blue: we implement anticlones technology in the firmware of True Blue accurately detects active clones and one of the random as erased the internal hard drive. The update software 2.5 of the JB-king is especially affected by these measures, anyone using this clone will be subject to loss of data due to Hard Disk Wiping and other effects. OF Further measures are under development and will be deployed soon. Clones of True Blue EBOOTs will be blocked and will not work with these dongles. Buying real True Blue. JB-king The team was quick to respond, she confirms that she is able to crack future updates of the True Blue CFW and possible future of the latter. Quote: - The JB-king can handle all the updates to come. - The JB-king can not be blocked without the True Blue is blocked. - Users of the JB-king does not have to worry about the updates coming they will be cracked quickly. As we have done successfully with the 2.3 2.4 2.5. - We strongly condemn the behavior of the TB team competition with its malevolent, threatening to transform the console consumer brig for monopolizing the market for chips. - If the Team TB program malicious code for the JB-king, True Blue users can not be excluded. It can not be completely identified, so it could not be blocked by the update 2.4. This story does not end here, it seems that new clones of True Blue begin to appear in China, these latter have the same format as the True Blue but within the hardware is different, the TB team says they can not mount any loose True Blue, worse than the JB2USB. Quote of 6-4-2012: We have seen that some unscrupulous Chinese circulate fake dongle True Blue. These dongles is very similar to true externally, but internally a pcb inexpensively, which they do not work with the True Blue CFW V2 or any firmware above 2.3. Therefore this dongle does not work with any recent EBOOTs, all patches since the beginning of the year. In addition, the hardware platform on which it is based clone appears to be almost identical to clone JB2USB that surfaced there some time ago. It is likely that the channels that distribute JB2USB are the same as those clones True Blue, so beware of shops that sell the JB2USB because they can sell you a fake.
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April 9th, 2012, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Sony PSP emulator has been updated. Changes:
- Module loading (this allow more games to run, including some software like PRX Decrypter or LUA Player)
- Automatical EBOOT decryption. It will decrypt EBOOTs on the fly. This will allow lots and lots of new games to start running. (But still requires some work to get most of them ingame).
- Note: with those improvements I have noticed lots of games start running, and some more starting like: Princess Crown and Ys The Ark of Napishtim.
- Now you can drag & drop executable files on the emulator window
- Implemented bltzal/bltzall required for some games
- Implemented DXT1
- Fixed DX3 R<->B
- Added lots of new APIs and fixed some of them.
- Added a new versioning system. Releases now are denoted by the date eg: 20120407, git revision: 959572e63973662303c2dfd80f6fb60eaebb4072, and now also a count revision r256. This is an incremental number that indicates the number of commits to the repository.
File: Download
News source: http://pspemu.soywiz.com
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April 10th, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming PS Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken will feature cross-platform multiplayer, Capcom has announced, allowing those playing on Sony's new handheld to face off against PS3 players.
The feature, revealed at Capcom's Captivate event in Rome last week, is a first for the Street Fighter series, and will doubtless be a cause of some concern for PS3 owners given that the Vita version will offer a simplified control scheme, making use of Vita's touch capabilities, and multiplayer battles over 3G.
The Vita release will be the first to offer 12 new characters. From the Street Fighter series come Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Guy, Elena and Sakura; representing the Tekken side are Alisa, Bryan, Christie, Jack, Lars and Lei.
Those 12 characters are already on the Street Fighter X Tekkendisc, with Capcom saying last month that they would be unlocked through a DLC update after the Vita version is released in the autumn. PS3 players who buy the Vita version will get the DLC characters for free.
PS3 and Vita players will also be able to share save data, including character customisation and gem loadouts, across both platforms.
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April 10th, 2012, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has announced a third entry in its Lost Planet series, due in early 2013 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Players are cast as Jim, a rig pilot who takes on a dangerous, but lucrative, contract on EDN III, the snowy planet on which the first game was set and the absence of which Keiji Inafune blamed forLost Planet 2's poor reception.
Development duties have been passed to California studio Spark Unlimited, an odd choice given the studio's recent pedigree, withTurning Point: Fall Of Liberty and Legendary hardly setting the world on fire. Speaking to Eurogamer at Capcom's Captivate event in Rome last week, producer Andrew Szymanski defended the decision to get Spark involved.
"For people who wonder why we made that choice, it's certainly important to look at a track record and what people have done in the past, but that can't tell you the whole story," he said.
"Particularly when it comes to a collaborative effort - what we found is they've got the technical ability and the passion and the drive. I don't think Spark alone, or Capcom alone, could have created this - it had to be a collaborative effort."
Spark will have to do a better job than Grin, developer of the 2009Bionic Commando reboot, andSlant Six, which produced recent tactical squad shooter Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. A better source of inspiration might be Vancouver studio Blue Castle Games: Capcom liked Dead Rising 2 so much it bought the company.
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April 10th, 2012, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Almost three quarters of all Metal Gear Solid gamers play the titles on the PlayStation family of consoles.
Last month the Metal Gear Solid franchise went into three dimensions with Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. The series receives consistently high praise and celebrates its 25th birthday this year. This week we look at the franchise using the GameVision brand map.
We asked 6,756 gamers about Metal Gear Solid, 738 of which played the game in the last six months. We sought further details from 263 of these gamers.
The brand is most played in Italy (13 per cent), followed by Spain (11 per cent). The audience is predominantly male (78 per cent). A third of players are males aged 10 to 19. Among females, only six per cent of the 15 to 19 age group play MGS. Other female age demographics all fall below play rates of the average game
The Metal Gear Solid brand is one of Konami’s key franchises. It’s most played on PlayStation consoles, which collectively make up almost three quarters (71 per cent) of the total play across all platforms, despite various ports and conversions throughout the brand’s life.
The most enjoyed aspects of MGS are “Involvement in a story,” (41 per cent), “Fighting and combat” (31 per cent) and “Speed and concentration” (21 per cent). Although further down the list, “Violence” is also a notable feature as its rating comes in at nearly twice that of the average game.
Overall enjoyment of the game rates higher than average with scores of eight to ten out of ten. 51 per cent of players rated the games in this range. This would appear consistent with the high review scores received over the series’ lifetime.
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April 10th, 2012, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter has rolled out his notes and predictions on console hardware sales, including the possibility of price cuts for the PS3 and Xbox 360 as soon as E3.
The price reduction predictions stem from lagging sales from both consoles; and even with the cuts, Pachter expects sales to be down during the upcoming holiday season.
"We expect hardware sales to rebound once price cuts are implemented, but expect a recurrence of the dip next holiday, partially buffered by some modest contribution from the introduction of the PS Vita in February and the Wii U later this year,” Pachter stated as part of the Wedbush NPD March preview.
The analyst added he doesn’t expect a next-gen announcement from Microsoft arriving before the Xbox 360 dips below $200.
“Recent slowing of Xbox 360 hardware sales could cause Microsoft to consider a price cut by E3. We do not expect an announcement of a next- generation console from Microsoft until the Xbox 360 core model is priced below $200, likely around this time next year.
“PS3 hardware sales should continue to lag those of the Xbox 360, and we expect sales to trend downward by 10 - 20% monthly, until Sony cuts prices once again, likely at E3."
E3 2012 takes place June 5th-7th in Los Angeles.
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April 10th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
EA may be dominating the soccer sim scene right now, but Konami's long-running Pro Evolution Soccer series has still managed to find success on the pitch. Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 has sold one million copies since launching in September 2011, Konami announced today.
Konami says it'll launch new discounted versions of the game at retail for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, but hasn't told us just how much cheaper they'll be. Update:Konami says the reissue will be $29.99.
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April 11th, 2012, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Framework established for in-game purchase options
The first free-to-play game for the PlayStation Vita handheld has launched today, Moscow studio Alawar Entertainment has announced.
The game, called Treasures of Montezuma Blitz, is free to download and allows players to purchase items through an in-game store.
Alawar Entertainment said the release begins a new era of freemium games on Sony’s new handheld console.
In recent years Sony has positioned itself as a more freemium-progressive company than its rivals Microsoft and Nintendo.
Several freemium games built by Sony Online Entertainment are available on PlayStation 3 via the PSN network.
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April 11th, 2012, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Move suggests Sony is looking to hugely successful iOS model with relaxed stance
Sony appears to be taking a more proactive approach with free game updates – a policy that is thriving on iOS – by releasing a new content packs for the PS Vita title Escape Plan.
US studio Fun Bits Interactive, which built the PSN chart-topping puzzle game, has updated the game significantly with 19 new levels and various tweaks.
But Sony has issued the DLC for free, a move that suggests the electronics giant is prepared to break old habits and give developers more options with their digital content.
Other games on Sony consoles to be updated for free this week include Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, which includes a new campaign mission, and Mass Effect 3, which makes available new multiplayer maps.
Console manufacturers will typically charge developers to update their games, which often results in the costs being passed on to the customer or just small tweaks being made to games.
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April 11th, 2012, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
Weekly Japanese Vita sales dipped below 10,000 units for the first time during the seven days ended April 8.
Sales declined from 12,105 units the previous week to 8,931, a poor showing reflected in the top 20 software sales chart, which featured no Vita entries.
3DS remained the top-selling system, moving 72,115 units, down 50,000 week-over-week, while PS3 and PSP held second and third places, shifting 19,370 units and 14,804 respectively.
On the software front, the latest PSP Super Robot Wars debuted atop the all formats chart with 265,439 sales, according to Andriasang.
The week’s second highest entry was Kinect Star Wars, which sold 6,010 copies, helping weekly Xbox 360 hardware sales almost treble to 3,764 units.
01. 2nd Super Robot Wars Z Saisei Volume (Namco Bandai, PSP)
02. Kingdom Hearts 3D (Square Enix, 3DS)
03. Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (Konami, PSP)
04. Pro Baseball Spirits 2012 (Konami, PS3)
05. Kid Icarus Uprising (Nintendo, 3DS)
06. Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo, 3DS)
07. Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition (Pokemon, DS)
08. Monster Hunter 3G (Capcom, 3DS)
09. Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo, 3DS)
10. Mario & Sonic At The London Olympics (Nintendo, 3DS)
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April 12th, 2012, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has revealed the Hitman: Absolution Professional Edition SKU.
Extra goodies include a hardcover art book featuring a foreword by the game’s director Tore Blystad, a behind-the-scenes making-of video and a limited edition clamshell box.
It also includes some in-game extras – The Agency Jagd P22G pistol, the HX UMP SMG and SPS 12semi-automatic shotgun.
Developed by IO Interactive, Hitman: Absolution is the fifth game in the franchise that first arrived in the year 2000 with Hitman: Codename 47. The most recent release was 2006 title Blood Money.
The new game has been developed using IO's proprietary engine Glacier 2.
"For the first time we are taking Agent 47 on a personal journey which allows us to explore other parts of the Hitman fantasy," IO's game director Tore Blystad previously stated.
"This is both a familiar and yet significantly different experience from other Hitman games; something our silent assassins will relish, as will all those new to the Hitman world."
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April 12th, 2012, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
US digital PlayStation magazine announces last episode
Qore, the digital PlayStation magazine created by Sony and Future Publishing US, has been cancelled.
The show's April episode will be its last, nearly four years after launching in June 2008.
"With this April episode, Qore concludes its run on the PlayStation Network," said Sony.
"Our thanks to all involved in the creation and production of Qore and to the many fans who regularly watched each month."
Sony hasn't revealed the reason for the end to the service, which was available via subscriptions or free to PlayStation Plus users, but at the start of this year Future Publishing US sold its New York division as part of a restructuring process.
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April 12th, 2012, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
It's a long time coming, but fans of late-lifecycle PSOne RPGs will finally be able to download The Legend of Dragoon when it launches on PSN on May 1. Developed by Sony's Japan Studio, The Legend of Dragoon has been available on the Japanese PSN since December, 2010.
Sony Worldwide Studios president Shu Yoshida recalls some of the hurdles of developing a four-CD game for the PSOne over on the PlayStation Blog. It took "well over" 100 people to develop the JRPG over the course of three years, starting in 1996 as a team of only a handful of people. And now that it's on PSN, it'll probably take you just as long to download it.
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April 12th, 2012, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Uncharted 3 didn't just pop out of Naughty Dog's studio, polished and fully formed, without any work from the developers themselves. Part of that "work" process involves pitching and sometimes discarding a level idea or two -- or 12. Naughty Dog has released a dozen images of the Uncharted 3 that could have been, along with a brief description of each, to IGN.
One canceled level is the "Foggy Forest," pictured above, which transformed into the French Chateau setting in the final game, with less mist and early-morning light. "The Sand Pit" had Sandlantis hidden in a desert sinkhole and the "Floating Reservoir" would have seen Drake fight his way up the inside of an oil reservoir in the shipyard.
Check out all of the would-have-been, could-have-been ideas here.
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April 12th, 2012, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai's punch-filled, alliteration-heavy Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be making its way onto consoles this September, much earlier than the "Holiday 2012" release window originally announced during Spike TV's Video Game Awards last December.
The console version will be based on Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 and will feature some of the additions that game brought to the series, such as one-on-one and one-on-two matches. Additionally, a new "Pair Play" mode will allow four players to participate in the same tag battle, ala Mortal Kombat, while the "Fight Lab" training mode has been designed to teach beginners the basics while providing useful practice tools for series veterans.
Beyond new modes of play, the console version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2will also launch with over 50 fighters, compared to the 44 available in the arcade version. Here's hoping Gon somehow makes the cut. We miss that little guy.
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April 12th, 2012, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus is shutting down the North American servers for Demon's Souls on May 31 at 11:59 p.m. PST. This will not affect the single-player mode, but will prevent players from leaving notes for other players, who appear as ghosts in remote games, and all other online activities.
Atlus is holding two World Tendency events, which can alter the difficulty and perks awarded to players in-game, throughout May. Atlus invites all players to sign in for one final hoorah on May 31, Game Informer writes.
Below is a heartfelt statement sent to Game Informer from Atlus VP of sales and marketing Tim Pivnicny:
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April 12th, 2012, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita version of Konami’s Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will not include MGS Peace Walker.
The publisher confirmed this to Eurogamer, pointing out that early press for the SKU never mentioned Peace Walker as being part of the package.
On the plus side, however, the game will include both the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 as were released in Japan on the ill-fated MSX2 computer.
Should it be highlighted that MGS Peace Walker is already available as a separate download on PSN? Yes, it probably should
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April 12th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation has been given the full backing of Sony CEO Kaz Hirai today as the executive outlined a plan to reverse Sony’s sliding fortunes.
The company has admitted that it will post a loss of around $6.4bn for the current financial year and shares in the company fell by seven per cent ahead of Hirai’s briefing.
The sad result of the changes, however, is that thousands of employees now face the prospect of unemployment.
“As a result of these measures, Sony estimates that the headcount across the entire Sony Group will be reduced by approximately 10,000 in FY12,” a company statement confirmed.
But fears that these reductions could result in a diminished commitment to PlayStation have proved unfounded, with Hirai keeping faith in his heritage.
“Sony is positioning digital imaging, game and mobile as the three main focus areas of its electronics business and plans to concentrate investment and technology development resources in these areas,” it added.
“By growing these three businesses, Sony aims to generate approximately 70 per cent of total sales and 85 per cent of operating income for the entire electronics business from these categories by FY14.
“Sony will target game business sales of one trillion yen and operating income margin of 8% by FY14.”
Unsurprisingly, the platform holder has pledged to up its commitment to digital, meaning that its traditionally innovative console triple-A output could be under threat.
“The company aims to increase sales by enriching its catalogue of downloadable game titles and subscription services available through the PSN platform, and also by expanding the line-up of PlayStation Suite compatible devices and content.”
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April 13th, 2012, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
It's been barely a week since the last one, but Sony's now begun rolling out firmware version 1.67. It's another meaty download, weighing in at just under 100MB, although there's no detail on what it changes -- we're still exploring the update. Following the refresh, you can also pick up the PS Vita's latest free game, Montezuma Blitz, a Bejewelled-style puzzle game. However, it's not the first game to be offered up free on the Vita and some pesky in-game purchases taint that freebie status a little. Both the update and game are available to download on your Vita now.
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April 13th, 2012, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai is bringing One Piece and Dynasty Warriors together, for a game that we're sure sounded way more exciting when it was announced in Japan.One Piece: Pirate Warriors for PS3 features the world and characters of the One Piece manga/anime, like Monkey D. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, and the gameplay of Tecmo Koei's Warriors series, like hitting thousands of people.
Pirate Warriors is due this year. There's no more specific release date than that, so we don't know how long we have to expand our knowledge of the series -- beyond knowing there's a stretchy-arms guy.
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April 13th, 2012, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
Indie developer Beatshapers unique PSN game StarDrone will arrive on PlayStation Vita on April 17.
StarDrone Extreme, as it will be called, will set you back $3.99 and has more of the same fast-paced spaceship-flying action as its console counterpart."For those of you not familiar with what StarDrone Extreme is about, you pilot an always-in-motion spaceship through diverse cosmic environments through the game's 60 levels. Goals can range from making it safely to the end of the level, to destroying all enemies, to collecting certain items, and more. What's unique about StarDrone Extreme is the way you control your spaceship," explains the developer.
"Each level starts by aiming and shooting yourself out of a cannon into outer space. Your spaceship stays in motion from this point on, and it's your job to attach to nearby gravity beacons to navigate its flight path. While tethered to a beacon, you will swing and attempt to circle the beacon until you release and slingshot yourself further. This core mechanic allowed us to bring together elements of shoot 'em up, pinball, collecting objects and exploration in one game that has no comparison"
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April 15th, 2012, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
If you were disappointed with the Facebook app for the Vita due to not being able to share your Unit 13high score screen grabs, then maybe it's time to reconsider. Version 1.01 just landed, and despite sounding like the tiniest incremental increase, there is, in fact, some decent new functionality. Not only can you finally upload images (and therefore those brags scores) to your news feed, you can also tag them, and enjoy any of the system languages of the device while you do so. Enough to win you back? Then point your Vita at the PS store for the goods.
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April 15th, 2012, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
The PS Vita version of Beatshapers’ arcade action title StarDrone Extreme will arrive this Tuesday in North America.
The game (originally slated to be a Vita launch title) landed for Vita owners in Europe earlier this month.
The title is to feature crossplay with the PS3 version, so players can transfer saves through the cloud—allowing owners to exchange current progress between the handheld and console versions. TheUS Playstation Blog also confirms the PS3 version’s update should coincide with the Vita release.
StarDrone Extreme for the Vita will be available on PSN Tuesday, April 17th for $3.99.
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April 15th, 2012, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
OpCapita's new-look, slimmed-down GAME is back in bed with EA.
Like most other publishers, EA had cut ties with GAME prior to administration after failing to agree to a reduced payment proposal put forward by the then troubled retailer.
SSX was the last EA title to hit GAME shelves, meaning that the retailer was unable to offer chart hits such as Mass Effect 3 and FIFA Street.
But now key EA titles are available online with an expected return of stock in-stores next week.
Yesterday MCV revealed that Nintendo had once again agreed terms with GAME.
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April 15th, 2012, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Space-shifting action title Gravity Rush will now be released as both a boxed and digital title in Europe, MCV understands.
Sony had previously stated that it would only be available in Europe via the PlayStation Network.
The reason for the decision is unknown, though it is likely linked to the sparse PlayStation Vita release schedule – any change to get new content in front of consumers will surely now be embraced.
Whether it is also linked to the sales rates of Vita titles on PSN we cannot say, with Sony keeping Vita sales numbers very close to its chest for the time being.
Gravity Rush is due out in the UK on June 13th.
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April 15th, 2012, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony and Kaz Hirai have plenty to think about when it comes to overhauling the company's strategy at all levels. On the gaming front, the company has to prepare for next-gen during a time when it's about to suffer its worst loss in history. It's certainly a fine line to walk.
RW Baird analyst Colin Sebastian recently commented to GamesIndustry International that the first step for Sony ought to be a price cut on its existing PS3, which has been consistently outsold in the US by Microsoft's Xbox 360. This echoes the sentiment of Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter, who earlier this week noted that we're likely to see price drops by E3.
"Sony is in a tough position. In many areas of their business, they are losing share, such as TVs and computers, and their challenges are well known in gaming. The need to invest in a significant upgrade cycle for Orbis/PS4 comes at a awkward time for Sony, but to remain competitive longer term in games, we think there needs to be another price reduction on the PS3, and then be first to market with a next generation console," said Sebastian.
Beyond the pure focus on games, it's clear that Sony will need to do an even better job securing broad entertainment options for those in the gaming demographic. Microsoft, Apple and Google are all going to make that a tough battle.
"The battle for the living room is only going to get more competitive with an Apple television and a bunch of Google/Android powered TVs coming to market - Sony needs to act quickly," warned Sebastian.
The good news is that Sony seems to be aware of this and its PlayStation Network will be a key pillar for the company. This is now a services oriented industry. Xbox Live has been, without a doubt, the biggest bullet in Microsoft's chamber and how Sony chooses to evolve PSN going forward could very well determine the company's fate.
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April 15th, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
Analysts talk about the impact of Sony's record loss on the PlayStation business
Sony is preparing for its biggest loss in company history and new CEO and former PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai is facing a steep challenge. What does this mean for Sony Computer Entertainment and the PlayStation business?
Well, for one, it's clear that Sony is going to be stressing PSN and online services, as Hirai's new strategy outline indicates: "The Company also aims to increase sales by enriching its catalog of downloadable game titles and subscription services available through the PSN platform."
Could Sony actually abandon its free online multiplayer option and go the Xbox Live route, charging players an annual fee? It's not likely, but what could happen is that the free version gets minimized and Sony will do everything it can to entice consumers to sign up for an enhanced paid version of PSN.
"I think it's unlikely that they will require a fee, but think they will strip down the free version to multiplayer and not much else in order to encourage people to pay the fee," Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter told us.
Billy Pidgeon of M2 Research agrees. "Providing networked services for online gaming is not inexpensive, and charging for these services would help Sony defray those costs. I think Sony would best benefit by continuing to build out on the currently employed freemium model, charging for enhanced, tiered and incremental items, services and add-ons to add value to the online gaming experience," he said.
Pidgeon added, "The PlayStation Plus program provides great incentives for subscribers, and Sony can get more revenue from advertising, item transactions and specialized services to enhance specific aspects of online gameplay such as custom content and rules for use for individuals, guilds and other groups. Sony should also move quickly to shift paid content other than gaming to the network."
As Microsoft continues to enhance its Xbox Live app offerings with HBO Go, ESPN, and more, Sony also needs to beef up its partnerships, Pidgeon noted: "SCE should also look to partner with other networked media providers worldwide, particularly in media such as cable television, which is likely to become a key target market for competitors such as Microsoft, Apple and Google."
Ultimately, if Sony is going to succeed it will need to streamline its business and leverage its synergies across divisions, including PlayStation.
"Clearly Sony reporting their biggest loss ever is not good for any divisions of the company, including SCEA. Sony's culture has created a lot of animosity between the various divisions of the company," Asif Khan, CEO of Panoptic Management Consultants told me. "If the company had a more synergistic culture I don't think Sony would have faltered as badly as they have. SCEA would be better off as a spun off company, but Sony would not as SCEA has some of the best margins and earnings growth in the entire organization. If I had a chance to impart any advice to the new management team it would be to stop making so many products. Streamlining their product line would lower costs and in turn help out their profit margins, which have been downright atrocious."
Khan continued, "I would much rather see the company spin off the music label and motion picture studios while refocusing on making devices. At the Apple shareholder meeting, Tim Cook explained to me that Apple makes money off of selling devices while letting content creators fight amongst themselves for distribution dollars. It wouldn't hurt Sony to try and do the same. Mr. Hirai's reorganization efforts will take years before we really see if Sony has gotten the message from shareholders. The SNE ADRs have fallen 88% from $157.38/share in the year 2000 to $18.79/share today. While I still believe Sony is a financially viable company, their business model is still very much in need of repair."
As long as Sony is keeping its TV business alive (much to the chagrin of some investors), one possible way to leverage synergies is to incorporate PlayStation into Bravia televisions. In fact, IDC research manager Lewis Ward believes "a version of the PS4 will be 'baked' into a high-end Bravia TV set."
It may sound far-fetched, but there is some precedent here. Sony did launch aBravia set with a PS2 incorporated into the TV's design, although if we had to guess, it probably wasn't a hot seller. On the other hand, tying a new HDTV to brand-new next-gen gaming hardware might be more attractive.
"My thinking is that a PS4-Bravia combo along these lines would be something unique that Sony could certainly build, it would likely be an especially efficient use of production resources, and that savings could be passed on to customers. They'd get a PS4 for an incrementally higher price than the cost of a high-end Bravia HDTV," Ward commented.
As Ward noted, however, it would be "a specialty SKU since TV replacement cycles are long and many people are already happy with their HDTVs."
It'll certainly be interesting to watch Sony's gaming strategy and next-gen plans unfold in the coming year. What impact do you believe the financials will have?
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April 15th, 2012, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has issued its standard data-free statement to the NPD report
Sony has just issued us its response to the March NPD sales report, and as usual there's no mention of any units sold, but rather SCEA decided to focus on how PlayStation Vita is growing.
"Nearly two months after hitting the North American market, the PS Vita ecosystem continues to grow with impressive hardware, software, and peripherals sales among big-box retailers, smaller retail shops and digital," said Dan Race, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications at SCEA.
"We are seeing strong digital downloads across the board, including full digital-only purchases and extremely high conversion rates for digital demos to full game purchases with titles such as Unit 13, which showcases PS Vita's unique 3G and shooter capabilities. We look forward to furthering the PS Vita momentum with upcoming blockbuster titles like Mortal Kombat and Resistance: Burning Skies, and apps including Skype."
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April 15th, 2012, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
It's time once again for the PlayStation Network to be poked, prodded and generally fiddled around with by Sony's countless technicians and maintenance cyborgs. As per usual, 13 hours chock full of network rejiggering are scheduled to begin tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. EST, during which time the PSN Store, PlayStation Home, Account Management services and online play will be unavailable.
PlayStation websites hosted on PSN servers, like the Official PlayStation Blog, will also be offline during maintenance. The official PlayStation Twitter account, however, will continue to function properly, since it's on Twitter and everything. Updates regarding maintenance can be found there, though extended periods of downtime are usually situations where no news is good news.
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April 15th, 2012, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
MotorStorm: RC publisher Sony has posted an impressive list of stats for the PlayStation 3 and Vita racer.Did you know that there are 19 downloads of MotorStorm: RC every minute? Apparently so. Presumably that counts both PS3 and Vita versions which you get with a single purchase of either. Does it also count downloads of the free trial?Somewhere in the world, someone starts a MotorStorm: RC event every second.Every 60 seconds sees two new PSN friendships formed, two in-game challenges sent and eight MotorStorm: RC PlayStation Trophies earned.
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April 15th, 2012, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
The flashy red PS3 console is no longer exclusive to Japan. The 320 GB console, which comes with a matching DualShock 3 controller, should go on sale in the UK pretty soon.Amazon has it from April 27 for £250, and Play.com is selling it for £240 starting May 4.
If you're holding out for the blue model, don't bother. Eurogamer says Sony reps declined to bring that model from Japan over to the UK. You should see listings for the red 320GB PS3 popping up at other retailers shortly.
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April 16th, 2012, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/14/n...bl-on-the-way/
Hope you didn’t wait too long since our last VHBL release a bit more than 2 weeks ago… This is a new PSP user mode exploit by thecobra (also discovered a while ago by WosRet), which I confirmed runs on a PS Vita with Firmware 1.67. Unlike Motorstorm and Everybody’s Tennis, this game is available in the US store as well as some other countries (details to come). Check the video and details below.
Thecobra already ported VHBL to this exploit, and we already have something running, that just needs a few tweaks here and there before being released. So far I didn’t see anything that would prevent HBL from running on Vita 1.67, but that will need to be fully confirmed in the days to come.
The name of the exploited game is obviously kept a secret until the public announcement, and if you don’t want to miss the release, remember that history repeats itself. Sony will most likely remove the game within hours following the announcement, so stay tuned.
Congrats and thanks to thecobra!
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April 16th, 2012, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/15/n...in-eu-version/
Developer wth released today an update to his Everybody’s Tennis exploit, specifically for the EU store. This change does not improve homebrew compatibility, but will work independently of the language of your console. Yes, finally, no need to switch your console to French or Spanish.Even though there is no new homebrew compatibility, I’m sure this will be a welcome update for those of you who are using this exploit.
Choose the file that matches your version of the game:
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April 16th, 2012, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/10/pspgo-clock-psp
Say your using your new CFW 6.XXPro-C and you think to your self "WOW! I would really like to have a big old clock where my XMB should be?" You know because that happens all the time. Well now you can have your clock. Thanks to the developer's NightStar3 and codestation and there release of ZeroVSH Patcher. This plugin allows you to load resources (.rco), fonts, (.pgf), bitmap images (.bmp), gameboots (.pmf) and modules (.prx), all from your memory stick. So now you're wondering what all of that has to do with a clock. Well for that I give you a quote from the Devs about what they added to this version.
The newest version of ZeroVSH Patcher adds support for the PSP GO's Clock and Calendar,
a nifty feature Sony added on PSP GO's.
In order to enable it, open up zerovsh.ini and set SlidePlugin to Enabled
Then, navigate to the /slide folder and place the files slide_plugin_XXX.rco, slide_plugin_XXX.prx, and netconf_bt_plugin_6XX.prx(only if 6.3X and above) in the folder which you have
RedirPath set to in zerovsh.ini (Default is (root):/PSP/VSH) and rename them to slide_plugin.rco, slide_plugin.prx, and netconf_bt_plugin.prx
In order for everything to go as planned, make sure to use custom
files from the fw you are using, or else the new files wont be loaded
properly (due to the offsets changing and all).
This plugin should work on ALL PSPs, and on ALL FIRMWARES (up to date)
(Excluding the clock and calendar)
Note: Restart your VSH after enabling this plugin
Also note that this is not working on PSP-1000 models (PSP Fat)
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April 16th, 2012, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
The French arm of Sony Computer Entertainment has revealed the date of the company’s E3 press conference in an email sent to journalists today.
The briefing will take place on Monday June 4th at 18:00 PST (that’s 02:00 on the morning of Tuesday June 5th in the UK).
It will take place in the same venue as it did last year – the Memorial Sports Arena.
Microsoft and Nintendo have not yet dated their press conferences, but it is presumed that they will occupy their normal slots – that being early Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning respectively.
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April 16th, 2012, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
It remains the powerhouse IP of modern console gaming, but figures suggest that Activision’s mighty Call of Duty IP is in decline.
Gamasutra reports that life-to-date sales of last year’s Modern Warfare 3 are tracking behind those enjoyed by predecessor Black Ops by an estimated 4.2 per cent.
In March alone it is believed that Modern Warfare 3 sales were around half of Black Ops’ March 2011 sales.
Analyst PiperJaffray sensibly speculates that the fall is mainly attributable to the rise in other sectors such as smartphone and casual gaming, which is claiming an increasingly large proportion of gamer’s monthly spend.
Modern Warfare 3 did at least maintain the series’ tradition of smashing records upon its release in November, though numbers suggested that it actually achieved a weaker debut than Black Ops did in the UK.
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April 16th, 2012, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Only five months after it landed on Japanese PlayStation Vitas, Sony's Gravity Rush will arrive on PlayStation Network in both North America and Europe. At least in demo form, that is. After a tweet from EU retailer GAME last weekalleged a May 30 date for the game's EU demo, Sony confirmed to Joystiq today that the demo is set to arrive on NA and EU Vitas on May 29 and 30, respectively.
That leaves just under two weeks between the demo and the game's mid-June launch, though it's doubtful you'll need much time to decide that it's quite a game.
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April 16th, 2012, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Media Molecule has dropped details for a LittleBigPlanet 2 update it will release this week.
Update 1.12 focuses on small improvements to the game's community features.According to MM: "The Dive-In feature has now been moved to the top of the Community menu, and has been vastly rewired and improved to help players easily find some new Sackfolk to play with during their adventures."
The update will remove the 'Boo' option from the feedback system, because they "were disheartening at best, and could be used to cause grief amongst the community", according to the dev.
User can leave comments/reviews for levels they've played, and popular creators who are bombarded with reviews can choose to disable them on their profile and levels via the Settings Page on LBP.me.
Sony last month confirmed LittleBigPlanet Karting with screenshots and a trailer. It'll be available later this year on PlayStation 3.
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April 16th, 2012, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
RW Baird analyst Colin Sebastian thinks Sony needs to cut the price of PS3 if the company's to remain competitive in the gaming space in the long-term.
"Sony is in a tough position," he toldGamesIndustry.biz. "In many areas of their business, they are losing share, such as TVs and computers, and their challenges are well known in gaming."The need to invest in a significant upgrade cycle for Orbis/PS4 comes at a awkward time for Sony, but to remain competitive longer term in games, we think there needs to be another price reduction on the PS3, and then be first to market with a next generation console."
Last week, fellow industry analyst Michael Pachter said he believes "PS3 hardware sales should continue to lag those of the Xbox 360 [in the US], and we expect sales to trend downward by 10 - 20% monthly, until Sony cuts prices once again, likely at E3."
Sony has forecast a massive $6.4 billion loss for the financial year just ended. Following the announcement, it outlined a plan to reverse the company's fortunes which will see digital imaging, game and mobile become "the three main focus areas of its electronics business".
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April 17th, 2012, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War, the explosive Hack'n'Slash (action/role-playing game) developed by Wizarbox for Xbox LIVE®, PlayStation® Network and PC, today unveiled its official website and leads us, in an action-packed video, on the trail of one of the 3 playable heroes of the game: the Warrior!
In the video of today, watch all the rage of the warrior freely expressed! Courageous, hot-headed and expert in close combat, the Warrior thrives at the very heart of the battle. Swinging his dual blades with power and speed, his powerful melee attacks are devastating, sometimes allowing him to strike down dozens of enemies at once! And when his health goes bad, bloody rage embraces him and make him even more powerful, more resilient, enabling him to cause even more damage... there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal! Plunge now in battle through one minute of action-packed video, focusing exclusively on the Warrior and his devastating attacks! Watch him battle, relentlessly, the hordes of creatures and the huge bosses trying to stop him!
Today is also the occasion for us to announce the opening of the offical website of R.A.W.! The website contains all information you wish to know on the game and its gameplay mechanics, its universe and playable heroes, but also all the latest screenshots and videos!
R.A.W. - Realms of Ancient War will be released on Xbox LIVE®, PlayStation® Network and PC 2nd quarter of 2012.
- Watch the video
- Visit the official website
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April 17th, 2012, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Week ending 14 April 2012
2 - FIFA 12
15 WWE '12
20 F1 2011
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April 17th, 2012, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
Week ending 14 April 2012
1 - FIFA 12
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April 17th, 2012, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
Week ending 14 April 2012
3 - UNIT 13
5 - WIPEOUT 2048
11 F1 2011
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April 18th, 2012, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
One small step for man, one giant leap for laser-wielding Heroes. Battlefield Heroes™, the hit free-to-play arcade cartoon shooter from EA, is blasting off to the moon this April 18th, 2012 with all-new space themed content. Players can strap on their moonboots and start bouncing around the moon map, ’Lunar Landing’. Using low gravity to traverse the environment and outsmart enemies, gamers can jump over objects and even base jump from a vantage point to take down the enemy faction and lead their team to victory. The ‘Lunar Landing’ map brings a whole new experience to Battlefield Heroes, fundamentally altering the traditional gameplay mechanics of the third-person shooter. To play the all new ‘Lunar Landing’ map, visitwww.battlefieldheroes.com and sign up to play for free.
In addition to the new map, Battlefield Heroes fans can now customize their Hero with brand new space explorer outfits, or gear up in full spacesuits before deploying for battle on the moon. Players will also have access to laser-based weapons for the first time in series history, allowing them to swap out their traditional guns and gadgets for high-powered plasma blasters to dish out damage.
Battlefield Heroes is one of EA’s leading free-to-download, free-to-play games.
With over 11 million registered players, the game features monthly content updates and a growing, vibrant community. Boasting zero barriers to entry, now anyone can be a hero on the battlefield.
Battlefield Heroes brings classic Battlefield™ gameplay to a mass audience. The game features fun, cartoon-inspired graphics and gameplay that caters to players of all skill levels. Battlefield Heroes is easy to pick up and play and has robust character customization and online features so gamers can spend hours building up their characters and conquering the world.
Learn more about Battlefield Heroes at www.battlefieldheroes.com or follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/bfheroes) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/bfheroes).
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April 18th, 2012, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
“Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat,” the retail compilation of “Deadliest Warrior: The Game” and “Deadliest Warrior: Legends,” is available now at North American retailers for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. The disc-based game/TV show hybrid, based on the successful multi-platform Spike TV series “Deadliest Warrior” that pits two of the most feared warriors history has ever known against each other in a battle to the death, contains 30 new weapons, a brand new arena and episodes of the popular show exclusive to the game. Also, gamers who preordered “Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat” at GameStop before April 17, 2012, will receive an exclusive DVD featuring additional never-before-released episodes of the hit show.
The players themselves will get to answer the question of “Who is the deadliest?” as they can take control of history’s most brutal warriors, choose a weapon, and then apply their own skills to answer that question on their terms.
“Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat” combines the wildly popular downloadable console games, “Deadliest Warrior: The Game” and “DeadliestWarrior: Legends ,” in addition to all downloadable content packs, an exclusive new level, 30 new weapons and exclusive TV show content. Fans of the show will be treated to never-before-released episodes from all three seasons.
Notable features include:
· The brand new “Graveyard” arena exclusive to “Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat”
· 30 new weapons, including a “Lockbar Axe” for William Wallace, the “Monk’s Spade” for Sun Tzu and a “Tsonga Battle Axe” for Shaka Zulu
· Both digital titles and all DLC included for only $29.99
· Cross-play with consumers of the original digitally-distributed titles
· Hidden zombie mode allows players to keep on fighting even headless, armless and torso-less
· Never-before-released episodes of the show exclusive to “Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat”
Do you have what it takes to be the “Deadliest Warrior”? Rated ‘M’ for Mature by the ESRB, “Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat” is available today with a $29.99 MSRP at North American retailers everywhere. For more information about “Deadliest Warrior: Ancient Combat” please visitdeadliestwarrior.spike.com or follow the game on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/deadliestwarrior.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a trio of new, free applications for Vita owners to dive into.
Following up the Welcome Park application, Paint Park turns Vita’s touchscreen into a sketch pad where users can make and share drawings with friends.
Next in line is another in the park series, Treasure Park. It’s to be a puzzle-based app that enables you to connect with friends and other PS Vita owners (matchmaking perhaps?). You can create and find puzzles online, as well as plant traps for others.
Lastly the intriguing Wake-Up Club app is in the works. It expands on the PS Vita Alarm Clock by allowing you to sync up with other Vita owners who set their alarm at the same time of the day.
Paint Park is available now, with the other two arriving sometime this summer.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 defied all odds last year, setting a new entertainment sales record for the third consecutive year. In just 24 hours, the game grossed $400 million in the US and UK, and went on to gross $1 billion throughout the world in 16 days of availability. Now months later fans still can't get enough, even though some in the business believe Call of Duty could be fading. The truth of the matter is that the brand has been taken to new heights, and between Call of Duty Elite, a Call of Duty XP show, and tons of DLC content, Call of Duty is truly its own phenomenon.
The recent successes certainly would not be possible without the efforts of Sledgehammer Games, which stepped up in a time of great need for Activision. Sledgehammer co-founder Michael Condrey believes that MW3 has shown what his studio is capable of achieving and he's thrilled to be fueling the franchise with added DLC content - a unique collaborative process between three different developers under Activision's wing.
GamesIndustry International recently caught up with Condrey to discuss the Call of Duty momentum, the pressures and opportunities of next-gen consoles, and the increasing reality that one studio can't do it all on a franchise.
Q: With Call of Duty blowing away everyone's expectations again since last November, have you been able to take a step back and reflect? What has this whole ride been like for you, coming from the Sledgehammer side, and being asked to work on Call of Duty, being asked to step up because Infinity Ward had people leaving?
Michael Condrey: I'm glad you asked. I mean, it has given us a chance to reflect. It was a really remarkable two years and it was a real honor to be a part of it. As you know, Call of Duty sort of transcends entertainment in such a massive way. To think we had a chance to play a part in that. The developers at all the studios involved, in particular Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer, I can't tell you how much passion and dedication was poured into making this the absolutely best game possible. To have it be received well by the fans, to see that sort of interest, the level of engagement…man, it's rewarding beyond words. Was it exciting/challenging/harrowing for two years? Absolutely, the bar was higher than ever. For Sledgehammer Games in particular, a brand new studio, our coming out, if you will - our reputation was going to in some ways be built on how well this game was received.
Now we have a chance to sit back with a humble pride, be pretty thankful. Now we're in the DLC season and continue to support it, and we have people that are really very vocal about what they want to be doing more of and less of, and we have that dialogue, which a lot of games don't have. A lot I've worked on in the past, I worked hard and am proud of what I did in the past, but the community just wasn't there. This is a fantastic community, so yeah this has been a special run for Sledgehammer Games, absolutely.
Q: Is there something about the game that you wanted to be able to implement, that you didn't have enough time for, something you are addressing now with DLC?
Michael Condrey: Someone asked me recently about my take on the idea that DLC now represents content that should be in the box. What I can say hands down, in no uncertain terms, is the studio has poured every last bit of value that they could to put out the best experience in November. Everything that we've delivered since has been new ideas, new innovation and things that we've wanted to do after November. We held nothing back, but it's a massive game. The campaign is an eight-hour blockbuster and I'm really proud of that. We put a lot of time into making that into what it became. Multiplayer...Spec Ops, survival and mission modes... man, we could not have gotten anything else in.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
While the PS3's media abilities in the US are limited to what it can access via discs or over the network, in Europe / Australia (PlayTV) and Japan (Torne) TV tuners stretch things further. Now, Sony Japan has followed those up with the Nasne headless media box shown above. A combination networked recorder and media storage device with a 500GB SATA HDD and tuners for both antenna and satellite TV built-in, it pulls in broadcasts and either records it or streams to up to two other Sony products (Vita, PS3 with Torne app, Vaio PC, Sony Tablet or Xperia phone) on the same home network at once. It will also support streaming of stored media via DLNA, once its software is updated to version 1.5. The capabilities of the Nasne vary depending on the hardware it's used with: PS3 users can connect up to four of the devices to one console, however it can also export video files formatted for offline viewing on the Vita or transfer recorded files to PCs for Blu-ray archival.
Is this a promising example of the "One Sony" synergy Kaz so recently promised? We'll have to wait until the Nasne ships July 19th for 16,980 yen ($211) to find out for sure. Sadly, like the Torne (which will receive its own 4.0 software update this summer) and Blu-ray recorders that came before it's unlikely we'll ever this one in the US, but that won't stop us from dreaming. A press release with full specs follows after the break, check out Engadget Japan for a few more pictures.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
A leaked advertisement (!) from the latest issue of Famitsu reveals a new action game coming to Vita. Called Soul Sacrifice, the game is described as "the action game that shakes your soul." The ad features fantasy-style concept art of four characters battling a three-headed monster. Andriasang identifies descriptions of "evolved combat" and "magicians" in the text.
More details about the game will be revealed, we're sure, when the magazine containing the ad is actually released; following that, Sony will hold an event for the game in Tokyo on May 10. We'll find out then if Soul Sacrifice is as Monster Hunter-y as we're guessing it is.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
The fine people at Official PlayStation Magazine UK trust the PlayStation 4 spec rumors enough to build the entire next-gen console with the assumed parts, which are all off-the-shelf PC pieces. Rumors have the PS4 using an AMD A8 3850 processor and AMD Radeon HD 7670 graphics card, the latter of which is identical to a mid-range, year-old AMD graphics card, the HD 6670. The processor is a "cheap" CPU solution, OPM writes.
With that stellar introduction, OPM tested its fake PS4 against an Intel i7 2700K with Just Cause 2, and against the PS3 with Bulletstorm and Skyrim. OPM tracked rendering and frame-rate benchmarks for each system, and was underwhelmed with the results. Just Cause 2 was clocked at 21 frames per second, and the other two stuck around 30, but with barely noticeable graphics improvements from the PS3 version.
Again, these are only the rumored PS4 specs, and simply duct-taping them all together and popping in a game doesn't equate a true, finished console. Techradar's components editor Dave James offered some insight into OPM's test: "Sadly just benchmarking the relevant PC components in the current crop of Windows-compatible games wont give you much of an idea how a PS4 utilising those components would actually perform.
"Coding on closed-platform devices, like consoles, means you can squeeze every last drop of performance out of the hardware because you know that every one of those devices will be exactly the same."
Sony may use newer versions of the graphics card and processor as well, James said. The moral of this story, then: Rumors are rumors.
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April 19th, 2012, 01:38 Posted By: wraggster
The list of impending Vita games just grew by one. Mysterious action title Soul Sacrifice was unveiled today via a six-page advertisement in Japanese gaming rag Famitsu.
Details on what to expect are scarce. A summary on NeoGaf mentions magicians, "evolved co-op battles" and "high spec graphics".
There's no word on who it's developed by, though Sony Computer Entertainment is apparently listed in the copyright blurb.
A full reveal is expected at an SCE event in Tokyo on 10th May.
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April 20th, 2012, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Today Codemasters® announced that DiRT® Showdown™, the new all-action racing game from the award-winning DiRT series, will race into retail on May 25th*. DiRT Showdown will be the first game to launch on the company’s new publishing label Codemasters Racing** (See Notes).
To mark the news, Codemasters has released the ‘Ultimate Hoonigan’ gameplay video featuring the spectacular tricks and stunts players can perform in DiRT Showdown’s Hoonigan game modes. The video features Ken Block’s Ford Fiesta H.F.H.V Gymkhana 5 which features exclusively in DiRT Showdown, going head-to-head with a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X JUN, and is now playing at www.dirtgame.com. ;
Codemasters also announced that the playable demo of DiRT Showdown is due to launch worldwide from May 1st. The demo will feature a solo and multiplayer event and will be available from Xbox Live Marketplace, PlayStation Network and Steam on PC.
When the DiRT Showdown demo goes live, Codemasters will invite fans to join the free new online hub for Codemasters Racing games, RaceNet* (See Notes). RaceNet will launch in beta as an evolving interactive community platform for Codemasters Racing games and allow fans to track their Races, Rivals and Rewards.
A special ‘Hoonigan’ edition of DiRT Showdown is now available to pre-order exclusively from Gamestation and Game. Sporting unique packaging, the DiRT Showdown: Hoonigan Edition will include an in-game cash boost, an online XP multiplier plus Monster Energy liveries for the Kohler D350, Duke Coupe and Ford Fiesta Gymkhana 3 and Hoonigan liveries for the Holbrook Growler, Logan Vulture and Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X JUN(as seen in the ‘Ultimate Hoonigan’ video), redeemed via an online code.
DiRT Showdown will deliver a new world of competitive and combative racing as players race, crash and hoon their way to ‘Showdown’ finals on a chaotic tour of motorised mayhem when it launches May 25th for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and PC. For all the latest updates straight from the studio, crash over to www.dirtgame.com,www.facebook.com/dirtgame or follow the team atwww.twitter.com/dirtgame. ;
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April 20th, 2012, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
The leading race of Cyanide's PC sports simulation Pro Cycling Manager, the Tour de France was last year also appearing for the first time on consoles with the PS3/Xbox 360 game of the same developer: Tour de France 2011.
Following Pro Cycling Manager's success on PC, Tour de France 2011 on consoles seduced a large public in Europe. We have the pleasure to announce the release in June of Pro Cycling Manager 2012 on PC and Tour de France 2012 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Strengthened by the feedback and lofty expectations of last years’ players, the 2012 Tour de France console game is packed with improvements and new features. Improved graphics, new controls, realistic AI and, for the first time ever, a multiplayer mode awaits racing fans the world over. New models for riders, brand new teams and more beautiful scenery will grace both the PC and console games, which share top-notch graphics and production. To get a first look at the excitement, check out the very first screenshots of the games!
Along with these images, we are happy to share the official box arts for Pro Cycling Manager 2012 and Tour de France 2012.
- Visit the official website
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April 20th, 2012, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Developers able to conduct performance verification for content for Vita, Xperia Play and tablets
Sony has launched the open beta of its PlayStation Suite SDK, the console giant has announced.
Developers can now access a free early version of the development environment for creating content for portable devices such as Vita and Sony’s mobile and tablet devices Xperia Play and Sony Tablet S and P.
The current suite will enable developers to conduct performance verification of their content, and incorporates a 2D graphics engine and 2D physical engine as well as a variety of content samples.
Announced last year, the Suite had been in a closed beta to selected developers in Japan, US and the UK.
The full Suite and developer program is set to release later this year, and will allow users to distribute their content through the PlayStation store. The SDK will cost devs $99 a year to use.
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April 20th, 2012, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Prey 2 remains in development, publisher Bethesda has confirmed.
Rumours had previously circulated claiming that the game had been canned, evoking a surprised reaction amongst the specialist press who were impressed by early builds of the title.
“Development of Prey 2 has not been cancelled but the game will not be released in 2012 as planned,” a statement confirmed.
“The delay is due to the fact that game development has not progressed satisfactorily this past year, and the game does not currently meet our quality standards. Prey 2 has shown great promise and we regret disappointing our fans.
“We have made a substantial investment in game development to deliver the experience fans want. We are determined only to release the AAA game that fans rightfully expect, and are unwilling to compromise our quality standards to meet a release schedule.”
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April 20th, 2012, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
The first ever outing for Doctor Who on the PS3 WILL now get a limited physical release.
When the game was announced it was claimed that it would be downloadable over PSN only, with a PC release to follow at a later.
However, Amazon is now listing the game for a boxed release at a budget price of £17.99.
Players help the Doctor and River Song as they battle against the usual Whovian villains: Daleks, Cybermen and Silurians, as well as The Silence, the new species created for the most recent series of the popular sci-fi show.
The game is being developed by Supermassive Games, the studio behind a number of PlayStation Move titles, including Start The Party and Tumble.
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April 20th, 2012, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's innovative 3D monitor is now available in the UK and Europe for £449.
The PlayStation 3D Display offers both 3D support and a unique multiplayer function called SimulView. This allows two players to play on the same display without the need for splitscreen by displaying two distinct images for people sitting to the left or right of the monitor.
The 24-inch display boasts 1080p high definition and features HDMI inputs for PS3 and other devices, as well as a component input that supports PS2 and PSP.
It comes bundled with two pairs of Sony's 3D glasses, a stand for the monitor and two PS3 games: Killzone 3 and Gran Turismo 5.
The PlayStation 3D Display is now available from Amazon and Shop Direct's Very, and is expected to stocked by Toys R Us shortly.
It was first announced at E3 last year and later confirmed for a European release at Gamescom.
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April 20th, 2012, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony hasn’t officially announced the latest in the God of War series, but it’s pretty clear they’re about to.
A and box art mockup for God of War: Ascension has leaked out; supposedly less than a day ahead of Sony’s planned reveal date of April 19th.
The title will be a PS3 release, and the general belief is that the game will be a prequel for the franchise (thus providing a solid reason for the game not being entitled God of War 4).
Several sources such as retailers and the game’s composer have already referred to the title according to Joystiq.
We’ll post more details on the reveal as it becomes official.
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April 20th, 2012, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is seemingly fighting an uphill battle against Vita hackers as new firmware fails to prevent a new homebrew hack from emerging soon after Sony's scrambling recovery.
The platform holder moved quickly to thwart thefirst emerging Vita hacks when it removed from the PS Store multiple PSP games used to assist the hacks, and put its engineers to work on a new more secure firmware.That firmware, version 1.67, has been deployed and the removed PSP games - MotorStorm Arctic Edge and Hot Shots Tennis - have reappeared patched to prevent further tomfoolery. But, it seems, its rapid effort were in vain.
Hackers claim to have found another PSP game that opens the door to homebrew on Vita including, unfortunately for Sony, on the new firmware. Videos of the original Doom for PC running on a Vita with the latest firmware installed have already emerged.
What PSP game is it? The hackers are staying tight-lipped for now to slow down any potential response from Sony. But the to-and-fro battle with hackers has certainly begun.
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April 20th, 2012, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster

The PlayStation 3D display is essential equipment for players who are in search of serious 3D gaming experiences. The display is slim with a screen size of 24", and features full 1080p resolution (1920 x 1080). Its built-in Edge LED technology offers brilliant contrast, while a 240 Hz refresh rate ensures ultra-smooth play. It also has built-in speakers and a subwoofer to enhance the audio.
In addition, it can be connected to cable TV boxes, a PC or any other compatible device via the display's two HDMI ports or its single component HD port. Both of these input types are conveniently located at the side of the display.
The pair of PlayStation 3D glasses included with the display offer best-in-class Active shutter 3D quality and built-in USB rechargeable batteries. PlayStation 3D glasses are optimized to sync seamlessly with the PlayStation 3D display, but their universal design makes them compatible with a variety of Active Shutter 3D displays.* Active Shutter 3D technology offers superior image quality over competing Passive 3D technologies by means of the differing processes they execute. Both technologies create the illusion of depth by slightly altering what users' eyes are exposed to. Passive 3D glasses block different kinds of emitted light from reaching each eye. The result is a 3D effect, but one in which certain light data has been omitted. In some cases this can equate to up to half of the available lines of resolution, meaning that this type of 3D effect can not reach the level of true 1080p HD. Active 3D on the other hand does not omit light sources from the spectrum, instead producing its 3D effect through a subtle dimming process of the individual lenses. PlayStation 3D glasses manage this effect seamlessly through their infrared connectivity. The result is a superior 3D effect, at full HD quality. Infrared connections between glasses and other components, as well as other 3D processes are kept constant through the glasses 30-hour rechargeable battery life.
SimulView Technology Improves the 2-player Gaming Experience
Fans of co-op and competitive gaming modes are intimately familiar with local split-screen multiplayer functionality, which literally splits the visible display area of a single TV used in offline play to show the differing actions of individual players participating in the same game, at the same physical location. As advantageous as this is for group play, the quality of even the sharpest of HD television displays is compromised by the halving of the viewable area. SimulView Technology does away with this issue by enabling two players in a supported game to see their actions in-game displayed as full-screen projections** (the full requirement for the effect are: a PlayStation 3D Display, 2 pairs of PlayStation 3D Glasses, a PS3 system, a PS3 game that supports SimulView, and two players). Built on the Active 3D glasses technology and specially enhanced for gaming, SimulView technology brings players deeper in the game than ever before while still sharing the experience with a friend. Games supporting SimulView technology include MotorStorm Apocalypse, Killzone 3, Gran Turismo 5, Super Stardust HD, with more titles in development and coming soon.
Best-in-class HD 3D display for the most immersive 3D gaming experience
SimulView technology delivers individual full HD screen visuals to each player in two-player mode
Connects to your PS3 system, cable TV box, and PC for all of your HD 3D content
Slim design brings true 3D gaming to smaller entertainment spaces
Built-in speakers and subwoofer enhance the audio and take you deeper in the game
Classic PlayStation inspired display design for the ultimate gaming enthusiast
Display type: Stereoscopic 3D HDTV
Screen size: 24"
Resolution: 1080p (1920 x 1080)
Colors: 16.7 million
Contrast ratio: 5000:1
Backlight type: Edge LED, white LED
Digital inputs (side): 2 HDMI, 1 component
Refresh rate: 240 Hz
Sound output: speakers (3W x 2), subwoofer (1 x 5w), 3.5 mm headphone jack (1)
Remote support: IR remote control with BD remote control (sold separately)
Dimensions: 29.75"(w) x 17.06"(h) x 4.50"(d)
3D glasses
Type: Active Shutter 3D
Rechargeable battery life: 30 hr.
Dimensions: 3" (w) x 7-1/8" (h) x 2" (d)
* Compatible with Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, and Sharp Active Shutter 3D ready displays that use IR emitters.
** Playback in full (2D) HD, not 3D.
Product Dimensions (inc stand): 650mm(w) x 387mm(h) x screen 33mm(d) stand 280mm(d)
Screen Size: 23.5 Inches
Packaging Dimensions: 744mm(w)× 419mm(h)×109mm(d)
Packaging Type: Box with plastic handle (for all territories)
Additional Information:
All PS3s sold to date have capability of showing stereoscopic 3D contents.
There are currently over 30 PS3 titles which support 3D, plus more will become available around the launch of this monitor, including new releases like Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception.
Monitor Key Configurations:
23.5" Full HD resolution
240Hz Active Shutter
Best in class 3D quality
HDMI x 2 input
Component input for PS2 & PSP
2 pairs of Active Shutter glasses included
SimulView feature
3D Glasses Key Configurations:
Rechargeable battery operation
No 3D crosstalk increase by tilting head
About 45g light weight design
SimulView function for expanding gaming experience
Will only work with PS3 Monitor
Unique to this monitor and PS3, Simulview allows 2 players to privately view their own game play on full screen using split screen model.
Note: When using SimulView content is viewed in 2D
Box Contains
3D Display & stand
2 x 3D Glasses
1 x HDMI Cable
Gran Turismo 5 Platinum
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April 21st, 2012, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
 Sony's PlayMemories photo-editing suite has floated around the PlayStation Store for about a month but it will apparently soon be joined by a new photo-sharing service. PCWorld reports that Sony will launch the cloud-based PlayMemories Online with 5GB of free storage in Japan, US, UK, Canada, Germany and France on May 25. Apparently, you'll be able to access those digitized memories through Sony's proprietary software on both PC and Macs, while your photos can also be streamed to Bravia TVs and digital photo frames. The company's WiFi-capable cameras will also get to hook up with the online storage system, while its Android tablets and phones will get their very own app to upload on their own. In an effort to differentiate the service from existing ones like Dropbox, PlayMemories Online will even sync those precious photos with your PSP and PS Vita. Sony will thus ensure you'll never be without at least four screens to show off those shots of your precocious daughter, pug or beachside view. In case you forgot, we've embedded a video from a few months back that should give a better idea of how the system should work -- in a house filled entirely with Sony merchandise.
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April 23rd, 2012, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft is not only back in bed with GAME, but it has handed an exclusive edition of Assassins Creed III to the retailer.
Called the Assassin’s Creed 3 GAME Exclusive Edition, the SKU contains an additional single player mission called ‘A Dangerous Secret’ as well as an in-game weapon – the Flintock Musket.
Both the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game can currently be pre-ordered for £39.99 apiece, with the PC version costing £34.99.
Assassins Creed III will be released in the UK on October 31st.
Back in April last year then-boss Ian Shepherd outlined the importance of Special Editions to GAME’s consumer offer.
"Last year we offered customers 39 exclusive versions of titles, and on average they delivered a market share around a third higher than when we sell a generic version of a game," he stated.
"Our exclusives are stronger than ever, and in Q1 2011 have included exclusive versions of Pokemon Black and White; the Bulletstorm Epic edition which provided Beta access to Gears of War 3; and the Crysis 2 Nano Edition which included an exclusive backpack, figurine and book."
"Increasingly we are working with supplier partners to provide customers with exclusive digital content when they buy a physical copy of a game. This helps us to introduce customers to digital content, and to position GAME as the lead authority on multichannel gaming.
"We maintain a very strong share on all new products because our supplier partners see how we actively sell more products than anyone else, and they support us with exclusive products and appropriate volumes of stock."
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April 23rd, 2012, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
It looks as if Sony is on the cusp of announcing a Super Smash Bros style game featuring its own collection of unique characters.
PlayStation LifeStyle reports that Sony has registered two URLs – playstationallstarsbattleroyale.com and playstationallstars.com.
Speculation suggests that this game could be the focus of the much-hyped “huge PS3 exclusive reveal” scheduled in for this Thursday.
Rumours first emerged of a Smash Bros style mashup after a Sony survey did the rounds asking which characters consumers would like to see featured in such a title.
Expect IP such as Uncharted, God of War, LittleBigPlanet, Sly Cooper, Wipeout and Ratchet & Clank to feature.
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April 23rd, 2012, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Two high profile retailers have dropped the price of the PS3 from $249 to $199.
Amazon currently offers the 160GB Playstation 3 system at the reduced tag. GameStop is also offering the console at the same price, but bundles in a free copy of Batman: Arkham City or Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition as well.
Is it a permanent decrease though?
That’s the question, and Sony has made it clear that the answer is no. A rep told GI.biz (via Shacknews) that the price cut was a ‘temporary GameStop promotion.’
That would suggest Amazon just felt inclined to match the price; other retailers such as Best Buy have not responded in kind and still sell the console for $249.
So a temporary promotion is what we’ve been told, but who knows for how long. We’ll have to wait and see what develops with the retailers, and if Sony has a change of tune in a few weeks when E3 rolls around.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/17/v...g-in-progress/
Hey everyone, quickly showcasing the work in progress for VHBL‘s port to thecobra’s exploit. To be honest, thecobra’s really done most of the work here, and I merely tweaked it to clean up the code, before compiling and giving it a try.
On the video below, I’m playing doom (again? I should be a bit more creative…) on PS Vita firmware 1.67.
The release should happen soon, although please keep in mind that I also have a real life to deal with in addition to this release, so please be patient while we’re getting ready.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:06 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/21/w...8-public-beta/
For those of you who are dying to get some Wagic news in a sea of Vita, I have good news: We just started the beta test of version 0.18. The beta is open to anyone who is registered on our Wagic forums (note: this is not the same as the /talk forums, you need to register separately) and wants to help.
Wagic is an Heroic Fantasy card game with a mix of luck and strategy. You can find details here.
If you don’t want to help finding the bugs and/or prefer to wait, the public release should happen soon enough.
Without going too much into details (which I will do for the official release), this version finally adds official support for Planeswalkers, and many improvements in the interface for touch devices (Android/iOS)
I’ll also do proper thanks for the official release, but want to already thank Mike for organizing the beta, and Zethfox who did a huge part of the changes in this new version of Wagic.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/23/v...er-collapse-3/
Less than 24hours after our public announcement of the existence of a vulnerability in the PSP game “Super Collapse 3″, Sony pulled out the game from their store, like they did for Motorstorm and Everybody’s Tennis before.
Now comes the stressful moment for me: releasing the VHBL files publicly, and cross fingers that it works correctly on everybody’s Vita.
It is worth mentioning that, as for our previous releases, members of the /talk forums knew about the game’s name up to one week in advance, which gave most of them enough time to get the game without any issue. I want once again to thank the community for being able to keep the secret, although it didn’t go without issues. Way too many people talked about the release publicly on our forums, despite the message on the forum clearly stating not to. We appreciate the support, but next time, if you want to say “thanks”, say it with a PM . There were also a few leaks on a few websites, we are in the process of tracking down the sources of the leaks, and making sure these people will not get access to future Ninja releases.
Many thanks go to thecobra for this release, he found the exploit and did the VHBL port, I just tweaked it for the EU version of the game. I’d also like to mention that this game exploit had been sent to me years ago by WosRet on the lan.st forums, so thanks go to WosRet as well.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/17/...me-timemachine
Dev neur0n has released an update for a somewhat forgotten PSP app by the name of TimeMachine that will let you run 6.60ME on an older custom firmware with out installing it to your PSP internal Flash directories. I know most of you don't remember TimeMachine so lets explain it a little bit, TimeMachine was built back in the days of Dark_Alex when the scene was exploding. It allowed you to run custom firmware via your Memeoy card rather than the flash on your PSP so you could freely change your custom firmware at will. Have a read of what DAX wrote about it below.
The Timemachine is a program to load previous firmwares and custom firmwares from memory stick
using pandora. Like devhook, but working through pandora and custom ipl’s, it would work even if the
flash and nand ipl of the machine is destroyed.
The timemachine is useful to run software that is not supported anymore, and also as a way of
booting psp’s even if the internal firmware is destroyed. It can also be useful for developers
to test their homebrew in different firmwares.
Kinda cool right well now thanks to neur0n we have cutom firmware 6.60ME to run on it. Everyone say thank you and follow the read me and remember to rename the 6.60 OFW to 660.pbp and put it in the root of the memory stick.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/18/...tting-your-psp
Coming all the way from France is the developer GeeckoDev and his new plotting tool gPlot++. This nifty little app will allow you to plot and display 4 concurrent functions and will allow you to move them about as needed through zoom and panning. gPlot++ comes loaded with functions and could be an easy replacement for your graphic calculator if you're in a pinch.
download attached
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April 24th, 2012, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sqrxz and his girlfriend were on a romantic adventure journey in a jungle
somewhere here on our planet. All of a sudden Yve gets kidnapped by an evil
power and Sqrxz is forced to collect dozens of shiny little rings to free her.
The old ruins he has to explore are anything else than safe. Traps are spread
all over the place... and... Sqrxz is not alone!
______ __ __ __
\ // // // //\
\ // // // // \ FEATURES
\//_//_//_//____\_____________________________________________ _____________
* Retrolook! Play like anno 1990!
* Demanding and almost impossible Jump'n'Run annoyance!
* 10 knotty levels!
* 11 wonderful chiptunes!
* Top 10 highscore!
* Infinite continue mode!
* Secrets to discover!
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April 24th, 2012, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/20/...-little-secret
To keep with our theme as of late of more and more PSP homebrew we have a user made version of a game we have all played at one time but no one wants to admit to.
That's right Pokemon, coming from the developers shaplayer and ZappelFry is their own PSP version of the classic game that has spawned so many other games and awful TV shows we all used to watch. They're calling this project Pokemon Grey and its based off of the PGE-Lua-Game-MOD PSPokemonBlack/PSPokemonWhite by Bixu&Davmon and is currently in its beta phase. So if you are interested give it a try and I can promise I wont make fun of you at the very least.
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April 24th, 2012, 14:24 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com[/URL]
This release is for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wii[/URL] Wiz, GP2x and Dingoo:
Heres whats new;
r3679 | utunnels | 2012-04-21 11:43:31 -0400 (Sat, 21 Apr 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Make stop before player turns, for keyboard users can press left and right at the same time and will leave the player sliding while turning.
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April 24th, 2012, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Video chat service Skype will be released for PS Vita tomorrow, Sony has announced.
The app, a free download from the PlayStation Store, supports the Vita's front and rear cameras, and can run the background - so players can receive calls while playing a game, and return to the action once the call is finished.
Skype's Manrique Brenes said: "Our users appreciate being able to access Skype features wherever and whenever they choose. With the launch of Skype for PS Vita, we are taking another step towards our ultimate goal of making Skype available on every platform, all over the world."
Sony has put together the below, faintly embarrassing video featuring pro gamer Fatal1ty running through the app's various features.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has lifted the lid on this year’s on this year’s instalment of its popular football series PES 2013.
The game will “see the series returning to its roots, with the emphasis on the individual skills of the world’s best players, and giving the player the total freedom to play any style of ball, which includes for the first time full control over shots”.
The changes were decided upon after consultation with both football fans and followers of the series.
Konami also says that the players will be more life-like than ever before, with individual stars modelled to match the running motions and playing styles of their real-life counterparts.
The new PES FullControl system offers a new dynamic touch model that allows players to subtly adjust how they receive the ball from traps and various other scenarios. R2 can be used to stop the ball dead, killing the speed of a well-hit pass or using its speed to beat a defender.
Manual passing has been added to by manual shooting, allowing players to for the first time determine a strike’s power AND height.
Dribble speeds have also been slowed to better replicate the real-life game, with full 360 degree movement present and correct.
There’s also the new Response Defending system which offers a more flexible approach to protecting the goal, with a greater degree of control. Goalkeeper control has also been expanded and distribution of the ball improved.
AI has also been tweaked “to eradicate any illogical elements to the way players move and run”, while defensive and offensive moves will be executed with greater tactical precision than previously. Keepers, in particular, have had an extensive overhaul to their decision processes.
“This is an exciting time to be part of the PES community, and PES 2013 marks a new level of playability with the return to our key ethos of utter control and freedom,” European PES team leader Jon Murphy stated.
“Football is all about making magic happen with skill and precision, and PES 2013 truly encapsulates this. Fresh faces within the development team and some very exciting ideas will breathe new life into the PES series, and we look forward to showing what we can do in the coming months.”
PES 2013 will be released on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii, 3DS, PS2 and PSP this autumn - notice the lack of a PlayStation Vita SKU.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
A third PSP game has been removed from the PlayStation Store after it emerged that the title was being used to allow homebrew gaming on Vita.
Prior to its removal Super Collapse was being used by hackers to access and run homebrew software Vita Half-Byte loader which, amongst other things, allows consumers to run Game Boy, NES, SNES, N64 and Mega Drive emulators.
Crucially, the hack did not allow users to play pirated Vita software.
The game will likely be reinstated to PSN once the hack has been removed and, more likely than not, a further Vita firmware update released that will close the loophole.
Last month Sony removed both Everybody’s Tennis and MotorStorm Arctic Edge from the PSN Store as they also allowed hackers to circumvent some of the Vita’s security measures.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros has announced a Game of the Year edition for Batman: Arkham City, revealing a new DLC add-on for the title as well.
The just revealed Harley Quinn’s Revenge pack is set-up to be the game’s final chapter, featuring new story content and the option to play both as Batman or Robin.
The DLC on its own will hit PSN May 29th and the Xbox Live Marketplace May 30th.
The Arkham City GOTY edition will coincide with the pack’s release, bringing the aforementioned add-on along with plenty more including all previous DLC, and a download code for the film Batman: Year One for those in US and Canada.
Batman: Arkham City GOTY edition arrives on May 29th.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Sony confirms that Uncharted 3 will get Game of the Year edition
Sony's console selling franchise Uncharted has been making some major headway, as the company today announced that lifetime sales for the IP are at 17,320,000 units. The sales figure, current as of April 12, includes all three games on the PS3 and the newly launched Golden Abyss on the Vita.
To celebrate, Naughty Dog will be launching a Game of the Year edition for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. The new version will come with all available DLC currently available for the game.
Naughty Dog is currently hard at work on the much anticipated The Last of Us.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
As promised, Skype arrives on the Vita today in a free download. Tell your friends ... to download Skype so you can tell your friends. Other new PSN content arriving today includes Bejeweled 3, The Walking Dead, and retail-to-PSN releases Battlefield 3 and The Cursed Crusade, all on PS3. Demos are available for Ninja Gaiden 3, Dragon's Dogma, and The Walking Dead.
Old games available once again include PS2 Classic Red Faction (the first one) and Darkstalkers 3, and Future Cop LAPD on PSOne Classics. Find the full menu of downloadable PlayStation stuff on the PlayStation Blog.
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April 25th, 2012, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Plus members are going to be busy in May, frantically trying to play all of the free content that is being dumped on them. Awesomenauts, which hits PSN on May 1, will be free to PS+ users right away. It's accompanied byTrine 2 and Rock of Ages.
Two of the best PSOne Classics are being thrown in as well on May 1:Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Castlevania Chronicles, a remake of the original 'Vania. Saints Row: The Third ... isn't free, but it is 20% off for Plus users when it comes to PSN May 15.
For more, including free Minis and discounts on more upcoming PSN games, check the PlayStation Blog. For the answer to the tough question of whether relatively cheap access to all these games is worth an ongoing subscription, when you know you'll lose them when your subscription lapses, check your heart.
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April 25th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
The Skullgirls will take their eternal, beautifully animated brawl to Europe and Australia next week, with the PSN version due in PAL territories on May 2. The XBLA version hit Europe April 11.
If you want to listen to the game's soundtrack (featuring tracks by Castlevania'sMichiru Yamane!) even when not in a pitched battle with a creepy nurse, it's now available from iTunes and CDBaby for $10. Publisher Autumn Games says it will be available on other digital music stores "in the coming days," if you have discriminating taste about where you like to procure your MP3s.
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April 26th, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
As promised, Skype arrives on the Vita today in a free download. Tell your friends ... to download Skype so you can tell your friends. Other new PSN content arriving today includes Bejeweled 3, The Walking Dead, and retail-to-PSN releases Battlefield 3 and The Cursed Crusade, all on PS3. Demos are available for Ninja Gaiden 3, Dragon's Dogma, and The Walking Dead.
Old games available once again include PS2 Classic Red Faction (the first one) and Darkstalkers 3, and Future Cop LAPD on PSOne Classics. Find the full menu of downloadable PlayStation stuff on the PlayStation Blog.
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April 27th, 2012, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
The future will always catch up with you. I remember when I bought my PSP in 2005: it was a darkly shiny piece of magical technology smuggled back decades from a super-cool sci-fi age. There had never been a screen like that, and rarely a gadget so satisfying in its dense heft, its minimalist piano-black-and-metal aesthetic. Even the crosshatched metal of the analogue stick (or as people took to calling it, a bit disgustingly, the ‘nub’) felt good, roughing up my thumb in sweet punishment. Playing Wipeout Pure on this thing was such a time-warp rush; it felt wholly improbable, as though some laws preventing cosmological anomalies had been stealthily broken.
Seven years on, the future has arrived, and it’s choking me with brick dust. Or at least that’s how it feels to be playing the nearer-future and tediously chaotic Wipeout 2048 on Vita: like chugging steampunk. But even without the substandard Wipeout, and even with all its impressive technology, Vita somehow feels like a less futuristic device. Next to the PSP, it looks… well, ‘fat’ is the
word that springs ungenerously to mind, even though my Wi-Fi Vita (260g) is lighter than my first-gen PSP (280g). Unlike the chic, streamlined PSP, Vita bulges with gentle embarrassment, as though there wasn’t quite enough internal space for the designers to be able to cut out those lanyard holes properly.
That weight difference is also a symptom of the sad fact that Vita has a more plasticky (and less fetishistically detailed) build. An aluminium ‘unibody’, now the prevailing cliché of gadget build specification, would at least have brought Vita more up to date aesthetically; without one, it somehow lacks gravitas. (Note to multimedia students desperate for master’s thesis topics: compare the rise of the ‘unibody’ in consumer electronics and the playsuit, or ‘onesie’,
in fashion. You’re welcome!)
Hardware bitching aside, though, the prospects for the variety and quality of Vita’s games are arguably more exciting than they ever were for PSP. By far my favourite launch title is the idiosyncraticEscape Plan, with its gorgeously desaturated artwork; its childish, sadistic audience; and its beautifully silly ‘Intermissions’, with the pudgy enemies in their creaking black leather bodysuits (onesies again, see?) dancing badly to classical music. Escape Plan also – as any experimental launch game should – usefully demonstrates the limitations of the intriguing new control methods festooning Vita. In particular, it shows that players should not be asked to tap accurately on the rear touchpad first time, and also that any required ‘pinch’ movements – touching front and rear panels simultaneously in the same place – ought to be more forgivingly calibrated.
Unit 13 is also mightily encouraging. Breaking twin-stick gunplay down into a huge variety of bite-sized sandbox missions is not just the ideal paradigm for portable shooting, but one I wish more full-sized console games would follow. (And this is just the kind of game – whether it be surgical faceshooting in particular, or anything else requiring a real depth and range of input – that a buttonless slabphone simply can’t do.) And then, of course, there’s the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, including Peace Walker, which I abandoned on PSP since face-button aiming was so depressing. When that comes out, you’ll find me obsessively playing it for weeks, in the cosy world-cancelling environment of an overturned cardboard box.
It’s hardly Sony’s fault if the future has caught up with it: to achieve the same level of future-slap as the original PSP, Vita would have to be thought-controlled and beam 4K images directly onto your retinas. What is Sony’s fault, on the other hand, is that for decades there has lurked an evil little subdepartment deep within the company whose entire raison d’être is to try to screw up every single product launch by mandating infuriatingly user-hostile ‘features’. These include wildly overpriced, product-specific proprietary storage media and charging
cables, and even accessories that aren’t fully compatible with the things they claim to be accessories for (stereo Bluetooth headset and Xperia phones: great work, evil mini-Sony). After years of patient and cunning industrial espionage, I can now exclusively reveal why this is so. The dark, malign Sony-within-a-Sony actually began as an April fool’s joke by a high-ranking executive with a devilish sense of humour, but before he could confess his brilliant comic coup, the executive suffered a tragically fatal heart attack on the golf course. Since no one else in Sony knew that this new department was supposed to be a joke, they just let it carry on and obediently executed all its insane schemes. The good news is that all the new head of Sony, Kaz Hirai, has to do in order to turn round his corporation is to track down this rogue department and burn it to the ground. (Note to Sony: please send my enormous consulting fee care of Edge Towers. Thanks!) Let’s just hope that they haven’t already managed to suck the life out of Vita, because I, for one, am already beginning to
find its helpless chubbiness rather lovable.
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April 27th, 2012, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
PixelJunk 4am is live in early access beta in the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland with a trimmed-down version available exclusively for PS Plus members. The beta offers one song and one visualizer as a test for the full seven songs, six visualizers with 38 variations, 10 events and more than 190 sounds that hit with the game on May 15.
4am requires Move to play, but anyone with eyeballs or eardrums can enjoy it. Early access includes the Live Beta Viewer, which allows Plus members to stream other players' performances, including from Japan's DJ Baiyon, who will stream his playtime during the beta.
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April 27th, 2012, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
European PS Vita users were able to purchase the first PSOne Classic to be released on the platform yesterday. But don't get too excited – it didn't work. And it was Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. The game could be purchased, but presented errors when users attempted to run it or view the manual, suggesting that PSOne Classics support is not quite ready on the Vita.
However, the "LiveArea" for the game – the screen that pops up when you tap a game's icon, where you can choose to launch the game, view the manual, check the store for DLC, etc. – displayed a custom PSOne-style background, suggesting that, at least, some work has been put in on the Vita's PSOne emulation.
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April 27th, 2012, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has detailed its ambitious free-to-play strategy for forthcoming MMO sequel Phantasy Star Online 2.Speaking in a Famitsu interview, as translated by Kotaku, series producer Satoshi Sakai explained that while Sega wanted to make the game free-to-play it didn't want to lock the full core gameplay experience away behind a series of pay walls.Instead, it will only ask players to cough up for relatively minor enhancements like upgrades for their rooms, increased storage space or specific trading features."There is nothing that requires payment that will take away from the intrinsic game experience if they are not purchased," he said."By allowing a well made game like PSO to be accessible more people, we felt that we had a chance to teach people that 'This is what online RPGs are supposed to be like'."Sound risky? Well, Satoshi believes it's a challenge worth taking on."We are seeking to create a business model that functions while still allowing PSO2 to remain as much of an enjoyable experience as possible," he added."I honestly think that Sega is the only maker that is willing to go this far. Even if we fail, if we can get people to say 'They were five years ahead of their time' then I'll have no regrets. I believe that there's meaning in the challenge itself."The follow up to the 2000 Dreamcast original is due out on PC this Summer, followed by iOS and Android apps in the Winter and a Vita version in 2013.
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April 28th, 2012, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a fourplayer PS3 brawler featuring characters from Sony IP that owes more than a passing debt to Nintendo's Smash Bros series.
The game, unveiled last night, is in development at indie studio SuperBot Entertainment and features the likes of Kratos, Parappa The Rapper, Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal's flame-haired clown Sweet Tooth, and Fat Princess. Stages are mash-ups of Sony properties, with one showing God Of War's Hades invaded by Patapon.
On the PlayStation Blog, game director Omar Kendall writes: "The developers here at SuperBot really like fighting games. We set out to make an experience accessible enough for all PlayStation fans to enjoy while also creating something deep enough for the serious fighting game afficionado. We think this 'accessible yet deep' strategy is the perfect way to bring PlayStation fans of all stripes together."
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April 28th, 2012, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
As part of its investor presentation last night, Nintendo revealed that Sony’s PS3 has taken control of the European hardware market since the turn of the year.
Its data suggests that Sony has enjoyed weekly continental sales of between 100,00 and 50,000 units.
3DS is next in line with sales between 50,000 and 30,000 per week and Xbox 360 just behind, although Microsoft’s machine was selling far stronger until week six.
It’s a different story in Japan where 3DS is selling anything between 120,000 and 65,000 units per week – a decent performance considering the time of year. PS3 remains to sell strongly, too, peaking at nearly 70,000 unit sales in week nine.
In the US the Xbox 360 has maintained its now customary dominance, with PS3 the second best selling platform and 3DS the third.
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April 30th, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so maybe physical keyboards were a bigger deal back in 2010 when this thing was filed, or maybe -- just maybe -- we'll one day see an Xperia Play smartphone with both a gamepad and a full QWERTY counterpart. A patent for such a contraption was just granted to Sony by the USPTO, which stakes its claim for a device with two sliding mechanisms in addition to the display. When the primary sliding mechanism is engaged, the second will come along for the ride -- and for those curious, it seems the default option is the keyboard. Once both are open, the sliding units may be disengaged from one another, so that when one of the units retracts, the other will remain accessible. It all sounds quite feasible, and if the mechanism works well enough, what's a few extra millimeters among friends?
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April 30th, 2012, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
The German publisher of Awesomenauts, dtp entertainment, filed for insolvency today, potentially stopping the game's XBLA and PSN launch on May 2. Developer Ronimo Games isn't sure what dtp's financial problems mean forAwesomenauts, but both companies are attempting to work out a resolution that gets the game published, IGN reports.
"Insolvency" is the European equivalent of bankruptcy and dtp now faces liquidating or reorganizing its assets, IGN writes. We've contacted Ronimo for comment about dtp's insolvency and the status of Awesomenauts.
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April 30th, 2012, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Vita is currently being outsold by the both the Wii and PSP in Europe, according to sales research conducted by Nintendo.The platform holder included a graph in its recent financial briefing showing individual system performance across the continent for the last three months.According to the data, which Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explained is "based on sales information by market research companies in each European country," PlayStation 3 comes out on top, with 3DS and Xbox 360 neck and neck in second, Wii in fourth, PSP in fifth, Vita in sixth and DS in second.It appears that the Vita is selling around 25,000 units a week, compared to roughly 70,000 PlayStation 3s."Although the Nintendo 3DS has recently increased its weekly sales, it is far from a satisfactory level," said Nintendo president Satoru Iwata of the company's own performance.Iwata also went into greater detail on software sales in specific European countries."The UK market is virtually the only market in Europe where the Xbox 360 has a strong presence," he told investors."In fact, it dominates the PlayStation 3, and it is in stark contrast to the other European markets. The top-selling titles for the Wii tell us that dance games continue to be popular this year."Although there are six titles for the Nintendo platforms, the two Mario titles for the Nintendo 3DS have the smallest presence in the world. We need to promptly improve this situation."The picture is slightly different over in the US. According to another of Nintendo's graphs, this one based on hard NPD sales data, Xbox 360 is out in the lead, followed by PlayStation 3, then 3DS, with Vita following closely behind in fourth. Next is Wii, then DS, with PSP all but dead and buried in last place."The Nintendo 3DS, which now has an overwhelming presence in Japan, also has the largest share in the US handheld game market," commented Iwata."However, considering that the US market is two or three times the size of its Japanese equivalent, I believe that the sales of the Nintendo 3DS in the US are far below the level that it could potentially reach. Also, unlike Japan, the United States still has a relatively large market for the Nintendo DS."The situation in Japan is in stark contrast to both the US and Europe, with handheld gaming dominating the market.Sales tracker MediaCreate has 3DS way out in front, followed by PlayStation 3, then PSP, then Vita, Wii, DS and Xbox 360.
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April 30th, 2012, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
NetherRealm is writing new paragraphs in the 'Drip Feeding Media' guidebook.
After announcing some Vita-exclusive 'Klassic Skins' for the male ninjas of Mortal Kombat, it's now released another trailer to confirm the females will also get some new/old threads in the portable version.Mileena, Skarlet, Kitana and Jade all feature to show off their classic outfits while stabbing people in the chest.
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April 30th, 2012, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/04/29/trouble-with-vhbl/
Hey everyone, just a quick post for those of you who are having trouble running VHBL.
A few days ago I released VHBL for the game Super Collapse 3, and I’ve seen lots of people running into various types of issues, so let me try to summarize a few hints and tips here.
First of all, apologies for my lack of activity in the past days. I’m on a holiday with my family, with close to no internet access, and absolutely no time. Things will be back to normal in a few days, but until then I cannot actively work on any of my projects, including VHBL.
This is a nice transition to the first thing I want to discuss: people are having trouble running various homebrews on VHBL for super collapse 3, including some homebrews that should definitely work such as Snes9xTYL, the super NES emulator. Based on the descriptions of the issue, I’m thinking this is a simple bug with a hook for one of the audio functions. It should be easy to fix, but again, as I am not available for a few days, somebody will have to step up and fix the issue, or you guys will have to wait for me to come back and look into it. As a reminder, HBL is open source and anybody with a bit of free time and a PSP could fix the issue.
In general, if you are having issues running a specific homebrew on VHBL, head over to our /talk VHBL subforum. You should be able to quickly find information on most homebrews there, working versions if any, or explanations on why the homebrew doesn’t work for you. Again, most issues have a solution, and if the solution is not on our forums yet, it usually only takes one guy to figure it out…
Some people are having trouble installing homebrews. A typical symptom is a clicking noise in the VHBL menu, but nothing happening, or the menu crashing. This is usually happening because your install.zip file was not correctly prepared, in particular it should be an uncompressed zip file. You can use Homebrew Preparer to do this correctly for you (be sure to use revision 0.2 or higher, as version 0.1 has a critical bug that will cause the exact same bug I’m describing in this paragraph). Alternatively, you can probably find a bunch of pre-made homebrew packages for VHBL in our forums. Finally, let me remind you again that anybody could create their own menu for VHBL, create one that supports a better installation method if needed, etc… so please feel free to step up to improve the experience
Some people are contacting me to know if VHBL for Motorstorm or Everybody’s Tennis will work on firmware 1.67. The answer is no, so stop asking.
Some people missed this third release of VHBL for the game Super Collapse, and are asking me how they could be made aware of our future releases in advance. The answer is simple: trusted member of our /Talk forums get some information before everybody else. If you are registered on /Talk, it does not guarantee you will get the information before others, but if you are not registered there, you can be sure you will be one of the last to know about it. I believe we’ve made that system pretty clear for the past three VHBL releases.
Stay tuned for more VHBL updates, in particular bug fixes for the Super Collapse 3 version of VHBL. In the meantime, enjoy the homebrews that are already working, and when a homebrew doesn’t work, before you complain, remember that before HBL, people used to be happy with just a hello world (but don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism or genuine attempts at making HBL better for the community are more than welcome)
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April 30th, 2012, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/04/24/...-660-me-beta-2
If you enjoyed pulling out your PSP to use neur0n's 6.60 ME custom firmware with TimeMachine, he has bought another update for you to go back.
The new Beta 2 update allows you to now install the official and debug versions of 6.60 to your memory stick, to use with TimeMachine. On top of that, a modified version of Dark Alex's Despertar Cementerio has also been released. The new version being dubbed "DCv9" gives users a choice of installing 6.60 ME or 6.60 official firmware.
You can pick up the latest version of the custom firmware modified for Time Machine below. You just need a PSP that can use a Pandora Battery. It has been found that neur0n's addon is a standalone version, so this all that needs to be installed.
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April 30th, 2012, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
The True Blue team published a new update for its dongle of the same name.
After three months of silence since the last update, the game of cat and mouse continued on? This update blocks Does the Job-King? new / fixed: - Added to spoof the firmware version of the PS3 - Improved compatibility of games thanks to Fakir for information. True Blue: firmware 2.61 Official site: http://www.truebluejb2.com
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April 30th, 2012, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
Unless it is a fake, this is an extremely important step in the road to hack the new VITA SONY PlayStation. A hacker wishing to remain anonymous, just let go on the net an archive containing what he said to dump the flash0 of the PSP emulator for the PlayStation VITA !
The dump is in the archive with the system modules Kermit mentioned by Davee before, according to which the latter represents the path to a real hack of PS VITA itself and not its PSP emulator as does the VITA HBL . It's not all, were also in the archive file binary content assumed the key kernel of PS VITA!!
While it's great, but we need to confirm this before, this can only be assured by real developers, mastering many things and assigns the necessary knowledge to operate the dump, why not get "one day" to perform a firmware HEN for VITA, as has recently Davee.
Besides the anonymous guy behind the dump, said to have dropped following the refusal of Davee to release to the public its HEN PS VITA.
So hack or fake? Let's wait & see the words of our Anglo-Saxon friends.
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April 30th, 2012, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
It has long been seen no new revisions of Custom Firmware PRO, the PRO-B CFW famous Chinese Virtious Flame and his ex-British colleague ColdBird ! While he is working on his side of the module online gambling PRO- Online and drafts of CFW PRO-C, Virtious Flame seems to have dropped the story, but hey it must be admitted, the CFW PRO arrived at the stage of saturation, there is no great thing to add. Despite this, the CFW PRO being spent in open source for a long time, this leaves the opportunity for other developers to work on it and try to add features or fix some minor bugs. For example, Yoti the famous Russian developer behind PSP ident presents its latest revision of CFW PRO-Mod !
News / corrections:
- Ability to enable / disable access to the menu VSH CFW:
* Either from the recovery menu -> Configuration -> use vsh menu
* Either keeping the R trigger down while running the fast recovery.
- Ability to enable / disable parental controls for backups (XSO).
- Optimized default settings.
- Ability to restore default settings CFW:
* Keep R pressed the trigger and start the fast recovery.
- irshell blocked launching backups (this was a rare bug in the official version).
- Optimize files to text translations of menus and vsh recovery. Official page and download links here: http://code.google.com/p/procfw -mod /
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April 30th, 2012, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
Supercow PSP developer and his German colleague The Z , we now have an interesting homebrew. New PSX Decrypter , as its name suggests this little jewel allows decryption but also the creation of images . iso games PSX from the PlayStation Network . This homebrew is not new, it is a ported version of the same old homebrew launched by the famous Dark-Alex at the time of CFW 3.0X . the old version was not compatible and non-functional on HEN / 6 CFW. + + , but this new revision refined and edited by our two German friends, ensures compatibility with the new CFW 6.60 PRO and ME
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April 30th, 2012, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
A machine to go back in time, it exists in Hollywood movies in the series, in the cartoons ... but it also exists on PSP! Do not worry, we laughed ! and duh, behind this pretty name is read through the above title, which will remain strange, hiding the new revision 2 beta of the new tool to upgrade / install OFW / CFW 6.60 ME home neur0ner , tool using the Pandora battery!!
This is somewhat of a new generation of kit Despertar Del Cementerio the famous PSP hacker Dark_Alex . The latter has been used previously to downgrade and PSP compatible flash Pandora (PSP Slim and FAT 100X 200X non 8C), using the famous battery modified to forcibly boot the PSP into service mode , coupled with a custom IPL (Initial Program Load) installed on what is commonly called memory card Memory Stick Magic . This duo and once started to control the nand of the PSP and so do what you want with: - Debrickage - Downgrade - Upgrade - dump, restoring the nand - Installation of OFW specific - CFW Installation of our choice with custom IPL match - Test a CFW without installing it on the nand. Among these famous kits, there are the most used kit SDC 8 of Team M33 kit and the Pandora XGEN the team PSP GEN . Over time, the OFW / CFW installable with these kits have become "so to say" a little old! It was time to move on to offering kits of CFW / OFW 6.XX . ... And since nature would have it, the famous Swiss developer Total_Noob , to whom we owe the HEN 6.20 produced the reverse-engineering of the kit of 8 SDC Dark_Alex, giving the source code the different actors in the scene for a possible upgrade of this small jewelry dating from 2009! From Switzerland to Japan, neur0ner begins its work in this direction, he has posted a new form of the kit under the name Time Machine , it allows the launch (test without installation) and / or installation of the official firmware 6.60 but also directly CFW 6.60 1.8 ME
- This is a beta, it is supposed to contain bugs or other, so only use it if you have a pandora battery!
- This kit is only compatible with the PSP Slim and FAT 100X 200X non 8C ! (The PSP 8C 200X, 300X, and GB Street are not compatible with!)
- For the installation and testing, you will need the official 6.60 firmware, there is provided a little lower.
- Other functions are expected to revise the next, it's just a beta, but we know well neur0ner and serious work so no worries, Time Machine will evolve, expand and improve over versions. Use : - Copy TIMEMACHINE_ADDON folder to PSP / GAME directory on memorystick. - Copy of official 6.60 to memorystick root, rename it to 660.PBP. - Run TIMEMACHINE_ADDON and choose option1: install it iplloader MS boot sector. - Choose option 2: install 660ME ( 01g + 02g model). Wait Until all files are extracted. - Shutdown PSP and power up again with the Square buttton pressed. - Add / change this line in CONFIG.TXT file folder inside TM are memorystick: SQUARE = "/ TM/660/ipl.bin"; 6.60 ME boot Will have installed fresh firmware so you Have to configure Date and Time first, then run it with default settings Will
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