March 1st, 2015, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster
Cheap PS4 Console Deals!Amazon just kicked off a new PS4 console promotion sale today! Buy a PS4 Console at Amazon, and score 3 Free Digital Games! Buy PlayStation 4 and Get Three Free Digital Games
Receive codes redeemable for a free download of Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall, and The Last of Us Remastered, when you buy a PlayStation 4 Console.Two codes will be emailed within two days of your completed shipment. One code will unlock your downloads for Infamous Second Son and Killzone Shadow Fall, and the other code will unlock your download for The Last of Us Remastered. Follow the instructions in the email to redeem. Amazon reserves the right to change or modify this promotion at any time. Offer valid only when shipped and sold by Amazon.com Check it out: Amazon PS4 Console Promo
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March 4th, 2015, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
People really like the PlayStation 4. How many, though? Over 20 million. As of March 1st, Sony says that it's sold through (not shipped, sold) 20.2 million of its latest console. It's going to be hard to judge just how far Sony's ahead of chief rival Microsoft and the Xbox One, however, until the latter releases numbers of it own. And, with a dearth of killer exclusive games, it's going to be interesting to see how long Sony can maintain this lead.
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March 4th, 2015, 21:52 Posted By: wraggster
Sony's PlayStation 4-powered virtual reality headset, Project Morpheus, has new specs and a slightly different look (seen above). Okay, it doesn't look that different. What's new? For one, the screen resolution is improved: it's now 1,920 x RGB x 1,080. The refresh rate is doubled from last year at 120Hz, and the new 5.7-inch screen also has a higher field of view (nearly 100 degrees). Oh right! It's got a new, bigger screen at 5.7 inches! But you already guessed that. Further upping the specs is lower latency, now under 18 milliseconds.
Most importantly, the unit will launch at retail in "the first half of 2016." That's... kinda soon? Almost?
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March 4th, 2015, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
Free-to-play games will account for a “big chunk” of PS4’s revenues within three to five years, according to Sony’s senior account executive for F2P.
"We're really looking at this as a significant part of our digital business," Sarah Thompson told an audience at GDC, as reported by GameSpot. "I think that it's going to be a really a big chunk of our revenues in the next few years, three to five years. And it's already growing at amazing rates that are really quite surprising.
“I think that it's really taking us into where we need to be as a company. As a company, we do fully believe in free-to-play."
Fellow panellist Laura Naviaux of Daybreak Game Company (formerly Sony Online Entertainment) concurred, adding: "Every indication is that there is a tremendous amount of opportunity for growth with free-to-play on consoles."
Opinion on console F2P has been split in recent years and some, such as Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick, remain sceptical. Despite the negativity, however, more companies appear to be coming on board. EA recently expressed enthusiasm while SOE in January revealed that DC Universe Onlinemakes more money on consoles than it does PC.
Microsoft last week confirmed that Fable Legends will be free-to-play on Xbox One, joining the growing collection of existing and upcoming F2P games on that console.
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March 9th, 2015, 19:46 Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE: Dishonored will be added to April's PlayStation Plus offering, Sony has revealed.Sony Computer Entertainment Europe had mentioned Arkane's well-received adventure in the run up to the announcement of March's PlayStation Plus offering, leading some to wonder whether it had been pulled at the last minute.In a tweet SCEE confirmed it's now coming next month for PlayStation 3.ORIGINAL STORY 04/03/2015: Sony has announced March's PlayStation Plus update.Today, 4th March, new games including Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Valiant Hearts: The Great War and OlliOlli 2 will be made available to download for free for Plus subscribers.Papa and Yo, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments and CounterSpy are also up for grabs.Here's the breakdown, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog: PS4 gets Just Add Water's puzzle platformer remake Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Ubisoft Montpellier's side-scrolling puzzler Valiant Hearts: The Great War and Roll7's 2D scate-'em-up OlliOlli 2.PS3 gets Minority's Papo & Yo, and Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments. Vita gets OlliOlli 2 and Dynamighty's side-scrolling stealth game CounterSpy. CounterSpy is Cross Buy, so you can grab it for PS4, PS3 and Vita. - Leaving PS Plus:
- 4th March: Apotheon
- 4th March: Transistor
- 4th March: Thief
- 4th March: Yakuza 4
- 4th March: Rogue Legacy (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
- 4th March: Kick and Fennick
- Entering PS Plus:
- 4th March: Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
- 4th March: Valiant Hearts
- 4th March: Papo and Yo
- 4th March: Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
- 4th March: OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS4/PS Vita)
- 4th March: CounterSpy (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
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March 9th, 2015, 20:15 Posted By: wraggster
In this article I’ll summarize the ongoing exploits, hacks, etc… that developers are working on for a potential PS4 Jailbreak. As always, if you’re looking for the latest status, I recommend to bookmark our CFW4Dummies page on PS4 Jailbreak.
First of all I’ll shortcut the people who’ll say the word “jailbreak” does not apply for anything else than an iPhone: rules of a language evolve as people use it, and it seems jailbreak is a popular term, if not among hackers, at least among users, to talk about things as various as PS4 hacks, exploits, custom firmwares, or piracy dongles.
Although we try to regularly shut down the rumors, it seems there exists a business in pretending the PS4 has been hacked. A few websites with low self esteem have made it their business to attract clicks by pretending a massive PS4 “jailbreak” or hack is being worked on (this includes a popular PS3 scene site that was recently sold by its original owners…). Sometimes they mention the name of an obscure hacker based on an obvious hoax, other times they re-heat the plate and add another popular name of the “hacking” subculture as seen by the medias, for example by pretending that Lizard Squad is behind an upcoming PS4 hack. (hint: they’re not)
So let me get this straight once again: the reckZ0r PS4 hack is a fake, the Lizard Squad PS4 hack too: the popular name “Lizard Squad” has just been slapped as a sticker to an old hoax in need of a new twist, to generate more click and bait.
So what are real hackers working on nowadays for the PS4 security?
The last time we mentioned PS4 hacks was based on a statement from YifanLu, that the PS4 would probably be easier to hack than the PS Vita. That dates back to several months ago already, so has anything evolved since then?
PS4 Vulnerabilities
First of all, the most well known vulnerability is the PS4 Webkit exploit that was disclosed in Firmware 1.76, and patched in the next PS4 firmware (which is actually the reason that exploit was disclosed in the first place). It is safe to assume a fair amount of hackers are still running a 1.76 PS4 today, looking into this. Even though the exploit has been patched, it’s become an entry point for any hacker remaining on 1.76, which could lead to additional discoveries of new vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities could be leveraged on recent firmwares.
More than a year ago, SKFU mentioned a PS4 vulnerability in application Vidnow. I have seen little to no reaction on this. My gut feeling is that this wasn’t deemed important enough to work on.
More recently, old school psp hacker jeerum mentioned an IE buffer overflow exploit that seems to have an effect on the PS4’s browser. This actually seems to crash the PS4, even on recent system versions. This one could be a serious vulnerability, and might not have received the attention it deserves.
PS4 Hacks: work in progress
As always, most of the interesting work is done under the hood. IRC Channel #PS4Dev is probably where you’ll want to go if you think you can contribute. Of course, don’t expect hackers to share their secrets to you until you’ve shown that you’re actually bringing something to the table and that they can trust you.
Significant information is being added to the ps4 dev wiki on a regular basis. On that wiki you’ll find the information that hackers and devs are willing to share on the device. Things such as the PS4 Game Disc format, how the boot sequence works, etc…
There’s of course no magic here, the devs and hackers share what they want to share on that wiki, so do not expect to find a magical solution for your PS4 jailbreak. If anything big is happening, it is currently under wraps.
PS4 Jailbreak
So what’s the status of the PS4 jailbreak as of now? simply put, there is no PS4 jailbreak available, as of March 2015. But there is enough activity under the hood that we know things are making progress. As always, to check the latest and greatest status of PS4 Hacks, check our PS4 CFW for dummies page!
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March 9th, 2015, 20:26 Posted By: wraggster
RetroArch is a modular application platform capable of emulating multiple systems created by the development team Libretro. In its version for PSP, RetroArch can emulate the following systems: Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo (NES), MSX-1, MSX-2, PC Engine / TurboGrafx 16, NXEngine and PrBoom . Future versions may this magnificent new application systems are added.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:28 Posted By: wraggster
Earlier this month the PPSSPP team released a big update of version 1.0 of their PSP Emulator.. Since that release of v1.0 there has been several bugs the update caused and the developer's have been hard at work correcting those bugs and pushing the PPSSPP v1.01 update out today that fixes many of these minor issues the last update caused. This emulator runs on many platforms such as Android, IOS, Windows and even more platforms that you can checkout here on their official download page.
PPSSPP: Multi-Platform PSP Emulator
PPSSPP 1.0.1 is out! (February 26, 2015)
1.0 shipped with broken scrolling in the savestate list, that and a few other small bugs are now fixed in 1.0.1.
•Bugfixes like the save state scroll issue, cosmetic issues like overscroll
•Some cheat code bugfixes
•Adler32 and Mersenne Twister modules added (fixes some obscure games)
•Fix for Jak & Daxter slowdown
•Graphics hack for Phantasy Star Portable 2 for Direct3D9
•Fix compatibility with some PowerVR devices broken since v0.9.5-959-g4998044
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March 9th, 2015, 20:29 Posted By: wraggster
In the PS3 Homebrew community, developer Aldo Vargas has updated his impressive PS3 Tool Collection once again. This collection of tools for PS3 Custom Firmware contains well over 50 extremely useful and handy utilities. Some of the latest updated tools contain support for 4.70 CFW among other improvements. Checkout all the details and download in the source link provided below
PS3 tools collection
Some of the included tools consist of:
• PKG ContentID
• PS3 Keys
• PS3 Get CFW Symbols
• Bruteforce Save Data
• PS3 Web Debugger
• PS3 FTP Client
• PS3 Games Database
• PS3 Registry Editor
• PS3 NET Server GUI
• Retro XMB Creator
• PS2 Classic GUI
• PS3 Game Updates
• mmDM [DEX Game Mounter]
• PS3 Covers Uploader
• PS3 Cheats Editor
• PARAM.SFO editor
• lastGAME Customizer
• PS3WebTemp
• Create PS3_EXTRA
• CreateHardLink
• Bruteforce EBOOT
• Bruteforce Edat
• Scetool/BruteForce
• PS3 Ftp Data Sync
• PS3 ConsoleID
• PS3 Edat Tool GUI
• Game Settings Manager
• PS3 Game Integrity
• Memory Card Manager
• mmRAS Server
• mmRAS
• mmTM_GUI
• BdEmu Partition Tool
• PS3 File Splitter
• renam
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March 9th, 2015, 20:30 Posted By: wraggster
Custom Firmware developer Alexander has released the first 4.70 CFW, FERROX 4.70 is a standard CEX based CFW that comes with the usual Standard CFW patches you find in most CEX based CFW's and if you are familiar with FERROX CFW then this will just be an updated version of that firmware. See all the details of this CFW release below.
[It is recommended that, after a successful installation of custom firmware, run
•Restore File System (Recovery)
•Rebuild Database (Recovery)
So, you will have a clean installation, and you'll be fine.
(Thanks to franci97 & SonyForever)
It requires installation by RECOVERY MODE
WARNING: If you want to use PSNpatch 4.66.xx, you have to remove all sorts of Spoof, worth softbreak
FERROX 4.70 CFW Features
•Built on an OFW 4.70
•Disabled the CoreOS and control ECDSA
•LV1: patched to remove protection LV2
•LV1: patched CoreOS Hash Check (prevents brick consoles downgradate not dehashed)
•LV1: Peek & Poke
•LV2: Peek & Poke
•Compatibility PS2 Games
•Compatibility PSP Remastered
•Compatibility PSP Minis
•Key 4.70 (start games with keys 4.70 EBOOT / sprx)
•PSN / SEN Enabled.
•RSOD Screen Bypass for consoles suffering from RSOD
•BT Remote PS3 patch
•PS3 BluRay DISC patch
•Compatibility with the latest version of REACTPSN
•App_home / PS3_GAME *
•Install Package Files *
•Ability to Downgrade from OFW 3:55 with QA activated.
•Upgradable from any CFW's
•Support XMB InGame ScreenShot Feature
•Support Remote Play Feature
•Stability as nell'OFW 4.70
•Ability to downgrade from any custom firmware with QA activated.
FERROX 4.70 was tested on these PS3 Models:
•CECH 2004A - Tested and Working. (Thanks Mizio)
•CECH 2004b - Tested and Working. (Thanks Mizio)
•CECHG04 - Tested and Working.
•CECHL-01A - Tested and Working.
•CECH-2501 - Tested and Working.
•CECH 2504A - Tested and Working.
•CECHC-04 - Tested and Working.
•CECHL04 - Tested and Working
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March 9th, 2015, 20:31 Posted By: wraggster
Evilnat the PS3 Homebrew developer who is the creator of the very popular SEN Enabler application has updated to v5.8.0 with lost of user request filled and some new features like 4.70 CFW Support and a fix to the spoof error 80710A06 for all CFW CEX/DEX, see all the detail in this update provided below
Improvements v5.8.0
•Added support for CFWs 4.70
•Fixed spoof error 80710A06 for all CFW CEX/DEX (less 3.55)
•Deleted flash write option
•Added option to patch all (Less MAC)
•Fixed bug while enabling access on Cobra DEX CFWs
•[Requested] Added option for custom spoof
•[Requested] Added 9.99 Spoofer
•[Requested] Added option to restore default spoof
•[Requested] Added option to choose image version
•[Requested] Added option to choose version
•[Requested] Added option to choose passphrase
It tooks some weeks to add new features and with new OFW 4.70 and patched spoofers, i had a lot of work to do quickly, sorry to all who have been waiting this release, it has so much work behind
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March 9th, 2015, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Another CFW choices hits the PlayStation 3 Homebrew Communities with the release of HABIB 4.70 (CEX) CFW v1.00, this is a standard CEX CFW Release and you will not find any Cobra features in this build. The typical patches to LV0,LV1 & LV2 can be found, ReactPSN Compatibility, RSOD bypass (this does not fix RSOD). Then also this firmware disables CINAVIA from DVD/BD/HDD. View all the features of this CFW release below.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
With this simple application, which should not be missing in our PC's we can download updates of our games / favorite games without going THROUGH the PS3 and avoid any of those updates I blocked us a game (blackscreen, black Screenshot) by be signed with Key's superior to ofw firmware to CFW's you have installed.
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March 9th, 2015, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
We all know the famous backup loader of Hermes , but like that, we all know that Hermes has abandoned thisproject and all who have that wonderful manager we have been " annoyed "to not receive new updates of it. Luckily a user of ElOtroLado.Net has decided to continue with the project on behalf of Iris Manager .
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March 9th, 2015, 20:38 Posted By: wraggster
This week we are releasing the second remastered edition of one of our past releases. Every page has been re-examined and every one of the original PSD files has been run through the latest settings algorithm so that the colour values are much more representative of the physical magazine. This isn't easy to accomplish when dealing with digital representations of print. So if you're looking for more details on what all of this means, you can do so by clicking the following link.
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March 12th, 2015, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
One of President Kaz Hirai's big "Sony One" projects was PlayStation Mobile, which offered games that worked on both PS Vita and Android devices. That dream of cross-platform synergy is now dead, as Sony has announced it will stop publishing all PS Mobile content July 15th. On September 10th the entire site will cease to exist, and previously purchased games will no longer be available for download. The shutdown only applies to PS Vita content, as Sony had already stopped publishing Android games for PlayStation Mobile last year. Regular, non-Android PlayStation Vita games are still available at the PlayStation Store.
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March 12th, 2015, 21:53 Posted By: wraggster
Over the past few years, Sony's PlayStation Network has proven itself to be totally resilient and definitely not susceptible to any sort of major hack. So of course, it's perfectly reasonable that they still don't have two-step verification.
For the past day or so, the web has been exploding over this Reddit post by user kadjar that talks about PSN customer service. In short: kadjar says his account was hacked and used to make some $600/£404 worth of fraudulent purchases, but when he took the issue to Sony, they said they could only give him back a maximum of$150/£101 in PSN credit. (That's the max any US users can hold in their PSN walletat one time.)
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem—it's credit card fraud, so he could just take it up with his credit card company—except if you try to file a chargeback on a PSN purchase, you'll probably get banned, as kadjar pointed out. Getting banned on PS4 means losing many of your game licenses—the ones you paid for—as well as trophies, friends lists, and everything else you use every day on your PlayStation.
Exacerbating this whole issue is the fact that PSN users can only deactivate their PlayStation accounts once every six months—so if a hacker gets access to your password, deactivates your PSN account from your PS4, and activates it on their own PlayStation, you'll have to wait a very long time to get it back.
Presumably Sony has these policies in place to prevent fraud—we've reached out to Sony for comment, but haven't heard back yet—and although we don't know if this Redditor was actually hacked, others have chimed in to air similar gripes. Ultimately, it seems like Sony doesn't have very effective ways to deal with people making fraudulent purchase claims.
But that's all beside the point. The bigger, more fundamental problem here is that the PlayStation Network doesn't have two-step verification—a security method that lets you use an e-mail address or phone as an extra form of protection from account theft—which in 2015 is just unacceptable. Xbox Live has it. Steam has it. Why is PSN so far behind?
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March 12th, 2015, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
If you're the sort of player who likes to clear one game at a time, dropping back in over the course of many evenings, PlayStation 4's next big system update is worth celebrating. Sony has confirmed that software update 2.50 will enable the console's long-awaited Suspend/Resume feature, among a bunch of other handy tweaks and additions.
It's been a little more than two years since the feature was trumpeted alongside PS4's grand reveal… so what does it do, again? It's pretty simple: instead of shutting down your games every time you put the system in rest mode, Sony says "nearly all PS4 titles" will now let you enter low-power mode while preserving your place in the game.
As long as your system doesn't lose power, you can come back an hour / day / week / month later and pick up right where you left off - no lengthy loading screens necessary (yes, I am giving you some serious side-eye right now, GTA 5). You should still save before you leave off for a while, though, since you never know when you'll have a system crash or power outage.

Suspend/Resume aside, update 2.50 will also improve a bunch of existing stuff. For one, you'll be able to Remote Play and Share Play at 60 frames per second, assuming you have the network conditions to support it. Trophies get automatic screenshots of your moments of triumph, and you can even improve your completion rate by removing games with 0 percent completion from your Trophy list.
The system will become more accessible with new options like text-to-speech and button reassignment, which is good news for players with disabilities and for folks who just can't stand clicking the sticks to press L3/R3. And soon you'll be able to upgrade PlayStation Network sub-account users who have outgrown their account restrictions straight from the system.
Your Share button will get a bit more potent with the option to upload straight to video sharing site Dailymotion, and lastly you'll be able to search for Facebook friends on PSN using a linked account.
Pretty nice update, there. That release date of "soon" can't come soon enough.
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March 14th, 2015, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
The protection offered to those whose PlayStation Network accounts have been hacked has been called into question following the plight of one PS4 owner.
GameSpot reports that that a Reddit user named Kadjer saw his PSN account hijacked and $600 worth of content purchased through his account. Furthermore, his PS4 had been unlinked from his PSN account and replaced with another.
Sony, however, has told him that it has a maximum refund threshold of just $150, and that’s only offered in PSN credit, not actual cash.
To make matters worse, Kadjer is locked out of his PSN account, meaning he wouldn’t be able to access the funds regardless. To top it off, if he challenges the illicit purchases with his bank, Sony has said it will ban his PSN account and wipe his licenses, meaning purchases such as The Last of Us Remastered will be lost forever.
“As the transactions came in, one-by-one, it became immediately clear that my account had been hacked. I immediately logged into PSN and removed my card from the account, changed my email and password, and simultaneously launched support chats with both Sony and my bank,” his Reddit post explains.
“My account will not be able to activate a new system for six months, per Sony policy. I'm completely locked out of my own account until that date. I then asked about what would happen if I got my bank to reverse the charges, and he informed me that it would result in a banned account. I asked if there would be any way to restore my purchases, and he told me that there would not be.
“Absolutely furious. Change your passwords, everyone. Better yet, don't have your credit card on file with Sony - if something were to happen, you won't be taken care of.”
The Reddit post also carries the transcript of a particularly brutal exchange with Sony’s chat service.
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March 17th, 2015, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Sony has reported an increase in sales and income for the quarter ending December 31st.
Revenues were up 6.5 per cent to £14.4bn, with operating income up by over 100 per cent at just over £1bn.
Favourable exchange rates were credited as the main reason for the boom, although PS4 certainly played its part – Sony’s Game & Network Services unit bought in revenues of £2.98bn, which was up 16.8 per cent year-on-year and more than any other business within the company. Operating income grew 122.8 per cent to £154m.
6.4m PS4s were sold in the period, up from 4.5m in the same period a year beforehand. Overall PlayStation unit sales were down, however, from 7.8m to 7.5m. It was the strongest quarter for the PS4 so far this financial year.
The numbers also included £63m write-down of the company’s Vita and PlayStation TV components business due to lower than expected sales of PS TV, in particular.
Sony says it now expects a better full year sales performance from its Game & Network Services division than previously forecasted, thanks both to the PS4’s ongoing strength and the growth of PSN revenues. However, the appreciation of the dollar means that operating income will still be in line with expectations.
Sony said earlier this month that global PS4 sales had passed 20m.
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March 19th, 2015, 20:44 Posted By: wraggster
With 20 million-plus PlayStation 4 consoles sold to date and over 80 million PlayStation 3s in homes worldwide, Sony has plenty of reason to make Vue, its TV-streaming service, a cornerstone of the platform. The subscription-based service, which officially launches today in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, is more than just a Sling TV clone, too. Vue offers not only a mixture of live and on-demand content from cable networks like Discovery Communications (e.g., TLC, OWN, Animal Planet) and NBCUniversal (e.g., Bravo, CNBC and E!), but also broadcast TV from NBC, CBS and FOX. And thanks to cloud storage, PS Vue also features what Sony's calling a "virtually unlimited" DVR. It's the company's take on a streaming experience that "redefines television."
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March 26th, 2015, 00:01 Posted By: wraggster
Both PlayStation 4 and Vita are receiving firmware updates tomorrow. In the case of the PS4, the 2.50 update will add features such as Suspend/Resume and backing data up to a hard disc drive or USB device.Meanwhile, in the case of Vita, Sony will role out the 3.50 update, which they claim will enable Remote Play at 60fps for the device.You can find the full details of both updates on the PlayStation Blog.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2015/03/25...WPsuR1KGeHX.99
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March 26th, 2015, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
PS4 firmware update 2.5 will be released tomorrow, Thursday 26th March.
It introduces the Suspend/Resume feature that allows you to suspend a game by putting your console into Rest Mode, and then quickly resume later by hitting the pad's PlayStation button. "Supported by nearly all of your PS4 games," notes the EU PlayStation blog.Creating a Party has been streamlined with a reduction in the number of steps required. There aren't specific details on what's been consolidated.You'll now be able to back-up your PS4 to an external hard-drive or USB thing and restore from there too.You will be able to search for Facebook friends with your linked account and send Real Name requests in the same step. In a What's New stream you'll see what friends are playing and be able to join them if you own the game. A Friends Who Play This option will be added to game detail pages.Screenshots will automatically be taken when you earn Trophies, and you can now share videos on Dailymotion.New custom controller button assignments, zoom functionality and inverted colours "will be available for all system functions, apps and games". All games? That's what it says in the press release. There will be text-to-speech for all of the graphical user interface, including Message and Party, plus bolder and bigger fonts, although this won't apply to all third-party applications.The option to automatically install all system software updates is being added, and Remote Play and Share Play devices will support 60 frames per second streams. A Vita firmware app update coincides with this.Vita and PlayStation App are also getting improved accessibility options.
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March 26th, 2015, 00:08 Posted By: wraggster
Grab the PlayStation 4 + Bloodborne Bundle + Bonus The Last of Us Remastered for $434.99 at Amazon!Includes the following bonus: Buy the PlayStation 4 + Bloodborne Bundle and Get a Free Digital Copy of The Last of Us Remastered
Receive a code redeemable for a free download of The Last of Us Remastered, when you buy the PlayStation 4 Console + Bloodborne Bundle. Code will be emailed within two days of your completed shipment. Amazon reserves the right to change or modify this promotion at any time. Offer valid only when shipped and sold by Amazon.com Check it out: Amazon - PS4 Bloodborne Bundle
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March 30th, 2015, 20:13 Posted By: wraggster
PlayStation Music, a co-venture between Sony and Spotify, will arrive on PS4 and PS3 today.
The collaboration was announced earlier this year. Users won’t need a PlayStation Plus subscription or even a Spotify account to access the service. While it will be free to use, however, paying for premium membership will remove the ads and increase the stream quality.
The app itself seems as feature rich as Spotify’s desktop client, although it has had a makeover to be more visually led. It’s also specifically designed to allow for the background streaming of tracks. This even works in-game, where users are free to listen of music of their choice while still having the in-game dialogue and ambient sounds played as normal.
Smartphone control is also available via Spotify Connect.
In addition, SCEE’s UK marketing director Murray Pannell has confirmed to Eurogamer that PlayStation will enjoy a period of “gaming exclusivity” on all Spotify apps.
When asked how long the exclusivity would last, he replied: "That's to be decided exactly but certainly for the foreseeable. It's going to be really good for us."
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March 30th, 2015, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
As I’ve strongly hinted on twitter yesterday, Qwikrazor87 is going to release his next “unpatchable” hack through a ninja release on our forums.
If you don’t know what Ninja releases are or how they work, have a look at this thread on /talk. Basically: be good and active on our forums, and the release will come to you before a public announcement. Ultimately, everyone will know about the game used for the exploit, but members of our forum who see the Ninja release will know about it first.
There is a catch to this release: Qwikrazor has announced that in order to run the exploit you will need a second, hacked, device. I know that to many of you, this makes the exploit not so interesting, so if that’s your case, just move on and wait for the next hacker to kindly release their hard work (there is no ongoing plan for another release AFAIK, as of now).
Now, how does the secondary device requirement work? Well, if you’re on 3.36 (the recommended scenario), you’ll need a hacked device (either a PSP or a hacked Vita) to help install a bubble on your Vita. Once this is done, you don’t need the second device anymore.
On 3.50 however, things get complicated: Qwikrazor87 told me you would need the secondary device every time you want to run the hack. Of course, you can put your vita to sleep in order to “keep” the hack in ram, but overall, for 3.50, the hack appears to be more of a technical stunt than an actually useful release.
Bottom line is, if possible, stay on 3.36 or below.
Regarding the “unpatchable” nature of the hack: that is Qwikrazor’s statement and we can’t really predict what aces Sony have up their sleeves. My advice is, if you are already running a hacked Vita, don’t update for now.
But if you’re on 3.50, or better, 3.36, and have no exploited game so far, then this release could be your chance, so stay tuned on /talk.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:05 Posted By: wraggster
Even though the Playstation Vita firmware 3.50 has been released mere hours ago, it is already possible to run our old but trusty VHBL on it.
It appears that the VHBL is running via an undisclosed exploit game, one that did not get patched in version 3.50.
Since you all know what the VHBL is, this won’t need an explanation.
It is nice to see that it is still possible to run unsigned code on the new Playstation Vita firmware 3.50, even though it patched the kernel exploit, the Custom Bubbles and a various amount of usermode exploit games.
Stay tuned for more information about firmware 3.50 exploits!
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March 30th, 2015, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
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March 30th, 2015, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
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March 30th, 2015, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
SeriesCustom Firmware developers Virtous Flame and Coldbird known for creating the Homebrew Enabler for 6.35 Firmware . This Custom Firmware has almost all the features of a normal, will allow us to run Backup (ISOs) from the XMB , we have a VSH Menu to view or change some system settings and much more . Valid for all types of PSP.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:45 Posted By: wraggster
Who does not remember the famousTime Machine 's already known by many the Great Coder Spanish, Dark_AleX ?For novelty we have a new application that becomes an update of this great tool ME 6.60 Time Machine . AgainNeur0n surprises us with this great application with which we can load from the memory stick CFW 6.60 ME1.8without installing it on our PSP. And what is better able desbrickear our PSP's ( releasable plates ) directly installing CFW 6.60 ME .
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March 30th, 2015, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Users ofCustom Firmware PRO and ME , today I present something that many will be of much use , XMB Control (freecore) is a plugin that adds a section to Settings on the XMB from which we can control and modify settings ourCustom Firmware , as if the Recovery Menu is involved.
Besides, adds certain features extra, as the increase of the number of characters that can be entered into the OSK(keyboard), spoofer version and MAC, control passwords , among other. As if that were not enough, has an auto-installer .
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March 30th, 2015, 21:48 Posted By: wraggster
The coderPlum now surprises us with this great plugin that will have your VSH menu with a completely revamped user interface and using the library intraFont to view the VSH menu's so elegant and so completely revamp our precious screen VSH Menu . This plugin must have it built!
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March 30th, 2015, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
A new update to CyanogenPSP was released by developer and creator Joel16 over at PSX-Place.com recently. The developer has fixed the ISO Loader affecting the previous update while adding new additions and providing some new fixes to the project. The developer hopes to make some additional improvements but warns the community his real life time is making it difficult to provide regular updates. View all the latest progress of this application and be sure to express your support if you enjoy this PSP Homebrew application:
NEW Features found in version 5.0:
•Fully implement ISO/CSO loading through game launcher
•Fully implement POPS loading game launcher
•Added expanded desktop feature : can be toggled on/off in settings/display
•Added day/night cycle widget. : can be toggled on/off in settings/display
•Add 5x scrolling for gallery (use left/right buttons to move 5x faster than up/down)
•Update default wallpaper to CM12's new default wallpaper
•Added time and date in lockscreen
•Use right/left to change brightness in quicksettings instead of up/down.
•Added USB toggle under settings>performance>storage management.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
A new English Translation was recently released for the popular Japanese Game "Tales of Vesperia" for the PS3. In order to use this patch you will need to be running CFW on your console. This is the finished version of the patch you can see number pf videos and additional at the official website: http://www.talesofvesperia.net/.
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March 30th, 2015, 21:57 Posted By: wraggster
Here is another PlayStation 3 Game Mod that was released recently by Game Mod developer's Josh Hawks & Death_Dealer. They have released the latest version of their PS3 Minecraft Mod Collection with the release of Minecraft ELITE Edition v1.15. This update adds 10 new additional Texture Packs to an already impressive collection
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March 30th, 2015, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
The world of Scene progresses, and this time we show a new developer CFW born, and comes to stay.It started in the past 4.66, and since then we have been demonstrating his immense work to the scene, so much so that it has even brought us 3 different versions for the current 4.70. Support WebMan, MULTIMAN, own CCAPI why do we need more? A Custom Firmware stable and meets all expectations of users (at least in my opinion).
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March 30th, 2015, 22:00 Posted By: wraggster
A newdeveloper joins the crew creating your own Custom Firmware . While we have seen many users with little knowledge they have created their own custom firmware, this is not the case with Habib , which incorporates very choices interesting to their firmwares such as the possibility to install PSP games remastered , or functionalityOtherOS , that SONY will we removed in firmware 3.21.
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March 30th, 2015, 22:01 Posted By: wraggster
Who has not ever wanted tofeel like developer of your own PS3, since that time has come with the recent publication of CCAPI Control Console for DEX systems and now ported also to CEX systems, which offers endless possibilities and aspects we can modify in real time the PS3 system and run tools / tooll's game time (RTM) from the PC.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
PCSX2 Git (2015/03/30) is compiled. PCSX2 is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. With the most recent versions, many PS2 games are playable (although speed limitations have made play-to-completion tests for many games impractical), and several games are claimed to have full functionality.
PCSX2 Git Changelog:
* crc hack for Raw Danger! (Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 US)
thanks to ssakash for the patch
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March 30th, 2015, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
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PPSSPP Git (2015/03/30) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.
PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #7643 from unknownbrackets/jit-minor
x86jit: Handle vmin/vmax and vsge correctly
* x86jit: Handle vmin/vmax and vsge correctly.
Unfortunately, this boots vmin/vmax from simd, currently.
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March 30th, 2015, 23:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
Play! Git (2015/03/29) is complied. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.
Play! Git Changelog:
* Moved Win32 installer files.
* Added installer files for OSX.
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March 31st, 2015, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/
rpcs3 Git (2015/03/25) is compiled. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.
rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )
rpcs3 Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #1043 from Nekotekina/master
Stack overflow fix
* LLVM stack overflow fix
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March 31st, 2015, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
Remember the Sony-published video magazine PlayStation Underground? Well, it's back after a 14-year hiatus, and like so much of the video world, it's gone digital and now exists as a YouTube show. A post on the PlayStation Blog says that new episodes should publish twice a month, with a plan to change that to once a week in the future. The first show is all about developer Harmonix's Amplitude revamp, with the PS Blog crew playing and talking about the game with studio publicist Nick Chester. In its initial run, Underground snagged interviews with David Jaffe (Twisted Metal) and father of the PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi, so expecting to see some pretty big names grace the new show's couch doesn't seem too far fetched. And unless Amplitude appears on thePlayStation Store tonight, the original release window was this March, Underground's21-minute clip below is probably your best chance at peeping new game-play for now.
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