June 1st, 2011, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2792
While the PlayStation Store is not yet returned, behold, the new hacker uttering threats against Sony. A hacker by the name of LulzSec who participated in the hack of Sony BMG announces another "Sony operation" is being prepared and announced that it is the beginning of the end for Sony.
A twit even announces the start of operations for a few days to show the world what they can do. It only remains to hope that Sony has a well protected system.
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June 1st, 2011, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2793
Ago about a year came out the Eagle Eye: PS3 compatible USB adapter for connecting mouse and keyboard of his choice black monolith from Sony.
Today, with advances in hacker-level encryption of the console, a new alternative is more or less free to emerge as a program by passing a PC to a controller that currently the Sixaxis.Bien new firmware 3.61 and some games still resist hackers and their famous custom firmware, the breach opened by GeoHot few months ago no longer just playing games illegally, but to unlock some features of the console, or adapt some nice features.
What's better than the duo Keyboard + Mouse to gain an advantage in FPS? A question was probably asked the hacker Matlo which now offers a sort of emulator to control the PS3 with keyboard and mouse (but also any other device) to your PC.
Currently, the program requires some skill to operate properly, the first restriction is that you need a PC running a Debian distribution of Linux.
One other restriction is that you need a hand, a Sixaxis controller (so far so good), but also a key Bluetooth and not just any, a key with a Bluetooth address changed.
Small problem here for the less experienced, Matlo has so far not provided a list of compatible dongles and offering this option, not even announced what was his model.
Regarding the functioning of the hack, the emulator allows you to copy the address of the PS3 to refer to the USB dongle in order to fool the PS3 into thinking that the information received from the controller (so that they come from the dongle connected to PC)
At this stage, a full setup key is proposed in order to associate each button on the joystick to those of your PC peripherals.
For now still in development, the program is not 100% smooth or complete and it will take several weeks to see everything finalized, and why not a Windows or Mac and a list of compatible Bluetooth dongles.
Since all PC devices are theoretically compatible with the program, we should soon see the arrival on YouTube the ultimate snub to Sony players have fun by showing their favorite game on PS3, Xbox 360 controller in hand.
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June 1st, 2011, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2794
A team on behalf of Duplex has launched a patch on the canvas pkg format for the PS3 game Hunted Demon's Forge, role play and adventure which will be officially released tomorrow in the U.S. and June 3 in France. This new game is encrypted with the keys of the new firmware 3.61 from Sony but this patch allows the CFW 3.41/3.55 Started!
DUPLEX indicates the team having the keys NPDRM new firmware 3.61 for the PS3, that, and if that's the case, represents a major advance for the underground PS3. Such a feat could help launch the new games require firmware 3.60/3.61 but also to advance research into new CFW 3.60 or more ... of course without exaggeration, in all cases, this information is to be taken lightly and until something more concrete, just wait & see.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx-re...vn-r67247.html
PCSX Reloaded SVN r67247 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Ape Escape.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster

News via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/06/01/p...s-compo-entry/
Developer Chus from Team Mex joins the PSP Genesis competition with a nice game for your brain. The concept is simple (really like a simple puzzle), but the implementation is excellent: nice menus, nice graphics, nice music, controls are good, and the game adds achievements to keep you going.
This one will fit nicely in your Homebrew library.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:51 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo 64 Emulator For PSP has seen yet another update, heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 712
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 289 - Salvy
[-] Removed EasyMessage lib (was causing high usage of memory and thus crashing phats when pressing home)
[+] Implemented new dialog lib (WIP!!!!)
[-] Removed debug options which aren't longer needed.
Rev 290 - Salvy
[!] More work to new dialogs
Rev 291 - Salvy
[!] Wait until all buttons are released when showing a dialog
[~] Added exit dialog to CoverFlow GUI
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June 1st, 2011, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4347
New update and this time version change for the CF ME 6:39
The scale of the new CF ME 6:39 made by the developer neur0n still coming in a short time the current version 3 . The new release of CF exclusively for PSP FAT and SLIM except for the infamous TA-088v3 (DATE CODE 8C or above) is used mainly to add some "new" functions to the CF. In particular, the ResetVSH VSH Menu, the option to skip the Sony logo and the option that lets you change the battery via software (for consoles that allow it) avviante making cars.
Following further information from the changelog to the mini-guide for installation.
[Additional Information: ChangeLog, test installation, features]
.: Changelog:.
- Added in ResetVSH VSHMenu.
- Skipped sceLogo RecoveryMenu after exit.
- Added "Make AutoBoot Battery" option in RecoveryMenu.
.: Test:.
Test Installation played
From 5.00m33 -> OK
From 5.50GEN-D3 -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 5.50Prometheus -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 6.20TN-D -> OK
From 6.20PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.35PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.20PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.35PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.39PRO-B6 -> OK
. Installation:.
- It 's necessary to have a CFW on your PSP or HEN (based on test compatibility)
- Copy the UPDATE folder into PSP / GAME
- Copy the FW 6:39, renamed 639.PBP in the UPDATE folder
- Start the application from the XMB
.: Features:.
- When you press R while turning on the console, you will enter the Recovery Menu
- When you press the button: HOME while you turn the console, the PSP will launch with the official firmware
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June 1st, 2011, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4346
After PSPTube and GoTube, a new addition to the list of homebrew PSP applications dedicated to streaming video playback. The developer biscottealacrevette (former author of GoTube) released today OpenTube , a new video player for PSP that, unlike the previous player, use the web browser-like GUI and save the cache to Memory Stick. Another notable OpenTube the name implies: the project is completely open-source and in fact in the homebrew Attached you will find not only but also the sources of the same.
More information and a link to download below.
There are problems with displaying videos in 4:3
Cache management is still not optimal
Homebrew tested on CF 5.00M33-6 / 5.50GEN
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June 1st, 2011, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4348
After a long absence from the scene, the developer releases a new version of ne0h Xplora, convenient alternative shell to install on your PSP equipped with CF and will allow us to have a more clear and appropriate for the content of your Memory Stick.
Xplora 2 includes an image viewer, a media player, a text editor, a PMF player, allows you to read ZIP archive, back up your UMD games and easily launch applications, manage plugins, and more. The entire project was completed in the C language to ensure the best performance.
Currently the list of compatibility of the new shell are excluded PSP and PSP Go generally upright CF 6.xx ME . While everything has been successfully tested on CF from 4:01 onwards.
For more information please consult the source (developer blog)
[Additional Information: Functions and download]
.: Features:.
- Desktop
- Image Viewer -> (JPG, BMP and PNG files are supported)
- Music Player -> (MP3 and OGG formats supported)
- Text Editor
- Arc Manager -> (ZIP files are supported)
- PMF Player -> (PMF Every file is supported)
- Homebrew Sorter
- Games & Applications
- UMD Dumper
- Nand Dumper
- Plugins Manager
- Internet & Home Xplora
.: Compatibility:.
SI: x000 PSP with CF 4.01 or higher
NO: PSP with CF 6.xx ME
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June 1st, 2011, 12:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4351
New game to the PSP homebrew proposed by the developer Lauman Genesis Competition. This is PSP Jump, Jump Clone Doodle that we play with our PSP being in a different position than usual, ie vertically.
The purpose of PSP Jump , as the original iPhone, will be to take advantage of the fixed and mobile platforms, and other special devices such as springs and screws and, rising as much as possible in the upper level, so that it totals more and more locations.
The graphics that homebrew is and what a Doodle Jump, then that recalls the colorful children's drawings. The developer has not been spared in creating homebrew because of the possibility of selecting the theme of the game, the increasing difficulty, upload your record online and as a last treat, some features have been developed specifically for owners TiltFX, the accelerometer be able to connect to the console, even if only for the D-TN 6.20
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June 1st, 2011, 22:37 Posted By: HardHat
Time for a battle royale with a bit of online fun.
Post compo version 1.10: http://www.adamcon.org/~dmwick/psp/pspftw2d110.zip (unsigned)
pspftw2d110 signed (and shrinked) http://www.mediafire.com/?nvdtwbv0ttfxcd9
- many improvements to move the frame rate from 25 fps to 75 fps (a much smoother experience)
- should fix the initial "Choose your network" dialog a bit (although it is still flickery for some reason).
- replaced the little squares with animated characters by Trent Gamblin (Modified BSD) to improve the frame rate
- changed the hud from drawn text to graphical (to improve the fps) with graphics from NightStar3
- changed the background to a light color and the text to a dark color to elimainate draws a drop shadow (to improve the fps)
Some screenshots of that version:

look for more hidden here:
PSP FTW is an online game where you use fireballs, collect mana, and visit waypoints to win the game. The twist is that the rules can be changed by the players, who vote on the change.
- Chat online with other players from the lobby
- Join games created by other players
- Create your own game, and have others join
Players take turns to have 30 seconds to propose a new win condition. If you create a new rule, all players vote on it, a majority changes the win condition.
- barriers are bright green.
- players are red, orange and yellow
- waypoints are blue
- mana is dark green and always appears on waypoints
Initially the goal is to collect 3 mana. Shooting a fireball uses up 1 mana, if you have any.
Across the bottom are the stats for all participating players:
M: mana collected
H: hits you've made to another player with a fireball
B: fireballs that you've successfully blocked
W: waypoints touched in the game so far.
I also am willing to release the server with source. It has been tested on Windows, Linux and Mac OS, but I'm unclear from the rules about whether it is allowed to be posted here or not. Currently it connects by default to my server (the Team Sushi PSP FTW! server) which is hosted in the US at http://adamcon.org so if you want to check your ping times you can.
For this version the screen updates only when the server transmits an update, so eventually we will want to have multiple servers with low ping times for different parts of the world. Eventually I will release a version with smoothing, so that that FPS rate is fully used (instead of having the server update 10 times per second with chunky movement on the client side).
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June 1st, 2011, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
New version of popular engine promises to deliver console quality on Sony handheld
Trinigy has made the NGP version of its Vision Game Engine available with immediate effect.
The tech, which its makers have staked a claim to as the first available game engine for NGP, offers a modular architecture, and lets users work with the same tools and workflow they use to develop titles for all other Vision supported platforms and services, such as PS3, Xbox 360, Wii and Windows.
The Vision Game Engine for NGP also includes a wealth of new tailoured features for the Sony handheld that harness its GPU cores, as detailed below.
"With the Vision Game Engine, developing a graphically rich, highly immersive game for NGP is no different than building a game for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, or PC," said Dag Frommhold, managing director at Trinigy.
"Because of the Vision Game Engine’s flexibility, developers can use the same tools environment, the same asset types, the same game code, and many of the same graphical effects, which is an incredible advantage in an environment with so many different development platforms."
As detailed in a statement to the press, key Vision Game Engine for NGP features include:
• Familiar editing environment and toolset – access the same tools, the same asset types, the same game code and many of the same graphics effects across all supported platforms
• Optimised character skinning system for NGP – allows for efficient rendering of detailed characters with very high polygon and bone counts
• Full support for cross-platform and platform-specific texture formats – offers a straightforward workflow and easy porting of existing content, while providing high-loading performance and platform-specific content optimisations, where required
• Multithreading system – takes full advantage of NGP’s CPU cores for animations, mesh deformation, particle simulation, physics, visibility determination, and more
• Highly efficient rendering – efficient rendering system minimises CPU load
• Optimised shader/shader constant handling – includes full cross-platform compatibility
• Comprehensive support for NGP’s user interface – includes multi-touch as well as support for dual analog sticks
• Fully featured graphics technology – includes normal/parallax maps, specular maps, dynamic lighting, post-processing effects and more
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June 1st, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
E3 is, unfortunately for most of you, an industry-only event, but Sony seems to be making every effort to bring the show to you.
The platform holder has confirmed that it will stream its entire press conference via a "special screening room within PlayStation Home".
As Sony explains: "The press conference, which will be the first ever live streaming press event in PlayStation Home, will show Jack Tretton, President and CEO of SCEA, on stage as he unveils exclusive, never-before-seen footage of new titles across Sony Computer Entertainment's suite of platforms and reveals all of the major announcements the company will make at the E3 expo, taking place June 6 through 9 at the Los Angeles Convention Center."
The show kicks off on June 6 at 5 p.m. PT (1am BST, June 7).
PlayStation Home users will also be able to have a look around a detailed virtual replica of Sony's inevitably enormous E3 show floor booth. "At the start of the show on Tuesday, June 7 at 12 p.m. PT, when users login to PlayStation Home, they will be invited to visit the virtual booth," explains Sony.
"Once inside, users will be able to tour a detailed replica of PlayStation's E3 booth earning exclusive virtual items at each area as they check out the content showcased on the show floor, including a 3D render of PlayStation's Next Generation Portable (NGP)."
There's more: "Once their tour is complete and all virtual items have been unlocked, users will be awarded access to the upstairs VIP area that will showcase specific PlayStation Home content, including the first level of the never-before-seen upcoming Scribble Shooter game as well as a virtual item package that features companions, furniture and ornaments."
So you'll be right there with us when, we pray to the heavens, Sony reveals that the NGP's real name is NOT Rita Sulliva... we mean 'Vita'.
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June 1st, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
NATO leaders have been warned that Wikileaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a threat to member states' security, following recent attacks on the US Chamber of Commerce and defence contractor HBGary — and promise to 'persecute' its members."
From the article: "In a toughly-worded draft report to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, General Rapporteur Lord Jopling claims that the loose-knit, leaderless group is 'becoming more and more sophisticated.' and 'could potentially hack into sensitive government, military, and corporate files.
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June 1st, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed the current PSN maintenance downtime is to help prepare the system for the imminent return of the PlayStation Store.
A new post from communications director Nick Caplin on the PlayStation Blog explained that the temporary outage represented a vital part of restoring the rest of PSN's services following the massive security breach last month.
"Starting soon, the PlayStation Network will be inaccessible for several hours for maintenance," he wrote. "The server maintenance performed at this time represents a crucial step in the full restoration for PSN, including the PlayStation Store.
"During this maintenance period, users will be unable to sign in to PSN, though those that are already logged in should be able to remain online.
"Resumption of full PlayStation Network service is still on track for this week in most regions. Thank you once again for your patience as we work to return PSN to the highest level of service."
PSN is due back online tomorrow morning at 7.00am, though it's unclear whether the Store will be back up and running then too.
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June 1st, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Evidence is mounting that Sony has settled on Vita as the final name for its forthcoming NGP handheld, after the moniker was spotted in net code on Sony's E3 website.
If you head on over to the web page and view the site's source code you should be able to see three references to "PS Vita", including specific sub-directories marked "Games and Media" and "Features".
Speculation that the NGP will be renamed Vita kicked off earlier this week when a logo was reportedly leaked and the word was spotted in a Sony developer subdomain.
Not long to wait until we get to find out for sure. Sony's E3 press conference goes down next Monday.
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June 2nd, 2011, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Hardhat
Time for a battle royale with a bit of online fun.
Post compo version 1.10: http://www.adamcon.org/~dmwick/psp/pspftw2d110.zip (unsigned)
pspftw2d110 signed (and shrinked) pspftw2d110 signed (and shrinked).rar - http://wololo.net/
- many improvements to move the frame rate from 25 fps to 75 fps (a much smoother experience)
- should fix the initial "Choose your network" dialog a bit (although it is still flickery for some reason).
- replaced the little squares with animated characters by Trent Gamblin (Modified BSD) to improve the frame rate
- changed the hud from drawn text to graphical (to improve the fps) with graphics from NightStar3
- changed the background to a light color and the text to a dark color to elimainate draws a drop shadow (to improve the fps)
PSP FTW is an online game where you use fireballs, collect mana, and visit waypoints to win the game. The twist is that the rules can be changed by the players, who vote on the change.
- Chat online with other players from the lobby
- Join games created by other players
- Create your own game, and have others join
Players take turns to have 30 seconds to propose a new win condition. If you create a new rule, all players vote on it, a majority changes the win condition.
- barriers are bright green.
- players are red, orange and yellow
- waypoints are blue
- mana is dark green and always appears on waypoints
Initially the goal is to collect 3 mana. Shooting a fireball uses up 1 mana, if you have any.
Across the bottom are the stats for all participating players:
M: mana collected
H: hits you've made to another player with a fireball
B: fireballs that you've successfully blocked
W: waypoints touched in the game so far.
I also am willing to release the server with source. It has been tested on Windows, Linux and Mac OS, but I'm unclear from the rules about whether it is allowed to be posted here or not. Currently it connects by default to my server (the Team Sushi PSP FTW! server) which is hosted in the US at AdamCon - Coleco Adam Convention News and Adam News Archives so if you want to check your ping times you can.
For this version the screen updates only when the server transmits an update, so eventually we will want to have multiple servers with low ping times for different parts of the world. Eventually I will release a version with smoothing, so that that FPS rate is fully used (instead of having the server update 10 times per second with chunky movement on the client side).
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June 2nd, 2011, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4357
The developer shall submit to SikeWS his homebrew PSP Genesis Competition entitled p0rtal 2d: maker. As the name suggests it is a 2D clone of the highly popular first-person puzzler Portal, which is distributed by Valve and now in its second chapter testify.
The game mechanics are almost unchanged, except for the "limitation" to the two dimensions. The goal is to reach the level exit by overcoming the obstacles with the help of a gun only shoots portals. A simple gameplay that is the basis of a game / puzzle not easy. Welcome addition concerns the level editor through which we delight in creating and sharing levels with friends.
The project is totally open source, so that SikeWS decided to make available the source code (found at the end of news).
More info about the commands and download link after the screen
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June 2nd, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has candidly admitted that it got PSPgo wrong. No ifs, no buts.
According to SCE Worldwide studios boss Shuhei Yoshida, the platform holder has learnt from its catalogue of mistakes with the ill-fated digital-only console - and NGP is reaping all the benefits.
Speaking to OPM's Leon Hurley, reporting for CVG, a bold Yoshida admitted: "I could spend 30 minutes talking about what was wrong with PSPgo".
The console's launch in November 2009 was met with respectable reviews, but the price - just $50 less than the PS3 at the time - was widely criticised. The system struggled to sell, despite a relaunch last May that saw the hardware bundled with 10 free games in the UK.
Reports emerged in April this year that production of the device had ceased in Japan.
"There are lots of lessons we learned from the PSPgo," Yoshida told us. "Definitely we didn't do something right with [it]. So there are lots of things like the hardware didn't have the compatibility with the UMD library and not all the PSP games were sold on the PSN store.
"Hardware wise we made it our highest priority to make it small and portable but that's not what people really wanted. Because when we made it too small the screen was smaller, the buttons were thinner. It's kind of difficult, cramped into a smaller body.
"That's one of the things we learned when making the decision about large we want the screen for NGP. The five inch OLED screen and the size of the body meant we can fit the real analogue sticks."
Yoshida added that Sony was "not trying to replace smartphones" with NGP.
"We cannot make calls on NGP," he commented. "So we have to provide enough reason why, in addition to smartphone, they would want to purchase something else.
"Another analogy is that these days smartphones have pretty good camera, but they can also use an SLR and when they see the kind of pictures they can take with larger, more expensive devices they still prepared to spend the money to buy them. So it's all about what unique things you are doing with NGP."
NGP is due for launch in at least one global territory in the fourth quarter of this year. It's looking increasingly likely that the hardware will carry the name 'PS Vita'.
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June 2nd, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's worldwide studios head Shuhei Yoshida has said he's well aware that the successor to the PSP, currently codenamed NGP, will face the same preconceptions over games pricing that has dogged Nintendo's 3DS.
In a market where smartphones dominate portable gaming with titles at the low price of 59p, full-price handheld console games must convince customers they are worth more than the comparatively astronomical £30-plus price tags.
"The problem is the same. We are dealing with the same issue that Nintendo is," stated Yoshida.
Nintendo's 3DS has suffered from lacklustre sales, with software titles thin on the ground after an initial launch of games failed to have a long-term impact on the charts.
There's no one clear competitor in terms of what NGP offers
Shuhei Yoshida, Sony
"It's up to content publishers, including ourselves, to show people that this is worth £25 or £30 as opposed to 59p. You cannot release the same content that you put on the iPhone for a dollar on to NGP or some other consoles and expect people to pay 20 times that."
But that's where the comparisons end for Yoshida, who believes there is no competitor that compares to the NGP on the mobile and handheld market. The console is purely for high-end gaming, with few additional features to distract from the PlayStation brand.
"There's no one clear competitor in terms of what NGP offers. NGP's going to establish itself as the unique thing that people want to have. NGP cannot be placed against smartphones. You can't make phone calls on it and it's too big to fit into your pocket."
Discussing Nintendo's latest handheld, Yoshida said he believes the 3DS is just an update of previous DS hardware, despite the glasses-free 3D selling point.
"When we were designing the NGP we had no idea what Nintendo was going to do. Aside from the 3D stereoscopic display, they seem to be keeping the same theme that they had with the DS – it feels like an update of the DS to me.
"So what we're trying to do, lots of choices that we made were so different from their choices. It's kind of hard to compare the two, aside from the fact that both of them are dedicated gaming platforms," he added.
The NGP, which comes in two different models, will take centre stage at Sony's E3 press conference next week, where the company is expected to announce the name of PS Vita, pricing and possible release dates.
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June 2nd, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Network Store has returned in the US, Europe and some other territories, although it remains offline in Japan. Content which had been scheduled to go on sale during its six-week absence is being gradually added to the storefront.
However, the free games and PSN Plus membership being offered to customers as part of the 'Welcome Back' compensation package are yet to become available, with Sony saying that the offer is in "the final stages of testing".
Nonetheless, a large list of new content has been published on the US and EU PlayStation blogs, with a further round of content becoming available tomorrow.
Some UK users have been experiencing problems with accessing PSN, receiving an 807 error code when trying to reset passwords or download content. Sony has attempted to allay those concerns by explaining that the problem has been caused by enormous demand, rather than any remaining technical issues.
"There are so many of you accessing the store at the moment that due to the excessive load, it is a little slow," wrote Nick Caplin on the EU PlayStation Blog.
"We are improving it as I write this, so you will see improvements in speed as the day progresses."
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June 2nd, 2011, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony doesn't see any clear competitor for its PlayStation Portable successor, codenamed the Next Generation Portable.
Why? Because it's so unique.
"There's no one clear competitor in terms of what NGP offers," Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment worldwide studios, told Eurogamer in an interview.
"NGP's going to establish itself as the unique thing that people want to have. NGP cannot be placed against smartphones. You can't make phone calls on it and it's too big to fit into your pocket."
NGP, rumoured to be officially called the PS Vita, features dual analog sticks and a five inch OLED touchscreen.
Some commentators have suggested it's set to go head-to-head with Nintendo's 3DS when it launches later this year, but Sony doesn't see it that way.
"Compared to 3DS, it was very interesting – when we were designing the NGP we had no idea what Nintendo was going to do," Yoshida revealed.
"Aside from the 3D stereoscopic display, they seem to be keeping the same theme that they had with the DS – it feels like an update of the DS to me.
"Lots of choices we made were so different from their choices. It's kind of hard to compare the two, aside from the fact that both of them are dedicated gaming platforms."
But Yoshida said Sony and Nintendo had a common enemy: the cheap mobile game.
"We are dealing with the same issue that Nintendo is. It's up to content publishers, including ourselves, to show people that this is worth £25 or £30 as opposed to 59p.
"You cannot release the same content that you put on the iPhone for a dollar on to NGP or some other consoles and expect people to pay 20 times that."
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's expanded its line-up for its NGP console, revealing a diverse range of software including new games from the developers of Invizimals and Everyday Shooter.
Reality Fighters is a new augmented reality game from Novorama, the team behind the PSP's Invizimals. It's a brawler that works in a similar fashion to the studio's previous game, projecting its combatants against the player's own backdrop.
Sound Shapes – currently a provisional title – is the latest game from Jonathan Mak, the developer behind the PlayStation Network's Everyday Shooter. It's a rhythmical platformer that also supports user-generated levels, and promises to make use of the NGP's networking capabilities. It's unsure whether Sound Shapes will be a full priced title or a budget release.
Hustle Kings, meanwhile, is a take on the PS3 pool game, and it features multiplayer support that allows participants to stagger their turns, allowing them to play multiple games with multiple opponents, and it will support cross-platform play with the PS3.
These games are in addition to Uncharted Golden Abyss, wipEout 2048, Little Deviants, Super Stardust Delta, Everybody's Golf and Resistance Retribution.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's NGP will offer full backwards compatibility with the PlayStation Network's library of PSP games, and will offer an optimized experience for each one.
PSP games played with the NGP will be smoothed and upscaled, and the NGP's dual analogue sticks will also be supported.
Sony Bend's Resistance Retribution has been demonstrated working on the NGP, with the second analogue stick now being used to move the character's view in the third person shooter.
PSP games are run via a software emulator within the NGP, and the upscaling can be toggled on and off by the player.
The PSP backwards compatibility seems to mirror the efforts of the PSP Remaster Series, which allow optimized versions of PSP games to run on the PS3.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, Sony -- not again. We've just received numerous tips that Lulz Security has broken into SonyPictures.com, where it claims to have stolen the personal information of over 1,000,000 users -- all stored (disgracefully) in plain text format. Lulz claims the heist was performed with a simple SQL injection -- just like we saw the last time around. A portion of the group's exploit is posted online in a RAR file, which contains over 50,000 email / password combos of unfortunate users. We've downloaded this file (at our own risk, mind you) and can verify these sensitive bits are now in the wild, though it remains unclear if what's published matches reality. In addition to user information, the group has blurted out over 20,000 Sony music coupons, and the admin database (including email addresses and passwords) for BMG Belgium employees. Fresh off the heels of the PlayStation Network restoration, we're guessing the fine folks in Sony's IT department are now surviving solely on adrenaline shots.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster

Here's a little intrigue to go along with your morning cuppa. The Xperia Play is a lovely bit of hardware lacking in a few crucial areas -- one being an inability to play games over HDMI. That's a definite problem for those who aren't quite ready to devote themselves wholesale to gaming on the (very) small screen. We had hoped Sony might release a micro-USB to HDMI adapter at some point, and indeed when we first saw the image above of a Play pumping graphics to an HDTV that's what we thought we had. But, on closer examination, we realized that the cable is coming out of the left side of the handset. On the current retail Play there's nothing there but shiny chrome, which you can see for yourself after the break. We also took a look at the exposed motherboard, and there are no obvious contacts. This could be a developer edition with additional ports, but none of the dev whitepapers we've pored over this morning mention any such things, so maybe a revised version of the hardware is coming that adds a hole where once there was none. We'll keep working to find out what's up, but weigh in for yourself in the comments below.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster

Just hours after the PlayStation Network Store went back online, Sony took to its European PlayStation blog to detail both what's coming in the first major update, as well as what European PS Plus subscribers will be receiving in the coming weeks. Beyond the already detailed "Welcome Back" content, SCEE says an extra 10 days will be added to the 60 already included in the Plus "Welcome Back" package, "due to the Store coming back a little later that we hoped."
Additionally, April's Plus content and deals are being extended for two extra weeks, meaning that if you missed a chance to download Premiere Manager at 50 percent off, there's still time! June's offers have yet to be revealed, but the post does promise Plus users a free copy of Burnout Paradise as part of the month's content offerings.
The "Spring Offers" deal for all PSN users has also been extended to June 8, a sale which was unavailable during the majority of its duration as a result of the month-long PSN outage. All PSN users can also snag a free copy of FIFA 11 Ultimate Team, a soccer management game from EA, for the time being.
And finally, the EU PlayStation Store has also received a massive update, the likes of which we've never seen before. Final Fantasy VI is totally on there, as is a mess of new Hyperdimension Neptunia content and ... well, you know what? We're going to simply point you to it rather than try to wade the flood.
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/psl1g...1ght-v2-87732/
PSL1GHT is a free SDK for developing applications for the PS3 GameOS. To run applications developed in PSL1GHT you need some sort of jailbreak or custom firmware currently.
Originally Posted by CrashSerious
I have created a Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured and ready to go to allow you to create homebrew applications on the PS3 with the newest version of psl1ght.
The documents in the root of the torrent should get you going, but if not help for getting the VM going can be found at #VMpsl1ght on efnet in IRC. Help for PSL1GHT, as always, can be obtained at #psl1ght on efnet.
We believe strongly that homebrew does not equal piracy, if you download this, please do go to http://humblehomebrew.com and at the very least sign the petition.
Thanks goes to a whole lot of people out there; you know who you are.
Torrent Details:
The Virtual machine is running Fedora 14 (x86 for compatibility with the most people), completely patched up as of 1/6/2011 (June 1st for those in the rest of the world)
Includes compiled and installed PSL1GHT, ps3toolchain, and ps3libraries from the ps3dev github repositories.
Includes SDL_PSL1GHT and SDL_PSL1GHT_Libs from zeldin's fork of cebash's work.
VMSetup quick start documentation in both Word 97 and HTML format.
- VMWare Server or VMWare Player (both are free)
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster

This setup will let you monitor Play Station 3 temperatures and throttle the cooling fan accordingly. [Killerbug666] based the project around an Arduino board, and the majority of the details about his setup are shared as comments in the sketch that he embedded in his post. He installed four thermistors in his PS3 on the CPU heatsink, the GPU heatsink, the Northbridge or Emotion Engine, and one in front of the air intake grate to measure ambient room temperature.
Above you can see the setup he used to display temperatures for each sensor on a set of 7-segment displays. The project also includes the ability to push this data over a serial connection for use with a computer or a standalone system.
The project is still in a prototyping stage. It works, but he likens the fan throttling to the sound of a car engine constantly revving. Future plans include smoothing out the fan speed corrections and scaling down the size of the hardware used in the system. We’d suggest doing away with three of the displays and adding a button that lets you select which set of sensor data you’d like to display.
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo 64 emulator for PSP has been updated
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 713
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 292 - Corn
[!] fix compile warnings
[!] fix clear option dialogs when not using exit confirmation
[-] remove unneeded variable for frame limiter
Rev 293 - bdacanay
[+] Added a blend to fix the waterfall in MRC
[+] Added a blend to fix the Text and HUD in Duke Nukem 64 (Could be dangerous)
Rev 294 - Corn
[!] Fix for PHAT hanging with frame limiter enabled
[-] removed check for gVblsSinceFlip since it can't be zero at the division
Rev 295 - Salvy
[!] Use PeekBuffer instead of ReadBuffer for dialogs
[!] Only read input data when CONT_READ_CONTROLLER is set
[!] Skip dummy data in PIF
[!} Simplified ProcessCommand in PIF
[~] Small clean up in UIScreen
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June 3rd, 2011, 22:33 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
The Welcome Back extras promised to PlayStation Network users in the wake of April's massive security breach are available now, Sony has announced.
As explained last month, PlayStation 3 owners can claim any two of Dead Nation, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty and Wipeout HD + Fury.
PSP users can choose two from LittleBigPlanet (PSP), ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force and Killzone Liberation.
To claim your freebies, access the PlayStation Store from your XMB, click on the Welcome Back banner, select "PlayStation 3 free games", hit "Get now" and then make your choices.
If you own both systems, yes, you can claim four games in total.
You'll also be able to activate your 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership from the same menu.
Current PS Plus subscribers don't need to do anything to claim their 60 days free membership – it's been automatically credited to your account, with a further 10 days to be added in a few days time.
A number of free virtual items are available in PlayStation Home, and a selection of "on us" movies are available for rental free of charge this weekend where Video Service is available.
Finally, Music Unlimited Premium subscribers receive an additional 60 days of free premium membership. Any Music Unlimited free trial users affected by the outage get 30 days of service.
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June 4th, 2011, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
The Welcome Back extras promised to PlayStation Network users in the wake of April's massive security breach are available now, Sony has announced.
As explained last month, PlayStation 3 owners can claim any two of Dead Nation, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty and Wipeout HD + Fury.
PSP users can choose two from LittleBigPlanet (PSP), ModNation Racers, Pursuit Force and Killzone Liberation.
To claim your freebies, access the PlayStation Store from your XMB, click on the Welcome Back banner, select "PlayStation 3 free games", hit "Get now" and then make your choices.
If you own both systems, yes, you can claim four games in total.
You'll also be able to activate your 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership from the same menu.
Current PS Plus subscribers don't need to do anything to claim their 60 days free membership – it's been automatically credited to your account, with a further 10 days to be added in a few days time.
A number of free virtual items are available in PlayStation Home, and a selection of "on us" movies are available for rental free of charge this weekend where Video Service is available.
Finally, Music Unlimited Premium subscribers receive an additional 60 days of free premium membership. Any Music Unlimited free trial users affected by the outage get 30 days of service.
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June 4th, 2011, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Black Ops' Escalation DLC finally arrives on PlayStation 3 from 10th June.
The pack, which launched on Xbox 360 back in early May and on PC today, adds four new multiplayer maps and a star-studded zombie expansion dubbed Call of the Dead.
To mark the occasion, developer Treyarch has announced another double XP weekend for PlayStation 3 users, running from Friday the 10th through Sunday 12th June.
For reference, Eurogamer's Wii Porter deemed the new add-on worthy of a respectable 7/10.
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June 4th, 2011, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster

One thing we criticized in our Xperia Play review was the lack of games specifically adapted to the handheld's controls. So it's only fair to mention that a bevy of new titles is on the horizon -- some old, some new, but all optimized for this specific brand of button-mashing. Headline acts include Minecraft (a port we've already seen in action) as well as Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard and Battlefield Bad Company 2, both of which have both been accruing headshots on iOS devices for a while now. Hit the PR after the break for the full list of titles, but don't expect much in the way of pricing or availability. Those details will be announced at E3 next week, when the Xperia Play will have to compete for attention against the Sony NGP. Guess we'll patiently have to twiddle our thumbs until it's time to twiddle them with vigor.
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June 4th, 2011, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
With E3 2011 just around the corner, expectations for Nintendo announcements are mighty high, but you can get a glimpse at the heat Sony's packing before another day goes by. The official PlayStation.Blog spat out some footage of the quad-core NGP in action, and it's not just playing last-gen games; rather, there's yet another glimpse at Uncharted, a brand new platformer called Sound Shapes where you build levels with a music sequencer (and which procedurally generates tunes as you play) and a taste of the cross-platform PS3 vs. NGP wireless racing you can expect in Wipeout HD. There's definitely a lot of dual-analog action here, but demonstrators are also taking advantage of that five-inch touchscreen, and Wipeout will apparently use the front-facing camera to beam taunt-filled pictures and video of the victor to the losers in each race.
You'll note that Sony's focusing on software over hardware here, and that's not by accident -- the company's careful to state that we're looking at early dev units. "They're the right size, but they don't possess that final PlayStation-quality fit and finish," says the official blog, "What you'll eventually be able to pick up in a store will look a heck of a lot better." Two more vids after the break.
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June 4th, 2011, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
While Sony is busy welcoming its customers back to PlayStation Network, some aren't celebrating just yet. Speaking to IndustryGamers, security expert Gregory Evans said that PSN still isn't safe because Sony is "relying on the wrong people to secure their system." Specifically, Evans believes that Sony (and most companies) use "IT managers" instead of true security experts or, to put it a different way, hackers.
IT managers, in Evans' estimation are "just book-smart people who went out and read a book and passed the test." He likened them to military infantry, trained only in basic skills, whereas hackers are more like highly skilled Navy SEALS.
Evans would seem to be something of an expert on the subject ... having been to federal prison for hacking major companies like AT&T, Sprint and Worldcom. Evans now runs a security company, helping companies build more secure networks. Sony isn't a special case, however, as Evans noted that any online-capable gaming console is potentially at risk and no network is completely secure. He added further that "these attacks will continue to happen." So, happy gaming, everyone!
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June 4th, 2011, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4706.html
PCSX2 SVN r4706 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: CRC hackfix for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Couple CRCs added.
GameDB: Onimusha 4: Dawn of Dreams playable again with a patch. Minor other updates.
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June 4th, 2011, 04:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4363
The developer okapako back to update BGen, homebrew game from the original gameplay and unique. Although still in demo version, the v0.2 adds some interesting features that will make it even more enjoyable gaming experience.
The homebrew that began as a tribute to the rock group Nine Inch Nails the gameplay based on the audio tracks of the album only free. In the game we will be a sphere of matter (yellow) that will move in a world pervaded both of other material, both of antimatter (blue) and other matters such as the dense and poisonous.
The goal will be to "annihilate" the blue antimatter that will increase our score but at the same time reduce our mass. Then we must be very careful in balancing the catch is a matter of antimatter EVID of disappearing altogether.
In version v0.2 , there are three fully playable levels. In addition to the first debut, the other two levels are the feature of interest, such as the presence of holes that blacks tend inevitably to swallow. Has been implemented in more than the ability Hypersense , which will enable a sort of bullet time in order to survive the most desperate situations.
Following download and image gallery.
[Additional Information: Changelog and download]
.: Changelog:.
ability added - Hypersense
playable track added - "Lights in the Sky"
body types added - blackhole, DenseAntimatter
Instructions screen updated
playable track added - "Discipline"
body types added - PoisonedMatter, DenseMatter
Instructions screen added
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June 4th, 2011, 04:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4363
PSP homebrew game again presented to the Genesis Competition, the contest that brought new life to the PSP scene amateur giving us some real pearls. Stunts Desert, created by developer has gorglucks maybe all it takes to become one of them.
Stunts Desert is presented in a graphical respectable although an amateur production, it boasts a 3D graphics engine in cell-shading is very pleasant. The physics are realistic enough for a typical arcade gameplay and fast. Particularly liked the ' fog effect by which it ... it should be the setting and use of resources.
The game consists of 5 missions on time, ranging from property destruction to the typical race, with the ability to block trophies and medals. All available with a fleet of seven vehicles of various kinds.
Following further information.
[Additional Info: Features, commands and downloads]
.: Features:.
Mapppe 5 with 5 missions
7 units (5 race car, a police car and a monster truck)
20 medals (4 per map, bronze, silver, gold and platinum)
40 trophies to unlock
Nice 3D graphics
Fisisco mortgage with the physics of real bullets
System salvataccio
Inglese game and in French
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June 4th, 2011, 04:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4363
The developer kenma9123 back to update for the PSP Genesis Compeititon its plugin utility Krap-psp, through which various functions are available to better manage and monitor various aspects of our PSP easily.
The version 1.15 , here we offer complete pack of sounds, adds a few niceties like the sound warning of low battery, the ability to choose how to display the remaining battery power and you can apply the changes by restarting the VSH plugin, without having to then restart the whole console is very useful if you are using a HEN.
A complete list of features and changelog below.
[Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download]
.: Features:.
Enable / Disable from charging psp
Automatically set cpu / brightness to low
Automatically Sleep On A Certain battery percent
Easily execute Shutdown, Sleep, Reboot (VSH) on a key combo
September auto shutdown and sleep timer for
More Idle feature options
Manipulate CPU speed
Manipulate Brightness level
Manipulate LEDs psp
Easily detect the PSP motherboard version
Take screenshots
Text battery warning
Sound battery warning
Put music in psp mode (CPU goes to 80MHz, brightness / Led Off That hold is inspired by plugin)
Reset game on a key combo (ISO only)
Paused game on a key combo (ISO only)
Display the battery / cpu / and psp information
Easily customizable
.: Changelog:.
Added battery warning sound (Need Some test again .. so please report if there is a bug)
That integrated feature in "Battery warning" menu option in Krap (specify how many bat percent to execute sound warning)
When rebooting in HEN now it will not reboot the device the VSH Itself
! Note!
Customize the sound for a warning, put the filename in the path settings.ini (I Provided 3 diff. Sound, But make your choice: D)
Text warning sound and warning will When Simultaneously execute the bat percent meet. Thus you can still disable That on a key combo
. Installation:.
Download and unzip the archive in the root directory of the Memory Stick
In the seplugins folder to edit (or create if not present) and files vsh.txt game.txt one of the following strings depending on the model of PSP (only partly in bold)
ms0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP not Go
EF0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP Go!
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June 4th, 2011, 04:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4367
A short distance from the previous release, the developer neur0n back to take care of me bringing her CF 6:39 to version 4, which fixes several bugs and adds some interesting features to improve the management of our PSP.
The reasons that led neru0n Guarte version of the implementation of the CF 6:39 ME are manifold. First of all there is to correct the bug occurred when putting the PSP in stand-by by VSH, plus fixes some problems MEdriver. But it is not only fixes and bugfixes, in fact, the developer adds two useful features to the Recovery menu, this is the BatteryConfig Submenu , and the option Speed up MS , still in beta, a revival of the popular features of fatmsmod .
Remember that this is for CF PSP FAT and SLIM except for the infamous TA-088v3 (DATE CODE 8C or higher). So basic are excluded from all other models of PSP.
But thanks to a profit installer released by the developer, you can use that CF for all models except the PSP console 05G. The tool in question is called LCFW , and being signed to be able to start on OFW can not be hosted by PSP-ITA, is also prohibited to provide direct or indirect link to download .
Following further information from the changelog to the mini-guide for installing the CF 6:39 ME-4 .
[Additional Information: ChangeLog, test, install and download]
.: Changelog:.
- Fixed a bug with suspend When I enter VSHMenu opened.
- Fixed bug MEdriver.
- Added submenu in BatteryConfig RecoveryMenu.
- Added option Speed up MS (beta).
.: Test:.
Test Installation played
From 5.00m33 -> OK
From 5.50GEN-D3 -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 5.50Prometheus -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 6.20TN-D -> OK
From 6.20PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.35PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.20PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.35PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.39PRO-B6 -> OK
. Installation:.
E 'on your PSP requires the presence of CFW or HEN (based on test compatibility)
Copy the UPDATE folder into PSP / GAME
Copy the FW 6:39, renamed 639.PBP in the UPDATE folder
Start the application from the XMB
.: Features:.
- When you press the while you turn the console, you will enter the Recovery Menu
- When you press the while you turn the console, the PSP will launch with the official firmware
NB: Please note that the 6.39ME can be installed only on the PSP 1000 and 2000 except TA-088v3
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June 6th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4713.html
PCSX2 SVN r4713 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
i18n: new organization of translation in 2 sides: iconized and the others.
cmake: do not compile removed pot files
i18n: forgot generate_pot.sh in previous commit
3rdparty: remove the heavy (+90MBytes) SDL test directory. Completely useless and save us few minutes of download
- Reimplemented mini/max opcodes using integer comparison operations instead of double comparison. This results in a bit less code and integer operations tend to be faster than double ops (especially on AMD cpus). Thanks to pseudonym for the idea!
- Fixed some minor bugs in mVU dev builds.
- Added __fc as a shorthand macro for __fastcall since we already have __ri and __fi macros.
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June 6th, 2011, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4377&t=279
New game from our homebrew fade94boss. The Italian developer fond of "speed" became deeply involved in creating FastGAME, game as suggested by the same title will see us working to improve our times each game.
The purpose of FastGAME need is quite simple in fact, after selecting a button, press it as many times as possible before time runs out. The gameplay is very reminiscent games like Track & Field , or the most recent sessions of resistance to torture series Metal Gear Solid , that so many buttons circle began in early retirement.
The purpose of FastGAME is quite different since the ultimate goal is to improve their times for each key. It would indeed be available in our performance charts for each button on the PSP (except the ignition of course).
Following the download and the photo gallery.
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June 6th, 2011, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4378&t=136
New update for MP3PlayerPlugin, homebrew coder created by the renowned Japanese Plum by which we can listen to MP3 files found on our Memory Stick choosing as an alternative to the famous MusicPRX that had dominated the scene until recently.
The coder plum back to update one of its most popular plug-ins. The v1.9 version removes some features not fully implemented on the CPU utilization and improves overall aspects of the internal plugin mainly for the management of audio channels and access to the kernel.
Following further information.
Plum release the fix for the second rev 1.9 going to fix the bug to form realit sceKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype
[Additional Information: Changelog, Instructions and Download]
.: Changelog:.
- Improved SYSCALL
- Supported the channel MUTE
- Changed access to kernel memory of the MP3 in order to ensure the list of file paths.
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June 6th, 2011, 02:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4378&t=136
The Custom Firmware ME are now becoming a point of reference in the underground scene and many developers are developing PSP and homebrew plugin specific to this new CF. Today we present the work of GameTheGlitch DevTeam who developed VshMColor, a plugin that allows you to change the coloring of VSH menu.
Currently only compatible with PSP FAT, VshMColor is a simple plugin, as we said, we can change at will the color of the Custom Firmware VSHMenu 6.39ME. Among the new features planned for future release, the team GameTheGlitch announced support for the PSP Slim and the ability to customize menu titles and items in the VSH.
More information and a link to download below.
. Installation:.
- Copy the files in the folder vshmcolor.prx and VshMColor.txt SEPLUGINS
- Copy the string ms0: / seplugins / vshmcolor.prx in a text file vsh.txt
- To change the coloring of VSH Menu, you must edit the file VshMColor.txt adding the code of the desired color. EXAMPLE: MAIN_MENU_TITLE = "000000FF" (color of the text in red)
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June 6th, 2011, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4381&t=224
New update to the now famous Lamecraft, which promises to bring homebrew on the PSP and free exploration of the creation (albeit on a reduced scale) of the highly acclaimed Minecraft made for the PSP Genesis Competition and now Open Source.
The developer Drakon continues to update its Lamecraft by which we can explore a world of "cubes" modified at will. The current review was renamed ' op-10 , indicating the project is now open source (op-10 it is going to open source rv.10 ). With the developer an opportunity to optimize the code, improve the transparency effect of the objects and add fake shadows in the corners so as to introduce a touch of realism.
Download link and the complete changelog below.
[Additional Information: ChangeLog, commands and donwload]
.: Changelog:.
- Cleaner code (less warnings while compiling)
- Small changes in transparent object rendering (still lot to change)
- Fake shadows in the corners
rev. 115
- Static icon menu in PSP
- Fixed freeze bug When putting the PSP in sleep mode (Partially - before putting in sleep psp game game try turn on the menu, Sometimes still freeze without this)
- New screenshots will not override screenshots from other maps
- Added question do you really want remove save files.
- Open Source from now
.: Commands:.
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June 6th, 2011, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4381&t=224
The developer ne0h again Xplora v2.0 update bringing it to version 2.04, a convenient alternative to the XMB shell of the house to install on our Sony PSP equipped with CF and will allow us to have a more clear and appropriate for the content of your Memory Stick.
Xplora 2 includes an image viewer, a media player, a text editor, a PMF player, allows you to read ZIP archive, back up your UMD games and easily launch applications, manage plugins, and more. The entire project was completed in the C language to ensure the best performance. The version 2.04 is to update the Apps Manager, facilitated the installation adds a PC, the translation into French and other small fixes and improvements.
Currently the list of compatibility of the new shell are excluded PSP Go While everything has been successfully tested on CF from 4:01 onwards.
For more information please consult the source (developer blog)
[Additional Information: ChangeLog functions and download]
.: Changelog:.
- Apps Manager Has Been Revised
- Added desktop links controls
- A simple installer to install Was Also added Xplora from your PC.
- Homebrew Sorter and the Game & Apps loading fixed.
- French translation added (Thanks to carding)
- Lithuanian translation updated
.: Features:.
- Desktop
- Image Viewer -> (JPG, BMP and PNG files are supported)
- Music Player -> (MP3 and OGG formats supported)
- Text Editor
- Arc Manager -> (ZIP files are supported)
- PMF Player -> (PMF Every file is supported)
- Homebrew Sorter
- Games & Applications
- UMD Dumper
- Nand Dumper
- Plugins Manager
- Internet & Home Xplora
.: Compatibility:.
SI: x000 PSP with CF 4.01 or higher
SI: PSP with CF 6.xx ME
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June 6th, 2011, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony offering 100 free items to users of their virtual community
PlayStation Home users can now receive 100 free items as part of Sony’s Welcome Back program.
“Today we will begin rolling out the first phase of this customer appreciation program, which will include 100 free items, two personal spaces, and an exclusive game available for all users to download for 30 days,” said a PlayStation Home community manager on the PlayStation Blog.
A free virtual items package will be available from today in the Central Plaza, and includes clothing and furniture items from Sony and its partners.
The new spaces include The Dragon’s Lair and the Mansion Garage, and an interstellar casino that will be published later this month.
As part of the Welcome Back programme, Sony has offered PSN users free PS3 and PSP games, as well as 30 days free subscription to their PlayStation Plus service, and a further 60 days for existing Plus subscribers.
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June 6th, 2011, 17:03 Posted By: wraggster
Charity thanks the PlayStation community for its "amazing contribution" to earthquake appeal
The British Red Cross has published an open letter to the European PlayStation community to give thanks for the support it offered following March's Japanese earthquake.
In total SCEE member donations totalled a creditable £466,465.50.
The disaster claimed over 13,000 lives and a further 14,000 people remain missing today. The Japanese Red Cross has since sent in 4,000 doctors and medical staff and treated a total of 34,430 patients.
"Thanks to the PlayStation community’s amazing contribution to the appeal, the Japanese Red Cross is able to support victims of the tsunami with cash grants," the letter reads.
"These will be given to victims who have lost immediate family members; families whose homes were destroyed by the earthquake, tsunami or resulting fires; families whose homes were severely damaged; and households who have been required to evacuate.
"It will equip up to 70,000 transitional shelters with a package of essential home appliances, benefiting some 280,000 people."
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June 6th, 2011, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
With all this [Sony] customer data now unfortunately out there for public viewing, I thought it would be interesting to do some analysis on password practices. There are some rather alarming (although not entirely surprising) findings including: 36% of passwords appear in a common password dictionary. 50% of passwords are 7 characters or less. 67% of accounts on both Sony and Gawker use the same password. 82% of passwords are lowercase alphanumeric of 9 characters or less. 99% of passwords don't contain a single non-alphanumeric character."
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June 6th, 2011, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.computerandvideogames.com...VG-General-RSS
Sony has detailed another EU PlayStation Store update, making it three within five days.
We've stuck the whole list of games, demos and digital accessories for you below. There are also a number of deals on offer that were detailed in the initial Welcome Back update:
Full Games (PS3)
* Split/Second Velocity (£19.99/€24.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All locales
PSone Classics (PS3 and PSP)
* Ridge Racer Type 4 (£3.99/€4.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All locales
Add-On Game Content (PS3)
* Dead Space 2 - Outbreak Maps (free) Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: Not available in Germany
* Crysis 2 - Retaliation Pack (£7.99/€9.99) Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: All Locales
* Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters - Classic Costume (free) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Only available in Australia, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom
* Dirt 3 - Mcrae Vision Charity Pack (£1.19/€1.49) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All Locales
* Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - Shadow Battle 07 (£0.79/€0.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All Locales
* Red Faction Armageddon: Ruin Pack (£3.19/€3.99) Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All Locales
* Red Faction Battlegrounds - Origins Pack (£1.99/€2.49) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All Locales
Final Fantasy Vi Music Pack (£0.79/€0.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All Locales
* Dynasty Warriors 7
o Costume Pack 2 (£1.39/€1.75)
o New Weapon Pack 2 (£2.99/€3.59)
o Original Costume Pack 1 (£3.99/€4.99)
o Stage Pack 1 (£3.19/€3.99)
Rating: PEGI 16
Availability: Not available in New Zealand
* Fallout : New Vegas
o Honest Hearts (£7.99/€9.99)
Rating: PEGI 18
Availability: All Locales
* Hyperdimension Neptunia
o Black Heart Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
o Compa Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
o Green Heart Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
o If Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
o Level Cap +200 (£0.79/€0.99)
o Neptune Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
o Quality Certification (free)
o White Heart Booster 3 (£0.79/€0.99)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: All locales
* Modnation Racers
o Pirate Theme Pack (£5.49/€6.99)
Rating: PEGI 7
Availability: All Locales
* Rock Band 2
o Action/Adventure - Memphis May Fire (£0.99/€1.49)
o Arm Yourself - BulletProof Messenger (£0.59/€0.79)
o Chasing The Light - Nautiluz (£0.99/€1.49)
o Far Away From Heaven - Free Spirit (£0.59/€0.79)
o Fire Away - Kill the Alarm (£0.59/€0.79)
o Saga - Amberian Dawn (£0.99/€1.49)
o The Lesser Man - SoiL (£0.59/€0.79)
o This Fantasy - BulletProof Messenger (£0.59/€0.79)
o Under Water I Drown - Edge (£0.59/€0.79)
o Watch It All Go Down - Foreword (£0.59/€0.79)
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not Available in Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, India, Israel, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE
* Rock Band 3
o Ozzy Osbourne - 8 Pack (£6.69/€9.99)
(contains the following songs also available separately)
o Diary Of A Madman (£0.99/€1.49)
o Flying High Again (£0.99/€1.49)
o I Don't Know (£0.99/€1.49)
o Mr Crowley (£0.99/€1.49)
o Over The Mountain (£0.99/€1.49)
o Steal Away (The Night) (£0.99/€1.49)
(the following songs are only available as part of the Ozzy Osbourne - 8 Pack)
o Bark at the Moon
o Mama, I'm Coming Home
Rating: PEGI 12
Availability: Not Available in Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, India, Israel, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE
* Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
o Bethpage State Park (£3.19/€3.99)
o Turnberry Resort (£3.19/€3.99)
Rating: PEGI 3
Availability: All Locales
FirstPlay (PS3)
* FirstPlay Episode 59 (£0.99/€1.20)
Availability: Ireland and UK only
Avatars (PS3)
* MotorStorm: Apocalypse - Lunatics Avatar Bundle (£0.79/€0.99)
o Candi Avatar
o Chipo Avatar
o Vigilante Avatar
o Eight Bit Avatar
o Ratfood Avatar
Premium Themes (PS3)
* L.A. Noire Premium Theme
o Lan Premium Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Dynamic Themes (PS3)
* Disruptive Themes
o American Pride (£1.99/€2.49)
o Deep Space Surveillance (£1.99/€2.49)
o Destination: Bangkok Rush Hour (£1.99/€2.49)
o Digital Fountain (£1.99/€2.49)
o Divine Light (£1.99/€2.49)
* Lama Themes
o Cloud Of Fire Theme (£2.99/€3.49)
o Cop Girl Theme (£2.99/€3.49)
o Machine Gunner Theme (£2.99/€3.49)
o Victoria Falls Theme (£2.99/€3.49)
o Volcano Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* L.A. Noire
o La Noire Crime Scene Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
o La Noire Neon Sign Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
o La Noire Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Leviathan Themes
o Armoured Titans: Wwii (£1.59/€1.99)
* Tales from Space: About a Blob
o Premium Dynamic Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
Videos (PS3)
* Armageddon Riders - Trailer
* Battlefield 3: My Life
* Hunted: The Demon's Forge - It Was Found
* Hunted: The Demon's Forge - The Power Of Two
* Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning - Reckoning Trailer - Visions
* Sniper: Ghost Warrior - Trailer
* Uncharted 3: Multiplayer - Trailer
* Vidzone Trailer - The Free Music Video Service
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June 6th, 2011, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
Lulz Security claims to have compiled SCE’s Developer Network source code
Lulz Security, the shady hacker network responsible for many recent online attacks against Sony and other games studios, has claimed that it has compiled Sony Computer Entertainment’s Developer Network source code.
The group has made the claim via its Lulzsec Twitter account, following attacks against Sony BMG and Sony Pictures over the past few days.
The group is also behind the recent break in at Nintendo’s US website.
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June 6th, 2011, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster

The words "PS Vita" and "PlayStation Vita" have just made their way through the EU Trademarks and Designs Registration Office, courtesy of a set of new applications from none other than Sony Computer Entertainment. The name PS Vita showed up in some source code on an official Sony site late last week, though it's still not certain that it'll be the official branding for the company's Next Generation Portable. "Vita" means "life" in Italian, so a literal translation would be PlayStation Life. For now, all we know is that the NGP will be large and in charge at E3, and the best way to find out how this Vita moniker relates to it will be to tune in to our Sony keynote liveblog later today, which can be found right over here.
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June 6th, 2011, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
UK consumer rights group Which? wants companies like Sony who lose your personal data slapped with harsher fines.
One of those would be offering "victims" of ID theft "a flat rate of compensation".
"Sony's systems have been hacked into on more than one occasion in just a few weeks," Which? technology editor Matt Bath told Eurogamer, "but they're not alone in having lost their customers' personal data.
"Companies which keep people's details on file need to look very closely at the security measures they have in place. As well as preventing accidental loss of personal information, these measures must be robust enough to deal with threats of hacking.
"Which? wants to see companies faced with more serious consequences if they do lose personal data, with any victims offered a flat rate of compensation."
The Information Commissions Office - an independent UK watchdog group concerned about privacy - is currently investigating whether Sony breached the Data Protection Act. Apparently our sensitive data was stored in plain text rather than in secure encrypted files. Sony will be handed a £500,000 fine if found guilty.
But that's a drop in the ocean compared to the £105 million bill Sony expects for total PSN hack-related costs.
"There is undoubtedly a massive trust issue with Sony now."
Paul Gibson, Gamers' Voice
The Information Commissions Office was asked by UK campaign group Gamers' Voice to investigate Sony's part in the Great PSN Identity Theft. A £100 million bill will sting, but GV chairman Paul Gibson believes there's a bigger issue to consider first.
"There is undoubtedly a massive trust issue with Sony now," he told Eurogamer.
"Most people who were affected by the PSN hack will agree that the handling of the event was very poor indeed, with a full week between the actual hack taking place and the confirmation that consumer details had been stolen. Further to this, the lack of informative communication to PSN users meant many were completely in the dark as to what information had been compromised and what precautions to take.
"Many people are saying that they will not be going back to Sony once they system is fully up and running again, instead preferring to pay for a more secure online games provider. Whilst we are sure that Sony's new security system is now as secure as any other, this is as it should have been months ago and the damage is done in the eyes of consumers."
Eurogamer was told by some high street shops that customers had traded in their PS3 consoles as a result of the fiasco.
However, it isn't just customers who Sony will have to spend time, effort and money convincing - PSN game developers will need courting in order not to jump ship and develop for Xbox Live Arcade or PC.
"I don't think PlayStation Network is ruined as such," said Andrew Eades, co-founder of Buzz! and Blue Toad Murder Files developer Relentless Software.
"The people that stole our data committed a crime and I suspect are less of a protest group than the hacker moniker suggests. You could argue that Sony should have defended themselves better and I think they've said as much.
"There is a danger that these hackers have put gamers off PSN. It'll take a lot of effort both from Sony and developers to get people back."
Eades said Relentless had suffered as a direct result of the PlayStation Store being down for 43 days, because gamers couldn't buy Blue Toad Murder Files. But luckily Relentless has more strings to its bow.
"I'm just pleased that Relentless doesn't live or die by PSN alone and that there are meaningful alternatives out there," said Eades.
"I actually think [Sony] will spend more, not less, on PSN content."
Michael Pachter, analyst
By way of apology, Sony has offered PlayStation Network users a Welcome Back pack. This includes two free PS3/PSP games from a choice of five older titles, as well as a month's free subscription to PlayStation Plus. Sony has also made sweeping improvements to the security of PlayStation Network, and granted a year's free ID theft cover to all.
"There will always be naysayers to whatever Sony has offered," acknowledged Gamers' Voice.
"Sony could never hope to please everyone, but a larger selection of games to choose from would have been better. As for the credit protection facilities, well, it's the least that they could offer in the circumstances.
"Let's not forget that Sony themselves are losing out with the store's downtime as well as the damage they are causing to their relationship with PSN developers.
"In the end," Gibson concluded, "these apologies and free games are not as important to PSN users as being guaranteed that their personal details will remain secure and their enjoyment of the PSN network will remain uninterrupted in the future."
Sony, already playing second fiddle to Xbox Live Marketplace, has an uphill battle restoring general faith in PlayStation Network. But Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has faith Kaz Hirai's company can turn it around.
"Yes, the brand is tarnished, and yes, trust will be a continuing issue. Sony must reassure everyone that the restored network is secure, and that they will indemnify against any harm. They need to do a lot to restore confidence," Pachter said, "and I think that they will.
"I actually think they will spend more, not less, on PSN content. You will see more downloads, some exclusive content, maybe even payment for an exclusive DLC window. That will help a lot.
"Microsoft will stay ahead and Nintendo behind," he added. "Free PSN is a real draw, and if Call of Duty Elite is copied by Bungie, DICE, Respawn and others, it may be a differentiator.
"That's why PSN can recover."
Fellow analyst Billy Pidgeon also recognised the "intangible cost of the loss of consumer confidence". Sony placed 85th in Millward Brown's BrandZ top 100 company report earlier this year - way behind fifth place Microsoft. But Pidgeon believes Sony can recover, and there's even opposing evidence that the PlayStation brand has been positively influenced as a result of the PSN hack.
"I don't believe there are serious losses in consumer confidence in PSN now," Pidgeon told Eurogamer, "but Sony must maintain services and should strive to exceed expectations for networked services.
"I don't believe publishers will constrain game supply to PSN, but Sony has a lot riding on networked media delivery, so the company must lead in this sector. Sony should continue to invest in PSN for PS3 and NGP as well as on other digital distribution platforms and services, such as smartphones, PC and direct to television.
"Microsoft is the current leader in connected console gaming and Nintendo is the laggard," Pidgeon added. " With PSN, Sony must meet, and ultimately exceed, Microsoft's performance with Xbox Live."
That's what analysts, consumer rights groups and developers think. But they're the insiders. Has there been any real impact on street level; do people who actually walk into shops care?
"Our PS3 customers are incredibly loyal to the brand but when PSN was taken down, there was initially a level of confusion, concern and frustration over what the hack meant for them," explained Game's head of PR, Neil Ashurst.
"Some people do seem to be slightly nervous about the level of security around PSN going forward and we recommend that users use the normal precautions around buying through an online store. However, customers are more interested in getting back to gaming online and that will drive people back to PSN in the coming days."
"With PSN, Sony must meet, and ultimately exceed, Microsoft's performance with Xbox Live."
Billy Pidgeon, analyst
HMV's head of games, Tim Ellis, had a similar story to tell.
"You'd think that it wouldn't have helped, and, obviously, customers will be aware of the issue - it's hard to miss given the media coverage, but actually we've not seen too much change to the usual level of sales," he told Eurogamer.
"So much is driven by key new releases, and there's not been that much coming out lately, though, obviously, things are likely to pick up. If the issue had fallen in the run up to Christmas, it might have been a different matter, but Sony is an incredibly strong brand that has a loyal following, and I think gamers will be keen to get playing again once they see the company fully on top of things.
"So, frustrated and disappointed as many users may be, I'd be surprised if this incident results in significant long-term fallout."
One thing Eurogamer learned from shoppers on the street was that pre-paid PSN cards, which enable content to be bought online without the use of credit cards, will be a preferable way to pay in the future.
Lewis, 22, hasn't bought a PS3 game since the PSN ID theft hack hit the news. He's got an Xbox 360, so he's got the luxury of choice.
"I did lean a bit more towards Xbox before but now it's definitely, 100 per cent Xbox," he explained to Eurogamer. "Even before the hack you'd lose connection and it has just reinforced the belief that Sony doesn't really know what they're doing when it comes to online stuff."
"When I get anything from the Store I'm going to use the voucher codes and that's it now, because I don't really want to use something that's not really secure."
Does Lewis still trust Sony? "No, not at all."
""If they were just honest about it, which it took them a long time to do; and if they were giving more things than a Welcome Back back that isn't very good; then they would probably win me over that way."
Ben Brown, shopper
Reece, 20 still trusts Sony and still buys PS3 games, but said he'd rather buy the pre-paid cards and "do it that way" in the future.
Mark Allen, 38, altered some personal credit card details but his confidence in Sony hasn't been knocked. "No no no no, no it's not at all, erm, no it hasn't affected me [buying PS3 games] no," he implored.
Eddie, father of Edward, told Eurogamer he thinks this will be a "one-off incident" that Sony, "a big company", will recover from. Eddie won't stop buying things on PSN for Edward.
But Ben Brown, 24, also an Xbox 360 owner, has had his mind made up.
"It was [Sony's] reaction to it: they were really slow about it and then they sent an email out saying, 'Yeah you could have possibly been hacked we don't know.' It was that sort of thing. Unless I see some improvement I'm put off buying definitely more titles for the PlayStation," said Brown.
"I'm not sure," he added, on the issue of trust. "That's the thing. I'm not sure. I suppose so - I've still got my card details, but I'm definitely giving it more thought that I would have before.
"If they were just honest about it, which it took them a long time to do; and if they were giving more things than a Welcome Back back that isn't very good; then they would probably win me over that way."
What happened to Sony will never be forgotten - it's one of the largest identity thefts on record. And hopefully this will be the end of Sony's run-in with hackers, which started earlier this year with the regrettable PS3 Jailbreak incident.
Perhaps any company could have been the victim; maybe Sony was unlucky - even Sony overlord Howard Stringer said PSN, which is predominantly free, "didn't seem like the likeliest place for an attack". But fair or not, Sony's suffering has been done on the behalf of the entire video games industry - as rival platform holders and gamers take the cue to rethink their personal data security.
What's more, Sony's humiliation at the hands of hackers could the shake-up needed to catapult PlayStation Network forwards.
"Sony have a reputation amongst consumers for being a bit of a 'faceless' corporation only caring about their bottom line and ignoring the community they sustain," concluded Paul Gibson from Gamers' Voice. "Hopefully Sony will recognise the value of this community in the future and perhaps support it in a more constructive way.
"Obviously, Howard Stringer stating that 'we have a network that gave people services free - It didn't seem like the likeliest place for an attack' is a stance that will now have been re-considered and I expect that their security systems are now second to none.
"If there is one positive to take from the PSN hack," Gibson added, "it is the fact that the shock of this incident and the massive publicity it achieved has made consumers increasingly aware of the amount of information they are making available on the internet and apparently how easy it is for that data to be stolen. If increased consumer awareness of these dangers is a by-product of this event then we have to take that as a good thing."
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June 7th, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
EA has continued its FPS battle with rival publisher Activision, by unveiling a suite of online stat trackers called EA Battlelog, which is very similar to Activision's recently announced Call of Duty: Elite.
The main advantage to EA's service? It's completely free.
That point was emphasised repeatedly by EA's John Riccitello, driving home the comparisons to Activision's paid for service.
"Battlelog also lets you manage your friends lists, squad up, create platoons, use voice chat and follow your friends' progress in real-time, and more," reads a 3 June post by DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson.
"Battlelog will be available for the monthly fee of (drum roll)... zero dollars. We look forward to providing more information on these features in the near future!"
Battlelog will be available from EA's new Origin.com, which is shaping up to become a single web destination for EA's titles by merging EA Store and EA Account IDs.
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June 7th, 2011, 14:55 Posted By: wraggster
First retail estimates point to premium price for 3G enabled PlayStation handheld
With a $299 RRP in place for the 3G versions of the PlayStation Vita in North America and a €300 price for the SKU in Europe, the first Uk retailer has gone live with its pre-order prices.
GAME is currently listing the 3G version of the device for £279.99.
It has the wi-fi only model available to pre-order for £229.99. In the US that will cost $249 and in Europe it will retail for €250.
Play.com has gone live with the same prices.
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June 7th, 2011, 15:06 Posted By: wraggster
E3 2011: 24” branded monitor released with the intention of lowering cost of 3D gaming
A 24” PlayStation branded 3D monitor was unveiled at the Sony E3 press conference last night by company boss Jack Tretton.
Sony has said that it hopes the monitor, which will be released in a bundle with a pair of glasses, Resistance 3 and a HDMI cable for $499 (£305), will lower the expense of 3D gaming.
The glasses, which are required to view the 3D effect, will cost around $69.99 (£42) separately.
The monitor will also be able to display two distinct full screen images for individual players, allowing splitscreen 3D play.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:05 Posted By: wraggster

We knew you were dying to know what Sony was planning with those stereoscopic multiplayer display patents last year, so we took a look at Sony's new PlayStation-branded 3D display, just for you. True to its schtick, the stereoscopic display simultaneously displays two separate full screen images, hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of active shutter 3D technology -- while suffering only a minimal amount of ghosting. The dual-full-screen trick will only work with PlayStation 3 games specifically programmed to make use of the feature, and although none have been announced yet, we wouldn't be surprised if pack-in title Resistance 3 is compatible. Staff couldn't say if the games featured in the demo video, Motorstorm Apocalypse and Wipeout, would be updated to support this feature. While the demo units we saw performed their trick reasonably well, visible ghosting and flat, muted colors give us some reservations about that competitive $499 price tag.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Vita is obviously the company's handheld of tomorrow, but it's the PlayStation Portable that's being credited with the assist. The PSP has been a flagship device for Sony since December 12, 2004, and during its time on the market, a grand total of 70 million have been moved globally. That's the number belted out here at E3, which sounds downright ginormous at first listen. Unfortunately, that's nowhere near the 100 million DS units that Nintendo had shipped... back in 2009. It's worth mentioning that this tally includes the original PSP-1000, the slimmer / lighter PSP-2000, the not-too-different PSP-3000 and the critically panned PSP go, and we're guessing the Vita will eventually be lumped in here as well at some point. So, Mario's still laughing, but hey -- at least Sony's sold 298 million UMD units, right?
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June 7th, 2011, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that the new Next Generation Portable console is now known as PlayStation Vita, with the standard WiFi model costing $249 (£223 / €249).
The 3G plus Wi-Fi model will retail for $299 (£268 / €299). Sony has not yet confirmed a solid release date beyond "holiday season."
Unveiling the name at E3 in Los Angeles today, Sony boss Kaz Hirai said the handheld will be supported by AT&T as the exclusive carrier in the US - a decision that drew jeers from the crowd.
"What you've come to know as NGP is officially known as PlayStation Vita," he announced.
"So, what does Vita mean? Vita means life, and we're confident that PlayStation Vita will be the first product that truly blurs those lines between PlayStation entertainment and your real life."
He also touched on some new social features for the system, named Near and Party Room, which make use of Trophies and chat functionality.
LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, ModNation Racers, Street Fighter X Tekken and new IP Ruin were shown running on the system, the latter demonstrating cross platform functionality with the PlayStation 3.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that 8.8 million Move controllers have been sold worldwide. The announcement came during the company's E3 press conference in LA last night.
The motion controller, which launched last year, received heavy exposure during the first section of the conference, with NBA on the Move demoed by basketball superstar Kobe Bryant, and Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest unveiled on stage.
Additionally, the company confirmed it would release a Resistance 3 Move bundle this autumn. The "Sharp Shooter" bundle will launch in the US on 6th September for $150, featuring the game, a Move controller, Sharp Shooter attachment and PlayStation Eye.
"There's no question PlayStation Move brings something unique to the table for everyone," claimed Sony US boss Jack Tretton. "The PlayStation Move catalogue is unmatched".
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June 7th, 2011, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
A humble Jack Tretton has opened the Sony E3 press conference with apologies to retail, third-party partners and consumers for the downtime that crippled the PlayStation Network for six weeks.
He said that network levels were now back to around 90 per cent of what they were before the service was hacked and user data was compromised.
"To our partners... I know the network outage was costly to you," he told the audience. "What's been incredibly inspiring is your support and offers to help us get back up to speed."
Addressing gamers he said: "You are the lifeblood of the company. Without you there is no PlayStation. I want to apologise personally and on behalf of the company for any anxiety we've caused you."
Chancing a light-hearted note, he commented that journalists are known for relishing bad news, and for that he offered "you're welcome."
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June 7th, 2011, 18:38 Posted By: wraggster
. and that announcement was met with an audible groan in the crowd during Sony's E3 keynote. The NGP PlayStation Vita will feature both Wi-Fi and 3G functionality, with AT&T being named the official wireless carrier of the new handheld.
As for pricing, the Wi-Fi model will retail for $249, while the 3G/Wi-Fi model will retail for $299.
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June 7th, 2011, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
aHey, cross-game chat is coming to PlayStation ... Vita! It's called "Party," and according to a quick explanation by Kaz Hirai, it allows people to talk to each other through the PlayStation Vita system even while playing different games, using either a headset or the microphone built into the Vita device.
We're not used to that name yet. "Vita." Will we ever be?
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June 7th, 2011, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster

Yesterday, Sony took the wraps off a PlayStation-branded 3D TV and gave us our first serious look at the Vita, but our friends across that big wet thing we call the Pacific scored an extra little hardware goody -- an official PS3 keyboard. If you've ever seen a Bluetooth keyboard there isn't much surprising here, though it does feature a PS button for powering the console on and off. Instead of a touchpad Sony went with a Thinkpad-style nub which will be loved by some, but loathed by others. And don't worry, pairing this thin one-pounder with other devices should be quite simple. Folks in the Land of the Rising Sun can pick one up on June 30th for ¥5,000 (about $62), but there's no word on a stateside release. Treat yourself to the machine translated PR and another pic after the break.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster

We told you what Sony's PlayStation Vita felt like, but here it is in the glossy plastic flesh -- all five-inches of vibrant OLED display, two cameras, dual analog sticks, twelve buttons, two capacitive digitizers and a D-pad. Check out the gallery below for some close-up shots, and hop on past the break for some video footage of the quad-core handheld in action.
Update: Sony just answered a few burning questions for us -- mainly about those mysterious ports we spotted on the bottom and top. Apparently those top port covers will hold one slot for the official PSVita game cards, and another slot for regular removable media for downloadable content and saves, and the port that's occupying one of those places will be removed. Meanwhile, the large socket at the bottom is a "multiport" that provides power, connectivity and might do video-out. We couldn't get any firm details about the AT&T 3G partnership, by the way, but we're told that there will be a special cellular plan of some sort. As you'd expect, Sony's also not talking battery life, but a developer told us that -- with the exception of graphically intensive titles like Uncharted -- the company's shooting for parity with the original PlayStation Portable.
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June 8th, 2011, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fceu-ps...rev-4424f.html
FCEU-PS3 v1.4 rev 4424f is released. FCEU-PS3 is a Nintendo (NES) emulator for PS3.
Squarepusher2 returns with a port of the emulator fceu for PS3 that lets you play the good old NES games on their console. So it goes in version 1.4 rev 4424f. As a reminder, this emulator can already switch between 480p, 720p and 1080p, and can choose a display in 4:3 or 16:10, it offers hardwares filters (Linear interpolation (Bilinear filtering) and Point filtering) , and supports up to 4 players.
FCEU-PS3 v1.4 rev 4424f Changelog:
- "Back to Multiman" Now, he returns to Multiman fceu GX if you start from the XMB instead to do with Multiman
Menu list of ROMS:
High - rise
Down - down
Left - up to 5 entries
- Right down to 5 entries
L1 - go back a page
R1 - forward one page
Cross - entered a folder / ROM launched
Triangle - same as Cross did croixSame
Circle - back to the parent folder
L2 + R2 - (if you have previously left a rom) comeback
Select - Menu parameters
Menu settings:
High - rise
Down - down
Left - Change parameter on the left
Right - Change parameter on the right
Circle - back to menu Roma
Checks during the game:
L3 + R3 - Roma back to menu
Tip: You can use any USB controller.
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June 8th, 2011, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/genesis...rev-1d134.html
GenesisPlus GX PS3 v1.3 rev 1d134 is released. Genesis Plus GX is an emulator of the Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive. This is a port of Charles MacDonald's Genesis Plus to the PS3.
Squarepusher2 developer, author of the emulator Snes9x GX PS3 and fceu GX, gives us today a new version of the Genesis emulator for our PS3. It's actually a port based on sources genesisplus GX EkeEke (Wii version). So here come the version 1.3 rev 1d134, the archive presented below includes a version 3.55.
GenesisPlus GX PS3 v1.3 rev 1d134 Changelog:
- ”Back Multiman” even if you launch Genesis Plus GX from the XMB instead of going through Multiman
- Adding CRT-caligari.cg shader
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June 8th, 2011, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has told GamesIndustry.biz that the price of the PlayStation Vita handheld was set at $249 at the earliest stages of hardware development.
The decision was taken to avoid a repeat of the launch of the PlayStation 3, which struggled with slow sales due to the cripplingly high price of between $500-$600.
"Going through the PlayStation 3 experience was difficult for all of us involved," Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony's Worldwide Studios, told GamesIndustry.biz.
"So when we started working on PS Vita three years ago we set goals, and one of those goals was to hit the $249 price point, €249 from the very, very beginning. That was springtime 2008.
When we started working on PS Vita three years ago we set goals, and one of those goals was to hit $249 from the very, very beginning
Shuhei Yoshida, Sony
The new handheld console also comes in a 3G SKU, priced at $299. Revealed last night in LA, the price was one of the biggest surprises of Sony's E3 conference and a target figure the company is proud to have hit.
The price tag was established so early in development that the hardware team in Japan had not even decided on central components for the device, said Yoshida, and highlights the exec's success in bringing together hardware and software teams and having content creators involved in new hardware development - something that didn't happen with the creation of the PlayStation 3.
"The difference was the timing of the Worldwide Studios' and game team's involvement in the process. We were involved in Vita development before we made the decision on what kind of CPU and GPU to use."
"That shows how long we've been involved and we were there all the time when the SCEI hardware guys got their hands on the components. In the past, up to the PlayStation 3, they kept everything behind closed doors, even from ourselves, and making decisions based on their inspirations from a mostly hardware engineering standpoint."
The PlayStation Vita is due for release this calendar year, with software support from some of Sony's biggest franchises, including Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet and ModNation Racers.
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June 8th, 2011, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Glorious last-gen adventure Beyond Good and Evil arrives in HD on PSN today - but at a price. At £11.99, the PSN version is almost double the cost of BG&E HD's Xbox Live Arcade release.
An 800 MSP price was one of the reasons BG&E HD scored 9/10 on Eurogamer. One reason, but far from all.
A downloadable version of electrifying new open world sequel inFamous 2 is available today for lazy people. It costs a full RRP of £50.
Second Castlevania: Lords of Shadow add-on Resurrection also makes its way online for PS3 owners today, as does the Arcade Edition upgrade to Super Street Fighter IV.
You can read the full listing below, courtesy of the EU PlayStation blog.
PS3 Games
Beyond Good and Evil HD (£11.99/€14.99)
InFamous 2 (£49.99/€59.99) - not available until Friday here
Dante's Inferno (£15.99/€19.99)
Beyond Good & Evil HD on Xbox Live Arcade.
PSP Games
SSX on Tour (£7.99/€9.99)
White Knight Chronicles: Origins (£21.99/€26.99)
minis (PS3 and PSP)
Ninjamurai (£2.49/€2.99)
PS3 Game DLC
Castlevania Lords Of Shadow - Resurrection (£7.99/€9.99)
Duels Of The Planeswalkers 2011 Gold Edition (£15.99/€19.99)
EyePet - Lucky Dip Animals 2 (free)
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 – Shadow Battle 08 (£0.79/€0.99)
LittleBigPlanet: Cats Costume Kit (£2.39/€3.99), Dogs Costume Kit (£2.39/€3.99)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Cat Ears (Black Heart) (£0.79/€0.99), Closed Mail (H) (£0.79/€0.99), Mail (L) (£0.79/€0.99), Mail (S) (£0.79/€0.99), Mail (W) (£0.79/€0.99), Mystic Hat (Green Heart) (£0.79/€0.99), Mystic Hat (White Heart) (£0.79/€0.99), Open Mail (H) (£0.79/€0.99)
White Knight Chronicles 2 – Online Service Entitlement (£7.99/€9.99)
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (£11.99/€14.99)
Super Street Fighter IV Update Kit (free)
Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy
Cloud – Kingdom Hearts Costume Pack (£0.59/€0.79)
Shantotto – Extra Costume Pack (£0.59/€0.79)
Final Fantasy Xi Music Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
White Knight Chronicles 2 – Online Unlock (£7.99/€9.99)
Rock Band 2
Dragonfly (Symbion Project Remix) – Universal Hall Pass (£0.59/€0.79)
Exploited & Exposed – Symbion Project (£0.59/€0.79)
Fox Hunt – Larkspur (£0.59/€0.79)
Midnight Ride – Midnight Riders (£0.59/€0.79)
One Bad Man – Midnight Riders (£0.59/€0.79)
Second Sight Blackout – Children Of Nova (£0.99/€1.49)
Synthesized – Symbion Project (£0.59/€0.79)
The Fall Of Aphonia – Children Of Nova (£0.99/€1.49)
The Order – Children Of Nova (£0.99/€1.49)
We Collide – Children Of Nova (£0.99/€1.49)
Rock Band 3
Bruno Mars Pack 01 (£2.49/€3.99) (contains the following songs also available separately)
Just The Way You Are (£0.99/€1.49)
Marry You (£0.99/€1.49)
Grenade (£0.99/€1.49)
Rise Against Pack 02 (£2.49/€3.99) (contains the following songs also available separately)
Audience Of One (£0.99/€1.49)
Help Is On The Way (£0.99/€1.49)
The Good Left Undone (£0.99/€1.49)
Yoostar 2
A plethora of piñatas (£1.39/€1.75)
The Rent (£1.39/€1.75)
Axel Checks In (£1.39/€1.75)
I'Ll Teach You Some Spanish Words (£1.39/€1.75)
Who Are You? (£1.39/€1.75)
John Who? (£1.39/€1.75)
Doug Is Missing (£1.39/€1.75)
Drag Race (£1.39/€1.75)
Missile Chase (£1.39/€1.75)
Tremble Before The Kraken (£1.39/€1.75)
I Want To Play A Game (£1.39/€1.75)
Killing Is Distasteful To Me (£1.39/€1.75)
Soldier Pack (£2.99/€3.59)
Wizard Of Oz (£2.99/€3.59)
I'M Gonna Get The Job Done (£1.39/€1.75)
Scorcher Vi Trailer (£1.39/€1.75)
A Grow Loan (£1.39/€1.75)
Is That The Witch? (£1.39/€1.75)
Toto Didn'T Mean To (£1.39/€1.75)
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June 9th, 2011, 01:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=2801
While the scene looked forward to his Ps3 said CFW 3.61, Sony gives us today the new official firmware 3.65.
Although the 3.61 OFW has not yet passed its first month of life on the official servers of PlayStation Network, it has just left to his successor, the firmware 3.65. The new version does not have much to console in terms of functionality, but rather is supposed to "improve system stability" according to the manufacturer.
Discover the features of the updated system software 3.65 PS3.
- Saved Data Utility for PSP games. The feature "Saved Data Utility (mini)" under "Game" is now called "Saved Data Utility (mini / PSP ™). You can now save your data backed up PSP ™ by copying the hard drive of your PlayStation ® 3.
- Other new or improved features in version 3.65: System stability during use of some PS3 games has been improved.
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June 9th, 2011, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/free-...akaroto-87978/
KaKaRoTo, a very talented Developer has released a port of Free Heros 2 (Heroes of Might and Magic II clone) for the PS3.
Free Heroes 2 is now available to download from The Humble Homebrew Collection ! I know the site sucks, deal with it (or help improve it!)
Next version will add selection of free map packs for FHeroes2, and hopefully get that pink background fixed too.
Note: make sure you connected your ps3 to the internet for the first run, it needs to download the game data (licensing issue).
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June 9th, 2011, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/f6/ps3-c...cess-pd-87997/
Today we received word from mas that he and xorloser have made available a PS3 Cell BE (Broadband Engine) Secure Boot Process PDF document for other PlayStation 3 developers.
Speaking briefly to xorloser, he stated mas recently contacted him with the chart for examination and from there some updates and corrections were made to the diagram until the revised public version was born.
Very cool PS3 developments indeed, and cheers for clarifying the exact PS3 boot process guys!
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June 9th, 2011, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
The only active N64 Emulator for PSP has been updated once more:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 716
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 299 - Salvy
[~] Small optimizations in ProcessEeprom/ProcessController
Rev 300 - Salvy
[+] Added a hack to fix the shadows in ISS64
[-] Remove delay when entering pause menu in PHAT PSPs
Rev 301 - bdacanay
[+] Added cheats to a lot of popular games
[+] Repaired some incorrect Kirby 64 blends
[!] Forced a Hexen blend to fix the invisible hands
[+] Added a blend to fix the shadow issue in Killer Instinct Gold
[!] Forced a Killer Instinct Gold blend to partially fix the characters and HUD
[+] Fixed the Pokeball blend in Pokemon Stadium 2
WARNING : Before using rev 715+ back up your saves first!
Revision 715
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 297 - Salvy
[+] Implemented internal N64 clock (props to Shapyi and Zoinkity)
[+] Rewrote PIF to make it simpler (PIF.cpp is now 50% smaller, only draw back is that we need to flip the data, but the gains overcome this) [WIP]
[!] Removed Chameleon Twist mempak hack (This is handled by a cheat now)
[!] Fuse 4 reads and 4 writes to just one to speed up when flipping data in PIF.
Rev 298 - Salvy
[!] Games that read/write in rumblepak area work now, ex OOT (based from mupen source)
[~] A couple of clean ups in PIF.cpp
Revision 714
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 296 - Salvy
[+] Optimized/rewrote Process PIF (cmds are processed in one go now )
[!] Refactored ProcessCommand in PIF (bye bye redundant code)
[~] Only call GetPreciseTime when we need to delay in framelimeter (Corn)
[!] Fixed controllers not working in certain games when loading a savestate directly.
[~] Moved back GetState where it was (is called fewer times there than in CONT_READ_CONTROLLER)
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June 9th, 2011, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
The java written PSP Emulator for windows has been updated again, heres whats new:
Fix for shader compilation errors:
- global function round requires "#version 130" or later
- unable to find compatible overloaded function "texelFetch(sampler2D, ivec2, int)"
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June 9th, 2011, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4386
The Italian developer frapsp98 realizes for the now famous PSP Genesis Competition, an interesting homebrew PSProtectMySystem, whereby you can prevent unauthorized access to your PSP, so as to safely put the content (integrity) of our console looks prying.
PSProtectMySystem allow you to set a password that will be asked every time the PSP. You can choose between alphabetic and numeric. This is possible thanks to a plugin that will run automatically every time you start the system and the GUI will show a video input.
It 'good to remember that this safety precaution can always be circumvented by those who have good knowledge of PSP homebrew, but the fact remains that PSProtectMySystem represents a viable alternative to brothers / sisters / relatives generally too curious.
Following the installation guide and the link to download the homebrew.
[Additional Info: Installation and download]
. Installation:.
Download and unzip the archive in the root directory of the Memory Stick
In the folder seplugins copy the contents of the file _VSH.TXT in their vsh.txt , or rename the one provided.
Start the homebrew via the XMB
Choose from the alphabetical password vKeyboard or numerical vNumerical (default passwords are respectively a and 12 345 )
Set the new password using the option Change password vXXXXXX
Shut down and restart the PSP
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June 9th, 2011, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4393
New release from the developer neur0n who returns to take care of his now well-known CF 6:39 ME bringing it to version 5, which fixes some bugs and adds the driver RecoveryMenu convenient option that will allow us to easily access the footnote Recovery.
The new update of CF made by Japanese coder neur0n adds to the VSH menu item RecoveryMenu through which you can easily access the Recovery Menu has always been the nerve center of the configuration of the CF. In addition, the CF-5 6:39 ME will fix a bug that plagued the OEdriver.
Remember that this is for CF PSP FAT and SLIM except for the infamous TA-088v3 (DATE CODE 8C or higher). So basic are excluded from all other models of PSP.
But thanks to a profit installer released by the developer, you can use that CF for all models except the PSP console 05G. The tool in question is called LCFW , and being signed to be able to start on OFW can not be hosted by PSP-ITA, is also forbidden to provide direct or indirect link to download.
Following further information from the changelog to the mini-guide for installing the CF 6:39 ME-5.
[Additional Information: ChangeLog, test compatibility and installation]
.: Changelog:.
- Added option in RecoveryMenu VSHMenu.
- Fixed bug OEdriver.
.: Test:.
Test Installation played
From 5.00m33 -> OK
From 5.50GEN-D3 -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 5.50Prometheus -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 6.20TN-D -> OK
From 6.20PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.35PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.20PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.35PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.39PRO-B6 -> OK
. Installation:.
E 'on your PSP requires the presence of CFW or HEN (based on test compatibility)
Copy the UPDATE folder into PSP / GAME
Copy the FW 6:39 , renamed 639.PBP in the UPDATE folder
Start the application from the XMB
.: Features:.
- When you press the while you turn the console, you will enter the Recovery Menu
- When you press the while you turn the console, the PSP will launch with the official firmware
NB: Please note that the 6.39ME can be installed only on the PSP 1000 and 2000 except TA-088v3
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June 9th, 2011, 19:21 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai has admitted that Sony "may never know" exactly what data hackers stole during the PSN security breach in April.
Speaking to BBC Click, Hirai said the company knew "information was accessed" for up to 100m accounts, but could not be certain "what part... [was] actually taken from our servers."
He added: "The people that intruded our systems are very good in hiding their tracks as they left our systems, so we might not know for a very long time or we may never know."
Hirai also revealed that Sony did not know if "any credit card information was taken", explaining that the company "shared that as a potential possibility" in the interests of consumer safety.
Despite the media focus on Sony, he insisted: "It's certainly not just a Sony issue, but more of a corporate issue for everybody. As you probably know, even in this past week or so there have been other organisations and companies where a similar sort of intrusion has occurred."
Asked what Sony had learned from the experience, he replied: "Whether we're talking about a large corporation like Sony as well as smaller organisations, whoever deals with personal information as well as credit card information needs to be very vigilant about how that data is being secured."
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June 10th, 2011, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
While Nintendo's new Wii U is dedicated to two-screen games with touch-based controls, both Apple's iPad and Sony's PS Vita are exploring similar concepts.
Earlier this week, Apple announced iOS5, a major update to its mobile operating system, one element of which introduces AirPlay Mirroring. This pairs an iPad with an AppleTV - the latter outputting a game to an HDTV, and the former controlling it while optionally showing additional information on its own screen.
Mobile studio Firemint will be the first to release a game using AirPlay Mirroring, in the form of Real Racing 2 HD. The iPad's screen will show track maps and times while the Apple TV shows the race itself. "We see AirPlay as a real game-changer," stated Firemint.
"It allows us to bring a fresh, never-before-seen level of freedom to Real Racing 2 HD. Combined with the precision steering and brilliant 3D visuals made possible by iPad 2′s phenomenal hardware, Real Racing 2 HD over AirPlay promises an experience you'll have to play to believe."
Meanwhile, Sony has floated the possibility of achieving something similar via a PS3 and PSVita combo. Said SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuehi Yoshida to Develop, "Already people are starting to ask about linking Vita and PS3 to do something similar, in terms of using two screens, and having controls on the screen.
"Lots of the things that developers of Vita games are doing, as you may have seen, is experimenting with connectivities between Vita and PS3... The Wipeout team came up with their cross play ideas, and the other Vita teams have come up with ways of playing with two systems. It's just a matter of time, as we provide the SDKs to developers so they can make use of both PS3 and Vita, and they might come up with something interesting."
In any case, the concept is hardly a new one - Nintendo itself has previously experimented with two-system play in the GameCube/GameBoy Advance era.
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June 10th, 2011, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita may be region free, a senior Sony executive has claimed.
Michael Denny, vice president of Sony Worldwide Studios, revealed to IGN that he was not aware of any region-locking technology for the new handheld's physical game format, NVG cards.
By contrast, Nintendo's 3DS is region-locked - only the second Nintendo handheld to do so, following the DSi. Sony's last handheld, the PSP, was essentially region-free too, as is the PS3 (although the option to use a hardware lock is present in the system).
However, Sony does employ regional restrictions for PSN purchases.
Great News making it Region Free Sony, Now lift the restriction from being able to buy outside your region
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June 10th, 2011, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster

Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest may be built on the mini-game mechanics of last year's Sports Champions, but its whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We hit up Sony at E3 2011 to see if Deadmund could out-fence the Jedi in a duel of 1:1 swordplay and on-rails battle. What we found was surprisingly responsive. Deadmund himself runs on a pre-set path, plodding his way through a skeleton-filled barracks automatically. Deadmund's on-screen sword matched our wand-equipped wrist's every move, accurately slicing skeletor wannabes any way we saw fit. Reaching behind our back with the Move controller let us pull a virtual arrow from a quiver, or we could choose to dispatch baddies by flinging throwing stars.
If the on-screen slashfest lagged behind our physical slicing in any significant way, we didn't notice -- we were too busy loving the Move's speedy response time. Faster swings produced "stronger" in-game sword attacks, or farther flying shurikens. Last year at E3, we accused the PlayStation Move of just skirting outside of gimmick-land, but it's hard to argue with 1:1 motion control this responsive. Will Deadmund move Sony's motion lollypop to the front of the gesture control race? Probably not on his own, but it's still great to see this tech at its best. Check out our hands-on playthrough video after the break to see the action for yourself.
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June 10th, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster

Sony's got some wonderful ideas here at E3 2011, but the company's left quite a few threads for journalists to sew up -- what's the battery life like? How much will continuous client gameplay cost? Just how does that split-screen 3D monitor work? Sony's 3D gaming czar Mick Hocking flew in from Liverpool to talk stereoscopy with the press, and we've got some answers for that last one. What you see above is an LCD panel that refreshes at 240Hz, and delivering 3D at 60 frames per second to each eye, by using the typical active shutter glasses technique of blocking light to your left eye when the "right" image is displayed, and vice versa for the right eye. However, the glasses have a special button that makes both lenses of one player's glasses display images for the left eye, and both lenses of another player display images for the right, allowing each to have their own 60fps feed all the time for private split-screen gaming.
While that potentially means you could use these glasses on non-Sony 3DTVs too and get the same effect (or, you know, just pick up a Sharp Quattron 3D or Vizio Versus, which do much the same thing). Hocking told us that this particular unit also does additional software processing to reduce ghosting. But what of games? The 3D guru said there'll be a number of titles supporting the feature when the monitor hits this fall, and that other 3D titles could potentially (and easily) be patched if they also support split-screen to begin with. Hocking says developer enthusiasm's been particularly intense for split-screen, even more so than the holographic and head-mounted display technologies that Sony's working on, and we may see the feature integrated in Bravia televisions should the idea take off.
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June 10th, 2011, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
We heard earlier at E3 that the PlayStation Vita might be able to do video output via the multiport on the bottom of the handheld, but it's now looking like that won't be the case -- at least according to the official FAQ that Sony has made available. In slightly better news, however, Sony exec Michael Denny said today that, to the best of his knowledge, the PS Vita will indeed be region-free just like the PS3. Otherwise, Sony hasn't provided much more in the way of surprises, but it looks like it is at least leaving the door open to helping folks bring their UMD-bound games with them to the new handheld. While it's ruled out a UMD reader of any sort, Sony says that it will "consider every possibility for support on bought UMD games," although it has nothing to announce at this time. Check out the complete FAQ at the source link below.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony deputy president and PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai has claimed that online hacks pose a risk to society itself.
In an interview with the Guardian, Hirai said of the recent PSN security crisis that: "this isn't something that is a Microsoft issue or a Sony issue or limited to one or two companies. This is actually a lot bigger than that."
Observing that the likes of the FBI had also seen recent online security breaches, he felt that "It's large enough to the extent that we're talking about any and all companies, organisations and entities that deal in the online space – which is pretty much everyone at this stage, isn't it?
"It's a threat, not just to Sony or a couple of other companies, but to the very fabric of society. Therefore it requires individuals and companies to be very vigilant, which goes without saying, and we need help from various government, various enforcement agencies and legislation in certain instances as well. And this needs to be a worldwide effort."
Hirai also disputed that Sony had unnecessarily bided its timed before revealing the nature of the PSN outage to its users. "You can't just go out there and drop a statement like that without being able to answer some fundamental questions... So I don't think we "waited" a week. I think it took a week to make sure that we had, at least what we thought was enough information that was credible at the time before we made any announcements."
He claimed that the person or persons behind the PSN hack had not yet been identified, but that Sony was working with the FBI and other law organisations in the hope of tracking down the culprit.
In response to whether he believed smartphones and tablets posed a threat to the upcoming PSVita, Hirai argued that "We're catering to a completely different market," and that the PlayStation Suite for Android was Sony's answer to the rise of phone-based gaming.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai has admitted that Sony "may never know" exactly what data hackers stole during the PSN security breach in April.
Speaking to BBC Click, Hirai said the company knew "information was accessed" for up to 100m accounts, but could not be certain "what part... [was] actually taken from our servers."
He added: "The people that intruded our systems are very good in hiding their tracks as they left our systems, so we might not know for a very long time or we may never know."
Hirai also revealed that Sony did not know if "any credit card information was taken", explaining that the company "shared that as a potential possibility" in the interests of consumer safety.
Despite the media focus on Sony, he insisted: "It's certainly not just a Sony issue, but more of a corporate issue for everybody. As you probably know, even in this past week or so there have been other organisations and companies where a similar sort of intrusion has occurred."
Asked what Sony had learned from the experience, he replied: "Whether we're talking about a large corporation like Sony as well as smaller organisations, whoever deals with personal information as well as credit card information needs to be very vigilant about how that data is being secured.
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June 10th, 2011, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's said it has nothing to announce regarding cross-game chat for PlayStation 3, despite the feature being confirmed for its new portable, PlayStation Vita this weekend.
At its E3 press conference this week Sony showed off the PSP successor's online features, which include the ability to talk to friends no matter which game they're playing.
However, when the CVG E3 team caught up with SCE Europe boss Andrew House at the show, he said there's still no update on when or if the long-requested feature will be coming to its home console.
"No, [there are] really not any new announcements to put on that," he said. "We know that it's a huge thing out there. We have continued to do much R&D in the area, but we don't have anything to announce right now."
In the same interview House said £229 retailer listings for Vita are "where I would have predicted" and that Sony feels the price point needs to be "aggressive" in order to build momentum for the impressive portable.
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June 10th, 2011, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Spanish police are reporting the arrest of three members of the Anonymous hacktivist collective after an extensive operation in the country. The investigations were in retaliation to the hacking of government websites last year.
The report, carried by Meristation, and translated by VG247, says that members were arrested in Barcelona, Valencia and Almeria. One of those members operated a server from her home in Gijon, Northern Spain, which was used to perpetrate denial of service attacks against websites and agencies all over the world, apparently including Sony's.
The report quotes the domains compromised in attacks involving the server as "Sony Playstation Store, BBVA, Bankia, ENEL and the governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand."
Spain's Technological Investigation Brigade of the National Police reportedly tracked through 200,000 lines of chatlogs to narrow down potential suspects and locations before making the arrests after almost nine months of investigation. Police claim to have found software at the site of the arrests "specifically designed for the creation of malware."
The suspects will be charged with criminal damage, discovery and disclosure of secrets and conspiracy in Spanish courts. It has not yet been revealed whether any of the detainees could face extradition charges.
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June 11th, 2011, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4404
After a long (for timing information) absence from the underground scene of the PSP Total_Noob developer, proponent of the familiar and much appreciated 6.20 HEN TN who have opened a new chink in a context that seemed, now deceased, namely hackin PSP, here is the issue 6:39 dell'HEN TN-A.
A short distance from the release of the official FW 6:38, the network was literally invaded by the Proof of concept regarding the ' HEN 6:38 TN-A , made four hands and the developer Total_Noob German Hackman , HEN but was never issued for decision TN. But here in a scene dominated by ME and CF PRO, the odd couple great Total_Noob / Hackman back to stun the audience PSP. After the approval of the " mind "(TN), here's the" arm " (Hackman) releases the first HEN TN for the last sign of mom Sony: 6:39 HEN TN-A .
In reality it is a port of the TN-6:38 A, in turn based on the TN-E 6.20 (fix), so that the 6:39 TN-A retains all the features and for the occasion are bug fixes, including that plagued the access to USB flash PSP Go devoid of M2 crash.
NB: We remind all users that the 6:39 HEN TN-A, like any HEN is a Homebrew Enabler. Despite being provided with VSH Menu, Plugins support and support PS1 games, does not allow the backup of any type (ISO / CSO).
Below is the complete list of features.
NB: in this case, the HEN is signed to run on OFW. For both the domestic policy of DCEmu prohibits such content to host on our servers and provide direct or indirect links to the download, even by users. Penalty of permanent expulsion from the forum.
[Additional Info: Features 6:39 TN-A]
Features 6:39 HEN TN-A
- Launch homebrew
- Support for plug-compatible with FW 6.3x
- Support for PS1 games (POPS) in both PSN personally converted
- Fixed some bugs
For completeness: Changelog 6.20 TN-E
- Added the "TN Settings" to the XMB to manage configurations and plugin (based on Game Categories Bubbletune)
- Increased the number of characters of the OSK (from the standard 512-character screen to 1518 characters).
- Added password checking at startup (set by "Secority Settings")
- Added patch sceUmdMan_driver (umd4hombrew no longer necessary)
- Added support for USB access flash0, flash1, flash2, Flash3 and UMD
- Added support for multi disc PSX games
- Added ability to hide the icon in the menu dell'HEN Games
- Added display of version.txt
- Added more functions to the library kubridge
- Clone removed by Sony in various NID 6.20
- Fixed bug that prevented display of unity in the memory card pops
- Fixed the implementation of the system call in kernel mode (thanks to Neur0n)
- Rewritten the NID Resolver
- Updated database NID
- Improved compatibility with plugins such as: PSPConsole, Macro Fire, Custom Firmware Extender, Brightpad, Battery Warning Plugin and others.
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June 11th, 2011, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4397
New update for MP3PlayerPlugin, homebrew coder created by the renowned Japanese Plum by which we can listen to MP3 files found on our Memory Stick choosing as an alternative to the famous MusicPRX that had dominated the scene until recently.
The coder plum back to update one of its most popular plug-ins. The version v2.0 is to update and correct some internal functions to the plugin and add an option to change the display of the execution time. It 'also important to emphasize that from this version onwards, the coder has chosen to abandon support for the HEN-TN. That decision, as you will be able to understand from the readme attached, is due to some problems with the HEN NIDResolver of that, which should be updated constantly, unlike the case for CF PRO / ME NIDResolver which does not create many "nuisance" .
Following further information.
[Additional Information: Changelog, Instructions and Download]
.: Changelog:.
- Added option menu to change the timer
- Fixed minor bugs
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June 11th, 2011, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4398
The developer SnyFbSx releases a new update for its PSP Power Controller plugin, which will make possible to control various aspects of the PSP, and thanks to a simple configuration file, you can customize the shortcuts to the use of plugin.
With PSP Power Controller we will see some information about the status of the console, set the brightness level of the PSP and turn off automatically after a specified period of time and enable the convenient hot keys that allow, for example, to restart the console by pressing a combination of keys. The version 4.8.5 is mostly used to improve the implementation of libmenu.prx used for the textual part of the plugin. Since it is a revision of the daughter v4.8 , for completeness troverte full changelog below.
[Additional Information: Changelog, installation and download]
.: Changelog:.
- Small fix for prxlibmenu.prx support
- Change the Way You View Detailed information.
- When you view the menu, hide the battery information.
- Prxlibmenu.prx support.
- Optimization of internal processes Were Carried Out (PSP Filer Would Have Been Such as to appear.)
- E-6.20TN supported.
- The idol of an auto sleep function mode Was added. (At Game Only)
- The setting at the log output cycle Was changed. (Sec -> min)
- Fixed Some bugs. (About menu display)
- Modified to allow the cancellation of the auto sleep.
- UI is a little changes. (Hardware key part)
. Installation:.
Download the archive to view news
Unzip the contents of your release directory dedicated to the plugin: seplugins
Edit (or create if not present) files VSH.txt and GAME.TXT referring to the sample txt content in the archive.
In the file pwr_ctrl.ini contains the information of the program can be personalized
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June 11th, 2011, 21:41 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4402
The development team GameTheGlitch advantage of the latest version of Custom Firmware ME ner0n made by the coder to update the plugin VshMColor through which you can change at will the color palette of the VSH Menu feature that distinguishes the CF.
Following the team's work dell'incessante GameTheGlitch , VshMColor is compatible with the rest 6.39ME CF-5 , and beyond. Unlike earlier versions of the plugin can only be used on PSP FAT, see the new version adds support for the 200x models (SLIM and then). Although the team takes all the precautions stated that compatibility has yet to be fully tested, there are the first confirmation from twitter on the run.
Recall that as mentioned, the plugin allows you to change the colors of the VSH menu by pressing the TXT file that acts as a configuration of the plugin.
More information and a link to download below.
. Installation:.
- Copy the files vshmcolor.prx and VshMColor.txt folder SEPLUGINS
- Copy the string ms0: / seplugins / vshmcolor.prx 1 in the text file vsh.txt
- To change the coloring of VSH Menu, you must edit the file VshMColor.txt adding the code of the desired color. EXAMPLE: MAIN_MENU_TITLE = "000000FF" (color of the text in red)
The archive contains the source code folder (src) is not necessary for the functioning of the plugin.
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June 11th, 2011, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4403
The developer kenma9123 back to update for the PSP Genesis Compeititon its plugin utility Krap-psp, through which various functions are available to better manage and monitor various aspects of our PSP easily, all in quick keystrokes.
The version 1.17 , we propose here only for PSP-ITA pack full of sounds, add the quick exit from the game, change the key combinations to pause the game, fixes a few bugs in copy and extends the time of pressing HOME to restart the running game, to avoid restart. We recommend that you carefully read the changelog to learn the new combinations.
A complete list of features and changelog below.
[Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download]
.: Features:.
Enable / Disable from charging psp
Automatically set cpu / brightness to low
Automatically Sleep On A Certain battery percent
Easily execute Shutdown, Sleep, Reboot (VSH) on a key combo
September auto shutdown and sleep timer for
More Idle feature options
Manipulate CPU speed
Manipulate Brightness level
Manipulate LEDs psp
Easily detect the PSP motherboard version
Take screenshots
Text battery warning
Sound battery warning
Put music in psp mode (CPU goes to 80MHz, brightness / Led Off That hold is inspired by plugin)
Reset game on a key combo (ISO only)
Paused game on a key combo (ISO only)
Display the battery / cpu / and psp information
Easily customizable
.: Changelog:.
Fast Exit Game Added key combo feature (SELECT + LEFT)
Fix Game Paused text, Which Is Clearly not readable in the previous version
Change the Game Pause keycombo for it is now (+ SELECT RIGHT)
Increase the time of holding the HOME button When restarting a game (now 2.5 seconds)
. Installation:.
Download and unzip the archive in the root directory of the Memory Stick
In the seplugins folder to edit (or create if not present) and files vsh.txt game.txt one of the following strings depending on the model of PSP (only partly in bold)
ms0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP not Go
EF0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP Go!
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June 12th, 2011, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?i=4407
Just a few days after the initial release, developers Total_Noob Hackman and update their Homebrew Enabler for firmware 6:39. This is a Fix, useful to increase the compatibility with the various plugins are already in the PSP scene.
This first update dell'HEN 6.39TN-A, but adds no nuovafunzionalit* allows you to use, but will introduce support for two of the most famous and used by the user plugin PSP Game Categories and DayViewer .
NB: We remind all users that the 6:39 HEN TN-A, like any HEN is a Homebrew Enabler. Despite being provided with VSH Menu, Plugins support and support PS1 games, does not allow the backup of any type (ISO / CSO).
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June 12th, 2011, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4727.html
PCSX2 SVN r4727 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: No more blinking characters/objects when using EE/VU cycle speedhacks in God of War I (also maybe better fix for GoW2)
Added some NTSC-J CRCs found by users of 2ch.net. Thanx 
SPU2-X: partial and probably incorrect (but good enough for the BIOS) support for reading back key on and key off registers, just returning the last written value.
We need testing to determine how these actually behave and want to do some game testing to find other partially implemented registers before that.
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June 12th, 2011, 15:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/06/12/d...ave-the-scene/
Yesterday I was contacted by HacKmaN, close friend of Total_Noob who worked with him on TN Hen. It turns out that HacKmaN is the one who released TN Hen for 6.39, after discussing with Total_Noob and making sure they were both ok with the idea. The reason this was released “so” late is that they initially had no plan to release their 6.39 exploit, but since some1′s exploit came up as part of the genesis competition, they decided there was no point in not releasing 6.39 Hen, using some1′s exploit.
HacKmaN made the following additional comments:
- TN Hen for 6.39 is nothing more than TN Hen, adapted to the 6.39 exploit by some1. Nothing else was added or removed from the Hen, there was close to no additional work.
- Total_Noob and HacKmaN want to thank the following persons:
We say thanks to some1 for his Kernel Exploit, without this HEN wouldn’t be released. We also say thanks to neur0n, for a perfect CFW and for all previous PSP programmers for paving us the way to do this.
I also personally say thanks to my nice programmer-friends, that already helped me a lot with programming and that I still really like to chat/programm whith: dx3m, DarXPloit, PSP_Lord, -blue7, Ceikor, Namenloser, etc.
We sure also say they thanks to our great comrades, that supported us really much over the time (not through codes, but through News and similar things): The Z, fkrone, flofrucht, and so on… quite all moderators of PSPKing.de and surely even the administrator of this great site: Alexking. The same thanks goes to the other great psp website by flofrucht: pspcfw.de
A really special big thanks goes to Dr. Soup, that previously helped a lot on the HEN.
Furthermore we say thanks to everyone, that didn’t jump over to PRO.
And on top of this, also a great thanks goes to sony, for greating a perfect gaming device
Now, the sad piece of news that came with this message (and, this was a surprise for me, as I never officially heard about this before) is that both Total_Noob and HacKmaN are now officially “out” of the PSP scene. Quoting the original release thread on pspking.de:
This [release] does not mean we’re back on the scene, we’re doing this release purely for the faithful TN-Hen users with 6.39, who had no other choice but to use cfw pro.
Well, choice is always good I guess.
HacKmaN, Total_Noob, thanks for what you’ve done so far, and good luck for your future projects
So, err…was I the only one not knowing Total_Noob had officially decided to leave the scene? And what’s your opinion? Will that impact your choice for the next Hen you put on your console?
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June 13th, 2011, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment is "always open" to third-party exclusives, European boss Andrew House has told CVG.
Speaking to our E3 team in Los Angeles last week, House pointed to new PS3 exclusive Dust 514 as "a great example of having an approach from a developer".
Asked if Sony's in the market for more deals like Dust, the SCEE boss replied: "Absolutely. I think there are clearly opportunities where developers or publishers want to focus their resources on a single platform - usually the one they think delivers the best experience for their vision around the game. That was the case with Dust and the guys from CCP.
"So yes, we're always open to those sorts of approaches," he added. "I think you're right... we're not going to see as much exclusive focus because the increased cost of development does preclude that to a degree. But clearly there are opportunities out there and we'd love to explore them.
"I think you've got a few opportunities in the year when you want to attract some attention and make some news. E3 is one of those. Hopefully we've got some more interesting things up our sleeves for later on this year."
Two high profile PS3 exclusives notable in their E3 absence were Sony's Last Guardian and Rockstar's elusive Agent.
On the latter, House said he's "not brave enough to talk about Sam [Houser]'s creations on his behalf", while he blamed Last Guardian's no-show on the team being "hard at work". See his full answer in video form above.
In the same interview, House said £229 retailer listings for Vita are "where I would have predicted" and that Sony feels the price point needs to be "aggressive" in order to build momentum for the impressive portable.
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June 13th, 2011, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Spanish national police force's website was knocked offline for about an hour yesterday by hacker collective Anonymous.
The group claimed in a statement that the distributed denial of service attack launched on the site was "an act of peaceful protest" in direct response to the arrest of three Spanish men linked to the recent PSN hack.
Spanish authorities said the cause of the outage has not yet been determined.
But Anonymous said: "It has come to our attention that you deemed it necessary to arrest three of our fellow anons, ... which you claim to be the leaders of Anonymous and for their participation in DDoS attacks against various websites...
"First and foremost, DDoSing is an act of peaceful protest on the Internet. The activity is no different than sitting peacefully in front of a shop denying entry. Just as is the case with traditional forms of protest...
"Regardless of how many times you are told, you refuse to understand. There are no leaders of Anonymous. Anonymous is not based on personal distinction...
"Arresting somebody for taking part in a DDoS attack is exactly like arresting somebody for attending a peaceful demonstration in their hometown. Anonymous believes this right to peacefully protest is one of the fundamental pillars of any democracy...
"You have not detained three participants of Anonymous. We have no members and we are not a group of any kind. You have, however, detained three civilians expressing themselves...
"You are providing us with the fuel, but now you must expect the fire."
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June 13th, 2011, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
Following the arrest of three alleged 'Anonymous' members by Spanish authorities on Friday, Turkey's state-run news agency has reported that police have detained 32 individuals allegedly linked to the hacktivist group. The Anatolia news agency said today that the suspects were taken into custody after conducting raids in a dozen cities for suspected ties to Anonymous. The group recently targeted Web sites of the country's telecommunications watchdog, the prime minister's office and parliament as a protest to Turkey's plans to introduce Internet filters."
Anonymous are the group most linked to the recent hacking of the PSN Network
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June 13th, 2011, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has said that the cost of the PlayStation Network hack - currently expected to be $170 million for this financial year - won't have an impact on hardware or software development budgets in the PlayStation business.
The bill comes at a time when Sony's PlayStation division had reported a profit of $435 million for the last financial year, off the back of falling hardware costs and better games sales - although the entire Sony Corporation suffered a $3.14 billion loss.
"It's a cost for which we'll have to make provisions and that I think we, ironically, were also at the same time talking about very, very strong profitability for our division overall," European president Andrew House told GamesIndustry.biz last week at E3.
There's a very good and sensible reason why we haven't clarified exact timing in regions and geographies - we were significantly impacted by the events of March 11
"I'm hoping that profitability will allow us to just sustain our business at the operational level in much the same way as we would have done without any of this happening."
The PSN hack isn't the only disaster to affect Sony this year. The Japanese earthquake and tsunami in March had a devastating effect on manufacturing, and it's this disruption that has left the PlayStation division unable to define a solid release date in any regions for the new PlayStation Vita handheld.
"There's a very good and sensible reason why we haven't clarified exact timing in regions and geographies - we were significantly impacted by the events of March 11 in Japan," said House.
"We've undertaken, across Sony but also SCEE, a significant assessment of impact on our supply chain and what we think the long or medium term impact is going to be. Once we've completed that assessment and have a full understanding of what our supply chain looks like then we'll be in a position to be more specific about launch in specific regions."
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June 14th, 2011, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
news via pspita
A short distance from the last release here is a new update for MP3PlayerPlugin, homebrew coder created by the renowned Japanese Plum by which we can listen to MP3 files found on our Memory Stick choosing as an alternative to the famous MusicPRX that had dominated the scene until shortly time ago.
The coder plum back to update one of its most popular plug-ins. The version v2.1 is mostly used to improve the management of Channel Mute restored to its original configuration some versions ago and now changed again. Recall that the coder has chosen to abandon support for the HEN-TN. That decision, as you will be able to understand from the readme attached, is due to some problems with the HEN NIDResolver of that, which should be constantly updated. Unlike the case for CF PRO / ME NIDResolver which does not create many "nuisance".
This release includes the source code folder mp3pp_src not necessary for the normal functioning of the plugin
Following further information.
[Additional Information: Changelog, Instructions and Download]
.: Changelog:.
- Optimization of the Channel Mute
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June 14th, 2011, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.psp-ita.com/4410-224-Lamecraft_rev.25.html
New update for one of the most impressive homebrew game-last period. And 'in fact available Lamecraft 25 of the revision, the clone for the PSP developed by Drakon developer of the renowned Minecraft, which debuted on the scene at the PSP Genesis Competition.
The build today, said that as the application to update revision 25, introduces some improvements with the introduction of alternating day / night and are fixati some bugs and compilation errors. For those unfamiliar with the game, Lamecraft is nothing but a port to PSP Minecraft, game in which you can explore the world around them and modify it at will.
Following the complete changelog of the latest revisions and a link to download.
Small progress with lights
Fixed compilation errors
Block ID now accessed from static getID getbasicID or by class.
Sun / Moon changes
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June 14th, 2011, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.psp-ita.com/4411-240-Xplora_v2.05.html
The developer ne0h again Xplora v2.0 update bringing it to version 2.05, a convenient alternative to the XMB shell of the house to install on our Sony PSP equipped with CF and will allow us to have a more clear and appropriate for the content of your Memory Stick.
Xplora 2 includes an image viewer, a media player, a text editor, a PMF player, allows you to read ZIP archive, back up your UMD games and easily launch applications, manage plugins, and more. The entire project was completed in the C language to ensure the best performance. The version 2.05 adds two new languages, fixes some bugs that plagued the browser, the file manager and some of its functions, adds support for 7z files and includes a review of some applications of the shell.
Currently the list of compatibility of the new shell are excluded PSP Go While everything has been successfully tested on CF from 4:01 onwards.
For more information please consult the source (developer blog)
[Additional Information: ChangeLog functions and download]
.: Changelog:.
- German translation updated
- Browser upload patch directories
- File operations menu bugfixed
- Minor bugfixes Gui Manager
- Debug apps added to the website
- Polish translation added
- Revised the Application Manager
- Added a new setup manager to install updates
- Added 7z format to the Archive Manager
- FileMgr Bugfixes:
- Copy function
- Delete function
.: Features:.
- Desktop
- Image Viewer -> (JPG, BMP and PNG files are supported)
- Music Player -> (MP3 and OGG formats supported)
- Text Editor
- Arc Manager -> (ZIP files are supported)
- PMF Player -> (PMF Every file is supported)
- Homebrew Sorter
- Games & Applications
- UMD Dumper
- Nand Dumper
- Plugins Manager
- Internet & Home Xplora
.: Compatibility:.
SI: x000 PSP with CF 4.01 or higher
SI: PSP with CF 6.xx ME
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June 14th, 2011, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forums.daedalusx64.com/viewto...t=2640&start=0
DaedalusX64 is the best Nintendo 64 Emulator available exclusively for the PSP. To eliminate some frequently asked questions: No, the Emulator is not perfect, so any graphical bugs, or speed issues are considered normal. Yes, the audio does not always play full speed and can cause the Emulator to crash.
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 717
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 302 - Corn
[+] Implemented RumblePak support
[+] RumblePak / MemPak option added to global options (RumblePak shakes screen when active).
Note: Enable RumblePak before booting ROM (also enable clean scene if there is garbage left on screen when shaking)
Rev 303 - Salvy
[!} Separate rumblepak from mempak to avoid any conflicts and keep code tyde
Rev 304 - Salvy
[!] Corrected regression in dynarec from 366 that caused random lock ups in several games
Rev 305 - Salvy
[~] Forgot to revert these in 644
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June 14th, 2011, 04:16 Posted By: wraggster
Hi all, we are carrying on with our bringing back of DCEmu sites and the biggest of them all is now back (bar the forums), its just taken me 6 hours to reupload the site, Now PSP News also covers the PSPvita and Xperia Play.
PSP News is one of the biggest homebrew sites and archives for the PSP anywhere in the world, the site was up before the cracking of the PSP, during the first days of homebrew and well after 3 months offline back to where it belongs.
Just in case you need the link here it is --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/
Theres literally thousands of releases for the PSP Homebrew scene on there,
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June 14th, 2011, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has responded to the most recent round of US industry sales figures from NPD by pointing out that its PS3 console is selling 14 per cent more, year on year, than it was last May - making last month the fourth consecutive month of double digit sales growth.
The NPD report paints a grim picture for the US market, showing the lowest physical games sales for five years, albeit partially due to a sparse release schedule. Nonetheless, hardware sales for the PS3 and 360 were both up.
"The PS3 platform is stronger than ever, and with the launch of Infamous 2, we continue to show our commitment to delivering the best and freshest content line-up available to our consumers," said SCEA senior director of corporate communications, Patrick Seybold.
"At E3 last week, we saw first-hand the consumer excitement for 3D, PlayStation Move and our first party franchise titles that will continue to drive the brand."
Sony has suffered considerable setbacks over the last year, after experiencing production issues for the forthcoming PS Vita during the 11 March earthquake and tsunami, and then enduring six weeks of PSN outage, at the cost of $170 million, thanks to a security breach.
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June 14th, 2011, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster

Sony's seen fit to tell us many of the PlayStation Vita's specs, how much it'll cost ($249 for WiFi, $299 for 3G), and who gets it (everyone). Amidst all the hullabaloo at E3 2011, however, we missed seeing that Sony was showing off the new handheld's internal memory cards. Good thing an eagle-eyed member of the public snapped a pic of the 4, 8, 16, and 32GB cards on the show floor. They look awfully similar to garden variety SD cards, only there's a little notch in the side confirming they hew to Sony's unfortunate habit of using proprietary storage formats. The cost of the cards remains shrouded in secrecy, but life's more fun when a little mystery's involved, right?
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June 15th, 2011, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
If you run to your PS3 now and fire up Tetris, you'll be presented with the option to update. Download that 75MB file and -- just like that! -- you'll be playing in 3D. Oh, also, you have to have a 3D television and be wearing your glasses. We should really have told you about that part first.
In other 3D Tetris news, right before E3 the Tetris Company announced plans to localize Hudson's Tetris Axis for 3DS this October, claiming that it "will allow fans to experience the game like never before – in 3D!" Now, by the time that comes out, fans will already have experienced it through the PS3 version, rendering that hyperbolic press release statement inaccurate.
To be fair, though, it was already inaccurate, because the Virtual Boy's V-Tetris got there first, in 1995.
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June 15th, 2011, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx-re...vn-r67823.html
PCSX Reloaded SVN r67823 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
New icons (linux).
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June 15th, 2011, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4738.html
PCSX2 SVN r4738 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
i18n: round 2, fix po and upload new version of pt_BR/pl_PL/es_ES/sv_SE
i18n: remove the loading of ter&dev mo. Upload latest mo align on lastest po (several new languages too)
codeblock: add gtk include file and remove some define
=> wx directly include one gtk include file directly and it seem to use also deprecated stuff ...
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June 15th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment in the UK is still in a state of flux, as the company continues to seek a replacement for managing director Ray Maguire.
Seventeen-year veteran Maguire, who also held the position of senior vice president of Europe, left the company in April - leaving one of Sony Europe's strongest markets without a figurehead.
Sony told GamesIndustry.biz that the search for a replacement was still ongoing but declined to comment on whether it was promoting internally or seeking an external candidate.
"There will be an announcement in due course and I don't think it will be a hugely long, drawn out process," said Andrew House, European president.
It's a key strategic market for us and obviously we need really good leadership
Andrew House, Sony
"The UK is an absolutely key market for us, there's a great team of guys in place that who I think are doing a phenomenal job. It's a key strategic market for us and obviously we need really good leadership.
"Ray left fantastically big shoes to fill but we hope to find that right person," he added.
As well as establishing the PlayStation brand in the UK and Europe, Maguire was widely respected and a passionate advocate of using video games to improve the national curriculum.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Were you perplexed by the odd, seemingly misspelled word that kept periodically popping up during Sony's updates about the PSN outage? You know, Qriocity? It seems Sony is attempting to take advantage of your piqued attention, as PlayStation Blog has announced that all PS3 owners ages 18 and up are eligible to receive a free 180-day membership to the streaming music service.
To access the offer, PS3 owners simply need to select the "Music Unlimited" option under the Music pane of the XMB. After that, it's just a matter of figuring out which of the seven million tracks therein you want to listen to first. No, seriously, it's an important decision. If you kick off your Qriocity career with Hoobastank, we're going to be very disappointed in you.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Call of Duty: Black Ops' Escalation pack at last lands on PS3, a month after its initial Xbox 360 launch.
For £10.99, yours will be five new maps to the mix, including George Romero-inspired zombie killing in Call of the Dead. There's even a digital version of Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Also watch out for delightfully named The 2D Adventures Of Rotating Octopus Character as a mini for both PS3 and PSP. The aquatic adventure tugged an 8/10 (out of tentacle?) from Kristan in Eurogamer's PSN: Comeback Special review roundup earlier this week.
Other DLC adds more cars for Dirt 3, new missions in Operation Flashpoint: Red River and extra challenges to Marvel Vs Capcom 3.
Like your fighting a lot more retro? The original series-spawning PSone title Tekken is available to nab for four quid.
You can read the full listing below, courtesy of the EU PlayStation blog.
PS3 Games and Demos
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 - (£7.19/€8.99) - 20% off for Plus subscribers, free trial available
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete Edition (£19.99/€24.99)
Back to the Future: Episode 3 (free with Season Pass)
Ape Escape demo (free)
Black Ops: Escalation zombies. A bit like escalator zombies.
minis (PS3 and PSP)
Babel, The King Of The Blocks (£2.49/€2.99)
The 2D Adventures Of Rotating Octopus Character (£1.74/€1.99)
Run Ghost Run (£2.39/€2.99)
Best Of Solitaire (£4.99/€6.19)
Jellycar 2 (£1.99/€2.49)
PSone Classics (PS3 and PSP)
Tekken (£3.99/€4.99)
PSP Games
WWE All-Stars (£23.99/€29.99)
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (£23.99/€29.99)
PS3 Add-Ons
Alice: Madness Return - Weapons Of Madness And Dresses Pack (1.59/€1.99)
Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation (£10.99/€13.99)
DanceDanceRevolution: New Moves - DDR Konamix Greatest Hits(£2.99/€3.59)
Dirt 3 - Teams And Cars Unlock Pack (£2.39/€2.99), Power And Glory Car Pack (£4.39/€5.49) (contains the following content also available separately): BMW M3 Rally (£1.19/€1.49), Chevrolet Camaro Ssx Concept (£1.19/€1.49), Ford Focus St Rallycross (£1.19/€1.49), Lancia Delta S4 (£1.19/€1.49), Scion TC (£1.19/€1.49)
Hyperdimension Neptunia - 99 Knights (free), Apple Beret (Compa) (£0.79/€0.99), Black Kitty (Neptune) (£0.79/€0.99), Bourne Hazard (free), Level Cap +200 (3) (£0.79/€0.99), Witch Hat (If) (£0.79/€0.99)
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - Shadow Battle 09 (£0.79/€0.99)
MotorStorm Apocalypse - Prestige Pack(£1.99/€2.49) (contains the following content also available separately): Prestige Supercar Custom Pack (£0.79/€0.99), Prestige Rally Car Custom Pack (£0.79/€0.99), Prestige Supercar 2 Custom Pack (£0.79/€0.99)
LittleBigPlanet - Solstice Costume (free – 1 week only!)
SOCOM Special Forces - Pro Assault Pack (free)
Rock Band & Yoostar
Rock Band Mini-Sale (ends 22/06/11): Going Country Pack 01 – (was £4.39/€6.59 - now £2.49/€3.99), Going Country Pack 02 – (was £5.99/€8.99 - now £4.39/€6.59, Going Country Pack 03 – (was £4.99/€7.99 - now £3.49/€5.29, Alt Country Pack 01 – (was - £4.39/€6.59 - now £2.49/€3.99, Johnny Cash Pack 01 – (was £6.69/€9.99 - now £4.99/€7.99, Roy Orbison Pack 01 (was £4.99/€7.99 – now £3.49/€5.29
Rock Band 2 - Lost Soul - Amberian Dawn (£0.99/€1.49), Airbrushed – Anamanaguchi (£0.99/€1.49), You Will Leave A Mark - A Silent Dawn (£0.99/€1.49), Fight For Greatness – Bloom (£0.59/€0.79), Spaghetti Cat - Parry Gripp (£0.59/€0.79)
Rock Band 3 - Hard Rock Hallelujah – Lordi (£0.99/€1.49), I Alone – Live (£0.99/€1.49), Lightning Crashes – Live (£0.99/€1.49), Take On Me - A-Ha (£0.99/€1.49), Tubthumping – Chumbawamba (£0.99/€1.49), Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold (£0.99/€1.49), Welcome To The Family - Avenged Sevenfold (£0.99/€1.49), King Of Rock - Run-DMC (£0.99/€1.49), Foo Fighters Pack 04 (£3.49/€5.29) (contains the following songs also available separately): Long Road to Ruin (£0.99/€1.49), Rope (£0.99/€1.49), Stacked Actors (£0.99/€1.49), Walk (£0.99/€1.49)
Yoostar 2 - Are You Trying To Seduce Me? (£1.39/€1.75), The Parthenon In Greece (£0.59/€0.75), Fast-Moving Clouds (free), Atop The Great Wall Of China (£0.59/€0.75), Licoln Memorial (£0.59/€0.75), Buckingham Palace Garden (£0.59/€0.75), One Senior Always Has To Be The Badass (£1.39/€1.75), They Think He's A Righteous Dude (£1.39/€1.75), Damone's Dating Advice (£1.39/€1.75), Has The War Started? (£1.59/€1.99), Give 'em Hell! (£1.39/€1.75), The War Department Promised 180 Men (£1.39/€1.75), Classic Hollywood (£4.99/€6.19), Hollywood Sets Pack (£4.39/€5.49), Hollywood Icons (£4.39/€5.49), Horror (£4.39/€5.49), The Death Of Kirk (£1.39/€1.75), You're Terminated (£1.39/€1.75)
PSP Add-Ons
Buzz: TUMQ - Decades Quiz 90's (£3.19/€3.99)
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June 16th, 2011, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony knew hackers had pinched personal PSN data a full day earlier than we've been lead to believe, according to a new report.
Kyodo news (via Kotaku) obtained, via a freedom of information request, sensitive documents that proved Sony understood roughly the extent of the PSN hack on 25th April. PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai said this wasn't the case until 26th April.
On 26th April, Sony downplayed that internal report of a "fairly large" data theft by telling the world it "couldn't rule out the possibility" personal information had gone walkabouts.
Sony didn't want to "bewilder" customers. "We hadn't figured out (at that time) what kind of data had been leaked," a Sony spokesperson defended. "If only passwords and IDs (were breached), they cannot be considered personal information, and so we didn't want to bewilder our customers."
Does a day's delay signify Sony deliberately belittling the importance of the data theft?
PlayStation Network went offline on 20th April 2011. Nine days later, Sony announced that personal data including credit card information had been stolen. Upwards of 70 million people were at risk. Sony still doesn't know who was responsible.
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June 16th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Half-a-million people flocked to PlayStation Home during E3 2011, according to VentureBeat.
Only 46,800 were at the actual E3 show in Los Angeles.
PlayStation Home hosted a virtual E3 space last week, allowing gamers' avatars to digitally stroll around a replicated LA Convention Centre.
Those incredible numbers were recorded days after Home was restored following a headline-dominating PlayStation Network hack and resulting outage.
Buser last week spouted off about "record traffic in Home".
Elated, he added, "We were watching the numbers and we were just so excited. We were just dancing in the streets."
"The numbers are through the roof. I think it speaks to the loyalty of our user base, and to the power of these kinds of platforms."
WipEout-alike Sodium 2 Project Velocity arrives this week on PlayStation Home. It's free and has multiplayer and customisable spaceship-car-things. There's more information about Sodium 2 on the European PlayStation blog.
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June 17th, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
The developer kenma9123 back to update for the PSP Genesis Compeititon its plugin utility Krap-PSP, which will ensure a variety of functions to better manage and monitor various aspects of our PSP easily, all in quick keystrokes.
The version 1.18 , we propose here only to PSP-ITA pack full of sounds, fixes some bugs in the capture of screenshots, others involving the management of menus and the charging function. In addition adds some interesting features such as saving WLAN settings, customizing your settings CPU Powersave / Bighteness and improves the music mode. We recommend that you read the changelog to learn the new combinations.
A complete list of functions and changelog below.
[Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download]
.: Features:.
Enable / Disable from charging psp
Automatically set cpu / brightness to low
Automatically Sleep On A Certain Battery Percent
Easily execute Shutdown, Sleep, Reboot (VSH) on a key combo
September auto timers for sleep and shutdown
More options Idle Feature
Manipulate CPU speed
Manipulate Brightness level
Manipulate LEDs psp
Easily detect the PSP motherboard version
Take screenshots
Text battery warning
Sound battery warning
Put PSP in music mode (CPU goes to 80MHz, brightness / off LED is inspired by Hold That plugin)
Reset a game on key combo (ISO only)
A game paused on key combo (ISO only)
Display the battery / cpu / and psp information
Easily customizable
.: Changelog:.
Fix the bug screenshot (that car Krap Creates a folder!)
Fix some errors in the menu Krap
Fix a bug That When The "Stop charging is Disabled" the PSP will not charge battery at 0% lvl.
Added Wlan Saver Option in Settings menu (Now You Can Turn It On / off while in game mode)
Added the ability to disable / enable screenshots, music mode, reboot, sleep, shutdown
Added the ability to change the PowerSaver CPU / Brightness
Added the value of the Fahrenheit temperatures in the Battery menu Krap
Improved features music mode
Changed some of the default buttons Such as
Force shutdown from (NOTE START + -> + SELECT NOTES)
Force Sleep from (SELECT NOTES + -> + START NOTES)
Screenshots from (LTRIG NOTES + -> + RTRIG NOTES)
.: Installation:.
Download and unpack the archive in the root of the Memory Stick
Seplugins folder to edit (or create if not present) and files vsh.txt game.txt one of the following strings depending on the model of the PSP (only partly in bold)
ms0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP not Go
EF0: / seplugins / Krap / Krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP Go!
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June 17th, 2011, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
The development of homebrew for the PSP has allowed since the early moments of turning their gaming console into an instrument more complete, ready to cope with the needs of all types, utility and entertainment. Among other applications now also comes with a comfortable kitchen aid RicettarioPN made in PSP-ITA.
From what has been born, our community has given birth to various amateur productions, many of which are exported abroad. Recently, here comes a nice homebrew that will allow us to bring our PSP in the kitchen (look at the sink) as a great help especially for those who do not excel in the culinary skills. The homebrew is concerned RicettarioPN , built by developers Patty9998 and Nixola , and how easily you can guess from the name of a recipe is easy to read, not so much of images showing the final result.
When version 2 of RicettarioPN contains 15 recipes of varying difficulty. The project is still early to be refined graphics and appearance, but in this case the result will be more important on our plates.
More to follow.
.: Changelog:.
-Added 6 new recipes with their images
-Eliminated the page warns that languages are not yet present in the recipe
-Added the ability to use images as wallpaper or not.
-First release of the cookbook, 9 recipes with their images
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June 19th, 2011, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3's successor is a very long way off, judging by comments from PlayStation US boss Jack Tretton.
Tretton told Forbes that the company is focussing heavily on the PlayStation 3 and Vita for the time being, and in any case, believes its current tech is still right on the cutting edge.
"PlayStation 3 is really just hitting its stride," he insisted. "And technologically, I don't think it's possible to provide any advancement beyond what we have."
"What we've seen from the competition is trying to add features that already exist in PlayStation 3," he said.
"We invested heavily in that, we rolled a very heavy rock up a steep hill, through the launch period. But now I think that all pays off, and we've got a long run way behind it. So, I wouldn't look for any discussion of a next generation PlayStation for quite some time."
Microsoft is rumoured to be readying a new machine for a 2013 launch, whereas Nintendo has the Wii U lined up for a 2012 release. It seems Tretton wasn't too impressed by the latter's recent E3 reveal.
"I think there's ground to be carved out for everybody. But I didn't see anything about Nintendo's announcement that said 'Oh, we'd better get working on rolling out a new PlayStation here pretty soon.'
"Our attitude is kind of 'welcome to the party.' If you're looking at being a multimedia entertainment device, if you're looking at high def gaming, that was 2006 for us."
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June 19th, 2011, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster

The Brazilian site GameGeneration noticed a familiar logo on stage during a PlayStation Vita presentation at a Sony "Key Account Meeting" in São Paulo. Along with PSN, Wi-Fi, and DLNA, the Skype logo sits unassumingly to the side of the PlayStation Vita, suggesting that Skype will be available on the Vita as it was on the PSP.
Why would there be any doubt that a PSP feature would carry forward? Well, for one thing, between the PSP version and now, Skype was purchased by Sony's competitor Microsoft; for another, the PSP Go proved that we can't expect any feature to carry forward from one Sony handheld to another, not even playing PSP games.
When it acquired Skype, Microsoft said it planned to continue supporting versions on non-Microsoft platforms, so it's not impossible that it would continue supporting Sony handhelds. Right now, this is unconfirmed, as neither Microsoft or Sony offered comment when queried by Joystiq.
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June 19th, 2011, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4424-302-PSP_...E*_v4.9.1.html
A little over a week since release, the developer again updates its plugin SnyFbSx PSP Power Controller application that allows you to check and modify various aspects of the console, including screen brightness.The update today to version 4.9.0 brings the plugin.* UPDATE *: version 4.9.1 is available
This new version of PSP games controller fixes some bugs that plagued previous releases, remove the home button from the list of keys used with the plugin and introduces the possibility to set a key combo and the one for the menu.
To follow the full changelog for version 4.9.0 and the download link.
UPDATE : SnyFbSx today released version 4.9.1 of the PSP games controller , adding the auto-off.
Changelog v4.9.0
- Button HOME removed from the list of keys
- It 'can set a key combo and the one for the menu
- At the end of the menu, the cursor back to top
- Fixed some bugs
Changelog v4.9.1
- Added auto-shutdown
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June 19th, 2011, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4425-323-Are_...E*_BugFix.html
New game from our homebrew proposed fade94boss.The Italian developer and user of our PSP community engages in the creation of another player who sublimated his passion for speed.It's Fast Are You?, As suggested by the same game that challenges us to show under the speed of our fingers.
The purpose of Fast Are You?departs from what has been seen with FastGAME, but in this case we will not be free to choose which key to press to our performance, but we will be able to press the 8 key shown on screen as quickly as possible, trying to improve our lap times in each game .
fede94boss the first bugfix release that corrects the error on the inversion of the left and right buttons
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June 19th, 2011, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4426-324-Game...6.38_6.39.html
The well known Japanese coder neur0n releases a new update of one of the plugins that have made the history of the production from which homebrew and Sony (silently) with the inspiration for the latest firmware.Let's talk about Game Categories Light now compatible with the latest CF / HEN.
The original idea is due to the plugin developer Bubbletune . Game Categories allows you to organize your homebrew games into categories according to our preferences.Function introduced recently in the official firmware from Sony.The current update adds support for HEN and CF-based family of FW 6.38/6.39
[Additional info: Changelog and download]
.: Changelog:.
- Added support for FW 6.38/6.39
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June 19th, 2011, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4427-267-Krap_psp_v1.19.html
The developer kenma9123 back to update for the PSP Genesis Compeititon its plugin utility Krap-PSP, which will ensure a variety of functions to better manage and monitor various aspects of our PSP easily, all in quick keystrokes.
The version 1.19 , we propose here only to PSP-ITA pack full of sounds, fixes various bugs that plagued the PowerSaver feature is configured, the LED and the recognition of the motherboard.In addition are rearranged the information and find new features such as the test button, the display of the volume in game, a more detailed pattern recognition PSP and more.
A complete list of functions and changelog below.
[Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download]
.: Features :.
Enable/Disable psp from charging
Automatically set cpu/brightness to low
Automatically sleep on a certain battery percent
Easily execute Shutdown,Sleep,Reboot(VSH) on a key combo
Set auto timer for sleep and shutdown
More Idle feature options
Manipulate CPU speed
Manipulate Brightness level
Manipulate psp LEDs
Easily detect the psp motherboard version
Take screenshots
Text battery warning
Sound battery warning
Put psp in music mode (Cpu goes to 80mhz,brightness/Led off that is inspired by hold plugin)
Reset a game on key combo(ISO only)
Paused a game on key combo(ISO only)
Display the battery/cpu/and psp information
Easily customizable
.: Changelog:.
Fix a bug in powersaver manipulation
Fix a bug in LED manipulation
Fix a bug in mobo detection
Re-arranged krap infos
In-game sounds will suspended when krap menu is open(to avoid crash?)
When paused(SELECT+RIGHT), only user_main will be disabled
Increased thread delay to avoid low framerates when krap menu is open
Change UsePspgo_MS = 1 to UsePspgo_MS = 0 ( set it back to 1 if you want to use mem. stick instead of internal mem.)
Added 4 mobo detection(TA-092 - TA-095)
Added Psp type in krap info
Added the ability to see the volume bar in game(without having pressing the HOME button)
Added new menu called "MISC" - somehow its not yet complete
Added the ability to see all the active threads from MISC menu
Added krapy stuff like "Test Buttons" in MISC menu
I added an exception to avoid disabling the wlan threads mostlikely in mhp3(which is using separate thread for adhoc)to avoid disconnection when paused so don't worry!
Please leave the button history menu for now, I just got a krapy idea on what should i put there on the next version
If the krap menu is flickering so much, please report
.: Installation:.
Download and unpack the archive in the root of the Memory Stick
Seplugins folder to edit (or create if not present) and files vsh.txt game.txt one of the following strings depending on the model of the PSP (only partly in bold)
ms0: / seplugins / krap / krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP non Go
ef0: / seplugins / krap / krap-psp.prx 1 - PSP Go!
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June 19th, 2011, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4428-140-Pass...r_CF_6.39.html
The tireless developers neur0n, now one of the landmarks in the underground scene, PSP, continued development of its many projects.Today is the turn of PasswordLockPlugin, prx, which incorporates a feature on the door and HeNe TN Custom Firmware 6:39.
PasswordLockPlugin is a plugin designed by the developer and is devoted to neur0n PSP owners with the custom firmware and 6.39ME 6.39PRO.With this small application, you can set a security password in the XMB of the console.Recall that this function is already present nell'HEN 6.39TN-A and was introduced with the release of the Total_Noob 6.20TN-E.
More to follow.
- Copy the file passctrl.prx in ms0: / seplugins or EF0: / seplugins
- Add the string ms0: / seplugins / passctrl.prx 1 (or EF0: / seplugins / passctrl.prx 1) in the text file vsh.txt
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June 19th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fbanext-ps3-svn-r455.html
FBANext-PS3 SVN r455 is released. FBANext-PS3 is a FBANext for PS3. FBANext (Final Burn Alpha) is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn. FBANext is a native port on the Xbox 360 Platform. A port to the PS3 console is currently underway. The goal is to have one source repository for both systems.
These are the currently emulated systems:
- Capcom CPS-1
- Capcom CPS-2
- Capcom CPS-3
- Cave
- Neo Geo
- Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board
- Toaplan
- Taito
- Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware
- misc stuff the authors like
FBANext-PS3 SVN Changelog:
- CPS3 bios fix
[Core] - added Oriental Legends Plus driver to PGM (oldsplus). Thanks iq_132
[Core] - fixed endian issue in Cps3PatchRegion()
- Frame_count shaders work now
- Updated/added all new shaders
- Use left/right to cycle then X to set shader
- No resampling for new Cellframework 2 audio
- Input improvements
- multiMAN support
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June 20th, 2011, 18:43 Posted By: wraggster
As well as being lighter and greener, the newly revealed PS3 model will feature updated security, according to reports.
Speaking under conditions of anonymity, "a well-placed industry source" told GamerTell that the system will feature a new layer of copy protection not on the motherboard as with exiting models but inside the Blu-ray drive itself, similar to the Xbox 360.
The site suggests there'll likely be some kind of watermark on genuine PS3 discs that the drive looks for to prevent new consoles from running copied games.
The new hardware may be accompanied by a PS3 price drop in time for September's Tokyo Game Show, GamerTell adds.
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June 20th, 2011, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster

Fresh from the Land of the Rising Sun comes news that Sony has updated the original PS3 Slim (CECH-3001B) with a lighter, less power-hungry model. The new Japanese PS3 CECH-3000B weighs in at 5.7 pounds -- as opposed to its 6.6 pound elder brother -- and even lowers its wattage to 200W from the previous 230W. Based on information handed to us by SCE in February, we're surmising that you'll need HDMI / HDCP in order to get 1080p video playback from Blu-ray Discs; otherwise, it'll be limited to 480i over piracy concerns. Other non-AACS content -- games included -- should be exempt from the restrictions. The unit will retail at the same ¥34,980 price point (or $435 for the Yanks) as the original Slim, and while a relatively plain 320GB flavor seems to be on tap for now, a 160GB Tales of Xillia bundle will purportedly hit this September. No announcement has been made for its North American counterpart, but with the system already in the FCC's clutches, you can bet it'll be making an intercontinental trek in short order.
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June 20th, 2011, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
News viahttp://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx-reloaded-svn-r67977.html
PCSX Reloaded SVN r67977 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
dfsound, openal.
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June 20th, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/ps3-mam...2-preview.html
PS3 MAME v0.142 (Preview) is released. It's a PS3 MAME arcade game emulator GameOS port by the PS3 developer Robo Hobo.
Attached is a preview release of MAME 0.142. It's still a little rough around the edges, but it is usable. I hope to improve it greatly over the next couple of weeks, so please post any issues, feature requests, or complaints to the issue tracker on the google code page.
Due to the large file size a version run through package-finalize is not provided. If you use a CFW where this is required you will need to run it yourself.
Unofficial MAME 0.142 PS3 GameOS port
Install the psmame package onto your jailbroken PS3 using normal means.
By default all data paths for mame are located under /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data.
ROMS themselves can be placed anywhere and their location chosen with the frontend. The recommended path is /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame.
Default controls:
As of right now the only defined controls are R3 to open the MAME config menu, Select for coin, and Start for starting the game.
Further control changes can be made in the MAME config menu as needed.
Up to four controllers can be used at one time.
The frontend can display screenshots of games, these should be placed in /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data/snaps. You can find a full set at http://www.progettosnaps.net/snaps_en.html
Under /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data
hash: path to hash files
samples: path to samplesets
artwork: path to artwork files
ctrlr: path to controller definitions
ini: path to ini files
font: path to font files
cheat: path to cheat files
crosshair: path to crosshair files
snaps: path to screenshots for frontend
Under /dev_hdd0/game/MAME90000/USRDIR/data
cfg: directory to save configurations
nvram: directory to save nvram contents,
memcard: directory to save memory card contents
inp: directory to save input device logs
sta: directory to save states
snap: directory to save screenshots
diff: directory to save hard drive image difference files
comments: directory to save debugger comments
Known issues
When adding ROMs into your ROM dir, you must tell the frontend to rescan them. This can be done in the R3 menu.
The display currently only supports scaling by pixel aspect ratio. Future versions will support various aspect correction modes.
Changing video settings in the menu may crash MAME, they don't work anyway so don't bother.
Games which require a recompiler will not run.
Games which have high memory requirements will not run, the PS3 only has a little of 220MB of RAM available.
The default controls will need to be tweaked by the user
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June 21st, 2011, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/spu2-x-v15.html
SPU2-X v1.5 is released. SPU2-X is a pcsx2 sound plugin for PCSX2.
SPU2-X v1.5 Changelog:
Hey guys,
In light of recent fixes and additions we prepared a new SPU2-X release for you
This one focuses on SPU2 emulation accuracy but there's also the much requested volume adjustment feature included.
You can now try a fake SPU2 reverb mode that may sound better than the (still somewhat broken) original reverb.
Emulation improvments:
- Reverb engine reviewed and mostly rewritten.
- Initialisation modified to reflect test results, including a critical portion of the BIOS initialisation sequence to support fast boot.
- Hardware reset feature removed because tests failed to prove its existence.
- Possible null pointer access eliminated.
- Added support for reading KON and KOF registers, which is used in the BIOS.
- Improved voice loop logic based on tests.
- Constantly mix the input area and generate IRQs from accessing it.
Among the fixed games are titles such as:
- F1 2005
- Burnout in-game music
- Tomb Raider (the whole series)
- Spyro the Dragon
- Gauntlet Dark Legacy
- Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2
- etc
Hope you enjoy, and please report all (new) bugs if you find them!
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June 21st, 2011, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4747.html
PCSX2 SVN r4747 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Version bump.
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June 21st, 2011, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
For what many of us have started to take for granted has been a bit of a journey for one person. Graf the guy behind much of the progress of the Linux scene for the PS3 has been fighting off Sony while the rest of us have been bitching over who should release the keys next. This guys, is essentially the hero for this scene but unfortunately his legal fund is drying up, yesterday on his blog he left a few words on how things are for him at this time.
From Graf's Blog:
June 17, 2011 at 7:38 pm
Hi guys, no money left anymore. Going to jail soon probably because i cannot pay court costs.
But i’m ready to stand up for everything i said and go to jail for that too. It’s not important to win, more important is to show them that we are ready to fight, that they cannot scare me off easily. Yeah, i’m ready to go to jail for my believes and my principles.
Most of people probably think that all computer and kernel hackers are weak kids, hiding in a cellar, eating pizza whole day, writing software and looking for attention Maybe, but that’s NOT me. And i will get out eventually and continue my work. My work means very much to me.
Also, gitbrew tweets:
Gitbrew hereby dedicates the OpenCL installer toolkit to graf_chokolo. SUPPORT your Devs, RT! - bit.ly/kUCmsI gitbrew.org/support
It's sad to think that someone with such great talent might be going to jail for not being able to afford the ever growing legal fees. Especially when all he is doing is restoring a function on the PS3 that an update removed.
Donate to his legal fund if you can, he has shown he wont bow down to the Giant Crab.
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June 21st, 2011, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Developer Ole releases CDG Player, cdg & mp3 player for ps3. Karaoke!
Music fans and wannabe American Idol contestants will rejoice over this next piece of news. The same developer who brought us the Amiga emulator (E-UAE ps3) for the PS3, has now released a new project he's been working on. The project is known as the CDG Player, and it allows for CDG discs to be played on the PS3 console. The project was developed using the legal PSL1GHT SDK and is open source.
Most of you probably won't recognize what CDG discs are, but if you've ever sang karaoke you've most likely used one. CDG, which is also known as CD+G, stands for compact disc plus graphics and is the industry wide standard for karaoke discs. The specially crafted discs allow for lyrics to be displayed on screen, while the audio is played. Now, with the help of the CDG Player, singing fans will no longer need to bare the burden of purchasing a pricey karaoke machine.
CDG Player is a simple program for PS3 that plays mp3 files and displays graphics stored in cdg files. The format is used in many karaoke disks.
Compiled by psl1ght sdk and libraries.
- simple file selector
- mp3 and cdg playback
- ps3 ready to run homebrew programs
- CROSS - select a file or directory
- CIRCLE - go to parent directory
- SQUARE - exit the program
Q: does it play CD disks ?
A: no, use a ripping program to convert your CD to audio tracks in mp3 format
Q: does it play OGG, WAV, etc. (your favourite audio format) ?
A: no, just mp3 format is supported (16 bit, stereo, 44100 or 48000 Hz) along
with the cdg format
Q: does it support zipped files ?
A: no
Q: does it support microphone plugged in the ps3 ?
A: no, to amplify your voice you need an extra hardware (mixer)
Q: the program sucks, can you add more features ?
A: the source code is freely available, do it yourself
Credits and thanks:
- minimp3 (KeyJ’s Blog : Blog Archive » Honey, I shrunk the MP3 decoder)
- PyKaraoke (PyKaraoke - Karaoke for Linux)
- psl1ght sdk team
- PS3 homebrew scene
Release log:
- initial release
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June 21st, 2011, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/16/...ly-the-copter/
Simple yet addictive… I literally just wasted an hour playing the flash version seen here. The PSP version — Phly the Copter — features the same concept: Fly the chopper avoiding all obstacles in an attempt to beat your previous distance travelled. Press & hold X to propel up and forward; release X to drop lower.
You’ll also find other features not present in the online flash version; for example there are 3 different modes: Classic, Survival and Arcade.
Classic Mode
Like the original — evade all obstacles for as long as possible.
Survival Mode
Similar to classic mode; however, things speed up for every 250 points (or distance travelled).
Arcade Mode
This mode currently remains locked but is planned to include weapons, pickups, power-ups, and more. So check back for that.
Other features
•Ability to Change Color
•Music On/Off
•Reset Personal Highscore
And last but not least Phly the Copter is written using OSLib by PearLBLacK.
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June 21st, 2011, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/20/...pdates-galore/
Liquidzigong and neur0n have updated their custom firmwares — PRO and ME respectively.
PRO-B7 comes in 6.20, 6.35 and 6.39 for all PSP models, while there are two versions of ME-6: 1) “Light” (or LCFW) for all models, minus the PSPgo, and 2) the non-light version for PSP-1000 and 2000 (non-TA088v3) models only.
Most notably PRO-B7 adds “memory stick acceleration” speeding up access times; ME-6 adds a couple minor features, like the gameboot skip option.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4751.html
PCSX2 SVN r4751 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
* test the reading of the configuration file (will be safer with the previous configuration format).
* bump the version
* fix forcefeedback. It works now, albeit it slow down the emulation...
* Add an option hack for ds3 usb drivers
cmake: * improve gtk hack to be compatible with previous cmake version.
* Add some number to the plugin .so file.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/...s-released-40/
After 2 1/2 years of silence, Jimmikaelkael today officially released the FMCB1.8c-Loader, which is the first released PS2-MC-KELF generated from scratch.
The new MC-KELF-Generation was invented by Jimmikaelkael and a source/hacker, which prefers to remain anonymous.
-you can now install FMCB from a PC to MC with these MC-Adapters!
-You can sign MC-KELFs to your MCs directly from PC!
-you can make multi-region-installs!
-The FMCB1.8c-Loader finally includes the V0-Kernel-Fix for those old SCPH-1x000-Consoles (this gives users of those old models the ability to run a few homebrew-apps, which were previously incompatible to those versions)!
That means: Nearly everone on this planet can install himself and friends FMCB, regardless of regional restrictions.
I suppose this new release is especially good for countries like brasil, which imported their consoles from different MagicGate-Regions.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:54 Posted By: wraggster
Graf_Chokolo published a post on his blog stating that he was in a precarious financial situation and he no longer afford to pay legal fees for his lawsuit against Sony.
Hi guys, I have no money.I'll probably go to jail because I can not pay the court costs.But as I said, I am ready to take on and go to jail.The most important thing was not to win but to show them that we are ready to fight, they can not scare me so easily.Yes, I am ready to go to jail for my beliefs and my principles.
Most people probably think that all hackers are kids, hiding in a cave, eating pizza all day and developing software for the glory.Perhaps, but it's not ME.And when I'm out, I will continue my work.My work means so much to me.
If you want to help Graf_Chokolo, you can donate via his blog .
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June 21st, 2011, 12:57 Posted By: wraggster
shinhalsafar releases a new version of his port of the NES emulator on PS3 fceu.
- Support for 4 players
- Support for modes 480p, 720p and 1080p depending on your screen
- Supports 4:3 and 16:10 (the 16:9 will be added later)
- Linear Filters hardware interpolation (Bilinear filtering) and Point filtering
- Explorer ROM (R3 + L3 during the line to return to the browser)
- Support for USB joysticks
New / fixed:
- Support Border
Fceu GX v1.4 rev 0b422
Official website: https://code.google.com/p/fceu-ps3/
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June 21st, 2011, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
DaedalusX64 the N64 Emulator for PSP that was born from Daedalus that was born here on DCEmu has seen a new release, heres whats new:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 718
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 306 - Salvy
[!] Remove country ID line from cheats to speed up cheat parsing (this was redundant anyways, since we now insert that info in the name itself)
[!] Updated entry of Aerogauge as an example how cheats are formatted now.
Note : All cheats need to be updated!
Rev 307 - Salvy
[!] Simplified DMA_PI_CopyFromRDRAM (we only for DOM2/ADDR2 anyways)
[!] Simplified WriteValue_Cartridge (Added notes too for games that write to ROM in DOM1/ADDR2..)
[!] Moved RTC READ out of ProcessEeprom to keep code clean, and added an assert for NOP cmds in PIF.
[~] Killed a couple of dead externals
[!] Signed extend DADD/DADDU and also operand in 32bit (fixes Excite Bike and saves 4 ops)
[~] Small clean ups here and there..
Rev 308 - Salvy
[!] Small fix for cheat names
[!] Updated all cheat entries
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June 21st, 2011, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/4431-328-Mobi...lt_v1.7.3.html
At a distance of some time since the last release here is that teams CodeTactics back to update its most famous games for PSP homebrew. We speak of course of the Mobile Assault REMAINING that without a doubt one of the best amateur creations landed on the PSP and now it comes to version 1.7.3
Mobile Assault allows us to fly a military helicopter in various war scenarios with a series of missions that have nothing to envy to the retail products. All with a sector characterized by audio / video very nice and isometric.
The version 1.7.3 adds the tutorial missions and brings to 27. In addition goes to fix some bugs in the HUD, the missions and some weapons already in the game. Beyond bug fixes improves the playability and management posts at stake.
Following the changelog and download link.
[Additional info: Changelog]
.: Changelog:.
* Added a tutorial mission.
* Added to 27th Mission Called 'While They're Down'. Bug Fixes * Fixed bug where restarting the mission May result in the selected weapon to the weapon Indicated Being Different on the HUD. * Fixed bug with the mission 'A Dish Not To Break' where the mission Did not fail if the radar site is captured Within 120 seconds. * Fixed bug where the cannon of a crashed helicopter was not fading out with the Rest of the helicopter. Improvements * AI helicopters fly Slightly Slower than the player. * When landing at a helipad, the helicopter will automatically align know Itself as to land at the center of it. * In game messages can now display on top of the panel upgrades (When used from a helipad). * Fixed lots of typos in the in-game messages.
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June 21st, 2011, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
The teenager arrested in Essex today in connection with LulzSec's widespread digital attacks is an ex-member of PSN hacking group Anonymous.
UK national newspapers have named 19-year-old Ryan Cleary as the arrested party.
Cleary gained notoriety amongst the hacking community in May, after disassociating himself with former allies Anonymous - before launching an IRC attack on the AnonOps messageboards.
"We regret to inform you today that our network has been compromised by a former IRC-operator and fellow helper named 'Ryan'," a post on the AnonOps site said at the time.
Anonymous accused Cleary of stealing passwords and targeting its network servers.
"This is not a joke, this isn't a lie, this is the truth and we are sorry for that," the post added.
A subsequent update from Anonymous reportedly revealed Cleary's full name, address and phone numbers.
Cleary, from Wickford, Essex, later told tech site Thinq that he and allies had formed a new splinter group in protest at Anonymous - and how "centralised and PR-hungry" Anon-Ops leaders had become.
He said that hacking into the Anonymous system was "regrettable but necessary", adding: "The only way to make things safe is to make users aware how insecure it is."
Anonymous hit the gaming headlines in April after being linked to the PSN attack that left Sony's flagship online gaming service down for almost four weeks. However, the group denied responsibility for the main "intrusion".
Fellow hacking group LulzSec has also turned its ire on Sony, attacking Sony Pictures and Sony BMG Japan, Belgium and the Netherlands. Other high-profile targets have included Bethesda, EVE Online and Minecraft's servers.
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June 21st, 2011, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has just put out its list of new content on the US PlayStation Network today.
There's nothing that'll have you reaching for the party poppers, but any game with the title Alien Zombie Mega Death deserves a look in our opinion.
Here's the list:
PlayStation Plus
Discounted Games
3 on 3 NHL Arcade (PlayStation Plus price $3.00, regular price $9.99)
Madden NFL Arcade (PlayStation Plus price $5.00, regular price $9.99)
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters Eagle Pack (PlayStation Plus price $20.99, regular price $34.99)
Featured Themes & Avatars
Growing Garden Dynamic Theme (Free and exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers)
Mega Man Legends 2 - 18 Avatar Bundle (Exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers for $1.99)
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - Sale (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99)
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Sale (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Alien Zombie Mega Death ($7.99)
When death by Alien Zombie just isn't enough. You need to stick some MEGA into the mix! Not that it's only blasting you'll be doing. Oh no! There's bombs to defuse. Space babies to rescue. Jet packs for flying silliness. Spread out over 70 levels combining both one shot adventure levels and to the death survival modes. All dressed up in traditional PomPom silliness, so as to avoid traumatizing any small children.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size 256 MB
Game Demos (free)
Virtua Tennis 4 PS3 Move/3D Demo
The Virtua Tennis 4 development team are always trying to break new boundaries and for this version of the game two evolutionary new inclusions are the use of PlayStation Move motion controller and stunning stereoscopic 3D. Both have been implemented setting a new video gaming benchmark - try them for free now with the demo.
ESRB Rated E
File size 455 MB
Add-on Game Content
ModNation Racers Moon Colony Props Pack ($4.99)
Take your latest ModNation Racers track creations into orbit with the Moon Colony Parts Pack to create the ultimate space race!
File size: 100 KB
Killzone 3 From The Ashes Pack ($4.99)
Brace yourself - the ISA and Helghast armies are set to clash in some intense online multiplayer battles. Join the front line on two new battlefields and two Killzone 2 retro maps on planet Helghan. Download this Killzone 3 From The Ashes Pack today!
File size: 719 MB
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ressurection ($9.99)
Follow up to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow "reverie". Gabriel's fate and that of the Belmont class is laid bare, find out his fate in Resurrection, the stunning finale to CV:LOS.
File size: 687 MB
Record of Agarest War Zero - Additional Costumes and Packs (free - $7.99) (x14)
This is Record of Agarest War Zero DLC. A battle across generations, with the fate of an entire planet at stake!
File size: 130 KB - 57 MB
Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds - Shadow Battle 10 ($0.99)
The 10th installment of Shadow Battle allows you to fight special and unique AI opponents, and win new titles to boot! Do you have what it takes to take on these one-of-a-kind fighters in a match of MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!?
File size: 276 KB
Cars 2: Add-ons ($0.99 - $2.99) (x4)
Play as various characters in Cars 2: The Video Game!
File size: 4.98 MB - 82.04 MB
Mortal Kombat - Warrior Skarlet ($4.99)
Download and play as the Mortal Kombat Warrior Skarlet.
File size: 73 MB
L.A. Noire: "Nicholson Electroplating" Arson Case (Free with purchase of L.A. Noire Rockstar Pass) ($3.99)
At 9:45 in the morning, a thunderous explosion rocks Los Angeles. City blocks are flattened and smoke and ash fill the air. Detectives Phelps and Biggs race to the site of the former Nicholson Electroplating plant to find a pile of unanswered questions.
File size: 685 MB
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK: Jack Pack 4 ($4.99)
Still here?! Three bonus packs of TRIVIA INSANITY ain't enough?! Fine. Get a load of these 10 SPANKIN'-NEW EPISODES of the world's favorite quiz show party game and hunker down with tons more trivia and verbal abuse. Your host Cookie has reached deep into his darkest trivia orifices to retrieve fresh questions and fresher prizes, along with some not-so-fresh unmentionables. It's more YOU DON'T KNOW JACK!
File size: 287 MB
F.E.A.R. 3 - F.E.A.R. Pass ($9.99)
Activate F.E.A.R. Pass today to access two additional multiplayer modes: F**king Run and Soul Survivor!
File size: 117 MB
Yoostar 2: various scenes ($1.99 - $6.99) (x13)
Various scenes from movies.
File size: 64 MB - 595 MB
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
"Blurry" - Puddle of Mudd ($1.99)
"Control" - Puddle of Mudd ($1.99)
"She Hates Me" - Puddle of Mudd ($1.99)
"Misery" - Maroon 5 ($1.99)
"This Love" - Maroon 5 ($1.99)
"Won't Go Home Without You" - Maroon 5 ($1.99)
Maroon 5 Pack 2 ($5.49) - Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game album: Maroon 5 Pack 02. This pack includes "This Love", "Misery" and "Won't Go Home Without You". By Maroon 5
Puddle of Mudd Pack 1 ($5.49) - Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game album: Puddle of Mudd Pack 01. This pack includes "Blurry", "Control" and "She Hates Me". By Puddle of Mud.
File size:19 MB - 79 MB
Rock Band Network V2.0
"Chameleon Carneval" - Andromeda ($1.99)
"Deception - Concealing Fate Part Two" - TesseracT ($1.99)
"Half Crazy" - Jukebox the Ghost ($1.99)
"Veil Of Illumination (Part 1)" - Andromeda ($1.99)
"Veil Of Illumination (Part 2)" - Andromeda ($1.99)
File size: 20 MB - 50 MB
Killzone 3 Map Pack Bundle ($9.99)
File size: 1.38 GB
Buy Marvel Pinball - Get ZEN PINBALL FREE ($9.99)
File size: 591 MB
Cars 2: The Video Game - Undercover Character Bundle ($2.99)
File size: 82.04 MB
Sonic's 20th Birthday Bundle Sale ($19.99)
File Size: 1.95 GB
Prinny 2: Phantom Thief Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Game Videos (free)
Top Spin 4 - Playstyles Trailer #4: All Around
File size: 54 MB (HD)
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Escalation Multiplayer Preview Trailer
File size: 147 MB (HD)
Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts DLC Trailer
File size: 60 MB (HD)
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2: Heroes' Trailer
File size: 45 MB (HD)
Call Of Juarez The Cartel Gameplay Trailer
File size: 90 MB (HD)
Storm - Winter Trailer
File size: 52 MB (HD)
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Trailer
File size: 154 MB (HD)
PS3 Themes
Armageddon Riders Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 6.48 MB
PlayStation Move Ape Escape Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 3.23 MB
American Pride Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 11 MB
PS3 Wallpapers (free)
Armageddon Riders: Wallpaper 2
File size: 900 KB (HD)
PlayStation Store for PSP
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Brick Breaker ($3.99)
ESRB Rated: E
File size: 12 MB
Labyrinth ($3.99)
ESRB Rated: E
File size: 13 MB
Solitaire ($3.99)
ESRB Rated: E
File size: 14 MB
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June 22nd, 2011, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home virtual environment Aurora has seen over a million visits in just six weeks, according to publisher nDreams.
Appearing as a floating archipelago within PlayStation Home, Aurora is free to enter and allows visitors to play games, win rewards and purchase their own islands.
During the launch nDreams ran a competition called Aurora War in which over 300,000 players from around the world competed against each other.
As part of the PlayStation Network Welcome Back pack Sony are currently offering a free Aurora Orbrunner. In the future nDreams plans to open new areas, games and events, as well as Web browser support.
"We're very proud of Aurora and the success it has had so far. We certainly didn't expect to have so many visitors in such a short timeframe," said nDreams CEO Patrick O'Luanaigh.
"The space itself is still in a very early stage; we have so much more planned for Aurora, and we'll be adding to it regularly.
"We're huge proponents of virtual worlds and believe they offer a great way to escape from the stresses and strains of real-life without having to jump on a plane. And we believe that the next decade will see rapid growth in the number and the quality of virtual world experiences available online."
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June 22nd, 2011, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download a Sonic Generations demo from tomorrow, Sonic's 20th Anniversary.
Sega's Sonic Anniversary bundle also gets a 20 per cent price cut - it contains Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 4 Episode 1, Sonic Adventure, the DX add-on and the Sonic 4 dynamic theme.
Also this week: Several big games get new DLC. L.A. Noire's Cole Phelps gets a new Arson Case, Nicholson Electroplating, to solve. Killzone 3's From the Ashes map pack adds four new locales - but no zombies. Mortal Kombat adds a "Klassic" skin pack, while LittleBigPlanet 2 gets Tron: Evolution gear.
If you haven't nabbed it already, last year's 9/10 scoring Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is now available to download for a neat £23.99.
The full listing lies below, courtesy of the EU PlayStation blog:
PS3 Games
Akimi Village (£7.99/€9.99)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (£23.99/€29.99)
Sonic the Hedgehog 20th Anniversary Bundle (£13.99/€17.99)
American McGee’s Alice (£7.99/€9.99)
Back to the Future: Episode 4 (free with Season Pass)
PS3 Demos
Dungeon Siege III Demo
Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Demo (available from 23rd June)
Old Sonic vs New Sonic in Sonic Generations.
PS3 Add-Ons
Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2011 – Gold Deck Bundle (7.99/€9.99)
LA Noire – Nicolson Electroplating Arson Case (3.19/€3.99)
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – Shadow Battle 10 (£0.79/€0.99)
EyePet Move – Lucky Dip Styling Pack: Animals 3 (free)
Operation Flashpoint: Red River – Valley of Death
RUSE – All in One Pack (£8.99/€11.25)
LittleBigPlanet 2 – Tron: Evolution Mini Pack (£2.39/€2.99)
Mortal Kombat - Klassic Skin Pack (£5.49/€6.99)
KillZone 3 - From the Ashes Map Pack (£3.99/€4.99), Map Pack Bundle (£7.99/€9.99)
No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise - Moto Geek 2 (£0.59/€0.79), TSUBAKI M-O-E (£0.59/€0.79), TSUBAKI + Moto Geek 2 Bundle (£0.95/€1.19)
Hyperdimension Neptunia - +300 Level Cap (£0.79/€0.99), World’s Labyrinth – A Tyrant who reigns over the Labyrinth (free), Devil (B) (£0.79/€0.99), Devil (C) (£0.79/€0.99), Devil (H) , (£0.79/€0.99), Devil (L) (£0.79/€0.99), Devil (S) (£0.79/€0.99), Devil (W) (£0.79/€0.99)
ModNation Racers - Prehistoric Props Pack (£3.99/€4.99)
MX vs ATV Alive - Answer Rockstar (£0.59/€0.75), Answer Skullcandy (£1.19/€1.49), Fox Racing 360 SE (£1.19/€1.49), KTM 350SXF MX (£1.99/€2.49), KTM 450SX ATV (£1.99/€2.49), One Industries Kombat (£0.59/€0.75), One Industries Rockstar (£0.59/€0.75), Quarry Nationals Events Pack (£3.19/€3.99), Thor Core (£1.19/€1.49), Yamaha YZ125 MX (£1.99/€2.49), Yamaha YZ250 F MX (£1.99/€2.49), Yamaha YZ450F MX (£1.99/€2.49), Unlock Pack – Performance Brakes, (£0.59/€0.75), Unlock Pack – Performance Suspension (£0.59/€0.75), Unlock Pack – Performance Tires (£0.59/€0.75)
PSP Games
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (£23.99/€29.99)
PSP Add-Ons
Buzz: TUMQ – Prehistoric Quiz(£3.19/€3.99)
Rock Band & Yoostar
Rock Band Network - Veil of Illumination Part One – Andromeda (£0.99/€1.49), Veil of Illumination Part Two – Andromeda (£0.99/€1.49), Deception: Concealing Fate Part Two – TesseracT (£0.99/€1.49), Chameleon Carneval – Andromeda (£0.99/€1.49), Half Crazy – Jukebox the Ghost (£0.99/€1.49)
Rock Band 3 - Maroon 5 Pack 02 (£2.99/€3.59)(contains the following songs also available separately) Misery (£0.99/€1.49), This Love (£0.99/€1.49), Won’t Go Home Without You (£0.99/€1.49); Puddle of Mudd Pack 01 (£2.99/€3.59) (contains the following songs also available separately) Blurry (£0.99/€1.49), Control (£0.99/€1.49), She Hates Me (£0.99/€1.49)
Yoostar 2 - I Don’t like your Jerk-Off Face (£1.39/€1.75), I Want more Life (£1.39/€1.75), Sow Royal Oats (£1.39/€1.75), May I borrow your Towel? (£1.39/€1.75), The Shrieking Eels (£1.39/€1.75), True Love (£1.39/€1.75), Spock’s Brother from Another Mother (£1.39/€1.75), French Flag (free), Italian Flag (free), Spanish Flag (free), UK Flag (free), German Flag (free), American Flag (free)
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June 23rd, 2011, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
Dennis Durkin, COO and CFO of Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, has extended something of an olive branch to Sony over the issue of hacking, maintaining that he sees no advantage in crowing over his rival's security problems.
Although couched in terms of a larger statement on the security of Xbox LIVE as part of an interview with IndustryGamers, Durkin's comments seem to reflect a consolidated industry position on the threat posed by malicious hacking outfits.
"It's bad for the industry that this has happened to Sony," Durkin told our sister site. "It's very, very bad. It's very damaging. So we don't wish that upon anybody and you've seen we've been actually pretty quiet on the subject because we don't want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else's situation like that. That's just not in our DNA.
"Over time, all of the bets Microsoft is making are about cloud bets. We want customers to feel confident about the quality of service they're getting, the reliability they're getting, the security of the data that they have and the security of the private information that they have.
"As a company, you can look back 8, 9 years ago, when Bill Gates wrote his Trustworthy Computing Memo that basically said, 'We need to change the way we architect our products and it has to be designed into the way we architect our products and services.' So it's in our DNA, across the company. This is not just an IEB thing.
We don't want to appear to even be looking to be taking advantage of somebody else's situation like that. That's just not in our DNA.
Dennis Durkin, Microsoft.
"So this has really been a multi-year effort for us as a company and it'll continue to be one because this future, which we think is very much about services and very much cloud based - whether it be entertainment consumption or productivity - in order to do that, you have to have a secure environment. So we're going to continue to do that and we don't want to see any of our competitors hurt along the way. We think that's bad for consumers."
It's likely that benevolence was not the only reasoning behind Microsoft's placidity on the issue, as the two platform rivals have a long history of public sniping. By putting its head above the virtual parapets to deride Sony's security, for example, Microsoft would likely have become a target itself. In his closing comments to IndustryGamers, Durkin was keen to stress the importance which Microsoft places on the security of its customer data.
"[Xbox Live] is obviously very important to our consumers," Durkin argues. "It's part of the value proposition of why consumers buy our gaming consoles... So they want that to be on just like you want your phone to be on. And so we have that obligation and we've been diligently, not only in terms of our processes, which we leverage heavily from the company, but just in terms of our people resource and all that so we do everything we can to protect our consumers' data.
"Like in society, you can't always protect everything. There are people who are going to want to disrupt things and you can't always perfectly protect against every scenario, but we're going to make sure we do everything to we can to be sure we're as secure as we possibly can be. And thankfully - I'm grateful to be part of a company like Microsoft, who has such deep investments across its whole ecosystem that we leverage. Because it's an industry challenge and it's something that we all have to get better at."
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June 23rd, 2011, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE has confirmed an Uncharted collection, for those European PS3 owners looking for a fast-track method of catching up with the Uncharted series. The publisher told CVG that on July 22, it will release a collection containing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, along with a dynamic theme and an avatar.
The same day will see a European release of the Resistance bundle (coming to North America July 5), which packs the first two games in that series and a Resistance 3 skin. Also out on July 22 in Europe: a Ratchet & Clank bundle containing Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time, with bonus avatars and a Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One dynamic theme.
No announcements were made about the Uncharted or Ratchet bundles in North America, but CVG's line of inquiry did begin with the discovery of the Uncharted collection on Best Buy's US website.
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June 26th, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
A device created by the University of Tokyo and Sony Laboratories called PossessedHand allows researchers to control a subject's hand via electrical stimulation. While currently being used to teach students to play the koto, a Japanese traditional stringed instruments, just imagine the possibilities! Twilight Zone anyone
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June 26th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
A lawsuit filed this week suggests that Sony sacked a group of employees from its network security division just two weeks before the company's servers were hacked and its customers' credit card details were leaked. The suit, which seeks class action status, is being brought by victims of the massive data breach that took place in April.
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June 26th, 2011, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Japan has released a news update concerning the PlayStation Network in Japan, but has still failed to provide any indication of when services might return.
According to Andriasang, the first news update in two weeks was sent to Japanese customers yesterday, apologising for the wait but revealing that more time was needed to make "adjustments with the various related parties".
No relaunch date was hinted at and there was no clarification as to who the "related parties" might be. However, this is almost certainly a reference to Japanese regulators, who have demanded additional security assurances before allowing the service to go back online.
Despite PlayStation Network services returning in North America, Europe and most of Asia the Japanese government has been much more demanding of Sony's new security measures.
In May the Media and Content Industry department at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry made specific demands of Sony in terms of preventive measures and consumer confidence.
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June 27th, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has dismissed the threat of the likes of the iPad and iPhone, instead calling tablets and smartphones "an opportunity".
With the PS Vita Sony is launching a gaming handheld console at a time when most observers believe the future lies in cheap mobile gaming.
But Sony Computer Entertainment US boss Jack Tretton believes the likes of Apple fuel the Vita's potential audience.
"For every consumer you lose to a tablet or smart phone, there are three consumers that became interested in gaming in a simple form," he told Gamasutra.
"And those people might be able to be migrated into a sophisticated gamer. We look at that as being the opposite of a threat, but an opportunity."
Both Nintendo and Sony, with the Nintendo 3DS and Vita respectively, have worried some analysts with their mobile gaming strategies.
3DS games cost upwards of £30. Vita games are expected to go for a similar, if not more expensive, price.
For Tretton, though, reckons gamers will be willing to splash the cash if the games are great.
"If I open a movie theatre next door [to a theatre] and start charging 50 cents per ticket, but I'm showing you things I filmed with my camcorder, I don't think it's a threat to the theatre charging $13 per ticket," he said.
"It's about people having reasonable expectations. I don't think we're training people to pay $5 for games. ... The cream always rises to the top."
Vita is expected to launch later this year in some territories.
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June 27th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed to Eurogamer plans to launch three collections of PlayStation 3 exclusives on 22nd July in Europe.
Resistance: Fall of Man & Resistance 2 are bundled together with additional content for upcoming shooter Resistance 3: Joseph Capelli’s SRPA Sentinel uniform for use in Resistance 3 multiplayer games.
The Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves bundle comes with two Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception goodies: a dynamic theme and an avatar.
And finally the Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time bundle come with four avatars featuring Ratchet, Clank, Qwark & Nefarious, plus an exclusive Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One dynamic theme.
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June 27th, 2011, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Still seemingly intent on playing Mr Nice Guy following the PSN hack brouhaha last month, Sony has announced a massive PlayStation 3 DLC sale.
Starting today you can grab savings on a long list of titles until 6th July, including add-ons for Modern Warfare 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, Assassin's Creed II and Super Street Fighter IV among many others.
According to the PlayStation Blog, the list below is apparently not exhaustive and there'll be more offers on Sony-published titles added on the 29th June.
Not only that but it's also taking requests for the next round of price cuts due later in the year.
Fill your boots:
Mafia II: all DLC (£12.99/€16.99); Betrayal of Jimmy Pack (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); Jimmy’s Vendetta Pack (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); Joe’s Adventure Pack (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); Renegade Pack (was £1.99/€2.49 – now £0.95/€1.19); Greaser Pack Pack (was £1.99/€2.49 – now £0.95/€1.19); Vegas Pack (was £1.99/€2.49 – now £0.95/€1.19); War Hero Pack (was £1.99/€2.49 – now £0.95/€1.19)
Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); The Secret Armory of General Knox (was £5.49/€6.99 – now £3.19/€3.99); Claptrap’s Robot Revolution (was £6.29/€7.99 – now £3.19/€3.99)
GTA IV: Episodes Bundle (£11.99/€14.99; Ballad of Gay Tony (was £15.99/€19.99 – now £7.99/€9.99)
Red Dead Redemption:Undead Nightmare (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £4.79/€5.99); Undead Nightmare Collection (was £15.99/€19.99 – now £9.99/€12.99)
Aliens vs. Predator:Bughunt Map Pack (was £4.79/€5.99 – now £2.39/€2.99); Swarm Map Pack (was £4.79/€5.99 – now £2.39/€2.99)
Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing: Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone (was £4.79/€5.99 – now £2.39/€2.99); Ryo Hazuki – Forklift Truck (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49)
Valkyria Chronicles 2: Complete DLC Pack (PSP) (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49)
Vanquish: Tri-Weapon Pack (was £1.59/€1.99 – now £0.95/€1.19)
Assassin’s Creed II - Sequence 12+13+Secret Locations (£6.29/€7.99)
Shaun White Snowboarding - The Hard Pack (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £2.39/€2.99)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - Old West Map Pack (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £4.79/€5.99)
Far Cry 2 – Fortunes Pack (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £2.39/€2.99)
Tom Clancy’s HAWX 2 – All in One DLC (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £5.49/€6.99)
Tom Clancy’s EndWar – Escalation Pack (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £2.39/€2.99)
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – Knives Chau Add-on (was £1.59/€1.99 – now £1.19/€1.49)
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West – Pigsy’s Perfect 10 (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £5.49/€6.99)
Soul Calibur IV: Ultimate Weapons Bundle (was £2.39/€2.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Bonus Weapons Bundle (was £2.39/€2.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Complete Music Set (was £11.99/€14.99 – now £7.99/€9.99)
Lost Planet 2: Map Pack 1 (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49); Map Pack 2 (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49)
Super Street Fighter IV: Complete Costume Pack (was £15.99/€19.99 – now £7.99/€9.99); Ultra Brawler Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Challengers Pack 1 (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Challengers Pack 2 (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Classic Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Femme Fatales Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Shadaloo Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Ultra Shoryuken Pack (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99)
Resident Evil 5: Untold Stories Bundle (was £3.19/€3.99 – now £1.59/€1.99); Versus Mode Pack (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Variety Map Pack (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £3.99/€4.99)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Pack (was £10.99/€13.99 – now £5.49/€6.99); Resurgence Pack (was £10.99/€13.99 – now £5.49/€6.99)
KillZone 2 Complete DLC Bundle (was £7.99/€9.99 – now £3.99/€4.99)
WarHawk Complete DLC Bundle (was £7.99/€11.99 – now £4.79/€5.99)
Fat Princess - Fat Roles Expansion (was £3.99/€4.99 – now £1.99/€2.49)
flOw Add-on (was £2.39/€2.99 – now £1.19/€1.49)
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June 27th, 2011, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld faces an uphill struggle, reckons Xbox chief Dennis Durkin.
Speaking in an interview with IndustryGamers, Durkin argued that the handheld market might be too over-crowded to support another new hardware release following the underwhelming 3DS launch.
"I’m not sure I would want to be launching a dedicated portable device right now into that market,” he said.
“I think the DS - if you look at the 3DS, certainly versus people’s expectation's it’s not been as successful as people would have thought. So that’s a very crowded market and a very, very red ocean right now with a lot of change happening. So I’m not sure it's [a good idea].
"You only have a certain number of bets you can make as a company and you have to decide what you want to put your wood behind and I’m just not sure that that’s a place that I would put mine."
Sony's new machine is due to launch sometime in late 2011 or early 2012.
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June 27th, 2011, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster

It came with a bang, but even Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play seems to have already become yesterday's treasure in a world swamped with dual-core superphones. Still, the Play remains the only Android phone on the market with a full-on slide-out gamepad, and while the library's still lacking, there's oodles of promise here. And that, friends, is where you come in. For those that forked over whatever it took to snag one, we're anxious to know how you'd do things differently. We're guessing that SE didn't sink an absurd amount of resources into this thing without a successor in mind, so what are you hoping to see in Revision B? A higher-res display? A few more buttons to mash? Ice Cream Sandwich? Get as crazy as you wanna be in comments below, won't you?
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June 27th, 2011, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2011/06/27/p...e-winners-are/
Wow. 5 months after we announced the PSP Genesis competition, there we are with our final list of winners. First of all, I want to say choosing those was tough. We tested all the entries for almost a month (and this taught me a lot, from an organizer point of view, a judge point of view, but also as a homebrew developer… I’ll probably blog about that one day), and debated for a few days to decide who would be the 3 winners… this ended up in a 2h hot discussion on IRC in which we reached our conclusion.
Here goes, in reverse order:
They didn’t win, but were nominated by some of the 4 judges
These entries almost made it, but were eliminated by stronger opponents in the final vote. It’s probably not gonna feel so good for their creators to know that they were that close to getting a nice cash prize, but we want as many homebrews as possible to get recognition in this competition, so I hope that at least mentioning the quality of these entries will help raise awareness on those:
•Localizer by Draan. This plugin lets you translate your XMB and all PSP Messages into the language of your choice, even if (especially if ?) Sony didn’t include your language on their device. The source shows a huge investigation of all the strings of the system, and a very solid and useful concept.
•PSP3D by PSPWizard (aka AnMaBaGiMa). This plugin allows you to see actual 3D with the help of colored glasses, in many 3D games. What’s amazing is that it does it in a clever way, actually finding the 3D shapes in the game. A brilliant concept, and a nice implementation.
I also have a personal list of my 28 favorite entries, and I’ll blog about that one day.
Guys, this is not over, there are other prizes in this competition and you might still get those.
4th. SHELL by Arnold. He didn’t win, but we have something for him
After a long discussion, the judges were still split on Arnold’s SHELL. This is a great concept, extremely promising, but we thought there is a risk this doesn’t live up to its expectations if the scene doesn’t follow up. SHELL doesn’t get one of the 3 prizes, but what we are offering here is a promise for dev help. I can’t reveal too much in there yet as the right people still need to be contacted, but some of the judges personally committed to help big time with this project.
3rd. Some1′s Failsploit gets 400$
Congratulations to the first Kernel Exploit to ever join a Homebrew competition. What can we say? Kernel exploit ARE a big deal, and there’s no way the judges couldn’t acknowledge that. This exploit brought freedom to thousands of PSP users around the world, and is what allows us to run Custom Firmwares on the latest OFW as I type this. Congrats to Some1.
2nd. Team pro’s Pro CFW get 750$
CFW Pro was my personal favorite. I am actually still running 5.00 m33 on some of my machines, but there is no doubt that Pro CFW is shaping the future of Custom Firmwares on the PSP. The pro team has been consistently delivering quality updates over the past months, turning what was initially a “simple” Hen into a CFW working in several environments. Icing on the cake, it went open-source recently, which is the first time a custom firmware does that on the PSP, and let me tell you, it was about time . This is one of the most promising projects in this contest, but also one of those that accomplishes the most already. Congrats guys!
1st. Drakon’s Lamecraft gets the big 1900$ prize
Our big winner is Lamecraft. It’s always difficult to choose and announce the winner. There will always be people to say that this one is not even a game. Or that it is just stealing a concept. Or that we shouldn’t even dare compare a simple homebrew game to a brilliant plugin or a CFW. But the thing is, this entry came out of the blue, and in the course of a few weeks, created a massive community of players. It is pushing some of the limits of the PSP, and doing things nobody thought was actually doable on this small hardware. It also went open source recently, so we are confident that it will keep improving. To us judges, this homebrew was a massive shock in every aspect, and we sure hope this keeps going. Congrats Drakon!
The Genesis compo is not over!
This is not over yet! We at /talk are still voting for the audience prize (Note that it won’t go to Lamecraft, Pro CFW, or some1′s exploit, as per the vote’s rules I won’t give this prize to one of the 3 winners), I myself still need to decide which open source entry will get my 100$ prize, our sponsors at Daxhordes.org also have a 100$ audience vote, psp-hacks.com are also voting for a psp go + a 50$ cash prize, and pspgen are also choosing 3 entries that will respectively get 500$, 300$, and 200$.
So keep voting!
Note: We will be contacting the winners very soon to send them their prizes. Please note that each sponsor is supposed to contact the winners individually, so once I get the winners’ email/paypal information, I will contact the sponsors with this information, and let them send the prizes directly.
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June 27th, 2011, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster

via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/22/...beta-released/
Some quality ‘brew… Built from the ground up is TimeCube 2.0 Beta from Razzlegames. It’s a quirky and fun puzzle game, similar to Tetris and Bust-a-Move, with multiplayer Adhoc support.
Rather than me ramble on — just watch the single-player demo video to see what’s up:
Multiplayer though is really what’s up.
Multiplayer rules
•Get 4 or more matches as fast as possible (with chaining falling blocks if you can)!
•Get matches faster than the other player, and blocks will fly on their screen, filling it up and securing your dominance!
•The last survivor is the winner!
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June 27th, 2011, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/22/...-1-1-released/
In what I call super awesome comes another Genesis homebrew game of crisp caliber: Silveredge version 1.1 from AndrewYY.
Silveredge is a very challenging, extremely fast-paced shoot ‘em up — bullet curtain, side-scroller style. Watch the video, you’ll see AndrewYY makes it look easy … but believe me, it isn’t.
Ooooweee… Polished, clean and fresh — you gotta try Silveredge if you’re a fan of the shmups.
Version 1.1
•bugfix: game no longer lags on resume from sleep mode
•bugfix: options menu is a little more stable now
•feature: recompiled as prx
•feature: signed eboot.pbp
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June 27th, 2011, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/23/...r-6-39-pro-b7/
Those digging the XMB Control in 6.39 TN-A, djmati11 did — and the version for 6.39 PRO-B7 is born.
What to expect in the next version?
•Plugin configuration (not plugin manager, plugin configuration – hiding, adding features, like CFW extender, for example password on boot)
•Bug fixing
•Build-in Version and MAC spoofer
•Version for 6.35 and 6.20
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June 27th, 2011, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2011/06/26/...1-10-released/
Renowned PSP homebrew developer, hardhat, makes his mark in the PSP Genesis Competition with “PSP FTW! 2D.” This is a post competition update that primarily improves on frame-rate.
PSP FTW! 2D is an innovative homebrew game that is online only: Collect mana, throw fireballs, and make your way to each waypoint to win. There is a twist however; the game rules can change by players who vote in favour of a proposed change. Each player can take 30 seconds to propose a game changer—all players vote on it and majority rules.
Here are some other things you should know:
You can
•Chat online with other players from the lobby
•Join games created by other players
•Create your own game, and have others join
•barriers are bright green
•players are red, orange and yellow
•waypoints are blue
•mana is dark green and always appears on waypoints
Player stats (across the bottom)
•M: mana collected
•H: hits you’ve made to another player with a fireball
•B: fireballs that you’ve successfully blocked
•W: waypoints touched in the game so far.
Your initial goal is to collect 3 mana — shooting a fireball uses one of those mana. Do you have what it takes? Download, go online and try’er out. If no one else is online you’ll be pitted against a bot … a quick moving one at that
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June 27th, 2011, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
Eric Lempel, the vice president of Sony Entertainment Network, announced on the official blog of Sony, a firmware update is coming soon. The proposed update will be version 3.66, but it does not appear to be of great new features. Eric said that the new update will increase the stability of the reading of the PS3 games. In addition, he went on to say that the network services have also been improved. It is possible that the new update is actually a security update in response to the recent hacks QA. However, it seems hard to believe that Sony can react as quickly. Regardless, we recommend that users do not upgrade to version 3.66 if they intend to keep the ability to jailbreak / use their consoles. Firmware is now online and available for download.
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June 27th, 2011, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
The dust has now well and truly settled on the PlayStation Network hack that brought Sony's online service to its knees for nearly four weeks.
The PlayStation Store is now finally back online, too - except in Japan - and gamers have been welcomed back with a generous bundle of goodies from the platform holder.
Sony itself is promising that it is now "hyper vigilant" for any sign of illegal activity on PSN. But how do you feel?
Can you still trust Sony with your credit/debit card details - or do you suffer a pang of worry whenever you type those ultra-personal details into the Store? Are you avoiding purchases on PSN at all?
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June 27th, 2011, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster

Starting this week, frugal PSP gamers can snag UMD Dual Packs for 15 clams. Games come in genre-flavored bundles of two (Secret Agent Clank and Daxter, for example), and are also available for download in the PlayStation Store, if physical media isn't your thing.
PSP Dual Packs ($15.00):
Secret Agent Clank and Daxter
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and Killzone Liberation
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo
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June 27th, 2011, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
For two days, it is possible to activate the QA Flag on retail PS3 with CFW 3.55. The method, however, required to have Linux installed as the Other OS. It was a start who is now greatly improved thanks to gitbrew, developer behind PS3 CFW Other OS which has just launched a small application to enable pkg easy mode QA Flag on his PS3 CFW 3.41 or 3.55. gitbrew describes what to do to activate the advanced mode of famous PS3 promises many things: - Download the application qa_flag.pkg pkg - put in a PS3 CFW 3.41 or 3.55 (firmware Ps3mfw created and patched from the GIT repo). - Install pkg file through the function install package files. * If you hear a beep is that it worked . * Otherwise, it will install Linux, and dump his message of udp_print bug and send the dump to gitbrew so he can correct the problem. - In case everything goes well with the BIP, reboot the PS3. - Go the tab "Network Settings", do not enter into it. - Press the following combination: L1 + L2 + L3 + R1 + R2 + down on the right pad. QA Flag auto mode is now active Official website: http:// / wiki.gitbrew.org Thanks to the green-to information .
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June 27th, 2011, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Gitbrew continues to work around the QA mode with two deliveries daily menu. Turn off QA : - Recover reset_qa_flag.pkg which as its name suggests to disable the famous mode menus QA - Run the package, if you hear a beep, the utility worked. If not make a Linux dump via udp_printf_client and sent it to Gitbrew. - Reboot your PS3 - The QA Flag is now set to its default state (Off). Make a downgrade via the QA mode : This is a function of the most interesting race since g ^ QA mode it is now possible to downgrade your PS3 since firmware 3.55 (and only this version of firmware) to a lower firmware (no longer than the version that was installed on your PS3 when purchased). Necessary Requirements: - CFW 3.55 otheros Special PUP - QA_Flag_Extra.PKG - The firmware that you want to downgrade again, you do not downgrade your firmware console beyond the original it. If your console was sold with firmware 3.41, do not try to install a lower firmware (3.15) the risk of brick your console permanently. The downgrade operation will erase all data on your console (including downloads PSN). 1. Install CFW355-otheros + +-SPECIAL.pup (no matter which firmware you are currently using, 3.41, 3.50 etc etc) 2. Install qa_flag_extra.pkg 3. Start qa_flag (It will appear as this is very good) 4.You should hear a beep 5. Reboot 6. Go into the recovery menu and make a Update your PS3 with firmware of your choice (3.15, 3.41 etc) 7. Your firmware is installed Sources: http://wiki.gitbrew.org/index.php/QA_Flagging_Tools & http://wiki.gitbrew.org/index.php/Downgrade Thanks to the green-to information .
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June 28th, 2011, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/...ess-report-57/
Hi guys, I haven't read over the last 13 pages or so, but I'd like to say about what progress we've made and what is required before we believe we should release something..
We have Wii64 compiled and running on PS3 using PSL1GHT - I don't see why you'd want to use the SDK when PSL1GHT can do enough to implement a full N64 emulator already...
So far our port features everything apart from obtaining full speed and graphics are not 100% implemented yet - and using statically compiled shaders.
We haven't released anything because our dynamic recompiler in need of a major rewrite. It isn't ABI compliant and was written for a 32 bit CPU so major parts require rewriting before it will do anything.
So to sum it up, we have it running, but quite sluggishly (the POWER chip isn't really great without some work given to the SPE's which we'd rather not do unless required after the dynarec).
If someone is seriously interested to help out, find us at #WiiN64 @ EFNet or email me at emukidid@gmail.com (do not ask for a pkg or to test, developers only).
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June 28th, 2011, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the N64 Emulator for the PSP:
What's changed in this revision:
Revision 719
[=>] Merged from Dev branch:
Rev 309 - Salvy
[+] Use sscanf to speed up parsing of addr and value for cheats (Now both addr and value are retrieved in one go, and also avoids unnecessary conversions)
Rev 310 - Salvy
[!] Made WarnMemoryErrors debug only
Rev 311
[~] Silly error that broke sram saving
Rev 312 - Salvy
[!] Trap r0 write in LW (fixes San Francisco 2049 crashing when race is about to start)
[+] Added debug code to detect r0 writes
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June 28th, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Emulator for Windows has been updated:
Improved the end of MPEG video processing: now any of sceMpegFinish, sceMpegDelete, sceMpegFlushStream, sceMpegFlushAllStream and sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush are correctly terminating the MPEG processing.
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June 28th, 2011, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.psp-ita.com/4445-224-Lamecraft_op_30.html
New update for the now famous Lamecraft, that promises to bring homebrew on PSP, and free exploration of the creation (albeit on a smaller scale) of the critically acclaimed Minecraft, free-roaming milestone that has been emulated around the world giving a view clones to several more or less successful.
The developer Drakon continues to update its Lamecraft through which we can explore a world of "cube" changing it at will. The current revision op-30 while being open source as the word indicates op, is released by the developer in person by applying some innovations that will be much appreciated. The most important are the day / night cycle, the animation of the sky to show the Sun and Moon, support for additional memory of Slim and more.
Download link and full changelog below.
[Additional info: ChangeLog, commands and donwload]
.: Changelog:.
- day / night cycles
- sun and moon on the dynamic sky
- light source blocks
- block torch, lamp block
- option menu to freeze in-game day time
- additional memory for PSP Slim owners
- in option About the menu to check online for new version
.: Commands:.
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June 28th, 2011, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.psp-ita.com/4446-284-Cust...ta_v0.6.1.html
New update for CustomHOME ABCanG made by coders, plug-in utility that allows you to have a touch of a button a convenient alternative to in-game menu to call up by pressing the HOME button, which will replace the classic screen to choose Yes / No to return to XMB.
Thanks to the plugin CustomHOME we will not be limited to the choice of whether or not to quit the program running, but we choose to exit the program, restart, turn off the PSP, put it in standby or manage some options. Version 0.6 introduced the ability to hide the bar after a few seconds and volume changes in various settings. The version 0.6.1 can now propose to show a warning message in case of low battery, support for new libraries and settings of the power control introduces a convenient network update function of the folder plugin via Internet radio.
And ' Remember that the plugin is still in beta. [Additional Info: Features, changelog, installation and download]
.: Features:.
Exit the game and return the XMB.
Restart the game (function disabled using "ISO Loader Prometheus")
Turn off the PSP
Put the PSP in standby
Pause and resume play
Ability to change settings
Languages supported English, Japanese and German
Ability to change the assignments X / O cofermare / cancel
Customization of video information
Set Mute while viewing the menu
Enable / Disable descriptions
Payout to pause the game while the menu is open
.: Changelog:.
0.6.1 Beta
- You can display warnings When battery is low and the menu display.
- prxlibmenu.prx cmLibMask.prx and support.
So, please place the lib folder. (They Are Also used pwrCtrl.)
- You networks can update from Internet radio.
please place the "cushome.prs" onms0: / PSP / RADIOPLAYER. Beta 0.6 - Menu and Volume is Able to hide after a Few Seconds. (Thanks SnyFbSx) - The detail settings can change. - Change font color (red, green or blue) - hide the menu When pressing "<-" When pressing the menu displays the "->".
.: Installation:.
Unzip the folder CustomHOME in seplugins
The plugin is enabled in the file game.txt using the following string: ms0: / seplugins / cushome.prx
The file cushome.ini contains the plugin configuration
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June 28th, 2011, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
Howard Stringer, Sony Corp CEO, spoke to shareholders about recent hacker attacks on the company in a meeting in Tokyo.
"We believe that we first became the subject of attack because we tried to protect our IP (intellectual property), our content, in this case video games," the CEO explained.
"These are our corporate assets, and there are those that don't want us to protect them, they want everything to be free."
According to Reuters, during the meeting there was a call from a shareholder for the CEO to step down, but Stringer made no direct comment on the suggestion.
Sony is currently facing a lawsuit over the attacks on PlayStation Network and the Sony Online Entertainment Network.
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June 28th, 2011, 12:16 Posted By: wraggster
release from DoRaeMoN :
Hi guys, i wrote this little tool primairly for analysis of ps1 emulator (it has 2 embedded spu files, with symbols!) but it can also be used for other elfs that contains elfs.
PS: Sorry for my english and for my code, i'm not so skilled in both lol
PPS: Feel free to edit and do whatever you want with it!
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June 28th, 2011, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Lavalit guys have released a new version of their Beatem Up for the Dreamcast, PSP, Wiz, Wii, GP2x and Dingoo:
penBOR is a continuation of the Beats Of Rage 2D game engine, which was originally
created by the wonderful folks over at http://www.senileteam.com.
In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired
by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of
Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless
amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing
anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine.
In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They
agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the
community, and still is to this day.
Available Platforms
OpenBOR has a very modular and portable design inherited from Beats of Rage. Ports
to the following platforms are currently supported:
* Windows
* Linux
* Mac OS X
* Wii
* Dreamcast
* GP2X
* GP2X Wiz
* Dingoo a320
In addition to the above, the original Beats of Rage engine (downloadable from
the Senile Team website) is available for the following platforms:
* Playstation 2
* Xbox
* GP32
* Palmtop
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June 28th, 2011, 12:37 Posted By: wraggster
modrobert writes: "The Gitbrew team has posted a bunch of tweets about working on a homebrew exploit for PS3OS v3.56 and newer versions. Regarding loading backups from GameOS this was mentioned: 'We are not morally against DRM hacking. We are just legally not able to. However the documentation to do it might be released. '"
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June 28th, 2011, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.psp-ita.com/4448-206-Cust...T_&_Slim).html
New release from developer neur0n who returns to take care of her now known CF ME bringing it to version 6:39 7. The basic version of the CF developed for the PSP Fat and Slim TA-088v3 is not, as usual, is accompanied by LCFW, also usable on the PSP version is not hackable.
Neur0n is constantly at work on its firmware is version ME to 6:39 LCFW smooth in order to use it on the PSP is not hackable. The CF-7 ME 6:39 just released fixes some bugs that caused the crash of LEDA (for specific tools to start homebrew FW 1.50), leads from level 5 to level one type of content filter for the ISO and extends the path to 64 characters maximum supported by the PluginManager.
CF remember that this is exclusively for PSP FAT and SLIM except for the infamous TA-088v3 (DATE CODE 8C or higher). So basic are excluded from all other models of PSP.
Thanks to a good installer released by the developer, you can use that CF for all models of PSP consoles 05G excluded. The tool in question is called LCFW, and being signed in order to run on OFW you can not host it on servers to PSP-ENG, is also prohibited from providing direct or indirect link to the download.
Following further information from the changelog to the mini guide Installation of the CF-7 ME 6:39 .
[Additional info: ChangeLog, compatibility testing and installation]
.: Changelog:.
- Fixed crash When useing Dark_AleX's LEDA.
- Change the Parental Level iso from 5 to 1.
- Increase Path plugin PluginManager character buffer from 32 to 64.
.: Test:.
Test installation made
from 5.00m33 -> OK
From 5.50GEN-D3 -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 5.50Prometheus -> OK (edit version.txt)
From 6.20TN-D -> OK
From 6.20PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.35PRO -B4 -> Error
From 6.20PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.35PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.39PRO-B6 -> OK .: Installation:.
E 'on your PSP requires the presence of a CFW or a HEN (based on test compatibility)
Copy the UPDATE folder into PSP / GAME
Copy the FW 6:39 , renamed 639.PBP in the UPDATE folder
Start the application from the XMB
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June 28th, 2011, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/spu2-x-v20.html
SPU2-X v2.0 is released. SPU2-X is a pcsx2 sound plugin for PCSX2.
SPU2-X v2.0 Changelog:
Not even 2 weeks ago we released SPU2-X 1.5, yet today we feel that the plugin has matured enough for another release.
This time the changes are significant enough to do the version jump to 2.0
SPU2-X always struggled to get the reverberation effects right.
Now after some thorough debugging we've found and fixed the problem we had all this time!
The resulting reverb is still not exactly like the PS2 does it but it comes very close in perceived quality.
We'll be working on those final bits in the time to come, hopefully achieving a fully correct emulation one day.
Note: The custom reverb option has been removed as it no longer serves a purpose.
- Emulation improvements:
- Next address reporting on voices improved based on tests.
- Pitch modulation possibly fixed.
- Status register updated in a way the spu2 library's reset function seems to want.
- Effects area updating changed to allow writing the EEA register while effects area writing is enabled.
- Switched two SPDIF modes which were reversed.
- Reverb register bug dating back to the first version of SPU2-X fixed.
Among the fixed games are titles such as:
- God of War
- God of War 2
- Tales of Destiny
- Magic Pengel
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Devil May Cry (PAL)
- Gradius 3+4
- Everything that uses digital effects
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June 28th, 2011, 12:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx2-svn-r4779.html
PCSX2 SVN r4779 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
SPU2-X: Apply Neill's recommended 2/3 multiplier to the input. The results still are not like on the PS2, but we're now as good as Neill's research allows. We'll have to do our own from here on.
SPU2-X: Version bump.
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June 28th, 2011, 12:56 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/tempar-...-20110627.html
TempAR v1.63 Beta (2011/06/27) is released. TempAR is an almost complete rewrite of the popular PSP cheat device NitePR/MKULTRA by PSP Developer raing3. TempAR contains many additional functionalities as well as improvements to the existing functionalities.
- Supports CWCheat and PSPAR code types, support for NitePR codes was removed though codes can be made compatible using the included converter.
- Re-written search functionality which much faster known and unknown memory search speed and less wear on the memory stick (in some cases search speed is more than 100x faster).
- Cheats load almost instantly, no need to wait for your cheats to load on boot. It only takes ~2 seconds to parse a 2MB file.
- Works with homebrew (uses same Game ID as CWCheat) and PSX games.
- Supports grouping of codes into 2 types of collapsible folders, single-select folders and multi-select folders. Comments can also be grouped into folders.
- UMD dumper to create ISO images from UMDs and PSStore EBOOTs.
- Text viewer to view guides during gameplay, place text files in ms0:/seplugins/TempAR/text/{gameid}.txt.
- No need to press the HOME button each time you start a game unlike other NitePR mods.
TempAR v1.63 Beta (2011/06/27) changelog:
[+] User can now change the maximum number of cheats/code lines which can be loaded.
[+] Added support for loading codes from PSPAR .bin files (checksum not validated).
[+] Added support for loading codes from NitePR .txt files (converted to PSPAR on load).
[+] Added 0xC1 code type (call function with arguments) to PSPAR extended engine.
[+] Added 0xC2 code type (run code from cheat list) to PSPAR extended engine.
[+] Added 0xC4 code type (safe data store) to PSPAR engine. Depending on usage this
code type could interfere with auto-off feature.
[+] Added 0xC5 code type (counter) to PSPAR extended engine.
[+] Can add search results in CWCheat format by pressing SQUARE on the search result
instead of CROSS.
[+] Added support for PSX GameShark codes.
[+] Added HB blacklist file to disable HB Game ID generation in certain games. This is
useful for shells such as Xplora, Prometheus ISO Launcher, etc.
[+] Added PSP Utilities application which contains various cheat helper functionality
(requires Java).
[+] Added option to swap functionality of CROSS and CIRCLE buttons in the TempAR menu.
[+] Added multi-lingual support for the interface.
[+] Added Japanese translation (thanks to HARO).
[+] Added support for folders in folders using 0xCF code type.
[-] Removed thread list and module list from lite version to reduce size.
[-] Removed copy to text file from Disassembler.
[-] Removed old PC tools since the functionality they offered is now integrated into TempAR.
[!] Fixes to the conditional code types and 0xD0 code type (thanks HARO)
[?] Temporary data buffers are only allocated when needed to reduce memory usage.
[?] Rewrote cheat.db file parser to make it ~1/3 faster.
Old Parser: 62 seconds (58.9MB)
New Parser: 42 seconds (58.9MB)
[?] Removed autooff version, auto-off functionality is merged with both tempar.prx and
tempar_lite.prx. To enable auto-off change "Enable Autooff" from False to True in
the [PRX] tab, Save Settings and reload the cheat file. (once you reload a game
auto-off functionality will be enabled by default).
[?] Pressing LTRIGGER in cheat menu now toggles cheat engine between active/deactive.
[?] Rewrote function used to get home screen frame buffer. Should now work with
homebrew which doesn't use the Sony exit screen and no longer has to allocate
RAM for custom framebuffer in PSX games.
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June 28th, 2011, 22:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via MCV
The entry-level 160GB PS3 SKU is not being phased out at retail, an SCE UK spokesperson has told MCV.
GAME was until recently selling it for just £159.99 – a £90 saving over its RRP – but stocks have run out. Play.com has slashed the price to £199.99 while ShopTo is selling it for £224.86.
However, Sony has vowed to bring additional shipments into the UK shortly.
"Retail are currently being very aggressive with the price of the 160GB model to the obvious advantage of consumers," the spokesperson stated.
"This means demand is currently high and in some areas, stock is lower than we'd like. That said, we will be addressing this with additional shipments in the very near future."
Last week MCV revealed that Sony is preparing to announce a PS3 price cut at Gamescom in August. The result could be machines priced as little as £179.99 in the run-up to Christmas.
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June 28th, 2011, 22:22 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Not content with attempting to usher in the advent of 3D console gaming, it seems Sony now has its sights set on the next quantum leap – virtual reality.
Speaking in a video interview to promote next month's b.tween 3D event in London, SCE Studios exec Mike Hocking explained that Sony's recently announced HMD device could represent the future of 3D gaming by allowing users access to a full 'virtual' world.
"Another thing that's coming back which I'm very excited is the notion of virtual reality," he explained.
"So we have our new HMD – or head-mounted display - which was announced at CES earlier this year, and you can see that we can now get back to where we really wanted to get with virtual reality in the '80s.
"We've now got the power to do it, we've got the screen resolution to do it, we've got the processing power to update fast enough so we can have very immersive experiences on head-mounted displays in gaming in the not too distant future.
"Being in a virtual world where I can see my virtual hands or a virtual gun with all the things we can do in the gaming world is going to be absolutely amazing," he added.
There's no release date set yet for Sony's HMD or even a firm set of tech specs. Have a look at the clip below from Sony's CES show to see what the gizmo looks like.
Staring even deeper into his crystal ball, Hocking also explained that he'd love to see AR-enabled contact lenses that would super-impose information about anything in your line of sight, Terminator-style.
"Most of the really exciting stuff is out there in the R&D area at the moment – like having contact lenses with cameras and sensors built-in so that everything you see can be augmented with useful data," he said.
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June 29th, 2011, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released this week's list of new content on its PlayStation Store in US.
The highlight of the list is of course the Uncharted: Drake's Deception multiplayer beta, which is only available to PS Plus subscribers this week (more details here). Streets of Rage 2 is also up for grabs.
Beyond Good & Evil is a must download for anyone who missed Ubisoft's epic quest when it released on last-gen consoles and there's a Duke Nukem Forever demo those who fancy seeing if all those critical reviews are true.
Here's the full list:
PlayStation Plus
Featured Games & DLC
UNCHARTED 3 Drake's Deception Multiplayer Beta (Free and exclusive to Plus)
Streets of Rage 2 (Free with Plus - a $4.99 value)
Discounted Games
Dead Space Ignition (PlayStation Plus price $2.50; a 50% discount)
Deathspank (PlayStation Plus price $7.50; a 50% discount)
Deathspank Thongs of Virtue (PlayStation Plus price $7.50; a 50% discount)
Funky Lab Rat (Full Game) (PlayStation Plus price $3.00; a 70% discount)
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom (PlayStation Plus price $3.99; 20% additional discount on two week sale price)
MicroBot (PlayStation Plus price $5.00; a 50% discount)
Shank (PlayStation Plus price $5.00; a 50% discount)
Spare Parts (PlayStation Plus price $5.00; a 50% discount)
Tetris (PlayStation Plus price $5.00; a 50% discount)
The Fancy Pants Adventures (PlayStation Plus price $5.00, a 50% discount)
Featured Themes & Avatars
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition - 4 Avatar Bundle (Exclusive to Plus for $0.49)
MAG Interdiction Mission Pack - Price Drop (PS3) (now FREE, original price $4.99)
MAG Escalation Mission Pack - Price Drop (PS3) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Downloadable Games
Beyond Good And Evil HD ($9.99)
Beyond Good & Evil, the award-winning action-adventure game from Ubisoft, is back on PlayStation Network, now with high-definition graphics. Play as Jade, a young investigative reporter, and expose a terrible government conspiracy; save your planet and its inhabitants. Special offer: get two avatars with purchase, now through July 12, 2011.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 1.5GB
Gatling Gears ($9.99)
When the Empire begins its reign of destruction in a thirst for natural resources, it's up to Max Brawley, a retired Gatling Gear pilot to fight his way to the heart of the Empire and eliminate the destruction at its source.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 1.41 GB
Puzzle Dimension ($8.99)
Easy to learn hard to master. Within minutes you will move in 3D structures and solve puzzles never seen before. 100 unique twisted puzzles. Classic fun puzzle elements: Blocks of ice and fire. Teleporters, buttons, spikes and more. Adaptive audiovisuals. Your movement and progression affects the graphics and music as you play.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 218 MB
Streets Of Rage 2 ($4.99)
To commemorate their defeat of the Syndicate exactly one year before, Blaze, Adam and Axel went out to celebrate. The next morning, however, Axel received a frantic phone call from Adam's younger brother, Eddie 'Skate' Hunter; Adam's been kidnaped! Axel and Blaze team up with Skate and Max Thunder to free the city and rescue Adam from the Syndicate. It is up to you to take down Mr. X once and for all!
ESRB Rated E
File size: 36 MB
Game Demos (free)
MotorStorm Apocalypse Multiplayer Demo
Take a test drive at the end of the world with the explosive online multiplayer demo for MotorStorm Apocalypse to get a taste of some of the deep community and online racing features available in the full game! Download the multiplayer demo today before it's too late! Available through July 5 only. Supports both 2D and stereoscopic 3D gameplay.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 1.78 GB
PlayStation Move Ape Escape Demo
Check out the demo and sample the next chapter in the Ape Escape saga; an original new adventure full of monkeys and mayhem designed exclusively for the PlayStation Move!
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 461 MB
Beyond Good & Evil HD Demo
Beyond Good & Evil, the award-winning action-adventure game from Ubisoft, is back on PlayStation Network, now with high-definition graphics. Play as Jade, a young investigative reporter, and expose a terrible government conspiracy; save your planet and its inhabitants. Try it now!
ESRB Rated T
File size: 1.47 GB
Duke Nukem Forever Demo
Babes, bullets, bombs, and more babes- Duke Nukem Forever is the game you've been waiting 12 long years to play, and now it's finally here. Blow up the alien bastards, interact with Duke's world, woo the ladies, drive Duke's monster truck, boost up your ego, and much much more. Download now, and Come Get Some!
ESRB Rated M
File size: 1.37 GB
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance Demo
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is the first action RPG game for the PlayStation 3 system that immerses you in the heart of a unique multiplayer experience, local and online. Face the world of Gothicus and its hordes of creatures alone or in teams of up to 4 heroes. The main quest, side quests, and the innumerable items to collect offer hours of play in a superbly modeled gothic universe.
ESRB Rated T
File size: 942 MB
Gatling Gears Demo
When the Empire begins its reign of destruction in a thirst for natural resources, it's up to Max Brawley, a retired Gatling Gear pilot to fight his way to the heart of the Empire and eliminate the destruction at its source.
ESRB Rated E10+
File size: 1.41 GB
Homefront Multiplayer Demo
This all new Homefront multiplayer demo features intense infantry and vehicle combat on dedicated servers, revolutionary Battle Points and Battle Commander systems, and 10 levels of weapon and ability unlocks. Download it today!
ESRB Rated M
File size: 1.07 GB
NCAA Football 12 Demo
Experience the pride and pageantry of gameday like never before with the NCAA Football 12 demo. With an enhanced in-game presentation, new traditions, and an all-new tackling system, make an impact by leading your team to victory. Play in two exciting match-ups as Alabama takes on Florida State and Oregon battles Texas.
ESRB Rated E
File size: 2.34 GB
Add-on Game Content
ModNation Racers Backburn Mod and Kart Pack ($1.75)
Hop into the Race with the Backburn Mod and Backburn Kart! Download the Backburn Mod and Kart today!
File size: 200 KB
ModNation Racers Backburn Mod ($0.99)
In the heat of the tightest races, Backburn always manages to keep it cool. It's his job after all. Backburn includes the following parts for your own creations: Fire Jacket Fire Helmet Fireman's Pants Fire Boots Download this Mod today!
File size: 100 KB
ModNation Racers Backburn Kart ($0.99)
There's no better way to keep your cool in the heat of a race than with Backburn's Kart. The competition will know you're coming, and if they don't get out of your way.... You know what to do. Backburn's Kart comes with the Fire Engine Body and the Emergency light's for your own creations. Download this Kart today!
File size: 100 KB
ModNation Racers Water World Props Pack ($4.99)
Cool off and give your ModNation Racers track creations that summery water park feel with the Water World Parts Pack! Includes: Scene Props: Dome Tent Inflatable Hoop Inflatable Wave Inflatable Slide Pipe Slide Dip Slide Plastic Block Plastic Block Stack Platform 1 Platform 2 Dynamic Props: Inflatable Log Roll Trampoline Track Props: Inflatable Shark Buoy
File size: 100 KB
Cars 2: Daredevil Lightning McQueen ($0.99)
Play as Daredevil Lightning McQueen in Cars 2: The Video Game!
File size: 5.09 MB
Cars 2: Dragon Lightning McQueen ($0.99)
Play as Dragon Lightning McQueen in Cars 2: The Video Game!
File size: 5.01 MB
Cars 2: Mater The Greater ($0.99)
Play as Mater The Greater in Cars 2: The Video Game!
File size: 7.23 MB
Cars 2: Tokyo Mater ($0.99)
Play as Tokyo Mater in Cars 2: The Video Game!
File size: 5.85 MB
Crysis 2 - Decimation Pack ($9.99)
The Decimation Pack upgrades the multiplayer experience with 5 new battle-torn maps supporting all game modes - 5th Avenue, Chasm, Plaza, Prism, Apartments; and 2 new equipment items - the FY71 Assault Rifle and M18 Smoke Grenade. Adapt. Upgrade. Dominate. Be The Weapon
File size: 83 MB
DiRT 3: Mini Gymkhana Special Pack ($1.99)
Download the Mini Gymkhana Special Pack and receive the mid-engined Mini Cooper S Gymkhana, customized and tuned to become an outrageously responsive gymkhana car.
File size: 14 MB
DiRT 3: Monte Carlo Track Pack ($9.99)
Download the Monte Carlo Track Pack and take on 8 breathtaking Rally stages featuring the dramatic climbs, descents and hairpins of snowy mountain roads. Race through the Alps and conquer the legendary Col de Turini pass in singleplayer, splitscreen and online multiplayer.
File size: 226 MB
Funky Lab Rat Even More New Challenges ($1.99)
Good news for fans of Funky Lab Rat: Diego the rat is back in his lab! He needs your help to overcome new challenges. Download this additional content to play 10 completely new levels. You'll have to try very hard to succeed this time! To be able to use this downloadable content you must own a copy of Funky Lab Rat for the PlayStation 3 system.
File size: 5 MB
MARVEL Pinball Captain America Table ($2.99)
Lead Captain America and the Howling Commandos in a secret World War II operation behind enemy lines. Face the Red Skull in a series of encounters, destroy the fearsome Sleeper robot, infiltrate Baron Zemo's castle, and find the omnipotent Cosmic Cube!
File size: 61 MB
Operation Flashpoint: Red River - Valley Of Death Pack ($6.99)
Valley of Death Pack features 8 new Fireteam Engagements set across 2 stunning new locales. Fight through 2 new Combat Sweep missions, 2 new CSAR missions, 2 new Last Stand missions and 2 new Rolling Thunder missions in single-player or stand together in 4-player online co-op.
File size: 12 MB
Record of Agarest War Zero - Additional Costumes and Packs (Free - $11.99) (x13)
This is Record of Agarest War Zero DLC. A battle across generations, with the fate of an entire planet at stake!
File size: 130 KB - 58 MB
WWE All-Stars Million Dollar Pack ($1.99)
Everybody's got a price! Download the Million Dollar Pack and bring one of the greatest father and son pairings in WWE history to WWE All Stars! The Million Dollar Pack includes two downloadable characters for your roster: WWE Legend and Hall of Famer, the Million Dollar Man and his son, current RAW Superstar, Ted DiBiase.
File size: 100 KB
Yoostar 2: Various Scenes ($1.99) (x6)
Various scenes from movies.
File size: 50 MB - 129 MB
Rock Band 3
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit www.RockBand.com.
"Here Without You" - 3 Doors Down ($1.99)
"When I'm Gone" - 3 Doors Down ($1.99)
"When You're Young" - 3 Doors Down ($1.99)
"Nothin' But A Good Time" - Poison ($1.99)
"Talk Dirty To Me" - Poison ($1.99)
"Unskinny Bop" - Poison ($1.99)
3 Doors Down Pack 01 ($5.49) - Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game album: 3 Doors Down Pack 01. This pack includes "Here Without You", "When I'm Gone" and "When You're Young". By 3 Doors Down.
Poison Pack 01 ($5.49) - Build your Rock Band library by purchasing this song game album: Poison Pack 01. This pack includes "Nothin' But A Good Time", "Talk Dirty To Me" and "Unskinny Bop". By Poison.
File size: 28 MB - 33 MB (singles), 81 MB - 86 MB (track packs)
Rock Band Network V2.0
"A Grim Struggle" - Nightrage ($1.99)
"Angela Surf City" - The Walkmen ($1.99)
"The Curse" - Amberian Dawn ($1.99)
"The Depths Of Memory" - Nightshade ($1.99)
"Thou Shall Not Fear" - Lazarus A.D. ($0.99)
File size: 20 MB - 35 MB (singles)
PSP Game Dual Pack with Daxter and Secret Agent Clank ($14.99)
File size: 2.21 GB
PSP Game Dual Pack with SOCOM: Fire Team Bravo and Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror ($14.99)
File size: 1.4 GB
PSP Game Dual Pack with Killzone: Liberation and Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow ($14.99)
File size: 1.58 GB
Awesome Summer Minis Bundle ($4.99)
File size: 279 MB
Cars 2: Tall Tales Character Bundle ($2.99)
File size: 23.18 MB
MLB 11 The Show Avatars ($0.49) (x10)
File size: 100 KB
Blue Toad Murder Files Avatars ($0.49) (x8)
File size: 100 KB
DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY Avatars ($0.49) (x7)
File size: 100 KB - 150 KB
Super Street Fighter Avatars ($0.49) (x4)
File size: 108 KB - 120 KB
L.A. Noire Avatars ($0.49) (x7)
File size: 100 KB - 130 KB
Outland Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 114 KB
Prinny 2: Etna Avatar ($0.49)
File size: 100 KB
Game Videos (free)
Pulse 6/28 Edition
File size: 403 MB (HD 720), 661 MB (HD 1080)
Battlefield 3 Operation Métro Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer
File size: 45 MB (HD 1080)
Bioshock Infinite - E3 2011 Teaser Trailer
File size: 60 MB (HD 720)
Bioshock Infinite - Sky-Lines Trailer
File size: 167 MB (HD 720)
Crysis 2 - Retaliation Map Pack Trailer
File size: 89 MB (HD 720)
Duke Nukem Forever - Launch Trailer
File size: 68 MB (HD 720)
The Darkness 2 - E3 2011 Trailer
File size: 54 MB (HD 720)
XCOM - E3 2011 Trailer
File size: 88 MB (HD 720)
PS3 Themes
Destinations: Hot Air Balloon Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 2.36 MB
Purple Haze Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 7.49 MB
Blue Waves Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 9.10 MB
Saturn's Rings Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
File size: 3.74 MB
PS3 Wallpapers (free)
Fast Draw Showdown Wallpaper
File size: 111 KB (SD) - 288 KB (HD)
PlayStation Store for PSP
PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)
Tetraminos ($3.99)
ESRB Rated: E
File size: 12 MB
Game Videos (free)
Pulse 6/28 Edition
File size: 67 MB
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June 29th, 2011, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Not content with attempting to usher in the advent of 3D console gaming, it seems Sony now has its sights set on the next quantum leap – virtual reality.
Speaking in a video interview to promote next month's b.tween 3D event in London, SCE Studios exec Mike Hocking explained that Sony's recently announced HMD device could represent the future of 3D gaming by allowing users access to a full 'virtual' world.
"Another thing that's coming back which I'm very excited is the notion of virtual reality," he explained.
"So we have our new HMD – or head-mounted display - which was announced at CES earlier this year, and you can see that we can now get back to where we really wanted to get with virtual reality in the '80s.
"We've now got the power to do it, we've got the screen resolution to do it, we've got the processing power to update fast enough so we can have very immersive experiences on head-mounted displays in gaming in the not too distant future.
"Being in a virtual world where I can see my virtual hands or a virtual gun with all the things we can do in the gaming world is going to be absolutely amazing," he added.
There's no release date set yet for Sony's HMD or even a firm set of tech specs. Have a look at the clip below from Sony's CES show to see what the gizmo looks like.
Staring even deeper into his crystal ball, Hocking also explained that he'd love to see AR-enabled contact lenses that would super-impose information about anything in your line of sight, Terminator-style.
"Most of the really exciting stuff is out there in the R&D area at the moment – like having contact lenses with cameras and sensors built-in so that everything you see can be augmented with useful data," he said.
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June 29th, 2011, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s new handheld, the PlayStation Vita, will be the star of the Coding keynote at the Develop conference in Brighton next month.
The talk, presented by Kish Hirani, head of developer services and Neil Brown, senior engineer for SCEE R&D, will cover both hardware, development tools and share the experiences of developers currently working on launch titles.
“We are delighted to be given the opportunity to give the coding keynote at Develop Conference this year," said Hirani. “This year the Develop Conference becomes the first public technical level disclosure of our exciting new portable games console, PS Vita."
The announcement follows news yesterday that David Braben will also present a talk at the conference. The event takes place in Brighton from July 19–21.
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June 29th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Former Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) president Andrew House has been made president of Sony Computer Entertainment International (SCEI), with SCEE co-COO Jim Ryan taking House's place.
Current SCEI chairman Akira Sato will retire from the role in August 31, leaving the way for Sony Corp. deputy executive president Kazuo Hirai to take his place and for House to become president of SCEI.
At the same time as the announcement PlayStation creator Ken Kutaragi stepped down as honorary chairman of SCEI, although he still maintains his senior technology advisory role at Sony.
"Since returning to SCE two years ago, I have focused on further expanding our business in the European/PAL territories and regaining our market leadership there," said House.
"I believe there is huge potential for further growth of our business globally, and I’m looking forward to working with everyone in the SCE group and with other groups in Sony to help achieve this potential by pursuing the creation of brand new user experiences."
"I’m confident that the skills and expertise Andy has gained over two decades working for Sony and SCE Group will contribute enormously in leading the PlayStation business and to bring new initiatives in managing the business in the networked era," said Hirari.
"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the great support from third party game developers and publishers and particularly to the wonderful creators all over the world," said Sato on his retirement.
"Without the great content from a wide spectrum of genres made by third party game developers and publishers, as well as SCE Worldwide Studios, PlayStation would not be where it is now," he added.
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June 30th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's brand perception is "clearly" recovering following the PSN security breach PR cataclysm last month, so says CEO Howard Stringer.
Speaking at Sony's annual meeting in a Tokyo hotel, as reported by the BBC, Stringer apologised for the hack and praised PlayStation gamers for returning to the system.
"Our brand perception, you'll be happy to know, is clearly improving again," he insisted.
"My foremost responsibility to the board and all of you is to further advance the transformation process, firmly establish Sony's position as a global product, content and service leader in the networked digital era and ensure our continued development and growth."
Stringer also took the opportunity to announce that he'd taken a pay-cut. His salary and bonuses have fallen 16 per cent to a meagre ¥345m yen (around £2.7m) a year.
Even so, some shareholders in attendance didn't seem to have a great deal of faith in the chief executive, with one calling for him to resign. The company's stock has dropped 30 per cent over the last 12 months and it has recorded three consecutive years of losses.
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June 30th, 2011, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced a bevy of freebies for PlayStation Home users as part of its Welcome Back programme following the recent PSN downtime.
Between 30th June and 28th July, it's offering free access to a new content pack that's apparently worth €85/£65. Here's what's included:
Anime Style Apartment
Anime themed clothing and furniture sets
Paris Modern Office furniture set
nDreams Big Bash party bundle
nDreams Fantasy Fashion and Funkster costumes
Aurora OrbRunner Booster Bundle
A cuddly Stitchkins Bunny Toy from Lockwood
A Midway Green ticket (50 plays)
Cardboard Cartel Furniture from Codeglue
Fortune Cookie active item
A selection of Tops, Shirts, Skirts, High-top trainers and glasses
Go Fish – a new, free-to-play fishing game based in the Shopping Centre
With the exception of Go Fish, all of the above will be available in Home Square, and you'll need to be 16 or older to download them.
The pack will then launch as paid content from the 28th July.
Head on over to the PlayStation Blog for more details on the individual items and a few pics.
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June 30th, 2011, 13:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's named the tech behind the PSP Remaster series of PSP to PS3 HD remakes, and offered an overview of what it's capable of.
The 'PSP Engine' was introduced by Sony's Kentaro Suzuki during a session at the Game Tools & Middleware Forum 2011 event in Tokyo last night.
The tech acts as a middle ground between the PlayStation 3 operating system and a PSP game, while offering the following features:
High res rendering
Control (with Dual Analogue support) through wireless controllers (Dualshock 3/Sixaxis)
3D stereoscopic output
Ad-hoc Party unification
Main memory and graphic memory expansion
Common save data
One such PSP HD remake for the PlayStation 3 is Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, announced at E3 earlier this month. Have a look at the gameplay video if you missed it.
Speaking about HD remakes on the PS3 more widely, new group president and CEO of SCE International Andrew House told CVG that the glossy sheen will be given to games where there's demand.
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June 30th, 2011, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
If you're looking to have some bargain-priced fun with your PSP as you wait for its successor, we might point you to a new Frima bundle on the PlayStation Store that includes five PSP Minis games for just $5. They are:
A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks!
Young Thor
Widgets Odyssey
Widgets Odyssey 2
Zombie Tycoon
We're sure there was a lot of excitement in the Frima offices when the "Awesome Summer Minis Bundle" was compiled, and we wish the dev the best. But it must have been a sobering moment to look at all the games together like that and realize "Hey, you know what, guys? We're not very good at making up names for things."
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June 30th, 2011, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
It's official: open fields of green foliage will look awesome in Unreal Engine 3. Our day is now a good one.
The pictured screenshot shows off just how sweet leaves and grass and stuff like that will look in Epic's flashy new engine, which will power next-generation games in years to come.
The shot, shared by Epic PR Manager Dana Cowley, is apparently 100% real-time and in engine, giving you a very real idea of this impressive engine's capability. For a better idea though, you should have seen the incredible 'Samaritan' tech video.
Gladly, UE3 tech has been confirmed for PlayStation Vita and Wii U.
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July 1st, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster

We've already seen press shots and teaser videos of Sony's S1 Honeycomb tablet and dual-screen S2 (and had our eyes on them ourselves), but Germany's Golem website managed to spend a bit of time with both of the devices at an event in Munich, and has now provided what's surely the best look at them to date. Unfortunately, that's still not exactly a thorough look -- there's just the single image of the S1 above, and an 18 second video of the S2, which you can check out after the break
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