April 3rd, 2005, 11:28 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some great screenshots Shadow posted, heres what the great man himself said:
Some Shots from GT4 PAL. WARNING : GAME ISN'T PLAYABLE SO DON'T ASK ABOUT BETA. 3d isn't working yet but maybe soon 
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April 4th, 2005, 22:20 Posted By: playps2
Hi there guys,
For anyone interested in customising their PSTwo, I've got in stock Rainbow cases for the slim line PSTwo. They're as close to the real thing as possible. The retail box includes fixing screws, metal bits! Available in 10 colours.
I'm currently selling these on my site at £23.99 including free shipping in April to the UK. Overseas customers email me before buying.
Visit http://www.playps2.net for more info! or email me samlieu@hotmail.com
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April 5th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: NWRDevil
Hello Folks
Not sure if this thread is going to make me a naughty boy or not, but here goes.
I have bought 2 PS2`s in the last 16 months. I had them bothed chipped for the lad. The first one packed up after 13 months, would not read disks. I changed the laser myself, but that didnt work. Realised after that the chip that makes the disk spin was U/S (Something like that)
Anyway, bought the 2nd this Christmas, had it chipped and today its packed in again....same thing, wont read disks.
My question to everyone is this. Is this a problem caused by having it chipped?
My missus has gone ballistic and is blaming me for this, but I am not sure the chip has anything to do with it because after looking on e-bay, I find hundreds of (For spare parts) PS2`s all unable to read disks.
Anyone with any info on this?
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April 6th, 2005, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
USBeXtreme allows you to convert your PS2 games to USB HDD and run directly from the USB HDD connected to your console. It is compatible with ALL version of PS2 (included PSX). Do you want to get your own piece? Go to <a href="http://www.linker4u.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=157&A=244&Task=Click" target="_blank" >Linkers 4U.com</a> which is the first online store to sell USBextreme, to buy it now!
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April 6th, 2005, 05:27 Posted By: donrizzo
i have a ps2 and a action replay max, i have m.a.m.e., nes and snes emulators for my pc how can i get them to work for my ps2????? i dont know what any of the stuff on the ps2emulation site is about the site offers no help for begginers. is there a kind soul on this forum? xxdonrizzoxx@aol.com
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April 10th, 2005, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
The Playstation 2 has some great emulators released for it including the likes of Snes Station, PGen, PSms, the NeoGeo CD emulator and thats just a few of them.
Out of them emulators which was the easiest to use and the one that emulated the system the best.
Leave your opinions here.
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April 14th, 2005, 04:44 Posted By: mvp
im trying to put all my snes roms on a dvd with the snes-station emulator for ps2. how do i make a snes-station dvd? can u use gamegenie with snes-station? can u boot snes-station with swap magic?
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April 14th, 2005, 17:23 Posted By: odrorir
I order a Pre-modified Slim Pstwo on 4-6 by electronic check from Getiitrepaired. By 4-8 the check had cleared with my bank and the money was in Getitrepaired hands. All testimonials and reviews stated that orders were received within a week’s time
After 8 days, I decided to send an email to see when my order would ship, it was very cordial and to the point. I was responded to in a very demeaning and aggressive way. On 4-13 I inquired as to the status of my order via E-mail, I received nothing but bad attitude and false answers. After giving them the names of people to talk to at my bank w/numbers, they still failed to verify my payment. This is the worst experience I have had ordering any ps2 parts, except from modchip.com. They also remove any negative reviews about their company.
I would never do business with these shysters unless you feel like waiting ages and being treated like a second rate citizen. Now they want a 50% restocking fee due to the fact their customer service has been insulting and aggressive.
Original Email to GetItRepaired4-13-05
It has been almost 10 days since I placed my order and it still shows as processing. I ordered from you due to the good reviews of your T/A. Do you have any word on when this will ship?
Response from G.I.R. 4-13-05
It has not been 10 days since you ordered, it has only been 8 days and two of them were the weekend. You have to allow for order acceptance as our policy states.
That makes six Business days, and we have to wait for a check to clear. That normally takes 7 to 10 days. As our policy states, unless you can prove that it cleared by emailing a screen shot of your account or cancelled check.
You seem to imply that we are now bad since it has been 10 days and you ordered because of our good reviews.
Nevertheless, you are really mistaken here and we expect a retraction of this, we pride ourselves on our product and service. However it sounds more like you did not READ our policy’s that you agreed to by checking the little box when you ordered.
We have the right to refuse orders also and cancel orders if we deem fit to do so, we do not like to be put down when we did nothing wrong.
It is a privilege to own a Modified PS2, not a right…these are made to order and first come first serve, there were 10 people ahead of that already ordered, we are extremely busy because of our excellent quality and reliability. We are properly the only legitimate site on the net, in our opinion.
People are realizing that. Your unit will ship most likely after we receive proof of check clearance and in order of received. You are number five on the list now, down from 10
Thank you
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me 4-13-05
The bank already cleared the check,
I was just curious when it would arrive.
My old PS2 bit the dust.
Thanks for the quick reply
Response from G.I.R. 4-13-05
WE need proof that it cleared.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me
It cleared 4-8, from CFCU Phone (877) 937-2328 Account ********** Share draft 2430.
Response from G.I.R. 4-13-05
You telling us is not proof. We have had others try that and try to get a free Xbox, not saying you are, of course, we need visual proof.
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me 4-5-05
I will call my bank and stop payment on the check, thanks for nothing. Expect negative reviews on every PS2 related forum.
Response from G.I.R. 4-13-05
Apparently you cannot prove that the check cleared, but you were 2nd on the list, but we also do not like threats, READ BELOW.
Well, here’s how we handle that. We will file a small claims lawsuit against you, in Wisconsin, you agreed to this as you read and agreed to our polices.. read our policy’s you agreed not do that by contract I will immediatly file a small claims lawsuit in Wisconsin today against you for the total amount due as the unit has already been bought and in the process of being modified.
Plus there is a 50% cancellation fee, there will also be a Court filing Fee of $82, and a process server of $35 to $75 or more.
The amount will total more than $275.00 by my calculations..
Read our Policies here..
I will scan the lawsuit the and email the copy to you, you may call the court to verify a court date has been set, I will also hire a process server in your area to serve the papers on you, we do not tolerate this sort of abuse from a customer at all. We take this very seriously and we take immediate actions.
So if you want to get sued, stop payment, if not then go by our polices that you already agreed to. It’s legal binding contract, if you libel us, with libelous posts on the net we will also sue for damages in a separate lawsuit.
We take action do not think that we do not.
ORDER CANCELLATIONS: If you cancel there is a 50% fee, it is not a restocking fee it is a cancellation fee, it is part of a sales contract and by law we pursue collection of it. By law we have 30 days to deliver an order to you, after that if we cannot provide the item, you are allowed a cancellation without charge. We do this as it costs us money to take credit cards, place backorders etc. We have by law 30 days to deliver the product according to law. If we cancel the order due to an exception, you agree that we will be allowed to access a minimum fee of $15. You also agree not to perform a credit card chargeback against Us for any reason. If you do, you agree to pay all of the chargeback fees and damages that We Specialties incurs for doing so. You also agree that if you cancel the order on your behalf and perform a credit card chargeback, you will pay US the fees that they incur to collect the $35 chargeback fee and all attorney and collection costs, and the 50% fee of the total order amount. Shipping is non refundable and will be fully reimbursed and collectable by US. If you pay by check and perform a stop payment or we receive a account closed or NSF check, you agree that we have the right to again re-write the check and attempt to collect the amount due plus $50 for the Bad Check, Account Closed Check, Stop Payment Check, or NSF check, or charge any credit card on file for you.
STOCK AVAILABILITY: It is the customer s responsibility to check stock if they feel there
Reply from me 4-13-05
The check has cleared and your bank has the funds, I verified this with my bank.
I left you the number to call if you want to verify it yourself.
They are willing to send you verification if you ask. I recommend you get your process in order as this is a huge disappointment to me.
I would hate to be forced to use my consumer advocacy rights.
Reply from Getitrepaired
Actually this makes you look bad, and you did not state the truth, you said you wanted 10 days when it has only been 8 days, so I guess you libeled my company.
And there was only one person that testimonial says that they received their XBOX in a weeks time. That was not a ps2…not all of the testimonials say that, and even they did, those people ordered in a time period when we were not busy.
We never claimed to have an order to you in a week. it was our good customers that said that, we do not do the testimonials…
This just makes you look bad Joe, makes you look like an impatient selfish person. who did not want to wait.. Actually thanks for the Free adverts. people are not stupid, they can see who is at fault here for real
You need some serious Mental Help..
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me 4-13-05
Libel is when what someone says is false.
I have all the evidence right here, enjoy your reviews, I will dedicate a few hours a day to posting this on as many forums as possible.
Thanks for the mistreatment
Reply from Getiitrepaired
I think you better get your story straight .
Where did we claim that we have not taken payment?? You keep adding things that we did not say or do..
Did it ever occur to you that we have to wait to see the money into our account after it clears your bank? Just because it cleared it does not mean we received it yet, it takes days for us to receive a bank clearance normally 7-10 days just like everyone else..
You stated that you wanted a refund over the phone and that you stopped payment did you not??
Well that is canceling the order. You already cancelled the order as far as we are concerned, we have no idea if you stopped payment actually or not..
And you did not originally ask when you can expect shipment…You were very negative in stating , actually not truthfully, that you waited 10 days, you did not wait 10 days, only 8 days…Please re- read your negative emails to us.
We merely corrected the time period and explained our policy.
Then you emailed with the threat of a stop payment. now that you started that threat, is our policy to hold the order until it all gets worked out. WE are happy to work it out, but you will have to figure out how to deal with your negative postings of our company. Before we are willing to work with you. Once that is done, then we can talk. But only on a Civil platform..
Customer Support
VDO Specialties
New Modified PSTWO on sale
Reply from me 4-13-05
I did not cancel my order due to the fact YOU ALREADY HAVE MY MONEY. I did try to cancel the check, BUT THE BANK CANNOT SINCE YOU ALREADY HAVE TAKEN PAYMENT ON IT< which you have claimed numerous times that you have not. I just want my product sent to me since I refuse to pay a 50% restocking fee, and you will not cooperate and just admit your mistakes.
Click through TOS agreements have never held up in courts, so I see your argument as null and void. If you can even prove it was me that clicked that box.
I originally only asked when I could expect shipment, and did not say anything negative.
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April 22nd, 2005, 06:18 Posted By: justinstaxicab
is it? cause im broke and i wanna back up my games, and another question if i get the money to buy it or find a download what file is hd advance in is it bin? cue? NFO?
please help
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April 22nd, 2005, 06:26 Posted By: justinstaxicab
I have an official sony HDD and i want to put some snes roms and emulators on it but i dont know if i have to burn a dick or if i can sytem link through crossover cable or ethernet, note i am on a mac please help
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April 23rd, 2005, 22:25 Posted By: justinstaxicab
I have snes station on my computer and i dont know how to get it to my ps2 my ps2 has a official HDD and i was wondering if i could burn a disk and copy it onto the ps2 HD please help and thanks for letting me post on this board!
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April 24th, 2005, 04:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nes emu for PS2/PS1 gets a news update:
I finally got my hands on a pc comm link card (after not receiving any kind of order or shipping confirmation from the dubious online store I ordered from - hey, at least it came) so now I have everything I need to resume work on imbNES. Thanks to everyone who emailed me and pointed out possible places to buy one. Now if only I could remember where I left off on the coding...
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April 24th, 2005, 16:21 Posted By: sonicbeat
Hi everyone,
I recently found Ole's great port of the ScummVM for the Ps2 and burned a cd with all my favourite LucasArt-Games.
Does anyone have experience with ScummVM PS2?
The following games work fine by burning them on a cd and modifying the SCUMMVM.INI:
Monkey 1+2
Maniac Mansion
Zak McKracken
Indiana Jones 3+4
But how can I run Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle amd Loom??
With ScummVM for PC my games seem to work, but not on the ps2!
I own the following versions:
Sam & Max (Englisch (US))
Simon the Sorcerer 1 Talkie (DOS)
Loom (German/PC)
Day of the Tentacle (German)
Can anyone help me with that or provide the correct INI-File to run these games on my playstation??
Thank you.
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April 25th, 2005, 11:38 Posted By: kingeric
after wasting 5 cds yesterday i was ready to give up on the emulation side i.e being able to play snes,master system and especially the amiga side of things but my son pleaded with me to keep trying so can someone please tell me in simple steps what i have to do to get the emulators working on his ps2,i would be grateful for instructions that work on the amiga and snes side please,he is using swapmagic 3
thanks kingeric
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April 29th, 2005, 11:32 Posted By: sonicbeat
I need your help again,
How can I burn the PS2-Gameboy-Emulator InfoGB-HD-v1-1 to run it from CD?
I tried to write the System-file and put some IRXs on the CD too, but it doesn´t seem to work...
Or is there a PS2-CD version of the emulator?
Can anyone help me?
Thank you.
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April 30th, 2005, 02:36 Posted By: justinstaxicab
i bought the final fantasy 11 pack that came with a hard drive(40gb) and today i just recieved HDadvance and i dont wanna delete my final fantasy accout but i do wanna try out and use the HDadvance, is there a way to backup my final fantasy account and game info and use HDadvance, please help
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