January 1st, 2018, 23:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release for the PSVita:
VitaShell is the most popular file manager for the PSVita that’s installed on almost all taiHEN/HENkaku-enabled PSVita/PSTV systems in one way or another. It was originally released for Rejuvinate back in 2015 when it won the Revitalize contest on Wololo.
VitaShell 1.77 Beta brings about the following:
- Support for more archive types such as 7z, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 and much more.
- Probably some bug fixes because every release has those! There’s no real change log except a Twitter post as of now.
download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q7R...HWxmee1A4/view
via http://wololo.net/2017/12/31/vitashe...ar-gz-tar-bz2/
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January 1st, 2018, 23:09 Posted By: wraggster
Another great release for the PSVIta, heres the release info:
PC Link is a homebrew for the PS Vita that streams and control content from your PC to the VITA. Your VITA is being essentially treated like another monitor in this case. Keep in mind, the program is still in beta stages, so some things may not work.
I am moving PC Link into Open Beta for everyone to play with over the holiday break.
There is still a lot to do, including fixing Audio support but enough has been completed to have a little fun with.
Now that I’ve finished with work for the year (great sigh of relief), i will be focusing on PC Link a lot more over the holidays, as well as a new project, which I’ll talk about in more in a separate post.
download https://mega.nz/#!o3ARXDiA!KuEqQ6cGN...xUyjfH1YY6aXo0
via http://wololo.net/2017/12/31/ps-vita...-beta-release/
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January 9th, 2018, 22:31 Posted By: wraggster
Bositman has posted an update regarding the PS2 emulator for Windows PCSX2:
Happy New Year to everyone from the PCSX2 team, we wish you the best for the new year, with lots of PCSX2 gaming playing your favorite classics Onto the news!
A bit later than expected , here is the Q3 & Q4 2017 progress report.
Of course there are other changes not mentioned in the report as well so progress is still moving along
Here are the highlighted changes that we hope will strike your fancy
[Enhancement] PSX: Memory card support by RedPanda4552
Originally PSX memory card creation was not possible through the emulator and games could not see when a memory card was inserted. In addition, a hack has been added that allows PCSX2 to "view" PSX memory cards as a Pocketstation to fix compatibility with certain PSX games such as Final Fantasy VIII. More details on that addition can be found here!
This change adds/enhances the following additions:
- Adds a checkbox to the memory card creation screen allowing PSX cards to be created, as well as the logic for writing in to the empty card.
- Modifying the existing preprocessor based SIO interrupts to instead work based on the running game's type (PSX/PS2). This allows PS2 games to skip the delays as they were before, but for PSX games to use the delays, which are necessary for memory card interaction.
[Enhancement] GSdx Enhancements
Extend "Preload Frame Data" support to Direct3D by lightningterror - This hack allows for the "Preload Frame Data" (that is currently present in the OpenGL renderer) to be used in D3D renderers. It is used to fix various effects that are currently broken or not rendered properly in D3D renderers.
"Frame Buffer Conversion" hack by lightningterror - This hack enables 4-bit and 8-bit textures to be converted on the CPU instead of the GPU. It will fix glitches in games that use these types of textures.
"Automatic" Mipmapping option by lightningterror - This option enables automatic mipmapping on the hardware render if a game is pre configured to use mipmapping in the code.
[Enhancement] GUI Changes and Enhancements
"Always ask when booting" option by ssakash - When enabled, this option opens the file explorer to directly select the ISO at each boot instance instead of relying on the Recent ISO list.
"Adaptive Vsync" support by gregory38 - Adaptive Vsync support and GUI option have been added to PCSX2 for OpenGL render to further help with screen tearing.
Restore "Defaults" button to GS panel by ssakash - Added Restore Defaults button to the GS panel of Emulation settings dialog.
"Clear ISO list" option by RedPanda4552 - This option will clear the cached ISOs (Recent ISO list) that were used in the past. Should help with reducing clutter on large lists.
[Enhancement] Translation Updates
We are always seeking new translations for the PCSX2 GUI in your favorite languages! The table here will show you the most up to date information on the translation statuses of languages that are currently included with PCSX2. If you see your language missing or would like to update a translation, feel free to get started here!
Danish Translation by rffontenelle and Jakob5566- A brand new Danish GUI translated has been added! I don't have anything witty to say in Danish, sorry.
Italian Translation by Leucos8 - The Italian GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Spanish Translation by IlDucci - The Spanish GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Portuguese (Brazil) Translation by altiereslima - The Portuguese (Brazil) GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
German Translation by FiLeonard - The German GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Czech Translation by frantisekz - The Czech GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
French Translation by atomic83GitHub - The French GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Norwegian Translation by DandelionSprout - The Norwegian GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Swedish Translation by pgert - The Swedish GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Turkish Translation by PyramidHead - The Turkish GUI translation has been updated for accuracy.
Expect some more news about pcsx2.net from Bositman in a couple of days, even though he said it would be before this progress report
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January 9th, 2018, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some exciting news regarding VitaGL,
VitaGL is a project that aims to bring accelerated OpenGL to HENKaku-enabled PSVita and PSTV devices. Quite obviously, this project requires a large amount of work but Rinnegatamante has already been able to get something such as:
- Vertex array and color array support. These are important when it comes to displaying colour on OpenGL polygons.
- A rotating cube demo that runs at a high frame rate. This means that his OpenGL implementation is actually getting somewhere!Who doesn’t like hardware accelerated polygons?
- VBO support was added and the implementation’s performance was improved.
The main types of homebrew that you can expect from Rinnegatamante’s VitaGL project are:
- HW rendered ports of open-source games such as Quake 3
- Updates for some PSVita homebrew ports such as vitaQuake. Rinnegatamante plans to port ProQuake’s glQuake renderer to vitaQuake for better performance and image quality.
- Possibly emulators that require 3D acceleration namely an N64 emulator (something that lots of us have been waiting for)!
via https://twitter.com/Rinnegatamante/
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/06/rinnega...ing-vita-pstv/
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January 11th, 2018, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that the new PS2 Emulator thats on google play has caused some controversy:
Hello all! We hope you had a Happy New Year. The PCSX2 team hopes to continue making further progress throughout 2018 and into 2019! However, today we are writing to both you and the emulation/open-source community on a more serious matter.
Introduction and Background Information
You may have heard from various sources that a second PS2 emulator for Android was seen on the Google Play Store called DamonPS2. Initially, we were very happy to learn that a new developer had taken the initiative to begin work on a new PS2 emulator for a mobile platform; a daunting task in itself that we applaud them for. After further investigation however, we learned that there were rather striking resemblances to PCSX2 contained in the new emulator.The first piece of evidence that we learned was that the GameIndex.dbf file distributed with the emulator (screenshot) contained patches that were specific to PCSX2, and furthermore would not work elsewhere. We were also able to find matching CDVD strings using a text editor, such as the message returned by the PCSX2 console when an PSX/PSone disc is inserted. Further evidence included a matching file structure and graphical output that mirrors GSdx.In response to this evidence, we contacted the developer to notify them about their violation of the GNU General Public License which PCSX2 is protected under, since by all evidence they are using PCSX2 code without releasing the source code and we gave them a time frame in which to correct this issue. We hoped the issue could be resolved amicably for both projects. However the developer would go on to claim that they did not steal the PCSX2 source code, yet they offered us an extortionate sum of money to stay silent, which as you can assert we did not accept. In addition, they said that they would become open-source once the emulator reached 80 million downloads (not very realistic...). In their final email to us (which we did not respond back to) the developers wanted to further "bargain" by setting up a licensing scheme; which we would not accept under any circumstances regardless.Final Actions and Closing Comments
As a result of the circumstances and the time frame lapsing, the PCSX2 Team submitted a DMCA takedown for the "DamonPS2" app on the Google Play Store. The developer took down the emulator before the DMCA had a chance to go through as they would have been notified about the DMCA and probably wanted to avoid being banned from the Google Play Store, citing some reason to their users about the description being bad, something which we've never seen Google remove an app for. We will monitor the situation and see what happens when the developer returns the app to the store.To further clarify any confusion you may have about this matter, our actions were not done for any sort of personal/reputable gain or out of spite. The PCSX2 team has always encouraged new developments to take place whether it be inside a pull request or outside of the repository as we've seen here. Ultimately, the developer's failure to comply with the GNU General Public License in a reasonable time-frame left the team with no choice but to take the appropriate actions. We would like to take this moment to send our sincerest thanks to the community for their wonderful support over the past 15 years!-The PCSX2 team
More https://pcsx2.net/
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January 17th, 2018, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the PS2 emulator for Windows, heres the release news:
PCSX2 v1.5 Re-Recording v1.0.1 is released. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality. PCSX2 Re-Recording is a special version of PCSX2 with many new features such as input rerecording, cheat support, RAM search, RAM watch, customizable hotkeys, etc.
PCSX2 v1.5 Re-Recording v1.0.1 Changelog:
Fixed support for reading from both CPU types
Added a TAS specific console filter
Added a console filter for displaying the raw data from the controller(s) each frame
download https://github.com/pocokhc/pcsx2-1.4.0-rr
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/pcsx2-v...ding-v101.html
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January 17th, 2018, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Moonlight is an open-source implementation of the nVidia GameStream client that allows you to locally stream your Steam games (and a very large percentage of non-steam games/software such as console emulators like PCSX2 and Dolphin) to a device of your choice (such as Android/iOS devices and on other PCs through Chrome). It allows for high-quality streaming with minimal to no input lag of your PC games.
Vita Moonlight version 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 bring about the following:
- Support was added for GFE 3.11.- version 0.3
- A new configuration option about reference frame invalidation. According to a Reddit user, disabling the option removes almost all input lag if you had any. – version 0.3
- The configuration for unset resolutions was fixed. – version 0.3
- An issue was fixed in which you couldn’t connct to new devices (PCs) – version 0.3.1
download https://github.com/xyzz/vita-moonlig...ases/tag/0.3.1
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/15/vita-mo...nts-bug-fixes/
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January 21st, 2018, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some news for fans of hacking on the PS4 (ive finally got one), thanks to gbatemp for this news:
VVildCard777 has just released a homebrew enabler in the form of a binary payload for PS4 firmware 4.05. In addition to announcing his development on twitter, he also gives a hefty amount of credit to users flat_z for his writeup on how to handle PS4 Fake PKGs and SELF / FSELF, notzecoxao and psxdev for their assistance with the project, and IDC for his codebase. This homebrew enabler allows PS4 users on this firmware to not only launch homebrew applications, custom themes, BGM, and packages, but will also eventually allow users to run their backup PS4 games.
This enabler is available through VV1LD's GitHub page here, with instructions found in the included ReadMe. Users must first run the kernel exploit (either from browser or manual) and inject the payload that way ( how to run kernel exploit) Afterwards, it's as simple as installing the desired homebrew pkg through Settings/☆Debug Settings/Game/Package Installer and running it as an application. Pictured above is a test homebrew package, which simply prints a "Hello world!" message on the screen.
Note that it's recommended to disable your PS4's internet connection before installing the package, as some users have reported a prompt asking to install the latest firmware. The kernel exploit currently will not work on any firmwares above 4.05, so don't update if you plan to make use of this.
via http://gbatemp.net/threads/ps4hen-a-...4-4-05.494515/
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January 21st, 2018, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
When any console has been hacked to play homebrew one of the great ports is that of Quake, now it has been released for the Playstation Vita:
VitaQuake is, without a doubt, a port of the popular 1996 first-person shooter by id Software. It is a game that’s available on many platforms such as Windows, Mac, the N64, Sega Saturn and many more through open-source ports so there’s a good chance that you’ve played at least a part of it sometime in your life.
VitaQuake was originally released in October 2015 for Rejuvenate-enabled PSVita and won the “Wololo’s Favorite Open source entry” and $100. It was one of the first homebrew that got ported to HENkaku and it’s been receiving occasional updates ever since.
VitaQuake 2.5 brings about the following:
- The game now uses hardware (GPU) accelerated rendering powdered with vitaGL. This means that you’ll get better performance and superior image quality!!
- Many graphics effects were added to the glQuake renderer.
- VitaQuake now runs at native resolution which is 960×544 for a sharp and great-to-look-at image with a constant 60FPS framerate in most areas.
- The Game Resolution, Depth of Field, Always Run settings were removed from the menus.
- Fog Rendering, Dynamic Shadows, Dynamic Torch Lights settings were added to the menus.
download https://www.patreon.com/Rinnegatamante
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/21/vitaqua...e-accelerated/
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January 23rd, 2018, 22:16 Posted By: wraggster
Seems that the recent Hen release for the PS4 has kicked up some dust, heres the news from eurasia:
After Flatz revealed a lot of details on how to create our own package files (arguably, for the sake of streamlining future homebrew support), it was only a matter of time: piracy is now a thing on PS4 4.05. And it appears to be much more easier than it used to on firmware 1.76. There’s already been multiple "dumps" of 4.05 compatible games circulating on the intertubes, and several scene members have confirmed these packages do work. People who worry about piracy for the sake of game preservation have warned that the current dumps being circulated will lead to compatibility issues in the future. But people willing to play AAA titles for free on their 4.05 will most likely not care about those details.
via http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?na...ticle&sid=3659
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January 24th, 2018, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Time for a Homebrew release now, heres the release details:
Adrenaline Bubble Manager v4.08 is released. This useful application allows you to make personalized bubbles with 'icon' and 'title' of your PSP content (HBS/PSX/ISO/CSO) quick and easy, using the 'LMAN' plugin, and adding the lines Of the plugin to the GAMEID in the config.txt of taihen, also creates the GAMEID.TXT for the plugin, forgetting completely of the tedious and long manual method.
Adrenaline Bubble Manager changelog:
Fix error when opening the OSK more than 10 times, thanks to The_Flow!.
Update eboot.bin to ONELuavita V4R0.
download https://github.com/ONElua/AdrenalineBubbleManager
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/adrenal...ager-v408.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
Been a long while since a release of PCSX2 so heres a beta release compiled by emucr, heres the release info:
PCSX2 Git (2018/01/28) is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 Git Changelog:
* PCSX2: Add configurable Cheats folder to Components Selectors.
* cdvd: Fix writing of CD blockdumps
* cdvd: Fix and switch to writing v2 format blockdumps
homepage https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/pcsx2-git-20180128.html
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January 28th, 2018, 20:42 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new beta release of the Playstation 3 emulator for Windows, heres whats new:
rpcs3 Git (2018/01/28) is compiled. RPCS3 is an open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C++ for Windows and Linux. The emulator has been in development since early 2011 and currently supports modern DirectX 12, Vulkan and OpenGL renderers. The emulator is capable of booting and playing a decent amount of commercial games and PlayStation 3 SDK samples. Many more titles are also becoming playable with future development by contributors.
rpcs3 Git Changelog:
* Stub some functions in cellWebBrowser
homepage https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3
via http://down.emucr.com/v3/5172131335766016
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January 28th, 2018, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new PSP Emulator that i dont recall hearing of before, heres the release notes :
CSharp Psp Emulator Git (2018/01/26) is compiled. CSharp Psp Emulator is a PlayStation Portable (PSP) emulator, emulator for windows. This emulator born as a proof of concept of an emulator made in D. Now it's getting more and more compatible with homebrew, and gaining in features and speed. The emulator was based in it's first version on great Noxa's C# pspplayer emulator.
CSharp Psp Emulator Git Changelog:
* Some more work on mac support
* Initial work on MacOS
homepage https://github.com/soywiz/cspspemu
via http://www.emucr.com/2018/01/csharp-...-20180126.html
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January 28th, 2018, 21:07 Posted By: wraggster
rsn8887 has made ScummVM for the PSVita (and PSP) better and added a very important feature that makes ScummVM much more appealing on the Vita!
rsn8887 improved a lot upon the official PSVita port in the last couple of days with the following improvements:
- Touch controls on the PSVita. This means you can control your favourite point-and-click game with the front touchscreen which makes the game feel like a native Vita game! The rear touchpad can be made to work if you enable the ‘touchpad mouse mode’ option.
- Both direct (normal touch controls like on a smartphone) and indirect (dragging the cursor) touch modes were added.
- Analogue stick accuracy was improved on the Vita.
- The PSP got a “Fit to Screen” graphics mode which makes proper use of aspect ratio correction.
- The PSP got a “4:3 aspect ratio” graphics mode
- Bug fixes and other improvements for both consoles!
homepage https://github.com/rsn8887/scummvm/r...git-rsn8887.10
via http://wololo.net/2018/01/25/rsn8887...mong-features/
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January 29th, 2018, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
News from Kotaku concerning downtime on PS Network:
What’s up with the PlayStation Network? For the past week, Sony’s premium online service has been intermittently offline, with users reporting issues playing games, streaming videos, and logging into their accounts.
The problems appear to have started around 23 January, and we’ve gotten tips and seen reports of sporadic outages on almost every day since. Sony has chimed in a few times on Twitter and its status page, and there are big clusters of reports over on DownDetector.com, including:
•5,000 reports on the afternoon of 26 January
•Around 2,000 reports on the morning of 28 January
•About 1,000 reports this morning, 29 January
via http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/01/29/p...eps-going-down
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January 29th, 2018, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
Im just about to hack my release day PS3 to get custom firmware on it so this is interesting news for me, heres the news via maxconsole
@STLcardsWS from PSX-PLACE informs us that @esc0rtd3w has released his second version of the amazing PS3Xploit Tools, so check it out below, and get your PlayStation 3 console running CFW without any 'hardware needed', of course it still DOES NOT support SuperSlim consoles, but you never know what the future brings us, as last year you would have never thought this was even possible.
I will start this off with NO you can not jailbreak your PS3 SuperSlim Console's (seems to be a popular question), however that does not mean the Ps3Xploit Team (bguerville, esc0rtd3w, habib & W) still has not been hard at work, with this new release of Ps3Xploit v2.0.. In this release all the tools (IDPS Dumper, Flash Dumper & Flash Writer) have seen significant improvements and now performing the task such as installing a Custom Firmware on your 4.82 OFW PS3 (with flash writer) has been made even easier and very stable thanks to the team's new checks implemented and progression of the exploit. The Flash and IDPS dumper are also much improved. All the details are provided on their official support site (PSX-PLACE), please visit the news source link below before asking any questions.
- Freeze issues - Fixed
- Occasional bad dumps - Fixed
- No beeps & shutdown. Replaced by a graceful ROP chain exit & return to browser. This gives the opportunity to the user to dump after patching & validate the dump with littlebalup's py checker. As long as the user does not shutdown/restart, it's still possible to recover from bad patching.
- Support for usb port 0,1,6 + sd/cf/ms cards.
- Multi firmware support on all dumpers (4.10+) & DEX support on 4.81.
- HDD editions for all dumpers & flash writer where a picture file placeholder is used for read/write operations.
- Javascript refactoring for performance & efficiency.
- ps3xploit.com will host the 2.0 update, no need for 3rd party sites.
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January 31st, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Some interesting news regarding the PS3:
Just over a year ago, we reported on how it was possible to Play Backup Games On OFW v4.70, but now a new updated tutorial on how to do the 'backup injection' trick has appeared on PSXHAX, check it out below and start enjoying your 'pirated warez' on your PS3 running OFW!
To quote from the latest update on PSPX.ru, roughly translated: Running backup games on the PS3 OFW without any ODE and IDPS
- Convert the game
- We make an injection into the backup
- We use the exploit to upload the license file LIC.EDAT
The first two steps are covered already in numerous places through our forum including HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE so we'll focus on Step 3 below, once again roughly translated: Step 3. We use the exploit to upload the license file LIC.EDAT
Special requirements:
New method of injecting through BACKUP any games with LIC.EDAT on OFW 4.81 / 4.82 (step 3) by slai7 (Apostol)
Thanks to Jason Borowski for * FIXED TUTORIAL FILES FOR 4.81 / 4.82 CEX * ROP Chain !!!
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/pl...ic-edat.46437/
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January 31st, 2018, 20:46 Posted By: wraggster
Its always good to hear about new emulators and heres a new Playstation Vita emulator in the making:
There is some good PSP Emulators out there, but when it comes to emulating the PlayStation Portable second-generation, the VITA there is none, but now a new project has been started and its looking good so far, read all about it below with thanks to PSX-Place.
Why is it needed?
- With the PlayStation Vita approaching end-of-life, there has never been a more important time to preserve compatibility with the existing PS Vita software library.
- Given that the PS4 doesn't run PS Vita software (or even PS3 or PSP software for that matter), we can't rely on Sony to maintain compatibility with PS Vita software in the future. We need to step up and build that compatibility ourselves.
Initial Roadmap
- Audio support
- First release (Windows, macOS, source code)
- Continuous Integration to build releases automatically
- Support .psv (game card backup) file format
- Ongoing work to improve and expand compatibility
- Ongoing work to improve performance
Feature wish list
- Network play
- High resolution rendering
- Custom shaders
- The emulator currently runs a few homebrew programs in .vpk format. No commercial games are playable. vitaQuake by Rinnegatamante &,VitaTester by SMOKE5
- The emulator does not yet have a front end. Please specify the path to a .vpk file as the first command line argument.
Bugs and issues
- The project is at an early stage, so please be sensitive to that when opening new issues. Expect crashes, glitches, low compatibility and poor performance.
- Thanks go out to people who offered advice or otherwise made this project possible, such as Davee, korruptor, Rinnegatamante, ScHlAuChi, Simon Kilroy, TheFlow, xerpi, xyz, Yifan Lu and many others.
- If you would like to show your appreciation or even help fund development, the project has a Patreon page.
- The purpose of the emulator is not to enable illegal activity.
- PlayStation and PS Vita are trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. The emulator is not related to or endorsed by Sony, or derived from confidential materials belonging to Sony.
- Links
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/vi...lopment.46436/
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January 31st, 2018, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats new in February on the Playstation Plus:
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
- Spelunker HD
- Mugen Souls Z
PlayStation Vita
- Exiles End
- Grand Kingdom (also on PS4)
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