June 2nd, 2013, 01:15 Posted By: wraggster
PS4 may be a multimedia device, but Sony is keen to highlight that gaming remains very much at the forefront of its offer.
"The most important thing we need to do is agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers," Sony president and CEO Kaz Hirai told the D11 conference, as reported by The Verge.
"If we miss that part, I don't think we get the initial establishment of the console. That formula has worked for us with all our consoles, including the PS3.
"Providing other non-game content is an area we will reveal and talk about in the coming months, but it's first and foremost a video game console."
It’s easy to interpret this as a response to the widespread criticism of Xbox One which, much to the ire of observers, placed the console’s integrated TV functionality at the forefront of the machine’s recent reveal.
Bear in mind that Microsoft has consistently said that next month’s E3 will be a purely gaming-focused showcase for the new hardware.
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June 2nd, 2013, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
The genre-defining first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3D has returned to Xbox Live and the US PlayStation Store for PS3.
The game makes its return after a brief hiatus, having beenpreviously released on those platforms in 2009 by Activision.The re-release comes by way of Bethesda, who acquired id Software in 2009. Its second arrival comes ahead of the release of the upcoming series reboot, Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Set for release on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, and next generation consoles, New Order takes place in 1960 in an alternate reality where Nazis win World War II. Check out a trailer for that here.
Wolfenstein 3D is available now for $4.99 on the US PSN and 400 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live. An EU PSN re-release is "coming soon", said Bethesda.
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June 2nd, 2013, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
CCP Games pulled the servers for EVE Online and Dust 514 offline followinga DDoS attack this weekend, the EVE OnlineFacebook page reads. CCP is investigating the attack.
"With the highest sense of precaution we have taken Tranquility and associated websites back down for further investigation and an exhaustive scan of our entire infrastructure," CCP writes. "We will update you more frequently via our Twitter feed, however, an extended service interruption of several hours is expected as this process should not be rushed."
EVE Online is an MMORPG for PC, and Dust 514 is a PS3 FPS set in the EVEuniverse and using the same server cluster. Dust 514 launched a few weeks ago, on May 14, and it is free-to-play – though perhaps that freedom is limited right now.
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June 2nd, 2013, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
The Skyrim: Legendary Edition tome, an updated, premium version of Prima's strategy guide coinciding with the game'sre-release, weighs over six pounds. Over 1,100 pages of information cover the popular RPG's intricacies, including its quests, local flora and fauna and sprawling geography.
The book will be sold exclusively through GameStop, Best Buy and Amazon alongside Skyrim: Legendary Edition on Tuesday, June 4, in both hardcover ($50) and paperback ($30) versions. No matter which you choose, just know it will ultimately become as neglected and forgotten as everything else on this mortal coil; such is the toll of Skyrim.
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June 2nd, 2013, 23:20 Posted By: wraggster
After a long saga for Nor BwE we can only thank him for his work for the stage, begins his saga for Nand.
If you have a console with Nand memory and you want to venture into the dowgrade this program is for you. 's new / fixed: 1.01 - Fixed bug in patch 1 - First release Greetz / Credit: EussNL, Judges , No0bZiLLa, Rogero, Rebug, deank, 3absiso, AFP, SCE & PS3 Dev Wiki (+ Its contributers).
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June 3rd, 2013, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.aep-emu.de/
A new version of the multi-system emulators RetroArch (formerly known as SSNES) is released for Windows, XBOX, WII, PS3 and XBOX360.
SSNES is called RetroArch from now on, and ´libsnes´ is called ´libretro´ from now on.
What is RetroArch?
RetroArch is a modular multi-system emulator system that is designed to be fast, lightweight, and portable. It has features few other emulators frontends have, such as real-time rewinding and game-aware shading.
What platforms does it support?
RetroArch sets the standard on cross-platform portability right now.
Linux (x86 and x86_64)
Windows (32bit/64bit)
Mac OSX (PPC/Intel)
Playstation 3 (PS3 SDK/PSL1GHT (WIP))
Xbox 1 (XDK)
Xbox 360 (XeXDK/Libxenon)
Raspberry Pi
Why is it special?
Right now RetroArch is unique in that it runs the same emulator cores on multiple systems (such as Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, etc).
For each emulator ´core´, RetroArch makes use of a library API that we like to call ´libretro´.
Think of libretro as an interface for emulator and game ports. You can make a libretro port once and expect the same code to run on all the platforms that RetroArch supports. It´s designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind so that the porter can worry about the port at hand instead of having to wrestle with an obfuscatory API.
The purpose of the project is to help ease the work of the emulator/game porter by giving him an API that allows him to target multiple platforms at once without having to redo any code. He doesn´t have to worry about writing input/video/audio drivers - all of that is supplied to him by RetroArch. All he has to do is to have the emulator port hook into the libretro API and that´s it - we take care of the rest.
Supported game / emu cores
Libretro port is: A Nintendo Entertainment System / Nintendo Famicom emulator.
Libretro author: Themaister
Original author(s): byuu
Compatible with: RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: TBD
Github: https://github.com/libretro/bnes-libretro
Libretro port is: A Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator.
Libretro author: Themaister
Original author(s): byuu
Compatible with: RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 3 (Performance/Compatibility), 4 (Accuracy)
Github: https://github.com/libretro/bsnes-libretro
Final Burn Alpha
Libretro port is: A multi-arcade system emulator.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Various
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: TBD
Github: https://github.com/libretro/fba-libretro
Libretro port is: A Nintendo Entertainment System / Nintendo Famicom emulator.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Various
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 0
Github: https://github.com/libretro/fceu-next
Libretro port is: A Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator.
Libretro author: Themaister, Twinaphex
Original author(s): Sinamas
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 0
Github: https://github.com/libretro/gambatte-libretro
Genesis Plus GX
Libretro port is: A Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Master System, Game Gear, SG-1000 emulator.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Charles McDonald, Ekeeke
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 1
Github: https://github.com/libretro/genesis-next.git
Libretro port is: A multi-arcade system emulator.
Libretro author: ToadKing
Original author(s): Nicola Salmoria, Various
Compatible with: RetroArch PC, RetroArch PS3, RetroArch Pi
RetroConsole Level: 0
Github: https://github.com/libretro/imame4all-libretro
Mednafen PSX
Libretro port is: A Sony PlayStation emulator.
Libretro author: Themaister
Original author(s): Ryphecha (Mednafen)
Compatible with: RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 4
Github: https://github.com/libretro/mednafen-psx-libretro
Libretro port is: A Game Boy Advance emulator.
Libretro author: Themaister
Original author(s): Philippe Daouadi.
Compatible with: RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: TBD
Github: https://github.com/libretro/meteor-libretro
Libretro port is: A Cave Story/Doukutsu Monogatari engine.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Pixel, rogueeve
Compatible with: RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: TBD
Github: https://github.com/libretro/nxengine-libretro
Libretro port is: A Doom engine.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): id Software, Various
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 0
Github: https://github.com/libretro/libretro-prboom
SNES9x Next
Libretro port is: A Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Various
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 1
Github: https://github.com/libretro/snes9x-next
VBA Next
Libretro port is: A Game Boy Advance emulator.
Libretro author: Twinaphex, Themaister
Original author(s): Forgotten, VBA-M Team.
Compatible with: RetroArch PS3, RetroArch 360, RetroArch PC
RetroConsole Level: 2
Github: https://github.com/libretro/vba-next
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June 3rd, 2013, 15:23 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
PPSSPP Git (2013/06/03) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #2049 from oioitff/mpeg-fix
Improve mpeg pts.
* Improve mpeg pts.
A real PSP return a value start from 0.
* Merge pull request #2048 from unknownbrackets/osk-fix
Savestate dialogs properly, avoiding wrong status
* Savestate dialogs properly, avoiding wrong status.
Might cause a crash if the status is set wrong due to a fade.
Fixes #2047.
* Merge pull request #1973 from aquanull/language
Update lang/ and zim assets.
* Update lang/ and zim assets.
* Update lang/ and zim assets.
* Oops, lost these two lines editing.
They were important, darn.
* Merge pull request #2045 from unknownbrackets/memcpy
Fix crash on ARM in sceKernelMemcpy().
* Fix crash on ARM in sceKernelMemcpy().
Happened with unaligned addresses only. Fixes #1889.
* Merge pull request #2044 from unknownbrackets/mem-pointers
Use PSPPointer in a few more places
* Use a PSPPointer in lwmutexes.
* Use a PSPPointer in the FILELIST savedata mode.
* Fix some small warnings in OSK code.
* Use a PSPPointer in OSK to simplify things.
* Make PSPPointer behave more like a pointer.
* Merge pull request #2043 from raven02/patch-2
Temporary disable atrac3+ mono audio which crash on Android platform
* Temporary disable atrac3+ mono which crash on Android platform
* Merge pull request #2046 from unknownbrackets/armjit-minor
Bail out on a delay slot in VFPU on arm also
* Bail out on a delay slot in VFPU on arm also.
Otherwise we loop infinitely.
Workaround for #1926. Should fix #1679.
* Merge pull request #2038 from unknownbrackets/mpeg-fix
Add a bounds check to writeVideoImageWithRange()
* Ignore pixel mode -1 in psmf, seems to default?
This makes videos play fine in Sword Art Online.
* Add a bounds check to writeVideoImageWithRange().
Fixes crash in Jeanne d' Arc, which sends 480x480.
* Fix reporting typo.
Windows version - http://www.sendspace.com/file/ytylye
Android Version - http://www.sendspace.com/file/8nu98q
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June 3rd, 2013, 15:26 Posted By: wraggster
news via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX Rerecording v0.13b Nach 2 is released. PCSX Rerecording is a special version of PCSX with many new features such as input rerecording, cheat support, RAM search, RAM watch, customizable hotkeys, etc.
PCSX Rerecording v0.13b Nach 2 changelog:
Save states employ some compression.
New Lua Functions:
Bugs which were fixed are actually included this time:
Memory leaks in save states removed.
Memory allocation overhead in save states removed.
File system overhead in save states removed.
Resource leaks in movie files removed.
No changes made to plugins
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June 3rd, 2013, 21:49 Posted By: wraggster
Publisher to release free basic version of Dead or Alive 5 Unlimited on PS3
Tecmo Koei Games is embracing free-to-play for its next console game, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.
In an interview with Famitsu, as translated by Google Translator, the Japanese publisher revealed it will release a basic free version of the title on PS3. A full version will also be hitting retail on PS3 and Xbox 360.
The basic version will feature just four characters, while all game modes will be available online. Players can purchase the story mode for 1,500 yen, or buy new characters for 400 yen each.
The packaged version meanwhile will include all game modes, costumes and characters, as well as new ones.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate follows in the footsteps of titles such as CCP’s MMO shooter Dust 514 in offering free-to-play experiences on consoles, rather than the traditional pay-up-front business model.
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June 3rd, 2013, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s intriguing PS3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls has been issued with a concrete release date.
The game will be released on these shores on October 11th. It hits North America on October 8th.
Beyond follows in the footsteps of Heavy Rain, which was the debut PS3 release for French studio Quantic Dream. Although not at all related to Heavy Rain it will again champion choice and emotional consequences.
It stars Ellen Page in the role of protagonist Jodie Holmes.
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June 3rd, 2013, 22:53 Posted By: wraggster
Bill of materials for new hardware $275 - $325; subsidised Xbox One likely
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
Investment firm Wedbush Morgan has suggested the PlayStation 4 will retail in the US for $349, significantly lower than the PS3's starting price of $599.
In an E3 preview note to investors Michael Pachter, analyst at the company, estimates that the PlayStation 4 has a bill of materials at around $275, while Microsoft's Xbox One costs around $325. As such, Wedbush is expecting the new Microsoft console to cost $399.
"If the Wii U's popularity does not improve by the end of the year, many third-party publishers may pass on producing games for the console"
But while Microsoft's new hardware may be priced higher initially, it's also more likely to be available at a subsidised price to the consumer through a subscription contract from a broadcast, cable or ISP provider.
"We believe the ability to watch live TV from a cable, telco, or satellite set-top box through Xbox One could entice an MSO to drive subscriptions through a subsidised box in exchange for a multi-year contract. The 'always connected' requirement for the Xbox One likely means that a broadband connection will be required, suggesting to us that ISPs may have an incentive to offer a subsidy as well.
"In addition, Microsoft could conceivably subsidise the Xbox One through prepaid Xbox Live Gold subscriptions (as it has done on a limited basis in the past) or premium Skype functionality as well. Similarly, Sony could subsidise the PS4 through prepaid PlayStation Network subscriptions, but unlike Microsoft, it does not have a history of doing so," he added.
Looking at Nintendo, Pachter suggested the company needs to prove to consumers at E3 that it has an enviable line-up of titles for the rest of the year.
"Nintendo risks losing additional share to its console competitors if the quality and volume of content available for Wii U does not pick up markedly in the near-term.
"In addition, if the Wii U's popularity does not improve by the end of the year, many third-party publishers may pass on producing games for the console. We note that EA recently announced that it had no Wii U games in development, and it remains a possibility that the publisher will abandon the platform entirely. Should other third parties follow EA's lead, the Wii U could be relegated to a first party only platform."
While all eyes will be on the new console generation, Wedbush Morgan is also expecting a round of price cuts on the current generation technology. The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are likely to have another $50 shaved off their prices, with the Wii dropping to $99. As well as a Vita price cut from Sony, there's also the possibility that Nintendo will try and boost Wii U sales with a $50 price cut or new software bundle.
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June 4th, 2013, 01:18 Posted By: wraggster
Five new games will be added to the US PSN Instant Game Collection in June for PS3 and Vita owners to download at no additional cost.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be the first to arrive, coming as part of the US PS Store update tomorrow, June 4.It will be followed later in the month - in no particular order - by Saints Row The Third and Machinarium for PS3, and Orc Attack and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward for Vita. Sony community rep Paul Sullivan says additional games will join the list, to be confirmed later.
Tomorrow's US PS Store update will also introduce PS Plus-only discounts for Portal 2 and its Move controller-enabled add-on Portal 2 In Motion and Grid 2.
The following games will be removed from the US Instant Game Collection on these dates:
- June 4th - Sleeping Dogs
- June 11th - Closure
- June 11th - Ratchet & Clank All 4 One
- June 11th - inFAMOUS 2
- June 11th - LittleBigPlanet 2
- June 18th - SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny
- June 25th - BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND
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June 4th, 2013, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Ikaruga co-developer G.rev is releasing its upcoming PS3 vertical-scrolling bullet-hell shmup Mamorukun Curse! on 16th July on North America's PSN.It will be priced at $19.99.No European release has been announced, but we've contacted publisher UFO Interactive and hope to find out more.Mamorukun Curse! will allow players to choose between seven characters as they battle through an uncharacteristically cute netherworld in an attempt to prevent the powers of darkness from taking over.This western debut of Mamorukun Curse! will feature all the Japanese DLC at no extra cost. This includes two additional Netherworld courses, two more characters, and support for 66 trophies.
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June 4th, 2013, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a new update for PlayTV that appears to have fixed the crashing problems reported by Eurogamer in April.Sony alerted us to the patch (v2.04), which was released last week, and claimed it fixed the issues raised in our original story.A quick glance at Sony's EU PlayStation forum shows PlayTV users are, on the whole, happy with the fix and are now using PlayTV as intended. PlayTV.
ORIGINAL STORY: Remember PlayTV, the external device for PlayStation 3 that allows you to watch and record free-to-air digital TV? It's borked.That's according to a number of Eurogamer readers who say it hasn't worked properly since the release of a recent update.Users of PlayTV, which you can pick up for little over a tenner these days, have complained that it hangs after ever recording, forcing a manual reboot of the console.Some haven found their console crashes after simply searching PlayTV.There are a number of threads on the PlayStation forum about the issues - and they have been running for some time."This morning the PS3 hadn't shut down after a recording last night and was frozen on the 'PlayTV is recording' screen," wrote theflatboy."Incredibly annoying, the main reason we got the super slim to replace the YLODed fat console was our frequent use of PlayTV. Complete waste of money as it turns out, we would have been better off getting a standalone PVR and binning the PS3 for good. Not happy.""How can they expect us to buy a PS4 if they can't STILL get the PS3 working the way it was BUILT TO!" wrote the angry thewolfydragon."I paid £40 for the PlayTV box and £6 odd for the upgrade... and STILL I HAVE NO RELIABLE TV TO WATCH OR RECORD!"A Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesperson told Eurogamer this morning: "We are aware of this issue, it is currently under investigation and we are working on it."
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June 5th, 2013, 00:49 Posted By: wraggster
PES 2014 is coming to PS3, Xbox 360, PC and PSP this year and is powered by the new Fox Engine, Konami has confirmed.Konami says that its PES Productions Team in Tokyo has been developing the game for four years, using Kojima Productions’ Fox Engine.Konami also listed its ‘core pillars’ for the new game in great detail – TrueBall Tech allows players to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick, a new Motion Animation Stability System is Konami’s name for its new physics engine and team support and the emotional affect on the players is bundled into a new ’heart’ system.Team Play allows players to set up a variety of different tactics in different areas of the pitch using three or more players, and there will be more star players with bespoke animations and AI. The final core pillar has simply been dubbed ‘The Core’, and takes in the game’s new visuals, real-life stadia and overhauled set pieces.Konami has also retained the UEFA Champions League for the 2014 edition, and will include the Asia Champions League for the first time. Konami promises to announce other tournaments shortly.
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June 5th, 2013, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
It stole the show at last year’s E3 conference, but Watch Dogs developers Ubisoft Montreal are still nervous about the game’s showing next week.
Unveiled at E3 2012, Watch Dogs sent Twitter into meltdown during its ten-minute on-stage demonstration. And it’s since cropped at Sony’s PS4 announcement in February. We still liked it.
You’d have thought the developers would be feeling pretty confident about its ambitious new IP, but not so says senior producer Dominic Guay.
“Everyone in the team is aware of the rare opportunity we have with Watch Dogs and wants to make sure that we deliver on the game's promises,†he said.
“As we are approaching the last months of our production, E3 is overlapping many other on-going priorities. Last year, we were nervous to show our creation to the world, which is a normal reaction to unveiling something that has been in the works for many years. You never know what the reaction will be. Well, I would say we are still in that mind-set. We have many more aspects of Watch Dogs to present, many core features that have yet to be demonstrated. We take nothing for granted and push as hard as we can.â€
Guay was speaking as part of our in-depth look at Watch Dogs’ return to LA. You can read it in our E3 MCV special, which comes out later this week.
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June 5th, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai is reviving one of the most popular entries in the cult Tales Of series, Tales Of Symphonia.
Currently titled Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, the new PS3-exclusive SKU will include both the original JRPG, released in 2004 for PS2 and GameCube, and its sequel Dawn of the New World.
Namco Bandai's SVP Olivier Comte says the release is "a response to fans' expectations to bring more Tales Of titles to the West".
The first Symphonia will receive a HD makeover and include additional content. It will also feature the original anime cutsecenes.
Meanwhile Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, previously a Wii exclusive, will include the improved battle system it introduced to the series, including a monster recruitment feature that lets gamers train beasts to join them in battle.
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles will be released in Japan on October 10th, followed by a European and Australian release in early 2014.
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June 5th, 2013, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
Popular iOS tower defense sequel Tower Defense 2 will be released for Vita this summer, Subatomic Games has confirmed.
Fieldrunners 2 originally released for iOS devices in July 2012 and was later ported to Windows and Android devices.Fans of the first Fieldrunners game, which was ported to PSP after its iOS debut, will notice a new engine that lets the enemy swarms run in paths independently of each other.
The sequel also has 25 new towers alongside some old favourites, including bee hive and syringes launchers, guns that turn enemies into cows and 'flame throwing Jack O'Lanterns'.
It's unclear whether or not the Vita version will have new features over the iOS original, nor has pricing been confirmed.
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June 5th, 2013, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
SunFlowers developer The Game Atelier announced that its arcade-style "cute-'em-up" Flying Hamster HD is coming to the PlayStation Vita in North America on June 11.
Inspired by Konami's Parodius series, Flying Hamster HD is a horizontally scrolling shooter in which players battle squadrons of heavily harmed penguins, milk-squirting cows, and laser-equipped owls, among other unlikely enemies. The game originally launched for the PlayStation minis service in 2010, and later found its way to iOS platforms.
Flying Hamster will include online leaderboards and a collection of unlockable Trophies when it hits the PlayStation Network next week.
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June 5th, 2013, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
The biggest game of the year won't be at E3 and is not even coming to the next generation of consoles.
GTA V in September is set to be one of 'the biggest and most important launches of the current console generation,' says Take-Two.
The game arrives just a few weeks before PS4 and Xbox One are expected to launch. But Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick insists this won't have a negative impact on the new sandbox shooter.
"Grand Theft Auto V is the most highly anticipated release of our biggest franchise," he said.
"It features the largest, most dynamic and most diverse open world Rockstar Games has yet created. The installed base of current generation consoles is estimated to be in excess of 120 million, and most of those consumers have been waiting for Grand Theft Auto V for years. Therefore, we expect there to be enormous consumer demand for Grand Theft Auto V regardless of when the next-generation consoles are released."
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June 6th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom is trying something new with the next release in the Dragon’s Dogma series.
Siliconera reports that Dragon’s Dogma Quest is due out in Japan for PlayStation Vita this autumn. Interestingly, not only is the game 2D but it’s also free-to-play.
The game is described as “fast-paced†and contains over 150 jobs for players.
The Pawn system returns as does the ability to recruit your friends’ pawns and take them into battle with you.
It also sounds as if the game’s in-app store will allow player to “pay-to-winâ€, or as Famitsu puts it, has “a billing model to assist those that don’t have a lot of time on their hands to playâ€.
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June 6th, 2013, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will host its own live E3 webcast covering its E3 press briefing on Monday and the three-day show following.
The show starts on Monday, June 10 at 1:30am UK time, 5:30pm Pacific, with a stream of the PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference, the company said via the EU and US PS Blogs.The show will then commence live on June 11 from 12pm Pacific (8pm UK), and on June 12 and 13 from 10am. It will finish each day at 6pm Pacific.
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June 6th, 2013, 00:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has released a list of new content added to the European PlayStation Store. Today's content drop includes the Vita version of Limbo and Crysis 3 DLC The Lost Island multiplayer pack.
Rayman Origins is free to download for PS Plus subscribers, who also get additional discounts on just launched PS3 and PSP software sales.
PlayStation Plus
- Rayman Origins (PS Vita) - 100% off
- Coconut Dodge Revitalised (PS Vita) - 100% off
- PSP Sale - Everything has 20% additional Plus discount.
- E3 Sale - Everything has 10% additional Plus discount.
PS3 games
- 4K Gallery - Price: Free - Availability: France, UK, Germany, Russia and Ukraine Only
- Remember Me (available from 7th June) - Price: £47.99/€59.99
- Strength of the Sword 3 - Price: £7.99/€9.99
Availability: Not available in Australia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Russia- Twisted Lands: Shadow Town (Trial available) - Price: £9.69/€11.99 -Availability: Not available in Australia and New Zealand
PS Vita games
- Limbo - Price: £9.99/€12.99
- Paint Park Plus - Price: Free
PS Mobile
- Boss Rush - Price: £1.19/€1.49
- Cardboard Castle - Price: £5.49/€6.99
- Chiebura - Price: £0.79/€0.99
- Cytus Lambda - Price: £9.69/€11.99
- Hyper Reminder - Price: £2.19/€2.79
- MineSweeper - Price: £1.59/€1.99
- Sukelook Sword of Rapier - Price: £3.99/€4.99
- Crysis 3 - Prices: £11.99/€14.99
- The Lost Island (Hidden) (Free)
- PDLC bundle
- Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut - Home Pack - Prices: £2.79/€3.49
Availability: Not available in New Zealand - Dollar Dash: Robbers Tool Kit - Prices: £1.59/€1.99
Availability: Not available in Denmark, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine - DUST 514: Aerial Assault Pack - Prices: £7.99/€9.99
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
- 3rd Level Cap Break (£1.59/€1.99)
- Super Brawling Characters (Free)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting
- Racing Driver Pack (£1.19/€1.49)
- Street Fighter Costume Kit (£4.79/€5.99)
- PlayStation Move Heroes: Jak and Daxter Costume Kit (£2.39/€2.99)
- Pool Nation
- PRESSED FOR TIME PACK (£1.49/€1.75)
- Resident Evil Revelations - Prices: £1.59/€1.99
- Tomb Raider
- SURVIVAL PACK (£4.49/€5.49)
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June 6th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will kick off a PlayStation Store sale on Infamous, Call of Duty and Killzone content later today when the digital marketplace updates in Europe.
The discounts span full game downloads and DLC. Sony says to expect another wave of PS3 offers to go live next Tuesday.
The platform holder is also launching a PSP software sale on the EU PS Store today. It will offer LittleBigPlanet, God of War and Killzone games for less than £4, among other discounts.
Valid June 5 to June 19:
- Infamous2 Character Skin Pack: Was €1.99 /£1.59, now € 0.99/£0.79
- Infamous2 Powers Pack: Was €2.99/£2.39, now €1.49/£1.19
- Infamous2 Weapons Pack: Was €2.99/£2.39, now €1.49/£1.19
- Infamous: Was €14.99/£10.99, now €9.99/£7.99
- Infamous 2: Was €19.99/£15.99, now €9.99/£7.99
- Infamous Collection: Was €34.99/£28.49, now €17.99/£13.99
- Infamous: Festival of Blood - full game: Was €9.99/£7.99, now €4.99/£3.99
- Killzone + Infamous: Festival of Blood: Was €19.99/£15.99, now €9.99/£7.99
- Killzone 2 Steel & Titanium Pack: Was €5.99/£4.79, now €2.99/£2.39
- Killzone 2 Napalm & Cordite Pack: Was €5.99/£4.79, now €2.99 /£2.39
- Killzone 2 Map Pack Bundle: Was €12.99/£9.99, now €6.49/£5.19
- Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack - Was €4.99/£3.99, now € 2.49/£1.99
- Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack: Was €4.99/£3.99, now € 2.49/£1.99
- Killzone 3 From The Ashes Map Pack: Was €4.99/£3.99, now € 2.49/£1.99
- Killzone 3 Map Pack Bundle: Was €9.99/£7.99, now €4.99/£3.99
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer: Was €14.99/£11.99, now €7.49/£5.99
- Killzone: Was €14.99/£11.99, now €7.49/£5.99
Valid June 5 to June 12:
- Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: Was €29.99/£19.99, now €14.99/£11.99
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Was €29.99/£19.99, now €14.99/£11.99
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Was €69.99/£57.99, now €49.99/£39.99
- Call of Duty Black Ops: Was €49.99/£39.99, now €24.99/£19.99
- Call of Duty Black Ops II: Was €69.99/£59.99, now €49.99/£34.99
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June 6th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has launched a PSP sale on the PlayStation Store, discounting Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, God of War and MotorStorm games, among others.
According to a post on the PS Blog, the PSP sale will be split over a number of weeks, with the first party titles listed below being just the first wave of deals.
The initial set of offers will run for two weeks from today, at which point another wave of deals will be introduced.

- LittleBigPlanet
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - God of War: Chains of Olympus
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - MotorStorm Arctic Edge
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - ModNation Racers
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - Resistance: Retribution
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - Patapon 2
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - LocoRoco 2
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19 - Killzone: Liberation PLA
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19
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June 6th, 2013, 01:02 Posted By: wraggster
Warframe, the PC free-to-play shooter, will also release forPlayStation 4.
Developed by Digital Extremes - the studio responsible for The Darkness 2 and Star Trek - the game will be available at launch for PS4.The PS4 version will retain the PC version's microtransaction model. Speaking to IGN, Warframe creative director Steve Sinclair said Sony had approached the studio.
"Sony caught wind of [Warframe], and said, 'hey, what do you think of bringing it over to PlayStation 4?' and we were very surprised to hear that," he said.
Sinclair also sang the PS4's praises, along with Sony's new attitude towards independent studios.
"It is awesome, and I don't want to speak disparagingly about any existing or prior platforms, but we showed Warframe for the first time to our entire studio, and everyone had their jaws on the floor, how 1080p, silky smooth and beautiful it was."
Warframe will also utilise the DualShock 4's touch pad functionality, and will be supplemented with an iOS and Android app.
Warframe isn't the first free-to-play shooter to be confirmed for PS4 -Blacklight: Retribution will also make the jump from PC to consoles.
According to a recent Sony ad, the PS4 is set for a 2013 release.
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June 6th, 2013, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
One round of free DLC just isn't enough for Soul Sacrifice, it seems. Come June 11 (the first day of E3!), fresh DLC will add eight new quests and two new bosses, including an ogre and the thing seen above. It's labeled "dwarf," as you can see, but that can't be right.
Just like last time, the DLC will be free, requiring you to sacrifice nothing but your spare time.
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June 6th, 2013, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
 A new Dragon's Dogma game is reportedly coming to Japan, but it sounds a fair bit different to its predecessor. According to Game Jouhou (via Gematsu andSiliconera), this week's Famitsu magazine announces Dragon's Dogma Quest, a 2D free-to-play, online-only RPG for the Vita, due in Japan this fall.
Going by Game Jouhou's report, Quest once more pits players as Arisen, and the Arisen commands a party of pawns who go into battle. Parties can comprise a maximum of eight pawns, including four of the player's, and four from friends. Just imagine all those repeated phrases - "This looks interesting!" - but in stereo (hopefully not).
Quest again sees players explore a world of towns, dungeons, enemies, and side-quests. On the vocations-side, Quest features a far greater selection, with over 150 jobs included. It's unclear what exactly's tied to microtransactions, but they're apparently for assisting players who don't have lots of time to play the game.
We've reached out to Capcom for confirmation and to find out if it's headed west.
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June 7th, 2013, 00:17 Posted By: wraggster
In a Playstation Blog post, Sony announced that it is “planning to showcase more than 40 games across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.â€Among the games that the publisher will be showing include Beyond: Two Souls, Destiny, DriveClub, The Evil Within, Gran Turismo 6, InFamous, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Killzone Mercenary, The Last of Us, Tearaway, and Wolfenstein: The New Order.There is no word as to how many of the games will be newly announced, or how many we have seen before. The Playstation E3 press conference will begin Monday, June 10 and will be streamed live.
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June 7th, 2013, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Two of Sony Online Entertainment’s MMO titles have been confirmed for PS4.
Licensed superhero outing and existing PS3 titles DC Universe Online as well as the until-now PC only multiplayer shooter Planetside 2 are both scheduled for a release on Sony’s new machine.
The MMO genre was once touted as one of the big hopes for the current generation of machines. But a handful of largely unsuccessful releases aside, it simply never happened.
However, free-to-play multiplayer gaming has staged a fightback of sorts on PS3 with the release of titles such as CCP’s Dust 514 and the multiplayer component of Sony’s own Killzone 3.
Will PS4 and Xbox One deliver the new platform for MMO and free-to-play gaming that consoles have promised for so long?
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June 7th, 2013, 11:25 Posted By: wraggster
EA will unveil Battlefield 4's highly anticipated multiplayer during its pre-E3 press conference on June 10, the publisher has confirmed.
The initial reveal for the publisher's flagship multiplayer shooter focused on the game's single-player campaign.But EA has promised the "world premiere of Battlefield 4 all-out multiplayer warfare" and "other surprises" during its June 10 show, which kicks off at 1pm Pacific (9pm UK).
The show will also feature "the first look" at EA Sports UFC, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25 and NBA Live, along with more of its next-gen racer Need for Speed Rivals.
Both Battlefield 4 and Need for Speed Rivals will be playable on the E3 show floor, and while platforms went unspecified, EA said in the PR that it will be showcasing Xbox One and PS4 games at the show.
Popcap's Plants vs. Zombies, 2 EA's Ultima Forever and Ninja Theory's Fightback will also make an appearance.
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June 7th, 2013, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
Japanese rhythm game Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F will get a digital release in Europe, publisher Sega has announced, and a physical launch in North America.The various versions are due on PlayStation 3 in August. A demo is due to arrive next week.What is Miku, you may ask? Well, she's a popular Japanese electronic synthesiser personified as a 16-year-old anime girl.She has something of a fan following in Japan and a growing community of followers in the West. It's because of fan reaction to the possibility of the game's release that the title will be localised."Your voices helped make this happen," Sega brand manager Aaron Webber explained on the company's blog. "Miku and Sega fans, this is your moment. We're thrilled to bring this title out for you, and we're counting on your support. Tell Your World!"Project Diva F includes 38 songs, including Tell Your World and Black★Rock Shooter. There's a Miku video creator and, naturally, more than 90 costumes.
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June 7th, 2013, 14:11 Posted By: wraggster
NBA 2K14 will be available on October 1 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Versions made for Xbox One and PS4 are also in the works for their launches, SVP of Basketball Operations at 2K Sports Jason Argent confirmed on a conference call earlier today.
"We are not doing a Wii U version this year," Argent said. "The decision was made internally." Argent added studio didn't have enough resources to pursue a Wii U port while also developing for next-generation consoles. Though next-generation and current generation versions of NBA 2K14 will have "some overlap," they will be "distinct."
"The common thread, of course, is the game first and foremost is based on simulation basketball," Argent said. "Both current and next-gen will be distinct, unique experiences."
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June 7th, 2013, 14:21 Posted By: wraggster
 The official website for Dragon's Dogma Quest is live, broadly confirmingyesterday's report from Game Jouhou. Quest is a 2D online-only, free-to-play RPG for Vita, coming to Japan via PSN this fall. Regards whether or not it's winging its way west, a Capcom spokesperson told Joystiq "At present Dragon's Dogma Quest is only confirmed for release in Japan and we are currently evaluating if the title will be released in pan-western markets."
As before, Quest begins with the hero character's heart being stolen by a dragon – biology be damned. The hero finds another heartless victim in a wizardly-looking woman called Lota, and together the pair trek towards home as they begin their quest to retrieve their tickers.
While it's unclear if Quest's story follows on from the original Dragon's Dogma, the Vita RPG features returning non-player characters like the knight Julien, Captain Mercedes of the Enlistment Corps, and Black Cat storekeeper Mountebank. One screen shows Mercedes in dialogue, with what looks like a hand-drawn background of a country village behind her.
As previously reported, the hero employs a party of pawns that go into battle - it's unclear if the hero's involved in combat or is more like a commander. The party size is increased to eight, with a maximum of four player pawns and four pawns from friends. The website reveals several of the 150-plus pawn vocations in Quest, including the poison archer, arc guardian, gatherer, and rogue.
It remains unclear how exactly combat adapts from 3D to 2D in Quest. The pawns-orientated combat of Dragon's Dogma, particularly in terms of formulating strategies for the larger beasts, was a key component of that game. We're curious to see how it works in Quest, particularly given there are so many vocations to choose from.
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June 8th, 2013, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Crytek has confirmed CryEngine 3 will support game development on the PS4.
The powerful game engine has been used in a number of triple-A titles in the past, including Crytek’s own Crysis series and Warface.
The firm has already pledged support for Xbox One development with CryEngine 3.
“Our CryEngine technology has always provided head-turning results across platforms,†said Crytek director of global business development Carl Jones.
“By supporting developers as they build for the future on PlayStation 4, we are cementing our position at the forefront of the industry and helping others to create the best games they can in this exciting period of transition.â€
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June 8th, 2013, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Thor Gunnarsson on the success of the EVE Online spin-off
CCP's vice president of business development has suggested that EVE Online spin-off Dust 514 is boosting sales of the PlayStation 3 console.
"We already see that Dust 514, during open beta, had been driving hardware sales for Sony. We actually track that together," Thor Gunnarsson told Destructoid.
"We so know that our fan base, Dust-curious players, are buying the PlayStation 3 to get into our game."
Dust 514 entered open beta, exclusively on PlayStation 3, on January 22 and was officially released on May 14. The game is free-to-play and scored 61 on Metacritic.
"What we hear, anecdotally, is that PlayStation 3 sales are increasing. Sony have done a phenomenal job of managing console transitions, like they did with the PlayStation 2's cost and size reductions. We can make the logical assumption that something similar will happen as the PlayStation 4 comes to market."
GamesIndustry International recently spoke to David Reid, CCP's chief marketing officer about both EVE and Dust 514.
"The thing about Dust is not the shiniest guns or the perfect shooting mechanics; it's about this meta-game, and the persistence, and the customisation, and we do think that we're doing that better than anybody else. It won't be for everyone. It won't be the EVE learning curve, but it certainly won't be the Call of Duty learning curve, either. It won't be everyone that figures this out right away, but it doesn't have to be either."
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June 9th, 2013, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
 Microsoft revealed some details of how "game licensing" works on its upcoming Xbox One console, and included the tidbit that "Loaning or renting games won't be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners." In response, Redbox has launched a site called GamingFuture.net, which is ostensibly a place for gamers to express what excites or concerns them about next-gen gaming. It should also help provide a base for Redbox to defend its $2 per night videogame rental business. Interestingly, Redbox and Microsoft would appear to already be close "partners", since the former launched an Xbox 360 app for its Redbox Instant service earlier this year.
There are links on the page to various reports about the Xbox One and PS4, plus a simple comment section for the public to chime in. GameTrailers reports the company messaged members of its "Text Club" service an alert about the new site, along with tweeting it from the official account. We've seen similar strategies employed during negotiations over cable channels, we'll find out more this week about what Microsoft and Sony's new hardware means for the game rental market -- and how the public responds.
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June 9th, 2013, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will launch the PlayStation 4 with a price tag below $400, predicts an industry analyst.
Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia contests that Sony will have learned from its mistakes when it launched PS3 at $600, which hindered the console uptake in its early life."Given that experience, we believe Sony will aim to keep the price point for PlayStation 4 below $400," said Bhatia, via Gamespot.
This supports predictions by Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter, who estimated a PS4 launch price of around $349, alongside an approximately $399 Xbox One.
Even at that price, Pachter thinks Sony could still make a profit on each console, estimating that it will cost Sony around $275 to manufacture each PS4.
But Bhatia predicts that Sony will target a sub-$400 launch price even if it means taking a loss on each console sold.
Like Pachter, Bhatia also appears to expect the Xbox One to be more expensive than PS4, later adding that a launch price below $400 for the Microsoft console would be a "pleasant surprise".
It has been previously rumoured that Microsoft will launch with a two-tier pricing system; a one-off payment of $500 or, taking cues from the mobile phone business, an initial charge of $300 subsidised by a 24-month commitment of $15 per month - which includes Xbox Live.
Platform holders aren't expected to reveal pricing details at E3 next week, but Microsoft has already pledged to focus its E3 presence on games as oppose to the multimedia it spotlighted at its Xbox One reveal event. While Sony is expected to offer the first glimpse of the actual PS4 hardware.
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June 9th, 2013, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has confirmed that Malicious Rebirth is coming to Vita later this year.
Malicious Rebirth is a third-person boss rush action game developed by Osaka, Japan-based studio Alvion.The Vit game is an enhanced for of the PS3 original, titled Malicious, which released via the PlayStation Store in Japan in 2010. It remained a Japan-only title until 2012 when it finally released in US and EU regions.
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June 9th, 2013, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced new games set to be added to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection in June.
Uncharted 3, LittleBigPlanet Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be replacing LittleBigPlanet 2, Infamous 2 and Motorstorm Apocalypse as free downloads, the latter trio having been part of the Plus service since the introduction of the Instant Game Collection a year ago.As part of the latest regular monthly PS Plus update, subscribers can also download Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection and Demon's Souls free of charge on PS3. Rayman Origins and Coconut Dodge Revitalised are available for Vita too.
Leaving PS Plus in June:
12th June: LittleBigPlanet 2
12th June: inFamous 2
12th June: Motorstorm Apocalypse
Entering PS Plus in June:
12th June: Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception (Single Player)
12th June: LittleBigPlanet Karting
12th June: XCOM: Enemy Unknown
SCEE president and CEO Jim Ryan said in March that PS Plus will have a prominent role on PS4. "We're very happy with the service that we've been able to offer," he commented. "It's been really well received - the value is quite extraordinary and the take-up has trebled over the course of the past year.
"We definitely see that as a core part of the way forward. We're not yet in a position to disclose our plans for the future of PlayStation Plus, but there will definitely be a prominent role to play for it in the PlayStation 4 landscape."
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June 9th, 2013, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
Tekken Revolution was revealed earlier today by a trailer tucked away 19 minutes inside of a video segment on Gamespot. The game, which is both free-to-play and a PlayStation 3 exclusive, will be available this Tuesday, June 11. Aside from the fact that Paul, Bryan, Kazuya and Lars are all featured in the footage shown, little else is known.
Tekken ringleader Katsuhiro Harada previously dismissed an Australian Classifications Board listing for the title as being in reference to a new version of Tekken Card Tournament. That, coupled with the fact that no user interface is shown in the Revolution footage, is enough to keep us from assuming that this is a fighting game – it could just as easily be a high-def, ultra-pretty version of Namco Bandai's existing, mobile free-to-play competitive card game set in the Tekken universe.
With E3 breathing down our necks, we expect to learn more soon.
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June 10th, 2013, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
EA's E3 press conference goes full throttle with new entry in racing franchise
EA's press conference at E3 2013 has brought news of the next entry in the Need for Speed franchise.
Need for Speed Rivals is from EA's new studio, Ghost Games, and seeks to blur the line between sigleplayer and multiplayer with a new game mode.
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June 10th, 2013, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
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June 11th, 2013, 10:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony targets lower price point for next generation console
Sony has revealed the price tag for the PlayStation 4 console.
The PS4 costs $399, £349 in the UK, or €399 elsewhere where relevant.
Microsoft revealed its price point earlier today, with the Xbox One fetching a $499 price tag in the US.
This puts the PS4 a full $100 cheaper than the Xbox One, with cross-platform compatibility with the Vita and no restrictions on used games.
On the other hand, a PlayStation Plus subscription of $5 a month is now required for online multiplayer games, but one account will cover PS3, PS4, and PS Vita, and comes with the same discounts and free games the service is known for.
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June 11th, 2013, 10:30 Posted By: wraggster
Console giant will not restrict pre-owned market in any way, says Tretton
A wave of cheers echoed around the E3 conference room as Sony announced it would not be blocking pre-owned games in anyway on the PS4.
In what appeared to be a direct response to the controversies surrounding Microsoft’s Xbox One, SCEA president Jack Tretton said there would be absolutely no restrictions on used games.
This means that consumers will be able to sell on games they have bought, and also loan them to friends.
And in an effort to ease minds over potential always-on requirements, he also said that a PS4 does not need to be connected online for users to play their games, and there will be no authentication codes either.
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June 11th, 2013, 10:31 Posted By: wraggster
Self-publishing message emphasised as numerous indies take to the stage
Sony has demonstrated a convincing commitment to indie at its E3 press conference, calling numerous independent developers to the stage as it insisted that small studios and self publishing are vital to the PlayStation 4.
Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida opened the discussion of indies at the event.
"We are amazed and inspired by the passion of these small teams," he said, before handing over to Adam Boyes, VP of third party relations at SCE.
"Cultivating a wide variety of game experiences is in our blood," Boyes stated. "We absolutely love scouring the earth for inspirational indie developers"
Boyes reiterated that the PlayStation 4 also enables self-publishing for indies; seemingly making a nod to Microsoft's unpopular lack of support of self-publishing for independent teams.
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June 11th, 2013, 10:32 Posted By: wraggster
Sony to begin rolling out cloud gaming services next year
Cloud streaming service Gaikai will allow the streaming of a select number of PS3 games on the PS4 from the start of 2014.
Announcing the news at its E3 press conference, Sony said that the service wouldn’t be available straight away at the console’s launch, but would arrive at a later date.
The service will go live in the US first, and offer a limited range of PS3 games. Vita streaming will also be offered later next year.
Sony also said it would eventually deliver console quality “across a range of devicesâ€.
Sony forked out $380 million for Gaikai last year, and the cloud streaming service is expected to eventually play an integral role in how the PS4 operates.
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June 11th, 2013, 10:37 Posted By: wraggster
There were plentiful games on show at Sony’s E3 conference, though they were overshadowed a little by the PS4 price announcement and the news that it won’t be always-on or block second-hand games.The Order: 1886, a new title from Ready At Dawn and Sony Santa Monica, was perhaps the most surprising. It’s a PS4-exclusive game set in Victorian-era London, “where myths and technology co-exist.â€Avalanche’s Mad Max game confirmed the rumours that had been swirling around for months. No gameplay footage was shown, but we did discover that it would be arriving on Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PS4 next year.Square always muscles in on a platform holder conference with a few announcements, and this was no exception; we saw Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 for the first time, plus confirmation that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn was also coming to PS4, having been recently dated on PS3 and PC.Back to more familiar titles, and early on in the conference we were told that Sony and Rockstar are partnering on a new PS3 GTA V bundle in time for the game’s release in September.We also saw an impressive line-up of indie games coming to PS4 first; the full list is here, but the highlights included a remake of Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, entitled Abe’s Oddysee: New N’ Tasty, Supergiant Games’ Transistor, Octodad and horror game Outlast from Red Barrels.There was also more footage from previously-announced titles like including Batman: Arkham Origins,Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch Dogs. Firstparty trio DriveClub, Knack and Infamous: Second Son were also part of the show.Bungie’s Destiny concluded Sony’s conference, showing gameplay footage for the first time and bringing with it vague promises of a release sometime in 2014 and a longterm partnership between platform holder and developer, which will help PlayStation “evolve and grow†alongside the openworld shooter.
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June 11th, 2013, 10:39 Posted By: wraggster
Bungie showcased Destiny gameplay for the first time at Sony’s E3 2013 conference today, and confirmed that it had entered into “a longterm strategic partnership†with the platform holder.Details weren’t forthcoming, but Sony did say that the deal means that PlayStation consoles will “evolve and grow with Destiny.â€Bungie’s openworld shooter will be released in 2014 http://www.edge-online.com/news/e3-2...-2014-release/
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June 11th, 2013, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
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June 12th, 2013, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Worldwide Studio boss confirms that Sony’s next console without be region locked
PS4 will be region free and will come with a 500GB upgradable hard drive, it has been confirmed.
Shuhei Yoshida, Sony’s Worldwide Studio president, revealed the news on Twitter hours after Sony’s E3 briefing.
Following last night’s Sony press conference, more details on PS4 have emerged, including its form factor, lack of built-in DRM and the option to play used games on any console.
Xbox One also comes with a 500GB hard drive, however, it has confirmed that that will be non-removable.
As for region locking, Sony is so far the only console manufacturer that has maintained region free for all of its current and upcoming machines. Both Nintendo’s 3DS and Wii U are region locked, while report suggest that Microsoft’s Xbox One will be region locked, or will at least leave it up to developers to implement.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Commitment as strong as ever' for seven-year old console
Sony opened its E3 2012 press conference by touching on its older devices, saying its "commitment is as strong as ever" to the PlayStation 3.
CEO and President Jack Tretton took the opportunity to promote The Last of Us, which is being released this week, before moving on to remind customers of a string of new games for the old console.
Sony then played a mash up of trailers for The Walking Dead, Beyond: Two Souls, Batman: Arkham Origins, GTAV, Gran Turismo 6, Puppeteer, and Rain.
Sony will also be offering a bundled version of the console and GTAV, priced at $300.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Developers - and especially indies – key to platform's future, says SCE CEO and president
Sony opened its E3 press conference by asserting that 2013 will be the year the Vita comes into its own.
"Vita is just beginning its life cycle,' said Jack Tretton, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, later adding; "It's clear that people love their Vita when they get their hands on it.'
"The platform will only get stronger in 2013 as the development community – and especially the indie developer community – continue to support the platform."
Tretton confirmed that 60 per cent of all Vita tile purchases are made in the PlayStation store, suggesting that it is succeeding as planned as a digitally-focused platforms.
"Vita will play an even more important role with PS4," he continued. "As we revealed in February, the PS4 was designed at an architectural level to support the Vita."
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June 12th, 2013, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
"E3 is turning into Bizarro World this year. Sony has not only promised that the PS4 will support used games without an online connection, they trolled the Xbox folks hard with this . Compounding the silliness, and hot on the heels of the political firestorm surrounding Donglegate, Microsoft went forrape jokes during their Xbox presentation."Similarly, onyxruby writes"The Verge covers how Sony has crafted policies explicitly to make the PS4 consumer friendly to the public. They make the case that the PS4 will be superior in nearly every way [to the Xbox Next] by not requiring an Internet connection, not restricting used games, supporting indie developers and selling for $100 cheaper than the Xbox One."And if you're interested in the guts rather than the policies or the politics, Hot Hardware has a comparison of the internals of both of these new offerings.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
Third party publishers will have the choice to introduce DRM on second-hand PS4 games, just as they can on Xbox One, according to SCEA boss Jack Tretton.CVG reports that in a GTTV interview, Tretton stated: “The DRM decision for third-party games will be up to publishers.†Tretton did, however, reinterate that firstparty titles would not be subject to DRM.“When a gamer buys a PS4 disc, they can trade in, sell it to a friend, or lend it, keep it forever,†he added. “PlayStation 4 disc games don’t need to be connected online to be play, or any type of authentication. PS4 won’t require you to check in.â€We have contacted Sony for clarification.Update: Sony has issued a statement on the matter to GameInformer:The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4. Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Team Ico’s The Last Guardian is officially “on hiatus,†Jack Tretton told Geoff Keighley.The Last Guardian has been consistently delayed since its announcement back in 2009. Originally slated for a 2011 release, it was delayed until 2012 after blowing past its original release date. Then, in 2011, lead developer Fumita Ueda left his full-time position at Sony, though he was still under contract to finish the game.The Last Guardian was originally due out on the PS3.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
The PS4 will share the PS3's ability for publishers to lock certain content behind a paywall.
This opens up the possibility for the continuation of online passes but will not lead to Xbox One style content blocking.
"The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4,†Sony communications director Dan Race told Gamefront. “Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners.
“As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever."
EA has of course scrapped its online pass and will not re-introduce it.
There is one possibility that could conceivably haunt Sony – third party publishers could prove hesitant to release titles on the console when its rival platform, the Xbox One, offers them the ability to take full control of their software licensing activity.
Again, however, the consumer will prove the deciding factor here. This risk will be multiplied greatly should Xbox One perform as well as or better than PS4 on the market. If Sony's machine enjoy stronger sales, however, third parties would be effectively forced to fall in line.
All of which presumes that publishers harbour intentions to exploit Microsoft's infrastructure to block pre-owned. None have yet gone on record with the notable exception of Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot. The publishing boss admits that decisions have not yet been made but suggests that many will shy away from a potential pre-owned block.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
E3 is never the ‘war’ that we in the press like to make out. The exception being E3 2013. That was the year Sony very much emerged as the victor.
The stage was set for a brutal murdering of its rival in LA and Sony seemed absolutely delighted to deliver successive knockout punches.
£349. That’s just £20 short of being a massive £100 cheaper than Xbox One. Cheaper, of course, despite being a more powerful games machine.
The price was just the icing on the cake, mind you. Sony’s real victory was the glee in which it declared (with absolute, blissful clarity) that PS4 will NOT be required to connect to Sony servers to operate and will NOT restrict pre-owned software.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 4's biggest selling point is actually a last-gen feature, says Matt Martin
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
Who would have thought this year's E3 could have been won and lost on the policies of old media? Sony'sclear message about digital rights, prices, online connection, reselling and sharing video game contentbrought the house down at its big PlayStation 4 reveal yesterday. In a day crammed full of new game reveals, it only took a few well-hammered statements from Sony's Jack Tretton - three minutes of bullet points shot at a rival company with a huge target painted on its ass - to become the talking point of this year's event. It's clear to consumers and the media: Sony has been listening to complaints and concerns and it's not going to follow a corporate vision over the interests of consumer taste.
"Three minutes of bullet points shot at a rival company with a huge target painted on its ass"
Microsoft had started the day with a very strong showing too. The streamlined event that just focused on games with quick and clear communication was a success, where the suits stepped back and pushed the developers forward. And the developers for the most part, both first and third party, looked to be enjoying themselves. In demo form, early trailer, concepts or near-complete games,Microsoft's line-up for the first years of the Xbox One is really very strong. New IP and old, it's the dream portfolio for the hardcore gaming audience that won the crowd back from last month's ostracising TV evangelism.
It was doing so well, with genuinely talented developers at its back, the right amount of bombast and none of the celebrity endorsement bollocks that dilutes the gaming message. But then it ripped the sticking plaster off and announced the $499 price and it crashed back to reality. Consoles are always expensive on launch day, the Xbox One will be no different. But even the price isn't what sticks in the craw. Microsoft's flat-out refusal to discuss any of the business decisions behind it's terribly misguided stance on used games, digital rights management and always online connections still remained after a positive 90 minutes. Amplified by clearly being ignored, the elephant in the room is thrashing around, tusks goring the beauty of Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive and Below.
While at times the whooping and hollering of the rent-a-crowd in Sony's conference yesterday felt forced, the reaction to the PlayStation 4's stance on used games, DRM, sharing and online connections was genuine. It's the reaction that E3 moments are made of. The first half of Sony's presentation was slow and meandering, a chunk of the PlayStation 4 portfolio had already been revealed in February, and banging the drum about exclusive DLC snacks for multiformat games is just small fry.
Looking back, Sony's game line-up for the PlayStation 4 doesn't feel as strong although it is more varied than the Xbox One. Sony isn't embarrassed to support families and experimentation alongside it's blockbusters. Phil Harrison's insistence that Microsoft has always loved the independent developers simply didn't sound true, whereas Adam Boyes' love for Octodad, Lorne Lanning, Switchblade Monkeys and chums was genuine.
"Sony won the crowd back and left its biggest rival with a bloody nose for which it can only blame itself. Microsoft honestly looks foolish"
But despite the billions spent on trailers yesterday, the hardwork put in to live demos and the reinvigoration of the video game console market, the real crowd pleaser wasn't one title. It was clear communication that Sony will continue to treat its customers with respect and listen to their concerns. There's still a long way to go and Sony did take away some privileges with one hand (now having to pay for multiplayer gaming on PS4, for example), but Sony won the crowd back and left its biggest rival with a bloody nose for which it can only blame itself. Continuing to blank the bigger questions is just like letting the blood run down on to your new crisp white shirt. Microsoft honestly looks foolish.
And if that wasn't enough, the fact that the PlayStation 4 will launch in the US a whole $100 less than the Xbox One sealed the deal. It's still a lot of money for new hardware but the loyal gamer is used to paying for it and it looks at this point like a much better deal for those looking for their first taste of next generation console gaming.
Microsoft is so focused on the future it's alienated its players over a soulless corporate goal to own the living room. Sony has its eyes on the distance but it understands consumers don't want to give up control of their private space and what they do in it. Sony isn't actually doing anything different when it comes to DRM, second hand sales, sharing and online connections. In many ways the biggest feature of the PlayStation 4 is something that hasn't been tampered with. The PlayStation 4's greatest triumph so far is a distinctly last-gen feature.
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June 12th, 2013, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
Investors are reacting in early trading today, and Sony's positive buzz around PS4 continues
It's now the morning after. The dust is beginning to settle after yesterday's skirmish - a fight clearly won by Sony's uppercut punch to Microsoft on used games - but now investors are weighing in with early trading on the stock market. So far today the message is clear: Microsoft is down while Sony is up.
As of this writing, Microsoft stock (MSFT) has dipped nearly 1.7 percent while Sony's shares (SNE) have climbed over 1.7 percent. These percentages may not seem like a lot but it's important to remember that both Sony and Microsoft operate businesses that deal with a lot more than just video games. It's clear that yesterday's big E3 news is having an impact on investors' perceptions.
As for other gaming stocks, EA's and Take-Two's shares have climbed slightly while Ubisoft's and Activision's shares have dipped. Importantly, GameStop's shares have increased almost 9 percent on the news about consoles and used games.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
 Not so fast, vaquero. While Sony was cheered in heroic fashion for proclaiming that used games would be free and clear to operate on the PlayStation 4, it appears that the reality is actually a bit more complicated. Sony America CEO Jack Tretton has made clear today that while first-party titles will fit in with yesterday's "hands-off" approach, third-party publishers will be allowed to throw some curveballs.
"There's gonna be free-to-play, there's gonna be every potential business model on there, and again, that's up to their relationship with the consumer, what do they think is going to put them in the best fit. We're not going to dictate that, we're gonna give them a platform to publish on. The DRM decision is going to have to be answered by the third parties, it's not something we're going to control, or dictate, or mandate, or implement." That's the new word out of Tretton's mouth, which seems to indicate that players like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Treyarch and pretty much any PS4 game maker outside of Sony's own umbrella can cobble together any combination of policies they want. You could say that it's not too different from how the PS3 operates today, but there's still plenty of room for clarifications across the industry. Hit up the source link for the full spiel.
Update: Sony itself has responded with the following: "Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever."
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June 12th, 2013, 01:23 Posted By: wraggster
 PlayStation Plus offers do come around every now and then, but Sony has just announced a more permanent addition to the service: the option of a $10 (or 7 euro) monthly membership to supplement the regular 90-day and annual subscriptions. The lack of commitment comes at quite a price, given that the longer contracts bring the the effective monthly cost down to $6 and $4 respectively, but it may still make sense for flighty types. Anyway, once you're in, you'll find a secondary, time-limited offer: an annual Music Unlimited Premium subscription for $42 (42 euros), which is okay, but nowhere near the discount offered in 2012. Those who remain outside of Sony's inner circle can also temporarily get 12 months of Music Unlimited for $60, or half of the usual cost. Lastly, a few more E3 crumbs: the PlayStation Network is now officially called "PSN", which is pretty much what we called it anyway, and PlayStation Plus also gets a new logo (shown after the break, not that it's especially shocking.), reflecting reflect its heightened status in the PS4 era
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June 12th, 2013, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
 While the US press release for the PlayStation 4 mentioned details about games, used games and pricing, it did not confirm all of the specs for the console. In Japan however, a more detailed press release clears up a few things. Sony's console is packing a 500GB hard drive (same as the Xbox One), and it will not include the camera module, which is a $59 (£44 and €49) add-on for the $399 box. By comparison, theXbox One includes -- and requires for its use -- the Kinect 2.0 camera. (Update:Sony's confirmed that the PS4's hard drive is upgradable.)
A Best Buy listing confirms the PlayStation 4 Eye's add-on status and pricing, and that an extra DualShock 4 controller will also go for $59. We've double checked with Sony and confirmed that the system comes with a controller and mono earpiece plus HDMI, USB and power cords -- but no camera.
The spec sheet also confirms the system's dimensions at 275 x 53 x 305mm (excluding the largest projection), its ports (HDMI and optical out, 2 USB 3.0 in and 1 AUX in for use with the camera) and that a single ear mono headset is packed in with the system. That controller weighs in at 210g, includes a 1000mAh battery and one other detail some may have missed -- a built-in mono speaker. There are details specs for the camera too, which is capable of a maximum 1280 x 800 (x2) pixel capture at 60fps, 640 x 400 at 120fps, or 320 x 192 at 240fps. It has an 85 degree FOV and a 2 meter cable to connect to the system. Want to do more digging into the specs and learn about the design of the PS4? Check out the PDF linked below.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:28 Posted By: wraggster
In case you haven't already lost enough sleep (and probably a few girlfriends) to the Elder Scrolls Saga, Bethesda is turning the world into a next-gen MMO. The title appears to have many of the same, non-traditional (for an RPG) elements that made titles like Skyrim so successful but brings them to a massively multiplayer world in the vein of WoW. And, if any franchise has the ability to unseat the current king on online RPGs, it's the Elder Scrolls. There will be a beta period kicking off, starting with the PS4, before the title will officially hit shelves in the Spring of 2014. It's probably best to start stocking up on Red Bull and Cliff Bars now.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster
Amir Rao and Gavin Simon from Supergiant Games hopped on stage with Sony to announce that Transistor, the company's next title will be making its console debut on the PlayStation 4. The creators of Bastion will be making Sony's console their home early next year and it's bound to be one of the highlights of this year's E3. But, if you think the embrace of indie developers ends with the cyber-punk follow up to the surprisingly successful and original Bastion, you're wrong. Klei Games is bringing its hit Don't Starve to the PS4 and Octodad: Dadliest Catch from Young Horses is also on tap. Ragtag Studios, Red Barrels and 17-Bit Games are also bringing titles to the PlayStation before other consoles. There's even going to be a remake of Oddworld, called Oddworld: New 'n Tasty. Huzzah! And don't miss the trailer for Transistor after the break.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
With its much anticipated PS4 console reveal out of the way, Sony brought out Entertainment head Michael Lynton to talk media services for the platform. When the PS4 launches later this year, gamers will be privy to exclusive, original programming crafted specifically for PSN and made by Sony's studios. No further details were given on just what the company has in store nor what the pricing model would be (free vs paid?). But like Microsft, Sony's looking to maximize on its living room position and, of course, that familiar buzz word: corporate synergy.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:31 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's making a whole bunch of announcements at tonight's E3 press conference, andGTA V is on the list. The company just unveiled a bundle and headset for the PlayStation 3. Included in the package is a 500GB PS3, a Blu-ray copy of the game, 30-day trial PlayStation Plus membership, a custom GTA V Pulse and a special audio mode. If you're still in the market for the current-gen console despite tonight's revelations of the PS4, expect the bundle to arrive on September 17th, and it'll cost you $299 for the whole package.
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June 12th, 2013, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has revealed the full spec for the PlayStation 4 after its crowd-pleasing showing at E3, giving us additional details that bring us a step closer to understanding the full capabilities of the new hardware.The key data remains unchanged from previous coverage - the PlayStation 4 features eight low-power AMD cores based on its upcoming Jaguar architecture (set to arrive in PC form at the end of the year), working in combination with Radeon GPU architecture capable of 1.84 TFLOPS of compute workload. This stat confirms that the GPU features 18 compute units running at 800MHz. While 12 compute units are basically confirmed for Xbox One, clock speed has not yet been confirmed by Microsoft, and despite rumours that the core may be downclocked, our current information suggests that it runs at the same speed as the Sony console (we're currently chasing down a final, definitive source on that one).Similar to the Xbox One, a 500GB hard drive has been chosen for internal storage - not exactly surprising bearing in mind that these units currently offer the best value in terms of gigs per £/$. However, the difference is that as with the PlayStation 3 the unit can be replaced with any hard drive of your choosing (and presumably that includes SSDs too). There's a point of deviation with Xbox One here, as the hard drive in the Microsoft console is not user-replaceable. Here, the additional USB ports are used for external devices that boost overall system storage capacity. Bearing in mind that the Blu-ray drive on both systems gives up to 50GB of potential storage for games and that installation is mandatory on both consoles, that hard drive could fill up very, very quickly. What's in the box?

Previously we understood that the PlayStation 4 Eye camera would be bundled with the console, but it now seems clear that the peripheral is an optional accessory - and no doubt one of the reasons why Sony's new console commands a £80/$100 price advantage over its Microsoft rival, which bundles the second-gen Kinect in the box.
Sony has now confirmed the complete contents of the PS4 "Jet Black" package, and it's pretty basic stuff - there's the console itself of course, with one Dual Shock wireless controller, a mono headset (though the jack on the controller itself is stereo), a power cable and a USB cable for charging the controller. Doubtless retailers will add to the overall content with their own bespoke bundle deals.
The final addition to the package is the inclusion of an HDMI cable. Previously Sony has stuck to standard def composite video as its in-the-box AV option, but the PS4 features no analogue video output at all, necessitating an HDMI upgrade.
We also have final confirmation on the optical drive utilised - a 6x CAV Blu-ray unit. CAV stands for Constant Angular Velocity, meaning that the disc spins at the same rate no matter where the reading head is. This means that data contained on the outer edge of the disc is read in much faster than that contained on the inner portion. This was much more of a big deal for current-gen games (which mostly run from disc) as opposed to next-gen where hard drive install is mandatory. In order to make the experience as friction-free as possible, games will load the absolute minimum and then "stealth install" the remainder onto the hard drive in the background as you play.The spec also re-affirms a key, defining element of the PS4 hardware: its unprecedented 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. Bearing in mind that even the most expensive consumer-level PC graphics cards can't match this allocation, it's safe to say that Sony must be taking a substantial financial hit on this investment, but over the long term, it should pay off - on a general level, the more RAM that is available, the more future-proof the system is. - Product name: PlayStation 4 Jet Black
- Product code: CUH-1000A series
- Recommended retail price: US $399, Canada $399, Europe €399, and UK £349
- Main processor: Single-chip custom processor
- CPU: x86/64 AMD "Jaguar", eight cores
- GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon based graphics engine
- Memory: GDDR5 8GB
- Storage: 500GB hard disk drive
- External dimensions: Approx 275x53x305mm (width x height x length -tentative, excludes largest projection)
- Mass: Approx 2.8kg
- Optical Drive: BD x6 CAV, DVD x8 CAV (read only)
- Input/Output: Super-Speed USB (USB 3.0) port x2, AUX port x1
- Networking: Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x1, IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR)
- AV Output: HDMI out port, Toslink SPDIF
- Included: PlayStation 4 system, wireless controller (Dual Shock) x1, mono headset x1, AC power cord x1, HDMI cable x1, USB cable x1
Sony has also revealed full specs for the PlayStation 4 Eye camera and the Dual Shock 4, including the somewhat expense price-points of $59/£54 and $59/£44 respectively (nice to see some consistency on its currency exchange rates). There are no real surprises here, but it is with some regret we note that the PS4 Eye camera features a bespoke "AUX" connection to the main console - if only because it would be great to have a 60/120/240FPS camera available that could directly connect to our PCs! Also of note is that while the PS4 ships with a mono headset, the audio output of the Dual Shock 4 itself supports full stereo.That's the only form of analogue audio support you'll find on the PS4. In common with Xbox One, all major AV outputs on the console are digital only - both have jettisoned support for SD resolutions and analogue component HD, with HDCP-encrypted HDMI the only option. At least there's some joy for those with legacy surround sound amplifiers as both of the new machines features Toslink SPDIF optical output for stereo and surround, though specific 5.1 formats (Dolby Digital, DTS) don't appear to have been confirmed. "With the PS4 hardware specs mostly done and dusted, the only real questions remaining concern the CPU and RAM resources swallowed up by the OS."
So with the PS4 hardware specs mostly done and dusted, the only real questions remaining concern the CPU and RAM resources swallowed up by the operating system. Guerrilla Games' recent post mortem of its Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 reveal demo suggests that two CPU cores are reserved for the OS (something we're told could change but remains the current working allocation), but the amount of GDDR5 required by background processes remains unknown. What we do know is that 512MB was the target during the time that PS4 was slated to ship with just 4GB of system RAM, with current murmurings suggesting that has doubled to 1GB. At the same time, the Guerrilla post mortem contains a memory map with around 3GB of "spare" memory which could be occupied by the OS. One theory - yet to be confirmed - suggests that the game DVR - which records footage as you play - may be writing to a RAM disk, saving on hard drive bandwidth. 15 minutes of 1080p h.264 video could swallow up anything up to 1GB of RAM, but some might say that it would be something of a waste to utilise high performance memory on an application like this that would require at most around 2MB/s of bandwidth (PS4 GDDR5 tops out at 176GB/s)Elsewhere, the only major next-gen mysteries remaining mostly surround a fully confirmed hardware spec for the Xbox One - an aspect of the console that Microsoft has not been especially forthcoming about. We pieced together many of the details from the reveal, but firm details on what's inside the black box would be welcome. We suspect that Sony's transparency on this topic may well come down to the distinct hardware advantage it knows it possesses over the Xbox One - a situation that is somewhat ironic bearing in mind that it was the Xbox 360's superior graphics tech and memory bandwidth that helped to give it an advantage over PS3 in so many multi-platform projects.
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June 12th, 2013, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster

Yoshida pours water over claims troubled title is on hiatus
Development of Team ICO’s long-awaited game The Last Guardian is still alive and kicking, says Shuhei Yoshida.
Speaking to CVG, Sony's worldwide studios president said lots of developers were still at work on the title at the Japanese studio, but did not provide any news on when it would show off progress on the game or when it might see release.
Yesterday SCEA president Jack Tretton told Eurogamer that while the project hadn’t been cancelled, it was currently on hiatus.
Yoshida denied this however, and said that despite hitting difficult technical issues, the project was still underway.
“Game development is not easy at all,†said Yoshida.
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June 12th, 2013, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has shown of a new augmented reality concept for the PS4 using the PlayStation Eye to turn the living room into a game setting.
The video shows players using the camera combined with the motion sensing capabilities built into the new DualShock controller to interact with the game.
The eye can then also a detect player's body movements and where they are situated as the game interacts with the living room space on-screen.
Cross-platform features were also shown off, with a mobile phone used to create a new character, and then put it into the virtual world on the PS4.
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June 12th, 2013, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
PS4 free of first party restrictions, but third parties free to implement their own pre-owned defenses
Fans rejoiced to hear that Sony will not be implementing any new restrictions on used games, but closer scrutiny of the company's policy showed PS4 users might face separate barriers from third party developers.
Many in the industry gave the PlayStation 4 manufacturer the win in Monday's press conference showdown, as Microsoft failed to calm consumers worried the Xbox One would change they way they bought, sold, and shared their games.
Sony fired back with a set of bullet points addressing each of these concerns, saying there would be no limits on the use or distribution of used games.
This was greeted by a wave of cheers, but a day later people are already questioning if the Japanese company was being entirely upfront.
In an effort to address these concerns, Sony says it won't have an online pass program for its games, but won't force third parties to abandon their own online DRM campaigns.
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June 12th, 2013, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
Several development sources have told us that they expect game publishers to implement similar DRM policies across Xbox One and PS4, despite what has unfolded at E3 this week.Our contacts described Sony’s conference announcements as a PR play, and revealed that its decision to go DRM-free was made at the very last minute.Each platform holder’s DRM policy has changed continually over the last few months, they said, though Microsoft’s initial stance was much tougher than its position today. This suggests that the platform holder’s decision to let publishers decide for themselves whether to implement DRM on Xbox One was not part of the original plan.Ultimately, the developers we spoke to understand the need to protect the revenues made on their work, and expect to see broadly similar DRM restrictions across both PS4 and Xbox One – in one instance, it was suggested that these measures were essential for the console business to survive.We were also told that final publishing agreements will not be drawn up for at least another month, so the terms of engagement could yet change once more before each console launches at the end of the year.We have contacted Sony for comment.
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June 12th, 2013, 23:28 Posted By: wraggster
Square Enix has announced a third instalment in its Disney themed Kingdom hearts franchise.
Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development for both PS4 and Xbox One – the first time the game has been released on a non-PlayStation home console.
It will see the return of a “mature†Sora and is described as “a culmination of the series so farâ€.
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June 12th, 2013, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
The boss of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has hinted that Sony chose to support the pre-owned market in an effort to protect retail.
“The gaming eco-system in the UK is a somewhat fragile one,†Jim Ryan told VG247. “We all know just how difficult it is for retailers, and while we’re never going to make a policy decision to cushion the lives of video game retailers in a particular market, it’s a factor that we need our retail partners to survive and hopefully prosper.
“That very fragile ecosystem is one I feel shouldn’t be lightly tampered with.â€
It was (seemingly) confirmed last night that while systems such as the Online Pass are possible on PS4, Sony will not allow partners to block pre-ownedsoftware completely.
Ryan also said that Sony opted against an always-online requirement for PS4 as it sees huge potential in emerging markets where the internet infrastructure remains underdeveloped.
“If we consider the issue of an online connection being required; I look after a very large number of territories, including lots of places in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India, where internet connectivity is not all that widespread in the home,†he added.
“If you’re talking about a mass level, an issue like that is very fundamental. We take a long-term view on those markets, and we invest heavily in them. In those places it isn’t a core gamer issue: it’s a fundamental issue.â€
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June 14th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Lack of online requirement will not deter devs from adopting cloud functions, says Yoshida
PS4 developers will be able to offload some computing calculations to remote servers through the cloud, Sony’s worldwide studios president has said.
Much like the cloud capabilities that have been touted by Microsoft for the Xbox One, Shuhei Yoshida confirmed to Polygon that developers can offload certain processes usually handled by the hardware itself, such as AI and physics calculations.
He added however that, while many computations such as linking and matchmaking were already being done on the cloud side, there will limitations to what processes could be handled by the cloud due to latency and bandwidth.
Yoshida also said that, despite not requiring always-on functionality, he did not foresee there being an issue of adoption for cloud features by developers.
"We don't believe every title needs that,†said Yoshida.
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June 14th, 2013, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
DualShock 4 touchpad works much like that on a laptop, will be used for Diablo III
The PlayStation 4 controller's touchpad is clickable, and will be used for inventory management in Diablo III.
Gamespot confirmed the news on the showroom floor, which is the first chance the public has had to experience the new controller with its novel touchpad.
Though this isn't necessarily a surprise, it's the first confirmation that the touchpad will behave more like that found a modern laptop than other touch interfaces.
Sony declined to go into further detail, and only Blizzard has opted to reveal how they plan to use the feature.
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June 14th, 2013, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Retailer Blockbuster has seen a sharp rise in PS4 orders following the events at E3 this week.
The chain last month said that pre-orders of Xbox One had broken company records. It now says that PS4 “has received the same incredibly positive reactionâ€.
“We are absolutely thrilled with the amazing response to our pre-order service for both the PS4 and Xbox One,†head of product James Morton stated. “We’re looking forward to seeing the brand new consoles in our stores along with the latest games to buy or rent. 2013 has been a fantastic year for gaming at Blockbuster and its set to only get better following the announcements at E3.â€
PS4 will go on sale later this year for £349.99. Xbox One will arrive in the UK this November for £429.99.
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June 14th, 2013, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
But the SCE executive stresses that it is completely optional
Sony Computer Entertainment
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Sony's president of worldwide studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has clarified debate on the PS4's potential to take advantage of cloud-processing, stressing that, whilst it's entirely possible, it is by no means mandatory.
Taking another well-aimed blow at what Sony perceives to be a weakness of Microsoft's Xbox One, Yoshida responded to rhetoric from Redmond which claims that utilising non-local computation will enable the One to evolve into a more powerful machine by pushing more and more processing to the cloud as the platform ages.
Speaking to Polygon, Yoshida pointed out that the PS4 will also have this capacity, but, because of the negative perceptions of alwyas online, as well as issues of bandwidth and latency, it would be entirely up to developers to decide whether to use it.
"Linking, matchmaking...there are already many computations being done on the cloud side," he told Polygon's Michael McWhertor. "We don't believe every title needs that," he said. "But if your title needs [an] online connection to provide some online features: Go for it."
In fact, Sony had made online and cloud functionality a fairly major focus of the initial PS4 reveal, espousing the use of Gaikai technology to download demos and other content in the background whilst players were otherwise engaged. With the tide of public opinion currently very much turning against the notion of features which require an internet connection, Sony seem to be keen to shift focus back to the box itself. Expect that focus to shift back somewhat once consumer anger subsides.
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June 14th, 2013, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
With the PlayStation 4, unlike the PlayStation 3 before it, Remote Play functionality on Vita is handled on a system level. Though Sony's asking developers to take into account the Vita's different button setup and additional input mechanisms that the portable console has, the actual act of enabling Remote Play is handled by the PlayStation 4 itself. "On PlayStation4 , it just happens. You just make a PS4 game, it supports Remote Play," Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida told us in an interview at E3.We'd asked whether Sony's "mandating" Remote Play functionality from developers, and Yoshida first explained how it worked on the PlayStation 3 to offer some context. "The single biggest issue, why there are not many PlayStation 3 games that support Remote Play, was that it was optional -- the system didn't do much. The game has to set aside some memory or CPU to be able to do that, and usually, memory is the most precious resource that [development] teams fight amongst each other for. So when it comes down to the priorities, these are features that are very easy to drop," he told us. The idea with PS4 is that, by offloading responsibility for Remote Play support to the console itself, developers are freed up to make the control tweaks necessary for a comfy experience playing a PS4 game remotely on Vita."Please make sure that when you play your games on Vita, the control is good. That's the minimum thing we're asking them to do," he added. All that said, not every single PlayStation 4 game will work with Remote Play -- "Maybe not Just Dance," Yoshida offered with a laugh when we asked. That's a pretty reasonable exception if you ask us, and it sounds like only games that require the PS4 Eye or Move (or some other such input method that's impossible to emulate on Vita) are on that excepted list.http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/13/s...013-interview/
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June 14th, 2013, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
The CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment has warned that PS4 demand "may well outstrip supply" following the console's well received showing at E3 this week.
The executive told the Wall Street Journal that Sony has raised internal sales projections for the console following the positive reception by consumers, although he didn't offer any specific figures.
SCE showed off the PS4 hardware for the first time on Tuesday night during its E3 press conference. It also confirmed a Christmas PS4 release date in Europe and the US and a PS4 price of £349 / €399 / $399, undercutting the Xbox One price by $100.
Additionally, Sony addressed the controversial issue of pre-owned games and always-on internet restrictions, confirming that PS4 games don't require regular online check-ins and that disc-based games can be traded or sold on. PS4 owners will however need to subscribe to PS Plusto play online multiplayer.
SCEA boss Jack Tretton also told the WSJ that GameStop executives had informed him the retailer would purchase "every single [PS4] unit" Sony can manufacture. "We're excited about the momentum," he said.
In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, SCE UK MD Fergal Gara said the company isn't "in mass manufacture right now" but that he's confident "we'll have very significant stocks for the UK".
Following Sony's E3 press conference, CVG was granted a one-on-one interview with Shuhei Yoshida, SCE's president of Worldwide Studios. In our PS4 interview, Yoshida elaborated on Sony's pre-owned policy, explained the decision to move online play behind a pay wall, and confirmed that long-missing The Last Guardian is indeed still in development.
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June 14th, 2013, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft says it remains committed to the 25 million unit selling Rainbow 6 series, but whether that includes Rainbow 6: Patriots isn't clear.
Announced in 2011 as a squad-based tactical shooter with a storyline "that captures the reality of modern-day terrorism", the Ubisoft Montreal project will miss its intended 2013 release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key told IGNthat the Tom Clancy series is now headed to next-gen platforms. However, Key made no specific mention of Patriots.
In part, the project is thought to have been held up the restructuring of its development team in early 2012. Later that year, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said "there's a good chance" the game could be switched to next-gen platforms.
Key told IGN: "We're absolutely making another Rainbow 6. We've already said so. We just, as we enter this new generation, have to make sure we make the right game at the right time with the right feature sets.
"Rainbow 6 got caught in the transition of going to next-gen and essentially we're figuring out 'well, are we making the right game for the right hardware systems?'
"We don't really have anything else to announce or say about Rainbow 6, but we will say it's a really exciting project for us and we can't wait to say more."
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June 14th, 2013, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
Cult favourite massively multiplayer curio DayZ could be coming to PS4, according to the mod's creator, Dean Hall, who's currently working on a standalone version of the Arma 2 mod.
When I asked Hall whether console manufacturers Sony and Microsoft had approached him about putting DayZ on an upcoming console he replied, "Yeah, we talked to both of them. But, as I'm sure you're aware, Sony lets you self-publish and they don't make you pay for updates. Microsoft requires you to have a publisher. They have no digital distribution strategy and they require you to pay $10,000, or whatever it is, for updates.""What about Sony, then?" I asked."Oh, absolutely. We like them. I like what I saw on the PS4," Hall said. "I like what I saw on the Xbox in a lot of cases as well. I'm not s***ting on them. I'm kind of hopeful that Microsoft has just forgot to talk about its indie support. Maybe I'm being a bit naive."So if both parties are interested and Hall is happy with Sony's current approach towards indie devs, why hasn't he signed on yet? The answer is simple: his main priority is getting the PC version of DayZ Standalone up and running first before he can start worrying about ports.When asked about developing for PS4, Hall replied, "That's definitely something we'd look at, but we have to do the PC version first. Once we get the alpha out, that's a good time for us to run it up on a [PS4] dev kit and see what happens."Hall seemed pretty optimistic about console ports in general. "With this new generation of architecture it's not a problem for us," he explained. "It's totally achievable. The only barriers are the ones console manufacturers put up in the way of indie devs. That's the only barrier now. I'd love to see this on Xbox Live. I'd love to see it on PS4."And what of Wii U?"I don't know. I haven't really looked into it much. I doubt it," Hall replied.Hall has not revealed a release date for DayZ Standalone, but when pressed for an update he stated, "It's very close. We're at a point where we need people to play it and tell us whether it's good or not."
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June 14th, 2013, 20:56 Posted By: wraggster
The star of Ubisoft's PlayStation Vita spin-off Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation will return in PlayStation versions of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, the developer has confirmed.
Aveline de Grandpré's story will be continued in three new missions developed just for the game's PS3 and PS4 versions,Kotaku reported. PC, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners will miss out.Ubisoft previously confirmed that PS3 and PS4 editions of the game would get extra content totalling around an hour's extra gameplay. It's a similar deal to the Sony-exclusive Benedict Arnold storyline in Assassin's Creed 3 and the Copernicus side-story in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.What exactly the missions entail remains under wraps, as does the timing of where they will fit in to Aveline's existing storyline (Black Flag's main story is set two generations prior to that of Assassin's Creed 3).Ubisoft has yet to announce a PlayStation Vita spin-off for this year's Assassin's Creed - which by now probably means that there isn't one coming.
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June 15th, 2013, 00:36 Posted By: wraggster
The reaction was "quite extraordinary", in the words of SCEE boss Jim Ryan, and it's hard to argue with him. I've been to Sony press conferences since ECTS and I don't think I've ever seen a reception like this one. But after the swell of excitement subsided I got to thinking, if all Sony has done is stand still and watch Microsoft volley itself in the face repeatedly, then surely this victory is rather illusive? How does doing the same thing again meet the underlying challenges PlayStation faces in 2013?Let's recap. PlayStation 4 costs what a new console often costs - £349. It has a mixture of games on discs and digital downloads. It charges a subscription for online play. This model sounds familiar! And while we've already laid into Microsoft's hoary old Xbox One line-up, Sony's first-party offering isn't that much more exciting. Take The Order: 1886 - it looked interesting for a while there, like a sort of steampunk A-Team in the days of Jack the Ripper - but then they threw open the carriage door and it was Gears of Whitechapel. Pass! (At least that's not "Online Pass", I suppose.)Zoom out of E3 and the same challenges still face Sony and Microsoft. For one thing, you can't replicate what the PlayStation 2 did to sell 150 million units; hitching an expensive new breakthrough technology like DVD to a massive pile of exclusive games in new categories (GTA 3, God of War) or in their peak years (MGS, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo) just isn't viable. Surely the last few months have proven this beyond doubt - Microsoft pitched us live TV in an on-demand world, while the games that both companies (and even Nintendo) are pitching as their best and brightest are plainly just variations on a theme. Five years of declining console game sales suggest that we're bored of reheated templates. Sure, Call of Duty and FIFA prop everything up, but to many of their players the role they fill is closer to that of Facebook or Twitter than anything else.
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June 15th, 2013, 00:43 Posted By: wraggster
Following on from our list of every Xbox One game, here's a run-down of every title confirmed for PlayStation 4.
It's interesting to compare the two lists - Sony has at least 20 more games coming to its platform than Microsoft, but less exclusive games. And, of the exclusives, titles like Driveclub and Infamous: Second Son are arguably less exciting than Xbox One's Forza 5 and Quantum Break.
That said, many of the extra PS4 games are console exclusives to Sony's platform, just available on PC. You won't find Zombie Studios' Daylight on Xbox One, for example, or MMOs such as Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn and DC Universe Online. And there's a greater number of indie titles.
PlayStation 4 launches in the UK sometime before Christmas, Sony told Eurogamer last night.
David Cage teased his unannounced PS4 game with this tech demo. We were goblin it up.
- Basement Crawl
- Driveclub
- Infamous: Second Son
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Knack
- The Order: 1886
- Secret Ponchos
And the rest
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
- Battlefield 4
- Blacklight: Retribution
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Carmageddon: Reincarnation
- Contrast
- The Crew
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Daylight
- DC Universe Online
- Deep Down
- Destiny
- Diablo III
- Doki-Doki Universe
- Don't Starve
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Dying Light
- The Elder Scrolls Online
- The Evil Within
- FIFA 14
- Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn
- Final Fantasy 15
- Galak-Z
- Hohokum
- Just Dance 2014
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Lords of the Fallen
- Mad Max
- Madden NFL 25
- Marc Ecko's Getting Up 2
- Mercenary Kings
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Mirror's Edge 2
- NBA 2K14
- NBA Live 14
- Need for Speed: Rivals
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty!
- Outlast
- The Pinball Arcade
- PlanetSide 2
- Primal Carnage: Genesis
- Project: Heart and Soul
- Ray's The Dead
- Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
- Shadow Warrior
- Skylanders: Swap Force
- Sniper Elite 3
- Super Motherload
- Thief
- Tiny Brains
- Tom Clancy's The Division
- Transistor
- Trials Fusion
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
- War Thunder
- Warframe
- Watch Dogs
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- The Witness
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
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June 15th, 2013, 00:47 Posted By: wraggster
 You could argue that EA Sports' FIFA series has a stranglehold on the simulation soccer game genre. The publisher locked up the FIFA license for many years to come, making it the only company with access to a number of real-life teams that other publishers such as Konami can't get its hands on.
If you care only about the number of teams that are in your sports games, then sure, FIFA is king. Until I played Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 at E3, I was still convinced that I am a "FIFA guy." That might be changing, now that Konami hasintroduced the Fox Engine to the series, which is being used to generate facial textures and animations in a more lifelike manner.
Sports game developers traditionally don't have the resources to commit to rendering lifelike emotion for in-game athlete's faces. In the case of games such as FIFA or Madden, expressions on athletes waver between lifeless and lifeless-with-an-open-mouth. Truly, one of the biggest tangible ways to convey the excitement of scoring goals or making crucial mistakes lies in generating that emotion through the athletes that players interact with, not unlike viewing sports broadcasts in real life.
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June 15th, 2013, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Online Entertainment doesn't have any new games at this year's E3 conference. But the developers behind DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2are hard at work anyway, and not just because they're running two live MMOs. Both games, which currently run on the PC (for both) or the PS3 (for DCUO) are coming to the PlayStation 4, which presents both positives and negatives for the developers involved.
Adam Clegg, game designer on PlanetSide 2, says he's excited to develop for the PS4 rather than the PC, because it'll make optimization for the game's graphics "1000 times better." Currently, the PC team has countless builds of hardware to optimize the game for, but everyone playing on a PS4 will use the same hardware, which makes things much easier. Additionally, Clegg says improvements should go the other way, too, as optimizing for the PS4 should make the game better for PC users.
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June 15th, 2013, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Mad Catz's extensive line of PlayStation 3 Tournament Edition FightSticks will not function with Sony's new PlayStation 4, Joystiq confirmed today with Mad Catz senior product development manager Richard Neville. "Playstation 4 will require a whole new set of peripherals," Neville said.
Currently, Mad Catz has announced that it is launching a new and improved Tournament Edition 2 FightStick for the Xbox One when that console is released sometime this year, but the peripheral manufacturer was unable to comment on the availability of future PlayStation 4 sticks.
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June 15th, 2013, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation Vita version of Gaijin Games' Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien will block, spring, slide and/or jump its way onto PlayStation Network sometime between mid-July and mid-August, Gaijin Games designer Danny Johnson told us during this week's E3 in Los Angeles.
"At least that's the plan," Johnson said. "The version we have here [at E3] has been in development for a couple weeks – less than a month I think – so it's something that's fairly recent. We don't have the kinks quite worked out yet, but we wanted to show people that it's a thing."
We spent time with the demo on-hand, and found that it was identical to the console/PC versions, save for some framerate issues on certain levels. Johnson added that the framerate problem is one of the kinks Gaijin has yet to work out, but that the release build will be on par with the existing versions on terms of performance.
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June 16th, 2013, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Dean Hall has suggested that his standalone version of Arma 2 mod DayZ, intended for PC and next gen consoles, might not be released on Xbox One due to publishing and patching restrictions.Microsoft does not allow indies to self publish and charges for patches, while on PS4, issuing a patch is free, and indies can publish titles themselves, says Hall.“We’re happy to see DayZ on any console but there is a… I guess one problem,†Hall told us. “The console needs to not charge for us to do updates and it needs to be indie title friendly.â€When asked whether Microsoft and Sony are still charging for patches, Hall replied: “As far as I’m aware, Microsoft is, Sony’s not. And Sony allows you to self-publish. But who knows? Maybe Microsoft will change. From our perspective, we need self-publishing because DayZ would be a great digital download title.â€Hall added that Sony’s free patching policy is preferable because there are a lot of bugs in DayZ. “It’s gonna take a long time for us to be able to iron this out and we don’t wanna have to be paying ten, twenty thousand dollars – whatever it is – every time we wanna do an update.â€Hall’s remarks here echo Phil Fish’s decision not to patch Fez last year, as it would cost his studio “tens of thousands of dollars.â€
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June 16th, 2013, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
Every single PS4 game will be playable via Remote Play on PlayStation Vita.
That’s because, unlike on PS3 when the functionality needed to be specifically coded in, PlayStation 4 will allow Vita streaming on a system level, Engadget reports.
Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida told the site: "On PlayStation 4 it just happens. You just make a PS4 game, it supports Remote Play.
"The single biggest issue, why there are not many PlayStation 3 games that support Remote Play, was that it was optional – the system didn't do much. The game has to set aside some memory or CPU to be able to do that, and usually, memory is the most precious resource that [development] teams fight amongst each other for. So when it comes down to the priorities, these are features that are very easy to drop.
"Please make sure that when you play your games on Vita, the control is good. That's the minimum thing we're asking them to do."
Obviously there technically are bound to be some exceptions – with the PlayStation Eye-requiring Just Dance given as an example.
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June 16th, 2013, 00:14 Posted By: wraggster
The overwhelmingly positive response given to PS4 at E3 this week has led to the company raising its sales expectations for the machine.
Global PlayStation boss Andrew House told The Wall Street Journal “the company is shifting its internal projections for the product after favourable reactions to the company's presentation Mondayâ€.
Amazon has apparently seen such a sales spike for the machine that it is no warning customers that it cannot guarantee day one delivery of the machine as it fears launch day stock will be unable to meet demand.
Indeed, House admitted that "demand may well outstrip supply". GameStop executives confirmed similar concerns.
Interestingly, the standard Xbox One SKU has now slipped from third to fifth in Amazon.co.uk’s Bestsellers charts, although the newly listed Day One SKU has claimed fourth.
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June 16th, 2013, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Will PS4 hardware be profitable on day one? It's a bigger issue than that, says Sony's UK MD Fergal Gara
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Sony has emphasised that the PlayStation division has to be profitable this financial year, as it prepares to launch a major new console before the end of December.
This week it unveiled the retail price for the PlayStation 4, and confirmed that the home console will definitely be released in the US and Europe for Christmas holidays - although the company can't commit to month or date.
"It's been a considered effort for seven years, not a knee jerk decision in the last days and weeks"
Fergal Gara on the PS4 price
"Quite simply we don't want to over promise and under deliver," Gara toldGamesIndustry International. "We're not in mass manufacture right now so it's impossible to be absolutely precise. I'm confident we'll have very significant stocks for the UK and absolutely delighted we're going to launch before Christmas. "
Consumers and press have reacted favourably to the price of the system, which will retail for $399 in the US and £349 in the UK. But some are questioning those figures and whether the company will take a loss on sales of the hardware at launch.
"There's no point in looking at the console in isolation," Gara said. "Is PlayStation going to be a profitable business? It needs to be and it intends to be a profitable business over the next year.
"The balance of everything we do, whether that's the console, the software, the accessories or the digital business, it all needs to be profitable and we expect it to be profitable in the short term and the medium term."
Last year Sony's PlayStation business recorded a slide in sales of more than 12 per cent, with profits dropping from $310 million to $18 million. The company warned in May that it had reduced expected profit margins from 8 per cent to 2 per cent.
This week rival console manufacturer Microsoft revealed that its new Xbox One console would retail for $499, putting it at a price disadvantage with Sony. But Gara explained that Sony had a $399 price in mind at the beginning of development for the system, after the company launched the PlayStation 3 at $499 and $599 to much criticism and slow initial sales.
"The reference point was PlayStation 3," he said. "It wasn't the competition because up until very late we had no idea what their price was going to be. Getting to a price point doesn't happen in the final days and weeks, it happens years in advance as you plan for a target price point alongside your engineering, design and architecture of the system.
"You have to hit that combination of price and performance in power. I'm delighted in the horsepower per pound that we've delivered, it genuinely is one very high powered machine. It's uncompromisingly built for one purpose above all other. Gaming, and performance around gaming, is front and centre. It's been a considered effort for seven years, not a knee jerk decision in the last days and weeks.
It's not just on price where Sony is winning in a new round of console wars. Microsoft is under fire for a number of online and sales initiatives that consumers feel are unfair and exploitative.
Sony used its pre-E3 conference this week to directly attack Microsoft, raising the roof from a supportive crowd and playing to an online community hungry for conflict.
"Expect premium games to carry a fairly premium price tag"
"Of course there was a little bit of play to the audience with the script and underlining the points of difference that we knew would be loved," admits Gara. "We chose to do that, who wouldn't? It's a competitive market." But he also makes it clear that there was never any other intention for Sony to copy Microsoft's unpopular stance on used games or it's insistence of an online connection "We knew what our message was, we'd decided on that some time ago. There were some small adjustments and refinements going on closer to the time but the fact is the message we have has gone down very well."
But it's still early days for both console manufacturers, and there's time for both to either claw back public support or slip up in the months ahead.
One contentious issue may be the price of games. While smaller indie and downloadable titles can sell for reasonable prices, blockbuster games such as The Last of Us and Uncharted command high retail prices. When asked if there's the possibility that triple-A games may rise further to help cover the cost of increasingly expensive development, Gara was more vague.
"We haven't announced our pricing yet, we're still looking at it. We'll make our minds up to as exactly where that will sit. Expect premium games to carry a fairly premium price tag. But expect a lot more in between. We'll have the full breadth of games both in terms of content and price," he said.
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June 16th, 2013, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
Battlefield 3 owners can currently download the 'Close Quarters' multiplayer map pack for free with the use of an E3 promotional code.
EA has made the content free to PC and console players in conjunction with this week's E3 expo.
According to Game Informer, you can unlock the DLC free by launching the Origin client, and via the "Redeem Product Code" menu enter the code 'BF3E3'.
It's unclear when the promotion will end but E3 concluded yesterday, so we'd suggest you take advantage of it ASAP.
DICE debuted Battlefield 4's highly-anticipated multiplayer gameplay at E3 this week, and you can get CVG's impressions in this Battlefield 4 multiplayer preview.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Our friends are Exophase were lucky enough to be at E3 this year and test the PS4. Several tech blogs mentioned that the PS4 seemed to have some lags here and there, but frozenIpaq was apparently the only person there interested enough to take a screenshot of an actual crash of the device.
That screenshot of a PS4 crash reveals a few interesting things. First of all, exophase have an interesting theory that the hard drive’s usable size will be closer to 400GB than the advertised 500GB. I’ll let you look at the source link below for details on how they reach this conclusion, but basically that’s because of a mix of typical Hard Drive manufacturer white lie + the space reserved by the system.
The crash screen also shows the Firmware version (0.930.068), and indicates that the PS4 running at E3 is a debug device (that’s not a surprise if you’re used to how Sony works with devs, but still an interesting bit of trivia).
Finally, there seems to be a possibility that that Demo (Knack) was running from a Developer’s box rather than the PS4 itself. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just saying that the content is hosted on a dev’s hard drive, and run from there by the PS4 system. Something similar was already doable on the PS3 with debug units, and that’s also what we do for homebrew development on the PSP with PSPLink. This is just a typical way for devs to be able to run their stuff directly from the machine that compiled the code, rather than having to copy contents constantly to the device.
Truly, the screenshot does not show much, all these details however tend to confirm that the machine that was running the demo is not the final retail product, from both a software and hardware point of view.
via http://wololo.net/2013/06/15/first-c...ut-the-device/
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June 17th, 2013, 14:12 Posted By: wraggster
The biggest feature of the 1.0.4 (or 1.0.2 MoD) update is that the Homebrew is playable in English. That is something that wasn't possible in the previous versions. The original language of this Homebrew is Russian, so not only the Russian speaking gamers can enjoy it, but almost everyone. Also what's new in the latest update is the look. The intro is changed, and a new XMB look is also added. So now we can enjoy science on our PSP in English with a much improved look.
Now what do I need to do? Mix and match the elements to get new ones which are also to be used in alchemical chain. The point is simple: initially with four basic elements, and combining them together to open all the available items. The four elements are fire, water, land and air and with these elements you should be able to make plenty of other elemental combinations. Too bad I know nothing about science...
__________________________________________________ _____________________
•Change Eboot icon (sign and unsign)
•Change all Name (translate russia to english) of In Game pics
•translate all in english
•Change Intro
•Posted recognition game. Now, to find out what your part, you need to go on the cover of the game, choose Settings => Help.
•Solves the problem of occurrence of elements of the inning.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
This update is mainly focused on the multiplayer menu. After some comments saying that the menu from Version 4.8 was not detailed enough, version 4.9 makes them more detailed. Now, if you press on the multiplayer feature in the main menu you'll go to a small "how to play" menu about the multiplayer feature. Then, you'll go to the multiplayer track list which shows a small preview of the racing track you will choose.
This version has the "Sonic" character changed with the "Shy Guy" character. However, the "Shy Guy" character doesn't look that great and still has some bugs. We might see this fixed in the next version. Apart from this and the multiplayer menu not much has been added. For more info see the changelog:
•Multiplayer menu improved
•Details before playing multiplayer track
•Shy Guy switched with Sonic
•How to play Multiplayer info
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June 17th, 2013, 14:20 Posted By: wraggster
PSP States has been improved, and better to use. Now it uses images to get it well organized. It has 18 slots and can store ISO/CSO's, Homebrews and UMD games. So if you ever got stuck in a game and you couldn't save you wished that you had something like PSP States.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2013 for all retro platform announcement
*** Close time: Aug.20th 2013 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7624.0.html
* Homebrew Game division
There are top 3 winners for all platform
* Homebrew APP division
There are top 3 winners for all platform
Note: The platform just specify to the retro console, something like NES/PC-E/MD/SNES/N64/GBA/NDS/PSP/Wii ......
The rules of NEO Summer retro coding contest 2013:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] If your production have enter other contest before, you can use it to enter this NEO contest still.
[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it come with many updated) to enter this contest again.
[4] You can submit more than one project for any platform at the same time, without any limit.
[5] You must put the NEO Retro Compo badge and NEO website link to your program and show it in the first page.
The top 3 prize list for the winners:
The No.1 : US$500 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$800 total value.
The No.2 : US$300 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$500 total value.
The No.3 : US$200 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$300 total value.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:23 Posted By: wraggster
News from Neoflash:
NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2013 for all retro platform announcement
*** Close time: Aug.20th 2013 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7624.0.html
* Homebrew Game division
There are top 3 winners for all platform
* Homebrew APP division
There are top 3 winners for all platform
Note: The platform just specify to the retro console, something like NES/PC-E/MD/SNES/N64/GBA/NDS/PSP/Wii ......
The rules of NEO Summer retro coding contest 2013:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] If your production have enter other contest before, you can use it to enter this NEO contest still.
[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it come with many updated) to enter this contest again.
[4] You can submit more than one project for any platform at the same time, without any limit.
[5] You must put the NEO Retro Compo badge and NEO website link to your program and show it in the first page.
The top 3 prize list for the winners:
The No.1 : US$500 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$800 total value.
The No.2 : US$300 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$500 total value.
The No.3 : US$200 cash , OR choose any items from the NEO online shop, just not over U$300 total value.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:39 Posted By: wraggster
Rogero today presents his custom 4.41.
WARNING make a backup of the console and its Nor / Nand before use. This custom has been tested on many PS3 models by different testers and no problems were encountered. Like all custom, it must be installed carefully and following the appropriate instructions, nobody will be held responsible for any damage. 's new / fixed: - Patch ReactPSN to work offline without the need to connect to PSN - Added patches noBD / noBT to allow installation on consoles with Bluetooth card reader or absent - This custom can be installed from the XMB on official firmware 3.55 or custom 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41 - The HDD can be changed and custom reinstalled without problem - Lv1 patched to disable the protections Lv2 - Lv1 patched for peek and poke - Lv1 Hash Check Core OS patched to the risk of brick on consoles not dehashé - Lv2 patched for peek and poke - QA Flag enabled by default - bybass RSoD screen to allow consoles with RSoD start - PSN / SEN access but not recommended - it can run all games without patching up 4.41 eboot - Can be used directly with a hardware downgrade flash with the new "PS3 Nand and Nor Auto Patcher 0.05" - MD5 : f8edbf7b45180f823f4298b388ecfb9b lexou06 Thanks for the information.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
To follow the evolution of its firmware, Rogero updates its program for the PS3 patch and facilitate the downgrade by not going through the Factory.
New / fixed: - Added patches Rogero 4.41 Features: - No need to downgrade the Factory - Detecting "METLDR" non Downgradable - Support for unified Nand - Support for consoles 3.56 Factory lexou06 Thanks for the information.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:46 Posted By: wraggster
Team Cobra has announced that the Cobra ODE hardware is now in production. Check this forum topic in the Cobra tech forum here at EurAsia for full details, videos of Cobra ODE in action and press release (in PDF). I think the most impressive part is that they have managed to nail PS3 Super Slim (CECH-40xx) which is supported! Let me know if you figure out how that was done.
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June 17th, 2013, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Rogero @ tortuga-cove.com] Hi everybody, I was away for a long while, a lot of work and real life projects to handle lately, I don't even have time to follow the scene news but I still managed to pre-order a Launch Day Edition PS4 and a Day One Xbox One too. Here's my build of the CFW4.41 v1.00 ( it's still v1.00 the very same PUP built initially ) and honestly this may be the last too, I may not have the time to work on all the reversing/patching/building of future firmware versions. The CFW have all the basic patches needed as usual but ToolBox payload was not updated and not included this time so ToolBox won't show on [app_home] (before anyone start asking about it).
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June 17th, 2013, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r5675 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
GSdx: More avx2 code to read/write different block formats, the GSBenchmark function shows nice improvements, but no games run faster. I just upload the changes before messing with the drawing part.
gsdx: * don't delete the wnd in GSclose. It can still be used later * Properly detect the GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 extension for Fxaa * A couple of fix in Create (GSopen1) of GSWndEGL/GSWndOGL
i18n: refresh string translation GSdx: nothing to see
gsdx: miss a part of the previous patch...
gsdx: * add exception in GSWndEGL and GSWndOGL * Try to use EGL when GLX failed => you don't need any flags for the opensource driver 
pcsx2: increase a bit the minimum size of the plugin dialogs (GSdx name is too long) gsdx: * move gl function loading into GSwnd. Clean the header and avoid to rely on macro. * Always require libegl for GSdx. You still need to select the AP...
gsdx (ogl): * fix memory leak of m_wnd * don't escape % in the shader string * Fix shadeboost StretchRect parameter
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June 17th, 2013, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Jpcsp SVN r3238 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.
Jpcsp SVN changelog:
fixed menu item enabled even if DebuggerMemory is not used
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June 17th, 2013, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PPSSPP Git (2013/06/16) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #2292 from unknownbrackets/fbo-alpha
Ignore alpha when writing to display
* Ignore alpha when writing to display.
* Merge pull request #2296 from unknownbrackets/loadexec
sceKernelLoadExec(.../BOOT.BIN) should load EBOOT.BIN instead
* sceKernelLoadExec(.../BOOT.BIN) loads EBOOT.BIN.
Fixes #2289, crash when pressing R+L+Start+Select in Final Fantasy 3.
* If __KernelLoadExec() fails, halt emulation.
Otherwise, we have no current thread, nothing can work.
* MsgDialog: Have the text WRAP_WIDTH match the horizontal lines. Fixes #2288.
* Merge pull request #2276 from aquanull/PSPDialogTextFix
Psp dialog text fix
* Text spacing adjustments.
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June 17th, 2013, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 gsdx-ogl-wnd SVN r5665 is released. PCSX2 gsdx-ogl-wnd is a branch of PCSX2. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 gsdx-ogl-wnd SVN Changelog:
gsdx-ogl-wnd: fix ifdef mess on fxaa (both dx and ogl)
gsdx-ogl-wnd: VS2010 doesn't support string bigger than 64k bytes. So remove PS3&360 shader from fxaa
gsdx-ogl-wnd: port (minor) renderer update of r5649 to opengl
gsdx-ogl_wnd: Merging r5633 through r5661
gsdx-ogl-wnd: ... forget to add the file...
gsdx-ogl-wnd: implement fxaa. I directly reuse the .fx file with minor update
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * Patch from miseru to fix VS2010 * Quick fix for 8-bits textures
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * Don't write color during stencil. Keep the old method to ease debug * Realign date shader on DX * keep stencil ref to 1. Reduce stencil management burder * Fix texture pitch (was in pixels but need bytes). Fix Bleach Blade B...
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * properly set the stencil write mask * Multiply Y coodinates by -1. Let's hope it fixes shadows gliches.
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * detect Advanced Micro Devices for newer AMD Card... * Mess with coordinate for StretchRect. Upscaling seem to work now. Surely the biggest diff between ogl and dx...
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * factorize sample object creation * remember frame buffer attachment state * Use a basic context on EGL. Allow to use Mesa 9.1 on AMD GPU. * precompile vertex and geometry shader to avoid benchmark polution on replay * Try ha...
gsdx-ogl-wnd: * Fix shader alpha issue. Hoppefully fix lots of glitches. * Use glBufferSubData to upload data into the constant buffer instead of map/unmap. More fps * Fix wrong api setup on EGL * Be more portable on glsl2h
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June 18th, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
An aggressive Sony took E3 by storm last week, but says it was only ‘one good day’.
The company’s pre-E3 press conference was quite low on new games compared with Xbox. But its decision to not force online checks every 24 hours, or block trade-ins, was a real crowd-pleaser.
And PS4’s £350 price tag is more attractive than Xbox’s £430 (including Kinect).
The result has been a huge increase in pre-orders.
Yet SCE UK boss Fergal Gara has played down the significance of winning E3, telling MCV that the company needs to keep its foot on the gas up to launch and beyond.
“Winning is determined by a much longer timescale,†he said. “We were very pleased with how our messages went down at E3. We aim to be the best for gamers, and this was a key step in that direction.
“E3 is important for early momentum and generating pre-orders. But it is only one step along. We feel we had a good day but there is loads more hard work to do, and we are focused on that.â€
The E3 event marked a more aggressive Sony, with barbed remarks aimed at Microsoft during the show. And Gara says the firm won’t hold back in the future.
“My UK and Ireland team is under the most competitive pressure in Europe,†he said.
“So if we want to be more successful, we have to earn it. We are have to be more driven and focused.â€
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June 18th, 2013, 00:22 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s brave experiment that is Wonderbook is to receive two new games in the coming year, including a new Harry Potter entry.
E3 saw the announcement of both Wonderbook: Book of Potions and Wonderbook: Walking With Dinosaurs.
The former is a fully Pottermore licensed product developed in conjunction with Harry Potter writer JK Rowling. It follows the template laid down by 2012’s Book of Spells.
The latter is based on the BBC documentary licence of the same name.
Late last month Sony released the second Wonderbook title, Diggs Nightcrawler.
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June 18th, 2013, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
E3 may be over but Sony will do all it can to ride on the wave of goodwill that it generated in LA for as long as possible.
Speaking to Yahoo, SCE chief exec Andrew House and made further statements about the company’s appreciation of the public backlash to Microsoft’s Xbox One DRM.
Smelling blood, he even moved to dismiss the idea that this is all simply going to fade away.
“You could argue that it’s a storm in a teacup – a very vocal minority of passionate gamers,†House stated. “This huge outpouring of feeling around the concept of ownership of content. But I have to say I don’t see it that way.
“I think we saw a lightning rod for feeling that has been bubbling up – that doesn’t just apply to games, but to entertainment overall. I think there’s an increasing nervousness about what ownership of content means, in the absence of physical goods. When that nervousness was starting to migrate into control over physical goods that consumers have purchased, that was a bridge too far.
“I want to be very clear about where we have been on this issue. I think there’s a danger that we could be seen to have reacted and capitalised on a situation. When we first announced PS4 in February, people were saying, ‘Oh, Sony’s being coy’ – almost with some implicit suspicion. It struck us as very odd.
“We had no intention of changing our position – it hasn’t changed from what it’s been for the last fifteen years. We believe that if you buy it, you own it, you’re able to do with it what you want.â€
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June 18th, 2013, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
Specialist doesn't expect PS4 and Xbox One to simplify AI production challenges
New console hardware will not solve the problems facing AI programmers today, says one of the sector’s middleware specialists.
Thomas Young (pictured), owner of PathEngine, a firm that specialises in pathfinding middleware for games, said there are certain areas where better hardware can help with AI, but, in many cases hardware capabilities are not what are holding back AI implementation.
Improved graphics and animation fidelity can actually increase the cost of implementing better character behaviours, he warns, and believes its issues like this that are making top-tier games more complex to build.
“I think there’s a problem with triple-A titles being fundamentally hard to scale, which isn’t going to be solved by the next-gen hardware improvements, and in order for us to see really big improvements in AI and character behaviour it may be necessary to find ways around these kinds of scalability issues,†he told Develop.
“Moving towards more procedural generation is something that can be interesting from this point of view, and automating content generation processes is definitely a good idea.â€
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June 19th, 2013, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Respawn co-founder says shooters aren't direct competition, explains absence of single-player campaign
Respawn Entertainment
Titanfall is one of the biggest releases on the gaming calendar for early next year, but it's not coming from an especially big developer. Speaking with GamesIndustry International at E3, Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella explained how the game's Microsoft exclusivity and multiplayer focus go hand-in-hand with the fledgling studio's structure.
"For us, we're a small startup studio," Zampella said. "We're 60-some developers. So for us to be able to focus on one platform [helps]. For us it was really helpful to focus on the core game and what's fun. It's scoped more adequately to what we have the power to do as a start-up studio."
Part of that scope means scrapping the single-player first-person shooter campaign template that Zampella helped define at Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward.
"We make these single-player missions that take up all the focus of the studio, that take a huge team six months to make, and players run through it in 8 minutes," Zampella said. "And how many people finish the single-player game? It's a small percentage. It's like, everyone plays through the first level, but 5 percent of people finish the game. Really, you split the team. They're two different games. They're balanced differently, they're scoped differently. But people spend hundreds of hours in the multiplayer experience versus 'as little time as possible rushing to the end' [in single-player]. So why do all the resources go there? To us it made sense to put it here. Now everybody sees all those resources, and multiplayer is better. For us it made sense."
Titanfall will be Respawn's debut release.
Titanfall will still have some narrative, but it will be accessed from within the main multiplayer mode. Zampella was careful not to be outright disdainful of the single-player/multiplayer divide seen in other games, and said it could be done successfully if enough resources were devoted to the project. Assassin's Creed was one such franchise where he said the catch-all approach had clearly worked.
As for how he feels working on a new entry in the first-person shooter category dominated by his old franchise, Call of Duty, Zampella downplayed the idea of the two games as direct competition.
"Honestly, we're not shipping the same time as them," Zampella said. "We're going for something different. We're not gunning for Call of Duty. We're doing our thing. The important thing is to make sure what we're doing is fun. I'm OK with Call of Duty being big. I helped create it, so I'm proud to see it's something so big that it goes beyond me."
Titanfall is set for a spring 2014 release, while Call of Duty: Ghosts launches November 5.
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June 19th, 2013, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's first-party PlayStation 4 games will cost $59.99, the company has confirmed, signaling no increase to packaged game pricing on its next-gen machine.
Microsoft recently confirmed that Xbox One games will carry the same recommended retail price as current Xbox 360 games.
SCE Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida was more cagey on the matter, saying that he knew the price point for Sony's PS4 games but wasn't yet willing to share it.
A Sony representative has, however, today told Shack News that the firm's first-party launch and 'launch window' offerings will cost the usual $59.99. "We have announced the pricing for our first party line up of PS4 launch and launch window games. All four titles, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Driveclub, Knack, and inFamous Second Son are all $59.99," the rep confirmed.
While this doesn't confirm pricing for third-party software, or rule out general software prices in the long-run, it certainly further indicates that retail game prices will remain the same in the transition to new consoles.
Activision, Ubisoft and EA spokespeople have all declined to comment on next-gen game pricing in regards to recent reports.
But EA COO Peter Moore recently told analysts that he doesn't expect software prices to increase next-gen, noting: "You see a $60 price for a next-gen game whereas we believe [with digital downloads] we can get $70, $80, $90 from the consumer, but it's a $60 price point."
Last Monday, Microsoft confirmed that Xbox One will be available in 21 markets this November. The Xbox One price has been set at £425 / €499 / $499.
Sony showed off the PS4 hardware for the first time last Tuesday night during its E3 press conference. It confirmed a Christmas PS4 release date in Europe and the US and a PS4 price of £349 / €399 / $399.
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June 19th, 2013, 00:50 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will use the launch of the PlayStation 4 later this year to make a number of significant changes to its PlayStation Plus subscription service.
MD of SCEE UK and Ireland Fergal Gara has revealed that PS4's auto updates feature will not require a PS Plus subscription to function.
Frequent and lengthy updates were a key criticism of the PS3, and while auto-updating was possible on the machine the feature was only activated when a user subscribed to the PS Plus service.
But auto updates will be free to all on PS4, Gara revealed toVideoGamer in a discussion over Sony's decision to move online multiplayer behind the PS Plus paywall.
"It is time to charge, but it is time to charge and still continue to deliver phenomenal value," said Gara of online multiplayer.
"A PlayStation Plus subscriber for PlayStation 4 comes away with a hell of a lot. First of all, the subscription applies across all three platforms [PS4, PS3 & PS Vita], so if you have the three platforms then you have an instant game collection on all three. So that's hugely powerful in its own right."
Gara went on, "If you choose not to subscribe we are still gating relatively little in many senses, so access to online catch-up TV and online movie services sit outside of the gate, for example. The social features of PS4 and PS4 games sit out of the subscription service. Things like auto-updates on PS4 sit outside of PlayStation Plus, so we're trying to be as balanced and as fair as we possibly can."
Sony announced during E3 that it will launch its Gaikai streaming service to play PS3 games on PS4 in 2014. Gara said the firm "hasn't decided yet" how this will be charged for. "Will that be part of PlayStation Plus? I genuinely don't know. Will that require some other, different charging mechanism? Perhaps. We just haven't sat down to answer that question yet," he said.
Sony has said the PS4 release date is set for "Christmas 2013" across Europe and the US. CVG understands the Japan launch could be pushed to 2014 if manufacturing count comes up short, though a final decision hasn't been made yet.
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June 19th, 2013, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Teslagrad has just been announced for Wii U as well, according to developer Rain Games. The Wii version is slated to come out at the same time as the PC, Mac, Linux and PS3 versions in Q4 2013.
Original story: Last November I wrote about an intriguing, ambitious adventure/puzzle game entitled Teslagrad. At the time it was expected to come out around January, which never happened, but the good news is it's now set for PS3 in addition to PC and Mac.Developer Rain Games added that "there are even more versions planned down the road," but neglected to say what these would be. I suspect it's still in talks to sort this out.While Teslagrad isn't expected to come out until Q4, it's clear that the Norwegian indie studio has been hard at work and the game is shaping up splendidly, as can be seen in the latest trailer.
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June 19th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
 While Capcom's arcade brawler compilation Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara hits the PlayStation Network in North America tonight (and Xbox Live Arcade tomorrow), D&D fans in Japan might want to hold out for an upcoming PlayStation 3 retail release, which offers exclusive features and enhancements not found in the digital version.
The PS3 retail version's Facebook page describes the release as a treasure trove for retro gaming connoisseurs, comparing it to the well-received Street Fighter Alpha Anthology on the PlayStation 2. The collection includes a color-edit feature, and allows multiple players to play as same character. The retail edition also offers an in-depth series of options, allowing players to toggle features like random damage and breakable weapons. A similar "House Rules" system was announced for the digital release.
The digital version set for release this week is developed by Iron Galaxy, who previously produced arcade compilations like Darkstalkers Resurrection andMarvel vs. Capcom Origins. NeoGAF member toypop notes that the PlayStation 3 Blu-ray version of Chronicles of Mystara is developed by an internal Capcom team staffed by developers of the original Dungeons & Dragons arcade games.
The PlayStation 3 retail version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystarawill launch in Japan this August. Capcom confirmed with Joystiq that the retail edition is exclusive to Japan, and is not scheduled for a North American release.
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June 19th, 2013, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Angry users claim main navigation screen inaccessible after latest update
Sony’s latest PlayStation 3 firmware update 4.45 has caused a number of consoles to stop working.
A number of users took to the Sony support forums to report the issues, such as the disappearance of the main user interface screen.
One user said that their system would also not shut down properly, and was forced to pull the out the power plug to turn off the console. It has been suggested that starting up the console again results in the same problems.
Sony has since confirmed it is aware of the problem and has pulled the update while it conducts an investigation and implements a fix.
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June 19th, 2013, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Decision to split entertainment and electronics divisions may take place on June 20th
Kazuo Hirai hopes to keep the corporation’s entertainment and electronics divisions unified going forward.
A Nikkei report reveals the Sony president's stance against the split – despite significant noise over the past several weeks that the company is heavily considering just the opposite.
It was also reported a few weeks back that Sony had called in a pair of major financial services groups to assist in formulating a plan that would best benefit the firm.
A shareholder meeting is planned for this Thursday, June 20th. It’s widely believed a decision will be made on the matter then, one way or the other.
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June 19th, 2013, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE: Sony has contacted MCV to say that it has "not made any announcements about PS4 software pricing for the UK or Europe and will do at a later date".
ORIGINAL STORY: PS4 games will be priced the same as PS3 games, Sony has confirmed.
“We have announced the pricing for our first party line up of PS4 launch and launch window games,†a rep toldShackNews. “All four titles – Killzone: Shadow Fall, Driveclub, Knack, and inFamous Second Son – are all $59.99."
Microsoft made a similar commitment regarding Xbox One software pricing earlier this week, with a rep stating that “Microsoft Studios games on Xbox One will be $59.99â€.
Of course, none of this necessarily means that third party publishers won’t try and alter the pricing structure for games.
Indeed, even the last generation the likes of EA and Activision attempted to hike the price of titles such as FIFA 12, Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops to an eye-watering £54.99.
Still, there are those of us who remember paying £79.99 for Super Street Fighter II on the SNES…
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June 19th, 2013, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster

Sony’s DualShock 3 controller can be seen in a number of projects here on Hackaday. There’s a reason for this: it’s easy to sniff the Bluetooth signals coming out of this controller and make any electronics project do your remote control bidding. Bluetooth has a fairly limited range, though, so what happens if you’d like to use this very comfortable and very functional controller over a mile or so? Just replace the mainboard of the controller with a new design using an Xbee radio. It’s a great project from the workbench of [Marcel] and looks to be just the solution for an awesome Xbee remote control.
The Sony DualShock 3 controller is designed around a single main board for the bulk of the electronics and analog sticks with three daughterboards used for every other button on the controller. [Marcel] took the main board out of his controller and stated to reverse engineer the thing, keeping the USB charging, PC communication, force feedback and LED indicators. Instead of Bluetooth as in the original circuit, [Marcel] used a 60mW XBee radio, allowing him to control just anything connected to another XBee radio with a range of up to a mile.
[Marcel]‘s new main board is a direct drop in replacement for the original DualShock 3 mainboard, and the only modification to the controller is drilling a small hole for the new antenna. It’s a great piece of kit for RC vehicles of any kind, and it’s fully programmable for whatever robotics project you might have in mind.
Thanks {Roel] for sending this one in.
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June 19th, 2013, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
Handheld was always developed as a companion to new console; and no PS3 price-cut yet, says Sony exec
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
The PlayStation 4 will give the PlayStation Vita a much-needed "shot in the arm" and improve the system's sales and performance in the Sony gaming ecosystem, according to UK MD Fergal Gara.
"I don't think it's unfair to say [the Vita] came into a very complex marketplace that probably wasn't fully envisaged at the time development started"
Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry International, Gara admitted the Vita has been a hard-sell so far, revealing that the handheld was designed as companion hardware to the PlayStation 4 much more than the current PlayStation 3.
"I don't think it's unfair to say it came into a very complex marketplace that probably wasn't fully envisaged at the time development started," Gara said of the Vita launch in late 2011.
"It borrows a lot from the mobile and tablet world, especially with touch control. And it borrows a fair amount from the PlayStation of old with the analogue sticks. And it's a very worthy and better successor to PSP. Where it's been difficult has been proving the companion status for PlayStation 3. The fact is it was developed for PS4, much more than PS3.
"The number of things we could demonstrate and prove was limited - there's been some good examples - but now we go into the PS4 era, that companion device will look far more clear. We're optimistic it's got a lot more legs left in it and the PS4 has given it a shot in the arm."
When asked whether Sony released the PlayStation Vita too early to the market, Gara said it was too early to call, but admitted there might be some admission in retrospect.
"That might be a point worth reflecting on in a year or two's time and maybe we'll be answering that as yes. It's a little early to judge, certainly if it takes off now than we'll reflect on it."
One of the Vita's strongest features is the ability to Remote Play PlayStation 4 games via the Vita, streaming the majority of high-end games from the home console to the handheld.
"When you consider something like Watch Dogs will be available for PS Vita via the Remote Play functionality it's very exciting," said Gara. "And the fact the PS4 is coming out at a well-received price point means it's not out of the question to own both."
At least week's E3 event Sony revealed a £349 / $399 price for the PlayStation 4, due in the US and Europe before the end of the year.
"The PlayStation 3 is a system where it hasn't been particularly easy to get the costs down"
But many were also expecting a price cut in the PlayStation 3 as it shifts to become the entry level home console for PlayStation gaming. However, Gara poured cold water on those expectations.
"There's no plans as yet," he said. "The PlayStation 3 is a system where it hasn't been particularly easy to get the costs down.
"We continue to look at opportunities, there may or may not be any more, I genuinely can't answer to that. But it will certainly be a more keenly priced machine in relative to PlayStation 4. It will sit there as a viable entry level machine for years to come. It will be different by territory as to how long its life is. There's still a lot of love for PS3," he added.
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June 20th, 2013, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has announced the Vita 'Mega Pack', which bundles ten digital games with an 8GB memory card.
Featuring the likes of LittleBigPlanet Vita, WipeOut 2048 andMotorStorm RC, it'll be available from June 21, priced at £34.99 / €39.99
The Mega Pack will also be released in some territories as part of a new Wi-Fi Vita hardware bundle priced at £229.99 / €249.99. Available now in France, Spain, Portugal and Israel, it's due to launch in Austria, Switzerland and Germany on June 26 and in the UK on June 28. We've asked Sony for UK prices.
Mega Pack games:
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- WipeOut 2048
- MotorStorm RC
- Little Deviants
- Frobisher Says! (with Fun Pack DLC)
- Ecolibrium (with Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum game packs)
- Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
- Lemmings
- Hungry Giraffe
- The HD Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character
Vita has underperformed since launching in February 2012, but Sony has resisted cutting the handheld's price so far in Europe, excluding some limited-time offers in certain territories. The platform holder will be hoping that the Mega Pack hardware bundle will be enough to tempt those who have been on the fence about purchasing the handheld.
As part of its full-year financial briefing in May, Sony published annualPlayStation hardware sales forecasts for the current business year, which included an expected decline in the adoption of its portable systems.
The company forecast a combined total of just five million Vita and PSP sales during the period. That compares unfavourably to seven million handheld sales reported for the business year ended April 2013, itself down from Sony's initial projection of 16 million units.
Asked if Sony launched Vita too early, Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss Fergal Gara said last week: "That might be a point worth reflecting on in a year or two's time and maybe we'll be answering that as yes. It's a little early to judge, certainly if it takes off now than we'll reflect on it."
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June 20th, 2013, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has no current plans to introduce a PS3 price cut, despite the upcoming release of PS4.
The company showed off the PS4 hardware for the first time during its E3 conference last week, when it confirmed a Christmas PS4 release date in Europe and the US and a PS4 price of £349 / €399 / $399.
While some had forecast that the PS4 launch details would be accompanied by a PS3 price cut announcement, Sony Computer Entertainment UK managing director Fergal Gara told GamesIndustry International such a move isn't being considered at the moment.
"There's no plans as yet," he said. "The PlayStation 3 is a system where it hasn't been particularly easy to get the costs down.
"We continue to look at opportunities, there may or may not be any more, I genuinely can't answer to that," he added.
"But it will certainly be a more keenly priced machine in relative to PlayStation 4. It will sit there as a viable entry level machine for years to come. It will be different by territory as to how long its life is. There's still a lot of love for PS3."
Despite PS4's upcoming launch, Sony has dedicated plenty of resources to PS3 games set for release in 2013. As well as the just-launched The Last of US, the platform holder intends to release major first-party PS3 games like Beyond: Two Souls and Gran Turismo 6 before Christmas.
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June 20th, 2013, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's detailed the European PlayStation Plus content set to arrive in July, including Battlefield 3, which will be available for free to subscribers.
From July 3, PS Plus users on PS3 will also be able to download Saints Row: The Third and Payday: The Heist.
On PS Vita, Rayman Origins and Coconut Doge will make way for Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus and shooter Unit 13.
Here's the full summary of content, via the PlayStation Blog:
Leaving PS Plus in July:
3rd July: Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning
3rd July: Lord of the Rings War in the North
3rd July: The Cave
3rd July: Rayman Origins
3rd July: Coconut Dodge
Entering PS Plus in July:
3rd July: Battlefield 3
3rd July: Payday: The Heist
3rd July: Saints Row the Third
3rd July: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
3rd July: Unit 13
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June 20th, 2013, 01:49 Posted By: wraggster
FIFA, with its card-trading expansion FIFA Ultimate Team, has suffered more than most games when it comes to compromised player accounts.Eurogamer has reported on the issue a number of times in the past, and revealed that some players have lost out heavily, particularly with Microsoft Points on Xbox 360.EA and Microsoft have always maintained that hacking is not at play here - rather, it is the work of phishing and the sheer popularity of FIFA Ultimate Team packs that mean the game suffers more malicious attacks than others.But with the next generation of consoles looming on the horizon, both of which promise increased connectivity and easier access to content, EA faces an uphill battle as FIFA 14 hits Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.So, what's EA doing about it? That's what we asked EA Sports boss Andrew Wilson at E3 last week - and he admitted it was an important question EA should answer. "We haven't had any major or serious attacks. You never say never, but we understand the value of information and privacy and the value of maintaining the integrity of the data."
EA Sports boss Andrew Wilson
Wilson told us that Microsoft and Sony are re-architecturing their networks to increase security, adding double authentication among other things. As for EA, Wilson said the company has started investing in a brand new ID system to be built on top of the first-party networks that will be rolled out this year. "That should make gamers feel better," Wilson said."We haven't had any major or serious attacks. You never say never, but we understand the value of information and privacy and the value of maintaining the integrity of the data. We are investing heavily - I mean heavily - in that and I believe first parties also are."Most of the problems around FIFA Ultimate Team and compromised accounts, Wilson said, are the result of malicious intent. He insisted EA Sports' new architecture will help block these, but it is also investing in task forces set up to spot unusual behaviour early. "We think very seriously about it," Wilson added.Some problems are not the result of phishing or any kind of malicious intent, rather, they're the result of inadvertent user error, Wilson said."When you get more and more people operating online and you're getting more and more things moving around - buying, selling and trading among folks - there are errors," Wilson said. "You push X when you should have pushed Y, A when you should have pushed B. Things happen."We get a lot of contacts from our gamers saying, 'hey, listen, my team disappeared.' We've put a process in place to try to figure out how that happened. We're investing heavily at a customer experience level, where I think we're getting better - we've got work to do there - but we're getting much better and investing there, and with a live ops team inside of FIFA that has the ability to go in and evaluate that account quickly and try to figure out what happened."In cases where we see there has been user error, typically we will work with that user to try and reinstate them back to where they should be, but help them understand that they need to be careful in this process, because we won't keep doing it." "There's a contact, process and education that's happening to try to help us all collectively as we march into this new frontier, to deal with the buying, selling and trading of hundreds and thousands of pieces of digital content."
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June 21st, 2013, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
PS4’s lower price will give it the upper hand against Xbox One despite Microsoft’s decision to backtrack on its DRM policies last night, analysts have told us.Senior research analyst at Ascendiant Capital Markets Edward Woo expects Xbox One and PS4 to each sell two million units in 2013, with PS4 pulling ahead of its rival significantly next year. Woo had forecast unit sales of 10 million for the Sony console in 2014, and five million for Xbox One. He told us this morning that his forecasts haven’t changed, despite Microsoft’s U turn on Xbox One DRM.“I think this is a big move by Microsoft,†Woo told us. “They obviously felt that things were turning badly against them and now they don’t have a choice but to match Sony. While this levels things more, I still think Sony, with the $100 price advantage and goodwill from the Microsoft mess, still has the upper hand.â€IHS Screen Digest’s senior principal analyst and head of games Piers Harding-Rolls believes that Microsoft’s DRM backtrack leaves us with “A straight fight on pricing and games exclusives.â€â€œWe believe price will be the biggest differentiating feature and have slightly adjusted down our Xbox One sales expectation for continental Europe at launch, based on the €100 gap in pricing,†he told us.“It was clear Microsoft needed to do something to douse the flames of discontent and the U turn means early adopters can now make a straight purchase decision based on content, price and features between the Xbox One and PS4.â€Woo believes that Microsoft will struggle to justify Xbox One’s weightier pricetag, however. “I think the consoles are very similar so the $100 price difference will now be very important,†he said. “Microsoft will have to explain why the $100 is worth the price. I don’t know if they will be successful, though they do seem to have a slight edge with more exclusive software right now.â€Harding-Rolls added that existing userbases will play their part, too. “We were impressed by Xbox’s exclusives at E3,†he told us. “Those consumers already embedded in Xbox Live and PSN are less likely to jump ship which changes the dynamic for this gen’s launch. Beyond these aspects both platforms have differing value propositions. Xbox One’s broadcast overlay offer is skewed towards the US consumer at launch and PS4 has some interesting features using streaming technology. Neither of these features is top of list when considering purchase for the early adopter.â€
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June 21st, 2013, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
A European retailer may have let slip the release date for Sony's next-generation console.
The poster below, spotted by a NeoGAF member in the Amsterdam branch of games specialist Media Markt, suggests that PlayStation 4 would be on sale from November 13th.
Sony already promised that the device would be available around the world in time for Christmas, retailing at €399 in Europe and £349 in the UK.
However, a Sony representative has told MCV that this is "pure speculation", adding that "other than 'Holiday 2013', we've not made any formal announcement about the specific launch date of PS4".
If it were the real date, the US launch would likely be around the same time, putting the new console on shelves just in time for Black Friday, the biggest shopping weekend of the year.
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June 22nd, 2013, 14:40 Posted By: wraggster
A fix for the broken PS3 firmware released a few days ago will be released next week.
A Sony spokesperson has told VideoGamer that it has "identified the issue". A further firmware release is now scheduled for Thursday June 27th.
Sony also claims that the problems, which reportedly left some users with an inoperable console, only impacted “a small number of PS3 systemsâ€. The firmware in question has since been pulled.
How those left with a borked machine will boot it to install the fixed update remains to be seen.
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June 22nd, 2013, 14:49 Posted By: wraggster
Namco Bandai is bringing the Dragon Ball Z series to the Vita with upcoming team melee title Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z.
The game will be available on the PS3, 360 and Vita, making it the first game in the series to grace the handheld.
Battle of Z is a team fighting title that allows four players to play co-op, or eight players to fight in a large scale battle royale.
“The Dragon Ball games continue to thrill fans across Europe, and Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z brings some very exciting new features to the series,†said Olivier Comte, Senior Vice President at Namco Bandai Games Europe.
“The large scale cooperative team melee battles are like nothing players have seen before in a Dragon Ball game. Fans can’t afford to miss it.â€
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z has no confirmed release date but will be 'coming soon' to Europe.
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June 22nd, 2013, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation has vowed not to risk damaging the ‘fragile’ UK retail market with new business models.
The firm responded to Xbox One’s sales restrictions, which could have impact trade-ins. But Microsoft has since changed its mind on its new policies following a consumer backlash.
PS4’s business model remains the same as PS3’s.
“We understand the importance of used games for consumers and retail,†said SCEE boss Jim Ryan. “We think the current model works and it should not be tampered with.
“The retail ecosystem is rather fragile. It’s consumers that have driven the decision. But equally, trying to shore up a very fragile ecosystem in the retail area is something we are quite happy to do.â€
Ryan hopes that the PS4 launch will also boost sales of PlayStation consoles in the UK, which has fallen behind Xbox 360.
“We have the building blocks in place, I hope, to make a step change in the UK,†he added. “Because over the course of the cycle I don’t think we got it quite right in the UK. We now have a number of things in place to help address that. And PlayStation 4 is hopefully the time all those things come together.
“PS4 is going to be a proper PlayStation marketing launch. In the UK Fergal [Gara, managing director], Murray [Pannell, marketing director], and the team have been given their orders to go out and do a bang up job. And we will be investing accordingly.â€
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June 23rd, 2013, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Following Sony’s E3 2013 conference, Japanese game site 4Gamer.net sat down with SCEJ president Hiroshi Kawano to fill in a few blanks regarding Sony’s future plans, from the price point of PS4 to how Vita is integrated into its plans going forward.When asked whether the announcement of PS4’s price point at $399 was deliberately intended to undercut Xbox One at $499, Kawano replied: “The price point for PS4 was not set as a reaction to our competitors. Of course, we’d like to sell it for as high a price as possible [laughs], but we held long discussions about what the reasonable price would be, and that’s how we came to $399.â€Microsoft’s decision to include Kinect with every Xbox One no doubt contributed to that extra $100, and it’s a gamble that Sony chose not to make with PS4’s PS Camera. “We decided to keep the PS Camera as an optional device,†explained Kawano. “One reason is that we weren’t sure we could prepare titles that take full advantage of the PS Camera in time for the PS4’s launch date. We might consider a bundle at a later date, when such titles are ready.â€PS4 will require a PlayStation Plus subscription to play online and to take advantage of PS4’s other connected features, much as Xbox 360 does today. Although PS Plus has become a popular service in the West, thanks largely to an impressive roster of titles in its Instant Game Collection, in Japan it has yet to really take off.“As part of the evolution from PS3 to PS4, the services had to evolve too, such as the ability to share video and photos and to save to the cloud – these features are all more advanced than on PS3,†said Kawano when asked about the new PS Plus prerequisite. “This required a capital investment, and so we determined that in order to provide a powerful user-oriented service, it was necessary to standardise PS Plus.â€
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June 23rd, 2013, 17:16 Posted By: wraggster
Are you one of the "small number" of folks with a PlayStation 3 that was bricked in this week's 4.45 firmware update? Though Sony's been aware of the issue since the update launched, apparently a fix isn't coming until June 27th -- that's nine days after 4.45 launched to an unsuspecting populace. The PlayStation Europe Twitter account announced as much this morning in a tweet. "We have identified the issue related to PS3 software update (4.45) that impacted a small number of PS3 systems earlier this week," the feed reads.
"A new system software update is planned to be released on June 27 that resolves that issue," it adds. There's also a bit of an apology, but that won't do much for the folks who are without their PlayStation 3 for the next six days. PlayStation's US arm also confirmed that the update will arrive in North America on the same date.
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June 23rd, 2013, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has given US GameStop stores the go-ahead to accept an unlimited number of PlayStation 4 pre-orders this weekend.
Following a memo allegedly leaked to Gametrailers today, CVG verified with several GameStop stores that - for this weekend at least - Sony has advised the retailer to dismiss any previously defined PS4 allotment limitations and accept all pre-orders.
Sony appears confident - at least in dealings with GameStop - in its ability to provide ample PS4 units for launch, with multiple stores telling CVG that, prior to today's messaging, they were assigned PS4 allotments exceeding 100 units, compared with just 20 to 30 Xbox One: Day One Edition units allotted.
But this comes seemingly at odds with recent notions from Sony execs who have expressed concerns for satisfying the inevitably huge demand for the console. Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Andrew House last week warned that PS4 demand "may well outstrip supply" following the console's well received showing at E3 last week.
SCEA CEO Jack Tretton mirrored the sentiment, suggesting that the company may struggle to manufacture enough PS4 units to satisfy consumer interest.
Stores suggested to CVG today that new limitations on pre-order allotments may be re-introduced on Monday, June 24.
The PS4 release date is currently set for 'holiday 2013', and although two notable European retailers are listing the PS4 release date as November 13, 2013, Sony has dismissed the date as "purely speculative".
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June 23rd, 2013, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg isn't worried about the firm's two upcoming first-person shooters, Destiny and Call of Duty: Ghosts, cannibalizing each other at retail.
"They're very different games made by very different creative visionaries," Hirshberg told IGN. "I think that they can peacefully coexist with one another," he assured.
"I think that what Call of Duty has done, it's done better than anybody. The multiplayer is a visceral, impactful, white-knuckle-ride experience. What Bungie has done, they have done better than anyone as well.
"The first-person shooter genre has shown tremendous staying power, as well as tremendous capacity in terms of the appetite people have for it. I think what we've seen is that if there are good games in this genre, people will show up to play them. But if you have to compete, it's nice to compete with yourself."
Bungie's first post-Halo title is a futuristic sci-fi FPS set in an innovative shared-online environment where single- and multiplayer experiences coexist. Conversely, Call of Duty: Ghosts is a more traditional offering, with a separate story-driven campaign and the latest rendition of this console generation's most popular multiplayer mode.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is due out on November 5 on current-gen platforms and PC, and will be out at launch for Xbox One (November) and PS4 ('holiday 2013').
Destiny is expected to ship on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in early 2014.
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June 23rd, 2013, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has applied for certification of two new PlayStation 3 models, suggesting revised versions of its current-gen console are on the way.
The RRA entry lists 'CECH-4205B', 'CECH-4205C'. Given the similarity of these two model numbers to that of the recently released PS3 Super Slim (CECH-4000), it's likely that Sony is planning to make small changes under the hood as opposed to a larger redesign.
Sony has said it has no current plans to introduce a PS3 price cut, despite the fact that the PS4 will be available this Christmas for £349 / €399 / $399.
"There's no plans as yet," said Sony Computer Entertainment UK managing director Fergal Gara. "The PlayStation 3 is a system where it hasn't been particularly easy to get the costs down.
"We continue to look at opportunities, there may or may not be any more, I genuinely can't answer to that," he added.
"But it will certainly be a more keenly priced machine in relative to PlayStation 4. It will sit there as a viable entry level machine for years to come. It will be different by territory as to how long its life is. There's still a lot of love for PS3."
Sony has a number of first-party titles in the pipeline. Following the recent release of the critically acclaimed The Last of Us is Gran Turismo 6 and Beyond: Two Souls. A number of indie titles, including a port ofHotline Miami, are also upcoming.
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June 23rd, 2013, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
 Dragon Age: Inquisition ditches the "3," as slyly revealed during EA's E3 press conference. This decision isn't an attempt to make the name The Game Formerly Known As "Dragon Age 3" stick – EA Labels President Frank Gibeau tells IGN it's a "tactical marketing decision."
"There wasn't anything that strategic about it, to be blunt," Gibeau says. "We just wanted to draw more attention to the fact that Inquisition is an all-new chapter inside of the Dragon Age universe, as opposed to people expecting a follow-on to Dragon Age 1 and 2 in a literal, linear sense."
The word "Inquisition" needs to stand out, Gibeau says, since that's what this Dragon Age story is all about: "There's a whole bunch of gameplay and features and big story choices related to how you go through this Inquisition that happens in the world."
We're sure this is all comforting news for Joystiq's Sinan Kubba, who definitely thought he was losing it when that "3" didn't show up during the EA conference.
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June 23rd, 2013, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Despite initially being announced nearly two years ago, the remastered Final Fantasy X is nearing completion. Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase saysFinal Fantasy X HD is at 80% completion, while Final Fantasy X-2 HD is at 65% completion. Both games will release this year via physical disc on PS3 and sold separately on PS Vita.
Kitase would not comment on whether the Last Mission would be included withFinal Fantasy X-2 HD in his Gamer interview. The Last Mission, included only in the Japanese "International Version" of Final Fantasy X-2, features content taking place after the game's original ending.
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June 24th, 2013, 10:46 Posted By: wraggster
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June 24th, 2013, 10:51 Posted By: wraggster
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June 24th, 2013, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
Shuhei Yoshida, or simply PlayStation boss, explained why the camera of the new PS4 was not included in the box.
Since the PS4 offers so many possibilities, there is no need for all games use all functions of all devices. Rather than forcing users to pay the camera, he thinks it is best to separate purchase for those who desire. Sell the camera separately implies that the console can be more affordable. But the camera can be used in conjuncture with the Dual Shock 4 for the detection, which can provide features like exchange screens depending on the position of your body when a game in split screen. We prefer to let it spread gradually rather than mandatory. However, the handle alone can change colors between the players and can be used in many ways like shine when damage received in. He thinks the camera sale separately is a good idea, priced at around $ 60, it is n imagine not charge extra for a feature not used by everyone. Moreover, we do not yet know all about this device, yet many things are possible. Without looking for a FanBoy, Kinect is what, according to him, raised the price. The price of the Xbox One would certainly be identical if the device was not required, unfortunately it is.
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June 24th, 2013, 14:15 Posted By: wraggster
via http://emu-russia.net/en/
Sony Playstation Memory Card editor has been updated. Changes:
- DTR line is now used in DexDrive communication.
- Adjusted timing for DexDrive communication.
- Memory Cards that were not readable should work now.
- Added import icon feature in the icon editor.
- 16x16 pixel icons with no more than 16 colors are supported.
- Added a complete set of new interface icons.
- Silk icon set 1.3 by Mark James.
- Added a "Compare with temp buffer" option.
- Added Del shortcut for "Remove save" option.
- Message box is now slightly larger for easier readability.
- Save prompt now defaults to "Yes" instead of "No".
- Menu options are now dynamic and items are enabled/disabled related to the currently selected save.
- Bundled "CTREdit 0.1" plugin, a Crash Team Racing save editor.
File: Download
News source: http://shendosoft.blogspot.fr
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June 25th, 2013, 08:32 Posted By: wraggster
The multilayered pairing together of the Playstation 4 and PS Vita presents a significant opportunity for Sony's handheld, according to SCEA senior vice president Guy Longworth.
Speaking with Games Industry, Longworth spoke on how the one hurdle for the Vita has become getting in the door with the device – after that, gamers like what they see.
“What we’re seeing is that once people get it in their hands and buy it, they’re buying games and they love it. Now, it’s not had as fast a start as we would like, that’s common knowledge. But we do really believe in that platform and think that is has a significant opportunity. We think there’s a number of things that we can do in the coming months and years that will make it a long-term sustainable business.â€
Sony's recent confirmation that all PS4 games will feature mandatory PS Vita remote play features should certainly help the cause.
Longsworth declined to speak on any potential price cuts for the Vita when pressed on the matter, stating that he would only engage in pricing discussions pertaining to E3 announcements.
“You wouldn’t expect me to come into pricing discussions unless we announce them at E3. We’re about value, we’re trying to offer value. You saw last night we were in a position we felt the value of the PS4 was very good at $399.â€
“With PS Vita we feel that $250 is the right price, and I’m not going to comment on where we might go in the future.â€
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June 25th, 2013, 08:33 Posted By: wraggster
DICE's first-person action platformer Mirror's Edge has sold 2.5m copies to date, according to EA's Patrick Soderlund.
Soderland revealed the figure to CVG during a discussion on how the game's upcoming reboot is only possible with the advancement into next-gen hardware.
“I’ll be honest with you: we’ve been looking at Mirror’s Edge for many years and had small prototype teams and incubations around what it could be,†Soderland said. “But it wasn’t until Sara Jansson, who is now the producer on it, came to me and called Karl-Magnus Troedsson and said, ‘listen, I have an idea for what this could be’. She presented a vision so inspiring that we were like, ‘we have to build this now’.â€
“The interesting part is that it was a game that could only be built in gen 4 and that was cool. I liked that because what they’re doing, it’s not possible on the current generation.â€
Soderland explained that EA always considered Mirror's Edge a high-priority IP that would eventually get a follow-up, adding that the company expects the prequel to sell significantly better than the original was able to.
“We sold about 2.5 million units with Mirror’s Edge and people haven’t even blinked at it – like, ‘of course we’re going to make a new Mirror’s Edge’. The whole company has been behind it.â€
“Of course we think that this will be successful, that people will love it and that we’re going to sell a lot more than we did with the first one. A lot of times you’ve got to follow your gut and your heart rather than looking at everything that necessarily made sense on paper. I think that our fans are pleased to hear that and I’m glad that I work for a company that can give us that opportunity, frankly.â€
The new Mirror's Edge is currently in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
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June 25th, 2013, 08:34 Posted By: wraggster
It doesn’t seem as if Sony is too concerned about possible launch day shortages for the PS4.
GameTrailers has obtained a memo sent out to GameStop stores last week that told managers, effectively, that there is no current cap on the number of PS4 pre-orders they an receive.
“Starting now, through this weekend and until further notice, Sony has allowed us to take unlimited preorders beyond your current allotments,†the memo reads. “In other-words, the flood-gates are open for PS4 system reserves, we will let you know when to stop pre-ordering based on limited quantities.
GameStop has also seen its Xbox One allocations upped, although anecdotal evidence suggests that PS4 is attracting far more consumer interest at the moment.
One US store allegedly had an allocation of 24 PS4s at first. This was raised to 138 last week and is now officially unlimited. The same store currently has an Xbox One allocation of 18 units.
At the time GameTrailers spoke to store reps the outlet had received 66 PS4 pre-orders and 12 Xbox One pre-orders.
The news seems somewhat a odds with claims earlier this month that PS4 may face supply issues at launch, but is of course welcome nonetheless.
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June 25th, 2013, 08:35 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has suggested that some surprises lay in wait for those attending August’s Gamescom 2013.
It was revealed at E3 earlier this month that Sony has 30 games in development for PS4, 20 of which are due for release within the console’s first year. 12 of these are new IPs.
But speaking to Gamereactor (as spotted by CVG), SCEE CEO Jim Ryan stated: "We very consciously at the [PS4 reveal] event in New York on February 20 showed a lot of software, a lot of first party software. What we did at E3 was really show some updates to those games and introduce The Order 1886.
"There's a lot [of games] coming. There's a lot going on, it's just that we need to keep stuff back. We've got Gamescom for us Europeans and we need something to show at Gamescom."
Gamescom 2013 kicks off on August 21st in Cologne.
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June 25th, 2013, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Sony SVP of PlayStation brand marketing talks about Sony's E3 press event, PS Vita, the One Sony strategy, and how retail is still critically important
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment is a Japanese videogame company specialising in a variety of areas in the...
Sony Computer Entertainment America
GamesIndustry International sat down with Guy Longworth, Sony's senior vice president in charge of PlayStation brand marketing for Sony Computer Entertainment of America, the day after Sony's E3 press event to find out more about Sony's marketing plans for the fall. Longworth's task is to successfully launch the PlayStation 4 in the United States while boosting PlayStation 3 and PS Vita sales. It's a gigantic assignment, and Longworth is excited by the challenge. "I joined the company just under two years ago, and I'm relatively new to the gaming industry," Longworth noted. "It's just a phenomenal industry to be in. I literally go to bed every day and can't believe how lucky I am to do what I do."
Longworth was understandably pleased with the reception Sony received from its press event at E3. "We knew that it was a very important moment for our company, so we spent a huge amount of time preparing for it, as you can imagine," he said. "The team who actually executed and put on the production I just think are the best in the business. I've never seen anything like it in my career."
Parts of Sony's presentation were obviously put together after Microsoft posted its Xbox One policies prior to E3. Some of SCEA CEO Jack Tretton's remarks were very pointed, aimed at showing the differences (since minimized after Microsoft's policy change) between the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 policies. "Our strategy has been set for some time," Longworth explained. "It's not our job to talk about the competition, we're here to tell you what we stand for. And Jack [Tretton] very clearly told you what we stand for. We think that's the right thing for gamers, we think that's the right thing for our platform, and we're very happy to tell people about it."

Sony's struggle for market share against Microsoft's Xbox One is made more difficult in some ways by the similarity of the two consoles. If you just look at the fundamental architecture, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are more similar than any two competitive consoles have ever been in the past. This implies that the services and the games and how the consoles are marketed becomes even more important. "Yes, I think so, to some extent," Longworth agreed. "The reality is that every time a generation changes the playing field is leveled. We actually think that we're going to have superior graphic fidelity, but the whole value proposition has to be right. It's not just about graphic fidelity. What are our policies? What are our principles? What do we stand for, and how do we communicate it?"
The PS Vita was the the first thing Sony talked about in its E3 press event, and the handheld console also received equal billing in Sony's E3 booth. The PS3 was also featured at the press event with an equal representation in the booth. Sony seems to be trying to push all three platforms equally as part of the PlayStation family rather than focusing all the attention on the PS4. "There's the PlayStation ecosystem; we're incredibly fortunate to have the PS3 that's seven years old and better than ever," Longworth said. "The Last of Us is an incredible game, one of the three top-rated games of all time. We've got Beyond: Two Souls coming, we've got Gran Turismo 6, it's a slate of great content still to come on PS 3."
"It's clear that the vast majority of the people want to go down to GameStop or Best Buy, they don't want to buy it online right now"
Guy Longworth
Longworth is also bullish on the PS Vita. "With Vita, we're only 15 months in to launch and now we think that with PlayStation 4 the opportunity for Vita is to be the absolutely perfect companion to the PS4," he noted. "What we're seeing is that once people get it in their hands and buy it, they're buying games and they love it. Now, it's not had as fast a start as we would like, that's common knowledge. But we do really believe in that platform and think that is has a significant opportunity. We think there's a number of things that we can do in the coming months and years that will make it a long-term sustainable business."
Is a price cut for the PS Vita one of those things? After all, Sony did cut the price of the handheld in Japan a few months ago. "You wouldn't expect me to come into pricing discussions unless we announce them at E3," returned Longworth. No, but pricing is a marketing tool, isn't it? "We're about value, we're trying to offer value," Longworth said. "You saw last night we were in a position we felt the value of the PS4 was very good at $399. With PS Vita we feel that $250 is the right price, and I'm not going to comment on where we might go in the future."
The fact that Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Entertainment played a role in Sony's press event seemed like a recognition that it is important to get all parts of Sony working together now, that selling movies and TV and music is an important part of the PS4's mandate. "Absolutely," said Longworth. "It's Kaz Hirai's strategy. He's been CEO now for a year, he comes from a a gaming background and he's an incredibly smart guy. His strategy is One Sony, and you can't get any more compelling proposition than Andy House [group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment] reporting straight in to Kaz and Michael Lynton, the two of them on stage together saying we are going to do this."
"We are wildly excited about this because we think that's a big differentiator for us," Longworth continued. "We don't have to go out and buy studios and content. We have them already; we have the biggest movie business in the world. We have a huge TV business and a big music business."
Digital distribution is going to be an issue for next-gen consoles, as Microsoft has already announced that new titles will be available digitally at the same time as they are available in stores. Certainly discs are an efficient way to distribute content, but how will Sony balance the needs of retailers with what's good for the gamers? "I think the reality is this: Our digital business is growing fast, and we have incredibly strong partnerships with our key retail partners as well," said Longworth. "What we try to do is offer a relatively level playing field and let the gamers decide. We're not trying to advantage them, we believe in consumer choice. It's clear that the vast majority of the people want to go down to GameStop or Best Buy, they don't want to buy it online right now. How that might change in the future is kind of hard to predict. People might be quite surprised, I think physical games will be around a lot longer than some people think."
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June 25th, 2013, 15:18 Posted By: wraggster
Title is first game to receive a Refused Classification rating
Saints Row IV has been banned from sale by the Government Classification Board, with suggested sexual violence cited as a major factor.
According to a statement from the board, "Saints Row IV, includes interactive, visual depictions of implied sexual violence which are not justified by context. In addition, the game includes elements of illicit or proscribed drug use related to incentives or rewards. Such depictions are prohibited by the computer games guidelines."
The new system has been in place for six months, finally allowing an adult rating for games, but Saints Row IV is the first game to receive a RC (Refused Classification) rating. Saints Row: The Third was granted a MA 15+ rating in 2011.
"Apart from today's decision, since the beginning of the year, the Board has classified 17 games R 18+ under the new guidelines," said acting director of the classification board Mr Donald McDonald.
Publisher Deep Silver and developer Volition are now planning to rework the title, according to an official statement.
"Deep Silver can confirm that Saints Row IV was denied an age classification in Australia. Volition, the developer, are reworking some of the code to create a version of the game for this territory by removing the content which could cause offence without reducing the outlandish gameplay that Saints Row fans know and love. Saints Row IV has been awarded PEGI 18 and ESRB M ratings where fans can enjoy their time in Steelport as originally intended."
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June 26th, 2013, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Sony’s stinging attack on the Xbox One business model at E3 saw the PlayStation firm take pole position in the next generation console race.
Here, SCEE CEO Jim Ryan tells MCV why it hasn’t won yet...
What’s the aim for PS4 2m consoles sold by Christmas?
(Laughs). I think right now we have to content ourselves with the news that we will have a launch in Europe before Christmas and we have a price point. We are going to be aggressive, and the price point and marketing efforts will reflect that. But right now it’s too early to talk numbers.
But are we looking at a PS2-style pre-Christmas drought?
The whole process of moving from design and engineering to mass production, that is all on track. But until we hit mass production, we won’t know for sure.
You mention being aggressive. So this is not going to be a soft launch?
Oh my, no. It is going to be a proper PlayStation marketing event. In the UK, Fergal [Gara, managing director], Murray [Pannell, marketing director], and the team have been given their orders to go out and do a bang up job. And we’ll be investing accordingly.
The new UK team is focused on growing its share, but it has been fighting a losing battle with 360. Does PS4 give them a fresh start?
We have the building blocks in place to make a step-change in the UK. Because over the course of the cycle I don't think we got it right in the UK. We now have a number of things in place to help address that. And PS4 is hopefully the time all those things come together.
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June 26th, 2013, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
AMD's Saeid Moshkelani on his company's next-gen "clean sweep" and high-end PCs driving innovation
Over the course of AMD's four decades in business, silicon and software have become the steel and plastic...
AMD owns the next-generation of consoles. In the past, game consoles were more custom and piecemeal: a little IBM here, some AMD there, a tiny bit of Nvidia. With the reveal of the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U, it's clear that AMD has put significant legwork into locking its PC competition out of the game console market. At E3 2013, GamesIndustry International spoke with AMD corporate vice president and general manager of Semi-Custom Business Saeid Moshkelani about the milestone and AMD's place in the game industry.
"It is a very, very proud moment," replied Moshkelani when asked about AMD's position in the next generation. "They are very complex projects, very complex designs, and it doesn't happen overnight. It has been a journey of over two years in development to get to today."
The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have semi-custom AMD Jaguar system-on-a-chips (SoC) at their core, while the Nintendo Wii U has an AMD Radeon graphics processor paired with an IBM PowerPC CPU. Moshkelani explained that all the chips we designed in concert with the platform holders, based on "very different visions and philosophies."
"There were different teams that were dedicated to these projects, working with the customer and collaborating with them to develop these chips," he said.
Microsoft's Xbox One, open for all to see.
Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 are expected to launch this holiday season. While Microsoft has had a rough time post-E3, Sony has raised sales estimates of the PlayStation 4 and GameTrailers recently reported that Sony has also allowed GameStop to take "unlimited" pre-orders on the PlayStation 4. We asked Moshkelani if AMD was prepared to handle the demand for both consoles on the manufacturing side.
"From a manufacturing perspective, in a year we ship tens of millions of units," he replied. "So we have a very strong manufacturing base for our APUs and discrete graphics. We leverage the same manufacturing infrastructure to develop for game consoles. So the volumes were not something that actually raised an eyebrow for us, because we're already in high-volume manufacturing."
Having a hold on the graphics side of all three consoles puts AMD in a unique position as a bridge between PCs and consoles. Moshkelani and AMD Global Communications Travis Williams both agreed that game development and porting between both platforms can be smoother with AMD's help.
"We are working with all of the major developers for PC games, as part of our strategy for PC products. It enables the developers to optimize their games on PCs by working with us. And then at some point, they can port those to consoles," said Moshkalani. "Historically, the consoles were all different architecture. Porting from PC to PowerPC architecture was not as easy. AMD makes it much easier to port games back and forth."
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June 26th, 2013, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster
Sony will release a playable Gran Turismo 6 demo on July 2, downloadable free via the PlayStation Store for PS3.
According to Sony, "The demo is structured as a GT Academy-style driver training concept" that will teach you the art of pushing a sports car to its limits around a race track.
Vehicles in the demo will include a range of Nissan cars - Leaf, 370Z and GT-R, which you'll drive around UK's Silverstone circuit, which makes its debut in the series in Gran Turismo 6.
The arrival of the demo also marks the start of Sony's GT Academy 2013 competition, which sees Gran Turismo players race to win a position on a real-life Nissan race team.
Players will be able to set and submit qualifying times via the demo in the first round of the competition. United States, Russia and Germany will each have their own standalone qualifying competitions.
Other EU territories will be bundled together, including France, Italy, UK, Spain, Portugal, Benelux, Nordics (Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway) and CEE (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia).
See the PS Blog post for more details on GT Academy 2013.
Sony recently unveiled the Gran Turismo 6 Anniversary Edition. It will include the game, steelbook casing, in-game credits and 20 cars with special custom livery and performance enhancements, among other features.
The game is set for release in Q4 2013.
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June 26th, 2013, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
In a new interview, Ready At Dawn co-founder Ru Weerasuriya told the PS Blog that the game is a third person action adventure with shooting mechanics. He also referred to it as "a linear story-based game... what we call a 'filmic experience'."
Speaking about the game's London setting, Weerasuriya said: "It has a very interesting history, particularly at the end of the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution.
"There are obviously some things we're going to put in there that don't exist, and we've moved certain locations a bit, but... you'll be interacting with real people, real events and real places."
While he remained fairly tight lipped about what players will get up to, Weerasuriya said "moment-to-moment gameplay is really not what you might expect. We didn't want to make it single-tone, where you rely on one single thing in expense of the rest".
Ready At Dawn is best known for its technically impressive God of War games Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta on PSP, and Weerasuriya said the studio aims to push Sony's new console in the same way it did the platform holder's last-gen handheld.
"We've done well on a single platform. We've tried to push the boundaries of what could be done. That's the same mentality we're bringing to PS4. We're working on a single platform - we want to push it, we want to get everything out of it, and hopefully that's exactly what we're going to do - milk it for all it's worth."
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June 26th, 2013, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD has been announced for Vita.
The remake of the PS3 and PSP tower defence game is being handled by Double Eleven, the UK-based studio behind the Vita versions of LittleBigPlanet and Limbo, in collaboration with series creator Q-Games.
The graphics have been remastered for Vita and touchscreen input added to provide more control of protagonist Tikiman, who must protect his helpless babies from waves of incoming monsters.
Set for release this summer, Monsters Ultimate HD promises to offer more than 30 hours of gameplay set across story and challenge levels.
The title will also feature the Encore expansion, plus all the extra towers, enemies, and levels from the Deluxe edition on PSP.
Double Eleven chief operating officer Mark South said in a post on thePS Blog that his studio "set out to make the definitive version of PixelJunk Monsters".
He added: "We agreed that our ultimate edition would stay focused on remaking the visuals for PS Vita's awesome OLED screen, introducing touchscreen controls that complimented the gameplay, and compiling everything featured in the PS3 and PSP versions.
"We also designed the Trophies to be an extra treat for those wanting even more challenge. Our best in-house players have taken three days solid to complete the game on the hardcore setting."
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June 26th, 2013, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
Independent developers get same store front on handheld as on PlayStation 3
A new indie games category has been added to the PlayStation Store on Sony's Vita handheld console.
Sony added the indie games page to the PlayStation 3 version of the store last month, but the changes were only made on the Vita today.
The company was keen to point out on its official blog that it has 50 indie titles in development for the Vita, which will nearly double the 53 already available in the indie store at launch.
“At PlayStation, we’re proud to support indie development, and our unrestrictive policies make it easier than ever for developers to launch games on PS Vita,†wrote PlayStation's director of product planning and platform software innovation Don Mesa.
“We recognise that the unique perspective that indie developers deliver contributes to the success and future of the gaming industry. And we’ve learned as much from working with talented indie developers over the last several years as (we hope) they have learned from us.â€
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June 26th, 2013, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
A Gran Turismo 6 demo will be released on July 2, Polyphony Digital has revealed. The announcement comes just over a month after the game was originally announced.The demo will include access to the qualifying stages of GT Academy 2013, a program designed to give skilled players the opportunity to race for real. Those who put up the best times before July 28 will move on to the next stage of the tournament. The demo will continue tobe available past that date, however.Players will race in Nissan cars, including the Leaf, 370Z and GT-R. Those who qualify past the beginner-oriented events will be qualified to race on the Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit as a final test.
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June 27th, 2013, 10:23 Posted By: wraggster
After the 4.45 firmware update knocked some PlayStation 3s out of commission last week, Sony has fulfilled its promise of a fixed version. 4.46 is now available to download, while a series of steps has been posted to the support site to walk users through updating any consoles that installed 4.45 and then failed to reboot. Additionally, for users that successfully installed 4.45 and later complained of NAT and "IP fragment issues," a post on the support forum confirms that has been fixed as well. Owners of frozen consoles will need a USB memory stick with at least 168MB of space, although certain older models can also use SD, Memory Stick or Compact Flash cards. There's still no word on exactly what went wrong, but for instructions on how to configure the flash storage and reboot into safe mode so you can start gaming again, just hit the source link below.
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June 28th, 2013, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
PS3 had a weak launch lineup because developers found it so difficult to work with – a consequence of Sony’s ’99 per cent hardware, one per cent software’ focus, Mark Cerny has said.PS4’s lead system architect took to the stage at Barcelona Gamelab event today to tell the story of his career to date, revealing the hard lessons learned within Sony from the PS3 launch.He described working with PS3’s Cell processor as “like a puzzle,†which, if solved, had huge potential. Early on in the console development, Cerny was tasked with creating a tech demo with the hardware to show Sony’s internal teams, a test he believed he’d passed. But he conceded that he “wasn’t thinking about the practical realities of game development,†and while Cerny and his fellow firstparty teams had “cracked the code,†thirdparties were struggling.“Our feeling was that EA and Rockstar better watch out. This was, of course, completely the wrong attitude. Were were thinking abut about our games and not the platform,†said Cerny. He described Sony’s focus at the time as ‘99 per cent hardware, one per cent software,’ which led to a “weak lineupâ€.At PS3’s launch, “The entire dev environment was in a very primitive state,†continued Cerny. At this point, Sony’s priorities shifted – the platform holder realised that thirdparties were essential for PS3’s ultimate success, and there was “a complete turnaround in attitude.â€With PS4, “we didn’t want the hardware to be a puzzle,†said Cerny. He wanted developers to encounter familiar hardware, but with potential to explore and get greater performance from it further into the console lifecycle. “The concept is that as game developers learn to use these techniques later on in the lifecycle, and we’ll see richer worlds.†Creating PS4 was a “fundamentally developer-driven process,†added Cerny.There’s plenty more about PS4’s creation elsewhere on the site, including an in-depth Shuhei Yoshida interview, and Michael Denny’s take on the creation of Sony’s next console.
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June 28th, 2013, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
The PS4 was originally going to retail for $499 before Sony changed its mind not long before its E3 announcement.
That’s according to IGN, which says that the $499 SKU was to include the new PlayStation Eye camera.
IGN reckons that “in the months leading up to E3, Sony nixed plans to include the camera add-on with every system and shave $100 off its originally planned price of $499â€.
MCV understands that Sony did indeed have more than one presentation ready for E3 so that it could choose which offer it would present to the world dependent on what Microsoft announced earlier that day at E3.
The result of this, IGN argues, is that “Sony has damned the [camera] to a future of fragmented consumer adoption and inconsistent software support†and that “the decision has also rendered a major design element of the DualShock 4 controller — the built-in LED Move tracker — largely uselessâ€.
The other argument is that Sony has given consumers the power to choose which configuration they would prefer. The fact is that a number of gamers have no interest in camera or motion control, so not forcing them to pay for the tech seems sensible.
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June 28th, 2013, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
The developer-led initiative to create PS4 has led to the console becoming as approachable to developers as the original PlayStation, a key system architect has claimed.
Mark Cerny, who has spent five years working with Sony to build the next generation PlayStation console, made the claim during a keynote address at the GameLab expo in Barcelona.
He explained his reasoning using the term "time to triangle" - a phrase which essentially means how long it takes coders to create usable graphics with the hardware.
In a slide presented to the audience, he claimed that programmers commonly required one to two months to produce low-level graphics code on PlayStation One.
Cerny then claimed that the PS2 - a system remembered for its complex and sophisticated architecture - required three to six months of coding for studios to get going.
Later in the presentation, he remarked on a PS3 development meeting he had with Ken Kutaragi back in 2004. Kutaragi, the former head of Sony Computer Entertainment, told Cerny to focus less on "time to triangle" and more on the bigger picture of building highly sophisticated hardware.
"Triangle counts are misguided," was, according to Cerny, what Kutaragi had told him. As a result, the PlayStation 3 was the most complex system yet, requiring six to twelve months for studios to build usable graphics code.
Cerny said that, prior to Sony releasing the PS3, first-party PlayStation studios were struggling with the hardware.
"The third party teams were having an even more difficult time," he said.
At launch, the internal focus shifted from sharing technology (to help devs) to working on launch titles (to create games). Cerny said much of the direction in the creation of PS3 was "clearly a mistake".
Cerny, who says he spent an entire holiday in 2007 researching the history of x86 hardware to see if it was possible on a next-gen console, told the audience that his direction is different to Kutaragi's.
As the key PS4 system architect, Cerny said that in 2008 he sent a questionnaire for third parties to ask what features they wanted on future hardware.
After speaking with more than thirty teams from around the world, he said the most popular request from developers was unified memory - a requirement which the PS4 team fulfilled.
Cerny said the company was tempted to add an eDRAM chip to the system, as it would increase the memory speeds in further, but eventually declined as it would mean more work for studios to get running.
"The straightforward approach we have gives us excellent day one performance," he claimed.
Altogether, the "time to triangle" on PlayStation 4 takes about one or two months, Cerny claimed, which theoretically makes the system as developer friendly as the original PlayStation.
This ease of use benefits the "vital" third parties, and in particular indie developers, Cerny said.
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June 28th, 2013, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this month in North America Sony released its take on Nintendo's StreetPass withToro's Friend Network, the Vita's first social gaming app. Unfortunately, it never made its way to Europe, and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon."There aren't plans for an EU release of Toro," said Sony's Jawad Ashraf in a comment on the EU PlayStation Blog. "I hope that changes."Toro's Friend Network would have granted players a new way to connect with their friends from Facebook, Twitter, as well as strangers - which I'm told by The Simpsons is "just a friend you haven't met." The social game includes town building, "adventuring into the Friend Dungeon," (oh myyy!), styling your avatar, and American Psycho-esque card exchanging.We don't know why Toro's Friend Network is being held up, but we've posed the question to Sony and will let you know if we hear anything.
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June 29th, 2013, 23:38 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft pleased with performance of standalone digital title
Far Cry 3 spin-off Blood Dragon has sold over 500k digital copies across PC, PSN and XBLA.
UbisoftCEO Yves Guillemot provided the figure in an interview with Games Industry, though didn’t mention how the units were split among platforms.
Guillemot did, however, mention that Far Cry 3 sales were boosted on PC based on Blood Dragon’s positive reception and that he was “very happy†with the performances of both titles.
The development team has already pitched a sequel for the standalone effort, and Guillemot also said that the game’s critical and commercial success as a companion product is something that Ubisoft will be looking into further.
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June 29th, 2013, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
GAME Retail has cut the price of its GTA V special edition by £10.
The firm’s exclusive special edition is now available for £59.99, with an extra £5 off for customers who enter the code GTAFIVER at checkout (more information right here). The original price was £64.99.
MCV understand that this is just part of the retailer’s summer promotions, which includes a full sale. GAME is among a number of retailers currently running sales to help offset the drop in new game releases.
The GTA V special edition features a blueprint map of the game’s world, a steelbook and a series of bonus content.
GTA V hits retail on PS3 and 360 on September 17th.
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June 30th, 2013, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
Deep Silver has confirmed a release date and two collector's editions of Killer Is Dead, the new title by Suda 51.
The highly-stylised action game will arrive on Xbox 360 and PS3 on August 30th. It sees players brutally taking down various outlandish criminals and is reminiscent of Suda's previous titles such as Killer 7 and No More Heroes.
Publisher Deep Silver is readying two special editions alongside the standard SKU: the Fan Edition and Limited Edition.
The Fan Edition retails at £54.99 and comes with the Smooth Operator download pack, which contains an extra mission, new items such as X-ray specs and a new character for the presumably self-explanatory Gigolo Mode.
This SKU also features a poster, soundtrack CD, art book and exclusive packaging.
Meanwhile the Limited Edition costs £49.99, and includes the Smooth Operator.
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June 30th, 2013, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Whether or not you pay for GameStop's annual membership plan, the planet's largest video game retailer is opening the doors of the Las Vegas Sands Expo and Convention Center to the public for its annual GameStop Expo this August, which this year features hands-on opportunities with both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For a $35 general admission ticket, you'll get access to both consoles on August 28th -- long before their respective holiday launches -- as well as a chance to play a variety of upcoming games. Should you shell out a stone cold $90, you'll snag a copy of Madden NFL 25 for Xbox 360, gain early entry to the show (one hour) and "access to panel discussions with some of the biggest names in the industry." Per usual, attendees must be older than 17, and the event's a one-day affair. But then you'll be in Vegas, so... maybe stay for a few days.
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June 30th, 2013, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sony Japan president Hiroshi Kawano has said there are no plans to immediately shift from the PS3 to the PS4.
The PS4 will launch late 2013, but Sony Japan president Hiroshi Kawano has confirmed inFamitsu (translated by Kotaku) that support for the PS3 will continue.
"It's been seven years since the release of the PS3," says Kawano, "and the console continues to sell at a constant pace, plus we have many upcoming titles. We have no intention of immediately shifting from the PS3 to the PS4."
The cloud service that will allow users to play PS3 games on the PS4 will launch in 2014, and Kawano says it will likely result in "some people [switching] consoles from the PS3 to the PS4." This switch will not be forced though - "it will be a gradual process, and to say 'we're releasing a new console, so trade in your old ones for it' would be a maker's ego talking, plain and simple."
Sony certified new PS3 models earlier this month, however a Sony exec has said the company has no plans for a PS3 price cut.
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June 30th, 2013, 22:32 Posted By: wraggster
Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Hitman: Absolution are on sale for a mere $12 at Best Buy right now.
While the deal includes free shipping, the game is no longer listed as available for shipping. Instead, those looking to save a few dollars on the game can opt to pick up a copy at select locations that still have it in stock. If the diminishing stock at our local stores is any indication, this deal many not last much longer
Best Buy (1), (2)
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June 30th, 2013, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
The Xbox One and PlayStation 4's $500 and $400 launch price points (respectively) aren't necessarily what we'd call "svelt," but they're also not as expensive as consoles have been in the past. Even ignoring last generation's $600 PlayStation 3 launch, the annals of video game history are riddled with consoles that, when adjusted for inflation, make this holiday season seem like a bargain in comparison.
The Intellivision cost $300 when it originally launched in 1979, which doesn't sound all that out of the ordinary – adjust for inflation, however, and that's the equivalent of $849 in 2013 dollars, according to Ars Technica's breakdown of console launch prices and their respective histories.
The Panasonic R.E.A.L. 3DO was far and away the most expensive console in history with its $700 launch in 1993, which translates to $1,127 in today's skrilla. Hit up the source link below for more graphs comparing the cost of each console over its lifetime, both as a percentage change and a dollar figure adjusted for modern inflation.
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June 30th, 2013, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
UK indie developer Eiconic Games is preparing a new twin-stick shooter for the PS Vita on July 9 called Total Recoil. The premise is simple: Shoot everything. Shoot all the things.
Total Recoil is already available on iOS 5.0 and greater as a free download, in case you're looking for an idea of what to expect from the PS Vita game; however, the PS Vita port has additional features like rear touchpad controls for missiles, allowing players to trace their flight path. When a killstreak bonus is achieved, players can use the front touch-screen to control the support plane.
Unfortunately, Eiconic Games doesn't reveal pricing in the PlayStation Blog announcement post.
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July 1st, 2013, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
Exactly 3 years ago, I announced the release of wMenu for HBL (Half Byte Loader). The early releases of HBL shipped with an embedded menu that was not nice looking and caused some headaches to our team related to the GPL license (details below). With the amount of good quality menus available for VHBL today, it doesn’t look like it, but at the time wMenu was a giant step up. Today, as the initial reasons to make it closed source are not really valid anymore, and with the recent changes to the vita Firmware (which will require additional changes to the way menus install Homebrews on the Vita moving forward), I decided to make wMenu open source.
This isn’t a huge announcement. As I said, other menus are now available for VHBL, many of them better than wMenu. But wMenu relies on the powerful JGE++ library, the same library we use for Wagic, and with a bit of work wMenu could easily become much more than what it is today. Better graphics, more options,… and since wMenu is relying on the same library that wagic uses, I have personal interests to guarantee this will work as good as it can in constrained environments such as VHBL.
More interesting than the code itself maybe, is the story behind wMenu:
Back in 2010, when we first made HBL public, HBL was the only way to run homebrews on the PSP Go, and it staid so for a long time. HBL was therefore getting lots of attention, including that of people who didn’t seem to care about giving proper credit, or respect the GPL license.
These people would take the HBL source, quickly edit the menu to make it look better (which wasn’t difficult given how crappy the default HBL menu was in these days), repackage HBL into an “improved†version, and get all the credit for our work. Every time we would improve HBL, these guys would grab our sources, add their tiny menu improvements to it, and offer a “better†hbl. Fair enough, the GPL is exactly made for that, to benefit the end user first… except these guys would not make their source available, so we couldn’t improve our default menu with their changes. They were willingly doing so in order to drive traffic to their site ( I won’t name them, it was a popular scene website, the scheme was not driven by the owners of the site, but the admins were not actively doing anything to stop the infringing guys either).
Bottom line is, I figured out that the best way out of this was to dissociate the menu from HBL. HBL would stay open source, but the license of the menu would be up to the creator of the menu. After splitting the code of the menu from HBL (by turning the menu into a regular homebrew), I worked on a menu that added real graphics support, sounds, better browsing, better memory management… it blew the “competition†out of the water and basically marked the end of their dirty tactics.
This also, of course, solved the GPL infringement issues (these people did not have the skills to improve HBL itself, therefore were not providing “improved†binaries anymore), and as a nice side effect triggered the creation of various menus from other people. To a point where wMenu is just one menu in a series of other menus today, lots of them being better than wMenu in many aspects. To give credit where credit is due, I took the idea of making the menu an independent homebrew from the Noobz eLoader (I actually tried to reuse their API so that we could reuse their eMenu, but that never worked for some reason). It’s probably an obvious thing for many “binary loader†developers that the engine should be separate from the interface, but at the time my inspiration came from the noobZ eLoader.
Today, as we face new challenges (it is impossible to install anything in PSP/GAME by default), with my free time is shrinking, with the approach of a new VHBL port for Vita 2.12, and since HBL is not “threatened†anymore by GPL infringement, it felt like a good time to make wMenu open source.
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July 1st, 2013, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago I showed some of my initial test results of Qwikrazor87′s upcoming VHBL hack for Vita 2.12. I was then put in touch with one of his other beta testers who shared his test results with me. Let me show you the updated compatibility list.
Most of these homebrews were taken from the VHBL Homebrew thread here. In the list below, I am sharing the aggregated results of both this tester and myself (based on my previous test results)
•Gpsp Kai
•Nester AoEx R3 (confirmed by 2 testers)
•Atari 800
•Deadalus r13
•EmuMaster v3.GX
•FinalBUrn Aplpha FBA4PSP CPS123
•MVSPSP adhoc
•PSPMame r0.6
•PicoDrive (confirmed by 2 testers)
•SMS+ Game Gear
•snes9xTYL (confirmed by 2 testers)
•BookR (confirmed by 2 testers)
•Lamecraft r56 (confirmed by 2 testers)
•Stickman Jump (sometimes freezes when you die)
•Cube Runner Advanced
•Left For quake 0.8
•Guitar Star
•Quake Areana
•Hexen 2
Not working
•Geometry Wars
•Deadalusx64R777 (confirmed by 2 testers)
•NZP 1.1
•Cosmos Lunar
•gpSP mod
•Polyon Hockey
•PSPRevolution v0.4
•Pong PSP alpla 5
•Doodle Jump 1.3
•Atari 5200
•emu mame4all v49r2
•NeoGeo CD
•scummvm-0.13.0-psp (confirmed by 2 testers)
•Duke 3D
Note that a “non working†homebrew is not always a fatality. This shows you the results from a few testers in a few sepcific conditions, with the initial release of the hack. There are possibilities that some working versions of the same homebrew exist (such is the case above with Snes9xTYL, which itself works, while some mods of the emulator don’t work), or tricks to make these homebrews work, or that an update of the VHBL port will bring more compatibility.
The lack of compatibility of PSPFiler, however, is a bummer. wMenu does not have any File manager features, and that could become a problem if no alternative exists, if only to delete/reorganize homebrews.
As a reminder, Qwikrazor’s upcoming exploit will be in a game that is only available in the US store. I explain here how you can buy US PSN Credit if you live outside of the US, and we have an ongoing tiny “contest†on twitter to win a $20 PSN Code. In parallel, I got contacted about a possible EU exploit that could be available, and I am following up on that as fast as my free time permits.
Stay tuned!
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July 1st, 2013, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
So that was the rumor stage for several days, the team was formalized. The 3k3y will soon work with all consoles including Super Slim.
The installation is done without custom firmware, certainly in the same way that the Cobra team, it just enough of an update of DEDA, scheduled next week for Pata Sata version so it supports the new . models , however, it is not clear whether some models are not supported yet, it announces all models. Source: facebook.com
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July 1st, 2013, 00:48 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
rpcs3 SVN r65 is compiled. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 SVN Changelog:
- Improved sc function binder.
- Improved GLGSRender.
Repository has been moved to https://github.com/DHrpcs3/rpcs3
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July 1st, 2013, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 SVN r5690 is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 SVN Changelog:
gsdx ogl: fix crash when pause/resume with EGL (opensource driver)
pcsx2: gcc warning round 3 * various cast was overflowing - use unsigned integer for SSE mask - force SINGLE macro to use u32 * disable parenthesis warning, only a matter of coding style
gsdx ogl: * fix shader compilation on Nvidia (broken on r5682) * fix various memory leak thanks to Valgrind
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July 1st, 2013, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
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Jpcsp SVN r3270 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.
Jpcsp SVN changelog:
fixed regression from r3265 - language strings in main menu are not displayed properly on all systems
added some translations for pt_BR (thanks azteczx)
fixed Cancel button not working dialog opens centered in parent
added i18n for FileLoggerFrame code cleanup
fixed regression from r3265 - disassembler lines not written to file
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July 1st, 2013, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PS3 Game List v2.2 is released. PS3 Game List is a application that allows you to manage your list of PS3 games. It started out as a demo to test the Qt Framework functionality, but it evolved into a full feature C++ app. It allows users to download game updates.
PS3 Game List v2.2 Changelog:
- Support for compressed 7z files (data stored as a RAR file will not be editable; an icon will overlay both avatar and background image in order to differentiate the entry from standard game folders, and the tooltip will display additional info about the file; note that 7z files, like ISO images and PKG files, do not follow the ‘folder depth’ configuration, just have them stored at the root of a directory and they will be loaded as a regular game folder);
- Pam files played from compressed files will be overlaid with the corresponding icon;
- Fixed column customization setting;
- Fixed issue while loading avatar from RAR;
- Fixed add game icon not being available;
- Fixed loading PKG games from CSV/Excel;
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July 1st, 2013, 01:01 Posted By: wraggster
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DaedalusX64 Git r1817 is compiled. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.
DaedalusX64 Git Changelog:
[~] Fixed black box that appeared in SSB when flying away from the screen
[-] Removed partial tmem emulation
Note: There's now only two methods: fast or accurate tmem
[!] Fixed TLUT in Accurate TMEM
[-] Accurate TMEM no longer needs TLUT hack
[~] Clean up OSHLE since we now always sign ext V0
[!] Fixed Textures in EWJ, also need TLUT hack for Banjo Tooie (N64 logo)
[!] Fixed shade issue in Kirby
[~] Fixed clamping issue in MRC
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July 1st, 2013, 01:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Snes9xTYLmecm v0.4.2 Mod r19 is released. Snes9xTYLmecm Mod is the excellent Super Nintendo emulator for the PSP.
Snes9xTYLmecm v0.4.2 Mod r19 Changelog:
Added SCE's official OSK supprot (Rev.13)
Changed Randomize Background to Swap Background (Rev.13)
Added SPC play in order option (Rev.13)
You can change auto frameskip limit (Rev.13)
Used gcc 4.3.6 to compile (Rev.12)
Added shortcut button for saving/loading state (Rev.8)
Added Auto-Start Function (Rev.7)
(Set "MISC" -> "Last ROM Auto-Start" to [yes] to use the function.)
Fixed for ROMs which don't have ROMId and CompanyId (Rev.7)
Added and fixed Japanese translation (~Rev.6)
Updated zlib to 1.2.3 (this change made more compatible) (Rev.4)
Removed intro (Rev.3)
Updated codes of cheat (it fixed cheat management bugs) (Rev.3)
Removed nickname display (Rev.4)
It can save state even if battery is low. (Rev.6)
Added SPC7110 chip support (Rev.17)
- (Thanks to Nukotan (https://github.com/173210/s9xTYLmecm_mo ... 48b00deb68))
Fixed graphics bug (Rev. 18)
-(Thanks to Nukotan
Fixed memory leaks bug while loading icon resource (Rev.8)
- (Thanks to ID:SEEW0arg (http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gam ... 363467661/))
Tuned some codes (Rev.8)
- (Thanks to ID:SEEW0arg (http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gam ... 363467661/))
Removed scroll animation in menu
- (Thanks to ID:VdKiIZq+ for >>111,112 (http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gam ... 363467661/))
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