August 1st, 2006, 01:52 Posted By: A Fn NOOB
Inspired by 'Deniska', I decided to make a cable to interface a GPS reciever I had collecting dust for some time. Its the Pharos GPS-360 with Microsoft branding; packaged with Streets & Trips 2005. It uses the SIRF-II chip, and communicates with the PSP at the same voltage (2.5V), and (default) protocol (4800 8N1 TTL) as the PSP. These units can be found new and used for dirt cheap
From the research I have done, any GPS can be interfaced with the PSP. Some units however would require more hardware/software modifications than the SIRF-II based GPS recievers.
If anyone has any questions on the particulars of how to do this, I will happily post more details of the pinouts, and the version of deniska's GPS-Viewer that I compiled to work with 4800-baud GPS units. (By far the most common speed)
Pin 1 RXD
Pin 2 GND--------------------------{}-------> Pin 2 on PSP
Pin 3 TXD--------------------------{}-------> Pin 6 on PSP
Pin 4 GND--------------------------{}-------> Pin 2 on PSP
Pin 5 VCC<--(3.5-5.5VDC input<-
Pin 6 Unused |
Battery + ---------------------------|
Battery - ------------------------{}-------> Pin 1 on PSP
Never use wire colors. I think that some mfgrs switch up the
colors to f*** with people. For instance, my PSP remote
cable's wire colors do not correspond to the ones at lua.org,
or any other place Ive seen. Youve got to use an ohmmeter or
whip up a simple continuity tester with a battery and light
bulb, so that you can write down which color wire goes to
which pin.
Im just going to tell you how I powered the GPS, although
there are several ways to achieve the same result. (You could
power it from the PSP battery if you wanted to, but not from
the serial port as it only supplies 2.5V DC)
I used DB9 serial connectors (Like the ones on a joystick port
from an Atari 2600 or Commodore Vic 20/ 64) and connected all
the wires from the PSP to a female DB9. I then took my 4 wires
from the GPS and hooked in TXD and GND, GND to a male DB9. I
wired a Motorola Lithium battery from an old cell phone (2 yrs
old is OLD for a cell phone nowdays eh?) to feed VCC on GPS.
The negative from the battery can be hooked to your other
grounds (pins 2 & 4 @ GPS,to 2 on PSP). What I did, however,
is wire "-" from the battery to PIN 1 of the PSP. This
way,the GPS is only powered when the connector is plugged in
to the PSP and not powered all the time.
I suspect there may be a way to turn power on and off via
software but not sure yet. (By interrupting GND)
Another reason for the Moto battery is that it's very
thin,rechargeable,and has an embedded protection circuit on a
little PCB inside. (dont ever throw away any old electronics)
I couldve done a neater job with this cable but its sturdy.
If you dont want to cut up your USB cable for the GPS, do a
search on "Jornada" I think it is, its a PDA that uses the
same connector, I got one from a site called Gomadic, but that
was 2 yrs ago or so. Id like to find some of these PSP serial
connectors somewhere.
I soldered all the wires to the db9 connectors, and used a bunch of heat shrink tubing to keep the wires from shorting to each other. You could make a dedicated connector if you cut up a psp-remote cable and a "Jornada" connector.... but soldering the wires is the only way its going to hold up under any stress at all.
It seems like a lot of people have a phobia about using soldering irons. Just buy one and practice on some old electronics by desoldering components and soldering them back up. Theres plenty of material on the internet about how to solder.
And you dont have to solder anything on your PSP, or GPS, its just at the cables. [And no resistors]
Thats the piece going from the PSP-remote connector to a DB9. It has a shield, and I beefed up the white cable by putting heat shrink tubing over the wire and the molded plastic "shoulder". The shield has a clamp inside to keep the wire from pulling out.
I havent put a shield on the other wire going to the GPS & battery because Im am going to make a multipurpose connector in an Altoids tin so that I can interface the PSP with other serial devices, and also have the Motorola battery supply power to the PSP if needed.
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August 1st, 2006, 03:23 Posted By: PSPdemon
Hi again,
Back to release another map based off of a secret map in Golden Eye 64 called "The Citadel"
If you want to know more about this map that I speak of... here is a link
as far as completion goes, its still in its early stages,
Bascially, it has no lighting, texture issues ( because of a missing colors problem", and clipping issues as well.... but..... when a new version of IRIS comes out, OR when the new FPS from him comes out ( which ever comes first ) I will fix the map.
--Bugs Known---
---certain areas of the map are clipping wierdly....for instance walls and floors that are suppose to be there....are not.
---textures are not apearing as they should....( lost colors bug )
--Add in future--
---Characters to go with the map
---Finish off the second floor
Here are some pics...

Hopefully.....when iris's bug's are fixed......i can make it look like somthing like this....

Thanks for Everything,
Also, for all the latest developmets make sure to stop by and visit my site at http://pspdemon.dcemu.co.uk/
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August 1st, 2006, 11:30 Posted By: crait
First release of my lua game; Kirby's Lua Adventure
basically all you can do is walk, and veiw the credits and controls
oh, and hurt yourself lol
here's a changelog
alpha (0.1) (not public)
main menu, credits page, movement of character (left and right), background, and eboot graphics
0.2 beta
added life bar, added game over alert, added functions page, added R function (self inflict damage)
also added Change-log
a todo
add stats table at the bottom of the screen
add enemies
add animation
add food
add bosses
add level select stage
add sound
add jumping
add sucking
add punching
and take away hurt yourself
add different abilities
possibly a two player type deal? like arena or something
here's a screenshot!

here's a link to my dev thread
i highly recomend that you join this site
and finally here is my file
and you know by using this that you cannot blame me if anything goes wrong
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August 1st, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
A job listing for the position of PS3 programmer appearing on Crytek's website is causing us to speculate that the dev's gorgeous PC FPS Crysis could be porting to Sony's new console. One of the responsibilities attached to the position, you see, is "Cross platform code development", while "Experience with next generation cross-platform development" is a requirement.
But the speculation could be purely crazy, and Crytek's PS3 construction could very well turn out to have nothing to do with Crysis at all. The studio has recently stated that it has several "vastly different" games in development at its Frankfurt headquarters, and speaking to us Crytek also gave firm word that Crysis would be a PC-only title. It wouldn't tell us naughty fibs now, would it?
Either way, if a console port does turn out to be in the works, it's unlikely we would see it anywhere near the launch of its PC counterpart, considering Crysis is due out in the first quarter of 2007 and the studio is only just advertising for PS3 programmers.
We'll let you know if any more info on Crytek's console development surfaces.
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August 1st, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
A new gameplay trailer has been released showing offf Tetsuya Mizuguchi's puzzle sequel, Lumines II, which drops onto PSP later this year.
For those who've missed out on the acclaimed music puzzler, it's a bit like playing Tetris on top of a blaring beatbox, and about as addictive as chain-smoking cigarettes laced with chocolate. We're sure you'll get the gist of it after watching this video - just don't play it on the train unless you want to end up missing your stop.
Lumines II is due out in Q4 2006.
Trailer and News at CVG
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August 1st, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Q Entertainment has released a new trailer for Every Extend Extra, its PC-adapted PSP music puzzler which hits the Land of the Rising Sun tomorrow.
E3, as Q likes the game to be known, is Tetsuya Mizuguchi's own adaptation of PC shareware game, Every Extend. The game tasks you with guiding a 'cursor' around the screen avoiding enemies, and then strategically self-destructing to take out as many block-shaped nemeses as possible. If the game turns out to be anything as addictive as Q's other PSP puzzler, Lumines, then we should be in for a highly gratifying puzzling treat.
Every Extend Extra is currently penned for release on our shores on October 27, but look out for our import review, coming soon.
Trailer and News at CVG
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August 1st, 2006, 19:48 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang

When the classic hero-saves-princess tale Ghosts'n Goblins (Makaimura in Japan) originally hit the Arcades in the mid-1980s, gamers were first introduced to Capcom's notion of a demon-populated underworld that at the time felt like a dark, interactive cartoon. Soon the side-scrolling platformer got released on the NES and versions for other systems appeared. Ah, sweet retro memories of pushing the stick fast in the direction of where Arthur the Knight was facing to increase weapon speed (worked like a charm on the Commodore 64 version with the then unrivaled Competition Pro Joystick!)... Due to the ingeniously straightforward, but challenging gameplay the series produced one smash hit after the other with the sequels that followed later: 1988 saw the release of Ghouls'n Ghosts and finally Super Ghouls'n Ghosts aka. Cho Makaimura (designed for the SNES) hit the videogames market in 1991. Over the years, our main hero was blessed with many upgrades, like new moves, weapons, armor and magic power ups.
A brief history of one of the most beloved Jump'n Shoot franchises behind us, the future of Arthur (while still running around in underwear when suffering a blow) is here, with Goku Makaimura (Extreme Ghosts 'n' Goblins) representing an exclusive PSP edition of a true Capcom legend. None other than Tokurou Fujiwara - the original's creator - holds responsible for directing this maxed-out masterpiece. Now making use of a 3D graphics engine, being true to the glorious past with a side-scrolling layout, Goku Makaimura includes more spells and weapons than ever before and offers non-linear gameplay. An authentic example of revisiting a retro gem and reshapening it to be rewarded with a current classic in its own right.
As the US version is still a longer while off, we recommend getting the Asian copy of Goku Makaimura (Extreme Ghouls'n Ghosts) now, which is in stock today. All pre-orders have already been taken care of and new orders are leaving our warehouse within 24 hours for only US$ 49.90 (shipped!). While import gamers appreciate our Free World Shipping promotion, it's also reassuring that you can play this game (like all PSP titles) on any PSP system bought wherever globally. Couldn't be easier, you just gotta love this handheld's true region-free capability.
Much More info and screens at the link above
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August 1st, 2006, 19:59 Posted By: wraggster
We havent heard publically from our resident coder PSmonkey for a while but today he posted some great news for his PSP Scene followers, heres the news from his site:
Nothing to write home about but you guys kept saying you would like to see larger roms like zelda run.
So see attached images.
Again this is not a big deal since daedalus already suports large rom and runs faster. I more just did this after playing dk64 and caving in to see if it or zelda would actualy run on m64. Well the results is that both zelda's run (but have a scale bug, probably from cop1 rounding ops), Ridge racer 64 runs, DK64 hangs (I though it was 64k eeprom but its not), Resident Evil 2 hangs (same as DK64, it just keeps looping), Rayman 2 crashes (shows ubi logo then hard psp crash). Also games over all run like shit if they read all over the rom in a single frame since my rom cache is too large and I only keep 1 block (thinking doing 4 1MB blocks or 8 512KB blocks, currently 1 4MB block).
Anyways enjoy the shots. This does not mean a new m64 build is comming soon. I am really busy with my compo entries (Actualy behind somewhat). I just was more currious and thats about it for now.
Seee... M64 is still not dead!
Its great to see some new progress from one of DCEmus Finest, show your encouragement and check out the new screens at his site here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk
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August 1st, 2006, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Some excellent news and screenshots thanks to Jar Jar and GTA Portable.com
Heres the news:
The first details and screenshots came today from the Australian version of the Gamepro magazine . You'll be playing as Victor Vance - Lance's brother.
Victor, and his brother Lance, will be playing a big part in Vice City Stories. He's seen in the opening scene of GTA: Vice City, as he get killed by a SWAT team.
• The game takes place in 1984 - two years before GTA: Vice City
• Victor is a 28 year-old US Marine
• Players can now take on the water of Vice City With jet ski's!
• The animations are more life-like and is a ''step-up from previous titles in the series''
• A multiplayer feature similar to the PSP version of LCS is in the game
• VCS is ''much, much bigger than Vice City''
• Some landmarks are half-built or yet to be refurbished to their state circa 1986
• There's new or altered locations and buildings
• All new vehicles and weapons
• You can fly helicopters!
• Radio stations from Vice City make a return
• New weather effects that could include hurricanes
• You can swim in the game!
• Bikes handle better than before
• There's also no more seamless exterior-to-interior gameplay as seen in LCS (There'll be a slight loading time)
• A new addition in Vice City is the chunder-wheel, which you can ride in first-person view!
• Binoculars is in the game
• LCS is ''rookie first-gen PSP title compared to VCS''
• Draw distance is great and is said to be better than Vice City on PS2
• Trip skips make a return (If you die or get busted a taxi will take you back to the location where you received the mission from)
• New animations which give both the lead characters and pedestrians a whole new degree of humanity
• Far richer color palette that brings sunsets to all new levels of beauty, and realism
• Increased density of pedestrians, cars and objects
• Reduction in clumping (where groups of the same model type appear together)
• Far more interiors that its predecessors
• So far there's no word on character and vehicle customization, aswell as wall climbing
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August 1st, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: motormaniac
Hi everyone,
I finally finished the 2.0 version. I decided not to release version 1.5 due to hardly any updates.
This update includes
a bunch of new games and apps
Pic your own skin.
Pictures for links.
New design...sorta
New Video
May be slow due to size.
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August 1st, 2006, 22:44 Posted By: crait
ok dudes,
Second release of my lua game; Kirby's Lua Adventure
its pretty fun for a young version
you can walk, and urm... crouch
oh, and hurt yourself lol
here's a changelog
alpha (0.1) (not public)
main menu, credits page, movement of character (left and right), background, and eboot graphics
0.2 beta
added life bar, added game over alert, added functions page, added R function (self inflict damage)
also added Change-log
0.3 beta
added todo file, updated the credits page, modified the Change-log, fixed Kirby's movement bug, add a rect behind health (as a status bar), added lives, and changed game over alert, added a more graphical lifebar, added crouch(though you cannot get out of it), also included new screenshot within the zip, i also added jumping but you cannot use it yet i have to fix it
grr and i have to fix the walking animation back to how it was
a todo
change button sinsetivity
fix jumping
add floating
fix walking animation again
fix crouching
add opening 'movie'(skipable)
add enemies
add animation
add food
add bosses
add level select stage
add sound
add flying
add sucking
add punching
and take away hurt yourself
add different abilities
possibly a two player type deal? like arena or something
here's a screenshot!

here's a link to my dev thread
i highly recomend that you join this site!
and my alternate one!
I also highly recomend you join this one!
and finally here is my file
and you know by using this that you cannot blame me if anything goes wrong
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August 2nd, 2006, 08:43 Posted By: BrooksyX
Here is the second release of my LUA game:Sonic Adventure 2D.
It is still kind of a proof of concept but the next release will be very playable.
If you have any suggestions or find any bugs please let me know.
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
EA has said it expects to have four to five games out for PS3 between the console's launch and the end of the year, confirming at this stage three of the titles: Need for Speed Carbon; Madden NFL 07; and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07.
Discussing its launch games line-up for Sony's next-gen console - during a conference call held with media and analysts yesterday - the company also admitted, while fielding a question on Xbox 360 versus PS3 technical capabilities, that it's extremely unlikely that the initial wave of titles will do PS3's hardware justice.
"This Christmas, it's going to be difficult to harness the full power of the PS3 on first generation software versus what will be second generation 360 games, so they're going to be more alike than different, is our opinion at this time," an EA exec commented.
They continued: "As those machines develop over time [...] there's a lot of horsepower inside the PS3 that we'll be able to unlock over years two, three, and four that we're very excited about."
EA additionally took the opportunity to touch on Wii and DS during the conference call, revealing plans to boost focus on both machines. "We're definitely going after those platforms", the publisher revealed, "...we have ramped up [game] production for the Wii and DS Lite". It added: "In terms of relative investment on the Wii and the DS, we are moving resources against those platforms to increase SKU count."
The publisher went on to say, however, that it only expects to have a couple of titles out for Wii's launch period - Need for Speed Carbon and Madden NFL 07 - and a total of five released by the end of the company's fiscal year - March 2007. It's possible that EA's Wii games will retail at $49.99 in the US (apparently, Nintendo has indicated that first-party Wii games will not retail for more than this amount over the pond), but that remains to be confirmed.
Reportedly, EA didn't have an awful lot to say about Xbox 360 during the conference call, chairman and CEO Larry Probst simply stating, "We're pleased to be the leading publisher on the Xbox 360".
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster

Divineo China have posted this news:
We have added more models of Base and Value pack of Sony PSP, with great deal on products like Base Pack (JAPAN) *WHITE* with a low price and compatible with Euro UMD zone!
They are selling for 198$ which is around 105 pounds for those interested.
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar Games has confirmed that Bully - subject of much controversy - is still set for release in 2006.
"Bully's very much still in development and slated for release later this year," a Rockstar spokesperson told us.
Although very little has been seen of the Rockstar Vancouver game, it's still managed to follow GTA into the pages of the tabloids thanks to widespread criticism from hair-triggered politicians and publicity-hungry lawyers.
This despite a relatively light-hearted premise - a troublesome schoolboy standing up to bullies by pulling pranks.
Rockstar has remained fairly quiet about it, but development has continued undeterred. "We hope to be showing it to people soon," a spokesperson told us.
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:30 Posted By: wraggster
SNK Playmore could wait as long as four years before releasing a PlayStation 3 game, despite having already pledged titles to Nintendo Wii.
"My first impression is that it's expensive. The PlayStation 2 is good enough. It's small and cheap. For us, for manufacturers, we have to invest in a new system, and the PlayStation 3 is a risk," overseas marketing manager Yoshihito Koyama told gaming blog Kotaku.
"There won't be enough consoles at launch. Few consoles mean few software sales. We need to wait three or four years. Maybe 2009-2010 is a good time to release a game for the PS3."
SNK Playmore, whose games are published in the UK by Ignition (and, under the terms of an agreement announced Monday, distributed by Atari), has previously said that it plans to support Nintendo Wii.
It's already planning a Metal Slug Anthology, based on the popular 2D shoot-'em-up, and president Ben Herman said the company wanted to use the Wii controller's "in a new and unique way that enhances the gameplay".
SNK's take on the other next-gen contenders, Sony and Microsoft, was previously unknown, although a recent deal with Ignition to publish future titles in the UK was worded to cover next-generation projects in addition to the likes of KoF: Maximum Impact 2 for PlayStation 2.
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game for PSP released:

A sequel to the PlayStation robot battle game known for its requirement that you both build up your mech physically and program its AI. You first start out by building the physical side of your mech, mixing and matching parts from 30 pre-designed mechanical beasts and even editing your own emblem. Once you're satisfied with how things look on the outside, you head on inside, creating movement patterns for your mech by placing special move chips in slots on the mech's CPU. You're free to test your mech out in a test battle, and can make changes if you're unhappy with the result. You don't actually fight battles directly in Carnage Heart Portable. Instead, you create a team of three robots, which then heads off to do automatic warfare against enemies.

More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:37 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
Atari UK has signed a new agreement to distribute the latest releases from Ignition Entertainment and SNK Playmore across multiple European territories.
The deal includes PSP puzzler Mercury Meltdown, due out in September, plus SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters for Nintendo DS, and PSP titles Blade Dancer and Metal Slug Anthology.
Atari will also distribute SNK's forthcoming PS2 products - NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Samurai Showdown 6, and King of Fighters games Maximum Impact 2, Neowave and KOF XI.
"Ignition are known for publishing games that consumers want, and we believe this to be our strongest line-up ever," said Ignition's Phu Tien.
"We had numerous approaches from various distribution entities across Europe. However we chose Atari as they demonstrated commitment and drive, as well as being able to deliver a strong distribution presence."
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:39 Posted By: wraggster
Chances are, anyone who has watched college basketball over the last four years has heard the phrase, "Redick for three!" The Redick in question is of course J.J., the Duke Blue Devils superstar who has won numerous awards, including multiple player of the year trophies.
Add one more honor to the long list of Redick's accolades--cover athlete for 2K Sports' College Hoops 2K7. Redick, who was drafted by the Orlando Magic in the off-season, will also serve as the game's spokesperson, temporarily putting to rest that his marketability was tarnished by a DUI charge in June.
A statement from 2K Sports today also revealed that the game, previously announced only for the Xbox 360, is headed to the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and Xbox this fall. The fall release makes it a likely candidate for a launch title on the PS3, which hits US stores on November 17.
Redick, though one of the best players in college basketball history, was often the focus of hatred from fans as the best player for high-profile (and much maligned) Duke University. One of Redick's best friends and main competition last year for player of the year honors, former Gonzaga star Adam Morrison, remains his rival on the digital court, as he is now doing promotional work for Electronic Arts' NBA Live 07.
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
Associated Content explores Sony's pros and cons in how they've handled their PS3 campaign up until now. From the article: "The PS3 has caused quite a stirring over the past 2 years: from a general excitement to astonishment to disappointment. How did this happen? Let's look at what Sony did right, and what they did wrong, and every shades of gray in between."
The list is organized as follows:
The technical power of the Cell
Blu-ray: more space (52G) is only a good thing
PlayStation is still the leader in the gaming industry
PSX, PS2 backwards compatibility (huge library of games)
Strong 3rd-party support
Controller: motion-sensing addition only a good thing
Online play (though still lackluster)
Standard harddrives
1080p high definition gaming
Web browsing, just like the PSP
Connection to the PSP to enhance gameplay
Cost: we've said it a million times
Blue-Ray: too expensive storage medium
Size: the thing is big
High game prices
Architecture: Cell is too unique and could cause developer problems
No rumble
Even with redundancy, PS3 might have high defects at launch
Despite its strengths, the PS3 will only be marginally better than its competitors
Ken Kutaragi (will ruin the PS3?)
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August 2nd, 2006, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking exclusively to SPOnG, Sims creator and quiet legend Will Wright has pointed towards Nintendo's Wii console as a likely host for his upcoming mega-game Spore, with the unique controller giving the famed developer an inspirational shot in the arm.
"We’re looking at all the platforms for Spore, because we’re thinking about Spore as a franchise, not as a PC game. We’re going to do the PC game first, but really, what we’re trying to launch is an entire franchise that will be all across platforms," Wright told us when we caught up with him in San Francisco recently.
"It will probably take very different forms depending on the platforms. We might even pull out parts of the game – so you might be playing part of the game on a handheld platform, you might be playing the entire game but maybe more avatar-based on a console. The consoles are getting kind of different now – I think there’s a really interesting distinction between the Wii and the Xbox 360 and PS3. Something like the Wii offers a lot of interesting creative opportunities for the editors, with the controller."
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Wright continues, "That’s been one of the ongoing problems with consoles: they don’t have a mouse. The mouse is a very good random-access device for putting on the screen; a console controller really makes you want the game avatar-based, so you move on character – that’s why RTS games suck on consoles. With Spore, about half the game is avatar-based already – the creature game and the space game – and it would be pretty easy for us to make the intermediate levels avatar-based, so from the beginning, we thought about how we could move Spore to platforms including consoles."
Stay tuned for our full, no-questions barred (except the one about the release date) interview with Wright in the coming days, only on SPOnG, where you'll learn about the possibility of Spore on handheld gaming platforms and a huge amount more on what is without question one of the most interesting and innovative videogames in development right now.
Believe us, there's a lot more to come.
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August 2nd, 2006, 16:05 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2 from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 2 PS2 Logitech Action Controller w/ Dual Vibration Feedback
Soft-touch bottom and textured rubber grips for superior handling
Accurate, responsive action from Logitech's critically acclaimed D-Pad
Turbo Programming for super fast movement
Rubber Grips for better controlling
Vibration Feedback for added realism—feel every hit, crash, and explosion
More Description of Playstation 2 PS2 Logitech Action Controller w/ Dual Vibration Feedback
The advanced D-pad design is more responsive to fast direction changes. Traditional single pivot point designs have to raise the opposite side to quickly changed direction, forcing the cap to travel from an elevated position to a compressed level - twice the distance compared to the advanced Logitech design. During gameplay, these milliseconds can mean the difference between advancing to the next level and "Game Over".
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August 2nd, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2 from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 2 Hori Fighting Stick 2
Japanese arcade style controller
Adjustable button response timing, switchable analog stick and turbo functions
Vibration Feedback
Recommended especially for 2D and 3D fighting games
Officially licensed and produced by Hori Japan
More Description of Playstation 2 Hori Fighting Stick 2
Improved and officially licensed fighting stick manufactured by the Japanese video game peripheral manufacturer Hori. The stick features vibration feedback, turbo fire, adjustable button speed and analog buttons.
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August 2nd, 2006, 16:08 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2 from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 2 Hori Wireless Anasin2 Turbo Controller
2.4GHz Wireless Technology. Wireless range up to 10 meters
Adjustable Turbo function (5, 12, and 20 Shots per second)
Built-in vibration with On/Off switch
Auto-Sleep function to conserve batteries, Up to 100 Hours of gameplay on 2 AA batteries
5 colors available: Premium Blue, Sliver, Premium Red, Black, Platina White
More Description of Playstation 2 Hori Wireless Anasin2 Turbo Controller
Hori's new Anasin 2, 2.4GHz wireless joypad may be used within a range of approximately 10 meters. The controller features turbo-fire with a slider to increase/decrease the rapidity of fire (5, 12, and 20 shots per second). A vibration function is built-in, that can be turned on/off to conserve batteries.
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August 2nd, 2006, 16:09 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2 from SuccessHK

Welcome to the yard where the vibrant world of Nickelodeon's Barnyard movie will come to life. Gamers of all ages will be entertained by this brand new barnyard adventure. Players will start off as the 'new cow on the block,' form alliances with fellow animals, taking on challenges and sporting competitions, protecting the farm from coyote invaders, and doing lots of goofing off on the side. Players will be able to explore a fully interactive, 3D world and prove that they have what it takes to be the biggest party animal of all.
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August 2nd, 2006, 16:10 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2 from SuccessHK

When the citizens of Bumblyburg need help, there is one superhero who they can always count on, LarryBoy! This summer fans nationwide are eagerly anticipating the new release of the latest VeggieTale release, LarryBoy! and the Bad Apple. For the first time ever, the amazing smash hit VeggieTales is coming to the PlayStation2 entertainment system in the heroic adventure of LarryBoy! and the Bad Apple. Now you can, Be That Hero!
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August 2nd, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
More recycled analysis brought to you by Bloomberg. A key point to keep in mind: Sony predicts a 5-year recoup for losses due to the PS3's manufacturing costs and price point. That's going to hurt, especially since the average console life is around five years (a few exceptions noted). Masafumi Oshiden, from Merrill-Lynch, said "PlayStation 3 will be a huge money loser in the beginning." Spoken adequately enough. It's true -- we all know it's going to be very hard for Sony. Estimates show that about 200 billion yen was invested into the development of the cell processor alone.
Another point to keep in mind is the notion that "Sony's PlayStation 3 introduction in November may be hampered by fewer and less-powerful games because the company hasn't given final technical details of the new console, according to video-game publishers." So, is delivering 10,000 dev kits not going to cut it? Will IBM be able to pull better yields for the cell processor in time for the PS3 launch? If not, Sony won't even have the chance to recoup in five years -- they may pull the plug sooner than that, unless we give them our support.
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August 2nd, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
When the 3D platformer Daxter saw release on the PSP, it earned high marks for its visual prowess and gameplay that retained much of the appeal of the game's PlayStation 2 parent series, Jak and Daxter. Now the engine that powered Daxter has been licensed to other companies, Ready at Dawn president and cofounder Didier Malenfant has confirmed for GameSpot. However, exactly how many companies are working with the Daxter engine is unclear at the moment.
"Unfortunately the list of our licensees is confidential and it will be up to them to announce their titles when they see fit," Malenfant said.
Ready at Dawn isn't about to abandon the engine it built, as Malenfant said the developers will use it for their next title. That doesn't necessarily mean the studio's next game will be more of the same, as the engine is supposedly quite versatile.
"The engine could be used to do a wide variety of third and first person games," Malenfant noted, "and it would actually produce quite awesome racing games too."
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August 2nd, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Theres a lot of speculation that NJ the coder of Neogeo, Neogeo CD and CPS 1 emulators for the PSP is now working on a CPS 2 Emulator, more info as we get it.
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August 2nd, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Brian Donaldson sent me this news:
We've been talking about our upcoming Flash Portal for devhook and 2.7+users. Well, we have finally finished it and it's still a work in progress,but none the less... it looks pretty sweet. This is a beta release so there will be future updates on the portal, but it still looks good and it's very cool looking on the PSP's Web Browser. In the upcoming release we will fix the color of the music player, add more songs by first come first serve requests, and fix some of the icons. This release has been a work in progress for a while, but it's finally complete and looks spectacular. All the graphics in the portal were made by me, the real mr bob, and b00ndit.
The icons weren't made by us, but we touched them up...in the upcoming release b00ndit will be making us some cooler icons from scratch so keep
your eyes peeled.
Readme: To install the MPP.swf file on your PSP simply copy the MPP.swf into the root of your memory stick and copy the MPP folder to the PSP > COMMON > FILE GOES HERE. Once you have copied over the files to your PSP launch devhook and go the PSP web browser and type in file:/MPP.swf (2.7+ users can do the same thing). Bookmark the file so you don't have to keep typing in the same address. Note: This is a beta version...we still need to fix up icons, the music player and we need people to request songs for the music player. Any feedback is appreciated. As stated this portal only works on devhook .45 and above or on 2.7+ PSPs. This portal was made by the mypsportal Team, visit www.mypsportal.com for future updates and releases.
Credits go out to...
Flash Design: Miami Boy 305
Photoshop Graphics: B00ndit, the real mr bob, and Unbri
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August 2nd, 2006, 20:19 Posted By: wraggster
The Japanese Site which hosts the Devhook application have been slapped with a Cease and Desist Order over the Devhook app which lets users use different firmware on their PSP, (This site only EVER linked to the UMD versions of Devhook unlike other sites that linked to the ISO Version).
Heres what Ookm posted on his site:
Reboot_1.50.bin is the copyrighted material by SONY, that is mixed with DevHook0.43fix.
Warning from SCE to those who up-load DevHook0.43fix comes.
Moreover, please annul it at once when downloaded 0.43fix is preserved at hand, and it uses it.
Not seeing this knows and there is a possibility to use, too.
Please inform me of this when there is an owner in surroundings.
Moreover, the main body of DevHook and the relation file of all versions were deleted from this site.
As a result, opening DevHook on this site to the public is completely stopped
Does this mean Sony are to go after all sites hosting the ISO version of Devhook, well i can see it happening, im also concerned about the UMD version, it is legal because it doesnt run ISOs but we will have to see.
What is apparent is that some members of the Homebrew Scene by posting the ISO version have helped Sony strike a blow at thier own sites, all for a few extra hits.
Got a Comment, then lets have discussion on this
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August 2nd, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
a post on Xbox strategy group member Andre Vrignaud's blog discusses the view of mod chips from inside Microsoft. Not surprisingly, he concludes that they're a barrier to a viable business model. Just the same, the post has some good consideration of the issue from both sides. Especially interesting is his comment that
"a friend of mine at Microsoft once demonstrated a modded PSP to Bill Gates and showed off all of the interesting things that enabled. According to my friend Bill was intrigued and asked the audience what we might be able to do to encourage this sort of thing without damaging the business."
Even if it's a sticky wicket, at least they're thinking along the right lines.
Very interesting wouldnt you say 
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August 2nd, 2006, 23:34 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking in an exclusive interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Atari CEO Bruno Bonnell has confirmed that the publisher has no plans to release any PS3 games before 2007.
Bonnell said Atari intends to support all three next-gen consoles "fairly equally", adding, "It's just that we're lacking information about the PS3 at this stage, because we have basically a rough release date and a high retail price point.
"As far as the Wii and the Xbox 360 go, we'll be there for this season; for PS3, we'll probably have to wait a little later in the year before we release some new titles." And, according to Bonnell, that means no Atari titles on PS3 until 2007.
The PS3 is slated for a global launch this November, priced at 499 Euro for the 20GB model and 599 Euro for the 60GB version. But Bonnell does not believe that the console's high point puts it at any risk of failure: "I think that by deciding to put the PS3 at this price, Sony has chosen to really differentiate itself from the other consoles.
"The fact that you have Blu-ray, and the fact that it's HD compatible - all this is driving me to think that Sony is picking up the high-end of the market, the hardcore, passionate fans. There will be a time they can reduce the price and access more people, but clearly that's a technical choice that Sony has made to be selective on the field at stage one," he added.
Read the full interview to find out why we're likely to see Atari titles arrive on Wii much sooner than they appear on PS3, what the future holds for the company following its recent financial difficulties, and what Bonnell thinks about the new format E3.
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August 2nd, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster

News from Play Asia
Every Extend Extra (E3) is a mix between Lumines and Rez, both titles developed by mastermind Tetsuya Mizuguchi. Gameplay involves the player blowing himself up in order to try and cause a huge combo. Blowing oneself up takes away from your overall stock, but hopefully the combo is big enough to earn another "life" or two, or "extend" gameplay. There is also a time limit, so one can't just sit idle and avoid wasting stock. There are also power-ups called "quickens," that speed the player up.
E3 isn't too far from its independent roots. The main difference from the original is the music variable. Much like Lumines, E3 progresses via "skins," each one with different backgrounds, speeds, music and sound effects. In addition to that, E3 also adds different explosion types, which can link chains in different ways than in Every Extend. Lastly, E3 adds a "charge" feature. By holding down the explosion button, the bomb is charged. The longer the button is held, the bigger the blast radius.

More info/buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...-j-70-z5o.html
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August 3rd, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Just posted this over at our GP2X Site
Eclipse has released Final Fantasy Doom, heres the info:
In Final Fantasy Doom you are MOG, FF3's cutest hero, and you must fight your way through forests, caves, mountains, castles etc., defeat the boss monsters, and ultimately face the evil spirit hiding in the painting of the Princess of Vector. [...] Final Fantasy Doom is a Total Conversion for Ultimate Doom with 27 single-player levels (3 complete episodes) and 7 Deathmatch levels (Episode 4)."
In order to play this Doom total conversion you must copy the Ultimate Doom WAD file in the ffdoom folder and be sure to rename it "doomu.wad"
Packed by Eclipse, for original tc credits see the FFDoom2.txt file.
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August 3rd, 2006, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from Blind
" I designed this release for those who want a easy install for QUAKE, a classic FPS game thats always fun to play, run the setup, and not only will it install Quake, but it will safely remove any Corrupt/Blank Icons Automatically! Including the Quake one! Enjoy this one and expect more soon!
Thanks bLiNd for proof-testing! "
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August 3rd, 2006, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Jeremy1026 has again updated his Yahtzee game for the PSP, here the release info:
I've been working hard with this to add one new game mode, and make it so there isn't any provisions to playing another game mode that was hidden in v1.51 (). I added 'Speed Yahtzee', where you have 90 seconds to play through the entire game, when the clock hits 0, gameover, whether your done or not. And I also added 'Challenge Yahtzee' where you are given a spefic roll, and you must match or beat it before time runs out. Well, here is it, good luck and as always, read the readme for more instuctions and information.
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via jeremy
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August 3rd, 2006, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
The August 2006 issue of the XTREME PSP Magazine is now available to download. Issue 14 is packed with over 80 pages of great content including previews of GTA Vice City, Pirates of the Caribbean, NCAA Football 2007, and reviews of Loco Roco, Tomb Raider, and Race Driver 2006. And all the regular content including tips and cheats, the latest news, a new competition and more...
Download Here --> http://www.xtremepsp.com/news.php?id=95
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August 3rd, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Stefano Russello aka Puffo83 the coder of PSP Brew has released PSP TO JOYPAD, heres the translated info:
The program allows to use the PSP as Joypad wireless without threads. E' possible to connect 2 PSP at the same time. The program can be used is with chiavetta a Wi-Fi (tested with WiFiMax) that make from AccessPoint that with a Router Wi-Fi, enough that this last one comes set up for reindirizzare the demands from door 8081 to the ' IP of the machine where in is attended the program. E' possible the program to qualify or to disabilitare to chosen analogic in its two aces X and Y and to set up the sensibility (being put the sensibility to the maximum will have the same effect of the pad digita them). E' be found that in some programs, emulatori, etc. he is advisable to set up the keys directly from the keyboard in order then to use them subsequently from the PSP. E' possible to in the event simulate also the pressure of the keys L2 and R2 in which one was wanted to be umulare PSX holding pressed key START or SELECT more L or R. E' possible to select the IP to which to directly connect the PSP from the same Homebrew without editare some rows. E' possible moreover to set up the type of logon between those preset up in the PSP.
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:22 Posted By: wraggster
Jez San, founder of the now-defunct Argonaut Software and now involved with PS3 slash 'em-up, Heavenly Sword has said that he thinks the PlayStation 3 will come out on top in the next-gen console war, "but only because its got Blu-ray."
Speaking to The Guardian, San said: "I think the combination of a next-generation games machine and a next-generation DVD player that plays full high-definition movies is very compelling, despite the huge price. Remember price is just a function of time and volume. It doesn't matter what the PS3 comes out at, it's what it gets down to, over time, that's important."
In the same article, market analyst Paul Jackson of Forrester Research agrees with San's comments, saying that Sony stands a good chance because, "Far more people will go for a PS3 than spend $1,000 on a Blu-ray player ...it's a question of how quickly [Sony] gets the price down."
Jackson goes on to echo San's own comments on the importance of price. "You can't get to the mass market until you get down to $300/£200 [mark]."
Jackson then asserts that it's going to be far from an easy ride for Sony, because of the amount of negative press that currently surrounds its next-gen console: "You can't over-estimate how much negativity there is around the PlayStation 3 in the web ...The stories just keep getting worse and worse. They've got a real fight on their hands."
There's only a few months left until the PS3 hits - and most-likely vanishes from - store shelves, and with likely stock shortages ensuring a Christmas sell-out for the console, it's going to be next year before we get the slightest inkling of who's really going to rule the next gen.
But as San points out, the unique appeal of both Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft's machines means it could very well end up being a three-way tie. Whichever way the next gen cookie crumbles, it's certainly going to be an interesting 12 months...
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:27 Posted By: wraggster
Word recently reached us that the PlayStation 3 has officially entered production, and in an interview with The Guardian, Sony's president of worldwide studios, Phil Harrison has shed some light on the on-going development work on the console.
According to Harrison, "It's all going well. We are in full swing, from a developer point of view, and over 10,000 developer kits have been shipped. Developers now have final [PS3] hardware in their hands, though there will be some upgrades to the operating system - there's nothing unusual about that. The new controller is now in developers' hands, so all the pieces of the puzzle are there."
Also in the interview, Harrison comments on the arrival of working Blu-ray drives in the PS3 dev kits, noting that many studios also have blu-ray burners in their PCs, "so they are now doing their first iterations of games running off discs," he says.
"Signs are good," adds Harrison, "right now there are more than 100 Blu-ray movies available today, in the US. More than 100 games are in development [for the PS3], and all the major third party publishers have pledged their strategic support for the platform."
Sony is gearing up for its next big push for the PS3, which will start at the Tokyo Games Show on September 22, where the father of PlayStation, Ken Kutruagi is scheduled to give the keynote speech. Hopefully with the appearance or some new game titles and a more solid-looking launch line-up, Sony will be able to make up for the mostly-negative reaction to its showing at this year's E3. Stay tuned.
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
For those Mac users who just can't wait to start filling up those $20+ Blu-ray writeables, the anticipation is just about over. Later this month, Japanese storage specialist Logitec will begin shipping what's touted as the "world's first Mac-compatible" Blu-ray disc burner. While Blu-ray burners for Windows-based machines have been popping up fairly frequently of late, OS X has been left out in the cold, (but considering the current price of Blu-ray media, we're assuming it hasn't been a total calamity). Nevertheless, the LBD-A2FU2/WM is an external 2x burner that will support DVD-RAM, DVD±R/RW, dual-layer DVD±R, CD-R / RW, and obviously BD-R / BD-RE discs. This FireWire / USB 2.0 combination drive supports PCs and Macs, and it's presumed that Roxio's Toast 7 Titanium software played a role in OS X getting its functionality groove on -- Roxio supposedly began offering Blu-ray drive makers a Mac-friendly version of the software, and sure enough, that's what you'll get with the Logitec. So for all you Mac fans who've felt a bit left behind, you can still get up to speed in just a couple weeks, but know it might cost you more than your MacBook (¥132,000 or $1,148), so you may want to think twice before cruising to Japan to pick one up.
More info
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
We're still waiting to play Naruto: Ultimate Ninja over here, but that hasn't stopped Namco Bandai lining up a PS2 sequel.
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles is due out on PS2 this winter in the States, and sees the eponymous Naruto - a ninja in training - completing story-driven missions in a 3D world to save the Hidden Leaf Village from evil, and fulfil his dream of becoming the Hokage (leader).
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja is out on PS2 this November; Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles has yet to be dated for Europe.
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Sony Computer Entertainment UK has condemned the leaking of forthcoming PSP title Gangs of London to the internet, after copies of an internal beta of the game appeared on BitTorrent sites overnight.
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony spokesman David Wilson also warned consumers that the leaked version is incomplete and buggy.
"The version of Gangs Of London that you have brought our attention to here is a pre-production 'preview' version," he revealed. "It is not the complete game and it has anomalies in the code since it hasn't been through our QA process yet."
Wilson also reasserted his firm's strong opposition to game piracy - and while it's clearly not relevant in this situation, as BitTorrent piracy creates no revenues, he pointed to the oft-cited link between piracy and organised crime.
"We are wholly opposed to game piracy," he commented. "Even if people have no sympathy for games developers losing money (though in the end that damages our industry and hurts gamers) - there are proven links that exist between counterfeiting and organised crime and that has some serious consequences (and victims) that people should give due consideration."
Gangs of London, which itself has more than a little bit to do with organised crime and gangland violence, will be out on the PSP later this year, and will allow players to engage in tactical urban combat around the streets of London and the capital's most famous landmarks - all without the aforementioned serious consequences.
Maybe another reason why Sony is taking a real look at the Homebrew scene, the warez people spoil it for us all ?
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
New at Lik Sang:

Prove you have what it takes in four on four gameplay action. Humiliate your opponents with the new beat system, over-the-top juggling moves and all-new gamebreakers that allow you to win a game like never before. Beat the best in the world by traveling to new International locations ranging from the famous Westway Leisure Centre in London to the beautiful beachside of Brazil. Featuring all new authentic tricks, FIFA Street 2 provides new gameplay experiences by making over the top moves and skills even bigger in this fast paced sequel. Take to the streets, unleash your tricks, and humble your rivals with or without the ball.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...5&lsaid=219793
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August 3rd, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Judge dismisses strip club's accusations of trademark infringement
A US district judge has dismissed claims by a Los Angeles strip club that Rockstar Games breached copyright by designing a similar looking virtual strip club for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
According to documents obtained by US website Gamasutra, E.S.S. Entertainment - owners of The Play Pen club - filed suit against Rockstar in April of last year. The suit claimed that the strip club in GTA, which is titled The Pig Pen, represented trademark infringement, due to its similar name, logo, awning and 'Totally nude' advertising slogan.
Rockstar conceded that its artists worked from photographs of real life LA locations - including the Play Pen - when designing the game, but argued that they "changed the names, building designs and overall look and feel of the locations... To make them fit the virtual, cartoon-style world of San Andreas and the series' irreverent tone."
Rockstar also referred to the lawsuit MCA Records successfully defended over the song Barbie Girl, when the judge ruled that trademark rights "do not entitle the owner to quash an unauthorised use of the mark by another who is communicating ideas or expressing points of view."
Judge Margaret Morrow agreed with Rockstar's argument, ruling that, "Defendants' use of the Play Pen trade dress and trademark bears some artistic relevance to the game, and does not explicitly mislead consumers as to the source or content of the game." Rockstar, Judge Morrow said, was therefore entitled to claim a First Amendment defence.
Perhaps the controvery surrounding GTA: San Andreas will finally die down now, following both this legal decision and the ruling by the FTC over the Hot Coffee scandal. But chances are Rockstar will be in the news again soon - the company recently confirmed that controversial school-based game Bully is on track for release by the end of the year.
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August 4th, 2006, 04:02 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
The original page is here,
Here's what I could translate from the page. (My Japanese is a little rusty) If this translation is used elsewhere please give credit to me (BelmontSlayer), as this took almost 45 minutes!
Japanese To English Tranlation
When I first made my CPS1 emulator, the emulation of the Musashi M68000 (The core of MAME) wasn't running so good. After figuring out how the core operated I was able to emulate the remodeling of C68K. Even more suprising was that sound worked quite well!
When i decided to try CPS2, the processing of sprites was actually easier than CPS1. Sprite proccessing is a big factor in emulation.
The PSP has 32MB of memory, but the OS takes 8MB by itself, so only 24MB memory can be used. Because 4MB is used for the emulator, you can only use 20MB as the data area for the ROM of the game. But, memory is not enough alone. If there is no XOR table for the encoding cancellation of ROM, its not very usefull.
I tried using sound with the emulator. As for BGM (Background Music) there is no problem, but because the SE (Sound Effects) cracks somewhat, it becomes a matter of concern. I tried lowering the volume, but it isn't solved that simply.
Also, there are several sprites displaying strangely. This is also a problem unless it is solved.
I tried using the same cache system as my NEOGEO emulator, and was able to move in-game. But, according to my expectations that's not good enough. Because the emulator is slowly reading the cache file, the game play very slow. The reason is that smooth animation when using sprite cache is not effective.
The CPS2 emulation is a small advancement. But throwing out the project halfway, without a regret is kind of hard.
My motivation is slowly declining. (NJ laughs)
I still haven't decided if I will release this or not.
End Of Tranlation
So hopefully he will release the source code...But it seems as if he thinks smooth emulation isn't possible.
-- Update --
A test build has been posted on the website. You can download it by following the link at the top of this news article.
Just a note, Make sure you run your rom zip though the included converter. Games will not run without the cache file.
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August 4th, 2006, 09:34 Posted By: motz
Hoshizora has released another version of uo_OGRaniser, updating it to version 0.9.1. This tool allows you to reorder your homebrew games without writing to flash etc. Here's the changelog:
New: The following KXploit folder name schemes are updated and supported in
this version:
1. foldername
2. __sce__foldername
3. folde 1
4. folde _
5. foldername_____________________1
6. foldername 1
7. foldername _
8. foldername______________________
New: Add support to iR Shell compatible folder name scheme! This version
uses a modified version of scheme #6 (as shown above) to hide the
corrupted data icons in the XMB menu.
New: The following folder name schemes are supported:
1. __SCE & %__SCE (corrupted data icons will not show in XMB menu)
2. iR Shell Compatible (corrupted data icons will not show in XMB menu)
3. FOLDER & FOLDER% (corrupted data icons will show in XMB menu)
New: The following folder name scheme conversions are supported:
1. __SCE & %__SCE -=> FOLDER & FOLDER%
2. __SCE & %__SCE -=> iR Shell Compatible
3. iR Shell Compatible -=> FOLDER & FOLDER%
4. iR Shell Compatible -=> __SCE & %__SCE
5. FOLDER & FOLDER% -=> __SCE & %__SCE
6. FOLDER & FOLDER% -=> iR Shell Compatible
New: Ignore toggle gives flexibility to omit title(s) in the repair list
that are known not to work if the folder names are changed
New: Folder names are automatically checked and repaired so they will
display in the XMB menu
New: Exit program via analog-stick [<] in Splash screen
New: On-screen Error Codes quick reference guide (accessible from the
Summary Report screen)
New: Screen capture utility now supports multiple screen shots
Change: Screen capture files are now saved to the folder named SCREENSHOTS in
the uo_Ograniser program folder
Change: Modified folder name collision detection routine. Program no longer
generates an unique random key to append to the folder name
Change: TRIANGLE, SQUARE & CIRCLE button functions are reassigned
Change: Reorganised menu layout
Change: Optimised code to minimise instances of program crashing during startup
Bugfix: Program settings are lost when the Quit menu is displayed and returned
back to the previous menu
Bugfix: Minor cosmetic bug fixes
Known Issues (v0.9.1):
- Exiting the program using HOME button may not work in Edit screen
* Workaround: Use analog-stick [<] to exit the program
- If uo_Ograniser is run from within iR Shell, you may experience exiting to
the XMB menu directly when you quit uo_Ograniser after a folder read/write
operation. The following message "The game could not be started.
(80010002)" may be displayed on the XMB menu. This symptom is normal
* Workaround: Run uo_Ograniser directly from the XMB menu -OR- Toggle ignore
on iR Shell title if you wish to perform folder repair/restore
- Program may crash during initialisation
* Workaround: Restart your PSP and try again
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August 4th, 2006, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
mark.sparky has released an Horse racing game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Hey, everyone this is my first game for the psp. It is where you bet on one of six horses and try to make as much money as you can. To install simply put the extracted folder into the the luaplayer folder on you psp. And also is there a music artist which can do music for me. Here is a list of what is done and is to do.
Done: the basic game
what is to come
To Do: music
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August 4th, 2006, 14:54 Posted By: wraggster
Raphael has released a new version of PMP Mod the Media Player for the PSP, heres the release details:
After quite some requests and some thinking, I finally decided to do a little “mallocs revival” version of PMP Mod. For all who don’t know, malloc was the one that started modding jonnys original PMP Mod and got me started on the subject. He added a very nice resume function, lumi and volume boost (integrated in the official version already) as well as a info overlay during playback (also in official version) and some other small addons.
From there, I added more informational filelist outputs and a GUI and eventually ended with the infamous PMP Mod 1.02M4.02g3 version.
Since then, a lot has changed. Jonny highly improved the playback speed along with many internal changes in the code and also released the now famous PMP Mod AVC. However, these versions all lacked some of the nice features from the old version, but now they are back (apart from the GUI ;P).
Here’s what’s new:
- fixed rightmost cutting bug with newest FontGen 0.4+ fonts
- fixed clipping bug in glyph blitter
- fixed crash bug when trying to play non-avc videos
- fixed uppercase bug in filelist
- fixed non-showing subtitles bug when playing a short part twice in a row
- added file sorting, subtitles and files are ordered by filename now, rather than creation time
- added USB connection in filelist
- added filesize/modification time display in filelist
- added video information display (resolution, codec, fps, duration)
- added resume function (start with O to skip resume)
- added saving and loading of playback settings (audio stream, aspect, zoom, lumi/volume boost, subtitle/color)
- added display of number of found subtitles
- added file deletion function (SELECT)
- changed sensitivity of buttons in filelist, fast scrolling only after pressing button 1/3 second
These additions are also about to be added to the standard version PMP Mod 2.02, however, there were some problems which have to be fixed first. So stay tuned.
Along with this release comes yet another version of FontGen, which adds back all Windows codepages from 1250-1258. This was neccessary, because some of the ISO8859 fonts weren’t compatible with subtitles generated in windows and led to wrong output of the subtitles (cyrillic for example).
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August 4th, 2006, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
If there's a better way to wrap-up the week than with a load of rocket-launching car screenshots, then we'd like to hear it (beer drinking omitted, obviously). Either way, here's a selection of tooled-up motors for you to gawp at in the latest batch of Full Auto 2: Battlelines screenshots.
The PS3 sequel continues the shotgun-blasting, time-rewinding gameplay that debued on the Xbox 360, though it naturally adds a number of improvements including the obligatory car and weapon list update and even-more destructive, "stunning and strategic" racing environments.
At the moment Full Auto 2 is penned in for a winter 2006 arrival. We'll let you know if it turns out to be any good or not, but it's certainly nice to see it on its new platform.
Screens Here
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August 4th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang are now selling Every Extend Extra, unlike Play Asia they ship worldwide so heres the newsagain:

Created by Bandai and developer Q Entertainment and published by Buena Vista Games, Every Extend Extra is a puzzle game that, at first glance, resembles Lumines thanks to its slick visual style. Described as an action shooting game rather than a puzzler, the gameplay is set to a music beat as you build up combos and charge blasts to burst floating obstacles and avoid being hit down as you float through metaphorical virtual worlds built around concepts of human behavior.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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August 4th, 2006, 15:12 Posted By: wraggster
Over 100 games are currently in development for the PS3, according to Sony's worldwide studios president Phil Harrison - who revealed that over 10,000 development kits have now been shipped.
Speaking to British newspaper The Guardian, Harrison was upbeat about the amount of software which will be available for the PS3 around launch - both in terms of game titles, and Blu-Ray movies.
"We have shown more playable games than ever before, so the signs are good," he commented, "and right now there are more than 100 Blu-ray movies available today in the US. More than 100 games are in development, and all the major third-party publishers have pledged their strategic support for the platform."
Harrison described work on the PS3 as being "in full swing, from a developer point of view," and pointed to the firm's success in delivering hardware to its partners long before the scheduled launch.
"Developers now have final hardware in their hands, though there will be some upgrades to the operating system - there's nothing unusual about that," he explained. "The new controller is now in developers' hands, so all the pieces of the puzzle are there."
Harrison noted that one crucial step - the shipping of Blu-Ray burners to developers so that they can actually test games running off real discs - has been accomplished, with studios "now doing their first iterations of games running off discs."
While Harrison is, of course, duty-bound to present a positive picture of the PS3 situation, his assertions are backed up by comments from outspoken Epic Games boss Mark Rein, whose platform-agnostic firm is working on the biggest title for the Xbox 360 this Christmas, Gears of War.
Speaking to Eurogamer TV recently, Rein said that Sony was "in a better place vis-Ã -vis Microsoft in relation to launch", pointing out that "developers were just getting final PS3 hardware [around E3], which is a long time before ship - developers did not have finished Xbox 360 hardware last year at E3."
"I think Sony's in a good spot with the PlayStation 3," he added. "I know we're getting some great results with it back at our house, so I would expect other developers will be as well."
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August 4th, 2006, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 isn't out yet, but that doesn't stop Sony's Phil Harrison from making wild speculations about the capability of Playstation 4. According to him, the PS4 won't support physical discs. At all. He opines:
I'd be amazed if the PlayStation 4 has a physical disc drive.
So you mean in 5-10 years, our home's series of tubes/big trucks/broadband connections will be fat enough to download a 50GB game in a decent amount of time? We sure hope so.
But wait, Phil! You mean those precious Blu-ray discs that your company's humping so hard is going to be gone by the time PS4 is out? Oh wait, Kotaku's Ashcraft already beat me to that joke/conclusion. Damn you Ash! Damn you and your 16-hour head start.
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August 4th, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
SPOnG’s just noticed an interesting feature in today’s Technology Guardian, detailing the recent post-E3 PR turmoil surrounding Sony and its forthcoming next gen console/Super Computer, the PlayStation 3.
The piece is interesting for a number of reasons, mainly because it is perhaps the first national newspaper to offer a well-written, reasoned account of Sony’s recent (mis)fortunes.
The Guardian’s well-respected technology editor Jack Schofield poses and attempts to answer the straightforward question, on pretty much every games industry exec and developer’s mind right now: “Is Sony fighting a losing battle?”
Schofield strangely paints Sony’s showing at E3 as a successful high point, from which it’s been “...downhill from there...” This is perhaps the only point in the article SPOnG disagrees with, with it being pretty much universally agreed that, in PR-terms, Sony ‘lost’ E3, with Nintendo coming out of the show as clear winners with Wii, and Microsoft running a close second with a far more robust games line-up for its 360 over the coming Christmas holiday season.
The Guardian rounds up the various issues that have caused Sony setbacks in recent times, highlighting a number of salient points - the backlash against the Killzone demo (widely believed to be a fake); development issues with the Cell processor; the perceived value of Blu-ray to the mass market and, most clearly of all, the initial whopping great cost of the console.
Schofield offers a perceptive overview of the situation which, in his opinion is this: “Rather than dampening down the overheated online arguments about all these issues, Sony's staff have tended to feed the flames, appearing remote or even arrogant. For example, Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, recently told PlayStation Magazine: "Every time we go down a path, we look behind and [Microsoft is] right there - we just can't shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do."
He continues: “It's a remark that Hirai might have got away with in an earlier age, but it was instantly dismembered online. Microsoft was first to put a hard drive in a console, and pioneered with its Xbox Live community building (or both Microsoft and Sony are following the Sega Dreamcast). Microsoft was first to do a global console launch, which Sony is emulating. Microsoft offered two versions of its Xbox 360 console - which Sony said was a bad idea - but there will be two versions of the PS3, and so on.”
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August 4th, 2006, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
New Preorder from SuccessHK

Super Monkey Ball Adventure is your chance to use your puzzle and Monkey Ball skills to bring a young couple together. A young prince and princess from opposing kingdoms traveled to Jungle Island and quite accidentally fell head over heels in love. But their kingdoms are unhappy places completely lacking in joy, and thus, their marriage is forbidden. For them to wed, you must guide 4 monkeys across 5 islands, to spread cheer and happiness. Grab some friends for Party Mode, use your newfound spell casting powers to become invisible, climb walls, and much more. Let the adventure begin! Enter Party Mode with up to 4 players and battle it out turn-based style or in split-screen mode Transfer saves between PSP and PS2 -- continue playing while you save
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August 4th, 2006, 15:49 Posted By: wraggster
New Preorder from SuccessHK

The sequel to the best selling destruction racer, FlatOut 2 takes racing to the limit with numerous enhancements and additions including brand-new much requested online multi-player modes, twice as many vehicles, additional race environments and twice the number of tracks. The mayhem continues off the track with 12 all-new Ragdoll mini-games including basketball, baseball and royal flush cards, a Ragdoll Championship and full online support. Unlockable bonuses including additional cars, Championship Cups and Destruction Arenas Improved opponent AI with each AI driver represented by a character and exhibiting a unique driving style Online multiplayer modes, up to six players on PlayStation 2 Two player offline split screen multiplayer mode on PlayStation 2 Now available online, Destruction Derby Arenas and Ragdoll Mini Games.
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August 4th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter app for the PSP
4.019 changes:
Added checking for DivX.dll. If dll not founded Mencoder + AviSynth engine will be set for DivX encoding.
DivX settings now sets in registry - more safe than script generation.
Fixed MKV import.
Added profiles - 3 quality mode plus restore default settings.
Fixed "AC3 over DirectShow" option. Option does correct work only if preview was seen. Now option work always.
Added three options more - saturation, brightness, contrast.
Added work with subtitles - *.sub;*.srt;*.ssa;*.idx - Subtitles button.
Volume normalize now do VirtualDub - much faster and safe sound extraction.
Now by default used NicAC3Source decode for ac3 files. Use "AC3 over DirectShow" only if "not valid AC3" error happend.
Found conflict with ffdshow - Install ffdshow only with AC3 decoding uncheched, otherwise will metalic echo on ac3 files and some time GetChannel errors .
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August 4th, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of Launchelf for the PS2 has been released, heres whats new:
LaunchELF v3.84 (2006.08.01)
-Merged in gsKit non-interlace support contributed by Polo
-Merged in Analog controls for JPG viewer contributed by Polo
-Upgraded PS2SDK libs from ps2dev.org SVN
-Upgraded usb_mass driver from ps2dev.org SVN. Note that this includes huge changes to the detection and initialization of USB storage devices. This means that such as did not work before may do so now, and even 'hotplugging' now seems to work well with many devices.
-Corrected a bug introduced by gsKit changes and affecting multiple CNF loading. As a consequence of these changes it's now possible to switch between CNFs using different TV modes and interlace settings. So switching between PAL and NTSC CNFs no longer requires a restart, but will immediately switch the TV mode.
-Implemented CNF file variables JpgView_Timer and JpgView_Trans, which will override the defaults for slideshow timer interval and picture transition choice.
LaunchELF v3.83 (2006.08.01)
-Corrected a timer variable to be 'u64' instead of 'int'
LaunchELF v3.82 (2006.08.01)
-Added anti-aliasing flag for gsKit setup (improves all picture quality)
-Modified screen update methods to eliminate interactive flickering
-Modified joystick reading to work with 'worn-out' gamepads
LaunchELF v3.81 (2006.07.31)
-Merged gsKit adaption contributed by Polo
-Replaced some remnant libito defaults with ones appropriate for gsKit
-Added screen offset conversion for compatibility to old CNF files
-Modified some screen offset adjustments to match standard LaunchELF practice
-Modified dialog navigation for screen settings to make it more consistent
-Added another console check, to avoid NTSC offsets for PAL console with no CNF
-Modified "RunElf" and "checkELFheader" functions to improve error checking for HDD. This eliminates a bug that caused program crash when attempting to use a launch key to a deleted file on HDD.
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August 4th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster

Kojima has posted a new version of his 3D Engine for the PSP, heres whats new:
Most notable new feature is full boned animation support. including finally, 100% support for the b3d file format which has exporters for many apps including 3dsmax/milkshape/unltimate unwrap etc.
Included is a already compiled demo with test b3d. press select to exit cleanly back to the os.
also includes many bug fixes and cleaned up code. No more memory leaks etc.
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August 4th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: jaydee73
As the title says, NJ has released a test version of his CPS2 emulator and it's pretty impressive.
As per the NeoGeo emu, you have to run these roms through the convertor tool to work otherwise the allocation memory error will pop up.
Games tested:
Alien Vs Predator 55-60fps
Battle Circuit 50-60fps
Dungeons & Dragons Tower of Doom 60fps
Eco Fighters 60fps
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dream 40-60fps (speeds up after a while)
X-men: Children of the Atom 30-40fps
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August 5th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster

NJ has done it again heres a new release of his Very impressive CPS1 emulator for the PSP:
Heres the translated whats new:
The varieties doing, it increases, but speed rises absolutely and it cannot increase. On the other hand whether it went down, (laughing)
Being next, issuing formal edition, it is end.
Basically he has gotten it has good as he can and the next release will be final.
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August 5th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via CVG
EA has announced Medal of Honor: Heroes (working title), a new, PSP-exclusive title in its WWII first-person shooter franchise.
It's said that in Heroes we'll be experiencing a brand new MoH single-player campaign, although EA has opted to re-introduce a number of lead characters from previous games in the series.
The publisher explains: "Take on the role of Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson - star of both the original Medal of Honor, and the classic Medal of Honor Frontline - in an untold chapter of his time in Holland as part of Operation Market Garden. Play as Sergeant John Baker, from Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough, and sabotage German defenses on the Italian coastline to help the invasion forces crack Hitler's iron hold on Europe!"
Advertisement:And finally: "Don the officer's cap of Lieutenant William Holt from Medal of Honor European Assault - and return to the Ardennes Forest during the Battle of the Bulge to complete unfinished business for the OSS."
Throughout the single-player action we will, apparently be unlocking 20-plus "classic" characters that can be used in Heroes' multiplayer mode. The game features a total of six multiplayer modes and 15 multiplayer maps, supporting up to a pretty impressive 32 players in wireless shootouts. In addition, "Gamers can play with up to 8 others across the room in a local impromptu game" and "'Quickplay' missions in skirmish game mode, allow players to jump right into the action or to create customized mission scenarios for added re-playability."
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August 5th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Eurogamer is hosting a GamesIndustry.biz article, an editorial that wants readers to make sure not to write Sony off yet. From the article:
"Even if Sony is failing to endear itself to the media, to analysts or to gamers at the moment, that's no reason for the reality of the next generation console battle to be ignored. Judging from reports in the past fortnight, it would be easy for an outside observer to assume that it's all over already; the media paints a picture of Microsoft being victorious before the first shot is even fired, with Sony's overloaded battlecruiser set to sink before it even leaves port."
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August 5th, 2006, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft has run into a pair of notable complaints with its Xbox 360 backward compatibility. First off, not all original Xbox games work on the next-gen system. And the ones that do typically need to be replayed from the beginning by the gamer, as there's no port on the 360 for the old system's memory cards.
With its upcoming PlayStation 3, Sony is promising to address those problems. It is aiming at making virtually every original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 game backward compatible on the PS3 from the get-go, and according to a FAQ on the official PS3 Web site, it has the memory card issue hammered out as well.
"To use saved data on a PlayStation 2 memory card, you must copy the data onto a virtual memory card within the hard disk," the site reads. "This requires a PS2/PSone memory card adaptor to copy the data to your PlayStation 3. A memory card adaptor is designed to edit, up/download game saves to and from EMS flash card or smart media card."
However, the FAQ doesn't mention if Sony will be releasing such an adapter itself. Currently it's possible to move original Xbox game saves to an Xbox 360 with the aid of third-party peripherals.
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August 5th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
We've managed to get hold of some brand new shots of Atari's hip Wario Ware wannabe, Hot Pxl, which squishes over 200 bite-sized tests of skill and reflexes in to one PSP game.
The game has a central character called Dion who is a skater and therefore 'cool'. Gamers must guide him through a colourful pixelated world of micro challenges that draw inspiration from digital and street culture as well as Atari's own videogame heritage.
The game has a unique style that's described as 'hip urban' and 'street culture' which can seen from the menus screens all the way in to the gameplay. The game will be have multiplayer mode which will make use of the PSP's wireless connectivity.
News and Screens at Gamesradar
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August 5th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
Bully, Rockstar's controversial schoolyard brawler, is still very much in development and heading for a launch "later this year", according to a Rockstar spokesman, who also stated that the game "will be released on PS2 only".
Rockstar's Vancover studio has been busy completing the game, which casts you as a brawny schoolboy at school-of-hard-knocks-to-the-head, Bullworth Academy. When we asked if Bully has undergone any changes in response to the controversy, in which the game was condemned by anti-bulling campaigners, Rockstar told us "you're going to have to wait and see".
Many gamers expected Rockstar to axe Bully's school-set mischief, after igniting a storm of backlash. Responses to Bully's appearance 12 months ago included youth group Peaceaholics staging a protest outside of Rockstar's headquarters, as well as infamous US shock-lawyer Jack Thompson branding it a "Columbine simulator". British M.P. Keith Vaz is also attempting to ban the game in the UK.
Rockstar has invited campaigners to see the game for themselves, and told BBC online last year that Bully "should be judged in the same way as any other work of fiction," adding that "people should not judge what is work in progress". Our Rockstar spokesman was unable to confirm when we'll get to see Bully again, but don't worry, we're already busy hunting down new info for your eyes.
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August 5th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall has released a new version of the Cheating Device for DevHook.
This is a prx which works under devhook and can cheat every devhook-compatible game under firmware emulation This works through raw-relative cheat codes like action replay, codebreaker, gameshark, xploder, etc. Other than this, it has support to other function which are usefull for cheat finder and normal users (like battery, cpu/bus clock, devhook version, ms free/total space information)
CW Cheat v0.1.1 changelog:
now you can exit the main menu with O
in the main menu if you press X on return to game (or O) the prx will wait for you to release the x button. In this way you will avoid not wanted keypresses when exiting
in the submenus it will wait you to release O button when exiting
now when you press up when you are on the first entry it will go to the last entry. If you press down when you are on the last entry it will go to the first entry
in the cheat selection submenu you can keep a button pressed and it will automatically repeat so you can scrool large code list in less time
Now dump are endless they will be made in different files till you finish the free space on memory stick then it will start again with the first dump
added 33 mhz for cpu and 16mhz for bus
added an enable usb function. it will load in game the usb mass function so you can access your ms while playing to make cheat quicker and without a card reader.
NOTE1: it will be disabled while dump to be re-enabled after
NOTE2: sometimes when writing to ms from pc the psp doesn’t flush the cache so if you change the database it could still be not updated. if this happen a workaround is ejecting the memory stick and putting it in again.
NOTE3: you need to disable usbhostfs to make usb mass work
added “enable usb” options
fixed some buffer overflow in the cheat.db parsing function
now you can give to the game names up to 30 chars (before was 20)
now you can give to the cheat names up to 30 chars (before was 20)
now you can store up to 500 cheats for game (before was 400)
other little things and optimizations
updated included database
updated included prx
added option usb enable
now you can configure cwcheat from the installer also without the cwcheat.ini
now you can force 8/16/32bit search or keep to AUTO like before
now 16/32bit search have the right endianess (little endian) so if you had problem with these searches before try again
As I mentioned previously it’s wise you read the manual to develop a good understanding on how this powerful application works.
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August 5th, 2006, 02:10 Posted By: wraggster
Neoflash who are giving a Nintendo Wii away as a top prize in their Summer Coding competition have today announced that from now until the 20th August 2006 they are allowing submissions of entries to their coding comps for PSP and Nintendo DS, so if your a coder of virtually anything nows the time to get your coding fingers ready and get entering, the Nintendo Wii prize would make me learn coding if i wasnt already so damn busy.
More Info
The DCEmu Network will of course provide full news coverage of all the submissions to the competition as they arrive.
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August 5th, 2006, 06:52 Posted By: siulmagic
NJ has released a new test version of his Capcom CPS2 Emulator for the PSP, the Games are all Arcade classics so once the emulator is working at a good speed then it will be a killer emulator for the PSP.
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August 5th, 2006, 09:53 Posted By: motz
JOYBEBA6679 from our forums has released his great supertux mod, Super WarioLand: Wario in Mario World.
"Well here it is, a supertux mod with Wario as the star. As you may know Wario is one of Mario's enemies, but this time things are different...
Help Wario on this new quest!.
Things you may need to know:
1. This is just a mod of the supertux for PSP game.
2. I've done nothing to the source only modified some things.
3. It's very very important to read the README file I've included so do yourselves a favor and please read. (It's not too long)
4. Last but not least.
Also in the game use and hold down the Square button while moving Wario to make him move faster, use the X button to make Wario jump and use the Circle button to shot after getting the glowing hammer!."
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August 5th, 2006, 10:21 Posted By: shadowprophet
As I sit here this morning. Searching for news to post on my little corner of the web. I'm Browsing all my source sites, that normally bare trustworthy news, and i came across an article called is sony in big trouble. with a picture of a graveyard resting behind it. the picture was self evident in its own, that the ps3 was as good as dead. and ill admit like most of you, It gave me a warm bubbly feeling, thinking of a next generation that wasn't ruled by sony yet again,
especially when you consider the drastic darth vader like personality that has came over sony since the ps2's wide spread domination of the market. Saying things like, yes its expensive. But you will pay whatever we ask because were sony.
This new more confident and some what arrogant face of sony hasn't been accepted well among many, But that got me to thinking. I went to my collection of games which i keep in an entertainment center all to itself. Its a lifetime's collection everything i've ever owned (game wise) that haven't traded or given away to friends. And I noticed something. a great deal of my most beloved and cherished games are psone and ps2 titles. of course there are many game cube games and a few x-box games. But a very large number of my game collection are playstation titles. From final fantasy. to kingdom hearts,castlevania,metal gear, legacy of kain, area 51, god of war, and even dragon quest 8,
Those are just playstation 2 series and titles. I could go on, But the point is. Everyone has lost faith in a company that used to be our friend. Sony used to understand its fans. They used to give us what we wanted even if we didn't know we wanted it. And I do suppose there are many valid reasons for us to distrust sony these days, they threaten our scene. force us to update our consoles offering us little in return, more or less, saying if you want to play our latest software , you will update!!..
This hasn't went over very well with the majority of the gaming population to say the least.
But the question still remains, That sony is suffering, not financially, But there fan base has become alienated from the very creators that brought them so much happiness.
Is this justified? Does sony really deserve the massive cold shoulder there getting from its fans, just because there business tactics have been what some would call ruthless?
Maybe... Or maybe anyone under the kind of pressure sony has been under would crack, The business is made to look friendly in the magazines. its made to look like a representation, of what we would picture as a dignified board meeting with the often disagreement that is laughably resolved
over a cup of coffee and a nice chat. But in reality, with each generation, with each new wave of technology that comes about, each company puts there very reputation on the line, there life blood if you will. when a console fails, its a massive loss for there respective developer. and not just ouch they hurt there pockets kind of loss, were talking bankrupts, massive lay offs to cut finances, recovery periods, And un predictable reputation damage. (look at what happened to nintendo the once ruler of the VG world)
The reality Is. There are two sides to every company. The side the fans see, and the business side.
The problem with sony is there business side had become the side there showing more of lately.
There cut through tactics may work on there competition, But not there fans...
Perhaps the media is to blame, its always been said the pen is mightier then the sword. A little bad press will go a long long way, Sometimes even in the news, Its best to take what you hear, even if you know its true, with a grain of salt. Sometimes the way a message is delivered can be more important then the message itself.
In conclusion, I wrote this article because i was really on the anti sony bandwagon for a long time, But i believe this whole anti sony mentality has went to far, The media scares us with an uncertain future, But other then some horrible business moves with the psp. Sony has yet to truly betray us.
You must realize guys. They don't call them the friendly console competitions. they call them the console wars, Who knows how bad press gets leaked, and who was paid what to leak it,
Im not defending sony, Im only not kicking them when there down, You don't kick a company that has brought you so much happiness in the past. when there down.. If we lose sony, we will have lost more then just another console developer. In many ways they changed the business for the better.
Thoughts opinions?
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August 5th, 2006, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
David Rudie has updated his Wifi Controller app for the PSP. heres what it is:
This basically turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows). How it works is that PPJoy provides a way to create a virtual joystick. We can then communicate with this virtual joystick as though it were a real joystick. This is accomplished by running a server in Microsoft Windows. The server just runs in the background waiting for a connection. When you start the WiFiController program on your Sony PSP it will establish a network connection over wireless using infrastructure mode. Once it establishes a connection and obtains an IP address it will connect to the server running on your PC. Once it has connected to your PC it will act just like a regular joystick.
Heres the changes
* Cleaned up and added more detailed instructions.
* Fixed up on-screen display some.
* Added some more detailed battery information.
* Cleaned up the connection code some.
* Moved some text strings to a new file.
* Cleaned up code overall.
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August 5th, 2006, 11:48 Posted By: wraggster
Tedzero the creator of the Tedzero Browser is the first person to publically release anything using the 3D Engine by LTE Studio.
Heres the release info:
Hi Folks,
Find attached my first 3d app.. Shooter..
I have used the LTE Studio..
1) Press 'Start' to reset.
2) Analog stick to move the gun.
3) 'X' to fire. (Gun automatically reloads)
This is very very basic.. but hey.. every first program is a "Hello world"
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August 5th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
A retail tipster sends word on how Sony's stock of Playstation 3s will likely be sent out to retails in North America. According to the insider, Sony Computer Entertainment of America has announced that PS3 allocations to all retailers will be based on new sales of their existing platforms.
"SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment of America) has announced that Sony PlayStation 3 allocations to all retailers will be based on NEW sales of their existing platforms (PlayStation 2 and PlayStation
"Hardware allocation will NOT be based on existing pre-orders (or "deposits")."
In other words, stores that sell the most PS2s and PSPs in the coming months get the most PS3s. Hmmm, odd. Of course, take this with a grain of salt and all of that lovely stuff.
News via Kotaku
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August 5th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt of the Q&A session at Gamespot
GS: Have you tailored the gameplay in the various campaigns to be more PSP friendly--playable for short stretches at a time?
Given the portability of the PSP, Heroes will offer objectives that can be completed in short amounts of time.
PC: We have definitely tailored the game for the PSP with the on-the-go nature in mind. Missions have several levels of objectives and stats that can be achieved, allowing for different levels of depth and time investment. Plus, each mission can be replayed to earn higher ranks and medals. We've also added a brand new single-player skirmish game mode, where players can play a quick, one-off mission scenario and can customize the scenarios for endless replayability.
GS: How did you approach the multiplayer modes in the game? Will they offer both ad hoc and infrastructure connectivity?
PC: Multiplayer is one of the most exciting features of Heroes. We have 32-player infrastructure support with continuous joining so players can simply pick a server and jump in anytime. There are 15 different maps and six different multiplayer game modes, which are mostly team based. We also have a new innovation on the PSP that allows players to download a user-hosted server to their own PCs and run their own dedicated servers. Both user-hosted servers and EA Nation server games are fully customizable, and we have very detailed leaderboards and stat-tracking. Players can also play all these multiplayer game modes and maps with up to eight of their friends in a local ad hoc multiplayer game.
More info at the above link
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August 5th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPfanboy
All the cool kids are hanging out at Lollapalooza, happening today & tomorrow in Chicago's Grant Park. 130 bands will be performing during the ticketed event, which costs $65 per day. If you happen to be going, make sure you bring your PSP, because you'll score a game out of it:
The first 50 people each day to show their personal PSP system to the staff at the PlayStation tent will receive one (1) PSP game from the PSP Greatest Hits Collections (a.r.v. $19.99).
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August 5th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
News from Sony:
Promotion runs from June 9th, 2006 thru October 29th, 2006. For a list of dates and locations in your area, check the truck tour schedules (tour schedule is subject to change).
*Limit to first ten people per event per truck or while supplies last. Sizing limited to availability.
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August 5th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
David Rudie has updated his Wifi Controller app for the PSP. heres what it is:
This basically turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows). How it works is that PPJoy provides a way to create a virtual joystick. We can then communicate with this virtual joystick as though it were a real joystick. This is accomplished by running a server in Microsoft Windows. The server just runs in the background waiting for a connection. When you start the WiFiController program on your Sony PSP it will establish a network connection over wireless using infrastructure mode. Once it establishes a connection and obtains an IP address it will connect to the server running on your PC. Once it has connected to your PC it will act just like a regular joystick.
Heres the changes
Cleaned up code some more and removed old header files not used anymore.
Added ability to select which WLAN configuration to use.
L+R+START now inverts analog Y in case some games don't support it.
Probably new bugs introduced. 
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August 5th, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
uber0ne a member of our forums has released something for the new comers to the PSP scene, heres what he posted:
This is for you n00bs out there. Are you getting corruptions and having to keep reformatting the memory stick? Do you not want to ask a question about it because you will feel like a n00b (and the moderation on these forums isnt very good so people will probably flame you). Well you CAN fix corruptions. Although if this happens to a game save it may not fix it.
1. Connect your PSP
2. Open my application and select your PSP drive
3. Click fix corruption
4. Wait for it to repair then exit windows.
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August 6th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: dagger89
NJ has posted a new test release of his Capcom CPS2 emulator for the PSP.
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August 6th, 2006, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
With the release today of 'Training Day,' 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang' and 'Rumor Has It...' on Blu-ray, Warner Home Video has become the the first studio to unleash the same movie titles on both formats, following their debut on HD DVD last month.
Finally, after months of apples-to-oranges comparisons between the two formats via different discs from differing studios, a direct head-to-head analysis can now be made using identical source material. As the first Warner Blu-ray titles hit stores, we at High Def Digest are proud to roll out the web's first in-depth comparisons of all three discs.
In each review, we take a comprehensive look at how each disc on both formats stacks up, in terms of video and audio quality, depth of supplemental content, and overall ease of use and menu navigation. In some cases, the results were surprising, and sure to generate continued debate.
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August 6th, 2006, 10:43 Posted By: wraggster
New from Success HK:

Get ready for the action-packed thrill ride of the summer, courtesy of the masterminds behind the original Final Fantasy VII. Breakout star Vincent Valentine returns in this adrenaline-fueled rampage that propels players into the middle of an ongoing conflict that threatens all life on the planet. Three years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, an unknown group of seemingly unstoppable soldiers appears, bringing a swift and bitter end to the peace enjoyed by the people of the world. The members of this enigmatic group are the ones who were trapped under the ruins of Midgar for three long years—the Deepground soldiers. Vincent Valentine finds himself pursued by several elite members of the mysterious Deepground organization. An unrelenting chain of events leads Vincent to the truth behind his past—and forces him once again to be the key player in a battle for the planet itself and all those living on it.

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August 6th, 2006, 11:03 Posted By: wraggster
News from the PCSX2 Site
ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.95 written by Zerofrog is out! This is the plugin of choice for people using graphics cards supporting Pixel Shader 2.0 or 3.0.
ZeroGS KOSMOS has greatly improved over its previous release, now it is significantly faster, an example would be 'Final Fantasy XII', which is now 3x faster ingame!
Less graphical flaws are present with many games looking absolutely stunning, and even the least capable PS2.0 supporting cards, such as the nVidia 5xxx series will show little to no loss in quality.
ZeroGS KOSMOS also supports the MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) feature of PCSX2, this allows users with Dual Core or Multi CPU machines to get even more speed out of PCSX2, however until the next release of PCSX2, the current MTGS issues will persist.
ZeroGS KOSMOS supports various new features including video recording, Bilinear Filtering, 2 and 4xAA, wireframe mode and more!
Note that the newest DirectX Runtime is required to run ZeroGS KOSMOS.
EDIT: It looks like ATI Radeon 9600-9800, ATI X800 series of graphics cards are having minor problems running under 0.95. This issue is getting resolved as soon as possible.
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August 6th, 2006, 11:54 Posted By: wraggster
The best pure GTA news source has posted some new screenshots and more news about the new Grand Theft Auto game coming soon:
A few hours ago news popped out about a Vice City Stories preview in the Official PlayStation 2 Magazine (UK). Screenshots with ugly watermarks surfaced on one website, but we now have them - in higher resolution too! The screenshots can be seen below - with the first two being brand new. Be sure to read the details from the article after the jump.
• The Phoenix and Stinger makes a return to Vice City.
• Vic and Lance have grown up poor, and you start off in a trailer park - that's brand new to Vice City.
• There's a whole new cast of characters.
• Not only is the city bigger, it's more detailed.
• Buildings look cleaner, signs are at a much higher resolution, and the palm trees look better.
• Brand new pedestrians, and groups of the same type appear less together.
• Missions are much more varied than previous GTA's.
• Water effects have been improved, with a ''choppy-looking surface'' and weather affecting vehicle handling and swimming.
• Helicopters control smoothly
• Rockstar Leeds has been listening to YOUR thoughts on Liberty City Stories, like controlling issues, swimming and flying etc.
• As you probably know, the biker gang makes a return to Vice City. But, according to this article Big Mitch Baker will be the leader again. So expect to see him in the game!
• In one screenshot we see a silenced SMG.
Something I didn't notice before that can be and seen in some screenshots, is that Vic has a tattoo on his right arm. He is after all a US Marine, so chances are he has this from the beginning of the game. We'll have to wait for more info in the coming weeks to see if there's any word on vehicle or character customization.
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August 6th, 2006, 12:06 Posted By: wraggster
Vettefan has released a new lua Game for the PSP, heres the details:
This is an early version of a game I started yesterday called "Freefall" it's the first game I ever attempted to mak for the psp. it's in lua so you'll need lua player.
the controls are real simple, press L to move left, and R to move right. even after letting go of a button you will continue to slowly "sway" in that direction, so pressing both L+R will slow down your falling, and steady you out.
the objective is to try and avoid the black bars, it's still in an early stage, but the core of the game is very solid, the movement is really smooth, and the controls are really responsive.
the only thing that's really wrong, is after you collide with a bar, you may have to press start a couple times to continue, I'm not sure what it is that's making it so glitchy there, but there is nothing that affects the gameplay.
I plan on adding a menu, some sound effects, and fixing the game over screen. other than that, it's pretty solid.
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via vettefan
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August 6th, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Give the PlayStation 3 your PlayStation or PlayStation 2 games, your original gray PSX controller, or the first dual shock from back in the late '90s. But keep memory card to your damn self. Well, not really, but it does look like Sony will require an adapter on the PlayStation 3 to be able to read memory cards from previous PlayStation consoles, as specified by their site. Not, not really a big deal at all unless they act all, um, Sony on us and don't bundle the adapter with the console. But we'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt though, as we wouldn't want to unduly accuse them of preparing to gouge consumers on a yet-to-be-released console, right? Right, Sony? Ok, good, glad we've come to an understanding with one another.
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August 6th, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK:

An adventure spin-off for the monkey-rolling franchise. Players will discover that in Super Monkey Ball Adventure their monkey balls now have a whole host of new abilities, including sticking to walls, hovering and the ability to become invisible. Super Monkey Ball Adventure also contains 50 new puzzle levels and six new party games to challenge gamers of all ages. Players can select Aiai, Meemee, Gongon, or Baby to adventure their way through five different Monkey Ball Kingdoms to complete quests by solving puzzles and ultimately uniting the feuding Monkey Kingdoms and defeat the Naysayers who have sucked all the joy from the Monkey Ball world.

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August 6th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has yet again released a new version of his Capcom CPS2 arcade emulator for the PSP, this version fixes Qsound, heres the translation:
Because inscription when starting has become test 3, the file was replaced. (23: 20)
Next, it corrected also the volume which is made too much small with the part game.
Cause: Low when it is sample rate, when the musical interval changes at the interval which is detailed than as many as 1 samples ([bibura] - [to],
Because), change of the musical interval is skipped occurrence with such as pitch bending. It is simple.
Because the amount processing where the sound of 11KHz and 22KHz has become accurate increases, when you compare to test3, somewhat
It is heavy, is, saying, that (it is heavy, the minute 々 barrel rubbing, it does but). Playing back gently with 44KHz, whether there is no great difference
It does and the [re] increase is. Furthermore, restart it is not with try to be able to modify sample rate.
Crappy translation as always but Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
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August 6th, 2006, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has yet again updated his Video Converter for the PSP, heres the features:
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP and PC.
to MP4 (PSP AVC, AVC), PMP (AVC, DivX), AVI (DivX).
Interface changed with windows theme.
Correct corrupted PSP icons.
Heres whats new:
4.021 changes:
Fixed delay for DVD import.
4.020 changes:
Added ASS subtitles import.
Fixed DVD and D2V import.
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August 6th, 2006, 23:13 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
As if working on Every Extend Extra wasn't enough to keep a man busy, Q designer, director and planner, Reo Yonaga, has not one, but two versions of the little-known puzzle game, Gunpey, in the works. Originally released for the import-only WonderSwan back in 1999, Gunpey is a quality puzzle game that never really got a fair shot, due to the simple fact that the system never saw a domestic release. Still, as with Every Extend Extra, Yonaga (a die-hard fan of Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi) saw plenty of potential in yet another previously established concept, and thought it would be the perfect game to reimagine, Q-style.
The basic premise, as with most of Q's games, is disarmingly simple. A variety of angular shapes and bars ascend over five vertical columns. Your sole task is to push up or drop these shapes in order to connect a complete line from left to right. It seems a simple enough task, until you actually begin to play. While beginners can manage a connected row ably enough, as the tempo increases, and as the shapes begin to fill the screen, dropping bars and managing each of the five columns becomes challenging work. Players can flip-flop a shape, similar to how you can vertically switch blocks in Q's puzzler, Meteos. If the piece you need to complete a line is farther down the column than you'd like, you can bring it up, and flip the desired line with whatever happens to be above it, forcing the other one lower. Your game ends if you allow the lines to reach the top, a la Tetris and most puzzle games.
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August 6th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP by RAF
Heres whats new:
(raf) Cookie save/restore patch from cvs.pld.org.pl/SOURCES/links2-cookies-save.patch?rev=1.2 applied.
(raf) Merged to 2.1pre23 See Changelog.orig
(raf) Made psp_bb_to_fb_factor a configurable parameter in links.cfg (default=1, set to 2 to enable zoom mode)
(raf) Also changed default font to 12 from 24. (Change to 24 in html.cfg if want to use zoom mode)
(raf) Reverted UP/DOWN behavior (user requested). (R+UP/DOWN still does page up/down, though).
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August 6th, 2006, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
A New release of the 3D Engine for the PSP by LTE Studios, heres whats new:
Bug Fixed:
- A buffer overflow was making psp crash
- Improved the engine virtual mouse and keyboard
- Added three new style for the fps camera,
- added the audio driver for audio playing.
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August 6th, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster

Im sure you have all heard about the DS Lite Case Cracking problems but im here to talk about the problem with the sticky right shoulder button on the PSP.
Ive had my 2 PSPs for near on 18 months now (might be longer) but they dont get much usage as im always doing webwork or playing on other consoles.
But when i do play with them the Right Shoulder button is becoming a real pain with sticking, so much that on some games it renders the game unplayable, i did some ivestigation and found the same button on my homebrew PSP did the same and infact it was worse.
Is this just a problem for me or is the stickyness of the Right Shoulder button a serious problem.
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August 7th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: tsurumaru
From strmnnrmn's blog:
LOL I just realised I should have summarised the post for the tldr crowd.
Basically R7 looks like having greater compatibility, more speed increases, and if all goes well the new release will be out by next weekend. 
For those of you who like the juicy details:
More R7 Optimisations
It's been a while since my last post, but I've still been hard at work with various optimisations for Daedalus R7.
Although my main focus is on improving the dynamic recompiler, I've been looking at optimising a couple of other areas that I noticed were fairly expensive. The texture cache is one of the areas that I spent time tuning this week. This cache is used to avoid converting textures from the native n64 formats to psp formats every frame. I made a couple of fixes to improve the hashing function which gives much faster lookups in certain situations (such as tiled backdrops). I also provided an option to change the frequency at which the texture cache checks for updates to the textures. Many roms look fine when this check is entirely disabled, and this can give quite a nice speed boost.
My main focus has continued to be on the dynamic recompiler. I've made a couple more bugfixes in this area. One bugfix involved detecting when roms were using self-modifying code. The fix involved dumping the contents of the dynarec cache so that the code is correctly regenerated for the updated instructions. This fix solves a couple of issues I was seeing with Quest64, and I'm sure it will help improve compatibility with a number of other roms too.
The other dynarec issue I fixed was related to the way I was handling certain types of branch instructions. The MIPS processor has a set of 'branch likely' instructions which work slightly differently to regular branches and so I handle them separately in the dynamic recompiler. It turned out that I had forgotten to link together code fragments when they exited through a branch likely instruction. This fix gives a nice little speedup.
The biggest bit of new development I've been doing on the dynarec is on optimising for various situations where I can determine the contents of a given register at the time I'm compiling the code. As an example, many roms use the following sequence to load an integer value from memory at a specific address:
LUI $t0, 0x8033 // Load Upper Immediate - i.e. load t0 with 0x80330000
LW $t0, 0x1234($t0) // Load Word - i.e. load t0 with the value at 0x80331234
Previously I'd generate code for both of these instructions on the PSP. The LUI instruction is easy (if t0 is cached on the PSP then this is just one instruction). The LW is a lot more tricky. I have to call a function to convert the address on the n64 (0x80331234 in this case) to the address in the emulated memory on the PSP. Then I have to read from that address, or trigger an exception in the emulator if the memory address is invalid.
With the changes I've just made, when I encounter the LUI instruction (or other instructions involving loading constant values into registers) I keep track of the fact that I've loaded t0 with 0x80330000. When I come to process the LW instruction, I can now determine that the desired address is 0x80331234. I can then map that address directly to the required location on the PSP, avoiding a function call in the generated code. By avoiding the function call I no longer need to flush cached registers back out to memory. Also, because I can tell in advance that the address lies in RAM (and isn't referencing a hardware register for instance) then I can also omit the code testing for an exception. Finally, in situations like the example above, I can don't need to generate any code for the initial LUI (as the register is immediately overwritten with the loaded value.)
In summary this is a very nice optimisation - it generates fewer instructions (reducing the size of the dynarec code), it avoids unnecessarily flushing out cached registers, it avoids generating exception handling code, and it can eliminate redundant instructions (the initial LUI). In the best case, for 2 source instructions it will generate just 3 output instructions, compared to 12-13 for the unoptimised case.
Unfortunately this approach only works with load and store instructions where the address can be determined in advance, but from the roms I've examined so far around 10-15% of the load/store instructions can be optimised in this way, which is enough to give a measurable benefit.
I'm going to spend the rest of this week seeing which other parts of the dynarec engine can benefit from similar approaches. I have a couple of other features to implement (configurable controllers etc), if that all goes to plan I'll try and prepare R7 for a release next weekend.
Please see page 4 for the update. Thanks - Tsu
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August 7th, 2006, 01:54 Posted By: wraggster
71M has fired the first shot in the battle to be the winner of the NeoFlash 2006 Summer Competition, heres his first submission, firstly heres his release info:
Hi everybody,
Here's my entry for the PSP game programming competition, I hope you enjoy.
It's a remake of an old classic XBox 360 game, see if you can guess which one!
You can download it here.
In game controls :-
Analog stick = Steer ship
Left trigger = Thrust
Right Trigger = Fire
Triangle = Smart bomb
Hiscore controls :-
Left trigger = Delete letter
Right trigger = Enter letter
Cross = Accept name
There are a few things missing at the moment, but I'll post an update sometime in the week.
Awesome news and a Nice looking release, we wish him and all well in the comp.
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August 7th, 2006, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
Activision has deployed several new screenshots from the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Call of Duty 3, the publisher's WWII FPS sequel that's preparing to leap into combat later this year. Unleash your bleary Monday morning peepers and eyeball the offerings that we've launched on this here page.
Call of Duty 3 focuses on the Normandy Breakout, one of WWII's most brutal campaigns. The campaign saw Allied soldiers advancing across French soil in an effort to free Paris from the clutches of the German Army, following the D-Day landings in June 1944. In the sequel, players slip into the combat boots of US, Canadian, Polish and British SAS troops and take the fight to the Nazi war machine. Enjoy, we'll be bring you more on CoD3 shortly.
Screens Here
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August 7th, 2006, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
EA has released the first gameplay trailer showing off Medal of Honor: Heroes, its new exclusive PSP entry in the veteran WWII shooter series.
A brand new single-player campaign is promised for the PSP edition, although you'll apparently be replaying several lead characters from previous games in the series, such as Lieutenant William Holt from European Assault and Sergeant John Baker of Allied Assault Breakthrough fame. In addition, six different multiplayer modes are promised, with 20-plus "classic" playable characters on the roster, and 15 multiplayer maps supporting up to an impressive 32 players in wireless bouts.
We've no-doubt you've already spotted the screenshots we stuck up last week, so have a peek at this new trailer and let us know what you think in the comments section below. Medal of Honor: Heroes should be hitting the beaches before the end of the year.
News and Trailer at CVG
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August 7th, 2006, 16:29 Posted By: wraggster
Worried about the ability - or non-ability - to transfer PS2 save games to PS3, destroying the appeal of backwards compatibility action on Sony's new beast? Well, fear not - well, not too much - as the Japanese giant has confirmed in an official FAQ that punters will be able to stick old PS2 game saves (and, it appears, PSone game saves too) onto the next-gen console.
However, in its spillage of this slice of information in the FAQ, which is on Playstation.com, the company has stated that extra hardware will be required to move PS2 game saves to PS3 - due to the old memory cards not being physically compatible with the new machine.
In answer to the question, 'How do I save my PlayStation 2 Memory Card information to PlayStation 3?', Sony says: "To use saved data on a PlayStation 2 memory card, you must copy the data onto a virtual memory card within the hard disk. This requires a PS2/PSone memory card adaptor to copy the data to your PLAYSTATION 3. A memory card adaptor is designed to edit, up/download game saves to and from EMS flash card or smart media card."
Quite how we'll get our hands on this PS2/PSone memory card adaptor is - as there's no further official word on the product - currently a matter of debate. It may be offered out-of-the-box with PS3, or - and the cynic within reckons this more likely - it'll be offered as an optional purchase. We'll just have to wait and see.
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August 7th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster

Heres the info:
Rockstar Games is proud to announce a partnership with Medicom Toy Company to produce a limited edition Kubrick line based on the award-winning Grand Theft Auto games.
The Grand Theft Auto Kubrick line has been in development for two years, with each figure lavished with the legendary attention to detail that both Rockstar Games and Medicom Toy Corporation are known for.
Following in the success of the Grand Theft Auto III Kubrick (released late 2005), we are proud to announce the release of the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Kubricks.
Taking us all back to that decadent era of excess, the 1980’s, the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Kubricks will feature:
• Tommy Vercetti
• Lance Vance
• Crime lord Ricardo Diaz
• Adult film star Candi Suxx
• Ken Rosenberg, scruples-free attorney
Available Fall 2006, the box set is limited to 3000 pieces worldwide, and will be sold exclusively through Toy Tokyo ( www.toytokyo.com) and Rockstar Games.
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August 7th, 2006, 17:21 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
During's Konami's pre-E3 conference this year, the company announced a prequel to its popular Silent Hill horror franchise, Silent Hill Origins for PSP. The company has released a trailer and some concept artwork, but has yet to show the game in playable form or release very much information. I recently had the chance to chat with Konami producer William Oertel about the Climax-developed title, to find out a bit about how the game ties into the Silent Hill world, how it will play compared to other series entries, and the challenges of making the game for the PSP platform.
Shack: Can you give us an overview of the game?
William Oertel: So, Silent Hill Origins. It's a prequel to Silent Hill 1. The main character's name is Travis O'Grady. He is a truck driver running his regular route, and eventually he gets trapped in Silent Hill. Because of what he's experienced in his own life--well, Silent Hill is all about character development, and what characters have to go through--so at this time, the town is ready for this guy, or he is ready for the town, so to speak. He finds himself in Silent Hill, and he will have to get out, so the player will explore the town, find different areas, and eventually escape. At the time time, they're also putting events in motion that tie in with Silent Hill 1. There are some characters that cross over: Alessa, Dahlia, Dr. Kaufmann are the primary ones. In that respect it's still pretty much a separate game, separate story, but it does reference the key events in Silent Hill 1, so it'll slot right in there.
Full Interview
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August 7th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
71M has released an update to his entry in the NeoFlash 2006 Summer Competition, heres the info:
Quick update...
1) Game can be paused using START button.
2) Fixed green enemy avoidance.
3) Firing rate has been reduced.
4) HOME button is working again.
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August 7th, 2006, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Recently we have had 2 very bogus emulator announcements, the port of Ultrahle the Nintendo 64 emulator to the PSP and the next day a PSOne emulator for the PSP, both turned out to be bogus and there was a theory that both news were just done for hits and may have been started by those particular sites (ive no proof but it certainly looked dodgy)
Anyway today a French team have posted that they are to release a PSone emulator before the end of the summer
Heres the translated news article:
Everyone knows that Sony will leave a PSone emulator for its PSP and that one will need upgrader to make use of it. PSP-GENERATION has just obtained exclusive information: another PSone emulator is under development, and will leave perhaps even before that Sony. This last will be free and function with the images of your own plays PSX.
I would not quote any source (secrecy obliges) but I can say to you to have already had an outline of what this future emulator will give. A version beta, not forcing put in public domain, should be testable in an immediate future.
In the announced functionalities, this emulator will propose:
- The support of the sound
- At least 50FPS
- The support of the images compressed in DAX or CIS
- Management of the memory boards of the PSX (virtually)
- The support of WiFi for the multijouor mode
- Other functions will come to be grafted progressively.
This should be born before the end of the summer and, at all events, before the exit of the official emulator. In any case it is what is announced
This news was made with an aim of informing you of this news, far from being alleviating, and reassuring the owners of PSP not wanting upgrader.
There you have it, fake or not we dont know, lets be honest with the right team and source code its very possible but this one is going to be a wait and see. At this time i will not link to the site where it was posted until maybe they can contact me and confirm, then ill promote it all the way.
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August 7th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has posted on his site that he has got UMD Emulation working on a firmware 2.6 console, he doesnt go into any more specifics on that, but theres some discussion about this being an ISO Loader and if thats true its another Hammerblow to the Homebrew scene and yet another reason for Sony to carry on with their recent actions against the PSP SoftwareWiki but this time go for fresh targets.
Its sad that the Excellent Homebrew Scene is being dragged into warez territory and even sadder that sites are trying to legitimize it.
One thing to note is that when Sony give you a Cease and Decist Order its too late for regret.
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August 7th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE - Chrome picture added - looks great too
New from Divineo China

The Smooth as Silk faceplate has been colored using a special process that makes the faceplate extra smooth, enhancing your gaming experience.
New mold. New lens. Special smooth coating . The best quality plastic. This is a high end faceplate available in various colors
The Faceplates come in 4 colours
What's in the box:
- Includes the digital pad (D-Pad) & analog stick
- Includes all face buttons (start, select, volume, display, audio & home)
- Includes all 4 main action buttons (2 sets)
- Includes screw driver.
The Yellow, Black and White are $14.95 and the Chrome is $17.95
More details at Divineo China
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August 7th, 2006, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
Good news for Sony fans looking forward to the PS3. Eurogamer reports that the system will feature backwards compatibility with memory cards as well as games. From the article:
"An update to Sony's PlayStation 3 website has revealed that you will be able to use older PlayStation memory cards with PlayStation 3 - providing you buy an adapter. An entry in the official PS3 FAQ states: 'To use saved data on a PlayStation 2 memory card, you must copy the data onto a virtual memory card within the hard disk.'"
Microsoft could have really used something like that for the Xbox/360 switchover. Relatedly, Sony is looking ahead ... way ahead, even to their next console. Wired has a piece looking at the future of downloads in the games industry. From that article:
"Microsoft is releasing an HD-DVD drive for the Xbox 360. Both companies are even touting the ability of these new discs to play movies in even higher hi-def. That struggle, however, is ultimately meaningless. 'I'd be amazed if the PlayStation 4 has a physical disc drive,' [Sony's Phil] Harrison says."
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August 7th, 2006, 20:47 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
This year's World Cup helped Electronic Arts move tons of units of both FIFA Soccer 06 and 2006 FIFA World Cup, but the world's biggest sporting event and its millions of fans must move on. EA is moving on too, as it has officially announced FIFA Soccer 07.
Now that international pride has been settled for the next four years, FIFA 07 is concentrating once again on the club circuit. The game will feature the licenses of dozens of leagues, and introduces the new EA Sports Interactive Leagues which allow fans to square off in online leagues based on real-world schedules.
The PSP version also boasts improved connectivity with the PS2 version, enabling gamers to transfer data between the two platforms, and play a single franchise mode at home or on the move. DS owners will be able to create their own custom chants using the console's microphone, and more precise off-the-ball running routes can be ordered with the "Touch Run" feature.
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August 7th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster

Whether you love or hate Nintendo, they sure can market their consoles and the recent release of the Pink DS Lite has surged sales in Japan through the roof.
Isnt it time Sony smartened up to the fact that a Pink PSP would be attractive to the Female population as well as being a good xmas present for blokes looking to get the females into gaming.
Would you buy your Daughter/Wife/Girlfriend a Pink PSP ?
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August 8th, 2006, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
Art a member of our forums has released a new version of his firmware modification tool for the PSP, heres whats new:
New for X-Flash Kerrang Build 5:
- Additional 'old school' screens added to the credits demo
including equalizer style music visualization, media player
style music visualization, fireworks effect, vector objects,
and spinning circles.. all in ASCII!.
- Home and Start buttons can be used for program controlled exit.
- Select button is a shortcut to the XMB Menu Label Editor.
- Real time checking for activated USB mode. Program will not run if
it is launched or resumed from a shell with USB mode activated.
- Startup checking of available RAM. Program will not start if over
2Kb of RAM is tied up by another application.
- New Easter Egg for this version has been given away in the thread.
- New Icon and accompanying AT3 loop.
- Programming optimization.
Due for X-Flash Kerrang Build 6:
- Detection of iR Shell module (thanks to AhMan for the method).
No possibility of launching X-Flash from within iR Shell.
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August 8th, 2006, 05:55 Posted By: shadowprophet
Firstly forgive the rather startling picture, It seemed to fit the point of this article, Do read on.
Homebrew.. the very word for some brings about thoughts of your favorite game,program, or application, The scene has grown so much in the last few years. It truly is a wonderful time to own your favorite console, So many talented developers, So much to choose from, and all for the cost of absolutely nothing, These talented people, create there works of wonder for little more then recognition of there talent. Its true, the homebrew scene has become so vast, its now a very competitive field to develop for. So many talented developers with all that competition only breads more creative intellectual properties, only making the scene better for everyone.
How is all this possible? How can such a great thing happen. and cost nothing?! well the truth is. In many respects, It does cost something, Those talented developers work tirelessly pulling down long hours, toiling away to creating something wonderful, there labor pays this cost for everyone. And then they turn around and give us there creations, there (magnum opus) if you will, Its a shining example of how strong and how loved the homebrew scene really is. And we give them in return, praise and support, and well wishes. it fuels them, our hopes and ideas, help them gather the strength to continue there endeavors, and often they return with something even more amazing, down the road.
Yes its true even you and I play our part in this scene too. our thoughts and opinions, Our praise and support. believe me these well wishes are much appreciated from our hard working devs.
In fact the homebrew scene would be a shining example of a true utopian society, In many ways it already is.
But the truth is There is a dark side to the homebrew scene as well. This dark side of the scene prevents us from reaching our perfect goal. It plagues us with setbacks, and scares of legal issues, in fact forcing many talented developers to leave the scene out of fear of legal retribution.
That's right. Im talking about Software piracy, Warez, ISO'S, what many people don't understand, Is there is a fine line drawn between our homebrew scene, and software piracy.
while our homebrew scene is frowned upon by corporation console developers. We protect our scene by keeping it legal, Meaning that every piece of homebrew we serve is completely (Homemade) without a trace of commercial intellectual property contained within.
however that line between homebrew and commercial software is becoming finer every day, as homebrew developers become more talented, we are now seeing commercial quality, completely legal homebrew more and more.
But there is a dark side to our scene too. Call it lack of creativity, or just laziness. But some Developers have now saw fit to use bits and pieces of commercial property in there projects, make no mistake this is an illegal move, And damaging beyond words to our scene..
From fragments of commercial property found in our homebrew. to Iso loaders, Make no mistake our scene is under the microscope. Big corporations would love for our scene to just dry up and go away, it would force more people to buy commercial software as inflated prices.
The proof is out there, Sony discovered commercial software imbedded in a certain firmware emulation application and issued a cease and desist order to its respective developer.
Make no mistake. They would love to (end) our scene.
People must be aware if they could legally end our scene they would have, But by keeping the scene legal we keep homebrew safe for everyone!
Imagine a world without homebrew... Its hard to imagine isn't it? we have become so attached to the idea of just downloading our latest favorite apps and games and playing them for free, that its almost impossible to imagine going back to a time without this awesome scene.
realize that things like iso loaders that load commercial software do a lot more then encourage one to download illegal warez (stolen commercial property) They damage our scene buy putting us in the hot seat. all that needs to be done to shut any site down is some mistake to be caught under that micro scope and a cease and desist order from some corporation and poof, the scene is no more..
So keep in mind the next time you see or hear about a piece of warez. take these things into account. warez is commercial software that has been stolen, leaked or copied, realize that even though it may seem harmless. that by downloading and playing it you put you self at risk too. make no mistake (it is theft). and if your caught, they wont just fine you the price of the game itself. they will fine you according the the copyright laws under which it is protected. (believe me its a very stiff fine)
And that is just on individual accounts, Servers and networks get fined individually for each piece of copyrighted material that is found on there servers. Its no wonder warez servers are always going down...
In closing I would like to say, I wrote this article to wake people up. Not that everyone needs wakening up. We have many good honest people in this scene. But there are still those out there who would cheat our scene and harm us, by seeking or distributing stolen commercial property.
And in the long run they cheat more then the scene, they cheat there selves... By damaging a scene you love your only hurting yourself..
Thoughts opinions.
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August 8th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: wraggster
With Star Trek: Legacy warping onto PC and Xbox 360, and new title Tactical Assault ready to, erm, assault PSP and DS, it seems the Star Trek legacy is in good hands over at Oblivion overlords Bethesda.
Well, fresh news breaks today of a new title in Bethesda's increasingly mighty Star Trek canon as after recently securing original writer DC Fontana for Legacy, Bethesda has unleashed a new ST game on the world in the form of Star Trek: Encounters, an arcade combat offering which will set phasers to maximum in September for a launch alongside the mighty Star Trek 40th birthday.
No matter what your favourite series was, it looks like Encounters will give you the option of donning the red shirt of doom with ToS, TNG, DS9, Voyager and even Enterprise all included, plus there'll be over 60 ships and some intriguing skirmish and Episode, plus one-versus-one multiplayer to explore. First screens have been beamed down to this here page for your Star Trek joy and delectation.
Screens Here
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August 8th, 2006, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that Sony has borrowed ideas from the PSP for its lates bit of hardware, the question i ask is when do we get a Keyboard for the PSP:
Heres a screen and the info:

Sony is launching its first WiFi broadband communication and entertainment device to capitalize on the growth of wireless Internet access. The new mylo™ personal communicator is capable of operating in any open 802.11b wireless network, often found on college campuses, in public spaces and within private homes around the country.
This product is designed for people who use instant messaging as a primary form of communication and networking for their social life. The name mylo stands for “my life online” and the communicator lets you use instant messaging, browse the Internet, listen to music, send emails and view photos concurrently.
Small enough for a pocket or purse, the slim, oblong-shaped device features a 2.4 inch color LCD (measured diagonally) with a slide out QWERTY keyboard for comfortable and quick thumb typing.
The device, available in black or white, comes embedded with popular instant messaging services: the Google Talk™ instant messaging service, Skype and Yahoo! Messenger™. These services are free and the product does not require initial computer setup or a monthly service contract.
“The mylo personal communicator puts the fun parts of a computer in the palm of your hand,” said John Kodera, director of product marketing for personal communication devices at Sony Electronics. “It’s ideal for people who want to stay connected to their online friends and family, but not be weighed down by a PC or buffeted by charges for IM and texting on cell phones.”
I wonder if a PSP2 would feature a keyboard like this new hardware from Sony ?
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August 8th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The 2007 edition of EA's unstoppable football franchise. The 2007 edition of EA's unstoppable football franchise. In its 17th installment, you control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, and then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs.
The PSP version features exclusive Mini-Games -- return kicks, avoid tackles, and aim for the High Score in an PSP system-exclusive mini-game. Also featured is PSP to PlayStation 2 Connectivity, where you can transfer an entire season in Franchise mode from your PlayStation 2 to your PSP system.

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August 8th, 2006, 18:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

A kart racer with Pac-Man and many others from Namco's catalog of classic characters. The game's 15 race tracks are designed to contain a whole lot of jumps and such to keep racers on their toes. In addition, there are six battle arenas for multiplayer action. You'll also be able to collect power-ups to attack opponents or gain an edge in the race, as well as Pac-Man's signature fruit pickups, which in Pac-Man World Rally unlock secret shortcuts.

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August 8th, 2006, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Madden NFL 07, you'll control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers - as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs. Between the tackles or in the open field, run to daylight with Madden NFL 07. Smaller backs escape and break tackles, while bigger runners bowl over defenders in the open field Scout collegiate prospects with the all-new NFL Draft Scouting System and during the College All-Star Game Watch players impact their teams with the new Franchise Player Roles feature Team-Specific Defensive Playbooks - For the first time, use actual plays from your favorite team's defensive playbook to shut down the running game, pressure the quarterback, or force key turnovers
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August 8th, 2006, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Madden NFL 07 Hall Of Fame Edition, you'll control the running game like never before. For the first time ever, step up as the lead blocker to create a hole, then take control of the tailback and smash through, overpower, or slash away from would-be tacklers - as you fight for every yard. Innovative rushing controls give you a game-breaking ground attack featuring all-new jukes, cutbacks, and the distinct running styles of your favorite backs. Between the tackles or in the open field, run to daylight with Madden NFL 07. Special Hall Of Fame Edition includes: Commemorative exterior packaging; Bonus DVD with a John Madden retrospective, the first season of "Madden Nation" (10 episodes), documentary on the music of Madden, and instructional videos with Tiburon staff giving gameplay hints and tips. Smaller backs escape and break tackles, while bigger runners bowl over defenders in the open field Scout collegiate prospects with the all-new NFL Draft Scouting System and during the College All-Star Game Watch players impact their teams with the new Franchise Player Roles feature Team-Specific Defensive Playbooks - For the first time, use actual plays from your favorite team's defensive playbook to shut down the running game, pressure the quarterback, or force key turnovers
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August 8th, 2006, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

All In features some of the most recognizable and successful poker stars in the world, including Howard Lederer, his sister Annie Duke, Greg Raymer, Amir Vahidi, Paul Darden, and Robert Williamson III. Joining the roster for this year's edition are noted international poker superstars Marcel Luske, Thomas Bihl, and Erin Ness, who parlayed a victory at a Maxim Magazine office tournament into a seat at the 2004 World Series of Poker. Play with new pros in game character likenesses and voices, as well as play styles and iconic signature personality traits for some new pros - Thomas Biehl, Marcel Luske and Erin Ness, as well as returning pros - Howard Ledrerer, Annie Duke, Robert Williamson III, Greg Raymer, Amir Vahidi, and Paul Darden Reputation System - How well you play, your success in mini-games, and a number of other factors enhance (or hurt) your reputation in Career Mode which unlocks extra tournaments and more lucrative action for you.
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August 8th, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New version of the GPU plugin for the PCSX2 PS2 Emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
All ATI image quality issues have now been solved. Also, 0.95.1 had some major issues so it is highly recommended to download 0.95.2.
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August 8th, 2006, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Zouzz has posted some new screenshots of his unique looking game for the PSP and the info that it will have 2 players on one PSP play mode, Check out the screenshots and give Zouzz feedback HERE.
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August 8th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Stefano Russello has released a new version of his excellent PSP Brew Application for the PSP, which can edit eboots and basically do a host of great stuff like change icons for homebrew releases.
Heres whats new:
- Spanish language fixed
- Now hides corrupted data with __SCE__ method
- Automatic save system on Memory Stick for firmware 1.0-2.x and 1.50
- Automatic recognise if the EBOOT is the DATA.PSP instead of giving error
- It can be run from batch or command prompt with the following syntax:
pspbrew.exe /p [path eboot] /h [homebrew name] /d [dir name] /n [hide corrupted data] /u [psp unit] /f [firm 1.5] /s [hidden mode]
/p [path eboot] path source EBOOT.PBP
/h [nome homebrew] Homebrew name, if empty it doesn't change
/d [dir name] Directory name, if empty it uses the homebrew name
/n [hide corrupted data] 1 yes 0 no
/u [psp unit] psp unit (es. e: ), if empty it searches it by itself, if it can't find it uses one of default
/f [firm 1.5] 1 yes 0 no (1 Firmware 1.5 , 0 Firmware 1.0-2.x)
/s [hidden mode] 1 Doesn't show any messages 0 Shows all the messages
Example: pspbrew.exe /p C  ocuments and SettingsStefanoDesktopeboot.pbp /h PSPtoJOYPAD /d JOYPAD /n 1 /u G: /f 1 /s 1
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August 8th, 2006, 22:05 Posted By: motz
The guys over at PSP-Vault have uncovered some hidden secrets in Sonys firmware 2.80. Firmware 2.80 sends out detailed information about the PSP web browser including your PSP product code and your firmware! Its now even possible for websites to check your PSP firmware and choose whether or not to grant you access! Strangely enough, I don't remember any of these features being mentioned by Sony. Sneaky don't you think?
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August 8th, 2006, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot:
Sony's PSP handheld has seen a steadily growing set of features, thanks to frequent system software updates. Since its launch, the PSP has been given an Internet browser, Macromedia Flash capabilities, and support for RSS. At the March PlayStation Business Briefing, Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Ken Kutaragi also announced plans for a camera attachment and GPS receiver, scheduled for release in Japan in September and October respectively.
In a recent poll, Japanese Web site ITmedia asked its readers to vote on the new PSP features, both announced and otherwise, that they want the most. The least popular features, gaining 3 percent of the total votes each, were the camera attachment and support for electronic money. Another 14 percent of the votes went to the GPS receiver, which will enable the PSP to act as a portable navigation system and could be put to novel use in games as well.
However, the bulk of the votes went to support for the 1seg service. 1seg, so called because it uses one of the 13 segments allotted to terrestrial digital television broadcasting, began earlier this year and allows viewers to watch programming on a range of portable devices. A 1seg tuner for the Nintendo DS is already in the works, and was announced alongside the Opera Web browser in February.
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August 8th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK:

The series features Monkey D. Luffy as an aspiring pirate searching for One Piece, the legendary treasure of The Pirate King Gold Roger. One Piece: Grand Adventure brings back the fun and excitement of the free-moving Vs. Battle action from past One Piece games with exciting new twists. The game also has been completely revamped with the inclusion of an engrossing Adventure Mode, sending players on mini-game filled quests for extended replayability. With the latest main and support characters, new moves, and stages, this is the ultimate One Piece game.
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August 8th, 2006, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK:

A kart racer with Pac-Man and many others from Namco's catalog of classic characters. The game's 15 race tracks are designed to contain a whole lot of jumps and such to keep racers on their toes. In addition, there are six battle arenas for multiplayer action. You'll also be able to collect power-ups to attack opponents or gain an edge in the race, as well as Pac-Man's signature fruit pickups, which in Pac-Man World Rally unlock secret shortcuts.
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August 8th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster

New from SuccessHK:
Originally titled King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2, this 2006 edition in the KOF series is the second edition in SNK's 3D conversion of the popular fighting game. The game features new characters, a new story, and new battle systems that include KOF:MI's "Stylish Moves" (combo up to evolve your fighting), and new Counterstrike and Super Cancel moves (one to parry attacks and shift from offence to defence, the other a 1-bar Super Move where you cancel their Super Move and launch into your own Super Special Move). New characters added will be Nagase, Luise Meyrink (both original creations), Kula Diamond, and Billy Kane. More than 20 characters will be included in all, including hidden fighters.

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August 8th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
Teen pop star siblings Aly & AJ are the latest musical stars to become attached to the ongoing Sims franchise.
The duo's popular single, "Chemicals React," has been reworked for The Sims 2 Pets. Aly & AJ re-recorded the song in the native tongue of the Sims especially for the new game. Additionally they filmed a video to the song that will be featured in the game.
"We are HUGE fans of The Sims, so it was really cool to be tapped to provide music for their latest project, The Sims 2 Pets," said AJ. "When we told EA that we could speak Simlish they were really psyched! It was fun to reinterpret our song for The Sims and ultimately, our fans!"
Aly goes one step further and actually draws a correlation between the duo's music and the interactive world of the Sims. "One of the things I have always liked about The Sims games is that they are very inclusive, people can play out real storylines from their lives—like a romantic relationship that's really gotten stressful—and there isn't a lot of judgment. We try to do the same thing with our music, give people something that they can relate to, so they think, 'I really get that, I've been through it!'"
The Simlish version of "Chemicals React" is included in The Sims 2 Pets console games, the PSP version and in the PC expansion pack.
Sims supporters and admirers of Aly & AJ can check out highlights from the Simlish music video at www.thesims2.ea.com.
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August 8th, 2006, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
As any hardened London-based videogamer knows, urban living grants all manner of hidden benefits to spending endless hours of your life on hot, heaving buses and (even hotter) tube trains. Not only do you get to spend an inordinate amount of guilt-free time playing with handheld consoles while you travel, they're also a great way of killing time while you're waiting for lost and late friends to show up. Without public transport delays, my Virtua Tennis stats wouldn't be half as impressive.
Full Review
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August 8th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The original Dungeon Siege hit the PC back in 2002. Since then it has grown through expansion packs and a proper sequel, titled Dungeon Siege II. The series will branch off from its native platform this Fall, though, with the release of Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony for the PSP. The game made its public debut at last year's E3 and showed a good deal of promise, even though the build on display had more than 50% development time left to go.
The team behind Throne of Agony, SuperVillain Studious, has made significant strides since then. To show off the team's progress, publisher 2K games crashed the IGN offices recently with a build much closer to the finished product. Throne of Agony made an impression during E3, and it makes an even bigger one today given the enhancements added by the team since the game's debut. And it's not just spit and polish, either, but a slew of hefty additions in terms of actual content.
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August 9th, 2006, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
EJ has released a new version of his text reader for the PSP that also supports jpeg and png files.
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August 9th, 2006, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
Gear4 have announced a new Stereo Solution for the PSP, heres the info:
Bring your music, games and movies to life with the SonicBoom – a compact 2.1 stereo speaker system that delivers a truly awesome audio experience for your PSP or other MP3 players.
With two speakers and a powerful sub-woofer, break the gaming sound barrier and transform your PSP for audio that is unparalleled by even the most powerful gaming consoles, let alone such a portable device.
Use as a conventional speaker system, by docking your PSP or connecting your MP3 player and soaking up high-definition room-filling tunes or movie audio from its unique sub-woofer ActiveBass™ technology.
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August 9th, 2006, 09:42 Posted By: motz
Sony have launched a mini-website for their new product, the Sony "Mylo" (previously thought to be called the Sony Milo) which we posted yesterday. You can check out the site here. On the site you will find a full feature list for the device, which I'm sure you'll agree, is similar to the PSP.
The SonyStyle website also has posted the Mylo and it will be available in September of this year.
Image via comments.
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August 9th, 2006, 19:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has served up some fresh screenshots of Guerrilla Game's forthcoming handheld Killzone, Killzone: Liberation, which is shooting up PSP in a few months time.
As you've probably noticed, the PSP version of the PS2 FPS takes a new top-down perspective, testing your tactical prowess as well as your itchy trigger finger. Alongside the single-player campaign, a slew of wireless multiplayer modes are promised, as well as a two-player co-op mode allowing you to tear-up the solo missions with a friend.
Killzone: Liberation will be, erm, liberated in November. We'll let you know how it turns out.
News and Screens at CVG
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August 9th, 2006, 19:50 Posted By: wraggster
F.E.A.R. took the PC by storm, is boldly slapping up the Xbox 360, offering further PC adventures with expansion pack Extraction Point and is now confirmed for Sony's next-gen console, the PS3, CVG can exclusively reveal today.
Following hot on the heels of the announcement of F.E.A.R. multiplayer for free, CVG's investigative reporters have learned that the mighty shooting franchise, which offers superb slow mo gun battles and pant-wetting Japanese-influenced horror, will be marching straight onto Sony's next-gen console.
No further details were forthcoming from our sources, but we'd have to hope the game would power onto the PS3 on or around the time of launch - and there's even the possibility that it might make use of the PS3's funky tilting controller for some of the game's crunching melee moves. Hopefully it'll make good use of the PS3's online capabilities too, offering PS3 owners a chance to indulge in splendid multiplayer shooting.
None of that's confirmed of course, as we're writing it wearing our hat of enormous speculation, but it swells the shooting credentials of Sony's next-gen console, joining other big hitters like Valve's Half-Life 2.
When we contacted Vivendi we were met with a firm "no comment" on F.E.A.R. PS3, still, it's exciting news indeed and we'll bring you more on the game as it shivers in.
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August 9th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Electronic Arts has confirmed that the next instalment in the NBA Street series is coming exclusively to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
They've yet to reveal many details about the game, other than the fact that you'll be playing in "a hyper-real world", featuring famous venues alongside the hometown courts of NBA stars. These will all merge "into one seamless city of streetball moments", apparently.
You'll be tasked with earning respect and building up your reputation as you rise through the ranks to become a basketball legend. You can expect the same "easy to pick up and difficult to master" gameplay, plus "progressive visuals".
EA has yet to announce an official title for the game, but they have confirmed it'll be in the shops next spring.
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August 9th, 2006, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Slashdot
Brian Crecente has a piece over on the Rocky Mountain site talking about Sony's struggle to make the PSP stand out. The failure of the UMD format, its de-emphasis as a media player, and the lackluster stable of games leaves PSP owners wondering exactly what to use it for. From the article:
"While digital media is a key focus for Sony Computer Entertainment right now, the company is also working to expand other elements of the portable as well. In November, the PlayStation 3 will launch with built in PSP support. While [PSP Marketing Manager John] Koller wouldn't discuss specifics, he did say that the PlayStation Portable will be a 'remote control device' for the next-gen console. He says more details about that connectivity will be coming out in the coming months, perhaps at the Tokyo Game Show next month."
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August 9th, 2006, 20:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony released this press release:
"Cash Money Chaos is an action-packed, arcade-style shooter that explodes a new genre onto the PSP," said Chris Sturr, Senior Global Brand Manager, Sony Online Entertainment. "CMC will have players scratching their heads, asking themselves if they really just saw – and shot – what they think they did. Of course, taking your hands off the controls to scratch your head may be detrimental to surviving the next wave of killer gorillas or demented clowns."
CMC contains more than 50 hyper-fast levels, from circus tents to swamps to medieval settings, where players will grab cash, prizes and weapons as they unleash torrents of destruction upon their foes. Set to a hardrocking soundtrack, players will annihilate alien chickens, mutant hillbillies, and homicidal clowns, in addition to tackling monster bosses, such as the enormous bearded lady and her cadre of deadly unicyclists.
CMC will also take full advantage of the PSP system's network capabilities, delivering both local and internet games for up to eight players, allowing them to bash their way through the game cooperatively or to compete against each other in prize-laden death matches. CMC is a futuristic and brutal experience with a sarcastic sense of humor.
About Cash Money Chaos
After being captured by an alien race, you struggle through their idea of a twisted 70's game show to save yourself and the human race. With over 50 blood-filled and body part-laden levels, CMC puts you right in the middle of a televised free-fire zone with two goals: get the cash and survive to the end. Featuring wickedly fast-paced, arcade-style action in a fully 3D world, you will fight dozens of enemies at once as you fight to stay alive. CMC's multiplayer functionality allows up to eight friends to wirelessly team up or compete against each other in exciting online scenarios. As you kill enemies, they drop both cash and prizes to help you finish your goal. CMC is a futuristic and brutal experience with a sarcastic sense of humor.
Cash Money Chaos features the following:
* Insane Arcade Action!
o Uber Fast -Enjoy fast action and blistering frame rates.
o Arcade-style Shooter – Move and shoot in 360 degrees.
o Chaotic Arcade Action – Fight hordes of swarming enemies and/or other players at once.
* Infinite Replayability!
o Up to 8-Player Multiplayer Mayhem "Versus mode" (Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc).
o 2-4 Player Co-op mode "Game Show Mode" (Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc).
o 2 Single Player Game Modes
+ In Game Show mode - Play through 10 full seasons -- that's 50 episodes!
+ Rerun mode - Improve your record by replaying any completed season or single episode for the highest score!
o 3 Difficulty Levels: Starting at Wuss, moving to Cool, and finally to Bad Ass.
* Wicked Battle Arenas! More than 50 dynamic levels, from Graveyards to Circus tents.
* Tons of Stuff to Collect in Your Arsenal! Weapons, Power-Ups, Awards, Prizes and (most importantly) lots of Cash!
* Dozens of Crazy Enemies to Whack! Ninjas, Hillbillies, Clowns, Pirates, Aliens and more.
* Huge Transforming Bosses Will End You! In classic shooter style, kill anything that moves and collect massive prizes.
* Alien Game Show Gone Wild! Wild, violent, and funny cut-scenes during scoring rounds show the background story of your alien abduction.
* Rockin' Punk Soundtrack! Driving music to get your death on with.
* Fight to the Top of the Hill! Online leader boards and stat tracking will let you see who's the best.
* Unlockable Extras
o The Lost Episodes (8 Player Multiplayer Maps!)
o Achievement Vault showing all the items you have won!
For more information on Cash Money Chaos, please visit: http://cashmoneychaos.com
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August 9th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar, the maker of best-selling video game series "Grant Theft Auto" said on Wednesday it would launch in October "Bully", a game with themes of school fighting that has anti-violence critics up in arms.
The game's main character is 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins, who must defend himself against school bullies at a fictional U.S. boarding school called Bullworth Academy, while dealing with characters ranging from nerds and jocks to authoritarian prefects.
Weapons included baseball bats that break after several blows, stink bombs and bags of marbles that when strategically thrown will lay flat most pursuers.
"Finally 'Bully' can speak for itself. People can look at the game and see what it is and what it's not," company spokesman Rodney Walker said.
In March, Florida's Miami-Dade County School Board called on retailers not to sell the game to minors and required the school district to warn parents about potentially harmful effects of playing violent video games.
In a recent demonstration of "Bully", which Rockstar said has not yet been rated, the fighting scenes did not include blood or result in the death of characters.
"We think the school environment is a universal experience that so many people relate to," said Walker, who added that criticism of "Bully" is unique in that it had preceded the release of the game, which has been kept under tight wraps.
Controversial games are nothing new at Rockstar, a unit of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. (TTWO.O: Quote, Profile, Research), which is the developer of the best-selling urban action game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas".
That game -- in which the main character robs and kills his way across a mythical U.S. state called San Andreas to save his family and take control of the streets -- got caught in a scandal over an explicit sex scene known as "hot coffee," which could be unlocked with a downloaded file.
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August 9th, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
It seems somewhat baffling that the media is making up problems for the PlayStation 3 when it has some very real, very worrying ones of its own. According to breaking news from Japan, two major RPG projects have been canned by From Software, both slated for the new Sony machine.
Unconfirmed reports state From has pulled the plug on two RPG projects for PlayStation 3, the tentatively-titled 'Dark RPG' and another unnamed project. From had committed the games to support Sony's early PlayStation 3 push on several occasions. We expect the latest issue of Famitsu to confirm the cannings.
The PlayStation 3 has suffered multiple losses as publishers back away from supporting the project in its infancy, concerns likely triggered by supply problems endured by the Xbox 360 dooming much of the launch window software and gouging gaping holes in R&D spend. It would seem that Webzen's Endless Saga was pulled for PlayStation 3 in recent days. WWE Smackdown 2007 also rattled the can and it can only be assumed that more will follow.
Atari recently raised the issue of PS3 ROI (return on investment) concern from publishers, bemoaning Sony's apparent secrecy on planned shipping figures during the initial phase of PlayStation 3 sales, with CEO Bruno Bonell stating, ""...we're lacking information about the PS3 at this stage, because we have basically a rough release date and a high retail price point."
Of course, we're a long way from an outright panic, though it has to be conceded that the Xbox 360 paved a difficult road for the PlayStation 3 to tread. We wonder if it did this on purpose. Surely not
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August 9th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
You might have picked up on recent reports leading you to believe that Sony has conned you and everyone else with claims that the PlayStation 3 will be fully backwards compatible with earlier SCE platform software. You've probably read something about needing an adapter... It all sounds like a bit of a mess.
The amazing non-news doing the rounds right now details how the PlayStation 3 cannot accept PlayStation 1 and 2 memory cards, something we've known since E3 2005. Sony has taken the step of announcing that it will be making available an adapter to enable users to transfer save files from cards to the PS3's hard drive.
For some reason, this has caused outrage in some circles. "PS3 Digs Itself a Deeper Grave, Requires Adapter for Backwards Compatibility" exclaims Gizmodo. The site continues, "In the biggest twist of the year, including last year, Sony has made another bad decision regarding the PlayStation 3. Claims have been running rampant that this console would be able to play both PS2 and PSOne games—it still will be able to, but require an additional adapter that will likely cost a kidney or two."
This spin seems to have been cast aloft as The Truth by many blind followers, a shame given from what SPOnG can see, Sony's only doing good things in the BC field.
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August 9th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

From the upcoming Universal Picture, The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift will immerse players in the underground world of drift racing. Set in a world related to the movie, yet separate, the game features a ground breaking drift mechanic that makes drifting accessible to both beginning and veteran racing game drivers. Gameplay features revolutionary new systems like the Drift Indicator that make The Fast & The Furious the most accessible yet realistic drift game ever. Perched at the forefront of the drift racing phenomenon, the video game combines ground breaking gameplay mechanics with unprecedented speed and authentic underground cool, positioning this game as the must-have racing title.
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August 9th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

Set in a fantastic world based upon the mythology of Native America, the game tells the coming of age story of Brave, a young Native American boy embarking on an epic journey to save his tribe. When his village is set upon by the evil Wendigo, and his friends are enslaved, Brave is sent to find the only one that can free them - Spirit Dancer, the greatest Shaman who ever lived. Hunting snarling evil wolves in a huge forest of towering Redwood trees, canoeing down raging river rapids, tracking the legendary Sasquatch through a swirling blizzard and battling on the back of a buffalo in the middle of a stampede are just some of the breathtaking challenges Brave will face. His journey will take him across a beautifully rich and interactive world inhabited by remarkable characters, bizarre creatures, and terrifying evil spirits.
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August 9th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the press release:
eDimensional, Inc., a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative gaming accessories is pleased to announce the newest addition to the ultimate gaming product line, the G-Pad Pro Gyroscopic Gamepad. With proprietary VRMS (Virtual Reality Motion Sensing) technology, the G-Pad Pro delivers a next generation gaming experience to current model Playstation 2 consoles and PCs.
Featuring a robust 12 button analog configuration with D-Pad and control sticks, the G-Pad Pro adds intuitive and precise motion sensing technology to improve gameplay performance in virtually any genre of gaming. Rotate the controller on multiple axis to gain four additional control options in three-dimensional space. The result is advanced new movement functions and a smoother, more dynamic ability to control in-game action. Users can adjust the sensitivity on-the-fly to cater to their own gaming style and various types of games.
Additionally, the G-Pad Pro is the only motion sensing gamepad to also offer force feedback officially licensed from Immersion. The tactile feedback combined with the motion sensing capability provides a true next-generation gaming experience and more immersive gameplay.
eDimensional CEO Michael Epstein states, “We’re pleased to officially launch the highly anticipated G-Pad Pro gamepad. Offering revolutionary motion tracking technology plus force feedback to the current generation of PC and console platforms gives our hard core gaming customers the ability to experience next-generation control options with today’s games.”
The VRMS programmable driver allows users to set, save, and load custom settings on your PC, or adjust motion sensitivity with the touch of a button in real-time on your PS2. Gamers can combine the control options of a mouse, keyboard, joystick and more onto a single multi-functional controller. Use the G-Pad Pro like a racing wheel or flight yoke, or sit back and put all of your input devices at your fingertips with added realism and precision.
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August 9th, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
News Via IGN
Following years of platformers, those wacky apes who love to escape are following Jak and Crash's lead and trying out the racing genre. The latest issue of Famitsu contains first details on Ape Escape Racer, now in development for Japanese PSP release later this year.
Officially titled Sarugetchu Piposaru Racer in Japan, this racer features the apes from the Ape Escape series. This time, instead of acting out their favorite movie parts and running away from your trusty net, they race one another, using weapons and items to make sure of a front position.
This isn't a cart racer per se. Rather than boarding a vehicle, the apes equip themselves with tires and an engine, then speed down the track like a car would. The game will offer 46 such "vehicles," each with two forms, one for performing drifts and one specializing in acceleration.
If it can capture the humor of the Ape Escape series, we're up for it! Expect more details shortly.
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August 9th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
News via IGN
When Sony first unveiled the PSP's GPS peripheral earlier this year, it announced a new version of Hot Shots Golf to go along with it. But the popular golf series won't be alone, as another compatibile game has just been revealed.
Japanese game site Impress Watch reveals today that Sega's Homestar will support the peripheral as well. The planetarium software will use the GPS receiver to get the player's location and show a replica of the current night sky.
Announced late last month, Homestar is an edutainment title that turns your PSP into a planetarium. The title includes five million stars and objects, and even offers fifteen guided tours of the heavens. Planetarium creator Takayuki Ohira oversaw development.
Homestar is set for Japanese release on 10/19. Unfortunately, we don't have a final release date for the GPS device, but we can perhaps count on a release close to that.
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August 9th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
A new release of the PSP Magazine, heres the release details:
Hey, hey, hey kiddywinkles! We at PSP Galaxy, have yet another issue of wholesome funtime goodness for you to devour at your leisure, as we bring you our 12th issue! We'll take your silence as rabid excitement. And excited you should be! This issue we have delectable treats such as:
-Reviews of Tekken: Dark Resurrection, Miami Vice, Micro Machines V4 and Juiced Eliminator!
-Import Review of Myst!
-The Digital Comics Go Head On! Who Will Win? Reviews of Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel and The Silent Hill Experience!
-Previews of Mercury Meltdown, Ghosts 'N Goblins and Powerstone!
-Is it really the end of E3? Mof and Prime find out!
-Retro Review of Klonoa: Door to Phantomile!
-Movie Review of Clerks 2
-And yes. All the other features. You know. Cooking with Mof. Prime's Rant. Movie Watch. Etc.
So grab your issue now, before my enthusiasm gives me a cardiac arrest! PSP Galaxy Issue 12! It's fundelicious!
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August 9th, 2006, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP Hacking 101 team have released a new podcast entitled CommuteCast Episode 8 - On the Run from DHL, heres whats featured:
- Pox & Ragable on the run from DHL
- PSP Hacking 101 website updates
- Inspired Podcasts
- DVD Vol.4
- Sony MyLo (Game-less PSP)
- Wii Rummors
- DS light Cracks up
- PSP Hacking 101 Myspace Page
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August 10th, 2006, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Karmon has released Connect 4 for the PSP:
heres the details:
hey, i just finished porting this connect 4 game, you can choose 1 or 2 players, as you can probably tell [if you try this game] that i'm not much on graphics, but you might be able to kill a few minutes with this game:
that's pretty much what it looks like, except now there is a little icon on the right side of the board to tell you which player's turn it is (not really needed in singleplayer because the computer player responds right away).
hope you like it.
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Via karmon
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August 10th, 2006, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Stefano Rusello has updated his App that basically lets you use your PSP as a Wifi Joypad for the PC.
The translation makes no sense so no good clues as to whats new there.
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August 10th, 2006, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Access_Denied has released a new version of his converter for all sorts inc weight, length, temperature, volume, area and data.
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via accessdenied
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August 10th, 2006, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the news we missed a few days ago from Deniska:

A little update on my GPS/Mapviewer project..
It is slowly shaping up in to something useful...
I did the first "field testing" of the mapviewer's gps option tonite. The link below points to a small video clip, captured with my casio camera. It is a bit shacky, but it is hard to drive and focus the camera at the same time ;-)
Here is another video - in a daylight.
I changed the cursor for directional arrow for gps mode... I guess to make it really cool I need to turn the map and not the center arrow ;-)
I still need to patch a number of bugs and build some content before a public release. So please be patient ;-)
PS: PM if you are interested in helping to beta-test the viewer and build content for it (POI, custom maps, tutorials, documentation, etc). I need people who actually built and tested gps link, described in the thread below
Respond to his excellent project at his DCEmu Hosted Site Here --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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August 10th, 2006, 09:20 Posted By: ninja9393
my new version of metroid
added morphball mode(press down)
added shooting
new backgrounds
new eboot format
upadated credits
credits now viewable by walking to the door
in next version
game over add

hope u like it
EDIT:i am doing animtion by jman420 but it has some bugs so i realeasd it w/out it
it will be in v2.0
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August 10th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Arguru and PSP 3D have just released a new demo of Turrican PSP, homebrew clone of the popular Metroid/Turrican games. This project has been ongoing for some time now, but each release is looking drastically improved over the last. The latest version features a ton of new eye candy, from weather effects to new enemies and game animation sequences, and also has many updates to the level wrappers and boss systems. The game is a blast; look forward to a full release soon, and mad props to Arguru for all his hard work!
New features/fixes in Release 3 include:
- Weather effects system (map opcodes: r0 = no rain, r1 = rain, r2 = snow).
- Proper intro/title sequence.
- Proper game over sequence.
- Alien mini-spiders / Eggs (spider breed) enemies.
- "Walker" enemies.
- Big / small spike ball enemies.
- Boss system (only one boss defined 'storm gauntlet', map opcode : 'f0'). Don't use it yet.
- Level wraps nearly finished.
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August 10th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
Atari's forthcoming horror-fest Alone in the Dark has been delayed. Originally expected toward the end of this year, the publisher's revealed that it now won't be out until the company's 2008 fiscal year - so between April 2007 and March 2008.
Mentioning the new target period for the title in a recent conference call with analysts, Atari boss Bruno Bonnell explained "We are announcing effectively Alone in the Dark as one of our franchisees for the future". He also implied the publisher has big plans for the franchise: "We actually are extending Alone in the Dark to some other formats right now we have not even announced yet... I don't want to be forward, but it will be announced shortly."
According to a report on GameSpot, Brunnell went on to re-affirm the delayed Alone in the Dark is in development for Xbox 360 and PS3, but made no mention of the previously announced PC version. This has led to speculation that the PC version of the game has been binned, but Atari's UK arm has informed us this morning that the PC interation is "still confirmed".
Atari's Alone in the Dark game marks the return of the survival horror granddaddy, and this modern reinvention of the series will, hopefully, be scary, spooky, and make us fill our pants with big poopie. The present-day setting of New York's Central Park plays host to the title's grisly events.
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August 10th, 2006, 17:47 Posted By: wraggster
It's not exactly Killzone 2, but Insomniac's PS3 shooter, Resistance: Fall of Man did more than enough to tickle our FPS fancy when we got our hands it earlier this year at E3.
Billed as a "blend of epic military action and unnerving horror," Resistance pits you against a bunch of invading aliens, in an alternate-reality 1950s England. Along with the usual single-player offerings, co-op and multiplayer modes are also touted, along with online campaigns that cater up to 32 players. As you can see from these screenshots, it's also very, very pretty. And that's all you need to know.
Fall of Man is expected on Sony's next-gen console somewhere around its November 17 launch window and with Half-Life 2 and F.E.A.R. also coming to PS3, it seems shooter fans will have plenty to get their teeth into. We'll bring you more from the Resistance front line as it arrives.
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August 10th, 2006, 18:01 Posted By: wraggster
With SingStar Anthems barely out the door, Sony has announced that another compilation pack - SingStar Legends - is on the way in time for Christmas.
Legends, due out on PS2 in "early November", promises "a selection of the biggest household names in musical history" including Elton John, The Beach Boys, Johnny Cash, The Jackson 5, John Lennon and Nirvana.
There are no details on any planned tech upgrades to the game, but these SingStar updates, as we all know well by now, generally consist of new songs rather than new features.
Still, there's a healthy mix on the track-list, parts of which have been announced today. The full list will be announced nearer release, presumably, but in the meantime we're told to expect:
Elton John - "Rocket Man";
The Beach Boys - "Surfin' USA";
The Police - "Roxanne";
Johnny Cash - "Ring of Fire";
The Jackson 5 - "I Want You Back";
Tina Turner - "What's Love Got To Do With It?";
John Lennon - "Imagine";
Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit";
Ben E King - "Stand By Me";
David Bowie - "Life On Mars?";
The Righteous Brothers - "Unchained Melody".
Along with a host of others to make up the traditional 30. And, as usual, the game will be released as a standalone pack and available as a bundle with two SingStar microphones and a USB converter.
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August 10th, 2006, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Just when you thought all hope may be lost for the PlayStation 3, there comes word that a new, original game from Midway's Surreal Software is indeed in the works for the system. Though we already knew that some sort of mysterious game from Surreal was coming, what we didn't know was that the title would be a new IP.
IGN follows the story by referencing this latest help wanted ad by the company: "This is new, exciting IP, on a new technology base, with a concept which will blow you away. This is your chance to be the keystone of a large and experienced development team."
Full development support and new, original IPs for our next-gen appetites is definitely something we would like to see more of.
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August 10th, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
New preorder from SuccessHK

Mercury Meltdown has been designed to build upon and enhance the unique experience offered by the first Mercury title. With new game modes, graphics and features, Mercury Meltdown will offer a variety of enhancements over the original title while remaining true to its highly successful core gameplay dynamics. Along with all new environments, adversaries, mini-games and multiplayer modes, Mercury Meltdown includes a completely redesigned game progression system and structure to make the game more accessible to players of all skill levels. Even the Blob has had an overhaul and can be used in a number of interesting ways. For Mercury Meltdown, it was important to build upon and enhance the successful gameplay of the first title. One of the more major changes was the Blob itself. By chaning its characteristics and properties, it meant that levels could now offer a whole new experience and challenge while still maintaining the core gameplay of the original title.

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August 10th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Japanese simulation/strategy game, based on the long-running anime franchise Mobile Suit Gundam. Developed by Gundam, SD Gundam G Generation Advance features short, cutesy, "super-deformed" characters. Players move their Gundam units in the battle session mode, then access the "back stage" section where they can tweak things, check character stats, customize riders, and so on.
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August 10th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In the peaceful world of Veldime, humans rarely encountered monsters. That was until Overlord Zenon cursed the land and all who reside within. With the curse in place, the humans became monsters and ravaged the world. It is up to Adell, the last remaining human, to oppose Overlord Zenon's tyranny and restore peace and harmony to Veldime. In Disgaea 2, players will take on the role of a young fighter named Adell and travel the netherworld to defeat the evil overlord Zenon. Battles will take place on a 3D grid based field. During combat, players will take turns between the enemy to move and attack. Key Features Geo panel based strategic battle system Lift & throw with stack attacks Dark assembly/court system where the sinners are praised All-new animated sequence with vastly improved 3D environment Over 100 hours of sleepless game play
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August 10th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

This original golf game entry from Gusto Games is the team's attempt at re-creating the sport in a unique and wholly accurate way. The game is designed with a brand new control mechanic for realistic golfing feel, plus a course editor, a realistic physics model for every aspect of the course, club, and ball, and PSP-to-PS2 link-up features.
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August 10th, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Prime Sense (Herzeliya Pituach, Israel) has developed a sensor plus digital processor to provide a real-time 3-D mapping of objects in space, according to the company's Website. In essence it appears to be an image sensor and processor combination which perceives the world in 3D and derives an understanding of the world based on sight, in the same way that humans do.
For the Eye Toy application it is expected that the Prime Sense sensor will be used to view the user so that his or her position and movements can be abstracted and then applied to the through-character in a computer game.
The device includes a sensor, which sees a user (including their complete surroundings), and a digital component, or brain which learns and understands user movement within those surroundings, according to the Prime Sense Website. Prime Senses interactive device can see, track and react to user movements outside the computer, all without change of environment or wearable equipment for the end user.
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August 10th, 2006, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
Here's another chance to deal out some massive damage in the mech world on our PS3's. In a recent issue of Famitsu, Armored Core 4 has been set for a November release date in Japan, meaning we'll probably get it at about the same time. There will be network support for up to eight people... and the 360 version is still boasting a TBA release date. But what about the game itself?
Unlike the other Armored Core titles, this one takes place in a different world... sort of. Think of it as a pre-post-apocalyptic earth, where overpopulation has led to food shortages and lack of resources. You take over your giant robot of destruction and fight other giants of destruction (despite the natural resource dearth... but that's besides the point) as the war which will lead to a post-apocalyptic world starts. The creators say the battles will be the fastest ever seen in a mech game (faster than Zone of Enders? Cool). There will be tons of customization, a staple of the series, but there will be a simplified option for beginners. Same goes for mech control. Complicated, but can be automated for beginners. In all, sounds good. Armored Core 2 was a lot of fun, pick that one up if you want to gauge what to expect (it's cheap if you can find it). Until the Tokyo Game Show, we can only imagine how the mechs handle.
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August 10th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTA Portable.com
Games™ magazine recently published a preview on Vice City Stories. The magazine went on sale today, and of course we have the details and screenshots. There are five new screenshots and small new details. View them below:
• Binoculars can be acquired in the game and used at any time
• The game features a new rocket launcher
• Improved physics, prettier skylines, and far more dynamic lighting
• The sea plane returns to Vice City
• Time-contextual NPC behaviour (party-goers at night, bums at 5am etc.)
• Phil Cassidy can be seen during a loading screen, thus meaning he's back!
• When playing the game, they flew over Diaz's Mansion, the mall, and the Malibu Club
• Character models is sharper than that of GTA: Vice City
• Pop up is minimal, although still very apparent
• As said before, missions will no longer be ''point-to-point A-to-B'' drives
• Jet ski's handle completely different to the boats of the GTA series
• Water is more realistic, and is something that R* wants to take advantage off
According to the magazine, the only confirmed cast member is Philip Michael Thomas - the voice of Lance Vance. The magazine also said that Vic is an ex-marine. This is confusing as according to the first two previews, Vic is still a US Marine and he's currently taking a break in Vice City after leaving for Guantanamo Bay.
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August 10th, 2006, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
One of the earlier PSP Gundam titles is getting a quick sequel. The latest issue of Famitsu has first details on Gundam Battle Royal, a follow up to Gundam Battle Tactics, which was released for the Japanese PSP in September 2005. The game is in development at Bec and Artdink for Japanese release on 10/5.
Battle Royal adds a number of features to the core gameplay of Tactics. The primary improvements appear to be in the area of wireless play. The game offers a battle royal mode for up to four players. Players can also take part in four-player cooperative missions, performing tasks such as hauling cargo and protecting the base.
You'll also find new Gundam properties represented through new units and characters. In addition to Mobile Suits, the game adds new support mecha and ships, which can also be used in battle. With the new machines comes new battle moves, including one tricky move where you send out a balloon replica of your mech in order to confuse your opponents.
This latest Gundam game is currenly 90% complete, Famitsu reports.
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August 10th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
The PSP is getting a brand new form of port! The system, which has had no shortage of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 ports, is now set to receive a later day Game Boy Advance title!.
Sting has announced plans to bring Yakusoku no Chi Riviera to the PSP. The RPG, which first saw Japanese Game Boy Advance release in late 2004, adds fifty illustrations for cut scenes and makes the move to full voice. From what we can see, the visuals haven't changed from the GBA version.
US based gamers will recognize Riviera as a mid 2005 Atlus title. Given that Sony Computer Entertainment America tends to disapprove of PlayStation ports for its portable hardware, the chances of seeing this Game Boy Advance port on our shores are pretty slim. The interested few will want to import when the game hits Japan later this year.
News via IGN
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August 10th, 2006, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
News from IGN
The first bit of gameplay that greeted many who purchased a PSP at launch was Namco's classic Rally X arcade title. In typical style, Namco used one of its old school arcade games to give players something to do during the initial load periods that started off the Ridge Racers experience.
Ridge Racers 2 will also see a classic arcade game for its load screen. This time, Namco (well, Bandai Namco Games, as it's now known) has given the honors to New Rally X, which achieved popularity in the arcades and on the Famicom probably before you were born.
The latest issue of Famitsu provides a few additional details besides this. Ridge Racers 2 will see a number of cars, including the Pac-Man vehicle and, from the Xbox 360 Ridge Racer 6, Digdug Hijack. You won't be able to ride Reiko Nagase, but she'll be back as spokesperson, appearing in the CG introduction.
The game will also feature new racing modes. In survival mode, you race around a track as trailing players are forced out of the race. The last one remaining wins. Duel mode is a one on one race -- that's right, just you and a second car, facing off on the tracks.
Ridge Racers 2 is set for Japanese release on 9/14. That's just over a month away, so if you're into import gaming, start practicing with the original.
Screenshots at the link above
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August 10th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
News via IGN
Today SEGA announced the SEGA Genesis Collection for PlayStation 2 and PSP will be released this fall. The Collection will be the first time many of these Genesis titles have been seen on a console since SEGA Smash Pack Vol. 1 was released on the Dreamcast in 2001.
"The Genesis was the first 16-bit gaming system released in 1989, setting a new standard for gaming hardware technology for years to come," said Scott A. Steinberg, VP of Marketing, SEGA. "SEGA Genesis Collection will take gamers back to experience the golden age of gaming during the 1990s."
Developed by Backbone Entertainment, SEGA Genesis Collection features over 30 titles, including Altered Beast, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shinobi III, Phantasy Star, and the original Genesis version of Golden Axe. The games in the collection have been reproduced with the utmost accuracy to the originals as possible. Genesis Collection also features numerous unlockable items that delve into the soul of the Genesis such as interviews with the original developers, a museum area with factoids about the titles, a hint area to help gamers achieve the golden werewolf form in Altered Beast, and SEGA arcade games from the Genesis era.
SEGA Genesis Collection for the PSP system marks the handheld debut of many of these games. The PSP's wireless function will allow Genesis fans to connect with friends for wireless, 16-bit multiplayer gaming.
SEGA Genesis Collection will be available this fall.
This will be quite an interesting release for both the PSP and PS2 scene and especially for hackers who will look over the file format with interest, back in the Dreamcast days Sega released the Smash Pack and the emulator was ripped from it and was called Segagen, whilst legally the scene should stay far away from doing that its certainly interesting to see if Sega go for a port of those old games or if its an emulator which for new collections may be the easier way to go. All shall be revealed soon i reckon 
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August 10th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via IGN
Today SEGA announced the SEGA Genesis Collection for PlayStation 2 and PSP will be released this fall. The Collection will be the first time many of these Genesis titles have been seen on a console since SEGA Smash Pack Vol. 1 was released on the Dreamcast in 2001.
"The Genesis was the first 16-bit gaming system released in 1989, setting a new standard for gaming hardware technology for years to come," said Scott A. Steinberg, VP of Marketing, SEGA. "SEGA Genesis Collection will take gamers back to experience the golden age of gaming during the 1990s."
Developed by Backbone Entertainment, SEGA Genesis Collection features over 30 titles, including Altered Beast, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shinobi III, Phantasy Star, and the original Genesis version of Golden Axe. The games in the collection have been reproduced with the utmost accuracy to the originals as possible. Genesis Collection also features numerous unlockable items that delve into the soul of the Genesis such as interviews with the original developers, a museum area with factoids about the titles, a hint area to help gamers achieve the golden werewolf form in Altered Beast, and SEGA arcade games from the Genesis era.
SEGA Genesis Collection for the PSP system marks the handheld debut of many of these games. The PSP's wireless function will allow Genesis fans to connect with friends for wireless, 16-bit multiplayer gaming.
SEGA Genesis Collection will be available this fall.
This will be quite an interesting release for both the PSP and PS2 scene and especially for hackers who will look over the file format with interest, back in the Dreamcast days Sega released the Smash Pack and the emulator was ripped from it and was called Segagen, whilst legally the scene should stay far away from doing that its certainly interesting to see if Sega go for a port of those old games or if its an emulator which for new collections may be the easier way to go. All shall be revealed soon i reckon 
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August 10th, 2006, 19:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPFanboy
If you're into classic games like me, you're probably eagerly awaiting the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console feature so that you can play not only some Nintendo games, but some Genesis games as well. For those of you Sony fanboys that'll avoid the Wii like its a smelly grandmother, there's finally an alternative: Sega Genesis Collection, a compliation of nearly thirty Genesis games is heading to the PSP. The disc will not only come loaded with the games, but exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage. PSP owners can rejoice in knowing that an exclusive wireless multiplayer mode is being created just for them. Maybe it'll even support Game Sharing? (I hope so!) Here's the list of games:
Alex Kidd
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Eternal Champions
Gain Ground
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III
Phantasy Star IV
Shadow Dancer: Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunderblade
Sword of Vermillion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
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August 10th, 2006, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt of a preview of the new Earthworm Jim game for the PSP:
Take the main character, for instance. He's a worm in a spacesuit. Not only is the concept funny, but it also lets you have an assortment of cool moves and game mechanics. Speaking of moves, fans will love the fact many of Jim's old abilities make a return. You can still use your entire body as a whip to attack enemies, or even as a hook to swing through the environment. You still get a rapid-fire blaster pistol to smoke villains, too, and it looks every bit as cool as it used to. That's not to say you won't find anything new, though.
In fact, there's plenty. Sadly, much of it didn't make it in time for Atari's show. The current build has about half the development cycle left to go, so there's plenty of optimization and finalization left to do. On top of that, the team has yet to finish the list of moves and upgrades available. Now, on to the facts: Jim will acquire different parts of his suit throughout the game, including gloves, boots and the main armor. You can then enhance these pieces through upgrades scattered about the game's eight stages.
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August 11th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Now that we've recovered from the initial surprise of Sony's mylo announcement, we're starting to get a few more details on its functionality. Turns out the teeny device is powered by an unspecified version of embedded Linux (possibly from Wind River), with a graphics and application framework provided by Trolltech's Qtopia platform. There's also Java Virtual Machine support, which seems to give homebrewers plenty of options for creating apps for the device -- if Sony hasn't locked things down too tightly. As for that QVGA 2.4-inch screen, Sony is packing in MP4 video support, so ready-to-go videos shouldn't be hard to find. There's also MP3, ATRAC and WMA to round out format support. While the mylo dodges that main Nokia 770 bullet by packing a QWERTY keyboard, Sony's device suffers from a hefty pricetag for its younger target audience, a notable omission of AIM and Windows Live Messenger, and a lack of explicit gaming or 3rd party support. Still, those WiFi and Linux specs hint at a lot of potential, so we're sure that this thing can manage to be a bit more than another Skype handset.
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August 11th, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
When the clouds open up, boy do they unleash some hell. Bully news seems to be coming at us in spades lately, so now here's the latest: A trailer for this once mythical game is now up and ready for your viewing pleasure.
Take a look at the game that will surely cause many to get upset for absolutely no reason at all. Our first impressions lean toward a modern Dennis the Menace.
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August 11th, 2006, 00:59 Posted By: tsurumaru
Update from Strmnnrmn's blog:
I've also updated page 4 of my last news post with some Q&A's about R7 taken from the Blog.
From StrmnNrmn:
'I'm getting close to finishing everything I want to get into R7. I've just spent a little time tidying up a few loose ends (little things like the way screenshots are handled). The one last substantial bit of work I want to get done is support for custom controller configs. I think this should be a few hours work, so I expect I'll finish this sometime on Saturday or Sunday, with a release following shortly afterwards.'
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August 11th, 2006, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via IGN
No one would blame you for not knowing him as Dustin Diamond; to the world, he will always be known as Screech. The comedian rose to fame on Saved by the Bell, and then, unfortunately, fell from fame.
But that doesn't mean Dustin Diamond is going to let anyone take advantage of him, much less steal his PSP games. According to Diamond, he was recently accosted by a female fan outside his hotel room in Omaha, Nebraska. The two had met at a comedy club he was performing in earlier, and she apparently showed up pounding on his door at three in the morning.
Diamond called security and had the young lady removed. Then, as he was exiting his room 45 minutes later to catch a 5:15 AM flight, she showed up again aiming a can of mace at him.
According to an interview with E! Online, Diamond recounted, "Somehow she got back in and is now holding a can of mace up. I'm freaked out and jump back and she says, 'Where's the money, come on, tell me where it is,' and she's trying to look through my bags."
The attacker apparently was not aware that Diamond has fallen on hard times as of late, and is trying to raise money to save his home in Wisconsin. The comedian claims she grabbed his PSP games, said "this will have to do," and turned to run.
The D-Man
He called upon the skills he learned during Celebrity Boxing 2 and tried to stop her. That was when she started yelling "Rape!" and "Help me!"
"I'm thinking great, this is all I need," Diamond said.
As police arrived on the scene, the actor said he was finally able to retrieve his games. He and his alleged attacker both gave statements to police and were released. No charges have been filed, as a spokesperson for the Omaha Police Dept. said it was a case of he said, she said.
"I'm a big gamer, and you don't mess with the D-man's videogames," Diamond said.
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August 11th, 2006, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has released a new version of the Homebrew Web Browser for the PSP, heres whats new:
What's New for Links2 PSP Port
links-2.1pre23 PSP r1231 (2006-08-09)
(raf) Using a new mouse cursor (Edited off of the freely available theme http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=13524)
(raf) Implemented h/w double buffering to go along the s/w double buffering (more like triple buffering). This solves the flickering of danzeff.
(raf) Slowed down the mouse pointer a bit. Also made this a configuration item (mouse_speed_factor).
(raf) Renamed config item psp_bb_to_fb_factor to screen_zoom_factor
(raf) Added support for 16bpp to danzeff
(raf) Modified links to use 16bpp; this saves a lot of memory.
(raf) Cleaned up the call to the input handler. This resolved some timing issues that were causing the graphic glitches (menu screens not clearing up correctly).
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August 11th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Freshmilk has updated his Table Top Rally game for the PSP, heres the release details:
Now then... theres a lot to be said about this new version, as it has been a month or so since my last release. The game now has support for 2.0+ users, as the USB funtion is optional and can be turned on or off whilst on the main menu. Another thing about this game is now, after all this time, the graphics from V2 have all been completely remade, and the music tranformed from an annoying theme tune to putre brilliance. The Garage is as always, with no new cars coming as yet, but now we'll talk about the new feature the terrain selector, or the background picker if you like.
I thought of doing this after reciveing a PM about it, but it seems to be a unique feature that i havn't seen in any other game, so hey, here it is. The game comes with two pre-set background which can also be chagned, therefore the game supports 4 Backgrounds. To replace a background, you need to change both the pictures, otherwise the icon son't work - for example, you must change IconX and BackgroudX for terrain X to work properly, if that makes sense. When changing backgrounds please bear in mind that you must stick to the pixels size given or otherwise the pictures will appear distorted ect.
Well, there you have it. I don't know what to do for my next release, so there is no to do list as of now.
I'd also like to say a special thank you to Alex. for helping me with making the cars transparent, andother things, so a big thanks to him, as the game wouldn't be here if it weren't for him.
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August 11th, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
saulotmalo posted this new app for a release in the Neoflash 2006 coding comp, heres the details:
Hello i've seen a lot of people that are worried about having a stuck pixel in his secreen so i've doing this application for serveral days and now i've finished it. I'm sure someone would find very usefull.
I'm called it SRS (Screen Repair Set) it is because it is a set of 3 aplications in one.
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August 11th, 2006, 16:06 Posted By: wraggster
We weren't fibbing when we told you to expect fresh Bully viewings soon, as Rockstar has this very morning released brand new PS2 media of the game, winding-up to its release in a few months time.
Bully casts you as schoolboy Jimmy Hopkins, a student at corrupt school, Bullworth Academy. Jimmy rather daringly plays pranks on school bullies to become the most popular lad in the class. After the huge media hoopla surrounding the game, it doesn't exactly look like the schoolyard-GTA bully sim which sent the mainstream media into a feeding frenzy. Still, we have to admit we were hoping for something a bit more Grange Hill than Saved by the Bell with tank tops.
Still Bully will be strutting its way onto PS2 in "late October." Look out for more coverage on these pages once we've snuck up on Rockstar and given them a damn good wedgie.
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August 11th, 2006, 16:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
The legendary Vice City resident Kent Paul - he's called Paul and he comes from Kent - has made a welcome return to the world wide web - along with some other beautifully observed spoof websites created by Rockstar Games to augment Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Presumably, the fictional 80s nostalgist from Ramsgate has made a virtual return due to the impending availability of GTA: Vice City Stories for the PSP next month on Oct 17. Whatever the reason, if you're otherwise twiddling your thumbs, you could do a lot worse than visit the Kent Paul site.
You may also find links to another couple of mildly amusing piss-takes from that site. Such as the homepage for the quite literally legendary 80s console the Degenatron, complete with utterly addictive emulations of its three games, all of which involve imaginative combinations of green squares, red squares and - oh the extravagance - blue squares. Perhaps its time to start lobbying for a Degenatron revival on Xbox Live Marketplace.
Delve around and you will additionally find a click-through to Darren's site - which may be spectacularly crap, but a time did exist when sites like this were all over the nascent web. And the original Vice City homepage is also back online, although it seems a tad conventional in comparison with its sister sites.
With Bully approaching, Rockstar Games, after a low-profile period punctuated only by the excellent but disappointingly uncontroversial Table Tennis, is clearly stirring its stumps and preparing for a return to the limelight (or perhaps its usual state of notoriety).
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August 11th, 2006, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
Somewhat plausible rumours are circulating that, in Japan, Capcom's eagerly anticipated Resident Evil 5 will get a PlayStation 3-only release.
Which would make sense, given the spectacularly poor sales of the Xbox 360 in Japan -- despite the fact that Capcom has announced that it is working on both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the zombie-crunching game.
Whatever happens, we lucky European types should get both versions of the game, as well as a Wii version, which is likely to be substantially different to its next-gen peers.
If you're a flash Japanese-speaking git, you can check out ECGeo, the source of the rumours. Alas, it looks as though we'll have to wait ages for Ressie 5 which, after the sheer awesomeness of RE4, is set to be one of the most anticipated games ever.
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August 11th, 2006, 16:15 Posted By: wraggster
Via Eurogamer
SNK Playmore's Metal Slug Anthology for PSP will be arriving at European shops on October 27th, UK publisher Ignition and distributor Atari revealed this week.
The compilation consists of Metal Slugs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and X, and allows you to play in either widescreen or the original screen format.
There will be two-player wireless options for co-operative multiplay, along with some measure of exclusive content, although nobody's said what just yet.
You can get your hands (well, eyes) on some screenshots of the Anthology elsewhere at the site.
Originally announced during E3, Metal Slug Anthology is also being pieced together for Nintendo Wii. That version will include the most recent arcade game (absent from the PSP version) and will take advantage of the Wii's unique control options.
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August 11th, 2006, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers will have forgotten all about the lack of rumble in console pads by next year, reckons Matt Southern, producer of PlayStation 3 racer MotorStorm.
"By 2007 we'll say 'no rumble? What of it?'" Southern told Official PlayStation 2 Magazine. He believes "the many positives of PS3 far outweigh the lack of rumble".
Sony took the decision to remove the rumble feature, which was included with previous PlayStation controllers, as it said the vibration would interfere with the pad's new tilt-sensing technology.
Southern's game MotorStorm, is an off-road racer in which the different terrain has an affect on the vehicles' handling and so is the type of game that might have made heavy use of a rumble function. But Southern is still certain that gamers won't miss it: "We're sure that with the huge amount of particles we can throw around on PS3 you'll know exactly what surface type you are on."
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August 11th, 2006, 16:28 Posted By: wraggster
The current battle—war, if you will—between Blu-ray and HD-DVD will end in an inglorious stalemate according to research conducted by Screen Digest, a business-related media research and analysis firm. Moreover, the research firm also predicts that the war will do more harm than good and actually harm the high definition disc market, which kind of goes against the whole "competition will set you free" thesis, at least in this case.
Just under one-fourth of DVD sales by 2010 will be high definition discs the research also concluded. Interestingly enough, Amazon higher-ups told a group yesterday, myself included, that they don't necessarily care who wins the high definition DVD wars and neither do its customers; the more affluent, technologically savvy Amazon buyers will plop down money for their favorite right now, and should their horse lose the rase, they'll simply switch allegiances. I take it not many of you share the same sentiments.
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August 11th, 2006, 16:53 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Sony Memory Stick PRO Duo is half the size of a standard-size Memory Stick PRO media and it offers the same technologies including high speed data transfer, built-in MagicGate, and high capacities. The Memory Stick PRO Duo is the ideal solution for the most portable devices such as pocket-size digital cameras and with the use of Adaptor, it can be used in all PRO-compatible devices.
The Price for Sonys Mem Stick is USD 174.00
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August 11th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Via Nextgen
EA's head of development David Gardner has warned Sony to pick up its act in the handheld war against Nintendo DS.
The firm's VP and COO of worldwide studios told UK trade paper MCV, "I don't think Sony can afford to sit back. They still have things they can do with the price and performance of the machine, things that they need to address."
EA says it has shifted its handheld priorities since DS began pulling away from PSP. "There's no doubt that EA has historically bet more on PSP," said Garner. "I think we were excited by the technology, but the consumers have proven that actually what they want is fun.
"We must never forget that what we need to focus on is fun and so EA is putting more effort behind DS games, and creative ones that really take advantage of the hardware.
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August 11th, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Created by Sony as an accurately proportioned replica, the PS3 model may be made entirely from wood, but it takes more than a cursory glance to realise that it's not the genuine article and gave us a good impression of what the Sony powerhouse will look like nestling next to our TV.
The unit is certainly big, although not drastically bigger than an Xbox 360. Positioned vertically side-by-side, the PS3 stands about an inch taller than its rival, while laying the two down horizontally shows that - at its highest point - PS3's convex curve makes PS3 about an inch fatter.
It's not the most beautiful looking beast, either. The underside is 'stacked' with a couple of different sized layers and the overhanging midriff gives the unit a slightly awkward, uncomfortable look. But, hey, PS2 was never going to win any beauty contests either.
So, it's no stunner, but that's never been an issue with consoles in the past. Hopefully, when PS3 finally arrives in November we'll be so blown away with killer games that we won't be concerned with the machines curves, lines and overall aesthetic merit.
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August 11th, 2006, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Coldpie has released a new game for the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the release info:
Here's my entry for the Summer Coding Contest at neoflash.com. It's a simple but fun puzzle game called DYOX. Aside from the main menu, the game is very complete. It includes 15 levels, cutscenes, and an actual storyline.
The game was written in C, compiled with gcc using the PSP toolchain. Everything in the game was created by me. There is more info in the ReadMe.
Creator: ColdPie
Entry Name: DYOX
Files: [Attached]
Date: Aug. 11, 2006
Just to let you know, I will be out of town and off of the internet for the next 2.5 weeks. I should be back online before Sep. 1, but please don't worry if I take a few extra days to respond to emails.
Andy E. (ColdPie)
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August 11th, 2006, 21:37 Posted By: wraggster
Remember that creepy PC game, Alice? It was by American McGee, a pretty good game designer. The guy's expanding his playground in Shanghai, opening up an entire new development studio and looking for people to help create the next game for next-gen systems. The game will be episodic, set in "a dark, fairy tale universe." So he's not branching out too far from what he's good at, which is fine.
Want to take a shot at getting to work on the game? Post your qualifications as a comment on his site and cross your fingers. Will it be for the PS3? Who knows. There's only one piece of early concept art. What type of game would you like to see from this guy? Or... judging from the piece of concept art, what sort of game do you imagine forming?
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August 11th, 2006, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Atari was dealt some pretty bad numbers the past year -- losses were at their highest in a while overall. This is partially why the next-gen iteration of Alone in the Dark has been pushed back to mid-2007, maybe into 2008. Atari does anticipate the title to be their big game for next year and let's hope they are right. Atari has even announced that the game will come to other formats not yet mentioned (and still haven't been named specifically) and that may help out. Not sure how a DS rendition of the game would do, but it's a cute idea.
CEO Bruno Bonnell also talked about the likelihood of more console-specific titles and exclusives overall. He claims that "ports are going to be a little more difficult because the machines are becoming more and more specific." Ouch. That sounds like a shot at the cell processor for the PS3, but every machine is being built in very different ways (the Wii's gimmick innovative control style comes to mind). Also mentioned were game prices for the next generation. Surprisingly, Bonnell offered his thoughts that games won't cost much more other than a "massive title with crazy costs." If only he were right, but the 360 has already raised the bar by ten dollars and that will probably continue for a little while.
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August 11th, 2006, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Jonas Hielscher has released his game called CollecTic for the PSP, heres the release and game details:
The game CollecTic is developed as a part of my graduation project for the Masters program Media Technology at Leiden University in 2006. The game is developed for the Sony PSP and uses the standard features of the console, especially scanning for wireless access points to the Internet.
The game concept
CollecTic can be played anywhere, where WLAN access points can be found by a PSP. The objective of the game is to search for different access points, to collect them and to combine them in a puzzle in order to get points. In the game, the player has to move around in her/his local surrounding, using her/his PSP as a sensor device in order to find access points. By doing this, the player is able to discover the hidden infrastructure of wireless network coverage through auditive and visual feedback.The game is designed as a single player game, but it can be easily played competitive after each other or at the same time with two PSPs.
Finding and collecting access points
If the PSP receives a signal of a wireless access point, the point will be visualized as a geometric figure (square, triangle or circle) with a specific color and size. The form and color are defined by the unique Media Access Control address (MAC address) of the access point. The size of the form is determined by the signal strength of the access point. If a player wants to collect a bigger form s/he has to come closer to a spotted access point. All visible figures are starting to blink and to play a sound after each other. The length of time a figure blinks, depends on the strength of the signal. The kind of sound depends on the form and color: the form determines the waveform of the sound (sine, triangle or square wave); the color determines the note (frequency) of the sound. If the player presses the button corresponding to the figure that lightens up, s/he collects the figure, meaning the access point. The collected shapes will be placed in the big black square on the screen. During the game, an access point can only be collected once. So, in order to find new access points the player has to move around.
The puzzle in the black square
The collected figures in the black square can be arranged in a grid of three by three. If a maximum amount of nine shapes is collected, or if the player presses the x button, the grid will be checked for three equals in a row. The rows will be checked for same shapes and same color. Combinations of same shape, color and size give extra points. Several equal rows at the same time will also give extra points (Combo bonus).
Unsecured wireless access points – the black/white star
A special form in the game is the black and white star, every unsecured wireless network is visualized as a star. The star can have either a positive or negative effect, unknown for the player before selecting it. Only if a player selects a star, it turns out if it is a black or white one. The black star has the negative effect, that it will throw all selected figures out of the puzzle and they have to be selected again. The white star on the other hand works as a joker. It helps to complete a row. Metaphorically speaking, the stars create an awareness of the amount of wireless networks in our surrounding and makes a link to the advantages and disadvantages of unsecured wireless networks.
Game modes - temporal and spatial parameters
CollecTic can be played almost everywhere at any time. The player is free to choose where s/he wants to play and thus is able to define her/his own game space. The only parameter a player can change in the program, is the time period the game should last. The player can choose between an unlimited time and a limited time mode between 5 minutes and an hour. Through the possibility of changing the temporal and spatial parameters, players are able to define their own game modes and develop new strategies.
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August 11th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Prooz have released a new PSP Magazine aimed at those Car Lovers amongst us, heres the details:
Comparison Test Review: 2006 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 vs. 2006 Ferrari F430 vs. 2007 Porsche 911 Turbo - Comparison Tests. The arrival of a new Porsche 911 Turbo is an event that’s as significant and riveting for car enthusiasts as the winner of American Idol seems to be for the majority of adult Americans. The Turbo is important because it has resided at the pinnacle of the 911 line since it first went on sale in the U.S. in 1976 and has thus been a perennial contender for the title of best darned sports car on the planet.
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August 11th, 2006, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Perooz have released this news/mag for the PSP:
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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August 11th, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
raphabot posted 2 videos on the forums of the new rumoured PSone emulator for the PSP being worked on by as yet unnamed PSP Devs.
From what i can gather whats shown in the Video has seen an increase of 20- 30 % already.
A PSP Dev has told me that the PSP and PSone share a lot of similiarities but Devs will know more than me.
More News as we at DCEmu gets it 
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August 12th, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: HellsPlumber
I have released version 2 of the 2.7+ Homebrew Menu. It has 10 more games,booster pack support,interactive readme (so you can view help on your PSP) and N1ghtshades Foxglove included. I have also removed the animated transactions for lower file size and quicker navigation,fixed the custom homebrew browser bug,fixed the PSPtetris bug and removed unused arrows to make it look neater
Its available for download on my site as a self extracting .exe:
More info on my site and please sign up to my forums.
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August 12th, 2006, 02:01 Posted By: crait
Ok, I finally worked out the major bugs in my program, and now im ready for my release!
Aside from scrolling through the menus, you can walk, jump, punch, and pound.
Here's my change log
fixed jumping, added a new sprite for jumping, you are now able to get out of crouch mode, i updated the controls page, Kirby looks both directions again! also made kirby look in the right direction when he gets out of crouch mode, changed the pbp pictures(icon0 and pic1), added pound move(this is used by pressing the down key while falling), added a punching function(this is activated when you press the R button), reassigned hurt yourself to the L button, edited the staus table to include the version number and my name, also edited the healthbar to look better, added a background to the menus, fixed Yastar's name in the credits page(very very very sorry!!!!), added a gameover screen, added a respawning point (still glitchy), aligned the crouch pictures with the standing pictures, added sound to the intro menu and game over screen, added a new intro screen, added a readme And here is a screenshot!

if you are a fan of my game, though it is very young, you can add this picture to your signiture
Heres a link to my devepment thread too!
Finally, here is the file to download!!
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August 12th, 2006, 02:08 Posted By: Kaiser
This project is still going strong and is looking better each time I visit the development thread.
Check out what lead programmer Hardhat had to say:
Well, I have the cameras matching more closely to the scenes. They aren't right still, and the collision mesh need more help. Still it is getting better. These include updated rendered bgs.
Now the main character stays on screen all the time. I still need to refine my camera selection rule though.
Check out some more screens on the development thread as well as the latest progress updates.
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August 12th, 2006, 12:01 Posted By: wraggster
And we've been griping about Blu-ray delays in the good ol' USofA. Looks like the folks Down Under have it way worse, since Sony has just released their BWU-100A internal PC drive for reading and writing Blu-ray discs in Australia, 'cept supposedly the thing can't actually manage to play back is Blu-ray movies. Apparently they're blaming the lack of HDCP-compliant graphics cards, and the fact that there isn't any retail software that can play Blu-ray movies, just the OEM version of Intervideo WinDVD BD that ships with Sony's VAIO AR laptop -- assuming of course, that your Blu-ray content requires HDCP to begin with. That would make us wonder why Sony can't just bundle that same software with the BWU-100A, but we're clearly thinking with the addled mind of a consumer. If we were smarter, we'd realise the logic behind releasing products so saddled with rights management that they can't even play back the media they were built for. Luckily, Sony says they're optimistic about resolving both issues soon, and that for now the device is still 100% functional for storage (hooray), and can play back your own home-burnt movies as well (as well as Blu-ray flicks that are HDCP-free). All this can be yours, you lucky Australian you, for a mere AU$1,399, or about $1,075 US.
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August 12th, 2006, 12:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot
Source: Chris Morris' Game Over column on CNN/Money.com.
The official story: See below.
What we heard: According to industry analysts, Sony is going to make one of its gaming platforms very affordable this holiday season. Unfortunately for next-gen gamers, they're not talking about the PlayStation 3.
Analysts believe that a price cut for the PSP is inevitable sometime later this year, reports CNN/Money. The PSP's current suggested retail price is $199, but American Technology Research's P.J. McNealy believes the handheld's price will fall to $149.
"There is a price cut coming in the second half of the year," McNealy told CNN. "[The PSP] has lost momentum. Nintendo has had a great run since it launched the DS Lite and Sony needs to regain some ground."
Besides the need to compete with Nintendo's DS Lite this holiday season, McNealy points toward Sony "apparently stockpiling finished gaming hardware" as a sign that a price cut is imminent. The price drop could also be tied into a game's launch, such as October's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, the follow up to one of the PSP's biggest hits.
The PSP's price was dropped from $249 to $199 in March, and another price drop this holiday could help Sony make a dent in Nintendo's DS Lite momentum. CNN/Money puts the PSP at 20 million units shipped worldwide, while the DS, in large part thanks to the release of the redesigned DS Lite, has sold 21 million units. The DS Lite currently retails for $129.
Looking at the hard evidence for a price drop doesn't really reveal much. Sony is likely to stockpile hardware during every holiday season, and it's hard to say a price drop is a done deal with only one analyst on record saying that it's going to happen. Does it make sense? Yes. Is it going to happen? We're not sure.
When asked for comment, a representative from Sony would only say that the company has not announced any price cut, and would not comment on rumors and speculation.
Bogus or not bogus?: Too close to call on this one. Without a compelling argument, we're abstaining.
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August 12th, 2006, 12:14 Posted By: wraggster
More on the PSP Price Cut News:
News from CNN
While the price of the PlayStation 3 may prove to be too high for some this holiday season, it's looking more and more likely that Sony will try to tempt consumers with a less expensive handheld gaming system.
As it prepares to launch its next generation machine, Sony is apparently stockpiling finished gaming hardware, which analysts believe to be the PSP (PlayStation Portable). That, they believe, is a signal that the company plans to reduce the price of the PSP as the holidays get closer.
Sony is expected to cut the price of its PSP handheld gaming system this holiday season.
"There is a price cut coming in the second half of the year," said P.J.McNealy of American Technology Research. "[The PSP] has lost momentum. Nintendo has had a great run since it launched the DS Lite and Sony needs to regain some ground."
McNealy said he expects Sony (Charts) to drop the PSP's price by $50 to $149. It's possible the company will also bundle the cheaper system with a game or two as well, though not certain.
The timing's about right for a PSP price cut. (You could argue that Sony has yet to lower PSP prices, although it'd be a pretty weak argument.) When the system first went on sale in early 2005, it was only available via a $250 bundle, which included headphones, a carrying case and other accessories. This March, the company dissolved the bundle, selling just the system for $199.
PSP sales have been solid so far, with 20 million units shipped worldwide (with over 8 million of those to the U.S.). That's essentially a tie with the Nintendo DS, which has sold over 21 million units - but the numbers don't tell the whole story.
While the DS has been on the upswing, thanks to commercially and critically successful games such as "Brain Age" (which has sold more than 4 million copies worldwide), "Nintendogs" and "New Super Mario Brothers," the PSP has not had a game truly capture the gaming world's attention since the release of "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories" (published by Take Two Interactive (Charts)) last October.
This holiday, in addition to the expected price cuts, the PSP will see the release of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories," which should help boost sales. And waiting in the wings is an online Sony store that will allow PSP owners to buy, download and play classic games from the original PlayStation system.
A $149 price point would put the PSP in the same range as the DS, which currently sells for $129. Nintendo is less likely to reduce its price as it continues to have problems meeting demand for the machine worldwide.
That could give Sony an advantage - as the PSP can also double as a portable video player. While many studios and retailers have abandoned the system's UMD discs for movies, Sony has struck deals allowing people to transfer content from their Tivos and Web videos.
As for Sony's other big system - the PlayStation 2 - things are likely to remain unchanged for now. While a price cut to $99 is certainly coming eventually, it likely won't happen until next year, say analysts. The installed base of video game machine owners is considerably larger than it was five years ago, making it less critical to get systems in people's hands.
"PS2 sales are still pretty solid, so why would Sony bother cutting their prices if the flow through retail is still pretty good?," asked Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets. "Also, Sony still talks about a 10-year life cycle for the PS2. They've typically been doling out these price cuts every couple of years [and they lowered prices earlier this spring]."
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August 12th, 2006, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
For many, director Joon-ho Bong is about as big as Korean blockbuster filmmakers come. His latest flick, The Host, got critical acclaim at Cannes—even though it wasn't entered in competition!
Besides an upcoming cartoon and theme park based on The Host, a cell phone and a PSP role-playing-game version of movie have been announced. For the video game, players get to choose to be one of the family members and each has a unique weapon. For example a bottle of alcohol (light it and throw), a bow and arrow (the aunt character in the movie wants to enter the Olympics), a baseball bat, etc.
While trying to rescue your daughter (cousin or grand daughter... depending on who you are), players must overcome antagonistic characters. Director Bong even appears in-game, providing advice and giving tips.
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August 12th, 2006, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
It seems that we are not far away from a new version of the CPS2 emulator for the PSP by NJ, he has posted some info on his page (in japanese so dont bother to look )
More info when the release happens
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August 12th, 2006, 13:21 Posted By: wraggster
joshdb posted this news/release:
Hey Guys, I've been somewhat busy creating a program called RSS XMLister. It's a program for those of us that have a webhost where we can upload our music instead of running a virtual server on out PC.
Update Notes
Coming Soon
More streamlined XML editor
Large amount of bugfixes and UI customizations
Faster code
Saving of list preferences! No more re-typing all the header info when you just want to change 1 or 2 tracks
You can now create new lists (no generation) with the XML editor
v0.9 - Public release
Various bugfixes to make public release safe
What does it do?
This program generates an XML list of an online directory that can be played through the PSP's 2.6 RSS Channel feature. It's quick and easy to use, it allows complete customization, and also allows you to load/edit existing XML lists, as well.
How does it work?
To create your own RSS channel, just follow these steps:
1. Upload your audio files to your webspace. Make sure you put them into an empty directory, there must be no index.html present.
2. Run RSS XMLister and choose 'Generate a list from an online directory' and input the necesary information.
3. Upload your XML file to your webspace.
4. On your PSP, browse to the XML file you uploaded. Add the channel and enjoy!
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via joshdb
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August 12th, 2006, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
New update from Deniska:
Here is yet another, slightly better than previous, video of "MAP THIS!" GPS viewer in action:
Actually, this shows a replay of a GPS data, captured on one of my field trials. This was done in order to get steady shot and good focus. Of course, it looks exacly the same with "life" GPS feed.
The clip shows the difference between "NORTH UP" and "TRACK UP" modes and the use of "zoom" functionality.
More info at his site hosted at DCEmu here --> http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/
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August 12th, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: IndianCheese
Hey guys, I would just like you all to know that now that the ICP Phlash Portal has won 1st place in a Flash competition at...that OTHER site...I have released another new build of it as a "celebration" of sorts. The only available way to update it right now is by Network Portal Update. If you have version 2.0, click the update button and follow the onscreen instructions. If you don't, search for it in the forums here to find it, then install and update it.
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August 12th, 2006, 18:59 Posted By: IndianCheese
If you have tried to run Devhook to emulate 2.71 at 333mhz and discovered that it freezes, I have found a trick to fix that. But you have to have iR Shell.
- Run iR Shell.
- Press R+Start repeatedly until the PSP is clocked up to 333mhz (Check the green numbers at the top of the screen).
- Run Devhook 0.46 through iR Shell.
- Choose "CPU Speed".
- Choose 333/166.
- Choose "Start".
- The PSP will successfully boot 2.71 firmware clocked at 333mhz.
So there you have it! This is great for getting less-choppy Flash movies. Sadly, WiFi is still broken with 333mhz.
I am guessing the reason this works is because Devhook doesn't clock it up to 333 until the point where it usually freezes. But if iR Shell already has the PSP clocked up to 333, the CPU speed isn't affected during the boot process.
lol qj will steal this guaranteed
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August 12th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
One of the editors of the official playstation mag cant justify buying a PS3:
Contrary to popular belief, editors of the Official PlayStation Magazine don't get free hardware for their own personal use. So I've been having an ongoing debate with myself about the PS3 since E3. After Kaz announced that the price would be $600, I found my enthusiasm sagging.
So ultimately, I can't justify it. $600 is a lot of money, especially when I can get what--for me at least--will be a very similar experience for $400. I would like to own a PS3, and I hope that the price drops soon so I can consider it. But until then, this Official PlayStation Magazine editor will have to join the dark side.
Looks bad for Sony if editors of the official mag cant justify a PS3
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August 13th, 2006, 01:05 Posted By: Hungry Horace
FOL has released yet another update to the PSP Amiga emulator over on www.pspuae.com - this time adding the features of 0.53 that 1.5 users have been enjoying, to those unlucky souls still using eLoader.
This update gives a speed increase in loading times, as there is now support for the Turbo Floppy Drive speed.
Please note, that using this option is less compatible than using 100% drive speed, although the majority of ADFs seem to have no problems.
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August 13th, 2006, 03:05 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK amongst the many online stores i check seem to be the cheapest at the moment with the Ceramic White PSP selling for $189.99 which is £100.
Ill keep looking for even cheaper new consoles.
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August 13th, 2006, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
KingMax posted this press release:
Kingmax Multi-function microSD Card for Easy All-In-One Digital Enjoyment

Memory card specifications supported by digital products today vary ¡V digital cameras mainly use SD, mobile phones use microSD, while Sony products only support Memory Stick. Now, Kingmax is offering the new multi-function microSD card to resolve this dilemma.
Kingmax's Multi-function microSD card consists of three parts, microSD, SD Adapter and MS Pro Duo Adapter. When paired with SD Adapter, it is fully compatible with all digital products that can SD cards. And when paired with MS Pro Duo Adapter can be used on all products supporting Sony Memory Pro Duo. Meeting these different specifications, the Kingmax Multi-function microSD card is truly "multifunctional". It can also be used in microSD mobile phones, SD digital cameras/PDAs, PSP game consoles and Sony DC/DV/mobile phones for ultimate digital enjoyment.
microSD is now the mainstream technology specification for next-generation mobile phone memory cards. According to assessments by most research organizations, of all the card phones sold in 2005, 29.5% were for microSD memory card phones. This figure has continued to rise, reaching approximately 45% market share for the first half of 2006. However, the microSD's advantage in size represents a towering technical barrier for many producers. In fact, only a few companies in the world are capable of mass producing large-capacity microSD memory cards, which require advanced packaging and stacking technology. Kingmax, the leading brand in memory cards, is one such company, currently supplying 512MB microSD utilizing cutting-edge SLC to ensure high speed, power saving and long lifespan. Furthermore, Kingmax's proprietary patented PIP technology enables its microSD products to be completely waterproof, shock/fold-resistant, and heat-resistant for greater product longevity.
Kingmax's highly sophisticated technological prowess brings today's hottest memory card ¡V Multi-function microSD, to most digital platforms, including Sony, providing you with more digital entertainment options!
Neat eh
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August 13th, 2006, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
Train2335 has released a new UMD loader for the PSP, heres the release details:
2.6 Train-Umd loader by Train2335 based off work by 0okm, hitchhikr and Humma Kavula.
This is just a application that loads the UMD that is in your UMD slot through eloader via GTA. It is incapable of loading isos (Good thing too)
at the moment and problay will be for a long while ;-).
Place the TrUmd folder in PSP/GAME/
Load Grand Theft Auto
Run Eloader
Select TrUmd and run it
Press X and load UMD
As of right now I am unsure if you can swap UMDs since I only have GTA :-(. I wouldn't see why you couldn't swap UMDs, but ya know Sony can be wierd sometimes ;-).
It loads the UMD by:
I have not released the source code yet as I don't see the need, it is quite easy to redupilcate this ;-). But if you get me at MSN - train2335@yahoo.com
I will give you the source(only if I think you need it)....
Thanks to Dark_Alex, Humma Kavula, hitchhikr, SonyXteam, Fanjita, Ditlew, PSPDEV, and everyone else that made this possible!
Special thanks to Mathieulh and 0okm!
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August 13th, 2006, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure im not the only one who has noticed it but since Sony went after Devhook there has been a slow down in releases for the PSP scene, is it because of Sony or is it just the summer months or worst still is it because they have moved onto new projects or bored with the PSP.
What do you think ?
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August 13th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
danny_kay1710 has released PSPLink for the PSP which is not the same as TyRaNiD’s PSPLINK, this is a graphical interface for both USBHOSTFS & NETHOSTFS.
This program adds the option to enable or disable the server modes (WiFi/USB) easily, as well as allowing them to run at startup and change the folder that USBHOSTFS or NETHOSTFS shares to your PSP. It no longer has to be in the same folder as the applicaton.
Heres whats new etc
PSPLink v1.2:
Fully fixed the autostart problem - sorry it took two versions, had to re-arrange code and forgot to move one line!
README file has been changed around a bit, in hopes to prevent PS2NFO from distributing non-working copies of PSPLink.
PSP Link 1.1:
Fixed WiFi directory bug.
Fixed the autostart problem which would only share the default installation path upon application restart.
danny_kay1710, author of , has released another Windows tool for simplicity purposes - PSPLink v1.0,
PSPLink v1.0
Driver is included in the installation path (default = “C:\Program Files\PSPLink\Driver”)
Release Version
GUI for usbhostfs and nethostfs (System Tray based)
Startup with Windows
Choose what server to run when program starts
The folder to share doesn’t have to be in the same location as the exe.
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August 13th, 2006, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
David Rudie has released a new version of his program thats lets you use the PSP as a controller on a PC.
This basically turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows). How it works is that PPJoy provides a way to create a virtual joystick. We can then communicate with this virtual joystick as though it were a real joystick. This is accomplished by running a server in Microsoft Windows. The server just runs in the background waiting for a connection. When you start the WiFiController program on your Sony PSP it will establish a network connection over wireless using infrastructure mode. Once it establishes a connection and obtains an IP address it will connect to the server running on your PC. Once it has connected to your PC it will act just like a regular joystick.
Heres whats new:
* Rewrote some functions to clean up code more.
* Shortened all message displays by 1 second.
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August 13th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator, that supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
Heres the crappy translation:
Several problem which is reported was corrected.
If there is a problem, we request report to the bulletin board here.
It keeps correcting steadily.
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August 13th, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster

StrmnNrmn has just released the newest version of Daedalus the Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the Changes
R7 - 13 August 2006
[^] Avoid checking for interrupts in dynarec code in most situations.
[^] Optimise dynarec Load/Store instructions to avoid checking for interrupts directly.
[^] Implemented the remaining 32-bit integer instructions in the dynarec.
[^] Implemented the remaining commong load/store instructions in the dynarec.
[^] Implemented JAL/JR in dynarec.
[^] Optimised various texture cache related features.
[^] Added various known value optimisations to the dynarec engine.
[^] Link together blocks even when they exit with branch likely instructions.
[+] Added option to allow frequency of texture update checks to be reduced.
[+] Added the ability to configure buttons
[!] Fixed a couple of compatibility issues caused by the dynarec.
[!] Fixed a couple of issues related to self-modifying code and the dynarec.
[!] Fixed issues with the framerate counter flickering.
Heres more news of this release
The main emphasis has been on improving the framerate of as many roms as possible, but I've also made some significant fixes to the dynarec engine which should improve compatibility for a few roms where this was causing problems before.
There are two settings you should be aware of if you're looking at getting the fastest possible framerate. The first is on the global settings page (that's the one you see on the main menu as soon as you boot up). You'll want to set 'Tesselate Large Triangles' to No here. The next option that helps boost the framerate is set 'Texture Update Check' to Disabled on the Rom Settings screen. A combination of these two options give a significant speedup in various roms.
In R7 I've also added the ability to define your own custom controller configurations. You can define a new controller mapping by adding a new .ini file to the Daedalus/ControllerConfigs directory. There are a few examples in there already, and I'll look at posting a brief tutorial up here sometime soon. If you come up with a new mapping you think would be useful then email me (my address is in the readme.txt) and I'll post it up here and add it to a later release.
I think R8 is going to continue to focus on improving the framerate. I still have a lot of optimisations I want to get in, and I think these will help improve the framerate even further. I also want to spend a little time improving the front end, as it's getting harder for me to add new settings and options in there. I also want to add an option for changing some of the settings while a rom is running (i.e. I think it's time we had an in-game menu.) Another thing I'll look at for R8 is saving settings between runs of the emulator - this way Daedalus will remember which controller setup you prefer for each rom. Finally I want to add an option to quit back to the main menu without having to restart Daedalus.
Phew! That's quite a big list. I can't guarantee I'll be able to add all that for the next release, but that's what I'm currently aiming for. I think it's more important to try and release regularly (i.e. every 3-4 weeks) rather than try and cram everything into one go, so some of these features might move back to R9 if I slip behind.
My first job though is to move my development environment over from my old PC to the new 'beast'. I've had to put this release together through a Remote Desktop Connection to the old PC and I can't bear to do that any longer. It'll probably take a few days to get everything set up on the new PC, but it should be a lot less painful in the long run
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Hehe we are that fast we even beat the author to posting news and easily beat the competition
Check out our Daedalus Compatibility List and add your findings.
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August 13th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster

Kojima has posted a new version of his 3D Engine for the PSP, heres whats new:
Some of the new features/improvements include,
-Infinitely faster animation system. Optimized to the absolute brink, the previous demo which ran at 21fps now runs at over 60fps (How much over is hard to tell, with the psp's 60fps hw limit)
So now you can realistically use animated meshes within your app game.
-Single Surface Particle system.
What this is, is basically a particle system where each particle is part of a single surface that is generated each frame(In an optimized manner so it's fast) which means even if you have a 1000 particles, they are all rendered in one call to glDrawElements. All particles are automatically pointed towards the active camera, and can be textured.
Usage is very simple.
-3D Text
The font renderer can now produced 3d text and return them as an entity usable just like any other mesh.
i.e you can rotate/scale/position them anywere in your 3d world.
Like the font renderer, it uses the active font as the texture for the text.
-Material Blend modes.
Now each material has a blend mode that specifies how it is blended in with the screen.
Currently supported is Mask which treats transparant pixels as see through even on 3d meshes. perfect for fences/windows etc. Allowing you to use simple geo with complex shapes.
Also supported is Solid and Add.
-3D Credit system
USing the 3d text engine, this allows you to create a rolling credit(I.e the ending of a movie/game not credit as in score) demo.
The demo included within the code uses all of this to produce a star wars like intro. It looks for a music file called theme1. i use the actual star wars theme personally but for legal reasons I can't include it.
Plus other bugfixes/improvements too numerous to mention.
On the next episode of Arrested Development, Tobias invents linepicking, tform code and collision support.
And gob returns a dead duck..
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August 14th, 2006, 03:12 Posted By: DPyro
From what I can understand, these are videos of an early PSXP alpha version, running two different PD (Public Domain) roms. Between the two videos PSXP runs from 29-59FPS. Also, it is not optimised quite yet to take full advantage of the PSP. I'm not sure what he's saying in the videos, so if someone can speak french could you please translate this for us. 
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August 14th, 2006, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Every time we see pictures of this game, we can't help but be in awe. And, with this latest batch of screenshots to come about, Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed for the PlayStation 3 is looking sweeter and sweeter.
Let's just hope the final gameplay turns out to be as solid as these pictures appear when the game finally ships next year. Check after the break for more of these beauties.
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August 14th, 2006, 07:40 Posted By: wraggster
Over at Gamevideos .com they have a video thats done in a GTA style but instead of beating people up etc, the main charactar actually pays for his drink and gives a granny back her stolen handbag.
Video Here
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August 14th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: nonarKitten
As posted on Gizmodo today, Microsoft will be making development on the XBox 360 available to just-about-anyone for a small subscription fee, as well as being able to play other homebrew developers' creations.
This is in stark contrast to Sony who since the inception of it's ill fated PSP has done everything possible to stifle homebrew development in the name of defending against piracy. Ironically, considering it has failed as a movie and portable media player and is falling ever further behind the Nintendo DS in games, perhaps Sony's destroying the last market interested in the PSP.
When consoles have existed solely ON the basis of homebrew development (the GP32 and it's successor) and have done moderately well with only a fraction of Sony's marketing muscle, it's a wonder if Sony is simply being paranoid about piracy, and denying one of the most original and creative sources of software and game development?
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August 14th, 2006, 18:35 Posted By: wraggster
New details on Rockstar's playground actioner Bully have emerged, courtesy of an article appearing on MTV.com.
Revealed in the article is Bully's pro-nerd gameplay, which has you performing tasks for the four 'non-bully' factions in Bullworth Academy, the fictional school where the game takes place.
The nerds, preppies, jocks and greasers will all need your help combating Bullworth's teenage hoodlums, after which you'll gain brownie points with their faction and they'll help you out around campus, rugby-tackling your foes and hopefully performing a 'bundle' or too.
Other missions put you in school lessons, managing beakers in chemistry class and other education-related tomfoolery in English and Gym (or 'P.E.', to use its proper name). There's also a GTA-style 'alert level', which lands you in the principle's office if you skip too many lessons or start playground fights. The latter half of the game will also apparently give you access to the nearby town.
MTV goes on to report that the game features no guns whatsoever, instead opting for innocent fire crackers and bags of marbles as its weapons of choice. Also, no-doubt to the delight of our female readers, lady-focussed violence has also been outlawed in Bully. According to the article, if you try to grab a girl in the game "she kicks you in the nuts." That never happened to us in school.
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August 14th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Gamesindustry
Following the emergence of rumours that a PSP price cut is imminent, a Sony representative has told GamesIndustry.biz that there are no plans to reduce the cost of the handheld at present.
The suggestion of a PSP price cut initially came from industry analyst P.J. McNealy, who told CNN Money: "There is a price cut coming in the second half of the year."
According to McNealy, the PSP "has lost momentum. Nintendo has had a great run since it launched the DS Lite and Sony needs to regain some ground." He believes that Sony will slash the price of the handheld in the US from US$199 to US$149 - bringing it closer to the DS price point of US$129.
But a Sony UK spokesperson told GI.biz: "Currently we have no plans to cut the price of the PSP at this time."
It's more likely that Sony will cut the price of the PlayStation 2, as predicted by other industry analysts. The console currently retails with an RRP of GBP 104.99 in the UK, but many retailers are already cutting the price to below the magic GBP 100 mark - and it's thought that Sony could well follow suit with an official price reduction in time for Christmas.
Ahh well, bleed us dry a bit more eh Sony
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August 14th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
Here at Kotaku, we're size queens. Bigger means better. (Unless, it's small and cool.) So when we saw this giant PSP display promoting Tekken at a Korean bus stop, we swooned and fainted. This 15:1 scale, non-playable portable, was encased in class around the Han River area in Seoul. Hit the jump for a pic of the folks flocking to this bus stop. More of this please, Sony and less of the stupid!
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August 14th, 2006, 19:12 Posted By: wraggster
News from Ipher
We're gonna see if this PCSX2 WIP is ready for prime-time. No plugin pack, but 5 differant versions of PCSX2 (release, public release, TLB release, debug, and TLB debug) instead. Post comments in the new forums.
8/12/06 (changes since 0.9.1)
Fixes for SSE only CPUs [zerofrog]
More work towards non SSE/SSE2 support [zerofrog]
vc2k5 now compiles (thanks christoph_von_wittich!) [zerofrog]
small SuperVU rec crash mmi op for AthlonXP CPUs [zerofrog]
mtgs not doesn't crash on gs local->host transfers for gsdx (RetainSoftware) [zerofrog]
Unknown change to x86/iVU1micro.c [refractionpcsx2]
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August 14th, 2006, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
TyRaNiD posted this news/release:
Here is a mini fire demo I wrote, to prove that ASM coding isn't dead yet and to show roughly how low you can go with a valid PSP executable (671 bytes). It aint exactly a great fire demo but it is small Source included of course.
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August 14th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via GTAPortable.com
Small details about Vice City Stories came in today from Germany, that's been published in a magazine called Play. German fan site GTAReactor has the news. Some details are new, and other's have been revealed before. Here are the interesting bits:
• Character customization is not as extensive as San Andreas (change hair-style, buy new outfits, go to gym etc.). Changing outfits - similar to - LCS will be in the game however.
• The magazine also confirms that there's no vehicle customization.
• Players will once again be able to manually target with their weapons.
As we heard before, the multiplayer feature will be the same as that of Liberty City Stories. It also spoke about the technical improvements, such as more vehicles and pedestrians being on screen, and characters being more detailed with a higher polygon count. There's no scans or screenshots available as of yet, but if we get them we'll post them right here.
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August 15th, 2006, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
News from Arguru/PSP3D
Arguru and PSP 3D have just released a new GameBoy/GameBoy Color homebrew emulator for PSP. Dubbed SpiceBoy, the emulator offers full speed FPS emulation of all GB/GBC ROMs. Though parts of the emulator were taken from InfoBOY, a Win32 GB/GBC emulator, most of the project has been handcoded/tweaked from the original project, and offers emulation as well as Homer's RIN (considering it's the first release, R0 (Release 0), coded in under a day).
A few things to note about SpiceBoy R0 are:
- There's no browser (user manually would have to replace: rom.gb).
- Sound is not synced with emulation properly.
- No savestates.
Other than that, SpiceBoy is a full-fledge, full speed GB/GBC emulator, and rest assured that a new version will be release shortly with a ROM browser, correctly synced sound, and possibly, savestates and multiplayer. Consider this a pre-mature, but working, release; it's a heck of a great job for one day's worth of work.
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August 15th, 2006, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Danny_kay1710 has released a new version of his PSP Link program for the PSP(for devs)
PSPLink v1.3 changelog:
Added PimpStreamer server support. Enable it on the system tray icon
Added Wi-Fi Controller server support. Enable it on the system tray icon
Because WifiController Host closes automatically when not properly configured, a test button has been added to the settings menu. This will run the host without hiding it giving you chance to see if it stays open (meaning it is properly set up) or if it closes straight away (needs more configuration!)
Now can start PimpStreamer or Wi-Fi controller with PSPLink (PimpStreamer will start minimised when started at program start) This means that effectively you can make PimpStreamer run as Windows starts along with wifi controller through PSPLink
The setup no longer installs any readme’s
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August 15th, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Waterbottle has released a new game for the PSP:
Petals around the rose is a puzzle, You roll 5 normal dices (Any other amount of dices would also work) and get the question, How many petals are there around the rose?
There is always one correct answer to this question and the answer depends on what the dices show. To find the solution you only need some simple math knowledge and a creaive mind. It's said that the smarter you are the longer time you will use to solve this puzzle.
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via waterbottle
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August 15th, 2006, 06:10 Posted By: Art
Hi Guys,
New site and download area is up & running:
X-Flash V14 has a few new fixes and features, check it out 
- Detection of iR Shell.
No possibility of launching X-Flash from within iR Shell.
Sorry, this is required. You can currently (Kerrang Build 5)
play mp3s which access the memory stick all the time.
- Signature check on data section of the X-Flash program file
to prevent replacing/tampering of the program's built in files.
- Slightly relaxed free RAM rule implemented in the last version.
(detect free RAM function by MPH).
- Centered "Hello Nickname" welcome screen for everybody.
nickupto25characterslongifthepspsuppor (Yes it does).
- Added "Memory Stick" string to the XMB menu editor.
This can now be changed to anything like the other labels.
- Added five new X-Flash menu colour themes.
- Added a few more ASCII GUI effects and fixes.
- Detection of stuck down HOME, SELECT, and START buttons
at startup. For people who have broken front buttons on their
PSP, those buttons will be disabled independently, for everyone
else, their operation is faster than the current version.
- Fixed message that says "Apply Custom XMB Labels"
when using Auto Restore. it now says "Restore Default Labels".
Cheers, Art.
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August 15th, 2006, 10:02 Posted By: b8a
NJ has once again updated his CPS2 emulator, this time to test version 5. Quite a bit has changed in this version, so see the translated release notes from his site for the details:
CAPCOM CPS2 Emulator for PSP (test ver.5)
CAPCOM CPS2 Emulator test ver.5 binary Download
Since I've pretty much finalized the cache file specification, I plan to make the next release an alpha version.
What's Changed (test ver.5)
There's quite a few things that have changed.
Since I've made a few large changes, some new problems will probably crop up.
If you're having problems, please use test 3 or test 4.
-Changed the cache file specification. Since there isn't any compatibility with the cache files up until now, it'll be necessary to remake all of your cache files.
Thanks to this change, Memory Stick reading for the games below only occurs when loading the game.
ecofghtr / avsp / sfa / 19xx / megaman2 / qndream / spf2t / csclub / mpangj / pzloop2j
-Due to development circumstances, I've implemented save state. Since I'm thinking that there will be frequent changes to the specification before this becomes the official version, basically you should assume that save state compatibility will be lost each time this is updated.
-Fixed it so that it won't freeze on sleep.
-Fixed it so that ssf2t is read as the parent cache file for ssf2t and it's clone sets.
-Changed the palette processing. I'm now going to determine whether or not this works correctly.
-Change the initial sound sample rate value to 22050Hz.
-Rewrote the sprite management processing.
Although only slightly, I think the speed of shooting and side-scrolling action games has either improved or stabilized.
Conversely, for later, larger fighting games that frequently access the file , the speed has probably dropped. (The priority level for these types of games is very low, so I don't envision there will be any improvements from here on. Simply put, it's physically impossible to make them faster.)
-Made huge changes to the sprite drawing process.
Problems with the sprite mask drawing processing and priority in the following games has been fixed. (Even though I'm performing the drawing so as to not make the speed drop as much as possible, since the drawing is more complicated than usual, there are instances where the speed drops somewhat on such screens.)
csclub: Spot process of CAPCOM's logo directly after loading
ssf2t: Some of the character's continue screens
dimahoo: The ninja Tatumaki's shadow as well as all of the ending
gigawing: The Betting font, as well as all of the tanks and the BG's priority
progear: The second form of the third stage boss
ddsom: Stage 3-A on the heavy war cart where just the elf's sword and shield's priority is funny
If drawing problems occur other than those mentioned above, I'd appreciate it if you could report them using the bug report uploader (As far as it's usage, please refer to the information at the link. This is being tested) ---------------------------------------------------------
Checking sprite data one by one'll make your shoulders stiff and your eyes hurt, it's just too tough.
I'm not young anymore so this kind of work is hard on me.
From here on, I'll just work on those that are reported, or so I say, but if I find any I'm just going to want to fix them.
And, the portions of the readme that have changed:
State of progress
CPU: Finished
Video: The sprite drawing process are still unfinished(?)
Sound: Finished
Input: The analog input in puzzloop2 is not supported yet
Firstly, please regard the speed as something that's not going to get any better.
The PSP simply doesn't have the ability (VRAM, memory, CPU processing power: all of them).
Vampire Hunter and the likes is one thing, but in games like MVC where the screen changes that frequently, no matter how you think about it, speeding it up would be impossible.
There is still a chance, however, that the sense of speed will slightly go up with VRAM partitioning and memory cache optimization.
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August 15th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: kersplatty
The programmers behind the PSOne emulator PSXP have released a screenshot of Tekken 2 running on the PSP, the game runs at 10fps but thats without dynarec and optimisations so theres a lot of room for improvement. thanks to www.maxconsole.net for the news
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Will Sony be watching these developments?
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August 15th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
News via CVG
EA is bringing a number of golden oldie classics from its back catalogue to PSP, if e-tailers are to be believed.
Product EA Replay is currently listed on EBGames, GameStop and, closer to home, Play.com, and according to the former two companies the retro compilation features 14 games including the likes of Desert Strike, Syndicate, Road Rash and Wing Commander. It's additionally mentioned on EBGames and GameStop that a number of the titles in the pack boast multiplayer head-to-head modes.
Both EB Games and GameStop reckon the compilation will release in the US on October 3, while Play.com lists EA Replay as a November 20 release.
We have, of course, attempted to contact EA's UK arm for confirmation/denial on EA Replay, but the company wasn't available for comment at the time of writing. So, without official word on the product from the publisher, we'll just have to take the whole caboodle as rumour for now. We will, however, let you know if we hear anything concrete from official channels.
Great to see some great games to appear on the PSP
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August 15th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
Guitar Hero II will make its first public appearance in Europe on August 22nd at the Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival.
It's going all the way to 11, in fact - 11am anyway, when it'll start screening at the Odeon, Lothian Road, for an hour.
There'll be an opportunity to see, hear and even try the new multiplayer modes which split the game between rhythm, lead and bass guitar parts - with two tracks per song - and having had a chance to dabble in this ourselves at E3 we can say that it certainly doesn't dilute the impact of each strain.
If you fancy heading along to the event in Edinburgh, you should bear in mind that tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis by Gamestation stores in Scotland, with a limited allocation available on the day.
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August 15th, 2006, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gamestop
The Retail Radar picked up on a listing for an Electronic Arts retro compilation earlier today, but there are a few more incoming bogies to mention, with plenty of activity on the PSP front, and some news for owners of other systems as well.
First off, GameStop has a couple new listings for previously unheard of versions of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas. Only the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game have been announced officially, but it looks like Ubisoft hasn't forgotten the current gen consoles or portable gamers just yet, as GameStop is also soliciting pre-orders for PSP and PlayStation 2 editions of the game.
Product pages have also sprung up on GameStop for a couple more unannounced PSP games. Later this year, the retailer expects to receive shipments of M.A.C.H. from Vivendi Games, and Rocky 6 from Ubisoft. There's very little information on the site about either M.A.C.H. (which shares the name of an obscure Commodore 64 action game) or Rocky 6 (presumably based on the upcoming sequel to the big-screen boxing franchise).
In other PSP blips, Namco Bandai's Warhammer WarCry card battling game apparently has a subtitle now, as GameStop is calling it "Warhammer WaCry [sic]: Battle for Atluma." According to the product page, the game will feature more than 450 cards to collect, wireless multiplayer, the ability to build a custom deck from more than 90 different units, and a thorough tutorial mode.
Also, GameStop isn't expecting the PSP to see Gran Turismo arrive on the portable until 2007. The game's last official release projection date was simply 2006, although that was only announced for Japan. In 2004, Gran Turismo 4 Mobile was among the first wave of games announced for the portable, but it hasn't caused much of a stir since, being noticeably absent from the last two Electronic Entertainment Expos.
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August 15th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Publishers like Capcom, Sega, Midway, Taito, and Namco have been offering retro-themed compilations for years on a variety of platforms. However, the biggest third-party publisher of them all, Electronic Arts, has generally shied away from the practice, other than a few offerings such as the recent Command & Conquer: The First Decade collection.
That might be changing, if a new GameStop product listing is accurate. According to the retailer, Electronic Arts is jumping into the retro trend headfirst with EA Replay for the PSP. Slated for release October 3 with a price tag of $29.99, the compilation will let players relive 14 of the publisher's back-catalog offerings, including fondly remembered hits like Syndicate, Ultima VII: The Black Gate, Road Rash, Wing Commander, and Jungle Strike. Some of the games will support head-to-head multiplayer action, all will be playable in widescreen or normal views, and all of them will allow players to save their games at any time. The site even says it will include unlockable game art.
The full list of games listed for the compilation is included below, along with their first release dates and systems. Given the difficulties inherent in porting a keyboard-and-mouse control scheme to PSP, it is likely that the compilation would feature shrunken-down versions of the games' console versions, so those are the dates and systems given below.
B.O.B.--1993--SNES and Genesis
Desert Strike--1993--SNES and Genesis
Jungle Strike--1993--SNES and Genesis
Haunting Starring Polterguy--1993--Genesis
Mutant League Football--1993--Genesis
Road Rash--1992--Genesis, later on 3DO
Road Rash II--1993--Genesis
Road Rash III--1995--Genesis
Syndicate--1995--SNES, 3DO, Jaguar
Ultima: The Black Gate--1994--SNES
Virtual Pinball--1993--Genesis
Wing Commander--1993--SNES
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions--1993--SNES
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August 15th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: wraggster
Paramount Pictures will set a milestone on October 30, simultaneously releasing Mission: Impossible III on HD DVD, Blu-ray and DVD. The HD DVD and Blu-ray versions will be in 1080p resolution with 5.1 Dolby Digital Plus surround sound. Analysts are saying we should expect to see the other studios following suit, launching new titles in every imaginable format. Of course, Universal will be missing out on all the fun, at least for now, since it's the only studio that's not shipping Blu-ray titles.
The big news will be when one disc player will be able to play all three releases, or when there is a DVD-compliant copy of the movie on one side of a disc, and an HD DVD or Blu-ray version on the other side. Meanwhile, the release of Blu-ray and HD DVD players and content figuratively mosey out onto the world stage to the sound of one hand clapping.
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August 15th, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Via Mercury News
This is a little preview of Loco Roco from my nine-year-old. She tried out the first level of the game.
By Tanya Takahashi
In Loco Roco, you are a planet located in a far away galaxy. On you live little creatures called Loco Roco. One day, while you were taking a nap, disaster struck! Creatures from outer space came and started eating the Loco Roco! Help them get away by rolling left and right to avoid Mojas (creatures from outer space) and collect the fruits to grow. It's 2D graphics and the guy you are trying to help is a hairy little yellow ball with antennae. You control it with the left and right buttons, which tilt the game world one way or another. You jump by holding both at the same time. This game is for younger kids such as five- or six-year-olds. Older kids might not like it. The music is for two- or three-year-olds. It gets annoying with the baby singing. If you beat the level, you get a prize. I haven't beaten the whole level yet so I don't know what the prize is. I'd give this game a one out of four star rating.
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August 15th, 2006, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
PS2 gangster 'em-up Yakuza has been earning quite a few plaudits in the CVG office, even before its official release next month with our pundits describing it as a ultra-violent free roaming action adventure with some funky tattoos. "Think Shenmue with gameplay or something that evokes the spirit of a next-gen Double Dragon" says our highly impressed Yakuza expert, before ordering himself a fresh tattoo.
So double good news today for potential Yakuza fans, with the launch of not only an official web site for the game, wherein you'll be able to find screens and info and view episodic teaser trailers building up to release on Sept 15.
Anyway, it seems even before the game hits shelves here, Toshihiro Nagoshi, the mastermind behind Yakuza is already plotting Yakuza part deux, telling Japanese TV that he would welcome making a sequel but mysteriously adding - with a hint of gangster-ish laughter - that for the moment he could say no more.
Seems the code of Omerta has silenced Nagoshi-san (or perhaps he's being stalked by a giant spiky blue Sega 'enforcer') before he could reveal any more, but if our Yakuza pundit is right, then it's all around good news for gamers looking for something just that little bit different from your average gangster game. We'll have more, as it arrives.
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August 15th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot
Sega has one of the most recognizable names in the industry and a library of famous franchises that include Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, After Burner, Altered Beast, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, Golden Axe, and dozens more. A number of those games will be included in the recently announced Sega Genesis Collection later this year, but the venerable publisher isn't stopping at merely reproducing some of its classics; it's looking to revitalize them as well.
Sega today announced that it has enlisted San Francisco-based developer Planet Moon to bring one of its "vintage brands" back to life in a new game for the PlayStation Portable. It will be the developer's first time working with an established intellectual property. It has previously produced Infected for the PSP, Giants: Citizen Kabuto for the PC, and Armed & Dangerous for the Xbox and PC.
Planet Moon isn't the only developer bringing an old Sega franchise to the PSP. Totally Games, developer of the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series of PC space combat flight sims, is currently working on an action game based on one of the publisher's IPs. While the developer has a lengthy track record with flight sims, it is promising "something new" for its fans. Also, at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Sega announced that it was enlisting its recently acquired studio Secret Level to handle the upcoming Golden Axe revamp on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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August 15th, 2006, 22:43 Posted By: steven1980cad
Scorch Land Version 03 by Steven1980CAD
This is my first Lua program based on the amiga game scorch tanks.
3 weapons at the moment.
explosion - The strongest weapon ut small blast range
dirtball - Adds ground into the blast range
crator - Large blast but not very strong
This is a first issue, I intend on getting the graphics and gameplay a lot better by introducing a scoring system so you can buy better weapons etc.
I know the program is very messy at the moment but it works!
Hope you like it.
Controls -
Dpad - Up / Down adjust power.
Dpad - left / right adjust angle.
Shoulder Keys - change weapon.
Be paitent it takes some time to load the land into memory.
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August 15th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator for the PSP, that supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
and now it also supports
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Cant tell you any more than that.
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August 15th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster

Soulkiller posted this news/release:
Well I've decided I'm going to take a 1 month brake from my game, so I figure I'll just release the alpha now. Remeber this is an early build of FRAG (First Response Armegeddon Generation) so lots of stuff are missing that are going to be in the final, I have put lots of my time and effort into this, so I'm taking a break. The game really speaks for itself so here's some screenshots and at the bottem a download link (make sure you read the readme).
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August 15th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has opened a new store in the UK for PSP Downloads, at the moment it features downloads of demos of Locoroco, World Tour Soccer 2006 and Lemmings and a Short Paris Film.
Is this Sony gearing up for the release of its PSOne emulator/games, i personally think so, looks like they are getting ready for it, am i right or wrong?
Tell me your views 
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August 16th, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: mexicansnake
PSPirates v2:
Coder: MexicanSnake
Artist, Modder: Deanaw22
Main menu - Circle/select
Difficulty menu - Cross/Select
In Game - Cross/Fire
This is the latest release of pspirates with a fiew small but effective updates
which im sure you guys will all appreciate untill the next release. Our first update
would be the difficulty select which gives you the option out of an easy, medium
or hard game against the computer. Our second update would be modifications made by mex to
the credits section. Our final update to pspirates can be spotted whilst playing in-game, now
each time a cannon ball is fired a small flame can be spotted at the tip of each cannon
which provides a bit more detail to the game.
In future releases you can expect online play and a fiew other plesent features which we cant
release information on at this moment in time.
If you enjoyed the game or you have any ideas that you think could help pspirates to become
more enjoyable game please contact mexicansnake via pm.

Keep pushing that button!!!!!!!!! .
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August 16th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
taichi1082 has posted a new game for the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the details:
<<<< Escape - A Point and click game for PSP >>>>
<< The Code >>
I wrote this game, one month ago. It was my first
Lua Game. When i think back, i recognize that i could
have done something much better. But... But i dont
want to \^o^/
<< Zum Game >>
You have to escape from some rooms. Nothing Else
<< Contact me >>
<< Thanks fly out to... >>
Ck2k for the mouse script
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August 16th, 2006, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
SaulotMalo has posted a new release for the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the details:
This game is developed by using 3d but it is played in a 2d map, i choose this type of enviroment
because it is my first game and i could use the 3d space as a matrix. First of all i've developed
several libraries in order to do the game, one for the audio, one for loading textures, one for
loading bitmaps fonts and one for the md2 model this one has been inproved several times because
the psp was alot slow in the last version the mesh is drawed by using fan & strip commands. I'll
release this libraries by the day 20 in order to any one be able to write fast code in 3d programming
in psp. ( i think this would be a plus score  just jocking ).
The main objective of the game is to get all the stars of each stage without getting catch by the
enemies. If you're touched by an enemy you'll start from the first stage and with a score of 0 points
( thats not good  ).
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August 16th, 2006, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSP3D
Arguru and Robert A. have just released a new version of the SpiceBoy GameBoy/GameBoy Color homebrew emulator for PSP. The emulator offers full speed FPS emulation of all GB/GBC ROMs, based off of some code from InfoBOY, a Win32 GB/GBC emulator, but mostly handcoded, offering emulation as well as Homer's RIN (considering it's the second release, R2 (Release 2), updated in under a day). This brings the entire project's code time to be under 2 days, in fact, only a few hours, as the new update only took an hour to fix! Great work, talk about fast coding!
New features/fixes in SpiceBoy R2 include:
- Major GameBoy Color ROM color glitch fixed.
- Basic ROM browser added.
- Some fixing of audio glitches.
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August 16th, 2006, 02:09 Posted By: wraggster

Someone has uploaded a Video of the rather adult themed PSP Games series called Finder Love. Check out the Video .
Wow upon doing some research i came across quite a few of these "games":
Finder Love: Fumina Hara
Finder Love: Aki Hoshino
Finder Love: Risa Kudo
More info
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August 16th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: wraggster
Megaman has released a new version of the Megadrive emulator for the PS2 that can support loading via USB Sticks.
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August 16th, 2006, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Megaman has released a new version of the Snes emulator for the PS2 that can support loading via USB Sticks and memory cards.
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August 16th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai Games America announced the next game in their acclaimed motorcycle racing series, MotoGP, will arrive on Sony's PSP.
MotoGP boasts a new roster for 2005 including famous motorcyclists Valentino Rossi, Marco Melandri, Nick Hayden, Troy Bayliss, Carlos Checa, Alex Barros, and Shinya Nakano. This title will also feature head-to-head time trials, arcade races, one-on-one, and wireless multiplayer mode for up to eight players.
MotoGP on PSP plans to ship to North America fall 2006.
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August 16th, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v1.0
Heres the funky translation:
ver1.2 release ○ wallpaper performance was added. When either wallpaper.bmp, wallpaper.jpg or wallpaper.png is arranged in the same position as EBOOT.PBP, when starting you use as the wallpaper.
○ picture viewer wallpaper retention performance was added. During picture indicating when the START+△ button is pushed, it retains in the same position as EBOOT.PBP the picture which is in the midst of indicating as a wallpaper file wallpaper.bmp.
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August 16th, 2006, 06:15 Posted By: gslop
Indian Cheese's popular ICP Phlash Portal ver. 2.1 is here!
(For those people that are unfamilar with ICP Plash Portal it is the best phlash portal out there for firmware 2.70+)
Now you can download it here instead of using the Network Portal Update for people that didn't work for, like me.
This is a little update including...
- click noises
- new added link
- and more bug fixes
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August 16th, 2006, 10:12 Posted By: motz
KaotiK DesignZ have released the Anniversary Edition of their html web portal, X5. Here is an overview of the features:
"Aqua" and "Dark Aqua" look.
Contains 10 applications including "Address Book", and "System Preferences".
Custom user desktop pictures.
Exclusive online media downloads.
Over 65 links ranging from "Email", to "Travel".
Standard 12 hour digital clock.
Sony PSP™ (PlayStation® Portable) exclusive.
Zero error source code.
For those of you who regularly download X5, the dissapointing news is, this is the last ever version.
via X5
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August 16th, 2006, 11:56 Posted By: motz
TyRaNiD has announced another version of PSPLink, here's what he has got to say about this release:
"Okay a new psplink release, only a few changes and bug fixes in this one.
Few disasm bugs fixed
Added a sysstat command to print things like number of clock cycles spent in the idle thread
Added a psplink.ini option for a startup script, by specifying this a script will be run every time psplink is reset. Superceeds the the old modload command and allows you to do anything including patching up ram
Added a uidinfo command to print some more info about a specific UID
Added a daemon mode to remotejoy
Added a few more instructions to the disasm
Added a specific hardware breakpoint command, before you had to know how the hardware debugger worked to set a hardware breakpoint
And probably some other stuff I forgot
Anyway this is my last public release of psplink I am ever going to make, I am getting sick of the association with my stuff to certain other unmentionable aspects of the PSP community and not even the name is sacred (hence v2). I might keep updating svn but dont expect a binary release again. Now time to concentrate on more important PSP matters, have fun."
Stay tuned for the release!
via PS2Dev
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August 16th, 2006, 12:09 Posted By: motz
The EX from our forums has written a detailed guide to Dark_AleX's Custom Firmware, explaining everything from installing, editing and un-installing! Great for those who are having trouble with the custom firmware or would just like to know more about what they're supposed to be doing.
You can check out the official thread here.
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August 16th, 2006, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
After a pretty successful debut on Xbox 360, Sega's Full Auto 2, subtitled Battlelines is careering straight for a future of car-wrecking automotive action on PS3 and since its number plates are currently carrying a winter 2006 release plate, we can probably expect it to launch on or around the same time Sony's console itself.
So to whet yours and our indeed own appetites for the crunching driving delights to come, we've tracked down a whole road rash of PS3 screens for the game, which actually don't look too impressive when you first view them, seeming to be largely the same scene.
Ah, but peer a little closer and you'll see that they form a splendid sequence of carnage, presumably designed to showcase Full Auto 2's even more destructible racing environments, with a large monorail given the Full Auto 2 treatment before it explodes in a welter of flames.
Flick through the screens fast enough and you can make your own Full Auto 2 animation! Top stuff indeed and it'll be full doses of auto-destruction all around come Full Auto 2's debut this very Christmas.
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August 16th, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
Like most Sonic games these days, Sega's spiky blue mascot doesn't make much of an appearance in these new Sonic Rivals screens, and instead you'll have to make do with some shots of his new, psychic mate, Silver.
He's not the only colourful mammal in Sega's new side-scrolling racer, either; a cast of other Sonic characters also make an appearance including old pal Knuckles and that angsty gun-toting fellow, Shadow. Over and above the vanilla single-player offering, 'Rivals also sports some kind of trading-card 'reward system', which lets you customise your characters and bet cards on wireless multiplayer bouts.
We'll let you know how Rivals turns out when it spin-dashes onto PSP in the autumn.
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August 16th, 2006, 17:28 Posted By: wraggster
Well, they missed their June launch plans by a couple of months, but Sony has finally managed to ship their 50GB Blu-ray discs to a doting public. Just as expected, the discs are going for that $48 slap-in-the-face of a pricetag, and you'll still be better off buying a pair of 25 giggers, or a few DVDs if you're looking for price-per-gigabyte. But if you've gotsa have the latest and greatest, or just would like to find something nifty to do with that new Blu-ray drive of yours, it doesn't get much hotter than 2x 50GB discs with AccuCORE protection. Sony is still promising rewriteables for later in the year -- these discs are just write-once -- and we're guessing prices won't stay so lethal forever.
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August 16th, 2006, 18:17 Posted By: wraggster
E has released a new version of his Multi Console Emulator for the PSP, that supports
PC Engine
Famicom (NES)
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Heres the translated whats new:
Bug was corrected a little.
[1] [kikonhuigu] of SMS
[2] During CDROM2 correcting because (it does not move, without moving, don't you think?)
[3] The sound of WonderSwan was reset fix2 suitably.
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August 16th, 2006, 18:40 Posted By: ACID
SCEJ has introduced a line of adult goods in Japan under the label Playstation Signature. The new line of goods, ranging in price from approximately $20 to $650, it includes the items listed below. There has yet to be any word from Sony regarding the line becoming available elsewhere.
+ Remote Control/Headphones for the PSP
+ PSP Stand
+ PSP Pouch
+ Wristwatch
+ Wallet
+ Crew Neck Knit Shirt
+ Wine Glasses
+ Wine Opener
+ Photo Frame
+ Leather Note Cover
+ Ball-point Pens
+ Emilio Pucci X Playstation Signature PSP Case
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August 16th, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Zion:
To co-incide with my newly opened dcemu forum (thanks again for giving me my own forum dcemu!  )
I have coded the final version of Z-Mix.
To refresh your memory
Z-Mix is a picture slideshow application with music,
similar to playing a song in windows media player.
This version adds a menu, allows you to choose between 2 picture and music slideshows. And is in eboot form (no need for luaplayer)
This is the final release of Z-Mix
To customise with your own pictures and music, read the instructions contained in the readme

Also Zion has a new Site and forum at DCEmu, check it all out here --> http://zion.dcemu.co.uk
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August 16th, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
Pointbat has released a new game for the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the details:
Here is my game, a lumines-like. The game is working fine and use png images (you can change them). There is no sound for the moment
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August 16th, 2006, 19:30 Posted By: wraggster
Pegasus posted this news/release:
Hi I've created a simple GUI for patch mencoder (AVC).. basically this is built for speed if you are a fan of much higher quality then i suggest using other encoders.. =) ive also added shutdown after encoding option put this together with your pmp_muxer_avc.exe and mencoder.exe
this is created using vb.net, might as well you install .net framework
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August 16th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
I meant to post this the other day but Sony have released a new content pack for this month, heres whats in it:
ATV Offroad Fury Pro Screens, Gangs of London Media, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters Media, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 Media, FlatOut™ 2 PS2 Media, Super Monkey Ball Adventure PS2 Screens and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 PS2 Media
More Info
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August 16th, 2006, 19:45 Posted By: wraggster
A new PSP Magazine for those of us who are into Bird watching but not of the feathered variety, heres the details:
Confessions of a Snake Charmer. We slither up to Snakes on a Plane’s serpent-grappling Elsa Pataky. Plus, Who’s Your Caddy? Grab your wood. Breakout starlet Diora Baird is teeing up in Hollywood. These features plus new movie reviews, campus cuties and more!
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Via Perooz
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August 16th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Grimfate126 has released a Assault homebrew game for the PSP, heres the release details:
when i released beta .1 a couple days ago, head_54us pointed out some major mistakes, so i totally rewrote the code. (most of it) and its much better (i think)
--more efficient code, thx to head_54us
-- three weapons, pistol, RPG(rocketlauncher, and flamthrower (no animation, just an image of a "flame"
-- Player 1 move the analog stick GENTLY UP (or when holding sideways, left) to change weapons, and player two presses start to change.
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August 16th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
Appleseed629 posted this news/release:
Access_Denied (aka ARza) and I (Appleseed629) have released the first version of our very own Lua program: ProgramLua! It is a portable collection of Lua programming tutorials! The first of its kind! It is a new kind of genre! This enables you to learn how to program wherever you go, whenever. There will be upcoming add-ons and expansion packs for the program, enabling you to have a text editor, and reading downloaded tutorials in the program. We will also upload new tutorials so that you can continue reading the series of tutorials. You just need to transfer it to the program.
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August 17th, 2006, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
After calling on Take-Two to prevent its upcoming PlayStation 2 game Bully from falling into anybody's hands, Florida lawyer Jack Thompson is now trying to get his own hands on it, and before anybody else at that.
Thompson filed a petition today with the 11th Judicial Circuit Court asking for Wal-Mart and Take-Two to furnish him with an advance copy of Bully so he can have "an independent third party" play the game and determine if it would constitute a public nuisance in the state of Florida (in which case it could be banned).
"If Bully is indeed safe for children's play, then petitioner will be the first to say so," Thompson said. "If it is not, then not only will the underlying action be brought sounding in Florida nuisance law, but also possibly and most likely in fraud as well."
One of Thompson's complaints centers around retailers like Wal-Mart accepting preorders for the game without age verification, because the game has yet to receive a rating.
"Is it a 'Mature' game not appropriate for anyone under 17 or is it a 'Teen' game sold to everyone," Thompson asks. "The ESRB refuses to say and appears to be withholding from the public the rating of the game in order to quell controversy for its corporate collaborator, Take-Two. ... This withholding of rating information from the public about a game that the ESRB has had for over a year is outrageous, made more so by the fact that Wal-Mart is actually pre-selling Bully with no rating whatsoever for the game, to anyone of any age!"
He added that preselling a game that hasn't been rated yet is "akin to a pharmaceutical company selling a new and controversial drug without prior FDA approval," and he accused Take-Two of instigating "a new wave of successfully orchestrated harassment" against him. So far that wave consists of a series of phone calls he received Tuesday morning from a caller who identified himself as "Peter," called him a sexual deviant, and threatened his life. Last December, a 16-year-old gamer in Texas was charged with a misdemeanor for threatening to torture and kill Thompson.
Take-Two had not returned a request for comment regarding Thompson's petition as of press time.
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August 17th, 2006, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
It's not often that a game announced for a console just three months before the system first hits the market is confirmed as a launch title, but that's exactly what happened today out of Ubisoft. The publisher is bringing its combat flight sim Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII to the PlayStation 3 as a launch title.
The game has already been released on the Xbox 360, Xbox, and the PC, and was also announced as a launch title for the Nintendo Wii. Like the Wii version, Blazing Angels on the PS3 will take advantage of the console's motion-sensing controller, letting gamers pilot their plane by moving the controller. The PS3 edition will also feature new missions, as well as support for up to 16 players online.
Currently in development by Ubisoft's Romanian studio, Blazing Angels puts gamers in the cockpit of a World War II fighter plane. Players will fly through re-creations of some of the war's most famous battles, including the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Britian.
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August 17th, 2006, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
'Street culture' is getting squished down into tons of microgames in Hot PXL, due for a PSP release in November. Have a look at this new trailer to see just how it works.
Hot PXL's compilation of microgames is themed around today's street culture of DJing, breakdancing and buying trainers, and comes across as a sort of hip Wario Ware.
The final package will have over 200 games, 10 bosses, two-player mode and an original soundtrack from our friend, French 'urban culturist', Jonathan Choquel. There's also the promise for additional downloadable content.
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August 17th, 2006, 00:45 Posted By: wraggster
As popular dance phenomena in videogames go, break-dancing exudes the sort of urban cool that's practically defined Sony's console since Rockstar's GTA III kicked off the whole gang warfare fad. Line dancing, bogling and sychronised pelvic clenching, on the other hand, don't - which is a shame, because 'Bogle-Boy' has quite a nice ring to it.
So then to Sony's B-Boy - a strange hybrid of rhythm-actioner and fighter, all wrapped up in a gritty hip-hop bow. Developed by FreeStyleGames in collaboration with noted real-life B-Boy Crazy Legs (real name, Richard Colón, hilariously enough), B-Boy puts gamers in the sneakers of a break-dancing wannabe, tasked with challenging some of the greatest B-Boys in the world.
Single-player progression occurs through the 'Livin' da Life' career mode where, from the game's hub (known as The Lab), players are free to practice their B-Bobbery, consult their movebook, take on challenges from in-game opponents or even change their streetwear. First things first though, tackling the tutorial is highly recommended - mainly because B-Boy doesn't play quite like anything that's come before.
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August 17th, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
4.022 changes:
Fixed - subtitles sync lost if trim used.
Fixed brightnes values.
VSFilter (subtitles) updated to
Rewriten logic for jobs delete and multi task encoding.
Now multi task encoding endode from up to down.
MediaInfo updated to
Added context menu for jobs.
Added Edit button. Now possible edit already added jobs.
VirtualDub updated to 1.6.16.
Added new highest quality filters for denoise and sharpen - FFT3DFilter and FFT3DGPU. Very slow, but very HQ filters. FFT3DFilter use CPU. FFT3DGPU GraphicCard and DirectX 9.0c.
Fixed pressing Edit AVS button before pressing Preview button.
Fixed sharpen value AviSynth 1.0.
Added warnings for missed dlls.
Now program compiled on stable system. It must fix possible bugs of old bad system.
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August 17th, 2006, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
With only a few weeks left to go before we kick off our annual SmackDown Countdown for WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007, the amount of available information about the game has been kept to a minimum; it's the calm before the storm, if you will. But just to whet our readers' appetites a little before we get started, THQ has granted us access to a few new tidbits of information -- namely the confirmation of a handful of new superstars and a sneak peek at the final box arts for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and the Xbox 360 (pictured).
The box art may look familiar to those of you who have been perusing online retailers over the last 24 hours, as it started to appear on select outlets sometime yesterday evening. Trivia fiends should take note: this is the fourth time in eight games that Triple H has appeared on the cover in some form or another.
But on to the more pressing question: Which superstars have been confirmed for today? "Legend Killer" Randy Orton, "The Animal" Dave Batista, and the dog-toting diva, Torrie Wilson are the newest three to join THQ's growing lineup. The addition of this trio brings the current roster count to 12, which already included Shelton Benjamin, The Undertaker, John Cena, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Johnny Nitro.
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August 17th, 2006, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Snowymydog posted this news/release:
This is my first psp coding.
Type: Puzzle <not another space invaders clone >
Joypad moves the cursor, "O" highlight the invaders and "Start" to pause game.
Actually, this is a clone of a mini-game from "New Super Mario Bros.". I love that mini-game, but I don't want to carry both the psp & ndsl while i'm out, so I wrote this game for psp. Of course, I make some amendment to make it more exciting.
I did all the coding and graphic design. Sound effects are from flashkit.com.
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August 17th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Thanks to a collaboration between Kuju and Wizards of the Coast, D&D Tactics will utilize the equivalent of 13 rule books crammed onto one UMD. According to the dev team, the title will have a more faithful adherence to the 3.5 version of D&D than any game on any game system up to this point. Apparently, a great deal of the authenticity comes from the fact that Wizards of the Coast has kept an exceptionally heavy hand and vigilant eye over the process of creating the game's dynamics, ensuring that D&D Tactics stays as close to the 3.5 rulebook as it can. In addition, this title will be the first ever D&D video game to feature a Psionics character class. Other character classes mentioned include sorcerers, dwarves, and mages. While I didn't know certain facts, such as that in 3.5, dwarves have night vision, I knew that seeing a visual representation of that made a lot of sense onscreen.
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August 17th, 2006, 02:16 Posted By: skater9269
Strmnnrmn posted this over at his blog:
Unexpected optmisations
One of the things that I find most rewarding about programming is when you discover an unexpected improvement or optimisation by accident. You can spend weeks carefully tuning and optimising code, only to stumble across a glaring inefficiency in your code which you've never spotted before. One quick change and your application is suddenly noticably faster.
In my daily job I rely heavily on debuggers and profilers to discover bottlenecks in the working on the Xbox, Microsoft provided some excellent performance analysis tools (I see they've finally released PIX for Windows). These days I tend to use AQtime as I'm PC based (it's also one of the few profilers I've found that can handle the size of our libraries at work without grinding to a shuddering halt.)
Without these kind of tools it's a lot tougher profiling on the PSP. Over the past few months I've built a number of custom profiling tools into Daedalus to help me figure out where all the time is going, but the numbers I get out tend to be quite vague, and there's usually quite a large margin of error. I think this explains why the unexpected optimisation I've just found went undiscovered for so long.
A couple of days ago I was browsing the ps2dev forums and came across this post. I was about to back out after a quick scan, when I noticed this comment from Soatome:
PeterM wrote:
but one waits for the vblank
...and that's sceCtrlReadBufferPositive (which you're using) you should use sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive instead.
That's when I realised that when Daedalus was emulating a rom, it was stalling for a frame every time the rom read the status of the pad*. In other words by changing one line of code in Daedalus from
I could get on average an instant 1fps speedup across all roms. What's more, I knew some roms read from the pad multiple times each frame, so they would see an even great speedup.
Frustratingly I had to wait a couple of days before I could try this out. As I mentioned earlier I'm in the process up moving over to a new PC, and I had just moved Perforce over but hadn't set up the pspsdk, which required Cygwin. Daedalus requires libpng and zlib so I had to download and build them too. Then I had to set up Psplink, PuTTY and a whole host of other tools. You get the picture...
Last night I finally managed to get a new build together with the updated code, and the results were every bit as good as I'd expected. In some cases I had to restart the rom just to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I know most of you just want to see some numbers, so here's a few of my observations:
Mario now runs at at steady 15fps in most places, and around 20fps indoors etc (it reaches over 35fps in the main menu, and close to 30 in some scenes.) Zelda now runs at around 8fps in game, and up to 20fps in certain places. The 'nintendo' logo at the start runs at over 90fps The MarioKart Nintendo logo now runs at 30fps, and the main menu (with the flag) runs at a solid 15fps. In game it's a comfortable 12fps. Starfox runs at around 15fps - the intro runs at 25-30fps. Quest64 runs at 20fps.
So all in all it's a pretty amazing improvement for a single-line change. Having said that, I think it would be a mistake to assume that this is an instant fix that will suddenly make everything fully-playable. Although some of the framerates I list above are excellent - faster than an native n64 even - not all roms show this improvement. Don't assume that all roms now run at 15+fps (because they don't.) There's still a lot more work to do to get from a sluggish 8fps to a more playable 15fps (in Zelda for instance). I still need to save a lot more cycles in order to support other features such as sound.
Because this change makes such a big improvement I'm going to try and get another release out sooner rather than later. I don't like releasing builds too often as I think each revision should something worthwhile, but I think this qualifies There are a couple of other optimisations I want to get in this build, so while it might be ready this weekend, sometime early next week is more likely. The new features I had planned for this build will have to wait until R9.
As always, I'll keep you posted.
*This actually reminds me of a funny story from one of the Xbox games I was working on. We were investigating a sudden slowdown that had been appeared a few days previously. Somehow I realised that the framerate doubled when you unplugged all the controllers. As it turned out someone was accidentally reinitialising the USB hub every frame, and removing the all controllers prevented this from happening.
Awesome info for Nintendo 64 Emulation Fans.
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August 17th, 2006, 07:37 Posted By: wraggster
71M has released an update to his entry in the NeoFlash 2006 Summer Competition, heres the info:
Ok, here's my final update for this competition...
Added music from Rebb (very nice!)
Updated some sound effects.
Fixed sound bug.
Added experimental control schemes, press SELECT to cycle.
Tweaked the gammon correction to make things brighter.
Added subtle trail effect.
Good luck to everyone else that's entering!
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August 17th, 2006, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft's announced that its WWII flight combat game, Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII, is winging its way to PS3 - and will be a launch title for Sony's next-gen console.
According to the publisher, the PS3 version features brand new missions, takes advantage of the machine's "unique and powerful capabilities" and additionally includes "innovative use of the PlayStation 3 controller". Oh, and there's a "heart-pounding 16-player multiplayer mode", too.
In Blazing Angels, players take to the WWII skies over Western Europe and the Pacific and dogfight it out in numerous famous air battles from the conflict. Hopefully we'll have screenshots from the PS3 version soon.
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August 17th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Platforming legend, Earthworm Jim has slipped back into his super-space cyber-suit and is preparing for another crow-blasting, cow-launching adventure on the PSP.
Freshly swiped from Atari's screenshot vault, these new PSP shots inspire plenty of nostalgia with the colourful Earthworm Jim art style that hogged our tellies back in 1995. Jim's new handheld outing keeps the series' classic side-scrolling shooting gameplay and adds new 3D backgrounds, a slew of multiplayer modes and hopefully a fresh selection of one-liners for our worm hero to blast at Sony's handheld.
Earthworm Jim is currently penned for release on PSP in March 2007, proving that there's still life left in slick handheld yet.
News and Screens at CVG
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August 17th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
We heard you last night, when you knelt down at the side of your bed in your jim-jams, hands cupped, praying for yet another rash of new God of War II screens, even though we gave you a few new ones earlier this month. You greedy little perishers...
Well, it looks like your prayers have been answered, because Sony has unleashed a couple more scenes of the forthcoming Greek mythical adventure, plus a few earlier ones that we missed before. One of the PS2's most anticipated games, it looks set to build on star Kratos' gruesome, blood-spattered journeys through worlds we'd really rather not tread. (In person, that is).
God of War II is expected to release early next year, with persistent talk of a trilogy and a (surely inevitable?) jaunt onto PS3 making us even more lip-dribbingly excited.
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August 17th, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 will eventually triumph, with Xbox 360 second and Wii a distant third - eh?
Analysts lead a pretty rarified life, lobbing predictions about the future of the gaming industry from their ivory towers, while scantily clad lovelies presumably serve them tall drinks before they make their next pronouncement on how things will turn out.
Okay we exaggerate a little for effect, but the latest predictions to float across the ether this morning come from Boston-based research Yankee Group, who have cast the runes to tell us that the PS3 will eventually triumph in North America, followed by a close running Xbox 360 - with Nintendo's Wii trailing way behind the big two - although it'll take until 2011 for it all to shake out.
Yankee say the PS3 will capture 44 percent of the US market by 2011 boasting sales of some 30 million units, with 360 snapping close at its heels with 27 million, while the Wii gallops up the rear with a little over 11 million units dispatched to happy homes over in the land of Uncle Sam.
Overall, Yankee reckons there'll be fewer consoles sold than in the current gen and also predicts that digital distribution will become increasingly important. But a little closer to our own time zone, it also says MS will be in a good position for major price cuts on the 360 next spring. Nice.
Make of all that what you will, but we think it's seriously underestimating the appeal of Nintendo's next-gen. Now we're off to sacrifice a chicken and read its entrails to let you know how sales will go for the PS4, Xbox 720 and Nintendo Mii go in Europe by the year 2025.
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August 17th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
Throwing cold water on Sony's talk of 1080p output for its PlayStation 3 console, Microsoft's Andre Vrignaud has warned consumers that the company's claims are nothing but hype.
In a post on his blog, Vrignaud - who is director of technical strategy for Xbox Live - argues that developers looking to create a game for the next generation consoles will be aiming for 720p in order to maximise compatibility between Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, as well as ensuring compatibility with the majority of HD television sets.
"The PS3 has roughly the same pixel-pushing capabilities as the Xbox 360. You don't need to take my word for it, it'll be obvious soon enough over the next year," Vrignaud stated.
"In fact, I'll stick my neck out and predict that that you won't see any 1080"x" games for the PS3 this year."
The MS exec further argues that modern HD equipment will display movie content - either on HD DVD or Blu-ray - progressively even if the input is interlaced, which makes the much touted 1080p resolution functionality of the PlayStation 3 largely irrelevant on current consumer equipment.
"99% of PS3 titles will natively render at 720p; the few that come out with 1080"x" support are either going to be simple classic arcade ports that don't need to render complex scenes... Or will give up a lot of in-game visual effects and simply won't look very good (hence the poor showing of Gran Turismo "HD" at this past E3)," he continued.
"Don't get sucked into all the 1080p hype. Just make sure you have a recent HDTV that de-interlaces 1080i signals correctly and you'll be just fine."
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August 17th, 2006, 17:25 Posted By: wraggster
Sony UK has insisted it is still at least a month away from finalising PS3 roll-out plans, as official UK distributor CentreSoft confirms it has been testing the water on controversial pre-release initiatives with the retail community in preparation for the November 17th launch.
GamesIndustry.biz has learned that CentreSoft called a meeting two weeks ago for leading indie games retailers in order to gauge their views on a number of hypothetical launch scenarios. The distributor plans to utilise the feedback in order to best represent indies' interests when Sony confirms it launch plans for the UK.
CentreSoft managing director David Neal confirmed to GI.biz that the scenarios discussed included what might happen in the even that Sony implements its controversial GBP150 pre-order scheme, and how the system could work to ensure parity and fairness of allocation across the board.
“This was a CentreSoft meeting and doesn't represent Sony official position in any way,” Neal said. “We wanted to canvass the opinion of indies on a number of 'what if?' scenarios - but we're as much in the dark as everyone else on Sony's plans”.
One retailer present at the meeting, speaking under condition of anonymity, explained how the discussion on the pre-order scheme sought to explain how it could work to guarantee day one stock for vendors.
“The brief was: guaranteed day one stock - if I take 400 orders I get 400 on day one, not the launch window. But to ensure that we'd have to give up the whole deposit to Sony,” the retailer said.
Speaking to GI.biz, a Sony spokesperson confirmed that the meeting was an independent CentreSoft initiative, while revealing that formal plans would not be confirmed until next month.
“We and Centresoft are trying to work as closely with our trade partners as we can to ensure a smooth launch. We have not announced our launch plans and probably won't be doing so until mid-September,” the spokesperson said.
“This is in large part because there are many unknowns we need to resolve before we complete our plans. One of these unknowns is production and production quantities.”
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August 17th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
During a visit with Sega to get the latest on Full Auto 2, 1Up captured a video of the final PlayStation 3 dev kit and what the dashboard of the PS3 is lookin' like right about now.
... we were given a chance to play around with a final PS3 development kit and captured it all on film. Particularly worthy of attention were the controller (which didn't have the tilt functionality in it yet, unfortunately) and the menu system, which, while still very early, shows the obvious design cues from the PSP's dashboard.
If you're interested in what Full Auto 2 looks like, you can watch the video here. We played the game last month and were impressed by the makeover for the PS3. The cars handled better and most importantly, didn't fly like paper airplanes every time you hit a bump in the road.
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August 17th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamespot
With all the hoopla surrounding the flurry of new games in the Star Trek franchise, fans of another sci-fi series, Star Wars, may have felt left out. Publisher Ubisoft is attempting to allay those concerns, however, with the release of Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, a Sony PSP and Nintendo DS game set for release in December.
The French publisher has signed "a long-term licensing partnership with LucasArts," which owns the Star Wars video-game licensing rights.
Although Lethal Alliance will appear on the DS and PSP at the same time, the two versions weren't made by the same developer: Ubisoft's Montreal division handled the PSP game, while the publisher's Casablanca studio produced the DS version. Each game will be tailored to take advantage of its host system, but Ubisoft didn't say how.
Lethal Alliance weaves a tale around the Imperial-fighting escapades of Twi'lek Rianna Saren, a skilled Rebel Alliance fighter and acrobat, and her security droid, Zeeo, a defensive specialist. In relation to the franchise's saga, the game fits between the last prequel to appear in theaters--2005's Episode III: Revenge of the Sith--and the first movie of the original trilogy, 1977's Episode IV: A New Hope.
Ubisoft said Lethal Alliance players must take advantage of each character's unique strengths to progress--the ultimate goal being the theft of the Death Star's blueprints. There is no word yet, however, on how many Bothan spies must die for players to accomplish the mission. Rianna and Zeeo will travel to a variety of locations in that galaxy far, far away, including the Death Star itself, the Skywalker home base Tatooine, and Alderaan, before its Death Star destruction in A New Hope. Lethal Alliance will include a multiplayer mode, but Ubisoft declined to announce its details.
Notable Star Wars characters making an appearance in Lethal Alliance include Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Princess Leia, and Kyle Katarn--the gruff mercenary whose game roots extend back to the Dark Forces and Jedi Knight first-person shooters on the PC.
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August 17th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: wraggster
The desert may not seem like the ideal place to make a major game announcement, but Sierra Entertainment did anyway. Entertaining journalists from various gaming media outlets, the Vivendi Games subsidiary held an event at the Parker Hotel in the triple-digit heat of the Palm Springs desert, and used the occasion to announce its first PlayStation 3 game.
F.E.A.R., the popular shooter from Monolith Productions (Condemned: Criminal Originals), is currently in development for Sony's next-gen console. This will be the third platform the series has spread to, following a previously announced Xbox 360 version, due in November, and the PC version, which was named Best Shooter of 2005 by GameSpot.
The game is being ported to the PS3 by Day 1 Studios, which is also working on the Xbox 360 version. What's more, would-be PS3 owners won't have to wait for F.E.A.R.--the game will be one of the system's launch titles when it debuts in the US on November 17.
In addition to the single- and multiplayer portions of the game, F.E.A.R. for the PS3 will also include exclusive content--though Sierra reps were not divulging any details.
The timing of the announcement may seem a bit unusual for fans of the series, as earlier this year the now Warner Bros. Interactive-owned-Monolith announced that a sequel to F.E.A.R. is already in the works for "multiple next-gen consoles," which almost certainly includes the PS3. The sequel will not be named F.E.A.R., however, since Vivendi owns the rights to the name.
Regardless of what the sequel is named, there will still be plenty of F.E.A.R. to go around this year. In addition to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, Sierra is releasing a PC expansion pack, F.E.A.R. Extraction Point. Today it also released F.E.A.R. Combat, the multiplayer portion of the PC game, for free download.
F.E.A.R. for the PS3 has not yet been rated or priced, but the Xbox 360 version will be $59.99 and is rated M for Mature.
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August 17th, 2006, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
A launch line-up of 29 games is planned for the PlayStation 3 release this November including Resident Evil 5, Vision Gran Turismo and Assassin's Creed, according to US online retailer Best Buy.
The 29 games are due to come out around the Sony console's 17 November launch date and would make for a fantastic line-up. The full list is as follows.
Army of Two (EA)
Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft)
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (Ubisoft)
Call of Duty 3 (Activision)
Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)
Fight Night: Round 3 (EA)
Final Fantasy versus XIII (Square Enix)
Full Auto 2: Battlelines (Sega)
Heavenly Sword (Sony)
Hot Shots Golf 5 (Sony)
Indiana Jones (LucasArts)
Killzone 2 (Sony)
Madden NFL 07 (EA)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Activision)
Medal of Honor: Airborne (EA)
Monster Kingdom (Sony)
Motorstorm (Sony)
Rainbow Six Vegas (Ubisoft)
Resident Evil 5 (Capcom)
Scarface: The World is Yours (Vivendi)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega)
Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft)
Stranglehold (Midway)
Tekken 6 (Sony)
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (Activision)
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (Sony)
Virtua Fighter 5 (Sega)
Vision Gran Turismo (Sony)
Warhawk (Sony)
Now before anyone gets carried away, there are some glaring errors in Best Buy's list such as a 2006 release for Resident Evil 5, Tekken 6, Stranglehold, Indiana Jones and Killzone 2, as well as some that might have later releases such as Army of Two. But what we can say is that the launch line-up is in there, somewhere. Probably
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August 17th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Cnn drew up a wishlist for both PSP and PSP2, see if you agree:
Wish-list of items for the existing PSP:
1) Skype support to make Internet calls (includes accessory headset).
2) Support for Slingbox. Yes, I know you sell Location-Free TV, but why bother selling the hardware when you can make more money teaming up with Sling and selling a PSP-version of its Slingbox mobile application for $34.95?
3) Built-in instant-messaging applications. In addition to Mylo's Yahoo Instant Messenger and Google Talk, let's see AIM as well.
4) Better e-mail integration. How 'bout some quick ways to check Yahoo Mail and Gmail. I know Microsoft properties (MSN, Hotmail, Live Mail) are off limits, but why not some e-mail apps from popular companies that you aren't competing with? Say, Google Desktop for PSP?
5) Keyboard accessory (see above).
6) A video-output cable so I can watch videos and play games on TV. Come on, it doesn't have to be digital or anything. Gimme some crappy analog video output, so I don't have to resort to one of those awful camera hoods. (The developer versions of the PSP have video output, by the way.)
7) Connect me. And by that, I mean your Connect music/video service that's supposed to give iTunes a run for its money. I know, it's been delayed. But the PS3 isn't the only horse in the race, and there are millions of content-hungry PSP owners already out there.
Wish-list for the PSP2:
1) Built-in 40GB or 60GB hard drive (offer various configurations at various prices, as the iPod does). If the hard disk is seen as too fragile, a fairly capacious load of flash memory--say, 4GB to 12GB--would be a worthwhile alternative.
2) Faster UMD disc reader--or whatever it takes to reduce UMD load times. Or, since we now have internal storage--and multigigabyte Memory Sticks--just make the games downloadable, * la Xbox Live Arcade.
3) Built-in Bluetooth (more flexibility for communications and accessories).
4) Put a second USB port on the bottom of the device.
5) A second flash media slot that can accept SD, MMC, and xD cards, in addition to Memory Sticks.
6) Offer at least one more expensive step-up version with the same sort of slide-down keyboard found on the Mylo and the Vaio UX180P ultramobile PC.
7) Everything from the above wish-list for the existing PSP.
What's your wish-list for the existing PSP and/or the PSP2?
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August 17th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
News Via GTA Portable.com
Another preview for Vice City Stories recently hit news stands (and of course the web) courtesy of the Official PSP Guidebook Magazine in the UK. They did the preview in a rather unique way - a radio interview with ''Mr Rockstar''. While many of the things in the issue have been revealed before, there's some interesting bits - including the amount of missions in the game! Read on to find out and also click the links below to read the article yourself.
• As Vice City Stories is set two years before GTA: VC, there's a lot of construction work going on. The city is going through an ''urban renewal'', and some landmarks may still just be large towers of scaffolding.
• The new trailer park (revealed before) is going to be quite a key location in terms of the storyline.
• As said before, there'll be brand new characters in VCS and in this issue it's revealed that you'll get plenty of connections from the trailer park's locals.
• Music for VCS still hasn't been finalized yet. The Rockstar representative said that he knows everyone thought the Vice City soundtrack was one of the best things in the game and that they hope to better it.
• The dynamic water, which affects the way water move, is going to give the water of Vice City a whole new look.
• There's more than 70 storyline missions in Vice City Stories.
Game also have a load of New screens here
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August 17th, 2006, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSPfanboy
It looks like there's yet another amazing RPG heading to the PSP from Japan. If the upcoming Jeanne d'Arc isn't enough for you, then you might want to check out Valhalla Knights. From developer K2 (Tenchu series), it's one of the few Japanese RPGs that feature a fully customizable character for you to control. Battles look especially intense, with its real-time combat and six-member parties. The newly-updated official Japanese website has tons of things to look at, such as videos and wallpapers. The game releases on August 30th in Japan, and currently has no release date in the US. Hopefully, that'll change soon.
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August 17th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
New issue of the PSP Tribune mag, heres whats new:
This issue is twice as long as the last one so it’s jam packed with content. Since no new games were released in our two week development period we decided to cover all the new re-released greatest hits titles. With two previews, four reviews, and one featured article I hope you guys will enjoy this issue as much as the last. I look forward to hearing your comments!”
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August 17th, 2006, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v1.0
Heres the funky translation:
ver1.3 releases
○filer mp3 playback performance was added.
○ picture it tried to indicate halfway lapse in during viewer wallpaper retaining
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August 17th, 2006, 21:38 Posted By: wraggster
Mpressler2 has released an excellent looking Battle ships game which can be played on PSPs with firmware of 2.70 and higher.
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August 17th, 2006, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Lior has posted about a new hack for the PSP which will turn your PSP into a Cellphone (In time), heres the posted info:
Hello, I have created an PHONECHIP for the psp you cant call yet the program can recive call's and show you the strangth of signal, im still working on how to resize it and get it to a mass prodoction
the pack will contain:
X1 antena
X1 board
head sets with microphone
X2 wires
X1 32 mega memory stick
The antena to conect to the local network. On the board will be a swich to swich betwen CDMA network(without sim card) and the GSM network (with the sim card). The wires are to conect the board and the antena to the PSP.
The 32 mega ms will contain:
The program itself(to call)
backup of the program(just to be safe)
and a list of contacts
Thats about it . all will cost aproxemetly more or lest then 60$. So help me get a good compeny to mass produce and to get it complitly done.
*Sorry for the bed english i'm from israel*
If you think this is fake her's a video about my prograss and to show you the prototype.
It will look beter when ill have more money to finish it.
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via lior
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August 17th, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Deniska posted the release of his awesome GPS Mapviewer for the PSP, heres the details:
Heres the Release Thread
I just entered my first public release of the viewer to NEO summer coding contest 2006
( http://www.neoflash.com/compos.htm).. so here is the details:
short video clip:
This software is distributed under GPL license and provided for education purposes only.
It is not fully tested and therefore should be used with caution.
I shell not be responsible for any damages and/or legal problems which may arise from using this
application & underlying hardware setup.
This software acquires image data from Google Maps online service. Please read and understand Google Maps' "Terms of Use"
agreement before using this application.

- Scroll through large (up to 65536x65536 pixels) maps.
- Zoom in/out. The number of zoom levels depends of on the size of the map.
- Large coverage. The program uses imagery from Google Maps, which currently have pretty good coverage of
North America, Western Europe, Australia, Japan. Visit Google maps, to find out if they provide required
coverage for your location.
- Customizable map size, level of detail and coverage.
- Ability to display zipped maps (currently buggy)
- Ability to display satellite and hybrid maps from Google.
- WIFI map retrieval: ability to acquire and store map data to memory stick over WIFI
- Linux/Cygwin script is also provided to generate a map of given size and detail for a given location.
- GPS support: ability to read and interpret NMEA sentences from a GPS receiver communicating through PSP's serial port.
Rather simple DYI hook up with GPSlim 236 receiver from Holux is explained in following thread:
In GPS mode there are following features:
- Speed, direction, altitude, latitude, longitude, number of satellites in view.
- NORTH UP mode: map is displayed with NORTH always on top. The arrow in the middle turns to shows current direction.
- TRACK UP mode: map rotates so that direction of movement is always from top down.
- Record GPS data (captures NMEA sentences in gps.txt file for later replay)
- POI/Attractions data support. Ability to select and display different types of attractions.
- PSPSDK compatible source code provided.

1.5 users: copy contents of 1.5 folder to ms:/PSP/GAME
1.0 use EBOOT.PBP from 1.0 folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.0+ try using EBOOT.PBP from NOGPS folder with data files from 1.5 folder
2.7+ generate maps of up to 32x32 size with provided cygwin script and html files,
copy them on MS and view through the PSP's browser.
View the attached README file for further details... Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
digg this story
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August 18th, 2006, 02:37 Posted By: wraggster
News via Gamestop
Last week, Sega announced that it was bringing a retro compilation of Genesis games to the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable later this year. The publisher confirmed that Golden Axe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Shinobi III, Altered Beast, and a Phantasy Star game would be among the included titles.
After a week of speculation, Sega has provided gamers with a full list of 28 Genesis titles that will be included in the collection. The rest of the originally promised "more than 30" games should be accounted for by unlockable arcade games.
It turns out each of the previously confirmed franchises (except Altered Beast) will be represented by multiple games, with Phantasy Star and Golden Axe each seeing installments included in the compilation. Joining that list of Sega luminaries will be a number of lesser-known (but still fondly remembered) games like Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Ecco the Dolphin, Kid Chamelon, and Vectorman.
The full list of Genesis titles included in the collection follows:
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
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August 18th, 2006, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Buried deep in a GameSpot preview of the upcoming PlayStation 3 title Full Auto 2 is information that Sony's new online network, the PlayStation network platform, is already functional. This is what GameSpot had to say:
It's also worth noting that we played Full Auto 2's multiplayer on the actual PlayStation network platform, so apparently Sony already has its online gaming infrastructure up and running well ahead of the new system's release.
With final dev kits surfacing and other details starting to be fleshed out, it's nice to see the PS3 seems to finally be ready for launch come November.
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August 18th, 2006, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has released a new version of his video converter for the PSP.
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP and PC. AVI, DIVX, WMV, MPG, MPE MPEG ASF MOV MP4 OGM MKV AVS to MP4 (PSP AVC, AVC), PMP (AVC, DivX), AVI (DivX).Interface changed with windows theme.Correct corrupted PSP icons.
4.023 changes:
Fixed "value of 1,2 is not valid for value" for Qaulity+ mode.
Fixed loading Denoise modes other from default.
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August 18th, 2006, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
In our Daedalus r8 WIP thread there was a newly compiled release of the release 7 sources with the speedhacks code that StrmnNrmn posted on his blog, now its reported that its running faster than release 7 but that might be just some over eager forum users, best thing is to try yourself and post your own verdict.
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remember this is not an official version
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August 18th, 2006, 03:43 Posted By: wraggster
The new PSM issue has a 2 page feature on the PSP2 and it says the PSP2 is to be released in March 2007.
Theres a ton more to read in the scans that someone has posted on the net.
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August 18th, 2006, 07:38 Posted By: wraggster
Hedzx posted this news/release:
*Super Chibi Fighters*
i always draw little chibis (like anime and manga with people with big heads, small bodies) in french class and aone day a few months ago i came up with a joke idea of a naruto game. well, it was tp have all the naruto gang chibi and stuff, beating the crap outta each other. then, after some events, i decided to make it Super Chibi Fighters, a game that has chibis beating the crap outta each others with combos, and it was from scratch. so i got to work on it, and took FOREVER to code this baby from scratch, but i did it. The reasion this is a beta
is because its not complete. ot has one char, 2 including the Chao Rush character to um... advertise *blush* (yes im really like OMG CHAO! for
some reason :P) and basically its has a bg, an opponent (a sandbag for now) and movement and attack and health and stuff.
*WIP Graphix
*Punch (five punches only)
*Battle ground
*2 Chars and Char select screen
more chibis
combo system
more stages
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via hedzx
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August 18th, 2006, 16:30 Posted By: Skye
DickyDick1969 has updated PiMPStreamer to version 0.7. Here is what his website had to say.
Ok i put out a snapshot (0.7) for you all to test.
features added:
- using ffmpeg svn build dll’s
- using network selection/ host selection
- more codecs
- images are not working yet.. (only listing works)
More features will follow.. still busy with the list.
download xvidcore.dll.zip (forgot to add it, put it in the windoze folder)
NOTE: the ini (psp) is changed.. so check it out…
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August 18th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
More news from the Slashdotted Deniska, (Congrats to him and a big thanks from everyone here at DCEMU )
Since people keep asking, here is a short tutorial & example of how to do it:
The map viewer package, that I released for neo flash compo, includes the cygwin script (in the scripts) to get the maps for any given GPS coordinate:
./getmap.sh [latitude] [longitude] [base zoom] [size]
The script takes 4 arguments.
You can find out the latitude/longitude for the area of your interest by using following tool:
Base zoom [0-16] cooresponds to the values of the zoom bar on that tools map (with 0 being the most detailed map)
Size - is the number of 256pixel segments, your map's side will consist of, i.e size 16 will create you a base map of 4096x4096 pixels
You do need to install cygwin from http://cygwin.com/
There are plenty of tutorials on setting up and using this unix - like environment...
But le't just take a pre-made map (generated with the getmap.sh script) and load it on the browser...
1. Create a folder called /WEB in the root of your PSP's memory stick.
2.Download a small map of center of Paris:
http://deniska.dcemu.co.uk/bin/_PARI....34497_16x.zip (paste the link in to your browser if it does not work directly) and unzip it in to WEB folder, that you just created.
Your WEB folder should have 1x, 2x, 4x... folders in it, as well as 1x.html 2x.html...8x.html files...
3. Open PSP's web browser and type in following URL:
You should see your saved map now..
Click on the map to zoom in or use LEFT TRIGGER to go back & zoom out...Use directional buttons to move up/down/left/right on the map.
This, of course, is not as versatile as the "MapThis!" program, but may still be useful in some cases for 2.7+ FW users...
NOTE: displaying maps, large than 4096x4096 will run PSP's browser out of memory...
More over at Deniska`s site hosted here at DCEmu 
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August 18th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: motz
I would just like to inform those of you who have been patiently monitoring the progress of DCEmu's upcoming and large project, DCEmu Weekly.
We are now on course for a release of our first issue.
Issue 1 of the webs most anticipated gaming emag, DCEmu Weekly, will be released on Friday the 25th of August. Just before all the kids go back to school! However, you do know that DCEmu Weekly is not intended for a specific age group so we do expect a large number of you to download our first issue and would appreciate all feedback.
For those readers of PSPWeekly, I would just like to inform you that I have re-gained the rights of the magazine and therefore DCEmu Weekly is the more advanced, successor, featuring multi-platform infomation.
I would just like to thank all of my staff for the input they have given to date.
Thanks, Motz.
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August 18th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: wraggster
nataku92 has posted a new entry to the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the release details:
| version 0.5
| by Kevin Chen
| 2006
This is a VERY early version of a top down shooter based on Valve©'s Counter-Strike. Basically you are a counter-terrorist and you run around the map shooting the terrorists. Once all the players on either team dies, a new round will start.
Renders an infinitely large tilemap (as long as the size of the map file and textures doesn't exceed the psp's memory >_>).
Accurate collision detection between the player and walls (the player is represented as a circle and the walls as line segments). Note that this collision detection system is NOT tile-based and can model any polygon (including circles if you use enough line segments ). The map that I made is squarish only because I can't make maps >_>.
Shooting system plus recoil with different types of guns (though I've only made the configs for the m4a1 and ak47).
Collision detection between players? (not completed yet T_T; players can get stuck on each other). Basic team gameplay finished (sorta..).
'll be out of town for about a week or so, so I won't be able to reply to any comments or suggestions. I hope you enjoy my game, and any contructive critisism is welcome
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August 18th, 2006, 19:22 Posted By: wraggster
2Flower has released a new game for the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Heres the release details:
The aim of the game is to move the blocks with keys over the keyholes an open all locks to reach the next level. You could use the DIGITAL PAD or the ANALOG to move the mouse cursor. The selected block could be moved if you press and hold the CIRCLE button. The block is only moved if it's possible. With TIANGLE you could undo moves. START brings you a pause menu.
If you quit the game in a normal way (via "exit" or the home key) a continue file will be written, so you could select "continue" in main menu an continue
at exact the same point before you quit.
At the moment the game has 80 level.
UP/DOWN - move selection
CIRCLE - select menuentry
DIGITAL PAD - move mouse cursor
ANALOG - move mouse cursor
CIRCLE - "hold" block and move with PAD/ANALOG
TRIANGLE - undo moves
START - pause menu
UP/DOWN - move selection
LEFT/RIGHT - select "goto" level
CIRCLE - select menuentry
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August 18th, 2006, 19:35 Posted By: wraggster
While we were quietly looking forward to Guitar Hero II, secretly reminiscing how we used to strum tennis racquets to Dire Straits' 'Sultans Of Swing', a few gaming sites are speculating that Activision has actually dipped their speedy Van Halen-like fingers into as many as four new Guitar Hero titles. Gulp.
The rumours, it seems, have been sparked by Joystiq, who cite an "anonymous source" as spilling the beans behind "potential" development plans. In fact, it's even gone as far as beefing up the talk with possible project names - Guitar Hero: World Tour, Guitar Hero: Encore, and the best of the bunch (simply because its name implies a bunch of classic Metallica), Guitar Hero: Axe Grinder.
Unsubstantiated rumours, of course, and ones which we've so far had no joy from official sources regarding their authenticity.
However, considering that Activision spanked considerable sums to land Guitar Hero developer RedOctane, and trade weekly MCV were reportedly told that six series games could release by mid-2007 back in March, it would take a big fool (a drummer?) to suggest that the Guitar Hero series will stop at Guitar Hero II.
Oh, and incidentally, Guitar Hero II looks likely to release later this year.
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August 18th, 2006, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
The gameplay may have reportedly taken a back-to-basics leap to speedy platforming action, but next-gen Sonic the Hedgehog has certainly given up nothing when it comes to visuals. Staring at these latest screens for too long is like being whacked in the face by a rampaging box of Crayola crayons...
Sonic the Hedgehog is due to hit the PS3 and Xbox 360 around Christmas time, and promises to be a super-fast, sweetly-cool, retro-inspired platforming jaunt. It's all about speed, action, battling and jaw-dropping, dream-like environments.
Peppering up the gameplay, though, is the introduction of Silver The Hedgehog, who drops in from the future with a range of cool powers, such as being able to bend scenery, control enemies with his mind, and stop bullets mid-air. It almost sounds like Sonic meets Psi-Ops or the Sonic Matrix. But isn't, really.
Should certainly be good, though. Look out for Sonic to roll in by the end of the year.
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August 18th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
Call us smug so and so's and all that, but as we exclusively reported recently, F.E.A.R. will indeed be releasing for PS3, and here's the proof that you were all craving - the first five dank, spooky, firestarter-y screenshots from that very version.
The (expectedly tinkered?) port of the acclaimed PC shooter is being developed by Day 1 Studios in conjunction with Monolith Productions, and will be joining the Xbox 360 version around November time, this year. Publisher Vivendi has not yet said how the PS3 version will build upon its PC predecessor, but it did give a sweetly poetic description of the game to whet your appetites:
F.E.A.R is a paranormal action thriller presented entirely in first person. An unprecedented adrenaline rush of close quarters combat seamlessly melded with the spine-tingling, shocking intensity of the paranormal unknown.
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August 18th, 2006, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
GamePolitics is reporting on something that seems like a simple decision: Wal-mart is no longer accepting pre-orders for unrated games. As a 'family-friendly' establishment, it makes a certain amount of sense. The catch is that, in the eyes of many, one of the U.S.'s largest retailers is bowing to pressure from Jack Thompson. The company denies these claims, with Kotaku running a short discussion with John Simley, Wal-mart spokesperson. From that article:
"Simley says it has nothing to do with Bully, but rather is the outcome of discussions that the company has been in for 'weeks if not months' about how to handle rating pending titles. Bricks and mortars stores have never accepted pre-orders for RP titles, he added. 'I'd like to give credit to Jack Thompson, but there are a lot of Jack Thompsons out there and we are just listening to our customers,'"
Via Slashdot
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August 18th, 2006, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Gaming site Playsyde has done all gamers a great service and uploaded an ample amount of trailers shown by Sony during May's E3. The good part is that these aren't YouTube or degraded video quality viewings -- they're in 720p. The site notes that "some of the trailers are edited from the E3 versions, with sometimes more footage or some scenes removed."
Here are the trailers:
Everybody's Golf
Genji 2
F1 2006
Heavenly Sword
Monster Kingdom
Eye of Judgement
Trailers Here
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August 18th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
News from Spong
Decent party games on handheld consoles rule. Well, by this statement what we actually mean is the WarioWare series on GBA and more recently on DS rules, as this is truly the definitive handheld micro-gaming god in the party game arena.
And it’s mainly because we love Wario so, that we were intrigued to hear about a new ‘wickedly wild’ PSP party game called KAZooK, from Britsoft value label Xplosiv.
The press release that just landed in our inbox reads: “Getting into the crazy state of KAZooK means opening your mind to the possibility that anything could happen, and it does!”
The game is a series of 30 mini-games from shmups through to dance games, fighting and racing, featuring 16 predictably ‘wacky’ characters including cool skater kids, scary goths, gangster rappers, sexy beach babes, killer zombies, UFO pilots, sumo wrestlers, pool party-goers and more. Check out the first batch of screens right here.
There are three single player modes – normal, survival and party – plus the Wi-Fi Multiplayer options really do sound pretty impressive, with 27 of the mini-games playable with one of your mates wirelessly, six playable ‘hot-seat’ on one PSP and five of the minigames able to be shared with other PSP’s using only the one game UMD.
James Spice, General Manager over at Xplosiv and all round nice chap tells us, “We are really pleased to be bringing this exciting new party title to our Xplosiv PSP range. Party games are perfect for handhelds, offering intense bursts of gaming and as KAZooK is exclusive to PSP it makes it all the more exciting!”
He added: “KAZooK fits into our strategy of bringing quality PSP titles at a mid price point.” And SPOnG has to agree, what with the game due to hit stores later in October at a mid-range price point. If it’s a quarter of the game that Wario is, then it’s going to be well worth your shelling out £20, for if nothing else, there is a serious dearth of fun, quickfire and downright silly party games on Sony’s console.
Screens Via the Link Above
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August 18th, 2006, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
SPOnG caught up earlier this week with the good people of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for a quick chat about all things PlayStation and we are pleased to let you know that the frustrating post-E3 wait for proper information on our PlayStation future is just about to end, with the first in a series of major announcements being made this coming Monday from Leibzig.
We can assure you that this first unveiling will, shall we say, be something you are very unlikely to have foreseen, coming from way out of leftfield. Suffice to say it brought a smile to our face as we think it will do yours. Check in here first thing on Monday when we’ll be able to disclose the full details of this announcement, as well as picking up the first tasty news droppings from all the other publishers at Leibzig.
It would also seem that Sony has seriously taken on board the many criticisms targeted at the company following a poorly received E3 PlayStation 3 showing and done what it does best – gone into lockdown mode whilst its development and marketing teams get on with the serious, hard work of ensuring that both the PS3’s technical offering and the marketing message are both spot on for the looming 17th November launch.
Be here to first to get the latest news on all things PlayStation – including the ways in which SCEE is planning to communicate the PS3’s (much-maligned) pricing strategy and the advantages of Blu-ray to the masses of still-to-be-won-over consumers.
Plus, and most importantly, the games. SPOnG will have all the news and latest opinion from our guys on the ground regarding the PS3’s all-important launch line-up of games.
Oh, and what about the PS3’s online offering? Last we heard there was some bizarre idea to call it PooS (P-infinity-S). We're still not entirely sure if this wasn’t just a little joke Sony cooked up as a dig at Nintendo’s daftly named Wii console. Again, watch this space for full, detailed news on the future of PS3 online gaming as we get it.
Via Spong
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August 18th, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The Sims 2 Pets has different features for different systems. The PC version will allow your pet to have careers of their very own and bring home the bacon (or snausages) just like their owners. They can be anything from movie stars or rescue pets to members of an elite security pets corps. Pets can also be genetically altered to make designer pets in the PC expansion.
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August 18th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
There hasn't been a lot of information released about the PS3 development kits, controllers or even the menu system for the new console, but soon that could possibly change. At yesterday's SEGA PS3 day, we were treated to a demo of Full Auto 2: Battlelines on the latest development kit, which had recently been sent to Pseudo Interactive and other designers. Initially, we were concerned that the kits would still run extremely hot and be very loud (in fact, some people have likened the whine of the dev kit fans to that of a jet turbine), but we were pleasantly surprised to note the distinct lack of noise and heat coming from the system.
We were also told that the dev kit seemed to be extremely adaptive and easy to program for. In fact, Pseudo talked about how they hadn't put in their planned tilt sensitivity, but had literally dropped in the wireless support for the controllers on Tuesday. The controllers, which feel much lighter thanks to the removal of the rumble feature, nevertheless were solid and extremely responsive. While those weren't the finalized controllers for the PS3 itself, they felt much better than the ones that were at E3 (and were extremely easy to toggle between wired and wireless play). By unplugging the cable and pressing the PlayStation button on the controller for a second or two, we were able to engage the wireless feature. In fact, we also discovered during our multiplayer session that each controller was "smart" enough to recognize which system and what player it was initially connected to, regardless of the number of other controllers or systems in the room. This bodes well for massive LAN party play or co-op play with multiple controllers on the same system.
Speaking of LAN play, all eight dev kits were connected over the PlayStation Network in real time, which exhibited no lag whatsoever. Part of that could've been due to the massive storage capacity of each system streaming game information in tandem: each dev kit held 80 gigabytes of storage, so the multiplayer match had approximately almost a terabyte of storage synched up over the Network to stream the alpha build and accurately model the multiplayer destruction of Full Auto 2. As for the PS3 menu, it was easy to pull up in-game by quickly pressing the PlayStation button, which popped up an overlaid menu on top of the screen. The PS3 menu seems to have taken a lot of its cues from the PSP, with user features, settings, friends and game menu items. The menu appears to be a lot cleaner and sharper than the PSP but has fewer icons on it. Granted, that could also be because it was still relatively early, but it doesn't mean that, like the PSP, other features could be added to it at a later point.
We contacted Sony for additional details about the dev kits, but as of press time, representatives were unavailable for comment.
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August 18th, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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August 18th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster

Tinnus of Tapwave Zodiac Fame (Real Homebrewers will know of him) has posted a "build" of Daedalus that runs better than yesterdays unnofficial release, heres what he says:
That seems to me faster (and OMG, a lot less choppy) than that frameskip one.
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August 18th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: Nafogel
Hey, I was bored so decided to provide a few of my favorite flash games for the psp:
Duck Hunt
(A remake of the classic NES game)
Connect 4
(The popular puzzle game)
(Design your own pimpin' vehicle, then show it off)
(A challenging puzzle game)
Penguin Bash
(Whack the penguin as far as you can)
Spank My Monkey
(Very funny, not for the faint of heart)
Thats all for now, hope you enjoy!
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August 19th, 2006, 03:28 Posted By: branin
By: Branin and LMelior
Remonics is an APP used to remember short memos or thoughts, the char limit as of now is only 33 characters but will be increased to full sized memos in the next version. Right now its at an early stage and still has a few missing features such as the option to delete memos. Please read the to-do list and see what we have planned, Below is a screenshot of the main menu. I would also like to add that this is coded in lua but it is in EBOOT form, so luaplayer is not required.
Add delete memo option
Increase memo length
Add netlib option for sending memos via IM or email
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August 19th, 2006, 05:10 Posted By: Nafogel
When you read the title, you probably thought "Oh great, another noob who thinks he found something incredible. Lets flame him".
Well, if you choose to think that way, than maybe this thread isn't for you. I've had some free on my hands lately, and I got to thinking:
If you have a 2.7+ psp and you feel pretty much locked out of the homebrew community, is that maybe because the community has been focusing too much on the lower firmwares that support homebrew? The 2.7+ psp supports several critical formats that could help boost it's popularity:
- Flash (.swf)
- Javascript
There are emulators out there written in flash and javascript. If you dont believe me, check out these links:
Link Removed
Now I know that these emulators arent all that great, but someone with some decent coding skills could easily port them over to the psp, and perhaps fix them up a bit. If someone took the time and dedication to do this, we would start seeing a lot more homebrew on 2.7+ firmware. Who knows, maybe one day we will see an NES emulator written in javascript. It is possible, someone just needs to take the first step...
Edit: Sorry folks, I have multilayers of virus protection and I wasnt even aware of the trojan viruses. My pc is fine, and it didnt even alert me when I went to the site, but I removed the link just as yall requested. I am really sorry. I am suprised my pc didnt alert me.
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August 19th, 2006, 08:03 Posted By: deniska
More excellent MAP This News - From the release of Deniska`s GPS Map Viewer for the PSP, heres his latest newspost:
I have updated the scripts section with a new cygwin script, which gets the maps from MSN maps/ Virtual Earth engine (http://local.live.com)
./getVEmap.sh [latitude] [longitude] [base zoom] [map size]
./getVEmap.sh 40.619442 -73.970926 1 16
latitude/longitude must be in decimal format
base zoom: 0-16
map size: number of 256x256 pix tiles in 1 row
map size: 16 will create an equivalent of 4096x4096 pixel map at base zoom
You'll need to install cygwin (cygwin.com) and Java (JRE) from java.sun.com to run the script.
Both distributions are free and there are plenty of instructions & tutorials on how to set them up.
MSN Maps/ Virtual Earth seem to have a better than Google coverage of some areas, for example: Eastern Europe.
Here is a screenshot of a map for Riga, Latvia, which, according to Google just does not exist :-) :

Go to http://local.live.com to check the coverage for your area..
Once you find your map, you can get the GPS coordinates this way:
1) Center your map on the location you want.
2) Click on "Share" tab and select "View Permalink"
3) You'll get something like: _http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=56.945724~24.145804&style=r&lvl=15&scene=1935198&rtp=null~null - The highlighted number are the coordinates that you'll need for the getVEmap.sh script
Here is the same area mapped my Google and MSN:

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August 19th, 2006, 08:44 Posted By: b8a
E has updated his multi system emulator for the PSP to 0.82b.
The Emulator Supports:
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Here's the translated news from his website:
About PC Engine CDROM2
Currently, I'm reconsidering the PC Engine CDROM2 implementation, however, it's not an easy to fix, something-will-come-of-it, type of situation and since It's still up in the air as to when it will work, I'm going to leave it at the previous, unworking state, for the time being.
Maybe it would work with MP3 playback set to OFF and without CDDA? I haven't checked this out.
Even if it doesn't work, I will eventually by completely changing it's setup, so I don't really plan on playing around with it.
e[mulaltor] 0.82b for PSP (+Windows)
I've fixed a few bugs.
(1) WS: fix opening scroll bug
(2) NES: fix Rom reload mirror sprite bug
(The above is written in English, but the corresponding Japanese line translates as "Fixed a problem with mirrored sprites disappearing after reloading a ROM")
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August 19th, 2006, 10:06 Posted By: motz
ccm304 has posted another version of Bookr, the popular text and Adobe PDF reader.
Bookr 0.7.1 is mostly a bug fix release. It fixes many of the problems with image heavy PDF files and adds support for CJK fonts in PDF documents.
- Added support for PDF files with Chinese, Japanese and Korean text.
- Added a memory usage counter.
- Added single line scroll for the analog pad in the text viewer.
- Bookr will now try to block images from loading in PDF files when it is
runing low on memory.
- Fixed many memory leaks in the image loader for PDF files. Bookr can load
and display PDF files with more images than before.
- Fixed memory leaks releasing the PDF viewer singleton.
- Restored full page scroll with cursor buttons.
- Fixed font corruption for large font sizes in the text viewer.
- Fixed page positions in the text viewer after changing the font size and/or
font rotation. Bookmarks for text files are not compatible with older
releases. Downloads and screenshot via comments
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August 19th, 2006, 11:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo UK

The Chrome XCM PSP face plate has been colored using a special process that makes the faceplate extra smooth, enhancing your gaming experience.
New mold. New lens. Special smooth coating . The best quality plastic.
This is a high end faceplate, also available in regular 'Smooth As Silk' colors.
What's in the box:
- Includes the digital pad (D-Pad) & analog stick
- Includes all face buttons (start, select, volume, display, audio & home)
- Includes all 4 main action buttons (2 sets)
- Includes screw driver
Is this the nicest Faceplate yet ? (i think so)
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August 19th, 2006, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Kohler, over at Wired's Game|Life, had the chance to see an in-production PS3 game in action. He said that, for the most part everything looked great. The one thing that concerned him was the motion-sensing controller that Sony is pushing on developers. From the article:
"The developers told us that although we'd be using real PS3 controllers, they didn't yet have the motion-sensing functionality built in. And not only that, although they referred to the build as 'feature-complete,' they did admit that the one feature that was not yet included was (wait for it) motion-sensing, although they did 'have some cool ideas.' There was plenty of speculation after Sony's E3 conference that the motion-sensing functionality was jammed into the controller at the last minute as a reaction to Nintendo's strategy. This was backed up by the Warhawk developers' offhand remarks that they'd implemented motion sensing 'in just a couple weeks'."
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August 19th, 2006, 11:38 Posted By: wraggster
This week, yet another game-industry analyst issued yet another report predicting yet another winner in the next-gen console race. However, unlike a July note which warned that Sony's "techno-elite" strategy could be its downfall, this week's report from the Yankee Group forecast the PlayStation 3 as emerging victorious from the fracas to succeed the current crop of game platforms.
"By the time third-generation consoles reach market maturity in 2011, the PlayStation 3 will once again be the market leader," said Yankee Group in its report. The Boston-based industry-research firm went on to predict that over the next five years, Sony would sell 30 million PS3s in North America, attaining a 44 percent market share.
However, with the PlayStation 2, Sony currently enjoys around a 60 percent market share. The Yankee Group's prediction had Microsoft selling 27 million Xbox 360s to increase its slice of the gaming pie to 40 percent--meaning Sony would cede roughly 16 percent of its North American customers to its archrival. (The report has Nintendo retaining its current approximate 16 percent market share, selling just 11 million Wiis over five years.)
The Yankee Group report generated a surge of interest and sparked numerous verbal skirmishes between console enthusiasts. But how did Sony feel about it? Was the company happy to receive a reprieve from the ongoing consumer backlash about the PS3's dual $499 and $599 pricing? Or was it concerned about the fundamental market shift the report augured?
Kaz talks PS3 production.
To get some answers, GameSpot spoke with Sony Computer Entertainment American president Kaz Hirai about the Yankee Group report and his company's ongoing preparations for the PS3's November launches in Japan, North America, and Europe. The executive also addressed the controversy surrounding Sony's first handheld, the PSP: Will there be a price drop? Will there be a redesign? And is the PSP's UMD format going the way of Betamax and MiniDisc? And what about those rumors fingering Sony as one of the architects of the drastic downsizing of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)? GameSpot put those questions--and others--to Hirai earlier this week.
Full Interview Here
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August 19th, 2006, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
With a cease-fire reached in the recent hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, the attention of many has turned toward rebuilding homes and lives destroyed by the fighting. According to a Jerusalem Post article, comedian Adam Sandler, star of films like Happy Gilmore and most recently Click, has pledged to donate 400 PlayStation consoles to Israelis whose homes were damaged in the war. The star has brought his Jewish heritage into his professional life a number of times in the past, most notable with his hit "The Chanukah Song" and an animated feature set around the holiday, Eight Crazy Nights.
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August 19th, 2006, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Famitsu today revealed more details on Sony Computer Entertainment Japan's upcoming Ape Escape-themed racing title, Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Racer. Instead of racing in traditional cars, the PlayStation Portable game's vehicles are monkeys; the mechanical primates have tires attached to their hands and feet, and players will have 46 types of monkey-machines to choose from.
As the wheels are attached to the monkey's limbs, the handling properties can be changed by positioning the arms and legs in one of several different ways, letting players optimize their simians for speed or power-sliding. Racers can also use their winnings to purchase parts and further customize their monkey-mobiles. Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Racer is scheduled for release on the Sony PSP later this year.
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August 19th, 2006, 12:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

In Guilty Gear Judgment, players will be able to experience the fast paced, adrenaline fused, arcade fighting of Guilty Gear X2 #Reload as well as delve into a new Guilty Gear gameplay experience -- a beat-em-up, side-scrolling, action mode featuring 20 Guilty Gear characters battling through 18 levels of story and brawling. In addition, both the 1-on-1 fighting tournament of #Reload and the adventure play of Judgment offer wireless multi-player connectivity for up to two players.
This edition is an upgraded version (featuring the new Boost Mode) of the PSP game released as Guilty Gear X2 #Reload in Japan.
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August 19th, 2006, 12:41 Posted By: wraggster

Success HK have let me know they have in stock the SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duo 4GB for a new lower price of $141 which is just over 70 pounds for UK people.
Other sites may claim to be cheaper but are usually out of stock or other stipulations, lets hope the price keeps coming down.
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August 19th, 2006, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
Gamespot did a Q&A session with the creators of the new Star Wars game for the DS and PSP coming soon:
Say what you want about the Star Wars prequel trilogy, but it's a safe bet that the popularity of George Lucas' galaxy far, far away isn't going to abate anytime soon. According to LucasFilm, we've gotten all the Star Wars movies we're going to get, so it falls to other media--such as video games--to continue the fiction Lucas began almost 30 years ago. Ubisoft's Montreal studio will contribute to that hallowed universe with its own game, the just-announced Lethal Alliance for the PSP and DS. To get the first details on this upcoming portable title, we went straight to senior producer Bertrand Helias.
See, Jedi knights don't get to have all the fun.
GameSpot: Now that the entirety of the Star Wars saga has been put to film, how did you decide where to begin when creating Lethal Alliance?
Bertrand Helias: Although the Star Wars saga has been put to film and many questions about the Empire have been answered, there are still many mysteries and untold stories in the Star Wars universe. The last trilogy is still fresh in our minds, and the original trilogy is a true classic--while everyone on the team is a fan of the entire series, we thought it would be most interesting to explore events between Episode III and Episode IV.
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August 19th, 2006, 13:22 Posted By: wraggster
One of the finest classic retro compilations of this generation is easily Activision Anthology for the PlayStation 2. So the revelation that Activision's working to produce a collection of its old-school Atari 2600 games for the PSP is very exciting indeed.
This fall, Activision will release Activision Hits Remixed, a compilation of more than 40 games from Activision's Atari 2600 origins. The versions for the PSP will be accurate representations of the original classics: games such as Pitfall, Kaboom!, Chopper Command, Stampede, Keystone Kapers will be included in all their blocky glory.
The PSP collection looks like it will mirror the presentation of the IGN Editor's Choice-rated Activision Anthology for the PlayStation 2; the portable rendition will feature an 80s themed soundtrack as well as a modernized front end that spotlights the original game's artwork and manuals.
There will be plenty of unlockables based on specific achievements set in each game. Activision Hits Remixed will also support the PSP's Game Share feature for multiplayer support - only one copy of the game will be needed to play the two player-supported games over the PSP system's wireless networking.
The release date, price, ESRB rating, and complete game library have not been revealed for Activision Hits Remixed.
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August 19th, 2006, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
There's no real new info in his interview with Gamespot, but it's always interesting when a Sony exec goes on the record about the system. Here are some bullet points summarizing what he said:
Sony is still "hard at work" on Connect. (Note: It was originally supposed to come out in March.)
PSone downloads will come "close" to the PS3 launch. "Obviously, we certainly are not going to have 1,200 titles come out at once. You also need to realize that some of the games just don't translate well onto a PSP environment, games that require the use of the two analog sticks, for example."
No plans for a PSP price drop OR redesign. Sony is "happy" with PSP; it is their "fastest-growing product."
So are we getting a PSP redesign or not?
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August 19th, 2006, 13:50 Posted By: wraggster
danny_kay1710 has released a new version of PSPHost. PSPHost is the new name for danny_kay1710’s previously released PSPLink.
v1.4 changelog:
Application renamed to PSPHost (I apologise for using the name PSPLink, I only realised after release)
PimpStreamer 0.7 support added!
USBHOSTFS and NETHOSTFS ran twice when set to run at startup. Whilst this didn’t cause any problems concerning viewing files over these hosts, it did consume more system memory than needed.
Updated to version 1.5
Version 1.5
* Setup program wouldn’t allow successfull installs to anywhere other than the default directory. This is fixed in this release.
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August 19th, 2006, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac197 posted this news/release:
A simple interface for utilising the MikMod library to play WAV files
-= Samples =-
In the 'Samples' directory within this archive there is example code on how to integrate
There are two examples currently.
simple - Shows only the basic functions needed to load and play a WAV.
advanced - Illustrates how to change the volume, pan and stopping a playing WAV.
(When compiling these samples do not forget to put the 'sound.wav' file in the
same folder as the EBOOT when moving onto the PSP)
The samples and the wavloader.h are well commented so implementation should be simple.
MikMod will only play MONO uncompressed WAV files.
-= Version History =-
Version 0.1
-- Initial Release
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August 19th, 2006, 14:01 Posted By: wraggster
saulotmalo has updated his release in the Neoflash 2006 coding comp, heres the details:
Hello i've seen a lot of people that are worried about having a stuck pixel in his secreen so i've doing this application for serveral days and now i've finished it. I'm sure someone would find very usefull.
I'm called it SRS (Screen Repair Set) it is because it is a set of 3 aplications in one.
EDIT as many people had asked to add serveral features on my program i can't deceive the people so i've added it, but now im almost in exams and i have to study so until next month i'll wont update the program. Now i think this is my last version by the moment.
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August 19th, 2006, 14:09 Posted By: wraggster
71M has released an update to his entry in the NeoFlash 2006 Summer Competition, heres the info:
Ok, so I lied about that being my last update!
So here's the final final update, I promise!
Fixed diagonals on buttons.
Small optimisations.
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August 19th, 2006, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
Those coders who are thinking of entering the Neoflash Summer coding Contest which is supporting PSP, Nintendo DS and GBA have only 1 day to get submitting to get a chance of winning a Nintendo Wii.
The competition has created some excellent entries so far and i must compliment all coders as theres some great entries amongst them.
We also publically thank Neoflash for creating the best PSP/DS/GBA Coding Contest 
More details on the Comp Here
As im sure you have noticed already DCEmu is getting up to the minute news of all releases from the comp 
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August 19th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
Charnold has released a new and awesome looking version of his PSP - Dungeons Game, the game iself looks like a throwback to Wolf3D. Check out the screenshot:

Heres what the author says:
I modified my dungeons-engine a bit, so it can render bigger levels now and not only small mazes (level 4 is a simple remake of Wolfenstein 3D's first level). I included some enemies, so now in this version you can really do something :-)
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August 19th, 2006, 19:20 Posted By: wraggster
Smealum has posted this entry to the NeoFlash Coding Comp, heres the release details:
Hello !
I'm presenting to you the 0.6 version of the prequel of my DS game named Earth Invaders (the empire strikes back...^^). You might wonder how i can make the prequel of a game that has no story...Well....this game's story is going to explain to you the reason of the attack.
Now, i didn't really post this game for the prize : a month ago, i was planing on continuing the game and finishing it for this compo....But, i don't really know how, to source file of my game got corrupted...
I lost a lot of work, so i decided i would start the game all over again. This is what i'm going to do. That's why i'm presenting to you this uncomplete version, i would like advices and i'd also like to know what things you like, don't like, or would like to have in the next version.
Also, none of the graphics (except the menu and the video....that i didn't finish actually, this is only a test video i made to test my "video player"....) are by me, i took the sprites from Dragon Ball : Hyper Dimension (SNES, 1994). You'll notice that the ennemies look a little bit like you.... It won't be like this in the real version. Also, the "story mode" in this version is only the map browser...
You'll also notice a map creator, which isn't in its final version either - though it already works pretty well.
Controls :
D-PAD : Move / Twice : Dash
Stick : Move
Up : Get Ki back
Down : Block
X : Jump
O : Kick
/\ : Punch
[] : Ki blast
R : Uspeed (stop time)
L : Inverse gravity (walk on the ceiling)
Start : Pause
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August 19th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Smealum has posted this entry to the Neoflash Coding Competition:
Hi !
This entry is a map editor for Earth Invaders 0 and for YOUR future PSP games !
It includes a source code that permits you to load maps from external files. This will allow your players to create their own maps for your games, just like i did with EI 0.
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August 19th, 2006, 22:31 Posted By: masonman
this game is completely non-sexual
the object of the game is to get to the right side of the screen without hitting the boxes that will follow you. trace your steps or move about randomly. this is my first lua game, and I MADE IT ALL WITHOUT A COMPUTER! so... dont be too harsh
feel free to grab my code if you acknowledge me in the header, credits, or thanks
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August 20th, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster

Over at the Japanese PSP Signature Store they have 2 very cool looking Limited edition PSPs that are on sale for approximately $270, black one is called Tukimi and the white is Kachofugetsu.
More Info
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August 20th, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows released a new version of his video converter for the PSP.
4.025 changes:
Fixed work with MediaInfo.dll. Program don`t crash anymore on file opening. Happend on some computers.
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August 20th, 2006, 01:52 Posted By: wraggster
Davgav posted this release for the Neoflash Coding Comp:
The goal of this game is to defeat all the units of the other player moving them by turns.
D-pad: Move in menus.
X: Cancel
O: Confirm
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August 20th, 2006, 01:56 Posted By: wraggster
User112 has posted a new version of his SMS Media player for the PS2, heres whats new:
- Requires an internet connection.
- Edit Argon.xml to define folders to be parsed - <music> and <photo> (you can add several entries), and the path to uLaunchELF.
- Weather (using the service provided by The Weather Channel) - working. Edit Argon.xml to set you location (here is an explanation on how to obtain your location ID: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/09/29/weather.html). Pressing X on the weather screen will display a satellite image.
- Radio – categories list implemented.
- Photo - working, but libjpeg is damn slow. Thumbnails are shown for only the first five JPEGs (to speedup loading). Left/right - previous/next.
- Music – thumbnails implemented (folder.jpg or AlbumArtSmall.jpg).
- Still single threaded - takes ages to load...
If you want to help the project, here are the main tasks:
- SMS playback functions, if you are able to understand EEUG's code, I'm not, so I'm waiting for him to give me some clues,
- threads, semaphores, timers and stuff like that,
- high quality mp3 decoder (libmad maybe? - haven't tested it yet) - while SMS mp3 decoder is ok for movies (speed is more important there), for plain mp3's we can use something better,
- Shoutcast support,
- SMB support - http://ntba2.de/?p=libsmb, if it's performance will be adequate,
- DAAP support (iTunes sharing),
- AAC decoder - FAAC?
- visualization - based on something like that http://imagesavant.com/ or http://flam3.com/ (this one is opensource) or something else, but it should be extremely minimalistic (and I don't care about it reacting to the music),
- zlib support for those bitmaps and fonts,
- better icons.
These are more or less in the order of their priority. Contact me if you are interested.
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August 20th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
We at DCEmu care about all our PSP members and not just those on Homebrew friendly PSPs so heres a few flash games starting with Witch Coare Demo!, heres the details:
This is like an advanced version of the Flash Monster game we posted the last few blog posts ago (and made by the same devs). They really know how to design flash well for the PSP, and I highly recommend checking out their site, http://www.maverickforce.com .
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Via Chubigans
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August 20th, 2006, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another Flash game for those who are not on Homebrew friendly PSPs, heres the details:
Your helicopter will keep going across the screen left to right...just press X to drop the bombs. Every time the heli reenters it moves down a space, so be sure to take out those tall buildings first...or you'll crash for sure. The High Score version takes you to another site online, so don't click that if you want to play offline. However I highly recommend you check out http://psp.fingertime.com for three great PSP games that work beautifully on the browser...unfortunately this is the only one I can make available offline. You'll have to go online with your PSP to check out the other two (Sudoku and a cool Kong game).
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Via Chubigans
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August 20th, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
Weltall posted a new release of his cheat app for devhook, heres whats new:
Today I'm pleased to announce a new version of cwcheat: 0.1.2.
This version has various improvement including:
-cheat searching directly from the psp with 8/16/32BIT support, continue support and reporting of the values of the first ten adresses. Directly from the cheat search menu is possible to add to the codes what you have just found to try it (it doens't add it to the on memory stick database at the moment)
-improvement on the 32bit multi adress write code which permits now to use not power of 4 adresses (before this resulted in a crash)
-fixed the usb mass support: now it's auto enabled correctly when the prx is loaded if you selected it in the options
-now codes are applied without waiting 1-10secs anymore so for example the life bars are now froze
NB: I couldn't update the manuals because i don't have adobe acrobat with me right now
NB2:The change code value function is accesible from the cheat selection menu by pressing SQUARE when the desidered cheat is selected
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August 20th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
Some sites claim to be 24/7 but theres only one wraggster (nutty english person who posts news round the clock), heres another release before the rest get around to posting 
[Bo]Trops has updated his Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator made for the Sony Play Station Portable system.
The emulator uses the old Marat Z80 emulator by Marat Fayzullin. VDP source is based on SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald. All the source is heavylly optimized for the PSP system.
PSPMaster is running at full speed without frame skiping when the YM2413 sound chip emulation is disabled. Please do not change default options if you don't know what you are doing.
To play PSPMaster you will need a PSP with the firmware 1.5 installed. To install, just download and decompress the file "pspmaster.zip" to the root of your PSP memory stick.
Changing PSPMaster language:
PSPMaster read menu strings from a script file. These files are in languages directory. To create a new language just translate the strings in the file "english.c" using a simple text editor like Windows Notepad.
Changing the default theme:
You can change the default emulator font by changing the script file "theme.c" in theme directory. The background image displayed in menus is in the file "bg.bin". You can create your own background image by using the background generator.
The background generator convert a windows bitmap file into a PSPMaster background file.
Heres whats new:
- YM2413 speed optimizations.
- YM2413 bug fixed.
- Configure emulator keys menu.
- Use hardware aceleration to draw menu images.
- 32 bits color menu.
- Read menu images from PNG files instead of custom format.
- Fixed a bug that was stoping emulation.
- Save screen shots in PNG format instead of GIF.
- Sound volume option added.
- Improved script files and fixed a bug.
- Improved cheat files (one cheat can change multiple memory
- Fixed a bug in draw text routine.
- Support for cheats.
- Menu improvements.
- In game screen messages.
- Faster render code (Assembly).
- Added bios mode.
- More speed optimizations.
- Fixed a bug in screen shot routine..
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August 20th, 2006, 09:12 Posted By: BelmontSlayer

Exophase has just released his GBA emulator for the PSP, heres what he says:
gameplaySP (gpSP for short) is a GBA emulator written completely from scratch. It is still pretty young (only having started a 3 months ago)
and thus rather immature, but it does a decent job of playing a number of games. It is currently very minimalistic, in the sourcecode, presentation, and features. Its number one focus is to deliver a GBA
gaming experience in the most playable way that PSP can manage, with frills being secondary.
Having said that, optimization was the important way in achieving this goal, with overall compatability being a near second. Because of this
some games may not run at the favor of running more games significantly better. Of course, the compatability will improve with time.
Many games will run at their best out of the box, but some games will run very slowly unless idle loops are taken care of. There is a supplied
ROM database, game_config.txt, that gives idle loop targets and other settings that may help a game to run better (or at all) on a per-game basis. Currently (as of the first release) only a very small number of
games are entered. This number should improve dramatically over time.
gpSP currently requires an authentic GBA BIOS image file to run. It will make no effort to run without one present; this file is 16kb and should
be called gba_bios.bin and present in the same location as the EBOOT.PBP file. Please do not ask me where to obtain this, you'll have to look
online or grab it from a GBA. Note that it is not legal to have this file unless you own a GBA, and even then it's rather gray area.
-- Features --
gpSP mostly emulates the core Gameboy Advance system. As of right now it does not emulate any special hardware present on various GBA cartridges.
What it emulates:
GBA CPU: All ARM7TDMI ARM and Thumb mode opcodes except block memory w/ s-bit (probably aren't used in GBA games) Video: Modes 0, 1, 2 almost completely, basic 3-5 support, sprites,
windows/OBJ windows Interrupts: HBlank, VBlank, all timers, all DMA channels, keypad DMA: Immediate, HBlank, VBlank, sound timer triggered
Sound: Both DirectSound channels and all 4 GBC audio channels Input: Basic GBA input delivered through PSP controls Cartridges: Currently supports up to 16MB large ROMs (32MB will not load)
Backup: 32/64kb SRAM, 64kb flash, 512bit/8kb EEPROM
What it lacks:
Video: No mosaic, bitmap modes lack color effects (alpha, fades), there might be some minor inaccuracies in blending...Cycle accuracy: Very cycle innacurate; CPU is effectively very overclocked, meaning games with rampant idle loops will probably run very poorly. DMA transfers effectively happen for free (0 cycle). Please do NOT use gpSP as a first source for developing GBA homebrew,
try No$GBA instead.Backup: 128kb flash is not currently supported.
-- Controls --
The control scheme is very simple and currently can not be changed.
At the ROM selection screen:
Up/down: navigate current selection window.
Left/right: switch between file window and directory window. Circle/start: select current entry.
Square: go one directory up.
digg it
gpSP Compatibility list (add your findings)
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Many games including Mario are running at Full Speed and with sound, try your favourites out and report back as soon as possible
UPDATE: I've added a version for PSP v1.50 since some people were having trouble making their own 
via exophase
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August 20th, 2006, 09:38 Posted By: ninja9393
ok just finshed a whole bunch of stuff
new animation
ability to go into 2(one more then beta2) rooms IE walk to the blue door
health bar
game over
kill yourself(r trigger)
MISSLES WILL BE IN 2.5 due to missle issues
MUSIC WILL BE IN 2.5(thanks to joebro)
hope u guys will like it
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August 20th, 2006, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
AhMan has released a new version of his excellent Shell for the PSP and an entry in the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Here is my entry with iR Shell 2.0.
iR Shell is a multi-tasking shell for the PSP which allows you to launch applications (UMD games or homebrews) via a menu driven interface. In addition to the standard shell functionalities, it includes a plethora of advance features. Most features can be called upon either via the icon based menu system or a shortcut combo key for fast access.
Feature Highlights:
- A true multi-tasking shell which allows you to multi-task between a UMD game/homebrew and any of the iR Shell built-in functions.
- Allow listening to any of your favorite mp3s while playing UMD games or homebrews.
- A built-in Universal iR Remote supporting over 2000 devices.
- With the built-in file browser, you can browse files on your Memory Stick, UMD Disc, your PC hard disks or DVDROM drives via USB or WiFi. You can even open files directly from these devices by a single click, such as viewing PMP Movies, Atrac3s, PMF movies, Text files, PDF files, Bitmap Photos, Jpegs, PNG photos, PBP PSP apps, ZIP & RAR archives.
- You can choose to install your PSP homebrew applications & files on your PC harddisk and access them via USB or WiFi on your PSP. This will eventually give your PSP unlimited storage access. With Infrastructure WiFi, you can access these homebrew apps or files on your home PC via WiFi hotspots through Internet.
- Allow transfer of files between 2 PSPs via adhoc WiFi.
- Advanced file management functions which can be performed on a complete directory tree.
- Take snapshots of any homebrews, UMD games, MP4 movies or UMD Movies. For MP4 movies or UMD Movies snapshot, you can use the 'Launch XMB' feature.
- Alarm clock to remind you important events.
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August 20th, 2006, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
Danzel has released a new app for remapping your controls and another entry for the Neoflash Comp, heres the details:
Ever got annoyed at a PSP game because it had bad controls?
Well be annoyed no more! RemaPSP is here to save the day!
RemaPSP is a program to remap the PSP controls. It also supports turbo (Rapid Fire!) and Macros.
You can remap any of your psp controls to any other. Including taking input from the remote.
It works with Devhook and has a launcher for 1.5 homebrew.
Check the included readme for install, usage, modding instructions. I plan to release the source code later this week when I have some more time.
If any of the Devhook cheat engine coders want to add this to their system, drop me an email
Thanks to Haeal and Ayb4btu for the eboot art and to Lordsturm + Macca for their Beta testing help.
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August 20th, 2006, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster
Kagato has released a new game for the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Hello all!
Here's my entry for the Summer Coding Competition:
Reactor v1.0
It's a Lua game, in which the goal is to eliminate all the particles from the Reactor. You do this by firing a Proton into the chamber, and directing it with a Deflector Shield (controlled with the analog stick). Don't let the Proton hit the Reactor wall, or you'll lose energy.
It's a little bit like Breakout, only circular... and harder!
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August 20th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
E has updated his multi system emulator for the PSP to 0.82c.
The Emulator Supports:
Sega Master System
Sega Game Gear
Here's the translated news from his website:
(1) WS : SRAM Bank change bugfix
¡¡¡¡SRAM Bank
(2) Sprite Table update timing fix
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August 20th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Edepot has posted a new entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the details:
Ceres 1.3
Here is a new version 1.3 of Ceres, the 3D asteroids game for Sony PSP. New features like roaming in 3D were added that makes the game even better. If reviewing the game for the contest, try out the PSP to PSP multiplayer via Infra-red and try to get past level 21 if you can to see the wormholes. This is a very addicting game. How many mission levels can you reach?
Downloading URL:
Visit that link to download the game. I tried to upload it from this forum but kept getting session time-out errors. That link contains the latest version compiled for this contest. The original game homepage is at http://www.edepot.com/game.html
Please visit for updates in the future (currently it has version 1.1)
Please consider registering and submitting your requests to improve the game and please vote for this game.
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August 20th, 2006, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Our man Zion has released an updated version of his Wormz game for the Neoflash Comp, heres the release details:

Heres the second release of lua wormz for the neoflash coding compo, enjoy.
change log :
added - intro screen
added - titlescreen menu
added - credits screen
added - player selection
added - collision
to change players hold L1 and press either left, right or up.
attacks are temporally removed, were re-doing them now
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August 20th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
On days like this its great to be a homebrew and emulation fan and the DS and PSP are seeing some amazing releases, heres the latest NeoComp release from Froggies Prods & TiTAN Handheld Division, heres the details:
Froggies Prods (Pang, Super Mario War/PS2, NeoCD/PS2,...) And TiTAN Handheld Division (TrigonometryWars, Demos,...)
Are proud to present you for the Neoflash Summer Compo
R-Gear : Tribute to R-Type
This game, as the name says, is a tribute to our prefered shoot them up series created by Irem and unfortunately stopped last year...So we decided to bring back to life the good old R-Type feeling on the PSP.
Instructions :
- Copy the folders in the PSP/GAME/ folder
- X to shoot (Stay pressed for cool power shoot)
- O to control the module
-/\ to toggle the options formation
- Right Trigger to accumulate energy (then release)
- Analog/Digital pad to move
Credits :
Code - Gameplay : DingoFr/Froggies
Code - 3D : Shazz/Titan^Froggies
Music - Game : Strobe & Ampli/Titan
Music - Intro : Rebb/Titan
Graphics - Intro & Menu Art : AlienPDX/Titan
Graphics - Game : R-Type collection,...
This game cannot be sold, all content and relationship with R-Type are the property of IREM, CAVE, AICOM. Have fun or die...
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August 20th, 2006, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Yodajr has posted this release to the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Hello !
Here is my entry for the NEOFLASH Summer Coding Competition 2006. It's a remake of a japan PC game : Ruta Stroke. I cloned graphics and sounds from a GBA game : Zelda Minish Cap. I use the great lib OSLib from Brunni. In the game you have 65 levels, in each level you have to get all the rupees, a sword will appear, get it to clear the level... easy, not ?
Controls are simple too : the pad or the joystick to move Link (but I recommend you to use the pad), triangle to play/pause the in-level music (I know it can be annoying sometimes ) and start for the menu : try again the level, return to title screen and quit the game.
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August 20th, 2006, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Pointbat has updated his game for the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the details:
Here is my game, a lumines-like. The game is working fine and use png images (you can change them).
Here is my latest version of luminex, with sound and a theme engine !I also fixed some bugs
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August 20th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
AnonymousTipster has posted his release into the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the details:
Improvements over the previous version are:
Round wheels
Level Editor
Save/View Replays
15 new levels
Downloadable levels
Online Infrastructure play
De-activated auto-reset (use Tri if you've failed)
Analog steering
Sound effects
Better camera
Basic Game Controls:
DPad/Analog to steer
Cross to accelerate
Circle to brake
Square to reverse
Triangle to reset
About Online Play:
This has been a very tough few weeks for me, coding the online section of this game, because I've never done socket programming before, and I only have 1 PSP. I wish to thank all my beta testers for their continued patience and help:
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August 20th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
mINI posted this new entry to the Neoflash coding competition:
What is the Click Click Machine ?
- The Click Click Machine is a sort of emulator of the AXE CLICK.
How to use it ?
- It works like the AXE CLICK.
When a woman gives her attention to a man. If you are the man, then you can use your Click Click Machine. If a woman gives you a glance, a smile or kiss you can click on your Click Click Machine. At the end : save your score and you can compare it with your friends.
-You can click by pressing the triangle, the square, the circle or the cross on your PSP. You can reset by pressing SELECT on your PSP. To quit this application, press START. More informations on Axe Click website : http://www.clickmore.com/ .
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August 20th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
What a day, ive been in the emulation and homebrew scenes for over 10 years and this is one of those great days, Brunni has released an excellent entry into the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the full release details:
I present you my application for the PSP, it's a Master System and Game Gear emulator. It's a port from the excellent SMSPlus with improved compatibilty and good speed. All my games now run without problem! Most SMS games run perfectly at 166 MHz and Game Gear at 133 MHz. Also, there is no more sound glitches ^^
It can also play GYM music files. Files are placed in a ZIP file, used as a playlist. 6 sample GYMs are included, simply load music.zip in the emulator directory.
Nice interface, skinnable and with a lot of options.
Save state images are generated in real time rather than being stored in the save file itself. Note that sonic blast gradients are rendered correctly.
You can redefine all keys, including shortcuts (like state change/save/load, turbo mode, pause, reset), and there is an auto-repeat feature. You can also set the in-game screen as a background, useful to continue at the heart of action.
Nice icons by Phoebius, backgrounds by Japi.
MMSPlus features a rich interface with simple effects and good useability. And it's fully skinnable.
Note: I'm sorry, I must post it, I implemented GYM support during these last days and I had no time to extensively test it, so it might be buggy. Anyway, please let me know any problem you had with it
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August 21st, 2006, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Remi59 has posted a great looking game for the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the release details:
Arc Angel Beta 01
I hope you like it , I'm alone to work into this game and I've spent many hours (more than 200...) to do this project. It Full, include 7 levels, 7 types of Missiles with 6 Power Type,7 Boss....
2 Modes are avalaible , one with some Ripped graphs and one only with my graphs but i have not enough time to finish it...
I have set 99 lifes because this game is very difficult ( like a Gradius ^^ )
I hope you like it
Download at the release thread on Neoflash Forums, the data zip is 80mb(no way is wraggy uploading that)
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August 21st, 2006, 07:16 Posted By: irondirgible
According to StrmnNrmn's blog, he has delayed releasing Revision 8 of his fabulous N64 emulator for the PSP in order to optimise newly added code for rendering large triangles. We were all hoping for a release this weekend, but now it looks as if we'll have to wait a little longer, but the speed increase will (hopefully) be worth it.
Read his whole post at:
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August 21st, 2006, 07:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sektor has released a new Lua app for the Neoflash Comp called You might be a game developer if...
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August 21st, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
Zion has released another entry into the Neoflash Comp. Heres the details:
Here is my entry (just in time) for the neoflash psp apps section.
This is a guitar tuner for the psp, it plays the string in the set you require and
plays long enough for you to tune in your guitar
features fully functional menu, + easy to follow backgrounds, and of course the tuning sounds.
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August 21st, 2006, 07:45 Posted By: wraggster
LMelior has released a new game for the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the details:
This is the updated version of my entry for the psp-programming.com competition (even though the results still haven't been posted for that one  ). There are a couple gameplay tweaks but the major improvements are to the title and menu graphics, largely the work of branin.
Those of you familiar with the game "Robots" on some Linux distributions will understand the gameplay right away.
[X] does all of the selecting in menus. When in the game, you use the analog stick to choose a direction to move, and press [X] to move. The rest is self-explanatory.
From the readme:
You are being attacked by zombies! There are a few things you should know about zombies that will aid in your survival. First, even though they prefer human brains, they eat everything...including each other. Zombies don't have regular blood though, they have deadly acid filling what is left of their blood vessels. So, when they eat each other, the result is a bubbling pool of acid. Second, they come after you as straight as possible, no matter what is in their way. They don't hesitate to walk into fire or pools of acid, even though it turns them into pools of acid when they do it. Hey, zombies don't think, you know, unless by 'think' you mean 'try as hard as they can to eat human brains.' Lastly, you do have one extra means of escape that the zombies can't use: teleportation. It takes quite a bit of energy to teleport to a safe location, however, so you can only do so five times before you have to recharge. You can, however, teleport completely at random as many times as you want. For obvious reasons, this isn't always the smartest thing to do. Well, good luck!
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August 21st, 2006, 11:08 Posted By: Darksaviour69
PSmonkey has released his neoflash compo entry Sand box. This is what he said:
I was hoping it would turn out better but due to lack of sleep adding up now out of time, a few corners were cut.
Anyways go try out my neoflash compo entry. I probably will only get 3rd place for this.
Do note tho, I plan to update the game this week to fix for stuff I did not have enough time to do.
The greatest thing about sandbox is the fact it's all setup by theme.ini files. You can easly modify exsisting themes or even create your own.
Another nice feature is I setup AT3 playback in a way that the game should still be 2.0+ compatible. Just have to pop in an old game.

neoflash release thread
PSmonkey's forum release thread
BigMace has already released a moon/space theme for PSmonkey's game sandbox.
Sandbox Theme: Moon-Walk
[update by psmonkey]
A basic tutorial explaining how to make themes has been posted. If you have any issues creating themes just post in that topic and someone will assist you.
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August 21st, 2006, 12:27 Posted By: wraggster
Having trouble convincing your girlfriend of the merits of PlayStation 2 games? Sony may have just come to your rescue, by announcing that a pink edition of the all-conquering console will go on sale on 8 November.
Generously, the luridly coloured machine will come as standard with two pink controllers and a pink 8Mb memory card. Alas, it won't come bundled with the obvious game to accompany such a feminine machine: SingStar Anthems, although the two would go together like Gilbert and George.
Dan Hill, PlayStation 2 European brand manager, said: "The Pink PlayStation 2 is funky, fresh and fashionable." That would definitely be true if you're a teenage girl. We are prepared to admit that you can't miss it -- have a look at the photos and see what you think.
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August 21st, 2006, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
In brief, God Hand is a single-player fighting game where the lead character, Jean, sports a godly right hand - one that expectedly deals some serious damage when he swings its divine knuckles into the faces of his enemies.
Capcom is quick to brag Viewtiful Joe creator Atsushi Inaba's (producer) and Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami's (director) involvement in the game, and after the fantastic fourth RE instalment, it's hard for us not swivel in our office chairs with excitement, contemplating Mikami's next gaming opus.
God Hand is due out on PS2 at the end of the year. We'll let you know how it turns out.
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August 21st, 2006, 12:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony US boss Kaz Hirai has been speaking to GameSpot about the launch of the PS3 and he's dropped a fair few details and indeed issued some stark warnings about just how easy it will be to get your hands on the console, come this year's November launch period.
Quizzed on launch plans for the console, Hirai began by re-stating Sony's position that there would be two million units worldwide within a calendar year of launch, but on the more thorny issue of allocations per major territory he added, "Since we're going with three territories, we haven't really come up with an allocation just yet. But even if you do the simple math you're talking about less than 700,000 units per territory, per major territory, between launch and the end of the year. So even if there was some fluctuation - you give Japan more, you give the US more, what have you - you're going to end up with some shortages."
Hirai then added, "Unfortunately, I think it's going to be very much of a challenge to be able to meet every single unit demand that's out there in the market. That's just a logistical impossibility. Unless we suddenly say, "Well we want to wait until June of next year to launch because we want to stockpile product," I don't think that's the approach we want to take."
So not much prospect of waking up with a PS3 delivered fresh from Santa's bulging sack this Christmas morning then, but Hirai then went to admit that Sony hasn't begun making the units themselves yet, although production is apparently, just about to kick off. "We haven't started manufacturing yet. Some of our ops guys were actually just in China, and also in Japan just reviewing the [production] lines and everything else. But they are, again, preparing as we speak to get the manufacturing going. We've not announced and we haven't set really a specific date to say, "As of this day we're going to start manufacturing.".
Despite acknowledging that shortages are inevitable, Hirai however did remain optimistic on the console's longer-term prospects saying in the light of the recent Yankee analysts report, Sony would retain its overall market share as the market plays out over the next few years. "My plan basically is to make sure that we keep at least as much market share as we have had with the PS1 and the PS2. We don't plan on ceding any of the market share to our competitors, especially after the cycle has gone deep".
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August 21st, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
News from Divineo China
A new version of Dual Shock 2 color is available from Sony (official product): DS2 CLEAR!
This is a different version from the Slate Grey (clear grey) version already available on Divineo.cn
Heres more info

The official DualShock 2 analog controller by Sony for the Playstation 2 console.
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August 21st, 2006, 12:48 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

TopGun Blaze Stand is a pair of ultra bright LED stands specially designed to support huge screen of 60 inch or above. The workable range of TopGun Blaze Stand is 7m while that of the original LED stand is 5m. For screens of size 60 inch or above, the performance of TopGun Blaze is better. However, for screens smaller then 60 inch, the performance of the original stand is better.
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August 21st, 2006, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
We've known this Blu-ray-equipped media center PC was on the horizon, and now AMEX Digital is finally dropping the pimped-out M505-BDR in Europe with even crazier specs than we originally thought. Aside from sporting that swank single-layer Blu-ray burner -- which not only plays Blu-ray titles, but also upscales normal 'ole DVDs to "stunning 1080p" resolution -- the M505 apparently houses an unidentified Intel Core 2 Duo processor on the Intel 945P Express chipset, 4GB of DDR2 RAM, 1.5TB of SATA disk space, and a UK-friendly dual hybrid analog / digital DVB-T TV tuner. This beast also rocks Gigabit LAN, 802.11b/g WiFi, a FireWire connector, 8.1 channel HD audio, and, of course, an HDMI port that doesn't bother to tout its HDCP compliancy (or lack thereof). This Windows Media Center 2005-powered machine delivers that crystal clear HD video via the ATI X1600 graphics card, and AMEX even throws in a "multi-function" remote to control the action from your oh-so-comfy loveseat. The drool-worthy device is set to be released to European markets on August 28th at a cost of near $2,000 -- but considering the lofty prices for standalone Blu-ray burners and players alike, we'd say this looks like a bargain; and don't forget the free Blu-ray title (apparently of your choice) that comes with the purchase, perhaps sending fence-sitters squarely into the "buyers" camp.
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August 21st, 2006, 13:04 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of Midway's rather enjoyable console shooter Area 51 will be pleased to hear that some job-ad indiscretions suggest a sequel is in the works.
Not only do the ads - listed on GameDev.net - make reference to "Area 52", but they're also seeking talent specifically for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, suggesting that Midway is quite happy making the jump.
Unreal Engine experience is listed as a "bonus" for applicants, along with experience of working on first-person shooters, making it pretty clear what they're on about.
The listings also make reference to a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title called Criminal, with mentions of Unreal Engine 3 there - Midway, of course, is already a confirmed licensee - and talk of high-level, photo-realistic visuals.
Although Midway has yet to officially announce these games, the company is known to be well into development on next-gen titles including John Woo's Stranglehold, which caught attention on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 during E3.
It's also set to publish the PC version of Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2007.
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August 21st, 2006, 13:11 Posted By: wraggster
Finally, a non-shaky cam/YouTube video of what the PlayStation 3 user interface will look like once you plug in the console. As you'll see, it's basically a ramped up PSP interface. We won't say much, but just let the IGN video speak for itself instead. Check it out
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August 21st, 2006, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Silconera has posted a nice side by side comparison of some newly released images by Sony of the 20GB and 60GB PlayStation 3. We all know the spec differences, but it's nice to also see what each looks like in their differing configurations.
Anyone else think the 20GB just looks drastically cheaper in quality? As if there weren't enough incentive to go with the higher-priced PS3, it looks as though from a purely aesthetic perspective, most gamers would want to go for the 60GB as well.
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August 21st, 2006, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
The online video game rental house Gamefly has some data on what titles are the most anticipated by their users for the PlayStation 3
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man
Call of Duty 3
Need for Speed: Carbon
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August 21st, 2006, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster

Heres a curious bit of news, SuccessHK have posted on their site firmware 2.5 PSPs which they are promoting as Downgradeable, so for those of you with No PSP at the moment it could be interesting for you.
The PSP is selling for $220 which is around 110 pounds in UK money, those interested should check out SuccessHK. Buying this way guarentees a downgradeable PSP but i suppose most shops are on 2.7 from new now ?
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August 21st, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sg57 posted this release into the Neoflash Comp:
Here is an actual release of the little game I through together.
From the game (objective):
"Try to keep yourself away from being smacked (not too violent for the younger users) by the enemy, while at the same time, trying to outline the field grid to banish the evil."
In some comments I had on this, some said the 'characters' in this looked alot like 'spiders', so I might as well use it as what the characters are. Your a green spider (good) and all your fellow spiders are evil (red) and have bulked up on the count of herbal enhancers
Main Features:
-Mirror Mode: Completely inverts the playing field. Light -> Dark, Dark->Light, the background image is flipped completely, and the white grid lines are now a shade of gray and randomly disapperaed, meaning its harder than non-Mirror Mode since you are most likely to backtrack alot.
- MP3 Player is built-in, will only play music from the MUSIC directory, sub-folders aren't supporteded yet. Seeking back/forward, Repeat song On/off and Pause/Stop/Play
- Auto-Randomized 'slow-down' of the game play near the end of each stage, so you can both check out the abstract background hidden beneathe, and rest your fingers a little
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August 21st, 2006, 14:31 Posted By: wraggster
drakonite posted this entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Meltdown v0.5 for PSP!
Gameplay has been described as similar to bejewled, but with a twist!
Drag the rows/colums of reactor cores into groups to destroy them!
I meant to have a lot more in the game but unfortunately I spent way too much time on some bugs and the deadline hit. Something is better than nothing though!
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August 21st, 2006, 14:41 Posted By: wraggster
Framerate posted this entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp:
Theres a lot more I wanted to get done, but this contest gave me a perfect deadline to force myself to make some progress... so here we are. I've been coding and talking for over a year, and now I put my money where my mouth is....
Here's the initial preview of my RPG engine. I had to disable the full battles due to time constraints, but it's all explained in the demo...
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Thanks for the opportunity!
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August 21st, 2006, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
xigency has posted anew entry into the Neoflash Comp:
Heres the details:
Quak Arena - Demo
By XiGency (Greg Tourville)
This is a demo of an FPS I've been working on, titled "Quak Arena." Originally, I planned as multiplayer, and i was working on it up intill today, but due to unexpected problems, the multiplayer wasn't working, so i threw togethor this demo. It uses 3d, has realistic bobbing and shotgun recoil, and has some simplistic physics. Its not quite what i wanted it to be, but expect an update soon.
Special Thanks to:
rodenthunter56x, AnonymousTipster, Slasher, ranmax09, and all my other testers, and especially my family, for letting programming be my priority for 2 weeks.
Analog - Move + Turn
L & R - Strafe
Square + Analog - Look
Cross - Shoot
Update: Did a little bit of work to turn it into a game, here is the final version.
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August 21st, 2006, 15:45 Posted By: wraggster
Our man Zion has released an updated version of his Wormz game for the Neoflash Comp, heres the release details:

Here is version 3.0. the best i could get out due to the late entry.
Shooting is in, so are jumps. Enjoy
there are also 3 Ai characters and 3 human controlled characters.
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August 21st, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a clock app for the PSP, heres what he says:
Hi Guys,
Here is another basic clock for the PSP.
It's current list of features are:
- It tells the time in 24 hour format with hours, minutes and seconds.
Like I said, pretty basic
The font may be familiar if you saw my GPSP program.
I stole the graphics from myself for this program.
I'm working on a project that involves a few live simultaneous displays, and the time is one of them (heart rate is another).
The good news is, I will share my work as the program develops.
The bad news is, I will discontinue providing updates at some stage of development where external hardware is involved, and/or the program
becomes more specific toward it's final objectives.
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via art
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August 21st, 2006, 16:03 Posted By: wraggster
the_darkside_986 has released a calculator for the PSP, heres the details:
I have actually made real usable software--an EBOOT calculator that has as much power as windows calculator in simple mode. I know that there are plenty of LUA calcs and there's a TI-92 emulator, but this is for users who do not wish to hassle themselves with using the LUA player or the complexity of using and setting up a powerful graph calculator. (Not that there's anything wrong with LUA player, I just like C/C++ and native executables personally). What I am aiming for is the PSP homebrew's solution to MS Calculator.
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via the_darkside_986
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August 21st, 2006, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
Grimfate has released a new version of his Assault Beta game, heres whats new:
-- changed the array "FlameInfo" to use 2 sub-sets, instead of creating 2 arrays. save some memory.
-- added flame ANIMATIONS!  (thx to Feldor) it looks HoT!!
-- new title screen (thx to Feldor) ALSO looks HoT!!
-- added ur faverite weapon - the FART. (seriously) it was pretty easy, so i was like might as well.
-- credits updated. i made the edges transparent and shoterned to size
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via grimfate
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August 21st, 2006, 16:22 Posted By: wraggster
MexicanSnake has posted a new entry into the Neoflash Comp, heres the details:
Well this is my entry for the compo and the new features in my game are:
-New options
-New mini games
-Corrected code
-Multiplayer with 1 psp
and more!!!!!!
Please try it! its really cool. the graphics were made by Deanaw22, coding help by rikardo_92 and coding by me (MexicanSnake).
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August 21st, 2006, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
drakonite has released an awesome puzzle game for the PSP called Droplets, heres the details from this Neoflash Comp entry:
Here is Droplets v1.5 for PSP!
The object of Droplets is to clear all the blobs off the board by selectively filling certain blobs until they burst, sending drops towards neighboring blobs causing a chain reaction!
It's a wildly addicting game perfect for speeding away the hours when riding the bus/train/etc!
By popular request the mp3 playback was removed and standard background music was added in it's place... The level generator should now product 1000x better levels than before, as well as some other smaller changes and bug fixes.
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August 21st, 2006, 16:40 Posted By: wraggster
Wow im knackered, spent most of Sunday and today posting the many great releases of PSP, Nintendo DS and GBA Games and Applications from the NeoFlash Coding Competition, as you will have noticed i have made sure even if the release was posted on our network that we link to the entry in the Neoflash Comp, its not a time for DCEmu to take any credits for releases on our forums, its a time to back all those coders and make sure each and every release gets a fair and easy to find link so that all the excellent coders get a chance of winning the compo.
The comp itself have had some amazing entries and you only have to check through our PSP, Nintendo DS and GBA News forums to see many excellent releases.
I wish all the coders well and im bloody thankful im not a judge and to the lucky bast who wins a Wii good luck to you.
Now we can return to normal news 
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August 21st, 2006, 17:10 Posted By: wraggster
Raphael has posted his entry in the Neoflash Comp (yeah the zip was down earlier), heres the release details:
Hi all, well after some last-minute fixes I at least got something together that runs... I just couldn't find enough time to do something more decent, so this is not what it was supposed to be... but well, I wanted to release something and not again drop the work on a demo project because I didn't get it finished in time.
So what's this? It's supposed to be a demo with some nice FX... but it turned out rather sluggish, but it's a good start for some nice 3D visualizations. So currently it's something like a boring kind of 3D-mp3-visualizer if you want
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August 21st, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: Kramer
Ookm has found a way to downgrade TA-082 PSPs although the process is quite complicated. Heres whats posted on his blog
Success SoftDown FW2.50 TA-082 to FW1.00/1.50
Had found a method SoftDown TA-082's FW2.50 PSP to FW1.00/1.50
But the method is quite complex, SoftDown a TA-082's PSP need about 45min
1. Use software Read Data From TA-082's NandFlash & DDR DRam
2. Analyzes the Data than make a "FW1.00/1.50 NandFlash img" that can Boot on TA-082
3. Use software Write that "FW1.00/1.50 NandFlash img" to TA-082
maybe late i will make a software to let "FW2.50 TA-082" user to dump "NandFlash & DDR DRam" data to me
than i can make the "FW1.00/1.50 NandFlash img" to help them SoftDown their TA-082 :P
Things are looking up for TA-082 owners 
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August 21st, 2006, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
Sony US head honcho Kaz Hirai has said the company hopes to get its download service (including a library of PS1 games) for the PSP up and running before the end of the year, that the PlayStation 3 will be online from launch day one, and has also given a rather lukewarm vote of confidence to the PSP's much-maligned UMD format.
In an interview with GameSpot, Hirai said, when questioned about the vaunted PSP Connect download service: "We are still hard at work on the download service for PSP. And again, we want to make sure that what we're offering is something that we can be happy with as opposed to something that's just put together for the sake of getting something out there as quickly as possible." He was less vague about the accompanying PS1 games download service, though: "The plan is to bring that this year, as close to launch as possible, as we start embarking on our online initiative. Again, the sooner we can bring that, those titles out to the market, the better. Obviously, we certainly are not going to have 1,200 titles come out at once. You also need to realize that some of the games just don't translate well onto a PSP environment, games that require the use of the two analogue sticks, for example."
Talking about the PlayStation 3, Hirai said: "The plan is to take the console online on November 17th as we launch and I also assume as we launch in Japan on November 11th." But when tackled about the growing trend among PSP owners towards downloading entertainment content to Memory Sticks, rather than buying UMDs, Hirai flannelled somewhat: "We see the UMD as really being a delivery medium of entertainment content. And as is the case with PlayStation 3, some things lend themselves better to a delivery medium through online to the memory stick. Other content lends itself better to a pre-recorded medium in the form of a UMD disk. If there are advantages, or for the motion picture companies to take advantage of UMD to deliver their content or music companies to deliver their content on UMDs, that's great. But at the same time, if they perceive another delivery medium, at the end of the day that's all going to help in increasing the installed base of the PlayStation Portable."
It's hardly a ringing endorsement of the world's most proprietary format though. Hirai also carefully reiterated that Sony has no plans to either redesign the PSP or to drop its price, pointing out that the handheld has sold 20 million units worldwide in its first 18 months on the market, 5.2 million of which were shifted in the US alone.
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August 21st, 2006, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced that, as of August 23, the PlayStation 2's price will drop from £105 to £95.
At least, that's what we're presuming will happen in the UK, given that the European price has had €20 shaved off its €149.99 RRP.
So now you can buy a PS2 and have an unexpected tenner left over to spend on beer. Or buy four PS2s plus a couple of games for the price of a PS3. If that isn't cause for celebration, we don't know what is. Particularly now that, as we revealed earlier, the PS2 is soon to become pretty in pink.
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August 21st, 2006, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CVG
If the prospect of Koei's forthcoming PSP rhythm-action game Gitaroo Man Lives! has caused your thumbs to go all twitchy in anticipation, perhaps these typically wacky and colourful new screenshots will go some way towards pacifying you.
Alas, we have no firm release date for the bizarre, anarchic game (Koei is still saying nothing more specific than Q3 2006), but we can reveal that, this time around, you will be able to jam with the Man himself, and the game will include WiFi two-player axe-work. As you can see from the screenshots, its visuals will be as surreal as ever.
And if you pre-order the game at game.co.uk, you will get five limited-edition badges featuring the main characters from Gitaroo Man Lives! Bonus!
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August 21st, 2006, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
While the venerable and indeed revered skating series has appeared on just about every format imaginable (we've even got the Zodiac version somewhere), there's major cause for next-gen optimism with Project 8, which promises some excellent gameplay tweaks, including a new momentum system allowing your skaters to build up a head of steam as they fly down assorted ramps, slopes and half-pipes.
Obviously, the series is also upping the stakes in the visuals department, as these two new screens attest, with cracking looks that should perfectly complement the skating action, including, it appears, the ability to leap clean over innocent bystanders.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 heads for 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox and PSP as the leaves start to turn brown, though for the funky next-gen versions that probably means November.
News and Screens at CVG
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August 21st, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
As its mooted autumn release date nears, more gloriously Japanese-style visuals have emerged from Koei's turn-based RPG, Disgaea 2.
As have some details of goodies that will only be available to UK fans. Namely, the option to switch to the original Japanese voices (and thereby brush up on your Japanese) and a bonus soundtrack CD. In addition, if you buy the game from GAME's website, you'll get a limited edition Disgaea 2 artwork book. A fanboy's dream.
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August 21st, 2006, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Although the first PlayStation3 dev kits were nothing short of gigantic (similar to those PSP dev kits), it looks like Sony has released a "final" version -- one which doesn't exhale winds kin to a tropical storm and whine like a jet engine -- that's been tracked down and posterized. As expected, the juicy details here are few and far between, but at first glance it does seem to sport the obligatory optical Blu-ray drive, and on-hand reports stated that an alpha build of Full Auto 2 was among the data housed on the 80GB hard drive. Initial reactions were relatively positive, garnering praise for its sleek menus and "lag-free" play while connected to the PlayStation Network. The lucky few who wound up handling the not-yet-finalized controller dug the lightweight feel (thanks to the omission of a rumble feature), and noted that switching from wired to wireless modes was much snappier than the versions at (the final) E3. Unfortunately, no new information was leaked about titles in development, and no substantial secrets were unearthed, but hopefully that'll change pretty soon once these start making the rounds.
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August 21st, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster

Sony are at last trying to do what Nintendo do and bring out a Pink version of their PSP, the limited edition pink PSP value pack will launch on October 27th.
The new Pink PSP bundle, will retail for GBP 169 and will come with headphones, a pouch, wrist strap and 32MB Memory Stick Duo. It will include a UMD featuring videos, live performances and more with the pop star Pink (Keeping up the Pink Theme).
Sony`s Stephane Hareau said this about the launch "much more than just launching a new colour", adding: "The association with Pink will enable PSP to push new boundaries."
Who wants a Pink PSP Now 
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August 21st, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of mini-racing games based on amphibian ringtones will be ecstatic to hear that Crazy Frog Racer 2, a follow up to last years Crazy Frog Racer, will be released at the end of this year for PS2 and PC.
The sequel has three new characters so now you'll be able to race as Evil General, Hawaiian Crazy Frog and the never seen before Robot Crazy Frog. Then there will be loads of new powerups such as the ingenious 'oil puddle', four new battle arenas and amazing new minigames such as Football Crazy Frog and Go Go Dance Crazy Frog.
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August 21st, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
So New York got the billboard-sized PSP, and Korea got the big bus stop PSP and Japan boats a hoss white PlayStation Portable. The unplayable unit may be nothing more than a clip-playing monitor wrapped in a PSP frame, but it is eye catching nonetheless. Or is it the looped Gundam footage that's hypnotizing the locals?
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August 22nd, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: benh
Hi all
As you may know a couple of months back I released my version of lua whiteboard V1.1
Well I'm back with my final version
New features include
A menu
Better pen icon
Critical bug fixes
As you may know if you used my last version it caused your psp to crash well I have now fixed that error and it all works fine
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August 22nd, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
News from GTA Portable .com
Finally, news came in about Vice City Stories being a PSP only title. While Rockstar Games did say in 2005 the same for Liberty City Stories and then released it on PS2 only a few months ago, according to 1UP it will not be the same. The news was hidden in 1UP's weekly 1 UP Yours podcast where one of their editors went to New York for a preview on Rockstar's Bully and got more than he had bargained for when they allowed him to play Vice City Stories for a brief moment.
Luckily Rob, a member of GTAForums, is a frequent listener of this podcast and extracted the bit where the editor reveals the sad news to PS2 owners. You can listen to it yourself by clicking on this link or read the bit about it below:
They're not going to be moving it to PS2. It's going to be PSP only this time. It's much more focused on that platform...
....and I think some of it is because the tech is a lot more sort of focused on the handheld and I played it very briefly and it was definitely and improvement over Liberty City Stories.
Lets see how long till its on PS3 
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August 22nd, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Damn those guys at GTA Portable are fast, they have posted more new details of the upcoming Vice City Stories, heres the info:
New details and screenshots came in today from a magazine called Screen Fun. Most of the details are already known of course, but the interesting ones are posted below. There's three new screenshots, with the last one being a bigger version of one released before..
• As revealed before, Rockstar's decreased the clumping of pedestrians. The magazine reveals that the same will be done for vehicles.
• Controls are the same as Liberty City Stories.
• Due to mobile phones not being a common thing in 1984, Vic will be making use of a pager to receive text messages. (This feature was in GTA 3 too)
• Helicopter missions would be a common thing in the later part of the game.
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August 22nd, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
Following on from the post below we have a new magazine from Perooz for the Adult population here, heres the info:
The 24-year-old vice president of her father Donald’s real-estate empire is perfectly comfortable getting primped, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t rather be back at Trump headquarters, strategizing how to shape the skylines of New York, Chicago and beyond. The tycoon-in-training spoke with us about everything from her dad to drunk debutantes—then it was back to conquering the world.
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August 22nd, 2006, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
Mako has released a Guide the Orb through the Maze type game written in Lua for the PSP.
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via mako
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August 22nd, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
snowymydog has released a new version of his game for the PSP, heres the release details:
I take this opportunity to thanks everyone who downloaded and play the game. This project reaches the final stage. I did a lot of updates to this version.
- cursor moves faster
- new approach to calculate the score
- main menu have a option to see a mini instructions
- when you succesfully clear a stage, the timer will reflects your bonus
- cursor have new look
- animated invaders, now they're alive!
- at pause screen, now you can press start to resume game or press triangle button to return to main menu
- minor amendments on some graphics
- "X" & "O" button have same function
- flashing the mini Yoyo icon when minus a life
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via snowmydog
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August 22nd, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Brunni has updated his excellent entry into the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the full release details:
I present you my application for the PSP, it's a Master System and Game Gear emulator. It's a port from the excellent SMSPlus with improved compatibilty and good speed. All my games now run without problem! Most SMS games run perfectly at 166 MHz and Game Gear at 133 MHz. Also, there is no more sound glitches ^^
It can also play GYM music files. Files are placed in a ZIP file, used as a playlist. 6 sample GYMs are included, simply load music.zip in the emulator directory.
Thank you
Sorry, I've made some mistakes in the posted version that I didn't have time to test because I finished yesterday evening, so this one is now fixed:
- The neoflash logo which was using 32-bit mode didn't restore 16-bit at the end, causing a ~15% performance loss.
- Current skin was not saved properly (you can edit plugins.ini to correct this).
Note that this update comes outside of the contest, so if you test it for voting, download the first version (attached to the first post), but if you plan serious use or to distribute it, download the latest version with the above link.
I forgot to mention that it's the first release of MMSPlus ever. That means it may be some things in it you find stupid Please report them to me
I also forgot to talk about the Z80 overclocking feature, which will allow you to play comfortably games like Sonic Chaos that were slowing down all the time, even on real console.
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use the new fixed version 
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August 22nd, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
We all know that soon Sony are to unveil their PS1 emulator for the PSP which most likely uses code from VGS and Bleem to make it run excellent on the PSP.
But what are the PS1 Games you would most like to see on the PSP, which games would make the PSP a killer console, ill list some of my faves and see if we all are on the same lines.
Heres a few of my faves
Theme Park - no better game for PSone
Command and Conquer Retaliation
C&C Red Alert
WWF Smackdown 1/2
Warcraft 2
Theme Park World
Duke Nukem 3d
When you look at those games its not hard to see why the PSone kicked arse, the RTS games played much better with a mouse though.
What games would you like to see ported/made playable on PSP
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August 22nd, 2006, 13:24 Posted By: altunozara
i have been working on my first lua game...well not just my first lua game but...my first game ever!
This game is called GO GO GO! in this game the goal so far hasnt been reached but there are going to be many modes...1 where you must get as many bubble gum drops on the floor as possible before the time runs out...and its multiplayer! and there r also going to be single player modes.
For now this game isnt much...there are lots of bugs and not so good sound..its taken from somewere else...
I know this game isnt far but...its a beta fersion so hey! and its my first game.
Since its my first game and its in beta..i need people to help me out..i need
1. a gfx person!
2.someone who can help me a bit with the code...
3...someone who can find me cool active music for this game.
I would really like it if people dont put me down on this game...the reson i released it was because i want people to know whats cming...and well...one of my dreams is to get on the front page...hehe...i will give a screenshot after i have finished something...1 more thing...there are big bugs with the second player...he goes through the wall on 1 side but doesnt go to the wall on the other...some how the map must be 1 left...please pm me on how to fix this...thx
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August 22nd, 2006, 14:09 Posted By: D0N
Taken from http://www.strmnnrmn.blogspot.com:
I've made some great progress on getting the new clipping code working with the PSP's VFPU. Actually, so far I've just been working on getting various matrix/vector routines and the transform and lighting (TnL) code working with the VFPU and I'm seeing very good results so far. The TnL code is around 2-3 times as fast running through the VFPU compared to the CPU. This gives around a 0.5-1.0fps speedup in the various roms I've been testing.
Unfortunately I have to put the clipping work on hold until the end of the week as I'm heading home for a few days to see my family.
Below are a few amusing 'outtakes' as StrmnNrmn was trying to get the VFPU TnL code working:
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August 22nd, 2006, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Metal Gear Solid 4 is a key title for the PlayStation 3's launch period and one of the first games guaranteed to give Sony's next-gen console some must have appeal.
Well as you'll know from E3, where we managed to catch a word with legendary creator Hideo Kojima on the next and possibly final incarnation of Solid Snake's adventures (though we hope Kojima will at least keep the door ajar for future offerings), MGS4 already has us more excited than a bag of puppies.
Well, more should be known at Leipzig tomorrow about this 'Most Wanted' of all PS3 titles with a brand new movie debuting, which should give further clues to the all-consuming beast which is MGS4. From what we hear on the wind it's going to be an absolute corker too, with attendees (including us) treated to the first in-game action from the title, which will feature actual PS3 gameplay visuals, as well as the usual carefully crafted and absorbing cut-scenes which are such a feature of the series.
We hope it won't be too long before Konami unleashes the trailer on an entirely suspecting world too, but if not, we'll be there to bring you footage direct from the show floor with our usual wobbly cam antics. Are we excited? Most definitely!
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August 22nd, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Eek i had been keeping my eye on this for a while and the release happened on the 15th, so heres the Belated zouzzz's birthday blork pack, heres the full details:
Here's, as promised, the release, on my birthday, of "Blork & Destroy V3.0" & "Paf the Blork V1.0", both inspired by "Kid Paddle" comic by MIDAM.
New features of "Blork & Destroy V3.0" :
- Translation from french to english
- Difficulty level increased
- No more difficulty level choice
- 2 more levels & 8 new Blorks in "Blork & Co" mode.
- Some esthetic changes
- Less .LUA files
- Musics
- Analog pad support in "Kill 'em all" mode
- 2 players mode on the same PSP.
Features of "Paf the Blork" V1.0 :
- 2 Game modes : 1 or 2 players on the same PSP.
-"Blork & Destroy" :
-- "Blork & Co" mode : Story mode of the game, finish the 8 levels of 32 blorks.
Move the cursor with D-Pad or analog stick, X to shoot, L to reload, [] to screenshot.
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A big thanks to Zouzz who released this when we werent looking , a Belated Happy birthday from all at DCEmu 
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August 22nd, 2006, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Acclaimed PS2 axeman Guitar Hero will see a follow-up ready to shreddy this November according to latest word from developer RedOctane.
The original Guitar Hero is already regarded as a PS2 cult classic and has launched a thousand air guitar renditions of rawk standards since its launch this April, with the innovative guitar controller adding some real crotch-thrusting moves to wannabes who don't want to go through that lengthy and exhaustive process of learning chords, scales or riffs.
The launch in November will follow hot on the heels of the US release, and it's a fast turn around for the sequel to the game which has become an instant party classic.
We're absolutely overjoyed to be able to announce that the European release is as close to the US street date we can possibly make it," says Dave Noble, business development director for RedOctane. "RedOctane is now in a position to be able to deliver Guitar Hero II to games players all over the world at roughly the same time - and we're committed to ensuring the widest possible range of tunes to anyone with a Guitar Hero Gibson SG controller."
As you'll note from Mr Noble's words, Guitar Hero II will come complete with the replica Gibson SG controller, although it will be available on a standalone CD for owners of the original game. Rather disappointingly, there's no word on what the track line-up is likely to be, though RedOctane is promising 'a heady mix of contemporary and classic rock, plus a few surprises'.
Guns n' Roses Sweet Child o' Mine is widely rumoured to be one of the key tracks, but given the game's illustrious heritage, we're sure there'll be more Monsters of Rock to come - more Sabbath, Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin, we say! Be sure to give us your tracklist suggestions in the comments field below.
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August 22nd, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
A Digital Illusions press release - in Swedish - announcing Battlefield: Bad Company that's appeared on the developer's website seems to confirm that the game won't be limited to next-gen consoles.
Bad Company's already been announced for PS3 and Xbox 360, of course, but in the press release we're told - according to translation - that "More information about the PC and PSP versions will be presented at a later time". Obviously, the PSP Bad Company experience would be somewhat different to that offered by its next-gen console cousins, but it sounds like PC gamers are in for a title tailored a little more exclusively to the platform as opposed to a direct port - although that is speculation.
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August 22nd, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Square Enix's mammoth compilation of Final Fantasy VII continues this week with the US release of FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus on PS2. The Japanese edition came out way back in January, but Square Enix haven't just been sitting on their hands since. This US edition adds a whopping 40 extra missions, more unlockables, and further gameplay tweaks. Timeline wise this is also the end of the compilation, set after AC (Advent Children - The PSP movie), BC (Before Crisis - A mobile phone game), and CC (Crisis Core - An upcoming PSP title). Three years after the events of FF VII, events kick off here in the midst of the Revival Festival when Deep Group soldiers lay siege on the town of Kalm. This army of Shin-ra comes in search of Vincent Valentine, who far from a secret character, this time has the lead role. Packing some serious firepower, Dirge of Cerberus is a third person shooter with many RPG elements, and beyond a wide range of guns to choose from, Vincent can also transform into his Limit Breaks such as Galian Beast, Chaos and possibly more!
Not wanting to be compared to Devil May Cry, designer Tetsuya Nomura explains how it's more influenced by Half Life. Tetsuya was the character designer for the original FF VII, and many of these staff members also played their part in the 1997 epic, including Writer / Director / Producer, Yoshinori Kitase. So here we have a shooter with the brightest stars of Japan behind it, a storyline that expands on the most famous RPG of all time, and includes characters like Cloud Strife, Yuffie Kisaragi, Lucrecia Crescent, Hojo, Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, Cid Highwind, Cait Sith, Azul, Reeve Tuesti, Shelke, Shalua Rui, Rosso, Nero, Vice and more. It keeps getting better though with three multi-player modes, starting with Team vs. team, then a free-for-all deathmatch, and finally a mission mode to gang up on a boss. Culminating in one hell of an action packed adventure, this dramatic ending finale to Final Fantasy VII is in stock now.
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
The chart-dominating EA Sports series is to incorporate broadcast quality TV and radio, with regional variations of programming, commentary, interviews and podcasts set to be accessible directly via the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
While demonstrating NBA Live 2007 at the Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival, VP and COO of EA's worldwide studios, David Gardner, confirmed: "We're going to do intergration around FIFA titles with local broadcasters."
More details are expected to be revealed this week at the Leipzig Games Convention, but Gardner discussed the plans as part of the publishers desire to retain multitasking consumers as they become increasingly distracted by multiple media outlets.
"This is a little taste of how we intend to keep gamers connected to the game but still feed the need to multitask at the same time," Gardner said during a question and answer session.
And when asked whether multitasking in-game would distract from the pure gaming experience he stated,"Users are doing it anyway. It is happening whether they have multiple windows open or the iPod is playing. We're trying to bring that experience in a more organised way to people."
In a short demonstration film, Brent Nielsen, senior producer of NBA Live 2007 revealed the inclusion of broadcast content as the next logical step to features already present in some EA Sports games - such as real-world scores running at the bottom of the screen and short radio updates throughout the game.
"If you're listening to a two minute update and you wanted to dive deeper and get more information, it's like having ESPN.com right at your finger tips but on a console in the form of ESPN News," he said.
"But the feature we're most excited about is bringing television broadcasting right into the home console in the form of ESPN Motion. If there's an analysis from one of your favourite personalities, you can watch interviews, listen to their opinions or see programming that is again, right at your fingertips," continued Nielsen.
He added, "Another feature that will be making its debut this year is the radio podcast, which is like having ESPN radio playing directly through your console - so you never have to leave the videogame experience."
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has issued a statement correcting the information regarding its projected retail allocation for the PlayStation 3, confirming plans to have 2 million units available by launch day.
The previous reports, which had originated from an interview with consumer website GameSpot, suggested that Sony may fall short on launch day allocations for the next-gen console.
A spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment America contacted GamesIndustry.biz, issuing the following statement in relation to the story:
"Unfortunately Kaz Hirai's comments in the recent GameSpot interview regarding PlayStation 3 production were misunderstood. We are still on schedule to ship 2 million units for our mid-November 2006 launch and additional 2 million units by the end of the year for a total of 4 million units."
Whilst the news is certainly encouraging, there has been no correction on Kaz Hirai's admittance that full scale production of the console has not yet begun, leaving Sony with an immense logistical challenge if it is going to avoid the hardware shortages which plagued last year's Xbox 360 launch for Microsoft.
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:15 Posted By: wraggster
Pick up gunslinging shooter Gun Showdown when it rides into PSP town next month, and you'll get a saddlebag full of new 'quick-play' missions. And this new trailer (click the movies tab above) gives you a glimpse at four Wild West adventures you can get stuck into - Bank Job, Brush Fire, Viva La Resistance and Kragen Gang. Gun Showdown's quick-play missions are focused on bus-trip length bouts of six-gun action, with a simple goal and points to earn.
Other mini-missions include Hold the Fort, which challenges you to defend a besieged fort by repelling invaders with cannon fire, and Suppress the Outlaws, pitting you against a town full of tooled-up miscreants. Kill the bad guys for points, or drag them kicking and screaming - and alive - to the local chokey to earn bonus rewards. We'll have Gun Showdown rounded up and ready for review soon.
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Insomniac Games, the guys behind the Ratchet and Clank series, were in the Big Apple showing off the latest build of their upcoming PS3 launch title, Resistance: Fall of Man. Kotaku had a Gawker cameraman on the scene to grab some video, and MTV News' Stephen Totilo managed the impossible. He extracted some positive press about the PS3 (Sony must be furious at Insomniac, this goes against their entire pre-launch strategy).
Turns out that Blu-ray drive that every armchair analyst is convinced is a giant wooden equine built to penetrate our consumer-weary walls and then attack with an army of HD movies may actually be useful for gaming afterall. The game currently takes up 22GB! That's seven whole gee-bees more than a single layer HD-DVD disc that the Xbox 360 won't (?) be using for gaming.
The Dual Shake functionality that was supposedly tacked on at the last minute ... well, it looks like it was still tacked on; nevertheless, it holds some serious promise. Ninety days before this thing has to be on store shelves the developers have still not activated the functionality on the controller, but they have added in some clever gameplay currently triggered with a button press. Shake off a melee attack by shaking the controller, or introduce the end of your rifle to their face with a quick jab of your right hand. Sure, you won't feel the vibration when that blow connects, but it's something.
But there's also multiplayer. How will Sony's secretive service compare to the superlative Xbox Live? R: FoM will feature: "40-player online matches at launch; 60 levels of player progression while playing online; two-player offline co-op." 60 levels of player progression ... sounds like another popular online game. According to MTV News, Insomniac even promised "better, deeper support than any Xbox Live title."
Has the PS3 buzz finally begun? We've been increasingly anxious that someone at Sony didn't get the memo that their latest and greatest was launching in a few scant months.
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Are you a mad Sony Fanboy and proud of your PSP, well heres a deal for you, Sony have announced The PSP scooter. The limited edition Vespa LX 50 is covered with PlayStation Portable decals on the front and sides. It costs 2.699 euros or approx. US $3,445. It also comes with a coupon for a free ceramic white PSP Value Pack.
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia:
Weekly Special: Namco's Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War for PlayStation2™ at US$ 14.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
Ace Combat returns with an all-new flight action experience! 15 years prior to the events in Ace Combat 5, Ace Combat Zero reveals the events that lead to the Belkan War. Players will take the role of a mercenary hired to fly for Ustio, a small country bordering the invading country, Belka. Whether you choose to fight like a mercenary or hero, the ultimate goal is to defend Ustio at all costs!
Players will fly through 18 missions and face off against rival pilots. Take to the skies in real life authentic planes as your opponents adapt to your style of play and push your flying skills to the limits.
Namco's Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War for PlayStation2™ is now available at discounted US$ 14.90 only.
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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August 22nd, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Inquirer reported earlier today on ‘NVidian insider sources’ who have seen PS3 demos being developed in the last few weeks, presumably some of which will be unveiled at Leipzig later this week, and no doubt all of which will finally be revealed at next month’s Tokyo Game Show.
Inquirer.net's sources at NVidia said that the demos looked astonishing, which - surprisingly enough - is what the PR fellas at SCEE told SPOnG when we went to see them last week.
The Inquirer goes on to report: “Nvidia is using existing G71 renamed to RSX as the graphic core of choice for Playstation 3 and even it [sic] can not technologically match ATI's Xenos it still offers a lot of potential if used wisely…. We can confirm that Nvidia doesn’t have any troubles producing as many RSX chips as it wants. It's not that hard to make this chip running at 550MHz, developed on the proven 90 nanometre marchitecture.”
SPOnG’s crack Leipzig squad is preparing itself for battle right now, and they aim to land and scope the theatre of war (the convention centre) later this afternoon. Watch this space, as we will be bringing you a full, detailed update of all the breaking news as we get it direct from the team on the ground.
Via Spong
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August 23rd, 2006, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft today announced that they will be publishing Gameloft's Asphalt: Urban GT 2. for the PSP and DS. I sure hope it's better than the original Asphalt for the DS, that game sucked.
The game will include six game modes, tuning, 30 tracks and 36 licensed cars and motorcycles. It also include music by Moby and the Pussycat Dolls.
The DS version hits in November and the PSP version hits in March 2007
Via Kotaku
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
At long last, we have a first look at Ridge Racer 2 in motion. Japanese retailer Tsutaya has made available a lengthy trailer for the PSP super sequel at its online sales site. The trailer clocks in at three minutes and features the game's CG intro sandwiched between gameplay segments.
Trailer and Screens at IGN
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
Midway Games today announced that four-time Super Bowl champion linebacker Bill Romanowski will join Lawrence Taylor as a co-cover athlete for the upcoming Blitz: The League release on the Xbox 360 as well as Blitz: The League Overtime on PSP. Romanowski's involvement will not end with a mere photo shoot, as the athlete will also be featured as the voice of one of the scourges of the league, Bruno Batagglia. Batagglia is a star member of The League's fictional Baltimore Bearcats and will play a crucial role in the storyline of the game.
"With over one million games sold to-date, Blitz: The League has been an enormous success for Midway," said Steve Allison of Midway. "We are excited to have Bill Romanowski, arguably one of the most feared and talented defensive football players of his time, working in conjunction with Midway to bring fans the first Blitz title on next generation systems."
Expect to see Blitz: The League and Blitz: The League Overtime stiff-arm their way onto the Xbox 360 and PSP in October and November respectively.
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News from GTA Portable.com
A new screenshot where Victor walks away from a Phoenix, with a rather yellow sky in the back, recently emerge from the US version of PSM. The magazine contained another screenshot that we had already seen before, but that one was halfway cut through. So here are they both and read below for more details from the article.
According to the description of the game in the magazine, Vice City Stories will have no online multiplayer play. It doesn't mention any of this in their actual article, so chances are they're probably just assuming it not to be in the game. Rockstar Games told PSM that currently they have no plans on porting the game over to PS2 (As I speculated yesterday, they still haven't made a decision on bringing the game to PS2 owners).
If you read the mission ''Jump Ship'' over at the missions page, you'll know that one of the Vance's businesses associates, Brian Forbes, has been screwing with them and is an undercover cop. Lance then decides that he'll kidnap him and force some useful information out of him. The brothers learn that there's a drug deal going down at the docks and they head down to the meeting.
The mission goes on where Vance is kidnapped. Well, in this issue we learn that Brian Forbes is actually the one who kidnapped him, meaning the character, Brian Forbes, survives the ordeal and is not killed out of the game. Although, he could be one of the men you kill when you save Lance.
Also, Rockstar's Custom Tracks, where it allows you to import your own music into the game, will be making a return for Vice City Stories.
Screens at the link above
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPFanboy
I don't know how many of you out there are in the market for a PSP and a new cell phone, but if you are, Wolf Camera is offering a great deal.
All you have to do is go instore, buy a selected T-Mobile authorized dealer phone and you get a free PSP Core pack. Depending on the amount you have to spend on the phone, this deal could be an excellent way to get your hands on a PSP. How sweet would this deal get if you could get a T-Mobile N-Gage and a PSP, eh?
But if you're interested, you better hurry because this deal ends Aug. 26.
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
Making its way from text to both the big screen and most every gaming platform known to man this winter is Eragon, young author Christopher Paolini's first entry in his Inheritance trilogy. Veteran developer Stormfront Studios, best known for its work on The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, has drawn from its hack-and-slash experience to bring the game to most of these platforms, but it turns out that the PSP version of the franchise will be its own beast entirely.
Rather than relying on swordplay that harkens back to The Two Towers, the PSP take on Eragon will focus on the world's dragons, making for some of an action-based flight game. Like the other titles, the game will still follow the plot of the movie, though we're told that this title was designed as a multiplayer-centric game from the beginning.
Featuring nine different game types, including Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and more, this is a highly arena-based flight game. Maps have been created in classic tournament-style manners, be they wide-open, circular or whatever, to make for dynamic competition environments. For example, one of the maps that we played centers on a small castle in an open field surrounded by mountains, with a cave running in and out of a mountainside in that acts as a makeshift room.
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:17 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
I know how you all love rumors, and a new set of them have been making the rounds the last couple days. A gen[M]ay forum poster supposedly has access to all sorts of Playstation inside information, and he says Sony has huge plans for the future of the PSP and PS3.
Any kind of announcement like this should be met with a high degree of skeptivity, especially since a lot of his post is filled with blatant and hate-filled fanboyism.
Here's what he had to say:
The PSP's GPS peripheral is currently on hold;
The PSP PS1 emulator will be included in a firmware upgrade in October;
The Playstation online store for the PSP and PS3 will launch before Nov. 13;
A new PSP entertainment pack is coming next month. It will retail for $250 and will include a 1GB Memory Stick Pro Duo, ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails, and the Lords of Dogtown UMD. No headphones will be included;
Sony has plans to use the PS3-PSP connectivity similar to the Location Free Player in that you'll be able to see your PS3's screen on your PSP as long as they're both on the same network. However, this feature may not be ready in time for the PS3's launch but should be soon after;
Sony plans for more than 200 new PSP titles between now and the end of the year; and
The reason for the UMD flop can be blamed on Sony's "hands-off" approach concerning certain UMD stipulations, like pricing and extra content. Because of this, movie studios began releasing less than stellar movies with next to no special features. Sony isn't ready to give up on the UMD and plans to rectify this by instituting a $15 MSRP cap and all future UMDs must have the same features as their DVD equivalent.
Some of the information doesn't sound too far fetched, but unless Willy Wonka has secretly taken over at Sony, I don't think it will be able to push out more than 200 games within a little more than months. Oh well, it's fun to wonder, right?
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August 23rd, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Rush series makes its way onto the PSP, with Wi-Fi support and an exclusive PSP stunt arena, heres some screens:

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August 23rd, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
What starts as a friendly competition between Sonic and Knuckles quickly gets intense as other rivals jump into the action! Utilize boost moves and power-ups as Sonic’s rivals try to trip, shove, and vault over Sonic while hurtling towards the finish line at breakneck speed! Negotiate wildly twisting 3D tracks, avoid hazardous traps and hazards, and watch out for the insidious Dr. Eggman and his myriad of contraptions! Whether playing alone or against a friend, it’s always a two-player experience based on tightly designed gameplay mechanics to support high-spirited competition and ultra-tight races!
Product Features
Single Player Mode: Competing one-on-one with each of your rivals will feel just as competitive as if playing against an actual player!
Multiplayer Mode: Go head-to-head with your buddy and trip, shove, even vault over each other as you hurtle towards the finish line at breakneck speed!
Sonic style 2D gameplay in true 3D environments, custom-built for the PSP!
Race in Sonic’s traditional 2D gameplay, but throughout obstacle-filled 3D tracks, enhancing the thrills of the race!
WiFi connectivity allowing you to wager trading cards for various multiplayer challenges

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August 23rd, 2006, 02:50 Posted By: synopsis76
Good old Klondike Solitaire for the PSP

If you have a PSP with Firmware 1.0, 1.5 hacked or 2.0 to 2.6 then copy the contents of "firmware 1.0, 1.5 hacked, 2.0 - 2.6" to your PSP\Game folder.
If you have a PSP with Firmware 1.5 then copy the contents of "firmware 1.5 (k-exploit) to your PSP\Game folder.
The Controls
- D-Pad
Move the cursor. - Cross + Left/Right
Move cards - Cross + Down
Play from the pack to the selected stack - Circle + Up or Cross + Up
Play from the selected stack to the suit stacks - Circle + Right
Play from the pack to the suit stacks - Triangle
Deal - Left Trigger
Undo - Right Trigger
Redo - Select
Go to the menu - Start
Save the game
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August 23rd, 2006, 02:56 Posted By: synopsis76
Spider Solitaire for the PSP

Whats New
- Update grey theme to make playing at night easier on the eyes.
- Fixed odd hang bug.
If you have a PSP with Firmware 1.0, 1.5 hacked or 2.0 to 2.6 then copy the contents of "firmware 1.0, 1.5 hacked, 2.0 - 2.6" to your PSP\Game folder.
If you have a PSP with Firmware 1.5 then copy the contents of "firmware 1.5 (k-exploit) to your PSP\Game folder.
How To Play
- The aim of the game is to get rid of all of the cards.
- To get rid of cards you need to get a run from Ace (bottom) to King (Top) of cards in the same suit.
- You can move cards between stacks if last card of the stack you are moving to is one higher than the selected card. e.g. Ace goes on 2, 7 on 8, 10 on Jack etc.
- You can move individual cards, or groups of cards that are consecutive and the same suit.
- You can move cards into empty spaces.
- Any card that is face down will be turned over if there are no cards on top of it.
- When you run out of useful moves deal a card onto each stack. Note: Unlike many Spider versions you can deal if you have empty spaces.
The Controls
- D-Pad
Move the cursor. - Cross + Left/Right
Move cards - Triangle
Deal - Left Trigger
Undo - Right Trigger
Redo - Select
Go to the menu - Start
Save the game
- Update grey theme to make playing at night easier onthe eyes.
- Fixed odd hang bug.
- Added eLoader (and 1.0) version (works up to and including 2.6).
- Added Quit option for eLoader users.
- Added "Game Saved" notification.
- Added Undo/Redo
- Added Save Game
- Fixed bug where a row does not complete if it is completed by a Deal.
- Corrected crash when the game finishes so you see a completed screen now.
- Prevent you from completing stacks with different suits.
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August 23rd, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster
New at Lik Sang:

Based on the follow-up to the blockbuster original movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest follows the movie's unlikely heroes as they explore and brawl across land and sea on a memorable quest in search of the legendary Dead Man's Chest. The games not only features thrilling moments from the movie, but also expands the fantasy of the franchise by offering exciting new adventures and locations inspired by the rich "Pirates of the Caribbean" universe. The PSP system version offers gamers the opportunity to control Captain Jack Sparrow. Players can utilize strength and speed attacks to take down enemies as well as "dirty moves," typical of pirate fighting. The PSP system version also features multiplayer ship battles for up to four players via local wireless. Ship battle gameplay contains 10 maps and offers GameShare mode -- only one game disc is needed to play on multiple PSP systems.
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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August 23rd, 2006, 07:46 Posted By: wraggster
New from Lik Sang:

Once again taking control of the "Tama" liquid ball, players must avoid various obstacles and hazards to reach the end goal. The Tama itself has now been given an overhaul and has 4 varying 'states' ? Normal, Solid, Fast and Slow. These states allow for larger more complex levels, which in turn mean a greater challenge and more enjoyment to be had for the player. The number of levels has more than doubled ? now 160+, and with the newly added feature of Downloadable Content more levels are available. Wireless 2 Player modes have also been an important addition, with 5 sub games each providing a challenge against the computer or a friend.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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August 23rd, 2006, 07:47 Posted By: wraggster
New from Lik Sang:

MotoGP lets players experience one of the most exhilarating and competitive motor sports in the world -- and gives them the chance to take on their friends in thrilling Wireless multiplayer races for up to eight players via Ad Hoc Mode. This is the first time the MotoGP championship has appeared on PSP, allowing fans to race against their biking heroes, including Italian legend Valentino Rossi and Spanish veteran Sete Gibernau, on some of the most exciting circuits in motor sport.
More info -> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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August 23rd, 2006, 07:49 Posted By: wraggster
New from Lik Sang;

King's Field Additional II is a sequel to King's Field Additional released on the PSP in late July 2006. The story of this sequel is directly connected to the previous episode. The game system is similar to the previous installment and includes multiple maze-like dungeons and real time battles.
More Info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...8&lsaid=219793
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August 23rd, 2006, 12:36 Posted By: wraggster
Bully has attracted a fair amount of controversy in its short life-span, with many US and UK commentators getting a bit premature and decrying - before actually have seen so much as a pixel - this terrible new Bully simulator, whose release, as usual, would mean the end of civilisation as we know it.
The reality is somewhat different of course as this second trailer from Rockstar's latest shows, with some footage and cut-scenes evoking memories of the halcyon and harmless fun of classic Speccy outing Skool Daze.
Definitely worth checking out, we'll be checking the elastic's still working on our catapults for the game's release next month, with a full and frank hands-on preview on Rockstar's latest heading your way soonest.
Trailer Here
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August 23rd, 2006, 14:08 Posted By: wraggster
News from Gameradar
Manchester United will join the ranks of officially licensed teams for Pro Evolution Soccer 6, it has been confirmed today, along with Bayern Munich, Sporting Lisbon, Benfica, Olympiakos and the entire French top flight football league, the Ligue 1. PES 6 will also include official kits for the English, Italian, Spanish, Argentinean, French, Australian, Czech and Swedish national teams.
Additional info has also been confirmed for Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on PSP. The handheld version will now feature a Master League mode - although interactivity between PS2 and PSP ML teams has not been mooted - as well as a new camera angle offering a zoomed out view of the pitch to solve PSP's PES problems with long distance passing.
PS2 will also receive a boost in the form of new eight-player online matches. You'll be able to link up four machines, each with two players, to kick off these packed games, and we have it on strong authority that the crippling lag issue - where one half of an online match would always be near-impossible to play - has finally been sorted.
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August 23rd, 2006, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
Article from Insert Credit
Remember Moetan? We spoke about it back in 2003 (see November 23, 2003), and it's basically a 'learn english with cute/moe girl' kind of thing. It was off-topic back when we first mentioned it, as it was just a book. Then it became a PC game, and now it's coming to PSP, so there you go! Here's a direct link to the streaming version. You still learn english in the moe way, though it's not too clear what else is added, since the official moetan site doesn't have any added info. Regardless, enjoy the ridiculousness
Visit the Link above to check out the many links etc 
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August 23rd, 2006, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
News Via Gizmodo
Next month's Tokyo Game Show (you know, the video game expo that wasn't killed) will see the official introduction of a camera and GPS module for the Sony PSP. Also making an appearance will be the navigation software used by the GPS receiver, but then again, you probably could have guessed that. No pictures (or, what's that called...oh! concrete information) have been released just yet, but when the show kicks off on September 22, expect Sony to pull out all the stops in an effort to revive its floundering handheld.
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via Kotaku
Thing about cheap knock-offs is that they rarely surpass their status as cheap knock-offs. This one, found in India by Kotakuite Manu, actually does and then some. Dubbed the POP STATION, it may play nothing more than low grade Tetris, but this portable makes that extra effort and actually includes meaningless PSP menu icons and earphones. Why? Who cares! Color us impressed
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:04 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, NEWS, Research) said on Wednesday it would offer 27 playable games for its PlayStation 3 at the Tokyo Game Show next month, a sign of progress in critical software development ahead of the November launch of the latest version of its blockbuster game console.
Sony, which competes with Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O: Quote, Profile, Research) and Nintendo Co. Ltd (7974.OS: Quote, NEWS, Research) in the global video game market, offered 13 playable PS3 software titles at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) trade show in Los Angeles in May.
Having a wide range of popular software at the time of the launch is considered crucial for success in the game console market.
Any indication of how the upcoming console could fare is closely watched, as the success or failure of the game machine would exert a far-reaching impact on Sony's group-wide performance.
At stake is not just pole position in the nearly $30 billion global video game industry, but dominance in next-generation DVDs and the commercial viability of Sony's Cell microchips, co-developed by Toshiba Corp. (6502.T: Quote, NEWS, Research) and International Business Machines Corp. (IBM.N: Quote, Profile, Research).
"It doesn't necessarily mean everything is running according to plan, but it's good to hear some positive development concerning the PlayStation 3," KBC Securities analyst Hiroshi Kamide said.
Playable games at the Tokyo Game Show, which will run from Sept. 22 to Sept. 24, will include such titles as Ridge Racer 7 from Namco Bandai Holdings Inc. (7832.T: Quote, NEWS, Research) and Capcom Co. Ltd.'s (9697.T: Quote, NEWS, Research) Devil May Cry 4.
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:32 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA has announced that the latest game in its acclaimed Virtua Tennis series is set to hit PSP and PC, alongside previously announced Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, when released early next year.
What's more, the company has revealed new gameplay details, including a brand new version of the game's World Tour Mode. With 10 new mini-games plus two old favourites, players can hone their skills via the player creation module in a bid to be World No. 1. Another addition, Court Games, adds a new string in the series' mulitplayer bow. Court Games are 'quirky variants' of Virtua Tennis 3's mini-games, playable against up to three human opponents. Finally, there's the addition of five set matches, rounding off the game's comprehensive feature list.
That's not all though. SEGA has secured the rights to a whole bunch of real-life tennis superstars who'll be making an appearance in the game. Heading up the women's roster is Amelie Mauresmo, 2006 Wimbledon Champion and World No. 1. Playing alongside are Maria Sharapova, Venus Williams and Martina Hingis. Nicole Vaidisova, Lindsay Davenport and Slovakian Daniela Hantuchova complete the line-up of playable female figures.
On the men's front, top seed and four times Wimbledon Champion Roger Federer leads the way, while players can also play as, or challenge, World No.2 Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick, Tim Henman and Lleyton Hewitt. Newcomers James Blake, Mario Ancic, Gael Monfils and Taylor Dent also put in an appearance while global tennis stars David Nalbandian, Sebastien Grosjean, Juan Carlos Ferrero, and Tommy Haas complete the men's line-up.
Virtua Tennis 3 is set to hit Xbox 360, PS3, PSP and PC in spring 2007.
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Portable GPS receiver peripheral may not have a final name yet, but it is getting some major support. In addition to the latest Hot Shots Golf game, announced earlier this year at the peripheral's unveiling, Sony revealed today that Konami will be supporting the accessory with Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.
The exact nature of support in the new Metal Gear Solid game is unclear at this time. However, we'll get a closer look in the next few weeks, as Portable Ops is scheduled to be shown as a highlight title for the GPS receiver at the Tokyo Game Show, which kicks off in Japan on September 22.
In addition to Metal Gear and Hot Shots Golf, the GPS receiver will be shown at TGS along side Sega's Homestar Portable planetarium software and a mysterious new navigation game from Idea.
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:38 Posted By: wraggster
Well if you havent had your fill of homebrew comps, the folks at PSP3D have announced a new comp with a $200 Cash Prize, heres the rules:
Now for the rules. Only one submission per developer. The submission must be a unique and unreleased piece of homebrew; the entry need not be a new homebrew, per say, but may be an update to a previously released game/application.
Please read the rules anyone who is going to enter, we dont want any cockups 
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via PSP Vault
Sony has released the results of a survey of Japanese PSP users and their PSP usage habits. None of the statistics are terribly surprising -- most respondents have used the System Update feature, have played audio/video on their device, have downloaded game demos, and so on. What surprised me was that 66% of the respondents said that they were interested in trying LocationFree; only about 7% of respondents actually had experience with the PSP's LocationFree feature. Maybe Sony will make a move on the LocationFree box's price? The survey also showed that 54% of respondents ranked "the ability to download game demos directly to the PSP" as their favorite feature of firmware 2.71 -- ranking above the ability to download game demos using a PC (42%), and above the ability to play Flash content (40%). 72% of respondents used their PSP at least once a week (11% don't use it at all, apparently), and about 44% of those who use it once a week use it for around an hour per session.
How often do DCEmu users use their PSPs ?
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has released a Check and Dump Program for TA-082 PSPs, heres what was posted on his site:
you can use this software to Check your PSP
if your PSP is NOT Original FW2.50 TA-082
this software will Display "Sorry, This Software CAN'T Support Your PSP"
if your PSP is Original FW2.50 TA-082
this software will dump your PSP's DATA to Folder ms0:\O250082CnD
when i finish the Write software
i will post how-to send me your PSP's DATA
than i can help you softdown your Original FW2.50 TA-082 PSP
the SoftDown method NOT SUPPORT Original FW2.60 TA-082 PSP
Also NOT SUPPORT FW2.70/2.71/2.80 TA-082 PSP
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August 23rd, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
Kagato has released an update to his Neoflash Entry, heres whats new:
Ah, it was right there in the changes.txt for LuaPlayer 0.20. A common shorthand form of table iteration is no longer supported under Lua 5.1.
Here's another update, this one using expanded table iterators. It should work well on LuaPlayer 0.20, as well as earlier versions (well, at least 0.19...)
Again, no other gameplay changes, just a compatibility fix.
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August 23rd, 2006, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Dickydick has released a new version of his Media Streaming app for the PSP, heres whats new:
- added m3u support
- added auto aspect ratio
- added add whole dir/m3u to playlist
- display movie title while showing interface
- when time skip subtitle is corrected (almost)
- test connection mode
- added <- -> in playlist playmode to skip to songs
- changed aspect control back to triggers.
- minor issues
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August 24th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
There's no denying it, even though the PlayStation 3 may be the most late, most expensive, and most, um, well ventilated of this this generation's consoles, Sony's also going out of their way to make the device appear as versatile as possible. So hell, if your machine is going to burn energy when not in use, best to put that power suck toward a good cause, right? Stanford and Sony have announced that PlayStation 3s will be able to participate in Cure@PS3, making gamers' consoles massively parallelized computing nodes for the Folding@Home project.Right up top is a taste of the eye candy that awaits those who dedicate their Cell processor to stamping out cancer with the Stanford crew, but the veneer doesn't stop there: click on for a slew of sexy new PS3 pics that just surfaced.
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August 24th, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
One of the major disappointments at Tokyo Game Show 2005 was the lack of playable games for the PlayStation 3. In fact, there weren't any playable PlayStation 3 games on the show floor last year--only on-stage demos of such titles as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
That won't be the case this year. Sony Computer Entertainment revealed that 27 PlayStation 3 titles will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show. This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo featured significantly fewer playable titles.
TGS, which will be open to the general public for part of its September 22 to 24 run, will let gamers sample a variety of next-generation titles, including high-profile E3 no-shows like Devil May Cry 4. A number of PlayStation Portable games, including several that support the system's upcoming global-positioning system add-on, will also be shown in playable form. Also, the Sony booth will feature a theater at which new video footage of an additional 35 titles will be shown. A preliminary list of titles to be shown follows below.
PlayStation 3 playable titles:
Armored Core 4 (From Software)
Blade Storm Hyakunen Sensou (Koei)
Coded Arms Assault (Konami)
Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)
The Eye of Judgment (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Fatal Inertia (Koei)
Formula One World Championship (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Genji (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
"Gran Turismo" Series (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Heavenly Sword (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Lair (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mahjong Taikai IV (Koei)
Minna no Golf 5 (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight (Namco Bandai Games)
MotorStorm (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Railfan (Ongakukan)
Resistance: Fall of Man (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai Games)
Warhawk (Sony Computer Entertainment)
PSP playable titles:
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (Namco Bandai Games)
Boxers Road 2: The Real (Ertain)
Gundam Battle Royale (Namco Bandai Games)
Homestar Portable (supports GPS) (Sega)
Jan-Sangokumusou (Koei)
Jeanne D'Arc (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee [released in the US as Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel] (Konami)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (supports GPS) (Konami)
Minna no Golf-jou (supports GPS) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom)
Navigation Software (working title, supports GPS) (Edia)
Ratchet and Clank Portable (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Sarugettchu Piposaru Racer (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (Namco Bandai Games)
Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden (Sony Computer Entertainment)
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August 24th, 2006, 01:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
One of the major disappointments at Tokyo Game Show 2005 was the lack of playable games for the PlayStation 3. In fact, there weren't any playable PlayStation 3 games on the show floor last year--only on-stage demos of such titles as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
That won't be the case this year. Sony Computer Entertainment revealed that 27 PlayStation 3 titles will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show. This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo featured significantly fewer playable titles.
TGS, which will be open to the general public for part of its September 22 to 24 run, will let gamers sample a variety of next-generation titles, including high-profile E3 no-shows like Devil May Cry 4. A number of PlayStation Portable games, including several that support the system's upcoming global-positioning system add-on, will also be shown in playable form. Also, the Sony booth will feature a theater at which new video footage of an additional 35 titles will be shown. A preliminary list of titles to be shown follows below.
PlayStation 3 playable titles:
Armored Core 4 (From Software)
Blade Storm Hyakunen Sensou (Koei)
Coded Arms Assault (Konami)
Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)
The Eye of Judgment (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Fatal Inertia (Koei)
Formula One World Championship (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Genji (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
"Gran Turismo" Series (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Heavenly Sword (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Lair (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mahjong Taikai IV (Koei)
Minna no Golf 5 (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight (Namco Bandai Games)
MotorStorm (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Railfan (Ongakukan)
Resistance: Fall of Man (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai Games)
Warhawk (Sony Computer Entertainment)
PSP playable titles:
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (Namco Bandai Games)
Boxers Road 2: The Real (Ertain)
Gundam Battle Royale (Namco Bandai Games)
Homestar Portable (supports GPS) (Sega)
Jan-Sangokumusou (Koei)
Jeanne D'Arc (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee [released in the US as Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel] (Konami)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (supports GPS) (Konami)
Minna no Golf-jou (supports GPS) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom)
Navigation Software (working title, supports GPS) (Edia)
Ratchet and Clank Portable (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Sarugettchu Piposaru Racer (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (Namco Bandai Games)
Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden (Sony Computer Entertainment)
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August 24th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
While the gaming press is busy getting its hands on Konami's lineup of upcoming games at the company's press event, the publisher has taken the wraps off a pair of portable titles.
This fall, PlayStation Portable gamers can expect to take Pocket Racers for a spin. Described by the publisher as a "dark yet zany racing game," Pocket Racers puts players in the role of a party guest who has been turned into a tiny car by "an evil nemesis" and forced to race against fellow partygoers. The races will take place on tracks found throughout 15 different parts of the party host's house, with 16 playable vehicles, from sports cars to off-roaders, and with power-ups including nitro boosts and homing missiles. Konami is promising an extensive single-player experience with multiple modes of play, and sociable gamers will be able to play against one other wirelessly in races and minigames for up to four players.
Early next year, a sequel to the DS survival adventure game Lost in Blue will be found on store shelves in the form of Lost in Blue 2. Like the first game, the story revolves around a man and a woman who find themselves stranded on an island with no others in sight. To survive, the pair must forage for food, fight wild animals using weapons that have been found or fashioned by the player, and make use of their own unique skills. And in case the castaways' lives didn't seem hard enough, Konami has also added the threat of natural disasters, like hurricanes and earthquakes, to the game.
Lost in Blue 2 has not yet been rated, while Pocket Racers has been rated E for Everyone. Konami has not released pricing information about either game.
News via Gamespot
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August 24th, 2006, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Who needs an excuse to gawp when you've got brand new Metal Gear Solid 4 screens, eh? Solid Snake's personal war is quite literally you versus the world, with the planet's conflicts now waged by private military companies that make money from massacres. Hit the images tab for more shots of what is sure to be PlayStation 3's most impressive title.
So what's the story this time around? A life-long rival of Snake's is manipulating the mass of private armies to prepare a nuclear attack on the rest of the world - can our favourite chain-smoking, bandana-wearing hero beat the odds and save the world before his own DNA kills him? Of course he can, and to help you complete your final mission you'll have the benefit of new cloaking technology and Otacon's assistance as you go.
That's about all that's new, as Kojima and his team are busily working away in a secret bunker hidden from prying journalists as they aim to complete the Metal Gear saga for launch next year. But we'll have all the info as soon as it breaks, so don't go anywhere else.
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August 24th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
This amazing new trailer for Rainbow Six Vegas gives you an unprecedented view of the casino-bothering terrorist takedown, showing an entire mission from beginning to end, complete with developer voiceover explaining how the game works. Hit the movies tab quick and get watching the next-gen footage - it'll convince you that Rainbow Six has finally returned to form.
After this teasing mix of window-bursting, bad guy-blasting, order-giving action, we can't wait to go fully hands on with Rainbow Six Vegas. Set to launch in the autumn for 360 and PS3, we'll be tracking down new info for team Rainbow's next-gen operation just as soon as we've snuck off to watch this brill trailer again. And maybe once more after that.
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August 24th, 2006, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via Joystiq
The most important aspect of any PSP game, especially shooters, is controls. They're always a concern, and more times than not, a huge problem -- I blame that stupid nub. Sadly, Portable Ops was not able to leap this tall hurdle for PSP developers. While the gameplay was nicely paced and it was fun to roam and take out my enemies, the controls were just not as solid as they could have been had the PSP been a tad more smartly designed for these kinds of games.
The controls work like this: Left Shoulder: brings up weapon; Right Shoulder: first person; Directional Pad Left, Right: strafe; Square: attack, shoot when weapon is equipped, melee when not; X: duck or tumble roll; O: switch weapons; Triangle: stealth; Analog: move around.
Even though moving your player around, aiming, and shooting were a bit on the shaky side, the game is a positive step in the right direction for PSP users. The fact that it will take advantage of PSP infrastructure play, makes the game even more of a must-have than just having Metal Gear Solid slapped onto the box.
The storyline will take place after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and allow players to learn more about their favorite characters and how the events of later Metal Gear games happened.
Here are some key features:
Original storyline set in 1970 featuring Big Boss
Returning cast of characters including Para-Medic, Major Zero, Sigint and more
Recruit NPCs with different abilities to create a custom fighting force
Fully voiced cinematics featuring 3D models and original artwork from renowned illustrator Ashley Wood
New 3D camera optimized for play on the PSP system
Connect to wireless access points to recruit new comrades -- each access point generates a unique group of allies
Unique new multiplayer modes
Wide variety of multiplayer-specific environments
Use your squadron of comrades in online play and recruit new members only available in multiplayer
New "White Flag" system -- choose to surrender and live to fight again or fight tthe death until the next game begins
Trade squad members online with other players
Many Screens at the link above
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August 24th, 2006, 02:03 Posted By: wraggster
Portable News a German PSP site has posted a few great screenshots of the Pink PSP, more interestingly you will see screens of the Camera and GPS Unit attached
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August 24th, 2006, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Konami today revealed a playable version of its upcoming PSP horror, Silent Hill Origins, which marked the first time the title was available for firsthand impressions since debuting at E3. The game looked absolutely dazzling too, wowing us with a visual presentation that most PS2 software still hasn't achieved. In fact, Silent Hill Origins' graphical detail is so well-crafted that even the most subtle things -- things you'll probably never even see through the darkness -- have been rendered in some fashion or another (down to the individual cracks in the walls) and the signature Silent Hill fog looks appropriately ominous and realistic.
Played from the RE4 perspective and heavier on action compared to previous iterations, Origins is still a Silent Hill game in every sense of the word. That means that yes, the storyline still takes center stage and figuring out how to get the hell out of Dodge without losing your soul is still the primary goal. In the build we demoed, however, it was the town itself that Konami wanted to focus on. A good 30% of the environments here have been recreated from the original's PlayStation One days and the artists have done a good job of making it feel both familiar and new at the same time.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Konami had the sequel to Coded Arms at its annual summer event, which took place today in San Francisco. Set a year after its predecessor, Coded Arms Contagion drops you in the middle of hostile virtual environments. This may sound familiar to fans, of course, because the first game had the same setup. But for those who need a refresher course, just know you play a hacker charged with cleaning the world of techno terrorism.
The demo on display offered a few stages only, and the build had about 70% left to go in terms of development time. That aside, it gave a good indication as to where the game should be at the end of its development cycle. To start, Contagion plays a lot like the first Coded Arms game. You still maneuver virtual rooms and corridors blasting everything from insects to robot soldiers. So in that respect, fans of the first outing will most likely find a lot to like.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:01 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an Excerpt:
When Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. for the PSP was first announced in late July, we really only had a general sense of what sort of game FarSight Studios is putting together. Indeed, we ran an interview with the game's associate producer that helped clear things up a bit, but it wasn't until we finally got our hands on the game this past week that we really got a sense of how the game works.
Rather than being an action-oriented shooter like its big brother on the consoles and PC, Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. is a straight-up strategy game. It draws a whole lot of influence from some classic video and board games, like RISK, M.U.L.E. and so forth, and really is something entirely different than what you'll find anywhere else on the system.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:04 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTA Portable.com
It was recently brought to my attention by forum member, Don, about something interesting that no one noticed a few days back. On the website for German Magazine Screen Fun, it revealed that hovercrafts would be featured in Vice City Stories.
With Rockstar Games telling magazines that they want to make more use of the water in Vice City Stories, it won't be much of a surprise if this vehicle will be in the game. I'm sure they can create missions, or even side missions, that will be making use of the large beach area in Vice City.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster

KIWIDOGGIE posted this news/release:
Hello I am happy to announce UK(update killers) 1.0.1!
Update Killers is about 2 guys that are rebelling against $onys dreded updates. You need to install PSP.downgrade.150 on the servers so everyone can play all the new games along with there homebrew.
So far we have crappy ai. Its a basic tag game and if you die nothing happends.lol thats it.
And we have devs working on this almost everyday.
There will be a fixed version 1.0.4 and it will have bug fixes and new levels to it.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
AdePSP posted this news/release:
Written for the PSP by ADePSP 2006
OK, I know there are already quite a few versions of Deal or No Deal
out there but I could only find a LUA English version for the PSP
and that version didn't really do it for me (no offense whoever made
it as it has some really nice features)... I want to win a million
be it in dollas or whatever and I also wanted a version with
the graphical quality of the homebrew Millionaire game...
Anyway, I decided to make my own in the true spirit of homebrew by
pinching all the ideas I liked from the other available versions
on the web... I'm really pleased with the result... This version
has quality graphics and non stop atmospheric background music for
almost every action or moment in the game... Both of which make it
a really nice handheld gameshow experience...
For anyone who hasn't heard of this game here is a quick run through,
There are 26 suitcases that contain various amounts of money... You
pick one and then open various others revealing what you could have
won until the banker phones up and tries to tempt you out of what
"might" be in your suitcase with a cash offer... You can choose to
accept that or carry on opening cases until you are offered another
deal... If you get to the last case then you can choose to keep yours
or swap and get the cash in the remaining suitcase instead... The
idea is to walk away with the most money you can (obviously)...
If you like my version then great and if not, meh, I made it for
myself anyway...
Simply copy the two folders provided,
to your PSP memory stick's PSP\GAME folder,
START Start the game
D-Pad Move between suitcases
X Select a suitcase / Skip sound effect
Left Shoulder "NO DEAL" or "NO SWAP"
Right Shoulder "DEAL" or "SWAP"
Hold Triangle Show Highscores
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August 24th, 2006, 03:29 Posted By: wraggster
PSPman16 has made a Homebrew Conker Mini game for the PSP, heres the details:
--Conker Mini for Lua BETA v.01
created by pspman16
Aug 23, 2006
This is my very first ever self created homebrew game. This is also my first time writing in Lua. It's not much because of all the bugs I have to work out. Conker moves and thats about it.
--To Install--
Create a new folder called Conker Mini inside lua under Applications (ms0:\PSP\GAME\luaplayer\Applications)
Then place the images and script.lua files inside that folder.
Open Luaplayer (Lowser) and select Conker Mini. Run script.lua and enjoy the game.
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August 24th, 2006, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Rob King:
PlayLive is a pair of applications that lets you control 8 tracks in Ableton Live from your PSP game console.
To run PlayLive you need a PSP (of course) running firmware 1.5 (Others may work, but I haven't tried), and a PC or Mac connected to the same network as your PSP. The PC/Mac will act as the destination for the control data coming out of the PSP and convert it to midi which can be used to control Ableton. The MIDI can either be used to control an external device using a midi out port or a computer program using a midi loopback driver such as MidiYoke ( http://www.midiox.com/myoke.htm ) or the Mac IAC MIDI driver.
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August 24th, 2006, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
First screenshots from the forthcoming portable GTA, Vice City Stories, have shot into view, thanks to a handy Leipzig press disc we managed to snatch from Rockstar's plush meeting rooms.
Landing on PSP this October, the hype for Rockstar's next handheld crime-a-thon can be felt in the halls of the Leipzig Games Convention, where even billboards advertising the game are cropping up in the town's quiet streets.
News and Screens at CVG
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August 24th, 2006, 13:19 Posted By: wraggster
With all the releases from Neoflash this weekend, you may have missed some releases that got pushed down rather quickly or infact not checked out tottally all the releases from Neoflash, Heart of The Alien by Tinnus is one such release that only DCEmu has posted about, even our friends across the PSP scene havent pinched that news 
But seriously theres a lot of great PSP and DS releases from this last week, be sure to check them all out. Remember that we post so much news and so quick that items get buried quicker than most.
All the links have been updated on the sites too.
Time for wraggy to start the news onslaught again 
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August 24th, 2006, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese brokerage Mitsubishi UJF Securities has lowered its rating on Sony, predicting a 50 per cent shortfall in the company's launch estimates for the PS3 which sent the share price down 3 per cent.
According to a report on Reuters, the analyst believes that component shortages - such as those which plagued Microsoft's Xbox 360 launch last year - will mean that Sony is unable to manufacture anything like the number of consoles planned in the short term.
"In the medium term this would mean that it would take longer for Sony to recover its huge investment in PS3 and thus we are downgrading the stock," stated Masahiko Ishino, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities analyst.
Shares in the company fell by 3.2 per cent on the announcement, investors wary of Sony's ability to deliver on its shipment forecast for the PlayStation 3.
The news comes just days after the platform holder clarified its November launch plans, forecasting 2 million units for the launch, with a further 2 million by the end of the calendar year.
Full scale production of the console - which is based on the advanced Cell Processor and Blu-ray DVD technology - has yet to begin, casting further doubt on the company's ability to deliver on its ambitious launch promises.
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August 24th, 2006, 13:56 Posted By: wraggster
If you have been looking for a rare PSOne game this could be just your lucky week, Play Asia have restocked a massive 140 titles for the PSOne and Some rare PS2 title also, heres the listing:
Ace Combat [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Advanced V.G. [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Akumajo Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku [pre-owned] JPN US$ 59.90
Alundra [pre-owned] JPN US$ 24.90
Anashin 2 Turbo Controller - black US$ 24.90
Battle Arena Toshinden [pre-owned] JPN US$ 9.90
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 24.90
beatmania [pre-owned] JPN US$ 29.90
beatmania Append 3rd Mix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 19.90
beatmania Append 4th Mix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 24.90
beatmania Append GottaMix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 19.90
beatmania Append GottaMix 2: Going Global [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
beatmania Best Hits [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
BioHazard [pre-owned] JPN N/A
BioHazard 3: Last Escape [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
BioHazard: Gun Survivor [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Blood Factory [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Brave Fencer Musashiden [pre-owned] JPN US$ 19.90
Bushido Blade 2 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
Capcom Generation 3 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 29.90
Captain Commando [pre-owned] JPN US$ 129.90
Castlevania Chronicles [pre-owned] JPN US$ 59.90
Dance Dance Revolution [pre-owned] JPN US$ 29.90
Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix [pre-owned] JPN US$ 54.90
Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True [pre-owned] JPN US$ 54.90
Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Dead or Alive [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
DoDonPachi [pre-owned] JPN US$ 109.90
DonPachi [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
Dragon Quest IV [pre-owned] JPN US$ 54.90
Einhander / Einhänder [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Elemental Gearbolt [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
EVE Zero [pre-owned] JPN US$ 29.90
Final Doom [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Final Fantasy I+II [Premium Package] [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Final Fantasy IV [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Final Fantasy IX [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Final Fantasy Tactics [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Final Fantasy Tactics [Square Millennium Collection Special Pack] [pre-owned] JPN US$ 74.90
Final Fantasy V [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Final Fantasy VII [pre-owned] JPN N/A
Final Fantasy VIII [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
From TV Animation: One Piece Grand Battle! [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Front Mission 3 [Square Millennium Collection Special Pack] [pre-owned] JPN US$ 54.90
Galaxian^3 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 29.90
Gamera 2000 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
Ganbare Goemon: Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Genso Suikoden II [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Getter Robo Daikessen! [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Ghost in the Shell [pre-owned] JPN US$ 39.90
Goemon: Shin Sedai Shuumei [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
Gokujou Parodius Deluxe Pack [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Goo Goo Soundy JPN US$ 34.90
Gran Turismo [pre-owned] JPN US$ 14.90
Guilty Gear [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Guitar Freaks [pre-owned] JPN US$ 34.90
GunBare! Game Tengoku 2 [pre-owned] JPN US$ 44.90
Gunbird [pre-owned] JPN US$ 49.90
Gundam: Battle Assault [pre-owned] JPN US$ 59.90
Gunnm: Martian Memory [pre-owned] JPN US$ 64.90
Image Fight & X-Multiply [pre-owned] JPN US$ 74.90
In the Hunt [pre-owned] JPN US$ 54.90
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August 24th, 2006, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster
[Bo]Trops has updated his Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator made for the Sony Play Station Portable system.
The emulator uses the old Marat Z80 emulator by Marat Fayzullin. VDP source is based on SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald. All the source is heavylly optimized for the PSP system.
PSPMaster is running at full speed without frame skiping when the YM2413 sound chip emulation is disabled. Please do not change default options if you don't know what you are doing.
Heres whats new:
User can save and load states from main menu.
Turbo key added.
Fixed a bug that made some Game Gear games reset when user
press start...
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August 24th, 2006, 14:16 Posted By: wraggster
Wanna see some PS3 screens for real of Warhawk and Grand tourismo HD then check out the scan via Comments 
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August 24th, 2006, 14:34 Posted By: wraggster
Raf has informed me this morning of a new release of his excellent PSP Radio Music streaming app for the PSP, heres whats new:
This is a minor release in terms of added functionality. The big change is the fact that now thanks to mbf, PSPRadio runs under the devhook environment on F/W Versions 2+!
The Dynamic version includes retawq and links2 and psptris plugins.
NOTE: If a plugin stops responding, try L+R+START (should take you back to PSPRadio)
0.38.12 (r1237) (2006-08-24)
(sandberg) Core: Implemented a direct VRAM version of Danzeff for use in Links2.
(raf) Core: Now root of /PSP/MUSIC is also used in the local files screen. (It is shown as 'MUSIC')
(mbf) Core: Patched to run under devhook
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August 24th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Valve Software has revealed it's now aiming for a Q1 2007 release for Half-Life 2: Episode Two, so sadly it will miss the originally expected late 2006 launch. Sniffle.
According to a report on EuroGamer, the developer's Doug Lombardi has said that February 2007 is most likely for Episode Two's debut. "You know, our thing is always that we're trying to make really good experiences and so we're going to manage to that rather than the schedule", Lombardi explained when speaking about the delay at the on-going Games Convention in Leipzig.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two will release with Team Fortress 2 and Valve's mind-bending puzzle venture Portal. PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Half-Life 2 - which include Episode One, Two and TF2 and Portal - are expected to materialise at the same time as Episode Two on PC.
Speaking of Portal, Lombardi hinted at the possibility of it being included in some shape or form in Half-Life 2: Episode Three.
"We'll be able to get a lot of feedback [on Portal] and say, okay, how are we going to use this in Episode Three or in future versions of Half-Life single-player or multiplayer? We'll be able to make more educated decisions about how to progress that sort of technology, which we think really can open the gameplay as much or perhaps more so than the gravity gun and the physics did", he revealed.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via Eurogamer
The insanely titled PSP action game Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. is due in Europe this October.
Players take on the role of a "battle android" called A.D.A.M. who becomes trapped in a "mysterious tower filled with fearsome enemies".
Perhaps unsurprisingly for a battle android, players must kill the crap out of eight floors of bad guys, armed with weapons that can be tweaked into more than 300 different combinations.
Using the seven deadly sins as inspiration for the, erm, eight levels, Rengoku II will also feature character designs from a chap named Jun Suemi. Who we're sure you'll remember got his crayons out for games such as Firehawk, Silpheed and the Wizardry series.
There's also M.U.L.T.I.P.L.A.Y.E.R. modes in the offering, with four players going head-to-head, the ability to share sections of the game with those too poor to buy it, and downloadable maps, weapons and items.
So, if you missed Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory, feel free to knock yourself out with the sequel this October.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
When picking a cover athlete for a game, it's important to make sure the pro's attitude matches the style and feel of the game he or she is a candidate to represent. For example, a superstar like Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson may not be the most marketable player.
Johnson's ego could fill a stadium alone. He's been known to send bottles of Pepto-Bismol to the defensive players of teams he's about to face, he's held up signs that read "NFL, please don't fine me again" for cameras on a nationally televised game (the NFL fined him), and in touchdown celebrations he's pretended to putt the football with a pylon, done an Irish jig, and proposed to a cheerleader. Not exactly the squeaky-clean image company brass typically looks for.
Thankfully, there's a game like NFL Street 3. Today, Electronic Arts announced that Johnson will bring his flashy attitude to the cover of the street football game. NFL Street 3 will be released on the PSP and PlayStation 2 on November 14.
"This is a big honor to be selected for the cover for NFL Street 3 since street football was the first step to learning our moves for our pro careers," said Johnson. "I've always been known to have style when I play but now I can show how stylin' I am in NFL Street 3."
Johnson has moves to back up his flair. The receiver has been instrumental in the rebirth of the Bengals from league laughing stock to Super Bowl contenders. Johnson led the AFC in receptions and receiving yards last year, and was named to his third straight Pro Bowl team.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Sega of America today announced the professional tennis players that will be featured in the forthcoming Virtua Tennis 3. The game is scheduled to be released in the spring of 2007 on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PSP.
Leading the roster of women is 2006 Wimbledon champion Amelie Mauresmo, the current number-one ranked player on the WTA. Though he just had a 55-match winning streak in North America broken, Roger Feder remains the top ranked male player in the world and will also be featured in the game. Both players drew number-one seeds in the upcoming US Open.
This year, Virtua Tennis 3 adds new minigames to the mix, as well as Court Games, a multiplayer mode that adds "an innovative and quirky twist." This latest edition of the franchise will also allow players to compete in matches of up to five sets.
Via Gamespot
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August 24th, 2006, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamestop
in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Metal Slug, SNK will also ready a playable Sony PSP title called Metal Slug Complete. Although SNK lists this as a newly announced title, it is presumably the same game as Metal Slug Collection, which SNK showed to the Western press at the Game Developers Conference back in March, and renamed Metal Slug Anthology for its appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in May.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
The recent trend of retro game compilations and remakes has put many gamers in the awkward position of having to look forward to something they already played to death decades ago. Capcom apparently understands this, as the publisher is moving up the release of its PlayStation Portable action game Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins.
A revamped take on the company's classic Ghosts n' Goblins arcade game, Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins is now scheduled to ship next Tuesday, August 29, instead of in the first week of September, as previously expected.
The game updates the infamously challenging adventure with a 3D graphics engine (the gameplay remains a side-scrolling affair), branching storyline, and more detailed characters and environments. The adventure will see franchise hero Arthur traverse five stages (complete with bosses) in his quest to save the princess.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
One of E3's surprise announcements was that Coded Arms - Konami's good idea, not-so-good execution PSP shooter set in a virtual world - would be continuing on PS3 in 2007. Sony's super-machine seemingly let Coded Arms Assault play to its concept's strengths, with whole Tokyo city blocks shimmering into existence among hails of sparkling pixels and gunfire.
We've just received the latest round of shots, showing that the game is still covering the screen in as many real explosions and virtual Matrix-style code effects as it can manage. Sadly, some of the more striking enemies shown in the E3 trailer, such as eerie stilt-walking attack robots and helicopter gunships dropping off assembly lines of troops, aren't present.
We hope it doesn't become too much of a corridor-and-box-room shooter - something the original on PSP was guilty of - but it seems Konami is keeping many of the game's secrets away from prying hackers' eyes. At least those showers of sparks and glittering special effects can enliven even the grimmest of warehouses, as players of PC gunfest FEAR will attest.
Screens Here
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August 24th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
Industrious first-person shooter developer Free Radical is apparently going all-out on next-gen development - as well as its E3-announced next-gen shooter, Haze, it's just been revealed that it's also working on a game for Star Wars bods, LucasArts.
No details have yet been released, although we noticed that, compared to LucasArts' announcement earlier in the month that it would be publishing a "new intellectual property" from MechAssault developer Day 1 Studios, the Free Radical project isn't referred to as a new title.
Speculation ahoy, then - is it a fourth 'Splitters, by now having jumped publishers almost as many times as it has time periods? Or could it be a Star Wars title, with LucasArts seizing on Free Radical's experience with fast-paced blasting sessions to bring Jedi Knight back to life?
We'll make sure you know as soon as we do.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Team XLink
Over the past six months we have seen a steady influx of Asian PSP users who have found a home for themselves on XLink Kai’s multi-console tunneling system. To better service our Asian users, HappyHardcore.com radio in Japan has generously committed hardware and ultra-fast bandwidth for our premier Asian Orbital. Cheers DJ Silver and best of luck on winning the Harcore Awards 2006!
We are currently looking for bilingual (English and Chinese) volunteers to help translate Team XLink documentation and UI text for both Kai and XLink::ONE. If you could help out, please send me (prestige) a pm on the Team XLink forum.
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August 24th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Microsoft is really pulling out the big guns, but it won't change sale predictions for the PS3 due to the hearts and minds that Sony had already won over," commented Don McCabe, MD of retail franchise Chips.
"PlayStation 3 should still easily sell-through on the back of anticipated demand, which remains substantial, andon the general strength and appeal of its brand," offered Lee Botham, games buyer for entertainment specialist HMV.
Other retailers also believe that the Sony name is enough to guarantee sales for its first year, regardless of content. "PS3 could sell all it's entire allocation - whatever that might be - three times over without a single killer game over the next twelve months," agreed Steve O'Brien of respected independent stores Action Replay and Gameshop.
Peter Sleeman, MD of leading distributor Pinnacle Software, also doubts it's a deal that will affect Sony in the long run. "Sony will come up with something to retaliate," he said. "No one format is dependent on one style or genre of game."
"The market for PS3 is going to be relatively immature for its first year, so EA will be able to release FIFA in 2008 into a more mature market with higher penetration".
"FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer are still going to be on PS2 this Christmas and that's where the money is going to be for publishers in December, not on PS3," added Sleeman.
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August 25th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
There's nothing like taking control of a running back, slipping a few attempted tackles by the defense, and marching onward for a huge run. On the other end of the spectrum, there's nothing like pulling off the preceding maneuver only to have the ball taken back to the spot of initial contact because of a glitch in the game.
That very bug has plagued some copies of NCAA Football 07 for the PSP, according to Electronic Arts. On the game's official Web site today, the publisher announced that it will replace copies of the game that exhibit the glitch with brand new bug-free discs.
To get a fresh copy of NCAA Football 07, gamers should send their effected discs, along with their name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number, to the address below:
EA Customer Warranty
209 Redwood Shores Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065
A replacement disc will be sent out within 10 business days. To apologize for the inconvenience, EA will also send out coupons good for $15 off gamers' next purchase at EA's online store, as well as free shipping on the order.
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August 25th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: wraggster
As part of its commitment to make "freakin' sweet" games based on the resurgent animated series Family Guy, 2K Games today announced the voice cast of the cel-shaded adventure game. Fortunately for fans of the controversial TV show, they're pretty much the same actors which play the dysfunctional New England clan on the show.
As he does on television, series creator Seth MacFarlane will provide voices for the portly patriarch Peter Griffin, his megalomaniacal son Stewie, and Brian, the family dog. While that covers the game's three playable characters, the rest of the Family Guy cast will fill out the game's supporting cast. Adam West will portray himself as the insane mayor of Quahog, Seth Green plays Chris Griffin, Mila Kunis is Meg Griffin, and Alex Borstein once again provides a voice for Lois Griffin.
Family Guy is expected to ship later this year for current-generation consoles. It is currently under development at High Voltage Games. No stranger to crude and tasteless humor, High Voltage developed Vivendi's most recent Leisure Suit Larry effort, the collegiate adventure Magna Cum Laude.
Via GS
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August 25th, 2006, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have in stock the PSP PlayStation Portable Signature Model 000001 Tsukimi, the ultra rare PSP, the price is a tad steep at $499 but i supose if your a collector then you can justify it, heres some screens:

Play Asia have posted that apart from them yo can only buy from the Shop in Japan.
More info/ buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ksr.html
Release Date Aug 17, 2006
Version Japanese
Catalog No. 000001 TSUKIMI
Box contents
PSP PlayStation Portable Signature Model 000001 Tsukimi
Battery Pack (2200mAh)
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Stand for PSP Signature Model (Original Graphic)
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August 25th, 2006, 14:33 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have in stock the PSP PlayStation Portable Signature Model 000002 Kachofugetsu
, the ultra rare PSP, the price is a tad steep at $499 but i supose if your a collector then you can justify it, heres some screens:

Play Asia have posted that apart from them yo can only buy from the Shop in Japan.
More info/ buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1kss.html
Release Date Aug 17, 2006
Version Japanese
Catalog No. 000002 KACHOFUGETSU
Box contents
PSP PlayStation Portable Signature Model 000002 Kachofugetsu
Battery Pack (2200mAh)
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Stand for PSP Signature Model (Original Graphic)
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August 25th, 2006, 15:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
Sure, we've seen plenty of PSP fakes in our time, but we can't say we've ever seen this many fakeries in one convenient place before. So if you were on the lookout for a PSP look-alike with, say, an SD card slot, or a bundled NES emulator, check out the many Via the Comments
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August 25th, 2006, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has quietly removed the PlayStation 2 version of America's Army from its UK release schedule, saying simply that it's been "cancelled".
The game, dubbed Rise of a Soldier, had been in development at Secret Level, and had last appeared on Ubisoft's schedule as due out in September. PS2 and Xbox versions were released in the USA in June.
There's currently no word on why the UK version was cancelled, although the game had picked up middling reviews in the US, and developer Secret Level has since been bought out by SEGA and is working on a 2007-targeted Golden Axe remake.
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August 25th, 2006, 15:35 Posted By: jono85
Hi all,
Some of you guys might have seen me posting over at the Psp-programming forums every now and again. A couple of months ago I started doing the tutorials on how to get started programming in c for psp and then moved on to exploring ways to implement my own ideas.
This is the result of one of those ideas, unfortuanatly the code is some what of a mess and as I'd never programmed in c/c++ before has become nearly impossible to maintain. This has motivated me to buy a text book and begin learning properly as well as starting a rewrite of this project.
But anyway I decided that even though I'm starting a rewrite I would like to see what people think of the project by releasing this demo. It is supposed to be a reasonably flexible RPG engine that I will eventualy implement my own game with. As it stands in this
demo you can modify most of what is happening ( maps/sprites) using a txt editor and there is a basic battle demo that has nothing to do with the rest of the project.
If you do decide to play around and write your own maps and sprites be warned that there is no error checking so if your scripts arn't correct the game will crash without giving you an error or reason, just look at the examples provided and you should be fine.
The graphics and the font that arn't backgounds or from chrono trigger are all mine and were created using tile studio ( great freeware program).
The controls are;
Square -> Start Battle
Direction Buttons -> move cursor / player
Cross -> Select option
Select -> take screenshot
I'm still new to programming so there is a high probability of bugs being a problem so just comment on the forums or whatever if you
encounter one.
Well have fun I hope you guys like it
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August 25th, 2006, 15:46 Posted By: wraggster
Official Sony distributor CentreSoft is to hold training days for UK retail in early September to present the features and capabilities of PlayStation 3 ahead of launch, GamesIndustry.biz has learned.
Two events are planned, the first booked for September 5th at the Odeon West End in London's Leicester Square, with the second on September 6th at the Odeon Birmingham.
UK retailers confirmed to GI.biz that invitations were received in the post earlier this week, which described the events as an opportunity for the sector to familiarise itself with the many facets of the next-generation system before its proposed European launch date of November 17th.
Sources added that CentreSoft made it clear that no official pre-order or marketing information would be released in the sessions.
CentreSoft recently held a meeting specifically for independents to gauge views on a number of hypothetical launch scenarios as the trade awaits formal word from SCE UK on its PS3 roll-out strategy. CentreSoft was unavailable for comment at the time of writing
GI.biz revealed last week that SCE UK does not intend to finalise launch plans in the UK until September at the earliest. Among the initiatives known to be on the table is a controversial GBP150 pre-order scheme, thought to be an attempt to combat rogue eBay trading in the event of expected hardware shortages.
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August 25th, 2006, 15:52 Posted By: wraggster
The developer of Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway has revealed that it is currently experimenting with ways to utilise the tilt function of the PS3 controller.
After demoing the impressive third game in the Brothers in Arms series, we asked Gearbox Software's president, Randy Pitchford, whether the game would make use of PS3's tilting powers.
"There's a recon team that has a jeep and we're thinking about steering the jeep or playing with that... There's a couple of other things, with aiming mortars and stuff."
However, Pitchford was quick to point out that he "didn't want to make any specific promises about what goes into the final game because we're just now experimenting with this technology."
We also asked Pitchford whether creating one game with rumble (Xbox 360) and one without (PS3) was causing trouble in terms of development. "We're not having trouble, but we're missing it - we like feedback." Don't we all, Randy, don't we all.
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August 25th, 2006, 15:57 Posted By: wraggster
Unreal Tournament 2007 developer Epic Games wants to find out more about Sony's online system for PS3, and already has some ideas for Unreal's online ranking system on the next-gen system, according to producer Jeff Morris.
"We're really interested in learning more about Sony's network infrastructure for PS3 because on PlayStation 2 it was like the Wild West - you just plugged in and you were on the internet." Morris, who we spoke to at the Leipzig Game Convention, was happy to reveal some of the plans Epic has regarding Unreal Tournament 2007's online player stats.
After expressing his dismay of achieving a miserable ranking in Battlefield Modern Combat on Xbox Live (he thought he was "doing great"), Morris told us: "Stats should try to motivate you to make you play more. What we're going to do is have server-based stats where you're ranking on a server that you frequently play on and is reflected in, like, a one through 50 score, so you feel that you can actually get measurable position changes in it."
However, until Sony tells Epic - and presumably other developers - exactly how its Xbox Live rival is going to work, Morris and the Unreal development team can't begin implementing its ideas: "If Sony ends up having a very closed system, it may be more difficult to do that."
While on the subject of Sony's next-gen machine, Morris also informed us that Epic was currently playtesting UT 2007 at least once a week on PlayStation 3 and that, while it wasn't currently making use of the controller's tilt abilities, he did think that "it may compliment some of the vehicles - it might make sense for the air vehicles..."
We'll have more from our enjoyable encounter with Epic's Jeff Morris for you soon, including an extensive look at some of UT 2007's utterly fantastic vehicles.
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August 25th, 2006, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
An update to our earlier post, it turns out the 32-bit version of Windows Vista can play next-gen protected high definition content. Microsoft reps said Senior Program Manager Steve Riley was mistaken when he told a group of Australian developers that Vista couldn't handle the high definition movies.
But the Microsoft representatives said the support will come from third party HD DVD/Blu-ray movie playback software developers like CyberLink who already make DVD playback software. It's up to these developers to determine whether the environment they have set up will meet the environment criteria the "content owners" impose on manufacturers. So that probably no next-gen playback for Vista out of the box.
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August 25th, 2006, 16:36 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
It's the end of an era. Last spring, Sony installed an enormous PSP near Houston Street in Manhattan. Reader Anthony works around the corner from this local landmark and was heading out to lunch when he saw the ladder. Today at approximately 1:15 pm, that sign was being dismantled, bit-by-bit. Anthony points out:
Couldn't see it when it was sunny, anyway.
Hmmm... Sounds slightly familiar. But, I hope this doesn't mean Sony has given up on its giant PSP billboard. Perhaps, they are simply replacing it with a pepto-pink one. Fingers crossed!
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August 25th, 2006, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
To date, Michael Pachter, analyst at Wedbush Morgan Securities, has made some of the juicier comments on the emerging PlayStation 3 to come from the financial sector, claiming that in real-terms, the PlayStation 3 shares much of its commercial DNA with the Xbox 360.
"PS3 will sell out at $499. It may sound like a lot of money but is certainly not significantly more in inflation-adjusted dollars than the PS1 at $300 in 1995. The "cheap" PS3 and the "expensive" 360 are identical in all respects, save for the Blu-ray drive. Both have similar processors, 20GB hard drives, and DVI cable interfaces that will support 720p high definition," Pacter told Gamespot.
Indeed, Pacter believes the only difference lies in the pricing options for the consoles' high-definition movie platforms. "The difference in price is $100, so if you like Sony more and want a relatively inexpensive option to buy into high-definition movies, the cost is probably justified. In other words, consumers will compare the $499 PS3 to the $399 Xbox 360 and will likely decide based upon the potential selection of software (Japanese, US, and European for Sony, US and European for Microsoft), plus their assessment of the likely winner in the format war. If Blu-ray is the standard, the price differential will hold."
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August 25th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
A new version of Snes Station the Snes emulator for the PS2 has been released that works on Harddrisks, heres the info:
24/08/2006 SNES-Station now supports loading ROMs from usb sticks, memory cards and hard disc.
SNES-Station is a little bit unstable caused by the patching made. The hdd version is even more unstable, because it needs more memory. You should have a CDROM/DVD in your Playstation to get it properly to work. I added support for second memory card, but I don't get it working. You also can get sometimes a bad video performance. If you run a file from hdd and try to load a saved state, it is possible that it crashes. I don't know what will happen if you load the hdd version if you have no hdd. If you save to often it will fail. Sorry, but I think I can't fix these bugs.
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August 25th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via MCV
Third parties and retailers may disagree, but SCEE president and CEO David Reeves has insisted that PSP does not need a price cut before Christmas.
As Sony’s portable console increasingly loses ground to Nintendo DS and continues to struggle in the software charts, several analyst reports and even EA’s David Gardner (MCV 11/08) have piled on the pressure. But SCEE boss Reeves has told MCV that with a new focus on original, made-for-PSP games, the console can step up the fight in the handheld space going forward.
“There are no current plans to cut the price of PSP before Christmas,” he said. “You might see, as you do in the trade, value-adding offerings. In our minds it’s doing very well and we’re very happy with the performance. I think next year you’ll see it go to a much higher level.”
But Reeves did acknowledge that the high number of PS2 ports at launch has caused something of a lull in terms of original content. “When we launched with PSP we had a good software line-up but a lot of it was similar to the PS2 games. Now what you’re seeing with games like LocoRoco, the Passport To... series and Talkman, we’re trying to come out with games that are made for PSP. You’re going to see more of that before Christmas.
“What we’re trying to do now is to get different people buying PSP. We want the people that don’t have a PlayStation 2 but who do want a portable device.”
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August 25th, 2006, 20:16 Posted By: punkrockaddict05
Via DS Vault
When Nintendo announced the web browser for the DS, it came to a suprise of some and was expected by others. With the Europe launch coming up, and the U.S launch coming within the next months, details about the browser are almost set.
But how does the DS browser compare to the PSP browser? Which one is faster? Which one has more features?
We will answer all these questions and more inside.
You may think a web browser is just a web browser right? Well, when it comes to gaming consoles wars, you need to be the best in everything. Nintendo is looking to increase the popularity of the DS by offering something the PSP has and eliminating a special feature from it. This couldn't be possible however, unless the Opera Browser was comparable to the PSP Browser.
Anyone in the world could see the main difference in browser, that is of course, Nintendo went to a professional web browser company called Opera, and Sony did there own browser for their own product. It is also apparent that the DS is going to utilize both of its screens.
The next main difference is the on screen keyboard. The PSP uses just that, an on screen keyboard. Since the DS has two screens, there are several different ways to the keyboard and it just so happens that Opera picked all of them. The keyboard will be displayed on the bottom screen so you will be able to touch the keyboard to type. Opera also made it so that you can just scroll with your d-pad and select it that way. Possibly the most innovative way however, is the feature that allows you to write. You will be able yo write your URL you are going to or any text in the browser!
More important then any feature that a browser could have, is the speed of the browser. Looks like the PSP hit a homerun on this one. There have been many reports saying that the DS browser is very slow and "almost not usable" On the other hand, the PSP has a generally fast browser.
We all know what the PSP browser supports: most images, flash, rss, and what it doesn't support: Movies, Music, etc, but what about the DS Browser--Well, here you go:
The browser doesn't support a lot of Internet standards: no Flash, no movie files, no images other than .GIF and .JPG (and possibly .PNG), no Java.
Which browser will be faster? PSP Browser
Which browser will have more features? Opera Browser for DS
How does the DS Browser Compare to the PSP browser? Post a comment and express your opinions
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August 25th, 2006, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai is tweaking its PlayStation 3 Gundam-themed game, but gamers shouldn't worry--there will still be plenty of lumbering robots turning each other into scrap metal.
The game formerly known as Mobile Suit Gundam (working title) and Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight will now be known as Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire. Crossfire is due on the PS3 "later this year."
The name may show Namco's recommitment to the Gundam brand. Unlike recent games based on the popular anime and toy franchise, Crossfire will carry the Gundam name--the upcoming Xbox 360 title Mobile Ops: The One Year War and recent PlayStation 2 game MS Saga: A New Dawn do not.
The new name will reflect the "between a rock and a hard place" position players will be thrust into, as they start the game in the middle of a war between the Earth Federation and the Zeon forces. Gamers will have the option of taking either side to help decide the future of Earth.
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August 25th, 2006, 22:03 Posted By: wraggster
At the end of director Brian De Palma's seminal crime epic Scarface, protagonist Tony Montana (Al Pacino) dies after being riddled with bullets. Though the game based on the film has Montana surviving, it has taken some hits as well. Scarface: The World is Yours was delayed from its originally slated fall 2005 release, and its Xbox 360 edition was abruptly canceled last month.
Today, though, Vivendi Games confirmed the M-rated game would be definitely saying hello to its not-so-little friends this fall. The Xbox, PC, and PlayStation 2 editions of Scarface: The World is Yours will ship in North America on October 8. Scarface: Money. Power. Respect., a PSP strategy game also based on the Scarface film, is due sometime in October.
The PC Scarface: The World is Yours will retail for $39.99, while both console versions will retail for $49.99. Those who preorder the game at "participating retailers" will get a 24"x30" L.A. Pop Art poster depicting an iconic film scene created out of the text of the original motion picture script. Vivendi did not provide a copy of poster, but it will likely be one of the preexisting Scarface-script posters from L.A. Pop Art. (WARNING: Posters contain profanity.)
Vivendi is also offering a "Collectors Edition" of the PS2 version of The World is Yours for $59.99. The extra sawbuck will get gamers a variety of extras, including a full map of the in-game world and a metal case a la the Halo 2 limited edition. It will also feature a bonus DVD that will sport a "Making of the Game" behind-the-scenes documentary, a walkthrough with commentary from Scarface's producers, hints and tips, and concept art.
The "Making of the Game" doc will also feature interviews with Scarface's large cast, which includes James Woods, Jay Mohr, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, Ice T, Shaft star Richard Roundtree, Bam Margera, Wilmer Valderrama, Daniel Dae Kim, Kevin Dillon, Tommy Lee, Michael Rooker, and NASCAR racer Dale Earnhardt, Jr, among others. Also appearing in the game are original cast members Steven Bauer (real name: Esteban Echevarria) and Robert Loggia, who played Montana's partner and boss, respectively.
One original Scarface star not lending his voice to the game is Tony Montana himself, Al Pacino. However, the actor did license his likeness to the game, which explores an alternate storyline which presupposes the titular cocaine baron did not perish in a hail of automatic gunfire at the end of Scarface. Naturally, his next order of business is to get some payback and take over the violent Miami underworld of the 1980s, which is recreated in free-roaming, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City style.
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August 25th, 2006, 22:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via 4CR
A while back I bought a Sony PSP, which I have been moderately, though not enthusiastically, happy with. My DS lite is my normal travel buddy. I take it everywhere. My Junior High School students, as well as the kids in my after-school conversation classes, know that it can always be found on my person. They also know that if they study hard and ask nicely, they can play it after class.
I wanted to give my PSP a bit of time as it has been totally ignored recently. But I didn’t have a case for it, and with the potential for scratches, this is a system that demands a case (and games, but that is another story). When I bought my DS lite, the kind lady at the shop gave me a free case. So the old case that I had been using for the DS Phat now became my PSP case. I find it sweetly ironic as it has a big Nintendo DS logo on it. The case works perfectly, and the pockets for GBA games are just the right size for UMDs. So I clipped this case to my belt, determined to clock some hours with this widescreen wonder.
But all I did was make children sad.
You see, my students had become accustomed to playing with the ever-present DS lite. After class, some girls came up as sasked, “Can we play Mario?” I explained that I didn’t have my DS with me, but one girl pointed to the case and its DS logo. I opened the case and watched their faces fall as they saw the PSP. I asked, “Would you like to play with this instead?”
They replied, “No.”
I loaded up “Minna no Golf,” which I think is a very good and rather cute game. It also has much better graphics than any of my DS games. They were totally unimpressed. Eventually, they said that they would just go home. They made me promise to bring the DS next time.
I got the same reaction from students all week, one disappointed student after another. One boy was very happy that I had a PSP, but became disappointed as well when he found out that I didn’t have the Gundam game. Has Nintendo really captured the hearts of young Japanese that strongly?
The PSP is still selling quite well (2nd best selling game system), but it is to a very different audience. It is desired by gadget aficionados, style conscious young adults, and hardcore gamers like myself who feel physically ill if we miss out on any system. To these students however, it is not an end-all multimedia device. It is just some shiny black thing that doesn’t play Animal Crossing. Even still, I never expected that kind of reaction. One 11-year-old boy actually cried. Cried. You can’t buy brand loyalty like that.
When I see this, it makes it seem like Nintendo is sure to dominate the next gen. But looks can be deceiving. When these same kids are asked if they are looking forward to the Wii, they just stare at me, puzzled. They don’t know what the Wii is, and they don’t much care what it is unless it has 2 screens and a touch pen. Nintendo has its work cut out for them after all.
As for me, I am thinking of buying a PSP case. Not for the PSP, but for my DS lite. I figure I can pleasantly surprise them this way. In any case, I have way too much free time on my hands.
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August 25th, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
We thought Nippon Ichi's PSP support had ended once the company moved its Makai Wars project to the PS3. Apparently not.
The Japanese strategy specialist announced today a release date for Disgaea Portable, a PSP entry in the Disgaea series. Fully titled Makai Senki Disgaea Portable, the game will see Japanese release on 11/30.
Nippon Ichi is preparing a standard 4800 package and a 6800 limited edition version. The content of the limited version has yet to be revealed.
Bigger than the release date is the news of Disgaea's appearance on the PSP, as Nippon Ichi made no mention of it prior to today's announcement. Details on the game should come our way once the official site opens on 8/30.
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August 25th, 2006, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
News Via CNN
Friday, August 25, 2006
D.C. police tackle the PSP terror threat
Could a terrorist use a Sony PlayStation Portable to hack into government networks? In theory, yes, writes Robert A. on PSP3D.com, a videogame-news discussion site. "The PSP has all the prerequisites" for penetrating government networks," says Robert: Wi-Fi and a decently powerful computer chip. "What's stopping terrorists and malicious individuals from sending a child, armed with a PSP ... to walk by the FBI ... building in Washington, D.C. (whose wireless networks reach the public sidewalk alongside the building), and gather data which could be used to thwart the government which protects us?"
That's the theory that Robert A. came up with after he innocently parked his car on Constitution Avenue and decided to play a round of Tekken. Sitting there with the car's lights off, he attracted an officer's attention, and soon found himself sitting on the curb, handcuffed, and interrogated by a crowd of policemen. It seemed absurd at the time, and the police eventually let him go, but reviewing the incident later, Robert concluded that the threat was real: "A portable device equipped with wireless capabilities ... is capable of anything," including hacking into government computer networks. The good -- if discomfiting -- news is that if Robert's theory is accurate, the D.C. police are aware of the threat.
What do you think? Were the police right to question someone who was just playing games?
Thanks to dOOmy for the newstip
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August 25th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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August 25th, 2006, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News Via PSPVault
Back in June of this year, Warner Home Video announced that they would run a campaign in Japan offering 22 of their movies in the UMD-Video format for 980 yen (~$8.50 USD) apiece, for a limited time. It sounded like a sweet deal; Warner had no shortage of big names in the lineup, like "Last Samurai," "Harry Potter," and "The Matrix." I managed to pick up the entire Matrix trilogy on UMD-Video for about $25 USD. That's probably the lowest retail price you'll find for UMD-Video titles anywhere in the world.
So was it successful? Is $8.50 USD the "sweet spot" for UMD-Video? I'm not really sure, but we do have some evidence that could point to "yes."
Warner Home Video today announced that they were extending the campaign indefinitely -- meaning you'll be able to buy those 22 titles on UMD-Video for 980 yen apiece whenever you want.
Since Warner Home Video hasn't made an official press release, we have to guess at the motive behind this announcement. Are they extending the campaign because the 980 yen UMDs are selling well? Are they extending the campaign because they didn't sell any and just want to get rid of their stock? Are they extending the campaign to see what happens during the all-important holiday season?
Let's hear your opinions
Just checked AMAZON UK and they are selling Many UMD Films from £6.97, i myself brought Harry Potter 1-3 for £8.97 last month 
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August 25th, 2006, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the info from FITC
The Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) is an exciting new entertainment platform, that now also offers support for Flash applications.
FITC and Silver Platter, the indie UMD label, have teamed up for a contest to find the coolest Flash applications that utilize a new keyboard that will be released for the PSP in spring 2007.
The winning Flash application will be bundled with the keyboard and PSP on UMD or downloaded using the PSP's WiFi connection.
Enter now! And enter as many times as you want.
September 21st, 2006 - Submissions end
September 30th, 2006 - Winners announced
1st Place winner
Your Flash piece will be bundled with the new keyboard released for the PSP in spring 2007!
The Action Pack, only from Silver Platter
One (1) PSP and Three (3) UMDs
One (1) year Supply of new UMDs from Silver Platter
Logitech PlayGear Amp Speakers, PlayGear PSP Headphones and PlayGear PSP Case (Customized with your APP!)
Two (2) full tickets to FITC Hollywood 2006 (or two (2) tickets to FITC Toronto 2007)
2nd Place Winner
One (1) year Supply of new UMDs from Silver Platter
Logitech PlayGear PSP Headphones and PlayGear PSP Case
3rd Place Winner
Five (5) UMDs from Silver Platter
Logitech PlayGear PSP Headphones and PlayGear PSP Case
Flash Entry must be your creation, and all images and assets used in the piece must be your own creation or you have full rights to their use.
Winners allow FITC and SIlverPlatter full rights to use their submissions for promotional purposes, and for bundling with the new PSP keyboard released in the spring if applicable.
The contest is open to all residents of any country.
Contest closes September 21st.
Prize must be accepted as offered. No substitutions or cash value.
For the FITC festival tickets, it is the winner's and his/her guest's responsibility to provide for any additional expenses not included in the Grand Prize as described herein, including, but not limited to, meals, room service, airport departure taxes, accidental insurance, excess baggage costs, travel insurance, health/medical insurance, gratuities, in-room movies, taxis, return transportation between the winner's home and the major airport nearest his/her residence, and other incidental costs etc.
Decision of the judges is final.
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August 25th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Team Overlord has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details:
Alright, I've been looking through the Macromedia samples and learning flash, so I decided to start a suite called OPSP, which will be released in the upcoming days. In order to test the release, I may be releasing parts of the suite, in not fully finished form, to test and get your thoughts. The first is a basic text reader, based of MM's code, which had code changes, changed to be compatible with psp, resized and had some graphic changes. Please post your thoughts, it's nothing special, just a one file text reader for now, but expect the final version in OPSP to be changed. Please report any bugs or suggestions, so I can fix them or include any suggestions, in the OPSP release.
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via team overlord
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August 25th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
Hoshizora has updated his Organiser app for the PSP, heres the full release details:
uo_Ograniser for PSP is an 'UnOfficial' homebrew version that extends the core functionalities of the original program developed and released by modsyn (named Ogranise**). This version allows you to do more things like sorting homebrew titles automatically in alphabetical ascending or descending order, removing or restoring corrupted data icons from the XMB menu via a 3-way folder name inter-conversion scheme, ignoring titles you do not wish to repair in the list, and generating a summary report at the end of the repair operation. This is currently the only one which does it on the PSP without a USB connection.
v0.9.2 [2006.08.25]
New: Custom List Order allows you to restore the list order from a previous
Save/Organise session
New: Option to save list order before quitting the program
New: Logo design and XMB background wallpaper
New: Screen backgrounds updated with tabbed effects
New: Repair rare instances of folder names with '%' appended to both ends
Change: The captured screen files are now saved to the folder named SCRNCAPS
under the ms0:/uo_Ogr folder
Change: Minor change in menu layout to accommodate Custom List Order feature
Change: Further code optimisation from the previous version
Bugfix: Minor cosmetic bug fixes
Important Note
The following information is missing in the docs. Kindly take note of the following:
Please do not remove the file Custom.dat in ms0:/uo_Ogr/Custom.dat
(automatically generated after the first time you run it) as it stores
your customised list order information. If you accidentally deleted this file, the
CUSTOM sort option will not appear the next time you run this homebrew.
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August 25th, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
lteixeira posted this news/release:
I'm posting PSP Memo Recorder v0.6.1, which is a sample program showing usage of the audio input syscalls. With this program you can record (in RAM) 60 seconds of audio and play it back afterwards.
It requires the PSP remote and a headset such as the one used for the SOCOM game. PC to PSP headset adapters should also work.
* Hit R trigger to start and stop recording;
* Hit L to play and the recorded content;
* Hit X to enter loop mode, causing the input to be
placed directly in the audio output buffer;
* Hit O to exit the program.
Credits to Saotome for helping figure out the arguments of these syscalls.
I am now releasing the 0.6 version, which fixes the bug found in the first release. Meanwhile I am close to release a version with unlimited time file writing support.
PS: This version now features 60 seconds of recording time.
* UPDATE 2 *
I am now releasing the 0.6.1 version:
Mic level control added. By pressing up and down it can be increased or decreased.
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via iteixeira
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August 25th, 2006, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Wikihow has posted a tutorial on how to mod the Memory Stick Pro Duo, This modification will allow you to use the Memory Stick PRO Duo on card readers that requires an adapter. Very helpful if you lost your adapter or don't have one.
More Info
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August 25th, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted this news/release:
Hi Guys,
Here is a talking clock for the PSP.
It's current list of features are:
- Displays the time in 24 hour format with hours, minutes and seconds.
- Rolling odometer style graphic display.
- Speaks the time in hours and minutes.
- Bean counter sub display can be turned on or off
(used to count laps, or anything, with headset remote as trigger).
- Works in real time, so no operation freezes any other operation
(ie. display does not freeze while speaking the time, etc.).
- Tested with iR Shell.
Can speak the time through the headphones while an mp3 is playing.
I'm working on a project that involves a few live simultaneous displays.
I will share my work as the program develops.
but may discontinue providing updates at some stage of development
where external hardware is involved, and/or the program becomes more
specific toward it's final objectives.
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via art
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August 25th, 2006, 23:58 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar have released 8 new screenshots of the GTA Vice City Stories game which is coming soon:
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August 26th, 2006, 00:14 Posted By: motz
Its finally here! DCEmu Weekly Issue 1 has been released!
DCEmu Weekly will focus on many platforms but this issue contains our coverage of the NeoFlash competition as well as "Wii Weekly", and some dreamcast news by Dawd. Future issues will contain a larger variety of console news.
If you'd like to help out or contribute with DCEmu Weekly, please email me at motz@dcemu.co.uk.
Please feel free to leave all comments, good or bad!
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August 26th, 2006, 01:23 Posted By: BrooksyX

Strmnnrmn posted this news:
"I got back from my trip yesterday and I've spent a few hours today putting together the final changes for Daedalus PSP R8.
Here's the changelist:
[^] Replaced all uses of sceCtrlReadBufferPositive with sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive.
[^] Various known value optimisations for the dynamic recompilation engine.
[^] Various texture cache optimisations and rendering optimisations.
[+] Implemented a new clipping method which is more efficient and gives better results.
[-] Removed 'tesselate large triangles' setting.
[+] Added option to reset emulator to the main menu.
[^] No longer use index buffers for rendering.
[^] Implement matrix multiplication using VFPU.
[^] Implement vertex transform and lighting code using VFPU.
[^] Implement clipping code using VFPU.
[^] Minor AddTri optimisations.
[^] Free background and font textures while emulator is running to free VRAM.
[!] Fixed bug in default controller config (c-down and dpad-down were broken)
It should be pretty obvious that most of the changes in R8 are optimisations. This build is significantly faster than R7, which is a significant achievement considering how much R7 had achieved in this area. Here's an updated view of the framerate table I introduced a couple of months ago and updated recently:
Scene R4 fps R5 fps R7-beta fps R8 fps
Mario Head 3 6 8 8
Mario Main Menu 14 25 30 38
Mario Peach Letter 6-7 11 13 18
Mario Flyby (under bridge) 6 10 12 17
Mario In Game 5-6 9 11 15
Mario Kart Nintendo logo 10 23 24 35
Mario Kart Flag 6 11 13 16
Mario Kart Menu 7 11 13 14
Zelda Nintendo Logo 20 23 ? 70
Zelda Start Menu 2-3 4 ? 8
Zelda Main Menu 10 13 ? 40
I think the numbers speak for themselves. What's particularly impressive is that the R8 results are so high, despite having the new clipping code enabled by default. By implementing the triangle clipping code and the transform and lighting code using the PSP's VFPU I've managed to keep the additional cost to a minimum.
With the previous release, I also mentioned a list of things I had planned for R8. I decided to put them on hold while I pursued the various optimisations in R8, so I'll be looking at working on them for the next release.
Have fun - I'm going to wade through the past couple of weeks worth of emails that have built up while I've been putting this build together  "
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August 26th, 2006, 09:16 Posted By: wraggster

Just got an Email off SuccessHK with a code that gives you an extra $10 off the price of the SanDisk 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo.
The code brings the cost of the memory stick down to a more affordable $131 (65 Pounds)
For those interested heres the code you must enter if you order one: Promotion Code: 4152
Enter the promotion code on the shopping cart page to get USD10.00 discount!!!
The promotion code is valid before 30th September, 2006. One coupon per customer.
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August 26th, 2006, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game Released at Lik Sang

This enormous game offers two complete RPG experiences - a single-player action-adventure spanning multiple planets, and a robust online multi-player component. In offline mode, this action-RPG offers more than 40 hours of gameplay, an emotionally engaging story, traditional cut scenes, and strong character development. In online mode, players are given the opportunity to travel with a squad of other adventurers, enter urban sprawls teeming with hundreds of players, and build their unique avatars into powerful warriors

More info /Buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...9&lsaid=219793
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August 26th, 2006, 11:03 Posted By: wraggster
Polyphony Digital head Kazunori Yamauchi spoke about the next Gran Turismo title in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu. There were two points of interest in the article. First, the parenthetical "working title" has been dropped from the name, implying that Gran Turismo HD is indeed the final title. Second, while Yamauchi lavished praise on the game's high-definition graphics, he stated that the game was not the true next-gen heir to the popular racing series' crown.
In the article, Yamauchi called Gran Turismo HD a "port" of the data from Gran Turismo 4, upgraded to take advantage of the PlayStation 3's graphical capabilities. He also said it is "a step in the process of developing a next-generation GT game."
Yamauchi also implied that development on that next-gen game is already under way, albeit at an early stage. "We are working on a version of GT that supports the full PS3 specification," Yamauchi said, adding, "but in this transitional version, I think you'll get a taste of the potential that next generation games hold."
Yamauchi said the idea for the game actually came from an unlikely source, the Photo Mode in GT4, which allowed players to take high-resolution stills. "I thought it would be incredible to see these stills animated in real time," he said. Running at 60 frames per second in 1920x1080p resolution, Gran Turismo HD supports the very highest resolutions available to Japan's newest HD televisions, according to Famitsu.
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August 26th, 2006, 11:18 Posted By: wraggster
New PSP Game from SuccessHK

Rapala Trophies brings you authentic fishing action. Grab your tackle box, launch the bass boat and let's go! Time to set the hook and land the trophy of a lifetime!
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August 26th, 2006, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Some rather sad news from our hosted Coder ZX-81:
Exophase has released a new full speed GBA emulator for the PSP with awesome performances !
PSPVBA will never reach full speed, since it used classical software emulation technics, that can't be compared to JIT (Just In Time) recompiler based emulators ...
PSPVBA is dead, long life to Gameplay PSP (gPSP, the new GBA emu), and i have to say that i'm really impressed by the work of Exophase , and i'm waitting for new releases !
So there you have it
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August 26th, 2006, 12:19 Posted By: wraggster
The creator of ACAMM has taken the PSP Magazine concept to a new level by creating a “semi animated” version of the series. Ergo Proxy is a science fiction and suspense anime series that will brighten up your PSP with amazing graphic artistry brought to life by short “flip-based” action sequences. This is one of those things that you just have to experience first hand to understand, so download the September issue of ACAMM to see for yourself.
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August 26th, 2006, 12:35 Posted By: wraggster
Insert_witty_name posted this news/release:
AniMate v0.1
All original graphics etc. drawn in Adobe Illustrator. Coded in C using the PSPSDK. Visual imagery of the pet is based on Kacheek from NeoPets.
Copy the folders within the archive to your /PSP/GAME/ folder.
The aim of the game is to keep your pet alive and well. It's like a Tamagotchi, but instead of just clicking feed/sleep etc you have to perform a mini game for the action. Mini games are divided into three sections: Eat, Play, Wash. Each of these mini games will effect an attribute of your pet on completion.
General Controls
D-Pad Navigation
X Select/Accept
O Cancel/Back
Select Take a screenshot (Saved in /screenshots folder)
Start Pause/Unpause
Game Menu Specific Controls
LEFT TRIGGER Switch between menu/stats/wifi screens
RIGHT TRIGGER Switch between menu/stats/wifi screens
Mini game specific controls are listed at the start of each mini game.
-=Dance Off Mini Game=-
Custom tracks can be used in this mini game. They must be in Ogg Vorbis format and have the .ogg extension. I would advise keeping the file size and bit-rate as small as possible. Place your custom .ogg files in the /Music/DanceOff/ folder.
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August 26th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Yes this is groundbreaking news folks now take a look at this screengrab from Sonys PSP Connect Site

Anyone who visited the site or looked at the screengrab will have noticed that Sonys Connect Site are advertising a link to the PSP Homebrew Site PSPUPdates, now this is groundbreaking stuff because if Sony themselves on their PSP Connect Download Site are linking to a Homebrew Site then Sony themselves must be supporting Homebrew 
I am personally a little surprised that Sony have stuck the link on their site, i mean there is the Devhook loader freely downloadable on PSPUpdates which Sony last month shut a Japanese site down for hosting it but Sony must be happy about it ??
So to everyone in the PSP Scene lets all raise a hand to Sony for at last giving homebrew (pity they didnt choose this site but eh everyone makes a mistake) the thumbs Up
There may be problems though, im sure Nintendo etc will not be happy if Sony are openly encouraging homebrew and with that comes emulators.
Come on people lets discuss and celebrate Sonys seemingly acceptance of the Homebrew Scene.
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August 26th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via E-mpire we have more pics of the PSP Camera and GPS adapter, dunno about you but both dont win any points in the design stakes.
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August 26th, 2006, 21:51 Posted By: wraggster
Syn-Z has released a new version of what is the best Genesis emulator for the PSP, heres a translation of whats new:
Approximately 20% acceleration
[Adding “BGM Speed Fix” to CONFIG]
When (it turns to ON, processing becoming heavy, sound does not become slow.
However, there is no effect and/or depending upon the game trouble comes out.
In addition, at the time of communication opposition it becomes mandatorily OFF. )
Note: If the first two packages don't work, use the DGEN_170_Lite.zip instead. Or try using PicoDrive instead.
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August 27th, 2006, 06:05 Posted By: Kramer

Exophase has just realeased gpSP 0.6 , GameplaySP is a fullspeed GBA Emulator for the PSP, heres the release details:
Not everything I wanted to get in is there but I figured I've made people wait long enough for a fix to my stupid bug from last time, heh.
Heres what's new
v0.6 - (still beta quality, look out for new bugs)
NOTE: Please include gpsp.cfg with EBOOT.PBP, this shouldn't be necessary but I think it is right now.
# Fixed a nasty bug that shouldn't have made it into the initial release; a lot of games that TECM.. erm.. crash won't anymore. NOTE: This doesn't mean that no game will ever crash, freeze,
otherwise not work.
# Fixed some crashes in the GUI and the ability to "go up" past ms0:/PSP. Made the "go up" button square like it was supposed to be (instead of cross).
+ There's now a menu that you can access, by default press right while holding down triangle for the frameskip bar.
+ Menu option: resize screen aspect ratio, the default is now "scaled 3:2" which makes it look more like a normal GBA. You can use "fullscreen" (what it was like before) or "unscaled 3:2"
(tiny but pixel for pixel like a GBA)
+ Menu option: You can now load new games while the current one is running.
+ Menu option: You can now restart the currently running game.
+ Menu option: Frameskip variation - this defaults to "uniform" whereas it defaulted to "random" last release. Basically, turn it on random if you find that frameskip causes flickering animations to make things disappear. Other than that it will generally look better on uniform.
+ GUI and file loading now have "auto repeat" on the buttons so they're not such a pain to navigate.
+ Menu option: Added support for 128KB flash ROM, some games require it (Pokemon Firered/Leaf Green, Super Mario Advance 4), turn it on before running the game to make sure it works. NOTE: There are some versions of these ROMs that have been hacked to get around their 128KB flash, and may not even work properly at all. Look out for them, these games should save 128KB save files after you set the setting to it, IF they use 128KB flash.
+ Menu option: Added ability to make the .sav files only update when you exit the emulator, use with extreme caution (in other words, it's not a good idea to use something like this in beta quality software if you care about your saves). Does NOT update if you exit through the home button, don't use the home button if you can help it.
+ Zip support thanks to SiberianSTAR. It will load the first file with the extension .gba or .bin that it finds.
+ Menu options are saved to gpsp.cfg. Note that it does not save frameskip options or flash ROM options because these are very per game particular.
+ The emulator will now try to save backup files to somethingmore matching the backup size than a fixed 64KB. @ Loading ROMs and the auto save of the .sav files is MUCH faster now. Thanks for the heads up on how to improve this from pollux!
@ While coding for the screen resize code I found that SDL just wasn't cutting it and had to code for the GU myself. Turns out the new code is faster (but because it is render code anyimprovement will be diminished to nothing as frameskip is increased). Special thanks to Zx-81 for the tips on this one
and for his GU code in the PSPVBA source as an example.
@ Added some games to game_config.txt. Note that not all versions of these ROMs will work with these options, try to use the USA version if possible.
Just a note, be SURE to include the included gpsp.cfg with the EBOOT or things might get messed up. It shouldn't need it but I guess it does for now.
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Thanks to Exophase for the email in the post this morning (i was ill last night - wraggster) telling me of the release at the usual place (roll on when he gets an official site )
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August 27th, 2006, 08:07 Posted By: wraggster
As you know i spotted (and no site thanked me but thats as normal in the PSP Scene) that PSP Connect are linking to an Homebrew site.
Now ill be 100% honest, either PSP Connect are being paid for the Linkage or its a MAJOR cock up on their side.
Sony would never allow an Homebrew site to be linked to from their pages, Sites Like IGN etc would but no site that posts and mirrors items such as an ISO loader would, So im sorry to burst anyones bubbles but i think its either an advertising space brought by the PSP site in question (most likely) or a cockup by PSP Connect.
I have personally contacted Sony to ask whats going off and as soon as i find out more you will know.
Seems like im right and its an ADVERT now for Sony this is a major embarassment especially if the likes of Nintendo etc get pissy with them, remember we love homebrew but no company unless they are getting cash for it wants to see their games emulated on a rivals handheld.
If Sony are happy to publically back homebrew then theres gonna be a whole load of trouble. Its gonna be an interesting week 
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August 27th, 2006, 08:27 Posted By: wraggster
[Bo]Trops has updated his Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator made for the Sony Play Station Portable system.
The emulator uses the old Marat Z80 emulator by Marat Fayzullin. VDP source is based on SMS Plus by Charles Mac Donald. All the source is heavylly optimized for the PSP system.
PSPMaster is running at full speed without frame skiping when the YM2413 sound chip emulation is disabled. Please do not change default options if you don't know what you are doing.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed Game Gear screen.
- Fixed a stupid bug: the emulator was not saving SRAM!!
- Screen shot bug fixed.
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August 27th, 2006, 08:49 Posted By: wraggster
Via GTA Portable.com we have more GTA News:
Even more previews were recently published in Europe. The latest info comes from GamesMaster and the French Official PlayStation 2 Magazine. While there's no new screenshots, there certainly is a bit of new info and some collaboration on previously known things.
• One of Vice City Stories' biggest selling points is going to be how easy it is to go from land to water to air travel.
• Missions are more transitional - instead of doing a bit of a mission, watching a cut-scene then doing a bit more.
• The city is twice the size of Liberty City Stories, and the loading times remain roughly the same.
• More detail and more to do - you can expect a lot of new vehicles including all sorts of aircraft.
• While it's quite obvious, the magazine confirms that there will be no eating in the game like San Andreas.
• Vice City Stories will feature plenty of characters, mostly being new.
• As we already know, because the game is set two years before the original Vice City, the city will look slightly different. But the magazine goes further to say that the Leaf Links Golf Course will be in the game, where it was previously speculated not to be in there.
• The story takes place before the money comes flooding in, so there's more poor areas on the map.
Official PlayStation 2 Magazine:
• The early demo that they got to play still had a few empty streets, but Rockstar assured them that the streets would be twice as full in the final game.
• Based on the storyline revolving around the Vance brothers, there's said to be a lot of humor in the game.
• Rockstar Games also has a big surprise concerning the Wi-Fi features in Vice City Stories.
While nothing more is known about this, it could very well be co-op mode. The way that the storyline is set there could be more missions where the Vance brothers can play together as two different players. Or even better - Online Mode!
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August 27th, 2006, 08:57 Posted By: wraggster
Arza has released and Cools updated a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the release details:
I have made a simple yet fun game. The game is based off some puzzles in a magazine called "Tips and Tricks". The object is to fill in tiny squares one by one, until you are finished. When you're done, the squares will form the shape of a video game character. To learn how to play, start up the game and in the main menu, select "How to Play". Here's the controls:
X = C -- Turns square black
O = F -- Turns square white
Select = A --Exits to game menu
R = W -- Scrolls pages of blocks
L = Q -- Scrolls pages of blocks
Note = Prt Scrn --Takes snapshot
This release comes with only one puzzle. But I shall have more puzzles out soon. If you find any bugs, post here. Also, please don't post your screenshots here. It'll ruin it for other people.
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via arza
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August 27th, 2006, 08:59 Posted By: wraggster
Cools posted a new release for the PSP scene, heres the details from the readme:
I found this on my desktop and decided to finish it!
It uses the danzeff input to write emails and text
messages for ease of use. This is my custom port
of danzeff to lua and you will notice that you will not
need to hold down L or R when typing some
characters on screen, because it will scroll through
them (seems a little confusing, but after use its ok).
It will use wifi connection 1 be default, you can
change it manually if you want, in the future I plan onbeing able to select which connection. Email works! but it seems like you MIGHT have to exit out if you are planning on sending more than one email... I havent gotten text messaging (SMS) to work, but it should. This will become more developed in the nearfuture.
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August 27th, 2006, 21:55 Posted By: benh
Hi all benh here!
I'm back with my new lua game Rush hour V1.0
This is my biggest lua release so far
In the game your character is a car and you have to drive down a moterway avioding oncoming traffic while travelling quite fast
In this first release I have included 2 levals, a fully working menu, and a password system.
The game also comes in eboot form so that it can be ran from the xmb
In addition to this inbetween update releases to the game I will be releaseing theme packs for the game which will include new sprites cars, including lorrys etc, new backgrounds, and new music, I will be releaseing the first one in about 2 weeks
Next release i will be adding to more levals and some other features to keep you entertained
so for now enjoy the game and give me feedback for future releases or ideas for the theme packs
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August 28th, 2006, 03:07 Posted By: SamuraiX

By SamuraiX
New Official Release of the fighting game Beats of Rage which is also known as OpenBor. Heres whats new:
New Features Created By SamuraiX:
New variables are used in levels.txt
completebg 1 Shows complete.gif for stage complete.
pscore x,y,x,y,x,y This controls placement for players name, dash, score.
p1namej x,y & p2namej x,y This controls placement for Select Hero, Name Text, continue, credits and gameover when joining in game.
scomplete x,y,x,y,x,y This controls placement for Stage, #, Complete.
cbonus x,y,x,y,x,y This controls placement for Clear Bonus, #, #.
lbonus x,y,x,y,x,y This controls placement for Life Bonus, #, #.
tscore x,y,x,y,x,y This controls placement for Total Score, #, #.
I've implemented Hardware Acceleration on the SDL Version. So things should look better and smoother in full screen mode.
Removed times completed from settings.sav! Since we support it also in the game saves there was no need to have in settings.sav. This way people can't cheat with other mods. Alot of BUG FIXES from v48!!!!
And I've finally implemented GPU support on the PSP. Mods that ran at 40 fps now run at 150+ fps! depending on the mod of course. But none the less the speed increase is Great!
Big thanks to Jim at pspdev.org for his sugguestions on how to handle data using the GPU! Thank You Jim!
New Features Created By Fugue:
Here are explanations of the new features, and how to use them. As always, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know so I can work on them.
Thanks goes to CGRemakes for helping fix this feature.
Here's how it works: Give all your grabbable enemies a height value. Give a player a non-looping VAULT animation. Instead of putting the offset point at the player's feet, put it at the location you want the player to rotate around. For instance, if you want the player to grab the enemy's shoulders and flip over them, put it where the player's hands are. Also, add a blank frame (one without any graphics in it) with a delay of 1 before the VAULT animation begins.
Now, start up the game and go grab someone. Press jump. The player will play their vault animation, and their offset will be centered on the enemy, at their head level. Once the animation is finished, the player will turn around.
I can see why people have wanted it added. As useless as it seems to flip over someone's head midgrab, it sure is a heck of a lot of fun.
At the moment, all it does is put you behind the opponent. However, adding new moves which are used from the back shouldn't be too hard to do.
The blank frame with a delay of 1 is just there to take care of a bug that we've been unable to fix so far. It's really hard to see the blank frame, even when you look for it, so it shouldn't be a problem.
One more thing- for now, don't try vaulting when next to a wall. Currently, it'll just put the player inside the wall. This will be fixed later.
New attack types:
There are three new attack types: attack2, attack3, and attack4. They work just like shock, burn, and attack. The only difference is that they don't change to the last frame of the normal FALL animation when their FALL animation is finished (shock and burn both do this). These also have custom PAIN, FALL, and DEATH animations, naturally (PAIN2, FALL2, DEATH2, PAIN3, FALL3, etc.).
Attack chains:
You can now pretty much set up your basic attack string in any order you want. If you use the new atchain command, you can specify up to five attacks (Although there are only 4 ATTACK animations right now, more could be added very easily). Just give it five numbers in order. 0 means don't use any attack (i.e. end the attack string), 1 means ATTACK1, 2 means ATTACK2, and I think you can guess the rest.
If you use this, you should fill any unused steps in the combo with 0 (i.e. a 3-hit combo should be something like
atchain 1 2 3 0 0
), although it isn't neccessary.
Enemies can also use ATTACK4 just ATTACK1, ATTACK2, and ATTACK3. Just give it a range.
Unless you're using the new CHARGEATTACK animation, the last attack in a player's attack chain will be used if players hold attack for 3 seconds and let go (even if the last attack isn't ATTACK3).
New jumping animations:
Two new midair animations, JUMPCANT and JUMPSPECIAL.
If you assign an MP cost to a Jumping attack, and attempt to use the attack without enough energy, the JUMPCANT animation will play (If it's there, otherwise, nothing will happen). If the player does have a JUMPCANT animation, they will also start falling, as if they had 'tripped' in midair.
If you press the Special button in midair, you will perform your JUMPSPECIAL (You can also call it SPECIAL3, the engine will read either one). Don't set this to loop. While playing your JUMPSPECIAL animation, your player will not fall down- they hover in midair. They'll still move around if you use move commands, but until the animation ends they will disobey the laws of gravity.
You can now have seperate death animations for burning and shocking. They're called "SDIE" and "BDIE."
There's now a CHARGE animation. To use it, hold special and press and hold jump (Or press and hold both at the same time). As long as the buttons are held, the player will play their CHARGE animation over and over again, and will quickly recover MP at a specified rate. The recovery increases MP 4 times more often than the normal time-based MP recovery. You can specify the specific rate using the new chargerate command (You can define it seperately for each character. The default is 2).
Oh, by the way, Players can't charge if there are no enemies present. Otherwise they could just max out their energy before every encounter.
You can now give enemies a BACKWALK animation. If they have it, they will play it when walking backwards instead of just playing their WALK animation in reverse.
If an enemy is on a different 'z' than the player they're facing, and walk behind the player, they will NOT switch to this animation. They will continue to play their normal WALK animation.
You can give players a SLEEP animation which will play if the player does not move at all for a while. If set not to loop, players will return to their IDLE animation when it finishes. If you use a FAINT animation as well, this is overridden by FAINT if players are low on life. How long a player will wait before playing this animation is set by the new 'sleepwait' command which can be set seperately for each player. The default is 1000. If you want to get an idea of how long that is in real time, MP will refill under 'typemp 2' every 200.
If this animation is present, players will use it instead of the last attack in their atchain when they hold down attack for three seconds and let go.
This is specified exactly like jumpframe, except you use the word 'flipframe' instead, and you only pass in the frame number. When the specified frame is reached, the entity will turn to face the opposite direction automatically. Management is not responsible for damages caused by putting this command in silly places like the WALK animation.
Works just like nodrop and nograb. An enemy with this flag will not play any of their PAIN animations when hit- they won't even slow down (unless you're using a hitpause, in which case it doesn't really matter since you slow down as well). This is independant of nodrop and nograb, so you can have any combination of either, neither, or all three set. Try to remember that an enemy with all three of those features will be nearly unstoppable once they begin attacking.
This can go in an entity's .txt file or in a level spawn. When given to an item, that item will give the player(s) an extra credit when picked up. Like all other item bonuses, only one can be given to an item at a time.
This is for enemies and can be set on a per-enemy basis. All you need to give it is a number. If an enemy is hit this many times in a row without being knocked down or having a chance to counterattack, they will automatically perform their SPECIAL2 animation to counterattack. That'll teach players to spam the first three hits of a combo.
The count will be reset whenever the enemy uses any animation but IDLE, FAINT, or any of the PAIN animations, even if that animation doesn't complete.
This affects both methods of MP recovery (by time and by hitting enemies). If typemp is set to 1, this is the amount of MP players will recover on a hit (defaults to 1). If typemp is 2, this is the amount of MP players will recover on regular intervals (defaults to 2). You can give this to each player individually.
Makes dropped items transparent. This belongs in level spawns. You can use any of the new transparency types.
This works exactly like lifebarsize. It just affects the MP bar instead.
These commands work like p1life and p2life, except with the MP bar.
Setting it to 1 still gives alpha transparency like before, but now you can also use 5 other kinds of transparency! Here they are:
2: The entity will use negative alpha transparency (the darker colors are stronger, like shadows).
3: The entity will overlay transparency. It's described in the engine as being a combination of alpha and negative alpha, and the formula is "bg<128 ? multiply(bg*2,fg) : screen((bg-128)*2,fg)". Try it for youself.
4: The entity will use hardlight transparency. Seems to be the opposite of overlay. The formula is "fg<128 ? multiply(fg*2,bg) : screen((fg-128)*2,bg)".
5: The entity uses dodge transparency. Described in the code as being "Very nice for a colourful boost of light."
6: The entity will use 50% transparency. The entire entity will be 50% transparent: every pixel will be averaged with the pixel right behind it.
Of course, I didn't code these myself. I found the last four transparency types listed, but not used, in one of the support files. So I don't know too much about them, except that they work.
Something else I've noticed probably worth mentioning: remapped entities CANNOT use transparency. In other words, if an entity is displayed in a remap pallete, it WILL NOT use it's alpha setting. This is a limitation of the actual engine, as there are seperate sprite-displaying functions for remapped entities and transparent entities (And only one can be used to display a single entity). Although I'd guess it could be worked around, I don't have any idea where to even start looking.
These go in MODELS.txt:
lifescore is how many points players must earn to get a 1-up. credscore is how many points are needed for a continue. Set either to 0 to prevent players from getting 1-ups or credits from points.
If this is set, blocking will not completely nullify damage. Entities will still take one fourth of the original damage.
If set, damage taken while guarding is removed from the MP bar instead of the Health bar. If players run out of MP, it's taken from the health bar instead. This obviously doesn't affect enemies, and it doesn't do anything if blockratio isn't set either.
Also needs blockratio. With this on, entities can't die from chip damage (damage taken while blocking). They can be reduced to 1 health, but they won't die as long as they succesfully block the attack.
You may have noticed that, while you're in air, you can interrupt any move by simply using another attack. For instance, you can press attack, then quickly press down+attack and skip any remaining frames in the normal JUMPATTACK animation.
If noaircancel is set to 1, players can't change to another attack while jumping unless the old animation is not set to loop and has finished playing.
If set to 2, players simply can't change to another animation after attacking until they land and jump again.
And these are old features which have been updated:
It's back! Except that it's been divided into two different fields. aggression is a positve or negative integer which will decrease (or increase if it's negative) the amount of time an enemy will pause before launching an attack once players are in range. For the most part it's not a huge difference, and there's still a random element to it, but it's still there. The other part is risetime. It determines how long they'll wait on the ground after FALLing down before they get back up.
The default for both is 0. Positive numbers decrease delays, negative numbers increase delays.
Also back! This uses two new commands, 'followcond' and 'followanim.' followanim takes one argument, a number from 0 to 4. If you give it a number greater than 0, it will try to use that FOLLOW animation if the followup conditions are met. Those conditions depend on the followcond command, which takes one argument as well:
1: This animation will followup as long as it hits an entity.
2: This animation will followup as long as it hits an enemy (Or player if an enemy uses it).
3: This animation will followup as long as it hits an enemy and the target does not get killed or block the attack.
4: This animation will followup as long as it hits an enemy, and the target is not killed, does not block the attack, and is not set to be ungrabbable.
These are also back. They use 'followanim' to determine which animation to play next, but they have a different command to control the conditions ('counterframe'). counterframe takes 3 arguments:
counterframe: The first argument is the number of the frame in which the counterattack is available. The user must be hit in this frame in order to counter.
countercond: The conditions under which the counter will be used:
1: The counter will always be used.
2: The counter will be used as long as the attacker was an enemy (Or a player if an enemy uses it).
3: The counter will be used as long as the attacker was an enemy, the attack was not unblockable, hits the user from the front, and was not a FREEZE attack.
counterdamage: This is a flag which controls damage.
0: The entity which performs the counterattack will not take any damage from the attack.
1: The entity which performs the counterattack will take damage, even if the counterattack is successful.
The two new rock types are back. Just use 'rock 2' or 'rock 3' instead of 'rock 1' in a stage file to get a different rocking pattern.
Removed openbor_PSP-v2.0049-007.rar. Download new build openbor_PSP-v2.0049-008.rar
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August 28th, 2006, 09:47 Posted By: motz
Crait from our forums has demonstrated something rather interesting related to the possibility of a PSP Keyboard.
Many of you may remember that Logic3 had planned to release a keyboard but due to lack of information Sony were willing to give them, it was later cancelled.
Here is what crait has to say about this:
hey all, im working on this thing that lets me control my psp with a keyboard, and i might encorporate it into my game, but as of now, i dont have a usb keyboard
but i put some dl files that converts keyboard input into psp input, but as of now they dont work, and im not sure if they will work or not With some luck (and a little coding ), this little piece of hardware may bring PSP users a keyboard!
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August 28th, 2006, 10:36 Posted By: motz
An interesting article has appeared on BBC News. Apparently, the PS3 is so powerful, it will be used for medical studies!
The spare processing power of Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3) will be harnessed by scientists trying to understand the cause of diseases like Alzheimer's.
Sony has teamed up with US biologists who already run the distributed computing project, folding@home (FAH).
The project harnesses the capacity of thousands of PCs to examine how the shape of proteins, critical to most biological functions, affect disease.
FAH say a network of PS3's will allow performance similar to supercomputers.
With 10,000 machines joined together the researchers calculate they should be able to do a thousand trillion calculations per second.
If that was achieved it would be nearly four times as fast as the world's most powerful supercomputer, IBM's BlueGene/L System, capable of 280.6 trillion calculations per second. The PS3 cell specs are as follows:
- 256 billion calculations per second
- 2.5MB of on-chip memory
- Able to shuttle data to and from off-chip memory at speeds up to 100 gigabytes per second,
- 234 million transistors
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August 28th, 2006, 12:19 Posted By: SmashinGit
Botrops has released a new version of his excellent Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for the PSP, Here's whats new:
Improved render and video routines
Two added sound filters: interpolation and reverb
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August 28th, 2006, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster

News Via IGN:
Codemasters has announced that its classic war-torn tactical combat game Cannon Fodder is set for resurrection on PSP in Spring 2007.
Promising all the hilarity and, er, death of the 16-bit original, Cannon Fodder on PSP sees players controlling their troop of grizzled soldiers, both individually and as a group, across a huge range of on-foot and vehicle based missions. As always, the aim is to create as much wanton destruction as is humanly possible.
All this story needs is a 'helmet' joke and we're done.
Sporting a brand new - if unmistakably Cannon Fodder - visual style, Codemasters' is sinking a wealth of new features into the classic combat mix. Announced so far is the ability to call in air strikes and perform radar sweeps, alongside a bulging arsenal of new weapons, including flamethrowers and sniper rifles.
What's more, your movements on the battlefield will be reported live by the new FTV channel, offering a better view of the action. Cannon Fodder PSP will also offer four-player link play with deathmatch and co-op modes.
We'll have more on Cannon Fodder PSP as it scrambles out of the trenches.
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August 28th, 2006, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Lonely Planet and Sony have launched a series of intereactive guides that are for the PSP, the guides cover 6 of the best citys in Europe, each guide also has 250 reviews of the hottest things to do in each location.
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August 28th, 2006, 15:35 Posted By: wraggster
Youresam has released a LUA racing game as an entry in the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres what the readme says:
Wedge Racer is a racing game. You drive a small wedge-shaped ship around tracks against either the computer, or with someone over WiFi.The objective is simple: To win.
[Single Player]
When you enter single player mode, you must choose a ship to race with, and a track to race on. On ship selection, press X to confirm, triangle to cancel, left/right to switch, and analog stick to rotate. Track selection is the same, except you cannot rotate the tracks. While in the game, use X to accelerate, square to brake, analog/DPAD to
steer, and START to pause. The computers ship is black with a random color stripe.
Netplay lets you play Wedge Racer against someone over the internet. To play in netplay mode, you must have a working network connection.Simply choose your ship, choose your connection (if you have only 1, it automatically uses it), and wait for someone to join you. While in-game, if you are recieving data from the other player, you will see the text "RECV" in green on the bottom-right of the screen. To change your name, edit Options.txt with your name. If you ever need to
change the IP Address that netlib connects with, simply edit it here.(You shouldnt need to) NOTE TO CHEATERS: As seen in SBA, cheating was a HUGE problem. I have colpiled the online file so you cannot cheat.
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August 28th, 2006, 15:48 Posted By: wraggster
Glynnder has released a new version of a modified version of Lua Player with his Interface Lua Built in for the Lik Sang Coding Contest.
Heres whats featured:
I'm not sure about this apps feature list, it is massive, and I have lost track of many of them, oops lol! Here are some of them, but i you dont like these/want more then just use it, im sure you'll love it!
Full browser of files on memory stick
High Customisability throughout
Home page
Lua File execution
Image viewer (png & jpeg)- will work on adding bmp support soon
GamePic (like icon0)*
Favorite homebrew execution
IrFS- Not completed, will not be for a while.
Settings screen/menu
USB Connection throughout
A lot more already done, and even more planned...
* Please read below to find out about LibBase & GamePic
This is one massive, yet tiny feature. All lib's are added to LibBase so now there is no need to include the lib's in your files. However, if you do this will pose no problem. This helps with a few things including RAM saving and ROM saving.
This is what I believe is a super feature, it works like
icon0 in EBOOTs. You can see in the game menu how it loads pictures for all the app's, well any image that is a png, saved as "displaypic.png" will load there. The resolution shown is 198x98, however smaller is OK and larger will just be cropped to that size onscreen.
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August 28th, 2006, 15:55 Posted By: wraggster
Cools has released a new game for the Lik Sang Coding Comp, heres the info:
This is just an "alpha" of my upcommming game Drag. I was planning to get Drag in for the compitition, but was held up in other thing...(vacation!). This is the engine of the game, with some cars put in. It's all based on real car physics, so its almost as real as it can get. It uses sysext, by be2003, which is included in the 1.5 zip (modules cant be loaded on 2.xx). Major thanks to Bryan
Spence for letting me use his car graphics (there will be more cars in the final!).
How to Play:
X - Accelerate, when X is not being pressed the car will decellerate.
Triangle - Brake, which isnt truly needed but is there.
R - Increase Gear, when the bar turns green press R
L - Decrease Gear, if you ever increase the gear to early you can go down
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August 28th, 2006, 16:04 Posted By: wraggster
Gambiting has released a Snake game as an entry into the Lik Sang coding Contest.
Heres the release details:
Ok,so PSPSnake is an old,good snake game,but with
a few special things that make it more playable than original one.Here we have three modes:
-Classic(the same as original one)
-Arcade(You can reduce snake's lenght,and you can use thing called
snake's motion to slow it's movements,and to escape difficult situations)
-Extreme(The same as classic,but snake's lenght increases
constantly(all the time),so it's much more difficult)
Every mode has diffrent difficulty(arcade - easy,classic - medium,extreme - hard)
so in every mode you gain diffrent points for food(arcade - 6p,classic-9p,extreme-12)
All scores(best ones,and last ones) are saved,and are accesible via highscore menu.
In options menu,you can adjust music,and sound effects ON/OFF.
Hope you enjoy it!!!!
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August 28th, 2006, 16:07 Posted By: wraggster
pspsalv2 has posted a new Lua game in the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres what he posted:
Well this my first lua game and it hopefully wont be the last cause i just got started!
So basically the object of the game is to try to dodge the bullets of your "evil" twin is shooting at you otherwise you lose health duh! so in that case you make your way to the other side of the screen and kill him with you attack. Very simple.
Have Fun!
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August 28th, 2006, 16:11 Posted By: wraggster
Spiderjames has released a new LUA game for the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres what he posted about the game:
Known Issues.
-AI Doesnt work, didnt have time to implement it.
-Sound doesn't work.
-can sometimes be a bit buggy
Other than that, it can be an exciting 2 player game.
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August 28th, 2006, 16:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sektor has released a new app for the Lik Sang coding Contest, heres the details:
It's a LUA script that displays "You might be a redneck if" messages. Nuff sed!
- Sektor
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August 28th, 2006, 16:23 Posted By: wraggster
Junkman posted his entry into the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the details:
Wordage is similar to the game Lingo. Your goal is to guess the 5 letter word. You will be provided with the first letter of the word and must guess the rest of the word. Your guess must be an actual word. If your guess is a legitimate word, you will be told whether each letter in your guess occurs in the word or if each letter occurs in the word and
is in the correct position. Letters highlighted in yellow are in the word but in the wrong position. Letters highlighted in orange are in the word and in the correct position.
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August 28th, 2006, 16:43 Posted By: wraggster
PSPHax0r9 has released a Mario Party Clone for the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the features:
Add your own CUSTOM CHARACTERS that you make yourself.
Add your own custom minigames.
One map currently, courtesy of Campbell_FF.
Music, courtesy of TPTaylor.
Currently only single player is available, against AI.
Once your character lands on a space, they will either: get one dollar subtracted to their bank, 3 dollars added to their bank, or a random minigame will start.
Once a minigame is over, your score will be compared to the Computer's. The winer will receive 15 dollars.
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August 28th, 2006, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Mathfacts has released an entry to the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the details:
Boxed In by mathfacts@cox.net
Copy the folders boxedin and boxedin% to your psp\game directory
You start with 5 ships. Shoot the moving blocks to change them into the target color. Your can safely pass through blocks that match your ships color.
Keep an eye on the timer, if it reaches zero your ship will be destroyed. Beware the UFO, it can destroy your ship or change the colors of blocks.
Your score is determined by the number of seconds remaining on the timer multiplied by the wave number. The game keeps track of your highest score.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
BirddoG has released a new game for the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the details:
FoamWars Beta 1 by BirddoG
Foam was is a semi non-violent deathmatch game based off the quake engine, where instead of weapons that kill, you "frag" each other with foam shooting toys, inspired by Nerf toys. The object
of the game is still the same, to win the match by fragging your opponents the most times. The tone of the game is also a bit lighter, which brighter colours and playfull weapons.
4 weapons, foam sword, ball shooter, cup shooter, and arrow launcher.1 map (so far), the back yard of a house.
All new textures.
Multiplayer including adhoc for psp to psp and infrastructure for psp to computer.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
New release by JC for the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the release details:
The Tyrannical Sony Corporation has unleashed it's ultimate weapon in it's war on Homebrew, brewbots.
Brewbots have been designed to strike at the heart of the homebrew scene by attacking homebrew as it's loaded. Luckily you have a friend. Saoirse (Pronounce Sheer-Sha, Irish for Freedom), like her name suggests she believes in freedom and she is willing to help you fight the Brewbots. As each phase of the homebrew load starts the Brewbot will attack. You must ensure that all letters of the load phase remain intact for the duration of the load timer. If too much of the phrase is destroyed then the timeout timer will start, Once it reaches zero the load will fail and the game is over.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
ro0kie42 has released a new Lua Game to the Lik Sang Coding contest, heres the release info:
You start out with three people (this game is loosely based off of Snowcraft)
Enemies can dodge bullets
Enemies can aim for you
Your snowball fort is not invincible
Infinite levels -means you can't win, but you sure can lose - will probably get laggy once you reach level 10 or so
If your player dies, it will automatically be replaced with another player who's just sitting around
You can't shoot if you're behind your fort.
This game is VERY moddable - You can change the dimensions of just about anything, just keep the names the same.
This game gets very difficult very fast.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
HardHat & Meyitzo have released a new entry for the Lik Sang Coding Contest, heres the release details:
This is the first release of PSP Connect 4. It features:
- Side by side 2 player game
- Infrared 2 player game (face to face)
- One player game against a fairly agressive AI
- Cute sound effects
- 3D game board
- Introduction movie
- Red player: left, right, and down to drop game piece.
- Yellow player: square, circle and cross to drop game piece.
- Use left trigger and right trigger to rotate the view.
- In menu mode, use up, down and X to select
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August 28th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Calling all Star Wars fans out there, including me we have the 4 latest screenshots of the new Star Wars game coming to the PSP and best of all no nasty Watermarks.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
HPNuts has released a Sudoku game for the LikSang Coding Contest, heres the release info:
This is my first program in Lua and first program on the PSP. All the code is from myself and not really optimized...Thanks to the scene for bringing homebrew to the PSP. I hope you will enjoy this game :-)
What is Sudoku ?
Sudoku is a logic-based placement puzzle.
The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens").
Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
David Simonsson has released what looks like an awesome 3d racing game into the Lik Sang Coding Contest.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
Ufox has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details:
This PSP Content Manager is a handy PSP content management tool based on framework of PSP Homebrew Icon Sort Tool I released before.
You can use it to preview and manage PSP content stored in memory stick or in PC's harddisk with same folder structure used in memory stick.
File management, item sort, hombrew edit/Installation, MP4 title modifying, MP3/WMA tag edit and more are implemented functions of this single application.
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August 28th, 2006, 17:53 Posted By: motz
Buy.com is now selling a "Sony PSP Entertainment Pack". The pack retails at 256.96 USD (around 135GBP) and includes the following items:- Sony PSP
- Memory Stick Pro Duo - 1GB
- Game/Music/Movie video Sampler Disc
- ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
- Lords of Dogtown UMD Movie
The pack is available for purchase here.
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August 28th, 2006, 20:55 Posted By: benh
As you may know last night i released my lua game rush hour V1.0 and I said that i would be releasing a theme pack for it in 2 weeks well i had nothing to do today so i have released the first theme pack
The theme pack includes 3 different main cars, a new background and 2 different sets of oncoming traffic
the link to the game - LUA Rush hour V1.0
all the instructions are in the readme
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August 28th, 2006, 21:30 Posted By: wraggster
GamersReports.com has posted an alleged internal GameStop memo, which documents 36 PlayStation 3 titles scheduled for release between launch (November 17) and May 1*, all listed at $59.99. While hardly official, these details will likely alleviate some of our fears that PS3 games will retail for more than $60.
According to the GameStop memo, the PlayStation launch lineup could include these 19 titles (exclusives in bold):
Bladestorm: Hundred Years War
Call of Duty 3
Fatal Inertia
Full Auto 2
Genji 2
Madden NFL 2007
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
NBA Live 2007
NBA 07
Need for Speed: Carbon
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Resistance: Fall of Man
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
Tony Hawk's Project 8
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
*The memo suggests that some games could be released before the PS3 console.
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August 28th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: wraggster
The good and knowledgeable SuicideNinja upped a very clever post and has given us the opportunity to write about it. Basically, the boomerang concept controller may have been a smarter angle to go for the PS3 than everyone gave it credit for. At the time of its unveiling, we weren't aware of the motion-sensor going into it and thought the rumble feature would still be intact. Things change with time. Now, waving the boomerang controller around would definitely make a more comfortable tilt-motion feature than the Dual Shock 2 design. As SuicideNinja says, for steering cars in the appropriate games, it would be a pretty good fit.
Sadly, this revelation can't save the dropped design now. Or can it? Petitioning for it to be released as a separate accessory may be within the realm of possibility. Aside from racing or driving games, would the boomerang design be worthwhile? The "steering wheel" likeness doesn't really make a big splash against any other type of game. It's most appropriate for racing games and quite possibly flight sims. Still, that was a fantastic epiphany on SuicideNinja's part and now, what do you all think? Did we bury the boomerang prematurely or did we save ourselves from a junky controller?
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August 28th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Seems the PR for Microsoft misstepped in their elucidation of the 12-month exclusivity deal struck with EA Sports and Konami for FIFA and Pro-Evolution Soccer, respectively. PES (also known as Winning Eleven) producer Shingo Takatsuka called Microsoft out, saying their "presentation was misleading... We never said exclusive for one year on the next-gen platforms. We said this year. We were agreed that it was this year." We all know repeating your point means you're either firm in your resolve or very angry about an agreement being misconstrued.
Microsoft's wicked claims have caused trouble for Konami and even Sony (confusion about the announcement, most likely). Takatsuka clarified that the 360 version of Winning Eleven is exclusive until the end of 2006 (a PS3 version is in the works for an estimated spring of 2007 release). FIFA may be in the same boat, although EA hasn't released any official announcements. Well Microsoft, you caused quite a ruckus, but your attempts to confuse and mislead consumers and developers were in vain! Although it was most certainly not intentional, it's still a pretty lame move. A tip of the hat, you do not get.
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August 28th, 2006, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via GTA Portable.com
As most of you know by now, Victor Vance - the brother of Lance - will be the main character in Vice City Stories. But seeing as though he didn't have a voice in the original Vice City it was unknown who'll be voicing him. This changed recently when the Vice City Stories page over at the Internet Movie Database got updated stating that Ving Rhames will be the voice of Victor Vance.
Ving is mostly popular for his roles in the Mission Impossible movies and on TV the 2005 remake series of Kojak. As some magazines have previously stated, the IMDB listing also contains Philip Michael Thomas to reprise his role as Lance Vance.
While this is not directly coming from Rockstar Games, the info could have been submitted by them to the IMDB. The site is known for being spot-on when it comes to the movie, tv, and video game industry so chances are the information is correct.
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August 28th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
Alexisonfire posted this news/release:
I was thinking one day about what I should make...so I thought back to my starcraft days. I remembered playing 'use map settings' and there were a bunch of user-made games that got dubbed the name 'Bounds'. These bounds were usually a series of obstacle courses, and you had to get through the different obstacles to get to the next level. They were very fun because you had to use a combination of quick thinking, and team work with your fellow players.
So anyways, I decided to make my own little Bound.
The initial plan was to have multiplayer, but for now I have a series of single player maps.
The code at its current stage is completely user friendly because I figured this could be a community project. The code is based entirely on the variety of colours in a map. You can make maps very easily in mspaint(or any other image making program), and submit them to slasherzor@gmail.com, I will do my best to include them in the game.
Some restrictions for maps.
- The image must be 480x272(It can be bigger if you need it to...just ask me first)
- If you're going to make an obstacle, make sure it's a solid colour(or a series of solid colours), for example, if you want the RGB code (200, 200, 200) which is grey, to kill the player, just let me know :P.
- By default, (0, 0, 0), which is black, will kill the player no matter what. Your boundaries should be black.
- Send all maps to slasherzor@gmail.com, include a vivid description of how you envision the map and I'll do my best to bring it to life. Also, please include a rating of 1-10 on how difficult you want your map to be.
Menu -
D-PAD/CROSS - Navigate throughout the menus
Game -
Analog - Move the mouse around
Cross - Click where you want the player to move
- The level selection screen flickers
- Some text positioning is a little off
- The boss is a little messed up
- Tons of optimizations to the game itself are to come
- Multiplayer mode is on its way Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
via slasher
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August 28th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster

Exophase is a newcomer to the PSP scene and what an entrance, to release a Full Speed GameBoy Advance emulator on your first day is an accomplishment like no other and the response from all corners of the PSP Scene has been breathtaking. So what better way to get to know more is for the webmaster of DCEmu to come out of retirement to interview Exophase.
So check out our Interview site to read one of my best interviews to date and a real insight into one of the new stars of the PSP Scene.
Check out the Interview at DCEmu Interviews and give your feedback on the interview
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August 29th, 2006, 05:26 Posted By: Wally
Hi wally here.
Just thought you people might be interested in graphical fixes (where purple textures occur) in daedalus R8.
Game Graphical fixes include
Banjo Kazooie - Tiles disappear, turns ground black
Big Mountain 2000 - Game looks better now, however black splotches exist in snow in some places.
007- World is not enough - Works really good now, except bonds hands are glitchy
Bust a move 1, 2, DX - Now full speed
Custom Robo - Game looks much better however Some sprites such as your player arent visible.
Doom - Makes background black although game is slow anyhow
Dr Mario - Fixes a lot of problems but still the game is scrambled up.
Extreme G- Lots more stuff visible now in menus.
F-Zero X - Game is full speed and working with all current graphics
Forsaken - Minor graphical hiccups cured (Full speeder)
Glover - Makes outside of castle dark, however moving up after mr tippy finishes talking will go inside castle.
Legend of Zelda - Various locations fixed and some go dark. (Chance of getting raped by a zombie is very high if adult)
Mario Kart - Some random fix
Megaman 64- Fixed minor graphical glitches
Micro machines Turbo - Most things visible now, game is full speed playable up to stage 4 on easy mode then freezes.
Monster Truck Madness - Menu is now visible.
Mortal Kombat 4 - Characters are no longer black, except now the background is black (Unknown reasons)
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - makes text visble, splits goemon in half, freezes outside (always has)
Pokemon Stadium 2 - Most locations are visible and playale
Rush 2 - All graphics are fixed (Las vegas)
San Fransico Rush
Snowboard Kids 2 - Fixed menu
Super Mario 64 - Makes game look better in certain locations
Tom Clancys rainbow 6 - makes game all grey.
Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 - Fixed the Letters and other stuff
Twisted Edge Snowboarding - removes purple snow at start however it doesnt look like snow yet
Tsumu to Batsu - Sin and Punishment First level is now visible, except the top of the screen is laggy (This is for you Tatsujin, thanks so much for your help)
Virtual Pool - Makes game unplayable..
These games are now more playable (Or not) to users interest
Note: I will not add to users request, games will gradually be added until all in.
Credits to:
Skater9826 of strmnNrmns forums, this wouldnt be happening without him.
StrmnNrmn again for daedalus
Special mentions to skylark, fanjita etc
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August 29th, 2006, 11:23 Posted By: wraggster
Monster Hunter Freedom has been a strong seller for the Sony PSP in Japan, having moved almost 600,000 copies since its release earlier this year. It was also the recipient of the "Excellence Award" at the 2005 Famitsu Awards. Monster Hunter Portable, as it's known in Japan, will be getting a couple of new downloadable quests this month according to the game's official Web site.
Gamers can download the new content via the PSP's wireless infrastructure mode starting August 30 at 2 p.m. The first quest, titled Kut Ku Festival, requires the player to bag two or more Yian Kut Ku within a given time limit. The other quest, Tenchi Kyouran, also sets a time limit within which the player must take down a Rathian and Rathalos. These quests join 16 others that have been made available to users in Japan since the game launched.
Via Gamestop
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August 29th, 2006, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
The Sony PS3's GPU, previously running at 550MHz Core/700MHz memory, has been downgraded to 500MHz Core/650MHz memory. We don't mean to crap on Sony's cake all the time, but when their most powerful machine EVAR keeps losing its power, people start to notice.
In any case, if decreasing the specs will help get more units out by Christmas and avoid yet another Xbox 360-like shortage story, we're all for it.
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August 29th, 2006, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
German publication Hartwire claims that Sony has only confirmed black PS3s at launch this fall, at least in Europe. This comes from last week's German Games Convention. The site also states that both white and silver editions will be available in the future, though Sony didn't specify when or if the same will be true for the console's November 17 US launch. It should be noted, however, that only black models are currently displayed at PS3's official North American site.
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August 29th, 2006, 11:48 Posted By: wraggster
roOkie42 has updated his Snowball Wars Game that was posted on here yesterday, this version features much improved graphics and Gameplay.
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via rookie42
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August 29th, 2006, 11:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sturatt has released a new MP3 Player for the PSP heres the release details:
I started working on this when i wanted to learn to code for the psp. needless to say, it wasnt meant to be a lifechanging program, just a learning experience. I'm not done with it, there are still a lot of things i'd like to add, but i wanted to get some feedback before i went off to school.
Feel free to email (sturatt [at] gmail [dot] com) me/post here if:
* you find any bugs
* you have suggestions
* you think I(the program) suck(s) and think i should stop development immediatly and die
there are some limitations for now, so ill list them. they're all fixable, but i just havent gotten around to it yet
* only supports 500 files being read, with 200 char long paths
* only supports 200 different albums, with 50 songs each
* only supports 300 different artists, with 60 albums each
* only supports 100 subdirectories in each directory
* doesnt handle mp3's without ID3 tags very well, i cant really explain this one but im looking into it
as you might have noticed, this works through ID3 tags, so if you're mp3s arent tagged (most likely they are) you can just download a free ID3 tagger (there are tons of them, www.google.com) and tag them easily.
things i plan to add in the near future:
*fast forward/rewind (80% done with this, just need to iron out a bug or two)
*sort of sleep mode while still playing mp3s
*mp3 visualization
This app is fully skinnable, so please if anyone actually uses this someone make a new skin (i suck horribly at graphics)
left trigger - switch between currently playing list and media library screen
right trigger - bring up playlist menu
x - play song (while on currently playing screen) or add artist/album/song to currently playing list (if on media library screen)
square/circle - previous/next song
triangle - pause song
left/right - switch between artist/album/song categories while on media library screen
select - exit
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via sturatt
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August 29th, 2006, 11:57 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v1.0
Whats New:
V1.5 Eboot added to download
VBR mp3s now play
new icon
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August 29th, 2006, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Hardhat, heres the details:
Ponies and Kittens
A HardHat/John-Paul Gignac game
You are a pink pony, who is charged with the magical task to find kittens and pair them up. It won't be easy, you need to run and jump from platform to platform, pushing crates and hay bales into position, and taking elevators to reach the highest heights.
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August 29th, 2006, 12:13 Posted By: wraggster
We have 4 new images of the GPS add on for the PSP for you, the release date for this unit is still unconfirmed to be September, i dont know about you but the add on looks a tad ugly but if it does the job who cares
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One interesting thing for homebrewers and hackers is what potential does this addon mean for us, what can the homebrew scene release that will make it a killer app?
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August 29th, 2006, 12:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

An exclusive PSP edition of Capcom's legendary platforming game, directed by the original's creator Tokurou Fujiwara. The game makes use of a 3D graphics engine, giving depth to the visuals, but plays in a side-scrolling perspective and similar art design to stay true to the original. Your goal is to work your way through side-scrolling stages, defeating enemies and using your best platforming skills. The game lets you build up your skills as you progress. You start off with just a basic jump, but eventually gain a double jump and even the ability to fly. You'll also earn lots of magic spells along the way. The game promises a greater number of spells and weapons than ever before. New for Goku Makaimura is non-linear gameplay. You're no longer on a fixed path from start to end. The levels include branching points and even warp points. By using a warp point, you can warp back to previous levels and collecting items that you might have missed.

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August 29th, 2006, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The PSP knuckles up for a handheld version of EA's hip-hop styled brawler, based on and expanded over the console game Def Jam: Fight for NY. Playing as the hottest artists and celebrities in Hip Hop including Busta Rhymes, Carmen Electra, Lil' Kim, Ludacris, Method Man, Redman, Snoop Dogg, and Xzibit, you'll be able to unravel the events that lead to Def Jam Vendetta and find out how D-Mob got to rule NYC. Featuring new fighting moves and new venues, where players can gain respect by winning fights and rising among the ranks of the crew. Players can create their own fighter with gear from Def Jam University, Phat Farm, Brand Jordan, Ecko Unlimited, Enyce, Rocawear, Sean John, State Property, Reebok, and more. Players can also battle in 1-on-1 death matches using PSP's wireless functionality.

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August 29th, 2006, 13:37 Posted By: wraggster
News from PSPDemon:
I have finnaly finished Throttle X mod ( took me about a week )
anyway....here is whats new.....
-New textures
-New menu
-New eboot
What i plan to make in the future...
-More Car Skins
-More Level Textures
-More Wheel Textures
-(maybe) revamped editor (maybe)
anyway...here are some screenie's ( cause i know that everyone wants to see screenie's )

More info and download at PSPDemons Site Here --> http://pspdemon.dcemu.co.uk/
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August 29th, 2006, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
Virtua Fighter 5 looks set to be one of the PS3's premier beat'em-ups, with the perennially popular arcade fighter making a smooth and pretty lethal looking transition onto Sony's next-gen console.
Promising to unleash up to 17 fighters in a fists of fury extravaganza, VF 5 will allow you to customise your chosen bruiser to the ultimate degree with costumes and attachable items giving you an individual flavour you've never seen before in the series - plus two newcomers in El Blaze and Eileen also making their debut.
However, what concerns us today is a brand new movie from the game, with the first half of this slick if slighty camp showing reminiscent of Wrestlemania shenanigans of yore. The second half sees a very fetching Japanese lass (which we suspect might be Eileen) practising some solo moves (steady).
Throughout you'll be able to admire the amazing character models and slick animation which are very much the order of the day, but of course the proof will be in the brawling and VF5 looks like it'll be serving that up aplenty.
Trailer Here
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August 29th, 2006, 14:17 Posted By: wraggster
News from Eurogamer
Eurogamer can exclusively reveal that a new instalment in the TOCA series is heading to PSP later this year.
According to Codemasters, TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge will feature a "cavalcade" of officially licensed cars and world famous tracks. Plus there's a new game mode - the World Challenge, which sees you competing in a series of international championship tiers.
You'll begin each tier with a series of tests and events designed to improve your racing skills, with a focus on the likes of damage control, using the racing line, manoeuvering, quick pit stops and braking accuracy.
Then it's on to the main event. Each tier has a specialist Championship season, where you must compete on a variety of different circuits. Only by winning the championship can you move up to the next tier.
The championships take place all over the globe - you might find yourself driving in the British GP or Australia's V8 Supercars, or taking part in the American Race series or Germany's DTM events, to name but a few. Once all that's out of the way, you can take on the very best in a global Masters championship.
Other game modes include Free Race and Time Trial, and up to 12 players can take part in Wi-Fi races simultaneously. There's also a game share feature, so up to four players can compete even if you've only got one copy of the game.
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge is out this winter, and will only be released in PAL territories - hard luck, Americans.
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August 29th, 2006, 14:18 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of big stompy robots rejoice - Namco Bandai has confirmed that its new Mobile Suit Gundam game on the PlayStation 3 will be appearing before Christmas in the United States and Japan.
Using the increasingly vague "launch period" definition, that probably means that the game can probably claim to be a PS3 launch title - and it's even got an official subtitle now. Originally shown off at E3 under the simple working title of Mobile Suit Gundam, it's now called Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire.
Based on the incredibly long-running Gundam franchise - which sits firmly at the more "realistic" and military-focused end of the often utterly insane Japanese giant robot spectrum - the game harks back to the original Gundam continuity, and allows the player to choose between campaigns for the Federation and Zeon sides, piloting famous mobile suits from the various different Gundam series along the way.
Aside from that, details are thin on the ground - notably, there's no mention of any kind of online functionality or multiplayer - and the E3 demo didn't really tell us much either. We walked around a barren desert landscape for a bit in a Federation Gundam and shot a lot of enemy mobile suits in the face, but the most we can say based on that is that you can shoot off individual limbs from enemy mechs, and that all the metal is very shiny.
And, of course, there's no word on whether we'll see the game in Europe on the same timescale, or indeed at all - but previous console launches have shown that Sony likes publishers to roll as much of their portfolio as possible out in every territory around launch, to bolster the range of titles available, so there's every chance that we could see this in the PS3 launch period on this side of the world too.
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August 29th, 2006, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification has awarded forthcoming Rockstar title Bully an 'M' rating, suggesting that the game might not be all that violent after all.
According to the OFLC website, Bully contains "moderate themes, violence and sexual references". As a result, it will go on sale with an 'M' rating - one category below the 'MA15+' rating.
Because MA15+ is the highest rating videogames can be awarded, many titles with violent content have been refused classification by the OFLC - and thereby effectively banned from sale in Australia.
Most recently, movie tie-in Reservoir Dogs fell foul of the ratings board, and other titles banned in Australia include NARC, Grand Theft Auto III and Manhunt. Even Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure was refused classification on the grounds that it could promote the crime of graffiti.
Little has been seen of Bully's actual gameplay so far, but controversy continues to surround the title. Anti-bullying groups from across the globe have criticised the game's theme, while notorious anti-videogames campaigner Jack Thompson and UK MP Keith Vaz have demanded that it be banned from sale.
Rockstar has defended the game by pointing out that the main character, Jimmy Hopkins, is tasked with standing up for his schoolmates against bullies. A spokesperson for the company told one anti-bullying group, Bullying Online, that the game is "no worse than Just William".
Bully is slated for an October release.
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August 29th, 2006, 14:29 Posted By: wraggster
Print ads? Campaigns don't begin until I see stuff on television. Until then, they are all talk! Regardless, Sony's staring to warm the oven for its PLAYSTATION 3 juggernaut with a PS3 page, announcing titles appearing at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Japanese game mags are featuring PS3 ads as well. Expect things to obviously kick into high gear starting in September. The PLAYSTATION 3 launch is just around the corner, folks.
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August 29th, 2006, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from Play Asia
Weekly Special: Curious George for PlayStation2™ at US$ 9.90 only - offer valid for 1 week
From the publisher: Curiosity is coming home!
Beloved to readers for more than 60 years, Curious George is about to embark on his biggest adventure ever, as the star of a new animated feature film and his long-awaited videogame debut.
The Man with the Yellow Hat sets out on a journey to Africa in hopes of finding an artifact exotic enough to save the museum where he works. George, a curious little monkey with an insatiable taste for adventure, follows the Man with the Yellow Hat back to the big city where his spunky and fun-loving nature endears him to new friends he meets along the way and lands him in a series of mis-adventures.
Curious George for PlayStation2&trade is now available at discounted US$ 9.90 only.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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August 29th, 2006, 15:35 Posted By: Sousanator
This is a simple prx for Custom Firmware, to load up on boot up.
When you start up, it will display a custom message(of your choice), then go to your regular XMB. Currently its says Hello in ASCII text, but you can can it to anything else, (Including ASCII graphics)
Add to the config.txt
# Extra PRX's to load on boot.
loadmodule0 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"
or loadmodule1 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"
or loadmodule2 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"
Here is a video(Thanks mupet0000) of the PRX in action
This is just a simple personal touch for you PSP.
Please report any problems, and/or Bugs
Bug Report - This does not work with LordSturm's Casual custom firmware, This should be fixed in a later version
Bug Report 2 - AIOmod does not work with this
Tested with HargleyG's v2 custom firmware with SCE intro off, and works great
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August 29th, 2006, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
We posted about Cannon Fodder coming to PSP yesterday, well today we can reveal more news and more screenshots and the great thing about the screenshots are no Ugly Watermarks:
Heres the press release:
Putting a grenade in your hands and a smile on your face, Codemasters today confirms plans for the return of Cannon Fodder, the classic and hilarious combat gaming franchise, in spring 2007.
The all-new Cannon Fodder is now in development and will be wreaking its unique war-torn havoc on the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system. The title will update the gameplay of the beloved 16-bit originals, combining fast- paced strategic action with the series’ devilish sense of humour that earned it the tagline: war has never been so much fun.
For those who haven’t been through Cannon Fodder’s unique military training, players command their troop of soldiers, individually or as a group, in a diverse range of on-foot and vehicle based combat missions. Blowing stuff up and generally causing untold amounts of military mayhem is the order of the day.
The fast paced action will be presented in a unique and distinctive visual style that’s unmistakably Cannon Fodder. Far from being just a pretty tribute, this new version builds on the classic tactical combat gameplay and introduces a raft of new features, such as the ability to call in air strikes, perform radar sweeps as well as unleashing a host of new weaponry including flamethrowers and sniper rifles.
As the conflict unfolds, the action is reported live from the warzone by the new FTV channel, giving you a better look at the game’s pintsized protagonists. The wireless capability of the host consoles gives rise to another exciting innovation: four-player link play in deathmatch as well as co-op scenarios.
Prepare for to be dropped behind the most entertaining enemy lines with Cannon Fodder coming in 2007 for the PSP system. Sign up for future mission briefings online at www.codemasters.co.uk/cannonfodder
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August 29th, 2006, 17:45 Posted By: wraggster
When looking around at the Gaming press you see storys of Doom and Gloom about the PSP maybe the UMD movies have flopped a bit and Games sales arent as high as they want, but what you have to remember is that the PSP is Sonys first venture into a market that Nintendo have dominated since the first Gameboy release.
To enter a market even with a more powerful machine and going against the recognised handheld brand name worldwide was never going to be easy.
The amazing success of the DS with games that have brought new gamers to our video game world would make any other system struggle, in Japan that has been the case but in the USA and Europe the PSP has easily held its own against the DS.
New colours of the PSP like the Pink version being released will appeal to the female & Gay population and as long as Sony start releasing quality games the PSP will always be a success.
One area where Sony must get to grips with to survive is the hacking of their firmware and the ISO loaders that come off it. With the release of the Tiff Exploit yesterday they really must secure their system and yes they will lockout homebrewers but as great as the homebrew scene is, we are also responsible for companies becoming disillusioned with the PSP, its not nice seeing your game that cost millions to produce warezed all over the internet. If Sony are to take action they need to sort out the firmware, Stop the ISO LOaders and distribution with Cease and Desist Notification and also stop all the warez PSP sites who offer games and movies for downloads.
Agree or Disagree lets have your comments
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August 29th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: JesusXP
Apparently someone over at The Inquirer got word that Nvidia & Sony have downgraded the PS3's GPU from 550MHz to 500MHz. Whether this is true or not, I guess will yet to be seen. Expect Sony to comment on this rumor quickly as it will most surely spread like wildfire through the internet.
C'mon? Could they really have downgraded the specs again this late in the game? On their way for 2 million units shipped by the year end? Launch 2 months away and yet to produce a single working unit, let alone cement the specs of the machine? This is just bad news. If you remember when PS2 launched, alot of systems had to be returned as defective units.. this could only spell more disaster..
What do you guys make of it?
Story here..
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...and here
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August 29th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
Most new technologies have some teething problems as the early kinks are worked out, but it seems like the Blu-ray camp is experiencing more than its fair share of growing pains -- first the delays, then news that the supposed format-savior PS3 might price itself right out of the market, and finally the revelation that first-gen BD-P1000's were shipping with a picture-degrading chip. Well now it appears that there's even more bad news for Sony's pride and joy, as The Digital Bits' Bill Hunt is confirming what many people already suspected after reading their P1000 manuals: the $1,000 player, as currently configured, will be unable to support movies on upcoming 50GB discs. Hunt cites multiple anonymous industry sources in reporting that Samsung is still having problems getting 50GB discs to work on its machines -- production titles weren't even available to test before the players launched -- and that both Sony and Pioneer are experiencing the same issues with their upcoming products. Luckily for current P1000 owners, it seems that this incompatibility is of the type that will eventually be solved by a firmware upgrade, but until that time, movie studios have been forced to delay longer titles like Lawrence of Arabia and Black Hawk Down -- no doubt frustrating some consumers. With so much on the line here, it's clear that this issue will be resolved sooner or later; however, with the HD DVD camp already offering cheaper (and more) hardware, a larger media selection, and garnering better initial reviews than Blu-ray, it's not clear how much time is left before the so-called format war begins leaning decidedly in HD DVD's favor.
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August 29th, 2006, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
As the controversy over forthcoming Rockstar title Bully continues, footage of a group of anti-bullying campaigners protesting outside Take-Two's Manhattan offices has appeared online.
In the video, which is available to view via You Tube, members of a group called the Peaceaholics can be heard voicing their disapproval and seen waving placards daubed with slogans such as ‘Say no to Bully’ in the background.
A protester explains: "We think it’s very irresponsible for someone to put a game out like this... If you’re coming from where I come from in (Washington) DC, where children get killed in schools and everything, and see people get picked up off the ground with their brains in the street, then you know we’re not exploiting.
"We’re dealing with real issues, where our children are trained to be animals. Anybody who would do that is just as bad as the terrorists overseas."
The Peaceaholics aren't the first people to take a pop at Bully, of course. Numerous anti-bullying groups have also spoken out against the game, not to mention our old friends Keith Vaz and Jack Thompson. But to no avail, it seems, with Bully due for release in October.
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August 29th, 2006, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Following a statement from Konami and comments by Pro Evo creator Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka, confusion has arisen over Microsoft's claim that PES 6 will be exclusive to the Xbox 360.
Microsoft made the announcement at last week's Leipzig Games Convention, declaring that both FIFA 2007 and Pro Evolution 6 would be Xbox 360 exclusives for at least 12 months.
But according to a statement on Konami's website: "It has been falsely reported on some websites that Konami will release its Pro Evolution Soccer 6 exclusively for Microsoft's Xbox 360. These reports are not true.
"Konami is currently proceeding with the production of a multi-platform release of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 so that as many people as possible can enjoy the game."
It's possible that the statement is referring to current-gen versions of PES 6 - it's long been confirmed that the game will also appear on PC, PS2, PSP and Nintendo DS.
However, speaking to 1up, series creator Takatsuka said that a PS3 version is already in development. He went on to reveal that the game could be released as early as spring - adding that the only certainty is that it will not go on sale before January 1st, 2007.
Meanwhile, Microsoft is sticking to its original line, with a spokesperson telling our sister site, GamesIndustry.biz: "I can confirm that PES 6 and FIFA 07 are indeed next-gen exclusive to Xbox 360 in Europe for the next 12 months, as announced."
This could be seen to suggest that PES 6 will appear on PS3s outside of Europe within the next year, which would make sense - the series is hugely popular in Japan, unlike the poor old Xbox 360. Microsoft has yet to respond to requests for clarification, while Konami is expected to issue an official statement shortly.
The 1up article went on to suggest that Microsoft's deal with Electronic Arts to make FIFA an exclusive may also be in doubt - but an EA spokesperson told GI.biz"FIFA '07 is exclusive to the X360 for the next 12 months," adding, "This would be a global agreement."
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August 29th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's Bully hasn't been released yet, but the game has already seen its share of hate. Set in a fictional prep school, Bully follows 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins as he copes with bullies, teachers, and other sorts at his school. When faced with getting his head dunked in a toilet or being beaten to a bloody pulp, Jimmy learns that talking his way out of confrontation isn't always practical and that he can use various weapons, including baseball bats, to even the playing field.
This portion of the game has upset many groups, including outspoken Florida antigame lawyer Jack Thompson and youth group Peaceoholics. One more can be added to the list today, as Jayne Hitchcock, president of activist group Working to Halt Online Abuse, has spoken out against the game.
"How long will it be before we hear on the news about a victim of bullies who is inspired by the new game and retaliates using a baseball bat?" asks Hitchcock, in a statement that proclaimed her as an "Internet expert." "There is a tremendous probability that this new game will send out twisted messages, possibly even influence victims of bullying to resort to violence as a means of defense."
Citing a report by The American Justice Department, Hitchcock points out that 77 percent of students say they have been bullied and one in five has admitted to being a bully. The statement didn't mention any specific demographics.
"[The glorification of the game's violence] targets the video game to kids and teens, who are impressionable and might come to believe they could be just like Jimmy Hopkins and beat the daylights out of their real-life bullies," says Hitchcock. "That is not the message that should be sent out."
Late last week, the group known as Peaceoholics protested in front of Rockstar's offices in New York City, demanding that the company not release Bully. A gamer known as "The Software Pirate" documented the protest, which consisted of chants of "This game is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S."
Despite opposition, Rockstar is pushing along with the game's release. Earlier this month, Rockstar revealed that the game would be available in October on the PlayStation 2, and a company spokesperson told Reuters, "Finally, Bully can speak for itself. People can look at the game and see what it is and what it's not."
Bully has not yet been rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.
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August 29th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
This holiday season, few consumer electronics categories are being watched more closely than that of video game consoles.
Both Sony and Nintendo plan to release their next- generation consoles, the PlayStation 3 and Wii, respectively. Yet, with prices as high as $600, the PS3 is clearly aiming for the high end, while the Wii is targeting more casual gamers with prices expected to be well below $300.
Meanwhile, both companies must contend with Microsoft and its Xbox 360, which has a yearlong head start and therefore a commanding lead in the next-generation race. Still, Sony has always maintained that its console cycles are 10 years, rather than the five considered the industry standard. That's why, even as the market readies for the PS3 launch, the PlayStation 2 is still selling like gangbusters. And it should continue to do so for some time, as Sony has committed to the PS2 for at least another four years.
In a few weeks, much of the video game industry will descend upon Tokyo for the annual Tokyo Game Show. But for the time being, the focus is on Germany, where the Leipzig Game Convention is being held. So, for companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, and publishers like Electronic Arts and Activision, there is no break in sight. Sony Computer Entertainment of America president Kaz Hirai talked with CNET News.com about the forthcoming PS3 launch (parts of this article refer to comments Hirai made earlier this month in an interview with GameSpot).
CNET: Can you provide an update on the PlayStation 3?
Hirai: The PlayStation 3 will launch in the North American market on November 17. Things are pretty much moving according to plan.
CNET: How does a scaled-down Electronic Entertainment Expo affect a company like yours? Was it a good thing to institute some changes in the format, or were you happy with the way it had been?
Hirai: E3 has about a 10-year, 11-year history, if I'm not mistaken. I think it's grown to a point where it became just such a massive show that we needed to take a look at what we were trying to accomplish with the show. We needed to see how effectively we can accomplish those goals. I think it was pretty much across the board in agreement that we should revise or relook at how E3 is structured.
CNET: Beyond the pricing and availability of the PlayStation 3, one of the big pieces of news from this year's E3 was more information about Nintendo's new console, the Wii. There were rumors that the Wii would be priced for less than $250. How did that affect the PlayStation 3?
Hirai: The pricing that we announced for the PlayStation 3 is a price that ultimately offers fantastic value to the consumers. I think that we are offering a very good value for the consumers. We look at our products having a 10-year life cycle, which we've proven with the PlayStation. Therefore, the PlayStation 3 is going to be a console that's going to be with you again for 10 years. We're not going to ask the consumers to suddenly buy another PlayStation console in five years' time and basically have their investment go by the wayside. So for all those reasons, I think at $599 we're offering a very good value to the consumers.
CNET: Are you saying that there won't be a PlayStation 4 within five years?
Hirai: Well, I think that if you look at the history of the way we've managed our console business, we always try to hit a 10-year life cycle. I can't speculate on when we might come out with a new console after PlayStation 3. But my message is that once you become a family in the PlayStation family of products, you become a family member. We make sure that we take care of you.
CNET: Going back to the question of the Nintendo console, it seems like its pricing is significantly lower than what the PlayStation 3, or the Xbox 360, will cost. Any concern that Nintendo's Wii pricing will undercut the market as people decide which console they want to buy?
Hirai: Some consumers will compare features or software offerings and decide that they may want to go with a different console. You also have to realize that we have a very strong, market-leading console called the PlayStation 2, which is at a very affordable price right now. Consumers will also understand that if you buy a PlayStation 2 right now, and you make some software investments, when you feel it's right to move onto PlayStation 3, those software titles aren't going to go by the wayside. Consumers will take that into consideration. I don't think price is the only determining factor when consumers make a choice in looking at their console purchase decisions.
CNET: Is there a danger that some consumers will buy PlayStation 3 just for the Blu-ray player and not the games?
Hirai: Consumers are going to look at the totality of what we offer in the PlayStation 3. Even if there was a consumer who decided to buy the PlayStation 3 perhaps as a Blu-ray player, I think that they will quickly realize the potential and the entertainment value of the fantastic content in true [high definition]. Any consumer would be hard pressed really not to try that functionality out.
CNET: Given the differences in pricing, which is fairly significant between Microsoft's Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, are there any chances of a PlayStation 3 down the line that doesn't have Blu-ray built in?
Hirai: The PlayStation 3 uses the Blu-ray as its storage medium for both games and for movies as well. We wanted to take advantage of the storage capacity that Blu-ray offers in terms of motion pictures and other content, but most importantly, for games as well. Our decision to include the Blu-ray player from day one in all of our PlayStation 3s was the right decision and, quite honestly, the only decision we can make.
CNET: Look at the massive amounts of data that's required to provide a truly immersive gaming experience in true HD. If you only have a DVD ROM drive, which can only go up to about 9GB or so, you're going to end up with a game that's going to have two or possibly even three discs. And then you're going to have to ask consumers to swap discs out or cache all the game onto the hard drive, which I think is an inconvenience--not to mention the fact that you're going to fill up a 20GB hard drive very quickly with some of these games. So trying to go without a Blu-ray drive in the PlayStation 3 really is a nonstarter.
CNET: There's been talk recently about production of the PlayStation 3--why hasn't production begun already?
Hirai: We haven't officially announced production on the PlayStation 3 just yet. But we are on track to deliver 2 million units for the launch period on a worldwide basis that we announced at E3. We are going to make sure that those units get out into the market.
CNET: It looks like there could be some shortages, particularly for the holiday season, even with the 2 million by the launch date and 4 million by the end of the year. So what do you say to consumers who are not going to be able to get ahold of one if they do want one?
Hirai: We are going to make every effort possible to make sure that we get as many units out into the market in the major territories as well as some of the smaller territories that we're launching in.
CNET: Have there been any sort of business lessons about filling customer demands and production issues from the things that Microsoft has dealt with regarding the Xbox 360?
Hirai: We don't really look at what our competition did or didn't do. We've had shortages in the past, and there is no guarantee that we will never have a shortage again in the future. But I think that we've learned many lessons over the years that allow us to look at production schedules, look at parts procurement, look at ways of shortening the lead time from the point of manufacture to ultimately getting the product into the retailers' shelves and into the hands of consumers. We're doing everything we can to make sure that we have the most efficient way of getting the product into the market.
CNET: By the time the holiday season moves around, Microsoft will have a yearlong head start. Not only does it have the head start in the console race, but it also has a year's advantage on coming out with new accessories really bolstering its online offerings. What is Sony's take? How can Sony keep up with that?
Hirai: If you look back in history, I think everybody realizes that we've never been first to bring a console to the market. PlayStation was not first and PlayStation 2 was not first to market. As a matter of fact, PlayStation Portable was not first to market in the portable space and PlayStation 3, as you mentioned, is not the first to market either.
It comes down to several things. One is the kind of software experience that the consumers will expect out of a next-generation console. I think we're going to be delivering that, both in terms of the lineup of PlayStation 3s as well as the fact that we're offering true HD gaming. We're also launching a console that doesn't require upgrades as you go along. Right out of the box it will play Blu-ray movies in true HD as well as old games. As far as accessories go, that's really a function of what kind of accessories you need to play or enjoy a particular game.
CNET: How many titles will you have by launch and how many by year's end?
Hirai: That's hard to try to pin down at this point. Everybody is looking at their entire portfolio of software offerings, and I think that the lineup of titles really is something that won't be locked down most likely until three to four weeks before launch.
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August 29th, 2006, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
For those of you brave enough to venture again on to the streets of Silent Hill, this competition should tickle your fancy with a 10-inch knife.
We've teamed up with Pathe to offer one lucky winner a PSP console, a UMD of The Silent Hill Experience and a DVD of the Silent Hill movie, which stars Sean Bean and Radha Mitchell and is due for release on 4 September. Three lucky runners-up will each receive a copy of the UMD and DVD.
Night after night, nine-year-old Sharon DaSilva enters nightmarish trances and when she is woken by her anxious parents she screams the words "Silent Hill". Driven to desperation, her adoptive mother Rose (Mitchell) disappears with her troubled daughter to find the root of her nightmare - the ghost town of Silent Hill.
After losing control of her car on the outskirts of the town (of course), Rose awakes to find Sharon gone. Once inside Silent Hill, she enters a world where reality and a hellish dimension seem to blur into one another. Stalked by hell beasts with massive knives, twisted limbs, burning flesh and a hunger for blood Rose stumbles from building to building following the lingering screams of her daughter.
Scared yet? Well, you'll have to brave the trailer to be in with a chance of winning. All you need to do to enter is watch the trailer here and tell us the answer to the following question:
What does the newspaper call Silent Hill?
a) The Tainted Town
b) The Noiseless Knoll
c) The Town of Terror
To enter, click here to email us with your answer, name and full address. The closing date for entries is Tuesday 26 September 2006. Note: The movie is rated 15 so entrants must be aged 15 or over.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
The next Japanese PS3 game you'll likely be hearing about is Ridge Racer 7. The first PS3 entry in Namco Bandai's hit arcade racing series will be seeing an information rush later this week, according to the game's official Japanese website.
Ridge Racer 7 was officially announced in the build up to E3, but all Namco Bandai managed to bring to the show was a trailer showing conceptual footage. The timing of this announcement suggests that we may get some hands-on time at the Tokyo Game Show, which kicks off on September 22.
Check back later this week for more details on what's expected to be one of the PS3's biggest first generation titles.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
It’s probably a fair comment to say that World Of Warcraft is a fairly big game. In fact, it’s huge. It’s probably also fair to say that it has a large following. Again, it’s huge. And it would probably be a fair comment to say that a next gen console version of World Of Warcraft would be appearing. Probably. Well, in a recent interview with Eurogamer, Paul Sams, Chief Operating Officer at Blizzard didn’t dismiss the idea.
When questioned about whether or not a console WoW would ever appear, Sams said:
"We've met with Microsoft, we've met with Sony, and we are exploring these things, but the list of challenges is long. One really big challenge is that one of the key features of a massively multiplayer game, especially WOW, is consistent and regular content updates. They require hard drive space, and there's a finite amount of that on each of those platforms."
Seeing as though all next-gen systems will include (and already include in the case of the 360), this is one less barrier that was previously a major factor knocked down. And with all three systems set to include some kind of Marketplace too, a la Xbox 360, regular updates and consistent ones would also be a reality.
So will we see WoW any time soon on consoles?
"It isn't as simple as flipping a switch... It would require a couple of years of development, realistically, to make it playable on those platforms." Sams commented.
Ah. Arse.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:49 Posted By: wraggster
A trio of well-known videogame composers have been tapped to provide the music to Activision's upcoming RPG Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
Chance Thomas (best known for scoring Peter Jackson's King Kong), Cris Velasco (best known for his God of War work) and Mark Griskey (who contributed to the Best of LucasArts Original Soundtrack) have joined forces and scored the in-game music for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
The trio composed over 50 minutes of original music for the game, including intricate arrangements for the multiple game levels, the in-game cinematics and the Super Hero and boss battle themes.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Last month, we reported a glitch in NCAA Football 07 that literally broke the running game for any offense. Many short yardage gains were effectively erased by the bug, which marked a player down at the point of initial contact versus that of forward momentum or actually being tackled. The response from fans was quick and heated, demanding a fix to the problem.
Today, EA Sports confirmed that a newly fixed UMD for NCAA has been created and is now available for fans of the game. According to a spokeswoman, the company was able to create a fix for the title shortly after the bug was discovered. The reason for the delay was because it needed to be resubmitted for testing to ensure that the patch worked and then needed to return from the manufacturing plants.
EA Sports also provided instructions for owners to receive their replacement copies of the game. According to an official statement, owners are to send their original UMD without the boxed package to the following address with a note including their name, address, email address and phone number:
EA Customer Warranty
209 Redwood Shores Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065
According to the statement, once the UMD has arrived at EA, owners will have to wait approximately up to 10 business days before they receive their replacement. However, they will also get a little something extra for their trouble. "As a thank you for you patience we will also include a coupon for use at the EA Store at http://eastore.ea.com that provides you with $15 off your next purchase at the EA Store as well as FREE shipping on that order. We appreciate your support and apologize for the inconvenience that this issue has caused."
So cheer up college football fans, because the running game is going to get some fresh legs for this year's title.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
SEGA today announced that their monkey-filled ball extravaganza Super Monkey Ball Adventure has shipped to retailers nationwide for the PlayStation Portable.
For the first time on PSP, the monkey hero AiAi and his friends will embark on a ball-rolling mission of epic proportions. With five unique worlds to explore, sixty quests to accomplish, and fifty puzzle levels to complete, SEGA aims to keep lonely PSP gamers company for some time. Exclusive to the PSP version is a wireless multiplayer mode which takes advantage of the PSP's unique capabilities, and allows gamers to play any of the game's mini-games with up to four players.
Expect to see Super Monkey Ball Adventure for the PSP in stores across North America tomorrow for a suggest retail price of $39.99.
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August 29th, 2006, 23:55 Posted By: Shadowblind
Its still a beta, and has many animation errors that I had originally hoped to iron out before releasing. It may just be a small fraction of a peice of crap, but it took my a long time to make it, and I gave others heck in the process(sorry giz).
Im proud to say, though, that the beta testers were really impressed, so maybe its not as bad as I think
I dont know what a change-log is, so here are the current features
-battle animations(some)
-credits page
-start screen
-two selectable players

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August 30th, 2006, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
LMelior has released a 3D version of TicTactoe for the PSP, heres the release details:
I made an isometric tiling system in Lua, and I wanted a simple game to test out various things I wanted to be able to do. I remember having fun playing 3D tic tac toe in high school calculus, because I was one of the few in class who saw that you simply cannot lose when you go first on a 3x3x3 board. So, I made my own version of it, which includes a 3x3x3 board and a 4x4x4 board, and fairly intelligent AI.
There are plenty more things I planned to do, such as adding multiplayer support, improving the "hard" AI in 4x4x4, tweaking the "hard" AI in 3x3x3 so that he definitely beats you everytime he goes first (he's already quite good, but if you are lucky he'll put his second piece in a spot that both forces you to block him and get two in a row), adding some cool winning animation, allowing rotation of the game board, and actually having good graphics. Right now, all of the graphics except for the gameboard backgrounds are hand drawn by yours truly...so in other words, they are atrocious. I figure it just adds character .
However, I just don't feel like working on this anymore. There are other uses to which I would like to put my isometric tiling skills . There are no sounds, just my awful, awful excuse for artwork.
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via lmelior
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August 30th, 2006, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
New Release from our hosted coder Deniska
Here is a little update to the original version:

NEW IN v0.2
- compass bug fix
- CPU clock speed toggle between 222 & 333Mhz
- battery life display
- improved POI support (displays up to 400 closest POI on screen / works in "track up" mode too now)
- basic waypoint support
- new configuration paramaters (READTIME, WARNINGDISTANCE, etc)
People with slow baud GPS devices should try to adjust NMEA read timing (READTIME >1)
- some graphics tweaks and new sample map.
Here is a video, showing the routing feature:
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August 30th, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
Posted this yesterday but play asia dont ship worldwide luckily Lik Sang do, so heres the info again for those who want to know:

Bub and Bob face a new evolution of Bubble Bobble challenge in this PSP update of the series. The two bubble-blowing brothers, trapped in dinosaur bodies, now face the "Tower of Entertainment" as they work to trap enemies in bubbles to face the nemesis who has captured them. Bubble Bobble Magical Tower Daisakusen takes place in a new cylindrical level structure, with each level taking place on a three-area spindle that players can move between while battling with traditional and newly-created bubble powers. New puzzle elements now hinder the player, bringing an entirely new dynamic to the classic Bubble Bobble gameplay.
More info/ buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...4&lsaid=219793
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August 30th, 2006, 07:39 Posted By: wraggster
Posted this yesterday but play asia dont ship worldwide luckily Lik Sang do, so heres the info again for those who want to know:

In Valhalla Knights, you are a hero who wakes up in a strange land and has no idea of his identity. You set off on a journey to recover your memories, knowing only one thing: the blood of a legendary hero flows through you. The main character is completely customizable, from look to abilities, and can equip armaments in over 12 areas. Once your character levels up past a certain point, you're given the option of changing job classes as he progresses through town guilds and heads out to dungeons of outlying areas. The battle system in Valhalla Knights is group based, with you commanding a group of six warriors against six enemies.
More Info / buy here--> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...0&lsaid=219793
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August 30th, 2006, 07:41 Posted By: wraggster
this is the asian version of the game:

In Miami Vice: The Game, players follow a storyline set just before the events of the film. Gamers must build up the nefarious reputation necessary to infiltrate the seedy underbelly of South Beach, and ultimately bring down the organization of an "untouchable" South American drug lord. Play as undercover cops Crockett and Tubbs in the notorious world of Miami Vice -- the mansions, the money, and the mayhem -- set in present-day Miami. Experience cutting-edge motion capture, highly-detailed environments, and lighting effects inspired by the film created to maximize the technology of the PSP system. Play as partners with wireless action. Drug Trading – Raise needed capital and build reputation by managing drug inventory. Hacking – Unlock sensitive information (security codes, locations, etc.) Interactive Cutscene Encounters (ICE) – Continue to boost reputation through dramatic interactive cinematic encounters with powerful drug lords. Establish rep as a major player in the narcotics world through contraband trading, aggressively interacting with drug barons, and pursuing criminals with reckless abandon. Armed with intelligence from informants and utilizing hacking skills, take on the enemy in varied locations with an impressive array of weapons. Experience high-speed chases through Miami’s treacherous waterways while engaging in boat-to-boat shootouts.
More info / buy here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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August 30th, 2006, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
If this game plays half as good as it looks then the PSP could have a major triple AAA title on their hands. Check out the screens via comments
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August 30th, 2006, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
DigiTimes is reporting that a serious shortage of blue laser diodes is forcing many manufacturers to cut back on production of next-generation drives, which means the expected pre-Holiday flood of HD-DVD and Blu-ray players may not materialize as expected. They're also claiming that Sony, which is one of a handful of companies making the diodes right now, just suspended shipments to other companies so they'll have enough Blu-ray drives for the PlayStation 3. It's not entirely clear how this is going to affect the balance of power in the HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray deathmatch -- each format relies on 405 nm blue-violet laser diodes, so each may be equally affected -- but it looks like the battle royale between the two may have to be postponed until next year.
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August 30th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
It’s been a long time coming, but European gamers will finally be able to get their hands on Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII this November.
Our version won't have an online play option, unlike the Japanese version, on account of none of us having a hard drive for our PAL PS2s. However, it will boast more than 40 extra missions for hero Vincent to swan his way through.
Square-Enix is also promising an impressive list of additions and tweaks to the original Japanese release, giving Euro FF fans plenty to look forward to.
These include Vincent being able to move 1.2 times faster and use a new double-jump, quicker aiming that can be increased by customising weapons, a new rush move and a magic bar that no longer depletes when using the Limit Break attack. Feel the love.
There’s also a batch of modified weapons, artwork and sound galleries as well as a new character model to unlock by completing the Ex Hard mode, for those that consider themselves truly hardcore. You know, like, double hardcore.
So, November’s the month for those that can’t wait to indulge in slick gunplay, over-stylised hair and effeminate clothing.
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August 30th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Today Sony gave out more details regarding its strategy and content lineup for Blu-ray, one of the next-generation optical formats fighting to succeed the DVD. Famitsu says there will be about 75 titles from 12 companies available on Blu-ray by November 8 in Japan, including films by 20th Century Fox Japan and Buena Vista. Also, Blu-ray videos will be priced in the vicinity of JPY 5,000 (about $42.80)--on par with special edition DVDs in Japan.
Although no games were shown, a PlayStation 3 was used to show off Blu-ray discs containing film and music clips, alongside Blu-ray players manufactured by Matsushita, Pioneer, and others. One perk of the format, BD JAVA, enables the browsing of information such as actor data and profiles during playback and was also demonstrated. Another feature, called BD Live, lets the viewer participate in interactive events over the Internet.
Blu-ray trends will bear watching, considering that in Japan during the early days of the PlayStation 2, the console's ability to play DVDs helped to drive sales of both the system and DVD movies. Sony is relying heavily on Blu-ray to be a success, as the company's decision to include PlayStation 3s with Blu-ray drives as standard has driven the console's cost up. The Blu-ray technology is currently competing with the Toshiba-backed HD-DVD format to be the next-generation format standard. Microsoft has announced that it is working on an external HD-DVD attachment for the Xbox 360.
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August 30th, 2006, 17:24 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
The pre-order incentive is an interesting promotional art form, an extra freebie given out in exchange for an early commitment to buy an upcoming game. Sometimes the incentive is as meaty as an entire game (or two). Sometimes it's just a code to unlock an extra weapon in the game. The space between those two extremes is filled with all manner of freebies: action figures, soundtracks, demos, trading cards, strategy guides, and more.
For players who like their games a little grittier, Konami is also offering a bonus item for pre-orders of Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops for the PSP. If the game's focus on espionage and intrigue has players a little paranoid about security, perhaps a free Metal Gear Solid-branded PSP case would but them at ease. Both the Elebits and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops bonuses are being offered at GameStop, EB Games, and GameCrazy. Konami will also be distributing them with pre-orders for the games made through its Konami Style online store.
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August 30th, 2006, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Catalogue superstore Freemans has begun listing PS3 bundles for the console's rapidly-nearing 17 November launch - clocking in at a heftier price than Sony UK's previous estimate of around £425.
Freemans' bundles start at £549 for a PS3 console and Sonic the Hedgehog, then jump up to £609 for a console with Sony-published title MotorStorm - a leap of £60 over Sonic. We contacted the store to ask after the first-party title clocking in at twice the price of Sonic, and were told it was due to MotorStorm being a brand-new PS3 exclusive title, as opposed to the multiplatform Sega game. And yet all Freemans' stand-alone PS3 titles - including MotorStorm - are listed at £60.
Freemans' final bundle clocks in at £669 for a PS3 with both Resistance: Fall of Man (which we assume is again responsible for the £120 title cost) and the multiplatform Rainbow Six Vegas.
On a more positive note, Freemans' policy is to offer a 10% discount on first orders, which would clip around £50 off a PS3 order - but until the confusion over first-party pricing is cleared up, we'd recommend buying the titles separately.
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August 30th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: wraggster
Set to storm PSPs in November, the little brother of the PS2 (and, eventually, PS3) war-torn shooter has been shaping up nicely since E3 - and we've got a fresh trailer and snatches of in-game footage to prove it.
Check the movies tab to satisfy your rag-doll death animation fetish - those Helghast goons need only a little high-impact encouragement to launch themselves over railings and walls - and also for a glimpse of the game's slick control scheme. Ordering your supporting soldiers about, for instance, is a simple matter of selecting context-sensitive areas, like a barricade to scramble for cover or an enemy to take a pot-shot at.
It all adds up to a game that feels like it's really been built for PSP, rather than just dropped on it - we're looking forward to a more extended tour of duty.
Movie and News at Gamesradar
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August 30th, 2006, 17:43 Posted By: wraggster
Check out the Blu Ray Menu screen for the PS3, although you may want your specs on.
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August 30th, 2006, 17:49 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Sony Japan launched its official PLAYSTATION 3 website. There's a rundown of hardware and software. Sony's also got a PLAYSTATION 3 Concept Site. The website features pics of the PS3 (two so far) and interviews (one so far). First up, Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi talks the game's upcoming network connection, high def and what the PLAYSTATION 3 means to him. These should keep diehards happy with a steady trickle of next-gen PR.
More info -->
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August 30th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Former PlayStation exec Shuji Utsumi tells Wired that Kutaragi, years before the Xbox was introduced, believed his competitor was Microsoft. "I thought, what is he talking about?" Utsumi says. "Is he nuts? But even before PlayStation was born, he was predicting a big war for the living room." But how different are the next-gen Microsoft and Sony platforms? Epic's Tim Sweeney says double the effort is needed to max out the PLAYSTATION 3. Until then, there's no discernible differences between the two machines. He adds:
The Cell has more theoretical computing power, but it might be years before we see that reflected in actual performance. So it's a fundamental question whether the long-term direction in computing is with architectures like the Cell.
A big part of the PLAYSTATION 3's selling points is not just performance, but promised performance, it seems. And can that, Wired asks, save Sony?
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August 30th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Last week we reported that opaque Sony plans are making Japanese brokers nervous. There are more rumours this morning suggesting that PS3 production is going less than smoothly. Sony has set itself the target of rolling out four million PS3s this year, planning to make two million a month in November and December. Kaz Hirai recently asserted that Sony was still on course to meet the targets.
Production of the home supercomputer has yet to begin however, and those at the ready with soldering irons and screwdrivers in China and Japan are murmuring about shortages of laser diodes for the Blu-Ray drives. The vaunted Cell processors are also in short supply, it seems. It is said that these logistical problems have the potential to halve production.
Using such 'fresh-out-the-box' technology was always going to cause problems, but it's not only the hardware people suggesting Sony have been rushing things a bit. Frustrated sources in third-party development are grumbling too. While they have dev kits for the PS3, the operating system for the machine has yet to be finalised; something of a stumbling block when trying to build front end and menu systems for games. Technical requirements guidelines, which run to pages and pages for PS2 and both Xboxes, are non-existent. Tools, or any guidance at all, for programming online protocol and the recently added controller motion sensors have yet to be supplied too.
Sony will still have to push very hard to meet their hardware deadlines. But the mad rush is leaving big question marks over the functionality and quality of release titles too. Will it be alright on the night? Or is Sony going to reap a whirlwind? Feel free to post your musings in the forum.
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August 30th, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Originally planned for release in Japan during Spring 2005, it seems that Gran Turismo 4: Mobile Edition continues to follow its home console predecessors in falling behind schedule.
Speaking to Japanese publication Famitsu, developers Polyphony Digital have confirmed that the game has been given an indefinite release date. The news is the latest in a number of blows to hit the PSP, following the decision by several movie companies to stop producing UMD Videos for the handheld, and recent suggestions that Sony's platform is on death's door.
Gran Turismo 4 on PlayStation2 was released in 2005 after slipping from an original release date in 2003, so with that in mind perhaps we shouldn't expect the Mobile Edition to hit retail until well into 2007...if at all.
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August 30th, 2006, 19:16 Posted By: cools
Drag Mini .2 FINAL

^New Car Select Screen^

New Features:
(+)Full Speed, no need for overclocking
(+)Play with different cars
(-)Removed a very nasty hack...
(+)FPS Displayed
(+)Works on any firmware, any luaplayer
Well this was released to get people excited about an upcomming game of mine called Drag. This release fixed alot of issues and added a lot of new features, mainly the speed and letting you drive in other cars.
Drag will not just be a drag racing, it will be a full blown game with NOS, Menus, Car Upgrades, etc. After a couple of releases I plan on going online!!! Race your car against other players. There might be some be some Drifting levels in the future, so look out!
Drag is an Upcomming GAME, that has many different features and isnt a minigame (hence the name Drag and Drag Mini)
By installing any homebrew you are responsible if anything happens to your PSP, use at your own risk!
youresam helped get the speed up 
Bryan Spence made the Car gfx
I made the game 
Any Questions, Comments, or Bugs please send an email to coolsdev[ at ]gmail[ dot ]com
All Cars ingame have misspelled names, for a reason.
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August 30th, 2006, 19:29 Posted By: wraggster
News Via GTAPortable.com
During last week's Leipzig Games Convention, a few publications had the opportunity to see Vice City Stories being previewed to them. German gaming website, 4Players.de , recently published their preview of the game. New details are listed below:
• The brother of Victor Vance - Lance - is a ''drug addicted wreck''.
• The game will feature golf caddies, which further suggests that the Leaf Links golf course is not removed from Vice City Stories.
• Explosions not only consist of a circle of fire, but also of hissing fire jets and individual parts flying around.
• The developers promise a more intelligent targeting system, which avoids you from shooting at civilians during large enemy engagements.
• There is said to be some ''innovations'' in the multiplayer mode.
• 4Players.de confirms that Ving Rhames will be voicing Victor Vance.
• The version of the game that they saw showed pop-ups and fade-ins, but R* assured them this will be solved in the final version.
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August 30th, 2006, 19:32 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has announced that it will unleash Brothers in Arms D-Day -- a new squad-based PSP exclusive -- to retailers this coming autumn. Putting players in control of Screaming Eagle sergeants Hartsock and Baker as they make their way to Carentan and St. Sauveur, the new BIA installment is in development by Ubisoft Shanghai in collaboration with the console production team at Gearbox Software.
Though details about the game are still only surface-level, Ubisoft has confirmed a couple of tidbits. PSP-specific additions, for example, include the ability to command a bazooka team, use an MG42, and fire mortar rounds. A co-op (Skirmish) mode has also been included, which will span 12 different missions via ad-hoc and support four different mode variations (which have yet to be announced).
Now you can shoot Nazis while on the go.
Other touted goodies include surprise attacks, new teammate capabilities, improved enemy AI, extra weapons, and destructible cover points.
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August 30th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Resembling a beat-em-up more than a traditional fighting game, GG Judgment lets you take control of the entire cast as you battle through hordes of monsters that are on a secluded island. Each playable character is equipped with all of their old tools that were found in previous Guilty Gear titles, with the exception of Instant Kill and Dust moves. This is what makes Judgment such a fun title; previous installments were very combo-centric and allowed you to continue combos for long periods of times, and it's the same here. In fact, it's probably much easier to chain together attacks because your special moves can hit multiple enemies at the same time. If you wanted a good comparison to how the combo system works, think of something along the lines of Devil May Cry, where you can easily pick up enemies off the ground using your various attacks. Making combos was never easier with the addition Roman Cancels, which allows you to cancel your special moves into other special moves. This technique has been a mainstay of the series since Guilty Gear X, and it's one of the coolest innovations to come along in a 2D fighter, or a beat-em-up. Just imagine tearing through a horde of monsters with Sol's Grand Viper, only to cancel into his Volcanic Viper to deliver the coup de grace. Due to the nature of the game, some things had to be changed around to make things more intuitive. The R trigger acts as a back attack to protect your behind from enemies sneaking up on you, and the L trigger activates your Burst Attack, which allows you to escape from enemy attacks. Gone from the game are air dashes and most low attacks, although they do make an appearance in some chain attack combos.
Full preview at IGN
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August 30th, 2006, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt:
The first SOCOM game on PSP did a lot of things right. Fireteam Bravo looked decent and played well, to start, plus it had great sound presentation. It even offered online multiplayer at a time when most other PSP titles shied away from it. More importantly, the tactical gameplay from the PS2 version remained intact. In other words, Fireteam Bravo distilled the essence of the console game and delivered it in a portable package.
With Fireteam Bravo 2, developer Zipper Interactive wants to improve on everything that made the first game a success. This includes its multiplayer functionality, which now has new modes, maps and customization options. Along the same lines, the much touted "crosstalk feature" benefits from a little refinement, as well. The overlapping missions in Fireteam Bravo 2 and the PS2 bound SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALS: Combined Assault, come together with more finesse, for instance.
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August 30th, 2006, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Stewie's ray-gun clips an attacking helicopter and plummets toward the earth. It crashes in a flaming ball of wreckage on the lawn of Glen Quaqmire, who stands in shock on his front porch, the rotors still spinning.
"My God! My lawn," Quagmire screams. "That's not what I meant by a bush cut!
And so it went, our first milk-snorting laugh with Family Guy. Product Manager Roozbeh Ashtyani of 2K Games stopped by for a few minutes to show off the first three levels of the game, based on Seth McFarlane's insanely witty show on Fox.
Preview at IGN
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August 30th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster

The buzz around the internet is that the PSP2 is coming in March 2007, heres all the details:
Inside the latest PSM mag, Sony is to release a MK2 PSP that will be released first in Japan in March 2007
Also they have reached a deal with Samsung to have built in 8GB Flash Memory, also a video camera/digital camera is to be part of the updated PSP.
What do you think of this latest news, anyone got the magazine ?, we need scans 
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August 30th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Winnydows has yet again updated his Video Converter for the PSP, heres whats new:
4.026 changes:
VSFilter (subtitles) updated to
Fixed ac3 sound extraction for files with unicode names.
Added loging future.
Written x264 shell. Now full process info displayed in main window.
Written mencoder shell. Now full process info displayed in main window.
Written lame shell. Now process displayed more correct and and have more information.
Written neroAacEnc shell. Now process displayed more correct and and have more information.
Written shells for pmp_muxer_avc and pmp_muxer. Now process displayed more correct and and have more information.
Written mp4box shell. Now full process info displayed in main window.
Written shell for ATOMChanger. Now full process info displayed in main window.
Experemental added suport for .rm .ram .rmvb .rpx .smi .smil import. Real Alternative installation required!
Written VirtualDub shell. VirtualDub now launch from vdub.exe and redirect errors to log window.
Added Portuguese localization.
Color don`t converted if this does not need enymore.
Fixed DolbySurround Dowmix. Now downmix applyed only if needed.
Fully rewritten and optimised AVS scripts generation.
Channels don`t rechecked many times anymore - speedup preview.
Fixed bugs with chenge framerate.
ac3acm don`t installed automaticly anymore - fix conflict with ffdshow. Noqw choose your shelf best DirectShow AC3 for your system. Remove old ac3acm codec!
Now default used AC3 over DirectShow and this option don`t applyed to DVD anymore.
All system errors now redirected to log window.
Added resize filter selection box. Default filter now LanczosResize (was Lanczos4Resize). LanczosResize - faster, Lanczos4Resize - higher quality.
Added new output format - MP4 PSP 2.80. Doesn`t need spetial file names, spetial samplerate and spetial framerate. Also ATOMchanger not used for this output.
Fixed aspect corrections
Black borders now added after resize - optimise speed and quality.
Added new aspect 1,48:1. Used in some TV-clips and tv-shows
Quality+ profile renamed to UltraQuality.
Added UltraQuality GPU profile. Only for fast VideoBoards and DirectX 9.0c.
File info (MediaInfo) possible know from job list now. Use context menu for this function.
Fixed encoding movies with ac3 sound.
Written DGindex shell. Now this process monitored in main window. Sometimes possible errors - progress count from 100 to 0.
Now double click on job call edit of this job.
Written shell for VirtualDubMod.
Now in preview form displayed progress for sound extraction and d2v generation.
Resolution 368x272 for PMP changed to 384x272. Fix some time was color linesif aspect was 4:3. Also this resolution better look on PSP.
Fixed size calculation. Now calculation correct not only for DivX XviD and also for AVC.
Now don`t removed original movie time after selection Time to 5 or 1 min.
Now audio bitrate used for size calculation too.
Fixed bitrate calculation for target size.
Added quantizer encoding modes.
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August 30th, 2006, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
This is a new version of the Super Mario Portable Demo by Team Topoc which is an excellent clone of the Super Mario Bros game with better graphics.
Heres a screen:

Then Get downloading 
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August 31st, 2006, 00:56 Posted By: AlexB123
It was predicated by many analyst’s that the PSP will have a price drop to 149.99 in time for the holidays. This statement was then denied by Sony but now it looks like they are reconsidering this as countless PSP's are literally stockpiling in their warehouses. Quite a few major retailers are also saying that the PSP to DS sales ratio is getting pitiful, and a few major publishers are putting the pressure on Sony to find a way to sell more handhelds. Sony tried to release PSP’s in “limited editions” and in different colors, but that didn’t pull in as many sales as they would have liked. (Although it has helped them a bit.)
Currently the plan is to lower the PSP to 179.99 and maybe pack in a free game. Another option is sell it for 199.99 but throw in 2 free games. These games would obviously be old cheapies but its still better then paying full price. This would be in time for(or just after) the holiday season as predicted before. They will also be once again lowering the price of their PS2 to 99.99.
This is all obviously subject to change, but so far it looks like at least some of these things will go through. (Unless PSP sales kick into overdrive soon.)
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August 31st, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters' TOCA racing series is being taken for a spin on PSP in TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge, an original TOCA title for Sony's handheld that's due out this winter in PAL territories.
The game features the series' typical, hefty spread of cars and famous race tracks and keeps intact realistic damage and physics to beef up the experience. Codemasters says that the emphasis is on "burst play" in this title with what's called the World Challenge mode providing the meat of the racing action.
Describing World Challenge as the game's progressive central game mode, Codies further informs, "As the piston-pumping heart of the game, the World Challenge will see players competing through a series of international championship tiers, each packed with skill tests, specialised events and championships that span different racing styles."
It continues: "Each World Challenge tier is designed to enhance and expand your race driving skills and experience. First, a series of tests and events will build your racing prowess in areas such as damage control, using the racing line, manoeuvring, timely pit stops and braking accuracy. Now you're ready for the main event: the tier's specialist Championship season with a series of closely-fought multiple car races on different circuits. Come first overall in the championship and you'll move up to compete in the next tier of the World Challenge."
Outside of World Challenge mode, there's the likes of Free Race and Time Trial to get to grips with along with 12-player wireless multiplayer racing. TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge additionally supports Game Share, allowing up to four players to put pedal to the metal in multiplayer with a single UMD.
Screens and News at CVG
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August 31st, 2006, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
Gamespot have done a rumour control article, here it is in full:
Source: Posts on Joystiq and EvilAvatar citing an article in the October issue of PSM.
The official story: Sony had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.
What we heard: This week's big rumor comes courtesy of a series of blogs, such as Evil Avatar and Joystiq. Both sites reported that the latest edition of PSM--which touts itself as America's only "independent" PlayStation Magazine--had rock-solid news of a PSP redesign.
According to both sites, the October issue of PSM contained an article announcing that a new PSP will ship in March 2007, have 8 gigs of built-in flash memory, sport a slimmer form factor, include a built-in camera, and have two--count 'em--two thumbsticks!
Though news of such developments sounded like the answer to many frustrated PSP owners' prayers, it turns out it was premature. GameSpot's super-secret investigative unit took extreme measures and went out and actually bought a copy of PSM.
On page 34 (pictured) of the magazine is the article, titled "The Next PSP Comes Together," that many sites cited as gospel. However, the piece is actually largely speculative. It says that a new, camera-equipped PSP is "expected" next March, but doesn't give a source. It mentions "numerous reports in the semiconductor press" regarding Sony buying large amounts of 8GB flash-memory units--presumably the same reports mentioned in Rumor Control back in February. Nowhere does it say that the new PSP will have 8GB of memory, only that such a move is "likely." The addition of two thumbsticks is mentioned in a clearly marked "if we retooled the PSP" subsection listing changes the PSM editors would like to see in a PSP 2.0. However, the article itself says such an addition is unlikely.
The PSM article does cite "PSP developers who have been briefed on Sony's plans" as saying that the handheld will have "a high degree of connectivity" with the PlayStation 3--something Sony has stated publicly on numerous occasions. Also, "sources familiar with its development" confirmed the new PSP would be "thinner and lighter" than the current model. However, that’s all the article said was set in stone, and PSM is upfront about the rest being speculative--not that such distinctions make a difference in the blogosphere.
Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus.
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August 31st, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Source: A tipster who provided a YouTube video of some horrid football.
What we heard: One of the improvements Electronic Arts has made to its football juggernaut Madden NFL series in the last few years is the addition of the Superstar mode. In SS mode, gamers create a player, choose a position, and bring him up through the league, controlling only the player and going to whatever team the business of football takes him.
As such, control over the rest of the team (including play calling) is by default under the control of the computer. Imagine one gamer's distress then when the CPU-controlled quarterback started heaving bombs...in the wrong direction.
A GameSpot reader tipped Rumor Control off to a bug that sees pigskin chuckers throwing balls into their own end zone "at least four times" in each Superstar mode game. A video posted on YouTube shows the alleged bug in action, with Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb showing off his incredibly powerful arm and incredibly wrong sense of direction. The result is a massive loss of yards and often a safety--game glitch 2, user 0.
The tipster claims that it affects the European versions of the PlayStation 2 edition of the game, and digging through various message boards, including the ones over at the official Madden NFL 07 Web site, seems to confirm this.
It's currently unclear whether or not the glitch is widespread or isolated to a few copies of the game. However, given that the game was released in Europe only this past Friday, its magnitude should be known soon.
If there is a bug going around, it's likely that EA will fix it--it just may take a while. The company set precedent this year with its agreement to swap out copies of NCAA Football 07 for the PSP that were experiencing a "ball-spotting" glitch with new copies. EA offered $15 off any purchases made at their online store as apologies for the inconvenience.
Until EA acknowledges the bug and decides to do something about it, it looks like European Madden fans will have to work on their franchise modes.
The official story: EA did not respond to requests for comment as of press time.
Bogus or not bogus?: Looks not bogus. Expect word from EA soon.
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August 31st, 2006, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
Naturally, Sony wants to make a big deal of its upcoming PlayStation 3, and part of that means devoting not just one, but two Web sites to the console. The official Japanese PS3 Web site, which was formally opened today, has been joined by a PS3 Concept Site. Aside from some downloadable PS3 wallpaper, the site is running a video interview with Polyphony Digital's leader Kazunori Yamauchi. Throughout the video, which runs a bit longer than 10 minutes, the Gran Turismo creator discusses what the PS3 means for his flagship driving series and gaming in general.
"We were surprised at how big a leap the increased resolution brings," Yamauchi said. "I think the users will be very surprised, too." Yamauchi believes video games are particularly well suited to the high-definition format, noting, "games have unusual potential in that they are the fastest, easiest way to produce high-quality, high-definition content. High definition might be more influenced by games than by movies."
Of course, if the graphics are flawed to start with, the sharpness of high definition would only call more attention to imperfections. That puts an extra strain on developers, who can't rely on small imperfections to be covered up by a standard-definition display.
"For the first time in video games, we can render graphics that are on a par with movies in terms of realism," Yamauchi said. "This makes life very hard for the developers... It demands even more detailed work than in the past. The amount of data incorporated into games has also increased dramatically. It's very gratifying, but also very hard."
Of course, there are advantages to having that kind of power to play with. Yamauchi noted that the upcoming Gran Turismo series' PS3 debut will take advantage of the PS3 to up the series' draw distance. "In the past, you could only see about 30 [meters] in front of you, at the most," Yamauchi said. "Now, you can see several hundred [meters]. This changes the handling and feel of the gameplay greatly."
He was also very upbeat on the next-gen console's physics-modeling capabilities, noting its applications to the motion of the cars, outside environments, and spectators.
"To be honest, I can't really say the [original PlayStation] or the PlayStation 2 were able to sufficiently represent the realistically modeled physical world we wanted [in previous Gran Turismo games]," Yamauchi said. "With the PS3, we will be able to perform true physical modeling for the first time."
Regarding PS3 network connectivity, Yamauchi said he expected it would provide something "a bit different from the usual Internet experience" people have during day-to-day surfing. By bringing the Internet to millions of television screens, Yamauchi believes that the PS3 will go beyond games. "The PS3 is not just revolutionary for video games; it's revolutionary for television, to put it simply."
Yamauchi summed up his high expectations for Sony's next-gen console with his closing words: "Our job is to make games and deliver them to the user. But at the same time, we want to change society. So for us, the PlayStation 3 is our weapon for revolution."
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August 31st, 2006, 02:46 Posted By: wraggster
In the least surprising boxing statement to be made since "Mike Tyson is batty," Electronics Arts today officially announced a Fight Night game for the PlayStation 3. Gamers have been all but certain the franchise was headed to the console since Sony's pre-Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 conference, when a live tech demo of the game was shown as EA's centerpiece of the event.
Of course, the only thing not certain was the game's title, seeing how Fight Night Round 3 has been out for the current-gen systems and the Xbox 360 since early this year. Though some gamers thought EA may punch out Round 4 for the PS3, the game will, in fact, be titled Fight Night Round 3.
That's not to say it will be the exact same game. FNR3 for the PS3 will feature some exclusive content, including a mode known as Get in the Ring; details on the new feature were not available. Also in the PS3 version is ESPN integration, which can currently be seen in newer EA Sports games. [UPDATE] EA gave GameSpot some first details on Get in the Ring. The mode could be perfect for those who love the idea of getting punched in the face--it will be entirely in first-person. More details to come later.
Fight Night Round 3 for the PS3 is scheduled to be released in North America and Europe this holiday season and is currently in development at EA Canada. EA did not mention whether or not the game would be a launch title.
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August 31st, 2006, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
Knife-wielding penguin henchmen that double as grenades. A rotten adolescent prince of darkness determined to rule the netherworld by hook or by crook. An open-ended structure that encourages players to keep playing the game and developing their characters long after the main storyline is finished. With components like these, it's not difficult to see how Nippon Ichi's PlayStation 2 strategy role-playing game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness became a cult classic when it was released in 2003.
While Nippon Ichi went on to explore other corners of the strategy role-playing niche with games like Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, and Generations of Chaos, the developer is now set to once again explore the depths of the netherworld. The company's follow-up, Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories, hits stores in the US this week, and its domestic counterpart, NIS America, marked the occasion by announcing the series' first excursion onto the PSP.
Set for a November release in Japan, Makai Senki Disgaea Portable will bring the original PlayStation 2 game to the PSP with some added features. First off, there will be a number of new scenarios and dungeons, some of which will feature "characters that nobody would expect to see in Disgaea." As for the characters that one would expect to find in the game, they all return, along with their original voice actors, who are providing extra lines of dialogue.
While a US release hasn't been confirmed yet, NIS America has said it would like to bring the title over, and promised that it would add something special exclusively to the North American version of the game. However, the company is also asking for fan support to help get the game released domestically.
"Because Disgaea is an incredible fan favorite, NIS America is eager to bring Disgaea Portable to the US fans," the company said. "But in order to make it happen, we will need to prove there is enough support and demand for Disgaea Portable! So we would appreciate it if you could support us by raising your voice and making some noise for Disgaea Portable in the US!"
Via Gamespot
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August 31st, 2006, 03:38 Posted By: wraggster
Just a little tidbit before i go bed, just heard that Fanjita is to release soon a new eloader with support for 2.71 firmware and Kernal Mode.
More details tommorrow bed time now 
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August 31st, 2006, 07:34 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

Product Features of SONY PSP Logitech PlayGear Mod Headphones
30mm neodymium drivers are lightweight and highly responsive
delivering richer, more powerful sound
Durable, water-resistant polycarbonate design
Sleek, behind-the-head style with optional comfort rings
More Description of SONY PSP Logitech PlayGear Mod Headphones
Logitech PlayGear Mod headphones are easy on the ears, and tough where it counts. Designed for the Sony PSP? the headphones use optimized 30mm neodymium drivers for premium audio with your music, games, and movies.. And their behind-the-head design and detachable comfort rings keep them in place securely.
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August 31st, 2006, 07:36 Posted By: wraggster
New From SuccessHK

Product Features of SONY PSP Protective Skin for PSP (A)
Personalise your gaming experience by having this stylish and protective decal for your PSP
Built in self adhesive material - easy to stick on to the PSP perfectly
Protect the PSP from scratch
High quality 3rd party product
Comes with 2 screen protectors
More Description of SONY PSP Protective Skin for PSP (A)
Personalise your gaming experience by having this stylish and protective decal for your PSP.These decals/skins are produced on high quality self-adhesive material which will not leave any sticky residue should you decide to remove them from your PSP. What's a Sony PSP without the fashion that it needs? Define your true style with this high quality decal and walk on the streets with your PSP beautifully protected. Each design comes in a set of outer decals and one screen protector.
Theres over 10 colours to choose from at a price of just over 5 dollars each
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August 31st, 2006, 11:26 Posted By: happy_mak
The GPS and camera accessories for PSP have their details being spelled out on famitsu.com site
Camera - (Chotto-shot)
Launch date November 2
Price 5000 yen ($42USD )
Can take still JPEG shots and for video it is Motion-JPEG
Has only digital zoom
weighs 15g
GPS receiver :
Launch date December 7
Price 6000 yen ($50 USD)
What more one can edit the images taken by the camera on the PSP itself with various(?) effects as per the article

Source: famitsu.com
digg it
IGN updated with this news:
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has at last unveiled final details for its two upcoming PSP peripherals, both of which were first shown to the world back in April. Both the PSP camera and GPS Receiver will see Japanese release on 12/7, the company announced today.
The camera will be fully known in Japan as the "Chotto Shot." 5,000 yen will get you the camera and a case. The 15 gram device measures 45 by 27.3 by 17mm and fixes to the USB slot atop your PSP.
For still shots, the camera offers 1.31 megapixel of resolution, allowing for stills of either 480x272 or 640x480. The camera can take shots from distances of 40cm and up, or you can switch to macro mode for taking pictures from 7cm away. A digital zoom feature lets you zoom in on the scene before snapping away. Shots are saved in the JPEG format.
When taking movies, the camera is capable of 30fps video at 480x272 resolution, although you're limited to 15 seconds of footage at a time. Once you've taken a video, you can edit with 74 different effects. You can also add add background music, although the unit has has a monaural microphone capable of recording linear PCM directly. Footage can be viewed directly on the PSP, or you can convert it to AVI and transfer it to a PC through Memory Stick. The native format for the movies is Motion JPEG.
The GPS receiver is 16 grams and measures 45 by 41 by 17mm. It takes one second to refresh your current position, and has an accuracy of 5 meters. The 6,000 yen accessory includes a case.
While the GPS receiver will be sold by itself, you'll have to pair it up with a separately purchased piece of software in order to actually use it. Currently, four compatible titles have been announced for the peripheral, Sega's Homestar Portable planetarium software, Sony's own Minna no Golf Ba, Konami's Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Edea's mysterious "Navigation Software." These titles will be on display at the Tokyo Game Show in late September.
Sony has yet to announce release details for the American versions of these peripherals.
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August 31st, 2006, 16:30 Posted By: wraggster
Im sure you have read it on other forums and even posted on some sites but yes a downgrader for 2.71 firmware PSPs is being worked on, will it come today, well its maybe and a maybe not, one thing i can say is that the hackers working on the downgrader (who i shall not name to spare them tons of people bugging them) have said a downgrader for 2.80 PSPs is not possible at this time but the good thing is that the 2.71 downgrader can also access Kernal Mode which has you know is great for any future releases wishing to push the most out of the power of the PSP.
As soon as the release happens and by that i mean that they have fully tested it and alls well we will have it posted on here.
With the incoming downgrader and eloader its an exciting time for PSP owners once again.
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August 31st, 2006, 18:32 Posted By: wraggster
Untold Legends, it has to be admitted, was a fairly disappointing offering on PSP. Amongst the first wave of games released for Sony's handheld, we were hoping for a handheld next-gen Gauntlet, with wi-fi multiplayer and bags of RPG goodness.
What we got instead was a rather anodyne run-of-the-mill RPG which couldn't have been more by the numbers if its name was Dale Winton and it was calling out the National Lottery balls.
Still, we're hoping for better things from the PS3 RPG flag carrier Untold Legends Dark Kingdom, which is being penned with a storyline by renowned D&D author Keith Baker and features your heroic struggle against an evil king and his unholy oppressive minions.
Promising advanced multiplayer action via co-op and PlayStation Online, visceral combat and some real in-depth character progression, it certainly looks like it might be a big improvement on its handheld cousin. Apparently you'll even be able to grab some of the creatures you encounter and use them as living weapons against their hapless foes. Any game which allows to beat your opponents to death with their comrades can't be all bad.
Anyway, have a gander at these latest shots and let us know if this is the PS3's first best hope for a bright RPG future.
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August 31st, 2006, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Sony could have further trouble in meeting its target shipments of PS3s this winter, with reports emanating from Taiwan suggesting a shortage of blue laser diodes, an important component of the PS3's Blu-ray Disc pick-up heads and of course its Cell processor - which will disrupt production of the next-gen machine.
The reports, which come from online publication Digi Times, say that Sony's manufacturers in Japan and China may have to cut production to around two million PS3 units as a result of the shortage, halving Sony's projections of four million units shipped by the end of 2006.
You'll remember Sony US boss Kaz Hirai recently suggesting that Sony would only ship two million units by the end of the year - with Sony hastily issuing a clarification of Hirai's words to correct it back up to its original four million. But if Digi Times is correct, then PS3 shortages are pretty much guaranteed.
Sony's Taipei office apparently was unable to offer comment on the Digi Times piece but a representative for Sony Europe told CVG: "The PlayStation 3 is still on course for its launch dates in both Europe and Japan."
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August 31st, 2006, 18:47 Posted By: wraggster
Ridge Racer 7 will support 14 player online races and allow you to customise vehicles for the first time when it makes its debut on PlayStation 3.
That’s according to Japanese mag Famitsu, which has spilled a few juicy details on the upcoming Namco Bandai racer.
Online Battle mode will allow 14 players to go head-to-head or team up for co-op races with relay, time attack, team battle and pair attack options.
There will 22 courses - or 44 if you count reversing the tracks - and a mighty 160 races in the main Ridge State Grand Prix mode.
As well as an Arcade mode with two-player splitscreen, Global Time Attack will allow players to face off with the online community and even team up, again via splitscreen, for time attacks in pairs.
In a first for the series, and perhaps in an effort to bring it a little more up to date, Machine Connector will let you pimp your rides. Tweaking performance, engine tuning, nitro, exterior customisation and more will be offered, with new decals available via Sony’s online service.
A Ranking Browser will display data from racers across the globe, and UFLA Special Events will include content that can be downloaded to the console, although details are still foggy on that one.
Expect Ridge Racer 7 to be one of the big titles on display at the Tokyo Game Show
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August 31st, 2006, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Not 100% sure if the screen attached is real but it looks good enough, check out both the Wii and PS3 Demo Stations Via Comments.
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August 31st, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
Unveiled at the Leipzig Games Convention and seemingly ignored by most, the official PS3 slogan for Europe has Sony proudly declaring, "This is living." Reeking of hyperbole and only tenuously linked to gaming, it's the sort of marketing that fits in quite snugly with an industry asking us to "jump in" (with your credit card details) and assuring us that playing is the equivalent of believing (the praise or the criticism?). Of course, as with the other snappy lines, it's only a matter of time before witty internet personalities pervert Sony's message into something scathing and occasionally amusing.
"This is living. So, it's true. The cost of living really has gone up."
"This is living ... in abject poverty!"
"This is living -- it really does have four dimensions!"
"The PS3 is living? Well, at least that's a few steps up from the thinking Dreamcast."
"This is living (now attack its weakpoint for massive damage)."
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August 31st, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
The Sony® PSP™ just got a whole lot more portable! Talismoon’s latest devilish innovation offers a hands free mount for your PSP™ while on the road. Designed utilizing the highest quality materials to ensure a rock-steady hold, the Talismoon InTouch car cradle will keep the PSP™ within reach at all times and most importantly in a safe manner.
Boasting a super simple ‘stick and play’ installation, this product is ideal for hardcore PSP® owners who can’t stand to be without the PSP™ whilst on the road, perfect for traffic jams, lunch breaks or even to keep the kids quiet in the back seat!
Infact the In Touch is one incredibly versatile piece of kit and can be shown off just about anywhere with a flat surface. A specially engineered design featuring a super secure locking mechanism makes the In Touch a perfect accompaniment for watching media and movies, listening to audio, playing games, viewing map packs or perhaps one day befriending GPS navigation on the PSP™.
The Talismoon InTouch PSP™ car cradle is now shipping and costs $19.95 (USA) or £12.95 (UK).
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August 31st, 2006, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
SOE stopped by our offices with a playable copy of Cash Money Chaos, their recently announced shooter for the PSP. While there have only been a couple of shooters on the handheld, none of them have focused upon the fast-paced, shoot anything that moves experience. Cash Money Chaos should easily solve that issue, with lots of fun for both single and multiple players across a variety of radically twisted levels, letting you blow away everything from clowns to chickens with wild abandon.
Easily inspired by Smash TV and Total Carnage, the story behind Cash Money Chaos is being told with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Four humans named Sonny, Cher, Ike and Tina have been captured by aliens who have a love of game shows and the 1970s. Rather than the standard abduction and experimentation scenario that people have always heard of, the aliens decide to put the humans into a twisted version of a game show to fight for their very lives. However, survival isn't the only prize that the characters will win as they play their way through the various episodes; just like "The Price is Right," the characters can win cash and prizes as they shoot their way through more than 50 separate levels.
Full preview at IGN
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August 31st, 2006, 21:09 Posted By: wraggster
Issue 15 of the XTREME PSP Magazine is now available to download. It is packed with over 90 pages of great content including previews of The Sims 2: Pets, Myst and Gun Showdown, and reviews of Tekken: Dark Resurrection, Juiced: Eliminator and Miani Vice. And all the regular content including tips and cheats, the latest news, a new competition and more… Download it now.
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August 31st, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
The ACAMM animated PSP magazine series continues with an early October release of “SAMURAI CHAMPLOO”. This issue of ACAMM continues with the flip-based animation concept including 68 pages of action packed page sequences. This issue also includes special animates scenes directly from Samurai Champloo that you just can’t miss. If you haven’t checked out Ergo Proxy yet, be sure and get it along with this latest release of ACAMM.
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August 31st, 2006, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
StrmnNrmn posted a new news update to his Nintendo64 emulator, heres the info:
Display List Debugger
I've been working on a few new features which I'm eager to talk about, but I thought it would be interesting to give some details about some of the tools I use to help me debug various problems with the emulator.
Some of the hardest problems to identify and fix are various graphical issues that crop up when running certain roms. Sometimes it's unhandled combiner modes (this is what results in the purple-and-black textures seen in so many screenshots). Other times there are black or white polygons, or scrambled textures and so on. Sometimes the screen is just totally black
When I'm trying to figure out what's causing a particular problem my first step is to recompile Daedalus with the Display List Debugger enabled. If you've been playing with the source, this is done by setting CFLAGS = $(DEBUG_DLIST_CFLAGS) in the Makefile, and linking in Source/PSPGraphics/DisplayListDebugger.o.
The debugger is accessed by pausing emulation and hitting the right trigger button. You need to have PSPLink set up in order to use it, as I didn't want to clutter up the display with various debbuging output. When the debugger is activated, it keeps the emulator paused and replays the current display list over and over. The first thing is does is dump out a list of all the commands in the display list to a logfile which looks something like this (I've edited it somewhat to create a simple example):
For those interested in the very long newspost check it out Here
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August 31st, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: Kaiser
Kagato from our forums has released a two new homebrew eboots. Here is what he had to say.
By popular demand, I'm making Electris and Reactor available as stand-alone eboots.
These eboots are configured for firmware 1.5.
2.x users should stick with the Lua versions of the games for now.
Thanks go out to Zion for his tips on using PSPBrew to edit the LuaPlayer eboot.
I thought I'd need to recompile it from source, but PSPBrew meant I could have them up and running straight away...
Electris remains at version 1.0 at this stage, and is essentially unchanged.
Reactor has been updated to version 1.3, as I found that it ran considerably faster stand-alone. (I guess Lowser must have been consuming resources in the background.)
The game was synced to screen refresh, so if processing one "tick" took just slightly longer than 1 refresh, it would play at ~30fps (which was typical before); if it took slightly less, it would play at ~60fps -- ie, double the speed
This was unacceptable from a gameplay perspective, so in version 1.3 the proton's velocity is now Timer based. The framerate may change with CPU load, but the game should play at a constant speed regardless.
I've also updated the particle sprites to have a chrome appearance, as a small visual cleanup.
You can also check out his site @ studiokagato.com
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August 31st, 2006, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
La fear has released a new PMP encoding kit for the Mac, heres the info:
Hello everyone, I know some people would like to have a tool for encoding pmp or pmp_avc on the Mac. The one PEnGUIn (PMP Encoder Software) was released finally. It's a easy, small software. And there are two parts PEnGUIn(Encoder) and PEnGUIn(Muxer) included. PEnGUIn(Encoder) is a frontend program for mplayer, mencoder and x264(modified for compatible with pmp_avc_muxer). It means that you still need to download these binaries for mac seperately. And the other, thanks for Jonny's efforts, according to his souce codes of Perl Modules and then I can produce PEnGUI(Muxer).
About PEnGUI(Muxer), I just make a Cocoa GUI based on Perl Modules of Jonny.
For getting more information about PMP and relative source codes, you can visit Jonny's website.
Everyone who loves playing pmp movie should take a look of it.
You can find PMP_MUXER, PMP_MUXER_AVC, PMP_DEMUXER and x264 source codes in it.
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August 31st, 2006, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
PSP owners on firmware 2.71 have a big choice very soon, (well as soon as either the downgrader or eloader are released).
Do you downgrade or do you opt to use the Eloader ?
Both using the downgrader and Eloader will require you to be a bit knowledgable with PSP stuff but id say the Eloader was the safer option.
So to all DCEmu Members and bearing in mind that neither has been released yet, If it affects you would you downgrade or use Eloader?
Ill be interested to see the general feelings on this issue.
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September 1st, 2006, 00:47 Posted By: dagger89
Apparently, the coder (who will remain anonymous to prevent spam) has gotten somewhere with his "downdater". Files can now be flashed to the NAND, howvever, the downdater failed in actually downdating the psp, but it DID NOT BRICK. The coder is continuing to fix the problems as we speak
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September 1st, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Yes, TDK, who said they were going to make 200GB discs, went and made 200GB discs. Who'da thunk it? Well, unfortunately for everyone on the planet, there isn't any drive or player out right now that can read 200GB discs. Oh well.
The 200GB monster is single sided, but has six layers with 33.333333333 (continuing) GB on each layer. First 100GB discs, now 200GB discs. What's next, TDK?
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