December 1st, 2006, 07:35 Posted By: wraggster
Denitro has released a patch for his excellent PSP Revolution game which is a game like the Dance Dance Revolution games, heres what he posted:
Here's a Patch to bring the game up to version 0.3a
It's mainly fixes in this update. I'm hoping it fixes the few problems that have been reported in v0.3.
(Must have version 0.3 installed prior to installing this patch)
Copy the proper PSPR Folders(s) to your PSP's "/psp/game/" folder. Click yes to overwrite the files when prompted.
-Fixed problem loading songs created with Dancing Monkeys/Gorilla (Causing Crash)
-Fixed rare (but repeatable) crash when Dizzy mod was enabled
-Fixed preview music not at right position in VBR encoded songs
-Fixed preview music playing only playing first 2 seconds of some songs
-Fixed arrow colors shifting off during some songs
-Fixed error when the PSP comes back from being suspended during gameplay
-Fixed rare case of a single step being read out of order
-Added support for #DISPLAYBPM tag in .SM files
Thanks for all the great feedback you guys have given =)
Download at the release Thread Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...169#post289169
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December 1st, 2006, 08:30 Posted By: Kramer
iR Shell 3.0 public release is finally out. With the help from Dark_Alex, this version can now run under firmware 2.71. Below is a highlight to some of the new features. For a complete list, refer to the "Revision History.txt" document.
Feature Summary
- Full support on firmware 1.5, 2.71 with HenD, Dark_Alex 2.71 SEC, Devhook firmware emulation with 1.5 & 2.71.
- Added "Mute Game Audio" function to allow muting of game specific audio channels. For example, you can mute the game music and leave the sound effort intact while playing your favorite mp3s via iR Shell mp3 player.
- Allow use of PC Joysticks or keyboards instead of PSP keypad to control iR Shell, UMD Games or homebrews via USB or WiFi. You can even use the 2nd analog nub on a PC joystick to control the game, such as aiming in a FPS.
- Besides launching XMB from fw 1.5 iR Shell. you can now launch XMB from fw 2.71 iR Shell. Together with host redirections, you can use firmware 2.71 XMB Moive Player to view MP4 & AVC movies stored on a PC. You can also use the built-in iR Shell MP3 player after launching XMB.
- Updated the launch XMB function, so you can leave the game disc in the UMD drive when launching XMB.
- Allow the use of maximum LCD brightness settings (4th brightness normally available only with a power adapter).
- The following plugins have been ported/converted for firmware 2.71 iR Shell, which means these types of files can be opened directly when running iR Shell under firmware 2.71. They can also be run standalone under firmware 2.71 if you wish. The source code can be downloaded from iR Shell forum.
* Pmf Player (PMF)
* Bookr 0.71 (TXT & PDF)
* Atrac3 Player (AT3)
* ZIP & RAR Unarchiver (ZIP & RAR)
- Added a firmware version indicator to tell you what firmware version iR Shell is running.
- Allow pmf movie as splash screen.
- Changed the maximum number of plugins from 10 to 20.
- Changed the maximum mp3 playlist size from 10 to 30.
- Changed the maximum highlighted files from 10 to 30 for File Manipulation.
- You can associate an icon image to each sub-folder under APP view.
Special Thanks to:
- Dark_Alex for helping to crack several Sony protections to allow iR Shell to run under firmware 2.71 environment.
- StoneCut for managing the iR Shell forum, providing technical supports and releasing an ISO plugin for iR Shell which is bundled with this release. The ISO plugin is for Dark_Alex 2.71 SEC and should only be used to play legally owned backups. Suloku has also released another ISO plugin for iR Shell in the iR Shell forum.
- AnonymousTipster for releasing a modded version of usbhostfs & nethostfs which allows user to customise the PC joystick and keyboard layout when using keypad redirection feature.
- Terdinglage for making a Package Generator for iR Shell. This is a very user friendly and powerful generator which allows the users to pick the specific iR Shell packages via a web interface. You can choose different skins with PMF splash intro (many of which are not included in the default 3.0 release) and Infra-Red Remotes, and it will generate a compressed archive which you can then install to your PSP. Here is a direct link to the iR Shell package generator: http://www.pspbrew.com/index.php?pag...r.php&packId=2
- All Beta Testers for their torture testing and valuable suggestions.
- All Skins Makers for enhancing the interface look and feel.
Keypad Redirection Video preview
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December 1st, 2006, 09:12 Posted By: happy_mak
The gran turismo HD concept demo will be launched on the Playstation Store from the 24th of December 2006.
The details albeit in japanese are here
And more interestingly Yamauchi san also has posted his comments there saying that Gran turismo 5 is being given preference over gran turismo HD and he expects that to be released earlier.
Anyways lets be content with Santa yamauchi's gift of a demo this christmas. By the way its been quite some time since we have heard of that GT-Mobile... maybe its no more on cards for the PSP???
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December 1st, 2006, 10:28 Posted By: happy_mak
The Talkman software for PSP comes with a microphone which fits on the upper USB port the same way the PSP camera chotto shotto does.
Well the news is that the PSP Camera itself has a
microphone built in and the idea popped up to the PSPgadgetz blogger that would that work...
Well he tried and viola... the PSP Camera works with the talkman software as IS! it is indeed cool that one need not shift accessories once for a talkman mircophone, then a camera etc etc. Uh-oh there is the GPS thing too right? yeah me wonders why all these 3 are not clubbed into one unit and sold too...
I would love to have a camera and a GPS bundled in one personally. How about you.
Oh yes, PSPGadgetz blog has uplaoded cool pics of the talkman actually working with the PSP camera and things which you can check up here.
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December 1st, 2006, 10:51 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Sony says it would be "rather short-sighted" to suggest there won't be a PlayStation 4, after Nomura analyst Yuta Sakurai did just that.
Speaking to the Financial Times in the wake of Sony's decision to to promote Kaz Hirai, Sakurai said he thought SCE's future would be determined by the former US boss's relationship with worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison.
But far more interesting were his thoughts on Sony's direction. "The appointment of Hirai could be the start of a shift from hardware to software," he suggested. "I cannot now imagine a PlayStation 4." (You think you've got it bad, Yuta - most of us in Europe cannot now imagine a PlayStation 3.)
Inevitably, Sony has responded, with US spokesperson Dave Karraker telling GameSpot: "Following the launch of the PlayStation 3 just a few weeks ago, and witnessing the huge consumer demand for the product, I think it would be rather short-sighted for anyone to predict there might not be a next generation of PlayStation product."
Indeed, Sony's never made any suggestion that it plans to stop with PS3 - Hirai himself having noted that a PS4 is in his plans, and Phil Harrison having speculated on whether it will use discs or an e-distribution model.
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December 1st, 2006, 13:59 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Smaller version of handheld is likely, says Probst
Electronic Arts boss Larry Probst has said that Sony should consider slashing the price of PSP and introducing a new, smaller model in order to boost sales.
Speaking in an interview with Newsweek, Probst said, "I think what moves the needle is a new form factor that's smaller than the existing unit, at a lower price, and hopefully that price is US$100 or lower.
"I think the price point needs to be lower, and I think you're going to see that next year, along with a different form factor," he added.
Whilst Probst was careful to identify his comments as "pure speculation", he said it "would not be hugely surprising" if Sony was to cut the price of the PSP to US$149, offering "a more fully-featured upscale unit that retails at US$249 or US$299".
Probst dismissed suggestions that EA is focused on producing new IP for the PSP, stating, "It's more likely that we would target platforms like the PS3, Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii if we had an original in mind. Our strategy on PSP has typically been to take the franchises that we build on other platforms and exploit them on the PSP."
However, he went on to concedethat consumers won't necessarily want to buy PSP versions of a franchise title if they already own console versions of the same game. "If someone owns Madden on multiple systems already, they're less likely to buy it on PSP. It's true. If you've got Madden on PS2 and Xbox 360, how likely are you to buy it on PSP?"
According to Probst, EA is "interested in interoperability between PSP and Sony's other platforms, and if we can do something along those lines, that would be helpful".
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December 1st, 2006, 16:44 Posted By: wraggster
With the news of Sony taking yet another hit by way of the recent canning of GT HD, one analyst seems to think that this is the end of Sony as a hardware manufacturer.
"The appointment of Hirai could be the start of a shift from hardware to software," Nomura Securities' Yuta Sakurai told the FT. Putting all his eggs in one basket he went on to say, "I cannot now imagine a PlayStation 4."
Brave words indeed but he says the shift of power at the top is that Kaz Hirai's new global portfolio puts a predominantly software-focused manager in charge of the company.
Don't underestimate the power of the PlayStation people...
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December 1st, 2006, 17:15 Posted By: wraggster
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has dismissed suggestions that Sony's executive reshuffle signals the company's exit from the console hardware market as "foolish" and "embarassing".
"I think Kutaragi's promotion signals absolutely nothing about Sony's plans for a PlayStation 4," Pachter told GamesIndustry.biz.
"It is embarassing that an analyst could reach that conclusion so soon after launch. Sony cannot have made such a decision, and to draw such an inference is foolish."
Pachter's comments come after former SCEA boss Kaz Hirai was announced as the new president of SCEI - a move which, according to Nomura analyst Yuta Sakurai, suggests a shift by Sony away from hardware and towards software.
It's not just Pachter who disagrees - speaking to consumer site Gamespot, SCEA communications boss Dave Karraker said, "Following the launch of the PlayStation 3 just a few weeks ago, and witnessing the huge consumer demand for the product, I think it would be rather short-sighted for anyone to predict there might not be a next generation of PlayStation product."
Pachter went on to say that he was in agreement with another analyst, Hiroshi Kamide, who has stated that he believes Ken Kutaragi will now be responsible for managing relationships with third-parties.
"I have said repeatedly that this is the last console 'cycle' as we know them, and that future hardware would contain new features and functions, but not change the architecture until we are ready for virtual reality or holographic gaming," Pachter concluded.
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December 1st, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
New screenshots of next-gen action title Cipher Complex have just snuck in; a game which developer and publisher Edge of Reality hopes will change the stealth genre forever.
For Edge of Reality all stealth games are incredibly slow, full of careful positioning and skulking in shadows; in Cipher Complex the stealth attacks will consist of lightening-quick attacks with hero John Cipher dashing towards opponents and taking them out before they're aware of what's hit them.
This 'aggressive infiltration' is at the heart of the game which sees a Russian missile complex taken over by a mysterious military faction. Taking on the role of US military operative John Cipher, gamers must regain control of the base before any of the nuclear warheads are launched.
Cipher took a bullet to the head in an earlier mission and had to be brought out of the resulting coma with experimental surgery that affected his adrenal glands, and it's adrenaline that fuels these devastating stealth kills. Therefore the trick is to manage the amount of adrenaline Cipher uses so he has enough to cope with any situation.
Cipher Complex is currently in development for PS3 and Xbox 360 with a release date yet to be confirmed.
screens here
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December 1st, 2006, 22:00 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Ladies and gentelmen, meet the PSP case which retails for $600. The metallic case is made by Halliburton and should be bullet proof, suitable for those gamers living in the rough streets of the world .
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December 1st, 2006, 23:07 Posted By: blackrave
myschoo has released an update to the homebrew game "Phil's Shooting Range" bringing it to v0.3. It's a game coded in LUA, and is already kxploited. Great work, myschoo.
Here's what myschoo said:
finally i have completed my 1st LUA game called "Phil's Shooting Range".
Same controls as in GTA
Things to do:
Objective - Complete
Highscore system - Complete
Better GFX -
Remove BUGS (if any) - Shorter code = same work
Time trial -
More Targets -



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December 1st, 2006, 23:20 Posted By: blackrave
Quake has again updated their very useful application Extreme Link. This is just a bug fix release, concerning the extension list problems when managing the Photo and Music.
This should be run with firmware 1.50, and after you run DevHook, do this:
- PSPGAMESMemory StickDevHook or DevHook Shell
- Put in a UMD Game or UMD Sampler Disc
- Select DevHook or DevHook Shell. - Wait for reboot
- At this time if it asks you for the drivers you will need to install the drivers I have provided in with the installer. Then Follow the driver install instructions Provided in the installer.
- Settings are as follows:
- UMD MOUNT....> ISO ANYUMD - Enter(X-O)
- UMD VERSION..> 2.xx to 2.0 - Enter(X-O)
- FIRMWARE......> 2.71 - Enter(X-O)
- CPU CLOCK.....> 222MHZ / 111MHZ - Enter(X-O)
- OTHER.......> USB OPTION(X-O) ...> ENABLED (You might have to disable this then enable it for it to see your connection) - RETURN
- Scroll up to UMD SELECT - Enter (X-O)
- Once this has been done correctly. You shouldn't have to go through all the settings again. Accept for maybe the USB enable and disable
- Select your game - Enter(X-O)
- Scroll up to START - Enter(X-O)
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Via PSP-Hacks
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December 1st, 2006, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
The PlayStation 3 is just about to fill the combat racing game hole in its 2006 lineup. Sega has announced that Full Auto 2: Battlelines has gone gold and will ship to stores on December 7. The game was developed by Pseudo Interactive, who also created Battlelines' predecessor, Full Auto for the Xbox 360.
Battlelines features more than two dozen cars, each outfitted with firepower from a roster of 20 weapons. The backdrops of fictional Meridian City are fully destructible, meaning on one pass a turn may be clear and an another lap it could be littered with rubble. Full Auto 2 also features an "unwreck" feature, allowing gamers to rewind short periods of time.
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December 1st, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster
Via gizmodo
As if asking upwards of a couple thousand bucks for your PS3 wasn't enough, a jackass wants all of $5,000,000 for his PlayStation 3. He whines:
This auction is being listed to help raise money for me to pay my medical school tuition. I waited on line at Wal-mart for over 57 hours. I was even there a whole day before anyone else arrived. I was first in line and when all the PS3's were finally released to the public, I bought everything they had available and therefore, THIS IS THE ULTIMATE PS3 AUCTION! I haven't seen a bigger PS3 auction on eBay yet!
Unfortunately for him, eBay's taken down his auction. Unfortunately for everyone else, he'll no doubt scam enough money to pay for his education, after which he'll become your local doctor.
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December 1st, 2006, 23:44 Posted By: blackrave
New, exciting trailer for the upcoming Final Fantasy: Crisis Core out.
You can watch it here and read the English translation here
Awesome trailer, looking very much forward to the release of this game, at least the demo which should come out this month.
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December 1st, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
A radio station in Minneapolis held on on-air joke promotion this past Wednesday, offering parents a chance to give away their babies for an overnight in exchange for a PS3 system. 101.3FM's Dave in the Morning show found their phone lines flooded with folks seriously willing to make the trade.
I think the station should have agreed to make the trades and then had child services waiting when the parents showed up. I cannot believe people could possibly be that stupid and careless, to try and trade their own flesh and blood for a $600 video game console while on the air with a major radio station. The blackmarket is there for a reason, people.
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December 2nd, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game released:

The popular Korean rhythm action game Pump It Up EXCEED is finally available on PSP™. Now everyone can play "Pump It Up Exceed Portable!" at home, work, and school. The game has an assortment of 94 songs, including K-Pop, Banya, and Pop tracks. Also, the 'Survival Mode' will make you more excited. Whenever you end a song or clear, you can appreciate an image and music in the 'Music Video' part. Pump It Up Exceed Portable is faster than your eyes and your thinking.
How to Play?
Push the direction indicator button to the music
When a direction indicator reaches the sequence zone, the player has to press the applicable button
When the direction indicator reaches the target zone, the gauge indicator goes up. Once the player pushes the button twice, he can attain a perfect mark, which is called a "COMBO"
When the player makes a mistake, the gauge indicator will go down and eventually the game will be over.
Game Modes
Arcade Mode
This mode is the same as the game console system. The player has 3 stages to complete and once finished, you have the opportunity to unlock a bonus stage. After entirely completing the game, you will receive 16 codes and even receive an internet ranking.
Home Mode
You can play the game without any limits. When you fail the game, you may simply retry again.
Sudden Death Mode
Whenever you receive a "Miss", the game is over. No limits. You can play again and again.
Survival Mode
You can play the game as long until the life bar is empty. You will be able to see both music and videos within this mode.
More info / Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pfi.html
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December 2nd, 2006, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Game released for the PSP:

Unique head-to-head racing experience!
Custom built for the PSP! Sonic-style 2D gameplay in 3D environments maximizes the technical strengths of the PSP.
Four characters and four unique storylines allow for a different game experience every time you play.
Change your character's looks utilizing the card-reward collecting systems.
Trading cards can be exchanged with friends via WiFi connectivity.
What starts as a friendly competition between Sonic and Knuckles quickly gets intense as other rivals jump in to take on Sonic. In heated head-to-head races, Sonic and his opponent trip, shove, and vault over each other using boost moves and power ups while hurtling toward the finish line at breakneck speeds. Players will negotiate wildly twisting 3D tracks and narrowly avoid hazardous traps while watching out for the insidious Dr. Eggman and his myriad of contraptions. Whether playing alone or against a friend, it's always a two-player experience with new, innovative gameplay mechanics supporting the high-spirited race!
More Info / buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1iw5.html
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December 2nd, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
Via Team Xecuter
We've been playing with a PS3. Didn't take long to come up with a useful product - codenamed the HYPERDRIVE.
* Connect any 3.5" SATA Hard Drive to the PS3
* Developing ability to connect IDE hard drive
* Supports upto 750GB (maybe more thats all we have here)
* Switch between external HYPERDRIVE and internal 2.5" HDD
* HYPERDRIVE USB2.0 Support to dump data to/from HDD
When you connect the system announces the drive requires formatting etc and then promptly begins to prep it. All system settings are unchanged so they are stored internally to the PS3 and not on the HDD.
We can assure you that larger hard drives will be essential in the near future. After speaking to colleagues from the Playstation Scene, booting games from HDD is possible and not far off. As the games are blu-ray (17gb+ dumps available) then the larger HDD the better, and you wont get very large and cheap 2.5" drives, however 250GB 3.5" drives are close to $60 these days.
We may release a simple adapter first so you can hook up with ease right now rather than wait for release of the HYPERDRIVE, that won't take too long at all to release.
Product pics / more info soon.
Here's some crappy pics showing our first attempts at 3.5" hook ups. Drive in this pics was 150GB - note how much OS space is taken up !!
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December 2nd, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
A top law firm has told MCV that any profits made from importing PS3s could prove insignificant compared to the huge legal costs if Sony were to throw the book at unscrupulous importers.
Mitra Pahlabod of Davenport Lyons has warned that without a legal leg to stand on, anyone selling US or Japanese PS3s over here is taking a huge risk in defying the might of Sony.
“As far as importers of PS3s are concerned, they should bear in mind that any profit they may make from importing the consoles into Europe without Sony’s consent this Christmas may well be short lived,” Pahlabod stated. “They run the real risk of defending lengthy and costly trademark infringement proceedings.”
She adds that anyone trying their luck won’t have any excuse as far as the law is concerned – and Sony should keep a close eye on importers. “It is up to the grey importer to prove that consent to resell the goods in Europe has been given by the trademark owner,” she said.
“Brand owners should be aware of their rights with regard to grey importing, monitor closely the sale of their goods and where possible ensure that their trademark registrations are kept fully up to date.”
Sony maintains that gamers should wait for the official European launch in March, but that hasn't stopped some unscrupulous traders from taking full advantage of the huge demand for Sony's next generation console. The platform holder recently got in touch with Trading Standards when it discovered a company named Mastercash ran a poster campaign promsing PS3s before Christmas, and told MCV:
"SCEE has been made aware of this promotion, and we are investigating it further. We have forwarded the details onto Trading Standards."
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December 2nd, 2006, 02:40 Posted By: wraggster
As soon as we installed Linux on our office PS3, it was clear that trouble would be brewing quickly. We began taking bets on how soon someone would hack the PS3. While we haven't heard of anyone truly cracking the PS3 software yet, thanks to Linux, Blu-Ray movies are now being ripped onto the PS3 hard drive.
Multiple sites, including PVRWire, are reporting on gamers illegally copying movies to the PS3 hard drive. Once the large file is on the hard drive, it's possible that someone could figure out a way to burn them.
It only took a few days, but already the Linux PS3 has enabled piracy. As the months continue, users are certain to find other ways to exploit Sony's new console. The fault lies with those committing the crime as the majority of those who download Terra Soft's Yellow Dog Linux v5.0 are likely doing so legitimately.
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December 2nd, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
We told you IGN was going to make their Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops coverage a week-long event. However, some of you may have forgotten. Here are a few highlights from the week so far:
As you may already know, the story begins with Snake thrown into a South American jail six years after the events of Snake Eater. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia abandoned many of its soldiers, leaving one military commander named Gene very sour. He plans on sabotaging the negotiations between Russia and the US by using nuclear technology stolen from both countries. Obviously, Snake will be in the middle of all of this.
The character-generation system uses data from both the access point and PSP system information.
You'll want to rotate characters in your party, as they'll suffer from exhaustion, and in the worst case scenario, fall unconscious during a mission. Let them heal their wounds.
There's a lot to manage: "During your mission briefings, you'll be overseeing seven separate units for your army: Sneaking, Spy, Technical, Medical, Independent, Rookies and Prisoners."
You can enter a unique Sleep mode which will transfer character data to any nearby PSP that's also in Portable Ops sleep mode.
There's a mode called "Cyber-Survival," which is turn-based and similar to the Metal Gear Acid series.
"Real Combat" is high stakes: if a character dies in multiplayer, they're dead in singleplayer as well. For obvious reasons, Snake can't partake in this mode.
Is this too much info for you? Well, don't forget that these are just highlights.
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December 2nd, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: gunntims0103
new Mod via vettacossX
ok for those who checked the thread in the past day you may have had a chance to test the initial TESTvs release ...Well its been about one day in
(6 and 1 half hours modding) and ive managed to get together another UPDATE i feel is worth posting.
fixed green master chef head
added red 3d Halo model
polished and smoothed existing changes
This is a exclusive i ask that no site host this download
Download here
thank you
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December 2nd, 2006, 03:00 Posted By: wraggster
Finally some major news for the PSP, on Dec 7th we see the arrival of the GPS Receiver for the PSP.

The price is US$ 59.90 (~30.70 GBP) but as usual Play Asia dont ship to Europe but as soon as SuccessHK post the receiver i shall post news.
Dont know anymore details at the moment, so next week will be interesting 
More Info / Preorder here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mij.html
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December 2nd, 2006, 10:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via slashdot
An anonymous reader sent a link suggesting we might enjoy High Def Digest's next-gen console media comparison. They take a look at the PlayStation 3's Blu-ray playback capabilities, and compare it to the performance of the Xbox 360's HD DVD add-on. The article offers a number of technical details for the movie, audio, and gaming buff. As you might expect, given the companies involved, both products basically perform their functions very well. From the article:
"That doesn't mean both aren't without their drawbacks. The Xbox 360 add-on suffers from a lack of HDMI and analog outputs, though it still delivers excellent results despite those limitations. The PS3, meanwhile, also lacks analog outs, but it does have HDMI 1.3 support and can decode Dolby TrueHD. The lack of 1080 upconversion of 720p sources on the PS3 is a huge issue, though, so unless you have a 1080p-capable HDTV, you may suffer buyer's remorse."
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December 2nd, 2006, 10:59 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows the result of a slick dual-analog mod for the PSP. Well, sort of ...
We can't tell if the right analog-style stick is inputing variable speeds, or if it's just mirroring the digital face buttons. (We're leaning towards digital input through the analog-type stick.) Still, it's a cool hack, and your right thumb won't be jealous of the already-mentioned left-stick hack.
Video Here -->
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:00 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
thatgamecompany's expansion of flOw onto PlayStation 3 has finally been targeted for release on December 19*. Coinciding with this announcement is word of a three-game deal signed between Sony and the former USC Interactive Media Division students who founded thatgamecompany. Details about the two additional games have not been provided, but Sony has reserved a space for the team at its Santa Monica base.
"This is a watershed moment in the history of the school," recognized USC Dean Elizabeth M. Daley, "It builds on our tradition of expanding relationships with the professional community, and opens the door for our students and graduates to showcase their creative talents in an incredibly dynamic market." Guess the gang is sorta like the Bushes and Leinharts of the Interactive Media Division. Go Trojans!
*flOw will be offered as a premium downloadable title on the PlayStation Store.
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:05 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Square Enix's closed-door TGS trailer for Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core has finally surfaced. For the bulk of this five-minute demonstration, a handful of manicured men (and one woman) ham it up in a whirlwind of staged emotional drama. Are we supposed to want to play a soap opera? (Don't answer that.)
There are some brief moments of relief, glimpses into the game's active battle system, which suggest commonalities with Final Fantasy XII. There's no denying that Crisis Core appears extraordinarily capable; a bittersweet detail. That is, efforts like Crisis Core really highlight the lack of solid support for PSP. Alas, Square Enix's prequel has been a long time coming -- and, for those of us outside of Japan, the wait isn't getting any shorter.
Video here -> http://www.youtube.com/v/QeHusU3Msxk
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
The US Version of Call of Duty 3 for the PS3 has been released, heres the details:

The follow-up to the #1 next-generation game, Call of Duty® 3 delivers the intensity of being closer than ever to the fury of combat during the Normandy Breakout, the historic campaign that made the liberation of Paris possible and brought the Allies a step closer to Berlin. Through a seamless narrative that delivers the rush of unrelenting battle and breathtaking action, players assume the roles of four ordinary Allied soldiers—American, British, Canadian and Polish—and are thrust onto an authentic, living battlefield for an unprecedented variety of combat, with advanced high-definition graphics, detailed character animations and explosive on-screen action, delivering the most immersive and cinematically intense war experience ever.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppe.html
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial Game released for the PSP

Find and collect Shen Wong Gu while progressing thru an environment filled with hazards, enemies, and collectables
Compete in "Showdowns" that transport your warriors and test your martial arts skills
Battle epic bosses in winner-take all arena style combat
Six playable characters with mystical kung-fu powers
Fast-paced multiplayer cooperative action
Lead a kung fu monk and his three martial arts warriors on an action packed quest to search and protect the Shen Gong Wu!
Omi, a Kung Fu monk leads three young dragons-in-training on their globetrotting adventures to search and protect the Shen Gong Wu, mystical power objects that gives its possessor super powers, from a band of villains led by Evil Boy Genius Jack Spicer, his army of robots and an ancient witch Wuya. They fight for the Shen Gong Wu one showdown at a time, where the universe transforms itself into a mystical, hyper-reality world. Our heroes have to rely on their superb martial arts skills, wits, and the mystical powers of the Shen Gong Wu to fight evil.
Based on the popular WB Kids animated series players control 4 warriors, working closely to together to combine their mystical powers, as they advance on their quest
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ivr.html
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:41 Posted By: wraggster
It's time to dust off those combat boots. Just weeks after EA shipped Medal of Honor: Heroes for the PSP, Ubisoft is readying its own invasion on Sony's handheld with Brothers in Arms: D-Day, scheduled to ship December 5th. It takes place during the Normandy invasion and chronicles the harrowing account of two soldiers, Sergeants Baker and Hartsock. Fans of the original Brothers in Arms PC titles should recognize these names right away.
Sergeant Baker starred in the first game, titled Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 while Sergeant Hartsock appeared in the sequel, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood. The latter improved upon Road to Hill 30 by adding improved enemy AI and enhanced squad tactics. These improvements should carry over to D-Day, the first title in the series to hit the PSP. It takes place during the same time as its PC predecessors, since it focuses on the actual invasion of Normandy and not some other chapter of World War II. Truth be told, the maps and enemy placements will seem strikingly familiar, since developers took pieces of both PC titles and clumped them together to form D-Day.
Except for a few minor details, the maps themselves are identical to those used in Road to Hill 30 and Earned in Blood. That's unquestionably a good thing for those who haven't experience them yet, but real veterans will need a little more. Developers didn't ignore them, thankfully. D-Day also includes a slew of features and extras exclusive to the PSP. Among these additions are four new maps that have yet to appear anywhere. These go along with the dozen or so maps from older games to form a very respectable set of scenarios. The only real difference is the way developers tweaked them to play better on a portable device. The needs of a mobile gamer differ from those of a stationary one, after all, and it's always nice when game makers recognize that.
Take checkpoints, for starters. D-Day has far more of them than its predecessors. In a realistic combat series like Brothers in Arms, death occurs constantly. Players don't get the benefit of body armor or super powers, so all it takes is a few shots to end the game. The game also has reworked controls to make the action bearable on a handheld. The PSP analog stick handles character movement where the D-Pad handles crouching, weapon selection and reloading. The face buttons take care of grenade tossing (complete with throwing trajectory) and context-sensitive actions, from planting explosives to opening doors. It all seems to work well, for now, but it's unclear whether players can manually change the control scheme to suit personal tastes.
But what really makes the game special, and what fans really loved about the original games, is the level of strategy missing from most World War II shooters. Using what developers call the situation awareness view, players can trigger a birds-eye view of the battlefield at any time by pressing select. It's then possible to cycle between enemy and allied placements, as well as plan flanking maneuvers. It works the same way on PSP as it does on the PC, so there's no real compromise. It's also just as impressive to watch the camera pull back from the action and float high up in the sky.
One of the unrealistic (yet immensely helpful) features in the Brothers in Arms series are suppression gauges. When players begin firing at an enemy, an icon appears above the target's head to indicate their level of suppression. This lets a player know immediately whether they can run to a new point of cover or whether they need to stay put. It's especially helpful on the PSP since the screen is far smaller than a PC monitor and it's harder to see what enemies are doing. In addition to all this, D-Day also includes a separate story-based co-op for two players, as well as a series of multiplayer modes, such as the skirmish mode seen in EA's Medal of Honor: Heroes.
Look for the review of Brothers in Arms: D-Day sometime soon.
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December 2nd, 2006, 11:56 Posted By: wraggster
Right from its announcement, Sony always proclaimed that the PlayStation 3 would be more than a simple gaming console. It had always said the same thing about the PlayStation 2, dubbed a Computer Entertainment System by the company, though this time it's a great deal more serious about it. At the unveiling during its E3 2005 press conference, Sony stated that it would ship Linux pre-installed on the PlayStation 3's hard disc drive. While that (and numerous other things) changed before its release, the system does still support Linux - you just have to install it yourself.
A few months ago, Terra Soft Solutions announced that its Yellow Dog Linux would be the first officially supported flavor of the OS to run on the PS3. Other flavors do in fact work just as well, but Terra Soft is indeed the first company to fully push its support, so that's what we've installed.
It's worth noting that everything in this article, including the images, was created and posted solely from within Yellow Dog on the PS3.
If you haven't used Linux before, it's important to note that this is a power user's operating system. Being an open source OS, it's strengths lie in its flexibility rather than ease of use. While you're able to do almost everything in Linux that you can on a PC or Mac (aside from run platform-specific applications and games, of course), there's quite a bit of a learning curve to get over to fully make use of the system and get it up and running like you'd want it to.
As we're catering to a very wide audience, I'll be taking the newbie approach to this article, focusing on what works out of the box and what doesn't. If additional packages needed to be tracked down, compiled and installed to provide functionality, I intentionally didn't do so. With as numerous as the options are, I could spend days fiddling with these things, and so for time purposes as well as to mirror the assumed involvement of our readers, I'm only reporting on how the OS works after its default installation.
Receiving and Installing
There are three ways to get Yellow Dog Linux v5.0. If you're a paying, Enhanced member of its ydl.net network, you can download it as of this writing. Come December 11th, you'll be able to purchase a DVD package for $49.95. Two weeks later (on Christmas, no less), you'll be able to download the complete OS for free, though you'll need a DVD writer to burn the ISO.
After you have the operating system in your hands and on a disc, there are a couple steps you need to take to get it installed. First, you need to partition your PS3's hard drive using the Format utility in the Cross Media Bar. Oddly enough, you can only set aside 10GB to either the other OS or the PS3 for gaming/video/music purposes. In other words, if you have the 60GB system, you can't do 30/30; you can only do 50/10, though you can choose which OS gets 10GB and which gets the rest. Note that this will erase everything on the drive, including your saves, so you'll want to back them up first.
After formatting the drive, you need to create the installer. Using either a flash drive or a blank recordable disc of some sort, you need to download two files - Sony's bootloader installer and the actual bootloader. The bootloader installer comes from Sony itself and is simply used to start the installation of a third-party bootloader. This bootloader will then let you choose between starting Linux or the GameOS (a.k.a. the Cross Media Bar for playing games). Getting these files copied over and run is a pretty straightforward process that is nicely explained in the Yellow Dog Install Guide.
Once you have the bootloader running, you can start the actual installation process via your disc. The process takes about an hour or so and is relatively painless, though there are a few screens that may seem a bit scary if you don't know they're coming. For example, since the Linux partition won't have been formatted yet, you'll see an error that says that the OS can't read from the disc. It makes it look like you have a bad drive, but it's just a poorly worded message that everyone will see.
Once it's set up, you'll still default to booting to the Cross Media Bar. Heading into the System Settings, you change the default boot OS to OtherOS, which in this case is Yellow Dog. Upon restarting you wind up at a command prompt, and from here you need to either type ydl to start Yellow Dog or boot-game-os to start the regular PS3 interface for playing games and such. You can reboot to the GameOS from inside of Yellow Dog, though it seems that once you head back to that it becomes the default booting OS again, so you'll have to head back into System Settings to switch back to Yellow Dog again and restart. It's not the smoothest thing in the world, but it's reasonably simple once you know what's going on.
Full Article at IGN
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December 2nd, 2006, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
New release of the Elf Launcher:
Heres whats new:
LaunchELF v4.07 (2006.11.30)
-Modified MC attribute handling to ensure compatibility of PS1 gamesaves
-Improved HddManager unmounting, to prevent failure of some partition commands
-Added new "Debug Info" popup to the "MISC" pseudodrive (its use may vary in future)
-Extended FileBrowser from 2 display modes to 3
-Extended FileBrowser from 2 sort modes to 4
-Added 8 new character definitions to "font_uLE.c", for use as 4 double-width characters, representing the 4 D-Pad buttons
-Added a new popup menu to FileBrowser, to control the new display and sort modes. The new popup is opened by the button L1, as it obsoletes the old Title ON/OFF functionality
-Added new LNG definitions to cover all new features
-Modified initialization of uLE to improve compatibility with SwapMagic ELF launching. These changes allow uLE to find its CNF in the same folder as the ELF when launched on mass: by SwapMagic, despite the incorrect path passed in argv[0] ("mass0:\SWAPMAGIC\"). Note that this is NOT the same modification used in earlier betas, which caused other bugs. This method does not involve IOP reset, and should therefore be bug-free. That has been verified both for exploit booting and the 'back to browser' feature of SMS, which were both bugged by the old method.
-Shortened the LNG(Modes) lang.h definition of earlier betas to LNG(Mode)
-Extended HddManager size limit for logical partitions to 128 GB
-Corrected a bug in HddManager sizeSelector tooltips (missed using an LNG definition)
-Modified HddManager sizeSelector to use L2/R2 to step partition size -/+ 10 GB
-Modified tooltips for HddManager sizeSelector to include new features
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December 2nd, 2006, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from the undead:
Ok so once again i was bored so I made this, yes i will get flamed but I care Not.
Now I find this usefull for when you buy a power ball Ticket and you dont know wich numbers to pick you can use this.
Press Triangle to veiw the controlls in the application.
Press L-Trigger to take screenshot one
Press R-Trigger to take screenshot two
To Clear The numbers press Circle
If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please let me know...and yes this is coded in lua(I know it will be looked down apon because of that, but oh well)
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via theundead
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December 2nd, 2006, 15:46 Posted By: blackrave
0okm has released a nifty application which lets you play any GameShare demos (they don't have to be GameShare enabled either) ripped off your UMDs, without the UMD itself on any firmware from 2.50-2.80, inlcuding 2.71 SE-C.
Loaded via tiff.
This is from the readme file:
This program may also can for FW2.50-2.71 :P
1. rip the GemeShare PBP from UMD
2. rename it to EBOOT.PBP and paste on GemeShareLoader Folder
3. start GemeShareLoader
you can change the GemeShareLoader Folder name
but you need to edit the path on loadbinary.tif and main.bin :P
you also can change the image you like
now FW2.80 have most Demo Game to play
More info on 0okm's BlogSpot
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Via 0okm
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December 2nd, 2006, 15:57 Posted By: blackrave
CWCheat has now been updated to work with DevHook 0.50.
Basically, this PRX works trough raw-relative cheat codes like action replay, codebreaker, gameshark, xploder, etc.
Other than this, it has support to other function which are usefull for cheat finder and normal users (like battery, cpu/bus clock, devhook version, ms free/total space information)
- * No more screen flickering and real time update of data in the main menu
- * fixed that graphic glitch appearing when putting out and in the ms
- * cleaned up the menus of useless clear screen and print calls
- * added support for 8bit and 16bit multiadress write
- * string optimizations
- * support to select search intervals in the fixed value and diff search
- * now swap buttons option is saved and loaded
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Via CWCheat homepage.
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December 2nd, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: MonkeyBoy1916
Well, the very guy who helped me (Monkeyboy1916) with my Anime Style, has come around with his own PSP Revolution v0.3 mod, this time its based on some of his favorite songs. That very guy is RomTheStampede, and he did a nice job for his first PSP Rev mod. Here is what Rom had to say:Current Features:- PSP Revolution v0.3
- 16 Rom Songs
- 2 Disney Eurobeat Songs
- 63 Songs from original DDR
- Graphics Customized
People to Thank:- MonkeyBoy1916 (Idea's and help)
- Original Creators of most beats (I did not make most of them)
- Original Creators of backgrounds used
- Original creators of the songs used
- Anyone else im forgetting
Note: This RAR is 173mb, so this is for users with a 256mb Memory Stick or higher, im sorry for the inconvenience.
Download Via Megaupload: DDR PSP MIX VERSION 1 ~By:RomChau~
[Via DeviantPSP]
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December 2nd, 2006, 21:11 Posted By: masonman
This is the socond release of my animation studio coded in lua.
Updates include:
* (guided) menu system
* gradiated progress bars for viewing and saving animations
* found recursive formula for row numbers, so you can have as many frames, rows, and columns as you want
* color indicator (in bottom left corner)
* bugfixes
* COPY and PASTE functions 
to install:
unzip contents into the "applications" folder of tour luaplayer, execute, and enjoy.
further use:
square-change tool
l/r-change loop delay
select-change color
please leave feedback!
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December 2nd, 2006, 21:56 Posted By: tophead420
Hi everyone with the release of the prx pack a few days ago I decided to put my own pack together with a few extra prxs including my favorite prx the vshex prx heres more details on the pack:
This is just a collection of prxs put together to help people out this pack contains prxs that will work on 2.71 SE-C but they all may not work but most will this pack contains the following prxs
lcscheatdevice.prx cheat in gta
vcscheatdevice.prx same as lcs but this ones for vcs
vshhex.prx (my favorite prx) display battery, change cpu speed to 133,222,266,333 and 29mhz (29 is great for listening to music and saves battery life but make XMB laggy)
oc.prx- overclock the psp
capture.prx take pics of the XMB
irsmp3.prx listen to mp3s with out having to got to music menu
brightnessmod.prx use the forth brightness u would normally need ac adapter plugged in
in oder to get these to work just simply add the path:
I have already given you the path in both text files you simply must add the prx you want to use so you shold see this in the text file ms0:\seplugins\
Prx controls
at the moment some of the prxs I cant remember the controls to but i do know a few
MP3.PRX controls
(when READY is displayed in the bottom left hand corner, press Note+ Left Trigger to start playback)
(The Note button is to the left of select)
Note + Left Trigger = pause/resume playback
Note + Right Trigger = switch playback mode between random and seqeuntial
Note + D-Pad Left = previous song (only in sequential mode)
Note + D-Pad Right = next song
Note + D-Pad Up = Volume up (for the mp3)
Note + D-Pad Down = Volume Down (for the mp3)
Note + Triangle = Change CPU speed
Note + Square = Toggle On Screen Display (default off)
Note + Circle = Reload list of mp3 files (needed if you change the files in the music folder using usb)
Note + Cross = Change brightness level
VSHEX.PRX controls
Press HOME + SELECT in the XMB to change the CPU and GPU speeds, steps are 133/66, 222/111, 266/133, and 333/166
Press HOME + CIRCLE in the XMB to change the CPU speed to 30MHz and the GPU to 50MHz. This makes the XMB become a little laggy but is fine for playing AT3 music or AVC video as this is hardware decoded 
Press HOME + L TRIGGER to execute ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/DEVBOOT.PBP - this is yet ANOTHER way of booting DevHook instantly into 2.71 firmware, but now you can do it after startup DO NOT USE ON SE-C WILL NOT WORK
Press HOME + R TRIGGER to get battery percentage, voltage and temperature information.
Screen\Video Capture Module
Music Button(hold, green wave passes screen) = Take ScreenShot / Stop Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Left Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording "Advanced Video Mode"
SVC Player
D-Pad Left = Previous Video
D-Pad Right = Next Video
X = Play GIF Video
Left Shoulder Button = Previous Skin
Right Shoulder Button = Next Skin
Triangle (when playing) = Toggle Full Screen Mode (on/off)
HOLD Square (when playing) = Pause Video"
Enjoy the pack and if anyone minds giving me the control list for prxs I didn't mention or minds putting them on a post i would greatly appreciate it
And I take no credit what so ever for these prxs for which they were not made by me any credit given should be towards the creators tho I do take credit for putting the pack together tho Im not really worried about getting credit for it I done this to help the psp community (mainly the great DCemu community)
Enjoy =P
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December 2nd, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Via Kotaku
While U.S. cities are pulling Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories ads from their public transportation systems, other countries seem to have no problem with it. In the U.K., where Bully was made to change it's name and Rule of Rose's release was canceled due to media outcry, GTA is apparently A-OK. So ok, in fact, that instead of the regular on bus posters, they have decided to plaster the GTA:VCS ad on to the entire back of a bus.
Ok, kids, just so you know, bullying is wrong! Being mean to other children and torturing them is wrong! But hey, would you mind going over there and jacking that car? Don't forget to kill the driver! Oh, and while your at it, go have sex with that hooker.
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10 points to who guesses what city that Pic is from 
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December 2nd, 2006, 22:39 Posted By: wraggster
Dodswm posted this news/release:
Here's my hex edited devhook for 2.71, Devhook 0.45 and devhook 0.46 (credit to Dark Alex & Booster!)
Note: When installing the firmware onto your mem stick, DO NOT overwrite any of the files from this package, or it will not work.
Just do a normal devhook install, and the devhook folder on the mem stick root is "HD" not "DH".
Just needed to hex edit a few files!
Now i have Devhook 0.5 booting 2.82 from mem stick (DH folder), and devhook for 2.71 booting from flash (HD folder) on my 2.71se-c!
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DCEmu is only interested in the UMD aspects of this release, NO ISO discussion whatever
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December 3rd, 2006, 08:11 Posted By: BlackShark
i Bring you my very first Game,
Pvp Pong or Player vs. Player Pong, it is unfortunetly coded in Lua, cuz learning
C/C++ and setting it up for the psp isn't easy, (niether was Lua, but its alot easier than C/C++)
any way, the game is lacking, as it does not have a menu, nor any AI,(hence PvP)
controls are simple, up, and down controls the left paddle (player 1 ) and triangle and X control the right paddle (player 2), it does have a score system, but it goes on indefinetly. and without further a due.....
PvP Pong! http://blackshark.nukelol.com/PvPPong.zip
PS. there is pic of it attached....and there should be MORE releases, I hope that near the end of my development for this, there will be a version that can play single, AD-hoc, and Infrastructure. so please get back to me on how it is. thank you!
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December 3rd, 2006, 19:01 Posted By: wraggster
Via Crunchgear
I suppose some of us out there have our streams crossed and are as equally addicted to Brain Age as Liberty City Stories. Unfortunately, traveling with multiple portable game systems means traveling with multiple charge cords. Philips Universal Handheld Travel Charger & Adaptor 5-in-1 charger juices up your Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo GBA Micro, and PSP (although I can’t imagine someone would carry more than one of the first four.) Expect this to drop around CES.
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December 3rd, 2006, 19:17 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
You guys guessed it! The new Star Trek game on PSP didn't fare too well at all. The series certainly looks like it's on its dying breath: no new movie, no new television series, and no good games. Let's find out why the critics disliked Bethesda's offering for the franchise:
G4TV (60/100) - "The actual ship controls leave something to be desired... Since weapons need time to charge between each burst, combat is also rather slow-paced-particularly before your officers reach higher ranks. Overall, the action feels too slow for an action game, yet too arcade-like for a real tactical experience."
GameSpot (62/100) - "Star Trek: Tactical Assault is brimming with good ideas that just don't feel fleshed out. It's got a nice strategic concept but doesn't run far enough with it. Even with two lengthy campaigns and skirmish options, it doesn't feel quite complete. The underused license is also a shame because a little Captain Kirk goes a long way. Trekkies will find Tactical Assault worth a look, but there isn't enough Star Trek or strategy to give life to the game's promising concept."
IGN (64/100) - "As far as Trek games go, Tactical Assault beats out many of its predecessors. Sadly, that's not too hard to do. It offers a decent mix of strategy and action, though both halves never gel very well. The option to pilot several vessels in two different campaigns is definitely nice, but the story and missions could have used more variety. Lastly, Tactical Assault looks and sounds the part, though Trek aficionados will still find the game's presentation ho-hum."
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December 3rd, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
David DeAngelo is the author of “Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women”, and has taught thousands of men how to be more successful with women and dating. In this issue of the Double your Dating Mobile Magazine you will find out How to Impress Any Woman…
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December 3rd, 2006, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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December 3rd, 2006, 19:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vaza:
I went into my "LUA/Projects" folder on my computer and this is what i found.
I had forgotten about this a long time ago, so i worked on it for a hour or so, and look what i got!
This was my first LUA Game project, and i haven't changed the GFX or sounds so bear with me!
How to play:
You have to move along the bottom of the screen and shoot at the tingles to pop them. You get 1 point for each Tingle you pop, you lose 1 life if a tingle makes it to the bottom and you gain one life when you gain a level, (10pts, then 30pts, 60pts and so on). The Tingles move down faster, the more points you have.
D-pad Left and Right: Move
X: Shoot
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via vaza
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December 3rd, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: splodger15
PSP Turismo V0.3
Sorry for a long release.
Music has been added thanks to mavsman4457 for the tracks chosen
Fixed the bug were the cars didnt know there x and y postions
Game is a bit harder now.
The game is now in eboot format.
Thank you cools for your mp3 Lua player mod
Map feature to be added
Different music tracks
Fix a bug in the menu
Controls are as the same before:
Directional buttons to move
I would just like to thank gunntims0103 for the menu.
lmtlmt for helping me with the controls on the first release.
Thank you Benh for helping me with the collision
Also sorry for anyone i have missed in the credits just contact me and i
will put you in V0.4
Download the game here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/293zz7
If you find any bugs let me know.
Enjoy the game.
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December 3rd, 2006, 21:46 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Dr Download has released a custom v3.00 firmware for PSP. It seems to be Jamesbdx & Co's work successfully transformed into an installer. Check out all the info
Quote: I present today a version to you beta of Custom Firmware 3.00, I worked above this week end and I succeeded has to arrive at something of step too badly, only the navigator and the menu of Management of the food does not go. The problem comes from space available on the nand of the PSP (the memory flash) Installation: * To copy contained file from your Memory Stick * To copy the DATA.PSAR of firmware 3.00/3.01 with the root of Memory Stick * To launch PSARDUMPER * To launch the install of the 300SE You veiled in 300SE, this is a version beta and some bugs persists: * Navigator off * Management of the food off (not to try to go there the psp goes freezer)
hopefully one of our french members can do some translations
Download removed...
THANKS TO VIDEO FREAK for the translation
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December 4th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: Elven6
Robbery suspect and his dog are gunned down in Wilmington, NC
The PlayStation 3 frenzy took a deadly turn this past Friday when a sheriff's deputy for New Hanover County (NC) shot and killed a man suspected of robbing a UNCW student of two of the consoles. The shooting and the circumstances surrounding it have left many in the area puzzled.
The story began on November 17: the US launch date of the highly anticipated PS3 console. On that day, UNCW student Justin Raines purchased two PS3 consoles from Wal-mart along with a few games. When Raines arrived back at his on-campus apartment, he was attacked with a blunt object by two men and his prized merchandise was stolen.
Officers reviewed surveillance camera footage from the Wal-Mart and investigated several leads given to them. After the invesigation, the decision was made to serve Peyton Strickland and Ryan David Mills with arrest warrants on charges of breaking and entering, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.
When sheriff's deputies arrived at 533 Long Leaf Acres Drive to serve Strickland with an arrest warrant, Strickland was playing a round of Tiger Woods PGA Tour on his recently acquired PS3. The officers knocked on the door; Strickland walked to the door with controller in hand and opened it. "There was a bunch of yelling," said Mike Rhoton, a roommate of Strickland. "Four or five shots went off and they killed him. They pinned me down to the ground and told me not to move anything."
There were three guns found in Strickland’s room, but none were used in the incident. Even more puzzling is the fact that police officers also shot and killed Blaze, Strickland's German shepherd.
The District Attorney's Office along with the UNCW police department and Hanover Country Sherriff’s department are investigating the incident. "I am making this my top priority. No one's above the law. If there's any criminal conduct that can be established, I'm not going to hesitate to treat them as any other defendant," said New Hanover County District Attorney Ben David.
According to the StarNewsOnline, Strickland was the youngest of three children and his father is a high-profile lawyer in the Raleigh-Durham (RDU) area.
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December 4th, 2006, 05:33 Posted By: gunntims0103
new mod via vettacossX
well ive listen to alot of feedback and tried to reflect that onto my new mod update.
so with that i have made the WHOLE set of models whith a full suit.
SPEAKING of models there are now 3 models you will now see a blue model in the game.
also ive added some nice level GFX to the engine to give it a newer feel and texture.
so i give you a gif. with ALL 3 models
and Halo dungeons vs2 ALSO WITH ALL THREE MODELS NOW!
again this is a zionmax exclusive, i ask that no site host this download
download here
download thru link and give feedback via comment
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December 4th, 2006, 08:49 Posted By: BlackShark
im here to release my second version of PvP Pong!
it is much more polished than the first release.
now it comes with a opening title, game splash, (Doom, inside JOKE "D) a menu, with a credits page, and i cleaned up the data and put them in folders, and a SINGLE PLAYER MODE! AI for that is courtesy of GuitarGod1344.
i didn't include different backgrounds, but if you wanna change it, simply put a
480 x 272 png image in the IMAGES folder and name it background. and boom, your own Table!
you can get it here..
this version comes with its own lua eboot, and kxploited, so just put it in your GAME folder, (or GAME150 for us SE's ) and launch.
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December 4th, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: Darksaviour69
David Jaffe the creator of God of War has a drunken interview at a Playboy party. He says some interesting thing like hes waiting for a green light for God of War 3 from sony and he's sorry he "f***ed up" the PSP version.
Don't worry its safe for work 
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December 4th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
According to creator David Jaffe, initial design for the franchise's PS3 debut started on November 10 between him and the director. But that doesn't mean God Of War 3 has got the green light from Sony HQ. Even though Jaffe is "dying to make a new one".
Jaffe said, "That doesn't mean we're in development, it just means I've got my notebook open, I've got a bunch of books in front of me, and I'm starting to think 'what could it be if we actually make it?'"
He added, "No one's come down from Sony exec level and said 'here's your money, here's you team, go make it.' We have a lot of ideas of how we can do a lot of neat things with the controller in every aspect of the game design."
See the full interview (at the Playboy Mansion), over on
via cvg
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December 4th, 2006, 17:04 Posted By: Auri
Well, I finally have them done. My siblings and their friends love them. I'm not sure where else to post this announcement, so sorry if I hit the wrong forum!
The "I Hack My PSP" T-Shirt. Comes only in Black.
Check it out: http://hackingpsp.com/tshirt
Auri Rahimzadeh
Hacking the PSP
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December 4th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
Next-gen mech mashing game Armored Core 4 is out next year for PS3 and Xbox 360 - making it the first AC game to appear on a Microsoft console - and we've uncovered a handful of new screenshots for you.
Following on from Last Raven on PS2, Armored Core 4 will allow gamers to customise their mech in appearance and performance, but this time the choices will be so varied and vast that gamers can create a 100% original mech.
This fourth game in the series will also be the first Armored Core to be fully online allowing up to eight players to get involved with deathmatch challenges or team based battles.
Developer FromSoftware is resetting the storyline in order to allow gamers new to the series to feel more involved. Set some time in the future, six global corporations are battling for resources and land at a time when over-population has ravaged Earth. This conflict is, of course, settled by giant robot warfare.
News and screens at Gamesradar
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December 4th, 2006, 20:05 Posted By: kersplatty
Booster has released a new version of Devhook with support for V3.01 firmware meaning all firmware is now covered by Devhook.
More Info via Translation Thanks Grimm
This is a driver and tool to run new FW versions on a FW 1.50 PSP.
A few known bugs from 0.50 have been fixed, but debugging is still not complete, and thus the software continues to be in a testing phase.
The degree of stability is still unknown. Please test it on your own and refer to different people's test reports.
Known Issues
With the change to the API, previous version's launchers, vshex, etc. do not work.
vshex (the settings display on top of the XMB) occasionally has issues.
When a UMD game is launched from the XMD, the startup screen can sometimes hang.
There are times when you cannot return from a game to the XMB.
V0.50.0000 -> V0.51.0000 Changelog
Loading bugs from the memory stick have been fixed > The web browser and the rest of the XMB
Compatible with FW 3.01
The clock setting bug in FW >=2.80 has been fixed.
There's no need to replace audio.prx in FW >=2.80
It can coexist with DH 0.46
The launcher has been changed, scripting has been improved and it is compatible with mok's fbmprint system and multi language support.
Leaving DEVHOOK from the XMB has been reimplemented (still being worked on)
Regarding the execution of FW 2.82 (3.01,2.80,2.71)
As of ver.0.50.0000, the supported firmware's are only 2.71, 2.82, and 3.00.
1.50's No UMD mode has been removed, however other bits of code haven't yet been confirmed and still remain.
If you have a need for 1.50-2.60, I request that you try them individually and decide on whether and how they run. (translator's note: I could use some help on this sentence, it seems kind of weird...I guess the implication is that old firmware's may still be able to run, but are hit or miss because they aren't actively supported)
There is a slight risk associated with installing files to flash1, but this is highly recommended.
If files are not installed to flash1 on > FW 2.71, there's a risk that random files will be destroyed when certain actions are taken on the XMB. Depending on the crosslinking, unrelated files may be destroyed, so please be prepared for any file to be lost when using it.
You will know if files have been destroyed if you connect to a PC via USB and run checkdisk.
Launcher menu scripting language
The scripting language is currently a fairly half-baked, simple language; I'd like to make it C-like.
Sorry for the slow and piecemeal translation. The todo list is the same as the last release, except that 3.01 is now supported.
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DCEmu is only Interested in the UMD Aspects of this release, No ISO Discussion whatsoever
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December 4th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: wraggster
Some gross looking person on ebay has put his PS3 up for sale for a daft price and worse of all hes naked too. check out the weirdest Ebay auction here
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December 4th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game released today:

Ryu ga Gotoku 2 (aka. Yakuza 2 outside of Japan) is set one year after the original and takes place in Kamurocho, Osaka and other places in Japan. The sequel begins with an assassination which prompts Kazuma to head south. The game's heroine is Kaoru Sayama, a police officer who's known as the Yakuza Hunter. Her purpose in making contact with Kazuma is currently unknown. Kazuma will also meet up with an Osaka rival, Ryuji Koda, known as the Dragon of the Kansai area.
Perhaps the biggest addition to the battle system is the ability to direct your attacks in whatever direction you like. In the original, battles became difficult when you were surrounded by enemies. The sequel lets you select the direction of your next attack, allowing you to finish off an attack in one direction, then begin pounding an opponent behind you.
Sega's Yakuza action adventure Ryu ga Gotoku 2 for PlayStation2™ is in stock today, shipping at US$ 64.90 only. Also make sure to check out the prequel Ryu ga Gotoku (available as budget edition), the Japanese DVD movie release Ryu ga Gotoku - Prologue and last but not least BradyGames' Yakuza Official Strategy Guide.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 5th, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
via gamasutra
Online reports have confirmed that the first selection of downloadable PlayStation One titles have now hit Sony's PlayStation Store, giving PSP players a chance to play portable versions of classic PS1 franchise hits like Crash Bandicoot and Syphon Filter.
The full list of PlayStation titles currently available is Crash Bandicoot, Cool Boarders, Hot Shots Golf 2, Syphon Filter, and Tekken 2. All of the games are being sold at a price of $5.99, and range in size from 157 to 535 megabytes.
As earlier reported, the downloadable PlayStation titles also require the latest version of PSP firmware, 3.01, to play, and PSP owners currently must own a PS3 in order to download and transmit the titles, though Sony promises to have a dedicated PSP version of the PlayStation Store online in the coming months for direct download of the PS1 titles to a memory stick.
Clearly chosen as representative of the classic North American franchises that defined the PlayStation, the initial list is somewhat shorter and notably lacking a few key franchises already available to Japanese users. Japan's initial lineup, for instance, included Capcom's genre-defining Resident Evil: Director's Cut, Sony's 3D platformer Jumping Flash!, Namco puzzler Mr. Driller, and Bandai's cult action title Silent Bomber.
As yet there is no word on how often the PlayStation Store will be supplied with new PS1 titles, or whether Sony will introduce price point variations or continue to stick with $5.99 for all future titles.
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December 5th, 2006, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
via gamasutra
Online reports have confirmed that the first selection of downloadable PlayStation One titles have now hit Sony's PlayStation Store, giving PSP players a chance to play portable versions of classic PS1 franchise hits like Crash Bandicoot and Syphon Filter.
The full list of PlayStation titles currently available is Crash Bandicoot, Cool Boarders, Hot Shots Golf 2, Syphon Filter, and Tekken 2. All of the games are being sold at a price of $5.99, and range in size from 157 to 535 megabytes.
As earlier reported, the downloadable PlayStation titles also require the latest version of PSP firmware, 3.01, to play, and PSP owners currently must own a PS3 in order to download and transmit the titles, though Sony promises to have a dedicated PSP version of the PlayStation Store online in the coming months for direct download of the PS1 titles to a memory stick.
Clearly chosen as representative of the classic North American franchises that defined the PlayStation, the initial list is somewhat shorter and notably lacking a few key franchises already available to Japanese users. Japan's initial lineup, for instance, included Capcom's genre-defining Resident Evil: Director's Cut, Sony's 3D platformer Jumping Flash!, Namco puzzler Mr. Driller, and Bandai's cult action title Silent Bomber.
As yet there is no word on how often the PlayStation Store will be supplied with new PS1 titles, or whether Sony will introduce price point variations or continue to stick with $5.99 for all future titles.
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December 5th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has an interesting "strategy": low supply creates high demand. Ah, the wonders of basic economics concerning luxury goods. In any case, Kaz Hirai recently sat down to an interview and discussed the whole PS3 supply/demand issue, among other things. Let's highlight the big points, shall we?
To compensate for the limited supply, Kaz says that Sony is chartering flights to bring systems to North America faster -- normally, items of PS3 size/weight are sent via boat. Production is ramping up also, but still... chartering flights is way more expensive than boats. Thanks, we guess?
Shipments would like to be weekly to keep up with demand, but that's up to consumers. As for grabbing one off of a retail shelf casually, that's also up to the demand of consumers and Kaz has no idea when the surplus will kick in.
Kaz says that Sony does not favor one retailer over another, so if your pre-order falls through due to unit allocation, it's the store's fault... not Sony's.
No price cut in North America for the 20GB model. Oh well, who wants that one anyway?
The bottleneck in production came from the blue laser diodes, but that's been fixed. Even so, says Kaz, "you do have a ramp-up period. You suddenly can't go from zero one day to 100,000 units the next day."
Support for the PS2 will continue for some time -- unlike other console companies who drop an old console overnight.
Kaz assures us that PS2 and PSOne titles that have compatibility issues will be ironed out with firmware updates. That's the beauty with the PS3!
Overall, it was a good interview. Nothing necessarily groundbreaking was revealed, but it's always nice to be reassured that things are okay, even if they're not. If your dog died, you'd want a hug from your mom and not a silent crying session... or something. The point is, being told nice things is nice. How can you possibly disagree?
via ps3fanboy
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December 5th, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Neogaf
OK, on the playstation store, there's two files you need to download. One is the main "data" file (383MB for syphon filter), the other is the 100Kb License file. Once the license is downloaded it shows up in the new "Certification Manager" on the PSP:
Once the data file is installed, it shows up in the memory stick area just like the free demos:
Upon loading the game, you're greeted with a familiar logo...
And after the requisite credit screens, you get the menu:
Introducing... Gabe Logan!
Pressing the home button brings up a number of options available to the emulator...
... including the COMPLETE game manual:
You also have the option of adjusting the video output to fill the entire screen:
This distorts the image a little bit, but i think its worth it to get the full sized image.
As far as the installation processes. The download went pretty quickly, and it will require the PSP to be plugged in prior to the download. Hopefully this restriction will be removed once the PS3 itself can play the games. It is clear the download is stored on the PS3 HDD, but it does not seem to be accessible from the XMB interface.
After the download is complete, there is an installation process to the PSP, which actually takes WAY too long. Clearly its doing more than just copying the file because 383MB over USB2 should be done in a few minutes. It took at least 10.
Also, the license download is probably going to be confusing for some people. Its not a big deal per se, but it isn't very elegant.
Including the manual was a pleasant surprise.
On the memory card, the game file is in /PSP/GAME/SCUS94240 and the eboot.pbp itself is 387MB, so we're clearly not just getting an ISO here.
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December 5th, 2006, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
Via Neogaf
OK, on the playstation store, there's two files you need to download. One is the main "data" file (383MB for syphon filter), the other is the 100Kb License file. Once the license is downloaded it shows up in the new "Certification Manager" on the PSP:
Once the data file is installed, it shows up in the memory stick area just like the free demos:
Upon loading the game, you're greeted with a familiar logo...
And after the requisite credit screens, you get the menu:
Introducing... Gabe Logan!
Pressing the home button brings up a number of options available to the emulator...
... including the COMPLETE game manual:
You also have the option of adjusting the video output to fill the entire screen:
This distorts the image a little bit, but i think its worth it to get the full sized image.
As far as the installation processes. The download went pretty quickly, and it will require the PSP to be plugged in prior to the download. Hopefully this restriction will be removed once the PS3 itself can play the games. It is clear the download is stored on the PS3 HDD, but it does not seem to be accessible from the XMB interface.
After the download is complete, there is an installation process to the PSP, which actually takes WAY too long. Clearly its doing more than just copying the file because 383MB over USB2 should be done in a few minutes. It took at least 10.
Also, the license download is probably going to be confusing for some people. Its not a big deal per se, but it isn't very elegant.
Including the manual was a pleasant surprise.
On the memory card, the game file is in /PSP/GAME/SCUS94240 and the eboot.pbp itself is 387MB, so we're clearly not just getting an ISO here.
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December 5th, 2006, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
Info from Chubigans
That's right, they're here! Here's a list of what's available right now to download from your PS3 to your PSP:
Crash Bandicoot (478mb, $5.99)
Tekken 2 (535mb, $5.99)
Hot Shots Golf 2 (157mb, $5.99)
Cool Boarders (283mb, $5.99)
Syphon Filter (385mb, $5.99)
How it works
Upon purchasing a game, you must connect your PSP to download the file (it does not save onto the PS3 hard drive). There are two files: the game (the huge file) and the license (100kb).
The download doesnt take all that long...its the install process that kills ya. It was nearly twenty minutes before the install process was done. Thankfully the license took about five seconds to download and install, so no problems there (the game does not run without a license, giving a "you must activate the system" error).
You know that Certificate Utility icon new in 3.00? This is where the license is kept, with "Crash Bandicoot- No Time Limit" displayed underneath (bringing up Information allows you to see when it expires and how many hours are left...both "never" in this case). Perhaps there will be a way to rent games later in the future? (By the way, you cannot back up these games on the PS3 as far as I can tell...you can, however, back them up on a PC and swap them out if you lack space on your memory stick).
When you boot up a PS1 game, it gives you all kinds of warnings...much like Nintendo does at the start of the DS Lite. Gah! Once you load the game you can press Home and a new screen pops up...from here, you can select the screen size, select four different types of control emulation methods (all of which are pretty interesting, with the analog stick functioning as L2 and R2) and you can even view box art and the original instructions included with the game, in it's full black and white glory (complete with the usual warning pages and notes pages...hah!)
Saving looks to be done internally via a virtual memory card...I havent been able to save yet, but the load doesnt bring up the standard overlay that the PSP usually uses. Unfortunately you cant save your state anywhere like an emulator can...too bad, because it would have been nearly perfect.
Another odd note, and Im not sure if its just with Crash, is that the game doesnt take up the whole screen even when using Full Screen...there are small black bars on the top and bottom. Could be just the game, not sure.
Here are the four configs for controls (universal for every game):
Face Buttons are all the same.
TYPE ONE: Analog stick left and right is L2 & R2, L and R emulate L1 and R1 obviously.
TYPE TWO: L and R on the PSP simulate L2 and R2, with the analog stick left and right emulating L1 and R1. Pressing the stick upwards is L1+R1.
TYPE THREE: L and R = L1 and R1; Analog Stick Up + L=L2, Analog Stick Up + R=R2, Analog Stick Down= L2 + R2
TYPE FOUR: Analog stick emulates digital pad, with the digital pad on the PSP emulating like the analog stick does in Type Two. Hope that makes sense.
So there you go. Ill have more info later in the week but thats the gist of it...and the games look great on the system. More impressions to come!
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December 5th, 2006, 03:08 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
The French site, Play France (O, RLY?), seems to have the very first images of the upcoming PSP port of The Warriors, Rockstar Leeds' follow-up to the first two GTA Stories games. These renders are at a much higher resolution than actual gameplay footage, meaning it'll look sharper than what will appear on your PSP. Regardless, considering the team's penchant for technical superiority, there should be little doubt that the game will look quite good on the PSP when it ships next year.
Screens Here
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December 5th, 2006, 03:09 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Tales of the World isn't the only Tales game heading to Japan. Bandai-Namco is adding yet another excellent Tales game to the PSP library, which continues to expand, much to the anguish of American PSP owners. Jeux France has tons of new screenshots of Tales of Destiny 2, a port of the popular PlayStation 2 RPG. Unlike Tales of the World, this game features some old school 2D graphics. However, with large, eye-catching sprites, and some cool battle animations, ToD 2 will most likely look quite stunning on the portable screen. Expect it to hit Japan in 2007, and potentially never come out in the US. Boo.
Screens Here
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December 5th, 2006, 03:14 Posted By: wraggster
She may be the most hyped female star of our time, but what really differentiates this 31-year-old mother of three is her authenticity. From her tireless generosity to her award-winning work to her stunning looks, Angelina Jolie completes a package of mind, body, and spirit that will make her legendary for generations. We wish there were more like her, and celebrate the fact that there never will be.
Download at Perooz
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December 5th, 2006, 07:42 Posted By: kando
Enjoy all, please read the readme attached, as well as quoted below. (edited by the cap'n to take up less space and to stress some important notes.)
TEAM FWi Presents: 3.01 FWi
FWi (FirmWare investigators) Members: (LordSturm - kando - birdman - JamesBDX)
This installation is HIGHLY recommended to be installed on a FRESH installation of Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE-C (http://dax.lan.st) - The installation will not execute twice, as a countermeasure to this.
IMPORTANT: This installer will most likely "brick" if you have any custom PRX's FLASHED to your psp. So make sure to remove them first.
ALSO this installer will delete the contents of vsh.txt and game.txt in ms0:/SEPLUGINS/
we HIGHLY recommend removing all contents of ms0:/SEPLUGINS/ prior to installing to avoid bricking.
Known Issues/Bugs:
- If you have any hex-modified files, or prx plugins FLASHED, you may very well brick.
We HIGHLY recommend re-installing SE-C before attempting this.
- ONLY THE FIRST TIME when you go to system settings you will get a BSoD.
- Power Settings freezes PSP
- If a BSoD occurs, when entering language and time zone, after time zone is selected, psp freezes...just hard-restart and itll fix itself.
- DNAS functions dont work properly (enabling WMA/Flash)
- Some Homebrew wont run (homebrew is corrupt) but THERE IS A FIX FOR ALL (see bottom of readme.txt)
- Under System Settings, the firmware version displays 2.71 SE-C.
- The arrow keys that appear while reading agreements, as well as the arrow next to your text in the On Screen Keyboard, do not display properly. Some other symbols may not show properly either. These have no real effect on the psp as long as you know which button means ok and which means cancel.
- Online Manuals
- PS1 Emulation
- PS3 Remote Play
Intentionally REMOVED:
- Location Free TV
- RSS ( Support was broken. )
- Web Browser ( Removed to save space. )
- Animated Gameboot ( gameboot.pmf ) [will get a plain white gameboot] to load gameboot.pmf from ms0:/ instead of flash0:/ to fix.)
- Camera
- 1.00/1.50 eboots ( Make sure to apply the fix that can be found below. )
- 2.xx/2.71 eboots ( Remember theres no such thing as 3.xx eboots YET! )
- ISO/CSO loading from XMB (no-umd as well)
- MP3 Visualizer
- Video Player
- Photo Viewer
- System Settings ( Power Save menu cannot be accessed, also causes first time run problems. )
- UMD Auto-Start Setting
- USB Connection ( Mass Storage )
- WiFi ( in game, as there is nowhere else to use it. )
- Anything that has yet to be mentioned.
IMPORTANT: This installer will most likely "brick" if you have any custom PRX's FLASHED to your psp. So make sure to remove them first.
ALSO this installer will delete the contents of vsh.txt and game.txt in ms0:/SEPLUGINS/ so if you have any custom prx plugins you were using, manually add them in yourself and edit the files as necessary. This is in order to enable 2.xx and 1.xx homebrew, as well as iso/cso support.
1) Extract contents of this zip file to the root of your memory stick. you should have:
(if your 1.50 kernel is set to /GAME/ then move /PSP/GAME150/301_SE/ to /PSP/GAME/301_SE/)
2) Dump 3.01 firmware (grab official eboot.pbp, extract data.psar and run the psar decrypter that was released.)
---THIS DUMP MUST BE ~~D E C R Y P T E D~~ (use square in psardumper)---
3) place the dump into ms0:/301/ so it looks like:
4) Run the installer and enjoy!!
To Return to 2.71 SE-C simply re-install DAX's firmware at http://dax.lan.st
To make homebrew work that doesnt work:
use PBPUnpacker to unpack the SFO of a homebrew that DOES work (IRShell 2.71 edition, CPS1PSP, LUA-Pacman, etc.), and simply extract the contents of the homebrew that doesnt work, replace the sfo with the one from the working homebrew, and repack it.
This is confirmed working on IRShell, as well as DevHook .51.
A streamlined patcher is in the works.
.Original Concept by LordSturm & kando
.Installer coded by LordSturm w/ original template by Train2335
.Beta Installer test installations by kando (only 2 bricks!) <-- Recovery Helps. :P
.Testing, flashing, unflashing, reflashing, etc. done by kando & JamesBDX
.Firmware debugging, emulation efforts, and firmware modifying by birdman
.Original working hybrid firmware concept & installation instructions by JamesBDX
..Readme written by kando ( Some post production modifications by LordSturm )
~~Team FWi would like to give special thanks to:
-Dark_Alex for making the most flexable and amazing firmware ever, we love you!
-Booster for making Devhook, your skills are uber beyond any of us 
-Fanjita, Ditlew, and the rest of team N00bz for all of their efforts and strives in the greatness of homebrew!
-Mathieulh, x3sphere and FreePlay for all of their accurate information, as well as help developing this.
harleyg for being a jerk - <harleyg> FWI = ****ING NOOBLET <harleyg> well <harleyg> your team sucks <harleyg> so im not bothered
-NOPx86, Train2335 and TheBuzzer for all of their help.
-NukeWire for the html space! http://fwi.psp-tuts.net
-brentp for offering space as well, and providing a personal space.
-FoG for being a brave beta tester, and confirming wifi works in-game.
-Everyone in #psp on irc.lan.st!!
LordSturm's shoutouts: ColdBird, Art, cyanide, Crab, x3sphere, Mathieulh, ahman, AnonymousTipster and DANZEL! ( I would add the whole FWi Team again, but thats pointless... ) oh and everyone below...
-kando's shoutouts: PSPDemon, ColdBird, Art, Jordan, MikeDX, Zion, M!ckey (batman), Destroyer, DarkStone, Daelan, spectroplasm, cyanide, my MOM and DAD for supporting me, and anyone else i missed, sorry! 
-Birdman thanks all of the above, along with those who reported problems in his devhook versions, shoutout to Terdinglage, cyanide, Darkstone, and all of team FWi!
-JamesBDX shouts out to chossy, jas0nuk, PSPFiler for not killing my psp...also my mum!
As usual, no iso discussion on DCemu.
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December 5th, 2006, 08:21 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
RaiderX has shared a method of getting custom backgrounds on 3.01 firmware. He also included an automated background for 3.01 fix program.
Here is his original release post:
Not too big of a hack, but a hack nonetheless.
If you're like me, you'll want to customize every last bit of all your firmwares (flash, devhook, etc) Well, you've probably stumbled across the 01-12.bmp and tried editing to find that not all the images loaded. Well, I took a bit of time and figured out that Sony simply merged all the images into one file. You cna do this just the same way by simply opening up a new file in a hex editor, then opening each image you want to use in the hex editor and copying the code and pasting them right after the last one in the order you want them. Its very simple stuff. Heres my BG set I made, try it out if you want:
replace that with ms0:\dh\301\f0\vsh\resource\01-12.bmp
So theres an easy way and a hard way, well actually, there's an easy way, and an even easier way.
[The Red Pill]
To Do it manually:
- Download a hex editor, there's plenty of free ones out there for every operating system.
- Open a new file in the hex editor
- Open the images you want to use (01.bmp 02.bmp 03.bmp 04.bmp 05.bmp 06.bmp 07.bmp 08.bmp 09.bmp 10.bmp 11.bmp 12.bmp)
- Select the entire code for 01.bmp (Ctrl + A in windows should select all)
- Copy it and paste it into the new blank file
- Now you can close 01.bmp and go to 02.bmp
- Copy all the code for 02.bmp and paste all tis code right after the code you pasted for 01.bmp, dont put any space or anything between them, jus thte image right after the last one.
- Repeat the steps for all the images and save as "01-12.bmp"
- Check the file size should be 72.3kb (74,112bytes)
- Copy it to ms0:\dh\301\f0\vsh\resource\01-12.bmp and overwrite the old one
- Load devhook and see if it worked
- Enjoy!
[The Blue Pill]
I've made a little BATCH file for windows users to use and it'll easily merge the images for you.
Instructions for the Merger:
- Place the BMP Merger.bat in the same folder as the 01.bmp 02.bmp 03.bmp 04.bmp 05.bmp 06.bmp 07.bmp 08.bmp 09.bmp 10.bmp 11.bmp and 12.bmp
- Run BMP Merger.bat
- You will now have a 01-12.bmp, put it in ms0:\dh\301\f0\vsh\resource\01-12.bmp and overwright the old one
Last edited by RaiderX (Yesterday 22:32:54)
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December 5th, 2006, 16:54 Posted By: wraggster
We used to love those old Fighting Fantasy choose your own adventure books. And like everyone else, we always cheating by keeping our fingers on the previous page we were on before seeing if we were about to fall to our deaths or get eaten by a giant scorpion.
Ian Livingstone said, "Fighting Fantasy built up a huge, worldwide fan base over the years (I was one - Ed!). We believe that players will really enjoy the adventures in a new way on DS and PSP. Fighting Fantasy's interactive structure is ideal for bite-sized chunks of gameplay which is important for these devices."
Co-creator Steve Jackson added, "We're convinced that innovative handheld versions will challenge and entertain a whole new generation of gamers - as well as existing fans - and will form the basis of a new portable gaming franchise."
The right development and publishing partners are currently being searched out. More soon.
For the record we loved Scorpion Swamp!
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December 5th, 2006, 16:59 Posted By: wraggster
Wii is a core gaming device while PS3 is a broader entertainment solution says Sony
14 CommentsSony's general manager for Australia and New Zealand has had enough of the negative PS3 press: "The Wii-type functionality is more just a sub-element of what the PlayStation 3 offers," he told the Sydney Morning Herald.
"Wii is a core gaming device. It's a more fun, intuitive sort of product to pick up, where the PS3 is a broader entertainment solution; so you can have your fun, enjoyable gaming ... but then you have a whole suite of other applications ... such as Blu-ray media playback, the ability to access your music, access your photos and the interoperability with the PSP", he added.
Wii launches across Europe this Friday.
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December 5th, 2006, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking to smarthouse.com.au Paul Holman, vice president of technology at SCEE said that recent talk of Sony moving focus from hardware to software following recent changes in its board room "is a bit far fetched". He said, "To say that there will be no PS4 because of a management change is a bit far fetched."
The smarthouse story ran with the headline PS4 in 2010, but we can't see that happening at all, the console won't even go on sale in Europe until 2007 and Sony has already said that PS3's life cycle could last up to ten years - not that we can see that happening either...
Speaking of PlayStation Store, Holman added, "The site will have movie trailers, 1080p Blue Ray movies and game clips as well as full movie and game titles for direct purchase by a consumer. We believe that this will appeal to PS3 users while also allowing new developers to market their developments to the PS3 user."
Holman also said that he expects 20 new PS3 games to be available from the European launch next March.
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December 5th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamespot
Department store and online retailer Littlewoods has started taking preorders for Sony's PlayStation 3 console on its Web site. Customers can choose from a variety of bundles, all for the 60GB PlayStation 3, starting at £549 (approx. $1,086) for a PS3 and the Motorstorm game.
Other bundles include a £609 ($1,204) bundle that matches the console and two games--Resistance: Fall of Man and Call of Duty 3. The most expensive bundle is going for £699 ($1,383) and includes four games--Genji: Days of the Blade, Motorstorm, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Tony Hawk's Project 8.
Extra controllers can be bought for £39 ($77). Twelve games are listed, and can be bought for £55 ($108) each. Other game titles include Singstar, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, and Pimp My Ride. The Web site promises delivery "within 17 weeks."
The store is also offering preorders for the Nintendo Wii--due to be released in Europe on December 7--although the delivery time for the consoles could be up to nine weeks.
When asked if it was going to start preorders, a Woolworths rep told GameSpot, "It is too early to take PS3 preorders. It is vitally important to have visibility of stock levels before taking customer orders to avoid disappointing any customers." A spokesperson from Argos said, "All I can tell you is that we will be [offering preorders] in the near future but the date has yet to be finalised." And one retailer who requested anonymity said of the Littlewoods preorders, "Are they mad?"
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December 5th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Sony is planning to release a series of firmware upgrades to make sure PlayStation 3 reaches its full potential, which means there will be no need for a new Sony console until at least 2010.
Paul Holman, vice president of technology for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, claims that PS3's Cell processor has "a heap more processing headroom than was initially anticipated and that this is resulting in the development of new gaming capabilities". He then revealed that Sony will attempt to "harness this power with firmware upgrades and new features".
These new features could include the ability to download third-party operating systems to the console, as Holman has witnessed a PS3 handling a Linux application. While that isn't the most exciting news ever, it's clear that Sony is aware that PS3 has masses of potential and that it will have to work hard to exploit it fully.
Holman also mentioned that a firmware upgrade will be in place for the European launch as well as 20 more PS3 titles than were available at the US launch.
via gamesradar
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December 5th, 2006, 17:11 Posted By: wraggster
After being delayed multiple times, Sony's BDP-S1 Blu-ray is finally available for purchase. They should be in stores now, if not later this week.
Sony's BDP-S1 has 1080p and HDMI outputs, along with the ability to play back just about all Blu-ray format discs out there now. If you're looking to save $400, and can actually find one in stock, a PlayStation 3 can also play back Blu-ray movies in 1080p and has HDMI as well.
Via Gizmodo
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December 5th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
GamePolitics has a roundup of the Portland, Oregon public transportation system removing GTA: Vice City Stories advertisements. They've also linked to The Oregonian's columnist Jerry Boone's editorial about how GTA might cause a small percentage of gamers to go on "stealing, killing and raping binges." At the end Boone says the transit system lost $71,250 removing the ads, but the value of a cop's life is "priceless." Boone is right, a small percentage of gamers might kill cops, because it never happens the other way around. Wonder how much the life of a dead unarmed kid and his bullet filled dog are worth?
On the other coast, the head of Boston's public transportation system told the politicians to go take a long walk off a short Boston pier. The GTA ads are staying up. The outrage in Boston was pretty faux and created by the local tabloid paper The Boston Herald. Maybe The Oregonian made the whole crisis up to sell papers like The Boston Herald did. Sadly, the Portland public transportation directors have no spines and blew over like a house of cards to "media issue of the week" pressure.
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December 5th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Latest series work for PlayStation® 2! Targeted mainly at families with school-going children, with more game content suitable for gamers of various age to play. Game content full of change that only the PlayStation® 2 version will have prepared. Including: “Play Mode”, “Minigames”, “Taiko Battle”, “Adventure Land”, “Taiko Communications” and other modes.
Control Wada Don who takes part in various events like music playing and mini-games to progress towards the final goal in a fictional world shaped like Japan. The average time taken to reach the end is about three hours and though the game has ended, new challenges will still appear, and one can continue to engage in the rich game content.
Up to eight players can play at the same time. It is most suitable for warming things up during gatherings and having fun together.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1lw3.html
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December 5th, 2006, 17:46 Posted By: IamAbe
NEW THREAD: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=45327
Hey all, I'm working on a zelda clone for psp. It's still too early for screenshots but progress is good. Here's the current plans:
-Looks and plays like Zelda: Minish Cap / Zelda: aLttP
-Fully mappable, including graphics, maps, NPCs, enemies, for TC mods. Uses Elder Scrolls like mods, etc.
-A bit more RPG-ish than current zelda games
I should have something, either a demo or at least screenshots by the holiday. If anyone is interested in helping out with mapping, graphics, or sounds, please PM me.
Any ideas, suggestions, or comments are welcome.
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December 5th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: hanky
Dark Alex posted this news/release:
With devhook 0.45 for 2.71, emulate 1.50 and use psardumper to extract the firmware/s you want (remember that from 2.80 and greater this is specific to each psp so you can't just download a prepared dump).
The rest of the instructions are the same that for 1.50.
Note: it won't work with hen-c because it uses some functions from hen-d.
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December 5th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: blackrave
Die Hard D has updated the Bible Tool portal for firmware users 2.0 and up (2.71 for flash calendar), and 1.50 users, of course, using other ways to make use of a web browser.
v1.0 caused some discussion when it was released, so let's not bring that debate here now.
So, what's new?
There's a new feature called Capture Mode.
Some bug fixes.
That's about it. It's good to have the Holy Bible with you wherever you go, even though it's quite big; 46 MB unpacked.
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Via QJ
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December 5th, 2006, 20:26 Posted By: blackrave
luLy just made a homebrew LUA game named NDS-Killer.
What you do?
You move a Nintendo DS around the screen to make it get hit by objects such as knives to scratch it up and damage it. The more you get hit, the more points you get.
Some objects will fix the NDS, which, of course, you can't allow.
Here are some other features:
- Highscore
- Multiplayer (you need a highscore of 150 to start it)
- No Lua-Player needed
- Options
Now, don't take this game serious, it was made for pure fun, like he says himself:
"It's just [for] fun. I was searching for an enemy that every PSP-owner knows...and then I thought: what about NDS?"
Have fun crushing NDS. 
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December 5th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: TCLCloud
Via PSP117
Hello all, new version of Portal 117, and its worth getting....its had a cleanup since its last version, and its been improved even more.....
The version contains-
95 Games
25 Applications
Flash Cartoons
All demos directly downlaodable
Video Downloads
75+ wallpaper downloads
35+ RSS Channels video and audio
20+ Links on Links Page
Portal 117 Live

1. After Unziping folder place Portal 117 Folder in D:\PSP\COMMON to make D:\PSP\COMMON\Portal 117
2. On your PSP Browser type file:/psp/common/portal117/portal117.htm
3. The main portal page should load up, from here you can select Portal 117 Live, Games, Apps, Videos,Demos, Wallpapers, RSS and Podcasts and Links, i would suggest adding the main page to your bookmarks or setting it as your home page.
Benh at PSP Fanatic and Dcemu
Blackrave @ Dcemu
power7714 at the PSP Demo Center
Wilko and Ollington
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December 5th, 2006, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
News from Be3f:
Did you enjoy My Dark Dungeons mod for Dungeons 0.4?
When Charnold released much improved v6, I decided to contunue my work on this project, so here it is - new Dark Dungeons, v1.6 :-)
What's new in v1.6:
- all new v6 features (3D weapons with flying bullets, invisable triggers, 2 new maps...)
- 4 new retextured levels (2 from Dungeons v6 & 2 built by BlackShark); some old levels were modified; new textures.
- new enemies! I replaced Ranger & Razor with the monsters Klesk & Uriel from Quake 3 :P
- new railgun model... I mean, old railgun model... Well, I replaced that strange railgun model, which I found in the Dungeons, with the original Quake 3 raigun :P
- some new gfx (new rail trail and original Q3 plasma particle)
- new bootpicture added to the EBOOT
Now, the game looks more likely true Dungeons!
My idia is to transformate Dungeons into the best homebrew First Person Shooter for the PSP in the universe :-) So, I'm going to contunue working on this project, when the new great Dungeons update will be released... ;-)
It's simle. Just copy the PSP folder from this archive to the root of your Memory Stick Duo (apply file rewriting). You don't need any previous installation of the Dungeons, or Dark Dungeons on the MS.
If your firmware is 1.50, you have to find the EBOOTs_for_firmware_1.50 folder in this archive and copy DUNGEONS and DUNGEONS% dirs from it into MS_ROOT\PSP\GAME (apply file rewriting).
Have Fun! ;-)
Download at the release thread Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=44879
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December 5th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: tommydanger
I made a automated 3.01 FW Installer for the latest devhook 
All you have to do is to install Devhook, install the Installer and put the 3.01 Update Eboot in the root of your memory stick.
Make sure it's called Eboot.PBP and run the installer.
The installer has several advantages:
First, you don't have to extract the PSAR File anymore, the installer will locate the PSAR file in the update and do the necessary steps for you.
Second, the files will be moved to the dh/301/ folder, so you no longer need to move them by hand 
Third, it creates the F1 folder so you don't get the blue screen of death.
All is done on the memory stick, no flashing is involved.
To finally start 3.01, start Devhook and make sure Firmware is set to 3.01 and reboot.
This installer is based on a modified version of PSAR Dumper by PspPet, Dark_AleX and Team Noobz
proper shout outs to them 
This is totally legal, it doesn't contain any (c) files.
It doesn't work without the 3.01 update (cause it retrieves the (c) fw files from the update )
It currently only works with 3.01 Update.
But I'm working on a version that will support all updates 
Tested on 1.5 by whazilla and me and I got word that it doesn't work on 2.71SE, will have to look at it
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December 5th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
The Sony PlayStation 3 European debut - due to take place in March 2007 - will be accompanied by a major firmware update, a senior Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) Europe executive has revealed.
Alas, SCE Europe VP of Technology Paul Holman, cited by Australian website Smarthouse, didn't say what the update will contain, though he alluded to "new features [and] new gaming capabilities".
Those capabilities look set to enhance the PS3's ability to operate as a media centre system, Holman indicated, and may even include utilities to allow the next-generation console to download alternative operating systems. At least one Linux distribution has already been announced for the console.
Since the PS3 launched in the US and Japan last month, a number of issues have emerged, including incompatibilities with some older PS2 and PSOne games, and problems driving HD TVs that support the 1080i resolution rather than the 720p and 1080p resolutions the PS3 favours. Sony has hinted that fixes for these glitches are in the works, but provided no indication when a patch might be made available
via reghardware
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December 5th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Tfact has released a new Unnoficial Version of Exophases excellent GBA Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new via translation
Because you think, that release it is not possible for a while in the Momotarou electric railway and the correspondence of FF6A, release it does once under present conditions
Modification point
vram bug correction when writing in (from 130 people)
sram size the bug correction of automatic operation and decision
Trouble correction of [kabii] (from 5/104 people)
Replacement of RL channel of sound (thanks 96 person)
Trouble correction of [medarotsutonabi] (thanks 5/104 person)
Simplicity/the [chito] functional addition whose bug is many
Address 0x02000000~ (ewram) with, 0x03000000~ (iwram) it corresponds
Only the rewriting 1byte correspondence
File name is " ROM file name " .cht. Please put in the same place as the ROM file
When ROM file name " rpg.gba " is, “rpg.cht " is
As for format of file
# comment line cord/code name: Address: byte data it is (hexadecimal).
#cheat test test 01:0200123 F: 6F
ON/OFF of search and [chito] of the cord/code is not possible yet.
for eLoader
It corresponds to the division load of ROM above 8MB ROM above 8MB does not correspond to ZIP compression It sets to Clock Speed 300MHz/Bus Speed 150MHz
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December 5th, 2006, 23:41 Posted By: suddene
Great new release from NJ, Neogeo cpsp2psp 2 and 1 HE RELEASED all 3 new versions…. READ THIS:
Don’t know, it's been like a day or so and I cant see any news anywhere on this Release... but I tell you one thing, there is NO LAG WHATSOEVER in any game now, even Marvel vs.Capcom: Clash of the Superheroes, There is no Slow pause AYWHERE, when I change to my 2nd character, it’s Perfect, no slow down, when I do a super duper super there is no slowdown, Am i bull****ting? NOPE. So far, playing ALL the Street fighter, Marvel< Xmen Games have been Perfect. I am talking about FULL screen too, I guess when you think NJ has pushed the possible limits, he does it again, and how was it done? I couldn't tell you in his wording because I unfortunately read Japanese. But, just scanning his release info and trying to understand what’s different I realized what the change is... Strange it wasn't thought of before, it did a miracle all the games... basically he says to take the “gamename_cache.zip” and just extract it in the Cache folder in a directory named the same... so if u had sfa2_cache.zip in the cache folder. Extract it to the cache folder in a folder called "sfa2_cache”, delete the .zip to save space. It increased the cache size when extracting about 3 times, still worth it (most of my 10 Meg cache zips after extracting were about 30megs) and they take a good while extracting on the psp so many files. Anyway, you run the emu, load the game, when it gets to that part loading where it takes a bit to load the cache, it is INSTANT, BAMMM! oh my god, playing CLASH MARVEL everything WEAS PERFECT, as perfect as playing a Real PSP GAME like Street fighter alpha 3 max.. The menu where u choose the characters, SMooth, sound, no lag whatsoever, anyway, just wanted to vent out this 1 day old oversight which I personally should be top news up there with DH 5.1 and DA 271sec... Oh wait, forgot to mention, he also released a new NEOGEO emulator with the same new method... SVC is Friggen PERFECT NOW! (Except the sound )
Anyway, my settings in case anyone needs them, they are default, except raster is off and screen size is MAXed out... disable frameskip, 0 frames…
NJ , Thank YOU!!
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December 6th, 2006, 00:25 Posted By: blackrave
0okm has updated his fancy GameShareLoader to v0.02. This is a TIFF app that will let you run GameSharing demos (probably other demos too) ripped from your UMD, so you can use them without having to switch UMDs and such.
- - v0.02
- add path to Max. 63 char.
- add File size & Error Message
More than 50 GameShare enabled demos are reported to work, and can be used on firmwares 2.50-2.80 (in addition to 2.71 SE-C), depending on which firmware the demos require.
Oh, and 0okm has changed its name from "GemeShareLoader" to "GameShareLoader" in case you didn't notice. The first name was a typo from his side.
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December 6th, 2006, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Are you happy to see me? Or is that just a Snake in your pants? Solid Snake goes portable in a big way. Get ready for the biggest non-shock of the year: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is good. Very good. In fact, it's THE killer app that Sony fans have been waiting for:
1UP (95/100) - "All this translates into a game that essentially pushes the PSP in all of its features: graphics, portability, Internet, extra hardware doohickeys, and multiplayer. Sure, it might have hiccups (occasional ghosting, quirky A.I., the one analog nub), but Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is not only a fine MGS title -- it's also a damn good showcase for the PSP."
IGN (90/100) - "It's been a long time coming, but this is what Metal Gear Solid fans, and indeed PSP fans have been waiting for: a title that demonstrates what the technology of the PSP can actually do, with a solid action title to boot. The GPS and WiFi scanning feature is excellently implemented, the online and single player modes are deep, and there are plenty of things to do by tracking down and recruiting new soldiers from various places. This is one of the games to add to your collection if you have the PSP."
Yahoo (80/100) - "This is one of the PSP's best multiplayer titles, giving you essentially a two-for-one experience. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops isn't a must-have for everyone, but most gamers recruited into its ranks will be satisfied."
The game has shipped to retailers, so expect them in stores today or tomorrow. Rush in to your game store, and tell us what you think about the game!
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December 6th, 2006, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
Snowymydog posted this news/release:
Hi, everybody. After 1 month of development, I'm here to presents my latest work - "Treasure of Pharaoh". This is my second homebrew for psp. I did all the graphics and coding. SFX from flashkit.com
"Treasure of Pharaoh" is a clone of "Lode Runner". For those of you who are too young to knew "Lode Runner". Please visit wikipedia.org. It's a classic game features in Gamespot's "Greatest game of all time".
Half action, half puzzle, 150 challenging levels of platform game. You act as a tomb raider, steals treasure inside a pyramid. Some treasure are located at places that is hard to reach. At the same time, Anubis will try their best to catch you. You do not have any weapon, all you can do is dig a hole to temporarily trap the Anubis. If the hole is refilled before the Anubis escapes. The Anubis will respawns at the
top of the screen at a random position. You must collect all the gems within the level and go to top of the screen to advance to next level. Remember, you're not the only one who collect the gems, the Anubis does too!
D-pad - move the player
Square - dig a hole at left
Circle - dig a hole at right
Start - pause the game
Special command:
Select+triangle - restart current level. Some maps are tricky, you'll have a chance to run into a place that you can't go out. Use this function to restart the current map, however, this will costs you 1life.
Select+R trigger - advance to next level. Costs 1 life.
L trigger - back to previous level. Don't costs life.
Something you might want to know:
1. Hi-Score and Options is not working at the moment.
2. The AI is not same as the original, some map may become impossible to complete. I'm begging you to report, I'll try to fix.
3. When a level is completed, game will be auto saved and you've got an extra life.
4. Some tiles are "fake floor", they look the same as the real ground, but you cannot dig on it. When you stand on it, it will drop to next floor. **THIS IS NOT A BUG**
Please feel free to comment. Enjoy!
Firmware 1.0-2.x: http://www.mediafire.com/?9oy411eyggz
Firmware 1.5:
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via snowymydog
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December 6th, 2006, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from uberone
This is a pretty straight forward program. It just moves a .gta file from your computer hard drive onto the PSP into its correct folder based on which version of the game you have. I hope it helps some people out who are having some slight confusion.
Now go out, steal a car, and start JAMMIN!
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December 6th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: wraggster
Matt Kindt’s on-line Super Spy comics are updated weekly! Each story is self-contained but read as a whole, they fit together to create a larger world. A world that also ties in to Kindt’s critically acclaimed graphic novel 2 Sisters: A Super Spy Graphic Novel from Top Shelf. Check back every week for a new story that is guaranteed to feature spies, pen-guns, cyanide pills and duplicitous shenanigans.
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December 6th, 2006, 08:30 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Damn Sony are getting fast! They have just released v3.02 of their firmware, perhaps the promptness has something to do with the new Devhook release which supports v3.01 emulation? In any case, it has been released and you can discuss this new firmware update which appears on the network update. Rumor has it that Devhook v0.51 is actually compatible with the newly released firmware.Another firmware another exploit ? or is this the one ? place your bets on how long before is deved !!! .:rofl:
Emeriastone has posted a video of firmware v3.02 running on his v1.50 psp
he says
I can confirm that this indeed DOES work -- I have this running on my 1.50 PSP. Make sure when installing that you use the uninstall flash1 files and then reinstall with the new ones.
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December 6th, 2006, 12:34 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Those of you playing Resistance: Fall of Man online in the UK (hi Rob) will be pleased to hear that Insomniac's working on a patch to spruce up a few things.
This from the developer's lead multiplayer programmer Eric Ellis, whose latest blog post offers some insight:
"I can't yet talk about all the things we've changed, but I really think that people will be very pleased to see how responsive this is to some concerns that have come out since we went live," he writes.
"We've addressed a few key balance issues and put a big focus on making it possible to more effectively use a variety of strategic and team-based tactics in the game. I'm very excited to see how people like the change when it releases. That should happen very soon, so stay tuned."
Resistance: Fall of Man is due out alongside the PlayStation 3 in Europe next March, although there's no word on whether that version will be patched up prior to release.
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December 6th, 2006, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
Freshly swiped from EA's screenshot fortress, we've got 29 (count 'em, 29) new Fight Night Round 3 PlayStation 3 screenshots, which is due in shops sometime next year.
As you've probably noticed, EA has moved the action in to first-person for the PlayStation 3 update, which we must say is looking nigh-on stunning on Sony's hardware. Hopefully this should make for a more visceral boxing experience, but we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
News and Screens at CVG
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December 6th, 2006, 18:50 Posted By: wraggster
All we can say is "Oof" at some of these new screenshots from MotorStorm that reveal further motor carnage in PS3's mud-caked racing title. It's got more flying body parts than a human being dropped onto a spinning propeller. And we won't entertain that particular image any longer than we have to...
Anyway, enjoy.
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December 6th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
New details emerging on the PS3 version of From Software's RPG Enchanted Arms are telling us to expect numerous improvements over the already-released Xbox 360 iteration.
According to a report on 1up, improvements include the likes of the game's story benefiting from new episodes, graphics being given a lick of the soup-up brush to bring them more inline with the title's movie sequences and characters receiving a makeover. In addition, the battle system is being tweaked and there's significant work being done with the title's music - and apparently "a large number of new golems will be added".
Enchanted Arms, which has previously been described as one of the first true next-gen RPG adventures, hits PS3 and Japan in January 2007. In the game, you play Atsuma, a young enchanter who is living during a time of war and eventually develops into a kick-ass fighter and magic wielder who'll save the day.
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December 6th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
In the latest Virtua Tennis 3 screenshot serve-up Sega has revealed some of the third instalment's wild and wacky mini-games.
According to Sega, the first game 'Drum Topple' challenges you with scattering a carefully built house of drums around the tennis court within a set time limit, with awards up for grabs for more powerful strokes.
There's no mention of the other two mini-games though; a bizarre looking giant-ball affair complete with various pieces of fruit, and something that looks a bit like tennis bowling. For now, we can only dream what those giant tennis balls are for.
Virtua Tennis 3 is out on PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP in Spring 2007.
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December 6th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
Well whaddaya know. Sony just rolled out a global update for the PS3 this morning, fixing some of the smaller gripes with the console, and completely ignoring the only one we care about. Naturally, most people have been a bit anxious about that 1080i bug, especially since Sony retracted its initial statement about a fix being on the way, so instead of calming our fears with soothing PR statements or, perish the thought, actually fixing the problem, Sony is teasing us all with a re-org of display resolution hierarchy, moving 720p to below 1080i in preferences. Sony also added a BD/DVD image output option, for switching between automatic, RGB and Y Pb/Cb Pr/Cr over HDMI. Slightly less exciting -- but still welcome -- are the additions of a utility to backup your SD cards, compact flash cards and USB memory sticks to the hard drive, and a HDD formatting option, to bring your PS3 back to spankin' new status. All that's great and all, but if Sony doesn't currently have 50 engineers chained to desks in Tokyo, feverishly working out a fix for this bug, we're not inviting Sony to our birthday party. So there!
via engadget
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December 6th, 2006, 19:09 Posted By: wraggster
Given that these days, PS3s are selling on the resale market (e.g., eBay) for somewhere in the neighborhood of $800 or $900, someone in Japan stands to make a hefty profit. Asahi.com reports that on the evening of December 5, 180 units were lifted from the Meitetsu transport company's Ibaraki warehouse in Naka city (northeast of Tokyo), which should yield some serious dough, or whatever the Japanese slang for yen is. While this will only drive up the prices of PS3s in the short term (we hear 180 units is 80% of this week's production run), at least this good ol' fashioned theft was the type where no one gets hurt, or killed.
via engadget
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December 6th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
via gamespot
Koei evidently knows the value of a little romance around Valentine's Day. The publisher today announced that it will release Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI for the PlayStation 2 in North America on February 6, just in time for couples that share a love of strategic warfare sims.
The 11th installment in the series based on a 14th-century novel chronicling a turbulent time in Chinese history, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI brings a graphic overhaul for the series. In addition to using real-time 3D animation for duels and other events in the game, Koei has used a style of art intended to evoke Chinese ink paintings.
Originally released for the PC in Japan back in March, the game was ported to the PS2 with additional scenarios included. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older.
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December 6th, 2006, 20:46 Posted By: SamuraiX
New version of the BeatEm UP Engine for the PSP/DC/DOS/WIN.
There have been quite a few additions in features. But only if you are a modder. However, PSP and DC users will appreciate one of the new features I've implemented and that is....
Sprite Database Management Modders tend to reuse sprites such as walking, running, etc... over and over and instead of allocating space for every sprite I now reuse the original sprite and its ID. So what does this mean to you then gamer....
2MBytes of RAM has been saved on mods like Final Fight Appocolypse 2nd and Battle Toads. However, a huge mod like A Tale Of Vengence we are saving 8MBytes of memory.
Lastly, alot of bug fixes have been done. If you find a bug then please post it at http://www.borgeneration.com/ where you can also find the weekly updates to the engine and all the mods you can handle.
Upgrade to new build as of 12-09-2006 Huge bug was uncovered by NovaKane and is now fixed. For more details look at my direct response to NovaKane.
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December 6th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
NOTE: This release is old, for better working drivers with rumble and bluetooth support, look right here.
The Sony PS3 SIXAXIS controller can be used on a Windows PC but Windows XP and upwards would be best. It works as USB HID device under Windows.
Here's the instructions to make it work:
1. Download and install the filter driver (libusb-win32-filter-bin- (attached zip)
2. Unpack ps3sixaxis_en.exe
3. Plug the SIXAXIS into your PC.
4. Run ps3sixaxis_en.exe once. A command prompt window will appear for a few seconds.
5. When the window closes, press and hold the PS button on the Sixaxis controller for at least 2-3 seconds.
If you want to see if the controller is being detected:
1. Go to Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Game Controllers.
2. Select the Playstation 3 controller and choose Properties. A dialog window will appear.
3. Move both the analog sticks and press the buttons. The cursor and bars will move in the Axis section and the numbers in the Buttons area will light up.
4. If output is displayed, the controller is properly detected and working fine.
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December 6th, 2006, 21:13 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
The PlayStation Network is off to a slow start, but things are going to get a lot more interesting in the near future. According to Japan's Famitsu Weekly, Bandai Namco will be releasing a version of Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection for the download service. A release date and pricing information were not announced.
This version of Tekken 5 is based off the arcade update that powered the recent PSP entry in the series. The PS3 version will feature full 1080p visuals and the playable debut of boss character Jinpachi, who was unplayable in the arcade version. The various modes found in the arcade game, including arcade battle, ghost battle and gallery, will also be updated for the PS3 version.
At the very least, this ought to hold Tekken fanatics over until Bandai Namco is ready to start talking about Tekken 6.
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December 6th, 2006, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
PS3s aren't the only thing ending up on eBay. It appears that someone posted a PSP devkit on eBay . These plain looking gray boxes are used to develop and test PSP games, and in the wrong hands, could possibly compromise PSP security quite swimmingly. The bids got up to $329 before the auction was closed, most likely by an angered Sony lawyer. According to PSP3D, these kits are contractually licensed to developers, meaning some developer somewhere is probably going to be in a whole world of legal pain very soon.
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December 6th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Smackdown is out today. I was originally going to do a Metareview for this game, but I decided: why not focus on the one crucial flaw of last year's game? The load times. As you may remember, WWE SmackDown! 2006 got smacked down by the gaming community by having quite possibly the worst load times of any game in recent memory. Is this year's iteration of the popular wrestling franchise any better? Let's find out:
Gamespot (79/100) - "Load times are still a big issue, as well, though not quite as humongous an issue as they were last year. Prematch load times are still long and annoying, especially when you have entrances set to on; menu transitions, especially in season mode, take longer than they ought to; and creating a wrestler can still be a time-consuming process, thanks to the loading. Again, Yuke's did improve this aspect somewhat this year, but load times continue to get in the way of the game."
Games Radar (80/100) - "The developers remembered this, too; they made a focused effort to drastically reduce loading. And it worked: the loads aren't lightning quick, but they are far faster, now measuring in double-digit seconds instead of minutes."
GameZone (85/100) - "On to the bad news, the game suffers from heavy lag that just doesn't pertain to the Ad Hoc multiplayer mode but throughout the single-player mode as well. This, of course, is a major annoyance that often leads to missed punches or choke slams. Secondly, the long load times are back, although - on a lighter note -they're not as frequent as the first game."
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December 6th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have finally released the GPS Receiver for the PSP, heres what it looks like:

The retail price is Price: US$ 59.90 (~30.30 GBP)
Heres the Specs of the GPS Receiver:
Product detail:
Sony PSP GPS Receiver (PSP-290)
Release date: 12/07/2006
Comes with case accessory
Hardware specs:
Reception Frequency: 1575.42MHz (L1 ban, C/A code)
Reception System: 20 Channels
Reception Sensitivity: Following: -153dBm, Captured: -140dBm
Position Update Interval: Approximately 1 second
Position Precision: 5m (2DRAMS, -130dBm)
Hardware size: 45mm x 41mm x 17mm (Width x Height x Depth)
Weight: Approximately 16 grams
Thanks to Gamespot heres some details of Enhancements to upcoming games:
Minna no Golf-jou (SCEI, 2007) Minna no Golf-jou is a spin-off of SCEI's popular Hot Shots Golf series, and it functions as a map utility for real golf courses. The software includes data of all golf courses in domestic Japan and lets the golfer check out everything from his distance to obstacles, as wells as the greens. The software can also be used as a management tool for keeping track of score data.
Note the relative size of the GPS unit compared with the PSP itself.
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (Konami Digital Entertainment, December 2006) Metal Gear Solid's new PSP action adventure game will make use of the GPS receiver to search for and collect new characters that can be recruited as soldiers.
Planetarium Creator Ohira Takayuki Kanshuu: Home Star Portable (Sega, October 2006) Sega's constellation navigator is coming out two months before Sony's GPS receiver, but it's going to have support for the peripheral. Using the GPS receiver, players can acquire their current location and display the exact stars that they should be seeing up in the sky.
Navigation Soft (Edia, December 2006) This standard car-navigation software features all the roadmaps in Japan. Aside from searching for car and walking routes, the software can also be used as a directory to search for nearby shops and other facilities. The maps and database can be updated using the PSP's network capabilities.
Play Asia have the GPS Receiver in stock now.
Finally if you buy the GPS Receiver then check out Deniska`s Map this Release which has maps from Citys in different parts of the World.
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December 7th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: FOL
From Everyone here at pspuae.com, Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
We have released a new version of PSPUAE, changes / improvements are listed below.
- you can now save the amiga mouse pointer position and restore it with a key-combo
- 24 mousestates slots, can be renamed with the amiga keyboard for better assignment
- new option 'Auto Mouse Speed' for setting the speed of the mouse while restoring
must be set faster for screens with higher resolution
- you can toggle the mousespeed with a key-combo
- cd32 buttons can now assigned to key-combos
- joy1 up/down/left/right can now assigned to key-combos
- new option 'CPU to Chipset Ratio"
- new option 'Disable Key Combos"
- new option 'Toggle X & O" (You can now swap X and O for the menu)
- Preset Amiga Configurations added
- quick config combos (See ReadMe)
- Splash Screen added
- dual mouse support
- fixed combos for L+Cross, R+Cross, etc etc
- SaveStates save a config file in the Config folder
- Savestates are now much smaller, due to memory compression being added
Below is taken from the Christmas Edition Bundle Text
Welcome the the PSPUAE 0.62 Christmas release bundle!
You should find within this package, the latest version of PSPUAE
(07.12.06), themed for the season, along with some savestated
Christmas coverdisks, including Cannon Fodder, Lemmings and
Bullfrog's Psycho Santa, all ready for you to play.
X-mas bundle compilied by Hungry Horace for www.pspuae.com
Remember Read the README`s, if your not sure of an option, please ask in the forums.
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December 7th, 2006, 05:04 Posted By: Elven6
It looks like Sony is continuing its implementation of Wii-like technology in the Playstation 3. Now, in addition to the tilt motion sensing, Sony is has filed a patent for technology which will allow users to point to places on the screen using a Wiimote-like pointing device. The patent even includes a description of "A receiver portion includ[ing] one or more sensor units located in or near the target area." Sounds like a sensor bar to us. You decide.
What are your thoughs on Sony's new "idea" 
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December 7th, 2006, 12:58 Posted By: b8a
Hot on the heels of achieving full speed CPS2 emulation on the PSP, NJ has posted yet another update to his emulators, this time solely for MVSPSP. The news from his site reads as:
Since I had only checked that the source was compile-able, it looks like there were a few problems with (the last version). I'm going to take some time to perform some maintenance on this.
-It looks as though 1.31 didn't compile correctly so I recompiled it and swapped out the file with 1.32 but the version display still says 1.31, so I'll switch it when I get home.
-Since there were various bugs with 1.30, I hurriedly updated it to 1.31 with a PCM cache test version, but I think that, operationally, this version should be better.
Known Bugs
-PCB versions ms5pcb and svcpcba have a SYSTEM ERROR and don't run. The cause is currently under investigation.
MVS versions mslug5 and svc should work.
(this hasn't been confirmed with 1.31, but it probably hasn't been fixed.)
How To Use
All previous cache files are broken, and you'll need to make new cache files. Please use the romcnv_mvs.exe(Ver.06) included with this file to create them. Also, due to the circumstances, I've stopped zip compressing the cache files.
When you create the cache, a folder called gamename_cache will be created inside romcnv's cache folder. Same as before, copy this folder to MVSPSP's cache folder.
State Of Development, Etc...
-Concerning the topic on 2ch about whether to reconvert all ROM files or to just keep using them as-is, for various reasons it's set up so that current original ROMs and cache can also be used. I have no plans to change this setup in the future.
-There's nowhere near the necessary amount of memory to decode and decrypt on the PSP. Also, the processing power is so low that it would take quite a while to decrypt, so a methoud to use ROMs as-is is impossible.
-If all are converted, barring a change in the implementation, all would have to be uncompressed and the space used on the MS would increase.
-I think that compressing only a portion of files after reconverting all of them would be pointless for the following reason.
Approximately half of the games don't require cache, and cache files are only constructed for a portion of the remaining half, I probably just don't want to separate all the work (laugh)
As Mr. 201 has written, and I'm sure that those who know are already doing this but, none of the sprite ROMs (c1.rom, etc...), PCM ROMs (v1.rom, etc...), and program ROMs (p1.rom, etc...) from the original ROM file are used after conversion so it's possible to delete them.
The files that are ok to delete are the files that are displayed when the cache file is created.
The reason I didn't write this is because I'd get mail saying things like "It doesn't work after deleting" or "please create a deletion tool". Also, please understand that the reason I don't delete these with the tool is because there are those that hate this.
(Since the games you'll be playing are probably limited, I think it's not too much of a problem to just do this on your own...)
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December 7th, 2006, 19:34 Posted By: psiko_scweek
Alright, here is my first game ever written in SDL and C++. The game is a homebrew remake of the Flash game Gridlock, located at:
So yeah, if you like my homebrew version be sure to check that version out as well.
Now I need to let you know why its only a beta. I had the hard drive in my computer die on me. Yeah, it sucked. Luckily I backed up all the source code for my game so thats not the problem. The problem is Cygwin and all the libraries were erased. I re-installed Cygwin but now I cannot get SDL to install properly, hence, I cannot finish my game.
Any questions or comments can go to:
Oh yeah, known errors, there are only two music, tracks and when switching back and forth the game can crash, and when you complete the last level, the game will crash. lol. i know its horrible, but again I cant fix it!
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December 7th, 2006, 20:14 Posted By: wraggster
While some folks just can't make up their mind, and other have already leaned one way or the other, a recent independent survey points to Sony's format being the one losing ground and interest, but we can't say we're surprised. Betamax, ATRAC, MiniDisc, and UMDs were all crafted by Sony, and all fell (basically) flat before ever really catching on, and it seems the costly Blu-ray format may be headed for the same fate. Cymfony, a market influence analytics company, found that "positive discussions" about HD DVD were "46-percent higher" than talks about Blu-ray, with over twice as many post authors being "impressed with HD DVD" rather than "impressed with Blu-ray." A good deal of the negativity shown towards Blu-ray was attributed to Sony's "heavy handed" approach of forcing Blu-ray upon PlayStation 3 owners, not to mention the notoriously delayed (and pricey) standalone players. Although it's still far too early to tell which format will rise victorious (you know, since peace talks have all but ceased), there's no denying the high costs associated with both next-generation discs, but Sony's track record with these proprietary ideas definitely doesn't bode well for it.
via engadget
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December 7th, 2006, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
A senior examiner for the British Board of Film Classification has defended the organisation's decision to award Canis Canem Edit a 15 certificate.
"You can understand the concerns of a subject that hits the headlines fairly frequently in this country. Often the truth is far less dramatic than the myth that's put around it," Gianni Zamo told our sister site GamesIndustry.biz in an interview due to be published next week.
Canis Canem Edit is the PS2 game better known to most people by its US title Bully. It's been subjected to a lot of criticism by anti-bullying campaigners in the UK, with MP Keith Vaz also hopping on the bandwagon recently.
But Zamo reckons that developer/publisher Rockstar took a relatively considered approach - something largely reflected by very positive reviews.
"It's not just a free-for-all, go out and kick the living daylights out of everybody [game]," Zamo pointed out. "There are penalties for engaging in anti-social behaviour, so I think Rockstar have been careful to balance it out in that respect."
via eurogamer
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December 7th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: Hawq
Apparantly a Minnesota radio host announced over the radio that if parents were willing to turn their children over to the station for 24 hours, they would give them a new PS3. They got more than they bargained for:
"We got more calls than we could handle," said Dave Ryan, "They were lined up willing to turn their kids over to strangers for a freakin' PlayStation."
Children offered included a one week and two day old baby. One caller named Katie attempted to get a PS3 by offering her 1 month old up for a 3 day period. When informed it was a hoax, she responded in disbelief.
Dave Ryan went onto say in an article,"But I didn't want them to feel too badly. I said, 'Listen you're not the only one who fell for this'. But at the same time, think about it, these are your kids, these are the most precious responsibility you'll ever have in your entire life. Be careful with your babies.' " source
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December 7th, 2006, 21:27 Posted By: SmashinGit
NJ has released a new version of his NeoGeo MVS Emulator for the PSP
Heres the translated whats new:
1.33 As for the bug which becomes aware the intention of crushing entirely. When it corresponds once, as for the game which is written the intention of trying to move entirely. Correcting the bug where SYSTEM ROM ERROR is indicated with ms5pcb and svcpcba. ini renewing the file and the version of state data. Because you cannot use old state data, to be possible. As for mslug4 and mslug5 unless the luster interruption is effective, because it seems that is frozen, way always in inside it operates with Raster Effects = ON, modification. When there is a game which is frozen to in addition to, please try Raster Effects effectively. [rihuretsushiyureto] from 60fps modification to 59.1856fps. When FPS is indicated??? /59FPS it is indicated, but because it is normal. * Kernel Mode edition being able to compile 1.32 just that is not it seems. It is necessary everything to cancel the cash file so far the usage, to do again to draw up cash file anew. Romcnv_mvs.exe which belongs to this file (Ver.06) using, please draw up. Furthermore, with MVS ZIP compressed cash was abolished with circumstances. When cash is drawn up, the gamename_cache folder is drawn up to the cache folder of romcnv. Please copy this folder until recently in the same way in the cache folder of MVSPSP. If development circumstance especially problem it is not with and the like this, doing detailed adjustment, as 1.40 the source release schedule. Is concerning the case whether the ROM file which is written on 2ch everything is converted, whether it is not you should have used that way, but there being various reasons, it has become the present cause ROM and the shape which jointly uses cash. As for this shape there is no schedule which in the future is changed. With PSP the memory which is necessary for decoding and cryptographic cancellation is not enough at all. In addition, operational ability being too low, because time is required for cryptographic cancellation too much, the method of utilizing the origin ROM that way is impossible. When it converts entirely, if specification is not modified, unless it is all non compression, it stops being able to go and MS amount used increases. Specification it modifies and as for compressing part all conversion later it thinks that completely there is no meaning, depending upon below. Approximately, as for the half game because necessity not to do, large portion among the remaining halves only part draws up cash file, we would not like to cut labor, as (laughing) 201 people write, the person who is understood that is thought cash whether truth whether already you do, but after it converted, because sprite ROM of the original ROM file (c1.bin and the like) and PCM ROM (), program such as v1.bin ROM () everything such as p1.bin it is not reference, it is deletion possible. As for the deletion possible file it is the file which is indicated in the time of cash file compilation. “When it deleted the fact that you do not write boldly, it stopped moving”, that because “please makes the deletion tool” and so on the mail comes. In addition, please understand the fact that because as for not deleting on tool side, the person who dislikes that is. (The game which is done is limited, because probably will be, it is to think that privately it is not many time, but….)
Well that makes a lot of sense :P
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December 7th, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
August's announcement of Burnout 5 for PS3 and Xbox 360 dashed the hopes of PS2 owners. It appeared Burnout would never race again on current-gen consoles. Today, EA gave PlayStation 2 and PSP owners an early Christmas present, announcing Burnout Dominator exclusively for Sony's current-gen systems.
Developed by EA's UK Studio, Dominator promises to return Burnout to its roots. "The series was born on the PlayStation 2, and Burnout Dominator is about celebrating the essence of Burnout," said Nick Channon, Senior Producer of Burnout Dominator. "Burnout Dominator focuses on the reckless skill-based racing and fear of crashing that fuelled the first games." Channon knows about speed, having previously worked on F1 racing games for EA.
Burnout Dominator arrives sometime in 2007.
Via ign
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December 7th, 2006, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Two officers have been accused of using their station to cut in line during the PS3 launch. A security guard in charge of managing the line of hopeful fans at the Sony store in Providence, Rhode Island allowed seven people to move ahead and obtain PS3s. Two of those people were police officers.
One of the officers later admitted to cutting the line. The officer in question believed himself to have done no wrong. "I just beg to differ," Providence Police Chief Dean Esserman said. "We think he did something very wrong. He's been identified and he's going to be disciplined."
The other alleged cutter was a Warwick police officer. "We're conducting an internal investigation," Warwick Police Chief Steve McCartney said. "If the facts bear out these allegations, we will take disciplinary action against the officer."
Several weeks ago, former Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards was accused of using his influence in an attempt to obtain a PS3 from Wal-Mart.
The security guards assigned to policing the line have been dismissed.
via ign
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December 7th, 2006, 22:11 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
You know it was coming. Linux opened so many doors and windows with its Yellow Dog iteration, this shouldn't be such a big surprise. I mean, Snes9x operates in Linux, so... you know. While the video on YouTube has a guy going really, really slow in loading Chrono Trigger (he's really typing like he's eating a hot dog with one hand and balancing a soda in the other), the truth of the matter is that it works! It runs nearly at full speed and with those fun little 16-bit sounds. The sounds are, however, slightly off-kilter. No biggie, though.
Personally, I'd rather play all my SNES emulator games for free than download the classics on that virtual library thingy. But for all you perfection buffs, know that it's not a completely, absolutely perfect rendition of your classic SNES titles. So, take your pic. If I had a PS3 right now, I'd be loading up... hmm... probably the translated Seiken Densetsu 3... A.K.A. Secret of Mana 3 (let me break that down right quick: the first game was titled Final Fantasy Adventure for the Game Boy, the second was actually Secret of Mana and this was the third! Ta-da!).
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December 7th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: wraggster
An article from PSP Fanboy that explains a lot why the PSP struggles to sell the Commercial games it should:
The Chinese video game market is a difficult one for manufacturers to deal with, simply because piracy is totally out of control in that region. Many publishers and console manufacturers avoid the market altogether. However, the Chinese market loves to play video games, and a blog called Shanghaiist is recommending the PSP for holiday gift givers this year:
"Our buying decision this holiday season has every bit to do with the PSP being a nifty gadget as it does some of the extra "resources" available to us as residents of Shanghai, or China for that matter ... rampant piracy of games. The PSP is no different. Machines for sale here are from either Europe or Japan, but with firmware downgraded/modified so that they can handle "backup" (read "pirated") games." While I'm all for sales of the PSP increasing, I'm appalled at this recommendation. Telling people to buy a system because you can easily pirate games on it is really uncool. Of course, it seems like many people on the Internet also seem to think the PSP is all about homebrew and piracy as well. What have you experienced on the web?
So who agrees with the article above ?
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December 7th, 2006, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster
Via Pspfanboy
The internet loved seeing the dual-analog PSP in action. Too bad it looked as bad as Britney Spears' you-know-what. Well, the creative people of Next PSP Hacks have come up with a much more attractive solution: dual analog nubs, which are cased internally and symmetrically. Looking at the video they provided, it seems like this is what the PSP should've had in the first place! Of course, I wouldn't rip apart my PSP to attempt what must have been a daunting installation.
Video Here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/s0t4Y0w6RBk
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December 7th, 2006, 22:33 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yolarry:
I been all over the forum today trying to port Cheat Device without no devhook to go into or recovery mode. Recovery mode never works for me not all the time for some odd reason. So why not make a Coldbird installer way that I never seen Edison ever did or anyone esle. This Pack uses UMF like the mp3 prx installer. I was going to make it split but why not pack it. I have not confirm if VCS and 1.5 but I think it truly does. If somebody does, let me know.
oh yeah it overwrites mp3 prx install DAT files. I did not had the time to fix that part.
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via yolarry
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December 7th, 2006, 22:40 Posted By: wraggster
DrynnlX posted this news/release:
This is the second release of the my first PSP game.
Catch the bubbles in your tin as they fall down.
Version 0.2
Extract the .rar to X:\PSP\GAME\LuaPlayer\App lications\
where X is your PSP's Drive letter
Improved the GFX which was a must! Unlike the first release, there is no longer a massive black background around the bubbles, but there is still some white. Hopefully this will be improved in future version.
To do list:
Release as Stand-Alone Eboot
Improve GFX
Add Sound
Add Different bubbles
Add Dificulty selection
Add Lives
Add Bonus Bubbles
Stop so many bubbles coming down at once!
Sometimes, too many bubbles come down at any one time.
Please let me know of any more you find.
D-pad - Control the tin
L-Trigger - Take a screenshot
O - Pause
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via drynnlx
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December 7th, 2006, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Yongobongo:
This is my ever first game released, and I thought since it's Christmas time, why not make a fun little xmas game
So what's this game about?
I based the concept of this game off this game I played a while ago. I was looking for something to make, because I wanted to make a game, hopefully a Christmas kind of game
Then I remembered the good old "drop the presents and hope they land in the chimney" game, so I did a google for it.
There it was, so I decided, I'm making something like this for PSP!
Basically, you do that, drop the presents in the chimneys! But avoid hitting the chimneys, they will damage your sleigh!
Santa's Shop
Little idea I had, after you die each time, you get the amount of points in your score added onto your money. You can use the money to buy new stuff in the shop like more HP, different backgrounds and presents, new sleighs -
There's not much in the shop now, but if this a popular feature, i'll work on adding alot more
There's also a highscore counter, so if you beat your previous highscore, it'll overwrite the old one.
You start with $500 just to get you started if you want something in the shop
It may seem not that much work to you, but it was actually not that easy. I had never made a game before, only apps, and I had to learn how to do collision and everything. But that's a good thing, because now it's easy for me to make more games!
So please don't steal this and say you made it. That really ticks me off when people do that
Known bugs:
Cannot drop more then one present at the same time, or it will delete the previously dropped one (if someone can help me, would be appreciated )
Exit isn't quite working correctly
Shop is laggy on the PSP
Please report any bugs you find to me So I can make this game better
To Do List
Health Potions or something of the likes - To get back lost health from hitting chimneys
Bonus points - If you get 3 in a row or something
Bonus collectables - Things that randomly appear somewhere on the screen and if you collect it, you get bonus points
Better Santa shop - ie. More stuff to buy, more reasonable prices (judging from feedbacks )
Bonuses at the end of a round that ask you a random question from a quiz, and if you get it right you get some bonus points
Be able to drop more then 1 present at a time
Randomize the present graphic (big maybe)
Recommend something and i'll see if I can make it happen!
Enjoy, and merry christmas!
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December 7th, 2006, 22:52 Posted By: wraggster
BlackShark has posted a new release of his PVP Pong game, heres the release details:
I am here to release PvP PONG v3, or Player vs. Player Pong, which bosts alot of new features,
including (but not limited to),
-Added Customize ability
-Added background for Menu
-Added Ability to load your own background with ease
-Added BackGround Changer
-Added Improved AI for single player
-Added a "Player 1 wins!" and Player 2 Wins!" image at the end of a game!
This is my first game but is now being updated to v3
and here are some screen shots.
what is nice in this version is that it has a background changer,
using it is simple, just use R or L to choose a back ground and then go into
either PvP PONG or single pong and it will load tha background of your choice
theres also the ablity to make your own background, just put what ever background you made into the images folder and name it custom1, then choose Custom 1 in the menu. You can also make your own paddles, ball, background, and music all together, just put your own images to replace, Custom 2(background), cussa and cussb (paddles), cball (ball, duh), and cmus(music)
NOTE:that if you replace the music, it has to be in .s3m format!, so altogether it would look like, cmus.s3m.
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December 7th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: wraggster
New release from slicer4ever:
ok this is ver 0.4 the last ver was a measly conversion to c this one is way better i now have high scores,difficulty,and options to change your color,enemy color, or lives color currently you can only choose between: (red,blue,green)
the games still very simple dodge the enmy blocks and pick up the live ones
controls -
x - go up
start - pause menu
now you must either exit in the main menu or using home or though the lost/quit screen
theres 5 difficulty's:
1 - easy
2 - medium
3 - hard
4 - tough
5 - insane
i would have music but it drops the speed to much so maybe next ver theres more things that i'll let you find out
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December 7th, 2006, 23:00 Posted By: wraggster
PsPhReaK has released a new version of his Homebrew RPG for the PSP, heres the release details:
Well anyways, I dug this thing up a little while back after having given up on it for a while... I had so many problems that all turned out to be spawned from a bad MakeFile. It is a dinky RPG-style game thing where you walk around and kill things. It's called 2124, but I may change the name...
anyway here's the release/feature/todo list:
v. 0.2a - current release
- walk around and kill stuff AND get money and exp
- no level-gaining
- much more stable than 0.1 (hasn't crashed yet, probably won't)
- all graphics are compiled along with the game and are loadImageFromMemory'ed
- integrated graphics makes it faster to copy to your MS as it is only one file: EBOOT.PBP (1.31mb)
- collision no longer works, so you can walk through anything
INSTRUCTIONS: well now I realize I forgot to say anything about how you play this thing....
1. extract the .zip file to your PSP/GAME or PSP/GAME150 depending on your firmware set up
2. move around with the analog nub or with the D-Pad
3. when you encounter an enemy, wait until the sword icon appears on the enemy. Then you can attack with X. Or just hold down X the whole time, but it will not go any faster.
This is the current battle mode. however, I will be changing it so there is no battle mode, and you just run around killing things (hack'n'slash).
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via psphfreak
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December 7th, 2006, 23:02 Posted By: wraggster
New Mag for PSP released:
Various German automakers have been promising to bring an exotic, high-powered mid-engined sports car to America ever since Mercedes showed the C111 Wankel-powered road burner in 1970. The closest they ever came was the recent $450,000 Porsche Carrera GT. Now Audi has shown a new middle-motored exotic that will come to market for less than a fourth of the Porsche’s price.
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December 8th, 2006, 17:08 Posted By: wraggster
Three new shots of Bethesda's 360, PS3 and PC FPS
Not at all fighting crippling hangovers, we've discovered a trio of new Rogue Warrior screenshots freshly swiped from Bethesda's media vault.
In case you're not up to speed on the 360, PS3 and PC counter-terrorist romp - which all going well, will be out next year
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December 8th, 2006, 18:22 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
NJ has released a new version of his NeoGeo MVS Emulator for the PSP
From what i can see it fixes several graphical issues present on some roms on previous releases .:thumbup:
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December 8th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Here is update to boosters devhook from what i can find out all features as per previous release but aparently without the need of having to write files to flash..As well as several bug fixes:thumbup:
Istallation of files is done in the usuall way
As always DCEMU is only interested in the firmware emulation side of things...
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December 8th, 2006, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
Ubisoft has finally revealed the first details and media of the sequel to this year's seminal 360 Clancy shooter, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.
Advanced Warfighter 2 is set to feature a new border-hopping plot that has the Ghost team out to stop the Mexican rebels from attacking US soil. As such, GRAW 2 will have you fighting in both the USA and Mexico, in the bordering towns of El Paso, Texas and Juarez, making for some new terrain other than the first game's dusty Mexico City.
CVG was recently invited to visit the development studio in Paris for a world first look at GRAW2, and it's certainly packing some significant improvements over the first game, like improved enemy AI, a new character class system along with gameplay additions like the unmanned artillery drone, which can be used for mobile cover among other things.
This time around the Ghosts are packing a bit more firepower as well, with the Integrated Warfighter System and Cross-Com 2.0 up their sleeves which lets you expand your picture-in-picture display to full-screen and see what your Drone sees in explicit detail.
Graphically, it's look even more spectacular as well, with new particle, physics and dynamic lighting systems that allow for some visually spectacular smoke and explosions as well as dynamic weather effects on the battlefield.
That's all we can reveal for now, but check back on Monday when we'll have an exclusive behind the scenes look at GRAW 2, along with developer interviews and new media - It's going to be GRAW-some.
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December 8th, 2006, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation 3 owners doing a little online shopping on the PlayStation Store may have noticed a few new items they could put in their cart. Yesterday, the downloadable games Lemmings and Go! Sudoku were made available for purchase online.
Lemmings is a new version of the classic PC game of the same name that pits gamers in charge of leading mindless critters to safety by assigning certain lemmings specific tasks. The PS3 version has more than 50 levels, is single-player only, and features an online leaderboard. Lemmings costs $2.99.
Go! Sudoku brings the popular number-sorting game to the PS3 with animated backgrounds and dynamic music, both of which respond to players' actions. The initial download of the game is free, with extra puzzle packs (sorted by difficulty level) costing $2.99 apiece. Previously, Sony said that approximately 1,000 puzzles would be available for download.
via gamespot
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December 8th, 2006, 22:37 Posted By: wraggster
The industry-tracking NPD Group released its retail numbers for November yesterday, and US sales were up nearly 15 percent over November 2005. It was good news for the industry after October's sales figures--predicted by analysts to show a percentage increase in the double digits--were unexpectedly flat.
In an investor's note discussing the NPD's numbers today, Pacific Crest Securities analyst Evan Wilson said the off month was due to consumers holding on to their wallets in anticipation of a big November. "It appears there was a meaningful pause in spending in front of the launch of the PlayStation 3, Wii, and lots of AAA software in November," Wilson said.
However, few of those AAA software sales were for games on the new systems, as Wilson noted that PS3 and Wii games weren't flying off the shelves as much as expected. The tie-ratio--the average number of games sold per system--was 1.1 for the PS3, and 2.1 for the Wii. Wilson blamed the low numbers on people buying the systems on their own to turn around and sell them for a profit.
Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter also pointed out the tie-ratios, calling them "record lows" for new consoles. Despite that, Pachter expects the Wii and PS3 to play a significant role in year-over-year sales growth of 7-10 percent for the month, so long as Nintendo and Sony can get enough systems to retail and "the eBay effect" is suppressed.
For people who did pick up games with their new systems, Wilson said the best-sellers on the Wii were The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Red Steel, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, in that order. Far and away the best-seller on either new system, Twilight Princess sold enough copies to spin in 86 percent of Wii systems sold in November.
On the PS3, the biggest mover was Resistance: Fall of Man, followed by Madden NFL 07 and Call of Duty 3, respectively. NPD figures show that Resistance sold a little more than one copy for every three PS3 systems on the market.
via gamespot
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December 8th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

Groundbreaking director Mamoru Oshii continues to push the boundaries of art and anime with this universally-acclaimed cyber thriller about a quest for a killer that becomes a mind-bending search for the meaning of life.
The long-awaited sequel to Ghost in the Shell, Innocence follows cyborg detective Batou as he tries to unravel the reasons for a murderous robot revolt in the year 2032. There are no easy answers in a futuristic world where the line between humans and machines has been blurred almost beyond distinction.
Innocence is a philosophical thrill-ride through the darkest regions of human - and inhuman - nature, combining full-throttle action, cutting-edge animation, and the most provocative story in recent memory.
The Blu-ray disc release contains the original "Innocence", "Innocece no Jokei" feature, and "Innocence International Version" releases on one disc.
More info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1m44.html
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December 9th, 2006, 13:04 Posted By: wraggster
Chances are if you're a gamer or eBayer vying to make a quick buck, you already know about PS3 launch shortages due to production problems. That constraint obviously curbs early sales of the console. But what if you aren't one of those two types? Wouldn't you assume as an average consumer that a company would have enough supply to meet the demand of a major electronics launch, especially during the holidays? Probably.
Case in point: Just read this mainstream headline from Yahoo! News that makes no mention of PS3 shortages: "Wii trounces PlayStation 3 in US sales in November." I've also noticed the absence of a shortage understanding in speaking with non-gamer friends of mine. One colleague, just today, asked while offering his comprehension of the situation: "Tell me about this Nintendo Wii? All I know is that Sony's machine is not doing well and Nintendo's is doing great." He had no idea of the PS3 shortage, only that it wasn't selling well. Granted, this is just one isolated instance, but telling perchance.
But this post isn't about a lack of shortage mentions in the unfavorable PS3 grapevine; it's about public perception. The mojo that either makes or breaks a product's potential for success. So perhaps early PS3 shortages are hurting more than just initial sales.
via joystiq
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December 9th, 2006, 13:11 Posted By: wraggster
A new AAA game released for the PSP, heres the release details:

Extensive single-player storyline, unveiling a lost chapter in the Metal Gear Solid saga
New MGS gameplay elements such as the "Surround Radar" system
Online multiplayer mayhem —Team Death Match, Death Match, and Capture Mission
Acquire new squad members for use in single and multiplayer modes by connecting to Wi-Fi access points
Animated cinematic scenes illustrated by world-renown artist Ashley Wood
Full voiceovers for cinematics, performed by returning cast from MGS3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is an all-new action game in Hideo Kojima's legendary Metal Gear Solid series. With an original storyline that follows the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and innovative online gameplay modes that encourage players to fight alongside newly recruited comrades, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops offers a stealth action experience like none other.

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December 9th, 2006, 13:14 Posted By: wraggster
New US Version PSP Game released, heres the details:

Online Chess Kingdoms is the definitive chess strategy title for the PSP® (PlayStation® portable) system and will be available in Fall 2006. Taking full advantage of the PSP® system's wireless connectivity, Online Chess Kingdoms will feature extensive multiplayer modes including gameplay over the Internet. In addition, the game will offer comprehensive single player modes that will challenge the skills of even the most experienced players. Combining powerful 3D graphics, animated battle sequences and storytelling as well as an intense Battle Mode, Online Chess Kingdoms promises to deliver the ultimate interactive chess experience.

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December 9th, 2006, 13:15 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS2:

Rockstar Games is proud to present Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy. All three games in the epic saga are here together: Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Grand Theft Auto 3:
You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out here.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City surpasses the unprecedented gameplay, cinematic graphics and immersive audio experience that gamers associate with Grand Theft Auto 3. It’s an entirely new game set in the ‘80s, the location is Vice City, and the vibe is glamour, power and corruption...
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas:
Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas... a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers. Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.
Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1q02.html
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December 9th, 2006, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 PS3 2in1 Disc Case Stand
PS3 Console Vertical Stand
PS3 Disc Vertical Stand
Slots to hold 4 games
More Description of Playstation 3 PS3 2in1 Disc Case Stand
It is specially designed for PS3 console. It allows your PS3 standing vertically with 4 game disc slots on its sides.
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December 9th, 2006, 13:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 PS3 USB Cable
Charge your PS3 controller
Connect your PSP with PS3
More Description of Playstation 3 PS3 USB Cable
PS3 USB cable was designed to charge your PS3 controller. You can charge the PS3 controller from PS3 console by this cable. You can also use it to transfer data from PSP with with cable.
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December 9th, 2006, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
Via gamepro
Asustek Computer Inc.'s consolidated sales in November soared 81 percent month-on-month to US $2.59 billion. The figure was also 114 percent higher than November of last year, it reported Friday.
The company would not comment officially on why its revenue in November rose, but one executive confirmed that it is manufacturing the PS3 on behalf of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Stock market analysts, who have been pumping Asustek stock in Taiwan, had expected its revenue to rise around 40 percent to 50 percent month-on-month in November due to the start of PS3 sales globally, but their estimate was far short of the actual increase.
Sales of the popular game machine, which went on sale in Japan on Nov. 11 and in the U.S., Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan on Nov. 17, have been hampered by component shortages. SCEI had originally planned to have 2 million units available for its global launch, but problems procuring blue-laser diodes for the Blu-ray Disc drive inside the console forced it to pare its launch plan to just 500,000 units.
The company has said it is continuously shipping new consoles to retailers as they become available.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:43 Posted By: wraggster
via chubigan
First up, some e-Di news (that's electronic distribution for short, to the noobs out there. )
Thatgamescompany had some pretty nice things to say in general about making flOw and their dealings with Sony as a publisher. John Edwards (core engineer) had this to say on their forums:
Our one goal when making flOw PS3 has been to take the experience of the Flash game and bring it into the "Next Generation". At times, this has felt like knitting an antimatter scarf with regular needles, because flOw is a minimalist Zen game, and the Next Generation seems to be about who at Sony and Microsoft can shout the loudest about Features of Questionable Value (while the Wii swings from behind to steal the show?).
FlOw PS3 is not the same game as flOw in Flash, but we're doing everything we can to inspire that same calm and wonder so many people feel from playing flOw in their browsers, without embarrassing ourselves in the face of games like Resistance: Fall of Man.
While I'm not sure I understand Sony as a console manufacturer, right now, I have nothing but respect for them as a publisher (of course, I haven't had to deal with their legal department). Time and time again, I, for one, have over-promised and under-delivered (mainly because I'm young and inexperienced and don't know when to hold my big mouth about crazy-ambitious promises). And every time, Sony has done the right thing by nurturing, rather than punishing.
All of us at TGC have worked ridiculously hard over the course of this entire project. I think a lot of teams, when faced with the same kind of pressure and schedule would have strangled each other to death long ago, but, miraculously, we've all stayed friends, and even hang out on the weekends (oh yeah, because we're all at the office). We want flOw to be a great game, but as we've learned, making a great game takes. Sony understands this, too. FlOw PS3 is nearly done, and we'll ship it as soon as we can, but in the mean time:
Thanks Nick, Kellee, Martin and Hao for being such a great team. Thanks Sony (a.k.a. George, Rusty and John) for being such a supportive and understanding publisher. And, finally, thanks to all of you (Amish) for your excitement, encouragement, patience.
I can't remember the last time I had a breath of fresh air like that post John did. Well put!
It seems Sony is starting to realize the value of an indie platform, as they're starting to extend it to the PSP as well. They have started a service called Kit-Start, which gives devs a free dev kit for the PSP along with technical consulting and support straight from Sony. Perhaps the battle of next gen wont be decided by big-budget games...but rather, who has the bigger indie support. It will be an interesting next-gen race for sure!
So, those Crash Bandicoot impressions...you can read about the install process and controls on the last blog post. But how does it play? Really well, actually...with some problems also unfortunately.
First off, you can choose either original, normal or stretch on the universal PSP menu...however, the normal function still has some black bars on the top and bottom (as shown in the pic above). Even stretched fills the left and right of the screen, but the black bars remain. Not sure if this is an issue with just the one game or not, so I'll have to find out later.
The game itself looks really great...in fact, I was downright impressed once I got to the waterfall/river section. The PS1 could really pump out some splendid visuals back in the day, and the PSP screen makes them sharper than ever.
The controls were interesting. This game came out before analog was available for the PS1, yet I felt much more natural with the analog stick than I did using the digital pad. However, in bonus levels and the 2-d scrolling levels, I switched back to Type 1 and used the digital pad. While it sounds like a hassle, it literally takes two seconds to do this, so its not a big deal at all.
The emulation of the game so far is great, but with a big problem. Bonus games are found midway through a level every now and then, and once you complete it you can save the game. Out of the five times I played a bonus level, the game failed to kick me to the saving menu twice, which leaves me with an empty screen. The game didnt freeze as the music and some effects were still going on, which leaves me to think this is an emulation problem more than the original ISO. And it's quite a big problem...because this game can be notoriously unforgiving sometimes, and losing that progress is just painful.
Thankfully the game also uses a password system, so I was able to look up some old codes on the net and get back to where I left off...but still, this is something that should have been fixed, no exceptions. On the plus side putting the game in sleep mode is instant, and un-sleeping your PSP brings you back to the game in just under two seconds. (I thought perhaps the sleep mode may have caused the save glitch, but I ran into it the second time on a fresh reboot of the PSP.)
I'm really lovin this game so far...it's a perfect fit on the PSP, despite the emulation hitch and the not-so-suitable save mechanism for portable gaming. It seems like a promising start for a service that will grow and expand for the PSPs future, and I'm very excited...and so will you be once Sony implements a PC or PSP download service early next year. For the lucky few with PSP and PS3s, consider it a nice test drive in the meantime.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:45 Posted By: wraggster
via chubigan who gives his impressions of Sonys PS1 emulator playing Crash Bandicoot :
It seems Sony is starting to realize the value of an indie platform, as they're starting to extend it to the PSP as well. They have started a service called Kit-Start, which gives devs a free dev kit for the PSP along with technical consulting and support straight from Sony. Perhaps the battle of next gen wont be decided by big-budget games...but rather, who has the bigger indie support. It will be an interesting next-gen race for sure!
First off, you can choose either original, normal or stretch on the universal PSP menu...however, the normal function still has some black bars on the top and bottom (as shown in the pic above). Even stretched fills the left and right of the screen, but the black bars remain. Not sure if this is an issue with just the one game or not, so I'll have to find out later.
The game itself looks really great...in fact, I was downright impressed once I got to the waterfall/river section. The PS1 could really pump out some splendid visuals back in the day, and the PSP screen makes them sharper than ever.
The controls were interesting. This game came out before analog was available for the PS1, yet I felt much more natural with the analog stick than I did using the digital pad. However, in bonus levels and the 2-d scrolling levels, I switched back to Type 1 and used the digital pad. While it sounds like a hassle, it literally takes two seconds to do this, so its not a big deal at all.
The emulation of the game so far is great, but with a big problem. Bonus games are found midway through a level every now and then, and once you complete it you can save the game. Out of the five times I played a bonus level, the game failed to kick me to the saving menu twice, which leaves me with an empty screen. The game didnt freeze as the music and some effects were still going on, which leaves me to think this is an emulation problem more than the original ISO. And it's quite a big problem...because this game can be notoriously unforgiving sometimes, and losing that progress is just painful.
Thankfully the game also uses a password system, so I was able to look up some old codes on the net and get back to where I left off...but still, this is something that should have been fixed, no exceptions. On the plus side putting the game in sleep mode is instant, and un-sleeping your PSP brings you back to the game in just under two seconds. (I thought perhaps the sleep mode may have caused the save glitch, but I ran into it the second time on a fresh reboot of the PSP.)
I'm really lovin this game so far...it's a perfect fit on the PSP, despite the emulation hitch and the not-so-suitable save mechanism for portable gaming. It seems like a promising start for a service that will grow and expand for the PSPs future, and I'm very excited...and so will you be once Sony implements a PC or PSP download service early next year. For the lucky few with PSP and PS3s, consider it a nice test drive in the meantime.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
via chubigan who gives a full english breakthrough of sonys firmware update for the PS3:
-Firmware 1.3 was released today. It contains the following fixes:
* Settings
o You can now register the BD remote control in [Register Bluetooth® Device] under [Accessory Settings].
o [BD/DVD Video Output Format (HDMI)] has been added as an option under [BD/DVD Settings].
o [Backup Utility] has been added as a feature under [System Settings].
o You can now select the hard disk format method in [Format Utility] and [Restore PS3™ System] under [System Settings].
o The method of selecting output resolution has been changed in [Video Output Settings] under [Display Settings].
* Other
o The compatibility of USB devices with PlayStation®2 format software titles has changed. You can now use the following on your PS3:
* Logitech Driving Force USB Steering Wheel
* Logitech Driving Force Pro USB Steering Wheel
* Logitech Driving Force EX USB Steering Wheel
* HORI Flightstick2 USB Flight Stick
* Logitech Flight Force USB Flight Stick
So there ya go. Download today on your Network Update function!
-Lots of PS Store news. Tekken 5 could be downloadable in the near future, and there are some new items headin' our way for the PS Store this week! Look for impressions of Sudoku and Lemmings soon.
-Blu-Ray sales seemed to have doubled very soon after the release of the PS3, according to Video Business. From the blog:
I haven't heard a number yet for Blu-ray, but I have heard Blu-ray disc sales were twice as high on Blu-ray in the days following the PS3's launch and backers seem pleased so far.
Sounds like a nice start for BD, but there's still a long road ahead.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:50 Posted By: wraggster
Following its ground-breaking debut on Xbox 360 last spring, Red Storm Studios and Ubisoft Paris will bring the sequel to Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, GRAW2, to PC, PSP, PS3, and Xbox 360 in spring 2007 using new military tools, improved enemy AI, and advanced next-gen visuals.
After the Ghost team's successful confrontation with the rebellious faction in Mexico in GRAW, GRAW 2 takes place in 2014 during a new civil war between Mexican loyalists and insurgent rebel forces. Under the control of Captain Scott Mitchell, the ghosts must fend off heavy attacks on US soil. Ubisoft is confident that enhanced physics and particle systems combined with realistic smoke and destructive environments will create a genuinely compelling landscape. Bullets zip through billowing smoke clouds and leave plumes of interactive trails. Day-night cycles and a constantly changing weather system create mood and atmosphere, and entirely new battlegrounds including mountain terrains, barren deserts and heavy fighting in El Paso, Texas.
The innovative cross-com that played such a big part in GRAW returns with new abilities in GRAW 2. Clicking a button enables players full screen cross-com viewing, enabling pin-point data of enemy formations and locations. Expanded technical support provides gamers with jet fighter bombings, land support in difficult terrain using the remote control MULE, and the ability to heal team mates on the battlefield with the introduction of the Medic soldier class. Lastly, enemy AI will flank your position from multiple sides while attaining vertical superiority from higher terrain. Same-side AI will provide more accurate chatter, specifying enemy location and manner of attack, providing addition tactical data.
"Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter set the standard for what we know as the next-generation gaming experience," said Laurent Detoc, president of Ubisoft North America. "With Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Ubisoft is taking all the successful elements in the original to an unparalleled level of quality -- the sophisticated technology, weaponry, graphics, story and online gameplay will heighten the intensity and bring gamers an even more amazing experience."
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter was recently recognized by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) with "Best Game of the Year" and "Technical Achievement" honors. We'll have more on GRAW 2 soon.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:53 Posted By: wraggster
According to a new Famitsu Marketing survey, Sony's PlayStation Portable is getting walloped in Japan by Nintendo's DS. In November alone, the PSP sold a mere 86,000 units compared to nearly 550,000 DS Lites. More shocking are numbers for the first 11 months of the year, which show that Nintendo may have all but closed the door on PSP in Japan. The DS and DS Lite have sold more than 7.5 million units so far this year, with PSP selling just 1.6 million units.
Further troubling for Sony's portable system are its software sales in comparison to Nintendo. PSP has sold 2.8 million games to date this year, while Nintendo has sold 27 million games. This is what is referred to in business as a clobbering.
The battle is a bit closer in the U.S., though Nintendo retains a strong lead month-to-month. In November, likely the busiest sales month of the year, twice as many DS Lites were sold as PSPs.
Publicly, Sony has shown nothing but confidence for the future of the PSP. Despite having weaker sales numbers compared to DS, the PSP had a strong year in terms of quality software. Nine of the twelve PSP games to receive a 9.0 or higher from IGN were released in 2006.
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December 9th, 2006, 14:54 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
The NPD Group has released sales data for November 2006, and while the PlayStation 3 wasn't able to crack the overall top 20, it appears Resistance: Fall of Man had a high attach rate.
Resistance sold twice as much as the next best-selling title, Madden NFL 07. The ever-popular WWII setting allowed Call of Duty 3 to round out the top three.
Here are the top ten best-selling PlayStation 3 games for November 2006, as provided by the NPD Group:
Resistance: Fall of Man
Madden NFL 07
Call of Duty 3
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Ridge Racer 7
Need for Speed: Carbon
Tony Hawk's Project 8
NBA 07
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
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December 9th, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Following the release of videogame hardware and software sales data for November by sales tracking agency NPD, Sony's head of PR David Karraker has issued an official statement to Gamasutra. Karraker stated that Sony is "very pleased" with the data, and that the manufacturing problems which plagued the system's launch "have been resolved."
The latest NPD data showed that Sony had shipped only 197,000 units during the month of November, far less than the promised 400,000 units. However, Karraker reasserted Sony's intention to "remain focused on having one million PS3s in the pipeline by December 31, 2006."
Despite the severe lack of PS3s at launch, Sony did express enthusiasm about the performance of its two other systems, the PSP and the PS2. NPD data reported that the PS2 sold strongly through November with 664,000 units sold, while the PSP sold an respectable 412,000 units.
"These figures clearly demonstrate the strength of the PlayStation family of products in the US market," commented Karraker. "PlayStation 3 remains one of the most sought after items this holiday season, selling through almost immediately in all retailers once placed on store shelves. We will continue to utilize airfreight delivery for PlayStation 3 to assure a steady stream of systems for North American consumers through the end of the year. And while initial day-one launch shipment goals weren't achievable due to early manufacturing issues, those problems have been resolved and we do remain focused on having one million PS3's in the pipeline by December 31, 2006."
He added: "The six-year old PlayStation 2 continues to dominate the market, outselling all other computer entertainment systems in November, including much newer systems from the competition. PS2 also topped the software category, out pacing all other system's sales by almost three times. PSP (PlayStation Portable Player) had a very good November as well, seeing a jump in sales of nearly 50% and a strong increase in software sell-through. These sales figures bode very well for SCEA as it offers a computer entertainment system for every taste and budget this holiday season."
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December 9th, 2006, 14:57 Posted By: wraggster
Who's big, red and likes the liberal application of fist? No, we're not referring to a perverted Santa Clause - we're actually talking about our favourite friendly demon, Hellboy. Star of a woefully underrated film, a long running comic book, and even his own animated series, Hellboy is the man's man of the underworld. He begrudgingly kicks demon butt when duty calls, but would much rather play with kittens instead. Hellboy has already made one outing to the video game world, back in 2004, but that dismal effort has since been banished to the seventh level of Hell. And even down there, the first game is so ugly that it makes the piles of decomposing corpses and giant lakes of baby vomit that surround it look pretty.
Thank the unholy gods then that this Hellboy is looking very, very different. For starters, it's being developed by the talented folk at Krome Studios in Brisbane, rather than some obscure studio in upper Siberia. Krome's recent title, The Legend of Spyro, proved yet again that it knows how to make high quality games. During a recent sortie to the Krome office, we got our first look at the next-gen excursion for this likable cousin of Lucifer.
Heading to Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP, the total Hellboy team at Krome is comprised of around sixty staff. Thirteen are focused purely on the handheld version, while the rest are developing for both the 360 and PS3 at the same time. It's a third-person action game, where fisticuffs and melee action are the order of the day.
The game's most exciting feature is that it's designed from the ground up for co-op play. On both the PS3 and 360, it makes use of the same co-op technique that we recently saw in Gears of War. That is, the entire singleplayer campaign will be co-operative compatible, and that includes all cut scenes and story-telling elements. If you've ever played Gears of War in co-op mode over Xbox Live, you'll understand why this feature is so exciting to us.
Full Article at IGN
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December 9th, 2006, 14:58 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Easily one of our most anticipated post-launch PlayStation 3 games, MotorStorm looks to infuse offroad racing with a tall order of chaos and a plentiful helping of carnage. While many people have gotten a taste of the game either at in-store kiosks or via the downloadable PlayStation Store demo, no one has yet gotten to see more than one or two of the title's tracks and environments - until yesterday, that is.
If you've seen both the in-store and downloadable demos, you'll know that the PlayStation Store version is newer and showcases a much tighter framerate. The build we played yesterday is even tighter, only shying away from its rock-steady pacing once during our rather extended look at the game, and we're confident that was simply a pre-release fluke. Indeed, the game is running great at this point and it's looking a tad bit cleaner as well. Some particle effects are a little smoother and many of its post-processing effects, like the motion blur, are a little more refined. The game also appears to move a little quicker - not enough to mistake it for the next Burnout, but worries of a slow racing experience are certainly a thing of the past.
The game is centered around the MotorStorm festival, which sounded to us to be something similar to Burning Man, only with a heavy emphasis on offroad racing. The game's running background video shows thousands of party-goers camped out in the middle of nowhere dancing to music and watching racers perform donuts around bonfires.
The progression of the game is directly related to this festival setup. Events are tied to tickets, with each ticket allowing you to enter anywhere from one to four races. Completing one ticket will open the next. It's fairly linear, though as you'll normally have multiple races to choose from, you're able to take them on in any order you want.
The game's events are based around both a specific location and class of vehicles. Some events are essentially set up as challenges, where you might need to hop on a bike while everyone else is in big rigs, forcing you to race defensively. Others will be open to any class of vehicle and it's your choice as to what sort of wheels you'll bring to the race.
While the Raingod Mesa track featured in the demo only very slightly hints at this, the tracks are designed around multiple pathways designed for use with certain vehicle classes. For example, racing down in the trenches is great for bigger vehicles as you won't need to navigate through tight turns and over treacherous jumps as often, though you'll be tire-deep in mud. Bikes and ATVs are better suited for racing up high, though you'll need better control over your steering column. The different event types will ensure that you mix things up over the course of the game though, so you'll want to change your routes according to your current vehicle class.
Full article at link above
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December 9th, 2006, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Xandu:
Hey folks!
Releasing a new game!
Pokemon : Ditto's Quest!
In this game, you play as Ditto, move through the levels, transform into Pokemon, use their powers, in a quest to reach your Pokeball!
D-pad: Movement
X : Jump
O : Transform into Pokemon
/\: Transform back to Ditto
This is a DEMO version, contains only one mini level.
Hope you like it .
Special thanks to:
Homer and c5cha7.
Feedback and thoughts for the next version here please.
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via xandu
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December 9th, 2006, 15:13 Posted By: wraggster
New from Weltall:
cwcheat for dh 0.51/3.x
this is just a quick fix consider it still a beta. it's based on the latest dh 0.50 version. Other than the problem found for the dh 0.50 version with 3.x (2.82 isn't affected also with dh 0.51) it seems that opening with sceioopen a file in disc0: makes the psp immediately crash the same can be said about isofs: but it happens less times and by putting cwcheat in the end of the prx load list it works almost 90% of times. It's a strange problem like some kind of protection but i can't be sure about this as i didn't reverse engineer the 3.x firmwares.
So if someone which knows 3.x very well like BOOSTER could contact me it could be really usefull
to make this completely stable
to install this just copy the prx in the /dh/05/kd/ folder and copy the included pspbtcnf_game_dh.txt in the /dh/302/f0/kd/ or /dh/301/f0/kd/ folder
if you want to do it manually (but sometimes this can lead to this not working for unknown reason) open the pspbtcnf_game_dh.txt in the /dh/301/f0/kd/ or /dh/302/f0/kd/ folder with an editor supporting UNIX/DOS file editing or wordpad and add /kd/cwcheat.prx #DEVHOOK after
/kd/scere.prx #DEVHOOK
%%/kd/dummy_anchor_IhariUafaayk 98.prx
in the next days i plan to to relink what is possible with devhook and if someone could help me finding the problem (or a workaround) to opening files on umd (eg: BOOSTER) it would be really appreciated
for the other needed files download the latest 2.71SE REV B release
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December 9th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from sanguinus of an update to his application for the PSP that takes screenshots from your PC and more.
Ver 1.0 Now with mouse control.
Current Release ver 1.0:--
Mouse Control-
Dpad Up => Mouse Up
Dpad Down => Mouse Down
Dpad Left => Mouse Left
Dpad Right => Mouse Right
Left Click - Cross
Right Click - Square
Double Click - Triangle
Exit PC app - Circle
Config file to control view mode and mouse speed.
Open usb/net hostfs.
Run the eboot in the luaplayer folder.
It should run if you get an error mentioning JPG then try again it just means the EXE and the PBP are out of sync.
This has only been tried on USBhostfs as I could not set up Nethostfs on my computer. The EXE was programmed on VB6 and was tested on Windows Vista RC1 should work on most versions of windows. Please give it a go and tell me what you think.
You can increase or decreasing the speed by changing the line
screen.waitVblankStart(10 )
by decreasing 10 it goes faster but will reduce stability by increasing it, it will become more stable but the screen will refresh less often.
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via sanguinus
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December 10th, 2006, 02:07 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from MrMr[iCE]:
Here's a little homebrew I've been working on for a few days:
needs 1.5 fw, untested on other versions, any volunteers? (only got 1.5 here)
use the analog stick to steer the snake. 2 kinds of food will show up:
1) normal (yellow) food that can add from 1 to 8 segments to the snake
2) slowdown (red) food that will slow down the snake.
as you collect food, the snake will get longer and faster. Right now there's no
way to 'die'...you can cut down the tail length by running into yourself, the segment from there on will go away, leaving you a shorter snake.
heres a video clip of a test:
any ideas are welcome.
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via mrmrice
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December 10th, 2006, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from AdePSP
As promised here is the new version of the SVCapture module which is now fully working on Dark_AleX's Firmware 2.71 SE-C... The previous version did work to some extent but it prevented homebrew loading in the XMB and the SVCPlayer didn't work at all because of the new GAME150 folder...
The installer will setup and configure both DevHook 0.51 for Firmware 3.1/3.2 emulation and FW 2.71 SE-C depending on your setup... As before manual installation instructions are also provided...
I've also added 2 new config settings that allow you to specify where the screenshots and videos are saved on your memory stick... This even allows you to save directly to your PC if you have thrid party USB software enabled...
1) The module may not work in games on 2.71 SE-C unless you enable "Plain modules in UMD/ISO" which you do in the following way,
- Startup your PSP (hold R) to enter Recovery Mode
- Go to Advanced ->
- Go to Advanced configuration ->
- Enable the first option (Plain modules in UMD/ISO)
- Go Back
- Go Back
- Exit
2) The module, if enabled in the XMB for DevHook 0.51 Beta when emulating firmware 3.01 will crash if you try to load a game or homebrew so this has been disabled by the installer and left out of the manual instructions. This means there is no emulated XMB capture on 3.01 (by default).
3) The module will be disabled when running Homebrew on 2.71 SE-C. This is to prevent crashing. You can still use DevHook to emulate 1.5 firmware which will allow you to capture screenshots and GIF videos of Homebrew apps.
- The Module and SVCPlayer are now compatible with Firmware 2.71 SE-C.
- The Module and SVCPlayer are now compatible with Firmware 3.1/3.2 emulated by DevHook 0.51 Beta.
- The locations the screenshot and video files are saved are now configurable in the capture.ini file. This means it is possible write directly to your PC if you have USB support enabled via other third party modules that are available.
- The SVCPlayer now also reads the capture.ini file to locate the videos.
This is the location on the PSP where the screenshot bitmaps will be saved. The default is ms0:/PSP/PHOTO
DO NOT USE flash0:/ OR flash1:/ AS THIS MAY "BRICK" YOUR PSP!!!
This is the location on the PSP where the GIF animations will be saved. The default is ms0:/PSP/PHOTO/SVCPlayer
DO NOT USE flash0:/ OR flash1:/ AS THIS MAY "BRICK" YOUR PSP!!!
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December 10th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
0okm posted this news and release of a new loader mod for the PSP:
This program NOT work on FW2.50-2.71 :P
1. take the GameShare PBP from UMD
2. rename it to EBOOT.PBP and Edit it's SFO info "WG" to "MG"
3. paste EBOOT.PBP on ms0:\PSP\GAME\[GameName] Folder
4. start xGSLoader in "XMB - PHOTO" menu than start GameShare in "XMB - GAME" menu
Tips: in "XMB - PHOTO" menu wait image display then press [X] key to start
and it will display on "XMB - GAME" menu
Edit EBOOT.PBP's SFO info "WG" to "MG"
ToDo :
No need to Restart xGSLoader after Game Quit
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December 10th, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
Blackskull posted this news/release:
Hi there
I've just modified tommydanger's 3.01 DH Firmware Installer, to be able to prepare 3.02 totally functional to emulate via devhook 0.51.0100. (dh/302)
You've just to put the eboot.pbp of 3.02 update on root, execute the app, and press X
Thanks plaDyuS and kakarott , for testing...
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via blackskull
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December 10th, 2006, 03:36 Posted By: wraggster
NJ has released new versions of his NeoGeo MVS and CPS 2 Emulators for the PSP
Heres the translated whats new from the releases
First heres the CPS2 News
When the ZIP data compressed file is used, you can use those of the time before that way, but
Because as for the non data compressed file type is modified, please do again to draw up. Please refer to readme_cps2.txt of converter.
MAME abolishing the XOR table, if it is to become completely the cryptographic cancellation with CHD,
Because it cannot correspond with PSP, above this perhaps renewal it is not. Temporarily in the future how it becomes, watchful waiting.
Now the NeoGeo MVS News:
Because it seems that mslug4 does not operate normally it corrected. Because the memcard folder was not drawn up automatically, it corrected. At the time of DEBUG BIOS use it corrected the fact that the picture transforms. Already truly end. Above this there is no intention of attaching one stamp, is. mslug4 it freezes still? Once, it tried playing some time ago to the ending, but Problem does not occur. Now trying, after all, it does not freeze. It is from the [wa].
When UNIVERSE BIOS is used, when WORK ROM TEST is indicated in the time of the first starting, Opening one time menu, you close, (clears texture) with the test ends immediately. (Exceeding the texture size which the quantity of sprite guarantees, speed has decreased substantially
Just with it is thought, but as for correcting with other BIOS influence it probably will put out to speed because is, leaving.)
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December 10th, 2006, 06:04 Posted By: XioN980
(with permission from psmonkey)
Hi, As a lot of you may know Psmonkey posted the source to his and Beekers port of NeoPop which they are discontinuing, There is no rom selector yet, just put a rom in the directory in your memory stick caller rom.ngp . I (as many have probably already done) have compiled it and are distributing it witha PD rom PERIOD This is not my work, i just compiled it. Details in the Readme. The rom is a PD version of Pac-Man
-- edit --
Full source can be found at link below.
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December 10th, 2006, 13:23 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Killer Maniac:
I have finished porting the famous homebrew, FileAssistant to run on Firmware 2.8 of the PSP. I have not tested if Flash writing works as I am not willing to risk it. If you are, be my guest. I have included 5 skins that you may use if needed.
Installation Instructions: Unzip the two folders into your “ms0:/PSP/GAME” folder
To run, start xLoader ( Download xLoader) Go to the game folder in your PSP’s XMB, find FileAssistant and click (X)
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December 10th, 2006, 19:26 Posted By: tommydanger
Hi folks
I modified my 3.01 Devhook Firmware Installer so that you can install any update that is supported by the latest devhook.
In words this mean you can install
you decide it 
Usage is the same as ever:
Download latest devhook and install it.
Install this Installer
Download your desired update (2.80-3.02) and place it in the root of your memory stick, and name it "eboot.pbp" if it isn't already named like that.
Then in the XMB choose "Devhook Firmware Installer".
Once prompted hit [X] to install the firmware for devhook
Wait till PSP reboots and fire up devhook, choose the firmware you just installed and reboot.
Changes from the 3.01 Installer
-support for 2.80-3.02 update (not hardcoded to 3.01)
-support for 32MB memory sticks
-improved gui (nicer blue :P )
-EU/US button layout, unlike the 3.01 installer which had the JP button layout
-improved errordetection
This is based on code from PspPet, Dark_AleX and Team Noobz.
In no way does it read or write from your onboard flash!
Tested by me on 1.5 with 2.82,3.01,3.02 update and latest devhook
It may support newer updates aslong as sony doesn't change the keys (again) and of course devhook supports it
Source is included
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December 11th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
Yesasia.com are selling PS3 Consoles with Free worldwide shipping, for those who live in Europe this could be a great way to get a PS3, the price is higher than other stores but the free shipping more than makes up for it.
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December 11th, 2006, 03:38 Posted By: wraggster
MrMr[iCE] has released a new version of his Snake game for the PSP, heres whats new:
* Sounds added for when snake eats, and when it bumps into itself
* 3 lives, with life indicator. If you bump into yourself, you lose your tail, and a life.
* On last life the game will exit
* start button will pause the game
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via mrmrice
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December 11th, 2006, 03:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from GuitarGod1134
Ok well Ive come back to bring you a version 3 of my guitarhelper program. The changelog is small but I promised a next week release so here it is.
1. Added Pentatonic Minor scales with root notes on the E and A strings
2. Put the resources into folders to organize more.
3. Added info about how to read the chords and scales (look in the heylookatme.txt)
I had a text reader in it but its extremely hard to use and barely worked so until i get that working fully im not gonna release it (thats why this is v0.3a).
All the same as the last release except start now brings up the pentatonic scales. Its all in the heylookatme.txt
Coming up
1. A real working text reader so you can copy guitar tabs in a newtextdocument.txt and simply open it up with this program
2. Add more scales
3. Also I plan to remap the buttons compelely different and maybe add some kind of menu because im running out of buttons here
4. If someone could help me on making this a standalone eboot that would really be nice
Simply drag the folder into the Applications folder in lua player and run the script. very simple.
If you encounter any problems plz tell me because this is not confirmed working on a psp I just tested it with windows lua player so there shouldnt really be a difference.
Lets have some feedback and suggestions.
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via guitargod1134
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December 11th, 2006, 03:45 Posted By: wraggster
Curious News from Chunglam:
I successfully ported the nethostfs daemon to my Asus wl-500gx WIFI router with 40G USB hard disk. Attached please find the source code with pre-compiled binary for Asus wl-500g/gx/gp WIFI router. You need custom firmware running on those routers( http://oleg.wl500g.info). They aren't quite portable because you still need AC power for those routers. The ideal portable device with WIFI is the new Microsoft Zune music player. But first we need to hack its firmware security and run Linux on it.
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December 11th, 2006, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ookm:
This program NOT work on FW2.50-2.71 :P
1. take the GameShare PBP from UMD
2. rename it to EBOOT.PBP and Edit it's SFO info "WG" to "MG"
3. paste EBOOT.PBP on ms0:\PSP\GAME\[GameName] Folder
4. start xGSLoader in "XMB - PHOTO" menu then start GameShare in "XMB - GAME" menu
Tips: in "XMB - PHOTO" menu wait image display then press [X/O] key to start
and it will display on "XMB - GAME" menu
Edit EBOOT.PBP's SFO info "WG" to "MG"
changelog :
- v0.01
* Initial release
- v0.02
* add PBP size to Max. 16MB
* add Homebrew support
* add DemoGame support
Limit :
* after run Homebrew need to CleanReboot before run GameShare or DemoGame
ToDo :
No need to Restart xGSLoader after Game Quit
Note :
xGSLoader is a xLoader mod. ver.
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December 11th, 2006, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
YesAsia have the GPS Receiver for the PSP in stock and unlike Play Asia they ship to Europe as well oh and also free worldwide shipping.
More details at the link above.
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December 11th, 2006, 09:10 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
Sick of how hard it is sometimes to reboot the psp ? here is the answer Quickly and easily power off or reboot your PSP in 0.5 seconds! Once flashed and activated press "Home + Select" to power off. And press "Home + Start" to reboot.Works like a charm .
As always with the flash method there is a risk although no reports of bricks use at own risk..
I used the plugin folder way....(the Eggman)
Written by The Unique Warrior
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December 11th, 2006, 10:07 Posted By: happy_mak
The Locoroco christmas stage is out in japan
Am not sure whether this works with the other than JP PSP's but one things for sure , the demo works with the 3.02 firmware. Now will someone hex edit the thing.
Check this URL for details
Well its early, but a wishing all my friends here "locoro.." err no no a "Happy" christmas

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December 11th, 2006, 14:35 Posted By: mib_
Sony has turned to SanDisk to help it develop the next incarnation of its Memory Stick memory card format: the Memory Stick Pro HG. The Memory Stick Duo-sized card ups the maximum storage capacity to 32GB, though it may be some time before 32GB cards come to market.
Sony and SanDisk claimed the new card has a maximum data transfer rate of 480Mbps - matching USB 2.0. That's a theoretical maximum, of course - operating system and other overheads will scale it back.
The Memory Stick Pro HG supports the current 4-bit parallel and serial Memory Stick data transfer buses but also introduces an 8-bit parallel data channel. That, Sony said, ups the minimum write speed from 40Mbps to 120Mbps, but you'll need a Pro HG-compatible device to get it. The 8-bit interface operates at 60MHz, but the card will also run at 40MHz to support the older interface.
At this stage Pro HG is a specification and, presumably, a set of prototypes. Sony said it would begin offering licenses in January 2007 to companies keen to support the new format in Memory Stick readers. It didn't say when it will bring the format to market. Nor did SanDisk, for that matter. ®
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December 11th, 2006, 17:00 Posted By: wraggster
Via cvg
Sega has scored the rights from 20th Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising to create a series of games based on the Alien movies.
Instead of the games being direct walkthroughs of the movies, Sega will draw more on the history of the franchise with first-person shooters and even RPGs. Don't expect the game game from the deal to se the light of day until 2008.
Alien actors Sigourney Weaver and Lance Henriksen are reportedly in talk with Sega about providing their voices and likenesses to the games. Rob Lightner, VP of Sega's business development, told the Hollywood Reporter, "We haven't finalized anything at this point, but everything is on the table. It's important for everyone to understand the difference here: We're taking licensing to the next level with this franchise."
Senior producer Mike Gallo added, "We'll go out of our way to tie the games into the films in unique ways. We're also looking at all 'Alien' source material for inspiration, in addition to the films. We may incorporate some characters that fans know and love, and we may let gamers find answers to questions that were left unanswered in the movies."
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December 11th, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Via GIBiz
UK developer Evolution Studios is already planning for opportunities on the PlayStation 4, according to chief executive Martin Kenwright.
With the racing specialist readying Motorstorm for launch on the PlayStation 3, Kenwright believes that it's important to think far ahead as the industry is set to change monumentally in the future.
Speaking in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz, part one of which is published today, Kenwright said, "The market place will be changing beyond all recognition in the next five years. We've anticipated that.
"I know people are looking at PS3 now, and I'm not being glib, but we're actually looking at PS4. I'm thinking where will it be in five years, how will we get there? What will the marketplace be like, the games, and who'll be buying them?"
Kenwright believes companies that settle into a routine are more at risk than those who experiment with original IP - with sequels to popular games merely dividing the market.
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but sticking to what you're best at can be more of a risk than reinventing yourself," said the studio boss.
"The DNA of all these games is around 80 per cent the same. It's the application, the value of the IP, the new killer brand, that is actually priceless.
"What we've learnt in the past is you can inclemently improve something by one per cent, and it takes two years and millions of pounds and all you get is more of the same. You polarise your market. You're offering more of the same instead of something new, memorable and exciting."
While sequels to popular games have traditionally been considered bankable, Kenwright believes the market is changing - with publishers encouraging developers to take bigger risks and create new products.
"People like to tick boxes and play it safe, but sequels are the bane of our industry. 'The last one was good so the board wants ten more the same.' That's actually harming the marketplace irreparably," he observed.
"The reality for many small developers is that publishers are risk averse. But things are going to change. It's not going to be like a parent/child relationship with publishers in the future; it's going to become much more of a creative partnership.
"People are waking up now to the fact that sequels are actually high risk rather than low risk," Kenwright concluded.
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December 11th, 2006, 18:16 Posted By: splodger15
Ok i have finally finished my Where's Sora game i originally got the idea from gunntims0103 Where's Waldo game that he decided to stop due to lack of pictures.Part of this game does include gunntims0103 code so i give credit to him as it was his Where's Waldo script i used.
I also thank Cypher for the GFX
This game is very basic at the moment and has only a few images
Just start the game and press X on each image when you have found him
In the next release
Cursor Support
More pictures
Possibly music
If you find any errors let me know.
One more thing i havent heard nothing from my GFX in a while so it looks like i need a new one for this game.
Contact me for more information about the GFX artist postion
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December 11th, 2006, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game released, heres the details:

Heres the info
beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky is the latest works in Konami's popular bemani DJing series, featuring a total of more than 80 tunes, including Rock, Techno, Drum'n'Bass and some fresh numbers suitable for a "Happy Sky" feeling.
The home console port contains seven new tracks, not found in the arcade original. 3D CG animations have been improved. Game modes include "Free", "Standard", "Expert" and "Training". A beginner mode will help those that play the beatmania series for the first time.
Konami's beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky for PlayStation2™ is in stock today, shipping at US$ 64.90 only. The Konamistyle Limited Editions of this game are expected to arrive on Friday. Also make sure to check out the beatmania IIDX 12 Happy Sky Original Soundtrack.
The beatmania series is enjoyed best with official gear. The beatmania IIDX Controller is currently available at a discounted price of US$ 49.90 (only as long as supplies last), the beatmania IIDX Arcade Style Controller is available at US$ 389 respectively.
More Info / buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 11th, 2006, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
New PS3 game released, heres the info:

Take control of Staunton City by conquering the six different districts and taking control of opponent cars and weapons
Get behind the wheel of 25 different vehicles ranging from classic muscle cars and low riders to monstrous SUVs and industrial vehicles
Customize your death machine with more than 20 explosive weapons, plus as multiple paint schemes and wheel styles
Destroy the environment to dynamically change track conditions to block competitors, open new paths, or crush opponents with falling debris caused by well-timed missiles
Six different carnage-filled multiplayer modes ranging from classic deathmatches to unique base assaults and gladiator-style gameplay
Full Auto 2: Battlelines is one of the most exhilarating combat-racing experiences available for the PS3. Jump into high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor, and drive them in fully destructible urban environments. With strategic destruction, next generation technology, and innovative, diverse gameplay Full Auto 2: Battlelines delivers the teeth-shattering, steel-melting action and high-speed intensity you need.
More Info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1ppf.html
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December 11th, 2006, 20:45 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Release:

Fight your way through every legendary battle of the Normandy campaign, from Carentan to St. Sauveur.
Startlingly realistic enemy AI, destructible cover, and an intuitive, customized PSP control system put you right in the thick of the battle.
Battle with your friends in 12 different skirmish maps, using a unique shared command system for more realistic play.
On the night before D-Day, the 101st Airborne parachuted behind enemy lines in Normandy. The hopes of the free world rested upon their shoulders. As either Sgt. Matt Baker or Cpl. Joe Hartsock, lead your Screaming Eagles into the largest airborne invasion the world has ever known.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1agc.html
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December 11th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have posted the release of several new items for the Playstation 2, heres the list:
Demento (CapKore) JPN US$ 19.90
Okami (PlayStation2 the Best) JPN US$ 29.90
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (CapKore) JPN US$ 19.90
Vampire DarkStalkers Collection (CapKore) JPN US$ 19.90
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 11th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Game release:

Don't just watch it — live it! WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 brings the intensity of being a WWE Superstar to the next level by offering players unprecedented levels of choice and control. The #1 wrestling franchise in the world delivers the next generation of WWE video games with key new features, incredible graphics and engaging, highly realistic WWE action in and beyond the ring.
More info /buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1iw0.html
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December 11th, 2006, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
Via Elation
QUASI88 is a NEC PC-8801 Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
release b5
Adding fmgen
Additional correction of [konhuigu] retention
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December 11th, 2006, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
After years of nothing, Square Enix's PSP entry in the Final Fantasy VII compilation series will be making its playable debut in just five days. The only problem is, if you want to play it, you'll have to be in Japan!
Crisis Core will be shown in playable form in the Square Enix booth at Jump Festa, the annual Shueisha held comic/videogame show. The contents of the demo are unknown, but we don't care. What was once vaporware will at last show itself in solid, touchable form!
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December 11th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
Today, D3Publisher announced Puzzle Quest: Warlords for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS handheld systems. Puzzle Quest incorporates role-playing and strategy elements with classic puzzle-based gameplay.
"We believe consumers will enjoy the combination of much-loved gameplay styles incorporated into Puzzle Quest and find the game to be a compelling choice for casual or on-the-go gamers, as well as offer a great challenge to more seasoned gamers," said Michael Scharnikow of D3. "Puzzle Quest can be enjoyed in either long or short doses of gameplay for a casual, yet also deeply satisfying and immersive, gameplay experience."
Puzzle Quest forces gamers to create their own hero in order to save the land of Etheria from the evils that threaten it. In order to complete this quest, players must battle in turn-based, head-to-head puzzle games in one of three distinct gameplay modes: Single-player pits gamers against the computer AI in a series of 150 quests, Instant Action allows gamers to jump in and immediately play continuous battles to level-up characters without the need to participate in quests, finally Multiplayer lets players take on opponents via wireless connectivity on both handheld systems.
Puzzle Quest: Warlords for both the PSP and Nintendo DS will ship to North American retailers in March 2007.
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December 11th, 2006, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Today, Take-Two announced that the preliminary findings in an investigation into the company's stock option granting practices and procedures have been reported by the Special Committee of its Board of Directors.
This Special Committee was put together by Take-Two's Board of Directors to look into stock option grants, the timing of such grants, and related accounting matters. The Special Committee is composed of three independent members of Take-Two's Board of Directors, and is being assisted by independent accounting firm BDO Seidman, as well as outside legal counsel Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman.
The Special Committee conducted a thorough investigation, which included a review and analysis of documents and e-mails, as well as an interview with current and former officers, directors, employees, and advisors to Take-Two. According to the results of the investigation, the Special Committee found that there were improprieties in the stock option granting and documenting process, and that incorrect measurement dates for certain stock option grants were used for financial accounting purposes. The Committee expects that it will release a final report detailing both its findings and recommendations for corrective actions.
Take-Two's Board of Directors and management have concluded that the company will need to restate its financial statements to catalogue non-cash charges for compensation expense relating to past stock option grants. Although the total amount of said charges and the resulting impact on the company's accounting has not been determined, all financial information for the company for periods between 1997 and 2006 has been deemed unreliable.
While certain improprieties were uncovered as a result of the investigation, no misconduct was found on the part of the company's current Executive officers, including Paul Eibler, Take Two's CEO and President, and Karl Winters, Take-Two's Chief Financial officer.
Additionally, Take-Two met with the NASDAQ Listing Qualifications Panel to petition for an extension of time to file its Form 10-Q, solicit proxies, and hold an annual meeting despite not complying with NADAQ filing requirements.
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December 11th, 2006, 23:33 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
There's something lethal about this game. How bad it is. When a publisher decides not to hype a game, and let it silently release to the masses, you know something's going on. Let's see what went wrong, according to the critics:
Gamespot (71/100) enjoyed the game quite a bit, noting good ideas marred by poor controls - "The analog stick isn't conducive to subtle movement, so most of your "mission failed" screens are the result of control struggles. The shooting portions are standard fare"
Games Radar (50/100) thought the game was a bore - "Star Wars: Lethal Alliance is the very definition of mediocre. The storyline isn't integral enough to the gameplay experience to really snag fans, and the gameplay won't do much for anyone else. It's cool to finally play a Twi'lek, but if Lethal Alliance is any indication, they should really stick to dancing."
GameDaily (50/100) notes the game's poor controls as well - "Unfortunately, the poor mission design keeps this game from being a must buy. Ubisoft relied on old game ideas, such as not being able to leave a room until all enemies have been killed, or back tracking through the same bland looking environment instead of throwing the player something new. On top of that, Rianna's targeting system sucks."
Star Wars games have been notorious for being either amazing or merely mediocre. It's unfortunate to see that we got the latter.
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December 11th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: blackrave
With firmware 3.xx (both in emulated and installed firmware), Sony have sort of added a feature to see if your memory card is fake. Just follow these steps:
- In the XMB, go to either Game, Music, Video or Photo.
- Press triangle to bring up a menu, then click "Information".
- If the MagicGate text says "compatible", then it's a genuine memory stick. If it says "Unknown", it's most likely a fake (at least it's not MagicGate compatible).
Mine says "Unknown", which doesn't really surprise me as I bought it cheap from a stand in town. It's working very well, though, maybe a little slower than a genuine, so I guess I'm lucky.
What about your memory sticks, are they genuine?
Thanks to Muratcan.
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December 12th, 2006, 00:20 Posted By: IndianCheese
The ICP Phlash Portal was, without a doubt, the best portal of its time. Sadly, I have not released a new version in quite a while now, and I was wondering if it would be worth it to make new versions of it.
If I do release a new version, it will obviously have the same features, games, apps, and links that it already does, but I was thinking about a more intuitive and sleeker interface, rather than the curves and colors already used. I am also thinking about a name change. I was thinking about something non-portal and non-PSP related to make it really cool sounding, like "Quasar". If you have anymore name suggestions, please let me know.
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December 12th, 2006, 00:27 Posted By: Emeriastone
Earlier this year in June I purchased a used PSP from GameStop for my girlfriend. It was a 2.01 and after downgrading and purchasing a memory stick it was the perfect gift item (she loves video games).
Today I went with my friend to two local GameStop retails stores looking for a used PSP to have some fun with. Being not allowed to examine them at one store, we tried looking at the other GameStop only to discover from the manager that it's now GameStop policy to UPDATE all the used PSP console systems when refurbishing them. All GameStop stores are doing this now.
It's time to act. If you want anything worth having in the PSP world, now is the time to go out and get it. Try looking wherever you can, because the days of the used PSPs--and original PSP motherboards--are numbered.
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December 12th, 2006, 02:05 Posted By: blaz3d
Art has released X-Flash V17. nothing can say it better, so here’s the changelog:
V17 (12/12/06):
* Auto checking for incorrect PSP registry version at startup. User is kicked if a 1.50 registry is present in a 2.71 SE firmware installation, or vice versa. A prompt is given to restore registry settings in the XMB menu.
* Implementation of custom coded ‘6AM Sample Player’. Sound effects are resampled louder and clearer. Sound sample files are built into the program EBOOT.
* Mikmod audio library is now used soley to play demo music.
* Startup file checking sequence is faster since there are less external files to validate.
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December 12th, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: gunntims0103
Cannabis guide 2.0
this is a guide to view all the various cannabis strains. There are quite a few missing, this program has most of the more known strains.
whats been done
+ The instruction screen code has been fixed
+ The credits screen code has been fixed
+ There is a new start screen (animation is still null)
+ There have been 7 NEW STRAINS ADDED
+ Some various code cleaning
- The main menu sprites have been deleted (they served no purpose)
/ 1.5 and 1.0 Eboot is now avalible
extract the rar and place the cannabis guide and cannabis guide% in the game folder of your psp if you have a 1.5 . Place the cannabis guide folder in the 1.0 download in your game folder of your psp if you have a 1.0 psp
thank you all who have taken the time out to try the cannabis guide
if you wish to give me ideas or give your input please email me at gunntims0103@aim.com
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December 12th, 2006, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
In a surprising turn of events, a former New Hanover County sheriff's deputy was charged today in the shooting death of a teen accused of stealing a Playstation 3 console.
Cpl. Christopher Long, 34, was indicted Monday on second-degree murder for the death of 18-year-old college student Payton Strickland, which was shot Dec. 1.
Stories do not address whether Strickland had a controller in his hand when he was shot, though his roommate said that might have been the case. The stories do say he was unarmed.
District Attorney Ben David said Long mistook the sound of another sheriff deputy's battering ram hitting a door as a gunshot. Strickland was shot in the shoulder and once in the head. The fatal shot first ricocheted off of another object, according to an autopsy report.
Deputies believed that the raid would be high risk because of pictures found on the Internet which showed one of Strickland's friend's posing with guns and because UNC Wilmington police had said they had received information that the friend, who didn't live with Strickland, was known to carry a weapon.
Strickland and two friends were suspected of beating a UNC Wilmington student and robbing him of two Playstation 3s in November.
"This indictment is an important first step in holding accountable everyone responsible for Peyton's death - but this is only a first step," his parents, Don and Kathy Strickland, said in a written statement. "None of these actions can bring Peyton back to us, but perhaps they can save someone else's child."
Family and friends of Long, who was fired last week, described the man as widely known, respected and loved. He has, they say, received death threats since the shooting.
These cases are never black and white and in my investigatory experience, which is quite substantial, chargning an officer or deputy in a case like this is very rare. Brian Crecente
Former N.C. sheriff's deputy charged in death of teen during raid
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December 12th, 2006, 03:11 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesetwatch
Well, I jest in the title, of course - but if you're a collector of PSP-related memorabilia, it's probably time to start checking out eBay, because as studios slow down and basically stop releasing UMD discs - the handy UMD release list at The Digital Bits shows only a handful of new Sony-published movies coming out - so, as stores and retailers clear their decks over the next few months, there's likely to be both bargains and rarities galore.
Personally, the thing I get most excited about is great audio/video synchronization, because I use my PSP both to listen to MP3s and to watch movies/play games while commuting, so I finally managed to pick up the Beck 'Guero' special edition UMD which we gave away on GameSetWatch last December - only $5 plus shipping from eBay, too.
The UMD includes "all the audio tracks from the 8-bit retro game-ish influenced album, special video art by D-Fuse for each track, and seven music videos", and it makes me wish that album-specific goodness like the Super Furry Animals' Rings Around The World and Phantom Power DVDs would come to UMD - something which they are clearly not, hah.
But in any case, I've previously mentioned that Dr. Who's first season is apparently out - although I can only find references to it for UK release, so maybe the U.S. release was pulled? What is definitely out is two Family Guy box sets (the first one is still decently priced on DeepDiscountDVD), an Entourage box set, and a bunch of Adult Swim UMDs, for starters. So I think if you're a bit of a geek, you might want to start picking some of these up now, before they get scarce - and feel free to ping us if you see any good UMD sales?
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December 12th, 2006, 03:31 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The PSP took a whopping 31 nominations this year in 1UP's annual "1UP Awards." The DS, on the other hand, only received 22. If you're a member of 1UP, now's the chance to rock the vote and show everyone that the PSP really does have an excellent library of games, no matter what Nintendo fanboys may say. Here are some of the categories the PSP is competing in:
Metal Gear Acid 2
Field Commander
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2
NFL Street 3
NCAA Football 07
ATV Offroad Fury Pro
LEGO Star Wars II
Mega Man: Powered Up
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Killzone: Liberation
Grand theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Power Stone Collection
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw
Guilty Gear Judgment
Tekken: Dark Resurrection
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2
Puzzle (the PSP nearly swept this category!)
Lumines II
Every Extend Extra
Mercury Meltdown
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception
Most Innovative
Loco Roco
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Game of the Year
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
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December 12th, 2006, 03:40 Posted By: wraggster
News/ release from MrMr[iCE]:
And here's YAR(TM) (Yet Another Release)
whats new:
You can use the headphone remote to steer the snake, as well as the analog (dont use both though as the headphone remote is rigged to act like the analog stick). Rewind steers left, Forward steers right. Play/Pause will *exit* the game, so be careful pressing down on the remote (I did that intentionally for debugging)
You all asked for it and you got it: the snake will wrap around the screen edges now. If it leaves left edge, it reappears on right side..rinse and repeat for the other edges. Kudos to Shine in #pspdev for code to do this.
And a new pickup item: the booster. It'll show up as a blue item with 1-8 circles on it. This will add +1 to +8 on the score multiplier, but will also increase the speed of the snake per each +.
No menu yet, it'll be up in next release. Till then...enjoy
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December 12th, 2006, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
Happy mak posted the news of this Demo earlier in the day but now ive uploaded it to the forums.
This demo requires firmware 3.02.
To install once you have downloaded. Go to the PSP/GAME folder then Create a folder called "NPJG90001" and place the EBOOT.PBP file in that folder.
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December 12th, 2006, 16:58 Posted By: wraggster
Recent hardware sales figures for Japan reveal that the PS3 has sold more than 187,000 consoles since its launch on November 17 - already trouncing Xbox 360, which has only managed to sell 110,000 units in the past year.
Oh dear. We all knew gamers in the Far East weren't too hot on the American-made console, but it still comes as quite a swiftly-dealt blow. But our friends over at PSW magazine are happy again.
Still, at least the original Xbox is still selling - an astonishing 11 consoles were swiped off shelves by terrifyingly eager Japanese gamers in the week of November 27 to December 3. Yes, ELEVEN! It's unstoppable.
via cvg
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December 12th, 2006, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Sony is up to the same old tricks again. Following in the footsteps of their fake PSP Graffiti campaign, Sony has hired marketing company Zipatoni to set up a YouTube-based viral marketing scheme for the Sony PSP. The company did this by registering the domain alliwantforxmasisapsp. There are no disclaimers to show it isn't 'real', but the website's whois points out it's setup by Zipatoni."
From the C&VG article:
"The lies don't end there, fake comments have been posted at Kotaku only linking to the Youtube video to increase its pageviews: 'Good call on DJ max. Regarding music: if changes were to be made for westerners, this guy should be considered - LOLZ'"
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December 12th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Gamesradar
Sega will release a brand new version of its classic space shooter, Alien Syndrome, for Nintendo Wii and PlayStation Portable in Summer next year, the developer-cum-publisher has revealed today.
As Earth Command Trooper Aileen Harding - or just Aileen to her friends, natch - Alien Syndrome hurls you into a action-orientated, RPG-lite universe of derelict spaceships and weird alien worlds, with a host of weaponry and upgrades scattered liberally around to assist you in your quest to blast and bash a hostile horde of alien beasties.
Alien Syndrome on Wii uses the motion-sensing controllers for combat in a similar way as Zelda - you'll be wafting the Wii-mote to hack up aliens, for example - as well as tinkering with items and hacking into computers. While PSP will feature Wi-Fi co-op multiplayer for up to four space cadets to pummel their way through the extraterrestrial resistance in several different modes.
Alien Syndrome was a classic late 80's space shooter that spawned across more than 10 formats, including Game Gear, Master System, and NES, as well as hitting PS2 in Japan as Vol. 14 of Sega's Ages 2500 series. And, no, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the recent announcement that Sega will be making games inspired by the Alien film franchise. So no confusion there then...
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December 12th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
For Formula One fans, there can be no better news than this latest batch of images from Formula One 06 for PS3 - it's officially licensed up the exhaust-wazoo, it looks sharp as knives and will no doubt be faster than lightning. Although it might not be called '06' when it launches over here, in March 2007.
But no matter. Point your eyes down and enjoy these new screens. There's Jenson Button's helmet to gawp at, a full-frontal shot of Kimi Raikkonen's sleek vehicle and a lot of other things so see that can't be easily wedged into a poorly constructed double-entendre. Enjoy!
News and Screens at Games radar
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December 12th, 2006, 18:55 Posted By: titch.ryan
Hey ive uploaded the loco roco christmas demo (uk) which is playable on 2.71SE-C
hope this is helpful.
Thanks to DA for decrypter. 
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December 12th, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: wraggster
Via Engadget
So those graffiti ads didn't go down so well, "take a running jump here" didn't really take off, and that whole "racism is awesome" campaign in the Netherlands wasn't so hot -- lesson learned, right? Not so much. While it seems Sony has had its fill of offensive messages -- for now, at least -- they've managed to pull off one of the least convincing viral marketing campaigns in recent memory, sparking that special kind of public outcry that it seems we all keep pent up for Sony offenses. The controversy centers on these "all i want for xmas is a psp" fools you might've seen floating around YouTube. Bloggers "charlie" and "jeremy" have been posting up ridiculous rap videos, remarkably slick print-out ads and oh-so-indie t-shirt iron-ons in an effort to convince "j's parents that a psp would be teh perfect gift." Oh, and you all can feel free to use the material for your own ad campaign on the 'rents. Sounds harmless, and we're sure it would be if Sony just put its name on the proceedings from the get-go, but waiting for Something Awful forum members to point out Zipatoni (Sony's apparent viral marketing firm on this campaign) as the domain registrar, and everybody else to laugh at the sheer audacity of Sony for thinking they'd get away with this one, probably wasn't the best foresight on Sony's part. Feel free to peep a couple ridiculous YouTube vids after the break, but just make sure you don't get sucked in, it's all a scam we tell you! Oh well Sony, at least those Bravia ads are still pretty neat.
Videos Here and Here.
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December 12th, 2006, 19:24 Posted By: wraggster
The folks at Ars Technica have made an interesting discovery. Apparently, Sony's PS3 does a better job of playing scratched up DVDs than the Xbox 360, which spits them out the minute it notices any imperfections. I rarely use my console as my DVD player, but I have experienced the "OMG the disc won't play" notification on my Xbox that the Ars guys are talking about. Any of you lucky PS3 owners have problems with the PS3's movie-playing capabilities?
Via gizmodo
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December 12th, 2006, 19:40 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 Game released, heres the details:

Embark on a strange adventure in a fantastic western world
The game background is set in a fantasy world thick with the flavour of the Wild West, "Fargaia". Dean, a youth fascinated with lost technology, Rebecca and Avril make up their minds to seek out the golems traveling the world. So the three embarked on their adventurous journey. Alas, they would not have known then the shocking truth and sadness waiting for them behind the name they were seeking…
Every work in the WILD ARMS series is an independent story, but all of them revolve around the same theme – Vanguard. This time, the stage is an alternative world melding fantasy and the frontier of the West. The three main characters embark on a journey into the wilderness to rescue the world from a crisis. The character images are so attractive with true-to-life facial expressions and dramatic performances of the small movements in the limbs enhance the charms of the characters.
Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1lw2.html
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December 12th, 2006, 20:12 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK who most importantly ship this game WORLDWIDE, yes its already been posted but for those who missed it heres the info again.

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops boasts ground-breaking online play that lets gamers recruit comrades to form a unique fighting force. The game follows the events of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, as Naked Snake establishes FOXHOUND in an attempt to hunt down the treacherous FOX unit, which has started a bloody revolt in South America. Set in 1970, the game will be the missing link in the ongoing Metal Gear saga, as players will learn more about returning characters such as Para-Medic, Major Zero and Sigint and also witness Naked Snake's greatest tragedy -- a loss that sets into motion the events of later games in the Metal Gear Solid timeline. Full voiceovers for cinematics, performed by returning cast from MGS3 - Snake Eater

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December 12th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
Via Mercury News
He wanted a PlayStation 3, but he wound up with a $700 box of junk.
The 27-year-old San Jose man was the victim of a popular scam Saturday when he opened his PlayStation 3 box and found floor tiles, a PlayStation 2 controller and apartment rental magazines instead of the highly sought-after $600 video game console, Fremont police Sgt. Chris Mazzone said.
The victim told police that he had been searching for one of the gaming units, which sell out at retail stores in less than a day and are being resold on eBay for $800 to $1,000. He found a seller on craigslist who said he would part with one for $700 in cash, Mazzone said.
``He said he worked at Best Buy in Hayward and had one,'' Mazzone said the victim told police.
After a day or two of e-mail correspondence, the two agreed to meet Saturday afternoon in a McDonald's parking lot in Fremont's Warm Springs neighborhood.
When the victim arrived, the seller and an accomplice got out of a white 2003 Ford Explorer, approached the victim with a black bag and told him the PlayStation 3 was inside, the sergeant said.
The buyer peered into the bag, saw a box and asked that it be opened before he handed over the cash, police said. The seller balked and said, ``What, don't you trust me?'' The two then agreed to exchange the money and bag at the same time, Mazzone said.
Once the seller had the cash, he and his accomplice scurried to the Explorer, sped out of the parking lot and drove through a red light, the sergeant said.
Authorities Monday said they had not made any arrests.
``If it looks too good to be true, it probably is,'' Mazzone said. ``If the seller is reluctant to show you the product before taking the money, trust your instincts.''
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December 12th, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from -TacticalPaper:

This is now version 0.5. It now has a theme chooser screen at the beginning of the game from which you can choose a theme. The theme system it uses also allows for custom themes relatively easily. Hope you guys like the new graphics version!
BTW, I challenge you all to get past level 22!
Space Invaders Portable v0.5
For instructions on making custom themes, see CTT.txt, included in this package.
-Left: Move left
-Right: Move right
-Cross: Shoot bullet
-Shooting the space invaders
-Score and highscore
-Multiple Levels
-New graphics
-Theme se;ection
-Easy-to-make custom themes
Features planned in future:
-Rewriting for optimization
-Different weapons
-Added themes system, allowing player to select a theme before playing. 5 themes for now
-Custom themes are supported, see CTT.txt for instructions.
-Fixed bug causing you to die when invader you've already killed reaches you, due to not checking whether the invader is alive or dead when checking collision.
-Removed lives system to improve efficiency, and because, well, if you die once, you're going to die twice more very soon.
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December 12th, 2006, 21:04 Posted By: wraggster
MrMr[iCE] has updated his Snake game for the PSP, heres the details:
Here's a little homebrew I've been working on for a few days:
runs on :
1.5 fw,
2.8 with eloader 0995 (thanks 785274)
2.71 SE-C (thanks Anti-QJ)
use the analog stick to steer the snake. 3 kinds of food will show up:
1) normal (yellow) food that can add from 1 to 8 segments to the snake
2) slowdown (red) food that will slow down the snake.
3) booster (blue) food that will add 1-8 to the score multiplier, and make the snake go faster
Start button will pause/unpause the game
X button will give you a speed boost
Theres a top 5 score board for keeping track of your best scores.
If you have the headphone remote, you can use the Rewind and Forward buttons to steer the snake.
As you collect food, the snake will get longer and faster. You've got 3 lives. Each time you run into yourself your tail will get cut off from where it was hit, and you lose a life. On last life, the game will exit back to XMB.
The snake can also wrap around edges, meaning if you go off left side of screen, you reappear on right side, etc. Thanks to Shine on #pspdev for help on this.
A 1up system is in place. You start with 3 lives, and will get additional lives if you get up to the next life score posted next to the life indicators. First 1 up is at 1 million, after that it will depend on how well you are doing. The higher the score multiplier, the higher the next life score will be
Also added some sounds when snake eats or hits itself. Enjoy
heres a video clip of a test:
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December 12th, 2006, 21:06 Posted By: mICrO^NOS
mICrO from NewOlds dev group it’s happy to bring to the to community the game trailer for they incoming first title for PSP and Windows: Pollo Pollo!
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December 12th, 2006, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nj has released a new version of his CPS2 emulator for the PSP, heres the translated whats new:
* It was the schedule which renewal of binary does not do for a while, but because romcnv_cps2.exe is renewed,
It compiles in order to avoid confusion.
Non compressed cash data arrangement inside the file was optimized.
Because ver.8 there is no compatibility, when the non compressed cash file is used,
Please do again to draw up once more. Concerning the type of the non compressed cash file,
Perhaps there is no modification above this.
* In regard to CPS1PSP and MVSPSP, with modification of specification inside as for renewal of the source as for doing
It is, but because in the future it does not renew binary, please compile with each one.
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December 12th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his firmware modification program for the PSP, heres whats new in this release:
New for X-Flash V17b:
- Release to fix name plate routine.
Yesterdays release had these changes:
New for X-Flash V17:
- Auto checking for incorrect PSP registry version at startup.
User is kicked if a 1.50 registry is present in a 2.71 SE firmware
installation, or vice versa. A prompt is given to restore regitsry
settings in the XMB menu.
- Implementation of custom coded '6AM Sample Player'.
Sound effects are resampled louder and clearer.
Sound sample files are biult into the program eboot file.
- Mikmod audio library is now used soley to play demo music.
- Startup file checking sequence is faster since there are less
external files to validate .
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December 12th, 2006, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
Tomaz posted this news/release:
Here's a little Slide Puzzle homebrew I've been working on for a few days which is a port of a PC game i made several years ago.
This was made just for fun and to test the functionality of the 2D part of my PSP game engine.
only tested on :
1.5 fw
use d.pad left / right in the menu to choose which image to use for the puzzle.
X will select that image as puzzle and start the game.
Ocne inside the game the d-pad moves the marker and hitting X while selecting a tile that is next to the empty tile moves it there.
TRIANGLE shows what the puzzle should look like once its completed.
Start exits the current game and puts you back in the menu.
Select takes a screenshot.
When a puzzle is beaten pressing any key will put you back in the menu.
Future ideas are:
5x5 and 6x6 puzzles.
Add some sounds.
Add a timer and a store the Record time for each puzzle.
Any other ideas are welcome.
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December 12th, 2006, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
News/ release from Mov:
This is a plugin for autostarting eboots under firmware 2.71se (tested only under se-C)
- cheesy fix allowing cpu speed changes (amongst other things?) for autostarted
iR Shell 3.0 under 2.71 kernel (not sure if the problem affects apps besides iR Shell
- haven't checked - but the workaround is enabled for all 2.71 apps anyway).
- support for associating the following buttons with apps: triangle, circle, cross,
square, left/right triggers, up, down, left, right, select, start, home, hold &
the wlan switch state (on/off).
- config file support (psp/system/xautob.cfg); format: `button=ms0:/path/to/eboot'.
includes basic comment support (lines prefixed with #), kernel specification,
pretty loose button/kernel reading (ltrigger is the same as LtRiGgEr is the same as
ltrig, 150 cross = cross_150, etc.). blank or invalid path entries in the config are
interpreted as "load the XMB"; if multiple entries for the same button are found the
last one is used.
example config:
# wlan switch on? start irshell under kernel 2.71..
# wlan switch off? start irshell under kernel 1.5..
# load xmb
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December 12th, 2006, 21:34 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v1.0
Heres the translated (via crappy google)Whats New:
Because 2006/12/10 ver1.9+ release # presently there is no PSP in labor assistant of the writer, the test is not possible. If there is a malfunction, we ask report positively. The trigger to of ○filer HACKER MODE was improved. Old: L, <- keeps pushing R is pushed in state. New: L, <-, among three keys of R, either one keep pushing two last 1 are pushed in state. File even when sticking and deleting it tried to retain the alignment state of the folder. File even when sticking and deleting it tried to retain cursor position. Folder alignment “alignment is not” state was added to mode. Folder procedure of compilation was modified. Old: With suitable name folder compilation -> change renewal the folder name: When folder name input -> the folder of the name compilation ○ text indicating viewer long Japanese composition, the bug which cuts line in the middle of full size letter was corrected. When memory is insufficient, when viewer is started, the bug which has fallen was corrected.
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December 13th, 2006, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
And they keep rolling in . . . 5 more Blu-ray movies to add to your ever-growing collection this week. I've got my copy of Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby and I know all of you can't wait to get their hands on The Devil Wears Prada (for your wife/girlfriend of course!).
Blu-ray Movie Releases
American Classic
The Devil Wears Prada
Kung Fu Hustle
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
World Trade Center
As always, availability is subject to manufacturer delivery.
Buy them all at Amazon.Com
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December 13th, 2006, 02:24 Posted By: wraggster
via IGN
The only officially licensed first-party Major League Baseball game is returning in spring 2007. Today, Sony announced MLB 07 The Show for PS2, PS3 and PSP. MLB 07 offers a number of new features for all three systems to make it the most robust baseball game ever offered by Sony.
"In 2006, the MLB franchise was the best-selling baseball videogame on the market across all gaming platforms, and dominated the PlayStation platforms. This year,
MLB 07 The Show looks to continue its reign as the most valuable player in the category by delivering unsurpassed realism," said Scott Rohde, director, sports product development, SCEA. "We are committed to continually looking for ways to add new and improved gameplay features in order to provide fans with the closest experience to actually playing in the Big Leagues."
Once again, gamers can create a baseball player from scratch and work their way up to the Bigs. This year, a new wrinkle has been added with Road to the Show, allowing gamers to experience the game from the perspective of their created player. The game fast-forwards to a created player's at bats and defensive plays which involve your created superstar. Just like a real MLB star, it's all about you, baby!
Pitching has been given the greatest focus with next year's installment of MLB. Three new additions should make for a challenging (and hopefully rewarding) experience on the mound.
The new Pitch Command System measures the "pitch comfort" for each hurler. If a pitcher is comfortable with the heater, they will have an easier time getting strikes. But if they are struggling with their curveball, it will be difficult to avoid leaving a few hanging over the plate. Players can choose to either work out the kinks on the mound or focus on their comfort pitches. However, if you neglect working on your weaker pitches, they only get worse. And if you are only throwing the heater, sooner or later the hitters will catch on and smoke a few out of the park.
Adaptive Pitching Intelligence gives catchers control of the game. The man behind the plate calls pitches based on a pitcher's strength and the game situation. The pitcher has the right to shake them off, but it's never a good idea to disregard your catcher too often.
Lastly, MLB 07 adds umpire personalities. Each ump has their own idea of the strike zone, along with some unique animations and tendencies. Just like real baseball players, it's up to you, both as pitcher and hitter, to learn the strike zone of each ump and compensate. There's no word yet on whether or not any ump calls a "true" strike zone, but if Sony wants to keep it realistic, none of them will.
Online has also seen some improvements. This year, online leagues have been added (yes, even for PSP!), allowing 6-30 players to enjoy a full season of competitive baseball. Sadly, there are no cross-platform leagues available, so pick a console and stick with it for the season.
Baseball fans can stay in the loop on PS2 and PS3 with MLB 07's Online News Service featuring news feeds from all 30 teams, plus an overall MLB feed. Updated several times an hour, the News Service keeps you from missing out on breaking news. and provides live MLB Ticker for up-to-the-minute scores.
PS3 owners can exclusively tags themselves as being "Always Online." This allows for instant messaging, buddy invites and more. The MLB Ticker, normally only available in online games, will also appear when playing offline games.
Last year's highly-touted features return as well. Playmaker fielding, user-controlled slides and "progressive commentary" make a comeback for '07. We didn't call this "the most robust Sony baseball gave ever" for nothin'!
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December 13th, 2006, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster
D3Publisher is ready to hit the ground running with a batch of new games across all platforms in 2007. One of the titles the company will release is a unique action puzzler for the PlayStation Portable that goes by the simple name Cube. The game was in near final form at the company's holiday gathering in San Francisco last week where we got a chance to tinker around with the design on the PSP.
Cube is a unique game in development at New Zealand studio Metia Interactive. This game is best described as Marble Madness or Super Monkey Ball gone square: the whole idea is a simple race the clock challenge where you'll need to get from the start of the level to the finish in the shortest amount of time. Some missions are a simple race to the finish design, while others requires a lot more thought, like collecting keys scattered across the field. In one level, we had to trigger arrow icons on the playfield to send hazardous bombs ricocheting in specific directions in order to explode against each other to make way towards the exit. You only get one chance to get to the finish line in any one level. If you take a harmful hit against a hazard in a challenge, it's right back to the start.
Full article at IGN
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December 13th, 2006, 02:26 Posted By: wraggster
Who knows what events led to the creation of Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. But there it is, a game that crosses puzzles game like Bejeweled with the strategy role-playing genre. It's an interesting concept, like splicing Dance Dance Revolution with a Zork text adventure. The game showed up at a recent event in San Francisco, held by D3 Publisher to show off its upcoming titles.
At first, Puzzle Quest looks like a typical RPG. Players choose a character among a pool of different types, as well as a gender and name. From there, the game dumps the newly formed character on top of an overworld map. Again, players will notice this looks a lot like a typical RPG setup complete with towns and castles. But here's where things shoot off in another direction. Instead of traveling the land and entering towns, players simply click on towns to bring up an options menu. They can visit a number of shops, receives quests or do whatever else happens to sit in the menu. Since the demo on display took place at the start of the game, there was only one quest available.
Full article at IGN
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December 13th, 2006, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
Ten months ago, Sony's San Diego Studios released MLB 06: The Show, which was one of the best sports games of the year. Easily improving on the formula of SCE's baseball franchise, MLB 06 improved on a number of areas, including a new batting control system, a new rivalry mode and presented an extremely fun mini-game known as King of the Diamond. But Sony's not resting on a simple roster update for next year's title; instead, they're putting in a load of features that will make any baseball fan look forward to the return of the Boys of Summer.
Two of the new features that have been included in MLB 07's gameplay focus on how confident a pitcher feels during a game, as well as the interaction between him and his catcher. The Pitch Command System evaluates just how comfortable a hurler is with his compliment of fast balls, sliders and other pitches as he comes out of the bullpen. Depending on where they happen to be after warming up, they might feel a bit stronger with one pitch over another one. If they throw the ball that they're feeling good about in a game and have success with strikes or even strikeouts, their confidence in that pitch will grow and it will be much more effective during the game. However, this comes with a price, since the other kinds of pitches will decrease in effectiveness the more you come to rely on one throw over another. To this end, you'll need to make a decision to either change up your pitches or specialize with one or two.
Full article at IGN
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December 13th, 2006, 02:32 Posted By: wraggster
Today Ubisoft announced that Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII for the PlayStation 3 has released and will be at North American retailers this week.
Blazing Angels puts the Sixaxis to use for realistic flight controls. From the Battle of Britain to Pearl Harbor, players will rewrite history as they fight to dominate the skies of Western Europe and the Pacific.
Your pilot's license will put you back around $59.99.
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December 13th, 2006, 02:33 Posted By: wraggster
Gamers probably know Dark Sector as the first game ever announced for next-generation consoles. Announced by Digital Extremes in April 2004, the game backed into the shadows soon afterward and didn't emerge until last week, at an event held by D3 Publisher. A new trailer for Dark Sector preceded the event, showing off a brand new art style that ditched the sci-fi setting for urban grit.
It still has sci-fi elements, of course - players assume the role of a mutating anti-hero infected by a space-age plague - but developers wanted everything else ground in reality. In doing so, developers hope to accentuate the hero, Hayden Tenno, and his ever-evolving condition, as truly fantastic. There's no better way to make something special than to downplay everything else around it. Not to say the environments lack pizzazz - in fact, they look downright gorgeous - but it certainly focuses the spotlight on Hayden. Speaking of environments, the recent demo took him through a crumbling city filled with overturned cars and abandoned buildings. Snow covered the ground and drifted from the skies. Fire from trash cans lit nearby walls and objects, too. Even without some of the special effects in place, it's still a pretty game.
As a special operative in charge of "cleaning" messy political situations, Hayden travels to a fictional Soviet State to investigate a biological experiment. Like most biological experiments, this one has gone terribly wrong and turned a section of the population into ravenous killing machines. When Hayden arrives on the scene, he stumbles upon a war-in-progress between the "infected" and mysterious group of armed soldiers. He needs to find out what's up and fix everything before the world finds out half of Russia has evolved into monsters. A pretty big task, even for a guy who Digital Extremes likes to describe as a crossing between Jack Bauer and Wolverine. Either way, he needs to get the job done. Fortunately, he's not alone in his task.
via IGN
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December 13th, 2006, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
Formula One racing isn't all that big over here in the United States. Race fans seem to flock to the loud and mean NASCAR events where raw speed is king rather than the extremely technical F1 races. To each his own we say, but we're hoping that regardless of preference gamers will check out Sony's Formula One Championship Edition as it's looking to be a surprisingly good game.
Though our first impressions of the game back at E3 were a little underwhelming, the racer has come a long way since then. The cars' handling feels much better, the visuals have been bumped up a few notches and what we've seen and heard about the career mode seems quite promising.
Formula One Championship Edition will be based on the 2006 F1 race season, so you'll find anything and everything attached to that year present here. That means you'll have access to 18 tracks, 11 teams and 22 drivers. Even if you're not a Formula One fan, you can simply stick to picking a team here associated to your favorite car brand. We happen to be Ferrari nuts over here.
Full article at IGN
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December 13th, 2006, 02:41 Posted By: wraggster
News/release by 'Lostprophet':
This LEGAL Windows executable file patches the usbcam.prx file needed by the PSP USB camera (from v2.71), to one that is valid (v3.02).
[B] - Update - output is module from fw3.02, *should* enable more than 15 seconds capture.
[A] - Initial release - patched to fw2.82 module.
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December 13th, 2006, 04:21 Posted By: TacticalBread
A new game engine for the PSP. It was used it Konami's Online Chess Kingdoms, so it appears it's for official PSP developers, not for homebrew
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December 13th, 2006, 08:10 Posted By: XioN980
I've decided to sort of take this project on, im not just doing a rom selector now but a full on menu/GUI, Then i may discontinue, i may not, we'll see how it goes 
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December 13th, 2006, 08:12 Posted By: titch.ryan
News/release from Twin891:
Hey guys, I've been working on my PSP game for a while now. It's based on Jezz ball that came out years ago for the PC. It's all programmed in C and I did the graphics as well.
It hasn't been tested on 2.0+ so I'd appreciate some info from you guys if you could. If there is enough interest I will continue to update periodically. I realize that there are plenty of bugs. I will hopefully fix them with another release.
R & L Triggers: Change Cursor Direction
Cross: Create ray
Analog Stick: Move cursor
Up or Down: Change cursor direction to vertical
Right or Left: Change cursor direction to horizontal
Start: Pause/Menu
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via twin891
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December 13th, 2006, 10:38 Posted By: happy_mak
The PS3 has got a new update 1.31 and the Japan version is out.
It should be out for the US PS3's soon too. Well this seems to be becoming a regular feature of the week now that PS3 gets an update. Being updatable as a feature now seems like additional maintenance work. As if the Windows updates were
not already annoying this game machine too will now need udpates every now and then i suppose.
You can check the firmware details 1.31 at the URL below(a translation of the japanese contents actually)
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December 13th, 2006, 13:16 Posted By: splodger15
V0.31 here a few changes have been made to it. Apart from map as i couldnt not find a decent enough one
I thank gunntims0103 for helpin me out alot with V0.31.
here is what has been done
+ Changed the Road background looks more realistic now
+ Fixed bug on the menu
+ added new menu
+ added new credits screen
+ added new instructions screen
+ Added the start, credits, and instruction options to menu background
+ new psp 1.5 icon
- various unneeded code deleted
If you want to change the music on it have a mp3 and rename it to Music.mp3 and place it in the PSPTurismoV0.31 folder
The next release will be PSP Turismo Christmas Edition which will be released closer to christmas.
Once again thanks everyone who helped me out and thank you gunntims0103 for helping me with this release.
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December 13th, 2006, 16:51 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Source tells CVG that PS3 won't launch in Europe until September 2007 while Sony sticks to March release
Sony's head of Worldwide Studios Phil Harrison recently told Official PlayStation Magazine that he wouldn't like to make any definitive statements about the March rollout for PS3.
Sony quickly followed that up with a statement re-confirming PS3 is on track for March 2007 across Europe. But speculation of a further delay just won't go away.
High placed sources within the industry have already been tipping April as a more realistic launch window the for console. But a source has told CVG that a PS3 delay as far back as September 2007 is now far more likely, pointing the finger of delay at - yes you guessed it - "component shortages". And let's face it, you don't launch a console in summer.
When contacted this morning a Sony UK spokesperson told CVG that "We're 100 percent on track for a March release".
Source: CVG
Really can we believe Sony, first they say spring 2006, then world wide launch in Dec with over a million consoles ready, then they said 100,000 for Japan and 400,000 for the US, which, at this stage it seems they only had 80,000 for Japan and just over 200,000 for the US ready for launch.
It seems to me Sony think they can keep dangling the carrot in front of us, making and breaking promises like this. I hope for Playstation fans in Europe they for fill this promise.
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December 13th, 2006, 18:14 Posted By: wraggster
Tfact has released a new Unnoficial Version of Exophases excellent GBA Emulator for the PSP.
Heres whats new via translation
Because the bug of vram became matter of concern, release You abandoned the English translation of the document
The bug correction of kai 2.5 vram reading 込/bug correction when writing in (re-correction)
When reading 込/writing in 0x18000, correction vram correcting the fact that part it is destructive, Replacement of RL channel of sound (gbc interchangeable sound correction) (from 96 people)
[chitokodo] usually was turned to OFF, If it is necessary, make - with e " OPT=-DCHEAT " please build Deleting the unnecessary variable operation of the main loop mips_stub. It tried the portion of S to use delay slot, (from 182 people) mips_stub. It developed the macro of S and tried to use delay slot
New correspondence
It tried the Momotarou electric railway to move, (from 5 people)
Addition of debug mode
make - debug mode is added by building with e " OPT=-DDEBUG_MODE "
At the △+ top and bottom it is indication mode change with picture size as debug
There is no mode 0 indication
Same period doing in the mode 1 VBALNK interruption, it indicates
Same period doing in the mode 2 HBLANK interruption, it indicates
for eLoader
It tried not to set the clock
It is thought that it starts with the clock which sets with eloader
About the option when building
The executable files for 1.5 it draws up with make kxploit
make - Option is set with e " OPT=~ "
OPT=-DDEBUG_MODE debugging mode
OPT=-DCHEAT [chito] validity
OPT=-DELOADER eLoader correspondence
Example) for 1.5 drawing up the executable file in eLoader, debugging and [chito] correspondence
make kxploit - e " OPT=-DDEBUG_MODE - DCHEAT - DELOADER "
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December 13th, 2006, 18:19 Posted By: wraggster
Nj has released a new version of his CPS2 emulator for the PSP, heres the translated whats new:
*X-MEN VS. The floor being destroyed with Street, Fighter after falling, the picture normally
Correcting the bug which has stopped being indicated.
* Because perhaps as for big bug you think, that it is not, renewal of binary temporarily with this end?
If it seems that it cannot correspond to the new game, possibility of end is large this way, is.
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December 13th, 2006, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Wizards and warriors - and orcs we guess - unite! Fantasy-fuelled Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom is an action-RPG littered with combat and magic, with the promise that the game will wow our eyeballs with visually stunning displays courtesy of PS3's grunt. Cor!
Dark Kingdom's storyline - of epic proportions, naturally - has been penned by Keith Baker (a freelance writer of Dungeons & Dragons material) and finds adventurers attempting to "end the tyranny of a King they once served", EA has informed. Along with the eye candy, a big deal is being made about the integration of real-time physics which apparently allows us to "experience realistic RPG action".
In addition, the single-player adventure is accompanied by an online co-op mode, and it's mentioned that the title is to receive extra online support via PlayStation Network - i.e. new content will be released for the game post launch.
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December 13th, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
Fatal inertia - sounds nasty or, indeed, fatal. Badumtish. Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with Koei's PS3 and Xbox 360 title, in a nutshell it's a futuristic racer that combines, erm, racing with combat and features a physics engine allowing players to do the likes of blow chunks out of the environment to obstruct the opposition. New info and screenshots released by Koei this morning fill us in on some of the game's locations (both versions are due March 2007).
The passage of time goes virtually unnoticed amidst the towering arches of the Lost Canyon. Abandoned since the closing of a mining operation in the early 20th century, this canyon has remained largely unchanged over the past two centuries. Relics of the operation remain abundant throughout the canyon, from caves carved out of the solid rock to cranes and dilapidated buildings. Racers must be wary of these obstacles as they are not quite as sturdy as they once were.
Once an active logging camp, Deepwoods Pass has now mostly returned to its natural state. The sensation of speed is extreme while racing through the depths of this temperate rainforest. Blowing past pristine old-growth redwoods and expansive marshlands at more than 200 kmph can be extremely dangerous and piloting through harrowingly narrow paths cut through walls of rock is borderline suicidal. One of the most challenging locations in Fatal Inertia, Deepwoods Pass will see drivers flying through waterfalls, racing headlong into thick fog, and reacting to avoid the massive, dead trees that can come crashing down at any time.
Somewhere in the south pacific lies a group of undisturbed islands, surrounded by emerald-green waters and white-sand beaches. These uninhabited islands look like an ideal paradise with breathtaking scenery replete with the vivid colours of tropical flora and shimmering water. However, Paradise Isle is not a vacation resort; it's the beautiful backdrop for the races of Fatal Inertia. Racers must be careful to keep their minds on the competition and not on the scenery or they may find themselves headfirst in the sand, or worse, into a rocky outcropping. The courses in Paradise Isle may seem relatively less constricting than those of other locations, however, shipwrecks and other hazards that have washed up on the shores make for very challenging races.
Devil's Peak was given its name after its last major eruption decimated a section of nearby Echo City. The remnants of this formerly prosperous industrial region are scattered throughout the area, from the skeletons of buildings and abandoned vehicles to discarded gas canisters and oil pipelines. The mountainous terrain consists of many shear cliffs and vertical drops that make racing extremely treacherous. Combined with rapid twists and turns, the racecourses on Devil's Peak are akin to a massive roller coaster ride without rails.
True to its name, glaciers float in abundance in the waters off the coast of Glacier Bay, a snow-swept region in the northern Rockies. Racers must navigate their way through forests of evergreens, plunge headlong into ice caves, and avoid the jutting ice formations when out on the water. While obstacles are plentiful in Glacier Bay, its courses exhibit unsurpassed freedom as there are many ways racers can cut corners and find new ways to get ahead. Precision handling skills will be vital to success in Glacier Bay as blinding snowstorms occur frequently in the region. The ability to handle these conditions separates the elite drivers from the rest of the pack.
Screens Here
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December 13th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves has told GamesIndustry.biz that suggestions the European launch of PS3 will be delayed once again are nothing more than 'speculation without foundation'.
Rumours of a delay began to emerge when consumer site CVG published a report quoting an unnamed source as saying the PS3 won't be arriving in March, as planned. The report went on to claim that a September launch date is now likely.
But speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Reeves said, "We're still on schedule to launch PS3 in March throughout the PAL territories. All speculation otherwise is without foundation."
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December 13th, 2006, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Still wondering what to get for Christmas? Or perhaps you're still struggling to convince your loved ones that Canis Canem Edit isn't actually a teenage murder simulator, despite what that earnest American lawyer chap says. Either way, this new video ought to be enough to show anyone the magic of the game formerly known as Bully. Even if it is interspersed with casual soft violence.
Hit the movies tab above to see the festive frolics you could be missing out on - should you be one of the crazy people who didn't buy what could be PS2's greatest game of the year when it first came out. Everyone else, just enjoy the footage. It is Christmas, after all.
Trailer Here
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December 13th, 2006, 21:31 Posted By: wraggster
A PlayStation 3 firmware update is now available for the system, nudging it along from version 1.30 to 1.31. While the US update page still doesn't list the contents of the download (c'mon Sony, if you can write the code and push it live, you can at least let us know what's in it), the Japanese page does. So now we stumble around, trying to decipher Japanese and piece together just what it is we've just stuck on our PS3. According to this machine translated page, they've added "installation of hard disk private PlayStation®2 standard software." Sure, this doesn't make any sense but if you think like a machine (follow this link), you'll realize they surely mean that PS2 software that heretofore required that system's HDD attachment is now functional. This includes Nobunaga's Ambition Online and Final Fantasy XI.
The Japanese page instructs us to download the "PS2 System Data" from the PlayStation Store; however, try as we might, we're unable to find the download. We're guessing a copy of either of the aforementioned titles may be required to install this functionality. Regardless, it's clear that -- especially if they're going to insist on frequent, mandatory updates -- Sony should consider being more communicative with their audience. Kaz, now that you're over in Japan, let 'em know that gamers in North America care about this stuff too!
via joystiq
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December 13th, 2006, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Video Here --> http://www.youtube.com/v/IoCD9TwLrVs
When played on a PS3, PS1 and PS2 games look dramatically worse as the above video indicates. The big black box resizes the graphic output of 480i PS1/PS2 games at a lower resolution sans filtering causing screen artifacts and jagged edges. Like, jagged edges that somebody took a knife to. It appears the issue has nothing to do with the TV, cables, or your PS3 resolution setting, something only a firmware upgrade can fix.
Via joystiq
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December 13th, 2006, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
The correcting of a paperwork error has led to the dismissal of a second degree murder charge filed against New Hanover County Cpl. Christopher Long who was accused of shooting and killing an unarmed teen suspected of robbing two PlayStation 3 consoles. Apparently, the grand jury foreman checked the wrong box on the indictment form, mistakenly charging Long with murder.
According to his attorney, Long "based his decision [to fire] on his law enforcement training," hitting the victim in the head and shoulder after he thought he heard gunfire as authorities broke through the door to the victim's home with a battering ram. District Attorney Ben David confirmed that the other officers involved did not report hearing shots fired prior to Long's attack.
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December 13th, 2006, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
New Commercial PSP Release:

The 90's Lives On-14 classic console games from EA from the 90's exclusively for the PSP system.
Multiplayer Features-Ad Hoc, head-to-head support for Budokan, Road Rash™ II, and Mutant League Football.
Mid-Game Save-Save your game at any point giving you freedom to play on your terms.
Collectable Cards-Unlock game art from back in the day!
As if! EA™ Replay is a throw back to what you loved about videogames in the first place! Let EA bring you back to a simpler time when movies were still on VHS, Boy Bands were all the rage, people adorned themselves in layers of plaid and called themselves 'grunge', everyone wanted to live in 90210, and the dawn of gaming's golden age took hold.
Embrace the 90's nostalgia with a compilation of 14 classic console games from EA exclusively for the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system! EA Replay promises to deliver the same great console experience on-the-go for all 14 games including hit franchises such as the Strike series, Road Rash™, and Wing Commander™.
Go head-to-head with friends in multiplayer on select titles, unlock original game art, and save your game at any point. Let the memories come rushing back and take the fun of the 90's wherever you go with EA Replay.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pg3.html
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December 13th, 2006, 21:50 Posted By: wraggster
Todays New gaming releases for the PS2 are:
Daisenryaku VII Exceed JPN US$ 64.90
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 Chou Ketteiban JPN US$ 64.90
Marheaven: Arm Fight Dream (Konami the Best) JPN US$ 34.90
Wild Arms: The Vth Vanguard JPN US$ 64.90
Wind: A Breath of Heart (Alchemist Best Collection) JPN US$ 34.90
More info on each here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 14th, 2006, 07:49 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia posted this Update of all Games releases this week
Nintendo Wii™:
Barnyard US US$ 49.90
Bleach: Wii Shiraha Kirameku Rinbukyoku JPN US$ 64.90
Pokemon Battle Revolution JPN US$ 59.90
Rapala Tournament Fishing US US$ 49.90
Rayman Raving Rabbids JPN US$ 59.90
Wii D-Terminal AV Cable JPN US$ 29.90
Wii Remote Control Protection Film JPN US$ 4.99
Chikyuu Boueigun 3 / Earth Defense Forces 3 JPN US$ 64.90
Oneechanbara vorteX JPN US$ 64.90
Phantasy Star Universe JPN US$ 64.90
Winning Eleven X ASIA US$ 49.90
Winning Eleven X JPN US$ 64.90
Xbox 360 Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Pack [Limited Edition] ASIA US$ 429.90
All Star Yakyuken Battle JPN US$ 47.90
Full Auto 2: Battlelines US US$ 64.90
MotorStorm JPN US$ 59.90
Daisenryaku VII Exceed JPN US$ 64.90
Demento (CapKore) JPN US$ 19.90
EX Okuman Chouja Game (Atlus Best Collection) JPN US$ 20.90
FlatOut 2 KOR US$ 54.90
Gokujou Seitokai (Konami the Best) JPN US$ 34.90
Grand Theft Auto Trilogy US US$ 34.90
Harukanaru Jikuu no Kade: Hachiha Katsunori (Koei the Best) JPN US$ 34.90
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2 (Koei Selection) JPN US$ 20.90
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing & Nightfire (EA Best Hits) JPN US$ 44.90
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 13 Chou Ketteiban JPN US$ 64.90
Mahjong Haoh: Shinken Battle (Mycom Best) JPN US$ 20.90
Marheaven: Arm Fight Dream (Konami the Best) JPN US$ 34.90
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December 14th, 2006, 12:53 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Admits to being "busted" by eagle-eyed Internet users
Sony Computer Entertainment America has admitted that a blog purporting to be the work of real life PSP fans was in fact part of a marketing campaign designed to promote the handheld in the run-up to Christmas.
The site, alliwantforxmasisapsp.com, appeared to be have been designed by two friends and featured downloadable PSP greetings cards and t-shirt transfers. It also hosted a video showing "Cousin Pete" rapping about the handheld, which has since been removed from both the site and from YouTube.
"Consider us your own personal psp hype machine, here to help you wage a holiday assault on ur parents, girl, granny, boss - whoever - so they know what you really want," a message on the site read.
However, visitors to the site became suspicious and discovered that it had been registered by marketing company Zipatoni which, according to its own website, offers "integrated multimedia marketing initiatives".
Zipatoni's site lists SCE as a client, and featured a picture (also now removed) of an employee who bears a striking resemblance to a man posing in a home-made PSP t-shirt on alliwantforxmasisapsp.com.
As a result the blog was flooded with complaints from critics exposing its true origins. They have since been removed, along with the video, and the welcome message has been replaced with the following message, credited to Sony Computer Entertainment America: "Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony.
"Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP."
It seems likely that Sony will need to take more care with its guerrilla marketing campaigns in the future - and not just to avoid a backlash from consumers.
According to the Washington Post, the Federal Trade Commission has warned companies "engaging in word-of-mouth marketing" that they must disclose details of who is endorsing the product. A failure to do so, the FTC said, could be seen as deceptive.
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December 14th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Details on the game are, well, pretty non-existent really, although judging by the first screenshots that have been released the title will feature a roster of Rocky opponents that have starred in previous movies, as well as stuff from the new flick. Rocky Balboa on PSP is set to release alongside the film next January.
And if you're unfamiliar with the storyline for the Rocky Balboa film, in a nutshell it finds the boxer, who has hit rocky bottom (sorry) in his personal life, stepping into the ring one last time to face off against a new champion.
Screens at CVG
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December 14th, 2006, 18:04 Posted By: wraggster
Not uncommon for the company, Sony has once again talked down the competition this morning, calling Nintendo's Wii a "novelty".
The comments come from SCEA's senior director of corporate communications Dave Karraker, who in an interview with the Wall Street Journal said "We feel very confident that the PlayStation fan is going to wait until they can get a PlayStation 3. If they do pick up a Wii, it's as more of a novelty."
Of course back at this year's E3 show (RIP) in May, Sony was praising Nintendo for its console's bold new direction, but we're sure the phenomenal European launch numbers has forced the company to change its tune.
The PlayStation 3 is officially penned for launch in Europe in March 2007.
via cvg
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December 14th, 2006, 18:27 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony Corporation has said it is still on track to ship 2 million PS3 units by the end of the year, despite manufacturing problems and a failure to meet the day one shipment target for North America.
Speaking at a press conference in Tokyo, Sony president Ryoji Chubachi said, "It is true that it took us some time to bring the PS3 to mass production as blue laser availability worked as a bottleneck."
However, he went on to observe that sales of the console are meeting Sony's expectations, adding, "I don't think we need to revise our shipment targets... 2 million and 6 million are within our reach.''
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December 14th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesradar
Criterion believe gamers have become "desensitised" to the game's endless impact action, and are going "back to square one" with Burnout 5 in order to push the next-gen reinvention of the blistering racer "beyond anything [Criterion] have ever done," according to director of design, Alex Ward.
"The first crash on PS3 has got to go way beyond everything you've ever seen," Ward told NewsWeek recently, stressing that making us believe in the reality of each crash is vital. "If you don't believe the crash is real, then it's not going to frighten you," Ward explained.
Ward had further words to explain Criterion's ambition with the new instalment in the Burnout series, saying that the developer's goal "is to make [Burnout] look like a year two PS3 game in year one," suggesting that Burnout 5 will put even Xbox 360's newer games to shame.
At the same time, Burnout 5 is still someway from being unveiled to a baying public. Ward explains that Criterion has "just got traffic in the game" and that's "it's still quite early" in terms of the game's development.
Finally, when quizzed about Burnout 5's open-world setting, Ward bullishly replied: "but we could have done an open world on Burnout 2. It's not 'cause we didn't know how to do it." For him, and for Criterion, the focus is not on Burnout's new setting, but on making the crash scenes utterly visceral and believable.
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December 14th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
A substantial update to PlayStation 3's firmware will finally give the console's XMB (cross media bar) the ability to multitask, Phil Harrison has revealed to attendees of a recent Sony seminar.
Currently the PS3 becomes all but inoperative while downloading new media such as demos or film clips, with only a download progress bar to keep you entertained.
Harrison did not reveal the full scale of the XMB's new ability, but it would be absurd if the update didn't give PS3 the same impressive powers as Xbox Live's Active Downloads system, which is able to stream a download while you play games, watch movies or even turn off the console, picking up where it left off when power is restored.
Other additions will include new display options, animation options during audio playback and photo album options. A PSP remote access feature is also planned, enabling you to access PS3 content - presumably limited to movies and game clips.
Sony has also announced that in the next few weeks it will begin accepting registrations from European gamers who wish to reserve their preferred PlayStation Network gamertag.
via gamesradar
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December 14th, 2006, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
via ps2dev
mtb has written a nice article how to install Gentoo on the Playstation 3 and provided a Gentoo stage 4 tarball for it. I've simplified the installation with two installation scripts, for lazy programmers like me, who don't want to type lots of command line commands, and written a short guide for the full installation process.
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December 14th, 2006, 20:37 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Chris Swindle:
Here is a new little program to backup and restore network configurations from the PSP, so now when you corrupt the registry you can restore settings without needing to type in the WEP keys etc. You can now also add access points to 2.71se.
When run the program allows you to dump the network configurations to ms0:/netconfig.bak, this can then be used to restore the settings on the same PSP, or another PSP.
Please note that if a dump is made on 2.00+ and it is restored on 1.5, then it may not work, depending on if the access point uses WPA or not.
Full source is included.
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via Chris Swindle
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December 14th, 2006, 20:41 Posted By: wraggster
One day after the surprise announcement of Dragon Quest IX for the DS, Square Enix is all set to drop another bombshell. According reports out of Japan, the next issue of Jump Magazine will contain news of two new Final Fantasy Tactics games.
The PSP will be getting Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou, an updated version of the original PlayStation classic. Square Enix is adding new jobs and some slick cell shaded movies, but aside from that, it's unclear what kind of improvements we can expect.
The second project is a bit more mysterious. Nothing is known about this game, except for its title: Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Fuuketsu no Guurimore. We don't even know its target platform. Jump is promising an update down the road.
Both projects fall under a series of projects that Square Enix refers to as "Ivalice Alliance," Ivalice being the name of the world in which both Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII take place. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, a DS offshoot of this year's PS2 blockbuster, also falls under this project.
We've yet to see the Jump report for ourselves, but with the annual Jump Festa comic/videogame show scheduled to kick off on Saturday in Tokyo, we're hoping to get a look at both new projects shortly. We'll be back later this week with whatever details we can dig up at the show.
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December 14th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Heres an excerpt
Whenever a beloved franchise makes the jump from the console to the portable screen, fans are usually nervous about the result. Will the gameplay that made it a hit transition over well to the handheld? Can the same number of features be found in the title? Will it look good on the small screen. Well, if the latest build of Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters is any indication, these titles might be as good as the console titles, with the added advantage of being able to take it on the go. At a recent Sony Media Day event we got our hands on the game, and ran through both the single and multiplayer modes to see how the game's coming along.
Size Matters is an original Ratchet and Clank adventure and the first title from High Impact Games, a company comprised of former Insomniac employees. Set after the events of Ratchet: Deadlocked, Ratchet and Clank have landed on the planet of Pokitaru for some much needed R&R. Completely burned out on the idea of being a galactic hero, Ratchet is simply looking forward to a lazy time on the beach. However, this idea is totally shot down as soon as a little girl named Luna approaches the duo for help on her school project. Unfortunately for Luna, she's kidnapped, forcing Ratchet and Clank to find out who's behind her abduction. Of course, things aren't as it seems, and the two heroes are going to face a large number of enemies across the entire galaxy once again.
Full Article at IGN
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December 14th, 2006, 20:48 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
If you're like me, you were somewhat underwhelmed by the 3.00 update. Maybe it was all the rumor-mongering, but I expected the latest update to feature a lot more than simple PSP-PS3 connectivity. Hopefully, someone from Sony's reading this, because this is what I'd like to see from a 3.5 or a 4.0 update.
It's hard to think of any improvements to the PHOTO channel, but one cool thing I'd love to see added is some "Fun" options, a la Nintendo Wii's Photo Channel. Being able to play around with the photos would be a neat way of making this feature slightly more useful. And, it would be a heck of a lot easier to do a photo puzzle on the PSP than on the Wii. Probability: Very Low
One of the niftiest things about Microsoft's Zune is that it allows you to share music, with restrictions. I'd love to see something similar. Users can send self-deleting DRM-protected music files to each other. The tech is there in the PSP: why not take advantage of it? Probability: Very Low
Unrestricted MPEG-2 & MPEG-4 support. The PSP is capable of playing video files as large as 720x480 via UMD, so clearly the hardware can handle downscaling high-res movies. The UMD market is all but dead, so why not free up this restriction? This will make video playback between PSP and PS3 nearly identical. Probability: Medium
Support for Quicktime videos. Most of Quicktime's videos are encoded in a version of MPEG that the PSP can easily decode. We should be able to play .MOV files on the PSP. Probability: Low
Support for Windows Media video. Probability: Very Low
Downloadable PSP games via the PlayStation Store. Not just PSone games, but actual PSP games. Probability: Very High
Better organization: include three folders when accessing games on Memory Stick? "Demos," "PSone," and "PSP." If you're like me, your PSP's GAME folder is bustling with way too many different files. Better organization would help a lot. Probability: Medium
Save states in PSone emulation. A lot of other emulators (like the Wii's Virtual Console) let you simply create a save state to resume at a later time. The PSP should easily be able to do the same. Probability: Medium
PlayStation Store! It's absolutely ridiculous that you need a PS3 in order to download games for the PSP. They need to get the PlayStation Store onto the PSP, ASAP. Of course, the PSP's wi-fi isn't really fast enough to support 500MB downloads, so an alternative would be to purchase and download a license via PSP, and then download the appropriate game files via PC. Probability: Very High
Remote Play shouldn't make the PS3 inaccessible. With eight gazillion teraflops of power, you think the PS3 would be able to multi-task. Probability: High
Downloading resuming? How frustrating is it when you're trying to download a 200MB video to your PSP, only to have the connection drop? The PSP should be intelligent enough to allow for downloads to resume. (The fact that the PS3 doesn't do this either is absolutely ridiculous!) Probability: Medium
Integrate the PSP into the PlayStation Network. You should be able to access your profile and messages via PSP. You could then chat or interact with other PS3 and PSP owners. Probability: High
Allow PSP games to use the PlayStation Network. One universal log-in across your PS3 and PSP online games would be absolutely fantastic. Probability: High
What do you think about my suggestions? What would YOU add to an upcoming PSP firmware revision? Feel free to add comments!
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December 14th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Remote Play is one of the more exciting things about the PS3-PSP connectivity. It's a nifty feature that allows you to access your PS3's media via PSP. While cool in theory, in practice, there's too many restrictions. Firstly, the PS3 can't do anything else when in Remote Play mode. Secondly, you have to be in range of the PS3's wi-fi. Finally, you can only access media stored on hard drive (no games, or disc media!).
It appears that a future firmware upgrade in March will address some of these issues. The future PLAYSTATION 3 upgrade promises multi-tasking, which should help address the first concern. Secondly, you'll be able to access your PS3's media from any internet connection, a la LocationFree Player. Certainly, this is a strong step forward. With the PS3 gaining Tivo-like functionality later next year, the PSP may be the perfect media device for people on the go. Imagine: you could record Battlestar Galactica when you're away, only to watch it from your PSP whenever you're near a wi-fi spot. The future of PS3-PSP connectivity is certainly exciting.
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December 14th, 2006, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Heres whats in the new PSP® Content Pack from Sony:
ATV Offroad Fury® Pro - Music Tracks
Battlezone - Wallpapers
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - Trailer
LocoRoco™ Christmas Demo (system software 3.02 or later is required)
LocoRoco™ Holiday - Music Track
NBA 07 - Music Tracks
PSP® TV Spot - Find Me Part 1
PSP® TV Spot - Find Me Part 2
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 - Theme Music
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 - Trailer
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 - TV Spot
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 - Wallpapers
Star Wars Lethal Alliance - Trailer
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault - Trailer
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Combined Assault - TV Spots
Download here --> http://www.us.playstation.com/psp/downloads/ContentPack
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December 14th, 2006, 21:00 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm posted this interesting news of a game called Blitz_Overtime that doesnt work on Devhook:
tried on DEVHOOK 0.51.0100 FW3.02, FW2.82 But NOT Work :P
Are Sony and co starting to block Devhook ?
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December 14th, 2006, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
HyT has released a Multi Language Mod for Devhook, heres more info:
I release my DevHook 0.51 and 0.5101 launcher mod, which translates it into Italian, Spanish and French (german still work in progress)
that's the readme:
*Install he original DevHook 0.5101
*Copy all the content of MS_ROOT folder into your MemoryStick root
*Menu translated into Italian, French and Spanish
*Autoboot times added
*New CPU/BUS speed implemented
*Added 2.80 and 3.00 firmware
*Corrected sone Booster's translation errors
*Useless stuff removed
*Add German language (by Siggi)
*Correct translation errors (I'm sure i did a lot of mistakes...)
*14/12/2006 v0.01
*Menu translated into Italian, French and Spanish
*Autoboot times added
*New CPU/BUS speed implemented
*Added 2.80 and 3.00 firmware
*Corrected sone Booster's translation errors
*Useless stuff removed
Booster for DevHook
Dark_Alex for 2.71SE
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via hyt
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December 14th, 2006, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted a new release of his Firmware modification app for the PSP, heres whats new:
- Added some sound enhancements,
and some new higher quality sound effects.
- A warning screen displayed for incorrect registry version,
X-Flash program no longer terminates for this reason.
Heres a video of an upcoming release:
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December 14th, 2006, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Jiggle:
Hi everyone, I made the first version yesterday and updated it a little tonight.
It loads devhookbeta automaticly(Im really lazy), loads 2.71se with X or irshell with O.
It works with 2.71se b & c(not tested on anything else, it should work with 1.5, if it has firmware which loads from PSP/GAME/BOOT/ or you move the eboot.pbp)
It doesnt write anything anwhere except screen,
Its simple and nothing much to look at, hopefully useful
It works with devhook and irshell in the standard folders(the ones they make themselfs when unzipped)
to install just extract the zip to your memory stick it puts the eboot in the right place. When its on reboot the psp With the right trigger held and enable autoboot in the configuration section. exit
I havent found any bugs, let me know if Im wrong & if its only me that likes it
Hope its usefull, let me know what you think
271boot.zip is plain version
271devboot.zip is new exciting version (well if your excited easily)
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via jiggle
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December 14th, 2006, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
xploren posted this news/release:
Hey, this is my first program for the PSP. It's titled ImageViewer. I'm openly releasing this as a beta. If you find ANY bugs, please tell me. I'll try fixing it right away. So here's the whole explanation:
ImageViewer is a program for the PSP that can let you view your pictures in private. The images are hidden in the folder, so nobody can see them. Here are the cons of the program:
There isn't a scrolling feature yet, so you can only view 480x272 images at the moment. :P
Currently, it isn't EBOOTed, so you'll need to have Lua Player. Don't complain in this thread, I'll do it in the next release.
The options aren't working right now. The next version will have it.
It can only handle up to 2 images at the moment....... the baddest part of it.
Well, that's it. Let me remind you: THIS IS MY FIRST PROGRAM, AND IT IS STILL IN BETA STAGE. Don't whine and complain. Give me a break. I've encrypted it because of the fact that there are lots of code stealers, and I wanted to make the size of the app smaller. Also, please read the readme. It's there for a reason. So, enjoy:
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via xploren
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December 14th, 2006, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
Mov has released a new version of his plugin for autostarting eboots under firmware 2.71se (tested only under se-C)
Heres whats new:
- cleaned things up a bit generally
- problem causing last config entry to be ignored when not newline-terminated.. FIXED
- added support for loading UMD games (see example config)
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via irshell forums
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December 14th, 2006, 22:19 Posted By: scottyboynow
Well I hav'nt really thought of a title but I said it will be on here Tomorrow, well I'm going to release the early beta now. Tell me what you think and how It can be improved(Maybe A name). I plan on adding a few more Applications and maybe changing the look a little bit.:thumbup:
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December 15th, 2006, 01:47 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
While the PS4 might be "just around the corner," and Nintendo's Wiimote is sure to give you all the (potentially dangerous) controller flinging fits you can handle, it appears that Sony's giving the whole "controller innovation" thing another go. Sure, Sony's faced its fair share of lawsuits (hasn't everyone?), and had noticeable trouble with Dual Shock in particular, but the less-than-revolutionary SIXAXIS controller is apparently lacking a heavily-desired feature: motion tracking. We're fairly certain that Sony is watching its toes to make sure the next lawsuit to hit doesn't come from the big N, but its latest patent describes a "handheld controller having detectable elements for tracking purposes," which admittedly sounds awfully familiar. The design looks simply like a revamped version of the current SIXAXIS, with embedded LEDs on the front of the device and an "external camera (Sony's sensor bar patent?) to capture the movements" of the user. After combing through the patent jargon, there's little doubt that the goal here is to deliver a controller that allows gamers to maneuver and react with more than just button mashes, but whether or not this development will actually be realized (or if games / lawyers will end up supporting it) remains to be seen.
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December 15th, 2006, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Our friends across the pond can't get a PlayStation 3 until March '07, at the earliest, but at least they can secure their own PlayStation Network ID. Make it snappy. My first choice was already taken by the time I purchased a PS3, so don't sleep. You don't want to be saddled with something like clownpenis.fart. Or maybe you do.
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December 15th, 2006, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
"Heavenly Star," the hit song from the Q Entertainment's videogame Lumines II, is now available for download via iTunes, both in the U.S. Japan.
The track, which is performed by the band Genki Rockets,
was produced by Q Entertainment's own Tetsuya Mizuguchi, and was nominated for the Best Song award category at the 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards.
"We are delighted to introduce our first self-produced song "Heavenly Star" on iTunes. It is an important element in Q Entertainment's global entertainment and distribution strategy," said Chief Creative Officer Mizuguchi. "As the world's most popular digital download store, iTunes is a key platform for serving our existing audience as well as introducing our work to others around the world."
"Heavenly Star" is the first original song and music video produced by game producer Mizuguchi and is currently available as a background in II. It will also be introduced into Lumines Live! (Xbox Live Arcade) as the "Heavenly Star Pack" starting early January 2007 for a limited time only. Gamers can enjoy the music video in stunning HD and 5.1 surround sound as they play their way through the falling blocks.
In addition, remixes of "Heavenly Star" (Countdown remix, Glorious remix, Love remix, Space walk remix, Sunrise remix) are already underway and will be available for purchase at the iTunes Store in the near future.
via ign
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December 15th, 2006, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
econobeing posted this news/release:
i figured "i've got to make something fast, pong is fast, it's like the hello world of games" so i did that. i kept it to a bare minimum: two paddles and a ball
point is though i made something finally.
i think i'm going to try making breakout next.
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December 15th, 2006, 02:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via the comet
The MBTA will no longer display advertisements for video games that are meant for adults after a citizens group complained about posters for a game that encourages players to steal, murder and have sex with prostitutes, a top official said Tuesday.
The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood had demanded advertisements for "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories" be pulled off the subways.
In a letter dated Monday, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's General Manager Daniel Grabauskas told the group that the MBTA's board had approved a ban on ads for games rated suitable only for persons 17 or older.
"We are thrilled that the MBTA has been so responsive to community concerns," said Susan Linn, co-founder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. "The children of Boston can now ride the MBTA without being targets for advertising that glorifies violence.
Linn added that the decision "sends a strong message to the videogame industry that public property cannot be used to promote violence to children. We hope that other cities will follow suit."
A media watchdog group, The National Institute on Media and the Family, has listed "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories" among 10 games parents shouldn't buy for their kids this holiday season, citing its violent content.
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December 15th, 2006, 02:53 Posted By: wraggster
HyT has updated his Multi Language Mod for Devhook, heres more info:
Added Norvegian language (thanks to northfence)
Added Nederlands language (thanks to papayo)
Added possibility to directly boot into your favourite language by editing ms0:/dh/05beta/autoexec.txt
Corrected minor graphical errors
Corrected some translation mistakes in French (thanks to Maxi_Jac')
Corrected other little mistakes in other languages
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December 15th, 2006, 12:20 Posted By: Exophase
A few words:
- As many of you know, I'm not terribly impressed with the unofficial builds of gpSP that exist without my consent. I have a nice rant about it in the readme, most of you have probably heard me here already anyway so I won't repeat it. Suffice it to say, I'm pretty serious about what I'm going to be doing at this point.
- This thing was way too much work. >_< I intended to release it at midnight, and I was basically about to, when my beta tester found fresh problems. So here I am, 6 hours later, now ready to release, I guess. I want to give a huge thanks to Veskgar, who stayed up all night with me to beta test.
- Obviously not every game is going to work, still. I'd love to give you an estimate of what the compatability is like, but until I've actually confirmed that many games of ALL GBA games I'll never feel confident in anything I say. But it's higher than 0.8.
- 0.9 still means beta. 1.0 won't be beta. If I ever release 1.0.
I actually worked really hard on this all day to add a bunch of stuff. This is, of course, in spite of all the crap from this scene. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very appreciative and dedicated people around (my two beta testers, of course). But I have to deal with a lot of things. People swearing at me for refusing to give them the BIOS, for instance. One person even threatened to report me to Nintendo because I refused to send him one. People literally arguing with me about why it's not fair for me to refuse to send them ROMs. People impersonating me on other message boards. Someone recently pretended to be me and said that I was giving up because I can't compete with Takka's releases. Things like that.
But I'll still work on this emulator. I started it for a reason and I'm going to see it through, even if I get nothing but headaches from it. I don't really play it mayself, though; I doubt anyone's going to believe me when I say that I actually do code it for the benefit of other people. No matter what, I still remember what it was like when I was 13 and emulators were very important to me, where a new one could make a dramatic difference in my life. Sad as that sounds. If I can be helpful to anyone I want to be.
But that won't really stop me from being possessive of my emulator. I want it to be developed the way I prefer - fortunately, I happen to sincerely think that I know what's best for it too.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. No, I won't post what's new here, go read the readme. Have fun :P
The source. Don't take it for granted, because it might not be there next time.
Heres whats New for those interested
# Fixed stereo output being reversed.
# Fixed a bug causing misaligned errors on 8bit writes to the gbc
audio channel 3 wave data (fixes various Super Robot Wars games)
# Fixed DMA with garbage in their upper 4 bits (fixes a crash in
Zelda: Minish Cap)
# Added double buffering to the rendering, removes line artifacts.
Big thanks to Brunni for the idea.
# Fixed a bug preventing some SRAM based games from saving (fixes
# Fixed a bug causing part of EWRAM to potentially get corrupted if
code segments loaded in EWRAM cross 32KB boundaries (fixes
Phantasy Star 2)
# Fixed a bug causing games using movs pc in user mode (very bad
behavior) to crash. Fixes Colin McRae Rally 2.0.
# Improved timing a bit more. Fixes GTA Advance.
# Fixed a sprite clipping bug (fixes crash in third boss of Zelda:
Minish cap)
# Increased translation buffer size significantly (fixes Donkey Kong:
King of Swing)
# Fixed a dynarec bug causing add pc, reg to not work in Thumb code
(fixes crash in DBZ:LoZ, seems to fix crashes in battle in Golden
Sun, probably fixes other games)
# Made sprites using tiles < 512 not display in modes 3-5 (fixes
a couple minor graphical bugs)
# Removed abort on instruction 0x00000000 hack, was breaking a
certain bugged up game (Scurge)
# Fixed bug in flags generating variable logical shifts (fixes
SD Gundam Force)
# Fixed unaligned 16bit reads (fixes DBZ:LoZ in game)
# Redid contiguous block flag modification checking AGAIN and
hopefully got it right this time (fixes Mario vs. Donkey Kong)
# Redid ldm/stm instructions, fixing some cases (along with the
timing improvements fixes Mario & Luigi)
# Fixed 14bit EEPROM addressing (hopefully fixes saving in a lot
of games)
# Completely redid memory handlers, accurately emulates open and
BIOS reads now. Fixes Zelda: Minish Cap (roll bug, last dungeon),
Rayman, MMBN 1 (last dungeon), probably others.
# Fixed a minor graphical glitch on the edges of the screen
(thanks Brunni and hlide for the help!)
# Fixed crash on loading savestates from files of games not currently
loaded, but be sure you have the exact file you loaded it from or
gpSP will exit.
@ New memory handlers should provide performance boost for games
that access VRAM significantly (ie 3D games)
@ Added dead flag elimination checking for logical shifts, probably
doesn't make a noticeable difference but should have been there
+ Added rapidfire to the button mappings.
+ Added auto frameskip. Removed fractional frameskip (don't think
it's very useful with auto anyway). Select auto in the graphics/
sound menu to activate it; frameskip value will act as the
maximum (auto is by default on). Thanks again to Brunni for some
help with this. Frameskip options are game specific.
+ Added vsync to the rendering. Only occurs when frames aren't
skipped. Seems to reduce tearing at least some of the time.
+ Added non-filtered video option.
+ Cheat support (Gameshark/Pro Action Replay v1-v3 only), still
in early stages, doesn't support everything; codes may cause
the game to crash, haven't determined yet if the codes are bad
or the implementation is. See cheat section for more information.
+ Added ability to change audio buffer size. Does not take affect
until you restart the game.
+ Added analog config options.
+ Added ability to set analog sensitivity and turn off analog.
+ Added ability to change the clock speed. This is a game specific
option. Try lower speeds w/auto frameskip to save battery life.
+ Fixed savestate speed on crappy Sony sticks.
(legend: # bug fix, + feature addition, @ optimization)
ON behalf of PSP News and DCEmu we would like to thank exophase for his excellent work on this emulator - wraggster
GPSP Compatability List Here (help update it)
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December 15th, 2006, 15:43 Posted By: blackrave
Access_Denied has updated the PSPeriodic Table homebrew app. Here's what's new:
This is the 3rd release of my periodic table of elements. The first two were coded in the TIFF SDK. But since we have a 2.8 eLoader out, and I still wanted to add a little more onto the project, I converted it to C. It took me about 10 minutes to convert it to C, then about an hour to add the other info. As of now, it tells you:
Electronic Configuration
Electrons in each shell
I don't think I'll be updating this again, as I see no need to. But if anyone wants more features, just ask.
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December 15th, 2006, 15:53 Posted By: blackrave
Edison Carter has updated his CheatDevice PRX for GTA: Vice City Stories to v2.2. What's new?
Hover Cars and Bikes
Set Wanted Level
Never Fall Off Your Bike
Automatic Flip Over
Walking Speed
Rocket Boost
Support for DevHook v0.51.01
Please read the readme for information on how to use and run it. Have fun cheating! 
PS: Edison Carter's website has GIFs of the PRX running. Go there if you want to see them. I don't want to kill the websites bandwith, nor the users here's.
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Via Edison Carter's CheatDevice
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December 15th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
According to Game marketing director Anna Macario, the popularity of the console has been overwhelming. During its launch week in November, one in every two PS2 purchases were of the pink variety, the shop chain's informed.
Macario added: "In the autumn, a range of pink consoles were released however we're seeing a real demand for the Pink PlayStation 2." So Game says, hundreds of parents are struggling to get hold of one.
Crikey. So if all you wanted for Christmas was a pink PS2, are you stuffed like a giant teddy bear? Apparently not. "We're now back in stock of the pink console in stores, so we're hoping to fully satisfy the demand in time for Christmas", Macario said. Phew.
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December 15th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
Development on EA's next instalment in the highly-acclaimed Burnout series is being focused on the PlayStation 3, developer Criterion has said in an Interview.
"We're kind of specialists on the Sony system. Because it was always that way on Burnout," Criterion's Alex Ward tells MSNBC, adding that Criterion is still "doing some cool stuff" on the Xbox 360 version of Burnout 5.
Further on in the interview Ward also offers some new info on the next-gen racer, saying that he hopes to re-invigorate gamers' perception of the car crash (oo-eer).
"If you watch the first Superman on DVD," he says "the director talks about the original version of Superman being very camp, very light-hearted. What he wanted to do was get to the heart of it, get to the truth of it. Their buzzword was 'verisimilitude.'
And they spent all of their time on flying, because if the flying wasn't right, the movie wouldn't make any sense. If you didn't believe Superman was real, then you wouldn't believe the story".
"So with Burnout, we have to go back to square one. And our verisimilitude is on car crashing. If you don't believe the crash is real, then it's not going to frighten you...The first crash you see on PlayStation 3 has got to go way beyond everything you've ever seen, beyond anything that we've ever done. Because every time we put our game out, people say, 'It's the best crashes ever in a game.' We've got to go beyond that now. We have to go beyond a game, and we have to go beyond a game car crash. That's what all of our work is focused on right now."
Ward goes on to suggest that we'll see Burnout 5 in the shops within the year, saying that his goal is to make it look like "a year two PS3 game in year one." We'll let you know when EA drop official word.
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December 15th, 2006, 17:29 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Now that the PS3 has been out on the market for a while, analysts can get a firm grasp of exactly what the shortages are doing to, both hardware and software, the various alternatives. The actual results are surprising to most of us "logical" thinkers.
According to analyst groups, the biggest winner in the PS3 shortages is actually Sony. The displaced PS3 money is going to purchase PS2 software. Few are opting for an Xbox 360 as an alternative to not getting a PS3, though analysts believe the push will be enough to help Microsoft hit the 10 million goal. The biggest loser is EA, which focused too much effort on the PS3 and overextended themselves. Activision and THQ are in good positions as they focused more on the Xbox 360 and PS2.
There seems to be some method behind the PS3 madness at Sony. While they are losing potential PS3 customers, either to the Xbox 360 -- the Wii is not even considered an alternative and stands by itself -- or just won't buy it at all, the money is getting filtered into the PS2 business. However, these short term gains are going to kill third party relationships as it is expected that few, if any, PS3 games will reach profitability before 2007 is over and done with. If developers chose to focus on the established Xbox 360 while waiting for PS3 shipments to rise, they may be waiting forever; the PS3 won't continue to sell without the games to go along with it.
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December 15th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: wraggster
The biggest key business model Sony and Microsoft uses when selling their gaming consoles is to sell them for a loss and make up the profits later with royalty income. Sony, however, has decided to buck this trend when selling the PS3 in Mexico. The price will leave all but the most fortunate Mexican citizens without the means to obtain the game console.
Sony has decided to graciously sell the 20GB PS3 model in Mexico for an astounding 10,495 pesos, or $974 at current exchange rates. The PS3 is a touch higher than the UK's £425/$835 (the UK is getting the 60GB model only), but UK citizens also make 7 times as much per year as the typical Mexican citizen, making the price far more unreasonable. Hey, at least they aren't charging a full year's income, like the Xbox 360 in India.
Selling your console offering for more in clearly poorer nations -- why not just sell them at the same price as everyone else -- is a strange trend. At these prices, we think Sony should just give up on the Mexican marketplace entirely. A few measly units isn't going to do the business good, especially when they'll be snapped up by US or Japanese consumers who will likely spend far more on software.
Via joystiq
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December 15th, 2006, 18:28 Posted By: hockey2112
The artwork for South Park's ninth season on DVD was released today. It pictures Kenny playing with his PSP. A Little soft news, but figured someone may be interested to see it.

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December 15th, 2006, 22:42 Posted By: wraggster
It's perhaps ironic, considering the game has been developed by UK-based Evolution Studios - and that we still have to wait for it over here - but still hats off to the chaps as MotorStorm has proved one of the most successful launch titles with our Japanese gaming cousins.
And Evolution is obviously chuffed to bits. "It's a real coup for Evolution", said the dev's CEO Martin Kenwright.
"Developing MotorStorm has certainly not been easy - but the team here really delivered. Evolution has a reputation for delivering high quality racing titles, but we really needed to up the ante with Sony's new hardware. We're delighted that the public has agreed with the press, and made MotorStorm the current Japanese number one PlayStation 3 title."
"We can't wait to see how it performs throughout the rest of the world", he added.
European and North American release dates for MotorStorm are to be confirmed shortly, according to official powers that be.
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December 15th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo USA

It's time to get creative with the Talismoon Evolve series! Evolve for PSP are a refreshing blend of complete and easy to install faceplates to brighten up your mood and undoubtedly your PSP. At a period where customization is crucial, each evolve faceplate brings a special edition PSP into the range of everybody regardless of technical know-how. Everything needed to create a new look PSP is included in a single package, consisting of the faceplate colour of your choice, an illustrated diagram, hardened steel Jeweler's screwdriver, a dazzling set of diamond series buttons as well as a finely made polishing cloth to preserve the appearance of your PSP for years to come.
Get the custom look you want for your PSP at a small fraction of the cost for supposed official 'limited editions' and break away from the norm!
Each and every one of Talismoon's PSP faceplates will reach gamers with in pristine condition due to meticulous handling from start to finish of the production process.
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December 15th, 2006, 22:56 Posted By: wraggster
We've got a red hot selection of new screens from PSP actioner Chili Con Carnage to get your mouth watering. This latest spicy portion of images show off some of the game's bizarre characters, from men wearing cardboard bull outfits to apparently suicidal big mamas with walking sticks.
The game is set in Mexico and is all about action. And judging from the helicopters, guns and road-based shootouts, it looks like it'll deliver that in spades. The release date hasn't been fixed yet but, judging by the finished look of these screens, we'd wager on it appearing in the first quarter of 2007.
Screens at Gamesradar
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December 15th, 2006, 23:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

The popular Korean rhythm action game Pump It Up EXCEED is finally available on PSP™. Now everyone can play "Pump It Up Exceed Portable!" at home, work, and school. The game has an assortment of 94 songs, including K-Pop, Banya, and Pop tracks. Also, the 'Survival Mode' will make you more excited. Whenever you end a song or clear, you can appreciate an image and music in the 'Music Video' part. Pump It Up Exceed Portable is faster than your eyes and your thinking.
How to Play?
Push the direction indicator button to the music
When a direction indicator reaches the sequence zone, the player has to press the applicable button
When the direction indicator reaches the target zone, the gauge indicator goes up. Once the player pushes the button twice, he can attain a perfect mark, which is called a "COMBO"
When the player makes a mistake, the gauge indicator will go down and eventually the game will be over.
Game Modes
Arcade Mode
This mode is the same as the game console system. The player has 3 stages to complete and once finished, you have the opportunity to unlock a bonus stage. After entirely completing the game, you will receive 16 codes and even receive an internet ranking.
Home Mode
You can play the game without any limits. When you fail the game, you may simply retry again.
Sudden Death Mode
Whenever you receive a "Miss", the game is over. No limits. You can play again and again.
Survival Mode
You can play the game as long until the life bar is empty. You will be able to see both music and videos within this mode.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1q8w.html
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December 15th, 2006, 23:30 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Fight Night: Round 3 makes its PlayStation 3 debut with a new graphics engine that allows players to gauge their rival's health and energy simply by watching his dynamic facial expressions and body cues. The analog punch system from the 2005 version has returned with new punch types, each of which can shift a fight's momentum if landed correctly. The haymaker punch is now harder to connect, but it is also more powerful. The new flash KO punch can overpower a boxer in one hit, putting him in the dangerous position of being knocked out, while the stun punch switches the default third-person view to a first-person perspective as players attempt to finish off their stunned opponent with a devastating blow. While these impact punches can change the course of a fight within a few seconds, they are considered high-risk swings that can leave a boxer vulnerable to counter moves. The career mode from the series has undergone a few changes to offer a more personal approach to a boxer's legacy. Rivalries will now be created from key match-ups, flamboyant claims at press conferences, and clashes during weigh-ins, allowing players to square off against their heated rivals in multiple rematches for fame, money, and respect. Players are also free to re-create some of the sport's greatest bouts with the included roster of legends from different eras and weight classes, whether it's Ali versus Frasier, Leonard versus Hagler, or Gatti versus Ward.
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December 15th, 2006, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

The hit arcade game Mah-jong Fight Club is coming to the “PLAYSTATION 3? Connect to the Internet and play with any users around Japan. Players can also compete against computer players based on 48 professional players from Japan Professional Mahjong League. The heated battle has now intensified!
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December 16th, 2006, 00:18 Posted By: grit
NJ updates CPS1 CPS2 and MVS emulators to version 1.62!!
No info about the new releases and only available as sources.
Now we need a nice coder to compile them.
Update: Kindly compiled by Apocalyptic980c here
A big thanks to NJ! 
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December 16th, 2006, 02:55 Posted By: gunntims0103
earlier NJ updated his sourse code to cps2, csp1, and neogeo mvs.
Apocalyptic980c has been so kind as to compile the source into Eboot for download.
view more here
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December 16th, 2006, 10:08 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia:

WWII’s most epic and famous air battles. Experience the greatest air battles of World War II in famous locations from across the globe.
Innovative use of the controller. Handle the Playstation3 controller and experience a new sensation of flight.
Intense squadron-based gameplay. Command AI-wingmen and make use of each one’s special abilities.
A large variety of realistic-looking WWII aircraft. Pilot 46 authentic WWII aircraft including the famous P-51 Mustang, and the British Spitfire, and planes like the Luftwaffe’s Messerschmitt, and the Japanese Zero in multiplayer.
Authentic WWII atmosphere. Fly low over Germany’s industrial terrain for a bombing raid, strafe the islands of the Pacific, or emerge from the cloud cover over London and engage the enemy.
Planes are easy to handle and fun to fly. No need to attend the Air Force Academy to pilot these planes; players can jump right into air combat action without extensive tutorials.
Up to 16 players online with an all new multiplayer mode. Engage in head-to-head dogfights or cooperative team play between squadrons on huge maps with large formations.
Experience the thrill of flight combat using the motion sensitive feature of the PLAYSTATION3 controller. Whether it’s a steep attacking dive or tight dog- fighting turn, the aircraft will intuitively respond to hand movements and you’ll feel more like a real fighter pilot than ever before. From the Battle of Britain, through the dramatic air combat of Pearl Harbor, and all the way back to Europe, your pilot skills will create WWII history. Dominate the skies of Western Europe and the Pacific and bring your squadron of Blazing Angels back alive.
Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1pph.html
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December 16th, 2006, 14:08 Posted By: blackrave
M_Roc has released an update to his ThemePSP app which lets you customize your PSPs interface a little. Here's what is new:
- New much nicer GUI!
- Options screen now added! You can now completle choose if you just want to install eg. the font and the BG of a theme
- Can install Themes for DevHook FW 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 26 and 2.71 ( the program can't install custom menu names for fw 2.xx due to a diffrent standard between the fw's))
- If you try to intall a theme 4 times in a row the program will automaticlly quit instead of freeze (the freezeing was caused by an unknown bug)
- Updated ThemePSP Creator Pack with the correct image resolution (300x170 pxl)
- added a "PS3" theme for use and fun
More Info
- This does only work on 1.5 PSP's.
- If you have downgraded form 2.5/2.6 I recommend you to update to 2.0 and then downgrade or version spoof your psp to fw 1.0 and re-install the official Sony Update.
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December 16th, 2006, 14:26 Posted By: blackrave
Mat17 has released a new version of the great application PspIrDA which lets you transfer files through IR from one PSP to another or to and from cell phones, PDAs, etc.
Here are his notes for this beta version:
This is a debug version but more verbose than the previous one. It will produce 2 files : dump.log and debug.log in the '/PSP/GAME/pspirda' directory.
So the instructions:
- start the homebrew
- align the devices before starting the exchange
- do only one transfer (send for example)
- exit the program
- send me dump.log, debug.log at mathieu17@gmail.com
-repeat the operations for the inverse transfer (receive for example)
I need your feedback!!! Working or not working. Without you I can't improve my homebrew.
He has also made a little compatibility list which shows that many Nokia and Siemens phones seem to be working with this, while Sony Ericsson phones are having problems.
Therefore, he plans to release a series of beta releases and is counting on everyone's test logs and reports to make it work better. So please, send your test result logs to mathieu17@gmail.com so he can improve this.
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Via mat17
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December 16th, 2006, 14:46 Posted By: blackrave
MrMr[iCE] has again updated his SnakeSP game. It now has amazing graphics. A new thing this time is that you can replace the wav sound files with your own to customize it. Just mind, the files need to be exactly the same file name as the originals.
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Via QJ
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December 16th, 2006, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

PS3 Original Bluetooth Remote Controller
10 meters effective range
Battery Monitor
Enables DVD and Blu-Ray Disc (BD) playback
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December 16th, 2006, 16:24 Posted By: wraggster
I reported a couple of days ago about the release of the Silver PSP in Japan but Play Asia dont ship to Europe, thankfully SuccessHK do, heres the info:

What's inside the box of SONY PSP SONY PSP Standard Pack Silver Latest Version
PSP (x1)
100V-220V Power Adaptor (x1)
Rechargeable Battery (x1)
Travel Adaptor (x1)
Price:USD 196.00 approx £100
Buy from SuccessHK
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December 16th, 2006, 17:34 Posted By: wraggster
Via Chubigans
What a week it’s been eh? Lots to discuss on the firmware front, so let’s jump right to it!
Phil Harrison recently gave a speech at the Three Speech event in London the other day, and dropped some hints as what’s to come in the 2.0 firmware update in March. Among the somewhat vague hints include (italicized words are straight from the source, with speculation by me in brackets):
Multi-tasking- included will be audio/video conferencing while browsing the XMB and its features/ gameplay. (It wasn’t a stretch to assume this would come sooner rather than later. The PS3 can already multitask to an extent...you can play music while viewing photos, press the PS button and the XMB would display over it...heck, even videos can run in the background...and Sony will just have to tie a few loose ends to get it fully multi-tasking. I really hope this includes downloads for the PS Store as well...)
New XMB display options (consider this a confirmation of wallpapers and themes!)
New animations for audio playback. (I think there’s only one random one right now, so it’s nice to have a few new options)
New photo album options. (Not sure if this means new ways of displaying pics or more options for the current choices)
Playstation Store auto resume. (Thank goodness. Currently if you lose your download midway, you have to start all over again.)
PSP Remote Play advanced access option- allows for remote access to your PS3 anywhere in the world via hotspot. (Awesome. I didn’t think we’d get this so soon! The only concern I have about this is how the PS3 is accessed currently...you need to leave your PS3 on and tuned to Remote Play before you can access it. This just won’t work if, say, you’re leaving on a two week trip and forgot to set up your PS3 before you go. It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.)
There was talk of a TiVo-like service for the PS3 in the later fall, but Sony has gone on to say they don’t have any promises on that one. It sounds a bit less likely that it will happen, but there’s still that chance. From the original site:
“The Tivo functionality in Q3 2007. Seems it’s certainly technically possible to do that with PS3, but they’re not making any guarantees about if or when they’d add that functionality.”
So the other day I decided to check out Syphon Filter on the Playstation Store (PS1 downloadable). I was hopelessly lost in SF: Dark Mirror for the PSP, so I thought it would be nice to go back and see how it all began. More importantly, this is one of the games that utilized the L2 and R2 buttons fully...and now it was time to see how the PSP handled without those buttons.
Let’s refresh your memory a bit on the four different types of control methods the PSP emulation menu offers:
(all face buttons (triangle, square and such) are mapped to the PSP’s own.)
Type One: L and R function as L1 and R1, with the analog stick left and right being L2 and R2. Up on the analog stick is L2+R2.
Type Two: L and R function as L2 and R2, with the stick being L1, R1 and upwards for L1+R1.
Type Three: L and R function as L1 and R1. Pressing and holding Up on the analog stick while pressing L simulates L2, Up+R=R2, and the analog stick Down is L2+R2.
Type Four: The digital pad is mapped to the analog stick. The L and R buttons function as L1 and R1, with left and right on the digital pad being L2 and R2. Up on the digital pad is L2+R2.
With all that in mind, let’s see what the original controls for Syphon Filter PS1 were:
Circle: Roll
Triangle: Climbs, Action button, Reload
X: Crouch
Square: Fire
R1: Target Lock
L1: Zoom/Aim
R2 & L2: Strafe left/right
As you can see...we could have a problem here.
The Big Test
First off...Syphon Filter hasn’t aged as well as Crash. While Crash Bandicoot looks great even today, SF looks a bit dated with it’s blocky environments and even more blocky enemies. The FMV audio sounds VERY compressed, and I’m going to assume that was a product of the original game since the file size is still pretty considerable. I could be wrong.
The game didn’t suffer from black bars on the top and bottom like Crash did, which was nice...and the levels load very fast. There’s even a brightness option in the main menu.
So, I jumped right in with Type One controls. Gabe turns like a semi truck...he kind of leans into it and isn’t all that graceful. So when I needed to take out some enemies on the other corner of a building, I needed to strafe. So my hand moved to the analog stick, and I fired up the gun as I transitioned back to the digital pad, then to the stick to dodge some bullets.
This was not going to work. At all.
Alright, time for Type Two. The strafing was done via the shoulder buttons, and it felt MUCH more natural. I was finally comfortable with the controls and was able to take out the enemies, with lots more approaching. I got out my sniper rifle and prepared to fire.
Once again, no dice. In order to zoom in with the sniper rifle, you needed to hold down left on the analog stick, use the directional pad to aim and zoom, and fire with square (try doing that right now on your PSP...it‘s pretty difficult!). Alright, so that wasn’t going to work...and I needed to target someone on a roof. The only easy way aside from zoom was to target lock...and having to hold right on the analog stick while moving around with the digital pad and shooting with square.
Strike two.
Time to try Type Three. Immediately I knew this wasn’t going to work, because it’s just way too confusing to use properly in a heated battle. Press L1, but be sure to hold up on the stick to simulate L2! I guess this might work in another game, but not here. Definitely not here.
Type Four was simply Type One with the analog stick and digital pad switching places. Again, it didn’t work too well. I was about to give up hope altogether...none of the control settings felt satisfactory enough to continue on with the game...then I realized that perhaps the game had some control settings of its own in the start menu. And sure enough...it did! You can map any button with any control you wanted...nice.
So, here was my winning setup (using Type Four as well):
Analog Stick: Move
X: Aim/Zoom
Square & Circle: Strafe left/right
Triangle: Roll/Zoom Out
L: Target Lock
R: Fire
Left (D-pad): Use/Zoom In
Right (D-pad): Kneel
Select: Real Time Weapon Change
Finally, I was comfortable with the controls and could play the game. There were a few hiccups...the zoom in/out functions don’t feel right...but otherwise I could still play the game pretty well.
There are still problems I have, mainly that lie outside the game itself. Because of the digital nature of the controls when it first came out, there are no options for sensitivity. Whether you’re nudging the stick slightly or fully, Gabe still runs the same speed, which can be a bit tricky when it comes to aiming. There’s no way of adjusting this outside of reprogramming the game, so it’s an understandable flaw.
As for the game itself...it’s OK, but honestly if you didn’t like Dark Mirror then you definitely wont like this game. The more I played it, the more I wanted to jump back into Crash Bandicoot. I can really only recommend this game to the Syphon Filter fans out there...for me, I’m glad I bought it to see how the PSP would handle the lack of buttons, and I’ll play it for a bit before eventually deleting it from my stick. I’m ready for another batch of PS1 games now Sony.
As far as the controls go...well, I am satisfied with how SF controls, but if we get a game that does not allow the customization of controls and a need for the L2/R2 buttons, then we’re in serious trouble indeed. So far, so good...but it doesn’t exactly bolster the ol’ confidence meter for games without customization.
So that about wraps it up...stay tuned next week for an interview with Mario Wynands about his new game, Gripshift DLX, for the Playstation e-Di Network. Hooah!
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December 16th, 2006, 17:39 Posted By: wraggster
The Afterburner series turned aspiring flight jocks into killer aces. It offered a level of destruction and speed that no game before it could match. So it comes as no surprise that Afterburner is every bit as classic as Sonic or Mario. Even today, with the likes of Ace Combat tearing up the skies, gamers still long for the days where a single heroic pilot could dismantle waves of enemy fighters and turn the tide of a losing war. And do it all using a single game token, no less.
Well, there's no need for tokens this time, since the latest chapter in the Afterburner saga will appear on the Sony PSP. It's called Afterburner: Black Falcon, and it's coming from developer Planet Moon, the team responsible for Infected and Giants. Afterburner is an interesting follow-up, to say the least. Sega recently dropped by the IGN office to show it off, and it's looking pretty sharp. More than anything, though, it definitely plays like an Afterburner game. There's no real-world physics, for starters. Players still rocket through the skies at obscene speeds blowing up everything in sight. Plus, the camera perspective and controls still retain the ease-of-use and responsiveness of older titles. Good thing, since it's hard to act like the Rambo of the skies with sloppy control.
Black Falcon introduces some interesting elements, too. Players can choose one of three characters at the start of the game, each of which has a unique personality. Not only that, the missions throughout the single-player campaign depending on character selection. It's not really clear if these characters change all missions, but Sega reps have said that each has their own special assignments, which is still a nifty incentive to play the game twice. Black Falcon will also include some 19 officially licensed planes, all of which a player can modify. The final build should include several weapons, paint jobs and yes, afterburners. Various engine components will appear as well, all of which improve maneuverability and make planes fly faster. Players can actually purchase these upgrades with cash earned through the single-player campaign.
In terms of story, players are tasked with the retrieval of 13 stolen planes. They're all high-tech and experimental, and each stolen plane makes up a boss fight in the game. After disabling each aircraft, players can then take them. It's a pretty straightforward setup. In addition to the major boss fights, Black Falcon also has a series of mini-bosses trying to stop would-be heroes from completing their mission. One such boss encounter has players battling a strange white aircraft resembling a super-streamlined passenger jet. It sticks to a player's six, of course, and really doesn't let up. Fortunately, each hero plane, including the F-14 Tomcat, F-15E Strike Eagle and F-22 Raptor, are more than up to the task. Each one can perform a bunch of cool maneuvers such as barrel rolls, loops and speed boosts. And they're all pretty simple to execute using the PSP's face buttons and analog stick.
The lone analog stick actually controls the movement of the plane, as would be expected, and the camera sits behind the plane. The face buttons control the afterburners and whatever weapons the plane happens to carry, where the shoulder buttons manage the maneuvers. Again, it's a nice set of moves and they all perform well during combat. Good thing, too, since in addition to bosses and mini-bosses, the game also has numerous targets on land, sea and blazing through the air. The demo showed everything from tanks and battleships, to missile batteries and enemy jets. Locking on to targets is relatively simple - just "paint" each target by moving the reticule over them and let the missiles fly. That's all there is to it.
Fortunately, Black Falcon also has a collection of wireless multiplayer modes. The first lets a player progress through the single-player campaign with a friend, using the PSP's ad-hoc functionality. At this point it seems only some of the campaign missions will be available for co-op, but this may change. There are also numerous competitive multiplayer modes, too. Players can expect classic dogfights and air duels, as well as team-based matches. The sad part is no one at IGN could try these modes out, since the game has a ways to go before it ships. But it all sounds groovy regardless.
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December 16th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
It seems most articles on the Full Auto series starts with this simple fact: gamers love speed and destruction. And that's because it's entirely true. No gamer can resist the allure of exotic cars and obscene firepower. Real or not, it's just one of those things. So that's why games like Full Auto seem like real no-brainers in the games industry. Still, even games with massive appeal can still screw up a little.
Look at what happened with the original Full Auto. It was decent fun, but it lagged in a few areas that would have made it a better game. The second game, Full Auto 2: Battlines, addressed most of these issues and easily topped its predecessor because of it. That's why it's a very good reason the first Full Auto game to appear on the PSP is based off Battlelines, and not the original 360 version. Having said that, Battlelines on PSP differs from the PS3 version in various ways. To show IGN exactly how, Sega dropped by the offices with an early build of the game. Being unfinished, it did seem a little rough, though it clearly has enormous potential as a portable product.
Most of this potential comes from the fact Battlelines on PSP has its heart in the right place, namely fast-paced demolition. That part hasn't changed a bit. Players still jump inside exotic cars and destroy everything from roadside mailboxes to skyscrapers, and everything in between. Only it's a little different on the PSP than it is on PS3. That is to say, environments still crumble the same way only now it's far easier to do. The PSP has a smaller screen after all, and it's harder to launch missiles or a hail of gunfire at narrow support structures without a little help. As such, whenever players race past something that's massively destructible, like a bridge, railway or building, the targeting reticule changes color. Players can then lock on to these sources and take them down. This system seems to work well and it really makes sense. There's no point in having collapsible buildings when it's too hard to collapse them.
When it comes to car selection, players will score 15 different models, nine of which are new to the PSP. Each car has a selection of unique skins, decals and colors. There are well over 100 of each type to choose from, though this number hasn't been finalized. Customizable items are still rewards for beating missions, though the garage menu has changed considerably. And just like a majority of the cars, the skins and decals are new. The only thing cooler than scoring a tricked-out ride is decking it out with crazy weapons. Battlelines on PSP has 18 weapons to choose from, 10 of which are completely new, including the Mortar, M16, M60, Aircraft Gun and Heat-Seeking missiles. That's not a shabby list by any stretch. Plus, it's possible to place weapons on the sides of vehicles now, not just the front and back. Now that's just crazy talk.
As far as game modes go, players still get a choice between a single-player campaign and a number of quick skirmish modes. The single-player mode has some 50 events to compete in, each of which has multiple paths, objectives and destructible areas. Players can expect no less than three new districts, which translates to six all-new tracks. Also, the arena matches from the PS3 version of Battlelines make a return, which should make just about everyone happy.
Then there's collection of multiplayer modes. There are ad-hoc versions of the arena deathmatches, as well as some all-new modes like Head-On and Down & Back. Unfortunately, the builds Sega brought were too early to experiment with any of the multiplayer modes, but it all sounds groovy regardless. Add to all of this a set of licensed songs by Stone Sour, Sum 41 and We Are Scientists, and it's one nice lil' package.
Check back often for more on Full Auto 2: Battlines on PSP.
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December 16th, 2006, 17:50 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPFanboy
This might creep you out. Or not. Back in January, Ed wrote up a list of five predictions he had for the PSP for the year 2006. How many did he get right? You may be surprised. Let's take a look:
PSP Prediction #1: The UMD movie market will collapse. "It will continue to be priced too high and include the bare minimum in terms of value add (we should have predicted this for 2005)... Inventories will rise, prices will plummet and new content being delivered on the format will level off to something more sustainable by the market."
Andrew comments: Ed hit this right on the head. UMDs were never priced the way they should've, and consumers responded. UMD continues Sony's line of producing unsuccessful media formats. Is Blu-Ray next?
PSP Prediction #2: The PSP will take on some very specific colors. "Count on at least two new colors, including a hot-rod red and a camo green, possibly marketed with or around the likes of, oh, let's say Gran Turismo 4 and Metal Gear Solid."
Andrew comments: While the US market continues to be ignored, Sony has released a number of colors in international markets. Scarily, like the camo green PSP... for Metal Gear Solid. However, to think Gran Turismo 4 would ever come out was silly!
PSP Prediction #3: The PSP will allow you to access your PS3 from anywhere. "You'll be able to access PSP content content that is stored on your PS3's HDD (media, game saves, whatever) by accessing it via the PSP over a wifi Internet connection... You won't be streaming PS3 games or anything like that, but who needs memory sticks now?"
Andrew comments: Wow. Great job predicting a feature months before its ever announced. Remote Play support does allow you to access your PS3's hard drive in almost the exact same way Ed mentioned. However, you won't be able to access it "from anywhere" until next year.
PSP Prediction #4: The PSP will get a price drop and then some. "Yeah, this one is a bit of a no-brainer, but we wanted to get at least 1 out of 5 right. The PSP will certainly see a price drop this year (likely sometime in the Fall, but possibly at E3). We expect the drop to be in the $50 dollar range."
Andrew comments: The "no-brainer" proves to be the only prediction to not come true. Sony shed $50 by going Core, but that isn't a price drop, persay. Ed predicted free goodies to be given away with every system, but Sony proves with its Entertainment Pack that it wants you to pay for bad pack-in UMD movies.
PSP Prediction #5: Sony will completely botch PSP advertising in 06.
Andrew comments: Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
How will PSP Fanboy fare with our 2007 predictions? You'll have to come back in a few weeks when we unveil them!
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December 16th, 2006, 23:35 Posted By: wraggster
Filippo Battaglia has released his Nanodesktop for PSP/PSPE, heres the full details:
Nanodesktop for PSP/PSPE allows you to create window applications for Sony Playstation Portable console (TM).
Two versions for real PSP and for PSPE
One of the most critical problems in PSP programming is to create homebrew code for real PSP and for PSPE emulator.
PSPE emulator ( http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/pspe.htm) is actually the only PSP emulator that we have. But PSPE, in reality, isn't a real emulator for PSP. You can run only few homebrews with PSPE. The source code of homebrews for PSPE and for real PSP is quite different.
Using Nanodesktop for PSPE you can write homebrews for PSPE in a very simple way. The library hides to user many of the troubles of programming under PSPE environment.
Furthermore, Nanodesktop hides to user the differences between C code for PSPE homebrews and for PSP homebrews. This means that you can write a program in C code and you can run it on PSPE and, after a simple recompilation, on a real PSP without any changes.
A complete environment for PSP Programming
We'll provide you tecnology for integrations of PSPE Emulator in Dev-C++ ( www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html).
You'll write your C code in Dev-C++ environment and you'll test your program using PSPE Emulator. When you have finished debug phase, you'll change a simple parameter in Dev-C++ and you'll obtain a new homebrew ready to run under real PSP platform.
Nanodesktop features
Nanodesktop is a library for programming embedded systems. It was written in C language for maximum performace.
- Supports HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) for easy portability under any platform;
- Supports routines for creating, destroying, maximizing, minimizing windows;
- Supports text over bitmaps (overscan), trasparency, wallpapers;
- Supports load, save and show of images;
- Supports mouse emulation on PSP;
- Supports virtual keyboard emulation on PSP;
- Provides two types of File Manager (T1 and T2).
- Code for buttons, scroll bar, menù
- Supports icons and file classes;
- Supports API for system information;
- Support for drawings routines (fill, rectangle, circle, ellipse);
- Support for fonts;
- Support for trackbars and progress-bars;
- Support for web-cam
Image Support
Nanodesktop is released in two version. The ordinary version, has integrated only support for load/save BMP images. The DevIL version, integrates an internal interface that uses the code of DevIL (TM) library to load and save different formats of images (GIF, JPG, PNG, PNM, PSD, PCX, ICO, TGA, SGI, TIF) .The final version of DevIL is downloadable here: http://openil.sourceforge.net/
The original version of DevIL isn't compatible with Nanodesktop. We'll provide a modified version of the library, that you can download with the DevIL version of Nanodesktop.
Download Here --> http://visilab.unime.it/~filippo/Nan.../Downloads.htm (64MB)
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December 16th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Tactical Penguin posted this news/release:
Chase that Pyramid 3D v0.1--
How the game works:
You must chase around a randomly appearing pyramid on a 3D map and catch it before your time runs out. When your time runs out, you lose, but each time you catch the pyramid, you gain more time and a point, and the pyramid teleports to a new location.
Up: Move forward
Down: Move backward
Left: Turn left
Right: Turn right
Start: (Only at gameover screen) Restart/Exit
-High score
-Countdown timer
-Pyramid to chase
Plans for future:
-Make texture for pyramid
-Different camera views
-More detailed environment
-Anything else suggested
Thanks to:
Joe48182 for making the standalone eboot!
Youresam and alatnet for helping me learn 3D!
Chase that pyramid 3D is by TacticalPenguin! Thank you for downloading!
You may use my code to learn, to reference, to base your code on etc, just as long as I recieve proper credit.
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via tactical penguin
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December 17th, 2006, 02:02 Posted By: mikebeaver
Dark Alex and others have confirmed the downgrader is now a fake, heres the points used to confirm this:
- eloader cannot load prx's
- The file 271se.thug is just a 2.71 sony updater
- When choosing to downgrade to 2.71 sec... it just writes that file to the output directory
- Where are the 1.50 files then? where are my systemctrl's prx which are the core of SE? where is the recovery of SE?
- The txt file that it generates with supossed keys, doesn't seem to be used at all by anything
- The guy that created this scam: the first result in google, a virus page
- He also said something about having a 2.81 TA-082 with UP which cannot
- The program should just crash eloader, but not brick any psp
The PSP Scene suffers yet another fake
Dark Thug has released the worlds first TA-082 downgrader for those stuck with the rather unfortunate TA-082 PSP Hardware, heres the newspost in full from the source:
Created by dark_thug, this downgrader is for 2.50 TA-082 PSPs.
If you are a TA-082 user with a 2.60 or 2.71 PSP, you can downgrade back to 2.50 using the DAX generic downgrader.
So users of 2.50, 2.60 and 2.71 can all downgrade to 1.50… Or 2.71 SE-C!! You can choose 1.50 or SE-C. dark_thug gives a warning though: SE-C may lock-up while playing some games.
The catch? On 1.50, trying to change settings menu gives a Blue Screen of Death. (Read 4a. on the instructions for a possible fix)
This means you can simply not change your Video options, System settings, etc.
Homebrew, USB, Music, Videos, Pictures, Games; all remain.
On a brighter note, the BSoD could theoretically be fixed, using an app like X-Flash to flash a new system reg from a 1.50 user! Or, while making the dump, switch the 2.50 reg with the 1.50 reg. This is risky however.
The TA-082 Boards can also be downgraded to 2.71 SE-C! The BSoD will be gone. The catch again, you may not be able to return (to 1.50). If you can, it will most likely use the same update made to downgrade from 2.50. That still has not been tested.
Last thing, 0okm mentioned this before. Doesn’t matter if you choose SE-C or 1.50, you CANNOT upgrade to 2.50 or down. It will most likely brick your PSP! But you CAN upgrade to 2.60+!
UPDATE: If you downgrade to SE-C, you can still go to 1.50! Simply use the TA-082 program to make a 1.50 update folder, and use SE-C’s RECOVERY Mode to run the update!
1. Use the DAX generic downgrader to change your ver. to 2.50 if it isnt already.
2. Downloaded the 2.50 TA-082 Check & Dump v1.20 to dump your firmware.
3. Enter your settings in the executable. Here is an example:

4. It will generate the downgrader. Copy the folder ‘UPDATE’ (the folder it makes) to x:/PSP/GAME
EDIT: 4a. Restore your System Setting to Default. This may solve the BSoD!
5. download eLoader and put it on your PSP. Load it from the photo menu.
6. Choose ‘UPDATE’ from the eLoader menu. This wil begin the downgrader. It will patch your bootstrap to make it a 1.5.
7.Reboot your PSP AFTER it has finished COMPLETELY! You should get a blue screen. Hit O and restore your settings.
Files you will/may need:
TA-082 Downgrader
TA-082 Dump & Check v1.20 - Download Via Comments
DAX 2.71 Generic Downgrader - Download Via Comments
eLoader 0.99 - Download via Comments
I can not stress this enough: If you do not know what you are doing, don’t attempt this! There is a high chance of bricking your PSP! Use at your own risk! I would love to thank dark_thug for the downgrader, and 0okm for the work he has but into TA-082 PSPs!
And of course, to xPSPx Skull xPSPx from PSP-Hacks for being brave enough to test this!
ON behalf of DCEMU i would advise like i always do for these downgraders that you use EXTREME CAUTION, the possibility is that you could brick your PSP making it useless. SO be very careful.
To those with the balls to downgrade good luck - wraggster
Edit by zion : FAKE - files removed just in case it bricks psps
Sorrry its a Fake 
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December 17th, 2006, 10:02 Posted By: TacticalBread
A new mod for PSP Dungeons by Drew Medina
My second Mod on the psp, just a single level with custom textures, weapons, audio. (small level)
Background art created using a radiosity lighting solution.
Characters are part of the original Dungeons release, from Q3.
You must delete “PSP Dungeons 3D v0.6″ if you already have it installed, this uses a new eboot.
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December 17th, 2006, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
Our DCEmu Reviews site has posted a review of the Evolve Wild Jungle Edition PSP Faceplate, heres an excerpt of that review:
Packaging design is very thought out and cleaver. With the inclusion of an installation guide, torx wrench and screwdriver, installation would be very easy. The quality of build is top-notch. Talismoon has never disappointed anyone with their line of products. The face of the faceplate feels really nice. I guess its similar to like a fur coat but not as long. Not to mention, you dont have to worry about it shedding. The faceplate fits perfectly on the PSP without any problems. They also included a set of buttons to be used instead of the original PSP buttons. I personally prefer the original buttons but they dont as good with the faceplate. The feel of the buttons are great but thats just me.
Check out the full review Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=44159
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December 17th, 2006, 13:33 Posted By: b8a
NJ has posted the following on his website, with a specific request that the message be translated:
Please read following thread in "DCEMU.UK forums"
DCEMU.UK / NJ Arcade Emulators Source Translations - transrated by b8a
-Although this is compatible with uni-bios and other hack BIOS, basically their use is not recommended. It's possible that a portion of the games won't run.
Also, MVSPSP constantly runs with Raster Effects = ON when using the UNI-BIOS (because it won't work when set to OFF). Accordingly, situations may occur where the operating speed drops dramatically on the low-on-processing-power PSP.
If you are hoping for a stable play experience, please use the newest version possible of either the Euro or Japan MVS BIOS. Or, in other words, please don't use any BIOS other than these. Since it's causing me various troubles, I'll be deleting UNI-BIOS and DEBUG BIOS with the next source code update, so I ask for your understanding.
That having been said, I've never had any problems occur with Metal Slug 4 with my setup. If you have used UNI-BIOS even once, then first change to an MVS BIOS, open the menu and confirm that Raster Effects is set to Off, and if it's set to On, then please change it to Off.
If it still doesn't work even then, then the cause is a total mystery. Irregardless there will be no further updates of MVSPSP itself, so I ask for your understanding.
(Mods: I realize that this really isn't front page material, but I've found that a lot of people don't get these messages unless they're posted in a new thread on the front page... So, please move it to whatever location you think is appropriate)
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December 17th, 2006, 16:36 Posted By: gunntims0103
NJ has once again updated his source for Cps1, Cps2, and MVS. He has updated it to v1.63. Now all that needs to be done is get a compiled version of this.
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December 17th, 2006, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
via insertcredit
From Game Watch we learn that Hori will release two new arcade sticks for the PlayStation 3 on the 8th of february, both of them sequels to their two most successful lines of sticks. The Fighting Stick 3 (pictured on the left) is the low-end choice and will have an MSRP of 5,229 yen, while the Real Arcade Pro 3 is the be-all end-all choice, with an MSRP of 8,379 yen.
This news comes as a big surprise, considering there's already a PS3 stick on the horizon: Sega's Virtua Stick High Grade. Now three brand-new sticks for a console with only two upcoming arcade games (Virtua Fighter 5 and Power Smash 3) may be overkill, but don't forget that all of them will be USB, which means you'll be able to use them for MAME and general emulation purposes, without the need for lag-inducing adaptors. Personally, I am sold. The problem now is figuring out which one(s) to pick up.
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December 17th, 2006, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
As we've seen, some people will do anything to sell a PS3 on eBay, including pimping themselves and or their girlfriends/wives. Now the internet is clouded with a bunch of bizarre photos of people doing unmentionable things with PS3s, many of which I hope to never see again.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on the photo), someone has actually gone to the trouble of rounding up a bunch of the PS3 auction photos that were being sold by scantily clad girls as spokesmodels. This bevy of beauties includes saucy wenches of all kinds using their feminine wiles to entice us in to purchasing their pricey wares. We get white trash gals, boobs, goth-dom chicks, boobs, bikini babes, boobs and even side boob!
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December 17th, 2006, 22:02 Posted By: Vega
weltall has released the final version of CWCheat for DevHook v0.51+ with 3.XX emulation.
Cheat any PSP game through raw-relative hex codes much like Action Replay or Game Shark. Various installation methods are detailed inside README.txt.
Changes from beta to final include:
* included a new installer for windows (.net) which installs automatically cwcheat and if required the database
* re-added the menu opening delay
* re-hooked clock functions to devhook
* added cpu clock 300mhz, bus clock 150mhz
* now devhook version is showed again
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December 17th, 2006, 22:49 Posted By: Vega
Tomaz has updated his homebrew puzzle game Tiled.

Tiled v2 has the following changelog:
* Added option to choose between 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 puzzles
* Added a timer and a store the best time for each puzzle.
* Made some nicer fading effects
* Added a background image.
* Added a penguin puzzle as requested
So far it has only been tested on FW 1.5
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December 17th, 2006, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Article from IGN
Shocker from this year's Jump Festa. Remember the PSP entry in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series? You know, the one that's known officially as "CC," or "Crisis Core," but is often referred to as "VW," or "Vaporware"? It's very real. And it's going to make you look at Sony's portable gaming system in a whole new way!
Square Enix debuted the first playable version of Crisis Core at the Jump Festa event in Tokyo this weekend. IGN braved the hour wait to see what the two years of near silence has been about. We walked away with a limited edition Crisis Core PSP case and the conviction that Square Enix's programmers have unlocked new powers hidden deep within the system.
Crisis Core, in case you weren't paying attention the few times that Square Enix has actually talked about the game, tells the story of Zack, an elite soldier in the Shinra Corporation who appeared only momentarily in the main Final Fantasy VII game as a past friend of Cloud. Here, he gets a full game built around his adventures fighting for the Shinra in the build up to FFVII.
The playable demo had two scenarios. The first scenario started off with Zack in his home base. His commander orders him out on a mission to investigate a missing soldier. Sephiroth, the villain from FFVII, had been ordered to do this particularly important mission, but had rejected the order. Following this opening sequence, Zack and a Turk head off to a mountainside area where they begin their investigation, revealing lots of story details as they converse. The scenario came to an end with a few simple fights followed by a big boss fight versus Ifreet.
The second scenario started off in a forest, with Zack and another character already out on a mission. Following a few simple battles, Zack faces off in a stand-off with a dozen or so guards, with new ones appearing as you defeat the current set. Clear this, and you enter a castle, and face off against two giant beasts simultaneously.
Crisis Core has action and menu-based elements. You have full control over Zack when moving around, and can rotate the camera with the left and right triggers. Every now and then, you'll get into a random battle. The battle takes place on the same screen as regular movement, with no transition or loading.
But the controls do change a bit. While you're still free to move Zack around the battle field, the right and left triggers select a command from a command bar, which is then executed by pressing the X button. In the demo, Zack had a number of commands available to him. To attack enemies, you set the command bar to attack. Spells like fire, blizzard, cure and their higher level counterparts are also located on the command bar and used in the same fashion, although they deplete magic points with each use.
When the command bar is set to attack, the game has somewhat of an action feel to it, especially given that you can use square to perform a quick roll maneuver and triangle to block incoming attacks. The only thing missing is a jump.
Battles consist of multiple enemies on screen at once, sometimes totaling over 12. Some enemies can be taken out with standard blade attacks, while others are positioned on higher ground and require that they be knocked out with spells. As you might expect, some spells are more effective against certain enemies; a fire spell won't work against Ifreet, for instance.
I couldn't figure out a way to target specific enemies. It seems that the game automatically targets the closest enemy, and changes the target automatically as you move around. This wasn't a problem in the demo, and that will hopefully be the case in the final.
I also couldn't get the details on another prominent gameplay system. The top-left corner of the screen houses a roulette which, from time to time, rewards Zack with some sort of power up. One of these power ups resulted in a screen-clearing summon spell.
From a strictly gameplay standpoint, Crisis Core seems solid, with a fast pace and the potential for a good mix of action and menu-based battle systems. But my attention at Jump Festa was focused on something besides the gameplay.
Taken strictly on technical merits, Crisis Core is the most impressive PSP game I've ever played. In fact, with the PSP's small screen providing an assist, I'd go so far as to say that Crisis Core looks better than most PS2 games out there.
During cinematic scenes, the character models are detailed and fully animated. Battles contain screens with double digit enemies, and giant bosses. All that, and full voice, wihtout any pauses for loading!
The Ifreet boss was particularly impressive. In addition to showing off gorgeous fire effects, with Ifreet himself engulfed in flames as he fights, at one point during the demo, Ifreet cast a full-motion-video based summon spell of his own. The game managed to switch into and out of the full motion video sequence without turning to a blank screen.
Crisis Core seems almost too technically sound to be a PSP game. It also appears to have some of the highest production values yet seen in a portable game. A trailer for the game shown in the Square Enix closed theater space had real time cinematic sequences featuring the likes of Cloud and Aerith, along with quality CG sequences.
Personally, I think all the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" products released so far have been second rate. But Crisis Core looks so good that it could turn things around on its own. It all depends, of course, on how compelling a game Square Enix manages to put together in the end. They've waited this long, so let's hope they don't rush things and end up giving us a game worthy of the FFVII name.
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December 17th, 2006, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Via PSPfanboy
It looks like Sega's support of PSP is just starting. Their upcoming After Burner looks like it'll translate really well on the handheld. Interestingly, the upcoming PSP version of Full Auto 2 also looks good. Actually, it looks to be more fun than either its Xbox 360 or PLAYSTATION 3 brethren.
Gamespot focuses on the new content featured on the handheld. With ten new weapons and ten new cars, and more customization options, it appears the PSP version of the game will feature the most functionality.
IGN focuses on the destructible environments. Apparently, you can easily lock-on to destructible targets in the level. This simplified approach fares much better than the console original, and will most likely create far more explosive, and interesting, races.
Finally, 1UP takes note of one very peculiar advantage the PSP Full Auto seems to have: better graphics, or at the very least, better art direction. The next-gen versions take place in one city, and seem to made up of various shades of brown. The PSP version features tons more color and environmental variety, as the game spans locales all over the world, from Europe, Asia and North America.
It's clear that the development team behind the PSP version of the game simply cares more about gamers. The original Full Auto didn't get the best reviews, but looking at all the new content in the PSP version, it looks like the franchise's best will appear on the handheld.
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December 17th, 2006, 23:29 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from jiggle:
Hi everyone, I released a little app recently for booting devhook etc from boot up with 2.71se . I looked at the problems some people had, some didnt like the display, the timer, the place it loaded apps from. Ive been playing around with it for a few nights and its now as was asked for (I think).
To install;
Extract zip to your memory stick root eg: E:\
Restart psp with R button held
Enable autoboot from psp/game/boot/eboot.pbp
change the config.tx with a text editor if you want different directories or settings
config.text add your own homebrew folders to each button,
switch display on or off, timer on or off
auto boot or go to xmb, switchable (runs whatever you chose for circle)
10 or 3 second delay times
altogether 6 buttons can be used (individually)
pressing down goes straight to xmb (if 10 seconds is too long)
pressing select displays your config
to set up your own buttons or switch display et, just edit the config.txt in psp/game/boot
Hopefully this now covers every thing wrong with the last versions
I havent found any bugs yet, except the config having a music sign next to each line, no real problem. Post if you find any problems
Please let me know what you think, any comments welcome
Bug found, I didnt change the name in the readme, oh well
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via jiggle
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December 18th, 2006, 00:06 Posted By: gunntims0103
PspEncyclopedia v0.1
This is the first build of PspEncyclopedia, I would like to take the time out to thank mr.nick666 for the graphics, I would like to thank pspdemon for the eboot icon. I Thank Wikipedia.org for providing alot of information.
Whats been done
+ start screen is implamented
+ Encyclopedia gui is implamented (Thanks to mr.nick666 for graphics)
+ Credits screen is implamented
+ Instruction screen is implamented
+ 12 catagories can be viewed
whats needs to be done
+ add better graphics for the credits, instructions screen
+ add 40 more catagories
+ recode button functions
+ code cleaning
Download 1.0 eboot if you are a 1.0 firmware user, download 1.5 eboot if you are a 1.5 firmware user. Place the correct folders in your game folder.
I would like to thank all who have tried out PspEncyclopedia.
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December 18th, 2006, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
News/ release from Vaza:
...Nothing, It's a preview.
- Defending
- Power Bar Representation
- Sevaral AI Tweaks
- Sevaral AI Animation Fixes
- 2 More Levels
- 1 Level with Special Enviroments
- Enemy now is strong enough to win
- Springs
- Health Power Ups - Green Hill Only
- New Characters
- Online Play
- Options
- More Enviromental Levels
I want the next Public Beta to have more in it, I want it to actually be fun to play, and not
frustrating because of stupid AI, bugs and of course random crashing.
- Enemy Defence Anim Not working
- The AI has many bugs
- Random Crashing
- Chaos and Shadow + others animation bugs
- Some Characters appear above ground on some levels, some below ground.
- Slowdown with Music.etc
- FPS problems
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December 18th, 2006, 16:47 Posted By: wraggster
According to IGN, the download will cost $9.99 and appear late December/early January 2007. Apparently, the PS3 version features 125 levels (a combination of new and revamped ones, spread over 25 tracks), support for four-player online showdowns and improved control response and vehicle handling.
In addition, it's been mentioned that the game will run at 60 frames per second in 720p.
via cvg
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December 18th, 2006, 16:55 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The internet was aflutter with rumours this weekend, as reports speculated that the massive PlayStation 3 Metal Gear Solid instalment, Guns of the Patriots was stealthing its way over to Xbox 360 - rumours that Konami has since debunked to CVG.
"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."
The original internet report pointed at the MGS instalment branching-out onto multiple platforms due to Konami's concerns that there won't be enough PS3s in gamers' hands by the time it hits shelves.
Though going by the company's official word, it looks like there'll be no Solid Snake action on Microsoft's console for the time being. We wouldn't totally rule out a 360 version in the long term, but you can bet the game will be exclusive to PS3 for at least a year.
We'll be sure to pipe up if Konami flips its stance.
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December 18th, 2006, 20:03 Posted By: D0N
Hi all,
I'm back again with the latest addition to the PSP Homebrew Scene, but this time with a Mario game called Mario Adventure! It's an RPG style game with a mix of Final Fantasy. I think everyone will enjoy this one. 
-Credits Screen
-Sound Effects
-Pause Game
-Analog Stick is usable in-game
-Ability to fight enemy (FF style scene)
-Collect stars
-Hit Points (instead of healthbar)
-Star Counter
-Loading screen
-Talk to people in-game
-Eboot Form (No need for LUA Player!)
Everyone has been credited in the credits screen in the main menu of the game.
Download here
I ask that no other site host this download. Link back to the original thread/post please.
Screenshot below.
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December 18th, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: wraggster
It's no secret that Jack Thompson doesn't like games (at all) and he's recently been caught airing his views on one of those US talk/news shows Nightline on December 13. And he wasted no time in getting straight to his point.
"I'm out to shut down Rockstar because they're run by a bunch of sociopaths and they're a one company crime wave," he told US talk show Nightline in an interview you check out on the wonder that is
During a demo of his least favourite game GTA, Thompson explained that "you're literally stomping someone into the pavement, and you can stomp them until there's a pool of blood in the street of the person you've just killed."
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December 18th, 2006, 20:43 Posted By: wraggster
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, the hotly-anticipated PS3 sequel to developer Pandemic's explosive PS2 actioner, will give tons of new devastating options for your merc, while demanding that you hoard vital fuel supplies to keep your battlefield support in action.
Vehicles won't need to be pumped up but calling in an air strike will take a cut from your fuel reserves - which will likely see you battling for control of fuel depots and outposts during missions.
Fortunately, Mercs 2 introduces some brand new offensive options to satisfy your appetite for hostility, including new ordnance (the sub-nuke MOAB, or Massive Ordnance Air Bomb), new vehicles (attack helicopters and stronger APCs) and new weapons, like shoulder-mounted ground-to-air antiaircraft missiles.
Finally, according to a preview in the latest issue of the US Official PlayStation Magazine, Mercs 2 will also feature "modern pirates." Perhaps this means you won't just be vying with the local Venezuelan factions but also with wandering bands of tooled-up reprobates fighting for nothing but plunder, bragging rights and fine silks. Or, you know, weapons of mass destruction.
Pandemic is currently without a publisher for Mercenaries 2, which seems ludicrous given the game's next-gen potential. But we're expecting the game to deploy sometime next year, and it can't be long until one of the bigger publishers is fighting it out for ownership of this heavyweight action game.
via gamesradar
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December 18th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: gunntims0103
All credit goes entirly to JC, you can contact him at johnc.lua@gmail.com.
The aim of this game is to get rich and stay alive.
You must buy drugs when the price is right and sell them when the demand is high.
Your rank will determine how many days you can stay in buisness and how much
product you can store at any given time. Your rank improves as your finannces do.
Whats been done by me
-Improved refresh rate
-Added 1.5 and 1.0 eboot
There will be no more updates to this from me. Iv been holding this for a while and i just thought i would release It. As i enjoy this game a little too much thought others would as well.
Thank you all
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December 18th, 2006, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Alright, let's not get too worked up here: yes, you can control your PS3 with your Wiimote, no, hell hasn't gone all icy on us yet. See, those spiffy new Bluetooth drivers cropping up for Windows and Mac OS X were bound to show up for Linux sooner or later, and since the PS3 is a certifiable Linux box with some spicy Bluetooth on top, we don't suppose it was all that much trouble getting the Wiimote up and running. Still, the sheer irony is immense, and this seems like a big step for the Wiili folks, who naturally needed working Linux drivers for the Wiimote if their Linux-on-Wii hopes are to come true. What we don't have is any detail on the hack, or a driver download, but we're sure the internets could help you out on those fronts if you're interested in replicating
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December 18th, 2006, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
European gamers have been feeling a might edgy of late; rumors have been circulating that the PS3 will be pushed even further out into 2007 ... possible to September. People put off by those comments were reassured this past weekend, when Sony sent around an email letting everyone know they could register for their online IDs with the PlayStation Network. The Guardian post that describes this development also links to a post on the Three Speech site, a Sony marketing blog. The site has posted more tidbits about the European launch, and assures eager gamers that they'll see the console launch in the early weeks of March 2007. From that post:
"In terms of the European online store, while still being extremely vague, a spokesman for SCE Europe was able to explain that Sony would have no defense if they were to charge the European consumer more than in other regions as there are no extra costs on digital distribution as apposed to a product with packaging etc. So expect a $15.00 download to cost people in the UK around £6.50."
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December 18th, 2006, 23:24 Posted By: wraggster
The PlayStation 3 looks to fill the traditional-fighting-game-genre void leftover from its lineup of launch games early next year with the release of Virtua Fighter 5--that part gamers knew. What PS3 owners didn't know was exactly when that hole would be filled.
Sega today finally revealed when the PS3 gets it punch on by announcing the game's official release date. Virtua Fighter 5 will ship to North American retailers on February 20. The game will also be part of the European PS3 launch's lineup when the console is released in that region in March.
VF5 offers 17 characters--two of which are new--and the option to customize an extra character. By pummeling opponents in the various arenas, gamers will gain in-game money which can be used to purchase accessories for their fighters.
Via Gamespot
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December 18th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: wraggster
Hmm heres the apology from the PSPhaxors website for the fake downgrader released yesterday:
On behalf of PSP-HaXors, I would personally like to apologize for the recent release of the fake TA-082 downgrader by dark_thug.
Once it was emailed to me, I was skeptical. The sizes of the so-called ".thug" files matched the sizes of the Official Sony 1.50 firmware eboot and 2.71 eboot files.
So instead of releasing a fake downgrader to the scene, I held on to it.
With no proof, I finally decided to get it tested in a live test.
Without a TA-082 PSP myself to test it, I gave it out to test to 3 people who asked for it.
When all three came back saying it worked, I released it, with the proper cautions.
Numerous people from PSP hacking sites reported success, and a few, bricks, so I assumed it was working.
That was until birdman and Dark_AleX said it was a hoax, and could neither downgrade nor brick a PSP.
It was fake, and we've all seen fakes in the past. And will probably continue to see them.
Instead of pointing fingers at the testers, it's better to just move on.
Again, I am sorry for posting it without the proper proof.
- Chaos Zero -
Remember all, Fakes only ruin the scene we try so hard to work for.
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December 19th, 2006, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Sony Computer Entertainment President Phil Harrison recently spoke to MTV News, and made a startling revelation about the PSP exclusive LocoRoco. "It was a very successful game for us and we're continuing to evolve the franchise," he said. "We're going to bring 'LocoRoco' back in a couple of new ways with some new friends in the future."
LocoRoco and Friends. Sounds like a sequel to me. Considering how many new levels the development team has created for the holidays, it seems like there's still a lot more LocoRoco to come.
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December 19th, 2006, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from savage freak:
--LUA Scripter 1.1--
LUA Scripter let's you make your own PSP/PC .LUA scripts that you can play with LUAplayer(tm)
It saves automaticly when you are coding,
So now more loss of code when you PC crashes or something!
Right now it's VERY basic, But Im planning on updating it with new modules and such...
Good luck!
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December 19th, 2006, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
According to a report by the AP, a Jacksonville GameStop has reported that a gang burrowed through the back wall in the hope of walking off with PS3.
But they were only disappointed when they found out that all the PS3 boxes we're empty, so they went and stole 13 360s instead.
A member of staff told Jacksonville police that it looked like the thieves we're after Sony's next-gen machine because all the PS3 boxes were scattered around the shop floor.
Looks like Xbox 360 was the conciliation prize.
via cvg
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December 19th, 2006, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
Phil Harrison has taken another opportunity to talk-up the PS3's technical capabilities, saying that no-one will ever be able to tap 100% of the capabilities of Sony's cell-powered PlayStation 3.
The comment comes from an interview with MTV.com, in which the Sony worldwide studios boss says that current Sony software is using "less than half" of the PS3's power, potentially meaning even larger and more beautiful giant crabs for the next instalment of Genji.
In the MTV chat Harrison also makes note of the challenges Sony faces with its handheld, saying that he wants to change the fact that "most people use their PSP at home." Harrison adds that "Nintendo should be congratulated," for attracting large amounts of new gamers to the market with the DS, adding the anticipated dig: "they are our customers of tomorrow."
Winding down the modest banter, Harrison offers good new for fans of bizarre PSP title Loco Roco, revealing that plans are in the pipeline for further blob-tilting series instalments. "We're continuing to evolve the franchise," he says. "We're going to bring LocoRoco back in a couple of new ways with some new friends in the future."
Could Loco Roco be headed for Sony's Xbox Live Arcade-style e-distribution service? We've got our fingers crossed.
Via cvg
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December 19th, 2006, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
As we get on for Christmas, it's important not only to be subject to one another, but also to embrace some of the things we've neglected in the preceding 12 months. Like Sony's mad advert about a man pissing on his own car.
The basic idea seems to be that some kids spot a rival gang's "ride" sitting unguarded on the side of the road, and one of them hops out and lets rip all across the bonnet and frontside passenger seat. Then it gets even more surreal, and squelchy.
The advert - for Gangs of London on the PlayStation Portable (what else?) - has apparently been around for a while, but we've only just noticed it because we barely use the Internet what with all the terrorism and that. The tagline is, "You've marked your territory... now fight to keep it."
Apparently it was envisaged as some sort of viral ad to encourage 16 to 30 year-olds to play the game, which is largely rubbish in our experience, with the exception of a handful of mini-games you can play in the in-game pub.
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December 19th, 2006, 18:54 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
PlayStation 3 downloadable title flOw has been delayed until the New Year, according to reports.
The news comes after what appeared to be a concrete release date for the game earlier this month, promising its arrival in Sony's PlayStation Store on 19th December: today. Now IGN claims it's slipped.
flOw, originally released as a Flash-based web-game, is one of the most eagerly awaited 'arcade' titles for the next-generation system, heralded accross the internet as PlayStation 3's answer to Geometry Wars.
The game follows the evolution of a single-celled creature who munches its way up to the dizzying heights of complex organisms. Jenova Chen's original proved to be enormously popular, attracting more than 350,000 downloads, and Sony hopes its enhanced version of the game, developed by thatgamecompany, will have a desirable, PlayStation Network-boosting effect when facing off against Microsoft's established Xbox Live Arcade.
Still, delays shouldn't worry you lot, because unless you've paid a significant amount of money to dodge frowns from Sony and imported a PS3, you'll be waiting until the console's launch in March to play flOw, or anything at all on the system.
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December 19th, 2006, 18:57 Posted By: wraggster
A Sony spokesperson has told GamesIndustry.biz that the latest rumours to emerge regarding a definitive PS3 release date, firmware updates and day one add-ons are "pure speculation".
As reported on Sony's "semi-official" blog, Threespeech.com, the Internet has been rife with rumours that PS3 will launch in Europe in the first or second week of March - with some claiming that Sony is aiming for a release on the third day of the third month.
But according to a spokesperson, these suggestions are "pure speculation" - as are rumours that the PS3 will launch alongside the new Sing Store music service and the HDip camera. "We have not announced a date for Sing Star PS3 or the camera," the spokesperson said.
There have also been suggestions that European PS3 models will launch with a firmware update which introduces features such as multi-tasking and a PSP remote play option. But according to the spokesperson, "We haven't confirmed what the UK model will ship with."
The spokesperson declined to comment on rumours that only the 60GB model, and not the 20GB version, will be available in the UK, and that it will cost GBP 425 or less.
However, speaking to GamesIndustry.biz sister site Eurogamer TV back in May, Sony UK MD Ray Maguire did suggest that a GBP 425 price point was likely. Around the same time, one retailer was only taking orders for the 60GB model whilst awaiting a final decision from SCEE.
via gibiz
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December 19th, 2006, 19:05 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
I don't know what Sony ever did to Time, but it must have been fairly heinous. Not content with punching them in the mouth over the PS3's launch, they've felt the need to kick them while they're down in their "5 Things That Went From Buzz to Bust" end-of-year wrap.
Nestled snugly in at #4 was the PS3:
The big story in computer games this year was HOW TO BLOW A HUGE LEAD, by Sony. Its PlayStation 2 was the champ in the last round of the console wars. This time Sony bet on a chip called the Cell and a disc format called Blu-ray. They're probably awesome, but how would anybody know? The PS3 is hideously expensive--it goes for up to $600--and Sony manufactured only a piddling few hundred thousand for the U.S., fewer for Japan. Plus it's hard to write games for; the launch titles were lame. You know you're in trouble when you get beat by something called a Wii.
Jeez, they even brought the Wii into it. There must be a lot of hate in the coffee over at Time.
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December 19th, 2006, 19:07 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Right about now, I think a revamped PSP is the only thing that can truly save Sony's handheld ambitions in the long-term. They need to give the PSP a clean break, take stock of the lessons learned from the original then come back and improve on it.
Sony sent around a survey last night that, from this weary writer's point of view at least, looks like they may well be thinking of doing just that. They threw a bunch of questions at PSP owners about what they'd like to see improved or added to the console, some good (hard drive, GPS), some not so good (book reader) and some sadly absent (decent games), but most telling was this question:
Would you buy another PSP system if it included a hard drive and/or video out?
It's very suspicious that the single-most desirable add-on mentioned (the HDD) is repeated in a further question that specifically asks whether you'd go out and buy another PSP for it. Very suspicious indeed.
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December 19th, 2006, 19:08 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Few people hate Sony as a company; it is just the PS3 -- as well as the DRM and exploding batteries -- that pull the brunt of the ire. In fact, many of their other products are beloved by consumers worldwide and aren't decried by the media. The biggest reason is Sony's Electronic Division's strong consumer research practices.
Sony's television and digital camera lines garner much consumer approval. This is helped in part by the creation of focus groups and people who actually listen to customer feedback. For example, when developing the Mylo device (a handheld WiFi device that allows chat-functions, Internet connectivity, music and a full QWERTY keyboard) they sent 850 of the devices out to determine the who, what, where, when, why and how the product would be used and made changes around the feedback gained; as such, the Mylo is poised to be another well-received Sony product.
The PS3 is a device that appears to have been developed in a vacuum; one where only the engineers built what they thought was the ultimate console. This is shown by the general user unfriendly environment the PS3 has built; symptoms of which are seen in major media publications. While most of the problems can easily be fixed with firmware upgrades over time, there are still aspects that cannot be fixed -- such as the lack of a scaler chip to allow for a simple one-and-done resolution setting when using various features -- without angering earlier adopters or alienating customers with confusing redesigns so early in the life-cycle. How different would the PS3 be today if the PlayStation Division took the same consumer research approach the Electronics Division does?
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December 19th, 2006, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS3:

15 years in the making. After his 1991 debut, universal video game icon Sonic returns to his high-velocity roots to create a new dimension of entertainment.
Speed Redefined. Utilizing next-gen technologies, light bloom, and environmental motion-blur effects, Sonic's breakneck speed and dazzling world come to life.
Amigos and enemies. Sonic is joined by friends and foes from the franchise history, as well as a new character, Silver, whose supernatural powers will wreak mayhem on Sonic's plans!
Realistic World. Using a next-generation physics engine, Sonic's moves, attacks and environment interaction respond realistically to opposing forces. The dynamic environments have been specifically created to promote Sonic's sense of speed while delivering a great sense of scale.
Two different types of stages. Town stages where Sonic will be able explore vast environments and play various sub-missions, and Action stages where Sonic's blistering speed will be utilized in full effect.
Multiplayer Mode. Up to two players can play as Sonic and his amigos in high-spirited multiplayer fun!
When video game icon Sonic The Hedgehog debuted on the SEGA Genesis in 1991, he shook up the action-platform genre with his signature speed and rebellious attitude. More than 44 million units later, Sonic celebrates his 15th anniversary and blazes his way onto the next generation consoles for an epic adventure designed to deliver the most intense sensation of speed experienced to date.
The game is set in Soleanna, the beautiful city of water. In his first adventure set in the human world, Sonic meets a beautiful princess named Elise, whom he quickly befriends, but Princess Elise is abducted by none other than the calculating Dr. Eggman who is working under dark and sinister motives,to destroy this special kingdom of hers. In order to restore safety and serenity, Sonic must maneuver his way through a series of adventures and challenges where he will encounter and interact with a bevy of allies and enemies, and ultimately go head to head against the menacing doctor to thwart his malicious plans. Along the way, Sonic encounters a mysterious character named Silver. Blocking him with unique supernatural powers, even the Blue dude with 'tude will find it difficult to out-maneuver the enigmatic Silver! As Sonic speeds through the huge kingdom, the mysteries unravel.
Sonic The Hedgehog melds top-tier animation production values with next generation art, physics and game design to create the most intense, high velocity Sonic adventure yet! Featuring interactive 3D environments, a large cast of new and returning characters, and a blistering sense of speed, get ready for the reinvention of Sonic The Hedgehog!
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mgv.html
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December 19th, 2006, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS3:

HDMI Male to Male Connection
Supports HDTV resolutions up to and including 1080p
Supports digital connections only
Suitable for PlayStation3™ consoles and other HD devices with HDMI socket
Cable length: 2 meters (approx. 6.6ft)
The HDMI Cable is designed to carry digital-only signals from a source to a display. Along with this, digital audio is transmitted over the HDMI cable, making it a versatile alternative to DVI. Suitable for connecting your PlayStation3™ console to your HDTV.
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December 19th, 2006, 20:55 Posted By: wraggster
New at Play Asia:

Famitsu special issue
Contains a Blu-Ray Movie Disc with HD video footage of upcoming PS3™ software
The Famitsu PS3 Blu-ray EX magazine from the Japanese publisher Enterbrain is the first video game magazine that includes a Blu-Ray disc. Captured on the Blu-Ray disc are 28 videos from recently released and upcoming PlayStation3™ games, including Afrika, Genji, Heavenly Sword, Monster Kingdom Unknown Realms, Minna no Golf 5, Lair, Resistance Fall of Men, Warhawk, Railfan, Fatal Inertia, Bladestorm, Ninja Gaiden, Enchant Arm and many more. All videos are presented in high definition and 5.1ch sound.
Limited supply of Enterbrain's Famitsu PS3 Blu-ray EX magazine is in stock today, available at US$ 24.90 only as long as supplies last.
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December 19th, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released commercial game for the PSP:

The world "Telegea" protected by the World Tree was a world where people led their day-to-day lives. One day, monsters known as Devourers from another world entered the realm and ate up almost the whole land. People were forced to look for places to reside all over and lived in fear. The World Tree that nurtured Telegea protected the people and the land from the invasion but its strength was sapping away by the day. Due to this, the World Tree used its remaining power to create the last hope, the main character in this game.
Namco likes the PSP™. With Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology, another title in the popular RPG series is now available on Sony's handheld.
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December 19th, 2006, 20:59 Posted By: wraggster
New PS2 game released:

In ancient times before the power of magic is known to man, there was a beautiful solitary island in the middle of the world, where a gigantic tree existed that was said to be mother of all beings. This big tree had always been there since the formation of the world, but nobody knew when it started turning to stone and was virtually dead. All the people of the continents regarded this island as sacred and thought that it was guarded by a holy beast, thus they dared not venture close. Until one day, something changed in the world… This production explores the connections between spirits, humans and the despondence and hope of the world through the journeys of how the youth of the tree people acquired the holy sword and the girl became the goddess of Mana; beautiful, sorrowful and yet very touching...
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December 19th, 2006, 21:02 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS3:

Multiplayer functionality allows up to eight players to battle online.
Join one of six factions specializing in different aspects of battle.
30 missions played out in detailed futuristic 3D environments.
Fly through canyons and rip through cities battling multiple enemies.
Deploy "Quick Boost" and "Over Boost" features for precise explosive movement and precision control of AC units.
Engage "Primal Armor" the all-new defense shield that adjusts its strength according to specific battle conditions.
Armored Core®, the mech action game that defined the mech genre is back to take on next-generation platforms! Armored Core® 4 reinvigorates the brand by offering an all-new storyline, new environments, and online capability. The 10th anniversary of the acclaimed franchise will be punctuated with a leap to next-generation platforms that will ensure the highest quality in both gameplay and visual performance.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1mgu.html
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December 19th, 2006, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
via elation
Ipher has released a new test build of the PS2 emulator for windows called PCSX2:
Heres whats new:
Syphon Filter Filling Write fixes [zerofrog]
Change to pcsx2/Elfheader.c (No commit message) [zerofrog]
added more ffx crcs and frame limiting stuff [zerofrog]
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December 19th, 2006, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
If you're desperate to get your hands on MotorStorm, you might have considered importing the Japanese version of the game. Well I'm here to save you fifty bucks with a quick mental exercise.
First, power up your PS3, go into the PlayStation Store, and download that impressive MotorStorm demo that everyone has been talking about. Play it, taking note of a few areas in particular -- the title screen, with the rolling video in the background, the festival mode, which uses "tickets" to stand for racing events, the car select screen, which likes to keep you waiting while it loads up new car models, and so forth. Now (and here comes the mental part), close your eyes and picture that exact same demo, but with the following:
1. More video in the background during the title screen.
2. A set of six high definition movies under the movie section of the main menu. Included is a neat little look at how Motorstorm has progressed from an early demo featuring rough polygonal cars, to its not-so-final shape in the Japanese release, and a live action flythrough of Monument Valley, the setting for the game.
3. A bunch of additional racing tickets, some locked away until you've cleared the easier events.
4. An additional selection screen prior to some races that allows you to select a type of car. This allows you to, as just one example, drive a truck in a race full of motorcycles. I don't think I need to let you know what happens next.
5. A few additional effects to make an already pretty game even prettier.
Got all that? Congratulations! You've just imagined the final Japanese version of Motorstorm.
Based on its Japanese release (and I'll remind you that the version I'm writing about isn't the one that's due out in the West), Motorstorm is the most featureless racer I've ever played. There are only a couple of options, for adjusting the sound and screen and switching the motion sensor controls on and off. Missing are options for adjusting the number of opponents and track count, and such standard modes such as free run and time attack.
The game doesn't even have any form of multiplayer racing. While we knew about the lack of online in the Japanese version, there's no multiplayer what-so-ever, not even split screen!
Motorstorm also shipped to Japan with some of the glaring problems from the demo still in place. Load times prior to the start of a race can take up to 45 seconds. Car selection requires that you wait for new car models to load up, and you can't even see your car's stats on the selection screen (the stats are available in the manual). It's exactly like the demo, and is unacceptable for a final product.
The PS3 is software starved in Japan (since launch, there have been only two mahjong games, and I, the reigning mahjong champion of Northeast India, have no need for the digital variety), so I put up with the missing features and spent the weekend playing Motorstorm's racing events. And sure enough, I agree with the glowing impressions our boys in Europe have previously posted here at IGNPS3. The driving component of Motorstorm is a blast to play. You've never played a racing game quite like this, where the type of car you select can totally change the feel of the course, where the bumps and other obstacles that line the course are more of a challenge than your opponent racers, and where each lap can be raced on a different path. As I played, I found myself thinking that no two races are ever alike, and every race is better than the last.
Motorstorm is also the first real proof of the PS3's true technical prowess (Resistance provided just a few hints). The game manages to deliver sharp detail up close for the cars and tracks, along with distant views full of extraneous details, including lots of waving banners. And beneath all that is an impressive simulation of 20 cars interacting with the track. While a few shortcomings get in the way, including the occasional unfortunate camera angle during replays, a bit of slowdown here and there, and mud effects that need a bit of work, this is the most technically impressive game I've ever played.
And it will likely be even more impressive once Evolution Studios finishes up development. Motorstorm was clearly not ready for its Japanese debut, and considering how poorly non-Japanese games tend to sell in the Japanese market, we're not sure why Sony wasted the team's precious time on rushing the Japanese release. We look forward to playing the real version of Motorstorm early next year, and, based on the preview provided by the Japanese version, fully expect it to be one of the finest racing experiences ever.
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December 19th, 2006, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Joseph Skar was in Holland recently when he took a pic of a Trike (3 wheel motorbike thingy) with a PSP Theme.
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December 19th, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The Associated Press is one of the world's leading providers of news and opinion in the world. So, when such a huge mainstream press outlet says something good about the PSP, I take note. AP chose Oblivion as their Overall Game of the Year, and gave LocoRoco the award for Portable Game of the Year. "Sony's PlayStation Portable finally received a great, original game this summer with LocoRoco. Heaps of cuteness, creativity and charm made what could have been another boring platformer into one of the year's most original and irresistible video games."
Surely, this comes as a surprise to those that expected a DS game to win. However, it's not all roses in Sony-land. The PLAYSTATION 3 got the dubious award of "Worst Console Launch."
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December 19th, 2006, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
PSP owners and Square fans will be ecstatic to see that Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is shaping up quite nicely. IGN pointed out that this game "looks better than most PS2 games out there," and looking at the scans from V-Jump, I'd have to agree. The character models look especially nice, considering how well-animated they appear. The gameplay looks fast, maybe even emulating the incredibly over-the-top anime-styled action sequences of Advent Children. I never had high hopes for Dirge of Cerberus, but Crisis Core seems to be nothing short of a must-have.
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December 20th, 2006, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Ryz_150:
Hi ,
This is a Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard that i have been working on a for few days. At the moment it only has six sounds but i will update it soon.
This is not a mod of The Simpsons soundboard. And i was working on it before it was released.
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via ryz150
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December 20th, 2006, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News/ release from Deanaw22
Ive just spent a fiew days putting this together in my spare time and have spent alot! of time using it
The simpsons soundboard contains 50 sound clips allowing you the most enjoyable pranking experience
Look good ?
Im also going to be making some extra soundboard such as Family Guy, Borat, etc...
p.s. If anyone wants to mod the sounboard you dont have to worry about giving credit
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via Deanaw22
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December 20th, 2006, 00:15 Posted By: wraggster
Competition from Kikizo, heres the details:
Today, we're giving a lucky reader the chance to win ProStroke Golf: World Tour 2007 for PSP, along with a Ceramic White edition PSP Value Pack (complete with removable ProStroke faceplates!).
One of the most talked about sports games of the year, ProStroke has been described as "the Pro Evo of golf games" and earned a reputation for realism and authenticity, with the console and PC versions debuting recently and the PSP edition now making the ideal swing for portable play.
Pro Stroke Golf promises to raise players' expectations of what a sport game can be. ProStroke Golf features 8 international players and 18 different courses, with expert commentary on your game from TV favourites Alan Green, Sam Torrance and Ian Baker-Finch.
Undeniably cool Ceramic White PSP Value Pack included
The game also features a groundbreaking new control system, the ProStroke, which gives players a comparable level of control over their swing as enjoyed by golfers in real life. ProStroke provides a player's eye view of the ball and club head and the chance to shape and adapt an infinite number of shots from fade, backspin and punching below branches. It's easy to learn and challenging to master!
To win this great package as a bit of a New Year treat, just answer the following question:
What formats is ProStroke Golf: World Tour 2007 available for, besides PSP?
A) PC, PS2, Xbox
B) Xbox 360, Virtual Boy
C) Dreamcast, GBA, SNES
D) DS, Lynx, Game Gear
Email your answer to contest@kikizo.com, stating your full name, mailing address, and your answer to the question. You must also make sure that your email address will be active at the date the competition closes.
The competition closing date is December 25, 2006. All winners will be notified by email soon after the closing date. Good luck!
Important Note: this competition is open to Europe, as the prize is for the PAL (UK) version of the game and PSP, kindly supplied by Oxygen Interactive UK.
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December 20th, 2006, 05:29 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via upi
The multimedia abilities of the PlayStation Portable are set to garner more attention thanks to a video-downloading service from Japan's Sony Pictures company.
The Hollywood Reporter said Tuesday that Sony Pictures' new downloading service, which will launch next year, will allow PSP owners to gather movies online and play them on the portable media device via MemoryStick memory cards.
"We are in the business of providing content for download to computers through a variety of business partners and have said in the past that we are interested in making our content available on a wide range of mobile devices in the future but no decisions have been made regarding next steps," a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment statement stated.
The paper said that the downloading endeavor, which is still based in negotiations with downloading groups, comes after PSP sales have declined remarkably since move than 14 million units were sold in the year following its March 2005 debut.
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December 20th, 2006, 07:33 Posted By: happy_mak
The new firmware 3.03 is out.
Apparently the only change is that you can play "more" playstation titles launched on the Playstation network via the PS3.
Well that keeps me out since i dont have a PS3, but for all those who need to know the latest release on the Game Archives for December hop on to the link below
The Japan store has already begun offering the same at 525 yen the pricing same for all titles same as the last time.
3.03 upload is a waste of time for us non PS3 owners atleast they could have given half of the Final Finatasy demo they showed at Jump Festa this week.... 
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December 20th, 2006, 07:43 Posted By: wraggster

The latest version of Segas Football Manager for the PSP was released recently heres more info:
Football Manager Handheld 2007 boasts many new features which are revolutionary not only for the game, but for the entire sports management genre. Whilst Football Manager Handheld 2007 adds more to the handheld game than ever before, it is also easier to use, navigate and control and all the options are more obvious to players. Players have the option to get involved in massive areas of management, but can also rely on their club staff for help and advice. There are many new features and below are highlights of the key areas of improvement.
Improved player search system - a new player search template has been created to make it easier to find similar players to ones that players may already know.
Database editing - the ability to edit the Football Manager Handheld 2007 database to update all the latest transfers and moves.
"Fog of War" has been added Previously a very popular feature in the PC version, "Fog of War" hides attributes of players who are not well known. Scouting the players properly will reveal their full stats.
Improved Media - loads more news items now appear in the game, such as out of contract news, transfer rumours, player form news and lots, lots more.
Improved Coach Reports - more detailed coach reports so they'll give players extended stats information over and above what they can see on the screen.
Improved Match Events - more commentary during matches to further engross players in the game.
Transfer enquiries - the ability to approach other clubs for players and get the actual asking price for a player.
Club List Screen now makes it a lot easier to browse around other clubs.
International Management for the first time in Football Manager Handheld if a player does well at Football Manager Handheld 2007 they could find themselves being offered an international job. If they do really well, it'll open up an unlockable International Management mode, so that players can start the game as a national manager.
Multiplayer - network play has been included in Football Manager Handheld 2007. Play friendly matches against friends or complete with strangers via wi-fi, using default club teams from the game or export club sides from saved game.
Downloadable graphics - the ability to add in logo packs and competition badges.
New skins - 2 brand new skins, Flexion and SI Blue, plus the old Football Manager Handheld skin, gives players more choice for their desired interface.
Multiple scouts players now have two scouts in Football Manager Handheld 2007 for double the scouting opportunities.
Offer players to club - the ability to offer players to clubs throughout the gameworld at a specified asking price to make it easier to sell players.
Board requests - Interacting with the board allows players to request more funds for transfers and wages and potentially making it easier to sign new players. Or if players aren't doing well at a club they can plead for leniency and more time to turn things around.
Player Relationships - Making sure the team gels well is now easier than ever thanks to Player Relationships where player's will let you know how they feel about individuals at their own club.
New Leagues & competitions including: A League (Australia), Portuguese 1st & second divisions, Belgian 1st & second divisions, Extra leagues in France, Italy, Germany & Spain, World Cup Qualifying, European Championship and Asian Nations Cup.
More Info / buy at Amazon UK
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December 20th, 2006, 11:19 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Forced bundles and high retail price putting consumers off, claims tracking firm
The high price of the PlayStation 3, along with the retail practice of bundling the console with software, has lead to a glut of stock online, claims tracking firm NotifyWire.
The company believes the fervour greeting the console launch has already slowed, with consumers put off by forced software and hardware bundles which in some cases can see the retail price doubled.
"I think we're already at the point where people won't pay a premium for the console or be forced into buying bundles," said Ian Drake, president of NotifyWire.
Drake believes interest is waning for the console, and compared the speed in which new Xbox 360 stock sold out before Christmas 12 months ago.
"Last year we tracked several one thousand dollar Xbox 360 bundles which would sell out in less than two minutes after becoming available."
Drake noted a US $1000 PS3 bundle was on offer at an online retailer for over 12 hours recently, claiming, "This sort of thing didn't happen with the Xbox 360 until well after Christmas."
NotifyWire tracks online retailers and informs members when product is available.
Drake also believes that consumers are becoming less trustful of auction sites such as eBay, where newly released consoles can sell for double the recommended retail price.
"I think people are tired of being gouged on eBay, and services like NotifyWire.com are making it easier for the everyday person to buy the PlayStation 3 online from a retailer they know and trust.
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December 20th, 2006, 17:19 Posted By: wraggster
The VR-1000J is the latest Onkyo media recorder. It has a funny pyramidal shape (somebody mentioned Stargate SG-1??), and is dedicated to record videos from your TV or any other video source in a format compatible with your PSP, or you mobile phone. The supported formats are Mpeg4 for video, and AAC/G.726/AMR for audio, on Memory Card or SD card. There are 3 video modes: Super Fine (30fps at 320x240), Fine (15fps at 320x240) and Normal (15fps at 176x144). The recorder costs 130.00 euros.
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December 20th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
If there's one PS3 game we're looking forward to (apart from that other stealth-related stunner) it's Tecmo's gorgeous katana-slashing update, Ninja Gaiden Sigma - and a batch of new screenshots to fuel our excitement has just crash-landed onto the internet.
In case you missed it, Sigma is essentially a prettier PS3 update of last year's excellent Xbox entry Ninja Gaiden Black, expanded with dual-sword combat and the lovely Rachel as a playable character.
Sigma - all going well - will be out on PS3 sometime next year.
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December 20th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
This just in from our Tokyo bureau: according to an interview conducted by Japan's Impress, Sony's Ken Kutaragi has gone on record with a "promise" for what he's calling an AV-centric PS3. In other words, audio and video capabilities first, gaming second (if at all), in a device built around the Cell-processor platform. Ken says that the device would certainly be more expensive, reflecting the prices and margins expected on high-end consumer electronic devices such as TVs, Blu-ray personal video recorders, etc. -- not the relatively cheap, but powerful gaming rigs sold at a loss under Sony's Computer Entertainment division. Impress speculates that the device could cost as much as ¥300,000 or about $2,500. The new Sony-branded living room box would, in Ken's (translated) words, "be a standard AV component sized box with a more powerful, power supply unit, anti-shake insulator, twice the main memory, and 2x HDMI to split sound and video output." More Cell-processor devices in the living room? We say bring it, Sony.
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December 20th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony is planning to add a few more PSone games to the PlayStation 3's online store tomorrow in Japan, giving owners of the next-gen console the chance to pay 525 yen and play things like R-Types and Dino Crisis on their, er, PSPs.
Yes, once again it's that weird system of buying and downloading the thing on PS3 and transferring it to Memory Stick Duo using a USB cable, and what's more you'll need the new 3.03 PSP firmware if you plan to do it.
Since it's only relevant to Japanese consumers at the moment though, we can't imagine you do. The other titles due for release, IGN reports, are Taiyo no Shippo, U-SA, Global Force, Gekisou Tomaranna, Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime, The Convenie Ano Machi wo Dokusen se yo, and Mr. Driller.
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December 20th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: wraggster
via eurogamer
Sony is planning to add a few more PSone games to the PlayStation 3's online store tomorrow in Japan, giving owners of the next-gen console the chance to pay 525 yen and play things like R-Types and Dino Crisis on their, er, PSPs.
Yes, once again it's that weird system of buying and downloading the thing on PS3 and transferring it to Memory Stick Duo using a USB cable, and what's more you'll need the new 3.03 PSP firmware if you plan to do it.
Since it's only relevant to Japanese consumers at the moment though, we can't imagine you do. The other titles due for release, IGN reports, are Taiyo no Shippo, U-SA, Global Force, Gekisou Tomaranna, Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime, The Convenie Ano Machi wo Dokusen se yo, and Mr. Driller.
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December 20th, 2006, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
The high price of the PS3, along with the retail practice of bundling the console with software, has lead to a glut of stock online, claims tracking firm NotifyWire.
The company believes the fervour greeting the console launch has already slowed, with gamers put off by forced software and hardware bundles which in some cases can see the retail price doubled.
via eurogamer
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December 20th, 2006, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
In a flurry of Virtua Fighter 5 based activity, Sega has not only confirmed the kicker's release date but has unleashed a horde of lovely new screens, too.
So in between treating your eyes with the pleasing plethora of pictures you can bask in the knowledge that developer and publisher Sega has now confirmed that the game will be a launch title when PS3 finally lands in Europe in March.
Also due to appear in the US on 20 February, the fighter features 17 different warriors including two new faces just begging to be bruised. They included El Blaze, a Mexican wrestling champion and Eileen, who uses a Monkey Kung Fu style which she learned from her grandfather, who happened to be a baboon with a black belt.
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December 20th, 2006, 19:23 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS3:

What's a Japanese video game console release like without exotic Japanese games? From the makers of the popular Densha de Go! series comes the very first PlayStation3™ train simulation game -- Railfan.
The game emphasizes on realism and allows you to drive trains in three different locations, including Chicago's brown line, part of Tokyo's JR system and Osaka. Your task in the game is simply, you need to run the train properly and make sure to stop on time at each station. Controls are pretty simple as well, you only need to control the train's throttle.
Railfan differs from other train simulation games mainly by its graphics. The game's graphics are displayed by a streaming video of the actual train lines. The camera shakes to give you the feeling of a moving train and cut-scenes will display additional overhead views of the train.
buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1nwc.html
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December 20th, 2006, 19:25 Posted By: wraggster
Several New PS2 games and one accessorie have been released over at Play Asia, heres the list of them:
Neo Geo Stick 3 Ougi Version US$ 69.90
Prince of Tennis: Doki Doki Sabaibaru - Mystic JPN US$ 59.90
Secret of Evangelion JPN US$ 64.90
Secret of Evangelion (Asuka Version) JPN US$ 95.00
Secret of Evangelion (Ayanami Version) JPN US$ 95.00
More info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...9-en-84-n.html
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December 20th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
Great news for Sims fans as Sims 2 Pets has been released:
Heres all the info:

Get your paws on The Sims™ 2 Pets and create pets for your Sims to train, play with, and love as their own! From scampering puppies to cuddly kittens, add a new furry friend to your Sims' lives. You'll have the option to choose from your favorite breeds or customize your very own! With so many features and personalities to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect pet for your Sims family! As in real life, your Sims pets will require care and training. Teach them your favorite tricks and give them the attention they need. A neglected cat with an urge to scratch might claw up your new couch if you aren't careful and leaving your dog unattended near a freshly planted flower bed probably isn't wise. Keep in mind that Sims pets-like their owners-have a mind of their own, so expect the unexpected.
Buy Here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1l1y.html
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December 20th, 2006, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Sony is delivering the ultimate Christmas gift to Japan this year: a free demo of Gran Turismo 5, set for download starting December 24 exclusively via the PlayStation Store. Thanks to Famitsu, we were able to relive our childhoods and get a sneak peak at the gift in advance.
According to the latest issue of the magazine, the demo, titled Gran Turismo HD Concept, will ship with one course and ten cars. The course is the all new Eiger Nordwand, and you'll be able to race it normal and reverse.
The car list has mostly Japanese vehicles, but there are some high profile foreign models in the bunch. Here's the full list:
Suzuki Cappuccino '95
Mazda Eunos Roadster '89
Honda Integra Type R'04
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR'96
Infinity G35 Coupe
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX GSR'05
Lotus Elise 111R'04
Nissan Sky Liner GT-R V Spec II '94
Toyota Celica GT-FOUR Rally Car '95
Ferrari 599'06
You start the demo off exclusively with the Cappuccino, but by clearing the time attack mode in a pre-set time, you'll be able to unlock the next car. Eventually, you'll unlock a drift trial mode.
The magazine also scored an interview with Kazunori Yamauchi. The Gran Turismo series producer talked about how the demo came about, and what we can expect in the coming year from his hard working team at Polyphony Digital.
Asked to explain why Sony decided to skip out on a retail release for Gran Turismo HD, and instead focus on GT5, Yamauchi admitted that following the Tokyo Game Show, gamers expressed their desire for the full game. He made specific mention of overseas gamers, which means that if you complained on a message board, your voice might have been heard.
Yamauchi spoke vaguely on the relationship between GT5 and GTHD. While not getting into specifics, he stated that his team wants to put both GTHD Premium and GTHD Classic into the new title. Asked if Sony intends on carrying out its ambitious plans for downloadable content, Yamauchi stated that there has yet to be a decision on whether or not to carry the business model over.
On the topic of the GTHD Concept demo itself, Yamauchi revealed that the Christmas Eve download will include Polyphony's next generation driving simulation engine. According to the producer, this engine fixes such areas as drift control and drift angle. As previously announced, the demo won't have online races, but it will offer network rankings separated according to the various cars. Replays from the top ranked players will be available for download, so you can see how the best of the best race.
More downloadable content will become available before GT5's full release. Yamauchi promised a photo mode of some form to become available for download. He wouldn't give a specific time frame.
Yamauchi also promised an official announcement for Gran Turismo 5 before the next Tokyo Motor Show, scheduled for October 27, 2007. We plan on getting close and personal with the GTHD Concept demo until then.
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December 20th, 2006, 19:41 Posted By: wraggster
via mcv
Think the PSP is struggling? Think again. Sony has told MCV that it is confident of selling one million units in the UK before the end of the year, safely securing its place as the second best-selling console of 2006.
After a raft of online fanboy disdain and hype surrounding its home console rivals, the PSP has managed to comfortably outsell both PS2 and Xbox 360 in 2006 – leaving its performance at UK retail second only to Nintendo’s DS.
“People mention us in the same breath as DS because we’re both handheld products, but we’re actually going after very different markets,” Sony UK’s commercial director Kevin Jowett told MCV. “We’ve put in just under £300 million of turnover at retail with PSP because we’re such a boys console and we’ve hit the mark with older gamers.”
The PSP arrived in the UK to much fanfare last September, and quickly became the fastest selling console the territory had ever seen. But the rise of the DS and the troubling performance of UMD have dampened enthusiasm surrounding the format.
However, ChartTrack’s statistics bear out the fact that 2006 has truly been the Year Of The Handheld – and that PSP has been a dominant force. And Sony sees much more to come next year.
Jowett added: “The evolution you’ll see on PSP will be greater than any console Sony has ever released, starting with new peripherals like the PSP camera, which is out in early 2007.”
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December 20th, 2006, 20:10 Posted By: wraggster
Screw the Wiimote! If you want a really radical controller, check out the EdgeFX which is now available for the PS2 and "will be available soon" for the PS3.
"The EdgeFX has a right hand optical mouse controller and gaming pad with a detachable left hand controller. During game play, the left hand controller is used to move while the right rumble-mouse is used to shoot, look left, right, up and down. The EdgeFX allows you to move at maximum speeds and then instantly slow down for precision targeted shooting when the focus button is pressed."
Yeah, awesome.
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December 20th, 2006, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
A mysterious game has appeared on the latest release list from Japan's biggest games magazine, Famitsu. According to the list, the PlayStation 3 will be getting a game called Gundam Musou from Bandai Namco Games. The game is set with a TBA 2007 date.
Unfortunately, that's all we know, as the magazine's editorial sections make no mention of the game.
The "Musou" name (complete with the same two kanji characters) is used elsewhere in the Japanese game market. Koei's Dynasty Warriors series is known in Japan as "Shin Sangoku Musou." Coincidence? Possibly, but we'll have to wait for Bandai Namco to give out some actual details.
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December 20th, 2006, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Test Drive Unlimited launched this past September on the Xbox 360, and this coming February it's set to hit the PS2, PC and PSP. Offering up an inside look at the development of the PSP version of the game is Kevin Burfett of Melbourne House, the game's developer. Have a read.
I'm back again to tell you some more about Test Drive Unlimited - this time I'm talking about the PSP version.
It's pretty incredible when I first show people the Playstation 2 version of Test Drive Unlimited, they are usually amazed at what has been squeezed into that platform. But to see their faces when I pull out a PSP out of my pocket that's running the game, wow. The general reaction is that it is impossible to make this game for the PSP, which makes the achievement all the more satisfying for all of us at Melbourne House.
We've spent a lot of time working out how to keep the core gameplay of Test Drive Unlimited on the PSP. We've managed to squeeze the entire island of Oahu into your hands, which is an incredible technical feat.
Every piece of the 1000 miles of road is there in a fully streaming world. You can race around the entire island in a single session without seeing a loading screen.
All of the cars have been remodeled specifically for the PSP, and they look fantastic on that beautiful PSP screen. That's a wonderful thing about working on a handheld console, the developer and the end user have exactly the same screen - no differences in size, shape or color. What you see is exactly what the developer intended you to see.
We've also gone through the island and optimized the world, the trees, the buildings; pretty much everything is built for the PSP.
The PSP version comes with the Auto-GPS that I talked about in the previous diary, with Master Points, Race series, and over 240 races all playable online.
Online? Yes, Test Drive Unlimited PSP has online multiplayer!
You can play in Infrastructure mode - connecting to the Internet and playing with people down the street or across the planet. High Scores are recorded for all races while online (single player and multiplayer) - so you can try to break the world record for a time trial race while sitting in a fast-food restaurant munching on a burger and using a wireless hotspot.
Once you go online you'll be seeing other PSP players immediately in free-ride, no need to set up complicated sessions or looking for servers, we look after that for you. Even when you want to find a race session we've made that nice and easy as well with the ability to automatically find and join a race session.
But that's not your only wireless networking option, you can also connect to your friends in ad-hoc mode and race against them while riding the bus, or just cruise around the island with them while sitting in the back of the classroom (no, I don't advocate this!) There's something very cool about sitting down on the sofa with a few friends and just going for a long cruise through the streets of Oahu.
Cruising seems to be a phenomenon that is unique to the Test Drive Unlimited world and is catching on big time. It's not always about the racing, we've found that many people get a huge amount of enjoyment from just cruising around the island in their favorite car, looking for new and interesting places to drive (although the coastal roads are usually the most popular).
Because the PSP is often used in short bursts, Quickrace will be a popular option for those times when you just want to get in there and have a race.
Another option for those time-limited moments is to jump in head off down some unexplored roads, or do some shopping for a new car. I've even simply jumped in to check whether I'd lost my top spot in the world rankings for a speed challenge (yes, I had.)
Well, time for me to get back to the PSP and try to gain back some self-esteem by taking that world record again... A colleague once said to me that "Producers always have to get the high score, it's like it's in their job description or something". It's not in our job description; it's in our blood.
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December 20th, 2006, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
Art has once again updated his Xflash app for the PSP, heres whats new:
New for X-Flash V17f:
- Improved speed startup trick.
- Fixed accept agreement sound.
New for X-Flash V17e:
- Replaced original menu sound effects.
- Added 2x startup speed trick.
- Improved sample player to play sounds at different speeds,
and different sample rates.
- Menu sounds are resampled and more memory efficient so
the program package can be smaller.
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December 20th, 2006, 21:52 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via boomtown
Several reports suggest that demand in the US for PlayStation 3 is not all Sony could hope for.
A company which tracks the availability of items at online stores says it has noticed a drop in demand for PlayStation 3. Rather than selling out, many consoles are being left unsold.
It seems that the outrageous bundles being forced on consumers by retailers have turned custom away. Ian Drake explained the difference his company had seen since the launch of Xbox 360.
"Last year, at NotifyWire.com, we tracked several one thousand dollar Xbox 360 bundles which would sell out in less than two minutes after becoming available," Drake told PWWeb. "Just today, a one thousand dollar (£507) PS3 bundle was in stock at eToys.com for over 12 hours. This sort of thing didn't happen with the Xbox 360 until well after Christmas."
A quick visit to Ebay also shows that PlayStation 3 consoles just aren't as in demand as you might expect. With many consoles going for just over retail price rather than the riches the sellers may have hoped for. In fact it's really easy to get hold of a PlayStation 3 via the auction site,
"I think we're already at the point where many people won't pay a premium for the console or be forced into buying bundles," added Drake.
It seems there are plenty of people who would like a PlayStation 3, they just aren't willing to get ripped off when doing so.
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December 20th, 2006, 21:58 Posted By: crait

Hey guys, I decided to create a program that randomly prints thick lines to your psp screen. The program is used to unstick stuck pixels from your screen without the need of downloading a 30 megabyte video that does the same exact thing.
This way, people can actually fit it on thier memory card. Especially for those who only have a 32 megabyte card. The Eboot file is about 150kb.
This works on 1.0 and 2.00+ psp's. It will also work on a 1.5 psp if you have custom firmware installed.
Any questions? Comments? Requests?
Please IM me on Aim. My sn is "thecrait" without the quotes.
Or, you can visit a fast growing online community at http://z8.invisionfree.com/Systems_and_Sketches/
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December 20th, 2006, 22:51 Posted By: wraggster
New release from snowymydog:
Hi, everybody.
Here is Treasure of Pharaoh 0.2. If you miss the previous version, this is a chance to try this homebrew made by me.
Treasure of Pharaoh is a clone of "Lode Runner". It's one of the best game I've ever played.
What's new:
1. AI updated. With updated AI, the Anubis is much "reasonable". I've tested it with all 150 levels, and it's working very fine. If you can't solve a level, just try again and think. The greatest fun of this game is you need to figure out how to solve the level. It's not easy. If you're lode runner fans, you know what I mean.
2. Graphics updated.
3. Serveral bugs fixed.
4. Options menu is now working. You can turn on/off bkg music and turn on/off false brick. False brick is a tile which have the same outlook as the ground. But you cannot dig on it. When you run on top on it, you'll drop to the next floor. Just like stepping on air. Turning off the false brick, will render the false brick differently, so you can see it clearly. This will make the game much easier.
5. High score is now working. Auto saved when clear a level.
6. Keys configuration changed.
L+Triangle goes to previous level
R+Triangle goes to next level (minus 1 life)
L+R+Triangle restart current level (minus 1 life)
I've learn a lot from this project and having great fun while playing this game. Maybe someday I'll share the experience on another thread. If you say, "Hey, snowmydog. I just don't like you, I won't try this game!". Fine, but please grab the original Lode runner(Apple II/DOS) and take a try. This is a true classic.
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December 20th, 2006, 23:06 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via kotaku
A phone receiver. This mod shows a PSP being used as a phone reciver for a telephone. Apparently the modder was board and decided to come up with this corky mod for his own PSP.
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December 20th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via punchjump
Konami's Pocket Racers for the PSP is a bargain bin race offering that offers basic single and multiplayer on the handheld. The insane story and no-frills race mechanics keeps the title in the rental category.
In Pocket Racers, average teenager partiers are transformed into cars by the Soul Stealer. The Soul Stealer forces the teens to race for their lives and for the main character to win each race to save his friends. The party may have included heavy hallucinogens that were not disclosed in the instruction manual.
Pocket Racers offers two modes: Soul Challenge for single-player races and online for Ad Hoc multiplayer races for up to four. The Soul Challenge features Time Trial, Practice, Soul Race, View Friends, and Select Car modes.
Each Soul Race championship includes five races to veer through. Six cars are available at start and more can be unlocked. Each car employs different weight, acceleration, speed, and handling features for a custom ride.
Racers can accelerate, brake, and launch weapons at competing drivers. The race mechanics are very basic and avoid properties like physics, damage, jumps, or velocity. The household raceways are standard and include obstacles like cups, boxes, and screwdrivers.
The graphics engine is average at 30 frames per second and less. The dark, flat shades and bland colors don't utilize the PSP's hardware efficiently. The music is generic rock and fits in the overall action.
Pocket Racers is too little to offer for PSP owners. The basic race mechanics, lack of physics, and absence of features is hard to recommend over better race titles for the handheld. Let the Soul Stealer win and let your friends rest in peace.
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December 21st, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: Malksta
News from Team C+D
First C+D Release 2.80 Kernel Mode Exploit, soon to be others !
2.80 kmode xploitz!
* From Team C+D.. *
$ony lost a battle and will loose the war !
Here is the 2.80 kernel exploit you have been looking for !
Thanks for C&D your future best psp hacking resource !
WiseFellow - He ain't no fool
bockscar - Bombing you into surrender
FullerMonty - Going all the way
CosmicOverSoul - A spiritual guy
Malyot - Getting power from the hell
The exploit currently works on 2.80 through tiff exploit. Probably this will work in 3.03 also when an user exploit is available.
Awesome news, the future looks bright if this exploit can be utilised in time for a downgrader.
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December 21st, 2006, 05:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
YoyoMacy has created a rather great looking psp LUA game that looks very similar to the parachute game on many users ipods. This is a basic first release. So i would expect more from this in the future.
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December 21st, 2006, 22:01 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via jsharrad
Took a break from my current project to update some things that were bugging me in MinerPSP. Enjoy!
Changes in V1.2:
Fix: Changed random function to be more random.
Fix: Resampled some of the sounds for better size and compatability.
Fix: Included images into the executable for faster transfer to psp.
Fix: Tweaks to the game mechanics that aren't readily apparent.
New: Install-o-tron compliant HBINFO.TXT included.

Harrel W Stiles for MinerVGA (the original game)
Folks over at ps2dev for the PSPSDK
Brunni for the Old School Library
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December 21st, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release from Dezimalhexer
PSPIconIt 1.01
it's a little program to help those newbies out there to give your PSP's Memstick an icon and a label so your PSP can identify itself against Windows.
Just pick one of the included icons and give your PSP a name...
16 Icons are already included and I'm eager to add more and V2 will also feature a professional mode for those who want to add their own icons.
Of course I'm open for your suggestions...
Greets Dezimalhexer
Fixed the bug causing an existing autorun.inf not to be deleted - screenshot added
P.S.: It will of course also work on standart HDDs and USB-Drives
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December 21st, 2006, 22:07 Posted By: wraggster
via cvg
The much-talked about tilt-senstive PS3 pad has done little - if not nothing at all - to convince gamers that dropping the rumble feature was the right thing to do. And the current crop of PS3 launch games haven't helped the situation.
So when can we expect developers to actually incorporate SixAxis's functionality into a game where it genuinely adds to the gameplay? Say hello to EA's promising Army Of Two co-op shooter, in development for PS3 and 360.
In the latest issue of US mag PSM, it's revealed that EA Montreal had some tricks up its sleeve that just might work and turn out to be fun. One example comes when a characters uses a mortar. "One character can shoot a probe into the air giving them a bird's eye view of the land," the mag reports. "Using the tilt function, you can aim a reticule of sorts over any target, guiding the mortar's shot to any target."
The second example comes in the form of using the tilt function to steady the zoomed in view with a sniper rifle. Previously games have simulated a shake but now that shake will come from you. Sounds like it could be a bit tricky if you suffer from the old DTs.
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December 21st, 2006, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Joytech Sharp Shooter is using high performance 2.4Ghz wireless technology for accurate control of any shooting game. Its operational range of 5 meters combined with full compatibility with PS1/PSone/Playstation 2/PStwo as well as Guncon and Guncon 2 make it the most features packed gun on the market. It also includes additional functions like auto shooting and auto reload and a high operating time even with just 2 AA batteries!
Specifications & extra information
- Compatible with PS2, PStwo, PS1 and PSone
- Compatible with Guncon and Guncon2 (guncon adapter included)
- 2.4Ghz wireless function
- Manual and auto shooting function
- Manual and auto reload function
- Requires 2 AA batteries (included)
- 2 AA batteries can supply power for up to 72 hours of gameplay.
- 5 meters operating range
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December 21st, 2006, 22:16 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via mediumgauge
This app allows you to play mp3 formatted files and also .wav along with being able to modify file names, etc. Basically what it does is allow you to view files from your memory stick on your psp.
Here's the change log
# cancel operation added
# RAMDISK memory leak fixed
# limit of 1024 files in RAMDISK removed
# UMD directory access attempted
# when a file is copied to RAMDISK, file marks should be cancelled
# you can now move files from RAMDISK
This is in eboot format for your psp, it comes for 1.0 and 1.5, This should make it a bit easy to keep files in order without your pc.
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December 21st, 2006, 22:38 Posted By: jak66
news via Mathieulh
This is the 3.0 OE-A pre-release thread (this will be the final name, it stands for Open Edition)
Here is a non-exhaustive list of its features:
Unchanged since 2.71SE-C:
- Can run homebrews using 1.50 kernel (same compatibility as 2.71 SE-C)
- Recovery menu
- Built-in iso/cso support (appears in the vsh under the GAME menu)
Changed since 2.71SE-C:
- Runs 3.02 vsh
- Can run homebrews using 3.02 kernel
Removed since 2.71SE-C:
- Location Free player
- Korean fonts
Added since 2.71SE-C:
- UMD-VIDEO Region free
- PSP kernel Region selector
- O/X button selector
- WMA enabeling option
- Flash player Enableing option
- Pops (SCE psone emulator) drm protection hacked (that means that you can now your games in more than one psp and share those over the internet)
Very Interesting News, as soon as any more news appears we will have it.
EDIT: Firstly people, i didnt know anything about this until a few minutes before posting the News, so i do not know the answer to half of your questions.
Download Here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46711
Thirdly, the PSX emu hack lets you share with other people, which means you can play PS1 games without a PS3, however, the games have to be the ones gotten from the playstation store and distributing them is illegal.
Finally, i do not know if Dark_AleX is working on this, but my guess is that he is, as this is basically a sooped up version of 2.71 SE. This is 2.71 SE with 3.02 instead of 2.71
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December 21st, 2006, 23:11 Posted By: psposte
This is a significant update to Beta2, we put in alot of user requested features and hope you'll enjoy it. We look forward to your continued feedback so we can continually improve the PSPoste user experience. Here's an incomplete list of what's changed:
- Support for TLS/SSL: This includes support for mail services like GMail and Yahoo.
- SMTP Authentication: Supports SMTP servers that require authentication (with or without TLS/SSL).
- Support for the Danzeff Keyboard and an analog version of the GUI keyboard.
- Account templates: allows for quick addition of predefined accounts. Supported accounts are currently GMail, Yahoo.com and Yahoo.ca (bring up the context menu in the accounts tab of the settings page - triangle).
- Easier account switching (bring up the context menu from the main window - triangle).
- Completely revamped account settings page.
- Support for account renaming.
- Password control that masks the input.
- Detailed error messages (error shows up in dialog instead of telling the user to open err.log).
- Currently active account now displayed in the main window.
- New checkbox and group box control.
- Auto update from old settings file format.
- HUHelp button moved from analog left to start button.
- Bugfixes in the context menu, CText, tabbed window, contacts edit window, input dialog.
- NOTE on using keyboards: There exists 2 keyboard modes for every keyboard we support. The first one is the navigation mode which allows you to navigate around the application. The second one is input mode, which allows you to type text in the input controls. The input mode is activated by pressing the activate control button (X) when a text control is selected. To return to navigation mode, press the start button. The P-Sprint and GUI Keyboards both have an additional mode for moving the cursor while in input mode, this sub-mode is toggled with the triangle button. The on screen keyboards can be moved from the bottom to the top of the screen by pressing the select button and holding down the R-trigger will enable the uppercase characters.
- NOTE on changes to danzeff: To support cursor positioning using the d-pad in danzeff, the backspace shortcut is now R-trigger + Up and newline is R-trigger + down. The danzeff textures were shrunk to take up less screen real-estate and the keyboard is always translucent.
- INSTALL NOTES: unzip the PSPoste_Beta3_FW15.zip file to your PSP/GAME directory.
- UPGRADE NOTES: Make a backup of the existing PSP/GAME/__SCE__PSPoste/Data/SETTINGS.XML file, unzip the PSPoste_Beta3_FW15.zip file to your PSP/GAME directory, replace PSP/GAME/__SCE__PSPoste/Data/SETTINGS.XML with the file just backed up. If you renamed the __SCE__PSPoste directory and want to keep your email, just copy over the __SCE__PSPoste/store directory.
Notes on mirroring: we would appreciate if sites did not mirror our releases, but instead link to the "Files" section (or "PSPoste" package) on our sourceforge project page. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Ben & Dave
Download Here --> http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...roup_id=161243
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December 22nd, 2006, 01:33 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
In one of the most unsurprising turns of events in recent memory, Ubisoft today announced that Splinter Cell Double Agent would be heading to the PlayStation 3 this spring. The game will see a worldwide launch in March 2007, arriving at the same time the PS3 does in that oft ignored region.
The PS3 version of Double Agent will have added multiplayer maps and skins, as well as support for the motion-sensing capabilities of the SIXAXIS controller in both the game's single and multiplayer modes.
"Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent is already a best-seller and has set a new standard for the Splinter Cell series," said Yves Guillemot, CEO at Ubisoft. "I am sure that Double Agent will prove to be a must-have title for PLAYSTATION 3 system."
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December 22nd, 2006, 01:40 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Not even a Sony fanboy can avoid admitting that the Nintendo DS is selling at a much brisker pace than the PSP. Regardless of our second place position, I still find it interesting to see what Japan thinks of our favorite handheld machine. "What Japan Thinks" has a report from over 7000 Japanese individuals on their gaming habits. Here are some of the highlights:
Only 10.7% of people surveyed have a PSP, compared to Nintendo DS's 32.3%.
14.7% of PSP owners use it every day. (Do you?)
Although both the PSP and DS are portable, the number one place the system is played is at home: 94.2%. Personally, the subway is where I get most of my PSP playing done.
Brain training games are easily the most popular kinds of handheld games, coming in at 54.6%
A shocking number of people have not used any of PSP's non-gaming features: 43.1%
25.2% of surveyed individuals want a PSP in the future, versus the DS's 59.4%.
Only 20.3% of people want a PS3. Only 15% want a Wii. (But 17% want both.)
Make with these numbers what you will. While it may be easy to say that "PSP is t3h d00m3d!!1" I think that a 25% desirability rate is still very high. It's certainly higher than the number of people that wanted Gamecubes or Xboxes, both of which have lived fairly great console lives. Can Sony increase the PSP's desirability by focusing solely on games? Are you like the Japanese: do you not find value in PSP's non-gaming functionality?
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December 22nd, 2006, 01:43 Posted By: wraggster
Mov has released a new version of his plugin for autostarting eboots under firmware 2.71se (tested only under se-C)
Minor update
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via irshell forums
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December 22nd, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
jsharrod has updated his MinerPSP game for the PSP:
Heres whats new:
Changes in V1.2:
Fix: Changed random function to be more random.
Fix: Resampled some of the sounds for better size and compatability.
Fix: Included images into the executable for faster transfer to psp.
Fix: Tweaks to the game mechanics that aren't readily apparent.
New: Install-o-tron compliant HBINFO.TXT included.
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December 22nd, 2006, 03:15 Posted By: mikebeaver
Dark Alex, Mathieulh and HarleyG have released a new custom firmware for the PSP, heres the release details:
Unchanged since 2.71SE-C:
- Can run homebrews using 1.50 kernel (same compatibility as 2.71 SE-C)
- Recovery menu
Changed since 2.71SE-C:
- Runs 3.02 vsh
- Can run homebrews using 3.02 kernel
Removed since 2.71SE-C:
- Location Free player
- Korean fonts
Added since 2.71SE-C:
- UMD-VIDEO Region free
- PSP kernel Region selector
- O/X button selector
- WMA enabeling option
- Flash player Enableing option
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Remember custom firmwares can brick your PSP if used wrong, follow instructions and use with extreme caution
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December 22nd, 2006, 03:53 Posted By: IndianCheese
Portable television is now at everyone's fingertips. A sale going on now at Circuit City is offering the LF-PK1 Base Station and installation disc at a sale price of $150. Check out the link here:
In case you are unfamiliar with LocationFree technology, LocationFree lets you watch TV, DVDs, VHSs, DVRs, and any other A/V device with an IR port...streamed wirelessly over the internet to your PSP, PC, or LocationFree TV. The original list price was (and still is in many stores) $350, but this sale at Circuit City has temporarily knocked off $200 from the price (1/3 of my future PS3 yay).
One of the best parts is that this model is only $150, yet it has wireless capabilities, unlike it's newer $200 brother, the LF-B10. WTF?!?!?
Please note that the $150 price does not show up on the link given. You must place the item into your cart to see the sale price. Many online stores do this at the manufacturer's request.
Order yours today (cause there is no cooler PSP accessory out there)!
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December 22nd, 2006, 09:05 Posted By: Kaiser
Capcoms Resident Evil 5 will come most likely be released in 2008, That said producer Juneto Takeuchi . has stated that the framerate will hopefully be 60 fps and the enviroments will be far more interactive then previous gmaes in the seires. Cold weather and heat should be graphically visable in addition to very important new play mechanics with a new graphics engine which will provide the face of a character with expressions, so that very realistic face animations are possible. Likewise the hair is to be extremely realistically modelled, by the root up to the point.
Via Gamefront.de
Translation thanks to my friend Mark, he apologizes for it being so rough. 
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December 22nd, 2006, 09:46 Posted By: jak66
LOL, with the news about 3.02 OE-A you wouldnt think it could get any better
(News via ahman) of the release of a new version of his excellent shell for the PSP.
New Features:
- Universal Infra-Red Remote is now working under firmware 2.71 mode of iR Shell.
- Support direct launching of Devhook 0.51.
- Enhance nethostfs & UMD compatibility which will allow WiFi keypad redirection to work with almost all UMD games that are supported by firmware 2.71. This should bring the compatibility of nethostfs to about the same level as usbhostfs. Pls note the nethostfs is only enahcned under firmware 2.71 mode, nethostfs under firmware 1.5 is unchanged.
- Plugin suffix extension has been changed from 3 characters to 1-4 characters.
- Bundled a HTML Viewer plugin by Dark_AleX which means you can open HTML documents (suffix as HTML or HTM) directly from iR Shell file browser.
- Bundled an updated ISO plugin by StoneCut which has Devhook launching capability built-in. This is for use with legally owned backups only.
Bug Fixes:
- When running iR Shell under firmware 1.5 mode of Dark_AleX 2.71 SEC, if you exit iR Shell when "Allow Adhoc PC Connection for Homebrew" is enabled, your PSP will crash.
- The "Free Space" under directory view can't display anything larger than 2GB.
- Can't choose plugin # larger than 10 under iR Shell Configurator.
Special Thanks to:
- Dark_AleX for doing a HTML plugin for iR Shell and for making all the impossibles possible.
- StoneCut for releasing new plugins and making iR Shell forum active. Without his help, iR Shell forum would probably be shutdown already.
- All Beta Testers & skins makers for their contributions.
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December 22nd, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: wraggster
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent will surface globally on PlayStation 3 next March.
Now, we know what you're thinking: PS3 playing catch-up yet again with another old release. But you should give Ubi more credit than that - it's revealed that the PS3 game will include some new Sony-exclusive content, including new multiplayer maps and skins, and full support for the Sixaxis wireless controller.
Although motion control has already featured in the Wii version, we're going to assume that the PS3 iteration will be based on the graphically superior (and slightly different) 360 and PC versions.
Stay tuned for first screen shots of the stealth-'em-up when we get them.
via cvg
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December 22nd, 2006, 15:29 Posted By: wraggster
New from Divineo China

Those silicon caps fit snugly on the 2 analog sticks from your Six Axis official Playstation 3 controller (and most compatible controllers), and improve your grip and gameplay. 5 models are available in each set, that allow you to find the perfect design for YOU! Available in multiple color, it also customizes your PS3 look.
Specifications & extra information
- Safe silicon material
- Improves grip and control
- 5 models in each set to find the perfect fit for you or for different types of games
- Easy to set up and fits snugly
- Available in 8 colors
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December 22nd, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
via gamesindustry
RedOctane, Activision and peripherals manufacturer The Ant Commandos have settled the Guitar Hero lawsuit initiated in August this year.
The suit accused The Ant Commandos of copyright infringement over Guitar Hero controllers, while the peripherals manufacturer counter-sued Activision and RedOctane claiming infringement of a controller modelled for Konami's Guitar Freaks game.
However the case has been officially dismissed by a US court, after all companies reached an agreement and settled out of court.
Neither company has revealed the terms of the agreement.
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December 22nd, 2006, 15:50 Posted By: wraggster
News and New PSP Pack from Play Asia

Konami's Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops for PSP™ has been among the most popular releases this month. After the US, Asia, Japanese and standard Premium Pack release, we have today received shipment of the Konamistyle Limited Premium Pack -- the ultimate limited edition of this release as it appears.
The set contains a PSP Console Camouflage Edition, a copy of the game (with an exclusive cover art), an Original PSP Case 'Skin of a Warrior', Strap 'Tail of a Killer', 3 Pins and a special Certificate issued by Konami. All those items ship in a black colored MGS special box, now available as long as supplies last at US$ 449.
More details at Play Asia.
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December 22nd, 2006, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster

News from Play Asia
Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the popular action game series Devil May Cry, Capcom is shipping a number of interesting merchandising articles during the month of December. Next to the previously released Devil May Cry Greatest Hits Set (PS2™/US version) and Devil May Cry Film DVD Book - The Trinity of Fades, we have now stocked limited supply of three additional goodies.
The Posters are based on high resolution CG of the game's hero Dante. The posters are meassuring 841 x 594mm and are printed on high glossary paper. To express the textures and profound metal material, the posters are printed with a special Silver Layer processing.
The Frame Stamps Set contains ten sheets of 80yen stamps with motives from assorted characters, including Dante and others. A special A4 hardcover booklet holds the stamps and two original postcards, which are also included as privilege gift in this set.
Also make sure to check out the Devil May Cry Graphic File artbook release (144 pages, with bonus CD), expected to be in stock just after the Christmas holidays.
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary lineup:
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Frame Stamps Set JPN US$ 39.90
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Silver Layer Poster (A) US$ 14.90
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Silver Layer Poster (B) US$ 14.90
Devil May Cry Graphic File JPN US$ 24.90
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December 22nd, 2006, 16:12 Posted By: wraggster
New Blu-Ray Disc Movies out today for the PS3 from Play Asia
50 First Dates JPN US$ 47.90
Air Blu-Ray Disc Box [Limited Edition] JPN US$ 283.90
Famitsu PS3 Blu-ray EX JPN US$ 24.90
Four Brothers Special Collector's Edition (~Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, ...) JPN US$ 46.90
The Big Hit (~Mark Wahlberg, Lou Diamond Phillips, ...) JPN US$ 47.90
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December 22nd, 2006, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have posted the release of 8 New UMD Movies/Music Videos for the PSP. Heres the list of releases:
Jimi Hendrix JPN US$ 9.90
Superman 2 JPN US$ 9.90
Superman Director's Cut Edition JPN US$ 9.90
Superman Returns JPN US$ 14.90
The Shawshank Redemption JPN US$ 9.90
Tom And Jerry The Magic Ring JPN US$ 9.90
Torque JPN US$ 9.90
Troy JPN US$ 9.90
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December 22nd, 2006, 16:20 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 PS3 Controller Analog Stick Silicon Cap
Multi Shape
Available colors: Black / Silver / Pink / White / Green / Yellow / Purple
Please mark the color on the remark column
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December 22nd, 2006, 16:26 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

SuccessHK ship this console pack WORLDIWIDE so for those of you depressed at shops who wont ship to Europe/UK then this could be for you, Price is $279
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December 22nd, 2006, 17:01 Posted By: wraggster
One of the hottest trailers floating around the Internet right now is for 300, the film based on Frank Miller's take on the Spartan's war against Persia. The trailer is extremely stylish, both beautiful and brutal at the same time. It's the kind of trailer that men in the audience freeze upon and stare at the screen without blinking for two minutes.
Warner Bros. Interactive is bringing a tie-in game to the PSP, the release of which will coincide with the movie in March of 2007. Titled 300: March to Glory, the game doesn't follow the exact footsteps of the movie but rather quickly collapses the story and puts you right into the battle. It's a beat-'em-up to be sure, a throwback to the days of old arcade gaming where enough quarters would win you the day. Indeed, puzzle solving, exposition and all that has taken a distant backseat to the action, which looks to come aplenty.
You take control of King Leonidas and are placed almost immediately onto the battlefield to hack away at enemy soldiers. Instead of relying on story or drastic scenery progression, the game moves forward by offering you new moves, weapons and such to purchase. The Spartan warriors took a lot of pride in their kills, and it's this honor (dubbed Kleos in the game) that you'll spend to buy new attack combos, weapons and armor.
Once you have access to multiple weapon types, you're able to outfit yourself in whatever means you want. If you'd like to dual swords rather than a spear and shield, you can do so. You're also able to have multiple weapons at the ready, and a quick press of the Triangle button will swap between them. This is because some weapons will work much better against some enemies, while another might be ideal in other situations.
There are a few unique twists to using the weapons. You can use the shield offensively, for example, to toss back a large crowd that has surrounded you. You're also able to actually throw your spear and cause a massive amount of damage, but you won't necessarily get it back, so you need to save it for the most opportune times.
At certain points in the game you'll be able to control a phalanx, a "wall" of soldiers all equipped with spears. It looks as though you simply move forward or back while controlling the phalanx, and the entire wall will attack or guard at once upon your command. The short demo we saw of this scenario ended with an attack upon an elephant that didn't end very well. Let's just say that were it wearing shoes, it would have a bit of scraping to do.
One semi-cool twist to the gameplay is that enemy commanders will sometimes order volleys of arrows to be rained down upon your area. When this happens you'll hear a warning horn and must immediately move into a crouched position with your shield above your head to protect yourself.
We only had a chance to see one stage of 300: March to Glory, so we're not quite sure how much longevity is built into the title. We should be seeing more soon given its reasonably close release date. In the meantime, head over to the media page and take a look at the first screenshots.
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December 22nd, 2006, 17:06 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm has posted that he can now access Nand Flash on Firmware 2.80 PSP Consoles. He states also that a Downgrader for 2.80 will be easy more news as we get it.
Exciting times for the PSP Scene once more
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December 22nd, 2006, 17:13 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Badboy
With this simple tool you can customize your Firmware 3.02OE
-Change your font
[-Change your background images] [currently disabled]
-Change your gameboot
-Change opening sound
-Flash a custom menu
-Disable/Enable your Nework Update
-Flash pspctnf.txt or pspctnf_game.txt
-Dump/Flash registry
-Dump complete Flash0 & Flash1
-Restore defaults (gameboot, font, sound, menu texts and wallpaper)
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December 22nd, 2006, 17:17 Posted By: wraggster
New release from jsharrod
Ever wanted to play a game in the psp's debug console? Well your dream has come true, here's your chance! Introducing Ascii Invaders,
originally coded by Thomas Munro ( http://www.ip9.org/munro/invaders) for *nix text terminals using ncurses. Ported to the PSP by Justin Sharrad.
You are the turret at the bottom of the screen under the shields bravely fighting off the alien hordes invading your world from above. Clearing each wave of aliens gives you an extra life.
Fire button (X) to start the game and shoot the baddies.
D-pad left & right to control your turret.
Start button can be used at any time to exit the game.
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December 22nd, 2006, 20:04 Posted By: RCON

The homebrew audio sequencer for the PSP has been released just in time for the holidays.
PSP Rhythm 7.0 is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. PSP Rhythm features include sample playback, sample manipulation, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger. PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.
Major Improvements for version 7.0:
- Wave Table Synthesizer (with user defined oscillator)
- Sample Volume Envelope
- Improved Audio Engine
- Song files have replaced bank files
- Improved file user interface
Thank you!
The PSP Rhythm Development Team
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
User Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Rhythm 7.0 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
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December 22nd, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Freshmilk
Heres what Freshmilk had to say -
Hi All, and welcome to the 9th Release of TTR, v0.9!
(lol, there was v0.7 and v0.7b, so work it out for yourself). Please note this release is being released earlier than expected, so parts of it are still buggy, however nontheless...
So, as a starter, a short overview of what TTR is:
TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.
This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.
Phew, you'd think i'm actually trying to sell you this thing!
Now lets look at just a few of the names who helped to build TTR into what it is today:
Freshmilk - Coder, Developer, and basically Inventor of TTR
Maxime - Orginal Code, as this game was based on GTA: DF
Valo - Co-Owns the project, and has done all the GFX from V0.6 and onwards, although for the first time, in this version he was helped by
-Skyline- - First time GFX artist for TTR, who made good use of the little number of sprites we had and still producing brilliant Results.
ZeroeX - Sprites for the game
-Tacticalpaper- - For boosting TTR's popularity by including it in his shell, which is yet to be released, and will include a smaller version of this game.
I can't stress enough just how much skyline helped me during TTR's production... thanks dude!
Now that we know all about TTR and what it stands for and who made it, lets take a look of some screen shots of the new Mario Kart GFX:

Now, lets wrap this release up with a quick summary of everything thats new, and let me just say, theres a lot new to this version!
- 8 new 'Mario Kart' characters from modified sprites
- Orginal 'Mario Kart' music
- New GFX overhaul, made by Oyez and Valo
- Individual stats for each car
- Stats editing system
- 4 New Tracks to race on
- Added in a boundry system for terrains, so that you cant go off the track.
- Fixed the Intesection Highscore bug
- Every car can now run on Intersection
- Added Driving Animation for rally mode (Directional Buttons)
- Added Driving Animation for rally mode (Analogue Stick)
- Added Driving Animation for Intersection mode (Analogue Stick)
- Completely Finished Intersection Collisions - Intersection is no longer a BETA
- Hopefully fixed the crash problem
- Currently works with 1.50 - 2.71, SE-A - SE-C, and possibly 2.80
- New *.ttr file type
Please note that this game is still a little buggy, and that it wouldn't be here without my new partner, -Skyline-.
Thanks to everyone who helped, as it all contributed to another great release.
Have fun playing, but remember:
Leave your comments, they are always appreciated!
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via Freshmilk
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December 23rd, 2006, 00:24 Posted By: ExcruciationX
Soon after the release of 3.02 OE-A, I, ExcruciationX, from our very own forums, has made a video tutorial, for people to understand and make it a bit easy to upgrade to the new custom frimware.
I upscaled it, so everyone should be able to "make out" the video.
This is in download format, so download and just watch the video tutorial and all should be made clear.
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December 23rd, 2006, 01:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via agent_dark64
heres what agent_dark64 had to say-
Hey all,
I'v been working very busy on a cwcheat like program for awhile now (for 6 months) and have finally come to my first beta release. It works with all devhook emulated firmware versions from 2.71 and up and it contains a GUI! which most developers thought was impossible to do due to the amount of kernel RAM (8 megs) allocated. It also supports a large number of memory searching options like "Is boolean True" and also supports an almost complete set of all c++ standard data types: unsigned int, signed int, unsigned short, signed short, unsigned byte, signed byte, unsigned float, signed float.
Future versions will have a debugger which will be as powerful as softice including full reverse engineering of the firmware.
Currently the installer will require devhook (version 1.51) to be installed, however theroreticly
it should be able to load on any firmware modification that supports loading plain PRXs from the PRX module list text files in the kd folder.
For Devhook Install:
Custom firmware has not been tested, so it may not work. Do this at your own risk, always have a way to recover your files back if it bricks, especially the pspbtcnf txt files.
Just run the installer exe and follow the on screen instructions.
For Custom Firmware Install: (note, this is untested, may not work)
NOTE: Do this at your own risk, always have a way to recover your files back if it bricks, especially the pspbtcnf txt files.
You will need to run the installer and install it for devhook (that means you should extract the devhook files on the memory stick before this if you don't have devhook installed). Next you will need to install the pspShark.prx file (after the install it will be in the (MS ROOT)/dh/05/kd/pspShark.prx) to your flash (whereever the other devhook plugin files are normally placed). You will then need to update the pspbtcnf txt files to add the pspShark.prx to boot up (BE CAREFUL OF THIS). Now when your psp boots up, you will need to have the memory stick in (the one you had in your psp when you installed pspShark) because it will have put some images in the (MS ROOT)/dh/kd/pspShark/Images/ folder and the pspShark.prx references this directly to the memory stick at this specific folder. If pspShark cannot find the images on boot (so for example, you didn't have the memory stick in the psp), the menu will be disabled and you won't be able to use pspShark, however the psp won't brick for missing images.
pspShark itself (as in pspShark.prx) does not write to the flash in any way.
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December 23rd, 2006, 01:32 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Vermillion
heres what Vermillion has to say-
Ok i said this was a [WIP] but now i've decided to finish it, as i said i mainly wanted to concentrate on super mario sounds, so i have only included one bowser, luigi, princess peach and yoshi sound, but take in mind there are 20 Super Mario Sounds!

Enjoy your time, while listening to some rockin mario tunes!
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via Vermillion
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December 23rd, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via TacticalPenguin
Release of: Space invaders portable v1.0 Final
read me
--Readme of: Space Invaders Portable--
Space Invaders Portable v1.0
For instructions on making custom themes, see CTT.txt, included in this package.
-Left: Move left
-Right: Move right
-Cross: Shoot bullet
-Shooting the space invaders
-Score and highscore
-Multiple Levels
-New graphics
-Theme selection
-Easy-to-make custom themes
-Many new themes
-Added 9 new themes
-Cleaned up code a little bit
-Added themes system, allowing player to select a theme before playing. 5 themes for now
-Custom themes are supported, see CTT.txt for instructions.
-Fixed bug causing you to die when invader you've already killed reaches you, due to not checking whether the invader is alive or dead when checking collision.
-Removed lives system to improve efficiency, and because, well, if you die once, you're going to die twice more very soon.
SIP is by TacticalPenguin/-TacticalPaper-.
Thanks to Joe48182 for making the standalone eboot, Crushader for the new menu background and several themes, and all other theme makers.
You may use the code of this game as long as you are not stealing and ARE giving proper credit.
read me
Hello, today I went through my SIP custom themes contest and got all the winners and themes and I added a couple little fixes to SIP and with that here's v1.0!

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via TacticalPenguin
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December 23rd, 2006, 04:13 Posted By: gunntims0103
news post via Birdman2078
Well I just did somthing big... I just completely dumped everything on psp. The flash0, flash1, flash_lower.bin, flash_upper.bin, and more... FULL KERNAL ACCESS... YOU HAVE TO
find original post here
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December 23rd, 2006, 05:01 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign
Hundreds of readers suggest how to make PSP more powerful in 2007. Are you listening?
December 22, 2006 - The PlayStation Portable continues grow in ability and features, with new updates and system overhauls released to enhance the system. Still, PSP owners are eager to see the system play at its maximum potential, to use all of that horsepower inside this powerful handheld system for bigger and better features. We want system-wide abilities that make gaming on PSP better and faster and more reliable, like cross-game Friend Lists and more common Game Sharing. We want multimedia that's open and that plays just about anything we can stick on a Memory Stick. We want PlayStation Store on PSP so we can download and play games and demos, just like big-brother system PS3 can do. We want PlayStation Network on PSP so we can talk with our friends on PSP (or PS3) over text, voice or maybe even video. We want developers to have the option to unlock the full 333MHz ability of the PSP, giving us peak performance for even more incredible games and features. In short, we want the PSP to be all that PSP can be.
What started as just a goof in our write-up of the new PSP v3.03 Update on what we'd like to see next time spurred a flood of emails to IGN about what readers would like to see the PSP's next system update include. Some of your ideas are out-there, while others sound completely doable in future PSP updates (and, if we wanted to get snarky about it, we could mention that some features have already been done by the PSP homebrew/hacker community, but since most PSPs lock this content out for fear of piracy, few gamers get to enjoy these unofficial PSP programs.) After the first 300 messages came rolling in, we knew we had to share these -- we also knew we had to get these ideas out there in the hopes that Sony would see what PSP owners are thinking about and pick up some of the ideas for the system.
Rather than dump a few responses in a mailbag, we gathered up out of the bag as many of the good ideas as we could find and put them together in one big, long, long, big collection of notes. (You can read all eight pages over your own choice of eight crazy nights!) And although we have no way of making Sony make any or all of these wishes and ideas come to life on PSP, we'll see about what we can do to get the list over to the SCE office in the hopes that they get an idea of what dedicated PSP owners are looking forward to happening on the system as it moves into its third year of release. Here's to hoping that we all get our PSP wishes granted in 2007...
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December 23rd, 2006, 05:08 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via ign
A journey back into the tomb that started the phenomenon.
The first Tomb Raider sparked a revolution in the games industry. It mixed exploration and action with a level of sexiness unheard of at the time. Games had seen their share of vixens, sure, but never had one grabbed the imaginations of gamers as a legitimate hero. Add to this a truly remarkable rise to stardom - think Mario or Sonic - and Lara Craft is easily one of the biggest names in the business. So when Crystal Dynamics comes along and wants to put out a remake of the original Tomb Raider adventure, there's plenty reason to get excited.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary will follow the same basic path as the original. Players will assume the role of a young Lara Croft as she navigates a series of long-forgotten crypts to find ancient treasures. The developer wanted to make sure Anniversary distils the essence of Lara's first outing by focusing on puzzles and solitary exploration. And really, there's no better way to do it. Look at the commercial and critical success of Tomb Raider Legend, for example. It embraced the formula set by the first game and simply refined it. Crystal Dynamics will follow the same formula Lara's next outing.
Here's the shortest way to describe it: Anniversary will play like Legend. Everything that made Legend such an enjoyable game will make a comeback. This includes the context-sensitive sequences and flexible controls. Lara can now shimmy along ledges at different speeds and jump toward tree branches and poles with abandon. There's no need to stand in the perfect spot to make a jump since Lara can latch on to several surfaces and hold on for dear life. And really, this is precisely what made Legend so fun. It didn't tease players with lush environments by not letting them explore it the way they wanted and neither will Anniversary. Players can set their own pace as they find their way through jungles, caves and forgotten structures.
The brief demo shown to IGN saw Lara exploring ruins near Peru in search of an artifact known as the "Scion." One of the first things Lara encounters is a reworked version of the classic gears puzzle from the first game. Instead of simply placing a few cogs in to get it to work, Lara now has to use her new abilities to scale the massive gears and explore the nearby environment for parts. The puzzle makes real-world sense, too. Solving it is a matter of logic, just the way a puzzle should be. Later in the demo, Lara showed off one of her new moves: perilously hopping between a series of narrow poles. It's a risky maneuver that helps add a level of uncertainty, according to developers. Lara also retains the grapple she used in Legend, so players can expect to swing through certain locales as well.
Players will also recognize the combat. Lara can now flip and twirl around her enemies far more gracefully than in the first game. And while the demo didn't show it, there's a good chance the slow-mo aspect from Legend will appear as well. Speaking of combat, Anniversary has all the bats, raptors and bears that players fought in the first game. Only here, the look a whole lot better. The demo showed a few combat sequences that took place in a lost jungle, complete with packs of nicely-modeled raptors. Unfortunately, the demo ended right when the T-Rex stomped on the scene. It didn't even offer a glimpse of the thing - the screen just shook and there was a roar - but it's probably a remarkable sight, like the rest of the game.
In short, Anniversary looks very promising. It looks to offer everything a Tomb Raider fan could possibly want in terms of presentation and gameplay. The PSP version of the game will mirror the console release in terms of content, though it will add several multiplayer modes. It's also a good thing that Crystal Dynamics decided to build the game from the ground up and not settle for a rehash with better visuals.
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December 23rd, 2006, 10:37 Posted By: Kaiser
Via Games Press UK
In 1996, the original Tomb Raider was launched. The 3D game design, controls and graphics were truly ground breaking for their time. Furthermore, gamers were also presented with a unique, female human playable character with whom they could become emotionally attached, Lara Croft. The original Tomb Raider sold over seven million copies and is still heralded as an absolute classic and one of the best action adventure games ever. Tomb Raider defined the PlayStation and changed the way that people played games.
In tribute to this and to celebrate and commemorate the continuing development of the Tomb Raider franchise and its central character, Crystal Dynamics are developing a new Tomb Raider adventure for Lara. Inspired by the original Tomb Raider video game; Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary faithfully preserves the elements which made the original Tomb Raider game such a classic.
Using an enhanced ‘Tomb Raider: Legend’ game engine, the graphics, technology and physics bring Lara’s adventure and pursuit of a mystical artefact known only as the Scion right up to today’s technology standards and will offer gamers a completely new gameplay experience.
Tomb Raider follows the adventures of Lara Croft after she is hired by a powerful syndicate to retrieve a mythical object called the Scion. After discovering that she has been used as a pawn in some larger scheme, Lara takes matters into her own hands deciding that she must uncover the mystery behind this ancient artefact.
* Celebrate and commemorate ten years of Tomb Raider and Lara Croft with Tomb Raider: Anniversary, an entirely new gameplay experience inspired by the first ever Tomb Raider adventure. Tomb Raider: Anniversary uses an enhanced version of the Tomb Raider: Legend game engine to apply Crystal Dynamic’s latest PS2 technology.
* Play the living Lara Croft, the world’s greatest action heroine of all time – use all of Lara’s guile, athleticism and gadgets in her quest to conquer the unknown and uncover ancient artefacts.
* Includes classic environments from the original Tomb Raider as never experienced before – Crystal Dynamics latest technology allows you to fluidly manoeuvre Lara using her latest moves and gear, through all the worlds from the original; Peru, Greece, Egypt and more. The dynamic world allows multiple playthrough options and also opens up new places and ways to explore. Crystal’s latest technology allows the environments to take on a breath taking new quality.
* Explore uncharted and mysterious worlds – enter into strange, undiscovered lands and solve their deepest, darkest mysteries, open doors to new realms, uncover great rewards and unearth secrets to Lara’s past.
* Startling enemy encounters – encounter fierce animal and supernatural enemies, wolves, bears, crocodiles, horrific monsters and the T Rex. New and improved AI means that all enemies will exhibit a more diverse behaviour set, providing improved combat challenges for the player.
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December 23rd, 2006, 10:42 Posted By: Kaiser
Via Kotaku
Konami and series producer/music man Akira Yamaoka have been silent on the next-gen chapter of the groundbreaking horror franchise. But recently, according to fansite Silent Hill Origins, Yamaoka spoke to Famitsu, spilling some psychologically frightening beans.
Our first hint about the content and style of the game is this:
"I cannot say much about the development of the game but i can say we are working on a new unique idea of fear in daylight and the game will play like Silent Hill 2's psychological roots."
And what console or consoles will the game appear? Akira dodges the question:
"We cannot say yet but we are hoping to carry on the plans of the earlier silent hill platforms."
Well, that sounds like it will hit the PlayStation 3, but who knows? Only Konami. Yamaoka also speaks briefly about the music and his involvement in the PSP prequel, also named Silent Hill Origins.
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December 23rd, 2006, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 appear to be having a bit of a rough Christmas. For the PS3, it's all about launch jitters. The worst of these jitters is probably the dubious nomination from TIME magazine, who has cited the console as a 'bust'. The 360, likewise, is having problems meeting expectations, especially those of Michael Pachter. He's the gent that expected big sales this Christmas for the console, and he's now trying to figure out why the 360 fell short. What is, perhaps, a larger problem - lack of penetration for the Xbox Live service - is being discussed by Reuters. While the still laudable number of 4 million subscribers sounds impressive, the article points out that the runaway success of the Wii and the overall ratio of possible to actual subscribers should give Microsoft pause. In short, Sony and Microsoft are having good, but not great holiday seasons. Next year, when there's enough stock to go around and big games on the way, we'll see who really 'has the stuff'.
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December 23rd, 2006, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster
Gamasutra is running a piece today written by Ernest Adams, a frequent contributor to the site and an amusingly opinionated game designer. He writes to weigh in on the console war debate from the perspective of a game designer. He runs down the usual list of pros and cons for each machine, and then digs into the most creative aspects of each machine. Finally, lays out what he sees as the end result of this hardware generation:
"So who, at the end of the day, will be the also-ran in this generation of consoles? On the global scale, I'd say it could well be neither the PS3 or the Wii, but the Xbox 360. The PS3 will win over the hardcore gamers who have to have the fastest, most amazing machine available. The Wii will skim off the younger players and those who don't have as much money to spend. Both have the advantage of being made in Japan, so they'll crowd the Xbox right out of that market. In the US and Europe, it's harder to say, but I see the Xbox's early start as more of a liability than a benefit."
via slashdot
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December 23rd, 2006, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
Brian from Kotaku drops two PS3 hardware rumor gems on us.
•A Sony poll inquired if he'd be interested in an HD Eyetoy Camera. To which he replied, "HuhWhatsItOKyesSure?!" (See photo) The odds: 3/10. Marketing guys always label everything HD. It's what they do.
•Rumors that the PS3's Bluetooth remote is showing up in stores. Which may be a comfortable thing to sleep next to if you're still waiting for your preorder or can't dream of affording more than a PS3 clicker.
via gizmodo
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December 23rd, 2006, 12:23 Posted By: wraggster

The Metallic Blue PSP has finally been released, is this a reason why the PSP has recieved a sales boost in Japan, well who knows but its nice to see Sony following Nintendos lead and releasing different coloured PSPs, although 4 in the space of a month may be too much :P
Heres whats in the pack:
Box contents
PlayStation Portable System (PSP-1000MB)
Battery Pack
AC Adapter (100-240V)
Its on sale for $199 at Play Asia
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December 23rd, 2006, 12:46 Posted By: wraggster
Redkawa posted this news yesterday:
Red Kawa is proud to announce the launch of Wii Media Center X and PS3 Media Center X.
While the Wii wasn't designed to be a media hub, there's no reason it can't be thanks to the functionality of the Wii Oprea Browser that is now available. Wii Media Center X lets you stream your JPG, GIF and PNG images, MP3 audio and FLV video from your computer to your Wii. You can create FLV videos yourself by converting your original videos using our newly released version of Wii Video 9 (1.93). The video codec used the FLV format is a lot more efficient that MJPEG and you are no longer bound to using SD cards to store videos.
PS3 Media Center X is the successor to the Red Kawa File Server. It includes all the file serving capabilities of Red Kawa File Server as well as other media streaming capabilities. The Red Kawa File Server has now reached end of life status and will no longer be linked to from our webpage.
PS3 and Wii Media Center X is a web based media center which streams media to the Wii or PS3 Web Browser. It CANNOT stream media directly to the Photo Channel (on the Wii) or your Photo, Music and Video XMB menus (on the PS3).
They also followed up with this newspost:
Now that the Wii Opera Browser has finally been released, we were finally able to test Wii Media Center X on the Wii and like a lot of you have mentioned, we've also noticed that there are major issues.
Since the Wii browser only supports Flash 7 and does not support LiveConnect, you will most likely encounter problems using the slideshow or my music features. Also there are reports of choppy video in the My Video's section.
We wanted to let you know that we are aware of these issues and are working on fixing them. Our plan of attack is to first get the Video section working well and then move onto the other sections.
Download both PS3 and Wii Media Center X Here
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December 23rd, 2006, 12:58 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
In a move that is sure to delight and confuse the hell out of a large number of children this holiday season, LucasArts and TT Games have announced that Santa Clause can be unlocked for play in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. There's no word yet on Rudolph.
We'll let the email from LucasArts speak for itself, because it's awesome. Enjoy.
Ever wonder how Santa Claus manages to work his way down chimneys way too small for him? Or how he seems to stop time in order to visit all of the world's good boys and girls every Christmas morning? LucasArts and TT Games know the answer: Santa Claus is a Jedi Knight whose amazing Force powers allow him to pull off such spectacular feats. A long time ago, he came to us from a galaxy far, far away to exile himself from the Jedi purge led by Darth Vader. (No... that's not official canon.)
But what would have happened if jolly ol' Saint Nick had stuck around to assist the Rebellion? Find out by creating him in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Here's how:
Step 1: At the Mos Eisley Cantina, enter the following two codes:
CL4U5H (for Santa hat and red clothes)
TYH319 (for white beard Extra)
Step 2: Go to the Character Customizer and create the proper costume. Use a human head, the appropriate red clothing...and don't forget the red cap! Santa can wield the weapon of your choice -- we recommend the green or red lightsaber to seasonally complement his shiny red duds. (Remember, the color of his lightsaber decides whether his Force powers are naughty or nice.)
Step 3: In the Extras menu, activate Disguise 3.
Step 4: Enter the character-based level of your choice in Free Play.
Step 5: Spread holiday cheer to a galaxy in pieces.
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December 23rd, 2006, 13:43 Posted By: wraggster
via Gamelife
As we begin the runup to Wired's annual Vaporware Awards, I thought I'd take some time to chronicle the history of one of the most egregious examples of vaporware ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public: Gran Turismo 4 Mobile.
Gran Turismo 4 Mobile was one of the first PSP titles ever announced when it was shown off at E3 2004. It was only available as a video demonstration, but Sony gave it special attention. They showed off the game's box and UMD disc, which were emblazoned with the following paragraph:
"Gran Turismo Anywhere" -- Gran Turismo 4 Mobile, coming from the Gran Turismo series, is the PSP version of the real driving simulator. Its product quality is not at all inferior to its PS2 counterpart, and is compatible to competition over wireless LAN, a unique feature to the PSP.
They even showed off a special GT4-branded PSP hardware. It's safe to say that GT4 was, at the time, the strongest argument in favor of buying a PSP. Which made it all the more ridiculous that it apparently never existed.
Typical of the breathless coverage by the games media was this article from IGN, ironically titled "GT4 PSP is Real." And who could blame them? From all appearances, it was real -- as real as anything else on PSP, given that the vast majority of the software was video-only at that point. It was enough to make Nintendo DS look old and busted, no matter how much fun Metroid Prime Hunters was at that show.
But that was all we ever heard about it. Realizing that they had to say something, Sony's Japan offices kept delaying the game by bits and pieces. First it got pushed back to Spring 2005. Then, after E3 2005 came and went with nary a mention of the game, it got pushed to 2006. Two Tokyo Game Shows came and went with nothing. Meanwhile, developer Polyphony Digital was announcing and shipping other games, like the motorcycle racing game Tourist Trophy, and now Gran Turismo HD for PlayStation 3 (which was cancelled, turned into a downloadable "concept demo" to be released this month, and replaced with Gran Turismo 5).
1up interviewed the series' producer Kazunori Yamauchi in April 2006 and asked point-blank what was going on. Yamauchi's answer indicated that they weren't anywhere near close to completion on the game, and indeed brought into question whether it was even going to happen at all:
1UP: Finally, can you give us any update on Gran Turismo PSP?
KY: We are in the works. It is going forward. It does exist. We're working on it. We don't have a release date, of course. A question for you is do people out there really have high hopes for a GT version on PSP?
1UP: I think so, yeah. Back when it was first talked about, people got really excited. I guess it's kind of fallen off the map because it hasn't really been talked about since then, but it'll be big news.
KY: Another question. Which do you think would you or the users would like to have first: a PS3 version of Gran Turismo or PSP version of Gran Turismo? That really should have ended anyone's hopes for Gran Turismo 4 Mobile. At this point, Yamauchi's suggestions (and just the fact that they've stopped talking about Mobile) would seem to indicate that if they ever do bring out a Gran Turismo game for PSP, it won't be GT4 Mobile. But the damage has been done, as they say.
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December 23rd, 2006, 14:01 Posted By: splodger15
I havent spent much time on this release although there wasnt alot to do for it. This month i have been coding alot on v0.4.
Look out for that release soon.
It has the same controls as before
D-PAD to move around
Triangle to stop the music playing
Square for screenshot
I have added a whole new Different look to the game for this release.
New cars
New Menu
Special Menu added (Just for this release)
New road added
Various other little bits added as well.
I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Any bugs you find please email me at splodger15@hotmail.co.uk
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December 23rd, 2006, 15:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via weltall
heres what weltall had to say-
Well as Dark Alex 302 OE firmware was released here it is a version made for it.
All functions works fine and it's a lot more stable than devhook (so it wasn't firmware fault...)
some things i want to clarify:
those games which crashes are caused most probably by the use of volatile memory: to resolve this i need to remake the db loading function to read the db not completely then as a temporary work around you can do one of these.
1-press L while loading your game. this will disable completely cwcheat and your game will work fine
2-if you only want to use the other functions of cwcheat (not cheating) then you can remove the db or put it as cheat1.db so you will be able to load it when not required
3-do a little db with only the problematic games and put the big db as cheat1.db and load it from menu when required and you aren't using problematic problems.
I hope to get this fixed for 0.1.7 BETA1
Then if you report a problem please tell me exactly how it happens. what are you doing, the game code, how did you install cwcheat and so on. thanks.
as for peoples putting codes in the main db i'd like to ask that they be carefull to input the things correctly without _L _S _C ect.
PSP Code (like ULJS/ULUS ecc..) => is the game id showed in the upper left part of screen in the cwcheat menu it must be complete in UPPERCASE and without spaces
Game Title => the game name not for example codelines (yes i've got them there :S)
Cheat Description => the name of the cheat
for adress and value don't delete the zeroes when you don't use the line plus please mantain the correct format for cwcheat which is hexdecimal 8 numbers and the command number as the first number in the address (for most codes)
and finally don't misuse the enabled ? if the code is a must to work then enable it else leave it disabled because enabling it will annoy users
Whats been done, and what the program does
cwcheat for Dark Alex 3.02 OE - A custum firmware.
this is a cwcheat built to work fine with 3.02OE without the presence
of devhook and with all function intact.
it has all the function of cwcheat 0.1.6.
this means that you can:
-cheat in your games (the db and the config are loaded from ms0,
if you don't have them it will still work only it will go for default
config and you will have an "empty" db)
this means that you can put a default cpu/bus clock that will be set when
loading in the config file (change the cpu clock in the menu and save the
config in the config menu) but also you will be able to change in every moment
and without touching the flash the cpu/bus frequence!!
-use remapsp to change the annoying buttons of some games
-my screenshootbmp mod which uses volatile ram to do the screenshoot stopping the
game for less than one sec!
-standard screenshoot version
-brightness changer which uses the screen button (what you use to change brightness normaly)
it works up to the 4^ level
1-copy the folders under MS_ROOT in your memory stick ROOT (which is the main folder not the PSP folder)
2-power up your psp while pressing R
3-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
4-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
5-select back for two times
6-Select plugins
7-Press X over cwcheat.prx [GAME] it will say ENABLED
8-exit recovery and enjoy
1-copy the dh folder to have the db and remapsp files installed in the root folder
2-go to seplugins folder and copy cwcheat.prx there
3-open game.txt with a text editor and add this line: ms0:/seplugins/cwcheat.prx
4-power up your psp while pressing R
5-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
6-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
7-select back for two times
8-Select plugins
9-Press X over cwcheat.prx [GAME] it will say ENABLED
10-exit recovery and enjoy
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December 23rd, 2006, 17:16 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Grimfate126
heres what Grimfate126 had to say-
well, i guess this is my christmas present to all lua devs, anim lib 4!
from the readme:
This is the fourth release of Animation Lib. This version now supports all sprite sheets. Which makes it very easy for LUA developers.
Heres a F&A for those who are confused
Q: what IS animLib??
A: its a library of functions meant to help lua devs with doing animations.
Q: why should i use it?
A: have you ever tried making an animation in lua? you know all those arrays and timers you have to make? and all the loops? well, animlib does this for you, and you can pretty much play an animation in only TWO LINES OF CODE (one to load the anim, one to blit it)
Q:doesnt animlib 2 also have sprite sheet support? why should i use this instead?
A: Animlib 2 only supported single column or single row sheets. with this version, you can use ALL SPRITE SHEETS. also, in animlib 2, sprite sheets were REALLY REALLY complicated. in this version, its even easier than blitting a normal animation!
New Functions
function SS.new(header, extension, nWidth, nHeight, where) -- loads a new animation, REALLY EASY.
function SS:blit(x, y, delay) -- blits a current sprite sheet. EVEN EASIER.
function SS:advancedBlit(x, y, delay, numLoops) -- same as SS:blit() but adds a loop functionality
function SSause() -- pauses the sprite sheet
function SS:resume() -- resumes the sprite sheet
function SS:reset() -- resets the sprite sheet
function SS:free() -- frees the sprite sheet from memory
function SS:resetLoop() -- resets loop number, you should call this everytime after you use the SS:advancedBLit() function
function SS:getTime() -- returns the current timer time
function SS:getRow() -- returns the current row of the animation (not really needed)
function SS:getColumn() -- returns the current column of the animation (not really needed)
function SS:getLoops() -- returns the number of lops the animation has made. (only if youre using the advancedBLit function)
as i said before, loading sprite sheets with this version is so easy. i cannot emphasize this enough.
tutorial for loading/blitting spritesheets:
function SS.new(header, extension, nWidth, nHeight, where)
this function loads a new sprite sheet. arguments:
header - the name of the sheet (without the extension)
extension - the extension of the image
nWidth - the width of every "frame" in your sprite sheet. ALL FRAMES MUST HAVE THE SAME WIDTH FOR ANIMLIB TO WORK!
nHeight - the height of every "frame" in your sprite sheet. ALL FRAMES MUST HAVE THE SAME HEIGHT FOR ANIMLIB TO WORK!
where - use this if your image is in another folder
function SS:blit(x, y, delay)
see? this is what i meant by how EASY it is. all you have to give is:
x - x position of the animation.
y - y position of the animation.
delay - the delay you want inbetween frames, (in millisceonds)
if you cant give that much info, then animlib is not for you.
function SS:advancedBlit(x, y, delay, numLoops)
this is the EXACT SAME THING as the previous blit function, BUT, this one lets you loop it a certain amount of times.
with the OTHER blit function, it would continue endlessely, with this one, you can set how many loops you want it to do.
numloops - the number of loops you want it to do
after those number of loops, it will stop showing the animation.
IMPORTANT:when loading a sprite sheet, you have to call it like this:
Variable = SS.new(whatever)
Variable = ANIM.new(whatever)
i recommend reading this tutorial, before using this lib: (it might help a bit) find that here
To use simply put this in your code:
--at the beginning of your code--
well, thats it. if you have any questions, look in the sample file, "index.lua". chances are, itll answer your question. if it doesnt, you can PM me at the
QJ forums. my name there is:
you can also PM me if you want to tell me suggestions.
please give credit to Grimfate126 if you use it.
P.S. the "index.lua" file, when executed, will show 3 random sprite sheet animations i made in about 5 seconds.
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December 23rd, 2006, 17:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via 0okm
Thanks to Team C+D, moonlight, hitchhikr, Noobz, PSPDev And all support me people.
Experimental. Extremely dangerous.
No warranty. Use on your own risk and responsibility.
Anything may happen. We recommend you to avoid seeing/downloading/using this.
Emergency exit ->http://www.jp.playstation.com/psp/index.html
this CAUTION copy from SEC(nem)
if you dont know how to use, Don't use it
Removed instructions on how to install untill downdater becomes more stable!
Use at your own risk!
DCEmu announcment & Warning
This downdater is extreamly experimental, and there has been a few bricks. DCEmu would like to give a warning to all who are about to try this downdater. You must relize that it is a first release and it is still very early in development. Im positive that a easy downdater will be released soon and that a future release with a more stable downdater will be released in the future.
Thank you!
Removed download link find Ookm's blog here
*Fanjita is running some test on this downdater, also there are some who successfully downdated. Ill post results as it comes.*
*update* fanjita has successfully downdated along with other users *update*
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December 23rd, 2006, 19:19 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via joek2100
This is for 3.02OE-A and has been tested with it.
This is a modified version of the opensource mp3 prx for irshell. It will play
mp3 files from ms0:/PSP/MUSIC . It has random and sequential play modes,
pause, next and a builtin "overclocker".
seplugins/irsmp3.prx is the plugin. Read an 3.02OE (or higher) plugin install guide here
near the bottom of the first post, look for "How to Install PRX's Manually".
You could also copy the seplugins directory to the root of your memory stick if you don't have
any other plugins installed.
Having too many prxs loading at the same time can reduce compatibility or
prevent it from working properly.
It is also a good idea to wait until the game is finished loading up before starting playback.
This will probably be the final release except for bug fixes, updates for newer versions of open edition firmwares.
(The Note button is to the left of select)
Note + Left Trigger = pause/resume playback
Note + Right Trigger = switch playback mode between random and seqeuntial
Note + D-Pad Left = previous song (only in sequential mode)
Note + D-Pad Right = next song
Note + D-Pad Up = Volume up (for the mp3)
Note + D-Pad Down = Volume Down (for the mp3)
Note + Triangle = Change CPU speed
Note + Square = Toggle On Screen Display (default off)
Note + Circle = Reload list of mp3 files (needed if you change the files in the music folder using usb)
(when READY is displayed in the bottom left hand corner, press Note+ Left Trigger to start playback)
Note + Cross = Change brightness level (from current up to maximum
0.1: Initial release
0.2: Fixed usb,suspend and resume bugs
Added a seperate flasher for vsh mode
0.2b: Fixed a bug which could crash the psp if the mp3 filename was too long (Note there is still a limit of 100 mp3 files)
Added subdirectory scanning (there can be any number of subdirectories)
Added previous mode in Sequential mode
Modified the controls
0.2c: Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if there were more than the max # of mp3s on the memorystick
Raised the playlist limit to 300 files
Made on screen display off by default because it sometimes causes a crash
Moved allocation of playlist to user mem. This may increase compatibility.
0.3: Re-did the playlist code so no memory allocation is needed. This saves alot of mem and will reduce crashes.
Reset to default CPU speed on exit
0.3a: Added more CPU speeds
Added a brightness toggle including maximum brightness(the one that normally requires your psp to be plugged in) (NOTE+X)
0.3b: Added an independent volume button
Should startup faster
Made the on screen display stay on when Note + Square is pressed
Added volume and filename to the on screen display
0.4: Fixed for use under 3.02OE (probably final release)
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December 23rd, 2006, 21:25 Posted By: gunntims0103
It has been confirmed that yes this downdater indeed works and it is not fake nor was it created to intentionally brick psp's. The downdater was tested by fanjita himself and he has assured everyone that it does indeed work!
The problem is that the downdater doesnt read if you have all the files that are nessesary to downdate in the correct places on your memory stick. So intern the downdater just runs the downdating process without a check to see if you have the files in the right spot.
So there is conformation that this downdater works. We do advise that everyone wait untill a easy downdater installer is released, this way it will make it alot easier for users to downdate there psp.
If you are going to downdate please be sure to read the instructions properly and make sure that you have the correct files in the right places. We are truly sorry for all who have bricked there psp's and im sure the brick tally is quite high. Please remember to read instructions and congrats to all who have downdated successfully!
Thank you
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December 23rd, 2006, 21:44 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release from rattmuffen
Zlink 0.5-P
heres what rattmuffin had to say-
From readme:
Three Mini games
Z-Type , a shoot'em up game
-Mini games
Avoid - Avoid the snakes and go to the door and there's no turning back!
Controls: D-Pad = Move
Start = Exit
Select = Restart
Bounce - Bounce three rupees against the wall and don't miss 'em
This game still has some weird bugs, but what the heck! That's just fun
Controls: D-Pad = Move
Start = Exit
Select = Restart
Chase - Catch rupees and be faster than the freaking mummy!
Controls: D-Pad= Move
A-Pad= Move
Start= Exit
Select= Restart
10 questions about Zelda stuff.
Are the questions too easy? Or maybe too hard? Pleaaase give me some feedback.
Questions will be exchanged in every release (I hope!)
Controls: Triangle,Square,Cross = Answers
Start = Exit
Select = Restart
A shoot-em' up game. Kinda crappy, but I'll work hard on this one.
Next release will have three levels and it WILL be better.
Controls: D-Pad = Move
Cross = Shoot
Start = Exit
Select = Restart
Programming: Rattmuffen
GFX: Mostly ripped from R-Type, Zelda & Zelda II, but I did the menus!
Filename Composer Original song name
Intro.xm DreamSection Link returns
gameover.xm Anak Zelda save screen bounce.xm Andreas Rhodin Mr.Gamers Zelda
dung.it Cheap Alert Omg dungeon
disco.it Unknown Zelda - Disco Remix
void.s3m Unknown Void of the vortex
I wouldn't have made it this far without Evilmana's and Charlie's wonderful tutorials on Evilmana.com, and
a thanks to Bronx for his HUGE Lua scripts/examples/snippets thread on PSPU.
LUA 3D Cube in Z-type -> Options -> Usb'n'Stuff is made by Nils
Next release (1.0-P) will probably contain the following:
Z-Type: Two new levels, better controls, better graphics
Zelda-Quiz: Ten new questions, better graphics
Bounce: Fix all nasty bugs
Avoid: Better music!
And a whole new Adventure game!
Maybe some more mini games, who knows?
Planned release date: 20XX
End of readme
Known Bugs:
Slowdown in the first boss level
"Bounce" IS a bug!
Select-restart in Avoid, caused crashes so I removed it
If you want to help me with these bugs just mail to me.
Oh, and sorry for bad English, I'm from Sweden!

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via rattmuffen
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December 23rd, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: splodger15
new installer via csfreakno1

Here is a translation of what they had to say
"Hello, has I mean first EASY Downgrader young here about 2.80. I have already enough experience with Downgrader, but this is also new for me. This is all first version and can still errors contain. A detailed README file is contained. IMPORTANTLY This Downgrader writes on the Flash0. Use on own danger! First RELEASE, REQUEST WATCHING OUT! After the installation of the Datein on the PSP, only the PSP start again then the Downgrader a starting! "
If you do use that easy install then MAKE SURE that you use xLoader rather then eLoader.
Here is just a QUICK guide to the easy installer...
1) Format memstick with a 2.8 NON TA-082 PSP.
2) Connect PSP via USB and run easy installer.
3) Select PSP drive in the easy installer and let it install the files.
4) Turn off your PSP.
5) Turn on your PSP and goto PHOTO -> Memory stick -> xLoader 280
6) You should see two icons in the xLoader 280 folder. If xLoader loads correctly then nothing should happen. If it fails then MS will blink and then PSP will crash.
7) Once xLoader is run successfully, goto GAME -> MEMORY STICK and run the downgrader.
8) You should see the DG menu.
9) Pray to God and cross your fingers.
10) Hit O to start DG.
11) Wait for it to say "Finished. PowerOff to exit"
12) Hold Power switch up untill psp is completely off.
13) Pray again.
14) Turn on PSP, you should now get a Blue Screen Of Death so press O to reset settings.
CONGRATS! You should now have a 1.5 PSP..
There you will find the installer and a translated read me
Thank you
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December 23rd, 2006, 22:54 Posted By: masonman
here is my third release of my animation app with LOADS of new features! i had some down time with all the bad weather in depere, wisconsin (usa)
new features include-
*new menu system with more options like:
--saving destination
--saving format (jpg and png supported)
*new guidence system
*early protocol and fuction loader
*new saving script with:
--functioning keyboard
***too many new features to list
to install:
extract to your luaplayer/applications folder and run "index.lua"
to do:
integrate the new anilib 4 for spritesheet functionality
please leave comments so i know what to imnprove for v4.
side note:
devs feel free to use my code with proper credit given (to me)
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December 23rd, 2006, 23:42 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via igniq
Tis the season for giveaway downloads. First it was Bethesda with its free Oblivion add on pack, and now Sony has stepped up to the plate to provide a free glimpse at Gran Turismo’s future for PlayStation 3 owners.
Of course the number of people who can take advantage of the free download is limited, but it sounds like one that’s worth snatching up.
Gran Turismo HD Concept will be available as a free download on the PS3’s PlayStation Network starting on Christmas Eve, according to Gamasutra.
The concept was originally planned to be a full release that would actually ship without cars or tracks in hopes gamers would buy them through mini-transactions, but that craziness was given up on earlier this month.
According to Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi, the free download will give gamers a very good idea of what the game’s future holds. “With the power of the PS3 technology, the world of Gran Turismo is refined by its full HD visual presentation and unique interactive experience, resulting in an even more realistic and true driving simulator.”
I can’t wait to check this one out and get a better idea of the PS3's full power! Resistance Fall of Man looks awesome, but Marvel Ultimate Alliance holds a lot to be desired thus far.
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December 23rd, 2006, 23:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via cepro
The PlayStation 3 didn't come out of Sony's integration group, ya know. There isn't an IR receiver on the unit, and naturally you can't control it through RS-232.
So here you have a very fine Blu-ray Disc player that you cannot readily integrate with an HDTV set or surround sound. Sadly, the PS3 and its companion remote communicate via Bluetooth, and there aren't a lot of TVs and sound systems, let alone universal remote controls, that employ this protocol.
We thought, perhaps, there would be some promising news when Sony showed the STR-DA5200ES A/V receiver a few months ago. There was so much buzz about the user interface mimicking the Cross Media Bar GUI of the PS3, we thought maybe the two devices could communicate with each other. But there was nothing there. You'd think Sony would at least find a way to integrate the PS3 with its own receivers.
Indeed, you can incorporate the PS3 and its Blu-ray Disc player into your home theater environment. Daniel Tonks at RemoteCentral.com proves it in his elegant review, "How to Add Infrared Remote Control Capabilities to the PS3."
At one point, Tonks reminds us, Sony talked about incorporating consumer IR (CIR) into its PlayStation Portable (PSP), which might have been useful for something, but alas it was not to be.
What You Need
- Sony PS3 system
- PSX/PS2 Controller to USB adapter
- Original DVD remote control for the PS2 with external IR receiver
Good luck trying to find the required PS2 remote. Look for one that says "with IR receiver unit."
The remote will give you these functions on the PS3: Up, down, left, right, options menu, quit player, Blu-ray menu, enter, previous chapter, scan+, scan-, next chapter, display, pause.
Note the mapping of the PS2 buttons to the PS3 command set is not intuitive--the PS2's START button, for example, activates the PAUSE command on the PS3--but Tonks provides the details.
The rest is easy, just learn those buttons into a universal remote, and you have a modicum of integration between the PS3 and your other entertainment devices.
Tonks says:
Using a universal remote control this way works fairly well, although the PS3 is a little less quick to respond to repeated commands from the adapter, so you can’t press "up-up-up" as rapidly as with the Bluetooth controller. The 35 other commands on the Sony PS2 DVD remote control? They don’t do anything. There’s also no way to power on the unit using infrared nor navigate the Cross Media Bar, although this isn’t as inconvenient as it sounds since the PS3 will turn on and automatically play a movie when one is inserted.
For all the caveats and the hookup details read Tonks' complete review.
For every IR code for every IR device on the planet (it seems), go to the RemoteCentral.com File Area.
Any Hope for PS3 & SideShow Remotes?
Here's a thought: The first batch of universal remotes with Microsoft's SideShow technology communicate via Bluetooth with Vista PCs. The remotes that we've seen so far, including Interlink's reference design and SideShow remotes from Ricavision and Philips, also include IR for controlling A/V and other IR devices.
Has Sony enabled third parties to develop Bluetooth remotes for the PS3? If so, wouldn't it be nice to have a SideShow remote that controls the PS3 and all your A/V gear?
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December 23rd, 2006, 23:53 Posted By: Gold Line
A long time ago Mercury meltdown demo was released in Japanese but after a long wait its now in English just download and put it in your game folder this will work with firmware 3.02 and above
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December 24th, 2006, 01:37 Posted By: Jpdeathblade
Hello All,
I am pleased to announce Super Mini Halo: Xmas Edition (or SMH:XE). This build is just a rework of version 1.5 with Christmas graphics and music. There are 15 levels total in this game (we took out the old 10 for this build, they will return). We also renamed the folders so you can have both builds on the same memory card. For Version 2 expect around 50 levels!!!! So I hope you enjoy this game and Happy Holidays from all of us here at Xp Max =)
Whats New:
- Super Mini Halo Christmas Edition (Version 1.50)
- 15 New Levels (old ones taken out, will return for Version 2.00)
- Christmas Graphics (characters, backgrounds, etc)
- Christmas Music (for that warm fuzzy feeling inside)
- Folder name changed to 'MCH' So can be played with SMH on the same memory stick
Note: Pease read the readme.txt file for instructions on how to instal and play it.
I also want to thank:
- Levels and graphics by Xp Max Productions Devlopment Team
- JpX (aka Bob151jr aka JpDeathBlade)
- X God 0
- Q & 1/2
- Mwr247
- OarsmanofStyx (aka Styx)
- AntiFlagis 2
- XVampireHeart91X
- Red_Name
- FierBoy789
- Double A Ron
- SprintMaster
- RunePownage
- Pikita
- User
- Eviline
- Garaa
- Special Thanks to:
- Bungie for Halo
- Sony for their PSP
- Nintendo for Mario
- PSPSMM.tk for SMM version 3
- Banditmax.com for paying the bills (visit them today, support SMH)
- DcEmu for hosting the game
- Invisionfree for out fourms ( http://xpmax.cjb.net )
- Any SMH fans out there for downloading and playing the game.
We are also working on a donation link (thanks to BanditMax.com) so that will be up in a few days as well... Happy Holidays
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L74MX8IA and from DcEmu (link below)
-- .rar only this time -- Via [http://xpmax.cjb.net] If you post this on your site plz post this link as well...
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December 24th, 2006, 03:56 Posted By: brasssmunky
new for X-Flash V18:
- Multi Firmware Version implementation.
Supports three versions including 3.02 OE unofficial hybrid.
- Esitmated free space on flash0 is more accurate.
- Program terminates if any firmware installation on flash0 is
greater than 20.2 Megabytes (all firmware versions).
- Gameboot movies for 3.02 SE must be no greater in size than
the original gameboot movie.
- Added a Christmas theme for the X-Flash menu.
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December 24th, 2006, 05:31 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via megasource
This is just two part small application written in LUA that allows you to draw and save images onto your psp via the LUA player. PspDraw has the ability to create images and come with the functions of pen, line, solid rectangle, eraser, and color picker. You could even save images onto the Memory Stick.
PspNotepad uses the grid-matrix text input system using the analog stick and the face buttons, while the D-pad is used to move the cursor around.
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December 24th, 2006, 06:03 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via cdfreaks
With the severe shortage of Sony PlayStation 3 consoles, some analysts don't expect these shortages to ease until March, going by c|net. However, as Sony is set to launch its PS3 in Europe around March, this will potentially further limit its supply to the US, which could result in shortages for a much longer duration, such as up to June according to the American Technology Research analyst Paul-Jon McNealy.
When PS3 shipments do arrive at retail outlets such as GameStop, Target and Best Buy, the number of units vary from 1 to 25 with shoppers grabbing the consoles the moment they arrive. According to an Angeles GameStop employee, they get a new supply of just 1 to 2 PS3 consoles every 1.5 weeks. However, with good supply of the PS2 and it selling over 106 million units globally to date, compared with the PS3's target of 1 million by the year end, the PS2 is expected to remain a top seller during this Christmas season.
From what I can see, with the major issues and delays Blu-ray has caused for the PlayStation3, Sony would likely have sold many times more consoles had they initially released its PS3 and games using the existing DVD standard and around the time of the Xbox 360 launch. For example, they could have then offered a Blu-ray add-on drive, games on Blu-ray and PS3’s with Blu-ray built in later on once the development, shortage and pricing issues have been overcome.
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December 24th, 2006, 09:10 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Quake
heres what Quake has to say -
Quake has released a new version of Extreme Link.
Extreme Link essentially allows you to manage just about everything that lives on your memory stick — music, game saves, photos, videos, homebrew, etc… And that’s not it… Bundled with Extreme Link is NETHostFS and USBHostFS — easily communicate with your PC over a USB wired connection or via WiFi. Wait! There’s even more… But I’ll let you download and explore this wonderful app yourself.
v1.2.9 includes plenty of nice changes:
1. Added in NEThostfs Options
2. Added in Video Extensions
3. Moved Help menu’s to the main form
1. Added Update Check
2. Added Net Options
3. Added USBhost Unload
4. Added NEThost Unload
5. Bug fixes
Music Form:
1. Added Music Playback
List Form:
1. Refaced the List form
2. Added in controls to handle IMG’s
1. Changed Folder Deep to 2
1. Added in Help Msgbox
2. Fixed Bugs
1. Added more Video extensions
2. Fixed Open video
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December 24th, 2006, 16:52 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Stealth Kill
This is a great looking 3d game that is almost identical to the counter strike we all know and love. There wasnt much instructions on what Stealth Kill has put in his original post but this is what he had to say-
Public release
By Stealth Kill
Map by Duffmann
THX to

This file is a bit large just about 28mb so you should have alot of space on your memory stick if you plan on playing this.
This looks really good and It looks like a well polished piece of homebrew. (Apparently its a Quake1 Mod with standalone eboot)
download here
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December 24th, 2006, 17:30 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
The Buzzer has shared a random gameboot loader for 3.02 OE-A. This is a feature I've always wanted. :thumbup: Here's the read me:
Random GameBoot Loader v1 For 3.02 OE-A For PSP
Note: a custom opening_plugin.rco will cause a crash if using the psx emu so be aware of this!
First it requires you to flash two files to the right place that flash0 folder path is
To flash you use PSPFiler v2.0
After flashing the two files, one will change the gameboot path to ms0:/seplugins/gboot/
The other file will get rid of the SCE words that will go ontop of gameboots if not flashed.
Now the fun part
Download and store gameboot pmf files into gboot
Please don't store random files there because I did not do a good file type checking
Enable the randomgameboot in the recovery plugins of 3.02OE for vshex
Now it should choose a random gameboot each time it goes to vshex.
It will also choose the same gameboot sometimes
This might be buggy because I really don't know c that well to do file handling stuff
This mod IS legal. Custom Gameboot (.pmf files) are NOT. So please, no linking or uploading gameboots.
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December 24th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release from FreshMilk
heres what Freshmilk had to say-
Hi All, and welcome to the 10th Release of TTR, v1.0!
In this version, since its our tenth, we thought we'd try to do make something that everyone would enjoy, so who better to ask than yourselves? We decided to dedicate this version of TTR to you, the user, whom without none of these releases would have became known. Everey suggestions that was made for every version thus far have been taken in to account, and new features added based on what you have said. If you don't wanna read all this, you can find a change log at the bottom of this post. I expect that most of you may not of heard of TTR, or may not have played it before, therefore, heres a short overview of what TTR is:
TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.
This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.
Now that we've got that out of the way, lets look at who was involved in this release:
Freshmilk - Coder, Developer, and basically Inventor of TTR
-Skyline- - GFX artist and Co-Owner of the project, whom without none of this would be possible.
Now that we know all about TTR and what it stands for and who made it, lets take a look of some screen shots of the new pimped GFX:

Personally, I think these GFX are awesome, considering that it took just 2 days to completely remodel this game. I would like to take this oppertunity to thank my new partner -skyline- for all his hard work, as I can't stress enough on just how much effort he's been putting into TTR. Me and -Skyline- would also like to take this oppertunity to wish you all out there a very xmas, you all deserve it.
- Up and down animation for rally mode have been removed by popular demand, as it caused a few glitches in the gameplay.
- In the past I had shamefully ignored what you had to say about the old awkward button select menus; so they've been eliminated, to be replaced by new, sexy looking menus.
- All the bugs found in v0.9 have been fixed; and may i take this oppertunity to apologize for that very rushed release.
- Security added to the highscore system; try changing it on a pc to see what happens...
- Everytime a new highscore is reached, a screenshot is saved in TTR's directory.
- The GFX have been completely remade by my partner -Skyline-, who has been working flatout over the past 2 days to bring you this new version of TTR.
- New pimped edition, as suggested by many of you fans.
- The version mix ups have been fixed, we are currently at version 1.0.
- 4 New strips for you to own.
New Features
- A new health system, as desired by so many gamers.
- A new health attribute has been added to cars, so that you can choose the ride that best suits you.
- a new screenshot system to help you, ermmm, do something, lol.
- A side scrolling garage has been devised, to make your car selection just that little bit easier.
- Some of the older rides have been drafted in to add to that retro feel of TTR.
- A whole new host of cars have been put together with the old to make for a whole new gameplay expirience.
- The older tunes from v0.7 have been brought back based on your votes.
- Music has been added to the EBOOT, just to make it that extra bit special.
Have fun playing, but remember:
Leave your comments, they are always appreciated!
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December 24th, 2006, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
via ign
Sony's big year end gift for those who put up with long lines and a sparse lineup of launch titles to become an early adopter of the PlayStation 3 arrived to the Japanese PlayStation Store on Saturday night at midnight, right on the dot. And as a surprise bonus, the US store received the demo at the exact same time.
That's right, in case you haven't already, log on to the PlayStation Store with your PS3 and start downloading the 630 megabyte demo, because it's already live!
For those who weren't lucky enough to get their hands on a PS3 in time for Christmas (or, perhaps, you're waiting for Santa to deliver the new system in a couple of days), here's our impressions having unlocked everything in the demo.
As detailed in our story from earlier in the week (go there for a full demo car list, and some comments from GT series producer Kazunori Yamauchi), the Gran Turismo HD Concept demo includes ten cars, selectable in a variety of colors, and one track. Spend some time with the demo, though, and you'll find a whole lot more than that.
You start off with one car, the Suzuki Cappuccino, which can be raced on the Eiger Nordwand track, itself a lengthier version of the track that was included in the Tokyo Game Show build of the game. You only have access to a time attack mode initially. That means you, by yourself, racing against the clock. The game gives you a target time. Clear a single lap under this time, and you earn a new car.
There's an interesting little progressive game in this mode of play, as you unlock the cars. New vehicles are given out in order of increasing performance. Each new car requires that you clear the course in even less time than the one before it. This isn't too much to ask, since you have a faster vehicle at your disposal, but as you'll find out once you get your hands on the faster vehicles, a fast ride comes with some challenges of its own.
Once you've cleared the time attack mode with the Ferrari 599, the entire game opens up. You gain access to a reverse version of the track, as well as tuned versions of each vehicle. You also gain access to a drift attack mode, which awards points for drifting through those tough turns.
Unlocking all the content took me about a half hour. I'm not the best racer out there, so perhaps Polyphony hasn't been too tough with the time goals.
Even once you've unlocked everything, there's still plenty to do in the demo, thanks to its network features. The demo includes a network ranking mode, which lets you view separate rankings for all cars in all track and mode configurations. You can even view and save replay data from the top ten performers. A couple of our new videos have been taken from Japan's finest racers (or, at least, the best among those who actually own a PS3 and stayed up until midnight to download the demo).
With this early look at GT5, Polyphony has managed to show how things are supposed to be done on the PS3. Visually, the game is far improved over the Tokyo Game Show build. That version had framerate problems, no lighting, and blurry crowds. Those problems have been taken care of here. The framerate is solid, the environment is fully lit, with environmental reflections on your car and actual shadows when entering the tunnel midway through the course, and the crowds actually move around. The game has also been spiced up with some nice effects, like an impressive glare as you emerge from the track's tunnel, and those waving flags that PS3 developers seem to love (see MotorStorm and Heavenly Sword).
One thing we've come to appreciate with the demo is how much detail Polyphony has been able to push out. In addition to just about the finest car models out there, the track is packed with detail, from dozens (or possibly hundreds!) of animated spectators, to thick patches of trees, and even fully realized mountains in the distance. In our new videos, in addition to racing and replays, we've included a clip focused exclusively on the background scenery of the tracks, so you can see for yourself why we're so impressed. This video consists of footage that loops in the background as you wait to begin a race.
As good as it looks, the demo still shows room for improvement. The spectators are still pretty stiff overall, with some elements of the crowd standing perfectly still as others move around in fixed patterns. The game also has some imbalance in its cars and backgrounds. The cars look so perfect that the occasional blurry texture and flat surface in the background stands out. Then again, these two problems are really only notable when you drive slowly through the tracks, something you probably won't be doing during real races.
As a slight correction, we made a comment in an early version of this article about having problems with the game's image quality. This was actually a problem with a setting on the IGN Japan television. GTHD looks nice and smooth, at least running in 720p, which is how we tested it.
Considering GT5 is a ways from release, and Polyphony has managed to come this far in just three months, we wouldn't be surprised if the final product ends up looking even better than it does right now. The GT series pushed the PS2 and PS1 to new visual territories, and GT5 may well do the same for the PS3 at its release. Although, given that the demo supports up to 1080p, one could make the case that it's already doing so now.
The demo also manages to give us something that has been lacking from most early PS3 titles: a clean interface. From the title menu to the options screens, the interface Polyphony has put together is smooth enough to work just fine in a full game. Particularly notable is the lack of load times when selecting a car and going out to the track. We're praying this can be replicated on the Blu-Ray disc version of the final (the demo has an advantage, of course, in that it's on your hard disk).
We're also pleased at how well Polyphony has managed the online rankings. You can play replay data directly from ranking screen, without having to download anything. You can also select to load up ranking data just before the start of your race, and the game will grab the data off the ranking server after only the slightest of pauses. A full online Gran Turismo is off to a great start, if Polyphony's implementation of these basic features is any indication.
While the E3 and Tokyo Game Show versions of the now cancelled Gran Turismo HD product had us concerned about the future of the world's most popular racing series, this demo has wiped away all those concerns. Unfortunately, we're going to have to wait over a year before the final version of GT5 arrives. We'd suggest rationing out the demo slowly.
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December 24th, 2006, 18:21 Posted By: wraggster

Im sure not many people would be fooled into thinkling that the console above is a real PSP but theres always some clueless parent who can be fooled :P
One thing it does have that the PSP doesnt is an FM Radio although im not sure who would want that anyway :P
via Ebay auction
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December 24th, 2006, 18:45 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release HaxxBlaster
heres what HaxxBlaster had to say-
This is my second release of Brushes, which is a drawing application for the PSP. It uses images as brushes to draw with.
What's new
* Picture viewer (Your own made works)
* Importer/Overwriter
* Reading all the files from the Brushes/Effects maps. Use many as you would like to, without any problem. (PNG, JPG, TGA) is supported.
* Linetool (I love it)
* The drawmodes "Side by side, Random, Linetool" are made ajustable, just check the vid.
* Effects is ajustable, infront of the brush or behind the brush.
* ALOT of refining which makes it easier to use.
And much more, this is just the main stuff.
Do not forget
* Be creative
* Create your own brushes. (Photoshop is fine)
I got the idea that you guys send me the brushes you have made, and i will create a brushpack to release (Credits will be included), so we all have a better collection of brushes to draw with. How about that?
Brushes Gallery
I am going to create a thread where everyone can post their creations made in brushes. Posting the link later.
Check out Brushes v1.5 in action here

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December 24th, 2006, 23:40 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release/decrypter from Team Create and Destroy
Team Create and Destroy have just released (yet) another modded form of psardump, this time decrypting 3.03! It's only a matter of time until we can emulate it via Devhook now.
This is great news for the homebrew scene DCEmu looks forward to any updates and will keep a close eye on this. Homebrew is just a step ahead of Sony!
Thanks gizmo356 for the great news find.
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December 24th, 2006, 23:59 Posted By: wraggster
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December 25th, 2006, 02:20 Posted By: wraggster
News from GuitarGod1134
Ok Guys once again Im sorry but the text editor will be delayed once again. But this is just soo amazing I dont want to not release this. A lot of the comments kept saying that my gfx really really sucked and they did and probally a bunch of people didnt want to download it because of that well now have no fear as this changelog may not have a text editor but it does have a MAJOR MAJOR GFX improvement WE ARE TALKING MARIO TO HALO GFX improvement here. Anyways its just a merry christmas present. So here is the changelog short but amazing.
1. STANDALONE EBOOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DESPITE what the readme says or what JEMdev says it actually works on SE -C and probally that new 3.0 one but my bat is still charging so i cant test it on that. Anyways thank JEMdev for the standalone eboot and wait
2. JEMdev didnt stop there but he has brought us a major gfx improvement the mario to halo improvement here its amazing when you compare my old gfx to these its really amazing
So this release really belongs to JEMdev because he did mostly everything.
A couple more things
I have contacted JEMdev and asked for a menu. As soon as this menu arrives on my doorstep I am going to COMPLETELY redo the code to make it more effecient instead of assigning every pic to a button. So expect v0.4a as soon as JEMdev gets me that menu.
Installation is just drop in the game folder NO LUA PLAYER AT ALL required just drag and drop.
With all this said have a merry christmas and expect v0.4a very very soon as in maybe tomorrow soon. And um... maybe you want a screenshot... um..

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December 25th, 2006, 08:47 Posted By: kando
enjoy all! 
Gameboot Redirector v. 1.0 for 3.02OE-A and B
Presented by Team FWI
Coding by kando (based on some code from Art and LordSturm)
-Based on the modification discovered by birdman.
Readme by kando
--What does this program do?
Your firmware is programmed to load your gameboot.pmf upon a game startup from directory:
Which means whenever you want to change this, you must flash your psp, and you take up valuable flash0 space.
The firmware can be edited, however, to load the gameboot from your MEMORY STICK instead of flash0!
why is this good?
-You can easily swap gameboots through a memory card reader/usb or irshell, no flashing needed!
-Reduces the risk of bricking via flashing gameboots!
-Provides a much larger space to put gameboots, so they are not limited to flash0's small space!
-Save extra flash0 room by deleting flash0's gameboot! So in the future when i release my CIntro mod...
How is it done?
-In the opening_plugin.prx, there is a single line that tells the firmware where to load the gameboot.pmf. Simply put, properly changing this line to some other area will work as easily as it sounds! HOWEVER hex'ing this file by hand has alot of risks, as the parts of the original path that arent being used all need to be hex'ed to 0x00 or it will result in an error.
This program does all the hex work for you, as well as the flashing. AND it backs up all the originals for restoration!
Unfortunatly, you cannot edit the opening_plugin.prx that is already in the firmware as it is ENCRYPTED, so a DECRYPTED opening_plugin.prx will have to be used, however, it works just the same as the encrypted one.
--SO....how do i run this program?
1) You need to have a DECRYPTED 3.02 opening_plugin.prx inside MSROOT ( ms0:/ ), so it will look like:
( To get a decrypted one, download the Sony 3.02 update eboot.pbp, use pbpunpacker to get the data.psar, put it in the root of your memory stick, and run PSAR Dumper for 3.02. Make sure to hit the option to DECRYPT all files. go to ms0:/f0/vsh/nodule/ to grab the opening_plugin.prx and put it in ms0:/ )
2) Extract this release and put it in whatever game folder is your 1.50 kernel (/PSP/GAME/ or /PSP/GAME150/
3) Run the program through the "games" menu of your PSP.
The program will backup your original opening_plugin.prx to ms0:/psp/opening_plugin.original
It will also backup your gameboot.pmf to ms0:/psp/gameboot.original and if there is no ms0:/gameboot.pmf, it will copy itself there as well.
If you have already installed and there are backups present, the program will restore them, and put the "edited" opening_plugin.prx back to ms0:/ to be ran again if wanted.
4) Find your favorite gameboot and put it at ms0:/gameboot.pmf and run any game/homebrew!
--but what if i dont have my memory card in? or what if i dont have a ms0:/gameboot.pmf?
answer: you will get a blank white gameboot
--how do i debrand my gameboot?
answer: use xflash
--can this brick my psp?
answer: 1 out of 9,999,999,999 psp's may brick.
Shoutouts to (in no order of importance except for the first one): Dark_AleX, deuce, brentp, FoG, Jordan, HellDragon, MikeDX, Train2335, FreePlay, NOPx86, x3sphere, cyanide, LordSturm, birdman, jamesbdx, busta, Feli, Fragtastic06, Nomo, MY MOM, MY DAD, jas0nuk, TheBuzzer, poohter, Fanjita, Ditlew, Team Noobz, Matheuith, Ell, mr_dank, vb_master, all who joined irc.toc2rta.com #psp, all my friends IRL, ColdBird, holmz, weltall, and anyone i happened to miss 
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December 25th, 2006, 11:44 Posted By: kando
another release for tonite, happy holidays all 
Flash0 Free Space File Generater v. 1
-Coding by kando and weltall
-Based on some code by LordSturm
-Readme by kando
-What does this program do?
This program attempts to determine how much space is actually free on your Flash0.
It achieves this by copying a large file to your flash0 and seeing how much actually transfers.
Afterwards, the file is deleted. A new file is created in your ms0:/ named flash0.size.
The size of ms0:/flash0.size is the free space on your flash0
--Can this program brick my flash0?
Answer: not likely. there is ALWAYS a 0.00001% chance of bricking, however, as long as you dont take out your battery or run it w/ 1% battery left, you will be fine. Just let the program finish running.
Also if you run this program about 100,000 times your flash0 might give out. But then again, even w/ all my playing around w/ flash0, i've only written a couple hundred times
--Why would I want to know how much space i have?
Answer: there are many reasons. you may want to code a program that uses flash0 space for something. you may want to modify firmware parts that require more room. you may want to flash modules. there are dozens of reasons. how many times have you heard people asking "how much space is free on flash0 in firmware xxx...."....this is how ya find out!
-Free space can only be calculated up to 1.50MB at this point in time. Then again, any new firmware nowadays has less than 800KB free :P - i will work on this for the next version.
Shoutouts to (in no order of importance except for the first one): Dark_AleX, deuce, brentp, FoG, Jordan, HellDragon, MikeDX, Train2335, FreePlay, NOPx86, x3sphere, cyanide, LordSturm, birdman, jamesbdx, busta, Feli, Fragtastic06, Nomo, MY MOM, MY DAD, jas0nuk, TheBuzzer, poohter, Fanjita, Ditlew, Team Noobz, Matheuith, Ell, mr_dank, vb_master, all who joined irc.toc2rta.com #psp, all my friends IRL, ColdBird, holmz, weltall, moca, Art, and anyone i happened to miss 
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December 25th, 2006, 14:36 Posted By: blackrave
Dark_AleX has just posted the news about his new revision to the 3.02 OE which lets you run any PSX game on the official emulator by converting a game using the included tool.
Read more info in the readme.
This is the update from OE-A to OE-B.
Place the folder OEB_UPDATE inside /PSP/GAME150 and run it.
The update will take a very little time, since it only updates the files needed.
The new addition of this update is the ability of playing your own psx games, using the provided
tool (popstation) to convert them.
Although, a feature that was in OE-A and i forgot to comment:
You can use plugins in psx games. Just create a file called pops.txt inside seplugins, with the
path of your modules.
Note:Dark_AleX says PAL games can have graphical glitches and screen misplacement, just so you know. I bet this will be fixed later on, though.
Also you must have 3.02OE-A to update to 3.02OE-B. So if you havent already you must do so to run 3.02OE-B.
All users that are running on a firmware, lets say the official 3.0 firmware you can not update to this custom firmware.
Warning: Flash always risked bricking your psp, so please read the instructions and make sure you have all the nessesary files in the correct places.
A big thanks to Dark Alex!
Via Dark Alex
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December 25th, 2006, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
I still have my prized v1.0 PSP and also just updated my other PSP to v2.81.
But whats the best Firmware version now for the PSP ?
Is it V1.0, V1.5, V2.0, V2.5, V2.6, V2.71, V2.8, V3.0, V3.02
or do you prefer the custom firmware 2.71SE-C or 3.02OE-B
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December 25th, 2006, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
via guardian
Turns out that the Nintendo Wii is more desirable than a PlayStation 3, in spite of the Wii's considerable lower specification and price. At GigaGamez, Jason McMaster has been looking through offers to trade on Craigslist:
In my search of Austin, I only turned up 6 total people who wanted to trade their PS3 for a Wii, so I moved on to New York City, which boasted a pretty substantial 18 desired trades. Here's where it gets crazy: in San Francisco, there are 48 different PS3 for Wii trades going on at this moment. Now, keep in mind, most of these trades are requesting a Wii plus cash difference, but there is the occasional barter that will take a loss just to get their hands on the latest Nintendo console.
It has already been pointed out that the PS3 has not been trading well on eBay, and has not been selling out as fast as the Xbox 360 when that was in short supply. Are the people with PS3s trading for something they can sell for more money, or "have been terribly disappointed in the software line-up"? As McMaster says: "No matter what it turns out to be, I would have never pictured this scenario."
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December 25th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: mikebeaver
I have made a pack of some backgrounds for popular PS1 games, FF7, FF8, FF9, Chrono cross to name but a few.
Mostly my work but some from others, credit where credit is due.
How to use them is in the Read me file.
Download Here
Let me know what ya think, if they are liked I will do some more, just leave suggestions.
Have included a lot more now and all are correct size, here is the complete list so far.
Abe's oddysee (By Broonale)
Alundra 2
Army Men (By Broonale)
Brave Fencer Musashiden
Breath Of Fire III
Breath Of Fire IV (By MIcronut)
C & C Retaliation )By PlayingKarrde)
Castlevania S.O.T.N
Chrono Cross
Crash Team Racing
Diablo (By GobboFett)
Dragon Warrior VII
Einhander (By Micronut)
Expendable (By Micronut)
FF7 (By Slippersuck)
FF Tactics (By Toxent)
FF Tactics (By Micronut)
Front Mission 3
Jetmoto (By Broonale)
Legend Of Dragoon (By Gunntims0103)
Legend Of Dragoon
Legend Of Legaia (By Micronut)
Legend Of Mana
MGS (By Playingkarrde)
Parasie Eve (By GobboFett)
PS1 (By VB_Master)
Raiden Project (By Micronut)
Ridge Racer
Resident Evil (By Micronut)
Soulblade (By Micronut)
Tactics Ogre (By Micronut)
Suikoden II (By Micronut)
Syphon Filter (By Ramza 042)
Tekken 2
Tekken 3
Tempest X (By Micronut)
Tomb Raider (By Micronut)
Tomb Raider II (By Broonale)
Treasures Of The Deep (By Micronut)
Vagrant Story
Wipeout (By Micronut)
Wipeout XL (By Micronut)
This is work in progress so any input is welcome, lets try an get a complete pack for all compatible games.
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December 25th, 2006, 20:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via youresam
heres what youresam had to say-
this is a program I wrote as a test for streaming internet radio (for ipodmock), but had trouble making a buffered stream mode for MP3 play.
So heres how to use it:
edit lines 2 and 3 for the stream that you are downloading
run the program
wait for the stream to download (I wouldnt go over 2MB)
hold triangle and press START, the stream will be saved to PSP/GAME/test.mp3
tell me what you think.
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via youresam
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December 25th, 2006, 20:53 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via wbb
heres what wbb had to say-
It is some kind of remake of Space Invaders from the vcs2600.
Some features:
* Different play modes, including Time Trial
* View / Save / Load replays
It was my entry for the pspsource.de competition, as this competition is over now I am happy to show it here.
Finally a screenshot:

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December 25th, 2006, 20:57 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Vermillion
heres what Vermillion had to say-
Hi, this is just a little project i will be working on, i will be doing different instruments or instruments you request, it's a drum simulator coded in lua!

*Sounds can be played at the same time!
TacticalPenguin helped my get multiple sounds at once working.
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December 26th, 2006, 04:41 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via youresam
heres what youresam had to say-
Heres a little release of a homebrew that I made just for today!
Its "Winterbells Portable", the portable version of a game that I found here, very addicting

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December 26th, 2006, 04:59 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via weltall
heres what weltall had to say-
this version of cwcheat was modded to load correctly on the POPS mode which is were the sony psx emulator works so you can cheat your games by just taking the codes for the old psx and by doing some little modification (nothing difficult just a sum with a static value ).
included you can find a guide to converting them and some code examples for xenogears, crash, biohazard and arc the lad.
So enjoy cwcheat on your favorite psx game
NOTE: it's only for 3.02 OE as the psx emulator can't be used with devhook
Read Me
cwcheat for Dark Alex 3.02 OE - A custum firmware.
this is a cwcheat built to work fine with 3.02OE in pops mode (SONY PSX EMULATOR)
it has all the function of cwcheat 0.1.6.
this means that you can:
-cheat in your games (the db and the config are loaded from ms0,
if you don't have them it will still work only it will go for default
config and you will have an "empty" db)
the ID of the pops emulator is POPS.
this means that you can put a default cpu/bus clock that will be set when
loading in the config file (change the cpu clock in the menu and save the
config in the config menu) but also you will be able to change in every moment
and without touching the flash the cpu/bus frequence!!
-my screenshootbmp mod which uses volatile ram to do the screenshoot stopping the
game for less than one sec!
-standard screenshoot version
-brightness changer which uses the screen button (what you use to change brightness normaly)
it works up to the 4^ level
1-copy the folders under MS_ROOT in your memory stick ROOT (which is the main folder not the PSP folder)
2-power up your psp while pressing R
3-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
4-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
5-select back for two times
6-Select plugins
7-Press X over cwcheatpops.prx [POPS] it will say ENABLED
NB: if a (disabled) appears under the cwcheatpops prx entry it's a glitch of the recovery don't mind it
8-exit recovery and enjoy
1-copy the dh folder to have the db installed in the root folder
2-go to seplugins folder and copy cwcheatpops.prx there
3-open pops.txt with a text editor and add this line: ms0:/seplugins/cwcheatpops.prx
4-power up your psp while pressing R
5-go to advanced -> Advanced configuration
6-Enable by pressing X on Plain modules in UMD/ISO
7-select back for two times
8-Select plugins
9-Press X over cwcheatpops.prx [POPS] it will say ENABLED
NB: if a (disabled) appears under the cwcheatpops prx entry it's a glitch of the recovery don't mind it
10-exit recovery andenjoy
0.1.6 REV. C for 3.02OE/POPS
-this is a special build only for pops (PSX EMULATOR)
-removed usb support as usb prxs aren't loaded in pops mode, maybe they can be loaded but to avoid flashing requirement
i preferred this way
-removed all umd imports ( same as above)
-remapsp altough is still there (and sems to do something) is reported as not working it disables game input
-ID is forced to POPS
enjoy. if you need help converting psx codes just ask me

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December 26th, 2006, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
While the verdict might be out on an eventual sales winner between the three new-gen consoles, it's hard to argue with one stat: the PS3 is a shoo-in for the coveted "Console Launch Related Crime" award. The latest in crime spree exploits is a trio of UPS employees who were working the night shift around PS3 launch time, and managed to swap shipping labels on $19,000 worth of PS3s -- around 20 systems and 24 SIXAXIS controllers. These three grinches, 25-year-old Sean Weber, 37-year-old Norbert Joseph and 29-year-old Jasel Bolden, working from a New Orleans shipping center, forwarded the PS3s to their day job at Andrews Sport Company Inc., but couldn't escape the long arm of the law. Chalk one more up for justice. Oh, and by the way guys, if you get out of the clink before New Years, would you mind "diverting" a few PS3s our way? We accept Wiis too. You know, in the spirit of giving.
via engadget
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December 26th, 2006, 11:39 Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq
Though expected by most, games analyst PJ McNealy predicts both PS3 and Wii shortages into early 2007 while speaking with Reuters. But his guestimations are pinned further into the new year than maybe some expected: June for the PS3 and March for the Wii. That reality would be even more troublesome for gamers than the great 360 shortage of '05/'06.
McNealy notes the ridiculous scantiness of the PS3 reminding us of the pending European launch that is sure to keep the console scarce even longer. If that's the case, June doesn't sound too far off for supply to finally catch up with pent up demand. But Wii shortages into March?
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December 26th, 2006, 13:02 Posted By: wraggster
EEUG has released a new version of his Media Player for the PS2.
Heres whats new:
- added SMB/CIFS network protocol. Tested only on Windows XP Pro (SP2)
and Linux/Debian with recent Samba distribution. Only one server
connection is supported (though driver allows two). Network transfer
speed is comparable to host: protocol (if the server supports raw data
transfer (both XP and Linux do), otherwise it will be ~30% slower).
To use this feature perform following steps:
- create SMS.smb text file in a text editor. This file must contain
exactly 5 lines in the following order:
- IP address of the SMB server (ex.;
- name of the SMB server (ex. MyServer);
- name of the PS2 (arbitrary) (ex. MyPS2);
Note: I'm not 100% sure about it, maybe this name
must be listed in 'hosts'/'lmhosts' file;
- user name used for authentication (ex. eugene);
- user password used for authentication (ex. myPassword);
Note 1: blank password is not allowed;
Note 2: - "for individuals that think that harm is occurring, or
is going to occur, to him or her"
- "for individuals that think the persecutor has the
intention to cause harm"
(at least Windows XP Pro(SP2) and Samba on Libux/Debian do
support this (please, don't consider this as advertisement));
- make sure that IP address is correct;
- make sure that SMB server name is correct;
- make sure that SMB server allows connections (i.e. review firewall/router
- make sure that user whose credentials supplied in SMS.smb has appropriate
access rights to connect to the SMB server;
- copy this file to mc0:/SMS folder;
- start SMS; If 'autostart network' option is active, then
deactivate it, save settings and restart SMS;
- goto SMS menu -> Device settings;
- select SMB/CIFS network protocol;
- start network support;
New device icon shall appear as soon as connection to the server is
established (or error message if there's a problem with authentication
etc.). Normally this should occur in 0-10 seconds. There's no need to
start SMB server before SMS, as connection is made automatically (SMS tries
to establish connection to the server approximately each 5-10 seconds).
It's possible to shut down SMB server while SMS browser is active. In this
case SMB device icon will disappear and connection attempts are resumed again.
This can however cause hang, so use this functionaliy at your own risk;
In case of problems use 'ethereal'/'wireshark' software to trace activity on
the server's TCP port 139. New SMB device is browseable starting from share
level (note that shares with '$' suffix in their name (like 'C$', 'ADMIN$'
etc.) are explicitly disabled, so they won't ever appear in the file browser);
- increased packet buffer size in attempt to avoid audio.video 'stutter'
(this results longer delays at startup and during scrolling);
- changed '-' and '_' character indentation to prevent overlapping
(thanks to 'shassino' for the remark);
- added UTF8 subtitles support (thank to 'Npl' for the implementation);
For those new to SMS heres a description:
SMS is a DivX and MP3 player for the PS2.
Using SMS, you can stream movies and music right to your TV. forget about all the set-top boxes, forget about the 'Media PC', if you have a PS2, you have all the hardware you need.
Features of SMS include:
Smooth DivX AVI Playback at decent resolution
Pan/Scan and zooming
Subtitles support (SRT and SUB)
Visual seek (Fast Foward and Rewind)
Multiple language and character set support for subtitles other than English
MP3 Playback
AC3 Surround Support
Full resolution
Copy your movies and mp3's to your internal HDD!
SMS will read video files from a variety of sources:
Network Streaming
USB Drives
Hard Drives (both the Official Sony HDD and any normal PC HDD)
CD/DVD-ROM (and NO modchip required!)
SMS can even read DVD-RW discs specially formatted with the DVD-Video filesystem, or CD-R Discs formatted with CDDAFS without needing a modchip or any Swap tricks.
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December 26th, 2006, 13:10 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops currently stands as the best PSP game of the year, at least according to PSP Fanboy readers. So, it should come as no surprise that this fully-featured PSP-exclusive sequel is selling well. In fact, according to Jeux France, it appears as if Kojima's latest has sold 100,000 copies in Japan... in day one alone.
There's no doubt that the US version is also selling quite briskly. Hopefully, these sales are good enough to warrant a sequel, as previous promised. The game's now available for US blokes, and is coming next year for the European territories.
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December 26th, 2006, 13:12 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
2006 was a stellar year for the PSP, with countless gems hitting the system throughout the year. 2007 looks to be no different, and while we drink eggnog today, let's look towards the future with our currently most-anticipated titles. Who said the PSP was dying?
Rainbow Six: Vegas, from Ubisoft
The Warriors, from Rockstar
Gurumin, from Mastiff
HOT PXL, from Atari
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, from Sony
Valhalla Knights, from XSEED Games
Burnout: Dominator, from EA
After Burner: Black Falcon, from Sega
Full Auto 2: Battlelines, from Sega
Gran Turismo Mobile, from Sony (maybe?)
Dead Head Fred, from D3
Xyanide Resurrection, from Playlogic
Chili Con Carnage, from Eidos
Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion, from Bethesda Softworks
Silent Hill Origins, from Konami
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, from Square Enix
Jeanne d'Arc, from Sony
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December 26th, 2006, 13:18 Posted By: wraggster
Art has released a new version of his firmware modification program for the PSP, heres whats new in this release:
X-Flash V18c
- Fixed bug in Auto Restore routine for 3.02 OE that wrote individual
01.bmp - 12.bmp files instead of the 3.02 consolidated bmp file.
- V18c checks for, and deletes the individual background files if
present in a 3.02 OE firmware installation.
- Fixed the style of the registry warning screens, and lengthened
the time they are displayed.
- First 3.02 OE All Version Firmware Spoofer implementation.
- Special 1337 version spoof implemented for 3.02 OE.
- 1337 Translator Easter egg from version 1.50 is permanently
activated for 3.02 OE
X-Flash V18c (Multi Firmware Support)
************************ MULTI FIRMWARE SUPPORT
X-Flash Feature Description 1.50 2.71 SE 3.02 OE
Debranded Coldboot Intro screen YES YES YES
Debranded Gameboot Movie YES YES YES
Alternate Coldboot Sound YES YES YES
Alternate XMB Sound Effects YES YES NO
Disable Network Update Icon YES YES YES
Disable XMB Menu Wave Effect YES YES YES
Replace Monthly Backgrounds YES YES YES
Apply Name Plate Picture YES YES YES
Install Custom Font YES YES YES
XMB Menu Label Editor YES NO NO
Custom Gameboot Movies YES YES YES
All Version Spoofer YES NO YES
Complete Firmware Dump YES YES YES
Registry Backup and Restore Tool YES YES YES
DAX Custom Firmware Modification Tools YES N/A N/A
Flash0 Backup and Restore of mp3 file YES NO NO .
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December 26th, 2006, 13:27 Posted By: wraggster
Mediumguage has updated his text reader and file manager for the PSP to v1.0
Heres the translated (via crappy google)Whats New:
The filer version 2.2 for PSP is.
The file can be verified in ○ tree condition.
Attribute of the ○ file can be modified.
○ Japanese appears.
It can play back ○wav and mp3.
[ritsupingu] of the ○UMD device is possible.
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December 26th, 2006, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
The Release of Dark Alexs Custom Firmware yesterday that lets you play any PSX Game at Full Speed on your PSP has shook the PSP Scene to its foundations, so much i had to reset the server again last night ( and stuffed our counter that shows whos online- which is only showing those on the forums now and not those on the sites but 2500 on the forums alone is damn impressive)
Today Danny Kay and Quake have released Popstation Guis to help those converting their own PSX games to the format needed to play.
All the files are in the zips supplied (one has all the files, one has just the GUI)
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via psphacks
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December 26th, 2006, 15:22 Posted By: 808

Files / Tools you will need -
NOTE: Your PSP will need to be 1.50 or using the 2.71 SE firmware to be able to do this
- Once you have downloaded these files, extract them all to a new folder. Preferably on the desktop for ease of use.
- Place your 1.50 and 3.02 eboots inside the "oeupdmaker" folder, with the names "150.PBP" and "302.PBP"
Like this -

- You will then need to copy the "oeupdmaker" folder and the "oeupdmaker%" to your PSP. If you're using 1.50, then copy them to your "GAME" folder, if you're using 2.71 SE-A, B or C, then they need to go into the "GAME150" folder.
- Run this program, it DOES NOT FLASH your PSP. It will create a file called "DATA.DXAR". Copy this file into the folder called "302oeflasher" on your computer
NOTE: Lots of people have problems with this stage, make sure your 1.50 eboot is called "150.PBP" and your 3.02 eboot is called "302.PBP".
- Back-up everything on your memory stick, then format. Extra safety precaution.
- Copy over the "302oeflasher" and "302oeflasher%" folders to the PSP, into either the "GAME" folder, or the "GAME150" depending on your firmware version
- Make sure your PSP battery is fully charged, then run the program
- Alternately, plug-in your charger, then run the program, then hold down the L and Triangle button to bypass the battery check and go to the flashing stage
- Accept the agreement and begin to flash your new firmware! If you have followed this method word for word you should no troubles. You will need to restart your PSP manually (hold the power button until it turns off, then turn on again) after the program has finished.
Check your System Firmware, welcome to OE-A!

Files / Tools you will need -
NOTE: You MUST MUST MUST update to 3.02 OE-A before doing this
- Create a folder on your PSP named "GAME150" inside the folder named "PSP"
- Extract the archive and place the folder named "OEB_UPDATE" into "GAME150"
- Run the program and laugh at how quick it is and the file named "popcorn.prx" that appears when you run it

Check your System Firmware, welcome to OE-B!

Files / Tools you will need -
- UltraISO or Alcohol 120% to rip the game from disc. People are reporting problems with other programs, stick to these two, they're very reliable (in .ISO, .BIN or .IMG format)
- Popstation, which comes inside the OE-B pack
- cygwin1.dll
- Hot Shots Golf 2 from the Playstation Store. You can purchase it from the Playstation 3 store.
NOTE: Your PSP must be OE-B for this to work!
- Put your PSOne disc in the drive and start UltraISO or your program of choice
- Save the disc-image as either .ISO, .BIN or .IMG in the popstation folder. People have different results with each format so I recommend you try it with each format! Make sure it is uncompressed and a perfect copy! Make sure you have no other programs running whilst ripping, it can AND will mess up your rip!
- To make things easier, place your "popstation" folder on the desktop, with "cygwin1.dll" inside and the "EBOOT.PBP" & "KEYS.BIN" files from Hot Shots Golf 2 and your recently ripped disc-image
- Now the tricky part. Go to START > RUN then type "cmd" (without the quotes obviously). This should bring up a DOS prompt. Type "cd Desktop\popstation" (without quotes, again).
- The next step is to RENAME the "EBOOT.PBP" to "BASE.PBP"
We're there now - in the command prompt type "popstation yourfilename.yourfileextension" and let it run
For example -

The image above is an excellent example of how to run popstation and type in the correct command, follow it and you should be fine Now, create a new folder under "GAME" on your Memory Stick and copy the generated "EBOOT.PBP" and "KEYS.BIN" in and run! Enjoy completely ****ing Sony over in every possible way!
NOTE: Your generated EBOOT.PBP file will use the Hot Shots Golf 2 icons, if you want to create your own icons, simply include them in the same directory as "popstation.exe" and those will be used instead
Image naming and sizes -
- ICON0.PNG 144 x 80 pixels 12k Selection icon
- PIC0.PNG 310 x 180 pixels 4k Blurb
- PIC1.PNG 480 x 272 pixels Background
You cannot exceed these sizes or else Popstation will not use them! - thanks SketchPCIS

Q I always get an error when I try to create the DATA.DXAR file! How do I fix it?
A Check your 1.50 eboot is named "150.PBP" and your 3.02 eboot is named "302.PBP" if this doesn't work, re-download the firmware from a different source
Q Do PAL games work with this?
A To an extent, yes. There are many graphical glitches with PAL games so NTSC is the way forward
Q Can I convert PAL games to NTSC?
A Yes, check out this thread to find a pack containing some great tools to convert. You will need to register however
Q Is the upgrade really worth it?
A You can play PSOne games AND run homebrew. In short, yes. This IS the new golden firmware.
Q Are multi-disc games playable?
A They should be, yeah. Games like Final Fantasy offer you the ability to save before the disc changes, so simply Save, exit, delete the EBOOT of the disc you're using and then copy the new one over, voila!
Q The command prompt is too difficult, got anything easier?
A Learn! Its easy once you get used to it, use that image of the command prompt above to help you! Or if you're ****ing lazy, go here 
Q Is there any way to add cheats?
A Refer to this thread
Q How do I run 1.50 firmware if this is 3.20?
A Create a folder inside "PSP" named "GAME150", put all of your 1.50 homebrew in there
Q Won't the game always use the Hot Shots Golf 2 disc ID and therefore overwrite saves from all my games?
A This will effect people who want to have multiple games! In answer to the question, yes, it will. This means all save games will be inside a folder named "SCUS94476" and the disc ID of the EBOOT.PBP will be "94476". So, if you have multiple games, your saves will keep being overwritten.
You can change this using any hex-editor to change this number to something else, as long as the same amount of numbers are used. This is helpful for multiple discs where you can simply increment the disc ID by 1 - thanks LazerTag, refer to this thread
Q Can I downgrade back to 1.50?
A Yes. The OE-A pack comes with a Recovery tool; you need to put the folder named "RECOVERY" inside the "GAME" folder along with the 1.50 eboot named UPDATE.PBP. Restart your PSP holding the R trigger to gain access to the Recovery Menu and run it through there, not the XMB NOTE: This is the information I pulled from the Read Me which isn't the best, can someone confirm that those instructions are correct?
Q Help! I get to the Playstation logo, but then black! What did I do wrong?
A Chances are your rip went wrong somewhere. Best off trying it again in a different format. PAL games also frequently go black, so either use NTSC games or attempt to convert PAL > NTSC.
Q Nice tutorial, but I prefer watching than reading, got a video tutorial?
A Right here
Q No matter what I do it won't work, what can I do?
A You have to remember, this has only just been released, so its hardly going to be 100%. PAL games, ISOs, dodgy rips - they are all problematic and give varying results. Try .BIN and .IMG formats, just keep trying!
Q Can I use a different PSOne game from the store, like, Syphon Filter?
A Yes, but popstation was designed for Hot Shots Golf 2, so bear that in mind
and of course, a big thanks to Dark_AleX for the release!
- by 808
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December 26th, 2006, 17:22 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Vermillion
heres what Vermillion had to say-
Ok, Instrulator is a Instrument Simulator coded in lua, it can help people learn the art of music, when they don't have the real thing!

*Sounds can be played at the same time!
*Now includes a menu and trumpet simulator!
*Better Bass Drum Sound
TacticalPenguin helped my get multiple sounds at once working.
As you can see, i really need more requests for instruments, if i don't get any i will do a piano with the different keys (A,G,C and such...)
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via Vermillion
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December 26th, 2006, 17:27 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via joek2100
heres what joek2100 had to say-
This is for 3.02OE-A and has been tested with it.
This is a modified version of the opensource mp3 prx for irshell. It will play
mp3 files from ms0:/PSP/MUSIC (if you don't change the config).
It has random and sequential play modes, pause, next and a builtin "overclocker".
This new version (0.4c) has a config file located in seplugins/mp3conf.txt. See that file
to customize controls or change the mp3 directory.
seplugins/irsmp3.prx is the plugin. Read an 3.02OE (or higher) plugin install guide herenear the bottom of the first post, look for "How to Install PRX's Manually".
You could also copy the seplugins directory to the root of your memory stick if you don't have
any other plugins installed.
Having too many prxs loading at the same time can reduce compatibility or
prevent it from working properly.
It is also a good idea to wait until the game is finished loading up before starting playback.
Unlike what I said yesterday, this wont be my last release...
Default Controls:
(The Note button is to the left of select)
Note + Left Trigger = pause/resume playback
Note + Right Trigger = switch playback mode between random and seqeuntial
Note + D-Pad Left = previous song (only in sequential mode)
Note + D-Pad Right = next song
Note + D-Pad Up = Volume up (for the mp3)
Note + D-Pad Down = Volume Down (for the mp3)
Note + Triangle = Change CPU speed
Note + Square = Toggle On Screen Display (default off)
Note + Circle = Reload list of mp3 files (needed if you change the files in the music folder using usb)
(when READY is displayed in the bottom left hand corner, press Note+ Left Trigger to start playback)
Note + Cross = Change brightness level (from current up to maximum
0.1: Initial release
0.2: Fixed usb,suspend and resume bugs
Added a seperate flasher for vsh mode
0.2b: Fixed a bug which could crash the psp if the mp3 filename was too long (Note there is still a limit of 100 mp3 files)
Added subdirectory scanning (there can be any number of subdirectories)
Added previous mode in Sequential mode
Modified the controls
0.2c: Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if there were more than the max # of mp3s on the memorystick
Raised the playlist limit to 300 files
Made on screen display off by default because it sometimes causes a crash
Moved allocation of playlist to user mem. This may increase compatibility.
0.3: Re-did the playlist code so no memory allocation is needed. This saves alot of mem and will reduce crashes.
Reset to default CPU speed on exit
0.3a: Added more CPU speeds
Added a brightness toggle including maximum brightness(the one that normally requires your psp to be plugged in) (NOTE+X)
0.3b: Added an independent volume button
Should startup faster
Made the on screen display stay on when Note + Square is pressed
Added volume and filename to the on screen display
0.4: Fixed for use under 3.02OE (probably final release)
0.4b: Uploaded fixed vsh.txt
0.4c: Added a config file ms0:/seplugins/mp3conf.txt to change the MP3 playback directory and have custom controls
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via joek2100
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December 26th, 2006, 18:02 Posted By: wraggster
Dark Alex`s Custom Firmware/Popstation Release is most likely the biggest release of the year and thanks to all involved.
Now Sonys ballplan was to get the PSP -PS3 machine going which increases sales of both consoles and of their Network store. But thats all changed now.
Sony are bound to lose money over this and like most companys will react to this, we know they forced the closure of the PSP Software wiki in Japan over Devhook. Will they now have a go at the PSP Hacking Scene over this?
I would think that a new firmware will be released but this release will send shivers through them.
Its sure gonna be an interesting month or two ahead 
But anyway my thanks to Dark Alex and the team for a killer release. Im even thinking of buying another PSP with 2.71 firmware on just to use this custom firmware.
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December 26th, 2006, 22:48 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Fredddy
Fredddy, member of the german Homebrew-Site PSPSource.de released at the end of the LUA Coding Competition 2006 the next Update to the fabulous Icy Town Clone.

The new updates contains new and changing platforms, a combosystem and harold is now plazed in a real tower. The highscoresystem lets start a long session of fungaming.
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via Fredddy
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December 26th, 2006, 22:55 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release Emeric0101
heres what Emeric0101 had to say-
Hi! , I prepar a released of my program LuaDev for x-mas , my program is a game make like RPG Maker who create game in lua , it can make RPG and mario like ans you don't have to know a language of programmation for util my prog , it's so easy , the news in my program from the 1.0 are :
-Battle module (like Final Fantaisie)
-Load and Save module
and more
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via Emeric0101
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December 26th, 2006, 22:59 Posted By: gunntims0103
news via 0okm
PCB Ver. : TA-086
CPU Core : CXD2967GG
Media Engine : CXD5026-203GG
MCP : K5E5658ACM-D060 1.8V/1.8V
Test report :
Factory FW3.01 (BoxCode M)
can HardDown to FW1.50
does this mean that a downdater is possible for a 3.01? More news as we get it.
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December 27th, 2006, 01:34 Posted By: PSP Galaxy
Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas (even though we're a tad late), and a Happy New Year (even though we're a smite early)! Still, it's the thought that counts. But to make up for it, the latest issue of PSP Galaxy, sponsored by Play-Asia.com, has a multitude of holiday features including:
-Interview with Scott Ramsoomair, the man behind web-comic VGCats
-Reviews of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Brothers in Arms: D-Day, Eragon, Mortal Kombat Unchained, Sega Genesis Collection and more!
-PC Review of Sam & Max: Episode 2: Situation: Comedy
-Movie Review of Casino Royale
-New exclusive Gamers Galaxy comic! Writer: Terranova, Artist: Evilution
-Return of all your favourites - Mof vs. Prime, Terranova's Japanese R&D, Prime's Rant, Movie Watch, Cooking with Mof and all the latest news!
-A very slight mag redesign!
So go get 'em, and such, and enjoy this festive Issue #17 of PSP Galaxy!
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December 27th, 2006, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
Goodness gracious, if we were paid a nickel every time we made a statement about how [Game X with a name relating to dark] has been [brought to light, unveiled, revealed, pun about dark], we'd never have to work again. Not really, we'd have like 35 cents. Still. The game's developers have remained hush-hush about the actual gameplay, but have decided to tease us with some screenshots of the comic-book Mafia hitman, Jacky Estacado, and his shenanigans.
screens here
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December 27th, 2006, 02:23 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
We've all wanted an official Final Fantasy site just as much as we've wanted a Wave Runner -- not too often, not in the front of our minds, but every now and then we remember just how awesome a Wave Runner is and how you can't possibly be sad while driving one (thus money buys happiness, says comedian Daniel Tosh -- "go ahead, try to frown on a Wave Runner"). With that horrifying comparison out of the way, may we present the official Final Fantasy website? We may.
This crazy site has news about every game in production in the FF world to date (and some history lessons for the n00b gamers who jumped in at FF7 and therefore call it the greatest RPG ever... let's not get into that argument, please please please), listing the people involved in the projects and even some movies to watch/download. There are some pretty character shots, because the guys and the girls always have to be far beyond beautiful and we'd have it no other way. There is a catch... the site's in Japanese, but you guys are resourceful. You can find a way to translate it, even though it's not that necessary. The pictures do most of the talking.
More Info
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December 27th, 2006, 03:13 Posted By: wraggster
Ookm posted this update on his site:
Many people ask about :
can run xxx Homebrew on "FW1.00/1.50 TA-082~086 PSP" ?
so i post this information :P
TA-082~086 PSP with CORRECT HACK,
it can run ALL FW1.00/1.50 Official / Homebrew software !!!
(except Official FW1.50~2.50 UpDate EBOOT.PBP)
TA-082~086 PSP with CORRECT HACK can run Any FW(1.00~3.03) :P
it can't run Official FW1.50~2.50 UpDate EBOOT.PBP
but it can run UnOfficial Up/DownDate EBOOT.PBP :P
if a FW1.00/1.50 TA-082~086 PSP can't run ANY FW1.00/1.50 Official / Homebrew software,
that mean it haven't CORRECT HACKed :P
Ok ill let you all try and work out what that means 
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December 27th, 2006, 03:20 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Mexicansnake:
Well here is my present for you!, my new version of PSPirates made by
RIKARDO_92 -Gallery coder
DEANAW22 - Artist
me (MEXICANSNAKE) - Coder.
Well this is just a small update. But remember its just a beta, please report any bug to me (MEXICANSNAKE). I added 2 new game modes, new secrets , corrected code, new screen at the credits menu...
How to unlock the new game modes:
In the game selector menu press:
-Select and down to play the new sink mode.
-Start and down to play the new madness mode.
Sink mode: The main goal is to throw rocks to the enemy to sink him, also you can dodge him to make him lose stability, you can press triangle to recover stability.
Madness mode: The main goal is to shoot as fast you can, avoiding to hit your pals.
Also Ill add new game modes to the v 5, new skins (thanx to XPLOREN), new secrets and alot more, also Im coding new animations such like seagulls with AI, new movements, fire etc.
So... keep pushing that button!!! .
Hope you like it . thanx and Merry Xmas!!!
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December 27th, 2006, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
New release from rich200313:
Hi people!
This is in no way as good as the news about 3.02 OEB but id just like to give my bit to the homebrew community and release my christmas themed game. Ive made a few games in the past but this is the first game ive released. The controls are:
Up/Down = Selection
Cross = Make Choice (Enter)
Circle = Drop gift
The aim couldn't be simpler. Drop the gifts down the chimneys (and try not to be driven insane by the music).
To install just extract the zip file to the root of your memory stick,
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via rich200313
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December 27th, 2006, 03:31 Posted By: wraggster
New release from jsharrad
SDL-Fighter is a space fighter game with 5 action packed levels and bosses to kill at the end of each. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had porting it over to the PSP.
Good Luck.
D-Pad .......... move in all 4 directions
Cross .......... fire
Triangle ....... (un)pause the game
Start .......... credits
Select ......... help
R/L Triggers ... cycle weapons forwards / backwards
Fight your way through lots of bad guys
They just keep on comin'
Look out for the bosses at the end of each level.
Radoslaw Gniazdowski for the original PC game source. The folks over at ps2dev.org for the PSPSDK.
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December 27th, 2006, 12:19 Posted By: BelmontSlayer
New release from emunutz:
PopStyler v0.1 For PSP
OK, I know there are some GUI/frontends out there already, but none that I have found would let you load custom PNG files. So here is my little contribution to the PSP scene written in AutoIt called PopStyler. I have also included the popstation.exe in the "popstation" subfolder. This program does most of the dirty work for you, providing you have the proper files in place. Here is the feature list:
-Frontend for popstation.exe
-Load custom ICON0.PNG, PIC0.PNG, PIC1.PNG
-If PIC0.PNG is left blank, a transparent file will be substituted
-If PIC1.PNG is left blank, a generic PSX background will be substituted (background by joem)
-Choose the location to save the EBOOT.PBP
-Copies the KEYS.BIN file to the same directory as the newly created EBOOT.PBP
Extract the package to the location of your choice. Copy BASE.PBP and KEYS.BIN into the "popstation" sub-folder.
Run popstyler.exe. Select the ISO and image files for your game. Click "Convert" and you will be prompted for a save
location. Select your folder and click OK to begin the conversion. Picture files can have any name, but they do have
to be in the proper PNG format.
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via PS3News
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December 27th, 2006, 12:54 Posted By: opiate81
after trying to get on the irshell site for days now
I googled up the forum and this is what I found from Ahman 
"I'm officially retired from the PSP scene and won't be making anymore iR Shell public releases. As some of you've requested, I'm now closing this iR Shell forum. The beta testing section will still be opened to beta testers, so existing beta testers can drop in and chit-chat. I hope you all enjoyed using iR Shell. Farewell, everyone!"
Goodbye Ahman and thankyou for all your great work!!
enjoy the easy life.. but if you ever feel the need to update iR Shell to be fully compatible with 3.02 OE b
we wont complain 
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December 27th, 2006, 16:10 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via winnydows
Video converter
for PSP, iPOD and PC
Easy use and high quality program for converting videos for PSP, iPOD and PC.
to MP4 (PSP AVC, AVC, IPOD), PMP (AVC, DivX), AVI (DivX).
download here

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December 27th, 2006, 16:26 Posted By: gunntims0103
new releases of ALL NJS EMULATORS via NJ
Heres what Nj had to say-
This homepage is closed.
I wish to express my gratitude to the people who reported on the bugs up to now.
The account of this homepage is deleted on January 10. Please download these files till then.
The sound test of MVSPSP was deleted from the source code of the latest version (Because the sound emulation was changed). If necessary, please download the source code of 20061222(CPS1,CPS2 1.64 / MVS 1.63).
DCEmu would like to say Thank you to NJ for all the hard work, that he's did on Cps1, Cps2, and NeogeoMVS.
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December 27th, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: gunntims0103
new update via joek2100
0.4d: Fixed overclocking for speeds > 222MHz
Made the 4th level brightness work by pressing the screen button
Added an option (see the config file) to allow overclocking and wireless to be used at the same time
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December 27th, 2006, 18:30 Posted By: Smiths
Not dead. Feel free to post anywhere... who cares at this point.
Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe
+ Initial release
Simply put, popstation is amazing, but the save handling is tricky to people who can't hex.
This translates into roughly 99% of the userbase, with 80% of them also having problems with the whole "what a command line do?" crowd.
So here's a frontend for the command line that also lets you change the SLUS ID and game title (as it will appear in the save games menu in the XMB). All this is done pre-compile, so you can set it up, hit a button, and have a PSX EBOOT.PBP ready to be xferred (with the KEYS.BIN) that will save to a folder based on the SLUS ID you enter.
There is a function for multi-disc game users called "Fetch ID/Name", since Popstation bases its memory card files on the SLUS ID *AND* the game name. If any of these mismatch... you don't get to use your existing saves.
The MEMCARD1.DAT and MEMCARD2.DAT files contain data corresponding to those TWO pieces of ID.
The above button is OPTIONAL, but is really useful for multi-disc games, and has been tested with Final Fantasy IX by making a save with Disc 1, creating an eboot with the same ID from Disc 2, and loading up Disc 1's save in Disc 2 (resulting in the "Please Insert Disc 1" screen).
If you use this button AFTER selecting your "popstation.exe" location, the program will not work. Follow the rules.
*General Usage:
1) Select the iso you will making an eboot from (ISO/BIN extension by default)
2) Select the location of "popstation.exe"
3) Change the ID/Title if you desire
4) Do "Patch and Build"
5) Copy the EBOOT.PBP and KEYS.BIN to your PSP memory stick as per usual
Nope, but those who know know where I'll be
More, if I get bored. I make these things for me and friends.
Sharing is simply done because I'm so cool.
Hit another one.
Don't eat the clues.
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December 27th, 2006, 18:37 Posted By: oafan
new downdater via dark_alex
Read me!
TA-082 downgrader by Dark_AleX/Mathieulh/Harleyg
This is an application to downgrade a ta-082 unit running 2.71 firmware and HEN-D
to 1.50, although teoretically can downgrade to any version, but only 1.50 has been tested.
The application, at the moment of writing this readme was tested in 5 psp's, with 5 success.
As always, this kind of application have risks, this one in concrete write to idstorage area
of nand.
The authors don't get responsabilized of any damage that may happen by the use of this
unlicensed software. You are on your own when doing it.
The method of ta-082 downgrade is based on research on hardware-downgraded ta-082 selled in ebay.
We realized that the process was not very complex, and easy to imitate by software.
- Copy the UPDATE and idstoragechange folders into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the official sony 1.50 eboot and put it in the /PSP/GAME/UPDATE folder with the name of
- Run HEN-D if you are not already running it.
- Execute the idstoragechange. It needs 75% battery.
It will change some keyes of your idstorage needed to downgrade the ta-082.
- The program will exit to the XMB. Now execute the generic downgrade, which will show in the xmb
as "Update X.YX" in the psp language.
- The generic downgrader will also need 75% battery. IT will downgrade your psp to 1.50.
- At the end, it will ask you to press X to restart the psp. Do it.
- If all went fine, you'll receive a blue screen telling you to press O. Do it, and reenter your settings.
Welcome to 1.50.
- If things didn't go that fine, you'll have a non-functional psp, aka brick.
You accepted that risk, remember.
Warning: downdating always risks "bricking" your psp. So we advise that you use extreme caution.
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December 28th, 2006, 12:35 Posted By: splodger15
Art is one busy lad… Another X-Flash update for you firmware modders out there. As you may already know X-Flash allows you to customize certain aspects of your PSP’s firmware. Remove the wavy line effect, customize menu labels, game boots, sounds, backgrounds, etc… X-Flash supports 1.50 and Dark_AleX’s 2.71 SE & 3.02 OE.
v18d changes:
- Implemented the SDK Idstorage library, giving the program access to many fields of information regarding the subject PSP unit.
- Added a PSP Information screen with the possibility of becoming an editor.
- Added restore options for 3.02 OE-A, and 3.02 OE-B to both of the version spoofers.
Features currently disabled for 2.71 SE and 3.02 OE:
- XMB Menu Label editor, and custom label options.
- ^ Firmware Version Spoofers.
- Plain Black PSP About Screens.
- * XMB System Sounds.
- Some Easter Eggs won’t work because they rely on version spoofs, detailed name plate picture, etc.
- * Implemented for 2.71 SE, but not implemented for 3.02 OE yet.
- ^ All Version Spoofer is implemented for 3.02 OE, but not 2.71 SE.
As with any application that writes to flash memory — use at your own risk!
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December 28th, 2006, 12:42 Posted By: splodger15
Here is a quick and easy solution to resolve the problem when saving multiple PSOne games to your memory stick.
No more HEX editing. This version of PSP brew has proven be useful in many ways with the new firmware 3.02 OE-b. By renaming the eboot within PSP Brew, you save the problem with saving more than PSX emulated game. It has worked so far on of my own legal backups: MGS: VR missions, Castlevania SOTN, Silent Hill, Crash team racing and…Walt Disney World Magical Racing Tour.
(Insert lame excuse)
Try it out for yourselves and I hope you all have the same result.
This program also allows you to make custom backgrounds and icons for your games (being that they meet the size requirements that is). Also the program allows you to remove that annoying advert in front of your custom backgrounds about plaid pants by selecting unknown.png and pressing cancel. So no more Hot shots golf guessing.
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December 28th, 2006, 14:49 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via bkclog
heres a emulator for the 20 year old computer PC-8801 by NEC. The emualtor itself is called QUASI88 0.6.1 for PSP and it is still in beta form. For all you old fashion computer gaming lover's this is what you come to look for. Little is known of this hardware but is good to see it created for the psp.
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December 28th, 2006, 14:56 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Zalbard
here is a new convertor for the psx games. This is not a gui. It is said that this program makes it easy to convert your psx games. For one it doesnt use hotshot golf2 nor does it need the cygwin1.dll. It makes it completely simple, and it is said to run just as fast or even faster then popstation itself. The author is thinking about putting out more builds of this and we do hope so.

download link removed due to copyright infractions!
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December 28th, 2006, 15:54 Posted By: Smiths
Okay several things.
I'm reminded why I stopped PSP things simply because of the flood of CRAP that fills once something is released.
People are excited about popstation, that's awesome.
People are "releasing" ISOs on Usenet, etc. that are not modified in any way except for icons and can potentially screw up existing saves.
That's bad.
People are creating GUIs that are really nice and perty and remind me that I like to design programs that are simply simple and therefore look like poo. That's awesome.
People are forgetting that KEYS.BIN and BASE.PBP contain COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL, or are ignoring this fact, thus giving Sony even more leverage.
That's bad.
I'm all for making things easy for the end-user. I've tried to "idiot-proof" this program as much as possible. But, I like to encourage people to be able to think a bit for themselves and therefore be able to get the icons, keys, base, etc. they'll need before running my software.
If you can't do it on your own, don't use this GUI 
Rant over, enjoy most likely the last update since 1.2 currently does all the cleanup *I* need, which is why I actually designed it.
Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe
+ Added "Modify EBOOT" box
- This option lets you modify an already compiled EBOOT.PBP's ID/Title after the fact
- See "Modify EBOOT Mode" for more info
*Modify EBOOT Mode
This is useful for all the PSX_TO_PSP "releases" appearing that are not altering the save files properly. You can download them, load them in thi program, and modify their values before (or after) they are on your card.
Scenes always flood with garbage at any breakthrough... cleaning up messes is needed.
1) Check the "Modify EBOOT mode" box
2) Select "Fetch Existing EBOOT ID/title"
3) Notice the EBOOT's current ID/title appear at the bottom. NOTICE IT! EYES!
4) Edit the Disc ID boxes and Game title boxes as you desire
5) If the new values are not the old ones, notice the NEW BUTTON APPEARS
6) Click it and it'll tell you what you're changing. Hit "OK" and it'll change like *SNAP* that!
7) You know it changed if the ID/Title boxes refresh with the new values
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December 28th, 2006, 16:38 Posted By: tsurumaru
new easy downdater via csfreakno1
Hi, all Files are included, with README.

This is a easy downdater for ta082 psp's running on firmware 2.71. This program makes it easy to set up the downdater for quick use. Please read the Read me!
Warning: Flashing always risks bricking your psp. Use with caution!
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December 28th, 2006, 16:52 Posted By: tsurumaru
source code via Dark_aleX
Well this may be of interest to some scene goers. Dark _Thug "coder" of the fake 2.80 downgrader for TA082 (released a couple of weeks back) hijacked a release thread in another forum saying that Dark Alex had stolen his code in his new TA082 downgrader release.
Dark AleX, 0okm and others had already looked at Dark_Thugs release and found that it was in fact a copy of DAX's earlier downgrader with only minor changes that fortunately made it not execute on TA082, as it contained no changes to the ID data and therefore would have bricked TA082s!!!!
Anyhow its clear Dark_Thug has some sort of vendetta against DAX and as such people should be aware of the official Dark_AleX sites in case something similar to the fake site Brickers occurs again.
Dark_AleX delayed the release of the source due to these problems but here it is:
Dark_AleX is currently looking at whether the 2.80 downgrader from 0okm and TA082 downgrade processes can be combined so as to give a TA082 2.80 downgrader but give the man time!
be aware that there are some users through-out the homebrew scene out to brick psp's. We advise that you only go to www.dark-alex.org to view his projects, as there are other users that use his name to put out "bricker" programs. Thank you!
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December 28th, 2006, 17:51 Posted By: sonic3d
The new unoffcial instrulator! release by me im working with Vermillion but he just dont know it yet...
I didnt feel like waiting for these new features so i added them myself and thouhgt maybe i should release it? well here it is!
I have added Guitar!
and Piano! still works in progress but its getting over my head! so ill leave this update to for updating! lol
i do NOT by anymeans take credit for this program I did not make it simply added to it!
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December 28th, 2006, 19:38 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy
new release via the_nemesis
the_nemesis has released a nice little windows app he wrote that allows to easy sorting of your PSP Game icons on your PSP.
PLUS! It allows you to hide your corrupted icons with a click of a button!
It’s as simple as that! Take advantage of this nice stand-alone app.
SCI. (Source Code Included)
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December 28th, 2006, 20:06 Posted By: The_Ultimate_Eggman
new release via Booster
It's now Boosters time to shine in the festive holiday hacking season with a new build of Devhook! From what we can see there are several changes and v3.03 firmware is definitely supported! Enjoy
As always dcemu is only interested in the fw emulation side NO ISO talk...
Obtain a dump using the new dumping toool for 3.03 posted earlier this week...
As far as i know any running 302 OE-b need not worry as psx game support should be pretty much on par (if not better on custom fw) with 303..
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December 28th, 2006, 20:07 Posted By: splodger15
This is just a small update to X-Flash here is what Art has done.
- Fix to the information screen selection for 1.50 firmware PSPs.
- Implementation of TA-082 PSP mainboard detector in the Information screen.
As always flashing has a risk of bricking.Although i can say this is very safe
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December 28th, 2006, 20:34 Posted By: Nikolaos
new release via weltall
Now we’re talking business! weltall with another great release of CWCheat for 3.02 OE POPS (the PSX emulator). Included with Revision D is a new cheat engine supporting direct CAETLA / Action Replay / Game Shark codes; it should be 2.41+ compliant so you’re able to cheat your favourite PSX games directly (without modifying codes), like this:
_S SLUS_00664
_C0 xenogears: debug mode
_L 8004F34C 0000
_C0 xenogears: max money
_L 8006EF58 967F
_L 8006EF5A 0098
_C0 bart max attack
_L 3006DAE4 00FF
0.1.6 REV. D for 3.02OE/POPS
included two versions one with caetla/AR/GS codes 2.41+ (Suggested for users) and one with cwcheat codes
a new caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ cheat engine was written from scratch. This permits you to use CAETLA/AR/GS codes without modifying them at all
the db was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.db, the config was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.ini
now the game is recognised by cwcheat and proper cheats are loaded from it. the id of the game is something like SLES_12345
the 0x aren’t required to input AR/CAETLA/GS codes so just put the code directly eg: _L 80015648 FFFF
now the photo folder is created if not present this avoid crashes if it’s missing while doing the screenshots
fixed a bug with the brightness function
code types supported 80, 30, 10, 11, 20, 21, 50, D0, D1, D2, D3, E0, E1, E2, E3, C0, C1, C2
the cheat searcher function search in the psx ram only and outputs psx code types
the dump function dumps only the psx ram
reorganised various part of the code
- source: consoleworld
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December 28th, 2006, 22:20 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Linkman90
heres what Linkman90 had to say
Well, as many of you know, I am working on a project called RPlatformerG, however, that has been going rather slow lately, so I decided to make this. If anyone has ever played Maple Story, odds are you have heard of Omok. If not, Omok is sort of like Tic-Tac-Toe, only it is on a 15x15 grid, and you need to get 5 in a row. It might sound boring, but it can be really challenging. Find a friend to play this with, and learn the patterns.

As I stated in the read me, this is the creation of:
10 hours of coding
20 hours of debugging
2 hours of banging my head against the wall
A 1 year addiction to Maple Story
1 Can of Full Throttle Fury Energy Drink
Here is the really sweet thing about this game. You can actually make your own Game Pieces and Boards to play on. I made it fairly simple to do, and many of the things can even be animated!!! I hope to see some nice looking boards and Game Pieces comming out of this!!
-Fix Music Sputtering
-Add AI
-WiFi (Infrastructure) Games
-Animated Boards
Comes with:
-4 Premade Game Pieces
-1 Premade Game Board
-1 Song
Enjoy, and please, make some boards, because man, the one I made sucks.
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December 28th, 2006, 23:05 Posted By: splodger15
Aserto has just released a little application for use on your Windows PC to help organize your PSX EBOOTs on your memory stick into a naming format you wish to give it, rather than the default title. If you don't want all your games to be called "hot shots golf" then this may be just the right application for you. Being able to change the GameID of a PSP compatible PSX game has always been present, but until now required the use of a hex editor which not only requires expert knowledge but a reasonable amount of time. With this application you can change the GameID of your PSX titles quickly and with little fuss.
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December 29th, 2006, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
A Sony rep has claimed to Destructoid that demo PS3 units in kiosks across the country were built to freeze up on purpose. From the article: "We do that so that people won't play it all day long," he explained. "Specifically during Motorstorm, we made it freeze up a lot
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December 29th, 2006, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster

According to a supposedly leaked Best Buy internal memo, each store has a mandatory 25-unit quota they need to save for 12/31. Anything excess units can be sold whenever, but the local circulars will advertise each Best Buy having 25 units in stock for people to buy on New Year's Eve.
We don't have confirmation of this, but we've seen them do this kind of thing for Wiis and Xbox 360s, so a big Sunday Sale isn't out of the question.
via gizmodo
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December 29th, 2006, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
Here's a much better version of the Final Fantasy Tactics PSP trailer than the one we posted back on the 17th. While this one lacks the festive castle ambiance and the people walking by it, it makes up for it by being able to be heard.
Seeing "The Zodiac Brave Story" flash across the screen while that theme plays never fails to give me chills. What I had thought were 2D cut scenes now look to me to be 3D with hand-drawn textures overlaid. I already own two copies of FFTactics for the PS1 (original and Greatest Hits) and now it definitely looks as if I'm going to have to get a third. And a PSP. Curse you, Squeenix
Trailer via link above
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December 29th, 2006, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
Not all news is bleak for Sony, well, at lest for its former console the PS2. Many analysts and industry execs predict that the trusty, all-time sales leading PS2 will likely outsell the PS3, 360, and Wii in 2007, and maybe even into 2008. Business Week has the scoop: "Despite all the hype surrounding the PS3, its predecessor is likely to outsell it for two more years ... The PS2 probably has the capacity to sell more than any other gaming console."
I personally saw shoppers buy up PS2s and Guitar Hero like nobody's business during the holidays. Good times are to be had by all on the console for a while longer. Can you hear that? ... It's the sound of a worthy cow being milked.
via joystiq
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December 29th, 2006, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
It's hard not to get caught up in the doom and gloom of Sony's status quo. You know, the one where the PS3 can't catch a break and is rumored to be experiencing waning demand despite a short supply. Enter one level-headed writer over at Amped News who gives the company and console the benefit of the doubt based on recent history and some much-needed logic.
Author Anthony Perez in an article entitled "Hasty Conclusions: The Fate of the PS3 and Wii" profiles early PSP and GameCube buzz to what would eventually become lackluster systems for most gamers, and a poor PS2 launch that would later become the beginning of the most widely purchased home console to date. So keep hope alive despite the PS3's controversial launch.
Perez also reminds us that enthusiasts like you and I are merely a minority in mass gaming culture, you know the one where Madden consistently is the top selling game in the US contrary to what is covered in the press. From the article: "Sony still has the definitive brand in gaming and to the average mainstream consumer that's all that really matters." So what's the doom and gloom conversation really focused on: The fact that Sony may have blown its 70% PS2 market share, or the long-shot of a chance that the PS3 may have seriously jeopardized the company's gaming business? There I go getting all hasty again...
via joystiq
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December 29th, 2006, 01:36 Posted By: wraggster
New from Play Asia

Official licensed control pad
Twelve action buttons in arrangement of the original PS3™ Pad
Analog stick and 8 direction button
The Logitech® ChillStream™ technology helps keep your hands cool when gaming gets really intense. Three speed settings allow you to adjust the ventilation force of the integrated fan. No matter what you play, or how you game, ChillStream™ lets you play longer, play harder, play cooler.
Buy here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1nw8.html
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December 29th, 2006, 02:56 Posted By: carish
new release via Nems
The Name is Sinucos coded by Nems.
I don't know in which categorie we can put it but it's a pretty good game.
It support a lot of languages : English , French , Spanich , German and Portuguese (Readme both in french and English).
Best regards,
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December 29th, 2006, 03:46 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via weltall
This release has a new cheat engine for psx games which supports directly CAETLA/AR/GS codes it should be 2.41+ compilant so you can use cheats directly in this way:
_S SLUS_00664
_C0 xenogears: debug mode
_L 8004F34C 0000
_C0 xenogears: max money
_L 8006EF58 967F
_L 8006EF5A 0098
_C0 bart max attack
_L 3006DAE4 00FF
plus now the game is being recognised (and cwcheat will be available only after the data which permits this is written which happens after the playstation logo).
so enjoy all functions are forced to use the psx ram else you can use the other prx called cwcheatpops-cwcheatformat.prx which uses cwcheat code format and gives access to all the user ram
NB: db and configuration were moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/
the db is called cwcheatpops.ds, the config cwcheatpops.ini. remember to set the prx to 333 and save configuration.
-included two versions one with caetla/AR/GS codes 2.41+ (Suggested for users) and one with cwcheat codes
-a new caetla/AR/GS 2.41+ cheat engine was written from scratch. This permits you to use CAETLA/AR/GS codes
without modifying them at all
-the db was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.db, the config was moved to /seplugins/cwcheat/cwcheatpops.ini
-now the game is recognised by cwcheat and proper cheats are loaded from it. the id of the game is something
like SLES_12345
-the 0x aren't required to input AR/CAETLA/GS codes so just put the code directly eg: _L 80015648 FFFF
-now the photo folder is created if not present this avoid crashes if it's missing while doing the screenshots
-fixed a bug with the brightness function
-code types supported 80, 30, 10, 11, 20, 21, 50, D0, D1, D2, D3, E0, E1, E2, E3, C0, C1, C2
-the cheat searcher function search in the psx ram only and outputs psx code types
-the dump function dumps only the psx ram
-reorganised various part of the code
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December 29th, 2006, 03:50 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via tinmanx
You might need to "chmod 777" the file to run it, but it's been tested for both OS's and works. A PowerPC version might be coming soon, stay tuned.
Basically this allows you to use popstation on a linux and apple computer.
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December 29th, 2006, 03:51 Posted By: Smiths
So yeah, not final since apparently in 1.2 I wasn't actually... modifying the eboots.
Missed a HEX, I did.
This suit burns better, look.
Oh and FYI: New discovery re: Multiple games sharing mem cards.
Two games can use one "memcard1.dat" if the SLUS IDs are the same AND the "Title" is DIFFERENT.
It is not advised though... XPort tried using "one memory card for all" in his PCSXBOX for xbox and it's just far more simple to have separate files.
(For reference, I loaded Symphony of the Night, made it to a save room, then changed its Game Title and SLUS to what I was using for Jumping Flash. In Castlevania's Save Manager, it showed the upper-right block of Memory Card 1 as "Used")
By the way, in the above scenario, the savegame file in the XMB was still for Jumping Flash; a new one was NOT created for Castlevania (proof of "sharing")
Smiths' Popstation Frontend v1.2.2
Smiths, www.emuholic.com
I rise from the ashes to whip up a little thing to help out with popstation.exe
+ fixed the Modify EBOOT to -- ya know -- actually MODIFY the EBOOT 
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December 29th, 2006, 06:18 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Edison Carter
CheatDevice for VCS runs as a PRX, so you need to run VCS through DevHook to use it. Install the PRX by running CheatDeviceInstall.exe or read the instructions in readme.txt if you prefer to do it by hand.
After installing, wait at least 30 seconds before turning off USB or pulling out your memory stick. The PC caches your changes and doesn't write them out until a while later. If your memory card gets corrupt, use "chkdsk /f X:" I advise against saving your game after using cheats. Please note that when you spawn vehicles, you are using a game cheat that will lower your criminal rating!

Version History:
Construction Mode
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December 29th, 2006, 06:23 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Piccahoe
directory path changer by piccahoe for linux and windows
thanks to freeplay for mentioning (in #noobzot) that you could hex the name of the folder in the eboot.pbp
What this does:
-Lets you have more than one psx game on your psx
-Fix Game Saves (?)
How to use this:
1. Put this in the same folder as the eboot.pbp which you was created by popstation or the alternative program. (forgot the name sorry!)
2. After you converted the file from iso to pbp using popstation or the alternative program (forgot the name sorry!)
3. click on patch.exe or goto konsole if you on linux type patch.bin
4. it will tell you to enter the new name of the directory. Enter a new name like blahblah (9 char max).
5. wait till it finish! it will only take a sec!
6. turn on your usb using your psp
7. goto /psp/game and create and folder and name it the same name you enter in the program the example name above was blahbalh so
you have to create a folder name blahblah
8. put the eboot.pbp into the folder that you created along with keys.bin and document.dat
Other infomation:
This program was coded in linux, compiled with g++, the windows version was compiled with dev-c++.
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December 29th, 2006, 08:43 Posted By: kando
Enjoy all! Here it is! Video at:
CIntro Modifier V.1.02 & CIntro Flasher v.1
Coded by kando
Based on some code from Coldbird, Art & Lordsturm
Readme by kando
Concept by kando
Crediting @ Team FWI
v1.02 Decided to include CIntro to avoid problems, seems some versions were different.
v1.01 changelog: added delay from splash screen to restore screen to fix a small bug.
-This program modifies either version 0.1 or 0.2 of piccahoe2k@hotmail.com's CIntro program.
-----I M P O R T A N T-----
^^ cap sensitive
-CIntro is an eboot that runs pmfPlayer.prx to play any PMF file on startup if enabled through firmware.
-This program places all of the CIntro files into FLASH1, modifies the eboot to work in there,
and modifies the firmware to autoboot FLASH1:/EBOOT.PBP instead of MS0:/PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP on startup.
-With this mod, CIntro gets permanantly flashed to FLASH1 so that with or without a memory card,
the intro PMF movie will play on startup. Effectively, this replaces the sony coldboot screen.
-Extract the 2 folders in this release into whichever folder is your 1.50 kernel
(GAME or GAME150)
Once thats done...
2) Place all CIntro files from the ROOT of the zip file to Memory Stick ROOT - MS0:/ (ms0:/EBOOT.PBP ms0:/pmfPlayer.prx ms0:/INTROCFG.INI)
3) Find your favorite PMF file (up to ~3.0 MB when no background is set through photo in xmb) and
rename it to INTRO.PMF and stick it in ms0:/
4) now that you have your 4 files in ms0:/, run the "CIntro Modifier" program included in this release.
5) once the installer is done, turn off your psp. turn it back on and go into RECOVERY mode.
6) go into "Configuration"
7) ENABLE "Skip SCE Logo"
8) ENABLE "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP (no u dont have to have that made on ms0)
9) Turn off your psp. Remove your memory card. Turn on PSP. Sit and be amazed!
-Run CIntro Flasher (Included in the release) to flash ms0:/INTRO.PMF or ms0:/INTROCFG.INI to FLASH1.
1) Re-Run CIntro Modifier
2) It will say press CROSS to uninstall...simply press CROSS
3) Go back to RECOVERY mode and DISABLE "Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP"
-Files are backed up to MS0:/PSP/ once the program is told to uninstall, so you dont lose anything!
-The program will detect this and will restore your previous working intro.pmf, or
if it is checking during installation of the mod, will stop the installation and uninstall.
-omfg use google for cryin out loud.
-if used with a battery with < 1% life, yes.
Shoutouts to (in no order of importance except for the first one): Dark_AleX, projekt, deuce, brentp, FoG, Jordan, HellDragon, MikeDX, Train2335, FreePlay, NOPx86, x3sphere, cyanide, LordSturm, birdman, jamesbdx, busta, Feli, Fragtastic06, Nomo, MY MOM, MY DAD, jas0nuk, TheBuzzer, poohter, Fanjita, Ditlew, Team Noobz, Mathieulh, Ell, mr_dank, vb_master, all who joined irc.toc2rta.com #psp, all my friends IRL, ColdBird, holmz, weltall, moca, Art, MaTiAz, and anyone i happened to miss  -------------
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December 29th, 2006, 10:15 Posted By: wraggster
via engadget
Hard to imagine, but it's been over two years since Sony unleashed the PSP (at least in Japan), so it stands to reason that we're due for a little upgrade, right? Well, it's difficult to tell precisely what's going on due to the machine translation, but Samsung introduced its new N-Series line of 1.8-inch hard drives today and there's some indication that a 60GB version of the drive may end up in a future PSP. With any luck we may see a proper announcement at CES next month -- we definitely would not kick a 60GB PSP out of bed -- but for right now we're just trying to figure out exactly what Samsung announced today.
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December 29th, 2006, 10:27 Posted By: wraggster
Better known as Wonder Boy in the west (or, for one console port, Adventure Island for you NES owners), Sega and Westone's arcade and console platformer-cum-action RPG is getting a proper Sega Ages compilation, due to hit Japan in March.
Unlike the earlier Sega Ages games, this looks to be another fine collection of classic old-school Sega games at a budget price. The collection will include:
- Wonderboy (Arcade)
- Wonderboy in Monster Land (Arcade)
- Wonderboy III: Monster Lair (Arcade)
- Monster World II (Game Gear / Master System)
- Wonderboy V: Monster World III (Genesis)
- Monster World IV (Genesis)
Don't expect this to hit stateside, like pretty much every other decent Sega Ages game.
via kotaku
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December 29th, 2006, 10:56 Posted By: wraggster
New from SuccessHK

Product Features of Playstation 3 Cooling Fan for PS3
Double turbo centrifuge cooling fan
Use with PS3 USB port
Effectively reduce the console temperature
What's inside the box of Playstation 3 Cooling Fan for PS3
Specially designed forPS3 game console, unique shape and nice appearance.Two powerfulcooling fans inside the vertical stand can expedite the ventilation for the console and lower the temperate of the console. Therefore it can prolong the life of the console.
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December 29th, 2006, 10:56 Posted By: IamAbe
Posted by yigytugd on the Playstation.com PSP forum:
It has been announce on numerous sites that a redesigned PSP will be at E3 and available for the christmas season. This is still not comfirmed but Sony has said in mag articles that it might hit early '08. But updates will continue for the original PSP. Remember this is not PSP2(or as said) just for now a better version. (Im on my PSP so links will be up later)
Link to original post: http://boardsus.playstation.com/play...ead.id=2731225
This seems to tie into wraggy's post about Samsung's 60Gig HDD...
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December 29th, 2006, 13:16 Posted By: splodger15
Nope, the image isn't fake. And yes, it is a screenshot of a hacked XMB. Are you interested yet?
We know our handheld's XMB looks fine and well already but changes are sometimes good. As much as you don't want to be wearing the same clothes every day and eating the same food every meal, we are pretty sure you don't want that for your PSP either. XMB Icon Hacking is a Lua application created by homebrew coder kgsws.
As the name implies, the application allows for changing icons on our XMB. It was originally made for 1.5 FWs. Although kgsws isn't sure if there will be complications with other firmwares, he suggested just the same to use custom ones so as to avoid problems.
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December 29th, 2006, 17:33 Posted By: wraggster
Unconfirmed reports of the PS3 being exploited, heres the info from the site:
Once again the GODS @ Paradox have released another PS3 iSO dump as follows: MotorStorm_JAP_PS3-PARADOX and from the NFO File comes the following hints today:
| cOMPANY : SCEI | rELEASE DATE : 27 Dec 2006 |
| sYSTEM : PlayStation 3 | sIZE : 120 x 100mb |
| tYPE : Racing | vIDEO MODE : NTSC/JAP |
| sUPPLIER : Huey Lewis | cRACKER : Wireless B/G? |
| mEDIA : BLU-RAY | pLAYABLE : Yes they are |
| |
| Happy new year to all members who helped in the past and present! |
| And a question to all, is there a bug in the system software from |
| the playStation 3(R) Yes there is Nothing to add more.. |
Maybe this will lead to full on homebrew support for the PS3?
As usual No ISO Discussion in our forums
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December 29th, 2006, 17:37 Posted By: wraggster
via guidetohometheatre
The PS3 unequivocally earns its keep as a BD player for a home theater environment, although the non-gamers among you will certainly want that optional Blu-ray Disc remote. It's not quite good enough on standard DVD playback to unseat very good, up-to-date, standalone DVD players, but in all other respects it earns top scores.
Compared to Samsung's BD-P1000 and (briefly) Sony's BDP-S1 as BD players, the PS3 is superior in absolute picture quality to the former, and more than holds its own with the latter. And it kills both in terms of startup and disc access speed and overall ergonomic prowess and stability. It's just bullet proof, and aside from being the coolest looking piece of gear ever, it's the only next-gen player so far that behaves like one in every respect. And of course, its connectivity and audio decoding features are tops too, although you really need an AVR or pre/pro equipped with HDMI 1.1, or later, to unleash its potential.
All of the above would be enough to earn the PS3 a rave review as a BD player even if it were on par with the prices of the standalone BD players. But it's not- even the upscale $600 PS3 is by far the least expensive BD player available.
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December 29th, 2006, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
Previously available only in arcade and PSP formats, Namco Bandai's Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection has been released in Japan as a fully digitally distributed PS3 title over Sony's PlayStation Store.
Running at full HD (in up to 720p or 1080p) at a promised 60 frames per second, the new version of the 7th iteration in the long-running Tekken series makes boss character Jinpachi Mishima playable for the first time.
The Dark Resurrection download weighs in at 830MB, and is available for 2000 yen ($16.80) on Sony's Japan store, and $125HK ($16.07) on the Hong Kong store. The U.S. will likely see its own version of the game appearing stateside in due time, but no announcements have yet been made.
via gamasutra
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December 29th, 2006, 17:44 Posted By: wraggster
Random news-monger, Nearby Networks, claims that the PS3 was the most sought after item this holiday season by online shoppers. The near-meaningless press release goes on to put the Wii in the fourth place slot, just after the uber-coveted Nissan Maxima. Take that, Nintendo! And, of course, the Xbox 360 is bested by the mighty Subaru WRX... certainly this is more proof that superior Japanese engineering will always prevail against Microsoft. Here's the Top 10:
1. Sony PlayStation 3
2. TMX Tickle Me Elmo
3. Nissan Maxima
4. Nintendo Wii
5. Boondock Saints movie merchandise
6. Subaru WRX
7. Xbox 360
9. Apple iPods
9. Suzuki GSXR
10. Computers
What in the world is Boondock Saints?
via ps3fanboy
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December 29th, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
via chubigans
Microtransactions sounds like a dirty word, perhaps because we associate it with things like paying for content we had gotten for free before (I’m looking at you, Madden) or perhaps paying for outfits that adds virtually nothing to the gameplay (darn you Viva Pinata!).
But there is a bright side to microtransactions...and that’s the ones that you actually feel like paying for. The Co-op for Blast Factor coming in January is a good example...if that runs at a good price, I’m all for adding it to my game.
It seems devs are ready to add content to their games, but there’s a huge, major factor in deciding whether or not to create more levels or add-ons to a network game...and that’s obviously the performance of sales. Gripshift for the PS3 is set to get some neat add-ons in the future such as a track editor, and of course I’ve mentioned the Blast Factor expansion. Heck, Go Sudoku already has several packs available to buy online. But what about future and present games already on your hard drive?
One team, Team 17 to be precise, is ready to dish out more content for Lemmings PS3:
“We're dead chuffed with it...hopefully it'll be so successful we'll get to do some more level packs/additions for it!”
flOw, set to release in January, has some plans to evolve over time, or as IGN reported:
“Future updates are also supposed to include multiplayer or other modes, and ostensibly the game will continually be updated on a monthly basis.”
What does that mean exactly? Well, here’s what Kellee (president of thatgamescompany) said earlier this fall:
”At launch only localized multiplayer will be available, but I will say I think it is soooo much fun! I can't wait until we can execute an online multiplayer mode - if people respond well to the local version, I think we will have a good argument for Sony to do it.”
That was back in October, and seeing as how IGN reported the future update part in December...perhaps Sony was convinced. They did buy the company, after all.
It’ll be interesting to see how these games expand...it seems to be heading in a different direction than Xbox Live Arcade. Whether or not devs pull through and deliver is something that we’ll have to see for ourselves.
Like I said...it should be interesting.
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December 29th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Shine has posted a new OpenGL Version of Lua Player for the PSP and PS3, heres the full details:
I've started to rewrite Lua Player with the SCons build management and based on OpenGL for all graphics output. For the PSP it uses pspgl, which has some limitations (see #ifdefs in common/LuGL.cpp). I have tested it on a firmware 1.0 and 1.5 PSP, but it doesn't use kernel mode, so it should work with other versions, too.
For Windows and PS3 all OpenGL functions should work (but currently textures are not implemented). The Windows version is compiled with Visual Studio .Net and should not need any Cygwin or other library (except the system libraries and opengl). The PS3 version should work on every 64 bit PS3 linux.
You can download all binaries and source code from http://www.luaplayer.org/LuaPlayer-OpenGL-preview4.zip . A sample animation is included in script.lua, which you can change. This is also very good on Windows or PS3 for learning OpenGL: Open script.lua in an editor, open a command line and after saving the script, restart the program. Hit Escape to exit the program.
Crrently o PSP the 3D rendering is very slow and the graphics looks wrong. Maybe someone has an idea how to fix it.
Would be nice to port it to Linux X11, too. Should be not too difficult: See common/luaplayer.h for the list of functions you have to implement and examples in the psp, ps3 and win32 implementations. On startup you have to call luaplayerMain, then the functions you provide will be called.
Download Here --> http://www.luaplayer.org/LuaPlayer-OpenGL-preview4.zip
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December 29th, 2006, 18:29 Posted By: wraggster
Shine has posted a new OpenGL Version of Lua Player for the PSP and PS3, heres the full details:
I've started to rewrite Lua Player with the SCons build management and based on OpenGL for all graphics output. For the PSP it uses pspgl, which has some limitations (see #ifdefs in common/LuGL.cpp). I have tested it on a firmware 1.0 and 1.5 PSP, but it doesn't use kernel mode, so it should work with other versions, too.
For Windows and PS3 all OpenGL functions should work (but currently textures are not implemented). The Windows version is compiled with Visual Studio .Net and should not need any Cygwin or other library (except the system libraries and opengl). The PS3 version should work on every 64 bit PS3 linux.
You can download all binaries and source code from http://www.luaplayer.org/LuaPlayer-OpenGL-preview4.zip . A sample animation is included in script.lua, which you can change. This is also very good on Windows or PS3 for learning OpenGL: Open script.lua in an editor, open a command line and after saving the script, restart the program. Hit Escape to exit the program.
Crrently o PSP the 3D rendering is very slow and the graphics looks wrong. Maybe someone has an idea how to fix it.
Would be nice to port it to Linux X11, too. Should be not too difficult: See common/luaplayer.h for the list of functions you have to implement and examples in the psp, ps3 and win32 implementations. On startup you have to call luaplayerMain, then the functions you provide will be called.
Download Here --> http://www.luaplayer.org/LuaPlayer-OpenGL-preview4.zip
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December 29th, 2006, 18:36 Posted By: wraggster
We announced earlier that Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection had hit the Japanese PlayStation Store earlier than anyone had expected. After a couple of hours of playing through the game, we're happy to report that this is easily the best surprise ever.
Based on the latest arcade version of the highly popular fighting series, Dark Resurrection for the PS3 delivers with a number of improvements, including high-res graphics and a new playable character in Jinpachi.
The graphics are definitely a notch above the arcade version. Even when not played in the supported 1080p resolution (eds note: stop going out with the housewives, Andrew, and you might be able to afford one of those fancy new Bravias), the difference is noticeable to anyone who has played the original material extensively. In addition to sharper textures, it also seems that the characters are a little bit bigger, but that may be our eyes playing tricks on us.
Of course, the high res graphics also makes things stand out more. It's easy to tell that this game is based off a last-gen title just from the amount of geometry being thrown around, and the simplicity of the textures compared to current gen games. Not that it's a huge problem, but don't expect this to stand up to newer titles that are just being released. After all, the original Tekken 5 was released to arcades about two years ago, with Dark Resurrection following in 2005.
The addition of Jinpachi is a nice little bonus though, although he doesn't look like his end game form at all. Rather, Namco used the model that's used during the cutscene before the boss fight. Jinpachi has a ton of awesome moves in his arsenal, and they're all searchable via the in-game command list. Included in the moves that are at Jinpachi's disposal are an uppercut reminiscent of the traditional Mishima Godfist, a swipe that bounces prone opponents off the ground and into the air, and a hit throw that pushes enemies back. The latter, thankfully, doesn't give Jinpachi any additional energy like it did when he was a boss.
There are only a few modes in the game; it's decidedly lackluster compared to the PSP version. There are the traditional Arcade and Versus modes, as well as a Ghost mode which allows you to fight Ghost A.I. of real fighters. We're assuming that you'll be able to download ghost characters in the future but that's not available right now.
There's also a Gallery option, where you can unlock illustrations and CG movies from the Tekken 5 series. Oddly enough, these goodies are not part of the game's 800+ megabyte initial download. After you've decided to purchase these items using Tekken money, the game contacts the server for the download. The CG movies, sadly, are not new, as they are directly from the PSP version of Dark Resurrection.
In addition to the new character and visual updates, the PS3 rev of Dark Resurrection has also streamlined things a lot, combining the character select screen and the item shop into one, so that you can equip and purchase your items after you have chosen your character. While this is similar to the US versions of Tekken 5, it's totally different from the Japanese versions.
Are there any other bonuses that have been included? Not really, but what can you expect from a $20 purchase? The game has been visually upgraded and looks leagues better than the arcade version, and it's arcade perfect as far as character balance goes. Although only those with Japanese credit cards can purchase the game, an international release shouldn't be too far away, since it's assumed that Namco wants this game out before Sega's Virtua Fighter 5 hits stores in February. Keep checking your local PlayStation Store, just in case Dark Resurrection makes a surprise appearance just like it did in Japan.
via ign
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December 29th, 2006, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
New release from Swordman:
Hi all! I'ts a bit since my last (and first) release. Now I'm releasing a small library to load the OBJ models on the PSP.
Im posting here fot 2 main reason:
1) I can't post in release section (I'm sorry for posting in the wrong section);
2) I need feedback on the lib. If someone more expert than me could take a look at the implementation and give me advices on better coding/implementing/etc I'll be very happy. I'me here to learn, and if possible, help others to learn
Thanks all!
I apologize again for posting in the wrong section
Here is the link to the file:
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December 29th, 2006, 19:28 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
Pfft... the sun. It's so overrated. Sure, it gives us the heat the planet needs in order to sustain life, but dammit... it gets in the way of some fine outdoor gaming sessions. Thankfully, the Glare Shield will help get rid of the problems caused by that pesky source of vitamin D.
Not only will the Glare Shield protect the screen from the harmful rays of the sun, it'll give you the privacy you want in a much less... conspicuous way.
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December 29th, 2006, 20:02 Posted By: wraggster
m0rkeulv has released a new GUI for the conversion of ISOs for the Popstation release by DarkAlex.
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December 29th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: cools
PSP Monopoly Public Beta #2 is Released!
By: XiGency, LiquiFire, & cools

Main Title Screen


This is a Two-Play Monopoly clone for the PSP. Its human vs. human (No real AI yet). 3 Major Issues (not really bugs)
- Cant Auction
- Cant buy deeds after being sent to it.
- If you land a property that you own, it will say press start to end your turn. Press Square then Start. (Don't ask...)
Controls are basic, Usually the game will tell you what to press. To bring up the menu press the L and R Trigger buttons. To select anything in the menu (or sub-menu) use Cross (X). Everything in the Menu works! Thats right! You can Buy a House, Mortgage a Property, TRADE Properties, Save the Game, and Quit! They should all be fully functional!
So the bulk of Monopoly is now done! There are a few things here and there that are missing (as noted above). I did have an MP3 Player, but it was taking up a lot of the CPU and the sound quality was bad, same result when I re-did the Mod-format Player. (Sign of Bad Code) This project will be discontinued for a while (again). I do have some plans to finish it (like fully finish with AI and stuff). If Ad-hoc does get implanted into Lua Player, I MIGHT add it to it, I really didn't want to add infrastructure (even though it would be cool) because people wouldn't stick around for the whole game. There is no end to the game! As you can see, it is possible to go into negative amounts of money! You can play the game however you want. (Play to $5000, to $-2000, all properties are sold, whatever!)
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December 29th, 2006, 22:30 Posted By: Vega
new release via Quake
Quake's Extreme Link for Windows allows you to easily manage your PSP's media content -- music, photos, videos, etc... Also manage your homebrew, game saves, and keep track of your high scores. v1.3.0 includes support for PSX POPSTATION conversion and CWCheat db management.
v1.3.0 changes:
Main - Images:
1. Added EBOOT Icon
2. Added PBP Extension
1. Added Easy GAME150 Folder Creator
2. Added Easy GAME302 Folder Creator
1. Added Compression Value Save
2. Added Version Info Viewer
1. Added Folder change. - 3.02 OE-A Compatible
2. Added Folder Maker. - For PSX games
3. Added More Menu’s
1. Proper props to the coders.
POPstation: - NEW
1. Select POPstation.exe Directory
2. Select Game IMG. - Inside the POPstation directory
CW Cheat: - NEW -
1. Added Cheat Insert
2. Added Cheat DB
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December 30th, 2006, 01:12 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via charnold

the changes:
- a Mac version
- ingame music
- weapon damage / enemy life can be changed
- level selection in the main menu
- renders more texturecolors than the last versions (the engine can now convert to pixelformat 4444, 5650, 5551 and 8888)
- textures not loaded into vram are rendered much faster than in previous versions
- mipmaps can be switched on/off per maptexture
- now possible to install several mods parallel on the psp (Dungeons folder name can be changed)
- a new level
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December 30th, 2006, 01:29 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via Xandu
Hey folks!
A little update to my Super Mario Power Coins which includes:
-Bug fixes.
-Smoother Mario movement.
-Analog Support.

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December 30th, 2006, 13:30 Posted By: wraggster
via slashdot
Kotaku has a great piece up looking at trends over time in the PS3 grey market. Michael Fahey has been tracking the falling prices for Sony's new console, via sales on eBay and other markers. He called around to stores as well, getting a feel for the number of returns and current availability of the console. His conclusions:
"As it turns out my gamer instincts and the threat of hordes of angry readers steered me clear of potential disaster. Aside from a couple brief spikes, there is no way I'd have been able to pull off the television, and I know damn well I would have waited for Christmas like so many others did, only to lose even more. The moral of this story? There's no such creature as a sure thing. The majority of eBay prospectors walked away from this experience with that lesson burned into the back of their brains. My suggestion for the future? If you want to gamble, go to Vegas. If you want to invest, try mutual funds. Leave the video game system buying to the gamers. We'll all be happier for it. "
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December 30th, 2006, 13:36 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku
The PlayStation 3 analyst hate train just keeps on rollin' with research analyst Michael Comeau's latest piece for TheStreet.com. It's the typical fare, dogging Sony for their pricey inclusion of the PS3's Blu-ray drive and taking Sony to task for losing precious third-party exclusives (including the former time-exclusive Grand Theft Auto) like Guitar Hero and Virtua Fighter 5.
But Comeau's warning that Sony will lose market share combined with the fact that the PlayStation business has "provided more than 60% of Sony's operating profit despite hovering around 10% of overall Sony revenue" should give shareholders and Sony execs cause for concern.
I happen to love my PS3, but even my software attach rate is a meager 1:1.
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December 30th, 2006, 15:20 Posted By: gunntims0103
new release via KingSquitter
A little GUI for popstation that lets you change images, save id and title.
Place all the normal popstation files (BASE.PBP, KEYS.BIN and popstation.exe) in the "files" folder before use.
cygwin1.dll have to be in either c:\windows\system32 or in the "files" foler.
Don't have any other files than cygwin1.dll, BASE.PBP, KEYS.BIN and popstation.exe in the "files" folder.
since you need the files, there are no copyright infractions ENJOY!
* Fixed bug that made memory stick led flash to much.
* Added PAL 2 NTSC fix. (Based on info from CoNsOlEmOdDeR, thanx)
* PBP files can now be Previewed.
* Dont have to re-add all pictures when editing PBP files.
* PBP files are now 100% editable. All info in them, except the iso, can be changed.
* Can automatically add pictures based on Game id. Add pictures in Pics folder. (Check readme for some more info)
* Can use bigger pictures and sound files, in bytes, then files converted with only popstation.exe.

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December 30th, 2006, 15:44 Posted By: splodger15
news via jeux-france
It is safe to say that Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is Sony's "go-to guy" in the land of the rising sun. We mentioned a couple of days ago that the game sold around 100,000 copies, just 24 hours after it was released. Well, when we're talking about a star player, we don't want rough estimates. We want the actual statistics, down to the most minute fraction.
According to Media Create, a total number of 178,370 copies of Konami's stealth game was actually sold in Japan during the week before Christmas. Despite this impressive number however, the game only came in second to DS title Pokemon Diamond. But then again, we're talking about Japan here and we know that this is Pikachu's territory. A second place outing is not that bad. Really.
The complete list of the software and hardware sales for December 18 to 24 in Japan is as follows:
- Pokemon Diamond (DS): 209,379
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP): 178,370
- Pokemon Pearl (DS): 164,670
- New Super Mario Bros. (DS): 154,107
- Wii Sports (Wii): 152,756
- DS Lite: 485,584
- Wii: 279,277
- PSP: 138,588
- PS3: 76,882
- PS2: 46,209
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December 30th, 2006, 23:39 Posted By: splodger15
Weltall has informed us that he's back with another revision of CWCHEAT called CWCHEAT 0.1.6 Rev. E for 3.02OE/POPS. The name's still long, but that doesn't matter because in this version, you can finally load the memory cards from your PSX and PS2 emulators onto your PSPs.
According to weltall, these mem cards are stored and loaded in the ePSXe format. This means that you can load them directly using the best emulators out now (ePSXe, pSX) or convert them using any decent mem card management tool.
You can also use tools such as DexDrive to extract your saved games from your PSX memory cards or extract the single saves and put them in the ps2 with applications like ulanchelf. To do the latter, weltall says that you need to use psxmemtool to "extract the mc as ps1 remove the 0x80 header so it starts with SC and put the name you see in the header as the file name."
CWCHEAT can store up to 256 memory cards per game. They are identified using GAMEID-MEMCARDNUM.mcr. Here's an example from weltall: "for the first memory card of Xenogears which has id SLUS_00664 it will be SLUS_00664-0.mcr." These memory cards will be stored in /seplugins/cwcheat/mc and can be easily loaded to slot 1 or 2 by selecting the corresponding option.
Here's the changelog for CWCHEAT 0.1.6 Rev. E for 3.02OE/POPS:
fixed a little thing which for some game could make cwcheat not loading the id correctly
fixed the directory were the db is saved from the cwcheat interface now it's saved in the correct folder
new folder "mc" under /seplugins/cwcheat/
fixed some reported things here and there
BUILTIN SUPPORT to loading/saving epsxe (mcr) memory card to/from the psp emulator!!!
in this way you can load your own game saves from pc or psx/ps2 on the psp and vice versa! 
but also go over problematic points in games.
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December 31st, 2006, 01:50 Posted By: MasterChafed
This is a pack of only a few of the original icon/background pack that MikeBeaver first released, but also includes Atrac3 files that I ripped, resized, and converted. This is for use with the psx2psp converter. Readme included for the rest of the information.
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December 31st, 2006, 02:15 Posted By: mavsman4457
I often find myself looking for different Popstation threads and finally figured that someone should organize them. So why not me? Anyways, I hope this helps, gets stickied, and gets updated.
Simple Popstation GUI (Image, save and title support) (v.0.7)
Yet Another GUI for Popstation v1.0
PSX2PSP v0.7: a new converter for PSX games
Smiths' Popstation Front 1.2.2 - No, Really this time...
popstation for Linux and Intel Mac OS X
DCEmu official guide - how to install 3.02 OE-A, then to OE-B, to run PSOne Games
Popstation Icon_Sound pack.
DCEmu Dark Alex/Popstation Compatibility List
PopStation Icon and Picture thread
Pixelstation web site: popstation backgrounds and icons - highest quality
If there are any that I missed please tell me. I will try to add the new threads as new Popstation related things are made but I might forget so if you want to remind me that would be fine.
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December 31st, 2006, 02:25 Posted By: wraggster

News from SuccessHK of a pricedrop of the Import Price of the Playstation 3.
The 20gb PS3 now retails for USD 564.00
The 60GB PS3 now retails for 601.00
The great thing about SuccessHK is that they ship to Europe as well but best to use Airmail to avoid customs charges.
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December 31st, 2006, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster

Linkers4u.com have posted the sale of 2.71 Firmware PSPs on their site for a price of 220 Dollars or around £110, excellent for those who want to play popstation or if people want to downgrade to firmware 1.5.
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December 31st, 2006, 11:53 Posted By: splodger15
So what's in the latest episode of PSP hacking 101? They discuss which particular PSP's are good to buy, give a run-through of which firmwares can run homebrew, show how to install and Run Devhook 0.52, inform you folks how to install 3.02 OE-B, and how to to subscribe to Audio and Video Podcasts with the RSS Reader. You can watch the video HERE
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December 31st, 2006, 15:28 Posted By: wraggster
Via gamescentral
So the “next gen” format war is upon us with two sides lined up, ready to take your money for your fourth version of Full Metal Jacket (I can’t believe that you actually got it on Laser Disk…what were you thinking). If you are like most people, you are wondering a couple of things, the first being why would I want to buy another version of Full Metal Jacket, and is the $200 add on drive for the 360 worth the money, especially if I already have the PS3? More importantly, which one of the two (the PS3 or 360 HD DVD drive )looks and performs better. This article will attempt to answer these questions with background and information, as well as present evidence to why the ultimate conclusion was reached.
What is the difference between next gen and current gen?
Well, with Blu Ray and HD DVD, you get the picture that the creator intended. This is full, uncompressed motion picture glory brought to you in up to 1080p resolution with true 16x9 widescreen support. Compare this to the current gen of DVDs which offer only 480p and although they do offer widescreen support, it is not “true” in the sense that it is not output in 16x9 format. DVDs, and anything that is broadcast in 480p is actually a compressed signal that is stretched by the display that is projecting it. This causes image degradation and coupled with the fact that current generation movies are limited to, at the most, 9 GBs of space to work with, and that is the reason why artifacts (those little digital square thingys) and picture noise are so common on DVD.
Next Gen disks have much more space to work with, and will therefore (if the transfer is good) nullify any artifacts and noise as well as increase picture depth, color intensity, black level and clarity. If you have watched TV in HD and then switched to the standard feed, you will experience an exaggerated version of what I am explaining. DVDs have better quality then standard TV, but HD DVDs and Blu Rays have better quality then HD TV, so the comparison is not completely crazy.
OK, so that question is answered (I hope) and I have piqued your interest. Well, your second question (one of multiple parts) is why are their two formats, what is the difference, and which one (and player) is better? This is the “money” question, and the reason that I have written this article. You see, unlike most sane people, I have both HD DVD (in the form of the Xbox 360 add on drive) and Blu Ray (in the form of the PS3) players and I am going to try and answer all of your questions while staying completely unbiased (I am not a 360 fanboy even if my previous story on the 360 HD DVD drive was featured on a site by that name).
Why are there two formats?
Remember the debate between Beta Max (a Sony format) and VHS? Well if you don’t, those were the two formats that battled it out to be the first home video, with VHS being the ultimate winner (there are still plenty of bad jokes made at the expense of poor Beta Max). The funny thing is that when Beta Max was introduced, it was highly touted as a superior format sporting better quality, and although this was true, it was ultimately the arrogance of Sony that caused its demise. Sony has been behind a few of these proprietary blunders (MiniDisc, UMD), always attempting to push new formats on consumers that must be played on Sony players, and the comparisons in this generation are warranted.
With Toshiba being the leader of the HD DVD camp, and having numerous other companies supporting their format, HD DVD has already been called the winner. This may be a little presumptuous as Blu Ray has many backers as well. The real issue is not that there are two formats, but rather that not all studios are supporting both formats. The war was almost avoided, but the two sides were unable to come to an agreement and the confusion to the consumer began. The war may be pointless, however, as there are reports of players capable of playing both formats being released in the not to distance future, so there may be never be no clear winner.
So what is the difference between the two formats?
This is a question that I have attempted to answer in my previous two write ups of the individual players, so this may be a bit of a rehash. I find that the best way to show not only what each drive is capable of, but to also showcase their differences is with the following chart.
More at the link above
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December 31st, 2006, 15:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres the Sony PS3 timeline for this year, and im still pissed at losing Lik Sang:
Feb. 27th, 2006 - Sony misses it's Spring launch date
May 8th, 2006 - Sony holds it's E3 conference announcing the pricing of the PS3 at $600/$500
May 8th, 2006 - New PS3 controller will have six degrees of motion, but no rumble feature. Sony's Phil Harrison states that rumble was last gen and no longer needed.
May 31st, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison denies copying the Wiimote and states that the PS3 will replace the PC
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 is delayed in Europe until March 2007
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 launch shipment is cut from 2 million to 400,000 in the US (100,000 to Japan)
Sept 8th, 2006 - Sony's President admits that the company's hardware is in a current state of decline
Sept 26th, 2006 - PS3 first-party titles announced to be the same price as third party titles, at $59.99
Sept 26th, 2006 - Square Enix will not exclusively support Sony's PS3 as much as they did with the PS2.
Sept 29th, 2006 - Sony's President Ken Kutaragi states that his company does not care about the Xbox 360 and Wii competition.
October 12th, 2006 - Sony Exec calls the 360 and Wii "too expensive"
October 19th, 2006 - The infamous spec sheet comparison and how Sony claims the Xbox 360 requires HD-DVD to play games
October 20th, 2006 - Announced that Sony may have to replace your PS3 controller for you after it no longer holds charge
October 24th, 2006 - Sony sinks Lik-Sang
October 26th, 2006 - Sony's Q2 profits decrease by 94%
October 28th, 2006 - Sony president Ken Kutaragi said he expects the PS3 to be capable of running games at a stunning 120fps
October 30th, 2006 - PS3 will push Sony $1.71 billion into the red
October 31st, 2006 - Japan launch of the PS3 is cut to 80,000 units
Nov 8th, 2006 - Sony ships without update. You must update your PS3 out of the box in order to use PlayStation Network
Nov 9th, 2006 - NBA Live 2007 is cancelled on the PS3
Nov 9th, 2006 - Oblivion is pushed back from launch title to Jan 2007
Nov 10th, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison states that he can no longer confirm a March 2007 launch for Europe
Nov 11th, 2006 - PS3 launches in Japan and rewards few
Nov 11th, 2006 - Sony unprepared for Japan launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - Sony will miss 400,000 unit target for the US. Approx 150k to 200k will be shipped for launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - PS3 has backwards compatibility problems
Nov 16th, 2006 - PS3 downscales 720p games instead of upscaling to 1080i
Nov 16th, 2006 - Sony's Jack Tretton comments on the PS3 BC problems and states that the Wii has 0 backwards compatibility
Nov 20, 2006 - NYT not impressed with PS3
Nov 21, 2006 - PS3, PSP Rainbow Six held till '07
Nov 23, 2006 - Saving Sony, one console at a time
Nov 26, 2006 - More PS3 exclusives head to 360
Nov 26, 2006 - Bloomberg: Sony missed PS3 ship targets
Nov 30, 2006 - Sony shuffles senior execs
Nov 30, 2006 - Analyst: "I cannot imagine a PlayStation 4"
Dec 4, 2006 - Sony Australia: Wii "More Fun" than PS3
Dec 8, 2006 - Court rules for Immersion; Sony to pay up
Dec 11, 2006 - Industry watchers weigh in on "record-low tie ratios" for Wii and PS3 and other results from the month of the new systems' debut.
Dec 19, 2006 - Time says PS3 was a bust
Dec 21, 2006 - Virtua Fighter 5 dukes it out on Xbox 360
Dec 21, 2006 - Sony filed a patent for wiimote style hand-held controler
via gamespot
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December 31st, 2006, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
via Fox
A criminology professor says SWAT team raids are usually reserved for high-risk situations to prevent suspects from arming themselves or destroying evidence.
David Klinger is an associate professor at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis. He was talking about the death of Peyton Strickland on December First in Wilmington.
Strickland was was shot as New Hanover County's Emergency Response Team, a SWAT equivalent, raided his house to arrest him in connection with an attack in which another teenager was struck with a blunt object and robbed of two PlayStation 3s.
Strickland was unarmed.
In the Strickland case, the team was requested by the University of North Carolina Wilmington police, who were investigating the PlayStation robbery.
They had seen an image of another of the suspects and two other men posing in pictures on the Internet with a shotgun, assault rifle and handguns. They considered that suspect likely to be armed.
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December 31st, 2006, 15:49 Posted By: wraggster
Pocketgamer have put up a list of why the PSP will rock in 2007, heres the summarised top 10:
1) New PSP
2) New Peripherals
3) EU PS3 Release
4) Price Drop
5) Downloadable video content
6) Gran Turismo Mobile
7) Technical Improvements
8) MGS Portable Ops
9) Nintendogs and co
10) Sony refocus
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December 31st, 2006, 16:32 Posted By: splodger15
wbb has just updated his Space Invaders 2600 homebrew game to the final version, adding a few code tweaks and optimization to this great game. Space Invaders 2600 Final features different play modes including Time Trial, and the ability to view, save, and load replays. wbb has assured us that any replays you have from the previous version should still work, so don't worry about overwriting the original EBOOT.
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December 31st, 2006, 17:18 Posted By: wraggster
via thestreet
After more than a decade at the top of the video game heap, during which it sold more than 200 million consoles, Sony is set to be knocked off its firm position as King of the Hill because of its flawed PlayStation 3 strategy. This is only one of many reasons to avoid shares of the consumer-electronics conglomerate, but it's certainly the most important.
Sony's video-game business is easily its crown jewel. At its best, it has provided more than 60% of Sony's operating profit despite hovering around 10% of overall Sony revenue. Given that Sony is almost certainly going to lose market share, the company's profitability will be dragged down dramatically.
This state of affairs means Sony's historically lucrative video-game unit is very likely to lose its luster over the next few years as Microsoft and Nintendo gain market share in this segment. Plus, one must consider the generally tough state of the consumer electronics business, given how competitive businesses such as high-definition televisions have become. With that in mind, it is nearly impossible for me to come up with a bullish case for Sony.
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December 31st, 2006, 17:20 Posted By: wraggster
via ps3fanboy
We're calling this a semi-fix because not everybody has their television set up like I do (in Athens, not at home... this one rocks out with HDMI and such). A while back, we did a short investigation on the YouTube video claiming PS2 games look a lot worse on the PS3 -- in my particular case, it appears to be true. Kind of. Yes, there are a lot more jaggies and oh, goodness, the text is atrocious. There is, however, light at the end of this tunnel. I'll tell you how my TV's set up to quickly repair the damaged graphics.
All right, so currently my PS3 is connected to my TV via the HDMI and those cruddy composite cables -- the yellow, white, and red. Why both? Because my TV has channels dedicated to both. When I run a PS2 game on the HDMI channel, yeah, it looks bad. So what do I do? Go to my Display Settings and swap the PS3 back onto the 480i channel -- the channel most PS2 games were probably meant to be seen in. I think that's the problem -- PS2 games didn't plan on getting their resolutions increased so drastically. Anyway... so I swap it back to 480i and re-load the PS2 game and guess what? The text is gorgeous and the graphics look fine. I think. They don't look perfect, but it's a lot better than the HDMI shows.
You guys can go ahead and test this if your TV is prepared for the journey of multiple wires. Or computer monitor, which I know a lot of you swear by (and rightly so, it seems)! Let us know if this works for you. In all seriousness, though, it doesn't bother me that much. If I can still enjoy the gameplay, I don't mind having a jaggy sword, or funny-looking handrails. Perhaps Sony will strive to fix this in the future, but for now, keep your PS2 hooked up if it gets too unbearable.
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December 31st, 2006, 17:23 Posted By: wraggster
via zeegzaag
With their third home console, Sony has launched their online service, the Playstation Network Platform. An attempt to match the popularity and success of Microsoft's XBOX Live, which is already four million members strong.
One thing that completely sets them apart from eachother is the price. Microsoft's XBOX Live Gold is about $50 annually, meanwhile the Playstation Network platform is FREE. It may be free, but this doesn't make it the better of the two. PNP does complete it's main objective, and this is just simply getting you online and playing your favorite Playstation 3 titles. In fact, it executes it pretty well too, I can be playing a 20 v 20 match on Resistance with no lag whatsoever. Aside from that, PNP is just missing all those little features we have come to take for granted everyday with XBOX Live. These being voice messaging, private chats and customizing your own profile. Not to mention the absence of a unified friends list. Of course, Sony is probably hacking away at these issues somewhere, but that fact that these were absent out of the box is dissapointing. The Network will once in a while go down due to an excessive amount of people on the server ( which is the cause of error 80710D23 when logging in). It may sometimes even take 5 attempts before you can actually log in, but thankfully this isn't very common.
The Playstation Store is Sony's version of the XBOX Live Marketplace. Both contain demos,game + movie trailers and arcade titles. Although, the XBOX Live Marketplace has full TV shows and Movies for rent. You can probably expect something similiar from Sony(maybe even music) , due to the fact that they own several movie studios and record labels. The Playstation Store is made more like a website, so if you do not have a USB/ Bluetooth keyboard + mouse then it might become a bit annoying navigating it with the sixaxis controller. The one thing that really sets these two apart is that the XBOX Live Marketplace uses "Microsoft Points", while the Playstation Store uses the currency of your home country. The bad thing about the Microsoft Points is that you have to buy them in small/ big packages. So if you only want to buy a gamerpicture which is 20 points( $0.25), then you must buy the smallest package of points(400 points, which winds up costing you a whole $6.25). Also, another cool feature on the Playstation Store is the ability to buy PSOne games, to then put on your PSP.
I must give Sony kudos for integrating a browser onto the PS3. This actually works pretty well, wether you want to check your yahoo email or watch Youtube videos. It defianetley reminds of the PSP's browser, and oddly enough the same " out of memory ' alerts are present(those who have the PSP know what I'm talking about). You can do all the usual here as on Internet explorer or firefox which includes saving files, bookmarks, having several tabs on at once, except that reading text on web sites is not that easy on the eyes, as it offers little in the way of anti-aliasing. I definitely suggest sticking with a USB/Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, because I can guarantee you will go mad using the Sixaxis controller to type. Overall, this a great edition to the PS3 and definately something I wish that the XBOX 360 had. Although the PS3 browser does not stack up to what can be done on Yellow Dog Linux for the PS3(which I will be installing tommorow)
The one huge plus of XBOX Live is the ability to have your very own gamercard. This includes a gamer picture,21 character motto, your rep, gamerscore, country, your "zone" and all your games played with the achievements you got in each game. An awesome feature it is, giving everyone a disinct identity.
In my opinion, the thing that makes XBOX Live so great is that I can be playing in the campaign of Gears of War and my friend "MasterPlayer 360" sends me a voice mesage asking me to play an online match in Saints Row with him. While still in my game, I push the guide button and quickly listen to the memo. I send him a private chat invite and we babble while I continue to play my game of Gears of War and he's in his match in Saints Row. Then he can join my game through clicking "Join Session in Progress" on my profile, and voila, we are playing side by side in the Gears of War campign. Then after a while he say's , "hey man, I gotta go eat some dinner", and he drops out, still leaving me in my own game by myself, nothing is lost or neither does it exit my session when he leaves.
Overall, these are two good online gaming services which get the job done by deliviring a lag free game experience and an awesome virtual store.Both services will get a case of "the hiccups" every once in a while. but as of now, my vote must go to XBOX Live. Despite it's $50 annual price tag, it definitely satisfys you with awesome customization features, the ability to download tv shows and renting of movies from the marketplace and over 100 great XBOX live titles. Granted the Playstation Network Platform has only really been out for a month + few days, but it feels a bit bare boned, with the exception of a cool web browser. If Sony wants to match the excellence of XBOX Live then they have along trek uphill.
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December 31st, 2006, 17:31 Posted By: wraggster
via chubigans
There’s a lot of things the PS3 can do...and as we move into the next generation, there’s a lot of competition with what format looks better, which console can pump out the best visuals, and so on. While the jump from DVD to Blu-Ray or HD-DVD is pretty huge for those with capable HDTVs, the jump to next-gen audio has been rather quiet.
While the debate over which format can deliver the best visuals continues, there’s one thing that’s clear: Blu-Ray has an advantage in the audio department, delivering uncompressed PCM audio that’s unlike anything I’ve heard. Today I’ll show you how to get the next-gen codecs in your living room, what you’ll need, and what to watch out for.
What is Next Gen Audio?
With the new HD formats of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray come some audio formats that are new to home theater. Here’s the breakdown of previous and future codecs:
Dolby Digital 5.1 & DTS: These are the standard codecs found on almost all DVDs. DD5.1 is common among new DVDs and games alike, and is the most widespread. DTS tracks are found on quite a few DVDs, and even a few games (GTA: Vice City for the PS2). All you need is an optical or coaxial cable to enjoy these formats, and most HD-DVDs and BD movies include a standard DD5.1 track.
DTS-HD Master Audio: This is the new DTS codec for the next gen formats. Every single Fox Blu-Ray release has a DTS-MA track...in fact, nearly all of them only have the DTS option. Now here’s the interesting thing: there is not a single product on the market today that supports DTS-MA. Even the PS3 can’t decode this codec at the moment, but the March firmware is confirmed to update the PS3 to DTS-MA specifications. Even with that in mind, you still need a reciever to decode DTS-MA, and there’s not one available right now. Heck, there’s no Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player on the market today that supports DTS-MA!
Here’s the good news: DTS-MA is simply converted to an improved DTS format read by virtually any player and receiver if the MA format isn’t supported. You’ll still hear the benefits of the DTS-MA track, but even moreso once the hardware is in place. Kudos to Fox for supporting a future proof codec that isn’t even supported on the market yet! (although all things considering, I’d still enjoy a PCM track more).
Dolby TrueHD: The standard codec found on all HD-DVDs but only a handful of Blu-Ray discs (well, just one BD title actually- Legends of Jazz). While this track is still compressed, it delivers a more robust audio experience that is a big step up from DD5.1. The HD-DVD drive for the 360 cannot support this codec due to lack of HDMI, but instead converts the format into DD5.1 that is still a step up, but not “TrueHD.” The PS3 does not support DTHD right now (it will be added via the March firmware) but instead converts the DTHD track into PCM 5.1 audio (only via HDMI). Basically both the 360 and PS3 support this codec, but not in a “true” sense for either console. Still sounds great regardless.
Uncompressed PCM 5.1: Found on a large number of Blu-Ray discs but not supported on HD-DVD, uncompressed PCM 5.1 is simply that: an uncompressed version of the film’s standard 5.1 to 7.1 soundtrack. While that doesn’t sound too exciting, believe me when I say PCM 5.1 is a joy to hear. I’ll post my own experiences in a second, but here’s what many reviewers of BD and HD-DVD discs have to say about PCM audio:
”Buena Vista continues to aggressively support uncompressed PCM soundtracks on its Blu-ray releases, and I say cheers to that. With so much talk about new audio formats such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD (which are indeed great, make no mistake), it is easy to forgot that plain ol' PCM can produce some the best sound around.”
”If you haven't heard uncompressed PCM you really don't know what you're missing. I haven't heard anything from DD, DD+, True HD or even DTSHD quite on the same level. Of course the later can currently only be based on hearing the core DTS on DTS MA tracks from Fox. And I'm not convinced that the TrueHD tracks that I've heard were the best the codec can do. Regardless, PCM has delivered the most transparent audio presentations I've ever heard even at 16bit. It's like listening directly to the master tapes. Or so I imagine.”
” Buena Vista rolls out the red carpet with an uncompressed PCM 5.1 surround track at 48kHz/16-bit. What impressed me most were the quietest moments...'Flightplan' definitely delivers some of the best atmosphere I've heard yet on a Blu-ray release.”
” I have little doubt that the uncompressed PCM 5.1 surround track on this disc easily stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the best soundtracks I've heard on either next-gen format.”
”PCM again lives up to the hype, preserving a broad, open transparency with newfound detail and clarity that DVD just can't touch.“
While DD5.1 tracks for DVDs have been compressed to fit, PCM audio allows them to breathe. It’s like listening to an MP3 you downloaded off Limewire & then listening to the same track on the original CD. Another comparison would be listening to a movie with earmuffs on, and PCM audio taking those muffs off, allowing you to hear subtle details like the rain pitter-pattering on the windshield, the hum of an elevator as it moves upwards...if you think I’m exaggerating, believe me, I’m not. It’s incredible how much uncompressed PCM turns your room into a living, breathing environment. It’s almost like going from 5.1 to 20.1.
So now that you know the codecs, let’s see how they get transferred.
The Audio Connection
There are three ways of hooking up your PS3 for audio: using RCA cables (red and white), using optical out, and using HDMI. I guess you could consider using a RF cable as a fourth choice, but if anyone has their PS3 hooked up in this method, I will track them down and destroy them.
RCA cables only allow for Dolby Pro Logic, which is what Wii owners will have to enjoy for the next four or five years until the next Nintendo system comes out. It “simulates” having surround sound without actually providing true tracks for each speaker. Some games on the PS3 (actually all of EA’s sports crapola) only support DPL.
Optical out can carry DD5.1 and DTS tracks to your receiver, providing a much clearer, enjoyable sound. I highly recommend using optical cable, as the results are VERY noticeable. Optical only has enough bandwidth for PCM 2.0 uncompressed, resulting in uncompressed stereo sound (stereo? Meh!). To get the full PCM 7.1 experience, you’ll need...
HDMI. This can carry the next gen audio formats such as DTS-HD MA, Dolby True-HD and uncompressed PCM 5.1-7.1 audio at a full bitrate. The only other method of getting these codecs is through analog out, which is not supported by any console on the market today (but is supported by stand alone HD-DVD and Blu-Ray players).
The nice thing about the PS3 is that you can choose to use component for your video out and HDMI for your audio (at least that’s how it should work in theory, as I cannot confirm this for sure).
So, now that you know all that, it’s time to dive into the more confusing part: the different specifications of HDMI.
The HDMI 1.3 Tech
Over the years there have been updates to HDMI, due to it’s digital nature and high bandwidth. The newest upgrade is 1.3, which results in all kinds of neat things that you can read about right here.
The fact is, many HDTVs don’t support 1.3 because of it being so new. Many receivers don’t support 1.3...well, actually, none do at the moment. In fact, the only thing on the market as of November that supports HDMI 1.3 is...the PS3.
If you plan on getting a new HDTV next year, it might be wise to put off buying that receiver as well. When you hook up your HDMI cable from your PS3 to your receiver, then hook up another HDMI cable from the receiver to the HDTV, you will gain the config of the weakest HDMI link in the chain. So, if you were to hook up your HDMI 1.3 PS3 to a receiver that only supports 1.1, then hook that up to a 1.3 HDTV, you’d only gain the 1.1 performance.
Another thing is that many of the cheaper receivers listed here do not support 1080p...you’ll need to invest in a higher-quality receiver that may range in the upper thousand area.
Now here’s the kicker: HDMI 1.3 is needed to get DTS-HD MA and Dolby TrueHD. However, according to the official HDMI website, 1.3 isn’t actually required for these codecs:
”HDMI has the flexibility to transport these new high definition, lossless audio formats in either an uncompressed PCM stream, or as an encoded stream. PCM stands for Pulse-code modulation and it is a standard way to encode digital audio in computers, consumer electronics, CDs, DVDs, etc. Both Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD, as well as DTS Master HD bitstreams are transportable over all versions of HDMI as decoded PCM. HDMI supports the highest quality uncompressed PCM audio at 192kHz, 24 bits per sample.”
If you just have a SDTV, or an HDTV that only goes up to 1080i, then you’re more ready to invest in a HDMI receiver than most. So, let’s get started!
Receivers, Receivers, Receivers.
First off, make SURE that the receivers you’re looking at have HDMI-decoding capabilities. You do NOT want a receiver that only has pass through HDMI...it essentially carries the HDMI information from one device to another, without touching it. You want a receiver that has full HDMI decoding.
My receiver that I’ve gotten is the Onkyo 604 (~$375), though a cheaper choice is the Panasonic XR-57 (~$275). There’s a great thread on receivers right here.
The Benefits of HDMI-Audio
When I first booted my PS3 up in HDMI audio, I noticed a difference. It could be because I was using a low-end Sony receiver before, but everything sounded a bit sharper and clear. Keep in mind I only replaced the receiver; I was still using the same speakers and subwoofers.
The real difference came with Blu-Ray. I popped in Black Hawk Down, turned on uncompressed PCM audio, and sat back to see what this baby could do.
Audio is an interesting thing. When I first got my HDTV and saw the first image in 1080i, I could immediately see the difference. It was sharper, clearer, better, perhaps even three-dimensional. With audio, it’s not quite as evident the first time you hear it. When I heard uncompressed PCM audio in Black Hawk Down, I thought...yeah, that sounds pretty awesome. Then I stopped paying attention to the movie and focused directly on the sound, switching to Dolby 5.1 and PCM 5.1 to compare a scene every now and then.
The results are pretty amazing. When you’re in a helicopter and your speakers are outputting in standard compressed DD5.1, it sounds good. You can tell the rear surrounds have kicked in and it’s not much of anything aside from some ambient noise.
I had a friend over as I showed him that scene in DD5.1...he said, ok, yeah? And? Then I turned on PCM audio and replayed the scene. The results were clear...you were IN that helicopter as the blades whistled above and the hum of the huge engine over the ambient war noises in the distance, which had my friend say, “Whoa! We’re in the helicopter!” Indeed, if you were to close your eyes, it feels like you’re really there.
The funny thing is, PCM showcases all of the smaller scenes that you wouldn’t think of. Sure the action is intense all the more with PCM, but it’s even more clear just how good PCM is when nothing is happening. Take another scene in Black Hawk Down when the troop goes down a quiet alley, and a bullet hits a soldier’s gun that takes off a few fingers. In DD 5.1, it’s not an event at all aurally...but in PCM audio, you’ll hear the quiet alley and the footsteps of soldiers in the dirt until...QUA-PLANG! A huge striking sound of bullet to metal breaks the small silence and a gunbattle erupts. As soon as that happened, I thought, “now THAT’S what I’m talking about!”
So far the only Blu-Ray disc I own that has uncompressed PCM is Black Hawk Down, but I’m getting Enemy of the State and Lady in the Water next week. I’ll be sure to update the blog with more impressions of uncompressed PCM audio...but as it stands, it’s pretty amazing!
PCM/HD Codec Support
So, what Blu-Ray titles have next-gen audio? Well, it doesn’t actually vary from title to title...it varies from studio to studio.
Both Sony and Disney/Buena Vista have uncompressed PCM audio in all of their releases. You can absolutely count on any title from these two studios to have a smashing soundtrack. Fox is going the DTS-MA route...so far, most all of their titles only support this codec, even though current hardware doesn’t (but that doesn’t stop the titles from sounding great!).
Paramount hasn’t made the jump to any of the new formats, instead opting to just include the DVD 5.1 tracks over to the new next gen formats. While some titles still sound stellar (MI3) it’s still no excuse for their lagging behind.
Warner is in the middle of some controversy right now. All of their HD-DVD releases have Dolby TrueHD, but they’ve quietly dropped that track when making the same titles for Blu-Ray. Superman Returns, for example, has TrueHD on HD-DVD but only DD5.1 on Blu-Ray. Why?
Things are starting to turn around however. Their recent Sorpranos HD-DVD and Blu-Ray boxset has uncompressed PCM audio for BD, but oddly no HD audio support for HD-DVD. Whether or not this will carry over to their movies is unknown, but if they release Batman Begins with just a DD5.1 track on BD then there will be hell to pay for sure.
PCM, much like MPEG-2, is a space eater. Uncompressed tracks could go as high as 6-15GB of space on a BD disc...but this is no problem when studios use BD-50s for their format of choice. Some have made that jump, others are lagging behind...just make sure you read up on the info of a BD disc before making the plunge to buy!
Should I Make the Jump to HDMI Audio?
So that’s the main question...should you spend $300-400 dollars on a receiver for uncompressed PCM audio? It’s not too tough of a question. First, ask yourself...will you be using the Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 for movies? Do you plan on buying many BD titles in the near future? If the answer is no, then getting a HDMI receiver shouldn’t be a priority right now. I’m not sure what the technical limitations are for having uncompressed audio in games, but I’m willing to bet it’ll put a damper on hardware performance until devs can really get a hold of the PS3. It might be a year at the least before we see next-gen audio in games.
After asking those questions, ask yourself...are you willing to spend around $400 to have sound that is even better than current DVD audio? If the answer is yes, invest in a HDMI receiver. If you’re very happy with DD5.1 or DTS, then perhaps the investment can wait another day.
Me? I’m glad I made the plunge. I can now experience movies the way they were meant to be seen and heard...and it’s better than anything I’ve ever seen. Or heard.
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December 31st, 2006, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
via pspfanboy
The Ivalice Alliance is strong: Final Fantasy Tactics makes a triumphant return in a remake, enhanced specifically for the PSP. PSPHyper has some gorgeous scans of the latest issue of Famitsu, showing off the game's new cutscenes and yes ... gameplay too. What a great way to end the year look forward to the next!
Scans at psphyper
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December 31st, 2006, 18:06 Posted By: wraggster
Art has posted a new release of his Firmware Modification app for the PSP, heres whats new:
X-Flash V18f (31/12/06):
- Implemented flasher with write verify for topmenu_plugin.rco
files of all supported firmware versions.
- File flasher can only write topmenu_plugin.rco files, and only
of sizes that match 1.50, 2.71, 3.02, and topmenu_plugin.rco
file with new icons as output by kgsws's program for 3.02SE.
- Fixes to PSP Information screen,
and red screens that display some startup warnings.
- Seven Hour XMB Label Editor works with 3.02 SE if the
new icons topmenu_plugin.rco file is flashed.
The new "Network" label that was not present in 1.50 is copied
from the "Network Settings" string that is entered by the user.
X-Flash V18f (Multi Firmware Support)
************************ MULTI FIRMWARE SUPPORT
X-Flash Feature Description 1.50 2.71 SE 3.02 OE
Debranded Coldboot Intro screen YES YES YES
Debranded Gameboot Movie YES YES YES
Alternate Coldboot Sound YES YES YES
Alternate XMB Sound Effects YES YES NO
Disable Network Update Icon YES YES YES
Disable XMB Menu Wave Effect YES YES YES
Replace Monthly Backgrounds YES YES YES
Apply Name Plate Picture YES YES YES
Install Custom Font YES YES YES
XMB Menu Label Editor YES NO YES*
Custom Gameboot Movies YES YES YES
All Version Spoofer YES NO YES
Special 1337 Version Spoofer YES NO YES
Complete Firmware Dump YES YES YES
Registry Backup and Restore Tool YES YES YES
DAX Custom Firmware Modification Tools YES N/A N/A
Flash0 Backup and Restore of mp3 file YES NO NO
Download Here --> http://www.sendspace.com/file/idtjk5
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December 31st, 2006, 18:09 Posted By: wraggster
New Sound system for the PSP, heres the details:
Get unbelievable sound from your PlayStation Portable ™ System. Completely better than the rest, there is no competition when it comes to filling a room with crisp clear audio.
PSP™ docking station with adjustable viewing angles and charging capability
Utilizes signal processing to maximize all frequencies
Contains the exceptional Class T amp with 4ohm load impedance
Dual-op remote runs both the PSP and Nodus systems
Includes a six foot 3.5mm input extension cable for gaming or auxiliary input
More Info
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December 31st, 2006, 18:12 Posted By: wraggster
The LTE Studios team have released a new version of LTE Game Engine which is now at v2.2
The main LTE Studios project is LTE Game Engine, a full featured game engine wich allow you to program your games (or applications) without having to fight with any of the pspsdk calls.
Heres whats new:
- Fixed IReadFile and IWriteFile to work with relative paths
- Added the method IVideoDriver::draw2DStretchedImage to draw stretched images.
- Added the method IAudioSound::setAutoStop(ms) to automatically stop the sound after
ms milliseconds
- Important fixes in the audio driver
- added getAbsoluteClippingRect to get the clipping rect in gui elements
- Added custom bones for Direct X meshes
- Added GUI progressbar
Download Here --> http://www.ltestudios.com/?home
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December 31st, 2006, 19:06 Posted By: wraggster
New BlueRay Player released:

Blu-ray movies playback is restricted to "Region A" coded discs
DVD movie playback is restricted to "Region Free" coded discs
Highest Definition in full 1080p(1920x1080)
HDMI™ (High Definition Multimedia Interface) Digital Interface
Up-conversion capabilities with Faroudja DCDiTM
Multi Format for DVD and CD Playback
Audio Decoding (Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Digital, DTS, MP3 Audio)
10 in 2 Multi Memory Card Slot(Memory Stick,Memory Stick Pro,Memory Stick Duo,Memory Stick Pro Duo,SD Card,Mini SD Card,Multi Media Card,RS Multi Media Card,XD Picture card,Compact Flash Card)
Today's high-definition televisions (HDTV) are capable of displaying a far greater amount of movie realism than a DVD can deliver. That's why Blu-ray DiscTM (BD) technology was developed.
Samsung presents the highest-definition playback in the world: the BD-P1000 Blu-ray Disc Player. Be among the first to view Blu-ray format discs on your HDTV. You'll marvel at the clarity and full-color spectrum of every scene, while multi-channel sound puts you in the center of the action. The Samsung Blu-ray player gives you full 1080p native output and up-conversion for your current catalog. This player also offers backwards compatibility to current dvds and CD playback.
More Info --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-1rv2.html
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