December 1st, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this month, Capcom hinted at a "little" surprise they'd be dropping on the PSN during the holiday season, leading many fans to the conclusion that Street Fighter's iconic brawlers would soon be inhabiting LittleBigPlanet. RipTen recently spotted what may be the first images of the suggested costumes on Spanish PlayStation community site PSNow -- including adorable, Sackitized versions of Chun-Li, Guile, Zangief and Ryu.
It's unclear where PSNow dug up the images, but they certainly look legitimate. However, you should take time to view the rumored costumes while you still can, as SCEE has asked a number of sites to take the images down. Make of that what you will -- we're fairly certain it has something to do with the indecent nature of Sack-Zangief's exposed Sack-nipples.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated PlayStation.com with new MyPSN features that allow you to track your friends' online status, create a portable ID and take part in various events.
Your portable ID "contains your PSN avatar, Online ID, current mood, favourite console and more", and can be embedded in forum signatures and elsewhere.
"Over time, the portable ID will evolve to include Trophies and achievements," the MyPSN website adds.
To take advantage of MyPSN, just head to eu.playstation.com/psn to sign up, after which you can register your PS3, PS2 or PSP and set up preferences.
Overall it looks similar to Xbox.com's Live integration, which is no bad thing. The Microsoft site offers online friends list management and Achievement comparisons, and now allows you to begin downloads from Xbox Live Marketplace remotely, even on premium content.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:46 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Retailers across the UK have yet to receive copies of the PlayStation 3 exclusive title Resistance 2, as distributor Entertainment UK struggles to supply stores before Christmas.
GamesIndustry.biz has learnt that EUK customers, Zavvi, WHSmith and Currys.digital are still awaiting their supply of the anticipated first-person shooter, originally released on Friday November 28.
Key Zavvi stores in Brighton, London and Manchester are yet to carry the game, with one staff member explaining: "We seem to be having supply problems at the moment."
A spokesperson from Deloitte, which currently serves as the administrator of EUK and Woolworths, commented: "Since EUK went into administration, the administrators have either met or spoken with the majority of customers and suppliers and constructive talks are ongoing."
The spokesperson further added that the company couldn't confirm when the stores should expect copies to arrive. However, non-EUK stores, such as GAME and HMV, are currently supplied with stock.
Failure to ship a triple-A title could hamper Deloitte's ability to find a potential buyer for the company and it is yet to be seen if EUK will be able to keep up with busy launch schedule in the run up to Christmas.
GamesIndustry.biz has contacted Zavvi, WHSmith and Currys for further comment.
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December 1st, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster

Sackboy, your beloved player character from the creative adventure LittleBigPlanet has arrived in his full wool and yarn glory.
The simple design of Sackboy allows you to use your imagination when you decorate and personalize him.
See how your designs will look on Sackboy in real life, stitch and glue fabric together and dress him in the most up to date fashion.
For those who need inspiration, there are a number of decorated Sackboys available. With an eyepatch and a hook, Sackboy transforms himself into Captain Hook the renowned pirate from Peter Pan.
Those who prefers fantasy settings can get the swordsman Sackboy who comes with his red felt cape and sword, while the happy go lucky of you can make a fashion statement by attaching the sunflower Sackboy to your belongings.
Let loose your creative streak by getting your very own Sackboy now.
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Normal Version) JPN US$ 9.90
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Pirate Version) JPN US$ 9.90
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Sunflower Version) JPN N/A
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Soldier Version) JPN US$ 9.90
There are also two larger sized versions coming soon and are available for preorder:
LittleBigPlanet Knit Plush Doll: Sackboy (Normal Version) JPN N/A
LittleBigPlanet Knit Plush Doll: Sackboy (Pirate Version) JPN US$ 15.90
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December 1st, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
When you're finally able to grab a copy of Resident Evil 5 next year, you will find different goodies in the box depending on which console you buy it for.
Capcom has revealed a bunch of console-specific exclusive extras, giving multi-platform gamers a bit of a decision to make.
The PS3 version will come with a special making-of video feature, which was apparently made by Hollywood staff (so hopefully a little better made than some shaky cam footage in a dull motion capture studio).
On the other hand the 360 version will come in a metal case with a soundtrack CD included called the "Biohazard 5 Selection Track", according to Japanese translations of the official Capcom site.
The 360 extras will only come with an initial 'Delux Edition' allotment, and when they run out you'll just get the game on its own. Whereas the PS3's video comes on the same disc as the game, so expect that to be a permanent extra.
Capcom also revealed a special Limited Edition version of the game (pictured), which comes in an even fancier box, packing a 2GB USB memory stick, a 32-page art book, and a waist pouch that resembles one used in the game.
All very nice. Which version will you be opting for if you own both systems?
Limited editon box here
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December 1st, 2008, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have today announced that they have a load of refurbished PSP1000s back in stock, those of you who are after consoles for homebrew only may find this a very interesting development, they are selling for $166
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December 1st, 2008, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPitalia
Here we are once again talking of the "Made in Italy" ccpspita of our compatriot, and a member of the Forum and hardcore modder.
Whenever there to put a story on the development of the project MyPSProbotics being taken by a kind of euphoria combined with frustration.
Euphoria because this draft modding extreme we have followed the beginning, and besides promises brought concrete results and congratulated, however frustration because even if all the news in this project spoke MyPSPRobotics not suffice 3 sides to sum up all the infinite characteristics also implemented Only now, those already made and those in development queue!
This time Ccpspita delight us with a demo absolutely do not miss: the implementation of motion sensors on PSP!
In the full changelog and video.
Video and changelog:
MyPSP 2Axis Accelerometer
Here's a news announcement of MyPSP: the 3-axis accelerometer.
This is a sensor that warns rotations "gravity" around the X and Y axis parallel to the ground.
The third axis (vertical) measure changes.
Aspects of implementation:
- Serial Tri-Axis Accelerometer v5 of Sparkfun ( www.sparkfun.com)
- SIO PSP used as standard (see circuits SIO PSP)
- Required the shifter PSP powered by low voltage (MAX3232)
- Required calibration of the sensor (PC)
- Required power battery (CR2025) external
Evidence of concept shown in the video:
- Provisional position sensor on PSP
- Entry of ASCII string continues on values X, Y, Z in SIO PSP
- Input controlled values X, Y, Z and control "DOWN RIGHT UP LEFT"
- Example of use to rotate the screen: text that rotates depending dell'angolazioen the PSP. Could be used to rotate 90 degrees vertical screen, operate a remapping of VRAM
- Example of "3D mouse": a graph with axes 3d moves a video of the PSP depending on the angle. Could be used to "fly" in 3D with a flight simulator on PSP ......
Upcoming improvements:
- Span more 'states
- Positioning sensor in the PSP or PSP with precise detection of the position of the angles
- Rotating display 480x272 and 272x480 in a second vertical orientation of the PSP in your hands
- 3D applications, Joystick / 3D Mouse
- Games ...... 3D
And the "Robot MyPSP" continues to move with a sensor in the most '
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December 1st, 2008, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
We already explained here when the new D@tel battery came into play, that "To have a LED indicator ON, doesn't means that you can install cfw or hack anything."
Well, from the same maxconsole thread from where the battery was announced as the mayor salvation for 3k and 88v3 users to be able to "downgrade your PSP and pretty much do what you want with it!", it's confirmed that this over exalted battery will leave 3k at least like the 88v3, just with a flashing light, a black screen and nothing but that LED indicator, as we announced.
Therefore, that (strange blue colored) battery won't work for you, instead "someone" makes a bypass for the preIPL thing that Dark_AleX explained here. (Considering that the preIPL on the 3k has the same security) Looks like D@tel was hoping that Dark-AleX hacked it, so only their battery could be available for the hacking proccess. Bad luck, guys.
Now onto the 88v3 IPL. You might remember this post from where part of the signing (there were 2 functions missing) was hacked from Brokencodes; so being as partial as it is, it would be interesting now to say, after reading about it on all the PSP-related webpages, that is NOT conclusive or definitely, so please, be aware that a "hack" for this couple of mobos might need further and longer study.
We'll keep you updated.
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December 1st, 2008, 23:11 Posted By: wraggster
Drakon has released here at DCEmu a new version of his Jellycar Homebrew game for the PSP, heres the video and release news:
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December 1st, 2008, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Maxthebest
Here is finally a real version of my Game Of Life.
I released a few weeks ago a demo which you could not interact with, and which generated noise.
Now, in this one, you can edit the life pattern as you want, and load some I already made, but there is no more sound because of some bugs I'll fix for next time.
Here is a quote from the readme about the changelogs:
Originally Posted by THE README FILE
-A splash screen has been added (press any key to continue)
-A definition screen has been added: you can see an extract from wikipedia's definition of the Game Of Life
-Sound has been removed for two reasons: headaches and it didn't work. It'll be back in next version, with the possibility of shutting it off.
-A menu pops up when you press SELECT, and you can chose one of the three patterns (for the moment: empty, random, and Goper's glider gun). Keep SELECT pressed while pressing up/down/cross to navigate in this menu.
-You can see the number of generations that have happened since the beginning of the pattern by pressing L. This number is reset when you generate a new pattern, or edit the actual one.
-When you press START, you will pause the evolution, and see a "0" or "1" printed in red on the screen, this is your cursor, move it with up/down/left/right, and press Cross to give life to a cell, and circle to take life from it.
-When in pause mode, Square will clean the screen.
-To take a screenshot, press R. Screenshots are saved under ms0:/PICTURES/GoLX.png, X being the number attributed to the picture.
-If the Picture folder does not exist, the program will create it (to avoid annoying bugs).
-The icon has been changed (you can see Gosper's glider gun on it now).
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December 1st, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster

For many visitors of New York's Houston St., the giant PSP has been a landmark for years. The billboard-sized PSP ran videos of the newest and best PSP games (when it worked). However, it looks like it's finally being taken down. Perhaps Sony's going to put a giant PSP-3000 system up there, which will be slimmer than the original giant PSP-1000. But ... that seems unlikely.
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December 1st, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Ex-Capcom Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami has said that he won't play Resident Evil 5.
Speaking in a recent interview with Official PlayStation magazine, Mikami, who's now working on games with ex-Capcom studio Platinum Games, said that playing Resi 5 would "just cause me stress".
"I probably won't play it. I won't like it, because it's not going to be the game I would have made," he said. "It'll just cause me stress if I play it. I think it could be fun for gamers to play it, but not for someone who has developed Resident Evil games.
"If I see anything in Resident Evil 5 that isn't done well, I'll be angry!"
On number five's similarities to Mikami's fourth Resi, he says "that's fine, isn't it? I think Resident Evil 5 doesn't need to change the series, but Resident Evil 6 will have to reinvent the series with another full model change or else it won't be able to keep on going."
Mikami's current projects are a joint Suda 51 horror game with EA and an unannounced game for Sega.
Mikami calls working on two projects at once "difficult", "but I'm director on my game for Platinum Games and producer on the game for EA. So if Suda does his job properly, my workload will decrease."
A demo of Resident Evil 5 is due on the Japanese PlayStation Network next week, and "a bit later" everywhere else.
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December 2nd, 2008, 00:05 Posted By: MK2k

Chess Clock aka Game Clock PSP 1.1 is an Analogue Chess/Game Clock Simulation for the Playstation Portable. It is written in C++ using the Phoenix Game Engine (PGE) by InsertWittyName and MK2k, and Chipmunk Game Physics library by Slembcke.
- Two connected clocks
- Each clock containing:
- a big clock pointer
- a small clock pointer
- a flag
- a star-shaped wheel for activity indication
- 2D physics simulation on the flags
- The pointers are rotating by an estimated angle velocity, so this app does NOT feature the most accurate clocks on the planet (it may vary by some seconds per hour)
New in this Version
- Ported from JGE++ to the Phoenix Game Engine (PGE)
- Some graphical glitches on Slim PSPs and FW 4.xx+ resolved
- Enhanced accuracy
NOTE: Read the readme.txt for further details on how to use this app and how chess/game clocks are used.
Download via mk2k.net
Visit www.mk2k.net
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December 2nd, 2008, 16:50 Posted By: wraggster
When Pioneer first introduced its unicorn-like 16-layer 400GB Blu-ray Disc, we weren't sure if the thing would make it beyond the drawing board, let alone be compatible with existing BD decks. Over at the IT Month Fair in Taipei, Pioneer showed up to showcase the capacious disc, and better still, a DigiTimes report asserts that these are indeed compatible with Blu-ray readers already on the market. Currently, the 400GB disc is slated to hit mass production sometime between now and 2010, while rewritable versions won't hit until 2010 to 2012. Not like it really matters though -- a 1TB disc is on track for 2013, and you know you'll be waiting for the latest and greatest.
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December 2nd, 2008, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster

We're still not over Sony's trickeration -- which led us to believe the version 2.53 firmware update was hitting prior to the US Thanksgiving holiday -- but we're not ones to turn down a free update under any circumstances. As of now (as in, right now), Sony's PlayStation 3 can support full screen embedded Flash videos courtesy of the latest firmware, so there's really no excuse for you not firing up the System Update and sucking it down. Get to it!
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Despite what series creator Kazunori Yamauchi had to say to us on the topic during E3, Spanish newspaper El Financiero quotes SCEE executive James Armstrong as stating that Gran Turismo 5 (the full, real deal – not Prologue 2 or some-such) will be released in Europe "by Christmas 2009." This is, of course, concerning a series that's been historically fast and furious loose with release dates.
GTPlanet – which is part of the chain of custody on this rumor – speculates that, if true, we could see a summer 2009 release for GT5 in Japan and a late 2009 / early 2010 launch in the West. This scenario would certainly follow the staggered roll-outs of previous Gran Turismo titles to a (Model) T.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
What better way to mark a PS3 exclusive than with a PS3 bundle? The upcoming Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 gets just that. The SEGA PS3 exclusive will launch with an 80GB PS3 pack.
Priced at ¥45,980 (US$492.77), the bundle is cheaper than buying the game and console separately. Dubbed the Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 Rising Dragon Pack, it includes a copy of the game and an 80GB Ceramic White PS3 with dragon design on the console's body.
SEGA and Sony haven't yet released pictures of the 80GB dragon console, which is limited to only 10,000 units. No worries — they still have time. The game (and bundle) won't be out in Japan until February 26, 2009.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Background info: that sickeningly handsome young thing up there is Fernando Torres, Liverpool's star Spanish striker. At the moment, Torres is injured, and can't play. To pass the time, he's feeding his PlayStation addiction.
I use the word literally. Torres isn't just playing games. He's spent £35,000 installing three "PlayStation rooms" in his house, each complete with a giant plasma TV, surround sound and PlayStation 3 consoles.
Best/worst part? Guy's only going to be out three weeks. After that, it's back to round-the-clock training.
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December 2nd, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Across Japan, customers who purchase PLAYSTATION 3s will receive a welcome disc. There are two different discs, one red and the other white. Both discs include playable demos and game trailers.
The red disc contains only "E for All"-style family friendly titles. The white disc contains more mature titles. Here's a breakdown:
Special Demo Disc (Red)
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Demo
Winning Eleven 2009 Demo
The Last Guy Demo
Gundam Musou 2 Trailer
LittleBigPlanet Trailer
Aquanaut's Holiday Trailer
Afrika Trailer
Special Demo Disc (White)
Resident Evil 5 Demo
Metal Gear Solid 4 Demo
Metal Gear Online Demo
Valkyria Chronicles Demo
Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 Trailer
Demon's Souls Trailer
White Knight Chronicles Trailer
Resistance 2 Trailer
Campaign starts on December 18. Discs available while supplies last
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
DVD Catalyst 3 converts movies quickly and easily into a format that can be played on a portable device (Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Sony PSP, Creative Zen, Smartphone, PocketPC and more) It offers a multitude of different video types it can create, allowing it to even create video files for non-listed or brand-new devices. DVD Catalyst 3 incorporates an extensive feature list, with many unique, handy and industry-first options to make your conversions as easy as possible, while providing you with the best possible quality. DVD Catalyst 3 uses the award-winning open source mplayer/mencoder projects for detection and conversion, which allows DVD Catalyst to convert just about anything to any format without the need of having codec's installed on your computer.
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Platform: PC, PlayStation3, Xbox360
Pro-tips and strategies will teach you every combo, paired maneuver, and grapple.
Labeled maps reveal the location of every Light Seed and power plate.
Detailed walkthroughs will safeguard you through every puzzle and every trap.
In-depth explanations show you how each choice you make affects the outcome of each world. Interior
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December 2nd, 2008, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Enjoy the franchise's debut on next-generation consoles utilizing Ubisoft's proprietary Anvil engine, the same engine used to develop Assassins Creed
Utilize the Prince's old skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman's corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light
Escape to a fantasy world set in ancient Persia brought to life through masterful storytelling and sprawling environments and that rivals the blockbusters of Hollywood
For the first time in franchise history decide how the storyline unfolds by choosing the Prince's path in an open-ended game world
Wield the acrobatic and puzzle-solving power of the Prince's beautiful and powerful AI companion Elika as you explore the perils of ancient Persia
The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey.
Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments deliver a brand new adventure that re-opens the Prince of Persia saga. Now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.
In this strange land, your rogue warrior must utilize all of his skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman’s corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light. Also, history's greatest ally is revealed in the form of Elika, a dynamic AI companion who joins the Prince in his fight to save the world. Gifted with magical powers, she interacts with the player in combat, acrobatics and puzzle-solving, enabling the Prince to reach new heights of deadly high-flying artistry through special duo acrobatic moves or devastating fighting combo attacks.
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December 2nd, 2008, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
Falcom is going all out for their remake of Brandish. The overhead action RPG will be transformed into a full 3D for the PSP. Brandish: The Dark Revenant looks different, but the story sounds about the same. You play as Ares a swordsman that gets falls into a hole and into a dungeon. If you haven’t played Brandish before the game has a lot of holes that act as traps.
Visually, Brandish: The Dark Revenant looks better than the Super Nintendo version. Speaking of that we’re probably not going to see it on the Virtual Console now since the PSP remake is scheduled to come out in Japan on March 19. No North American release has been announced, but Atlus is working with Falcom now so they could pick this Brandish: The Dark Revenant in the future.
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December 2nd, 2008, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Sometime before it was properly announced at Tokyo Game Show we discovered SNK Playmore was working on the King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match. Like the King of Fighters ‘98: Ultimate Match this is a revised and rebalanced version of KoF 2002. There are 66 playable characters in the game, a challenge mode for experts, and a renewed interface.
How does the King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match look compare to vanilla KoF 2002?
Some backgrounds and background tunes are getting refined for the King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match too before it comes out on February 26, 2009 in Japan. No release date has been announced for North America, but right now we’re still waiting for the King of Fighters ‘98: Ultimate Match. I bet we’ll see this game in North America though. Either Ignition Entertainment will pick it up or SNK will port it to Xbox Live Arcade a la King of Fighters ‘98: Ultimate Match someday in the future.
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December 2nd, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) today unveiled comprehensive line up of software for PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3), PSP (PlayStation Portable), and PlayStation 2 available during the 2008 holiday season. With 19 titles from SCEA and limited edition hardware bundles providing great consumer value, PlayStation aims to have fresh content for gamers this holiday season whether they are at home, traveling, or celebrating the holidays with family and friends.
In conjunction with the PS3 system's recently celebrated second anniversary, SCEA released the limited-edition Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3 system bundle. Featuring an impressive 160GB hard drive, the new PS3 system provides consumers with enough space to store a robust combination of games and entertainment content, such as 24 high definition movies, 8 standard definition television shows, 100 PlayStation Network games, 2,000 music files, and 2,000 photos(*1). The PS3 system has the strongest first party software lineup heading into the holiday season with titles like LittleBigPlanet from Media Molecule and its groundbreaking user generated content; Resistance 2 from Insomniac Games, with unprecedented 60 player multiplayer mayhem; Motorstorm Pacific Rift, with no holds barred racing action; and BUZZ! Quiz TV, the quiz game show with over 5,000 questions and easy-to-use wireless buzzers.
"This holiday season we have gifts of the highest caliber to suit the taste of every gamer in your household; from community based experiences like LittleBigPlanet, to first person shooters like Resistance 2 to racing games like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift to casual games like SingStar and BUZZ!," said Scott A. Steinberg, vice president of product marketing, SCEA. "We are dedicated to delivering entertainment of the finest quality to our consumers to help make this holiday a lot more enjoyable."
Winter travel is a bit brighter with the newly released PSP system (PSP-3000), which offers an enhanced LCD screen with a wider color gamut and higher contrast ratio and a built-in microphone. The new PSP system is capable of displaying movies and photos in more natural and vibrant colors on its high resolution 4.3 inch wide screen. Available in Mystic Silver or Piano Black, the updated hardware is available in two limited edition Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters(R) PSP Entertainment Packs. Titles like BUZZ! Master Quiz, NBA 09 The Inside, and Secret Agent Clank will make the trip to visit family more enjoyable.
Family and friends can easily entertain at home during the holiday season with all new versions of the hit interactive singing experience SingStar for both the PS3 and PlayStation 2 systems. December 2 marks the release of the disco-centric SingStar ABBA which joins currently available the recently released versions of the hit franchise including SingStar Country, SingStar Pop vol. 22, and SingStar Legends for PlayStation 2. For PS3 owners, SingStar Vo1. 2 and SingStar ABBA add new tracks and videos for the rising star in your family to perform.
SCEA's Currently Available First Party 2008 Holiday Lineup Includes:
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
NBA 09 The Inside
Resistance 2
SingStar ABBA
SingStar Vol. 2
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
PlayStation Network
Linger In Shadows
Pain Movie Studio
Crash Commando
Savage Moon
PSP (PlayStation Portable)
BUZZ! Master Quiz
NBA 09 The Inside
PlayStation 2
NBA 09 The Inside
SingStar ABBA
SingStar Country
SingStar Legends
SingStar Pop Volume 2
(*1) Based off the average files sizes listed below:
-- High Definition Movies 6GB
-- Standard Television Shows (30 minutes) 1.5GB
-- PlayStation Network Games 100MB
-- Music Files (MP3) 5MB
-- Photos 5MB
About Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. continues to redefine the entertainment lifestyle with its PlayStation and PS one game consoles, the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system, the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, the ground-breaking PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) computer entertainment system and its online and network services the PlayStation Network and PlayStation Store.
Recognized as the undisputed industry leader, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. markets the PlayStation family of products and develops, publishes, markets and distributes software for the PS one game console, the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and the PSP system for the North American market. Based in Foster City, Calif. Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. serves as headquarters for all North American operations and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Visit us on the Web at http://www.us.playstation.com
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December 2nd, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) today unveiled comprehensive line up of software for PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3), PSP (PlayStation Portable), and PlayStation 2 available during the 2008 holiday season. With 19 titles from SCEA and limited edition hardware bundles providing great consumer value, PlayStation aims to have fresh content for gamers this holiday season whether they are at home, traveling, or celebrating the holidays with family and friends.
In conjunction with the PS3 system's recently celebrated second anniversary, SCEA released the limited-edition Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3 system bundle. Featuring an impressive 160GB hard drive, the new PS3 system provides consumers with enough space to store a robust combination of games and entertainment content, such as 24 high definition movies, 8 standard definition television shows, 100 PlayStation Network games, 2,000 music files, and 2,000 photos(*1). The PS3 system has the strongest first party software lineup heading into the holiday season with titles like LittleBigPlanet from Media Molecule and its groundbreaking user generated content; Resistance 2 from Insomniac Games, with unprecedented 60 player multiplayer mayhem; Motorstorm Pacific Rift, with no holds barred racing action; and BUZZ! Quiz TV, the quiz game show with over 5,000 questions and easy-to-use wireless buzzers.
"This holiday season we have gifts of the highest caliber to suit the taste of every gamer in your household; from community based experiences like LittleBigPlanet, to first person shooters like Resistance 2 to racing games like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift to casual games like SingStar and BUZZ!," said Scott A. Steinberg, vice president of product marketing, SCEA. "We are dedicated to delivering entertainment of the finest quality to our consumers to help make this holiday a lot more enjoyable."
Winter travel is a bit brighter with the newly released PSP system (PSP-3000), which offers an enhanced LCD screen with a wider color gamut and higher contrast ratio and a built-in microphone. The new PSP system is capable of displaying movies and photos in more natural and vibrant colors on its high resolution 4.3 inch wide screen. Available in Mystic Silver or Piano Black, the updated hardware is available in two limited edition Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters(R) PSP Entertainment Packs. Titles like BUZZ! Master Quiz, NBA 09 The Inside, and Secret Agent Clank will make the trip to visit family more enjoyable.
Family and friends can easily entertain at home during the holiday season with all new versions of the hit interactive singing experience SingStar for both the PS3 and PlayStation 2 systems. December 2 marks the release of the disco-centric SingStar ABBA which joins currently available the recently released versions of the hit franchise including SingStar Country, SingStar Pop vol. 22, and SingStar Legends for PlayStation 2. For PS3 owners, SingStar Vo1. 2 and SingStar ABBA add new tracks and videos for the rising star in your family to perform.
SCEA's Currently Available First Party 2008 Holiday Lineup Includes:
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
NBA 09 The Inside
Resistance 2
SingStar ABBA
SingStar Vol. 2
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
PlayStation Network
Linger In Shadows
Pain Movie Studio
Crash Commando
Savage Moon
PSP (PlayStation Portable)
BUZZ! Master Quiz
NBA 09 The Inside
PlayStation 2
NBA 09 The Inside
SingStar ABBA
SingStar Country
SingStar Legends
SingStar Pop Volume 2
(*1) Based off the average files sizes listed below:
-- High Definition Movies 6GB
-- Standard Television Shows (30 minutes) 1.5GB
-- PlayStation Network Games 100MB
-- Music Files (MP3) 5MB
-- Photos 5MB
About Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. continues to redefine the entertainment lifestyle with its PlayStation and PS one game consoles, the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system, the PSP (PlayStation Portable) system, the ground-breaking PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) computer entertainment system and its online and network services the PlayStation Network and PlayStation Store.
Recognized as the undisputed industry leader, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. markets the PlayStation family of products and develops, publishes, markets and distributes software for the PS one game console, the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and the PSP system for the North American market. Based in Foster City, Calif. Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. serves as headquarters for all North American operations and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Visit us on the Web at http://www.us.playstation.com
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December 2nd, 2008, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Someone has finally gotten around to giving the PSP the one thing that was missing from its lineup: a downloadable virtual hamster viewing game.
In Hamster Channel, you feed and interact with virtual hamsters. The game is set up like a variety television show with channels depicting different hamsters in a variety of environments.
Your furry friends are generated using random generation routines, giving unique fur patterns for all players. New-comer publisher HI Games & Publishing boasts that the game offers the highest level of 3D visuals for a virtual pet game.
Hamster Channel is a rare download-only PSP title. It will hit the Japanese PlayStation Store in mid December at 2,800 yen.
While a Japan-only release at the moment, HI says that it plans on bringing games to international audiences as well. These little easily-squashable critters could be US bound in the future.
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December 2nd, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mr305

This is a plugin that works BOTH IN-GAME, in XMB as well as Homebrew, consists of a 20 most Creative, Incredible set of effects put together in a small package to create a truly unique PSP experience.
You'll start to Love your PSP as if it's new (willing to trust me?) !
This is what has been in developement for months (with several sparing minutes every alternate weekends)
Since the beginning the main priority has been to create a very heavily optimized and tweaked product that everyone would like. With performance being maxed out; infact most of the effects including Flipped XMB run at FULL 60 FPS and with memory footprint being virtually ZERO - you can't go wrong.
VOLUP + VOL DOWN = Toggle Effect
TRIANGLE + ANALOG UP/DOWN - Adjust Brightness
CFW 5.00 M33-3
PSP 1000 / PSP 2000
The Scoop:
-> Contrast Boost that mimics PSP-3000's improved contrast via Software.
-> Brightness Boost with variable adjustment
-> Physically Flipped XMB with natural keymapping (PSP 1000 Feels lighter than it is, if held this way )
-> SUPER Stylish Music Visualizer (for Bars Visualization)
-> Warm Tones, Cool Tones, Red tones...
-> Colour Filters (5+)
-> Inverted Colors
-> Mirror effects (2)
-> Oil Paint effect
-> Everything else you could think of...
GAME Compatibility:
-> Shawn White Snowboarding
-> Midnight Club LA REMIX (Doesn't work)
Homebrew Compatibility (99% Compatible with ALL Homebrew):
-> Geomety Wawz
-> PSPKVM / Opera Mini
-> Powernoid v2
-> Jelly Car v1.1
Future / Notes:
Be surprised when you see another update
-> Read the README's
Minor Update Bld 729:
-> Increased Main thead Poll delay from 10 to 5000. (Possible performance improvement)
-> Removed remaining references to security checks.
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December 3rd, 2008, 11:08 Posted By: Art
Powernoid V3b
Hi Guys,
This is version 3 of Powernoid, the Breakout clone with powerups inspired by Megaball for the Amiga!
There are two buttons that can be pressed at once to activate
all powerups in this version, but you cannot get a high score this way.
Bullets Screenshot

Cheers, Art.
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December 3rd, 2008, 13:57 Posted By: dangee
TrailblazePSP now runs in Kernel 3.xx - 5.xx on any
m33 Custom Firmware Phat/Slim.
prx plugins should now work in /GAME from /seplugins
TweakDisplay.prx works very well in 5.00 m33-1
capture.prx can take a GIF video in 3.52 m33-4
Control mapping is adjusted for these two .prx.
Other Plugin/CFW combos are untested.
Trailblaze+TweakDisplay screenshots

Download @: dangee.net
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December 3rd, 2008, 19:50 Posted By: FOL
We have released a FAME/C Version of PSPUAE (Amiga Emulator for PSP), changes are listed below.
* Added FAME/C CPU core (Credits to UAE4ALL team as thats where Ric ported it from originally).
Im only releasing this, because people wanted it.
Be warned its unstable and can guru alot.
That said, it is faster.
Also old SAVESTATES are NOT compatible with this release.
Also, to get this to work with 1.50 you will have to convert the eboot yourself.
Please do not post regarding crashing issues with this release, as I have already pointed out its flaws.
Unless someone wants to improve the FAME/C CPU core, im done with it.
Remember Read the README`s.
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December 3rd, 2008, 20:16 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Red Bull is the first brand to sign up for dedicated space in Sony's online virtual world, Home.
According to a report by Brand Republic, Red Bull will have its own island within Home, and feature a racing game based on the real-world Red Bull Air Race.
"The game gave us the first opportunity to recreate in the gaming world what we try to do in the real world, which is to facilitate interaction, to give people stories, memories, experiences and a really good opportunity to interact with the brand," offered Red Bull's John Beasley, marketing manager for the company.
"It's an easy environment for brands to take that first step into gaming," added Beasley.
Home is expected to be open to the public by the end of the year, although thousands of PlayStation 3 users already have access to the service's beta test.
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December 3rd, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Tekken 6, the latest in Namco Bandai's seminal fighting series, will be delivering a body blow to consoles next fall. Oh wait, you say, we already knew that. True, Microsoft confirmed last October that in Fall 2009 Feng Wei, Devil Jin and the rest would strike the Xbox 360 across the face. In addition, CVG reports that the game will get an equal bout on the PlayStation 3 at the same time.
The announcement was made during a recent event put on by Atari, which will publish the title in Europe on both platforms, adding yet another marquee feather in the once-struggling company's hat. Next year is shaping up to be a memorable one for fighting game fans with Street Fighter IV and Tekken 6 going toe-to-toe. So tell us, where do you place your bets?
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December 3rd, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Those would be "Gold" awards in Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's annual PlayStation Awards, not actual gold PlayStations. No, we think excellent sales are reward enough to render the composition of a congratulatory gong irrelevant -- the Gold award only goes to those games that sold over 500,000 copies in Japan over the last year.
This year's PlayStation recipients: Senior citizen stealth sim Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots; pointy-haired sword swinger Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII; and Sega's Phantasy Star Portable, which we failed to include in the headline. Similarly snubbed but given a fancy "Platinum" award was Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, which sold over two million copies and completely messed up our Japanese hardware sales charts.
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December 3rd, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Those would be "Gold" awards in Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's annual PlayStation Awards, not actual gold PlayStations. No, we think excellent sales are reward enough to render the composition of a congratulatory gong irrelevant -- the Gold award only goes to those games that sold over 500,000 copies in Japan over the last year.
This year's PlayStation recipients: Senior citizen stealth sim Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots; pointy-haired sword swinger Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII; and Sega's Phantasy Star Portable, which we failed to include in the headline. Similarly snubbed but given a fancy "Platinum" award was Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, which sold over two million copies and completely messed up our Japanese hardware sales charts.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so Denon wares aren't exactly "cheap," but you can't knock it for trying to innovate. Despite that fact that about eight people on this Earth still care about their beloved SACD / DVD-Audio collections, Denon has developed a Blu-ray player specifically for them. The DVD-A1UD is hailed as the world's first universal BD deck, and it features a black (shown after the break) or silver motif, SD / SDHC card slot, DivX support, HDMI 1.3, 1080p60 / 1080p24 output, internal decoding of DTS-HD Master Audio / Dolby TrueHD, 7.1-channel analog outputs, Denon LINK and all sorts of sophisticated pixel / audio restoration technologies. Better still, users who buy in can look forward to a Profile 2.0 update in the near future. Not surprisingly, the decked-out player will ship in Japan next month for a patently astounding ¥546,000 ($5,860), so you'll probably be stuck dreaming about it unless your ship rolls in.
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December 4th, 2008, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
That's according to Sony, which addressed several LittleBigPlanet concerns in a recent (and now weekly) post on the official PlayStation Blog. "The vast majority of moderated levels were due to offensive material," wrote SCEA marketing manager Mark Valledor, "however we are evolving the way moderation happens to ensure that creators are made aware of why their level was blocked." Earlier this year, level creators expressed their frustration at becoming victim of Sony's inscrutable moderation policies. The company has since released some general "don't put this stuff in your level" guidelines.
Valledor also noted that other online aspects of the precious platformer are being examined and improved, including the occasionally problematic servers and the maddeningly unhelpful level search function. "We've heard your requests to get better search functionality to find levels and getting the PLAY, CREATE, SHARE stats up and running on the Info Moon and have put this on the top of our list."
We hope you guys tagged that list properly -- it's going to be awfully difficult to find otherwise.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
You know, Mother always used to say that dating a Yakuza was a bad idea ... and a good way to get yourself killed. We wish Sega the best of luck then, as the company has done just that -- Yakuza 3 is set for a Japanese debut on February 26th, 2009. The Gangs of Tokyo epic (with Trophy support!) will also be included in a limited-run PlayStation 3 bundle sporting an 80GB, Ceramic White console and a ¥45,980 ($492) price tag.
And before you ask, Sega has yet to confirm a US release for Yakuza 3. We'll let you know when they do. (See? "When." We're optimistic over here.)
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December 4th, 2008, 01:44 Posted By: wraggster

Sackboy, your beloved player character from the creative adventure LittleBigPlanet has arrived in his full wool and yarn glory.
The simple design of Sackboy allows you to use your imagination when you decorate and personalize him.
See how your designs will look on Sackboy in real life, stitch and glue fabric together and dress him in the most up to date fashion.
For those who need inspiration, there are a number of decorated Sackboys available. With an eyepatch and a hook, Sackboy transforms himself into Captain Hook the renowned pirate from Peter Pan.
Those who prefers fantasy settings can get the swordsman Sackboy who comes with his red felt cape and sword, while the happy go lucky of you can make a fashion statement by attaching the sunflower Sackboy to your belongings.
Let loose your creative streak by getting your very own Sackboy now.
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Normal Version) JPN N/A
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Pirate Version) JPN N/A
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Sunflower Version) JPN N/A
LittleBigPlanet Mini Knit Mascot Plush Doll: Sackboy (Soldier Version) JPN N/A
Due to popular demand, all sackboys, including the Sunflower version, will be restocked by tomorrow, so just feel free to order your favourite player character.
There are also two larger sized versions coming soon and are available for preorder:
LittleBigPlanet Knit Plush Doll: Sackboy (Normal Version) JPN US$ 15.90
LittleBigPlanet Knit Plush Doll: Sackboy (Pirate Version) JPN US$ 15.90
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December 4th, 2008, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The Mojas are striking back, gather the LocoRocos and save the planet.
LocoRocos have previously rescued Mr. Planet from the horrible songs of the Mojas in the last installment and life start to reappear on its surface again. But the mischief of the Mojas are not that easily stemmed out. The little black mob is back to zap life forces from vegetation with a new songs. To rescue their troubled friends, the LocoRocos are back in action.
Use the L and R buttons, bounce into the air and float back, swim and roll around. Gather the music notes and use your songs to battle the mojas and bring life back to the planet.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Right after the Penant Race ends in the real world, the Pro Yakyuu Spirits 5 Kanzenban starts. By gathering all the data of this season's games, including new baseball players and their updated records, the game creates the most realistic baseball game experience.
Learn the history of the baseball stars and relive their adventures in the stardom mode or create your own player character and bring him into the greatest teams and the largest stadiums in the Spirits Mode. Besides players information, the uniforms and stadiums are recreated in their most accurate forms.
The main attraction of the game is the inclusion of all players from the 12 teams, a total of 70 baseball players can be arranged to participate in tournaments. Make use of all your knowledge on the players and design the most amazing of matches.
Aside from AI opponents, make use of the networking facilities of your console and arrange tournaments with your friends. With a transparent system, the other users in the network will know who is playing against whom, just like real world games.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Length: approx. 270mm
Height: approx. 120mm
Limited availability
The chubby mascot of the hunting adventure is here, not only to heal your spirit but to protect your portal to your hunting grounds. The pig is cutely designed and softly padded, it does not only prevent scratches and other blemishes resulting on your PSP but will also protect it from minor collisions when you drop it.
Besides using it as a PSP pouch, you can use it to bag other items such as pencils and other writing equipment. Let the pig have his day of glory, use it as your own mascot and draw in all the envy gazes from your neighbors.
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December 4th, 2008, 01:57 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP is becoming a home for unusual games these days. First Moe Moe Niji Taisen Deluxe and now Kamen Maid Guy Poyoyon Battle Royale. Gadgetsoft’s PSP game is a 2.5D fighting game based off an anime series run on TV Tokyo. Players attack each other with nail bats and throw objects sitting in the background. None of this sounds out of the ordinary until you see the trailer…
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December 4th, 2008, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

4 big advantages:
1. Holds 2 cards for super large capacity
2. Cards type can be mixed
3. Freedom of expansion and upgrade
4. Super high read/write speeds of 10MB/s and up
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December 4th, 2008, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Give the masses what they want: 64GB storage for your Playstation Portable! This is it, the ultimate adapter that blows your wildest gamer dreams!
- Equip your PSP with storage equal to subnotebooks
- Store all your games, music and other media
- No more file and memory stick swapping
- Holds 2 SDHC/SD memory cards or equivalent adapters
- Boosts memory up to 64GB (depending on memory cards)
- Can be used with 1 or 2 SDHC/SD cards. Storage is spanned over both cards
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December 4th, 2008, 19:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High definition and durable version 1.3A HDMI cable for PS3 and Xbox 360. It - supports Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1/6.1 sound system and 1080i/1080p/full screen LCD/Plasma/TV system.
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December 4th, 2008, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster

We at Engadget will always have a special place in our hearts for Street Fighter, and if you can't help but agree, you might be unable to resist picking up one of these. Mad Catz has introduced a new pair of joysticks for Sony's PlayStation 3: the Street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition and the Street Fighter IV FightStick. The first will only be available in "very limited quantities," and it'll pack the exact Sanwa joystick and 30-millimeter buttons found in the official Street Fighter IV arcade machine; the latter is a more commoditized version with a more vanilla 'stick and plain jane buttons. Both devices are scheduled to ship on February 20th of next year, with pricing set at $149.99 and $69.99, respectively.
via engadget
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December 4th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
DICE plans on keeping Mirror's Edge players on their toes next month with the January release of a downloadable Time Trial Map Pack, featuring seven new maps for your running enjoyment.
Players will be able to strive for the fastest times in nine races spread across the seven maps, all for the low price of $10 or 800 Microsoft fake monies. As an added bonus, PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download an additional map for free, because DICE loves them more.
“The freedom of movement and control in first person has been the most popular aspect of Mirror’s Edge so we decided to distil these down to their purest form for this map pack,” says Owen O’Brien, Senior Producer, DICE. “We deliberately chose a more abstract aesthetic that is still within our distinctive art style and then focused on flow and gameplay to create an experience and challenge very different from the main game.”
The Time Trial Map Pack will be available in late January for the PS3, Xbox 360, and the PC version of the game, which ships on January 13th in North America.
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December 4th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
news via french site jv247:
The disappearance of the PS2 backwards compatibility of the PlayStation 3 had caused the dissatisfaction of a number of players. It appears, however, it has not been completely abandoned. Indeed, according to our sources at a publisher of games, backwards compatibility should be part of a recent firmware update for the PS3. Withdrawn at the last moment, it could still be contained in a forthcoming updates. This addition would aim to facilitate the arrival of PS2 games on the PlayStation Store. Stay tuned ...
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December 4th, 2008, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sorry about the long silence folks. I know most of you must be wondering what's going on these days and wondering where has everyone gone. Some of you already know I've been busy with moving from the US to the UK and this has kept me quite busy with sorting out visas and then with the actual move. Of course, once I made it, I was far from being able to put much time aside to be active again. I had a marriage to prepare for!
Well, I'm happy to say that I am now married to a certain lady some of you may know as Raefraction. She is the sister of refraction, and so this now makes me his brother in law. Odd as it may seem, PCSX2 became a gateway to something more than I could have ever imagined. It's led me to my beautiful wife and great new family. I'm not sure if this is a first for emulation, but I'm sure anyone would be hard pressed to find another example quite like this.
All that said, I'm working my way towards getting back into the swing of things. I've still got just a few more quirks to work out, but the bulk of it is done. I'm also planning on egging on my new brother in law to get back into this with me as well. Give us just a bit more time, and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for bearing with us while things have been busy in our every day lives.
For those interested, you can see pictures from the wedding (which include myself, refraction, Raefraction and family) at General Emulation.
Also there is a video I've uploaded to youtube of the ceremony. Keep in mind that due to their 10 minute limits for videos, I've had to separate it into two parts, which you can view in the above post as well. Thanks again, and I'll be back soon.
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December 4th, 2008, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Bootlegninja

Now that we've had a laugh at dangwoot's joke news post, , we can move on to actual releases like FMCB 1.8b
changes as follows:
- Fixed broken installation from CD
Latest version has arrived with a new look and Installer GUI.
Usage :
Please read "Noobie Installation Guide" and "Advanced User Guide" (HTML format, made by JNABK) in archive.
Check for updated tutorial at Free MC Boot Installation http://bootleg.sksapps.com/tutorials/fmcb/
You can also watch this video install tutorial made by Guacatechs :
Special Thanks to all involved in many tests :
Bootlegninja, JNABK, TnA, dlanor, g.t.o, psychomantis, tar, krika69,
AdvanS3B, katananja, Janaboy (all the tester team and everyone I forget).
See the file CREDITS.txt for full credits list in archive.
Please note that FMCB is now under license (see archive for details).
Technical Details :
Installer side :
- New GUI, graphics & sounds by Berion.
- Installation now possible on mc slot 1 & 2.
- Fixed problem with chinese clone card (was generating wrong mcid).
- Changed "PowerOff PS2" option into "Launch Free McBoot".
- Better compatibility with early jap models.
Loader side :
- New elf load method which make it launch faster.
- New cnf vars to control "X Enter" and "/\ Version" position at osdsys
main menu screen.
- Fixed bug about loading elfs from OSDSYS turing into simple FMCB reboot
on some ps2 models (due to new elf-loader mentionned above).
- Fixed problem with chinese clone card not booting due to bug fixed in
mcid generation above.
- Fixed freezing bug while loading COGSWAP.
- Fixed bug about loading osd settings correctly.
- Fixed bug about Ps1 game color bug (due to bug fixed above).
- "FASTBOOT" can be used in button-launch and OSDSYS items paths.
- added "OSDMENU" support in the cnf while defined on LK_?_E? path
entries: It enforces OSDSYS to skip disc boot even with Skip Disc boot OFF.
- SkipMC now control DVD Player update check from MC.
- Changed method of loading CNF from MC, now first check one the one that
booted FMCB.
- added new BREXEc-SYTEM folder icon that match new FMCB design by JNABK.
- Better compatibility with early jap models.
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December 4th, 2008, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
SCEE president David Reeves has revealed that internal Sony numbers indicate the PlayStation 3 is "300,000 units ahead of Xbox 360" in the PAL territories. This is in response to Microsoft claims that the 360 is outselling the PS3 in Europe. Note that both statements can be true: the 360 could be outselling the PS3 in the recent months but the total tally would show that Sony's console is still ahead.
Furthermore, Reeves disclosed to MCVUK that there are no price cuts planned for the near future. "No we are not going to go down in price; neither are we going to go down in price on PS3 in spring time either." This echoes what SCEE told Eurogamer late last month. "As soon as we got the manufacturing price down on PSOne we lowered the price. Same with PS2. But we're not doing that on PS3 -- that's not the model, even if people are expecting it."
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December 4th, 2008, 22:38 Posted By: wraggster
s1n has released a new build of the Java PSP Emulator for Windows
unsure whats new
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December 4th, 2008, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow has today posted the news that we all want to hear and thats Commercial Games Now Playable in JPCSP namely the game puzzle bobble pocket , JPCSP is a PSP Emulator for Windows written in JAVA.
Heres some screens:

Cant wait for a release of this Build 
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December 4th, 2008, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zeroZshadow

Hi there,
I had this game floating around on my psp now for some time, so i thought i'd share it.
Its a port of a skyroads clone i made for the pc some months ago.
you can create your own lvl's by adding/altering the map files in the levels folder.
Its just a simple demo, though i hope you guys like it.
R - go faster
L - brake
square - jump
triangle - change camera
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December 4th, 2008, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa
Today I release this very simple homebrew game. It is IMPGame, an Hang Man game for PSP!

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December 4th, 2008, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from silmarilion
Hi there, i'm here to release GameMusicGear_MX Version 1.0 (no more release candidate this time ).
The most important changes are the addition of a 10 band equalizer with preset support, a new browser/playlist behavior and several new input and visual plugins .
Here is the changelog:
Version 1.0
+ add new vis_plasma visual plugin.
+ add info tag charset conversion.
Available charsets are: UTF-8, GBK, BIG5, SHIFT-JIS, EUC-KR, MS-EE, MS-CYRL, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2
You must change this value manually from the main config file.
+ ADD new browser-playlist behavior more ala winamp: you can browse
any folder and play or enqueue files to the playlist, wich is saved
in m3u format.
+ ADD psf input plugin . For now in_psf doesn't support equalization nor
volume boost.
+ ADD new mp3 input plugin based on the pspsdk's pspmp3 library:
Currently it doesn't support ff/rewind but consumes less battery life.
It only suppports files with 44k sampling rate.
+ add s98 input plugin.
+ add new vis_cube visual plugin
+ add new vis_gel visual plugin
+ add Steven Wittens's UnConeD Goldie semiclone 3d visual plugin (vis_goldie).
+ add hprm support .
+ add show attached picture in fullscreen visual mode.
+ ADD real time equalizer with presets support.
+ add implemented a 'semi' sleep mode. Clock is changed to 22 hz and
screen and power led are turned off.
+ add changed skins settings to a more friendly xml style format.
+ add (PSP Slim Only) Support for 7zip compressed files.
+ add ...
* fix selector is now placed in the last folder when browsing back.
* fix selected plugins are now shown first when entering setup.
* fix in_sid input plugin is now based on libsidplay1 since it was having
some issues with the libsidplay2 engine .
* fix songs with different samplerate than 44k and 48k caused a crash,
well for now only 44k and 48k samplerates are supported .
* fix files with different language names were not played at all.
* fix album art was not found sometimes.
* fix nsfe info was not shown properly.
* fix display bug when browsing plugin settings.
* fix crash when encoding some files to mp3.
* fix controller config didn't read simultaneous keys.
* fix crash when entering several zip subfolders.
* fix corrupted files and folders in 8GB memory sticks.
* fix log file is now closed when a crash occurs.
* fix zip icon was not shown correctly in folder name.
* fix changed cpu clock values of input plugins to optimize battery
* fix play all subtunes was not working properly.
* fix crash when atempting to change subtune or play next song on an
empty playlist.
* fix changed max volume boost value to 15.
* fix in_spc plugin cpu clock is set to 266 by default for better playback.
* fix ...
- del removed exception handler because was causing some strange
graphic bugs.
- del removed fade in when playing new song.
- del rar files are no longer supported by psp fat due to lack of memory.

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December 4th, 2008, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Some more PS1 games make their way onto the European PSN store today along with the latest episode of Shoot!. That makes five PS1 games in the last month. Hopefully SCEE can keep up this pace and continue to push decent, old school content onto our PSPs. Here’s today’s update in handy list form:
Red Alert Retribution PS1 game (£3.99/€4.99)
Jet Rider PS1 game (£3.99/€4.99)
Shoot! episode 3 “Hands”
Need For Speed Undercover wallpaper
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December 4th, 2008, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
alek has let it slip that a new version of the M33 custom firmware for the PSP will be released in a few days and with some new features too.
No more is known at this time but we will have the info as soon as the release happens
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December 4th, 2008, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from adrian-SAYA
As the game becomes addictive, has good graphics and it should be emphasized that it is well structured. Our aim will be to dodge rocks that will appear to go far to make progress, we will have to circumvent and win points when we get to 300 points above the game. Do not go thinking that they are only 300 points is easy to achieve, in contrast, the rocks will increasingly have to be quicker and faster than them not to destroy us.
It has a nice menu with three options and only two available, we hope that its author will bring improvements in this little game.
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December 4th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from flav1994
As the game becomes addictive, has good graphics and it should be emphasized that it is well structured. Our aim will be to dodge rocks that will appear to go far to make progress, we will have to circumvent and win points when we get to 300 points above the game. Do not go thinking that they are only 300 points is easy to achieve, in contrast, the rocks will increasingly have to be quicker and faster than them not to destroy us.
It has a nice menu with three options and only two available, we hope that its author will bring improvements in this little game.
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December 4th, 2008, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
New podcast released:
The PSP Show #84 - Sony Media Manager 3.0 (MP3 9.8 mb 10 minutes 40 seconds)
DOWNLOAD the podcast by right clicking on this link or press play and listen in your browser
there we go, I’m back, and managing to get one in before the end of the month - you lot should know by now I sometimes go walkabout (the secret is to check my Twitter for activity).
Anyway, that just means there is a lot to catch up on in the news, so pay attention in class, there’s new game releases (LocoRoco 2, Super Stardust Portable and Patapon 2), news on the latest firmware and the scanline issue in the PSP-3000, the descending levels of piracy, and the potentially climbing levels thanks to the Datel Lite Blue Tool.
And rather than a game review, I’m casting my eye over Sony’s Media Manager 3.0, a free utility released this month to check your PSP files under control and make your life easier.
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December 5th, 2008, 02:23 Posted By: BelmontSlayer

For all you Final Fantasy fanboys out there, Square-Enix feels your pain. With only 2 weeks left until Dissidia gets released over in Japan, they have given us 3 new PSP themes to hold us over. The themes are from FF, FFII and FFIII respectively. Each one has the main character and the colors that go along with the game.
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December 5th, 2008, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon no Battle Royale (Masquerade Maid Guy: Bouncing Battle Royale) is a sort of horribly voice acted minigame-fest with Smash Bros. elements for PSP (gameplay video here, more videos here). It looks rather uninteresting, aside from the rather dynamic if typical music. But what's curious about it is here, on the System page. The maker, AC Gateway and Gadgetsoft, is touting what it calls the Super Tayunizm Engine. This is basically an "engine" for making boobs bounce. They have a 2D version here, and a slightly more disturbing SD 3D one here with bonus disturbing panty shot. The basic premise is that even in 2D, as motion gets more extreme, so too does the bouncing, and dynamically so. The videos are even annotated. So there you go.
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December 5th, 2008, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
You've seen enough "game within a game" things for LittleBigPlanet to make you ill. Gradius, Tetris, whatever, it's been done. But you haven't seen Lumines, especially one that comes from Q Entertainment.
Yes, Q, the creators of the original, have teamed up with Media Molecule and Sony to launch an official version of Lumines within LittleBigPlanet. It's due sometime this "winter".
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December 5th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
GTI Club + Rally Cote D'Azur takes a bow on PlayStation Network today along with a demo of LEGO Batman and add-ons for the likes of Race Driver: GRID and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Konami's spirited remake of the arcade machine of the same name nicks the gameplay and splatters it lovingly across more up to date graphics in a way that made us quite tingly in our 7/10 review, which should not be seen as too off-putting. We're looking forward to more tracks and other content.
Meanwhile, there's another couple of PSone games (Red Alert Retaliation and Jet Rider - classics, we're sure you'll agree) and of course the requisite downloadables for Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band.
PS3 Games
- Brain Challenge (GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99)
- GTI Club + Rally Cote D'Azur (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99)
PSone games on PS3/PSP Store
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert Retaliation (GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99)
- Jet Rider (GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99)
PS3 Demos
PS3 Add-ons
- LittleBigPlanet - Kabuki Actor costume (free)
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm - Storm Pack 2 (free)
- Race Driver GRID 8-Ball Pack (GBP 4.99 / EUR 6.28)
- Soul Calibur IV - Customisation Equipment 6 (GBP 0.79 / EUR 0.99)
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Costume Pack 2 (GBP 3.99 / EUR 4.99)
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Jedi Temple Mission Pack (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99)
PS3 Guitar Hero World Stuff stuff
- The Smashing Pumpkins - "1979" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Smashing Pumpkins - "G.L.O.W." (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Smashing Pumpkins - "The Everlasting Gaze" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Smashing Pumpkins Track Pack (GBP 4.39 / EUR 5.49)
PS3 Rock Band stuff
- Children of Bodom - "Are You Dead Yet" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Finley - "Tutto E' Possible" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Miranda Cosgrove - "Headphones On" (free)
- Naked Brothers Band - "Body I Occupy" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Naked Brothers Band - "I Don't Want to Go to School" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Platero y Tu - "Hay Poco Rock N Roll" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Squeeze - "Tempted" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- Tokio Hotel - "Ready, Set, Go" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
- The All-American Rejects - "Real World" (GBP 0.59 / EUR 0.79)
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December 5th, 2008, 19:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony will release Guerrilla Games' highly anticipated FPS Killzone 2 on February 27 2009 in the States.
We've been on the phone to Sony UK this morning who told us that it's "targeting a similar timeframe in the PAL regions", with specific launch dates to be "communicated at a later date".
A February 17 release date had previously been rumoured, but at least now we know it'll definitely be out in the next three months, in the States at least.
Now all the game has to do is justify the hype, which will be no easy task.
The news was first reported on TV show X-Play, which also revealed two new weapons, the Bolt Gun and the Flamethrower, which can be seen in a video here.
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December 5th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
If manic shooting's your thing (and why wouldn't it be?), then you may want to keep your sights pointed at Astro Tripper, the latest from Mutant Storm dev PopPom Games. The game is set to blast a hole right through Europe's PSN on December 11, with a US release promised to follow.
No price has been announced for the game, which is based on PomPom's 2001 release, Space Tripper (itself an homage to Defender). What we do know is that the side-scrolling shmup will feature Trophies, unlockables and will likely melt your feeble eyes with its 1080p graphics.
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December 5th, 2008, 19:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
EA's released a movie showing off the new maps that'll be released for Mirror's Edge "late" next month.
The DLC, which will be available for all three editions of the game (the PC one was dated yesterday), will see you challenged with getting the fastest times on nine races across seven "all-new and totally redesigned" time trial maps.
It'll cost 800 Microsoft Points on 360 (no prices for other formats yet), while PS3 Mirror's Edge owners will get the option to download an exclusive extra map for free.
If you're bang into Mirror's Edge, you may want to check out the posh music vid below.
Trailer and screenshots at CVG
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December 5th, 2008, 19:56 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Atari president and former Sony studio boss Phil Harrison has heaped praise on PlayStation Home, telling Eurogamer that his former company has "brilliantly realised their ambitions".
Harrison, speaking earlier this week at the Atari Live event, revealed that he was on the beta for the PS3 virtual world, and predicted that Sony "will have a very successful platform" with the project that was created under his stewardship.
Sony has said the open beta for the ambitious network service will launch this year.
Harrison, who joined Atari in March after leaving his high-profile position as PlayStation creative lead, also revealed he had been playing around with the recently updated Xbox dashboard.
"I was quite impressed actually with some of the things that [Microsoft has] done," he said. "They're just scratching the surface of what the whole industry recognises is that customisation, socialisation and community platforms are going to be just as important as the games themselves."
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December 5th, 2008, 21:17 Posted By: Shrygue
Okay folks. Today, Dark_Alex has released CFW 5.00 M33-4 for the PSP. The changelog for this version is shown below extracted from the readme as follows:
- Speed selected for umd/iso was not properly locked in some new games that used scePower_EBD177D6 instead of scePowerSetClockFrequency to change speed.
- UMD/ISO speed settings now apply to PSN games too.
- Fixed libupdown.prx connecting to dark-alex.org instead of sony when npsignin_plugin checks for a new version and m33 update is enabled.
- Iso file descriptor was not closed in driver deletion
- Added a shutdown command to vshmenu.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster

The Wireless Keypad for the Playstation 3 is an innocuous little snap-on peripheral, that adds a full QWERTY thumb board, touchpad and a few instant access buttons to your controller.
The Playstation 3's $50 keyboard is a bit lighter, thinner and offers a few more features than its Xbox 360 counter-part, which is to be expected since its hitting stores so much later.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
We have some follow up news about Arcana Heart 2’s PlayStation 2 port. AQ Interactive is publishing it in Japan and it’s actually of Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2. The upgraded version of Arcana Heart 2 came out in Japan this fall and added two new playable half-human/half-beast girls and a brand new boss. Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 comes out in Japan on April 9. We’ll be scouring the ESRB database checking to see if Atlus picked Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 up to publish North America.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster

In cooperation with eastasiasoft and SideQuest Studios, we are giving you another update on the latest development of Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer. Last Christmas we've covered the PC Version release, this year we are pleased to bring you a roundup of the newly released and greatly enhanced PlayStation3™ release.
Today's update is probably the most exciting one at all as Söldner-X for PS3™ has just been made available to gamers in North America. At a price of just about two Big Mac menus (or US$ 9.99), the game is now available for download on the PlayStation®Store.
While gamers in most parts of Asia (apart from Japan) will witness a release next week (Dec 11th), Europeans are promised to be taken care about before the Christmas holidays; based on information provided by the publisher.
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer delivers an action-packed classical gameplay in sizzling high definition graphics. Enhancements made to the console edition include audio/visual improvements, new enemies, rebalanced game play and trophies support, just to name a few.
In case you are stuck without a credit card, Play-Asia.com offers you a variety of prepaid Network Tickets, depending on your location. Please be reminded that these pre-paid cards are only valid for an account registered in their designated territory.
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December 5th, 2008, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the full list of whats new:
Aeon Flux (~Charlize Theron, Marton Csokas, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Austin Powers Collection (~Mike Myers, Beyonce Knowles, ...) US US$ 74.98
Awake (~Arliss Howard, Terrence Howard, ...) US US$ 28.95
Bam Margera Presents: Where the #$&% is Santa? (~Bam Margera) US US$ 28.99
Bee Movie (~Jerry Seinfeld, Renee Zellweger, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Casablanca (Ultimate Collector's Edition) (~Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman) US US$ 64.98
Cloverfield Special Collector's Edition JPN US$ 46.90
Day of the Dead (~Ving Rhames, Mena Suvari, ...) US US$ 24.98
Erin Brockovich (~Julia Roberts, David Brisbin, ...) US US$ 41.49
Giniro No Kami No Agito (~Aoi Miyazaki, Yuko Kotegawa, ...) JPN US$ 77.90
Home Alone (~John Heard, Macaulay Culkin, ...) US US$ 34.99
Immortal US US$ 19.98
Jingle All the Way (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, ...) US US$ 34.99
Kung Fu Panda (~Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
La Femme Nikita (~Jean-Hugues Anglade, Roland Blanche, ...) US US$ 28.95
Live At The Palace (~Three Days Grace) US US$ 29.98
Lupin III The Castle of Cagliostro JPN US$ 47.90
Lupin III The Mystery of Mamo JPN US$ 47.90
No Country For Old Men Special Collector's Edition (~Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Shrek 3 (~Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Sin City (~Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Sky Captain And the World of Tomorrow (~Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Step Brothers (~Will Ferrell, Kathryn Hahn, ...) US US$ 43.95
Stranger Than Fiction (~Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, ...) US US$ 28.95
Terminator 2 Judgement Day Premium Edition [Limited Edition] (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, ...) JPN US$ 67.90
Terminator 2 Judgement Day Special Edition (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (~Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, ...) US US$ 35.99
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Three-Disc) (~Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley, ...) US US$ 40.99
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [2-Disc Collector's Edition] (~Peter Dinklage, Anna Popplewell, ...) HK US$ 39.90
The Contract (~Morgen Freeman, John Cusack, ...) US US$ 24.98
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Special Edition) (~Michael Rennie, Hugh Marlowe, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Forbidden Kingdom JPN US$ 46.90
The Longshots (~Ice Cube, Keke Palmer, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Magic Hour [Blu-ray+DVD] (~Koichi Sato, Satoshi Tsumabuki, ...) JPN US$ 66.90
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (~Faye Dunaway, Desmond Harrington, ...) US US$ 28.95
The Promise (~Cecilia Cheung, Jang Dong Gun, ...) HK US$ 33.90
The Shawshank Redemption (~Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Spiderwick Chronicles Special Collector's Edition (~Freddie Highmore, Mary Louise Parker, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The X-Files - Fight the Future (~David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, ...) US US$ 34.99
The X-Files Movie 2-Pack (I Want to Believe / Fight the Future) (~David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, ...) US US$ 59.99
The X-Files: I Want to Believe (~David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson) US US$ 39.99
Theatrical Feature Aquarion - Sosei Shinwa Hen & Ippatsu Gyakuten Hen (~Yumi Kakazu, Tomokazu Sugita, ...) JPN US$ 77.90
Wall E [2-Discs Special Edition] HK US$ 39.90
Wanted (~James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, ...) US US$ 39.98
Wanted [2-Discs Special Edition] (~Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, ...) HK US$ 33.90
What Happens In Vegas Complete Edition (~Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
Full details here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 5th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

World-renowned creator and character designer Tetsuya Nomura and his team once again unite the magical world of Disney with the characters of FINAL FANTASY®, inviting fans to an enchanting gaming experience
An essential piece in the KINGDOM HEARTS franchise, which has shipped over 12 million units across the globe, comes to North America at long last
In addition to Sora, players can control Riku in this adventure that bridges the gap between KINGDOM HEARTS and KINGDOM HEARTS II
A full 3D remake of the original GBA release, KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories offers a refreshing rendition of the hit title for the PlayStation 2 system
The talented voice cast from the North American releases of KINGDOM HEARTS and KINGDOM HEARTS II return to breathe new life into the beloved characters
The mini-game catalog has been completely renewed, now with four brand new experiences accompanying the main adventure
KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories is the essential piece that bridges the gap between KINGDOM HEARTS and KINGDOM HEARTS II. A full 3D remake of the original Game Boy Advance release (2004), it was released in Japan in 2007 as part of the KINGDOM HEARTS II Final Mix+ compilation before finally making its way to North America. Combined with the card battle system of the original GBA release, KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories presents KINGDOM HEARTS fans with an entirely new playing experience.
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December 6th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: AdamRav
All Thanks Go To JK108 For Taking His Own Time Making Scripts For Us To Use
Here it is. Ultimate PSPtube 1.4. A modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP. There are 21 sites included. Below is the readme which includes how to change the site order and disable certain sites.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh and Guba
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-Shufuni shows the first page of results for all pages
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
Simply copy the folder "Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP, overwriting any
older version. There should now be the folder "PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
-TubeIso is now included
-YouTube script is fixed after it stopped working because the site layout changed
-Integrated YouTubeHQ into the normal YouTube script. There is now an option in the
config to use high quality mode on YouTube when its available
-Fixed a bug in MySpace Videos where the description was sometimes incorrect
-Fixed a bug in many of my scripts where it would incorrectly display the number of
views if it was more than a million
-Fixed a bug in TNAFlix where the description wasn't displaying correctly
-MetaCafe is now included
-XVideos is now included
-Tudou is now included
-Pornhub is now included
-YouTubeHQ is now included
-Family filter for Veoh is now an option in the config
-YouTube bug fixed where it comes to the end of results on the first page
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because they changed the way
the video length was displayed on their site
-LiveLeak is now included
-VBox7 is now included
-Small improvements to video descriptions
-NothingToxic is now included
-Tube8 is now included
-Hyperlinks in descriptions are now replaced with their text
Example: "<a href="http://www.somesite.com">Here</a>" becomes "Here"
-HTML Image tags are now removed from descriptions
Example: "<img src="http://www.somesite.com/someimage.gif">" is removed
-Small bug fixes
-Original Release
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December 6th, 2008, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
XCM announced a new product for the Xbox 360:
Dream comes true! Finally an adapter to connect your wired Xbox 360 controller to your PS3 console!
Product description : for xbox 360 controllers' fans, now you can use your 360 wired controller on PS 3 console, plug and play, also built in rapid fire function.
For many reasons people really like the Xbox 360 controller. The look and feel are second to none. Now those same controllers can be used on your Playstation 3 console! For the first time you'll have the use of real triggers on your Playstation 3 console!
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December 6th, 2008, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from malliet
I'm here to release the second version of Mario's Road. This homebrew game
was originally by Muhie, but I got his permission to continue with his game.
In this game you have to collect the stars, while avoiding the bananas and
Bowser or Wario. If you hit Wario or Bowser, you lose and you'll have to
start again at the first level. If you hit the bananas you will lose 1
point. You have to collect 10 stars in each level.
Changelog Mario's Road v2.0:
[+] New Screens For Menu, Credits etc.
[+] Game Written By Malliet Now (Originally From Muhie) And New Graphics By 8166UY
[+] Added Some Nice Sounds
[+] Added 2 More Levels; 5 Levels In Total Now
[+] Nice Background Music (Currently Only In Level 1)
[+] New Level Backgrounds
[+] Fixed the bug with the bananas;
you could drive over them without losing points.. this has been fixed;
Now you lose 1 point if you drive over them.
[+] Custom EBOOT with music etc.
Known Bugs:
- Wario doesn't move very well
- Bowser' sprite doesn't change
I will try to fix this in the next version
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December 6th, 2008, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Gefa
I've release IMPGame v2.0
The changelog is this:
- Added a menu;
- Now you can play with a maximun of 5 language;
- Changed the font;
- Added a new options in the ini file, in the witch is possible to change the path of the file dbimp.txt (so you can to create a new vocabolary).
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December 6th, 2008, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xsjado7
Here's a project I started ages ago for my own use but got bored of. I saw Amrcidiot's PSPlay on the front page and remember I had this sitting on my HDD so seeing as though I haven't released anything in ages I'm thinking of putting some work into this and getting it into a decent state. This isn't an official release. All it is is what I had from a few months ago touched up. Its got little bugs here and there and has a lot of code that's needed to be rewrote, all I want to see is if anyone's interested in it so I'm not spending this time on a dead scene.
..::Rock Station::..
Up - Navigate Up
Down - Navigate Down
Left - Change Option
Right - Change Option
Cross - Select Option
--Drum Simulator
Square/Left - Snare
Triangle/Up - Tom 1
Circle/Right - Floortom
Cross/Down - Bass
R - Hihat/Ride
L -Crash/Splash
Start - Pull Up Menu
Analog Stick Left - Change to Hats
Analog Stick Right - Change to Ride
Analog stick Up - Open Hats/Ride Bell
Analog Stick Down - Close Hats/Ride
--Music Composer
-While Composing
Left/Right - Move between Beats
Up/Down - Move between Notes
Select - Begin Playback
Start - Return to main menu
-During Playback
L/R - Skip to beginning of current/next bar
--Guitar Sessioner
Analog Stick Up/Down or D-Pad Up/Down - Strum
Cross/Circle/Square/Triangle - Swap between set chords
Select - Bring up chord config menu
Start - Exit to main menu
--Luke Hocking
-Guitar graphics
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December 6th, 2008, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted a new release for the PSP:
Hi Guys,
Here's a little demo done with Easy Image Library.
The animated gif is a bit choppy, but the program itself is not an animation.
Not sure exactly what to do with it yet ... Harder than it looks though.
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December 6th, 2008, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from KiNGxLeGiTx
This is my first homebrew game i have made the games called Genetic Art its a beta not quiet done yet but try it out please dont talk trash this is after all my first homebrew game
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December 6th, 2008, 02:01 Posted By: wraggster
Another release from Art:
Here's a demo that shows colour inverted output from the GoCam on the PSP screen in real time, as well as two other colour effects. This is based on the Chotto cam sample at ps2dev.org.
It does nothing else, no saving of photo or video, just an experiment done with the same sample I started on for Laser Invaders.
I considered making a GoCam program around the time I did Laser Invaders, but don't imagine I'll continue what I originally had in mind. I might do something that responds to visual or audio ques to take photos because the PSP is in a case and I need a way to start and stop underwater.
And an entirely unrelated YouTube video shot underwater! The whole PSP and GoCam in a Pelican case is submerged, and the camera is viewing through the polycarbonate lid:
Cheers, Art.
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December 6th, 2008, 02:11 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and the rest of the JCPSP Team have today released the first build of their PSP Emulator for WIndows written in Java that plays commercial games.

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December 6th, 2008, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
It’s new and improved — Playboy21’s TrickBrick v5. Revamped using moonlight’s vlf library to give TrickBrick that convincing legitimate look; you’ll without doubt drive anger, frustration, sadness, and plenty other emotions through your friend(s) after they believe their PSP was just bricked.
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December 6th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
The Gundam tap never runs dry at Namco Bandai Games. Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam came out like two weeks ago in Japan which means its about time for them to announce a new Gundam game.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui V is a follow up to Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui which came out for the PSP last February. Unlike Gundam vs. Gundam, the Gihren no Yabou branch of Gundam games are more like Risk.
While Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui was only a PSP game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui V is in development for the PS2 and PSP. Both versions will be simultaneously released in Japan and probably only in Japan on February 12. The PSP version is 1,300 yen cheaper and as a bonus anyone who bought last year’s Gihren no Yabou PSP game can load their play data to unlock 14 scenarios from the beginning.
This isn’t the only Namco Bandai game to get a simultaneous PS2/PSP release. They are using the same strategy with Soul Eater: Battle Resonance which comes out this January. It seems like only their anime games get this treatment, though. Still, it’s interesting to see publishers like Namco Bandai keep the PlayStation 2 going well into 2010 with PSP ports.
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December 6th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
The Gundam tap never runs dry at Namco Bandai Games. Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam came out like two weeks ago in Japan which means its about time for them to announce a new Gundam game.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui V is a follow up to Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui which came out for the PSP last February. Unlike Gundam vs. Gundam, the Gihren no Yabou branch of Gundam games are more like Risk.
While Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui was only a PSP game, Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren no Yabou Axis no Kyoui V is in development for the PS2 and PSP. Both versions will be simultaneously released in Japan and probably only in Japan on February 12. The PSP version is 1,300 yen cheaper and as a bonus anyone who bought last year’s Gihren no Yabou PSP game can load their play data to unlock 14 scenarios from the beginning.
This isn’t the only Namco Bandai game to get a simultaneous PS2/PSP release. They are using the same strategy with Soul Eater: Battle Resonance which comes out this January. It seems like only their anime games get this treatment, though. Still, it’s interesting to see publishers like Namco Bandai keep the PlayStation 2 going well into 2010 with PSP ports.
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December 6th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and the rest of the JCPSP Team have today released a new build of their PSP Emulator for WIndows written in Java that plays commercial games.

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December 7th, 2008, 01:34 Posted By: CoderX

Well the Holidays are here again and as I promised you all this is my annual winter update for Penguin Snowboarding (aka PengBobsled). Allot has changed about this game other than just it's name. In this release I've added so many new features and squashed so many bugs that I've actually surprised myself with the outcome of my work. Without more to do and created just for all of you is version 3.0 just in time for the snow.
Changes in (Penguin Snowboarding 3.0)
1. Interface and Graphics Rewrite.
2. Cleaner Code and Smother Buffering
3. PengBooster - Make playing the game more exciting
4. Coded Completely updated based on Halloween Edition.
5. Crash caused by running out of health "fixed"!!!
6. Other small Bug Fixes
7. "Much Much More"
So to everyone that enjoys this game because I lived making it, please let us know what you think of it!!
Also if your at all unsure this game has been under development for three years and is truly a great game and you will all love it as long as you give it a chance.
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December 7th, 2008, 05:28 Posted By: Christuserloeser
SX posted a beta build of OpenBoR for PS2 at LavaLit.com:
Does anyone want to try out a build I've finally been able to compile. Its the same version as Pixel's Port 0.1b but I have managed to get it to compile using the latest SDK. Feedback required. Lets see if it runs since I don't have a PS2 to test with...... Just replace your working elf with this one.
Only existing users of Pixel's PS2 BOR Port are required to give me feedback since I don't know what the file layout is for Pixel's Port.
Here is a quote from Pixel's How-To from psx-scene.com on how to use Pixel's port. See if this helps:
The software will look for the file "bor.pak" on the same location it was booted. For example, if you use ps2link to boot it from host:, it will try to load the bor.pak file at host:bor.pak. It doesn't reset the IOP, so, it should be able to get benefits from any previously loaded irx, and thus, it should maybe load magically from hdd. No idea though...
Now, you can force the boot location by renaming the binary. If it starts with "cd" (like "cd_bor.elf") it will try to load the file cdrom0:\bor.pak, if it starts with "dvd", it will try to load the file cdrom0:\bor.pak, in DVD mode, if it starts with "host", it will try to load the file host:bor.pak, and finally, if it starts with "mc"... duh... forget about it
The options should be automatically saved on the memory card. Beware, it doesn't tell when it does... but just don't remove the memory card, the joypads, or switch off the console when it does, that is, when you exit the settings menu, or when you finish off the game.
To download, register at LavaLit and check the attachment in this post:
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December 7th, 2008, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster

Finding themselves in need of a thermometer that could communicate with the computer, The Cheap Vegetable Gardener resorted to a bit of hacking. They created this PS2 controller thermometer by attaching some thermistors to the analog stick inputs. Each PS2 controller could collect data from up to four thermistors. There is an auto shutoff feature built into the controller that shuts off the analog signal after a period of non use. To overcome this, they simply taped the L2 button down.
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December 7th, 2008, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster

News/release from nononux
PSP4 is my first homebrew, it is a power 4 for PSP.
It is written in C + + with SDL.
You can play 1 or 2 players on the same PSP.
It has several themes, and can create others (see the README).
The keys: the arrow keys for navigation, X to confirm, and START to PAUSE.
Other keys are listed in the game
Other images on my site: http://nononux.free.fr/psp4.html
Put it in ms0: / PSP / GAME for example.
Play your part!
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December 7th, 2008, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted a new release of his Multimesh Homebrew for the PSP:
Hi Guys,
Well this one was supposed to be an XMB screensaver controlled by a plugin.
I got it all working, but the problem is the screensaver was always activated
after a certain time, even if the music/video player, USB, or Web browser was working.
I haven't found a way to detect if the XMB is really idle, so I've just released it as an eye candy eboot demo.
Actual app is a lot smoother of course!
This will be the last one unless I can sort out the screensaver plugin side of it.
Cheers, Art .
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December 7th, 2008, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Bubbletune has updated his Game Categories Plugin for the PSP, heres whats new:
[Version: 3 - Improved compatibility]
[ http://bubbletune.x-fusion.co.uk]
- Added support for the custom firmware 5.00 M33-4 (due to the new Shutdown option being added, a lot of offsets changed).
This plugin allows you to categorize your game menu and keep it more organized.
- A PSP with 5.00 M33-3/M33-4 or higher (it may break in the future, therefor I will update it as soon as I have the chance to do so).
- Copy 'game_categories.prx' and 'vsh.txt' to the seplugins folder, if you already have a 'vsh.txt', modify it instead of copying the included one.
- Enable the plugin in the recovery menu.
- Create folders prefixed with 'CAT_' in the GAME, GAME150, GAME5XX or ISO folder.
- Fill them with everything you want to appear for that specific category (if you have the same category name in two or more folders they will be mixed).
- Keep the Sony file length limitations in mind, due to the name of the category being added to the total length, the length of each filename will increase even more. If a corrupt icon shows up, try lowering the length of the filename.
- Boot your PSP, open vshmenu and select the appropriate category (a new option will be added by the plugin, this will happen seamlessly and everything should keep working).
- If you change category while currently in the game menu, it will automatically leave the game menu and recache the directory.
- A 'Show all' and 'Uncategorized' option are available in case you need them.
Have fun.
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December 7th, 2008, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Slasher has released a new build of his space shootem up for the PSP, heres the release details:
This is Asterz Build #6, over a year since the last build was released.
I started working on this once again and this is what has changed from build #5b:
- Core code completely redone. I physically deleted it and redid it
- New TEDGE Team Duck particle engine being used, so particle look much better
- GU lighting added, giving shape to models
- Makeshift anti-aliasing added for smoother edges (thanks Raphael for dither matrix)
- Basic menu added
- Ability to choose different ships (3 are available in this build)
- Ship physics tweaked a bit
- Ability to barrel roll with ship now
- Level setup now complete, I just need to make the levels
- Added D-PAD movement support
- Probably other things that I forget right now...
Please keep in mind that this is a test build. It's not a fully functional game. You can only get up until about Level 3 and then you can't kill the enemy so you can't proceed, in which case you can press SELECT at any time to go back to the menu if you wish.
Also, powerups are available, but they don't actually give you ammo. You have unlimited ammo right now.
~ Analog/D-pad = Movement. Left/Right turns ship & Up/Down Accelerates or Reverses
~ LTRIGGER/RTRIGGER = Change weapon (Only regular gun, and missile works right now)
~ HOLD DOWN SQUARE + LTRIGGER/RTRIGGER = Barrel roll your ship sideways
~ CROSS = Fire selected weapon
~ SELECT = Go back to menu
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December 7th, 2008, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nick has released a new version of the Video Converter for the PSP, heres whats new:
Ok guys, time for another PSPVC update - v3.30 is now available for download!
Note! If you Installed PSPVC 3.30 before 2008-12-06 or downloaded v3.30 from some other site and receive the "Codec Missing" message, please download and re-install PSPVC since a faulty DLL has been replaced.
Improved subtitle alignment
Added "Drop Shadow", "Shadow Opacity" and "Shadow Distance" options for subtitles
Added support for domain entry in PSPVC Server
Replaced "Sharpen" with "LimitedSharpen"
Unlocked "CMP" (Motion compare functions) in "Advanced" tab for stronger compression
Fixed an *.srt subtitle bug
Fixed an "Auto Audio-Delay" bug
Fixed an "Auto Volume" bug
Fixed a "Shutdown Computer" bug
Updated PSPVC Server to v1.4
A few new presets added
Download PSPVC v3.30 here --> http://pspvc.nswardh.com/download.php?file=pspvc
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December 7th, 2008, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Noeffex has updated his cheat device made for SOCOM: US Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2
Heres whats new:
BakonICE, the one and only up-to-date Socom Fireteam Bravo Two cheat device. Developed by NoEffex with contributions of a significant amount of people.
Slant Six added a new anti-cheat system. With this said, hotkeys will screw you over online. If you go online, use it, so you will get hit just like all the other online cheaters. Anyhow, I would like to thank them(Slant Six) very much for FINALLY making legitimate online play possible again
Added ability to save your current cheats
Ability to suspend the animation thread, as requested
Loading of modules from a .txt(ms0:/seplugins/bakonmods.txt, just like M33's game.txt, except they're always loaded, the reason for this is that there are a ton of various modules for this game that do things I refuse to do, and freeze up during the main module loading that M33 does.
Some fixups here and there
Crawl in water disabled, FINALLY. Keep forgetting about it..
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December 7th, 2008, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Well just checking some of the sites i dont check daily and 10 days or so ago a new release of the Video Converter for the PSP by the red kawa guys has occurred .
PSP Video 9 is a free PSP video conversion and management application. It can convert regular PC video files (avi, mpeg, etc) into PSP video files, as well as manage/copy these PSP video files between your PC and PSP.
This release includes a number of bug fixes including the MSVTagger issues for people with older firmware PSPs as well as improving the Queue and Start Conversion functionality for Power mode users. We have also dropped the resolution restrictions for those power users creating their own custom profiles.
If this is your first time using version 4, you should really check out the release notes for 4.03 and 4.02 to understand some of the major changes that were made in version 4 compared to 2 and 3.
4.04 Changelog:
Changed: Improved Startup Error Reporting
Added: Power Mode Error Reporting
Changed: Start Conversion Button Behavior
Removed: Resolution Checks for Custom Profiles
Added: Legacy PSP File Handler Library
Added: New Firmware to Lists
Downloads here --> http://www.redkawa.com/blog/post.php?t=41038
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December 7th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: royale
I have been working on a port of the open source game X-Moto for the PSP.
It is still very experimental, but I wanted to make the release to share with you the progress.

I worked on the 0.4.2 version of X-Moto, because the last version (0.5) introduces new dependencies, for example on SDL_net which is not available for the PSP.
The game is running, but there are still many issues:- It is very slow. I did not have the time to profile the game yet, so I don't know why, but I fear it might be because of the physical engine, so it might be difficult to optimize.
- There is no sound. Since it is not a big downside for this game, I did not investigate on this yet.
- No menus: currently, the menus are crashing the game on the PSP, and anyway there are too big for a 480x272 resolution. So the game is launched directly with the level you choose (like --level X on the PC).
- No network support: you won't be able to download new levels and upload your high scores...
- Hardcoded controls: you cannot change the buttons configuration for now.
But, at least, it is possible to play X-Moto on the PSP, I hope you will enjoy it 
The game and source code are available from my website: http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
The ZIP file is quite big, so I am not sure if I can attach it here...
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December 8th, 2008, 09:47 Posted By: Art
XMB Screensaver V2 - Art 2008!
Hi Guys,
This plugin is written to launch a purpose written screensaver eboot after a predetermined
amount of time (approx 3.5 minutes) of inactivity in the PSP's XMB menu
(not that the PSP hardware really requires a screensaver).
Multimesh Screensaver (Art)

Flamez Screensaver (Fanjita)

Plasma Screensaver (karmon)

The screensaver timer is reset any time you:
- Press a button,
- are watching a movie with the XMB video player
- are playing music with the XMB music player
- Have an open USB mass storage connection
- are using the integrated web browser
- are using the PSP GoCam!
Thanks to califrag of QJnet forums for some pointers for getting this working properly.
This will render the auto suspend feature under Power Saving Settings inoperative
because it kicks in before the lowest possible setting of 5 minutes.
The original Plasma demo has been altered to serve as a screensaver.
It does not alter the PSP clock speed, and is not interactive (any button press will exit).
Please read documentation for instructions.
Cheers, Art.
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December 8th, 2008, 19:52 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
EA founder Trip Hawkins has questioned the goals of PlayStation Home - suggesting that going after a Second Life- or World of Warcraft-sized audience would be a bit silly and probably result in custard pie on face.
"What I can't reEA founder Trip Hawkins has questioned the goals of PlayStation Home - suggesting that going after a Second Life- or World of Warcraft-sized audience would be a bit silly and probably result in custard pie on face.
"What I can't really tell yet about the various announcements [Sony has] made about online and what they're doing so far, I can't tell whether they're going more towards this mass market idea - the way I'm describing this 'omni-market' - or if they're being lured into essentially trying to compete with Warcraft or Second Life," Trip Hawkins told Hatchet Job.
"My own personal opinion is: if Sony makes Home feel too much like a [World of] Warcraft environment, they're just never going to create the kind of audience size that you're going to see Nintendo and Microsoft create.
"Because clearly Nintendo is orientated towards the mass audience, and even Microsoft has learnt a lot of valuable lessons from things like Xbox Live Arcade," he added.
PlayStation Home, the online virtual world for PS3 owners, should launch into open beta before the end of the year. Hopefully that means quite soon.
It's been rather a long wait and Home's release date has been pushed back on numerous occasions.
Sony's still coy on exactly when the open beta will begin, but has invited hundreds of thousands of community members into the closed testing so far.
We'll keep you posted.ally tell yet about the various announcements [Sony has] made about online and what they're doing so far, I can't tell whether they're going more towards this mass market idea - the way I'm describing this 'omni-market' - or if they're being lured into essentially trying to compete with Warcraft or Second Life," Trip Hawkins told Hatchet Job.
"My own personal opinion is: if Sony makes Home feel too much like a [World of] Warcraft environment, they're just never going to create the kind of audience size that you're going to see Nintendo and Microsoft create.
"Because clearly Nintendo is orientated towards the mass audience, and even Microsoft has learnt a lot of valuable lessons from things like Xbox Live Arcade," he added.
PlayStation Home, the online virtual world for PS3 owners, should launch into open beta before the end of the year. Hopefully that means quite soon.
It's been rather a long wait and Home's release date has been pushed back on numerous occasions.
Sony's still coy on exactly when the open beta will begin, but has invited hundreds of thousands of community members into the closed testing so far.
We'll keep you posted.
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December 8th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Shadowgrounds developer Frozenbyte and French publisher Nobilis have revealed an intriguing PSN and PC game called Trine.
Due in the second quarter of 2009, the idea is to hot-swap between three classes in order to reach the end of the level.
The first video, which sits on the Trine website, shows a Wizard character summoning platforms and physical objects in order to solve puzzles and bridge gaps.
Then there's a Thief who fires her arrows from afar to deal with baddies, and uses a grappling rope to hook onto platforms and swing across large chasms.
Finally, a Warrior character is at hand to use his big hammer to smash the living - or not-so-living - daylights out of any skeletons or fantasy baddies silly enough to get in the way.
Trine looks rather nice, too - but then we like robes and wizards' hats and things. The full website should launch as this year turns into next.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:15 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Do not attempt to degauss your monitor, you read that correctly: According to UK's Times Online, PlayStation Home is "slated for release in the next 10 days." Color (or colour, rather) us mighty skeptical of the report, but after waiting so long for its public unveiling, we're hoping this isn't another false report. It should be noted that just recently, Red Bull has begun advertising inside Home.
Our present from Sony this year? With any luck, it's front-row tickets to the Great Collective Sigh™, whereby gamers worldwide all at once let out a drawn-out breath and say, "it's about fracking time." We've gone ahead and Facebook-poked our Sony contacts for more information.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster

The follow-up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in his continuing war on crime.
With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to destroy organized crime in Gotham for good.
The triumvirate proves effective, but soon find themselves prey to a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker, who thrusts Gotham into anarchy and forces Batman closer to crossing the fine line between hero and vigilante.
Heath Ledger stars as archvillain The Joker, and Aaron Eckhart plays Dent. Maggie Gyllenhaal joins the cast as Rachel Dawes. Returning from Batman Begins are Gary Oldman as Gordon, Michael Caine as Alfred and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox.
Taste the fear of Darkness. Batman: The Dark Knight is one of final movies the deceased Heath Ledger has starred in and the inscrupulously villainous role has proved to become one of the final tests in acting which he has overcome.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

25 famous tracks with the original ABBA videos, including ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’, ‘Waterloo’ and ‘Dancing Queen’
SingStore™ allows you to build your perfect SingStar playlist by offering hundreds of songs and videos to purchase
Connect to my SingStar® Online and share your favorite SingStar moments by uploading photos and performances
Up to 8 players can perform and compete in a variety of multiplayer game modes
SingStar® ABBA features 25 fabulous pop tracks so you can shine on stage and sing along to authentic ABBA music videos. Experience SingStar’s online features and personalize your content by purchasing songs, uploading videos/photos and rating the performances of others. Get ready to sing along to some of the most unforgettable songs of all time with SingStar® ABBA.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

20 famous tracks with the original ABBA videos, including ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’, ‘Waterloo’ and ‘Dancing Queen’
Compete against your friends and family to see who has the best chance at singing stardom
Multiple gameplay modes including Solo and Freestyle modes, plus several Multiplayer modes including Pass the Mic, Battle and Duet
SingStar® ABBA features 20 fabulous pop tracks so you can shine on stage and sing along to authentic ABBA music videos. Spark your party with some of the most unforgettable songs of all time, such as ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’, ‘Waterloo’ and ‘Dancing Queen’, exclusively on your PlayStation®2 system.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Official Taito Merchandise
Available in 2 style (Normal and Pirate)
Sackboy Pirate Version
Height: approx. 25cm
Limited availability
Sackboy, your tiny player character in LittleBigPlanet is filled to the brim with attitudes.
Ingenious in their simple lines and design, the sewn together character allows players to heap accessories on them to personalize them. Like the aim of the PS3 game design, creativity and freedom of play is the key concept behind the production of these plushes.
These bigger ones are around 25 cm and are excellent ornaments for your office or bed room.
The world is for you to play in and personalize, take your Sackboy home and begin your creative experience.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Official PlayStation™ Network Prepaid Card
Store Value: US$ 50
Download games. videos and other paid content
Download games only available on the PSN™ (including Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer and others)
For use with Playstation™ Store for PS3™ and on the PC
These points are only suitable for the North American PlayStation™ network!
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December 8th, 2008, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Enjoy the franchise's debut on next-generation consoles utilizing Ubisoft's proprietary Anvil engine, the same engine used to develop Assassins Creed
Utilize the Prince's old skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman's corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light
Escape to a fantasy world set in ancient Persia brought to life through masterful storytelling and sprawling environments and that rivals the blockbusters of Hollywood
For the first time in franchise history decide how the storyline unfolds by choosing the Prince's path in an open-ended game world
Wield the acrobatic and puzzle-solving power of the Prince's beautiful and powerful AI companion Elika as you explore the perils of ancient Persia
The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey.
Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments deliver a brand new adventure that re-opens the Prince of Persia saga. Now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.
In this strange land, your rogue warrior must utilize all of his skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman’s corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light. Also, history's greatest ally is revealed in the form of Elika, a dynamic AI companion who joins the Prince in his fight to save the world. Gifted with magical powers, she interacts with the player in combat, acrobatics and puzzle-solving, enabling the Prince to reach new heights of deadly high-flying artistry through special duo acrobatic moves or devastating fighting combo attacks.
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December 8th, 2008, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
SX has released today a new test build of Beats of Rage for the PS2, heres the release details:
Does anyone want to try out a build I've finally been able to compile. Its the same version as Pixel's Port 0.1b but I have managed to get it to compile using the latest SDK. Feedback required. Lets see if it runs since I don't have a PS2 to test with...... Just replace your working elf with this one.
Only existing users of Pixel's PS2 BOR Port are required to give me feedback since I don't know what the file layout is for Pixel's Port.
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December 8th, 2008, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Eugene Plotnikov has released a new version of his Media player for the PS2, heres whats new:
Changelog for Version 2.9 (Rev.1)
- added "rotate image" function for JPEG viewer:
- "circle"/"angle" - rotate image counterclockwise;
- "R1"/"shuffle" - rotate image clockwise;
- fixed bug in MPEG4 decoder;
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December 8th, 2008, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
David Bishop, president of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, says that Blu-ray player prices have finally hit the "sweet point" which should generate significant momentum for the high-def disc format.
That's according to an article by Home Media Magazine.
Studies have indicated that consumers have been reluctant to buy Blu-ray players largely because of their relatively high prices. Until recently, an entry-level Blu-ray player was priced at $399, triple the amount of a standard-def DVD player.
However, retailers have slashed the price of some Blu-ray players to under $200 and early holiday sales reports indicate that the move has paid off. The high-def disc player has been dubbed one of the holiday's hottest items.
"As is evidenced by the sell-off of Blu-ray players over Black Friday weekend, I would say we hit the sweet spot regarding price," Bishop told Home Media."Some stores were sold out by 9:30 a.m. (on Black Friday). Clearly, it is a top gift item. There will be more price-point-oriented promotions throughout December and that momentum will continue."
Bishop said the recent Blu-ray release of Hancock sold nearly 300,000 units in the first six days thanks to the Black Friday sales. He added that a strong holiday season for Blu-ray players should trigger an equally strong January for Blu-ray movies.
"The positive in all this is the momentum we are getting from Blu-ray. It is continuing to grow and 200% to 300% year-over-year, and the ratio of Blu-ray and DVD sales continues to rise," he said. "That calls for optimism. For anyone who said that people would just go to digital and skip Blu-ray that has certainly been proven not to be true. Even if you took Blu-ray separately as a revenue stream, it is probably 20 times larger than digital revenue."
The executive also told Home Media Magazine that digital downloads -- movies delivered over the Net directly to the TV -- will not be able to compete with Blu-ray "until you are able to deliver high-quality content to the TV."
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December 8th, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Atari didn't make a single PSP game announcement at its global showcase last week, but president Phil Harrison has dismissed concerns over support for the handheld, praising Sony's device as a "vibrant platform" and promising more titles for the future.
"We have published on PSP and I'm sure we will continue to publish on PSP; we didn't have any announcements to make today," the Atari president told Eurogamer at the London event.
In contrast, Atari showed two platform-exclusives for Nintendo's wildly successful DS during the presentation, Dragon Ball: Origins and quirky love-'em-up The Chase: Felix Meets Felicity.
However, Harrison, a key figure behind the launch of PSP in his previous role, insisted that Atari was planning more games for Sony's portable - with a fresh focus on downloadable offerings.
"There is no doubt that PSP is a very vibrant platform from a hardware perspective and I think Sony has recently made some good moves into opening up online distribution for software on PSP, so I'm looking to explore that."
Now he doesn't have to hate everything that isn't made by Sony, Big Phil also revealed that he's a big fan of iPhone. He called Apple's device a "game changer" and described the popularity of the App Store as "a phenomenon that I think is going to change the way that certain kinds of devices consume content forever". Blimey.
So far Atari has released retro titles Missile Command and Super Breakout for iPhone and iPod Touch. "We've got more to come, but standby for some more announcements," he added.
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December 9th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony has confirmed previous reports that Street Fighter Sackboys will be let loose into LittleBigPlanet.
"For all you fans who want to add to your growing costume collection, each costume will be available for $1.99. OR you can purchase ALL 4 COSTUMES for $5.99 in our Street Fighter Costume Pack," reads the US PlayStation Blog.
You may remember that pics of the plush fighters appeared online buit then were quickly taken down. When will they learn that once it's out, it's out, and just deal with it?
Fingeres crossed this happen in the Euro update this week too. But we're still waiting for Super Street Fighter Turbo HD Remix II (is that right) to hit PSN. Get a move on Capcom. Please.
Images here
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December 9th, 2008, 19:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
While the PSP may be suffering from a drought of UMDs worth your holiday dollar, Atari's Phil Harrison is convinced that Sony's sexy portable remains a "very vibrant platform," at least when it comes to downloadables. Despite a lack of PSP titles in its upcoming catalog, Eurogamer reports that the former Sony exec is "looking to explore" the platform's digital goodies down the line.
Hardly a shock, especially given Harrison's notion that kids of tomorrow will turn their noses up at the idea of owning physical media. However, without any of those big-budget, single-player games to fall back on we doubt we'll be busting ghosts or assaulting Dark Athena while waiting for the bus any time soon.
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December 9th, 2008, 20:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony Worldwide Studios bigwig Michael Denny has described Heavy Rain as an "interactive drama" that will be played in people's heads more than it is on control pads.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Denny revealed that the game had been made to appeal both to core and casual gamers, using mature content and situations with real consequences.
"Looking forward to next year, a game like Heavy Rain, it's trying to do something very new, whether you call that the adventure genre, action adventure, we're calling it interactive drama, and it's about trying to create an emotional connection with the game," said Denny.
"We have a hope for that product that both core and casual can get into it. It's a game that when you look about and when you understand it, it's really not played on the control pad, as much as in your head. It's about making choices and consequences, it's not about twitch gaming and how good you are.
"We feel that the mature nature of the content can appeal to the core and then the consequence-based gameplay can appeal to a newer audience, a more casual audience as well," he added.
French developer Quantic Dream is making Heavy Rain exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The studio has had success in the adventure game genre with Fahrenheit and Omikron.
Heavy Rain was announced proper during the Leipzig Games Convention this August, in which a trailer showed a lady pull up on a motorbike and enter a suburban house. Some shocking discoveries later, and Madison - the woman - was desperately looking for a hiding place as an ominous figure approached.
Context-sensitive controls will be central to this cinematic and emotional experience, as will Quick Time Events. But Madison, apparently, will not be. The trailer shows a separate and unrelated story, which left us all a bit confused.
And we still are, as concrete details on Heavy Rain - due late next year - remain scarce.
We hope to uncover a few of those secrets for you very soon. Until then, head over to our Heavy Rain preview from August to find out more.
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December 9th, 2008, 20:19 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony Computer Entertainment has confirmed that the PlayStation division is currently involved in the review affecting the wider Sony business
Sony announced this morning that it will axe 8000 jobs and reduce investment in manufacturing, although SCE would not detail whether those cuts will have a direct affect on the PlayStation group.
"In order to stay competitive in the accelerating global network environment, we will always carefully review and make structural changes, if necessary, in order to further expand and strengthen the PlayStation business around the world," said Sony Computer Entertainment in a statement.
Sony said today that its electronics division has been affected by the current economic downturn, and it plans to downsize or withdraw from "unprofitable or non-core businesses."
However, some believe the announced measures won't be enough to help the company, with one analyst stating that Sony needs to prove which parts of the company are going to achieve profits in the future, rather than reduce headcount.
"The number sounds big, but this staff reduction won't be enough," said Katsuhiko Mori, fund manager at Daiwa SB Investments, to the BBC.
"Sony doesn't have any core businesses that generate stable profits - the next thing we want to see is what is going to be the business that will drive the company."
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December 9th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's Michael Denny has said the company is at the forefront of realising user-generated content on home consoles, following the success of online titles LittleBigPlanet, Buzz and SingStar.
LittleBigPlanet users have created almost 180,000 levels, and played them over 22.4 million times online, according to Sony. Denny has also revealed that Buzz players have created over 100,000 quizzes for the game, which have been played over seven million times.
"I think if you look at Worldwide Studios heritage in Europe, we always - whether it's internally or externally - work on innovative new products," said Denny, in an exclusive interview published today.
"Although we've had the success in the social genre we want to move that on as well, like finding new experiences with LittleBigPlanet and user-generated content. In the console field that's an area we can rightly claim leadership to now. We want to look at more areas of that."
The imminent public launch of Home is another crucial step in Sony's online goals, but Denny, who's responsible for all internal and external development studios for Sony in Europe, wants to continue to push for more online innovation from all products in 2009.
"In some of the more established genres, like shooters with Killzone 2 – we've had some great results in the beta trial, certainly in the online space. I don't think people have really seen enough of Killzone 2 – the customisability, the clan support, the tournament support. We're really excited where that can go," he added.
Dedicated communities have helped Sony establish some of its biggest properties online, said Denny, enabling titles like SingStar and Buzz to evolve as they've moved on to the PlayStation 3.
"With community spaces, SingStar is now an online community of over 300,000 users. With Buzz as well, look at that going online in terms of user-generated quizzes, there's over 100,000 user-generated quizzes that have had over seven million plays. Those have helped us transition those titles into an online space on PlayStation 3," he said.
The full interview with Michael Denny, where he discusses the future of Sony's London Studio, hopes for Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, and more, can be read here.
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December 9th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pick up and play arcade mode allowing the player to access the race in just a few seconds. A genuinely technically accurate extreme simulation mode for real petrol heads. 4 well balanced racing styles giving genuine progression and satisfaction to the gamer. 6 game modes - Basic, Arcade, Advanced, Simulation, Extreme and Custom. Next generation giving players the chance to challenge their friends and opponents all over the world.
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December 9th, 2008, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Brandish begins with Ares, a swordsman, being chased by Dela, when they both fall underground. The goal of the game is pretty much to get Ares out of there. Dela’s side isn’t the focus of the original Brandish, but it’s a new element in the PSP remake.
In Brandish: The Dark Revenant you also get to play as Dela, who doesn’t mind exploring dungeons with a bare minimum amount of armor. Since Dela is a wizard she should play differently from Ares in the dungeon too. This video gives up a clue how with clips of her using hit and run tactics and fire spells
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December 10th, 2008, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from albandu51
The PXL Team is proud to present his latest Homebrew dated, I appointed Exec_You, developed by Albandu51.
Exec_You What's this?
Simply a plugin used to launch Eboots, ISO's, CSO's, Internet links, or shutting down or restarting its PSP from a predefined list of more than 10 icon in your XMB.
All this from an easily editable file named "Exec_You.txt" in the plug, "seplugins."
What's new in this version?
* Compatibility Slim & Fat
* Fixed
* Added icons
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December 10th, 2008, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Uberjack has released a new version of his Sega Master System Emulator for PSP:
It took over a year, but SMS Plus PSP finally sees an update today. To answer the obvious question, no, this version does not include wi-fi/adhoc support - work on the wi-fi version is still ongoing.
New features in this version:
When switching games, latest save state will be automatically highlighted
Rapid fire support - map any button to A or B autofire (’Controls’ tab). Change the rate of autofire in the ‘Options’ tab
Snapshots are now saved to PSP’s PHOTO directory (/PSP/PHOTO), and can be viewed in PSP’s image viewer
File selector snapshots - while browsing for games with the file selector, pause momentarily to display the first snapshot for the game
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December 10th, 2008, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his Media manager for the PSP and Iphone, heres whats new:
Many fixes and tweaks.
Now you can work with files on the iPhone in your own language (UTF8 pharse).
Explorer support one or two windows view.
Explorer can read PSP saves now.
Rewritten loading engine - loading files and folders faster and more stable now.
Improved Cut, Copy, Paste.
Improved DragDrop.
Fixed memory leak in photo folders.
Explorer now remembers the last location (can be turned off in options).
Added option confirm files delete.
Added Quick Action bar - allows easy and quick to perform operations with files (you can disable in the options).
Fixed activation errors.
Winnydows Commander 1.003
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December 10th, 2008, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from wololo
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December 10th, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne has released a new build of FBA which supports the likes of CPS1, CPS2 and CPS3.
Heres whats new:
1.Fix the bug that V12 could not work with qsound cps games.
2.Anti noise when playing mono sound game like wildfang, stratof, gunsmoke, etc. Just modify the ini file with the same name to the game and add monoSound 0x1
3.Change cps3 version to cps123. It includes cps, cps2 and cps3 drivers.
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December 10th, 2008, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
We know you aren't going to believe it 'til you see it, but SCEA has confirmed to our brethren at Joystiq that PlayStation Home will hit the US market before 2009 dawns. In the words of PS Home director Jack Buser: "We've been saying it will launch by the end of calendar year 2008, and that's getting very, very close." He continued by affirming that "launch is imminent," but stopped short of giving us a date to mark down in our calendars. Tick, tock.
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December 10th, 2008, 20:29 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Blu-ray players have overtaken the popularity of their DVD counterparts for the first time ever in Japan, during the first week of November, according to data collected by GfK Retail and Technology.
The region saw Blu-ray recorders occupy more than 50 per cent of the market share for DVD recorders, in terms of unit numbers, a significant increase from 10 per cent, recorded October 2007.
Gfk also reports that Blu-ray machines are replacing DVD recorders 1.5 times faster than the latter replaced VHS machines. DVD recorders exceeded 50 per cent after 82 weeks. In comparison, Blu-ray recorders achieved the same results in only 53 weeks.
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December 10th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony is bullish about LittleBigPlanet's prospects, even if the game's made a somewhat troubled start.
The brilliant platformer hasn't set the chart on fire since launch, but Sony Computer Entertainment America is confident it'll have legs sales wise.
Marketing manager John Kohler told GamePro that LBP is seeing "explosive" sales and that it'll "absolutely" rack up big sales over time, calling the the title an "evergreen game for the PS3".
"LittleBigPlanet also opens up the PS3 to other portions of the demographic - not just 20-something males, but younger gamers, females, and maybe even some older gamers," he said. "I think we'll see a great holiday season for the game.
"It's also the start of a nice franchise, and maybe down the line we'll look at new iterations," he added, which will surely reignite rumours about a PSP edition.
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December 10th, 2008, 21:38 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony's long-awaited social networking environment for the PlayStation 3, Home, will finally go live worldwide tomorrow, December 11.
A free download for all PlayStation 3 owners, Home will allow users to create avatars, communicate via text and chat with other users in real-time, play mini-games, view entertainment, and create their own online communities.
For Europe, Ubisoft will be the first publisher to offer a themed Far Cry 2 space, with more environments planned for Sony titles Warhawk, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, MotorStorm and SOCOM. Sony Europe has said it is also working with Activision, Eidos, Electronic Arts, Midway, Sega and Atari on future themed locations.
A Club House feature will allow users to create groups for other PS3 users, with Sony charging for the entitlement to run a Club, although no price has yet been announced.
Last week it was revealed that Red Bull would be one of the first brands to claim space in Home, with Diesel, Paramount, Ligne Roset, Hexus TV and Eurogamer also offering unique content for the online world.
Diesel will begin offering clothing for avatars – some free, some priced up to EUR 1.50 – while Ligne Roset will offer furniture which can be customised.
The PlayStation Home Theatre will allow users to view exclusive movie content from Paramount, while Eurogamer will provide gaming content and Hexus TV lifestyle programming.
"PlayStation Home is truly a promising network community service on the PlayStation platform, made possible with the powerful combination of PS3's overwhelming computational power and PlayStation Network that covers many countries around the globe," said Kaz Hirai, President of Sony.
"We are committed to providing PS3 users with exciting gaming experiences with PlayStation Home and together with our partners and users, expand the new world of interactive entertainment as we move forward."
The Home beta has been available to thousands of PlayStation 3 users over the past month, but the opening of the service tomorrow to a wider audience is still being labelled as a 'beta' product by Sony.
The company intends to add more features and content to Home throughout 2009.
Home has suffered a number of delays since it was first announced, disappointing not only consumers but industry executives such as EA's Peter Moore and Microsoft's Neil Thompson - rivals who will no doubt be scrutinising Sony's bold move into virtual worlds.
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December 10th, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
The Harvest Moon series will be returning to the PSP early next year in Japan. Famitsu has a first report this week on Harvest Moon: Sugar Village and Everyone's Wish (in Japanese, Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai).
In this latest installment of Marvelous's unending farming series, you play as a young boy who's been tasked by a goddess with saving Sugar Village from its planned conversion in two years to a resort land. You have a variety of ways of achieving this goal, resulting in 16 paths through the story.
All your favorite Harvest Moon features return, from farming to animal raising, all the way to side activities like relationship-building and construction on your home. Once you've reached the end of the game's storyline, you can continue building up your farm as much as you like.
Outside of the main gameplay, you'll also find a variety of mini games for passing the time. Samples include a horse racing game, a tree chopping game, a digging game, and a fishing game.
This latest entry in the Harvest Moon series will hit the Japanese PSP through Marvelous Entertainment on March 19, 2009.
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December 11th, 2008, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Bluetooth Headset leverages advances in voice technology to bring next generation features to the PLAYSTATION3 system. It features High-Quality (HQ)* mode which provides wide-band and dual microphone input to enable accurate speech recognition required to support “voice command” and “voice animation” features that will be offered in select games on PS3. Easy pairing with the PS3 system, in-game Headset status indicator, included charging cradle and easily accessible microphone mute button make it user-friendly.
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December 11th, 2008, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

The Wireless keypad for the PLAYSTATION3 system provides the freedom of easy to use texting and mouse input capabilities, all while maintaining full gameplay functionality in one easy-to-hold device. This Bluetooth device attaches to any DUALSHOCK3 or SIXAXIS wireless controller and enables effortless internet browsing, e-mailing and instant messaging on the PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Home. The unique touch pad feature allows for convenient scrolling and mouse input on the PS3 system on-screen display. Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to ‘Message Box’ and other online communication applications on the PLAYSTATION Network.
By integrating all these features in a sleek and elegant design, Sony Computer Entertainment, plans to further enhance online interactivity on the PLAYSTATION3 system.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
Just in case you've been out of the Flight-Plan loop, the company has a new SRPG coming to the PS2 by the name of Sacred Blaze. It's a cutesy 3D grid-style affair, with decent art, and you can see more screens at Game Watch. There's a blog for the game, which seems to have become the Japanese standard for any mid-level release, and it's mostly populated by wallpapers, so give that a look if you like the illustration style. Release date is 2/19, and the price is 7,140 yen, or $70 preordered at play asia. http://www.insertcredit.com/archives/002567.html
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December 11th, 2008, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
In a new post on the PlayStation Blog, Insomniac community director, Brian Intihar, drops some Resistance-related info – and the prices on map packs for the original Resistance: Fall of Man.
Previously $7.99, the full collection of four maps will set you back zero dollars beginning tomorrow, December 11. (The original two-map pack debuted in June of last year at $7.99, and was followed by two more maps in November '07 for $4.99.) There are still people playing the original game – now a PS3 Greatest Hit – but most have moved on to the sequel, a likely reason for the price reduction elimination.
Insomniac will further add to the PS Store's delivery of free stuff tomorrow with three new, no-cost Resistance 2 themes for your XMB.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to tomorrow's for-pay Street Fighter outfits, Sony will be gifting LittleBigPlanet fans with the first part of a free, two-piece SackSanta costume for your SackBoys (or SackGirls). Stage one is the Santa suit; the hat and beard will be available on the PlayStation Store (again, for free) the following Thursday, December 18.
Like the milk & cookies you leave out for the real Santa, this costume will magically disappear from the PS Store come January 8. We're assuming it won't be replaced with a coal costume.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home will finally open to the masses tomorrow, and so will its revamped shops, featuring clothing, furniture, and decor from various real-world partners. But what about all the stuff that's available now to closed beta participants? We suggest you grab it while you can.
We have it on good word that some (if not all) of the items currently available to "purchase" – and thus outfit your avatar and personal space with – will not be available in the Home Open Beta. They will still appear and be accessible tomorrow to those who grabbed them in time. So, buy now ... or pay (with regret) later.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft is deploying new downloadable content tomorrow for Tom Clancy's EndWar (via IGN). The Escalation Pack includes four new maps, three new unit upgrades, and 10 new Achievements and Trophies for Xbox Live and PS3, respectively. The pack will be 800 ($9.99) and will be released simultaneously for both consoles.
Additionally, a free title update is also due out tomorrow (only for Xbox 360; the PS3 patch is expected sometime in 2009). Beyond the usual connectivity, leaderboard and bug fixes, the update will raise the maximum player cap from 4 to 8, making possible 4-on-4 games in both Skirmish and Theater of War modes.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:25 Posted By: wraggster
"Home will live or die on the strength of its content." It was good to hear these words coming from Daniel Hill, Sony Europe's Director of Home, at a media day event in London. While Home's initial vision seemed ambitious and groundbreaking, what we've seen so far in the closed beta has been comparatively underwhelming. What was shown at the event, however, was some upcoming first- and third-party content that showed significant progress and potential.
Seeing as the media day event was hosted by SCEE, there could be some info regarding Home spaces that only correlates to the European experience. The majority of info should, however, be universal for all regions.
The MotorStorm apartment, a premium customizable living space, is very different from the Harbor Studio and the Summer House that closed beta users have already seen. Based around the MotorStorm franchise, it's set on a cliff shelf, overlooking the MotorStorm festival, complete with an animated race taking place below. The Home developers we spoke to hadn't yet decided how it would be distributed, but suggested it might be a contest prize or event-based item.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:33 Posted By: wraggster

Believe it or not, that's a PlayStation Portable jacket you're looking at, knocked up in the classic M-65 military style, all the rage with the streetwear wearing kids these days. How can you get one?
Oh, you can't. Not unless you're going to the Asia Game Show 2008 in Hong Kong this month. Even then, it's not for sale, just so you can covet it further. According to Hypebeast, it's only available via a special drawing. And on top of that, you're really just getting some PSP and CLOT embroidery. Surely it's a quality garment, but we'd think going to all that effort is probably not worth it.
We'd say try your luck with Triumvir's Street Fighter-inspired M-65 or visit your local surplus store for your kicks.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus' latest foray into the land of ultra-freaky Japanese Rps is on its way across the sea, as Square Enix announces a Spring 2009 release for Persona 4 in Europe and PAL territories.
Released on July 10th in Japan and yesterday in North America, the PlayStation 2 RPG has been given a release window of spring 2009, as localization teams scurry to make the game playable for the folks that can't understand anything I've written in this article.
John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, "Persona 4 epitomises Square Enix's commitment to bringing the best gaming experiences to the European market. This new installment in the highly anticipated Persona series is the perfect example of an exciting new experience and how the PlayStation 2 still has a lot to offer."
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December 11th, 2008, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
The delay for DJ Max Fever was a short one. PM Studios let Siliconera know the first US version of DJ Max is on track to come out in stores next month. In a short amount of time PM Studios and Pentavision completely changed the engine. Instead of getting DJ Max Portable 2+ you get enhancements from DJ Max Portable: Black Square which is scheduled to come out in Korea later this month.
It also sounds like PM Studios is planning a future the DJ Max before the first game even launches. In an interview with the Escapist, Executive Producer Michael Yum discusses reaching a mainstream audience through downloadable content and expansion packs with different labels.
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December 11th, 2008, 15:43 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Home is open for business on December 11, tomorrow, worldwide. At last PS3 owners will be able to create a house, play Namco arcade games, and bask in corporate sponsored spaces. Any PlayStation Home user can get their own space too by purchasing Clubhouse space.
Clubhouses are private places for club members to gather. Up to 32 people can be in a clubhouse at one time and that includes the creator. Inside each clubhouse there is a bulletin board the leader and sub-leaders can use to post messages. Clubs and clubhouses are designed for users with like minds to meet up providing one of them has money. Sony explains clubhouse owners will need to “buy the entitlement to run the club.”
Since Sony didn’t mention a cash transaction clubhouse space could be sold for virtual money, but looking at the PlayStation home model don’t be surprised if it costs bucks, not necessarily big bucks, to build a clubhouse.
Spammers get your wallets ready?
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December 11th, 2008, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Pipiro and Pokuru are a pair of non blood related siblings who resides within Pocku village, leading peaceful lives. Although their parents have passed away, they were getting-by alright in the friendly little community.
But the peaceful times didn't last long. For one day, they witnessed a masked man stealing into the village and took the village's treasure.
Just when the two planned to catch up with the man, the thief teleported away. The hot blooded Pokuru appealed to the village elder to let them go after the thief. Both the elder and Pipiro are quite reluctant, given the danger involved in the task.
But as soon as Pipiro learned of the prize money she could get if they catch the thief, she is just exciting about the thief catching business as Pipiro.
Swords and magic, dungeons and monsters, there are a lot to explore in this fantasy setting. Defeat the monsters and discover the truth behind legends, but most importantly, have fun with the endearing characters.
Falcom's cutely exciting RPG Zwei!! is now available for Sony PSP players. The game is available for US$ 52.90 only.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

You are a photographer stationed in Africa in this adventure, as a professional you will have the newest equipment such as camera lenses and computers.
Accept missions by viewing proposals via your email system, finding and tracking animals are only the start of your mission, you might be asked to take photos of them at unique angles, such as taking a close up shot of a giraffe's face. You'd realize you need a lot of skills to be an accomplished photographer.
You'll have a lot of equipment to choose from, from cameras to your camping gear. Of course these cost money, so be sure to accept as much missions as you can manage, besides, some organizations provide you with useful equipment such as tripods that you can use even after you have completed their request.
The game makes use of PS3's stunning graphical capabilities to render animations of animals to the most life-like degree. Remember how a clip from the game is used as a demonstration of the PlayStation3 prowess during the console's promotion? Now you can see why.
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December 11th, 2008, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The HDMI Smart Switch is an economic solution to connect more than one HDMI source to your HDMI receiver, television or monitor. Ideal for high definition video game consoles (such as PlayStation3™, Xbox 360™), Blu-ray™ and DVD players and similar devices.
Switch between your consoles at ease and at will. Save your trouble and time by getting your HDMI switch:
HDMI Smart Switch (3-Port) US$ 24.90
HDMI Smart Switch (4-Port) US$ 29.90
HDMI Smart Switch (5-Port) US$ 34.90
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December 11th, 2008, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
krizalid has posted a demo of his Beats of Rage game over at lavalit, heres the release info:
Upload first demo of Golden Axe Genesis.
This demo is very short,why need your opinion and comments.
Golden axe Genesis is a tribute of the Golden Axe 1 2 3 for Genesis.
-> 13 characters.
-> 4 secret characters.
-> 3 Beast(Dragons and Snail)
-> Mutilation with Special Moves
-> Magic Moves and Special Moves for all characters
-> Status for all characters
-> 21 Level(with 40 Bgs)
-> Levels with platform.
-> New Story
-> 4 Players
-> Multiple Paths on Story Mode
-> find special item with freeing civilians,mutilation and more.
-> Golden Axe gameplay style
-> Original e New Sprites
-> New Frames.
-> Original Soundtrack.
-> Option: Story,Original,The Duel
-> Programming: S.E.E.P.
-> Sprite: SEGA
-> Sprite Edit: S.E.E.P.
-> Sound: Original Soundtrack
-> Engine: OpenBor
-> Language: Italian/english
-> Players: 4
---------------------Character Moves-----------------------
Ax Battler:
Move characters: down,right,left,up
Run: left,left
Run Attack: left,left + Attack Button
Jump: press Jump button
Jump Attack: press Jump button+Attack Button
Special Moves:
Sword Strike: Down,right + Attack Button ( 5 % HP )
Shadow Run: Left,Right + Attack Button ( 16 % HP )
Magic Skill:
Magic Stone: Down,Right + Magic Button ( 10 % MP )
Atlantide Columns: Magic Button ( 100 % MP )
-------------------Special Thanks---------------------------
MR Q : This mod is ispiration on Final Fight Apocalipse 2
Oscar Celestini .
--------------------Links and email-------------------------
Official SEEP blogsite: http://seeproduction.blogspot.com/ (here for download)
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December 11th, 2008, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and the rest of the JCPSP Team have today released a new build of their PSP Emulator for WIndows written in Java that plays commercial games.

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December 11th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
EA has confirmed that Mirror's Edge will see a follow-up, despite the publisher seeking to pare back its operations in the face of disappointing Christmas sales and the global economic instability.
"While we saw significant improvement in the overall quality of our key products this year, we are disappointed that our holiday slate is not meeting our sales expectations," said EA CEO John Riccitiello in an investor call picked up by gamesindustry.biz. "Given this performance and the uncertain economic environment, we are taking steps to reduce our cost structure and improve the profitability of our business."
However, despite slow sales the warm critical reception afforded to Mirror's Edge will ensure a sequel. "Many times with a new intellectual property, the first edition doesn't generate the units that subsequent editions could generate," Riccitiello continued, "Mirror's Edge is one that was very strongly reviewed, that one's going to go forward. We're probably going to look into some issues around the design to make sure strong IP is married with strong business."
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December 11th, 2008, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
News of an online multiplayer party mode for White Knight Chronicles was one of Sony's biggest announcements at October's Tokyo Game Show. But they forgot to mention one big feature. In addition to online play, White Knight Chronicles will include a built-in social network service.
Announced today at a pre-launch event in Tokyo, the built-in SNS is formally known as "GeoNet." This area of the game has all the features you'd expect of an SNS, including friend lists, a journal with comment functionality, and messaging. The service also keeps track of who's reading your content, so you can see if your journal is popular.
This is just one feature of what should be a feature-rich RPG. Developer Level-5 is even giving the game content off the Blu-ray disc! Today, the White Knight site was updated with a web comic, White Knight Chronicles: Episode 0 Dogma Wars (this is an English translation of the Japanese name, Shirokishi Monogatari: Epsiode 0 Dogma Senki). This comic tells the story of a battle that took place 10,000 years prior to the game. You can see the Japanese version for yourself at the White Knight official site under the "Special" section.
White Knight Chronicle hits Japan on Christmas day. Check out the media page below for the latest screens.
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December 11th, 2008, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Can't get enough of the perception-warping puzzles found in Echochrome? Who can?! Luckily, Sony's releasing a patch today that will drop Trophies and 1,000 user-created levels into the game. You read that right -- 1,000 new levels come with the patch and will be available in "Freeform" mode. Meanwhile, the Trophies will reward you for "clearing a number of stages, or even for the total number of footsteps or falls," according to a PlayStation Blog entry that goes on to state that an additional update is already in the works.
Break out the Advil; it's going to be a long weekend.
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December 11th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has criticised Sony's PlayStation Home as outdated.
"What Home to me feels like is Second Life for hardcore gamers. It doesn't feel like it broadens the experience and invites people in," Greenberg told Kotaku.
"When they unveiled it, it seemed innovative. I think what's happened is now here we are a couple of years later and we feel beyond that.
"It feels like 2005 tech in 2008. I'm not sure that's what people want," he said.
Greenberg added that, at least in his mind, there is still a "huge gap" between the quality offered by Xbox Live to that of Home. He dismissed the possibility of an Xbox Live subscription price cut by observing that many are "willing to pay for the premium experience".
Aaron Greenberg's criticism of PlayStation Home comes days after EA founder Trip Hawkins said the service was unsure of its target audience. He argued that following the Second Life route would take Home away from the mass market being captured so successfully by the likes of Nintendo and even Xbox Live Arcade.
The open beta for PlayStation Home kicks off today ahead of a full launch sometime next year. Game clients can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store, and the only charges involved are for micro-transactions when buying some new virtual clothes.
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December 11th, 2008, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
Homemister has released a new version of his Lua Player for PSP:
Hey All,
Here is the next version of LuaPlayerHM.
Thankyou all who helped with the beta testing and contributed ideas.
Included in the download file is a Readme file, Eboot, And some demo scripts.
There will be a PDF file, That will contain all of the functions with examples. Thx to LDX
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December 11th, 2008, 20:51 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has restocked the PlayStation Store cupboards to include a free Santa outfit for LittleBigPlanet. Ho ho ho.
The same game also hails the arrival of four Street Fighter-themed costumes, featuring togs worn by Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile and Zangief. These are GBP 1.59 a pop, or all four for GBP 4.79.
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - Revenge of the Plague Lord is up for grabs at GBP 15.99. And full games NBA Live '09 and Tiger Woods PGA Tour '09 can be downloaded for GBP 29.99 and GBP 31.99, respectively.
Brain Challenge (GBP 7.99) and Jet Rider 2 (GBP 3.99) are the premium PSP games on offer, but there's also what appears to be the entire Football Manager Handheld 2009 game there - for free! We've not got a PSP to test this, and the file is only 44MB, so perhaps this is a data refresher.
Elsewhere there's the Escalation Pack DLC for Tom Clancy's EndWar at GBP 7.99, and the No Doubt Singles album for Rock Band, which charges GBP 0.99 a track, or GBP 9.99 for the 13-strong collection.
There's also those Nirvana and Euro-band Guitar Hero World Tour songs (GBP 1.59 each, or GBP 4.39 a trio), plus trailers for Crash Commando and Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer.
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December 11th, 2008, 20:53 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Here are the first images of Heavy Rain that aren't of that scene from the taxidermist's house in that Leipzig demo that got everyone so excited.
The detail in the face of that new, unnamed bloke is incredible, and there are three shots of some previously unseen environments, too.
They seem to be as developer Quantic Dreams described - reasonably compact but filled with detail, and it should all be interactive if the game lives up to promises.
The images (from 1Up) don't give anything away, plot-wise though. We're itching to know more. Roll on 2009.
You can see the entire Leipzig demo in video right here. If you haven't you really should check it out.
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December 11th, 2008, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
Goumba has released a new version of the Starwars Poker Game for PSP, heres whats new:
For anyone interested, a new version:
Only one issue I can think of is that I haven't yet added the symbols to dialog buttons. X always acknowledges. In OK/Cancel dialogs, X = OK, O = Cancel.
I haven't given this version extensive testing as I haven't had the time. In particular, I've switched over to using stroked (outline) numerals on cards, and doing so is different on the PSP than other platforms. Hopefully it works ok.
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December 11th, 2008, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via pspgen
Hi Everyone,
I will present, the utility developed by Flomito, Mickael2054 and myself: Plugin PSP
What is it?
It is a utility that allows you to start without Homebrew (not really) by the XMB. With a prx of autoboot, you can choose to do several things:
Launching a Homebrew (3 max), you can save them for no longer having to retype their way.
Launch Internet Browser
The USB mode, flash0, flash1, flash 2, flash3, UMD and Memory Stick
View credits
Parameters: Delete HBs record, change the background color, change the color of the two fonts, CPU speed, Format flash1: / Clean RAM Test your keys
Pause PSP
Turn off the PSP
Return to XMB
See the percentage of loading your battery
The grapismes Menu Recovery
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December 11th, 2008, 21:06 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Naughty Dog has said Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will come close to using all of the PS3's power, after the first game used just "30 to 40 per cent".
That's according to the Game Informer reveal (read by a poster on the Gametrailers forum), which provides the first details and images of the sequel.
We're told to expect a brand new female lead in the shape of Chloe Frazer, who'll be played by Claudia Black from Stargate SG-1 and Farscape. She may use a rocket launcher, as suggested by cut-scene footage.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, revolves around Nathan Drake finding the lost ships of Marco Polo. Action adventure will still very much be the focus, and Naughty Dog has made significant improvements to combat.
Apparently melee will be more "dynamic", and Drake will be able to shoot while running, climbing and hanging, as well as simultaneously move and aim from behind cover.
Firefly composer Greg Edmonson will return to score the game, and Nolan North will once again provide the voice and movements for hero Nathan Drake.
Naughty Dog apparently refused to comment on whether original heroine Elena or grizzled friend Sully will make comebacks.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will be unveiled properly on Sunday at the 2008 Video Game Awards. Expect more information to tumble out then.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was released at the end of 2007 and is one of the best games on PlayStation 3. It can be picked up as part of the PS3's budget Platinum range for around GBP 20.
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December 12th, 2008, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster

I've always liked the PSP hardware, but iterations like the PSP-3000 are failing to excite me. I just need something new. Unfortunately, Sony claims to not be working on a PSP sequel at this time.
From SCEE President David Reeves:
No, there are currently no plans for a PSP2. I go to Tokyo quite a lot and no one has referred to it...We just launched the PSP-3000 so we are still focused on this generation of the platform.
Reeves goes on the discuss the platform's dichotic hardware success and software failure, admitting that even Sony's own development teams aren't creating titles for the PSP. Though, it's pretty hard to believe that not one person in all of Sony is doing ANYTHING toward a PSP2 development.
As much as I'd like to see a new PSP, the things I'd want (touchscreen, 3G media downloads and 100% remote play compatibility over a universal digital PS3/PSP library) are just outside the reach of anything currently affordable to consumers or implementable by Sony.
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December 12th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Home Open Beta is out, and it's simply the best way to taste what Sony has in store for the PS3 over the coming years. Here are the ten things you should know.
1) PlayStation Home is out, but in Open Beta status. If the world of Home feels sparse or buggy, Sony wants you to remember that it's not really out yet, even though it's actually been released to the public. The final version of PlayStation Home with all of the features Sony has teased is promised for next year.
2) It's not a firmware update. So to download PlayStation Home, don't go searching around System Update for the software. The option to download Home is built right in to the XMB under Network. And while the initial download is just 77MB, each area takes another 10-20MB. The system requires that you reserve 3077MB of storage for all of Home.
3) Chatting has mixed results. Talking to others is fairly mediocre in quality but is interestingly proximity-based, just like in real life. So if someone is speaking near you, you hear it, whether you want to or not. (Luckily, I was able to mute the idiot shouting "I'm a venereal disease" over and over.) Also of note, if you have friends in a different territory than you live, they won't be seen in public spaces, but you can invite them to your apartment to "chat."
4) There will be microtransactions, lots of 'em. Diesel is the partner Sony has been most vocal about for the time being, with pieces of their branded clothing available for $1-$2. And if you want to expand beyond your base apartment, a Summer House will be available for $5.
5) There are lots of dudes. Lots of them.
6) Free Games! PS Home features free bowling and billiards along with a few choices in arcade games. Your avatar actually walks up to a particular arcade cabinet before playing games like a Breakout clone or a gimped version of Ecochrome. Interesting in theory, so-so in execution. And only one guy on a machine at a time.
7) Game Spaces will be limited for now, but available in the Open Beta. These are the themed areas for your group to meet before loading a game. The only two spaces accessible at launch will be ‘Far Cry 2‘ and ‘Uncharted.‘ Each also features puzzle-like objects to interact with and strategic objects like maps for strategic pre-planning.
8) Video sharing is not yet available. The Open Beta will be missing one of Home's potentially coolest features, the option to share your media with others to enjoy virtually. Whether it's technical or licensing issues that are holding Sony back on this feature is unknown.
9) The theater works great...for an ad. You can sit down to watch a movie...if there were a movie. For now, you can watch a loop of a preview for Twilight and an accompanying music video. The quality is that of typical flash video, though the video screen does render smoothly into the 3D background.
10) PlayStation Home is not Second Life. You cannot create anything in PlayStation Home. You can only buy it. Sure, you have your apartment to decorate as you see fit and you can choose the clothes your avatar wears, but these options are based upon preselections—preselections that Sony has complete control over. There are five shirts available to men in Home and you can't change the color. If Home were Second Life, not only would there be more shirts, but those shirts would be covered in animated dildos dancing to the beat of a live vocalist.
Home could be a great platform one day, but Sony needs to provide the content to back it up. And right now, anything short of more advertising is lacking. In Home, I feel like a prisoner—my uniform matches all the other inmates as I walk around beside the other inmates endlessly with nothing to do.
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December 12th, 2008, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
Newly out this week:
007: Die Another Day (~Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, ...) HK US$ 32.90
007: Live And Let Die (~Roger Moore, Jane Seymour, ...) HK US$ 32.90
007: Thunderball (~Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Batman: The Dark Knight (~Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, ...) US US$ 35.99
Batman: The Dark Knight JPN US$ 47.90
Batman: The Dark Knight [2-Discs Special Edition] (~Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, ...) HK US$ 42.90
Batman: The Dark Knight [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 75.90
Butterfly Lovers (~Charlene Choi, Wu Chun, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Diebuster the Movie US US$ 42.90
Dodgeball (~Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller) HK US$ 32.90
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (~Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, ...) US US$ 39.98
Dr. Strangelove (~Peter Bull, Sterling Hayden, ...) US US$ 29.49
Dumb & Dumber (~Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, ...) US US$ 28.99
Fred Clause JPN US$ 47.90
Gunbuster the Movie US US$ 42.90
Gunbuster vs. Diebuster Blu-ray Box Set US US$ 84.90
Home Alone (~Macaulay Culkin) HK US$ 32.90
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Jet Li's Fearless (~Jet Li, Nakamura Shidou, ...) US US$ 29.98
Jingle All The Way (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Kou Shibasaki Live Tour 2008 1st (~Kou Shibasaki) JPN US$ 47.90
Live at Montreux 1991 & 1992 (~Tori Amos) US US$ 24.98
Live at Montreux 1997 (~Ray Charles) US US$ 24.98
Look Alive (~Incubus) US US$ 29.98
Lost: The Complete Fourth Season (~Matthew Fox, Naveen Andrews, ...) US US$ 96.99
Mamma Mia! The Movie (~Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, ...) HK US$ 34.90
Meet Dave (~Eddie Murphy, Gabrielle Union, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Nihon Retto Ressha Dai Koshin 2009 JPN US$ 46.90
Stanley Kubrick Collection [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 236.90
Super Troopers (~Steve Lemme, Kevin Heffernan, ...) US US$ 39.98
Super Troopers (~Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [2-Disc Collector's Edition] (~Peter Dinklage, Anna Popplewell, ...) HK US$ 39.90
The Day The Earth Stood Still (~Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Mask (~Jim Carrey, Peter Riegert, ...) US US$ 28.99
The Promise (~Cecilia Cheung, Jang Dong Gun, ...) HK US$ 33.90
The X-Files Double Feature Pack [Extended Edition] (~Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny) HK US$ 59.90
The X-Files: Fight For The Future [Extended Version] (~Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny) HK US$ 32.90
The X-Files: I Want To Believe [Extended Edition] (~Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny) HK US$ 32.90
Tokyo Night Flight - Tokyo Yakei Hikou JPN US$ 46.90
Transporter 2 (~Jason Statham, Alessandro Gassman, ...) HK US$ 28.90
Wall E [2-Discs Special Edition] HK US$ 39.90
Wanted (~Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy, ...) HK US$ 33.90
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December 12th, 2008, 18:45 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

A variety of special maneuvers help you move quickly through tricky situations. "Quick Step" allows you to dodge obstacles by instantly moving left or right without losing speed; "Speed Drift" will maintain top speeds through turns, while "Sonic Boost" will accelerate you to super speeds!
Sonic Unleashed delivers a revolutionary gameplay experience, combining picturesque graphics with seamless transitions between 3D and classic 2D perspectives
Many unique and fascinating continents let you explore a variety of environments - sprint across cobbled streets, race through lush jungles and much more
Choose from multiple pathways in Sonic's massive new playground. Each unique route offers different encounters with varying rewards and obstacles
Sonic is in a Race against Time to Save the World... and Himself!
Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!
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December 12th, 2008, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Experience layered, primal storylines based on the legendary tale re-imagined
Dedicate deeds to the gods to win their favor. Their powers shape your future and the fate of the world itself
Fight alongside Hercules, Achilles and Pan with other fable heroes, each gifted with their own extraordinary powers
Travel to unique island environments filled with strange and wondrous denizens
Battle awesome mythological foes and gargantuan monsters
Develop and upgrade multiple weapons and specialized killing techniques
Unleash deadly force with finishing moves, parries, team combos and more
Revolutionary dialogue system dictates choice, upgrades and story with unprecedented speed and depth
Breaktrough real-time combat system with dynamic animations and visual damage modeling
Visual character leveling and inventory management in real time
In Rise of the Argonauts you take on the role of Jason, King of Iolcus and powerful, battle-hardened warrior. As the story begins you have everything - a prosperous kingdom, the respect of your citizens and the love of Alceme, your beautiful bride to be. This charmed existence ends when Alceme is killed by an assassin s arrow on your wedding day.
Overcome with grief you vow to do anything to restore her. You hear of the Legendary Golden Fleece, on the lost Isle of Tartarus, which is said to bring the dead back to life. In order reunite with your beloved you must now prepare for the greatest voyage of all.
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December 12th, 2008, 18:55 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Balance your double life – Beyond intense battles, Persona fusion, and new weapon creation exists a normal high school life of friends, classes, and part-time jobs. The way you manage and integrate your activities within each day will determine how you progress through the game.
Unprecedented team control – With a greater emphasis on developing bonds in the fight to solve the mysterious murders, strong friendships are key to your success. Directly control teammates in battle, earn greater party support for combat, and master individual Social Links to unlock your party's true potential.
Find the true ending – 60+ hours of gameplay thrusts you into a deep mystery where midnight television leads to serial killings. You must investigate murders, rescue those who can be rescued, and unmask the culprit behind it all—or risk being forever shrouded in the fog of doubt.
Shortly after an urban youth begins a year-long stay in the countryside town of Inaba, the rural town's peace is shattered by a horrific murder that leaves no clues or suspects. As the lone incident develops into a series of bizarre crimes, he discovers that only he and his friends have the power to solve the baffling case, bring those responsible to justice, and restore harmony to his new home.
The element of suspense is vital to the fourth installment of this contemporary RPG series. To clear the game, the players need to solve the string of mysterious murder cases that are happening in town and figure out the real enemy.
To ensure that that best visual and audio qualities are achieved, the art director Soejima Shigenori and sound director Meguro Souji from the last installment teamed up again with the game director Hashino Kei to create an intricate system that spots a multi-ending system, smooth and polished graphics and music that are both stylish and modern.
Every single copy of Persona 4 is a special two-disc set. In addition to the game disc, customers will receive a soundtrack CD featuring selected music from Persona 4.
A deluxe color art book featuring the work of character artist Shigenori Soejima is available in limited quantities as a preorder incentive. Preorder now to ensure receipt of the artbook!
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December 12th, 2008, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
The Washington Times didn't take the news of Sony's poor Playstation sales well. They're calling the sales fumble internal sabotage, and they're hopping mad about it.
Sure the Playstation 3 didn't do so well last month, selling 378,000 console sales in November, down from 466,000 last November. And the PS2 also saw a drop in sales, with the company moving less than half what they did last year.
But sabotage?
XBox 360 has made serious inroads by dropping the price of its core system to $199. So how did Sony respond?
By releasing a new version of the PS3 ... that's $100 more expensive. Yes, it comes with a game, and yes, it has more hard-drive space, to which I respond: Who cares? Was the marketplace clamoring for more memory from the PS3? Is that why its market penetration is so low compared to its predecessors and competition? What were the Sony execs thinking?
Times' Sonny Bunch goes on to talk about the PS3's lack of Netflix support, what he calls Sony's poor marketing of Blu-ray, his point seems to be that "Sony seems bound and determined to do everything in its power to hinder the market penetration of the system in particular and Blu-ray in general."
The column begs the question, is the Playstation 3 destined to be the Gamecube of this generation of consoles? Maybe there is some truth to the old adage that you can't really have three successful consoles on the market.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
The Playstation 2 Emulator PCSX2 has been updated, heres whats new:
After a really long period of silence,we're back with a bang!
Today we are announcing the release of Pcsx2 Playground 1.0.0395
Born as a 'playground' test-bed for Pcsx2 modifications and code, the Playground project evolved into much more, over a period of about 4 months.
Created by Air (aka Jake Stine),arcum42,cottonvibes,drkIIRaziel,rama and tested by Krakatos,the team would like to thank:
- Thanks to the original Pcsx2 development team, to the betatesters and to everyone that helped them. Without their work, Pcsx2 would not exist, and neither would the Playground project!
- Thanks to the pcsx2 team once more for graciously hosting our forums.
- Thanks to the Pcsx2 team once again for providing hosting space
- Thanks to Gigaherz for the render used in the playground logo
- Thanks to all the people who tried the various Playground revisions over these months, providing us with helpful feedback
- Thanks to everyone else who supported Playground, without you all this would have not been possible!
Download and Give Feedback & Compatability Reports Via Comments
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December 12th, 2008, 19:34 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
On-demand PSP entertainment service Go!View has added some alluring telly content for Christmas.
There's Battlestar Galactica, the original A-Team, plus the latest series of Lost and Heroes. Kate, Kate! [Sawyer, Sawyer! - dep ed.]
Cult oldies Knight Rider, Miami Vice and Red Dwarf also join the listings, as does the brilliant Quantum Leap. Rounding the bunch out in, well, probably a tie and blazer combo, is I'm Alan Partridge.
Go!View, a joint venture between Sony and BSkyB, offers up sports programs and films to watch on the move, as well as telly shows.
The aforementioned retro telly classics are part of the Entertainment subscription pack, while the comedy episodes are part of the Comedy pack, and sports part of the Sports pack.
Each cost GBP 5 a month, or GBP 8 for two, and GBP 10 for all three.
There's also a Movies to Rent and Latest TV to Rent option, which charges GBP 1.50 for a telly program and GBP 2.50 for a film.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:44 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sales of PlayStation 3 software have grown 150 per cent since the start of the year, according to Sony.
Total software sales for the console during November were more than 3.5 million units, in a month that saw the company sell over 378,000 PlayStation 3's.
For the month, PlayStation hardware revenue was USD 261 million, representing a growth of 9 per cent since the start of the year.
Software for PlayStation formats generated revenue of USD 352 million, up 16 per cent since January.
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December 12th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has rolled out an Echochrome update, adding Trophies to the PSN puzzler.
More impressive, however, are the 1000 extra user-generated levels on offer. And, given that the original game launched with 56 stages, that number is rather spectacular.
"The total count for stage uploads worldwide have now exceeded 3,700 (submitted from 33 different countries and 1664 unique users)," Suzuki-san, producer of Echochrome, told the US PlayStation blog.
"We have done the honours of selecting a total of 1,000 user generated stages to be made available with this update patch, to everyone else. The stages are the crystals of our users' creativity and variety, often surprising us and sometimes even an eye-opener from a development point of view."
The blog also tells us another echochrome update is on the way, although we cannot know when or what "interesting features" are inside just yet.
Echochrome, the Escher-inspired perspective puzzler, can be snatched from the PlayStation Store for GBP 6.99.
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December 13th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: darkweb
pspdod - "Daggorath PC-Port" PSP Port
Version 0.7
By darkweb
December 12, 2008
Thanks to retroemu.com for hosting my site! Come here for a nice community!
Based off of Daggorath PC-Port
Version 0.3
By Richard Hunerlach
May 16, 2003
Other contributors:
Dan Gendreau: Graphics, sound, and cheat enhancements
Tim Lindner: WAV files
Michael Spencer: Discussion Forum Host
Louis Jordan: Inspirer of the 'Adventure Survivors'
Sputnik: Additional enhancements & bug fixes
The copyright for Dungeons of Daggorath is still held by the original author, Douglas J. Morgan.
(c) 1982, DynaMicro
Alright so this is my project which I would consider to be in Beta format.
I was going to submit it to the Winter coding competition for retroemu.com but
sadly that was cancelled.
For those of you that don't know, Dungeons of Daggorath is a wicked "3D" dungeon
crawler from 1982 for the TRS-80. It was fun to play and I still can't believe
that the PSP struggles trying to emulate this computer with a 0.89MHz processor
and 16K of RAM.
So how do you play a game that was originally text based? With an awesome UI created
by yours truly! At the moment, every command is executable so there should be no problems
beating the game (Although I haven't done this yet....).
Here's the current button mapping:
CIRCLE: Brings up the keyboard
TRIANGLE: EXAMINE / LOOK (depending on what mode you're in)
L TRIGGER: Brings up the command creator menu
START: Brings up the game menu
SELECT: Executes P L T, U L, P R SW (only good for getting started)
The command creator allows you to create all combinations of commands you will ever
need (I hope I haven't missed any).
ZSAVE and ZLOAD will use the default save file game.dod.
In the Command Creator Menu, X is select and CIRCLE is cancel. If choosing an item, you can
press TRIANGLE to specify the type of item.
The keyboard lets you type in whatever command you want.
The game menu has a few extras in it just for the psp (and hopefully a few others to come).
You can now Save and Load the game from 10 different slots to give some variety for those
that don't feel like typing in a save command.
In the Configure menu:
FULL SCREEN - does nothing
VIDEO MODE - allows you to change the resolution from the original size, to fit to height,
or stretch to screen.
The rest has the regular functionality of the original game.
Currently the game is a bit slow using the original graphics mode. I would recommend using
the Vector mode.
Also I've only tested this on the PSP slim. If you find any bugs or suggestions, give me a
message at darkwebcrypt at hotmail dot com or visit me at retroemu.com.
Hopefully you guys enjoy this wonderful game!
To Do List:
-Implement cancel partial command from command creator menu
-Add in customizable macros for each button
-add manual as how to play
-Try to increase the speed for plotting dots
-Remove PC specific code
-Commands don't always get input correctly
-PSP locked up while cancelling incant menu?
Change Log:
Version 0.7
-Works for the psp slim
-Implemented Command Creator
-Implemented Keyboard
-Added screen resolution changes
-Added save menu
Get it here: pspdod-0.7.zip
Do you dare challenge the wizard and his horde of monsters?

More screenshots in the comments
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December 13th, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

High quality luxurious aluminum case to offer all round protection for your PSP-3000 console against scratches, shocks and fingerprints with full access to all controls.
Available in Many Colours
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December 13th, 2008, 12:12 Posted By: wraggster
Are you ready to rock? Or, more specifically, will you be ready to rock on December 18? That's the day (a Thursday, in fact) that Wii and PS2 owners will finally be able to call friends over for a Rock Band 2 party. That's right – before the weekend. Crazy, huh?
RB2 for Wii supports the download (and storage on SD card) of tracks via the in-game music store only; you'll have to add Wii Points through the Wii Shop Channel, per usual. PS2 owners ... sorry, but your DLC is in another castle.
Here's the package / pricing breakdown. Note that peripherals for the PS2 version are already on sale.
Special Edition Bundle (Wii) – $189.99
Standalone Software (Wii) – $49.99
Standalone Drums (Wii) – $89.99
Standalone Guitar (Wii) – $69.99
Standalone Software (PS2) – $49.99
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December 13th, 2008, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
Why wasn't the iconic Metal Gear Solid theme used in Metal Gear Solid 4? Because, as Gamasutra reports, EGM learned in an interview with series composer Norihiko Hibino that unnamed Russian composers claimed Konami "stole their music."
A video posted on YouTube (viewable here) shows series creator, Hideo Kojima, being presented with a recording of Georgy Sviridov's "Pushkin's Garland," a 1979 classical work which contains a similar-sounding passage. The MGS theme was first heard in the original PlayStation game, circa 1995 1998. It was written by Konami's Tappi "TAPPY" Iwase, and has subsequently been reworked and remixed, most notably by film composer Harry Gregson-Williams, who scored MGS2-4.
Speaking to EGM, Hibino flatly denies that the MGS theme was "stolen," but admits that "Konami was too sensitive about the situation and just decided not to use that music in the game."
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December 13th, 2008, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
The worst-kept secret in music games just became ... worse kept? The ScoreHero forums are abuzz over what are, for now, supposedly new details on Guitar Hero: Metallica from the latest issue of Game Informer magazine.
The stand-alone game is said to support GH World Tour's drum kit, including dual kick pedals, which will come into play for a new "expert plus" difficulty. Other features are said to include DVD-style bonus videos and extras; a "drum fill" mode for free-styling with Metallica drum sounds; factoid-laden, Pop-up Video style performance footage; and guitar effects for the included Guitar Hero Tunes mode based on James Hetfield's ESP Truckster guitar and Tom Araya of Slayer's ESP bass.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
How about this for a lead sentence: "Sony's PS3 is dying on the shelves." Silicon Alley Insider has spun NPD's November report into a death sentence for PlayStation 3 and its little buddy, pointing to an 18 percent drop in November sales of the console from 2007 to 2008 as proof that PS3 is "flopping." (Comparatively, Xbox 360 sales recorded a modest percentage gain and Wii sales more than doubled.) The cause? It's a three-way tie, according to the analysis:
The cost: PS3 is the most expensive console. Period. (But it ain't exactly cheap to piece together a comparable Xbox 360.)
The Blu-rays: Americans continue to buy DVDs (by May's count, at least). Things are starting to reverse ... in Japan.
The games: Silicon Alley Insider believes PS3 doesn't have "any" must-have exclusives. That's ridiculous. But it doesn't have many.
Conclusion: "Tell yourself the PS3 has superior graphics if it makes you feel better, but a $400 console with a mediocre game library simply cannot compete against an Xbox 360 priced at $200 in this economy." Ooh! Dem's fightin words.
As for PSP? Same story. DS made Sony's handheld look amateur last month (final score: 1.57m to 421K -- guess who won?). PSP is too expensive, claims Silicon Alley Insider. It has super graphics that "no one cares about." And the games -- where are the new games?
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December 13th, 2008, 12:17 Posted By: wraggster
How about this for a lead sentence: "Sony's PS3 is dying on the shelves." Silicon Alley Insider has spun NPD's November report into a death sentence for PlayStation 3 and its little buddy, pointing to an 18 percent drop in November sales of the console from 2007 to 2008 as proof that PS3 is "flopping." (Comparatively, Xbox 360 sales recorded a modest percentage gain and Wii sales more than doubled.) The cause? It's a three-way tie, according to the analysis:
The cost: PS3 is the most expensive console. Period. (But it ain't exactly cheap to piece together a comparable Xbox 360.)
The Blu-rays: Americans continue to buy DVDs (by May's count, at least). Things are starting to reverse ... in Japan.
The games: Silicon Alley Insider believes PS3 doesn't have "any" must-have exclusives. That's ridiculous. But it doesn't have many.
Conclusion: "Tell yourself the PS3 has superior graphics if it makes you feel better, but a $400 console with a mediocre game library simply cannot compete against an Xbox 360 priced at $200 in this economy." Ooh! Dem's fightin words.
As for PSP? Same story. DS made Sony's handheld look amateur last month (final score: 1.57m to 421K -- guess who won?). PSP is too expensive, claims Silicon Alley Insider. It has super graphics that "no one cares about." And the games -- where are the new games?
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December 13th, 2008, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
Here's something nifty. Playing the Japanese demo of Namco Museum on PS3 unlocks special items in PlayStation Home. We've confirmed that this works with the US version of Home after downloading the Namco Museum Beta from the Japanese PS store.
In order to get the schwag, you first need to create a Japanese PSN account. After that, you can download the demo, which contains playable Pac-Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, and Xevious. Achieving high scores in the games will "gift" you with several in-Home items; we've snagged a Galaga T-Shirt so far, but have received tips that a full Galaga arcade machine can be obtained and placed in your virtual apartment.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:26 Posted By: wraggster
Dungeon Maker 2 came out in the US this week with little… well let’s be honest Joe gamer doesn’t even know it exists. PSP Fanboy remembered to remind people about it, but Global A’s title isn’t going into stores with much, if any, marketing. That’s not stopping niche publisher Global A from continuing the series in Japan, though.
This spring Nanatama Chronicle of Dungeon Maker comes out in Japan and it’s mostly sticking to the formula introduced in Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground. Players build dungeons, they get populated with monsters, and you kill them for loot. The main change is the style. Global A hired Tantei Jinguji Saburo (that’s the Jake Hunter series in North America) character designer, Katsuya Terada, to do the artwork for the game.
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December 13th, 2008, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony placed a considerable publicity campaign behind LittleBigPlanet, and the Media Molecule-developed PlayStation 3 exclusive generated lots of buzz. It didn't make November's top 10 titles, though -- so how did it sell?
Well, LBP moved 141,000 units in the United States during November 2008, according to figures provided to Gamasutra by the NPD Group. The title had debuted eighth in the October console software sales charts with 215,000 units sold.
November's weaker showing dropped the title out of the top 20 across all consoles. Across all PlayStation 3 software in November, though, LittleBigPlanet was ranked fourth behind Activision's Call of Duty: World at War, Sony's own Resistance 2, and Midway's brawler, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
Since its public unveiling at the 2007 Game Developer's Conference, Sony's heavily promoted LittleBigPlanet for its casual-friendly gameplay and innovative user-driven community features.
Represented in-game by heavily-customizable Sackboys, consumers may play cooperatively or alone through levels created by the developer, Media Molecule, or other levels created and shared by other LBP owners around the world.
Sony continues to leverage LittleBigPlanet's public image to promote its own properties and those of third parties. Sony's PlayStation Store currently offers several game-themed Sackboy costumes, including some based on Capcom's popular Street Fighter franchise.
While Sony has said that it expects LittleBigPlanet to do well in the market over the long term, it may still be concerned to observe sales of just over 350,000 units in the United States during two of the most popular shopping months of the year.
As a comparison point, the top 10 game SKUs for November alone in the U.S. all sold 297,000 copies or more.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:15 Posted By: DJB
PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.9
Created by DJB on 14th December 2008
Original News Story: HERE
Original Forum Post: HERE
Please submit bug reports & suggestsions on the official thread.

Full Version (v2.9): Megaupload Mirror - ADrive Mirror
Update Pack (for v2.6-v2.8): Megaupload Mirror - ADrive Mirror
Release Notes:
Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
I hope you enjoy this new release...
What's New:
The 5.00 M33-3 CFW Installer was updated to 5.00 M33-4.
Hold+, PSP Filer, and Recovery Flasher were updated to their latest versions.
- A PC with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and .NET Framework v2.0.
- A PSP with USB Cable and 1.50 or 3.xx/4.xx/5.xx M33 Custom Firmware Installed.
(This is needed for creating the Pandora Battery, not the Memory Stick).
- The official Sony Firmware EBOOT files for 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00.
What it does:
- Formats your PSP Memory Stick with or without MSPFormat.
- Installs the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.
- Checks the Internet for any new versions.
- Loads and Saves Configurations.
- Allows you to select which buttons to use to boot your PSP.
- Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00 to your PSP.
- Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF+PBP Menu to access all the programs.
- Installs Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.
- Installs the M33 1.50 Kernel Addon Installers to your PSP.
- Installs POPSLoader (3.30, 3.40, 3.51, 3.72, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01) to your PSP.
- Installs the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v3 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v4 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v5 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v7 to your PSP.
- Installs 5.00 M33-4 CFW to your PSP.
- Installs Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.
- Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB.
Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
Config Cleaner 3.00
CPU-Modulator 0.20
Custom Firmware Extender 3.0
CW Cheat 0.2.2 Rev D
CXMB 3.3
FuSa screenShoot
FuSa SD 1.0.48
Hold+ 3.41
JoySens 1.42b
KeyCleaner 1.4
MemoryStick-Tool v1.5
nandTool 0.40 Final NEO
PSP Filer 5.7
Recovery Flasher 1.50 by Hellcat
RSPSARDumper 3.5
UMDrip 4
USB Version Fake by Dark_Alex
How to use it:
1. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.
2. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.
3. Select the "Installation Options" and choose the installers, programs,
and other options you would like to do to your Memory Stick.
4a.(Optional) If you selected to install the XMB or Pandora Support Tools,
you will need to go to the "Support Tools Options" tab and select the
programs that you want to install.
4b.(Optional) Go back to the "Firmware+Pandora Options" and use the Pandora
Button Configurator to set up the buttons to your liking.
5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.
v2.9 (2008-12-14)
- Updated 5.00 M33-3 Installer to 5.00 M33-4.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
Hold+ 3.41 (XMB)
PSP Filer 5.7 (XMB)
Recovery Flasher 1.50 (Pandora)
Programming and Logo by: DJB
- Forahobby and Klutsh for their help with this Project in the early stages.
- Dark_Alex and Team M33 for all their work with PSP Custom Firmware.
- Team Noobz / C+D for initially making the breakthrough with the Pandora Battery.
- Hellcat plus the other homebrew developers for the great programs.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
System 3 and Eutechnyx are at work on SuperCar Challenge, a successor to this year's Ferrari Challenge that's to come exclusively to the PlayStation 3 next spring.
Key features are the inclusion of a wide breadth of supercars, in a response to criticisms of Ferrari Challenge's single minded focus on the Scuderia, and the introduction of a more involved career mode.
Ferrari Challenge received a favourable 8.3 upon review earlier this year – for more information on the follow-up, check out our exclusive hands-on.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Double Fine Productions, Inc. today announced that they have signed an exclusive publishing agreement that will bring the highly-anticipated rock-adventure Brütal Legend to gamers, headbangers, roadies and rockers worldwide next Fall. The latest creation from gaming icon Tim Schafer and the award-winning team at Double Fine, Brütal Legend is a 3rd person Action/Adventure game starring Jack Black in the role of roadie Eddie Riggs, who sets on an epic quest to build an army of rockers with only a broad axe, a big block V8 and his faithful guitar in hand.
"This is awesome news!" stated Tim Schafer, President of Double Fine Productions. "The quality and creativity of the games EA Partners has been involved with make it a perfect home for our baby, Brütal Legend. Some people were starting to wonder if the saga of Eddie Riggs would ever see the light of day, but now I think it's clear that this game, like Metal itself, cannot be killed!"
"Brütal Legend is shaping up to be a creative tour de force," said David DeMartini, Senior Vice President and General Manager, EA Partners. "At EAP, we are deeply committed to giving the industry's elite independent developers a platform to launch their creations to a worldwide audience. Tim Schafer is known for some of the richest stories and characters in our industry, and with Jack Black offering his vocal stylings for Eddie Riggs, we are extremely excited to help Tim and his talented team at Double Fine see their vision come to fruition."
Brütal Legend tells the tale of Eddie Riggs, played by Jack Black, who is drawn back through time to a mythical world dripped in Rock and Roll folklore; where great Metal titans once ruled and power chords rang from the countryside for all to hear. When an oppressed people request Eddie's knowledge of modern warfare, he pulls from his own experience in the only occupation he's ever had, a roadie for a Heavy Metal band. From this springs the most hellacious army man has ever seen, and thus brings this ancient world into the Age of Metal.
Also be sure to catch Tim Schafer and Jack Black unveil the first gameplay trailer for Brütal Legend at the 2008 Video Game Awards live this Sunday, December 14th at 9pm EST on Spike TV.
Brütal Legend will be available for the Xbox 360 video game system and PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system Fall 2009.
Double Fine is represented by CAA.
For more information on Brütal Legend please visit www.brutallegend.com.
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December 13th, 2008, 13:54 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games announced today that downloadable content for Midnight Club: Los Angeles is heading to the PS3 and 360. The South Central Upgrade Map will give players a new area of the city to explore, noted as being one third the size of the original game map. The press release explains that the new area will include L.A. landmarks like Exposition Park, the USC campus and Shrine Auditorium. This area will be free to download.
The press release continues on to announce that the South Central Content Pack can be purchased and will deliver new character competitions, races and even new music to the package. Unfortunately, no specific release or pricing information is outlined in the press release.
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December 13th, 2008, 16:44 Posted By: PSPdemon
Mk_BS has released port of Aleph One ( which plays Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity! )
Here's the release notes:
Aleph One PSP 0.1
Ported by Mk - BarrySoft
This is a PSP port (1.50 kernel only at the moment) of Aleph One I made, sadly it
actually seems to work only with Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity but not with Marathon.
I'm releasing this anyway as Marathon 2 and Infinity should already be fully playable
and I'll try to fix the Marathon issue as soon as I can.
This Project Website:
Marathon 2 - http://www.barrysoft.it/SiteV3/Products.asp?ID=9
Marathon Infinity - http://www.barrysoft.it/SiteV3/Products.asp?ID=10
Aleph One Website: http://source.bungie.org
-Save & Loading
-Low & High resolution graphics
-Multiplayer support
Known Bugs:
-Some underwater/liquid sprites can be seen from outside
-Options are not saved correctly
-Issue with energy & oxygen bars' graphics not drawn with
the right palette after CLUT animations
I've included all the required data files
as they are now freely distributable so you should
be ready to go, just copy the provided folders in
your GAME150 folder on your PSP
If for any reason you want to get the data files by yourself
just download the package from http://alephone.cebix.net/ and
create a folder called "data" in your EBOOT directory to put
the files into.
Be aware that without the font resources file that is not included
in the package the game will not start, but you can get the font file
from any package at http://source.bungie.org/get/ just rename the
font file to "Font" and place it in the "data" folder
D-PAD Walk
CROSS First trigger
SQUARE Second trigger
L Sidestep left
R Sidestep right
L + R Swim
TRIANGLE + RIGHT Next weapon
TRIANGLE + LEFT Previous weapon
TRIANGLE + UP or DOWN Look up or down
TRIANGLE + UP or DOWN (OHM) Zoom overhead map in or out
SELECT Overhead map
START In-Game menu
L + R + CIRCLE Take screenshot
L + R + TRIANGLE Tolge high resolution
TRIANGLE + CIRCLE + DOWN Fullscreen mode on
TRIANGLE + CIRCLE + UP Fullscreen mode off
-At the moment Highres graphics must first be actived to be used
-After dying press START and return to main menu to load or start a new game or press
the action button to restart from the last savegame.
To Bungie for creating such a great game and releasing it free and opensource
To the Aleph One community that made my dream of playing the Marathon Trilogy
without a mac possible
To Jonn Blanchard from RG Softworks for porting Aleph One on the GP2X, the GP2X port really
helped me a lot to understand where i should start
To the whole PSP Development scene for being so active and full of skilled devs
To my girlfriend that managed to avoid to kill me every time i wasn't answering the phone
testing the new Aleph One build
I'll add more info on how to compile the source soon, you can get it from:
I used some very dirty makefile hackery to make it work so maybe you'll have
to edit some things by yourself to get it work for you.
You can reach me at mk[at]barrysoft.it
or at my site http://www.barrysoft.it
Download Links:
Marathon 2
Marathon Infinity
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December 13th, 2008, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Try and stay SOCALM as we relay this exciting news! Sony's frequently updated SOCOM: Confrontation blog has been firing off tons of posts over the past two weeks releasing details about the trophy-infused "patch 1.30" that will eventually be making its way to the game. A recent entry into the blog revealed the addition of two oft-requested matchmaking features that are SOCOMpletely overdue -- a "quick match" mode and a party system which allows you to join games with groups of friends with ease.
The two features are actually linked -- selecting the quick match option will take you into a party lobby, where you and your PSN friend platoon can congregate. After your party is built, you can choose one of the three match types to join (16 v. 16 Ranked, Unranked and Respawn) and be automatically matched up against similarly skilled parties. However, no word has been given on a specific launch window for the much-anticipated patch -- SOCOMe on, Slant Six! The anticipation is killing us!
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December 13th, 2008, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Shadow and the rest of the JCPSP Team have today released a new build of their PSP Emulator for WIndows written in Java that plays commercial games.

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December 13th, 2008, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
News from PS3 Hacker StreetskaterFU:
HOME public beta just started a few minutes ago, and as a little bonus I write this little vulnarabilitie disclosure of HOME beta 1.3. Don't be THAT surprised, remember the decrypted HOME game files^^. HOME is the most buggy game I ever saw and they really ****ed up so much. Ok, the delays gone about 2 years but after this years of waiting as user I expect a little bit more. "It feels like 2005 tech in 2008. I'm not sure that’s what people want.", I can only agree with this comment of Microsoft. Well, here the disclosure:
The first 2 are server structure listenings. Some uninteresting files like the model files are missing, in generall the most interesting files are included. JSP files are NEVER sources, they are the response of the server. They are responded for german area.
1) scee-home.playstation.net server structure (without spaces as they are to big)
2) homeps3.online.scee.com (jsp files are no sources, they are responds of the home servers)
3) The different Content Bases:
For Developers & Alpha = http://homeps3-content.online.scee.com:10010/Alpha/Dev/
For Quality Assurance = http://homeps3-content.online.scee.com:10010/Alpha/QA/
For HOME Beta 0.9 = http://homeps3-content.online.scee.com:10010/Beta/090/
4) Take a look in the first download package \c.home\prod\live\Screens\
Only one of the XML files is encrypted, which means you can simply customize the HOME areas with your own videos, pictures and text if you use a apache + simple dns redirection.
5) Download any file from the HOME content server you want
(Well now we come to the more interesting parts^^)
Theres a download script here...
...which is meaned to act as downloader for other users profiles, avatars and more.
Example: User1 uploads his profile to the home server (see point 6), now User2 sees User1 in HOME; the downloader downloads the profile of User1 to the local HDD space of User2. So far so good. Now theres the possibility to do a realtime packet edit to download ANY file you want. It's up to you what files you think about now, but there are more than just lame user profiles on such servers ;-) To continue:
This is the structure how it looks like when a user profile is requested, after this the server responds this way:
Simply edit the filename to get your specific file
6) The most important vulnarability "upload any file to the HOME server"
The methode is nearly the same like in 5. just that you can upload instead of download a file. The structure looks like this:
Server request:
homeps3.online.scee.com/HUBPS3_SVML/fileservices/UploadFileServlet?fileNameBeginsWith=Avatar-UserXYZ.jpg&filePermission=2&fileTypeID=2&fileDesc ription=unused
Aswell theres the file you want to upload as raw data in the POST header. Just do a live edit again and inject your file. It will be saved in /HUBPS3_SVML/.
Please don't upload any r00tshells or similiar ;-)
7) At the end a funny thing "delete any file on the HOME server"
This could end really evil with a simple script :P
Please remember the last 3 vulnarabilities only work if you do a realtime packet edit. It's not possible to do this from a PC only or with fake packets!
So what is the conclusion?:
SONY ****ed it really up! First they delay HOME for more than a year, then they delay it a few times again and again till finally we have a HOME beta on a technical standard from 2005 with crappy graphics, a few boring areas and many many many many many many many many bugs. After this whole bullshitting we finally get our beta on 11.12.2008 with another delay of about 5 hours because SONY is unable to test their servers before. Congratz, to SONY for this fantastic product. THANKS!
Please remember:
Don't do anything stupid with this information which you could repent later.
Thanks for you attention, this was my little HOME vulnarabilities disclosure for you,
I think I need to clear up some things:
1) This is all public information anyone with a bit networking knowledge can get.
2) At no time I hacked the servers. The HOME errors are NOT caused by me! The explainations are all based on theorethical base!
3) All scripts and responds are client site, so all legal.
4) I like the idea of HOME but the tech of 2005 is a fact.
5) I'm not responsible for other people which are going to experiment with the provided information.
6) I think this disclosure is very ok, think about the 2 options:
1. I disclosure it and it gets fixed by SONY.
2. Someone else use the bugs, uploads a shell, roots the server, kills your HOME.
As many people just don't understand what are the risks of this crappy server structure, here is it in simple words:
1) Uploading own files to hack the server itself
2) Replace original files and insert code which could damage your PS3
3) Executing unsigned code via replaced LUA and JAVA files
These are the most important issues. I'm not responsible for any actions you do. Thanks for attention,
full download links on his blog here --> http://streetskaterfu.blogspot.com/2...cial-home.html
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December 13th, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from Alek of Dark Alex fame:
PlayStation Home has been officially launched under open beta.
But well, you know what does "beta" means. And what does means "open". Beta will make it full of bugs, and Open will mean that you will get tons of errors trying to connect this first days.
SKFU has posted some relevant information about this beta "game", or if you would like to say it like that, about this beta "experience" that is at the moment, full of bugs.
Between all the possible bugs and things that could be done, SKFU decides to explain one that could allow any user to upload any file to the HOME server. That's a huge vulnerability. Lol.
I have to agree with SKFU when he says that "First they delay HOME for more than a year, then they delay it a few times again and again till finally we have a HOME beta on a technical standard from 2005 with crappy graphics, a few boring areas and many many many many many many many many bugs." Well, at least bowling is funny. Oh, wait, yeah, also it is chess and that old fashioned rock dance.
Of course, remember that this information is just for clarification purposes, and you must NOT use it to do bad, bad things.
Btw, seems like all the houses made under the closed beta have been deleted.. Too bad, we'll have to recreate it. Hope that it wont be too expensive. Lol again.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Alex812
Futoshiki game (sort of japan puzzle) made with PGELua_002.
4 levels: Easy!, Easy, Hard, Hard!
Puzzles generated by Futoshiki V2: ihsan.biz
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December 13th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News from pegasus2000
PocketSphinx is a tecnology developed by Carniege Mellon University (CMU).
It is an open-source system for voice recognition.
Visilab has ported this tecnology under Nanodesktop. It shall be available
in the next Nanodesktop release. In this way, nd applications will be
able to interact with the users using voice messages.
Here you can see a proof-of-concept video of the new tecnology:
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December 13th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
News from pegasus2000
blue_eye4, a developer of the Nanodesktop team, has completed the porting of the library LibsPopC under nd.
Using this library, the nd applications will be able to download the mail messages by a POP3 server.
The new component shall be available in the next version of Nanodesktop.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa
I released a new PSP Game Homebrew, BattleShip, a porting of the battle ship

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December 13th, 2008, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/releases from Art;
Finished to work on new programs so...
Here is Laser Invaders source code for the current version
which will probably also be the last version.
Laser Invaders source (current version) :
For Powernoid I should have used a single multidimensional array.. oh well.
This is the not yet released V3c with a couple of bug fixes to stage 15.
Powernoid source (V3c) :
XMB screensaver is based on 3.52 boot launch example from PSPprogramming.com
Source code does not include source for individual screensaver demos.
XMB Screensaver source :
Fun Intrafont sine wave text scroller demo to be released when I'm finished with it:
Released under X-Flash environmental license (or whatever).. just don't mess up the place!
Cheers, Art.
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December 13th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/releases from Mapache
Hi, a nice lib that i make.
Lets you use SHA-1 or SHA-256 (normal ones) or SHA-512 (custom algo).
Useful if you want make a encryption app, etc.
Read the include file in the package for use,
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December 13th, 2008, 21:02 Posted By: AdamRav
All Thanks Go To JK108 For Taking His Own Time Making Scripts For Us To Use
Here it is. Ultimate PSPtube 1.5. A modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP. There are 24 sites included. Below is the readme which includes how to change the site order and disable certain sites.
Ultimate PSPTube 1.5
Scripts & Various Features - JK108
Original Program - SofiyaCat
Main Theme - Psimxc
Optional Theme - Salvy
This is a modification for PSPTube which aims to deliver a fully working video
streamer to the PSP with as little trouble as possible. The original PSPTube was
created by SofiyaCat. All scripts and various other features were created by JK108.
The main theme for Ultimate PSPTube was created by Psimxc. The optional theme was
created by Salvy. If there are any problems with the program please let me know
on the PSPHacks or MaxConsole forums and I will do my best to fix them.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh and Guba
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-Shufuni shows the first page of results for all pages
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
Delete any old version of Ultimate PSPTube that is already on your PSP and then simply copy the folder
"Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP. There should now be the folder
"PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
While Not Playing Video:
Select - Changes the selected site which is displayed in the top left corner.
X - Play the selected video.
O - Search for videos on the selected site.
Triangle - Brings up the menu where you can save to favourites, add to playlist etc.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
L Trigger - Previous page of results.
R Trigger - Next page of results.
While Playing Video:
O - Stops the video returns to search results.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
Triangle - Hides the time display. Press again to hide video playback and then press again to show all.
Select - Change the video playback size.
Start - Pauses the video. Press again to resume.
Left Arrow - Slows down the playback speed.
Right Arrow - Speeds up the playback speed.
How To Change The Site Order & Disable Certain Sites
Ultimate PSPTube has a feature allowing you to change the order that the sites are
displayed in as well as selecting what sites you actually want to display. To change
the site order or stop sites from being displayed, you need to edit the config.js file
found in root folder of Ultimate PSPTube. Below is an example of the section that
contains the site order and what sites to display.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
As you can see the order in the example above goes YouTube, then TNAFlix, then
CrunchyRoll, etc. If you want to change the site order all you have to do is switch the
lines around. If you want to disable a site you can put // in front of the line
containing that site. Below is another example with a few changes.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
Now the order of the sites in the above example goes YouTube, then Dailymotion, then
Veoh, etc. Also notice that in this example TNAFlix and Guba wouldn't be displayed in Ultimate
PSPTube because they have // in front of them.
Veoh Family Filter
You can turn Veoh family filter on or off in the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//Veoh Family Filter
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.VeohFamilyFilter = 0;
In the example above, Veoh family filter is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, Veoh family filter would be turned on.
YouTube High Quality
You can turn YouTube high quality on or off in the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//YouTube High Quality
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.YouTubeHighQuality = 1;
In the example above, YouTube high quality is turned on because it is set to 1. If you set
it to 0, YouTube high quality would be turned off. It is turned off by default. When it is
turned on, the high quality video will be displayed instead of the normal
quality video if it is available.
File & Folder Structure
Optional Theme/EBOOT.PBP
Optional Theme/Preview.jpg
Optional Theme/Readme.txt
Ultimate PSPTube/favorites
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/CrunchyRoll.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Dailymotion.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Google Video.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Guba.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/LiveLeak.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MetaCafe.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MuchoSucko.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MySpace Videos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MyVideo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/NothingToxic.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Pornhub.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/RedTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Shufuni.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/StageVu.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/ThatVideoSite.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TNAFlix.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tube8.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TubeIso.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tudou.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/VBox7.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Veoh.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Wanktube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/XVideos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/YouTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/dvemgr.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/mediaengine.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/site_man.js
Ultimate PSPTube/config.js
Ultimate PSPTube/EBOOT.PBP
Ultimate PSPTube/Readme.txt
-RedTube is now included
-StageVu is now included
-ThatVideoSite is now included
-An optional theme is now included
-MyVideo script is fixed after it stopped working because the site changed
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because the site changed
-Fixed a bug in Veoh where some searches would return no results when they should do
-Fixed a bug in Crunchyroll where the thumbnails weren't showing as the site changed
-Fixed a bug in YouTube where it would only show the first few thumbnails due to site changes
-Fixed a bug in YouTube while high quality is enabled where videos wouldn't load
if there wasn't a high quality version due to changes to the YouTube site
-TubeIso is now included
-YouTube script is fixed after it stopped working because the site layout changed
-Integrated YouTubeHQ into the normal YouTube script. There is now an option in the
config to use high quality mode on YouTube when its available
-Fixed a bug in MySpace Videos where the description was sometimes incorrect
-Fixed a bug in many of my scripts where it would incorrectly display the number of
views if it was more than a million
-Fixed a bug in TNAFlix where the description wasn't displaying correctly
-MetaCafe is now included
-XVideos is now included
-Tudou is now included
-Pornhub is now included
-YouTubeHQ is now included
-Family filter for Veoh is now an option in the config
-YouTube bug fixed where it comes to the end of results on the first page
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because they changed the way
the video length was displayed on their site
-LiveLeak is now included
-VBox7 is now included
-Small improvements to video descriptions
-NothingToxic is now included
-Tube8 is now included
-Hyperlinks in descriptions are now replaced with their text
Example: "<a href="http://www.somesite.com">Here</a>" becomes "Here"
-HTML Image tags are now removed from descriptions
Example: "<img src="http://www.somesite.com/someimage.gif">" is removed
-Small bug fixes
-Original Release
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December 14th, 2008, 03:21 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for the PSP:

New Features for PSP Include:
2D Match Display - For the first time ever on PSP, Football Manager Handheld now features a 2D match engine with two camera angles, allowing you to view the full match or zoom in on the action.
Multiple Leagues - Run up to four top tier playable divisions at any one time so you can move your career around the continent just like you can in the PC version.
Updated Competitions - All leagues, club and player updated for the new 2008/09 season.
New Skins - Featuring two brand new skins, a light and a dark tone, so you can choose the look that suits you best.
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December 14th, 2008, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
A recent offer on the official Guitar Hero: World Tour site has had us scratching our heads all day (much to the chagrin of our dandruff-covered keyboards). The oddly-worded promotion states that if you purchase (or have purchased) the 360 or PS3 versions of the Complete Guitar Game bundle of GH:WT before the end of the year, you'll be able to "choose five free downloadable tracks." The promotional site is currently adorned with a banner asking potential downloaders to "check back soon".
We're confused as to why they're only extending the offer to purchasers of the $90 Complete Guitar Game bundle, which only includes a wireless guitar and the game disc, and not to owners of the $190 full band kit or standalone game -- perhaps its a measure to boost sales of the guitar bundle? We also don't know why Wii World Tour-ers are excluded from the deal. Also, from what pool will we be "choosing" our five free downloadable tracks? The pre-existing DLC? A new batch of track packs? The complete discography of Michael Bolton? Hopefully we'll know more when the promotion goes live.
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December 14th, 2008, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster
If you've already gotten your hands on Pandemic Studios' largely unsung Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, then logic would dictate that you've already done blowed it up a great many times. Still, it's been our experience that one can never have too many explosions, which is why we've been looking forward to the Mercs 2 "Blow It Up Again" DLC pack that EA has been hinting at for some time. You know, the one with the president-elect and the Tina Fey-impersonating governor in it.
Well, the wait for said DLC is officially over for PS3 owners -- it's available to download on the PSN right this hot second. Fret not, Three-Sixtyites; it'll land on the Marketplace this coming Tuesday, December 16. In addition to the new political havoc-wreakers, the pack adds four new game types, and based off of the trailer for the DLC which we've posted after the break, it includes a veritable cornucopia of detonations -- and all for the low, low price of free.
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December 15th, 2008, 00:19 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Emeric0101
Good evening,
All programming is something else, I made a piece of code I found marant and I quickly made a puzzle game ^ ^
But the game: Go green without touching the red as soon as possible
The gameplay is quite interesting and it is far from easy game (apart from the first level)
For the moment I do not gfx, effects, and all because I want to know how you find this game before further. So thank you to give your opinion
Cross: Accelerate
Round: Slowing
Right and Left: Change of direction
L and R: Changing the size of the cube
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December 15th, 2008, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Art;
HI Guys,
Here's an Intrafont Sine Wave Text Scroller for programmers because I haven't
seen any other example code for it on PSP.
Based on code from Noobz Goofy Exploit demo (src provided by Fanjita).
Uses Intrafont by BenHur.
It does not have pixel resolution like the original demo (characters don't bend),
but if you're up for a real challenge, hack intrafont and do it
The compiled EBOOT demo is in the zip package also.
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December 15th, 2008, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
updated release from torch of his Battery Saver Plugin
Changelog v3.42
Fixed a bug in the faulty Hold switch detection method. It should now be very resistant to problems such as CPU remaining underclocked due to faulty Hold switch.
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December 15th, 2008, 20:35 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sales of the PlayStation 3 exclusive LittleBigPlanet were 141,000 units during November in the US, according to data from NPD reprinted by Gamasutra.
During its debut month in October, the Media Molecule developed title shifted 215,000 copies, making it the eighth biggest-seller in the region behind other new releases Fable II and Fallout 3.
The numbers will be disappointing for Sony during the two busiest retail months of the year, when software sales during November alone were up 11 per cent, to USD 1.31 billion.
Other PlayStation 3 titles that outsold LittleBigPlanet during November were Activison's Call of Duty: World at War, Sony's Resistance 2 and Midway's Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe.
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December 15th, 2008, 20:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via IGN
Although there was internet speculation recently regarding a possible videogame adaptation of the epic poem Dante's Inferno coming out of EA, official word has been released that the game is in fact in development by EA Redwood Shores. The press release offers little in the way of game details and no platforms have been confirmed.
Executive Producer Jonathan Knight comments: "the time is right for the world of interactive entertainment to adapt this literary masterpiece, and to re-introduce Dante to an audience who, until now, may have been unfamiliar with the remarkable details of this great work of art. It's the perfect opportunity to fuse great gameplay with great story."
We'll have further coverage on Dante's Inferno as more information becomes available.
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December 15th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Three Speech has just reported the news that all Singstar fans wanted to hear: full backwards compatibility for Singstar PS3 arrives tomorrow.
An automatic, free online update at 10am GMT tomorrow will allow the PS3 version of Singstar to play songs from any PS2 Singstar disc.
"Start your SingStar PS3 session as normal by loading any SingStar PS3 disc - then, you'll be able to swap it for any PS2 disc for the rest of the session," says Three Speech.
Now all we need are those wireless mics. Still, Ellie will be delighted - not least because it provides us with an excuse to link to her extraordinary Singstar footage again.
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December 15th, 2008, 20:50 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
The first in-game God of War 3 trailer is out and you can watch it on this very page.
As you'd expect the video - which was released during the announcement-heavy Spike VGA awards last night - shows Kratos getting all kinds of angry and smashing up some Greek ghouls. Sort of reminds us of our lads' holiday.
Its also gives you a chance to judge comments made by GoW creator David Jaffe, that the third games looks even better than visual champ Gears of War II. We're going to have to see it on a proper telly before we call that one.
Trailer at CVG
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December 15th, 2008, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Mega Bass HiFi Stereo Speaker with Charging Station for PSP-3000/PSP Slim wrapped with high quality silver electroplated front speaker covers. Comes bundled with infrared remote control.
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December 15th, 2008, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Novel and functional design luxury leather pocket to hold your PSP-3000 and PSP Slim console securely. Play any games directly without removing the pocket. It comes bundled with a luxurious leather handy strap.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
With PlayStation 3 being dubbed a "sinking ship" on these shores, it could definitely use a system seller. Sony Europe sees PlayStation Home – not a game, but a social platform – becoming something that people will buy PS3 for across the pond.
Speaking with CVG, Home's European service manager, Dan Hill, remarked that, "In time I would say that Home will definitely become a reason to purchase [PS3]." Hill sees Home as a determining factor in future console purchases because, in his opinion, "no-one else is doing anything of this scale or ambition," and promises that, "If you buy a PS3 and you grow with us, as Home evolves, you are going to become part of something very special, something unlike you can experience anywhere else." Something like ... Quincying.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai has sent us a delightfully colorful press release, announcing its intentions to release Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi's latest game, Noby Noby Boy, on the PlayStation Network sometime in "early 2009." As an eager and gluttonous worm ... thing, it's your objective in Noby Noby Boy to devour objects throughout the world and stretch your body to unprecedented lengths. It seems your growing gut can interact with other objects, so you'd best beware of becoming entangled in someone's house. Oh, the embarrassment!
Though no exact price nor launch date has been given for the US, Japan is set to receive the stretchy smiler on January 29th for ¥800 ($8.78).
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December 15th, 2008, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Our man Kevin Kelly is grilling celebs on the red carpet at the VGAs, and in addition to Kevin's standards ("Where's the cool party after the show?" and "Can I have a ride home?"), he's also asking about a few more substantial topics. This first nugget comes from Alex Evans of Media Molecule who said: "The LittleBigPlanet packs are going to be a lot more than what people are thinking they will be. They will be very substantial."
That's all we've got for you at the moment, but stay put for all the latest updates.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Are Ready at Dawn reconsidering their flight from Playstation Portable development?
You may recall that back in June, Ready at Dawn announced that they were going to stop developing for the PSP after putting out the fantabulous God of War: Chains of Olympus. They even put their money where their mouth was, returning all of the PSP dev kits to Sony.
But recently they posted about the continued success of Chains and Daxter.
According to Gamasutra, 2 out of 5 top PSP games sold on Amazon in the US last week were Ready At Dawn games with Daxter and Chains of Olympus both making the top 5.
Maybe we should reconsider this whole ‘no more PSP games’ thing because we seem to be doing pretty good at it
It sounds like they are kidding, but why not return to the PSP. Maybe Sony should send those boxes back, filled to the brim with cash to help convince Ready at Dawn.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Oh, remember that announcement about Space Invaders Extreme coming to Xbox Live Arcade? The handheld game is being revised for TVs on more than one console.
Thanks to a leak from PEGI, we also know Backbone Entertainment’s port is in development for the PlayStation 3 as a PlayStation Network downloadable game. So, PlayStation 3 owners can look forward to blasting aliens with trippy visuals redone by Space Giraffe creator Jeff Minter. Hopefully, Backbone will keep the DS soundtrack for the game and not pull any console specific exclusives since the Xbox 360 version also comes with classic Space Invaders.
Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to find anything on a PlayStation Network version of Arkanoid Live which may or may not be an Xbox 360 Arcade “exclusive”.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
At nearly the last minute Ntreevsoft confirms Fantasy Golf Pangya is coming out this year. Portable Pangya comes out in Korea on December 24th in three versions. A basic game with a card good for digital downloads for Pangya Online on PCs costs 39,000 won ($28). The limited edition pack has the game with special cover art, a figure, pouch, and a soundtrack for 79,00 won ($58). And for Pangya fans that don’t have a PSP Ntreevsoft has a PSP-3000 hardware bundle plus the limited edition Fantasy Golf Pangya package on sale for 298,000 won ($218).
No publisher has announced if they’re going to pick up Fantasy Golf Pangya, but if Crimsongem Saga is any sign Fantasy Golf Pangya could have an English language option.
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December 15th, 2008, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHk

The Portable Speaker Pro has crystal clear sound effect with super bass.The woofer effect can provide dual high-quality Speakers too.And the vibration feedback feature also let you enjoy beautiful video world.
It has form fitted design and compatible with all PSP.
Crystal Clear Sound Effect with Super Bass
Dual High-Quality Speakers with Woofer Effect
Vibration Feedback Feature
Form Fitted Design
Compatible with All PSP
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December 16th, 2008, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster

Shadow has posted a new release of the PSP Emulator for Windows written in Java:
Today we celebrate jpcsp 5 months old (yes only 5 months) with a new release
Some games are playable in this release , many showing some screens , and others of course doesn't do anything at all
There is also a recompiler included that is still beta but give some nicely results
So don't wait any longer
D/l from the download section the new release and enjoy
(btw you should have java jre installed to run the emu)
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December 16th, 2008, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
CNN has declared Sony's PS3 "a sinking ship" riffing off last Thursday's "plummeting" NPD sales results. CNN bases its gloomy diagnosis on Sony's sales plunge of 19 points, compared to sales in November 2007. That's a fair criticism, but it isolates a superficially negative statistic while ignoring the fact that this November only included two days of post-holiday sales (11/28 - 11/29) compared to last year's eight total (11/23 - 11/30). I'm speculating here, but if you could adjust for that difference, it's very likely PS3 sales would have increased, however slightly, year-over-year.
What's more, Sony rightly points out that the PS3 has seen hardware sales grow 60% year-to-date. I realize the PS3 wasn't selling well in 2007, so that figure's less impressive than it sounds, but growth is growth, any way you slice it. What's more, look at PS3 and Xbox 360 units sold in total worldwide, and Sony pretty much throughout 2008 has actually been playing catchup.
Then there's the PlayStation brand overall, which when you factor in the PSP and PS2, topped 1 million units, more than the Xbox 360's 836,000. The PlayStation brand has in fact pretty easily muscled past the Xbox brand practically every month since the PS3's launch. Sony's margins on the PSP and PS2 are almost certainly better than the PS3's, so which company's actually been more profitable in overall unit sales is less obvious than it seems.
On the other hand, CNN's whacking the nail on the head when it raises the problem of the PlayStation 3's price. The recession's been on well and long enough for Sony to have reacted by now, and yet it's stubbornly clung to that $400 entry point. Had it dropped the PS3's price to $300 or even $350 it's a safe bet October and November's numbers would've tallied much more favorably. Both Microsoft and Sony have a solid stable of exclusives, and both have interesting companion services, but it's price and not NXE/Netflix or PlayStation Home that's deciding the battle at the moment.
Quick points...
CNN's right that the video-game industry isn't recession proof. Nothing is. The rest of us saying as much merely mean "recession-proof-so-far," which it clearly is compared to other ebbing economic indices.
CNN says the differences between Blu-ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50". I suppose that'd be true if your eyes are somehow genetically fixed at 720 x 480 (NTSC). For the rest of us, Blu-ray at even 720p (1280 x 720) with all its other commensurate upticks in sample rates and color quality is shockingly better than the visuals output of the average DVD.
And finally, "the PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console." Really? I guess CNN's not familiar (or perhaps just not partial to) exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future, Wipeout HD, Valkyria Chronicles, the original Resistance: Fall of Man (twice the game the sequel is, in my opinion), and MLB 08: The Show. When you're talking new unit sales, you count the whole history of notable exclusives, not just the last month or two of holiday attention-grabbers.
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December 16th, 2008, 02:14 Posted By: wraggster
A little while back, Square Enix hinted that Final Fantasy XII fans would have something big to look forward to with Final Fantasy: Dissidia. Today, the big surprise came to light: a Judge character -- possibly Gabranth -- will be appearing in the fighter!
This wasn't an official announcement by Square Enix. As promised in a recent developer interview, Dissidia saw its final trailer aired on Japanese television late Monday night/early Tuesday morning. While the trailer was mostly recycled footage, a five second clip at the end showed the Judge character in conversation with Cosmos and Shantotto.
While the trailer didn't let us get a glimpse of combat with the new character, it's presumable that he will be playable. The only question is, will he be selectable from the start, or will you have to unlock him?
This question will probably be answered when Dissidia hits Japanese retail on the 18th.
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December 16th, 2008, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mr305
This was first time I coded for the PSP -- with this project; back in 2006... It's been rotting since then; . I didnot know any C except for printf and scanf's; but I finally managed to come up with this
Everyone should ATLEAST attempt to code for the PSP, even if you know just the basics of programming; hopefully this will be a good encouragement
This is a simple yet addictive side scroller with gorgeous Backgrounds and a pseudo 3d plane.
Story: Fight aliens to win back our galaxy and enter exotic location during your trip
Start - Pause
Circle - Fast Bullets (Beware of engine overheating)
Cross - Single Bullets
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December 16th, 2008, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Smokescreen
how 2 use:
- add Mute.prx to vsh.txt
- plug in your headphones
- enable Mute.prx in CFW recovery menu
- listen to your favorite music
- pull the phoneplug and the music (vsh) should pause till you reinsert the plug.
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December 16th, 2008, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NoEffex
Well, the abbreviation pretty much covers it. In doing digging into various things I wrote this up and found it quite useful in tracking down various things.
readme says:
Stick it into seplugins, and game.txt. If you dunno how, you shouldn't be using this.
Can only be used in homebrew/game, not vsh, as it's a kernel prx, and hijacking the framebuffer another way(other than home menu) just plain sucks.
Basic abilities:
- View current existing threads, names, entry point, status, I am looking into semaphores as we speak.
- Pause(Suspend thread)
- Resume thread
- Dump the current existing threads into a threadsdump%d.txt(where %d is the number of times you have done it, it resets per each time you reload this threadman) at the root of your memstick. This can be useful for finding locations, and if I feel like it sometime I'll have it dump the kernel area until it either freezes or whatever, which would allow some insight on how things work for some people.
Start+VolDown = open menu, must press home twice first. If home twice does not work, do it again!
Select while in menu = dump existing threads
Cross while in menu = pause selected thread
Triangle while in menu = resume selected thread
Just a forewarning, the status is kinda ghetto and is not guaranteed 100% accuracy.
Source isn't straight up included, I might stick it somewhere sometime.
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December 16th, 2008, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zielok
High quality arcade game for mobile device. You have to collect all the fruits and you must avoid the opponents. 60 levels, 10 opponents and lots of fruits is waiting for you in the different worlds.
- 60 levels
- high quality graphics
- very good gameplay
- nice music
- user friendly interface
- advanced particle system
- pixel perfect alpha channel
- free for all
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December 16th, 2008, 02:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mifki

My virtual globe homebrew application for PSP. Not so many features for now, just explore beautiful places of our planet with 3D terrain and several layers to choose from.
Your comments and ideas are welcome.
Arrows - move, L/R - zoom
cross/triangle - tilt, square/circle - rotate
start - menu
Known problems
Not sure how it will work on PSP-1000 (fat) because of less memory available, it may crash. I think next versions will be Slim-only, sorry, I'll have to drop support for older PSPs in order to implement great features I'm planning.
Devoted to S.
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December 16th, 2008, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hellcat
H E L L C A T s R e c o v e r y F l a s h e r
* recover semi-bricks * up-/downgrade your CFW *
* flash *ANY* CFW directely to almost any other *
* backup/restore firmware flash (not NAND dump) *
* make and restore NAND dumps *
>> all without Pandora <<
What is this? And why?
========================= ===============
Short version:
Flashes a fresh M33 CFW (everyone from 3.71 up) for recovering semi-bricks or to up-/downgrade CFW
does not use Pandora, runns from the recovery menu or the XMB
does not use (as in launch) the original Sony Updater (only extracts all required files from the original .PBP)
runns fine on CFWs lower than 3.52-M33-3 - handy for upgrading older FWs w/o the "need to go 3.52, then 3.52-3, then higher" odyssey :-)
runns fine from TimeMachine (3.40-OE on Fat and 3.60-M33 on Slim)
can backup the FW flash and restore selected parts (XMB theme, settings, PSN activation, complete firmware)
can make and restore full NAND dumps
Long version:
Can be found the the README!
Latest Update:
Updated 5.00-M33 installation to revision 4
Introduced "Advanced Mode" of operations - potentially dangerous functions (some of the new ones might be) are usually completely hidden and are only available when "Advanced Mode" is triggered. Those functions are meant for the more experienced users that know what they are doing quite well....
Added support for installing 3.80-M33 and 3.90-M33
Added support for installing a fresh 1.50 OFW on classic PSPs (a.k.a. Fat PSP) without having made a backup of a running 1.50 first. (Actually it first creates a new "backup" set containing a fresh 1.50 OFW that you can then use to install/restore it to your PSP)
Changed the menu a bit. Due to the ammount of FW versions now supported there's no longer one item for each FW but one menu option for selecting the desired version and one to engage the installation.
Added: Creation of NAND-Dump (fully compatible to DDC dumps)
Added: [Advamced Mode] Writing back of NAND images. Complete dump, IPL only or LFlash only
Added: [Advanced Mode] Installing selected firmware version as ORIGINAL firmware
Added: ressurection.prx replacement - with that you can run Recovery Flasher directly instead of of the original DDC menu when booting up a DDC magic stick. WORKS ONLY FOR DDCv7!!!
When running either as DDC main menu replacement (ressurection.prx) OR launched from a DDC booted FW (from memstick) you have the option to either boot up / exit to the XMB or to jump into the original DDC menu. So when using the ressurection.prx replacement you are still able to use the DDC features.
Fixed: App-Launcher display mess up when more additional apps/games were available than fitted on screen
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December 16th, 2008, 03:05 Posted By: wraggster
New release from NoEffex of his Cheat Device for Socom Fireteam Bravo 2:
heres whats new:
Changed the method in which I did the main/in-game menu variables and cheats.
Fixed the score modder.
Heavy optimizing of the cheat structure. It does more advanced calculations that I did not think of at the time of initial development. Total Size decreased. Speed increased.
Removed attachment modder. It failed.
Removed the stack viewer.
Pretty much redid the in-game menu, it had become all messed up on recent updates.
Much changes toward optimizing overall. Size matters.
The stick grenades and anything pertaining to nearest player now works. Again.
Added a kernel area dumper. Suicidal.
Everything pertaining to files in the seplugins folder shifted to a bakon folder inside seplugins. Cluttered seplugins suck. It will create the folder for you, but if you want to use your old ones you gotta move em.
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December 16th, 2008, 19:27 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
As promised, Bethesda Softworks has released a patch to add Trophy support to Fallout 3, and to sort out stuttering during system notifications, while "other issues reported within the community" are also tackled.
The 24MB patch, which takes the game to version 1.10, should automatically download for US and UK gamers, and Bethesda said yesterday that "Updates for other PS3 territories, as well as Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game, are on their way".
The Trophy list is the most obviously appreciable change, although as ever with these it's not retroactive. There are 51 Trophies to hunt down for those who've waited, in a list that mirrors the Xbox 360 Achievements except for the addition of a Platinum Trophy for gamers who gather all the other ones.
As for the stuttering, it's one of a number of issues endured by PS3 owners, as we detailed in our Fallout 3 Triple Format Face-Off last month, although for the best experience we concluded you might prefer to play it on the PC anyway.
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December 16th, 2008, 19:30 Posted By: Shrygue
via Games Industry
Sony plans to refresh the PlayStation Portable product line with a PSP-4000 model in late 2009 and launch a true successor at a later date.
Publishing sources, speaking to our sister site Eurogamer.net, were unable to provide any further detail on next year's update, which will presumably follow this year's PSP-3000 in taking an iterative approach.
The PSP-3000 launched this October and followed a 2000-series model, the first Slim & Lite, in September 2007.
Even fewer details were available on the PSP successor, but we're told that developers are already working on games.
Sony UK said today that it would not comment on rumour and speculation.
PSP-3000 bundles currently retail for GBP 129.99 the UK following its October launch, and despite sporadic software support and fewer platform-exclusives than Nintendo's DS, strong sales in Japan have propelled it to sales of over 30 million according to Sony's corporate sales website.
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December 16th, 2008, 19:36 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Sony's new PS3 virtual world Home will, in time, become a console seller, according to Home's Euro manager.
While Home will initially introduce new revenue streams for Sony through partnerships with publishers, advertisers and the likes of clothing and furniture companies, it's arguable to what degree the application will help sell PS3s.
Dan Hill, Home service manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, thinks it will eventually shift consoles.
"... In time I would say that Home will definitely become a reason to purchase [PS3], he told CVG. "Today, we are at the beginning of a long journey - now is the time to start its evolution."
Hill also told us that "no-one else is doing anything of this scale or ambition".
But does Home have the potential to help PlayStaion Network catch up, or even surpass, Xbox Live?
"The PlayStation Network is getting better all the time," according to Hill, "and Home is integral to our online offering. If you buy a PS3 and you grow with us, as Home evolves, you are going to become part of something very special, something unlike you can experience anywhere else."
Have you sampled Home yet? What do you guys think of its potential?
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December 16th, 2008, 19:41 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Commenting on the 40-odd seconds of God of War III shown during last night's VGAs, series creator David Jaffe says that it looked good, but not as impressive as the game does in its most current form. You may recall that Jaffe had heaped some extremely high praise on the game's visuals after he recently saw it in action.
Last night's footage is only part of what he saw during an internal SCEA meeting, Jaffe revealed on his blog. "The stuff I saw that I raved about was probably finished 1-2 days before I got to the studios. The Spike stuff I saw had aleady been turned into Spike so it was 100% older," he explained.
"To give you an idea, the stuff I saw that I raved about looked about 25-30% better [than the HD footage Spike broadcast]," he said of the closed meeting footage, adding, "It happened to blow me away and remains the best looking console game I've ever seen ... beyond Gears 2 which so far is the best looking console game ever released." As for what Jaffe had to say to those who questioned his likening of GOW3 to a painting, well, you'll have to hit his blog to read that colorful prose (and watch a video of his thoughts on video game awards shows).
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December 16th, 2008, 20:43 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
A new batch of Resident Evil 5 screenshots have appeared on the internet - and they're the best yet.
The shots come via US games Gamepro and show all new environments including a big swamp (giant crocodiles included) and a flame-filled industrial area.
Don't take our word for it though - have a look at the gallery below, and find the rest on mag Gamepro's site.
It's out for both PS3 and Xbox 360 in March.
Screenshots here
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December 16th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster

According to Eurogamer, sources close to Sony say that sometime in the future, a new PlayStation Portable will be released. While there's been no official word, the game site is reporting that there could be an update to the current PSP (which might be called the PSP 4000), and in the not-too-distant future (2010 or 2011), Sony will introduce a completely new model, confusingly dubbed the "PSP2." David Reeves, SCEE president has recently been quoted as making vague, suspicious statements such as "there are currently no plans for a PSP2," and "I go to Tokyo quite a lot and no one has referred to it - I think they have their hands full at the moment." Nice try Reeves, but If you keep up these kinds of thinly veiled allusions to a new system, we suspect it's only a matter of years till this cat's out of the bag.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:01 Posted By: wraggster
With a commercial that has a clear message and is blessedly miles away from the company's ads of yore, Sony launched its Video Delivery Service ad campaign last night during Monday Night Football. The spot features a 20- or 30-something who justifies his purchase of a PS3 to his skeptical girlfriend by calling it a "movie downloading machine."
Sony states it currently has 1000 full-length movies and 2700 TV episodes for download. Check out the full ad after the break. Now, if Sony would only change its thoughts about Netflix.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
The official PlayStation blog is reporting that "parts of the PlayStation Network" will be down this morning for regularly scheduled maintenance. Here at Joystiq HQ, we can't seem to log in to the Store, and some of us are reporting newly found issues connecting to Home, but the friends list and messaging seem to be working just fine. We'll keep an eye on things and let you know when everything's back up and running.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Rather than just release an endless stream of sackboy costumes, Sony and Media Molecule are now introducing LittleBigPlanet Level Packs, combining several themed elements together at a relatively sensible price.
Take this week's release of the Festive Level Pack, available in the PlayStation Store this Thursday for $2.99. Sure, we're still getting a couple of cute little sackboy costumes, but we're also getting on new create material, two new objects, six new decorations, and a ton of new stickers, all in keeping with the pack's festive holiday theme. It's basically everything you need to create your own holiday-themed LBP level, from Christmas ornaments to your own Santa's sleigh.
The Festive Level Pack is just the first of many, though if you plan on getting this one you'd better act fast - after January 8th it's gone.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
The latest issue of Japanese weekly magazine Shōnen Jump reveals that a video game tie-in for the utterly ridiculous Dragonball Evolution is in the works for the Sony PSP.
The tiny blurb for the upcoming Japanese PSP title doesn't reveal much outside of a March 2009 release date, and only lists the PSP as a platform, which is a bit odd in this age where movie tie-ins hit every platform possible. In fact, lately we've seen a trend of big games hitting everything but the PSP, so this is some sort of bizarro world reverse reality thing we are dealing with, sort of like the strange parallel Earth where making the Dragonball live-action film seemed like a good idea.
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December 16th, 2008, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
Couple of sad stories for you today, PS3 owners. One involving a cute little title that should never have been thrust into the limelight as a system seller. The other, a gorgeous tactical RPG.
Let's start with LittleBigPlanet, then. Media Molecule's quirky, original platformer was always going to be a struggle to sell to the holiday masses, what with it being an original IP that involved neither rock music nor guns. But even Sony's most pessimistic sales teams wouldn't have been prepared for this.
The game sold an OK-ish 205,000 units in October, but wasn't out for that long. It'd do a lot better in November, when it was on sale for all four weeks, right? No. It sold a disappointing 141,000 units for the month, which saw it slip out of NPD top 20 charts altogether.
Lord only knows how few copies it would have sold had it not been marketed to hell and high water. Then again, maybe that was the game's problem. The game itself is fine, as its "failure" is a relative one. Selling 346,000 of a niche, debut IP with novel concepts would otherwise have been a huge success!
But selling 346,000 copies of your most high-profile holiday release? That is not a success
The second game we're looking at today is an even sadder tale. Valkyria Chronciles is one of the best-looking games of this hardware generation, and although tactical RPGs of the Japanese variety aren't big sellers, it still would have been nice to see it move more than 33,000 copies in North America for the month of November.
33,000 means the game wasn't even in the top 100-selling titles for the month. Meaning it probably got beaten by some Imagine: and Nancy Drew games. So sad.
Quality PS3-exclusive titles are few and far between these days, so why were two of the best for the holiday season such poor performers? PS3 owners? Suggestions?
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December 16th, 2008, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 owners won’t need to be jealous of all the winter accessories Microsoft avatars have when Dress arrives on the PlayStation Store. The self described “fashion entertainment” program is coming out in Japan sometime in January and it’s packing plenty of Beams t-shirts.
Personally, I don’t care about virtual vanity, but the mysterious Beams world is interesting. Is Dress going to be partially a game or is it just going to be an avatar fashion show?
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December 17th, 2008, 00:18 Posted By: wraggster
A new Blu-ray firmware update has fixed a flaw in the format's DRM, which made the discs susceptible to piracy.
The update is for BD+ and makes the format secure once more, after companies like SlySoft, creators of the AnyDVD HD software, bragged about finding a way around the disc's DRM.
Admittedly, someone called James on the SlySoft forums does think that the new update won't hold for long, saying that he "estimates February 2009 for the new BD+ to be defeated."
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December 17th, 2008, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Starting tonight, our Video Delivery Service campaign officially launches with our first airing on Monday Night Football, but we're giving our loyal fans an early look right here.
When the Video Delivery Service launched on July 15th, we broadened our content offering to include TV shows and movies to make the PS3 the total entertainment package. With nearly 1000 full-length movies and 2700 TV episodes for download onto the PS3 or PSP, the Video Delivery Service brings you digital entertainment right into your living room (popcorn not included). So check out great titles like The Dark Knight, Hancock, Iron Man, Family Guy, and much more.
The TV spot uses humor to convey that the PS3 is not just a gaming machine but also a "movie downloading machine" when a guy tries to win over his skeptical girlfriend. You'll have to watch the TV spot to find out how this classic guy vs. girl face-off plays out to see who wins in the end.
And don't forget, you only have until December 31, 2008 to save $150 on the purchase of a PLAYSTATION 3 by signing up for a PlayStation credit card!
We know you guys are a vocal group and we look forward to reading your comments. Enjoy and roll the video!
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December 17th, 2008, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Setting a spot in the homebrew scene is Scorpus with his rendition of Thing-Thing for the PlayStation Portable. Never heard of it? Here’s the 411: Thing-Thing is an extraordinarily violent flash game, or series of games, created by Weasel of Diseased Productions. It’s very popular amongst citizens of the Internet world allowing character customization, a vast selection of weaponry, and of course plenty of bloodshed — just enough to make Jack “crybaby” Thompson cringe.
Keep in mind: Thing-Thing is currently beta. Scorpus plans a full (version 1.0) release in the New Year around February. Campaign mode isn’t available yet; but while in Arena mode, kill to your heart’s content. Please report any bugs via the release / discussion thread.
For those who’ve been playing previous versions of Thing Thing;
the 0.9.1 changes:
Fixed the bug where if you were jumping over an enemy you could get attacked
Fixed some minor graphics errors
Fixed some very minor AI quirks I found
Added a cheat. Not telling you what it is though
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December 17th, 2008, 20:55 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
DICE and Electronic Arts have unlocked the Time Trial mode in the recent demo version of Mirror's Edge for PS3 and Xbox 360.
To unlock it, all you have to do is click Race and then Play Time Trial in the main menu and enter any 16-digit number (incidentally, the press release helpfully suggests "0000-0000-0000-000" - oops).
Time Trial mode involves legging it around the game's pristine city against the clock, stringing together all your best moves to save time. You can also download ghosts of your friends doing it to try and beat.
EA also says that the unlocking trick should work whether you're downloading the demo afresh or have had it for ages.
The demo also includes single-player tutorial and prologue sections for those of you who haven't had a crack on Mirror's Edge at all yet.
Mirror's Edge launched on PS3 and 360 in mid-November and picked up 8/10 in its Eurogamer review. It's a game about running around rooftops and buildings stylishly from the first-person perspective, and when you get into your stride it's very good.
When you don't, however, it's a bit jarring, and the indoors bits are rubbish, and the story's really irritating.
Fortunately the Time Trial bit is excellent, so give it a go, and owners of the full game can look forward to more Time Trial maps set in a crazy VR world devoid of proper graphics, which looks dead slick, in January.
The game's also due out for PC on 16th January, and will boast all sorts of graphical improvements when it does.
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December 17th, 2008, 21:01 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
Remember that Resident Evil 5 demo? The one that was originally up for grabs via Xbox Live for anyone with a Japanese account, but was taken down? Well, it's going to be officially released in the US in early 2009, according to Capcom.
The publisher held an RE5 co-op multiplayer event last night in San Francisco, at which we were given this vague date and played some previously unseen levels. Levels which we'll be able to share more on with you tomorrow. We also played the demo in question, which was in English and seemed perfectly fit to go live, er ... now.
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December 17th, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony will patch PlayStation Home this Thursday, according to Home Community Manager "TedTheDog", whose real name we did know once but now can't remember.
"We'll be patching Home this Thursday and part of this change will be the first step in tackling the connection issues that you'll know as C-931 errors," he wrote on the official forum (thanks vg247).
According to a post elsewhere, C-931 "is related to very high levels of traffic", and in theory if you keep hammering away the game will let you in at some point anyway.
We asked Eurogamer's resident technical experts - i.e. the people who try and stop our servers exploding during key giveaways - whether trying again and again is a sensible workaround for connection time-outs. They cried.
Sony launched the PlayStation Home open beta last Thursday after nearly two years of build-up and the response so far has been lukewarm.
Eurogamer MMO complained about its "stiff, airless lack of character" and games of pool that aren't instanced, but was careful to note that "its defining feature - how it feeds into and connects with PlayStation gaming as a whole - is missing", and won't be introduced for a bit.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
OK, guys and gals, we hate to break it to you -- John Koller, Sony's Director of Hardware Marketing has said it in plain English: "no plans for a PSP2 are underway." Apparently, the company is pushing developers towards the PlayStation store for their primary point of sale, a move that some people have taken to mean that the companies have been secretly developing games for some sort of new platform. Of course, in the light of some similarly "cryptic" statements we reported yesterday, some folks might continue to be gullible skeptical. Which is fine, as long as nobody asks us when the device pictured above will be released. 'Cos it won't be. Evar.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:35 Posted By: wraggster
1UP has pummeled new details out of Namco Bandai and The Mark of Kri devs at BottleRocket concerning the upcoming Splatterhouse remake, which will bloody up the Xbox 360 and PS3 sometime next year. Among the finer points spilled include a return of many of the series' weapons, including the 2-by-4 and meat cleaver, while Rick's arsenal has been expanded to include multiple weapon classes and "a few surprises."
Speaking of the original, while Namco believes the source material's graphics are "best left to nostalgia," the team notes that they have tried to remain faithful to the series' 80s horror movie vibe. Even so, the devs admit that gore is what the game "is going to be all about," promising that players will have "a very messy good time." It's amazing what you can do with that little 'M' on the box. Still, we wonder if the title will come with a disclaimer warning kids that inevitably get hold of Spatterhouse that lumber is absolutely not to be used in this manner.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Old soldiers never die; they just become LittleBigPlanet costumes. Revealed at Tokyo Game Show 2008, the Old Snake SackBoy costume is a step closer to your PS3's HDD – and it's not on a solo mission.
Sony's Hong Kong PlayStation site now lists a Metal Gear Solid costume pack for LBP along with a level pack. Old Snake, Meryl, and Screaming Mantis are available separately; buy the set, and Sony throws in Raiden (MGS4 version). There are no details on the level pack contents, so, as LBP so wonderfully encourages, we'll have to use our imagination. Better yet, what would you like (or expect) it to include?
No date for the packs Stateside just yet, but it would make us awfully merry if Sony could sneak this into next Thursday's PSN Store update
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December 18th, 2008, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ah, Error C-931. You're like a Wal-Mart greeter gone mad with power, picking and choosing who gets into the store. Well, buddy, your days are numbered. According to a post on SCEE's official Home support forum, you'll be out of a job soon. Happy Holidays.
Tomorrow's patch is "the first step in tackling the connection issues that you'll know as C-931 errors," according to the post. Wait – first step? "Its just a first step and we'll bring you more information this latter (sic) this week." Evidently, C-931 is legion and has one goal: keeping you from connecting to Home. Hopefully, thwarting you won't distract the Home team from its other tasks ... like giving people more to do once they get in.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Even with a new 10-hour campaign to its credit, we'd suggest portioning out your time with Starbreeze's shiny remake of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay when it arrives next spring. According to Eurogamer, Tigon Studios views the upcoming Assault on Dark Athena as an "episodic expansion" to the original Xbox classic, while an actual sequel is still "a couple of years out."
The Diesel-fueled developer calls the theoretical sequel "ambitious," adding that its arrival is largely contingent on whether or not the fans like the upcoming title and "tell us [they] want more." In short, money talks if players want to continue to live vicariously through Vin Diesel's manly virtual physique. Then again, there's always The Wheelman ... maybe
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December 18th, 2008, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
The forces of Cosmos and the forces of Chaos square off as beloved characters from Final Fantasies past do battle in Dissidia Final Fantasy, just announced for a mid-year 2009 release in North America.
Just released in Japan, Dissidia for the PSP is a Final Fantasy fan's dream fighting match, with good guys like Cloud, Squall, and Terra taking on the assembled pantheon of FF evil, represented by Sephiroth, Golbez, and the adorably batshit insane Kefka. It features a battle system that incorporates classic series mechanics such as overdrives and limit breaks, RPG-based character development, and a full story that supposedly makes sense, unlike most character mash-up fighting games. All that's missing here is Vivi, but with a mid-year 2009 release date, Square Enix has some time to fix that.
Along with the release window announcement, Square Enix has also announced that the Dissidia Final Fantasy Trading Arts figures will be making an appearance in the North American online store, with Cloud, Squall, Zidane, and Tidus represented in Volume 1.
Excellent news to kick off the morning! More Final Fantasy goodness, and something to justify my random purchase of a PSP 3000 this weekend. My day is complete. Going back to bed now. DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY Announced for Mid-Year 2009 Release in North America
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December 18th, 2008, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
SingStar for the PS3 was released in December 2007 (in Europe). Was meant to be the console's killer app amongst those who didn't fancy Heavenly Sword, but it hasn't really worked out that way.
That's mostly because PS2 owners who play SingStar still play SingStar on the PS2. Sony keep releasing PS2 versions of the game, so PS2 owners don't need to upgrade. Simple.
A smaller, though not insignificant reason is that the game, despite being for the all-singing, all-dancing PlayStation 3, shipped with the same rugged, ageing USB mics the PS2 version did. This despite promises the game would ship with fancy new wireless ones.
With Microsoft's Lips - which, for all the game's flaws, has excellent wireless mics - perhaps serving as a kick in the butt, Sony are now finally acting on the whole wireless mics thing.
A post on the game's MySpace page shows that the mics are finished and are going through public testing. They should be out "next year", and will surprisingly work on both PS2 and PS3 consoles.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:48 Posted By: wraggster
Enjoying Patapon 2, Japan? Bet you are. Game's been out there since last month, but as of yet, us Westerners have been kept in the dark. Least, we were until today.
We just got an email from Sony Australia, letting us know that the game will be released down here in "Early 2009". And if it's coming out here in early 2009, it'll be coming out in Europe in 2009. So even if it doesn't then come out in the US (hey, you never know, see: LocoRoco 2), you can import it.
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December 18th, 2008, 17:58 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:

Dissidia: Final Fantasy is a fighting party for all fans of the stellar RPG series to join in. Revel in the full fighting prowesses of the heroes through the cutting edge graphical capabilities of the Sony PSP and pit your favourite characters against each other to create interesting scenarios.
This is a chance to see the complete scaled representation of the characters. Characters in the first few games have all appeared as super deformed sprites due to the limitations of the earlier consoles, see the full glory of the charismatic heroes and anti-heroes and relive the awe your felt when you first saw them.
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Final Fantasy's debut, Square Enix round up the heroes and anti-heroes from their star RPG series and have them participate in a battle royale.
Belonging to the camp of the god of peace Cosmos and the god of struggles Chaos, the 20 characters are pit against each other in fighting tournaments.
The concept of winning a fight is simple, unleash a string of attacks and deplete the HP bar of your opponent. The higher your hit rate is, the more brave points you store and the more special attacks you can launch. What sure kill attacks you can employ depend on your characters.
The ultimate fight between the gods Cosmos and Chaos started, get ready to join the ranks of heroes in this massive brawl.
Here is a tiny snippet of what the game offers, you know you will get much more than this when the game arrives in your hands:
Feel free to buy a PSP just for the game. A limited edition of a PSP 3000 console package comes with the game in the 20th Anniversary Limited Pack. Both the PSP system and the game jacket spots different illustrations that are different from the normal versions.
The extravagant box set is available for US$ 369.90 only, and if you are still unsure, let us persuade you through these pictures of the elegantly designed console.
Besides the limited edition, the game is also available as Japanese and Asian editions:
Dissidia: Final Fantasy JPN US$ 64.90
Dissidia: Final Fantasy ASIA US$ 54.90
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (20th Anniversary Limited Pack) JPN US$ 369.90
All Japanese versions of the game comes with a calendar, now you can plan your days with your favourite cast of characters.
Learn how to play the game, and immerse into the beautifully chaotic worlds:
Game Guides and Art Books
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Post Card Book JPN US$ 15.90
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Ultimania Alpha JPN US$ 13.90
Audio CDs
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack JPN US$ 31.90
Dissidia: Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 38.90
The soundtracks will be available on the 24th of December, so your Silent Night need not be silent or filled with Christmas carols anymore.
Buy from Play Asia Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 18th, 2008, 18:00 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Licenced by Square Enix
Softdrink made by Suntory
Shipped randomly
8 different kinds
Please order a box of 24 pieces to receive a factory sealed container
Best Before 21-11-2009
Limited availability
The war between Kosmos and Chaos in Final Fantasy Dissidia is moving on. In line with the promotion campaign of the much awaited PSP game, Suntory, with Square Enix's license is creating potions for the warriors of both camps.
Though these drinks are unlikely to fill up your HP gauge when you feel tired, its fizziness will bring you a moment of relaxation and refreshment.
Each series, the Kosmos and Chaos versions comes with 8 cans of drinks, so the complete set is comprised of 16 cans, featuring all 14 fighters and 2 general screen capture cans.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Musou action continues with the upgraded Gundam Musou 2. New powerful mobile suits such as Psycho Gundam and Big Zams make their appearances in this installment. Pick up your weapons, rush forward and mow your opposition regiments down.
Aside from original mecha, Gundams that showed up in the TV or movies are also participating in this massive brawl. The 3 most powerful mobile suits from the SEED series, Freedom Striker, Infinite Justice and Destiny are joining up with their predecessors such as Sazabi and V-Gundam.
Politics that underlay the series is intriguing but the all out action is just as absorbing, board your mecha and take on the world.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
Idolmaster SP, the most import friendly version of the Idolm@ster games, won’t come out on January 22. Namco Bandai rescheduled all three versions for release on February 19 in Japan. The reason? Namco Bandai is using the extra time to build up enough stock to satisfy demand. Yeah, the Idolm@ster SP: Missing Moon, Wandering Star, and Perfect Sun are that hot.
Since the Idolm@ster SP games are for the region free PSP is anyone planning on importing them?
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December 18th, 2008, 18:15 Posted By: wraggster
So, Dissidia: Final Fantasy is out today and of course it’s compatible with Sony’s Ad Hoc-Party. However, Sony didn’t update Ad Hoc-Party just to support the Final Fantasy fighter. Ad Hoc-Party 1.04 supports a bucket load of PSP games now. New games like LocoRoco 2 and Patapon 2 are on the list along with classics such as Street Fighter Alpha 3: Double Upper and Me & My Katamari. Even games that don’t have co-op play like Echochrome work with Ad-Hoc Party so you can trade levels over the Internet instead of in person.
How can you join the party? You need a PlayStation 3 with built in wireless (sorry 20GB owners) and a Japanese PSN account. The Ad-Hoc Party client is free to download on the PlayStation Store. Once it’s installed on your PS3 you can use it to play ad hoc PSP games over the internet similar to using X-Link Kai.
Here’s the full list of games Ad-Hoc Party 1.04 supports. Please note that these are Japanese games so compatibility may differ with releases from other regions.
Arc System Works
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Guilty Gear Judgement
The Con
Boxers Road 2: The Real
Lost Regnum
Idea Factory
Cardinal Arc
Sengoku Efuda Yuugi: Hototogisu Ran
AQ Interactive
Jitsuroku Oniyome Nikki
Electronic Arts
NBA Street Showdown
Tiger Woods PGA Tour
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Need For Speed Underground Rivals
Burnout Dominator
Hajime no Ippo Portable Victorious Spirits
Derby Stallion P
Higurashi Daybreak Portable
Mana Khemia: Student Alliance
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower
Capcom Classics Collection
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Street Fighter Alpha 3: Double Upper
Powerstone Portable
Monster Hunter Portable
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd
Monster Hunter Portable 2G
Global A
Dungeon Maker II
Carnage Heart Portable
Daisenryaku Portable 2
Mahjong Taikai
Coded Arms
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 2
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3
Metal Gear Acid 2
Cyber Front
Korkor! Koron
Saikyou Shogi Bonanza
Nunpure 10000-mon
System Soft Alpha
Daisenryaku VII Exceed
Square Enix
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable
Kenka Banchou 3: Zenkoku Seiha
Tomb Raider Legend
Intial D Special Stage
Sega Rally Revo
Nou ni Kaikan: Minna de Aha Taiken!
Nouryoku Training Portable 2
Phantasy Star Portable
Sony Computer Entertainment
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ape Escape: On the Loose
Saru Get You: SaruSaru Daisakusen
Saru Get You: Saru Racer
Derby Time
Derby Time 2006
Tenchi no Mon 2
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Dokodemo Issho: Let’s Gakkou
Nippon no Asoko de
Patapon 2
Ape Escape Academy
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Bleach Heat the Soul
Bleach Heat the Soul 4
Bleach Heat the Soul 5
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Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
LocoRoco 2
Wipeout Pure
Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket
Ooedo Senryoubako
Space Invaders Extreme
Densha de Go! Pocket: Osaka Kanjousen Hen
Densha de Go! Pocket: Toukaidousen Hen
Densha de Go! Pocket: Chuuousen Hen
Densha de Go! Pocket: Yamanotesen Hen
D3 Publisher
The IQ Cube
The Table Game
The Puzzle Quest
The My Taxi
Nippon Ichi Software
Prinny: Can I Be The Hero?
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness
Nihon Falcom
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Dungeon Explorer
Rengoku: The Stairway of Heaven
Namco Bandai
Gundam Battle Chronicle
Gundam Battle Tactics
Gundam Battle Universe
Gundam Battle Royale
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Alliance vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Toi Senshi DX
Smash Court Tennis 3
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable
Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2
Chuugen no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden
Tales of the World: Raidant Mythology
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2
Naruto: Narutimate Portable Mugenjou no Maki
Bounty Hounds
Me & My Katamari
Macross Ace Frontier
From Software
Adventure Player
Armored Core Formula Front
Armored Core Formula Front International
Valhalla Knights
AI Mahjong
Hitman Reborn: Battle Arena
New Rainbow Islands
Fish Eyes Portable
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December 18th, 2008, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
An English version of LocoRoco 2 is complete. The question is when will Sony Computer Entertainment America release it here? Maybe we will see it in February.
Three separate retailers have LocoRoco 2 slated to ship out sometime in February 2009. Amazon also has another interesting piece of information, the price. At Amazon, and possibly other stores in the future, LocoRoco 2 only costs $19.99. That’s a Patapon-like bargain and a fair consolation prize for a delayed domestic LocoRoco 2 release.
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December 18th, 2008, 18:24 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Cases at SuccessHK in a shedload of colours
This PSP-3000 Ultra Slim Aluminum Case is made by anodized aluminum material, quite slim and lightweight.It is a 360 degree free angle cover,which can protect your console against drops, shock and collision.
Innovate idea of high reliability,precision molded case for perfectly fitting. It can avoid your hand sweating problem ,and has different colors to choose too.
Anodized aluminum case, Ultra slim and lightweight
360 degree free angle cover
Protect against drops, shock and collision
Avoid your hand sweating problem
Precision molded case for perfectly fitting
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December 18th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK :

Enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you,and exercises hands and feet for you!It is PS2/PS3/Wii/PC 4in1 Wireless Drum Kit for Rockband & Rockband 2 games.
Compatible for PS2/PS3/PC/Wii
For Rockband & Rockband 2 games
Can enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you
Exercises hands and feet
Uses the rock band drum to upgrade to full band
Price is a respectable USD 55.35
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December 18th, 2008, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK :

Enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you,and exercises hands and feet for you!It is PS2/PS3/Wii/PC 4in1 Wireless Drum Kit for Rockband & Rockband 2 games.
Compatible for PS2/PS3/PC/Wii
For Rockband & Rockband 2 games
Can enjoy the strong rhythm surrounding you
Exercises hands and feet
Uses the rock band drum to upgrade to full band
Price is a respectable USD 55.35
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December 18th, 2008, 19:48 Posted By: Shrygue
via Kotaku
Early this morning Home Beta version 1.04 hit, bringing with it some much needed beards. But it took away voice chat.
The main reason for the update, according to the official Playstation blog, is to "ease the difficulty some people are having accessing PlayStation Home due to the high demand for the service."
While they don't link the two, I assume that's why they removed voice chat. Of course it could also have something to do with all the sailor-talk going on when you run through the bowling alley on a typical night.
Sony says they will let people know when they resume the voice chat feature, but in the meantime gamers can still use text chat and private voice chat.
Now, about those beards, they better be a heck of a lot nicer than those crap mustaches you tried foisting on me last night.
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December 18th, 2008, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The classic vampire-hunting franchise Castlevania makes its way onto PLAYSTATION Network today, as Castlevania Chronicles is now available for download for $5.99. Until now, this iteration of the 2D, whip-wielding action game had yet to be released in America. In Castlevania Chronicles, players enter a world where Count Dracula has been resurrected to begin a new reign of terror across the land. As Simon Belmont, descendant of legendary vampire hunters, players enter Dracula's estate armed with a killer whip to destroy the count and his minions to bring peace to Europe.
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December 18th, 2008, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA has announced that the Outrun franchise is back. This time it comes with the name OutRun Online Arcade and will be put up for digital download on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in early 2009. Sumo Digital, makers of SEGA Superstars Tennis, Virtua Tennis 3 and Super Rub a Dub, will be responsible for development duties.
OutRun Online Arcade will bring back the original 15 OutRun courses, but this time will be made with HD graphics and online play. Up to six players will be able to take to the streets in online races with three modes: OutRun, Heart Attack and Time Attack. Outrun Online Arcade will feature 10 fully licensed Ferrari cars and, of course, will support achievements and trophies.
Slipstream.We'll have more on OutRun Online Arcade just as soon as we can get our hands on it. For now, check out the first screens in the gallery.
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December 18th, 2008, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex has released a new version of Despertar del Cementerio the Universal Unbricker and Custom Firmware Installer for the PSP, heres whats new:
Changes in version 8
- Updated to 5.00 M33-4
- DC iplloader doesn't require to mspformat the memory stick.
However, in some memory stick it may still be necessary.
Just run the program and if you find an error at 99%, run mspformat and try again.
- Copy DC8 to PSP/GAME/
- Download Sony 5.00 update eboot and copy it to ms rootwith the name 500.PBP
- If you have a PTF custom theme set, quit it before running the program.
- Use the app under a 3.x+ kernel. The program may not work in versions prior to 3.03 OE.
- IF timemachine is installed in this memory stick, the program will ask you at the end which button(s) you want to boot DC7, otherwise no buttons will be necessary.
- Now you have a pandora ms ready to go, and you just need a proper
battery. If you have 1.50 kernel access, use c+d tool. Otherwise, use corly149 tool.
- Select the desired option in the menu (Install 5.00 M33, Install 5.00 OFW, etc)
- Nand operations-> nand restore currently performs a physical nand dump
This proccess is very dangerous, and you should *just* use it if it's your
last chance to get it working.
This is a physical restore process (not a logical one), and will try to make
a 100% exact clon of the dump.
If you are working with a dump that isn't yours, you will get either a brick
or a corrupt idstorage, depending on the firmware.
If while you are restoring your psp have got any damaged block more than
when you dumped it, you might also get a brick, depending on what block is it.
If you want to boot the recovery mode of the 5.00 M33 of the memory stick, boot
the psp with R+the key used to boot DC7 (if any).
- Lflash format (in nand operations menu)
This function performs a physical format of the lflash, creates the 4 partitions again, with the
user desired sizes (by default, they are set to the default of that system), and then performs
a logical format of the 4 partitions.
This function allows to fix some errors that appear in 5.00 M33 installation: Error assigning flashX, psp not booting after installing 5.00 M33, etc.
It is also useful for fat users that want to make flash0 bigger by making the other partitions smaller.
Note: the sizes shown in the menu refer to the size of the physical partition. The size of the
logical partition maybe a bit smaller.
No need to say that this operations deletes current content of flash. After lflash format, the
flash is empty, you need to install 5.00 M33/OFW.
- Create new idstorage (in nand operations menu, idstorage tools)
This function destroys the current idstorage (if any), and creates a new one.
It is useful when your idstorage has been corrupted and you didn't have a backup like hapenned to me with one psp
Keys restore: common keys, and for first time region/openpsid/dnas/certificate keys and umd keys.
What will and won't work after this?
UMD: yes.
Set time via internet (DNAS): yes
adhoc: not tested, but hopefully it will work
psn games: not tested but it should work. However your current bought games will not work, as your psp will be identified as a new device.
usb: yes, your psp and ps3 will detect it as a new device because the psp identifier (psid) has changed.
magicgate (drm videos/audio): it has not been tested, but it should NOT work, as a way to generate magicgates keys (0x10-0x13) has not been found (yet).
First step: select a region for your new idstorage. If your region is not there, just select
whatever one, also if it is there, you can select another one if you want 
The region affects also umd videos/audios.
Second step (optional): Press enter button to find real mac address (wifi switch must be on).
If this step fails, then just press -> to continue and a random mac will be generated (in this case after idstorage creation, shutdown the psp, restart DC and goto idstorage tools -> fix mac, this time it should work unless there is a hardware problem).
Last step is to press enter, and your new idstorage will be created.
- Change region ((in nand operations menu, idstorage tools)
This allows to change the region of the psp and the umd drive. After this, your psp will be able to play umd's of other region.
As a side effect, your psp will be identified as a new device, so you'll have to download/buy
psn games again, configure ps3 remote control again, etc.
Note: If you are gonna use the memory stick to restore a psp other than the one that created it,
check if the file /TM/DC7/act.dat exists in the ms. If it exists, remove it, otherwise the restored psp may not be able to buy psn games until the user doesn't delete from flash2 the act.dat of the other psp. (act.dat files are unique for each psp).
Note that act.dat will be restored to the moment of the MS creation.
If you have bought other PSN game later, the act.dat file may have changed and if you restore the old one, you may loose the latest bought game.
Backup flash2:/act.dat each time after you buy something from the PSN!
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December 18th, 2008, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
news via qj
News/release from Miles
Kenny PSP Boxing is a game unpretentious which the base was more personal, view that Kenny was replaced by the head of a guy I hated
Even when I wanted to share it, I have taken well-known characters! You can do what you want to do with the source code, and even if you have any questions, please
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December 18th, 2008, 22:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Brian Ledbetter.

the powder game is a nifty toy/game my friend Stan wrote, you may have seen something similar as a java game on the internet, but this is way cooler, more realistic, and more fun.
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December 18th, 2008, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mifki
My virtual globe homebrew application for PSP. Not so many features for now, just explore beautiful places of our planet with 3D terrain and several layers to choose from. Your comments and ideas are welcome.
Hope it's obvious that data is downloaded from Internet on demand and you'll need active WiFi connection. After downloading images will be cached and loaded from memory stick next time so make sure you have enough free space too.
Arrows - move, L/R - zoom
cross/triangle - tilt, square/circle - rotate
start - menu
Known problems
Not sure how it will work on PSP-1000 (fat) because of less memory available, it may crash. I think next versions will be Slim-only, sorry, I'll have to drop support for older PSPs in order to implement great features I'm planning. Also not that this is still beta version and some problems or crashes may have place.

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December 19th, 2008, 00:09 Posted By: dangee
Here's the first release of TxtoPS II, the PSP Text Editor

+ max. 68x27 characters onscreen
+ dual file window system
+ Copy/Cut/Paste
+ Line Jump
+ String Search
+ All-new OSK
> Extended Ascii
> Key Repeats
> 8 Function hotKeys
+ Pop-up File Selector
> standard File functions
> Shortcuts
> Long filenames
+ Save State
+ USB to PC support
+ Luascript launcher
+ Onscreen Guides (English only)
download @: dangee.net
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December 19th, 2008, 02:39 Posted By: DJB
PSP Pandora Deluxe v3.0
Created by DJB on 19th December 2008
Original News Story: HERE
Official Forum Thread: HERE
Please use the official forum thread to submit bug reports etc.

DOWNLOAD: ADrive Mirror
Release Notes:
Here you have it, an all-in-one solution for your Pandora Needs.
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
I hope you enjoy this new release...
What's New:
Despertar Cementerio v8 is now included, the standalone 5.00 M33-4 Installer has been removed, and Hold+ has been updated to 3.42.
- A PC with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and .NET Framework v2.0.
- A PSP with USB Cable and 1.50 or 3.xx/4.xx/5.xx M33 Custom Firmware Installed.
(This is needed for creating the Pandora Battery, not the Memory Stick).
- The official Sony Firmware EBOOT files for 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00.
What it does:
- Formats your PSP Memory Stick with or without MSPFormat.
- Installs the TimeMachine IPL to the Memory Stick.
- Checks the Internet for any new versions.
- Loads and Saves Configurations.
- Allows you to select which buttons to use to boot your PSP.
- Copy Official Firmwares 1.50, 3.71, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01, and 5.00 to your PSP.
- Installs jas0nuk's Pandora ELF+PBP Menu to access all the programs.
- Installs Hellcats Pandora Installer to your PSP.
- Installs the M33 1.50 Kernel Addon Installers to your PSP.
- Installs POPSLoader (3.30, 3.40, 3.51, 3.72, 3.80, 3.90, 4.01) to your PSP.
- Installs the Noobz Pandora 1.50 Downgrader to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v3 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v4 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v5 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v7 to your PSP.
- Installs Despertar Cementerio v8 to your PSP.
- Installs Time Machine v0.1 to your PSP.
- Installs Support Tools executable from either Pandora or XMB.
Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
Config Cleaner 3.00
CPU-Modulator 0.20
Custom Firmware Extender 3.0
CW Cheat 0.2.2 Rev D
CXMB 3.3
FuSa screenShoot
FuSa SD 1.0.48
Hold+ 3.42
JoySens 1.42b
KeyCleaner 1.4
MemoryStick-Tool v1.5
nandTool 0.40 Final NEO
PSP Filer 5.7
Recovery Flasher 1.50 by Hellcat
RSPSARDumper 3.5
UMDrip 4
USB Version Fake by Dark_Alex
How to use it:
1. Start the Application and load in the Eboot files.
2. Select your PSP Drive to be formatted and prepared.
3. Select the "Installation Options" and choose the installers, programs,
and other options you would like to do to your Memory Stick.
4a.(Optional) If you selected to install the XMB or Pandora Support Tools,
you will need to go to the "Support Tools Options" tab and select the
programs that you want to install.
4b.(Optional) Go back to the "Firmware+Pandora Options" and use the Pandora
Button Configurator to set up the buttons to your liking.
5. Press the "Start" button to start formatting and copying files to your PSP.
v3.0 (2008-12-19)
- Added Despertar Cementerio v8.
- Updated the following Support Tools:
Hold+ 3.42 (XMB)
Programming and Logo by: DJB
- Forahobby and Klutsh for their help with this Project in the early stages.
- Dark_Alex and Team M33 for all their work with PSP Custom Firmware.
- Team Noobz / C+D for initially making the breakthrough with the Pandora Battery.
- Hellcat plus the other homebrew developers for the great programs.
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December 19th, 2008, 20:39 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony has updated the PlayStation Network shops with several new downloadable games, including Crash Commando for PS3 and Football Manager Handheld 2009 for the PSP.
There's also Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer, which Wikipedia reckons means Mercenary-X: Romantic Idealist, and which is a horizontally scrolling shooter with screenshots worth admiring in our Soldner-X gallery.
Sony hasn't quite sorted out its pricing structure for downloadable PSP games, though, with FM Handheld up at a whopping GBP 29.99 (versus about 25 quid in the shops) while Buzz! Brain Bender is GBP 19.99 (15 quid). At least Ultimate Board Game Collection is only GBP 9.99.
Otherwise there's the usual assortment of Rock Band and Guitar Hero stuff, and those Christmas bits for LittleBigPlanet. Yay.
PS3 Games
- Crash Commando (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99)
- Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer (GBP 7.99 / EUR 9.99)
PSP Games
- Buzz! Brain Bender (GBP 19.99 / EUR 29.99)
- Football Manager Handheld 2009 (GBP 29.99 / EUR 34.99)
- Ultimate Board Game Collection (GBP 9.99 / EUR 12.99)
- PSP Add-ons
- Super Stardust Portable Expansion Pack (GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99)
PS3 Add-ons
- Everybody's Golf World Tour - Costume Pack Pirate (GBP 3.19 / EUR 3.99)
- LittleBigPlanet Santa Hat and Beard (free)
- LittleBigPlanet Festive Goodies (GBP 2.39 / EUR 2.99)
- Mercenaries 2: Blow it up... Again! (free)
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Pack 3 (free)
PS3 Guitar Hero: World Tour stuff
- The Eagles Track Pack (GBP 4.39 / EUR 5.49)
- The Eagles - "Frail Grasp on the Big Picture" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Eagles - "Life in the Fast Lane" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
- The Eagles - "One of These Nights" (GBP 1.49 / EUR 1.99)
PS3 Rock Band stuff
- Going Country Pack 01 (GBP 5.25 / EUR 6.59)
- Brad Paisley - "Mud on the Tires" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Brooks & Dunn - "Hillbilly Deluxe" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Dierks Bentley - "Free and Easy (Down the Road I Go)" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Dixie Chicks - "Sin Wagon" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
- Miranda Lambert - "Gunpowder & Lead" (GBP 0.99 / EUR 1.49)
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December 19th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
Capcom says PSN and Xbox Live title Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix has shifted over 250,000 copies, breaking sales records in the process.
"HD Remix has shattered both day one and week one sales records and will most likely break 30 day sales records as well. It's on its way to becoming the highest grossing digital title ever," the company claimed.
"We'd like to thank everyone who poured their heart and soul to reviving one of gaming's most beloved franchises. From the producer, Rey Jimenez, to the folks from Backbone and Udon, to the product development, business development and marketing teams at Capcom, HD Remix was a labor of love for everyone involved.
"Last but not least, I want to give a big shout out to the hard core Street Fighter community (yes you Shoryuken, Unity, and Key Stoners) who kept this game relevant for the past 15 years and spread the word to the entire gaming industry that Street Fighter is still the best around."
Of course, Street Fighter II HDR is only a taster ahead of the release of Street Fighter IV on February 20 next year. We expect that to sell tons of copies too, along with Resident Evil 5 in March. Good times for Capcom then.
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December 19th, 2008, 20:49 Posted By: Shrygue
via Joystiq
PlayStation.com's Pulse program has revealed* PSN's "overall" most downloaded games of 2008. Now, before cursing the heavens that PAIN is at the top of the list, PS3 Fanboy is quick to point out that the game was free with the Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle earlier this year.
The list is still packed with surprises, especially with the performance of High Velocity Bowling and Aquatopia. It's good to see that PixelJunk Monsters did well, but where's Eden? WipEout HD's absence is also noticeable. We'd definitely like to see Pulse do this as a monthly feature.
- Pain
- High Velocity Bowling
- Super Stardust HD
- PixelJunk Monsters
- Flow
- Warhawk
- Aquatopia
- Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
- High Stakes Poker Edition
- Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
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December 19th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Compatible with PSP Slim/Iphone or NDS Lite console, this special soft rubber cupule allows you to appreciate programs conveniently. All you need to do is to adjust the stand to appropriate angle then put the console on, you can now watch movies freely.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Kojima Productions will resume transmissions of its Metal Gear Solid Integral podcast to MGS4's in-game iPod beginning next month. The first post-hiatus episode will appear on the game's downloadable content menu January 8, and new episodes will debut every two weeks thereafter.
The podcast will be hosted by MGS4 producer, Ken Imaizumi, sans his long-time podcasting partner – and MGS4 assistant producer – Ryan Payton, who left Kojima Productions in August to work on the Halo franchise at Microsoft. Imaizumi will be joined by Kojima Productions Report podcast regular, Aki Saito, and MGS4 script unit member Sean Eyestone.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
In addition to news about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid level and character packs, Media Molecule has also released a 67MB patch that upgrades LittleBigPlanet to version 1.07. No patch details have been released yet, so here's what we've noticed so far:
An in-game LittleBigStore! It functions as its own planet, and if you've already purchased the equipment, you can swap into the whole costume here.
New search options (just to the right of Community). You can now navigate through user-generated content by highest rated levels, the most hearted levels, the newest levels and the busiest levels, as well as searching with text or tags.
A "save level as" option when creating levels that lets you move the creation to whichever slot you would like.
No additional Stephen Fry narration (unfortunately).
If you notice anything else, let us know. We'll update with the official patch notes when and if they're released.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:30 Posted By: wraggster
Though video games continue to lose the ongoing war against ridiculous subtitles and unnecessary colon usage, Ubisoft is hoping that "Psychokinetic Wars" will sway the fight against boredom in favor of action gamers. Psychokinetic Wars, being the subtitle belonging to Cellfactor, denotes a "fast-paced first-person multiplayer shooter" coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in early 2009.
The Immersion Games-developed FPS gives players "their choice of gunfire and/or telekinetic superpowers," though we suspect "and" would be the wiser battle strategy. After all, why would you turn down the opportunity to "rip objects from the surrounding environment and hurl them at enemies?" Well, assuming you didn't already.
Psychokinetic Wars will offer 30 single-player "challenges," three controllable characters and four different multiplayer modes (Death Match, Capture the Flag, Team Death Match and Assault) in support of 16 players. Or, err, psychokinetic combatants.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Rejoice, fellow and completely willing synesthesia sufferers! Q Entertainment has replaced its vague "Winter" release window for Lumines Supernova in favor of something more precise. The rhythmic block dropper will be available on the North American* PlayStation Network on Tuesday, December 23rd, just in time to drown out those obnoxious family members who only bother to drop by when there's a free Christmas dinner involved.
Ignoring them should be particularly easy given the bevy of distractions packed into Lumines Supernova's $15 package: 40 skins; a new "Dig Down" mode; a Sequencer mode for creating your own background music; Time Attack and Skin Edit modes; Puzzle and Mission levels; Trophies; and a local 2-player Battle mode for those sharing types who ignore the "mine" in Lumines.
And hey, don't forget the LittleBigPlanet skin, which will join a free "Holiday Pack" of 20 additional skins. The latter is available for a limited time only -- just like Christmas.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
There's more uses for your Rock Band mic than simply belting out off-tune renditions of Lump or clubbing your roommate as he reaches for a bite of your chili dog. ESPN reports that next year's MLB 09 The Show will allow players to record cat calls to be yelled out from the stands using a microphone or wireless headset.
Calling the feature Trash Talk 2.0, the article reveals that the game will mix your recorded chants or insults so they sound as if they are a part of the crowd and not just coming from a single overzealous fan with a booming voice. With this, virtual baseball competition will likely get a bit more personal when MLB 09 The Show arrives on March 3.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Blog has dropped all the details about the upcoming Metal Gear character and level pack for LittleBigPlanet, due for release on Dec. 23. The character pack will cost $6 and contain four outfits, including Snake, Meryl, Screaming Mantis and Raiden. The costumes can also be purchased for $2 individually, with the exception of Raiden.
The $6 MGS level pack is the real seller here. It features a Gurlukovich soldier costume, 72 stickers, 12 materials, 10 decorations, 18 objects and more. Most importantly, it includes the Paintinator, a paint ball gun which adds some much-needed violence to LBP's happy world of lollipops and imagination.
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December 20th, 2008, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
As it turns out, stereoscopic 3-D technology isn't just reserved for the fabulously bored ... of making flat, $1.8 billion-grossing Hollywood weepies. No, 3-D, like "put on those big, goofy glasses" 3D, can be the work of mere mortals. Like these two fellers above, from Blitz Games Studios.
In what's been billed as an MTBS exclusive (that's: "Meant To Be Seen"), Blitz has reportedly confirmed that Sony "fully intends" to update PlayStation 3 to support stereoscopic 3-D gaming and Blu-ray watching next year (presumably, in time for Ubisoft's 3-D Avatar game). What's more, MTBS suggests that the ability to upgrade to 3-D via a firmware update could be unique to PS3 (the console is a 4D concept, after all) -- potentially leaving current Xbox 360 owners to endure gaming life in a veritable stone age.
Blitz, famous for its trio of Burger King Xbox games, has its hands in the forthcoming movement, developing its own "BlitzTech" 3-D engine, which debuted earlier this month at the 3D Entertainment Summit in LA. Well then Blitz, we can't wait to see it in Hell, er, Hall, Kentia Hall -- next June.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:01 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China has the latest Final Fanatsy release in stock, for those in Europe this will be good news of you want the import version.

Part of Square Enix's 20th Anniversary series, Final Fantasy: Dissidia is described as a "Dramatic Progressive Action" game. As one of various Final Fantasy characters, players square off against different opponents, gaining levels and strength as they go. They can also challange their friends, and customize their character through the use of different equipment. Primary modes of play for the title include Story Mode, Quick Battle, and Wireless Mode.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:04 Posted By: wraggster
It sure took long enough to happen, but one of HD DVD's biggest benefits has finally made it over to the Blu-ray side. Yep, we're talking about a Blu-ray / DVD hybrid disc, with a single-layer of Blu on one side and a standard DVD on the very same side (as in, not a "flipper" disc). Not surprisingly, the action's going down first in Japan, with Code Blue emergency helicopter doctor Blu-ray BOX (yes, seriously) as the first hybrid title. There's no word on when (or if) this technology will make it to US soil, but the sooner the better -- nothing like a little inbuilt backwards compatibility to ease the mind.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
The diabolically addictive PS3 tower defense game, PixelJunk Monsters, is officially headed to PSP next year (which, if you haven't checked your calendar, is pretty soon). Appearing on Spike TV's "The Next Great Game Gods" VGA tie-in special, Q Games founder, Dylan Cuthbert, confirmed – and very briefly showed – the game.
After a short show-and-tell of conceptual images for canned projects – which included skiing and fighting games – Cuthbert broke the news, saying that, "We got a lot of requests from fan mail and stuff saying they really wanted a PSP-native version [of PixelJunk Monsters]." But the game won't merely be the PSN title retooled for the small screen. "We thought, rather than just port it directly, let's add a bit more," Cuthbert teased.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one thing Sega excels at, it's releasing the same Sega Genesis games on every platform imaginable. Rich arcade history? What's that?! Saturn? Dreamcast? Never heard of 'em! Here, try these Genesis ports!
Sega's got a slew of rehashes lined up for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, if recent ESRB ratings are right. And they usually are. Comix Zone, Streets of Rage 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star II, Gunstar Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Golden Axe, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 have all been giving the go-ahead by the ratings board.
Yep, some of those already exist as Xbox Live Arcade games, but some are new. Why would Sega ready more individual releases when they've got the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection coming down the pike? The answer is simply "Sega."
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December 20th, 2008, 11:32 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the list:
007 Blu-ray Box Vol.1 JPN US$ 131.90
007 Blu-ray Box Vol.2 JPN US$ 131.90
007 Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 263.90
007 Casino Royale Special Edition (~Daniel Craig, Eva Green, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
2008 Philadelphia Phillies: The Official World Series Film (~Philadelphia Phillies, Tampa Bay Rays, ...) US US$ 29.99
Across The Universe JPN US$ 52.90
American Gangster (~Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Biohazard (~Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Biohazard: Extinction (~Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Bottle Rocket (~Owen C. Wilson, Luke Wilson, ...) US US$ 39.95
Butterfly Lovers (~Charlene Choi, Wu Chun, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Casino JPN US$ 51.90
Chungking Express (~Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia, Takeshi Kaneshiro, ...) US US$ 39.95
Coach Carter (~Samuel L. Jackson, Rob Brown, ...) US US$ 29.99
Complete Matrix Trilogy [Limited Edition] (~Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, ...) JPN US$ 154.90
Corteo (~Cirque Du Soleil) JPN US$ 52.90
Damien: Omen II (~William Holden, Lee Grant) JPN US$ 51.90
Death Proof (~Michael Bacall, Nicky Katt, ...) US US$ 29.95
Die Another Day (~Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Dr.No (~Sean Connery, Ursula Andress) JPN US$ 51.90
For You Eyes Only (~Roger Moore) JPN US$ 51.90
French Connection (~Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
French Connection Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 87.90
French Connection II (~Gene Hackman, Fernando Rey) JPN US$ 51.90
From Russia With Love (~Sean Connery, Robert Shaw) JPN US$ 51.90
Get Smart (~Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Ghost In The Shell 2.0 (~Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Ohtsuka, ...) JPN US$ 85.90
Ghost In The Shell 2.0 Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] (~Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Ohtsuka, ...) JPN US$ 141.90
Harry Potter Chapter 1 - Chapter 5 [Limited Edition] (~Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ...) JPN US$ 208.90
Home Alone (~Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Hot Rod (~Andy Samberg, Isla Fisher, ...) US US$ 29.98
Hulk (~Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly) JPN US$ 51.90
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (~Jason Statham, Leelee Sobieski, ...) US US$ 34.98
Into the Wild (~Emile Hirsch, Marcia Gay Harden, ...) US US$ 29.99
Jarhead (~Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
JM (~Keanu Reeves, Takeshi Kitano, ...) JPN US$ 52.90
Ken Hirai Live Tour 2008 Fakin' Pop (~Ken Hirai) JPN US$ 69.90
Kita No Kuni Kara 98 Jidai (~Kunie Tanaka, Hidetaka Yoshioka, ...) JPN US$ 127.90
Leonardo Dicaprio [Limited Edition] (~Leonardo Dicaprio, Matt Damon, ...) JPN US$ 83.90
Live And Let Die (~Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto) JPN US$ 51.90
Live At Montreux 1997 (~Ray Charles) JPN US$ 54.90
Made of Honor JPN US$ 52.90
Mamma Mia! The Movie (~Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, ...) US US$ 39.98
Manatsu No Dai Kansha Sai Live (~Southern All Stars) JPN US$ 87.90
Miami Vice (~Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Midnight Sun (~Cirque Du Soleil) JPN US$ 52.90
Mobile Suit Z Gundam / Zeta Gundam Memorial Box Part.1 [Limited Pressing] (~Nobio Tobita, Shuichi Ikeda, ...) JPN US$ 384.90
Mrs. Doubtfire (~Robin Williams, Sally Field, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Mummy Trilogy (~Brendan Fraser, Arnold Vosloo, ...) US US$ 94.98
Ocean's 111213 [Limited Edition] (~George Clooney, Brad Pitt, ...) JPN US$ 126.90
Old School (Unrated Edition) (~Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, ...) US US$ 29.99
Omen Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 131.90
Omen III: The Final Conflict (~Sam Neill) JPN US$ 51.90
Planet Terror (~Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, ...) US US$ 34.95
Predator 2 (~Danny Glover, Gary Busey) JPN US$ 51.90
Predator 2 (~Kevin Peter Hall, Danny Glover, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Predator 2 Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] (~Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers) JPN US$ 87.90
Rocky / Rocky Balboa Blu-ray Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 87.90
Sekai Isan France Hen Paris No Seine Kagan / Mont Saint-Michel To Sono Wan JPN US$ 52.90
Sekai Isan Nihon Hen Yakushima I / II JPN US$ 52.90
Sekai No Zekkei Best Selection JPN US$ 51.90
Serenity (~Gina Torres) JPN US$ 51.90
Shinkai No Sekai JPN US$ 51.90
Sky Captain And the World of Tomorrow (~Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Star Wars: The Clone Wars JPN US$ 52.90
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (~Ashley Eckstein, Matthew Wood, ...) HK US$ 32.90
Step Brothers [2-Discs Unrated Edition] (~Will Ferrell, Kathryn Hahn, ...) HK US$ 34.90
The Cheetah Girls: One World (Extended Music Edition) (~Adrienne Bailon, Sabrina Bryan, ...) US US$ 34.99
The Heartbreak Kid (~Ben Stiller, Malin Akerman, ...) US US$ 29.99
The Kingdom JPN US$ 51.90
The Man Who Fell to Earth (~David Bowie, Rip Torn, ...) US US$ 39.95
The Matrix (~Gloria Foster, Hugo Weaving, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Matrix Reloaded (~Keanu Reeves, Carrie Moss Anne, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Matrix Revolutions (~Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Matrix Ultimate Box [Blu-ray+Figure Limited Edition] JPN N/A
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (~Faye Dunaway, Desmond Harrington, ...) HK US$ 28.90
The Mummy (~Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Mummy JPN US$ 51.90
The Mummy Returns (~Alun Armstrong, Brendan Fraser, ...) HK US$ 32.90
The Mummy Returns (~Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Mummy Trilogy Blu-ray Box [Limited Pressing] (~Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, ...) JPN US$ 141.90
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (~Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, ...) US US$ 39.98
The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor (~Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Omen (~Gregory Peck, Lee Remick) JPN US$ 51.90
The Scorpion King (~Rock, the, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Thing (~Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
The Third Man (~Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, ...) US US$ 39.95
Thunderball (~Sean Connery) JPN US$ 51.90
Tommy Boy: Holy Schnike Edition (~Chris Farley, David Spade, ...) US US$ 29.99
Tomohiro Sekiguchi Ga Iku Europa Tetsudo No Tabi Spain Taiyo To Ongaku No Kuni JPN US$ 51.90
Tomohiro Sekiguchi Ga Iku Europe Tetsudo No Tabi Swiss Alps Kagayaku Midori To Mizuumi No Kuni JPN US$ 51.90
Traitor (~Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, ...) US US$ 39.98
Ultraviolet Code 044 Blu-ray Box JPN US$ 283.90
Vanishing Point (~Barry Newman, Cleavon Little, ...) JPN US$ 51.90
Virtual Drug Altovision Katsuki Tnaka JPN US$ 54.90
Virtual Trip China Keirin JPN US$ 51.90
Virtual Trip Hawaii Special Edition JPN US$ 51.90
Virtual Trip Music Edition The View With Jazztronik JPN US$ 51.90
Virtual Trip Tahiti Special Edition JPN US$ 51.90
Virtual Trip Tokyo Shibuya Underground To Ground JPN US$ 51.90
Wild China [2-Discs Edition] HK US$ 42.90
You Don't Mess With The Zohan (~Adam Sandler, John Turturro, ...) HK US$ 33.90
Details here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 20th, 2008, 11:47 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

QWERTY keypad designed for fast, thumbs-only typing.
Touch pad mode turns the main key area into a touch pad. When touch pad button is pressed, user can not use the keys for character input but can slide her finger on this area to select something on the screen. On the internet browser, user can see a cursor when this mode is set on.
Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to text-based communication applications on the PLAYSTATION®Network.
Automatic pairing with the PS3™ system via a USB cable.
Charges by connecting it directly to the PS3™ system using a USB cable.
The Wireless keypad for the PLAYSTATION®3 system provides the freedom of easy to use texting and mouse input capabilities, all while maintaining full gameplay functionality in one easy-to-hold device. This Bluetooth® device attaches to any DUALSHOCK®3 or SIXAXIS™ wireless controller and enables effortless internet browsing, e-mailing and instant messaging on the PLAYSTATION®Network and PLAYSTATION®Home. The unique touch pad feature allows for convenient scrolling and mouse input on the PS3™ system on-screen display. Dedicated short cut keys provide instant access to ‘Message Box’ and other online communication applications on the PLAYSTATION®Network.
By integrating all these features in a sleek and elegant design, Sony Computer Entertainment, plans to further enhance online interactivity on the PLAYSTATION®3 system.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:48 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Beatmania set new standards for DJ simulation and rhythm games. The theme of this installment is battle and struggles, therefore the image girl from the last installment has shed her gown and feathered fan, changed into leathery garb and strapped a gun to her thigh. Together with the guerilla soldier, they are ready take anyone on.
Superb, catchy music is combined with stunning visuals, the image color of this installment is a dark green that contrasts strongly with the fire and lights that happened in the foreground.
Notes and cues are dropping like bullets in an air raid, take your places and get ready to fire back.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
Down in the depths of the Asia Game Show Sony had a new build of Demon’s Souls to show, but no one seemed to care. That’s what happens when you put Resident Evil 5 with co-op play and Demon’s Souls. Anyway, there was a new build tucked away in the 18+ games for grownups area and I played it.
Unlike the Tokyo Game Show demo I couldn’t build a character here. I automatically got a warrior with a shield and a short sword. Grotesque zombies lunged towards me, I slashed them, and that was about it. One new feature that was working in this build were the bloodspots. When you die in Demon’s Souls you leave a green mark. Touch one of these when you respawn and you can retrieve your soul.
The other feature, and this is something King’s Field fans might be interested in, is the build of Demon’s Souls at the Asia Game Show was entirely in English. This pretty much confirms Demon’s Souls is coming out in English at least in Hong Kong. Sony Computer Entertainment Asia is publishing Demon’s Souls this February, which is the same month Japan gets it. No word if Sony Computer Entertainment America is going to take care of Demon’s Souls here, but it seems likely that they or someone else will.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
I’ve known this for awhile, but since someone else revealed the secret I can finally talk about it. A lot of you guys figured this out too. NIS America is taking care of Cross Edge (X-Edge) and it’s tentatively slated for March. Cross Edge, much like Chaos Wars, unites characters from multiple games into a single PlayStation 3 game. Familiar faces from Ar Tonelico, Darkstalkers, Mana Khemia, and Disgaea come together in Cross Edge.
NIS America also says to “look forward” to Mana Khemia 2 which means it’s also getting localized. Yes, you’re still going to be playing RPGs on your PS2 in 2009.
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December 20th, 2008, 11:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This PSP-2000 Guise Skin Kit is easy to use and remove, will never left gluewater on equipment and fadeless. It can resist dirty and can protect your screens,Quite wearable, make your console more beautiful
Easily remove
Never left gluewater on equipment and fadeless
Resist dirty, can protect your screens
Wearable, make your console more beautiful
33 Different Skins to choose from at a decent $3.35 price for each
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December 20th, 2008, 12:15 Posted By: wraggster
SX posted this news over at lavalit:
I have decided this is the best time to relabel OpenBOR from version 2.xxx to 3.xxxx once I have finished working on stereo support on XBOX and added 16,32 bit video to xbox and dreamcast and finally fix the controls on gp2x. Here are the list of upcoming features, though not many but they are significant.
8,16,32 bit video modes for all platforms.
Stereo support for all platforms.
A new list of video modes that the engine will support.
Now this means, there will not be any releases until I have finished, which I believe I should be finished in about 1 to 2 weeks.
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December 20th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: mexicansnake
Well after almost 2 years ago I coded MultiPixelFixer and I thought it was time to update it!, I made this for fun and I hope it helps someone.
After being away from the psp scene for a long time I present my tribute! MultiPixelFixer V2.:thumbup:
This app should fix your stuck pixels not your dead pixels, please check the instructions and FAQ on the app. Tested on Cfw 5.00 M33-4.

- Pad => move cursors and move alarm settings
- X => speed up/down
- R => change the background color (black, red, green, blue, white)- Predator mode
- /\ => return
- [] => start flashing/ stop flashing/ select options
- O => maximize/minimize the cursors
- Select => change the current cursor
How to install:
Just place the folder: PSP on the root of your memory stick.
-Faster color flashing for better results.
-Energy saving mode
-Guide:Stuck pixel identifier
-Support for newer CFWs
-New interface
-Use of LPHMv2 (Thanks to the devs!)
-More on screen information and functions
-Smart functions to save battery and time
-Alarm to stop the pixel flashing and supend the PSP
-PSP slim support
Dont look at the flashing squares! it may hurt your eyes!.
Dont expect a super fixer, you must keep flashing the stuck pixels for 1 hour or more...
I hope it helps you and you like it. No this will not brick your PSP! it only flashes: PIXELS!!! LOL!!!.s
Dont forget to send me your comments to chaosmemo@msn.com
Please report any bugs.
Stuck pixel:
A stuck pixel will usually be most visible against a black background, where it
will appear red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, or yellow, although stuck red, green, or blue pixels are most common.
Each pixel on an LCD monitor is composed of three subpixels (one red, one green, and one blue) which produce the
visible color of the pixel by their relative brightness. A stuck pixel results from a manufacturing defect, which
leaves one or more of these sub-pixels permanently turned on or off.
Stuck pixels are not guaranteed to be correctable, and can remain faulty for the life
of the monitor, however might be fixed by flashing numerous colors with a very rapid intensity.
Defective pixels in LCD screens can sometimes be improved by mechanically manipulating the area around a
defective pixel by pressing or tapping. This can help to evenly distribute the oil inside the screen, but it
can also damage it.
Stuck pixels, unlike dead pixels, have been reported to disappear, and there are several popular
methods purported to fix them, such as gently rubbing the screen (in an attempt to reset the pixel) but this is
not posible in a PSP due the hard lens above the LCD, also cycling the color value of the stuck pixel
rapidly (in other words, flashing colors on the screen,) or simply tolerating
the stuck pixel until it disappears (which can take anywhere from a day to years). While these methods can work on some
stuck pixels others cannot be fixed by the above methods. Also some stuck pixels will reappear after being fixed if the
screen is left off for several hours.
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December 20th, 2008, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
We've found a lot of holiday-related reasons to get nostalgic over the past few days, but a recent announcement from PlayStation.Blog provided us with our latest excuse to sprint down memory lane. We imagine it will do the same for you as well -- didn't everyone spend a summer at their grandmother's retirement home, playing intense, high-stakes rounds of Mahjong, wagering tubes of Fixodent and coupons for Ponderosa? No? Just us?
You'll be able to recreate the experience this January when Majong Tales: Ancient Wisdom hits the PSN, available for any discerning tile-matcher with $9.99 to spare. The subtitular "Ancient Wisdom" will be delivered in the form of five Chinese morality tales, each of which broken into ten cutscenes which are shown between rounds of Mahjong. We acquired our own "Ancient Wisdom" during that steamy summer at the Quivering Oaks Retirement Community -- octogenarians won't think twice about cheating when free denture paste is on the line.
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December 20th, 2008, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
An admin over in Europe's Official PlayStation Community says Sony will in fact patch a bothersome trophy-related bug that, in worst-case scenarios, borks certain games completely until one does a console backup-restore.
There was some concern that the bug would never be patched, because complaints first surfaced about it back in October and were never answered or fixed, even after the 2.53 firmware released. But Community Team Leader MusterBuster declared last week: " A fix is on the way, but I don't have an ETA yet."
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December 20th, 2008, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster

Shadow and the jcpsp team has posted a new release of the PSP Emulator for Windows written in Java, this release plays some commercial PSP Games.
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December 20th, 2008, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from albandu51
The pxl Team (Albandu51 DEV and LKiZ GRAPH) is proud to present his latest plugins developed by Albandu51, dated, I appointed Exec_You passing in 1.4.
Exec_You What's this?
Simply a plugin used to launch Eboots, ISO's, CSO's, Internet links, or to turn off or restart the PSP from a predefined list of more than 10 icon in your XMB.
All this from an easily editable file named "Exec_You.txt" in the plug, "seplugins."
What's new in this version?
- Fixed bugs (especially one that does not launched the url's)
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December 20th, 2008, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
Atlus U.S.A., Inc. today announced that it has secured the North American publishing rights for Hammerin' Hero, an arcade-style, old school, side-scrolling beat 'em up for PSP (PlayStation Portable) system. Forget everything your parents told you about violence only being a last resort. In Hammerin' Hero, if it moves, hammer it. Pummel your way through 12 distinct levels, including city streets, an amusement park, a TV studio, a baseball stadium, and more. Ever wonder what happens if you hammer something over the head in deep space? Underwater? The only way to find out is to pick up a copy of Hammerin' Hero for PSP on March 3. This is one hero you don't want to mess with! (hint: because he has a hammer.)
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December 20th, 2008, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Edge1337
========================= ===============
- Just a simple counter/stop watch.
- Mostly just a proof of concept Homebrew Application to test out on making Homebrew.
- Use: To serve as a counter or a stopwatch.
- No firmware limitations. Open to all firmwares.
========================= ===============
Painless and easy:
Download and extract the files. Move the Count3r folder into PSP/GAME. Once Count3r is in PSP/Game,
Safely remove hardware and go to your XMB. Under [Game] open the Count3r application and, Press
Start on the splash screen, Then press X to start counting, When you reach the count
You want, Press O and then you can press X again to restart the whole program.
PSP Slim and Classic Tested.
Slim Test - Passed.
Classic Test - Passed
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December 20th, 2008, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from zielok
The "Next Element" is a logical game, where your task is to destroy all the fields on the screen. To complete this task you have to rack your brain and deal with 30 levels. They all have interesting graphics and nice music. The "Next Element" is a game with levels of rising difficulty, which tries to provide all players a lot of satisfaction.
- 30 levels
- high quality graphics
- very good gameplay
- nice music
- user friendly interface
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December 20th, 2008, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa
PSPPipes build 19122008,
## by Gefa
## www.gefa.altervista.org
## to contact me: gefasio@gmail.com
What is it?
This is a clone of the puzzle game Pipes
Copy 'python' directory in the root of your memory stick, and
the directory PSPPipes in the path ms0:/PSP/GAME. This homebrew works
on a PSP with Custom Firmware by D_A
Rearrange the tiles to create an unbroken pipe from the spout
(that is yellow) to the end (green).
How to move the tiles
First of all, you have to place the cursor on the tile that you want
to move. Then, you can move it whit the buttons cross, triangle, square and
circle to an adjacent open spot.
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December 20th, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305
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December 21st, 2008, 13:17 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yurilebos

this is my first good homebrew game is a game of puzzles it is still in demo
the aim is to solve the riddle that is in the book on the table
you do what it and click to read X
when you find the answer press Y to enter the answer
How do I play?
Directional buttons to move the perssonage
X to confirm or use an object
R for run
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December 21st, 2008, 13:38 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Total_Noob
VSH iRShell - Beta version
by Total_Noob
You needs much iRShell?
Will you start iRShell quickly?
Then is VSH iRShell exactly right for you!
It's still in the beta version, because some function working not correctly
1. You must install first iRShell
2. Download VSH iRShell and extract this in seplugins
3. Write in vsh.txt: "ms0:/seplugins/vshirshell.prx 1". (without the ")
4. Reboot the PSP and press R + START to load iRShell
R + START = Load iRShell
Thanks to AhMan for iRShell
Thanks to Dark_AleX for the Custom Firmware
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December 21st, 2008, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks

Mostly comprised of bug fixes is Scorpus’ Thing-Thing v0.9.2. There’s still no playable campaign; however, hop into Arena mode, stay alive throughout each wave, keep a full clip by collecting the newly added power-ups, and rat-a-tat-tat… It ain’t nuthin’ but a thing-thing…
Thing Thing v0.9.2 changes:
Added blood effects. Not great, but it’s there
Added pickups (health and ammo), which are spawned at random
Added death animation (fall through the ground)
Fixed a small bug related to the Arena menu system
Fixed some very minor graphical hitches
Fixed a bug that caused enemies to fall through the floor while attacking
Fixed a bug that spawned two exact duplicate enemies
Fixed a bug that caused you to be able to kill enemies while jumping above them
Some code optimization
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December 21st, 2008, 14:04 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Who is the PSP Coder of the Year ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:05 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the PSP Homebrew Release of the Year ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:07 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the PSP Game (commercial) of the Year ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best PSP Homebrew of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best Accessory for PSP of All Time ?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:14 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the PS3 Game of the Year?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best PS3 Game of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best PS3 accessory of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best PS2 Game of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the Best PS2 accessory of all time?
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December 21st, 2008, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster

This isnt a serious awards thing but a way to guage public reaction as to what the people here at DCEmu think is the best in each category for the Year of 2008, ill let each category run until the end of Dec 31st to see who has won, theres no prizes but it will be interesting to see whats the winner voted exclusively by the members of DCEmu.
So one vote each.
Whats the PS2 Game of the year?
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December 21st, 2008, 20:32 Posted By: AdamRav
All Thanks Go To JK108 For Taking His Own Time Making Scripts For Us To Use
Here it is. Ultimate PSPtube 1.6. A modification of PSPTube which allows you to watch videos on your PSP. There are 26 sites included. Below is the readme which includes how to change the site order and disable certain sites.
Ultimate PSPTube 1.6
Scripts & Various Features - JK108
Original Program - SofiyaCat
Main Theme - Psimxc
Optional Theme - Salvy
This is a modification for PSPTube which aims to deliver a fully working video
streamer to the PSP with as little trouble as possible. The original PSPTube was
created by SofiyaCat. All scripts and various other features were created by JK108.
The main theme for Ultimate PSPTube was created by Psimxc. The optional theme was
created by Salvy. If there are any problems with the program please let me know
on the PSPHacks or MaxConsole forums and I will do my best to fix them.
Sites Included
-Google Video
-MySpace Videos
Known Issues
-Videos don't save to favourites for Veoh, Guba, Yuvutu and xHamster
-Longer videos in Veoh dont load because they use a format that PSPTube doesn't support
-Shufuni shows the first page of results for all pages
-There are various issues with the quality of the videos for many sites because they use a non supported format
Delete any old version of Ultimate PSPTube that is already on your PSP and then simply copy the folder
"Ultimate PSPTube" into the directory "PSP/GAME" on your PSP. There should now be the folder
"PSP/GAME/Ultimate PSPTube". Thats all you need to do.
While Not Playing Video:
Select - Changes the selected site which is displayed in the top left corner.
X - Play the selected video.
O - Search for videos on the selected site.
Triangle - Brings up the menu where you can save to favourites, add to playlist etc.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
L Trigger - Previous page of results.
R Trigger - Next page of results.
While Playing Video:
O - Stops the video returns to search results.
Square - Switches the view. Either search results, video playback or split.
Triangle - Hides the time display. Press again to hide video playback and then press again to show all.
Select - Change the video playback size.
Start - Pauses the video. Press again to resume.
Left Arrow - Slows down the playback speed.
Right Arrow - Speeds up the playback speed.
How To Change The Site Order & Disable Certain Sites
Ultimate PSPTube has a feature allowing you to change the order that the sites are
displayed in as well as selecting what sites you actually want to display. To change
the site order or stop sites from being displayed, you need to edit the config.js file
found in root folder of Ultimate PSPTube. Below is an example of the section that
contains the site order and what sites to display.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
As you can see the order in the example above goes YouTube, then TNAFlix, then
CrunchyRoll, etc. If you want to change the site order all you have to do is switch the
lines around. If you want to disable a site you can put // in front of the line
containing that site. Below is another example with a few changes.
//Order Of Sites
//To not use a site just comment the line out
var site_order = [
"MySpace Videos",
"Google Video",
Now the order of the sites in the above example goes YouTube, then Dailymotion, then
Veoh, etc. Also notice that in this example TNAFlix and Guba wouldn't be displayed in Ultimate
PSPTube because they have // in front of them.
Veoh Family Filter
You can turn Veoh family filter on or off in the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//Veoh Family Filter
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.VeohFamilyFilter = 0;
In the example above, Veoh family filter is turned off because it is set to 0. If you set
it to 1, Veoh family filter would be turned on.
YouTube High Quality
You can turn YouTube high quality on or off in the config.js file found in root folder of
Ultimate PSPTube. Below is the section that you would need to edit.
//YouTube High Quality
//0: Off
//1: On
PSPTube.YouTubeHighQuality = 1;
In the example above, YouTube high quality is turned on because it is set to 1. If you set
it to 0, YouTube high quality would be turned off. It is turned off by default. When it is
turned on, the high quality video will be displayed instead of the normal
quality video if it is available.
File & Folder Structure
Optional Theme/EBOOT.PBP
Optional Theme/Preview.jpg
Optional Theme/Readme.txt
Ultimate PSPTube/favorites
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/CrunchyRoll.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Dailymotion.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Google Video.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Guba.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/LiveLeak.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MetaCafe.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MuchoSucko.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MySpace Videos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/MyVideo.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/NothingToxic.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Pornhub.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/RedTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Shufuni.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/StageVu.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/ThatVideoSite.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TNAFlix.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tube8.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/TubeIso.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Tudou.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/VBox7.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Veoh.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Wanktube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/xHamster.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/XVideos.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/YouTube.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/sites/Yuvutu.js
Ultimate PSPTube/system/dvemgr.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/mediaengine.prx
Ultimate PSPTube/system/site_man.js
Ultimate PSPTube/config.js
Ultimate PSPTube/EBOOT.PBP
Ultimate PSPTube/Readme.txt
-Yuvutu is now included
-xHamster is now included
-Fixed a bug in YouTube where the thumbnail and title would display incorrectly for some results
-Fixed the VBox7 script so the videos now work again
-Made a few changes to how the description text is handled
-RedTube is now included
-StageVu is now included
-ThatVideoSite is now included
-An optional theme is now included
-MyVideo script is fixed after it stopped working because the site changed
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because the site changed
-Fixed a bug in Veoh where some searches would return no results when they should do
-Fixed a bug in CrunchyRoll where the thumbnails weren't showing as the site changed
-Fixed a bug in YouTube where it would only show the first few thumbnails due to site changes
-Fixed a bug in YouTube while high quality is enabled where videos wouldn't load
if there wasn't a high quality version due to changes to the YouTube site
-TubeIso is now included
-YouTube script is fixed after it stopped working because the site layout changed
-Integrated YouTubeHQ into the normal YouTube script. There is now an option in the
config to use high quality mode on YouTube when its available
-Fixed a bug in MySpace Videos where the description was sometimes incorrect
-Fixed a bug in many of my scripts where it would incorrectly display the number of
views if it was more than a million
-Fixed a bug in TNAFlix where the description wasn't displaying correctly
-MetaCafe is now included
-XVideos is now included
-Tudou is now included
-Pornhub is now included
-YouTubeHQ is now included
-Family filter for Veoh is now an option in the config
-YouTube bug fixed where it comes to the end of results on the first page
-Google Video script is fixed after it stopped working because they changed the way
the video length was displayed on their site
-LiveLeak is now included
-VBox7 is now included
-Small improvements to video descriptions
-NothingToxic is now included
-Tube8 is now included
-Hyperlinks in descriptions are now replaced with their text
Example: "<a href="http://www.somesite.com">Here</a>" becomes "Here"
-HTML Image tags are now removed from descriptions
Example: "<img src="http://www.somesite.com/someimage.gif">" is removed
-Small bug fixes
-Original Release
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December 22nd, 2008, 03:16 Posted By: MasterChafed
This is a program I wrote with the chemistry inclined person in mind.
I hope everyone enjoys this. And please read the readme first as I feel it has some information that is needed for successful usage of the program. Comments are appreciated.
edit: found a bug- fixed now.
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December 22nd, 2008, 04:05 Posted By: bandit
XCM Dominator Joystick for PS3™
Some gamers find the combo attacks in many games are hard to execute on a regular basis. You may need to combine 4-8 different button attacks with the proper timing to pull special moves. (Example: Y + Y + X + L + R + A + Y + B) With a normal controller this task is nearly impossible. The XCM Dominator Joystick solves this problem, and lets you execute these combos with ease. Just program the keys to a special button and then you only need to press that button to pull off those special moves.
The XCM Dominator Joystick includes 2 very special features: Combo Attacker and Independent Rapid Fire. This will allow you to dominate your opponents with ease. With these 2 features in hand fighting games will never be the same again!
The joystick will be available January 2009. No announcement on how much this will cost.
Source: via email
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December 22nd, 2008, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Convenient all-in-one Power Charge Cable for PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP, NDSi, NDS Lite, NDS and GSP for you to carry around. You can always supply power to your consoles with other USB devices. A must have if you own one or more consoles mentioned above.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Convenient all-in-one Power Charge Cable for PSP-3000, PSP Slim, PSP, NDSi, NDS Lite, NDS, GSP, iPhone, iPod, Nano and Shuffle for you to carry around. You can always supply power to your devices with other USB applicances. A must have if you own one or more devices mentioned above.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
What it lacks in a Flux Capacitor and time circuits, Burnout Paradise's hover-enabled "Jansen 88 Special" more than makes up for in its ability to make us drool, as evidenced in new footage released by Criterion Games.
The car, which certainly meets with Doc Brown's seal of approval, is one quarter of the upcoming Legendary Cars Pack, which will also include the Cavalry Bootlegger, Manhattan Spirit and GT Nighthawk. Now, if only our Flux Capacitor would start fluxing so we could leap ahead a few months and try this DLC out for ourselves.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Blog notes that the December 22 (i.e. today) PlayStation Home update will restore voice chat to the service. The feature was "temporarily" suspended with the 1.04 patch, but now the oral racism and sexism can flow freely again with 1.05.
To update the lifestyle program, just click on the PlayStation Home icon on the XMB. For those reading this while immersed in the virtual confines embrace of Home, you'll have to log off and return to cruel reality to download the patch.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:32 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Hi-end next generation arcade style controller
Turbo (20times/sec) function can be set up on all buttons.
With toggle switch, the stick control can be directed to PS3 controller's directional pad, left stick, or right stick controls.
The 8 main buttonds are designed and placed on same layout as the arcades.
Recommended for fighting, action, shooting, FPS, and other games that are available through PlayStation Network.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Experience layered, primal storylines based on the legendary tale re-imagined
Dedicate deeds to the gods to win their favor. Their powers shape your future and the fate of the world itself
Fight alongside Hercules, Achilles and Pan with other fable heroes, each gifted with their own extraordinary powers
Travel to unique island environments filled with strange and wondrous denizens
Battle awesome mythological foes and gargantuan monsters
Develop and upgrade multiple weapons and specialized killing techniques
Unleash deadly force with finishing moves, parries, team combos and more
Revolutionary dialogue system dictates choice, upgrades and story with unprecedented speed and depth
Breaktrough real-time combat system with dynamic animations and visual damage modeling
Visual character leveling and inventory management in real time
In Rise of the Argonauts you take on the role of Jason, King of Iolcus and powerful, battle-hardened warrior. As the story begins you have everything - a prosperous kingdom, the respect of your citizens and the love of Alceme, your beautiful bride to be. This charmed existence ends when Alceme is killed by an assassin s arrow on your wedding day.
Overcome with grief you vow to do anything to restore her. You hear of the Legendary Golden Fleece, on the lost Isle of Tartarus, which is said to bring the dead back to life. In order reunite with your beloved you must now prepare for the greatest voyage of all.
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

A variety of special maneuvers help you move quickly through tricky situations. "Quick Step" allows you to dodge obstacles by instantly moving left or right without losing speed; "Speed Drift" will maintain top speeds through turns, while "Sonic Boost" will accelerate you to super speeds!
Sonic Unleashed delivers a revolutionary gameplay experience, combining picturesque graphics with seamless transitions between 3D and classic 2D perspectives
Many unique and fascinating continents let you explore a variety of environments - sprint across cobbled streets, race through lush jungles and much more
Choose from multiple pathways in Sonic's massive new playground. Each unique route offers different encounters with varying rewards and obstacles
Sonic is in a Race against Time to Save the World... and Himself!
Sonic the Hedgehog is on an adventure unlike any other! When Dr. Eggman unleashed a slumbering beast from the center of the Earth, there is a devastating tremor that splinters the world into many continents. Sonic must race to restore the planet in chaos, but an unusual situation challenges him in never-before-seen ways. Both day and night play different, yet important, roles in Sonic's newest quest... as the sun sets, an intriguing adventure awakens!
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December 22nd, 2008, 15:52 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK and on worldwide import:

The highly anticipated Wireless Keypad is designed to fit precisely into the unique shape of SIXAXIS and DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controllers, and can be easily attached or removed. By using the product instead of the on-screen keyboard, users will be able to enjoy text chat communication more easily and comfortably in their hands, just as they would use familiar portable communication devices. It supports text chat in PlayStation Home as well, and enables users to enjoy interactivity playing on-line titles and enjoying entertainment content more smoothly.
Equipped with Bluetooth functionality, the Wireless Keypad can be paired to PS3 by simply connecting the keypad to the USB cable that comes bundled with the PS3 system. Also, two shortcut buttons, a Communication Button and a Message Box Button, are placed on the lower part of the Wireless Keypad, enabling users to jump to pre-set features on XMB (XrossMediaBar) such as Friends?and “Message Box?during game play, which help PS3 users to smoothly communicate with each other.
Additionally, a Touch Pad Button allows PS3 users to use the entire surface of the keypad as a touch pad, allowing them to easily maneuver the pointer while web browsing, simply by sliding their finger on the keypad surface.
Docked into your SIXAXIS or DualShock 3 wireless controllers to work
Easily attached or removed
Make users more easily and comfortably when communication
Supports text chat in PlayStation Home
Equipped with Bluetooth functionality
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December 22nd, 2008, 19:40 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
An as-yet unexplained error related to PS3 Trophy synchronisation is breaking a number of games on the console.
The error, which seems to have first struck after the release of firmware version 2.50, appears to occur when users change their PSN ID or password.
After doing so, their Trophy data becomes corrupt and running a select number of games brings up an error that notifies the user of a failure to sync Trophy data. In the worst of cases, the game forces the player to quit and "try again", only to repeat the same message.
Known affected titles include WipEout HD, Burnout Paradise, LittleBigPlanet and Pain.
The first complaints hit forums back in October and, having gone unfixed for so long, it has left many doubtful that a patch will come before the Christmas break, when those PS3s should be getting a considerable hammering.
A Sony community man posting under the alias 'MusterBuster' only just this week said: "A fix is on the way, but I don't have an ETA yet".
Firmware update 2.53, released earlier this month, didn't fix the problem.
CVG has contacted Sony for an official statement. Hopefully we'll have some good news for you before the day's out.
Otherwise, there is one suggested fix that has worked for some titles. Bit of a pain in the ass though. You have to:
- Delete your Game Data (that's the install files for a game, NOT the Save Data).
- Use the Backup option in the PS3's XMB to create a full backup of your hard drive.
- Restore your PS3 from the backup.
- You trophies will all be gone but don't panic - that data will be stored on Sony's servers. Just reinstall the game, install the Trophy data and the sync should work fine. Maybe.
Give it a go at your own discretion. Meanwhile, we'd offer you one other tip: don't change your PSN ID or password for a while. Prevention is better than cure.
Thanks to CVG reader Glen for the tip.
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December 22nd, 2008, 20:23 Posted By: Shrygue
via Eurogamer
Sony's Pulse video show reckons PAIN has been the most downloaded PlayStation Network game this year.
The physics-based hurl-an-avatar-into-things-for-points title was released in March, and has benefited from extra levels and Trophy support over the subsequent months.
Even David Hasselhoff hopped on board, re-recording Culture Club and perhaps slopping a cheeseburger on the floor in the process.
High Velocity Bowling managed to take second, according to the list on PS3 Fanboy, followed by Super Stardust HD and the excellent PixelJunk Monsters. FlOw eased into fourth, tailed by Warhawk at five and Aquatopia at six.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection kicked up a fuss at seven, beating High Stakes Poker at nine and Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty at 10.
But where is WipEout HD? The game Sony Europe told us (on Friday, in a statement about the Trial version) was the "fastest-selling" PSN game to date and the "top seller" for the whole of November?
The WipEout HD trial will go live from 24th December, which is when we will be doing our Christmas shopping.
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December 23rd, 2008, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Are you ready for 3D? Sony certainly is. According to one CEO, the Playstation 3 will be ready to display in 3D starting sometime in the New Year.
Neil Schneider, President and CEO of Meant to be Seen, the "world's first and only stereoscopic 3D certification and advocacy group," was told by Blitz Games Studios, the company creating and licensing the 3D engine, that Sony "fully intends" on using stereoscopic 3D for their games and blu-ray movies starting in 2009.
“The best part is console support will only need a bios upgrade to work,” Schneider writes. “We are told that the ability to add this capability via bios may be unique to Sony PS3 versus the other console solutions.”
I've been seeing a lot of 3D stuff creep up as of late, particularly in movies. When did this happen? Is anyone really excited by having to wear glasses when you watch anything on TV?
My only question is: When is 4D coming?
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December 23rd, 2008, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
A strange rumor is lingering at Play-Asia. They have a listing for Strikers 1945 Plus, which was released as an arcade game almost ten years ago, as a PSP game. If I recall correctly it got a Neo Geo port, but that was about it for Strikers 1945 Plus.
Wiznet, whoever that is, will reportedly release Strikers 1945 Plus in English on the PSP in Asia in February 2009. No word if Strikers 1945 Plus will be released in other regions, but Play-Asia has a pretty good track record for leaks. Perhaps, the PSP will be the new home for Psikyo shooters in the future. In the past Psikyo’s arcade ports have come out for the PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast. X-nauts hasn’t moved on to the Wii, Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 yet.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:14 Posted By: wraggster
If you've been waiting since WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 hit retailers in November for a dose of new characters and costumes, the drought is almost over. WWE.com is reporting that a pack featuring three playable characters and one alternate attire is headed to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 -- with five additional attires exclusive to Sony's platform. Set to be released some time in January, the roster pack will retail for 400 Microsoft Points/$4.99 on the PlayStation Network.
What's in the pack? Well, thanks for asking…
Evan Bourne - playable Superstar
Ted DiBiase - playable Superstar
Charlie Haas - playable Superstar
Chris Jericho - alternate attire
Kelly Kelly - holiday costume (EXCLUSIVELY ON PS3)
Maria Santa - holiday costume (EXCLUSIVELY ON PS3)
Masked Kane - alternate attire (EXCLUSIVELY ON PS3)
MVP - alternate attire (EXCLUSIVELY ON PS3)
Edge - alternate attire (EXCLUSIVELY ON PS3)
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:15 Posted By: wraggster
Several unannounced SEGA-made games recently popped up on the Entertainment Software Rating Board's (ESRB) website. Apparently the publisher is using the Wii's Virtual Console as a sort of test bed as the listed titles have already released on Nintendo's System (not to mention the fact that they're also classic games). Now coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network are Gunstar Heroes, Phantasy Star II, Comix Zone and Sonic The Hedgehog 3. There's no indication of a release date for any of the titles, but as soon as we get wind of one, we'll let you know.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:16 Posted By: wraggster
Need to beat your father at something this holiday but he's scared of traditional videogames? Well, Buzz! Quiz TV plays more like a game show with its four buzzer controllers, and the PlayStation Store's getting an additional 500 questions tomorrow. Yes, the National Geographic: Undersea quiz pack will be released with tomorrow's update for $7.99 and feature all sorts of noodle-scratchers about fish, sponges, and such. Prepare to be tested!
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) announced today the North American release of MLB 09 The Show™ available for PLAYSTATION?3 (PS3™), PSP? (PlayStation?Portable), and PlayStation?2. MLB 09 The Show will arrive in stores in time for Spring Training as the longest running, officially licensed baseball title, delivering true-to-life gameplay, deeper franchise and season modes, and incredible detail not found in any other title.
"The MLB franchise has been recognized as the industry leader in terms of realism and overall gameplay and we're looking to stay at the forefront by taking it to another level with MLB 09 The Show," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President, Product Marketing, SCEA. "With enhanced gameplay features and more attention to detail than ever before, MLB 09 The Show is prepared to deliver an unsurpassed next-gen baseball experience."
MLB 09 The Show continues to set itself apart from the other MLB games on the market with its attention to detail and unparalleled gameplay. Looking to build on that reputation, the game has added several new features and subtleties that play a huge role in bringing the baseball experience to life. Incredible stadium detail and signage, wear and tear on the field, dusk to night lighting transitions, and stadium JumboTron animations help immerse users in the ultimate baseball experience.
The popular "Road to the Show" feature returns, giving fans the chance to play offense and defense and truly immerse themselves in gameplay from a custom-created player's perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training and coaching as users navigate through a career that culminates with a shot at the big leagues. "Online Season Leagues" are also newly available, allowing fully functional drafts and providing players with a flex calendar to play games ahead in the schedule. Also back for PS3 and PlayStation 2 is "Franchise Mode," complete with the long anticipated 40-man roster. In Franchise Mode, fans must think and act like an owner while dealing with issues such as salary arbitration, waiver transactions, and September call-ups along the way. However winning games isn't the only thing that matters, as users must deal with clubhouse chemistry, roster management, and other issues that arise over the course of a season.
MLB 09 The Show brings back the ability to create custom music tracks using the "My MLB Music" feature. However for this year, players will be able to edit music tracks to assign batter walk-up tunes using the "Custom Music" feature. Additionally, fans can record their own customized chants and yells and integrate them seamlessly into the ambient crowd noise to create an even more personalized rivalry.
The popular "Pitcher/Batter Analysis" feature returns on MLB 09 The Show for PS3 and PSP, detailing the breakdown of how a batter has performed based on pitch type and result. The game offers up 17 different pitch types for players to master and MLB 09 The Show details the different pitch grips and arm angles that hitters must address. Players can also hone their skills using a wide variety of "Training/Practice" drills, with each set of drills focusing on a different area of the game. Utilizing the "Progressive Batting Performance" feature, players are rewarded for superior skills at the plate but are also penalized for hitting slumps.
Once users master the basics and create highlights of their own, they can save each dazzling play to the PS3 hard drive with the "Replay Vault" feature, where every key play in the field and clutch at-bat can be replayed at any time. Also new to the highlight system is "End of Game Replays" where users are given an instant post-game summary of the most exciting and important plays of the game.
For fans who want to take their game on the road, MLB 09 The Show for PSP delivers big baseball action in the palm of your hand by utilizing core gameplay features found on the PS3 version. Unique to PSP, MLB 09 The Show will feature "SportsConnect News2Go" which offers fans the ability to go online to select and save the latest news feeds to their Memory Stick Duo and review at their leisure.
Exclusive for PlayStation 2 is the unrivaled "Player Creator", providing users with endless possibilities for creating players, including everything down to their player's face with EyeToy?. Users can also adjust their personal rituals, swings, and even emotions as they create and place themselves in the heat of a pennant race.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) announced today the North American release of MLB 09 The Show™ available for PLAYSTATION?3 (PS3™), PSP? (PlayStation?Portable), and PlayStation?2. MLB 09 The Show will arrive in stores in time for Spring Training as the longest running, officially licensed baseball title, delivering true-to-life gameplay, deeper franchise and season modes, and incredible detail not found in any other title.
"The MLB franchise has been recognized as the industry leader in terms of realism and overall gameplay and we're looking to stay at the forefront by taking it to another level with MLB 09 The Show," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President, Product Marketing, SCEA. "With enhanced gameplay features and more attention to detail than ever before, MLB 09 The Show is prepared to deliver an unsurpassed next-gen baseball experience."
MLB 09 The Show continues to set itself apart from the other MLB games on the market with its attention to detail and unparalleled gameplay. Looking to build on that reputation, the game has added several new features and subtleties that play a huge role in bringing the baseball experience to life. Incredible stadium detail and signage, wear and tear on the field, dusk to night lighting transitions, and stadium JumboTron animations help immerse users in the ultimate baseball experience.
The popular "Road to the Show" feature returns, giving fans the chance to play offense and defense and truly immerse themselves in gameplay from a custom-created player's perspective. This year, Road to the Show includes interactive training and coaching as users navigate through a career that culminates with a shot at the big leagues. "Online Season Leagues" are also newly available, allowing fully functional drafts and providing players with a flex calendar to play games ahead in the schedule. Also back for PS3 and PlayStation 2 is "Franchise Mode," complete with the long anticipated 40-man roster. In Franchise Mode, fans must think and act like an owner while dealing with issues such as salary arbitration, waiver transactions, and September call-ups along the way. However winning games isn't the only thing that matters, as users must deal with clubhouse chemistry, roster management, and other issues that arise over the course of a season.
MLB 09 The Show brings back the ability to create custom music tracks using the "My MLB Music" feature. However for this year, players will be able to edit music tracks to assign batter walk-up tunes using the "Custom Music" feature. Additionally, fans can record their own customized chants and yells and integrate them seamlessly into the ambient crowd noise to create an even more personalized rivalry.
The popular "Pitcher/Batter Analysis" feature returns on MLB 09 The Show for PS3 and PSP, detailing the breakdown of how a batter has performed based on pitch type and result. The game offers up 17 different pitch types for players to master and MLB 09 The Show details the different pitch grips and arm angles that hitters must address. Players can also hone their skills using a wide variety of "Training/Practice" drills, with each set of drills focusing on a different area of the game. Utilizing the "Progressive Batting Performance" feature, players are rewarded for superior skills at the plate but are also penalized for hitting slumps.
Once users master the basics and create highlights of their own, they can save each dazzling play to the PS3 hard drive with the "Replay Vault" feature, where every key play in the field and clutch at-bat can be replayed at any time. Also new to the highlight system is "End of Game Replays" where users are given an instant post-game summary of the most exciting and important plays of the game.
For fans who want to take their game on the road, MLB 09 The Show for PSP delivers big baseball action in the palm of your hand by utilizing core gameplay features found on the PS3 version. Unique to PSP, MLB 09 The Show will feature "SportsConnect News2Go" which offers fans the ability to go online to select and save the latest news feeds to their Memory Stick Duo and review at their leisure.
Exclusive for PlayStation 2 is the unrivaled "Player Creator", providing users with endless possibilities for creating players, including everything down to their player's face with EyeToy?. Users can also adjust their personal rituals, swings, and even emotions as they create and place themselves in the heat of a pennant race.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
news via psphacks
Tested and stamped with the CFW 3.71 certified seal of approval — NoEffex’s BakonICE v1.70. Of course support for other custom firmwares, both old and new, remain fully intact. So get down and have some fun cheating Socom Fireteam Bravo 2.
BakonICE v1.70 changes:
Added a warning menu to the suicidal function and the stop pspbricker
Added a 3.71 build to the series, the prx is “bakon371.prx” in the old firmwares package
The secondary menu is now a pop-up-ish menu, more conservative
Added a header for the version number in the save selection, as when I implement new things I need to trash the old one
There seemed to be some problems with the config parser and writer, more or less the writer, and it appears to be fixed
Added infinite ammo to the in-game-only menu. Beware, it probably bans online
Various fixed pertaining to misaligned variables. I THINK I have most, if not all, fixed
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:41 Posted By: wraggster
Ifcaros has released a new version of Tetris for the PS2, heres whats new:
- Back to freesd. thanks lukasz
- Now it should run on the ps3 without the need of psxloader
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Thanks to http://www.pdroms.de/news/ for the news.
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December 23rd, 2008, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
jamesholodnak has released a new Nes Emulator for the PS2, heres the release information:
Here is the update PS2 beta preview. I finally got my PS2 from a friends house, then made changes to NESEMU accordingly to fix any problems in the PS2 port.
The PS2 port had been untested since around version 0.1.27, when main development had shifted direction from only PS2 to all platforms, with Win32 being the active development target.
Fixed ROM loading, tested with .nes, .unf/.unif, and .fds files. Also tried them all GZipped.
All IRX's and BIOS files should be placed in the "nesemu" folder on the first memory card. (ex: mc0:/nesemu/ with uLaunchelf, you will need to copy the files and create the directory on your own.).
No longer requires two controllers to start up.
No longer requires a hard disk, but hard drive support is flaky, and doesn't support GZip.
ROMs on the hard drive should be stored in the "+NES" partition.
USB loading is still unsupported.
PS2 NESEMU installer coming shortly, based upon the Wii "NESEMU Channel" installer.
Any features/problems/etc should be emailed to jamesholodnak at gmail dot com
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Thanks to http://www.pdroms.de/news/ for the news.
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December 23rd, 2008, 23:47 Posted By: Shrygue
via Computer and Video Games
PS3 was noted for being a particularly expensive console to make on its release year of 2006, but the cost of making them has almost halved, according to electronics research company iSuppli.
The original launch day versions of PS3 were said to cost Sony around $840 per unit to make. Sony was selling them for $599 in the US (£425 over here).
Since then, PS3s have lost PS2 game support, a couple of USB and memory card ports, and gained bigger hard drives, that the revisions seem to have paid off.
According to iSuppli (via Business Week), who did a recent tear-down of the latest PS3s available, those costs are now down to around $440 per unit, which Sony sells on for $399 (or £299).
If the figures are accurate, that would put Sony's losses per console down from around $240 to just $40 per unit.
"Sony is one step ahead of us and probably has plans to re-spin the hardware to reduce the costs yet again," said iSuppli analyst Andrew Rassweiler, who reckons Sony could reach the break-even point in 2009.
Despite expectations, Sony has insisted it has "no plans" for a price reduction on PS3 in March next year, in which the company expects to sell 10 million consoles.
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December 24th, 2008, 00:08 Posted By: Shrygue
via Gizmodo US
Winter weather and cabin fever can lead to some strange behavior. Take this tale of two thirtysomething Wisconsin brothers for instance. Apparently, a fight over a PS2 controller lead to punching, choking and stabbing.
According to the Waukesha Police, the fight started over an argument about who's turn it was to play the (unidentified) game. Eventually, the fight escalated when one brother tried to choke the other out. In retaliation, he pulled an knife and slashed at his assailant. The knife was wrestled out of his hands and plunged into his chest. In a panic, the brother who did the stabbin' fled the scene and walked to the hospital—suffering severe frostbite on his hands as a result.
The injuries sustained were not life threatening, but police are recommending that charges be brought up against both brothers. They are also speaking with Santa Claus about the possibility of placing his boot squarely and firmly into their asses.
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December 24th, 2008, 11:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Protect your PSP-3000 and PSP Slim console while improving your gameplay with better grip for different types of games with this powerful combo accessory! Comes bundled with a high quality screen protector and specific silicon stick pads to improve grip and control over your favorite games
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December 24th, 2008, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

3 in 1 UMD Protect Cover, Memory Sticks Storage Box and Movie Stand for PSP 3000 and PSP Slim consoles. It acts as a hands free horizontal or vertical stand for watching Movies or TV while protecting the UMD door.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:03 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

3 in 1 Guard Skin, Screen Protect Lens and Movie Stand for PSP 3000 and PSP Slim consoles. High transparent screen protect lens keeps your screen as sharp as original. It comes with transparent UMD protect cover with stand.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:04 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

3 in 1 Hand Grip Pad, Memory Sticks Storage Box and Movie Stand for PSP 3000 and PSP Slim consoles. All-in-one special design for human hand shape, suitable for long gameplay. It acts as hands free horizontal or vertical stand for watching Movies or TV.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:24 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that format war? Good fun. Blu-ray battling it out with HD DVD. Sony pinning its hopes and dreams for dominance on the PS3, while Microsoft released an HD DVD player for its console.
Now that the dust has settled and the reality has washed over me and you, let's see how this format war has turned out with an totally unscientific poll. In late November, members of the goo Research monitor group were asked about Blu-ray and HD DVD in an online questionnaire. A little over half of those polled were male and ages ranged from teens to over 60 years old. Let's look at the data:
Which of the following movie recording and playback devices do you have? (Sample size = 1,081, multiple answer)
VHS video recorder: 68.0 percent
DVD player (including games machines): 66.4 percent
Hard disk and DVD recorder/player: 36.0 percent
Hard disk only recorder/player: 12.3 percent
Blu-ray recorder/player (including games machines): 6.3 percent
HD DVD recorder/player (including games machines): 3.4 percent
None of the above: 4.4 percent
Don’t know: 0.8 percent
FASCINATING. Not surprising that DVD playing game machines are so prevalent. We would've thought that Blu-ray would be doing a little better though... But hey, Sony probably thought the same thing. We're not alone.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony must have taken a lesson from Nintendo and decided to go out and get their own license to print money. Where can I get one of those?
In an interview with Silicon Alley Insider, Susan Panico, Sr. Director of the Playstation Network with Sony, said Playstation Home items are "selling like hotcakes" and that the company had generated more revenue in the first four days of its release than the video service being offered on PSN did in its launch week. When you consider Home's pricing of items ranges from 49 cents to $4.99 to videos priced upwards of $14.99 that's a lot of digital digs.
It's a classic 80/20 model, where 20 percent of your customers create 80 percent of your income," she said.
Panico continued on to say that costumes, specifically Santa Claus, have been the highest sellers and noted about possibility of partnering with other companies and their IPs. I'm sure that means, at some point, we'll see Helghast clans running around or people wearing Sack Boy face masks in the future.
Anyone here actually pony up for items?
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December 24th, 2008, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
The latest update for Sony's tactical shooter won't quite make it in time for the holidays.
The newest patch to come, version 1.30, is said to fix plenty of bugs and errors, namely stability issues and, most notably, the "heart attack" bug (couldn't find a Youtube video, sorry). The good news is the patch has been sent for certification. The bad news, however, is that people typically have off over the holidays, so don't expect a released until after then. Seth Luisi on the SOCOM blog writes:
Unfortunately, due to the Holidays the update will not be approved by SCE Format QA until early next year. Our QA staff will be here, testing the game over vacation, but the SCE QA teams which must approve the update before release will not. Again, these teams must approve all titles and updates before they can be released. We are unable to release the 1.30 update without their approval. As much as I would like to play Scrooge, it is impossible for us to cancel their vacation and get them to approve it over the holiday.
The scheduled release for 1.30 is during the weeks of January 5th or January 12th. For now, though, singalong and enjoy this Christmas special!
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December 24th, 2008, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has added another PSone classic to the North American PlayStation Store, following up last week's release of Castlevania Chronicles with the first in its role-playing game series Suikoden.
You know the drill, seek out the 108 Stars of Destiny to aid them in overthrowing the corrupt government and navigate plenty of menus while doing so. Also, do your best to forget that awful "localized" cover art. Konami reps say the game is available on the PlayStation Store right now, but I'm far away from my PlayStation 3, so I'll have to trust 'em.
Price to you is just $5.99 for the playable on PSP and PS3 PlayStation game. Much cheaper than trying to score a copy off eBay.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
Back at Tokyo Game Show one of the more innovative PlayStation Network games was Gomibako (literally Trash Can). In the game players stacked bits of trash sort of like Tetris with an environmental twist. Each object has an assigned material attribute like biological or metallic waste that affects other things stacked on top of it. Gomibako was a cool concept title, but after seeing it some writers were worried it was too out there for an international release.
Here’s some good news, Gomibako will be released in English! At the Asia Game Show a poster for Gomibako, now known as Trash Box, explains and English/Chinese version is in development. Since Sony Computer Entertainment Asia will release the game in English it’s easy to imagine Sony Computer Entertainment America doing the same thing. However, there have been a few times when SCEA totally skipped over releasing a localized PSN game. Dark Mist comes to mind, but I doubt Gomibako will fall into the leftover pile in North America.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:40 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, Tenchu 4 is coming to the PSP. Japan gets it on February 12, but Tenchu 4 on the PSP isn’t exactly the same experience you get with the Wii. Anyone that picks up the PSP version has to give up motion control in exchange for portability. Some gamers might consider that a positive, but the graphics are also taking a noticeable hit. Instead of shadowy figures the PSP version gives you solid color models when you use your ninja vision.
The Wii version has plenty of quick time events which require motion control. It appears that Tenchu 4 for the PSP handles these with pop up commands on the bottom of the screen.
screens here --> http://www.siliconera.com/2008/12/23...s-like-on-psp/
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December 24th, 2008, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster
Bad news first. If you were expecting a shipping confirmation notice of your DJ Max Portable Black Square for PSP™ or DJ Max Trilogy for PC preorder today, we are afraid to inform you that thanks to a combined effort of our Korean supplier and a courier shipping company that we don't like to mention by name, our shipment was held up by one day.
Usually one day is no big deal. However due to the upcoming Christmas holidays (public holidays here as well), this means preorders for those two items (or better said four items if you include the limited editions) are now only scheduled to leave Play-Asia's premises on coming Monday (Dec 29th). Our apologies to all customers that have been affected by this unforeseen delay. This leaves us with just one question in mind: Whose idea was it in first place to release new games on Christmas Eve?
On a side note, White Knight Chronicles preorders are also on schedule to ship only starting from coming Monday (Dec 29th). This game was not released to distributors early and is only expected to be shipped out from Japan today.
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December 24th, 2008, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Rock Band 2 delivers the most authentic and ambitious music game to date ?by challenging rockers to master lead guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals with a polished, streamlined, and amazingly fun and challenging experience. Rock Band 2 features a track list that puts all other music games to shame with more than 100 ondisc and free downloadable tracks from some of the most hallowed bands of the rock pantheon.
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December 24th, 2008, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Well, this news is sure to leave you smiling ear to ear for the next week -- a tad awkward if you're meant to be at a funeral in the near future, but that's just how LocoRoco rolls. The giggling explosion of euphoric colors, more elegantly dubbed "LocoRoco 2," is officially slated to arrive in North America on Feb 10, 2009.
The PlayStation Blog notes that the anticipated sequel will be available then on UMD, but we hope to see a version of LocoRoco 2 arrive on the PlayStation Store as well (Japan's doing it!). It'll save us the trip into the outside world, which we hear is a rather dour place.
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December 24th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Suikoden is an awesome addition to the PlayStation Store, but once again Japan beats us in the PlayStation Archives department. Instead of getting one game Japan’s PlayStation Store update has six… well, it’s really five since there are two versions of Harvest Moon on the list. If you have a Japanese PSN account you can pick up Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Front Mission 2 which never got released in North America for 600 yen ($6.50) a piece.
I’m tempted to get Kagero, or as its known here Kagero: Deception II, since I started the series with Trapt, but now I’m busy with Suikoden right now. If you’re not playing Suikoden or Dissidia: Final Fantasy here is this week’s list of PSP / PS3 compatible PlayStation Archives.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Front Mission 2
Brigandine: Grand Edition
Kagero: Deception II
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon for Girls
What Playstation Games Would you like to see on PSN ?
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December 24th, 2008, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Suikoden is an awesome addition to the PlayStation Store, but once again Japan beats us in the PlayStation Archives department. Instead of getting one game Japan’s PlayStation Store update has six… well, it’s really five since there are two versions of Harvest Moon on the list. If you have a Japanese PSN account you can pick up Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and Front Mission 2 which never got released in North America for 600 yen ($6.50) a piece.
I’m tempted to get Kagero, or as its known here Kagero: Deception II, since I started the series with Trapt, but now I’m busy with Suikoden right now. If you’re not playing Suikoden or Dissidia: Final Fantasy here is this week’s list of PSP / PS3 compatible PlayStation Archives.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Front Mission 2
Brigandine: Grand Edition
Kagero: Deception II
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon for Girls
What Playstation Games Would you like to see on PSN ?
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December 24th, 2008, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
When we first read that The Boss was coming to Guitar Hero World Tour, our reaction was a resounding "!". Turns out it's the other "The Boss," Bruce Springsteen, who is also a master of CQC. Little-known fact!
Activision will be offering two free DLC tracks day-and-date with the release of the All-American rocker's new album, Working on a Dream. The classic "Born to Run" will be joined by "My Lucky Day," a single off the new release. The songs will be available for download on both PSN and XBLM from January 27 through February 4.
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December 24th, 2008, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Bloodbane has released a new Beats of rage mod which should work on PSP/DC/GP2X:

Alright, it's released! Crime Buster v2.5 can be downloaded from the download section.
Story : Crime Buster is Special Police Force. Their first task is to investigate illegal drugs that has plagued the city then stop its trade by defeating and arresting the boss dealer.
Heroes : Maxima, Ralf, Athena, Kula and Bao
Features :
1. Running ability
2. Offensive abilities:
- Various freespecials
- Slams and throws
- Airgrab and running grab (hero specific)
- Powerful special (ala SoR2)
- Running attack, running jump attack and running special (except for Maxima)
3. Defensive abilities:
- Special
- Dodge (ala SoR3) and dodge while rising (ala Guardians)
- Block
- Anti grab special (ala Guardians)
- Anti throw air recovery
4. Challenging enemies:
- Weak thugs to strong punks
- Various bikers
- Flying enemies
- Strikers
- Subbosses, bosses and boss master
5. Various levels and stages:
- Alleys, pier, bridges to truck ride, ship and subway train
- Long stages with select screen per stage
- Random enemies in certain levels
- Normal and Easy mode
- 3 Bonus levels
6. Alternate paths:
- Local branches
- Time based branches
- 4 different endings
7. Locked game modes:
- Extra stages!
- Extra enemies!
- Extra difficulty!
- Extra challenge!
Boss Party
- Single stage filled with bosses and subbosses
- Main Branches and Room Branches!
- Hidden bosses and subbosses!
- All Bonus Levels from main game mode
- Extra Bonus Levels!
Don't forget to read README.txt and enjoy this mod!!
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December 25th, 2008, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from percyflette
It was a moment that I thought then I had a little time to wait before they can get into a collective project, I told myself it was now that I had to do. I know that hanging was released recently but I had already taken the lead in trying to make graphs, even when I finished mine.
Inspired source code that I had done in carrying out exercises zero site, I told myself it would be interesting to redo the game but hung on psp and graphics. It gives PSPendu. That is a classic but I think this version is fairly complete seen what can be expected from this type of game we like it or not love, at least, I hope that this application, which allows still kill time or entertain the younger ones, will find its audience.
The details:
The homebrew is still under GPL but the source code is not supplied with basic homebrew because it is not commented (if you want, ask, I will comment and lay out before the send).
The release contains a dictionary of 240 words. During your games, you can choose whether to use this dictionary. If you do not use it, you should enter your own word to guess the other (just like the good old method of paper where each one in turn made his guess word to others).
Small useful function, you can complete the dictionary by adding words directly from the PSP. For this direction "add words to the dictionary" from the menu.
In terms of checks, it's simple. The directional cross to move into the menu and on the letters on the keyboard (a false qwerty keyboard). The cross button to select. Then, when you "enter a word, you can use triangle to delete a character and round to confirm the seizure of the word. The Square button allows you to cancel entering a word in the "add a word to the dictionary."
The art of blablater when there is not much to say
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December 25th, 2008, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from silmarilion
Hi there, i'm relasing GameMusicGear_MX v1.1, just a small update this time .
I've managed to fix most of the bugs reported in v1.0, and added a couple of new input plugins. Also GameMusicGear now supports sampling rates from 8000 to 48000 hz
Here is the changelog:
Version 1.1
+ add new in_ac3 input plugins.
+ add new in_stream (vgmstream) input plugin. Will be used by
default over in_cube.
+ add new in_aac (aac, mp4, m4a) input plugin.
+ add new in_hvl (hvl, ahx) input plugin.
+ ADD Support for 8000, 11050, 12000, 16000,
22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000 sampling rates.
Note: If the song sampling rate doesn't match one of
those values exactly the closer frequency value will be
+ ...
* fix crash when pressing circle button on an empty playlist.
* fix crash when pressing up/down buttons on an empty settings
list in the config screen.
* fix equalizer left channels was not working.
* fix FLAC seek functions was broken.
* fix in config screen sometimes the left/right trigger icons and
left/right pad icons were wrong.
* fix in_modplug settings were being ignored.
* fix in_modplug seek function was broken.
* fix in_mad seek function was buggy.
* fix crash when in_modplug couldn´t handle a song.
* fix crash when trying to play a sid song if no songlengths
database was found.
* fix ...
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December 26th, 2008, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster

We've seen some pretty low tricks when it comes to giving what appears to be a gaming console to a junior, but we're pleading -- nay, insisting -- that you don't ever buy in on either of these in an attempt to pull the wool over a kiddo's eyes. Straight from a shady warehouse in China comes Rodisson Technologies' totally ridiculous Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 clones, both of which can only play 8-bit titles. The worst part, however, isn't the complete lack of effort in knocking these systems off with any level of pride; rather, it's the 10,000 item minimum order quantity. Thanks, but no thanks.
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December 26th, 2008, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
At the rate levels based on other people's IP are being pulled from LittleBigPlanet, you'd think there wasn't a company in the world that was cool with kids using their stuff in their Sackboy playgrounds.
But, according to Media Molecule, there are companies that are cool with it. Loads of companies. Speaking with IGN, MM's Alex Evans has said:
...the other point is the number of IP owners who came up to us and said please whitelist us – we'll never ever ask you to pull infringing stuff. I can't say who that is, but those two things really shocked me, I think it shocked [the IP holders], who were like, hang on, my IP's being represented and it's being represented really well. The IP holders have to have last say over the representation of their brand, and that's fair enough, so we've always got to have a method for people misusing a brand, but what's been really lovely is how well represented so many brands are.
So it's not all lawsuits and corporate chest-beating, then.
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December 26th, 2008, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released at SuccessHK

Lighter and slimmer enclosure
Screen offers better color reproduction than that of earlier PSP
Improved AV output for video and game playback on TVs
Built-in Skype with onboard microphone
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December 26th, 2008, 11:50 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris

I wrote this little program in about 2 days.
It's a Rubik's Cube for your PSP.
It's also my first homebrew game i ever made.
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December 26th, 2008, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from malliet
I'm learning C++ in these days and it works out pretty wel. I release
my first homebrew that's written in C++. It's a simple Quiz with
questions about the PSP, Custom Firmware etc. This release is the
first one so it only has 5 questions and in other updates I will
add more features.
* 5 Questions
Things for next release:
* New questions
* Score-system
* Background
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December 26th, 2008, 12:03 Posted By: wraggster
lbicelyne has released a new version of the CPS1,2,3 and More Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
081225: V12p2 Edition (Special Edition Christmas, Merry Christmas!) Released
1. Menu interface landscaping, adjust the location of the order, an increase of the background map. Please download the updated FBA4PSP.rar documents, there are matching Christmas background
Adjust menu's position and order. Add wallpaper in menu mode. Please download the updated FBA4PSP.rar file.
2. To increase the game shots, and archive screenshot preview.
Add screen shot and preview function.
3. To support the game screen without horizontal-vertical zoom level.
You can zoom in / out the game screen as you wish now.
4. L and R keys can flip around
L and R is working as page up and page down.
[lbicelyne] FBA emulator V12p2 Christmas Special Edition, interface landscaping (updated December 25)
FBA General PSP1000/2000 beta, and optimize the PGM, the three countries play War, Journey to the West, electricity precision 2
The software changes the OopsWare arrogant God FBAPSP source, revised ROM cache algorithm, making PSP1000 small memory device can work.
This procedure current PGM substrate, seta2, Cave part is optimized.
The program in 3.71M33-4, 2G leave the rod and the test. Known author 8G pseudo-rod can not run (the production and read the cache file error) and, of course, may be individual problems.
The first time due to the production of cache files, the need for long time, please be patient. If you have any obvious Bug replies please inform, be grateful.
Installation Method:
Please download ROM version with the game, with coverage in the annex of the same name EBOOT.PBP files.
All: full-drive version. Contains all the usable drivers.
Mid = All - CPS3 - CPS1 - CPS2 - NEOGEO - Sega (SYSTEM16/18 ...)
Small = Mid - PGM - Cave
PGM: Only for PGM / IGS games.
Cave: Only for Cave games.
CPS3: CPS1, CPS2 and CPS3 NO CD games. Sfiii2 drivers are removed.
Simulator run FBA4PSP.zip environmental document required. Some runtime files for FBA, prx and ini.
PSP1000 recommendations of the users to create multiple folders display multiple versions of the simulator.
Suggest PSP1000 users seting up several folders for your different versions' FBA.
FBA4PSP source code has been posted to the http://fba4psp.sourceforge.net Interested parties are welcome to join them functional development to improve the simulator.
FBA which many drivers have been very old, most of the existence of a wide range of issues, the need to update the look. Since the FBA from Mame, driven relatively easy to transplant. But this is a huge project. My personal energy is still very limited, and would like to know more on the simulator running efficiency. If you have friends who are interested, the trouble to update these drivers. Only when we work together to improve the FBA, will it be possible to make a more perfect simulator. 谢谢.
Source of FBA4PSP has been published at http://fba4psp.sourceforge.net. Welcome joining this project if. Many FBA game drivers are very old. They have some kinds of issues. FBA's driver is nearly the same to Mame. So if you have interests, please help update the issue drivers and public your new release. I will integrate it into official version. Thank you for your help! I will forcus on improving FBA4PSP's efficiency.
Testing found that some (or all) CPS game in the P2P mode Wifi will be black (infinite loop). Unknown reasons. If you encounter this problem, or you use Host Client mode.
In addition, the use of Wifi play before the need to ensure that all PSP inside Adhoc network settings of the Channel is the same, otherwise it is impossible online.
Some or all CPS games run into infinite loop when wifi status switched to P2P. I don't know why. If you met this problem, please use host / client mode in your wifi game.
By the way, before you use the wifi feature, please make sure all your PSPs' adhoc channel setting are the same.
Kindly remind:
Please use R + Select to return to your menu instead of L button from V10 version on. And the new version could not work properly under 1.5 kernel mode.
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December 26th, 2008, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via psphacks
Transform your portable PlayStation into a portable Rock Station with this crafty creation from Blade_punk. Using Rock Station’s composer, guitar & drum simulator, you can jam and bang out your own beats in a matter of minutes. It’s fun, it’s fabulous — it’s Blade_punk’s Rock Station.
Rock Station features:
Drums, composer and guitar times displayed in main menu. See how much time you’ve wasted playing.
Saving and loading.
Support for more than the standard acoustic and synth kit setups when using the drum composer. Rock Station will automatically read the contents of Sounds/Drums/ and list the folders in the composer menu. Make sure the folder contains EVERY sound needed or it the program will crash.
Drum Simulator:
Music playback while you play. Browser can be accessed by pressing select while playing.
Multiple kit setups like in the Composer.
Guitar Simulator:
Strum as you would on a real guitar.
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December 26th, 2008, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Nippon Ichi is (well, they should be…) done porting Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Don’t get me wrong Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was a great game, but after three versions in five years they can take a break with it. Now it’s time for Nippon Ichi to move on and port other games like Disgaea 2.
On March 26 Japan gets Disgaea 2 Portable. Like Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness this version has extra content. How much more? 30% more on the scenario side plus some additional characters. No news about any network play features, but Nippon Ichi still has other features that aren’t described in this announcement. One of these “unannounced” features might be the magichange system from Disgaea 3. A screenshot in the press release kind of gives this away.
NIS America hasn’t said anything about Disgaea 2 Portable and since their offices are closed we can’t bother them about it yet. However, I would be shocked if NIS America passed on bringing this here.
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December 27th, 2008, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
The BBC has weighed in on the year in gaming, surveying the console war casualty count, highlighting the Wii's success and the dead heat between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. But what about 2009?
One analyst, Piers Harding-Rolls from Screen Digest says that his firm thinks that next year could be Sony's year. "We always felt that 2008 was the year that PS3 kicked off - but we think that will now be 2009,"
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December 27th, 2008, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksidious

Zelda the return is one of my projects secret coded lua.
Here is the first demo version ...
Princess Zelda has been kidnapped by the sorcerer azraal.
To defeat it you must recover the sword of the elements.
To recover you need jewels of the 4 elements: fire jewels, air, land and water.
These gems are guardée Guards by the 4 elements ...
To learn more it will play =).
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December 27th, 2008, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jojojoris

This is my next version of RubikPSP
RubikPSP is a Rubik's Cube for the PSP
This version has a huge bug fixed.
+Fixed Huge Bug: When you want to turn the up and down face inverse it turns normal instead of inverse.
+Changed Name in Game List
+Project started
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December 27th, 2008, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Stealthkill:

You are in the year 2050 the world is flooded and you are on a small island.
This game is like GTA+SIMS.
At the final version:
you can make missions, earn money and buy furniture for your house.
you can enter most buildings.
At the Dojo you can learn to fight and you can drive boats and cars too.
You can play the first mission on the demo.
R trigger = Carry/Release
Digipad Left = say Yes
Digipad Right = say No
Digipad Up = Use
Copy the "2050DemoEng" folder to "PSP/GAME"
tried under 5xx kernel.
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December 28th, 2008, 18:54 Posted By: HydroJohn
Hi and welcome guys, I have posted a few theme packs up before but never a wallpaper pack so please tell me if you like it or not 
The wallpaper pack has loads of wallpapers in it. Your gaurenteed to find one perfect for your psp.
Download the wallpaper pack
http://uploading.com/files/L5Q0HE0T/... Pack.rar.html
Some sample wallpapers:

Hope you enjoy the pack Thanks HydroJohn
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December 28th, 2008, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Uberjack:
Fuse PSP 0.10 now compiles and runs fine, and is getting very close to a release — ideally, before the New Year. What’s fixed:
Bugs reported by ewgf:
Multiple files in a ZIP archive does not crash the emulator
TRD files should no longer persist after the emulator is shut down (although as before, Fuse may change the selected machine, if it’s necessary. This setting will persist until it’s changed again)
On-screen keyboard should work as expected under supaplex.trd
Improvements, suggestions:
Tape fastloading can now be toggled on and off, to support some of the finickier TZX files
Issue 2 keyboard support can be toggled on and off
Loading sound can be toggled on and off (only works with fastloading disabled — fastloading turns off sound while it’s active)
New button options are now available (square/circle/triangle/cross with L/R held down)
Virtual keyboard speed has improved a bit
State exporting has been added, for support with other Fuse ports
Tape autoloading, to begin loading tape immediately when selected
What’s still being worked on:
Compressed disk loading — still not trivial
Also, virtual keyboard is likely to undergo some changes, but most likely not in the next release.
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December 28th, 2008, 22:13 Posted By: wraggster
News from Alek of Dark Alex fame:
You might have seen on some french webpages some 88v3 hacking video, showing how a 2k model with an alleged 88v3 mobo ("confirmed" with pspident and DC7) is cfw'd. Keep on reading.
Well, let's take a look at DC7 source;
char *mobos[] +
"TA-79 v1", "TA-79 v2", "TA-79 v3", "TA-81", "TA-82", "TA-85", "TA-85 v2", "TA-86", "TA-88", "TA-88+", "O_O'"
Now let's see pspident source;
char *mobomodels[] = {
"TA-079 v1", "TA-079 v2", "TA-079 v3", "TA-081", "TA-082", "TA-086", "TA-085", "TA-085 v2", "TA-088", "Devkit", "Unknown" }
(thanks jas0nuk)
So, from this couple things and from the video we take 2 conclusions:
1. DC and pspident were hex edited (or source edited if it's DC, as it's Open Source). If it was indeed a TA-088v3, it would have shown TA-88+, O_O, or Unknown within pspident.
2. That pack' mobo is probably an TA-088v1. (Check here, thanks sandungas)
So please, before making any of these statements, be awared of what's under all those tools. So, until no proof is shown against this argument, i would suggest to NOT believe on this video.
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December 28th, 2008, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Zielok

Differences between Next Element and Next Element Deluxe
- 80 levels (Next Element - 30 levels)
- many backgrounds
- many fields
- many in-game music (Next Element - only one)
The "Next Element Deluxe" is a logical game, where your task is to destroy all the fields on the screen. To complete this task you have to rack your brain and deal with 80 levels. They all have interesting graphics and nice music. The "Next Element Deluxe" is a game with levels of rising difficulty, which tries to provide all players a lot of satisfaction.
- 80 levels
- high quality graphics
- many backgrounds
- very good gameplay
- many in-game music
- user friendly interface
- no adware and spyware
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December 28th, 2008, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Zielok:
z.Square is very simple game. You must avoid a red squares and collect a green squares

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December 29th, 2008, 23:22 Posted By: wraggster
If a console's feelings can be hurt, you might want to look in the corner for a rocking, sobbing PS3. Not even a month after being dubbed a "sinking ship" by Silicon Alley Insider, the Wall Street Journal has published an ouch-inducing article titled "Hope Fades for PS3 as a Comeback Player."
In the wake of NPD numbers for November showing the console solidly in third place and Black Friday sales of Xbox 360 pegged at 3-to-1 over PS3, the WSJ points out that holiday sales of PS3 are down 19% over the same period last year; Wii and Xbox 360, on the other hand, were up – 100% and 8%, respectively.
The Journal quotes Wedbush Morgan analyst, Michael Patcher, as predicting a price drop on PS3 hardware in April 2009, the beginning of Sony's new fiscal year. The paper says that if the sales gap can't be closed by such measures, "[Sony] could risk making the PS3 an afterthought to game publishers." Gloomy much?
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December 29th, 2008, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
We trust the collective PlayStation Home-playing community about as far as we can throw them, but we can't help but agree with a recent San Francisco Chronicle article that criticizes the "game's" ridiculously strict chat censorship policy. The article explores the case of Michael Marsh, who attempted to start a gay/straight alliance club, only to find that the words gay, lesbian and bisexual (all "preferred terms" in the gay community) were being blocked by the profanity filter; a policy Marsh worries could encourage players to think of them as pejorative terms.
The filter doesn't just apply an unflinching amount of restriction to terms describing sexual preference -- "Christ" and "Jew" are also given the asterisk treatment, and even "Hello" gets blocked for its implementation of the dreaded "h-e-double-hockey-sticks". An SCEA spokesperson responded by saying that "user behavior and feedback" will help guide their changes during the beta process.
What do you guys think? Can Home users be trusted to utter the names of religious figures and issue polite salutations to one another?
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December 29th, 2008, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Nippon Ichi is giving Disgaea fans even more hot Prinny action on the go, announcing that a port of the PlayStation 2 game Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories will get a PSP port next year.
Just like the PlayStation Portable port of the original Disgaea: Hour of Darkness — which shrunk down in the form of Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness — next year's portable version of Disgaea 2 will come with fresh content in the form of new battles and new characters. We're guessing they'll also come up with a snazzy new subtitle, especially if NIS America opts to localize it.
The official street date is March 26, 2009 for the Japanese version. No word yet on a Western translation, but we have our fingers crossed.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster

You may have heard whispers a few months back about LittleBigPlanet and the first-person perspective. Well, whispers be damned. Media Molecule already have the game running in first-person.
Speaking with IGN, Media Molecule's Alex Evans has - in response to questions about a first-person LBP - shown the site how the game's levels can be played not just in a first-person perspective, but in a third-person, Gears of War perspective as well.
Course, this doesn't mean some FP version of the game is OMGconfirmed, as it was only done to showcase the versatility of both the game and its engine.
But for a game that's all about flexibility and choice, it's certainly feasible that, some day, players will be given the chance to switch between camera perspectives.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

Hardcore gamer edition
Contains all Clazziquai Edition gameplay additions with different songs
8 Button Play for Advanced gamer
Games under the DJ MAX titles have long attracted players through the incorporation of cool songs and graphics. By utilizing the two strongest aspects of the PSP console, DJ MAX Portable Emotional Sense is bringing you a whole new DJ experience.
While the Clazziquai version provides ample training opportunities for novices, Black Square is the communal playground for veterans.
Besides new tracks, the game combines songs from the first and second games resulting in a music database with more than 100 pieces. By taking challenges, players can unlock hidden stages and music videos, listen to music, train your reflexes and have a lovely time.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today

White Knight Chronicles is an RPG that makes use of orthodox elements such as a fantasy setting with armors, princesses and heroes. Varandol, a peaceful country possesses a mysterious and powerful artifact, The Knight. Lusting after its power, a secret organization called The Wizard invaded the country on the Princess Sisna's coming of age ceremony.
Our unassuming hero, a novice wine merchant Renardo stepped in just in time to rescue the princess and together they escaped into underground. There the youngsters discovered the White Knight, the object of the Wizard's desires. Without really knowing what happened, Renard merged with the armor and pushed the secret organization back.
But before being completely chased out, the Wizards abducted the princess. To finish what he started, Renardo set off to rescue her and to discover the secrets behind the Knight and the organization.
Magic is combined with real time combat, pick up your sword and walk the path of knighthood.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero DLC? Nippon Ichi is giving out the first episode for free on the PlayStation Store in Japan now. The bonus content lets players explore Prinny explore a castle of a great demon king and fight with cheerful Flonne at the end of the level.
In the future Nippon Ichi plans to release two more downloadable content episodes for Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero. NIS America has not announced any of this bonus content for us yet, but chances are good we’ll get extra stages for Prinny a month or two after it comes out here.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
At one point I was psyched to see Ignition Entertainment pick up the King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match. Like SNK’s other PS2 games it’s not going to cost an arm and a leg here. Many retailers are selling it for $19.99. Not a bad deal at all. Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait until March 3 to take it.
Ignition quietly updated their website and changed the release date from January something to March 3. That’s nice to know, but at this point I’ll just wait for the Xbox Live Arcade port which is also coming out next year with online play. Poor Ignition is really getting burned by SNK with Xbox Live Arcade versions of the King of Fighters ‘98 Ultimate Match and Metal Slug 7 on the horizon.
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December 29th, 2008, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm just hit the market, but Namco Bandai hasn’t forgotten about the PlayStation 2. Thanks to ryne11 sending in a scan of Shonen Jump we know Namco Bandai USA is busy working on “Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden”. The awkward sounding title is actually a localized version of Naruto: Narultimate Accel which includes a blend of pre-time skip and post-time skip Naruto characters. Fifty two of them are in the game. This number includes newcomers like Chiyo, Deidara, and Sasori. New to this game is a full 3D action mode which is similar to the Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles series. While this Naruto game unlike the slew of other Naruto games on the market focuses on the next chapter of Naruto classic moments and battles from Naruto’s past are part of the game’s “heroes” mode.
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December 30th, 2008, 08:42 Posted By: Bowser85
After started to work, some months ago, it been finished the first version with his name Shelling. And now is bringed for all the people who wanted
Has the next uses:
- Dumpeador (Dump the nand).
- USB (Activate USB).
- Salir (Quit).
- Apagar (Turn OFF the PSP).
Download: http://www.pspstation.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4697
Thanks to TEAM VGT :thumbup:
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December 30th, 2008, 15:02 Posted By: wraggster
3D artist Richard Smith – one of 140 employees of Time Splitters (and ... Haze) developer, Free Radical, laid off as the company went belly-up-for-sale – posted images from some of his modeling work on Star Wars Battlefront III on his personal blog. Or, shall we say, what could have been Star Wars Battlefront III.
The renders have since been pulled; lucky thing the internet is faster than the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run. As you can see, Smith was working on concepts for Han Solo (above) and a bounty hunter named Shara, who you can see in the gallery below. Two of the images carry a game logo and are dated 2007, indicating that Battlefront III had been in development for some time prior to Free Radical's demise.
Development on the game is now rumored to continue at UK-based Rebellion, which just so happens to have created Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron for PSP.
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December 30th, 2008, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
Do something long enough and you get better at it. Manufacture something long enough, and it gets cheaper. No surprise that Sony has cut the PS3's component cost by 35 percent.
According to research firm iSuppli, the first generation PS3 cost a hefty US$690.23, based on mid-2007 component prices. What about late 2008?
Based on October 2008 component prices, the PLAYSTATION 3 now costs $448.73. Downside: This means that the console is still sold at a loss. Upside: Sony has been able to cut prices and use more advanced components like a 65-nanometer Cell Processor.
At this rate, Sony should be able to break even and hopefully offer a price cut sometime next year. That's good news for consumers looking to pick up a PS3 and Sony looking to pick up more money. Everybody wins!
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December 30th, 2008, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
It's been a rough couple of months for Sony and the PlayStation 3, particularly in the mainstream press. Now that the two year old console has been sufficiently thrashed, we think the PSP is due.
And so does Yahoo! Games, who paints a very bleak picture of the PSP's current performance and its future. Clearly, we're all beyond admiring the PSP's success relative to previous Nintendo handheld competitors and ready to start giving the PSP the what for over its middling 2008.
Yes, Yahoo! makes some good points — the 2008 software line-up was largely forgettable, as third parties have moved on from shipping PlayStation 2 to PSP ports to... well, not doing much at all on the platform. On the quality side, the DS has had more games rated 80% or higher, as Yahoo! points out. And that's translated to a bigger gap between the Nintendo DS and PSP, 1.5 million versus 420,000 units sold in the US in November.
But Sony's still holding its own in Japan, even if it's regularly bested by the DS — thanks to the recently launched DSi. But is it really over for the PSP? And, if not, will it really be over for the PSP when Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars makes its appearance on the DS next year?
I'd actually think that Sony is doing a respectable job of continuing to hold its own against Nintendo, despite seeing far fewer high quality releases on the PSP and that its transition from UMD only games to digitally delivered software is a step in the right direction for the next-generation of PSP.
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December 30th, 2008, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Including Wireless keyboard ,controller and remote in-one -body
Compatible with PS3
Symbols: To make use of symbols, hold down the SYMB key while depressing the key which contains the symbol you would like to type.
F1-F10: To make sure of any of the F key functions; while holding down the FN key, depress the key which contains the appropriate F key function directly above it.
Space/Backspace: These two functions share the same key-located between the SYMB and FN keys at the bottom of the Wireless Thumb Pad. To perform the Space function; depress the Space/Backspace Key. To perform the Backspace function; while holding down the SYMB key, depress the Space/ Backspace Key.
Shift/Caps Look: These two functions share the same key-located between the M and Enter keys at the bottom of the Wireless Thumb Pad. To perform the Shift function; depress the Shift/ CapL key then depress the key(s) you‘d like to capitalize. To perform the Caps Lock function; while holding down the SYMB key, depress the Shift/ CapL key.
priced at an inviting USD 28.52
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December 30th, 2008, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
It's not been good month for Sony. Layoffs, poor holiday sales for the PS3 and a wee bit of hacking over at PlayStation Home surely have the electronics giant hungry for some good press, which has made the newest PR kerfuffle over at the nascent online service quite unfortunate. According to Ars Technica, Home has become something akin to the nightmare futurescape of The Warriors, a service "incredibly unwelcoming to women, with female players quickly mobbed as players dance around them or type sexual come-ons... a disturbing look at the worst part of human nature." This is heady stuff, but as the company is quick to point out, the thing is still in Beta, and it's still evolving -- hopefully, as it becomes more popular the free service will move itself out of the adolescent ghetto. In the mean time, they've been rocking a bit of good old fashioned censorship, banning words like "gay," "Jew," and "Hell" -- perfectly understandishable if you've ever spent a minute on any online gaming service, but highly uncool if you're trying to build any sort of inclusive social network. In the meantime, what's a homosexual Jewish Satanist to do? There's always Second Life...
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December 30th, 2008, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Never satisfied with offering only a Blu-ray disc player (see 2007's BH100 Blu-ray + HD DVD combo and 2008's Netflix-streaming BD300), LG is upping the ante for '09, promising support for YouTube and CinemaNow videos on its next gen decks. Along with the now-standard Netflix, owners can browse CinemaNow pay-per-view offerings (or other stores powered by the service) abd thumb through YouTube's catalog directly from the device. Unmentioned in the PR fluff is additional info like price and more detailed specs, but expect all to become (hopefully) clear January 7 in Las Vegas.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
A team of security researchers and academics has broken a core piece of internet technology. They made their work public at the 25th Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin today. The team was able to create a rogue certificate authority and use it to issue valid SSL certificates for any site they want. The user would have no indication that their HTTPS connection was being monitored/modified.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Our favorite PS3 fanboys over at ... PS3 Fanboy report that a glitch in LittleBigPlanet is causing everything from game progress to user-generated content to go missing. It's looking like the culprit is the actual player profile, which it seems was only designed to hold so much stuff, even though there's tons of stuff – especially community-generated content, which seems to be the core problem here – to be had in the game. Whoops.
We've experienced an irritating side effect of the glitch: when attempting to create a new level, we're treated as if we've never gone through the Popit tutorial. Tedious! We're sure Media Molecule will be on this peskiness toot sweet once it returns from holiday. In the meantime, be a cautious SackBoy or Girl.
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December 30th, 2008, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
The Orlando Sentinel took at look at the now years-old tech of Blu-ray players, trying to determine whether it's worth investing in a new player. Their conclusion: Yes and no.
The articles author seems to think that the Blu-ray could eventually come into its own if you are able to use it for more than just playing Blu-ray movies. That means added functions, or a Playstation 3.
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December 30th, 2008, 23:16 Posted By: HardHat
Ever have trouble remembering definitions, dates or foriegn words for your next test? Well, that is where PSPFlash-Card comes in.

I know, I know, you're saying: but I'm still on break from school. But really, try it and I'm sure you'll like it. By just making up the cards, and practicing them for 5 minutes at a time, leading up to a test, several users have reported getting A's on tests. So it really works.
I have updated the flash card drilling application, adding:
Version 0.5
- Fixed sound cutoff when pages turn.
- Fixed word wrapping bug for the last word on a card.
Version 0.4
- audio cards (terms or definitions)
- image cards (terms or definitions)
- mutliple *card*.txt files to better organize your quizes
- fixed batch mode to work more reliably
- new background by Mike McMullen
- new icon, pic1 by LNAtropic
- now custom firmware friendly (3.xx and later)
Screenshots and download in comments.
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December 31st, 2008, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from CrazyT
I decided to develop a little graphical userinterface for the tool called "PSPLink".
PSPLink was created by TyRaNiD,Julian T,Rasmus B and John_K and allows you to view memory and processinformation.
Because of the fact that this tool is useful, but not very userfriendly without any interface i will create this little program wich should help some people out there.
(for reversing parts of programs,creating trainers,plugins or other things ...)
At the moment you can't really debug things ... just analyse.
You can set breakpoints, but at the moment the program does not stop at that location.
(Only the PSP stops at those locations and your PSP may stop, so be careful with testing this ... but you can still use pspssh as usual)
I added some additional files that are not done by me.
This includes:
-driver folder
Just added them incase somebody does not want to compile the whole toolchain.
The source can ofcourse be requested.
At the moment its only build for windows systems.
Screenshoot: http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/7453/pspdebugap1.jpg
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jztnolhmw2k
You may also need to install:
On your PSP, incase you do not already have it installed.
Current things i need help with:
-Please let me know, if you know how to build a c# executable for linux.
There seems to be only 1 connection with pspsh possible.
That way its impossible to listen for breakpoints, because it will terminate the listener, if you need to get new information from psplink.
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December 31st, 2008, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Mr305

As the name states, this lets you draw anywhere on XMB or In-GAME!
A basic POC / Framework for upcoming TweakDISPLAY module with GU acceleration for extrordinary performance improvements.
Have fun, Draw anywhere and it REMAINS! Enjoy!
CIRCLE - New Random Color
SQUARE + CIRCLE - Reset (Clear all)
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December 31st, 2008, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from Jaklub

System Trouble (previously Geometry World)
release 4
2007-2008 Jaklub
thanks for Sonikku (author of Yoshi sprites)
up and down arrows - choose option
cross - accept option
triangle - level select
left and right arrows - move
cross - jump
cross - fly (if you got wings and you're not staying on ground)
square - make Yoshi lick (if you're riding one)
triangle - get off Yoshi (if you're riding one)
start - pause menu
Copy "System Trouble" folder to:
Should work on every PSP with custom firmware.
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December 31st, 2008, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Updated release from thecobra

hi guys, i am back and with a new version of Change-D. this version is now call Change-D 2009 because it has now a different approach to to changing the game mode that you are on.
this version is beta because i don't have it complete.
this version has 3 different mode you can use
Emu(emulator mode)
App( application mode)
Game( the normal game mode)
this version now has it own menu that you can use by pressing L trigger(left trigger) and the R trigger(right trigger) at the same time
how to use it:
make 3 folder in /PSP/ folder on the psp
name one EMU (the Emu mode folder)
name one APP (application folder)
name one GAME (normal game folder)
put the prx in your sepluging folder and add it to the vsh text file. enable it in recovery menu and that all
o sorry if i didn't explain the purpose of this is prx. this prx is meant to help psp users organize there eboot by putting them in different folder so when they run the psp they wont have to scroll about 100 different eboot just to find a game,emulator or application. this prx is almost the same as the one made by bubbletune but this one will also surppost video,music,the common web folder, and also gamesave. yeah it will surppost gamesave as well
enjoy and please tell me what you like in the full version
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December 31st, 2008, 11:13 Posted By: Art
Powernoid New Year's Edition!
Hi Guys,
This game is my homage to the Amiga family of computers.
Powernoid is a breakout clone with powerups based on Megaball for the Amiga,
which also later inspired DX-Ball for Windows.

This update gave me a chance to use my Intrafont sine wave display,
The new wobbly ball powerup and moving objects also based on the sine wave routine.
There are also some significant bug fixes, and this one has in game music by Drax.
Cheers, Art.
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December 31st, 2008, 20:24 Posted By: wraggster
Nathan Drake's disheveled mug has decided to grace yet another magazine cover, this time the latest issue of Edge. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the cover story, and to be honest, there isn't much here that we didn't already hear about from Game Informer or see from the leaked photos. Still, have at a few new pull quotes: According to Naughty Dog's Bruce Straley, the sneaking mechanic is "something more in the toolbox" that won't be required. "It's not Splinter Cell," he said. "It's choosing when and from where to enter combat."
Adding to the previously reported claim of "maxing out" the PlayStation 3's capabilities, the devs tease that the technology is strong enough to "allow an entire building to collapse while you're in it - and we can throw enemies in at the same time while that's happening." That better be in the final game a few times. This issue of Edge should be on newsstands now.
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December 31st, 2008, 20:25 Posted By: wraggster
Written by two designers of the Cell processor, The Race for a New Game Machine, is a new book covering the creation of Sony's ambitious PlayStation 3 chip, and how Microsoft got a hold of its architecture for the Xbox 360. The Wall Street Journal, which gave a rather gloomy forecast for the PS3 earlier this week, has an extensive preview.
According to the book, Sony, Toshiba and IBM started working on the Cell in 2001 and planned to spend $400 million over five years. If everything went according to plan, the PlayStation 3 would be out by Christmas 2005. In 2002, Microsoft approached IBM about making a chip for what would later be known as the Xbox 360. IBM ended up making a new chip "built around the core" of the Cell it was currently creating for Sony. In the end, Xbox made the 2005 launch (with a time bomb under the hood) and Sony came out a year later.
As the WSJ points out, for all the power and money behind Microsoft and Sony's consoles, Nintendo has outsold both with its "sound strategic vision" with the less-powerful Wii.
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December 31st, 2008, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Almost half a year ago Alchemist announced Triggerheart Exelica was coming to the PS2. Finally, it has a release date. Triggerheart Exelica Enhanced will arrive in stores on March 26 for the whopping price of 8,190 yen ($91) and that is the price for the regular edition. If you want the limited edition with the bundled moe style statue prepare to pay 13,440 yen or $150 thanks to the awful dollar to yen exchange rate.
The “enhanced” features are a story mode with event scenes/voice acting and you can play as Faintear. Neat, but probably not worth paying nine times the price compared to the Xbox Live Arcade version.
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December 31st, 2008, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster

Shadow and the jcpsp team has posted a new release of the PSP Emulator for Windows written in Java, this release plays some commercial PSP Games.
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January 1st, 2009, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from J3r3mie
Version 4 of iplay TicTacToe is delivered. Press Read more ...
What's new?
- Completely redesigned by myself (Code and Design)
- Most of the innovations are found in game (New menus, new pieces, new cursor)
- Adding a music player at all times with R + L (Here you are in the middle part, it
will be paused while you are in the music player)
- Now in English and French
- Addition of benchmarks for the cursor. Press Square to toggle
- Download the archive official http://J3r3mieDev.e3b.org
- Unpack it to the root of your Memory Stick.
- Start from Games> Memory Stick (FC only)
- Analog / Arrows: Move
- Cross: OK
- Circle Back
- Cross / Circle (Game): Place a piece
- Square (On Thursday): On benchmarks
- R + L: Go to music player
- Start: Make a break
For screenshots and download visit http://J3r3mieDev.e3b.org
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January 1st, 2009, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from darksidious
Hi all this is the new version luaprog
- Multiwindow (maximum 2 X + left or right)
- New GUI
- Increasing the data base
- Ability to delete faster ([] + R)
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January 1st, 2009, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from mifki

My virtual globe homebrew application for PSP. Not so many features for now, just explore beautiful places of our planet with 3D terrain and several layers to choose from.
Your comments and ideas are welcome.
Arrows - move, L/R - zoom
cross/triangle - tilt, square/circle - rotate
start - menu
This update doesn't contain any significant changes and only adds several map layers (eg. OpenStreetMap) and Moon and Mars layers which many users asked for.
Devoted to S.
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January 1st, 2009, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from eridano
Hi folk.
I modified sources of bookr version 0.7.1 to make it compliant with my PSP and installed custom firmware - CF 5.00-4 M33 (without 1.50 addon); in detail: I only added row "BUILD_PRX=1" inside Makefile and "PSP_HEAP_SIZE_KB(20*1024) ;" inside bookr.cpp).
On http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q8LT0EKJ , you can get the homebrew bookr 0.7.1 for CF 5.x (without 1.50 addon). Extract it on memory_stick_root/PSP/GAME/.
Put you PDF files on memory_stick_root/PSP/GAME/bookr/books.
Ivan Cella
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January 1st, 2009, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from TokyoDrift
I was just aghast from what people are releasing here. These Quizs are just debugging style and...I don't want to think about it now...
well I made a Quiz on my own, it's not finished yet but I don't want to continue the project so I can release it, too
it says PSPFreak.de DEV Team but the only developer am I and the only designer is XAN
it's based on a SQLite Database and has some features like point system, random question order and so on
you can make your own database if you want to, I made a prog for this
Database generator (req. .netFramework 2.0):

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