September 1st, 2012, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 gamers may now never get access to the content in Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC. That's the news coming out of Bethesda via their forums. Administrator and global community lead Gstaff posted an update on the state of PS3 DLC for the game, and it's not looking great. Gstaff explains that releasing sizeable DLC is a complex issue, and it seems like for the PS3 it might be just a bit too complex. No detail is given as to what the specific problem is, but Bethesda is preparing PS3 gamers for the reality thatDawnguard, and for that matter any other Skyrim DLC, may never reach the platform. I'd like to know what the exact problem is they can't overcome, but I'd also like to know if this is a failing on Bethesda's part or a shortcoming of the PS3 architecture. Maybe Sony should pay Bethesda a visit and see what's going on."In other Skyrim news, a mod for the game that attempted to recreate J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth, has received a Cease & Desist letter from Warner Bros, causing development to stop.
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September 1st, 2012, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Bethesda has admitted that Dawnguard, the first DLC expansion forThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, may never make it to PlayStation 3 due to technical problems encountered in development.
Those playing Bethesda's sprawling RPG on PS3 have long since accepted they drew the short straw. Shortly after Skyrim's launch last November PS3 players spotted that the game all but ground to a halt once save files passed 5MB in size - an issue it took Bethesda three months to fix.
While the game itself is playable on PS3 these days, it appears Bethesda is still struggling with developing for Sony's system, and in a post on its official forums admits that, despite ongoing efforts, the company can't be sure Dawnguard - or the new Skyrim DLC, Hearthfire, announced this week - will ever make it to PS3.
"Skyrim is a massive and dynamic game that requires a lot of resources, and things get much more complex when you're talking about sizeable content like Dawnguard," the post reads. "We have tried a number of things, but none of them solve the issue enough to make Dawnguard good for everyone.
"The PS3 is a powerful system, and we're working hard to deliver the content you guys want. Dawnguard is obviously not the only DLC we're working on, either, so the issues of adding content get even more complicated.
"This is not a problem we're positive we can solve, but we are working together with Sony to bring you this content."
Technical problems are one thing, but arguably the bigger issue here is one of trust. What chance is there that PS3 players will be prepared to forgive and forget when Bethesda's next big multiplatform game comes along? Dishonored is the publisher's big 2012 bet, and is being developed externally, at French studio Arkane, and the PS3 release will need to be technically on par with the Xbox 360 release for Bethesda to have any hope of repairing its relationship with a huge number of players.
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September 2nd, 2012, 16:19 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier today Sony revealed an 84 inch HDTV with four times the resolution of today's top television sets.Due later this year, the Bravia KD-84X9005 has an insane resolution of (3840 x 2160) and will be able to upconvert existing shows, movies and photographs. It also comes equipped with ten speakers, creating a virtual 5.1 surround sound field.No price has been announced, but we reckon it will probably cost at least four figures and a kidney or two.Now, can you imagine playing Journey on that set? Oh my!
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September 2nd, 2012, 16:31 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix today announced the Final Fantasy 'Ultimate Box' compilation set, as part of the series' 25th anniversary celebrations. The compilation, priced at roughly $450, includes every main series game up until XIII (no dash-twos for you) and is available in Japan from December 18.
Square Enix unveiled the box set at today's opening of the Final Fantasy Gallery in Tokyo. The first nine Final Fantasy games included are PS1 copies, with the exception of Final Fantasy III on PSP. Final Fantasy XIII is on PS3, and the rest on PS2, with XI as the 'Vana'diel Collection.'
Andriasang reports the compilation's extras include a commemorative DVD, an art collection, and a two-disc soundtrack among other goodies. Ultimate Box releases in Japan for ¥35,000, which translates into just under $450.
Square Enix also announced four 'Ultimania' encyclopedia-like books, which cover the entire main series of games and include previously unseen artwork. They too become available on December 18.
We've reached out to Square Enix to see if any of these products are headed west. Meanwhile, look out for some pristine photos of the compilation after the break.
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September 2nd, 2012, 16:33 Posted By: wraggster
If you live in the city of Poznan, Poland, then today was your lucky day to pick up Resident Evil 6 on PS3 from a local retailer. NeoGo was able to purchase a German-branded copy of the game about a month before its retail street date of October 2.
"I was shocked when I heard the store offers it and rushed to check it out," Rafał Baranowski of NeoGo told us. "I have no knowledge of manufacturing plant near Poznan. It looks like it has been pulled from Germany, really."
The site currently has a video up of the game and has sent us images of the manual as proof it's a final retail copy. The site currently has a couple videos up of the game.
"I will play deeper into the game over the weekend, but please note that we do not plan to make tons of videos," Baranowski said. "... Capcom would kill us."
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September 2nd, 2012, 16:37 Posted By: wraggster
Namco's planned social network tie-in for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 won't cost you a dime to enjoy beyond the initial purchase the game. World Tekken Federation integration – an online destination where players can link their PSN account or Xbox Live gamertag and see select stats in real-time – will be online and ready to go when Tekken Tag Tournament 2 launches on September 11.
World Tekken Federation gives Tekken Tag Tournament 2 players the opportunity to "track personal statistics against the world, create and manage teams with friends, compete in online events and discuss intricate strategies" with other Tekken Tag Tournament 2 players, the press release past the break says. Right now, that's all Namco's telling us about this planned stat-tracking and social service.
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September 2nd, 2012, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/08/28/ps-vita...0-blocks-vhbl/
Well, this is a surprise, and not a good one. Vita firmware 1.80 comes with a few unwelcome updates, one of them being that it blocks VHBL.
I have good and bad news. The good news is that, as far as I could see, VHBL still runs fine on firmware 1.80. The bad news is, it is impossible to copy it to the PS Vita. The version I tested had been installed before the update to 1.80, but sadly I could confirm the 1.80 update prevents us from copying the VHBL files, ad well as homebrews, to the memory card.
Vita firmware 1.80 comes with a forced CMA update (open CMA, sadly, didn’t help to prevent that), which, among other things, has a series of more advanced checks on the files it copies from and to the Vita. Remember how we could put anything we wanted in the PSP savedata folders, and get CMA to copy that to the vita? install.zip, h.bin, etc, etc… well, all of this is over, and now only the allowed files for each specific save seem to be accepted.
Several people are already looking into this, but for now it means that our long awaited VHBL release is, at the very least, postponed, if not worse.
I am not sure this is a good strategy from Sony. As I’ve been saying for a while, VHBL is a blessing in disguise for Sony, because it distracts many skilled hackers, focusing the attention of the scene on something that is basically harmless. The day VHBL is blocked, these people will start to look for other ways to hack the vita. Note however that I am not sure if this is just Sony cleaning up their CMA code by enforcing stricter rules, or if this is intentionally made to prevent VHBL from running.
As you can imagine, I am the first one to be disappointed by this, stay tuned while we are (of course) looking for solutions…
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September 2nd, 2012, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/08/29/vita-1-...t-really-need/
As with every firmware update, firmware 1.80 comes with a few “features” we’d rather not have…
The first one is that the Content Manager Assistant (a tool invented by Satan himself, that he later gave directly to his close friends in the Sony business department) has been updated to enforce stricter rules on what files can and can’t be copied to and from the PS Vita, with the direct result of blocking VHBL, as I mentioned earlier here.
But that’s not the only bad surprise that comes with this firmware. The second one, and possibly more important for many players, is that you cannot use a single memory card for multiple accounts anymore. You thought switching accounts was a pain in the a## because you had to reset factory settings? Well, Sony managed to make it even more painful by forcing you to actually format your memory card every time you switch between accounts (for those who didn’t know: no, it wasn’t required before). What this means is that, if, like me, you have several accounts with games you actually purchased on each one of them, you will now need several memory cards, one per account, unless you want to go through the hassle of re-downloading all your games every time you switch accounts. Don’t you just love that feeling of being a milk cow? (Thanks to TheBudds for pointing that one out)
Yeah, Sony loves to hide Easter eggs in their firmware updates, but beware, everything that’s brown is not always made of chocolate… How about you, have you found some hidden “features” on the latest firmware that you’d rather not have?
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September 2nd, 2012, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/08/29/vhbl-th...of-the-tunnel/
Yesterday I announced that Vita’s firmware 1.80 was blocking VHBL. Many talented devs heard my distress signal and started working on solutions. It’s been a long day, but I am now basically convinced that the VHBL release will happen on 1.80, it is just slightly postponed.
Some of you might have already seen that Neur0n (and others) figured out a way to install VHBL on firmware 1.80. As I mentioned yesterday, VHBL runs fine on 1.80, but copying it to the memory stick is the hard part.Neur0n found a way to do it, but he was not the only one to find ways to copy our files to the Vita on the latest 1.80. Actually a large amount of people, known hackers or unknown members of our forums contacted me with solutions. I won’t name them all, but I want to thank all of you who have contacted me with ideas/solutions, it’s great to be part of such an active and helpful community 
It turns out the changes in Firmware 1.80 were probably not an attempt at shutting VHBL down, rather than enforce stricter rules on file naming conventions for PSP savedata. These rules were already enforced on the PS3, and some of you might remember that it was not possible to install VHBL on the Vita from a PS3 because of these limitations. Funnily enough, I had already started working on taking these limitations into account for VHBL a while ago, but never really finished that because “I want to copy VHBL to my Vita from my PS3” was not such a huge use case.
Bottom line is, we freaked out yesterday over something that had probably nothing to do with us in the first place. To quote a nice conversation I had yesterday “you guys [hackers] often mistake a simple bug for a new security feature”, and I think this is what happened here.
So what’s next? Well, although I haven’t seen it by myself yet, I believe VHBL should be able to run and be installed on firmware 1.80 relatively easily, although there is of course some work to be done to get it compatible with these changes. I will get in touch with neur0n, and as far as I can tell for now, the VHBL release is a bit postponed, but not cancelled (I still need to confirm that with my own eyes, though!).
I will of course keep you updated once I have more info, stay tuned!
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September 2nd, 2012, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/08/30/alright...-back-on-1-80/
So, how cool is that? Less than 48 hours after we thought VHBL was locked out for good, we’re back on our feet!
To be honest, I must say I basically freaked out for just a small thing. After a few hours of investigation, it became clear that Sony was not really after VHBL, they just cleaned up some of their filename rules in CMA, in order to comply to the FAT naming conventions (also known as 8.3).
As I mentioned, I had started working on those limitations a while ago (see here and here) since the limitations already existed when trying to copy files from the PS3 to the Vita. So in hindsight, it seems Sony just unified CMA to the restrictions already in place on their systems.
I realized how obvious this was when many people contacted me about this, and since I had already all the bits and pieces ready in VHBL to support it, it was just a matter of confirming, adding a few compilation variables, and recompiling the thing.
As I am writing this, the JP and US versions of VHBL are being tested, while I could confirm it works fine on 1.80 with the EU version. Below is a screenshot of GPSP running Advanced wars. The overlay shows one of the new options of the touch screen in 1.80
Neur0n also figured this whole thing out I assume, but he hasn’t sent me any file yet, so for now we’ll go with my changes. This shouldn’t matter too much anyway, the core of the changes here are still from Neur0n, as he is the one who made most of the compatibility fixes for homebrews here.
Yes, the files are ready and the Ninja release will happen, from now it is not a matter of “if”, but a matter of “when”. For obvious reasons, I cannot give you any precise date, just know that it is happening, soon
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September 2nd, 2012, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/01/when-th...-battle-scars/
The PSP has a long history of user mode exploits in its game library. Without going into details, savegames have been our favorite vector of user mode hacks for years.
Some of you might remember the old days of GTA: Liberty City Stories, the dramas around Gripshift or Mercury, the awesome “commit suicide to trigger the exploit” in Medal of Honor, or, more recently, our numerous HBL or VHBL releases.
But did you know that each new firmware on the PSP or the Vita ships with a “blacklist” of those savegame exploits, hashes that help the console identify “bad” savegames? The games themselves are never patched, it would be way too costly to contact the development studio, recompile the game with a patch, go through a release process… not to mention how impractical it would have been to distribute patched UMDs back in the days (as far as I know, the “patched” version of GTA was actually just shipping with an updated firmware that had the blacklist thing implemented).
As a consequence, each new PSP firmware (including the ones on the Vita) ships with a growing list of hacked games, what I like to call the “battle scars” of the PSP in Sony’s fight against hackers.
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September 2nd, 2012, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.dashhacks.com/psp/psp-hac...-released.html
If you're a fan of real-time strategy titles, than Heroe's Empire is for you! Based strongly off the second Age of Empires title, this game will have you building your own virtual society with the purpose of eventually attacking and destroying a rival nation. Essentially this game operates with the same basic mechanics and ideas that you would expect from any half-serious RTS game. Like more or less every other member of this genre, along the pathway toward attack, players will be asked to perform special missions such as collecting a certain amount of gold, and once they complete that task they will be able to upgrade their army. Doing this enough will eventually allow for a well-trained force that is primed for battle.
So what can a user find in this relatively young 0.2 version number? While the translation may be a bit rough, what I can understand is that the graphics have experienced a slight overall improvement. On top of that, the barracks is now a legitimate item, so you can finally start creating that army instead of just spending the whole game harvesting resources. Lastly of course there are some bug fixes making the game more stable.
If you want to see what AoE2 could be like on the go, this may be a worthwhile homebrew to look at. Just remember that this is a work in progress. Let the sarmy building begin!
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September 3rd, 2012, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
via http://pspcustomfirmware.com/naruto-...ja-battle-3-5/
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Battle 3.5 a PSP Homebrew game for the PlayStation Homebrew community has been updated and release to the PSP Homebrew community . For those of ya that are following this awesome homebrew game known as Naruto Ultimate Ninja Battle , This latest version includes tons of new features as well as some game play for a better game experience that users will enjoy on their PSP System . Below you will find a bit more information from the developer about this PSP Homebrew game for your PSP System that is homebrew enable . Changelog for3.5
[NEW] Updated Namebar!
[NEW] Added New Intro!
[NEW] Added New Mainmenu!
[NEW] Added New End!
[NEW] Added New Pausemenu!
[FIX] The GAME is now full in English!
[FIX] Removed some bad Arenas!
[FIX] Many Changes&Bug Fixes!(Like the Madara-End-Bug!)
List of all Charakters(v3.5)
Itachi Susanoo Mode
Kabuto Orochimaru Mode
Kiba [+Akamaru]
Killerbee 8-Tail Human Mode
Madara [+Kyuubi]
Naruto Chakra Mode
Pain 6 Paths
Sasuke Susanoo Mode
Unlockable Characters(v3.5):
Shikamaru via Temari.
1.Hokage via Madara.
Suigetsu via Kisame.
Yamato via Kakashi.
3.Hokage via Danzou.
Naruto Sp = Killerbee
Sasuke Sp = Orochimaru
Shikamaru Sp = Asuma
1.Hokage = 2.Hokage
Suigetsu = Juugo
Yamato = Sai
3.Hokage = 4.Hokage
Hinata = Neji
6xPain = Konan
Tsunade = Mizukage
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September 3rd, 2012, 10:38 Posted By: wraggster
While Ubisoft has been quick to introduce Connor and focus on the single-player campaign in Assassin's Creed 3, not much has been said on the multiplayer side, a staple of the series since being introduced in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Multiplayer developer Ubisoft Annecy says there will be a greater focus on multiplayer in Assassin's Creed 3 – both in terms of support from Ubisoft and its impact on the overall Assassin's Creed lore.
Abstergo has turned the Animus into a commercial product, and you'll play as one consumer who's looking forward to "reliving the past in HD." Every month, Ubisoft will give players new content to unlock through new challenges. "As you progress in the game and level up your character, you access these files and videos. Every month you'll have new challenges to unlock new content that will continue the storyline throughout the year," Ubisoft Annecy game director Damien Kieken told CVG.
The multiplayer environments themselves will now have a greater impact on gameplay – weather effects such as sudden rain storms or blizzards can impact visibility and players can employ special environmental kills using objects like bottles and axes. Back at Gamescom, Ubisoft demoed Wolfpack and Domination, two modes we were able to sample – a new wave-based co-op mode where players hunt down targets in the environment and take them down, and the more traditional four-on-four team-based mode, respectively.
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September 3rd, 2012, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Many games are ruined by developers' desire to ensure they're accessible to as many players as possible, according to Alex Hutchinson - the lead designer on Edge 245 cover star Assassin's Creed III.
"A lot of games have been ruined by easy modes," he asserts. "If you have a cover shooter and you switch it to easy and you don’t have to use cover, you kind of broke your game.
"You made a game that is essentially the worst possible version of your game."
It's a problem unique to videogames, he continues, lamenting the fact that this is the only creative industry that needs to provide difficulty options.
"It’s like if I picked up a book and it said, 'Do you want the easy version or the complicated version?' [Game designers] can simplify the language, you know; we can make it two syllables."
Lead gameplay designer Steven Masters chimes in to stress that, in spite of this position on easy modes, the team's goal isn't to make a challenge of each passing moment in the game, but to make sure they are passed well. And a big part of ensuring that that's the case, is playtesting, which the team has been conducting since January. Ubisoft is taking the task very seriously, setting up two labs and ushering in a fresh batch of players each week.
"I have crazy data analysis tools for these things," Masters explains. "I can reach in and pull a video of any moment in a playtest; I can sort different events and say, 'Okay, I want to see when this guy got detected and then failed within 30 seconds', and watch that.
"So in terms of difficulty balancing we can do quite a lot of fine tuning. It’s something that I look after very closely just to make sure that everyone’s having a good experience. We don’t do it on the fly but we take a lot of care over it."
Hutchinson adds: "We’re not trying to make a brutally difficult game, so we go through all the playtest data and make sure it works."
It will still be challenging, of course, and Ubisoft is building on the optional objectives system it ushered in with Brotherhood: executing any given target won't necessarily be difficult, but doing it in style will up the ante considerably.
"We’ve got some missions like the reveal mission that was that big battle on bunker hill, thousands of NPCs on screen and such," enthuses Masters. "We can let you get through that pretty straightforwardly, but we can put a lot of constraints in like 'don’t take any damage when you’re coming down there' or 'assassinate the target without being detected'.
"When you’re standing in the middle of this incredibly fortified scenario it’s a serious stealth challenge. It’s really difficult and we’re going to challenge you on all of your different skills and abilities."
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September 3rd, 2012, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Ico will soon be playable on the PS Vita via Remote Play.
Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony's worldwide studios, confirmed the functionality will be introduced through an upcoming patch for Ico HD."Sorry to tease you, I was play testing Ico HD Remote Play on PS Vita," he posted onTwitter. "We are almost ready with a patch. Beautiful on OLED. More info soon."
Remastered versions of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus were released last year as a retail discm, with both games on one Blu-Ray disc, and individually on the PlayStation Network.
Yoshida went on to clarify the patch is for the PSN release of Ico.
Reports have suggested Sony intendeds make all PlayStation 3 games playable on PS Vita using Remote Play. The functionality was originally touted at TGS 2011, when Yoshida showed Killzone 3 running on the handheld.
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September 3rd, 2012, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
We can't help but feel that Epic Mickey 2 should look a fair bit better than it does. Check out these new screenshots from PAX, for example.
Don't they look a little bit like a HD remake of an N64 game? Or maybe low-end Dreamcast? Especially the shot of Mickey on the raft with the cardboard background and crappy-looking trees. And the textures up close aren't doing it any favours either.It wasn't such a big deal on the first game because that was a Wii exclusive. But this one's headed to HD consoles. We know they're going for that basic Disney-cartoon look, but so did Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Okami on GameCube, and they both still look fantastic.
More where these came from on Destructoid.
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September 4th, 2012, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster
Tarsier Studios and Double Eleven have completed development on LittleBigPlanet for Vita, ready for its release later this month, Sony confirmed today.
The 'Next Good Excuse to Use Your Vita' will be out in Europe on September 19, followed by a US release on September 25.Slapping your name down early for a copy will give you access to some bonus get-ups for your Sackboy; a BioShock pack includes Big Daddy and Little Sister costumes, and a 'Knights of Old' comes with costumes to dress up your Sackboy or Sackgirl as a knight, damsel in distress, black knight, or a dragon.
More details on other goodies through the above link.
Sackboy's latest adventure is set on a mysterious travelling planet called Carnivalia. Tarsierrecently released this gameplay trailer to fill you in on the game's plot.
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September 4th, 2012, 02:43 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git (2012/08/29) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C# pspplayer emulator.
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git Changelog:
* - First LLE tests
* - More Work
* - More work on LLE tests
- Now it:
- Decrypts and reads the IPL from a nand dump
- Executes the IPL until it starts the ME? Then enter in a forever loop.
* - Some more LLE work (now ME starts)
* - More Work
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September 4th, 2012, 13:38 Posted By: wraggster
Today whilst waiting for the site to come back up after a small time of downtime, i decided to work on the PSP Site and give it a bit of a going over, the site now has links to each of the different variations of the PSP Console released and the very latest Games for the PSP.
For those new to PSP Homebrew/Gaming or Emulation, the Playstation Portable back in 2006 had the first real Mainstream Homebrew scene of all, at that time and until the custom firmwares came and piracy took over the scene was amazing, there was a time when i was a tester for ZodTTds PSone Emulator that we had 500 members online (and about 6000 guests). Sadly that time has come and gone and the PSP isnt the Homebrew force it once was.
But we should remember that the PSP has an amazing amount of emulators, games and applications written for it.
If you want an Handheld emulation device then look no further.
Check out the PSP Scene from the beginning to the present day over at PSP News here --> http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/
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September 5th, 2012, 01:07 Posted By: wraggster
You may have a keen aim when it comes to targeted marketing campaigns, but how well do you fare with a sniper rifle?
MCV and Square Enix is looking for the UK games industry's deadliest assassin in our Hitman Sniper Challenge competition. The best performers each month will win a 16Gb Wi-Fi iPad 2 and a 10" Agent 47 statue – and in September, that means publishers.
The second and third prize is the 10" statue. A 2" version will be given to the rest of the Top Ten – and let's not forget our secret star prize for the Ultimate Assassin, which will be decided in December.
July was our Media league, topped by Future’s Iain Wilson with a whopping 4.7 million points. August was our Retail league, and we'll have the final scores in next week's issue of MCV. Now it's your turn, publishers.
If you want to take part in our Hitman Sniper Challenge contest, all you have to do is fill in your details at tinyurl.com/sniperchallenge.
Download codes are available for Xbox 360, PS3 and Steam. If you already have the Hitman Absolution pre-order game, Sniper Challenge, send in a photo of your high score to sniperchallenge@intentmedia.co.uk.
You have until September 30th to send in your scores. October will be our Developer league, followed by miscellaneous competitors in November. We'll then have the winners of each league back in December as we search for the Ultimate Assassin.
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September 5th, 2012, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
To mark 25 years of dungeon crawling (and soft-resetting), Square-Enix has packaged together all of its core Final Fantasy titles for this elaborate fan-baiting package. Alongside discs for Final Fantasies I through XIII, the games-maker has packaged a numbered presentation plaque -- replete with new artwork from renowned character artist Yoshitaka Amano -- alongside a two-disc soundtrack and commemorative DVD. The price of a limited-edition slice of Final Fantasy heritage? A total of 35,000 gilyen, (around $450) will net you the compilation, which lands on December 18th. Japan residents can hit the source for preorder details, while global enthusiasts can read up on the full title (and format) breakdown -- there's no news of an international release just yet.
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September 5th, 2012, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is to launch a Retro Games Sale to celebrate the launch of PSone support on Vita.
The sale kicks off tomorrow in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and United Arab Emirates.
Here's the full list of deals, which aren't exclusive to PSone games:PS3
- Space Channel 5 Part 2, Was - €7.99/£6.49 Now - €4.49/£3.69
PS3 Red Dead Redemption DLC
- Legends and Killers Pack, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Liars and Cheats, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Undead Nightmare, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Undead Nightmare Collection, Was - €19.99/£15.99 Now - €9.99/£7.99
- Blazblue Continuum Shift Extend, Was - €29.99/£24.99 Now - €24.99/£19.99 (Additional 15% off for PLUS members)
- A Bug's Life, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €1.99/£1.59
- Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Crash Bandicoot, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €3.59/£2.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €3.59/£2.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €3.59/£2.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- CTR: Crash Team Racing, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €3.59/£2.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Destruction Derby, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Disney Pixar Toy Story 2, Was - €5.49/£4.49 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Disney Pixar Toy Story 2 and Toy Story Racer, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Disney Pixar Toy Story Racer, Was - €5.99/£4.79 Now - €2.99/£2.39
- Disney's Hercules and Disney's Atlantis, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Disney's Little Mermaid 2 and Party Time with Winnie the Pooh, Was - €7.99/£6.49 Now - €3.59/£2.99
- Disney's Action Game Feat. Hercules, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Disney's Atlantis : The Lost Empire, Was - €6.49/£5.19 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- G-Police, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Jet Rider, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Jet Rider 2, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Kula World, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Kurushi Final, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Lilo & Stitch : Trouble in Paradise, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Mickey's Wild Adventure, Was - €5.99/£4.79 Now - €2.99/£2.39
- Monsters Inc : Scare Island, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Party Time with Winnie the Pooh, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €1.99/£1.59
- , Peter Pan : Adventures In Never Land, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €1.99/£1.59
- Syphon Filter, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- Syphon Filter 3, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99 (Additional 10% off for PLUS members)
- The Little Mermaid II, Was - €4.99/£3.99 Now - €2.49/£1.99
- Chicken Little, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Disney Princess Enchanted Journey, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers (Quack Attack), Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Donald PK, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Kim Possible: What's The Switch, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- Meet the Robinsons, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99, Peter Pan Return to Neverland
- Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99, Toy Story 3, Was - €9.99/£7.99 Now - €4.99/£3.99
- NBA 2K12, Was - €29.99/£23.99 Now - €14.99/£11.99
- 5-in-1 Arcade Hits, Was - €2.99/£2.49 Now - €1.19/£0.99
- MiniSquadron, Was - €1.99/£1.74 Now - €1.19/£0.99
- One Epic Game, Was - €2.99/£2.49 Now - €1.19/£0.99
- The Impossible Game, Was - €1.99/£1.74 Now - €1.19/£0.99
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September 5th, 2012, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Vita could be the new home for middle-tier games that are struggling on console and PC, Eufloria developer Rudolf Kremers tells us.
Much has been made of late about the middle tier being squeezed out of the game industry, with only big-budget games succeeding on consoles and the likes of iOS playing host to simpler games from smaller teams. Our latest issue, Edge 245, features an in-depth look at the problem.
In an interview, Kremers - whose minimalistic RTS Eufloria was a success on PC, then PSN, and was recently released on iOS - believes Vita is an ideal solution to the problem, with its technical horsepower and traditional controls making it a fine fit for ambitious games developed on slender budgets.
"I think Vita is a fantastic platform - I love it to bits," Kremer tells us. "It's become a new place for the mid tier of game development. What we have at the moment is this weird ecosystem where you either work on a massive-budget, triple-A title, or you work on very, very small, micro-project titles. That's just how it's grown; it's part of the disruption that iOS has created.
"But what I miss is a nice home for middle-sized, high-quality titles made by smaller teams that still feel a little bit like console or PC experiences - a bit more long-form, [with] a bit more depth."
Kremers believes that Vita is the platform to save the middle tier - and believes that Sony is well-placed to ensure it happens. He's full of praise for the platform holder's attitude to indies.
"Sony are clearly very accepting and encouraging to indie developers," he says. "I've had a really good experience with them publishing on PSN, and they seem to promote certain types of games that work well on their platform but made by smaller companies and one-man bands."
And no wonder. Sony supported Eufloria, of course, but the company's release slate is full of proof that it is prepared to take a chance on quality indie games. That attitude is set to spread beyond Sony's consoles with the launch of PlayStation Mobile, a cross-platform SDK enabling devs to release games not just for Vita, but PlayStation Certified smartphones and tablets too.
"PlayStation Mobile is extra-interesting because there's a certain amount of crossplatform development going on there," he explains. "It's very useful, I think, to add other mobiel devices to the mix. It's a very smart move.
"The SDK makes [your game] compliant with all these different platforms, so you develop it just once, within a set of constraints, rather than making it for five different platforms. You develop it for PS Mobile and it rolls out automatically for whatever [device] is compliant."
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September 5th, 2012, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Lara Croft is a permanent fixture at the MCV offices.
Eidos had mocked up an image of her reading your favourite trade weekly to celebrate our first birthday (which was 1999). It still stands proud in our office today, reminding us of a time when the Britsoft pin-up was one of the biggest gaming icons in the world.
But time has not been kind to the Tomb Raider. A failed foray into cinema plus a handful of duff releases and Lara’s star has faded. The action adventure series was in desperate need of modernisation. So that’s exactly what Square Enix and developer Crystal Dynamics has done.
“She had become somewhat unrelatable,” admits Darrell Gallagher, studio head at Crystal Dynamics.
“She was obviously fully-formed; she was a confident, wisecracking adventurer and it was something that people weren’t necessarily connected to 15 years in. So we wanted to strip it down, give her a personality, make her feel more human, grounded and believable.
“The thing we want to do is make her a more modern version of a young British girl versus somebody that was so, I hate to use the word ‘posh’, but in a sphere where she had a butler. She wasn’t that relatable – almost like the niece of the queen or something. You look at some of the actresses that are popular at this point, someone like a Keira Knightley, she’s just a very likeable English girl and that’s the kind of person that you’d imagine Lara to be like. We really wanted to make her a little bit closer to somebody you could know.”
The new Tomb Raider takes Lara back to the start, to a time before she was the ‘wisecracking adventurer’. And Gallagher and his team have turned to the world of movies for inspiration.
“Not many game franchises have run as long as Tomb Raider,” he says. “And we were faced with a challenge that many more franchises will also have to face.
“So we looked at Batman Begins and Casino Royale and said, well how have they remained relevant over the years? What they’ve done is essentially had turns in their franchises that made it feel modern. So every generation has its version of Batman or Bond.
“What they’ve done with that franchise is make it relevant by reinventing it for modern times. In the video game industry, we haven’t really been faced with that. We were feeling like we were one of the first to really have to tackle that.”
Lara Croft has certainly made her way back into the headlines. Over the past few months the upcoming Tomb Raider has sparked media furore over rape and violence. It may not be the sort of press the Square Enix PR team was hoping for, but the franchise has certainly got the world's attention once again.
But it’s not been all negative, this new look Croft has generated a certain level of excitement, too.
Gallagher adds: “We have placed a big emphasis in putting some maturity into our storytelling, The drama and maturity of a character and what she’s going through.
“It’s something we’re actually treating with care. For us to tell a survival story, there is a harshness to that to deliver on. When we’re thinking about Tomb Raider and we thought about all these action adventure stories and you think about people who climb Everest or survive after a plane crash in the Andes,. It’s not actually about the destination but it’s the journey.
“We looked at these incredible stories and we felt that we hadn’t ever really delivered on that in Tomb Raider. We’d delivered on fantasy, we’d delivered on destination, we’d delivered on picture postcard vistas and all kinds of aspects on action, adventure and discovery. But that true story of actually achieving something and it being something that you talk about as being heroic. There’s a harshness to it that without that challenge, it wouldn’t be a heroic story. When you think about Aaron Ralston, 127 Hours, and he chopped off his arm, it’s incredible. We wanted to have that enthused into this game so when it comes to the violence or it being adult, it’s really to support our goal.”
Tomb Raider also returns to a world where action adventure games are suddenly popular once again. Sony’s Uncharted franchise has been a phenomenal critical and commercial success, and it's a series that’s clearly inspired by Lara’s past glories.
Crystal Dynamics is keen to stress that this Tomb Raider is not simply Uncharted with a female lead. But the commercial performance of Sony’s series has certainly made Tomb Raider a far more enticing option for the trade, and could even give it the edge in a surprisingly congested Q1 2013.
“When you look at Uncharted or some of the other big games out there, if they spring an appetite in the public and they want more, then we only benefit from that,” admits Gallagher.
“They make great games and I enjoy playing them. We were actually planning this before Uncharted 2, so Uncharted was still in its infancy. We knew at that point that we had to take this franchise in a different direction, not 1necessarily because of Uncharted, but because we knew we were facing a problem with a franchise that, at that point, had been around for almost 13 years.
“Regardless of what the competition were doing, we knew that to stay relevant we had to change. So as it happened, Uncharted came out and elevated action adventure and they did a great job and certainly took some inspiration from Tomb Raider but for us, we were actually travelling in a different path already.”
It’s a direction that appears to be working, at least so far. Early press previews have been positive. If the game lives up to its current demos, then it should certainly enjoy the backing of the games media.
“We’ve had great responses overall and I think there’s a lot of interest in this reinvention of Tomb Raider. For the most part, I feel there’s goodwill. People want it to come back. There’s been nominations on our booth wall at E3, we’ve been invited to do stage demos by Microsoft, and looking at not only just the media and journalist responses but also, more critically, gamer responses as well
“There’s tons of commentary that I see around the gaming public which is suggesting that there is a real will for Tomb Raider to be back on the map.”
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September 6th, 2012, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
Yifan Lu the coder behind the Kindle jailbreak and mods and more famously PSXperia (running PSX games on Xperia Play) has revealed that he is now working on a Native Loader for the PSVita, basically its an Userland Vita Loader for loading unsigned executables on your Vita - Homebrew Loader for the PSVita - (not like VHBL which uses the PSP Emulator on PSVita).
The project comes from a PSVita exploit he has found and obviuosly wont give details of as of this time because of Sony plugging the exploit.
Theres no release yet but the sourcecode is being worked on as we speak. Yifan Lu has stated on his twitter account this
Also this:
For the Devs out there here is what he posted in full:
Very interesting times ahead.
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September 7th, 2012, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Developer Most Wanted Entertainment is preparing a new shooter for Ubisoft's staple, Thunder Wolves. Launching during the first quarter on Xbox Live Arcade, PC and PSN.
The game features over 30 chopper and weapon combos. There's also a co-op mode, with one person flying the bird and the other shooting every mother-lovin' baddy in sight.
Thunder Wolves places players in the cockpit of a war bird with one goal: establish air supremacy. We've gotta imagine "don't run out of fuel" and "don't fly into that building" are close secondary goals.
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September 7th, 2012, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's first 4K TV set has been priced at $25,000 (£15,700) in the US.
Available to pre-order now ahead of its release this November, the 84-inch XBR-84X900 has a 3840 x 2160 resolution - that's four times the pixels of full HD.Other key features include 3D viewing, a virtual 5.1 surround sound field and online connectivity through the Sony Entertainment Network. Get the full tech specs here.
Just as the PS3 played a key role in establishing Blu-ray and later 3D content, PlayStation 4 is expected to form part of Sony's plan to push 4K tech out to consumers.
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September 7th, 2012, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
Sports Interactive is "constantly watching" the sales data of Sony's PS Vita, the studio's director has said, but the group will not release a Football Manager game for the system until sales pick up.
Speaking to CVG on the day of the Football Manager 2013 announcement, Miles Jacobson said that Vita owners looking for an FM fix will discover that the PSP version of the management sim is still playable on the newer handheld."We actually found out by accident that you can play the PSP version of Football Manager Handheld on Vita," he said. "At the moment, this year there will not be a specific Vita version.
"I really like the device, I know it may not have performed at retail as much as people would have liked, but we're constantly watching to see if it does pick up. It is a really special device, and hopefully it will get to the stage where we can get something through Sega so Football Manager can be on the system.
"At the end of the day, we are running a business and we need our games to be profitable, so we have to take into account the sales of the Vita version before making a decision."
On the subject of the upcoming iOS and Android versions of Football Manager Handheld 2013, Jacobson said to expect a release before Christmas.
He explained: "We can't talk about it just yet, specifically because we don't know what the iPhone 5 is going to be like and don't know what the feature set yet."
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September 7th, 2012, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
It may sound like an obvious statement, but Activision has been forced to clarify that it is indeed the publisher of Vita shooter Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified.
"Activision is the publisher, but we also have a partnership with Sony to bundle Declassified with the PlayStation Vita," was the statement given to CVG, but it doesn’t really answer all of the questions.
For instance, we know that neither Treyarch and Infinity Ward – the two lead studios in the complex world of Call of Duty development – have no involvement in the game’s production.
Instead, development is being handled by Nihilistic Software, whose two most recent projects are Resistance: Burning Skies PlayStation Move Heroes. Both of which are Sony games.
Then we have the fact that Sony appears to have been given complete control of the marketing and presentation of the title.
All of which has led many to conclude that the game is, by all intent and purposes, a Sony title, with Activision having only licensed the IP to it.
Whether or not that’s technically accurate will no doubt emerge over time, but it’s safe to say that the game isn’t being kept as close to Activision’s chest as it would normally.
In fact, we don’t think it’s stepping out of line to say that it’s at arm’s reach.
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September 7th, 2012, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
It’s one of Japan’s biggest gaming exports and has sold over 100 million units worldwide. In January 2007, it was listed as the third best-selling video game franchise in the industry. It’s branched from role-playing games to tactics, action, MMORPG, third-person shooter, fighting and rhythm genres. And it’s just about to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
The series has been both commercially and critically successful and is synonymous with quality, innovation and visuals. It’s also a huge brand that goes beyond games and into merchandise, jewelry, perfume, concerts, soundtracks and even movies. It is, of course, Final Fantasy.
In its 25th year, Square Enix has already released two games, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, digitally re-released the most popular entry, Final Fantasy VII, for PC and Square Enix announced it was rebuilding its latest MMORPG after disappointing fans. What else does the firm have planned for this mammoth franchise?
“We’re preparing to unveil a Final Fantasy exhibition here in Japan,” said Square Enix’s senior executive managing officer Shinji Hashimoto. “Plans for anniversary projects in Europe and America are also underway and we’d like to extend an invitation to all our fans to celebrate this special year with us.”
There’s already a teaser site online hinting at a possible new entry to the Final Fantasy XIII series, the PS3 exclusive Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still in development and there’s surely something more to that impressive tech demo from this year’s E3.
What’s impressive is that an essentially Japanese franchise has managed to gain commercial success worldwide.
“Perhaps it’s the avid enthusiasm the creators have invested in the Final Fantasy titles and the desire to realise exciting new elements in the series which has captured the imagination of players everywhere.
“There could be a variety of different factors involved as to why it’s done well in Europe especially. A couple of important points to consider would be carefully localising the game and ensuring there is as little difference as possible in the release dates across Japan, Europe and America.”
With the launch of Final Fantasy XIII-2, DLC was introduced for the first time in the main series adding costumes, new story sections and bosses to fight in the game’s coliseum area but it didn’t always go down well with fans.
“Each batch of DLC we released for Final Fantasy XIII-2 was received differently by players. However, this helped us to learn and deliver better results. Our goal now is to pay strict attention to user needs while planning future DLC releases.”
Final Fantasy has a reputation for being a very pretty franchise. But Hashimoto hopes there’s more to Final Fantasy’s legend. “Although we talk about Final Fantasy as a franchise, it’s important to consider the different producers and directors behind the games, all of whom have left their mark by evolving the series in their own ways.
“The tactical style featured in Final Fantasy XII’s battle system or the fast-paced fighting found in XIII have all contributed to the many assets that have accumulated and allow the series to flourish up to now. We intend to continue with this evolutionary approach to keep taking the series forward.”
New Final Fantasy continues to come thick and fast, and with its stunning E3 tech demo, it appears Final Fantasy will stay in the leading for a while to come.
“The tech demo we revealed at E3 is one indicator of the direction the series is taking. I believe we have continued to explore every possibility for advancing the series while always scrapping and rebuilding the Final Fantasy design,” Hashimoto added. “This is also something very unlikely to change in the future.”
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September 7th, 2012, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita’s security protocols have been breached.
The hacker who cracked Amazon’s Kindle, Yifan Lu, claims to have constructed a working loader that is able to run some very basic unofficial code on the handheld.
While the playing of PSP homebrew on Vita has been working for some time, this is the first time that brand new software has got successfully up and running.
And despite the nobility of these early developments, it’s hard to deny that news like this is often the first step toward something altogether more sinister – piracy.
As always, the hack’s creator has defended his work, claiming that he is not responsible for what others may do with the inroads he has created.
Indie developer Wolfgang Wozniak asked: “Your exploit doesn't do anything, yes, yes, I know. But it's an open door. Not for you, but for people who want to destroy us.”
To which Lu replied: “Again, I apologize, but what can I do about what others may possibly do in the future? I would be glad to do anything in my power.”
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September 8th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
In an effort to 'actively' avoid repeating the mistakes made with PSP, Sony is said to be discouraging developers from porting console games to Vita.
That's according to Sony's marketing VP for handhelds and consoles John Koller , who has told Gamasutra that while the message for the two portables is similar - 'console quality ports on a handheld' - Sony is working to avoid making the same mistake of pushing out ports."The issue that happened with PSP is we got overrun with ports," said Koller. "It became very difficult for us to define what made PSP unique. The content development became a bit unstructured or decentralized, in that we got a lot of content that was on PlayStation 2 and got thrown over to the handheld."
Koller goes on to state the importance of these 'console experiences' being unique to Vita. He says the handheld "isn't something consumers play because they've left the living room. It's something that [needs to be] unique, and defines the Vita experience."
The evidence of Sony's guidance so far is questionable. While titles such as Uncharted: The Golden Abyss, WipEout 2048 and Resistance: Burning Skies have represented solid Vita-exclusive efforts from Sony-only franchises, many other Vita games have simply been small-screen ports of console titles.
Koller looks to the future, pointing to games such as Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified and Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation - two major console franchises coming to Vita with all new games. "The messaging is similar [between PSP and PS Vita], but I think the output is going to be quite different," he assures.
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September 8th, 2012, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
A supposedly leaked image suggesting that Grand Theft Auto 5 will release before 2013 is not genuine, CVG understands.
Grand Theft Auto V release date rumours have been abundant ever since the game was first announced in November last year.The latest speculation was triggered by a purportedly leaked screenshot of Rockstar's info page that suggested the crime opus would be released before Christmas.
But CVG has been informed that the image has been doctored by a third-party and includes misleading information.
In July, Rockstar released a statement on the persistent GTA 5 release date rumours and stated that the company is not going to comment on every single rumour.
"There is going to be no shortage of non-stop hoaxes, faked footage and screens, rampant rumours and speculation," the company said at the time. "As a rule, we are not going to get into the game of confirming or denying each of these as they happen as there is simply too much of it. Half of them we don't even understand."
On Wednesday, CVG readers voted GTA V as their most anticipated game to close the current generation, followed closely by Kojima Productions' Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.
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September 8th, 2012, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Activision's two key Call of Duty studios, Treyarch and Infinity Ward, have not been involved with the gameplay development of the PS Vita shooter Declassified.
John Rafacz, a communications manager at Treyarch, told CVG that "we have not been involved with the Vita version".Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified, developed by the independent California studio Nihilistic, has frequently been publicised by Sony although Activision has been relatively quiet on the project.
This led to some suspicions that Activision was not publishing the game but instead licensing the brand to Sony. To clarify the matter, Activision issued a statement to CVG explaining:
"Activision is the publisher, but we also have a partnership with Sony to bundle Declassified with the PlayStation Vita."
It added that, with Declassified story taking place in the timeline between the original Black Ops and Black Ops II, Treyarch was "consulted to ensure accuracies within the fiction".
The Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified release date is set for November.
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September 8th, 2012, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
Yifan Lu, the self-styled 'reverse engineer' attempting to write a loader enabling Vita to run homebrew software, has stressed that his efforts won't allow consumers to play pirate retail games.
Speaking to an indie Vita developer onTwitter, he said it's "physically impossible to decrypt or load retail games with my exploit".It was then put to him by the developer that his exploit will represent "an open door. Not for you, but for people who want to destroy us".
This is a possibility that Lu acknowledged in an interview with PlayStation Lifestyle.
"When the exploit goes public, it could be used as a stepping stone to analyze the system for farther exploits, including the more desirable kernel exploit, which if found would open the system up entirely (mods, CFW, maybe even Linux/Android, and unfortunately ISO loaders)," he told the site.
"However, it takes a lot of skills to find such an exploit, and those who I talked to with the necessary skills are all anti-piracy. However, not thinking of potential other exploits, this one can only be used to load homebrews and nothing else... Sony's system is really well designed and I believe a kernel exploit is very far away."
On his stance regarding piracy, Lu reiterated: "I am 100% against piracy and no tool I will make will benefit piracy. This tool, in fact, cannot be used for loading backups/pirated content even if I want to because of the physical limitations of the exploit (it is userland, no rights to decrypt/load games)."
Lu also said that he's only "at the very early" stages of being able to run homebrew on Vita. "The first step in fact. This means that readers will have to wait at least a couple of months before they can even see any demo at all."
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September 8th, 2012, 11:26 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/05/why-the...-not-dead-yet/
I have been here in the scene for the last two years and I think that in that there was a “bussy” PSP Community. Right now, there is not that fuss but I think saying the PSP is dead is not right.
Firstly, the release of PRO-C with its cool online features (that Sony didn’t even try to give us because PSP Adhoc Party is not good enough), has opened a whole new world in the PSP gaming sector. Now, people are playing online and you can find up to 40-60 people connected at the same time in a day, which is not that bad considering it is not an official release by Sony and for that reason, people just do not try it. Also, Coldbird and Virtuos Flame have dedicated a lot of time on what, from my point of view, is the best PSP CFW for the unhackeable PSPs. The creation of Inferno and the PRO Online Client is what I think the PRO CFW needed to really show its full potential.
Then, as I talked in my last post, there are cool and fun Minis waiting for you to try them. For just a modic price you can get a really good game for your PSP, I mean, you have to get bored of Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, etc sometime. So, why don´t you try something more “arcade”, like Age of Zombies? Give them a chance, and do not think just because they are small they are going to be worse.
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September 8th, 2012, 23:19 Posted By: wraggster
Kat, the star of Gravity Rush on Vita, is the latest character to be tipped for an appearance as a playable fighter in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
Numerous leaks for the cast of Sony's Smash Bros. challenger have come from official sources and this once again appears to be the case.A screenshot of what appears to be Kat's profile on the official Battle Royale website hassurfaced online. Admittedly, this is something that could be faked with a little effort, but the official site has already been at the centre of previous leaks, allegedly including previous hints of Kat's appearance.
We had a good look around the official site but found no evidence of Kat's appearance - if this was another 'leak', someone's plugged the hole.
In Gravity Rush, Kat has the ability to control gravity and unleash devastating mid-air attacks, as well as an assortment of your usual grounded melee combos. She'd make a good fit in the brawler.
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September 8th, 2012, 23:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sony VP Adam Boyes has said the platform holder is working with Bethesda to overcome the issues impeding the release of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Dawnguard expansion on PS3.
"We have a big, broad dev support team that works closely with Bethesda - and with all of our partners - to work with them to solve that any sort of issues they have along the way," Boyes told Kotaku when asked about game that's been plagued with issues on PS3 since launch."Of course, I always want everything to work always for everyone. I can't promise any kind of resolution or timeline but can say that everyone involved is trying their best to get this stuff working," he added.
Reassuring words for PS3 gamers who are understandably frustrated at the lack of the Dawnguard DLC on Sony's console.
Unfortunately, Bethesda says it won't release Dawnguard on PS3 until it's happy with how the content runs, and at the moment the developer says it's just "not satisfied yet".
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September 9th, 2012, 02:52 Posted By: wraggster
Wifihack 2.0 a pretty cool PSP Homebrew tool is now available for the PSP Homebrew community . This cool PSP Wifi Tool for the PlayStation Portable System will help users get the default password needed from the router . This version has been updated to address some bugs and offer better compatibility for the PSP CFW System . Below is a bit more information from the developer about this Wifihack 2.0 released . Controls:
X: Hacking WiFi.
[]: Update WiFis.
Fixed error in JAZZTEL_XXXX.
Code cleanup.
Added ICON0.
Remember that this PSP Wifi Hack tool will retrieve the default username and password from the router, So please do not tried to retrieve users router information that you do not own or have permission to do so as they could be some legal issue .
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September 9th, 2012, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBricks 1.0 a Tetris Type of homebrew game is now available for PSP users who have a homebrew enable PSP System . If you love playing tetris, Then you are going to love this newly release homebrew game known as OpenBricks which was made available a few hours ago to the PS3 Homebrew community . This awesome homebrew game has some pretty cool color graphics that users will enjoy as well as love to play .
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September 9th, 2012, 03:16 Posted By: wraggster
Runaway Car 1.2 is the latest PSP Hmebrew game to be made available to the PlayStation Homebrew community . If you love playing Cool racing cars game, Then you are going to love this basic but well done homebrew game known as Runaway Car 1.2 which was made available to the PlayStation Community for PSP users who have a homebrew enable PSP System .
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September 9th, 2012, 03:30 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/06/what-wi...rvers-go-down/
If you read this, it’s possible that like me, you are the owner of a PSVita. Maybe, like me, you were trying to be cheap, and got a 4GB memory card to go with it. Or maybe you’re super rich and got yourself a 32GB version, the best one can get with Sony’s Vita in those days of 50GB Movies and 3TB hard drives.
Maybe, like me, you realized the horrible truth fairly quickly: the average AAA title on the PSP was 500MB, while on the Vita, the average is at 1.5GB, with superstar games such as Uncharted going up to 3.5GB. Maybe, because you’re stupid like me, you thought going digital was a nice idea, and you found yourself cornered with your memory stick full of games less than 2 weeks after buying your Playstation Vita, with no room left to even copy a music album.
Oh, silly you and your first world problems, don’t cry: if you have too many games, you can easily delete them to make room, and since Sony allows you to re-download your purchased games from their services free of charge, you’ll be able to get them back whenever you want…
But imagine for one moment that Sony’s servers go down for a long period of time, either because of a technical issue, or due to business decisions (sarcastic details below on why this is not an unlikely scenario) :
You’re facing a situation where, if Sony’s servers get shut down at some point, whatever games are currently on your memory stick will be the only ones you can play ever again.
Some people will pretend that this is a general problem with digital downloads, not with the Vita in particular. This is incorrect. For example, the PSP has digital downloads too, but you can copy them as much as you want to your own hard drive, then copy them back to the PSP. This will work as long as you don’t mess with the PSP’s licenses for each game. (And I could also explain how the humble bundle digital downloads work DRM free, but that would be a low blow)
So, why not use the backup functionality of the PS Vita to do the same then? Well, I’m glad you ask, since this is where I was going: the only way to copy files back and forth between your Vita and your PC is through CMA, a tool which requires your PC to be connected to Sony’s servers constantly while you use it. At this point I assume you understand where I’m going: in a scenario where Sony’s servers are down for whatever reason, you can’t copy anything from and to your Vita, because the only tool to do that won’t let you. This, among other things, renders all your backups useless, and basically means whatever is not on your memory stick right now will never be able to run on your Vita ever again.
Yes, this is nothing new, it just hit me like lightning the other day, as I was asking myself “why do I hate the concept of CMA so much?”.
But hey, who am I fooling, there’s no chance in hell Sony’s servers will ever go down [Warning: sarcasm ahead]. It’s not like they’ve been in a bad financial shape for the past 4 years, or if they’ve ever had their PSN servers hacked and taken down for a long period of time, or if they have been closing many network game servers recently to reduce costs… And the Vita is doing such awesome sales so far, there’s no risk Sony will ever try to cut their loss on this device.
And even if that ever happened, come on, with a 32GB card, you can store up to 10 Vita games, and who has ever bought more than 10 games for a console, right? And those who do won’t mind spitting an additional $100 for a memory stick every time they run out of space, I’m sure. It’s not like Vita games are expensive anyway.
By the way, I digress, but this echoes one thing I’ve been saying for a while: digital games on the Vita should be much cheaper than the physical version. It’s only natural since storing them on a memory stick costs about $15 (average cost for 3GB on a Sony memory stick – by comparison the same costs about $2.5 on a sdcard), a 30% cost increase which is absorbed in the case of a physical purchase because you don’t have to pay for the storage.
No, unlike what the image at the top of the article seemed to imply, I am not coming with a terrifying revelation on how all the Vitas in the world will stop working if Sony’s systems ever go down. But I’m just realizing more strongly how we are not buying games anymore, we’re merely renting them, and the system is already in place to make sure it will not be easy to claim ownership of the digital products we bought, if something bad ever happens to Sony. Don’t you love how today, you can fire up your old Dreamcast, and it tells you you can’t play games because it can’t find a connection to Sega’s servers?
So, do you trust Sony’s servers that keep your Vita alive will still be here in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? Would you rather stick to physical games? Or will you buy a new memory stick every time you download a new game? Do you expect Sony would release a “patch” to let you retrieve your backups with CMA, if they ever go bankrupt?
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September 9th, 2012, 03:37 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/07/release-open-cma-1-80/
We knew it was awful when firmware 1.80 rolled out disabling Open CMA. Everyone hard at work has made a new patch to fix all the problem and it works!
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September 9th, 2012, 12:39 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/07/video-s...vhbl-for-1-80/
In our impressive list of VHBL-compatible homebrews for this upcoming release, SNES emulator Snes9xTYL was missing, due to some inexplicable crash in the intro of the emulator. Sure, we had UO Snes9x just in case, but for some reason people tend to prefer Snes9xTYL.
Well dry your tears, because thanks to dev Thorwak Snes9xTYL is now joining the ranks of VHBL compatible games for Neur0n’s release!
It turns out the intro of the emulator was the only thing crashing, for some (so far) unknown reason, probably because of a bug in how VHBL handles certain sounds functions. Thorwak figured out that by simply removing the intro, he could get the emulator to load and run perfectly fine, so there you go!
This sounds like a simple achievement, but having tried myself several times to compile Snes9xTYL, I can tell you this is not fun. I’ll let Thorwak shime in and point people to his sources whenever he feels they are ok to share. In the meantime, enjoy the video, and a download link to the VHBL-compatible version.
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September 9th, 2012, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/08/4th-times-the-charm/
A vulnerability has been found by Neur0n a few months ago in a PSP game, and this vulnerability has been leveraged to port VHBL in order for us to run PSP homebrews on the Vita. Following the request of many Vita owners, this announcement was postponed to wait for the release of Vita firmware 1.80, a firmware that brings PS1 compatibility.
As usual, we’ve let the members of our forums know about the vulnerability a few weeks in advance, in order to let them buy and download the game before Sony pulls it from their store. Protip: If you’re a member of our community and haven’t seen the announcement by now, you probably need your eyes checked (unless you joined in the past 24h).
Hmm, this one might hurt a little bit, given how successful this game is on the PSP…
Disclaimer: This announcement comes with absolutely no guarantee of you successfully running VHBL on your machine. We’ve been testing this for a while now, but there’s always the possibility something gets patched between this announcement and the release.
The game used for Neur0n’s VHBL port is Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, also known as Monster Hunter Portable 2ndG in Japan. Similar vulnerabilities exist in Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and in Monster hunter Portable 3rd, for which we also have VHBL ports (although I haven’t personally tested these ones).
We expect Sony to pull the game from their stores within the next 48h, so if you are interested in homebrews, you might want to buy that game asap before it is out. For those who worry that we are sacrificing one of the best titles of the PSP in the name of homebrews, please keep in mind that so far the PSP games used in VHBL exploits have always returned to the PSN after a patch has been pushed by Sony.
I don’t expect brainless gamers to read that far, so I assume this blog will, once again, be filled with comments in the form of “you guys are killing the vita”, “this will lead to piracy”, “why would you guys prefer to play pong over Uncharted?”, “hackers should die”, “OMFG leave Sony alone they already have so much trouble with the bad Vita sales” or, my favorite one “wait until Sony removes psp support from the Vita because of you”. But in case you read that far, I just want to remind everyone that VHBL has never led to PSP or Vita piracy in its 2 years and a half of existence.
Well, that’s it, hurry up and buy the game. It also happens to be a very popular franchise, so if only for the game itself, it’s probably worth it.
Oh, by the way, some people mentioned that the game only supports one save slot. This is true. If you actually want to play the game, you will have to regularly swap your own save and the VHBL save.
Once you have downloaded and installed the game, it is recommended that you do not update your console. In particular, do not update the CMA client. The VHBL files will be released, as usual, after the game gets pulled from the store.
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September 9th, 2012, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via http://wololo.net/2012/09/08/vhbl-on...exploit-video/
I forgot to upload the “proof of concept” video this morning when I announced Neur0n’s exploit for Monster Hunter, so there you go.
In this video, we are running the exploit (which is done by going to the “Download” section of the game), I then go to the “savegame” section of the memory stick in order to install some homebrews: Wagic and CSPSP. Wagic seems particularly long to install, but this is because its resource file is a single 40MB file which takes a little while to extract an copy. You can then see me play both Wagic and CSPSP on the PS Vita through the exploit.
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September 9th, 2012, 12:54 Posted By: wraggster
via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/a...p?storyid=3134
When True Blue was launched last year, he used special discs engraved to play games instead of Eboots.
Even after all the releases of the Team, there were some games that did not. Since last year a lot of teams have looked over and they have finally discovered the "BCA codes" that can now be burned to Blu-ray regular. At present, these codes leaked by 'OxweB' that can be seen with a magnifying glass, is not yet usable, but the rate things are going now, it could be that the latest security True Blue also falls. STRENGTH ARKHAM
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September 9th, 2012, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
If you were intrigued about that Wonderbook PlayStation peripheral we saw back at E3, then your curious wait may soon be over. As of November 13th, you'll be able to get your wizardy hands on the accessory for the reasonably magic price of $39.99. This is for the book alone, but there's also a bundle for $79 that includes the Book of Spells game (in collaboration with J.K. Rowling) a Move motion controller and the PlayStation Eye camera. Three other forthcoming titles get a mention too, Diggs: Nightcrawler, BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs and experiences from Disney, set for release some time in 2013. In the meantime, better start saving up the Galleons.
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September 9th, 2012, 19:10 Posted By: wraggster
More exciting news today is the Project PSIO, a project to have a SD Card Adapter for the PS1, heres the details:
Project PlayStation Input Output (pronounced sigh-oh) is a project in development that will allow you to back up your PlayStation CD-ROM's and let you then play them directly off an SD card on the actual PlayStation 1 console.
We have also gone to the trouble of adding a PS1 Development section for the users who would like to program and share their work. This is basically a way of replacing the Yaroze server that Sony shutdown a few years ago, as well as preserving and providing a free and dependent backup of the SDK's, tools, manuals, code and much more that are impossible to now find.
Regards, The PSIO Team.
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September 10th, 2012, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu over the years has been home to some of the greatest coders and MikeDX the coder behind DXDev was the coder who released the First MAME and NEOGEO MVS Emulators for the PSP.
Check out his work and relive the history from the early days of the PSP Scene here --> http://dxdev.dcemu.co.uk/
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September 10th, 2012, 14:38 Posted By: wraggster
But console giant cannot promise any kind of resolution or timeline to bug fixes, says VP Adam Boyes
Sony is providing a large development support team to work with Bethesda on fixing the various issues affecting blockbuster RPG Skyrim on PS3.
Since release on the console the title has been plagued by a number of bugs, such as struggling to cope with the amount of game data as a player progresses through their game.
Bethesda has also recently revealed that it was not positive it could solve the problems surrounding the release of DLC Dawnguard, which was released in June for Xbox 360 and PC owners.
The studio said it was unsure if it could make the game plable to an acceptable quality, given the sizeable content added in the expansion.
It also admitted that it could not commit too many developers to fix the issues as it had other expansions in the works.
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September 10th, 2012, 15:39 Posted By: wraggster
As im updating the sites on DCEmu im also giving some focus on some of the excellent coders who have made Homebrewing so special over the years.
Plynx is a coder who came to DCEmu and was the first to release an Atari Lynx and Atari Jaguar emulator for the PSP Console.
Chec out his site here --> http://plynx.dcemu.co.uk/
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September 10th, 2012, 15:47 Posted By: wraggster
PSMonkey an ex admin here at DCEmu and a great friend at that was responsible for the first 2 Nintendo 64 Emulators for the PSP, Nin64 and Monkey64, Also he was the coder of the first NeoGeo Pocket emulator and the coder of Quake 3 BSP Viewer, the rather excellent Iris and finally Sandbox.
All those releases were awesome and certainly put DCEmu on the map in the heyday of the PSP Scene.
Check them all out here --> http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/
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September 10th, 2012, 19:56 Posted By: wraggster
A lot of content was 'thrown over' from the PS2 by developers to the handheld, says marketing VP
Sony’s PSP handheld was overrun by console ports affecting its sales in the West, the console giant’s marketing VP has admitted.
Speaking to Gamasutra, John Koller said that despite its success it became difficult to define the console’s unique capabilities due to a lack of original IP.
He said many developers had simply "thrown over" a lot of content to the handheld from the PS2, rather than taking advantage of the PSP’s own functionalities, and hoped this was a mistake Sony would not repeat with Vita.
"The issue that happened with PSP is we got overrun with ports," said Koller.
“It became very difficult for us to define what made PSP unique. The content development became a bit unstructured or decentralized, in that we got a lot of content that was on PlayStation 2 and got thrown over to the handheld."
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September 10th, 2012, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has some treats in store for US PlayStation Plus subscribers this week.
Anyone who spent their childhood putting fools in headlocks in Double Dragon on NES will want to check out Double Dragon Neon, which will be free to PS Plus users from tomorrow, November 11.Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game will also be free, and Jet Set Radio will get a 10 per cent discount.
PS Plus users will also be able to pick up Max Payne 3 for $40.49 - a 33 per cent discount on the usual $60 price (regular PSN users will get a still worthwhile 25 per cent discount).
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September 10th, 2012, 22:22 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/10/updated...-fixes-errors/
A new version of the Open CMA for Vita 1.80 has been made to easily fix the errors alot of people have been receiving. (This also fixes the music/video bug!)Tutorial for the new version:
- Extract the archive in your CMA folder (program files/Sony/Content Manager Assistant by default)
- Quit the CMA if it is running on your PC
- Execute “run.bat” (you need to run it in “Admin mode” on windows 7
- That’s it, now the CMA should run without requiring to be connected to the internet
Its recommended that you do use open CMA when the vhbl files come out. Open CMA for those who do not know is the content manager to copy files to the vita and back but without any internet connection unlike the official Sony CMA. It will also not sneak a patch or do a forced firmware update on your device if one comes out and it will not send any data to Sony about whats being copied, edited, transferred or crashes.
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September 10th, 2012, 22:35 Posted By: wraggster
Between 20 and 23 September, the Home Japan Tokyo Game Show (TGS) or Sony will present the model in 4K is rumor stage for several months now.
Some positions NeoGAF forum, let thought the release date would be September 28, 2012. This new revision is only rumors in recent months, rumors imply that the console would be based on 16GB FLASH memory, a lid and Flip low storage capacity. Rumors also speak Model 250 GB and 500 GB Answer weekend 23.
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September 11th, 2012, 11:44 Posted By: wraggster
The folks over at Hulu have been focused on cleaning up content discovery and playback for a while, and now they've turned their collective eye to the PlayStation 3 Hulu Plus app. An update rolling out this evening brings a number of tweaks we saw hit its redesigned website in August, including the "tray-style" layout of shows, larger artwork, improved search with results that appear in the dropdown and simplified player controls. Take a peek in the gallery for a few screenshots of the new UI or after the break for an intro trailer. Although other platforms weren't mentioned specifically Hulu said the PS3 is the first living room device to show off its new experience, which leads us to believe other devices should get a similar look eventually. Subscribers can take a look on the PlayStation Network to see if they find any improvements, non-subscribers can, as usual, jump in on a free seven day trial.
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September 12th, 2012, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Despite having launched elsewhere in the world already, Sony's 3G PlayStation Vita is heading north to Canada with help from Rogers Communications this October. Beyond the usual features of the Vita, the 3G model offers access to various social networks while on-the-go, as well as a handful of games that support asynchronous multiplayer via 3G. Mostly, though, it just offers a $50 bump to the usual Vita price of $250 (at least in the US). In Canada, however, the 3G version is getting bundled with Gravity Rush and Unit 13, and the whole shebang is launching on October 2 for $299.99. It's unclear how much the unit will cost as a standalone (or if it's even being offered that way), but we've asked Sony Canada for more info. 3G plans with Rogers run $15 and $30 for 30-day packages bundling 250MB or 5GB data streams, respectively.
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September 13th, 2012, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Pai Chan from Sega's Virtua Fighter series will be one of three VF stars to feature as playable characters in Dead or Alive 5.
She joins fellow VF faces Akira and and Sarah Bryant in Tecmo's latest fighting game - all of whom turned up in a leaked roster list which hackers extracted from the code of the DOA5 demo.The first screenshots of Pai's DOA5 appearance (pictured) came via Famitsu(thanks Siliconera), showing the kung fu lass facing off against old man Gen Fu.
Tecmo earlier this week officially confirmed an all-new character for DOA5 - MMA fighter Mila.Check out a trailer through here.
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September 13th, 2012, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
Konami has finally confirmed a Little King's Story release date in US for eager Vita owners - October 2.
With a brand new story, New Little King's Story on Vita is a download-only sequel to the critically acclaimed Wii RPG, Little King's Story, which didn't sell nearly as many copies as it deserved.According to the official PR, "New Little King's Story follows players as they assume the role of King Corobo, tasked with reclaiming his kingdom from the Devil King, "The Nightmare." Players will experience an incredible journey as they visit seven different kingdoms and battle against evil dark lords that have captured the royal princesses."
New screenshots of the game in action were released last week. Have a look.
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September 13th, 2012, 01:42 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed the latest European PlayStation Store content update, which includes the release of Jet Set Radio for PS Plus members, as well as F1 2012 and FIFA 13 demos, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier DLC and more.
Here's the full list:
PlayStation Plus
- Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game - 100% discount
- Jet Set Radio - 1 week exclusive to PS Plus members with reduced price of £5.49/€6.99
- Max Payne 3 + R* Pass - 30% discount, two week offer
PS3 games
- Battlefield 3 Premium EditionPrice: £57.99/€69.99/AU$99.95
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Price: £57.99/€69.99/AU$99.95
- Machinarium (released 6th September 2012)Price: £6.49/€7.99/AU$12.95
- Max Payne 3Price: £31.99/€39.99/AU$59.95
- Max Payne 3 + R* PassPrice: £39.99/€59.99/AU$89.95 (reverts to £49.98/€69.98/AU$89.90 from 26/09)
- Red Johnson's Chronicles - One Against AllPrice: £6.49/€7.99/AU$12.95 (free trial available)
Availability: Not available in NZ
- The Walking Dead - Episode 3: Long Road Ahead (Released 7th September 2012)Price: £3.99/€4.99
Availability: Not available in AU, NZ
- NHL 13 (Releases 14th September 2012)Price: £57.99/€69.99/AU$99.95
Availability: Not available in IS, KU, LU, PT, SA, SP, UKR
PS3 demos (Free)
- F1 2012 demoAvailability: Not available in RU, UKR
- FIFA 13 demo
- Resident Evil 6 demo (releases on 18th September 2012)Availability: Not available in Germany
- WRC 3 demoPEGI: 3
Availability: Not available in Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine
PS Vita games
- Ecolibrium
- MUD - FIM Motocross World ChampionshipPrice: £31.99/€39.99/AU$59.95
Availability: Not available in BU,CR,IN,IS,KU,LU,QT,SA,SL,TK,UK
- SunFlowersPrice: £2.39/€2.99
Availability: Not available in AU, NZ
PS Vita demos/trials
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Availability: Not available in Turkey
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- Rock Band
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- Matchbox Twenty Pack 01
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- The Obsidian Conspiracy
- RBN 2.0
- Built To Grind (Rbn 2.0)
- Frontier Factory: Remanufactured (Rbn 2.0)
- Say Sayonara (Japanese Version) (Rbn 2.0)
- Wasted (Rbn 2.0)Availability: Only AU,AT,BE,DK,FI,FR,DE,IR,IT,NL,NZ,NO,PT,ES,SE.CH,GB
- Sleeping Dogs Street Racer PackPrices: £2.39/€2.99/AU$4.95
- Tales Of Graces F
- 300,000 Gald (#1) (£3.19/€3.99/AU$6.95)
- Asbel's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Attachment: Cardboard Mask (£0.79/€0.99/AU$1.75)
- Attachments: Angel Set (£0.79/€0.99/AU$1.75)
- Attachments: Turtlez Set (£0.79/€0.99/AU$1.75)
- Cheria's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Hubert's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Level Up +5 (#4) (£2.39/€2.99/AU$4.95)
- Malik's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Pascal's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Richard's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Sophie's School Costume (£2.99/€3.59/AU$6.25)
- Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Dinobot Destructor PackPrices: £7.29/€8.99/AU$14.45
- Warriors Orochi 3
- Jin Strikeforce Costume (£3.99/€4.99/AU$8.45)
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- Stage Pack 8 (£1.59/€1.99/AU$3.45)
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- Wei Strikeforce Costume (£3.99/€4.99/AU$8.45)
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September 13th, 2012, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is today increasing the cloud storage limit offered to PlayStation Plus members from 150MB to 1GB.
The increase will come into effect after downloading PS3 firmware version 4.25."After you've installed the update, simply go to the Saved Data Utility under the Game column of the XMB," Sony says. "From there you can access the Online Storage folder and find any existing game saves already uploaded, as well as the increase in space to 1GB.
"So set your automatic download to upload every game save for every game you play, and enjoy the additional breathing room. You can also continue to use this feature to selectively upload game saves you specify."
The platform holder is currently offering an annual PlayStation Plus subscription at a 25 per cent discount. Running until September 19, the offer lets you to pick up a 365 day pass for £29.99/€37.49, down from the regular price of £39.99/€49.99.
During its Gamescom conference last month, Sony revealed plans to bring PlayStation Plus to Vita later this year.
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September 13th, 2012, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster
Gearbox boss man Randy Pitchford has once again hinted that he'd love to see Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation Vita, a console he describes as "a really neat piece of hardware".He first proclaimed his desire to Eurogamer when he came to Brighton for the Rezzed show in July. "We're too busy to develop it ourselves," he said. "But I know there are a lot of talented developers who could take our code, our source and our content and perhaps create something like that."Clearly, the subject is still on his mind as he said almost the exact same thing this week while appearing as a guest on IGN's Up at Noon."I think it would be awesome to have Borderlands 2 on the Vita but I'm really busy. We can't do it ourselves," Pitchford explains.1/7
He would, however, be quite happy to work with another studio on the project, and once again urged Sony to help make it a reality."If some other studio was capable and could be trusted by us, and by a publishing partner, and by Sony, and someone wanted to invest in making that happen? I think Sony should step up and make that happen," he said. "I don't think it would cost a lot, relatively speaking, and I know there's a lot of talented people who have learned how to use the Vita and could do a great job at that. If that machine started to align itself, I wouldn't be the hold up. I would actually be an enabler."He went on describe his "dream scenario" of PlayStation 3 and Vita interaction."Imagine you could be playing the game on your PS3 and then, OK, I need to go on a road trip or I have to go to work or something. When I take my Vita with me, I have access to the same cloud save and can continue my character. Can you imagine how amazing that would be?"Don't get your hopes up too high, as it sounds like a Vita edition is still very much in the folder marked "Nice Idea But...", although Pitchford finished by saying he meets with Sony regularly and hopes the subject will come up again.In the meantime, why not count the hours until Borderlands 2 launches for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on September 21st?
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September 14th, 2012, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
The original PS2 Killzone game will arrive with shiny new HD visuals and Trophies as part of a Killzone Trilogy bundle disc next month. But what if you already own Killzone 2 and 3?
Sony has you covered. The platform holder has confirmed that Killzone HD will be released as a standalone download via the PlayStation Store simultaneously with the Trilogy release.For US gamers that's October 23, and a day later for UK/EU/Australia.
The PS2 remake will cost $14.99/€14.99/£11.99/AU$23.95, and come with the same up-rezzed visuals and new Trophy components as the retail release.
You can get a full list of those Trophies on the PS Blog, if you're interested.
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September 14th, 2012, 01:37 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has apologised to European PS3 owners still waiting for the PSN release of Valve's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Addressing fan questions regarding the game's whereabouts after it remained a no-show following the latest PlayStation Store update, Jawad Ashraf of the PS Store team said: "Sorry. It's the standard stock response from me again - I have no information to share."We contacted Sony about the matter today but received the same response. We've also left a message with Valve in the hope of getting an update.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive launched three weeks ago on PC and Xbox 360 globally, and on PS3 in the US, where it went on to top PSN sales in August.
Sony's European arm said on August 22: "We hope to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, and will let you know if the situation changes."
We said in our 8/10 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive review, which went live last month: "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a great introduction to the renowned shooter series, but veterans may feel there simply isn't enough new material here to justify the encore."
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September 16th, 2012, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 owners can choose between either a physical or digital purchase when Borderlands 2 hits UK retail next Friday (September 21st).
Sony has confirmed that the game will be released on the PlayStation Store at the same time it arrives at retail.
Furthermore, the game can also be pre-ordered on PSN right now.
In theory, the game will cost the same online as it does on the High Street too, sticking rigidly to the £49.99 RRP.
However, the PS3 version can already be had for as little as £35.85and will likely be offered at around the £40 mark by some retailers.
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September 16th, 2012, 21:11 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has said we'll be treated to our first glimpse of the elusive PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIV next month.
We were surprised when Square promised the PS3 version for a 2012 release (hell, we're shocked its still coming at all), and now producer Naoki Yoshida has said the first PS3 screenshots and info for the revived MMO, now subtitled 'A Realm Reborn', will be released next month."We'll be releasing the initial information [on the PS3 version] around mid-October," Yoshida told fans in a recent online chat session. "I believe we'll have screenshots first, but please hang in there," he added (thanks Siliconera).
According to its announcement last year, Square will release the PS3 version of FFXIV between October and December of 2012. To coincide with the release there will be a play-for-free period for the game as well as a mandatory client update for PC users.
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September 16th, 2012, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Good news and bad news. Good - here's the first official in-game trailer of NBA Live 13. Bad - the game has been delayed.
"Many fans have been anticipating an early October launch, but our plan is to release at a later date," EA has said in a recent blog update."We will share more information in the future," it added, without offering a reason for the delay or, crucially, even a rough ETA.
Not good news, especially since this is supposed to be EA's triumphant return to the sport since the disastrous last-minute canning of NBA Elite 11 back in 2010.
Anyway, here's what it'll look like when the disc is eventually spinning in your console. Sound off with your impressions below.
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September 17th, 2012, 02:12 Posted By: wraggster
CyberConnect2's upcoming manga adaptation/fighting game JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (not to be confused with Capcom's recently released JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HDon XBLA and PSN) may see the light of day on North American shores, should a recently filed trademark serve as any indication.
The trademark itself (Serial No. 85723902) was submitted by Namco Bandai and only covers the words "All Star Battle," which is interesting considering that the trademark for "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" has been abandoned since 2010. At any rate, the trademark covers usage of the phrase in relation to computer games, arcade machines and other "amusement arcade services."
We're not willing to interpret those definitions as meaning that an arcade version of All Star Battle is in the works, but this trademark's existence does support the notion of a North American release. We've reached out to Namco Bandai for comment by freezing time and dropping a road roller in front of their offices.
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September 17th, 2012, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Dokuro, a very cute puzzle platformer from Grandia developer Game Arts, will be released on Vita in North America in October. The PSN exclusive game stars a little skeleton man who attempts to rescue a princess from the Dark Lord who kidnapped her ... and who happens to be Dokuro's own master.
Dokuro must move ahead of the Princess, manipulating the environment and solving puzzles to create a safe path for her. Later, you gain access to abilities, like a "Hero Transformation" that lets you fight, and chalks that allow you to redraw the chalk drawing-esque environment.
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September 17th, 2012, 08:43 Posted By: cdoty
I ported my Worm Warrior game to the PSP:
This will run on either a PSP with normal (official) or custom firmware.
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September 17th, 2012, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is to hand over the WipEout IP to UK developer Evolution Studios, MCV understands.
The series appeared to have come to an end with the closure of fellow Sony studio and series creator Studio Liverpool last month.
However, the IP will now live on, a source close to the matter has said, with MotorStorm creators Evolution Studios assuming control of the franchise. It is unclear whether or not this will impact the development of future MotorStorm titles.
The Twitter account for PS3 title WipEout 2048 tweeted the following earlier this afternoon:
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September 17th, 2012, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
EA has announced a third game in its 8m plus selling RPG series Dragon Age.
Called Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, the game is powered by EA’s Frostbite 2 engine and has been in production since 2010.
"The Dragon Age team has been working on Dragon Age 3: Inquisition for almost two years now," BioWare Edmonton and Montreal GM Aaryn Flynn stated. "We've been poring over player feedback from past games and connecting directly with our fans. They haven't held back, so we're not either.
“With Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, we want to give fans what they're asking for — a great story with choices that matter, a massive world to explore, deep customization and combat that is both tactical and visceral.
"At the same time, we know we need new technology to truly make this vision become fully realized. And we've been working with DICE to make Frostbite 2 the foundation for the engine that is going to power Dragon Age 3."
Dragon Age 3: Inquisition is die for release in late 2013. EA has not specified what formats the game will be released on.
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September 18th, 2012, 02:02 Posted By: wraggster
Fans of Natsume's charming life sims will get a dual-serving of PS2 classics to grab from the US PS Store this week.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition was the enhanced PS2 version of the GameCube game of the same name (minus the 'Special Edition' bit obviously), and lets you live life on a farm, get married, have a kid and generally have a merry old time.The lesser known River King: A Wonderful Journey also from Natsume is a 'socially oriented fishing RPG', you go on a quest to catch the elusive 'River King' fish, working your way up from basic gear to all the smartest fishing tackle a little anime fisherman could ever want.
They arrive on the US PS Store tomorrow, along with Borderlands 2, Jet Set Radio, F1 2012 and a Resident Evil 6 demo, to name a few of the highlights.
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September 18th, 2012, 02:04 Posted By: wraggster
LittleBigPlanet Vita is out this week and Sony's released one last trailer to show why you should be all over it.
PSM3 magazine's Andy Hartup called LBP Vita "the best version of LBP on any format", and considering the PS3 games are brilliant, that's not a statement to be taken lightly.This launch trailer offers just a taster of what's in store, and in just one minute of footage it demonstrates more ingenuity that many games do in their entirety.
It's out in UK on September 19 and US on September 25.
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September 18th, 2012, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has confirmed release dates and pricing for the HD remakes of Nights into Dreams and Sonic Adventure 2.
They'll be available to download from the PlayStation Network on October 3 for £6.49 and from Xbox Live on October 5 for 800 Microsoft Points (£6.85).As a bonus, Nights into Dreams will feature the content included in the 1996 holiday-themed expansion Christmas Nights.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Mode DLC will be available for 240 Microsoft Points (£2.06), offering maps and characters from the GameCube version of the title, including Chao Karate.
Jet Set Radio HD is launching this week for non-PlayStation Plus members
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September 18th, 2012, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
More evidence appears to point to the introduction of a new PS3 model later this month.
According to Polygamia, the image to the right was featured in a recent promotional newsletter sent out by a Polish retailer.Further rumours suggest Sony is planning to launch a new PS3 model offering 12GB of flash memory priced at €199, alongside a beefy 500GB PS3 costing €299.
Last week a German online retailer reportedly claimed on Facebook that a new PS3 model offering 12GB of flash memory will hit stores in October.
At the same time, Wedbush analyst Michael Analyst suggested "Sony is starving the channel" of existing PS3 models ahead of a new hardware introduction.
In July it emerged that Sony Computer Entertainment had submitted what appear to be plans for anew PS3 model to the Federal Communications Commission.
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September 18th, 2012, 13:20 Posted By: wraggster
The New F1 game is coming soon, today we have a ton of screens for you to see, only thing you need to do is check them out via comments. Tell us what you think, for those of you really into F1, whos gonna win it this year?
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September 18th, 2012, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
(Full price) Week ending 15 September 2012
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September 18th, 2012, 14:19 Posted By: wraggster
SaveGame Saver 0.6 has been updated and released to the PlayStation Homebrew community . This cool PSP Homebrew application known as SaveGame Saver was develop and released by PSP Developer fede94boss who has decided to released this updated PSP Homebrew application to the PlayStastion Homebrew community for PSP users .
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September 18th, 2012, 14:28 Posted By: wraggster
ZombiesInf2 is now available for download . This is a pretty awesome well done homebrew game which has been updated and made available to PSP users who have a homebrew enable PSP system . This cool Zombie homebrew game Zombies Inf 2 has been updated with lots of new features as well as certain bug fixes from previous version for stability and compatibility for the latest PSP Homebrew game . Below is a bit more information from the developer about this PSP homebrew game for the PSP system . This game was posted on a russion blog by zharikov.vitalik . The game seem to be in Russian language . But the game play should be easy to understand and play .
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September 18th, 2012, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/13/video-p...ld-by-yifanlu/
Developer YifanLu, who recently revealed he has been working a Vita usermode exploit, is teasing us with a 3D demo running through (I assume) his work in progress “Usermode Vita Loader” (UVL). Video below.
This video is no visual proof that he is actually running an exploit, but based on his reputation and previous work on the Xperia Play and on the Kindle, you can definitely trust that this is not a simple “hey look, I can use PSM” type of video.
The video itself is quite impressive compared to the “cube” sample we have been used to in the unofficial SDK back in the days of the PSP. Clearly, the Vita has some horsepower willing to be fully exploited. Yes, if, as many people assume, this is an exploit within the code of Playstation Mobile, it will have the limitations that come with this application. After all, this is yet another sandboxed system on the Vita, but it looks much more promising than the PSP emulator, in terms of raw power and I/O access.
Some fear that this could lead to bad things to the Vita, although it has been stated many times by Yifanlu himself that this cannot possibly be used to pirate Vita games (try to think rationally: Sony gave away their PSM sdk for free to hundreds of thousands of developers, do you think they would have done that if there was a tiny bit of possibility that this system could be used to remove the protection of Vita games? Let’s be serious one minute). I, on the other hand, fear that this exploit could be easily patched by Sony the way they patch game exploits on the PSP emulator. The main difference being that we have dozens of exploits in PSP games, while this one for now, is quite unique.
There is no word on a release for this now. In the meantime, Monster Hunter is still available on the PSN, and will let you run VHBL 
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September 18th, 2012, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
Some of you have been using Monster Hunter 3rd in order to run VHBL. It has occurred to me that the instructions on the VHBL download page are specific to the other versions of the Monster Hunter series, and do not apply to Monster hunter 3rd. Neur0n has published an explanation on his twitter account.
This might be useful for those of you who got Monster Hunter 3rd either in Japan, or on the HK store which seems to ship the Japanese version of the game. Here is the process (roughly translated from Japanese, please keep in mind that I do not own the game):
- select ‘CONTINUE’
- go to Guild hall
- talk with pink woman
- select ‘イベントクエスト’
- select ‘下位クエスト’
- press left when quest appear
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/15/neur0n-...er-hunter-3rd/
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September 18th, 2012, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/15/is-that...t-on-the-vita/
Japanese developer goroh_kun, known locally for some of his work on Android, recently started investigating the PlayStation Vita. A few days ago he wondered if any hacker had seriously started to look into the Vita’s hardware (the answer was no, at least not publicly).
Yesterday he published a simple photo of the Vita CPU (picture below), showing what could be a JTAG port on the CPU. For those of you who don’t know, JTAG is a standard for electronics debugging (yay wikipedia!). It is used mostly for testing circuit boards (such as a console motherboards) during hardware development phases, but also in production, in order to randomly test retail units for quality control, or to check damaged units.
Could these 8 silver squares close to the CPU be JTAG ports?
Because JTAG allows anybody to communicate with the hardware, it is, of course, used by hackers as well to learn more about the hardware they are dealing with.
Therefore a working JTAG port on a Sony console would probably be very useful for hackers, but it would also be extremely surprising. Sony has been known to factory-deactivate JTAG ports from their consoles in the past, so such a mistake would be extremely unlikely. But we’ll see
One interesting side-effect of this is that we are seeing more people coming from non-console hacking worlds into the Vita realm. Yifanlu was mostly known for work on the Kindle, and goroh_kun usually lurks in the Android scene. If anything, I would say that Sony’s consoles have gained a reputation of being fairly secure, and this attracts hardware and software hackers looking for a challenge.
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September 18th, 2012, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/17/clearin...and-kexploits/
There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to mods lately, there’s a lot going on and it can be quite daunting trying to follow it all, especially if you’re new to the scene. I hope that by writing this we can keep the forum flooding to a minimum. let’s try to understand what these mods are and what they aim to do, if only to get a better perspective.
First we have the flagship mod of our wonderful site, VHBL. being sort of a community Developer project it combines the work of many talented people including: Neur0n, Wololo, m0skit0, JJS etc..
It’s main purpose is to run Homebrew applications on your PS Vita, in the PSP emulator on board the machine.
What it can do: Run certain homebrew applications such as Wagic, Doom, and a whole lot of emulators for various systems.
What it can not do: Run PSP ISO’s, Vita backups, Make you a cup of coffee while it brushes your teeth.
Now let’s move on to UV Loader, Developer/Hacker YifanLu has apparently discovered a way to access User Mode on the PS Vita, Which is great news…..for the future.
He is currently seeking assistance from talented Developers, so if any are reading this head to his thread here
What it will be able to do: Run Homebrew applications in the vita environment, using many more resources than the PSP Emulator on board the vita.
What it will not be able to do: Run backups of Vita games, install CFW or give you a magic bag of pixie dust that makes your mortal enemies cry at the sight of you.
all jokes aside, I would like to point out that it will NOT incorporate piracy. also, there is no release window as of yet so it could be a ways off from getting into our ready hands.
Some talented people in the scene have created what are called kernel Exploits, or, Kexploits for short. one example of this is Davee and his exploit that allows him to run Iso backups of PSP games(not Vita).
What it can do: Run PSP ISOs, Load almost any Homebrew written for PSP(in my understanding), and perhaps install CFW for the PSP emulator on the Ps Vita…that’s a mouthful.
Bottom line though, None of these kxploits are being shared by the Devs who have created them, and for a few good reasons. One is that by one releasing this too early, all of them could be patched and that’s it. All their work down the drain. Two, piracy, people would no longer support the company in which we all want to see succeed lately. and three, they may just well not be ready for user based application just yet.
at the end of the day you have to see that these kexploits were shown to prove the concept, not to tease you or for devs to feel like elitists.
Some of this may be speculation on my part but it is from my own understanding of what’s happening in the scene right now.
I hope this gives a clearer line on where one mod begins and another ends and what they aim to do with said mods.
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September 18th, 2012, 14:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/18/vita-fi...-patches-vhbl/
As expected, the latest PS Vita firmware update is a “security release” which will prevent you from running VHBL through Monster Hunter. It still remains to be confirmed if all games of the series have been patched, but I’m pretty sure the answer will be yes.
Does this mean you cannot use VHBL anymore? No! As long as you stay on firmware 1.80 (and assuming you did Buy one of the Monster Hunter games when it was still time), you can use Open CMA to copy your homebrews to the Vita without upgrading. If your Vita (or CMA) insist that you update to 1.81, don’t lose hope. I have been told that the Vita can “forget” it saw the latest update if you hard-reset it. Or was it that you need to reset factory settings? Well, either way, try to not put yourself into a situation where the Vita asks for an update, but if it happens, be sure to try and reset it before you decide your console is doomed to upgrade.
Of course, you might want to update to 1.81 in order to be able to connect to the PSN. If you do this, you will lose access to VHBL through the Monster Hunter exploit. There might be other VHBL releases in the future to bring compatibility with this new firmware, but we don’t have anything scheduled yet, and one thing is sure, we will not be able to magically revive the exploit from Monster Hunter, so don’t even ask, and update at your own risk.
For those of you who decide to stay on 1.80 for VHBL, openCMA is currently the only way to copy homebrews to your Vita.
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September 18th, 2012, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony today announced that Hand of Fate, the fifth downloadable content (DLC) pack forDC Universe™ Online (DCUO), is now available for download on the PC and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. At the bidding of Doctor Fate or the evil sorcerer Felix Faust, players will undertake Operations – six intense new episodes designed for group play featuring three Heroic and three Villainous – that will take high level players back out to the iconic, open-world cities of Gotham City and Metropolis. Additionally, a wealth of new side missions will be featured, providing more fun and depth to the game’s storyline and world. Hand of Fate also provides players with new Utility Belt Attachments and debuts magic-powered Legends PvP characters, bringing a tale of magic and mystery to life.
“The fact that this is our fifth major downloadable content pack showcases our commitment to expanding the immersive player experience through regular content updates,” said Jens Andersen, creative director on DC Universe Online. “Hand of Fate is unlike anything we’ve offered to date. From the very beginning, it was designed to draw players back out to our massive open-world cities and allow them to experience them in new, unexpected ways. We are pleased with what we have come up with and can’t wait to hear what the players think.”
Hand of Fate provides players with hours of new adventures and content:
· Utility Belt Attachments – Utility Belt Attachments expand the trinket load-out from one to up to four slots, allowing players to equip multiple trinkets, toys, pets, and consumables at once. All Utility Belt Attachments have at least two slots, while some also have upgradeable slots! Utility Belt Attachments give players more flexibility and options in the heat of combat without having to swap out items.
· New Legends Characters – Hand of Fate introduces the first arcane characters to Legends PvP. The Lord of Order, Doctor Fate and the evil sorcerer Felix Faust make their playable debut in Legends PvP as magic-wielding hand-blasters who conjure powerful spells and summon allies to their aid.
· Operations – Six intense new episodes designed for group play – three Heroic and three Villainous – are now unleashed upon players under the direction of Doctor Fate and Felix Faust. Heroes will be called to help the Lords of Order protect innocent souls from the forces of darkness. Villains must complete perilous missions for Felix Faust to reap his rewards.
· Side Missions – As players battle through the six Operations, up to 60 side missions will arise that take players all over Metropolis, Gotham City and beyond, pitting them against previous adversaries and new dangers that have arisen.
Legendary members can now access DCUO’s Hand of Fate DLC pack for free.Hand of Fate is also available for $9.99 USD to Free and Premium players via the PlayStation®Network, the in-game Marketplace, or for PC players via the DCUniverseOnline.com website.
DCUO is licensed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on behalf of DC Entertainment. For more information about DCUO, visitwww.DCUniverseOnline.com.
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September 18th, 2012, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
IGN, will give gamers their first chance to see EA Sport’s FIFA ’13 in full – as the multi-million selling series is the subject of the latest IGN LIVE stream this Thursday, September 20th from 16.00 to 18.00 BST.
IGN’s experts will demonstrate key features of FIFA ’13 during the live stream, giving fans the inside track on the eagerly anticipated game ahead of its European release on Friday, 28th September.
IGN Live presents: FIFA ’13 is hosted by IGN’s UK Editor-in-Chief Alex Simmons, alongside Games Writer Daniel Krupa, who reviewed the latest instalment for IGN. Stay tuned for surprise guests, stopping by to provide their own insights into the beautiful game, while exclusively revealing their FIFA tactics.
Throughout the live stream, IGN’s experts will answer FIFA ’13 viewer questions – with the chance to win some special prizes.
The live stream will culminate in the first screening of IGN’s FIFA ’13 video review – the definitive verdict on the latest release in EA Sport’s ground breaking series.
Alex Simmons, UK Editor-in-Chief, IGN, said:
“FIFA is one of gaming’s biggest annual releases, so we’re excited to be lifting the lid on its new features and answering your question as we get ready to reveal IGN’s score for this year’s instalment. Watch the stream this Thursday as we’ll have some prizes and a few surprises up our sleeves.”
IGN Live presents: FIFA ’13 is streamed live from 16.00 BST to 18.00BST on IGN.com on Thursday 20th September. You can send your FIFA ’13 questions now on Twitter to @ignuk with using the hashtag #ignfifa.
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September 18th, 2012, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
New console model could be revealed at Tokyo Game Show
A new super slim model of the PS3 could be released later this month after a Polish retailer sent out a promotional teaser for a new system.
As reported by Polygamia, the teaser included a blacked out PS3 with a question mark on the console, suggesting an imminent reveal of the new SKU.
A likely time for unveiling could be at the Tokyo Game Show which begins on Thursday, at which Sony is also expected to unveil a newvirtual reality headset.
Previous rumours have claimed that the new super slim model could come with as little as 12GB flash memory, at a cost of around £200. It has also been suggested the new console will ship alongside a large 500GB PS3 model.
Reports of a new SKU surfaced in July after a filing to the US Federal Communications Commission suggested a potential new 4000 series – the CECH-4001x – was in development.
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September 18th, 2012, 23:07 Posted By: wraggster
Infinity Ward has confirmed that Modern Warfare 3's Content Collection 4 DLC drop will arrive on PS3 and PC on October 10.
Content Collection 4 is the last DLC for MW3 before the baton is passed to Black Ops 2. The DLC pack features five multiplayer maps; Parish, Gulch, Boardwalk, Offshore and Decommission.Xbox players got access to the latest mapsearlier this month following a short delay caused by Xbox Live problems.
The developer is yet to confirm exactly when CoD Elite members on PS3/PC will get access to their last three maps, but expect it to be certainly before October 10.
Five gameplay videos - one for each of the new maps - can be watched here.
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September 19th, 2012, 12:30 Posted By: wraggster
Sony today announced the new PlayStation®3(PS3®) computer entertainment system, featuring a new design and a downsized form factor, will become available in the UK on September 28th and October 12th. The new PS3 will come in two models, a 500GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) version (launching September 28th), and a newly added 12GB flash memory model (launching October 12th).
Completely redesigning the internal design architecture, the internal volume and weight of the new PS3 is reduced by more than half compared to the very first PS3 model with a 60GB HDD, and by 20 % and 25% respectively compared to the current PS3. By adopting a sliding disk cover, the new PS3 continues with the characteristic sleek curved simple body design, which fits various places in the home and enables users to enjoy an array of entertainment content.
With the extra HDD capacity which has been extended from 320GB and 160GB, users can store and enjoy more and more entertainment content including games, music, photos, and video on the new PS3. In addition, the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory offers opportunities to experience the world of PlayStation® at an affordable price point. Users can also expand the storage capacity of the new PS3 with 12GB flash memory by connecting a dedicated HDD (250GB) to be released concurrently with the new PS3*1. In addition, a variety of accessories will be introduced by SCE to meet various kinds of needs from users including a vertical stand that offers more flexibility in how the new PS3 can be displayed*2.
Since the launch of PS3 in November 2006, the number of Blu-ray based titles has reached more than 3,300 titles and downloadable PS3 games to 4,100*3 titles worldwide, with the support from a broad range of third party developers and publishers. In addition to this extensive software title line-up, exciting and attractive new titles are to be released from third party developers and publishers as well as SCE Worldwide Studios, including Call of Duty Black Ops 2(Activision Publishing, Inc.), Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft Entertainment.), FIFA 13(Electronic Arts Inc. ), PlayStation® All-Stars Battle Royale, LittleBigPlanet Karting, God of War: Ascension (Sony Computer Entertainment), and more.
SCE will further accelerate the expansion of the PS3 platform which is in the 7th year of its lifecycle, by continually releasing a vast library of exciting and attractive software titles and offering users a choice from a variety of hardware models.
*1 When using dedicated HDD, flash memory cannot be used as inner storage
*2 Users will need to use the separately sold “Vertical Stand” to set the new PS3 in vertical position.
*3 Includes PS one® classics and free of charge content (downloadable demos).
Product Outline
PlayStation®3 (CECH-4000 series)
Product name |
PlayStation ® 3 |
Release date |
UK: September 28th, 2012 (HDD 500GB)
October 12th , 2012 (Flash Memory 12GB) |
Product code |
CECH-4000series (Charcoal Black / Classic White) |
Cell Broadband Engine™ |
RSX ® |
Audio output |
LPCM 7.1ch, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC. |
Memory |
256MB XDR Main RAM, 256MB GDDR3 VRAM |
Storage size |
CECH-4000A : Flash Memory 12GB
CECH-4000B : HDD 500GB*1 |
Outputs*2 |
Hi-Speed USB
(USB 2.0) |
2 |
Networking |
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) × 1 |
IEEE 802.11 b/g |
Bluetooth ® 2.0 (EDR) |
Controller |
Wireless Controller ?Bluetooth ®? |
AV output |
Resolution |
1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i (for PAL 576p, 576i) |
HDMI OUT connector*3 |
1 |
AV MULTI OUT connector |
1 |
Digital out (optical) connector |
1 |
drive (read only) |
Maximum read rate |
BD × 2 (BD-ROM)
CD × 24 (CD-ROM) |
Power |
AC 220 – 240, 50/60Hz*4 |
Power consumption |
Approx. 190W |
External dimensions
(excluding maximum projecting part ) |
Approx. 290 × 60 × 230 mm (width × height × length) |
Mass |
Approx. 2.1kg *5 |
Included *6 |
PlayStation®3 system × 1
Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®3) × 1
AC power cord × 1
AV cable × 1
USB cable × 1 |
*1 Hard disk capacity calculated using base 10 mathematics (1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes). System software versions 1.10 and later calculate capacity using binary mathematics (1 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes), which will display lower capacity and free space. A portion of hard disk capacity is reserved for system administration, which varies depending upon system software version, and is not available for use.
*2 Usability of all connected devices is not guaranteed.
*3 "Deep Colour" and "x.v.Colour (xvYCC)" defined by HDMI ver.1.3a are supported.
*4 Power changes depending on countries or regions.
*5 PS3 with flash memory 12GB weights approximately 2.0kg
*6 For certain regions, Euro-AV cable will be included.
Note: This product is not compatible with PlayStation®2 games.
Vertical Stand (CECH-ZST1J)
Product name |
Vertical Stand |
Release Date |
UK: September 28th, 2012 |
Recommended Retail Price |
Product code |
Included |
Vertical Stand ?CECH-ZST1? × 1 |
External dimension |
Approx. 120 mm x 17.5 mm (diameter × height (thickest part) |
Mass |
Approx. 200g |
Supports |
CECH-4000 series |
* The “Vertical Stand” is for the new PS3 system (CECH-4000 series) and cannot be used on the current model.
Dedicated HDD(250GB) for PlayStation®3 (with attachment) (CECH-ZHD1)
Product name |
Dedicated HDD (250GB) for PlayStation®3 (with attachment) |
Release date |
October 12th, 2012 |
Recommended Retail Price |
Product code |
Included |
HDD 250GB ?CECH-ZS1? × 1 |
External dimension |
Approx. 88 mm x 18 mm x 260 mm (width × height × length) |
Mass |
Approx. 115g |
Supports |
CECH-4000A |
* The “Dedicated HDD(250GB) for PlayStation®3 ” is for the new PS3 system (CECH-4000A) and cannot be used on the other models.
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September 19th, 2012, 12:44 Posted By: wraggster
On the 12th October, videogame publisher and distributor PQube will be releasing WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation Vita to an audience of simulator fans hungry for the chance to recreate the official 2012 WRC season.
Packed with more than 50+ Official Race Teams, 35+ different cars, every track from the championships and a completely re-designed career mode,WRC 3 is the most complete rally game created – ever! Gamers can now have a go at the WRC 3 demo on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.
To help ensure that WRC 3 reaches the largest and most appropriate audience possible, PQube has partnered with one of Europe's leading action sports retailers: FreestyleXtreme.com. Operating in more than a dozen countries around the world, FreestyleXtreme sell clothing and accessories from more than 140 action sports brands that rally and motorsport fans will be well aware of, including Alpinestars, Red Bull and, thanks to the popularity of rally driver Ken Block, Monster Energy and DC Shoes too.
With a combination of direct marketing to FreestyleXtreme's 7,000 monthly customer and promotion to the company's active, 110,000-strong social media networks, potential fans of the game will be offered WRC 3 stickers, competitions and special offers on rally related merchandise.
Those who jump in and pre-order WRC 3 will also receive EXCLUSIVE DLC content, the Classic Mini Cooper S 1964 Rally Car! WRC 3 is available for pre-order now from the following retailers: Amazon, GAME, Play.com and Zavvi.
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September 19th, 2012, 12:52 Posted By: wraggster
Console players will get their Hack'n'Slash this year! RAW - Realms of Ancient War releases today on consoles (Xbox LIVE® and the European PlayStation®Network). The game will release in the US PlayStation®Network on September 25th. Accompanying this release is an explosive launch trailer, immersing players in the intense and spectacular battles of RAW - Realms of Ancient War.
A true and pure Hack'n'Slash that offers intense and challenging combat all while displaying an impressive number of enemies onscreen, RAW - Realms of Ancient War brings players to a continent ruined by a never-ending, violent war.
Take control of a powerful Warrior, a dark Sorcerer, or a Rogue master of stealth and plunge into an action-packed quest! The world of RAW leads players alone or in 2-player co-op through many diverse levels in every corner of the continent.
Along their quest, experience gained from violent battles fought as well as weapons and magic items looted from the lifeless bodies of opponents will allow players to develop the skills of their chosen character. Players will learn new powers and spells ever more devastating, some of which when mastered will allow players to inflict tremendous amounts of damage and eradicate several dozen enemies at once, imperative for enemies that rally in hordes to fight!
All the power granted will never be more than enough to exterminate outnumbering enemies. Thanks to the special ability of 'incarnation', players will even be able to take direct control of the body of the most powerful foes, seeding discord and destruction right at the heart of enemy armies!
Invite a friend to join in an exciting co-op mode where coordination and teamwork are essential ingredients of victory!
RAW - Realms of Ancient War is now available on Xbox LIVE® (Europe and US) and PlayStation®Network (Europe). It will be released on September 25th on the US PlayStation®Network. The game will also be released for download on PC on October 4th.
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September 19th, 2012, 13:00 Posted By: wraggster
The last few weeks have been extremely exciting for Vita hackers and gamers. Not only is Sony showing more and more support for the console, we’ve seen, if not always releases, proofs of many exciting hacks going on on the Vita. VHBL, PSP iso loading, native exploits, hardware investigations… Lots of things have changed since I last made a summary of the Vita hacking back in July, so it’s time for a new status report.
1. VHBL and the PSP emulator
As of now, VHBL is still the only way to run unsigned content (homebrews) on the PS Vita. Granted, VHBL is fairly limited (it won’t let you run any native vita code, or any isos), but that might also be the only reason Sony doesn’t definitely kill it: VHBL is mostly harmless to Sony for now, yet it will allow you to enjoy a large collection of emulators and homebrews. Although as I type this, the game we use as a vector for the latest exploit (the Monster hunter series) has been patched on the latest Vita firmware 1.81, we still have access to dozens of exploitable PSP games, in order to port VHBL, and I know that many devs are still looking for PSP exploits and port VHBL to their own exploit.
In parallel, we’ve seen more and more proof that a PSP CFW is definitely possible on the Vita. That would mean that most of the things we do on our hacked PSPs could become available within the PSP emulator on the vita: Iso loaders, potentially full PS1 support, better homebrew compatibility, potentially plugins support, etc… I have been made aware of more and more teams with access to some PSP Kernel exploits, and to me it is only a matter of time before one of these teams release a PSP CFW that would be compatible with the Vita.
On the other hand, investigations about Kermit, the module used for communication between the PSP emulator and the vita hardware, have been kept under wraps. Was any progress made on this, in order to access the Vita itself? At least nothing was made public, or communicated to me. Last time I checked, the vita has some pretty good securities in place to avoid “simple” buffer overflow exploits or stack corruption.
2. PS Vita NAtive exploit
While the investigations in the psp emu world seem to be “stuck” in the psp realm (a bit like the 3DS exploits allowing only NDS support), other breakthroughs have been made in other parts of the Vita. The most memorable one so far is Yifanlu’s announce of a Native vita exploit, which is believed to be somewhere in the Playstation Mobile suite. After the initial hype generated by his announce however, Yifanlu has tried to stay a bit more quiet about his progress. A “Hello World” video he published to showcase his exploit (showing a 3D cube floating in a room with lots of texture details) was quickly removed to avoid more unnecessary hype.
It is still a bit unclear if anything useful for the end user will come from this work. First because most of it has been kept secret so far, and second because it could be one of those exploits that gets patched immediately by Sony. But this work was made public only a few weeks ago, and Yifanlu already announced his loader is ready for a closed beta, so I’m very hopeful to see good things come out of this.
3. Hardware investigations, and people from the outside world
It is interesting to note that most of the Vita hacking community is for now made of people who came from the PSP community with a legacy interest in Sony’s portable consoles. That being said, Yifanlu came from a quite different world, bringing his experience from Kindle and Xperia play hacking.
Other hackers are getting interested in the Vita too. Such is the case of Japanese developer goroh_kun, who is locally known for his work on Android. goroh_kun claims he managed to make a memory dump of the Vita through PSM, and his reputation is backed by fellow scene blogger mamosuke at gamegaz.
In addition, goroh_kun started recently to look closely at the Vita hardware, something that in my opinion is very valuable, seeing how most recent console hacks have always stemmed from an initial hardware hack (psp, xbox, ps3…). Goroh_kun mentioned however legal issues with sharing his work, for example a memory dump of the Vita cannot easily be shared since it contains some copyrighted content from Sony.
Could hardware vulnerabilities give hackers access to the Vita CPU? This picture shows what could be a JTAG port.
VHBL still going strong, more and more proof of psp kernel exploits, a usermode native exploit, leads in other areas, and a hacking community that seems to start growing… Things seem to be on the bright side for Vita hackers, what do you guys think?
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September 19th, 2012, 13:22 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-...c-t-19274.html
Pokopom is an XInput input plugin for PSX emulators, PCSX2, nullDC 1.0.4, Chankast 0.25 and many N64 emulators.
-. Added a "disabled" checkbox. A nice reduction of XInput calls if you´re never going to use that controller.
-. Fixed nullDC stuff that got broken lately.
-. Restore SVN rev version... *sighs*
-. Added whitelist functionality. The whitelist must be named Insomina.whitelist and must be preset alongside Insomina itself. Also, it only affects the Prevent Screensaver function.
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September 19th, 2012, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announces Midway Arcade Origins, a compilation of more than 30 classic, genre-defining Midway titles from the golden age of arcades. Available for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 system this holiday season, the collection offers arcade favorites, including Gauntlet, Rampage, Joust, Spy Hunter, Defender,Marble Madness and more.
New players can experience these industry-defining classics, while longtime fans of classic arcade games can re-master their favorite titles with new PlayStation®Network Trophies and Xbox 360 Achievements support. Players will also be able to enjoy many games with up to three of their friends in local, co-op multiplayer and post their high scores online.
Midway Arcade Origins, being developed by Backbone Entertainment, combines more than 30 golden age arcade classics on one disc for $29.99.
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September 19th, 2012, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
Majesco announced today its highly anticipated side-scrolling beat ’em up,Double Dragon Neon, is available now on PlayStation®Network and Xbox LIVE®Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
Billy and Jimmy are back in action and more radical than ever, as they return to the streets to save their shared love interest Marian from a new foe, Skullmageddeon. Players pair up with their pals for local “bro-op” play, all while kneeing, punching, and high-fiving their way through new hyper-saturated worlds designed to take players from the mean streets to robo-riddled outer space. Billy and Jimmy aren’t alone, as long-standing foes Williams, Linda, and even the brick-busting Abobo try and stop them. Through the powers of magical mix-tapes (and the occasional high-five), our Sōsetsuken fighting-style masters are well equipped to crush any street scum in their path.
The classic 1987 original rocked the faces off gamers in arcades across the world. Now renowned developer WayForward applies its retro gamingprowess to bring this classic franchise to the 21st century while celebrating itsbeat ‘em up roots. Double Dragon Neon’s gameplay is coupled with a radical new art direction pulled directly from the 1980s, in an acid-washed, electrical, over-the-top celebration of that decade’s aesthetics. Rarely has a franchise been so inspired by this historical period in gaming.
Double Dragon Neon is now available on PlayStation Network for €7$9.99 and on Xbox LIVE Arcade for Xbox 360 for 800 Microsoft Points. As an added bonus, Playstation Plus members can get Double Dragon Neon for FREE from now until now thru January.
To watch the game play trailer and find out more, please visit the official game site at www.DoubleDragonNeon.com and like us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/DoubleDragonNeon.
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September 19th, 2012, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
The new super-slim PS3 is to be joined at retail by an invigorated PS3 Essentials range.
A wide assortment of first and third party titles will be released at retail for around €19.99 a piece. Many of them will also be available to download from PSN with prices starting at €14.99.
Here’s the complete list. Games with a star will also be available to download:
1st Party Titles:
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune*
Resistance Fall of Man
Heavenly Sword
God of War III
LittleBig Planet*
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
ModNation Racers*
Sports Champions*
EyePet & Friends
Start The Party!
DanceStar Party!
Medieval Moves*
Move Fitness*
The Fight*
3rd Party Titles:
Assassin’s Creed II*
Assassin’s Creed*
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood*
Far Cry 2*
Prince of Persia*
Driver San Francisco*
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2*
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game*
Prince of Persia – The Forgotten Sands*
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood*
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2*
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X
Deus Ex: Human Revolution*
Tomb Raider: Underworld*
Just Cause 2*
Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Tekken 6
SEGA Mega Drive: Ultimate Collection
Sonic Unleashed
Virtua Fighter 5
Darksiders: Wrath Of War*
Homefront: Ultimate Edition*
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September 19th, 2012, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed at the Tokyo Game Show this morning that PlayStation Plus will arrive on PlayStation Vita this November.
The service will be free to Vita owners who have already paid for membership on their PS3s.
Like on PS3, Vita Plus will offer a changing selection of full games that can be downloaded and played for free, automatic updates and offer discounts on digital purchases. 1GB of cloud storage will also be offered.
Two new colour variants were also revealed – Cosmic Red and Sapphire Blue. Both are due to launch in Japan on November 15th.
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September 19th, 2012, 23:55 Posted By: wraggster
After the new PS3s had their moment in the spotlight at Sony's pre-TGS press event, the company also announced color variants for the PS Vita. We weren't able to fondle the pair just yet, the key difference is quite obvious: "cosmic red" and "sapphire blue" exteriors. Both of the new models share the same glossy coating as the original model, so they're sure to attract your fingerprints. These two round out the paint schemes at four when you include the "crystal white" version that's already been unveiled. While we snag a spot in line for a hands-on at the Sony booth, take a peek at the gallery that follows for a quick look at the duo.
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September 19th, 2012, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PS3 / Vita cross-buy program might not be as simple as "buy one, get one" after all. Taking the stage at its pre-TGS press event, Sony announced a new Hot Shots Golf game as one of the program's first adopters -- citing a price reduction, rather then a free game, for users who pick up either the PS3 / Vita version of the title. In contrast, Sony stated at Gamescom that buyers of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault would receive a second copy of the game for free upon purchase, indicating that cross-buy discounts may vary from title to title. Remember kids: just because you bought it once, doesn't mean you won't have to buy it again.
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September 19th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
Just because Sony's focus during the Tokyo Game Show is on its two newest consoles, the Vita and thePlayStation 3, doesn't mean the company's forgotten about the PlayStation Portable. During its press conference this evening, Sony dropped ¥3,000 (about $40) from the base price of the PSP in Japan, putting the console at ¥14,800 (about $190). It's unclear if any price drop will affect North American or European consumers, but we'll update as we find out more.
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September 19th, 2012, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a new 'LittleBigPlanet Sack app' for iOS and Android mobile devices that turns the LittleBigPlanet Vita box into an augmented reality mini game.
Only available to EU residents, first you have to download the official PlayStation app, within which you will find the new 'LittleBigPlanet Sack app' feature.Sony would then have you go to a shop to point your phone's camera at a LittleBigPlanet Vita box, but before you bother with that try just loading up a picture on your computer (like that one above - you're welcome) and see if it works that way.
According to Sony, the app will turn the pack shot into a mini game in which you control Sackboy.
The app also offers a trailer and a camera feature that lets you place Sackboys in the environment before taking pictures.
That last feature offers "the chance to win some downloadable goodies" for the new Vita platformer. As Sony explains, "All you need to do is use the LittleBigPlanet Sack App to place a virtual Sackboy in your environment and take photos of him. Share your image with @LittleBigPlanet via Twitter and you could be a LittleBigPlanet Sack App winner. Be sure to include the hashtag #whereissackboy with your photo."
Here's the PlayStation app on iTunes.
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September 20th, 2012, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has detailed the latest European PlayStation Store content update, which includes the digital releases of Borderlands 2 and LittleBigPlanet Vita, plus Jet Set Radio for non-PS Plus members.
Here's the full list:PlayStation Plus
- Double Dragon - 100% discount
PS3 games
- Borderlands 2 (Releases 20th for AU/NZ), Price: £49.99,€59.99,AU$89.95PEGI: 18, Availability: All
- Hustle Kings Complete, Price: £9.99,€12.99,AU$19.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All
- Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games, Italian Language Version, Price: €59.99, PEGI: 3, Availability: Italy only
- Jet Set Radio, Price: £6.49,€7.99,AU$12.95, PEGI: 12, Availability: All, File Size: 1103MB
- Michael Jackson The Experience, Price: £14.99,€19.99,AU$24.95, PEGI: 12, Availability: Not available in Turkey, File Size: 15GB
- One Piece: Pirate Warriors, Price: £39.99,€49.99,AU$79.95, PEGI: 12, Availability: All, File Size: 11GB
- SSX, Price: £57.99,€59.99,AU$99.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar
- Realms of Ancient War, Price: £11.99,€14.99,AU$23.95, PEGI: 16, Availability: Not available in Turkey
- Zuma's Revenge!, Price: £7.99,£9.99,AU$15.95, PEGI: 7, Availability: Not available in Israel, Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, File Size: 143MB
PS3 demos (free)
- Damage Inc., PEGI: 12, Availability: Not available in AU, BE, DN, FN, LX, NL, NO, PO, RU, SW, SZ, TU, UKR, File Size: 710MB
- Jet Set Radio, PEGI: 12, Availability: All, File Size: 1103MB
- Realms of Ancient War, PEGI: 16, Availability: Not available in Turkey
- Zuma's Revenge!, PEGI: 7, Availability: Not available in Israel, Kuwait, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, File Size: 143MB
Vita games
- LittleBigPlanet Vita, Price: £29.99,€34.99,AU$47.95, PEGI: 7, Availability: All
PS2 games
- The Arcade, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 304MB
- Black Market Bowling, Price: £4.79,€5.99,AU$9.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, File Size: 3972MB
- Fruit Machine Mania, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 131MB
- King of Clubs, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 506MB
- Perfect Ace 2: The Championships, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 554MB
- Powershot Pinball, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 141MB
- Winter Sports, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 368MB
- World Championship Poker 2, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: All, File Size: 1379MB
- X-Treme Express, Price: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, PEGI: 3, Availability: Not available in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, File Size: 621MB
PSone games
- Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Price: £3.99,€4.99,AU$8.45, PEGI:3, Availability: All, File Size: 430MB
- Tall Unlimited, Price: £3.99,€4.99,AU$8.45, PEGI:7, Availability: All, File Size: 105MB
Armored Core V Modelers Pack (£6.49, €7.99, AU$12.95)
Armored Core V Compatibility Pack
- Battlefield 3 Armored Kill, Prices: £11.99, €14.99, AU$23.95, Availability: All
- Borderlands 2 Season Pass, Prices: £23.99,€29.99,AU$49.95, Availability: All
Damage Inc. - F4U-4 'Reaper' Corsair
Damage Inc. - P-61 'Mauler' Black Widow
Damage Inc. - P-80 'Bolt' Shooting Star
Prices: £3.99,€4.99,AU$8.45, Availability: Not available in AU, BE, DN, FN, LX, NL, NO, PO, RU, SW, SZ, TU, UKR
- F1 2012 VIP Pass, Prices: £6.49,€7.99,AU$12.95, Availability: All
- LittleBigPlanet Spacesuit Costume, Prices: Free, Availability: All
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes - 5 Heroes Pack (Releases on 20th), Prices: £1.15,€1.39,AU$2.25, Availability: All
- Magic 2013 Expansion, Prices: £3.19,€3.99,AU$6.95, Availability: All
300,000 Gald (#2) (£3.19, €3.99, AU$6.95)Asbel's Pilot Costume (£2.99, €3.59, AU$6.25)
Attachment: Peepit (£0.79, €0.99, AU$1.75)
Attachments: Bunny Set (£0.79, €0.99, AU$1.75)
Attachments: Santa Set (£0.79, €0.99, AU$1.75)
Cheria's Imp Costume (£2.99, €3.59, AU$6.25)
Hubert's Avenger Costume (£2.99, €3.59, AU$6.25)
Level Up +10 (#1) (£3.19, €3.99, AU$6.95)
Malik's Samurai Costume (£2.99, €3.59, AU$6.25)
Mats Upgrade Set (£0.79, €0.99, AU$1.75)
Pascal'S Cowgirl Costume (£2.99, €3.59, AU$6.25)
Availability: All
- The Pinball Arcade, Add-on Pack 1: Medieval Madness and Bride of PinBot, Prices: £3.99,€4.99,AU$8.45, Availability: All
Vita DLC
Launch Rare T-Shirt (Cross-buy for PS3), (£3.99,€4.99,AU$8.45)
Network Pass (£7.99, €9.99, AU$15.95)
Availability: All
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September 20th, 2012, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
Ken Kutaragi's fingerprints have nearly faded completely. His farcically ambitious PlayStation 3 hardware design, finalised six years ago, left Sony with the preposterous task of pitching a high-end console at £425 and yet still make a loss on each sale.
The original PS3 (2006)Fortunately, or not, the loss-making system didn't exactly sell spectacularly at first. Sony's curse of cost had repelled consumers. The company could huff and puff all it wanted; even the most fanatical PS3 fan couldn't part with £500 for a new console and game.Rubbing salt into the wounds, the PS3 manufacturer was hit by allegations of arrogance back in 2007 when the system launched across Europe, and a sense that it was out of touch with consumer habits. This followed a disastrous E3 press conference that left a memorable expression of anxiety etched across the face of the usually composed Sony exec Phil Harrison.
How times have changed. This Christmas, the new-look PS3 will challenge to be the most inexpensive console in stores, at about £185 in the UK. This will drive down the cost of older models too, which Sony confirmed to CVG this morning will be phased out at retail.
The first slim model (2009)PlayStation's marketing minds will be focused on PS Vita come Christmas - another system cursed by its RRP - so it's fortunate that the new PS3 model is inexpensive enough to sell itself, with staff at GAME and GameStation no doubt informing customers of new cut-price deals.But crucially for PlayStation, this new model will still likely be sold at a profit. Parent company Sony is today trapped somewhere between disaster and oblivion, posting near-unimaginable multi-billion dollar losses as it attempts a sweeping cost-cutting operation.
All Sony Computer Entertainment divisions - across Europe, America and Japan - have been shouldered with the responsibility to turn a profit for its embattled parent company. Which is why, one would argue, PlayStation has made key changes to the new PS3 such as replacing the electrical disc-loading bay with a manual shutter.
The final version (2012)Sony engineers will no doubt ensure that the new PS3's extra plastic doesn't feel too plasticy, but the overall redesign is built with cost-efficiency in mind. Trapped between driving down prices and pushing up profits, it's hard to fault PlayStation for its final solution.The Cell chip architecture is the only reaming true hallmark of Kutaragi's designs. By the time PS4 comes around, that will be gone too. The five year journey hasn't exactly been smooth for PlayStation, but you can't say the company isn't learning along the way.
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September 20th, 2012, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Tecmo Koei has revealed a new way to feed your lust for demonic blood: a dark fantasy, samurai action title dubbed Toukiden for the PlayStation Vita and PSP.
Developed by Omega Force, the team behind the Warriors franchise, Toukidenwill launch sometime in 2013. The new game will have some cross-platform play between both handheld devices.
Toukiden was revealed during Sony's TGS 2012 keynote with a brief trailer, which a female protagonist slicing giant spiders and ogres in a feudal Japan-style setting – which leads us to believe it's based on a true story.
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September 20th, 2012, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
The digital version of Borderlands 2, available as a download alongside its Blu-Ray sibling starting today, leads this week's PSN content dump. Gearbox Software's next installment in the gun grab-em-up is accompanied by Zuma's Revenge and the HD revival of Jet Set Radio.
Additionally, the PlayStation Vita gets 17 more PSOne Classics this week, including Jumping Flash 1 and 2, King of Fighters '99, Cool Boarders 3,Destruction Derby, Jet Moto 2 and many more. PS Plus subscribers can grab a free full game trial of EA reboot SSX and get 10% off on all Rock Band DLC packs as part of Harmonix's big sale. For the full list of this week's content, head over to the PlayStation Blog.
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September 20th, 2012, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Jpcsp SVN r2723 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.
Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Improved sceUtilitySavedataInitStart: return ERROR_UTILITY_INVALID_PARAM_SIZE
when the savedata structure has an invalid size.
Fixed decoding of compressed textures (DXT3 & DXT5) in software rendering.
Added support for testing of compressed textures in 3DStudio.
Code clean-up: ported some modules to new syscall & logging model. No
functionality change.
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September 20th, 2012, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git (2012/09/18) is compiled. Soywiz's Psp Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C# pspplayer emulator.
Soywiz's Psp Emulator Git Changelog:
* - More Work on LLE emulation
- It can load and start Pre-IPL.
- It can read from NAND
* - More Work
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September 20th, 2012, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r79894 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Main Xcode project changed slightly.
Style changes in the Mac NetSock plug-in.
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September 20th, 2012, 12:43 Posted By: wraggster
As the WRC 3 demo is now live on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, PQube wants to see who can get the fastest lap on RallyRACC Rally de España! Think you've got what it takes? Enter the competition here and show them what you're made of!
With the prize being an official WRC playseat (Worth over £300!) this competition is one not to be missed.
All fans have to do is play the demo, take a picture of their lap time and upload it here, or send an email to wrc3demo@pqube.co.uk. Those that have mad skills and want to show off can create a video and send PQube the link to take a look.
WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship is due for release on the 12th October 2012 and the feedback received from the WRC 3 demo (currently available on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network) has been overwhelming. WRC 3 was also at the Wales Rally GB event last week and again the response has all been positive.
Check below for some of the comments people have made about the game!
"Demo is amazing, graphics, stages, sounds are perfect and this is the best moment of my life!"
"The physics are absolutely great; the damage to the car is also great!"
"Massive improvement, the cars do sound like their real counterpart, car models and the environments are really good and the car handling is excellent..."
"The car actually goes where you want it to; when you make a mistake you know it's your driving, needless to say I'm 100% buying it..."
"Handling is excellent! graphics, pace notes, physics and car damage are very good.."
"The graphics engine is really a step forward..."
"I like that the force feedback feels heavier than before, overall, thumbs up!"
"Graphics are amazing and the Citroen looks brilliant! Damage is the most extreme and the stage is brilliant..."
WRC 3 is available for pre-order now from the following retailers: Amazon,GAME, Play.com and Zavvi.
WRC 3, FIA World Rally Championship will be released on 12th October for Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita and PC.
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September 20th, 2012, 13:16 Posted By: wraggster
EA announced today a record-setting launch for EA SPORTSTM NHL®13. EA estimates that worldwide sell through for NHL 13 in its first week is up 9 percent* globally over last year’s previous franchise high, and fans are deeply engaged with the game’s new connected experiences.
“the best playing NHL of this generation” Headlined by all-new True Performance Skating and EA SPORTS Hockey I.Q.,NHL 13 offers an innovative new gameplay experience that definitively captures the speed, creativity and strategy of NHL® hockey. NHL 13 also delivers brand new experiences that connect hockey fans to their friends and the real world of hockey with the all-new GM Connected and NHL Moments Live modes. Game Informer calls NHL 13 “the best playing NHL of this generation,” and it’s now available in retail stores across North America and Europe.
“NHL 13 has incredible new gameplay innovation, and it’s the most connected NHL title we’ve ever created,” said Andrew Wilson, Executive Vice President of EA SPORTS. “We’re proud of this year’s game, and we’re extremely happy to see our fans worldwide embracing it in record numbers.”
How fans are playing NHL 13*:
- Since the launch of NHL 13, fans have created just under 50,000 of their own alternate versions of the NHL through the new GM Connected feature in NHL 13.
- During the first week, the New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers and Pittsburgh Penguins were the most popular teams used across all game modes in NHL 13.
- Fans have played over 3.7 million online games, or the equivalent of over 350 games a minute.
- Fans have scored just under 5 million goals in the first week, dwarfing the 244 goals scored during the first week of the real 2011-2012 NHL regular season.
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September 20th, 2012, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
The characters of the multiplayer shooter Awesomenauts have always looked pretty fine, but as of today they can get totally fabulous! Because each of them now has access to a sweet alternative outfit.
Arrest unruly Awesomenauts as Officer Lonestar! Float like an alien, sting like a bee as Bumble Gnaw! Or get your groove on as Disco Voltar! To see these and all the other cool outfits in action, check out the new trailer here:
You can grab the skin for your favorite character at ($2.49 / €2,49 / £1,74). But if you're like us you probably have multiple favorites, so we made these handy bundles:
- Mean and Green ($5.99/ €5,99 / £4,49): Froggy G (Grandmaster Splash), Gnaw (Bumble Gnaw) and Derpl Zork (Hotrod Derpl)
- Blast from the Past ($5.99/ €5,99 / £4,49): Voltar (Disco Voltar), Leon Chameleon (Mousquetiere Leon) and Yuri (Kosmonaut Yuri)
- Tropical Thunder ($5.99/ €5,99 / £4,49): Lonestar (Officer Lonestar), Coco (Coco Hawaii) and Clunk (Replaceable Clunk)
- Costume Party ($14.99/ €14,99 / £11,99): All nine skins!
So suit up, it's time to get Awesome!
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September 21st, 2012, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
The PS3 Super Slim can be yours for just £125 next Friday.
That’s if you take advantage of GAME’s trade-in deal, which will offer both the standalone 500GB SKU and the FIFA 13 500GB bundle for half of their £249.99 shelf price.
To get the discount you must hand over either a 12GB, 160GB or 320GB PS3 Slim console or a 250GB Xbox 360.
The 500GB PS3 Super Slim will be released next Friday (September 28th). GAME’s trade-in deal will be available until October 12th, or for as long as stocks last.
Zavvi, incidentally, is still offering the vanilla 500GB SKU for just £214.99 on its website. The FIFA 13 SKU is priced at £239.99 and there are a number of equally priced bundles featuring different titles.
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September 21st, 2012, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters® today announced that the critically acclaimed F1 2012 has raced into retail and onto digital stores today, Friday 21st September, for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC from Steam.
To mark the launch, Codemasters has released a gameplay trailer capturing just some of the visual and physics advancements made for the latest game in the award-winning series. Reflecting the hugely competitive current season, the video showcases stunning wheel-to-wheel racing at authentically and beautifully realised circuits, including dramatic night racing at Singapore and drivers battling the weather at Spa. The video is now playing atwww.formula1-game.com.
F1 2012 will also feature full RaceNet integration via an automatic downloadable update available shortly after launch. RaceNet is the free online community portal for Codemasters Racing games which tracks player’s races, rewards and rivals. Gamers will be able to extend their F1 2012 experience by participating in weekly RaceNet Events, comparing their lap and race times with friends and the wider community and tracking their progress in-game with slick infographics. New and existing RaceNet community members will also be rewarded with three exclusive free in-game helmets. Gamers can sign up for a RaceNet account today at www.racenet.com. ;
Gamers can take F1 2012 for a test drive today by downloading the demo for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. In the demo, players will sample two of the game’s new features, Young Driver Test and Season Challenge. In the Young Driver Test, players will learn how to handle and get the most out of motorsport’s most exciting and responsive racing cars with a series of tests and videos. Gamers will then sample Season Challenge, another new game mode where players will compete across just ten races to become the number one driver on the grid. In the demo, gamers will pick a rival and aim to beat them in a five lap race at Monza, the iconic 3.6 mile track where cars can reach a top speed of 218m.p.h.
F1 2012 is set to deliver the most accessible and immersive FORMULA ONE™ game for fans of all abilities. Players will feel the unparalleled thrill of becoming a FORMULA ONE driver with a host of new features, wide-ranging technical and gameplay advancements, including upgraded physics, visuals and audio, and extensive competitive and co-operative multiplayer components. F1 2012 will feature all of the official teams, drivers and circuits from the 2012 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™, including the debut of the 2012 FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX at Austin, Texas and the return of Germany’s famous Hockenheim circuit to the calendar.
To get all the latest F1 2012 news straight from the studio, race over towww.facebook.com/formula1game or follow the team on twitter atwww.twitter.com/formula1game. ;
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September 21st, 2012, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
Spy Hunter is a reboot of the legendary combat driving series, specially developed for PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS by TT Fusion.
On the eve of the franchise’s 30th anniversary since the original Spy Hunterwas released to arcades in 1983, the new Spy Hunter races forward on its most thrilling and dangerous ride yet. The player once again takes on the role of the “Agent,” the driver of the high-tech G-6155 Interceptor supercar
The Interceptor seamlessly transforms from supercar to off-road assault vehicle to speed boat, allowing players to go where they like within its branching mission tracks. Players can choose to outfit and upgrade the Interceptor’s many weapons and high tech gadgets as they like throughout the course of the game. And for the first time, the Agent will have additional support in the form of an unmanned aerial support drone, allowing players to plan their destruction when assaulting enemy agent strongholds. Spy Hunteralso features thrilling crash choreography and a camera system that the follows the action in slow motion to let players savor the destruction they created.
Check out the New Enemies Spy Hunter Trailer here -http://games.premiercomms.com/pics.asp?i=1233
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September 21st, 2012, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
When two super soldiers square off, who will rise to the top? The age old question is about to be asked – and answered– this October. Danger Close™ Games, a studio of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), today announced that it is offering players an open multiplayer beta worldwide for Medal of Honor™ Warfighter. In this innovative multiplayer design, the most elite soldiers from 10 different nations go head-to-head to see who is top dog. Gamers can choose from among 12 Tier 1 units including the British SAS, German KSK, Russian Spetsnaz Alfa Group, Korean UDT and U.S. Navy SEAL as they represent their elite Special Forces online. Powered by the advanced technology of the Frostbite™ 2 game engine, Medal of Honor Warfighter is the only shooter that lets the best-of-the-best soldiers from around the world battle it out in multiplayer to determine who will reign supreme.
Fans who join the battle can help unlock the new Linkin Park “CASTLE OF GLASS” music video. EA will release the video five days after the beta launches but gamers can unlock it earlier by downloading the beta and hitting the three million download mark. Debuting this October, the concept for Linkin Park’s “CASTLE OF GLASS” music video is the result of direct collaboration between members of Linkin Park and Danger Close Games. Produced by Mothership with visual effects and animation by Digital Domain for Danger Close, the video will feature a unique mix of live action footage edited with gameplay recordings taken from Medal of Honor Warfighter. Gamers that download the beta will also be awarded with 60 minutes of Double XP when the full game launches.
The Medal of Honor Warfighter beta will feature a brand new multiplayer mode called HotSpot, where players attack and defend randomly-selected locations on the Sarajevo Stadium map in Bosnia. Inspired by real life operations, players team-up in pairs using the game’s unique co-op Fireteam system for a competitive advantage on the battlefield. The Medal of Honor Warfightermultiplayer beta will be available for a limited time in early October exclusively for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system.
Written by actual U.S. Tier 1 Operators while deployed overseas, Medal of Honor Warfighter is set to deliver this year’s most authentic military shooter experience inspired by real people, real places and real operations. Medal of Honor Warfighter features genuine international hotspots in the single player campaign and introduces international Tier 1 Operators in multiplayer allowing players to show their national pride online.
Players that pre-order the Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition before the game launches on October 26 will receive the Medal of Honor Warfighter The Hunt Map Pack at no extra cost. Medal of Honor Warfighter will be available in the UK on October 26 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC. For more information on Medal of Honor Warfighter be sure to visit www.medalofhonor.com
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September 22nd, 2012, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Even with the new PS3 SuperSlim, you'll pay the same for a Slim
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Sony is releasing a brand-new, top-loading model for the PlayStation 3 in 250GB and 500GB versions, but Sony Computer Entertainment America vice president of marketing John Koller says that doesn't mean you should expect a price drop on the older models. In an interview with Engadget, Koller said that consumers don't even want a price drop.
"There's no price drop formally, but the thing that's been happening in the market over the last year or so is that there's been so many retail price promotions, and so many different gift card offers and all those things, being done by all of us (Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony), that we've heard from our consumer, 'Enough with all these weird price moves. What we really want is content and games and value,'" Koller told Engadget's Ben Gilbert.
Sony is offering the larger models to reach North America's more "digitally inclined" consumers, even though those consumers have always had the ability to upgrade hard drives on the Slim and original PS3. Koller said most consumers are averse to purchasing more storage space, instead opting to buy another PlayStation 3.
"When you look at some of the earlier chassis, and the really early adopters -- the 20GB, and the 60GB -- that consumer had a choice. They could either go out and buy another hard drive -- and it's an easy install, so we make it easy for the consumer if they want to take a hard drive off the shelf and plug it in, they can do that. They had a choice of doing that, or purchasing another PlayStation 3. And what's been happening is we're seeing a lot of adoption of second consoles in-house," he said.
In contrast, Sony competitor Nintendo is touting the fact that consumers can upgrade their Wii U with a USB flash or hard drive of their choice. Nintendo's new console is also playing heavily on its new tablet-style GamePad controller. Koller said that the PlayStation Vita provides similar functionality when paired with a PlayStation 3, but the company isn't forcing it on developers.
"We tell our PlayStation fans all the time that what the Wii U is offering is something that Vita and PS3 can do quite easily," he said to Engadget. "It's dependent on the content. So we need to make sure the content isn't force fed. And, to us, making sure that the gamer receives the right type of experience is what's most important. So we're going to pick our spots, but that technology does certainly exist here."
Using the $249 Vita as a controller for the PlayStation seems to be an expensive proposition, but Koller explains that most Vita consumers own PS3's anyways. And Sony always has the option of a PS3/Vita bundle for the holidays.
"As we look at the lineup, there are going to be some opportunities to do that. Whether we want to bundle the hardware together remains to be seen," he said. "In the meantime, you look at the Vita consumer and a very high percentage -- almost all of them -- own a PS3. So you see that crossover works."
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September 22nd, 2012, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Morris argues that Sony is shooting itself in the foot by not lowering prices this holiday
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Just a few short weeks ago, it seemed pretty clear how this holiday season was going to shake out for the video game industry - on a few fronts at least.
The long drought of mediocre titles would be replaced with a steady stream of AAA hits. Nintendo would roll out the first next-generation console system. And Microsoft and Sony would battle the Wii U with the best tool at their disposal: A price cut.
Then came Wednesday's pre-TGS Sony press conference - and all hell broke loose.
The decision to roll out a redesigned, even slimmer PS3 wasn't a real shocker (nor was the bundling of two admittedly great games). Rumors about the redesigned system have been around since E3. But Sony's decision to price the new entry-level system at a point that's $20 higher than the current low-end PS3 was downright baffling.
While the Superslim PS3 is still priced lower than the Wii U, Sony opted to bypass an opportunity to boost its market share this holiday. To put it another way: new form factors are all well and good, but at this point in the game - and in the current economic climate - people are making decisions based on price.
"I think they're going to be caught flat footed when Microsoft does something like bundling Kinect with the Xbox for $200"
Michael Pachter
"I think the form factor looks like a nice improvement, but if I were Sony I would focus more on lowering prices," says Colin Sebastian of R.W. Baird. "At this point, in terms of competing at the end of the cycle and in terms of driving more mind share, I don't think consumers are as interested in the prettiest console they can find, but rather the one that has the best value."
Wedbush Securities' Michael Pachter agrees.
"I think Sony is missing an opportunity to differentiate on price," he says. "And I think they're going to be caught flat footed when Microsoft does something like bundling Kinect with the Xbox for $200."
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September 22nd, 2012, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
Uncharted 3 bundle a move to sway Microsoft fans into picking up a second console
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
Sony Computer Entertainment America
Sony expects to sell a lot of its redesigned PlayStation 3 systems this holiday season, and its target customer base includes Xbox 360 owners. In an interview withGameSpot, Sony's vice president of hardware marketing John Koller said the $270 Uncharted 3 bundle in particular is expected to draw a lot of converts from Microsoft's ranks.
"We have seen a very high interest rate from Xbox 360 consumers wanting to purchase a second console," Koller said. "We've held up Uncharted 3 as our flagship product over the last year and it's a good opportunity for those types of consumers to come over and own a second console in their household. We saw the same kind of thing happen in reverse during the PS2 years when a lot of PS2 consumers said they wanted to get an Xbox because of Halo and some other games. So we think the strategy works and it's a good one."
However, that late-in-the-lifespan trend doesn't mean Sony's looking to drop the PS3 anytime soon.
"We're going to continue supporting the PS3 for the next few years," Koller said. "Absolutely. And we're going to continue supporting it not only that long, but as long as there is a development spigot that's running hot. And I can tell you right now, the development spigot for PS3 is very hot. A lot of great games coming. Same thing with PS2…it's kind of stuck around as that old warrior, many years after its launch. But there's still games launching for it."
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September 23rd, 2012, 16:52 Posted By: wraggster
After a few humid and sweaty days in Tokyo, TGS 2012 is drawing to a close. While the public days continue through the weekend, us media types are headed back to our respective homelands until next September. The lasting impression from the week -- aside from eating massive amounts of gyoza -- will undoubtedly be the news Sony dropped the day before the show started at its own press event. A new, even slimmer PS3 is on the way and two new colors for the PS Vita were outed -- at least for Japan. On the show floor, though, we encountered some peripherals well-suited for other gaming tech like Nintendo's 3DS XL, Xbox 360 and PC rigs. You can peek at those for yourself in the Sony Tokyo Game Show gallery that follows and relive all the action in the wrap-up that lies just beyond the break. Also, don't forget to check out our pals over at Joystiq for more coverage from this week's happenings.
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September 23rd, 2012, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Both PS3 and PS Vita versions of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time will release in North America on February 5, followed by Europe in March, Sony's confirmed.
Both games will be available at retail and as PSN downloads on day one, the platform holder's confirmed.It's also reiterated the fantastic deal announced at E3; everyone who buys the PS3 version of Sly Cooper will be able to download its PS Vita equivalent from PSN for no additional cost.
Those who pre-order the game from selected retailers will also recieve in-game glider and character skins.
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September 23rd, 2012, 16:57 Posted By: wraggster
Final Fantasy III will land on the US PlayStation Store for PSP as part of next week's US PSN update, Sony has confirmed.
Arriving on Tuesday, September 25, it will the PSP-enhanced version of FF3, featuring updated 3D graphics optimized for the 16:9 screen, an auto-battle option that runs at double speed, an image gallery and the option to revert back to the original game's background music.The announcement made no mention of price.
Square Enix earlier today released a video showcasing what is inside the snazzy Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box.
The promotional video for the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box shows off what's inside. Clue: lots of Final Fantasy games.
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September 23rd, 2012, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Calls for next-gen hardware are getting louder, but Sony assures PS3 owners that their old faithful has plenty more life left in it.
SCEA marketing VP John Koller says PS3 has at least two or three more years of strong releases ahead of it."A lot of great content is coming," he toldGamespot. "And over the next 2-3 years, the PS3 has got an incredible lineup."
He went on, "We're going to continue supporting the PS3 for the next few years. Absolutely. And we're going to continue supporting it not only that long, but as long as there is a development spigot that's running hot.
"And I can tell you right now, the development spigot for PS3 is very hot. A lot of great games coming. Same thing with PS2... it's kind of stuck around as that old warrior, many years after its launch. But there's still games launching for it."
Team ICO fans will perhaps be concerned that Koller left 'The Last Guardian' out of his list of PS3 upcoming blockbusters, which included The Last of Us and Beyond: Two Souls.
He promised that there's "a lot of third-party content coming, and a lot of first-party content that hasn't come out publicly".
So, who needs PS4 anyway...?
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September 23rd, 2012, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
The latest edition in Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series appears less likely to launch before the end of March 2013, an analyst has claimed.
Colin Sebastian, a senior research analyst at Baird, said there were an increasing number of signs pointing to a release date later than he had previously expected, according to quotes published on Gamespot."By no means am I convinced that Grand Theft Auto V will miss March," he began, "but there are a couple of factors to consider. One, we haven't heard anything definitive from the company on release timing.
"Second, retailers typically would want four to six months lead time to prepare for a launch as large as GTA, and from what I understand, they haven't heard anything.
"Third, Rockstar rightly prioritises game quality over release date, and this dynamic could shift timing."
Publisher Take-Two recently projected to make about $1.8 billion net revenue in the current fiscal year - which ends March 2013 - though the company did not explain what game would have the appeal to effectively treble its operating income.
Many analysts believe it is GTA V that will account for the significant spike in revenues.
"Grand Theft Auto V is in full development and is making substantial progress," Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told investors the company's annual shareholder meeting in February.
Sebastian believes that, when GTA V launches across retail, about 13 million units will ship to retail across three months.
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September 23rd, 2012, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
A patent Sony filed in May 2012 was recently uncovered, indicating the company has interest in knowing exactly who the users of its products are. The patent, titled "Process and Apparatus for Automatically Identifying User of Consumer Electronics," describes the inclusion of fingerprint sensors that would read biometric data of its users on products such as phones, keyboards and gaming controllers.
The patent's abstract reads, "A user of a device may be uniquely identified using a metric that is contingent upon the user using the device for its intended purpose without the user having to perform a separate step, function or operation for the express purpose of identifying the user." The document continues to elaborate on context-sensitive content that would be automatically generated for users upon identification.
Biometric data has mingled with gaming before, most notably when Nintendo introduced (but did not release) the Vitality Sensor device.
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September 23rd, 2012, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Persona 4: Golden - the enhanced Vita version of 2008's cult-favourite dungeon-crawling RPG/high school sim - is coming to North America on 20th November, publisher Atlus has announced on the US PlayStation Blog.Furthermore, it won't be region-locked. So import away!But if you don't fancy paying import fees or reading words with fewer "u"s, you'll be delighted to hear that NIS America is bringing it to Europe next spring.Persona 4: Golden is currently the best-selling Vita game of all-time in Japan and Atlus detailed several of its enhancements since its PS2 version. These include: - The freedom to explore the town at night. Every conversation that occurs during this nocturnal phase is all new. You'll even be able to take night jobs.
- New Very Easy and Very Hard difficulty settings have been added to bookend the previous Easy, Normal and Hard modes.
- You'll also be able to speed through dialogue and cutscenes. After all, the game has a lot of talking, and many players will have already played the PS2 game.
- Load times are significantly reduced to no more than three seconds.
- The fishing mini-game has been expanded with new types of fish at night.
Sadly, there won't be a Japanese language option. "Only English text and an English dub are available," said Atlus manager of public relations and sales Aram Jabbari. "We are very aware of many fans' interest in dual language audio, but it is not possible in every project."He also noted that the snazzy Solid Gold Premium Edition "is just about entirely spoken for via pre-order," and only 10,000 were ever produced. "Demand was, simply put, overwhelming," Jabbari added.When a Canadian gamer asked when the Special Edition would hit their country Jabbari had to explain, "Sales occurred so quickly that pre-orders were never activated in stores; all copies were claimed via online orders." Poor Canada.
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September 23rd, 2012, 22:54 Posted By: wraggster
Why would you want a Wii U when the PlayStation Vita and PS3 can do the same thing already? That's Sony's line of attack as Nintendo readies its new hardware for release."We tell our PlayStation fans all the time that what the Wii U is offering is something that Vita and PS3 can do quite easily," US Sony exec John Koller told Engadget.That means Sony can pick and choose which games it wants to support with a touch-screen controller concept, Koller added. LittleBigPlanet 2 allows you to hook up your Vita as a controller, for example.
"It's dependent on the content. We need to make sure the content isn't force fed. And, to us, making sure that the gamer receives the right type of experience is what's most important. We're going to pick our spots, but that technology does certainly exist here."A PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita separately cost more than a Wii U - which allows for dual-screen gaming out of one box. But most Vita players own a PS3 already, Koller added."You look at the Vita consumer and a very high percentage - almost all of them - own a PS3. So you see that crossover works.""Whether we want to bundle the hardware together remains to be seen," he concluded, mentioning that retailers asked for such a move "all the time".Koller did not mention how many PS3 players own a Vita. Sony has not released firm hardware figures for its handheld since June, when 2.2 million of the devices were out in the wild.
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September 23rd, 2012, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
This new PlayStation 3 revision is going to be a highly controversial product. Sony has a fairly solid reputation for maintaining product quality as its consoles move through their lifecycles, usually managing to combine cost-cutting measures with enough in the way of cool, small, fresh ideas to produce enticing new takes on their existing hardware. But the new PS3 CECH-4000 bucks the trend somewhat: it's designed to be built to a budget, and it shows.First impressions are intriguing once the unit is liberated from its surprisingly dinky packaging. It's very, very small, its modest presence diminished still further when placed side-by-side with the standard DualShock 3, and alongside an original launch model PS3 the extent of the overall shrinkage truly is quite remarkable. The new model is half the size and weight of the original PS3, and enjoys a drop of 25 per cent in volume and 20 per cent in heft compared to the Slim.Despite the reduced dimensions, functionality remains the same as the existing model, with two USB ports, multi-AV, HDMI and toslink optical audio all present and correct. Additional materials out of the box are also a match for the Slim, meaning power and USB leads, composite AV cables with a SCART adaptor, but still no HDMI. Not to worry though, we picked up one of those from Poundland.Despite an initial scare after a cursory inspection of the unit, the hard drive upgrade functionality of previous PS3 models thankfully remains intact. The right side - or the top, depending on orientation - can be removed in its entirety, revealing the familiar hard drive bay with its signature bright blue screw-head. The 500GB model supplied to us by Sony appears to be using an off-the-shelf 5400rpm unit from Hitachi, and there should be no issue in upgrading the unit with virtually any 2.5-inch drive you fancy. Sony is also launching a 12GB model based on flash memory, with a 250GB hard drive add-on available to expand it. We'll be taking a closer look at this arrangement once the new model is available for review."Functionally identical to the existing Slim, the new PS3 is remarkably small unit with solid build quality but let down a touch by cheaper plastics and a disappointing sliding drive cover."
1/9 The size reduction of the new PlayStation unit is best represented in this shot, which places the machine alongside the Dual Shock 3 controller for reference.
In most other respects, the unit lacks much in the way of distinguishing features, save the appearance of PlayStation branding on the left/bottom of the case. This logo takes the form of a plug recessed into the side of the casing, and pried loose it reveals a solitary screw hole. It's here that the optional stand for the new model is attached.Construction of the CECH-4000 model is clearly somewhat simpler compared to its predecessors, and the quality of the materials used feels like a bit of a step down compared to the current PS3 Slim. There's a mixture of fingerprint-attracting glossy plastics on the oval top, while the ridged sliding drive bay cover is matte in nature and somewhat cheap-looking for a PlayStation product. The aesthetic of the PS3 has been defined by its sweeping curves and quality feel - this 'corrugated' lid arrangement doesn't just look a little cheap, it just feels out of place compared to the premium finish previous PS3 models have enjoyed.The sliding drive bay cover itself is most definitely the weakest element of the new model in terms of build quiality. When removing the unit from the packaging, the cover itself is held in place with a small piece of blue protective tape. Gently peeling this back immediately caused the cover to spring open across the face of the unit, which was a little startling.There's an eject button alongside the power button on the front of the unit (arranged via a kind of 'rocker' switch, and again lacking a premium feel), but the clasp that holds the drive cover in place as your games play is fairly weak and is easily opened by hand, making the button itself seem somewhat superfluous. The drive cover is the one weak link in what is otherwise a sound piece of engineering: there's no heft or smooth motion to the lid as it moves across the face of the console. It feels somewhat makeshift and even rattles a little it moves across.Binning the slot-loading drive for a mechanical alternative is a no-brainer in terms of reducing build cost, and the slidey cover solution is a nice idea for preserving the traditional shape of the console without reverting to a PSone/Dreamcast-style top-loader. However, the physical implementation of the concept just feels a little too cheap and somewhat at odds with other parts of the console, which must have added significantly to the overall bill of materials - such as the in-built power supply, for example.
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September 24th, 2012, 13:04 Posted By: wraggster
Surviving violent, subzero conditions while fighting gigantic creatures, human enemies and blood-thirsty Necromorphs won’t be as easy as it sounds! Gamers can go it alone, or fortunately for fans everywhere, they will have the chance to face these terrors with a friend when Visceral Games, an Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) studio launches Dead Space 3 in North America on February 5, 2013 (8 February 2013 in Europe). From the lonely depths of space, to a graveyard of derelict spaceships, to a frozen planet with brutal conditions, Dead Space 3takes action and terror to incredible new heights. In Dead Space 3, the fate of mankind rests in the hands of engineer Isaac Clarke and his new merciless co-op partner, John Carver. Survival is more difficult than ever before, but Visceral Games announced today that fans who pre-order the Dead Space 3Limited Edition at participating retailers will have the advantage of using two bonus* suits and weapons, right when they start the game.
The Dead Space 3 Limited Edition provides gamers with first access to two game bundles: “First Contact” and “Witness the Truth” – each of which contains an advanced suit and devastating new weapon. These hand-crafted weapon combinations act as initial blueprints for the millions of permutations players will be able to create using the all-new weapon crafting system in the game.
“First Contact” Bundle
- First Contact Suit: This unique EVA (Extra-Vehicular Activity) suit was built by the SCAF (Sovereign Colonies Armed Forces) for encounters with "foreign entities.” It sports a flamboyant golden finish to provide protection from long-term space exposure and thick armor for… unspecified reasons. The suit was given the nickname "First Contact" by the scientists who made it.
- Negotiator Weapon: While technically classified by the SCAF as a "scientific instrument,” the gold-plated "Negotiator" is loaded with some surprisingly aggressive hardware. The overclocked, top-mounted Tesla Beam is capable of bursting a man-sized organism into several pieces with a single shot. The bottom-mounted Linegun appears to have been built with the sole purpose of cleanly dismembering organic tissue from a distance.
”Witness the Truth” Bundle
- Witness Suit: These insulated suits were worn by a SCAF deep dig team assigned to exhume the darkest secrets of Tau Volantis. Whatever they found locked deep in the ice changed them forever. When they emerged weeks later, they were covered head to toe in strange graffiti and claimed to be "Witnesses to the Truth.”
- Evangelizer Weapon: A modification of the standard AL-2 used by the Sovereign Colonies Legionaries, this version sports a souped-up AL-2g assault rifle on the top with an Emerson 2100 "Big Boy" tactical shotgun on the bottom. The surviving "Witnesses" of the SCAF deep dig team dubbed it the Evangelizer and decorated them top to bottom with strange symbols.
Winner of more than 15 critic awards at E3 2012 including Best of Show fromGame Informer Magazine (third largest consumer magazine in the U.S.**), Dead Space 3 cuts to the heart of deep space terror. The game is recognized by game critics worldwide for its incredible craftsmanship in horror, action, suspense and sound design. Players will embark on a thrilling ride through space that takes them to a hostile new planet, Tau Volantis. Fortunately, they are not alone this time around. The fully integrated drop-in/drop-out co-op feature gives players the option to play alone or team-up with a friend anytime. Players that choose to take down the terror together will experience additional story details, side missions and gameplay mechanics only found when playing as John Carver.
Dead Space 3 is being developed for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system and on PC.
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September 24th, 2012, 13:08 Posted By: wraggster
Just posted are some new screenshots for the PS3 Game Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
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September 24th, 2012, 13:13 Posted By: wraggster
Just posted are some new screenshots for the PS3 Game Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection
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September 24th, 2012, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
Week ending 22 September 2012
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September 24th, 2012, 13:40 Posted By: wraggster
New release from DCEmu Member JasonUK
PRXDecrypter 2.7a has been updated for all your fans of PRXDecrypter . This latest version includes new keys for PSP Firmware 6.XX which was made available on this version for the developer . PRXDecrypter 2.7a is now much more stable and offer more compaibility for the latest PSP Firmware 6.xx according to the developer with the updated keys . Feel free to read a bit more below for information about PRXDecrypter 2.7a and it’s features that are included on this release . I just updated the PRXDecrypter 2.6b, with new keys for 6.xx and added some features like extracting hidden prx for firmwares 6.xx
Changelog 2.7a
- Now you can decrypt 6.3X and up EBOOT.BIN
- You can extract hidden modules from any DATA.PSP including 6.xx
- decrypt/decompress 6.XX modules.
- Keys for 6.XX – 6.60 added.
- Log file can be enabled or disabled on app startup (with LTRIGGER)
- Small fixes and other changes.
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September 24th, 2012, 13:48 Posted By: wraggster
FastExitGame 2.4.5 is now available for download . This latest PSP plugin offer support for UMD as well something the past version could not do due to bug found in previous version . IF you are looking for a homebrew plugin that will exit out of the game quicly and or restart or shutdwon your PSP , Then this PSP plugin known as FastExitGame 2.4.5 is the perfect download for you . As a bonus, The developer has also added the ability to reset the game as well . So this is good news for those fans of this plugin . Feel free to download this latest version if you are using a older released as is much stable and offer a bit more features . Quickly return to the XMB by pressing the key that you have set up. (It is much faster than pressing the HOME button to return.)
You can shut down, restart, sleep, as well as reset as a bonus game.
· Fixed a problem that could not be reset by UMD
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September 24th, 2012, 13:51 Posted By: wraggster
Umd Dumper Ultimate Edition is the latest PSP Homebrew application to be made available to the PlayStation Homebrew community . This cool UMD dump was released not too long ago for users who are looking for a pretty stable UMD Dumper that is compatible with the latest PSP Custom Firmware . UMD Dumper Ultimate Edition was tested on the latest PSP CFW PRO-C firmware 6.60 , So feel free to download it below if you are looking for a safe and stable UMD dumper for your PSP System for all your Dumpings of UMD . I would like to introduce you to my new version of my UMD Dumper!
And yes you’re aware! : D I love working on UMD Dumper, because it is simple, it is very useful, especially it often makes very large services! So tonight, I just meter my work online through that I liked that I like and I will always cherish! Gen community!
Go up to the finished speaking screenshots not very good, because I stupidly broke my screen so RemoteJoy in my psp3004 with 6.20 PRO-C Blue!
Here is the famous menu that gives access to the Dumper function. Let me explain, I took first two on this menu screen is the main menu.
You send on the top left of the screen. Send you there to write No “Possibility Dump” and “Presence UMD!”
I explain why and how! So why, just as I start my application just to test it so I said well without CD, and therefore the application and asser inteligente and therefore tells you if a UMD and now it is present it will display ” Yes “otherwise it will show” No “here is the first explanation!
Second explanation can function Dump!
So here’s what I have to push that little meter + very simple, just to have a little more life to the program, then bah simply indicated whether it is possible to copy your CDs onto your Memory Stick! Calculation program disk size and remaining space on your Memory Stick before you dump the lancer.
We will now see the effect of the removal program with a CD that is used, “GTA: Liberty City Storie!”
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September 24th, 2012, 13:55 Posted By: wraggster
Webtastic 1.1 is the latest PSP Homebrew application to be made available to PSP users . This cool application will help users bookmark with ease their favorite website on the PSP browser . Browse some of the popular website that are in Mobile version for easy navigation on your PSP . This comes in handy as some site that are not optimised for mobile device will use up a lot of memory something the PSP could not handle due to low memory / ram on their system ,. below is a bit more information from the developer about Webtastic 1.1 and it’s features . Webtastic is a app, that shows the best sites, optimized for you device. Something like a bookmarker on your PC webbrowser, PlayStation® Portable or your Apple® iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.
The sites are different for each device. Because the PSP™ has less browser memory than the iPhone has. That is a big difference. And all the sites are used are copyrighted. Also in each version the PC version always has more apps!
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September 24th, 2012, 13:58 Posted By: wraggster
Latest Sony firmware 1.81 patches the Monster hunter exploit, but as usual, Sony has been kind enough to only patch that specific game, and not prevent VHBL itself from running. The video below shows VHBL running on firmware 1.81.
This is VHBL running on an undisclosed game exploit on firmware 1.81. In the video, I’m showing VHBL running Wagic, as well as Game Boy Advance’s “Advanced Wars 2″ running through the GBA Emulator gPSP. Those of you with a good sense of sight might see that this is a quite old VHBL build, that’s simply because I was too lazy to re-compile to the latest version, and I didn’t really have to since this old build just ran out of the box.
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September 24th, 2012, 14:25 Posted By: wraggster
source: naehrwert @ nwert.wordpress.com] A long while ago KaKaRoTo pointed me to a stack overflow he found while reversing lv2_kernel. But there are two problems: 1. The vulnerability is in a protected syscall (the SELF calling it got to have the 0×40… control flags set). So you’d first need to find a suitable usermode exploit (don’t ask us), that gives you code execution with the right privileges. 2. The payload data is copied to lv2 heap first and the function will do a free call on it before the payload has any chance to get executed. This might not sound like a problem but it looks like lv2's heap implementation will overwrite the free’ed space with 0xABADCAFE and thus destroy the payload. Here is my sample implementation for 3.41 lv2_kernel (although the vulnerability should be present in all versions of lv2 up to the latest firmware), maybe someone of you will find a way to overcome problem (2.) and can get something nice out of it because right now it’s only good to crash lv2.
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September 24th, 2012, 14:26 Posted By: wraggster
source: KDSBest @ twitter.com] Since naehrwert posted an lv2 exploit I will do so too . I didn't manage to make it work on 4.21 so I just did on 4.20 The stack pointer points to lv2 and if we do a syscall, the syscall saves register to the stack HAHA. Btw. It just crashes the console for now, since I totally overwrite dump the lv2 or some memory addresses I don't know. Feel free to try around, adjust the address of the stackpointer and so on. If you managed to get the panic payload executed. Tell me!!! ^^
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September 24th, 2012, 18:42 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Reloaded SVN r79981 is compiled. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.
PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Changing encoding of c strings returned for the linker on OS X to ASCII: I doubt the Mach-O file format is in UTF-8
Fixing releasing when the parent's class init fails: The proper way is to pass null when that happens, not release then pass null.
Using fast enumeration where possible.
Modified the bin/cue handling to also find the bin for .toc files. Note that there isn't a UTI for .toc files yet.
Fixing some unitialized variables caught by Clang. Also fixing a divide by zero error
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September 24th, 2012, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin SVN r99 is compiled. A XInput input plugin for PSX/PS2 emulators, and as of r48 nullDC 1.0.4 too. Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers.
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin function
- Supports rumble, with a nice custom curve.
- Extended analog sticks range on corners. (for games like Ape Escape)
- Guitar build for XInput Guitars on Guitar Hero games.
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin SVN Changelog:
-. Reduced modes to 3 basic ones.
-. Updated Readme
-. Some GUI work.
-. Use only mouse events for the prevent
screensaver option.
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September 24th, 2012, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Jpcsp SVN r2733 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.
Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Added draft sceAac module
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September 24th, 2012, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
ePSXe v1.7.8 for Android is released. ePSXe for Android is a Playstation emulator (PSX and PSOne). It is a port from the famous ePSXe for PC. ePSXe provides high compatibility and good speed. It is designed for smartphones and tablets, including a fun 2 players option for tablets using split screen mode.
ePSXe v1.7.8 for Android Changelog:
* Added screen ratio 4:3, sw filtering (slow), Sound Latency Modes.
* Fixed some GPU bugs (DW7 crashes, - FF7, Driver, RRT4, PE, Ff9 artifacts - FF7 scroll - THPS, DHT missing textures (thanks T. larking, Misha,S.N.)
* Improved audio tracks in PBP format (thanks cualfoxhound)
* Compatibility fixes ported from PC 1.7.0/1.8.0: Formula One Arcade/99, Shaman King, Eldergate...
* Fixed some spu bugs, Re-Loaded, Legend of Dragon
If you have problems emails us to epsxeandroid@gmail.com
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September 25th, 2012, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Treyarch is including the option to install textures onto the PS3 hard drive inCall of Duty: Black Ops 2.
According to game design director David Vonderhaar, installing the files onto the system won't necessarily provide any performance enhancements, instead the functionality is intended to place less of a burden on the Blu-Ray drive."Black Ops 2 has an option to "Install Textures to HDD," Vonderhaar confirmed on the officialBlack Ops community forum.
"When we explained to PS3 folks that installing to the HDD wouldn't necessarily give us any significant performance gains, they explained back that the issue is they play so much it puts constant stress on the Blu-ray drive and wears them out. Roger that."
Vonderhaar described the hard drive space taken up by texture installation as "a non-trivial amount", but didn't provide specific numbers because "anything can, and does change during development."
He continued on to say installing isn't necessary to enjoy the game as the game pre-caches, in a similar fashion to the first Black Ops.
Earlier this month Treyarch released a Black Ops 2 Zombies trailer featuring in-game footage.
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September 25th, 2012, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
Rockstar's lauded Grand Theft Auto 3 will be included in this week's US PlayStation Store content update under the PS2 Classics banner.
GTA 3 was the first in the series to feature a fully-realised open-world city and has served as the blueprint for all following Grand Theft Auto titles. Since the original release on PlayStation 2, the game has been ported to numerous other consoles. It was most recently released for Apple's iOS and Android as part of its 10th Anniversary celebration.Here's the official description:
"From the days of the PlayStation 2, this downloadable game allows you to play the classic original on compatible PlayStation game systems."
"Mob bosses need favors, crooked cops need help, the street gangs want you dead; so to compensate you'll have to rob, steal, and kill in order to stay alive."
"Developed by DMA Design, GTA3 is the first installment of the series to utilize a fully three-dimensional living city with open environments and non-linear gameplay. Additional features include a cast of hundreds of different characters, more than 50 types of vehicles, three hours of professionally recorded music, and a huge array of deadly street weapons."
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September 26th, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Ubisoft, in partnership with retailer HMV and their nominated charity Teenage Cancer Trust, has announced that, from the launch of Rocksmith™ for Xbox 360 and PlayStation®3 systems on 28th September 2012 (and 19th October for PC), until Christmas, with every purchase of the game in the UK, £5 will be donated to the charity. Ubisoft and HMV will each contribute £2.50 from every sale. Rocksmith is the first and only game where consumers can plug in ANY real electric or bass guitar and learn whilst playing, with gameplay that automatically adjusts to personal ability, and innovative game design that makes playing music visually intuitive.
“We are exceedingly excited to be launching Rocksmith in the UK this week,” said Rob Cooper, Managing Director, Ubisoft UK. “The game literally provides real-life benefits by teaching people how to play an actual guitar, and we hope to inspire the next generation of rock stars in the UK and beyond. Moreover, I couldn’t be more pleased to be partnering with HMV to raise much-needed funds for Teenage Cancer Trust.”
Teenage Cancer Trust, founded over 20 years ago, is a charity devoted to improving the lives of teenagers and young adults with cancer. They are the only UK charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and chances of survival for the six young people aged between 13 and 24 diagnosed with cancer every day. To date, Teenage Cancer Trust has funded, developed and opened 22 specialist units within NHS hospitals across the UK, which are supporting young people and their families.
HMV Product Manager for Games & Technology, Vicky White, adds: “We’re delighted to be partnering in this special promotion that enables us to support the launch of Ubisoft’s fantastic Rocksmith, while also raising funds for our wonderful nominated charity, Teenage Cancer Trust. All three parties have a natural connection through music and gaming, so this feels like a great fit.”
For more information on Rocksmith, visit www.rocksmith.com
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September 26th, 2012, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Get ready to brush up your web-shooting skills as The Amazing Spider-Man™ video game from Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), and Marvel Entertainment, is available digitally today in North America, and will be available in Europe on September 26th. As the official epilogue story to this summer's feature film and marking Spidey's return to a free-roaming Manhattan, The Amazing Spider-Man video game is now available for 4800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, $59.99 on the PlayStation®Store for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, and $49.99 on Steam, including complete integration with Steam achievements. A Nintendo 3DS demo is also now available in the Nintendo eShop.
Additionally, fan-favorite downloadable content (DLC) for The Amazing Spider-Man video game launches for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system and Steam today, and includes the Rhino Challenge Pack, Oscorp Search & Destroy Pack, the all-new Lizard Rampage Pack and the highly requestedStan Lee Adventure Pack, where fans will be able to play as the comic legend himself.
Full details on each DLC pack for The Amazing Spider-Man video game below:
- Rhino Challenge Pack — Take control of the massive, genetically engineered villain Rhino and rampage around Manhattan in an exclusive gameplay challenge of pure destruction! As Rhino, players will be able to unleash his formidable powers to destroy anything and everything in his path in a timed event full of speed, combo streaks, and of course, a ton of things to break! Downloadable on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 for 240 Microsoft Points, from the PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3 system and on Steam for $2.99. Available in North America and Europe.
- Oscorp Search & Destroy Pack — In The Amazing Spider-Man video game, Spider-Man has his own smartphone to help navigate around Manhattan, locate missions and challenges and fight crime. With this pack, Spider-Man's smartphone will feature two mini-games inspired by classic arcade fun. Downloadable on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 for 240 Microsoft Points, from the PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3 system and on Steam for $2.99. Available in North America and Europe.
- Lizard Rampage Pack — The notorious Lizard is on the loose again in Manhattan! Take on the role of Dr. Connors' terrifying alter ego in a race against time. Go berserk through the streets using his devastating stomp attack and tail swipe to defeat Oscorp guards and earn mega points. Use his boost jump to bound great distances over the city. Destroy blast towers to buy yourself more time and delay Oscorp from releasing their cross-species containment blast across the city! This pack also includes the exclusive Vigilante Spider-Man Suitfrom the feature film, the suit Peter Parker dons to fight crime before developing his famous costume. Downloadable on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 for 320 Microsoft Points, from the PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3 system and on Steam for $3.99. Available in North America today and will be available later in the year in Europe.
- Stan Lee Adventure Pack — For the first time ever, fans will be able to play as…STAN…(wait for it)…LEE himself in The Amazing Spider-Manvideo game. Players take on the role of Stan "The Man" Lee in his own special mission across Manhattan, borrowing abilities from his old palSpider-Man as they collect pages of his latest script in a spectacular race around Manhattan. Stan's mission is punctuated with his witty banter that fans have come to know and love, and a special surprise waits for them at the end of the mission — after all, this year is Spider-Man's 50thanniversary! Downloadable on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 for 320 Microsoft Points, from the PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3 system and on Steam for $3.99. Available in North America and Europe.
- The Amazing Spider-Man Bundle Pack — Finally, for the ultimateSpider-Man fan, all four content packs can be purchased together, available through the PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3 system and on Steam for $9.99. Available in North America today, and available in Europe later this year.
Go beyond Sony Picture Entertainment's Columbia Pictures' feature film and find out what happens next in The Amazing Spider-Man video game. An original story crafted by Hollywood writer Seamus Kevin Fahey (Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Battlestar Galactica) that picks up immediately after the events of the movie, The Amazing Spider-Man video game delivers a brand-new, immersive and cinematic adventure allowing fans to truly harness the power of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Players will experience numerous choices in navigation and combat with the game's innovative Web Rush gameplay mechanic, pushing Spider-Man's abilities to the limit against classic Marvel villains that are re-imagined exclusively for the game, such as Scorpion, Felicia Hardy, Rhino, Iguana and more.
Developed by Beenox for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system, Wii system from Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS and Windows PC, The Amazing Spider-Man is rated "T" (Teen — content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older) by the ESRB. The Nintendo 3DS edition features several unique mini-games that use its touch-screen abilities, including the exclusive Vigilante Mode using StreetPass™. The Nintendo DS version of the game was created by developer Other Ocean, is rated E10+ (Everyone 10 and older — content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older) by the ESRB, and follows the same storyline in an entirely different platforming adventure.
For more information on The Amazing Spider-Man video game, please go tohttp://www.TheAmazingSpiderManGame.com, and be sure to check out the game's Facebook page athttp://www.facebook.com/TheAmazingSpiderManGame.
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September 26th, 2012, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
Now that the revamped Netflix interface has hit phones and tablets for both Apple and Android powered hardware, the service has quietly enabled something else: second screen remote control. Currently the feature is only known to work on the PlayStation 3 with a mobile device on the same local network, once the two apps are running you can browse as normal on your phone or tablet and when you go to play a movie or TV show it asks you to choose where it will play. While the video is playing you can stop, pause or seek through it to a certain point, change the audio or subtitles, choose a different episode or even browse for something entirely different without stopping the action. The YouTube app on PS3 works in a similar fashion after its most recent update. We've got a few screens of the mobile apps at work in the gallery, check after the break for a quick video of it working.
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September 26th, 2012, 14:22 Posted By: wraggster
Taking a cue from Nintendo's Wii U, Sony's PlayStation 3 is getting digital versions of some games delivered at the same time as their physical counterparts starting next week with Resident Evil 6 andNBA 2K13. via "PSN Day 1 Digital." Unlike Nintendo's initiative, however, Sony's is third-party focused -- not one game on its initial list of eight titles is published by any of Sony's international publishing studios.
It's unclear whether this is a full-on initiative for Sony's PlayStation 3 or a promotion for October alone, but Sony's PlayStation blog calls PSN Day 1 Digital "a new program," which indicates it's something more than just a one month promo -- all the same, we've asked Sony for more info. Beyond just offering a smattering of games digitally at launch, PSN Day 1 Digital allows for pre-orders, and even offers a 10 percent discount on 007: Legends should you pre-order as a PlayStation Plus member. Head past the break for the full list of titles.
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September 26th, 2012, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented video games, continues its celebration of Harvest Moon's 15th anniversary in North America. With PlayStation Classic releases, pre-order bonanzas, and the release of Harvest Moon: A New Beginning on November 6th, it's never been a better time to be a Harvest Moon fan!
"We're so pleased to present many of our classic Harvest Moon titles on the PlayStation Network, Vita, and the Nintendo 3DS eShop throughout 2012. Whether you've played our full Harvest Moon library before or are a newcomer to the series, it's amazing to look back and see how Harvest Moon has evolved over the last 15 years," said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO at Natsume. "It's even more thrilling for us to see how popular the series is today - pre-orders for the Anniversary Edition of Harvest Moon: A New Beginning have been incredible!"
Fans can pre-order Harvest Moon: A New Beginning via the Natsume Online Store to receive the new coveted plushie: an adorable yak! Need a bigger plushie fix? The 15th Anniversary Edition of Harvest Moon: A New Beginning comes packed with Natsume's largest plush yet: a squishy, huggable, twelve inch cow! This prized collectable is available exclusively on the Natsume Online Store (http://natsume.com/store/index.html). Fans can watch the Natsume Facebook, Twitter, and forums for updates on this Moo-tastic package!
In addition to Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, Natsume has been releasing a number of older Harvest Moon titles on the PlayStation Network. These classics not only include Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition available now and Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition arriving October 2nd, but more titles coming in the future. All Harvest Moon PSP titles can be purchased natively through the PlayStation Vita at a reduced price! And Nintendo fans aren't being left out! Harvest Moon GBC is still on track for a 2012 release via the Nintendo 3DS eShop, with more classic Game Boy Color games planned in the future.
Players can follow all the news for all of the beloved Natsume franchises via www.natsume.com, or by scooping all of the latest Natsume updates, contests, screen shots and more at www.natsume.com/facebook andwww.twitter.com/natsume_inc.
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September 26th, 2012, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this year, we launched our on-going web-series ‘Playing Dead’ featuring regular talks with the development team at Telltale Games discussing the process of creating an episodic game series based on Robert Kirkman’s award winning graphic novels, The Walking Dead.
Recently in Seattle during PAX Prime, Telltale came face to face with thousands of fans who had a chance to swing by our booth to say hello and let us know what they loved the most about the series.
Our fans also joined us for our over-capacity panel, ‘Playing Dead LIVE’ featuring project leads Sean Vanaman, Jake Rodkin, as well as story-consultant and screenwriter for the fast-approaching Episode Four: Around Every Corner, Gary Whitta. Hosted by A.J. LoCascio, the panel dives deep into the process of what it takes to develop an episodic game series and even answers questions from the audience.
Who saved Doug? Who saved Carley? Who would resort to angry letters to Telltale if anything bad should happen to their favorite character? Just what DID Gary Whitta find in a fake dead horse on the set of The Walking Dead TV show? These questions and more are answered in the video!
Remember, Episode Four, written by Gary Whitta, will be launching very soon this October, followed shortly by the finale in Episode Five, ‘No Time Left.’ Each episode, together as a five part series, will also be launching at retail on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Youtube of PAX and Panel:
Direct Download of Panel:https://www.yousendit.com/download/T...VnNVbTl2Zk1UQw
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September 26th, 2012, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Today we’re pleased to announce that Grand Theft Auto III is now available to purchase from the PlayStation® Store.
At long last , the original three-dimensional, open-world Grand Theft Auto title makes its way to the Playstation® Store for the price of £7.99.
Released in 2001 to critical and commercial success, Grand Theft Auto III is widely credited as one of the most influential video games of all time and a landmark moment in popular culture. With world-class voice acting, an action-packed and deftly satirical storyline, a stunning soundtrack and revolutionary open-world gameplay, Grand Theft Auto III delivered a new sense of freedom in videogames.
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September 27th, 2012, 00:16 Posted By: wraggster
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today unveiled details for the Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector’s Edition. The UK package will be available beginning April 2013 in limited quantities for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment.
The UK Injustice: Gods Among Us Collector’s Edition will include:
· Exclusive 25cm Injustice Collectible statue featuring iconic characters Batman and Wonder Woman
· Two issues of a brand new DC Comics series
· Exclusive Steelbook™ casing
· Three exclusive skins based on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman from DC COMICS – THE NEW 52
To download images of the box art and the DC Collectible figurine, please visit: http://games.premiercomms.com/pics.asp?i=1244
Injustice: Gods Among Us introduces a bold new franchise to the fighting game genre from NetherRealm Studios, creators of the definitive fighting gameMortal Kombat. Featuring DC Comics icons such Batman, Cyborg, The Flash, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Superman and Wonder Woman, the latest title from the award-winning studio presents a deep original story. Heroes and villains will engage in epic battles on a massive scale in a world where the line between good and evil has been blurred. The game is scheduled for release April 2013 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Wii U™.
For more information, visit www.injustice.com.
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September 27th, 2012, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Codemasters® today released the final developer diary for F1 2012, the next game in the award-winning series, which is available now for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC.
The new developer diary gives details of two of the brand new modes within the game – Season Challenge and Champions Mode – as well as delving deeper into the five year Career and Multiplayer options. Gamers can view the new developer diary now at www.formula1-game.com.
Discussing Champions Mode, Stephen Hood, Creative Director for F1 2012 said “With six FIA FORMULA ONE DRIVERS’ WORLD CHAMPIONS on the grid this year we thought it would be interesting if we made a scenario-based mode about trying to beat each of the champions across increasingly difficult challenges.”
Season Challenge allows the player to experience a full FORMULA ONE™ career in the space of ten quick races. They start at a low ranking team, select a rival and, if that beat that rival on track, they will be offered their rival’s car for future races.
Speaking about Season Challenge, Hood added: “It is about trying to replicate that career experience you had over a number of years in our previous games into a condensed format.”
F1 2012 is set to deliver the most accessible and immersive FORMULA ONE game for fans of all abilities. Players will feel the unparalleled thrill of becoming a FORMULA ONE driver with a host of new features, wide-ranging technical and gameplay advancements and extensive competitive and co-operative multiplayer components. F1 2012 will feature all of the official teams, drivers and circuits from the 2012 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™, including the debut of the 2012 FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX at Austin, Texas and the return of Germany’s famous Hockenheim circuit to the calendar.
F1 2012 is developed by Codemasters Birmingham for Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 and Windows PC and is available now. To get all the news straight from the studio, race over to www.facebook.com/formula1game or follow the team on twitter at www.twitter.com/formula1game. ;
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September 27th, 2012, 01:14 Posted By: wraggster
Tozai Games announced today that Spelunker HD fans are in for even more challenging platformer action with two additional new Championship Mode DLC packs coming next month. The packs, EX9 and EX10, are expected to launch in North America on October 2nd, and in Europe on October 3rd.
As with the previous DLC, PlayStation Plus members will be able to purchase both Spelunker HD, as well as all the new Championship Mode DLC packs for 50% off for two weeks starting from the day of launch in each region*.
"These new levels are possibly the toughest created to date, in a game that is already considered one of the most challenging of all time!" says Scott Tsumura, Tozai's co-founder. "Yet our fans keep begging for more, so we're excited to have so much new content for them."
In Spelunker HD, the player navigates each labyrinthine level to reach an ancient statue that stands at the entrance to yet a deeper, more heinous cave. En route, you may operate the archaic mine equipment and ride the automated machinery to aid in your quest. You'll collect a plethora of items and power-ups, encounter a vast array of creatures, and detonate bombs and launch flares as you run, jump and climb your way ever deeper. When nostalgia strikes, an option to play in the original 2D graphic style is also available.
This devious reimagining of the classic 1983 platformer created by Tim Martin contains all the fun and teeth-grinding challenge of the original, but with bold new 3D graphics, 100 freshly designed levels (and soon to be 100 more), and both co-op and competitive multiplayer modes for up to six players.
Spelunker HD received a PlayStation Store Top Sales Award when it first became available in Japan in 2009. It also received a truckload of critical acclaim in North America and Europe including a Best of 2010 award from Joystiq.
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September 27th, 2012, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Vita hardware bundle will not include a physical copy of the game.
Videogamer reports that the SKU will instead contain a code to download the game from the PlayStation Store.
Also included in the bundle is the handheld console and a 4GB memory card. The result, of course, is that once the game is downloaded users will be left without much in the way of extra storage space.
The game’s file size is unknown for the time being, although retail games have already hit PSN that clock in at well over 2GB.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified is being developed by Nihilistic. It is due out in November.
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September 27th, 2012, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s digital retail drive is continuing with a large slate of former disc-only games now available to download.
As of today Sony’s PS3 Essentials range is available on the PlayStation Store, with prices ranging from £9.99 to £15.99. There are a number of big hits, too, including the likes of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood and Far Cry 2.
Sony earlier today revealed plans to offer discounted titles on PSNat the same time as they arrive at retail.
Here’s the complete list of PS3 Essentials:
- Assassin's Creed: £15.99
- Assassin's Creed 2: £15.99
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: £15.99
- Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood: £15.99
- Darksiders: £9.99
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution: £9.99
- Driver: San Francisco: £15.99
- Far Cry 2: £15.99
- Homefront: £9.99
- Infamous: £9.99
- James Cameron's Avatar: The Game: £15.99
- Just Cause 2: £9.99
- LittleBigPlanet: £9.99
- MAG: £9.99
- Medieval Move: £9.99
- ModNation Racers: £9.99
- Move Fitness: £9.99
- Prince of Persia: £15.99
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: £15.99
- Sonic Generations: £15.99
- Sports Champions: £9.99
- Tom Clancy's - Rainbow Six Vegas 2: £15.99
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2: £15.99
- Tomb Raider: Underworld: £9.99
- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: £9.99
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September 27th, 2012, 02:06 Posted By: wraggster
Sega has confirmed that the Vita version of Phantasy Star Online 2 will be free-to-play like its PC counterpart.
Members of the development team confirmed as much during a Q&A session with fans at last week's Tokyo Game Show, dispelling any concerns that Sega might lump a retail price on the Vita edition.Like the PC version - which which the Vita game will connect - the portable edition will completely free to download and play, available via the PlayStation Store (according to PSF Blog translations, via Siliconera). It will be an online-only game.
The Vita version was announced in March when game producer Sakai Satoshi confirmed that Vita players will be adventuring alongside PC players on the same servers and will be able to play the same character on both versions.
The PC version of the free-to-play action MMO game will launch in North America and Europe next year, but Sega is yet to confirm the Vita and mobile versions for release in The West.
Check out a Vita-specific gameplay trailer here.
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September 28th, 2012, 00:28 Posted By: wraggster
A man, clinging to life. His two sons, desperate to cure their ailing father, are left with but one option. They must set out upon a journey to find and bring back the "Water of Life” as they come to rely on one another to survive. One must be strong where the other is weak, brave where the other is fearful, they must be... Brothers.
505 Games in partnership with Starbreeze Studios and filmmaker Josef Fares will release Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - previously known as P13 - for Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®Network for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and for Steam in spring 2013.
“When I first visualised Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons I knew I wanted to combine the deep, engrossing storyline of a film with the physical experience of a video game, allowing players to emotionally connect with the characters as they trek across sweeping, interactive environments such as peaceful vistas, foreboding forests and dangerous mountainsides,” said Fares. “I chose to partner with Starbreeze and 505 Games to make my vision a reality and am confident that together we are creating an amazing and unique experience for gamers.”
Visit http://www.brothersthegame.com to check out the first teaser trailer and for future updates.
Fares is a Crystal-Simorgh winning film director who was born in Beirut, Lebanon and moved to Sweden when he was 10 years old. Variety declared him one of 10 upcoming directors to watch in 2006. That same year he won the Nordic Council Film Prize for his film “Zozo.” Since then Josef has received several awards and prizes, both as writer and director, and his last feature film “Leo,” in which he also appeared, was selected for the Focus section in the 58th Edition of the Berlin International Film Festival in 2008.
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September 28th, 2012, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Team17 are proud to announce that Worms™ Revolution is now available for pre-order for the PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation Store!
Worms™ Revolution is set to launch on October 10th for PlayStation 3 and will be priced at £10.99.
Fans who take advantage of the pre-order can make an immediate saving on the price with a pre-order cost of just £9.99. In addition, fans who pre-order before the launch date will also receive a FREE copy of the madcap Worms™ Crazy Golf!
About the Game:
Worms™ Revolution sticks an exploding sheep under worm-on-worm conflict and blasts it squarely into the 21st century. With 32 single player missions, 20 single player puzzles, online or local multiplayer for up to 4 players, 3 multiplayer modes, customisation, worm classes and dynamic water!
• 32 single player campaign missions and 20 puzzle missions to exercise your brain.
• Fight to the death across 4 unique environments.
• Experience local or online battles with up to 4 players. Choose from 3 different game modes: Deathmatch, Forts or Classic mode.
• 4 different classes of worm: Soldier, Scout, Scientist and Heavy.
• Customise your worms using a variety of hats, glasses, moustaches, gravestones, victory dances, soundbanks and trinkets!
• New dynamic water and physics objects
• New weapons
• Award winning writer Dean Wilkinson provides the script, which is hilariously brought to life by the accomplished Matt Berry as unseen narrator, Don Keystone, a wildlife documentary maker.
Worms™ Revolution is scheduled for an October 10th 2012 release and will appear on Xbox 360 via the Xbox LIVE Arcade Marketplace, PlayStation 3 via the PlayStation®Network Store and PC via Steam.
For more information on Worms™ please visit www.team17.com orwww.facebook.com/WormsTeam17
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September 28th, 2012, 22:26 Posted By: wraggster
Milestone, the largest Italian videogames developer and publisher for consoles and PCs, recognized worldwide as a leading Studio specializing in racing titles, has released a brand new MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship gameplay video for the Lommel, Belgium track.
To watch the Belgium gameplay video click here
To download the Belgium gameplay video click here
You can pre-order MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship for PS VITA atPlay,The Hut and Zavvi.
Developed and published by Milestone, MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship will be available on 12th October 2012 for PlayStation®Vita and on the Playstation®Store.
MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship: Feel the real Motocross!
For more information:
Please visit:
www.pqube.co.uk/games/ps-vita/mud-fim-motocross-world-championship/ orwww.mudthegame.com
Follow the official Facebook page
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September 28th, 2012, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Last week, the long-awaited Farming Simulator 2013® unveiled screenshots of its massive fleet of vehicles and machinery. Today, the tractors, harvesters and other machines of Farming Simulator 2013 are rolling out of the barn and into action with an impressive video!
This new trailer for the number one farming simulator shows off one of its most beloved features, the huge variety of vehicles and farming machinery, each faithfully reproduced from the original. All the biggest brands includingCase IH, Deutz-Fahr, Lamborghini, Grimme, Amazon and many others are all featured in the game, offering players a large selection of vehicles and tools to drive and use. From tractors to harvesters, drilling machines to balers, and every other tool and vehicle imaginable, each category features a complete range of authentic machines, modeled and animated in accurate detail.
In today’s video, players will discover a small selection of the game’s 130 vehicles and farming machines, all hard at work!
Farming Simulator 2013 releases on PC on October 25th 2012, and on Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3 in Q1 2013.
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September 28th, 2012, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
Role-playing on the go! Today, eastasiasoft—the Hong Kong–based developer and publisher of interactive entertainment—and developer SideQuest Studios announced that their recently released role-playing hit Rainbow Moon is heading to the PlayStation®Vita system in 2013.
“We've been asked this question many times, so I'm very happy to finally announce that we will bring Rainbow Moon to the PS®Vita,” said Marcus Pukropski, CEO of SideQuest Studios. “All the feedback that we have received for Rainbow Moon during the last few months has been tremendous, and I hope that today's announcement will make a lot of PS®Vita owners and Rainbow Moon fans happy.”
More information regarding the game's release will be announced in the near future.
Screenshots, videos and additional game information are available on Rainbow Moon’s official website at www.rainbowmoongame.com and atwww.facebook.com/RainbowMoonTheGame/.
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September 28th, 2012, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
It's time to welcome the 10th member to the Awesomenauts crew! Skølldir! Like any Awesomenaut this guy will come with a bitchin' soundtrack, powerful items, and some devastating skills. And to bring you this Awesome new 'Naut, Ronimo teamed up with the Yogscast comedy gaming channel! As you can hear from the video, Simon voiced Skølldir with his great Space Dwarf/Viking impersonation. There's also a sweet Honeydew skin for Skølldir, which will be made available to all for free! Just click herehttp://www.youtube.com/yogscast and subscribe to the Yogscast channel to see how to grab it once it goes live!
"Skølldir The Terrible Space Viking has raided over a hundred spaceports, cargo ships and grocery stores. His legendary thirst for battle is unquenchable. Great raids are usually followed by great feasts and soon his nickname was altered to Skølldir The Terribly Overweight Space Viking. Nothing could scorn Skølldir more than this honorless title!
Skølldir has set out on his space barge to impress the universe with his lightning fast fighting skills to prove this moniker wrong and show his nimbleness. Anyone who would dare to call him fat is met with a rapid series of crushing punches and is thrown aside.
If you find yourself on the battlefield, and hear the sound of crushing bones and thunderous farts in the distance, flee as Skølldirs fury is upon you!"
To see his graceful moves in action, check out the trailer:
For other updates on Awesomenauts follow us on facebook.com/Awesomenauts or twitter.com/RonimoGames
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September 28th, 2012, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster

We’d bet you didn’t know there was a Nyan Cat game for the original PlayStation. Well, there wasn’t one until very recently. This isn’t a title that has been licensed by Sony, and we bet you won’t spend hours playing such a thing. But the concept has let [Haunted] hone his development skills.
We’re not certain how he’s getting around the copy protection for PSX games, but we know there are a few different exploits out there. If you happen to have your own method playing homebrew games you can even download the bin/cue files to try this out for yourself.
After the break you can watch a demo clip of the game. It boots like normal until you hit a black screen with white text which displays a loading percentage. This is followed closely by the rainbow spewing feline pastry. The sound takes a minute to play but you can be sure it’s there. Currently there’s no scoring system but that’s in the works for a future revision.
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September 29th, 2012, 02:54 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft is splashing out over £4m in the UK to make Assassin’s Creed III one of the biggest Christmas games.
It is the most expensive marketing spend in Ubisoft’s history and funds a campaign that spans more than three months, rivalling support for titles such as FIFA and Call of Duty.
Activity ramps up this week with a presence at Eurogamer Expo, including an outdoor campaign that dominates Earl’s Court station. Next month, Ubi will unleash a heavyweight TV?campaign that will run into November, targeting males aged 18 to 34 and complemented by video-on-demand ads.
There will also be online takeovers and London Underground billboards running when the game launches on October 31st.
“Assassin’s Creed III is the culmination of three years’ hard work from a team which is at the top of its game,” senior brand manager Matt Benson told MCV.
“Our spend is in excess of £4m across marketing and trade activity, which is the largest amount we have ever committed for an Assassin’s Creed campaign.”
Ubisoft is also working closely with Sony to promote handheld spin-off Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation as part of the platform holder’s Christmas Vita campaign.
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September 29th, 2012, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
EA Sports has announced the cancellation of NBA Live 13.
The decision marks the second time in the last few years that EA has canned its NBA sim in the eleventh hour. That said, the studio has plans for the franchise next year.
"Having continued to look at the game over the past few days, it's clear that we won't be ready in October," Andrew Wilson said in a post on NBA Live’s official site. "And rather than launch midway through the season, we're going to sit out the full year and stay focused on making next year's game great."
It hasn’t been explained why in fact the game had its plug pulled, but Wilson does go a bit into detail on what EA intends to focus on for what we expect to be NBA Live 14.
"I'm disappointed that we have not yet met our high expectations with NBA Live, but I remain motivated about where we're going. We're committed to delivering new innovation in online, and our progress in the visual presentation of the game continues to take big strides. We also know that a great game starts with great gameplay, and this remains a huge priority for us."
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September 30th, 2012, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
PSP Comic Store, we hardly knew ye. No really, we hardly knew ye -- which is probably why Sony is warning PSP owners that its comic book portal is shutting down after October 30th. Come Hallowe'en, we'll lose the option to download the necessary app or buy additional titles. Any currently owned comics will be available to download again until mid-January, but readers will be on their own to preserve existing libraries after that. Outside of Japan, that creates significant problems for literary PlayStation fans: while PS Vita owners in Sony's home country will get a Manga store and reader in October, there's no equivalent crutch for other countries (or any PSP owners) at this stage. The console maker is non-committal and says there's nothing it can discuss "at the moment," which to us is a hint that we shouldn't plan our reading hours around a PSP or PS Vita in the near future.
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September 30th, 2012, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation Store and the PlayStation Plus premium service has had a good few months.
According to SCEA's senior director of PlayStation digital platforms Jack Buser, "membership sales in PS Plus almost doubled" during the week of E3 - which took place on June 5-7.This, he suggests, was spawned on by the announcement of 'Instant Game Collection', which gives PS Plus subscribers access to around 12 big-name (and often full-retail) games for weeks at a time at no additional cost. Games such as LittleBigPlanet 2 and inFamous 2 have been offered as Instant Game Collection titles.
Momentum for the PS Store has apparently grown, logging its highest "transactional sales" quarter during the months of April to June, according to the Joystiq report.
Sony reported there being over 90 million PlayStation Network accounts worldwide back in March 2012, although this it didn't specify how many of those are actually active accounts (many PSN users have multiple accounts registered to different regions for overseas PS Store access).
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September 30th, 2012, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has said Sony has been surprised by the lack of support from third-party developers for Vita.
"One thing that was surprising and disappointing to us was the [lower] number of third parties to come out [in support] after launch," Yoshida told Gamasutra.Yoshida suggests that the emergence of numerous gaming platforms - particularly mobile - has spawned a battle for limited developer resources, which impacted Vita support.
"In retrospect, there are so many options for publishers now that we cannot take it for granted that our new platform would be supported by third parties, like [it would've been] many years ago," he said.
"There are limited resources that third party publishers have, and they have to diversify into new areas constantly; that's a challenge to get the support that we want."
Yoshida says Sony's challenge is define what Vita is and which software works best for it. "As we can expand our install base and articulate what works really well on the platform as compared to others, it will get easier for us to be able get support from third parties," he said.
Sony said recently that it's discouraging developers from porting console games to Vita, as it seeks to 'actively' avoid repeating the mistakes it made with PSP.
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September 30th, 2012, 22:58 Posted By: wraggster
OpenBricks 1.1 a awesome well done PSP Homebrew game is now available to the PSP SHomebrew community . OpenBricks 1.1 is the latest PSP Homebrew game to be released to the PlayStation Homebrew community by PSP Developer Ryp who has decided to release his latest updated homebrew to the community .
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September 30th, 2012, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
LockDown 3.0 a PSP Homebrew application is now available for download, This awesome well done homebrew application will let users lock their PSP with a password to avoid any users from accessing the the PSP that are homebrew enable or Custom Firmware installed on it . Even though this PSP Homebrew application is pretty cool, The lock features will only work as long the PSP is homebrew enable, OTherwise none Homebrew enable PSP will not be able to use this feature on their PSP System , So feel free to download this updated version of LockDown 3.0 for your PSP System, Is recommended to update to the latest version if you are using a older version of LockDown as this offer a bit more stability and compatibility for the latest PSP Custom Firmware System .
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September 30th, 2012, 23:03 Posted By: wraggster
Music Downloader is the latest and new PSP homebrew Music download application to be made available to the PlayStation Homebrew community . IF you love to listen to music on your PSP and wont mind downloaded a few tracks to your PSP to listen to them, Then this PSP Homebrew Application Music Downloader is the perfect homebrew application for you . This application will let you download any music that is available for download straight to your PSP and let you listen to the via your PSP Music Player by default . Please note that downloading music is illegal , So be careful if you tend to use this application to download MP3 to your PSP . Below is a bit more information about Music Downloader and it features available from the developer . This simply must have a Wi-Fi access which we must be able to make use of this great application. So far no player has. So far no player has, but the author assures us that it will implement in the future.
In addition, the application has a download history and searches can be enabled and disabled from the Settings menu.
Note: Downloads are stored in the MUSIC folder located in the root of your PSP memory stick.
Digital Pad: Move between options.
X: Select.
Or: Go back.
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September 30th, 2012, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
WifiHack 2.1 a cool Homebrew application is now available to the PlayStation Homebrew community for PSP users . If you are looking for a PSP Homebrew application that will help you retrieve the default Password of some of the popular Wireless Router, Then look no further as WifiHack 2.1 is now available for your PSP System , This updated homebrew application addresses a bug found in previous version . This latest version is much more stable and offer better compatibility for your PSP System , Also this version has been translated to Spanish for those PSP users who speak or wish to use a Spanish program on their PSP system for a better understanding on how this PSP Homebrew application works, Feel free to download it from our download section below, IF you have any issue what so ever about this release, Then feel free to post in our comment section below New Features
· Added Spanish language
· Update information menu
· Fixed bug in WLAN_XXXX (Thanks 6381)
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September 30th, 2012, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
via http://wololo.net/2012/09/28/the-cur...eptember-2012/
Hacking a PS3 these days is either easy(if you are already on a compatible or lower Firmware than 3.55) or really hard if you are current, Even then some models are capable and others not so much. Lets explore what it takes to get some Homebrew goodness on our favorite gaming console!
Most people who are familiar with the scene know that Firmware 3.55 is capable of being turned into Custom Firmware on the PlayStation 3 relatively easily. It is pretty much like PSP CFW as far as I know and hosts a lot of great benefits to users such as remote play on Vita with no game restrictions.
If you are, however, above 3.55 Official Firmware, You will need to flash your PS3 so that you may downgrade it to said Firmware. Do not get excited yet though, only certain models can be flashed and even less are easy to.Flashing is a pain in the rear and should only be attempted by persons who know their way around a computer. For a guide on which models can or can not be flashed click here and choose the first drop menu in the post.
For those of you fortunate enough to have a PS3 on or below 3.55 click here for a tutorial.
I have heard rumors of more current Firmwares being exploited and hacked but only time will tell, Fingers crossed!
Do you have a hacked PS3? Do you miss online or other features you would have if you could beam the mother-ship(Sony)? What are your favorite PS3 homebrews?
Sound off below!
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October 1st, 2012, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
The famous developer and manager MultiMan Deank celebrate today their second year of sharing the stage Ps3.
For the occasion and follow the latest rumors, this version of the manager bear any Custom Firmware 4.21 which will come. 's new / fixed: - MultiMan celebrates 2 years, congratulations - Support Customs 4.21 (Cex) (6 syscall 10 required) - BD-Emulator option "standard" (syscall 36) (not supported by Hermes) - Direct Disc Access (Lv1 Lv2 and patched) - Access RAW Media disks (Ps1 backups and Showtime with BD / DVD / CD) - Changed the region on films BD - BD-Mirror for games INT / EXT Not fully tested with Custom Red 4.21 (used Hermes payload and syscall requested in 1021). lexou06 Thanks for the information. Multiman Base Cex 6.4
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October 1st, 2012, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Since a few days rumors fuse on Chinese sites. Rumors custom firmware 4.21. Chinese is a difficult language to translate, the words following reported are to be taken conditional.
The video above shows the use of the Custom. This is the first video "Proof Of Concept" of the new Red Power team. would explain the time lags in the video are due to set up their video, the first video is not very good. since the team has changed name and is now called "Blue Disk" and rumors of new dongles "Drm Protected" appear on the scene. official website: bbs.duowan.com
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