December 2nd, 2004, 10:34 Posted By: Chrispob
hi, whats the best mod chip to go for these days? is it DMS4 Lite/Pro or does the Matrix and ghost compare in ways of user friendlyness, % boot record etc?
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December 4th, 2004, 05:37 Posted By: wraggster
The Cell processor that will power the next version of the PlayStation game console will also be adaptable for advanced scientific research, but you won't have to be a rocket scientist to program it. [br][br][br]That is the pledge of one of the chief architects of the Cell, jointly developed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba, who together on Friday sought to allay fears that the chip would create huge programming challenges for game developers just starting to learn their ways around the complex circuitry that powers the current PlayStation 2. [br][br]"We're very much aware of the need to balance between innovation in architecture and the ability to leverage that innovation," H. Peter Hofstee, a researcher in IBM's Systems and Technology division, said during a break at an IBM press event in San Francisco today. "The learning curve for this platform should be significantly better than previous ones." [br][br]The three companies announced their Cell plans three years ago, describing an advanced processor tailored for demanding multimedia tasks. The companies said earlier this week that they plan to begin test production of Cell chips early next year, with the first Cell-based products--workstation PCs for computer graphics production--set to arrive late in the year. [br][br]Sony and Toshiba both plan to start selling high-definition TV sets powered by the chip in 2006, which is also when Sony is expected to introduce the Cell-powered PlayStation 3. [br][br]Hofstee said the Cell will benefit game developers not only by giving them a stable and easily approachable foundation for games to run on, but also by powering the workstations they use to produce games. The upshot is that developers should be spending a lot less time waiting for their equipment to render the animations they create. [br][br]"We think it's going to be a much more seamless and speedy process for developers using these workstations," he said. [br][br]Besides workstations, game machines, and TV sets, the Cell is also likely to power certain types of scientific supercomputers, streaming media servers, and image analysis systems, all of which have continually expanding needs for processing power. Hofstee said the Cell taps into an emerging "convergence between what we think of as supercomputing and what we use in the entertainment space." [br][br]Beyond that, the sky's the limit, according to Hofstee, who said the Cell development team set out to create a flexible design that would dramatically increase processing power while skirting growing chipmaker concerns about power consumption. [br][br]"We've created something that is very flexible," he said. "Having a more generic architecture will allow people to do new things."
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December 9th, 2004, 14:01 Posted By: omarzer
I'm stuck on chapter 15. In the bank, trying to get upstairs to find the laptop. I can't make it upstairs without the guards seeing ( and killing ) me. Any pointers?
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December 12th, 2004, 03:15 Posted By: crocodiles99
Can we use standard pen drive ti ps2?How can we transfer files we downloaded from internet like max drive gamesave files.Does we need special accessories or software?
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December 12th, 2004, 15:11 Posted By: redfunkyape
any hints tips cheats ..... or anyone know of any walkthroughs available on the net? let me know ??? ;D
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December 18th, 2004, 04:54 Posted By: jubu
How do you kill Natasha at the end of Chapter 19?
Or are you meant to kill her?
What do you do?
I've been stuck on it for days now and I can´t get past this part.
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December 21st, 2004, 08:55 Posted By: Beenie_Blaze
ok i just got my PS2 (it came with the network adapter ;D) i dont have any memory cards or money to go and buy one > . i formated my 7 gig HD to the PS2 format and installed my onimusha II game to it. i got pretty far into the game and i cant save it because i havnt got a memory card! if i put the HDD into my network adapter is there a way to use it as a big memory card?
thx - Eric
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December 21st, 2004, 14:00 Posted By: capcomfan19
what program works good in backing up games for modchip use, also what brand dvd-r works for you?
p.s. have you ever heard of a program called Alcohol 120%?
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December 22nd, 2004, 00:03 Posted By: duncan35
does the ps2 slim version come with network cabablities already? or do you still have to buy a network adapter. my only question is becuase there already is a ethernet adapter in the back?
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December 23rd, 2004, 00:59 Posted By: iplayrpgs
does anyone know how i can fix my disk read error on my ps2. if you do i would really appreciate it if you gave me some info, thanks. ;D
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December 29th, 2004, 05:41 Posted By: DC_Mitch
Hello, imm stuck on i think Chapter 12 when ur first sam
and have to sneak into the gym, how do you get onto
the ledge or is there a different way? :-/
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December 29th, 2004, 15:37 Posted By: LyonHrt
Wow lots of people needing help on this game, posting on the forum.
Post your tips and cheats on the game here.
You can also ask for help on sections of the game.
If this topic goes well, i'll do some more stickies for ps2 games 
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December 30th, 2004, 17:01 Posted By: Mental2k
Can we try and keep all the black monday questions in one thread, namely LyonHrt's. And rocky please dont spam all the black monday posts, you wont get any extra info and you wont annoy everyone else. Thank you.
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December 31st, 2004, 07:35 Posted By: rocky
Kick off the outcrop to the lighting rig above, follow it over to the
left. Two security guards will find the stashed laptop and will begin
heading over the bridge to the Skobel tower.
Drop down and follow them. Jump over (Triangle Button) the Perspex
barrier beside the turnstiles. Funnily enough, the other side of the
bridge is your first checkpoint... The guards will turn right, but
going that way will only lead to trouble, so go left.
There are two guards in the hall ahead, thankfully they are facing
away from you. So head through the doorway halfway down the hall, on
right, to enter some offices. Use Creep Mode (Circle Button) and
creep past the two offices workers on your left... haha... lesbians.
Open the door (Triangle Button) on your right just past the workers,
it leads to the main antrum. Head into the kitchen area on your
right and then to the hallway on the right again. A single guard
is up ahead, thankfully facing away, go left before him into a
waiting area with TVs. Head right along the hallway ahead (because
there is a lone guard facing away to your left) and enter more
offices via the door on your left at the end of the hallway.
You have reached the second checkpoint. Open the door ahead, there
are two office workers in here (a man working and a woman supervising
him). To evade them, crouch (X Button) in front of the desk beside
the man and then crawl under the desk (Square Button). Crawl to the
other side and then press the Square Button once more to scarper out
of there. You can head out to the hallway now, because the woman
has gone to her desk.
In the hallway, to your right are two guards and on your left is a
lone guard. Kick off an outcrop to the lighting rig and follow it as
far as you can to the left (past the lone guard) and then drop down.
You will see the two guards with the laptop, creep up behind them to
the 13th Floor (IT Department).
They will head right to this floors antrum, but it is guarded, so
you must head down the hall directly ahead. But before you
do, head through the red porthole door on your left, this chapter's
key and a MedKit are inside. Anyway, follow the hallway, two
Russians are up ahead. So head into the Coms Server Room on your
right, halfway down the hall.
Sneak left past the technician, flatten against the wall (X Button
when not holding the Left Analogue stick) and shimmy past the servers
to the other side. Go through the nearby door. Head right down the
hall and then left into this floor's kitchen, up ahead (across the
hall) is the door leading to the server room, enter it. You have
reached the third checkpoint.
The guards with the laptop are in the room up ahead; follow them up
to the 15th Floor (Investment). You have reached the 4th checkpoint.
Follow the hallway and soon you will see a short cut-scene hinting at
more rig crawling. So climb up and crawl to the right to follow the
guards, they will walk along the adjacent offices, follow the rig all
the way to the end and then wait for the guards. Once they have
walked past, drop down and follow them to the stairway. A cut-scene
will play to avoid the climb to the 20th Floor (Executive Suit).
Just follow them to Victor's Office to retrieve the laptop.
;D : :P
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December 31st, 2004, 09:35 Posted By: djtaylo2
Can any one help me, please!! I want to enter the pro evo 4 league but need a demo. There are no demo's any where. Can some one send me a demo or better still beat the demo and give me the code. Thanks for any help, My e-mail address is djtaylo2@hotmail.com ,Cheers
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December 31st, 2004, 09:48 Posted By: neomaster
Is this possible if I have ps2 and I dont have a memory card.Is it possible to format 64MB usb memory stick so that will be working in playstation 2 as a memory card(like MaxDrive)If it is possible can you tell me how or with what programs is it possible.
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December 31st, 2004, 10:08 Posted By: hellsfire
Could someone please tell me ---are all adapters the same?? Do they all have ports which accomodate a HDD? i,m saying this because i saw one in a shop for £16.99 and asked the geezer behind the counter if you could fit a HDD to it,he looked blank and said its for online gaming,the box was sealed so i couldnt get a look at the other side of it,any thoughts would be greatly appreciated --thanks!!
otherwise i'll have to get the bloke to open the pack so i can inspect it.
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