October 1st, 2010, 15:15 Posted By: bandit

Those who have been holding back and wishing a PSGroove/PSFreedom was ported to that they can still keep OtherOS can stop wishing. KaKaRoto has ported PSFreedom over to 3.01 firmware on the PS3.
I’ve got some great news for those of you who have not updated your PS3 firmware! I have just succeeded in adding Firmware 3.01 support into PSFreedom. I’ve pushed the latest code to github and you can now download the source and compile PSFreedom for 3.01.
For now, you will need to edit config.h and change the FIRMWARE_3_41 into FIRMWARE_3_01, then recompile. However, I will soon add support for dynamically choosing the target firmware version by simply doing a :
echo 3.01 > /proc/psfreedom/fw_version
I will soon add support for firmware 3.10 and 3.15, so be patient, and you will be rewarded. I would like to thank Klutsh as well as Philippe Hub who helped me achieve this port to 3.01.
The new payload changes are available in the PL3 github and any project/port that is also using PL3 should automatically gain support for the 3.01 firmware.
You will also be able to enjoy some new ‘tools’ in PL3 that will allow you to dump the LV2 kernel as well as the decrypted ELF files of the XMB and other configuration files it uses. The ethernet dumping is also now compatible with PS3 Slim models.
I would like to thank, again, those who have donated. For the others, you can still donate, if you appreciate the work I’ve done.
Philhug and I have worked together recently to make PL3 compatible with 3.15, and it is now done, working and ready for you to use. I have just pushed the latest changes to github, so just update both PSFreedom and PL3, and define FIRMWARE_3_15 in PSFreedom’s config.h and recompile. You will then be able to enjoy your unrestricted PS3 on 3.15 firmwares. Enjoy!
Source: KaKaRoTo's Blog
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2001
ChaoticHampster a new port of destination to PSGroove iRiver 5GB (or 6GB ) H10 through the use of Rockbox (an open source firmware for some MP3 players ) .
1. Download Rockbox Installer - http://www.rockbox.org/download/
2. Use the install to install at least the minimum version of Rockbox
Once Rockbox running normally on your device:
- Replace the rockbox folder with that from the archive for download.
Once your iRiver started on this new version of Rockbox , follow the usual procedure
It is still the original version of PSGroove , it does not the latest ( peek & poke, no hard etc. ...).
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2003
Hermes offers a new version of PSGroove
This new version includes a patch that should allow the recognition of the controller in games such as posing problems F1 2010.
Hermes provides the payload in the archive already compiled for :
- at90usb1287_8Mhz
- at90usb162_16Mhz
Other platforms should logically see this update to arrive shortly from here .
SHIFT : The amendment made by Hermes to correct the problem of detection of the controller with some games seem to run counter to affect other games working properly .
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2009
KaKaRoTo had announced few days ago , now it is done . PSFreedom is now compatible with the PS3 equipped with firmware 3.01.
You can now get the source of the PSFreedom Github and amended on the payload http://github.com/kakaroto/PL3 .
Before you compile for your platform , you must manually edit the config.h file to change the line by FIRMWARE_3_41 FIRMWARE_3_01 .
All projects / ports use PL3 should automatically get support for firmware 3.01. It is also possible to use the new tools built into PL3 as the dump kernel LV2 and the decrypted ELF file from the XMB and other configuration files used by it . Finally, note that the dump ethernet is now compatible with the PS3 Slim.
Official site : http://kakaroto.homelinux.net
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2011
Zouzzz offers Xregistryeditor Mod V0.7 created by stoker25 which allows editing of xRegistry.sys your PS3.
This file contains information such as debug mode switches , the region bluray / dvd but also information about your PSN account (not encrypted) .
The mod made by Zouzzz added FTP function then dump the file ( via FTP so ) in the Utility folder and then opened .
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
After its now long-forgotten turbulent arrival on the global marketplace, Blu-ray has finally hit its stride and established itself in 17 per cent of North American homes.
Home Media reports that the number of Blu-ray players in homes in the region has doubled since 2008. It means one in five US homes now own one, which is a better attach rate than that enjoyed by leading movie rental service Netflix.
47 per cent of Blu-ray players in the country come courtesy of a PS3 purchase. However, earlier on in Blu-ray’s shelf life there were two PS3 consoles sold for every dedicated player. This has now narrowed to the point where both have sold in almost equal quantities.
Home Media adds that the format will need to further grow beyond PS3 if it wishes to significantly increase its market penetration.
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October 2nd, 2010, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2012
KaKaRoTo PSFreedom continues to make it compatible with different firmwares . After the firmware 1.3 so it 's turn to be 3.15 now compatible with PSFreedom .
You can now get the source of the PSFreedom Github and amended on the payload http://github.com/kakaroto/PL3 .
Before you compile for your platform , you must manually edit the config.h file to change the line by FIRMWARE_3_41 FIRMWARE_3_15 .
All projects / ports use PL3 should automatically get support for firmware 3.15. It is also possible to use the new tools built into PL3 as the dump kernel LV2 and the decrypted ELF file from the XMB and other configuration files used by it . Finally, note that the dump ethernet is now compatible with the PS3 Slim.
Official site : http://kakaroto.homelinux.net
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October 3rd, 2010, 16:08 Posted By: wraggster
The developer behind stereoscopic 3D-enabled racer MotorStorm: Apocalypse has insisted gamers who own a flashy 3DTV will not benefit from an unfair advantage.
In July Sony senior director Mick Hocking described in detail why playing PS3 exclusives Gran Turismo 5 and MotorStorm: Apocalypse in 3D is better.
"You can judge or brake a distance to a corner that much better than you could before," Hocking said.
"You can position your car on a track with greater certainty. You can judge relative speed to the other cars or relative speed to the track better than you could before."
"With this [3D] your brain can pick up more cues from the digital image because there's more information there, because we have depth. We find that players can play this a bit more accurately than they could before.
"For our hardcore, this could mean a competitive edge. Racing simulations, if you can get a better lap time, in shooters, if you can get more kills, this all appeals to our hardcore gamers. Anything that gives them a competitive edge is worth having."
While MotorStorm: Apocalypse's game director Matt Southern admitted 3D makes playing games "more intuitive", he insisted there is no advantage to be gained from it.
"I'd be very keen to stress that that doesn't mean it's unfair on people who don't have a 3D display, which, when we launch is still likely to be the considerable majority of users.
"It does make the racing experience a little more instinctive. Judging racing lines, approaching bends, judging your position in space in relation to the AI or the online opponents, is all that little bit more intuitive and easy to understand.
"The analogy would be, if you're playing a game on a fifty-inch high definition set and someone else is playing it on a CRT with a coat hanger hanging out the back. The analogy essentially works in the same way. The flashier your kit the more flattering it is and the more likely it is to make games that involve understanding and judging the environment a little more intuitive.
"But we're never going to be in a situation where the only people setting the best scores online are the ones with stereoscopic 3D. They're just going to be the ones with their jaws closest to the floor."
Southern was speaking to Eurogamer ahead of his developer session at Eurogamer Expo 2010. MotorStorm: Apocalypse
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October 3rd, 2010, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
3D games don't crumble under immense CPU hunger: that's "bollocks", MotorStorm maker Matt Southern has said.
"You do need a little bit more processing power, but I don't think it's quite the hit that some people are claiming," Southern said at his Eurogamer Expo 2010 presentation. "That might just be the fact that we've been doing it for years now and have kind of got really optimal code.
"I've seen people say that it takes a huge chunk of the processing power. Bollocks. It takes a little.
"The main thing is drawing the game twice, and if your code's efficient and you've done a decent job of optimisation then it's not going to have a massive effect on visual quality."
Southern is in charge of what will be a flagship 3D title for Sony. He did concede that adding the stereoscopic view does affect resolution as "you're basically drawing the game twice".
"It's a bit like split-screen," he explained, "which is why there's no 3D split-screen, because then it would look like a Spectrum game."
He added: "We're still aiming for 1080p in 3D and split-screen. I say aiming - I'm certainly not going to promise it. But right now it runs in 1080p."
MotorStorm Apocalypse was (and is) playable at the Eurogamer Expo 2010 this weekend. But don't panic if you missed out, because a public beta is planned.
"We'll do a closed one initially that's within a week-and-a-half with Sony staff," said Southern. "And providing that isn't a disaster we'll roll it out one to the public and initially to members of things like MotorStorm Monday.
"People who use the forums a lot will get personal invites and a unique livery for taking part."
MotorStorm Apocalypse takes the off-road series into a destroyed urban cityscape. And with the change in setting has come a change in mentality, and a focus towards this generation's flock of successful action games rather than the apparently dwindling racers.
"What all of those [racers] have in common is an acknowledgement that racing hasn't quite been doing it in this generation," declared Southern
"What we decided to do from a very early stage is taking inspiration from games that are doing it on this generation.
"So that means we've looked very rarely at other racing games and looked a hell of a lot at action games and shooters in particular."
Southern's presentation also revealed an early prototype called Urban Smash, which eventually became the foundation for MotorStorm Apocalypse. A video from 2007 showed buses taking chunks off giant untextured buildings. "Doesn't that look bloody awful," chirped Southern when the video ended.
The game was designed to be "a bit like X-Factor with less bland singing".
MotorStorm Apocalypse will be released exclusively for PS3 in spring 2011. "Not got a finite date yet but it's looking like it's going to be early March," Southern said.
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October 3rd, 2010, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2014
Danyl provides an update of its Windows program that allows you to install simplified PSGroove so many devices such as iPods Video / Nano...etc and the Sansa MP3 player series E200v1 , e200R , C200v1 .
New / fixed :
- Added automatic installation IPL .
- Add a tab " Welcome " .
- Addition of a verification system for files / folders that already exist.
- Many bugs have been fixed.
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October 3rd, 2010, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2015
Available since September 15 last in Europe, it is time to take stock of sales in the Move. Sony has not yet officially communicated on this topic, we invite you to discover the figures provided by the website VGChartz .
It announced that Move would have expired and up to 300,000 copies in just 10 days of marketing in the U.S. and Europe. Indeed , the only accessory that will land in Japan on Oct. 21 and expected to see if the manufacturer has just referred .
Of the 300 000 sales , 60 % are made in Europe and 40 % in the USA . As for games, Champions Sports is coming out of the lot with no less than 250,000 copies sold. It alone accounts for no less than 80 % of sales of compatible games on the Move period.
It only remains to wait to see if the manage to keep this Move stride over the months and the arrival of the games will help gamers get a place with a majority of players of here some time .
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October 3rd, 2010, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2017
Fejwin offers a Java application that allows you to cut ( or reconstruct ) your .666 xx file larger than 4GB on your PC so you can use with Open Manager 1.x
- Press "(->) Split BIG files to .666 xx "then select a folder containing your game OpenSplit take charge of searching the folder and subfolders to detect large files and cut . All game files containing files larger than 4GB will be renamed accordingly. (example - > " BCESXXX "to" _BCESXXX )
- Press "(<-) Merge .666 xx BIG files to " select a folder containing your game OpenSplit take charge of searching the folder and subfolders to detect large files and recompose . All game files containing files will be renamed .666 xx accordingly. (example - > " _BCESXXX "to" BCESXXX )
- Check the box "Do not delete BIG splitted / merged .666 xx files " if you want to keep both files larger than 4GB files and .666 xx.
You can also choose your entire folder GAMEZ for all games are verified by OpenSplit .
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October 3rd, 2010, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2018
Team PS3Key states make available to owners PS3Key a new update that fixes a problem with the USB power of the PS3 .
The Team strongly encourages to update your dongle .
About the update , the team said understand that some people prefer to use the v1 firmware (" original " ) rather than new features firmware v2. However , the update is available for 2 versions. If you want to use the functionality of the V1, you must download the firmware v1.2 . If you wish to use the V2 firmware , you must download the version v2.2.
The update is v2.2 downgrade, you can go back to firmware 1.2 at any time.
Official Website & Download : http://www.ps3key.com
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October 3rd, 2010, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
At some time after the last version of TimeThe plugin allows the Action Replay for PSP owners to improve their capabilities and exploit codes cwcheat, The coder raing3 back to update its project reaches version 1.5. The improvements will make it possible to customize the colors of the interface, expand or reduce the view of folders, plus it includes a handy feature that lets you extract the GAME ID of a game directly dall'UMD or POPS . should also fix minor bugs.
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October 3rd, 2010, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
ropspdev just sent me a nice tip regarding an interview that PSP-Fanatik posted with Alek of M33 Custom Firmware fame:
PSP-Fanatik has the chance to obtain an interview with Alek, an important member of M33 team and one of the father of CFW. I wont tell you more, just let you read the interview. Waiting thoughts through comments.
Kizko: What is you nickname and who you are?
Alek: My nickname is Alek (even though I have used plenty of other nicknames on other sites
that aren’t relevant at the moment), and I used to be Dark-AleX.org and Sceners.org
webmaster, as well part of the M33 Team.
Kizko: When did http://www.dark-alex.org appear?
Alek: The domain Dark-AleX.org appeared on 30 Sept, 2006; when we registered it for making
Dark-AleX work more reachable and official.
Kizko: What improvments (if there will be ones) will you bring to the website?
Alek: Actually, and as you might know, the domain and website is under undefined maintenance.
This is because Dark-AleX is resting, also undefinedly, from his developer activity, due
to his new responsabilities. Having that in mind, there is no improvements in mind for
the future.
Kizko: Any news from the great Dark-Alex, what he’s doing?
Alek: He got married with a russian blonde, 2 kids and 1 dog. Just kidding. He’s just with
another responsabilities, as I has just said.
Kizko: You know very well the PSP Scene, what thing do you want to be changed from it?
Alek: Considering all the past facts that have been recently on both the PSP and PS3 Scenes,
I’d say that the problem is the same that was when we used to be active.
Dark-AleX was one of the only ones that could make any real job on the PSP Scene, and
the rest of those so-called developers were just copying his job, and changing names.
You can see how this is as there hasn’t been any major revision of the CFW since he
left. And that’s sad.
Also, it doesn’t seems that anyone has actually learnt anything from what we have left
behind, as piracy is still a curse that is needed to be eradicated, and ‘fame’ is
something too juicy for some people to forget about.
Kizko: What do you think about the new exploits and the new teams rising?
Alek: There have been quite an interesting new number of teams, (that sadly keep on doing
revisions of the same code instead of improving it for the major new firmwares), even
though I guess that more participation is always interesting. On the other side, more
fame-seekers are not.
However, I personally know some of those developers that have been working on some
recently exposed exploits, such as m0skit0 and others; and I’d bet that they could bring
the difference on this sometimes rotten world.
Hopefully they will find something that will allow homebrew on the next firmwares, as
there are quite a number of exploits undiscovered that could be used for that issue.
Kizko: Does Dark-alex got something to say about PS3 hack?
Alek: Actually, we’ve grabbed some popcorns and we are watching how this movie is evolving.
We’ll have to see what happens on the next months.
Kizko: How do you see the CFW scene for the next years involving the psp?
Alek: Considering all that we have said before, I’d hope that there will be something that
will unleash, again, the power of this console, even though we still need to see some
real action of the actual developers, reversing and making the real deal here, creating
a new CFW core from scratch just as Alex used to do when Sony changed the encryption
keys and so on.
Kizko: What do you think about Sony’s attempt to fight the homebrew scene?
Alek: Well, Sony has been and will always be against the homebrew scene, even though I think
that it would give them more benefits than problems. On the other side, however, piracy
is NOT homebrew, and must be completely separated from that.
If Sony could understant the benefits of this open-source initiative that is the Scene
from any console, they wouldn’t have any problem related with most of the sceners.
Even though, there will still be people that prefer piracy over open-source software.
Kizko: Is the CFW scene dead in your opinion?
Alek: Over and over the same question Until someone actually codes something new instead of
copying what was Dark-AleX job and makes a new core for the new firmwares, yes, the
Scene will be dead.
Kizko: I saw on http://www.dark-alex.org the message “Christmas 2011 – PSP 2 release
worldwide.”. What do you think about the upcoming PSP2? Is this going to revive the
portable world and with it, the CFW scene?
Alek: On every new console release from Sony, they have created expectations that not always
have been quite on the same line as what the users wanted from them. On the Scene it
happens the same situation.
When PSP3k was released, there was a bunch of new coders that started on this little
world, and we could expect the same situation for the new console. The best console they
pull out, the best scene we will have.
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October 4th, 2010, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
Among the amateur products , one of the most famous is certainly Mobile Assault, homebrew game where we will be at the controls of a helicopter battle. The clean graphics and isometric view makes a product certainly welcome . The new version 1.4 adds new missions and a number of enhancements that optimize performance and experience of the game. He is currently in the works a further update that will allow you to create your own missions to play.
Following the changelog and the download link .
. : Changelog: .
- 4 new missions
- Support of retinal display ( HD images )
- new mobile artillery unit
- new menu and HUD textures
- ' Instant Action 'create random scenarios grass or desert
- Database five times faster than in writing
- bonus objectives organized by player
- Fixed some menu bugs
- Fixed bug graphic M320
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October 4th, 2010, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
The JPCSP Team have released a new version of the Java Written PSP Emulator for Windows
Heres whats new:
Improved German translation (by Darth1701).
Corrected stream info extraction from PSMF header and fixed scePsmfVerifyPsmf in scePsmf.
Marked all kernel object manager's logging as ThreadManForUser.
Performed some small log cleanup in scePsmfPlayer and sceAtrac3plus.
Improved sceRtc module with new findings.
Implemented sceKernelReferThreadRunStatus.
Added new findings to SceKernelThreadInfo.
Improved and corrected sceFont based on several new findings.
Added newly discovered behaviour and implemented sceMpegChangeGetAuMode in sceMpeg.
Added drafts for the PS3Scan, NPSignin, RSSReader, RSSSubscriber, Screenshot and HtmlViewer utilites in sceUtility.
Fixed a small bug in savedata mode 12 (MODE_FILES).
Implemented sceOpenPSID module.
Partially implemented sceNetAdhocctlAddHandler and sceNetAdhocctlDelHandler.
Added a "Resize" menu for easy resizing modes in MainGUI.
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October 4th, 2010, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Marach
This is a PSP port of an unusual roguelike Save Scummer by Jeff Lait.
The only action you can perform in the game is moving through the time forwards and backwards; the character moves, attacks and collects weapons and potions automatically. Remember that after rewinding, then progressing the time you may not end up in the same state! Watch the monsters miss every strike or cycle until the monsters are in perfect position to cast a thunderstorm on them.
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October 4th, 2010, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Toshiba has unveiled what it claims are the world's first LCD TVs that allow viewers to watch in 3D without the need for special glasses.
The new REGZA GL1 series consists of the 20-inch 20GL1 and the 12-inch 12GL1. Both products will be available in Japan from the end of December.
The TVs use new Toshiba image processing technology to create nine parallax images and produce to 3D images. As a result, the vendor says, the images can be viewed from any angle.
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October 4th, 2010, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
From what we have seen around the internet, the hacking of the Playstation 3 is major worldwide news. The last of the big consoles has now been hacked for both Homebrew (yeah baby) and also Piracy.
It seems one can not be without the other and well theres where Sony will use everything in their arsenal to stop the PS3 becoming like the PSP where basically piracy has took over to the extent that titles just dont sell well on the PSP Now.
Sony are well known to go after sites and shops before, those that remember the days when you would be in trouble for hosting PS1 and PS2 Bios's.
After that they forced Lik Sang and others out of buisness for selling consoles in Europe before the release date.
Now we have the Jailbreaking of the PS3 which got them to go after a Modchip Shop in Australia and various shops around the world who are selling the devices.
Not only that but i would be sure they will go after the hackers themselves and even sites such as PSXScene and others, maybe even we at DCEmu arent safe from a major Sony backlash.
One things for sure this could very well be a day of reckoning for not only the PS3 scene but all consoles that werent open to homebrew without the hacking of them.
Not one site owner i know could stand up legally in court to the likes of Sony and if they do win and get sites closed down then will the likes of Nintendo and Microsoft follow.
Interesting times for the Homebrew scene.
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October 4th, 2010, 22:47 Posted By: bandit
Brandon Wilson, known for his PSGroove port to the TI-84 Graphic Calculator, has released an update that sports a slew of new features...
PS3JB is a FLASH application for the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition that implements the PSGroove exploit for the Playstation 3 console. By connecting a USB cable between a PS3 and your calculator and running the application, you can trigger the PSGroove exploit from your graphing calculator.
The latest version brings about several improvements:
* Current status is displayed at the bottom of the LCD:
* In addition to the usual jailbreak method, you can now install and uninstall a "hook" that allows the jailbreak to work at any point in the calculator's OS:
This even works when the calculator is off; the PS3 will turn it on as it enumerates USB devices, and the calculator will shut off after about 5 minutes of inactivity (through the calculators' existing Automatic Power Down feature).
Now you can shove the calculator and the USB cable behind the PS3 and forget it's there.
* External payloads are now supported. This means you don't have to re-assemble the application to use a payload different from the official PSGroove one.
These payloads are stored as calculator AppVars and selected through PS3JB's options menu:
These options are stored in an AppVar called PS3JBOPT, which can be archived to keep it safe from RAM resets.
To convert from a binary file containing the payload data to an AppVar, you can use To8XV (a VB.NET 2.0 program) found here, or you can create your own.
* AsbestOS is now supported. The stage 1 and stage 2 payloads are specified in the options menu as above. To use the standard jailbreak exploit, select "None" as the stage 2 payload (which is the default)
Source: http://brandonw.net/ps3jb/
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October 5th, 2010, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://wololo.net/wagic/2010/10/04/r...13-1/#comments
After long months, I am extremely proud to announce a new release of Wagic, The Homebrew, almost in sync with the release of Scars of Mirrodin (The new expansion of MTG was released a week ago). Let me especially thank Zethfox and Dr.Solomat for this release, they are the ones who pushed the card engine beyond all expectations, and added around 800 new cards, raising the number to more than 11700 playable cards (6300 unique).
Let me also thank leungclj for his involvement on our Twitter and facebook pages!
What is Wagic?
Is it still necessary to introduce Wagic? Often compared to commercial games for its replay value and quality, Wagic is a heroic fantasy card game, in which you fight as a wizard against the computer. As you win battles, you unlock new game modes and earn credits that allow you to improve your army. Wagic is community driven, entirely customizable (you can create themes, mods, even new rules), available in several languages (Chinese was added in this release by linshier), and open source. It currently runs on the Sony PSP, Windows, and Linux. An N900 version is in the works, and already available on the SVN, thanks to the work of developer DJardin.
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October 5th, 2010, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
The DaedalusX64 Team have released rev 582 of their Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP, heres whats new
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 582
[!] Rewrite BranchZ, should work correctly now
[~] Tidy Harvest Moon fix
[!] Fixed and enabled RDP_Force_Matrix (needs work!!)
[!] Removed CullDl War Gods hack (no longer needed)
[!] Enabled CullDl for Wave Racer
[!] Removed microcodes which are redundant now
[+] CullDl, ModifyVtx, BranchZ, and Tri4 will use ucodedefs
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October 5th, 2010, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Awesome finally a new release of the best PS2 Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
Hey people,
today we make the second 0.9.7 beta release available: PCSX2 0.9.7 (r3878)!
The 0.9.7 series is marked as unstable/beta, meaning it still has some known bugs
and unimplemented features but it is fully supported by the PCSX2 team.
We've spent the last months on various aspects of the emulator, adding to the awesome progress seen in beta 1.
Here's some of the changes:
•Gui work: threading, layout and stability have been improved.
•Some of the reported .ini writing issues should be fixed now.
•Game database: bug fixes, more entries, compatibility hints for pcsx2.
•Automated patching enabled now: known fixes/settings for some games can be enabled automatically.
•Emulation fixes to microVU.
•VIF/GIF work: Slightly faster and more compatible.
•Much work on GIFPath ordering issues. many games with previously flickering textures should work better.
•IPU retooled and optimized: A bit faster, a bit more compatible and much more sane (no more coroutines).
•Removed hazardous MMX/XMMregister freeze/restore. Speedup and stability is improved.
•Savestates are now free of memory leaks.
•Disk swapping works on a few games now (not all yet though).
•New "fast CDVD" speedhack. Load levels as fast as possible!
•Console logging is now configurable to be as verbose as in developer builds.
•Commandline support.
•A lot of other small tweaks and additions.
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October 5th, 2010, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://psx-scene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67808
Hermes (Famous Spanish Hacker) returns on Elotrolado and has updated his special custom PSGroove "source code" Payloads to v3, with some more new fancy features!
* New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary)
* Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details)
* Support for Homebrew in /apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on /dev_usb000/PS3_GAME
* Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless: /apps_home/PS3_GAME
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October 5th, 2010, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops will support stereoscopic 3D on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
To take advantage of the tech uses must own a 3D-ready HD TV or a PC supporting 3D active shutter glasses.
“Development of stereoscopic 3D began as an R&D project, but once we saw what the technology brought to the Call of Duty experience, what a great fit and how immersive it was, we knew that we had to develop it for Black Ops,” Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia stated.
“We made sure the experience is seamless for gamers to use with a simple menu option to enable stereoscopic 3D or disable it at any time whether playing in the single player campaign, multiplayer or Zombies.”
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October 7th, 2010, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has sent notice to developers that it will no longer be selling development kits for the PlayStation Portable.
A notice sent to pspgweber states that Sony "will no longer be selling the PSP development tool (dtp-t2000a) or testing tool (dtp-h2500a) past November, 15th," and that the company will "advise you when a new model becomes available."
Contacted by VG247, Sony Europe said the move was due to current kits expiring, and that it still intends to support the format.
"Due to the certification on the current development and test tools expiring, we will be stopping selling them on November 15. However, we will continue to provide loan stock for registered and new developers, until a new certified model is available," said Sony.
The move will fuel gossip of the PSP2, which is expected to be released before the end of next year.
Sony is believed to have presented the new hardware to publishing partners and discussed business models for the system.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Kratos' brother Deimos will soon be playable in God of War III.
But Sony's announced that the only way to unlock him will be to use a code supplied with God of War: Ghost of Sparta on PSP.
Deimos will be a skin for the existing Kratos character model. However, Deimos is rather powerful, and has enhanced combat damage and four times the health, magic and gold orbs.
When will Ghost of Sparta be released in Europe? Sony's "targeting" November at the moment, a spokesperson told Eurogamer. It'll definitely be out this year.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
There will be a Killzone 3 beta, but only for people who subscribe to PlayStation Plus.
To enter, download the PS+ exclusive Killzone 3 theme on 14th October. If you're one of the first 10,000 to do so, you're in.
Those who qualify can play from 25th October, according to the European PlayStation Blog.
Inside the Killzone 3 beta you'll find the Operations game type, new party system and jetpack and exoskeleton vehicles. Plus, your feedback may alter the final game, so make sure you suggest something memorable.
If you want to subscribe to PlayStation Plus you'll need to buy either a 90-day pass for £11.99, or a year's membership for £39.99.
Killzone 3 has a firm February release date, but there are still a few things unknown. For instance, will there be campaign co-op? Guerrilla games was suspiciously coy about the prospect this passed weekend.
We do know, however, that Killzone 3 will champion new 3D and PlayStation Move technology.
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October 7th, 2010, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
After discovering that electronics retailer Best Buy was charging ignorant customers $30 for the 'service' of installing updated firmware on PS3s, IndustryGamers got word from the company on its policy. Best Buy sees no problem with charging for this convenience, even though it's something Sony provides to PS3 owners completely free. 'While many gamers can handle firmware upgrades easily on their own, those customers who do want help can get it from Geek Squad, and we continue to evaluate this offering to ensure it meets their needs. The service goes beyond a firmware updates, and includes user account setup, parental control setup and other components,' a representative said."
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October 7th, 2010, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•The combination of high definition anime 3D and 2D art is stunning. Atelier Rorona raises the bar for all J*‐RPGs in story telling
•Characters fight and interact as if the game is an anime!
•Your mission is to make the rarest item in the entire alchemy world! You can spend countless hours exploring the fields and dungeons for key ingredients
descriptionArland, a small kingdom located at the edge of a great land; It uses to be an isolated kingdom when ancient relics, called "Machines," were discovered amond the nearby ruins.
Inside this kingdom stands a forgotten workshop. The workshop was once very busy, but due to the discovery of machines or perhaps the workshop owner's laziness, custome no longer show up.
One day, a messenger form the castle visits the workshop to deliver an order form the king. According to the order, the workshop would be closed down if the owner couls not prove, in three years time, that she was capable of doing her job.
However, even after hearing such news, the workshop owner remained unmotivated. After dumping her responsibilities onto her pupil, she leaves the workshop.
Left at the workshop was a girl, bewildered by the shocking news. The girl's name is Rorolina Frixell, but everyone in town calls her Rorona.
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October 7th, 2010, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow takes place at the end of days. The Earth’s alliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a dark and malevolent force – the mysterious Lords of Shadow – darkness reigns the world. Across this shattered land, the souls of the dead wander unable to find peace, whilst creatures of evil roam free wreaking chaos and death upon the living.
Gabriel is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, an elite group of holy knights who protect and defend the innocent against the supernatural. His beloved wife was brutally murdered by the evil forces of darkness and her soul trapped for eternity. Neither living nor dead she realises the horrific truth of what is at stake and guides Gabriel to his destiny – and hopefully salvation for the world… but at what cost?
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October 7th, 2010, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a raw and brutal crime shooter designed to take players on an even more intense story experience, following two of gaming’s most disturbed criminals, through the gritty Shanghai underworld.
Introducing a new visual experience, Kane & Lynch 2™: Dog Days is inspired by documentary filmmakers and the user-generated era. Every aspect of the game has been designed to deliver a fresh perspective to the words ‘intensity’ and ‘realism’ in video games.
Brutal and unrelenting, Kane & Lynch 2™: Dog Days is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90 only. The Asian PlayStation3™ version is not region protected and is completely in English.
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October 8th, 2010, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
A week after PlayStation celebrated its 15th Anniversary, we're mixing nostalgia with the modern day and deciding once and for all what PlayStation exclusives you should have had on your shelf at some point to get the best out of Sony's consoles.
Here are our picks for the best of the best across all three consoles:
1. Metal Gear Solid
This is Solid Snake before the 28 hour cut-scenes, the unwieldy socio-political storylines and the never-ending endings.
Even if you've been a fan of Hideo Kojima's sneak and peak series right up to Guns of the Patriots, the original Metal Gear has to be considered the best in the series for propelling Kojima and his mullet-wearing shadowed stalker into PlayStation stardom.
The fact that Kojima stuck a level from the original Metal Gear into Guns of the Patriots and fans lapped it up - smooth, pixelated faces and all - just goes to show how much the original Metal Gear means to PlayStation users.
Rich gameplay, an engrossing story and bosses that have become infamous kicked off one of gaming's biggest franchises.
2.Uncharted 2
The first game set up the play and the second scored one of the most spectacular gaming touchdowns in history. What other game gives you scenes as massive and as epic as that first train level?
Slowly and strenuously fighting gravity, Drake jumps from one seat to the next as his particular carriage is unfortunately hanging off a cliff face. Public transport; what can you do?
But it's not just the massive set-pieces that keep the player in control, it's the range of personalities that are brought to life with impeccable acting and real character development.
Sure when you've got your mates round you're playing it for the gun-slinging Indiana-esque action adventure. But you're really keeping one eye on that love triangle aren't you? Thought so.
3.God of War Collection
You think Uncharted 2 was epic? Who told you that? Uncharted 2 is about as epic as Question Time in comparison to the day-to-day life of the mighty Kratos.
In fact, if we were to squeeze any game into a time-capsule to show future generations just how in your face, over the top epic "that old-timer tech" used to be, it'd be a God of War title. Scrap that, it'd be all of them.
Put aside the rip-your-head-off-and-throw-it-down-a-volcano violence (which we love by the way) and you've still got a game that somehow manages to serve up and adventure on a scale like no other.
We're not ones for hyperbole (ahem) but the game begins with a cut-scene that would make any top-paid Hollywood animator green and it certainly caused our mouths the drop an inch or two.
It's one thing to see beautifully rendered, incredibly detailed Titans of giant proportions scaling a cliff-face, it's something else entirely to find that your adventure begins on one of the Titans itself.
A platforming slash-em-up on a massive stone bloke? You won't see anything even close to it in any other game.
OK so maybe we've cheated by going for the God of War Collection but if you can have all three why on Earth wouldn't you?
Let's put the smoking guns and decapitated heads to one side now (maybe on the bedside table for later).
These days, with all the "FPS this" and "Punch him in the face that" it can be hard to find some real heart in the world's gaming output.
In fact if we were to even mention the word "tenderness" you might feel a strong urge to slap us really hard in the head. That's why a game like ICO deserves a place on the PlayStation's best of album.
Not only was it a great puzzler but it managed to completely step aside from the rock 'em sock 'em rut that so many games fall into and replaced the massive action hero with a small boy dragging a princess by the hand to keep her out of harms way.
You can hire the best writers, craft the perfect soundtrack, spend hours getting the perfect shot and you still won't invoke the same feeling of attachment in an audience that Sony managed with the simple gesture of holding a hand.
5.Final Fantasy VII
This is the game that put RPG's on the mainstream map. Final Fantasy VII will stick out in the minds of anyone who was a PlayStation gamer back in the 90s (Oh how we miss the 90s).
June 1997 to be precise, a time when you didn't even have to have played Final Fantasy VII to know what it was all about. It was on shelves, on pages and on the lips of everyone with the same kinds of words being thrown about in every case.
One of the best graphical achievements of its time, Final Fantasy VII hit gamers with multi-pronged pleasure adding an in-depth, grown-up narrative to engrossing RPG mechanics with spectacular spell-augmented combat.
While the JRPG genre might be waning somewhat these days, if you're still a die-hard genre defender, Final Fantasy VII is probably you main inspiration. Fight on brother.
It's a platforming game with a potentially infinite number of levels and the most user-friendly development tool ever, inspiring some of the greatest examples of creativity in the video games industry today.
LittleBigPlanet's Sackboy became a PlayStation icon overnight as the game kicked off Sony's Play. Create. Share mantra, which has gone into the likes of ModNation Racers and even the upcoming Motorstorm Apocalypse since.
The fact that Media Molecule now has people working on LittleBigPlanet 2 who were snapped up as LBP hobbyists and had a knack for level design illustrates just how wrapped up gamers became in the LittleBigPlanet world.
It's another case of shunning the gunning and instead creating a thriving, passionate community and a testament to the potential creativity of the human mind.
Bit heavy? Oh Ok. It was also lush in the looks department and immensely playable if you weren't of the creative persuasion.
Even without the engineer's tool box of bells and whistles ready for creating your own contraptions, LittleBigPlanet is one of the best platforming experiences of recent times.
7.Gran Turismo 4
In terms of graphical integrity Gran Turismo set a new standard that was well beyond the reaching distance of anything that had come before it.
But it was sheer depth in every direction that made Gran Turismo the ultimate racing game and the reason why the GT series has stayed ahead for as long as it has.
It wasn't just about ragging your wheels around the track, it was about passing your racing license, setting up a garage, buying some blockmobile Peugeot, fine-tuning it as best you could, entering races and saving the cash to improve your ride.
Eventually you'd be racing at break-neck speeds in Nissan Skylines, Dodge Vipers, Aston Martins and special concept cars well beyond all of them.
On top of all this Gran Turismo provided carefully nuanced driving mechanics making it the first true driving simulator.
Gran Turismo 4 was all of that but using the extra punch of the PlayStation 2, which meant more cars
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October 9th, 2010, 00:52 Posted By: bandit

Good news for Playstation 3 fans.
Sony is not sitting idly and watching the PSJailbreak wreck havoc. Apart from sanctioning the very mention of the name over at US websites, Sony has finally succeeded in banning the selling of the modchip in Europe.
After releasing a security firmware update which made the PSJailbreak useless, Sony has gone 1up now and the Japanese manufacturer has cut the grass from under the feet of prospective hackers through an order which makes it illegal to sell the modchip and all its clones in Europe. This news has been confirmed by ChipSpain, one of the leading modchip online retailers who have taken off their stock of the PSJailbreak from their website following this recent order.
Friday, October 8, 2010 · Prohibition to sell PS Jailbreak and its clones.
Friday, October 8, 2010 · Prohibition to sell PS Jailbreak and its clones. PS jailbreak and similar products have been withdrawn from stock. All orders will continue to receive full support.
This is really positive news for Sony and we hope they can soon stop the selling of this modchip throughout the world. It won’t be foolish to say that hackers are having a tough time. First, the security update and now this. As for PS3 fans, you should be relieved that being loyal to your console has paid off and you can still do whatever you want with your PS3!
We will keep you updated as more on this emerges. This is a great move to stop piracy but sucks for those who are really interested in the homebrew scene. However, this does not affect USB development boards.
Source: GamersMint
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October 9th, 2010, 12:38 Posted By: wraggster
The sequel to PSP platformer Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? has been pegged for release early next year, Sony has confirmed.
Titled, bewilderingly, Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!, the sequel to the horrendously cute, rock hard original sees the titular penguin head off in search of a set of underwear belonging to the Demon Lord Etna.
Why? Because if your Prinny fails, said overfiend will skin a bunch of Prinnies to make new ones. Gulp, etc.
Developed by Disgaea studio NIS, it promises all the standard sequel stuff: new stages, new abilities and new characters.
It's due on US PSPs in January 2011. No European release has been confirmed yet, but we've asked Sony for details. We'll update if it spills the beans.
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October 9th, 2010, 12:47 Posted By: wraggster
Look sharp, US-based Sackboy enthusiasts -- an update on PlayStation.Blog has revealed that the beta test for LittleBigPlanet 2 will be expanded next week, when a second round of invites will be sent out to a mix of "LBP contributors, DLC owners and PlayStation Plus members" worldwide. The update explains that this will be a "small phase," so if you're not one of the chosen ones, don't feel too bad about it.
Just kidding, of course! You're going to feel really bad about it when you watch LBP 2's happy-go-lucky "Bounce Pad" featurette posted after the jump, because you're going to be sad that you're not playing it right now.
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October 9th, 2010, 21:26 Posted By: bandit

Over at PS3News, zoned has released a simple program to watch AVCHD movie files with subtitles from your Jailbroken PS3 system using your external USB devices.
Here is a program I created called Simple AVCHD Manager v0.1 based on Open Manager and for use on JailBroken PS3 consoles.
From the ReadMe File: "Based on Open Manager. Thanks to all who have been involved with creating and fixing it.
This is for use with USB devices that contain directories of movies processed with the windows AVCHD manager, it allows the selection of the movie for viewing under the XMB with subtitles if available.
If you dont know how to get your videos into AVCHD format use google.
- Scans connected USB devices for folders processed by the windows AVCHD Manager.
- Any current AVCHD folder is automatically changed to the movie name as defined in details.txt.
- Changes the selected movie directory name to AVCHD to allow playback through XMB.
- Displays custom cover/screenshot icon "ICON0.PNG" if present in the movie directory. Resolution up to 320x176 supported.
- Allows deletion of movie directories.
- No FTP or copy mode as I do not see the point when you can just connect your usb device to the pc and copy files that way.
- No ability to copy to internal drive as AVCHD files do not work from there.
- This is only version 0.1 as there is more work needed to the code to remove unnecessary portions."
PS3 AVCHD Guide (Guide attached)
You need
1) tsmuxer GUI
2) A USB device
3) windows version of AVCHD Manager. Put this in the root directory of the usb device
4) Source mkv video file.
What to do
1) Load tsmuxer and open the video file
2) Select AVCHD disk as output
3) Goto split and cut option and ensure it splits large files.
4) Enter output location on the USB drive. e.g. g:\myfilm1\
5) Remove unwanted soundtracks and subtitles to save space (the ps3 will allow selection between what is available)
6) Start Muxing
7) Once muxing has completed start avchd manager
8) click identify and verify/change details
9) Click AVCHDMe
10) Click make default to make this the video the PS3 will play
11) Repeat steps 1 - 9 for other video files.
Plug USB device into the PS3 and it will detect the AVCHD folder. Goto video to play it with subtitles and DTS working.
On a JB PS3 you can use Simple AVCHD Manager to change the default video without needing to unplug the usb device.
Source: PS3NEWS
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October 10th, 2010, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

features•Comprehensive Walkthrough
•Expert Tactics
•Detailed Maps
•Complete Collectible Coverage
•Platform: Xbox 360 & PS3
descriptionLords of Shadow is a gigantic 3rd person adventure with traditional Castlevania combat and puzzle solving. This new game combines traditional elements from RPGs, new gamplay similar to God of War, with completely new interactive boss battles.
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October 10th, 2010, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

features•Take control of Ben and his new Ultimatrix to unlock powerful “Ultimate” versions of established aliens and wield the power of all new aliens
•Upgrade System allows players to enhance their favorite alien’s skills
•Ultimate Events empower players to defeat level bosses through stylized cutscenes and hard-hitting combat interactions
•Journey to iconic worldwide locales including Paris, Tokyo, China, and Rome
•Completely authentic to the TV series using voice actors, sounds, and a new storyline by the original writers of the show
descriptionBen is 16 years old and is now an international mega-star super hero after his secret identity was revealed. Equipped with the new Ultimatrix, Ben must travel across the globe to gather ancient Galvan artifacts to save Earth from destruction. Take control of Ben and 15 new alien forms from the ULTIMATE ALIEN series and take him across various real world locations such as Tokyo, Paris, and Rome in this new 3D action-adventure game.
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October 10th, 2010, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15686.html
PS2InfoGB is a port of the Game Boy emulators InfoGB for the Playstation 2 console and based on dlanor´s source of PS2InfoGB rev. 4.
=> Rev.6c
- Fixed: No-sound issue with some ROMs
- Fixed: Sound buffer overloading issue
- Added: Ability to remember position on browser list, after back to menu
- Added: Possibility to run ROM with longer file name than 32 characters, if
save device is set to MASS
- Removed: Save and Load config option from ingame-menu (all configuration files
will be saved automatically)
- Changed: Turbo config on/off option. Now it will force setting
buttons configuration after switching to ON
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October 10th, 2010, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-15679.html
A second offical beta version of the Playstation 2 emulator PCSX2 v0.9.7 has been released.
Hey people,
today we make the second 0.9.7 beta release available: PCSX2 0.9.7 (r3878)!
The 0.9.7 series is marked as unstable/beta, meaning it still has some known bugs and unimplemented features but it is fully supported by the PCSX2 team. We´ve spent the last months on various aspects of the emulator, adding to the awesome progress seen in beta 1. This release has been compiled with extensive optimizations, so you can expect a small speedup over r3113
Here´s some of the changes:
Gui work: threading, layout and stability have been improved.
Some of the reported .ini writing issues should be fixed now.
Game database: bug fixes, more entries, compatibility hints for pcsx2.
Automated patching enabled now: known fixes/settings for some games can be enabled automatically.
Emulation fixes to microVU.
VIF/GIF work: Slightly faster and more compatible.
Much work on GIFPath ordering issues. many games with previously flickering textures should work better.
IPU retooled and optimized: A bit faster, a bit more compatible and much more sane (no more coroutines).
Removed hazardous MMX/XMMregister freeze/restore. Speedup and stability is improved.
Savestates are now free of memory leaks.
Disk swapping works on a few games now (not all yet though).
New "fast CDVD" speedhack. Load levels as fast as possible!
Console logging is now configurable to be as verbose as in developer builds.
Commandline support.
A lot of other small tweaks and additions.
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October 10th, 2010, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...coming-to-ps3/
I’ve started remaking Maze Generator for PS3. I know its not the most fun game (it was always more of a demo then a game) but its just something simple for me to work on well familiarizing myself with developing for PS3. Its going well so far and I expect I’ll probably complete it sometime today. I haven’t completely decided what I’ll be working on for PS3 once I’m done with Maze Generator but I think I’ll probably do a simple first person shooter.
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October 11th, 2010, 03:27 Posted By: bandit
Lachrymose over at ps3exploits has been busy after releasing his PS3Pong. This time, he has shared his latest game development, BreakOutX. The game features 5 levels, Brick difficulty, and Ball physics. Source is included in the download below; don’t forget to follow him on twitter!
md5: 3a8c0d70884950a6bbb0fb173095be59
Source: ps3exploits
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October 11th, 2010, 03:27 Posted By: bandit
Lachrymose over at ps3exploits has been busy after releasing his PS3Pong. This time, he has shared his latest game development, BreakOutX. The game features 5 levels, Brick difficulty, and Ball physics. Source is included in the download below; don’t forget to follow him on twitter!
md5: 3a8c0d70884950a6bbb0fb173095be59
Source: ps3exploits
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October 11th, 2010, 17:36 Posted By: bandit
PS3HaX member ThatOtherPerson has released a homebrew game called Maze Generator, its a game, in which you have to find your way out of a maze, here is a quote from the original post:
Maze Generator is a simple game I’ve made with randomly generated mazes. You play as a red circle and can navigate the mazes using the directional pad. A new maze is generated when you reach the red square at the end.
Unlike the previously released Wii and PC versions it doesn’t have music, a textured background, a menu, or multiple options for maze sizes and you cant watch the mazes being generated. But what it does have that they lacked is a 3d camera system. You can move it around freely using the analog sticks.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to continue working on improving this. I’m fairly happy with how it is already but if people like it or have any suggestions for improvements then I’ll gladly return to working on it.
*UPDATE 10/13/10*
Source code is now attached
Source: PS3Hax Forum
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October 11th, 2010, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
With less than a month to go until Call of Duty: Black Ops is released worldwide on November 9th, Activision has confirmed that brand new trailer will be aired on British TV tomorrow night.
It will be screened in the half time break of the England vs Montenegro European Championship qualifier at Wembley, which is being broadcast on ITV1 and ITV 1 HD. The one-minute trailer will feature never-before-seen in-game footage.
The audience for the ad is expected to exceed seven million viewers.
On Friday US retailer GameStop said that it has received a record number of pre-orders for the game, outstripping those seen with 2009’s record breaker Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
It was also confirmed last week that Black Ops will support 3D visuals for those with a compatible stereoscopic TV set.
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October 11th, 2010, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
If there was any doubt about whether LittleBigPlanet's new suite of creation tools will enable players to branch out beyond the platform genre, look no further than the movie below.
As spotted by TheSixthAxis, creator RAPHEAI made the following recreation of thatgamecompany's gorgeous PSN title Flower while on the LBP 2 beta.
Alright, the grass might not look as beautiful as it does in Flower, but we're mightily impressed nonetheless.
We've already seen great Street Fighter II-inspired and Vietnam-flavoured FPS offerings emerge from the LBP 2 beta, and earlier today we posted a new movie featuring the game's bounce pads, which help Sackboy launch himself across the environment.
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October 11th, 2010, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
What is Mass Effect 2? At the crudest level it's a 'sci-fi RPG' - but BioWare's epic is anything but crude.
You play as a human war hero, Commander Shepard, travel around the galaxy in a ship, the Normandy, and either chat with or kill aliens with an array of futuristic weaponry and biotic powers.
However, filing Mass Effect away as either Trek-like geek fodder or a 100+ RPG stat marathon not only insults the game's appeal and polish, it belittles the significance of Sony's progress with PS3 itself.
Put another way, Mass Effect 2 coming to PS3 in January is a big, big deal.
How so? Well, it's an incredible game, universally praised by Xbox 360 and PC owners who've been enjoying it all year and contributed to its 96% Metacritic average.
Aside from that, its announcement at EA's GamesCom press conference is another indicator that publishers and developers want to bring their very best to Sony.
Mass Effect has long been a jewel in Microsoft's crown - this sequel is held in the same esteem as Halo, Gears Of War and Forza - but now it's coming to PS3.
Sorry, correction, an enhanced version's coming to PS3, complete with DLC and several small but vital extras. It's as huge a deal for us as Gabe Newell taking to the stage at E3 to announce Portal 2 on Sony's machine.
Looking further into the future, it practically guarantees the presence of Mass Effect 3 - the conclusion to the trilogy - on our console, as well as continued support from BioWare, the world's leading RPG developers.
There are all kinds of reasons to be excited, but, as we hinted at earlier, the main one's the game itself.
Don't worry, we're not planning to ruin any of the surprises here. In Mass Effect 2, story is king, both in the way it's told and the way it unfolds.
The game's rich sci-fi universe is meticulously detailed yet linear enough to ensure you don't get lost or bogged down in endless fetch and-carry missions.
You're guided through the space opera by gorgeous in-game cut-scenes, voiced by big-name celebs such as Martin Sheen and more sci-fi actors such as Battlestar's Tricia Helfer and Farscape's Claudia Black.
At the start of Mass Effect 2, for reasons we won't go into here because the opening scene's incredible, you leave the Alliance and join up with a pro-human mercenary group called Cerberus.
Your mission? To investigate the disappearance of human colonies from the edge of the galaxy. It's classic sci-fi fodder, but told without cliche and implemented with a delicate touch.
You set about your mission by traveling to various worlds, recruiting crew members and earning their loyalty for the final assault.
You're forced to make tough choices along the way, favouring certain squad-mates over others, which has an effect on the gameplay.
And because the personalities on-board the Normandy are all morally ambiguous, the choices you make are rarely simple, something that separates Mass Effect 2 from myriad RPGs offering so-called plot-altering decisions.
Even if you don't care for some of the characters, you'll be in awe of how natural the conversations look and sound. The first time you're offered a talk option, you'll be genuinely surprised that the cutscenes let you take charge, such is the game's visual prowess, and seamless story integration.
When you're not talking, you're firing. Mass Effect's combat isn't perfect, but it's certainly enjoyable, mixing tactics, special abilities and old-fashioned third-person gunplay to create some thrilling sequences.
It offers RPG depth for those who want it, and simplicity for anyone who just likes to line up crosshairs and shoot.
There is, quite simply, no other game like Mass Effect 2. It may have shades of Gears Of War, borrow ideas from Battlestar Galactica and feature the emotional storytelling we all know and love from Heavy Rain, but no other title brings all these elements together with such precision or polish.
Just another sci-fi RPG? Not a chance. An Xbox hand-me-down? Nope. One of the most important PS3 launches ever? Absolutely.
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October 11th, 2010, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
It looks as though popular film rental service Lovefilm is heading to PlayStation 3.
According to a video posted on the PS3 YouTube channel and since withdrawn, the service is due to go live this autumn and will allow you to stream films to your PS3.
There will be free trials and incentives for people who don't already use Lovefilm, plus Pick of the Week, Most Watched and Highest Rated categories for filtering content.
The video's gone but Everything PlayStation screen-grabbed the section of the video which shows the Lovefilm app on the PS3's XMB (thanks VG247).
We've contacted Sony to clarify the details. (Update: Sony UK declined to comment.)
Lovefilm subscribers select a range of films they want to watch and the company posts them the first one. Once they've watched a film they send it back and receive the next one, although users don't always get the film they really wanted immediately.
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October 11th, 2010, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has told Eurogamer that the SingStar Dance Party Pack won't be released in Europe - it's a US-only deal.
The Party Pack bundles two SingStar microphones, a USB SingStar converter and a copy of SingStar Dance for $39.99. That's the same price you pay for a stand-alone edition of StingStar Dance.
The SingStar Dance Party Pack was detailed on the US PlayStation blog.
SingStar Dance brings with it a raft of new songs as well as PlayStation Move support. The clue's in the title; you'll be dancing.
SingStar Dance arrives here on 5th November.
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October 11th, 2010, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Gamevil’s homage to classic RPGs is coming to one, actually two, more platforms. Zenonia received the iPhone to PlayStation Minis port treatment and will be available on the PlayStation Store this week.
Zenonia stars Regret (seriously, that’s his name) who can be an assassin, paladin, or a warrior. It’s possible to be a hero assassin since player choices determine whether Regret will fight for good or evil. In case you missed it, we posted a trailer with our coverage of Zenonia’s DSiWare port just a few weeks ago.
Like all Minis, Zenonia is PlayStation 3 and PSP compatible.
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October 11th, 2010, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Developers and publishers have been told that PSP2 will release at the end of next year, a British source familiar with the matter has told VG247.
“We’ve been told it’s coming in late 2011,” said our man.
As has been previously reported, developers have been creating games for the system for many months, with Netherrealm Studios being the first to go on the record and admit it had a dev kit last month.
PSP2 is about as badly concealed as a games system can be. It’s been common knowledge for much of this year that content is being made for the system, and that dev kits are in the wild.
CPU and GPU specs have yet to be confirmed.
A large amount of off-the-record information was released in May 2010, and the flow of rumour has been constant throughout the year.
We were told in May that games had already been canned for the system.
Only last month, Develop again reiterated the fact that numerous developers were creating content for PSP2, saying that Sony was aiming for a “significant launch window line-up”.
Sony has been obviously silent on the chatter, but has gone on the record to say there are “no plans” to include 3D. This tallies with what we’ve been told in the past month.
The machine has a forward-facing and backward-facing camera, and will come with both touch-screen and physical controls.
Given the projected release date, it seems likely PSP2 will be announced at GDC or E3 next year.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...8&view_reply=1
Updated to version 4.3 the GUI CTFtool, the PC application designed by Japanese coder patpat that coconsente to create CTF themes for PSP compatible with the latest available version of the plugin CXMB. The today's update introduces some new features and fixes bugs present in previous releases.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Note: The following files were removed from the archive:
- Base Folder (5.50): game_plugin.prx, game_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.rco, msvideo_main_plugin.prx, music_main_plugin.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, vshmain.prx, common_gui.prx
- Base Folder (3.71 - 4.01): common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx
- Base Folder 5.00: common_gui.prx, vshmain.prx, paf.prx, visualizer_plugin.prx, msvideo_main_plugin.rco
These files have been removed because, for a range of domestic policy of PSP-ITA, are not allowed to post on the forum.
To seek, you must use the PSARDUMPER and extract them from their firmware.
- Rewritten CTFtoolMenu with VC
- Integrated PRXeditor v1.1
- Added new model of wave
- If no conversion, prx and RCO will be deleted
- Fixed some bugs related to file Pspboot_plugin.prx
- Fixed more bugs
We thank you for reporting sanoman
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October 11th, 2010, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.daedalusx64.com/viewto...t=2640&start=0
DaedalusX64 is the best Nintendo 64 Emulator available exclusively for the PSP. To eliminate some frequently asked questions: No, the Emulator is not perfect, so any graphical bugs, or speed issues are considered normal. Yes, the audio does not always play full speed and can cause the Emulator to crash. The latest compiled rev of DaedalusX64 can be found below, and I will try my best to upload the latest rev when I'm aware of it's commit. Thank you DaedalusX64 Team, and keep up the hard work.
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 583
[+] Rewrite fillrect using ucodef and integers (about 2x faster) Thanks Corn!
[!] Tweak scissoring in texrect to use integers (Corn)
[!] Huge clean up in our blendmode file, also made first cycle check in blends optional ( we'll see if anything gets broken..)
[+] Added "gold color ip" to help to create blends that need gold effect (just call c32::Gold withing blends)
[~] Corrected OOT mystical stones blend (doesn't look null anymore)
[~] Corrected OOT's horse dust blend (Corn)
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October 11th, 2010, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the latest version of the Java Written PSP Emulator for Windows.
Heres whats new:
Fixed timestamp reading in sceMpeg and scePsmf (spotted by gid).
Fixed a bug a SceKernelThreadInfo.
Cleaned up and provided small fixes for IoFileMgrForUser and ModuleMgrForUser.
Implemented SceKernelLMOption and SceKernelFplOptParam.
Activated thread reschedule in scePsmfPlayerSetPsmfCB.
Avoid BufferOverflowException in sceDisplay.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2063
Waninkoko proposes a new version of its console port of PSFreedom Dingoo.
News / correction:
- Identical to the v1.4 version
1. Place the zImage file on your mini-SD card (important: choose the one that works on your LCD screen!).
2. Dingux run and wait for the kernel boot fully.
3. Your console can now be used as PSJailbreak.
If you do not know which version of your screen:
- Enter the menu "System Setup"
- Click on "About" at the top
- Then do ↑ → ↓ ↑ → ↓ (Top, Right, Down, Up, Right, Bottom)
- Look at the line LCD Module to see your screen version: ILI9325 or ILI9331.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2065
Luckluka offers a Win32 application that allows you to patch the file Dev_Flash this on your PS3 and to authorize the launch of the original PS1/PS2 games.
This patch only works on the PS3 backwards compatible (4 USB ports) and in conjunction with the jailbreak.
- A PS3 for the Jailbreak
- The file from your PS3 DEV_FLASH
- Firm's JaiCraB Loader v0.3
Step 1: Log on your PS3 via FTP and retrieve your file dev_flash
Step 2: Move your file and dev_flash nXMB in a new folder (not the folder contents DEV_FLASH but the directory itself).
Step 3: Open nXMB and let it make the patch
Step 4: Copy the contents of your dev_flash on your USB / USB HDD
Step 5: Run Firm USB Loader on your PS3
Your console will mount your USB / USB hdd as dev_flash.
You will not see "Install Package Files" but you can run your original PS1/PS2 games and you'll also have access to your memory cards.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2068
An updated official PSGroove has been added to GIT update to the payload support the installation of commercial PKG.
This is similar to that of the patch Waninkoko Hermes V3 but changes the method of installation of PKG. It seems that the method Waninkoko, although functional, is prone to creating problems when installing some PKG. The official update will correct this PSGroove concerns and stabilize the function.
It only remains to wait for the 1st card HEX development incorporating the features.
Official site: http://github.com/psgroove
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October 11th, 2010, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2071
Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x (SNES emulator) on PS3.
New / fixed:
- Backup Management: Press R2 + R3 for backup, and R3 + L2 to load a backup. You can change the slots for backups via the new Settings menu.
- Integration of a screen to the settings (Settings)
- Significant improvement in performance through the switch to a more recent SDK. Parodius Jikkyou Oshaberi now works correctly despite a slight drop in framerate at 57fps at the character selection, but then runs normally (60 fps in 480p).
Explanations on the new Settings menu:
- Display framerate = fps displays on the screen
- Sound Input Rate = The rate of input audio processor audio SNES. Functioning properly at the default rate (31 942)
- Transparency Effects Transparency = Disable (*)
- Frame skip = parameter frame skipping - normally set to AUTO (*)
- Disable = Disable the Windows graphic graphics (*)
- Current = save state slot to setup the backup slot. You can manage multiple backups and switch from one to another.
* Function which will probably be removed in the future due to use unattractive.
The archive contains a version 480p, 720p version and sources.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
BwwD has released a Beats Of Rage Mod for the PSP, heres the details:

-7 Playable characters :
Kento,Rhajang,Tong Lee,Yuri,Amon,Cheng Fu,Billy Lee(and Jimmy when you switch pallette ,so basically 8 if you count Jimmy/Billy Lee)
-Story Mode
-VS Mode
-Combo Arena mode to practice juggles and combos and just to have fun
also after beating the game you have boss battles and one life story mode if regular story mode was too easy(it has different ending than regular story mode)
I based gameplay on juggles and combos ,i hope you enjoy it as i did making it,its my fastest mod made i think ,about a month ,just had one week of break from making it.
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October 11th, 2010, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/10/08/...o-be-released/
Breathing a little life back into the scene is Total_Noob, well known and respected PSP hacker / developer, who has claimed to discover a kernel exploit in PSP firmware 6.20. Yessir. Total_Noob is currently working on 6.20 TN, which behaves like HEN. Remember HEN? It’s a homebrew enabler unlike HBL. HEN remains active & resident in memory leaving you able to launch homebrew directly from the XMB after HEN’s initial execution, which appears to be done through HBL.
The video demos the kernel exploit; though it isn’t that clear. You can see Total_Noob executes something from an HBL menu and the screen flashes purple near the end. That purple flash indicates the exploit was successful. No mention of whether or not firmwares > 6.20 are exploitable by the same means.
This all seems very promising, and with a kernel exploit, the possibilities are nearly endless. Perhaps soon we’ll see fully hacked PSP-3000s and PSPgos! Total_Noob is aiming to release 6.20 TN before Christmas. So whatever you do — do not update past 6.20 — if you haven’t already.
Good lookin’ Total_Noob
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October 11th, 2010, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/10/07/swarm-v2-released/
Swarm v2 has been released by Stinkee2. And what’s new? Well, take the below video, which demonstrates Swarm v1.0, and multiply that by like 50 — 50 degrees of complete and utter craziness. For real. If you suffer from epilepsy you’ll probably want to hold off on this version; Swam v2 packs all sorts of wild visuals that only makes the game that much harder
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October 12th, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...-progress.html
While the USB Loader by Jaicrab has some trouble rebooting all correctly it seems for a final CFW we need to overwrite dev_flash instead just loading live from USB mass storage.
Some things you can already do for a nice working CFW:
1. Replace all in "/vsh/module + /sys/external + /sys/internal" with the content of a 3.41 debug dev_flash.
2. In "/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/category_game.xml" add this in the "view id=root" Items section
This will bring the "/app_home/GAME" and "Install PKG" options back.
3. In "/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/category_psn.xml" switch "root" and "tool_root".
This will add Title Store previews in the network section.
4. In "/sys/external" you grab liblv2dbg_for_dex from a debug unit and rename it liblv2dbg_for_cex. Replace liblv2dbg_for_cex with your new one and also add the debug liblv2dbg_for_dex.
Now you also have the debug options enabled. I don't know how to show up the debug options icon yet, but you can modify the settings via the registry.
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October 12th, 2010, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...hout-icon.html
All information should be free. So here another part of the Custom Firmware research.
My previous post already explained some changes they enable. One nice one I didn't mention yet is, that it activates the Debug Options.
The options are enabled now, just the icon is missing. But there is a different way you can handle them. As we already knew, the xregistry.sys (dev_flash2/etc) stores all actual settings.
With the changes mentioned in last post, if you tried those; you may have noticed a debug message in the upper right corner. This actually proves the debug options are unlocked to use.
Just extract the xregistry.sys now and find the debug options. Activate them with a 1 instead a 0. I didn't test all so far, but seems most is fine.
Needa give credits to iQD, KrisAbsinthe, Stoker25 and Comgenie.
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October 12th, 2010, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster

The PlayStation Move is out, and gamers everywhere are throwing away their DualShock controllers, spirits carried aloft by the liberating breeze of motion gaming. Okay not really, but if more traditional games had Move support baked-in that might be the case. 256-player MAG has recently been given a taste, and level designer Ben Jones is taking a moment to show off how motion gaming looks in this uber shooter. As you can see, the baton acts for aiming, turning, and shanking, while a nunchuck (or second controller) handles the moving duties. We're not entirely convinced of the accuracy playing in this mode, especially given how the video focuses almost entirely on close-range, full-auto carnage, but Mr. Jones says he believes this to be a "lateral transition from keyboard and mouse?" So, PC gamers, you buying it?
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October 12th, 2010, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
As publishers continue to dabble with new ways of offering ‘added value’ to gamers through digital content, THQ has revealed a new model to accompany the release of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011.
Those who buy the game will be offered the chance to buy a ‘Fan Axxess’ pass. Doing so will allow them to download all future DLC for the title at no additional cost. Content will include playable characters, alternate costumes, new arenas, a character customiser and an in-game badge to “recognise the game's biggest supporters”.
Fan Axxess will cost 800 Microsoft Points, or $9.99 on PSN.
“The Fan Axxess program for WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 offers consumers a very attractive value proposition to significantly enhance the virtual WWE experience,” THQ’s executive VP of core games Danny Bilson stated.
“We have some of the most passionate fans in the industry, and we are pleased to offer them an opportunity to access premium gameplay content, customization features and recognition for their loyalty for one price point.”
THQ has already announced that the game will ship with a single-use DLC code that is required to access the online mode. Pre-owned buyers will have to pay extra to take the game online.
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October 12th, 2010, 13:28 Posted By: wraggster
A survey of US consumers conducted by Lazard Capital Markets has revealed that interest in PlayStation Move and Kinect is high.
According to the results of the survey, demand is healthy despite the relatively high price points of both products and the lack of supporting games.
The survey "suggests healthy demand for Kinect and Sony Move", said Lazard analyst Colin Sebastian. "We are somewhat surprised by the positive reaction given the relatively high price points ($149 for Kinect and $99+ for Move) and the lack of many compatible games for the devices.
"We believe that Sony's Move is off to a good start at retail, with limited supplies, and our survey also bodes well for the launch of Kinect."
However, the survey also suggested that the motion control devices might not have a significant impact on console game sales in the short-term.
"While motion controllers are unlikely to materially impact console game sales in Q4, we do think they could act as a catalyst for stocks, as indicators of future demand for software."
This contradicts Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, who thinks Move had only "a modest launch".
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October 12th, 2010, 15:26 Posted By: bandit
Here is a tech demo for a first person shooter I’m working on. Everything in it is now and will continue to be completely destructible. Use the left analog stick the move, right analog stick to aim, R1 to shoot. There is no gravity at the moment but you can use the triangle and X buttons to move up and down. There is also no set objective or challenge at this point. It really is just a pure tech demo. But I think its still pretty cool already. So have some fun digging into walls and let me know what you think of it.
Left analog – Move
Right analog – Aim
R1 – Shoot
Triangle – Up
X- Down
Source: PSX-Scene
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October 12th, 2010, 15:26 Posted By: bandit
Here is a tech demo for a first person shooter I’m working on. Everything in it is now and will continue to be completely destructible. Use the left analog stick the move, right analog stick to aim, R1 to shoot. There is no gravity at the moment but you can use the triangle and X buttons to move up and down. There is also no set objective or challenge at this point. It really is just a pure tech demo. But I think its still pretty cool already. So have some fun digging into walls and let me know what you think of it.
Source: PSX-Scene
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October 12th, 2010, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
Although evidence continues to mount that Sony may be planning to bring in a new-generation handheld, the elderly PSP looks to have had a bumper year in Japan.
Hirokazu Hamamura, CEO of Enterbrain (publisher of Famitsu magazine) was highly optimistic about the PlayStation Portable's recent performance, reports Andriasang.
"This year will be the PSP's biggest year," he told an audience of journalists and analysts at his twice-yearly industry seminar on Friday.
Key to this was the success of third party titles, in sharp contrast to Nintendo's rival DS. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd looks to be best-selling PSP game of 2010 in Japan, with Hamamura predicting possible sales of 5 million - a million more than its predecessor.
Hamamura also predicted that "the PSP will expand its market," pointing to the 500,000 sales success of Monster Hunter spin-off Poka Poka Felyne Village. Publisher Capcom has claimed this has attracted a 50 per cent female audience, thanks to more accessible play and a Hello Kitty tie-in.
The PSP has now sold over 15 million units across its various SKUs in Japan, 1.5 million of which were this year. Combined Japanese DS sales for the entirety of 2010 look set to outdo it by a few hundred thousand, however.
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October 12th, 2010, 16:51 Posted By: wraggster
Konami's revamp of the old X-Men arcade game - coincidentally named X-Men Arcade - will be released this autumn on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.
We also now know that the developer is Backbone Entertainment - the studio favoured by Capcom for all things PSN/XBLA: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, 1942: Joint Strike, Commando 3. There's some experience on the two platforms, then.
Available to play in X-Men Arcade will be Cyclops, Colossus, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Storm and Wolverine. They'll need to work together to take down the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, key enemies in which are Pyro, Blob, Wendigo, Mystique, White Queen, Juggernaught and Magneto.
Up to four people can co-operate locally, and up to six online. Online drop-in means you can hop in and out without faff. Just select your preferred amount of players, difficulty and level and you'll be matched accordingly. Alternatively you can create your own and play host.
X-Men Arcade will be wrapped up in high-definition graphics, which span gameplay, HUD and menus. There's leaderboard support, too.
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October 12th, 2010, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP2 is already in the hands of developers, but will Sony take the right direction in the portable sector? Following a recent op-ed on fixing the PSP business, leading game industry analysts came to the consensus that the best avenue for Sony to take is to offer a PlayStation Phone, and a strong partner like Google would do just the trick. 'Sony has the opportunity to redefine the portable games category. I think the best move would be to get out in front of Microsoft's inevitable Xbox LIVE Arcade Mobile and take on the App Store and carrier deck portals. ... They could put out a proper PlayStation Phone (and a PlayStation Pad) but these should compete with smartphones and tablets, not dedicated gaming devices. To do this quickly, Sony could partner with Google and take advantage of Android's considerable momentum,' said Billy Pidgeon of M2 Research
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October 13th, 2010, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
So it's all going to go beserk tomorrow at 8pm UK time on the PS Store. That's the time Sony will release a Killzone 3 theme that will also grant Killzone 3 beta access to the first 10,000 PS Plus subscribers that download it.
It's all kicking off a day earlier than the October 14 date originally announced, but SCEE has now asserted: "We can now confirm that [the theme] will go live in the EU PlayStation Store at 8pm in the UK, 9pm CET and 6am in Sydney, Australia on 13 October."
We can see this getting very messy.
The process is simple; hand over some dosh to become a PS Plus subscriber if you're not one already. Sit tight until 8pm then log into the PS Store and be one of those first 10,000 to download the Killzone 3 theme. We'd like to think Sony will have it clearly signposted in the store. Then wait until October 25 when you'll receive an email with the PSN code to get the beta. Simples.
How will you know right away if you're one of the first 10,000? We don't know.
How will you get to it before the other billion gamers all frantically entering, exiting and re-entering the PS Store from 7:50pm? We don't know.
Good luck with that one.
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October 13th, 2010, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Consumers look set to get further incentive to purchase Sony's beleaguered PSPgo handheld, with another price cut incoming.
Joystiq has posted a retail listing suggesting that the price of the handheld is to drop from $250 to $200 in the US, effective 15th October. That translates to approximately £126.
Last year Sony dropped the price of the PSPgo in the UK to £200 just one week after launch. Then in June it offered 10 free games with every unit sold.
Sony is yet to confirm the price drop, or whether any cut will apply in the UK.
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October 13th, 2010, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Disney Interactive Studios has sent us a note announcing a November 16 release date for the PlayStation Portable version of Split/Second, the demolition racer that debuted on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC in May. The new game will introduce an additional track (for a total of 13) and challenge mode to the explosive proceedings, and offer four-player ad-hoc multiplayer. Hint: Don't worry about burning bridges so much as dropping them on your former friends and opponents.
We hope the art of catastrophe evasion translates well to PSP -- you'll note the graphics haven't avoided a significant downgrade -- and that Disney's promise of platform-specific control tweaks holds up. We don't need high-definition to spot the plane coming right at us, do we?
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October 13th, 2010, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
Following the leak of the news earlier this week, Sony has released the first official information about the upcoming LoveFilm service heading to PS3.
Described as “the most significant extension to date of LOVEFiLM’s direct-to-TV rollout”, the service will provide both instant streaming rentals over PSN as well as the capability for users to manage their LoveFilm account directly through the console.
It will all be managed via a dedicated app installed to the XMB.
“We know there is a huge interest within our audience for film, and so the addition of Lovefilm to our current range of services is a very natural fit and one which significantly enhances the value proposition of PS3,” SCE UK MD Ray Maguire stated.
“Lovefilm has a proven track record of success and innovation in the film distribution field and is a very welcome addition to the PlayStation family that I’m confident PlayStation gamers will embrace enthusiastically.”
LoveFilm’s chief executive Simon Calver added: “This is game-changing for LoveFilm and transformational for the UK home entertainment market as a whole.
“PS3 already has a very large installed customer base of all ages, all of whom will soon be able to benefit from our unique combination of instantly available content, streamed through their PS3, as well as DVD, Blu-ray and games rental by post. To become PS3’s partner for our service is a tremendous endorsement of the value, choice and convenience offered by LoveFilm.”
A launch date for the service has not yet been announced, though it’s expected to be some time in November.
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October 13th, 2010, 15:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has reportedly nullified the threat of PSJailbreak in its current form by locking new PS3 game code to the console's 3.42 firmware.
While recent releases like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and Enslaved are still vulnerable to the USB-based hack, Digital Foundry suggests new PS3 games - beginning with this week's Medal of Honor - are not.
The site reports that the recent PS3 firmware release 'appears to include an all-new decryption key not present in earlier versions'.
It adds: 'Medal of Honor and all titles going forward are encrypted with the new key, meaning that the Jailbreak in its current form has been effectively nullified: the existing firmware it's based on simply can't read the code.'
It's good news for Sony ahead of major holiday season releases like Gran Turismo 5 and Call of Duty: Black Ops, although we wouldn't bet against the hackers fighting back in the near future. They're nothing if not persistent.
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October 13th, 2010, 15:40 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP version of Split/Second will be released in Europe on 19th November, Disney has told Eurogamer this morning.
News broke overnight that the game would sell in the US from 16th November.
Split/Second is the scenery-destroying racer from Black Rock Studios - the team that made Pure. The PSP version will be created by Sumo Digital.
Split/Second creates a fantasy where supercars roar around courses tearing down buildings using dramatic Power Plays.
Eurogamer's Oli Welsh declared the console game "fast, loud, exciting and fun" and "impeccably crafted". His verdict: 8/10.
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October 13th, 2010, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
There's plenty on the PlayStation Store today. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 justifies its £10 price with a great big 9/10 kiss from Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson, and Dead Space 2 prequel Dead Space Ignition is available in free trial form before you splash the £4 required.
Demos are just as attractive - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PSP) in particular. Among the others is a taster for Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2, which should be handy for anyone wondering what these Dragon Ball games are and why they keep coming back.
PlayStation Plus subscribers are getting three lots of Fallout 3 DLC free this month, plus that exclusive Killzone 3 beta - the theme of which needs downloading quick-smart in order to enter. The beta kicks off tonight at 8pm.
Deals of note are permanent reductions for 8/10 multiplayer shooter Section 8 (half-price) and recent 8/10 hack-and-slash game Blade Kitten (down to £7.20). Plus, Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops has been discounted to £5.19 until 27th October.
There's new content this week for Red Dead Redemption, Dead Rising 2, HAWX 2, Split/Second and WRC.
October PlayStation Plus
Full Game: Trial Hustle Kings
PS3 Game Content: Fallout 3 Packs Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage
PS3 Theme: Killzone 3 Beta (goes live at 8pm in the UK, 9pm CET and 6am tomorrow in Sydney, Australia)
PS3 Special Offers (available until 27th October)
Topatoi: The Great Tree Story (was £4.79/€5.99 now £2.39/€2.99)
Topatoi Bundle (Contains full game, Pillar of Skies and Arcade Style Packs) (was £7.99/€9.99 now £4.79/€5.99)
Blue Toad Murder Files: Episodes 4-6 (was £9.99/€4.99 now £12.99/€6.19)
Smash Cars: Virus Run (was £2.39/€2.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
Hyperballoid: Original World Pack (was £1.59/€1.99 now £1.25/€1.59)
Permanent reduction: Section 8 (was £19.99/€24.99 now £9.99/€12.99)
Permanent reduction: Blade Kitten (was £9.99/€12.99 now £7.19/€8.99)
PS3 Demos
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2
Sky Fighter
Legend of the Guardians
PS3 Games
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (£9.99/€12.99)
Dead Space Ignition (Trial free, Unlock Key £3.99/€4.99)
PS3 Game Content
Dead Rising 2: Skills Pack Psycho (£1.59/€1.99)
Red Dead Redemption: Hunting & Trading Outfits Pack (free)
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2: Cold War Pack (£3.19/€3.99), MIG Alley Pack (£3.19/€3.99),
Split/Second: Survival at the Rock Pack (£5.49/€6.99)
WRC: Group B Cars (£3.99/€4.99)
Moto GP 10: Twin Track Pack (£3.99/€4.99)
PAIN: Alpine Ski Slope (£3.99/€4.99)
EyePet: Halloween Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99), Soccer Fan Styling Pack (£2.39/€2.99),
Rock Band: Are You Experienced: Rock Band Edition (album) (£9.99/€14.99) (contains: '3rd Stone From the Sun', 'Fire (Live)', 'Foxy Lady', 'Hey Joe (Live)', 'Highway Chile', 'Love or Confusion', 'Manic Depression', 'May This Be Love', 'Purple Haze', 'Stone Free', 'The Wind Cries Mary')
Rock Band Network: 'America Underwater' by LoveHateHero, 'Death Metal Guys' by Reverend Horton Heat, 'Incubus' by Amberian Dawn, 'No One's Gonna Love You' by Band of Horses, 'Parhelia' by Heaven Ablaze (£0.59/€0.79)
Crime Spree (£2.49/€2.99)
PSP Special Offers (available until 27th October)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP) (was £8.79/€10.99 now £5.19/€6.59)
Disney's Tarzan (PSone) (was £3.99/€4.99 now £3.19/€3.99)
Permanent reduction: Half Minute Hero (PSP) (was £15.99/€19.99 now £11.99/€14.99)
Permanent reduction: R-Type Tactics (PSP) (was £11.99/€14.99 now £7.99/€9.99)
PSP Demos
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
PSP Games
Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Predator (£23.99/€29.99)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (£7.99/€9.99)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (£7.99/€9.99)
PSP Game Content
LittleBigPlanet: Uncharted Costume (£0.79/€0.99)
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October 14th, 2010, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Much-delayed PlayStation 3 racing simulator Gran Turismo 5 has seen its release date go back again, just three weeks before its planned US launch on November 2.
Sony has yet to specify a new date for Polyphony Digital's one-time platform ambassador, but claims it will still arrive 'this holiday season.'
Spokespeople have confirmed the delay applies to Europe as well as the US, with the Japanese website revealing the same issue there.
No reason has been given, bar a statement on the PlayStation US blog hinting at late-in-the-day polish:
"We sincerely apologise to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches."
Gran Turismo 5 has been in development for six years, and was originally revealed at E3 2006. Last year, Polyphony claimed the budget had hit $60 million.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
A new entry in the Rune Factory franchise is heading to PlayStation 3 and Wii early next year, publisher Marvelous Entertainment has announced.
According to Siliconera, Rune Factory: Oceans is being developed by Shining Force mainstay Neverland Co. Unlike past Rune Factory games it sees you take to the high seas in search of adventure.
It's unclear how this new nautical theme will incorporate the series' traditional farming element. Lobster pots? Oyster farms? Algae harvesting? Who can say?
Battles will be in real-time and a giant beast called Ymir will feature prominently. You'll need to climb onto his back to explore your surroundings.
Marvelous has confirmed that there will be two playable characters: Azel and Sonia. You'll control both to begin with before choosing one for good later on in the game.
The PlayStation 3 version will be Move compatible.
The last game in the Harvest Moon spin-off franchise, Rune Factory Frontier, arrived on the Wii earlier this year. Eurogamer's Dan Pearson deemed it first-rate produce, awarding it 8/10.
Rune Factory: Oceans is out in Japan on 24th February 2011. We've asked UK publisher Rising Star Games for a UK date.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's high-profile PlayStation 3 exclusive racer Gran Turismo 5 will still enjoy spectacular sales despite suffering a delay, but could lose momentum if it's released after Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, analysts have said.
This afternoon Sony announced that Polyphony Digital's game would miss its announced 5th November release date and instead be out "before Christmas".
In a statement Sony said "creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating a racing experience of the highest quality".
Analysts have predicted the delay will have little impact on the game's success – and that of the PS3 this year.
"I don't believe a GT5 delay impacts Sony's current momentum," Capital Research's Jesse Divnich told Eurogamer.
"GT5 is such an anticipated title that delays are unlikely to impact consumer's purchase intent. Whether released a week later or the last week of December, sales will be astronomical."
Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter suggested two possible outcomes.
"Without knowing the date, it's impossible to say," he said. "If it's a week, no impact. If after Need for Speed, they could lose some momentum."
EA's Criterion-developed racer Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is due out on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 19th November.
M2 Research analyst Billy Pidgeon told Eurogamer that Gran Turismo's long development period means this latest delay comes as no surprise.
"Another delay on Gran Turismo is disappointing, especially to the most enthusiastic fans of the franchise," Pidgeon said.
"Still, there have been so many delays that another one is not surprising. Obviously, there's not much time left in the holiday season so Yamauchi and Polyphony have got to go gold within two months."
He added: "I wouldn't revise PS3 uptake estimates on this news as it is still possible GT5 is released in Q4 2010 or Q1 2011 and is likely to spur new and upgrade console sales."
Pidgeon said Gran Turismo 5 is "crucial" to Sony's 3D telly push.
"Sony has set the visuals bar pretty high with Gran Turismo," he offered, "so it is crucial that the graphics (as seen on HDTV and in stereoscopic 3D with camera-based head tracking) impress the critics and the fans.
"Gran Turismo 5's timely release is perhaps even more crucial to Sony's 3D TV division than it is to PS3. In-store demos of GT5 may be the best case Sony can make to consumers for 3D TV."
Sony promised a new release date by the end of the month.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese gamers will soon be able to view strategy guides through PlayStation Network, Sony has announced.
Andriasang reports that the PlayView for Games service will launch in Japan tomorrow, allowing users to download strategy guides, art books and other game-related printed material.
All content can be displayed in high resolution on PlayStation 3 and PSP. The service boasts zoom and search functions too.
The first game guide to go live will be for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. It will retail for ¥600 (around £4.60). Although it's a re-release of a printed guide it will come enhanced with video clips and music from the game.
There's no word yet on whether the service will launch outside of Japan.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
It's not quite a common practice just yet, but it looks like the PlayStation 3 could be following in the PSP's footsteps in order to get around folks jailbreaking the device. As MCV reports, anyone buying Electronic Arts' new "Medal of Honor" game will first have to update their PS3 to the latest 3.50 firmware (conveniently provided on the disc) before playing -- that firmware also, of course, has the convenient side effect of blocking the ability to jailbreak the console. No word on any other games that will follow suit, but we have sneaking suspicion that this is something PS3 users will have to get used to.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster

The so-called "first step" in a PlayStation-specific audio system will be released next week for $180, and you're looking at it. The "Surround Sound System," like most sound bars, mimics true surround sound through 2.1 audio channels (this one has an integrated sub). While the PlayStation-brand sound bar is compatible with other audio sources, its been designed to match the "PS3 system aesthetics" and features two gaming-specific modes, "Dialog" and "Night" (which enhances key sounds when the volume is turned down).
"The sound bar is the first step for us to develop an audio system that's specific to the PlayStation," Sony's David Murrant says somewhat curiously in a marketing spot for the system (embedded after the break). Of the Dialog sound mode, Murrant adds, "Often dialog is going to be key to knowing what the next stage for the game is or giving you clues."
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October 14th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

features•Unique Mexican Lucha Libre fighting styles and Rudo/Tecnico campaign storyline
•High flying Luchador Acrobatics
•Realistic and intuitive gameplay with classic Lucha Libre Moves, as seen on TV!
•Actual Lucha Libre AAA Federation talent including sportcasters, referees and real luchadores such as "La Parka" and "Konnan"
descriptionLucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring: is a wrestling game based on the wildly popular sport of Mexican 'Lucha Libre'. Players will enjoy fast and addictive gameplay in which they must master a progressively dynamic combat system of insane acrobatic assaults and specialty grapples as they struggle to increase their popularity with the crowd, damage and humiliate their opponent and ultimately win the match.
Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring reflects how physical speed, acrobatic ability and individual charisma are fundamental to success in the AAA league. Whether playing as part of the online community or at home with friends, gamers will be transported into environments which reflect the rich Mexican culture while they battle as any of the 30 real-life wrestlers featured in the AAA wrestling league.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

features•Fight your way through many exciting battlefields until all heroes have gathered at the decisive battle of Sekigahara
•Single-player game evolves based on players decisions and actions
•Featuring unique playable samurai warrior characters
•Upgradeable weapon types allow players to extend or add special abilities
•Dramatic “Heroes’ Story” mode changes history based on players decisions as the story progresses
descriptionThe next evolution in producer of Devil May Cry 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi’s BASARA series is coming to PLAYSTATION®3 with Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes. Set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes follows players as they fight their way to the dramatic battle of Sekigahara. Players will take up the swords and spears of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents in many exciting stages that lead up to the main event.
Featuring unique playable characters, as well as supporting generals who will make it easier to command and lead armies, players will see the battle from the perspective of each military commander with the ultimate goal of re-writing history to rule all of 16th century Japan.
In the dynamic new “Hero’s Story” mode, the player’s decisions impact history with a redesigned story mode. Based on choices made by the player, new drama unfolds as friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and a new Sengoku story unfolds. Adding a new strategic element to the game, forces can fight for control/taking over of camps and ultimately entire battlefields.
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October 14th, 2010, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today;

Over 2 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a plane of existence above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. They are living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite community. You will step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile battlefield conditions of present day Afghanistan.
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October 14th, 2010, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/

Maze Generator randomly generates mazes. You play as a red circle and can navigate the mazes using the directional pad. A new maze is generated when you reach the red square at the end.
Unlike the previously released Wii and PC versions it doesn’t have music, a textured background, a menu, or multiple options for maze sizes and you cant watch the mazes being generated. But what it does have that they lacked is a 3d camera system. You can move it around freely using the analog sticks.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to continue working on improving this. I’m fairly happy with how it is already but if people like it and have any suggestions for improvements then I’ll add them.
I’ve already moved on to another PS3 game though. Its going to be a first person shooter with destructible environments. its working out well so far and I might even have an early demo of it to share as soon as tomorrow.
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October 14th, 2010, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/

Here is a tech demo for a first person shooter I’m working on. Everything in it is now and will continue to be completely destructible. Use the left analog stick the move, right analog stick to aim, R1 to shoot. There is no gravity at the moment but you can use the triangle and X buttons to move up and down. There is also no set objective or challenge at this point. It really is just a pure tech demo. But I think its still pretty cool already. So have some fun digging holes into walls and let me know what you think of it.
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October 14th, 2010, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
The recent news about a possible work-from 6.20 HEN Total_Noob, did not prevent the coder Wololo and J416, to continue the development of a Half-Byte Loader sull'exploit of stability based Everybody's Golf 2 (Also known as Hot Shots Golf U.S. and Minna no Golf JP) and is compatible with firmware 6.30/6.31. At present, the coder are committed to ensuring the compatibility of the new HBL for all versions of the game in question, since it is at present working for the Japanese version only UMD. Wololo recalled that recently the title has made its appearance on the European PSN and ask for the Sony has done to patch the game.
In this regard, and to speed development dell'HBL, the coder calls all willing to make a contribution by providing a forum page dedicated tools for the dumpaggio memory. It is hoped that soon the HBL is bootable on all versions of the game in question, and compatibility with homebrew is greater than all'exploit based on the first Everybody's golf. In the meantime, owners of the U.S. version of Everybody's Golf 2 can already run the first "Hello wolrd."
A demonstration of their work, Wololo has made a video in which you can see the work on the new Wagic HBL.
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October 14th, 2010, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.daedalusx64.com/viewto...t=2640&start=0
DaedalusX64 is the best Nintendo 64 Emulator available exclusively for the PSP. To eliminate some frequently asked questions: No, the Emulator is not perfect, so any graphical bugs, or speed issues are considered normal. Yes, the audio does not always play full speed and can cause the Emulator to crash. The latest compiled rev of DaedalusX64 can be found below, and I will try my best to upload the latest rev when I'm aware of it's commit. Thank you DaedalusX64 Team, and keep up the hard work.
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 585
[!] New Double Display List (advanced menu) it now gives up to 5% FPS boost when enabled and should work with most games.
[+] Using a trick to make 16bit mode dithering even smoother.
Note. Automobili Lamborghini got broken with new DDL and Z-fight fix also don't work in DDL.
Revision 584
[!] Unroll DLParser_GBI2_Conker
[+] Fixed the stars in Mario 64
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October 14th, 2010, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauch has called the latest in the long series of delays to GT5 'inexcusable' on his Twitter account, telling his followers that the game still has kinks which need ironing out.
The tweet, translated in full by Kotaku, is unlikely to pour too much oil on the troubled waters of the game's continued procrastination, with the title now entering its sixth year of development.
"It's because time and labour were spent ironing the kinks out of [the game's] complex system. I'm really sorry. Everyone, it's inexcusable... Wait a little longer."
Previously, the official Sony blog had also said the latest change in release date was down to last-minute polish.
"We sincerely apologise to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches."
The current shelf date for the game is now uncertain, but Sony has promised that the game will be released worldwide during the 'holiday season'.
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October 14th, 2010, 17:29 Posted By: bandit
Yes, I'm a bit late with this news but its still news worthy because we all have been waiting for it since the PS3 launched back in 2005. GT5 has been in development for 6 years (it has been worked on even before the PS3 was released worldwide) and we're going to have to wait a little bit longer.
It was announced today that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd as originally announced, but the game will be coming this holiday season.
We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay. Creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are all confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.
Check back here on the official Gran Turismo website for further updates.
Sony didn't give much of an explanation when it announced Gran Turismo 5's delay yesterday. For something a bit more solid (just a bit), we turn to series producer Kazunori Yamauchi himself.
Returning to Twitter for the first time since September 22, Yamauchi apologized to fans today and explained that the reason for the delay was that it was taking some time to finalize some of the game's more complicated systems. Apologizing again (two apologies in the same Tweet!), he asked that players wait a bit more.
Yamauchi quickly followed up this apology with some good news for those worrying that this is actually a stealth delay to 2011. A follower pleaded with him to get the game out by the end of the year. "I believe we won't keep you waiting until then," replied Yamauchi. —via Andriasang
Source: Official Gran Turismo
*UPDATE* 10/14/10
So it seems the "finalizing some of the game's more complicated system" is updating the SDK to 3.50.
An insider close to Sony is chalking up the recent delay of Gran Turismo 5 to the recent PS3 hack that has made waves over the last few months, pinning blame on a last-minute SDK switchover. This comes following yesterday’s revelation that GT5 would miss its November 2 release.
A source on the Blu-ray.com forums suggests that looming fears over piracy prompted the setback. Shortly after PSJailbreak and its variants made the rounds, SCE issued a mandate requesting that titles with a post-October release date must be compiled with 3.50 SDK libraries. Here’s the post in full, which has since been removed for reasons unknown:
Like I said it is manufacturing issues. I had it confirmed today.
The problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after after October, GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350. This has caused a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. So Sony had to find a 3 week slot big enough to make 7m+ copies of this and get them shipped out.
If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the pirates and hackers, SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 3.41 was compromised.
Certainly sounds plausible. While a switchover to the new SDK is hardly a big deal, you have to factor in QA testing, which can easily take an upwards of a few days to complete, depending how extensive. That, factored in with setting a revised manufacturing date, can easily lead to a delay of this nature.
Fans can rest assured, however, that GT5 will make 2010. While Sony has not yet pinned down a firm date, it’s still on for a “holiday release.”
Source: eXophase
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October 14th, 2010, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
The delay to Sony's Gran Turismo 5 is a result of the recent PlayStation 3 hack causing Sony to shift manufacturing of game discs, an alleged insider has revealed.
Sony announced earlier this week that Gran Turismo 5 would not make its published 2nd November release date, claiming, "creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating a racing experience of the highest quality."
That might not be entirely true however, according to a post on Blu-Ray.com's forums from a senior moderator called Maximus with alleged links to Sony.
"The problem arose when SCE mandated SDK 350 on all games releasing after October," reads the post. "GT5 was about to go gold running on SDK 341, but it has been delayed by around a week so that they can update to SDK 350.
"This has caused a big headache for the manufacturing side, given how big this game is missing the gold date by even a week can cause a months worth of delay as slots are already taken up at this time of year for Blu-ray movies and such. So Sony had to find a three week slot big enough to make seven million+ copies of this and get them shipped out."
"If you want to blame anyone, I would direct it at the pirates and hackers," the post adds. "SCE never had any real SDK restrictions before firmware 3.41 was compromised."
The original post has now been taken down from the forum.
We've reached out to Sony for comment.
Gran Turismo 5 will now launch on PlayStation 3 "before Christmas."
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October 14th, 2010, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has assured disgruntled owners of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow on PS3 that a patch to fix a worrying problem is "incoming".
Some users reported being prompted with a message telling them, "Save file corrupt, will now overwrite, press X to continue," according to Joystiq.
In response, Konami tweeted: "Fear not, Vampire Killers. A patch for the PS3 save issue affecting Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is incoming. We'll update on availability."
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was released earlier this month. Review scores were high and consumers happily threw their cash at the game. The result? Konami has already commissioned a sequel.
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October 14th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 Netflix users won't be forced to use an instant streaming Blu-ray disc to watch movie and TV content as of next week.
Unlike Xbox 360 owners, PS3 users have been required to do so since the movie streaming service launched for Sony's console in November last year.
"In addition to eliminating the disc, there is a new user interface that brings a much richer and faster browsing experience, content search directly on the device, and dramatic improvements in how fast playback starts," Sony says.
"There is even more good news for PS3 owners: starting on Monday you'll be able to instantly watch some movies and TV shows in 1080i high definition, listen to Dolby 5.1 channel surround sound, and view an increasing portion of our content library with subtitles."
Netflix allows US users to sift through thousands of movies and stream them instantly over a broadband connection for a monthly subscription fee of $8.99.
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October 14th, 2010, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Starting this Saturday, the PlayStation Store will update with one free movie rental as part of its "Midnight Movies" promotion. But, there's a catch! You'll need to sign on to the PSN between 8PM and 6AM EST. This weekend's movie will be Bram Stroker's Dracula. If you're up late playing some games on a Saturday night, might as well get a free movie download, right?
Update: Here's the official word from Sony. This deal likely applies only to members of the US PSN.
Halloween is here! This week you can find your favorite monsters, zombies and blood-thirsty creatures all in one place. Get incredible discounts on monster movies like Let the Right One In, Dawn of the Dead, The Fog and many more! Plus, you can rent Bram Stoker's Dracula for FREE when you visit the Halloween Horror Flicks collection on PlayStation®Store, Saturday, 10/16, from 5 PM PDT through 3 AM PDT 10/17!
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October 17th, 2010, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 motion controller Move has sold around 1.5 million units in Europe, according to Sony's Andrew House.
Speaking to Bloomberg, the head of Sony Europe said the company was looking to increase production of the controller, which launched in the region on September 19.
Move has seen "very significant sales in the first month since launch, somewhere in the region of 1.5 million units for the new controller across just Europe," according to House.
"The initial sales response has been so far in excess of our initial plan that we'll probably be looking at accelerating production."
He also said that Sony is expecting to beat worldwide sales targets of 15 million PlayStation 3 units for the full year, despite the slow down in the overall market.
"Sales have been significantly up year-on-year in a market that has been overall slightly down," offered House.
"We have lots of confidence in our ability to hit our profitability target this year," he added. "But currency movements present significant challenges" he said, referring to the appreciation of the yen.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
You can't really use it for anything for two more days, as Netflix will tell you "this product is not currently available in your location," but if you turn on your PlayStation 3, you might notice the disc-less, 1080p and 5.1 surround sound version of the instant movie streaming service is already available to download. The above install screen popped up on our console without even requiring a trip to the PlayStation Store, which suggests that 1.) Sony has decided that this is a big deal and 2.) should an evil force ever wrest control from the Japanese manufacturer, they'd have some pretty rad propaganda pushing power.
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October 17th, 2010, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
With the NPD deeming the unwashed masses unfit to receive hardware sales data, we've been forced to procure the company's data through other means. Microsoft executive Aaron Greenberg made it easy yesterday, announcing the Xbox 360 sold 483,989 units in September, which is up 37 percent from the same time last year. Meanwhile, the other console makers were to be a bit shy -- and now we know why. Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter revealed in his investor note today, sourcing NPD's data, that the Wii and PS3 sold 254K and 312K units, respectively. That's a 45 percent drop from the same time last year for Nintendo and a 37 percent hit for Sony.
Pachter notes it's hard to ding the PS3 in a sales comparisons to last year, as it was flying high after receiving a major boost from that $100 price drop. However, for the Wii, he says the console continues to struggle due to "gamer fatigue" and "lack of high-profile releases."
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October 17th, 2010, 06:20 Posted By: bandit
Everyone knows that Sony is doing everything in their power to stop the sales of any jailbreaks. But one way to slow down or help stop the progress of finding and advancing in the knowledge of the PS3 is to have retailers cause developers to leave all for the name of profit.
Chinese cloners are not only profiting from freely distributed files like PSGroove but now they are adding names such as Hermes. A Chinese cloner not only made a dongle with PSGroove printed on it, but is now also including files from Hermes as well as printing his nickname on the dongle to help with sales.
Here is what he said (translated):
This should be a sick joke!
Not only take advantage of the work of sceners, if you have the nerve up to take my nickname as a reference to a product, and notice that I have nothing to do with them. Well if that's what they want, go ahead! Selling their clones and seize whatever they want, I happened to keep the riffraff and although I feel for others, here ended my contribution to the scene of PS3.
This is a very sad day for the PS3 scene. I would link to the site selling the dongle but I even want to give them advertisements to the site.
Hermes also posted additional explanation on his reason to leave the PS3 scene. He also released his LAST custom payload v4 and source code for those knowledgeable and want to pick up where he left off (translated):
Sorry to keep you waiting, but today I had family commitments and the thread was closed when I'm gone.
First, say that I have uploaded what I have so far: includes the patches that we have mentioned in another thread and some new ones. The main novelty is that it has "cleaned" the source code to eliminate double relocation of the code, since we do not need. Also included a new dynamic patching system comes in handy to allow redirection of / apps_home a / dev_bdvd in games, to receive as first parameter EBOOT.BIN path correctly, if that could cause some problem.
I climb the V4 that already had committed and if other people want to continue development (the scene is a collective, not as a team, everyone is free to contribute whatever they want and how you want and at a time want).
Secondly, I thank you for the support you have shown me
If you do not mind, I would like to discuss a few things in the remainder of the post.
I have 41 years and at that age, one is clear about certain things and know why you get rings and what not. As some know, I'm not a professional programmer, but a construction worker unemployed (like many others, unfortunately), which devotes her time to a hobby (which is in unemployment assistance, that there is something to kill time ) And shares what he does with others, for the simple detail that positions and why not all benefit?
Interestingly, I usually get into these "fregaos" because sometimes I see things are rudderless and I think I can contribute ideas and my point of view and in the electronic scene, but never on a pair of hands and a brain that provides . So touching roll up, we roll up, all of course, non-profit or to cash in on any class that is not what is sought.
Obviously, one is not stupid and knows that is what's going on around here: there is always profiting rock that takes advantage of the work of others, without contributing anything (or if they bring improvements, "close" to each other) and there are always people strip of land the job of others. This is what usually bother me, as is logical and understandable, since obviously I'm not here for companies that skirt the law or not, is profiting without contributing anything at all and I have a perfect right, such circumstances or otherwise, participate in setting the scene and fix my code working with this scene and its exclusions.
In this case, I decided that because a company is using not only the code, if not my nick as bait advertising, making misunderstand that I'm behind that product, fail to develop a code that make for entertaining and that you I offer to you as anonymous people who are, without either profit interests.
Some people do not want to understand this and think "bah, is a childish temper tantrum in plan" or "not as annoying, because Hermes is also a nickname adopted and this Easter."
Instead what I think is that who are they to judge my decision and I am the less I lose if I participate, so do not know why some people think that I win something by participating. And that applies to those who charge you 30 bucks for a chip applications or develop them as needed and not me. And if I believe that one has crossed a line where I say enough, not only my right, but it seems logical to give back the ball and say "ale, nice people do not want to bring you the car?. Since take you peak and shovel and herding "
I have no financial backing behind consoles or debug or retail consoles with different firmware, or special devices that teensy but I rode or USBKey I bought. Is not it logical that those who live on this, whatever they have to make improvements? Or I have to do the time for R & D department inadvertently?
Anyway, I think the thing is clear: for the time step will continue doing nothing and being the turn of others to pick up the baton and show that besides making chips and collect dollars, also bring improvements to their customers or scene in general, without taking single code or a nickname borrowed from others as a decoy, because basically, they offer nothing.
Updated: Added source code version v4 with the latest patches found (are grateful to Mathieulh their contributions). This is my final contribution for those who want to return to work and develop it, I go up for reasons of commitment and that the scene is a collective work. The new features of Hermes V4 are listed below.
- New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary)
- Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details)
- Support for Homebrew in / apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on / dev_usb000/PS3_GAME
- Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless / apps_home/PS3_GAME
We hope Hermes would look past this and continue to help the PS3 scene but we understand his reasoning and wish him the best.
Source: ElOtroLado / Additional Hermes ElOtroLado explanation
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October 17th, 2010, 17:36 Posted By: bandit

Below is a rough German translation stating that Sony is now requesting every buyer to transfer the rights to request the package back from customs over to Sony Computer Entertainment and to agree on the destruction of the device. German buyers of the PS3 Break will have to sign a "cease and desist" that they will no longer import, distribute or use any device that allows or eases bypassing the copy protection of the PS3. If you still do so after signing the letter the penalties start at 5100€. If a buyer even refuses to sign the cease and desist letter they are facing a law suit with a value in dispute of 50'000€ each.
Since then the copy protection system of the Sony game console Playstation 3 (PS3) was circumvented with older firmware designs, offers various on-line shops special USB sticks, with which copy-protected plays can copy and be started on the non removable disk of the console. But German PS3-Besitzer, which had ordered itself such a stick from the foreign country, got post office in the past days of of Sony lawyers: A warning including demand for an omission explanation.
The tariff had become attentive on consignments of goods of USB adapters from Hong Kong, to whose opening sticks with the quite clear designation “PS3 BREAK” showed up. The tariff holds back these first, because in Germany after § 95a UrhG among other things the import of devices, which are suitable to going around a copy protection is forbidden.
Of Sony lawyers it requires now of the orderers that they agree a destruction of the sticks and all requirements on publication of the commodity at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe transfer, festhängenden with the tariff. Beyond that the orderers are to commit themselves by omission explanation to introduce or use in the future no Gerätschaften, which make possible or facilitate an evasion of the copy protection of the PS3. During offence Sony threatens with a contractual penalty at height of at least 5100 euros.
If the orderers should refuse to sign the omission explanation they risk one legal proceedings, which could pull with a set value in litigation of 50,000 euros law costs between 2500 and 4500 euros according to lawyer letters. In addition the costs of the warning would come. If the orderer should sign however within the prescribed period, the warning costs were issued to him.
The legal situation speaks for Sony. It might be extremely difficult to prove before court that a special USB CONTROLLER stick was not intended named “PS3 BREAK” to the evasion of the copy protection of the PS3, even if the necessary software libraries to it to be only still up-played had. To that extent the orderers can estimate themselves happy that Sony makes such an obliging offer for them and at the warning costs first done without. It is a legitimate warning shot before the nose, with which the probably lost costs of the purchase price of the stick should be booked as training money. However the foreign dealers might not make it so easy for the German tariff in the future any longer and mark their goods more harmlessly.
Source: heise online
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October 17th, 2010, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has updated his Game gear and Master System Emulator for the PSP:
New in this version:
» Support for TMS9918-based display modes, making games like F16 Fighting Falcon and Rozetta no Shouzou playable
» Modified controls are now saved automatically
Many thanks to Charles MacDonald, the author of SMS Plus, for his help on getting TMS9918 games to restore correctly.
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October 17th, 2010, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/
Here is an updated version of Cubicle Shooter. I’m also providing the source code, as promised, which I will begin doing regularly for all my PS3 stuff. Sorry for the poor quality of the above video. I figure it still communicates what to expect from it better then a still image does.
Notable changes:
Added a wall texture
Added game saving and loading (usb storage device needed)
Removed the floating up and down controls
Added player gravity
Added jumping
Added momentum to the players movement
Added player on wall collision detection
Fixed problems with blast on wall collision detection
Removed the red impact block
Move – Left analog stick
Aim – Right analog stick
Shooter – R1
Jump – X
Save – Select
Load – Start
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October 17th, 2010, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows has seen yet another update, heres whats new:
Update Windows batch scripts to find the Java path from the registry instead of using default installation path.
The only problem I see is for people running the 64bit batch script from a 32bit context on a 64bit OS as I can't find a way to query the right registry value. Should be quite rare...
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October 17th, 2010, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster

Shadow has posted some WIP News concerning the PSP Emulator for Windows:
While PCSP progress is coming along slowly , there are actually some improvements that make some games work bettter. Today it's Evangelion Jo game that shows interest progress
Note that game can't be consider playable since it's slow and Font library isn't emulate but it is still good progress 
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October 17th, 2010, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from C4TurD4Y
First, I'm sorry for my fatal english.
So here is my first PSP homebrew, Sepulka. Sepulka is Selective Plugin Loader, plugin, that loads other plugins only in a particular case. Just like Pergame, but my plugin reads game id and game title (great for noobs) from param.sfo, not from ram. Different is format of plugins list too. Example:
ms0:/seplugins/m33_620.prx inviZimals| Go!Fall
ms0:/seplugins/remotejoylite.prx UMD | Iso | PBP | ~God of War: Chains of Olympus
ms0:/seplugins/music.prx ISO|umd| ~ PataPon 2|~UCes00995Currently Sepulka supports:
- Blacklisting (just add ~ sign before parameter)
- Recognizing of mode (Iso - all backups; umd - all umd games and pbp - for MS games)
- Recognizing of game id and title
- Comments (line must start by #)
- Custom modules lists (isoname_plugins.txt for isos and plugins.txt for eboots in the same directory)
Things to do:
- Add possibility to define custom macros
P.S. It may doesn't work correctly on UMD Required mode, so please, change it onto "M33 Driver" or "Sony NP9660".
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October 17th, 2010, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/10/15/...t-for-6-20-tn/
You’ll be happy to know Total_Noob’s 6.20 TN is shaping up nicely… The man himself has shared a progress update stating that 90% of homebrew is now working (from the XMB; not HBL) thanks to Davee. Below is a video demoing just that on a PSP-1000.
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October 18th, 2010, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac's now acclaimed PS3 alien shooter series Resistance could run and run and run; work-in-progress Resistance 3 certainly won't be the end of it.
"Resistance 3 is a story within the Resistance universe that can be expanded upon. Doors will be shut, but they won't be slammed," developer Insomniac revealed in the November issue of Game Informer (reported on PS3Center).
That statement coincided with an information splurge about the new game that was mopped up on NeoGAF.
Resistance 3 takes place after Resistance 2, and the central character will be Joseph Capelli, who started a family with the sister of Resistance 1 & 2 hero Nathan Hale. He's on some sort of mission to New York to find a vaccine for his son. Sounds boring but, thankfully, the Chimera aliens with all their eyes and teeth are back to spice things up.
Campaign co-op will return, as will online multiplayer - although Insomniac is keen that the latter be more organised than the 60-player insanity of Resistance 2.
Resistance 3 will have smarter artificial intelligence that can climb over walls and through windows, plus enemies that jump from rooftop to rooftop, firing down at you.
You'll have lots of guns to fire back with, of course, including returning favourites Bullseye, Magnum, Shotgun, Auger and Carbine. There's a new Mutator weapon, too. This deploys a chemical mist that causes boils to swell and pop on the skin of enemies, forcing a damaging puss to splurge over nearby aliens.
Game Informer also noted that you'll come across humans cannibalising their friends due to a lack of food, and that Insomniac boss Ted Price has handed the reins to Marcus Smith on this project. Those two details are unrelated, of course.
Resistance 3 was unveiled at gamescom in August this year. We haven't seen much, just an atmospheric video and a spattering of are-they-in-game-aren't-they screenshots.
We do know, however, that Resistance 2 was much better than Resistance: Fall of Man. Insomniac's got the measure of the PS3 now, and all signs point to the third instalment being very good indeed.
But what's more interesting is Insonmiac's new multi-platform deal with EA - the game that Ted Price must have excused himself to direct. Confidence is running high, causing EA Partners' David DeMartini to predict scores of 9/10 or higher before we've even seen the game.
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October 18th, 2010, 15:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sega kind of has a thing for Phantasy Star. Ever since resurrecting the 8- and 16-bit RPG franchise back on Sega Dreamcast with Phantasy Star Online, the company has been rather steadily turning out new titles bearing the brand name. Most recently, it's been Phantasy Star Portable 2 for PSP, but, as discovered by Siliconera, Sega has at least two more Phantasies planned.
The Japanese Trademark Database lists both Phantasy Star Eternal Planets and Phantasy Star Eternal Hunters as recently registered. They're classified only as video games -- no platforms, natch -- and Siliconera speculates they could be two sides of the same coin ... er, game, a la Pokemon Black and White. Hopefully, Sega won't keep its phans waiting long for a reveal.
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October 19th, 2010, 02:57 Posted By: bandit
This online web tool allows you to compile your own HEX file for your dev board and even choose whether to have LED or not. You can make your own or you can download their pre-compiled HEX files.
PSGroove Maker v0.1 is an online tool that is current hosted on the Project0 website that allows you to easy compile your custom selected version of PSGroove right online!
All you have to do is choose your version PSGroove, your board type, frequency, and LED options and then click to download your complied-hex file ready to flash to your USB development board.
For now this tool is not compatible with all the development boards, but surely the list will be expanded by the website authors.
Source: Ps3-Addict.fr
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October 19th, 2010, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
Reports overnight that retail copies Call of Duty: Black Ops have been stolen from a factory in Alabama appear to have been a load of rubbish, judging by conflicting posts by semi-literate gentlemen on various Xbox 360 hacking forums.
Yesterday Hooked Gamers chronicled events surrounding hacker forum members "Ungodly Leaker" and "97SIRHB". The former supposedly had the game disc in his hands, and was credited with leaking Halo: Reach pre-release, while both he and 97SIRHB apparently conversed with Treyarch community man Josh Olin, who was said to be seeking information on hacker groups and making threats.
However, in a rambly "final statement to all the fans and media and Treyarch" repeated on the Se7ensins forum, Ungodly Leaker said that while he was contacted by somebody claiming to have a copy of the game, it was "never in our hands".
"It did how ever hit the hands of the Runner (the Computer guy) and according to him FBI came and Took It (RIGHT!!) Ha Ha Ha." Ha ha ha indeed. Also sic. "After speaking with Josh [Olin] no FBI are involved at all but he wants tto know were we got the game from.... NO WERE it landed in our laps but we were scammed END OF Story...." Was this guy in Ocean's Eleven?
Activision has yet to comment on all this, and we don't expect it to do so, because everyone concerned appears to be madder than a bag of hammers.
Piracy of Xbox 360 games has been a problem for several years, with most major releases hitting newsgroups and torrents well ahead of release. Halo: Reach is the most prominent recent example, appearing in the wild over three weeks ahead of its release date.
PlayStation 3 is no longer immune to the problem either following the release of PSJailbreak, although publishers including Electronic Arts are already taking steps to reduce the firmware-snubbing device's potency.
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October 20th, 2010, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts' reboot of the Medal of Honor franchise has sold over 1.5 million units in the US, Asia and Europe.
The numbers come after five days on sale in North America and only two days in Europe - to celebrate, the publisher is making the first downloadable content for the game free to those players that have registered the game's Online Pass.
"Medal of Honor is one of EA's most storied franchises and we're thrilled to see that fans worldwide have embraced it," commented Frank Gibeau, president of EA.
"In this ultra competitive category, Medal of Honor stands out from the pack. By portraying the Tier 1 Operator as so elite, so tough, Medal of Honor offers a view into a world that has the power to resonate with FPS gamers everywhere."
Reviews of the game have been generally positive, with GamesIndustry.biz sister site Eurogamer.net stating the game "can lay claim to qualified success as an interesting vertical slice of the US military machine."
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October 20th, 2010, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has told PS3 owners how to fix the Hunting and Trading pack for Red Dead Redemption released accidentally in an incomplete form.
The issue has since been rectified, but early adopters may be experiencing problems, such as days in game resets, missions cannot be started and gang hideouts empty with the message to return later – that sort of thing.
"If you are affected by any of these issues, check your Days Passed stat," advised Sony. "If it has been reset to -2 or appears low for the amount of real-life time you have played, then that is the cause of the rest of the issues.
"The final version of the Hunting and Trading pack is 59MB. The incomplete version is 15MB and should be deleted before downloading the final version."
Remember, deleting the unfinished Hunting and Trading pack game data utility from the cross media bar does not delete your saved game or affect your game progress.
The Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack is a free DLC released last week. It adds the Savvy Merchant and Expert Hunter outfits for use in single-player as well as related challenges.
It also features a new animal that's been added to the frontier: the elusive Jackalope.
The unfinished version of the pack was released on 1st September on the European PlayStation Store and was taken down a day later.
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October 20th, 2010, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Take Netflix's widely adored streaming service, subtract the disc, add 1080p video and 5.1 audio and you should have something everyone's happy with right? Not exactly, as we've discovered a day after the updated Netflix app launched for the PlayStation 3 with a bunch of new features and unfortunately, a few new issues to go along with them including the app not working at all on imported systems, needing a new PSN user ID and the confusion of certain users seeing very different interfaces than what was promised. You've been lighting up our comments with things you've noticed so we tried it out ourselves and with Netflix's help, have a few answers.
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October 20th, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Looks like Castle Crashers' volleyball was able to help win over PS3 owners. It tops the PSN sales charts for September as the best-selling paid game. At the top of the overall chart, however, is Zen Pinball, which earns its rank with the help of PlayStation Plus subscribers.
1. ZEN Pinball
2. Castle Crashers
3. Blast Off (Minis)
4. Echoes (MInis)
5. Syphon Filter 3 (PSone)
6. Sonic Adventure
7. My Aquarium
8. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
9. Red Dead Redemption: Legends and Killers Pack (DLC)
10. DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
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October 20th, 2010, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Fight your way through many exciting battlefields until all heroes have gathered at the decisive battle of Sekigahara
•Single-player game evolves based on players decisions and actions
•Featuring unique playable samurai warrior characters
•Upgradeable weapon types allow players to extend or add special abilities
•Dramatic “Heroes’ Story” mode changes history based on players decisions as the story progresses
descriptionThe next evolution in producer of Devil May Cry 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi’s BASARA series is coming to PLAYSTATION®3 with Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes. Set during a tumultuous period of Japanese history, Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes follows players as they fight their way to the dramatic battle of Sekigahara. Players will take up the swords and spears of more than a dozen fierce samurai warriors in huge battles against hundreds of opponents in many exciting stages that lead up to the main event.
Featuring unique playable characters, as well as supporting generals who will make it easier to command and lead armies, players will see the battle from the perspective of each military commander with the ultimate goal of re-writing history to rule all of 16th century Japan.
In the dynamic new “Hero’s Story” mode, the player’s decisions impact history with a redesigned story mode. Based on choices made by the player, new drama unfolds as friends become enemies, enemies become friends, and a new Sengoku story unfolds. Adding a new strategic element to the game, forces can fight for control/taking over of camps and ultimately entire battlefields.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Over 2 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a plane of existence above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. They are living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite community. You will step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile battlefield conditions of present day Afghanistan.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Featuring 30 music videos from today’s chart topping tunes, including favorites from the Disney Channel
•Disney Channel TV Star, Demi Lovato, teaches various ways to improve vocals, from breathing and pitch exercises to learning how to harmonize in a duet
•Compete in new competitive modes including Sing Off, Performance and Karaoke mode where players have the ability to reduce the vocal level of the artists
•Record and create fun special effects in the all new Encore voice effects
•Update game with downloadable track packs for the PS3
descriptionDisney Sing It Party Hits the next game in the video-based karaoke video game franchise from Disney Interactive Studios, will feature songs and music videos from fan favorites including Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Black Eyed Peas, Jordin Sparks, Nick Jonas & The Administration, Paramore, Kelly Clarkson and more. Players will have a blast as they belt out their favorite tunes with friends in numerous multiplayer modes.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

The successor to the critically well recieved Ultimate Ninja Storm, this sequel spans the storyline of the Naruto Shippuden story arcs, from the start of the post-time-skip, to the Pain arc.
Over 40 playable characters, including such new additions as Sage Naruto, Sai, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, and Pain, with new jutsus and awakening modes for other characters. New, more interactive stages are thrown into the mix, as well.
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October 20th, 2010, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
In a press release, NIS America revealed the box art for the UMD release of Prinny 2 -- confirming that, yes, the publisher is bravely going ahead with the name "Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!" Had it been us, we'd have changed all the panties to sandwiches. See the box art after the break.
More importantly, NIS also revealed that Prinny 2 will feature a new, easier difficulty called "Baby," for people who thought the first Prinny game was too hard. In other words, people. How many other games give you 1,000 lives right from the start, knowing that won't help?
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October 20th, 2010, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Full support for Sony Playstation® Move Controllers
•Compete on 6 highly detailed bowling environments, each with unique characteristics
•Roll on 5 different game play settings including: Exhibition, Online, League, Tournament, and the Spares Challenge
•Customize your bowler in authentic Brunswick gear like shirts, shoes, and bowling balls
•Kid-friendly bumper bowling option makes it fun for all ages
descriptionBrunswick Pro Bowling is the only game to feature a realistic and authentic bowling experience while showcasing jaw-dropping ball and pin physics. Strap on the wrist guard and roll on accurate oil patterns, earn tons of trophies, and unlock hidden items on your way to winning the world championship. Customize your bowler with genuine Brunswick equipment from bowling balls, shoes, and clothing. Whether you're a casual player or a bowling fanatic, Brunswick Pro Bowling is fun for all ages and provides hours of entertainment for the whole family!
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October 20th, 2010, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Requires PlayStation Move and these are not included!
•Rub shoulders with famous show hosts and knock your friends and family off the “A list” as you progress through the challenging life of a Gameshow Superstar
•Perform a fabulous range of dynamic PlayStation®Move motion controller actions that put you in the game like never before
•Use the PlayStation®Eye camera to capture your likeness and emotions in game, which you will see being played back when you are doing well or making a mess of your career, and use your voice to create in-show shout outs
•Win challenges, gain popularity and become famous! Secure the opportunity to record lucrative product endorsements and to see your face and name on game billboards and TV commercials. Watch as your progress is tracked through tabloid magazines to chart your popularity
descriptionHow will YOU be immortalized? Culinary master? Stylish supermodel? Unbeatable game show champion? Cook, model, and battle your way beyond 15 minutes of fame and into celebrity stardom! Use the game’s unique face-capture technology through the PlayStation®Eye camera to place you, your friends and your family right into the starring roles of five action-packed TV shows. Then use your PlayStation®Move motion controller to physically compete and rise to the top of the "A list" to become a household name.
Get ready to strut across the red carpet in the international world of fashion. Show off your athletic prowess and perform daring stunts in a chaotic game show, turn up the heat as you cook and rap in a hip hop cooking show, and try not to bring the house down while competing in a home make-over show. Do you have the on screen presence to make advertisers clamor for you to star in their commercials and on their billboards? Give fans a reason to become obsessed and follow your every move. Grab the headlines in the celebrity tabloids, battle it out on the red carpet, pose for paparazzi photographs, and use the PlayStation®Move motion controller to sign autographs for fans as you become the Star you’ve always wanted to be!
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October 20th, 2010, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•John Daly’s ProStroke Golf™ is accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, whether you play with PlayStation®Move motion controller or the Dualshock®3 Wireless Controller
•Perfect your swing and hit the ball with stunning accuracy
•Swing with the PlayStation®Move to enjoy the most accurate golf experience available anywhere
•Enjoy several licensed courses from around the world including commentary from the famous voices of golf
•Compete against John ‘The Lion’ Daly in various challenges including Longest Drive and Nearest the Pin
•Improve your swing and your important short game, go head-to-head or pair up with friends in a variety of modes including Quick Play, Tournament, Challenge and Practice
descriptionJohn Daly’s ProStroke Golf™ is the most authentic golf game available on the PS3. Featuring legendary PGA golfer, John ‘The Lion’ Daly, everyone can learn how to ‘Grip It and Rip It” from the two-time Major Champion.
The unique and critically-acclaimed ProStroke™ control system allows players to shape and control real golf shots like never before. There are no artificial barriers to shot performance. Beginners can hit golf shots and experts can hit great ones. Full PlayStation®Move support makes real golf swings now possible with stunning accuracy.
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October 20th, 2010, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...0&view_reply=1
The Chinese developer hrimfaxi (aka Liquidzigong) back to bite prometheus releasing a new module to patch games that require firmware 6.30/6.31, plus fixes some bugs found on securities previously patchabili. The module in question is called Prometheus_ME631. This newly published form is applicable with the new ISO Tool 1.80 made by the developer Takka.
- Fixed the bugs found in: Second Story, God Eater Burst demo, Yu-Gi-5, demo MHP3.
- Add the modified form of the sign 6:31
- Applicable to ISO Tool 1.80
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October 20th, 2010, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2117
After PSN Downloader PKG which allows to download and install the free content without PSN access to it (if you use a PS3 Jailbreak) Brewology recurrence this time with an online application that allows Java to install the latest homebrew / Games / Emulators directly on your PS3.
Operating via a Java applet (and therefore compatible with numerous platform for Internet browsing), you just have to install an FTP server on your PS3 will install homebrew of your choice.
- Multi platform (Windows, Linux, OS X) by using a Java applet.
- Downloaded directly to your PS3
1) First install FTP Server on your PS3 and launch the PS3.
2) Via your PC, go to http://ps3.brewology.com/homebrew/ and choose what you want.
3) Click on the link and wait for the launch of the Java applet.
4) Accept performance of the Java applet and wait for loading. Fill in the fields.
5) Press "Download" and wait.
6) Once the download is complete, quit PS3 FTP Server then you should see what you just downloaded on the XMB.
The tool is still in its infancy and many things should be improved thereafter (multiple downloads, refined interface etc. ...).
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October 20th, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2126
Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x (SNES emulator) on PS3.
New / fixed:
* There is now a version for the PS3 with a firmware lower than 3.41 (more exactly: for firmware than or equal to FW 1.92) and the PS3 version 3.41.
* You can now change the screen resolution on the "Settings" - go from 480p to 720p or vice versa, thereby eliminating the need for 2 different versions (480p and 720p) used until now (Halsafar).
* Supports zipped ROMs (ZIP / JMA) (Squarepusher)
* Files are now compressed savestates also (NOTE: I do not know what it will do with your files already present SaveState ... Try to save them before - they are in the directory / dev_hdd0/game/SNES90000/USRDIR.
* Menu is much better at both 480p and 720p. The ugly fonts have been removed ... so it's now readable ... (Cmonkey69)
* The games that change the resolution of the SNES (Seiken Densetsu 3/Secret of Mana) are now scaled vertically - You do not even notice the resolution change. This change is effective only in 480p and 720p you will notice the same effect as before. We're working on (Halsafar)
* Many options have been added in the "Settings" menu. For example, it is now possible (on most PAL games) to run games at 60fps by activating the option 'Force PAL to NTSC ROM'. It does not work for all games (most games released after 1993 have a protection for the region), and it can lead to a crash because you ask for something that is not supported by the hardware of the SNES or emulator. A solution is being searched.
* You can return to the previous directory menu ROM by pressing the button "Circle"
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October 20th, 2010, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2129
Here is what one might call the first XML custom firmware for PS3, PS3 Acid CFW.
After spending time doing tests with the PS3 firmware files, the author has managed to change some of them and release almost all options Debug.
He said it had substantially altered the RCO and XML.
But be careful what you do and especially do not update. All options for updates are normally blocked, but the author warns us because this is his first firmware. When in doubt, we advise you not to touch these options.
• Download PS3 firmware dump before anything else. This way you can replace those files with PS3 firmware CFW Acid. Do not copy the file contained in "Hacked PS3 FW files" on your USB drive folder dev_flash. Take care not to copy other files!
• Extract the contents of the file on your desktop dev_flash2.rar. Using the application xRegistryYou can edit your own custom firmware and turn on Debug.
• Copy the modified XReg on your PS3. Then you just load your firmware on your USB drive contents using Firm USB Loader.
PS3 Debug option enabled:
• Hax_Home/PS3_Game /
• Install PKG
• Check
• Lock
• Unlock
• Chancel Purchase
• Delate
• Update via HDD
• Update from Delate HDD
• Store Title Preview (Store)
• Store Title Preview (In Game)
• Import
• Export
• Quick Sign Up
• Performance Bar
• No Memory Limit
• Quick Preview
• Owner Information
• Fake HDD Size
• CORE Dump
• Game Debug
PS3 Hacks:
• Block Updates
• Block Online Updates
• Block Game Updates
• Unlocked Secret Debug Options
• Unlocked PSP Only (Now You Can Copy only PSP tiles On Any media)
• Unlocked PocketStation
• Unlocked PS2
• Unlocked System Driver PocketStation
• Unlocked System Driver PS2
GX-Mod warns you when to use these files. You are using this firmware at your own risk and in no case we could not be held liable for damages that your console might incur in case of mishandling.
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October 20th, 2010, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from DaveX
Hi everybody!
This unofficial CPS1PSP version adds a nice effect to emulation: 2.5D mode. More than 2D but not really 3D. It requires the use of red-blue 3d glasses to work.
I hope images below illustrates concept.
Cross eye image

Layers separation concept

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October 20th, 2010, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/annou...otheros-69036/
Marcan has got to the point that AsBestOS is basically running on a PS3!
As most of you will probably already know, I’ve been working on a project recently which aims to run Linux on the PS3 using the PSJailbreak exploit, effectively replacing GameOS on the fly. I think it’s gotten to the point where it’s useful enough for other people to be interested, so here’s something resembling an official announcement.
Obligatory demo video:
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October 20th, 2010, 02:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...-the-question/

Just prior to turning my focus to PS3 homebrew I was working on, among other things, a 2D racing game made with SDL. I was making it for the latest contest going on at sdltutorials.com.
It has some kinda cool stuff in it. There are destructible walls, a camera that rotates and zooms in real time (keep in mind that its a truly 2D game and doesn’t use OpenGL or in any way involve mapping things onto hardware accelerated polygons), sprite based text that isn’t mono space (a super simple thing but still something that I’ve never done before) and some old school style motion blur.
But now the contest is reaching its conclusion and I don’t know what I should do. I can definitely get the game done in time. Perhaps not with AI controller cars to compete against but definitely as a time trial style racing game. Except I’m having doubts about whether or not I should submit it.
The Pros:
I could potentially receive $20 USD in a pay pal account.
Once the game is finished I could easily and quickly port it over to Wii which I’ve been feeling bad about abandoning for PS3.
The Cons
Feeling like a jerk. I still consider myself to be a noob and I did even learn some things that I didn’t know yet from their recent post about Alpha-blending in SDL. But I have actually been making games for a while now (one person on psx-scene referred to me as being prolific in the Wii homebrew community which I found amusing largely because the term prolific doesn’t actually imply anything about quality) and I havent actually been following the tutorials at sdltutorials.com (most of what I’ve learned has been from trial and error and random pages found on google and only viewed once). It never actually says in the rules that you need to have learned this much from this site or that this must be one of if not the first game you’ve developed. But its implied or at the least I perceived it to be.
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October 20th, 2010, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/

The World Drowns is (or will be) a 3D homebrew PS3 action RPG game.
To be clear I want to begin by saying that I don’t actually recommend anyone bother with downloading this. It is not a particularly accurate representation of my expectations for the final game. At this stage in development it is simply a non game comprised of a hacked together sequence of kludges. Its garbage.
Well making it its purpose was primarily for testing out obj format mesh loading. The reasoning for posting it though is is simply that I thought it would be easier to attract artists if I had some form of a demo to show of the game that I want them to contribute to.
I’m looking for people to create the 3d models, textures and eventually animations for the characters and environments. So if your interested in pitching in then let me know.
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October 20th, 2010, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Not even nuclear fallout could slow the hustle of Sin City. Explore the vast expanses of the desert wastelands – from the small towns dotting the Mojave Wasteland to the bright lights of the New Vegas strip. See the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout
•A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences that will change the lives of all the inhabitants of New Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with countless characters, creatures, allies, and foes, and determine the final explosive outcome of this epic power struggle
•Enjoy new additions to Fallout: New Vegas such as a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the meek from the mighty. Special melee combat moves have been added to bring new meaning to the phrase “up close and personal”. Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat mechanics
•With double the amount of weapons found in Fallout 3, you’ll have more than enough new and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland and the locals. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with your toys and see the modifications you make in real time
•In a huge, open world with unlimited options you can see the sights, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it’s all in how you play the game
descriptionExplore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry in a thrilling journey across the Mojave Wasteland. A word of warning, however - while Vault-Tec engineers have prepared for every contingency, in Vegas, fortunes can change in an instant. Enjoy your stay.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Annihilate enemies with your friends. The arcade hit is now available in the bunker of your own living room! Keep track of the competition with online rankings
•This free-roaming mode allows you to shoot at will in all-new stages. Get more action than ever before!
•Prisoners have escaped and you must stop them in their tracks. See which of your friends can get the highest score before time is up!
•For the first time in the Time Crisis series, up to 8 players from around the world can engage in multiple online battle modes
•Blast your enemies with the all-new motion controller for highly realistic combat
•The first Time Crisis™ game to have fully destructible environments. Now, you can obliterate anything that gets in your way
•Use cluster shot, rocket launcher, and sniper rifle to take the terrorists out! The battle never gets old with this arsenal
descriptionRAZE YOUR ENEMIES! An influential and dangerous international military organization decides to declare war against the United States. As part of an elite task force, SCAR, you’re being deployed to South America for the purpose of capturing the mastermind behind this conflict.
Destroy everything in sight, from the environments to the futuristic terrorists aiming to take you down! With an arsenal of weapons at your disposal, navigate through destructible environments and raze anyone or anything that stands in your path. The future of the free world depends on you, soldier.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate social multiplayer experience where two virtual DJ’s can drop the needle on the groove and mix, scratch and sample; all while a vocalist grabs the mic and sings along to lyrics from today’s biggest hits, scoring players with pitch and range detection
•Picking up where the award-winning DJ Hero soundtrack left off, DJ Hero 2 one-ups its predecessor and spins together even hotter tracks blazing up the charts and legendary club anthems from the biggest artists in pop, dance and hip hop. Remixes of block rockin’ beats from Lady Gaga, Deadmau5, Kanye West, Chemical Brothers and Dr. Dre will definitely set the party off right
•DJ Hero 2 lets players put their own spin on the music with Freestyle gameplay that allows them to mix, scratch and sample during set points in the game. With the tracks synced to the beat, scratches recorded by the pros and samples pulled directly from the tracks being mixed, everyone will sound like a superstar DJ
•The critically acclaimed Party Play, first made famous in Guitar Hero 5, is one of a half dozen new multiplayer modes coming to DJ Hero 2. Digital disc jockeys and living room lyricists will be able to start and stop spinning on the fly, drop-in and drop out of lyrical gameplay, switch difficulty level without interrupting the party vibes or just let the game play the body movin’ beats on its own
•At the heart of DJ culture is the battle. Epitomized by scratch legend DJ Q-Bert, DJ Hero 2 brings the heat to the players with a variety of competitive game modes. With DJ Battle – featuring custom designed mixes and authentic call-and-response gameplay – Quickplay, Pro-Faceoff, Accumulator, Checkpoints and Streakers, the game will be the judge in determining the ultimate living room scratch master
•In the all-new Empire Mode, players start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ. Wowing the crowd with their tight sets and awesome freestyle abilities, players will progress quickly, soon finding themselves in command of a network of global clubs, and each with a selection of superstar DJs in their crew
•With the DJ Hero turntable controller in hand, DJ Hero 2 continues to transform video gamers into virtual DJ’s engaging in techniques including mixing, sampling, various scratch patterns and adding effects to the music mix. From beginners to experts, players spinning on the turntable controller will experience the unique sensation of having control of the music at their finger tips
•Virtual DJs can throw down the ultimate battle with Hero Feed, which brings bragging rights to the game by allowing players to challenge and track their friends’ accomplishments, whether the friend is online or offline
track listing2Pac
50 Cent
Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
Armand Van Helden
Basement Jaxx
Bobby Womack
Bruno Mars
Busta Rhymes
Calvin Harris
Chris Willis
Clinton Sparks
Colby O’Donis
Daft Punk
Damian Marley
David Guetta
Dizzee Rascal
DJ Shadow
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Edwin Starr
Flo Rida
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Harold Faltermeyer
House Of Pain
Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
Kanye West
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Kool & The Gang
Lady Gaga
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
LL Cool J
Major Lazer
Malcolm McLaren
Melle Mel & Duke Bootee
Missy Elliott
Mos Def
Nate Dogg
Naughty By Nature
New Boyz
New Order
Pharoahe Monch
Pirate Soundsystem
Puff Daddy
Pussycat Dolls
Robin S.
Salt N Pepa
Sam Cooke
Sam Sparro
Sean Paul
Sneaky Sound System
Snoop Dogg
Soulja Boy Tell Em
Sparfunk & D-Code
Static Major
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Chemical Brothers
The Crystal Method
The Egg
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Prodigy
Walter Murphy
Warren G
Wayne Smith
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Young Jeezy
descriptionDJ Hero® 2 will transform living rooms into nightclubs letting budding beat chemists, singing sensations and all of their friends fire up two turntables and a microphone to experience their favorite music together as they’ve never heard it before. The follow-up to the award-winning, #1 new videogame IP of 2009, DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate way for gamers to come together with a host of new multiplayer modes that pit DJ against DJ in unique Battle Mixes, invite vocalists into the spotlight with scoring based on pitch and range detection and bring the party to life with jump-in/jump-out Party Play gameplay. Featuring the biggest dance, pop and hip-hop hits by the hottest artists everyone knows and loves remixed by world-class DJs in an all-new way, the game’s soundtrack delivers over 70 unique mashups only available in DJ Hero 2. Further immersing players into the music, the game offers a heightened level of creative input and allows everyone to add their own touch, directly impacting the beats they’re spinning with Freestyle scratching, cross-fading and sampling, performed at set points in the mix.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

MMA will bring you all the Mixed Martial Arts action with your favorite MMA fighters from around the world. EA SPORTS MMA will feature the most authentic, intense and broad mixed martial arts experience to date - complete with a vast array of top fighters and fighting styles from around the world.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

Take a friend to join Goku and his journeys in Dragon Ball Tag VS. You simply have to turn on your Wi-Fi and drag both friend and foe into the game, a party of 4 can play simultaneously.
The tag battle gives you so much more battle options, you can split your roles to offense and defense, or just time each others attacks so you can K.O your opponents with a string of combos.
Besides fighting mode, there is a story mode where you explore spots on the field, and encounter enemies. The more fights you get into, the more items you get. Make use of your booties to power-up your characters and blow all your opponents away.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:12 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Get ready for he newest instalment of Korea's Pop culture pearl DJ Max
•Try out the new play system called “REMIX SYSTEM"
•Featuring Planetboom, NieN, makou, myagi, DJ Keri, PIA, Vanilla Unity, etc.
descriptionDJ MAX is building a steadily growing fan base both within Korea and overseas with their cute characters, hot dance beats and stylish graphics. Those who live in the Korea could go to the arcades to enjoy this touch screen phenomenon, but those who are overseas, as long as you have your Sony PSP consoles, you are part of the community.
Come sway to the rhythm and play out the tempo of the hottest Korean and Japanese pop songs - DJ MAX 3 will come this October. The best composers are back to contribute their work, look forward to more of: Planetboom, NieN, makou, myagi, DJ Keri, PIA and Vanilla Unity!
Besides new songs and sexy background dancers, the newest installment has the challenging Remix Mode where you get to feel the excitement of being behind the turntables, dominating the beat of the dance floor.
And instead of just pressing buttons, you'll have control of the analogue stick, give it a swing when you're given the cue to change gears.
Those who've mastered Black Square, come take up the challenge again.
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October 20th, 2010, 03:18 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia

From the publisher: An abducted soul. A lifetime of sins. A journey to the depths of despair. Based on the immensely influential classic poem, Dante’s Inferno takes you on an epic quest of vengeance and redemption through the Nine Circles of Hell.
You are Dante, a veteran of the Crusades who must chase his beloved Beatrice and try to free her soul from Lucifer’s grasp.
As your pursuit takes you deeper into the pits of Hell, you must battle ever more fierce and hideous monsters—while also facing your own sins, a dark family past, and your unforgivable war crimes.
Have an epic adventure with Dante and travel the Nine Circles of Hell. Dante's Inferno, the Korean PlayStation3™ version is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 16.90 only. The Korean version is completely in English, just slip it into your console and play.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
The original PlayStation version of Twisted Metal could be getting a re-release under the PSone Classics brand, according to an Entertainment Software Ratings Board listing.
The ESRB entry, spotted by Joystiq, merely states that Sony's Twisted Metal has been given a Teen rating for release on PlayStation 3 and PSP. No release date or further information is offered.
David Jaffe's bonkers action racer debuted on the PlayStation back in 1995.
A new entry in the series was announced at E3 this year, due for release on PlayStation 3 in 2011.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
Did EA's Medal of Honor make more money at launch than Activision's last Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare 2? In a word, no. More than Halo: Reach? No.
EA boss John Riccitiello told Fox News (via IndustryGamers) that his new war game made $100 million during its opening week. That should be close to recouping development costs.
We already knew that the game had shifted a not-to-be-sniffed-at 1.5 million copies in five days.
Activision's record breaking Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 made $310 million from UK and US sales in just 24 hours.
Halo: Reach became Microsoft's biggest ever release this September, and generated $200 million from one platform in one day.
Scores trended slightly lower than expected (although Eurogamer awarded a handsome 8/10) and forced EA to issue a public defence of the game and MOH series.
"This is a marathon not a sprint - today's Medal of Honor launch represents a step forward in that race," EA said, praising the first attempt at its MOH revival.
Medal of Honor was released last Friday and raced to the top of the UK all-formats chart. Whether the Danger Close Games and DICE-developed game can hold on for a second week we'll have to wait and see - Eurogamer deputy editor Ellie Gibson doesn't think it will.
Wondering which platform to buy Medal of Honor on? Eurogamer's Digital Foundry blog faced them off against each other and declared a winner.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:21 Posted By: wraggster
Polyphony Digital has created Gran Turismo 5 with motorbikes in mind - and although they won't be playable in the final game, the studio is keen on the idea of introducing a two-wheeled element down the line.
The long-awaited racer, which has been delayed into later this year, contains over 800 cars - 200 of which respond to face-tracking using the PS Eye.
But the game doesn't contain any motorbikes - for now.
"The environment we have right now allows us to drive motorcycles, but we need to get Gran Turismo 5 done first," Polyphony boss Kazunori Yamauchi told the latest issue of PSM3. "Once that's out of the way, if there's a strong demand for bikes, that's something we'd consider."
Late last year, it looked as though bikes could still make the main game - but it appears that dream is now over. Roll on the DLC, we say - we just dread to think how long it might take.
PSM3 issue 133 - which also features the definitive pre-launch verdict on Call of Duty: Black Ops - is with subscribers now, and will be in store later this week.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
XSEED has clarified the announced "November" release date for Ys: The Oath in Felghana -- and it's about as early in November as it can possibly be. If you're up for a classic top-down action RPG for your PSP, you can grab this remake on November 2.
The special edition version (pictured) will be available from Amazon, GameStop, Videogamesplus.ca and "other fine retailers," and will include a soundtrack and desk calendar. The regular edition will be available in both UMD and download forms for $30.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:31 Posted By: wraggster
If you're jonesing for entry keys into the Killzone 3 beta, but don't feel like ponying up for the PlayStation Plus membership required to be eligible for early access, Sony's offering social networking mavens another, thriftier opportunity. If you're all up on that Twitter, you can be eligible for one of 150 beta codes by Tweeting "@killzonedotcom Please include me in the Killzone 3 beta! My PSN ID is [your PSN ID] #killzone3 #scea http://ow.ly/2Vfcf." (If you live in Europe, replace #scea with #scee. Jurisdictions, and all that jazz.)
The codes will be distributed by October 22, but if you don't manage to snag one from Sony, we'll have some a bit later this week. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed, and also our Facebook page, and you should also probably listen to our podcast, and, now that we think about it, you should probably just follow us around on the street.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
WipEout developer Sony Liverpool's after a senior designer to work on a "high profile, futuristic racing franchise". Whatever could that be?
Check out the index blurb for the job advert here, before it's pulled.
The post suggests Sony Liverpool's working on something WipEout related. Could it be more DLC for the excellent WipEout HD: Fury? Or perhaps a new game entirely? Or maybe, just maybe, something for the PSP2?
We're having a little dig, now.
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October 20th, 2010, 15:45 Posted By: bandit
via Twitter:
It's pretty lacking right now, but at least it compiles and runs stuff! I'll move Kammy and r3volution over to it soon.
PSL1GHT is a lightweight PlayStation 3 homebrew SDK, provided as a temporary way to compile user apps to run from the XMB using the open-source PS3 toolchains available.
A GCC toolchain that supports the PowerPC 64bit architecture is required to build PSL1GHT and its samples. This is the only toolchain that I test with and can guarantee support for. PS3Chain probably works just as well, as should marcan's AsbestOS toolchain. Some toolchains will probably already use newlib, and will make the included newlib unnecessary.
Run make install in the psl1ght directory to build it all, and make sure to set the environment variable $PSL1GHT to the folder where you wish to install it to, for example...
cd /path/to/psl1ght.git
export PSL1GHT=/path/to/psl1ght.git/build
make install
... for a local build of it. Ensure that $PSL1GHT is set when you are building any of the examples or other apps that use PSL1GHT.
At the moment, PSL1GHT has basic libc support, with stdout debugging, file access, etc. You can call lv2 syscalls and do some fun stuff with that, but it doesn't link to PS3 dynamic libraries yet which is where all the exciting functionality comes in. Also, a make_fself equivalent is still missing.
Source: AerialX's Github / Twitter
*UPDATE* 10/21/10
Kammy is a system for loading patches to lv2 (PlayStation 3's Game OS) from a user application, using PSGroove or any other implementation of the exploit that adds the peek/poke syscalls. Kammy was inspired by Treeki's Nintendo Wii game patching system, Kamek.
Building Kammy requires PSL1GHT installed to build. This includes needing one of the supported PS3 GCC toolchains. Besides PSL1GHT, you will need the following utilities:
- xxd: Creating patch bin files requires the xxd tool to be installed.
- dd: Also required for building the patch bin files.
With these dependencies installed, you can build Kammy by simply cd'ing to the loader directory and running:
make clean
Kammy must be used with a payload that supports poke/peek. This includes PSGroove and most of its forks - including my own - among others. To apply a Kammy patch, a loader application must be started on the PS3. This is usually done from XMB from an installed package, or from USB using my PSGroove fork's apploader payload (or PL3's payload_dev).
Ethernet Debug Example
The example loader included in Kammy installs a hook into lv2 that sends debug messages over the ethernet cable of the PS3. This is useful for getting data from the PS3 and lv2 (you get crash reports, and some info from different apps). It's also a useful way of seeing printfs from any applications you write and test, including ones built with PSL1GHT.
This setup has three requirements to work properly:
- Your PS3 must be connected to a router by ethernet cable. Wireless must be disabled in the PS3 network settings.
- The PC that you're retrieving the info with must be connected to the same router as the PS3. Alternatively you can connect the PS3's cable directly into your computer to get the output.
- Your PC must have the socat program installed, so you can run the following command:
socat udp-recv:18194 stdout
A ready-to-run pre-compiled ethernet debug loader is provided in the Downloads Section.
Kammy is made up of three main components:
- v2: This folder contains the lv2 patches to be built. See the ethdebug patch for an example. It is up to the patch to apply any hooks it needs to lv2.
- libkammy: This is the basic library that handles the loading of Kammy patches. Altering it should not be necessary.
- loader: This folder contains an example that shows how to use libkammy to load kammy and another patch bin from the lv2 folder.
Internally, Kammy obliderates syscall 11, so try not to run it with payloads that provide that syscall.
Source: Github
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October 20th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
On 27th October fantastic downloadable game Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will finally be playable cooperatively online.
On Xbox 360.
PC and PS3 owners will have to wait. Again.
How much longer, Crystal Dynamics' tweet didn't say. "PS3/PC coming later, stay tuned," was all that was mentioned.
To say sorry for taking so long, Crystal Dynamics will hand the first of five planned DLC packs out for free. To everyone, we assume.
We're don't know what exactly is in each pack, but we do know the first three are based around adding new areas to explore, whereas the final two introduce "well-known" alternative characters to the game.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was an experiment for Crystal Dynamics. A small team made a cooperative adventure (playable by two people locally since launch) as a spin-off to the pillar Tomb Raider series. The gamble paid off in abundance. Eurogamer awarded a massive 9/10 and everyone went bonkers and took their clothes off.
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October 20th, 2010, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
The God of War Collection will be available in the PlayStation Store from 3rd November, Sony has announced.
The pack, which incorporates HD revamps of the first two God of War titles, will set you back £23.99 (€29.99). Or if you thought that, say, the first one was a bit duff, you can buy them individually for £13.99 (€17.99) a pop.
You'd do well to open your wallets if you neglected to pick up the full disc release back in April. Eurogamer's Kristan Reed awarded the PlayStation 3 compilation a heavenly 9/10.
If you're after a brand new Kratos adventure, you'll have to wait for God of War: Ghost of Sparta on the PSP. It's out on 2nd November in the US, but Sony hasn't confirmed a European date yet.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate social multiplayer experience where two virtual DJ’s can drop the needle on the groove and mix, scratch and sample; all while a vocalist grabs the mic and sings along to lyrics from today’s biggest hits, scoring players with pitch and range detection
•Picking up where the award-winning DJ Hero soundtrack left off, DJ Hero 2 one-ups its predecessor and spins together even hotter tracks blazing up the charts and legendary club anthems from the biggest artists in pop, dance and hip hop. Remixes of block rockin’ beats from Lady Gaga, Deadmau5, Kanye West, Chemical Brothers and Dr. Dre will definitely set the party off right
•DJ Hero 2 lets players put their own spin on the music with Freestyle gameplay that allows them to mix, scratch and sample during set points in the game. With the tracks synced to the beat, scratches recorded by the pros and samples pulled directly from the tracks being mixed, everyone will sound like a superstar DJ
•The critically acclaimed Party Play, first made famous in Guitar Hero 5, is one of a half dozen new multiplayer modes coming to DJ Hero 2. Digital disc jockeys and living room lyricists will be able to start and stop spinning on the fly, drop-in and drop out of lyrical gameplay, switch difficulty level without interrupting the party vibes or just let the game play the body movin’ beats on its own
•At the heart of DJ culture is the battle. Epitomized by scratch legend DJ Q-Bert, DJ Hero 2 brings the heat to the players with a variety of competitive game modes. With DJ Battle – featuring custom designed mixes and authentic call-and-response gameplay – Quickplay, Pro-Faceoff, Accumulator, Checkpoints and Streakers, the game will be the judge in determining the ultimate living room scratch master
•In the all-new Empire Mode, players start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ. Wowing the crowd with their tight sets and awesome freestyle abilities, players will progress quickly, soon finding themselves in command of a network of global clubs, and each with a selection of superstar DJs in their crew
•With the DJ Hero turntable controller in hand, DJ Hero 2 continues to transform video gamers into virtual DJ’s engaging in techniques including mixing, sampling, various scratch patterns and adding effects to the music mix. From beginners to experts, players spinning on the turntable controller will experience the unique sensation of having control of the music at their finger tips
•Virtual DJs can throw down the ultimate battle with Hero Feed, which brings bragging rights to the game by allowing players to challenge and track their friends’ accomplishments, whether the friend is online or offline
track listing2Pac
50 Cent
Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
Armand Van Helden
Basement Jaxx
Bobby Womack
Bruno Mars
Busta Rhymes
Calvin Harris
Chris Willis
Clinton Sparks
Colby O’Donis
Daft Punk
Damian Marley
David Guetta
Dizzee Rascal
DJ Shadow
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Edwin Starr
Flo Rida
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Harold Faltermeyer
House Of Pain
Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
Kanye West
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Kool & The Gang
Lady Gaga
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
LL Cool J
Major Lazer
Malcolm McLaren
Melle Mel & Duke Bootee
Missy Elliott
Mos Def
Nate Dogg
Naughty By Nature
New Boyz
New Order
Pharoahe Monch
Pirate Soundsystem
Puff Daddy
Pussycat Dolls
Robin S.
Salt N Pepa
Sam Cooke
Sam Sparro
Sean Paul
Sneaky Sound System
Snoop Dogg
Soulja Boy Tell Em
Sparfunk & D-Code
Static Major
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Chemical Brothers
The Crystal Method
The Egg
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Prodigy
Walter Murphy
Warren G
Wayne Smith
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Young Jeezy
descriptionDJ Hero® 2 will transform living rooms into nightclubs letting budding beat chemists, singing sensations and all of their friends fire up two turntables and a microphone to experience their favorite music together as they’ve never heard it before. The follow-up to the award-winning, #1 new videogame IP of 2009, DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate way for gamers to come together with a host of new multiplayer modes that pit DJ against DJ in unique Battle Mixes, invite vocalists into the spotlight with scoring based on pitch and range detection and bring the party to life with jump-in/jump-out Party Play gameplay. Featuring the biggest dance, pop and hip-hop hits by the hottest artists everyone knows and loves remixed by world-class DJs in an all-new way, the game’s soundtrack delivers over 70 unique mashups only available in DJ Hero 2. Further immersing players into the music, the game offers a heightened level of creative input and allows everyone to add their own touch, directly impacting the beats they’re spinning with Freestyle scratching, cross-fading and sampling, performed at set points in the mix.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series, VANQUISH™ is a sci-fi shooter that sees players take the role of Sam, a government agent kitted out with a futuristic battlesuit. A versatile fighter with a huge arsenal of weaponry at his disposal, Sam also has an array of martial arts skills that he can use to take down his robot enemies
•Fast, fluid and frenetic – this is gaming at its most explosive and exciting, as you storm into battle
•Experience a game character like no other – Sam is the ultimate weapon, donning a futuristic battle suit of destructive firepower and superhuman speed and agility
•Fight your way through the enormous, open environments of the space station. The most advanced, futuristic city in the skies becomes home to the action
descriptionThe story of VANQUISH™ is set in the near future. Russia and the United States are vying for ownership of the world’s fast-depleting energy resources and the US has constructed a space station in order to harness energy from the sun. Russian forces capture this space station and divert its harvested solar energy into a blast wave that destroys San Francisco, aiming to force the US into a total and unconditional surrender. In response, the US tasks its armed forces with recapturing the space station before the Russians can annihilate their next target – New York.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
With all pre-order bonuses announced, bundles arranged, weapons revealed, and the initial demo release taken care of, Capcom are now focusing on what makes Monster Hunter Portable 3rd the game it is: the monsters. They’ve been releasing info on the game’s beastiary pretty consistently of late, and this week saw screenshots of a few more.
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October 21st, 2010, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 2 is getting a new retail push, Sony has announced, with a Toy Story 3 bundle on the way.
Yes, you read that right. The PlayStation 2. The one that launched 10 years ago, has sold an immense 140 million units and has long since been superseded by the PlayStation 3
The special edition will launch in the US on 31st October priced at a very affordable $99 (£62). A European release has not been confirmed.
Looks like there's life in the old dog yet.
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October 21st, 2010, 16:21 Posted By: bandit

Money hungry? A while ago, EA stated that NBA Jam will be FREE with NBA Elite. Since NBA Elite has been delayed, it has been revealed that EA will now be charging full price ($50) for the stand-alone NBA JAM release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Would you still pay for this remake?
Retailers are now listing NBA Jam for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and in the process have revealed the release date and price for the game. It was just a week ago that we learned NBA Jam HD would be a full retail release and not a downloadable offering. Many expected the game to end up being sold for the standard $60 given that the Wii version went for $50 and did not include online play or the HD graphics.
NBA Jam will go for $50 for the 360 and PS3 matching the Wii version. Even at $50 though it could be a tough sell given that EA Sports had framed NBA Jam as being “free” in NBA Elite 11. This however presumes that consumers were actually looking at NBA Jam as a bonus and not the main selling point of that package.
As earlier speculated the game is set to release on Tuesday November 16th. It will include everything the Wii version had such as Remix mode, but to go along with that online co-op play has been added and Remix mode will also be online. Continue on for the full feature list and leave your thoughts in the comments!
An Enhanced Original! – EA SPORTS’ version of NBA JAM has the off-the-charts fun factor of the original with updated gameplay that looks and feels better than ever – in full HD!
EXCLUSIVE TO Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 – Play Online! – Play Classic 2-on-2, Co-op Team Play, and Remix games ONLINE with a jam-packed progression system, unlockable challenges, and hundreds of rewards.
Classic Campaign… With A Twist! – As fans try to beat all 30 NBA teams in the Classic Campaign journey, they will face some extra challenges: secret 2 on 2 Boss Battles against NBA Legends!
Unlockables Galore! – Players of NBA JAM can earn and unlock more than 100 cheat codes, secret characters and legendary NBA players. Secret characters were a big part of the original and EA SPORTS is committed to keeping the spirit of past unlocks alive (wink, wink).
Many Ways to Play the Game! – Fans can play Solo, Versus (against another player) or Co-op (with another player against the AI) modes. No matter how you like to play the game, you will have tons of fun playing NBA JAM.
A True “Pick up and Play” Experience! – The control system is very simple for those new to sports games yet they also have enough depth to satisfy passionate gamers who seek challenge around every corner.
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October 21st, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Check out that stunning machine pictured below. That's the X1 concept car, designed by one of the most respected designers in Formula 1.

Red Bull Racing's much-respected chief technical officer Adrian Newey was taken off the leash to design the car of dreams, which GT5 boss Kazunori Yamauchi and team would then bring to life in the (STILL delayed) PS3 sim.
In 30 years, Newey has designed race-winning Indycar and F1 machines, and his current designs are topping the standings in the 2010 F1 season. Dude's got stripes, basically.
"Every race conforms to some sort of regulation, and every racing car is built to fit within those various regulations," says Kazunori of the project. "However the X1 is something new, created from a 'what-if' dream. We want to inspire racing fans and the industry alike by exploring the realm of possibilities for the future of motorsports."
Newey says GT5 is the only way to realistically experience his dream ride. "We all have a dream about pushing the boundaries, where the performance of the car and the experience of the driver take precedence over the rules. Only with the technology of PlayStation3 and the virtual environment of Gran Turismo 5 could that dream become a reality that millions can explore," he said.
"This is the inspiration that brought Red Bull Racing and Polyphony together. And as a result the X1 Prototype is dynamite to drive."
F1 driver Sebastian Vettel has tried the new car, smashing the lap record on the Japanese Suzuka course by 20 seconds. So it's nippy then. Who knows when you'll be allowed to drive it though.
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October 21st, 2010, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has shipped a million PlayStation Move controllers to retailers in North and Latin America in its first 30 days on sale, as a pleased SCEA boss Jack Tretton says "consumers have already shown their preference for a precise, interactive game experience."
This comes days after SCEE confirmed the controller is going down a storm in Europe too, selling 1.5 million in that region alone in its launch month. That's a lot of glowing sticks, kids.
SCEA CEO Jack Tretton is a happy man. "PlayStation Move is the most recent example of how product innovation continues to provide our customers with new and exciting ways to enjoy our technology," he said in the announcement.
"Retail demand is incredibly strong and we're working hard to keep the product in stock. We believe consumers have already shown their preference for a precise, interactive game experience," he adds, in what sounds like a subtle dig at Wii.
"We are on target to meet our end of year goals and expect sales to increase as our publishers and developers continue to update popular titles and introduce new games," says Tretton.
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October 21st, 2010, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
At a Google TV press event in Tokyo recently, Sony TV division head Yoshihisa Ishida told reporters that the company is, indeed, "thinking about using Android in more consumer electronics products." Of course, he didn't say exactly which products, although we do have it on good authority that Sony Ericsson has an Android 3.0 mobile gaming platform in the works -- which probably explains why the PlayStation division is on the lookout for Android developers as well. We'd contact Ishida directly, but our sources tell us he is too busy watching re-runs of Friends on Netflix to take the call.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via ps3hax
Apparently Sony may region lock NEW PS3 game releases via the new 3.50 SDK. PS3Gen reports on the story:
While Sony had surprised everyone by not only zoned games on PS3, unlike the PS2 or the PS1, it seems that this idea can be challenged in the near future.
Since the advent of the SDK 3.50, it is possible for official developers restrict their PlayStation 3 games at a specific region.
For information, be aware that verification of the region of the disc was in fact quietly implemented since the 3.30 firmware but was not yet usable by the studios.
Here are screenshots from a PlayStation 3 when trying to launch a drive to a “bad area”… following an audit of this same disc into console development.
If any games yet so far does this “feature”, however it is likely that it will be in the coming months.
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October 22nd, 2010, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer will be different to Modern Warfare 2. How? There won't be any drop-shotting. Instead, you'll be diving to prone.
"Another [change] is this whole new core movement mechanic called diving to prone. It's something that we found was very interesting; it's used best for evasive defensive manoeuvres, but we needed to make sure we balanced that because we understand that drop-shotting is frustrating for some people," community manager Josh Olin told Inside Xbox.
"So we wanted to make sure that this thing wasn't going to be used aggressively to grief - to frustrate players. There is a sort of a recovery time after you land and you'll have to take a half-second to pull your gun back up, so it's actually a penalty if you try to use it as an offensive manoeuvre."
Treyarch implemented 'diving to prone' because the community asked for it. Other examples of requested features are icons that fade from the HUD to clear your view; shotgun returning to primary weapon status and grid coordinates on the overhead map: "It's going to be very easy for you to call out exactly where action is happening," declared Olin.
He said all of these are "little subtle things" that "fans are really going to like".
In Call of Duty: Black Ops, killstreaks don't count towards other killstreaks. Online director Dan Bunting said there were "a lot" of complains about "how the rich get richer and it becomes a griefing mechanic and it encourages people to camp".
"We wanted to clean that up a bit," Bunting said.
Black Ops killstreaks will be "interactive", not "fire and forget". So, if you order the attack chopper in you have to pick a spot on the map where it hovers rather than let it circle around the map. Or there's the mortar team that you can pick up to three locations on the map and get "a really fast targeted strike to those places".
Perks have changed too.
"The perk design philosophy is we want every perk to feel like it supports a specific gameplay style," Bunting explained. "We want to beef up this characterisation of if I select a perk this represents me and how I play the game.
"One of the big changes we're making in Black Ops multiplayer is that the Perk 1 slot determines what your character model is. For instance, Flak Jacket decreases explosive damage, so the character model is all beefed up - he's inspired by that bomb disposer guy with the padding and extra elbow-pads and knee-pads and helmet. So you can tell from a distance and at a glance that that guy has Flak Jacket as his Perk 1 slot selection, and if you throw a grenade he's probably not going to die from it."
Bunting said there is another perk called Hacker that let's you not only see enemy-deployed equipment but also to hack it and claim it for your team without the original owner knowing.
The Inside Xbox video coincides with a leak of what appear to be the 14 maps playable in Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer.
According to cod7blackops, these are the snowy Array (large), the Vietnam streets of Cracked (large), the Cuban base of Crisis (medium), the military facility of Firing Range (small), the Russian electrical plant of Grid (medium), the NVA prison camp of Hanoi (medium), the Cuban city of Havana (medium), the jungle of Jungle (large), the spaceship launch facility of Launch (large), the nuclear testing grounds of Nuketown (small), the nuclear plant of Radiation (medium), the snowy research facility of Summit (medium), the urban estate of Villa (medium) and the old Soviet base of WMD (medium).
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October 22nd, 2010, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...6&view_reply=1
Mobile Assault, one of the best homebrew-game on the scene, you upgrade to version 1.4.1. I remember the game, formerly known as Apollonia, was inspired by the Strike series and will allow you to control a helicopter battle in order to destroy buildings and enemy vehicles. The update of today slightly improves the enemy AI and fixes some bugs.
A complete changelog and follow the link to download.
Changelog v1.4.1:
- Improved enemy AI
- Fixed a bug related to updating the particle effects
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October 22nd, 2010, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...9&view_reply=1
Jpcsp amount equal to the PSP emulator for PC made by the coder Shadow and his development team entirely in Java, allowing anyone who is unfamiliar with such language as he prefers to be able to customize (source code available at the source). The new revision is the 1800 that in addition to several minor fixes made by previous versions, this time improves the handling of movie ..
Further details in the changelog below.
Improved texture cache: some rendering errors are fixed now (tested by Darth)
Fixed sceGuTexFunc When texture alpha is not used.
Update Windows batch scripts to find the Java path from the registry INSTEAD OF
using default installation path.
The only problem I see is for people running the batch script from 64bit to 32bit
context on a 64bit OS as I can not find a right way to query the registry value.
Should be quite rare ...
Fix for sceMpegUnRegistStream (): force a reset if the application is Ringbuffer streams registering again without calling sceMpegFinish ()
Remember that you can use the emulator you must have Java installed on your PC.
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October 22nd, 2010, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
We know the recent Gran Turismo 5 delay hurt, so here's a picture of the GT5 Signature Edition to ease the pain. Beautiful isn't it?

The Signature Edition contains a number of premium goodies including a Gran Turismo 5 wallet and an SLS AMG model car.
The game will come in a metal sculpted box with an SLS AMG Obsidian Black finish, a branded USB key with Polyphony/Mercedes-Benz trailer, a GT branded metal key fob, a coffee table book featuring the beautiful cars and locations of Gran Turismo 5 and a 200 page Apex drivers magazine.
In-game bonuses include five 'ChromeLine' Collector's Edition cars, six 'Stealth' vehicles and an exclusive dynamic theme.
Polyphony Digital boss Kazinori Yamauchi has admitted that Gran Turismo 5 occasionally drops below a 60 frames per second - but said that his studio is "working towards perfecting" the game.
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October 25th, 2010, 00:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.daedalusx64.com/viewto...t=2640&start=0
DaedalusX64 is the best Nintendo 64 Emulator available exclusively for the PSP. To eliminate some frequently asked questions: No, the Emulator is not perfect, so any graphical bugs, or speed issues are considered normal. Yes, the audio does not always play full speed and can cause the Emulator to crash. The latest compiled rev of DaedalusX64 can be found below, and I will try my best to upload the latest rev when I'm aware of it's commit. Thank you DaedalusX64 Team, and keep up the hard work.
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 586
[!] reverted some changes that broke DOOM64
[~] some minor cleaning
[+] added IsNaN checks for double and floats (Integer mode)
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October 25th, 2010, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2163
Danyl offers the new version of the PL3 (KaKaRoTo) for devices using Rockbox (An open source firmware for some MP3 players).
New / fixed:
- Compiled with the PL3 allowing the launch of games requiring firmware 3.42.
List of compatible devices:
* IPod 4G Greyscale
* IPod 4G Photo
* Gigabeat S
* GoGear HDD 1630-1830
* GoGear HDD 6330
* GoGear HDD 9200
* IRiver H10
* IRiver H10 5G
* IPod mini 1g
* 2G iPod mini
* M-Robe 100
* Sansa e200
* Sansa c200v1
* IPod nano 1g
* IPod Video 5G
* Vibe 500
The archive contains versions for PS3 with firmware 3.01, 3.15 and 3.41.
1. Download Rockbox Installer - http://www.rockbox.org/download/
2. Use the install to install at least the minimum version of Rockbox
Once Rockbox running normally on your device:
- Just replace the file rockbox_xxx.xxx by one for your device in the archive for download. Remember to rename the archive file to match the one on your device.
Once your device is started on this new version of Rockbox, follow the usual procedure
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October 25th, 2010, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2165
Robo Hobo ps3hax worked on NES and Game Boy Color emulators. The emulators work fine for a first draft.
Here are the changelogs:
Gambatte (GBA)
- Support Single Game Boy and Game Boy Color
- Support zip
- Use the right stick to open the menu, CIRCLE button to exit the menu (note: the opening menu causes problems with sound)
- Use L3 + L1 to save, L3 + R1 to load a backup
- All backups held the game folder
Nestopia (NES)
- No support for zip
- Not really ready for a satisfactory use
- Use the right stick out
- No backup management
- The package uses the same icon as gambatte
- Disable VSync to prevent too many problems of its
- The code for the buffer Her poses problems
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October 25th, 2010, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2167
Squarepusher proposes a new version of his port of Snes9x (SNES emulator) on PS3.
New / fixed:
- Updated to the new version of SNES9x which now allows the launch of the following games (not supported so far):
- Earthworm Jim 2
- NBA Hangtime
- MS Pac Man
- Integration and use of PSGL driver. The speed is now better than before in 1080p to 480p. There is always a switch to change the resolution, but it is more useful now.
- Support for all resolutions
- Added parameters for simplified hardware filters - Linear Interpolation and Filtering Point. Management shaders will come later.
- Added parameters for Aspect Ratio - 4:3 and 16:10 (the HDTV with a 16:9 Aspect Ratio may pose some problems when using design of 16:10. A fix for screens 16:9 should be offered thereafter.
- It is now possible to load settings from file configurable snes9x.conf USRDIR stored in the directory. The backup file will be proposed in the next version.
- The emulator now select the highest resolution supported by your TV. It is no longer necessary to use the default 480p.
The archive contains the sources and packages for the PS3 with firmware below 3.41 and above it (compiled with SDK 1.92 or 3.41).
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October 25th, 2010, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/10/23/...more-homebrew/
To keep everyone in the loop — Total_Noob now has PSP plugins running under 6.20 TN. Plugins (and homebrew) like PSPdisp, CSPSP Online, FUSA, LightMP3, PMPlayer Advance, Go!Tube, PRXDecrypter, Psardumper, etc. Probably others too that haven’t been tested. Total_Noob awaits the arrival of his PSPgo. We’ll keep you posted if/when that’s working
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October 25th, 2010, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/10/24/...-psp-released/
Stinkee2 has released his own PGU-powered version of Cube Runner for the PSP. And it’s pretty slick
You’ll notice I suck real bad, but with each run I’m getting better. Now back to it. This is addicting.
Cube Runner Game Modes:
•Level Game: Load a user created level, saved as a 20x(any height) PNG image and play through it. Background color is white, don’t change it or else you won’t be able to really play it. There will only be a massive wall of cubes the color that you changed the background to.
•Arcade Game: Play through sort of a “tunnel” or “road” of cubes for as long as you can without hitting the sides.
•Endless Game: Play through a barrage of randomly placed cubes for as long as possible without hitting any.
Cube Runner Controls:
•Analog stick: Move left/right.
•Hold L+R: Change camera.
•Start button: Pause
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October 25th, 2010, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/
Here is another updated version of Cubicle Shooter.
Notable changes:
There are now enemies represented with a textured 3d model
Enemies turn to face you, move towards you, fall from gravity, have the same collision detection as you, bump into both you and each other, and are pushed back when shot
Game saves are now stored on the internal hard drive
Games saves now record blasts and enemies
Move – Left analog stick
Aim – Right analog stick
Shooter – R1
Jump – X
Save – Select
Load – Start
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October 25th, 2010, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...-image-format/
I was having some trouble with image loading on PS3 so I wrote a simple program using SDL to convert PNG files into something easier to work with.
To use it just place the file you want to convert into the same folder as PNGtoTOIF.exe, rename the file to image.png, then run PNGtoTOIF.exe and it should generate a image.toif file based on it.
The first line in the resulting file is the image width, second is image height, next is the red then green then blue then alpha values for each pixel. Each variable is stored as human readable text. The files are incredibly bloated (it makes uncompressed BMPs seem tiny) but its a functional solution and was easy to make.
Its worth noting that Cubicle Shooter v0.3 (which is what this was primarily made for) is hard coded to only load a 64×64 image to use as its texture for the cubicle dwelling NPCs. So you will probably run into problems if you try to just replace that texture with a differently sized one. I’ve already fixed up the toif texture loading function though and it will be part of the games next update.
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October 25th, 2010, 19:22 Posted By: bandit
Over at PS3Hax, member Robo Hobo has been busy lately with releasing some nice emulators for the PS3. The latest is Mednafen which supports NES, GB, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Sega Master System and Game Gear. Future versions should have PC Engine and PC Engine CD, as well as Atari Lynx, Neo-Geo Pocket and WonderSwan.
Taking a break from Gambatte and Nestopia, I decided to port Mednafen too. While I still recommend the former two for Gameboy and NES, the current version of Mednafen includes Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, and Gameboy Advance emulators. None of those are currently available for the PS3. Future versions should have PC Engine and PC Engine CD, as well as Atari Lynx, Neo-Geo Pocket and WonderSwan.
The emulator supports NES, GB, GBC, GBA, SMS, and GG. Loading from Zip, save states and fast forward. Reconfigurable controls. And a terrible user interface, one of the best terrible user interfaces if I do say so myself.
Get it at its google code page.
Source: PS3Hax
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October 25th, 2010, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is to cut the PSP Go's recommended retail price by £65 in the UK.
The portable will be available for £159.99 from November 1, compared to its previous price of £225, the firm has confirmed to CVG.
Sony said earlier today that the system's price would be dropped from $249 to $199 in the States and from 26,800 yen to 16,800 yen in Japan.
In August, Mortal Kombat executive producer Shaun Himmerick revealed that the studio had received a PSP2 unit.
Although Sony hasn't confirmed the existence of the follow up to the PSP, it has reportedly informed developers and publishers that PSP2 will launch at the end of next year.
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October 25th, 2010, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Batman: Arkham City will "almost certainly" feature clues pertaining to the third game in Rocksteady's series.
That's according to Official PlayStation Magazine, which makes the claim as part of a new interview with the studio's chief Sefton Hill.
The mag says it knows the rumour sounds "crazier than Harley Quinn on Christmas morning" - but that doesn't stop it asking Hill about the possibility.
"One of the key lessons we learned while making Arkham Asylum is that we always create a lot more story than will fit into a single game," he said.
"Although [Arkham Asylum] felt like a self-contained story, there are a large number of very deliberate hooks that lead into the second game... I don't believe in holding ideas back."
An Arkham Asylum Easter egg - containing loads of hints about what was coming in Arkham City - lay undiscovered until earlier this year.
Check out our latest preview of Arkham City to read about a game that is reportedly five times bigger than its predecessor.
The game is due for release in autumn next year.
Official PlayStation Magazine issue 51 is with subscribers now and will be on shelves this week. Order OPM here and have it delivered straight to your door.
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October 25th, 2010, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Beleaguered portable the PSPgo has been reduced to ¥16,800 ($208/ £133) in Japan.
This entails a ¥10,000 ($124/ £79) cut from the Sony handheld's former RRP, bringing it level with the PSP-3000.
The download games-only device has spent the year at the bottom of Japan's hardware chart, while the standard PSP has repeatedly topped it.
Sony has also revealed that the year-old handheld now sports 590 games, 1,250 videos, and 2,200 comics in Japan.
A number of major US retailers dropped the PSPgo's price from $249 to $199 earlier this month, with more expected to follow suit.
Update: Reuters has obtained confirmation that Sony has discounted the PSPgo to $199 across the US.
Sony has also now confirmed that the PSPgo will be priced at £159.99 in the UK as of November 1. It had originally lanched with a luxury £225 price point although retailers were quick to lower the RRP soon after release.
Most recently, Sony launched a promotion of giving away 10 free games for the handheld.
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October 25th, 2010, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP2's screen is an inch larger and "sharper" than the PSP's, according to a report.
Sony described the screen during behind closed doors meetings at the Tokyo Game Show as high definition, Kotaku reports.
"The screen itself is not only sharper than the current PSP's, but about an inch larger. The larger screen means that the PSP2 will be larger as well. In the private meetings, Sony is touting the screen as 'HD'."
Kotaku's sources back up PSP2 information gathered by Eurogamer over the last 18 months, including the existence of a touch screen panel on the back of the device.
"The touch panel was described as looking like a big mouse trackpad," Kotaku said. "When Sony showed the PSP2, it did not provide concrete details regarding how the trackpad will be implemented in games and instead is leaving that to the discretion of game developers."
The hardware, as we know, is currently not finalised, and specifications are expected to change.
In August Eurogamer brought you the news that Sony's vision for the next-generation PlayStation Portable was roughly the same size as the PSP-3000 and had touch controls on the reverse of the unit.
We learned that Sony was showcasing the unfinished handheld to publishers using several first-party games and had already settled on its business model for the device.
One source told us he expected it to launch by the end of 2011. Flash media support, similar to the PSPgo, seems most likely.
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October 25th, 2010, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Ahead of tomorrow's Undead Nightmare DLC release, Rockstar has amended Red Dead Redemption with an automatic title update. Undramatically named "Title Update 1.05," the free digital addition to RDR brings with it "Friendly Free Roam" mode (the same as Free Roam, just without all the player-on-player murder), as well as a mess of fixes for everything from griefing to missing co-op Achievements.
Given that the patch also adds some preparations for tomorrow's DLC, Title Update 1.05 is a mandatory update before you start wranglin' the undead. Head past the break for the nitty gritty details on everything the update includes.
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October 25th, 2010, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Original series such as reality show The Tester have seen Sony's ad revenue from PSN video content rise by 60 per cent.
Sony hopes to attract 3.5 million downloads for the Tester, a PSN-exclusive series documenting a competition to become a games tester.
However, the PlayStation maker is cautious about moving too far into non-games content.
"There are more things coming, but you won't see a huge rollout... Original series are a more passive entertainment," Susan Panico, senior director for PlayStation Newtwork, told MediaWeek.
"They are a little out of our initial purview. For one thing, we didn't always have the capability to sell this content."
Sony had not sought to sell ads for last year's first season of The Tester, but this year its two-person PSN video sales team has arranged advertising and sponsorship deals with the likes of Ford, EA and the U.S. Air Force.
"We've really had to shift our mindset from a gaming company to a media company," said Panico. PSN's hike in ad revenue also stemmed from other original series such as Qore and The Pulse.
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October 25th, 2010, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
EA is set to release a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit demo this week. Xbox 360 owners can play from tomorrow and PS3 owners the day after.
But note that the demo will disappear on 9th November. Why? Because of online features that presumably clash with what the live servers will offer when Hot Pursuit launches on 19th November.
Specifically, you can test the game's social network Autolog, which provides updates and challenges and keeps you abreast of what your friends are up to.
It's one of the more ambitious features of Burnout maker Criterion's new game
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October 27th, 2010, 00:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Travis Touchdown, the foul-mouthed, beam katana-wielding anime enthusiast, is officially coming to the PlayStation 3 next year. The original No More Heroes, which hit the Wii in 2008, impressed gamers with its over-the-top sense of style, gruesome boss fights, and hilarious video game references. Now, the action is making the jump to the HD space with No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise, exclusive to the PlayStation 3 in North America.
Heroes' Paradise will once again put players in the boots of Travis Touchdown as he fights his way to the top of a ranked assassins association. Heroes' Paradise will include new bosses not available in the original Wii version, as well as PlayStation Move support to keep up the tradition of motion-based attacks.
Heroes' Paradise is scheduled to launch sometime next year.
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October 27th, 2010, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster
Free online music video service Vidzone has streamed over half a billion videos since launch.
More than 3.7 million PlayStation 3 users have downloaded the application, delivering over 3 billion ad impressions, according to Vidzone Digital Media. The service is currently available in 18 countries and seven languages.
The service most recently added 120 pre-programmed TV channels focusing on music by genre and record label, and hosts an impressive 30,000 music videos
VidZone launched in June 2009, and according to Louisa Jackson, director of marketing for the service, it has a more influential reach than more traditional media from the likes of MTV, MSN and Yahoo!
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October 27th, 2010, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will slash the price of the disc-less PSPgo by £65 on November 1, but analysts are doubtful the move will reverse the embattled console's fortunes.
The PSPgo currently has an RRP of £225 in the UK. From 1st November it'll go for £159.99. The download-only handheld has also seen a price cut in Japan (now ¥16,800) and in the US (now $199).
"Sony's fifty US dollar price cut on the PSPgo is too meagre and too late," M2 Research's Billy Pidgeon told Eurogamer.
"The UK price reduction is more dramatic, but had to be considering the recent MSRP which was too high in my opinion. Now that 'sources' have revealed more details regarding PSP2, including a proposed fall 2011 date, it is very unlikely that these prices will clear shelves. PSP will see sharp declines this holiday into Q1 2011 without more aggressive price cuts."
The PSPgo launched in the west last October and has been a commercial flop for Sony, although some suggest it was an experiment ahead of the much-rumoured PSP2.
"I think that the sales levels speak for themselves," Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter offered.
"The PSPGo just hasn't gained any traction with consumers, and in fairness, it's due to the high price point. Until it's priced competitively with the PSP-3000, I don't expect to see a huge lift in sales."
The PSP-3000 currently enjoys a RRP of £139.99 - £20 cheaper than the new PSPgo price.
"I think the PSPgo has likely suffered under the weight of a declining market for handheld game devices as well as the rise of Smartphones as compelling platforms," Lazard Capital Markets' Colin Sebastian said.
"I imagine that PSPgo is searching for a sweet-spot in terms of pricing, and certainly under $200 there should be a bigger market. However, I think it's too early to say whether this will be the right price point or whether this is now the right platform for core gamers."
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October 27th, 2010, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Hot Shots Golf fans keep any eye out for Hot Shots Shorties. Sony Computer Entertainment America filed a trademark for Hot Shots Shorties in the US, but it probably isn’t for another sports game.
Last year, Clap Hanz developed Minna no Sukkiri, a mini-game collection with pie tossing, vegetable chopping, and book organizing. The Japanese version has twelve games including a top-down run ‘n gun game called The Great Georama Battle.
We’re guessing the Hot Shots Shorties trademark is the US name for Minna no Sukkiri. Since the title hasn’t been announced it isn’t clear if Sony is making new games for North America or just localizing the PSP game.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo Koei announced Dynasty Warriors 7 at Tokyo Game Show promising details at a later date. Today’s that day.
During a web streamed press conference, Tecmo Koei announced three new characters: Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Bao Sanniang. One of the goals with this Warriors game was to give it a cinematic feel. Tecmo Koei promises the switch between the battlefield and cutscenes will be seamless in Dynasty Warriors 7. In addition to story mode, this game has chronicle mode which uses stages players completed in other modes.
Dynasty Warriors 7 has two major gameplay changes. First, the variable attack system lets players switch between two weapons. It possible to do this during a combo so you can start with a sword and finish an enemy off with say a portable ballista, just like the one shown online. Players also have two musou gauges and two musou moves. Yes, it possible to chain musou attacks.
Dynasty Warriors 7 is slated for release sometime in March 2011 and its said to be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Tecmo Koei surprised attendees by handing out 3D glasses to showcase one more feature, 3DTV support.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Jigsaw has devised a new series of traps that will force you to make life or death decisions as you witness the machines destroy others and yourself
•A new set of puzzles will test your wits as you work quickly to advance through Jigsaw’s game
•The visceral fighting mechanic requires precise timing to defend yourself from aggressive minions
•With a blend of intense combat, mind-bending puzzles, and a twisted storyline, players will face horror and terror that only SAW can deliver
descriptionStep into the dark and tormented world of SAW II and experience the gruesome traps that Jigsaw has created to test your will to survive. With newly implemented puzzles and combat system, players will need to think fast and react to pass the rigors of the tests Jigsaw has engineered. Set between the SAW and SAW II movies, the game follows Detective Tapp’s estranged son Michael, who becomes Jigsaw’s next subject while he is investigating father’s recent death.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released

features•Use your guitars and drums to annihilate aliens, squash mutated insects and smash up the undead zombie hordes.
•Traverse through a wide range of levels that includes sewers, subways, mountainous caverns and underground tombs.
•Battle the undead with a friend. Plug in another guitar or drum kit for 2-player competitive co-op play.
•Exclusive soundtrack featuring the music of Rob Zombie.
•Featuring the voice talents of Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day and Rob Zombie.
descriptionWith the guitar as your weapon of choice you'll journey through terrifying graveyards and sewers, battle the undead to protect your trailer park home, and even rock in front of the camera as you do battle at the television station. Use the power of rock to unleash a sonic blast on a group of flesh eaters, raise the guitar to the heavens to power a protective shield, or just strum the hard and heavy tunes as you riff your way through the infected masses to the sound of a rocking soundtrack. The fate of the world, as well as rock and roll itself, is in your hands.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
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features•DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate social multiplayer experience where two virtual DJ’s can drop the needle on the groove and mix, scratch and sample; all while a vocalist grabs the mic and sings along to lyrics from today’s biggest hits, scoring players with pitch and range detection
•Picking up where the award-winning DJ Hero soundtrack left off, DJ Hero 2 one-ups its predecessor and spins together even hotter tracks blazing up the charts and legendary club anthems from the biggest artists in pop, dance and hip hop. Remixes of block rockin’ beats from Lady Gaga, Deadmau5, Kanye West, Chemical Brothers and Dr. Dre will definitely set the party off right
•DJ Hero 2 lets players put their own spin on the music with Freestyle gameplay that allows them to mix, scratch and sample during set points in the game. With the tracks synced to the beat, scratches recorded by the pros and samples pulled directly from the tracks being mixed, everyone will sound like a superstar DJ
•The critically acclaimed Party Play, first made famous in Guitar Hero 5, is one of a half dozen new multiplayer modes coming to DJ Hero 2. Digital disc jockeys and living room lyricists will be able to start and stop spinning on the fly, drop-in and drop out of lyrical gameplay, switch difficulty level without interrupting the party vibes or just let the game play the body movin’ beats on its own
•At the heart of DJ culture is the battle. Epitomized by scratch legend DJ Q-Bert, DJ Hero 2 brings the heat to the players with a variety of competitive game modes. With DJ Battle – featuring custom designed mixes and authentic call-and-response gameplay – Quickplay, Pro-Faceoff, Accumulator, Checkpoints and Streakers, the game will be the judge in determining the ultimate living room scratch master
•In the all-new Empire Mode, players start out as an up-and-coming DJ on the road to becoming the head of a major entertainment empire, all of which is founded solely on their success as a DJ. Wowing the crowd with their tight sets and awesome freestyle abilities, players will progress quickly, soon finding themselves in command of a network of global clubs, and each with a selection of superstar DJs in their crew
•With the DJ Hero turntable controller in hand, DJ Hero 2 continues to transform video gamers into virtual DJ’s engaging in techniques including mixing, sampling, various scratch patterns and adding effects to the music mix. From beginners to experts, players spinning on the turntable controller will experience the unique sensation of having control of the music at their finger tips
•Virtual DJs can throw down the ultimate battle with Hero Feed, which brings bragging rights to the game by allowing players to challenge and track their friends’ accomplishments, whether the friend is online or offline
track listing2Pac
50 Cent
Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force
Armand Van Helden
Basement Jaxx
Bobby Womack
Bruno Mars
Busta Rhymes
Calvin Harris
Chris Willis
Clinton Sparks
Colby O’Donis
Daft Punk
Damian Marley
David Guetta
Dizzee Rascal
DJ Shadow
Donna Summer
Dr. Dre
Edwin Starr
Flo Rida
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Harold Faltermeyer
House Of Pain
Jackson 5
Janet Jackson
Kanye West
Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi
Kool & The Gang
Lady Gaga
Lil Jon
Lil Wayne
LL Cool J
Major Lazer
Malcolm McLaren
Melle Mel & Duke Bootee
Missy Elliott
Mos Def
Nate Dogg
Naughty By Nature
New Boyz
New Order
Pharoahe Monch
Pirate Soundsystem
Puff Daddy
Pussycat Dolls
Robin S.
Salt N Pepa
Sam Cooke
Sam Sparro
Sean Paul
Sneaky Sound System
Snoop Dogg
Soulja Boy Tell Em
Sparfunk & D-Code
Static Major
Stevie Wonder
Talib Kweli
The Chemical Brothers
The Crystal Method
The Egg
The Notorious B.I.G.
The Prodigy
Walter Murphy
Warren G
Wayne Smith
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Young Jeezy
descriptionDJ Hero® 2 will transform living rooms into nightclubs letting budding beat chemists, singing sensations and all of their friends fire up two turntables and a microphone to experience their favorite music together as they’ve never heard it before. The follow-up to the award-winning, #1 new videogame IP of 2009, DJ Hero 2 delivers the ultimate way for gamers to come together with a host of new multiplayer modes that pit DJ against DJ in unique Battle Mixes, invite vocalists into the spotlight with scoring based on pitch and range detection and bring the party to life with jump-in/jump-out Party Play gameplay. Featuring the biggest dance, pop and hip-hop hits by the hottest artists everyone knows and loves remixed by world-class DJs in an all-new way, the game’s soundtrack delivers over 70 unique mashups only available in DJ Hero 2. Further immersing players into the music, the game offers a heightened level of creative input and allows everyone to add their own touch, directly impacting the beats they’re spinning with Freestyle scratching, cross-fading and sampling, performed at set points in the mix.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
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The ninja wars between the villages are not over. Ninja Storm 2 spans the whole Shippuden series, from the first episode to the latest arc. A total of 40 ninjas are joining the fray this time, call out the power of the tailed beasts, or use the power of the Sharingan when you pit yourself against the overwhelming forces of the ninjas from the opposing villages.
The game graphics are produced under the supervision of Studio Pierrot, the backgrounds are transformed from 2D to 3D, so you can head deeper into the forests or caves during the battles. For the first time in Naruto game history, you can log on to the network to fight other ninjas and by participating in the rank matches, you can win reputation.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Directed by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series, VANQUISH™ is a sci-fi shooter that sees players take the role of Sam, a government agent kitted out with a futuristic battlesuit. A versatile fighter with a huge arsenal of weaponry at his disposal, Sam also has an array of martial arts skills that he can use to take down his robot enemies
•Fast, fluid and frenetic – this is gaming at its most explosive and exciting, as you storm into battle
•Experience a game character like no other – Sam is the ultimate weapon, donning a futuristic battle suit of destructive firepower and superhuman speed and agility
•Fight your way through the enormous, open environments of the space station. The most advanced, futuristic city in the skies becomes home to the action
descriptionThe story of VANQUISH™ is set in the near future. Russia and the United States are vying for ownership of the world’s fast-depleting energy resources and the US has constructed a space station in order to harness energy from the sun. Russian forces capture this space station and divert its harvested solar energy into a blast wave that destroys San Francisco, aiming to force the US into a total and unconditional surrender. In response, the US tasks its armed forces with recapturing the space station before the Russians can annihilate their next target – New York.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
The long-awaited patch for F1 2010 is in submission with Microsoft and Sony, Codemasters has revealed.
Once the approval process is completed it'll be released into the wild for gamers to download, community manager Ian 'Helios' Webster said on the official forum.
"Keep an eye out on the forums, facebook, and Twitter, as we'll let you know as soon as it's ready to download," he said.
The patch will be for all three versions of the game: PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, and address some of the key issues gamers have complained about since launch.
Those include corrupt game saves and pit-stop problems. The patch will also improve damage modelling, AI driver behaviour and wet weather, and support more wheel controllers.
The PC patch will enable the game to run on DX11 and adds Eyefinity support, so that three monitors can be used.
F1 2010 released last month to critical and commercial success. It scored an excellent 8/10 in Eurogamer's review, and debuted in the UK all-formats chart at number one.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster

Konami's newly revealed Kojima Productions themed hardware slash software set isn't nearly as compelling as the previous limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 PlayStation 3 bundle. That's because the new package is simply a stock 160GB charcoal gray PS3 console, a greatest hits version of MGS4 and a copy of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
This admittedly not-so-special-edition offering (which is, technically, limited to an undisclosed run) hits Japan on December 16 for ¥37,980 ($467). You can get a 160GB PS3 ($300), MGS4 ($20) and Lords of Shadow ($60) by themselves for a grand total of $380 right now, without those pesky international shipping charges. The only thing you'll be missing out on: 20,000 Reward Points for use in Metal Gear Online. But if you really want to pay the $87 difference just for them, we're not going to stop you.
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October 27th, 2010, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
The new Mortal Kombat is the first game in the series to be targeted at serious beat 'em up fans, reckons series created Ed Boon.
In an interview with Shack News, Boon said, "This is the first Mortal Kombat game where we are consciously putting in features for the hardcore/tournament fighters and we have some amazing fighting game 'experts' playing our game and giving us constant feedback."
"This version of Mortal Kombat has more depth in terms of gameplay than the previous games," he added. "We've put in a lot of thought on how to make this game accessible to the casual gamer and at the same time add enough depth that it keeps the more advanced players challenged."
The new game, simply entitled Mortal Kombat, sees the series returning to its 2D roots after 2006's Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and 2008's Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe failed to make much of a splash.
It's all going to kick-off sometime in 2011 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
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October 27th, 2010, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
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features•The new dynamic physics system in WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will transform gameplay into a highly realistic experience that creates the most memorable moments ever witnessed in a WWE videogame. All of your matches and object interactions will look and feel unique, dynamic and unpredictable to capture the full essence and authenticity of WWE. In addition, the dynamic physics system will generate different match outcomes each time you play
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 is truly the first WWE videogame that will adapt to your actions. Through this brand new addition to the franchise, every time you play a match, gameplay scenario will change based on your decisions, allowing for new rivalries, alliances, championship matches, run-ins, rankings and more spontaneous WWE action both in and out of the ring
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will boast one of largest rosters in franchise history, with more than 70 of today's prominent WWE Superstars and WWE Divas available to enhance your gameplay experience. Each in-game model will feature new muscle-flexing skin textures and movement technology, delivering the most authentic looking and moving WWE Superstars and WWE Divas you have ever seen in a WWE videogame
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will provide more creation tools than ever for you to customize your Superstars, finishing moves, story designs and more. Tons of new position animations, including a new Create-a-Finisher attacks off the turnbuckle; 150 new Create-a-Superstar parts, including new tattoo art and pattern texture support; Paint Tool upgrades such as sign creations; point system upgrades and simplified searching and sharing of content through the robust WWE Community Creations portal
•Enjoy a greater level of interactivity and control as the Road to WrestleMania story-driven mode returns with major updates and new storylines. This year, you will have the ability to freely roam through locker room areas, select opponents, break into impromptu matches and fulfill destiny based on your choices. This is your moment!
descriptionHaving sold more than 50 million units worldwide, the renowned WWE simulation experience and annual centre piece in THQ's expanding WWE videogame portfolio returns to define the ultimate WWE moments and give players even greater creative and decision-making freedom throughout their storied journeys within WWE.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will empower players more than ever to define their gameplay experiences in a dynamic and ever-changing WWE.
Gameplay scenarios will change based on player decisions, allowing for more spontaneous WWE action in and out of the ring. Players will also enjoy a greater level of interactivity and have increased control of their destinies in the game's popular Road to WrestleMania story-driven mode.
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October 27th, 2010, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
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features•The new dynamic physics system in WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will transform gameplay into a highly realistic experience that creates the most memorable moments ever witnessed in a WWE videogame. All of your matches and object interactions will look and feel unique, dynamic and unpredictable to capture the full essence and authenticity of WWE. In addition, the dynamic physics system will generate different match outcomes each time you play
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 is truly the first WWE videogame that will adapt to your actions. Through this brand new addition to the franchise, every time you play a match, gameplay scenario will change based on your decisions, allowing for new rivalries, alliances, championship matches, run-ins, rankings and more spontaneous WWE action both in and out of the ring
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will boast one of largest rosters in franchise history, with more than 70 of today's prominent WWE Superstars and WWE Divas available to enhance your gameplay experience. Each in-game model will feature new muscle-flexing skin textures and movement technology, delivering the most authentic looking and moving WWE Superstars and WWE Divas you have ever seen in a WWE videogame
•WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will provide more creation tools than ever for you to customize your Superstars, finishing moves, story designs and more. Tons of new position animations, including a new Create-a-Finisher attacks off the turnbuckle; 150 new Create-a-Superstar parts, including new tattoo art and pattern texture support; Paint Tool upgrades such as sign creations; point system upgrades and simplified searching and sharing of content through the robust WWE Community Creations portal
•Enjoy a greater level of interactivity and control as the Road to WrestleMania story-driven mode returns with major updates and new storylines. This year, you will have the ability to freely roam through locker room areas, select opponents, break into impromptu matches and fulfill destiny based on your choices. This is your moment!
descriptionHaving sold more than 50 million units worldwide, the renowned WWE simulation experience and annual centre piece in THQ's expanding WWE videogame portfolio returns to define the ultimate WWE moments and give players even greater creative and decision-making freedom throughout their storied journeys within WWE.
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 will empower players more than ever to define their gameplay experiences in a dynamic and ever-changing WWE.
Gameplay scenarios will change based on player decisions, allowing for more spontaneous WWE action in and out of the ring. Players will also enjoy a greater level of interactivity and have increased control of their destinies in the game's popular Road to WrestleMania story-driven mode.
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October 27th, 2010, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Actions such as Chain, Charge, Hold, Original Skill, Chain Skill, Special Chain Skill, Break, Break Arts and Overkill are available during the battle!
•Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for the right moment to string together massive combo attacks using multiple party members—both in melee and at range!
•Blazing Souls gives the player plenty of fun elements like creating over 200 different items and skills! Players are given the ability to capture monsters and have them placed within the party
•Now the battle map and adventure map are one and the same. What you do before battle affects the terrain, and vice-versa!
•Players can choose how they will proceed through the game. Search for towns and dungeons at the guild, explore hidden areas, battle enemies you encounter or watch animated events
descriptionIt has been years since a war called the Seven Year War ended and peace finally arrived in the land.
The story begins with Zero the protagonist making his living as an independent contractor. One day he is investigating a certain site. It is there that he finds a mysterious stone infused with a powerful magic known as the Core Elemental. As he takes on more and more jobs to investigate other locations, he discovers more and more Core Elemental stones. On his travels, he begins to encounter the Human Genomes—new creatures created by God to replace mankind.
One thirsts for power.
One desires only the eradication of mankind.
And one hopes to retrieve what he has lost.
To get what they desire, each one appears before our protagonist. Through his battles against the Human Genomes, our protagonist begins to learn the truth about the secret of his birth, and before long finds himself at the very place where he was born…
Finally, he will learn the truth of his existence…
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October 27th, 2010, 11:27 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Requires PlayStation Move and these are not included!
•Motion controller-based gun-play including powerful special attacks, such as Rampage, Showtime, and Shockwave, that allow players to wreck havoc on action movie sets
•Highly destructible environments that can be shot away to expose enemies, secret power-ups, bonus items and deleted scenes
•5 themed movie sets including Haunted House Party, Outlaws,Robot Rebellion
descriptionUse the pinpoint accuracy and motion tracking of the PlayStation®Move to dodge attacks and take out the bad guys. From robots to outlaws, no villain on the set is safe. Bring a friend along for the ride to turn this shoot into a buddy flick. With five locations to shoot and unlimited bullets, you can bet this is going to be fun. It’ll take precise aim, mighty power moves, and a whole lot of bravado to pull this off, but that’s exactly why you’re playing.
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October 27th, 2010, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
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descriptionCastlevania: Lords of Shadow takes place at the end of days. The Earth’s alliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a dark and malevolent force – the mysterious Lords of Shadow – darkness reigns the world. Across this shattered land, the souls of the dead wander unable to find peace, whilst creatures of evil roam free wreaking chaos and death upon the living.
Gabriel is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, an elite group of holy knights who protect and defend the innocent against the supernatural. His beloved wife was brutally murdered by the evil forces of darkness and her soul trapped for eternity. Neither living nor dead she realises the horrific truth of what is at stake and guides Gabriel to his destiny – and hopefully salvation for the world… but at what cost?
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October 27th, 2010, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Def Jam Rapstar is all about Hip-Hop and the music that makes it great. Spit bars with the best in the history of the Rap Game past and present, and prove that no one else can touch you on the mic
•If you're an aspiring emcee developing your skills, Def Jam Rapstar helps take your game to the next level. Get instant feedback on your lyrical accuracy, timing and tone that'll help you go from amateur to icon
•Direct and star in your own music video to show off your "swagnificance." Use an attached console camera to record your performance. Then, edit the lighting, sound and special effects to create your own Hip-Hop classic. Champagne and models not included
•Do you think you belong on the latest "Top Five Dead Or Alive" list? Play in Freestyle mode and rock the mic over beats provided by world famous producers
•Golden Age. Platinum Age. Old School. New School. Veteran. Rookie. Def Jam Rapstar has the hits no matter what style you represent
•Def Jam Rapstar features custom, proprietary voice recognition technology that keeps tabs on your lyrical accuracy, because no one respects a fraud
•Earn stripes, crush haters and sharpen your skills in the innovative Battle Mode. Trade lines and punchlines for the highest score. Prove you're not the one to be messed with
•Def Jam Rapstar's community opens the door for passionate Hip-Hop entrepreneurs and fans to get involved. View and rank videos, manage and promote a crew of artists, build a brand and carve out an empire
descriptionDef Jam Rapstar captures the essence of what Hip Hop is all about: the music, the battles and of course...the swagger. The ultimate MC experience for video game consoles, Def Jam Rapstar is the only music game that focuses exclusively on Hip Hop. With more than 40 of the greatest Hip Hop songs available at release, Def Jam Rapstar allows you to be the star: by rhyming, using your console camera, and uploading your video to the fully integrated Def Jam Rapstar community at www.defjamrapstar.com. Def Jam Rapstar also offers you the ability to freestyle over tracks by some of the hottest hip hop producers and upload your freestyle performances for the world to decide how good you really are.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:05 Posted By: wraggster
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MMA will bring you all the Mixed Martial Arts action with your favorite MMA fighters from around the world. EA SPORTS MMA will feature the most authentic, intense and broad mixed martial arts experience to date - complete with a vast array of top fighters and fighting styles from around the world.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
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features•See your city grow from the ground up as you buy and trade classic Monopoly properties! From fun animations of the classic tokens to the ritzy hotel you can build on Boardwalk, experience Monopoly in a whole new and interactive way
•An extensive house rules system allows you to play a game in however much time you have
•Add competition to the game by auctioning properties with your friends. See if you can snatch a great deal, or break someone’s bank!
•Play on multiple boards including “Monopoly City” “Monument City” and Classic Boards as well
•Play with your friends live and online or be matched with someone of similar skills from around the world via PSN
descriptionSince 1935, more than 275 million copies of MONOPOLY have been sold in 111 countries and 40 languages. Hundreds of different editions of the game have been published, but the most popular continues to be the classic "Number Nine." Affectionately known by its original product number, "Number Nine" is based on the streets of Atlantic City and is nearly identical to Charles Darrow's original submission to Parker Brothers. The MONOPOLY name and logo, the distinctive design of the game board, the four corner squares, the MR. MONOPOLY name and the character, as well as each of the distinctive elements of the board and playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro for its property trading game and game equipment.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Use your guitars and drums to annihilate aliens, squash mutated insects and smash up the undead zombie hordes.
•Traverse through a wide range of levels that includes sewers, subways, mountainous caverns and underground tombs.
•Battle the undead with a friend. Plug in another guitar or drum kit for 2-player competitive co-op play.
•Exclusive soundtrack featuring the music of Rob Zombie.
•Featuring the voice talents of Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day and Rob Zombie.
descriptionWith the guitar as your weapon of choice you'll journey through terrifying graveyards and sewers, battle the undead to protect your trailer park home, and even rock in front of the camera as you do battle at the television station. Use the power of rock to unleash a sonic blast on a group of flesh eaters, raise the guitar to the heavens to power a protective shield, or just strum the hard and heavy tunes as you riff your way through the infected masses to the sound of a rocking soundtrack. The fate of the world, as well as rock and roll itself, is in your hands.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Jigsaw has devised a new series of traps that will force you to make life or death decisions as you witness the machines destroy others and yourself
•A new set of puzzles will test your wits as you work quickly to advance through Jigsaw’s game
•The visceral fighting mechanic requires precise timing to defend yourself from aggressive minions
•With a blend of intense combat, mind-bending puzzles, and a twisted storyline, players will face horror and terror that only SAW can deliver
descriptionStep into the dark and tormented world of SAW II and experience the gruesome traps that Jigsaw has created to test your will to survive. With newly implemented puzzles and combat system, players will need to think fast and react to pass the rigors of the tests Jigsaw has engineered. Set between the SAW and SAW II movies, the game follows Detective Tapp’s estranged son Michael, who becomes Jigsaw’s next subject while he is investigating father’s recent death.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
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features•PSP camera included•Use the PSP® camera to hunt down invisible monsters and capture them
•Pit your Invizimals against each other or enjoy multiplayer fights with friends
•Learn new attacks, power up, and evolve your Invizimals
•Trade Invizimals and magical items with your friends or online
descriptionThere are monsters roaming around in the world and the only way to catch them is through the PSP camera. Install the little device and look at your world in a new light. Catch the monsters with a magic circle, interact with them by patting them.
Of course this is not just about making friends with the dynamic little beasts, you have to train them and level them up. With each new level, the beasts change in appearances, pit them against your friends' tamed pets in battle or tackle story missions.
Project your beast into the real world, onto your work desk, your bed or your bathroom. These pets can go to school or work with you, always have one of them ready for your friends might challenge you for a quick fight on the bus or on the train.
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October 27th, 2010, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
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features•Team up with the Cast of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation not only to solve some of the most gruesome crimes of Sin City, but also to take down a dangerous drug cartel
•Partner with FBI agent Gene Huntby in 5 Connected Cases to take down the Queen of the Hive. For the first time ever, the storyline engages you from the first case to the last
•Be Prepared to Work with your CSI Partners, including the returning Sara Sidle, to solve murder cases and uncover the Fatal Conspiracy behind the crimes you investigate
•CSI: Fatal Conspiracy is an all new immersive experience thanks to intriguing cases written with CSI show writers, a fully updated rendering engine allowing for more realistic lighting effects, and enhanced character acting and lip sync with the voices of the main actors from the show
descriptionCSI: Fatal Conspiracy features five new connected cases written by the same writers from the television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Players will experience an authentic crime-solving video game with real CSI characters, heart-pounding interrogations and enhanced graphics. A unique story structure that unveils the truth piece by piece brings a new level of suspense and intrigue to the top-selling franchise.
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October 28th, 2010, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
EA's will expand Medal of Honor's multiplayer experience with the release of a new multiplayer mode and maps on November 2.
The new mode, dubbed Hot Zone, features King of the Hill gameplay where teams fight over a designated location on a map, with the team that holds the position longest prevailing.
Hot Zone will be playable across two new maps, Hindukush Pass and Korengal Outpost, as well as redesigned versions of the existing Shahikot Valley and Helmand Valley maps.
The DLC will be available via Xbox Live for 800 MS points and on PSN and PC for $9.99.
In addition to Hot Zone, EA will release Clean Sweep on November 2 for 360, PS3 and PC. The free download will add a new multiplayer elimination mode, two new maps and redesigned versions of two current maps.
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October 28th, 2010, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
It's real! It's fake! Actually, no comment. It's been a rollercoaster ride for Sony today but at the end of it there's one conclusion that seems certain - the PlayStation Phone pictured on the internet this morning is anything but a fake Photoshop job.
Engadget has published a second story insisting that the handheld "is most definitely real". It adds:
"This is a device which has been confirmed through multiple, trusted sources. And we're not just talking good tipsters - some of our information comes from people much more closely connected to the project."
It goes on to claim that the machine has been going under the codename of Zeus and that "based on what we've heard about the secrecy of this plan, it makes sense that even Sony's own employees wouldn't be privy to information on the phone, the marketplace, and the collaboration with Google".
The claims come after Sony retracted an explicit denial given to one UK website, reverting instead to the tried and trusted "we don't comment on rumour and speculation" line. But the retraction of what was an initially very firm statement - that the pictures were "definitely fake" - tells a wholly different story.
MCV has not had any concrete confirmation that the device is real, but it has certainly been implied from a trusted source that it is indeed so. And some sites, such as VG247, are claiming to have such confirmation.
What does remain unclear is how the new device will sit within the PSP family, which will next year welcome a new member in the still secretive PSP2. Will the PlayStation Phone replace the current PSP? Will it exist alongside both the old and the new device? It would be surprising if these questions remain unanswered for long.
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October 28th, 2010, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
Treyarch community manager Josh Olin has confirmed and detailed a number supposedly 'little-known' features that'll be included in Call of Duty: Black Ops' multiplayer package come November 9.
Olin details a 'Custom Games Editor' which allows you to tweak your own custom matches any way you like. "From variables as simple as Time Limit and Score Limit, or as deep as which weapons, Perks, and gear are available. You want a Pistols Only match? Make one! No longer do custom game modes rely on the honor system," he explains.
"Furthermore, any Custom Game you create and configure can be placed in your File Share, for friends and the community to browse, download, and enjoy."
There'll be split-screen support for two-player online play; the second player can sign in as a guest and join the online fun, but any perks they earn are lost when the session ends. A second player can also sign into their own PSN account on the same PS3 and play at the same time.
Standard stuff. Wasn't that in previous games? We never tried.
An in-game friends list will let you "browse Recent Players, Friends, navigate their File Shares, Recent Games, Combat Records", as well as send and receive game invites all via in-game menus.
It'll also feature regional matchmaking, which is changeable by the user. "So, no matter where you're at in the world, you will have the ability to specify whether you want to match with players from other geographical regions, or only those local to you," explains Olin.
As a final note, Olin clarifies that Emblems earned are NOT reset when a player chooses to go Prestige. They will sacrifice XP, COD Points, Challenge progressions, Loadouts and such, but Emblems remain.
All very exciting. Meanwhile Tesco kicked off the price war today, offering Black Ops for £39.90.
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October 28th, 2010, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
God of War: Ghost Of Sparta developer Ready At Dawn has claimed PSP development is endangered by the levels of piracy on Sony's handheld.
"It's pretty rampant now all around the world," creative director Ru Weerasuriya told VG247.
"It's getting to the point where it doesn't make sense to make games on it, if the piracy keeps on increasing.
"It's a tough call right now to say what's going to happen to it and where it's going to go, but it definitely hurts a lot of developers out there who are trying to make great games."
He felt the situation was now worse even than on PC. "The PC market has had connectivity and multiplayer, which brings down the piracy.
"A lot of the PC games right now require you to be logged into a specific network – like Battle.Net, when I used to work at Blizzard – that controls it, and has made it easy to curb some of that."
Weerasuriya also expressed concern about the prospects for independent studios such as Ready At Dawn, which had to downsize in July.
"It is hard; it's tough that the industry is not at a very healthy level right now, and especially for the last few independents.
"If you're a developer right now and you're owned by a publisher it's hard enough, so imagine what it's like if you're an independent covering all your costs yourself. I don't think it gets easier at any time, but the last two years have been particularly hard."
Ghost Of Sparta will likely be Ready At Dawn's last PSP game, Weersuriya claimed ("We've done the absolute maximum with it"), with the studio now looking to other consoles and potentially its own IP.
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October 28th, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
You can try four new games for free on the PlayStation Store today.
These are the new Need for Speed game Hot Pursuit from Criterion; hack-and-slash Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage from Tecmo Koei; strange action adventure starring a big monster as your friend Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom; and on-rails PlayStation Move shooter Time Crisis: Razing Storm.
There are various Halloween celebrations doing the rounds, too. LittleBigPlanet offers a free Halloween mask, Guitar Hero offers three songs from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Red Dead Redemption gets the Undead Nightmare add-on.
Super Street Fighter IV welcomes an Ultra Challenges pack as well.
Keep an eye on the European PlayStation blog for the PSP Digital Comic Store update plus any PlayStation Home and SingStar gubbins.
Special Offers (available until 10th November)
PS3: Voodoo Dice (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
PS3: Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom: Booster Pack (was £3.49/€3.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PS3: Cuboid: Level Editor (was £3.19/€3.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PS3: Cuboid: Booster Pack (was £2.39/€2.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PSP: Dissidia: Final Fantasy (was £19.99/€24.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
PSP: James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (was £23.99/€29.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Minis: Alien Zombie Death! (was £2.49/€2.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Minis: Supermarket Mania (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.49/€2.99)
PS3 Demos
Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage
PS3 Game Content
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (£7.99/€9.99) (20 per cent off for PS Plus subs)
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Collection (£15.99/€19.99) (contains Undead Nightmare pack, Legends and Killers pack, Liars and Cheats pack)
The Sims 3: Online Pass (£7.99/€9.99)
LittleBigPlanet: Halloween Mask (free for one week only)
Dead Rising 2: Sports Fan Skill Pack (£1.59/€1.99)
Super Street Fighter IV: Ultra Challengers Pack 1 (£3.19/€3.99)
PAIN: I, Probot Pinball Level Pack (£1.59/€1.99), Souxxie Character (£0.79/€0.99)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Track Pack (£4.39/€5.49), Soundgarden invididual songs
Rock Band Network: 'Cheat On The Church' by Graveyard BBQ (£0.99/€1.49), 'Chiron Beta Prime' by Jonathan Coulton (£0.99/€1.49), 'How We'd Look On Paper' by The Main Drag (£0.59/€0.79), 'Life Unworthy Of Life' by Warpath (£0.59/€0.79), 'Rip'Er' by Lead the Dead (£0.59/€0.79)
PSone Games
Missile Command (£3.99/€4.99)
Boom Beats (£2.49/€2.99)
PSP Games
PES 2011 (£23.99/€29.99)
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (£15.99/€19.99)
PSP Game Content
LittleBigPlanet PSP: KillZone Costume Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
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October 28th, 2010, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
You can try four new games for free on the PlayStation Store today.
These are the new Need for Speed game Hot Pursuit from Criterion; hack-and-slash Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage from Tecmo Koei; strange action adventure starring a big monster as your friend Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom; and on-rails PlayStation Move shooter Time Crisis: Razing Storm.
There are various Halloween celebrations doing the rounds, too. LittleBigPlanet offers a free Halloween mask, Guitar Hero offers three songs from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Red Dead Redemption gets the Undead Nightmare add-on.
Super Street Fighter IV welcomes an Ultra Challenges pack as well.
Keep an eye on the European PlayStation blog for the PSP Digital Comic Store update plus any PlayStation Home and SingStar gubbins.
Special Offers (available until 10th November)
PS3: Voodoo Dice (was £7.99/€9.99 now £5.49/€6.99)
PS3: Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom: Booster Pack (was £3.49/€3.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PS3: Cuboid: Level Editor (was £3.19/€3.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PS3: Cuboid: Booster Pack (was £2.39/€2.99 now £0.79/€0.99)
PSP: Dissidia: Final Fantasy (was £19.99/€24.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
PSP: James Cameron's Avatar: The Game (was £23.99/€29.99 now £15.99/€19.99)
Minis: Alien Zombie Death! (was £2.49/€2.99 now £1.74/€1.99)
Minis: Supermarket Mania (was £3.99/€4.99 now £2.49/€2.99)
PS3 Demos
Time Crisis: Razing Storm
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage
PS3 Game Content
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (£7.99/€9.99) (20 per cent off for PS Plus subs)
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Collection (£15.99/€19.99) (contains Undead Nightmare pack, Legends and Killers pack, Liars and Cheats pack)
The Sims 3: Online Pass (£7.99/€9.99)
LittleBigPlanet: Halloween Mask (free for one week only)
Dead Rising 2: Sports Fan Skill Pack (£1.59/€1.99)
Super Street Fighter IV: Ultra Challengers Pack 1 (£3.19/€3.99)
PAIN: I, Probot Pinball Level Pack (£1.59/€1.99), Souxxie Character (£0.79/€0.99)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Track Pack (£4.39/€5.49), Soundgarden invididual songs
Rock Band Network: 'Cheat On The Church' by Graveyard BBQ (£0.99/€1.49), 'Chiron Beta Prime' by Jonathan Coulton (£0.99/€1.49), 'How We'd Look On Paper' by The Main Drag (£0.59/€0.79), 'Life Unworthy Of Life' by Warpath (£0.59/€0.79), 'Rip'Er' by Lead the Dead (£0.59/€0.79)
PSone Games
Missile Command (£3.99/€4.99)
Boom Beats (£2.49/€2.99)
PSP Games
PES 2011 (£23.99/€29.99)
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (£15.99/€19.99)
PSP Game Content
LittleBigPlanet PSP: KillZone Costume Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
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October 28th, 2010, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster

A bumper crop of circumstantial evidence surrounding the Android-based PlayStation Phone is starting to come together today -- when it rains, it pours, as they say -- and one particularly interesting thread suggests that the ecosystem surrounding the device might be called "Z-System." An astute tipster notes that the term appears in the upper left of one of our shots, which maps to a domain -- z-system.com, naturally -- that's owned by Sony Ericsson. Turns out the company also holds trademarks for Z-System in the US and Benelux trademark offices (among others, presumably) that were filed (and approved) this year, and the filing category includes "software for interacting or playing with electronic or video games," not hardware, so that strongly suggests we're looking at a platform here. We suppose it's possible that this specific device will be called Z-System, but we're going to float the theory that its actually underlying gaming platform that'll bear that name -- possibly a premium game store and set of software libraries that together will earn a device the Z-System badge. As we already saw with the BlackPad / SurfBook / PlayBook fiasco, trademarks don't mean much until a device is actually announced -- but it's something to keep an eye on.
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October 28th, 2010, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster

It's hard to believe that what we're looking at is real -- but we assure you, the picture above is in fact the PlayStation Phone you've long been waiting for. As we reported back in August, the device you see is headed into the market soon, likely boasting Android 3.0 (aka Gingerbread), along with a custom Sony Marketplace which will allow you to purchase and download games designed for the new platform. The device snapped up top (and in our gallery below) is sporting a 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8655 (a chip similar to the one found in the G2, but 200MHz faster), 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and the screen is in the range of 3.7 to 4.1 inches. Looking almost identical to the mockup we hit you with this summer, the handset does indeed have a long touchpad in the center which is apparently multitouch, and you can see in the photos that it's still bearing those familiar PlayStation shoulder buttons. For Sony buffs, you'll be interested to know that there's no Memory Stick slot here, but there is support for microSD cards.
The particular model in these shots is still in prototyping mode. As such, the unit doesn't have a custom skin (not even SE's Timescape design seen on the Xperia devices), and is said to be rather buggy. We're digging into more facts as we speak, but it's likely that much of what we reported earlier is still accurate, and though the device could still be headed for a 2010 release, 2011 is looking much more realistic. Still, there's a lot of time between now and the holidays... so keep your fingers crossed!
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October 28th, 2010, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
More pictures of an alleged PSP phone have emerged, fuelling further discussion as to if or when Sony will release a PlayStation branded mobile to market.
The latest shots, ostensibly of an early prototype, appear on tech blog Engadet - the same site which obtained an iPhone 4 and dissected it well before the machine was made public.
The pictures come from an undisclosed source and show a device cosmetically similar to the PSPgo, albeit with a missing analogue nub and an added touch pad between buttons and D-pad. The prominent PSP shoulder buttons are present and an SD card slot appears on the back.
Engadget is reporting rumours of the phones technical specifications, too. A 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8655 processor, 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and a 3.7"-4.1" screen. The phone reportedly operates on the new Android 3.0 platform, known as Gingerbread.
It's not a new rumour - ever since 2003 when Ken Kutaragi speculated that a mobile phone peripheral would be released for the original PSP, stories regularly emerge that the hardware manufacturer has decided to step into the mobile communications market.
In 2007, SonyEricsson - which already has a successful foothold in the mobile phone market - suggested that it was considering a PSP crossover for a high-spec handset, after a Sony Bravia mobile specialising in TV playback became popular in Japan.
The rumours join the flurry of speculation over the PSP's successor, which has been posited as possessing a quad-core graphics chip and a touch screen on its reverse. Dev kits for the PSP 2 are already in the hands of developers.
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October 28th, 2010, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Update: NowGamer, the website responsible for the original report, has pulled the Sony-attributed comment stating that the pictures were "definitely fake".
The website now tows the standard line Eurogamer heard earlier today: that Sony doesn't comment on "rumour and speculation".
Original story: Sony Europe has declared that the PlayStation phone images that appeared on the internet overnight are "definitely fake".
A spokesperson dismissed the evidence when presented it by NowGamer.
Strangely, however, Sony Europe told Eurogamer that it couldn't comment on "rumour and speculation". We're attempting to clarify.
Sony Ericsson, in turn, refused to comment on "rumour and speculation".
Ericsson has wanted to incorporate the PlayStation brand into mobile phone handsets for a while - much like the company did with other Sony technologies Walkman and Cyber-shot. Sony, however, held back PlayStation from Ericsson, deeming the mobile manufacturer's output of a quality level not yet satisfactory for the valuable gaming brand.
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October 28th, 2010, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a new PlayStation Rewards programme which will see regular users on the receiving end of "exclusive status, recognition, and rewards".
According to the PlayStation blog, players who sign up for the scheme will advance through "three reward tiers" - Select, Pro and Legendary - by playing new games, buying content from PlayStation Network, downloading movies or filling in any PlayStation surveys.
As your status level goes up, so do your rewards. Examples of the booty on offer include exclusive PSN avatars, themes, PlayStation Home content and the opportunity to get involved in members-only sweepstakes and giveaways. First up is an all expenses paid trip to the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
The full scheme launches in the US in Spring 2011 but invitations are currently going out for a closed beta. If you were an early adopter of PlayStation Plus you might be in with a shout.
"PlayStation's most important asset is its loyal fans and PlayStation Rewards gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for their amazing passion and desire to continually evolve the gaming world," explained Susan Panico, senior director of PlayStation Network.
We've asked Sony for news on any impending European roll-out for the scheme.
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October 28th, 2010, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
By now you've seen our photos of the PlayStation Phone, and likely you've also heard the scattered reports of debunkings and cries of "fake!" -- it wouldn't be a scoop without it. Only here's the thing: the PlayStation Phone in the photos we ran last night, and the device reported on back in August is most definitely real. We're not saying that because we want to believe or because we're gingerly trying to nab pageviews: we're saying it because we know it to be true. This is a device which has been confirmed through multiple, trusted sources. And we're not just talking good tipsters -- some of our information comes from people much more closely connected to the project. Even since last night we've received more info about the phone -- learning that its codename is "Zeus," and it was last seen running Android 2.X (not 3.0, which we suspect will be the shipping version). It should be obvious by comparison of our original mockup to the real photos we've just uncovered that the handset we described in August is the same handset now fully revealed. Prior to last night, we had never seen an actual image of the phone. It should also be obvious that the device pictured in those photos is a prototype running early software (which would explain the A / B button mention in the photo above) with hardware that was likely hand-built, or at the very least created in a very small batch.

Based on what we've heard about the secrecy of this plan, it makes sense that even Sony's own employees wouldn't be privy to information on the phone, the marketplace, and the collaboration with Google. The alleged Sony response to the device makes that somewhat clear -- reports state that an employee originally told a publication that the images were fake, only to backtrack and deliver the standard corporate line that the company "doesn't respond to rumor and speculation." It's possible that whomever was originally questioned either didn't know of the device's existence, was lying about its existence, or simply had their response taken out of context. And that brings us to our point -- while there will be plenty of speculation on whether or not what we've shown you is real, we would never run the images or the information without a healthy sense that we were bringing you fact, and not fiction. We don't like to boast, but as the guys and girls who brought you the first pictures and review of the Nexus One, the first details and images of the Dell Venue Pro (aka Lightning), the first pictures of the new MacBook Air, the first photos of the iPad, and the first photos of the iPhone 4, we feel pretty confident in our abilities to deliver the goods. Of course, this story is just beginning -- so hold on tight.
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October 28th, 2010, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus is currently refreshing PSone RPG Persona 2: Innocent Sin for the PSP. Announced in Japanese mag Famitsu (via Siliconera), the release will be in line with that seen in Persona, adding widescreen visuals, gameplay tweaks and a new animation for the opening (the original movie will also be in there for purists). Shoji Meguro, who was in charge of the Persona remake, will direct this project.
Persona 2 actually released in two parts as Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment. The latter made it to North America in late 2000, but Innocent Sin has never been officially localized for distribution. We're following up with Atlus to see if it plans on bringing Innocent Sin stateside this time around.
Update: Atlus has "no comment" on a North American release of Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
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October 28th, 2010, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...1&view_reply=1
Second episode on the case 6.20 HEN (TN). The news comes from two sources, the first is the Blog Total_Noob, Author of this new effort, the remaining source is the blog of Wololo, Another noted authority in development for PSP.
Let's start with what is reported by Total_Noob on his blog, now a reference point for all concerned. The coder said that at present, 92% of the homebrew tested are compatible with the new HEN, including those that use the modules prx, which PSPdisp, CSPSP Online, CAST, LightMP3, PMPPlayer, Go! PRXdecrypter Tube, and other PSARDUMPER .
He is currently working to solve some incompatibilities with the homebrew VLF. In addition confirms the promise to publish the results of its strength before Christmas. Bad news about the compatibility to the PSP Go! given that, despite initial promises, no one gave him (even only on loan) a console to perform the necessary tests. So compatibility with these models of PSP remains unknown.
Let us now turn to the claims of Wololo. He confirms that there are several teams interested in the development of an ISO Loader for the new Hen Total_Noob and many hope the team in January, but still no one has realized his intentions in an "official promise." The only one who initially provided some security was Hrimfaxi (famous for having built the modules and their patches for Prometheus CF) but, according to Wololo, it was just a joke and apparently their relationship is not the most idyllic (if it ever were). About all'HEN, Wololo Total_Noob us that put the "faking region" that will, besides being able to display the icon "TV" available only in Japan, you can use UMD import, since, due to this function, the HEN will be able to get around the "regional locking.
Finally a note from me (which does not happen often, do not worry).
I thank all the people who have taken the topic to date made by the previous news. Today's news was created with the sole purpose of giving due emphasis to the latest updates, placing first in the home page of PSP-ITA, which would not have been possible with a further update of the previous news.
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October 28th, 2010, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2171
Robo Hobo ps3hax offers new versions of his emulators (NES Nestopia) and Game Boy Color (Gambatte).
New / fixed:
Release 2:
- Added an icon Nestopia
- Manage backups in Nestopia
- Function acceleration (up to 4x) by holding R2
- Fixed the Exit option from the menu Game PS3. The system will be restarted.
- Improved file list. Delete entries. and .. (Use the CIRCLE button to move up one directory). Keeping the CROSS button no longer causes the transition to a directory below
- VSync always off
Release 3:
- Settings are now saved between sessions of play
- Option underscan up to 10% and 50% for Nestopia Gambatte
- Option to enable Vsync and Linear Filtering (to reduce the artifacts of the scale)
- Fixed sound?
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October 28th, 2010, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2179
Klutsh offers new versions of its images containing PSFreedom recovery, using ClockworkMod for Android phones follows:
- Desire HTC CDMA & GSM
- Google NexusOne
- Evo 4G
- Motorola Droid
- HTC Droid Eris
New / fixed:
- Re-write to allow proper display on the screens MDPI (320x480)
- Fixed boot problems on HTC Heroc - adb & mass storage does not work.
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October 28th, 2010, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2180
shinhalsafar releases new version of its port of the NES emulator on PS3 fceu.
- Support for 4 players
- Modes support 480p, 720p and 1080p depending on your screen
- Supports 4:3 and 16:10 (the 16:9 will be added later)
- Linear interpolation filters hardware (Bilinear filtering) and Point filtering
- Explorer ROM (L3 + R3 during game in return to the browser)
- Support for USB joysticks
New / fixed:
- Support zip! Only a single zip file
- New type of handle (original and improved). See the settings window
- Manage backups (File USRDIR)
Note: The archive contains the packages for PS3 firmware 3.41 and below.
NES Emulator fceu PS3 v1.1
Official site: https: / / code.google.com/p/fceu-ps3 /
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October 28th, 2010, 13:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2181
Marcan continues to work around Linux on PS3 and its Asbestos project to launch the kernel in the absence of the function otheros.
Today, he announced on Twitter have access to the RSX in the PS3 and therefore the functions of the 3D graphics chip, something that was not allowed to date.
Access is now open, Marcan shows continue its work on a method to exploit the RSX "healthy".
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October 28th, 2010, 13:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2182
MagicSeb compiled a new version of ScummVM port covered by Lousyphreak PS3.
New / fixed:
- Fixes the problem of pallets, some bugs still exist (lousyphreak)
- Compiled SDK 3.41, the modified code is available in the archive (Magicseb)
Note: To compile 3.41 in ps3main.cpp must be replaced by CellPadInfo CellPadInfo2 and CellPadGetInfo by cellPadGetInfo2.
To use ScummVM, copy the file in your directory and use homebrew Gaia Manager to launch.
Scummvm build GX 04
Official site: http://github.com/lousyphreak/scummvm-ps3
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October 28th, 2010, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2187
MagicSeb compiled a new version of ScummVM port covered by Lousyphreak PS3.
New / fixed:
- 99% of the graphics problems are eliminated
- Games tested:
* Monkey Island 1 & 2 (FMTowns Version) function, apart curseurr which is broken
* Monkey Island 3 runs some problems with sound (skipping)
* Day of the Tentacle: works 100%
* The Legend of Kyrandia (CD version) works 100%
* Beneath a Steel Sky (CD and floppies) plant in the intro, but it can be skipper
* Discworld works 100%
Compiled with the SDK version 3.41. The archive contains version for homebrew Gaiai Manager and PKG.
Scummvm build GX 05
Official site: http://github.com/lousyphreak/scummvm-ps3
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October 28th, 2010, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2188
shinhalsafar releases new version of its port of the NES emulator on PS3 fceu.
- Support for 4 players
- Modes support 480p, 720p and 1080p depending on your screen
- Supports 4:3 and 16:10 (the 16:9 will be added later)
- Linear interpolation filters hardware (Bilinear filtering) and Point filtering
- Explorer ROM (L3 + R3 during game in return to the browser)
- Support for USB joysticks
New / fixed:
- Added support sram (backup car at the exit fceu, the exit to the menu and normally when holding the power button to turn off the console ...)
- Ability to select a backup during the game via the right analog stick (left or right)
- L2 + R2 returns to the game's shortcut
- Parameter display screen update to how Snes9x. By pressing the Start button on a setting you will give it to its default state. Parameters using a default value are displayed in green. Those changes appear in red. The text describing the parameters to the left is now yellow. There is a global setting to turn over all the default settings.
- It is now possible to read and save from a configuration file named fceu.conf. This is part of the general framework used now. Currently the parameters 'PS3Smooth' and 'PS3KeepAspect' are present and the type of controller. The next step is to save the backup path (SRAM, ROM directory, etc.).
- Fixed the use of management on the right analog stick in the settings menu.
Note: The archive contains the packages for PS3 firmware 3.41 and below.
NES Emulator fceu PS3 v1.2
Official site: https: / / code.google.com/p/fceu-ps3 /
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October 28th, 2010, 13:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2191
Due to scheduled maintenance, the PlayStation Network will be unavailable from Thursday, October 28, 2010, at 17 am at Friday, October 29, at 1 pm 30.
During maintenance, the following services will be unavailable:
PlayStation Store on PS3, PSP and PC.
PlayStation Network account management.
PlayStation Network account registration.
You can not connect to the PlayStation Network from eu.playstation.com. During this maintenance, you can continue to collect trophies from games. These will be updated in your profile as soon as the PlayStation Network has been reactivated
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October 29th, 2010, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
The rumour pot is boiling over this week. Today it's being reported that the PSP2 will rival Xbox 360 in processing grunt, and ditch the UMD drive.
That's according to Kotaku, who says "sources" have "verified" whispers that the true sequel to PSP will mark the end of the UMD drive, following in the footsteps of the slim and slender PSPgo. One source says that users will be able to store games on memory sticks, while it's also said that Sony is still mulling over its options for media storage.
The PSPgo currently on sale uses a combination of a Memory Stick port and a 16GB internal flash drive for storage, on which several PSP titles can be stored.
But more storage may be needed for PSP2's games because, according to the report, the new portable will be vastly more powerful than the current handheld, capable of rivaling Xbox 360 in processing power.
Although exact specs remain unknown, the report claims Sony's packing 1GB of RAM in the PSP2 - twice that of the Xbox 360, and dwarfing the 64MB of RAM in the current PSP.
Yesterday, 'first pictures' of an actual PSP Phone hit the net - a 1GHz CPU-powered Ericsson with an Android OS and slide-out PSP controls with a central touch-sensitive panel.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
The upcoming God of War: Ghost of Sparta on PSP will feature a number of cool (and some quirky) skins to change the look of Kratos as he smashes skulls for fun.
Sony has released a bunch of new shots showing off the skins you'll unlock in the game. It's also put out the first ever in-game shot of Daimos in God of War 3 - a skin you'll only be able to unlock in the PS3 game if you buy Ghost of Sparta.
It's out in UK on November 5, and we've rounded up all the reviews out there for you, because we're nice like that.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster

Hate moving your body? Sony's been selling a 320GB PS3 bundled with a Move controller, PlayStation Eye, and Sports Champions for $400, but for you layabouts the 320GB model will soon be available all by itself. The steep $350 pricetag underlines how strongly Sony is subsidizing its Move paraphernalia -- are you really sure the opportunity to get off the couch isn't worth $50 to you? -- but at least it's nice to have the option. Compared to the $300 160GB it makes more sense: $50 for double the storage. Sony says the console is shipping the new standalone SKU to stores as we speak, so keep an eye out for shelves straining under the sheer weight of gigabytes at your local retailer over the next few days.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
The Killzone 3 site unveiled the game's $130 "Helghast Edition," which only makes Killzone's perceived status as Sony's Halo equivalent more pronounced. For example, Halo 3's "Legendary Edition" included a miniature Spartan helmet, and Killzone 3's Helghast Edition includes -- surprise -- a miniature Helghast helmet.
The helmet "opens to reveal art book, Super Voucher and Killzone 3 game." That "Super Voucher" grants access to a soundtrack, a dynamic theme, a Retro Map Pack of two Killzone 2 maps, and full weapon and ability access and double XP for the first 24 hours of multiplayer. In addition to all that, there's an even smaller Helghast in the package -- a 6.5-inch "Cloaking Helghast" figure.
Notably absent from the package: "Helghast goggles," the "Blood and Thunder" pack, or a gift card, as revealed on the Killzone 3 site last week. Either that stuff is reserved for a European special edition, or it was merely placeholder text.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has launched the beta version of a new PSN feature today, the PlayStation Rewards scheme. The program will reward loyal PlayStation users with avatars, XMB themes and exclusive offers.
Announced on the PlayStation Blog, the scheme is intended to incentivise the use of the PlayStation 3 to play games and stream content, although other activities such as participation in Sony surveys will also be rewarded. One of the prizes mentioned in the post is an all expenses paid trip to the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show as a guest of Sony.
"PlayStation's most important asset is its loyal fans and PlayStation Rewards gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for their amazing passion and desire to continually evolve the gaming world," said senior director of PSN Susan Panico.
"We can't thank our fans enough for the feedback they have given us over the years and look forward to even more dialogue to help us evolve PlayStation Rewards to make it the best possible loyalty program it can be."
Participation will see users rise through three separate ranks: Select, Pro and Legendary, with an associated increase in the level of reward. Beta invites have been issued to eligible PSN+ and Gamer Advisory Panel members, with the scheme due to open up to all PSN users, including those using a PSP, soon.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
A comprehensive update hits the PC version of EA's FPS Battlefield: Bad Company 2 tomorrow, the publisher has announced.
The patch takes into account requests posted in the 'My biggest issues' thread of the game's official forum. Alas, "Girls don't want to go out with me" isn't addressed but a bunch of other important stuff is.
The full list – posted below – includes bug fixes, weapon tweaks and stat revamps.
The update means that the game's servers will be down on Friday between 6.00am and 10.00am GMT, so no breakfast headshots tomorrow.
There's no word on whether the update will be applied to console versions at any point in the future.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 came out on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 back in March. Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead gave it an impressive 9/10.
All Weapons Bronze Insignia requiring an unobtainable bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.
Improved Hit registration made through several fixes and some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns.
Blue box chat window removed.
The 2 second immunity when spawning/being revived will now be immediately removed either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). A Spawning Player can still orient passively in the Game World.
3D vision fixed.
Fixed slug shotgun zoom crosshair on PC so they better represent the long range accuracy. Crosshairs now close more on PC, similar to consoles.
Reduced slug shotgun hip accuracy to require zooming for consistent long range accuracy. Hip accuracy is now on par with the semi automatic weapons.
Fixed a bug on PC where the G3 would do less damage than intended.
Fixed VADS turning sensitivity on PC so it performs like the ZU23.
Reduced VADS push back and damage to balance it with the ZU23.
Fixed a bug where vehicle countermeasures would fail to remove tracer darts at high speed.
Reduced the reload time for vehicle countermeasures.
Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor.
Increased the AT4's top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing.
Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons.
Reduced the splash damage of the Carl Gustav to bring it in line with other explosive weapons. The Carl Gustav still has the most splash damage of all AT weapons.
Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.
Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.
Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%.
Fixed an C4 vs MCOM exploit on Atacama Desert.
Fixed a bug with FOV when aiming the M1911.
Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.
Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.
Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.
Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMG's.
Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons
Slightly increased the damage of the UH60.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP2 will have no UMD drive and will feature processing power roughly equivalent to an Xbox 360, according to sources close to Sony.
Kotaku has reported that trusted sources confirmed that the PSP successor will ditch the UMD format and follow the PSPgo's digital-only delivery model. Sony is apparently still deciding on whether the content will be stored on internal memory or on a USB or SD device.
Sources also told the site that Sony's new handheld will boast 1GB of RAM – nearly twice that of the Xbox 360.
Reports earlier this year stated that the portable will have a touch-sensitive control pad on the rear of the device, two cameras and dual analogue sticks.
It's turning into quite the week for Sony hardware leaks, what with this and the PlayStation Phone brouhaha.
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October 29th, 2010, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Peter Dille -- Sony's Senior Vice President of marketing at SCEA -- sat down for a "fireside chat" with CNN, and made some interesting comments regarding the PlayStation Phone. Despite kinda / sorta sticking to the company's policy of refusing to discuss rumors, Dille allegedly said that the lack of a cellular data component in current PSP devices could be holding the line back. "The PSP is a Wi-Fi device," he said. "People are used to having always-connected devices." Dille also noted that current smartphone platforms don't give users a hardcore experience, instead providing "Time-killers," which "gamers aren't satisfied with."
While the CNN article certainly includes some healthy speculation, Dille (and a company spokeswoman who told the publication that Sony "has relationships with Google") was pretty talkative when it came to the PSP and more specifically the PlayStation Network. Apparently, Dille alluded to the fact that the current PSP doesn't fulfill Sony's goal for creating a content delivery hub that's always accessible, saying "I don't think we fully realize that vision with a Wi-Fi device... If it's not connected [to a cell network] then it does sort of limit people." Of course, we're not taking this as any kind of confirmation from the company, but Sony seems awfully talkative about a device that they won't comment on.
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October 29th, 2010, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster

A bumper crop of circumstantial evidence surrounding the Android-based PlayStation Phone is starting to come together today -- when it rains, it pours, as they say -- and one particularly interesting thread suggests that the ecosystem surrounding the device might be called "Z-System." An astute tipster notes that the term appears in the upper left of one of our shots, which maps to a domain -- z-system.com, naturally -- that's owned by Sony Ericsson. Turns out the company also holds trademarks for Z-System in the US and Benelux trademark offices (among others, presumably) that were filed (and approved) this year, and the filing category includes "software for interacting or playing with electronic or video games," not hardware, so that strongly suggests we're looking at a platform here. We suppose it's possible that this specific device will be called Z-System, but we're going to float the theory that its actually underlying gaming platform that'll bear that name -- possibly a premium game store and set of software libraries that together will earn a device the Z-System badge. As we already saw with the BlackPad / SurfBook / PlayBook fiasco, trademarks don't mean much until a device is actually announced -- but it's something to keep an eye on.
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October 29th, 2010, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster
Way of the Samurai 3's North American release was handled in an unorthodox manner, with Agetec publishing on PS3 and UFO Interactive publishing on Xbox 360. That may not be an issue with the newly-announced fourth entry in Acquire's free-roaming samurai action series, because it's been revealed as a PS3 exclusive. Of course, the Xbox 360 port followed the PS3 version in Japan by four months, so Xbox players may still see the way.
According to Siliconera, the exclusivity was announced in a Famitsu article, which also offered some details about gameplay. You'll be able to choose your samurai's age, and then, through actions, choose to align them with one of three feuding groups. You'll also have more available actions within event scenes. Of course, during the gameplay scenes you'll always have the "slash" action.
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October 30th, 2010, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 already has its fair share of impressive exclusive titles.
Blockbuster games such as Uncharted 2, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 3 have set the bar pretty high for upcoming titles.
Fortunately the lineup is looking very strong indeed. Over the next few days we'll be counting down 42 of the most anticipated upcoming PS3 exclusives.
42. Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Need more emo boys hitting each other with big swords and making moody comments in your life? You'll love this.
41. The Sly Collection: Sucker Punch's three PS2 Sly Cooper platformers on one Blu-ray, uprated to HD (and Honor Among Thieves gets full 3D). Bargain.
40. Yazuka: The End: Who plays ping-pong during a zombie apocalypse? Yakuza, that's who. Robot arms, ball-gags, karaoke, braineating...it's all here.
39. Horizon: Due 'sooner than you think,' expect sci-fi in the Heavy Rain engine about a once-captive man and a repressed woman. Will be incredible.
38. Dynasty Warriors 7: Its 'dynasty' stretches back a decade, which is a lot of hacking and slashing by anyone's count.
37. Prince of Persia Collection: Sands Of Time, Warrior Within and Two Thrones - all together, in HD, and exclusive to PS3. All three games are still great.
36. Starhawk: Lightbox Interactive's new direction for its popular tactical multi-player battler Warhawk takes it right into space. And that's all we know.
35. Disgaea 4: This Insanely deep tactical RPG series is finally embracing HD and ditching old-school stylings for something more hi-res. Mad and beautiful.
34. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath: In this HD remake you play as a bounty hunter who uses live animals as ammo for his weapons. Imaginative, funny.
33. Ape Escape Fury Fury: First-person, on rails, Move-controlled monkey catching action. Looks bonkers, but should be a solid party game.
32. No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise: Suda 51's stylish brawler is coming to PS3 and adds PlayStation Move support for Travis Touchdown's lightsaber.
31. Dead Nation: This top-down PSN zombie apocalypse shooter offers co-op play for four undead hunters. It's out soon, so keep an eye on the Store.
30. Virtua Tennis 4: Roger Federer and his licensed tennis chums smashing each other round the court. Move compatible and supports 3D for rich folk.
29. Time Crisis: Razing Storm: Light-gun (now Move) shooter returns as terrorists and mercs join forces to attack the USA from behind a series of boxes.
28. Sorcery: This Move compatible wizarding game impressed at E3, but has since gone quiet. Live out Gandalf fantasies next year. "You shall not pass" etc.
27. The Fight: Lights Out: Probe the gritty, underground world of bare-knuckle boxing with your Move controller and Eye camera. They won't laugh.
26. Echochrome 2: Boldly colourful, pleasingly surreal PlayStation Eye / Move controlled puzzler that you control merely with light and shadow.
25. Singstar: Hoping to ape the success of Just Dance on Wii, Sony are bringing Move-friendly Singstar Dance to PS3. Expect energetic pop.
24. Explodemon: This platformer is part Bomberman, part Mega Man. Our hero, who looks a bit like a tiny Iron Man, can explode to jump obstacles and kill foes.
23. Agent: It's the 1970s and you're travelling the world slotting people in a shadowy world of espionage. Rockstar's latest is quiet, but it's still coming.
22. Socom 4: This Move-controlled squad shooter offers a more serious brand of war for those with a wand, but not fancying Killzone 3. If 'they' exist.
21. Heroes on the Move: In a nutshell: Move-controlled, co-op platforming action featuring Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper. Ace.
20. Yakuza 4: Yakuza 4 was built in less than a year from Y3's engine. A new structure with four lead characters promises much, but story will still be king.
19. Twisted Metal: Post-apocalyptic 16-player car combat from what's apparently PlayStation's longest running franchise. By David 'God Of War' Jaffe.
18. DC Universe: Action-based MMO with the heroes and villains of, yes, DC comics. Don't fancy Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman? Make your own hero.
17. Final Fantasy XIV: With a flexible job system, this MMORPG lets you customise your characters without a traditional experience points set-up.
16. The Agency: Online class-based RPG that ditches witches for spies. Think gadgetry, glamour - airships, oil rigs, mansions and islands.
Check back tomorrow to see part two of the countdown where we'll be taking a much deeper look at a few more of the hottest upcoming PS3 exclusives.
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October 30th, 2010, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Global sales of PlayStation 3 aren't far off those of Xbox 360. And Sony is gaining on Microsoft.
The latest numbers (based on sales up to 30th September 2010) show the rival consoles only five million units apart: 39.2 million PlayStation 3s to 44.6 million Xbox 360s.
But globally PlayStation is selling faster: Sony recorded 3.5 million PS3 sales from the start of July to the end of September whereas Microsoft reported 2.8 million Xbox 360 sales.
PS3 launched a year after the Xbox 360 in the US, and even later in Europe. And while Microsoft may enjoy a current lead in the US hardware charts, on the other side of the world the PS3 reigns supreme - the Japanese barely register the Xbox 360.
The battle of this autumn's motion sensors Move (PS3) and Kinect (Xbox 360) may prove decisive. Sony's just-released money report said both PS3 hardware and software "benefited" from the mid-September (US, Europe) arrival of PlayStation Move. The numbers back this up: between January and March 2.2 million PlayStation 3 console were sold; between April and June 2.4 million were sold; and between July and September 3.5 million were sold.
Sony has billed PlayStation Move as a slow-burner whereas Microsoft is going for a big-splash entry with Kinect next month. If what Sony said about Move demand outstripping manufacturing in the US is true, we may have a proper Tortoise and the Hare-style battle ahead.
Sony noted an $85 million profit (operating income) today for the Networked Product and Services division that houses PlayStation. During the same July-September period last year, that number was a frown: a loss of $731 million. Sony picked out the "strong performance" of PS3 and its "significant hardware cost reductions and higher sales" as a major reason why things improved.
Sony's other machines - the PS2 and PSP - were bought 1.5 million times apiece during those three months. But it's Sony's old PS2 that has the yearly edge, having shifted 4.8 million consoles since January compared to PSP's 4.1 million.
Around the world, 35.3 million PlayStation 3 games were bought between July and the end of September. PSP game sales dipped to 11 million and PS2 game sales halved to 5.6 million.
Sony reckons that by March 2011, PS3 will have sold 15 million consoles, PSP 8 million and PS2 6 million. Sony's financial year starts in April; with half of it gone the PlayStation 3 count stands at 5.9 million - only 9.1 million to go!
Can Sony do it? Well, between October and the end of December 2009, Sony sold 6.5 million PS3s. A similar performance this Christmas would leave only 2.6 million to sell early next year.
Sony's total company take for the three months ending 30th September was $20.9 billion. That breaks down into Consumer, Professional & Devices ($10.7 billion), Networked Products and Services ($4.4 billion), Financial Services ($2.7 billion), Sony Pictures ($1.7 billion) and Sony Music ($1.3 billion). Doesn't quite add up, but I've rounded a couple of numbers because this isn't a maths exam.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Phone (or Zeus if you're in denial) looks a lot like the PSPGo, except for the fact that the analogue stick has been replaced with a strip of touch-pad and, obviously, it has the necessary phoney bits at either end.
Spec-wise it's going to be packing a 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8655, 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and a screen between 3.7 and 4.1 inches.
We also 'know' it's going to be running on Android, which means it should be a lot more customisable and flexible than an Apple product, for example.
Of course, all this comes from various sources, insiders and crystal balls - even the pictures we've seen have been labelled as prototypes. So, really, we don't know anything for certain, but at least we'll have some idea of how likely this wish-list is.
Here are just some of the things that would make us pick up a PlayStation Phone on day one. Don't forget to throw your 'must haves' into the hat into the hat as well.
So far there's been minimal talk about what kind of games we can actually expect on the PlayStation Phone - In fact, there's been minimal talk, full stop. We have heard, however, that we won't be seeing downloadable PSP games as such, but games made specially for the phone itself.
We say that's a load of old pickle juice. If this is going to be a PlayStation Phone it needs to knock the buttons off its rivals in terms of gaming. We don't expect it to become as hardcore as a handheld console - we're still hoping for a PSP2 to cover that - what would open our wallets, however, is PlayStation classics in our pocket.
That's proper games, not gimmicky addictions, that not only have quality gameplay at the core (even if they don't have the modern day polish) but a nice jolt of nostalgia to boot.
Whatever strategy Sony takes games wise with the phone, we just hope it won't suffer in the software department like the PSP has. Great, inventive developers need to be enthused and snatched up for the PS Phone if it's going to even have a chance of success with us gamers.
Is anyone else a little bit worried about that touch pad? We're petrified. Touch pads don't have anywhere near the tactile feedback and subtle control capabilities as a couple of analogue sticks.
We do realise, however, that two Sixaxis style sticks wouldn't work on a slide phone - although we think we could come up with a pretty decent pop-up mechanism for two analogue sticks, given a bit of cash and a design team.
Unless Sony's got some super feely tech going on though, we need something better than a touch-pad, which can be annoying enough when moving a mouse on a laptop, never mind trying to control a half decent action adventure game.
At the very least we think the PlayStation Phone needs to have some way of incorporating two PSP style analogue sticks. We know they aren't the best in the world, but they're a necessary trade-off for compact control. One isn't enough on the PSP but give us two and we'd take it over that touch-sensitive strip any day.
Ok, this sounds like a bit of a contradiction considering our last two requests but the PlayStation Phone does need some touch screen capabilities. From a function perspective alone this one's a dead cert.
It doesn't have any numbers on it, that's the problem. The keyboard then, for SMS messaging and dialling numbers (it's a phone as well remember) has to be an adaptable on-screen interface as with the iPhone. Unless Sony is going to make us scroll through the alphabet using the D-pad... Wait, Sony wouldn't make us do that would it?
And we know we said the PlayStation Phone should go beyond app gaming but that doesn't mean it can't cater for the little blighters at all. We're fans of games like Cut The Rope and Angry Birds and they work best with a bit of finger control.
Besides, they're so successful both in terms of printing money and critical acclaim that it would be mad for Sony not to try and get in on the market. We might be hardcore gamers, but we have a 'come one come all' mentality as long as the core remain well fed.
The touch screen can't be a makeshift thing though, Apple pretty much managed to take it to the next level and Sony need to match it. Remember, the PlayStation Phone has to allow people to browse the net, type and navigate its features with ease as well as providing great game content.
For the love of everything that's holy Sony, when can we get Trophies on the PSP? Wait, on second thoughts, scrap that, it's too late now. Just put Trophies straight on the PlayStation Phone. It's the perfect device for it.
We're assuming that the device will have both wireless and 3G connectivity so being fully integrated with friends in both a social and gaming level is crucial as well. Just like on the PS3 we want to be able to see friends' profiles, what they're playing and compare stats and Trophies. Basically the PS Phone needs a proper online gaming platform.
We want full integration with the PSP and PS3 as well, since we've already got remote access between handheld and main console. Most of all though we want to be able to play games with friends over wi-fi and, since this is a phone, the cross-game chat we've been after for so long would be nice.
If the iPhone 4 can do almost perfect video calling over wifi, we don't see why the PlayStation Phone couldn't do the same with multiplayer games. Face Time is free as well Sony. Just pointing that out.
PS3 doesn't do too badly when it comes to non-gaming media. It's got a great iPlayer app and VidZone for starters. Our mates over in the US have got NetFlix for films and we should be getting MUBI any minute now and LoveFilm by the end of the year, which will turn the PS3 into a home download and rental cinema.
It's simple; whack all that on the PlayStation Phone as well and you've got yourself a little bundle bursting with media. While you're at it, Sony, start striking up as many deals as you can to make the PlayStation Phone the most connected device when it comes to on demand media. We'd love a bit of 4oD and Spotify for example.
The pictures we've seen so far have been dubbed prototypes so we're not worried yet but, at the moment, the PlayStation Phone isn't much of a looker. It's basically a bog standard phone slid over the top of a very basic looking PSPGo controller and in an age where phones are supposed to look like executive space ships, Sony are going to have to do better.
We're not expecting the stainless-steel, glass covered black magic that is the iPhone 4 - Apple seem to have a monopoly on shiny style at the moment if nothing else - but Sony aren't exactly design dummies.
Like we say, the pictures so far are prototypes so there's reason to be hopeful that a makeover is in the works. First impressions are everything though, especially since phones have become something of a status symbol recently. Sony are going to have to think superficial for a second and wow us first time.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that it will be bringing curious post-apocalyptic survival game, Tokyo Jungle, to Europe's PlayStation Network.
First announced at Tokyo Game Show last month, the game sees you picking an animal and then doing your best to make sure it survives on the mean streets of a deserted, decimated Tokyo.
What this essentially amounts to is an opportunity to set various animals against each other in a series of ludicrous battles. Elephant vs porcupine, ostrich vs chicken, elephant vs monkey... take your pick.
No concrete information yet on how this will translate in gameplay terms but check out the launch trailer below for a few more clues.
Tokyo Jungle will launch on PlayStation Network some time in 2011.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:44 Posted By: wraggster

We've gotten our hands on some more images of the PlayStation Phone, and gleaned a few more juicy details about the handset. Firstly, as you can see in the photos, the model in question does indeed seem to be codenamed "Zeus" (as we reported on the 27th). Furthermore, the handset pictured is running Android 2.2, though apparently there are multiple devices out there with different versions on board (including at least one packed with Android 3.0). Based on what we know, there's little chance the phone will launch with Froyo -- but it's clear these have been worked on for some time with various versions of the OS.
The device appears to have an 8GB microSD card slotted, and at least 512MB of internal storage (though we're hoping it's the 1GB we've heard would be present). As you can see from the pictures in the gallery below, the device isn't exactly thin -- we surmise that the handset is around 17mm thick, or slightly thicker than HTC's Touch Pro 2 (and funnily enough, about the same as the PSPgo). From a design standpoint, the device seems to have more in common with BlackBerry handsets than previous Sony Ericsson phones; that smoky chrome bezel which surrounds the device is definitely giving us Torch flashbacks. As always, we're hard at work digging up more info on the phone
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October 31st, 2010, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Earnings calls aren't usually that interesting, and that's doubly true when trying to listen via official translators. Still, we couldn't help but give an ear to Sony's fiscals, and sure enough, someone asked about our (still real) PlayStation Phone leak. We're not sure who answered since it's through interpreter, either Executive VP / CFO Masaru Kato or Senior General Manager of Investor Relations Division Gen Tsuchikawa (we're assuming the former).
Citing the aforementioned device, the curious party asked if such a product would come out of Sony or of Sony Ericsson, and no, it wasn't a complete denial. Instead, we're told just how such a device would happen, that a gaming phone would be planned and prototyped under the (recently restructured) Network Services umbrella. We're also told how SCE's move to Sony City headquarters now puts them closer to the planning and engineering group, meaning the company "can better incorporate all these capabilities better... so when the timing is right we can probably announce to you the new product we have." Ericsson is later cited as a resource "on smartphone and for the games devices," although this might be something peculiar with translation. Again, that's far from a confirmation, but they're certainly entertaining the notion in a very, very detailed response.
But that's not all; there's also apparently a tablet brewing in the background, one that would obviously fall somewhere in between PC and Sony Ericsson's efforts.
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October 31st, 2010, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation blog has posted a featurette on Sackbots, which are little AI versions of LittleBigPlanet 2's Sackboy (or girl). Sackbots allow you to add a lot more movement and intelligence to characters in LBP2's levels -- you can set them up to follow Sackboy around, interact with the environment, or, as the video shows, teach them to dance.
And honestly, we're a little bit more excited about that last option. Yeah, it's nice to set up Lemmings-style puzzles or command an army of cute little blockheaded robots. But sometimes you just need backup for a dance party.
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October 31st, 2010, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
From Software currently has no plans to start work on a sequel to its critically acclaimed PlayStation 3 action RPG Demon's Souls, producer Takeshi Kajii has revealed.
Kajii told The Guardian, "At the moment, my answer is 'no sequel!'"
Dry your eyes though – he wouldn't rule out the prospect of revisiting the franchise at some point in the future.
"We have been encouraged by all the players, and this title is so well supported, and besides we like this title so much... Well, this is my own feeling, but I think one day we could bring you another Demon's Souls."
Demon's Souls was granted a belated European PlayStation 3 release earlier this year after terrorising Japanese and US gamers with its brutal, brilliant gameplay.
Eurogamer's Keza MacDonald dubbed it "deep, intriguingly disturbed and perversely rewarding," awarding it 9/10.
In other news, last week a resourceful Japanese gamer figured out a way of beating the game in under an hour. Elsewhere in the interview, director Hidetaka Miyazaki explained that it didn't bother him that gamers were using exploits.
"It was not intentional, and if we had discovered it during development we would have corrected it. However, now that some remain in the final game, I think that these exploits have become part of its flavour.
"Of course, this will be taken in consideration for future versions, especially those instances which are not exploits but bugs that prove to be a disadvantage for the players."
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October 31st, 2010, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/

Don’t Get Crushed is a PS3 port/remake of my previously released Wii game of the same name.
Use the left analog stick to move the grey ball left or right and avoid the other balls as they bounce across the screen. If you get crushed under one of the bouncing balls then its game over and your score is reset to zero. Your high score is automatically saved to your hard drive.
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October 31st, 2010, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.wordpress.com/20...%e2%80%93-ps3/
Another updated version of Cubicle Shooter.
As an added bonus having this installed will allow the text (including your score and high score) to load and be correctly displayed on screen for Dont Get Crushed v0.1.
Notable changes:
Improved textures for enemies.
Enemies are now animated.
Enemies die when shot.
Enemies are infinitely re-spawning.
There is now a textured and deformable ground (this differs from the destructible walls and is instead more reminiscent of the ground deformation in fracture)
The debug text has been replaced with larger and more legible sprite based text
The rate of fire has been doubled
The maximum number of cuboids that walls can be sub divided into has been doubled
Game saving and loading has once again been updated to reflect the changes
The games performance has gotten both better and worse. The load time is significantly longer (this is largely to blame on the textures) and the starting frame rate is lower (the ground layer is mostly to blame for this). But on the upside I have gotten things running more efficiently especially the destructible walls and the frame rate doesn’t take that harsh drop around the 2700 cuboid mark anymore. so you can break apart the walls more now before the frame rate becomes unbearable.
Move – Left analog stick
Aim – Right analog stick
Shooter – R1
Jump – X
Save – Select
Load – Start
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October 31st, 2010, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
New special offer from Play Asia

More than 65 of the NBA's top superstar athletes come to life as the NBA Ballers franchise continues its legacy as the graphical leader in the sports videogame industry.
With an optimized next-gen graphics engine, NBA Ballers: Chosen One will continue to set the bar for graphic quality, with the most true-to-life athlete likenesses seen in a sports video game. NBA Ballers: Chosen One will put players up-close and into the action with new "action movie" style game cameras that highlight every move.
Create-a-Baller and take on the challenge of the epic "Chosen One Tournament", brought to you live from the most exotic courts around the world.
As you progress through the game, earn the right to use an NBA star's "Shut 'Em Down" Super Move or take your Baller online to test your playing skills against others.
Warm up and slam dunk. NBA Ballers: Chosen One is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 9.90 only. The US PlayStation3™ version is completely region free.
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October 31st, 2010, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://pcsx2.net/
I finally got around updating the now (huge) configuration guide for the new beta version of PCSX2 v0.9.7!
You can read it here: http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Official-...ide-v0-9-7
As usual, we would love to have as many translations as possible, so if you are up to it, please apply here.
We also revamped our video section with 11 new gameplay videos using 0.9.7 courtesy of yours truly, Shadow Lady, Rudy_X and rama. The downloads are available via torrents (click the download button on the right) which you can grab from our videos section here. As usual please help us seed as much as possible!
We will also consider accepting user created videos to host them on our torrent tracker in the future
That's all for now!
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October 31st, 2010, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
The only active Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP has been updated once more, heres whats new:
Revision 587
[+] Auto frame skip is now working (Skips a maximum of every other frame)
[!] Fixed OOT shifted graphics while still showing the missing Heart and other HUD graphics.
[+] Added some additional debug info on vertices's (both transformed and projected info)
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October 31st, 2010, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2215
Robo Hobo releases new PS3 version of multi-system emulator for emulation Mednafen consoles NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Master System, Game Gear, PC Engine, PC-Engine CD Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket, and WonderSwan.
New / fixed:
R31 - Fixed problems with file explorer
R32 - Viewing log when Mednafen can not upload a game At the moment this log is not really understandable.
R33 - The Dpad is used now as the left stick.
R34 - Cleaning the display favorites (bookmark)
Mednafen PS3 R34
Official site: http://code.google.com/p/mednafen-ps3/
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October 31st, 2010, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2198
Brewology proposes a new version of its Java application online to install the latest homebrew / Games / Emulators directly to your PS3.
Operating via a Java applet (and therefore compatible with numerous platform for Internet browsing), you just have to install an FTP server on your PS3 will install homebrew of your choice.
- Multi platform (Windows, Linux, OS X) by using a Java applet.
- Downloaded directly to your PS3
New / fixed:
- Search for updates of the game by name (the database is updated as and when visitors are looking for new games)
- Bug fixes - UI / Error Handling
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October 31st, 2010, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from dspsp

I released it because i dont program in lua either!
Changed to C ;=)
Copy the folder "Ballshot_v0.1" to ms0:/PSP/GAME/
Have fun !!!
Right: Right D-Pad or R
Left: Left D-Pad or L
-Added batterybar
-Added shot.mp3
-Added Cheat Console (Cheatcodes: 5,10,leave)
-Code fixes
To do:
-better levelphysics
-maybe design settings
-maybe other enemys
-If you set your highscore 0,press circle to activate Quit! then again on "Play" and your highscore set to 0 ;D
No bugs anymore,only the stuff wich is not coded yet!
All models, music, pictures credits are given to their original owners, I do not claim I made them
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