December 5th, 2020, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
Perhaps as a late birthday celebration after the PlayStation turned 14 on November 11, Sony released Firmware 4.87 for the console which comes as a bit of a surprise seeing how it was fully discontinued over 3 years ago. Similar to every PlayStation 3 update for quite some time, Firmware 4.87 doesn’t bring much of anything to the end-user with its change log merely stating that “This system software update improves system performance” meaning that the only thing it did was up the firmware requirement for PSN usage.
On the topic of PSN usage, you obviously don’t need to install FW 4.87 or a CFW based upon it to go online since SEN Enabler has already been updated to be aware of this new firmware. With SEN Enabler 6.2.7 (download link below), which was released yesterday, it is now possible to spoof FW 4.87 on your CFW-capable PlayStation 3 console. Those using units that are not CFW-capable will have to make use of other firmware spoofing methods such as through webMAN MOD.
Joonie releases HFW 4.87.1 and PS3HEN update coming soon
HFW 4.87.1 is already out meaning that PS3s on all firmware are already exploitable but PS3HEN & CFWs still need to get updated
As Firmware 4.87 doesn’t really come with many changes, Joonie was able to quickly release HFW 4.87.1 which is based upon this firmware. For those who are unaware, HFW or Hybrid Firmware is a modified firmware for the PS3 that is identical to OFW but contains the web browser from Firmware 4.82 which is vulnerable to exploits which could be used to hack all PlayStation 3 units. HFW can be installed directly from OFW on any PS3 console meaning that no downgrading or flashing is required to get your PS3 hacked!
When it comes to PS3HEN (i.e. hack for non-CFW capable consoles), Joonie stated that an update will follow shortly as the FW 4.87 kernel is identical to that of FW 4.86. As of right now, no FW 4.87-based CFWs seem to have been released although it’s likely we’ll see something eventually as FW 4.86 got its own fair share of CFWs despite being released this year.
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December 12th, 2020, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
Security researchers Mehdi Talbi and Quentin Meffre of French Infosec company Synacktiv have disclosed yesterday a Webkit exploit running on the PS4. The exploit, they say, runs on 6.xx firmwares, and could possibly be tweaked to run on 7.xx.
The fact that hacking utilities are publicly available up to 6.72 made it easier for the security researchers to weaponize their exploit on firmwares 6.xx. On 7.xx, however, they say further research is required to port their work. It is possible that hackers on the scene, with access to more exploits, could work on porting this webkit entry point to 7.xx firmwares.
Brute forcing on the PS4 is tedious as the browser requires a user interaction in order to restart. Our idea is to plug a Raspberry Pi that acts as a keyboard on the PS4. Its main goal is to hit enter at periodical time (5s) to restart the browser after the crash. The brute forced address is updated at each attempt and stored in a cookie. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any result so far. We probably haven’t run the brute force for a long enough period of time to cover the entire address space. The exploit in itself leverages a use-after-free bug in function ValidationMessage::buildBubbleTree() of the Webkit DOM engine. People interested in how console exploitation works should give a read to the full writeup on Synacktiv’s blog.
PS4: Webkit exploit released for 6.xx, could potentially work on 7.xx - Wololo.net
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December 15th, 2020, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++. It translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64, ARM or ARM64 machine code, using JIT recompilers (dynarecs).
PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger ARM-based phones and tablets, as long as there's OpenGL ES 2.0 support.
Latest changes:
+ GL: Detect Apple GPUs as a category
+ VK: Restore the ARM Mali Z hack that got lost in the refactor somehow.
+ ARM64 buildfix
+ Minor cleanups
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December 17th, 2020, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
Following a litany of issues with Cyberpunk 2077 ranging from the inclusion of (since fixed) epileptic triggers to game-breaking bugs, a number of people are seeking refunds on the game -- but are struggling to get them.
Two days ago, CD Projekt Red issued a statement apologizing for the performance issues in Cyberpunk 2077, noting that patches were on the way but suggesting anyone who was dissatisfied could refund their copies.
"For copies purchased digitally, please use the refund system of PSN or Xbox respectively. For boxed versions, please first try to get a refund at the store where you bought the game. Should this not be possible, please contact us at helmmerefund@cdprojektred.com and we will do our best to help you. Starting from today, you can contact us for a week up until December 21st, 2020."
However, a day later during an emergency investor call, CD Projekt Red SVP of business development, Michał Nowakowsk indicated that refunds were not as simple as requesting one from the platform holder.
"One has to understand: Microsoft and Sony have refund policies for every product that is released digitally on their storefronts," he said. "Despite several articles I've seen that things are being set up just for us, it's actually not true - these policies are in place and have always been in place; they're not offered specifically for us. Anyone who has purchased any title on the PlayStation network or the Microsoft storefront can ask for a refund, and if it's made within certain boundaries, usually related to time, usage and so on, can ask for that refund.
"Our procedure here with Microsoft and Sony is not different than with any other title released on any of those storefronts. I want to state that clearly, as there seem to be certain misconceptions."..
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December 18th, 2020, 13:26 Posted By: wraggster
Cyberpunk 2077 has been delisted from the PlayStation Store.
Sony Interactive Entertainment announced its removal via various regional PlayStation websites. While the reason is not explicitly stated, the decision follows complaints over the game's poor performance on PlayStation 4.
"SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store," the company wrote on its website.
"SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice."
At the time of writing, Cyberpunk 2077 is still available via the Xbox store. GamesIndustry.biz has contacted Xbox for comment.
Cyberpunk 2077 launched last week but while it has received praise for the PC version, the console editions have prompted widespread reports of bugs, glitches and other technical issues -- including epileptic triggers, although these have since been fixed.
Microsoft has since promised to improve its certification processes, although Sony has yet to comment on this. CD Projekt took responsibility for the fact the game passed certification despite being in such a problematic state.
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December 20th, 2020, 10:01 Posted By: wraggster
After being in the works for six years, Kingcom is pleased to unveil and release a full translation of the 2007 PlayStation 2 game, Super Robot Wars: Original Generations.
The game is an expanded remake of the 2002 and 2005 Game Boy Advance games Super Robot Wars Original: Generation 1 and Super Robot Wars Original: Generation 2. Aside from having much higher production values, it also introduced several major changes to the gameplay and storyline that future games in the series expanded on.
Please see the project page for a download link and further information.
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December 20th, 2020, 22:27 Posted By: wraggster
PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.
Latest changes:
+ GameDB: Add GIF FIFO Hack for Fight Night Round 3. Fixes corrupted textures.
+ GameDB: Porting patch and add Idea Factory games (#4025) GameDB: Add patches for Idea Factory games Ported Neo Contra and Savage Skies patches to NTSC-J
+ GameDB: Add VU0 Kickstart for King Kong. Fixes bad polygons on characters
+ microVU: Flush running VU1 program when toggling MTVU on
+ core: fix speedhacks panel
+ misc: Cleanup remaining pad stuff from merge
+ BIOS/CDVD: Set language defaults instead of making the user do it. Removed message nobody read
+ pad-linux: Update to latest controller database.
http://www.emulation64.com/view/3113/PCSX2-v170dev767/ |
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December 20th, 2020, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
Hacker sleirsgoevy has been working on a 7.02 port of the PS4 Synacktiv webkit exploit released a few days ago. If that port ever gets to a reasonable success rate, it could be combined with TheFlow’s kernel exploit on 7.02, to bring a full PS4 Jailbreak for 7.02 to the scene.
As of Sleirsgoevy’s latest update, the current version of his port works around 10% of the time. When it doesn’t work, you have to run the hack again, so a 10% success rate might not be “releasable” yet (in particular, if, when coupled with a kernel exploit, it could increase the instability of the process), but there’s a possibility things could improve fast. The hacker has been hard at work to fix issues as they arise.
Keep in mind that as long as this isn’t coupled with the kernel exploit, this isn’t super useful for most people. With that being said, you can download this PS4 7.02 hack at the address below to try it. In order to run it, you’ll need to host the files on a personal web server, then access your server’s IP from your PS4’s browser.
At this rate it could be a matter of days before a PS4 Jailbreak is released for Firmware 7.02.
PS4 7.02 exploit: Sleirsgoevy working on a port of the Synacktiv webkit exploit (release) - Wololo.net
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December 20th, 2020, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
Scene developer SocraticBliss has published an implementation of the PS4 7.02 Kernel Exploit, combined with Sleirsgoevy’s port of the recent webkit exploit. In parallel, Sleirsgoevy has been working on his own integration of the Jailbreak + Mira support, but reports that homebrew does not work at the moment.
To rephrase: if you own a PS4 running on firmware 7.02, there are now exploit releases floating around that give you kernel access, but not what people would consider a usable jailbreak yet. Once again, it is probably only a matter of days, if not hours, before a jailbreak usable by most people gets released.
One important caveat here is that the webkit exploit itself (the entry point to gaining control of the console) has a low success rate (reported to be 10% so far), which means that launching the exploit involves a lot of “reloading the page” on the PS4 browser (some people reported getting it to work after no less than 30 retries), at least for now. This could improve if people look at ways to improve the reliability of the webkit exploit.
I wouldn’t call the current releases “usable” for the end user, but people with the right set of skills might want to give a look, to either SocraticBliss’s User+Kernel implementation, Or Sleirsgoevy User+Kernel+Mira.
PS4 7.02 full stack exploit (user + kernel) released, Mira and Homebrew support in progress - Wololo.net
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December 20th, 2020, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this week, Sleirsgoevy released a working WebKit exploit for Firmware 7.02 on the PlayStation 4, based on Synacktiv’s work, which opened the flood gates for full hacks on this firmware. In this article, we’re going to look at the release of PS4HEN for FW 7.02 and what PS4HEN is.
What is PS4HEN?
PS4HEN has now been ported to FW 7.02! (Tweet)
For those who never heard of it or are unsure what it is, PS4HEN is essentially a homebrew enabler for the PlayStation 4 but it packs in some more stuff of its own. Going by the GitHub release post for PS4HEN 2.1.3, which has been ported to FW 7.02, this software also brings along:
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December 22nd, 2020, 23:17 Posted By: wraggster
DuckStation (2020/12/22) is released. Fast-ish PlayStation 1 emulator for PC and Android.
* CPU Recompiler/JIT (x86-64 and AArch64)
* Hardware (D3D11 and OpenGL) and software rendering
* Upscaling and true colour (24-bit) in hardware renderers
* "Fast boot" for skipping BIOS splash/intro
* Save state support
* Windows and Linux support - macOS may work, but not actively maintained
* Supports bin/cue images, raw bin/img files, and MAME CMD formats.
* Direct booting of homebrew executables
* Digital and analog controllers for input (rumble is forwarded to host)
* Qt and SDL frontends for desktop
* Qt frontend has graphical configuration, and controller binding
* Automatic content scanning - game titles/regions are provided by redump.org
DuckStation Changelog:
Fix incorrect tagging after stable/beta split (Connor McLaughlin)
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December 25th, 2020, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
It seems the PlayStation 5 is the gift that keeps on giving as players have just uncovered a new feature hiding in plain sight for Sony's next-gen superstar. As the PS5 muscles into the already crowded console market, it's the end of an era as the fan-favourite PS4 bows out. You've given us some great memories with the likes of Red Dead Redemption II, Marvel's Spider-Man, and God of War, but all good things must come to an end.
That doesn't mean you should simply chuck out your beloved games. Thanks to Sony finally expanding on its backward compatibility, the "overwhelming majority" of PS4 games can be played on your shiny new PS5. Sony and Microsoft are locking horns with their next-gen systems, however, the PS5 is once again edging ahead of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. With the PS5 being able to play upgraded versions of some classic PS4 games, the PS5 upgrade feature will now warn you if you're about to play the PS4 game.
PS5 Upgrade Feature Will Let You Know If You're Playing PS4 Games | GGRecon
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