June 3rd, 2019, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Retroguru co-founder Thor brought the puzzle game Fruit’Y to PlayStation Vita yesterday.
Fruit’Y – Playing with edibles is heavily inspired by the Kaiko classic Gem’X, which has been seen on computers such as the Commodore Amiga 500, Commodore 64 and Atari ST.
Although tiger mum forbids little Sheran to play with edibles, there is simply no way to stop him from playing with fruits found inside the deep jungle. Being shiny, smelling wonderful and tasting even better Sheran can’t be kept away. So let’s do the best we could do: Support him!
The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to Sheran who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level. Sounds easy?!
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:19 Posted By: wraggster
OK, let’s take a trip back in time, shall we? Imagine yourself sitting at your computer at the 28th of October, 2017. If you were somewhat curious, you might have searched for a PS4 emulator that day. And in any other day, you would find only lies and scams. But that day, someone made a tiny little repository on Github, containing nothing more than a license and a tiny readme. That readme. What did it say, I want to believe you said that in your head? “Orbital: Playstation 4 Emulator.” Most people would simply think it’s just another scam or of the sort. But this developer was the real thing. The reason? “I’m in only for the technical challenge hehe”
Now the only thing left to do is to install the firmware onto the virtual HDD and get to see the main menu!
I’m rooting for you Alex, and thank you if you read the article until the end!
Source: All over the place but here’s the link to the Github page where all the source code is: https://github.com/AlexAltea/orbital
Get the latest details on Orbital and other PS4 emulators on our PS4 Emulator page.
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:22 Posted By: wraggster
As part of Sony’s theme with the PSVita to lock down every system component as much as possible, even importing music to the console requires you to use QCMA/CMA. Without a doubt, this can be a significant nuisance if you have a large library but until ElevenMPV dropped this April, the stock music player was the only way to play audio in a dedicated music player on the Vita (VitaShell can play audio files but it’s a file manager at heart).
ElevenMPV, by Joel16, is a dedicated music player for hacked PlayStation Vita consoles that’s modeled after Eleven, which is the CyanogenMod/LineageOS music player, following the general CyanogenMod theme found in the developer’s work with homebrew like 3DShell. This music player allows you to play music files in various formats, such as MP3/FLAC/WAV/OGG and others, and it also has a large amount of features like metadata support and a shuffle function.
Now, it’s been updated to version 2.0 and this update brought along:
- Other than seek support, ElevenMPV 2.0 also brings about the ability to open music from ur0/uma0 which may be useful if you have a huge music library
The ability to seek (change the time) music by using the touch screen for all supported except OPUS
- Seeking in FLAC/MP3 files may be a bit slow; OGG seeking might crash if you do a lot seeking in a short period of time but should be fine under normal use.
- Support for opening media from ur0 and uma0 rather than only ux0
- This could be very useful if you have a microSD full of music you’d like to use on your PSVita.
- The ID3v2 character limit has been bumped to 64 characters allowing longer metadata (album title, artist, genre) to be displayed on screen
- Sony’s dynamic normaliser can now be turned on from the main menu
- The version of mpg123 being used has been updated to version 1.25.10 and a couple of bug fixes relating to MP3/FLAC playback
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:29 Posted By: wraggster
Sony have released firmware update 6.70 for the PS4 yesterday. The release before that one was PS4 firmware 6.51, back in March.
As often for PS4 updates, the changelog is intentionally vague and simply states that “This system software update improves system performance”. In other words, this could be anything from a minor patch for some specific game, to some critical vulnerability fix. Not much has been said so far on popular scene sites whether this updates brings additional security.
You know the drill: if you expect your PS4 to be hacked, we usually don’t recommend you update your console. The highest hackable firmware (publicly) is 5.07. (Check more details on our PS4 Jailbreak page)
Hackers have hinted in the past at hacks available on firmware 6.xx, and there even was a webkit exploit released for 6.20, but no “full" Jailbreak has been announced for recent firmwares by any credible source.
The update appears to be optional for now. But for people not looking to hack their PS4, it is likely you will ultimately have to update to 6.70 in order to retain online service access for your console (PSN, etc…)
Source PS4FWBot
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Julius, which is an open-source implementation of the Caesar III engine ported to the Vita by devnoname120, it received a significant updated bumping its version number to 1.1.0. This update comes with:
- An official PSVita and Nintendo Switch port which means that these consoles will probably receive future updates of Julius!
- Touch-screen support thus allowing for better control on touch-enabled devices so no more fidgeting around with the cursor
- Non-ASCII characters are now supported for file names/hotkeys and Russian/Polish support got added
- Better rendering performance especially when tooltips are drawn
- Some gameplay enhancements such as visual feedback when clearing land and better right-click support
To grab Julius 1.1.0, check out this link
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Meritous which is a dungeoun crawling game ported to the PSVita by Rinnegatamante also received an update. This update brings along two things namely:
- A cheats submenu found in the menu bar with two cheats intended to make your life easier
- The unused black SDL cursor on the top-left of the screen was removed
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June 3rd, 2019, 21:40 Posted By: wraggster
A little under a month ago, nonCFW PS3 consoles (Late Slim/SuperSlim) were liberated which meant they could finally run homebrew and some CFW features thanks to the PS3HEN hack. Ever since its release, this hack has seen numerous updates which added features and squashed bugs with the latest iteration being the recently released version 2.1.1
PS3HEN 2.1.1 brings about some stuff which includes:
- OFW 4.82 CEX is now supported so you needn’t update to HFW 4.84 in order to use PS3HEN if you’re too lazy to do so
- The freezing issues experienced in PSNPatch have been fixed which means that it may a bit safer to go online now if you use PSNPatch although there’s still the risk of getting banned
- Stability patches have been added to the initial boot process
- HFW Tools will no longer disappear as Remap for HFW_settings is now fully protected
- PKG linker entries have been added to category_game.xml
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June 10th, 2019, 21:12 Posted By: wraggster
There will be limits to how closely Sony and Microsoft will be partners, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan has said -- and that line will be drawn before the PlayStation and Xbox brands are mixed.
Speaking to The Financial Times, Ryan was asked about the partnership Sony and Microsoft formed earlier this month, which will cover growth areas like cloud gaming and AI.
However, while Ryan has previously stated that this closer relationship between old rivals was in part a response to new competitors like Google, he insisted that the two companies' gaming brands will always remain distinct.
"There is to my knowledge... no scenario where the PlayStation and Xbox platforms combine," he said. "The two platforms will remain separate, with their separate identities and brands and fans."
Historically, this stance would be a given, but the landscape of the games business is changing. Microsoft, in particular, has been steadily knocking down the walls around the Xbox brand, pushing its Xbox Live service out to both mobile and Nintendo Switch.
Microsoft's current trajectory certainly wouldn't rule out a desire to see Xbox products on PlayStation, too, given enough time. However, Ryan has made it clear that Sony has no interest in that kind of synergy taking place.
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June 10th, 2019, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
The cost of a PlayStation Plus subscription will soon rise in a number of countries across Asia and Europe.
According to GamesIndustry.biz sister-site VG247, subscribers to the program in certain regions have received notifications recently regarding the price increase. In Europe, France and Germany will see increases in one-month subscription prices from €7.99 to €8.99. Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland will see prices rise for all three tiers - one month, three months, and one year.
In Asia, price increases will take effect in Japan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Japan's prices will go from ¥514 to ¥850 for a one-month subscription and will rise to ¥2150 for the three-month sub. The price in Japan for one year will remain at ¥5143.
The last price increase in these regions was in 2017, with increases varying in different regions between 10% up to 25%. The last price increase in the US and Canada was in 2016, bringing an annual subscription up to $60 and $70 in each region's respective currencies.
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June 11th, 2019, 21:21 Posted By: wraggster
You may have already heard of a PS4 emulator called Orbital making a fair amount of progress recently but, in the last few days, another one has appeared seemingly out of nowhere and grabbed everyone's attention by being the first publicly available PS4 emulator able to play commercial games. Spine was first unveiled by its developer (spinedev) on the /r/emulation subreddit with a video showing it running Mega Man Legacy Collection flawlessly. It was thought to be fake at first, partly for the limited amount of information surrounding it and also due to the developer's lack of reputation, however, an early build was released shortly after that proved the sceptics wrong.
Spine takes a different approach from the already mentioned Orbital. The latter is a Low-Level Emulator (LLE) focused on mimicking the hardware's behaviour as accurately as possible to run software designed for the platform on another machine, while the former is a High-Level Emulator (HLE) which instead tries to recreate the original platform's functions to run the software on the host, thus trading off accuracy for performance in the process. Aside from the previously mentioned Mega Man title, Spine is also reportedly able to play another game with great results: We Are Doomed.
The emulator is still in early development and is available for Linux only at the time of writing. It's distributed as a standalone Flatpak package, with the only dependencies being GL and SDL2. No source code has been released yet.
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June 11th, 2019, 21:42 Posted By: wraggster
PSn00bSDK is an open-source PS1 SDK project that aims to be as close to the official SDK as possible.
PSn00bSDK is a 100% free and open source SDK for developing homebrew games and applications for the original Sony PlayStation. The SDK consists mainly of libraries and some tools for converting and building resources to be used on the console.
While PSn00bSDK is currently a work in progress the project aims to develop an SDK that is as close to the official Sony SDK as possiblein in terms of supported hardware features which include GPU, GTE, SPU, CD, MDEC and controller/memory card peripherals and a library API written to follow the official SDK’s API syntax. With extensive low-level technical documentation of the PSX readily available (such as nocash’s PSX specs) there should be no excuse to not have full support of the aforementioned hardware features.
The PSn00bSDK libraries are written mostly in MIPS assembly language with compiler generated code limited to small and moderately sized support functions for best possible performance and to keep the runtime library footprint as small as possible. Many of the library functions avoid using BIOS calls such as C string and memory manipulation functions and use pure assembly equivalents for improved performance for memory and string manipulation operations.
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June 11th, 2019, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to the concerted efforts of numerous PS3 developers, PS3HEN has been receiving numerous updates which are making noCFW PS3s (Late Slim/Super Slim) closer to CFW-compatible PS3s functionality-wise. This time, PS3HEN got another update bringing it up to version 2.2.1 which comes with PSP ISO Launcher support, improved compatibility with multiMAN and a lot of other things!
PS3HEN 2.2.1, which was released a few hours ago, is a pretty significant update and it brings about a lot of new features including:
- PSP ISO Launcher support which means that you can play games by just copying them over rather than having to rely on PKGs (Remasters/Minis)
Now, you can play PSP games like “Adventures Of Gurumin” on your PS3HEN-ed PS3 by simply copying over the ISO. Make sure to check the compatibility list first though!
- Compatibility with programs such as multiMAN, and others which replace syscall 6-10, has been improved
- The stackframe and PS3HEN bin files have been merged into one file named PS3HEN.BIN
- The in-game screenshot feature has now been enabled
- You now get a notification with the PS3HEN version currently installed when you boot up your PS3
- On-the-fly PS2 Classics Launcher activation
- Self Threading support which fixes issues with some games like Splinter Cell Trilogy
- A HEN installer feature has been added and some appearance changes
- Numerous fixes and improvements relating to memory management, kernel plugins larger than 64KB are now supported and some technical improvements like a fail-safe for stage0 if stage2 isn’t found among other things detailed in the link below
In order to install this updated version of PS3HEN and make use of the new features, you can update through the HEN Updater found in Network->Hybrid Firmware Tools->PS3HEN Updater->Update PS3HEN which takes care of the updating for you as long as you’re connected to the internet. If you don’t have PS3HEN installed, you have to follow the installation instructions found in the link below
For more information, you can check out the links below:
PS3HEN 2.2.1 release thread (+ Download Link/Changelog): https://www.psx-place.com/threads/up...-models.23955/
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June 11th, 2019, 22:04 Posted By: wraggster
Famed Vita hacker TheFlow has now apparently turned to investigating the PS4. He tweeted yesterday about a Kernel vulnerability on the PS4, that he said has been patched somewhere between firmwares 5.05 and 6.20.
Even if you’re on one of the firmwares that could benefit from this bug though, the hacker almost instantly confirmed it is not exploitable.
Unfortunately fixed somewhere between 5.05 and 6.20.
— Andy Nguyen (@theflow0) June 3, 2019Nvm this bug is not exploitable, as copyout will simply abort if it dst+len wraps around or is higher than 0x8000000000000000. However, Sony did actually fix it by adding a max_len > 0 check, so I thought it could be abused.
— Anhttp://wololo.net/2019/06/04/hacker-theflow-shares-ps4-kernel-bug-details-says-it-cant-be-turned-into-an-exploit/dy Nguyen (@theflow0) June 3, 2019
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June 12th, 2019, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Vita Moonlight, by d3m3vilurr, is a port of the Moonlight game streaming software which is an open-source implementation of Nvidia’s GameStream protocol.
Now, the Vita port of Moonlight has been updated to version 0.6.1 and this brings along:
- A fix for the stream delay issue which was tested by ALC4pwn
- This bug, which is not experienced by all users, is not present in versions older than Vita Moonlight 0.6
- It consists of a high degree of delay/desync after a few minutes of gameplay regardless of what type of settings are used
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June 20th, 2019, 17:02 Posted By: wraggster
Tim Sweeney says getting PlayStation to bring down the barriers between its own console and its rivals' was a highlight of his career.
In a profile in The Wall Street Journal, the founder of Epic Games reflected on the origins of Fortnite and how cross-play helped to increase its popularity last year.
Sweeney is said to have initiated negotiations about introducing cross-play between Sony and Microsoft's devices, something he described as "an effort in international diplomacy."
"Given the long-term rivalries, it was a series of contentious discussions," he said.
At first only Nintendo and Xbox enabled cross-play between their consoles, announced at E3 last year. But Sony eventually relented and opened up the possibility of cross-play between PlayStation 4 and other devices for Fortnite and other select titles.
"It was one of the greatest moments in Epic's history," said Sweeney. "I was pleased and tired."
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June 21st, 2019, 11:19 Posted By: wraggster
A few weeks ago, hacker TheFlow released Trinity, the ultimate exploit suite for the latest PS Vita firmware 3.70.
Yesterday, the developer shared a writeup of the hack. With an impressive amount of vulnerabilities (6 of them) used to lead up to full access of the Vita system, this is a long and complex read.
The adventure starts with a kernel exploit in the PSP emulator, takes us into looking for Kermit vulnerabilities via a fuzzer, to ultimately defeat ASLR and craft an ARM Kernel exploit on the Vita CPU.
Old timers like me will enjoy the whole part related to controlling and escaping the PSP emulator through a MIPS Kernel exploit, then will appreciate getting totally lost in the deeper layers of the Vita kernel. In any case, for anybody interested in how gaming consoles are exploited, this is a must read!
The full writeup here: https://theofficialflow.github.io/20...8/trinity.html
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June 21st, 2019, 11:24 Posted By: wraggster
Vita Homebrew Browser, VHBB in short, is a homebrew utility by devnoname120 for hacked PlayStation Vita and PSTV consoles that lets you download and install homebrew directly on your device.
Vita Homebrew Browser 0.90 is a pretty significant update and it comes with:
- A search function so you can type in the name of the homebrew you want in order to find it easily
- This is much quicker than having to scroll through long category lists
- An auto-updater has been added so you needn’t update VHBB manually in the futureButton navigation has been improved and with this update, you can go down lists by holding the down button the D-Pad or using the left analogue stick
- If you’re connected to a WiFi hotspot with a log-in page, the log-in page will now be opened automatically
- The progress bar jumping around issue has been fixed
- Some stability improvements
- Most of the updates above were implemented by @robsdedude
VHBB 0.90 download link + changelog: https://github.com/devnoname120/vhbb/releases
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June 26th, 2019, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
Even though PS3HEN been out for around 2 months, it’s still receiving updates and the most recent is PS3HEN 2.3.0 which was released yesterday. PS3HEN is a hack for noCFW PS3 consoles (minver of 3.60 or above) which lets you install homebrew/use CFW-like features and version 2.3.0 brings along:
- Faster exploit initialisation thus resulting in a faster exploit overall
- The HEN plugin has been updated with a fix to an infinite loop and with the ability to soft reboot the console if HEN doesn’t initialise properly
- Some optimisations relating to stack size in syscalls were done, more blackscreen issues got fixed and the SELF Decryptor received some bug fixes among other minor changes found in the changelog (above)
To install PS3HEN 2.3.0, you may use the HEN Updater found in “Network->Hybrid Firmware Tools->PS3HEN Updater->Update PS3HEN” if you already have PS3HEN installed; if it isn’t, follow the instructions in this link. For more info on PS3HEN, check out PSX-Place’s excellent FAQ
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June 26th, 2019, 22:05 Posted By: wraggster
For one reason or another, some games don’t make it outside Japan but Musou Stars (Warriors All-Stars) is a bit of a peculiar case since it got an English translation a few months after its initial release for the PS4 and PC but the PSVita port was left behind.
This game is a hack ‘n slash title developed by Omega Force, published by Koei Tecmo and is a cross-over based on the Warriors series of games. The game takes place in a kingdom that relies on a magical spring for its survival but after the king dies, the spring begins the wither and you have to find a way to save the spring and the kingdom. When it comes to characters, the game features 30 playable ones that come from a wide range of game series including Dead Or Alive, Nioh, Ninja Gaiden and more.
Back to the homebrew-related stuff, the English patch was initially released about 3 days by froid_san on Reddit in the form of rePatch files. As distributing the patched files themselves is illegal, a Windows patcher was released (also on Reddit) which is the legal way to go about installing patch.
Currently, the patch includes the most important things namely translations for text/images from the PC version although the game’s credits and title on the Vita’s save pop-up window are still in Japanese. Froid_san also notes that some text may appear squashed and dialogue windows have a word wrapping issue but from this video demonstrating the patch in action, it seems to work pretty well and the game is perfectly playable.
To grab and install the English patch for Musou Stars, check out this link and follow the instructions! Froid_san has also just released an English patch for The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince but there’s no installer for it yet so no links will be provided. UPDATE: An installer has been released here.
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June 26th, 2019, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
Do you like Pool and DOOM? Well, apparently YellowAfterLife does and he’s created a cross-over game featuring elements from both games called Pool [Of Doom!]. This game is a simple title written in GameMaker which can actually be a pretty fun way to pass a few minutes.In Pool [of Doom!], you’re dropped into a pool table with a cue stick as a ‘weapon’ and billiard/pool balls as your enemies. However, rather than shooting them to bits in order to eliminate them, you have to push them into pool table holes to get rid of them and score points! Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain any sound but perhaps someone will add the DOOM soundtrack which will make it 100 times better
The PSVita port was done by Tijesef who’s ported numerous GameMaker games to the console and from my short testing experience, it seems to work pretty well and maintains a pretty good framerate. Furthermore, the controls are nicely mapped so you’ll have no problem enjoying it.
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