November 7th, 2019, 20:36 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation has named Guerrilla Games managing director and co-founder Hermen Hulst as its new head of Worldwide Studios.
He starts the role immediately and will manage all of Sony's game development across its 14 internal studios.
Meanwhile, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida will leave his current role to lead a new initiative that will look after and nurture external, smaller independent studios.
The changes are part of Sony Interactive Entertainment's restructuring ahead of the launch of PS5. It also comes a month after the departure of Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, PlayStation CEO and president Jim Ryan said that Hulst's appointment will prove Sony is very much thinking globally as it moves into the next generation.
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November 7th, 2019, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Interactive Entertainment is turning off the servers for SingStar, 15 years after the launch of the first game in the series.
SingStar users will be able to play offline and use their downloaded content after January 31, 2020, but all online functions and features will end on that date.
Songs will no longer be for sale on the PlayStation Store, and all shared content on SingStar.com will be deleted. SIE has reminded users to download any digital purchases before January 31 next year.
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November 7th, 2019, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 4 is slowing down a little -- and where only a short while ago that would have been a the-sky-is-falling kind of pronouncement, right now it's probably fine.
The console, coming up shortly on its sixth birthday, has outperformed all expectations and is now the second-best selling home console in history -- comfortably ahead of the PS1 and the Wii, though still tens of millions of units behind the staggering performance of the PS2. A bit of softness in its sales figures at this point, with the full-year sales numbers being revised down from 15 million to 13.5 million units, suggests that the PS2's record might remain unchallenged, but it's not actually damaging in terms of the PlayStation business overall, either for Sony or for its third-party partners.
If the PS4's sales are slowing at a faster than expected pace -- and to be clear, that minor full-year shortfall doesn't really show the scale of the downturn in the graph, with Q2 shipments of PS4 hardware actually down some 28% year-on-year -- the real question is not what it means for PS4 itself, whose place in the market is already well-secured, but what it means for the planned transition to PS5 next year.
"The figures are far from a crisis but projecting this decline forward and factoring in the uptick in PS5 news, it's easy to see sales flatlining earlier than Sony allowed for" Thus far, the signalling from Sony, limited as it has been, has suggested that the company is keen to strike a balance between the old and new platforms. Broadly similar architecture and shared online services mean that the PS4 to PS5 transition should, in theory, be very smooth compared to Sony's previous generation shifts -- and opens up the potential for an increasingly discounted PS4 to stay on the market as the company's entry-level console for several years after PS5 arrives.
It's unlikely that Sony plans to be particularly radical in their positioning of this strategy; more than any other platform holder, Sony has done very well, thank you very much, from the old-fashioned console business model and has little incentive to try to upset that process too much. The overlap between PS4 and PS5, however, seems set to be a bit more comprehensive than in previous generations, with the older console remaining a viable option in its own right -- not just "pick this up for your kids to play cheap older games," great though that business opportunity can be -- while the PS5 sells itself initially to a higher-end audience on the basis of new functionality and prowess. On paper, this kind of transition would result in much smoother finances for Sony throughout the generation shift, while also hopefully opening up new demographics for the PlayStation platform overall.
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November 8th, 2019, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation's boss wanted to address some of the points that were raised in an article we posted last month. The piece followed the reveal of PlayStation 5, and reflected some of the discontent we'd been hearing about Sony's strategy. There were concerns that the company's decision to not speak too much (and avoid the big industry shows) was giving an edge to its competitors. And then there's the disruption caused by PlayStation's recent restructure.
For much of its 25 year history, there were three different PlayStations: the US, Europe and Japan. It made the business complicated and inefficient at times, but it also gave the brand a regional flavour that helped it become successful around the world.
Over the past two years, PlayStation has been busy centralising its operations into one global organisation. It seemed unnecessary. Restructures are never painless, and when you consider that PlayStation 4 is now a rare member of the '100 million club', why change anything? If it isn't broke, why fix it? According to Ryan, it isn't about fixing anything, but rather getting ready for what's next.
"100 million is obviously a very notable landmark for any console," he begins. "We've only done it once before. We have enjoyed good times over this current generation, and when I stand back and look at the things that we've done quite well, we've done a good job of protecting and enhancing our brand. We've done well with exclusive content -- that has been a point-of-difference. But I think the interesting thing this time is the community that we've built.
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November 8th, 2019, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
As the PlayStation 3 is over a decade old, CFW releases are usually taking longer when Sony decides to push out a new firmware update due to less people working on them.
However, some dedicated developers still remain and CFWs still keep being updated and last week, we had Rebug 4.85.1 LITE from Rebug Team. Now, another CFW has descended upon us and that?s FERROX 4.85 thanks to work by developer @Alexander which took a while to be release due to the developer being pretty busy lately.
Together with the usual features of FERROX CFWs, FERROX 4.85 brings along:
- An updated version of Cobra, now sporting version 8.20
- 4.85 keys for games signed with them
- The ability to install it from HFW 4.85.1 after running the NOR/NAND flasher
- Other features which can be seen by following the link below. Obviously, you need a CFW-compatible PS3 [minver of 3.56 or lower] to install FERROX.
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November 8th, 2019, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
This week, the PlayStation Vita hacking scene suffered a considerable setback after the creator of VitaDock, xCorra, seemed to have disappeared from the internet leaving most if not all backers with absolutely nothing. In light of this, people that worked with xCorra for VitaDock?s software (Raspberry Pi image) and the 3D design were nice enough to provide the files they had so others could create their own VitaDock. As a result, Vita-related news on Wololo this week was focused about VitaDock but there were also some notable homebrew releases which we?ll be looking at now.
One of these releases is NoAutoAVLS by SKGleba which can be seen as the indirect successor to the NoAVLS plugin released back in 2017. AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) is a ?feature? that limits the headphone volume in order to prevent ear damage present on most European PSVita models. Contrary to NoAVLS, NoAutoAVLS isn?t a plugin but instead it does a small modification to idstorage to toggle a flag meaning that the change is permanent and persists even when the PSVita isn?t in hacked mode.
Other than NoAutoAVLS, the following PSVita homebrew also got released this week:
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November 10th, 2019, 22:36 Posted By: wraggster
Scene dev Davee, known for their work in regards to creating various tools for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita, has graced the PSP scene with one final contribution. Released today is the 2.0 update to Infinity, a homebrew that lets you keep your custom firmware on your PSP, even after you've rebooted, meaning once you've installed a CFW, it'll be persistent. Infinity 2.0 supports PSP's on firmwares 6.60 and 6.61, for every hardware revision and model, even the notorious PSP Street. You can grab the official download on Davee's site, or through their GitHub, both of which are linked below. Instructions are fairly simple, requiring you to simply copy the provided EBOOT.PBP file to your PSP and install the application.
To install infinity you must be on either firmware 6.60 or 6.61. If you have an old version of infinity (< 2.0), then you must uninstall it first by using Chronoswitch 7 or higher.
Download and extract the latest version of infinity. The extracted contents should be:
- standard folder containing the tool for non-PSPgo models.
- pspgo folder contain the tool for PSPgo models.
- README.md this readme file.
- LICENSE a copy of the MIT license covering this software.
Instructions for PSP 1000, 2000, 3000 and Street
Browse into the standard directory in the download and copy the file EBOOT.PBP to the PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder on your PSP. If this folder does not exist you may need to create it.
Instructions for PSPgo
Browse into the pspgo directory in the download and copy the file EBOOT.PBP to the PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder on your PSPgo. If this folder does not exist you may need to create it.
Instructions for all PSP models
Once the correct EBOOT.PBP file has been copied to your PSP, you can run the application to install infinity to your device. Re-running the application after installation will allow you to select which custom firmware you want enabled. You will need to run the installer for the custom firmware before enabling it within the infinity app.
Infinity supports both PRO and ME custom firmwares. Consult the installation material for theses custom firmwares for further instructions.
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November 10th, 2019, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
While you've likely been enjoying GBA emulation for years, on various platforms, the PlayStation Vita hasn't always had an easy time of it. Despite being a very similar form factor to the original GBA, and still relatively portable, the handheld never made for an ideal platform to emulate Game Boy Advance games on. mGBA is still making progress on improving GBA emulation on the Vita, while gpsp has been dealing with a major bug, which causes noticeable stuttering ingame. That's not the case anymore, though, as Frangar, developer of gpsp, has made a significant update to the emulator which fixes the broken dynarec that has been plaguing it for the past three years. The bugfix, which allows for " a big increase in performance", has been merged into Libretro's master branch, and should be available to try out in the next nightly version of RetroArch.
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November 17th, 2019, 21:36 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation's Death Stranding debuts at No.2 in the UK boxed charts.
It's the second biggest PS4 exclusive and the second biggest new IP released this year, behind another PS4 exclusive -- Days Gone, which was released in April. Compared to that, Hideo Kojima's new title sold 36% fewer units at launch.
It's the first new game from Kojima since the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which arrived in September 2015 and was the most successful Metal Gear Solid launch to-date.
It means that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare retains No.1 for a third consecutive week. The Activision game continues to perform very well, with sales tracking 26% ahead of last year's Black Ops 4.
The arrival of Death Stranding means that Luigi's Mansion 3 takes a tumble down the charts. Nintendo's latest Switch game falls from No.2 to No.4 with a 59% drop in sales week-on-week.
There is a number of new boxed releases this week, with Need for Speed: Heat from EA arriving at No.5. The Need for Speed franchise has struggled in recent years and this new title sold 41% fewer boxed units at launch than 2017's Need for Speed: Payback. Note: Digital sales are not included in this data.
Need for Speed is one of three EA games in the charts. FIFA 20 holds on at No.3, while Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville hangs on at No.10. That game actually rose in sales this week by 10%, which means its fourth week on sale was bigger than its debut week (a rare feat in the UK physical charts). The shooter has also been a big hit as a download, and has sold far more digitally than it has physically.
Returning to new releases, a special Fortnite pack -- The Darkfire Bundle, published by Warner Bros - lands at No.7. Meanwhile, Mario & Sonic At The Tokyo Olympic Games debuts at No.8. It's the most successful Mario & Sonic title since the 2012 London Games, which was released on Nintendo Wii back in 2011.
Speaking of Nintendo Wii, there's a new Wii title in the charts this week -- Just Dance 2020 at No.15. Incredibly, the Wii version is the second most successful version of the game, accounting for 21% of all Just Dance 2020 sales. The Nintendo Switch edition accounted for 55% of sales, with the PS4 SKU accounting for 14% and Xbox One making up 10%.
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November 18th, 2019, 21:56 Posted By: wraggster
The acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney was supposed to provide the simplest possible answer to the question, "What do Star Wars fans want?" That answer -- in case the explosion in films, tv shows, theme park rides and lord knows what else hasn't made it abundantly clear -- was assumed to be, "more Star Wars."
As ever, reality has proved to be more nuanced than corporate optimism. Episode VII: The Force Awakens grossed more than $2 billion at the global box office, while Episode VIII: The Last Jedi squeaked past $1.3 billion -- still a lot of money, but the kind of decline that will moisten the palms of Disney executives. The most recent film release, Solo: A Star Wars Story, didn't even make it to $400 million, raising legitimate questions about whether the film managed to break even, and about the health of the Star Wars IP as a whole.
One of those questions is about how tolerant the Star Wars fanbase is to the very concept of the universe they love getting bigger. The Force Awakens was easily the biggest box-office hit of the new films, but it was also safe, familiar and utterly reverential of George Lucas' holy trilogy. The Last Jedi received stronger reviews -- an 85 Metacritic average compared to The Force Awakens' 81 -- but it was iconoclastic, causing a distressingly vocal minority to propose remaking the entire film. Star Wars fans, it seemed, didn't want to be challenged, and judging by the weak performance of Solo, their appetite in terms of volume simply didn't compare to something like the Marvel universe.
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November 18th, 2019, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Moving away from exciting rumours, the PlayStation Vita scene received something tangible, in the form of two kernel plugins, which can be used right here and now. These two overclocking-related kernel plugins, by Team CBPS member teakhanirons, are called LOLITA500 and LOLITA444 and they aim to make overclocking much the PSVita and PSTV much easier.
LOLITA500 allows you to fully unleash your PSVita’s power provided you don’t care too much about battery life
Thanks to these plugins, one needn’t mess around with the menus found in current overclocking solutions like LOLIcon and PSV VSH Menu which not only make the overclocking process take longer but don’t always play nice with certain games and homebrew. As per the release post, the LOLITA plugins come with the following features:
- A system-wide overclock to 444MHz (LOLITA444) or 500MHz (LOLITA500) meaning that the higher clocks are also present in the web browser, LiveArea and all games/homebrew you use
- This is always on as the plugins have no menu system
- Less complex than full overclocking plugins which have a menu meaning that compatibility issues with Adrenaline and other software are fixed
- The higher clock speeds are hooked meaning that even if games try to set the clock themselves, the clock speeds will stay maxed out
- Power limits are disabled so you can have full brightness and enabled Wi-Fi all the time
It must be noted that having a 444/500MHz overclock all the time on your PSVita will lead to higher battery temperatures thus potentially increasing the rate of your battery’s degradation. As a result, it’s recommended not to use these plugins continuously for hours with everything maxed out if you’re using a PSVita. On the other hand, if you’re a PSTV user, it’s probable that your console will be just fine even if you run LOLITA500 provided your console has adequate ventilation.
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November 18th, 2019, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
VitaDock was a community project started by xCorra which aimed to create and produce Switch-like docks for the PlayStation Vita. These docks, which connect to a TV via HDMI, allow one to connect their PSVita to a built-in USB port (and headphone jack/bluetooth for audio) and seamlessly play on a bigger screen thanks to Xerpi’s udcd_uvc plugin. Unfortunately, the project fell apart as xCorra disappeared from the internet and this obviously left many people disgruntled. In light of this, the VitaDock Team decided to release the software for the Raspberry Pi powering the dock and the 3D design files in case anybody wanted to manufacture one of their own.
Now, Crash-Cortez, a member of the VitaDock Team, has released the final version of VitaDock software which makes use of VLC before moving on to create versions that use mpv instead.
This image, which was created with the help of m0tie, includes the following features:
- A custom build of VLC configured with optimal settings for streaming the Vita’s screen
- Software for receiving the PSVita’s audio via Bluetooth
- This removes the need of having to connect your console via the 3.5mm audio jack
- There’s support for the internal Bluetooth chipset of the RPi 3B+, 3A+ and 4 but not for the 3B
- An on-screen keyboard for easier management when far away
- The ability to automatically start and stop the VLC stream when you plug your PSVita in or take it out
- Enable/Disable scripts for boot video, Vita notification and boot text
- Built-in SSH Client and FileZilla installed
- The username and password for SSH are found in the link below
- Perhaps someone will start producing VitaDock units and selling them on a marketplace with buyer protection, such as eBay, so that users who simply want a plug-and-play dock could finally get one and more people enjoy the work of the VitaDock Team [Bu (m0tie), ZoidBerg and his wife Si, David-OX, SilentNight and Crash-Cortez himself]! Till then, you’ll have to build your own VitaDock which isn’t too difficult and could serve as a fun DIY project to do during the weekend.
A recent update on the VitaDock page claims that refunds will be issued in the following months although this should probably be taken with a pinch of salt as its veracity hasn’t been confirmed. VitaDock VLC Final Release Page (+ Download Link): https://github.com/CrashCortez/vitad...master/release
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November 18th, 2019, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
While the PSVita’s lifespan has more or less ended, a few games and updates are still trickling through and these may require firmware 3.70 or above thus rendering them unplayable on earlier firmwares as reF00D only allows you to launch games requiring FW 3.69 or earlier on these FW versions. That has now changed as the developers behind it, which include scene veterans dots_tb/CelesteBlue/Princess Of Sleeping, have released an update to its keys.bin which modifies the artificial firmware range hard-coded into it since the keys on FW 3.70+ are still the same as FW 3.69’s.
With the modification, the maximum firmware version has been changed to FW 3.99 which probably needn’t be changed again as the PSVita’s firmware updates are unlikely to reach past the 3.xx series. As a result, it’s safe to say that all games and game updates requiring firmware 3.70 or newer, such as heck-Diver, can load on older firmwares such as 3.60 and 3.65 unless Sony decides to change firmware keys which it hasn’t done in the last few firmware updates!
To use the updated keys.bin file, all you have to do is install reF00D normally but use the just-released keys.bin file instead of the ones linked to in the installation instructions.
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November 18th, 2019, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
First off, we have an update to CMFileManager PSP which is a homebrew utility by Joel16 still getting updates every couple of months.
If you’re still using a PSP, then CMFileManager PSP is probably the best homebrew to use for any sort of file management!
As its name suggests, it’s a file manager themed around CyanogenMod (Lineage OS today) giving a similar appearance to other homebrew utilities by the same developer such as NX-Shell and 3DShell. Among its many features, we find basic file management operations, an image viewer, an audio player and an FTP server together with various others such as an EBOOT loader and Dark Mode.
Yesterday, version 3.20 of CMFileManager PSP was released and this includes:
- An improved EBOOT launcher menu which lets you dump ICON0 and PIC0 data
- A change to the configuration system as it now uses JSON parsing with a ‘config.json’ file
- An access toggle has been added to guard dangerous partitions such as flash0-flash3 and disc0
- The drivers (audio_driver.prx/display_driver.prx) that come bundled with the utility have been cleaned up
- Some minor fixes and under-the-hood changes which improve performance and code consistency
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November 18th, 2019, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Moving on to another homebrew update, we have CSPSP 1.94 which was released this July and is the oldest item in this article.
Even though it’s old, CSPSP still has some dedicated fans which update it from time to time so that Singleplayer Mode becomes more fun!
CSPSP, or Counter Strike PSP, is a Counter Strike Remake that’s been around for many years and has seen sporadic development in the last few years by some dedicated fans. This continued development has seen the addition of PSVita support, 3DS cross-play and numerous changes/improvements.
The most recent update, by MasterMen, is numbered 1.94 (with 1.93 being released shortly before it) and it brings along:
- Changes to many weapon textures including the MP4, M4A1 and Knife
- Together with version 1.93, 4 new maps
- A button to reset settings in Singleplayer
- The ability to change the amount of bots present in the map (1.93)
- Addition of some new soundtracks
- Some bug fixes and minor improvements to further improve the game for those who want to keep on playing it in Singleplayer Mode
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November 18th, 2019, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
Moving onto fully-fledged releases, we first have a port of ‘Legend Of The Sword And Fairy’ by OPL3ChipFan. Like the PSVita homebrew port by usineur, it makes use of SDLPAL and it was released this July with the most recent update made public on November 1st. This title, which has an English translation, was already ported to the PSP in 2010 but this port uses the improved SDLPAL 2.0 engine which provides a better experience. When it comes to the plot, this well-received game revolves around Li Xiaoyao who’s looking for a cure for his sick aunt and ends up falling in love with a maiden along the way.
To grab this improved Legend Of The Sword And Fairy port for your PSP, follow this link. The port is also compatible with the PSVita but you should probably use the native port linked above for that.
Last but not least, the last few months have also seen a small group of Russian developers passionate about the PSP remake S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the console.
Ever since its release, the PSP has always been a platform that developers like pushing the boundaries of and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Portable certainly fits the bill! (image from GBATemp Thread)
This group, who goes by the name QTeam, is using a highly modified version of the Quake engine together with Half Life 1 conversions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R models in order to create S.T.A.L.K.E.R Portable. As of right now, the game is at the following stage:
- It includes detailed environments and models with maps that are being recreated in lowpoly mode
- Currently, the team is working on map optimisations to make the game run better on real PSP hardware
- You can interact with NPCs
- It has a working inventory system and map
- Performance on the PSP won’t win any awards but numerous optimisations to the underlying ADQuake engine have been made to make the game playable
- Working Ambient music
- Working Medkits
- The ability to drive cars and do much more
- The last development update was early this month signalling that development is still on-going
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November 19th, 2019, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
While we're still a year away from the launch of the next generation of consoles, information is leaking out, as Sony prepares patents and copyrights in order to release the PlayStation 5 late in 2020. A new submission from Sony was discovered on the Japanese patent office's official website, with an attached document showing a working design for a new controller, and what could possibly be a PlayStation 5 gamepad. At first glance, the photos make the controller out to look nearly identical to the DualShock 4, but there are a few small improvements and differences that stand out on closer inspection. For one, the lightbar that was so prominently featured on the DS4 has been removed entirely, and instead of a USB-micro charge port, the presumed DualShock 5 will have USB-C charging. Meanwhile, the DS4 touchpad will also be returning. There appears to be a microphone at the bottom of the controller, along with a 3.5mm headphone jack. The analog sticks and triggers appear to be the same for the most part, with former being slightly smaller, and the latter being a touch flatter. As far as the documents go, Sony appears to be following their decades-long trend of making minor improvements, but keeping the controller looking relatively the same as it always has.
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November 25th, 2019, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
As we all know, the Blu-Ray drives on the PlayStation 3 and 4 have mostly been left to themselves and interest in hacking their firmware was low but that didn’t stop Oct0xor, a security researcher at Kaspersky and PS3/PS4 homebrew developer, from doing some digging of his own.
Hacking the Blu-Ray drive on the PlayStation 3 and 4 might soon be possible but forget about piracy for the time being!
According to a recent tweet, he has been done some substantial work on hacking the Blu-Ray drives of the PlayStation 3 and 4 and this includes:
- Dumping the firmware
- Finding out how it works through reverse engineering
- Getting Code Execution
Furthermore, the tweet also states that he’ll be holding a talk at 36C3 about his work meaning that some information and potentially even some form of hack will be become available after it. Similar to previous years, the Chaos Communication Congress, which hosted Team Molecule (PSVita) and numerous others last year, will be held in late December (27-30) in Germany so the talk will be held a few days before the year is over.
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November 25th, 2019, 18:40 Posted By: wraggster
Recently, it seems that Team CBPS is on a roll when it comes to releasing plugins for the PlayStation Vita, first with the LOLITA500/444 plugins last week and now with Volume_Profile by Marburg (cuevavirus).
Volume_Profile provides a feature that you probably use without even knowing it as it’s available on iOS and other platforms (GIF can be seen in the GitHub link below)
This quality-of-life plugin, which is based on a pretty simple concept, automatically saves and switches volume levels whenever you connect or disconnect your headphones. In other words, the functionality of the plugin can be described as follows:
- If your PSVita is currently emitting sound from its speakers (i.e. no headphones are connected) and then you connect headphones, this plugin takes note of your current volume level and changes the volume level to the same level you had when you last used headphones
- As a result, you’ll avoid getting very loud sound blasted into your ears immediately when you connect headphones
- On the other hand, if your PSVita currently has headphones connected and you disconnect them, the plugin takes note of your current volume level and proceeds to change the volume level to the same level you had when you were last using the speakers
When it comes to installation, you can get volume_profile on your system by downloading it from the link below (in SUPRX form, as it’s a user-mode plugin) and putting it under the *main section of your taiHEN config.txt. The plugin supports FW 3.60 and 3.65-3.73 and AVLS functions normally when using this plugin.
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November 25th, 2019, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Moving over to a game release, this time around we have Super Crate Mod which is an enhanced port of Super Crate Box, a game that was officially ported to the PSVita in 2012.
While Super Crate Boy has pretty simple gameplay mechanics, it’s not that easy to play and can keep you hooked for a while! (Screenshot from Super Crate Mod on my PSVita)
Super Crate Box, by Vlambeer, is a free 2D game with pixel-style graphics in which enemies continually spawn from the top of the map and you must kill them using an assortment of different guns which can be obtained from crates that spawn at random places in the map. Other than that, it also contains various unlockables such as maps and weapons so that it provides a sense of progression.
Switching focus to Super Crate Mod, its author has made the following changes compared to the official port which generated the ideal game for him:
- The game runs at 60FPS instead of 50FPS
- No more letter-boxing as the game runs at 16:9 (widescreen) rather than 4:3
- The Unused Challenge Mode and Napalm Launcher weapon have been restored
- Some features from the iOS version including the Vlambeer character and some modifications to the main menu
- The tutorial has been made optional and it’s been moved to the Level Select screen
- A memory leak was fixed
- Many other minor tweaks and fixes which can be viewed in the Reddit thread below
- From a short period of testing on my console, I can confirm that Super Crate Mod works extremely well and exhibited no obvious issues whatsoever
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