February 3rd, 2017, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will soon bring out the Nintendo Switch Console, a Console that is both a home based video games console and uniquely a portable games machine which also doubles as a tablet, this is an awesome move by Nintendo, will the console be powerful enough to go toe to toe with the Xbox One or our very own Playstation 4 console, that is anyones guess, but it will be the most powerful portable device by a country mile.
The question is, will Sony bring out a portable version of the PS4, yes we have had the PSP which was an awesome console, made more famous by the thousands of emulators, games and applications that all came under the homebrew umbrella, truly the best homebrew console of all time. The PSVita was a powerful handheld but the games were mostly lacklustre and the homebrew side of things has in recent months been broken through as well, but the console has not been the success that Sony was hoping it would be.
The Playstation 4 is very much the market leader in the video games industry and follows the incredible success of the PSOne, PS2 and PS3 and to a lesser extent the PSP and PSVita.
For any portable games console to be successful these days you need it to be powerful and the ability to play games online and also digital downloads seems the way forward, can you put the PS4 into a portable gaming device, well that maybe too much of a dream at this time, maybe a few years down the line, after the failure of the psvita to take the portable gaming crown from the Nintendo 3DS will Sony risk another trip in to the world of portable gaming, the dream is to have both a home based console and a portable games console at the same time and being able to play both without loss of graphics and gameplay.
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Getting back to the PS4 Handheld Dream, will it happen, personally I hope so, the portable gaming scene really needs at least 2 companies bringing out video games to ensure both systems deliver the best in games for all customers, whatever happens its going to be a very interesting few years for all of us fans of video games.
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February 5th, 2017, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
cpasjuste has released PFBA: Portable Final Burn Alpha which is a Final Burn Alpha Emulator for PSVita, heres the release notes from this exciting release:
The main goals of this final burn alpha port are/were :
- have a basic but user friendly user interface on non windows devices
- use a recent rendering interface for speed and effects support
- cross-platform and code portability
- easy updates of fba core (no modifications to the original sources)
- use arm asm m68k (cyclone) core on arm devices
Get the download and more details here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/pfba
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February 5th, 2017, 19:58 Posted By: wraggster
cpasjuste has been a busy boy, he has also released a PSVita Port of the excellent UAE4ALL emulator, which if you didn't know is a great Amiga 500 Emulator, heres his release notes:
uae4all is an Amiga 500/1200 emulator for the ps vita.
- install vpk
- put disks (adf) in "ux0:/data/uae4all/roms"
- put kickstart roms (kick13.rom, kick31.rom) in "ux0:/data/uae4all/kickstarts"
Get more info on this release here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en/project/uae4all
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February 5th, 2017, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
Akabane87 has posted the first release of his new Homebrew Game for the PSVita called PROJECT VOID, This project aims to be a space opera focused on dogfights. The way you build your spaceship using different modules
such as engines, canons and so on, will impact the momentum and the whole physics that will make your ship move and react. Any module will have independent resistance and destroying a module will affect the physics of the ship until you repair it.
Release details for this version are as follows:
Version notes :
- 2017/01/28 : v0.0.1 (pre alpha release for the GekiHen Contest)
This version is more like a sandbox where you can only drive a prebuilt ship in an asteroid field and shoot asteroids.
This includes temporary features such as drag and dropping asteroids with the touchscreen, a debug menu, and wip controls.
- Nearly coded from scratch crossplatform Vita/PC(d3d11) engine using the official sony's SDK.
- Physic engine (native on vita and provided by sony in their SDK)
- Optimized volumetric fog using FBM Perlin noise.
- Procedural asteroids geometry and texture (textures are precomputed for faster loading time) using FBM Perlin noise.
- Single light spot rendering shaders for 3d objects.
- Tweakable controls with 2 presets (from the debug menu).
- Tweakable rendering options (from the debug menu).
More info here --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...t/Project-Void
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February 5th, 2017, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
bomblik is back with another release for the PSVita, this time its an Homebrew Game called BLOCKOUT II, BlockOut II is an addictive action puzzle game by Jean-Luc PONS. It is also the first OpenGL homebrew game for Playstation Vita. BlockOut II is reimplementation of original 1989 puzzle video game, developed in Poland by Aleksander Ustaszewski and Mirosław Zabłocki and published by California Dreams for multiple platforms. Original BlockOut was the first video game which transfered tetris from 2D into 3D.
More info --> http://gekihen.customprotocol.com/en...ct/BlockOut-II
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February 6th, 2017, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Romhacking.Net they have posted a new translation release for Sony Consoles:
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix + (Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories) (English)(Fully Playable)(PS2)
Heres some more information:
While Xeeynamo’s work on Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix was no short of impressive, it still lacked some polishing. Fortunately, it ended up inspiring other ROM Hackers to do the same, and this is the case for Crazycatz00, who did a new translation for this game.
This translation originally was to touch about things Xeeynamo left unchecked, but then it turned into a pure effort of bringing Kingdom Hearts II.5’s content for the Final Mix version of II into the PS2 version.
More Info : http://www.romhacking.net/translations/2872/
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February 6th, 2017, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new rom hack released for the PSP:
Final Fantasy Tactics: Emergence (Improvement)(Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions)(PSP)
and heres more information about the release:
Final Fantasy Tactics was made 20 years ago, and remains one of the best Tactical Role Playing Games on the market. 10 years ago, it was remade for the PSP and ported to IOS/Android. Now, in 2017, a professional board game designer takes a look back at the game to see what FFT could have been. What design choices emerge from hints left within the story… the art… the code?
FFT: Emergence is the result of this exploration. Here is a high-level overview of the changes:
- Each job has been tweaked, with some being completely redesigned.
- Every special character has been modified. Ramza, for example, slowly becomes a Dark Knight over the course of the story.
- The Job Tree progression is more intuitive and reflective of character growth.
- The “Dark Knight” job has been replaced with the “Magus”, an armor-wearing magician.
- Magick charge time has been reduced across the board.
- The Faith stat has been brought into balance with Bravery. It is only used for statuses and summons.
- 30 new abilities have been created.
- 16 abilities previously only available to enemies have also been unlocked.
- Most equipment has received balance tweaks.
- Fell Swords replace Bags in the base game. They reward characters with low Faith.
- Every storyline battle has been tweaked to give players a greater variety of enemies and a smoother difficulty curve.
Full info here --> http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3291/
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February 6th, 2017, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
Going through all my news links and theres been a news update for the PCSX2 emulator which is of course a PS2 emulator not only for Windows but other Operating systems also, this time they chat about the implementation of PSX emulation, heres a tidbit:
Previously, PCSX2 had always failed to play PSX games due to unimplemented devices that are necessary for backward compatibility. Rama had then decided to reach out to other developers to fix the problem. However, most of the PSX games still suffered from bad audio and the source of the issue was the SPU2 plugin. It was assumed that in the backward compatibility mode of the SPU2, the hardware provides a mapping window into SPU2 RAM, which wasn't properly handled by the plugin. Pseudonym then fixed all the issues related to the mapping management and SPU2-X started providing much better results. At this time, he also redid the reverb algorithm (which is shared between PSX and PS2 modes) and improved it significantly towards an exact replica of the original.
Theres a multitude of news so head on over to the official site here --> http://pcsx2.net/281-q4-2016-progress-report.html
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February 6th, 2017, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to see some Homebrew News for the PS2, heres the info straight from Eurasia:
Homebrew replacements for RMMAN (and related modules) are now available in the PS2SDK. As the title says, the PS2SDK has received updates from me, which include a new copy of the RMMAN module from ROM v2.20. There were probably only two versions of RMMAN, with the latter one having minor bug fixes/differences that don't matter from the user's perspective:
* Does not clear the connected status, if a unrecognized response is returned within FindRemote().
* The in_buf and out_buf fields of the SIO2 data structure are set to NULL within InitFindRmCmd().
As with any RMMAN module, this homebrew version also requires a new SIO2MAN module. The freesio2 module from the PS2SDK was based on rom0:XSIO2MAN, which is only just newer than rom0:SIO2MAN. There also exists rom1:SIO2MAN, which is even newer than rom0:XSIO2MAN (and hence freesio2), which is used with RMMAN by the DVD player. Therefore, I have also created a variation of freesio2, known as rsio2man (where 'r' stands for Remote). This is just like freesio2, but has a slightly different export table (2 additional functions exported, different ordinal numbers and newer version).
More info : http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3576
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February 6th, 2017, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like PSVita Hackers have been busy and released the PFS Keys for the PSVita, heres more info:
The PS Vita PFS keys have been posted in the HENkaku wiki (mirror) by St4rk. So what are the PFS keys? Quote Yifan Lu: 'The second layer of encryption is PFS. All game data (images, textures, executables, etc) are encrypted with PFS. PFS key is derived from a passphrase chosen by the developer. This layer is decrypted when a game is mounted.' Thanks goes to Joonie for the heads up."
More information here --> http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3577
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February 7th, 2017, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
One thing ive never got around to doing is putting a custom firmware on my PS3, I have 2 release day PS3s, one working fine and one with ylod that I took apart and well only got as far as removing the blue ray drive, still got that PS3 but I suppose one day ill bin it, anyway the latest news for the PS3 scene is that the Cobra CFW noiw plays burned discs ?
Dean (aka deank) of multiMAN fame over at psx-place.com has been testing a patched stage2.bin he developed for Cobra 7.5 CFW which allows you to play unencrypted ISO images burned on disc in your PS3. Dean already checked that original disc still works with the patch and the supported formats for burned discs are: PS3 Game (DVD-R SL/DL), PS2 Game (DVD-R), PS2 Game (CD-R), PS1 Game (CD-R), AVCHD Disc (DVD-R SL/DL), DVD-Video (DVD-R), Data Disc (DVD-R), Data Disc (CD-R). Why is this great? Quote Dean: 'BD-R/RE discs are now much cheaper than 7 years ago, so this feature could be really useful for people who want to backup their collection on optical media and play it at any time without fiddling with usb drives, network streams or ftp. Also it achieves 100% compatibility of all games released to date.' Thanks goes to hitman43 for the heads up."
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February 7th, 2017, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
I don't actually own a PS4 at this time although my son does so im not missing out completely, heres some news for those into hacking the PS4:
idc has officially released the C source code for tools to decrypt and unpack PUP files on PS4. These are native tools which uses the PS4 kernel to decrypt the contents of an update file. Thanks goes to GaryOPA for the heads up, you can read his story over at maxconsole.com.
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February 7th, 2017, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
The PSVita is becoming more famous for its hacking and emulation scene than it ever did for the games released on it and heres another great hack:
The Vita hacking scene started boiling earlier today as the news spread that developer xyz, a member of team molecule, has released what is named the first public F00D hack for the PS Vita.
What is F00D?
F00D is considered to be the "level 0" of the PS Vita security chain. Security checks on FOOD happen before other systems are even accessed. It is believed that exploiting F00D could lead to a permanent hack, that possibly couldn’t be patched without a hardware upgrade of the PS Vita.
YifanLu, one of the hackers behind the HENkaku Vita hack, has stated recently that he would focus his reverse engineering efforts on F00D moving forward. This was followed by lots of progress from various hackers in January, including a deeper understanding of the F00D protocol.
What was just released by team Molecule?
I’m seeing lots of speculation on the source code that was released by xyz a few hours ago. As I’m still waiting for a comment by xyz himself, I’ll have to speculate a bit on my own, and will be sure to update this article once the members of Team molecule publicly bash my complete ignorance
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February 7th, 2017, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Another release aimed at Hackers rather than homebrewers has been released, heres the info:
The PS Vita RSA modulus and exponent keys have been posted in the HENkaku wiki (mirror) by St4rk. I don't know what these keys are good for, if you do, let me know in the comments. Thanks goes to Joonie for the heads up."
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February 7th, 2017, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
PCSX2 v1.4 Re-Recording v3.0 has been released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 Re-Recording is a special version of PCSX2 with many new features such as input rerecording, cheat support, RAM search, RAM watch, customizable hotkeys, etc.
PCSX2 v1.4 Re-Recording v3.0 Changelog:
· Lua function is added
· The Lua function can be modified by adding a small value
Download Here --> https://github.com/pocokhc/pcsx2-1.4.0-rr
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February 7th, 2017, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Xebra(Arbex) the Japanese PS1 Emulator for Windows has been updated with a new release, heres whats new:
Xebra (2017/01/17) Changelog:
■ Correspondence to incorrect display area setting
For example, in PS 1, NTSC (i)
Considering that it is composed of 262 horizontal lines in the first half 263 / the second half,
By designating the display start line number and the display stop line number
I can bias the display area
First of all, when we refined this behavior last time
It had been changed to 263 in both front and back, so I fixed it.
In addition, it is inevitable
The start line number is smaller than the end line number and must be smaller than No. 261.
Otherwise the VSYNC interrupt will be missing
This time we also corresponded to cases with such illegal numbers.
As a series of refinements, the display of the memory card manager
Although it has become strange phenomenon
For this, for example, it is necessary to adjust I Cache Rate to about 22 or so.
Download Here --> http://drhell.web.fc2.com/ps1/index.html
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February 8th, 2017, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
RetroArch the Multi system emulator for Windows/Wii/GC/PS3/XBOX/XBOX360/Android has been updated with a new release
Half a year after RetroArch 1.3.6 was released, now comes the next big stable! Version 1.4.1 is by any yardstick a big massive advance on the previous version. There are about 5000 commits or more to sift through, so let’s focus on a few big main standout features that we want to emphasize for this release.
Where to get it
We are calling this release an ‘Open Beta’ because we want people to put the massively improved Netplay features through its paces! All of your feedback and issues will be taken onboard so that 1.5.0 (which we intend to ship somewhere beginning of March) will deliver on all the promises we have made for netplay.
Check out the full release info Here --> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/category/blog/
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