November 2nd, 2004, 13:57 Posted By: lordexcalibur
Hi there,
i´m going to buy a playstation 2.
I saw that there is a new one out since last week.
I´ll play import games and so i need a MOD Chip or SWAP MAGIC SLIDE CARD.
Because of warranty loss ill not built in a MOD chip.
Is it possible to use the SWAP MAGIC SLIDE CARD, or the Boot DVD from that?
Is there any other possibility?
Thanks, Sebastian
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November 3rd, 2004, 07:18 Posted By: yonai
just got a blaze VGA adaptor so i can run my ps2 through my monitor, and i realise that i didnt think about how i was going to get sound from it.. it says you can plug speakers in through audio L and audio R, but i only have a pair of speakers that i use for my computer, with just one input to the sound card.. how can i get sound, can someone tell me my options?
thanks alot
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November 11th, 2004, 07:34 Posted By: steham
Has anyone seen a review yet for this game or played it yet? Official Playstation magazine has a review but I don't know what score they gave it
I've ordered a copy due to arrive today/tomorrow so would be interested to see how it has been rated. I enjoyed the first one so I'm bound to like this one as I believe it is a lot more polished.
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November 13th, 2004, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
Martin of Emulation64 has posted some screenshots of the Playstation 2 emulator for windows and linux running the game Dynasty Warriors 3.[br][br]Click the comments to see them 
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November 17th, 2004, 14:17 Posted By: skeezix
I'm about to set up the Independance exploit using the "made easy" directions.
I'm told the SNES Station snes9x port only looks at the CD and thus isn't usable across the exploit or ps2link.
Does anyone know which emus will in fact work on an unmodded ps2 thats only that exploit?
(ie: Can use the save-file trick via ARMax to get things onto the memory card; I'd love to be able to run TG16 emu entirely from memory card or usb 
Help a poor newbie out 
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November 20th, 2004, 08:55 Posted By: matejakezman
i downloaded c64 emulator for ps2. and when i click on create data cd and put all files there everything works great. but when i burn it on DVD the game wont load, what should i do so the game is loaded from DVD?
can a game from cd be translated to DVD?
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November 22nd, 2004, 03:23 Posted By: lopaolo
I've a problem!
My ps2 don't read Princo dvd-r anymore.
Before yesterday I played with it using without problem those dvd-r.
Now it can read only cdr, dvd+r, dvd-r (from Maxell) or dvdrom (original game, not backup).
With Princo and Verbatim dvd-r, it starts, display "PLASYSTATION2" logo, than freeze.
Any ideas?
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November 24th, 2004, 17:16 Posted By: jeffrey_goines
Greetings all,
Was wondering if any of you had any ideas about the following problem(s) I am having with my new tv and light guns.
As we all know most light guns do not work with projection or plasma tvs. There are a few that claim they do but I don't know anyone that has tried them. Have you? In addition or just to make things worse I am using component out because there is a noticeable difference with my tv... I hear there is an adapter I will need in order to get the light guns to work in this configuration, however once again I am back on the same I don't know anyone that has used this adapter or were to find it.
Any thoughts and or suggestions would be great...
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November 25th, 2004, 08:09 Posted By: fuzz
i bought this game as soon as i saw the ad on tv only to find that it likes pausing itself A LOT whilst playing! it's such a great game and sequel i have actually stopped playing it because of this annoying glitch and will probably return it. anyone know if they're bringing out new games that work or if there's a way of solving my dilemma!?
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November 25th, 2004, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
A lot of PS2 sceners will know these sites and both provide levels of news that interests.
Both sites do seem to have atitude towards each others too, with openly bitching comments towards each other.
I myself never had a problem with either site until now.
A few weeks ago i emailed PS2 ownz about a DS emulator article and i provided them with information about why their info was wrong and that the site involved was nothing more than a scam site, for that i got banned.
So as you can understand im not too happy with them.
Next up PS2 Newz/scene, ive been visiting their for 3 years or thereabouts and considered myself a good pal of the former webmaster Guichi, i clicked on this week and it says im banned, now ive emailed the "webmaster" and no response so im not too happy there too.
anyone else have problems with these sites or if you work there, i would love to know why people are banned for no reason.
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November 26th, 2004, 17:18 Posted By: True_Vinyl
I tried transfering files from my memory card to my usb, I have a kingstan 2.0 data travler (128mb) ,
didn't work > . Ps2 does not detect the USB, though the USB indicator is lit. I did some reserach and found that special UBS are available for transfering files from memory card to USB. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to work normal usb to work with PS2? I figure some software or driver can do the trick... 8)
Please Help. ???
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November 27th, 2004, 19:13 Posted By: vince69
Need to get a new PS2 for my son and there are none to be had anywhere in the UK that I can find
I was over in France today and saw them in a shop but was not sure if it would work here in the Uk obviously the plug woul only be 2 pronged but will it play UK games etc will it run on UK power grid
Any help would be great
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November 28th, 2004, 14:43 Posted By: deepshadow
i don't have a playstation 2 yet but have been thinking of getting one, and this is definitely a newby question but i really hope someone will be so kind as to clue me in.
on a pc computer, in games like Doom or Quake 1/2/3, you can download homemade episodes and unzip them into the proper folder and then play them in the game. these are not of course 'factory-issue' maps or episodes, but 'aftermarket' add-ons.
can this be done with a playstation 2 for these and other games?
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November 28th, 2004, 14:57 Posted By: deepshadow
i don't have a playstation 2 yet, and never had any kind of tv-oriented game station, such as xbox or playstation 1.
i have read that the new Doom 3 is quite demanding of a home pc computer for speed and video card quality, and i wonder if anyone can tell me what the visual quality of a playstation 2 is compared to a properly decked out pc computer able to play a game like Doom 3 properly?
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November 28th, 2004, 17:46 Posted By: Samio
A friend gave me his broken PS2 to fix, and I opened it up and while I was cleaning the inside I noticed that he had his disc tray jammed (he told me the tray wouldnt eject thats why he gave me it). So while trying to fix that this ribbon came out. It's came out for me millions of times on other PS2's so I unscrew everything and put the ribbon back in, but while I was screwing everything back on a different ribbon came off. It's an orange ribbon with a big white tip connected to the lens that reads the disc. I unscrewed the part with the lens and tried to put the ribbon back in but It wouldnt go in for some wierd reason. I took some pics with my digital camera that i recently bought. (I'm not used to it so bare with these crappy pictures.)

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November 28th, 2004, 19:41 Posted By: Marcos
Without a chip? I have an unmodded PAL PS" and i have heard that HDAdvance will allow me to put a NTSC games directly from my computer to the HD and play it on my PS2. Which bypasses the PS2's disk drive problem of not reading NTSC games.
Can anyone confirm that this is in fact possible?
thanks alot 
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November 29th, 2004, 14:53 Posted By: clayg13
I have been wondering if with the PS2 hard drive you can save games to the hard drive to play from there? I have heard you could on the XBOX. Thanks.
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November 30th, 2004, 07:21 Posted By: steham
Can anyone help me on the first Sam mission (Chapter 12) which involves getting into the gym around the back.
I have got into the main gym (near the boxing ring) and I'm up to the point where you go past the 2 paramedics in the corridor. I have gone down the stairs to the left to find both exits blocked by policemen (the doorway opposite the top of the stairs is also guarded). I therefore return to the main gym near the boxing ring. I am stuck at this point. If I go to the far end (near the punchbags) I am always seen by the 2 policemen guarding. I can't find anyway round them. Do I have to get past them or is there a way to return to the metal pathway hanging beneath the ceilnig? Help please
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November 30th, 2004, 07:53 Posted By: jovialjonny
Hey I've just gotten my PS2 online by the wonders of broadband but at the moment the only online game I have is Mortal Kombat: Deception, which is pretty cool but I'm just wondering if anyone else plays online PS2 games and if so which ones are good?
I'm looking at getting some war game at the mo cos I've played them on pc before and they are usually a laugh online...anyone know which of these is best?
- Call of duty
- Ghost Recon 2
- Killzone
- Rainbow six 3
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November 30th, 2004, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang [br][br] Here we go with the latest update about the booming SmartJoy FRAG. SmartJoy FRAG is a unique adapter that allows you to connect standard PS/2 compatible mice and keyboards to your PlayStation®2 or Xbox® console. You will be able to enjoy First-Person Shooters (FPS), or any other game where targeting is important, the way they are meant to be played.[br][br]Both versions, for PlayStation®2 and Xbox®, are fully programmable and come with pre-installed key configurations for the best games available on PlayStation®2 and Xbox®. Advanced features such as Deadzone adjustments and mouse control inversion guarantee best gaming experience with your favorite titles.[br][br]The Sales and Shipping Rush[br][br]Ever since its launch, the SmartJoy FRAG has been so popular that delivered quantity could only fulfill recorded pre-orders. Sold out for weeks, some early customers took their chance and sold their units on eBay between $75 and $100 to desperate gamers. With the latest production run of the SmartJoy FRAG (both versions), Lik Sang was finally able to clear all pre- and back-orders and to keep a few in stock. If you were wondering when the hell you could just click'n'get the Smartjoy FRAG without waiting in line for it, now is your big chance. According to sales stats, the units will be gone within a few days and the next stock is supposed to arrive not earlier than middle of December.[br][br]The Customers' Love and the Fanbase[br][br]So far, the SmartJoy FRAG has been shipped to plenty of living rooms all across the planet, and also to several gaming press offices. The response is simply unbelievable, and both Lik Sang and the Smartjoy Team wish to thank everybody for this wonderful reception! Our loyal yet unbiased customers rate the SmartJoy FRAG for Xbox (based on 20 reviews so far), while the PS2 version is approved at the maximum as well, with 6 opinion posts in total.[br][br]The Media Frenzy[br][br]Except if you were on the moon or locked in a Reality TV show for the last three months, you probably noticed the press buzz about the SmartJoy FRAG throughout the international video games and technology newslines. After giants IGN and GameSpot, editors from the entire world are now raving about the SmartJoy's latest installment. The SmartJoy FRAG is quickly becoming the killer-app in the FPS-lover arsenal. If you can't beat them, join them![br]
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November 30th, 2004, 17:41 Posted By: Scooby_Rex
my PS2 console just took a dive on me today. appears that the DVD drive has busted on me (looks to have scratched a game in the process).
I've looked around for a new PS2, but either they are out of stock, or in a "bundle" with alot of items I dont need. All I need is the console itself. (or just the DVD drive).
I've looked online a bit, but with no luck. Have anyone here aware of a place to get PS2 parts?
Thanks in advanced!
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