May 5th, 2018, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
The awesome multi system supporting emulator has a new release, heres what systems this release is for starting with PC, Apple Mac, Android, IOS, Playstation 3, Playstation Portable, PSVita, Xbox Original, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Raspberry PI:
RetroArch 1.7.3 has just been released! Grab it here. This latest version has also been uploaded to the Google Play Store. If you’d like to show your support, consider donating to the team. Check here in order to learn more.
RetroArch now has a WIMP GUI, powered by the powerful multimedia framework Qt! This feature is available currently for Windows and Linux. macOS users will have to wait a while longer for this feature to arrive to their platform.
The WIMP GUI works as a companion to the main RetroArch window. You bring it into view by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard. From there, you can do many tasks:
- Select a game from any playlist
- Browse the file system or any attached media storage device and load a game.
- Scan directories for content and generate system playlists.
- Associate cores to an entire playlist or associate only one entry of a playlist to a specific core
Some things we’d like to note:
- This has been the combined work of bparker and Tatsuya79 that have worked tirelessly on this for a month. We are aware of several features that we’d like to implement, such as playlist editing, grid view layouts, etc.
- We are open to feedback on the GUI.
- You will likely not see this WIMP GUI on Android or iOS (or any game console for that fact) anytime soon. WIMP interfaces don’t lend themselves well to devices that rely on touchscreen or gamepad-based controls.
- (For Linux users) The Qt GUI should definitely work on X11. If you’d like to run it on Wayland, make sure you have the appropriate packages installed for Qt5 in your package manager. Be aware that Qt 5 cannot gracefully fail right now in case a platform module/plugin is missing from your system. This means that if you invoke the companion UI by pressing F5 on Wayland, and for whatever reason the platform module that Qt relies on in order to work on Wayland is not there, there is no way for RetroArch to gracefully fail there and just not show the companion UI. There will be a crash instead. Unfortunately we have talked to some Qt developers and they see no other way around this for now. The same situation applies for DRM/KMS right now. If we can find a better solution to this, we will certainly return to it.
- (For mac Users) You will have to wait a bit longer for this to arrive to the Mac port unfortunately. Hopefully that wait is not too long.
- We would like to still improve initial bootup times for the companion UI. Right now, on first initial startup, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds (depending on your harddrive and its performance), but on subsequent boots should only take 2 seconds or less for first startup. Hopefully by resorting to Link Time Code Generation and other avenues we can shave off some more seconds off this boot time.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/r...-7-3-released/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/re...eleased.46926/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:08 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for the Playstation Vita:
Are you one that hates Sony's PSVITA logo, or even the Team Molecule logo, well don't worry with this 'manager' by scene developer @skgleba you can control and change alot of settings, check out the many improvements below with his latest version just released:
- Added "advanced options" (press triangle while in main menu)
- You can now disable bootlogo displaying
- You can now flash"broken"logo
- Added option to flash custom enso
- You can now change UI Colour
Attached below is both of his .VPK files from the Mega Download Link, installable on those running v3.60 or v3.60 PSVita devices. 
NEWS SOURCE: @skgleba (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/vi...-public.46884/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to have some PS3 News for a change:
Scene developer @notzecoxao informs us on Twitter, that ZeroTolerance has released a much better/faster version of 'ps3encdec':
notzecoxao said:
the encdec emulator supports all crypto types (NAND/NOR/ARCADE NAND/ ARCADE NOR) and, being is C, is faster than the original one (between 1-3MBps on creating decrypted/encrypted file) and this can be improved by using OpenCL or other multithreading tools.
NEWS SOURCE: @notzecoxao (via) Twitter
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps3-release-zerotolerance-has-released-ps3encdec.46867/
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May 5th, 2018, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a nice release for the PS4:
Logically, all PS4 firmware 4.05 / 4.55 (FAT / SLIM / PRO) should now be able to launch and use Manjaro Linux, which I pre-configured by default.
I have also opened a wiki page on which everyone can refer as PS4 specific documentation, and contribute to it. I also uploaded multiple videos to give you a small preview of the rendering.
And to be clear, the progress made by the latest patches of the team Psxita are very large, but we are still far from exploiting the full potential of the console on the side of the GPU, there is still work, but, it is already a good start, the homebrew scene now fully open to the PS4 as it now becomes possible to use and play most emulators without the PS2 emulator built into OrbitOS.
Similarly, we can enjoy wine for some PC games, and Steam under Linux & Windows (via wine, always). It is up to everyone to bring what he can to advance the scene on this point. As some had asked me, I also preinstalled RetroArch, with multiple emulator hearts ... You should have something to do!
I also split in two the file to restore, on one side the fat partition containing the last Eeply kernel and the initramfs which boots on Manjaro, on the other the ext4 system partition. I made this decision so that everyone can adapt the distribution to his situation, and maybe a developer will eventually find a way to boot Linux from the PS4 without having to go through a Payload.
In the videos, the OS may seem a bit slow, but in reality it's because it starts from an external hard drive, I strongly advise you to use a SSD + SATA adapter => USB 3.0 to take full advantage of Linux on your console.
You will find documentation and download links here --> https://wiki.osremix.com/fr/numeriqu...tion_4/manjaro
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ma...ailable.46864/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:01 Posted By: wraggster
New for PS4:
Soon, hopefully we will see nice PSXITARCH for v5.01, but for now the nice scene folks over at PS3ITA have assembled, basically the best 'Linux Distro' you can run on your exploitable v4.05 or v4.55 PS4 consoles, so good it runs Kodi, RetroArch and More!
UPDATE of 05/05/18: Fixed the name “Arch Linux”, added English translation (thanks to “AdZx”) and a trick to improve the FPS in some games and emulators.
Psxitarch is a linux distribution for PS4 based on Arch Linux, developed to be light, with low resource usage and easy to install.
It includes the graphics drivers (radeon drm, radeonsi) needed to use 3D hardware video acceleration, kernel 4.14.14, support for * bluetooth, * wi-fi, ethernet and USB sound cards.
- Window manager: jwm
- Terminals: lxterminal, xterm
- Web Browser: midori
- Network Manager: wicd
- File manager: pcmanfm
- Emulators/Games: steam, retroarch (MULTI EMU), mupen64plus (N64), snes9x (SNES), epsxe (PSX), ppsspp (PSP)
- Utilities: playonlinux (Gui for wine), leafpad (Text editor), htop (System monitor), xreader (PDF viewer), xarchiver (Archive manager), blueman (Bluetooth manager)
- Multimedia: gpicview (Img viewer), xnoise (Audio/video player)
- Other..
If you have installed a new program and want to make it show up in the main menu go in Jwm Config and select Updates Menu
If you want to start Steam use the voice Steam (Native), only if a game does not work use Steam (Runtime).
In Retroarch you will find only a few preinstalled cores (mame, genesis, turbograf and nes), you can install others by starting a retroarch and going to Online Updater and download cores. Some cores may require bios to function properly, copy them into /home/psxita/.config/retroarch/bios.
For those who ask, we have not included dolphin-emu in the distro because the recent versions in the repo and git do not work properly on PS4. We have compiled an old version and it seems to work with a simple “workaround” (you have to start dolphin together with glxgears), if you are desperate we can let you have it.
Kodi, has not been included in the distro for reasons of space, but you can easily install it and it should work without any modification.
Open a terminal, write in fglxgears leave the program run, start the game/emulator you want play.
Audio via HDMI is not working but there are various ways to get around this
- Use a USB sound card (found at a euro on ebay)
- Streaming via bluetooth (if working) audio (you can use bluetooth speakers or headphones)
- Use the Dualshock 4 (or the Nacon Revolution) connected via USB with a pair of headphones
The wifi or/and the bluetooth may not work on some PS4 or be unstable, the reason is not yet clear (does not seem to depend on the model of PS4)
Psxitarch supports all PS4 models except PS4 PRO.
On PS4 PRO the 3D hardware acceleration does not work, you will be relegated to that software, the reason you can find it here:
- A USB device (3.0 recommended) formatted in FAT32 of a size no less than 12GB
- Hub usb (optional)
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- The payload to start linux: Download per fw 4.55 – Download per fw 4.05
- The bzImage (kernel): Download md5: 85d3a15a22380591f5519122f436c7ba
- The initramfs: Download md5: a3e4d2e6a15fea750ed4e8cccacfa112
- The psxitarch.tar.xz file (the distro): Download md5: 26bae18ccc2e2173109a7fd954657c08
The USB device that you will use will be completely formatted, all the data will be deleted!!
- Copy the initramfs, the bzImage and the psxitarch.tar.xz file to the root of the USB device
- Connect the USB device to the PS4, if you have connected other USB devices disconnect them (you must have only one USB device connected)
- Start the exploit
- Start the payload
- Wait a few seconds, the screen should go black and then the rescueshell screen will appear
- Connect the keyboard, write: exec install-psxitarch.sh (the keyboard layout is set to US, to write the dash you have to use the key ')
- Wait until the distro is installed (you should see a long list of files that are copied to the USB), the installation time varies from USB to USB (if you are crazy enough to install the distro on USB 2.0 it should take about 25 minutes)
- After the installation the distro should start by itself and show you the login screen, if it doesnt start, write exec start-psxitarch.sh (from the next restart the distro should start alone, you will not have to write anything)
- On the login screen, enter your username psxita and password changeit
- Enjoy
We want to thank with all our heart those who have contributed and continue to contribute to the development of Linux on PS4
- failoverflow (without them we probably will not have linux)
- masterzorag
- eeply
- valentinbreiz
- Vultra
- All the guys in the discord channel Official Playstation 4 Scene
- Thanks guys !!
The distro is not free from bugs and imperfections but we hope this is a first step to make linux more accessible, hoping in the future to improve it thanks to your help.
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://www.ps3ita.it/psxitarch-linu...istro-per-ps4/
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...ation-4.46938/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nice to see the PSVita get new releases, heres the release notes:
Recently, there been alot of talk about using the 'Unity' game development engine, and now developers @SilicaAndPina have put together some handy UnityTools to make it easier to get your games up and running on your hacked/modded PlayStation Vita.
- -i Input DIR
- -o output DIR
- -f Fix the "Unsafe homebrew" bug (that prevents the game from launching if unsafe homebrew is enabled)
- -u Remove the "trial version" watermark caused by development license in the bottom right corner
- -r Remove unused files from your build
- -p Pack to "PC HOSTED" builds to .VPK
- -d Remove input directory after packing into .vpk
Also, after building a "PC HOSTED" application with UNITY. you can just drag n drop the folder onto the application and it will run: -f -u -r -p -d on it.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/SilicaAndPina/UnityTools/releases
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/vi...andpina.46937/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:06 Posted By: wraggster
Its always great to see homebrew being released on consoles and especially if you dont have to rip them to bits, heres the release notes:
RetroGamer is back with yet another one of his great emulator packages this time for the PS4 consoles! 
Hi guys, following my last update regarding the topic of a GameBoy Emulator for PS4 here is an early PS4 GBEmu Beta. Still many things to fix. Even the sound is ok under Windows Unity Editor, it does not work well in PS4. It looks to be a problem of frequencies.
Here is the PKG for downloading. I've included just one ROM which is Super Mario Land 2. Some more GB / GBC ROMs can be found courtesy of SCORPION1399 below:
Download: ED1685-NPXX51385_00-0000000000000000-A0100-V0100.pkg (58.8 MB) / GAMEBOY_1483_ROMS.rar (170.2 MB) / GBC_1005_ROMS.rar (GameBoy Color ROMs Pack - 462.8 MB)
There are 2 main things still under development:
- First one is File Manager integration to load ROMS. This is easy to do using the File Manager you could see some days ago. To complete this task it would be great some of you could do a big package of all ROMS as he can and make me available for download it. I will add it to the compilation.
- Second one will be fix the sound issue.
Hope you enjoy.
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ga...amer_74.46935/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Someone loves linux in a big way, heres more Linux News:
It is still a 'work-in-progress' project, so don't rush and update from v4.55 firmware just yet, as payloads, and exploit hosts need updating, but scene developer @C0rpVultra says its occurring and has launched his WIP GITHub page, and is busy putting together the final bytes.
hackinformer said:
It’s just a matter of time and being patient for things to happen on FW 5.01 as plenty of developers told us to stay on that FW if we cared about homebrew. Well, hopefully, today we’ll be able to finally run Linux on FW 5.01 with a little bit of compiling thanks to Vultra.
PS4 5.01 Linux Loader
A simple payload that let you run Linux on your 5.01 PS4
WORKS! With XVortex SDK (When Compatible for 5.01 ). Made by Vultra
OFFICIAL WIP SITE: --> https://github.com/Vultra/PS4Linux_5.01
ORIGINAL NEWS SOURCE: --> https://twitter.com/C0rpVultra/statu...57341027291137
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/pl...eleased.46932/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another release for the PS3 Hacking scene:
Evilnat his very popular PS3 utility SEN Enabler with support for the latest CFW firmwares and updates:
Improvements v6.0.8
- Updated Cobra data
- Added support for CFW Rebug 4.82 D-REX
Remember to use Charles Proxy now along with SEN Enabler and block three URLs (you can add more if you want), this software will minimize ban risk, but a ban is not 100% avoided on CFW. Block all these URLs on Charles or similar:
NEWS SOURCE: SEN Enabler (via) PSX-Place
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...-v6-0-8.46830/
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May 7th, 2018, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Heres some PS4 News for fans of Silent Hill:
P.T. was to the big blockbuster game to regain the glory days of 'Silent Hills' on PlayStation, but it got cancelled and then Konami tried to wipe it out for history as if it never existed in the first place, but lucky for us its been saved in dark corners of web and now we can enjoy trying out the game that will never be on our PS4 consoles that are running the popular exploitable v4.05 or v4.55 firmwares. 
Since PT demo isn't the easiest thing to find for your PS4, so I figure I would put it up for everyone to get since it is just a Demo.
This DEMO is made for PS4's running either FW 4.05 or 4.55 and using the HEN/Debugger exploit.
Released for the PlayStation 4 on 12 August 2014 as a free download on the PlayStation Network, P.T. served primarily as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, a canceled installment in the Silent Hill series. After the cancellation, Konami removed P.T. from the PlayStation Store and eliminated re-installing the game, a decision that later spawned criticism and fan efforts to allow P.T. to be re-downloaded.
Download: --> PT Demo https://drive.google.com/open?id=11g...plMJWoZHJe_Ab4(1.3gigs)
NEWS SOURCE: PS4 P.T Demo/ Fake PKG file for FW 4.05 & 4.55 (via) HackInformer
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...05-4-55.46828/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Some great news for PSVita Fans:
Vita might not have any official love from Sony anymore, but TheFlow does, and doing so also remembers most portable Sony gamers, still love the original PSP games as such he has recently updated Adrenaline twice in one day with some nice bug fixes and neat new features.
Adrenaline-6.3 brings about the following:
- The Adrenaline menu has been improved and now has an option to reset Adrenaline’s settings.
- The ‘Screen Mode’ and ‘Screen Size’ options were removed. In their place, we now separate have Screen Scaling options for PSX and PSP games. I personally think there should be some defaults that stick to specific aspect ratios rather than giving the user too much choice.
As you can see, this release has some minor features that could somewhat improve your experience especially if you play both PSP and PSX titles on your PSVita.
Adrenaline-6.2 brings about the following:
- f.lux, by Rinnegatamante, has been added. This warms up the screen’s colours so that less blue light is emitted from it and as a result, it’s easier on your eyes especially in the dark and at night.
- A bug was fixed in which PSX games no longer have framerate issues when a custom screen filter is used.
- Compatibility with ‘Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep’ English patch has been fixed as it was broken in Adrenaline-6.1.
- Other bug fixes including one that prevents certain games from crashing Adrenaline when exiting them.
Furthermore, updating Adrenaline has become a simpler affair. To update Adrenaline, extract the VPK from the link below and copy the ‘sce_module’ folder to ux0:/app/PSPEMUCFW and replace all files when prompted to do so. Obviously, you need to have Adrenaline-6 or later already installed to use these instructions.
To get Adrenaline-6.3, simply download the VPK from the link below and copy the PSP’s 6.61 PBP to ux0:/app/PSPEMUCFW after renaming it to ‘661.PBP’. You can follow the above instructions to update Adrenaline if it’s already installed.
If you have any issues, report them to TheFlow through the GitHub link below.
NEWS SOURCE: Adrenaline-6.3 released (via) Wololo
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ad...eleased.46811/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Released the other week is a new custom firmware:
REBUG have done it again and updated their REX/D-REX CFW released before on April 9th, to new version with some bug fixes! 
REBUG 4.82.2 D-REX EDITION – Apr. 16th 2018
(See below for full D-REX EDITION features)
REBUG 4.82.2 REX EDITION – Apr. 16th 2018
(See below for full REX EDITION features)
OFFICIAL SOURCE: --> https://rebug.me/official-rebug-4-82...apr-16th-2018/
What’s new since 4.82.1 REX/D-REX?
(Cobra payload updated mainly for DEX users)
(Remapping app_home to dev_usb000 is disabled by default which fixes the issue with ProDG not listing PKGs via app_home)
(VSH debugging feature is disabled for COBRA [DEX], which fixes the issue with Game Process not being attached)
*** CEX users are NOT affected by this change, so only DEX users would need this update for modding games with ProDG***
Don't forgot if you support them, to always use their official site for downloads, and to drop them some love via an donation! 
- FEATURE – Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX
(Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds) - FEATURE – ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode
(No need to install different firmware) - FEATURE – ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode
(No need to install different firmware) - FEATURE – FULL ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode
(Full Support on both Normal mode and Cobra mode) - FEATURE – QA Token compatibility
- FEATURE – OtherOS++ support enabled
(Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches) - FEATURE – Package Manager
(Replacement for the standard ‘Install Package Files’ option) - FEATURE – FSELF compatibility
(Fake Signed ELF is supported on both CEX and DEX modes.) - INCLUDED – Rebug Toolbox 2.02.16 *UPDATED
(Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility) - PATCHED – Appldr: LV2 memory hash check is disabled
(Memory protection on LV2 is disabled in higher level) - PATCHED – LV1: Disable System Integrity Check
(Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled) - PATCHED – LV1: Undocumented function 114
(Allow mapping of protected memory) - PATCHED – LV1: Skip all ACL Checks
(Needed to allow booting of OtherOS) - PATCHED – LV1: Peek and Poke support
(Unused LV1 call 182 and 183) - PATCHED – LV2: Peek and Poke support
(LV2 Syscall 6 and 7) - PATCHED – LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1
(LV2 Syscall 8 and 9) - PATCHED – LV2: LV1 CALL System call
(LV2 Syscall 10) - PATCHED – LV2: Allow execution of any LV2 internal function
(LV2 Syscall 15) - PATCHED – Recovery: Prevent accidental OFW update while on Recovery mode
- PATCHED – VSH: Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
- PATCHED – VSH: Auto unlocks c00 demo contents
- PATCHED – VSH: Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat
(Improved patches applied) - PATCHED – VSH: Disable NEW PSP DRM Check
(Allowing unsigned PSP pkg contents on 4.75 or higher CFW) - PATCHED – VSH: Disable Epilepsy Warning for Faster Boot-Up Speed
- PATCHED – VSH: XMB notification removal
(Fake Save Data Owner and Game Quit: No Request Event will not be displayed) - FUN FEATURE – Fake Save Data Owner
(Use Game Saves from ANY Owner) - FUN FEATURE – In Game Screenshot
(Allows taking screenshots in Game) - FUN FEATURE – Disabled flag check in PARAM for Remote Play
(For better compatibility with remote play, custom flags in PARAM is recommended) - FUN FEATURE – Lock/Unlock Trophies (Offline only)
- FEATURE – Cinavia protection fully disabled
(Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted) - FEATURE – Full BD/DVD Playback support on both CEX/DEX mode
(BD/DVD movies can now be played on DEX mode, major thanks to mysis!) - FEATURE – COBRA 7.55 *UPDATED for DEX
(Disabled by default, Toolbox required to enable) - FEATURE – XMB CFW settings v0.1a
(XMB icons for simple CFW tasks available via REBUG TOOLBOX 2.02.16) - FEATURE – PSN/SEN Accessibility
(PSN /SEN Accessible , until the next OFW update) - FEATURE – XMBM+ Compatibility
(XMB Manager Plus developed by Team XMBM now supported via standalone pkgs.) - FEATURE – HAN Toolbox Compatibility
(HAN Toolbox support added for developers) -
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/of...2-02-16.46764/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for the PSVIta:
@TheheroGAC is on a roll today, with his second Vita release already, this time an improved version of the popular 'VitaShell', check out the mods he made below, and enjoy some more portable Sony gaming love from our wonderful developers! 
Compared to the original version it was compiled with the latest source code and includes automatic language support (multi-language), 3 themes (1 by default and Electron and Akatsuki by Acemad ) and support for firmware 3.68 (already added by the developer TheFloW). I remind you that to install this mod it is advisable to delete the contents (files and folders) within the ux0: Vitashell
- Added multi-language support
- Reset electron theme
- Compiled with the latest source code that includes firmware support 3.68
- Insert new xmc0: and sd0: by Princess-of-Sleeping partitions
Source gamesandconsoles
Source code GitHub
NEWS SOURCE: VitaShell v1.9 Mod0.2 (via) PlayStationHAX
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/vi...herogac.46851/
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May 7th, 2018, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres another Playstation Vita Release:
Nothing like some nice 'love' for our PlayStation Vita handhelds, since Sony does not care anymore, so check out Autoplugin below:
TheheroGAC said:
This morning a user of PlayStationHAX asked me if there was something to automatically install the most requested plugins on the latest HENkaku Ensō 3.65 / 3.60, the answer was clearly yes, Autoplugin. Autoplugin is a tool that automatically installs the plugins in ux0 (in ur0: they are only inserted) as:
- DownloadEnabler
- NoNpDrm
- NoPsmDrm
- Shellbat
and automatically overwrites the config.txt file without further manual changes.
Warning: the file config.txt is overwritten in ux0:tai/. Please be careful
- Download the vpk file at the end of the article
- Install the file with Vitashell
- Open the program
Source gamesandconsoles.org
Source code Github
Credits We thank Team OneLua, TheFloW, nowrep and frangarcj for the various plugins
NEWS SOURCE: Autoplugin v1.0 (via) PlayStationHAX
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/vi...herogac.46850/
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May 9th, 2018, 16:42 Posted By: wraggster
Ive got big hopes for this as the PSVita doesnt have the greatest catalogue of games:
mGBA is a Game Boy Advance emulator written in C. The project started in April 2013 with the goal of being fast enough to run on lower end hardware than other emulators support, without sacrificing accuracy or portability. Even in the initial version, games generally play without problems. It is loosely based on the previous GBA.js emulator, although very little of GBA.js can still be seen in mGBA.
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May 15th, 2018, 21:46 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a release for coders:
There is so much happening in PlayStation scene it is crazy at times, but this piece of news is for sure a great idea as writing cool homebrew for the PS4 is little hard since normally it involves using the leaked Sony SDK's making your project basically illegal to share!
PS4 LibHomebrew
What's that ?
A Homebrew Library based on the Official SDK. Auto Jailbreaks. No need to do anything here. If you want to change the FW version to compile for (needed for jb & kernel aka lv2 stuff), then set your consoles FW within fw.h like: FW_455 or FW_500 as example. Copy libhb Folder (not the -master one) and his samples into "/target/samples/sample_code/system" of your SDK. Move the "controller.h" from the libhb-master folder to: "/target/samples/sample_code/common/include/sampleUtil/input" That's it your Set Up !
Thanks and used sources:
First of all for sure Sony and the PS4. Without, this wouldn't exists. Also thanks for giving me the chance to learn more about this planet and his machines before they gonna controle us all. Then i crapped various sources which where already available like the one from f0f and ps4-kexec. The unjail patches for both 4.05 and 4.55 where also crapped from the Net. The File System Dumper i ported to use LibHomebrew is the one from wildcard. For sure also Credits goes out to flatz, querty and xerpi. For fpkg, fself, webkit exploit, kernel exploit,..... Oh and not to forget The DarkProgrammer for testing and pointing me onto bugs.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/cfwprpht/libhb-ma...ster/README.md
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/li...prophet.46985/
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May 15th, 2018, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
Some nice Custom firmware for PS4 News:
#Mira_Project is live now Thanks to all of the hard work from #OpenOrbis_Team, you all know who you are 
That simple tweet above by @Abkarino set off a chain of fire thru all the PlayStation scene websites, and here is the full details:
The Mira Project is the result of the hard work from the OpenOrbis team. We believe in quality over quantity releases. There are numerous components to the project and each one will be explained below:
- Firmware
Previously known as MiraHEN, this has been expanded into a full expansion custom firmware - Tools
There are many tools included in the Mira project and they are listed out below:
- newlib-ps4
This is the libc implementation ported for PS4. It's a pain in the ass to compile, just take the pre-built binaries seriously. - ld-ps4
This is the linker to be used with newlib-ps4 to create Orbis compatible ELF files, or you could use CrazyVoid's elfFixupTool - MiraLib
This is the communications library that will be specialized for operation with the Mira firmware.
User Guide - The users guide is found at USERS.md yamsayin' check it out, if you want instructions on how to build, install, and use the firmware once it has been installed on the console with any of the methods described within.
Special Thanks To - We want to give a special shout out to these people in no particular order:
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/OpenOrbis/mira-pr...ster/README.md
LightningMods said:
Mira FAQ
- IT WILL be LOST on reboot
- It's NOT a traditional CFW But a Framework
- you NEED a Webkit and Kernel exploit to port and use it
- it's VERY similar to Xposed Framework for Android (in terms of functionality)
- Just like HEN it survives rest mode
- NOT 100% uploaded
- Target is v5.01 but its being ported to v5.05
- Could be backported to v4.55, but not worth since v5.05 will be here soon!
NEWS SOURCE: PS4 CFW Under Development in Mira Project by OpenOrbis Team! (via) PSXHAX
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/ps...is-team.46976/
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May 16th, 2018, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Some bad news for PSvita Fans:
Sony of America and Sony of Europe are looking to finally put the PlayStation Vita to rest. Both branches of the company have announced that all physical PlayStation Vita games will stop being made entirely by March of 2019. For developers still making games on the system, there's a time limit until June 28 of this year to request physical copies be printed. Digital games can and still will be released, but it's clear that Sony is trying to put the Vita firmly out to pasture, six years after its original launch in 2012.
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May 16th, 2018, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new Homebrew Update for the PSP:
OpenBOR (Open Beats of Rage) is an open source engine to play Beats of Rage. Beats of Rage is a freeware open source video game and modifiable game engine made by Senile Team and inspired by Sega’s classic Streets of Rage series. The term “modifiable” means that the program allows users to create their own content, and thus their own beat-’em-up game, which is then called a “mod”.
– fixed bug: num of plugged joystick > max num supported joystick_scan
– improved detection of joystick for android in SDLActivity.java mapping DPAD to keyboard buttons
– improved Android Hats/Axes detection add it into PollEvent() events
– added plug and play feature.
via https://pdroms.de/playstationportabl...-psp-misc-port
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May 21st, 2018, 21:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new PS4 Theme for those who are after one:
PROJECT M4YH3M v0.1 - PS4 by @hitman43 - (ModControl.Org / MaxConsole.Com)
Changelog / v0.1:
- NONE - Due to the first public release
- Copy the PROJECT-M4YH3M-V0.1.pkg directly to your root of your USB storage device
- Enter HEN via PS4 WebkitExploit, goto:
- settings/Debug Settings/Game/Package Installer
- Then install PROJECT-M4YH3M-V0.1.pkg
- That's it!
MD5: B113C9A17881C4212B0E2A1DB7B84822
Regards/Credits: To XBMC/Kodi cause this is something like a PM3.HD Port, to ModControl.Org, MaxConsole.Com, Team-Xecuter.Com, Eurasia.nu, PSX-Tools.de and of course to the whole hacking community, you are all still on top!
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/p...4-theme.47004/
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May 21st, 2018, 21:18 Posted By: wraggster
Great news for me as i have a PS4 on the 5.50 firmware:
Linux loader for PS4 FW 5.05 has been released and it’s fully working. Unlike last time this release has everything you need to run it and it’s not a WIP.
@HackInformer informs us via Twitter, that the WIP project for pushing up Linux working on later PS4 firwmare is now completed, and those running v5.05 can now enjoy loading up the 'other os' that Sony has not supported since the early days of their PS3 console!
How to use
For now, only some PS4 FAT models are supported, see the list here.
You need a FAT32 formatted USB drive plugged in on any PS4’s USB port with the following files in the root directory: bzImage and initramfs.cpio.gz. You can download them here.
Then you will need to send the payload (PS4-Linux-Loader.bin) to your PS4. For that go to your PS4 web browser, go to darbness.com/ps4 and send the payload to your PS4 using netcat or other.. (You can also use my tool: PS4 Payload Sender).
PS4 owners with 5.05FW can now try different versions of Linux on the PS4 with this release but you will still need to compile video driver for it. I recommend trying out PSXITARCH Linux as it has everything already set up for you. If you are on FW 4.05 or 4.55 don’t update until the other stuff gets released here soon.
Click to expand... Download: PS4 Linux loader FW5.05
NEWS SOURCE: Linux Loader for PS4 FW5.05 released!! (via) HackInformer
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/l...eleased.47002/
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May 28th, 2018, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new exploit for the PS4:
Scene developer @c0d3m4st4 is back with another update to his ESP8266 Xploit Host package, check it out:
Very few visible changes in this version ( added fixed version of xvortex dumper and new menu option in the Tools menu for your phone where you can set the AP password if you don't want to use the default one).
Click to expand... If you enjoy @c0d3m4st4's work please consider donating for future updates or testing new boards. You can do it here. Thanks in advance
via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/r...d3m4st4.46810/
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May 30th, 2018, 22:02 Posted By: wraggster
Always nice to see some news on the PSP Emulator front:
PPSSPP has released a new version of its emulator today, now at 1.6
This time, it's all about speed. The Vulkan backend has improved as is now the default where available, while the OpenGL backend has been properly multithreaded and now runs really fast on dual-core devices. Enjoy!
The Android release will be rolled out slowly over the next week to catch bugs. If you want it now now NOW then download the APK!
* OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.
* Various Vulkan performance improvements (like #10911) and memory allocation fixes.
* GPU command interpreter performance improvements (#10658)
* Various fixes for app switching and widgets (#10855) on Android
* Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR interpreter
* Shader cache enabled for Vulkan
* Multiple iOS fixes, including JIT (#10465) and file browser (#10921).
* Improved compatibility on Mac (#10113)
* Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become incompatible)
* Adhoc multiplayer fixes (#8975)
* Vulkan support on Linux/SDL (#10413)
* Retroarch support
You can download from http://www.ppsspp.org/
news via http://www.emulation64.com/view/2863...P-16-released/
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